Corn Hos~g And Colt Show A
------- - ~. ----
corn hu sking contest nd colt .how wit h over $1&0 In cosh )riZes op en to 14 MIUIIII valloy cou rJes will be h old Frldoy OcLoher 21, t th.. NOl"!1tamly flll'lns, just west r Rotlt e 48, n (>[II' C"nt('rv llJ(', Mont, gorn Ol'y oounty. 1'h main e ve nt Is lh o nUllldns con t.cll t ollon to II'II1ne l'8 In 14 val· I y eountl s nntl Slll,·ts (lL 9:BOn.m . Prizes nre divid ed 118 follow s: F lrs l, 136; Be('ond. $2&; IIIlrd, $10, and $2 t o elwh addltlol1 nl contesll lnl , Hlll'ry Clebhnr t or n or C,·nlerv ille Is mnn , agel' of lh e hU8klns conI est, The cult show will be Iwld In lho uftel'llO on: with J. E , l{nbl'l', sO \lth of Dayton, as mllnng" ,'. Frank Hun· I1lcut. vet orlln horse Ilnd colt judgo of \Vllmln glon, will m n I( e 1\ WIIt'dll In lh e followin g c lnllses: R eg ls l e rcll Belgilln 1l1ll1 Perch e l'on horse COils. RcglllLcl'ed B elgia n und P rcileron rilly col ts. Grade horse coltl!. Ol'a llo tilly coils. A grnnd cllflmplo n Is to be nRlned from wInne rs of a ll clnKses. All cluss. ell are on ('olts fonlcd n fll'r .Jnnun ry
,)'110 employe es of and Kroge r g,'occl'Y eriJo ~'ed a w In el' rOUSl Hnd pic nic s uppe l' III lh e Fnlrley s urnm r home nea r lllil~ , boro on Sundoy eve nin g . Those pres, enl w('I'e lIh'. and lIlt·s. ISI'tl cl Scott a nd ra mll~'. Mrs . lIIartha LIt( · ~:, MI"R Luc ille \Vulton . ;\'11'. and )11'8. HIISIII' 1I \Vllso n u nd childre n , MI'. amI ;\1 Sta nl('y Dllilcy anCl ,laus-hL('r. Pllyl, 1111, J\IIHR Eva " ' hnI'Lo n. JIll' . nn I Mrs. Emil p rown n.nel so n nlcldl!, lI leSliE' I'R IA r e n RDutznh n. 0 hlll'll'lI BUI'lon Earnhn rt. und l~nw r"nco Hun)' .
Mothers Clob Holds Regular Meeting
's ~
Cbnr~ II -Ch~rch-es SerVIce
J ona h'" nlln R"pll~t ('\11,.·" h Il nr , \'eysbul'I-: {'('l,·bral t· d li s l ilOlh n nnl , VCI'RUI'r n SlIl1l1:ay \\,1.11 an :~ II day mr ~l ln ll' :111<1 l)a " I<I'L t1lnlwl·. Til e e hul'ch "':lH bl'!H1l1[u tl )" d"rorat l'tI r"r lh o
lWf' IIt:4If1n
wil h IJHsk t~ n nd \' ~I St':
ur ~OI'I>"U Il ~ ,llI ldi:lN. I{lftH rmlll 11>t' Wilmin gton III1 IHI HI 'hlll'e h, InPII I m e mbl'I'" n nd fl'1enrl" unci tl> Oold"n Hull' 1111hll .. fal'lll of L (' hunon . Rpec illl 1I11"'1c fur ilolh morning ri nd uf. e rllllo n S s Mlnns II lld a CUl'llel HOI". II' 11 r" II (b·l'c·t! by r; 11' 11 n Sn II l~Ul'ln S Lh e 1lIU1'nlng ~e n' l P, fe'llllrNI lhe rll·ogTo m . '1')11' nllll'nlllll' R~~l o l\ opuri f'cJ wltl) nn
ndt1n~!is IJf
w l·II 'onl • Il y th o p astor,
IWaynesville To Ha ve
l'lfl' fU '1I OIr (UlRl8T W , C, s'llIlIh, Mlnls ll'r t:;u n c1ny-Bl bI . R 'ho o l ~ :30 11 . III . 1..oI'tI·s Sup p ,~ l O:~ fi II . m . C'h r ls !llln Mnqell\'(l I' 7:0(1 p. m . l'l·c·ul'hl n .. 7:s11l'· rn. OUI' f~llIy dry PI·O/.:'I·OIl\ \l' fI~ n HlICCe!'lS, Jn O I ' 111n ~ atl l'n dant' e number ed 143, , he utt pn<l. nnce In yenrs~ 'rh l' i 'bur-r'lI h l U) a l'Iurl)ri e r ) tl . I I A'1'("ilL
.20 0 OUl ~
'I' t eb111 n Mil!!' In h:l\,lng I' t t' ,'v(' /<1'1'\'1['" which In ru]01' I nln,; e
n , ))r\( ' {f'.l
Ia O ll S,· ,
Ne w Bowling Alleys Lebanon Has Largest RaIIy S.mce 1920
CHUCK HElWAGEN BAND TO PLAY AT CARNIVAL OCT. 29 Oil{' I1f IIH' i"J lI t,. tn l\,lIn): f":lt' lr l'A Cl(
til " lI :dl"\\' I"1'1I 1'11 1·,,1\'/1 1
'I'h e
L<'g'lnne l'''' clllss( 1..,1 iJy :\1,·,.. \\'11\ Th,·('(' H (' \luullcDI l clI n,lI<ltL leH 11,1 · U,lI \,O n rmlgl'l'ln fo r til<' min . lil'<.· ~ .. p,1 all Jll'ox iln nlOly ",OllV Il('uI'IO hl1el·. Th l'! Bell'lrnt ~ I' H llaH~ hlld an , II I tilt' !H I· J.:t'~t WlI l'I',' n ("IU I\I~' 1':llIy , ,' I o t lIeI' sUI"pr I HA (,/11' lhe mlnl. I"I·. fit "nc,' I I..1 .11 : 11 ., ,1,:111') 11 ,·u ..... J:I)' nllfllL. th e (' lORe of ~l r. lt· IlI'og r am th e y ('lan' Il(' p J . Uru\\, 11 . ('a nflb lnt~ fnr pn'"" nl"d hl,n ~Jt ll Ii e'lIp~' uf lIa ,,1I 1'1'1 1111'1"><8111"1' r"Ulll 'hr ""\'I'n ll1 111 <. Il ull 'N iluo k n' 'WII lI L Tll n" I " ll ~ " lI'ICI ; JllillI 1:I1' l e lc~ I'. (1 PIHIIll' nl of T he HCll'mo n sul, jed ro r Ih,' (' \·cn· (, h:lI'I I'R \\' , H:I\"rPI' fur ~(I\·ern"l'. /1nllll('~'
I fa c tol w l '
:! 11, II I
Iltl' Ilh!
:-;;&I II'· ""~· .
h1,..: 11 !·",ll i lid
'Tht) Aman bul1dl" ,."
Ih, ' F:lil' I" y
n ud
Il lItiawl }I!1YH Ihro
g l'PH" ln!:
n px l dllur to
lid\\' <, Ht"I'
\\' UI' I<
I'II pldl y 1111<1 pla n,,;
,' I uln
1M 11 1'0-
l ll ·n \l ul1tlny p \ ' p nln g , ( k t ll l )(, I' ]7 . All nf'w UnH'I !i\\ It- I<-H:dl{t:' C' nllen-
f;Y llln a,.IIIIH . lI ill 11" C' I1"O"I, 1"'1 \\," 1:' c)\' 1' f' ftlllpnH'l I l will 11' 1 U Ht ' Ll thru u g h (· n·,; 01',' 11<''' \1''' ,,1 1l: 1~' 11I1l \\'Itll'il \\'11 1 H Ut. :-:'lx 14' 1':11 y uUn g tHI'l1 will 1Jo phlY (0 1' l hl' " :" \I'III J.:. t ~ tllphj r('d 11 :-1 Pltl ~ I · tl ( · " : .a: . T IH: n ll p .\' :i l'ommlll f" 'M of tl1<' :\l olia f" r H d"b \\' 111 I ll". tlJ H'1I rill' I.I1Hi nt 'HH l.'uf'l l d tlY
RlJon:-lOn.. a i' th" f" :-11'01\,1I1. I1 "l1ulln ('(I ('\' . .1 . P . Th"l·nbUl·Y. PH"I J",I "ujt at I n :O(1 fl. In ., ,\llLl liuwlin g will be th ll l Ihp ')rl'\' ''"I\':I \\' 111 pl:l Y f n , Ill ~ )l L'1' l\1"ITls o( (; 1'<11\" 111('. fi e·lt l 11I1 ""III n · I" ' I'H, II , IllI n(' ln" hPI \\'('<, n Ih l' 1 \(I 1I 1'~ <If !1 1' . . gn\' til,' ]Jl'lne j" n I otltlrcHs I, nd The Wayne T ow ns hip Moth e r'lI 0le1'>' tte l''' fl'om ::\.11'. ( ': I R ~' (' ~ l a l t ' H th a t in hi s ol her dis."nl ;,no1 f,"'In II !:ed III , II n(\ 1ll1,lnlgo ht . club he lll t heir re~ ul n l' rn onl hly O1('mbe r s w e n ! I'f'ad . \l til 'Iv::o' uf ing:dlc YH lilt.' \\'Olnpn (' olu tu'IRe about \ \'fU4 " Tile I vJnp \':dulI~iun of n ntl I !ulkr l A . 'ro!'t. YU lhHdul e \l f r "'h ue 1, il L' 1wOI; n' s ul' (' h r !'tl "1 1 iH 11 1 f ' :111 11(01' meetin g Insl Friday arLern OO n In 8UIl I)oI ," '1'h~l'e \ 1" two n'w nl (l ln . l'nilt·d StHt ('e nt or t'h, ' hU " III" S><. H(Jwllng • .& S ~ naln ... ~llOl{ l'" III l il .. o f Ih .... h"" Sl In Ihllithse !I.. lon Ih nssembly acljoul:nl'tl DHYlun . Hnd I~ ",111 ; 1:',1 th e elub I'oom. 'rhe PI' I!Il de nt. l\TI'S. til wh I'" 'l bount " , I)fl l·.' 'HllIc'd 10 th e ehu I'p h hy HIII.I," Tuwn lI a ll , l l",II' h€lng k""wn I'I'ClJu · nl bl'"" J r'II" l-s I"''' pl'",.; r eH><l'c1 .. 1t ':l I's n nd hou nd me n\. ",' !'I'let' 1,1 n n "" (II'fI ,)w "I'll'l',l 1111 11 :\' on s n. D . Colle tt op n d th e ~teelllll;' \\.t'.dl1l '!".jla ~'-J3I"ll' s tud ," i :SI, p . Ill. "l lt :-l lth.' IJ~' n vubli ' addn" '" ~~':; It"nl . .'flH'I,Y litw SI! , ~I"nR " ' f/l U II IHI \\' H:\I K. In 1'" ....". of Ih~ " fall' " x." lL being wllh II tiOng h y Lll e cillb l\Iel11b"'I-". i ll piny Illu:;i.. r, w ~j"l1m I'L' ;l 111thl f, n11 uf t'Xlq'C- 1RP both rO l' 1n the aftl' l'll UlJ1l ~·w\' I'll 1 !'! hoq 'Ph ... rnlly rol1l1Wtl, ~, a :\·Irs. ,J . J( Preston r oull tho devotl ulllS rl d th o dll l ,,"l'$ iJ/"I w ·1I :IS lll e- Illll! '" 1l\ u d l' I' 1l ) ' 1111111: ;Intl n ltl. Til l.! IIll ey~ will be tn ll{~. mll:"C' "11l~ Lh e 1"" I'l'udln g of JI:l ra<iI ', wllia r"u\, lilllll\a. III Ill l' Ii II l' "It'I''', Be ' I' titry lind trens ure r I'CporlH 1'1111 In an ,,,.11, ,,'1)' fu s hlon . Lia a t lh 1!'lI I' I'H 11I ·"C, · tI ~(1 tl jC chI d a<l , n;mt.\· "'... ftC'1I ClF (' IIl~IS'f ""On\ l' n n w y fl'l ~ 1 frt.!e lu C0 1UC 01 nd wore l'Clld li nd ap pro\,ed. The finll n II W. C. S~f(T[4, ~fil1l~f tl r (l njuy th ('lns ,llv !o; Il nytilfl l 1, lIn ( ' ~c() rl ' co!nmll tec r epol·t ed over two hund · Ill' HS I>y )\Jls~ J"lp'Hnl l . J'ctu"'''' <j h ltd i\l llsun S l'll H1 11 i llh\ III\) ~In :-:- on mlHtllunlll'Y to ('I,inll, wi", 1IIu~II ' al"ll Huptlny· -·U!fll" ~ hi"'} 9 :8u II. Ill . l-, I , ~I! ' . ( ·u~t.\ Y HlIYR, dred cllns of fl'ull LInd vCgeta l,Jr'H l'il)" 1'1111111. 1. LqI·,I'R SliPI' r ' l tJ: ~ 5 a. III . co nned. They fl l 0 re porled $20,00 hE:1' leclul'(, wllh \",..;, l:>l al'lI .. leH IH'I': A l atlit ' ~' If'lIg'lI t:' :t!-4 w ('l1 :IS H il len' s . 'l'flrt c ,-: t h· r"t1d llie =' t:' 1\' 1 )(\)1 1 farnl . · tl l ·mu n - ll~OO , Ill ,. clear ell on Sill . of mllgny.l ne Hub· LHlnlng LO 11>' 1' \\,01'1( III th U nl\'6J" Il'llguf' wi ll I I! ' o n :!'n nizP(t In lil e n ea r Winner s will shnre $72 In p"lzc pollr'I", •. "~;; " I · llnlo:" . " lnHLL': 1\1 (If s uh· T,,(·~dll> ·- ' 111 ,1" I"'., '1Ief> i :3n p m 8crlptlon /f nnd. nnnoun I'd plnnR n ud .s lty ilt S\\'a lo\\,. n NII' JI" nl! K 'l I1 J;, • f' Th e I lIylun J) : ~1I· 1 .' 1 t>f lllf' ~l p II, · (UL lin' , . money as follows : ,7. $6. $3, $2 nml . , .- Idle .. (\11' !<r' " 'C' 11 y I\'e ~ h"ult l 1'1'11\' 1<1(' I) a ll I ·hlnn . o l" ge l tlw fJ'"'vl' xl H um commit tees for the IIlulhllr Goo"" ~I II IIY IIHIII'q \'(' nwllt" aro bing n cll ~t 0 ,oh U l'c' Il , 1I n (~~ ) ! O I h e l (l afi (l ),Hh i p $1 In each or th e tour classes. II ntill'l'l'1 fell' : allIltltl llll "'. Th l' "vill' /I s ma ll 1,11'1hUIlY :l 1,e, b u ring 1111 d R U II Y uay. c tuUf'I' 2MI'd. !j ~!;l n . 1\\11110 UII llw blll hll llil' . 1\11' . Amon Is . The g~and chnmplo n oC t he ehow Hllllow 'en cQ rnlvul. The lunch eont · tilH1 ur tin' f : II' m tH'u1.h',u \ lI d :I \ ' , " he "I' 'I'h UH. T , ·.-"\I'f(,,·tI. I.l. 0 .. "" ,l('f'n cla l ell I 58,1U38 JQllull'>I nUIj Lu mil k " 1.lfl l1f1 noll' lu Il\l e nd mlltee u mlOunce d the 011 nln; of th o th \\' e Hl III Initialin g n n annual Hl'llOul or Ih '.· dlllngi ng Ih .. fr(JIIl. . dd, . " I tt t tl l' 'H lort.' wlil be. ,entlUed to n Cree stll11l0n allli I·,' duco.-al · till' . \nl ll r i('il il ChUI' h, I)u)< I ~r 01\0 lIf the Ill e!", wnpt ~7<' In Il!tendn nt:e lun oh room on MondllY with tho se rvice at Norman dy farma. It w lll nll\,l'kN '0 Ihe Am "ka n fal'lllel" II n ll II glon . to b e MLII I'lI' Il Ihls ~' L"lr on :nl: l he Int'·I:lol'. (lllll \\,I ... n .he build· Hllme prices pr~YnlllJlg ns In forme l' bers, \VIlS espe e lnl!y h.t .··,,!Jnl!. OClo hf'I' 24. ')'Ill' " 11001, whkh will In g III (J1l1 .. hl:'d II lUI • l'lln~e If\ value from ,16 to ,211, nne iL' l til l' fllnt)(' I' (!lI'm ." the n ll ey~ put Th sel' vlces cl s I with l h bl'lI o' WAYl'iE S~' y ellrs. omml~tee ror milk I'oportell be h eltl In GI'JI('e t 'h ul' 'h, Dannn . inlo opel'a tllln It IJrQmlHe I"'LE M. f.:. ClltlTR CIl will not be trnnstcm ble .. " to u o ne dic tio n by Lh n \'. 1:Ioycl of J a m s, thnt the churche s h oo. s ponsore d In .Iohll \ , l,.Rc·y, .Ptu!IIur \1'111 co ntinu e fOI' "Ix ~I o n"(ly \ 'CI\. of th e bl'lA'hl RPOI~ . Entries In the llU lIglng r onLest In I o wn . such n mnnn r all would e nabl e town , Rur dllY OC\Obe,," 1II, In\-;''', Th Cl:U;H " e loj II I'r \'Id l'~ [0 1' :\11' . CIl..scy \\'111 Le I'(' m e mbered by a nd, coIL show llIay bo n .. JIl (j'om milk to bo scn 'ed tree to n ed),·un, le n COU I'"(,II , tullowx l by n 1"cluJ'{' his .,,,If n C II\'ltl ·~ 9:80-Elu flt'luy I!qiloql, n . D . 'ollelt, Darke, Preble, Mel'eel', Montgu .,. f)', h avinG' h.· n In dernour lshed Sup~ chlld~en . . 'l'h!! progr1lm wl lh no tlonnll y kn wn " 1l('IIk.·". (1,0 ,' 1111 hu"IIll'''''' ru.- tl1 In l\l ten Miami, Shelby, AugllLl2c. (;il', ne, l\1I'8. Maym e Rnln Id e ntc rtnln ed en.c h we~k lit 8:0;'. commit tee spoke of theil' pIons fol' lO :40-l'>io rnlnr . WOI·sh lp . ~ubjbct, lasR S \\'111 uP' I'N,r,.. IL{' hllg I)" II LI(, l lng (I" IJI'O. ""al·re n. linton, lall·he. ha :h l>:Jgn '" I I hi ' Novemb ol' when the BI'd and ·lLh "l1cmo vl nl;r Lf(e'~ UUl'Cl ('n ." II I~ " I' em B p Clb ·lIt l h Hnv\\' H Ili 'uu n\ r)' U II I h I' h ome In b: I" lit 7 : I ..' o·c Ioc~ . Buller and Lognn co unties. luh In ,.. ~"d 'd g ra d c hildre n wou\<\ furnis h the C G:OO- Ep\\'ol't h , ):.ell~ue. L e ....lI1on . n € nc:; ny. A. d",lIcluuf! lll' :;lImm' I' The big flold of corn Is nenr the oUl'ses W III IJ uf(f'l'(·tl lind l' Iii, ' \vlIllllng-I" " ,lul'ln"" prog r n m a m}, Decembc r which will 7:80-1!) \"e nlng' rv lce. Hev . J . 11. cov("rcd dish d4.lll1 o r " 'fiR en joyed al ful10win g 8 uhJ('~tH, "Ou .. ' Bible und J1llJu l farm building s and lhe coil .ahow hs , be n t nl ~hl for both fnthet's u.nd F lcldll' of VirIlt hurc h, :Xcnln will noon. M.I'/!. cW'mcl\ open ed th e Huw Il Cam e to U.. ··, "a .. a l ·1·CI " ' h . nl.t·in18 will be housed In a now OJlc nln lf nl.,h L ",111 be I"dico" nl.,ht lJ\lsln 6S m e Ung ,,-Ilil It so ng. mothe r s. MI·s. Eich e r wos 'prcsonl The r'I'OSl'e..,;lve W men' s club PI' nch. Ins .. or th e Wbl '." "Thl' l,, ' .. I' Lh(' nnd all lu,l·I(,R III ' IItltillf bilrn. A publlo addrNl1I syslllm In\'lt d LO om e v,\llons W re I' ad by !\I I'll. Lu. 'Yo B ible \ ·\ 'l1h ChlldJ'c and s poke of her ha nd ra ft progl-nm mel TlIc"lIn~' ov nlns at lhe home Tuelll1a)', Octobe n " , "The Chul" h out lind l)u\\'1 on lh \' hou:; . n . wlJl bo In U~&, '!'tIll emeryll le band whic h Instru tlons nrc fr ee eac h of MI's. Ma ud D:30-Fa ll Dlsi~lct linfel'Cn l'e, a t t::l ectlon of ortice l'll r CRult"ll I\! JIt> !, "n(\ Lit ' HomE'." " Th ' ~1inI8lrr of fllrnl~1I Q 11lIJI1I I l.r/lgr m II..- d lerved tP apr I}n ",ho cares to 9h1 k n <l.InRClC . V, k .to ry IKI h: DIIYlon. -Luym n 10"": Ml·H. ,l. 1{, Vrl!l<ll> n , l're ... ldenl ; MU HII' ''. " 'I' h p 11urc h In l\1 ;,cjpl'\I' M hall n nice e~ lllbl~ ot I1 01'lIlI· which the roullne bu~in 8N waH lul(; s/leC'lull y Ifno lte!'l, :\II'~ , '111'11 Rich . v!re·pn?Hlclc nt : 1I11'M . LivlnA'." " J'I'lI ypr II nl!. Life'," "Yon n~ cn\lt on dlslllay .' en ClII'e of, t;:OO-M r-Lhod!s t UIllon :Q/,1IlQ1Wt, Etal ;a 'l'huml)HOn, se' I' lary ; :\11'" . Adu l l ~ Filldln!( II relrosbm cnt $tnllll wlll bl: hi PIli' In th, · A tr umpet ~u lo by lI[18S Mil rgal'llt 1II1<1r o:;s by Deal) Qr WOl1\en Qf Oh io AWII'Il :\111101'1. tren~ure r . II'It's. Hll:;t· ·h" ... ·h ... Th /,cflHlIl'ld e r thll aft l'I'l OUfj "B ulldlnl{ II 'hl'lslllIl I Pe r· or the Cenl~l·v lJt.) lIl"thO(Il~t e nte l'vllll' II'l1h 1)ll1 no W eJ; l e ~' 1I11 Unlv\!l'sity, !lllM!\ Ooltlla In l;" prcHe nted 1I pr-og ram of gameR 8 0n " I~:y" a nd ' ''I')I £' C'h lll'l'h was spent III viewing f~ f\1oVlp ul'ld~r K enl'lcl<. Of )0''''' (''' 'I'h fh'Hl. of thrt'(' eo"k'ing - sc hoo l aCCOlnp nfltfl\e nt b)'b ' lIra·s. a nd ('onteRts . '1'1)1' n('xt. mcellllll ' wlll thc L lqllO l' 8ItuaLl IIII Ihe dll'ec~lo 'Hel 11 lIlcCue, n of I'll', ORrs~. Pllrlnl[ ." "G l'eal 'I'c'lIc·h · sC'HsillI ¥, 1i1 !II;ccI by .h., \ V(,.. I!!rll !';11lI' . eVClnt Is IIPOII.3 ):'\11 hy thll Ha wk e wns II pl e"Ml ng ff'lIlUr£' IIf th e W dnl'lIfI( .y-LIICII"8 AId, be at th h om p of ~II'"" TI lOmll"o n . Inl;'~ ,) I' I II 1, I c" will Iw lfIught h~' \\'aH h plIl HL tlt l' Twin '1'11 aLe I''' ' 111 deportm ent ot UI(, J)11~ t Ol' the. soolal ~ollr d:llnty refrellhl ll ntl! cd , evenlng 's 3:45progl.lln J 1'11101' , w ' e holr re (or I' Y 31'el d, It"v . .r. · V . by 10 as-ro up ot Lytle 6th y. "f th l' W"yncH,' 1I11' IICR,l:jY "I'I I'noon o f III I' I weclt. ;Journal . Th e Miss Agn es R eeVe, ot Fl'Ilnkli n grndc14. nloth ol'S. ~I N hodl ~ t c hurc h . flint" "choo l, "::;I.J,,' In III)' I{ itchen," promin ent ll t!.. ~try cl'H le. c nte rtalneil FI'ldny- 7 :OO-Qrc h eslrn pmcllee . L eN III' r M will Incl Ul11? I'l'Ur"",, n" · WIlR s hmnl to II largo >end enlhusl! l8' the g-ro.up wlt.h It book r e\, lew, "Fllsh, 7 :0 0-UOl~ Scout~ . 'the:> Senior s h rl\"e d ·'f'lclt.>(l 10 h " vo "Yarl'{\n l:!W e t and Jrrecl E,t1Htm:lIl tic Il'rOU ll or hO\I Rewl" S. 'I'h . L1nml Ion 18spln nch ." by J1)lI?Jlbeth Hnwes. lh ell' pl(,[tll'l'!l ta k n se Ih ey will ul lh e 1 nh' ('r>llty :OO-CIH)h' pracllce . of ~ hl ~ u ..o : B I ~h , Gazell e cuopel'l lted with lho W est I'n . About twenty· fll·p me mhel's were hJ1 V th (' m I . fo re (,h rls tma s . T h op Nu elson or ZUI'lc (Jomltlg Evtnts h, Swltzel'lHnd ; ~ l ,. In the ,Vll ynesvlll e pl'ogram . The PMt matron s were honor d al present . S unduy evening . Octob I' 23. D r. 'mlth. I<noll. a nd Crornwe ll Studios LlIsl!Oll 'Vade uf SIOl·kho 11 meeting of the 0, E. S, Monda y lm. Rwe(!,'n ; HostcSS I!H "'el'o 1II1·s. Rnlph Hast· 1'. T . l'II\\'ford lhe DistI'l t , up I'ln · h o"" bee n Invlt(>ll to how lh('i1' w,lrk Prof. Rollin H . Wa lk"r 'of Oh io \\' e~ · InlOs unIT lIIr". Ol'vlllc Sasc. P l'lzes night. The followhl g commit tee wos in. londa nt wllil ",peak, Ilnd followin g the w it hin t h e nf'XI ("w, dt\ ~· s , I yu n ; li nd PI's. \V . C. D~ nni H or c lu~(1 Qual, 'I' Mre,' 'lIllymo Hutfleld very grac' I'O;SP0l1s lbie tor the fll ij g ift pne kltges, splendll l history sC l'vlce The .. will " uycehnh hold Ihe !irst qual't I'l y " will be o n slIle Eurlhull l CullC'(;e. The Se h ..,,1 I.. uI'e n _ of 't h e Elaslern Slnr, ,vhlch WtIII ;erul·. ~II'K. MUl,;s le' \\'h Iz 'l Ilnd i'll·s. RUB' 10U8lY ' ope~w he r home In L eba'llon, confl'I',' n e. FI'lda y 1'01' Lh e rtrll l lime lhls year. to )leu pl ' ut n il ,l1'nomin A rouneI of parties werc plann d la8t Wednes doy to III mbel'8 of the' Mesdam es Amos Cqok, aU ull>! li nd ""II Henll ('y ; g ift IIl('kaS. ·M 01: Lux· John Fromm ,,'ed nes(la y eVf' nln g . Octohcl ' 2G. Th re Is a s ubs I'hltlo r co nL 8t In lhe r ell'lllLI':lllun f and J. W, Ward.. Offices wero filied this w ee k ror thc o njoym~ nt at ;\\r. ' j " fifty elil s . HIIl~u" nd LlfeL'lo y Snnl), ;\J 1'9, D. E. W. F. ~ . S.. ot the M. E . Church, th el'o will be a eO\'e red dl8h s uppel' S~llndlt'(J rd l\ n<1 Mrs, n"y Mol oou8; AI! Mrll. llnltielilo has oxtende d this by 11:lI:lt matrons li nd Mrs. progres s In Lh school this' week. !rvlng W elch of Abe.rdee n, . Ilnd patrons IlII Itt Ute) ch IIl'ch , and D I'. John M. 'an~ or SIlI'y, ~1r", M . ~1 ulrord n nd . D , who nl'o "Isltlng I'elntlve s here. hoar,ltal lty since her removll l io Lob- follows. Dr. nnd W o ore I ~l\d to h en )" MI'. Turne r Is AHUUN O'I' CLUB Mrs. Ward, J . C . \ el'st g of InclnnnU w\ll spen.k . con\,,, 11'8 'Ing nicely. anon, t.he ' lodlc8 10llk forward with HaWke, MI'II, Amos . M.olll11\Y Mrs. R~ venlng lph Millct· MI'. w li nd ns Mrs. hUI!I('~H K ellna' If, "11'ti. J . 8. !,!toltes: HlII'rlng (ork, Cook, Mrs. Fmnk . 'j'h LlIdles Aid will m eel n.t th o 'The nlh ndance for epte mher III m e b ' r s of th e AI's Farr, Miss Laura McKIns ey, Mrs. E . HoI< bl'otfght toge th er a la rge party unol dub Tu H Mr~ . .1. B . pleilaur e to the meeting . Mrs. Lncy hnum,l n : 1"01 Y can 1 of frle nd6 tor their plensure , " Bungo!! 10me or lIlI:s. CQI'II Rloh at 2:00 II . mu h beltel' th ll n that o r r c e nt 1 do'l spoke 'of the hepeats of United L. Thomas , , MFs. cle l'l1unn fl i ,lilt' hUIIIL' of 1)(> , ol'l'lI ed , '?If I S . /<. F. Mll'tt"'ol Verne Armitag e, .... Ill . \V eclnC1Scll\~' , Oel. 19. yell I'''. Th~ p e r ce ntA ge of att e nd a nce dOught r l' :'lrH. E If;III' was enjo>'cd I\flm'\\"h lch n dainty prnyers ' du'rl~g t h e 'dovotlo nal pe~: Mrs,'Ke nneth Ho'ugh, ~lIillll' Thl'" \\',, 11 ,,(,1' hn'8ht of food, Mrs. L e na Mrs. John W. for SelltembOl' IVa!! 98.2% with Lw(' n· lIIul<,s o[ bl'ltlgl' \\,(' lunch W:)8 s erved. Mr. amI ~frs. \VII · lod. The Stewnrd ahlv pro~rnm the """"""""' , Mrs. Adn 1'1' in )lIllY Lhl'lm,;h nl(·It : l,rClJ::€'" ba s lc"t of fqod. Mrs. Courtne y, Mf'R. IInm Lukens e ntEll' lalnC'll th E' fIul" s'r. ~I,\H\"'S EI'ISCO PAL CHURC H ty.two caNe" of tnnUn C"H. nn'l even oUI th e ,,[[e rn oo n with !lubje~t of. .whloh : w~ "Olvlng One's horll~ Bradbur y, Mr8. Hu.l'old 1':tl'l'lr l ' n .. I"Kby ; whl~t1ln~ ten ~ e t. fnl JlI'I 1."~ Earn· H.,,·. R. L. HII('kwc!II, )Ullillte r hart,·' lIb's, Ross H n rlllook, 1111'S. veyshur g hl'ldse. club of whi c h MI'. lI,11R bo Impro ved? L e t'l! lry . hlt;h "core!; ~"lnJ.: t o J . J3 lit- fl'u'" 11, D. ('u ll ett , to );.U UI·1l Me· Belf" was ably hI} pdJled by l\{rs. R. ~l rM . Glenn Bland, Mrs. Emel'8o n Earn· and Mrs . \\ ekh \\"e!" [ormel' m em o , S lIn dCly-· ~:lghte(ml h n rler 'f1·lnllY. Th e 'Senior 1;'11'1 .. will a 'rve In th e Chnllm nll Il llcJ ~lJ s" 10:1 1'1",,,11 : IIYlll lli, '" lowel t; t, Alma 1·;.1 ~l a " !;"I'\! 1 D. Collc tt, Tbe l'Iubject Cor tIle pro· . 10 :00 n . Il\ . hUI'ch School Jun· lun l'h room for th e Hllllowc hart Ilnd Charlie BI;\dbu ry. '1'ho reo hers. A cover ed dis h S\lPP,\~ I' WllS S r · 'en F el t' \\,u r d H, Th e hOHt (l!;H fR' I' VI· tl rlA !' rp~h I \ 'l" I·""n : Sn aiL" WhiLe Villt! Grocery .gram of the afternoo n WIIB India.. .malnde r of the evenIng was spent ved a nd the I'emnlnclea' of the evenIng 101'K. g ive n h~' th e ;\I ot·he.·'s Club on Oct. me nt" o t 11t (' r Io"" (,I' n 111,':11<: 1111 <111'1, of nOllt·. 1, II N'n lI1 r,lnous; :If MI'II. LeMay and "',Irs. Archdea con In remlrlls olng. During the social spent at cards. MI'. Ilnd Mrs. '''Iclt 11 :on fl . It l.- l\lol"lling Pl"ll~'er n nd 29. 1)1'tlk('" Drug SLol'C', qUllrl of Ice ler noon . ellch gave rendlng s perlllln.l ng to 'hour, reteshm ents plan to start for their hom e <:atur. >;!'l'Inon. w e r e sCI'ved • . lIfr. CI'abbe and a numoor or boys "'·c' a.". ~II 's . 1'; I'n08L HIlI·\.suek: gift thl8 Ilubjoct. MI'I!. 'Keimet h 1-lou8'h dny morning '. 7 :00 P~ m. -Yo.~ng People a t l ho In th e Agricul ture t1.elllll·tment will t>;,,:klt ,:co lOr "" 1.1 fl · l~ h(J e lllx product s., had Cbarge of tile study book. Quot.n· rec Lor}, . "tt e nd th o N a tional Dnh'y Show . at :vll~H W illll !l Alti eR; F'n1rley Hnrdtiona were ' (Ivan by Mrs. Vander· MRS, DECHA NT NAMED To esday - 2: 0 I). m. - Nllrs~ry Qlumbu s, Frlcl!ly a nd ' nlurdny : wo r e 1'1 \>1'(>'" dl'll)·o,la tur, Mrs. voort, M,rs. Whltll, Mrs. William son Mrs. BeSRIe B . Dechan t WIlS nom· ' hurc l1 Sc h ool at lh~ rec tory. About thlrt y 1>UlllIs have pur has, " h n rl C'~ Ii nge meye.·. W t'p k e nd gUl'siH of ~II' ~ . ~r" r!:a l' I Ilnd Miss Helen Hawke, Miss VivIen ed by her husband FI·lda y-4,;O.O p. m. , Judge Charles hUI'Ch SchOOl d ti ck IS' for the Ohio Slllte·C hJrougo MnrUn w el' e ~11'~ , E \,p lyn P{)\\· f' t: ~, "r Con ner fl~~Orea. WIth' two beautifu l B, Dechnn~, as The followin g r ecomme ndation Intc"1l1'f' dloLCS at the reclOry. chlet probatIo n ' of· foothnll gnmc on Hig h Sc h01l1 Dny, Oet l'o lt. Mic h. , :11111 oI H IIJ:: 11 I N' E I.."n , l'LAN VIS IT 'ft) l iSlVER vocal IIOlos, "Bom'e One Who Knows" flcer for Warren WIUl recelv~ by th milk pl'oject SITY :00 p . m .-Ch olr r ehool'8Il J. county. 'The posl· O~tObe l' 22. or of .Jnr'ksiln . ,'III'iI " n nll .'11'. " n(l and "Th~Y 'Shall Be MIne". The pro, tlon hos the com mltt ~e: 0 ..' HENTt :l'r{\' snJary of $126 a month. The rlna l game oC th e soflbull MI'''. E:II'nl':;l ~l n l'lln of Ully lOl1. gram wo.1 'oonolud ed by singing "In, "I hearLlly recomm end th e milk Mrs. Dechan t succeed s Mrs. Ra· season ",us played aga ln!!l H n r voy". MI'!!. AlIc(o Cl'oil I. \\'Il h ~II)!H K a t" , MI H E llzabPl h Gra{ltly, hom e dllm· dla, Our India." project which the c hul'ch e~ nre SI)On ' ._ . chel Harding , of Frankli n. who rebUI:g. 'Vcdnes llny o n tlte home d in. crlne ('o llln>! wh'o I~ In'l"")\'l ng afl el' o lls lrntioll 11):('111. '\lId n !:'roup of Boring In ",inynes ville sehool,., lIl any TJle hostelS served dainty refresh· signed after having mond. Though lh e boys plnyetl wcl l. a rece nt Ilin 8~ , beld the post W n rrOn Cou nl y \\'o m l'1I will go to the ments. chlldron do not drlnl( BuWol nt milk, . for a number of years. It e nded with Il very scol'e Miss OWl' no; n(·C'um pnnl ed. lll'r fUIll ' l nlv cl'!:Il t y uf K e ntucky lIIrs. Hhodps Bunnell '''os hostell!! necessa ry for their prope r growth n L L exl ng· 'l'he next mee~lng will be with .of 9.0. lI y of. Dclu\\' :1 I'e. a ll a pl e nlc 10 FL. ton, NO" PllIbcl' 2nd ani 31'<1, to nt· and develop ment. Some flUtlllies can· to m e mbe rs of tl] e Huppy Hour clUb Mrs. 9eorge Mills wlt.h Mrs. Wilbur An' C le nt On ,·undllY . YO'V'RE ONLY YO'VNG ONCE te lld thq' 1'11 11011,,1 R\II'nl Hom e on· not atford to buy milk, otl,e rs ca n· 'l'\!es(Jay nflel'no on ut he r country 'Clar~ and MIlS Sf:1rah S.1Dlth as as· MI'. IIntl :\oIl'S. l{ e n\\'Ol'llIy of ·Wesl· fl' r(' nCe lind Ih e '1'Ws IntereAt ing comedy that hOB nol Induce theIr ohlldren homC'. Se\"ellte~ n membe r!! re!!pond · MOVIE FOIC ".If CLUB op<, nln.,; sl'sslo n>l nr to d,rlnk ailltants . ' ''Und<'r lh e A,a Fl ng" Is Li'lP title ch est e r, I'll ., hacl dlnncr reoelved 80 much- ~a.vorable comme nt milk. D)' worklng at the home th e Am e l"ica n Co unll')' Lifo . Asso" with c hildren In ed 10 ,'011 ·eall. Th follow!n g guests oC the movie which will be s hown on lIIond n ~'; wlIl be' given lit a 8])eclai showIng a groul>, muoh clntlon . An inlcl'cs'l lng prog-mm with clln bo (lOCOI1l1lllyhed, wllr(' present, 1\(rs. Loren ' ReaRon, fo~ \Vn.rl'en CQu nty 4.H Club bny~ at the Twin 'l'he'U.ter, Thursdn y, wbich could n~l be Mrs . Chnl'lc)s Easter, Mr. lind IIfrR .. Ralllh Blood of Day. nllU(lIln lly famous "pen~er Churlefl done oLherwl se. " u.nd dlH' Doster, lIlrs. 'rheodo re McInty re a nd and g irl .. ot th eir n nnuul nchl eve· ton call od o n Mrs. J\llcc 'roll, Su n, cUBR!o n group I 1t(lel'~ October 20. This Is under the nUl!' '(Slgned ) DI·. Edward Blulr. ho s uecn nn · ment progl'um on .TuostillY evc nln\-;" day evo nlng. ~1.c'e8 \ of the T enniS Club and will no tlnced Ilnd nil home mak r s n l e Hellii~t . Commls llloner tor WUl'ren ~frs. Sud Ie Henson. Eiletern Sal' iadles wUl have ' th& '$lme, J;l0pular prices tbat County, Election oC oftlcer~ r eeulted ~s fcil, Novembe r 1st, at Ihe T ow n 1 Uall In lIh;s Ruth Hnl've y was 11'1 Utt)'tOIl Invltt'cL to a ttend. Th" (11'1lt,: 1't1l1l of: and daughte r 'llanqu6 t F'I'!. lows : 11.1\'>1. R\,I8sell 'Vnson, presiden t, Lebltne n . at other times, Two showing the Americ a n CO\l ntl'.l' Life As:;' n. flhoppln g on Thuradu .y . Fair. premium s !lnt! achieve llle nt 21, at 8:30 p. in . . All th. will ~ glve~, the ' flr~t one Ilt . 6:80, \\11'1!. BernlQ'e Hnrtmo n, vloe ·presl· Mrs. BeR.'ile VonW' lnkle enterlllin . continu e" a Lul'dny Novclnb I' 5th. A.'lnelmb aN -of ' the lOC!~ ore I ' T l,ckebr I.U'e nvaUabl~ .In advance , or dent; Mra. Ell Furna/.l, secretar y; certifiell teR will be dlsll'ibu ted to n il cd Sntul'dn y aflernoo n. b I' daug<hL er, alaO ' lhelr ; , ?frs. RaymOi id Brudddc k, IUlslstan t m mbel'ii who h ave eomillet ed the ir Mr8. Eva Simmon s lind . they·.zmn.y .be 8~ured at the dqor, three chil(l· f:l NER\I . SER"I'C~S IIEI..D 1938 proJeot brlrur· table serviCe- tor your, ~\lol'l( nnd speelal seoretar y. The film stAr8, Loulll ,stone, and ., "ren of Clnel nnutl ond Mr. nnd. 1\Irs. . . Ii:OR EARL EVANS SATUR lJAl' lIWllr(\s .elf aM daughte r. Rolls, ' oofloo and Mickey Rooney . wlll' be made for out!1 ll1ndlng Fronk ·Ralston !If MndlsOn Mrll, Le\\rIB Thomps o.n e ntertoln ed l>1.I·s. Percw Reason .\'U1e. present , . ed an service 01' ' accomp . lishmen t. .Ie.e ' ~~m. ~lll be aerv~, . " wIth a "showe r" Su.lurdil.y evening Interesl lng program Ml·Y. . H : Ol'lllher age I11td .l\frs. . En.rl Evans, Ilge 52 Yt'll rtl, dle4 cOl)slstl ng of . Pllrcnts lind. friends of 4.H. club BeSSie Van :Wlnki c HIP ' BROKE N ' IN FALL , In e?mpllm ent to Mrs . .I~"gor 13m'lth. ae \'eral contest8 and ellte nded the .one t\l Blair hos pital In L1loono n 'l'!1Ura· '· u ·relld1ng by m e mbel's ore Includec MA~ .IN JND~4 ' -.. l In the Invlln, hundred th Ilnnlvel'liIlr~"- celeba:lltloD 'dll Clifford Montgo mery, 82yenr s The diversio n ot the eve'nlng Y morlllnH ', dctober G. WIUI , Mrs:.,. K ellar Hoke. . 'The recent marrta p In tndtana CrOnA ror this mc.etlng . of 'lieiU', Utica, lJUf(ered. a blp til nt Jonah'g' ""Run ~urch on SUllda)" ,nfter which dnlnty refresh· - As the Df~xt meeting RUI'\' Lvlng are hili twin brotlier ; daf falls on MlsII I'raneetI Louille cary, ·Lebano n fl'llCltUn! "'.ben ehe Elrne!Jt. Ilnd two -liis tl'r9. ~t .... ,· Etllel tell ~t, her bome menta 'Were IIorved to, Mrs. "'.00<1, election da~', It will be ,beld 11 dllY buslD..,.-womaa, aDd Harold' Sortor Tu~. Fred Bruddoc k was elected sec~nd row O"'.enl ond Ml88 l\:fury Leah Ed· h.ter on Wiednee ctay, Mh!. F;llI"nest Wuol/lI'd 11111), bnhy HIIHlelcJ" 01 L4lbano n, lind IMrI!, Peart Nov, 9 at the of dDctnn ati. waa anno.m 0e4 hore. vlce,ooD )mllnder , and KeUer HOke ot Dayton spent' the » warda of Springf ield, Mesdam<l8 Ilome or I\{r'll. IIl!lrl " 'c!ek I'nd with Whl~1'& at Spokane , !Jackett . WIl8 electect chaplai n at the IUInUlll her mother, :111'1:1. ~, 8o}'ter ." .h~ of & Se!eral "mala 0; on \fllI be ~ven Soyll T . B. Bntnnoc k. Henders on, Er:wln Elllla, Roy . . .ore in 1AbImcm, Ih• .18 a a~ at the Texaeo meeUnc of RalPh. p, .Snook Post On Sunday ~e was on State route 42. "f JalUJ'dIlY ·'11 Serviae Station, EUl!1, RalJIh Miller, Bertie Milia, MlsII joined by her of COlumb ulI A,merlc an LeglQn, held . .~ of OotuIel' tol' furthlf Jator. Do1'III IWWburv, aDd the ~ ' in Lebnno n husband and In the- evening return' noon and burial WIle In of with her brOther and 1'uesaa, evenine or Jaa "",*, tel')', Mr*>-J. B. 8Iplth, eel to their home,
~ymnlls l ul1I
W~ ~F. M.
s. Meets· oE S MEETING In Lebanon
1.-- ---
tl- ..., ....
~br "!lone
\.: -Sball We Dump'Our
By ERNESTMlNORPA'ITERSON Preaidenl~ A.merican A.cademy 01 Poli.ical arUI Social Science Our crop of wheat ih15 year 'will domestic wheat markel and !.he re-
•probably be one of .the largest In our actions on the rest of us !.hat will history; As 'the reports come in tile come 11 oUr (al~mers have serloua I . I oci \ t~· E d itol' .. ..• .. P hone 4 ]{ II prIce falls until some speak ot the financial troubles. situation as a ' Unfortunately ti)ere Is anothei' malor dlsnster. tact to remember before we decide. Accordingly. There Is a world··wide feeling against plans are belng "dumping." Thls word Is used with Pa ya bl e i n A dva nc e considered to many meanings but should be emease the stram. ployed to describe selling at a lower One ot them i! price in orie mar e an in another. ri t .. 'o~n 1111:11 S I' IIOO I. n \ \' said to be the Usually this means selling abroad at l ' h\~~Jm 11\' UlIICI :-T \'II': provIsion ot nn a lower price than at home. This Is so "export sub - sl!rious a matter that many countries. sidy" tha t w Ul Includ ing our own, have antl-dump... u '.\ hit IHI', 1tl " Il L.::I \"I n l' U I HI, I, ·rt · ill ' per mit the s ale Ing l aws. .\1 I t . 1, "I11:1t\" " In ; 1 1. \I t' (" (ruin t llf " Lh · of nt least 100,Perhaps some readers will rernem000,000 bushels ber that a few :yearslago there was ot wpeat in ror- great excItement aroused in tbe l Ilh,q ""I ~ ~ • It .. \ n~ ln1.j~. 11 \ t u t ~· t" :! '-', eign m·a rk ets. United States when it was reported . Th is Is a good tha t Ru ssi a was "dumping" wheat in dol , I.r li lt" ( ' h it :I~n ,-:":l m f"'. ·i h" ... 1 l i j li \ t ..... 11', ' "';l ll~l " ft th,' d,n pf illu s tt a p o n of our markets. The report seems to I't 1Jll t hI' h;11 1H ' m o d er n eco- ha ve been false. but at the time It '1' )0, ' \'1.'IIIn~ <I Ill' . II I" \\ III I". I" l/' no mic d iffi c ul ties. F irst th e re is wha t ar oused intense·lndignaUon. The rea· loo ks ;;ke the a bsu rd ity of vie wing a sons fo r the obj(~ctions, bowever, are bounteous c)'o p as a d isaste r. One easy 10 understand. The sale here of ' I,,,'Ti,, t:' a ' 111 .311 ,I "' \I h . II Ill , ,. vould thin k tha t a large numbe r of a consi derable amount of Russian lJushels or wbea t ought to be welcome. whea l a t a n especial,ly low price t cI trPl 1l I h ,· :- t "'\, n .) ".:T'II II' . !spec lally whe n so ma ny peopl.e a r c would ha ve tended to demorallze our I h l\\ \ Yl ,. \\.11 pil i "11 l ut of work and whe n. In s pite of ma rke ts. 'iganlic relieI efTor ts. many would be Resen tment (JI:alnst dumping Is to It" n lh' I,. y. ~ 1i1 k .. t ,'f fl' i. .I!"- . 1 ' '' ''~1 11 1 · , ·n ll ll1 :-'I I' ;1 1. '11'" I,r 1111. 1' " ' I! '" ~I ad to hs ,'e more bread. Ye t modern u r' t h.-- tll ~ &I' J II)inll n "nt +If ,,;,"!lu ' SU I c!co nomic life Is so in trica te tha t a be cxpecled. but it will occur in other fl ' ' I .)J' d ll . .o ,d ~ 11 111,", .1 1 II " III countries as weU as here. It Is re1 U e crop may result in so low 0 pri ce po rted tha t thi s year whea t producing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1" ",· \ \ 111 l .t I,.'lI llfll1.!.ql:-. 111 1\ 1· · .... I II ' lia t the farmers who produ ce t he na ti ons will ha ve almost twice as iht t 1t;I I't·1 :" hea l will losc heavily . It is " cry much available for export a s buying ::l'. .. • • ;Olllp' ica ted an d pe r plcxm g. coun ries w il l ne ed. But why mee t ~he problem by a Ye t "dum ping" Is very common. 1 01110' :0- '1' \ 'I' E II.\:-'D ubsidy on whea t expor ts? it Is ar - Other coun tries do It so extens ively W I Ll. )1 \I\ E 'I'I t l!' When In Lebanon ~ ued Ihat last yea r we e xpo rted h nearly 100,000.000 bush els of wheal tha t I e r e m ay seem 10 be a justillca· I nd t hai U,is a moun t may be tho ugh t tl on (o r our aCli o n. It has been sugStop At J f 8S " the Ame r ican sh a re of world se ted th at we will arr ange an underuade." T herefor e th e whea t int erests sta nd ing with Canada because we \\i ll ~r counlrl' es ou "ht no t to obJecl baye a t rade agreemenl. w ith her and o t oth '" I I I' fh· ... 1 •• 1' r ,\ I, 'I lI l l , r ' \ IH' l ! tl'll'~ eo • d t 'd th h g f it we faci li tate the sa le of lhis much In or e r 0 avol e c ar e 0 1',·\, " , . I.. ,yhea l In forei gn markets. A subsidy "d umpi ng". We may r each an under. I Id h b 'd I I stond ing. but the pro posed sale would ,. IIIU~I " ",", . . "n' I"1 • .,·ou a\' e bto Ac p:u. n ncons somellI enrs· ~ t i ll be "dumping" a nd there are a I'h . 1" "'1"_, . . j ' di l"" I"l lt l n f ,l 1'I'''h __..:; .• 1' L lu:, l it' J \,\'ay y U J rIreta x1 payers. bu t menea th is burne n m3Y be large numbe r of other cou n lr les a f I
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SUGAR • 25 FLOUR • • 24 79c FLOUR • • 24 FLOUR • • 24 ,FLOUR • • 24~~i65c GOLD MEDAL
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Do you feel tense Dnd keyed up? Do the care of the home and children, the obligation of social or commun ity Iile, the worry of finnnces, "get on your nerves"?
May spell the difference bc!. tween happiness ahd misery for you and your family. If you are Nervous, Sleepless. Irrltnble, Restless, It may be d Ull to an overwrought n ervollB condition. If so, you will find Dr. MIles Nervlne a real help. YOllr Druggist has Dr. Miles Nervlnc both Liquid and EITervcsrent Tablets, LIQlJlD NERVINE • Large btl. ,1.00, Small btl, 25¢ EFFERVESCENT TABLETS Larlle pk,. 75f. Small pk,. 35f
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:III'S. Lav rn a .P a ul a nd R(III, 1 ~ I ' v ln 'rl '1:; Is h I'eby 1;1\' n t hn t In DUt'lnl!' the 11 d n)'s of Ihe ·Wol'ld. ll lld H l .m ·y Burgess n it!.'", d Ih p\l rSUllnc or H R esulut lo n or 13U;II'<1 l 'uu lll' Y COI'\ I; I' M.~ a t '1.,,,elnn<1. Geol'ge towll fair ·.rhlll·s{ln )·. Edu cation fI'C th \\'a Ylw T uw n· "INil l) l's ",In InHIlPc t 20 ort'es of ;\11'11.] lnrry Cornell Is I It , (losses :;h Ul llu l'n l ,'e lwol Di ~l l' i I u( W u r· e xltihli ll w h~ il Includ e '\'1",' !'lor of somo 'tIne old k ... l1 ~n I, es ~nd QuntY, Ohl u, ))11 ';5 c1 un th e Gtlt ph nHl' u f t il" Indu \"Y fr om tlte eS'!; a mong them is a I It I' 0lle nel' made of Se pte mbeJ' , I n , tbere \\'1iI to the l·l'fr·lj.: rtlte(ll bird . j\1I·. U I'), from th leg bone of n lurlcey. It Is he ' ulJ mlUefI 10 u \'0 1 of th lll' lJ " I ,~' 'l,tlll1..,u (1(, \'co lUllm fll ' In hlll1!1l1ng lO r !;H Ill \\'lIyn o '[u W II ~lt lp n lll'a l po ult r )' hO\'e m V" ll 8 0 ttl:ll recent. !3 h oo l Di st ric t at Ihe NU\'EIII BEn ~. In t i,e . 1\1" Iy lh ll l lit III will h Ih [lr Lop· EI.E C T I ),l'> to be II I u ... pUl'tunl l y United ~ tnt .. ~ Po ulll'y!ncn Sclt uul DIHtl'l c t . at the I ' g ulnr . . , will IHI\' 10 ~ e "om of I h e Inl1o, "lllc ~ of ,·oTl ng'. o n 'I uescla )" t he v,ul'lI1s from oth r na tionI'. ~ I h Il: l ~' lO [ XI,,·('mhCI·. 1l'3 ' , Ih q u",,· lIo n , of le \,.\,l ng n lfl X In t.'x('e"R lIr X 'H I' I)' e' v(' ry o n~ t lt lnk,. Ut Py l it . t 11 m ill Illn il a lio n fOI' Ih e b"f1 ," kn l' w a lot II bnu . Il0u lll'Y hUI tht.' fl L ( \\'UY I1£' 'I'ul\' nl'il ifl iall'a l :O;clt o,,1 mUlll folk" \\'111 h" IIstonlAh ed \I' \I " n Dlal l'lel f,)I' til t' I' lI rpn.·£' o f "lll'I' IlL t h!')' S 't' lh o If,ve hi 1'(1 lIxh lhltr;. I'X ll l' n s ' ~ r SH ill f'l-'hllOI J Is Il'I d n t r. ~ n g · Ul ll ,I c llkk c ns [r'om I l ra l l1<Jl" X e d lnlt a 'm lll >l 1'0 1' n. tm ,l Ilf' lls fr om ~ o lllh Am erIca I hilt lay hi li(' g'g'l< 11 1'(' pnly 11"0 of the I) I'l nd or th l' ~O ye" ,." In cludi ng- l it fllI':l." g I'S wh l\! h w Ill . Incite int ,'. 'ul'lv nt IlloX )"11 ,· I n ·]!)3D·1 040. Sl fl·tlm I~y n nd ounty r eSidents Th e I'o ll ~ 1'01' ;;:. ill EI "'~ l l o n \\'111 1'1.1 'Ili k. ('p n ILt &:30 ,,"('Ior l, ·A . ~ 1. a nd reo Ill al n opt.' n ulI l l1 I; : ~ n IJ ' Iew l, P. j\r. MarCIDnl's First Patent (f:' l ~t <'l' 1I S lUnllll l'tl 'l' lm<") of !'l:J 101 Marconi (1874·1937) was twenty· dill'. two years ol d when ~~ got hjs firs t n ~' (Jl'<I [ . "f I It I' H .a rl! o r (o;h:etillnH, patent (or a pra cti c al system of 0 1" ,\r; IIT C' U f 'u o n l y , (J h :" . . wireless telegr aphy In England, his 1' 1[ ,,:-; . J . \\,AI ; WiZ\'r·:n. m other' s cou ntry. In 1899 he im · ( ·ha l1·I11 :1 I1 . pressed Europe by spanning the channel to establish Franto·British \ '. J l. n L' ';S I·;LL. '1 ' 1'1<. contact withou t wire. H is success· ful experiment ot sending the letter f): ,I ",l :-;"p" 'ml",1' ~" 1!I:lll . S across th,e Atl a ntic Came In 1901.
I ,To keep the faaUly-apecially young children-healthy and free from colds. an ewn heat iI needed. controlled a~cording to changing temperaturea. That'. the kind of job Stolcol, the ,ulrior automatic coal atolea', docs for you. It feed. the furnace Qlllomatically, ptovidu.& .. lDueh or u litde heat as nuded. It'. a dean heat. too. Cor combuttion
ia 10 perfected thue u no duat or ub-onIy an occuional d ink. cr. Stokol aho cut. your fuel bilb, fIX it burna Ie.. expelUi~e coal and leu of h. Avail. ble in hoppu and bin feed modeb.
~5miDl COALaTOKut
Waynesville Farmer·s . - Excha~ge Phone' 25
0<'1 . G, I;J,
lbs .
Pure Lard, 50 Ib can $4.79 .. ..... ....... ,........... .. lb. 10c Bean Bacon .. .. ;...... ..... .... .. ...................... .. ..
2 lb.
2Sc '
Oyster~, Fl'e~h.Shore .. .... .. : .. .. : .... , .............. .:. pt. 29c Fillet_of
.. .... .. .. . _...... ..... ......... ., .... .. ' 2 lb. 35c .
.......... ... .. ... ,. .... . ': ... ..... .... . · Ib. 25c '
~y White Fi.h .... ...... ............ .. ....... .. .... :.... lb. 15c
For Winter Comfort .'
Now that fall is here and winter i. on the way, many of our customers are taking down w :ndow I'creens a~d replac ing them with
Storm Sa'sh
s. Beaif;lul 'Y.U W••',
They help a lot toward a wann anul home in, cold winter weather and the ' .aving in fuel will aoon pay for their cost.
~eoh, Country Club .. ... _... ...... ... ~... :... lb. 35c ..... ...... .. ........................... lb. 33c
Combin~tion doors with Ir~a .. or' ~creen section inserts where the screen· door is now, serve for both winter and summ~r. And th'eY ' mak~; a lot ' ~f differ. ence both in comfort a~d fuel bill.. .
W. Ii. Madden & CO.. Phone 14
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Sandwiches Wines -
f ,,'II I ,,' H l~·l\\'ll. l nd )'1' .~ \ 'lI u l H l·tJ \\ n it\ "\ p ry III L it W"
Herb's Place PLATE LUNCH
I ~Ii '" ( I ], '" 1",1 n nl\ WII PI- lullt1€, h, I' III. , n,ll'l1h l'l· " fI, ' I' II Illluwr \\ltI n 111 .. , tlld." .\ ",,,:-4 !-i ,-.' \'pd. It w:u, III IIq,,~(I . l lI) !tu·;.rt· 111I'1", ' lI llcl l ilt' I<<ln .of j\11·. 11\1'· .... UI·.·. a IltHI I ,hH ut
I,e'ia,e .'
,,'s a'Low Priced·C."
. ' Envious ey~ .will follow th.e big. beautiful nfw.1939 Plymouth wherever you drive it. And your lasting satisfaction in its ~Iamor OUS tlislillQlion 0/ appeart!nce will be' , matched by ·your thrilling enjoy,ment of us sensational new ride! . . Disco,.!er for yourself the new pleasure in drivio$ you get &om JAmola Steel Coil
Spripgs ~ •• imp.rQ~ AlrpJaDI 1)pe Shoc1t A~rbers •• '. .Perfected Remote' <;Dottol Shifring* and All-sllifnt Auto-Mesh TtaaImissioo•••• DeW True-Steady Steering ••• new Hiah.Torque ~ Perf~. . Drive the bIg. aew l1~iacb wJaeelbaN Plywouth today. Come iD aDJ. dm.!..••• or phone us for u,W ride. .
Maaon Super SerVice, Cliff Bunnell 1'lIlIne 80
Review J
A Series of Short Hi.tor~c:at Sketche. of Progre88ive Merc'l iantl and -Indu8tries Read, to Serve You. 'Shop at "fhese Concerns t_
- ...!L.
Nutloll-Wlde I llllHtutiu n \"IIU~" Mltldlc loWII S iure Is 10CI'Wd III 2j~ /Su ulh Milin SO""' l ~ I s
"Fl!:lLlIS -
S l -I'I'LU<:S"
I w,\J I'; .. " ~Im-I!u .'m OI' E;I(A1'F. 1I
\\,,'11 Irntl\\' n In
lIistribulurf! r"r II ('u lIIlIll'tl' Lilli' lit ""lillie -'IIIIIUrlldul','II" "'c,~ls, ,\I s .. L"I·,IIt·" 1I.II\1·"io·lIlly fill' IIII' 1I111I'II'I ,ls HI III r" s ilknls IIf Ihi,. ~f'..t hlll lit I.rlllll of All I{itllls, ( ·lIl.I, IlIIII a ( 'IIlIIllh'tl\ Lh ... "r " '11.' 111 SlIlllllIell. IIl1s 111"'11 \\" ';'1'1'11 ( ',,""1,- ill !,1·IJaIlIlIl al ~Ii )-;,1 t :\Inllwrr~' " " '",'1 "fr"I'" UIII' IIf III~ he LuweHt Pri"es - CIII r)' 1\ l..arl:e Un" Gt'nenal Mcrc'hulIIlIsc - Is lilac uf I h,' t' ''lIIl11ullily'~ :\I.. ~I ~""l'''SIIQ II IIC "f Ih,' 1IIIIlUrtuilI FI'allll"'s IIf I hi' r\griL-II11l1rlll UI'gllllizntlll ll "r Ihi ~ lal'~"~1 a llll IIwsl '"I1IIIIt·t" lill I'S IIr ' , lIl n sllll"li, '~, Itudius, 1~ 1o.,'tri, 'ul ,\,)~8 t-ubt: ,.llIn e lll ", 'Vhnsc l.alrJ,!'" Uu y illJ,!' I'"",er 111111 )'rngr('sslve PIII'IIt'iI's EII IIIJIt'M 'rlwlII lu "rr"I' " Ut It \\ "II,IL'r- "('111111 fur Ihc III. s t shlt":11 ),!'urs ,Iurillg whldl IInll' 11I"l hun\ be('ulIlI' "liulIlI'" ulI,l 'I'il'l's ill llois ,,"I'I Itr III,· -"11111' . 'l'hl"" I::11 ('(0,4)111'1,,11\ .. Illlyln~ WII\\ II III furuII' l's fllr It al.· nlld 1Il1111'sl Ilu ilws,. l\l eLhllLls all,l (~IIU"I)' 1'1'11IJI vulue!! tlllit Jl ll'lr trude hus /.: I'''wn In lal'ge prnporliclllH, 'hll'l s a I u ll LiIllCII, "'HI,'r the II 1111 IlI g 1'1111'111 uf ('. I~ . :\Ji"h"IW", I'IIIIII/' ~;;. \\ It II III h "r ~1,,"l's- \ "II \li ll fillli 111111'11 IIl1/lI"~' "'" II< ' S'l\ ",1 It>' l)IIl III/.: 1"'1'0 Ie IJe<JPW or t"is BC('titJlI
tlu Slore AI\\,IIY~ Felliurhuc Iho
1.~'It's III UlIlllil"
:\1 .. rl' hllll,lis,' III
" I'h o , 111'8 110cbUI' I( :1 ntl "0. 11 (11'(111 InLrodu 'Lion to " I'~ iI"'lIl ~ uf \l' uY II 'lIIe 11n<1 vi h.lty Si nco Il~ 10 11 ~ n h el' , It h lH' 1"'l' n a 8hol> I111111' Ie .' for l'csldlmLs of thl H te l'lltol ", hila b ell prominent "1II1111~ I h e COllcerllS Ihllt hllv nld n In th e ex p u nslon nnd. dl'vl'lollmc lit uf -'"ddlt·, low n lind. viCinity by g ll'lnt; tllC I>u/), J1 . IL ll1eU'OI)ollt lin Ii,' rv H.· (· Due w their ta· III nduuII l,u ylnH" }lowe.'. "peclal " Oll'I'SH lon H Ill' Lh e mnnUfllC tllrer m nkl! It III) "H .IoIe- rOI' th m to pUI before ~' I)II vult ..." til" t you ou nnot afCord ot <JVI; I' luvlc In the Mlddle tuwlI ilLO., Illuny d ," llal'lments HI'e ope .... ted C,W con I enlenee, jn 'Iudlng qualll y wOI' k e ll)lh Ing fo .. the tn.l'm und ",h OIl wOI·I,.,I, n la and completo s h uo (IClla l'lmont featurIng the n e wesl r·tl i It nd
wintl 'l" IItyillS fOl' th/' Nlth'o fnndly, ~ I cel l /(-al dl'llurtm c llt featurlns- till' n C\\'l'lIt ant! 1110lit mud"rn elcl'l l'lc ,'cfllg ' Iatol '~ .• udlos. lIs-hting flxtul'(' s 1\1)(j, HUl/plics of a ll kinds . , Yo u will ,, 11-10.> find hCl'o \'I'l-ythlng h, e t o 'onlllleLe YtJlI l' rull u nd win , 1'1' ('u nl ..a '1 wh n r " modl'lIng In the wn~' of 1)lumblnl; und h CHtlng flx tUI'es .,nol one of th e hU'g 'Ht Ilnd I1lU Ht corn lll c ll) lin e:; o f stuves, mng-,II a lltl fUI'tw c,'!! Hu llUbl e for CVI'I y hom e, 'l'h furnilul e dc plll'tmc nL M lei'" YOU one of th ' lurges t tlI Hp l"~ s ur fin tumltul'c In th e clLy- No llIallel' If It Iii YOUI' whole h Olll o you w"nl rUl"rll s hed 0.' just 11. IlIeee 01' twu yo u t!hould look ove .· the stock III . '''UI'!!, Hocbuck und l:o. )o'UI' YCUI'M resld elltH In the ruwl lI'l llun", hllv ' (ound ' tI .. >I Hobu (' k
'1'h.·... · 1:< no otw (1 1'1ll In thl H ,,'l- 'J'hl " Ul'h lI lt' I-I lIall<htf"rw.oool .• 1101 nnd '0, th r Ioll'al l,j lll'" 10 Kh UI) \\' 1"' 11 11011 II lUll' w ld"ly 1<111J\\,1I It) III · 1'.11111 II h" " l' I",, "'d poll. '" H e>l tal.> lI :<I<,·.1 h I In n e('(l. of flll'ln HlIp"II,·", hnpl l l1l ull l" PIli Iha n th e W ,lyn<'II "lIk F al'm"I'fj lhlH 10 al Cvncel'l1 till ~ II a" , aff."d," and
c qllipln e ut
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l~ xcJl .t n Se
•. FUI' th e- lJa s t ~ lxt ("' n L1H.' l :lI l n~ I' a rn WH a d\',l nt ngr'u lI s th e y hav e h ' unt ' h 'ad'lul" 'l- lll a l'I"'1 l"i~II1 .\l hi li ,'c ry ,lutJ' , JIlin
.:\1i1hlh 'luwn
I f''' tllt,d
vil("ti to stu p In . t nd ~ p j' ll4l . IS IIlUdl lln'll\ n~ , 'H LI III« (} III l uu l<l nH u\' OI' tl\ (I
•• nll
o lh,,!
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I\l' t: U:-;
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I,vulll Y (>f luipnlt· nl ~ul'1\ liS IlI'u u d ' I' u I' dH l'f" v t.' ul
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Ex · 11m c rU l' 111(\ h ig I".., tit Ii unlllY It,t'd ", '0.' You 11111 find thc'r e h; u unel uthl' I' lal'lH Htll)pll,''; 111,01", til<'
\-V a yn cti vilic
F'a l '111 P I' t:i
buy til e f"lIIo u ~ lhat are dl'" I";lI '" 10 ~I"e I uu 1Il . ' X, reeel luI' (' \'c l'y f"I'IIIlg- 11l1I1WIi' .11111 "'1,,'11 11'1 S 1';x(' ll'llI!l "J , YUll r h.",1 Imulll I:In fel I' , Inll l':og" u lIll (oll) "I('IC 11'111 brin g udd,'lI t,,'oills 10 ~un fill' qUlIl't l'I·!;. l'''lI'lJnl~,· ,""ur ;>< plg lrlJu l' sa tl sfacl lun :l ml tl lUltll'ln f! 11/t':O"lII e y tlur Lim e and. muney I' xJl(·ndc II. houd III 'rc hanl s, ru l' thOWm llli H o[ mlll's _
'nn\' nl ntl y locn t Nl fo. I'es i-
(1{)II\'('III1'III1)' lou'ut('11 In th,' 0,.,1
::~~~\,Rh:l~~,~I'~::;"I:"\~I';::~11 :~~.~I:IIl~'~:
\VUh Funeral 1I0Ule 101'1.led III' Wu,) ,IIe8vllle nncl whose superior Bervll'c Is clt....demell b), thongbtful ('are alld dignity Is at the tlls))Ollll! of :111),' _ aa,. 01' nlght-Modenl Funeral Home for thOlio cleslrlng this 8crvlC'cPrompt AmbulallC'c enlct! lit 1111 tlm08, Call \Va)'iJesvllle '1. '
Wllmen'lI 111111' :\IIS8I'" :\1111111ery ulld l.HullcH Sht)11 ",h<'rt' the mllle rlalR urI' 1\110\\111 for Ih,'lr SlIIlIrtm'S!I and 111dlvltllllillty of dl'slgn :7':"ow sholl III/.: the lI eWll8t IlIUI lIIos 1 IIdI'lUII'611 !l1)"'s for fall anll wlntcr WClir. Malle your fnll sele<·tloll lit Ihls Ex('lmdn' S hop. rmllvldunllty a nd tll"t!"clh olll'ss o( d,,;n Iii 11011'(1. In tlt e "pp('/a lllf'" nnd r eady ,to ' \\ ellr al Ihe 1t1'\U Anne hO]Jpe Itnd lhls In a /lu "e dl'!l, ee He counts (01' thelt' exLc lIMh 'e tl .,de, A ln l'" stoek fur the tan ll nd wlnLc l' semso n 1>I' on hand Cor Ih e a~CU IIIIIIO ' datio n of th eh- man} 1"l lunK lind no IIUUt61 wh e ll",l' It Is for Ntl'e -'L, "I)url vi' e vl!111ng wca l' YOU d .. 11'0 It C11n b h Ull he . e ;nld It \\'111 g ive you ~tI ... t u nd good loo lltl, Th e R ,' U Anne ~hollPe Is a s t ore I'vel,), woman ought tl) know lind Is fnmoll ,.. fo r "I ways "~ho\\'llIg Homethin g N ew ." Th ' prlnc /t)le upon whi c h th ~tore it! opl'rn lc(L Is thlll of furnlshlllQ' Indlvlduul and dlstinetive slyles In millin e ry fl nd s lleelul 'ties lind mee ting UIlY 111111 ull com ll'titian us to "U tt "t~- , ,;Lyle a nd prlcl'. A vlsll h CI' will pl'uve a I'e " Illllon In th style I' views of th c duy. 'l'lu'Ougllout th e e nt h' sli op you 1\'111 tlnd til >;alll e high 'lUll Illy Ilnd whe thel' IL Is on l' o( th osc l1I J1 ny little IIccessorles o( III' I:IS In hOs ie ry, linge rIe li nd mlllinel'y you will Invarlubly find a la rge aSSO l'lm e nt from wllJ ch to mnke yOU1' 8e!e LIon . II> Is a Ill elisure for u s to dir c c,t your atte nllon to the Reva Anne ::lhoppe and to suggest to OUI' r ead.e l's In regtl rds to accesso ries of dl'ess you will tlnd them "Exc lus iv e l:\ul Not Expe ns iv e.'"
, \1111 1111"1" dl',IIII' I IIII ' l\t J(H iJlill~ f.I\liI' bL' \\!tll Itull l h td ~ In 1l1l l ' ('4I l1l1nunlty is Ih,' \\ t """ {( ' 11l th .. 1:ldlo a nd ,!t ( 'tll'''1 1 tI J)arln)enl h . ls
I l'H!'-i 1i1l
"'I'11t \
I UI ·Jlldit u..:
t , lll
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11011 .
t ho
J': \\ 11 1( ill !'ol , nI l ' H"nf' I' I ;E \\ " !"I tl " " Altltl , \ ~~ fI( 'I ,lt .. !-' Uu'e, "0111 ph.' t ( " Hrll i. fnftlu n pl" t'''' II \\'Ii':04HI l:i "l'lI 1010 \\JI I II tltl~ s l ',lill n a nd In rutH' ('; 11 , I ht\'t s til l'S Hull! ,tt tlil i \\ ~'h '-'lnl'!"i lll4' I q l l'"t1IUlllY nr :- t'l'v lng s t u )' /, HI'P I, I H'\\'II fill' l h ," lnUl" t ' Ililt ),I) U , ("'o r till lI il:; l lI ·s t qll n ill y n 1 J'. .I gl', h i Ill{ll r w eH l' til.lll O lht r tirt ~ I (h ;l " di~f' l it LlII ' Itl\\ "'!'ol l PI4it..t'S :stup Hu ll! al Hf'\' \' I', d d h ll . l l'~ 1I1UI \'" Flt l II l1,l ~ hUfJ \\ ht~11 HI L ..:- IJa n un, It ' l
:->( \IISI' fl
" III' t'll C' I 'I<eu
I lH lld
H IH t 1'01' 1I111l't
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IlI l l' Ill'
IIl'IIIIII, 1111 Ih 'W tI !-4 1~1\ ~ Ilid fur Il u' utlH O:it In l ol d lu I H' I II1I1Il ,IIH" ' - l'J l op I n H nd h'l llll 101 ytl u r~dr \\il~' Tl utlln h u::§ 1" 'l, IIII\' lint' ' f I II. h ul,rllg I d di n:-l In ti ll ' l'U II" t ' ~ 11 " '1 ' II ~I ' \\i ll l ao tuull, l "'hllh \\i ll \ t' dl l lllg" t y f l'Q IU ,,1,if 'l! \\ 111 1' 111\' " tlJ ' II"!--.., ' I ' fr o rll " oIo,j h tl lt\ 111 ~" lI l' h'IUI"
IIJ I! I~ .. I" ,ti l Id ll ,l ...
,'11\.1 :-1
\\' .tll Ull .
. J i lll)ps
" I· m( ~It-:~ \\' IIU ( ',\ HI';" Located in Lebanon at the Corner of Main and M ec h( '11 11\"' 1110' 1111,' 11I1'lIlt'II ill 1., '111111"" at ~H I';, :\111111"1"1"' St CIlff'I'S III" anics Stl'eets,-Known far and wide for the exce ll ent se r vice they render in rel}airing wl'e ked and damaged cal's. ... 1I"sl ( Ilia III,' '111,1 lit',. I \Ill I1','Lul,.. II I II... )1 .. ,,1 AU I lit'! h '" 1" 'I"err-'r"uly -Have extem;ive equipment and entire service is und e r II 1'I-ul:'l'I'''';''' 111111 l ' II-I",daft' 1I111IMf' 1""'III1 I'l'Li Itl 1111,,'1 Ih,' d CIIIlIIIII" IIr all t h e direction of Jerome Hamlin,-AI!lo makes a ~ \1e c i alcy 1'I:'SSt'S IIr hll~" 'I"~-~"1I' ~ hll\\'ill~ II,,· ""I\'p" j SI)h'iI r"r FilII II l1d " ' inter of Duco Refini s hing. Complete Wrecker Servic e . Cal l \\ "lIl'. Lebanon 69-M. 'l' h C' I'P 0 1' (' .tlWoI YH Nn n lt~ fhlll H in '1'10 w( II tI"'S~II" 111:111 nf tod,.y ~ o t on ly In till' "'ty but II I " II ut (·. ,n lurn " '1IIl lor yuu dghl awnr . th o RUI'I'o uTldln!! tel'l'lt o .. y th is w c·1I B E- nl f('ntlm'R th l'Y ('an tn ll k l' 10t1 k 1<lI own rll'm Is fa mulls fOl the 'x pen 111«· n ew a nd IlI1 ulh e l' fea lUI't' H art' 11"01'1, th l'Y ('X!'l· ute In I phul lel li t; pffi, Illtly h u", II.' d , II'l'el'ked curs IIml In IOIl," ring d .'Ill ' Th e H/lmll" R,,,I~' >;h0l' is UlIlh·1' aged Cll r s, J':\' II lhuugh 111 .11'1' IlItll ' II", dll'ect lolll uf 1111', J o; .... Jl)(' Itum lln I' ldua is and or~a nl1,HLlon s alu cnrl'~ - lind offer u complete Re ,'vlc-e In th,· Inll' un cUn'lpulgns for IW,l'e ca l'c(u l rpbul l dln~ of \lTec k,· t! and ll:uua H" d driving th e s t eady llnd 1'l1l,Id Il1cl' ;I.e calS. Th e il' se n ' lcc (',W",,, h"ely HIllI "1 th e nUlllJbel' oC vehl eleK on th e fe nd(,I' r (' p"hlng. fr.,nol''' .ond Hllrln !l' !St ..eelli and, hlghl\ll Y8 m a k es lh o tvlUl 1I'0rlt. stoP!!. t c , 'I'hpy III"u mllk(' a e lhnllllltilJn o( "~IlIUShllP ~ " Iml)O!!!!I.! t;pec ln l feature o f " Duc'o" Jt·flnh.h ble, For m a ny mil s uro und eXPl' l'l, In~ tlml nuw Is lh . lime to h uv l' lhl" e nced motorists and S-Ut'il"O m e n 11'01'1< ,lune befol'e wlnt' I' G t ' the:1' have I o rn e<! t o a ll up n Ihi s con , IIri !os o n r ' finlshlng , cern ' (or sel'vlc on WI' ck .t! cal'S. I n A ss lilted wi t h th em you \\'1It find many ctHIC.S th ey hav e co mplet Iy "n ly c umpe tel)l 111'0111", fOI' It IN lh . e ~tol'ed wreck el C ar~ whl('h oW fl c.ii poli cy oC thl,. HlabUAhm c nt n ot tlll ly h lld thought w e re bey one! th e aid o f ~hllt cnc h m mb r or 1I11' CJq) 1'1 !!er\' Ice. m e nt be I'SP I·t but ('I\ch 11I1.I"y · A s mull I~c r~ll h OIl you I' tu' they 'v we ll, w1ll t o kc car o o( In tt jiffy. A Ill' nL In mlliling tltl s re "II'\\' w e 31 0 gl"d fonde r 01' e't'ushcd lJody Lhey CUll tlx tu com pllmcnt Th o lI anl lln BlJd v In vel'y IIh.)rt order. In th ese d"YK S h a ll In L 'bu ll o n upun , th o vU "l e~] of 'o n ge>lt ed trllerlc It Is nol ne,' cs- pos ition OCC UIIII'(/ In th e LoU " IrWHl; RUl'y fUI' y Olt Lu wll lt we ks for "lUdl wOl'ld und c, 11I th e ' x (' lI e nl He l·,' ln' 1V01'k :\Ij th Is, H e r e Is tL fh'm I\'h I 'h as I\' II "" I Cat;u nu hie II riel''' to th " p l'I' I:l1I2I'S In lhlll sel'vlee 111111 tli e y a tte ntl"l1 o r tlil' IIUbllc,
I i i ,,"" I h ls I Jl I I 111" s
('No Job too Small-No Job too Lar&\t!."
l· \tl r~
~ Ialld
UU l
prOlnlnc llll y U('('II Ul'" 0.>[ t 11., 11 H II Ile l'lor s(,I"I' I 'e li nd In th e c lutllln ~ 11110; In thl .. PIIIl of th t:' Hla ll' ,," I Ikulal' Il\ ~ nllo n IIHI ~ l " , 1< 1I''' n III tl" ~ fi t 01'0, C luth e" Ho ld aL t hl~ pOl'ul" ,. HIOI" a l'e 1<llow n fu t' lht ,l l' f'Xf' IU f.l lv(\ Nlvl ..
tlml hi , It gl ad l' ma ll'l·ltois. :\I"n I; nd <}-O IlI1t; n ..", \\1\1 flllil lh ' r (aITV :I cO l11ple le IIl1 e a ~(, 'J1dl\l1; tl II'l rl(· 1'111'_ le t I' uf "t~ luti II n J ona l ~ I' I II I H fn.m whi ' h
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on ly "H II\' e"lun ~
H(\o (
1l1ll ll
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QUllllt~, ,,
'lIla \' buy thl'nl h e", lUHf'
to m eet till d I11n mI ll , Th I e [\ 1'0 hund,,:;I" IIf
hi :; d PPoI rvl tll1l1l :"1 h i ll~ !i \\' lth
11 (1 l!X~ ' ' lHe~
In lois Hckllllrt of s ulL" n nd LUI" IIat H, 'I'ltl ll popular " llObIl Mhn"' nt hilS PI'O vid ' d a 1II08 t ultrll<lll'r selcc tl oll In "Bust on " s h oeR. h" til. "" IrlH. n eel< 11' 11 1', und',," en l', ('" lIurs . h 8e an d III "l' l' 111>1'111'('1 I'SMI' III 110 Is No mntt('r whal 1>1'1 '(' you II'I ~ h lu Ilay Ih y II"y c pl'ov l<l('(1 11' k whleh 'lffo l'ds .1 wid " VaIli'll' f"VIII whk" 10 (·hoose. Th e lJ!:IIIlII'n 'l{Jthl l\ ~ '1111' hn ve lalllL liP /I IIi 0lil1'l o U>l hu s ln H" dlll'-
hll"~' t h. ~ P:IHI t \\'(" I\' t' ,\"p,u 's II ntl tlte anfl :lIlnll " "r lal"/';~ II'"LI., (· nj"r ,.1 Is Ih o .,U~,
" 'B ult • f lh e fn ll' lI 'pn tllwnt lI I'd " .1 tll ,{ pull ll,· 1,'"Il'II ('>!H ll nci tttl'uig h t
h 1111\\
(fWW:lH.l d 0H l i n g h u!'4 n lwa YA lttlf' n t ho
('lnLlI P~
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('ve ll g' l'eO L " l" ('
Ih('y fll '1"(,11 ., nd Wl'a l' ,\t ·1I .<1,,1 lltal ""Ir-Illl'nnt, whll l' IIlI'it' 0 11'11 ",, 11'1lh c mut 1'ln lH 01 th e bf'H I qll"l lt~' mlnuli"n \I'll,. to sI' rvo tl1l' p"bllc co mbine d with th e hlShplI L Htolndlll'.1 wit h !louLl" II t til!' 10 w,'A l po~slbl e of II'u l'luna n s hlll,
"SI-.II l' l'ItSI1'1'lm "
1.01'111 .. " IIJ nfl~ C"lulllhiJ. SI I'I't! t ill ,\liLhlh'loWII Is 1\11(1\\,11 tu Hundreels III IIIL.. I'art lit Ohlu .OfferR II ('U IIIIIII'I,' SCI' vice III Nt·\\, 1l.1I1 l '"" .. Furiliture Suhl nl. ,\II('Unli \\' hl.-l. Sa\l'~ \ '1111 _\h"'" !\lolll'y III u.,rurlll ~ hlllg Your "Owned by Farmer&-C~ntroled by Farmers" Itllllle, '\Isn OIlH"t.·~ II ('tlllllllch' l ' l)hnllit('rlll g U"Pllrlllll'nt nlld "rl' lllIred 'ur All ( ' llIS!i('" n' \\'nrll III 'fhl s 1.1t",_ 1C" Khl cllt s or WaynNlvlll, Ilild othllr Located in Lebanon on South Sycamore St'eet Has tllWIIS IIro 11I\·il ..d til 1I1I~lId, LIII!<lI\\'~ \\'(',!Idl' A udlolls I'\'t'ry \V ecJllellda)' b f II ' " ' ' een su.ccess u y and satIsfactorily serving the far mers 1'\'I'II1ng, 1'0 "I'll Yllur "'ul"liit It·c , ('1111 ~lhl"I~I"\\,1I 1492. and reSidents for many years, Every ne ed for the farmer has been provided in stock, including "Farm Bureau" Most vcryo nc hH Ii S t' ll a l tlc l., s f llllll"hll1 g8, rllll1l "Cjlll llmcnl, IIveFeeds, Insurance, Fertilizer, Fence, Paints and Farm Sup- of furniture In othe l' /It'U lll c',, IW l1ws I ~ l"r l< :lIul tlth el' I11 c l'chllttdlse M 'i f 11 k' d AI t dt t th f t k which they admit'ed "0 II1U 'h lli ll l rall ge ~'u u, sa iL! h~ ell illng Mlddle p l e~ 0 it . ,~n S_ SO oper,a e a .Irec ,0 e arm an lh eY l d('c'ld ed to ha n .1 (/upll,;a tc fUI ' Iown 1492, serv i e fOl Farr:n Bureau gasolIne, 011 and kerosene. th ms Iv s . only to 1'.I ,·n flOm " Ill " LI,n~u w 's II ec- kly Auctiun hus atfor comp l ete servIce cal) Lebanon 355, 18UleltlmUIl that " yoU can ' t bt't th O.- ll " 'II ClI'I1 th ll11entiull ot Ihousands IIIlYlllol'e," AL LllJIHllW 'S you will (illl-In" t h )'CIII'I:I th e y h ave been No review of t h e l'R!\ or ng- your chickens 01' IIvc s loc lc 'I'1lk find hund,reds u( t!u c h tIl·t ic lcH 1'01 sprvlng lh l: I}ubllu. \'011 aro Invited rlc ultul'lIl Inl c l' e ~ts of this s ctlo n your feedIng ])rob ll'ms to th Farm thlll IN I~ ompl le hUllS fllrttl Hh ing to IItt e nd Ihe 11I,Ie Llon hold 'iVednes, woulc1 be co mpl et e without extend , Burenu o-Operatlve, eSlnhllshmc nt which s pec l tll~('s In d ILl' or (\' h w et'/< and. h om you I can ed m l' ntlon of th e F o rm Bill' IlU 0For y ea rs I'cs ltl l' nts In t'urnl scc- n w nnd Ul:! ,J fU I' nllul' l' ttl II I IlU Utl. ', III n l( ' pUI'I: ltn>:lcs In hou"e hold m e rOPCl"IltlVl' which ftld, In no little tlons hav ' In aUl'ed th e h' Ilrop(ll"ty h olll OUtfltH o( all killds. TIl ev 0 1'£ ' ·h4e J.t--.-wlll- s/lve- you nmn)l..--- m easure tlH' P,o/;p 'ess oC th l' fUlm e rR with th "Fa.I·111 BUI'eau" klllJ\\lnA lho high Nl in qU ., lI ly ti L I 'HM th n n (Iollhll';). H yOU ha vc furnllure to sell of lhl l> com munity, thut I'epr se nts u n oC th e I n l'~eHI yuu Tlay 1 ~('\\'h " I' '. Til l'l l' s lo I, Is ... ,11 )1I(I1I1"LolI'n 1402 und th ey will Operlltlng on to. ('ooperntive bn.. l", and strongest In BUl'lIn CC OI'gnnlza, composed of e VCl'Ytltll1!l' rUI' th (' h um· j ,,<'I I It lit Iw e- llo n lit tlt e hlghl'st price with th farm e r you IlI'e """urerl lit tiona; In th o co untry, HI'IC Is fe;" In th e late st "Iyle~ Il ~ II ' II .I ~ III 11k I " II II s lI1all com.nh:lJftrn 01' pay you th e hi g h "t quality In feeds , rlO1I1' tured II. CUIllI)let sen llcl! In IIHIUI-' I',u'e on s, j ill (':lsh nnd oLh c r slJPllll's at nil tim es, If you ance Including uuto, IIf '. fire nnd Th o L aw",\\, "'urllltul'<' ~l a l'l«,t 'I'h u fa ir d l''' IIt' I-:~ tlf :\11',0_ L, Lanare I1l)t II m embe r of lhl:; asso";ll - nil ol'Llt e l' formM , buys and He ll" seco nd hlllill fUl'l11 ~ "w I" ,~ I\" , n ILl I' th e Lllns:.lw FUI'nltion "tal) the ne xt tim e you nre In The F>L1'1ll But' 'au Coo llol'11 l1l' e Is III lUI'e, Tholl' ,~I" 'I, III ·llI clt·s HlIIIWI'"Il >! IU l'c' ,\/.u'l(c L fl 1I1',lll1lncllt p la ce In L ' bllnnn nnd I£-lIl'n of Ih e many nd- \\ UYIl on tho lookuut (01' nl'w f l'lI- plecl''' uf fUI'nlllll 'l' In /'luu,1 ~ I y l. "1101 Ill e "U " lll,·"" 111'0 o f OU l' co mmunity , \I w I),S " 'llll' mho.· you ell n Buy for v.tnt,.!!CI< o ffc l'l'd thl'u thc F.II·I)) BIlI- lures to m 'll<e thcll' S 1·"lco m or e ,guod co ndltlun lit ullll;lIln ])I'I C"H ea u. Inc l'l'ns the l)J'ortt of your compleLe . Ilnet nuw ~-o u can huve I( YUli III c:o m " IlI/1I"lIng 'I ~ lie ' n I.",, ~ II I La n';;lW '". f(l nn thl'u thla Rl'l'vl ce .• "Farm Bur, "I:'al'm BUI'e.ou" gnsllllnl'. oil or k er- the nCIlI' futur e Iw stl re I, ) "Inp loy W ., 11'1 ,,11 til <l1I'eet YO Ut' Apc.clal ateau" ree ds OI'e known to humlrcds nse ne deli vered dll'ec l to ~Olli' home 0 , L, Lan,.",," li S yOU l' "ut·li .. " '. 1'-- It' IIlI '1II I', Ihl s es tlll.>lIsl'.me n t. nB one of fu rm e l'S who wHnt the mOBt lIro, ot no cxtm CORt \Vut ch for , the With ITO/lily yl'u l'~ of "~ IJI ' l io' llt . "'JOI OI( th o dlstl n ctlv l) f 'u lu. es of the fit!! from tho tlmc lind moncy ex - Farm Durea u all man 0.· ca ll yom' IJlncd with tL tltulou !;,h kI1IJ"'lec!-I<' "I "" lIllll c l'da l c r(le le nc v ()f this 8e tlon pcndeil. FOl'm Burcl'l u fe('ds UIO ol'<1e r In , the I'ulue uf .,11 I<l lllis 0 1 111"" 'I, "n , 1lH.I fu lis rnall a g ,,;)! nt 'HI Ilmon~ mnnu(u tm'cd Ilceol'd.lng to your o\\ n In this r e\'lew li e II'I",h to com , dlse h t) .,. III " (lolm l',11 tu 111'11Il> lit .. OI l11' I ~'lt dlnl; hu s lll eR" p c ople (lnd vnlspecla I formu lns :tIlC\ mud~ for e ,' l'y pllmcnt Hlliph Hobson, the managc l' highest 111'1<:" ", fu ,' ~ nU l ' It 'Ju ",",wlll lie" ·lllzens . f I'dlng Illll·II(lSe. 'l'h manuge l' and upon vn.luubl e 8 I vice ,,(Corded th o I ll",s ls tnnts a t the J~::t.I·m BU"eau [\I'e farmerl:l ot Wn.rl'!!n co unty un,l sug, In n I osition to s erve you In a mos t g est In l'egalcls th e hlg hel't qu u llt y (.'O l)lllct e nt mll.nnl'l' nnd will he )Ie:ls' feed s Ot· other fllrm 8uppllc>+--lIsk COl' cd LO give yo u complet e Inrormatlon "Fn rm BUl'cau. " In I'egnrds to th~ proper feeding of ""osPI'r I\LI'I'Y "
mOUl-n the beloved one und Ille d eel)er understnndlng which Is the mo ... 1 ncceS!lll"y .'~q ulre'"ent or one engnged In 'this pl"ofe...slonnl servl e ---lire d eeply at every Cune ral "Thlrl)'-tllree l -1IIU'lI of Sutlsroelnry wh leh h e directs. Sen'lec" lItoClul'e Funeral Home In \"'"yn· cl:lv ll1o hl1\,o bee n llrranged for your neoolllod<ltl on and service, lfn n y--.-.=f-.,aJ" "th-Olflcea...on &iulberr)- S t _ anll ldents are len.rnlng the vlllue or a Modernl)' Ec)ulppecl Plallt at Cln"'"tune ml home l:Iervlce. They udd naU and Broadwoy, In Lebanon much to lhls solemn occasion. furnishes an Unexcclloo I..o:.umdry In m aklng t his review of our 10- and 0..,. (JJelillillg Service 10 Ihl8 enl c(lmmIJlllty we wlah to - I'efel' tbe entire sectlon, A popular ani! well services or 1\11', McClu!e to our many managed CClllcea:n ofCcrllllr a !lCrvJce readers to whom h e Is nJ r CIIIly well to meet youI' Inllh' lIluul rcllulrcund fll.V01·llbly known to gh'e th e- ment_You \\110 rllIlI tho COlli IIf Qull)m nt nnd admirable wor l( which mUng your V10lhes ullli 1.illI'IlS hns won for him the prominent po- to tbe Luund..,."-the 81111.lIcst of :.11 fll Un g which hc mel·lts n nd to eom - household budgets, Fel1tur~'11 " CIIIIIIllIment h1m as II. buslnel'l8 and pro- plete Laundry, Dry CleilnlllJ:' anti resslontlf mlln who Is thoroughly Kal:' Cloonlne Service. CaJl LtIbanllll n.breast ot t,he times. DIlY or night 279, service co urteously rendered by cullThe Soft 'W uter Ltlun<1ry is one Ing Waynesville 7, or the beat equll?ped luun<lrles In this section and COl' mo.'e thlln 30 yelUll h us bee n servi ng house wlv tlH In Lebtl.non Ilnd lhe surroulllllnt; towns In 11 mosl efficient ll nd eX I)Crl m annel', Tho 1V0rk Is tUI-nE-d out s o "DEJ:.ICIOU8 'lI0I\lE ~ COOKED FOODS" carefully that you will be more tillln t_ld'ddlelown'8 lead tng , an:'f mos t Ilollular CIIting plnee locnted on the plellsed If you g1ve It 11. It'lu t. The hlaJtway nortii or Middletown-Wholesome li'ooda-Cooked IlS yoU like most dellcllle fubrlc>J (Ire h llndlco1 rlS It":"'A d.elurhtfui pl~ce to eat while shopping In Middletown-Is one of the ctl refully ns they would bo In your rtiiinil t,htlt opc;rntes unde r t\ pol.lcy dl'dlcnted t o a grel1ter communfty , own home as u nly eX I)e l'lc n ced nnel eXllert help I1re e mployell In th o M~~ Il, ~lal ~)' of l?eUclolls Sundny Dlnnel's. alU Middletown SliO. work, , The dry c len nln g H)'stem l1 ~ed. nol - - .,~ •. ~- ln~ III -one of the POII- ' sa Iuds, t emptin g meRt8 and veg~ only CI~lUlS()B your c lot hing, rl1Ss olty Ilables Rnd 'home,mnd~ pies cnn nl- and other artlelc.~ but r e turns them !r~:~::;f:~p':P:~I'Il~e~~ell service of theis ren- wn.ys 00 had at thlll esl'llbllshment , to yoll In the most ttllllroved mnn 1& You nre n.ble to select a wide va, ner without thi\t dJsagl·ee.'llole o()or rlety ot foad Rnd get good- Qunllty which accomvnnles the work or 80 always. This Is n.ri excellent ])Iaee' to many companies. Mny we suggest go when ypu don't ~now ex.nctly for your laundry dry ' clennlng or whItt you IVunt 118 they l UlYe rp.a.lly rug cleaning to e.'\11 279 nnd ~l court, good fQOd hero . nnd you lire sure to eous attendant will call ut your see something that ' you ileslre. . Y0\.tr Jlome, Mr, Clyde Hnclrney not only 8eIn _makhlg this review w ~ , hill cures the best of good- meats nnd this opportunity of complimentin g dl.a,e out on SundllY we fresh: vegetllbles and frultll but haa James Brown the )lrOllrletor of the thl'l ' you try ,a deUcloU8 dln, people- who know . how to prepare 8,o tt Watel' Laundry Ullon hIs com' them In the most appetizing, taah· plete n.rid sl1t1sfacto r y service durthe Kly'de Inn. ~\~~~~~~u wi •• find theIr food well SCllll- lon, , ~Il tbe cooklnc Is ge,1'Iulne Amer Ing tbe past thirty-three years and and cooked to your In41vldual Jean lItyle and tbla all~unts for the 8uggest for 'the very best-try thlll Thtilr albgnn "Food' Prepared Jurge tra'de Crom the country, rOC!8l concern. • .,. They 1I1olcome al,\ to their place •• You Like It'/ 18 adhered to at all and It 18 located where It Is eIlsy of UmeJI, nave you heard about the Free The mantalre,.l)lent In& that the access trom all directions by auto qu at the TeXllco StaUon? Better fln_,moat wbolll8Oll1e fQOd pro- and very convenIent ' to park. IItIe Earl Conner, _ 1Iap,t8 be ""eel. Tbe tDMt deUolou. The flr/'1t mark oC :. tunenll d :ree, tor 18, ability til bcnd his service (0 the requIrements ot ,the ens In h n nd _ 4bllOlute flexibility Is necessary for, no two ea8CS ar exactly It IIke_ No mlltter wllat the ocenslon mllY bo, tJla IIClrvl l;e can eope with 't he I'1I1'1lcullU' ? problems that a l·lsl'. }~"Jler lenee Ilnd equipment are the ennbllrig' fuct.OrtI, ' '\ylth OVer Il ctu o rle r ot II century of aUI;cessrul x(lorienee ' eomblned ""tn 0. ,mollt eOll1 p ~!lhons lve knowledge Qf' tho proper manner In 'ondueting an intermolnt service the tdnemla of whiCh he hilS hlld chnrge Ill' llnpre/illllve and. convey 11. IlllitinS' tciellhg of dJgn.lty and rls-hteollsness that 111U1 cll used mllny re"ldcnts or this I!I8CtloD to t1hlnk of him III time of: 8'1;let_' Vr, ' McClure'S nbo.lUty to co n fo rm hll' action. to ellch hitllvldunl C!18e, h18 :efrort. to help lessen the nngWah and ,IIO~Ow of those who
tl l. l!
8 up/lli c:; . " I')\" 'H, I<,p,\lnf' .11 11 1, 11'10 1(' 1', 1', L\'e I.>c n obtulnl' d Ill' Ill/ LIlliI' l .dll th eir' cO IIIJ.l l't e K" I""II' ''' " n(/ rUI' 1",.1:; 1)('" 4'~l't'Jh'<I , Th e lin (' cnn;-;i!'ll:-c II f t h , ' l llnllllls Ing Htl l' pll ·s. (' IH and dulr'Yll1 e n wh ' l1 th ,,,, ffltts unt.l oLIl", HUIll'Ii "H IUU (·.,n ,I" I"'IllL \\I Z,U tl h a u t' r'it·s n lHl w ith til l' \ \ ill )I oln l'i>l ll; will find " H' Y 1111\'1' not we i' US 'd . Take IUIIi' ro:" tllnH" 1>1" ,1> on lh t:' IIlt.,lIlY lI lld ';('I'\' le,'
tie nts or WIlYIl svlll In LI'OOMn :II 20,22-~~ ~I I' hunlc St. Wh Cl'" th e J Il g h est GI·Q.d· of ~ lm ot'llIl Art WOI-k I... C;x e Ulcd-lI nve Envlnbl" R c('o rd o f .I:llghty Yel1rs In Lhls bus ln cH>I nn d un ' of I h e larges t and most Cllmptele , d.lsplllYS or l"lnilihetl Mo num nt s In thc SllIte lO Selecl From , -H J Oll II I e Clontemplllllnl; th erection of Il Jllonumcnt Plnce YOUI' Order Now-Cnll
\I ...
l(tl ~ SlI r h:-i 1111 ' P\I ' I \ 1"' I ' d \ UlI . 11 1'11 I lI hl 1111' qll tlll \ .. nil l't'H StJII,II JI .. PI ' i!'\' tll" :-'; ( ' 111111 ' lol l l n,, 1
II lIn lli'ely HlI lIHrat'lOI·Y. \\ l' t,oI, o Ih, s " ,,/lurllln ll\' uf ,,' " 1 \\ 111
"EX('IXSI\' E S'f\ LES"
unum nt or m e m ol·II11. As a d Sign er this eompnny h nl' n hl e ved 11. w ell m e rIted I'ep uulllo n , th e desig n beinG' original lUll] urllsti c, und lney are I'elldy at [tny lime to submit designs for 1111 c lnsses ot \lork In th e IInl', us well us to fullhCully exccute to the letter u n)' " 1' clal d esl,,;n which mill' be Bubmltted to th em _ Sohwartz Memoria ls can l1)1?t"t u ll r eq uire ments rrom Lh e hetl.<lstone to lhe most e lnborate m mOll n l. 'r h !s 111m Is to I:Inth;ty h n(\ they \\ III rI , ure with you nnd select something thllt n eels your d esires Hnd n eeel... In mnklng tWa rel'le w of our communKy we this opportunity ot compllnll~ ntlnG' Schwu.rtz l\te morlnls on IIlL'h' lIervlc e to l:eslllc l1t s In lltl,. Ii ctlqll IIl1d Buggesl to our r eade l'li ror th mOHt tll-tJ8t1c work In thl lin e 10 til ~~_~D,
.I0 1·lll1ulll1,
h ' I' II :-< , !"i l ol l
cum /ll c te n,' II' lin "" ""1'" ' d ~" 1>1 l eU, by Ihlll loclIl cu nC'l' ln III,' 11111 1011 1'llITled 1\ com"I" I" 1I11l' "I' l'IIill( '1111 "lIy knuwlI t o l'IIIH.l ... ,I,~, .\,'111101 '\(,
"MEI\IORIAI, IlES ' GNS "-OR t<;lGHTl' \ ' EAIlS"
}o selectlog !I. Camlly m cmorltl l 1he Schwn.rtz Memorials wtll sho\\l you memorfnl .. built on t h 1'::18'" o( good QUllllty, embuiLying I>o,h .IUI" ubUlty Ilnd goorl III'pelll'u lI G, '".L1 In both these Qunlillul In, ,)el' J _ Ible Jnate rluls 01'0 "Used III CO ll '[ I' u _l:on_ Th anme pnlnslnkJng CII I'Il Is glv'e n the ·purchase of iI h eildslonl' (rom this firm lUI !I. monum c nt 01' mnU801eum, The IILock ,~I ch eun Lto !Klen at t~lls establlshment I~ n lwll)IlI con;pl'e helllllvl', ~nu8c It ' J;ou~'s In large t.luanlltJes nnd hus every style nnd material n.vnllal>le, WhIm one, builds a home, buslnl'ss "truoiure ,or any other building they u8unlly 00118u11 ' a comp tent urch, It c t to dntw . up Ilnd make their 1lln nK rOl' IllIell n Ijh'u c~u.-e so Ihllt It will bo IlI'tlMttC ulld In h ru 'mony wllh its - 8urroundlngs, locatlons, e to_ The cltre and cru'oful uHe nlion ,Lis o s houl,d, be Inken In Iho sclectlu n of .L
li t \\'
p \ \J t l llL!.
SIl \'c tl IIv l1l1l c h.t !-(I M .I t yuu 11111 find .1 ,.\lI1/1I,I t' Ill· , 'I'IItH plI I·tlllC'nl ,11','ul('(1 /'s( ·ltl HI\'I,ly IOJ till .. CI:; 1'0 1' htlnLlI'e,l,. ur r 11'111 1: 1'8 wl'l' n Ih'c'd " vf j )"llarH " ... ' "I,,,, g h~ IlIlu ,\ut o '\ )o(:-O"l ioll l' :4IHI\' i l l L ,t11 111 11 11 TIIi~ (1 '0\ 1111 (.\ H • "" lI d" t line (IC m e l'(' han<1 1H' II nrl ~ Ll U .'1''' III 111 n Cl·d uf fc,,"11 ... Heed,., f" II III>I:I" 11111' cO llll1lurtlt, 1".01 \\,,,"111 Il t' Jj ' \ \ill lil' I lI lIn d l \ t ' l \ t ltl ll g" 1111 I lt ' \U ' ~ 1 " I I' UllIlIl ' l .t dltlH
~ to r('
Lellanon UU.
.t lllornoh l lt· .llld
FllmOull Cu.' "Monum , ni H oC QUllllty"
IllotHiI :--. l I ~ TlII\\!oo. tl .. l i lt) tll lI'l.lllll L! : tll
d \" lrq..:,'
f ' X III tI~ 1
CIIII\' I1I""II~' 101'111,,11 011 .\Ialll S I re,'t III L~hall .. n ure J.)1~1)""8er~ nf Iloll rl \ IlIlIlillltUIllY lIull liIIUII'1I to htllICJrl't1~ rur U.eir (~ourtetHl8 IlIIeI EUlclenl anythi n g In lhl" IIn ~ :y,' l pl llf'l'd o n l-\(·nir-Cl. RI'C·ul:lIl1.ccI It" a I1lIlIIe f..., til l' Trln'l!lIl1g l'ublle I\lId Uurlng their the mllrlte t. It gh'eR ., ~uft flni"h,[ IIIJIII) ~, 'a rH ", !i"r\'lI',' IIIlIIt broughl IIIll<'h trudl' tll'lh·Jt), tn our local COIIIunaftll cted by l emp ..,-ntu"t'H . li nd IIll1nily. 'fUll will IIIit' to e1ln e nt the Cluille n Lalllb. will nol erllck 01' ch ec k 01 po" l. n nr1 unother lld\'tl nttl !;c is thnt mllll , In bygu ll o day!; ~h" wllysltlo Inti l l1bllt, hlflg a n IV Hlan,hlld In h otel dusl (l nd grit do no hUI'I11 ; It Is 11'/1wa~a I'e sting 1)111('0 fo r thc w "!I'y c olli fo .. 1 to ItR gU "R l~, tor proor and drl 'li ((tllc;klv. YOll r The dining I Ullm " '\' !c-e a t lhe car can he po int (1 In n fe w das" L.·u ler who stoppcd. for It nl " ht 01 O,lIdc'n Lamb Is un. ·xepll,·(1 Rus!Lnd lhollsa nd s of CO l'S nrc he ing !I n- pe.'hapli 1I. few dnys' lodging, Th e III ntll fl'OIll tllI'oug lo""t t lo l" ~ecLlon Jsh ed wl~h It cv ry day over the Inn WtlS a "enernl m eeti nG' llltlco fOi' will find this II dl' lIghtCul "Inr-e to country, men high up In mllIlary urrulrs n,nd dIn e, Th s "vl e \' ' r s club break. In Ihl$ edition WI! ~"I!IO wish 10 arralt-Ii ot the stnte _ Gathl'r d nlg ht- (ast s toble d'hotc lun ch ons .lnd tUn ,omplim enl thl>l establishment upon Iy oro'und the' rl r e Ute m omento m! ne l'll It n d. n. In.. I\lo'e ~wrl'lce , Ope,·at . the promlnQnt pORltloll uttnlnl!d in QuellUontj, ot the day dJsc ussed wll h Ing the ir o\\-n Ca l'm a . till' c hOices , of the b",dneS8 life of- the count y , lind. the ~trnnger who happened to p!Luse nll'atR u.nd IIRIt·y III'ollueLs Ill',. always upon tbe modcrn tl nd · sa tlsru.ctory In hl8 journey, In this nge u( rlll>ld S I've d at th old e n LUll,b. . work which Is executed by this Mid, ndv,\nee In scie nce tlnd ' Ideal ... th e In th eir re"l... w of our pl'omh~ent dl('t~vn j!sttlbilshment. wayside Illn ke'ps pn('e with th e business concel'n" w.' wish to 'say The bddy and renddr repaIr de. modern world. tho fl'lendl)', effIcient sorvlco wljJch purlme nt Is und r the dlrectlon ot The Golt.!-en Lamb, thvug-h fllr In YOU r ecel\'e at th Guldt!n Lnmb I. m n who have spent~ yeal'1l In-the advan eo of lhe Inn of thO' Illst cen - t Jlc sign-post by- whlcb It Is mark. bUSiness. 'l'hey are l?repnred ~o turn tury, stili re t ll lhll U\lIt Iwme IItmos' ed tl long the hll:'h\l'IW8 0(, the tr&'Vel your enr lIut 80 It lOoks JUllt like, U11lt is so, n eeesa:II'Y 10 their Ing public, and hUll f'-!.", ,"any y..... n e w_ l ( you have 11 wrecJc call the ellenlele, lL orrel'l! that 'lui t dlgnl , IIJded III the lIJ)lUllilon and.. Pro...... Purkyfew Dueo Shop In MIddletown, ~ fled, frIendly ~ ' rvlN' of Ihe Inll ot o( OUI' local ClOdUnunlt)' by long ago, whUe 'lit the IlUmEl time as· added trade IU!tlvlt7 to
PARKVIEW DUCO SHOP uN'alecl In l\llddlC'towlI on Ja('oby Strec,t Is Ule official "Dullo" Auto l'uliltJlIJ:' Efltabllahment of this sectlOII with oxpert . men and modcrll Cflulplllcnt It.o YOUI' ('nr out III rocord time with that ,tattrnetlve, servlceuble and lustrous rlnlsh that only "Duco" can glvc-AI80 make a 8pflC'lalty 01' noely and Fellller Hepalflllg, This est.a.blli:!hment Is under the dIrection of. a n l\ut.Omoblle painter of wl(le tlx perle nce li nd Is one of the most ' 'progr esslve teRtur s of the' automobile ol'gqnlzntlon or the com· munlty, People who lire Lhlllking abou\ nn.vlng thelJr replllnte,l this win ter, so as to protect t/lem tl.galnst the weather., spould see this popultlr re(lnlsh (Irm lind get their p.:ioe8 and loo,k ",ver the excellent work turned , out froiD thl. elltabll!!hment. They nre mnklng 11 IIpeclulty of applying "I~uco" nn automobile finIsh that ,18 abIIolutely superior to
t~tj ' I" I!l' V. 1Ilhl:t :-tn Yltct' n nu ~'r.
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AND CONSIGN r ouT Cattle. hog8, sheep and calVe! to Norrie·Brc. ck Ct.., live wire an( progressive fir1ll f ?r the high esl market pricell and goo d eemee.
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!low Vultures Fi lld Ca rrion
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Fever and Ih~'I)ll Headachea--'-
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Tune in on Radio Statio n WCln 12 :2 11 to 12 :80 p. m . f or our daU ~ Dluket reports.
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A I r'l ,·,,(\\\·.1 w u~ In n tt ""fl llC '''hll l·\''n. ,hll'l ;. :\ 1 1~~,';s 1~ \'11 n t!..,1i Ih (linn, I' III J .)·IIQ " hUl'('h Fri · l ~ th\.' l I 0 le l (l l': " . 1 'onlC' IHh 11' R.N, 1\Ir ~ t I
II,·,,, ("'lu\\ II
111I1I11 .\· of
At Home With IThe
Knyell'I·. 'I' ll\' t'.. II"\I'ln~ 1'1'01' 1',1111 w,,~
"njoy",l : 11\
J".\ ·. ·d ;. ""'["1' 11'1 \1 !-i 1l 1;.I .,~· l" " il"l F or y ea rs it was beli eved tha t III, . 11 /101 I" " 11101 :1 1.//1 ',. 1" 1\' " n";, r Vl:IlUI' CS sc(' nlc d Iheil' carr ion m en ls ,\ III(, l1 s. ml l es~ , :ly. bulle s ts show t ha t b ird s
------::-:::-------- 1
Complete W reeker Service
' '('0.\ 1. -
S l ' I'I'J, II '; ~"
FE lms -
' ''here 10 F'i nd Geys ers Hoi s pr in r,s nrc round in mony count r ie s. but t he po rticu la r type of hot sp ri ng Im own as a geyser oc· curs o ll ly where v o lca nocs h nvc h ec II active 0 1 sume time.
h,,:tding nt' lIl Ilh 'H l t·1! i n I...yll(l, t ,1. :11 , III :lkt'!'l :l ~ l h.· t · hd l .\ · HI' !ll'-dl n g it l hi.u ll gT:lth' 1'"IlI. J,.:' I': il u lillY , ~t l'H W . ~a l l , Lito'. 1" 'Iwlll';. Y ·(· l<"ertlllze l·s. ji" , 'u l ll ri n,g-
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(I r s :Ind. wi ll IH.ll l Ylllll' t!"lI d , ill" Wd).!'. \111 1n :-:hn t l lillH ' . l "'U I 'h ' nll~ OJH1 n i. Hahll' 1 1l1l 1l:1 ~1 ' 1IH'l1t f,f wi dl \ '·X I'PI'. i"llc" ', " '1'1 ,,· .\l u><1 o f lI " j <lL 1'''1' th l' L"HSt. " . ·IUlIll' \\',tYlll\H\:i1h - it; H I:! . HI'
Now's th t im e to get yo ur car ready for coo ler weather. For very little co t we'll 'heck a nd udju, t
distr ibutor points, battery, va1ve clearance, manifo ld, engine h ad, air cleaner.
t lliH
" l it,
o f til"
~ll,.· l l()1l
I 'HlllII ~
\ \'H ITl~ 1l
1 '~llUtty
1 '('H ~dJ1 U
J ohn W. BrickM, Re publ ican nonlinee for Go "" rnor . h i, wife, and thei r .on ; J ack, are .hown here in Iheir mOlt r ecent p or trait .
MI'. a m! '\ !J·8; J . l l r{' 1' a n(\ "un ur
Ft'ltlny a ft e rnoon .
JIlt·. a nd JI l l'>!. 'I'll 1'1 ,' Jon 's and 'i'I/JIl t 'll y \' I"lit 11 ]\l l!;s 0 n \'0. Mno J)ayllJlI \·i ~i t"I · 8 n uutzult ll • · "ll llrdlly.::'I li ~!j noulzilh n :-;alunlay. is l'1I1l 1llly 11lI1111'0v in S' from h OI' r ecent
Bo n , 1\ J ltlun Wl' l'f'
)i' )"r.Ll Hu :-:h aU ' nllt"d a VI1 1'f"Jl ll1 ~ )':; nccitl nt.
Rogers-Sintpson Garage
1.II I1IIU ('l "L DlIyl"11 I,' I'I,IIIY \'\"'lI ln" . ~ I n.;. 'I'h 'Od l rt'
i 'l'1 c" H ill .
!l 1t·~ .
H utf!'i ;\lul :-h.l11 IJf ~~::::::=~===~~~~== SI. I IId~. "I I'. :'111<1
P/lul \\· lIl i'''.11''
'UIIlIIIY g u >;I M
Ia nd.
II l1il ::'III'"" l :lIY Brow n
a lld " " \l g hl l' "
:'tr .. . "till
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" "',a llull W'I','
1.)1 •
Th I'e 1" 111 0 1'(, 10 th e mud" I'II ulI l Ilu s lll (\s ~ th u n nl (, I' ,~ l y tllltHhl ~ lH·h...·· ('8 to CU!jI VIIl()I'''. 'J' hi~ '>< I" I)1I8 11I1\,"nl I" in chtll'!;e o r p eopl e \\'ho a l' tho l'o llS-hly [am llln.l' w i th ,l' v t' ry [(':\tUI'l' IIr .thlR Ill,pol'llI nl !IN· \·leC' . Th ey I,no\\' \\'hl 'h C III Is I ~l fo r p llI·ll l' lIl. III' h eating " ,,>I t e m s. 'I'll}, a " " I. WILY" wllll llA' to give yu u In fO I'm". tlon nl.>o ut ruel 1)1' III 1\1>1 u nd >·ou a l' o lllit;o t I In nu WilY In I'ly b 'cll use YOU Inquit' . Tn l k tilt' Ill' pOl/ltlon O\'el' wllh th(,1ll " "\1 1"," ' " nul ollly 11 011' to a l\\, (' m on 'yo n YUUI' f lle l hill o ls o hoI\' to obtnl " lh e h Sl r esults from il s u;; . Th o supply d )'" r lm nl I" m O:'l com pl e t l' nnd I h ""I\'IU(lI·t ";; lin. nun lly (01' nt /lil y of till' fm'm e l'll In thlll s c lio n 0[ 'V' LlTt' n (·o ull ly. H Ol'e will be found II Olll lliet l! ll lol'k 01'
th o n a tlo nl.llly k 'l1 o wn " Tux,-,II," ro(!ds for bOlh fiV Cl s lu\,:k and hlc k e n ~ .
:lrr>!. 1\" lIl' :-:"ull
fll mll y .
Th ey a lso
en (,J'Y
~" !'lUlz
V· '
g rain a n(j. uth e l' ' ful'llI >l uppli " 01' n li kinds. W kn ow of no firm with rl m OI'c nviablo I' ' Imlll.tton fo .. fa I' '" ltl hon.
Twin Theater WAYNESVILLE OCT.H·1!i S mll (' ~'
R ul' U Uj!'ll r!l
- In-
"Under Western Stara" ( ''' I'l ''"11-''H l lI1tJ~ j, 1 .041\'0
n llel T r uth"
S hul'l-"LlIry t' lInl oll II m1 Ordl."
OCT.IG·1i .Jull n DC!lIII1'U
U ll lUl ull.1I I-;"ull
- In-
"The Texana" ' UOItT - " ,\ l~ul'd Tlll'r e ' ' ''lu,''
OCTOI1E R 19 It. l\11I111 g OlIl C!I'Y
- In-
ti t d Cl.lllnS'. and fn thl .. pcli l lon we "Three Loves Has 'Nancy", FIlIt !-i ,\ L8-· H c:t (I·uhl , In gO d COll· g i ve commondable III nt lo n 10 Ever. No. 9-)O- lo ll h Gill',loll T.rlp. 10 l\fa r!! ,!.ilioll. 1"'1111 ut tho Dt"'. Wrlgl1t ett Eru'ly '001 Co. , In L yt l <" Oh io.
h'JIl IC'~l\·fll1.
s \' lI1e .
\\' II)' n
\\,A"',\,I':D- '1'o hu y good produ ci n g mI ll, cows. Also f e <ling s hoats. f'hal'l cs K lthle, B ell rook. Phone 9LtI
SALE--~ bo ut ' lOOO
bu . K iefer
move In' t h e next t h reo . r \\. ~ks. 0 1' lI urd lo c~ ted on Friend ..""d , 4 ml. \V. or Waynesville ncar T:ty lol's ·c l· nor. c'omQ a n y time. l>cm'S lo
1 '1111 8.
9 29 3tp
F e rtilizer, 01' see F m nk H ess, '''''o.ynes·
\'111 , Ohio. 'l'(! I" pllo ne 45 ·H2 . g·2lHtv
• G~dma ~way. was a keen shopper and quick "snap up" •• '. but you'll recognize these BARGAIN OPfERSwithout her years. of ex· .~rieDce •• ~ you· save real money .• , . you get a 'swell selection of magazines and a full' year of ow newspaper. That'~ .w hafwe Call a "break " for you readen,. ~ no wonder grandma says-HyOU'VE GOT SOMETHING THERE I" THIS NEWSPAPER-.l FULL VEAR ••• AND ANV THREE MAGAZINES IN THIS LIST (CHECK. MAGAZINU AND ROURN WITH COUPON) DAmericaaFnalcGlOwu_1Yf, OHom.Fdea4 _ _ _ _ 1 yr. DAm.Hcaa PoulU7 J0l1.fD81..1Yf. OHoma Am NeedJeaalL_ l 7t. . 1 yt. Breeder', Gazeue - 2 yn. O"-oro World D Blade a: Ledaer 1 yr. PMocbu'. Home Llfe ___ .1 yr. flaoyerleaf Am. Revlew_1Yf, ' OPatbiDdef (Wkl,..) _ ~6 issue. ORhodaIIlaodRedJow'n.'Il. 1 7r. OCOUOU7 Home 2 yn. OPI.,mouth Rock MODtbl., _ I yr. DFlirmloaroal 2YIIOGood Scoriea 1 ,f, OSucceufvJ Fuml~ _ _ I 7t . OHome ClIcla 1 yr. OWonwa'. Wilrld _ _ ._ 1 yr.
'l',{LE~, 1U;'8 r . rl'mod ,' i II , :tOIl l'eglnzet;1. I 'rk p~ 1·,'a~l.m : .b l · . Billa V llttcrSOl1, ·1 Ill l l e~ wc St M ; lin I'V y sh urg
II. c· L ·1"111"" "LJ~!1.
wOI'I" \." II
I trill.
d" li
' V III 4fiR2.1.
F()I: :-;AL I':-- Ch o lqo K c.IC(Jr poa l's at .1, ('. 11 ;llI'kc 'a I' :l~l ·n c . ~
Fu ll
wi lh I g ilts :\ il·8. Viula Carcy. ~ 1,,,·tlleLi ,
c ntr a ll y und , W<l.t(H·. IIp
F. 'r. :'M .. artln
--GROUP A-S.lect 2iliEROUP M-£:.'.ct 2 - -
1.'1'\'11 N r-:WI:: i:>'l'
O Ametlcan 80y 8 mot. OAmet/caa Fruit Grower __ .1 yr. ·O McCall'. Mqa&iDe~ l ,r, OAmeti~ POIIltr~ Journal. I yr. OChriltiio HenJd _ _ _ 6 mas. OBreeder • Guetle - - - - I yr. ' U . _ _ l.a 6 ,OBladea:Ledser _. ____ 1 yr. OParecua ...............- -'- mos. OOoverleafAmer.Review_ 1 yr. OPathfinder (Weekl,) _ _ I ,r. I OCounU7 Home .... _ ..... _ 1 yr. OPicrorlal Revill" _ _ _ 1 yr. OFum Jour~a1 __ •_ _ • _ _ 1 yr. Ollomantlc Mqujll8.--1 yr. OGood SlOrICl _ ; I yr. OSl1...u Scrccn 1 ,r. Home Am Nee,.lecrafL- l yr. oScreeo Book 1 r OHome Friend .... __.. _.,-_ 1 yr. , . OLeSboio World . __ . ~ . __ I yr. OTnae CoofesalOCll _ _ _ 1 7r. QMDCh~r'. Home Life --=-__ ._1 yr. OOpen Road (Boy.) _ _16 mos. I OP~ljoder (W kly. ) .. _ 26 issues D. WOII1I\I1', Wotl(L ___...2 YN. OPlymwtb Rock ftfoothl.Y_ 1 yr .. "_"---' 1 OSDccesaful Fnrmlnll - .~.- I yr. 0 ue<= Homes & UIUU~ ._ ,Yr. OPoulc". Tr-ibunc _ ,~ . ___ . I yr. O Home Am NeedJeaafL,.2 yN. "' OWoman'. World .1 yr.
liA' b
Auctfoneer .
H O M~ OFFER .'1t15 M""W~PAP£R-l ~EAR '
~.' !al'~ine _ 1 yr.r . 0 WcC.JJ Yl~ f ~orld _ ._ IV . ..... ~ Storlel _ _ _ l yr. ~._ •.no.~. 1 . lyt. ..
1\'1 et , Yo ur JilI'len ds At
clU:Gk ·n.: on co doN"J.
I1JL"oad ',\tlU'Ollft carefui l y.
" . ( . O ...t1..... :.J anc~ • •.• ~....c . _ • I om chccl: in~ bo>low It.. off... ~~,wl~ • .~, lub, erlp tioQ to your po per.
At All Bours
.".(1..--=-____ - - -R.~, D.
__ - _ _ _ _ __ ._ _ . _
--_-S la le
o . ~lUllll' l' ry
Df.lER Leblanon, Ohio
'SEE IT, ... DRIVE A.NEW PLYMOUTH· ToDAy tt>s the year's style s~satjOJi among low price canl"'Glambr·
ous new diJtitlclion in styling, , , Sl1mptuous new I~ throughout. Envious eyes will follow this big, 'new plytOOuth wherever you drIve it. ' , Come in today and d~iv~.a new 1939 "R6adkiDB" '~r De LUxe flymouth. Djscove~ ~he thtill in its new High.Torque.EfiiUae per~ormaDce ••• in .P~fectcd Remote Control Shifting and new AU·SiJent~Auto-Me5h TransoU,sion. . Neyer before in ~ fow.prkcd car have you liad a rib to kiUAl the qew ride of this' great new Plymouth. It has new a.zn01a . Steel Coil sPrings • • • iinBtovet\ Airplane TyPe ' ShOck Absorbers, • , 'new 1r~e-Steady Steering, ••• the,1Df;ISt bril~ lianr ride enJineering in any loW priced carl And with :its marvelous new- engineering ' v.~a, Plymouth for 1939 hiaiau the bettet val ue featWel~ ~de it 'famo~ of~~ remrd eCOnOoiy wIth ,f ull ~'" ~tbat cause owpe,n to declare, 1t" the Car 'Fhat SUada Up BesW'
. .
' 1\
) I -,~
Friday -
"Bank Night" -8CREEN"Secreta of An Actre.." Kay Francl, - Geo, a 'r ent Continuoul 8how. Dally Adult. O n l ~ 160 "TIl It P. M.
fi l· III S
Ihal is 1" ' lltl " I'l nl,f thl' p u lolh' t h. , h l'~ 1 of ~(' I' \' I I'II IIn,1 use e " e l'Y (' trul'L 10 "Ulillla in ." " OIl\ I1 I\'tL' " "I1PI\' c'un l f I' Ih e Il N' J1l o III l1I'k,·,; L h ~t Urt.'
-i ~
J. B. C.hapman
5·F~ .
'e nl c l'\'llIc
. to h nve "'1 s a I orga n s of very lo w
develop m en t. I I is believ ed th nt vul\ures [or mnny m iles a r ound fln d II dend nni mn l mere ly by ral· lowin g OilY f c ll ow· vullures Ula l seem to be going somewhere .
. -:;=;l·~"':"
WNSE !-\IRS -:-=-
~"'''''''' 'I'''Dir...''' '
5 Oaya
tWO .IAND S"IS Will 5"'. YOUI HIAln Hailed as the. "Captains Courageous" of 19381
Pl'ic•• CI... Up At Men's S pc, Suits leaned and Pl'ellllcd 50c Men's nata Cleane d and Blocked 50c Ladies Plain, Dresaes
Quic k Clea ners ll, Mgr Me ndenha
1LUIl nt . rnlf.'11 t IJ" h"n)~ .t·"mlri A' Ill<. ~ '11\'" fI" fll"'1I .\1, ~ .I," .. dl
Mills ""!!Clph:nt Gray ",'. ',\II·R.
IIv!'I' .111 o lJ~ Ilml 1l3u ~hl r l· .
11,.... W(' I'(' (1 IIIIWI' ij' U ti l" 'Ll
h .. n ll' uf All'.
1\IHl ,\I n •.
th~' UftPl' l1UUll , ' Jthl~"!-I tl'CHtl' Ihi fill Y \\ Ia. 1t \11 ' 1".IJ 4.1 WI I" : :'-. II~,
Frl'd I~H ll'
: llr l1
I', III'
"SeClrl p of An Aetre....
Kay Francl, -
Geo. Brent
Contlnu ou. Showl O."y Adult. Onl~ 150 'Til 2 P. M.
.\l I'R • •ln n 1(ls 11'. ul
f :I·U.\'
\ , 'I
1i "I',
~I,·. : 1.
II l1d tl HlI l-:hl{' 1' C l:aUllin, 1\1... li n d. :\In.: , ( ' Iaudi' a r ny IIntl :'-. 11' . Hntl .\11'" . 1.0:11 ''' I·t !til-h a m I d,illl""' I1 .
( i r!!)"
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n il d llllg ht f'1' n ng't' l' " lId In C i fl I'IHw l II ..,.
'IH I'i a n
!'t 11l'1Il ti l"
.\)1' . "";\ .111'" . Ha l"h
HI" h c" II,',1 :4l1 l .
,\1 1', n nL! ;\11'8. T I101l\ 1I:-; Hk h
:I t th. '
;\ 11'. n ll li ~ I ' ·R. Il l' O'·.\· ~ I UIJ ; hy 1'( " t Ll I' l h ·,l 1" "1 1(' ttfl i"l l' R I) ntllli S :l '~(' , \ 1 ( ~ In U,-'o r'J,:l'luw n It t th rn lr. .\ 11'. IIlId
~I'· s.
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Il" :} I'
E" ;,H :o'.
~II' .
I':\'a u 's Iwll. I lI'ulll1 1', 1-;,11 '1, w ll " }I.ISS· d', ;)wol~ T Jll l n"f:.,\' II I HI I I' Bj'o ~ . 1II' ·~ flll : 11.
1In1 1l Y.
Hailed a. the "Cap tains Courag eous" of 19381
,It' :,,:-. i, ' 1; :1 " ' 11'1'. :I Ut' I IIIt ,d ti ll ' fUII "r: 11 p l:l ! t ' !-;t.' !"\, j ( ' t'f'4 :--iHllln IJl.\'. w1111'1 1 111111.;
.-;) J '~'
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an ti
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, ' 11 It " ( 0 1' uf
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'1'0 ( ·OL.OIt lit; S'J'l' III E U 11\ W .\It1t Jo::'\
uf X lila
i\ l n~ ,
Grime ., Baldw in, Hubbardst~n, Staym an, York, White Pippi~, Black T~ ig and Rome Be.~ty
Va nde rvo rt Or cha rd 4 Mile. South West of James town, Ohio
•••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ----- -
tlt e hea rt. Onl y Ollce In a g e n e r a tion cumce a picture with Ut e good cl e an nd a g tandin t's e uud n a Itllill the . y h sympat g in warl1l Winn er. S pe n cer fUll of " Boys T own" s l a tT in g Acad e my Award n e y . Thi s un . Roo y e k c Mi boy. ul' Olld w 's n Cl'ee s the Tracy and r 16 aL the Octobe day. Sun n e p o will mma t org Wib le SCI' e ll d nt. X e uia th e ate r In Xe ni a for a sU r rl n g rlv o d ay e n gageme rue narra" Boys Town" as broll g ht to Lhe scre e n, Is th e t ed by Fathe r t Ive of t h e tow n that no w e l(lsts a nd Is s tili h e ad grounds ror F lail/laga n w l\o 1I 0 t onl y t m 'n e d ov er hi s scho o l a nd lca l a d . bn Icground sbOl s bul who travele d to H o ll ywood a s t echa a lso bave nd o Raym o n Ge nd a Hull Ollry H ·l·o. tu c pl the on vl eet' importa nt rol ~s In (h o p rodu c tion,
JI,';''''II ~I I'~ . 1:11111 .
:-i.hf'1'\\ llIld W" "I ~
II lld
\"t ~ II O I 'H
su n
11I' l'f'
-- -
~li ~H
c '(,Upll. " :l lIlh"l"
l~lizu h(· th
~1IJ: lI~il l
s e·ho,,1. wup.;
t ilt ,
I lr
1;lII ' rottUl t '."
" it l sl, ul·g .
g- 11{'Kt
I {If Vi'lI' lnn ll ll. \\' lllo-h WIIS I, hi aL l il 1.111 !t· Inn. \\·,·cllll· Hd ll ~· ,·' ·I· .oI" g . I:(·\, .
u t'
,\ Ir', I I:lt"I, \\,, ' 1I 1:-; I'l 'f'ltl l' (d':--:' l .\l il l·Y· ~ dU II·,-h. TJu' y wi ll 1·l.\1"I 11· ... • il l t Ilt ' 1'1 '(" l 'u'y, 1'I ';-.I i dl ' l1 ef· uf 111(' Iil lt· ~rl'_"i . .I . F .
""II .
t'uflwa ll,II!\"I'
ill ' !'
IIIC l' hlll·(' h .
IJ C'fl lI I·tl l h " .,
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Ut' I'u n tll1l;
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,HUlHh 's
I t lpti ..' t
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\\ f '\\' hU li l ' t':-: "Iulhln ij''' I.' I I, ,· .<ul,j "1 ti l' lI' • 110 1111' 11'''~Jl~lt-::-:in g '1'wo de m on~lI'a t l u n I,. I,. " Iwlled lJ~' '\1' II' . fl l1"(\ In '\1 " . '01' \ \'q",, " '~ 'O UI' I ,\\'(0(1· I' n Cuualy ,," ""c n Lids fa ll. ;:lIIl'li ng II ·stl ,, ), . Th ·y "''''1'0 r l','1II \\'Pllt '\lil' in Oc lo",(. 1' Or, \\'um e ll . ~cl'\'lnl: liS 10, t II. 1'0 " 3~ jll'(.j{....t g l'oU ll S ('H I
"mrl '.,."
\\' ill ultcnd
It'II( l p l' tr'a iuJI1 t;
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Pl'oj et H,'h cI IlIl e,l r' I' l"o\'(' mlJ 1'. Vall's II llrl pla(' R fu ,' hll'a l m ()(.'[ · In g wi ll " . ' "1ll01l' l(J"1! loy Lh d 1I'Il.:l , ..S In "H cll onlJ'lu niL~' , ,\11 h m ceon. um l II c: Xlt'lISiun m e 'Un;;s UI' op n 10 th p Iluilll(' ancl l' l' ,'y h l1ll1c·mn k('l· ill \\'II ITt' n 'wnty iii u rg {1 LO IItt'ncl th l' PI'~)J ct I HRu n s ,::11'('11 la h L'l ' commun l lY. S ubsori be to The l\U u mi GII Z ltc.
I hl " l'~
nO'''I: " If I J It~(' l )hi li l ' .\11'~.
F t ' l il' A JlII1 , '~·' hy "US
1.:1 \\'1' l h'l '
I. !.l:!
II IiItHJ1 .
n '\' it' \\' p d N ttl l' ~t
llt.. ,
a \"' I'ag.'" .A J11t' rl ,
p kls ti lt.:" Ii rt' o r a n fUlllil y. I Jl'ulI g'ht up [ rrl lll , B nd ;i l \ , n y s 1'(, IlHl ill l ll J; w i thin t lifl 111h1cl l' d :1 IS UI1 \ · !t'(Il1lll l' fll II( :1 l'itr ; Ih ' Ht, ~I r~, S: HlIl' I tf'n:-;tl ll d l' li/.4h l i' ul1y (' 11 · fal h l 'r LV IIl1y .n hO l tl h'lu p l uf til . n twhl'lI IlI 1\. ' t lu It ' I'1 : dn t..ld :Il o n !' u ' j . LI7.~Io' ~l1lo1ll l"'I'. ~I,'';. 1)/1 ti l« mlllllll1y pn~'I1~ 'Ill Ilia " , :ond
:\IIInduy .
,:1 1'1', :\11',;. :\1 1l 1'Y L " Ipy, ;\11"'. n, s ,\ nnll ll n m l"JI. ],1t.~. 1;:1':1 ~1 (. J)(' n a l". :111'.'. L IIIIII " '''''1'. '\I l'~ . I';. 11. UIII;! Il. ~1 1's. " " I' I'I!'1 SI1"I'(. :\1,'1<. J nnl a n e1 (;" lIhH Ill. ~I,'f' . ('II,,~I' ( ',,1I1 'tt :'[1':; .
LilIa lI allon.
"T, . Tkh1'1I91'
~ H I1
I)l oille ,' . 11'(11'1. 11""... In u d ' I):II'l . ;Ill' nl sto,'" In OI'lI H I hn t h ). a RI) la,'), might IlI' lp III pl·, 'vir1 . r t· lh o ," I ' ln L'W!l of tll'lI <1 u u~h t 1''' , Ih /11 11,,1(' lI ud danc ing. II Il Il fill ' U,e so n a ll o f1 l,o rtlll1tty lu m il l'i clII,lt r fo l' ('o llt'g, '. an' s h own Lo h an 1I11!lI'nc. II"
[w, l Will . l'n II. . . (((oll l :.Iml UI1 'c lln uml' WilY In whl l'h .'111(1 'I',ll" .. ~ ., 1<1 ;\1'111 "., til H(' 'nd H. AmllHin l;' an d bll!i. \' Ia , 'h" '1n mt counly, IJII I. ",a l l'lll ' rtn lnin",. Lllu t'o ll!,(lJ ly A m e r lc-:i n IIlc>1l<. ThuI'.·do )'. It IIlIg-ht ha , '.. b ·cn you I' ~lo ,'~' 0 " MI' . and 1\11 . Arnul~l . 'ull~L~ ilL· 1Il11l1' . Llllltl d ~he Georg lOWI1 ffl l!', FI'I(lay. Th ' .I a dl '" o( the BapLis L '111 ",,,,11111' l 'l'd a n " Cold fn s h , :III'S. ·lIu l'le .., l't~l:u·t a lld 'l :HIt;h· n l'Y sO(' h' ty !l 1'(jn~o hum e ur M I'. th "t l uda s 1" ... ri 10 'fl' t' ,·c L l' ~'li HH ~rn' a( n dC'<1 th ... o n 'I 'h(l r~.dny m la (lli '111. " l\II'R. "n<1 y'lI r a lII ~t. of lio ll G'1I'e n by ih c Guild ' ·.pISl'opn l c h u l'c h. ,\Tuy ,w l< "ill . f.))' 1"'Ug'1'tl 111 01' l11u " 1 a l num · Ih(l n c\' o l.I o ~· (1 I1 ac l(w I' 11 an.:l hlA (· \·C' nl n ~. ins ll'u , g v I n l li n" hlllln c In bl'ltl e. lil e 1'01'111 ' I' }] ~ h· n '{l I'I' ll l h I'U ' Jo~' I '" ln at h l a tr ip to
~l lJ l llt ~ I'''~·
LOW EASY TERMS -ASK your Mnytaq dealer about the aman down paym.n t and the low, euy terms that let you have your ~a~alJ NO~.
Fair ley Har dwal e S~ores LnrJ,:f'r Heell." sf' .. t H.-·lt er ClullliI,~' , S;'r\,h'I', :wcl Prlf'f'. W ,\\·NES \ · ILI .I'; l'1I0 ~F. :l2 I O:~8
Ii:s tll bll Hh ed , 11149
Estate Oil Heatro la has already Blr tJ brough t care.fre e, <IE BSy- Ch' , homes of heatin g to thousa nds offices, apartm ents, ,tares and Made by the origina tor s of the cabine t home heater. Simple . Beautif ul. Amazingly economical. Bums No. 1 furnace oil that looks like kerosene, costs less. Easily installed. Circula tes clean, health· fui warmt h throl,lghout the rooms, Requir es minimu m of care.
Pboa e 7 '
WH, Y .W ... AIT ?
Have your Furna ce clea ned and repair ed now. Also u compl ete line of New Furna ces. . G~ttel'in,; and Co ndu ctor work. All ki~d~ of ~o.ofs repaired' a nd painte d, Also asbest os shmgl e sldmg for old houses E.tim ate. Free nable Pric~. Rea.o
P. La rric k
Tho 900 5 01'1.. E. ,.,. Oil HMlrola. Marle / .. It- 10M oi. . . (4000 10 9000 cub ic fonf (/flUIdly),
(Left) EXCLUSlIIE, IHIENII· FIRE All' DUCT b locks the upw8ld- ruahing
. Ele~trician and Plumb er . Wayn e.ville
heal, sends it out into the, roema instead of lelting It esc~,pe up Hue. Turns waale Int:> warmth,
Place :You r Ord er Now For
-'" Ac t NOl;lJ!
McClure Fun era l H.o me
- _ _..l
:l lld
---- ---t - --- --- --.-- ----
K-e offer a sQ't isfac tory Service at all time s
\\' II ~<J n
. Irs . '" a ltel's : p rom in e nt CleveInn,I cl ubwoman . h e ad s Ohio worn· M il pmaitilll: nn Old Ar t 0 11 In II Tl lltinu ·w lde hou se wives' II gh l ngah tAt lax es "lha t luc l' case Mnpm ,lking is Cl'lllllri(' ~ old. E ven n nC il'n l B llbyloninn~ ou tl ined th en- . lh e cns t II! 1I1·ln g." S he Ie Ohio lI e miJer of th o nationn l c ommltte o country in clriy . And ca r iog r apllt' r s of the Nlllio n n i COIiS lIm e l'S Tax (maprn irkc rs) of th o~e :!nys we ren ' t Co mmls si oll . Un itl! of t he Com· an y lOo' p a rt icu lnr aboul galling all mis,lo n _"'e b e Ing for mod thro ughr the fac ts befo re lhey m ade thei u l Lhp s l a t ('O :1 R part o f tho nationa l o ma ps. Th e r e was th e Greek ~c hol · ,Ir il' e 0 11 h n and olltel" taxes nr, for l'xampl c . who ml' a sured Ihe Ih at " nilll to til e bUl'd en of th e con• tt III I·. " dis l,,'nce betw een t wo !o\vns and [r om th:'lt ca lc u la ted t Ll' s ize of the e ntire l'arlh t SLlI.HI·l'iiJ. , I" '1'1, (· :\11/1 1111 ClI zette.
Spence r Tracy and Mickey Rooney in " Boys Town"
Idc it
\\' Hyn,':-:vl llt , TII (· iitl n ~· .
"lI lI s ln Hn l! ItIK " II',' , ;\ 11'. :1 11<1
' ~1 1'. lI lHI :\·II·!j. Ed will'l.l Jlmnm nn \\'llh ~lI ... s gc1 nn l·uJl n ha " . e1olhlllJ.\ I" nll'l: l: 'WIO hlu. fn.m . l lls speclll .Ind dau g ht ' I', ~1I!ls E lea nor, of BUII'~ r~\'IIII', woO' . Sumln y g uests of slly, to l'ecp lvl' 1"';tr'Ut'l Ion In Lll(' n. .\1" . n nd 1\ll'fI. J o hn ' V. Edwar ds fll'st PI·ojP. ·t 1(,"Ro :'B lcol11 lllg C'"I(lI'" In Il,',!'!''' \1'111 I' 'd\' ll1u jO I' '·lIIpl1a. If< In th ltl f ll'~ L I !'BO II wh il e' ('1.1 10 1' in (·It .(h lr'll nf·. C!"RHO I'I.,,, fl nfl· ('0 lel I' t' mhill :1t;'.lIl ~ \1'111 II !ltllll".'(1 In the H I'o n(\ Ila l't u( Lhe
1·· rll 'oI (
\'i",dlnn" ,.I'lH .....,'0y .
:\11' .
HOl' n t"
(,l' ni Plln iu J
Th l' IlW'll be l'S of th {)lIv O! ill'u nc h L.a lll ·s· Aid Soc I ty met n L th hom e :'111'. . ,\ lIn;l F I'l'ls . Thu t's dny u f o 1'·I·nl'ull . wlLh n r of h.1I1 tI 11I·L'H(,1I1.
SIli'1i "nd
1...(' I.11l1n n
(,Ol'JIi 'I' r \\'0:\11 '; :'>/ 'I' IIIS I·'A U .
1< nt t hf~ " ' P IT Y lil) l'U t~ .
I·'c.nnl( .\ Ip ' -ny of
;-.i ll:l w 11 th'l1 ~ hh " ', ,Ia ll' "
" 1 II g h 1'1 ,;Itl n''''B1 ~ . T IIl:,\ ~
L. Garner '
W{" 'l'
ilnc/, .1 1(";1(' 11 ,· ,·
Beech Gro ve .1I·ssi
.1. \\ '.
~ lI l·Sls.
mulhl' I' " r 1',·I.·n l'tfl nll d
Vte nnn \' I~itt ·d I it II il" ~ on !-i of t il<' ,\ I t' r oy Ha·o!". J,:1 ·ft"l l·Y .
~ f !"l I(, I '
1II0" 11l1l 1111 .. th e h nlllt' or 1.11'. lhh) ('Hl11l1l ll1 l i' .,· . lll l'~ ll l" i r \\ it ll .tlld ~ I I'H. I iI ',·I.oe ,·t Cn r,·. diP tl1 wl ·d -,, J1IUllb, ' I'f ' t ' \ \ rll nllh\~ 111'1'
li nt! U II
,:'\; \ '\V
1 1"\\' t ' I ' ~ :1
~ h·s .
MI" a nei
;..\nl lll'dJl .\ ,
IJfll ltl,'i.
incl) IHUng' at
1·t'llIlivl' ~ h(' I· .. • !'-\ulld :l r,
\ l ll'H ,
Lt ,I ,;, 1I 11 11
':'\-11'. : 11,, 1 .\ I I·~ . \, ',' nu 'I' 1)"\\' 111',\ ' till d ;\ 11"" ' 1,,1'1" 1' J O' . t : I 'n ~' Il nu V('I'nt' :1 :I t J' . I.IIi 'l'H 11 11 lr t ' 1l1 " rt: Ji ll vd ,1 .. r:ln1i ('.11 i.(· I(.l)' Hll tl iff "I' Donlll\ I' , SlIlldolY . , +111111 , IJ1J1 IH \y nlc ll ~;t 1'11'1'''. t. n au thl' f'1I '1J11'1":'C T it ..! .\1 I ~ ; IY r:I IHlI i, ';4 : 1 1 1"IH Jt~ d ' t il" (, ray " nil f;"n11.\·. I .. I"'~Il ! t ll t 1)1' t ill' !llJ . hlilldr,'d il l :1 1l I I ' l J" 1l 1\ 1:11'1, "1,l'm Ih c w f'('k "ml uf lilt , t"illllItH II J.!' l ' Y 'l{ l ilt ' iv\'I'SlI lI h. c' nl lhpl·t" E II' lih 1,, ·1' " IHI,"· (,I' . f llll : dl J :l1l1 U:qlli NI ".. lllIIT h . ~ lIn .lItY Omy fin II I.. - ',\ 1,'. ' IIIHI .\l rH. \\·"plI·N,·III,· IIml lIa ullht('I' Ha l' ,a,'" IlI...·; II · J 1:t I'\·"r :iI IlIl·J,:'. .\11 '. fi liI! ~ Jr :-:. ,\ . H . ' f';llI i Ul,I.': .I, Lt 'f' had :1M t il.· il' ~u nd lJY <lltU1I ' " g' lIl.slf; lind '1 . tll':l),. ~ II · . ;11111 :\h·~ . St a n. T lI ll1 U1 ;" ' \ :In ti ~h) lI. ,,\11 " ' 1"1 I.,·. '
Ad " c;"I1"" \\'I hnln g l t", (';,111'.1 ~ ll's.
Ill JoIt' t, l 'i ll h-
1 'r.lId,
• UI1"
f11'ny HJl 01
II" Y ;IIHI .\{u'HIIIY w lLh hN' Ru n . A I, h l l l' l
About f' iJ: l1 -
PI'O" .:I .
~l lIn .
Amllndn • Wi tT IA Inll f' h 1m·
~ " ·s.
II I 1,'II It"' hll ,I'" Rll nliar .
"Bank Night"•
I ',
1.;1 , ft, n }V
Ht' I ' \
1\111,1("' 1' fl'om Wllrnlu!;'} IJ[l, \" "y n,''''' l' ll1£' n nd pi her 1'"lll tH .
(Ill' r. 1o·H. :-i1l)'lI h 1'l. Sui'lI sfl'l' )H l u ft. ltf \)' \ I • w", ' I( ' '' ' 1(1 wi th h ~' 1' Ilr ll ndl'ul n n n d hlH "a.l' . \VIr" " I XI ' nln . .\In•. '1'. '1' • • "1 >1\ • .\l I~. I ' u I " .·lIHIt ~ unl"' Y ~II ·H. \ 'h l' 1l0\l'o"lh " pr ill
" " "Ilin go \\'ill) G .'aYJi. I, ,\I)'. Hlld ~ II·H . (, h~r "'" 1';11 1" d s l n",+nrn -..-I" lron.. o f .'';
Frida y -
fr("5 1 nll' nt !-t Wf" I'f'
ly lWI·so n ,.; \\' (.WP lJl'p:o:p n t
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on. l 11:l ti l-: h t
Satur day
M'·. . . " "\"'l'd
W il l l),-:I1"· ... r "'llltll \\~n~ h "I HUlI., .. I' I J'l t.' lulR
fnllU WI't1 hr r,,11 >flru:H in w hiCh I, ll jul n u,1. .!, I f' 1If'in UtI I·....
1\1,·,.. ('wi'lI \'111 "1'''. JIll'. " i,".}I,·•. ntJ M~ ,'111111'" nllll I.hlhln·n .• fl· . ami :1 11'....
"I'nl illagt l :1 1,11 .1 ~:it(
~h ll (1.
m rnln l nrl'nnj;P lI
(Right) DOUBLE·CHAMBER BOWL BURNER delivers clean, odorless , blu e fl ame. Simple- no wicks, no moving mechllni cui part., Adju sts with finger- lip controL
lEW 1939 CHEVROlET Also A Large Selection .
O:f Ne w an d·U se d Reat~rs
FairIey Hardware. Sf-ores \V AYNES VVlILB , 0.
rvi ce Ba dg ley Ch ev rol et Sa les -& Se~~,~ ",", . -
Lar,er B_.... of B.ti;r Q_lIlJ1. E6.... ll&I.M 1849 • 1,938
Lotal Happen-ngs_ I';/( 1r"lu\.
with 1111 at ·
1>1\1" "11('1'.
1!l ~ 1
nu·,II". thllll'ulllt" ',1 111111' GO. ~'ail'l"Y H,I\",'. )';'url'.
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1I,'n' • '1\'111111111 (,.,Ilt-rs \\ <'I " rw. n ntl :\11':4 . fnil' lall. 1i"rltlllY. I.' on HALB- Onr N'u. t~r, 1:11" n1o'l' :l lhl <'I~ltlln'l', 1', ,";0 . \1111. I AII ~:I , tllurlll rt 'Yh ul' I"" ,r Lylll' 1j17.~ Jo'h I' a," 1-I'Jl Uhl HI ~I,· .• , ~ ' . I'; l~ 1\\,\ 1',1,. III I):I~ lilli, II·II~. (lITll' I' ~I,I" I 'If lit' . !.-II,,/. Al L·llnLllll un. $2G. Fall'! Y ~11Il'(,. ",. 11'1 '" hI' g\Il' ''1 "r ill'" ,IHII" · . )l l N. rll lllll'y on l:lullIif,y . H II ~" 'w lI 'L 'lInn r , · T III'. :. ,)' . ~II· . li n ,, ,,'R. L . \' . HI~\nHII'lIhn' A !lllll( \II <)n 11.1' f:nllll will O{' Ill'" I t'I''' l ha \\' ,bf'l' . nl rtallnl'd tho u llll dl'"j;lttpl' 1'lIth," 'IO£, W .,. dh, lwr II nl(lll al III Cil'nll~ m ling nt· rllll \l",jl\ll r,1 mds ( ,. III I ny!t.lIl. TIII'H' ~ U I'RI~ (I n SlIi\Lli.y . If :\1,1'1. II"" H; • I I'''''~' nl,,1I1. \ I( oli a ll ncJn Ilce Is 1<)1" 11 1',,;'('<1 , dll ~' I v" nlng . :HI·s . H uh '\'1 F l ln.I, )ft· ... 11:.• n"~' 11 11<1 ,In tI'llt 1<) 1' :'In 1'1 h', or I' '11 1'1 :\'VI'I'II!, l\~'II , l'\lnu :'1\' 'ultl l un ",111'. Ulh '· . I-:'\I. I ~ wpi·1' i',1" , n n~1 1.'urlll'R 1111"U ;\11'. :uHI l\l'I'~ . "'II '" ., II IIfI rtu II /!,Ilto,' 1'I:JH'1I1l E>. "'I,·s, t" . ( . ' ,\ ntlI' Q'llLlI'1 nll,1 ,Inug h. dllttll'('n Wl"'''' Sll'Hln~' ,llnIl C" t,;Ullsts ~Il' . 1I 1It! !\t1'1I. J . 1'1 . ' l'It bb,' h ud li S " ' I' M Il I'Y ur \\· l1ml ngIQ n. u( ~\t .. nn,l ~ I,·~ . r~a wi' ' ;1 c Fu,·nfll!. ;\11'. ' n nd ;\1 ra, '1'lllImnll Il n ,·( tln a lld ,, " n,ll1) ,11 1111 I' g ll .. ~t " .\11'. lind ':'III'A. 1\1'1'. IIIIIt ~II·~. CL'<lI'Ill' O"bo n, of fam il y s l1Pl1l HIIII<1 Il Y \\' Ilil ~II· . 11 11 ,1 Ll'iU'lIulI w, ',',: SlllHl n), gu('~ ( s of II. .\ . I I< ( ht"h <if Ox fo rd . ~ I ... I1'HI Ml'tI. Wlil ium "1" ~'lId :ll nl. !' . H . • ~u nrncJ tlr I:"" 1111 1111!:!U nA'~ II nll fallllly. " I'"' II I :u",I IIY w ilh :II" . IIncl :l11·~ . . 'pl'fn~:-c , J' r . 1'11 1'1 IIII .. II;(ll· k III II nlll III.u II . HlIncla)' j:;'lI 'S IS of ~I.·. u nd MI'';. fll lllll y wer e ( 'IIlI,'lel' /'ill . 2:l211 SIIII,I:I)' In ll' >!!. · or :11.. , ll lld i\/t.!!.
Mnrlon Jacohll ot Dayton WU 11 • nl urdn~' j;'U('llt of Mr. and 1I11't', lJurol(l )~u·nhurt .
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Annive rsary Sale l{o.T"~ X ., ... . . .. " .. ".. . ' .,. . . . .. .. .. ". . .. . .... %lJc 1.211 8 \ ' 11111' I'Jt:I'SIN .... , ......................... .. .. . $1.00 5~ lc on, I>JUI{l~ m.f:. ' :00('0 cout... vnup . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 45e
21;(' Ni\'rIOS,\b lU 'l! AU·Ollo.L ... : . . .... . .. . . . .. , ... , . .. . 19e1' ('wry ,\m !OWI )N FACF. Po.WU EH . . .... .. .. , .. .. .. ,." . .. . . $1.00 U"'{E~SO~ 1\JlLI{ CW NAG . Ill. .. .. ........ •. .. . ... .. . . , . . . S9c rolli' A1"'<I~S, 'UN ,\N'fIS m"rll; 0.11. . ... , . .. . . , . ... , .... .. .. .. 4 3c 35(' 'Ieli ' , ,\I_,' E . .. , .. . '" . .. . .. ... ...... . . , ... , . . .... . %ge 5 lb. EI'SOS S,\LT ~ .... ..". .. . . ... . . . . . , . . " . . ". .: . . . . . . .. !lie 501' t:N01': N11 INI~ . .. . .. .... .. .... .. .... .. . .... ...... . .. 43c ,<' l ' I.L LINE 0.1" un. Imss STU('J{ ANH POl VfR\, REME))JES
HIli {lJIICIiES WOIBI ('APSUU.iS .. .. .. , . .. . ... ..... . . , . .. $l.IiO
(Worlll Now)
o o
D o
Announcing The,Openiny, qf
o o o
o o
Waynesville"s New
Bow i.g
Alle.-J ...
On Monday Gct. 17 .
DAman o
At 7:30 P. M. . Bldg. . . ~a~n
free Bowling To l~dies 8n Opening Ni~bt .
It'S'I' AIUU\' lm FRJt;SH. BOX CANIH'I l'OlJlr;U I',\GE A'NO SHAW . . ... . .. , .. .. .. . .. .. .. . $1.00 1 l'OI ' NO ;\L,I('E ULUE .. ... ... .. .. . .. . . .. ... . .. 60c lIt. "'''''ESSON n n ,\L('OHOI, .... .. .. .... ... .. .. . .. .. .. L lIt. ~iI'I\I£ SON ANTISEl'TfC SOLUTION . ... .. " (881' , 'A I,UE) nOT II 59c 1'J<Jl'SOUE'NI)' AN1'1. III ALE? nOTTLES .. .. . . . .. . 100 l\(cl{Jt';" , UN CUI) LIYER OIL TABLES , , .. : . .. .. , .... , . . 100 WIlI'I'E COD .LI\'EI~ 011.. TABJ.JETS .• .. ...... ... . . , ... W !\(clffiS ON 1I \UBl' T U\'ER. o.IL i\"S ... .. . .. , . . . . .. . $1.011 CIIE,'RO'N 1101' W;\TEU no.TTLES . . .... , . . . . ... , . .. $J.:Ui ('H Jl: ntO~ FOl; ~T"IS' SYU'I NGE . . .. . , . .- .. , . .. .. .. . .
' 3ge
SOc Sge S9c 7ge 8ge .
~1.511 ('In:\'IW~ ('O:\iBI:>rIA'I'W~ SYRrNGE .: .. ,., . ....... , '1.19
n U
Quality Meats
1" RTI~I~e, ,ATI~,~a,Dlt.aF..!le" of These Low Prices D o n(,iii!it~, .. ., "''''' "" Chili'll III . . . . . .. . 18e 1J,'cr Sill,." nibs, lb. . .. , .1il(' SwlYR SI('III" Slioultl<'I' l:u'~ III 2 1(' SII'al" . hest nit s. "hlll' I< 110 ~!l(' IClllc, Rmllul III' I ",in, Ib " . !lIltFI'C8b (:rolllul I kll' r, 2 lb. 30('
o Q
Bowlfn . g0
LU Nell
ThIl'IIIt, 3 lb. pif'I'C, lb. .. .
Smlllled Culllef!, '~b . . . .. .. . .. 181'
.·Smo. m...clu!ll i-Iolll". lb. . . . 240 Whole 01' J-f.a l( JO'~I BIIC'Oit, 2 '111. .... .. . : .. 27.· CoHJtI:". Ha1ll8, Ih. . .. : .. . ,. af)c' Bfrillgim, 2 lb. , . . ... . .. . ,.. . 281' 'Frlu!k's 2 IIr: . , .. ,. , .. . . ... 321' Wehu'l'1I, lb. •. . . . ..... :. ~ . .. 23c' 'l\sllOrt«l J .ullch ~Ieut l'Ollsl/ltlll/r of I'ork 'jCIIII, Olin' ·1.uur, Nut ~lltf, \'001 Lout, lb. .. .•. . .. 23c limn 'lIIude PIUI puddlu.!: lb. 11k·
IIff j'in(I(, I' R,l n
11 .111
1lI~ I'o.UT
~II·R .
l 'hl ll ic~'III I'.
llt1f't1 s v('nth bll't1,rI.:.y ann!\'(" '''''''Y,
tit " l :c'I',,"II,," n hnnqu cl nl • fem ol'ln l 11 11 11 . L ' III IIlIIII, Frid a )' n ' nln g \\" '1'1'. :'11'. II li d. ;\1.·,. . .l , Ii. l ·II :,,'nll,n. 1'11'>1. . ' I1 ~ "h Tlnn,·)" M,·, II lId M rl". 1.,'on· 11 1',1 '1'111'1<')' , i\11·. n n" :\IT>I. " ' 111 SI,'(lu". ;\(1'. a nd l\! r ,... I ~" I'I IllIrlll·lt. ~I' ·" . ~ '" ld.' y Hidg-" I( tl ~s I IIII·t aul'll 1I 11t1 .1. ' '. J! nwk(', .\1" . nnd Mrs . J oh n ,\ I:l OI M :II1cl fll t1lfly h" ..." 1110V d (.'Om lh oll' f a l'1lI I', 'e nUy I1l1)' ha::; t1 by K 'nnl'lh Il o Ul-[h to 11 tnI'm n ('a .. 0 nntowI1. h: lin lh Wo lard !l nd rnmll)' will bc IIPY I hI) (arm "::ten t il I Y thl' At'I:.IllH, F( I t '.\ t..l!:-On uBcd dl'culiLlIn,:: h e" I" " . hll'g size with 11 1\' gl·.llI:lM, , Sr. . 1"1111'1 y Htlw e. ' tore. :II,·. l, no Mrs. Shel'm lm I'ton at CJII Inn uII hflve moved Into th e roy· m il n I :ous h PI'op cl'ly 011 Rout e 73 . :'.\J'. nnd IIt'·I!. A , H . lubbl! IIno r" l1Illy IIlll' IIl1ed the 10'11 11 Fest\\,lIl Ilt
Mr, 1111(1, Mrs. lInrold - Enrnhurt unil ohl1dl'o o MI', and. 'MI-a. Eurne~t . mllrahlll't nnd (11111<1.· n 1II1!! ' Miss Chlr!! 'oau~htol'lI w 1'0 dlnnel' gUU8lll of Mr. IUll1 1\frs, KfII'l Bubb Ilt XCII ' In. T h o dlnne1l' wn8 In honor or the hh'lhdoy IIn nlve rsnry' l'o'raster Hal" • luu ICr\ rllhllJ't, Earneul ., El.\I·nhart und
Mrs. l{nrl D bb. J\t\ss Ayle n ' Mnln ous lort Satur· dllY (or Il visit to I' laUves in St. l'olersb ul'I; . Florhln,
R4l!IerVil District No. "
The Way~esville National Bank
i'll', li n d "",,,. \\'111011 1' W "I,IIII',1 [' n· Of " ' 11 ." """ "1/1", ill Ihl' Stall' of o.hl", lit the ('hlNe or buslnl"8 on 'September h \\' to oblnlll l rlltl n {'d wllh a flll1lll)' dln,wl' Hu rt · ~Il, 1!l:IH,I'uhlishl'll III 1'('111)0111111 In cnlllllado b)' ('ol1ll)trollcr of the c urrenc')', day In 1I"ltHl' or Ih ~ 11' M IIII \\' III ) \II" ~ 111111,'1' ~('dillll .; 211, U. S . ItCl'lscd SlaluCll8. .
toller 11, 1.11
I"RES II HOME DUES I!:D J'ORK nili'll Ulllle, Ib .. . . .... . . .. SIIU''Cl fUb~, Ih, .......... . . .. 15c Fresh Callies, Ib .. , . . " . .. lG'l ie I'nrl' Slt'nk, lb. . . • , . . . .. . " lIOc I'orl, Chftl'~, II). . ... . '!'. , . .... liSe l~rm!lh Sltlt" Ib, ." '.' .. . . .. . .. l~c " 'r esh IlulII, ,,·hole or hall Ib %Ic I'url, 1~lill HOl\8t, .I b, .. .. . . . 220 ' Fl' 'lih PUI'e Pork Sausage, bulk Jb 18c'-('usc ing, lb•. . . ~., . . . 20(' . 1'01'1, Bud, Strllp, Ib, .....• a%c 1'01'1, Tenilerllllll!!, lb. .. .. .. . . 3lJc I'ork IIflll.1'S, lb • .' • . . . , ... 12~c Fn'sh )'Ig Ife t, t'twh . ... , .. . Go . PIII'1l Hoille Re,t'lll'red 'Larll 2 lb. fllr ~3.c
JrANCY VEAL ShoultJer nunsl", Ib; ' . . . .... .. , I'oc:ket RttU8t, Ih, . t .. " . .. " ('tI0118, !Shoulder, lb. . ... .. , . ChOPlf, Ulb nnd ~.ct\;n, lb. . , . ICouncJ . Vt'nl Cutle~:~, Jb; ,. ..
Free Delivery.• Phone 66R2
'f1rc He ~!k:
'''''. I'S we ,'(' laf<l rol' ~lt· , II n,\l i\tl'~ . r: olly r. lo n gel' nnel !ion IIIHl JlI ... li nd :III'S. H olJt' I' l "long " . Til e fu flo\\'ln~ clIlIp le" e nJoYl'd n f{ ><h C.·~, ' "111 JlI ('lIlc HlIPlle,' n l F t. An lC' nt Hun(f(lY l' l' e nlng: '.!t.. nml :\1,'8. l\! l'lill Fulk(,I'Mon. All'. li nd :l11·H. 1 .... lko\\'n . )1,· . li nd )\11·s. HilI< . >,(' 11 .H ofl i(lny. ".\t.. li nd lilt'S. RIIRsc l1 F'·!Ink. Sup!. n llli :l11·s . Ci ll l'!< t "nd 11,·. IIno ;\11''' . RII1I1t. J\ III a ll g I h os e f .. olll h c l' who n t· I('nil d ti ll' line IIlll11ln'(lth n nnl \'/.' ,·. t<," .y o f til ' J OII" h'R nlln Ha ptl!<1 ( 'hul'e'h wurl) ,\I.', lIml )11'8. nns~ ] In ,·l s ul'k. )11·s. l· . II. D ell th e rage. 1Ifl'!! .. BE>!ls le Va " " ' llIl<lc . n ml 1\II·s. " ' lIl1 nm Luk n ~ u nd flllll il y. :\11', n nd :. ..·11. \\'lIyn Dymond u n!!. II n a nd 1\1,·s. Dymond 's PII 1'(' nl", 1)1'. 1111(\ i'''·s. Elli s n. Bubby Hu s tings Invltell R<! vel'nl ot hIs little ne lghbol'h o d Illa ynut tes t o
A SETS 1...01111" a "d tli"·''' '" 1>l . . . . . .... .. • .. : . .... . . .... . . . . .. . .. .... $1G3.491.71 (I n'l'lI 1''' I',,, . . ... ...... .. , . . , . . .. . .. . , . , . . . . . .. . . .. '. ,.. 208..41 U. ~ . Uu\, . lI hllll'a llll lll'. dl l'\!ct n nd Clllly g uurn nl eefl . . .. . . , .... 127,G36.2U 0 111 1'1' Is . "I, ... IIS. nnd Ite lIl'Illl'8 .. . ... .... ... . . . . .. . . . . . 12I,475.7£i ·lllll llill J.( h"lI . I' . $, ,{ 1" ul'nllure Illld rlxlureli $1,600.UO ... ' ." 9,600.00 H" ,.,'I·,·,· \\'1111 1"",1<'1'111 HL' Ii" I'V(' blll)k .. .. . . . . . . . 41 .991.01 ';""111. 1,"I11 I1 C' ,·'; \\'lIh utlle l' b:l llilfi. Il nd clIsh \t('IJ)S ill I'I' n l ' C'S!'4 tli" (,1) lh'<! tio n , . .... ... . . ' . . .... , . . . 8&,4&6 .46 tlu~ t· UI'lS":- l :-: • • 24.66
., ', ....... . . . .. .. . . ... .... .. . . ,.
. , .. S5H,888.79
LMDlUTIES Dl' lII l1 nd deposIts. Jnrif"ldun ls, purln I'S hlps, :111'\ CUI'POI'IIt 10 11" .,', ... .. .. . , . . . • , • . .• . . . , .• . • • .. .. • . . .•• . $309,992.10 l' llll C' J'~ Jl O"lls or ItIlUvlrlUIIIs, Ilurtnershl\ls. nnd cO ....JO .. utlo n.. .. 49,766,87 "\II t ~ ('ou n l),. '-' li d lllunlclpul l.I e \los l f~ .. ... , .. . . . .. .. , . . .. 67 ,741.96 Ll . S. (;"" c l'nl1l ent nnd pos tnl ,laving-a dCllosl18 . . ...... .. . ,. . .. 97.68 D f' tJl'sl\fI s q :;:e d hy pl ~'dge o f louns and. 01' In l'(',.tI11 0 nI8 . . .. .. . . .. .. " . .. . . ... . , ..... . , 60.96G.45 ))1' 110 Its nOl s('c urt'u by Vi dg or lonn s und " Invell lnw nts .. . . . .. . •. .. .. . . ... , . ....•. . . 366,622. 14
TOTAL !JEt' ~ 11' ... .... . ..... .. .. .. ...... $427,68 .59 'Omllll lTl "<loc l~ . 1000 " hul'es, !JI'1' $7 5 tl I' IInre " .. $7&.000,00 :';u '·I.III" . . .... .. .. •.. . .. .. . , ... . .. . . .... . ..... . . 20,000.00 l. ndlvld ,'d \1l'Ufil s--nl' t .. ...• .. . .. . .. . •. .. .. . ... 27.:195.20 T TAJ... UAI' I'!'AL Al'C'O :\'"1' ...... ...... .. .. .. . .. .. . 1 22,296 . ~ 0 hlH heime MondllY vt'nlng to Iwl ll TO'!'A L LIAlIjLL'I'I.J::H . .. . . . .... . . .. .... ...... .. . . .. . . &49,888.79 him clebl'llt e , his '''~ \' e n l h iolt1.ltdllr. I I. ~. C:Ol'('rnnll'nl obllgullons. dlt·,,('{ tlml Cutty glllll'lInl ed .. . . 61.677.21 11.132.36 \\'"lnel'8 we ro l'OlUlt (1 0\,(' 1' n n (Il,en () UH'I' hun,!.q. s toe l iI. o lld Be ""11I "~ .. . . .. ... ,. , ...... . . ( Ire and Il picnic s UPlle,· e njoyed, IIf. 1'OTA J. PLEli C .I!:O ( x ludl;g re disco unts ) . , .... .. •. . . .. . . . , 62,809 .56 le I' which Sto rie n ncl gll l11 NI u mused l'll'cljll'tl: tht' lItUe tolks nnlfl bC'dlime. A gu lll!olt l';tlll . count)', nnd ll1unl"lpnl d epo:;l\s . . .. ... , . , .. 'Mr. nnd Mr!'l. S . D . H e nkle ur T TAL PLEDGED .. , . . .. . , ... , . .. . . , . . , . .. , . . . . $ 62,809,56 L e bnnnn vlsllCt1 1\11'. 01111 1I11·~. u rl Duke undny oft. ,'1\oo n nlltl I'(' n . . tal <: of Ohl" . Co unty of W ritTe n. !.IS: Ing. 1 , }{"s" 11. I Jrll' lHOck, en>!hlcl' o f Ihe abOve ,nam ed blink . do solemnly SW fI l' tlllI.1 th e tl\)ovc s ta loment Is tru to the b st or my kn w1edge nnd 1\[1'. and Mrs. h u rl s B.err)' and h,lIl p", c hildren atten ded the Drown ounly ROSS .... I RTSOCIi, CaMhler 10 Hlul 9u bflCl'lbec1 be foro mo lhls J lit tillY of tob ' r , 1988. L . H. Cl'ol'dol1, Nolury Public. NOTICfj: TO. CONTRA(JTOR (" " "'aN- At lesl : FUR OIDS Ocurll'c J. "W'lllll'house, Nolle Is her by given tllllt tit L . E. J\(,ck[tt . boa rd of trustees of W uy n o to\\'n· H . A. 'om en. Dll'ootors. ship, W a rren oumy will ..eeel,· se~ l ed bld.~ tor tb (allowing InhOl' and repulra o n the Township House In 'Vnynesyll\('. Contract to fUl'nl s h mt\J.~ I·lul and IlIbor to do n ecessary bri c k wO"k on 'Enst end . at bulldAJlg In gu lrle al8~ rel)nlr " cornice or T ow nsh lll house. ~re8t end brick worlt lIt'ound lower ~orth window, soCt bl'lc kH to be reo placed with n ew brlel. nnd oll craoks to be plnster d. Front end brick work to be pnlnted two (2) coats. All wood worlt, door, windows nnd cornIce to be ~a.Inted two (2) coals on ouLslde' or bulla.tng. ColOr-brick to be palntell gray and a ll wood worlt to bo paInt· ed whllp... In Towns hip room nod CQuncll . room flll loose plastel'lng to ,be tf;lken 0(£ and ~a:tChod, all lal'ge crack!! nnd holes , 10 be ' 1l0lntQd. 'Roome to be ptiJnted , WlIlls ~l\d cell. Inll', cream color, two (2) COlltS. All bids to 116 ~rI by 8 p.m. Tues. dol' Oct. Ii', 1938. Trustoo8 to I' erve right to reject any ()r all bids. This contract Is to be let as a ~hole, one party to turnl~h bid tor the enUre Job. ))ONATED BY L. H, GORDON, Clerk; BEST 1~II·EICSONATlo.N OF JilClt tl nd JIII~2 1 1\1. bOICIlS or cnnely ' . . •• . .. .. , . .. . . Baird' Dime $tore Sept. 28, Oct. 6. Llttl Tomm:y TlIc l< er-4 qls. 011. - CUinpllClIs an,1 K ennedy 's Se r. Stu, Pete r, f'untpldn EntCl·-$l.OO Mdse. . . •. . .. .•.•. .... : . .. .. Ford Oarage LEGAJ. NOTICE MJ,Rt re8s ;\Olury- Elgltt. Hnrdy 'Perennlals . , •. . . .. • . . , . . Elmer 'Pet rElon Maule Township Littl e MISIl Mufretl- $t.OQ Trnde .. .. .. .. . . .... Mendenhalls Dry Cleaning Lltt! .-Tuck HOl'nar-6 go l goa8. . .. . . , ... ... . . . nmpbeIJ!l q,nriige, Lytle NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX Old Moth e l' lIubbard- 26 lb. flOur .... • . . . , . . . , . .. J~nel! Grocer)', Lytle Little Boy Dlue-BOc Miltie. . . .... . , . . .. . . • . . . , . , .... .. , . . .... Gult Inn LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN The Quee n of Hellrtll- 25 Ibs. Clour , . ... . . . .. . . . .. ..... Krogers Orocery MILL LJl\IJ'.IIATION The Cot uncl th e Fiddle- 1 Qt. Mlnml PaInt ..•• . . Glbbon8 Lumber Yar4 Humpty ))umptY-;$1.0Q Mdse. . . . .. . . . • :.. .. Berllnrd'l! -Service Station NOTlCE Is he r eby given that In Pel I' P lll el'- Oll Cbnnge . .. : , . , . • ... ,. : •. , . . ,.: . Crane'l! Service Station 1I1,oth el' Goo sc-'-J-,Inlr 'o ut, ShIl.lllJlOO! Flngerwa.v e .• ETClyp'lI Beauty ShoPl'e purSl/nnce _Qt a ResolUtion or Bourd I?lmple Slmon-Flllsh Light . . . , .... •. ', ' . " • . . , .• , . . . . ~Ol1et~lI, Hardware of Education of (he Massie To·w.o· Snqw White-SOc ' Mdse, ' : , .: ,', .. .. ;' . • " • .. ..•.. . . . , PecK's Restaurant ship Rurlll chool District of Wal'- Lit tle Btl Peep-1 qt. Ice Crenm : ... ',' .. .. , ... . ..•. . . . , .. .. .... LIttle Inn . rOn County, Ohio, p nssed on the 26th LilLI e Red R iding Hood-Cl\ange Of 0.11 .... , Fulkerson's"'Bervlce Station dill' ot A (1938 I -Mlckoy n nd Minnie l\fouse-2 1 lb. Boxes Cnndy .• ..... Baird'S DIme Sto ... . ugu S, , t 10 1'0 will 'L um and Abner-$1.~O Mdse . . , ...... ... , .. , . . . : . A. K. Dny, Dry G,ooda be ~ubm'tted to a VOle of the people Aunt ]do nnd Litt le CUfford-$l.OO Mdse . • . . • Grnhllllls Grocery, Lytle I!Iald Mussic T~\\'nshlp RUI'UI Chlll'li e 1I1c 'n.rtwa· -Bnrrltta S,",llvlng Set •• . . . ... .•.• Elzey:s Shoe Store. School DI~tl'lct at tile NOYE~mER Th e 1l1l'gcst mlls ked fnmllY.!..$1.00 Mdse. , •.. : .. . D. R. Smith's ·.GrOcery ELElCirlqN t~ be h eld In (he BaJd Tho Oldest Mllsked Person-BotUe HlInd .Lo((on ,.,' Oray'. Biu-btil" 8bop Most Original Costume-$1,OO ·Mdse . . , .. .. " •• , .. .. •. Wallace's 1. O. A. School District, nt the r egular Dopey-oOc 1\{dsc. ., . .. .. . " , •.•. , .. . . . . . . ' .' ... • •• . . , ., Thelmn'a Kitchen place8 of voting, on ~I:u osdny, tho Bob Burns-5 g1l1 g1ls .. •.•.. . , . .. " .• .. ... .•.. .. .• Allen's ··Sunoco 8~t1on · ~th dn;; of 'Novembel', 1038, the queR. Bukel'- GI'ellsC"nnd all check . . . . , . .. ; •.• : .• ... • ~Borden !1I 'Servlce Station tlon of levying Il tax III excess of Popeye-2 gal 011 .. , • ... . ;'. ' . '• . . . . ', . .• '•.• ', . , ,'. .. C()Jl,iers Serv. lce · 'S~flon '. . . 1'3 0110 of GllY 90's-5 .)b. Lnrd . . ~ . .. ... ....... . . .. . . Coylell N;eat' 'Market the t e n ' mill lhnitnlion for thl! beno· A I t -eli Ch . Mell b G rlt o~ Massie To\"nsllIJ) "' 111" .11 S c'hool v a 01' nnge .. .. .. , . '.' .. ; .... .... ... :..: " .. .. •.. . . o .s amge • ..... Clown-5 qts. 011. .,"', . . , , .. .• .. . , \ , .r , ~ . '" Routznhn's Ga1'll&'e, 'I.ytle District tOl' the PUI'llolie uf curr(}nt WhlmVY-$1.00 Mdso ., . . :: ... , •.•.. . , .. ... .. . , •.•• ,.," Fairley'/! Hnrd..tfu-e expenses of s/lid School -Dist rict at Polleemnn-25 lb. Flour · •. . . . '. .... . , ', . Wa},nesvllte Fllrmers ' lIIx'change Ol'gan <1rlnder.:....$l.QO Mdee. • ... ,." . . : . .. , . , ... ~ . Rolph .Johns GrOcery a. rate nO.t exceeding 2 mUls for ~ Wltol1-$l.OO Mdse. " .. , . .. , •. . • , ..... " .• ,.,', .., Maaden Lumber . Yard period of three y ill'S lnc-ludlng the 1'>10llt · Comlcul-6 tlokflts .. : ............ , .. ... . ...... !. . . . . Twin :I'iteater current ta.x yenr 1 938.1030·1U4\>. ' . . . CAS.. 'DONATIONS ' . tho }lo.lls for sl.I ld Ele( tlon wilt be S,fubbs FlInel'lIl' ~ome $1; Smith's Service Slatlo~ ,1,00: Everett J!)ai'ly' , . . ' ,1.00: J. P. Llm·lck. $1.00; Stokes Dairy, ,1.00: Preslorl. Dairy, ,1.00; open Ilt 6:30 0 ('lock A.1\'(. ·a nd. l'e; hm-I es Anderson : Sl.00: Sm1t.~'s Meat Shop '1.00: JaniesE. McClure, ';2~O: , muln . op.el\. until ~30 ~IclO(:k P. M', ,J:.eMay,1'lll.w!<. 1ns., 6Qci HRwJiell Barl,li!r Shop, 50ei Ride!!_ Studio, 60c; (E",<te,Iln S.ta~dl'lr:.d Tlmef of ~d 'J. ~. FI·IIIlI"r<. 'tIn Shop," 1i09. D\,. Mary QOok, 1I0c; Dr: , atout, ~60o J, B" 4,ny. •. . \ hu.pman . 1)0 ': W . B, sqUires, !lOe. DeCoroUon8 ao,..t~~)\ . 1I1yer Hyman'. By order or: tho' Bonrd of Ellectlons, nnd \VlIynelrvlll" n",ug· 8tol1l', '
Hallowe'en ·Carnivar- ~ Sponlord by
Mat·h ers' Club List,· of
o,t W'l1r':Cn County, Oldo. HAS. J. WAOGONER, . Cha.lnnan, 'V, H. RUSSELL, Dated September 10, 19a8. Oct. 8, U, 20, 21-
.-Moloreyle Rodeo •
··-L'-,-1- 8'-'- !- '~''''g- Clean-Up Yards to oel appeOID S ' , ----,-~ Discourage Rats
Here Slflday '
Dl·. a nd Mrs. L : B. Hall of a lum · Flans nnd Jo s t mInut e detn lIs have hu s 'v ls lted 1111'. a nd M rs. Hlll'ry !llc, completed to r th MiniAture "~['[~~~I" ;\~C;;~ O lnnl ll last 'r,huradIlY. I'oeell an d 1'0 d eo t a ,,"" Seth u nd Sarah Furnas and s on h e r e S unday. 0 t. 23. 'l'hh; d R th T S th JI' ,. n nd C urtis li n u am· Ill;! n t ook PC!I·t In uo (Lnp I ve rtllu'y dure,a v1ls . n nd, I' ",Idents or celebrlltlo'n o( the FI'I('nd's m eetin g his sect Ion nre rOrtUntlt e to hn v' Itt P 'nnvllle, ] nd .• S unday . the Dayton Moh n.wk :Iub ch o o~e l!.lr. lind MI'S, W ll lt.!I' M 'Candless this pi lle to Rillge the ir nerulr. or Mldd,1e town II' 'I'e SlIndllY ~ uest s Som e or tho rnllteHt m otol'cycl" " o( Mr'. alld Mrs. Joe l Stokes.. In the country will be hero Aununy ~1r. a nd !\'II'S. E a rl Dllvls of 011)" with rldel's who 01'0 dote rmlnou to ton SIHmt S undny with Mr. and Mrs . b ring dow.n fir st monc)' . Lo uis '''''ea ny populal' "short tmck" rltl er D. ' . Hillg. ou S v e ral eO UI)les enjoyecl li n uys ler of Dayton will. be hore to cle mons t· HUIJpel' at Ih o home of Mr. u nci Mrs.
Pointing to th o b1"l"f ",nl' on "alf< th at fea tures th(> dls t.·lhllti o n of, I'll'\. bait UU'ou" . " hout tlw. c o unty o n No \' . 4th, ou nt y ~, ge nt . J li vid Ull lt py', UI'l;CS 1\ cl ' n n ,url o f pl'c mls l< as u m ea n!' o r )ler mn nC'nt mt ridda nc e. },' 'Il e r n l r od e nt xp I·t s s u!:"l's t n 'elv ''I n11)1e (I II tl I's I h a 1 II' III Hu"d t a l n th o appcnl'nnc of a 1lI'('mI Re and meo n few er mis, he HII Y". H e re n l'e
F ,1R!\lliR'S CLUn M,'. a nd MI·H . . ~ 1'1 nuke entllr· lulnetl n'te m berR or he ''''lYn\! T o wn· !l hlp :Fartner's club lit th e ir bcoaull· ful ou:n t r y h om e on Houte 73, last Thursday. All of ~lP m"mher~ . bUl o ne fan Il l' a n s were,1 10 1'011 cu ll. Gu' ats Inc luded 111189 EIIY~'1 bO!l h G.I'U d dy and '" MI'. nud i\lrs . Tullis of L e lJa noil , Cap t, n nel, i\llsu PnttlsoJI of 111or\·o(o.· , Mr, und !'ill's. B lll'l'y Darst nnd Mr. lind ::\11'9. !:mm t S nyd ('r o f S )ll'lngho ro. 1111's. l'i n ,·y Cro s~ flnd Dr. n nd !Il1·S. H. E I-IlIthn\\,:,y . A ' mo"~ t Huml>tut ' UA d ltlllt' l' \I'll " servetl Ilt noon . FollowIng tlIIH th" 0
--- ~
Attend National Dairy Show
A 8('h oul IJ\IR lI )n d "r F . F . A . !J0YH ll.
ltI~NIl('r with th c' Instrll~ l o r J .
C- "'" I,I)e I, t t r,.I ',!. 111,. N," ll'o n,,1 1),'1 11')' .. h o w li nd h' ) r~ s ho\\' :1t C'ul\JlIlb ull I" " l ("rlcl ll), a nd :';nlurda y. This " h"w O)\'l't' ,.,. oPPI/nunlty to S(,,' s umr' uf th e , ' (1\\" th a I Iwld t Iws <' ca lt I... . and a ;'.. ) lu \\' I tn" ~s th e h' " '''Q I' lIl1ln ~ {'.. n t(>~I, wh e rt ' r~('u"" H a r.. (,Hta IJIIHhcd n nd II", N II II 'JIla l (, ha ll' l"
;II" . li nd
~I r" . H a)' ~l a ln " u H li nd
~on , D u na "l , \\' " It "r li nd ~11~s n t,I"
_ 5
Plans For Mothers Club Carnival Nearing Completion
II I Ila Ca " ry . " f nell I' I) 011'I I~ "" ' J'(' (II " . nN' g-UI'N ts 1)1' ~I r,.. 1· I" ssle Ca r C' ), " ' ilh H:d low o'c n but a w eek uway IIn.1 1'II 1l1ltr o n Hund a y . Ih e plans for It ', I~gc r lind be tler ~I L \ W I1 r X . . ",., . ,. as 1 ) Ul'n , 0 ,(>II HI """ nl\, n l n l" rn p llll y taking ro ,·m . \\'as n g Ul'sl n t th Le "l lIY h m e -rh e ('omillilt"es hn VI' \\'01'1«(0(1'e lel!B· TUf'sua Jv a fl C' r nnn n an,,1 .\\·pu ln...-, . Ir 11I IIJ I 1II1IIHI ..~ :< II ,' :I 11\' 10 ) II a ke til ., . . ls
~II· . IJtHI ~Ir!l. H III'I/itl .'; II I·nh ...·1 ).•"" .":; ~'u' nll;n.l o ne' flJll uf I'Ill n a ln· (\11<1 ch ll<l·\'I' n fI(l(,llt :'lundll )' w ith ,.,Il' 1I' ntt n J" YIlI ... nl. ~ I rHo \ ' 1' )111 I la l'l:ln . Th e ,\l.. lh ~ ,' (:"" ~" IIIIZH ' " ' whic h ' Hc'\'c' r n l f,.o m her (> n n <:'nllr,,1 [J fa m · "I'ens ti ll) .l ap, , ... 11 ,,1 1" .,.. promises Il l' IIIIlIWI' " t til e hOlll" o r ~l l' . J . F . ~·"u a mn ~1 " llra(' II \' (, a rm.)' ur h a nd Brown or T.~b" nnn o n RU'H.l IIY. 'l'h()~" Ill il .!., g lfl s a 1101 fh)\\' c r n C/ \'e ltl es. rl 111 I P)'cs"nt we re 1111.. n n I')t. C'1I 1' Th e r e wil l IJe I,ll !! "I' guud Ihlngs to ~ " nl" ' r 1111<1 ,.nn ulli l \\'111 Hrown oC "li t ~ ,,. I " I" IlI Y Ill' "n lt'r tn I Jlm ont',01'
s om e o( Ih Importnnt points : 1'110 bu s ln HSI'S me e llng , wns nllened by Io ns li re Hel .'~ I"'1. lu miJer. box" s . II lld 0111<'1' w oo(l, neu t · Fmllk LeMay . lwesjctent of the c lub . '1'0 r a d o f ""('o J't! prudU l" lilmH " f Iy. HO Ih a t It w ill I" We a s pnce bl" n cv . H Udl\ Sny(lo", glll'e the inl'o. 20 ,08 2 pou!ltl,~ of mill,. 1.~& 2 TlOund" lI eal h It ; c lcan liP ftnel 1,1I1'n wU l'lh · cat io n . Quite an · 'lnl c l'es l.ln '-' t.' llk nC b llllcr p(»' yen l' and 3" GOG jJoun,l " leSH t l'" " h Ih al I~. plie,1 In a CCl I'n ('J' o n s m tl ll f r uits wrus IIw(] e by Hill', of mlll{ with 1.70 2 JlOUndH or b Ull,' I' .' u"e n \'ey IIcl(ett. Th o f,'U CHt SI)(mkc I' of I1CI' yen r f u r I'e<'OI ' .'u 111'0'Il'CIII g ('0I\' 1l rate his sk ill us a motol'cyc le rider. A. JJ. S tubbll lu ~ t eve ning. of th e yanl " 1' In hu ihlln"u ~"O as well ae O8Cll r Bre nne l·. Hnrl ey ']'I,..y we re MI'. lind 1\11'8. \Va lt!'r ml( e to !'lean o ut Ih p "I,n('e hcne tlt h th - af lOl:,noOn w lla II II'. Tullis, ngl'O' makcs one \\,o n,} (·r·. hULl< ' ' ''' Iu n ll r ~I:t;.o n ., ;llr~ ~lcl(1'1 ~1 (" \II:t '; k " " , ~~II'. Ih., c·hllol ... ·n . Th, ' Hallo we'e n s up· 'DaVlson denlor of Dn.yton. I 1 'I s tru c t lJl'(,S th nt sen c llH I'nl h n r ho ,'''; 110m 1s t I f th e C. (" lml> Lnh sc>e Rom e o r Ih e C'\l WH Ih:l 1 h,.t Ll:i lh ,.,,' :1m lIfrs . " ey n il l 'M lY , • r H. Jl"" tlh o u!.1 ~ )1)1(''' ' In " II th080 who i,; l ee'h nn n ml so ns. MI'. :111( "rR. . , • . r.v.' ly n \\'a l lci n M a mI S UIl nog"l' u ".-I a t II. Cla ude Rn.nsom of Dayton wJ1\ ttlke Ra lph I-I llollng". a nd flo n, D r , :lIid pick tip Mome c1 lsPIlr<letl !!h eet nI<'l a l n non. Th" prog ram was c:" ,, <'Iud l'd l'('eIJ "ds IR In ~ III .. l n~ lo ) "IlJllg m C' n 111(" :l I-:lI od h om'! C' II ••I«('d m oo l -', C. Intcl'('Ht cd Itl da il,), 1'lIllI c. ~1 ... fl nll i\Ir,.. ?II. O . B,dnl ,, "d d" lI.~ " · I','r y r ('""n n:" ' ''· ' (·I ':i t. Inotlon plcture8 of tho crowd ancl Ml·H. Hm'luml Dye nnl! SO il a nd !\II'. n l1(1 usc: It 10 ..:!I ·p rouf 1111' f PlI hln R, by hlH t a lk on th e 1I'0 rk of tll(, C til" roms wll e l'e gl'ai n 0 1' rnoll 0' \'0 1 ' · C. In \V r,rren A I II I f te l' P ll t . y . Ie} It I n e rnoon. \{obel'lson . ' 0, d eali ng ehi fl y III 10 BC'" '' 'J:: Cl'fl t t (,1I 1n CIf r e ,·s I h roug IlOU t 11e A \, I'I'Y 11'111'1hw ll il p IIRt uf prizes I ;\1... a nd lIf n •. J oe 1 a vi s "nl e rtaln , lo u,, ' Ic!nd " Is s lm·(',l . The flrllt stunt "'Ill Slnl't o.t 2 p . m. F OIl. S ALJ,}-()n e u81.,<L S ilv ertono with e l'o >!lon pre ve nt ion ll nel refores t · 'O I'~PS Rt:J rt a mI ""!"C' II I.,,,d ('<t u l\,· Ita " I,,' ,' n M fpl'NI ti ll,. Y l': U · for best and fl'om then on th e r e will be a.c t· N o\\' I.. tl' e tlm p, II 'foJ' e th cloy ntlo n , a l n ~ to ~ 6 tOTl !! 0 11 a 1.' 1" 1 ,·ou II. Rtim · ~~tr.'I,:.~;U~:~:':il~;,n~t ~:,~;:~llJ~lIn~II'~~: 'IIHtUJIl e,.. a nd I( prog l'lI m ot good Bllltery nudlo Set, .ConHOle typ e. itan "lIet , tn a pply · lh('se IIlat" H J.(I·"" I 11I·1e!... ,, )\(1 "t'" JlI'c t IImo"g I . III I l i d t every minute. A conleR.llmn wUl ' ohIO 6 tubes. All ne w brllte d "8 $25, fo"ult·· of the rat ,I' nl{ I) C! uy a a · . Schenk , ~Irs . E"a Sti n g-h '.I·, flf IJII Y' l:,n('1' mU HII' w I H mil Ie m eallureH. On th e d ll Y or the all I,,\·,·,·s lI f gll" ll d l'<l ft h'"·S<'H. I be on the ground. Icy. Hdwe ta r o. \Vny n etlV llle. Cll lllPOlg n, C'XPOHC n liber a l 1llc.~1 ot Th,· r,.. IIo wln!, hoys mfl(\ C til l' It'I,, : 11In : ~II' . lin d M'·I<. ('a lvin HlIn g \(')' , " OS . Mr. and 1I1'·jl . Wllliam Luk e ns th cd 1I ba :'III'. an d ~\J'!I, Hobe l't P O\\'c r H and . e I' aQu I It. A little c fron James BOllrn l:', \\'lIl1 am S U·O UHC. I I 'I I ' I 1 I , . LO( ' AL CIIM'1'EH O. Ii:. S. a nd 1\11'. and Mrs. Ross Hartsock o t· PUt forth at tld ll time w tll plly rca I HoI> 1'1 :;h 'el M. wc n H II I'l ~Ul' I;, ' aug ,tCl' . •, ,'. nne "rl:l, A \' e :-iun g · E!\TER1'A I:";EI) AT I\lASOS tended a po rty and bal'n da n ce at cllvldenus by preve nting dalllnge to - . . , - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _,J ( I' vi ll Phillips, L' lI frnrd G m ),. Dill'leI l e~· . uf WllmlnJ; lon ; i\J1' . a ncl :'III·s. the h est er Folck Soles Pavlllon ot ,vas Frienclllhip nl ~ ht \VJ\\'NES\ ' JI.LE ( ' lIl' I1( '1I OF •.'II,.,W S, Hf' lIn y l~ unJ!l " . R n ndn ll 1I 0w a rd Hurle y ll n d famll)·. o f :-.low s tored food , grain , poultry. nncl oth(ol' Tbe Lnd.les Aid of the M, Eo SprIngfield lost lo'r1do y nIg ht. This nig ht uf I ht' M,, ~nn C hll pter O rder IlI'oPOl'ty he oclrltJ . CIIRJST n"I" ',·180 n . G,',,,'~" · J 'el f-" s l'n • . BlIIy Hu,·i1n g t nn . MI' . IInc) ~1)· B. L luY11 churCh held their rl'gular meotlng WIIS lil)O nsored by th e Clork county I~" ~ l e rn ~I :t '· . Tnl'l Ull ed nm o ng t.he \V. C. Smith, l\1I1l1IlIt' r H ls (>y. U"nl'1n Ih 'a l" W a ,,, n ( 'Inry, .I);I \·ls nn(1 [ltmlly . W nY II ' s \,lIh·. with Mrs • Cora Rich , Wednesdny of. ,/ r iley ' utlle c lub. 'I' h c I'cd " 'luill bait \\'111 be " 1'1111,,1)10 . . SlIlIdlly- DIIJI (' 8(' h lll U:31l ,t. nl. A blrlhday Illnn c i' WIl " Me l'I' pd fnl' IJH"r JiJl'rQ " f ~ I IIIIll I l'h " p t e l' who a t· "'--noon ":fr8 J V Lnny read the Ilt points cOIl\' onl (' nt tl) the I,nop l'e In \1on,oI ,1 S " lIshur~' . \I 'ali., ,. Cla ,·I(. UU" .. " . .. MIStI Mnrlh u. Denthoragc or Day· ,Commu ni 0 10 :4r. n . Ill . nOlo Plnn c k . J "",n,l' .\lltIe'''. n"hPrI M,·s. J pnnle 1"Innr il It l III' " 110111 1' l('n,I..<I u n,1 e nJnYN] fl fi n " I,rog l'um ani chapter O r CornlLheans a nd 1e,.n cl ton IlPc nt Iho w eek ml with Mr. nell com mllnlty. It ..IM hl'l n g dlplI·lh· ., C hrb' ti.a n eml llvo r' 7;110 p. Ill , ~1I,.nhlll·t , \V infl,:h] S" Olt . Itub " ' l :; un(\((y. T hose IlrCHl'lIt W(" ·(' :\1,·. W(' , 'O !l. t n~ . .1. P . Frl l nl ill. ~l r. nnd In Idnglng "Olorla" Cor devotion· a nI] lI1t.~, noss H a rtsod!< and l\'l1'S. lit d a t cos t p rke n n ,] en n bfo ohlll In· Mrs, Pr{'nx'hl nlf 7 :30 p. 111. u nd 1II n ;. ':l l:1 I' r' t e l'lin n n llll c hllth' n 11 11'>< . HH y nwn,1 l:lradduck 0.1 period. Mrs. ,\VIll St. ' John WIU! ed onl y o n th e ono dn~' at tile CIl In· Lacy, \\' llIlI n l Furna". Chn rt e" HO~' I I' C, H . D eathemge . Dudng thes e time" wlten It Is h u rd Ja n ice lind n.'l )·bal·u o f Hll r i n ~fl eld . 1I ll" old Ea1'llhad . J . C. l\ u wl. , Mr. Ha ymond Purk .. u ntl P Hul ::;m lth . elected treasure r to 8~rve until Mrs. pa lg n . Mr, nnd 1\11'8 . Don H a wke . D o n ~ll·H . ll o!J(' I·t Bowcl·>!. S prlngfl \d ; Il net JIll'S . n " nn B(,l'de n . Mrs. L. C, to ~el 1111 evenIng audolen<:e 11'0 n re Egbert Ia able to r ellun:le the office. Haw ke. J . C. Bawk e nnd Ann W e ltz In "'Vn}lllesvllle th e bnil ell n be proud oC OUI' tine att enda nc e Whic h' '1'\\'0 " Ide t rips we re lII u.l" un Slit, lilt" amI 1111'S . ...VnYll Pla ne l, u nd Ht. J uhn, JIll's. E. L. Thomns . Mr. The three 41vlslont! nre lltarting a enjOyed a U'lp to Ash cave. Rock obtnln ed ut 'ollel,t's H nrdwn r e Stor e numbered 811 last undny. The urday on through th e ~Ioo re OJld Dono ld nnd J n ne t of Ofly l on . Frunk nml aiI'll. \V . E. Rtl'eucl. 1\11''''. Will C, contellt, the one making the mOBt Ho use and. Logan Elm In Boc lling li nd !1ft·. Ca ll It asks th nt "our ord ,nr chul'c h has called Clinton FIsher f R osu mill, \llnnt u n,l o nc throug h , B \\'I'r s . S pl'ln g ri 'lll . 1111'. n ml 1\11'8. ";t. J ohn , Mrs. l.raucle C1'll ne, M rs. l11 e O hle prison . mane), to be entertained by the oo unty, Suntlay,_ be pl a ces OR soon ns po~s lbl e In ord e r Le Wis P ln nc l{ fl l\(l BetlY of Yeltow Vern e Armitage , Mrs . Hoss J-Hu·tsock. ,'oblna. Oh io, who flelJled las t ye a t'. "Ilthers. Mrs. Albert Cleaver Is at the to ('n aple him to h ave your s uppl y to direct tho singing n nd llo chalk [(\'1 St.Iln' Mrs . D . n. Smlth. S pI'ln gs, 1\11'. nnd Mrs. FAMILY BINNER Election dinner will be served by ChrLe t hospltnl, In~nnll ll tor ob, on h o nd o work In 'a r ev lvnl m e eting beginning unci Bobby a nel Putty at X e nill., !11 ... the ladlea. Pinns (or n. hrls tmas 8ervatlon. R ed quill u sed ns n rat p olso n Mr. unel Mrs . Elmer Hoyl e bl'Ought 1:l.n<'l, Mrs. HU"He ll M il ,·tl n and \\·I1...·0RD l\IA'r'l'IIE\\' S o tober 30th. W . C. Smith the min· baZaar were dlllCWJ8ed. A bala nce of Mr. and MJ'S. L. . St. J ohn o.nd a nd co mmon ly nvn ll nble a f! n p owd er Is tet· will ')0 the p· tog th er II \ ' r a l m ~mbel's of their P h ylt/llj u nd RuIJel't u nd \1'JY I'lnn k. UIEIl 'rUESUAY SIGHT $225.17 WIUI r eported In th trenaury, BII I'bar;t L Lou B limd spent the \ve k · n nd ns liquid e" trltct. I ~ mncl e fl'om undoy (li nn 1'. 'I'h08e Mrl'. C harles "Ue l·thwnlle vl!<lt ed. Wl1 flll'd L , Mntth ~ w R . U yO/U'S old \, etI nesdoy-Blbl e l!tud y 7:30 p. m . rnmUy fo r D u ring the socJal hour. Mrs. J, end. wllh Mr. and Mn;. K onneth t. rt pronnl lli pl a nt bulb th a t grows MissIonary m eetin g at F e ny )lll r . p r cs ent to ' njoy thlH 1,lellsnnt oe· lilt'S. J e nnIe Brad ley Salu rda y nrt r · b tter Im o\\' n IlS .....Vllt ... c11ec.1 T~es. ca alon we rc, M r . a nel Mrs. \Valler _ Po Larric k presented s ev e nll can· John at lIubblll"d . wild nlon g the cans t o r th e Mcdl ler . fIOn oge 2:00 p. no on . c1 ny n lS'ht nt lho \ 'Vnrr n ounty. telts In k~lng with Hallowe'on Mrs. Iyde Egbert ,\V~ r cm o v d r a n ean Sea. Thursd!aY- A del egutlo n goes to HO)' le o n d. dnughter DOl'Olhy. Mr. MI' . nnd ~ I 1';'. H. ,I. Tnw n ~e n,l ur 110m!), H e WaR a SOli of .he lute tlMson. MO!. Will Stroud lead 'In a to th e !\Ic lolilm hospital fOI' obse r . Xenln Art's m ee tin g at Ol1WI! Gr ove n nd tllt·s , \ Vllhul' Hoy lc ilIi<l dllugh. lIeml u le. Cullf., aft " \' Hp ,' nd lng 1/) GC'O "gc a nd n rolln e Matthe ws. a nd Ho.llowe·en pme and Mrs. ~i'best vatlon . te l' H <:' len. !III'. o nd "11'1:1. Pnul H oy le. d"YK with th eir cOIJ ~ l n s. 1>11'. nnd IIlrs. SUNSHINE CU1D c' hm' h . II vpcl plw.:t l' tl ca lly hi!! en tire lire In M r. nnd IIlr~ . "'Vurl'e n ~tllt()n, Mr. D. H . Ho('\(ott a ncl dnllght e r GI·'IN' . ~~~;;~r~~~'~ gave 8. Hallowe'en reading. Mrs . F. U . LeMay Is s pe nding a The SunshIne club met ",IUl Mrs. W lly nclIv Ilie. 11 Wfi R t h e lost m cm· li nd h.lrH. ,o\ 1· r H oy l IIlld dauJ;h. hav t! l e f t tur '1'(~ nn es8C o. ::i ..,.....,....., ...... '}.'he hOste.. was G.8111lIted by lin!. few days 'wlth rela tives In W ester. Emma. Grubb.'1 of Dayton lust !>e l' Of. hl ~ rnmll~'; RJch and ,)(1'11. Gt nn Bonl~n ville. " ;,W~- • IftIRtH' " le~- Susan, .J\.IlU, :w...1t-e1'· ~!e. Jr;, ttev. ~'ii1 ter E . 1>a'kln'6t :\JC' m-"Ii'l s, lo'un" 'I'n l s t!l'vic ps. with H" v,. J. V. Thur&lll)l dJ6n c~ wns rVed ' aentns ' I'6treehmen 8. 'FoR ALE-<>ne UllecJ Frigida ire In at noon to W llc h o il dId nml,l e jus. • ltnc1a~'-TIII I! Sunr~. , y Is to be llf<II" a nd lIlIsll :ll a rth a ("A:.; 11 11 ot Slwlng· 'J't'nn .• II (u l'nlCr W ' lynN<I'III I' ,. !<!d nr Lacy ntr" 'I" UII S; w itl he 1,,' lll Ilt the be good ooudillon. Barguln price at tlce. ThOBe pt'esent \\'ere Mrs. Hus. vest Hom Day. 1.1. 'g r eat ero"<l Is rJeld, ClcI·tt'ud ]J oylc', a nd Ea"1 K en · n 8un of Ih e lilt D r . K F . ·D :dl.!n , M"('lul'e F'JlW"al H " . w , ("rlclnl' a t Mrs. Elmer Sheehun tor on nil }'alrley Hdwe. S t ore, Waynesvill e. sel Bentl cy, lI.ft's. Fmnk Th omas. ox pec l cod to l'espond to Brothe r Pel" n(.~, Lelm non , ' ha l'l Ii J loyl , ~lIss l:,j vis itin g hi M niece, ~f'·H. l"lIlml1. H . ~ lL tn . BIII·ln l .ln Miami c Illctery. meeting, Tho80 having birth· Mi'. and Mrs. A. H. Slubb u nd Mra. Hownrd BUlioll a nd JIlI·S. )'y Thomas' ellll for 275 to 1?e prcs nl Annu Hoyle, 1111'. n nd M'·~. KeI.h l.Tr.C'lUfii" nd i lict:- I'C'I()li \'C::< In tb e days In Septcmber, OCtober and No· c hild r on e ntertnlned the ColIowlng Frank Furl'. 1IirR, Chm'l s Allen a nll to br"nk all Il .' .ft~ t'''cordl:l of tile ".. '" ulton, Ruth Huyle. ' la rC'llt e Rmlt h 'OII1 I1)(J/l Il y, ~ _w .JOtlS n . S~lITII vem~r will be gueat.. members at thelt· fn Ily at dlnn~ daug-hlel' Mury, Miss Lu cy Emley. .\'em's he 'h as b en superlentendent l\I1ss Edith lioyle lind ' hOt·leI.! Hoyl 1\11'. n nd Mrfl. nonald II :lwk e. MI's. IU,;'l'II&ED BARnER DIES on Sunday. Mr. lind Mrs. N. R. Mrs. Bilidon Dny, i'olrs. Mary Smith. of tho Ferry unday sch (>ol. H e has Jr. Ed ith lI n ''I'11I a nd th e Re v. "'V . E . ,I.olm H l\I'y "mlth. IV hO- for about BIBTBDAY PAwn Allnmnn and c hildren. ,Mrs. G'ear, MI·s. De lla Venable, 1\1 rs. Lln a JIlnd. n good program Ill' 'PJ I'cd and the D~Il ln l11 otor".11 to S lll'ln gbol'O S UT\' 30 yen r s ollerate.:J tl. barb I' s hop In lin. ?k>rton Baird enterl.n.ln ' d a. hnrt una .Mrs . Allee Hoy Ji \1, ot Du~'. den. Mrs. Le nl\. Burl'ls. Mr. a nd I\ft'S. decorations a l'e to IJe Hulto.ble for REGION,\!. !\lEE1'L'I'O d ay a Cte l'Tl Oo n wh I' th e y \\'er Woynes \' 1II0 , p ns eel uwol' , a t hili gro~ of little boya c\ d Irlrla Sat· ton'. In the afternoon Mr, and .Mrs. Earnest Brndllock and Robert Rob, the sea8~'n . a le l us ull om l! o.nd OF GARDEN CLUBS g ues l); o f Mr. H a wlu... ·R HlstOr. M I'. hOl11 o on Mllln Sll'c" t 1\'1onclay . Oct, urdu;y afternoon tram 2 to 6 !n honor Amos Fox nnd Mr. and Mn!, Earl bins. After a plen6allt and socia l nf. h elp make Bl'other Th om(ls Ilmlle, A I' g lonnl m eeting at all the I Dakln 's ni ece, MI'!!. J . \\'. F.rlwUI·dR 17. " j{ d C8 y 'n ra. of tbelr little dllughte~ Pots 8 C'lgh· H enton or OCl'montow n cnlled. 'l'ucsday-C holr p mellco 7:30 P. m, Om 'lIe n lu bs of lhp F OUl·t h D INti-l c t n nd family , 1\11'. Da l<ln. w ho mnny te rnoon n.Il d epfl t'tell for th elr homl'lI th l?lrthday. Mllny gllmes had bee'n Mrs. Frank Marsh of Dayton n nd thanking Mrs. Orubbs tor n d light. Wedncllduy-lIUS8lona ry me co llng or th e Ohio AHBo('lullon of Oru'den ~'PIII'~ tlgo, was I'e('tol' of. th e J l('a l'l' n . 1'1111 Ron o r IIlnlthllls (I nd Susan planned, chief at whloh wall 1\ t renl!' Mrs" C,' H, pealherage w e re lunch· tul meeHnB'. n t the p n:rsonng " 2:00 p. m . C1uh" will be IK·ld lit t ho L"bn n n n Iy n l'~t ohllr h In Kpl'l n ~ nflld. n" 8111 .. !';mlt h II" WIIS born al New uro hunt. Patsy reoolved m n ny eon I\'uests pf M ~Il. R<!RS Hartsock on Thursdtly-Xe nlA Al'ea meatlllg ut 'faw n H o lI , Oct, '2 71h . mnlnc:oc1 two dllY~ Il ~ U ~u~"1 of hi .. \'I " nn " , D(" 'Ptnbc l' 20, 1869 and spent lOvely gifts from ber frlendl!. Tuesdo.y • . GI'I1I)e Gr,ovo c hurch 7:80 p. m. An Intel'cAting 1)I'ogrnlll h ns heen nl .. ·(' a nd t o g re."t o hl pari s hion e r ", mUNt of Ills co d y lifo In New' VIenna MILK rROJE()T ,Dainty refreshments of Ice oream. S~ndd Y vl sl tol 's at th~ home of Th e tlrst week for th o n1llk 11I'O, " ''I'nng cd In clt n l'~ ' Of ~It·s. Silas !l1I'N. J e nnie PIli nc k "p .. nt sc"" "" I allll, (i '·l'cnfie ld . u.n<l cake with little ~,\sket.oi ,of ca~ MI', antI Mrs, R. D; Collett included ject PI'Oved successful and the In . AO!.'TllODIST CHUR.cH ...Vatel·s oC Inl;lnna ll. Pl'es ld" nt of d"r" Inlj t wce k a L till' home I!f h er In · I he; " umlll"r of 1909 'he was Joll!tl V, Lac'y, Minister t h O hio Association. oUldn, 1I1l'~. Alice Impson In U" ,.· unlll·d In m :ll'l'llIge to MI:;s ~race -, · dy as fa vorl! wero l!&VecJ. l.n"I~~ John MeOle llan of WlUlhlnlrton, D. t e rest In the projoot seems to be lose to ]30 bottl es of SundnY·- 9:30 Sund'l), se hool , R. D , Linco ln , 0( Wayn 8v lUe. SUl'vlvlng guests Inoluded. ~Ud ~y ~en. Es· C" Mrs, Fmnk MoLliln. Miss Zetth Increasing. 1 eg lijlr'a ll on wltl b~gln n t 10:30 a. ton . ther Lukens, Napml nnd Harlan McClellan nncl FrAnk McC lellan of milk d a lly wus the nvel:nge numb r oll ell. SU I) rlnte nde nt. m . At 1~ n. m . lilt'S, 'YlIIla m ' H . Cnk l.'8 for salo at t ho ~· I(}lh tl" > 'lI'e hi s widow. Grace, fl son and Enrnhart, Yvonnle a ni!, Billy Stubbs. Xenln" taken by the children ms t week. ] 0;4() M~rnlng wors hip . Lasl of loan will give n lulk on "Window' Cillb H a llowe' en bn.znor . O " o!~I'1< fO I la ug hI QI·. b)' :t for m I' m ll l'l·lnge. F. " . Mr, anll Mrs. Lewl8 Fires and s rles , "On The ide of 1'h" An g~l ~." c'. Kmllh, of Akron. a nel Mable L. Bobby HlUltings" Roger 'Wo.tklns, . P lants." Lun ch eo n will he served nt Dale LUlII', Phyllis Baney. , DCt· Camlly had. 'Sunday d .l nner wIth Mr. FARAI BR{NGS $1!,600 6:00 I). m . EI)worth I"eog ue . th e OoMen L a mb Ho tpi nt 12:30 1' . m. at. the T.~ I\"!)·· Aawke A g one.\'. H)')ltll , a t<'rJl' h C' I' In th e Columbus ty ThomlUl; Glenna ' Wade. Milt· aod Mrl!. RaymOnd Stom1>8 of' MI· .The Anna. L, Cadwnllndor f(l rm 7:30 Dr. T. T . Cl'a wfol'd o ur ,1I~. Th e Illternoon m"olll1J:: 'I'm bo "nlled !Iii'. n nd "I)'.,. Ch,Il'l os C'h n mbcors ,[ ~I'i'''''I ,,: o n(' sI Ht"i-. Mrs. J , 'V. Hay· tha W a rdlow, Mnry Ann MeUoh, tl.mlsbul·g . , .conslstlng ot 1U9 a CI'eR. thl'('e miles. tl'lct llulw l'lnte ndent will p re:,ch . fi t 1:30 p. m . with Mrs. S ilas W l.1.l 0l'B Dnylon , \\,(.,. llillnci' g u HI" SU'Hln Y nip . of '"llJ rnl ,ut; mid two gra nd· . OIRdys R'ye, Phylll. Burnett, Nor· 'r, W . Vlln P Ii: l'eturned from the so uth west of IUlre , hus been sold 8:30 FIt'st Qunrterly cOllf"I·e nce. In charge. 111' , V ic tor H. ni cs '", topIc of ' MI'. nnd 1Ifr,.. J . P . FI'''mm, 1.11 ,·h lhlrl'l1 . mn. OruC1ber. . ·Nom1t~ Longncre . !\fluml Vollny hOsllital, just \\rednes· for U2,600 to Mrs. Lulu C. A's huI'y Mo ndn)'- 7:00 p . m . J.ou dorllhlp will he. " Whnl Y"u ell n s tlll plant Iho aIt.' I·nun n lIll·. lllld :\1 )·s. Fl'oml1l .\ youngel' MIs ll'l·. M I'S, J . F. Gray Bonnie Sattertbwalte. Louolla St. rlay ,wh e N; h e r cc nlly unde rwent ot Hamilton. The pUI'c htlSO W Il S t I'Hlnlng C'lnss at Orn e 'hun·1t D ay· In th e gard en thl" fo il." with s lldo an d I It e II' g U£'''IR IJ "to),1'I 1 to ' LuI" 11I'('I 'P(',"c\ him In d ellth jus t 7 years Clair. JudIth Conner. Marjorie n major operation. He Is new con· malie thl'Ough N . B. C lyburn , (,:l:e"II' tnn . Ca r wltl leu \'e hl'l'e at 6:00. Ilhl fllt'u tlon R. IUlUI whet·o lh ey "lsltl'oJ ~ I r. n nd I.. ~h o ,III )' . SWank, Bet,\y Meredith. Lillian valcsoing n'l cely nt the home of hll! tor of the CndwDIIII(\ I' estn lC'. \Ved n esdll y--3:45 Jun ior cho:l'. R('scrvullo n A r Ot. th e IllnCh"o n al M)'s. 'Molvy n Bnntu. 1"1l1l~ r:J1 "e l'.vle~!i cOIJ() lIe t ed by W. Stanllberry. Georll'la nnlL Hoblltt nnd daughter Mrll, MOI'I'js Fulkerson, G.eorg Wlliton who wllh his {Ilmll" 0:30 CoveJ'(!(1 dish supper at t he MI'. ant!· MrH. F. I::. Th l,m:l!l l'nt l' r , I'. !'m il it wore held n t th e McClure J th' Gelden L n mb H o te l sh n uld bf. Dr. and Mrs. AICred Stout utt .l .ci· have resided o n the Ca rm (01' the ('hur"h. r"oJlowlng the HUllper th 1'0 tuh,od II I II ~ Ix o·~lo r. k dlnnN' S IIII ' 1·'lIn.' ,·a l Bume , "" pdneStUlY att ernoon the' little. hOllte... > ~ ., . . ," '. , made n~ 900n n8 posslbl o. 1ld the Pas Graduo.te lecture ·spon· Pllst 17 Y(.'nrs , wltl co ntinue t o lI\'e ·,.,,111 be som e speclul ente rt a inm e nt, day: Mr. and I\1rfl. W . J . 1"Itolg "l. ,Iu !· '1Il,1 hlll'lnl Wil l' In IIna ml cer.netery. IIorOO by the MediCAl Association at there and m a nnge tho tnI'm. n m!. lecture by Rev . John !11, Vel', In Va rloy, ,Tohn lI<)('n n "11<1 111<':< aiO. · ~lJ1I(~ILOB the Shawnee hotel, Sprlngfle.liI, s tceg. at Clnclnnntl. ThOllltls o( Uny t.ln. All'. u nd ;'Ilr!'. :\IISS HEI.EN ORE"~NI~ ~G ' . ~ B.BTHDAY DINNER Fl'ldny-7:00 Ol'(,hes trn practlQe, MudlR on Enmh :Jl'1 lIn d Ho ns , Jilek ANn I(ENIli\I.I. S IIA"'F.E R \VItD . At a m eetl nlt ot the home c oun· Tuesday evening. '" , J .I lft. nnd Mrs, .Lew's Tbompson urs. Corn Rlell 110"w a fl11l11I' 7:00 Boy Scouts. • lind Tommy uf ('rn t c "vltl(' , MI'. nnd oUo~ for Wur~e,n county, held ~ l "" . ,.' (lin , Mis!! 11 ..I"n Oropnf', da u g hter at of .... 1'. n""A, nar at h er home on 8:00 ·Cholr practice. Thoso r eceivin g A ',. In a ll Hulwc:!I .\lI'S. L o\Vco li TIIlIlll:JS an ,j rla ug h l er MI'. unci Mrs . I':arl Ore('ne and Mr. L~banon. Frldo.y afteroo.n . plans were week end guCslo .. m .... umla y In h nn · . . RnIP.h Shupp of 'l:oledo, 0, I' of the blrthdnv anlliv rsnrlns o( In e lurllng phYRI~Al educa tion ure: B tty of Lyt lo. D(' nll \)" vi,. a ",I Kcndnll Shnff!'\', wore uni t ed In · were' rp~de ' fQr the winter projects 'M", " . on T. 21 Co:,l'IIhrdlu . shrdluuu MI's. Rebn Bl'Ilddock a nd Hartle y ST. MARl."S EPIS(:OPAr. CHURCH Seniors-Margie Guatln n nd E lba· Roben ,[holll u" . 'Mfered ' bl' the ' home exten.lon de· beth Hoblit. 1l1:l 1'1'ln j;'1' Slllul'dnr evonlng. Oc tober Rev. R. L. HackwelJ, Mlnl8ter U. \\' . II lIwkE> c.,:lecl on' rlr . lind In al 8 o'cloc l( In Mld(lle lo\\'n by the partment, .The tw~ pro~fs ~ft(red . Mcsdomer C. nttertbWlllte ond Moss. Covers we re IlI ld fol' Mr, Mrs . Sophom or e-Pdul ,John s . SundaY·- Nlne te.enth aCter Trinity . :'IirR, Frank E. . Th o l\la ~ SUll ri n y Rev. ·R . C. Ca u<WI. will l!oth be of pneral Intereat to Alfred Stout wel'1l, Payton mappers Ollbert Frye and s on. Mrs. Rebn. I"I·eshme n.--Gene Coll ett , Lyl e Fox, mOl'lllng. a. m.-Church School Prlm'ary 10 on Thu~y, . Braddock. Mr. nntl ~lrs. Hurtley ' OUl' women: The · tl~t wlil be on town . Oenevleve H a dley. Fl'Iln ces Johns fi nd Junior c lasses. ('olo~ .. a~d ciuior oo.mblnaUonB u.nd Ol'(l e .. c ukcM,' It you wl ~ h th cm The lr o nl y attendants were )!r. Mr. o.n4 MI'II, 'Lawrence ' Oarst ",nd <f40SS ond chlRlren u nd t he hns teRs. 11 a. m. - lIfQrnlng Prnyer hnd SOl" and Mnrlon Smith. \~e n.oond on tho ,. IMIrv.lng' :O,f . com· !lu \'('d fa )' you. Ilt the lIfolh el"s lub lInd lIll's. EArl Hook of ,Vl\mlng toll. da.ughter ~verll ' Sundn:y guests at the Eighth grn.d.:l....- Lnns lng Hal·dln . man. ENTERTAIN AT DINNER munlty meall. Mrs. Ralph HlUltings latlel"s mother bnznnr- 'a l, eR will not be fluC'tl o ned Germantown. • The bride Is a grnduDt e of Woyn •. 7p. , m.-Young Peo ple nt V ot eI'll In the November election orr o t the e ml o( the sol e. repreeentod 'Way,netrVllle ' commun'lt.y . th ~ , Rev, and Mrs, R. Lloyd Hacll ' Mr. nn~ Mfa. B ert H8rteoc~ 'an4 ell vllle. hig h sehool. Tho brld g room wl\l be asked to vote tor the con· . 8plen~Jci leadera have ' been· son .. Da:vld 'were Sunday dlnn~r well 'entel'wlned th e m emb(>rs' of the rectory. ) Tuesduy2 p , m ,--. ul'sery C hurch tiTIllation at the present school levy the fJrst pro· gueatll ot 1.1r. and Mrs. Le8ter Oor. veltrY or St, Milry's BpI. co pal . , to demonstrat.e .- . -. School at Ole rectory, of tproo mm". The present le vy Is Th6y al'e 1111'11. Walter ShM· donf " citUI;'Ch nnd their , wiv es nt (],Inner Frllluy-:-4 p. rn :-Churclf Schoo \lsked to be continued In order that ..n - ...... -'•._· ~ril i Lqt~ BD.5l\ey" SXLE-Ono extra. good G.D <. nday . evening. Those lJI'eijent for Junlol' hlgl boYII at lhe l'eOlory, prese nt se hool opc ration m a y con· Genuine Eata.te Hllatrola, :Etae ~~w W re F, 'B. Henderson. E, V. Darn· Unu e . without dltflouUy, OBANOB' PRO.G~ ' "!N," I PrIced a,ony • I '.'" I ' hart, Hllrrls. l\foshe r, 1111'. . nnd. lIIrs. bo ....... Fa'1rey lfA~VEY8BURG ~I. E. CHURCH !I.ij,I,;;;;IO~ ,A ' HAlloW-e'ett party waR ~.ftjoted' tt.. The Junlo rR hove ordered their W . ....'1e,. , ' Eo.·L. and. MI'R. L. B . ...,.wo, S.... ~vre. ' Thomas. Mr.' Oeo. H. Weaver, MIlitAteI' olass rings, (lOd the Sen IOn! stili at the Qnm.. Saturday n~t ,, " ·Oordon. Mr. and lIlrs. Dun H a wke, l\IOTffER AND UA lfGlIT ..JJl. . 9:80 Mornl:, I worship, to»lc dlsqURSlng ~.. buatn_ meetln, pdJoumed. Mr. and Mn!. B . .0. Jonea ot Chi. abd' M~. E, Crane. BANQUET "Faith," Beba Iildwilrde 4\iltertalned wlt:h l we csgo were Sunday over night gues"" 10:80 .Cl h Urqh ..choo!. H.. C. l\1Jl\I. Members at th e Etldtern . CUD OF _THANKS ~nder.c. Plano ' '~BO\();i, ot M.... -Martha H!!"4el'lQn~ lodg e will h n ve a 1Il01 her II nd daugh· gan, ~ppt, " . .' Melldamell); · : B. Chapm~n: D, C, We ·wi.h t than!.< o~r ' nelghbors LIttle' Wblt&'er fav· II'r. bI1 nqll t Fl1lduy, OptC)oor 21, at 12.00 noon-Home coming dinner ~n4" Wlth .. .pJjUIO · lIOlo after "hleh .RI4P' aM the ' MIUc!e ', TrlDena and 8~d .friends for their h~lp ~nd 8ym: 6 :30 p . m. " romc'n memoors are • Hnrol4 ~ 1e4"tbe ill M~aret ~wlU'de attended an an· pathy at the time ot our Mreave. tor cb'urol~ and SU')CIaY *boo1. vtted lo ' cume nnd brlng ·thelr Special after dlnn!!r , Ipe!lker. tlqUe eale In Lebanon Tueeda¥., ment. . .' \\'ere dlnller guee'" "WedneBdnl' of lI",q old fa~.: san,""'.!) Com e anell meet old trlends and ac· MIM 4-nnle U. anel MI88 Mame .T . Mr. and Mrs. HllI'I'y Stok c~ . 1\h·. turs . Eu<:h moth er 18 asked to . . . . . weN ~ IUI4 HallOwe'en and M.... Ro~rt ~61' Sr.. Mra. Robel-t Alvin SImpson ando 1\1rs, Hermo.n SU1'!tlCe -Itml lIOn Ol1e (,lIv(>red dah and. table Brown at the Friend's Home. en~e4 the tollOwIq 011 Sun· and Family oancb> ~ tierie4. . and Mr. and 1\lrs. El1nest Hortaock ror het'IMIlf and Claugbt.... Mesdames, Ira Brown. Alfred Gay: MI'. ~cl Ure. 1iIIva Baker U4 MnI. W. 8. Graham &pent stout o.ncl Lawrence' Gnrst spent and' lIOn Milo were sundny dinner corf ct- ·and Ie cream WIll Or Walton, ' KJo., ancl Mr. U1Cl Mr. lind Mra. A&un Melloh and If,.: RObert Baker lUIil da_ _ dau.hter Ma1St' Ann vl8lt.c4 relatives MondaY th IIr. .DeI lire. BaJph I _ Friday with ~re.. Karl Boden· gUE>IIta or 1\[1'. ' and Mrs. ohn Lem· I8hed b)' the r:omml~ mOD of DIQ't,oIl. of Klama.burr. beD4er at LOYeIaad. .Jeu. IhHamfltoll Oil 8unclat.
Ir---------------: Churc h es
Ladies Aid
Sch00I News .
betli.uutult,.: Mill FraJ.'eetI
Th~ Time ·to Build Repair,
and Moderniz'e for W in te r ,~!-
c· -
for you. REP AIR NO W-A lter atio n may be fina n.' g livin er belt t~ way the ns ope M GRA PRO NG USI HO TER TH E BET y own ers ·can now borr ow on favo rabl e pert pro ible lons re51 not, f it--i use , cash y read e hav you jf , cost ced ·now at low need not be delayed. Eve ry pro pert y time long a i au'cl · for ted wan e hav you ts men rove imp y man se mon thly term s. Tho and services will find himself repa id man y ls eria mat ding buil for and dem a tes crea and k wor to men own er who puts lt thes e Mer cha nts: -·· onsu y--C read are en rkm -Wo le· ilab ava is ey Mon s. efit ben ity time s in pers ona l as well as com mun Bal~nce Like Rent! ._-- Bor row Up To 90 Per ·Ce nt The . And t men Pay n Dow ll Sma A For lt Bui Be New Hom es Can Of App rais ed yal ue - • - 25 Yea rs To Pay
Reduce Hea ting Cos t 10 % To 50 %
-;wk ul US('\'S- IlI' o pl p F <' tl" f lll'I" I\' " w it h 11 10 \' '' 1. VI 'a n t' h" tt l h I) 1111(' 1' n n<1 hln f(" d
l !'i n ll), 1'(:<111 1'"'' Ih' :tllng 1 " " 1<. who l, nLO w- s :t)' a :-; [01;<)1 :tut? In: l lI COl t! I< l lllH'I' rnn ' (' lit H u ut ('tlHI " f 1l"1t I:' " HL wa l'H l u lIll1ln Il-4! ur on l - u>I >l l {'~>l I()SH (,X II 'n sh '(' ll y 'o nt l'lJ lI l'll. ,\\'11 11 :11"" 111 llcn ln os 'llI N lh t:nt h nhol' l I.cs~ ~('. "lI h nt <'lln ~ I' l r':111o' 1'
lIydrnll llir WI '1" 'IIIlSl1l is,iull . tn o d (' ls. J': llH Y 'I'('I·ms.- S lolwl I<'l-nfu rl's-Exc llIs i\'C SUII"I)·. S II I' III. ~" SIll'''!' Air of ('01111'01 Aulllllla li('
·\ir '1'ij{ht HUlmel', 1I,'dmll lit' lIulll· ...lre ('ollfrnl. I'ins, sur" , ('1\-:111, IIl'JlI'lldllhle,
W. H. Mad de .. & CC. "En~ R\'TII1N(;
.'OR n U II.IU~(; '·
From 1'0 nASE ~IEST Telephn ne 14
"liEN YOU DVJ1.D or RE, 10flEL • Consult your , • Lornl Balli,
Waynesville National Bank .
HOME NElms A 'rELEI'n()~E
Ohio . Central . Telephone
When You Think
Real Estate or Insura nce
- ('1111-
l'unr It-IU(, Illlm·ill
LeM ay-& Ifaw ke " ':tynCln- U!I', 0 ,.
~ltI' l\'I'''.
(' IU~l"
Cahillt ' s,
111111 .
('lIllholl nls,
I'hum, 01 R 2 '
Sus h, 'rhl' lI ('n II
J. R. Gibb ns •
," Bu ild ;With C,oncrete" ,
, < .
i-- -... . ~--
Lo w M on th ly Pa ym en t .J:>lan
- .. - .....
f. ""_
. .~"I'. . . .
~. I
• J! • \ .. ",.,~
Zal ll · l~rmitage WAl:N ESVJL LE.O,
',I, " ,
M~k~slt ' Eas0o .Make
And Improvements.
TH MDAT. OCT. 10, 1918
HARVEYSBURG 'WIIl '''r l '\I Is HQl'loUHly III.
~I!I, p(\I'C~' RefLson or " Iuyn ftvl1 le
It r Iillllcr " ls i t ed MrB. Sndl. H ~II"o ll . Su nllny "flet'noon . 1.1 nd
Robe n Oroy vlait Cld hili gl'nnll. I)nr(>nl" MI', ond , 1\[I'H, .f. , O.,ny ~undny anrno(ln, MI'", HOI'mulI O ""OI'~ vis it d ,11 I' I!IHt r Mrs, Hnrry McVny Friday, MI1I8 Mnr.gnrot ;ll.\rt' III til nt Lilli of h ili' moth who Is ulso d,
The S undny sch ool co nve ntlnn h eld at the Frle nd R churc h S u n· y ufte rnoo n. Hev. LYlllnn ollauI}
L Rhurg wna th lll ilin spI'a lte l'. !\trll, Ruth h I'woo,l Bold h I'
o u~ellOld goods (I t
/ '. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bricker Visit Lebanon , . -"
Snlu",uy nCternoon. 1\1 VOYl! uro rl.lmod linG' thl!lr Httll'e h r e, ook (It Mr. IITul 1\11'01. (~III'lltlll v\'uYII\'Hvllle Wl' I'Q vllllLlng fl'lends here Sal UI'dny . 1\'11'. IIn(\ MI'S, ' 1AI' IIC 1I01'1!lt'1I nnll ~ rnllllson N(H'III hnve mov l'd to Brudrord. Ohl , Irli. J. ,V. n ell vh,U(l(l tI'l nds an(\ I' I(l Oves h I'D QV I' th w k end, MI's • .To Davis n nd ~O ll RlC'hn rd II' 1'0 Wilmington vI s itors Jo'rl1]oy , Mrs, Louise Pit n nd dlLughte r 11'01'0 \Vllmlrlgton s lloPIlOl'S F l'ldo y, Amos Deboard. JI·. Is seriously III, Ilt this w l'ltlng, Dcrnlce DUI'nhal't I ~ on th Iii It \1s t t h Is w el<. 1r,. , Will 'W eloh Is III a l thIs
dun . :'111'1' , ~1 1I 1'~ll rN " .. hm., in ""'"ljilll1Y with .\[1''' , 1~ II Z<l IJI ' lh .";I1,lIh I,r J)H~"
II'" tmd ,\ I 1')\, Alll tl,
• .. It hr \\' a~· n · Ih Iwm or ;\11', :Lnd "-II',, , 1I t' lll')" .-lIll""\\ llliho ncn r ,,'u nW!I \. II II'. MI', IIntl :'III'H, t-:. B. )~"n",n I"', :'Ir. "ntl ~ II'H J , H . J tl l \ ~H ' njoyl'('1 I hI' ,\~h l l")' s ln,;"l's <It ('Ol e n 'llIl' Ru n . eH \'l1l ~', ,·pt' llI !"I'l dl1 ~' 1\ l
( t h~l, p v
';" 1' ,
n p lrl
Clea,ned and Blocked
50c IAldie8 Plain DressCll
n tl
lht O
IHlI' l;1 l II I
11,,\' . IllId a !-;JI ,\'lI " I' lind (It<I',
;\ 11'::;1,
I·: , H .
1...1.111]..;11 1 '1'11 ,
vls lt e~
'l' KX ItIT'I'F:n
- hl'-
"Starlight Over Texas" r ,\ R'l'nON-" " nltl U" . ('O~IEI)\'-"(' :tnH1 'fh o nl'awn"
~ ~.
\' il'ttwy
i ll
l>: l.\'lCJIl
TU l'H ~J : I ~·.
, (){"r,
l .ill llC'l
MI', nOlL JlIt·s, Pau l Dullo nnel dn u,;htOl' Pats y Ann III' s pe nilln g n few days In Dny It y •• lI chlgu n ns g u eR ts or MI'R. Leo Wombul·g. Th e Farmer's club mel with MI'S, a l'l Dulle , 'rhursclny , Oct. lB . 1I1rf!, Walt r Phillips IB nUI's ln g Mr~. (,1111'11 of Lebn non. who re1\ ll nd brol<o h I' hill , JIIr , n nd Mrs. hnrH ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN .our Cattle, bCJp. Ibeep IDd ealv.. to the HorCman Donnthon fat'm Tns l to Nom.Broek Cu., live wlr. ad propealve fim f?f tb. Illarbut Inat we 1( , market p'riees and good Ierne•. 1111', lI nd Mrs, L, C, Kldde l", MI', ValDa StOck Yard.' CIDcia_t1, 0, un d Mrs, Roberl OnlY n n<l son, Sl)e nt TqDe ill aD Radio Station WClty S undtr.y with MI' . nnd lIfl's, Cla r e nce 12:211 to 12:80 p. m. for OUf dan, Klddcr nnc1 fnmlly or Me rlngo, market reporta. 1"he Molher's e lub of Sprlngbom Is g ivinG' It F1u] lowc'en f stlvo l,lIt the high school buildIng, Oc t. 2 'at
J. B. Chapman
Spl'lng-boro, Ev rybody II' tcom , Mrs. Wm , holtz and Bon ot Day· ton spe nt 'l'hursday wllh l'Ifl', und Mrs, Lawrence BIluer,
Phone or send in YCVJr news.
Ite offer a ,ati,factory Service at all times ,..
, ...
Phrase Crcdllcd to W(! jling \on Th e dult c of We llin /: ton is cre (lited with firs t use ot lile phrase, "clr. cltmst ances over which I ha ve no control. " in refere nce to b usi ness complications with which his son was involved In 1839 or 1840,
China reached the heigh t Il'r Its powcr under Kubl ai Kh a n in th e Thirleenlh century,
John W. Bricker, ( right) Republican nominee for Governor, a nd hi. wife attended. a Republi. can rally in Le ba non lut wee k, where Mr. Bricker wu one of the principa l . peakera, Here
LYTLE NEWS The l'l! will h u 11 11 110 \\' 0 ' n Cfl l"n il' n l at Lytl f' h u ll . l~rid llY (W nlng . O Ct. 28, s ponso r(' (1 Ill' ti l(' V1f1l1'!! Aiel. A doo,' IlI'lze 11'111 b ~I\'(," n nll 11 1"0 llll1ny o th I' prlzel:!. Adml li Hlon roc an(~ 10 ,
;\11' , a nd JlII'/I. 1! Il I ' \' C~' 13lll'nN tit· l on elNI til m l' l' lIn~ II f I II -W ar n '['"w",shlp F nl' m",·',. clu h Thm'sIlny li t th ('O llllll'Y hUI1W of .\Ir, "_n" MI'!!. C . I., Duke, :\11'" . ,\11 e 'la l'l( r elu rn ed home Mond ny nft r s l"' n.U ng ",' \'1'1'11 1 (la ys \l'lth h " l' broth 'I' a nd, wI C(>, 1\Ir, lI llIl lIlrH, 1.('1' Mn s II In lIl:15,On,
"Navy Blue and Gold" SIII}I('I'- " 1IIl' ll' if il'd" NI':WS ImEL ()l"I'OrlEI", 26 El'I'ol FIYlllI
Sev I'u l fl'om h r n tt ndf' d th e M I·S. Uon :dd .11 .~ dl ey LI nd dn ug'htel' Tnft·Bulklcy lle bn t In D UY lon F I'I. of 'Va y nes vlll I\' I' c ll in ngo on Lytl fl'len ds Tuesdny o f la s t \I' 1<. <lny even Ing, ;\11'. tlml }\f1'Ii, "II)' R ut7J"l lrn nnll Mra, la re nce Smith nnd "l\'ln ry family vl"U d r " I:tIIl'es 111 Tlpp 'Ily Su e roll apen-. F I'ida y In D I,yton, Friday ev nlng, ' MI'. ancl Mrs. 1'rele J Ollel' :l ml Ao n NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX II' I' dlnn I' g uel! S ,'undny of 11', LEVY IN EX('ES 0 ..' THE TEN a nd JI1r~. Edwin N Ull, nem' -{'c nt I"
~lr .
n nd
1\11' S,
L con
SaJisl)lll' ~' .
By ord r of th
!.'v nlng ,dlnnl' l' g UCllt:'l
of 1\11'. uncl 1I\1'A , Allc' n Errll'kk,
Earl Conner
:'I I..,., Chal'I1'8 ?l llIlIin t'x, lIlr" . "'01. lPI' K e ll l'l 1( \\' CI'" /; u s ts nt u dlnn ,r P'lI'ty Tu ead(lY at th(' hom e of 1\lrs. I Lu ey lIl ngl'uI! I' n ou r 'pI'lnl;bol'o ,
Comeln and, Get Y~ur Share
;\11'. n nd Jl II'S, 1I1ll'v Y Burn t w ,unclu )' g ueHt s of Dr, Itnd Mrs, J!:I'1l !;L und fa mil y nt Lon.
Bon rd or Ell
o u,. l ~·,
. I\fns.,le Township
,'" ..
,liealtllful ' conaitions ,are , lliere~: Witll tlie presenIAulo~atIcWa'fer H~lersf. ~
. - '-r • ' ..........'........_ ...111
wnicn are avail'aot'e al'yopr locaraeal--t, ,
\8<. ..
-ers''J".. it, is easy 1to, p,rovlQ~ your~---... f~ily' . I,
, wlt1i'aU tlie necessary ~ot Witter aria '
ai" tosta -In' Keeping
'r-;tr.!l ....~ ,~
wit? 1:iu~get
l~ltations., Easily installea.
,II ydu iIiOuld'desire tp co.f)stiJt us a representative 01 the , ~.
wHl. , \
' ~e~ "ad to .talk ~ver the ".subject. :
.. .... 'D a-.:-rON POW• • '
a.. ...a.... -co.....,
Trill to
hlo,' HAS, J, . WAGGONETI, hnlnnnn , V. H, R S. ELL.
Dated Sc ptemhcl' 2'8. 19." Oct. G, 13, 20, 27
~" . 1U-Fhl ~h (lcll'tiOIl
" H,
NOT1 El III h er eby g iv cn that In purs ua nce or 'n, R el<o lutlon (If DOIl!"(] DC E(\ucnll n 1)f tho \V ny n Town · s hip Rural School Dis trict ot WnJ" r n Cou nty. Ohio. passed on tho Gth I dn.y o f Septembor, 11138, t,he l'e w.l1l be !lubmlUecl to a vole 01' the people .sa.1d,; WuYDO ·'1 wnl!lhlv- Rorn:l Dlatrl t , :Ll th o NOVEMBER r N to be h eld In the nJd D ls ll'let, ,nt ·th I' g ula r I Illnaes of vollng, n 'rue, d,ty. the 8th ruty of Nov inber, ina , ih QlI s: tlon of levyi n g n tllX In ex es.~ or th ten mill IImltn ti on ror lhe fit ot ' Vny n "'ow IIShlp {{ural ' ehool Dlslrict rol' th IlUl'pol<e of c urre nt e»-penr>es "of $lld l><;il ool DletrlQt nt a rate /Iol ex eedlng 3 1lIIUs ' for a period or t hre YOlj r S In c luding lila current tnx year 193 .1939 ..19 : 0,
. eJ s 'a ~r:etfy gOoq ' guar~nlee' \~af
"Four's a Crowd"
Free Serveral Bar.rels Of Oil '
t1i1,y ,
Olh ·ill de Havilland - In-
Giving Away Absolutely
1I 1'e) \'Is lling he r moth,' r, :\II'f!, Bro wn at 'Yolih ln l! ton , __ 11. 1111'. tl n (l "n'H, W , 1". '!:!l'I, of n lly· ton W(' I'C ']'htll'sIlay ;; u r ~ l " of ~I ..~. :\l ll l ' ~' Cm'llIon ' , Hnlw l't /:lI n )' o f Oll )'tOI1 , ~1I~s Dl'r . 111 (' :r:1h" ll1 n n<1 :\11". n llel -r.11'A, K ~. 1 '1' l l'n ha m " llP nl Sund ny e v ' nlng in Inna t!.
nobt , l 'otlug
Tile 1'olls for sn ld E leot! n will Ue 'open (It 6 :30 o"c look A. JlL .'o nd r eo :n:.o.!!! 01) l)nlll ' a:30 'CIOl·1t p, M, (Eastel'n 'Stlln\!", '(\ -' ' rUn?) of SIIld ,
. -.
Mr. and Mrs, Bricker are .hown with Ar thur Hamilton, Lebtinon, former apeaker of the Ohio HOUle of Repre.entlllive., and one of the memo bera of the Rep ublic a n leR il la tive del egation .
P'l~lf: of Hbt Water available In tile.
2:l · ~
i1l -
n, 2
"lrglnlA Getts. R,
H, ~Ir~ , St:l 1l"'.I' Hall l')" :'111' 8. Ir unt lind .\ I n ... S\.l ~11 1l ~ a:.r II.)I· . :,i tC llIlf 'd th (' d.j~l l'lt ' t ('lI l1 f,~ r"llt ' " at
KathrJ'll Mendenhall, Mgr
China a t lIelg ht or I'ower
.Quick Cleaqers
~II' . 011 )',
H . ,I nn
50 c
Twin Theater
II. JIlI Ps lo",n,
t (I\VU Tll1l1'~d il r l'"lvl\nln Ji.
lh elr dnught I' 1\I1'S, n. H . J ft l'lps 'u ml fnmlly. 'rh homo mlllg of the M , E, cllu l'c h Oct. 23, All rlny ociebli:t.t.loll b ~l: llIlllll g with s Ol'mon lit D:30 rol · lOW d by Ctndny sch ool. DIlI.lwt dlllncl' Ilt the gym, Aftel'l1oon : p io· ",'ram beginning Ilt 1:30, Everyone Is Invited to nttenlL I
50c M~n'8 Hots
,\l n n ll H ~', ,\1 I'. Illi lt'i:" I' "''' '' ImllJl l1 t1y I<I II 'd I'll n n a u n 1I('I'I,Io' nl n l 11 111 ~.
~ ~
Clea.. Up At Thea" Price. Men's S pc. Suits Cleaned and Prilll8ed
I h.' 1'110 "'1':11 or 1 1 : 1l'111 1~ Hh ll~. fl l hl ~ liP" ,'cs hl "lll' In S pl'lllg"
t elld .. "
wl·ltln.:, ' II \ -"'"' public auctlun ' Mr, anrl )\fI'S. Linn Kirk of WII. mlngllln
ltln ~.
.\11'. 11 11<1 "' r H. \\'a It I' ,' 1" "1I'klt ill.
--' ~
Come in Saturday
NOTICE ' Is h oI' by I;lv n that In pursuance o·! a ' R solutl.on 'or Bonl'd of ElduoU:Uon of Ulo MOtlslc '1'own ·, ,sWp RW'nl Sohool D~>ltriot of " '(lI" )"on County, Ohio, Ilrlflsetl on th e 26th ' dny of A Ug URt, 193. U1Cro will be SUbmitted to a vot~ at tho people of ' said Mnssle , Towns hIp RUI'll1 Sohool DIstrict at th o NOVEMBER ELECTIO~ to be !Ield In the o.1d Sch ool DistrIct, n,t the r~g uln_r pl~ce8 . of vollnG', o n TU,oadBY, th e 8t h' d ay ot Novernber. 1938, the ques. tion of levying II. tux In xeess of ~o ten mill IIm llntlon for t he bene· fit of ' Mnasle Towns hi p Rurnl Sc hool Dlst rlot 'for tho ,purpose of curl"ant ,expenses of lS!Ihl School Distric t at n. rate not , ~xceedlng 2 mills for il. period ot three )fe1Lr!l including the ' current t~ year 1!l38-H3Q·1940. 'Polls ' for 'saId E leetlon will , be open -at 6!30 o.'c1ock A, M l !lm1 reo IJ)Uln 'open until 1):30 o'clock ,P. M. (EMtern Standard TIme) or said
See thl. marvelou. new Chevrolet , for 1939 • ; higlt•• t quality motor car
• ve, off.r.d In tit. It,.tory 01 low-co., motoring •• with all the.e len.atlonal new feature. making ' It the out.tandlng car for all-round latls'. faet!9n al well a. the blgge.t buy In matordom.
,By order ot the Board E lections. of Warren County, Ohio, , _CRAS, J, WAGGONER" ChlLirman. V. H. RUS8E~, , Clerk, ~Date4 Soptember 80, niB, '
It, 80, 17 '
THUnsl1A V, L
Qtbe :miami W9ne~vil1e,
Phone 112
Main Street
ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Sutwicription Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payable in Advance
'l 'he Deadly Blight of ,
IInday wl l h t h(.
l ll lt ~l r ' " . 1'10 "
lind 1I11'R, A ,
.. 1)11\' 111.. 0111
War, .
ment expenditure 11 an important factor In creatinll these conditJ.oDa , which make large rellet expendlturel necesSan', It III not the lole cause, but Its contributory In.8uence III a:-eater than II commonly supposed. Any klnd ot wasteful activity would produce a similar result, but war and the preparation for war 81'e the outstanding case of conapicuoul public waste. The present coridluon was produced, over t4e past generaUon, tlrst, by the pre-war armament .nce; second, by the terrible deetructlon at wealth during the war; and third, by the Inauguration of an even more frantic and wasteful annament proiI'am. During thIs serious period the need for social rellef became more apparent and more urgent. Surely the connecUon l. more than accidental. Armament production causes for the time an appearance of prosperity. but 1t I. only temporary. Like every lesser form ot waste the manufacture of waf materials meant. complete sterIlization of wealth anel of the productive fOfCes, All ,uch activity 1eacW Into a blind alley-It cannot add to the natIon', capacity tor the continuous production ot a larger IOclallncome. On the contrary, It leadleventually to a mlaller .oclal Income. It tollows, therefore, that the iJ'eater the cost hal preportion ot Ita human and material main too auparftcIaL We resources a n,tlon devote. to the creaeach by Itlell tloo of sterIle wealth, the amaller will and we have be Its lang-run IOclallncome. the lowlncllned to repr4 the wal4re er ill e~tual8tandard of liviD" and eapeodltw-. .. an indication of social the larller t1ie proportl.o n ot Its cittLeDI In fact, the 101e tat of the who mUtt be IJUpported, partly or at candldatea for pubUc omee wholly, by the State. At the same tim•• todI.Y 11 tbelr attitude toward larler th.- State', resources for carrying the publlo, expendlturea. They are ''pro- increasing relie1load. mUit dlmll1lsb, The solution IS obvloUl. The promo~ve" onl.1 In 10 tar .. they are "l1beral", and unfortunately the word tion of Its acceptance Is the world'. "'UberIJ" bu come to have almost ex- great problem. Thole perverslUIi 01 clualve17 • financIal connotation. A human natW'fl which obltruct and IIW1 11 • liberal today, onJT it he thwart any and all proiI'BDlI for the fawn fr-. and lavllh apendlng, espe- reduction of annamant' and the banorreUaf . Ishln'e nt of the threat of W81' throup the 11 CODatd-. the usured, peacefUl ac:l.lUJtment of erecI thout ...UICI"LYIL.J< International dispute. 81'e IUch .. to make Mark Twain'. l8l'Cionic comCODIltcttoa 11 ments on the human race seem 11ke tulaome praille. ,,.., ,' . -
(Spec",1 Con'cspon4ence) Parla, France: The publle dnancea ot a ll naUOI18 have two things In common. Thll. are: (1) steadily Increuinll expendltW'fl on armament, and (2) .tead 111 Increa.s1n, expenditure f a J: social welfare, The growth at total payment. for each at these purposes h a I been the outstandlni fact In the dnanclal history ot every country d\lri~ the last hallcentury. It II no exaueratlon to aay that every national budget 11 today dom!the burden ot armament plUl 01 .oclal welfare. And It to that In the wei-
i :=i~~~=~~:=two uvauca.
!gQY3 43Qffi
qij ,1
G~rogtI»D .. STRtKeS ,\I'TElI
ca llcl's III 111 (' lIollw .. of :\11' , 'lIu1 :'III'''. Fi'ank E vcl'ill ·a nl1 :'II)'. II ml M ,." . H . 0 , Boulwa r." o f 'la l'l s \·jll ... Th e III1In l' ur
~II ·.
'AlIce,' c n terta ln e<l n yenl'lI ago, group of relt1tlv!jIl ' n nd rrl~ ndll al ')'h Jonluns p.lte nded the fu neral dInner Sunduy, Covel's were JaJd riles 'utu r t'Il:lY', lU St. ' Aug us tine u • ..and M'I'S. Frank l'otnk a nd • -::-:-..,..........J::l:r church In 'Waynesvllle for llomer F ra.nkle, . Vernon Sams , all of Brown, son at Mr. and Mt'S, Paul Bmwn ot Ferry,
, Meet Your F J'lend s At
Mr, n nd MI', H , A, Millard. Olive Brunoh, were Sunduy atter· noon call!:rs of the A, B, Talmage family.
OBrand of Flour, Corn Meat Cereal Pan Cake and Bucl{\vheat Flour, oats and Graham Flour.
Patent Me,dicines, and Drug ·Sundies.
li nd. )1 r s. J\ .ln l(J ll
F'mTl 1-3 ,,' al-l th \ X{ '('IlC K unda ,\' u f :t pl C"u sIl nt
f 1l 1l1i1 y
g roup
(,O ll l p o sllrl
l h il Jf' l"l
A lv i n
th eil' Ro n , S Il1' l'lllll n Fel'l'jl< '11 ml M )'~ . .llI ly fl , I (II, li nd P el'l'Js, t h pir 1!1':t }1tl!-1(1 n, :\1 J' f'. nt tjl'g'{\
' rh ,' 1,1I1A'111,, 11
( *Stwr
Blind for 25 years, McDonalcl 8teppcd Into a San Francisco Recreation one day 11 year ato and a sked to be tau~ht to bowl. After 16 lessons devoted to the proper stancc and approach h'l was allowed to roll the ball. In his first start he turned in an averallc of 121. Today he Is known as the "nmbnssa dor of bowllnll !lood will." In the bu sIness world he is publicity ma na~cr of Seals Stadium in San Francisco.
BcclcNl nud :'oIl'. B t'\ldl :111 (\ th (·I1' greut g l'l1nd"on. (:1l :ll'l s ,VI III:ll ll Beck ' tt , of n ,'" n la n 'h l'll ll' I', wh o su rpri sed ,\11'. YIH'I'ls. Wl1 ' 11 t hey ca me t Iwlp him ('pll'\)rn t h la (' Ig h l' le ll1 nnnl\'prllnr y, HI" fl'l n(l" wll<l1 he mny hn",' ma n y h flll PY 1','tu I'n" o f the dny , Fun(, I'I1.l Sl' l'\' \ces wc r held nt Hnmlll uII, Sa lul'/ll1Y f Ol' .llll1n , ., -, - t ""OIlR IIged sc v(' nt~"I' Il; ht YC:l1'~, who , lind 11 en 1\ l' C'~l ll e nt of Iha l ('Ity for Dayton, .Tohnny M, Sch indler, of J er, mony Y(,I1 I'", whc l'c ho h11tl boon In Soy Cltl' , New J er sey, Mury Ethel tit g l'O(,CI'Y bUHln "fl. l\lImy ( 1'0111 tllli; S.ams, ot Betltnny, Ernest Thompson - r vlolnlty Illlenclol'I1 th t' fun e l'u l N~\'\'l c. nnd Helen pillma n, ' Vllmingt on, EI· ca, nmon!; whom W(' I' his SOil , Perry ttlrll, Lucy Flahbaugh, or Middle- d e n Dunfee , Mr8. Ethel um,. u ndo ' Veils uml MI'!!. ·Well",. DOl'oUI)' , fn n, town, was 0. guest in tho Jordan sons, Donald and,Gcorge of this com· AIlIL a nd 'hlll'les ''Vclls . EI'1I1 home lut week.. .. munlt)', • , Vord wus received here lust week Horace Oglesby, of Xenia, h as l'C' o! tlte death dt 1111'S. Woodrow Warn· turnM to his home after n fow dnl's er, Xenia, F unoml eervlce8, were ;Vlalt 1n Itold Frl<lul'. Tho Warren ' raml~
I.. rO l' the cUlIlmun ltl'-
Sweet Brier
Oltz.. tt
Premier, Libbys
i ijij1iYij4l1 C1 4" 1444;;'~
Ol \.
.Q uality and Economy Hand in Hand when you buy ' . Well Known Brands such as
"1 "1I!lr h, . "-
(tv Pro/ellor oj PubUc Finance, Princeton Un'ver,',y ......
( If O, l ll nl l r\\n
H:tngTllll n l<d l f\1I1 a n.l , 'nm llllll1 ' , ;\\1''', II. JI ,\I "~", IIIHI ,1n U,:htCl'1l II:; lu b wi ll t1ll" ' l T ll\ '''I II1 ~:- nig h\. 11110'111 'l 'hU I'>',!" y wilh :'11'" , B, U. .pI'. ~>yl(' of l 1H' "' lImln ~~" n 'ollt'I-: " B,l h·~ . . fac lllly wh o wOI'I' l'!1 IhlH llntll )'NII' ~ 1I1<1\" " \y ilHllt a nll 1':1t'II I~' n )'1<': 11 9 "," rlm ng(1 lJl'of p~ i· In J~ngl lll l!l 1,11lI1\ 'Y ,,11" 111 \1'11 Ih .. ,I, ll n c' n 'HUon wJll Ii)) .1111 on J~ UI" ' I> f'u n ('tlO cl ithll1,. c' lul) I" " t Ha lll.·.h . ~· n ight IIlId " I' .nt nn'd f'; l1 ~lIH h II 110 Ill , till' Jli ~ h L wi! h L11 "\!' "1 ~1"' I''', Boily :0 111 11"l'l'\tln ;\lcI, I nlley "r " ' lImlllg , :'III', n l1'1 M rs. JI , , B n nl " nIl HUll
Flora' M. rane - Editor Mrs. R. H. Hastings, Society.Editor . . . . . .. Phone 45 :K 11
- -- - - £
20, 1918
81'nllng tho lliny "nUJlhlng l'upII," 1"I·\()IlY E'V< nl;II;', ,t. 211!t . Thl> ellSt of Chlll'l 'ter ll III '1ILlt , VIl'glnlu !:llan· I ' y, OI'tlVl' nc,II , Thol1ltlt4 M MIII,ul.' '\ Irg ll II I'nl'H, lIt ..1 In Il oll lngl'""nrUl, Louis 1l1ll'lsQc,Ic, J.larold Stll nfleld, W llmn Md{lnnf'y,'Jlonlt'I' Llln1l.y li nd Uln n r ll(' J':vn li S.
IJDtered Aa Second Class Mail Matter at 1'0sto!fice, Waynesville, Ohio
l)'l ~l(fn .
W fl ~
h Ol-n
I>nS,..(,t! /lWI1Y a t III R hn nlP In ' Vn r n p s \ ojll C' , f h i l l, t o b I'
Goods that satisfll or monev refunded
14, l ~ :I S . lll:'f'rl ,17 ~f(':ln' , 4 mC>lIlhs II l1tl 9 unys. 11 0 \\,Il~ b I'n ncur 'Yil t h l1l ll ll . K y .. ~Il n f ~II ' , .mel :'o'lI'S, " ' illia rn SlmpJ;On aiul cam e to ,,'0 ),ne8\'lIl o:- , In 10 10. Jl o wns m :u'\'led itl ;\lIss Goldy J n ll l'S, ,)lIno 14 , ]913 . Tu th is 'unlon
IWu CI'll1 r; hlCr fl, w r EIIt."'n Rhllpson
Come and see for Yourself
bO'I' n- Mn rgnr et
, vho
nWl I Y ,
0 t : 31, lUI S n nll a th I'Ine Janf' . mnl'l'l tl to O COl'; O F . E 19lnlon nnd
Uvln g In 1. ' bHnon , In m" po!!ltlon, Cht'f'I'Cul , social, II nl'VC' I' 111 t n II r \ ' I' h'lIl n n on H e WIlS n. tl'U
h io,
h wns bl'lg ht, . nnd f' nl rtn lnln" ,' .. Ntrll'ng'f' I' nnd l{e my, and 1,L\lllrul bus:
bnnd u nci It dcvot(!d falli cr . His at· Powell, a gran(l~ n, C eol'se ' a nd f,'etlon Co r his family w ill a lwuys be Hem'Y 1I10re, Fune rul a rrangem ents remember ed. were completed by A , ,H, slyb~. o f H leav es to mou), n hi 10BII--h18 Wayn 8vllle , wli' a tla~~htt~;, Catherine, I\. B'I'll lll1.'on, D ona ld .Alvin, two bro. th I rll, L~() n'L 'Wllloug hby lind B 881 Ll1) ' J<lIlH of. CO \'ln g ton , ' I.ey. nn.d It Mr. nnd Mri!. Les llo ,UI'Ruch nnrl h n l r,sl ~ l I' I'cHlellng- In Illinois , a nd daughter lIIarle lilt ndd tit wedding nUIll 0 r ou s olh 1'8 l'Cllu uvcs o~ their niece, und;ty nt ?ol nso n. fl'j mi s, Mr, n nd Mrs, Bud. Young of L eb · nnon spent Sundny utl cH' noon wllh Mr, fi nd, 1111'S, F u ry B 1\'1111'.
lIfr. a nd Mrs, n ny Z(l It u nd rnm · Ily spent • unclay with his pnrE: nts n lllllh B cum , who Is Mte lltllng MI'S, Blnn. Pnttel'son nnd Mrs, at Mlnmlsbul'g, 0 111" Stn te U nl\'CI'slly, IIpen t tho 'l\fClf'lhn 01 'nver, were vis itors in X l' nla, MondllY, Mr. find Mrs , Oml'l' B oldrey )~ntl \\'ccl, ('nil Ilt his 110111(' In }{lngm .l11 . dn ug hter of Dayton , MI' . n nd ?II's . Kln gmnn t;n( lbn ll tC11.1O will play M I'8. , Erble Powell WIlS It viSitor In Hamilto n, F r'ldaY, Vaughn Mullen o r S lll'lng,horo Il('d 11 ,::rUl1 C with Dl un <'.hes tor. on Mr, "..1 lI'lrR. :Bel't B[I~n('l1 lind ('ve nlr~g , Mr. and ,r.lrs , Wuyland J~rdan nnd duughters Sunday,. chll(\t'en of Cincin na ti were vleltors family
ANOTHER BIG·CROP' OF APPLES AGAIN THIS YEAR UJ!!1J:&l~."'" Baldwin, Hubbardston, Stayman, Yark, Pippin, Black Twig and Rome
Complete W reeker Serwce
Vandervort 'Orchard 4 Miles South West of Jamestown,
Place Your Order Now For
~ . . ,.C hristmas
Your Name Printed On 'C ards
,50 Cards' $1'.00'
WINtER WARNING TO MOTORISTS f Now's the time to get your car ready fQr cooler weather. For very fittle cost we'll check an~ adjust distributor points, battery, valve clearance,. manifold, ellgine h~ad . air cleaner. s,
8eautif,. 'Yo,Won't
'eli.v. 't!s a Low Pric." (.,1.
100 Cards $le50'
, ,
.' \ i
Rogers-SimpSOI~ ,. ,-
ADd Y9ur, Jasnng satisfaction in .its glamor~ tlpp-Bllrtmie will be m.arched, by yOur willing enjoyment of its
OUI Jilli""i()~ ~f ,
DeW.riMl ,
Disco"ier lor ~ th,, '~
,.drivinB ~
Spriop ••• im~ TJpe Sboqc AbsWben ••• Perfec.ucl ...,.. Coaaol .
Ebyious eft:' will .follQw the big, beautllw ~ 1939 Plymo~thwhetever you drive it.
W .\YNES\"·ILI.Bp 0, .
' $0
Sh~a04.w..sIf4!at.~MeIb ,~
'milaioD* • ~ • aew T..... ,",,'b s~
... ~
HiP-:TorqueJlDaiae p.........nre ~ Drive ...i .11.c.Jd .....u.~ pleasUre in Pl,mouda 1OCIay. ~'lia or ~
,you set ' fiom.. Amo1a Steel eon . _
. pboOe at • • ·Il..".....". . . .
Maso'n Super Service, CIiRY8L8B
die""" _u , ...... cdaI,.....".r. .....
cliff au..nell
.- .0.
:\1..... "II'Y I\kKlrhy, l\Irro. Fltlnn dill' 11ft I'nlxon. :,Oil·... I'lIul BI·( lwn. 'I'hl';\'" Ily. :\11'. ~l",l Mrs. Th omm. HIo·h. lIIr'_ uml 1\11"1'4_ LnWrt'l1r~ .ltll'obH an,\ JohnH'1Il "rid dlllll\h l I ' J ('nn ne, An.MI·"_ IhIU .· _I[,-Di, 'fey lI'n]' ,kll ...... ,I,·. ' I l'H. "" I1lJII.!Il ~'. \\'I ll ilun WII ~nll. .I<·RH I', nnln~lt>tl. ,\It·. lind l\Irt<. l!:It.YOlond 1~llkl n H HII"lIt (la-(IW J\{ l ' lrby Qnd family oC Dn y . erM IIml ~;'I'lIlllll""l 'l1l1('I'>' tlf \\' uYI1-' Lt' \"I" Hllrn ~ oC '\\·"~:f1eH'-III '. I. ~h(":I11"n " -U!l(, n of \\· lImln,.;lon lind fl nn'Y . J U"k:mll_ J.l'Ht() I' l tl ch und ,lie \I' ' k 'nll III Ru Ij IA I'l)hll. l\tr. II ntl 1'..I r 8. ""_ ..r _ B urlun 'IlII (>(I too w • rc unday nil ra al lh home 11\' 1111' pent. un(jtl~· tin rnl10n wllh wm'I,l n "'" t('I' LtI\\'r"n('e 'Thon1 n~ thi .. ~ JrM. ~ lnl~>' L.llIUh, on MI'. !lIIil I\h ·lj. LM\'I' n e 'I' homl s DC M~·I! . Ro~ PO ll lIenr Fel'I'Y_ MI'. and j\ 1 1'!~ • .f. ~, Fllel. son HI1 (' n t SU llIill )- with Sum]IIY ov nlng . !\Ir. Llnd 1\1ra. J nmes Yost ot Day.. l\ 11·. u ne) 1\h·... D u v(! oo(lllnl\IIIl' Alwlly!! w" ieU tn Il!ltoll'~ III \\'II \' N-famll"'!!. _ Mr. am] lItI'a. · L('s l r K m'l ~k nf IOn lind Mr. n nd Mr~. K ordovn. Silent and 8<>n Davlll or 1 n~'lon c.lktl nt JW \\',11 KI RI'· I·~. uf F"crl'Y vhlllOO Mr. nnd 1\1rs. L e lll nd HUlIllllY n(ler n o n with lIt.I'. n nd 1\1r1;1_ Swo nlc n llr Lnv e hond !'l unda)' "rter- L . J . .Bul'to n Ilnd Mrs. Ro!:! ' P op. n on _ . II .. n,nd :l1t·1I. P r l'Y J . Thomus nn d Vernon F" rd ~' co nl'o vl !:!llfn g r " ln· til' 8 n ti r ·nm l.lrld~e, hlo III rnU" HY cuunly, thi s w Ie. ' M '·II. Brvln . ' humus and c hlldl'e n !III III 'ntu rd a~1 with h I' g l·fln <lmoth· r . .M I'>!. K le lnh en , n efl" Sprlu!:boru. V l'lhlll f" o l'lIy l h of ;Lytt cn llcct on M,·. II ntl 1\l l's . Er\(ln 'I'h o m ns S Ullo cloy nne,·noon. 1\[1'8. N elli Hunt(!l' II nll doughl I' , :11'01 Ann s pe llt !'! und oy with M,·_ :\ 110,1 :'10'8. 11,-1 Smith find family. lI I I-. "nd M I'!l. Dougl us H u rr"; lII'Jd coil Udl' n I,C Hellbrool< ~ pe nt Sundny ,,'rl !'noun . wit h t h e Smith fnmlly. !l11 '~_ J en nie 111 u lle il tillS ni tul'lI cll h'om II fle r IL Uli'ce w eka vis it In J .p1Ju non. l\11·s . .Emmll. Mc Farla nd of Inc ln· When In Lebanon ll llll 10 'cc;lInpanl d. M r . Sml111 to V lrJ;lnl a laAt weel w he n h e took hi s Stop At 1l101h ~ 1' '1101ll . l\!J':i. l\1 'FIl "la nd spent lh e wt'e k e nd n t the parson age. N xt Sunday II! R a ll y d ny . o nd Il al'ves t l1ulll <lilY n t FelTY Cb ll l' h. VI'e nrc exp oc tlng li n Iltlendllll ce uf 275 .
F• .[. ',Martin Auctioneer
.SArlSFACTION Or No Charge
v.@t\rng. Hnd fl lll' nt with )\'fI .. IInrl Mr/!. J .
1111 d SUlldllY IIft "nuo n to Itl It ov r lh l" 1(1 fnrm, pili e f lh(ll r chU (\h Q~. (1 tilly/!. th I' v[Rllol's lit th e Hollon humo S"n""~- W 1'0 II-s • .Ten nl e 1\l ull"I1. I'l. ' J,'lIer II)) J\t F I'I\lIlY af- :llr. :1Ilc1 1\11'::1. 'I' lwmn s Bunull :llIe1 t I-n uun fi li i!. v nlnl:' I" ])Uylon Wllh daught ,. Nnoml Jahe uf 1;0 ,..-y to'nd \tN' (lnn g hl(ll', 1\ 11'11. :I·I. II I·Y OI'll'1l .\11'1;. SUJ-a h Dewt'Y nnel :lulI'leR Of'W Ill'll] ch·lldr n. (I~' J I' ., or ')~IRllCl" hi . , v 1·,, 1 n Ighhol's nUt'nd d I h o fU fU' 1'1I1 Rl'rvlccH Rn t tll'll lIY 111\1l'nllll; of HOllwl Brown s n of :1"-. "ml th"
),'1101' hom
R ob('rt l -Inln
:III'!'. RU I'all B. Snell cntertaln II
• . Phone 78J
PLATE LUNCH Sandwiches ~
Liquors -
Mothers Club Carnival "'P"" .'-
Imu~h .
_. - .. ...
w CI'e:
\OV :.U'cl ,
11 ~ALB-DI:O(' k J'ul:llld. hintt Mal e III !,(S , Imllllln II allli I'cndy f or sc r vice. ·has. J lal!'c, ltl c·ycl'. Phon
FOR nEN'!' In qull'O or 96.
·"Mi.tre..- Mary, QUite 'Contrary"
LOAFCHEESE~~~tmer. 2p~i.41c PEANUT BUTTER:~~~"J 2::;23c I TRUMP BROOMSR:~"u~7cE•. 39c
on 4lh sl l'cet I ' . Ora hll m . P h one
Oct. 20 2t o
BRITI'LE . . __. ILb. toc
For Sweetest Day
A 2 lb. pile. CouDtry Club
FOR SALE-About 1000 bu . Kiefer pon r s to move In tho next three Weeks. Orch ard located on FI'le nd rOM, 4 mt. W. ot Wnyn esv1lle near T :l.ylors Corne r. C'omo /lny tim\!. C h a ir. Bogan. 9 29 :)lp HAVE Y,9UR FUR COAT lI£ADE
INTO NEWEST STYLES, turs I'e m ade, ' Temodeled, Ilnd regl ll.z d .. P rlccs l'ctLsonnbl _ Blnrl Putterson, 4 miles west of Han'CYllbu r g on th e Leban on r ond_
"Queen, of Hearts" s, Tn rts, Cuok!es
leA. Ship AU ' Latlen With Pretty Things For Thee" Art Booth
UMoth-er Coole" Fort U ne 'I'e lle r
pen I'S ot
WAFERS .. lb. pkg. 19c - 1 pkg. Animal C rack ers FREE wi t h e::c h purchase
RENT-Anru'lm e nt cOlltrnlly \\'It11 lights o nd wat r. Mrs_ V iola Clll'ey_ ltp
'.'Simple Simon"
F18h P ond
n l\\'a~'11 JI("'VIIIIS \\'It)·
until. h ad paid 1111 1Il~' bllls _
II hl~\\' It \\'Cl uld he.' Ir lil Y IlUrsl' werc' stall' n CII'
at Toys
Fu1 1
Club FanC)f -Slrinl
BEANS .. .. . .. Can lSc Co untry Club Box
A vondalc Kidney
BEANS .. , .. 3 cans 29c Log Cabin
~ IIF. "OItGO'I' '1'0 ,\1)1)- " ;\:-'/1) EYI~ Ic\ '
~ .Hallowe'en SUpper 04 -
5 'tID 8 P . M,
Continuoul Showl Dilly'
~et' \'Ir(' , lIulhln/!' 118l'rs
nn nr. 't'
EecallOjJed .
(J..i~kell: Sw~t PutatU(l~ O,f
ROIl8t. Beet Browflt.>d Putatoes
Greell 1'11118 o~ Grl'l'Ii Dt 'lIIl ~ -'
SI'ItIN(; , ' ,\ r.un-, 01110
Lb·19c Chocolate Economy
(MEi\I!:l I·;n 1;'EOl':t'lAL D I ~ P.O.' I'I·
Hot' Rolls amI Butter -
~ellt8.j TJC~TS
CANE SlJG., ~ R p,;,~ ;:~g
Produce Grapel, California Tokay .... _: __ ..... _. __ ........ .... ..... lb. 5c
Tomatoes, Repacck ...... :...... _.. _...... .... .. ..... .... 2 lb. 2Sc Celery Heart. .. .. ........... ___ . ____ _. __.. ___ ___ . __ .. _.. _ Bunch tOe
Bananas, Goldel1l Ripe .. ........ .. .. ...... _... _..... . _.. 4 lb. 25c
CtlTLDREN 25 C8nh
Meats . . 111GB SCHOOl, Onl,
'Aduts lOc
Hall~we'en' Dan~e
11:06 P.' M.~lOc! · "R BV&NING ·
' MvSIC ~y
npORA TION)' _
. Fresh-Shore .. ... ... :........ . _.. _._ ._.. _...... ... pt. 29c
Ei_lI~ of Haddock, Bonele'J t .............. _.:. :.. . 2 lb. 35c
Red ' Perch 'FiUets' __ ._.. ___ ............... .............. _.. _.. _. lb. 25c SteCk Fi.h. Sliced ~_. _ .. _... _.....:_... __:._ .. :... _.... _._ ..... lb. 25c '
Slic:~d Bacon, C.o untry ·Club .................... :....... .. lb. 35c , Frelh' Sauaa8e, T in,. Li.n~ ....... ............ ......... lb. 29c • 1 . Kraft. AmericaD ' ~~ Ch_e . ............ ~ Ib; box 41c Kraft Brick 'Loa,f Cbee.e ..... .._...... ,.: ..... ~ .. :2 lb. box 4lc.
lyUe ladies Aid at Lytle Hatr Friday,
Grapefru_it, TexllLs, Marsh Seedless ...... ___ .. _. 3 for lOc
.. !. '
INS[ I tAN 'r.;
Green Beans ..... .. ..... ..... ......... ........ .................. _. lb. lOc
Cra.llberry Balllil Plllnpldnl.Ple or Fruit .JcUII nnll COllltl...'fi
a P.
S'\FI~ !
Spring Valley National Bank
o oon )'ROGRi\i\l AS., FOI.LOWINf; I'RIZ ES TO DE on'EN
Admission 5e and JOe
Leaf Lettuce ... __ ........ .... _..._. ____ ..... _.. __...... .... _.. .. ____ . lb. 5c
Adult. Onl)/ 160 !Til
' \ N('(l;LLEI)
1'lIis f lll'III"I' adcl" '" Iho vll lu e .. f (·h,· ... cing :le'enll"':
florida Oranges, Fine Quality, ......... .... ..... 2 doz. 25c
Anne ShIrley · Bel
l'11I'J('1( IS ,\;i\I. ItE(,EII"I·.' ·
'PEACHES .. 2' cuns 2Sc
"Bank Night"
"Jack Homer"
If IhrClII~h C'lIt Il'lislIl'ss. '
"Jack's Reltaurant" +-ol l;l T o Ea t
thl l '
lIlli' lIt'll n C'ilcrldn g Iwrollnt_ II R."ve",
lillII'. hU'lI lI\' Cllio' lIc'c' II IHI \\,(II·r~' . [ tlllC'11 10
\\' Il!'
l"hnt Is '
Avondale! No. 2~ ca n
SYRUP __ Lge. Can 39c .. ,
U nwke 's r('sl<1 n ee_
A Lot of Cash.
And a can of Barba~a Ann
Co untl'y Club. BUTTER
Flower Booth . Home Made. n ndles
Lb. 19c-
5 Lb. Box 91;c Up
I was · a fraid· to carr-yO
~·- ~--e-Hee()L'A.TES
LE':: li('n l;'~ a. In Beca.uae Dr BeUer Quality, Service and PriCe Eat;abli.hed 1849 • 1938 Phone 33
JUMBO BREAD~,~:~!a2J~.~:~15c NAVY BEANS ~~:d ,10 b.29c
20 2tc
(\.I tl on_ n il nt th e Dr. h omcstcnd. 'VM ' ONw ilte.
. ilion
__ _---....l.. _.
FOOD BARGAINS! STOCK UP! Fairiey Hardware Stores "
r,oc nnd LIp. 0lnll8 K I' p:lil',·d . C. _ PUI'l ey o n lilt' 0 I'II CI- oppO!.ito Al'llt ur 's StOI'O, 01'1I'1 1I.-11I\vc. 11 "flod 13 1',:e bur n s ultll lllf' f I' Wil l' h o usc for I' nt. Up
Mother Go.ose Bazaar
LOW EASY TERMS-Ask your Maytag dealer about the small down paymeDt aDd the I~w, easy terma that let you have your Maytag NOW.
SELVESf-So dlack KROGER FIRST before you buyl
reoso~llblc_ 'Vulch 'Il 'nnl ng
Homo Mnde
Fever aDd Headaches
, Vorl< . UII ,-u nl cd n lIeI pric('s v
Hls l el' who"" hi l-lIHI"rl! 0(' u,· on tho ~m Jn o d ale. ThnHl' to t ' uj t);\" tlll ' lit"
CallenS · 6 66
'YATCH A:-;n
:\.JI'. :11111 !l 1 1' ~. 'has. \' olC'rs nl l'(' . J C'nn 1111'11 h o,1 " hlrl htl:o~- 1"'1 -
Sun l)ny eve"ln g-.
\YANTP.O- TI C's il l nl
F n .·A LI:}- La l'g o f e nOl(. henull(ul '"," IJ I ing. all paintings, swe p . r , Ul bl C'R clc. c heap . ~'r,. . J("nfnuvPr l\ft. 1T0ll y, Ohili. II
P. l\f.
tOI'f! .
S "n,lay llUI'Jl('" hOl- 1.h,·ec grnll(l slI ll!< :111_. " nd :'III·s. L'hlll,k Gray . lIlI·. :oncl I 111 rl ~l':\lIfldn u ghto l' from X nla. :\11·f.;_ . 'W nl ey lira)' 1\ 11\1 i1:ou g hle l·H . :'If" . nnd Mrs. H n l')' MlIl-lIhy en , p ,'1 :oltwd th C'lI- <la ught!!I'. :0 tid ~;'1Il - :\11-. I1I1tI l\lrs .,)'l1i I't IHl'h nn\l f ll lll' In-Inll', MI'. n nd lI1'l·S. C h n l' lcA P t>wl\,l'-
74HG \\':OY IH'!i \·III...
" -NII1 (,Htiay. :'II I'''. . Rtll nl or (l ,-ny and ,Ia"gh · '111 uclln. :I nd .1uilCllhlne .
Om~· . ~h·s .
hnrrf'e ond I\h ·. "II ~H \''''sl nla c "l1 on (arlll ers for Il1 cl nn:1I 1 Hol,(·r l. ' Imwl1 cn ll NL n l1 " II''' ' '' lI l1am J111I1 II'I1I<' 111 n nt! R UIIPl y hou ~c . Ad - \\-il~o ll Run c1ny_ \'Is(' uS' ... 11ll d if )'o u h :o \'(' I'a l·. Ad - ' Llll le l\llss O lol"l a A nn .J Sa vo, NOIIC DnlPs (].rI'SS Dox 1104, :'ol,,(]erl:o . O. s Jl nl th · wcelt nd with II c,· !';'I·a nd. 1.\(llIlt1. TabletI'! due to Coltll'! fI" re nts, Mr. und Mrs .•1. F. Ja ·obs . Try "Itllb.!\Jy.Tislll"-a " 'omlol",,1 ' Ve cany II full lin e of CaR(' ]-'111'111 "lrH. l ;'l'U lllt ' VIIso n ana Bon o f Linllllt'llt ?l lach ln c l'Y IIncl H" IHoIl's . :lII'ClIl'\(,y Ir. nml 1\11'11. rrmude nb urg of In- Impl m ont Co. ' 31Hi :-< . 1.I"'J:1U\\,ny . Ittnn tl. He lon Da vlc,1spn n nd cousin 21. or \ VnshlnglOn C_ H . w e l'o cn ll r s 11 1 L e h:1I1un . Phon t' I ~~. th e ]lnt-RO)wge Suncl ay n fl e l'noon. Se\-t'l'n l 11'1,,' 101'" In :\!lS8 Wilma 'I' ho ma R. Mrs. L aver1;'0 (\ onclltloll . )""U I' r'hol('(> of III I1tl FUII I, n nd ] -I (,III-y Burg 88 vlsllcd 1\J 1'1'1. J;~lh e l Faul ond ehlld rn n S l!n - Jut 1'01' only $1;0. ('II ~' d 'n III 11 st I'll to r on nlbi> '1' , l ;;f) "fr. ;\1('C III·Io·y lmp\ A.ain Kroa_ r ClllFer. & food line.up tbat will .ave yOU m nt '0. 30G ~ . N. 13 mn,l\\',,)'. L ehplenty of money! OUR· PRICES SPEAK FOR THEM. 2t a non . Ph nt' 1 UO.
Herb's Place
g ut'''IS
1"' 1' ,'aturd"y evcnl n ~ n l th(!lr ~0 ,,1(' In h onor of Ihe 1:111 (.'1" ,. mothl'" n n,l.
!\fIllS J080pbtn e !Gray
Centerville, Ohio
Iwd nil Sunday g'U ~l.q :l l t·_ ( IIIlI :\1" 8 • 1'11 11 1 Hi h' nnll fnmlly, :'I I ". lind 1\[1: . llu)ph hlc-h lind ~fI- . nn,l lIfl's. E ll1 l'I'Y R UIiIH Of L eha n o n.
. H1 !IC \;
~ !.flO III
MtI~(' .
. .... ... .. . . __.. .. ..
& SlmpSbn s
I ncl ... I':zrn----<,Oe on r. 1;" 1. !.If ;\ lolJll Go.a. ,,, , . _ . .. .. .. . . Borden 's Statton Ma o Wost- oll' I II .\1 (]"". . _... ... .... . . . -.... _.. . . _ Peclc' s Re'surUi-~nt La l'JjC£I t M ,,~k ('d Y. 1ll1i I y-~ I .UO · In i\l d"c. . . . . . .. Ha llJh .Jo hns Gro("'ery Do Pe p-riOc In J\1 ,IHe. '" . .. .. ...... .. Ualt·cI·~ D im e 'Stor.e-: oml nl -2 '1 lb. Counll'Y .C lub F lo ur . ... _ .,. __ . . iu-ogel' G r OCery Gf!Ol'g l' anrl M:trllw \\ros hln" tn n-$ UIU In ~l tJ,.c . .. Fall'l ')"s H~hve Store Incl<'l' IIn-GOe In t l'llde . ..... .'. .. . _ . . . , . . ...... __ . __. _ . __ . ErVin E llis Little Allne l'- l snJ. A)1 li -FI' C7.(' _. . . •.•. .... . _.. _ . . . F ulkerson j3l.atlon B 81 Dress d Lndy-25 lb. FloUl- ... . _ . _ . . _ . . .. . • ... _. . . • D. R : iiUlll Apple ~I't MIlI'y t\nd Dennie - $l.fIO In Mdse . . _: . _ . . .' Ol'flhnm·s Gro~e' Y'•. Tom ·I\Ux-Fll\8hll g'ht .. - . . . . . . . _ ....... ..... : .. . . . " Coll ett's 1-lnrthvare: Uld M aId School T Qllch el--l Qt . Miami P oi nt . _. _. . OIbOOn's Lumi>clr ~m'd Gypsy-Bo tti Hand L o llon _ . .. . _ .. .. .... .... _'. _. Omy' s ; rbe r Sh~~ Charlie Mo(').u-thy-$1.00 Tie . ... . . .. . _ . . _. _... .. .. . ..• . .. _ . _ . _ B l-E:tf\ 'S Hme Wlthel'8- Hohner .RlIl·monlra. .. _ .. _ . _. . .. Wayn'osv lllc Dr,l1g S~ore Aunt lda- and I:.lltIe IIffOI'll-$ J .Ou' ' 111' !I·lclHe. . . _ . • : . ..: .... , J'on s Grocery Orgn n G l'lnder-OiI h •..... .. _...... ~ ... __ 'rnns's , e.r vlce ~ tlo'!' MOISt Orig Ina l. CoatumEr-l yr. SU ll~ l'jIlllon .• , .• • .. .... . , 1II11Ul'l1 G~tte I-tlnKii,nd t;llnk-25 . lb!!. I linl;' __ ... . __ __'.' . . __. )_ . : , : . W.llJlllce·!iI l . G . • A. Bnrney Goq~ l c-li qt. GulC Motor all .. . . , .. . ... , .. n tiutlUl hn' s OarllBf }[oungest Mask ed r(Jr80n~50c 1n Mdlle. . . _., . . .. __ . _ . , _ . ! _ ; •• A_ X! lnRY' Mutt nnd. .JefC-$1_00 Irt tmd" . .. _. _: . . . .... :. . _ • • . . , Mlllldoll l..umber-r. YArd OLlnl I Iloone.:.-li gu \. gn.s , _. __ '.' ... __...... , .. __ ... Cani pbell' - QIl,.... Lilli
M('I ~ (
U~ti1 8
•.... : .. ...• . : _. ~_ . _, . . _... ....c.-l!I>JID......xJlM_~~
f 2•60
J ames ll,cClure; .$l.M Smlth's Ment ~arket ;- $1.00 ,1.00 E!lubbe Fu"ernl l\on\o; '1 ,00 Clydo Wlulrton.;' Gill: Lella,y liDo Ha.wke 13nrber Shop; [j~-. Ridge'" StudiO. Donation or Mellt Market.
THURSDAY. ,~ 10. 1111
Annual Busilless & Industrial
A Series of 'Short Historical Sketches of Progressive Merchants and Industries Ready to Serve' You. Shop at Concern. .. ,
WAnnEN (,OUi'iTY FOH SE"ES'1' \ '-TII R EI!: YE.\IlS"
"SAFETY S INCE 1901i" ndl vld pd Sel'vlce g iven pll tt'o ns In th eir banKin g l-ocate.d O n" (mlf' ntl~· o t Ih · 0 1' 11 1' 1' of Mul b n 'y a nd DI' UII t!\\, llY In L ,>hIl JloJl- TA o n!' ot' Ih,' Il'!'); .:'!'t a III I 1I11)8t f'nntl nll ou " 111111 .COmpl('te HUl'dwar StOt-es In this 8(' 'tlon oC Oh io \Vhl eh <1urll1~ " Im,'st thr('("Qu'U'ICI'l! uf a r'l'nllll'Y I llI ~ h <,- ~r' rvk .. hy th lll HU·,.<n g (1I,[l n('lul .Inlltilution. Known wlt.!l'ly n il over this come h eadqullrt I'll a nllually (aI' hundr~16 oC n slden t H f l'om Ih ,'o ll ~hout " ' "rl' e l1 (")Un l,' whl) 'it' lIP lld 1I1llln s ", 'lI lJII ur h ill- A iJan ), Ihllt la ll y tCl~ch ps Ihe lesson ot thl'ifl- ll as a n 'In-Iulll.' 1''' onl of ~"' I' \'lcc t r s ld.ents ot Spring Va lley u n(], th o Hurrou nd , Q IU~li ty l\lerchu ndtse, Yo u cnn MfIVe 11m tl nd tnO.H.' Y by trntlln ~ 'I t l h l~ loca l eonr"'I'Il . '!'I'I ,' ph,,,,.. .1Ii. I"g 1'111'11 1 "c>mlllUn ll; ' s ln('(> 1905. A II nccOun tR In Hul'cd und er lh Fedel'!ll I lI ~ UI'nl1(, (> CO I·I)t)/'IItl"n. - 'nder th e 111rcc Uon of 1I1essCl·" . 'V. . . mlth . It Is wll hou t d Ubl n c t!!lSI.\ I·Y thnt h!l l'{l\I·n,·(> IIn~'. Ril,.lf IIII I'd 11'11 1', ' . hulld, \' er e t ... ~t "f 11 m" IHIII no '", <l1'''t~ n l',l I· ... ·s. n ntl '~· lll1 "l11sl'ln. ('ash lc r, lin Imm en ~e stock bl' en l'l'led by th o er R' ho ...l",a ....', pa int '" :,n(1 RUJlPIl ..", . to 1;'1"1' Y" U I ll(' ~1'(':O(l,,.t yh'ld 1'r"m hnl'rlwar s tore that ",hillel! to be Il lumblng. h ea lln l;' amL c- lt '('II'h-ul "" p_ Ih e :H'r"a ~(' IIl1d Iln1O' (·xpen,le-d . lln (> of th o illl't lt " tln n" thnt g ive to ta rm er!!. 'l'h py a r e eRp eclAlly PI'I" IItH'CORB (ul find k e 11 )luce with the pile>! u ncl Il PI.llam·e!l "f fill kind ,.. T h.. Lln ~'i'H hn ,·c allllllH'd II ", dlrlli.\('· to tll k 'ar o[ th e t n rm er:!' t< ta h lill y tu ' Ul l' fi na nc ia l li nd com · pared , demands ot IU! cus l om ('rs. For over mnny d p n l·tm ell t!! hal' c he,. " H1'1'a ng lion o[ 1;l:ln A' th leLl'g- 'st IN'Llc l' In mel'cla l In "cs t of tl w commll;nlty Is tillnklllg bu s lncHB. They Ii vent)' y ears. Lingo's has contrlb u- ed to giVe you not u III ~' IIII tlun ldly (:u',m Iml' lell1<'II t>< ll lld m" " hlll "r>" In Ilw!'p" in g Vnlll'Y Xatto nn l Bank In need s nnd through long exp el'len co ted gr nUy to L banon tiS a 11'lIdlng a d v(' l·tII!NI IIn('s of nll.('(·I",,, .:!I,.,, bUI thl:; ,.e '11tl ll lind will he I'j,'nlj('d t" S pring \'" lIey wh k h h us been ~c rv , hav e lea rned ho w best 10 s erve th centl\r lo r r esidents In this section II pl'l e runge to m e" l the tI"II"",,1 or Ill' mOn Rtl'llt · a t yo ur ('lIn \·('n"·n (>(>. In,.: I Ill' 1>£'01'1 or Ih llt s('c tio n rO l' the peOI,I O: 'rh lfl v ery I:tllecla l nnd valued ot Ohl':l an d t oda y lI(fel'S one or the each n nd every c UNtllml' l'. ,.,-1.' wi s h 10 ,lil'eci you r al te nl il'l n JO n"t Ih ll'ly ·th l· 0 yo.'a l·s . This bnnk service to fa rme rs hAS bee n a vltnl lIlrgest· n nd fin est R ocked hArdware F OI- m oHI;' y an. (a rm er R In " ·ar. lo i ll I' .T. " '. Ling o Co .. whldl Is u n · I,,,,, rd, ),,<1 In t h .. uphull lll ll g ot th e (actor In the upbulldln g of the coun · .tores !louthel'n Ohio. It 11as ma ...., -' ~ I'e n a nd th e ,"Uulnln ,:; ('ou nl k~ hll VC (/(' 1' hc p(, I-Ronlil lll l' e ll ll n o( )1 r , rO ll nl ),. A dolla r ~I al' t ('d. h er in an ty and farmers have come to reel bundredll ot fri ends ltnd p a trons mud!' thl ' "to r'... Ih('11' h a<iflll ll l·... rR !'; II I'H OR on(' of 0 111' 01,1(,8l IIIllI IlIrA' :"'cu unt has s tarted ma n y Il mnn on very much "at h ome" when lhey call throug h . It:; ' eHta bUshlid polley ot In thp pll o'l'has(' o( (" I'In 1In l'l, "I c' lIt H l? lj l busl nPNs IL~S(' t .. (Inti SII I{!\,ps t In l h(' ron<1 to SUCCl'S>I . The possesso r nt this bank . In th e o ~ganlzatlo n o( quallt.y m el·chundlse. and un eV(>r n nd s UP lllleH. ('11I );'o'~ arE' n o \\' ~ h .. \\'· r C\:,a rd s Iw I'll WIl 1'1'. ra l'tll Illlpl tlI Pnts or a n Inte rest nccount soon beoom es this b a nk tire a ll of th e variou s decourteo us Kel'v l e a t n il tTmes. In g the nr,wes t <l1'\,plojJ ntt'!IlH In Ih e o r ulll('d linCH Hho p a t lhl,. loll'a l cun · n hom owner a nd th e n h n,. m oney pnrt m ents equ lppod to look a rt er li n d. The s toc k Ilt L ln go's Is comllosC'd t'nmouB Inl c' ,.,ln llul1a l 1I 11 ,·v('s\t. ,· o. m1. ('el'll. on d I~s lt fI'um will h he t1l'11WS In · g ive se rvloo In every bran ch oC the ot . IJlAny VAriou s de pnrtme nt s a nd Me Clnnll' k .ll (ri n!\, 1:11 ... 1'h"" •. t' . mt('r('~l. 'I'h1s II! .lho road to s uccess b::tnklng bu si n ess. lnchldes everything In [he gener ul Oll" Impl el1ll' nl l< h«v e rl t ootl tI", " e. nnd thl g Inst itution h a s be n InstruThe re Is n othing so exceeding ly Il>e nlal In SIlI1.lng /lIn ny n. m An who comfortin g In the tim e at n eed than has llc(tulred h abisl ot saving h ere tl bank acco unt a nd ther e Is double lhnt have modo hi", a nd his fa mll y sntl sfaction In hAvi ng you r a ccount '-\. happy In th o possI'sslon ot a com· with this bunk. Your account Is pro fnrt:tble h om e . tected through Insurance with the "HARDW ARE-LUMBH~FAIUI nIPr.F.~I ES TS· ~ A SriN lu] (PH turo if< theil' sel-vlce Fcdernl Deposit CorJlOruUon. Conveniently 10 ted for r eslt.!e nts In SJlI'ln!:' Ya ll,'), - O( (" , '~ ollly "(lRAISR - FElmS Nationally Adv el· t1 s~ Merchandts Throu g hou t th e "Ill h'e . lore . If yo u SUI"PLIES" Ilre contemplating bu ilding or r em odeling at lhl >l lint " mllY w ~ ~ u ~,.:, s t tor Hardware. P Rints or oth er ,s upplles t o '!l OP nl IhlH C01)('el'n. UO' ," l yuu r DI",lrIL>utm's In th is 8('('llon fo r " Local Mer chants. "SPBCI;\L GUERNSEY l\ULK AND CREAl'tl" om plct Une oC " Tu xerJ o" n lHI n lso
At the . outset m or e than torty. f lv. years ago Spring . Valley Hardwanj o. r ea\1zed tha t a 8Iltls(lcd cuatomer waa the Influence tor IDOI'e bualneaa and haa Itullt up a ~ fully large bUllness throughout th l' county becault ot · lhe high qua!llY wblch will be fpund In each depart . ment and the prices conslstaat with ..ooa bUSiness methods. With a . knowledge that always bred .UCIle. . they have purchased suppll· H In Quantities 80' as to give yo u a complete and satlsfllCtory serVIce at all times. llecauae of thJs buslnetls llke meth oG eetabll8he4 In the store. hundreds of ',1ree1denla tbro*bout this . part have become regular patrons at -the Sprl~ Valley Hardware Co. Many depru'tments h ave been arrange4 101' your convenience Includ-
In g g!' nera l ha rdware. l umbpl·. pa ints oils. gloss. n mmunltlon, coo ki ng l\ te n ~ lIs . lOis nnd fat'm s uppll s ot aU klnda. YoYu will find o ne o( the laqeat stocks In thls seclion t o deleot trOnt nH It Is n known toct tI:a t t his sor e h as attalned l~ r ep utRtlon of offerin g h e high t qunllty and I-etlsonable prices. If yo u nre co ntemplnting re build Ing or re pairing [( t t his tlmo con s ult the Spring Vl, lley HardWa re CoI.hey will be plensed to g ive you com · ple te Informa tio n nt a ll tim es. '\\' e take this opportunlny oC com plJmenting thIs concel'n upon Its fo r t y·tlve ' yeRrs ot service to county reSidents a nd suggest to our readr ers tor h a rdware, f a rm s urlPlies or a llled llnes you wll.\ ilkI' tl'lldlng at this old established stor e In Spring Valley,
SPRING VALLEY GRAIN AND FEED CO. "MASTER MIX" FEEDS AND FARM SUPPLIES" With ottlce nnd. elevator located In Spring Valley, has been successtully and ' satls ta ctorlly servJng fanners and r eSide nts of thi s sec lion tor the past fifty yeai'll. Dealers In all kinds oC feeds, g r a in, flour. corn. crack elt corn. corn meal, h ay, straw. II;lllt. and .c hlcken teeds. Also pays the hla'hest market prlces tor graln ot all k inds. Cll.1I for dal ly Quotations. No review ot the bus ineSs or agricultural developments of the community would ~ 'complete without extended menHon of Spring 'Valley GraJn and Feed CO. In SJlring VIllley who aide In no little measure t.he progress . of the farmel'8 In this 8ectlOn, of Ohl~fterlng a complete farm market tor all klnds of grain and d eall!lg on a lurge seale in the hlabes t qua lity t~s and other farm supplies. , . . They earry a complete line of the famou ll "I\las ter Mix" teeds and regardleS8 of your feeding problems YO!J wlll .rInd a feed s uitable 101' yo ur needs. }o~or the most prorlt from YOUI' .stock and chickens for
the time and money expe nded you w111 al\vnys ge t better results wllh "Master Mix." For yenrs fll rm ers In. the vicinity of Spring Valley h ave m ade this lhe lr tavorlte tra ding center, Here Is curried a complete s tock of all kinds ot farm s upp lies. !lour. corn , cracked corn, snIt. fertilizeI', hay and straw. Whateve r your need may be you w1l1 be Hure to find It here. This concern Is well a nd favorab· Iy knolvn to hun-'-eds In this sec llon WI and we tu ke this oppor.tunlty oC ooml1llmea:'tlng t'h em upon thi s compJ(~tc service u nd [Itty y enrs ot bus, Iness.
SPRING VALLEY BAKERY "OVEN TO YOUR HOME SERVICE" .()ftlce snd Bskery located in Spring Va ll ey--One of th e most wid ely known con cerns not, only because the y m al ntn ln a modern, sclentltlcnlly I!qulpped ·plant which Is under experlenco(t li nd' expert mnnagelTlent. but plIO because th e t a me ot "Krelb:er's DulLy" B r ead a mI other products h ilI! spread tar nnd w ide to every polrlt ot lhe Co unt y ond nrc excee~ngly
poput.\lr ' llere.
on.TY In Htoc l( a compl ,t line of gra in. coa l. ",!'!'ds on <l. oth e r f:t l'm su pplles.--O ne of Ih e Imporla nt f enlures of th e Ag'!'l ul lura l O"gll nlz:\. lion oC Ihe coun ty . A lway!! wllllll g to g ive Intot'lna llo n regnl'fling ( eds or the PI' pel' feedin g . of nil li ve Btook. Th er Is no ono firm In the cou n . ty m ore wW Iy kn ow n as exten s lv cl nlers In fe .16 a nd 'uppllcs ot n il kinds tha n tlt e Roxa nna Grai n Ele, vator whl('h Is well li nd favo r ably known throug ho ut t h is section . '''ruxe(\ o'' feeds . 111'0 natio nally known and ha ve m Ol'o lh nn pro ve n their wor U, as nOl only s uperior po ul try teeds but t or 0 11 lI\'es toc k. Ac t. ual r ecords publls hl'd by th e ma nur. nct unl!'!! a nd In leaellng poulll'y u n el farm pu blkn llons Of t h e nlltion revenl that tit bes t r es ults w re ob. tnln ct.! ,vh e n th ese reeds wc,'e used. A II fa nn ers know th e vulu o oC pro. per feeding elut'ln g Ih wlntc!' m onths lind Cor tltut r eMo n If yo u wu nt th e most prom (rom YOUl' money expend ed-stn d
, E:\' e,. ~,
step trom lhe <ln lr'y fl1rm to l he con s um er Is g ua rded to Insure th e CI' Hhn esl! :t ot.! clea nli ness of th clr de li ciou s milk ltnd c ream whic h . II!! In g l'cul demand by r esIde nts of Lebanon lind Vlvlnlty. H llve overlooked nm'hln g In th e ir d!'tel'lll ina lion to Jlrodu ('c lhe best. ReSide nts o[ Leba non' nre nssured of IlrOm pt servl co nt all tim e. Call 119.
T he s plendid bU !lln ess- transacted hy lhe VaHey View DairIes; Ino .• o.nd th demn.n(L for Its products Is ' a dis tin t tribute 10 · A ~ thur N. Fren ch who o perates thl8 progr essive conco rn. . The service of this cor..,'.ern are well known to man)' at lnt! Older fam· Illes of t his seclion but to the n ewer r s id nts a cordlu.l Invitation Is extend ed to vis it the ,llIlry f arm located o n Rum l route 2. All milk Is pro· ducetl Crom sta te tl1berc ulln tested herel!:! Il nd for tha t ['CUBan Is the Ideal milk tOI' ba bies. child r en and 1n fact lh e entire ((l mlly . MRny mothers hav COllneL n o olh ol: concern so ~stnklng In tlle-I I- el~forts to produce t he fin est (Iwlilly tmd purest milk. Bu k of every bottle Is II. gunrlime and to Ceetl
"Tux d055 feed!! n ow, The Rox a nnn Grain E levn tor a r e always willin g nnd nnxlou l! 10 g ive comll~le InFoI'· m utlon about your fepdl ng pl'obl!'ms a m\ you cnn sn ve tlhe a nd m on ey by inquiring h ere. In 1118 king this I'('vle w oC the 111'0' gross of Ih e count y p nd In outlining the more p"omln nt flt'ms who s1ve valunble srevlce to the public \Y \Vlsli to dIrect your a tte nl1<in to The Roxa nn a Graln E levato r .
anlee. 'rh e milk Is cooled And bot· tI d uncleI' the most sanitary con dJ lIo ns which Is y our guaran ee ot pU I·lty. l\Iore than thirty years In th o dnlry business plaees tbe Vn l· ley Vie w DaIries. Inc., In a position to serve you In a most e tflclent mu nn~ r. Th~y h a ve co ntlnued In the developme at a nd produr;tlon ot "Cer titled" nnd Inspected milk until {oday SI)Q(',1I11 Gu ernsey Milk Is In uso by hund..eds of tommes In this seotion. _ In m n.lting this r evl w ot the promlnlnel business concerns of this opportunity of complimenting th e Valley View Dairies. Inc .• a nd suggesl' to our readers tor the b est milk nnd cre.!Lm nnd prompt dell ve ry 8 01'v ice call 119.
"FOR AGED AND CONVALESCENT" All l\'lode rn Convle nces. Beautiful S url'ountllngs , Wholesome FoodSpecia l Monthl y Rates-"Under Direction l\h's. Hester Carr." T olephone 390,K-Le ool1on. OhIo,
How would YOtn lIl( e to recover nllow Il s pacious lnwn wh et'e g ucl<il! Cram yo ur Ills or 'r eat at th.e above may wall( Cl nd e njoy the outdo rs. plac!) to prevent encroa ching Illnell8? Known nR n " nUrsing" Institution Th at's wh nt LE,bnnon has to ot· "East qrch n l'd " Is It prlvnte . home fer In "East Orchard." -n nursing wh e'r e p el'sons s u[(erlng tram chron· COL, FRANK KNOX TO hom o Co,' con vrll escents w})lch Is Ic afflictions n nd other o llme nts, as SJ'EAU AT SFJUNGFIELD snltl to posses,s a ll of the merits ot well us onvalescents, are assured 'Vha l promi ses to lic o ne ot the An Institulion ot Its kind nnd where the tlncst. nnd most a tte ntive care. greJltest I'c puhll en n g :lIhc rln gl! In hos lllln llza tlo n Is not deSired. 1>"01' cases whe r e h ospltnllzatlon Is thl~ dl;< tl'icl I~ being pl:.lIlned Cor Accol'dlng to lhe IncMl1sng num- not reQulra(] It Is consider ed Idell l .~, Sprlngflc lt.! on Fl'1t1ay ev e n In ... Oct. ., bel' or co 1)vulellcents who avall t" catment , specJllllzlng ill qui et, 28, whe n Col. Fran\c Kn ox. 'hlc,,"o '" th cm selves at Its r estful e nviron· wholesome (ooda ond r est . publl.h m' a nt.! r t'Cl' nt vl ce,pl'p.sld cn·, me nt to recapture h elth atter .nn A pntlent may huve strict privacy tlol candida te ca m el! n,. th o heud llno ap'e a,l(er . Illness, or forjls tall an Illness that a of his own room, or may mingle . resl mny prevent, "East, Orchard" wllh assembled. guesls In Dr room The me eting will be stllged at la proving Itselt a mong Warren coun· provIded ' for their recreation, recelv. Memorlnl Hu ll u m1 w ill bc~ln nt 8 ty 's mos t va[unble Institutions, Ing the ·att entlon or graduate or o ·clock. Col. I{nox ha s been in grea t Cheertul environment, beautiful prnctlcal nurses wben that Service dem a nd as n s pea ke r d.llrlng this s urou ndlngs and Ideal treatment Is dellll'ed. ca mpnJgn and party c hleCtn lns feel thai s uggest ' health rather than U· Mrs. Hester Carr Is In c h nrge ot fortun a te In sec uring him. H e Is neSR. :tre the conveniences nnd· at- East Orchard Nursing Home. She one of the tOI~·nllt c h leadel's III tlls· tm.rtlon s 0 "Enst Orchard." rec~lvcd 'h er training IlS a nurse In cussing th e n ationa l Iss ucs berol'e Occupyi ng nn Ideal site . away Lebanon H08plwl and Is well quail· from the nolsc ot the busy streets, fled to gl·ve lhe kind ot service r eth e co untry. R(ljlubllcn n cou nty chnlrmen from It Is one or the r efltrul spots' of Flor- quested In nn Institution of ·thls a ll ·the cou nties In the rl strlc t wlll avlll e. More than 30 bea utiful shade type. tead dolegatlon s 10 th e m ee ting. troes In close proximity to the home
... The Spring Yalle)' Bakery ar e ot that delicIous "Kreitzer'. Dally 'Bread ", rollB and cookies whlch are on Slile and In great de. . .4 througbout' this 1llU't of Ohio. Alk for "Kreitzer's Dally Bread" . Yo,u'U find "Krel~zer's Dally 8Na4" and , rolls always crisp ~ f~_ It · 8uPillei strength and .DeNY and -18 pro[ectlid . by' !!Unita ry, collc1ltkma. 'Breo.d iii · y.o ur best food; ., _t IIlOre of ,it. ~ anaL experiences of Ute tIIjN .,.. none 'whlch recall 1I\0~e ~MI
the '
.......' memo~ tban the ~ays of roldb, lIben tbe ' boy or ~!I ..o~ In, .......... 1irw.d box jU8t alter ~e 'ftm~ ba•• clianasd and many _1M•.. ••: _ pt to e:sper1enoe thlll ...... they patron'" an . . .__ • tJaIII IdDd wbleb ~ of-
. . .....,..,.. to &be 0111
family brend box In these days of the comJllexlty of elvillzatlon. Those \\'h o hn ve n ever treed the pro(]'ucts from thi s bilke rs are mis, sing on e of the accompaniments of the p erfec l m onl 1lS. hosle ot peoillc a re pra.lBlng th.e work of this bakery nnd are demanding th eir excellent line .of pure food produets. The -standa rd or thl~ Institution tho best g rade .n ou r . pure shortenIng. s ugar, s.a lt • .a nd other' Ingredlgents,. mixed nnd bukell under eleu.n sanlt.ary conditions by skilled workmen. The management hus beeQ ci08flIy', 'allied> wi!]) the - business iri~ter. est. of t hi8 ~tJon of, the sate for l~e paRt twelve years and the Instttulon sho uld receJve thl' patronaae of tho enUre people_
The Spring Valley fall festival SpolI&ored .by·
To Be Ileid In
Sportsmen ·Cornet By Harry Eldriq., Jr.
. With a n Idea ot lIeelng how th e squirrel cr op nnd bag tnkes shaped up In lh o seallOn just Pll.89!!d. this writer began compiling Items nna Informa tion nbout the leason. After gathering &til the available dnta, the outstanding fact was not that th e c rop was better than u8ual -but that oltoget h er too m nny 'IJ un.te rs I1 I'e .not s portsment but In. eunslder ll te nnd "h ort-slg Rted g ame hogs. H I'e are som e figures: Out of 100 hunter'" curs I'ood ch eck ed n cu r Lancaste r. 27 gu m e vl,llators ,w ere arreste,l- tllI'ee Dayton shooters are In j a il Cor hunting on a tarm wltlt, out pcr'mls;<lon- lr Wn,rre n . county ,on o Quull huntol" three rabbit hunt· .!)l'S , und lhl'OIl ll'css pUssers on Ft. An cient game preserve wltb gUDJI were' arrested and fined-In another roud oh eck 43 gnme law vlolAtO"MI wer e fou n d. In 57 cnrs roud-checkedl Ii adds ' up to this-In the last week of tho season $8.685 In fines were llBsessed In lhe courts for game In w viola tions . This Increasing disrespect . tor lIellSons . an""bll'" " limits Is' g'o ln" .. ' to play the· devil wllh th e great m nJorI ~y of huntcrs who want to see game preserved nnd ta ken In moderdUon. The old days ot unlhl1llecJ game nre gone • .!Lnd e u ll ha ve to curb that. urge to start shooting nnd keep sh ooting ns soon lUI we get In a field with a gun . Let the "meat
Thls t.lnlhazard to game Is limited to' th e forests. Weed fen ce TOW S ond' "'oo4a are Under rlghtilow In wlek. Don·t. t01l8 IIshted and clgnretteJI away-~ou may look back and see the whole tleld on fire!
Over 86 m ember8 and tl attended lalt Thursday. DlHtln.. of the Wnrren County FIIIh and Game Protective A811n. at Hemor1a1 Hall In Lebdnon. Dr. Swlnll' of Cincinnati uddrell8ecl the group concerning the F ederatlon at sout'ttwestern Oblo Spol·tllmens clubs. Dr. Swine said that such a combination ot sectional orgnniUltlon8 coulcrfollow and create the following prolram: full cooperaUon with Conaervatton Dlvl8l~n projects and unltorm preuure to 0:'. Wn such projects 1\8 hin"chertei;stream ' Imp rovement and lakee In soutbwcste,'n Ohta-unlform mark. Ing of dogs to e liminate 4iteallngdistribution of ssme In the territory where thrive best - brln" 1>-8 ' . It \"111 " ..~-
sure tor. F~eral 'Voter Conserva· Uon prejects. • Dr, Swing followed bill talk by Ilho~1{lnl movies of a Canadian buntInll' and flshlll¥ trip. President IIlarl Gu.tln and thl. wrller w ....· electe4 'to nct at representative. o(th. soclallon at the next ~lria' ot:dte
'hunters" and.- kUl ers follow the ex- proposed Southweatern ()blo , Attn_ ample ot the Mnrque88 of ruppo~,: . Guatln announce4 that APPI'oxIma· (OJ'm er British statesman and great- tell' 600 fltlhlns and 500 ' hunUn, ' Ueest ·hunter of all time, who In 86 en!lles have ,*,n 'tIOld to dau.-tbe years sl)ot a total of 37!1,728 animals, fees from ,whleh will be' use4 for ranging from rhlnocoros rabblt_ ' dl"eatkln of f!ahlng .waten,. tf!ed he went to Afrlon f~r ··that kind of planUn, and .ame re-Itockl~ In gunning, We have to · be IIIltfatled' the county_ The , ~l~ .. was l!!~decJ with reasonable bag 11n'1lts and Jiunt· with a smoker and lunch. . Ing. scasons, That d.oesn't meIUI, however that we h!lve to be eat!aflecJ Blue B~: owned. by Leffel ~. with Il- "one days limit In ~Ob' . Sprlnctleld br~) , In tINt ~on~ for all ' non,mlgratlng 'blr41, '~ In the iU\DuaJ coon do. trlall ruUna should' be cba.nlsd nat year.- ~ut1er cO, lIport8man'" Club lit , ' ~'llton . ~illJda lut ' AbJrutav As t1iJe Ie beln" written au New whim ' he- ~ree:II fiNt. ' York State tOrella are being closed The famou8 8IUoke), Joe, . to I1ny hunters-lJuat .tbree dai. ,1iJ. 'by !Jam ' Thar" ~~ Dayton ~k tet" the deer Beason openelt 'rh,e ond prIM. ' " . , r caaon-dozen8 of foreat .' tire. .tart· . lilIir)lty dO,8 'Yera '~nters4, aacI ,.p. , ~ .. In the dry wood. :by . ci.aretteJi ·.prOxlmately 600 - J)ersona and campfires of cnreleaa bUnters. Ole, tI1a~.
The .Spring Valley Boost~r'8 -CI~b THE . TOWN HAlL,-NOV. ~'lO, 11, 12 .
to be stuled here S unday afternoon October 23.
A.' Musical 'and other' J:.DlJ.,rltau·ruDlent each eVeDlD,
-- - ~! 'WJlout) NmmE.R 3955 ~ 5
_ _ _ :..= ---=: __ ___ _____ .
Local Hap
•••••• • 1
F .unel'llI s rvlceB tor H om I' F loyd M rs. Grace L. Bmlth spent Sun - Sehllffel', 34. who (tied Suncln~' (It day with h er slst e,r, Mrs. F. H. ?vU II· the home of h i!! mOl he l·. lIIr:i. ~ol 1-1 nd r80n n cm' i\lIddl Run. W re enber ger an d family . Mr. and 1\lr9. J . P. Larrick were held Ilt tho }ore IUl'e Fuo I'll I h om e guosts at I\. llarty, Friday evening W dnesday Ilftcl'Iluo n, R e v. J . V. at th h ome of MI'. nnd Mrs. Olcnn Liley offleln tlng. BU "lu l WII S In ,,\I. nm l c 111 t(' I'Y. • UI'\"I\"or8 III' his Huth oC Xonltt: Danco to the music of Ch u ck Hll· mothN'; thr\! "IHler ", "IrA. B I·tha wflge n '" or ches trll, high sch oo l gym Su lliva n , ~II·R . :-':ol a Arle lut' r).;e r, uOlh or J)1l~'t n, 1\1.1'. Peu rl Bo mmarl lo, 'uturda y O ·t. 29. Mr. and MI·s. Eal'n es t Buttenvol·th of Sl. Lou l~, 1\1 0.; o ne br-othel', Joltn ente rta ined the ir "600" dinn er club of \Vuyn esvillc. Saturduy evening. A de llclou 8 dinner wns se rved after whi ch a n e vening ot cn rd!! fo ll owed. MI'. and Mrs. W. E. Cor nell tuok th e ph.lcCB o{ 1IIr. and 1\11'8. Juc k Rich who were un able to be present. Sixteen m non s \\' r ed th e co li o( MI'S. Wand o. Grlfrttll CLnd so n A c ting 'onc h. F l'guso n US th e 1938· Jimmie and duughte r Ellzube th Ann 1938 un~l( etball 8<'::I80n op" n tl llt \\" . of Piqua w ere ,veek e nd guests H. S . OU I' co ch, 1111'. W u l e Turn el', of Mrs. Nlnn · Hartsock and Mrs. we leal'n, will soon be u bi 10 I' s lim e Rice Snnpp. his duties . '1'he 1)1' gpet.:lll for 1\ sue· MI'. nnd, Mrs. H u rry S tol(es und ces~ ful lIenson loo k brl ghl wit h lh l' III1·s. Elu'nest Irar180ck wero SunolllY I'ctur n of t hrce I tlenn en an u. It hust g u >!tIl .0C 1011', ond 1I·lra. Clarence ot experienced. boys . Th e lette l'mc n Dunham of Lebanon. In the ufter· are Dob lary, BIlh Planck, anol noon they nUended the opeT1lng o( Chucl, Co lle tt. Oth I' !Joys who ';:IW th e Foster vIaduct. mU'h Hctlun In"t senson m'o nob A deltclouH home ponl(ejl. Hallow'· Pres ton, Hnrold Rutherford, Ralph e n sUPI,er 360 hig h SCll ool blll l dlJ1~, f'et-e!,s, BlPy Spitler nnd Winfield SatJ.lrdoy Oot. 20. coU. To (lcl,1 to t his li s t We I lfi \'e Mr. a nd l\Irs. J. '1\1'. Robinson :101l ta )l, la nlty flay )\1 Iller, f' tOI'm el' Da~' , Ml's. Mury Pattel'son of Doyton .ton Silvery boy , who s llou ld g ive were dinner g uests on Su ndllY at som 'body a gout'l-J-.'\.C fOJ' h e th,·ocr. MI'. lind Mrs. Emerson Elarnhllrl. position. Outs tanding of th e Ju nlo l' 'fry YO UI' luck with Imple Simon a t the fish pond, Mother 00080 HI boys who mak e thell' rcuJ1l'ca · runee on the hnnlwoocl this yelll' arc buzaal'. , 11 0 h AlI·II. Howe HOI)klns ot B elm ont Is Alb ·I·t Rob el·tHon and ~lnlidlY n MObE' 0 ~.. Along with thcse w . D g tL hou l<I! g ueHt this wpek or ~\lr. und born, J\lool·t Pummill . 'i,Ta rren COok, 1111'S: H. H . ' V1IIla m on. 1>{~ ~h el Hlluk I!! IIpendlng thla month ,\1lh EIII'1 1\~cndonhll ll, tUlt], \ Vnyno S ott. Ino,. SCORES It ' Is too ea"ly to mnk e uny PI' . her p ur nt&. Pete Llnc2ymoo4 201 1\11'. a nd Mrs. Ralph HIlSUngs and dloUo ns as to who will occupy the Jim Arthur 210 son :md Mr. {lnd 1111's. Will Str ou d. tint team berths and the positio ns Olenn Hopkins 222 In company with a I)Urly at trl e nds are Wide ope n . \ Ve will be able to Vincent Grlttlth 208 from Rlilge \'i!le e njoyed n v isit- 10 suy more dennltely when our IUel!! Lawrence poOk 196 Ash Cave, RQc)t House, Old Man's oppose J efforso n of Montgomery ounty on Nov. 11. Orville 81llIc 197 Cave a nd Cednr Valls In Hocking Peto a miland 231 The com ple te schedule appenrs In county on Sunday. Home made candles, Mother Goose this we k's 18s ue on page fOUl'. Cut It oul nnd save It tor future r efer. oozaar. or en ces. Mr. and 1\1rs. C. E. Norris Peoria, III., wei: week end ~ guestll or Mr. a nd MI'Il. J.- P . La rrick, Mr, tuac Wildman, tmtflc ofCIcer nt the week end. JIll'll. Norris remained Sprln~ V alley, WIUI Injured soverely NO~l'ls remained for a s hort visit when taking part In tho motoroycle with the Larrlc ks a nd Mr. a nd 1111'S. rodeo held, bere Sunday, . F r a n 1roUman . l\lETIIODIST CII UR CII Dr. Robert Bliilr ", Lebanon, said Have you heard. abo ut the free 011 Jolm l'. Lltcy, I'us lor WUdman Buttered 0. trn.otured col· that . tho 'fexaco statio n Is giving Sunduy-9:30, Sunduy sc hool, R. lar bOne wTaen his m n.chlne· went out a way? D. Oollett, HUP r lnte ndent. of control .nna hurtl ed t.hrough n. MI'. and 1\Irs. Robert Baker Ilnd 10:4o--lI!ornlng worship. Su bject, ten.c tl. daughter J ean entertained the fo l- "Friend Como up High er." ~tiy., Cla;ry, 10, Waynesville, low ing to Sunday dinner:: !\fl'. a nd G:Oo--Epworth Leaguc, Inez J tlm s tarmer, suf(ere<l probable Internnl "la'S. nobcrt lJa k cr, Sr., Miss Ml1 r le leader. Injuries when I\. t eam ran away, Owens nnd JIll's. E UddJl\. Day an d 7:So--Eve nlng servl e. Rev. B. L. throwing blm {rom tbe ",o.gon. He laughter Dotothy. Ge o'·ge. of Lebanon will pI·each . wall' moving t he concession lItand I1t Monda y-7:0o--Leud 1'Ish lp Tra in . 1\irs. Elta }(ublso n u nd Muut er tbe rodeo when the team became Robert Goode ot Dllyton are 'vlslilng Ing Class at Grace hUI'ch, Dayto n. fr!g1ltened and ran a .w ay. MI·s . F loS!)ie' Cal'ey nnd family t111~ Tuesooy-7 :00-Boy Sco uts.
ChllJ afternoons a nd cl'l!P nights afoot are bringing q. gradual bu t positive s11l(t In th e athletic Ilceno from the great ollt ·o(·doOI·S to com· fortably warm el,i 'Indool' r eel·MUons . und the crallh of scattcred Illaple 18 h ea rd In Wnynesvllle's n ew bowling e8tn.bllsbme nt throug hout tho dllY. 'rhe .the 9hOI·t time oC 'o pe ratio n 1un8 arc beg inning to pile UP ex· ceellingly good. scores some r each ing the 200 mark. An elltlmat ed t en million p ersons will Bend tbe boll h urtllng down the p olis hed ulle ys before the 1938·39 seallo n comes t o a close . Approxl· mately 3'00,000 of these e nthu s iasts will be bowling In American Bowl· 'ng Co ngrells sanctioned league piny lior the second annual Red Crown Bowling Sweepstakes. The prl2e lure tor the 1938 ·39 Sweepstak es classic Is wOI·th $60.· 000, on IncrellSe of '16,000 ove r th e 1087-811 f ig ure. Three claSHes hnve been provided and the country hus been divided Into four sections geo· graphically. Quulltylng 'ploy will continuo until December 10 at mlil· IIlght. Prize pla y for the ,60,000 worth of awards will toke 1)ll\ce 00. tween Jnnuary 22 and. F bruan' 11. MI'. Cu.'1e)', manager or t,he local 011.,-8 pla ns to start 0. men's as well as ~ ludles league here In the next f ew weeks a nd a U who are In terest· eel In 'PDIUIOrlng a t eam should get In tou ch with him . A cash prize for tlrst, second und third pluce w1l1 be awarded. He a lso pla ns to g ive IJ. cllSh nwal'iI to the bow ler h nv lnl; ~ne blgbest scoro during the week. l'hW w1l1 be In two clnssC8 on for tbe ~a a nd one tor the men .
Flower novelti es to brlglllcn n n~' corn 1'- ;\1 III her U no1;O huzn~lI·. "SLic k In Y"llr thuI,,1! anll pull· 1l\1l?- Se(' Ih c J a" I, 1I01'l1~r pk· lit Ill e ~I o lli ' I' Glwl<e h:rznll l·. Th e l ;"nr rn B un·a u g- r O ll)) 1l1Cl
" ' ,, llCI' ])" I;in " ,, 1
Among tile lovable chllracters ot "You Can't Take it With You" oDellln~ . Sunday, Ootobe r 30, Ilt the Xonla tbealer, In Xenia, tor a tive dl\Y engagement, are J ean Arthur nnd Jimmy Stewart, who provide 'the romantio Interest III this hliariouB come<jy. Said to be even b elter In every WilY tlIall the stage version, "You Can't ~ke ~t With You" Is Ildapted from tho Pulitzer Prize )lluy by Oeotge S. Kouf11lnn and Moss lI art. Lion e l Barrymore, Ann Miller, Spring Byington, EdwnJ'd Arnold and MJscha Auer also lIa ve important rQles.
Miss Rachel Pettit' Died This ~ ftiomllig i\II HH H ach ol p ' HII. ,
". .eot out . by be committee, In charge.
()JIUR()II OF (JHRIST 'W, V, Smith, l\Dnlster Sunday-Bible school 9:30 a. m. Lord's Sup per, 10:46 ' a. m. Ohrl!ltl~n Endeavor 7:00 p. m. . Evangellstlo meellng. 7:30 1>. pl,
SnLlI h, Minister
Sunday-Bible school 9:30 n. m. Lord's S u pper , 10:45 ,n, m. Sermon 11:'00 a. m . ~pU8mal service 11 :~o n. m.
Lo.~nce-FumlUl N OTICB The Happy Hour club will m eet eDtel'talned forty·flve members of tb. You.. 1'rten411 claa at their with Mra. Henry SatterthWaite Nov. llcIale 8U1ld1r. evenlq• .After- a lIIlort • iDatead ot at tbe home or MI'Il.
t11 0
su p eJ."viH lu Ji
SUI' \ " 'Y
(lj ~ ll't1IUL .. d
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b OITY .
" J a c k 'pm t ('o uld cu t n(l fttL", but how h e coulel go f,n' lil l' II('liclotis reo [1' shm nts aL til e ~Iothl"l' Goose
with ~' ulli' n"'J; hhllr. Pln co )",u ,· urtl('r wit h yo llt· IUl'al d l~l rlb\ltor NO\\". B li UI'e to g li'e your name, t1tldl·PSN . lh e numb l' of IH1Ck ilI;Ci! o( bai t d(,Hir' d "nd tho <I·is· trlbuLlon pOint fl'OIll whl'h you Will pic k UI) YOlll' 11l1l . 1111 for It Nov. 41h. A n~' 1)ll lt n Ol ca lled fO I' by tho e ve nlnl:' of tha t dny will not b hold longt:!r fol' you I> en use It Is perlijh·
I " "lI a g'" clun
1:{ I':-i ti, nu l .. d
Ilt 0 \" 0 1'
f :II'n1 :1 11(1 r e i 4Jt't B
th irt ,\' l1 ull!1 l's
1' 111'
iIHIil':l tt, thlll
tl l P : f'
I'ud t.' n t s are un ·
u~lI"ll y
thl ' k lill .. y ..IIl'. Th e 1lI0re people w hll pllr 11m Jl ul~u ll \Jull lh e 1I101'e CO Il1 I,ll' l . co ni I' I yo u will ge t
."I'S. I;;v I'e t( ~Ic ullou.,h (nc II L·I,·n I' n' 'Iw t l ) wa>; Ilonol' Ii S UI'''! I, a IOll g lh lle tit .'1 nll~. ,.~ Iiall < a,.u~ . ~Il o\\'el' ~" I\'em U"• u., ~
l"llltlir ll; ~ .
lhtll ' Ull~l il y
' "; ils
1\11', and J\Irlt. Morlan Whita ker of Cincinnati W ' re S'U . I s of ;\11'. anil Mrs. 'iV . S. Gra h a m on !'lunda y. JIll'S. Ellddlll Day nnel Lif'l ughll'r, Dorothy, Mrs . NOl'n HlIlI!;h nnd Jl II,...s ;\1 nrles Owe ns wei' Day'ton s h oppel:s on last Sotu rilo.y. Qu ee n of Jl IIl't8, sht:! m all(' Ho me tart s lind look th om to lh o .\lothcl' Goosc bazaa l'" MI'. and 1I11'K. M'lYI1:ll'tl Hl eh of Pit tsburgh , Pu., s p e nt the we,.k c nd with th eil' pare nLI:!, 1\11'. ond MI's. Ja c k Rich . I um devoting my full tim e to 1'0' pnlrln g rndJoll nnd eleetdc nppll o n . es. Supp ll 8 nr compl et. Ca ll a! my home on WUtOl' sI r t. John
YUill' ('Ull1 f1 1ll ni t)' MI.) lalh: it uve r
able. To bl' s ure YOll will get bll.ll you mU Mt I1lat·' YI)UI' I'de l' by \Vedncs· clay, OClohcl' ~6 Ih . 00 It NO\V heror yo u forgel. no package of Lmlt ",!II be e nough fm' th It\' mge s t o( {arm bulldt In!;'s but IC you hnve m a ny ra s 01' Illlite a few fllrm ..uU II'dl ngl:l ge t t w0
01' mol' pneknge~ to be s ure evel'y 1'Ilt will g l (\ tull Ipea l or the red ' squill mixture.
n. D . oil tt Bd",·e . S tor'o Is the dis tributor tor ' Wayn ~\" lIle, Chas. Du~tel', (or HllrveYlotbul's , u nd 'haa. CUl'I'oll, for Morrow.
I"~::~:;~. ~~;:I~ .,O~{:~: ~~.[:'~:CI~[n:~ RESIDENT OF SPRING
~111:~I~ t:n~~l~~~~!~tI ,:1~:t::~1~ ,:~Io:C~ r~~~;;~;.~~rtlc .~tII~1! :~.
At the service oC Holy Comm uni n on Su ndt1\' th e Rc~. D:lVld n. Thorn· ·beny, Curnto at· ChrIs t Ohurch, Dayton, will preqeh .
• . . . . . . . . . . Bu.l ' Rocltett .. stated In
Th' l u'"' nl)t. IlPa)" Il ar\(ly~ .
Lllo h ost'l:\s. 1m·ited S' uo1it l:! itwludec Ston ab 1'I'y. :-''fcsdo mC!s hal'IOll And el'l;on . Rice MI·s . R. D . oile tt was n g u st at ' Ilnpp , J 01 toli cl.! , F1'llnk 'rhomos, I~ lunc h on 1)l1 l'ty at th h ome or J oy, \V' lller Sheehan, MI'!!. Donnld Cum min s oC Xenia las t h e ha n onrl dn u ght I'S Be l" 'l'huI'Rday. nle(' li nd J ll n 1 . n nd A . II. E al·nhan. th J\lls~es Fl'lOn 'Ol:! Klrkpa tl'lok, Ruby .1II 111 l'i< , Y ll'g inla H fill nnd ~:lI'1.h ~l i th, ')\11':<. '~1 a uol e I'II n e, 'I', of Troy, 0., M r' . lind ],11·S. ·WIII· 10m Els('le, or Niles , 1\11 11 ., arc spend ,li,h tho a t of lug . f w .d11): Ebnc, to effe c t 11 ' flon ll imllul' to th ut Illk. hcr e. en loy hi' pa rcnt body. ,iO" CLUU I\1I·S. ' litfol·d :;. H1 dg ,'. of 'hi uga , BuildIng trod ·s cl'Un~ll1 ell or Til ' h llnel l'('tl e lub llI ' t with III. , wh o h ns been vi. Itln~ fd tmds In Sp"lng fl C'ld will prl's(,llt a unit d i UI'. a n,1 ~ll's. ] I. 8. Ilalhu\\,ay SatNUI·WOotl--,fmr -CIl1eln rlu('FrH.' l'Inlfieil rl'un! at th e ' un 'lJl !JC1' ' Icctlo n, th 'y IW'elay e ,'(' nlnl;. ('O\,('I'S Wl'I'e Ia!d lit a gl'OUp or fd" nel" al " IUIlCII on nl ,lcclll l· ·'. lhe t:tllic. b... a utlful w it h Ils Hallowe·· t he LULI e Inn , \V dn (,1lI Iay. lI!l'8. on d cUI-nUons , 101' 1\11'. nnd 1\ l r·8 . .J. Rldgo'" gU Ot;ts '" ' reo ;\11'. o nd lI11·R. n ANNY 1I.\UTsoci.: liAS B. 11ll)1l1wn , Mr. ami Mrs. urn George Bench. :'11'8. H . 'olem an IURTHDAY PARTY H 'nl;lo, 1\fr. nnd 1I11·s. A. S.· Coll ett, and g l'llndson , ,\ndl'e\\' 01 Illrln, of Danny H a rt sock Wa" n hnppy 2111'. anll III1·s. Hm"'ey BU I' n tt, Mr. Nll1'WOOd.. Mrs . Edith 1-101'1'18, Mrs. lill ie fpll o\\' Sa tul·t!a y aCt rnon n nntl :l1I'!!. Howarrl. ,mh llm, Mr8. D. L . mn. Mr;I. Emina BIIl'll l'll wh en a gmUIl uf (:hlldron wero In· Mile G illl'(ly of Dny Lo n II Illi the hORt n nd n. V. DRl'tlha l·l. yltedo to his h O)llC! h elJ) him eel· and h ~tess. Following clln ne r the 1';\1'>1. Ada oU I'IIWY Olt nc1 d th e cun,te hl H clg hlh I)it"thduy 1111nlvCl" I' 111Itl nclul' f Ill · cv nlng wall ijll nt HC"H loII S of th u O hl u Llbra,'y Asso.
Mr. -and. Mrs.
unl.lcI '
nnn n wllh I hem . r II " , """ 'otl n g rull 11mI' lu 1"'11,, 11" In g l'ali loR " !ttl I' le(' lrl a I :t 111111 11 11<''''' , H",·t:! cu mplete s Ul>pll l'll. ',, 11 at my home Oil Wat er s ir' ('\ amI InS I I ~c t Ihe now ZE' nll h rallo . ,Iohn S tnn.·
JOHN W. nRI Cli.I!':R ENDORSE!) BY UUII. nING 'lIlAllES COUNC il.. J o hn W . Brlel.e l·, nomin ee for 00" rnor. 'h os dOI'sed, 1;Y th e Build ing TI11rlcs ell oC Spl'lngrteld. D I 'gu t II 10 lh,? ('OU l1 t' [I unanim ou sly to sU PP" rt his
Thursday-All day sewing m cet· I;g ot the Gu ild In Dayton. " p. m.-Junlor High Boys at tile Rectory.
1Il'(' PHI'c d
I·uu" ln. ,, [ II, e ( . H. Hur",, " o r Hlol Ol;1 'ul
Irl ~
r esld 'nt of \ VuY1U1s,"lI1e lJa ~~ed I{WilY hCI' a Ullt, "II'!!. l';llllo r Sill' h u n Ht about t;hls H11101'nlng at ha th d' her h um c on 31'd ~lreet. ' uturd"y l"r'i ondll7 ' O'clock Boarding ome. She I Ilf· I l ' rl1 O n. :;he I' (' Iv 'd I11ll ny ove y boe n In III h c..'llth some tim o. t <lncl w ,ef,,1 gifts. Amos lp i Cllsun ~ '1",'1(' s · \\'111 ho h eW at th :\1(>· a(te l'noon \" :\8 Sll nl In gll m s n nd Chlre Fun rill '1 B orne atul'{l. )' nr· e hmtl'l·. MI B June h ()lR, t\8slated a close I lel'n oo n at 2 0 c OC i . fl'l e nd of 1\ll·s. CUIlOl1gh
Tuesdny- All Saints Day. 2 p . ~ .-NurBery Chur,:,h Schoo\' 8 p. m .-Evenlng · Praye r a nd Addl'ess.
h \1
f" ~ 1
Bulkley With Roosevelt itt Hyde Par~ Peace Services
V , (',
T l' l\ll.,
dugs, l!lIlS Ot'
'I'll!' hali will n"t b e [rl' ' . II will
I·Nln·.!, 1·:\l I"(',, p· ".).) C' lIlphi s ,
c·'l n .nrrU l'd, lI u t tu
Celebrates Centennial
T~ttRB B,ITN,::-;
T\;lIl·~(I :.lY
SUIT · a t en rols . Th e day was ideal, ns wus th e larg o la \\'11 fol' OI.1t·o(·doOI· g:l1110/ St,;U NU,\\' ~INNER I;ART\' w eek . W'ednesday- 3:15-JUnlor ChOir. "IIS9 'a t hea'lne B I'UIISU'lltOI' e nter· MI'. and Mrs. A:u Btin Conner una. 2:00-\V. F. M . : with Mrs. K en. lind ihl1~ (h, children 1I11l1lsed Ih m · sel\'es alllil tire o pe n 'n g of th g lfl s. tain d untla y at th e h ome of her daughter were Sunduy !:,ues ts of Mr. neUI Hough. Da nn y r eceived many ot th f e (I'om 1)llr nH;. overs werc hl ld n.t noon an d 1\lr8. Charles Allen u .n d daugb· Frld1l¥-730-()rehestra practice. his \ll tl y·mrttr.~ . At the close of a rOl' ;\11'8. BesRlo Han cy ond doughter tor Mary. 8:()Hholr ]).ractlce. Do your Xmas IlhoPPi n!!gL.:e~a!.!r~IYL~at~~;.;a~--=~!ElIleSdDl' Officia l BOllrd pieasant n flernoon , 1\1 I'!!. H :II·tsoclt 11 1tIl'L1Hl. , MI'. Ger u ld Mongle, and se rved dainty l'afl' 8hm nts of Ipo ~Ir . u nlllllrs. We b ~ r of Mort'oW, Dnn. the r GOOlle- bazaar, Sat. . Mothe . . Oct. meeting. cr erun, I;ake and cllln!l y n llt! t h <'1lil ,l· 11 1,1 GI' on of 'o l)l n ll nnel l\'111l1l Mi,l'Y 20 . r on della l'l d fO I' thell' hom es wis h. V:IIl,l r\'OOl't o( \VUmlngto n . S'r. MARY'S EPISOOI'AI, CIlUIlCII Ing Da nn y 'nl:lny nnon.. h a pI'.\' 1,I1'th . Rev. n, L. Hac:l(weU. l\Dulster l!<IYS. P hone 01' se nd in your ne ws , Sunduy-Twentle th alter' Trinity. 10 n. m.--ChuI·ch School rlmnry 'I Bnd Jun \,ol's . 11 a . m .--Holy Communion nn d •• _ Sermon. -The Hnrveysbura Methodist Epls· Monday-H,lllowe'o n copul churCh, oelelji-ate<t' .lts ·centen· 8 p, m.- Yo ung People n.t t h e R ec· nlal a nnlv r "on Sunday Oct. 28, tory.
:1!. .
I I4 ' in ~:-;t
hUl'g. An,)lll I' cousin, Mr H. (; ('01'/.; 0 prl.fl t 1,,, ,, 1,, ill thl rt y ·fI \,o l: nl t! pl' r II. De nn y, wllh h:r hu s t.anrl a nll I\a l'\( ligfi, 'I' l l" l\()~ ( l H so In\\' "Un o
with an 01 service. Tbe mor ning sesslo ~:~ 'conducted by ProfessOr Ic[, C. Ugnn, and special musle was tt ' rt ' of th e' p l·ogra m. At the noon hobr a bountiful basket dinner WAS served. at t h e g ·m . Then after· t c rnoon 5c~810n was la l'gely III t e nded and an exceUnnt address was glv· ., En by Rcv . K elly of Blanchest er, AND an IntereaUn g history of the (ound. WEINER RoAST . . Ing of ' the chuI'[; h ~Il 1840 and the Of;: Mondai nIght ' tlJe yOUl\g ladieS building of the PI'esent brick edltlce -~ of •. the· 'M. · E ', .church. of whICh In 1873 , ~ C Mill cl IWB was r ond by H . . . gan, Mia Helen Ha~~e 18' t~or e nter" superintendent or tho Sundliy s chool. ~e4 tbe boy's clua of Whle~ Mr. . The nameS of thos.e members of Cnlbj)e 18 ·~eacher. About thirty the ehurcb who hu.,'e passed nway young peOple ll88em~led llnd were &tnee 1907 were read nnd , a silent diVided loto tWQ -sldel tor a trcnsur· tribute wus pn1d "In m emoriam," A er '!uot. Tr~ led them aU jlbout : cornet .d.uet was beautltully rendered tbe tOWlJ, and .th~ tr8IUI"Ui'e wll;" at by Olenl\ SDell and Barr Older, and lu!- , t~l1nd at Wayne Pa~k. Hen a a male QUIll'~et sang n. seleetl!d wtdner • rout wns en.toYe~ · and a h ev~nlnl spent In p}a.ylll. ym. .' I . • • , Mnnt ·from dliltllnt places respol)d· C~eI. , . ad to 'the Invl~\'tonal notlflca'tlons
t: l e q ';Y lll:ln
More .tb a n elJ'ht hundred thrUlcd spt:Ctatora wltnosaed the motoroy cle Rodeo · CLnd Hill Climb, Sunday af· ternoon , . whleh WIl8 staged nb·out. two' IilUes 'enat of h er:o by the Mohawk' Motorcycle chib of Duyton. Plenty o~' ~ril!s .nnd s pills from start to flnlilh kept the audience well en· tertalJie&.· Three "T T" events Rnd hlll climblllg co ntests m nde up 0 :0 . Low/s · Meany popula r pro~m., s hort t rock racer • of Dayton won seCond' place In o ne event, riding his In~ '''-cylinder mo.torcyc!o. Two acQldenta . occu~ed, '~owever bot~l were be~ween racea. Patrolma n ' Ike Wtldman. of Spring Valley Buffer· cd ' . ' )Jrokeri .collllr bOne when h e waa tbrown from his cycle. Another rider': whose na me WIlS not le"l rned, rec~I~!!d ii. b; oken nose In 0. sp~1.
Tlh..'~rlHY P \ '(l n i n " Wilh ~11', :l lltl .\It, , 1. ,:-;:-; to h ll illan poull ry , n""1 Il a rtHudi.
Rllts mu s t dl In Wllrre n ounly th e ni g ht o r No\'C.'mb l' 4th . Bolt Iu:c d"ll with I' ~ tl sllulll po lso n wil l \) 1' II " II IIn bl<l ;,t I ll'ft l dl s tl'lblition l Jllinhi fo r I htl s · ",: hl) ~ll a e Lh Ir t)l',ll' I' Iw Ol ·t,,\;," · 2lith . r: ',I :;(\ulll ki ll" rat" \lIIt IL I~ rr·l,lIl vely h tl rm·
FI. - Evnns, ' " vldow of 11'I'tUlIl EV il nlot lllc.:t a t her home In pI'lng Val~onr'.a y n l~ht. A dtLu g htc r oC th e Ilue Pel!'r Ebel'ly, A!!U\'U8 born In T...nncasler county, PQ nn ~)'lvn lll u, but spent h er eal'ly li ro, until h OI' " mnlTluge In \Vuy ncsvill e. Surviving 'lro lWO som', Herman, or olumilu A, Ullt! LIlW I' nce of ti Il lrf""!I: n nd II s lstp.r, M I·s. Addlc Hmlth of \VnYll eRv lll '. Fun(,!11 1 Acrvlc M W 1'0 h eld at tho rl's lc1 encc till", 'l'hul·s.l Iny nfternoon, wl~h bUI'la l In Spring. yn lloy COm(~ to l'Y. #
- , ..
dullon ",hi h ('O IlV(' I1<'(!' In Ci ncinnati ('i\ltO Ol~ TH i\N IiS Thul'sd>lY, F "lullY a nel Snlllrdu), uf J wish to LhllU I( my (1'1 nds antl last wce lL n Ighhol'B ror t h e h' klndne:.lll a nd MI'. und 1\1 1'8. Edgm' Smith a l'e an · sY11l\lllthy dU I'lng th e Uines l! und n oullc lng the arrival or a dau g hter, ea th or m): IlllstJarid.. MOII\I:1 Y, 0 lo\)er 24, at MI ~lml \'al: '~' mllh. hOSI)ltll l. Mr s. RaymolHl DI'lIllllot'\ ,mtl Ml's. BI'fldtloc k a re nti' Orand Ch opter Ol'rl CI' I!:nl:lt cl' n HUll' In Col· lI11lbus lIll!! we"k. MI·s. nuth :\fo l'glJ rI a llcl :Ill'S. C. I. S"ttel'lhwuI IO alte ml d flilw' s Dunc.., R cvle w In J)ayto n lost :;aturday morning.
UI NN I~ 1l ( IVEST S _ _ _ __
1111'. J . '. Hawk e ntertu' ned at d ln nC'1' Tuc~dny ('ve nlng. the [ollow. Ing g ueHt ~. Mr. n nd Mrs. H . H. \\' UIIllm AO Il, !\I I'S. !\Jury Hopkins, All'. nnd 1\11'::1. John F"omm a nd Mr. tln d ~11's. Don Hawke.
Sunday visitors at tho I]or.o of 1\1.1" al1<1 ~ I r.·. Russoll IIII'. anct Mr ~ . Harry CUlIn e r' 111111 daughte r lIlal'Y J u ne , ;\1 1'''. \V IIJI ,"'11 Hust o n Hnd Mrs. VI<'lur Burris a ll of Dayton. lilt·. "'. \" . ,"n n I'olt Is n~lll n con· tined to th (' Mia mi Vull ('';~ h ,splln l following a btl ·I,·s. L tram h is recen t operation . Mr. nnd lI l rs. llarry I [U1'St Ilnd
~Ir . Leontll·.d Cll1llP'.hnuBe n of Frunk· lin w er e <lInn I' gucsts on S und ay ot 1\[1'. a na Mrs. Per y RO lIson. Dr. !lit·!!. P n l1l ·" t.nllOl·woort of \\' lImln g· IOn wt're Su ndll y h rternoon calle r!! at thli Jt ra~on homo. S und,iy dinner g uest s oC ·M r. nnd Mrs . J ohn Fromm wel'e M.r. lind
Ml·S. Ruym on('J, H hwl(o and' Mr. J. . H a wke,
1\1 r!'l. li n I'V")' Rye wa ~ h o"tess to 11l('lI1be: r li It( IIH' A I'!l'uno t c lu b ut hel' III III ,,: . 'j' llC'!lduy IIrternoon.
II HtT II MI'. an d :\1,.s. Edg,,,· Smll.h welcofrl' (l <L lillie I'.ltlg hter Into the l!' home Monday m orn ing. 'J.' he yo ung Indy has bee n nam d Sarah Lou . RE1'IHEfl J<' ARl\IER l'.o\SSES AWAY . 'h rls • hlnor. 80 yettrs old. I'f!tlred fnrm('r at neur ClnrksV'lllo, died In It hosp ll.n l nt Leba non Illto Soturdo. y night followin g a ' !Our.duy 1lItM!81:1 tlu o to a kidney co nditi on.
Dayton .0. E . S. nANQUET
TUUEE WIN PRIZES AT' HARVEST' FESTI\ i\L Thl'ee Clark8v llle reside nts ' won 1ll'lzes at the recent Din nchester !fal'vest Festival. I\Irs. Bess ~V(ll" itt, l~t: Ancien t pll( . INut th e 10: 11 1 ~vinners" . Mrs, Everitt's nwardB rirl:!t tor I.lp)lJlrl ued quJlr; second (Or lIQuashca grown; tblrd (or d nhllas. Om M iller; won (l1'8t prize \Yllh
. are pictured U. S. Senator Robert J,. Bulkley of fi~l~toC!iilinu Mal( MlUcr Ohio and President Franklin D. Roosevelt ' at St. J.amea took sooond, . Episcopal Ohurch in HyOe 'Park, ~, Y., after heanng a Amendmeat Lu& . . . . Amendment ...... lal\ link In til. 8ermon on' Senator Bulldey w.l\S the guest Qt .!!'~ chain 01 IPlrllllal eirGr' we' caU esident. " ,.. ." ....... __ .~ .....-!.:.----;.. -
~lxly·(Ive m ot hel' nnd daughters of the locol chapte r of Ens! rn Stal' gnt h r ed. nt th II' h:111 , FI'\da y even· Ing 10 e njoy n bnnqu t unct .evenlng together. After lho a.~ ll c l()us dinner the following Ilro!\'~,m was pl:e· se nt('d ; Wel com e by tile Worthy MlLtron, SlIrllh Bmddo' 1<; . 1'~poDlle frum th e mOl he~'iI by !\CI·S. -,mOB Goo k; resllon/! (rom ' t h /l drtllghte. Ily Virginia PI'cllton: :l3rd P9llim by MJ1J'Y Ann l\( 1I0h: 110'0 by Jennie Bf'!lddoek~,ltation by --IIIaQ~ Dom Hough; pllulo solo by-r ... Hartsook; BOlo lIy Ann WIllte, the yOloln.-t dlt.~"ter
ent, Dnd a
old. .
b, .... .
Thursday, October 27 1988
In 1l.lytnn.
~fl\ :tl\(\
Phone 112
Entered As Second CII18S l'olaiJ Matter at Postoffice, Wayn~svl1le. Ohio
Mr . R. H. Hasting, Society E.d itor ....... Phone 4-5 K
l\ l' nnNII Chl'l~tl'nA" n lor his lllolh r f:alurrl ny ' fl'u m two to rOlll', '['wei\, (' lIl1 dt'I' 1I f","n t he n e ighborhood w e I' pn·"l'nt. )11'. In ll )11''' . II ' Ill' }, Ct'II)' o t Dn~"
g U "~ I~ r :\11'. 1\ 1111 :'II,." . L . . Khld I'. \ ·I.. "lnl" 11 ,' I\ ' ~ a nti I-', 'lI nk Du '" ,il l w,·,. F,.I,lu)' IIlg hl KUOSlS v r
lfll1 \\,('1'1' :-;1I11t1ny
\lo rHlIwlll I·K. 1ll00 .. lK"!l'~ UI\. I Illh I' ~I,·.· ami :'II'·R. 1·'1',' " sel' urllr h old(',·", n ,nl·. . hl·uok. Rw orn
11 1hl
~r.lh rhl~' HUH~
i=' Uh :'.\(' l"lh~d
11 .,),11' of H ·11·
1t, l fun~
of (klOIo" ... 1!'3 . JI. II.\H1'l" \ ' 1\,
Gurn Grove
~ llla l 'Y 1ftl "li t.~
.\ birlhclay SlIl')lI'ls "'llS glv n Ira 1)1IY Ul his hOIll(' In I lIy t OIl Ills t SlIn· (Iny, lhl)"" wh u onjuy'd Ih e tI" y w" ,·c: 1"1'('.1 U,,~' 1I1ll~ (allllly, :'olyrtle Vlr~inia n l'US, n, H , 2 Dny of II CU I' ' la rksville. Hob rl UIlY ;lnd fn ll1l1y. '01'1 Day n nd family , M ... n nd ~Ir~ . ('111'1 [)uk ' Illnto r cd an(\ th h o ·t n lld h Oll l S~. P e rry DllY t o K entucky ~\IlldllY. a 1111 Frie nd H e rhe .. t nil nr DAy ton.
a n(~,
)I,·s . Rlllllh 1'llrlo r ,,' c re
Frl1111Y n lg hl !;1I<,s l ~ IIr ;\11'. li nd Iydo Tt1~'l o l' of ~Ol'\\")" (\. ()hto.
Fl' II ] :l~' li nd {>I nt lly vis it d rrie 'ntl s In C"\' ln g l n n, K ~· . , · u n d"y.
~Ir s.
I I\(~ I
t lll'I I' l'lnl'(' n t:ol,
HHllr~, t II
rU '-f'
illlI l 5sl,' At'('h ' I' ~1It'11 1 la Ht i" n · A hh'llIday pa l·ty was s ll' n f pI' tillY with nuy LlI "llllng-I "' 1Il ' l!lU
art~r. Iy nf ll, l ~ tlln )Cl' h 111"'11 111111 ~II' . 1111.1 ~JI~ . 011111 family. D,' lhN'! 111<' , 'lill\~ hlll i "PI'1I1 .hc "I"
' I
() um JU~, I :(!!<IIl' nor~ueh lind
:lfr. a nel lIl l·s. 0 1 'n Alla l' a m! rnm ·
Friday -
dllught.,t· lIUl'ill O)htt!rtllln~II ihl' rvl· t·,,\. I?m ll\, Knux. l 'Illt'lIjt,l. 11\~h . IQwlng g u t",,1 ~umlu~': MI'. an,l. ~Ir,. .. lI>4h('l' , I~ lu ,11,11\'<1" lh" pl'l n 11111 1 II'~ \\'lIInl'd T u.ylor nnd "OIlM. :'.1..:. li nd dl" ·~M. 'J'n 1tI1't'lln!( I .. 8 h .. h ll,.\1 (,U' !\~">!. Itll'O:!II e F slBr; .\11'. 1\1 "lI\u1'1 " I !lllll. S I,l'Ingrlt-111. li t M a nn Mrs, "J;;nrnc. L Tb omug lI ud RU I1 ,,'('lock Frio"}, ' I'onlll (.\'. n ,\, ~ • It nnd wlu.;h ICI'. Mid H Og(l1' NI 11111 ~n , la U(· · lilly c-uIrI )lIlI.;u s p f'cI 'h .tv h" MI'. aml M ..;" 'I)'do U\Ulll \I nllli mao I) In Ohlu by IIH' 110:)(i '''11\111\1· ch lldl II slll'nt- III1c1uy wllh 1'>1". nn an Ilnrlll1 1 1 I' 1' 1 0 Ill' ~Id,· nt. u nil <l' l u!llttl'rs. On the 1' 1'0)):,1'(1 11\ with ' I. 1,1I11l( l\Jt'S. Hel·t Hunnell 019 ' 1'1' 1 11'111 \)(" ,/phll \\' . Hl·le lrl't'. cllmlhlll \f' Hull}' . Day will <ln~' lit th . B. "hul'e ll III fo " g'm ' t' I' 1I0l', ' yho will ,US('U"" Htll t lilSU Ii. '1'111' IIh)l·od. 'W"nwlI 's Q I e " er yb til' wclcome. lub of Wll h 1;01" 1111' l·tlI IY ; th Mrs. Cilffor<l II nlgo m N'Y lUl'n oo trom the hospital lind Is olm'<''tl I';II,>! li:l n" or 8))1'1 II I;fll' Ill , cO IIl't' lng nle 1),. :In!L lho Culltwl~~ sc h OOl h.'l nd \\'11\ M1'9. J on n M' \l·thel' (lIld :'Ills;! 0(,11 ' 11I'o l' ld c lIlus ll' for the clINlon . "101'11 Dunn('tI "pent ?I nll:\y :1ft 1" ' 1" ""Il 'r' J . 131'uwn, ' fl lld id at (01' noun willt Mr(!. L eslie Gllrs u l'h . ('<l u g \, ,,~ . will 1'Il'eR ldo lit I h!' 1I1 t'<' t1n ~, ~lra. Geu .. go !'I'una l
"Bank Night'" -8CREEN" DOWN .IN. ARKANSAW" Tho W eaver Bro.. an d El vl
WARRE'S CO{'~1\" ')'0 DE W E LL U EPRE8ENTI!:O AT IlEI' U BLICAN RALI.Y FRII),\ Y This county I...' xpcc teol t o ~('1Il1 a de legnlloll f ~OO or mu,' R vulJU· cu ns lo Sp r lng flcl,tl. f,-rlda ), ovcnln!;'. ('''I J)al'l)' rnll~' In Ih sevc nth 1l 1~ lrl 'l during Ihls cnm lltllgn. II 'cun1!n!!' t R jlubllca n of \Yuync T ownship .
'rho Polls fol' s,,\lel Elec tion will be 111)('11 lit 6:30. o' ·clo . k A. l\I. and r oo 111:lI n ope n unt il 0:30 o'clock P. 111. (I':a . t.l'rll Rtnndnl'd TW1 0) or 9/\ld tl ay. Flr ol'll('r of the B " .utl of EJledlon s , o f '''n l'l'nn County, Ohio, liAS. J . '\ ' AOaONER, hn.lrm. n . V. 1 I. Rl.'SSELL, C le r k. ))n leol ~['ptc llllJe r 2 . 193 . I. G, ]3. 20. 27
Bulk· Steam,
PilI.bur,', But
Pulib:.r ')rin Ploy
3 29c: 24~!, 7ge
brollght to
the scr•• n!
€OFFEE 424 2ge BEVERAGES SALAD DRESSING ~~~tr~t. 29c: APPLE SAUCE gf:;try 4 25e KRAUT 4 25e. .PEANU'T' BRITTLE IOe . 10e DOUGHNUTS Llt,lOe~m~~ C().O·KI£S MARSHMALLOWS ~~:ISLb~ tOe !CA:1-"NDY BARS ~[ 10e.~-SPOTLIGHT Lit. lSc
Latonia Club Rocky. River ' PI... D
bots. .
Phone 7
Herb'-g Place
Grimes, Baldwin, Hubbardston, Stayman, York, White Pippin, Black Twilr and Rome Beauty
By ord I' of the B Q(ml .of Eleotion s, .of 'W nrr n County, 10hlo. HAS. J. WAGGONER, Chairman. V, H. RU8BELL, Clerk. Dnted 8eptember 110, 1938. Oct. 0, 13. ZO, 27
5 Kinds
4 Var- .. ietiea
Vandervort Orchard
4 Mile. Sou~" W e.t of Jamestown" Ohio
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
'NOT] E Is h t' r eby g Ive n thnt In 1)\II·sun.n of a Resolution of Board of Ed u catio n ot ih !\lassie Town· shi p RUI'nl c h oo l D istric t of .War· r n ou nt y, OhiO, p assed on' the 26th <lay of August, 1938 . there will b lIubrnlU d to a vone 0'( the people of sn ld Mnssle Town ship Rural 8c hool D lslrlc t !It til. NOVE MBER ELE orION to be h e ld In Ule Said 8 hool Dis lrl t, aI, t h regula r plflce~ of vOll n g, on '£u s day. tho th <lilY of November, ln8. the ques· tlon of levy ing a ta l( In e xcess of tho t e n mill limitation for the bene· fit of Musslo Towns'hlp Rural School Distri ct for the puriJlose of c urre nt expen scs o( sa id S chool District at fl l'Ilt n ot exceedlnj; 2 mms for a
Ol,cn ot 6:30 0'010 k A. M . a nd. reo mnln ope n unW 6 :30 o'clock P. M. (Enstol'll ta nil nl'd l Time ) ot snld
II _ Q _~~_ J _D.-.n_ a _ t~~.:.
Stop At
Liquor. -
WayneltYUle __
Harry A. H;ughes Sollctes Your Votes
For State Senate Democratic Ticket, Noy. 8
McClure Funeral Home
When 'In Lebanon
Wines -
All MOtl I' n 111'1 n ces, B~utlrul Surl'oundlngs, W1ilo1esome Food,SpDcllll Mo nt "I y Ralo>l-"Umlc r D irection Mrs. Hesler Curr.' : Tele phone 390· \.-Lebanon, Ohio.
Produce ,
P()tatoe., U, S. No. l ' Cobblers .. .................. peck 23c Apple., Rome Beauty, ....... .......... ........ ........ 5 lb. 1ge Oranges, Florida .... .............. .... ................ 2
Grapefruit, TeJ!:a. Marah Seedless, ... ......... 5 for 16e Gr~'pes,
Emperor., .... .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. 2 lb. 15e Celery, jumbo ......: ..... .'.. ............... .......... .... 2 for 15c Lettuc;e, Ice~rl', 48 .ize .................. ... ..... :.. ... each lOe Sweet Potatoe., Texas Yam.
3 lb. 10e
Meats B.,.kf~.t Bacon, 3 lb. end' pi~ce, .... ... .. .. .... .... lb. 23e
Baked Meat Loave ....................... ........ ~........... lb. 29c Sli~ Bacon, 1 lb. layers, ..... ... ..... ........... .. .... :. lb. 29c ~ . Salt ' Side, ................ ... ...........;...................... lb. 19c
tiDet ~ H~ddock, .. .... .............. .. .... :.... .... .. .... 2 lb. 35e Whitina Fi.h, Headle.. ....... .. ...... :.................., lb. lOe , Red .PerCh Tenderloin...................... :;.............. Ib. ,2'lc F.,ea.;Shore, .......... ,.. :........................ :. pt~ . . 25c: .
urr nt~tllx ycary~n ~cl~IDg lhe r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I'I~ lhl'oo Til roils tor an ld E lection will be
'· ... 1. KIII' ~ III lin oll t slll lulJ n~ !II) (dr. CI·. I I" IiIlH 1"',' 11 In Jo(l'c Ill d · I\l illlll, . nllt I,l1 ly III 1111" ('l lInl )lll~n b ill t(I\' 1Ill' 1'" ,,1 1111''''' 'I' fUIi I' ),<'11 " 11. H o I~ I uhllMIi 'I' f.f 'l'h \) (:hICllgo Dn ll y 'N w~. 011 (' of tI, Il'ulll ll K lul'l;o ell)' Ill'W8j)U p l' .... (II' Ih e notion. Th o S II .. III"rll' h] I'tt ll y IH opon to 11ft> 11l,hlil' Il llt\ I' I'Y OIl !) III Inl' \( 'd .
at all times
~· an_ ~_ a
Hte offer a satisfactory Service
Sandwiche. LEGAL NOTl E 1\Iassle Township
lull'I"'IlI" !n til(' Ilt'pulJllcun 1I1l1l0nlll I'll II \'I'ntlll II lit 'I"" (l lulld two Yl'a rR H '!1JU1I1' \\'1111 fUI' h1m t ht· ,' I " pr M I· \!I'nl ~I 111111111111 11011 . l)UI'\IIj; til<' ea",· HIII/t ll Ijj;$vll lIill ll llll,'d III v i (. JlI·e~· h lt'IU '" ('"/1lluU"n ~ 1"'llklllA' IOUI' Lml 11'1l,',.h·,1 Ih i' IOIl!{tll :1 1111 1o,'Mdlh r ·tllJlllr ' wllh l,h)1.
' I'h l' ClIllWltU II! KIIOX 1.4'1'" he rOt' 1'h
sick li st.
n ll'l"l1t tox y ear I U3 ' · 1939·1040.
High Price. Hauen't 110t a Ghost 0' a Chance at Krol1er'. - SA VEil
lit rs .
JILL U~lITAT]ON :\11'. and ;\11'''. "1',111"1) '\-". l . , n<1 DI I 1(> " hlrsh. II . "1)1,"1 'I'u _ ,Ia~' ""1\~ '1'1 E Is h r by gil'l' n Ihnt In I n~ with 1>0111110- f; Ul I,·" IIIIlI fn l1llly I)lIr>lIl(l.1\ e of :t n sulut! n Or l30ard III Clu l'k HI·,lIt·. Ilf Edll lI lio n oC l h e \Vuyne T own. " hill Huml 8 hool DI.,II'I t of , (U·. nn s:fo r.1 n 1I1L l \\'0 1<"11:1, La wr nl' 11 110 JUl' I !II) nl ~nll"t"ln~' nf.l rn oon ,'o n ('ounly, Ohio. \la >l>!,I'i1 on the . 6th wltlt l'iCOll ))u:t n llll fn mlly n Ill' lillY or SO))t mbcr, 193 , the t· will be 'Hlhm llll'll to II I'ntc oC t h e p op·le ' Yn y II C!H' I110. or sa III \\r'lyn 'l'ownshlp Rurlll RUlh .ll3lt h li nd >lO ll. E UlIlce ::;,,11"01 VISlrl I fl l Ih NOVElJ\IBER ? loo l·(' n.nrl lI e l II 111i "'R II l'lp (\ L ul'Y ELE WI'l N to be h .. ld In til a I,ll flo St'lle wllh Rhl' ,Wins ,IIIIIIl' I' ~at · ~t' h flo l D ls u 'l t , II I Ihe I'egul llr UI'day , \lllll"'S oC \'ollnS'. u n 'rues(]ny. tho Th eodo re Ul'tts .'I n (1 111'0 gru nd · Fth till;' or ~ol'emlJe ... 193 , tit 'lues. so n s of F'l c'tl'h cl" wen: l'al1l!'l"~ (In Ilun or Il'l'ylng I'- ·1:lX. In ex eBS of ~I YI'lI(' Da y 1I1l11 r: llnll~·. II lllk I' lsill'li th o t e n 111111 Ilmltutl"n fo r th e ben . his bl'olilor. :'Il nrcll~' ~ l'a\' c III the fIt of " '"y n e TOII'nshl )l Ru ,·n.1 Sch ool Union (; "111 ·len· . lJh.t,·lnt for III P\\T'fIOSC of urren t ~tltll's~ l ll A .. ('he r ~ I h.~ nt :41111(lns <'xpt' nsell of Sulf~ II'llh Alrl'cll !;hIlIlHl1H' r lind fa llllly IL \'Ilt 1I 0t e xceeding 3 mills (01'_ n n('ll r Fusl.,... pe l' loel of Ihl' e yeul's In ludlng til
1 I
l'OOTI('I~ OF ELlWTIION 'ON TAX · I.E\·" 1~ l~X Eo'S (W T U E TEN
• ,,( 'Ill
.\hI. (\lid
li111111 11l Fl'<' 111 :111 1111 \1 :\I n ",\r H arKt I' ll nt I" l'hl " ~' It' r~' 'I'n '111 \ wil It 1.1 .lll ] ,~r Ird a!lfl IJa." ( :11 nil!",..
Subscription Price, ~1.50 Per Year, Payable in Advance
un d rlll11lJ~·.
'TAT E I\I ENT Stn.lenl ' nl of ow nership nlll1 In 11.11' UIW mcnt of '1, ' h.~ ::111111111 (1a~I'tlL', Pill)· II h ed lit "·lIyn"H\·Wp. ('Ih l.. , tiN qul red 1 . ~· th(\ .0\( l df ~ \ln~l't'~ A lIIl'II,,1 ~ 4 , l!"~. Wllcr, Flu,·.. lIl. Crnn . l'ullll"I"'r. 0\'\' 111' RUllI'. Ed lt Ul. 1.'111...,' :'If. Lrllll .
\ ·.I~· nt
Iiltl •• d"u~hl I' I",\'~ 1"IUI'nrrllO 11l·1tMain Street hOIlH' aft,-,· , I" lI,llll~ '_'01- 1"'111 W(·I'k.
nesville, Ohio
I'ane -
SEE IT ••• DRIVE ANEW PLYMOUTH TODAY w o uld you lUte to recover f rom your Ills 01' 'rest at thl! above place to prevent e n I'ouehlng Illness '! Tha t 's wh a t 'L e ba non h as to of· fer In "Eust OJ·c h:u·d''-II. nurs ing hom e Co r cOll va lesce nts which \s said lo pos~ess nil of th e m orits of a n In s titution of Its I(\n<l nnd. w h ere hos pltnIl1.n.tlolI· Is not desired. Meo l'd lng to the Irlcl:easn g num· ber of convole c nl s who, nvull themselves of Its r cstCui e n v iron· ment to l'cCaJl tul'e h eltll atter an Illness, or fo r es tall a n Illness that a r es t may pre, 'ent. "EUBt ,Orchnrd" Is proving 'Itselt a m on g Wru'1'en coun· lyls m ost va luable Institutions. Che~ I'fu l e nvironmen t, 1?eauUCul 8uroun~'l1gil and. Ideal treatment that ~· uggcst Ileallli r auier than 11· n ess, are th e conveniences a nd at. tractions OrchArd! ' .' occuprl' ~ n n Idea]. site away from the n olso of Ihe bu sy str cets, It Is one ot the r es\Cul spots of Flor(IvDle. More thon 30 benutICu l shade tre811 In c10/IC llro x lmlty lo tho home
a llow u. spac ious la)Nn wher e g u es ts may walk a nd en joy l h e outdoors. Known as a " nursIng" Institution "East Ot'chard" Is, a.' private home wh er e p ersons Bu ffe·rl ; g trom chron· Ic li ffllctio n s and other ailments, as we ll as convalesoel~ls, are assured the finest a nd most n tle nth:e . ca r e. For oases wh ere h ospitalization Is ~ot require d It Is ctinslde red idenl treatment speclalhzlng In qUi e t , wholesome f0009 and rest , A DaUent may have :strlct privacy of hi!! own room, or may mingle with assembled. gues~ In a room provided tor tllelr ~ilCreatlon, recelv· lng the a ttention of graduate or praotloal nurses w i le n' thai service I~ desired. • ' M ,rR. Hesler Carr 'Is In 'charge of East Orc hard , Nursling, Home. She received her training as a hu1'IIe In Lebanon ~t .. and la well quail· fled to give the kind of eervlce reo qUl!llted In an IMt1tution ot thls type,
It's the year'. style S4tftIlltiOQ among low price cars! Glamor. tllslinflion in styling • , • sumptuous new Juxury throughout. Envious eye" will follow this big, new Plymouth wherever you drive it. . .Come iotoday and drive a new 1939 "Roadking" or Jk.Luxe Plymouth. Discover the thtiU,in its new High·Torque Engine performance • ~ • in .Perfected Remote Control Shifting and new AlI·Silent Auto·)fe"h Transmission. . Neyer ~ore in a Jow·priced car.have you had a rid. to eq~ the new ride of this great Plymouth. It has new ADlala .Stee.1 Coil Spr~gs • • • ~mproved· Airplane TYpe Shock Ab;orbera ••• new True-Steady Steering ••• the most bril. liant ride engineering in any low priced car! And with iu marvelollS new engineering · advancements, . Pl),mDuth for 1939 has all ~ebetter, value feafUtel that have ·lP.lide it f~I}S ,for reCord economy with full power ••• t1W cause owners'to declare. "It's the Car That Stands Up Bestf" 0\11 new
II" ' ''''''''''' Mason .S,.·p er S.rvlce~ 'Cliff Bunnell~ . . . ...!. _" .
- -
• Malon,.O.
.St.UrrI "."~",, ~ 4 .. _~
CilQlie,. . .d !JJ'IIIOadi ".;;.--
.Page Three 1!1~
County Court New,s ,. H le n ' nt\vfot'[l ~loS;;orH en!. I' (I I'ROCtlfi:I)JNGS 'mit ngolnRt lUllrl Iwd CIaI'll Wood · Nil ... cl (luanlliUl
. to bc due on u'IIllrlm Rldllell \\' nR n'lm '-u.. unr" .. InlmOO .. nolc Wllh IIII .. a t f\' m Inn, rOI- h'llI Bon, pee d Riddell, u"Dln, , S"IJl '~Il, ' 1937. or v r, J4 y [I r s oC ngo, II fend/lilt Atlks Uh'orce III I.t Ault os ltlng for u dl\'orco fII <! t1 WIIl'd for $800
II. P\'Ollllsill 'I'Y
Evelyn' M cVay, FL'o nldln, IIAk s for I'et'enl!y by M ury RIdde ll.
fl 'O m
" ' lIl1um
M ' Vay,
tl ('ndanl,
'I' h, III'UI'I'C,llll l;s of ALII' (;I: lIIoUI', :'IfOI'I'U\\', atllnlnil<u'lltl1x u( tlw 1'1<'
('OI! I't \VIII h Nll' lh.., M('h~fhll ('
Of ~'h\hn .. , Lll'h(H n ntl
II diVOt' e
IIll llilltl
II of N, ~' of ,f"''''I>h U IItnu 11/'" :1 /11' .. 0\," 1.
Groun ! 8
th c
h e stales
HIl ~,
Iwld !l 11'~,
l' nOnJ\'I'E 'rh e ('o uI'1 II ilIl 'Int tI L n n Saw)' I'.
\\ it It 0 111,' " d l;\'l" 'S w ould
illl-( faull
"t,nth "t " l,\'" I' YI' I r - LI ''''HI It YN\1'
BY ";"Ofl1\1~ (; 1I"; IlS}o~ LI" IUI' I'I"': - I.", · klng
h r l'''l ,h
,S(:-cur~ <1
hlllh""'flll llt h" I' hlllTtl' , :111'1.... It;,t'h'~' '1'iJU",1 hit! w1ft, II l n;l, ,ifl l'l' III:Ph ldllS' " ' l..e il f' l's l, :1\1 yl'III'H IIhl, /' 11,1, ,<1 l H' " ,"mil th. iJlI lill'" Oltl (\\lur, llult· ~ C(HWNIl" ,d loll ' "11 I'H lm 1I1~1I - /I f· Iw l< lltu'itlng ht'I'H(' lt 111 ht, l' t' h L'~ 1 SUI-vl\'ln ~ I,.. .. 1Ll't\ tit \ fltlllln,"d, Uti p o l e Lhat f. w<lm li," 1II I'1 11lg In w Il li Il , a ~-~:" lill .. t' r,vo l \'(' O' Sunri/l Y, Itet· pllrf'IlI ~, ' twn fJlt l hlt'(ln, tl\ I' • HI _ th m:'I>~UJI "I' Ih ' " 1 .. II((II" " ,h' wll " (''' ' ' I' U' W'' fl . ;\1. \\ '1 11111 111 ><, I.r'l :111'11 t " I'II, n lli[ II h ..,,11t I'. ~f\I-\'i(: 'S We"
\\'1/1 h e hell .•'d :-;,)V. 4 .
d pc lar"Ll tax ,
\\'U.':I S'I"/' II at $ 247 ,5 7 tlnl!
e (>mpt
til l!'
dl' ''' lng' U!'
" U'arfk nl lJ"
"11o ('1'~
110 11 1 hI' f"I 'I-;I 'l >< 10
II 1'1\' 1Ilg ,
1I(' 1I1' 1'
llm C' ," 'a hIJ i ng' "1,, ,uI
=- -
th c· (cpt
( tth ( OI '
ft'lIo\\' . ~ \I n('
dl'h' (' I', ~o 1.·t 's
of the district
He Will Not Be A '~ubber Stamp'
~ "AnI'ENE D-LC;l\' ~
s aw :1l
~' nUl'
JI ;,1'l\\,:II'C
'Vliy ncRvlll e,
n full lIne 01:
'nse Fnrm B 'r o ndwny,
Rl'\'cm l Us d FunlRon truclol''' In ,sood OntUllo n, Your chol of the lol fur only $GO, Case c1emonsll'fltol' on rubl}() I' $160 o ff. MUl'l 'Y Impl em o nt o. 30G N. N , Bl'omlwuy, J... 1,)uno II , I'hone 109. 2t
ALE-Lorge l ce Box, ben ull-
r, tnblCB e tc, ch lip.
}{eafauve r
11 1 DE
NEWEST STYJ..E " fll1's r e, m a tle, rern v d IE!\l, Il /leI r es-Iazell. J?rlc s r asonable, Bln a Palle,'so n , 4 mJl oH W At of ITa 1'\,ClyslJ urs on th L C'/)u no n I'oall,
Wal'l'cn ,C ounty bo y ' a nd girls pInyan oubtandin g part in the 'succc s of each year's Ohio Statc Juniol' Fail', The qua lity of th ci r cxhibit. have gained thcm nation wiGl e honors. 1 am g lad t o know thnt the ciLiz ns of 'Wal'l' n COllnty will" on Tues day Nop ember 8, give your Agricultura l Soci ty thc fund s to make your Fail' a blue ribbon Fair in Ohio,
Warre n County ranks high in the agl'i ultural industry of the tate and when it is considered that orne of the pOOL' counties of the state ha ve fa it' g t'ound proje ·t now und I' cOf'struction totaling n :ll'ly $1,00,000, th ere is no reason why Wan-en County shol1ld not have the pride to equip their F.air on a ba i equal to . the li vestock and other agricultural commodities which your County pt'oduces, . Your exhibitors ha e won blue ribbon. in the nation-wide competition , War'l'en County ha s some of t he fin t li vestock in the world. The cattle and swine ca n com pete o·n an eq ual basis w ith other animals of t h e nation, It i not a credit to your County to force your your hom e folk to show in tents when other Fail's of the State have splendid buildings in which to house their exhibits: I feel certain t ha t the citizens of Warrcn County ha c s ufficient pride in their community to support the efforts of you r Society in making the Warren County Fair one to whic h every I'e.~ident of Warren County can point with pride, I feel cer tain thatoul' County Fair will in future y nl's be the show window f YP).1l' ngcicultu 'nl advaDcement. A well equi pet! County Fail' g round i flll in investment which, ill pay dividends to the itizens of YOUI' ounLy three hundred and sixty-five dny each year.
Wit,h best wi, he_I I ti m Res]lectfully, B, P_ Sandle , Manage r 0 1 io State Jun iot' P air.
He believes in the ~implification of laws, elimination of' useless b urea us and commis ions to cut the cost of government. ,
Elect Clarence J. Brown ROOT FOR AN., CONSIGN lour Cattle, hogs, shel!(:1 afJd catv. to Norrie-Brock Cc:" live wire and p,rogressive finn' for t:be hlghe", market prices and good service. V.loa Stock Yard,' Cimci ••atl, 0 Tune in on Radio Station WCK)
and, know YOU will, be represented! R, B, Ho\\' ard, London, Chairm ~~ Issued by Brown for Congre"s CommIttee
12 :211 to 12 :80 p. m_ for "ur dan,
market reports.
n~~":"'-----------·----II ===- -- --- ----- - ---- -----
II . E~~CTRICITY II .Does Not Do. . .
, \V
.* *
6 6 6 ~
n~ver tells you you must wait until a new or
fresh scpply is llvailable,
Electrkj, y never quits working when the "whistle blows". ' or refuses to work until a certain tIme, ,
Electri~ity' never charges you for any amount you do not
Fever and HeUldaches
Liquid. Table'" ,'duc t o Coill" Try "1~ub-~ly-Tls..,"-n \VOIlll{'rrui 1.lnlqlcnt
RALLY Memorial Hall LE8ANON. OUiO
So ve, Nose Dnll'8
.- * :::~~~jio:.ever as~ you to wait unpl it is more convenient - II
II -
.- ._-
use in your home. ,
Mon. OCl'. 31 7:311
~lectricitY' never takes a vacation and tells you that you
-I I
, .
---- Th; Da~on POWer IfLi9h1C~lnP,any I •
Now you call shift gcnrs wi lh tlt e nick of a finger -with only B fi fth of the elTort fo rlllerly re, 'Iuired-witll YOllr h umlalways sa fe ly clo e to Ihe st eering wheel! Simpl y loueh Chevrole t's Per, (ect ed V Beuum Gear" hift - "the magie finger that shifts gears"-aml 0 hidden mechanical
called a "vaellum booster" sUPI,lies ci,g/ll,Y per ~lI t of tbe sbifting e lTort! Available on 011 models at sliglil ex tra COBt,
John McSweeney l.nrgo
Cnndl~te fOr St~te '
n al
Orel Myers ---' IIOHGItABLill
Nelf) Aero-Stre,..n Stflli:ftg NeR1 B.Me• •• ....."er '
Harry A;· Hlughe
greatest driving aiel ever eleveloped giving swlf,er, safer, fingertip gear-shif,ing'
Prln eahle Spcokel's will he _
CO ngre88~Cln ot
Electricity ~~ leta tired 'and 8ugg~ts tba~ ,'you give it a rest uritilitfeela better. " .' . '.,. ,_ ,
Kath erin c Mendenhall
GII ~ ('tI .. ,
He believes i~ more adequate aid for the aged without red tape and exorbitant ad ministration expenses a nd without a horde o~ inspectors and case workers,
I $,o~e Thinss That
ply a full LAUNDRY.
W aync:-;vi li e
My deal' 1\11'. Bishop
Alt, /Jolly,
He beHeves t h ere i no future f or the American working m ~n on WPA or r~lief rolls and believes the working man wants a n hon est, useful Job at the AmerIcan wage scale, ' -
II w n
flllcl :'111 9>1 X u n COII HI 'H 0 11 l'Ou t 7:1. H w for relul' n to n t'\', '1' II"rn, bUI' Y, lI m'\' YHbu/'!,: ,
ful Cllmco RillS, oll l)a lnUngs , s w eep-
He believes-' industry should be given t he opportunity to e~pand an~ employ more worltmen without dictation from g overnment and WIthout contmued added tax burdens,
OU I '
1'11'. Dav e Bishop, PJ'csirient Warren ounty Ag ricultural SOCiety Lebanon, Ohio.
He believes in a sound and constructive agricultura l program based on the right of every farme r to plan his own farming, He is opposed to regimentation of the farmer.
WlI:-t t ••
L OST - Two p wte l' mu g" sit ll j)!'t1 liIil' tumblc' r H, b e tw('o ll 1 [al'\,OYHhuI'g
Impl e m ent ' 0, 300 N , Lehallon, Phono J 09,
for he knows the problems of the people
L'I JlTl'(' t
arc able to
" 'aYl1eRv ll1 ,
M n 'hlnery n nd n epn l tr8, :'Ilcell!'le ),
Represent the 7th District
nll t
r, SA L E--400 Ou, Pit-II t COl'll ("l'lh, $7,fiO , Co li tts Jill"' e _ ~l"I'f'
''''0 C1I ''I'Y
Ably and Courageously
~ 1I1'!<('rI IJ Cl t o 'l' It, i\'li llml OIlY-CLte"'"
Spc inl attention to bachelor bllncl l e~, men'll s hil't ~ 10c . All m nuing and buttons r ep la ced.
thc' fault .. " f o r II H IH :I P I""
drivin g- f'n trlt " f1 ,'"\. Sub s Cl'lb(' I,) Th e
C,larence J. Brown, small business man, newspaper publisher, tarmer and former state official, will
I\I,,"I' O W ,
SERVICE to ou r clistom el's, weL wn: h, rough d"y, budg t, t hrifty . dry an d D Luxc,
Inh r l ta .II'C I", can' flll loil1l'",lr,
\\'Ia"\ n
Now w
w h n ~ p'-'. Ic!~ iiJ4 t1Jg SII hll ~ Y pl (' I\,i llg' n n w H in t Ill' i o n of
Th" v/ll ue of lh e CH I n I"
,r. H I\I" ;;e~
Jl lason, "' X(,CII I I'lx o f I he cs ta t e Of B Ihena 1\1Ill s, Approls,." n" med ' we l'e I. ,T , HVWIIl'd , M , 'r. I~:\dil nnd
hd!l, \v ,I'll l'lidny lit
h l'rlta nc tnx , Th e (":"('Ulrl,, ', I'l'h - lI al tVII llIu c h, I " r" ,'I, "",~' ju , L ('tlule' of c laIms , d !'/)l R, ,,, ,, I /iahill. tlJJlI'l 01 .. an y lhlng 1'1~"l ~" Ih l' " jl ln - ,
lIl ol'l'Ow,
fleet BROWN to Con ress
;ll-tl~, J It' I' 11 U'1it;, u.t, l~ JII"l'I'O""II'Hlrl , ~ "'nl u\\'''''I', Iw,"'.1 Ill\.! 1<1 (1)( 111" ..-
'0" (,,"\ ",' I""
f li CI OI' y
t " ~ u d (01' n d ecr () bul Ihe CO Urt
I1ldll e ll h nd bee n Il dullREAL ESTATE ful wlf It n,1 rcf tis('d Ihe decr ee but INSURANCE . fo und the plaintiff gu ilt y or n g l eet AUCTIONEER nnt!, g'l'a nl tI h e " n d ecl'(' c an ti r estor· ~===-::=='I ed 11 1'1' to h l' I' mlolde n nome ' o f Mtll'y
,01'1''' ' ,. rllld-
1', '1lIy htll'n , t'xl'cuIQr Qf Ihl' ""LUI.... r~ih ... I :e, Aunll (,l', ":I'C\lll'lx or lh !' or AnllfL L ', 'lwwnlll1rl I', '~'. 4 , 'tllIlI,· of , \\'l1l1 u lll A , Alin k I', fJI ,I J, '1,< l':lh'lY Will' nnlllcq ndm lnls, 1'1'1' r lt' ''l nn a fln ll l 1\.(' ''Ount. trolol' d iJonls n n of tb estill fIr 'I'll (' U I' t 0 I '(I() I'e ] I II I IJ Hllll~ III on Marin Wheel I', ' Illl oC "lwln gbol'O, of I I. U, .J oh n:<lll1 , a "'ilndlll 10 tho 'und ' mns th e ll l'i \'lni;' I'.-a(·d"E's uf Imill till' \l UI nil 11 , \ 'Il " ' 111<',' 10 ompl to th • dmllllsll':lLioll or \\'111 'If I I hurd b ,' o t herM whir;, It lh SIIIlO slurted hy C, \\' , n b l ij- f"(,m hili! nt 1Jot S(iI'lnS'~, X c w :'1 ' x/I n ·X IWI' I. by. I 0, I n tit "1r.llIripl'lllo '~ " "p :n illn Ihl'l" tl efil jlontl 11 I O' -l' " I /I -It "a II h II IHlt lh !\IA(UUAGI<~ ' LICEN, E ~' h ('ourts Mel thl' 11 I valu o( """ "" 1':'00(1 fl "'" " ~ (' X""III h lll1 , e lf, A sa 1.. 1\1' oy, 31, Iubol' 1', nnd 1\11'3. Loin lIll' OY, aG, both o f ']lut. . Ihl' ' IiLOW of 11/11'1 ,,, Ell I'll' , B Slhc r Tlw)' all rI .. h ' c "l o w , v eysuUI'g, :Null, XI'CUtt'08S, "I 3,63a ,2 '-v :l11\1 II _ Til l'"_ 1111' 11 100 .... hu l·I ",. "" I x llu l't ('S latl' "~ ~ Ill11t } r ullI In, "l1tlu !': h . 'I'IIl'Y r, dl I t. ,,1 J: II :d Il l' "Ig'Eug ne Howal'a nltlel', 26 fOl'm - e /n "l',1 th
0 f Youn ~ le<'lctl I 0 I Il Ilc. 1'00 1 es tote In her llQ lI· volved In tl Ie' BU .. n UI ulle 'lnd , It Ilnnl OUI ~ I' II f ndunts e nle r d, by V el'noll lion thot th oy w /' /lInnl d l"Ii 'l'c h Cole. at the uPlll'lllsed \'ul u' oC 3, 1034 u nd Ililve no e hlllk n . $~,(j(Jl) nnd III(' dls tdbullon of the r e' e l- a nd Idll Loul .... o B ,' ubb ruC , 20 , hOlh of Ft'an ll lln , ""lIlts 01'11 reel. R oh I·t nlll I', ~7, form 1', Gu~h · MIII'Y Rldd II Willi g ,'unt d t1 elle n , a nd 1\1 1l '-Y O llv e l' , 26, VUI 'C (' from ~pecd l1hltlc11. TIt (> IlIt-
' hul'onv III 0,
lP'OHs n I:.cct.,.
'I'h t' 11lotuo'I:.t \\'hll I
Oototav 1'7
Bernard .S~rvllce Station
26c, $1
_ The Complete Food Market
Quality, Economy, Service
JOe and 16c
Ga., Oil, Batterie., Tires
6 Beer
ADesdeaki, Prop.
Wayne.ville, Ohio'
After the Game
BO.W LING ALLEYS Good Luck Team - ~
1,1 '
Phone 32
Sweet Com
Beauty Shpp
Shoe., Clothinl aJld Dry
Sunoco Ga. and Oils
. Sandwich..
Nov. 23
Waynesville, Ohio.
Dec. 9 Carlisle
Home L
Dec. 16 Springdoro
Home L
Dec., 17 Spring Valley
Dec. 23 Alumni
Jan. 6 Lebanon
Away j~way
Waynesville, Ohio
Willatd Batt.ri..
Mobil ..
R.eal Eatate
, Jan. 27 Harveysburg
Parties Our Specialty
Nov. 18 Bowersville
Jan. 13
Surety Bond Wayne.ville, Phono 61.R2
W4LLACE'S ·I.~ ,G • .A. .arkets .
..... !
Feb, 3 Morrow
Larger everywhere-beea...........-... • r •• Emilia Hawke McClure
, of better quality, 8ervice and price.
A Modern and up·
. Jan. 20 Kings Mills FAIRLEY HOWE STORE '
Canneu of Hi,h Quality
Nov. 11 Jefferson
Dec. 2 Morrow
·Alway. a Good Show
After the game visit t he ,Compliments of
1938-39 W. H. s. Basketball Schedule
Hdwe. and Implements .
. Home
.•~way L '
F eb.17 Otterbein
Wayne.v.iIle, Ohio
J\way L
W a"~eaville. Ohio .
Hayou.. Oil
L League Game
Goodrich Tina \
Compliment. of
W. ,COnDer .
Fo1' Good Cleaniq See
EXCHANGE ......:.--------,.FARMERS ... Coa. -.
Compliments ~f
Coinpliment. of
AI_.,.. With ...... T.....
Shop Stokel Fumae..
John Fromm '
QUICK CLEANERS Katherine MendeDhaU
Miami: Gazette , •
Co..plimeDta ~.,.
Compliment.. of
Come in 'after the .ame and
Ga.; Oil, S.ndwich..
Preu~' G~.m" :.i
Phone, 'lOSR3
try our Hamburltlr
, LuDChe.
Retread Tires, CompleteEquipment
W qaeayille,. Ohio
. - x: _ -
Call f.or and ,Delayer
A Modern·
,~. ,
-, ..STOR~
- ..... '...... -:::.:::-. -, ~ PROGRAM GIVEN
OHI6, 'THURSDA=5K40wAYNESVIU£, ?'Jt . . . __ .___ _ __
t? r?J'!TQ '5 '" EO
Wan'en county schools mU,nicipalities, to" nships and the cou nty fund shared in a distri bution of real estate nnd public utility t !l"es this week., Will J. Ranker, deputy county audit-or, annod'JIced Mon· day. The am ount d :3~ ribul c d wus !S 1Ul,794.62 which includ,: d adva.ncements 'made ce(rtain districts previ ously, The schools re ceived ~7 4.431l . 7; coullty fund l'cce i\ ed $45,687.22 i C: I'J 0 .a tions. $2U,. 786.16; a nd cor.omt;ons, UU,98G. 16. Acco nl ing to Rank-er'a figures lho school allotn.eot was appo)'tic ned lIS follows: Clearcreek Town ~h ' p , $6 ,438.· 34; Carlisle, $3,409.28 i lllu 3 !kll, $693.39; Franklin; $14,393.79; Harlan - Butlet'vi:Je, $1,706,38 i Hamilton-Mainevlllc $4,933.31; Kings Mills $6,063.26; Lebanon $14,122.34; Mason $4,611.04; Mas ie $1,426.24; Morrow, $3,815.75; Otterbein Home $850.86; South Lebanon, $1,688; Wayne Township $9,861.31. The following amoullts were given town ,i ps: C1e.ol'creek, $2,056.41; Fl'Bnklin $6,619.66; Deerfield, $1,861.35; Union. ' ,1 .263.93; Turtlecreek, $6.6S0; Wayne. $3 ,045.27; ,S alem. $1,292.24; Hamilton, $3.176.86; Washington. $1 ,624.46; Massie, $96S.0S; Harlan. $1.664.96. Allotments to municipalities in. cluded: , Springbor.o, $360;29; Frankl i.n , $7,682.19; Mason. $2,462.90; So. Lebanon, $36_8 .36; Waynesvillc, $2.321,20; Corw,l n. $64.71; L~b R n on. $5,315.69; Moo.rrow, $776.56; Maineville, 5197.78; Jio.veJand; $99.26; Hal'veYII'bul'g, '~68.481 and Pleasant Philn. $23.08. AdvaneelS n1a(le in 1IJ\~elpatlon of the settlement amounted to approxlmajiely $12,000. including $2, 700 to Franklin for Mtraml eons'S rvaney ttl]!... Jleer:CieJ<l TO~Ullhip, '1,0~O, and 'the Lebanon School Dist.r!ct, .~,pOO.
An in teresting program was pre s~nted, at the l'Cgular' m_o nthly meet ing ,of the WI'{Ynesvi'lle 'IGall1en club held at th~ home of Mrs. Harvey Rye. Tuesday afternoon. Mlr~ . Carl Duke I,,rave a poem ntitled "November," this was followed by II 0010 "Only A Rose Bud" by Mrs. R, D. Coll ett.. wi th Miss Helen Hawke at the piano. A t.a.Jk On "Nal'l'ow leaf Eve rgreens for the ave l'uge home " was given by Robert Duke, a con Lest on tl'e concludeel the 1)I'OIP'am, During the bu ~iness se. 'ion the f olio" ing nomina~ing committee \\-a13 appoint ell. 1'rfl's. R, D. Co Pelt. I\-h's. Hal'v. ey Rye. I!Ind Mr.>. H. E, Hath9way, II Dainty refreshm ents were served / 1 by t he hostess allsiste!i by Mrs. R, _Po Cpllett. The Decembe.r mE-eting : will be with MI's. J. K, Pl'c: toll WI'th 1\1 I S. L ena II . ar t soc k as a :,
"isEiann tV' IGES
Mrs. Robe'rt Crew bas bl!en 011
the sick list, She is improving in
Voters should r e member thi!'l le vy DOES NOT INC~EASE present taxes. School officials. point out funds from this s oul'ce must oe forthcoming if the present sc~edule is maintained in the loca l sc hools. The wordil1g of the ballot would indicate this is a new levy but this is not the case. It is just a 011tinuation of the levy that has been in effect for a number of years.
1': ~h~!ches
; :
Five hundl'cd WUl'I' cn qunly boys and g irl s I' cl'ived Il - H lulJ achi evelll nt cel'ti fi cutes Dnel fair premiums at t.h e Ilnnua l 4- H Ilchiev ement 1r.Ie Ling held at tile Town Hall in Ll' banon, TU CSlh y veninj:(, Nov. 1. Club a dvisors. plIl'eilt.<; and fr iend s w.itnesse d t ile pl'e, e ntati oll oC .awards and enjoyed. with the , club members, a showing of thc !I n .. tlv ie " nd 'l' The II-Ii Flug." Foll owing 111'1 IInnual cu stum Lllc Cal y Jewel!'y Sto r e pre 'e nlcd one member ,of eac h girb' club wilh II d Iv e;' ~ poo n. Thi s u\\"ul'd is g iv n for lelld cl s hip- ou tstandi ng pl Ojed ~\ol'k-n n (\ pllrticipatic n in the su mm er's 4-H l'lub sc hedul e of activiti es. W. ll . Pal me!'. , t ne 4-11 ;ub lead er, cO lllplimented th e 4-I1 Cl ub ad\liso rs on Lheil' ~ umlll c l" s 1\'01 k and encouraged lhl:' boys and gir's 10 st ;'h c consl.:l ntly towfIJ'd the 4. H Club motto " To Muke Th e Bebt Belter. "
The dHemma in which the Dayton sc hool system finds itself at the present time s hould be a stern warning to the voters of Wayne township who go to the polls November 8 to vote on t h e renewal of the three-mill 1e\ y which provides funds fol' the maintance of the Wayne TownShip sc hoos,
_ ______
i ReceIve Awards
Levy' l~ove'mber 8
WHOLE NU1IDER 39311- - - ·
!/4-H ~embers
Vote'. for The School
.~~.. ~8Dmg .•' BY GARDEN CLUB
Mrs: J essie Hyman and son Rob,' ert ~ntertajned ut 6 o'clock supper Sunday the 'fol),owing gdiests: Mr. and Mrs. Sid Bloch. Mr, and, Mrs. Le<>nard Goldstein. Mr. and' Mrs. A'l T Polinsky. Mr. Joe Bloch and daughter Joa.n, all of Cincinnoti; ..Mr. and Mrs. Max Kohlhagen of Jamestown. MI's. J . p, Larrick a nd bel' house guest M,t'S. C. E. Norris visited MI'5, J. E. InBk~ep oOf Springfie!d (In Sunday. Mrs . Norris l't'mained for a. visit. Mrs. ' Mru'y Cross left Wedne~ day for her winter home at Eng:e. wood, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. A. H, Stubbs an~ childl'en entertai ned the following at Sunday dinner, M.r~ and Mrs, Frank Roads ;and Mr, and 1\1~·s. Will Honious all of near payton, Aftemoon a nd cve~ing callers at
- - ~-.-
iJ I
HALLOWE'EN ' CARNIVAL ASUCCESS A large, cnthu si astic crowd till onge d the hi g h school building a nd goymtlu ',iLm from three, o'cloc k un til lIIi dn ig ht laH Saturday makin g lh" M!llhel' Goose bazalll' and 11 011 ol\" e' n cUl'n ival Rpoll sored by the Mother';. cluh a grand s uc cess. Each bo uth waR IYffi utirul ly tint! ~1 i(' nlly decorHled l o ;'e pl'etient il'~ lI'al "~ alld in pl 'a eli 'uly v· ., 1y one \\ ith jow ,' x('cpLions th ere \V1I~ H " sell -o ut" long before the . ' v~ nin g WIIS o v~r, Th,e din ing h!lll WUH crOl\(l d frul11 five to eight. At lhis lim e lh ~( ' tIIc ~ hift d to the ~Ylll whe re n Il1 CI'I-Y clow d of Jr.usk, t1 I hJ! iu\1e' cnel'!l fnrlicked . 'fh c "I'a~ s lion lIf lI :e hi:; h scho ol orchestra , 1(> :1 by WiJ oclene Kurfi in th c lIb se-n ~ [! of l\tI r. Frank , enlert::;;n d. and play 'd for lh e grand llIal'ch in which w ' s Lillic Bo -P ec p. Millnie and Mick y Mous , Li ltle Snow Whit t', Dopey. th{! Organ Grind er. Pop Eye !lnd many ' oLh el' rl!pl'c!!e-ntations. The most ori ginal pl'ize went to littl e five-ye ar old Delo res Berl y who 1\ ith h<r little d II' a nel lan te rn rep I' . ented un old co on hUnteI'. Mrs. Steph ens, 76 yea rs rec ived t.ho pl;ze fol' the oldest ]> 'rson >ma sked, Prize fo'), lhe IllI'gest fumily l~b!1skeu went to Jal1lell lJal'tcock and his seven e:lli II! I'en , Aftel' the dwal'ding of prizes the ren ainder of the evening waS' spent il'l danci ng to t he tunes .of Chuck Heliwag{'n !l orchestra. Th net proceeds of the carnival amounted to $150 it is rep<>rted. Th e committee in charge wi sh to take thi opportunity to thank aU of t ho folks' ho ro willingly coopera ted both in their eJ'lorts and donations as t.o /1laJ~~ this carnival olle to be long r emembe-: d.
hea lth at thil1 writing, Sundl\Y _ Tw enty-fil.•-t ",fter Fl'lday aftci noon , Oct. 28 the Rev. Kearns Prestop ot Cr¥stn1 I IT' • 't ' • membels of th t> Ne w Century club . '.I'l m f l . _ . Lak~, OIinoili i visiting hj s son ' Fllneral SEI'viccti were con [lucte~ . ii> 'J!. m.-Ahul'ch school, 11ri~ W OI 'nt :I'tame d a t. I he h I me of John K. Preston And familv thif\ ':'\ M M Elb week. f by Rev. J , V, Lacy 'ruesday after- mary an« Juniors. .1'5, anll' on. Choosin g lJecoming colol's in li ' m., m.-1MJpming Pl'ayor and Th e meeting wa ~ ClIlI(' d to odeI' Ml'Ss Ruth ConnAr an(l, MI' ]J e .',_ noon for ·Mrs. Clara Archd eacon, .. .. .", ', . by the p l e ~ident and th e l1I "mbers clothing Dnd ~ elcclin g cosme t ics en Spitler e. classmate of ttfJami 61 yea . , v,h-o pa ssell away at 7 sermol'l , r esponded to ro ll ca'l wibh, "Loca l that enhance natural beu uLy will Unl'vers 'lty spent the WAck enol l\. m, !.mdIlY morning at. her h ome Tue.d.,~ P , ts f B ,,, bl:' stl esse d in th e sel'ics .of hOI1~ e 2_ P" ~MUTSeI'V In 0 eau.y. wl'th the '''rn''er's parents ...Mr. and~ on, Malll stred . 11 • church school. Th ' tt ' Lh ~'V .• F.-Id........ ' , e pl'ogl'am comml ee .01' e dem~n stratioll meetings . chedulf d r.:lrs. Raymond Conner, A short s~I'Vice, was h!)ld at the < aftE-rnoon W'!lS Mrs. G. Smith and f o!' Wnl'l'en County women. l! P. m.-wo~n's Auxil,ial'y at MI' . J, Gons , Mrs. Smith choo~ e I\1'I'S, May Cook hall re~urned tq I'esidenct! at 1 o:c Ioc k, f 0 II o\\e d bY Every home mak er is invited to hlel' home in Dayton after having ano th or at 2 0 ' cI oka t t he'M' . E'. tIJ.e Little Inn.. nj. Ronald Hawke fol' t.he subject .of her paper "Birds attend the meeting held in her 10spent several days the latter part tehurch ill Springbol'.o with bul"ia\ hoste • • of the Statos, " foOl' many years c~it~ , ot the '\V~k with hel' da\lgbtel' MI~. th e pring-bol'O cemetery. TI~ Sa~"UrdayLouisiana, Maryland and Utah had' ~eetings will be held, at the rot. Ethan Crane and f'&lInify. funersl was in charge of Stubbs 9 a. m.---.1un I" Higlb Boys, had, a state bird 'a nd Mr. Tippet' s 10wl~i' places : Mr. and Mrs, Frank LI'Ma)' at- funel'~,1 <\irectol'. AL .... SA.NT :a:;rISCOPA.... nati onal chail'man of Women's Fnday, Nov, 4, Leb anon , and tended Ii parl.v Sat.\lr'!lay evenin., 1161'S. Al'chd'Bacon h.a ~ l:!ef ll i'JI Fe celalion club tog t.het: with a Harveysburg, p 1;' ,C HUlllCH W ed ne day, N ov.,0 , G eon t 0" n at the horne, of" MI'. and MliS. Bep PI ~..heAlth for SOllie years bu' I. el' gT<l Up of int~ reste,l llltm and wo• .. ~ 'I W,lmialltoD \! C u OffenilUu"l' nof Cincinnati! 'W hiel., I.a~t Bel"iou" illness was ot onl " men. tarted' a campaign that the ommun it y CIu b , H al-t .0 olnmun... ... ., ,0I! t' " R e T . R. L Hacl.:well, Minitter ... It CI b dDt P k C Wall ill honol' of the lat.ter's tw n- w~e~'s duration .. She wos born in Sun'day _ ' Twenty-first aft~J; qt~~" ",tates might al~o have s tate ;Y , u an ay On I e om- KING'S HERALDS ty·fiitlt wed1-l ipg aJlniyefSlll'Y. Svringboro and had live.d for the bIrds. munl t')· Club. Mi ss Yvonne Stubbs, with the Mrs. Hailln Rat tin ..... spent Wed· past fift2en "ears in Way nesville. Trinity. Nllrs. Gone rEod "The Story of Thul' day. Nov. 10, Spring Hill arsislance -of her ;r.other '.vas h{)st9 Il, m,~})\'l'llng rayer and d or B h nellday wito}) fl'iend in' L ebanon. She is sl,rviv~d by her hu·s band the Buckeye.' The name Buckeye al'l Iv a ranc. ess 1.0 ll1,emb~l'S of t he King 's' HerMI'. and Mrs, Ru : &ell Franle lI nQ Howard and one " ... R!IJ p 1.6 0: rjn , .. y. Nov. Jl, Waynesville. aid s oci,ely lust Thursday, eV&lling. ,1-01'13185S~ ht:dlu shrdluu ahrdlc' was used in Ohio u.s cal'!y as 1788 son Ricblll'd spent the weal< end Miller Qf Dayt9n. ~wf, the year of the· first settlement al ·F'tiday Nov, 11 'wi ill me t in the Fift~en littl e boys and gil"! Came " . ... ,. P·'· H . -.." \vA~ES\' IU JE <JHlJRCtI OF .mt . """s. mothC!,', lilli, Marietta but it did not becorr.e I\lotlbpl"s club r 'o m ut the gl'ad p and tnok Il:lrt in t l-e HillParsons, in, QIe.v~land-. MI5Sl0NkRY SOCIET,Y MET tHRIIST fully Ci>:ed IlS the sobr iqu!et f Lhe school building at I :30 ~ owc'e n gam ' p'nllned, During Mr. lllo and )irl!. R\1.5sell Holliday WITH MRS. MILLS W. C. Snillllt, l\llnlo,l ter state unlil 1840. Th e buck eye tree Graddy III be h re with interest- th e busin s mec1.iug tlu es were r ' and da .... l.te AUXILIARY MEET IN the week e,.<l M-. bv Mrs. , hat WIIS a fdend in need to the car;y i~ talk and demO'lIsll'alion. All Il r e col ecled' and mite boxes giv en to ,. , epent . " ,Geo. MIDIl, assisted " T he Evangelis ti-c meeting t ~~_ v ML - - - - 1. Mm. tonts at -W-. F, . 1"·la'·k. ept"t·taln WOo started laJlt Sunday with BI'o. seLtlers being used f{)l" many 'nu ' the m:;>mlJ el s. Sub~cl'ipUolls fol' the DAYTON , - -HolUda " ' .,., • ,, "'" th .. r . ' urge-:a l.o 'a tte nd At .a luncheon and aftvnoon UniQII. Foreign MI ssionary society. Fi her from SlIbina leading the post'S chi·ef of W(l In builcl· Tuesday. Nov, 15 . Sp ringboro . Junior Friend were aluo taken Q.t )ir.l_ and MrlJ. J ohn ~TllmOIl and W ..'".l~esdnv Wednesday. Nov. 16 , Ridgevi Ie' this t imE. Th !ir lead er MIS. Harold meeti~ of ~he Woman's Auxiliary ... aftern(Jon. Nov. 2. Mrl!, singing' and doing chalk picture ing the ca b:n , This accounts fOI' . Ia: ge the scarc ity ot the tl'eO, and Pleas nt Plain. Earnha lt lEqu~sted eachl child to ot the Dayton convocation of tho wil til'ITr ot nayton vi ited Mr, R. D, Collett preslqed in the abo wOlk, has been d I'a wmg . senco.of the president. Devollons crowds. The public is invite:d to After adjou'rnment the hoste.E S try to get 11 new member. Mrs. Pfotfl)t4m~ Epi/ICQpal church in onel Mru. Herry StokeR, Sqll~Y· , and wel'e in charge ot Mrs. J. V. Lacy attend these TIlI:: etlngs which , 11 assisted by Mrs. L. M. H en derson MISSIONARY MEETING Stubbs I'end their story. At ,~the Dllyto.n last ThuiSd.ay, St, MartI! m,til. Morris r "'u\kerson f' wi dlllighter and 1d 8, R"ssell Frank the subJeoL being "His Kingdomcontinue ' until Nov: 14. served d liciou refJ eSilmentis ', t o WELL_ ATTENDED c'ose of a ple n ant nn.d pmfitabJe eh\lrcb waa J'ePJ'eseJit4;<i bf Mrs, O. JI. Bl:'JCiI!: Mrs. QharlC!!I Fr.ziQr, ll!1d son calle<J, on B?den HIlS Love," Sunday preaching . will be at the mEmbprs and following guests Th e mj s; iona l Y Eociety of the ' evening, Hal'ro\ve'<.m r Efr,eshments Mn. 1\.. 11, l{aekwell, MrS. Ec,l:th bender at. LovElllfId: 'lflonday 1If· MIl'S. A. K. Day .."1' sented the !) :30 a. m. Mi ss Clara Lile. Washington C. H .. Church ' of Chl'illt met at pur- c(lllsi: ting of "apples ari'd' c.a.n-dy to Harrill. Mrs. Lee Haw1(e. and Mr' • teJ'!.l0 o.n . . \ follawing program: Sunday school 10 :30 a. m. Mr ', Fost2r HeaCOCK and· Mi rs Bonage Wedn afternoon. 27 s el'Ved,. . Daisy Snyder. Mra. BracC', presl· Mr!, F. A. }lorton and 'children Indla- It'i Size, Mrs. Collett. Christian Endea.vor 7 :OQ p. Ill. Mame Brown; respond ed to I' II ca ll and one vi -The next n:'eel will be \\'ith d~nt ot the local bl'ancb, spoke en of Dayton wer.e guests of her si, Note!! concerning Indja. Mrs. J. each 4; venillit 7 :30 itol' '"as preltl!nt. M' s, Plank a nd SUl'a h opr" I' the la.'st Monday of Baker Jr. On P. Fromnl. MIS. Raymond Connel'. Mrs. h h.. el charge of the the at fo u l' o'clock. the wlOrk -at: the Auxiliary in tel',>Mrs: • WI!I ),'nesvUle. . New Trends in Old Hindu isll1 , p. men ot the church will furn devotiollal . program, Messrs Edward GilIilllnd, Peter Mrs. W· F ' Clark, ish the music Sunday e v e n i n g . ' , The prog'nam \Vas as JUNIOR PA' .... Y REPUBLICANS · MEET Wkal and ,Kenneth Folt left Mon. QU()tatio·l\.S, Mrs. J. O. Lacy, The challenge. of "'the Grer t Thirt.y memb ers f jupior WITH ROSS HART80C~ (!a.y evening by motor f-or MI!. J. B. Crabbe. FEllin 011 nCH OF CHRIST by MIS, Brad- closs of 'th e-: high National i'The Task Still Unfinish d' W. C. Smith, ley, ' scho ol with two of th! ir in :t r clors An enthusillStic group , of Re- Falls, Ill. to witnelll ppblleane met at the home: of tlielr 'husking conleat. Mrs. J. W. White. Sunday-Bible school 9 :30 a. m. Resder!! of , the MJiami Ga7.ette 'I he challenge of those who \i1t\-e Ji'ergpson and F'o ght "act; c,ntra,J commltteman, RoslI .l4rt· - Mrs, B. T, Viee is spernJ.iftg-t-he Closing Son.. Preaching 11 :00 a. m . 1l1'El ill,v lted to Lh o weig,ht of never hesl'd the Gospel- MM!. 'Eula il' g as Chllpc l'ons n weiner with In Dayton. The meeting adJ'ourned to tn Eet Tuesday- Choir practice 7 :110 p. the dl'essed pig which goes On dis 'I' M L' I la st Thu i't(tay evening in the «lOck last Thursday evoning, In. ,week.W nde ', local coach and Spitler, ?th, . Wi. lams rs. tzz _c ' C} k Af'~ clulled j1l- the group were MesseJ1l .... ~ wIth Mr·, A. K. Da~ in December. m.. ' pluy lit the remodele-d, Coyle Meat Hole. J u. ttc IL1,pman . PDI' . "d' a "hie to Market ,Friday, Contestants havt? g'lllnd time herc cook ing their 'supZa"ln A,rml~&"e 'alld Charle/l W"'I!f. hig h Ijchool l\mTlloDlSt' CHUIWII until 10 p. m. Sat.urday. !h ' cha ll enge (f whf! over the o[l€n fUI.l1(tce, ' they gpner 01 tho CO\lnty cmnm!t' \t2, lesume w(lrlc Monday mo'l'Ding sf· KINDERGARTEN OPENS havjng be!: n out scvel18-1 weckiJ ,John \' . . La~:Y, Minister Mr. Coylc has compl lely rereJcct ed the GospelRev . Sm ith. went 10 Lhe home of Robert Presctll1dldate$ a~l'olcl (J im) Ba.i1ey t~r beca "lIe of l' llnes~. Mrs. Jjlm clI Hartrocl< ope ned a The clothl'ng cOln~II'tle " for I h d ' .• , th d anll Harold Martz aneL members ct .. ~ 9 :8 0- Sunday school. mlOdeled his store and invites 'a ll . .. .~ on 1\ H e anclng '.. as e werMI'. lI.nd 1rf. r .s; Balk>!!1' kin' d el1gart n M,onday mOlning in servi ce, I' : sidents of this community to Ozark ",ome one bundl e sin n {Co l' the of the- evthe 10llai ejection 1l0ard and ot.l\er t.he rOOm ov r Sn:iith'a Gro : e: y. d h d werer DaytOn shopper~. Monday. 6 :0d-Epworth League. I view these i\ll,p~ovoments and the sent at) an' o~ er rca y. e ning. local Republican supporte s. u , a'n" M-, Gl'lbert Frye - nd Mrs. HUltsock is ,eap eclally well Th f II ' ff I ,' .~ ..." " f01' the position not on Iy 8 :15-Homer A. Rodeheaver new streamlined cooler, e 0 oWing 0 ,cer we e !lulteti No purchaH!S are to chosen for next yeaI'. Presi!J.ent, CHURCt;t SUprER - son Were Sunday visitors at tho . h'oving the educat:onal t rahling will haVe charg.e of a melt:ng in MASKED ' PARTY home of Mr. and' Mrll. , Memorial Hall , Dayton. I enler a guess on the weigh.l c f the Mrs. l~ Thomn l\fel1lbCl's of lIie M. 'E. church but .J! O the understanding of child M B s; Vice-Prcs" k S The 19un~ p~ple. ot the £t. B "':'~rworth, ' ..'~~ ren from being a mother h~rse:f. 7 :OOLeadcr.:hlp Tlaining clars "eight of the dressed p:g. The win. rs. • rance, ' ''~ nno~, ecy., ,were invited to a ~sket supper at Mlll'f'~-- l!lJiI/lQ'QP'f)1 church wero !'ffr!l. lJda Sawin of Conners- Our best. wishes to Mrs. Hat·tsoclc at Grace Church. Dayton, 1ncr will be awaldcd Lhe IInimal. MI·s. Julia S'm'ith . Trens" Mrs. EVil th e chinch last Wednesday nigh t . JUi!lIb .ot Rev, allll MrJj Hllckwell III I d _ " t e d Mr s. A ' ; H . E a rn in her 'enterpl'isQ. )f,ond4!,y , even!lIg, at' the rec~o . y. v f, n. VIOl Tu e.-day7 Bu·mett. A nice crowd gathered for the s up. :80 BOly Scouts" hart 'lmd family and, relatives hero 11 :OO-Ladles Aid wii} slll'vice MISS JENNIE HARDIN The next rr,ec:ti ng will be he'd Jlel' and- listened, to the sp~elldid The guests ell·me rna3k~d Illld wt re JR. O. U. A. M. PARTY dinner a.nd suppcr at the Grange TAKEN BY DEATH at the home of Mrs. 'l\1lildl'ctl Comp- pl'ogrom (01'0\\ ing. The first num. Invited to the base:miln~ whlc.h had last FridLY ~nd Satll'rday. MIS4 Lola Searl!. John Setrs ar.d Bing.o, Five Hund~'e d anti, Euch' Hall. " been decoN.te4 in,ke eplng with the Miss Jennie Hardin, 74, for six bell at Lytle. b 2r WllS a ~hort tkit entitled "Why Hall<>we'~n season. A jolly time r90mrr.ate Howard NuckJ.ea all .ot ro party, sp.onsored b'y Jr. O. U. A. Wednesday - , 2 :30 Frlendship years ho! t2~s at the Mollie Harmon we don't go to ch\l,rch," in thl'ee . w'as spent ,i n games. A busi- Cincinnati . pent th~ 'week elld M. at th~l.r hall Thul'sday evening club wl:I meet wilh Mr~. AI ",a heme at Lebanon died ~Dudd enly al DEATH TAKES short ... cls, The cham,cters for this ness rr..eetl~ was held and Mrs. with Mr. and 'MJrs. Wilbur Sears. Novemb ~ I' 10 at 8 oclock. Prizes Thompson . the hO'me of MI'ss Lydl'a 'Monfol,t DR. ' CAMPBELL were pO'lttayeel by Me; uames R. von aa""ke -was ~hoseri all general A. L. King. has' purehesed th~ given f.or each Bingo gam.e and 7 :30- 0rchest:a practice. in Lebanon, T'u esday ' evnning ' d of Dr. Bail ' ey Campbell, d Th d 75, retired f I D, Col latt, Will St. John !lnd Ralph k chairman to 1l1an ' fo future m!let' 8:00-ChoiT pMlctice. last week. SEvernl years ago Mi 5 physician, le urs ay 0 ast Hastings, Mi fS Helen H awke Fl'f, n' prizes for card games. Admission H:a.rdin conducted a stor e we-ek at hi s suite in the Mi.a.mi LeMay and Will Stroud. The main Ihg •• Hallowe'en I'e'f.r~hmentli weN C<lopE,r propertY ' in, Lytl{'. Loren Hadley and Mrs. 25 . HARVEYSBURG' M. E. CHURCH in Waynewille hotel Dayton nfter a br:ef address ' WDS given by Rev. Joh'n Mrs. lI:lrved arid Ii most,pleasant evening Walt-er Sheehan a.tt2nded, a proGeo. H. W .. a."u, Mini.!.,r Services were held Monday' at the M. paster c.f the Avonbrought to ciose. ' . t tl t B tl. Co RITES FOR C E SMITH Funeral selvices were held in lec me.e ng a "any m,mun• • 9:30 ... m. ' W Ol' .. hip service. Oswaltl f,uneral home, Lebanlln M:. E, Chl: rrh f Cin' t Ho L b i t Wi d H' BLD MONDAY " L:ball~n, Friday aflel'noon wl'lh L y .1~ use anon t as "He. Op""'l'tunity." at cinnnti; He ch,ose fol' his subject M'n-ear C 11 e ha ,. t f e0 - . Ch ]- . Ed d S ·th "'6 ~..,.interment in Cla.rksville cem etery. with burial in Miami PO.MONA GRANGE nes ....y. ISS a. a n , s Y·IS , l' 'm " .a r (1S war m l , ' , a ' 10:30 a. m. Chu,rch ~hool H. C. Wa'ynesville. "Why folks go to. chu rch." Waynesville, :Fanner's Grange Ohio S~te , ,Un!verslty pre£e.nted brother of the l,a te - T. J. Smitb Milligan. sCl»t. was , heat ,to Pomona Grange ' sa~ ' the s~bJ~c~ of c~lor combinations, died Thursd'D.y afkrnlOQn, Octobet' Thul'sday- Ladles Aid Society, urday ' ilt .the Granl'6 hall. Degr,e4! • Local , J,acli-es WIll , socn , have a. 27, at th-e home , of , his d·a ughte.r,' montlily meet!ng. work filled the 1P00000ing and after ~hanc6 to hear thIS present!!d by Mrs. Roy Ra.yliff in Xenia, Dec. If--Quarterly Conference. • delicious dinner a short program MirR,; Graddy. , iMIr. Smith was born in Waynes" f",lI~. Mr" and ' Mrs. A. K. Day were ville but had lived in Xel!ia 35 ~e9. V. Lacy ga;ve; ,. talk on d~nne~ 'guests- o~ , ,~unday ot Mr. y~rs. ,He i~ 9urv~~e~ by his wid?w ,a -i:U8C1" anll Earl Earn- and Mrs. Lee Peters of, D.odds. '. ,Abc&and fIVe chl_ dr.e~, Mrs. E~lth ~ tW'o ''very .010". 19ha, McSweene,. 'Of Wooster, .Bayliff' ,Mts. Mary Kafory, .Lester .IOne SODg" and "Old Friend ' ot ', l>~moe~tlc candidate tor lle-e1~c- .n~ . EdM'qlrd Smith of Xe.pla and )lIne." , don to the office of concreannan Mrs. r~angan, oLSp!mgfleld. ' .., at-~~ sto.p ped -for. b'riet yisit Funeral ser.vices were held at , III". ' JIn. Albert Carver In Waynesville Tue"" afternoon. a tuneral ~me' in Xenill. .MoOn day ItropPectfor~ abort ~It with". Mr. McSweene,. waa enroute to altemoon and burial was in Woodand K!'it. WUbur Seara Gil SUIl_ IIcColUlellaviUe am he apoke at Iud cemetery, Xenia.
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Democratic' lIleetbl.. Tuescla,.
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, RQ~ert
"Boone County Jamboree" On ·Xenia "
Main Street
Waynesville, Ohio
Phone 112
Entered AJI SecOnd t;lasa Mail MaUer iIlt Pos~!fice, Waynea~ille" Ohio
M. Crane - Editor Mrs. R. H. Hastings, Society Editor . .. .... P hone .45 It
Thursday. November S
- - -.......- 1
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IPhone Engineers Survey Oeveland Noises' to' Discover Which Typ~ of Equipment Will Give Best Service
ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Sub8cription Price, $1.60 IPer Year, Payable in Advance (r
----- ...
Spo,r tsmen Corner By Harl')' Eldrid ••, Jr.
~~=========================-==--~ Last Thursday Mr. Morrison, stream. And her'e we sit! district engineer .of the State ConRegula r month!y meeting of tl:e aervatii.ln Division made a preliminary SUI'vey of Clear Creek (or Warren o. Fish a nd Game A· s n. the' purpose of tentatively locating will be held n·ex t Thursday, Nov. dams and stream improvement 10 at Memor.ia l Hull. Lebanon. The aitell on the creek. Becausc mOD( . 'peaker is being supplied by A. W, in the stroo.m ·improvement dpt: ShOTt, Chief ()f Game Managemunt . ia running shoTt, and it is toough in the State Consel'Vation Division . inadvisable to work the NY A boys Mr. Short had pl ann ed to speak . ( <i&lplying the labor) in water himself but will be unable to atd,uring the winter, the actual con- tend. He will sen d a ~ubstilUt e Iltl'uction ~nd repait· I\\·.ork· will start speaker , pl'obably one of the Game in early spring. 'MIl'. Morrison stat- Management IIIgents: Th e meetihg will be call ed at ed that during blle winter he would make a thorough check of the 8 :00 p. mm. accordi ng to Presid ent .tream so that work will not be Earl Gu ti n, and will be follo\\ ed by a 'moker and l'efr. hments. held up once it is started.
1'1e l ty Il el 'lI Dille,' is u re ~ llIl'cll emorta! nel' on lhe ramou S hillbilly and W !>l ' I' ll I'uui" WL \V s tngo show; "Boone Couuty JlllUuorcu" whi ch Is sl'h(;u uled f"r n 0110 day engagemcnt 011 the Xonla th ou t 'r ~luJ:: . ill Xenia, Thul'Ruay, Novemuer 3. Other Ili ionl ell perrormors III lh e live ly "Boone ·ount)' Jamboree" ~t " );1l Show. coming to X nla includ e The F.lve Novelty A c·cs, Th e 'olllll s I_ Ids, 'hu l'lIe Wayn e, Lazy Jim Day and Late lIarkn 98. "nIuclc H awk ." lUI excltillg ~angHte r melodrama s tilI'r inJ! Hobert L!V :II;.;~IOIl nnd Jun o '['mvls will be tho screo n allractiull shnw lll g In :'; OIl]UI1(' 1011 wilh "Tho Iloone Coullty' J nml""I'f'o"
~ 1 11I:1' ~h CJw.
Rike's Celebrating It's Fall Festival
The wag who said a noisy noise an noys an oyster didn't cover ha\£ of it. Noise has annoyed teleph one users since the telephone was first use d and research work is ' constantly
noise and indicate it on a meter was to measnre noise, both indoors aud o lit. Thc gadgets consisted of a microphone, a powerful amplifier, a nd a meter to indicate the loudness of the noise.
made both out side and . inside the premises. The apparatus is so sensitive that the meter will register a whisper, tip-toed footstep. or the ticking of a nearby watch, On the other hand, it has no difficulty in handling the roar of a passing truck, a riveting hammer, or a locomotive whistle. "Noise hinders telephone eonversations," said Dirk Schregardu., Ohio Bell engineer who supervi.ed th e Cleveland survey. "It costs considerable money to provide better cables, lines, and instruments to !rive service in noisy locations. The Cleveland noile lurvey was not intended as part of a noise abatement campaign. ,The data obtained is for the Bell System in general, as well as for the Ohio Bell.
A note fl'om f"ia h Management Reports of very few ducks exAgent Rhoades, £ays Warren Couninee the op ning of n ikc'~ new- capacity of the audit,ori um was filleept in i90lated cases ~nti nue ~ ty wil l r eceive small mouth and Iy en la1 g ed s lore lhe lov ~ ly new I' d at the last . pCl'formanee and mak"\! i t more obvi.ou5 that it's a darn good t:hing <lUI' season 18 later : ock bass, blueg ill,> and bull head auditol'ium has bN' n til fccne of hund re d hud to be tllrned away. being done by the Bell Telephone From the results of the survey, the treams many allt'll ction!!, both e lucntion, Thcr e i no charge for admission thia year. The fish have the samf ~ atfish for stoc king in Laboratorics to overcome it. At the !lcll Laboratories will de termine the idea. Stream fish 5~m to ibave dill- this fall. The hatcheries are being al and entcl'ooi ninK. L:!ctUl'e , art - tiekct..~ mny be sec ured in t.he reque st of the laboratory engineers type of telephone equipment best appeared to Lord knows where, dra ined and s hipments may a n';ve ex hi bits, fashi on shows, talk by ch ildl'en's de partments in the store. in New York, T he Ohio Bell Tele- adapted to furni sh the best transmisSlim Layman WTites the (lnly act- It any time. Members of the Fish prominent authors and arthts, Foreign Bazaar phone Com pany has just completed sian and coullter-act the noise in Anolher attraction foO l' £h op- some of this work in Cleveland and var iol\ ~ kinds of locations. In the ivity around Mawn is crow and md Game Assn . will assist ga me coo king .:chools plays and musiehawk shooting. For die hard fish· )rotector Hines in planting the nles nrc a mong the features thnt POI'S atte nding Rike's Fall Festival many Clevelanders arc probably stiit C1evcland survey. locations were have brought hun dreds to thi nle is the FOI'eign Bazaar on wondering . why a . Bell telephone ermen our 'suggestion is Dicks Dall', fish. ~ picked at random - department k eqUipped with mysteriousDayton ,'hO l)ll ing eenier. Rille s is Rika's lov ly new gift flool·. Rike's true, Celina 01' Indian Lake. Good bas~ looking instruments o'perated by two s tores, laundries, (lliiccs, spots in The. FlIllDklin Gun Club announc now cel bl'llting, its fi : t Fall Fc!';- own buyer made a t rip ~, broad l~t are beingo taken each place. 'Of men, w~s parked for short periods theater lobbies near the box office 1; a turkey shoot Sunday after- liva l Sa le in its new building, llnd sIlring nnd pel'sonailly selected t he course· the real sport to f<ll1ow thlE in various locations throughout the telephones, all kinds of stores, and it pr omises to . b ~ one (l·f the most m:my beautif ul a nd unusual gifts city. time of year-if the pocket bool< noon. • . I'arious othcr places. It was done in important events of the year to from markets and bazaars in f<lrThc purpose of the mysterious car both the business and residential seccm1 atand it-is fly Ilnd plug fish' N(lt only New York forests are s hoppet· throughout tile 'Mljami eig n countl'ies. Tht! wOTld's f inest 'and gadgets that seemed to pick up tions. At each place the test was inlr for the big lake trout upnortb. ella.ftsme n contributed lovely ob'l'be-y've ~me out. of the 'deep losed to hr.mte l's becau e of fir~ Valley. dangel·. The Conservation Division R~~~~~~~~ j~ts~~~~n,I~~pro~ ~==~============~=====~=================== wate.r al1d, aM ilitting well, A a special Fall Fe ivaI attra~- lain silver copper etc, T hez.e are of We t Virginia has just announcThe tag end of the rai nbow trout season in Michigan brought ~ d a state of emergency b.e cau e tion, Rike's will h old its p opular beautifully displ'n.yed in colorful All-Star Dancc Revue on atur- settings on Rike's :f urth floor. Emmett Gin, of .W ashington C. H. of for~st fires and appeale.d to all day, Novemb er 5. P e.rfornlJ!l.nces, Homemaker'. Shop ' hun tel's, farmers a' n d citizens to flome real ldic.k. He 1I1U1gged a nine . A new idea de'fcloped to help pound, .eight ounce T8inbow. C. Eo' ioreg~ the 'Plea ur e" Of hunting a nd IJo which the publ ic is invited, wi.! be g iven lIl.t 10 :30 in the morning you b~ome your ow n decora tor is sing the -woOOs until it rains. Randall cif tbe same'"towrr;-wlro-w1l To date the rain h as not arlived and 2 :30 in the afte rnoon. Star d 1lI0nstr.a.led in Rik!!'s Homemakalongj hooked and ·1ande9 a hug. and f ire danger on a larger scale pupils ft om th e vuri ous danci ng l"s hop. Hundl'·eds of sa mpl es 12 lb. 9 oz. 'Walleye pike. Both fish \ ,schools will Ilartie ipate. Youngs- of uph olstery lind drapery fabri cs, were taken out of the Manistee is definitly worse. i n lovely co tume ' will entel'Iloor coverings china, gla ware, tel'S ' river near Mesick, Mich. and are tinin with t:a p, bull et, aCI'obu tic and silver; lin ens, domestics, mmpsand Phone or send in your newa. believ~d to be record fi<.Ol for the character dances and song: . These \\,1111 paper have been brought toperOMllsr.ceS re being r epeated loy' g ethel' in Rike's Homemaker's request, due to the ~act that Lhe Shop on th e furhiture. floor This has b ee n done s'O that 'yoU 'mig ht easily ~ elect harmonious patterns und colors 01' redeco rating your hom{l . Three mod'el 1: 000150 shQWing the v eTY n ewellt id ea in decorati ng have b een o.pened on this" fLco't·. In addition,' to this. the W.Iliamsb u·rg Gal\eri,·s, a ~e ries of mod I ro;ms, displ'a ying reprod uelions of the furniture . fr,on'\ t he FOR' ALE hl'opshh'e Buck, Rockof e ll ~l' Rem;oratio n in WiIIJ . H. Snckett R. R. 3 W1lynes- \a Dl!:purg, VIa., and Rike's Nan'--_ _ _, _ , I Itc t ucket Post fU1'llis hed with copies ville,
~elehratln. ·
Bike's Most
authentic f urnFOR SALE- "Rull Proof" a won- of iture ' it Eurly A!merkan it t'
vc~~~'f~I~Il1:e:~la~~~d~I~!akt:ai~l ~~~~ PRI'·zlDEV. ~wur,~RenD se
a nd chiffr. n hosiery. B ~ u iiful g uaranleed f,CI' li fe;f Pen and Pen-
•.L .
,~ ....." ~ j,'~" '-r """'.
etc.:~'" ',
: ,\i~
Elen+u. pf Hot Water available in tlie \ ,
'..... ...
:!~ ... , '
... ~ '\
nome is a p'retty good .g uarantee that
.. .... .......... the p'resentAutomatic Water He:·;e~~ ~' --"
nealthful conditions are tnere.: Witll
----- .-~
which are available at your local deal~-
'<.-. "'1'
ers,. it is easy to provide your famil1,
with all the necessary Hot Water and \
.-- .,
. at costs in keeping with budget hm1tations. Easily installed. II, you should desire to consult us a
representative :0/ the company 'Will ·be Alad to talk ove,: the subject.
Day,.,ON PO~.B ·...a .... Co.paNFI'
cil combination free. Both f.or 25c Agent want:: d. Mrs. Lotta Koe.aia uver, Mt. Holly, O. Hc FOR SALE- Big spotted Polan d , , Chi na boar . I.mmuned weigh ing 260 Ibs. reasons ble. C. D. Sheehan R. R . 2 1 ih mi. NOL'th 73 on 48. ItJI
11 fl
IE on '
.loin the Crowds of Thryfty Shopper' ., n This Greatest Storewide Event:
we~;:~!~r~~~IR~~reTh~:s~a~a!~~ well attended and a number of
prizes were awarded for the best costumes WOl'll »y the partieipants, Those receiving prizes included fattest woman, Stanley Cook; FOR SALE - Good circu:ating tallest man, Wil.1iam Bachelor ; person, 'Donald tin iest mas ked Heater use d ono win ter, In quiro MeE lfre h; bride lind groom, Mrs. at this office. 1t pd Robert . South a nd Miss Ollie Combs ; clown, Prof. J, W. Holt· FOR SALE- Polund China Mu le tmmp, Marie James' farmer' Pig. Pho ne 470R Leballon N:.J-10 J oe Hutt, I , TwillS, John Kruer and William Severa l Y~rll Forll Ho n 1 m('jo r ~ In Leighty ; best d l'essed person, good co ndition . Yo ur ,' Iw ice Gf lh e Phy llis Woodward ;; imitation t:rom lot for only $Gll. '" s;: d 'I1I II nsl l'lI l"r comic strip; Jan et . Montgomery; Uncle Sa m, Fredl Tarlton; Old on rllb ber $I GO o ff. ) 1 ·\,u,·!t ·r 11I1)! 1 ' . Black J oe, Donnie Beck; Aunt m ent ru. 30(j N , N . Hr",,,]w,,,,, L,'IJ' J a mina, James VVilso!,); Indian, ,anon. Ph II ' lun . ~ l J oh n Scott ; ' Ghostt, Louise Shellha mer ; Cowboy, . Walter Sbaffer; HA V1~ YO!: Ft FeR 'OAT) I Al 'E gypsy, Vaughan l)fullen; witch, INTO NEWE,"I' STYLI':.' , ( t il 'S 1" Mrs. Layton Roo~, and old fash.ioned girl, Mrs. ' Raymond Zecb. l'I'1flde, r 111 t1~Jr: d, ~1I111 ro/;'Inz 0 , Prices r ooHtJ n ll bl<·. TIln:! J'altcrson. . Tile Cro(!Odlle . 4 mil CH we~ l '" r II:, rv },slJul'g on The croct:dile has a family reputa' ,th e L e b a n o n rondo ~ion to uphold, Is . about the ,Ilst close relative I)t the' dinosaur. FOR SA Ll',- 41)O Uu , 1'1 k(·t ' 01'11 He will even leave the w'a ter to at· lack a man. Nor does he worry Orlb, $7.60 . · ·ollc llS ] ~~, . about dlgsstion, ea1~n, Illod, bone. ho~jl.R3, 'WRyn s vllla. and IIll, says a wrUer in 'The Waah· Ington Post. The wl!ak apot in • L~ T- Two p e wl(ol' mu ~s ' HI1 I1'I\ ·a, crocodile Is jaw-openin',. He wlelda Ilk luml>I('rs, IJ<\[w"l' lJ Hun'('y,!I,ur!l' terri~c powcr In e\osln, his mouth" can crush a do, In two. But an and Mill!! Nun ·ollt't l'!! on I'outc 73, average man. clamping bla handa lteWllTd for rl' lurn 10 Hc\'. Th urn- on the crocodile's can keep U eloled. '''lI'l', IJurveYlIlJu!'A".
BECAUSE BIke'. hold. 001,. two flt~rewlde wee a "eaI', we bve put forth an exeepdoual effort In order 10 brln, you the moet' out.landin, value. for our Feate.t FalI_FHtlyal Sale. Every department In the 1I0re, fro... tbe Downatalrll Store 10 the EfPth '. P1oor, .. .offerlns Rike-KumJ'er quality merebandlle a. am.zlng ,low Fan Festival pricH. 'Due to our~, expan.loD program recen)ly completed, we are D~ able , 10 ,~e yo~ even better, eer.vlce, more .p"au .hopplf18 facmlles and mote complete 8IIIO'rtmea" of favorite nierchan~lae, attractively ~pla,,~. The Sale 001" laa.. throug1. Saturday, November 12, 10 you'd better plan an ~Iy d.oPPins trip' to D.)'IO~ 10 take advantaae of th~'peat II8VIDp. .,
.""BRlFl'EE" Say" .Belter Store Ifp lor Win'er In Rilee'. 'Fall I'•• ,h,al Sale. ·
c::DAYTON , t. 0.10Tbe . . .
In Ute' Roman calendar, .the Ide. feU on,lhe' flfteenlb of March, Ma" .lu17 and Octobar, · but on the de, of &be DUll!' munthl.
.,nlt-""'" we.. ...... j
PllmaD Was • ScI.......... . 'fiIeInIIa baae Pitman, author of the .lIlOIt A paWDI GII 'the Int ~o tel-. Uled ayltem of Ib'Ortlwld, IIrfeDtecI b7 aoa.mdfDI. . . . teetotaller and ve'e&arl.... _.... .. . . . to H . , . . I bat ~ feulOll, be WII•• Icb~. u • "GumaD uoUaD."
ThUl'8day, November 3
Page Three
State tapftol News -~~,';:;:;::'":r '~'U;'..~:::~;";,,;:::';,,:·";; j ,
till.' juul'TllllIsm llUlhJlng ", .. l< >\1.11'11'.1 tills month. Th ndOIt 1m) w ill PI'I'I_ I ST,\Tlll t',\I'JTt\L NI!lWS , ~'Jil... r I' lh nlru'lfem nt or Lhl' Vnl- I • hlo Rl l,l\ 1.1 'nlvol·IIIt.Y'1l ~l\lwoJ l . r vel'Rlly 1"1' 5S and l:'\I'~cr f1ul1rt,'rf! j uI'rIlcll,nil, whlll h I ~ hi hly l' j:·.ll'C!r'd CUI' III schOll I o f juul'nu llHm 1"'U leI'. , Itl liI.'W>lJlIlP l' I)\!lilll!hln ~ 'iI'el '", I~ D I.. LOI' Pollan) snld. Th o s ll'u 'lul' und c l'~olnB' un 1!)( I)H n ~lon PI'O!;""',1 I will II tilg nltl ·tlnt li l'\l p ol·lIonl.', ac('ol'ltnl'l 10 ' ]) 1.. 'utOI' Jllm"" 1'1. Pollllrd, II
Mustel' Rnlp!, Dill sPent ·th e wQeJc-en cl with Mr. and MI' . . RllymOlld Osbol'lI at Xenia. MI'. and MI·s. Hal'o lll Relli s a d Camily were Dayton vi sit ra Friday. ' Harry hoc rnakel', of Xenia spent a few days with Bert Mallatt and son, Edmond this week. Mi ss Ruth Kellis spe nt the week-end with her por ents. Mr . and Mrs . FI'ank Kellis. Several Il ttendcd the oyste l' iluppel' Fridny eve n ing at lh e ehul·ch. MI'. and Mrs. Forest Hobbit o f nelli' Waynesville s pent Thurs day even ing with Bert Mlu 'latt :Ind MI'. and Mrs. Elvis Mich en l and daughter Dorthy. Miss CIaI'll Daughte r!; vi:<ited !III'. and M I·S. Ernest Earnhart 'and fam ily Saturda y. Mr. an d Mrs. Raymond Lurn ~ of Wilmin gton !\pcnt Saturday
IHl llI t'll 11111 1111\lll l)JIulnlm"lIl H f lin Jlurlnncl,l I1I1V\!
h '<,n
hl'ClI In H'-Jl II 'r, und II. conel '1I8N\ I' 1'<'l'ul'l n;m ;lc Ilvlllhlblc CUI' lI liC' by lit "1.. IIIlL I'll" , III C' lltl1IlUK (Ih lll', willi. ~ 11(> 1'ul\ n" ,),uI'1 III Ilvall,,1J1 ' JUI' pm 'lim,l lit! I)l' ' III mUUI'H ur til 'u PY I'ctuling clt'S!!e s WIt' 1 >I
llnd f ut'
with- Mr. and AlTa. David LucnI nnd rllntily . . ~:Im I' r. oycr if! on th lIirk
I'v l<t
i.>rollc\cuKtK ovel'
Friday -
:';l' .
Saturday ~ight"
"Broadway MUlketeera" Margaret Ltndlay John 'LItel
Contlnuou. Showa , Dilly
Adult. Only 160 '1'''
a p,
Planil we re being- made by the Ohi o Slale AI'chaeil!ogical and Hi<:I rtorica l HO k ty for th ~ purcho £e and rehub ilitation of the hi -t orie , Rankin hQu ~e 'at Ripll'Y ful1o>l in g t.he lIl $ti on of the etmte cm<Cllg,eney twal'd in all ting $£i .OOO to lh,e ~oc i ot y f or t he purchase. The Rankin how e once the fil" t stop north of the Oh io river on. the "und cl'go und Taill'o nd" by mea ns f which fugitive s: aves escaped from th e £Duth, is r eputed to have been tho in $piratio n Cor Han'iet Beeehel' Stow.(!"S "Uncle Tom's Cabin." The d l'u l ure will be convCL't d into 11 state shrine ~lndel' t he jurisdiction of the soc iety.
A li e v sur vey by game munoagement agents tltroughout the stare rev.'!I led an "exllllent" suppl)' of CIIlme. e-pecially rabbi ts and pheasa nts, accol'(Hng to State Comer. vat:on CommiSllioner Lll-wTenc., Woodde ll. The open seaso n will stal·t at noon on Novembel- 15. "Natu r e hllS bcen ' ve,'Y favo'rablc this year in providing us with 11 good ·~liLme ooo p." Co'mmlt s!on e1' Wooddell commented. "and na ture hall bE:c>n aid ed materia.lly by sucCtS (ul activities of the divisio n of conservation iIl nd bJ' many inivldual 'farmers and sporu men's
The ' lIlne ' ,lIy Th e n am e Lily. fJ'o m the Lotln and mr :mlng "s Illy. " th r. symbOl of purity. is not neceFs~rlly 8 dlminlltj·.'c ot L i ll lnn, nlth nU!lh II hos (he same me(lllin/: , It iR orten given
as an In depc nden t nam e. III florigl'aphy lhc lily of th e valley means "pc'rreet purity." the wh ite lily. "pu rity lind swcetness." and the yellow lily "gnycly nnd cOC1 l1e try ." Lila mny bc n form of l ,ily but is more prr,llnbly from the Persin n. menning " Ihc lilac. " The purple Iliac in Our i!:I'nphy m('"n ~ " Ias\i(i nllsncss " nnd Ihl! wh it!:!. "youthful innoc ence," ~"I'''' ' I' IIJ'' 11l-' I~ ' -~ti,,;;:I-n,,7.Cu·c.
AProsperous futcre Vole A Straight New Aero-stream styled bodies combine with major mechanical Imp~ov~ment8 to provide new beau ty, safety. comfort and operating ca~e, in the 1939 Chevrolets, presented October 22, and featured at the big auto shows thl" month, The n ew models are offered on two chassis, the M aster D e L~e and the Master 85. both of which are PQwered _ With Chevrolet's famou s six-cyl inder valve-in-h pad .. n!lino. It- new vacuum gear shift mechanism with Iteering column control, optional on all models at sm(\11 eKtl'A cost. does 80 per cent of the work f shifting gears. The M aster De L~e series features a new riding s.)'~tem. In which a brand new Chevrolet Kner , , tion mechanism is scientifically co·ordinated with new ~it\o .tablllcer and double-acting hydraulic shock abs rll , rs to furnish a smooth, soft ride. ;. Central picture i. t l neW M aster D e Luxe Sport Sedan. 1:1PPl~ right ; /'ront end vi ew of the 193~ CAr; Upper 1~1 M aster D e Luxe fWI>' suspension unit. comple.te; Lqwer- left, ac:cenibility and finger-tip ease of operation lire twQ fIlaJor ea res 0 Chevrolet's vacuum gear shift with ateerlng ~' olumn c0!1tro1; Lo.wer right: As thCl l>andbralcCl on pIl models is re-Iocated under the; cowl, front compartment Hoor IS cleared In cars WIth vacuum I:cnr ah ift .
- - .)
Republican Ticket
l\ft-. a n ~ Mrl'. ClllenVtn .Jacko-e n s pent SundllY
in Dayton. Mrs. Neva David,lll\ spent hil d,'e n spent S Ulld~y w ith Mrs. Ralph 11'. ami Mrs, Thomas Ri ch ano Wednesday with M,I', and Ml'1!. Elbert Rich and fam- Stowe at P ekin. Mrs, E I ie Koestor , visited with ily. 1'111'8, Clifford Mon tgom ery Sn.~. . GI nn C. GI'liy ~pe nt the we. k urday afternoon_ with t he G y famili~s" Miss Velma Ko ';!.-;cer spen t Walter Tibbals, Bc>rl'cst Tibba ls Thursday nig ht linll Fddny with and MI'S. Clarian Ragel!' a nd dough her aun t, Ml'!I. Carrie Keuter of ler wera ~ests in Cincinnlllti of Lebanon. ~IAHRuth Grny spent·. the Mrs. Ina Wade. with Miss Margie Gus· Mr. and. Mrs. Ch l rlllil u1 III; I' week-end tin of Waynesville_ rpent Sunday. dOWIl along the The annual Hallowe'en social Oh io riVI.'I\ at the Bchoof house was held Mr. and 'Mlrs_ Olville Grm y .a d l'u ondny night with a large atdaughter, Burbara, ' 1\1 r. and Mrs. lendanc e. Mr. and Mr". Arthur Bunnell . Russ~ 1I Nei l on d daughte r' Shirley Kay, Mi", Vi"!:inia Chaffey a:-d Genntown. B.nd Mr. and Mr&, Vaghn Mullen, Spring-bOl·o . spcnt Ja 'k Chaffey were SlInda¥ g \l eslil :lI nday with ' MI'. und Mrs. Bert of the Grays, Bunnell and .fami lY. A {ternoon We ore glad to l·epOl·t thn Don - 'Idl crs were Ralph Dunn ell and na Jacob. i. improvin~~ 1'lIpldly af- 'hiJdl'cn. tcr 0 tor.sil op . ration. Mr. Ilnd I\frs. Charles Hause li nd sons, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd J 0 11 ('8, Spr ingboro. s pent Sunday wilh Will Hlluse at Goshe n. anlj
1\1IKs JOSCllhlllo Gmy
MI's 1m-Ia n Rage l' li nd da ughte r p·enl. the Latter part of I he week in Spring Vall ey with 1M.... Iln.d Mrs . Lowe ll Lu tz anll c! aug h-
MiR ~ E lcllIlor tl~m o l' e was a guest Su r.d ny of MI'. and Mrs. ROYlll ond Morga n J.l nd MI' . and Mrs. Henry Murphy. M1'". al'1lh]1:. Snell spent l n ~ t Vo" ek \\ith her daughter Mrs. Vnn O..gllnjzlltlo n~, " • M~tel', who fc 1 and broke her ,ul'm lu t week. Looking Upward 'Mit· and Mrs. La" renee Jacobs The reUow who:keeps on the level slunds the best cllanre to gel up in a nd .little Gloria Ann \ el'e oa,l !ers th e.. \ygrl d. unday ith the J;RC b iamilies.
Beech Grove
M{lrll n Wells has r eturn ed to the h,ume of hi s pUlcnlLs here nfLl'!' s ~ veru l we-eka spen t in Hamilton. MI'. and Mrs.' Frank Sam.'!. Vel" non and Miss Alice S a ms. Mi s;;(''' Louell a and VioQla Sh.ade of Centel'Ville, "el e guests Fri day of Mr. and Mrs. Fran k Potale in Day bo n. '~'. 'n nd Mrs. Robert McKay and little ~o n, a Cte r Eve al mo nlh.. d ~nce in this eomm' nity r..a,:e loca t ed on a.. fa r\1l nell \, ' Xenia. Mrs. Ell" li'erri" wa, summon ed t o L bailon, Thursdny' on acco ~ n t of tIle death ()f he r siotm', Mi s Elizabeth Wilson who pa ssed Ilway lit Bla il' hospital aftcr flv·a w eks ill nets. Mr. and NJI" . F,ank f.·a.rns and fnmi ly spent Sund ay in Centerville \\ith Mr. and Mrs. Shade. They I'~_ tUl:n'fd lhe Misses Shade to t heir hon:e ufle~ thle)' had visited them over SaturdllY night. Mr8. J oe Fi ~ h er. ~rs. John Bon durant li nd daug s we re FI'i day viJitors of MI·s. Bina Patter-
the minister. Intermen t in Lehan- , • • • • • • • • • • • • •., on' cemete r y.
Ba.:dgley Chevrolet Sales & Service
Now, more than ever' before your cooperation and IUpport is .neceasary in restoring the nation to the sound Republican principals, which for st' many years assured us success 'and prosperity,
' 6, 66
Rev. and Mrs. ' HilII of Dayton cnjoyed Sunday .'dll)nler with Mr. and Mra. Wil~, M[ a~8hall anddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. 1l1lt'I'! Emley. Val Venallle, and Mose Kirb~ spent Saturday night' and Sunday with Mr. and Will Venable of new mILGII:on', MI'. an$! Mrs. Gorsuch
Let's make this a R epublican year. Urge your friends to come out and 'vote a strnight Republican ticket.
-- - - -
ROOT FOR ANO C0tiSIGN your Cattle. hOiB. ebellp aLd calvel. to Norris-Brock C.... Jive wire and pr.:Jgressive firll1 f'lr the higbe81 market prices and good 8ervice. s~n. Ulli~n Stoek Y.rd.' Cinclllnati, 0 . Sev~!1a 1 from this com,munity at- rune in on Radio Station WCKY tended the Hollowe'ell sodal :: t 12 :26 to 12 :80 p. m. for our daih Harvey bUrg gym Thur,<Iay night. market reports. Mr. and, 'Mlrs. Almoll Ferris, MI'. ---.-.-.-.~--and Mrs. S. D. Ferris. MI'. and rellevclI MI' ~ A. B. Talmagoe. J essie Gamel' Lee Talmage and son. Albert Lee. Mi<,s Hannah Jordan , Mrs. Ca.r ey Shumaker and daught.!r, Nora. att-c nded t he funleral ' of Elizabeth Salvc. Nose »rOIIM Headaches Liquid. Tllbll't!l Illle to Colds Wilson Saturday afte'l'I1 C)iln at OsTr)' "Rub-My·TIRIlI"-a , 'Volldrrful wald Funeral Home. Rev. B. L. LinIment George of th'e M. E. ch'l,lrch was '\
J. B. Chapman
J esRle L. GOl'llr.r
Mol'J'i!l' L wjs. , MI ~s lelia 0111so n and Mrs. till y Gioson SII nl; Sunduy IICtCl'no n wi~h Mr. anti MI·s. Ellsworth _ Gibson and daug'htcl', Phyllis MacJ at CenterVille. ' ---
Assure Yourself
P rivate" indu stry pLaceme nt" by ' lho(! hio state employ ment ser' vice a division of lhe Unemp loy· I m n~ omppn l'a tio n commission. increased six tee n per cent in ept embel' when compared with th e Augu t plae.ements. it 'nlS revealed in dat.a just compiled by the s _rvice. New applications for work d crea sed apPI'ox im ately the SII lll e I)et'centage dUl'lng the ~lQ nth.
Meet Your F rlc nd!! At
John "'. Bricker For Governor -
Robert h. 1 aft u.
S. Senator
(laJ:ence J. Brown F or Congress
harold ·\I. Martz For State Rep~esentative
h. ,D. Jim Bailey For Co.nty Commiss:oner
4. M. · Parker · For County Auditor
George B. Johnson
For C~~nty Trea,urer (Unopposed)
At All Boan )Vll>o,'ES. I..IQUORS AND
6% BfJER Mulberry Street
Lebanon. Ohio
Warren Counij
Court News',
MARRIAGE LICENSES Glenn 1Iall, 24, ell'Ct.rician, Mor' row lind Oora Dl'i!eoll 28, fac.tol'),
workeJ', L blmon, ~\Jthor
ij lin
Rilll! i~.,
a\lol,'q 1\JlIt Ql' Q\V, I\nd 1i:VA
0' ,10
'Ov'erhaul Car For
.Sal Jy; Aut Cl b lV"r I
Ed ureacQ is improved at this writing. Gilbert Welch returnlld Sunday to hll o9m, In Detroit, .~,-. Hol,n R.. TlIornl1\lfJ tgr~ who I. 1l~ln~'nr aqll.
MillII Trillena und Mlu ~rraret 81011e Are Ma. RlrW, Drh&. AD acropolJl une.rthed ID II... Edwards ~pent Tu dollY and Tuesday night at Sprln,fltld, .ue.ta of pot. mi. th.t man cd tbt ... WI. hJ&blJ urM .~helr broth~r 0, J. Edward. and Stone prlmlUYI. .
o. ..'1!~==;;
'I Vi It I 'fR nt R9\', "nd H, ii, ehairman in 01\10, Zru1Janl 1114 th M I J, P, Th tllbUI'V 0\1 l' h 1\ uppl ~n A " \1\ en O\·V ot M KI~n 'I 1-9, 'both ot nellt· Mid- or tb, !lmlrleno)'_Road StrYle. ~Qt\tuck)', rUllt", lbll' th' Indl- ' w e~ Qnd Committee of tlle C1J'icinlllit1 Auvidual motora' mwt drive ,eare .. W. W. Whlbake . and Elm r E, II t wn, Ellrla.nbQl"T1 ofta or lh lnculry tomoblle Club has rulIy And keep h1S
rum n
Fo salt Nlecutorl' o f th tilt, of Jo \lh DOlIn lly. MOl'f oW up· COMMON PLEAS prov~d. The ca 0.£ J. T. Riley ·for himi1Iug of Fl'nnklil\ 1 he CIJUlt ct llvc mbcr 12 to self and the hear Ua schedule of .claims·. debts against William . Go!)d lUi mayor and libaliti s 'O f th estate or und Pa\! ~ Gaynor as cl l'k, hus bC i!'n compl1 mi:oeod, settled a.nd eli ' misselelStill C. Miller.
H-e offer a satisfactory Service
at all times
McClure Funeral Home Waynesville
iSsued an appeal to all automobile 0 w ners to prepare t heir car for winter dr!ving. Ea lteries s h 0 u be checked because a s t a 11 e d car may cause a wreck, he said. Steering gear shoul d bJ tightened, smooth tires replaced to prevent skidding on wet leaves and roads; head ligbts readjusted because early nights find m ore automobiles on the highways. Bad headlights cause a large percentag. of accidents in rural communitiei, Judge Hess stated. For many years Judge Hess has studied traffic as a judge serving several months of each year in the important traffic court in Cincinnati. The Cincinnatl Autonlobil<! Club. he stated. serving thousands of automobile
in th high sC'hool hel'e \'caumed is teaching Monday after being culled home owing to t.he d nt h of his futher. Mr. and Mrs. Chus Edwu\'ds weT Wilmington hoPPQrs Tuesday. I J e se Elils and cluughter Vesla were Wilmington s hoppel'S Tuesday. Mrs. Chas. Gordon entertai ned hel' primru'y Sunday school cln.~s last Saturday. Mr . ATthul' Turner of ' New Bulington is spending a few days with daughter MTS. Chua. Bogan Jr. and family. ' Rob ert Gray vi sited his g l"llndparents MIl'. a nd Mrs. J. E. Gray Su nday. The P. T. A. s ponsor d a HaJlowe'e n ·ocial at the gym Thurs' uay evcnin·g . Prizes wel'e givon for' th val'ious best 'repesentations. A vel'y in teresling time was had by all.
car under cantrol at all times. Until the individual realizes his ' res p 0 nsi bility to other motorists on the hil~hway aceidents will continue happen. As soon as the automobile dr!ver becomes courteous and careiul accidents will decrease, Judge H~s:J stales. The C i n e Inn a t i Automobile Club's membership exceeds ftfteen thousand in the Ohio Valley, supporting more than 6.000 school patrol members as well as all the oUler servic~ of the automobile club. The American Automobile Association cons!ders the emergency road service pro vided by the automobile club for members as well as visiting tourists in the Ohio Valley to be among the most efficient in the country.
e d.
oruered in the mattl!r o.f the LebNational Ban k Proneutina Attorney C. DonVirgi nia Joi nt ,'lock Loan Ba nk against 'the KilP1ltri(:k·Fl'eneh Moald Dilatu.b announced' late Wedof Chnrlt'stQ,1J again:::t Albert F. torcar Co. that 43 ca.e. alaiD,t de. Rchn vacated und dismissed . ---linquent taspayen in WarreD co. A judgment in default was reno had been completed. The cu.. are to b. filed in tie l'ed in (aVOl' of the lason Lumcourt bere .oon, lbroulb tbe bel' 0 . , again ¥t [da Belle Milll'1' prosecutor', office. Dilatu,b .aid. or $251.60. Attorney. Carl Abaecberli, So ntences of 30 days in jail a nd . Rachel Pettit, wh·o passed· away Me..,1 B . .Cray, R. Hilliard Creeafill l's of $50 und co. ts each wcre at th'e Friends' Rome in Waynes w_d and Nathan Fred, employed II ss c ~ seu L. H. Stains an d hester to a.,i.t the pro.ecutor, . aided In H ughcs On clull'ges of petit 1111'- v ille, Octo ber 27, 1938 was born completina tbe cAle. alaiDit tbe ceny. They plead ed g ui lty after in Shelbyville, Ind., where she delinquents. th ch:uges were changed from spent mo t of her life. She was a sister of Mrs. Edwin Miss Roma Hardln in company grand larc ny. Allowances for Chandler tand for the past twenty with the assistant postmaster. wiCe tim e alrc.ady pent in the jnil were made by Judge Dechant They were y ars had lived in the Chandler and ' daughter of Dayton. left Friday for a m onth's vacation in Flor accused of stealing an antique home. Aftel' Mrl<. Chandler's death in ida. platter foom the home of Mn' . July 1934 he b e~l me a resid,e nt Lucy Coryell on Augu st 19. MI:. and Mrs. R. D..Collett and Frank Donaldson was gra nted a of th e Friend's H~lme where she family wel'e Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Jlnd Mrs. Le leI' Stu ndivorce from Ruth Imo Donaldson was highly esteemed. Miss P·ettit was a member of on a ch[1,l'ge of gllOSS neglect. field of New BUI'Ungton. the Methodj t church a nd as long T he motion of the defcnaant. as health permit.teu, attendcd the NOTICE OF APPOINTMIENT ovel'ruled in the case of G~OI'g1! services l·eguIUl'ly. Admini.trator Seeman apainst Cl:al'ence Seema n, Her only surviving relatives : Estate of Rachel A. .P ettit, Dedefendants' excepts aod al·e· give1l a n ephew, Le~is W. Chandler, b is cca_ed. . te~ days to plead. w i f ~ an d daughter, Gertrude Notice is hereby given that L. I The al e of the r eceivel' approvChand·ler and two nieces Ruth and W. Chandler whose Post Office ed and distributio n' of proceeds Elizabeth Cbiandler. Address is R. . NO.2. WaynesThese with many fr iends are ville. Ohio.. has been duly appointleft the memol'y of a gentl e, kind- ed as Admin istrator of t he E tate ly sincele and, patient personality of Rachel A. Pettit late of Warren loyal to those ~ he loved a.nd a true County, Ohio. de~eased. friend . Dated this 31st day of October Funel'RI services conducted by 1938. Rev. Lacy were hE!lq at the Me· C. Donald Dilatush. Attorney. Clure Funeral lLome, Saturday, R;O\LPH H. CAREY, Oct. 29, at 2 p. m. Interment in Judge of the Probate Court J Miami cemetery . . Wanen County, Ohio ~ov. 3, 10, 17 . Th e entl y in the case of the anon-Citizens
O <S)
Did you ever take a medicine to stop headache and have the hendache stop and a stomach ache start? We'll wager you didn't take a ll Anti-Pain Pill. Anti-Pain Pills do not upset the stomabh. They take effect quickly too-and they taste like wintergreen wafers. You -can't do goOd work-you can't have a good time when you are suffering from Neuralgia. . Headache ...,_ . Muscular GT Periodic pllins ', WhY don't you try the Anti-Pain pm way to reUef? We believe you will be delighted with the results. Thousands of e thers are. It will not cost much. Anti-Pain PiUs sell for one cent eacJ;aj Oess in Economy Package) and one pill usually relieves. Get ADU-Paln PUla a~ your Drua Siore. BepIar p1q. 25 for 2Sc. FoCOIIomy pk,. 125 for $LOG.
• ::::lUdma alwaY' wai • keer:. .Lopp::r and quick to "snap up" a bargain ... • •• but you'll recognize these BA.RG AIN O!'ITRS \\ :mout her years of experience, •• you save real money •• . you :get a swell selection of magazines and a full year of out newspaper. That'. what we call a "break" for you re:lder!l .•• no wonder grandma says.-:.... YOU'VE ·GOT SOMETiIING THERE!" THIS NEWSPAPER-l FULL YEAR ••• AND ANY THREE M~~AZL !ES I N THIS LIST (CN&CIl a IlAGAZINU AND ItnUItN W;TH COUPON)
,r. D Amt'ricanPoultry 1aurant· t yr. Dnrecdcl. Gautte _ _.. II <So OB1ade a I.edpt l,r. OOovedeaf Am. n evicw _ I r r. OCOWlU)' IloolC _ _ _ 2 rrs. O'_1ouma1 2,n. OGoocS Storlcs . Jr', ClHome CUde 1,r.
OHeme Prj ·d _ _ _ _ 1 ,r. DHameAt· , Need1eaalL-l Ot~ghonJ World 1" . OModw', . f IDle ure_ _.l ,r.
aA~cuprWtGrowet' _1
OP"lhfiDdc r, WkJ'.)..:.....26 !Nun rJlUlodelJ1 .nIlRed1ouraaL17', OPI,moom r. ock Moathl, _1 ,r. OSucce.tuJ Parmiaa _ _1". OW_'. ~·OrId 1".
THIS IEWSPAIU - 1 FUll YEll AfJD 4 IIRIlINIES ·- -GROUP A-Satsct Z O .America.a Boy
aROVP 8-Uec:t
'"J McCall', Magame ._ . _~ I
,::-,~~~~""'~ IJ Cbdsuao Hcrald...._..___r, 1Il0S.
O Pareau' MaAziAe_.-.6 mOl. O Plth6nder eWeel",) __ I
O Picrolial Review .. _ _ 1 yr. l,.r, OSilvcr Screen .1 )'t.
o Romantic MaauJn.
OSacen Book ' I )'r. OT rue Con(essiOtJl 1 o Open Raid (Boys) _ _ 16 mOl. O\?oman', World _ _ --2 ,", OSmer Homes &·Gardeat..._1 ,.r. OHome Am Needlecralt _.2,.n.
DAmerican PruleGrower_l ,r. OAmer/can PouIU)' }ouraaLI ),r.
D!lteedet' •.Gazrtte _ _ _ I,.t.
ALL Ir r...-dger I ,.r. OOO\lerl~l Amer.Rc:view_ l acoooU)' Home ...___ 1 ,.r. Dfatm}ourlU1 _ _ _ _ 1 OGood Storlet __ 1 ),f. OHOIDe N~I.ecra"-l ·DHome FtielMl __.___· 1 yr; DLeabom World_ ___1 ,r. OMacher', Home IJle_ _ l DPalh6od: t (WkI,..) __ 26 i.,iaes . DPlrmoulh Rock Moathl, - 1
, I
OSucceaeful PAllDina .. _ _
. OW_" World
,.t. 5 ,.t. ONLY ,.r. ,.t. ,t. I ,.t. .
~._·_ I,,.,
1 ,.t• .
below'": OTHE QUALITY o,pm 011U!..STORY OPfER
Gcntlomen: I celoM'
. • •._ _ • I·.m c:b'oclrlnc olhrd ... lred witb • ,-,.•• ~baeri~ to ,our p-pOr.
__ _
PMrQmu __
R. F.D.
______________________ •
Mrs. VanWinkle ad a guests tlnuay. Mrs~'t:va Simmons I\hs. J. W. Lyle and so n Horace all of Cincinnati; Mrs. R. K. Raincs jand son Tom of Xenia and MIT. nnd Mrs. W. L. Witucre and son Walton Wright and family of Dayton . The board of directors n;aet at the, Tuesday afternoon. MI'. and Mrs. W. H. Haskind (nee Raniet Viqpnia Morton) who were married at the Friends church in Wilmington ' Tuesday noon called on the latters grand mother 'Mb's. HalTiet Peele on Tues uay afternoon. Mrs. Ida Bosler und four grand daughters of Day~on called on Miss' Katherine Collins TUe£day. Mr. a nd Mrs. ij'arry B rown o'f D.!Iyton. visited the ~ Mi.sses Mame .T. and Annie U. Brown, Sunday afternoon. Miss Marie OWtJilS is now numbered among ~ ur ''\lests. Ruby Bergo of Clarksville has been ,employed as dining r.oom girl in the place of Ruth HaTvey wose marriage to AUrelil Shawhan will be 'a.~ event of nelt week. The Misses Frieda and Ruth Harvey were Dayto;n shoppers Mon day afte rnoon. ; . i u\fs. Lena Hal't~ck attended the funeral sCl'vices .!Of D.r. Bailey Campbell itt the Miami cemetery Tuesday afternoon,
'HA~~Er'~UR~ Mrs. Amanda S~ rr :is much improved. Mra. !MIa!'y Syfei'd is ill at her home. . . 1 . Mra. Rhodes,.But el and daugh. ters -visited MrS. ~ Reason Tuesday. The teachers £rOJl1 this school '",/ere 'amon~ those 8¥embled at the SouthWestern Ohio teachen meeting held last at Cin-
Lukens Stock,Farm EAst ftCE
Percherons, jerseys, and Certified Hybrid Seed Corn Ohio 52. Ind. (114,
S. 65-.4 4-U. 17·1 939
- -........
JERSEY HERD IN 400 HONOR CLUB 1934-35-36.37
Ten year ~Id reg. mare,' 3 yr. old gelding for .ale Good Worker.
Act !vow! Estate Oil Heatrola hils already brought care-free, "Easy-Chair" heating to thousan~s of homes, apartments, stores and offices. Made by the originators of the cabinet home heater. Simple, Beautiful. Amazingly economical; Burns No. 1 furnace oil that looks like kerosene, costs less. Easily installed. Circulates clean, healthful warmth throughout the rooms, Requires minimum of care.
TIle 900 Sari•• • Oil H..uo& lI.d. /" Iii•• aLn. (4QOO I. 1000 cubia I60t uped!r).
ESTATE 011. HFA1RfJlA (Left) EXOWIM. INrENII·fIIE AIR DIIOT block. tho upward-rulhing heat, Hndl It out into th_ rooms Instead of loltlnr It neApo up tbe fluo. Turua wa.te !nu warmth. ~
(Right) DOUIU-CHAMIEI IOWL IUINEI d.lIvo" clean, odorlesl; blu. flame. 8lmpl_no wIcke, no moving mechanical parlL Adjus tl with ftng.Nlp controL
Also A ·Large Selection Of New and Usecd
Fairley Hardware Stores .
Larler B-.u •• of Quality, Sanlee aad Price E.tabliabed. 1849. - 1138 PIl... sa
RITES -n£W-I~f-t-UIeJIlCIIIl -MRS: MARY ADAMS j Met Wednesday
Mother's Clob MeJ Friday _ .
. .. - -
.j .
FUnerol services weN! held at thn White Brick Meeting House. Tue3>day afternoon, at 2 -o'clock for MIJ'9. Mary Adams; 89 , 'Who passed· away Sunday afternoon at .t he Friend's Home where . she had bee n a beloved gu est since 1922. Het' de'ath came 'lUI a res~lt of ilhock received Thusday morning \\Ihen She f ell frac turing her hip'. Mrs . Adams. a me mb!li' of the Fri eon d~s so ciety left no imme diate relat.ives. her husband having preced'ed her in death sevelal years ago. BUI'ial was made in lMIia'nli cemetery with McClure fun eral director in charge charge:
. The F1liend~·h ip elu/l·mel Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Etnlia Thompso n. The ' n e~v PI' i dcnt. Mrs . L,' V. Br.a n'dstrator pres ided. Mrs. RlIlph Hastings Cl103 l'he one hundred and' finieth psalm for de. volions. After a short bu sin ess peri od which, commiltees f'or the year \VeTO named a ~lOe ial hou r followed. MI·s. Willtpr Sheoha n and Mrs. W. S. Grah am. road article3 pertaining to Anllt.slice Do y. Mrs. A, H. Stubbs a nd Mrs. Branstl'ator I d in inlere- ting contesls Pumpkin pi!) and coffee was served by t he hoslQSs aEi5te d by Mrs. ~r a Rich, Mr . Adanu 'i\1lell o'h a nd MI":i. L. V. Branstratol·. Th e D~e l11b e'r m ling will be ~ Xmas pal·t.y at th e home of M I·S. Elmer Sheehan . The l c will be an exchange of gif4!.
ST. MARY'S I F.PISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. R.... H.dn~ell. Minialer Sunday - Twenty- econcl nfler Trinity. 10 a. m.-Ch.ul·ch school pri mary and jun.iors. 11 a. m.- M-orning prayer anti sel'mon . Tuesday- 2 :00 p. m.- N.urse l·y Ch urch School. Pliday-4 :00 p. m. - J uni or Hig h Boys.
GUILD MEETS AT DAYTON HOME MemberS of the Guild of St. Mary's Episcopal church Wl'le delig htf ull y entertained Th ursday afternoo n a t 0 er Lodge. ~he attr active hom <' of Mrs. Rob('rt Wallon at Dayton. A !\urnptuous lun eh on prect'ded the busin ess of the guild. During the r ¢mai ndel' of th ~ u ft rn oo n Mrs. W.a lton who iii an a cco mplish.>d musici an e nt<)rtnined her guest" wiLh severnl pian(l ! elections. Those from here who ( njoyed the occasion were Mr -. Edith M. Harris. Mrs. Daisy Snyd er. Mrs. Will Scnnlan . Mrs. C. R. FrRzi r . MI·.'I . J. D. Bolin . Mrs. C. H. Brace . l\I is~ Ann ie Brown e. Mi ss M<8 mp Bro\\ne Mrs. E. C. Crane and litlle daug hLer Na ncy. M rs. n. L. Cr une. !\f 1·S. Lcc I-Iawke. Mrs. M·a yn ard W. It z, Miss Kalhe rine P'r~ nder KU Hl. M, R. E. L. Th oma. Mrs. L. II. Gon Ion. Mrs. Ronald 1-1 aw k<'. ~.~ I·~ . 13 . 1 L Ilartsock anti II' t lle 0 s n Dav i"u alit!· 1\·1·... Elnilla H . M ~' , ·fule.
BrIc · ke r ,ta ft
Lead Warren Ticket
Brick <'r, Taft anti. Brown led the R<·I)Ub party 10 vi ctol y . in War cn co unty, with cnl y one IJ('mocratic candida te being . elected. Srr<:!c iul issu<'s \\ CI·.) defeated. \\'nlTcn co unLy I' ~s lll ' S in 46 r a Th o foll owing i!! u labulation of cill cts foll ow : Wayn e Town: hip and \Vu ym'svill(' l"or gov(' rno l'- Cha tl s Sawye r Corp Illli on. ,(D) 4.203. J ohn W. Dricker (R) EW :sw oNW NC • C 7.:! fl4. For Goye rnorames For Lif' ut : nn nl gove rn-Gl' Sawyer 7.0 ·1 9 1 0!) 63 MJetzc nouu m (D) 3.823, Paul H. WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Bricllel' 152 65 154 l:n !.l7 J-I<' rbel't (R) 7.U7 6. Rev. John V. ' Lacy, Pa,;.or For s~c l ·(' tliry of .·tat"- Willi£. m For Liputenant GOyl'rnorSunday . Nov. 13- 9 :30 8. m. Mentz n'm 72 44 101 !Il 43 J. Kenn cdy (0) 4.059. En d GrifSu nday scli-ool. R. D. Colle tt. superintendent, ' Herb ert. 146 62 147 12 9 !l(j fit h (R) G,na . FOI' lrl'nsurCI' of s lllLe- Clarence 10 :3 0 a. m.-\Vol'ship se rv :c - For Secretary of St.t _ MARY LEAH ADAMS N. Kni sley (D) :$ ,U40 . Don H . Subj'Ect "E'tel'nal Valu es," Ken nedy 74 42 106 84 40 Passing avroy is truly a part of Th ro will be no dinner at the Griffith 143 62 14 4 125 9::1 Ebtig-ht (R) 6.(1 18. earth. It lends a death·like all' to Fot· at to rr.e y g n ra l- H u' b rt church as wna llJannod. For Trea aurer of State our gay enjoyments, and mingles 48 S. Duffy (D) 3.82 6. Th omas J . 2 :30 p. m.--Sllcl!ial se r,vice by Kni sky 76 43 102 85 sorrow with. our CU)) of biisa. (R) 7.010. 93 Herbelt Gospel Team from Harni lt n. H" Ebright U3 62 146 125 Mary L enh Cadwallader, daugh. Fo!' United St ate s.:n atcr Ilnnouncement elSllwhele. For Attorney G~n c ral tcr of Tlbomas 8l1d Phoebe Fallis Robert J . Bulk,ley (D) 3.999 . Rob6 :00 p. m. Epworth League . 76 42 102 82 -:14 El'l A. Taft (R) 7.2 32. Du ffy Cudwallatl er was born at the Va lMontla.y- 7: 00 p. m. Boy Sco ut ~ Herbert 145 63 146 127 97 ley Home farm of her uncle and For I' pr ~sc nt.n tiv e to congl ess 8 :00 p. m.-Choir practice. . aunt.. Thomas a nd Hal·riet Fallis For United Stat~a Sonator (lit large)-Joh n McSwe ~ n y (D) W e d nesday-2 :00 p. m. Ladit s Wales, n ear Harvey burg, Ohio. 75 42 10 8 87 43 a, 748. Step h n M. Young (D) 3.A.kI w iil be held wi th Ml's. E lm I' _ ._ ,_ ._ _ ._ _ ._ - - Bulk Je ~, 8-28-1849. Due to the fa thTaft 149 6!l 152 120 106 607. Ge()t'ge H. Bendor (R) 6.874. Sh han . MI'. a nJ u·' I~. Ca l'llIan C"an r's death five months prior to her lY" ~ For ReprCaentatiyt' to Congre .. _ L. L. Mars'hall (R) 7.053. birth . t here exiated a n' unus ually MI'. and Mrs . Ralph H astings 3 :46 p. m.--Junior choir. 'a nd MI'. and Mb·s. Orville I;!age For repr se ntative to congr~ss McSwee ney 69 42 106 84 43 dose bond . of affection between Ilnd sOln Robt w ~ l'e Sunday dinn er en joyed n show in Cincinn ali Su r.Bender 140 62 147 127 96 (di stricL) Athur W. Aleshi re (D ) guests of Mr. and, 1111'. A. H. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF llV. even iI"". mother and daughter. .. 78 42 fi6 8 1 40 3.780. Clarence J. Br ow n (R) 7,I Stubbs and f nmil y. CHRIST ' Mall.Y of the ladi es atLcndl'nrr Young In 1886, at tnis MtnX! Val ey • Mkll'shall 139 62 137 126 97 210. . MI'. and Ml's. Watter She ha n W. C. S'mh~, :M&niatcr Moth el"s Club FI'I'day "a'v tho' Inov H ome, she Will! uni t~ d in' mafl'i 3g e For state se nator- Hacry A. entertai ned at dinncl' Sunday. CovOur revival clos~s Sunday even- i 0" " Ilild Dev Elop lllcnt" shown Repreaentatiyl' to Congre .. (Dial. ) with T. Lee Adamll of Ra.nSlls City . ., 74 45 107 86 47 Hu g h s (D) 3,D73; Louis A. MarMo. Mary Adems passed, to h er reo ers w~re la i4 fOT ~r.a.nd Ml1'8. Har- mg. wlith a bapt!smal servicl!. Ih ~ by MI'. Ga·r8t on the school pro. AI hire Bown 147 04 148 129 98 tin (R) 0,862. ry Lollar and ao ltopuot and viva has peen well att nq ,d, jectol'. Fot· repr~s ntntive to ge nel':l.1 aswai'd fl' pm the 'Fri ends Home in da ug ht el' Kat h ' f Sundny ev"nin 'h 1-0 eTlne, 1\ ra. Adeline u .. 1" ere were . u Jean Graham ()of Dayton is vis- For State Senator 47 semblyBut'de lle Bevan (D). 4.Waynesville. 1 -1J-l IiS • f:o tt an d son Th oma5 an d Mra. prese n~~ . COln e Ie"V H.. S ' d 0 be t'ft. "",1' t hl I iting hoI' n-r nndpal·en'ft. lI't·. and Hug hes 73 42 99 83 Sho wa Ii birthright mem'\>er ot S d ~ .. "" ., 913 258; Harold V. Martz (R), 6.827. 143 62 148 126 '-big the !lower box. the Society ot'Friends, and walked. Ka ~ h edn", LpJlar /III of l4lbllnon un af· Mrs. Ca!'l Duke while Dayton MArtin For cOllnty c O llllrli S!\ i oner~Har The n~xt meeting will bo at and Ra~ m.o nd Dunl1arn. of Kings 'J'~ ,re will be prllAchlng again ~ch oo ls -I1,l'!> clolCed. in the light of that faith Qppng h' S d Repre,entative 10 the Cen Aaaem . old D. Buil y (R) , 7.1 54; William night .t ..filch time th , men art her ~Iltire life. She was affilialed Mills, t tS un ay morning at 9 :30 and MI'. and Mrs. R. D Collett vi s- Bevan 76 47 99 83 44 Kinney ( I) , 1.258. invi~d. ~ will furnish th~ pro- with' the chu~ (Jf her h usband , MiAs lWllH~Jj ne Gibb\lns and Bible school at 10:30. Preachi ng ited Mr. and Mn. Os~ar Stanfield Martz 142 63 144 128 97 A. M. Fo)' cou nty a udit or grom for ~ie'h Ralph Hutingll the United; Presbyterla)1 durilJg h r J ames Gibbon!> wer.e six o'cl9 It eacP e\'(ming aJ 7:30. a t New Vienna on Sunday after- County Commi.. ion~r Parkpl' (R) : 7.385. has Cbarate of a pta., with an all- thirty.three years residenee in dinn er g ue ts Thul'Sday v nipg of noon·. For county tJ'ea£ut'cr- G org-e men ca.' . - M1', ~ I'l<l Mill. WilJ St. John . FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Among thosc fl'Om Waynesv ille Bailey 151 6D 14 3 129 !H) ~ . ha' f t"e Kansas City, hilt rellumed memberM 'W C S . h MI " t Kinney 24 12 47 24 8 B. J o hn ~ en (R) . 7,302. IIrs. H, .:man 111 c Il'man (J If • • .r. and Mrs . M. L. Blanton of . , ....t , "aa e, who heard Homt'r Rlhodeh.eaver .at _II 'L._.-t ----U'Aft'" D em'ship 'wlth Friends when she returnF h " "I C A d ' For cru ef justice of t he supreme r.,d<e1l1lllf"U COu"n...·....., ~or . ec ed' to OhiQ·. Mt, Orab were we'Ck end g\l stJ err)' c urc ... eOIl" nlles to draw Memorial Hal), Dayton Sund~ y ounty u ator her. of the latter's sist~r, ,r,frs . C. P, larg.c crO'Wds. Ther~ w erc 1;J8 pres.. night were Mr. and. Mr8. Adam Parker 154 67 150 134 101 court- Carl V. Weyg.a ndl. 2,60 1 ; ' aln...... ' Bea.utlfu! in its simplicity Will! J oy an d f ami Iy. ent Su n day au",. '-~, t. the ,..narveet ..... ft .. had been Wal tor B . . Wa:namkcer, 4.264 . MkllLoh, MlslI Gr ace Williamson. For Count .. ' Treaau-r .After th' e b;u teildl'Cl to .tiI, ~ird .n.~ .J .91W\1 the l~e \o~ J4~ Adams. an~ e8 Mrs. Ric e Snapp, Mr. 'and M1'3. H-Qroe PrOiram . ' Wns . weeb IIgIO and Mr. ' ani! Mrs. John Fromm. John!llOn 162 67 14T 139"'98 - Fot' judr of the 6UPJ'(Jme court ted ' 'h .. beautiful In ;'her paasbtg Is ' Oh a1'Ie8 A nd er'O n and ~1'8. Bertie the. rtcol'd b N&' k • d L e"y• ~d ea PreMIa > e ~ 10 UOWlIlC . , - wall nn a II t·ImE! Mr. and Mrs. Cha1'les Henkle of F a.rarou.. (term commencing January 1. program. Jti.oe .Pfiefer. i'Anpounc- memory she leave)! . of a rn.erou~. Mill$ ~e Columbull vj itors Sat.- iog Cl'OWtl of 318. A w elcome Hamilton w re week end, g uests of For 81 60 04 60 ' 50 1039 )- R. M. Winegal;dner , 2.212; L "Wern" lco ' .....' .• gt' ntle, dlspOSlN0 116 46 150 119 75 Edward S. Matthias . 4.513. er,".. D'IC Ide GnKlVm. B'and affectlonato ialJ .<Iot d' he Mr. Anderson aLtend ed the "I.wa its Y(l\l a t l hi s cr,osa-road coun. MI'. and Mn . Adam'MeUoh. ay BalrA. "cu~rv of ThanlraNl ' v_ Ion . . elng espc.e . y gu e to II f t h h ro _ d S h I L oat ball game. r;y c \Ire. "",me 4)noo an you Mr. and Mrs. Clnrk Salisbury c 00 ~"y p" For judge of t'he sUJl I'.cme court · '.. D'la1ogue "A Lo ng W or dl' wl'ltten expression Mr. an~ MI'!. Harvey Ryc n- W'l'11 wa n t to come)8e I k• 125 64 117 141 114 11\1; . . of her thoughts, a.nd John J. Fritz of Charleston. f ' or (term Cil mmencin<r J a:nua"" .... Kart. .J3.8981.; I Betty Thom' .. .... M,·llta.., . ed WI'th B,"bl e school 9 :30 11. m. 48 29 96 66 27 1939- William L. __ ... Tap So. she haa. glvotl-to-ilTmany gtems to •..0rtaln · a f a mily dinnel' and W est Va" wer e weel9 end guests Agal'nst "tub~D8 ~ ·. "A Thanks- appl1BClate and p .81!S to oth.' en. ., ._, ., f supper on Sunday. The following ,Sermon 11 :00 a. fllI.of Mr. and Mrs . W. P. Salisbu.ry. A namen d men t 10.... Yvo""'e 35- Roblll't N.. Gorn1llln. 2.606. ... ·.. • ..... t on . J olles. , The opportunity to 1ud othel's Fo I' 46 • 23 69 . . rec i._u_ .......... ; .11111 . . membeTs were pre ent, . Mr. and M~·s. Fri lz and lilUe daug1hter ac·&IY"ng. 77 Fol' judge of th ~ supreme C'ourt "TL--'~ul' .... Itation.. •• So nn, ViDS a r .e al pl .ll'.ure to her. especl- M 118 47 130 ...... IU ... II h h bJ rs. J 0h n Frilz and daug"hter and compani4XI them horne Sunday af- Agal'n S t (un expire d lerm ending Decemher "Tba'n'ksg\vintr Day"; by · Third a y. w -en: t eo ect of. hC'l' b ne- 1M'r: and' Mrs. Clark SalisbUI'y of ter a few ,"'eeke visit with Mrs: -------31. 1938) - Willia m C. Dixo n, 2.- · . gr~e; ~i1d1red Bourne. "Piano factIon was. a. young . student .who Charleston. W. Va .• MI'. and Mrs. Fritz's pllrents anwother rela tives 883; G. K. Allen, 2.934 . ·"'-·e, "Helpers for \VIaS strugghng for an edueatlO1l. R . R . B enson and so ns of IndianaSolo'.'.· D'.. ..,... Ttlro Tennis committee of the hel'O. For judge ilf t h cou rt of apSmith. . Now beyond. the realm of pain po11s , .",r. ,..~ M1'. and MI'S. W. S. Scanlan and T':'~ n'·-"I·vin"".· Glenn and· M'1'8. 1LICon Salis- F d ends' Mcetin<>' 8no' nsOI~ d a pOVpea ls--Simon Ro s~, 5.325 . "Sin'" .. . ' . p,·.... .. . . High, Sing and sorrow. beyond the disabilities bury an d c h'ld J ren of Washington 'c rty social at ·t he (,hurch Friday son Ferree were Dayton vi.sitors .." o solo', 80n.... State amendmC'nt- Yes, 2.919; ....... de. ·. Ric'hM"d of the .flesh, beyond the reach of C. H .. M r. an d M"s. D. R. Salis- evening, Much hilarity wa s created Satur day. Lo~, b'" .. fourth ·D-" no. 4.766. . han." "A .' Nta\nk!ul l'Cgulatio-n., her p.o wen un- bury an..!\II ch'ld Mr. an .Ull M Alb crt KTe iling of S hee I ren an d Mr. an d Mrs by th e "hard time" appearance of hef-hmen'- of coffee ·fold the e~ngeniar atmosphere W P Sa IIs b ury. Wm'l:en county fairground levy SOllle of the gucst.s. Any (lne wear- FOI·t Mitchell, Ky. and Mr. and " pkln pl'e 'e re' ..... rv"'U b .v... .... - of heaven. She bas">CXpe!; ienced the M1'8 • •'E t h e I H au k left by mo tor ing jewelry. or an~' fine clothes Mrs. Boyd Hcnder son were dinner More than seventY-fiv.c tic k ts - FOI', 3.823; agamst. 6,202. . pum "'"" .... . followinl' committee: M-eldamu glorious entrance into the presence Wc dn 5 day morning . . for her hom~ was fined. Ping-pong, • • '1.: true . a nd g uests Sunday of Mrs. Martha have a I re ady bl'en purchu sed for t .L..... au......... -illiam n..-'s. of the :F. ... . 4W' . and 'lIM Ih' e ard His i M' . FI 'd . th e , Warren COUTlty P oultl'y BanH ....... _._ n &I."~ n taml.' QIl'I a. Sh e was ac- provided shrdlu shrdlu thldrsum HendeTson . C~ lea James, Harry , Smith • .,olee sayi!1c. "Welcome ~om'e. my com.p anied as fa,' as Jacksonville fa lse cont sts and other games Rev. an!i Mrs. R. L. Hackwell quet to be beld next Tu esd gy even. ChUlell H"-"'-e.r. Murrel T'-.... enter th'Ou ' into the joys 'of. b y M rs. u'u.... •. r th a H.enUlslson .1 • • h In ' t he L eban· -41 ... ~ •...-, "un:: y.·. who pllOvided e.ntertainme!Dt f01' lIbe ev- VISited relatives in Glendale Mon- •Ing. Novemb er 16 t. h"'pc\" TL .... v . . Fran.lw '·May. Reav~ lLl1 '11 .. h b G H II _ _ 'U &Je WI VlSIt er rotheI'. Will O'Neal en-ing. ' ny 11 i_ ht. on range a. accortling to Ray J Hajv~ Sackett. Lon Beckett,. . and famiiy there. Refreshm~tts of pUjmpkin !'!io . MI: s. Mary Hu!"g of Detroit, Peterson, chairman oC I he banqu et ~d Tinney • .Robert Peten. RTHDAY LUNCHE"<»r , Miss Doris White of MasOn 'was with ,"nipped cream cidlar and, c'~f- MJieh .. "H. S n g uest Ja!lt we.. k of Mr committee. El ection of {(jcer s '!I,t the rejr u. Harry Satterthw.aite -and Reba . Etalia Th'~mp80n ' enter- a. Saturday over-night guest a r. d fee werE served.. and Mill. J. L. 1II ~:1dc n 't.all ; nd Walter H. Ll oyd. edilor of the tal' meeting of th e Fal'mcT's Grange Mrs. Marg~I: "t lIhrtin. Ohio Farmer and. chairman of thf' Bl'I!ii:lock . bained Moliday evening in honor remained {or Sunday .wi th Mr. '5 ntul rlllY resulted a follows. Mas__ .1. bel'de.ugllter: Mary;@ thirtOOlltli and Mrs. Will Stroud and son Hal'- WARREN CO. WOMEN TO· Wo'tcr CJ.a.rlt i' ser ving on Lhe Ohio' CommitLce on the Wol'ld ·). Oversc<?t', te l·- W. A. Swarlzel. MO\RIOtt..FAUB~it . A.t: o'clock a. delici- old\ STUDY COLOR COMBINATION U. S. F .. (~el·:ll Jll?tit i ul'Y in Cincin- Poultry Congrcs.'! will be the prinftob" ,'t Wilson Lecturel', Mrs. HarRI~'S. WEDNESDAY .. . . ~eJ' was 8erved ltIe following ·Mrs. Harry Williamson spent . Enthusiastic groUiPS ' of 'Women nati. cipal speaker . Other f eaturcs will ,Id Whiluk'CIr; Sleward. Hethert !ienith Fauber. 50. wtf-e ofyo()~!It .I~adie8: .relln..nd 'aane Hart- last wee k with IIIr. and Mrs. Ira. and girls in thirty communities in M ~. an e Mr ~. F. H. Miltenb <!l' appear on the program and th e McMlillanj Ass·t.-Stewart, Lowell Marl<>n Fauber• . of Spring' Valley sock. \g ary Loi~ lAcy. Melba Gus- Brown at Franklin Tu esday eve n- Warren County are studying tho &>£ 1'. (.f n a r Lytl e. M~. and.. Mrs'. ladies of the Grange arc planning Thomas ; Chaplain. Mrs. Walter die;t' at Miatn'l Valley hospital Sun- tin. Sirah (lotiller... Dc.rothy end ing they hea~d Homer A. Rhode.. home demonstration project "Color C. C. A.rchdeacon and childrc n a' chicken (linnw. Kenrick; Treasurer. E. L. Thbmas; dILl ' eveninl'. Suryiv01'll ,are the D~l'~ 'o,i,., B.~tttf· ~ Yirgini!, .heaver at Midd letown . In Perso nal Appearance" fOT this wl!re Sunday gu ests of Mrs. Grace MEmbers of t he commiltee planSecreta!'y. 'Mlr. . E . . L. T hom as.huaband; tWo childrd. CUl Pr6tOn,' IMlaMt .lmll\~n, Char.MT. and !Mlt·s. J. P. Lal'l'ick and month. L. Smith. ning the event Ol'e Ray Peterso n Gate-keeper. Earnest Cook; Lady DaYton' atld .~H. ;Neilie May Rye, V.lrilnla hiller. Faye Mr. a.nd Mrs. Frank Hoffman took Miss ElizabeLti Gr.addy. home Mrs. L. H <ffirdon and Mrs. chairman j Alft-ed Bra'nt; Wm. Ass·t-Stewal'(., Mrs. Lowell Thomhill, of New Burlington and two Craig! anlJo Mary. ThOmpoon. After advantag.e of the be'a.utiful f\"'cath- demo.nstration agent. in diseuss:ng Emma H. 'McCluJ'O atte nclnd ah · Haekman; T. S. T ownsley; J. B. as; Ceres. Mrs. Stanley Bail y;. gr~dcbilclren. Her mother »s. din1ler"'games and dia cing was t he er on Sun~ay and took a motor this pr.oject says "Color in dress Episco'pal ch urch moeting in Hil s- Crabbe, and David Bailey. Pomona . Mrs. Reba Bradd·ock; S.M~eJ .}Iicbael. two slstet'8 and diversi,on fOT the' remainder of the 'tri~ down the Ohio ri ver on the sh.ould be beautiful, in itaelf a. bOM Wednesday. Tickets are avail a ble un t il Mon Flora .. MI·s . Alfred 'Stont; Pi·ar, ist. f~ur bl'others. Servi.ccs will '!fa e·veli'irlt. · ,' . -, Kentucky side and> back by way well as becoming to the wearer. Rev. J ohn J. SchacH er . former day noon. November 14. {1'om Mrs. Theryl Jones ; Chori! tel', , he~ \'fedlieaday at 2' p. m·. at the . (Jf Ohio and on into Indiann. 'l'his This involves understanding some- "ector of St. Mary's Episcopal members of lh e commiLtee or fr()m Russell }'rank and Trustee. Elarne: t is an especially s~enic route toi s a'bout color. bemg able to church there. and Mrs. Schaffer of any of the following who are help- Butterworth. · re~; D.aal' '~J1!iR,g~yaJ <r[> Bqr- ,B.OX; So:qAL ~!"'I? . SPEU:n~G BEE '" season of the yeal'. analyze your own personal coloring Dayton, left Tuesday for St. Pe- ing to make the banque t a succ ess'; • la~'~~~,ldl!le RUD cemet.ery. '. _' ' ') _ The Guild t of r t~e EpiscQpal Mr. a nd Mrs. Waltel' Cast and acquiring skill in the bliist use tersburg. Fla. wbere they cxpeet Waynesville Fa·r mer's Exchange O. £~. s. NOTICE ~ . -' eliurc?b is sponsoring. a box sociat motored to Athens, 0 .• SUinday. of col(lr as it r elates to your cwn to gpoend the \vinter. - Wayn<'svill e. Chas. Doste!;, Ll? m'- JANE COOK ACCEPTED illin\i (Jba~tA!r No.' 107' o. E. S. old fashionect Bl,)Clling bee 8t They visitEd Miss Louise Zimmer- coloring." Mary Caroline Lukens spent the mon's Hatchery -:- Harveysburg. FOR MEMBERSHlP wii ' .meet rerular ¥ori;! hall eVMing. Nov. miaIt' and Miss IMUdred Cook, studDemonstrations scheduled for week end with Ruth Conner at Ox- Ev erett Early- Lytle. Springboro jane Cook. junior co.- ed at Earldav .e.venl...... ·Novem'be.r ·lot. ~ I,', H, '7:30. Each· lildy-, Is asked to ents at Ohio Univers.ity. ford. Hatchery Springboro. iMlillard ham C{)l1ege. Ind has .. . the coming week are: H h . ' b . .... . h ~eetl~ri of officeri andpaY.ment ~ril!g.. a . ~o~ with. lunc~ f~r twb. Mr. a nd Mrs: George Henderson Thu rsday. Nov. 10-Washington atc ery - Oregonia. Clarksvilll' een accepte", for. membcrs ip by. o.f c1\1e1i A . eov~d hh -dlnn l' The pubhc 1S cordlally inVited.' and /amHy and Mrs. Julia Hender- Twp" Middleboro. ALL DAY MEETINC Farmers' ~xchange - Clarksvi1!e Epsilon Alpha Pi honoril~ journl1l- " wID ~. the ~ethl&' at 6':80 .. '..' !'lOR enJoyed a trip to Seven Caves OF LADIES AID Scott Wh.i~cre--Blanchester .. MOT~ ism fraternity. Miss Cook has:peen·. , .' . ACCIDENT . ":~CTIM and other points through southFriday, Nov. ll--Wayn esville. Art ail-daY meeting of the Ladle!! row Feed and S\lpply-":Mor·row. serving on t he sta(f of tlho Eat\lhn~ '. • ~. P " '- -b L__ te 0"' - S d Miss Graddy \\iIl ' )le here on this A'd f ". M h d' h h '11 Pos.. . campus newspanAr. She is a yi.D& ~u ..... been ~b- e~ rn 'lW. UJ:! ay. date. .. lOt,..,. et 0 1st c urc W1 ... .. . Brine ~vered dlsh~ iandwiclieil a~}tabl. eervieti' aent from he, dutiea et the A. K. Dr; Elizabeth Shr ieves of WHbe held at the h.ome of Mrs. Elmer MILK HELPS TO COMBAT graduate of Waynesville ,hlgih • l' '. ". • • . .' f~ 'lnjupes DtingtOill -recently entertained: at Tueeictay. Nov. 115--Springboro. Sheehan. Wedneeday. TUBERCULOSIS IIchool and is a niece of. Dr . lIa". ;&-1l ~~bera ~1 ~ O.fdter ~ ~n ~~ldeat .JaF. Wed~ dinner at the snow Hill County Wednesday; Nov. IS-Ridgeville 16. Members having birthdays in ·L. Cook, local physician;. " co~, ~vited. , heaclat··nitlit. . ~un-njDg ~ Clull. the' wom~n. physicians . of and Pleasant Plain. . 8,eptembetl. October and Noven. Dr. McCollum, School of Hy- ' . ~Die. FriImm. Seq; SaN.. Brad- baek-yar(hlftet ·Tifgl#all, she ·Butler. Clintom. and Warren Counbel' ~ll be guest. ~f the. E.~ciety. · .giene, .Tohn Hop~lns University FORMER RESIDE~1 ' dOl!~ W. II. ' into • 'wlre' 'elothee' . line . ties. A feW o~r friends we:.e in- ~S BAPTISTS COMI NG says: "An -e-xamination of I!.ny PASSED AWAY , •b6i- . baekwards. :She clutkd in tb.e group. Dr. L. TO M. E. ,CHURCH ;. RED CROSS .-.OLL CALL . lara~ group of peopl~ wiII sho-w " ~rs. Harry ' Jolln. .p~iied on the concrete Cook . . . one of th.e gueltll. A very unu8ual eV1!nt Will .be .tlul The annual · Red .m embe,· that· where ttrere 'Ja a high mor tal- at her home, JD: ~t:Qn ~~~ ~"b-' N~"\,;_ldIiIr. ~l~ .. :'Iiol1lJ.d: . .Sunday groeata at tho home of visit. Sunda.,. Nov. 18. at 2 :80 '" 8hip roll ~ .• tarts AnniIItice ity from tuberculosia. milk is not day mQr~ Fun,er,t ~• . Mira. 'iftlucle Cra-ne includ.ed Mr. the Methodl!t -Churc:h of a lfO~p It ia-your1ltem~Hhip donars that heine used to any g:rea t ,e xtent, and v:i~e a~bhe • sui. Mrs. Eltol Beck and 10n and of m,en f.rom a Baptist church III Support thl8 ..-eat wo~. We n~e-d ill arty NiJ'lrf gToup where milk 8tt~t. ;1[1. ._:8 :01 the Argunot club Mr. and Mri. Swing and daul'h- Hamilton., The gro.up including your help If Wayne Twp reecbes pUrchues are large this diSCl!8 e i. burllll in after- ter of Bethe), Mary . Vanderbrink their femUitll. wiD '~lAk!! .bo~t 85 Ita quota. A worker will caU at Jl!)t .. menace. It is well known that ·, . ..;,.-. . -:7.,..-i--'-;~:.n~.: Cll~~rd'iof LebaDClJl and Mr• ..,d Mn. pllople. The., come here to pre- your home or leave membenhlJl In IDltitqtion. where tuberculo~~ 811ttH ... refN81hmIMl'......e Lather P8rldDl 01 Dayton. Mar., _nt to the churob and communit., at hank with ROllI Bartaoek. is .u~ll, treated milk 10!!lllB Born to Iftttrlll'Oft, 0raDiI SJIIIlUbe week esC! with Iter • Lq,man'. 1-' ReIIciOD. The Nina st. John ClaalnbaD We.,..e tbe prineipaJ article o! the diet GI Jo. . . • • ~~~~, ~ "_~~~~a.:b:";;-'I1~~'-<.~" .,odI,•• · . . pubUc fa ~ T~'. · ' . &be ........." Nn. I. Mrs. R. D. Collett opened the Mother's' Club meeting. FU-iday with the song "OnWard Chri~tian • Soldiors"; devotional period by Mrs. Lee Hawke followed. After leadang in the Lord's Pl'aY1lr. she read a Tl!anksgiving pra~er 1111d un article on fu:! first Tlianksgiv ing. '~his ,peri~d \VI\~ clooed' wi~h the sO'tlg "America th~ Beautiful." The tr asu\'Cl' gave .a balanco of l 181.66 in the t reasury. The finance committee. re,port.ed that $166.27 had been cleared at the Mother Goose bazaar and Hallowe 'en carnival. They also c nn()unccd plans for the a~nual Thanksgiving nUII'ket to be heM in t he Fairley sboWll'~om Nov. 23. The lunch committee told that between 120 Jlfld 146 are eating in the dining :room with about t he same numbe:t 'b eing scrved the hot d1sh upslair2. TEn free lunches arc being given needy children. Mrs Clarence Rye 4lDd !Mlrs. C. L saticrthwaite were appoint d as a Ifurchasing oo'mmittee ~o . ~uy needed 8upplies for the lunch l'oom . Nine dollars and thirty-one cents had be~n spont by bh.e c1othing committee-. Anyone having shoes that might be used for d~serving t;hildre~. ~re asked '0 give them to one of that comm)t. tee r-tII"ed I'n •. .... ~ T· ho popular,'ty "ote 1lI Dftcond D'"'ade r~"(v,..TS• Kers y's .... """"
.-- ......
Local Happenings
-_ .... a. a_... ...
ReilY Vote In ' Wayne Township
.., 1".....
Poverty Soc.'al
POUkry Banqnet
II........ ..
Tuesday Nov. 15
.. w'
' 8.
Thursday, November. 10, 1988 _ , 5
~bt PIwIal 118 ...~"4 Ail
W"yne.-ville, Ohio
Second C1 ... Mall M..1tel'
C!§a~ette Stree~
~t, Waynesville, Ohi!)
Flol'a M. Crane - Editor
Mrs. R. H. Hastings, Society Editor , ... .. , . Phone .45 );( 11 ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Subec ript.ion P rice, $1.50 Per Year,
FOR SALEl--Poland OfUna Mattt Pig, Phone 470R Lebanon N3-1d
---------------Pa yab~e In Advance
FOR SALE- 103S Ford. TudorGood condtilion rcuw nuble. ltpd . Chas. Terr 11, Main atl'Ct,
Farin Protest Gets Results ., Pro/ulor
0/ PubUc Firutnce, Princeton Univerlity
The Department of Agriculture has doubt that the fallure to rectify It 1.5 recentl;t announced a reoraanization not to be attributed to the refusal of of the lIeneles that·had been created Congress to enact the kind of reorto lupervlse lind regiment the ganization bill that was otlered In the under the agri- last session. The action now ancultural legisla- nounced by the Department of Agrition. The pur- culture reveals that what Is needed Is pose wu said to not so much a new law but a new be tbat of ex- point of view. The needed viewpoint pediting the Is not really new. It Is. in .ct. an old, services to the though fundamental one. which now public. It Is well seems new amy because It has come to known that this be so completely disregarded: It Is the announcement simple principle that government exwas not spon- Ists to perform certain services for the taneous. It wu people in lbe most emclent and ecoa last-minute nomlcal manner possible. Had this defensive move principle been of controllln. influagainst the ris- ence no agrarian revolt would \lave Ing tide of agri- been necessary to inspire the admincultural com- istrative changes now belatedly to be plaint and op- made In order to expedite the aivlng . position under a of service in this Instance. • _beme which, despite the carnouThe episode reveals something else. .,e. applied .0 thoroughlY the view- It Is that since bureaucracy can be POint and polley of the dlctatorablp induced to mend its ways only by clUalate&. In this episode there Is more zen protest. the time has come for t JDvolve4 than flU1D relief. more protests. We need a citizen re- , . The fact t~t a sector of the federal volt against the steady increase of tax- , bureaucracy Is to be redesigned ~ as atlon and against the further pUin g to .xpedlte service to the public Is of up of the mountain of public debl I UDlveraal IlenUlcance. It mould be Most ot aU we need a citizen revolt i Doted that this decision was made only against the wasteful spending policy after the benell.ciarles of the service tbat is forcing the rise ot tax rates and had expreued. in vigorous terms, the crushing Increase of public dfj!bt. their d1aatiafactlon with the previous It the only way to direct official at· . ul'IllIemenL Naturally this raises lbe tention to the opportunities for Im· Q\W'7"-Wb)' did the bureaucrats walt proving the public service and tor reo until a mrm of protest had arisen be- duclng Its cost Is by using the ax. then lore deciding to make changes whlc the ax should be used. Bureaucracy Would expedite their services? The has little lnternal capacity. nnd no In· answer Is that the expedltlous per- lernal desire, to purge Itself. I formance of lervlce Is not the aoal of Fortunately, the counlry has not. as bureaucracy. Promllt. emclent. and It yet, moved so 'far toward ' the totali· lila)' be added. economlCjlI service, Is tarian state as to make w-otest Impos· lWVer the primary aim of bureau- sible as it now Is elset'ihere.--Un jess cratic administration. Rather the aIm the people exercise their rlgbt of proII &he evolution and elaboration of red test and critlcJsm. however, It Is liketape. the creation of useless Jobs. and ly to lapse through non - use. The thertelc11 enlargement of the bureaufarmers bave done all at us an exceleratic power and prestige. There can be no question lbat the lent service by speaking out. It is now condItion revealed In thl. one Instance up to the taxpayers to follow their ta widespread. Nor C8!l there bl! any lend. '
!Ira. Oharl eB Pewterbaugh vis-
ited with aier parents, Mr. lIl.nd Mrll. Henry Murphy. Sunday. 1JdlrI. Glenn C. Gray and sons,
Voiers ",,"Cr e Sunday caJl ers in ClarksviJle visiting relatives. !lIlli·s. Chenoweth, daughte.l' Mae and s on Earl s pent Sund RY with the Walker family nt Goshen. Mr _ and Mrs. Paul Rich ,and childr n were Sun dtl-y guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rich. Mrs. Sarah E. Sn II entertaineu several r elatives and frie nds fl'o m Xenia. and Dayton Sunday eveni~g ..
Rlc~!I'd and J . T. , and Miss Betty Jane Ollborn of Dayton were Sund~)' callers in the Guy home. Miss Mae Chenoweth spent t he week end \vilh her motheT and WOSU TO BROADCAST TURKEY IM)ARKET NEWS brother. .Jolrs. Raymond Morgan is ill at Members of the Ohio Turkey the present time. Growers Assoc iation have c-ompletlir: Mrs. Clarion Hager and ed al'l'angeme.nts for sev ernl radio Dorotby Jean and Walt r Tibbals sta tions in Ohio to oadcast once a were callers in Clarksville Sunday. week through. November and, De14~. Charles Voiers and' Jean ce.mber tU 'WIC kly summary of the RiCh w~re Sunday dinner gllests of t rkey market si tuation . This supthe Gray brothers and families. ply an d! pri~e iMoTlnatio n will ~e Mr. and Mrs. J. F_ Jacobs and compil d from ~'epo rts by Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis spent turkey raisers to the poultry deSatu day evening in Xenia. pllrtm e nt at Ohio State University. Mrs. Tod~ Buntz spent last week WOSU is one of the Ohio radio 'With .her brother in Wilmington. stations thal ,vill be providing this 'Miss Joseprun e Gray· spent W ed· special service to turkey g'l'-owers, ~eBd.y a1ft.ernoon in Wilmington 'l1he Univer Ity station will broad· with Mrs. cast the ;tur key market n ews at Charles C~11ier w~ a business 8:55 p. m. on each of its visitor in Lebanon .Saturda.y af- Farm Night programs schedu led ternoon. . . through Nove mber and December. ltfr.. ~d Mrs. dla~de Gray, Mr. . . and ·Mrs. Stanley Gray, Misses. Mrs. Wilham. Lukens. is s ubJoaepMn e and Claudia Gay, J. C. . stitute teacher m .the f irs t gr ado Pennin~on and Mrs. ' ctu~rles at Harveysburg thIS w eek.
Ma~y Leat~
FOR RENT- L. M. Hcndel'8ol1 r sidence. Key may be obtainl'" n xt door fr01l\ Mrs. EVil Dnkln . If interes t«! wI'lt o Doris K l'tliling. Trust Co Cin cinnoti, O. . It'" M'EN WANTED Loco], nltl-nager .of notionallykmown f eed cO'mpn n y \yants to ap pOint several men for g ood pny ing work. D-eliver ord~rs to farmers. rend er service and do other work. You can do this job. Farm expeti ncc helpful. Cor neceseary. P>ermll>nent work. You only ne"d to g ive your nllml' and addre:;s_ Wlite Box G COI'e of the Mi·umi Gazette. Waynesville, O.
A New York Wor ld's Fall' t9:l9 fly ing cam eraman tool, tltls aerial photograph of the Perlsphere anll Trylon at th l' Theme Center of the Fair just as Ule flnnl rivet W rl~ lJeipg' (1riven In thc ZOO· rnot . phere, III the foreground is the New York C ilv BI. ilolintr. CDrvl nfl
Summer City Rall. while behind the Perlsphere may be seen Con!ltltutlon Mall, extending to the Lagoon of Nations and the Federal rroup of buildings on the far side of the l:fOunds.
Address ...... ....... .. ..... . ... ...... . .... .. ..
...... ............... ..... ................ ........,: .. . "
FOR SALE- Black Poland! China ncm ployme nt Co mpll' nsution comFARM BUTCHERING IS Mal pigs. immuned and ready miss ion <l iscloB d. ' ''I' h benef ,ts BROADCAST SUBJECT for service. ChnB. Hagemeyer. wi!l b· ' busl'd u on the nvernge Phone 74R5 Waynesvi1Je 11 * On Farm Night Radio Program "lr~lllla G('Us, n. R. !! w ~ek wag e," . Dire ' I ~ I" Oi cchele ~s ~(' I l( ·d . "and If th e lip arc not 111of WOSU . Monda y. Nov. 14. Diol Ohio is "~ e ri u· ly 'c f i iQnt" .n cluu d in the offic b l I'Ppo rt it will C. E. Michener (was in Colum'Mh·. and Mrs. T ed Mills of Dan· 67 0 'Kc lh e p r n<u mptio n of 1I1i k in ma ny cases mal (!I'iolly r educe 8 :05' Richla nd County 4-H alld bus om. business Monday. ville, Ky., are the g u es ts of Mr. according to an opin it n t!x pr,'ss\'d th c benefits." He a l.;o .~.vea l d t hat RU'lal Youth Program- Directed by a nd Mts. Smi t h Tayl or. E . by D.'. W allc r 11. Il llrlull ~' di l<'ctor 50 00 Ohio mpl oy rs lire t:'e lin q ucilt George B. Gonyard. County Agrl. = = = = - = r - -= _:c:. . Mr. an d Mrs. Paul G Us and of the State lJ ~ pllr l ll1 (' nt of Il ealth. in r port ing qUll,·tprly pa l nings of Agen t . Man sfield. fa mily were Sunday guc3 lS oI ?>I ... loll wing a s pecial stat e-wi d\) _ur- r'mpl yes . and culled at tention to 8 :30 Meteors, (I I' Shooting StMlI vey by the dep·a rt11l ent. "For c"n - I the fnct thut f ail ul'c 10 fi le the r e- a nd Mrs. Carl Harrod of Union. - H. E. Es wi ne. Nalul'nlist, Ohi o. tUl'i es mil k has ~ rv d lh _ diel nl'Y: quirf'd quulter!y r' po rts is n mis. 8 :45 Filling the Pantry- Miss MI'. and Mrs. Paul Duke at t ndne ds f the ick and Lhe well. the d meano l' and t hc dclinquenl m. Norma A. chbacher, Extension Nud the P urdueOhio Un ivedty foot stro ng li nd ' l he we;lk, the offi 'o ' ploye l' is ubjecl to prosecution unSalve. Nose DroPB Headache. tri tion is t . a nd th e da y la bor ' 1'." D r. Hm tung del' th o un employment componsa- ban game Saturday. Uquld. Tablel. due to cOlc18, 8 :55 Turkey Market News- Re - TIT uRui-My-TlAm:'_ Wonderful said. ' "It is' the first f o d we re- ' Lion law. Billy Christ ensen of Dayton was caive as we nter the wodd and us- I th e week end' gue~t .of Bill y and ports from. Ohio Turk ey Raisers. Unlmen& uaUy th e lart to sU3tnin ou r vita lB l igad ier Genel':.] l Em il F. Ma J' x , Geoi'ge Crawford. !l :00 C91UmDUS Chamber Orchesity, and it has co mo to b,> lOl own th,c adj utant g-eneral of Ohio and Mrs. Ethel Duke spen t a f ew t r a. as the m Sl nearly pe rfect food. 1 commander of thc Ohi o National days in Lexington. Ky. lasl week. 9:10 Fann Exporls and Imports Yet the av ru ge ~i liz n often n('g- : Guard . r1:vea led that a total of 74 .Meet Your F rlendll At of the U. S.- R. L. Baker, Rural Many people from Tay!or's COl" lec ts to cons u me t:h qU !l ~ltlityp 05 , 7 1!J mil s--or n eady three tim n r aU nded Sprin gboro's fi rst Economics Dept. pro-..e d by tests t o b? es, pi 1111. OS- I the di tnnce al'oull d t he world at 9 :20 Hun ting in 'Ohio-Oliver basketball gam e Friday night at ~ ibly t he r('a, o n is en e . f i;rn omr. ce the cq untor---'\\ ore tI'a vllled by Carlisle. Springbor-o won the Jun- P ac ord State Conservation Dept: in. rega rd to the I la ll v f oed Vbl- I vehicles cf the 11 2th Quart l'ITWl! 9 :30 Fnrm Loan 'l'rends in 1938 ior Biglh game and lost the Sen· PLATE LUNCHES ue of mdlk 'as compared wi th otl1O.r Iler legim n t. Ohio National Guard, ior High game, "":WilHa m H. Kern, .Ohio Reprefood s. But \\1hatevel' the cause, i he in t r ans po rting tr oops b lltwcen ' At All Roon se ntative f-o r Fe4eral Land Bank. f nct re main s t hat til ons um pti cn ! amp Perry Ilnd Cleve la nd du.-ing Twe]ve slat es n ow have laws pro- LouisviJIe Ky. . WINES. LIQUORS AND 0-( milk a nd d.lliry prod uct_ in th I Y'~r • 'In all this vi ding penal t ies for automobi"'.e+--..,.,..-n-- Columb:mr Chamber Or. 8% BIUllR United States i low in co mparison t ravel. thro ug h t rnffie of .every 'with that of t hl' r grpat natio ns. dr cription al1(1 t hro ugh man y d ns- dl'iver s 1\\'110 op rate their machines chostr-a. Mulberry Street , Lebanon, Ohio In Oh io the cons umpti n of mil k Iy po pu lnl d cente rs, only two ac- at speeds low enough to impede traffic. Sub.crib. for tb appea rs. acc or ding to OU l' s urvcy. cidents welC repo rt-e d, which is a Miami Ga.ett. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . to be eo iously dcfi ci<'n t and Ie.;s mig hty f in e ..-ccord ." Genoral Marx t han 0.5 pints :L day pl!l' cap :ta." said. 'I'h!' fi g ures \''''1'0 only fOI' tho He asserted thllt milk • is an con · pa rt of the c xer cise whic'h involved "_. onlical foo d at IIn y pl'icc , [I nd its th e 73 rd BI·i a de h'oops fr om July va lue 'ca nn ot be mea sured in dol- 25 t o 2 . In add iti o n. a batta lion 181'S und cenls but . hnuld, nl50 b<' of lh e Qua rterm uster 'regim ent por judgrd by its coni ributio n toward fOI'm<'d a si milar s rvice for the huma n w<'lfa r e an d health." 74th B r igade with what is thought lob e appro xi mately the sa me mile P ublicaticn of the 1!J 3S- UJ;ifl ag , al t hough compiet e record>! "Oh io R oster of T own. hip li n d have not b 11 compile d, Municipal Offic ~rs and IC'mbol's of Boards of Educa tion" was nnnO ll llC D j'}'ccLo l' Geol'ge R. Bryant of ed by Seer t al'Y of Stntc the Oh io WPA educati on J . K nn dy. Th c publication. wh ich pr dieted. that 150 ,000 Ohioans conta in.~ 670 ~Ilg()a of st atical datu will tnk e t r aining in WPA od ult an informillt io IN Illll lll j!'. LCLllll.Ull=-+o4I~~>tt--elt~e;r-th'i-s-'\...;nt<:lr;--bmrl-l~ -- .~ ., .--cipalitie an d townshi ps. is Ilvai !- yoa l' the r rg isl l'lItion wa s 100.000. able f or dis tribut io n t o . sc hools Th e WPA cl' f oe5 will have a total librari~s, u nivel·" a nd other in- e nr o1l111 ~r. t al most ItripJe tbe co mStitUti OIlS ns wpll as Lo inte~' ested bin d ~ ro llmont of Ohio's fortyk. .· . individua ls. SecreLur y of tate one co ll eges un :! uiv.el'sities, Mr. 01 yan t suid. ApPl~)xim!ltely 1400 Ken nccy PQin tcd Oul. I(' unemployed tcachelrs will be proOh in workers whose wages con - vided with work on the educatioo 'Kf s ist of lips will ha ve th eir une m- proj ects. IIl oyment co mp IE f tion bc nt'fit~ matc ri ally rcduc('d un l e~lI lhey 'l'e.. Mr. and Mrs. ;Hliro ld Whitaker port t o t heir el11ploy!'r~ the fu ll and chil dren ' spent Sunday with a moun t of li p recei ved w ~ekly . Mr. and Mrs. Marion Whitp.ker Director FI ed L. Bieche lc of tho nrid son a t Cincinnati. ~~ .
State Capital News
666£€L~D~ WYATrS GRill
MUl10ns of wers feel ·t hat they get quicker, m ore pleasaat, more effective relief from ALKA-SELTZER than from old-fashloned unpalatable preparations. That's why ALKA·SELTZER is more in demnnd than almost any
other aingIe item in the averag~ drug l.tore, . We recommend ~-SELTZER for the relief of au 011 ~h, Sour Stomach, Headache, Colds, "Momfng After," MUBcular Pains, and as a GarQle in Jfiftor Throat Irrita tions. W• ...allY it. . .'
11. ALKA-SELTZER for any or all of these discom.... :YoUr money back if it fails to relieve.
, Ia addition to
an ~esic (Aectyl. Salicylate.
of Soda), each glass of ALKA-SELTZEIt contains. a lkalizcrs which h elp to
. COITeCt those eyeryday a1lmel1ts due to Hyper-Acidity. In 30¢ and 60¢ packages ~t your drug store.
1'Leie .~t a STORE ill this town .... is . . ...., ... CAmi
Ewry 1liiie in OUR TOWN i, Lui ad aIDI.ded ~ iISRVI '\
' There isn't a BUSINESS man here who DEP.£ND..-Ibe ~~ in this town and surrounding territory £or ..... ~ af 1iI .1N. COME. .. , And it is the AIM and STEADFAST PURPOSE af ," ... 10 SERVE you ~ and thereby strengthen theCllllDflcill.alDillll ... sition of OUR TOWN. ' . . _ . . This town of ours is aNAllJRAL ahappiaa _ ) . " .. . . lor
aD·thIs prosperous regioo.
....... ' ... . .
The ~m aD kinds il MERafANDISE ...·...... clTRADINGS£R are~~ here u -.r.:~ PRICFS more o&en are LOWER4ec.e ....... '.... INfLAW. " . . This TOWN ad ill MEROIANTS 'willa 10 . . . . . fI 'fER. You ouaht 10 bow 1HEM beuer. . ' . . . Thia i.-.,.,...wLea·W!·.. do AlLaf.1RADIGAT'"
,. . '
Thursday. November 10. 1988
:zz:: ___ __ __
proved. lams 81C tlorry to learn of bel' de-a I h. . Mias Luken. spent Fri- They kn. w her as a. con ' cicmliou:l night and Saturday with friend, a woman of integrity of Phyllis Shida'ker. high standing and morals. Her lQss Mrs. Berlha Gray was> a ' Dily f~n will be d ply felt as a frl'end to visitor rhursda;y. au\' ·communliy. Mr. and Mrs. L. Kirk of Wilmi ng ' Mrs. John Sy£erd ton visit d their daughter Mt' . R. her motheT-ln~law. H. J iferies and family Friday. yferd. Mr. and IM~'&. Herry Ore an.d ' SIl\le1"l\1 i1rom he re t nttehded he f.amily of Daytqn spent Friday ' funeral f fMlary Leesh Adams. . with M'i'S. R. H . Jeffel'ies and fam· Mr. and Mrs. Ro'b ~ I· t Smal·t· and ily. family of Shuronvill e were the
Frank Wilson wall a businelll! vidtor In Wilmington Saturday. Laura Lovett has belln spending BOVOl'al days with h ~ siSter Mra. J ohn St wart. Ed Surfac.e is still oontined' to h' home. 'i Ms. M.a.l·Y Sytercl is much im-
. -,...
·'S'E!ilR-S ] re~~' ~~. mE~sic ~~l' hC:I~ WN
t( n sl'iling wculd give the COnljUnICl' flfte~n cr"t~ that wquld 'Ollt a mole and better g' t Ot· le ~i\ dollar o~· more ~ ere it no t C~r mar,s n: oney- and at H.e eame time L! ' ne" ( I'
pI'oductlon. whlc,h r educ s the ex- Cit industry, agricultu ['t! and laboT
pe~~ of m g nu~a~tul'ing and pack- Indepenc ent stores bnnded- toget h~ aglllg to th e miOlmUIl1. . or in central buying ol'ganizQtions Seo.ond, COme s efficiency in d:s- hffve foHowcd thi plan,' hnv& 11lI~
:~ :~dTl~;~. Tlg~~ll~a~~lJ~~hman
stud They rcnd t>Ted a b autiful p.ogr.llm and Fon' of ligo vi sited fr iends REA~ EST ~ TE ' al.ntgt.hC Fr iend~ church Fl'iday evcn- hCl T·u ~day. ' The Junior band of Our school INSURANCE ~ William. Bogan transacted busi. under the d il'ccti II of GI nn .8n('l1 AUCTIONEER ness in Wl/lynesv ille Saturday. is making I'apid ]ll'ogl ss. === Robert Gray visit('d his grand- "Jur.c in J an uury" will be given parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gray Tho sch ool junio r cla.s pluy Sunduy. Nov mb~ r 22 at th ~ gym. . Mr. and Ms. Hersh~1 Hild 1'bl·cc.dl und f!llllJily were out of town SHORTS AND MIDDLINGS visitol's SaLurday. R:aw apple. Ilrc good sourc es James Gillam sustained leg in- of both vitamin A and vita min C NOV. 1H ~ jUl-ics while operating a tar spread- which may be the r ('a son why o:d: Speu('cr Trll~Y l\llek('Y Rooney Cl·. timers ga ve them cl'edit for kef' p';UOY'S TOWN" Members of the McFerson ing the doctols away. Rt'cl' nt improvement in the dech urch willo hav been conducting Shorl-Our, GUIIIt' III 1\Iell III I"rlght services at the Town h ull are hav- mand fOI' fann prod'ucts may ining large I' presentations. All citi- crease farm ~ 1 s' inc ome enough fO : arc invited to attend. the estimatl'el drop of 13 pCl' cent zens NOY. 13·14' Waltel' Jordon and Mro. Bertha from 1937 levels may b<' Icsse ned Rollt. 'TILYlur . InMargllret Sulli\'llll Gruy werc Wilm-rngton visitol's s()mewhat. --Wednesday. Goodl soyhl'an hay has about the "THREE C01\IRAOE " Miss 'M1argaret Stan returned (0 sa me feeding value as good alfalher home in Dayton aft r bcing fa hay. If so ybean hay is fed ex. ~hort~lro CUy of Contrasl with he\' moiher 'WiJo is now con- elusively, it may b more aUsfac ~ NEWS OF TilE DA \' val~nt, Ol'y to use some high protein feed Mr. and Mrs. Will Hoover ae- other than S'O ybeans in the g,'ain . companied by Mrs. Lissie Curle ration. NOV. 16 motored to Lebanon Saturday. 'Feeding trials indicate that more By HarrJ' Eldridlle, Jr. Clalre W Inll80r Jllckle , 1\lorol1 Mr. and Mrs .. Tho.mas Welch leIt good hay and less grain can be f ed ' In fOT their 1t{)me at Fort Dodgt'. Ja. to dairy o.ows without lowering Thursday. production, and lives toc k spr.cia l· . "Bare Foot Boy" ' Rev. Weaver d livered a very ists believe that th ch ange will reNo. IS-Flnsh Gordon Tu l\lllrs Election's over- winter's' her". irtsplrlng ~orm On Sunday morning. suIt in lowered produ ction costs. A campaign to market hig h qU 91- 0 1' wrll on its way-g uu: aI co ile d ' Do y< 1I know one w;l d duck - " - - -- " Jlis subject W88 ,"He Sougtht Oil'- dogs I'un- und, the hunt ing S~I: _ fl (J ill· I nne. r? In this wel'ks "L ife" portunity." . it>, . d're cd poul try from Ohio son ope n for som 700 ,000 Oh io Irag' uz:n ar" 0111 (' beautlful color The Ladles societ.y held their thr,cugh chain s(OI'l'S in lhe slate hunters this coming Tuew: y. plat(, g of I he mOst C0l11111 0n Norlh monthly me tlng Thursday after- met a bani or when Inv(lsUgation tlf lhe boys gpt goo(1 bags 01' Am ric'u n duck. . It's wO I·th, any Some noO'n. disclos ed thoat thc requil'ed quality REAL ESTATE sq uilTels -almost none have · ta \; pn hant": ',; dimc just 10 sec 'em. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shaw en- could not bc obtain d in sufficient t,ertained relativE'S Sa.turday. volume f.rom COOpOl'IIUVe assacla, many ducks, 0 it looks like NOYl'm NOTARY PUBLIC ' bel' 15th with its opening of ra bA. wa rning to gamic hogs! Tw{!nMI'. and Mrs. Earl Hockett and lions here. bit, pheasant and coon sea~on Iy-flve 1110r o game protector- have daughter Ruth spent Sunday with Ohio faTn1el'S und liv e'stoc k mcn might also bring the ' firsl real dtl k I be l n :lddl'd to .ihe law enforcem nl Mrs, Sndie Reason. will be lo oki ng toward ChicllgO. sho t ing. Several f.ellow s just I C-, dept. f Ihl ons · rvation Divis ion Quarterly Conference of the 1M'. Novemb er G to December 3, to sce tUI'Tlr.d from d'Uck hunting on Lal, . nnd I' a d theck3 will b mad e all E. church will be held at abul'eh how products of Ohio fields a.nd Erie report plen~y of 'em out '- ~ ver !hl' " ate dn'ing the hunting December 11. farmyards compare with those the lake-way out! The only s hoot- season. , ~11 s~o.'lsml\Il should welMiss Wilma Hos ier of near from the \'e~t of the nution in the ing to . peak of is being done on con: e Jnls P. CIlVlly .to prot ct game Clat'ksville visiled Miss Phyllis Shi- twentieth annual Hay and Grain som e of the private mar's hes wh ue for ful ure hunting. daket· Sunday. ShO'\\' and Livestock Exposition. ' illegal baiting and f ding is beMr. and Mrs. Rhod'es Bunnell ing done. 'I'he crop of I'l;lbbi ts and THE WAY OF PROGRESS and, daughtel'S of WayneSVille spent pheasants appears ~xce lJent- if Sunday with Ms. Sadie !Wason. Two things are nee ssary to too severo \\~t[v\r doesn't drive MiS&' Lucille Tucker a teacher in bTing go~ds of all kinds to lh e con. Cente~llle, them all ' to covel'. Re member th '. e Cincinnati ' spent ' the week end at impOl'tant il ms-since last Tues- .'um I' lit th lowest pos.ibl e cost. her home. Phone 78JFir"!' Is efficiency in manufactda¥ NO dogs call ~e Tun a~ nig ht . Mr. 1IIJld> MIrs. Willard MartIn uring. In this, Amcl'it's leads tit until dIe coop sea op 0]:1 I1S Qn thl who have been visiting Mrs. Mary t h; shpoting of ra.bbits and world, You can buy a cal' fol' $800 15 Syferd returned home Sunday. pheasjl.nts..doe.iI nl't ,tnt until 12 thnt wou ld cost $20,000 if it wer.e IMr. and Mrs. Clallde Basbor noon Tu cEdllY; only 'one dars bag ma de by hand. You cn.n buy a sO.n of ne!lr Wilmi.ng1ton visitOd: cf g,al11e allow<ed in pe"s,('s iOn (ex_ Mr. and Mrs. Harry McVay Moncept duc ks)., We bee n a sked day. about the number of sh()lJs al!owed Mrs. Spenc r. member of the LOOK LOOK in YOUI' gun while hunting non. LOOK school faculty is confined to her c• 11h.e only limit ml p/'atory @ 'am home owing to illness. Mrs. William On Xenia Theater on hells in automatic and pump Luken of Wayncsvillo is SUbstitutStage ROOT' FOR ' AND CONSICN guns is wh"n hunling duc:k s- three ing fOI' her. ,our Cattle, belas, 'heep alld calv.. sheJls In total. There ' i!~ no oth e)' "Glenn Hughes and his Mrs. Annn Viru;on spent Satto Norrill-Brock C"., live wire ant but in our opinion if a bi rd limitprorreaalve tb'lII the 'hll'but u~' day night with her granodaurrhRound-Up Gang." 01' rabbit can't be hit "with three market price. and good teme., tel' Mill' Wilm'ngton. . THURS. Nov. 17 U.ioa St.... v......• C,lnela_tl, 0 shots- hc · hould get away. Mrs. Ella much im· -Tune. In on Radio Station' WCK,\ One day only with screen U! :211 to 1~ :80 p. m. for ,our daD· proved. Approximntely 4,000 sma II market repor18- . Friends of Mrs. Mary Leeah Ad~ attraction mouth ba ~. rock bass and bluegills wei Tee iv d last week and libera ted in Wal'r~n County aging from G to 9 inches in length Friday - Saturday undet'-ilirection of Gam e • ,, I Pro tector Hines and u.fIicials of . lh . local Fish and Game As n. The I' -SCREEN.. .. ba1!S W I'e fin.e hatchcry fish avcr"GIRLS ON PROBATION" - uno peaking of f ish. Ray DuJano Bryan-Ronald Reagan Miss Frances Farmer, screen ac- gan's Dad broug ht buck a 3 1-2 thc I • tress. caught by candid camera 00 poundor from Paint Creek Contlnuoua 8how. O.IIy visit to the grounds of the Nrw other day just to show it can be I Adult. Onl)' 150 'Til a P. M. WaYDeavWe . ' PhODe 7 York World's Fair 19~9. donel ... ___ n__
rac~aRe of breakfa!\t food for
Twin Theater
tribution. [t does the co n.'tl m er no g ood if th<! conomi <'S ma de )'0 Ribl by I" ff : ci ~ nt pl'udu ct:on IIrc off sr" by in ffi cit'ncy in distlihulinn. Thus. 1I13SS eli . tri bulion . II ilh :l tl'(" llI('nd ous tUI n V(' I' whie h' permits of <'xtr mely ~ m a ll uniL PI'Orit ' n each transaction, "is vita l i" 11 h ip h sl:lndal'd of living. ILI'<' aguin Am cr icil ha::; !lUain ': d world Icacl('nhip. The cha in !< t IC indu st ry. Ii" aling in foods, ha rdwure. clothin!!, a nd, othe r conSUlr.<,rs I II'd thl' wily and d elTlon ~ t l'atgooe.. d c nclu siv<'lv, I I11\ t IUI·jl'('·scu'c .
prov d theil' stundal d f & 1 vi ce the con sum er. and linve 8U CCE:'SSfuJly rrJlt chain <;ompctition. \\' ha t Am ri ru' net'ds nOIV' is std l i(r<':tter f' ffiei n ty in dh.trib uti ( n. nUl In, !;. Th l1l1!' ilgell ciNI whi~h haVe nell ie\' d so mu ch in th o past m;_t be 'ncouraReu \.0 go r. hf'l ad and ne hi ev,' " till III 1'(' in lhe f uture. Th at is lh ' way uf PI'og': e "&--u nel . of b. llll'ing the 1... ( cr a' i t he p ~ pi,'. 10
V. !\T. ll eb"il i ~ qu ite i I t t h 's hOl11e 11 aI'll !l:'Cl t. ~ uffcring f .. olll a hf' urt ailn1l'nt.
-----_ ...
Lard Cans
---... ...---
Numb~r I, 50-pound fuJI weight. A heavier
can than tlingle individual tltores . are obliged tQi charge you SOc for
J. B. Chapman
.Fairley Hardware Stores
· • " . " artln F r M Auctioneer S~TISFACTION Or No Charge
Compare quality and price. Try and match it.
Save the difference at
The> New Ford-'
Now On Display At
.. -- . - _1- .
,- _
It,e 'Oller a satisfactory ServicfL.. at all times
''Bank Night"
14 ' l "
' McClure Funeral .H ome
-..-..- -
IS" YOU,"" l.I,OV IN NIL1:S wl40sr PACI IS "LI. , COVERED ' WIT...
S~II.I!S .
If You ·Are In Need Of " ~.
J()b Printing
•< ."
Miami 'G azette .
When Tou're nervO¥!' theY tell 'ToU to' relax. advice to Rive, but mighty hard to follow. ou will find it 'much easier to relax-to 0vercome SJeepJeiiuma, Net'VOUI IrritabtU~ ReIt~ . IeIIDeII, NervOUl ~. after .TOU ~e . . ... ,
Will' Call
' Comedy Short and
'Metro New.
1IIt. . . . .t . . ..
DR. MlLES NERVINE iJ a well Imowu nerve ." lledatlve. Althou.h the lonnum from whll,lll It' was made baa been in tile lor nearl,y 60 yean, 110 better medicine for a ~; owr-wrowrbt , nervous condition baa ever been prescrlbkt" DR. MILES NERVINE Is 81 IIp-to-dilll u thiJ mortllll8'l paper. , . - • '
.. - - -- -. _
Local Happenings
...-... _.'
-~- g -
-'. -.
Mr. WQodl'Ow OW"ns from :pringtlelJ spent Sunday with h r paNnf. Mtr. and Mu, Van Ami'
ta . XI .. Helon Sheehan of Sprin,
_ !Z .
end guest. (If Mr. and Mrs.' A. • DAvidson. Mrs. Mal·k Walker and sister, Mi Lllura Merrill, spent u few days Il'st we ok with relatives in Mansll eld. . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Evans were Sunday iuests of Mr, and Mrs. Evans Hatfield. Mr. and Mre. O. O. Cupp were afternoon callen In tho Hatfteld home. Mra. Vanco I)"vl, and lonl, Ervin, Edwin, Earl and Ernest, spent Sunday with MI'. and Mrs. Charl (!1 G\'ahtltt\ Itt CentervUle. Mr . . and 1\1I'S. Maurice Davis and fan\ily (If Dayton and Mrs. Flora Runyan spent Sunday a s the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Runya n lind famil y. Mr. and MI's. Ralph Kuhlman
School News
Buy Gillum Farm
Free lecture On Christian Science
";'t '
M~"" 01 t.he Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church Obprcb of ,Chris,t. ~cie'ntist. in BOllton, 'M~3Sachu setts
IN MEMORIAL HAU First- and St. CIa iI'" Streets f,
Now we are able to supply a full ILAUNDRY ' SERVICE out· customers, wet wash, :rough dry. budget! thl'ifty, dry and DeLuxe. ' ..-Specia I attention to bachelOl' bundlles, men's
!~~l~I=~;;~VEMBER 17
Jam.. FolleD, by admlnlltrator. to Ro.. FolleD, plot in Lebanon. John Ray Kinder, by aheria'. to Doris J. Kinder, real, ~lItate in Franklin twp. ' _ Oallsta Spencer to Marie S. Hays, two plo~ In Si)uth . Lib-' anon. Gu)' and Dorothy F. ,CutberIOn to Anl\ur and Lnll~ Fltld,
.oro. In Hamilton twp, Ltwle H. Un,IOIb, to Hiv. Orillt, UO aort. Itl' J'ran1clln twp, Fred O. and Art)' Jamt!' to Dew. ey anaGI.dYI Sm,lth, lo,t itt IUIIT l,B
Vallt)' 'WQ a week en4 rUNt of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan. Mr. And Mrs. \V. E. Stroud, Mrs. Maude tlln" and Mrs. B. T. i~ att ...nd d th funeral of tl\ciT aunt 1I1TS. David' Biddle at Williamstown Ky .. un Wed'!lesdny. Mrs, and M ~ . Elmer Sh eehan hAd us unday dinn er guests Mr. rock tt nnd - - - - - - - - - - tll\d 1011', dnught r lara Cleo of Springbo· l'O, Mr, and Mrs. Dearth heeha.n Mill Velma Koeller, Corr, and daughters Bernice and Jean· n ttc. Sundey afternoon call r ' in· , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wells c1uded Mr. and MfIS, Jerome Dono· spent Sunday with MI'. ::md Mrs. van a nd dauf;htCT Ie!een, Mr. and Robert Roser. ' Mrs. Arlhu,r Donova n and ~on Several from here attended the David and Mrs. Carrie Donovan of basketball game at Franklin, Fri · day night. Delaware. O. Rev. and Mrs. Hill took Sun· ,Mtr. and Mrs. Albert Kreeli ng iJf day dinner with MI'. and M13. Ft. Mitchell. Ky. were w<'ek nd Leslie Gorsuch. guests of MI'S. Marlha Hendelson. Mr. and ~r l'~ . Bert Bunnell a nd Rev. Lacy and daughter Lorna . daughters spent unuay with Mr. Vaughn Mullen of Beulab Be~aTd, Mrs. Rayrpond and Mrs. Conner and daughter Sarah. Char- Springboro. Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Emley enlea Ellis an'd MTS. Elliot were among the Waynesville people tertained at G o'clock dinner Mr. and Mrs. Earl David son and son, bearing Homer Rhodehoo.ver at Mr. and Mrs. Ral ph Stowe and Memorial Hall. Dayton. SumMy children. evening. Mr. and MTS. J ohn Sheets of The Mi ~8es Trillena and Marg' Springboro and MI'. and Mrs, Pera1 et Edwards 'Were over~ght guest ry Wade were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Morrow Mo~ay ~f the ir sister Mrs. W. B. and family. RUSIIum of Dayton. The Edwards Sheets MT. and Mrs. Evan Retllllick sister" are planning to l eav~ for and daughter, Marjorie, were Plorida t41e latte part of the week. Sunday afternoon callers at the \Mr. ~ nd Mt:S. Howara She.eter home of Frank Schwarztrauber m~ved int~ the Grahllm properl y on and family of near Middletown. Mr. and Mrs. Morrow Sheets 4th treet this week. Mrs. Reba Braddock spent th.e and daughter, Elizabeth, were Middletown visitors Satul·day. wtillc end !With her mother, Mrs. Charles Roser, Mr. and Mrs. Cora Rieh. Clarence Lindsay left Monday to Mr. Van Pelt is recuperating spend the winter in Florida. Mrs. Carrie Keuter of Leb· nicely at the hOmle of his daughanon spent Sunday afternoon and ter. M.I'II. Morris Fulkerson. Aerograpb showing maiu highways wbich lead from New Jersey, • Mrs. Chal'les Ames is st aying at evening with John Koester and Nnw Enltla Westcbester a nd Island to tlte grounds of the the home ot her brother Irwin, family. Whetsel tols week helping to care ·Trends in Old Hinduism' by Mrs; for her mother Mrs. Maggie Whet.. W. F. Clark; Qu cltations by Mr3. Bel who suffered a stroke of par' J , V. Lacy and Mrs. J. B. Crabbe; Mi.. Stella Gib'OD, Con. alysis Monday. 'The Task Still Unfinished" by Mr. and Mrs. Charles MooorMt's. J. W. White. Th e sophomori? cIns hel d a The hostess was assisted by well of Ev~n. DI .. 'Wtel'e called Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellis and w in('(' rOllSt at the Furnas , amp , Mrs. W. F. Clark in sel'ving reo he,.... beeauBe of the death of their freshments after which the meet· family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken· MonollY evening. cousiil, Mrs. Mary L. Adams. Tn::! s nior cIa, s will have a ing adj ourned to meet with Mrs. Old, /1'ashiorlM!ld box ~oclal and! neth Laney of Utica Wednesday party at t he 'horne of Wyl od'n Day in .December. apelling bee, sponsoreCl by Women evening. veiling. 1' his Mrs. Robert Green and , daugh. Ku rfis , Tu.e£usy 01 St, M'ary'1II Episcopal church, ters of Dayton 8pent Thursday was fil st intended to be a wein I' Mission Gl'OUP at Grange Hall Friday evening. evening with Mr. and Mrs. Hiley , Gib/Jon and ' f~ny. roB!ftt and. <hay· rule bu t was ch an~- Elects Officers Nov. 11. at 1:80. I . : _ _ _ _ _ _ __ , Mrs. William Coleman and Miss ed due to the sudd n change 1n lIARRVEYSBURC ITEMS ' Dorothy Moxharm visited Mr.1 the ,yle ather. Society of the Dr.. W:' S. Lo'ck.e and wife. Mr. ,~nd Mrs. Harold Kellis and famThe f!rst gan: · of t~ , 5",a' On wi'.1 ; be played at J.effel·son in Mon tgom Chul' h of Chris'\; at a meeting and Mrs. Haxiry 'Sim'Pkinaon and lIy Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Richard ' cry county on November I] , The held last Wednesday. H'1S8 Grace Evans. all of Cincln1'111'5. FI'ances Braddock wa3 hades 1181". were Sunday afternoon a-uests and daughter, Jessie, of Dayton probable li n 'up will bo: vice·president; Mrs. Julia elected sp.ent Sa.turday with M\. and Mrs. Collett and Robel t PreRt(lln. f or. of.'». and Mrs. W. C. -Tichenor Smith, secretary; and and Mrs. Hiley Gibson and family. M "The Springs." 'd M CI C ward. Robe-I't Plunck and Robert Eva Burne tt, treasurer. , rs. arence taw- CI d d H Id R th . ,Mr. an ,'1(J::8. Lida Hatton, Mrs. Van ford 1111'S . Planck amI Mrs. McElfresh entertained about /ifty rela. llTy, guar s a n aro U Cl" llen..lJaer Gaines anldl daughter tives and friends Saturday eve- ford , center. had ' churge . of th4! program. "The hallenge of the Great · MisNaIKlY Maxwell Gaines. ~lIed on ning for their son Lewis on his The p emocracy clasr held sion" by Mrs. , Jlennie Bradley: lifT. and Mrs. Ticheno.'f Sunday af- sixteenth birthday , with a ham· mock el ction Monday in t.etnoon. ' burger 'fry. sc hool. Th e resul ts were: awy r "The Chall enge of Those Who Mrs. Robert Green of - Day· 191. Bl'ickCl' G3. Taft 78, Bu)kl~ y Have Nevel' HeBlrd the Gospel" Mrs. E ula Spitlell', Mrs. Williams ton, Mrs. George Marlatt and 7't. and Mr ', Lizzie Hole: "The Chal· Mrs. Emerson Dill spent Tuesday Tho stu d nt body h.eld a pep lenge of Those Who Rejected the GENNTOWN.. evening wit~ Mr. and !\frs. Ever· s: ion Friday to acquaint tl1rm Gospel," Rev. W. C. Smit,h. ett Bunnell and family. The next meeting win be with Miss Stella Gibson spent Thurs. with new chee~' and songs. Mrs. Mildred 9ampbell at Lytle. , Mr. , and Mrs. Georce Jeffery, day night and Friday with Mr. Teache~·. Meel inlr MTS. Harold Kellis and fam· Mrs. Kraus 'and daqbter.: EDlDIA, and School will be disn1issed on the Ily. , Mr. aD'd Mrs. PHd JC:t&u and Miss Laverna Shielly spent Sun. d,a ughter, Buth. of oaklai call- day with Mr. Bert Marlatt and oII:\1tCl'n 0 on. , of. Monday ' 1'4ov,sml¥ll' 14 to permit the y/a;'11esville tc.ach ed on-Laurd Carter ' Smlllay, crs to attl'nd the Won en County ' lIrs. Evan Hatfield. apellt Wed- son Edmon .. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dil; and Tea ch ~r's m cling to be held at nesday with ber . niece, Janice son, Ralph, were Xenia vi~itors Meredith, who Ja '. ,student at Saturday. th.e Carlisle school. afternoon /lind Dr. Frank D. Slutz, noted lecMiami Universitfr Oxford. evenin? Pupils CI'om Wan'en 'cou n turer and edu~ator, Dayton, will lIr. and Walter ' Wadsey 'scho ols will pl'ovide music for speak at the aft,ernoon and eveworth ~nd family were Sunday the pl'o!!,ram. Robert Pt'cston Dlld I nin g sessions t o·f the Warren Iruelts of Mr. and Mra. Gene Earl Eal'nhart will r,end.c l' vo ca l Cou~ty Te~ch,er'B Institute ut Witham. !'lolo. fr om ou r chool . 01'. Ft:nnk Carhs l~ Mond~y; Miss Mary Runyan spent Fri· y 0 Gblenll\1 SPRINGBORO. A minstrel D, Slutz. national y kn own relig. S MlluslcaHI numbbcrs bR day night and Saturday as the arveys lurg, sa e !! . d ' , ne, will be given by the P. T. A. at guest of MilS LiZette Dilatush in the school house this evening. End 10~ S an edu~al.lOna l lea l I' Will Carter, ,S pringboro, and Margarut Lebanon. bnng the pnnclpal addl'c$Se;.. Hurst and Dorothy Robertson , . .P,iu. Fred Webater visited Mr. men will be George Haueke, J. Harveysburg, wiil proceed. Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Stroud at Ma- W. Holt, Howard Stitzel, Fred Slutz's address in the afternoon. Taleton, Curtis Beck, Ernest "India' Topic" At BOn, Saturday. . Music by the Carlisle band, Mr. and 'Mrs. Lester Frye, Mrs. Pickering, Ralph Hartman and Robert Preston l!lnd Earl EarnMissionary Meet P~arl Wells, Miss Lido Frost, Lester Gorsuch. hart, Waynesville" will be includ,Mrs. Glenn Bland and Mi6s Mus Mary Frances Frye. Messrs. Elmer and Dick Haynes were Tbelma Kessler, P. T. · A. pres:· WAY NE, VILLE. - Mrs. ed on the evening program with : dent and mUllic instructress reo Sunday dinner guestl of Mrs. Geol'goe !\fills ent erta in ed memo Dr. Slutz. spectively, are in charge of the bel'S of th e W. F. M. S. of the M.ary Frye. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harsb- minstrel. Thirty men will be M. E. church at he l' home, Wed. Cincinnatians ' baeer of Hillsboro were week- in tbe 'chorus. nesday aftern oon. Mrs. R. D. Co llett pre id od ,in the absc nce of thc presid e'nt. Mr s J. V. Lacy .. SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. DAYTON, O. The sale of lthcir 55·acre farm had charge of uevotio ns tnking for he r subjcct, "His Kingdoill 011 the Oregonia IPike by Mr, and . annoum:es a -His Love," Mrs. Allison GilIu:m to Frank and All intercstin g pl' ogrum hau Rose Baker Moreno ot' .Cincin· been prepared by Ml's. A'. K. nati was ' announc:ed this week. Day as follows : "In dia. It'~ Size" , The purch~ers plan, to im· by Mrs, Coll ell ; "N otes Co ncern· pl'OVC the' pro Berty and make it ing India" by Mrs. J. P. Ft'omm their home. T. C. Cbrlstie hand· ENTITLED-CHRISTIA N SCIENCE . and Mrs. ond Conner; 'New led the by
. _"
IOe. All rnendiI\g and buttons
Quick Cleaners '
Waynesville Katherine Mendenhall __________ ~-----~I!'--. . . --,:. =
view subdivision. Lebanott. Fibreware Corp. to Jay Leleh, lo.ts 679-81 in Franklin. Doris J. Kinder to Florence S. Gates, 50 acres in ,F ranklln twp • . Susan L. Gillum to Frank and . Rose Moreno, 63.89 and 1.22 acres in TurtIecreek twp. Doris J. Kinder to Fred Cart', 40 and 1.85 acres in Franklin twp. COMMISSIONER'S' REPORT Mason Super Service, $6.93; Smith's 'Servke' Station, same. $17.61: Miss Oma Knox, invalid care, $12.50: Ella Hoff, sam!!, $7.00: Winnie Gentry, '!aIllE, $7.00: Mra. Lloyd Bishop, same, $8.00: Leo J. Smith. same $10.00: L. B. Steele, anme, $6.00; ,F..I Kaiser, Bame, $5.00: Millard Bryant, same, $5.00: Helon Doughman, same, $7.00: Alice Arnold, anme, $5.00. Iva Nichola, same, $6.00: New· ton Stamper, same, $10.00: (Jem City Blue Print Co., tracing cloth, $2.20; Oregonia Bridge Co., steel, $64.70: Van Cllmp Stone Co., sand and gravel, $.tO.· 76: S. L. Grundstein & SOliS, pipe and boilers, $1,939.42: Cal'roU's s.ore, lupplies, 58e: Daytou Auto 'Partl, suppliee and part!!. $55.88; Lewill Motor Mart 00., same, $7.72: Jaeger Macblne Co., parts, $15.48: J. D. Adami Co .• Bame, $117.17. Taylor Tractor Co., Bame, $28.50: Lebanon Lumber Co., mot :S6 lock, Bash cord and labor, $4,76; George Krager, cast iron heater and inltallation, $89.00: W. C. Turton. coal, $12.50; Wilbur Swanger, lenicel as janlto!' II.t Memorial Hall, $50.00; A. N• New York Worlel's Pair 1939 In the heart of lrea~r New York Cltr. Rapp, eoal, ,9.00; Book /)'hop~ Tunnels. bridles, ferries. airports, water p&es-.ll are lDdlca.... carbon paper for probate court, ,3.00: Columbul Blank Book Co., forms lor probate court, were named appraisen. $S6.26. APPROVE SCHEDULE Courier-Journal. ch(!j!b for The schedule of claims, debts and liabilities of Esther Nun, clerk of courts, $4.01; H. M. executrix of the estate of Char- WiJlIama, coroner'lI eolt, $6.40: William Huf[ord, jr.. atampa lor les W. Early, approved. lherUf, '3.00: MUler Hardware, CERTIFICATE OKED refabric 2 IPl'lnp lor Jail, ,S.OO j A certificate of transfer ' was Dr. J. H. Arnold,' examination, granted Raymond Follen, execu- ,12.00: Drs. Edward and Robert tor of the estate of Charles Fol- Blair,, '14.00: Dr. O. L. len. His firat and final account SEEK TO ' La~an, lervicea, '5.00. was filed. MAI\SttALL LEINS Joseph and Omer Fedders do· ACCOUNT FILED J. Frank Gallaher, ing business as the Fedders Sup· Co. ,entered suit again:lt trator of the estate his first and final Mia, C&ra,r. Con. American Bank to marshall ' leul account. The plaintiffs NAME APPRAISERS on real estate. The , court appointed AI Mc- , Mill Anna ' Sl,u~ker h~ been were awarded a juagment of Graw, Menard Delph, and Juliul a vlaltor dlll'lDa . the week ot $419.98 and costs in the court McGraw as appraisers of the e~ Dayton relatives. previously. ')(111 Hannah lordart entertain. tate of Charles F. Wellman. ed be.. friend. Mrs. Ella Barlow) APPROVE INVENTORY of ' Dayton. fOl' Myeral da,s last The court approved the jnven- weelt. .' to~ of Charles J. Waggoner. ad· Mr. and Mrs. J., R. Blteman ALLOW FEES mrnlstrator 'of the estate 01 and IOns, Edgar ' and Jean wore The court allowed $400 . re· Hulduah A. Blackburn. Sunt4)' alternoon callers ' ~f the ceiver fees and $750 attorney RuLES ON ITEMS ' fees to H. J. Corwin anu J. T. Th.e court ruled on items in A. B. ' Talm&&"e family. Riley. respectively. the will ot Anna Snider and ·In. . Mr. .a~d Mra. W!'yland Jordan, volved in the~ suit of Marlon Sni. ~nd family, Mlasee ClaJre, Joal} PLEA GRANTED and Rutb and John, of Clncin~ Motion of defendant to strike der, executor of the ~state again III ~ati we~e dinner cuests at tbe ft'om the petition granted and Edward F. R,p at and others. Jor~an home, Satarday. , 15 days to plead 'further approv- REPORT APPROVED, Connell ~ Wilson of Clevelund FILED ACCOUNT ed , by the court in the suit or The COUlt approved the rellorl who is attend inc Wilmlnaton Mary Schmitt, as administa'ator of sales of Anna May Weat exe. C;:ollege ~ a pest over ' tbe of the estate of Oliver Schmitt wcek-end of hIS relatlva. Mr. and o.utrbt of the estate of agllinst Mabel p. Oolter. Mrs. Almon Ferris and Mr. and , Deardoff rnxecut~'lx filed her SENTENCED Mrs. Sherman Ferris. --PI\:~~~~~~;;:~illt~~!!fc~~~;!ti:;ii-;~ft:~~e · AlSah....Ta1- . an'd.' entering, . ....!J!abaqe,-"Mrs. d J i charge of James Clark 'was sentenced to transfer. m3ge an ell e Gf&rner 'Were Wdlne-A_,- afternOon callers at ACCOUNT one yea!: in the reformatory at FILES of 'Morris Brown and Mansfield: Oharles J . Waggoner filed hi:! the h ome first _i' ti I ,qi8~er• . Mfaa near Ceot··'rFEES ALLOWED . anu lila accoqnt 88 atlmlll' '11 ~ Fees of $150 to the teceiver Ish'ator of the estate ' of Enlma VI JO't ' III W "1 ' B. Price. () n . ' ilson and Hra. Mary an d a Simi ar amount for his atWillOn, of Lebanon, and Orv:1Je tomey -were approved in the Wilson, of Dayton e were' Sunday matter of Benjamin L. Coulson dinner ~elta of Mr. and Mrs. 'lgainst Ella I. and John Riggle. G Almon Ferrll. SALE ORDERED eorge R. Sanders, 23 laborer. Mta Mary '~thel Sama, who has r.nrl Mrs. J ane HoUand,' 18, bolb been a d t i B tha The sale of real estate in the of Harveysbu l'g. Colored. ' rna en n e ny for matter of Robert S. Witham a few weeb, spent over Sa! ul'Joseph Per rott. 21, hoorer, day night and Sunday 'With her against Pearl Eifert and others ordered. Commissioners named Mason. Hartwell, ~nd Sybil Durhalll,'. 18,. ' S parenta, ,Mr. and ..... -.- Cl..ode were W. H. Irwin, Jr., H. D. /: If' tl Sl h ams and IlOna. ' , McVay and E. W. Losh. . re l:l W an, ~3, farmel', Orvme Wilson. navton, John Clarksvillc, and Ruthanna Hllr- M WUso .. ORDER DISBURSEMENT vey, 21, Waynesville. • n and Mra. Ma1')' WUDoris J. Kinqer, a defendant, To' son, Lebtnon, were Sunday din. elected to take property at the .• rank Merkel, Jr., 22, De~rcft, ncr gue31.l1 of Mr.' and Mn. AI· appraised value of $4,700 in the Mich. and Bertha May Leonard~ mOD Ferris. matter of Dorothy May Kinder son, 18, Lebanon. , -----:----against John Ray Kinder and Eldridge Parker Herrincton Si MJAMIA QUARTERLY others. Disbursements of pro- mechanic, and . Geraldine 'M~ Mia • ' ceeds ordered. Lediord, 21', both of Lebanon. ' ml Quarterly , meeting of DIVORCE , GRANTED , Friends will - , held 'Sunday, Noy. A divorc~ was granted WIl18. Br. J. Elliott J~y of, O~· liam 'T. Bachelor from Frances A forel. Ohio win speak In the afterE. Bachelor. Plaintiff sued Clyde E ..Malin to . W. ' H. Hill, '!I\IOOn at 2 :30 on ,"TJw!J Cure ' for" through his father, Charles ,Bach- 1.79 acres Itt Hamflton twp. . Propaganda." AU IU1! _ ,. eror. ' Rosa Graf t~ Clara Harrini'ton" . ' COD\~. • .242.88 acres 1D Warren co. , NOTICE OF APPOINTNIENT . ' 1\ Elwood Ault to H. C. and, Lula Aaai."trat' · ~t~~~ ~~~A~~R ~~~~~n, 95.80 acres ,in T~~ ! ~Eat&te ' o! Ra~hel A~rplittit. DeThe court set amount of ~~es Grant and Pearl Dittn,ara to ' ceued. I , ' to be paid , by beneficiaries of the Ho)Vard' E. Barnett 64 ' ~II In' - Notice I. hereby given tb~t L. • estate of John W. Scull and iliso' Hamilton t w p . ' .,,' 'W; Cba,!~eJ' wbote POlt 0(110'1 named , those exempt. Or~~~o O. Moore to n.en ill~ Addre.. Is R. No. :2. WQ1ie.. (\DM~T. ~ILL • , bert and ~yrtha Nobl,t; , 20G.U ~. Ohio, has been dul, .pPolntThe w1l1 of C,l arence ,t. Shurts, a~~~s in Salem twp. ' " . ttl .. AdmlnlatratOr of ,tba late. of Mason, .admitted to ~1'0' ", Kilpatrick-French MotOr. Car o~ Raehel A. p~tit late of bate. JOI!!ph Sburta and lohn ~P., by ,sheriff, to LebtDOD CIt- County; O~ deeeaIecL ~ Gallaher named executors. Izens -National' B~Dk, rilaf..tate -- Deted ~.8lat da • " ADMINISl'RATOR" in Leballon\ . 1988 ,,, ' 01 October APPRAISERS NAMED Lbretta K. Zetv to Geol'l8 A . ' , Hownrd Archdeaaon wu' nam, Keller, loti 67-71 tn LovetUad C. ~d Dilatulh. ed to a!iminiatel' the e!ltate 01 Parle. Deerfteld twp. ' . ~B B. Clnra Arehdeaeon. late of Way. , Frank C. Kinder to liarrtd .fa. of the Pro... neaville. A. K. Da" O. ~ R. Ma, Kinder and oth.... two tneta . Watrea Comi~ ~nalesbJ and 80.. .a:an.ock in Deerfteld ~ r.New••• 10. 7 · '
Warren County Court ~News NEW CASES FILED
o:wc~: Bti:CH GROVE
J. :r.
E. R. M r, .,!9 '
•• WHOLE N l1BEH :I:Jr,n
As Reserves Win
JeUerllOn (Monteo.try County) twuDpled onr the)Oclll .,arslty, J!'r'I· day nilbt aD tbe JeUerson floor. 'nit loMl team was traU:ng' at the halt, 2& to 10, and at the end 48 to B6. However the Retenea won tht opellllll pmt 18 to 16.
T AX!iJ8 DUll NOV. 19',..
George B, Johnson bIlB announc·
Local Happenings .. ••• •
MIs8 Mildred Mason of Xenia, TP was tbe ilIeBt of Mr. and Mrs. Bert B II' JEFFBRSON 12 C. HartBOck and family, Sunday : 0 6 WarDer o aDd OD Monday, Robert Walton, of o o Bder itl Dayton, waa a lUelt In tbe Hart. • 8 o 8dl:ell S BOel, home. 2 Larltln ' 1 2 o 4 Mra. Henry Watldna and daucb· I:tecllorcl S 6 ter, MrS. Leo Conner apent WedneaII W..t 2 day with the latter'S B'Bter, Mrs. 1 o Coy o o o HarUey Banta of JefferSon. Nof"l~er 1 o Recller 2 Mri. Mary Osborn of Lebanon 18 24 2 48 ylsltlng her niece, Mrs. CharleB TP Ames and family . B II' Wa)'UenUie Robert Duke has entered the 1 6 8 Collett 5 Unlver8lty of Cincinnati, where he 1 II PrMton o will take a cour8e In landscape de· o o IUber 2 algntng. o 1 4 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mo.lnoUB and '2 o !\Iltbtrford 6 SOil Dollll~ vial ted re)atlves In 2 1 PlUck 2 Dayton, 811I2d.", (ll&ry o 2 Mre. Eliza McCollum Of 0][for4 8 10 26 Is a lue.t of her slBter, Mrs, John TIle Dental )lrolTam held Treadway thlB week, . uDd.r the au.plce. Of tfl'll Btate W, C. ~t. John left Monday for Ad CoIlDty HMlth Board will be Clarkavllle, Tell", wbere he wl\l drJied ,on In th. local IIchoola oa 'visit frlenda. November fa. Mr. and Mra. Harvey Warrick of The ArmlaUc. Day Pro,ram. in· Dayton CIIlled on Dr. and Mr8. H. 'E. clll4ed . the PfOIram ,Iven at Ar. Hathaway Monda}, atternoon, . UnctOIt eemetel'1'. Mr. an4 MI'II, Clarence Edwards and dau,hter aDd Mr, and Mr•. Chul. Ed.,..arda of Dayton were Bunday pellta at Mr. and Mra, ». T. ildwardl. . Mr. and Mrs. O. E . Anderton o.nd Mr., Addle smith entertalned tbe fol~Wlnc at Slinda, dinner, Mr. an~ Mr., Jamea BIll1Ie and daulh.· tel' Mary of Clnclnlla[l rind Hr. Pil MembtN of St. ...".. ~urch MrI. Harry Cook and 'Robert Cook aD partlclpli.l... JrltIl CIIUlen from Sp'rlng Valley" . _raJ ___,.. clmrebee tDIOUtll',1 "r. and Mrs. Lloyd Davie and trn Qblo .. 'a "",.al'd YO'f8ment falldlJ; aDd Mr. aDd MI'II. C. E. Illuloll IJa, BII.o..o. ...... X;: H . Andenoll aDd tamil, and Mr., A4-
ed that Saturday, November 19. Is the deadline for the payment of personal property taxes In the county without
- I John _F~mm entertllll.ud Saturday atterno for the 1>l casul'e at the!es o'f e O. F.l. S. who had been W. M. 4 r ing the past t n years, she ~a~ ~.rved a8 s ecreta ry 01 that A .;lD0Bt plessant flO· clal afternoon ~as spent at C Ia olose of Whlcb d&:llly refreshmcnts we re served. '
All remlttanl'es by mall bear_ Ing postmark of the 19lh wfll be accepted.
The followln r. !hdl C6 were present; Mrs. Ed ith .Harris. Mra. Emer. son EarnUart, u\.s, JOhl1 K e,,·~,-.ey, 11 ~~ Mrs. Roes Harta~ck, Mrs. Marold l'lIIrnhart, Mra. Jo~ n _;ettlcmyre nnd , Mrs . Ra.ymon4 Braddock. Two past matrpns, were unahle to ,be present-~~, LIII'I(.Ie B:n: d and Mrs. Edith ~ '('-dreu,s, "
_ Mrs. Emma Pierce of ToJedo was here SUllday and attended th e Quar-I terly J\.1eellng.
Loss $2,560 as Fire Razes
House on Sheehan Farm
Thllnksgiv :ng Duy falling Gn
the I'egu lul' publi cation dale or lhe 1'111 a III i ,Oazet h·. th e pap r Willi cOllle 0111
0 11
olh e, s
having ne\vs Items tor thnt issl!e a t'
requl's lrd to R!'ncl in the!r
muterlul one dllY eu rli er.
t he
~ctivltl e~
unll clC'l'lIl ' ncd ' origin deslrOyer! t .1 dwelli g houRe on lite farlll (J r I!: tllle r Sb e· DIIIl . Saturday n oo n , 'rhh was Lhe former Dr, .J il llles linin s Sl1nltariUIII building 1m 11 more Lhllll n h a ~ century ago 111111 whi ch thrived I;S ' 'lis" ,~ U"I' II il'e Sullou 01 West s u(·h 1111 iIl HI,ilIlU"n for IIIllny }' 'aI'\!, " Por 111 )la s t fe\\' ml) nlh s, the L' nlon ill vls.[' ug hp\, SIHlc l', Mrs. IlUllHC-:' llo11illay. butldin g wh (' 11 I ~ located south. l1 ' (' II 0(' up.e ' c1 as Dr. a nd Mrs. J . D. EI I ~ ot o( 0 _ oas l 0 f t ownI1a:, lumbus wcre gIIlests of Dr , U ll.! Mrs , It rCHille n('c by :'111'. a nd Mrs. Albeit Dyc Frillay evenlug. Drannock m!ilh er uf whom were home at th e lim e the hlnze \vD!! db · Miss Hebc(,<::l Dunha m of C·n· ci unatl spe nt th e IV 'ek e nd with cove rcd. 'I'll rc Itnll bee n ,no fi l'e ,n Itel' s isler, Mrs, Walter Sil ceItall th e house . for lWO days and ther·o was no eI cl l !' w:rlllg i n the Ullrll nud fo.mtl y. ~tory. wit re the fir e was first ilr. 0.1) 11 Mrs. La urence Surfnce fo und. .• I.... II timI CI11(..,r01I flJleut S'uIHrY W I I 1'lln~ WaYll csvl1i tire dl'pa.\'t. Mr, and Mrs. Lyman ROll sh a t In · dlullllpolis, mcnl r CSllund, d ami saved 1111 ot che contclIts or t.h house a ~, d tbe -Too l!e Rev. "nnd Mrs. I', . L. II Ilck · Olll buildings. we ll attentlell n "OUlllllll1ity dinner. The outer wa ll s whIch al'e of sPolL~ored by the Pea.ce Council a t brick I'e ms': n slandlng as do part Wilmington 011 the eve 0( ' A 1'111 · of lh e Intl er wa ~is. LOBS was esU. Ist!ce Oay . MI'· HUJ.!kwell intl'oc1uc· mat d by Mr. She :.Ian at near e tl to the gaLherin g th e prinCipal $2,500, 'ove\,ell by insul'Iln . sp<!lIkcr ot tbe evening, Bis hop Puul J ones. Bisholl JOlles is wid elY recog· nlzed IlS a ~en 4l e r In ih e p ace move· ment.
Local Happenings
Corr,' s pUntlen lS
l)r3et l('a~ J y
cOlllmlttce t' ngllgctl in the Alumn 'S"hoo\ LIbrary project word It ns tH'en recc!ved of the ileath or Geo. Miss Louise HartSOCk of Klllgman spent Sunday with bel' grand- 1._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.1 rgc P. James, ' 8 nt hlB home III SClltll Illst Jul y. The death of Mr. mother, Mrs. Lena Hartsock. Mr. .James . Icaves aile survivor of his and MI's , A . Z~, Ha rtsock and d a Ugl1 - \VA YNESVILLE .M ETHODIST dllas, Mary E , Cook ot Waynea,,:lIe, t er He Ien ClIme d own In the after. nHURCH Wben he attended high school Mr. \ noon and Louise returned home JumCM r sI ded In the brick house r, t Sunday, November 20, 19:\ w1tb t:1em .In tbe evening, 9:30-'suDday ,Scbool- R D. lhe LII ru or the road Ilcar Ferry. Miss Marie Owens spent tbe H is family. moved tQ t.he state of Collett, Superintepdent. week end at her home In Delaware. 10 :3G-Worahlp' f;ervlce . Spec la~ Washington th e same year ot bls ~'II!B llpth Chandler of Cedar· T.llllnklBlvlPg lIery lce-1 Spe(;Ju\ DIU. graduation. The following Is from VI)11l gpen~ th~ WBf!k enll at the 11:1), llpeolal Than Hg!v lng serrllOIl, th e Sca ttl e Tim es of Jul y 19; Homo. Last rllcs were pertormed yester"Tbanka for God. ' Mrs. Be8 ~ l e Va n Winkle Is quit e 1!'11e . The L b- day for one to whose marked ab ility 6:00 Epworth Ill. Her daughter, Mrs. Eva SlmM!ss Doris While of Maso n was anon EPv.:orth wll~ viSit and put on quiet eUic"incy and tlre)css devo· mons at Clnclnnntl In compnny tbe program. The lo4~1 grollp wiII ['on eatlle owes much; a deht ac- 11. guest Sunday 01 Mr. snd MI'B. with friends visited her Sun lillY. Ilerve refrellhmen .... cumulallng through th e rfty yeu\'s Will Siroud anil SOli HUrold, J\lr. Mis8 Mame Browne attended the 7 :30-Evenlng ServIce. A Testl. during which · this city IWIIS the nnd Mrs. Lester tAregllr at Dayton F uneral serv;ces were conductEd 'sliver wedd': ng anniversary ot Ken_ many service (In the s ubj ect. nome of George P . J a.mes. The reo were after noon ca l ~rs . Ily Rev. J . V. Lacy at the Stubus neth Thomas on Sunda.y. Mrs. 'Mal tel' Sheehnn taugh l "Wbat Ifave I to Be Tban kfl, cord of his materlul service sta nds ~'uneral HOllie Monday a t 2 o'clock Mrs. Ciarence BerryhIU and Cor." to endure In steel and ma.eonry, tbe first grade Montlay morning :or Mrs. Mo.ggle Whetsel. 74, who d81ij1'IHpf CAlled on ~-nna U. and MONDAY uot ooly be~ but elsewhere In this far Miss Eva Reeder who waa at· pussed nWlly ThW'lIclny at the home Mnml) 1', Jl~ p-,vpe Satl/r4a>, atter· P"ol[lc Nortbwelt region whi ch he .tendlng tbe funeml of a relallve. 7: OQ .....aoy Srouta. 'lOOn, loved. From the time of his com. Mrs. Charles Allen and daughter of her son Irwin Wh elael of Chi!.. 7;30 Orohestra prElot:Jc'e, lI eo the. Ill, in 18 8 alm06t t() the en d h" Mary were Friday gucsts of Mrs. ;0 8: 00 Choir practIOE!. was continuous ly concerne<\ wltb Elmer l:l bumaker o( Fosters. Hel' ilcath came ns R resul t 'of a. MASONS ELECT WEDNESDAY tbe practical ways and m,eans ot MI'. and Mrs. J. P. Laniel<. aull s troke of paralysis s uffe retl the 3:45 Choir practice. ' co~m.unlty and. regional develop. Mr. and Mrs. S. J . Al\en attended previous . Monday. She Is 8urAt election Of officer. of Wayne~ OOMI NG l!lVEN'l' " ment. Some men do BUell things as the wrestling match al Memorial vlved by ber son Irvin of Chi'l1\ville f"od., No. 163. F: and A. M., Of!!ter IUplWr .aven bf the men cot he, two daughters, Mrs. ,Eth <l Tueeday night Ra;naon4 ftraddQCll for tbe ottlc'al hQarl1, and tile SUD- he did because it Is made worth Hail, Dayton, Tucsllay e Yenlng. their while; few have been 8 0 1m. Char~s ZImmerman, Davis !-'ur- Am\11l of Ih ls place and Mrs. Lydia .,..~ ChO.seD ae W. M, other oft[ceu day aQhOol o"loe,. lInd' teachera, were Jeaae J . Prendergast. S. W. their huabanw., ~tvfls and aweet· bu ed as hi) with desire to do such nas, Will Stroud. Percy Reaion Burton of Dayton ; ten grIlndchH_ thlnls because th ey are good for and Carleton Sherwood hcard the dren and &eYen teen great -grand. Roas Hartsock, J . W. Kenneth N. hearts. Mondal, eemher 5. others, and with somewhat les8 Boone CO,u nty Jamboree at Em.ery eblIdr.eJl.,&lId oDe ''''ster, Mrs. MILry Hough, treaaurer., Vern ¥. Arml- hi.,..,_~;;~~~;;::-::. tbn- IMreonlllrl'Y- cOlls!d"er lion . kuctltortlull, - ClnclnDat1~~nlcll\.Y ~Ml: ;o~on. 1ltIrlal- wB.B ·in MI~f. aa 0 -; Ib8tt It ere. tr, rdOD~. 1IBnu; .eCI1lft . . per ~Itb eelt. He wa..~ 1 loyal c IUz~ n ; a true nlgbt, Miami cemetery. ' Tue..., eY,nlnl at the bome S. D; Ermer Grove, J, D. Frank H . .a.ted one. da, ·laIt week III can. . . Of Mr. and Mrs. Jo.lah Danll. gentlemen whose faith Mrs. Rulph Hastings conducted Christian Farr, Tyler ; George' J. Waterhouse. Our revl\'81 mu..ting closed Sunclasses Monday flU 1M .~Ure tQWII of HJlIsboro Scbool.,.... dlaml.aed at noon trUltee tor three years. day evenIng. 161 being present at and slocer't.y Irradiated the I!veb Klndergart\en BIRTHDAY DINNER of all who kne w him well. _ mor. n 'ng In b ~bs~J;(LQLtb Cg . MODday that the teachers ml,ht at- Nam.. of tamUle. btlonlllnll to tbe the last servI ce. We bad good ulu teacher, Mrs. James Hartsock. aIC11.r's urlou c:".1'eheII tn tbe tOWD were crowds throughout the revlva!.. Mrs. Vloln Harlan waa hanOI" Mrs Dals)" Snyder Is IL guest at ~ triViD to tie .I~_ra , .f the .ar· ~eetlng beld at Carllate. There were two baptized Sunday guellt at two dinner parties last the hom e Of Mr8, George Har8h oua d .._I,.U~J'a. while tbe rest Mr.a. Mfred Stout and Mr •. Louis e vening. w ~k. given Ily her daughtere .1. man of 11 a I's ll nlllll , to_dIlY. (Thurs~~~ Jll'lecl to attUd and Join lOme Tbompeon had luncbeon and 'llMlnt We will now go buck to 9:30 a.. celebration of hel' b:rt bday annlduy. ~.~ Dvlnll thl.. weell BL lbe aftel'llOOI2 'In Dayton, Monday. on. Sunday for Bible "chool-. Mr. a nd I\lrs. J allies Hart.sock C:llcillnati . '~':~' 'mptaco~ Obqrc:h tJl Mrs. L. A. Gant, Yr •• R. ~1l1l Christian Endeavor at 7: 00 p. m. versary. and chl'ldren attelllled a birthday ..... .ta eoDclIlc:tlq a IIllalon, Mre. A. Ill. stout and .Mrl. Rueae}1 Preaching 7: 30 p. m. On Friday, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold dinner Sunday, given for Mrs. ....,ICM ..el')' eV~DI~Il, with the Holllday were; Illeita Of Mra. Jra Choir pract:ce Tuesday 7 :30 p. m. Earll hart cnteltnlned at lunctleon Mary COl'Dell of· On'hllrd Ul'ive, qn~ P. 8ymoDa of' the Brown In Franklin, Weduesday. T.he first home game of the Billie Study, WedDeeday 7: ao p. m. The Ladles A!d of the M. E. the foll OW in g, Mrs. Viola Harlan, Oakwood by her tour daughters. BJ Staff .. Mhetoiler. A Dr. and Mrs. A. JIl. Stout were In Waynesvll!la High Schoo) basketball Church held an an do.y meeting Mr. a nd Mrs. Charlcs Henklo of EVorett Hurlan , 1J1·. Mnry 1" Cook, ~t'" of tbe 'lIJation 1a. the Way- Sprlnlfle!d . Wednesday evening, team will be Nov. 23 wltb Bellbrook FEnnV OHURCH OF CHIUST Wednesday at the hom e of Mrs. " 'A HamJltou \Y cl:e g ueSl!! or 11'. ulHl Mrs, )i'mn cos R I'1l1l110t k . Blde cathedral, wbacta la belD, 'u ae4 where Dr. Stout ' attended a poet· Sea80n tlcket8 are now on sa~e. W. C. Smith, Minister. El mer Sh ee h an. t noon U Bumptu,Mrs. Ad am Mel~h Sunduy evening. Mr. and MI'R. Kenneth Hough hod for iime of, th. . .",tCCII. On Yon- graduate lecture at tbe Sh ..wnee Sev~n home gameB are Included on Sunday d Mrs. Ray OilS dJ'nner WU8 en Joye· lhe to!lowlng to Sunday IlInne r, M I M AI I lila I t M About twenty·flve members Of d.,. .. Ua. eilolr .01' St, .lIarf1. and Mrs. Stollt ipeat the evi this ticket. The prlceB are as folBible School, 91030 a. 111. 11 nous, , rs. vn rn IlIr, r8. the men's club of lh~ Baptist Mrl!. V;o la Hnrlnn, Everett Har!aq., W.,....rittII lid m.· nlile with trl~da; 'I .. ~ 1011'8; chUdren up to tbe Seventh Com mUll 1011 10: 65 Ill. Ill. Oharles Davis and Mrs. Rufus Wat·, church of Hamlltoit Pl "sented a Mr. and Mrs, B. '. Rclldlck and son .ical JOftiu III. Betty Harlaoc:'k of Clnc:ln- Grade, 5Oc; - Junior and . Senior Sermon 11:00' a. m· klos were _blrt:Hlny guests 01 the There were 128 In Sunday 8C:1001 .Ald, program at tbe M. E. Church George an d Mrs. I~thel McIntosh of , the Bwr..... ~ ...,... Dati: ....Dt the week with her par. HI pupils 75e, and adults $1.25. Sunday a(lernoon. TMs class 8ym •• UIe ~"llreh. enW, IIr. and lira. Bert Hart.eoclr. Quite a. aa.vlng can be ma~ with last Sunday with an offering of 1\1 1'3. A. H. Stu bbs chose f~o~r~d;;e·+tlilll~'.JIlIl!rn.b!!.lj!h1Il-Jl.f.-.e\j;JlLLJulOA..t-::-=-----------~;;-taldDIl • x.aJa UMI ·vI.. 8. 8ea.Dlon left. '1'IuIId,y r.-o,," ~ +t=h,...e purchase of a seasol\ lIcket. votionfl an art' cle cn tlt1ecl "We are drell m en. ' WUblnl Court He... ....., ,. .«:thill, "Inter home In Mlamt Florida. Tbe regular admleslon prices are $41.44. Tbe young peoples c!holr wUl sing not Poor" and lead in reciting the Miss E il een Hall 01 Columbu s alto . at of ChrIat CbIanb. IlQta. XI': and Ill'll. Kenneth EvanB and 10: 15 and 25 cents respectlve!~. A over WKRC Sunday m.o rnlng at 23rd psuhn. 'I'he treas ure r r"'""'rted -...... wne a. guest the la tte r pnrt of th( Betty Jean, 1111'. and Mrs. aavlng of 60c on sn adult ticket. 8 30 :' a . m.; Tune In. 11. balance of 19;;.2 3 In the treURUi'Y. week of Miss 'Margle Tinney. Doth OWn ElleY alld daughter Mar. Come out and boost our team. Frl 1'5, Joel Stoke!'; wns t: ho s~ I.1 to IICt young ladle'S were supper glteRtR Mrs. Ronald Hawke WRS host(:8S , .,Ialted Yr. and Mra. Walter day nlgbt, November 18 the team St. Mary's Episcopal Churcb as 1I ensurer during Mrs, Egbert" Salurday el'enln g o( Mrs. Leo Con. lO t.he Womau's Auxiliary of St. I, Elley sunday .afte';Doon, plaYa Bowersville. Rev. R. L. Hackwell. Minister fIlness. ncr. .\1a l·y·s Episcopal ch uroh last Fri. Sunday-Next before Advent. Illla:J~ liltillt.,,~.~M~rt~. JeDnle Planck had aa her Season tickets may be obtained Mr. and Mrs. Churles Alien Dnd day a!tel'noon at the Little Inn. Mrs. Bralltltrator led in two In'peata Jl'rlday,,;..Rev. CarJ from Mr. Ferguson or at tbe door 10 : 30 a. m.-Chu[ch 'School Pri_ terestlng contesls. The Ma~ ~ c Cnr· dRughter Mury were S und ay gl.l : SlB An Interesting program was enA c:omlliittM cf ,,1aiD1 Valley Smith, Mrs.. 8m1tb aDa twin dauch. on November 23. There Is a limited mary and Juniors.• pet, whleh was scheduled to appear of Mr. and Mrs, Austin Con ner. Joyed by the mem bers of t be o~ MrS. 'LIzIY supply of tickets so get yours early. 11 a. m.-Mornlng Prayer and ... 1'. A • ••abln .et, Jut weelt to tera, Bu.. ' FIBber, Mr. and ·Mrs. Murloll WhHuker gan lzation anil guests as tollows: tailed to come. Sermo.n, . fOnDula~ . . . 101' a fanner'a In· Ho"'!e. Ifr,i. Cliff Burnett, Mr. and The December meellng will be of Cincinnati were s upper guestR Pla nl) solo by Miss Betty Hartsock; Tuesday-2. p. m. - nursery with Mrs. C. E. Anderson. There Tue8day of Mr. anti Mr8. W. S, .. eporl~ of tbe houso to house • tUute· to " beld l~ the htcb aebool RUlIHll Martin . Church Schoo!. audltorh... on Janllary 11th. ThCMle Dr. and Mra. R. Wea'fer and win Ue un exohange of tcn cenl Graham. vass III Warren county were given ThurSday - Thanlksglvlng Day. gifts. pruent were, ChalrauiD IDarl Earn. son J .l m of Mrs. Robe rt Dllker a nd dnughter hy Mrs. C. R. Frazier lind Mr•. were Buesta of me::;r: 10: 30 a.. m. Morning Prayer and bart. Viele Ct.atrmu,' WUlerd FiJr- Dr. Mary L. Cook, Bmlday. .Jean vh!;t d MI', aloc.i Mrs. Derllarcl Daisy Snytler: n re por t of the work er's Club at her home at Kingman Address. 'n.. : 'SlentarT, Harold Rutberford; Southard oC DaylQlI MODlIIlY arter. accolJlpihihed · Uy t he women at 500 PARTY Mr~ ~d Mrs. Albert carver and on Thursday. At noon they were Frlday- 4 p. Dl. -Jun'! or Hlgb Wlnrte)cl .tt, ' Herbert MC¥l1lail noon. . Hl11sboro, by MrJl. L. H. Gordon. Mlsa Lola Sear. of Clncr!nnaU, served a most temptJng dlnllcr at Boys, and .o....t WilMa, Mr.s. Wade Turner was a ,charm· An In structive lecture accompaMrs. E:1dlila Day anG daugllt er llpont wee~ end, with. their par- the Sha.ron M. E . Church by the ,r RolMlrt. GoDa ' ...., aamecl for InIng hostess to a groUI) of trl enils Dorotby unil Mi ss Jean Baker n ied by maCon pictures Illustra ting enta Mr. and Mr., W. N. 'Sean. ' Ladl" Aid of tbat Church . Rltut. chaJl'III&II. n~rt Wliion were gucst s of M~ 88 Marie Owens the wO'r lt of tbe Wayside Oa thedra~ Mr. ' and "rs. James Stoops of Tbe apeclal topic of tbe after. FORMER OFi:ICIAL DIES Monday afternoon: for aecretal'1' aDcl ~blrt Clay. ov~r the week end at h er home In was given by Mrs. Ayres of Ohi! The afternoon was spent at cards, W:' N. ThomP1loD, 71 aUlHlrJntend· 'V A Wert and ')Irs, C. ,B, Berremall' noon which was "BIrds" was ably tNJallrtr.' ' cinnaU. of ~lumbU8, atteDde¢ the fUneral ,handlecl by S. S. Ellis. ent of the Warren CO\lDty InUrmary four tablell being in play. Prlzcs for Delaware. Commtttelli', weN. anolDted During the social bour deli cious of Mrs. Muele Whetael, Yonda.y for 25 , iears, die<\ a\:' his home In high and low scores went to Mrs : C. Mr. and MrfI. T . C. Runyon en· ap.u~tI, "te~IDiDelit aDd aDd were I ·u ea'·. for a 6 . . _ d av8, ot The Club was fortunnte In bavlng ~""""" WI I t Lebanon of ·a cerebrnl hemorrhage I. Satterthwaite and Mrs. Gilbert tertalned a t dinner Sunday, their refreshments' we re served . Ihow. Dr. &.Dd ' Mrs. J. E. Witham. present Mrs. Ollon of 1m ng on Tuesday mornlng.'"e bad suflered Frye, respectively. Dainty Quests Of th e afterlloon were re_, son-In-law and daughter, Mr. nnd who gave an Interesting talk on Mr. and Mrs, Ayres and Miss Betty an attac:k at 3 a.. m. Sunday. freshm ents were served at th e cluse Mrs. W, A. Callahan or Walnut COVERED DISH SUPPER 100 " A ' 'ND BINGO Csechoslovakla, Mrs. Olson w h ose . .1 , v ' ! ' ,'. motber was a Slav and fatlter a He Is survived by IlIIB widow and of a pleasant aftfernoon· HHls, C:n , and Mr. and Mrs . . Frank Harts'ock fir Cin cinnati ;' Mr;. Rice '\ • II"..L. O' 8-" •. , 11 'b ' , 'Ciech was well Informed to tell ~ne daughter, Mrs. ulah Jones, ma. ~ '. The guests were, Mrs. A. .H. Rick and tlaughter Marl)yn of Bo'nd SUapp of Areola. Va,; Nancy Crane "1llld Dnvld Harlsock. : E. : o·• w' -II_biN of Uie __ 11 _':' ' 1 , e a 500 , card ,maDy Intllbate things about hl'r tron of t h e W arren county fnrlrm- Stubbs, Mrs, Morris Fu,l kersbn , Hili, Cincinnati. . d ....tipper "o.Dbln"'o __ ..I • .,.. '"' a cOYereel '. ., m ",'Q-Y., ' 't' tl I d , ary. rs. Carman Crane, Mrs. ~arlaDd Mr. and, Mrs: lAwrence $hepherll .., nell_I... 1DIiatIon of· otflcen 22, 'at the' Junior paren a DB. ve &.D, . ,BIR:rHDA Y DINNERS . *IU~ .f~.."""' , .~tecI .. .follow , Lodll'~' , . ' .' " The mual<1 of the afterDO!)n was . ye, Mrs. 'Harold Miller. Mrs. C~.m- and famlly,' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert , .. WL..~:"'"-"~ ~d Ii M ' _ ~~ .. nt Sattertbwo.lte. ' Mrs. GI~rt Shepher(lo of Vellow Springs called 00 last Wednesday night, MI'. Init ~ . ,11., ~ -<IeUI, • CO_ atid;'get a turkey &8 ~Iah~d, by IIIrs, Hunter a. d rs. , : . W. P., .... ~ AlIt. W. P., a prise. , ' Grten., . A rye, Mrs. George .~Ilnderson, M? on .thelr, relative., Mr. and ,Mrll' Mrs: ' ,J. p . Larrick .were ' d l n~.' ..... --...... LaD e, JUIlDII ~ ..... "IVIIlIIIO :' ____ ." u"'_ _, . \ . . " ~ 0 ueate were M rs . '....,.,.er , . 'Ipb Hastings, Mrs. Raymond . Clint. Roes nnd ~ami1y and Mr. and g,nests at M.r' and Mrs. ·Oeorc ~ ~. aata orpa .' FRIENI)'S BmNG M~. ~nd Mrs: Walter, Williams, Mrs· lei ope a {Braddock, Mrs. Russell Fr~1S-' Mn. Mrs. A;1bert Shepherd, Sunday af- .Qulck celebrating tbe larmer', birthday anDlver,nry. coAc1~ ~ HaclIeJ. ...t., . Green a!ld Mfll. Hunter, ' Mra. Rosalhl AdaDUl, n, widow ;t,us&ell Holliday,' Mrs. Lawrence teJ1noon. SOliday a1 1100n, Mr. aDd Mr~ 1i1IDU. tru- Dr. Elliot IUIIe, of -W...... COl. The December meelln, will be of Cbarle. AdaDUlt . .. fOl'mer resl- I Garst, Mrs. I.. Brown and ,... Mr8. WINS PIG J. P. Larrick entertained Mr. antt ..... OsloI'd".. the . -.Qa, afte... III the n.ture of a Ohrlstm.. party dent 'of W~D.av~, died Fi1dayat 'Jobn {lona. Mrs. Frank Ho£1auw •. IIIr: ' Bane nOOll apeaker at tile aU>4I&7' Qaar- at thl bome of Mr. and Mrs. Ha"ey her home In To~, Kanaaa. The __ _ _ _ _ _ - - . Elmer Jones Willi tbe lucky w!n: Mullen, Mr.. Ruth Reason Of . .., lleetball of tlaa l"tI_da toel.., Barnett ot Lyt)e. at which tim.' body,. arr'ftct he" 'l'UeIIda,. mon· • CARD OF THANKS tile "1'*0 'Sqadar. lion wlU 1M! ,..;a excbanp 'Of gifts. 11lI. and I~ ~'o J. II:. IIcClure W. WIab to thank aDd espre.. ner of the pig ,Iven away by th ton aDii Mr. aDd lire. n.......·_·'!hoILi ftllIIIIIiII.;. . . . . .IaII!i.l414~~l~..~ __.. ' wen .,. fUneral dlreetor, taken to MI- ·to all, our appree!aUoll of the aplen. ~yie Meat Market ,to tbe one wbo of Mlaw,,~u... , lallleel , the correct wellht of the Iii honor of tbe blIWhDa~liI! '~~=~~==~ :=:.~&eIa:;~A c:emete17 for did belp Ill.,. . na at tile fire wblch N. whlcb . . . 81 I'" Other p . . . MnQalcIt lIJek • • ..... JIn, deatro,ett our pro""" Saturcla7'. 111'. . . . . . ' ' lir. aad lin. JIbIaet Sbeeb.D TaQICI from 261ba. to oYer 100 Ilia. and I'rla,. ot
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Thursdoy, , 'ovembor 11, 1938
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1',~lIu\'()~ COLDS
tlla t ( ' h l" slll\1\H ~l'lIl:, ha l' " h ' ('n sOlcl l In I he l ' nit ('11 Sla t ('s of i\ l1Il' l' lca .
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l"('\' dlllg ~')(\l('rhnolll!l' hill kll Il' (11Ill Ml' ! h t, {e rg ru1\ ' n fnllt r Ih a II Ilt' I' In II ftll'<ilng I l' lod uf lutu, thon I ;,(j II IlY~' llUt IIIIl w( ( ' I'lf gulll IU('''; w ~l ~ hl Ill' I C~H ('Lllll w I] n fO~II · ing I ~ ('0111111111'11 roc' I ~O 0 " ' 200
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Till' f Ul l( H (1 f' I I\'I' d r r o ll1 t h e Hil i .. or ~n " I \" ., N U Ml! J) rUI.H. Headaches ('h I'i Ht lU :U; S U!l I ~ hllv provlll <I f or 1.11111111. 'J'nhl cl ll dill' 10 ( '.. hili the naUo ll ·w hl u 0 1' 1-\11111 7.11 11011 o f Try "Jhih.i\!y.1'INIII"-a \\'omll'rrul flll'l " ''; II'hl"' l h ll\,(' ",agl' ,1 II 1),' I's IH. I.llIhlJeI\t t(' nl . (' IIlItillll il US !lil t! Inl !'I:' !IC' lIt a l· ' In!'!, 111"11 ' t ,le Inll('r r l,' hn t:i l1l1 ~ l h ro l1 l-: h oUI lh e Ihlrl y· lw o YCl1 r s," IF ;':'-:.. - '~
Dr. Ura d y sl a l r ll Ilml III Ohto th,'I'!' ar c li ne hU ll ll n ll lo('a l org ulI· 1 iZlI l!OIl S s ea tte r l' d In every (' ount y flf Ih l' ~I a l \1'11 ' \' 11 :11 I' :uly for th e 1> g lll ll ill g or th o In:l8 C:ll'i strna ~ Spal Ra Il'. E a( 'h (' I' llunl zlI l!o n has It H
__ ......,....,,-.._~_,_ _ _ _ _.;....._ ..........._ ...._-__-;; - _-_-;;;..-__;oc-.:,-_;,;;_ _ - ;;; l'1l11llllttt C(' ". It!, ~\1'll llllcs , It ~ I11 l' tll · nd ~ f l) l' I h(' s a l!', 1I1\(1 th o !.Ic te r: ir, ',.; t ::I ll nllllli~lnl'H I, '" lendl'lll'), III Slll1dllY. m ' l a l l') 11 t o Ill u ln lll ill 1I 11t1 to In· 1"" 1' 1,111"1' Ihan t Ii 11,10 ' 1'. 1'11 ' XI" I' 'I ' .• r~ . ,/ I'~"~ 'r I l"R altt'nrI I I III ' I nl · ('1' 'a~(! th o a l'm !',1 wn r[ur IIpon thc · .. ll """ urlunlli!'s <I i I" a 1'0, 01 a ut! 11 11' II , I ", ""I1\"'1I1 i'11l h!' ld III :\ " \\1 York 1 11h ~ l' cl e Iml'illu J;. ', u 'P" I, cI " :q., l'ilil'!< ",lIlI l' III li g'll. l' Iy la l' t " ·,,o k. "O ur 11'0 "'( r s 1, 1I 0W " (, I'laill fa c ls 1111 111:I U ll'!atill ll sltip --i 1Jt.' (':IIIlC lH H H '1 ,\11 " Ei. II ' II ','1'11,, 11 (If Durlo n a holll l he ('h a l' a('h' I' of th o warrarl' 1'1111 11' 111 tlf I\(ttld . 1Ifl,' r lit. ' 111;\11 lI'l' Crl l k . 'hun·1t 1(llIk th i'i l' 1o: ,~ I , ,tti :In ti in wh lc ll tll!'Y HI" I' II f; a g NI. 011 0 H: tlUI ~ lJl'ul ll'lhood • . • . ",1 ,1 10,· Ihe ;':11"' 1 (It :\11', :In(1 :\Irs outR l a ndln g I'll t is thnt w<th l a th e I hl' .HI I HII ", eo('(' "allnLll lie lI slll 'I ' 11'1'), (' \1 1'11 ': II II' I I " liS 1'0 111 11ft: W (" ; ' l1 u thiry·t wo y !I I' period lh o Ileath rail! r,,1' Iltl' 1111 n' :l('qlli -i tilln Ilr 111UI\(' ; ' 1 from l u berc u los' s hilS dcc llll 11 10 Ill' (I'h ,' 1' IIl l1 t 1'1:11 liling<. hul It is 111 L1T,I' !;I'O llll .frolll Ihe fi ugal ~ lIr, f'~sfurl.\· mplnYNI 10 tl\(' 0" [' 1" L111"' \! Iu l h, · hl1l1lC' \I f It ' ,'. nlH I l\lr~ , n si:1 l'li ill g II gno. Anl1 Y t Ihe y (~II1\ I I1!;' or all alJIIllrl1\u l sC II HI' Clf (' 1111'1' 111 " 1lt'Il Ilt'tt ,:lInd a ), IIfll'!' S u n· I( nn w I hat It s till ranl;s Ur at in 1,11'1, II It l'Il III tli I f I <la~ >1 <'1 111,, 1 a 11,1 It all a 1'I'I'Y uJ uy, t h e ca us S of !l en l il In th o IlUll0rt· IC'HI t (' ~ 1\l1I" alI l(' <I 1111' r an ll Rllda l h ou r. T he li n t yea rs 1" 10 ~5. all " " of ~ l l lrlt1la l H uh~ta ll [,c nn !! II'hi (.1t III 11II'n IJ' ;; " :; ( !'IItt In hUlll an g ll~ st l; inl'1ll1h d ~I I·. al111 ~1 1'!l , \\ r u ·
WNSE ~RS . '
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ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN four Cattle, bogs, 8beep at•.!i calv.. to Norris-Brock Ct." live wire and progressive ftrwl f'Jr tb& '.hllrbeat mark~t . prices and good ecrvi$!e. U.nion Stoe" Yard.' Cincia_tl, 0,
Tune in on Radio Station WCKY 12 :2~ to 12 :30 p, m. for OUE daU, market rep aria.
~7tl I{ ('.
F. T. 'Martin
Musical favorites will bo m ingl ed with Ihe fo ll ll\\'l ll ~ IIl't~ " nl utilln to] 0 p. m . 8:05 lark ollnly H [ )ulo Pro gram -D irec t "II b~· . I~. T1ow l:1l11l.
C/). AgTI. Agt., Sprlng flel!l . :30 Turk ys, Crnnbe ~r i S lind P um pk ins- H. 'IOJ. E ~I\' Ir1l<. 8: 45 (.lrowing up With P I lur s- ~ II' !i ' MIl !'y 8. G 1·11l11 g h - 1']x t .
Child Development !peciilljs l. , :55 Turkey Mark e l N e ws-R epo r ts fr o m Oh ' o T ul'!. y Hat He l·~. 9 :10 Tmprovlng Marl( l LambS In 'l'l nto n ol\ lI ty- n ;s~ lI t!sl on wit h
Centerviile, Ohio .. ,' .
Walter L. Blu ole,
O. A g rl. Agt.. W ilmingto n. 9 ~ 20 T/le Pnrm Bur au 's Progress In Oh io-Gi lma n
Phone 78J, ,.
0.1 k In s, A: fll.
----= -
E ditor, Ohio· ~ arm Bureau News. 9:30 Helping Tennnt8 P UTcbose F nrulJ>-Olto ~ ' lIclzol Dial , Snjl r· vi sor, Farm Secu rity A(lmlnletratlon , Coluu'tb us. •
Phone .Your Want Ad. .--.....
-:, ~
J.. B. Chapman' "Ohi o Is f elHly tt} pI'ovlll a pa rt in th ' s gl'ent . OO I)erollvc
[,oi n. :\'lCIl nnd lhin g~ h':<l:o l1 to IHnll . ~ I ;· s. ,J. T. J :II(\" ~ II" 1'(' 8 nntl ny C"p- 2G. n ' ng (,IIII<' I'S at th e h('l1 le or M I'. 11'. 11 ;\II'f'. II o \\'<1 I'll ('oon <I t K ngmnn . 1,111 1(' C:1",<a ,\ n n ,l ll('oh~ Htayc l1 ')I'tlll:ry 11 i;: ht wit h It I' "1':11 \(1 p :,r · nl s. ~lr. anti :\I I'R. ,J . T , J aco s ~ll' s rl nYIl1\11l11 MOI'g a n iii i ll III II nlllt'. ;\II'S : ./ n 1!l r~ F .
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RIl{' lIl :t t
!;I!.I \I'<,<' k !v l t l! \0(' 1' S(1)1,
t orl)l'I So ! " Dr. Brady dc clarecl .
',,, 1'1 ( :,:,)' at ))'Il1<I ·. :\(1'3. 'ly,l .. L Vi(' ;' ~Ilellt Rnl1(\ lIY ,I'lCl'lInOIl \li lll :\11' . a n(\ :\!I' . . Ile n l Y
\lul' l l hy. :\/1', I1 n(\ ~II' ~, (~ n r le8 Vo' crs nnll
I lun H (' 11 \\'!'re glll'R t 'I GI';lY 'll1l<l n y~ •
fnr , \lPJ)fI'
:\11'8. i\lnl'Y Lellth. Wmlmn \Vii· Chn r l c~ P axso n o f \ VII. 11 I n ~ t(lll w~r u ndny call ' r 5 a t ;1'0), OrCls· ~ I r. \\' \lllt I' T i b holl~ i ill 3 1 ' 1 I' C~C I1t. HI' BI " IIPr.d 011. a n ail 1V ;1 ;" 11 '\I t .1'11<1 I ll ll i~(, 11 IIi s fo'ot. · '011 lIud
:"Ill' , ullci ~I r ~. la l' lo.n rl llg('1' nntl 'all ,ltt l' 1' \It'I'(' l'i!jil lllg frl'lI c1 s Su n·
F ERR~ NEWS It's l as
There isn't TRADEI
, SCUIIIS t ll nt ti n llH! o f the news b er~ h ' ~ woc l; IIn s tl sOm bre nnt ure. I ~, ,\· llIi 11! IIn':\c' 1 d t wo Cun Ha l s ' ul ~)': t he fllll " l'a l of Mrs. Gold nnna lnl'll"w. 1lI0 t il r. l· o f H e \' . .J o llil Dn l't. 'nl", fOl'lllel' ly o f E ast Dayton ' 1I '.Il'~1l or Cll l' i ~ t , was h eld at Zi m_ oIII , ' r ll1 :1 II , :\ot" n ~l a )' . 1\11'5 . D:l l't.lo lV Wl.1 S ~ )' t':1 1 ' ~ of a ge. HI'\' . SHi ll h alfi,I' prrl1cil ctl th e '1111 (' ral of ]\0)1';1. L" \1 oll n ,T oh n s li t ' a ytlll i 0 11 ,, ~. li ll'l.l·Hj' ufte r n oon.
STORE in this town that is bm1t merely to CATCH
Every store in OUR TOWN is built and conducted to DESERVE
There isn't '8 BUSINESS man here who doesn't DEPEND upon the people in this town and surrounding territory for ahr most-of his IN· COME. v r And it is the AIM and STEAD FAST PURPOSE of these men to SERVE you faithfully andtherehy strengthen the commercial and moral p0sition of OUR TOWN. ' , This town of ours is NATURAL shopping and busin~ center for an this prosperous region. •The selections pos.~ible in all kinds of MERCHANDISE and all kinds of TRADING SERVICE are as great her:e as 'any place in the land-and the PRlCFS more often are LOWER-because they have never been IN-
.\ II's.
L o wI'o nce Thom uij uI1l1 Ic u glll H. !\fl's. PelTY l~u\11. a ttond · ' 11 th e fllll r rn l of Wa!'l" t1 K en]'i 'k 'Il Cl! ll l crv ill u, i\1QII <i1l.y lute rn oon .
K ~ lll'j('k
\\, flS the
A Generol MeW;'
, t
. .,.
'I' ho l~aw l' n ep. 'r lto rn,lRell a,Jso :it. 'I'1ll1 ,I tit I fn!1 (' l'u l of, MI' . JamoS H odeI' of ,l\i' ;J.mi s />U1'g on Sunday. "Ylll1llg ro ll,,' c h\lll' of th e r. h ll r c h · w ill bro(Hl r.a s t over \V!( n itt Cln c'l nn<1t1 on Sunday' m OI'nhlg n l . ': 30 a m . sure to ' IInc In .
I~ I'I'Y
Mr. ,. Carl f:mith an d
Lest!?!' Konrl It of t his JleigJi,bor.
fLATED. . .' , This TOWN and its MERCHANTS wish to know all of vou BET· lER. You ought to knOw THEM belter. . , . This is possible when WE all do AU. of 0Ui TRADING AT. HOME. 'I\en ~ is .mutual SERVICE.. ' . .' _ • ..J;:., \. t
Check the !Jreafly r niuced price. of Chevrole 1 ~ or 1939 ••• Consider the gre(;i'ly'lncrtp ~ sed quality of ,hi. beautiful new' motor car • • • Examine It. many new feawr.s of· .tyUng. comfort, performance, driving ease ••• And 'hen you'll know that, price fo~ prlc~, f'atur.. for feature, Chevrolet •• the ' nation'. great••t cl.olllr value. ' Buy ci Chevrolet and be, latllfted. .
n lo ng lim e sin ce th ere hUI' n a ll Y new,; [('(1111 F c ('!'y, u lI ll lJ C{' ll
Dada e ey I
"'Il,lI l1y we r e a1l1'ol\~ the tw enty one ' . Itlnor SIII'liU! 1\ nlc hOllle or Mr· uld Mrs. Geol'ge In Dayton,
TburS4ay, N,ovem bor 17, 193
State ,Capital News
•. ( 4 Leo TIl It;lllgO :l l tl'llIll'd Ihe Th ~1 '1I1Il1 Valley 1~1t'111 Trhl l I hIJ'VI' Yl!hll l'g, Rut u l'lilly. A'NHOl'iulifJII ltc hl its lf lLII (111111101) . . r 'c'''lt ish HiI" I'Pllnil)n It tht' ~( , ~tl n· lJiJ'lI (I o~ t r\:", Ilt the A, 8. (] lI eU ' II ' 'l'!'IIIj1! O, In ))uYlon, F I'lclny, II fHr,m In heste l' lOll')\s lrlp S Iturcl:ly 111 mh rs o f Wus b lngtoll 'rOWIl· WId Sunday, th e $l ,(JOO DI~ylon Tto. I ' Ilhlp F'UI'lI\ Aurc'!tl u, IV Il h old th h ' phy \\'a ~ won loy :\Ir. Frell Hl k IIf MisS Pa ulin c Higgs I' r y HU 'liS. 11IInllll', m ec ting Thul', d ny LI'eil l ug, Duylon, (ully 8UI'IlJ'iS(ld h 'r pn r onlll, Mr, a t the hortl(' of MeSSrs, H O'll'uJ'd nn ll S Il\'Il I'nl .fl'olll h e l'O hll ve tak ~ n and Mr" .. Ttt) H iggs last 'I' ll s llny Harold :'of I{uy oud Cam II I s, At · ~I k ets fot' til 1t000SOIr'S Better l1i ght on he l' n lHll y ' ~ hl rthcl J Y, I I' e le Lio n of o rtle I'S un t) MU fl ic AR!\OC'UCOIl of Wllml n g t n , t Cal's w(' r e )lIl I'Ut a 1I 11 t he rO:1 cl RUI1 (J r !' will be (1111' ot 1I c plcn: lJ ng, wh l h DI' , 1'11 111 Vlllld er vn o!'t Is wh il e tW C'lIly ·fil'e inY it!!,/1 g ll cst s In· katll!' I; of Lhe ('I' nln g';; en le rta ' lI ' fll'eH hlcnl, c~ud i ll g Paul ine wn ll<cll Qll i t1 r 111' 1111 ' nl. , _ __ -' _ • '~ht l I y M . Til 1' 11 1'1' !1 ,II II1HIII Is , or S prli.g ~ l l' s, 1I1 :1 ry I l lIr : m:1 l1, to tile hO Il RC. ' mailing n s h or t I'iRit to h s moth er 1I'1\'. an d :\'11'1', rUg"R '; \lPll~f; i n .... 111 11. wil l ,nl 'n h I' \' hom e \V cI I "c~· I ' " "'" Mr s. f orvp y Sacke l t. ll ltd flll1l' ly, th~ lr d:1l1 p; h l I' to bl! at ch"i r pra('· ti ll,\' "ftc l' n,)on, wh on 111 m bf'fS or e e 'i<' 1' , w('rf' qUi "l ly sru lbtl t ~('\ h c l' Ih t. FI'; ~ nll s h l » 'l u h will U S ~clll 'l l 11 \1 (Ill' 1;\ 1,'lI l' n l'I'g iRt r , appar e ntly fu \' t il l' XOI·t; IIll!.'r mee till g , ill iu' g ' ng ill n 1'(' llI i ll i ~rl' n ('c of hy. ,\II ~s :\l ahc l )'1. 11 , Of Da yton, w ~ s Friday - Saturday ~oi1(' t!ay ~. a " :silll l' la ~ l II' cul, III Ul e hllll1l' ' f SIII ,I nl .\' I h 11 (\1\1' \\'n.~ 0pPlwll ~Ir . Ill 'll ~lr s. Cnroy S hll mal, er, ,\ I1 , n u lltl )),," nl< l ~1d\u )'. S I ll " ilIHI ('ri r~ '" f. " lI u pp y I1Irl h ll"y" -SCREEN"VACATION FROM LOV E ' qUil' kly' fl lh'lI I il l' roo m , c'n ll . llI ),; d" lIl s a t "'1!\1lin g'lll\1 College, a \'c Flore nce R ice ~ Ir , IU l!g~ In firlll \'('f llge u ntl e r til!' pl:O\1 11 II g to c lIl l' r lain (11'0 11111 1 fO l' l y Denn is O' K eefe ' klll 'i1 !'11 I:l hl(' n cal'br, II' hil l' :'I l rs , .1 1I 11I1p; O~ oll i e of t h ei r fl'ut el' lI il), Dal ly l1 iggs ~ at. IlInl1l l' ntar il y s p pcc hl esR, Wi i h a mh lo ll fry W C IIII ('~ d 'I Y (' I'e. 2 p , M, n ln g a t th l' home of t h e ir par Il t R, P n u)i ll (' 1)('l ng tllc PI' I'fl'("t h n~ t . \II' . n nll :\Irs. II :u'lo)c l :\l e Ku y a nd ('ss s onn pln C'c cl l'hn ' l'lI 111 th e fnm t ~I \' , a n ll ~!J 8 , lI o \\,!l1'l1 ;'I ld'ay. I'onm nnll "':IOJl a " we re ~(, I1I {' c l IJI .\ l rH. CllJ' :!lll ne G:,m e l' Uli ll Iwr II ril'(' Il', fu n an ti ga lll es e n Sil ed wit h u nl ;1 s in /.;i l' Ih lll III Ol1l (' II I , tis n wl'l l I;'rlll1ti ,luugh lt'r, I\II'R, E" a IYIi \\'cl', lIIiCl' Wee~e a lld MI', "'pc'o unel two p ia 11 "" cl " 1'1'11 i n,: Il I'0gTcR~e tl . , dlil d r(!1\ o f Dnyto n w eI'(' S u nclny A )ll' lzl' \\'0;; g ive n to t h o one \\' h o STARTS SUNDAY :\.J r . Oll tl :'111'8, 1\l m OIl Pe rri s , laug he d lea s t in n ga m e of c r azy. THREE DAYS III I' , 01111 Mrs. S hc r 1ll 3n F ni H gr a m s, \I'llI' ll f!l1c' h i n t lll' n mll Ht 1'00 (1 ·i·e B tl!tn~ i \\~ tarYed'l f: (III! II Rlill of papol' C'o n trun' r:g II' l' n' F r iday bll s : n es~ v lsllo l''' li t a'f ' seboo\ COtn Sial nH' III H nf u n us ua l wit a n ll h ll ' Mllrlill s \'ille , 1110 1', ", llIc'h h all he n 11 rawn f rom' 1111 C'I'n ), g ram oox. }tIl', Ge rh a rt HARVEYSBURG \l'ag I he pro lld w inl1 c l' or !I ruhb I' 11 1~ h s(' r ape r m u ch wrappe d In un Th e Boo k I1 l) vi ell' CIr'c le 111 t at n l' prslzt'll box. th e hOlll e of Mrs, C, 0 , Hn,n dall On After R(, l'el'a l gOlll('R cnme fin . [o'1' :(\ lIy, " The Yea r l ing" was I'e. ' It hl'r 811r prlse fnr ~I \' , R 'ggs wh ell I' if'wed by :'III'S, n. E. Hu rst. The 'w \\'U~ p reRe nt (' d w ith an nrmfll ~ hook Is Of g rip pin g In l eres t or .J o. of'thrln)' gifts tn he (I(I~'III'CI In t h l' til !' 31111 hi s f nth ol' , Pon ny, Fat her p I'('s"n ce of h i~ guest s a nd of :trlll SOli both Ign ontnt amI 1I ~ l' d u ca' l (:O UI'8 tlH l eH'nl ng wa s not co m· le d were ali ke en dow ed w it b a g II. p lC' te II n ti l onc s lI ff er l ng from IIlI ch II un d IlI lIt e r fl n enICnl of n at u!'e, thin gs II h;rthd ays hUll been treated lin d Pon n y l)(Isscsse!1 a II c ply a blt! In hn ll\c'll\ud e Ice.CI'ca lll n ncl ca ke. Ing l.hI10801)h y of life whlcll g lorl . Tll c I' mal nd e r of th e e venin g ",a ~ fi es h is und e rst un dln g a nd c lose Ilssoc l:Il :0 1l w ith th is sl11 l1 l1 son, l it e s pent wllh mus ic lin d ga.mes, T hose p resen t Wflre. 11'11', a n d ])Ofrs . ~s t of his c hil dre n to s Ul'l'lve be. George S m it h a nll fa m ify W llln n yo nd lh e Ila ys of In fa n cy In lh :s Ulill Mar lulI , M I', a n d M rs, Lester pove r ty stric ke n h ook·worm In f estGe l' hal't a n d fa mil y, Paul , Don a ld e d secti o n of Fl or ida oce npl ()ll I 111111 D(ll'ot h y, Mr, a n d Mr s, H arol d t he so u the l'n s h a r e cr Ollpe r. Mr. PII I' an!1 family Gwe ndoly n lind H urst, wltb he r o w n ehu l'Il I! Hu ll ll y, M I', and M rs , Da b F urn Rs M I ~slssiJlJlI Decen t ga ve t o t h e di ll' nlHI son s Re bert a n t! Be nn y, Mr. lect in whi ch " The Yelll'I:'n s " is Rnd Mrs . Betty R og 1'8 a n ci .Mr , nnd wri t te n II. IlU th os a nd t ond erness whi ch was res pons ive to e ver y M rs. F . T , Ma rtin , Iisteller , During th e so cia l h ou r dainty r efr esh llle nts we l'e se r ved by Mrs. Rn nda ll a n d h er tlau gh ter I\1 lsl1 H ele n,
coullc ll wOllltl he l' mpo we l'ot! to emIll oy u n eXl'cll tl vc Illre('tor, to iI r yo 11 & lon g IJ.~ h e ,, 1! (I WS d evo l hill 10 I IlIlb:dr. s rvl ce, 'I'll 11I1't"{'t (J r Jl h II I , I ' . By ELIOT JONES .' : - I A oO lll l) lele a nd deta iled cbange Bupen ' lse hy rul l>. II l1d regul lltio :.K, I ,. 'P;o!e"or oj Tra,..porlprion and Public 1'1\ ~h e OhiO r' ll ot sotc\I[l was n d vo· !lons latc n t wIth wle w(' lfu.l'e 111\\'8, I .. Sta;nford Unifierllity , ' • x· ~ a t~ d liy S t ul e 1\ullilol' J<js Ilh 'I', a nd untl el' 11 d in! t PI'c-ll ull lt Our present agricultural pollciy haa prIce falls to eight een~;,' he can keep Ferg uson III n I e por t o n lbe IUl m ln· umln a t Ion bY t il HLll t all(lI l I' of three principal 'fea tures: (1) enol" the nina cenU a pollndl he has borl ~t mlJo l~ ,of 1100 r r 11 M ~\' h lch \\,ns f ('sen l , ojH!r a liolls ~., co n d uct d III ' mous subsldles to farmers; (2) huge rowed, and the governm ent kee!?! tha loans on staple agricultural products; cotton . (worth only , eight cenU a pn h)!ll" tl hy C, p , Von S 'b olie, eb It r nilY go vernlll e~tl11 ugo nry of " th~ and (9) fa 1'- pound). ' ' oXllm l ne l' o f the (lI vlAlon of r elief. alo te 0 1' OUllt y," H e 'sa ld Ih nl lo t;il l reaching con- . The Inevitable resu:lt ell this system, tro ot farm }\ II 1\ HOI' I~erg ll a o n III'OllOSCl1 t;lfit th e ud m in ls tratio ll s h ould ll Ot Ile clivl d· If the loan rate .. set tOI) high, Is tho t p p e ra tlo 'ns, the government Is left "holding tha d I1 1l1 0n g th e 1' 111 io us :; ubtl il'l ill ons Inti I" ~ t n~ o De ll!l r t m(J: t of We i· _ -iiii~f5n,ln the sack"; and at the present t.lme the fut" fl lltl th o III vl,~ l o n of I\uhll r. us· within 11 c;01Il) t y, 01 • government haa large ~; toclcil ot cer. regimented tain agricultural produ(:ts, the prices l e la ted in to olle cell tI'll I IJU I'I't1 u III ~ 1 8tn ll t;9 :' bo re v.l~e tl !iO (,U' li S they agricultur e, of which tell below the loan rate, To ))e rtai)L to n on·llI s lltuUollu l ndlllln· o l'ue r 1'0 e llmln lh u lII a ll Y o l'c r· With respect Cl,lt down Its losses thEI government to subsid ies, the Is then tempted. to takel measures to Is'tr-atlo ll', ri nil b e Hu ggl'S'tetl th e up· IUP II III I;, oxp ll Hlve pubHe a s'l i!! t an t' apnual pay- reduce the next year's crop, and thus \lo ln thl I'l L "or , a non ' sahll'ied 'atate 1' l'ogrtllll H 011 l' uli ll g (I S " Intle ll ' lld e ll t ments by the to Increase prices. This burdens con. r lIe( . eollncll of from n t o n~ne a gen t'feB" , t II d era I gov- sumers, restricts exportll, and encourernment to ages the use of subsl:ltutes. when LD em ool's, P ubli c uBBls t o nce o f t odny farmers have available. A sUI' v 'y co ndu cted by F , E , W II· h sa Ill ; "$uch as r ulat es to old a ge, Increased enorThe third, and worst, feature of I,ll ncJ , :rrIPpl ('d: ulld d!' llen\l t'n I ch lid · lI u illS , sec reta r y or t he ,go l'ernU I" H mously, In the boom year 1929 our agricultural polley liS Its tendency I' e n, Boldle r 's Rnll sail or 's rl' li ef, dl · sa fet y to,ol'llilluting burea u, an 0 1'· Con g I' e s sap. to destroy farmer Indep,endence, The r ect and work r o ll,~ r, UIl I' l1lllloYlll ent gn n lza !l on fo rm ed t o h ult t h o ra pid · proprlo~d $500,000,000 as a revolving endeavor to regula~ output leads to acreage allotments, production recompen sn:tlon" Nut Inll n l " outh at!· Iy climbing accide nt '[a ll In Ohio . fund for the Fe deral Farm Board; straints, and markeUn ~: quotas, and and though the Boa rd eventually lost 1~lnl~trlltlOn , Cl vili a ll CQ IlSol'Vatl on Intll cn t~t1 a thil't Y-<JJle 110 1' ce nt I'e· this money, largely as the result ot thus to bureaucratic regimentation. "Ol'~I 11ls trlblltl'on o f s lIrplu s com - IllI cti on In moto r vell icle accid ents unsound loans, it made it last f')ur Said Secretary Wallace' In 1934: "If we fin ally go all the wa,y toward na. modl t:fea Ju venile r esearch, ch ild durin g t h e flr s l nin e mon t h s nf yea rs, During th e early years ot the tlonallsm, It may be nee(!ssary to have present edminial.ration . the rarmers It yglche 'nnd s o f'o rlh Hho'u!t! be a tl · the Cllrr ont yeu r wh en co nll m l'ed recei ved as much annually trom the compulsory control ot marketing, 11. Agricultural A!lJus tment Admlnistra. censlng of plowed land, and base and 1II111Is ti:lJ'cd unlle r 11 sta te u utho rl l Y, wlt.h th o co rres po ndin g (le r lotl o t surplus quotas for every farmer tor w ltb e l ghty~ l gM COllllty age n cies HJ:17, ·Th e nati on nl;l' a w hole , 1\11'. tion and other so urces as they had every product for each month In tho received trom the Federal Farm year." l'CHJlODs lble .locally ro r . lhe direct Willi a ms po ln led Oll t, Illa llaged t o Doard In four years, And during the in making th~ reml~rks the SecI1clUllbl ritl'l.l t lon , To ulhp lal ste l' non- I'cd uce IllO tOI' v ehi cle a cc ltl en tll present fiscal year, though tarm tn. retary was warning the country ills tltutlon a l l)IIbUc' os: Is ta nce. I twenty·o ne IICl' ce n ~ .. Princi pa l re· come I, much above depression lev. against the danger of r,e glmentatlon, els, our agricultural policy will cost flU~gellt th o stn te authoJ'i t y sJlOuld du ctio ns we re m u de In th e s tree t the Treasury about 0 billion doUar" but despite his clear recognition of which Is more tha n the total yearly the danger, ht. polich!! since that ho comporj(~l1 of a n Oll-salal'l tl stute I \'Ilfr,It: c~r:IS" ifI CUti OI. l' It was sa Id, eKpendltures or the fed !ral govern. date have carried the cl)untry a long r e llof eo un cil ot He vee to I'lln e eltl· , men t tor aU purposes In the prewar way In that direction. Moreover, un. zen s, a polnted by t h e gOVCl'nol', T he A nn oun ce me nt t b<tt e Jllrl e~ n re per lol\' less the farmers rebel Ln clear and The re lation between these !luge unmistakable language we Bre gOing ., I being received fl' olll. Ohio wc Il ly itures and the problem ot to move even tarther In that dlrec. ~!'!!!!!!'!!!~~!'!!!!'!!!!'!!'!!~!!o!~!'!!!!'!!!'''''!!' .. I Ill' W S Ill! pI! I'll for th e un n II a I 0" III a n expend ·tlOD. '!'hollgh Secretary Wallace charbala nc ing lhe budget Is obvious. " , .............-~ - ....mI...... ' C, H ooper s h ow wh ic h wl~1 be The second prl nci pal rea ture or our acterized the 1938 agricultural act as .~~ s ll1getl In co n j u n cti o n with th e Oh io agricultural policy Is the loan system "a new char~r 01 economic freedom" The loans on staple agri cultura l prod- ror farmers. Wallace's Farmer, of :>:uIVspuper a tls oc la tlo ll cOllve nti qn uc ts are Intended to promote storage which he Is "editor on leave of ablind to support prices. but they tend sence," In ita April 23. issue sBld tha t at Oh io S tale ullh'er s lty In lute to hrlng large stocks 01 agricultural i! the present voluntary AAA pro. J UIIU ll l' )' o r eurl y Febr u a r y was 'I;~ RVI A-L ITHI C T A R AN D products loto the hands of the gov. gram does Dot work with respect to Imide lust wee k by Dlrectu r Jam es l'l'Ilmenl These loans, It should be corn, farmers wl1\ get something that ROAD orL : EXCAVATI NG realized, are not ordinary loans, but will, "A.Qd that something - Judging I ~, I'ollu rd of t h e univ e rs it y's sc h oo l usentlalJ.I' sale cOl,tracts Iy ilh pe r, by the dperlence 01 dai rymen In the D UM P TR UOK SERVIOI!l of journ alis m , F irs t lIeco ncl li nd mission 1O the seller to re purchase, east and cotton farmers; In the soulh third awardt! will be ma de in la ss os Su prose tho loan rate on cott on Is - will be Ironclad compulsion 1m. G! ave l a s low 40c Ou, ya rd nin e cents a pound, l! the price rises posed by the ,majority upon the mi. fo r ti rst poge nmk e u p. lIe ws ('ovcr· to ten cents, the ~b '.. ~ c r can pay ~h e norlty," age, a dve rtiSi n g C0ll1110811 Ion 01111 S'lvernmenl olne t ent.s 'I pound, and And what Is Ironelal:\ com pulsJOD ~el1 hili e<: t:QC at LJon (;~ n t.s, U the uu ~ burea ucratic reg!malltlltil)n7 dl s p)n y, best e dito r ia l page , bes t use of Illus tra t ive m a ter ia l, s pecia l ed l· Phon e, Waynesville 44 n 11 lions, orl g lDa l co lumns, a nd local fea tures, Th e s h ow Is 1Ili nte d In hou ol' of P rofesso r Emeri t us Osma n C, Hoolle l' of the sc h oo l ot journ a lAs I h ave sol d lil Y Pl'o ller ty, 1 Is m l1ud Is un annu a l fe a t u r e of w ill se ll nt pu bli c u u ction, at II1Y l h e /I:;so clotl o n COll l'e n tll1 u, Mol' th an 2,000 hl g bly ll r 'd 11Ibresiden ce iocated i n Lyt le, 01\AT nDA Y NOV. 19th. b:ts w il l bc ex hl b ' l l~d ut t he Na' T il e d Ivis ion of vita I stu tlsUes of " Deglnn lng at One p, III. lh c fol· l ' on tl l ra h blt s how at Ule 01\10 t ho State Depa rtm e n t ot Pu hllc NOV , 18-19 State F a irground s [)ecclllue l' i; to H oo lth di sclosed th a t ou l of nin e t y. lo wi ng propol' l y, Dob 110 110 f ive dca WJs In Ohi o In 19S0 f ro m ac. flo l/schu/(l g OOds alll1 Gan/ell l o()I,~ 10, It Is alln oun ced by T , 11 , Ya n· MairUm RnyC Ic.voland, ch a lrll10 n of Late sty lo Drelisel', S i mmoll s bed d c.l'I'oort, clcle nt a l gun s h ot wounda, nine oc· In l h e sll ow committ ee, The Sh ow is c ured amon g hu n te rs i th a t In 1937 a nti SIlI'ill gs, r oli to [1 d s k, sw:vel s p onso rc ll by the A~lli eJ'iCl\ n Rabllit r, "G.·v" M• Sal'lor" ch ai r , dini ng t ohl e, s ide boa r d, " ... ... ,with 104 d ea th s t rom lh e Same o nel Ca.vy B reed er s A I~s o c l ll 11 0 11 , P lte, . Smith, lIot On . Ice ClIlISC, t we lve occurre d a m ong hunt. cilo lrs, r ock I'S, s tOlid, two 9 X l2 P r izes Inc lude 47 CliPS, Is ht r un gs, P;l il co rad io, Ref lex ~~g ht e· COllled)'~Murdo~ :'Wltla & scrvlltllll) , el'S, lect r! readi n g lam p, ci rcul atin g cOPller plaques II nll cas h totalling A Holllt~11l cow cOlls ume d 160 Ibs, h eat 1', combl~ntl on 1'001 a nd gas cl ose to $1, 00· M at of t h e pr izes of llasture g rass tlally In a feed t at m n ge, o il cool, s tov e, cn a m t'l to p lI.r e con lrlllllierl hy t he 1)1' drs, N OV, 20-21 at IJoIt Bv lllc,. MarYI~IHl , The IlIlB- ki tch en tablc, Ice r efrlg e ratol', Int t ho ug h se \'c l'a l class Ilr izcs a re Dorot.hy Lnmollr GeorltO ~ft ture mi xt ure was of excellent qual· of ca n n ell frui t, di sh s , cooking nward ed by th e aSE!ol'illti on , pe· In It)' nud furnish ed enoug h nutri e n ts u ten s ils a n d ot h er arti cles too el fic br eed s to be s ly n awl!l. l"'s " are: Fl emi s h Oia n ts " Ch ecl;c r d for th e co w to produce 45 pound s ot num er ous to m en ti oll, ", ,. !'~paw~ ~f the North" Gl a ll ts, Ch inch ill as, Rex, S il ver V i milk pe l' duy, Som e ar t i c l e~ cOIisltl cr ed antiq u e . S"Ort-~)llIilltllrc ' . Mnl'te n s , A ngorus , Cha m Ilulg ne d e . . Ohio SL'11 e Un iv r s ity is ente ring Ga r den loo ls, g l:!nd Blone: saws NEWS OF TilE PAl' Ar ge n t. Him n~ l a n s, I lav.m a s, E l l· a nd ot hor ctl l' pc n t r8 too ls. glun t..s Dut ch De"crcll. S Sa ti n Ha l'a · WOS U, 011 10 S ta t o U ll :ve r s lty r a ll ' 0 T Ertl\1S CAS H .. -r-"" W . A. COO P E R as, E n g l:s h , Po li s h, '1 'a n s , Li la cs , , J•.; . NOV, 23 stollon , Is on e 'o f s eve ra l In Ohio S il ve r F o x, Am eri ca n n ncl S :l h:e, ~ whl cb will hronil cast market n e ws W, N , S (!a!'S, Au ct. ~I_ ~lll A. NIIJ:el on turlwys each Monda y night li t The re will be lilO otlm issl on I !l: 55 lI11'ough No v'e mber and De· In ch a rges to t he expos : ~lo n , til w hich oem her. Tbe n e\v.s wll\ be comth e public Is w elco me , off' c i:l ls , "UNDER TilE BIG ~OP" 1>' leti from r eports Bimt In lIy p o ul· s tatc. Th e show wiil be In t he No. 14....,...,Filu;h Gordoll To 1\1111'11 lrymen. : " n ewl y cons tl'u cte d bn rn on t be fa :r ·
', Earm C-ompulsion
~ r
_i' Riggs Birthday U~lr.iliu, 'r' . r Party
1! , , I Salid & Grav.-
laiD Armitage
National R,abbit Sho~,
Twin Theater
- - -.-
J~r.ey., a~d C~rtified
Hybrid Seed Corn
Ohio 52. Ind. 614, U.S: 65.44.U. 17.1 9,3 9
T h e McK AY fa milies ItIl VO h a d os recen t g u ests, Mrs , Ho r old Mc K ay's mOl he r, Mr s, J enn !e Hawo rth and elstel' of Wilmin gto n. MI'S, Lucf!le E ec'kelt a nd s,o n. Chal'les W illia m of n car Bla nc h es. tel' , we r e r ecent dinn e r g uests of ~'Ir , li nd Mrs . A lm ou F e r ris. Mr . a mi Ml's. Per cy Woll s a nd Il ll.u g h t()Ti~, Dorothy, Ina and A lta , atte nd ed th e revival services In
Ten year old reg. mare, 3 yr. old gelding for sale Good W or:ke". .
Diode) City Tone SbO\VD at 'New York Fair
SATURDAY NOV. 26, 1938 gro und s,
At Mill g rove Stock Farm, - -- - 3 mil es northeast of MOI'row 'I'he l o lul n\lm ber of carlonds of 0/1 t he L itt le Miami, ri ver at pota toes fr om Stll lol! oth er Clan 11 A, M, Ohio uu loa dl' d In Clevela nd fl' olll ~ "' h 11': h e d of ' Jer. J lI lluary 1 to October 1, 19H5, wil e I orses, 0 a I :1 SfJO 1'\ I D k ~ 1 e~'T'Cattl e, 10 sh ee p, 75 hog '. ,, ", 01'11 1'- a ' . slllPPCI IPo. A line of f arm impl ements , I ta lo l'S to Clev ela nd fOl ' th e fl :81
NEW 'fORK (Spec ia l) - A tim e In three years, t.hc ,fa rm )Jl'lCe m agic ~a rp c t ride th ro ug h S;;<l t'e Terms cash-Lunch In thilt ~tato on Se ptl!m bcr 15 W<l R two mil es ab ove "Dcm o(;raci lY," t~e perfcc~ly ir.kgrate''l g ar ue n K n 1'1 Brown, A u c t . :):{ cClittl 1\ bus he!i city of tc m or row. \'.) 11 f"'<1 t ure t h e ,W, D. Corwin, Clerk ce ntral th eme ex hib it o f Ill " N ew Z. O. WORLEY 1\1I'S, Ma ry Car mOlly was a dinn er York World's F a ir whi ch opens L. T. Mcintosh g llest SUllda y Of Mr!l. All ce Clark April 30, 1930, The exliibi t, cre ale d by He nry ___ . ' _ - 4 - _ _ _ Dreyfuss, industrial d esigne r, will bc dramatic in form, It will reach a stirring climax when, out of the dist~nt sk~s above the floating . a~dlence, WIll troup e m a rching Ie. ~Ions of workers, symbolizing th.e mterdependence of man in mod, ern civilization, Nearer and nearer ' th ey will tramp, until the ",hole arch at , heaven is filled with towering fig. ures, arms upraised, ' singing the song of tomorrow . As the final strains at this marching air die away. great streamers of colored light shoot forth from the zenith drenching the sky from horizon t~ horizon in all the hue:; of the rainbow, ' A Dramatic Show ~
~ :' I
You Are ,In Need Of
'j .
! ,
This dramatic show will be housed in the eighteen'story Peri. sphere, companion structure to the 700·[00t Trylon , \;rhich constitute the architectural focus ot 'the Fair. An entirely new method or pro. jection, .utilizing slides instead ot fUm, will be e'm ployed .io throw tbe moving figures on the sky, Ne .... methods bf'ftuoreseent 1ight. big w:ilI be used. .' .. ' The' garden city ltselt will be a ' m~del-one . ot ,the ,largest ever bUilt and th'e first to portray, a lull• .I~e metropolts caterit!..1 to a llon people and complete ill every last detalt This cUy of tGmor~ow will serve 1,000,000 people, but no one will live 'in It. Home! wlJl,.be in t suburban developments. Faetoriea also ' wlU be located 1r. satellite towns, and broad green bell areas
youI' "ublic ~ Vlilily is you.. r ..iead., • Today, tomorrow, the next day- iri' .
JERSEY HERD IN 400 HONOR CLUB 1934.35-36·37
\.'_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_Oiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iil t _iiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiii';'iiiiiiiiii
JCRslo L , Garner
Public Sale
tukens Stock Farm E~ST
Beech Grove
"Bank Night"
Publi<; Sale
wUJ circle both city and town..
fact, during the whole year your Public Utility is preparedfqr a testo~ its greatest ,
efficiency. Its manner of operation pto-, , videsfor instant service of every kind 365 days out of every year and 24 hours out of every day. " 0"
" ,
• Representatives of compan,y.-.. ',
always are at your call for service when , • '~'''t " J- ...
it is needed, Rural customer~ long ~i~c~ . ' have learned to depend uI'On us' a:nd when the need
Utility really' 'demonstrates how' efficiently it
op.erated arl~ ho~ much, of
a friend it really is,
fCburches Celebrate IHarvest Home -
'NuIJ'l4aJ'. NOT_. 17. III.
·rtl mOil ul'e now' lJu sY on n pro· grn m lhat U UII O will wa ut to mlslJ,
R~ ...... OYer the maD.... mont of .Gulr JUII OD Nortb Mala bu sl·
Monelil Y night KI ·(I~l'I·t! d (Plltt·tI PI'n uK \\'111:\01'1 11".IIlsnCled lra:r l...v· R If ll ' !lW tll'(! :~ \j1r: iI ~ hl II' llh Mr, and Mr , Harry Tlur ;! It UI\.d :'Itr~., ii'nIl11{ KI!III ' 1111 d on i\lrij. ",treet we' wl~1 opun tor bua • IIt'HI! III I,y udlbllr.g '1I1.t.l nluy. lllll, l Il( 190] !lll lll to "'IIiI'I y'~ family were Kanlo vlalto 'S Saturdl1y Hil )' mbaoll olltl dn ul!;h t I' slella ;\t l'. 111111 Mr. . Lioll el C"umphuU are Friday Nov , 18. Watch .for tOIl~ i l7 'U, A mn rg ln or 21 T)lna. ve ulq. M 1U11I)' IIltl'l'lI 0 11. _ , I elliot! lil\~ t 1\ \ hom lilC~y l'ecEm tly opening later. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Oril. or \ Mr. lind Mrs. F.rwl n Smith tlnd 11 0l'ns o f pi "IIty, I~ontalnlllg t:\O . CnrJt QII oolt 1'011 '11 th!' hl gho!; t Murroy aDd Lou Hopllln. .pendtn·g n ouple of , II' k8 with dR.tlg ht. r Su(lIlh I!.un \1' l'e RliPP I' "rrIClt :1 i Ih e lond" wl\l doe'orate :1 I!"lIliH~ tul nl rill' f.'\ll r ley w\t ll 1:10 IIUl'chu \?cJ " tb Ir dllu!hler, Mra. Froel Pisk LInll g llP Is Of II'. a nd Mrs. E\'erf.'lt ui l) ulln rll .or the SJlr:il!l bf) r o, R ~ d 1IIliR whi~ \J:1l1i1 Uro wn f KI't)gll r s I IIQllly at Indo(l(! ndon'c?, K y . ~Inr !>'l lt an ti dought (. Thill' dny Li nn »n/I J~ y tl Moth o,IIKt (' burcbe!; WIIR h '"h [ 01' hi li ( COlli wIth 1.;; 1. . Mrs, Kesler Gr a bn;u an n dnllgh. vcnl n~ III Spring Vu llt·y. wi! II th!)y - I til'ntl' Thn lll.sglv ing ~ W lin sdlly ni ght C\lyl' M a :1! tu, Miss B rnlcc sp ' ot Friday wllb Mrs. Frtlllk J)nk ' n of Spring anrl If nl'vllSl Hom e with worllhlp won Jill'{lf.' fr om I talll!)Y'~ 1'rll l'l<.1'11. ' ricl ny '11~h L II O);C I':;'" s:III 1'1:111 11 r. and Mrs. A. E. WhUc:> nnd son 'lara DlIlIght llrs and SCI 1'1 '1'5 nn,1 Holy ('Olll lllunlOll on In Columbus. r<: I'1I Sl I'; Irnh art visit ed SUJIIl ny lIIorulng, fo vember. 2()lh . m t W!llh L~ II I. G. IIl1dn J IlIll 8 Snyd 1' . th e pastor " Th ~ B u ~ ln c ss ' M,m'f\ LI'Ilj\ uc ;J, , " Mrs.' Mn ry Ilrmony In comva ny . 1 1'. I~u rnh m'n! SI SIOI' II ntl Ill olh pr .'ordlug to in eilt'ut lonl! ~ h o ll h l ~p I with MrR. E. J . arlDony II n,1 Miss of Da yton Tu . dn)·. will Ill't ~ 11I liechtel oft Spr lngrlelll ll tt II IIl'll tne 1\11'. nnd M rs. f.I·s nk J( l1ill an el Kt' l'vl' B. 'he w:1I b nssl8lecl' hy Dr. unde r Wll Y ~ 1I1H! r n ~'x t WC't'k Ill' I h I' tb('oler In Daylou on Il1st Wednes· da ughte r null! ('n ll e,1 on '-II'. nnd T. T . I·awrord. uper lnl entlent of f ollowing one. :\Ii ~s Peggy n e nllngt' l' wnn h ' gh day. ~fl s. Hp . ('llI'l Bn nnell an d Iw ln Help to Protect Your th e nnylo n Dlslr..lcl ur th e . core hOll ors las t w k ·a monJ.!' A uumbt'~ oJ I'oillt ives 11lId da ugh ton, of 1. £'10:111011 nnd ny u[· Home from Tuberculoses d illt ·hu l'r h. C.·leuds rrom bore ntt endold th f un· tl'rtIoon . __ l~a 1'l y Olol'lling w"r~ h i )l nnd com. la<ll s with };;, nll t! Pl.'tC' Cl il i1:111 i Hill of MnJ . Lulu Joh ns, SuturdllY I\1rs. lIul'olll I, cll is :\Il il c;lllclrell muntu n will he beld lu the Lytl e won lh e m Cll'R hig h ';l'nr l' \1i'lzc lit ber ~ te r CR 'd nce In Duytoll and ca ll ed on frit' llIls I I n ,lyton Mo n· ,.)1Il1'C'l1 lit 9 n. m. Dr. ruwford will with 2:12. tile Interment III Cen tl!1'V I\II'. 11:1)' nrtl'1'n Olln :111,1 ('ve ning. )lrene'h on th s uh.l('('\ . "Ar You :'III'. lind \Ir~. l JiIl·.\' Gil son II . d ,\n H\\'l'rlllg the Door ?" C,n st so lol t HAPPY HOUR CLUB Mr. ~d Mrs. Wall er Ke nrick amI Jilmes Hnill es spent Thursday In daughl ". Palli int' II' ' I" dlllnc r • Wllhur W. WII Kl) n of C h al' l ('~t on wi ll h Miss Maxine ,lam es of Bu cy· Mrs. Hemry SnU l' l·tll wili\(' Plqlla with ber niece, 1\"11'8. Vi olA !-: lI l'sl~ or .\1 1' . 11111 ~·I r!<. Jl aro ld W. Va. spellt th o wL>eI[ CJ nd wit h hl ~ I I'II S, Hop rllno solo!st In the Chape l ll y eutc rta inml Th C' lI a ppy lfght.fu Graue, who r ema in s ' guile iii. Il U).:I.'I'R l\He l l\11·H. 1~ !11ll1 a (;IIJSe)JI or 1 1)[1 rc III 5. ;\11'. on <l ~II'K. I~rank \\' 11 ' \ 1'11 011' of Capital \ )llvcrs lt)' In Co· Mra. Allee C1urk Silent SlIl.urtlay Dell hrlluk SlI nli llY. SOIL IlIlIIbus. She will s ing the offel'tory Hllur Club at her hOllle In The in Dayton In comllRn), wllh MI'R. 1\'11'. 1\)1.11 :\11'::;' L il li Hk hiCl'llR an d Chur :,.,s Gray of :\l!ll ml Hhnrg vis. numb r . lind with. Emmett A. SIIY. Caesu rs Creek nclghhorhood \V .d -:I Romo Riggs ..nd daughter c ( SOl· ·nl (Iuughl er. ::I1r. an d ~, r K . .I :lIlH·S ;\I I!.. J . C. Grny Su tunl uy. ' dl' r, tl'nor. will of reI' "Teaeh Me to nesday, 'oVt>mhe r 9. T .le lewd)" Itt "1 1'9 . E • D• Lo ug· a ut umna l weath pr wllh IIR RIIiC'v R ow. Icr IIlItl "'I IIIr 1'1'11 or I) OI)·tO Il ..\1 r . alH I Mrs. l.o ulA File wa A a WlIl1Iing. F.' nl.y " b y J cw." . . I llg II. tOil HhOIJI.ler Sn lllrdny. nc re f s I n eI la rge 0 ff tlIe (Ieco rll. f~'v o r of win LeI' ro nt rastf'c1 1111'118. Mrs. Suann Saylor ltllel Mrs. 1\1111'· :\1I'K. 1~1I j; \\,I'llh (;1 I'SO li li nd (tl Ilntly wllh the warm Illensll nt .\I ni. rthnd el< 1I111111c ll nlld doug;). tlo ns. th& Grabam attended Lhe fu nerlll t I' II f ( ' ,' nL!'!'" I'11" . . Ll(' 11 I 'I' II CHeIny III 'I I I 'I 111'1 r.: 1 1"111 II llel ~ S S ervices Ivlll be Ileid at th e Rell nelgbborly!<)lh crc of th e gn lh· of Mr •. Ida CUOlp III Xc nlo Fridny. \\. I .' 1' . II I ( .' r~. I'Y ' ~' tel':; visited MrA. Su llie h ' lI son lit. . f umilr. llrtl ay. Lion church a t 10: 15 wllh Dr. Craw. e rillg. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cooper ha v!' :'rl s~ ('ittI'll Dall " M F.::ghtec n III Ill !J I'F nllll soY('n sold ~helr prOlli!rl y he re to A. L. " hlc i' is s PcJIlllng . I'S. Lall nnt I so n 0 r ' VII m I n gL' n ronl delivering the morning address 'I r ~. I , 11 li e '!I S., lut 'I, MOil 1; 1'(111) whll'b Klnl and will len·ve for Flor ldn a f. a rul\' till -" S wllh . ri'l " lId tl in Ilny telll. v I M' tetI .,' " S. 0 - nnd Miss James lUItl Mr. Snyder g uests m ll d c up t.h . Illil! weel" ',1 le i S IIIIW(' SlItlll·tla.v. . pU I'ticlpnling. Mrs. Ralpb Knox will listened to II sh or t progra m or read tel' a sal& 01 household gonds nex t U~u.a.lI" rich III VitlJllle B, :\I rs.· Acid '· 01 11 a nd SO li ' DII!IY ." J uhn RlIlllff und molher be in charge of /i!lahorate Harvest lugs nnd a solo num ber wh ich fNIp rololn. and malnulwn, It ,tI•• Saturday. .n I'S. ul>c •• 'pptllt •• lid. dilution s pent :'[olHln.y cve nlng wit h ~'I r s: w l' " riJclll llgton shoppel'll awr. Home decorations. tured thc hos tess talent!'el gl·aud· f urn i.h .. I wealth of food.'n.,~ '. rEOI. Oel Ihe bie econolll), k. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longnn vis. I~ \' I'Nt Bunnell Llnt! f umlly. lIay. nd er lbe direction or Mr. Sny. daughter, Ann who was a 'CcJlIlllnntomorro. onl, at KrOltr' •• Masl I' Rall'' ll 0111 s nCllt aLul'Jted Mr. and Mrs. Ed Patton III' No r · " J am f.I Th Ol'nbur y who ba s bee n del'. the young people's choir ' will led by her molh er, ~I rs. I men t 1\'oocl Sunday aft ernoon . Mr. Palton 'I ny u(tC:!r noo n ami SUIlIIIl Y wilh quite III Is mii r h improv d. appea r for the first time In tbe Satterthw ulte. Afl I' sonl(' 'ontes lS o untry Cl\lb WHEAT Countr, Clu" Irs. Cu rl Os ho rll Is 5 r lously Spr ingbo ro CllUrcb In the Hervlce at the hostess ser ved n su lucl COllrSl' . . Is Buffering from blood polsoo the Mr. nnel !'4 rs. rtoy molld Os born e or FLAKES . . . . 3 pk,•• ZSc BRAN FLAKES .• 1.. r esult 01 a splinte r In his flngor. X 111:1. tI ~ 10:45. They will slog the 1/.1It hem, ~rB . Gladys Robin son was a din. M~. a.n d Mrs. Em orson. Dill were SPELLlNG BEE Ii ss Lucille Tuckcl' teac her In "Break thou the Brend of Lifo" as ner guest Thursday or Mrs. Mildred X lI ill sho])]1 rR S:tlu rday IIfL l'Il oo n Inc:nnntl spent the w ek elld at a part of the Com'm unlon service. nod evcnln g. Marlin at Miamisburg. The pRstor wl!ol prea ch a Thanks. her home h r eo The member s of t. Mary's !; lI!ld , STOCK UP AT THESE LOW PRiCE', ORa P . L. Itun yoll und (rlclld s s tlll'ted ami box Ml·S. ~\l\J'y SYfrcl1 was a WII· gIving sermon. MlsEl James and Mr. sponsored a B p e~ling b Mn. Margnret Johu s spellt Tuee· YOU BUY -- THE MORE YOU SAVIU Otllt PRICES Sa turday for V:I'I: ; illla 01,0 MichigAn Snyder will · slog; with Dr. Craw· social r'r:duy even ing al Ora ng e ming tun vis itor U II Silturtlay . d~ with Mrs. Al!cn Emerick. SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES! BUY AND IAVIII . on a huntin g ll·rb. E d Surtn ce r emu lns in t he s um forti administering tbe commu nion. hall. Mr. anti Mrs. L. H. Gordon tnndal'd. Whole, Unpeeled Frieuds here have rece ived cards Standard .1 Mr. a n d Mrs. \!:!Nls Mlchenl nod co nd ition. Miss Pauline needy Is cba.lrman of ~ead ed the s pe lling contl!f;l, Mrs .. APRICOTS ..• 2 can. ZSc PEAS •.. 4 no..2 caDI 15c from the Early family from Florida daughte r and Mi ss Shi I)' of Spring the decorations committee. S. T . Mill r of Ci IIc'itulnli a nd Gorde n's slll e wlnll l ll~. T he sa l ~ o f (',," ntry Cl ub. H!:'arte of saylnl they are cosily settled for Branch wer dinner g ues ts of 11'. Jonn " Arc:. KIDNEY Worshlvpers In each or tbe three the lunch boxes with W . =-<. S~lIr Illl Da ve DUIIII of Le bano n lransacted GRAPEFRUIT .•• Can 10e BEAnS . . . . . '... llC the winter In ~\ cottage at St. Clond H er bert Morlntt a lld 5011 Eelmon. c ngregation s w:lI Iny Hrvest home a uctlone r. netted a ntlnt slim f or bus iness with P . R. Blnck. o un try Club.SIFTED and all are well. Sta"dard Pnul lne Gibson sp ol Thurs· liss "'. Mrs. ,J ohn Sy{crd !Ill nt tbe week g ifts on t.he a,Itar o.s they come In. the society. PEAS. , • , ,No.2 can lie TUNA FISH •• I .... lie 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick at· day ni gh t, with Mis!! Dorothy Mich· end . with her nlnthcr M,r s. Mary ~1 lb rs and fri ends have been De.! Maiz Nibl et T.. Dee ' tepded the funeral of the former's enl. in vit (I to <I!splay prize fruits ana yrred. NOTICE CORN . ... . ".2 caM ZSc TQMATOU •• 4 cau . . n'phew, 'W arren Kenrick, at Cen· Severn.1 from hero IIttf'lld ed tho '[Ibe toacher inll titute wus Ileld vegetables:ls l'art of the deeora· tandnrd COUI;t~ Olub. 'CRAPuRUIT te',-ville .Monday afternoon. Others funenrl o( M. rs. Mal'lon Fauber of a t Carl!:;le Munday af 'ernoon. tlOIIS. Donated foods will be given i\'(em l,crs nntl rrle nds of til I CORN. , .4 No. 2 canl ·ZSc JUICE •••••• 3 ca... 210 .tr4m .bere who aleo attended were: near Spring Vall y lusl Wednesday Iva Delln of Duyton nud Mrs. to t he Methodist Old ltlren's Hom e mothel"s club we l pi a l' tulio no· Stundn rclGREEN SUDlCliled ORANca . Jt(r, ~~d M;rs. Clyde Whnrton antI afternoon. Milry Ja.m eson of . New Burlington at Worthington. tiel' that date for nex t 111 Llllg has BEANS • . 4 No. 2 cans 25c JUICZ ••••••• :I au lie diUahter, . Eva, Mrs. Katie n eeder vl s lled Mr. and Mrs. John R(}i.Jinson been changed. It will h a Hi ght aad da1llbters. Mr. and Mrs: Allen a nd SOli Satu rday. DOUGHNUT SALE 1:HANKSGIVING MARKET meeting for Lbe rami ~, on Thurs· Emrick. Mr_ and Mra. E. B. Long· MisSionary Ilidics of the Bap ti st day, December, 1 nt th e gymnasi um . acre, Mrs. Allee Miller, Mrs. J. B. Mrs. J oe Tlnney's divi sion of tbe church will have a Thnnks.glvlng The Mothers Club will hold Hs The regular date, Deccmber. 2 e n· ( t ! JonM and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bal· Dadi es A id or thc Methodist church dinner at the Town HaJI Thu rsday. nn nual Thanksg;vlng 'market on fJlct ed with II bas l,ethalJ gil mo. 16 % DAIRY FEED ............ I • •" ..,'. 1.1t ley, ' will .bave a dou ghnu t sale at tbe Mr. and Mrs. James Stoops of Wednesday November 23 at 9: 30 a. 20 % DAIRY FE2D .... ... ~ .... 1. lit. ... ch ur ch aturdny Xov mber 19 be. Van W ert nnd Mrs. Stoops s iste r Of m· There will be cJll'essed chickens, 24 '70 DAIRY FEED . ..... , ..... I.'b. ' i.4' ginnIng at 10 n. m. Bubeerlbe to. the Miami Gazette. Columbus nre the guests of Mrs. butter a nd eggs, . delicious
Harveysburg News
1.0 OZ.
,. )
,..... ,..... I".",
Stoo-ps ·cous ln , Mrl!. C. G. lln ndall--Hl-\Mhl)li!ft--IHl1I1-6"tl~I'-tm"...-nnrll:mt.J-----I~aF-,~r1~e~--TIIr--...!!.!"-"'~~>'y '''' Mrs. W. J. Holnes or nl hmon · fo ods on sale. Yotil' order for SCRATCH FEEl) .... . .. .... I·, •• ,' ZS 1--·. . do' is the guest of h er sis ter Mrs. of these Items wl~· be-a-ppreciated. Busin ess building on Main St.. a SCRATCH FEED ............. 1••b. ... hili. Hanks. Ca ll 118. All don t!ons are to good Investme nt. ' EGG MASH . . . . . . . . . . • • • . • •• 15 III. Ma ble Starr re turn ed bo rne Sun· brought to the show room of the 2 1.4 acres , go od bull,ilngs. lec. EGG MASH , , . , ............. 1.. 1" .... tla y. Fairley Hardware Store, where tr :o, only $1 00, SAUr ............ :-. 1.. I.. Mrs. Lan and company of near sa le will be held . ' ._ 10 acres all new bu ' ldlngs, ~ ec. W ilmin gton vis it d Mrs. Lane's trl c. Ity water , $2500 " 'Crlspy lI.caroon . 11 room house , r ents to pay 13 8n.p.1D Roe. Glow ALL moth el', I\Irs. Aclllm Campl>i!1I and SUNSHINE CLUB . Cookl. J.r POR Illso her s iste r, Mrs. Donald Shaw per cent gross - - -90 ncres, good hou F.o, 1>n nl; bn; n, Tllc ortny. Th e Su nsh'!ne Club met Thura. Mr. WlI l, ur Ki rk vj s~ t(1d h is s is. largo poultry house, f4Jwln g wntcred. day evening with ' Miss Josephine on'y • $4~OO t 1' , Mrs. R. H. J IJ .ICl'l llS Monday. Bnnta of Lebanon! Ping pong pro. We jlllye lots of farm s a ll s iz s Mr. and J\h ·s. Ohus Edw:1rds w.ere vfde'" amusement "'" lOr the evening. \< x a nd prices. Wilmington s hUI)llCI',S Pc.turday. Dainty refresbmenta . were arved. Mrs. Sad ~ e ReaSon Is vis iting her Those present were Mrs, LIDa Mad. W. N. SEARS gran d.da ught er. Mrs. Rhodes BUll· don, Mrs. Mary Bbllth, Mrs. De~a Way~eaville, Ohio nell and f Ullllly of neal' Wa.ynes · Venable, Mrs. Howard BUrton and __ _ . _ _ . ,. "ilil!. daughter Mary Ann, Mrs. Frank ~"lrs. Spencer. t be prim ary tead. farr. Mrs. Frank Thomas, alid Mrs. t . In Ihls school remn.l ns seriousLy Russell Bentley. ill at I~ er bom e. , .
I c:roa and impat.lent becau,se they are nervous. H you are 'a natural crank, DR. MILES NERYINE won't do much for you. If you are irritable because your nerves are overtaxed, DR. MILES NBRVINE will do .a lot for you. Do you suffer from Sleeplessness, ResUeEsness, Nervous lrritabl,lity, Nervous Headache, or Nervous I ndigestion? Do -you worry over trifles, start at sudden noil es ? Overtaxed netves will cause all these troubles, and DR. !\IILES NERVINE will help you to relax those overtaxed n e rves. Why don't you give it a trial on our guarantee. of satisfaction or your money bao.k ? Your druggist can tell you about DR. MlLFB NERVINE. He has been selling it ever since he atarted clerking in a drug store. Dr. Miles Nervine comes in two fonos-Liquid and Effervescent Tablets. LIquid Nervtae. ~ Bottle $I.~mall a... !tIe ~ EJrervcescent T.blets, Larre Paw,1' 75¢-Smal! PnclcCJjl1 :I!;e
•• : •:
:'I i r.l. Mary Sy fol'll Is lUuch 1m. 500 PAIRTY , Ill'OI'cll and resumed her wo rk . ----r-Mi· . .T. W . Snell is rc motleling th e Mr. and Mrs. Ralll)h Hastings . ! . Opel ' / he re(!e nUy purchased. tertal ned several 11'Iends Saturds1 Many from hero attended tl" 0 evening. "600" and contract rum provided diversion for ~ even!ng, ba sketball ga me at Sllrlng Valley Prizes for high score wilnt to Mr. FOR SAL~-Black Pol and ~hin a a nd Mrs, J . P. barrlck. Tempting MaIe pigs, immuned f).nd rea dy FAMILY DINNER refreshments were served to ·the ' for service, Cbas, Hagem eyel'. Mr. a nd Mrs. Carl Cooa rd eliteI'· follOWing, Mr, and Mrs. W. E. ' Plione 74R5 Waynesvllle !l* tnlued SUllduy witb a family dinner'. Stroud, Mr. anG Mm. J . P. Larrick SAWS SHARPENED-Leave your COVCl'S were lul d fol' Vin son Orut y and Mr. and Mrs.~, H. Stubbs. snw at Falrlcy ' Hardware Store, Mr. lIn(l Mrs . Bert Griffy, MI. s \Vnyn.esvllle, 2lll' Li;..:;;c Jones of Daylon , DI· ...nud MI i:l . BIRTHDA.Y PARTY A. B. Shelton a nd ·family of Clneln · -----;-noli Mr . al'd ~.; . ~ . D. W. Braltefltllcl Fourleen frlen~ gathered at the WANTED - PlaJu sewing. Mrs. an'd fa mily of Sab ina lIlId Mr. nnel home of Elmer Sur fllce Monday eve' Clint Ross. Mrs. Roy I'\og~ Ie anti family of nlng to r emind him of bls seven· WANTED-To make cash purch ase , SPI';llg VlII!ley, teentb birthday, of .about 400 bu. !lew corn from He was the recipient of many farmer. Address P, O. Dox 83 , ni ce remembrances. After a pleas· Waynesville, O. I tp. ant evenillg, d ellclol~s 'refresbments
To The Voters of Warren Co. Kindly permit me to express my th a nks and my
.cand idacy for W~l'rc.n do unty Com missioner at the . G neru l. Election, November 8th,
. The fineat turkey that mon.~ caD Delicious, Tender, Low' Priced. ,
Oyaters, Fres.shore, Medium
Channel Catfish, Fres h DreUed Fillit of Haddock, Bo!:cle..
. E !~in lc l:s W ieners , Dd:cioull Breakfaat Bacon, center cut. Cot.t alle Ham, No
Cream Cheese, Mild . Spiced Ham loaf
were ser ved and t~e guests departed wishing him mnny lIIaPPY" returns of FOR SALE-DouiJle barrel shot gun lI.S ·good as new, Inquire or J : the day. Kerrl~k, N. 3rd Btreet,- Wayn'csvUl e.
Potatoea, Michi,aa
Bananas, Golden Ripe, FOR SALE-Ellslla-ge, Roxann a & Waynesville Plants ~1.6Q por .t on Spinach, Fresh Green, E~tate of Rachel A. Pettit, De. ~Igh Grade Canners Salt 75 cts. per cenaed. hundred pounds. Roxanlla CannIng Head Lettuce, Jumbo, Notice Is' heNlby given that I:.. W. Co., Phone 119·R·21. · t£b. Green Beana, Rouncf Teaeler, Cbandler whose POst OUlce Ad. dress Is .R. No · 2 ~nyuesvllle. Oblo, FOR 'ISland, Tomatoea, Calif~mi& ·R epaclu has been' duly' ap~lnted as Adm!n· . Rock and Wh.te Rock 111IJletll. Acorn Sci~ash, Fia. fOl":B~. Istrator of the 'E1~te Of ~achel A. Also some Cockerls. Q, \B. Ohllt!lm . Pettit late of Watren County. Ohio, R. 1. W.~ynesv,ne, Ohio. . Radilhes, . R~ Buttoa •..., deceased . · Dared ' this 31st' clay of Octo e • OST:-Cb ~Cken coop betWl)co ' Cor· 19:)8, ' win and ' Wellman, Return and get C. Donnld Dllatu!'b , . Atty, . :·eward. Will Gl'JItin. ~M:'PH H. CARmY Judie of the Probate .Court f'OR SALE-A good ·ShrOl)a.blrel Count7, ~Io Luck 2 year. old In spring. cbt:l1D: ~ov. 3'10·11. ~ H. Oordon UP. . .. .~..........~~~~~,,~~~I!I
..., •• ~
••• • :
H. '1). "'Jim" Bailey
vote of confidence in
buy -
....... ...........,....... ...........,....••.•
. deep appJ'eciation fo r your
' I .•
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ORDER. YOUR · •• 4 POINT BLUE RIBBO'N •••
Do you "6y all to pieces" when the children are noisy, or when ~ vegetables burn, ,o r when the j elly won't ''jell?'' Some mothers 'a re just naturally cranky. Some mothers are
1.29 , .40 1:4t
pL 25c
Ib.2Sc 21b.3Sc .. . ' lb. r29c - lb. 2Sc . ' lb.29c lb. lie ·Jb. 31e ~.
.Thanksgiving Dinner
Aid Of Dependent And fhe Blind
- - ,-
-- -
- _.
-" -
-.-_2 !
-----, Number 3957 -- ._-----_._--
Wayn~~ville, Ohio, Thudd.'Yt November 24, 1938 -
-~ ~-
I E.lWOtlh
Membe rs ot t he E a rnhart tam· \ . Illes will guth er at tbe hos Pitable coun t ry llom e ot Mr. a nd Mrs . Gil· The foJlowin g Is the f irs t ot a bert Frye on Tha nks giving da y to SC I'I II of ol'li ' le8 wl'ittcn by E ll za_ enj oy hunting on the farm a nd din· l'eUI Sli IJbs . of Lebano n. coun ty In· ner in t he evening. Tbe followlrl g v<'s t :l:ul ol' of th e DIvis ion of Pub' will be preseut. MI'. aud Mrs. Karl Ik Ass Is[llu ce : Ba llb a lld son of Xenia , Mr . a nd DIII'I IlJ,; th e P:(Ht t wo nnt! 0 11 0Ml's . J. N. RolJ!nson and Mr. lind JIH~'f ),f'a rH. Ohio'li (Iu L)lc uHsls tulwe MI'8, Mudis on Ear nha rt a nd t wo p l'lIg nliu uI's il:ncd IIIlu OI' t ho Soc ial S Oli S, MI'. and Mrs. Eurn est Ea rn_ ):)ccllrit y Act to ll,!sls l dCIJ t! ru\(JJ ,t har t lI ud chikh'eu, Mr. a nd Mrs. A. IJ ntl CI'I!>II! t! 'lIi llireu anti til e II. Ea ruh ll rt a nti SOliS, :'111'. lind Mrs. II <;ll y hli III I ha s tlune much to a l ~ev· Elllerson Earnha rt and son Cha rles , a t(J hUllluu Ruff e l'tn g. Burton und Mr. a nll Mrs. Ha rolll 1 11 WU I'I'cn (!oull ty the work to ~~u rnhurt and ch lid reD. ll t!l" Ih <'se g ro ups ullder th e Soc illl 'c ul'lI y Act ~ lll l' t e ll III ,July 19'1G .tillli riul ' i ll ~~ lha t I jlllc definitc s le lls lw Yo lJeen t l LiI CII 1.11 la y a s trong f nu nda tl ou III Luildillg n l)rogl'ulIl t.J l1 t IVO lll r1 IlI'ov ld /! cllre fillli bu · l.l nn c l'olls lcJ tl rllt' un to th e IIIICler. jJl'i vllcgetl wbo tUrll to the pl'O· Mr. lind Mr/!. J. E. a I bbs of Bla n· .gra m fO I' 1I·ld. cliestel' were dlml",r glJes~ on S'a tAt til e pres nt tj me; t h t! Wa r · ur day ot MI'. nn~ Mrs. Ellme r Sh ee· r en , county public u.~8 i 8tn n cc JlI·O. IIIUI. g ra m is car'lng f or ] 31 tlep!!ndellt The fol!owln/f ape/It Sund ay with child reD I'cpr Bentln g 48 famlll ea ~ n th e coun ty. ln atlllltioll , is III Miss Rutll Conn er at oxt on) , J ohn p rO VIding . ca re f or 14 indigent Dager, E velyn Johns , Ma r y Ca roli ne blhld pe rsons nnd 25 crippled chll, Lu kens , 'Ueulab Be rnart! and Mr. and .Mrs. Leo Conner, d r on, 1' he tl tJpendent cll I)dl'en being Mr. lind Mrs. Ralph Has tings a nd 1I (d d (Ire yo ungs ters ; most of them SOil Dob were Dayton vlsltors. Sa tu nd er I G yea rS , of ngll-who lost urday. I.h e t!uPllort ot their 10mlly wage. Mr, and 1\1rs, J . P. Larrick are urners tbrough s uch causes &8 d eath, Ilbyslcl'Il or mental i ncapa.. spending the 'J'haDksglvlllg holldQ.), city, or continued abser:ce from the with Mr, and Mrs. C. E , Norris of home. Peoria, Illinois,
League Meeting
T \\'Cll ty,lIll't:e nwmljp l' ~ of t he I~ p. wOlth LellKlle o f th o !\I, I~. Chll l'e h of Leba non 1\1 I wi t h [ht! ~) c : 1 1 lell J,; ue SUnd ay (J ve nhlg to enj oy a NO':-; -FI T :O:\' ul'll ghtf U! evc ul rg of wl ) r ~ ll llJ !t lld Lindh r- " Li ~ tc n! Th e Wind: : Is 1·" I·I.<'lI l iOIl lugl'l l)!: r. The r. elJa non '. "",n" III! H" I,I, d ;) HIIj ('nd lti pl'O. cRsenLl uli y t he rllcol'c! or t l' lI d llYS In 1; I' d 111 u f IIlIl ~i l ' n 'atlinf( S 1111 11 \1'0 1" Ih e 1!1 38llurv ey fl ig ht c 1I'ried Oul Il l' , Iii" Till' nl.>l 1I sp c'n k c l' ~ Jl oke on olone l Rnti Mrs. Li nd be r g find t he ",1: 1)<.11' 1' 11 C'l ln \"'n l irJl ls a ll li l·U.,WIlI H·' ~ lo l'y a ttai n!:! tJle lII ag n t ude d hig h hu man ud v ' II t lll'e . lIutl er t he 'I' ll .. I' '''ltl II ll' mh prs W!'rt! hU,tH a [ UUlltrll"H Hk:ll flll illl crprPlll tion . ~ .. I·" ,-!,(.'I 1" ,1' (I f ~' lI l1n g Ill'o pl c (':1 nl c Il ollbcll- "S('! c n('p fur t il e Clttt o It ~· l () ~;,'. ze n" a iulS to P I'I ' ~ ' nt a reco rll of ma n 's pa st II IHI f Ulu l'c ac h ieve. men ts In a ma n ne r th ll t w il ~ lJ e : u_
Lo :al Happenings
Local Happenings
They nrc children who bceause of this p rogr m.n 's presence have lJeen kep t tOgelil er In Ul elr own h ome or In homos 01 biood r ell\· ti ves a n(l a ro bei ng g iven the oppor t uul t y to lJe r ea r od under the in fl uOIl 0 Of th e',r own people Ins t ad of belllg Cllst as ldo or sent to Insti t.utions, Q. more costly procetlul'o In the loog run t ba n tbe lIu rrel1 t pr ogra m, .
~Ir . and Mrs . Lee Hn \\' lw will on. rl nin Ih e fnll owiu g IIIc mbers 0: tll c I' fa mily a t T ha nk sgiving Il! (' , :'> 11'. autl 1I1ra. :'la yual'll We ll z I lld t'hl :dr en lind 'I I' . il llt! Mrs. Don Ha wk e.
:111'. a nd MI.·s.
n, P.. J-/ IlR ti uf; s Bnd
nn \\'i ~ 1 ga lhc l' with 01hc l' IIl cllI ilerr. t holl' fa m il y to s pc nd 'I',IUI11( s ~ h ill g Wi th :'1I'R. H aH ( Ing 'S siste r :'1 1'8, Clif f oI'll Jliza r nntl fu m ily.
II r
t e r' ti t i n g to t h tl Hvt.! J'a gl! r H lz II . k- "){cdi ';!'() \'e l'y , of Mall " hold s th ut the IIlu"t IIllP0I'l:t I1[ th ln ~ ahuu t IJI;,I'l'ilulov,y In 1'1'("' 11 1 year~ ,I Il H bl't:1I t l li ~ ' n 'd il<CI"YC I'y 0 f Ulall Hud l li ~ l'll llll blli ll l'H. F' ICTiO:-z f' edl e l'- " No A r muul' Ag:t illst Fat " Two gr a t al'l b ts .ha vc to choose Let ween t heir ca r e 1'6 an.! marria ge, Ou Mn ur ler-" Rebecca" cOlw eys [ 0 th e rende l' th e Id ea t na t t he s lli l'. it o f !\Iu nde rl "y lI ~I IIU I " t he h tl ulie lO \~ hi(' h th e nurl'Utor comes as Max im lie W. nter 's sN'und wi' ' c. Dnrnes-" W.s,lo lII's ga te Is a k t! 1l stutl)·, of Ihe clus h a'l1t1 f ina l
JI1I' ~ .
n. o. oliell ottll nd ctl the fl dj 1I1l1111en t or t wo pe rson ~ 11 tiel of Ih " :'I le rry W.ves dub 0, wh oso emotional mecha nis lDS a re wh i('11 511 ' Is a mClIIbel' ut th e home Il ntlrely d lft r ent n nd wllo ~e s tand_ of MrH. Uonu lci lJ eHuvcll in :\'c w >l.l'da of Ilerso nul conduct a re wo rlda a part. Dllr]ington. T hu l'stluy a ft ernoon . Wulpole-"Joyflll De Allleys" cre· Mr. mill Ml'l:I. W. El, Corn ell vi s. ol t ON a g l'oup of cou vl n r lllg a nd 11.1" ited t holr du ugh ter , :'I II'S, Willia m restin g cha racters wh o bring to ]lfe i\lIchonor Dntl fa m ' ly of Pi tt sburg one of tho warmest. m ost hUDlan fr onl l"r iday un t il Tuesd ay. 1I1r. a nd tO Mes . ;\11'8. ,luc k Hl d l acco mpanied them J UVEN I LE a nti v is ited t he ir s on Mayn nrtl 0111\ Fill ger- "Bohbl-e li nd J o k a nd wife Ileal' PittslJurg. the IIlllll man ," A IItlle b'ill gets lost Mr. and Mra. R . D. Collett will in the coun try a nti lhe Il1 nl hn lln s P nd Thunl, sg lvi ng ' wltl> 11[ 1'. and brings her home C. O. D. Gray- "Penn" -A young E nglis h Mrs, Lest er Stans e. leI ot :\OIV Bur j. -Ing ton. courtier leaves hi s country f o r. t he colony In the Ne w World , MI'. a nd :\'11'8. Ru ssell Carr of Mallette - " Chee·cha '· ko" - a Leba no n , 1\11'8. Mo ud o Cran e a nti name applied by old tlmers to ciong hte r Ma r y a nd M re. I i'Cne He n. greenhornli when t hey go to Alaska 1I0rsOll spen t Sun day wilh Mr. a ud Th e word meant! tendcrfo ot alld he WI's. Lo r~ n .1am eson a t Waverly, Is treated a ccord ' ugly. Chllte-" Bl ocIUng B.: ' II " A lively At a IUllet ill g o f ih e oHi dll 1 buunl OJ' Ih e M. K ehul'ch Sunday footbnll sto ry sct ' II n modern prep school. mOI' ulllg ' it wus dec id ed to ca ll in Ton er- .\1lds bipma ll Davey Jones a u Evun!;cl ~ Bt f or mee tings he re tel~ the adventul'es on 0 ' (( (ron" l.I'ly in J ll nU IlI' Y. .~ i des dUl' lng the Wll r of 1812. ~' r . a nd Mrs. II . H . Wtll !um son Ander son- "BIaze illld t he For· und da ug, ll'l' Gl'u (:e wll1 entertain eat Fire " Dilly und Blaze help to w ith 1\ flL ml'y tl inn !r Th an ks;\ivln.g save lhe cOllntrysltle by WInning T hm,,: tll ,III! 11I'l'~ nt il l ' ; Mr. lind the far mer s about the for est fire. Mrs. 1I a1'uld Wil!IILIlI, OIl IIlI rl chll. Angelo-" Nin o" tell s the sto·ry li ron o f Da yton , Mr. II nli MI·s. Ha y. or t he everyda y life o f a little moml WjJ'ru:ns on o ( ' l ' ve!lIl;d IUld Ita lian boy . MI'. a ud MI·s. · 11'(\ Bro wn of Franll' lin . FRIENDS HOME j)urty
All Alln Sh crl<lan , of ~)1 l! good appetit.. Stul IIMWlJ .
. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Garst 81lt1 da ug hte r Joan epent Sunday witb the fo rDier's . mother, 1\11'8. J . 0, G~lI'st ot Ileal' Dayton, She returned hOllle w l ~h them to stay uutl) Thall ksgl vlnll'.
Day '" th~ ~elt tradlUQl\a1 manner
~ the a,ver~ ~~ ~!l'hlli~n fMlllr,
M'. '"' M ... E.,..
Q. . " roworoup. " '" C, aw" " that Sll\acks of old Ume ~osPita)jty . v' ted a g roup of fr ie n(ls to th ei r I t h Idle Wilde Club which Is . . ' hosPitable cO \lntl y hOlllo t o th e ~ . e , WAYNESVILLE td E THODIST n 1 k 'hl h d a n Ua Jur ey eUPlle r.,.. C lil a e made up of rl\rmers resld ;ng 80uth CHURCH Of town. Sa turday evening ~h ey I • ., the th\J'd year thlll supper hilS been gathere" for t l1e first time Ur'8 soa~unday, Noyembl, r 27. 1938 beld, II ; ~o-,s\lod@l., ~clb.o9.l- R. D. The 'Dlenu- cOIls lsted of such 11 son, ·wlt.h Mr.-aud ~~. ~I Orawi or4 and rp,i:lllly, A most s un11)tuoll8 Collett. 8uperlntend.lUt, IJoun t iful s upply anll eacil ono cn_ tu r lce>' d~nner wjth 311 thl! tr im, I O: 3Q--.Worllhlp Sf!rvl ce; Subject Joyed hllll BC!1f SQ muoh th at it W:IS mln gs was "one amnle Justi ce to " InexhaUSlable PQwer". unanlmOUIl lIlut we ha ve it tho '1 an". ./1._ "".a sant soc ial.. evening f ol. 1l :00 Epworth Leal~ue, same place nex t year. " f' " lowed, Tllose present we re ; Mr. and 7 : 30- Evenlng fle r 1vh:e, Rev. RodAf trer supper the evenin g wa s Mrs. P. ·t. n eaflon, 1\.1r. an..1 !\.Irs· ehe/. fer at Ottbor·n w'U) 'spea k. ., spent in ,notes tftl d talk:ll g th ... '" Davis Furn n u and flon ~I\d Beoton MONDAY eVentB of t he dil Y. :'I'I1 sB Bland of ..... ., , 7 : OO-Boy Bcouta. Springboro entertain ed with ta p Kellar HOllk . Mr. an!l · :'1r~. L, C,. St. JolllI. Mr. anet Mra. Glenn Bland 7: 30 Orohestra prlElct ice . da ncJng. a nd daughter . Mr, anll Mrs. HII.rry 8:00 Choir practioe, At a la t e bOllr t be g rolll> s cull e r. Amon ' the du t le8 ot tho weltal'e Tbe, f ollowing fronl here attepd. Lacy a nd bl\by,. Mr, ana Mra· Cnas· WEP!I;ESDAY ed fOI' th eir homes. having exprllSs' wor h(! r engaged ' In t llo public as. ed a meeting ot the Warren Oount)' .3 ; 45 Choir praetlco, ed the:r sentime nts to t ile host Zlmmerrna.p anet son Robert, allil !J jst'w ee Ilrog l'lIlll is the t8llk ot TU berclIlos!" an" H~alth AI!~ocll\' COMINO EVENT ulld host ess of a very pleasa.nt Mr. Il nd Mr/!. Will Stroud. Oyster 8upper givEIO by the men e vening. It'n un ' ng wi th llIoUiers a pd blind tlon lit til~ Lebanou Town nail • l'c Ci l\ell ltl In orll(l r tha t , tllel tI)lgh ~ Th\1rB{lp,r eVlllllnJ i .1'4.1'8. Jobn Kerfor the official board . alld the Sun_ I' cel"c t h o lIIax imulll o[ good ou~ se)', ¥I'f! , Ji'r~Jlk LeMay, Mrs. Mark . da)' .school otf.leers la nd teachers, of the g r;,t llts t h; y get. In Rogers, Mr8. luC'" th"lr husbande. wl and' swe et· ltle welfare worRj!rs attemPt to J " MI K th . Glb" 11earta, Monday. DecI!ID" ~ r 5. ' rna l (l t he i)l'o~rnm In th~ CQUlltr I\plel> "n" ~Il ~. r ),Q ,,011(1 . Tile Var~lty p:,oytlc! a fine l ame "" The Ra lll by fu nd y, luC!ludlng Mr. Rev. and Mrs . T hornbury ot ()on~orlll ~o lhe need s Qf t :lose. whit ~eve.rlll casell 0(,wlt~9JtIQg CQ\IQ at aowersville., F riday night. The ·I St. Mary's Ehlacol>al Ohurcb unci li rs. Home r Hu ulby uutl daug h. Harveysburg called 0 11 Mrs . C. H . IIr o receiving 1l8s ls tan pe. In 0"1' ~phOIl I" b!lv@ been l'4lport~, loca) tel' m WIlS anead at the ell~ of ' Rev, R. L, lia ckwell. Minis ter . ' . .. Vincent Orirfy son o f Mr an d tel" Naomi , MI'. a ud Mrs. Ed Ham· Deather age Frida y evenin g. 11. d th 0 'laJ Se"u"I'v " c' . , tbe first Quarter. two points behl r. d Mrg, A. O. Oriffy a ud M S3 Ju stin e by L ilt! l\.a u", hte r Linda Lee a n(1 M f Sund a y afternoo n guests of .Mrs. er e c ,.. ,. tr P.· Mrs. A. H, "tubbs, aolld aaughter t th 'h I II th d I ThursdaY-Thanksrivlng Day. Bennett . daughter of Mr. and Mrs , and :\1 l's. Cla rence of Leb. ,. the programs tor <1 pelldllQt ohl). YVQ\lne and 80ri 011\)' .QPent Bui)<la y '1' (! : . t 7 ap 1 t el1 I 10 : 90 a·' ,-Morning Prayer and Bennett of Da ylon wer e il non will spent! Th unk!lglv lng with Bess ie Van Winkle we re Mr. and 17 ,h'lm 'Il/id Lhe blind are flnonce!! wltll her motileI'. MM. W: A . JIll 1l1tt y Pbo II s '17 t °9 ' .IQ a<1drel., married at Covington , k en t ucky MI'. and Ii rlJer t )'unl,es Of Ml's . ,Ralph HaJnes, Mr.. and Mrs. I Y thQ coun t y, IIta te, alia hllrt Oil" her IIlat,,!', Mils . N, n, All. Trehltel'lvles y /I r II 0 Bcare. III Advent, last Thursday . The bl ide· ' Il II. gr ad . Leba non . Walter Whitake r a nll Mr . [fnd Mrs. n " OVII 1" 1 PICllt" I" .he cbil"re ''' . Ii . e noup was ns 0 ows, 0 ' '30 Oh I S b I PI ' Wa lter Wri g ht o f Dayt on alld Mr. p or k • t l " .. " ma.ll allil faml~v, FG FT 'fP 1 , a., m. - ure 1 C 00 r - uate of Roosevelt nigh schOO l !:laflti I" C f S I V II f ,.. I 1Of . ' t MI's . Cila rl os Boyer has re turn ed aniMrs ....1'8.C. H opsey o · PI' ngha da din. ey. . , Ie . et orn ·goverllm jlll.t prow mary and Juniors, or 1937. MI'. Griffy g ra duated from . Deatllerage vW es one lloilul' (or eyer)' two aol. Mr, ~nd .Mrl!. JQ:lli Fromm and WAYNJ<~SVIL.LE 1 H I C ' d to he r home In Dayton ofter sjle nd_ 0)' Olmmunlon an th e local high 8chool in 1936. At Ing tho woe k with her t!lI ugh te l'. ner with her d a uk htel', Mrs. Ross la l's t he coun~y alld atate expcllti 8014 Olrde and. 'J, O. H aWl(e weI'\! Cla r), 0 "" . ..u S I a , m.(I In th e cn'r e Qf chlh!roll 'ulliler - l/1 SUlldll), d i nl1el' guQl>ts ot !'tlr. antt Rutherford ' Al fl'e.1 u w ., D I Oil Snturday ~ . 0 O · el'mon. the prese nt they a re mald ng t he ir . " ~.tout. I'art uoc' k and faln'ly ycu l'll of An(tar ljoll Mrs . Cur olln e Barnelt at Bel~II!' • age. I I) ·the blind pfO$ram 1'>11'11. r,fe)V:Il , Di\nto 4t Lovell\l\.l.! , 0 0 0 Tuesday-2. p. m. - nursery homo with the brid egroom's par. otc e 0 . Church Schoo', ente. Mr. a nti MI·s. J a mcs Sn yder of iJrool, is !lOW a member of the twhe fel\el' govcl·nmen f,. tDbr ,the jl 8 Mr, II.P.d 'W llllam Doster en4 I, TburlldaY- 2 p. III.,....,St. Marl's Mondn hate ve r u.1~ unllB a, re. apent d d y nig h ht a group I Iof fr: cnd s Co lum bus we re II inn er guests Sat, Fr iends Home fam :)y. 1 0 Guild at the home of Mrs. D. L. tell ere t e ne w y wec 8 an old lII' lI11y ev!! ujn g o f Dr. a IHI 111 1'S. A. The Ml tlses Frie da Harv ey and tllr t allle4 the following at Sunday Preston count y Illu8 the state, dinne r ; Mr. and Mfll, 0, B, Under. Collett 2 0 t Crane. tashioned lJelllng. After much noise El. Stout nnd r cma ilw d o lfe r lI 'glit . l1uby Burge, . Mr s. Donald Hlldl ey pllbllo IIsslstjl.nce 'program III wood, Mr, and Mrs• . __ . , 'Frlday- 4 p. High und hilarity, r efr esh.ments •. were Lena Hartsock alHl Ml's. RUB. WAnop COIUlt)' i8 not merely d k d' d h' M d M B served MI'. lIntl l1rs . Morris F ulk erso n ne aUg ,ers. r. an I'll, BOWERSVILLE o)'s" •IIw y-dl sh'lbuting Jlropo8~t101l. At· oc' an and dllll ghtc r will spellt! T Iwnk s- sell Wilson utlentled IL mlscella'ne.. . , Fre4 Braddock, Mlcbael Lewin ski Hollingsworth 4 3 ] 1 " The Rev. J. F , F'.JI1tcber. Dean of , OUS show er at Clurksville for Mrs . DISTRICT FUNERAL g lvll)g with 1\11'. FlIlk col'soll H pnr. WJI1 J>tB are cOI,lfltantf), bclnl made MI h I K . C ue na~vick IIlld Albel't'"Ros· Powers 2 0 1 tile Graduate School IOf Applied ReCllts in Sllr ing Valley. Alfred Shawho.1l (nuth Harvey ) to help an" r e. ell, . Dohb 1 1 a ].Iglon In will celebrate DIRECTORS' BANQUET e vening. ' . 1) 1' . ,'In '' "I,·'S. A . t". S tOllt wnl'e In celv lng a id 10 rehabilitate them· M-r. an4 Mra. Oharles Allen and Bowermeis ter Il 0 0 . the Holf Communion and preach at u " 1:. ~ . selves 111 orde r that they might I>e2 th Sun"~ morning service A. H. Stubbs was host to I.he daughter Mary W:I" spend Tb SherldOD 1 0 e ....y •. . I . COllie, hI Dart, SOlC-SIlPPol't nl1\'. • • _NO4 Funeral Directors of this d iatrict Fra n I,tin Wclin eslla y. The Do cto r FARMERS' GRANGE f'rom the time a fa.mlly's ap- glvln(f with Mr. an.d Mrs, G, A. Ar.. TayIQr 2 0 in Southern Oh' o at a turkey din. a tte nded a Mcd lea l dlnuel' a nd MI's. d bien Ilt ['aQcl\8tel', CLOTHING PROJECT Sto ut v:sllCd. Mrs. Ira Brown . Members Of the Farm ers ' Gran ge plJcation for aid Is al!Jlrqve t e Tile etudente enqoyed the follow. LEADERS Te) MEET ner at t he Littl e lnn Monduy eve· J ohn Scars of Cln cinllutl spent cQ~nty P. pllllc aSSistance bur.eau 1m. Mrs Ro"-rt Wernt( . II _d 'a ""'b nlng were entertained Saturday e ve nilig , "" • an .... - Ing ThankBglvlng program in tbe . II d '1I I ' t M with, a Bplendld llluatrated lecture l1letil ntelr starts planD\ng 'fol' ttl., Leada of Oa)'ton IIpeot .Sunday gym , Wednesday afternoon. Devo- ; "Color Comblnatlolna lor Decom. Atter a DlOS(, d eliciou s d lnncr s r. by Mr, Tullis ot the CCC ot Leb. f a mil),'s . welfare and making planll with Mr, !lni! Mrs. JOl eph 'l'ln. tlons by Melba Gustin, Vocal Solos ing Dress" 18 the ot the and short. bUE!in ess meetin g the anon. His talk wus both entertain. t o 11 011) the flllll ' l)' III movem tlDtll pe)" by Earl Earnhart aud Robert Prcs- seCODd clothing 1e9801n In the hom'e group was wilh lI1uslc 111 1'S. Willillm Lukens entertain. Ing Bnd enlightening, having to d o wllJ eb Will ultimately reflult1 In . Evelyn J ohn s and 'II witb u bil'tilday dinner Friday with tbe CCC boys . work ill soil . I The' Rev, ' and Mrs. R. ", Hac". ton an" an address by the ' R ev. R. d emon!! t ra tl on prqJel~ t, now bel ng by the Misses , moldll~ It partl~!.I)' It not ent re 'I .. .. 'Miriam Wharton playlug Saxa . \"el'-~d ' Ur. and Mr'li, n .C. C'r"' ne L. Hackwe)l. Al'.lo mu s ic by th.e studied by Warren county women. aelt,supportlng. ., J . . . . 'u . . d 'L Fr D phone and ' viotln aolos. Ea ch of evening for her moth er , Mrs. Green conservation . attended the Ohio Stat_Mlohlgan school orchestra. 1 un Thurs ay an~ lday, ' e- theSe was ot Mart'insvUle. A piano Bolo by Ma ry Moss conThe Wllfren counti work t C ')u' .... "8 t d ' , Wednesd night at 7:30, comber 1 and 2, M'!8S Edna C.allaaccoll1pani ed by RosseU ' game a o . PJ""a a ur ay. . at' .' Fran~. cluded the progJ'um. t he I.))lnd alms to preve.u t blindnesll, Waynesville reserves will Play ' han, clothing specialist of Ohio Dr. and Mrs , W. E. Oglel1 sbCe of 1'~8tore vls!on. -a,,~ r l,lhi\bUltate the "":'. Mr, ani! Mra, A. H. Schoeler ' their first home ga~e with Bell- State University " wm me~t with l-Ia rv eyaburg will lJe Thank sgl vin g BIRTHDAY PARTY dinn er g uests of Mlsl:\ Emma. Lou bUild, . It a Pilrsop" ' UllOD examlna. Hammon, . " F, B,· Henderson, and.!a.m- brook. C·ome out and boost 't he the clothing project leaders, rep· WARREN COUNTY tlon by 0. pbYlilclan Is topnd to .'!e lIy, Mr. and 'tdr,.•• E. C. crue 'a nd teams. The .Waynesyille sehool Tellllnting 30 commul,~lt.le8 in tbe . IS CERTIFIED and C. ' D. Lewis. One cantlie graced the birthday blind and treatment or , operation lId'reD,' Mr., &I)d' J M1'II. . '. ~. band wllr entert:a!n .betwe en games. ~oun.ty to· present tM11 ~econd series Mr. and ~frs, R.. D· T olle, of cake . ~f Master Reichard ,F rye at a might '}Ki8slbly restore , vllion. lor ana'. dau,btilr 'and Mrs. D. L. daughter' spent Sunday afternoon ot demonMration's In t~e study . Warren county I~ ~epOried as one Wa!Jhlngton , D. C., lire v;!sl t ' ng dinner given at tlie home of hfs par· The Juniors hope to receive their becom!ng color. ot tlfty OhiO couuties certified' tor .Mrs. Tol ~e~tI Pl\renls , Mr , Md Mrs. p,reveDt ,total blindness, 'Pl'ov,!eloDa Orane oomprlse a , famlly group to ents, Mr, and Mrs. Gjlbert FrYe, Fro:· ' are made throu,h the progr~ for' be eDtertalned at the llome o~ Mr. class r:1.nga•. Wednesday. I The' first leSlOD, Whl~h . included I partl!llpat;on In the Novemb'er dls- Henry SllttertHwalte. day evening. Covers were laid' for ' .! " h'I' at and ~r8. C: DaD Walter ID Leb&DOD a personal ' colorlnl: anabal, (or 1-tJ,:lbilto . n ot state rellef funds . , his treatment and care. In t • m ~r. and Mrs. P . L. Reason attel'1' Mr. and 1't11'8. Hartley MOIII, Mr. Tiluncl&y. each woman preaellt baa bIien.. pre; '._ ter, many bUnd persona are _'l·"-·I • or' LUNCHEON BRIDGE sen ted ID with . OY'S TER SUPPER ded a family dinner Sunday at the and Mrs, Charles Hartsook and BO~ ed and 'WiU later JuLTe ... cbance ' LoulH' Zlmmerman a~ed bome hOm e or '~fr. Bnd Mrs. Charles F'tis. Lut~er, .Mt;a- Cora R.loh. Mrs, Reb4 have "tllelr "laioia Nlten...· u4 f.~ Oblo' Universlty, Athena, Tueatotal attendancie of women all.d . . ' ter of Dayloll . Braddock md Mr. and l\jJ'e. Gl~-btrt thereby au-take their pIacea !lay tq spend tbe hollda7l,. •~ .- L. V. Branstrste r . entertain· girls. JilJi!~beth home demo . Mr. aDd. Mr-. . . . III , Mrs. John K. f'-.tou Frye lion RlcIuwt, d ety as 1WIf1ll c. ttlaens of the ' ed . members of the Arpno btldge onatr&tlbn . .ent, unounce tbe 'eDtertalned tl1e )'arm Bureau group Mrs. Olarence 8hnpaon aDd Mrs. ~'t1 l&r. aDd ~ Cb.,lu .zhDmeraan clqb Monday. LUncheon ",as schedule of local for tb1a TueiJday neDlllg' at oyater au'p - Herbert Y,~nk08 of 1.ebanoD visited'. .. lameiJtowD HOD' .t OD. o'c1aek with a deUgbtfUl at. proJeet the lead- per. FoPowlDc tbls was a discus- their parents. Mr. aDd .Mr.. Homer bau. Saturtla, teftlbOlI O! ~ followlll&' t~ siOD of ~ probleau. . Ramby, &tu~daJ ewenJna. d_th of hta ucla. WtPWIt;·.(
M.-. ana Mr&. .i. N. Robinson of' Dayton were week end g uests of Mr. alld Mrs. E mer.s on E a rnhart and Hon. MillS Earline Lanham was a T hro ughout tile state, .juvenlle Sunday dinner gllest at the E a rn. judges admll)lster tbe program a:t!· l\lg dependen t eblldren, liere III Miss Kathryn Gibbons at tendell Wa rren CIlUll!y, Judge Charles D. a Publie fl eal h dnDt}T IH the Qreen II ~ in cbar~e or the wor~ MIIJ at Ollr 'OU, ~iven tor the gra~ . "lit! Is a~sll:! te 4 by Qne welfa re unte nqrse ~ oiatlon ot Oayton. workor. III tbe ' work t o hehl th ~ noedy blind , unde r the Ohio set. . Mr. 11,ld Mrs, A. H. Mellob and U» t he · coullty COJnmlBSlollers are daug hter calle~ on Mr. ~nd Mre. til all Jlllll istrntors ot thl li pro. Ed, Gloecklor Or ijprln( bollo, ' l:1a t;ur. day _~ ven1 1'% -r um,
New Books At The library
Bowersv·.lle Wm-S
Adall~ .M~lloh,
' Q~l\r_
~~ i.e
Griffy. Bennett
~ymonl\ Dr~d·
Silll p~on
Cino~ nnlltl,
D .... . -
~I ubject
a~~ l~e:l:I~ ~lIb::' ~e~~:.paren
Thunday. November 24, 1838
Pa.e Two
. _
'111111,'h "f Ih ' ,nt l11 (l;I,hl'l'P a nd
Mr .
R . ...H._Has t i n g ·
o ciet y E dito r . .. •.... , Ph o n e
--------I Il
Sub8crip t!on P rice, $1. 50 Per Y ear, P ayable in Advan ce
t .
, Onlon pr!('t'B whIch urought tenrs to the t'),C" \lr th e IJrllduI:erH In 1938 UlliO ar' Ilk ~ to cnll /! ' a radu.cllon or ul l 'lUIl r. ~r. celli oil the IlI'rea gu plant d' III In!), MOsl or tho re o du rLion I~ cxpe cted In the car ly I)rodudllg HUlt s.
ClI- lurn cI (Itil In bl'. ,t l'llllU) lll t "~IIllUIO II to C'\1II.rr )lI'S ;l___ 11 \ " llIlI' • But It is our It'lllpl "' 01''1'hl' d ' Pl1 l·tlll l'lIl of rurlll \1(;0110I " ~1t1J) I1 1l l1 III 1' (' WI' IIrr!'\' ,l UI' (l rll yer~ lilieS,.... (Jh ' ll S IIlIl' l ' lIl\ ' rKlly, sll· 1111 11 ~11I~ llUl' n 'r; , alltl her ' \\' 1l111 11'H that ;I~ I'llI'm Illlu'ke ting con!lel'l~l h" '~ 111 thi s 8 t~lt 111111 U volII, I I,ir .. In lw· II l 11111 ' If bU RillC9S tOlulin g $ tH.77G,. 1101) in th e 1IIIIl hull lllCHij yom'. Llv Bt OCK. a nd 11v IIto rk llrocJ ucl8 Illude till one-balf th o totn l,
'Phone 112
1 <II
Shorts and Mi4dlings '
By Harry Eldridr., Jr.
ilnillai c t1 ru!ls ' n b<l rus b for e t IH'r 1'8 li S <lulIIngc La 1!\'(,8t cit,
Farm Night Talks, Nov. 28th. W 570 K c. ar\' ,n 8 ;05 4- 1{ luu ut l'iLion Pro,k ' l:- r.r i.·~ 1\ Im:l E x t e n s ion N lI t l'i l io n iRt. 8 ;) 5 V OC:l~ iOml l H o m E ·onom ie. I'l' Ig l':tll1- . t ud enl!-l of North Hi g h Sc h oo l , o lllm lJus, dil'ed ,tI h,v i\1 i, s D orothy Patnales .
8 ;25
o lu muu ,
hnm b r Ol'ch c:-;l l' :l.
S ;35 Th e Vi s it of J ohn Quinn' J-l IS ' t ol'l.n n . IT . E . E 8" , \' In e .
..... cla ll1~ 111 (Ih io in
18 ,1:;-
8;45 If I WCI'e Kin g 01' -Ca ,'ll !i in .'I :ti ll-:\fj:-;, ( Iii' W a tt ', A sst, ' a te 'l:ro m c m n " r'll ' ol l L ... 1 I' \, I • l • t "c ' . iN n 8 ; 55 T Ul' k cy M ar k e " W R-nCpo r t !'l frOl1l Ohio Tu !'l ey Rais ers .
9 ;00 o lu mb u$ hamb u l' l'{: h e s tra · 9 ;10 lntervi w of R O:o<R ounty Fa rmpr: -in (' h:trg' of Fred
R. K
9 ;25
-auyin g Your S
r01) S D e p t.
9 ;35
Ago!'!. Ag (,Il I,
Thill il'otl1l' ,
(lJ'n J1yb ri ,: ~:.- J) .
<i of
h a mb r 01'(;h c:trn.
Musts For Traffic Safety -.-------
B ca r d,
tOI' In th dcstl'u r tioll of prod uct\ ,,' ly th all tll o gl1l1l 's wblcb uro Flrs l clay memories-tha t flock HO HPI>nl'cn t, Sh 'c t erosion sld ma of 2r. or mol'€' Ilh r nsn rit · I1 us hing NAVY AND RELIGION . h io IlIltl lll'ym II who In ll' llIl 10 t b ' crca m or r tIlC' Ho il !jlll'fa ce yenl' almc)llt I)(' ror WI' h n,1 ~ h ~ ll ~ in Olll' 1'111' lnl( ('11 11 II fll' r YI'III' wllh f) l1l it ll d ll lUlI ~O boo Th l~ I" ill onc .1II1'1u i 11 ffl!' ev r y 11I 'U clll l'l~ ('h iel;s 1I (' q ~1I11~ - 1 un nill~ nlll' ~ " to IIi,' \; ti ll n \'1)111 JlOllHl h l e til' I'l,lIIlr Itt~ ljI'H hy hll v· III !;' IIC'l l,,' I,'(I , hUI t.h c 1I1111(lLl.rlln ot I ~~ I) men in th _ ·U\'Y , At ' nc h I \' U binl H h norke> lI dU"'ll , alld f \' (0 ill !; t h hre('I(' II ).: f', ) k t" btl"t fur guill 's ill t ile ij llll1l1l fu r s tarting Tl'uln ln g s tll t 'un t hpJ'(' I ~ fllways 11 111')1'{' 1'"pln.I (, In YUll r tal' I,eau· 1111 11 01'11111 di ~l' ll~l' Ihl" rull. l'Ollt rul ru cnR III'C>l, liful flay for hUlllill g-o ur lilllil .. tholi e a nll II P l'ot l',Hll nt ('!lUplll lll, The (,11111'c'h !!I!T\" leI'!! a boo I'll !lh i p o f I'!lhbll ~ III :I hfl ~f IlOltl' -~ l gll s nn F nl' llI I' pa.l' t' d lla Uo n In th c A .\A Model City Possible nnto farm "no huntillj;- don't ask ," urc h(>I" 1/1 n [ami)' .. r " liv ing comCity planners, enginee rs, arch i· al1 d ullIll'r Olt' hanel I tl " r il1~ 11 Ilartni nl," (' I o~ duff fmm t h r cs t . fnl' lll p rng l'lI m Inc r a ~N I 111 I!C r ('c nt . o f t Il" fillip. rUl' tll(' O{(... . :i OlI. Cll urc!J I In Ihe cor n h!'11 In 1:1::" tiS ('o m- tccts, landscape architects. airport .Irtlwin~ "r a f~ l low thumb lIg h lR nOH": thn'c hl j; '1ua ll lhat ('a ll Is HOunell'c\ I)n n Sund ay mo rll- I pa r d Wl l h ] 037, T il l' !'l'C'I' 1I1 Sl' l' kH specia lis ts a nd other experts col· lab o rate d on th e des ign of "De· hrllu glt t Ih .. IIhl "llf~IY off- n cloz_ i n ~ 11 1111 n il ll nlllk ing a nd gomc of meetill gll al whl r h th e prog r a m mocl'ucity," and so nccura te Is the I II ("11'1, ph 'a H:JIII R "nillill~ In ' to eca,' aho ul Ih l: s lljp, II n tl th Wlla di He llH!; (l was nt! 11Il1'cl hy ,10,· mod el that, acco rding to Mr. Drey· lO()~ 1 j U>;L I" n 1111 II 11 tl' S a fll 'r ~"3n- ' hurc'h lI ng, u bl uc er o's!! on n 01 ,0 fll n ncl's III (lie co rn belt t;tnteH . fuss. It could be gIven concrete rea Illy today were suffi cient fund! 1111 (hn wny ha ll, II road c'h,,('11 of wh ' l(' Kro lllHl. IS' ru ll np ubov(! Ihe l . ~ 1l<lI'l s m(, II ' s ('lIr s-t .. ol~ f l ~' i n !;' out tu r~ IIlld 'lri pcM-lhc ulll y f1 a~ T ho 100n l \' ol um of all c r ops 111'0- made available. BlueprInt draw· ings have been made not only of (lr th .. cnl' ah road, two 1I 1 ("~a l bird !! th a t v" r f liea lI bo\'(' 0111' :-';ul loll il l (hlCed III th l' Uli ited tn tes III I!J:;S street layouts. harbors, airports, I I I I I f I II I' I olm'll--III c! !(ollti n " our u:Jt'g' UlICI'!l will he "I' Ille r I hun Ih e proclll C'lIon la C a I'l'llt \' )(>;' 11 nllll ' - U " " ' athletic fields and civic centers bu t · I r "' I I III k 10 Gild a nd 'ount l'}' f or Il ny Yl'M s lm' 1!J20." a r m l ull of traffic and pedestrian over· t1 11~ th!l1 Illi(I lu " ' (' (1 r .;c 11 , I' Y 1\\"(1U lIl(',r a dd ed (1 0 I><' r ent to t hc passes. th ea tres. hospital•• shops, s tiff! brid«es, dams. and aparUllents. '1'he CIUtoRt ioil I" oft n II::; I, "ci by \'olumc of th e corll cr op. Ahuut III III l' lIl l , e l'~ IInci g'lI f' s t S :It· ~ , I The entrance to th., theme exll l011 not. [ u llI ilia l' wil il t he 'li s tOUIll l"I1fI '" lasl T h nr ·t1 ay n ig ht 's m ~et- of t.h e :\ av y "Are m n n qulroo to Th e old fashi on d hen' I)CCHC d hibit will be nigh up (in the side of III !;' (If t I f' Wa rrc n \I llll ty 1 ~l s h a ncl the Peri sphere fifty feet above the I\1 t~ llIl chilI' b 011 hourd s h :p?" Th c husl.lU nrl who hlul 11 ", 'f e lh ll t a l · ground, Access will be b"means Ca me Ass(lI" ati o ll It t Lebano u, Th e 1l 1! 8 W I' of co urse is " no". hut'ell w ays wore hi s p:ln ts now hn It of the two' longest mov i ng stair· MIH' akl!l' WIH; .J IIIIIlIY , t uhe l', ga m '\:Lug hl(' r wh o nl",o ys smol«'s h 's ways ever built In this country, , ' go ing Is vo luntary 0 11 hou rel s hip. Illallll ~ "IlI ~1J 1 a~ e nl III ch a r ge or th e Visitors wlll enter on two levels .\lla lld ('onfll' l'Ya n r-y il ijl l ict. ~11', Ear h S un day mOI'lling' a cllllrl'h IglI l' tt'E. , and step on to two magic carpets !)llIh ' r gU \'I' n filiI' la~k un b'll lll h Olls(' Is hu llt oIL I he stll r hO l'l1 icl l' or revolving platforms placed one II IJl II 'l!'l' IlIl' 1Il a llli COllt ro ll d Hhoot. of th m ai ll d '\; , T his hurc h hll/j Th ose 1\Ol8 th wo n1(' n 1\1'0 IV Il r· above the other a nd moving in op· 111,1{. or vl13 1 In t(' r s t to phen!la nl 11 0 pcws, 1 sta: ll~' 11 I;lnss wl u dows 1111; this ta ll a re nlloul as ua ll u. a posite dIrections. hUlltll'H who WU ll l 1.0 make a t wo a re plai n port hoi 'S. Th r is n 't lot of t be I)re-e l c tl on fo re .Jst s ' C
F. T. ·Martin Auctioneer
Or No Charge
--~-- -
day tri p Is l hls r ulin g onno un c('d hy .\1 1'. Stub r. " \II Y hunte r ca n 1\ 1tu l! hl H lim it of [\\' 0 pheasanls II . i fol'c [\ Ilotu r y pulil ic who will mal,c I' I I~ tlnlcd sworn s la ll'men t. TlI hunt:1 I; cu n t h ' n !lhu" t lWO m uro th e foIlow;ng day a nd bring btl 'II fou l'.., ul rcls w ith a s worn !l lltl .lal d AllllC-
ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN your Cattle. bogll, , heep ar.d ealv. to Norris-Brock C ..... live wire and progressive ft!'WI t"r the highest market pricell and good !lernee. Union Stock Vard.· Cincinnati. 0 , Tune In on Radio Station WCKY 12:215 to 12 :80 p. m , for our d.lh market reporU.
Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
Julien H. Harvey, m :t I1 :l g'in g e1ir dol' of th 'ationn l III nl nbo ul l h c :rllt L vo ! " ons rvation Bul' n u in , ist. ,ix \'ilill " m u.'t.~' f t· the, o' T h~ t ul !'I' ml n . C:l 1'O hnfl 110 Jution of Am e ri ca's N u mh r a e 'id nt problem -t h e of :fa l. Ga m Prole till' ilines ~ street frnd high wa y d e nt h a n d i nju r y t II. !lUl'!l no st a t ment 11.1.10 111 rab bits II Ing r.ll llollllcll- ln foet f ro m a ll r First, all drivers must b e li cen s d . and o nl y a fte r stl'in- Qo rts th ey are III fiu ' s:lape thI S gen~ tasks · you r. Once III a whl ie a s ' l~I, one Second, real not perfun ctory phY Ri al xa m inati on .. o f e!l n h Co nnd- bul, th Slll11 C Is lru of d nnH!kll ' "tock II n l ll)n l ~. T' dl'ivel'& at periodi c inte rv a l i importa It. 1ll0H t l'o nllll On sl gll of Ill! I'emltl II! Third, all hi g h s chool s tu dcnu s houl d bf' o du ' a tc d in nn :1I1 II11 HI wllh bUH IJ !l un rl" .. th safe driving through s peci a ll y devi : ·d ' om"c:. sk' lI a ud 11. fl llO\(rrl live r , If thl' e IlIdl r a(o ns IlI'C lI 't l'I'CRCUt till! ·hall e· Four, there mu s t b e m01'e strin gent n fo r c m e nt of ("!I n.rc· It I ~ a hca lth y hUlIll Y, laws affe t in,g both drivers a nd pedestri a n by t. h e poli ce DU I1't lot "rn bhlt f ev r" scnr Y 1I and traffic courts. - j u t use n. ('o r e In cI tlJlln!, 'em- and If t her e ore o ny open cutM Fifth, ticket fixing mu s t b ~ 100 P · 1' cent. e limin ate d. o n your hftnd s wcal' I'u uber g l ove ~ . Lastly, a ll s afety organiz at ions sh o u l g i e their pri- E\' 1I a d ' !lC'llsod 1'1l bl.lll Is hnl'llllcas mary effort toward disco urag in g the s p ee d manin. p rin - Il rt('1' ou ldn /:, cipa l cause of the bulk of s e rio u acc id e n ts , DlId; hUlItin g lasl Monda y mornThp e "must" pl'ovidc a w e ll -r o un ded t rnffic sa fety hl g . wi t h th e old masle r- Do~)il program. within t h e pow e r of a ny, tate or ommunity to LOllg or Day ton, Our BPOt walj meet. They touch the all-im por an t h igh 's pots - ciuca tion , Luke Lnffl ml e wh er c Granvlll c FII_ examination and law enforc e m e n t. T hey d e al wi t h sp e - hUrn h a~ nn e r th e most IlIonl 10_ ' ific cures-not mOl'e or l ess m n n i n g l c s gen r::t1iti es, catlo ll for du k hunte rs so uth uf 1<: l'l e, I'll mU ' 1l fl ig ht of and r ep t'esent the only kind 01 pro g r n m v hi h h aR a t ,N k d Il CI,R hns not vc n com e IlnwlI yc \., ohance for permanent ucc ess , Iiut \\' e h ad s OIll s hollt :ng and America h as had eno u g h of r eckl ess (It' ;ve r - o f 'i gnor- ('oulll h n ,~c hncJ a lot 1I100'e if we ant youth taking' the wheel f o r . th e f'rst ti m e of the tic k- ha d g ull 11 out til til blilld s hli ll et-~ixing rack et t h at lets th g uilty m an w ' th pu ll ~ o fre e , a n Il our SOO Il I' . Of the callous indiffm'e n e tow a r d o t h e r s t ha t the speed H l'l'C'S a lhoughl Gl'lluvlll ' :,111·1 maniac disp lays. Everyone of th e 48 sta t " c v ery one of von ' ' 11 of ~nle re~t to du ck hu nler s, the thousands ' of villag s a nd citi es in th l a nd; mus t give As , 00 11 li S l)h l'aSll nl und rabbit s 11i ts energies to so lv ing the traffi c p r ob l e m. Hon o pe n d th rl e~1l s hootin g Is _ _ _ _1lll':vln g du t H8 0['( a ll th e a troillllK l.I lI cl Hm:dl (lonch;, 'fh o II' ut ilc r he· lng I1Illd th ey won ' t 81:l1'1 sfl ul h hut poll (! t on lal'gc l' hn,1! !; Ilf wa l 'r, ' Old TimeI''' 1- 1IIJurn 100111> for t e n By HA,RLEY'.L. LUTZ tl aYH 01' I'ill' H h o otlll ~ , Au yo c Pro/eI.or 01 Public Finance, Princelon University " :lllt i.l;': InfOl'lIlali ll n ;l';oul wh r th 1' 1 The country II experiencing an unIt Is not ,urprlslng' tl1at there should I he <i uclnl :lI'e II 0 1' not ra il t o precedented deluge of .cheme. ! or now be auch a crop ot these economic ,ettlng rich qulckl1 through public nostrums and panaceas. The country ' tal'l (; rnn,,' llo Fl llHlrn 011 1"ill,urIlR ftlcal manipulation. Election ballots has been thoroughly seeded with the i ~ I ;J llci jU:it lIut Hici f) til e t " wll (If '[. r· thll faU w i l l germs ot such Ideas, and Immense et- I carry a wide fort has been devoted to the creation "m il' 1\ 11 (,nlc, LOI':JIll I ". varl~tY of pen- and ma intenance of conditions Ideal I Of i IIC""' !;! In liu t' k hunt ors is .Ion and sub- for their ' germ Ina tion. It would be lid)' . proposals. contrary to nature and experience not Ih !' fo\I (I \\'in g' CIlII S(1 I'\'a t ' oll Oiv H· io n Ill'WH hull ctln: all of which are to have a good crop, designed to 'nIe seed time for thIs huge crop O .r "lhll ~1 IIUll lf'l ~ of Ohio 111' gc>t. proville e a 8 y plans for gettlng something tor nothmone)' for the Ing began with the New Deal schemes l lll ~ 1IIII II'0 l'C II l:I hooti lig wltil Ihe "have ~ not s," ror crea tlng prosperity by spending. , "111 11 ).( of Qolrl c r wea th e r In the and all of which or years t.he ' count.Py has been dlU- I1UI th o ~r Ih 1Il0re Clf t.h e · 1I 0l'l h ~ rll rest on the fal- fgently enco uraged to believe \hat this lacy that spend- was the sure. easy and painless way to (\u f'\, H (' lImi llg' i;, \o th c 11l ~I' H IlP a uncI Ing. rather t.han lasting prosperlty ..To be sure, the re. n I I!! ," Oh :" t h~ 1I 11 11l ill l; >;; holl " 1 prqducing, Is suits ha ve been meager and transient, the sur e and but there has always been a plausible - :l Il W II lt1l'l(Pti 11lI\lI'CIV' UI,.'lIt with III ea l ), way to I \\'tl' ll Ill' h!n daYH. Th lJ ." 'l'lIllJl'n gelleral pros- alibi. so persuasively and convinclng11 11 < hil l" I]«e ll 1lI 11 (' h l al ~ 1' t.hi H ly given that few people have been perity. disposed to test It, The continuous The natlon's history reveals a long ' flood of easy money has dissuaded all ('a l' Lh" l1 lI ~ U , tl t1 up to th e CXCIlIII_ I.Ist of su~h schemes for getting rich but the most skeptical from looking l1 1! al nll ' l\ f nll w('a th el', Mo s t of thc through ellSY or cheap money. In the too closely Into the real reasons for - early nineteent.h centur)' It was ex- not getting nhend more rap idly to- Ilul'l, s sllol Ihl" selliHlII hay \! he ' 11 pected, In 80me sta tes. thnt the prof! ts ward the goal which we all desire to nall\'c 10 Ohin . I1lI l1t(' 1'3 iw l' (, "UC_ of"a state bank would suffice tor aU reach, namely a Inrger national real I I'rl" ( t! ill I"'g',c; ing tllI; il' limi t," iovernmental expenses and that no Income, taxation would be necessary, After Since every crop produces, normal"Wild~cat" banking came Greenbacklam, lhen free.silver and more recent- ly, far more than the seed that was Propn!lol H a lf-Circles Wol'I{ It Is on ly natural that the crop 17 we have had currency devaluation, sown, The worlJ has looked with roo baf\)l; a:edlt Inflation and countless of wild ideas abo ut gE!tting rich 'pains hould exceed evcn the Wild , 1l1 3111ic nlt cnl i[ 11 011 Ihe rece nl ellother schemes f<1l' getting something lessly spending that were used Ideas about out of nothing, In the past the hard as the seed-corn, NQr Is it surprising g'lgclllc nt al1 d marriage of. Yehudi eommon lense of the people sufficed to protect them nnd the country to fi nd tha t the New Deal sowers ' ~ I r ll llh i n, yuull g vi olini st and oneIlCIlnlr the worst cOl\seQuences ot should now be geLting nervous about lilll c I.oy r> rodigy, wi'th spccia l illlcr. tbCIIIII fra uds, but each generation so",!e of t!'lese exlre,me prC?dllc~s of 'st ill the prelilllinaries, \>Vhcll he UIIaUY had to deal with only one such ' their own husband,:y, By comparison" deci(led 10 cOllle 10 nn understand' "IInL" . The c:hUdren of those wh o the .Ncw ~ea l spendlll g becomes ultra, llved. through the "wUd-cat" banking c on~er"Rtl ve n. the old-:,age bene~1.s Ing with 1'\(lla Nich ola s. 19-ycar-old m . , had to deal with the Green- conlemplatcd III the SOCial Security tI ~ n gll l cr 'o f' an All tral inn m311 11 [ac, Wb; and t.helr grandcbUd~cn had t.o A~t Uft· red uced ,to mere chiCken-feed 11I1' cr, h ',· \V a ill fl r lla nd and sll r l4Ce the laue of bimetallism, ' Yel us lonA as the (oun llli n head oJ ' \\' a ~ in ~1 (,\lJo ul'lw. But Ihat didn 1 ~ wIlo stili have faith In tile ul· slich oCO(lomlc a nd fl cal phalllasies , ll' P hilll, l ie III CI (') ), lif~I 'd !I; e Ide ' ...... triumph of -economic s/lnily eOllti mre ~ to operate, we may expect s I)holl e rc' ' i, cr a nd prupose d by lonl> ~ .1OOd cause to be dlscouraged to- s!Caciy Oow ot even wilder schemes, ... • fOr the prl!lent ,enerallon mus.t The only' WB.V r)! checking this flow I! ,Ii. ta ll 'c . u' or. not one but a to t 1m II ofT at the source. Another .. a hundred of these New D I. ba,ed Il hl;ll'd-bended cOm~l1'R, n, lre l ro Simps on, a nd Mrs. Impo es an 1m· m () IL'("ll>~' In cconnmi c anr.J fiscal 1)01· HI rI ('rl Yunk£'H o f I.('),ullon vislt!'!l , .. . .·ler .traln on our Inll'r- Icy. is Ihe CPl l\"Y '~ ollly hope of sal· ao4lhe outcome b fur " lI lilln from )C QlIllck schcmes !hI! ' lIu' it' pal'cllt!!, ~I r amI ~Irs. lImnor DO\\ Ihl "utt'n It. Uumby. SnLuI'IIIIY c\'en lng.
PUTS IlpYROFAX, :t GAS SERVICE IN YOUR HOME Just compare this low cost with t he $50, $90, and even $130 charges for installing iD'lc<;
t e many months • ~en years • •• of convenient, cconOt.lical
Think 0
. "Pyrofax" Gas Service you can enjoy for this money you save right at the beginning!.,..
Leakage from Cracked Pots · I
sible .sYstems!
tncludrng con~umers -;vhe use· large amou nts of gas, th ~ ~vc;age onthiy cost of " Pvrofnx" (;as in he .u~. in 193 • was o nl), per COIl5Umel. Doesn't th is prove the pr3lcticn1 economy Qf " P)'~oflllr" Gas Servlce j' BlISed on a lJl'Pical underground installad oo charge of S90, and published prices of underground gas, look how many ycars it iSbcfore you <:&n JUSt "break even " aD your iniual invesunept,
IJ YORr y.",/, ",1 <{flm w",plitnl
.1r '
iOO Ib" 2001bs. 300 Ibs. 600 Ibs,
...' iJooly . . .
16 yn.* 8 yes.5),H. -
'., 1.00 per mOo 2.00 per mOo 3.00 permo. 4,25 permo.
l arp
orialnal Invosrmtnr (or InstaJli.,.
underground equipmem.
D·EPENDABLE ... andyougetthatin
vA5 WHEN' YOU WANl I'l'-" Pyrofax" Gas users get gail when Ihey no waiting or 'Worr' in , because the manufacturer maintains the, IlIrgest stocks of bottlcd 8a5 in cylinders in the worlJ. Nationwid., "Pyrofnx" Gas distribution assures prompt. reliable serv' Ice rega rdless of where you live or ",hen you 'Wlln,t gas. GAS SERVII:E fHAT'S AUTOMATIC.-"Pyrof.~" Gas regulat i)lg equipmc nt is simple, efficient, automatic.- It provides' a continuous /low of gas without an)' attention from you. It·s installed above ground . ·always accc.ssible. There's nothing underground to corrode without defection. · device opcional-only. $5 extra.
GAS THAT'S 'UIE-"Pyrofax" Gas is pure ps-not a mixture. It·s the c1ea nesrpart of natural Its hi,h quality is 'constantly uniform -assuring maximum efficiency. And iI JH' "01 h_ 10 6. sllWed 'umlergrollllli 10 manIla;" jlfIW oj Ba, durin, (;olil UllaliI". . GAS SUPPLY THAT'S GUARANTIID-"Pyrofax" Ga~ is made by 'C arb!de and ~bon C,h emicals. CorpOration-which, together with the. aSSOCiated units of UnIon Carbide and Carbon Corporation, is the oldest and largest manufacturer of compressed ,ases in the world. This dependable company guarantee] the future supply of "Pyrofax" Gas in 1IJriJilJg. Thi s includes the free replacement of " Pyrofax" Gas regu. lating equipment if ever necessary.
• eo
~ "'"
'1M Ji,hl JQ""'II iPO 11>. COlI oj " ' w v - d (urt alone would '"" -8m 'N bi.b coli oj ;.,/.tli. , . MY""".O"Y .q";"","" lor. , ,
'lb. roll D/ " PyroJ_"
. WithoUl Ijlking Into .C(Quol iorerosr On Ihe
1IIa lll iI, The~e's
;.1 •••
The "Pyrofni" Gas regulating system consists of'a sturdy seeel housing which enclascs the ~tessure reducing regulator and two cylinders of gaS-one for use and one for reserve. It is completely automatic in operation ... rcquires do attention. If city gas is ever available. the same , ! appJiaoces aod piping can be used.
SPECIAL LOW GAS ' RATESu. arc available to consumers using " Pyrofu" Gas for cookiog and .ODe or more other uses such as water hea~ng and refrigeration. :Ask u; for full details.
Installs this ...UUfuI MAGIC CHEF R......nd "Prrofu" AutoaIatIc ca.. Equlp....ntl 80 DAYS ONLY .... thla beautiful Maale Cher 's.s ranse and "Pyrofax" IIIIIMlUllic Gas equipment installed for less than cost of instnlJjilg .some other types of 811' equipment wilhout a mnael Raoae iIIUJUl1ted' lI completely insulated and equipped with automadc tQp 'bumer lighten aDd falnou. Lorain "Red Wheel" oven 'heat regulator. See us todayl .
· P. E. Snyder & Son P'hC)ne '302.1
Ilancheste,r 'Ohio
S o-
___ £2
_ !V
_____ $Sf(ij 5 1J11!
.~==================::::.=====~=== ~ s hip of Mabl e R . \\i(11'.Z61, Incompo. ,\ . & C. H OUlI.', ,21;.3. i Dr H. E dl\' .
'I ~
COU . nty
Court News
In thl' lUolte r 0
IW._ I". EJ lt21'0 th,
th e esla te of
d eceased
be l' 1 !1, 193 , datil Bet for b earin g. -:J
III tb e
r of the
sta te of AI"
to auld Eve lyn Jol'tn llon. Arthur C. Willi a m!J<>n, decena d . The State of Ohio vs . Earl MOrull , FranK . Ande rson ar.poiuled udJO S~ I'h R. F edll() rs nnd Orner olle year in Ohio State R e!Ornla t ory mlnls trator, Fcdde rs vs . .Ca rl Cr01, Alice Crol) In tbe matter of the es tate o f e t al ., to Marshall Liens, J. T. Rolley, at hard labor. Celestla C, Miller, deceased , s ched. at t y . Marrialfe Licenae. . ... rldge Parker Herrington ,, 54, ule of pebts approved . E •.... . Oda Waits VB, BOllll5l W a ite, aliLebanon, mechan :c and Ge raldine Real Eatate Transfer. many, e t c" J . T. 'Rtl ey, attorney, Mue...Led{oul, 2l.,..L , _ GIUI1!n 10 Frank C~mmon Pleaa Proeeedinlf, Charles Oberle, 22, Morrow, track- I'eno and Rose Barker Moreno r eal Willard C. McIntyre vs. Fiber. man, and Freeda StUbbs, 18, .south es tate In Turtlecreek township. ware Corporation, nllowed to H · J. L ebanon. Charles Hahn to Martila H a hn lot COl'wln, receiv er , $400, nnd to his No " 146 In Frnnklin . 21 M Alb ert Schutte, J 1'. , all on co ull ci l, J , 'r. Ril ey, $750. Ouy Cul be rtson and Dorothy Oul E ve lyn J Ohll!IO II VS. Muson J o hn· farm e r . and Doroth y SlIinne r, 22; be1'ts on to Arthur n. F ield Bull Lil. MaYall so n , 110 rUI·the r a limo n y to be Ilaid ' . lian C. F ield , I ] ·2 acr es in H a mil· P b te C t
New Suit.
ro a
In th e ~mlle r of t he estate of Huldah T. Bincklmrn, deceasod , In vent ory a pprov ed. In t h e maller of t h e settl e llle nt REAL ESTATE of th e estat o of M. C· Go rdon, de· INSURANCE ceased. estate ell eml)t from IlIlle r· Itnnce tax . AUCTIONEER III th e matter o f the est o te Of Chlll'les F . We llman, decea Sed. AI. McG r aw, Julius McGraw lind Me n. II rd De lph nllpointed apprai se r s. In th e matter oC th e e~ta t e o f J a mes Foli en, decea se d fir s t a nd eco ulIl. Fever and ClnInnl aIhe matt er of th e cst a te o f SIl \'f', NOllO Drops Headache. Jose[lh T . Deardoff. d ecea sed, fir s t, I..Iqulcl. Tablel" due to Colcl8 fin a l a nd dl strluutlv e a ccount. Try "llub·!\Iy·Tls lI1"-o Wonderful Emma Sl e ward , adm ' nl st ratrlx Llnlnu'nt of th e ·eMlute of Lewis S. Steward de('cllsed. firs t 'a nd fin a l a cc ount. J . Wilbur E a rnhart, e xecutor Of th o es tate of Ariella PhilliJls. d ecea sed, fir st and final a ccount. H erold Jack . e xecutor of es tat e I of Warre n C. Ja k , decea sed, fir s t a lld fln o l occount. TA R VIA·UTHIC TAR AND I Curl V· Dunham, adm :nistrator of ROAD OIL ; E..XCAVATING th e es tate of John Bennett, deceaso MP TR ' CK S E RVICE ed of th e final and di s trlbu t: ve account. Gravel IlS low IlS 40c Cu. yard
t o n town s hip. Ca li s ta S pencer to Ma ri e Spen cer H nyes . r en l es t nte In S outh Le ba ll _ o n. Geo l'l;et ta Stuubs to Wiiii om Mllrl' lI y !tlld Angelu B , Murray (la rt of lots Nos . ~ '17 nnd 24 9 In LeIIllJl ou. Clyde E. Mann and W i!lIa m H. Hill, 1.79 ucr ee in Deerfield t OW}I ' s hill.
==;,;;;,;;=====;,;;==;,;;=;;;;;;;;;; I
Ii: ,-unihln t io ll . · ,' ~. (I u:
I & Grav~1 ,.
Gla dys Vins on , r elll estat e In Dee rfi e ld township. Davi d Lnl,es and Llzz ' e La ke s to Finley ~ 3 ac r es iu Sal m town ship. .Smith T. Taylor and Grace Tu ylor to W . L. Brown , lot :\0 .. 23 1 ill Mason. Dee Stanle y and Mattie Sta nle y to Floyd ~.: . Prince, Iot a Xos . Gl O. 61 81. GI 2 and G183 in Dee rf(ie ld towns hip.
Ste lla u r sch el. guardian of R olllnd M. Ge phart, minor, se ve nth aud fina ~, account. Ph o ne. Waynesville 44 R 11 I George P . Glltes, g uardi a n of Don· Loba l.lon office Pholle 473- Knld R. Darragh, a minor, fir st a ccount. r s .9 ·M. Morrow Phono :-':0. 3 Ire n e B. Ungl esby executriv of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the cstate of Maria Wh ele r , deeeased. Irst and final acconnt. In th e matter of thc estate of Ra che l A. P ettit, deceased. i ilVcntory fil ed . In the matter of the settlement of the e stMe of Bethe na Mills. d e.. N \' . 25.26 ceased , estate oxempt from Inher· itance tax. Tcx Illt.t('r D urothy Short In the mailer of the estate of In William Younkers, d ecea sed , af(l· h B ff I R " davit In Heu . of a ccount med . "Where t e u a 0 oama In the matter of the estate of CCIIIl('dy-CIlIllPU8 Cinderella Victor H. Worley, deceased first
lain Armitage
Expenditures The Weslern Stur. adve rtis ing , .00: Re: f's Electric Shop, desk , s hudes. lamps and labor for court house and jail. $1 3.85 ; Leba non Lumber . Company, repairs at jail $3.51; Lebanon Maintenance S e r· vicc, 1 Frceman sloker Dnd app~i . an ces Installed, $632.61 ; J . W . Llngo Hdwe. Compony, 6 ft. electric cord and light s ocket for court hou se, $-33; J . I. Holcomb Mfg. Co., G corn brooms for court house . $G. 65 Treasurer of Stute support Inmates
Twin Theater
~Iu !-' t
Exce)lt f o r the com panll In'l}, s Ul a ll part of th e crop h u I' v ('~ tc II befo r e lit e storm, th e :"\ell' E n g lan d appl e tl'OP wns on (lte grn u l1cl a !tl' !' th e h urrlca.n e PaH!l Lll ·-fo ul' t o fi ve milli on bo xes. Ma ny o f t hese DJlJJ les wer e lillm ag d wh e n u) 111'11 f l'Oll1 the tl·ees. h ence IHlr 111 11 I stu r a,.;· a ll (1 IlI ll rk et ;lIg was t mp o~s lbl l: - t hey hud t o be cons um ed w it h in 11 s h ll l't Ii.m e . 01' be a totlll loss· As SOO Il as th e s liuatio n b Cllllle kn ow n , with ou t red tape o r "e lay, the Firs t ;';a Uon a l stol'es of 8oSt Oll, with r e ta !1 outlet!! t hrou g h o ut N ~ w E nglu nd , began pu bli ci zin g Ih e sit· lIa ti o n a nd HC\l1l1g theso !lllilies a I once. It s aid t o th e p ubli c: This e m e rgen cy 'cu!l:s f or yo ur help. l ise l1 pples t:be r a ll y. Ea t ' t ll'O appl es a day . Ba ltell In llies, in SitUI'· es a nd in cO llntless oth er IvtIYS. URe Ilppl es ; turn tills 8,JlH!r gen y LO YOllr h ealth a nd ad vllntagle. YOllr n eig h· bor n pple gro wer i s n't u s k itlg f UI pity. He's go t applell t o sel\. Buy tlt em,
Public Sale
ing tank, bulbs, printing mllSk , etc ..
·lte offer a sati.factory Suvif:e-- --+*'-1.03; 'i'lswold Service Slatl on . gas and 0\1 for sheriff's ear $35.38; Famous Auto Supply Company, ]0 at all times flashlight celi s, one globe for sheriff, $.90. Waites' Garag e, labor on radio aerial for sheriff, $.50 ; Lebanon Maintenance Service, materia] and 'labor reparlng 'w ind damage at O.
· M~Clure Funeral Home Wayae."We
11 A. M. 7 horses, 15 head of J er'ley cattle, 10 sheler, 75 hogs. A line of farm implement.s. Terms caah--Lunch Karl Brown , Auct. W. D. Corwin, Clerk Zn 0_ WORLEY . L. T. Mcintosh
·If You 'Are In Need Of
Job Printing CA,LL
Miami -Gazette ' ..
A Representative-Will C.U ·
. hi h fconom;c Mig t~
fnal account. lin Institution for Feeble_minded, In the matter- o t.he estate. of I 26 weeks, '3 , 291. 8 5~ce-OutCltle r NOV. 27·28 H~ en Cl1arlotte Ni chols, d eeeased, 1 coupen book $7.50, S a tka]ta Our of fice bo y says t ha I t :le lIU II ' Wayne l\lorriIJ Claire TrcvnJ Wilson H . NleholllS appointed e ",v - Mf.g. Company, 1 posture ch a ir (or bie wllh th e $ilO ve r y Thu rllrl u), III ecutor. l'eeorder, $24.87; War¥n County pe n s ion icl ea Is tha t I he 1I1 0llCy "Valley of the Giants" In the matte r a the estate of Ne ws, 1000 enve lopes for common would be ull gone befo r e S..tu nla )l 8hort-~luderla I s le elf Rnmance Sarah Elizabetb Wilson, deceased. please , $5.60. ni g ht whe n It wOlll d r ea ll y ne l'd II. C. H. Young, Charles S . Irwin , and NI<:WS OF TIlE DAY The Office Outfitters, 1 cale ndar _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _..,.,_ _ _ G. F . Brown appointed appra:'sers. refill for proba te 'l!our t, , .50; Kauf· In the matter of the es tate of man's, overalls. dress , shirt nnd Subsc ribe to th e Miam i Gll z ' lle . NOV . 30 Clarence L. Sburts, decease d , R~ x y shoes for needy cbildren, $5.9 8; Dr. .. , Wyman Chambers appointed administrator. H. M. W1I1iams, coroner's cost bill, l\lar~t. Llntlila)' In the matter of the estate of $7.40; The Western Suir. pr: ntlng in Mary E. Loy, de,ceased, Illventory $13.50; B»ir Brothers Hospital, "DROADW Al' MUSqUITEERS" filed. nledlCfl services, $22',50 ; IvinsI In the matter ot tbe guard~ an- Jameson Drug Co. supplies for jail, SATURDAY NOV. 26, 1938 No. 15-Epl8Clde (The End.) $.90 ; StaDley Earnhart. postmas ter, At Millgrove Stock Farm, 1 _ s tamps for s heriff's office, $3.00 ; 3 miles northeast of Morrow '~"""""''''''-I~'''' - - ~...-.....~ _.- -~ - _ ........-. _. Central Camera Company. develoll~ on the Little Miami river at UIII}
Do nur Arithmetl"c Before Buyiiig-A Coat
Hlu ·r. ~ 1 . .f arn s H, Arn o td, :\1 0 11., u1l'rl it'111 tg0 il n it: K.$ Jr..llO; I 1-. " lI e l s(·h. I 1\1 . Willhilll ij m ~ d ' " I IlN I' i l~ S, $~.Oll: ;;;:;;===~===;;;:;;;====== 01' . A . D. HII I'Vey. m e',l lcn l Hervicll!; . . If It I\' roo a illl; v il L. th e ShCllllllng tll\lI~ 01' Wll1 t(·\· !'CIII'" . $;I.on; Th Dayton Bl uell l'ill i 11111_ . I'IWi'C'}rl 11011' h lu g ·wlll:('ci b lwe n Im ny. mups. $ii4.iO; Di ck DI·unt. Rh nul ll he p r e!' riCII, hy 1\ 111I1 L' 111 " 11 _ ' tn l Ul'llh lll tr ancl a I' I I 'll' uf the I tll(' t:ll i lcd Stullls !lUll Ge l'ma n y it1 Sllrv lces, $2175; The Mo rrow' Ga t·. II ! i k l . I II bu yer 's Jnfo r mation 011 fab r ' CB, ae:- I ~o ,. ng ore g n mar e s. pr ne pa )' age, gasolin e, $4.08. cordi n g to E rIn a Cll luh a n , clotll :n" I in Latin Ame rl co, co u ld ",pt :.'Y 1J( .. I I I I th l I h i 'e 1 \I R. Vau R ipe r, gasoil ne , $14.27 ; sre lo ll t. Oll io ' lute t:nil' TSIt \, . , III I' rt Zet 11 8 8S o n : o rc e . l 11u il !lntl h s R (, ' fli' lIl1 I T rade A. B . Ca u d ' lI SIl II Statio n. 'IISO' T it. ' nI'iLhn~Qt ' r i a HilllU jp (·a l· 'I' 1Ie: o\')' v . Ado l ph fL l\ r nnd hi s lin , $ ~ 1. 7 ; H e lll'Y L udilll; lo n ·cr· tu lat on of l ,W um oUll 1. ot m Olley Gelma.n illtrlc\' l:'yste mt he shO ll v;ce Sta tiou , GaSoli ne, $1:.1 .44; S mi t h 's Servi ce S t a ti o n. k el'oB ne nvnllllb le fO I' t h e IlIll'chOfe com pare d I of the ('e ntu1'):." As Bus iu B8 W eel, and gasolin e; $14 .03; Ha nl on 's with the nu mbe r of years th e coat 1II1I t It, in lII o r e Hob er ve in. " T h e Gr oce r y, g ·olin e. $ 1. 11 : ~[ s s D .l1li. i: 10 h ' 1I ~1 " If Ih " mOllry I ' lin· polilical halt lc wlt ' ph en d ell in th e i(n ox. [n va lid cnrc. $ 1~.r,u: t:: llu IIIlt!t ~(I , Ih e 1)1'1)111 . III I >;,;11' , rl h · ~ l lIlItl' ,1 tl'lll'I' 1I'1IH foUg ht II lm os t 'l .',' .1(1)', < clff'lllvl'• l ld car .' .. W n n jc ('aU !;I' Ih e hu ,l'(' 1' I':tll di ~ I 'fll'lI I I", " lI l il'l'ly ill Io:llrnpl'. Its ~ 'q u el is a Ge ntry , In valid ca l' C, ( .on; ~ll' s . I;artlll'nI HI1I1 IllIn'ha RP alllll lll' l' ' ( IIISI n ull ' W:ll' Ihut is ,,;o i ll l;' to 1)<' I lt c l'II's l r- h o :('p is III1~aliMIIC'IIII·Y. Ll oy d Bi s hop, in vu lid care , $, IH). f " Il~hl i ll I hI' Amer il'as," Hllht ,
buyers w a n t
wint e r
( ' 1):1 \
Leo J . S mith , illl'a lill (·a r e. $1!l.11I! Ed . l< a ise r , Invulld ~nrl'o ~~ . tJli: L. 13. to I", Re r\' i~pau l c 1'11 1' sl'v('1'il1 H.. a ~O ll H S tee l, illva hl ( ",'C , $:, ,0(1 ; ;\11'8. II l' l· H () Ilt ey Il IIl HI 1'1:1 " 10 I! l'l 1111 il' ell Doug hm o n. Invu!. " cart', $7 .111: IIIUII ('r'R \\'orth fr 'lIl1 Ih ro it· fl lH I (l ll r Aliee M. A rnolll , illl'a lid CU I'(' , $" .110 . l' h,,~('. ~I ' s~ C.dl alllill ~;.ty~ l'oal 111 :111 IJI'III' id t' 'Ial /(' I,; Il'a =" Ic ltols: iuv a lid l'al'e. $:•. 110 ; Uf tlC IIII'PI'S n oll' :"\e wlOIl StamJle r, inll a l!!1 .. a r c . $ 111._ w h it- It f urn i>lh Ilto l'C i ll('O I'l U<111111 I It II II wa H gl l'e ll II r,'w Yl' a rs a g ll : 00. ' h ul wjst' ~ilO)l IH' I'S ~ I III dl'a: w ith Will ard Bl'ynnl , illl'a i i.! care , n l l' I'I-: l1I l1t ~ wh o 11" 11 m :d,e ad Ju sl. $5. 00; Grace Ur tu n, i ll l'lI ii ll 1' 111'1' , Rosa Om f to Clara Harrfn g t o n _ ' . III t' l1lH if gal'lII l' lli H :;[11 11 b y th e m :t Il' . W ' " .110; Blai r Dros , l! oHlllW:1 1I11·dl,·al I'eal est a te In urr en co lllll y , I Bc rvi<'es . $42,00: W~II.,.c n C. Dr. jell' II' 11111 as l·cJlrl'Selllul. A li ~lloJl I ll' r s sh oul d kllOII' RO llll" Elwood Ault to H . C. :\io ll Hon and ua ch . mcdl cal senli' s . $!q ,UII : I II'. Lul a Mons oll . real l!ij tu le in Turtle_I S S t I S( I I i ' . I . t hill g a llllut th (' ('o lll ll.lI·al ll·(' (Illa l. . e r Ill g a I , . mel Ica S£' I'I' I'·PS. cr ee k town s hip. $2.00; ~li ss Omo I~nov. Inl' a i ill I'a r' iiI'S of "oat falJril;~. \\' 110 1 I'lla is 11111)' G ra ~t Di tmars and P eal' l Ditmar s $ I ~."O. ht' IlIIHl e fl'om £' it h e r 1I'0 r HIC'ti s III' to Howard E . Barne tt. G4 UCl'es III \ \ ' Ott ) C' IIH, Th o \\'()t'Rl(l(ls n r c In :uh.l Hamilton town ship. from a ll woo l f ll lC I's u f U1li fnl' lll J ose ph Gu enth e r to Ray M . HURRICANE HELPS TO It IIg lh a ll d II' h ;c h lIl' (,l1 m h!' d pllI·a: · BOOST APPLE PRICES 11' 1 Ill'fllfl e th y a rC' HJl IIII 111 111 )'ca r . Comus and V~ vlan Ma e Combs , lG.21 a cres in Turtle t o wn s bip. T ill ~l! fllIJl'ica I\' ~ll l' 11'('11 !Jut tl 'n d III a ile "'0 u ill n ot 01'11 !HII', I.\' ;11, ,1, ""'G", (' SillilY. Flo yd R. F os ter a nd Louise FOB' \\' 00 1C'1I fa IJ rl cs III' III a rI £' III te l' to S ta nl ey Mull eni x a nd ,'a rah t a l' a hurrlcull e to Il I'omot a til" S;t I M U ~i e nlx real eB tntc ill Clearcr cc k o f ap pl es , But th e I' ee " nl wi ll rl IUlIl ll f; t-;jl llU frulI1 llI U ' \'t ' li wupl s fit o wll s hlp . fl ood de vUlltll lioll in Nr·1\' En gl alll i 1" 1H II it l';l r'rI) S~ en" 11 a l it(' 1' lit vn I' Gayl e Henry to Fred Vjns on a nd Ill'ollu tcd t hat very r e s ult. illu s all,.; lt's. T he HoflllCS8 (If ti l'
' TIl....
PHONE ', 112
.1~1I· 1l f\ it elllS 1.'0 11(; ('111 Ihe \l' CII I'C i ll Ih£' fllbl'i,' . T I~e s e fl~h l" S HIe S('I'. I le I ullic .. nd 110 11 01 he ru lll e s hi llY a~ IJltlt:ld~' liS wors l eds. Til e weave of Ih l' fall r i,' is (J ll \t l' IIIJlO l' l a l1 t in li l lc rlltill Ilg IIIC \ \l'a l. I II ~ qll a li ty of th e ('\llli. F i11ll. do'!' weav es IVli h us IIIUIIY RII'allli s o f yar n r u n nill g I'C I'I II':lIly /lH (TOS S ' wi St' U S ll ltl ~y wea l' t il III·Hi. S u ch fniJr 'C' s nrp fi r m a mi fel' l s l1t'i nv;y w,t h oll t s t r etc hin g. 1'001' quality lI'<'flves nre: IlIosr nn d li re IlItci y to s na g cllsl ly . '1' 11(' ya l' lI s li re 1I 0 t ('lI mll in JlUII1U'I' Vt' I'I . I·a ll y II lI rI cl'o~!:!\\'ll!e. Un r l1ll' lI ls mari e [1'0 111 ftl bri l'R wove n i n t h is l1Ian lle r wi ll lu s(' Ih el l' shapl! 1\ 1111 h(,I 'OI1 )(, hll .. gy aft I' a s bol·t )Jc l' i('(1 uf w ell I'. ~~ah · rlcB woyen wi th a ICI ng. thin nllJl \\'\l l soo n HhOlV II' ti l' a l' uun d t lt e hllt to n holes li n d ed l\Ps Of l ile ~nr llI <? n t· BUYPI's 11' :11 hav e 10 el ('[1 lid II po n t he m a n ll fac turc l" s labe l f1 11r1 t h e llI£'r Chtlll t t o flllrl :f II I'oa l wi I \\' Ith nt nnd SIIII . d ry I'\ (,flni ll l-(. 11 Ill] mi ll . QU ll l ili cR \\'h l(' h II r e l'I'lI t U COll t i l'o rn fu d , lI g 0 1' s hl'i llk ' n g cn nn n t be sec n 0 1' f e lt. Coat linings m ay I e e ll her Ri k rayon , 01' co lt o n. PUre dye s ilk wea r s bes t II lId Is m os t (> 1' pel1f!ll' e. lI envily wc ' ghte(1 s ilk \\, ea l'H PUO I'· ',yo I hl~'o u liltlngs vary In qu nlit y 1I 11d URu Hll y \\'I'ln lile u nd r ave l ha ,lly hil t lien vy ru yo n t hn t Is {Irlll y lI'u\,e ll m a k es a sa lisf llclory \in ·lI g. Cut t un Ih)ings a r e unrl eRirll hl !til th llY c ling to ollte r c',lo thin g 11 1111 wrinl. le bndl y. ln terlltl lll gs vary wilh th e cost of tb e coa t. COllo n i nt rlln"II;8 Ilr e s tro ng a nd Inexpe n s i ve un t a l' n ut a s wllrm IlS wo~ , Lig ht w i;,,-J l t w no l fabri c's fot· ill te rlin in gs nr e Ic'RH Illl i. ky and wrinkl e IClls th a n' othe r t y p cs. A sat'sfneto!'y I t e; l l nln ~ a.l_ so is m a de h.v qulltill g II oll e . e · ~IIt:l Inc'h Ill ye e ot 1I''!01 fi hol's hcl. lI' 'PJl tw o lu ye l's of ch .cs. c1n lh UI' llIull. Tb e 1I'0rkllllllls iti ll u sed in CUltiil g th e ~arlll o nt and Sl' w: lI g ~ t Is a n. oth er marll of lJu a lit~' . Se w II on bullou s a r e b cst. I relll s o f lI'e :.J ·mnrl e COllts ha n g ev(' ni y a ncl J: lvc a ilcal a p peRr flnce. The goud CO:l t8 us uu ll y h a r e a c'o nlilt tlOllS \t e il\ l il at fllli !l ll es th e lowe r hem !Inll faci n g !lillIe,
T.hl'rcrore. at H lU.. r ·s hhldln ', n', ('hO{'ht Il f I h I' [l,£'lt- h"l,)urlk Pll t l lll l) erfec t a 111' 10 11 8 nnd 1t('lYe l HI'h I'tl • If yo u, ro l' ill Sl lllll'e a re 011 Ipl' d · ,'nil m nllll fa,(' UI' r of IY I)('w l'!lurH. Intlal'('c p torl 1111 0 1'(1 r for Io n thol lS' lI'd IIlllt h ' nC8 f r om GI' I' tn il I1 Y, ull Y u. g t wh en th yare de Lh' I'cd is
This is III'illl:!r ily a ('n llt:;!!'t hc· I w, I n 111'0
ph ii oSCll'h lroR of wo r ld 111111 . a" hi s Inl1~ I'on · g l" ss '!lta l 1'1'1'01'11 s h o\\' s. !s a t I\ ('ar t :\ fn'l' 11·:.dl ' l'. III' Is a lsll n I'cn ll RI. alld Iilu s 1< 111 .11'8 t hut l he Illeal of rl'l 'l' l nld(' I~ 11 ,,1 a il ai ll ab le in Ih c II II r lei at jll'I' Rcll t- :lllel in all p roba· llil I)" \l' i ~1 lIut he far d ecad es to ('p l1h ', if ' Vt ' I' . T , l l ' l' \ fllt 'e , he Sl'c),s w hat he bl'ljC'l'l's is th e lllJ ~ 1 iJl'HI lllilll{ - lr:1I1 11 ngrl'l' II H' ll IH I,<'I \l't' CII Ih is ""11011 .., 1' "Cl lI lI l l'lcs ti psig ncd III 111,11 11 111,· 1111' frl'l's t flll lili hi e flow of ;;,,1.11 ;; wi l h t h p 10 1l'l!s t pOlislbl(' ta r Hf (·II~I f\ . ,\II'. lIu ll bl' liCI' Cll ill l hi s ~I O t only 1Jl' (' II I1 ~ (, Ill' Ihilll,s It ,i8 goo d for wo rl d CO III III CI'l'e-o f I:l't·u tCI' 11I1I")1'11I n rl', he f,,(,11! t il ll t .'11'0111-( a nll illil ,'a hie ('ulIIlll el'!' i" I I i, Il b<'l wee n An' lI t Jl0II'l' I'S III tlt e !J 'st g UlLr a n tce 11'''1'' '~ ' ~Ir ,
Wi ' (' an
a cr ed it. You may lise this ' 1' d lt wi th Ge rma n y to bu y cRmel'Rs, to yS, J' quor , or Il n )'l lling tha t Is purch8s· nd In Ge rm a ll ter r'lto r >" , to til e' va lue o f th e t ypew rit er s s old . U yo u h ave a mark et [or Buch Germ a n produots or if you can tIn d a buyer f or yo ur 'r ed t , weil a n d gone!. But othe rwl sf yOU cn ll 't g et I' It\ 111 I) II ey. T lIoy II rmnny . HH thi s co lumu 1I1S
po iu t·d o u t hefol'e, is .Ioo k i I
mor e and
111 01"
Lo SO Ul h Al ll c r icil.
Co nq ues t or the . 'n!l ete n:t:l.lI d h ilS greatl y i ll r rca!\ed Ge rm a n In l1 u tr' ol pr od u r t inn . alHl s lt t' III l1 st f ind m ill" Iwts . I" u rt her m ore. !ih e is oft,·n able an d w illi n g t o m ake fil l' hlltter bnr. te l' r1~a l s t hou II' ca n lIl alt e In cn~ h Il r lll s. III cellt l'al Jo:uru p.' C;p rm a ny It UH hll'ea lly tal,(, 11 a Inl'l.;e part of t ile gr a l lI1ul'l, pt \I' ll (' It ollce WII S lar!;e ly 1II 0noJlllli w d \'y Ih e E ll g l ish . S hl' Is I 11 1'1'1 111'11 i 11[; III Lin Ih e Bllllle l h i n ~ I' l li s ill t h e \\' e ·te rn helUp ' s, ph ( ' 1'(' .
!l av e \\' 0 1"11 IH':lc'e . So fa r
largp n ll lll\)(' r Uf t rpn l lrR hal' II r ll r u n<'illlieti . l it£' IHIISI II l1pn r t all t I' () 1,(, lng I lla l cffo('tcd lI' :th Cu nall a \1111 II 111 '\\' Jlnlf' lIl iHlly lItore hll_ '11 111:111111111' HI III . I ~ I1bo llt CO li luded \l' lth II ril ll lll , 11 11,1 \\'i ll ~o into e f· , N' t . :!t'rOl'rJ ' l1 g tu sc ll edul e . th e firs t If Iwx t yllar. 1'1111 1'1' t lte 101'111 5 of 1I1 (' ~ c t l'('atit' H, t h e' gl'l'lIt II lI lk of rlp!! ls a r t! 1'() II SIII II IIlUtt d ·In ('a sil dol la rs , ' 110 11 tills, fru IIC S. :(I'e. I'U" b i e~. or wh otel'e r cllrr l! n cles a r e u~ccl i'n th e nlltionll In volved . W he n )'0 \1 cio IJ IIH ' n cHs with Gel" IlIIl Il Y. Illlwev r . rash Is th e on e t h ill/; Iha t yo u ('lt n 't g t. Tile Reit h Now is th e tim e to buy YOUI'hos n ex t to 11 0 fo r e ig n cr edit. Chri s tm us SQal s
Help to· Protect Your Nome Irom Tuberculosis
:::=;-- - - .
-'" 'h'
, :. ~ l I _ •.
2'0 GSr Ii
'. ,.de •• ar. NoW ..£OW ••, _ -
...•.... . i; ,I.
rVEALWAYS WANTED ONE - AND ~S MY CHANCEl" LOW EASY TERMS-AAIt your Maytag dealer about the .mall doWil paymeDt aDd the low, euy term. that let you have your Mayta.g NOW.
Fairley HArdware
n"rllusc (If UC'llcl' tJuullly, "'('rvk!', ulld Price EslahUNllC'd 1849 . 19;18 WJ\\'SI~ ~"II.LK I'UONE 82
De Luxe Tourist Service The Ethan Ail e n to nri st ca mjl in ,n doll, Vi.. has a tckph o nc ill eac h " 14 cabin s, conncc ted to '-';- Iha n · t1()11 lelephul,e cxc ha lllilc . ' , .:e h· lIoard. in the: @amp ,)tflle, " u thai gu c I S can pl a ce cith er local o r lo ng di sla nce call s
Farmer Saves Himself
Dr. Miles Nerv·i ne '.
A sma ll new spaper recentl y nw clo , th ' s wi se co mme nt : "One of th e Q)lestloll s wh ich Is m o~ t frequo nlly a ske d th ese da ys Is 'Cu n the ga've rn · m e nt help bus iness?' F or Ihe b es t ans wer t o th a t we mus t Ip ok to a gri cu :li.ure. For as lon g as we CIlII r em ember. poli ti cia lls h ave beel} rushinl;' to th e aid of f arm er s . I~o r For as lang as we ClI O r om e mbCJ:' th e farm er, If h e wa s SON el from r eo curri,nr; , diftlcultl es, ha s had to save . him self:' . ' The hi s tory of -farm. r ellefl, as this intimates . iii very largeiy a biB. .tory o r costly polltico'l fa llure, l Farmers .bave made de ~ ln·' te pro~ greSs throl:lgh their own ' effort ff. us· Ing such tools as the marketing ~o operatives. When they have d e pen(ied upon political )l8naceue, they bave usually found t'lat they bave
(oi1owed a wll)o'·the·wlsp.
(Uquid or Effervescent Tablets) Soothes irritated nerves permit sleep, helps you to "get: hold . of
r ~:~~!~*
everyone is nervous th d NEARLY worries street and h . ese ays.
Financial work and e~citing recreati~r;:e nOIses, l~lte hours, har~ ous system that brings SI plut 8, stram on the nervache N ' In ' ~m e e p essness, Nervous Head, ervous dIgestion, Restlessness, Irritability. An attaek of nerves Y rna k. e you lose frjends. quarrel with your husb to YQur children. an or ~lfe, appear a Iyrant
of~~' MIt~ES{NERVINE has been soothing the
nerves e na Ion or nearly 60 years. If you are nervous, get a bottle o~ package 'at your druggist. He wlU.tefund yo~r money if you are not entirely satlsfiea. ' Uquld Nerv.Jne, La~e BoUlo 'LCJ/I..-SmaU .BottIe.25f El'tervl!lCent Tablet"",Larp Pk•. 7~ ..... 35f
. ~
~Ir .
)ar k of
W. F .
a nd :\l rR. 1')(1 n\1nn c~ nf IIl1 ve I ) u l'~hm'lt'u t1~ 'oo p· ~I' pr UIlt' Tty or ,\ , I •. K ' g li nd w l!\ move lhere in t he II II r .rUl UI· , ' 11'. a nd ]\1 1' S, Wa lt r K ~ n .r:l! k t'ulletl on Mr . a lld ~lr 8. W .. .AI . brig ht nt. P k in 'r hul'l';li oy lift r· noon . MI' . Rnhlh L wls of Mia mi~ bu l'g callefl lit tll h01ll 1' Qr 1\fl' . a lld M.rR. Forest Orn ha m. W ~,ln e ' duy . '1l's · Ada. L<l clt cy, son illld la ught er . HalJlh li nd . l abl e ot West Mitlcl l 10WII W ' I' u:1 tl lY ve. . ulug guesls r Mr, Olltl , Irs, Lesli e Gray a nd c h11dr II and II'. a nd ~' ru llkJin
Dayton w r ed n dn~' gUI'sls or 111.1'14 Ma ry Cllnnony.
fro Hntl Mrs, Rny :'I I n ll N~ h a ll or Da yton called on their a u nt, 11' , AI r lark W d nesda y nfl ernoon ~ ...! , 'usn ll aylor was alled to Dnyh Il la t weck by th 8 ri ous 111. )j sll of b I' s on, R ul1d nylor , who Ie In th hospil a l willi IIU umonia,
Mrs. Hnrvey Bul'll t s p nt sev· ernl days las t w e k wlt b her' bro th er 0 1', E rllcs t Rosna gle and family Cl f Loudon , Ohio. MI B. Me ta n ogers was a g uest of bel' II I ee , )l rs. ha l''r.Itl e Anum's Ilnd f am il y ot Miam IsburG, n. couple ot dnys las t week. For st Gr ah um Is Quit e ill with fevel' at h is 'hom(' eas l or lo wn , MI', an d II1I'S, C. L . Dul,e attend ' ell th e f unerll i ' ot Pi€) rce Oroby a t 1.' ngleshy ll'u llcrll! Hom iu Fra nk· ) 11 a nd bu ri ll..l lit S prIngboro 011 llls t Wedll ei:ida.y. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bal~y enterta ined office rs a nd teacber s ot Lytle Suuday schoo) at their home FrJllay evening. Mrs. Gladys Robln 80u and Mrs. J . D. J ones, mot ored to W ;Janlllgton Qntl DUytOll Mondoy.
Mrs. Alber t Stacy t ))nyton \\' J'e guests ou Mon day . :'111'. a n(1 Mrs. Alle ll E m l'i ' k Silen t Sunday oft e r nolln wlt b )1 ... a lld ;\fr s, Ha rry ('omell nehl' F e!'I'Y, :\Ir. and ;'tt rH. laretl ce 1 1I II IIIhoo Ilnd 1\11'5 . John ston of (' lrl'le n r l\" Dll yto n we re Sun dll Y a ft e rn oon a l· lers of 1111'S, :\1[l I'I; a r ol .J ohn s alltl I'llul ,Joh ns. MI'. IUIII Ml' ~. \\' illl a lll we r e uturdllY tli n llt' I' gll('h ts of MI'. and :\ll's. S. H. HIII·II l'll. Mr· an a 111 )'S. to:. H. J.olIglI(: re left by mntor Sunda y fo r \\':I t'l ien s. ville .. VII . wh l'l' t:' til Y will ~pcn tl Th o uk f<giv i n ~ w ilh I hI' fUl'lIIe r's Ilunt. )11'. n.nd !\I rH. H OH.': l! ~lla (ltl o(
Notice Now we are able t o supply a f ull LAUNDRY SERVICE to our customers, wet " as h, roug h dl'Y, budget, thrifty, dry and DeLuxe. Special attention to ba chelor , bundl : , m en's shirts lOco All mending and buttons r ep laced.
Quick Cleaners Waynesvil1e
Katherine Mendenhall
Phone 1'1
Thrills Aplenty for ·WCLmen At New York Fair, 1939 I
YO R K (Special). - The N EW thrill capital for women next year will be the New York 'World'. Fair. Designers, merchants, manu· tactuurs, artists, governmentsall "the authorities"-have seen to that. And yet, uniquely enc.ugh, there will be no "woman'. build!nl" at the $15.0,000,000 exposition. Fair officia ls at the outset decided a,air. ~t "segregation." Grover A. Whalen, president of the Fair Corporation, said that "a woo man's building at a nwdern·day exposition would not be in tune with the progress of womankind," Now. in this last year of can· struction, it is already obvious that woman is going to have her due at the New York fair. Those fortunate enough to attend are going to know thrills that will live with' them always. The following pre· lents onlr a pot·shot at all there will be to interest and dellgl)t woo men in the 1216t,2 acres 01 ta1r grounds, It is one observer's idea of what to see where. '1 Some of the Wonden Bouse of Jeweb - a $5,000,000 display. by gem mining concerns and leading jewel e r 5, showing atones in the rough, precious gems in finest settings. famous gems and perfect examples of goldsmith's' and silversmith's art. Appar.el aDd Ac::essorles - in their own building along Petticoat Lane - a $750,000 exhibit of all dear to woman in her costumin& and in furs, hats, handbags and aimilar wearables or gadgets. . CosmeUcs BuildiDl - sl)owing Ju.t about everything ever done '4nce the history of beauty aides and . preparations began a few thoUsand years aiq-wlth accent 011 the cosmetics and perfumes' of . -toc1a.J and a look at those of tomor· (They put thousands of dol. lui' ~orth in Ute ~ornerstone
m,,' _
ad .. <fUWes - '&howing how
(wrorma to roaching) make fabrlCl-'baJid looma, demo ouIIa&IoaI of n.-clle IU'tI. eouniI 0lIl home fumlJhla, matewuo1en .here, 1'11' ~,~ in anota· . 0....
ullduy a ftt· r· • Mr , u nd ;\II·S. J . n .
,I II I'S.
;\11', ancl ;\rl'S, Wuller Kcn l" t:\. a llll .I II III IlIL II nines <'0 IXltl a ll MI', li nn !lIn \. . ,y, a ll of F.a tull . SUllll lly 11ft rnOOIl a nd a lso m ola r. I'd ,to I'e lI \'i l1 nnd P lqu u. Virg il Longttc re had tll e I;llst /lr. tlln l' 10 lJe lIiJ ot in t h l' rig h t ye wilh II B II gun lus t 1\1 nclu y whil e at Il lay wit h ocl 'ovcmllll , Oicke y Ir ous ond Billy 1\:t! ll:s. H e is stilI u ndel' t h ' do tor's carp .
LoeaL. Haplpenings - - _. -
- - - -.- -..
..- - - - - -"- '.-
.- - . .
:\1 1'. a nd Mrs . OIonll Bonl <l l
n. tCl lll llled lit Sunduy III,n l1 ' r honur. illS her fa Ul l', ,I, F.. ;\1tlllgcr. Gu :! \ R WIlI'I' , M I', a li t! ,''I J'A. Il ulllh AI'd lll ea co lI, \' m n k .\,rc;l\lt'uco Jl of Ii'ra nk lln, M r . ll ntl MI'f\. \.!) rn est and SO li Ev or
t-; 1lI~ r RU II
lJill 1I1ld I'U II RlIl l1h Sun · aflt'IIIU\}IJ anti c \" lIlng. Mr , '[Ul tl i\f1·R· IljJ,'y GIlJIIH II lin lit und ly I\ llh II I1'il' !iOIl , ;.[1', nrl M I'S, 1l:11M wnr th 01\)86n 111111 It nugh" 11'1' oI n Oltl· ' nle l'vill , 1\11', II l1 tl !\Irs. "~gll l' Pbr[ ulnl flllll ll y ur ' lII tervi ll ', )1 1'8. Haz I 1.0lllu ll 11 l1 tl fUIII ' ly f IIcur Oa yl on "lIlIctl Ull M I', nn(l i\lrs. II i:")' GI\).. ~1I 11 ' S un.llny nU(' r nnoll . M IS8 U tt y llll tl Pu ullll e (\ nd y
ti llY
For the winter Programl a· head • . I pick up and deliver, RADIO TUBES 1939 ZENITH RADIOS
Th eme Of SeaI
with her pa rc lI ts, ~ lr . !Lnd )11·s. a ll ou II MI Mi ~s Li lla I3pn hll fll. ross M I', nlld Mr s. Hulph O. 'I'1I11!' or Rolle r t Ross lind I'll mil y of \\,1 1'k lind In til e url oruoo u clIlJed Alexond r ln, Virgillia \·jsltt·tI wllh un MI St! CleQ Da k in . " r rotcl'l Your 1I0me I' rom Tu . Ih \ll tt el' lI nll r ent s. :'.11' . 1I 1It! Mrs. be rcu lOH I'lj" will be Ihn~ S Io gan 0 f I lI e nl Y SlI tl 'rlh wuit l' f m lll \VI ti· t he I!J:IS '(, h ris tIll Us S('a l Campaign . II Nltiay uu til .\ l o.lld a y . IV.le ll th('~' lor t. Or. E. i.. Urudy. Ma rl on. IIret!i<i nt ftll' tI s hon visit wll h ;\11'. 1 0ill.'9 lie lbe Ohi\) l'ubll c II -n llh 1\960cl1). Ill\l' nts III Ou ford . D. On SI IIIIIIlY li on ann oun 'cd to(l a y. MI'. ami 1\l r8, Heury :-;all nhwa lt e " T ilt) lI CB i g~ of tb e sea l HUggcs ts e llt ' rtn lnl! tl wilh 1\ f" lIIl ly d lltlll'r Ihe s loga n, " he cx plui ned. "A , f ol' Mr . a nti . 'r rs. Tul:... On l" rj tlfl Y moth " I' a nll tw'o ro ung chlldl'l'lI In eve nin g ~Ir . nnd MI'!< . .l u lIl es MOlTi s "ost ulIles of the Vic tor :an uge ore of Sahilla e nt er ta ined ;\11'. a lltl Mrs, S IIlH\' 1I lig hti llg B ~o lld X! in tb wl~ . Henry Sa\t ert h wa lt\l a nt! f a mil y tlow of t heir hOlll e. Til e li ghtell ca u ' fOl' tb e 1)lc£l RUr of :'.TI'. £I nti :\11'8. I a:I W t! a re eXII<!l'ti ll g to ha I'e an onller !lv\ll . a ll da y meeLi ng at our :\1. g . ehun' b die Is ind ica ti ve of the c nll gh ten· To ll e. :\'11'. lind Mrs. La wrence Tbom as 1\lr. nlld Mrs. Ed win Shel' \\'oo d !\I l sti IJI'U Y 11 0\\,;11'11 , Miss All c(' La II , wh o (' 11 m to U H fl'l) lII Bctill'l lIla iness trip to Baton nnd I CHRISTMAS SEALS of 1\II 1,1I110In\\' 1I wer " IInday !l' IIl'IlIS :\1i ~8 I on , glllln g hUi China will tlpea k th onrie to1\ bUs CllI l'lnnati I"rlday. of :\11'. and Mrs. J oc l Stok e" anti Drin g yon I' U;I Sltf! ts IIn tl s pend tile Tho Ervin Thomaseil nnd Mr$. SAWS SH.ARPF. N"E Leave yo ur son. :'tl rs. W. A. Lip plucoll has bee n day. Wo wo nt yo u to III l lhesf \ rn n FlLlIl Dud 80n Dntl Miss I'jtl W Il t · Fn lrley lIarrl wIn e S to re. rill e '1I1nese Ch r iRt ill 1l g ;rl8, Th l!Y "lima Tholfl llS nnd Lawrence Waynesville. 2lp. sick Be vllrlll days' w ith gri p. 1'0, ... a nd Mrs. On' ll le Snge moved will spea k at Ul: :l O D, 111. li nd li t Thomas motorerl to Troy Sunday Tu esday, to Morrow, who I' 1\1 1'. 2 In th e art ru oon IlUd 7 lu th e ovo' mornin g. IIlu g, Th e y will Il l. 0 be here No· The Coy O :llIams spent Tucsday FOR SAL1!l-lilllsllng , Rox8 11/1a & Sage !s p ulillshlng a newspa pe r. Wayne8vllle Pl a nts $1. 60 llel' ton E tb ll n J , L~ \Vi 8, wh o hilS f inished ve rn hel', :J ,29,30 nt 7 :30 p. nl. DOlI ' t lit ' the parsollu ge. Higli Grade Cnnner s snit 7i ts. per bls f our yea rs trai ni ug In the l l. S. ra il to co nle ; " 1'y1)ody wolcome. I The n ev. Cnrl Smith fam :)y athundred pou nds. R oxanna C!l ll,ulng Mr. a nd :\1I·s. 1\1 lrouhlle Smi t h tend ed fI rvlces .at the East Da1: Na vy, ls viSit ing relatives h reo Co., Phone 119-R·21, t fb, Mrs· 0\ n Bo rden entertained a unci dought I' of Il ea l' pri ng Vulley lOU hUI'eh of Christ, Friday eve. • SINnt on e evenin g last II' ek wllh Ding. ' grou11 of friends Wednesday lIe.. ning, :'\ovemhe r Hl, In celebl'ution .\Ir, and 1'o1 r s, Arth ur Mo rga n. Pe rry Fau! was n dinner guest· F;OR SALE-Rholle l slnnd , Barre d of Mr, Borden's birth a nnl ver 8t1r.y. Mr. nud ~rrs .lilver II Bun l1o~1 of Rev. aud Mrs. Car!! Smith and Roo\( and Whitt; Rock pull ets. Included in her guest list wer e MI', nnnollnco tbo blr tlt of (1 7 1·4 pound rnollly Sundny, At tbo parsonage Also Home Cockerls, C. B Chittum aull Mrs. J. B. nlcJi. Mr. uud Mrs. buhy irl Tuesday , Kovem ber 22, tor supper Thursday evening wore n. 1. Wayn~svllle, Ohio. S. S· E ll fs , ' Mr , a n d Mrs. Wa rrell The li l li e oue has boon na med Edna th e Lester Gcrhards aDd ohildren. Help 10 Profect Your Braddock and d nul!;h ter Be lly, Mr. :\Illwl ue. Harry Fordyce was a Xeuia. vis anll Mrs. Hurry Smi t h and son Mrs . B r uce H ",ltma u a nd Mrs, itor TuesdllY, UlST-Cll; cken coop betwolJn Cor· Home from TUHrculosi, Glen . win and W lIman, Return nnd get DOD MarUntlale n nd chlldr n of mont ou tulJcrculosls that hill! been 'fhe Rev, nud Mrs, J . V, Lacy Oayton , Mrs, Da l y H artsoc k or rewaI'll. WtlI OU8t1n, k' ud led by the Christmas Seals and vls: t d fri ends In La urel, tnd, Til s· S pring Valloy s pent Sunday aftor. of tb el I' miss ion of protecting every day. The sam e day, Mr, Lacy attel). noon and even ing Ivilh Mr, aud hom e fl'om th e dread dlsCIlse. FOR SALE-7-Brown Ennmeli!d ir. deel a m ectlng of the Wesl eynn Mrs. O,eol'ge Ma rlntt. " Tub r u losiS bl'eaks up mor e Founda ti on, of whi h he Is a trus' Mrs. Bessie Vim Winkle, 67 pass. culatlllg heater. }IIloe cond : tion, homes t han IUly otb er di sease. If 1\ tee, at Oxford aud obtn; /lod a Ooad away at thc Frl ulls Home Wea. Cheap, SCQ Mrs. Lotta K af a,u ve r. moLh er 0 1' fa th er Is s tricken, t h is pel team to a ppear hem J a uua r y 7 ncsday morning, following a stroke Mt, Holly· milo, ltp. means separation from tb e family and 8. of aPOI) ~'CxY. Funeral arrangeif other me mbers a r e to be pro· ments have ~ot ye t b ~en mlldo, Mlss HeOl'le tta McI\lns ey of Atllr· Re v. Carl Sm Ith and fa mily wer e tected from the . thl'eat ot the d is- tahula Is ' expected to a rrive in WA. TEO-G lrl for goper nl tlIl1ecl to Yll'glnla unexl>Cct lOy ease. " hous work. Stn'y nig hts- In qui re BIRTHDAY DINNER Waynesvill e ton ay ( T hu rsllay ) to Mon c\ay by the dea th of his aunt. T uherculosiS usually br ings a Ber- spend a purt of hClr vtlcation, Her o· Mrs. W. il. Miller, R. 2 Wa,yneJl The home or Mr. and Mrs. Carl ville. . ious cconoml Ilroble m . Eac h year fr iends will probably flnt! he r 10- They a re to be gOll e (Ill week , 1'011'. and !\f1·S. Otto Ginter and Duke was the scene of a plea sant t u b I'c ulo s l ~ cla ims the lives of 40- cated n.t the Frien ds Hom e. . daughter w re dinll I' g uests or' Ule f amily gathering 00 Sunday, the 000 pe rs ons bet wee u lhe a ges ' of 15 Lawrence Thom ases Sunday. occaSion be: ng in honor of MtII, FOR RENT- I •. M. ·Hend !'son resi. Dud 45, the most productive years 'rhe bUllting season is In full Duke's and Mrs. }'red Oroy's lUIul, dence. K.ey inay be obta ined next Many of these vict ims are mothers wing und rabb:.ts are as thl c.k as vcrsarles, a nd fath e rs who lettve young or. door from Mrs. Evil. Dakill. I! ill. --=:=------il~;t"t'IiEiii8iiiliif8ar~iiOitiiiCiiITfUiT7Ojffi(i'iiiiI'~r;;e8ent"Were, Mr, and Mrs. tOl'ested wr'Lc DoriS Kre iling. (J(,n· pbaned children to face lite a:;Qne, Chri stmas Sears ti nance a year· Paul Duke IUId famlb' , Mr and'Mrs. tral Trust Co. CinCinnati, Ohio, o:r--r..'''''=-11'!I'ft1tilu........,iii'if·~l'ffii'ffi1lDU''''ii1.....-W=-=rtnn: -- -- -- - - round prog ram to . Gray, MtII', Helen Graham and it '. ' ulos is and hy so doing, protect all cloy wllh Mt. aud IMrs . ' Hilley GibS Oil a nd family. bOllles from tuberculosis. Mr. anti Mrs. Elvis MIchenl aud The 8a le wIlt start Thanksgiving Day .and continue until Chris tmas <l aug hte r Do rot hy; Mr, lid Mrs. George Marla tt slJJ n t-Sunday with H erbert Mllrl£l tt Il:bd son Edmons, Afternoou cull ers was Mrs · Daisy Hartsock o[ Spring VaJloy. ' Mr. and Mrs, IBen Gruber aod tumily or near W'ayn osv' Ue spent Ed SUI'face who has been III f or th e past fe w weeks died Thu ~sday Sunduy afternoon , and bad supper 1II0rlllin.g· In Miami VaJ\ey hospita'. wllh Mr, and Mrs. Eve rett Bh~ue:I and {am!}y. . He is survived by his mother, one Mr. and Mrs . Haymond Osboru Is le r, two SOll8 and It daughter, Ilf Xenia called on Mr. and MrB, 'I' he P . T. A. m et a~ the gym
w. H. Madden & Co.
:\11. lIolly wl' rc
m ) UII 1;'11 Hl R of
_ _
Tom Burton WI\iI a Dayton 8ubllcrlbe to the Mlllm,1 Ouzette, s hoppc r Thursday wblle 'h6l' .BIOnler .. ·Mrs . J elllli Mu:ion and little • • • • • •~. . . . . . ._ Nnonfi J ILn (1 BUI'ton , cRlled 011 Irs. I Let me inlpeel and condition 11' Ilomllll 0 III 11 8, Mr. and Mr . L sler Ke nrick your-w l' gu fl l ll a t the hom e of Mr. li nd ~rs . Luwr nce Zinl( near Fos· er , unduy. :\\1'11,
Mrs. Van Winkle'.Dies .
II !'-'II'
ThUI'MI.,., No.......... 24, __ 1938 _i _ _ . ]
Health and Scicnce Bume Furni ' l iugs 8 u i Id I ng"heart of th e Com munity Inte rests Zone," with i l~ fo ca l d ispl ay sho w. ing the ineanin6 of " Home" in present and future phases and ho w to create on e of y our own-all in exhibits that thrill . &.Iediclne and Public Health and Science and Et1uca ~ion 8uildinga "famous firs t" ex h ibit sh ow ing ·the wonders to be accomplished by du e attention to the "body beauti· luln-a ' mus t attrac ti on that'll not I~ave one with a dull mo ment, Gas Indus tries 8uiJdir.g,-ev<' ry . thing .from a labora tor y to a n a ll· gas house, a coo ki ng school an d a gas BalnC' 50 feet hig h-speclac u· lar but looking to com fo r t a t home . Food Buildings 1, 2 a nd 3-put· ting romance into the age· old task of fixing a meal . by a nd with the world's knowled ge and products . Qorticultur~1 Exhibit-acres ot gardens, Bowe rs and equipme nt (with a chance for a cup of tea),
AA ,,,. .
Harveysburg News
Wedn esday evening. $1.00 was giv, n to the hlgb school tor largest pal'cnt representation. A lunch of coCCee and doughnuts was served, We a re glud to report that Mrs. S pencer our I)rima ry teacher :s im' pro vin g, Mrs· W. J . Haines of Richman' li a le who hus becn visiting her 51 :· tel', Mrs. Ida Hllwks r eturned hom e Sa turday . Mt·s. ,l ll hn ilatlHf and mothcr accolIIPllule ll by Mrs. Louise Fite we re Wilmington vIsitors Saturday . Mra, R. E. Hurst and daughters s pent Satllrdny In Wilmington, Mr. and Mrs. WII! Hoover aecompanied by Mrs. LIzzie Curl were Thrills In a Lifetime Wllm :nglon vi sitors Salurday, . Theme Centre-thrill 'of a lite· Mis s Eld :th . Surfuce was called time from a ride on the "Magic C!lrpet" through the 200'£001 globe her owing to the death of brolher, and the World of Tomorrow, Mr. aUll Mrs. Charles Gray and Contemporary Arts BuildingWorld's Fair. Theatre (music and family visited· Mr. and Mrs. J. C. drama}-Consumc r Building-an Gray Sunday. "Hospitality Centre," first of its Mrs. Sadlc' Renson has I'etul'n ed kind, for feminin e ge t·togethers- home a1ter visiting he r grandaugh' spectacles on the island stage of New York State's Amphitheatre tel', Mrs, Rhodes Bunne)) and lamon Fountain Lake-products and Ily near Wayoesvme. MI'. anll Mrs. Lionel CamllbelJ kitchens of the world in two score fore ign·bu ilt pavilions - the Hall have moved into th e hOllle tlley re· of Nations, the Court of State cently purchased. Buildings, the $3,000,000 Federal Mr. and Mrs, John Meek are viaExhibit - buildings of industries ' Ung Mr. and Mrs. Llonel Camp· and the Ci ty of New York-night· Iy spectacl es of water-fire·color· beJl . Mrs. Charlos Smart' and dau'g htor and ·sound- 280 acres of, amuse· .m enls-and, withal. a ~etting of." MI~s Grace w,~ re shoppers In Wi). courts and garden with an ample. m;ington saturday .. supply of shade d benches, . Owing to TI1ankHgi ving there Refreshment to' go on and on ware only three days of 80hool this inay be hap in a,ny one of some 80 . l'eStaurants, affordin.!; a total of week: Mrs. Adam CanlplJell ls much 1m. 43,200 seats. and serving ~he mea14 . of almost e very .kn own nation, provei'! , And - perha ps most thol!ght~u) Ptovision of all - th~ youngstera Mrs. Andrew Peeuo and son can be park r d In the Children's RiCJ llrIl. and Mr, and Mrll, George World wh ere t1il'y' ll bE' happy and Summertleld 'spent Saturday wUh ...ell·carcd for. the W. C. Smitb faullly •.
--...'-- ---
"Bank Night" -eCREIE N- . ". AM THIE ,LAW"
Edw. G, FloblnlOn IlIarrll
Continuoul Showa Dally Adul" Onl) 'T" I p, II, .
'Ie»!! 6.Wayl:E~S: Flo~r. L~mp " - - . . . . . . . . . . ..
• ~ G. ,E. Turnover T~r • S!! G. E. 8-Cup Co..- MMer .
,'19!!·.V.lue, all
'~r Only ••• . ,
Ninet:etb Year
(" hio Social Seemly Program Al'il' lc Two Dy E liza be th Stibbs
- - --_... . -
Decem ber 1, 1938
Local Happenings Mr. and Mra. Cllrl Frye were Thunktl glvlng day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J'. D, Bolin,
~ft~I~LU~~-H~~~~ ~a d!v The tw cnty-s'x th duy o f ~' o \'c Il1 ber hus mueh slgnlflc ullce L r s veral membe rs of one (If t he lo\:ul "5 0" clubs. 1l is Ihe thi ll l th w('d _ dill" of Mr ' alld Mr, . .. nnn iversary ' L V Brun slrntor ulld til tllirty • • S ixtl] wed. lng anlllve r """ "II' . " I'y o·, .. and Mrs. J . B. Ric:l, Both rO Ulll es were monlnl on rhnnk ag lvlng Dny . It Is IIlso . thn . ~ blrth.h, y OIII·l lv •' l'"n ., I' y of EnrneKI DutleJ'\vol'th . On S.l lul'day night. Mr, and M1'8. Ha rry. Sm 'l th enterln ' ncli foJ' those' memo bel'S. Precedi ng lin e vening of ": 00" a temptin g roast gOOse dluller waB aerved. The guests wero Mr. alHI Mra. Brnns trator, Mr. auel Mrll. J . ,8, Rich, Mr. lind Mrs, Ernest Butterw orth, Mr, and Mrs. Morrl!! Cornell , and Mr . and Mrs. S. S. Ellis.
Whole Numb er 3958
Local ' ~appeDiDgs
Damaged By Fire
:'II I'. [llId 1\11' '. 1.. ' V. /Jr:II I ~ : mlll l' wcre 1,\ 11 SI s of hUIl O I' 011 Thu:lli!lglv_ _ _ _ ·_ ·_ _ 4 ___ Inl-; !Ja y a l till' ,I O I II~ I) f ;\'11'. all 1/ - . ,11·1!. 1.:.1 1~IIII1 I1S . 'r h,' 0",:;1. iOIl Wit . MI'. Ulltl :'I·l r s. T · S. Hardin and The reRlden'"cli on Fot/r ih ;l l rec t til' a llllil'er~\l I Y or ,\11'. nnd MI'II, fa lll il)' HP ' lIt Th nnksgi vl ng in III. IJ jII'ned bv W. " .' C rahum ullil orru _ I " b:' ' ~I . r , S 1It:l 1'I' age II'hi h W . 8 I " lo1mli li n I ~a \\' " Bl oMso m Tim e." "v eu "u .-Iowan l . leNer nml rtl lllil. " . Ura r. Nt ralll , . \' I' ,',I I'S ai(o " f'ol( In ll .lZ ,I l,llI'l A' WIW ha dly du mag d lJy fire of UII- 1)('IIU lilu :, :11\('1' l,'n s;' nif'f' II'li" p (, ~Ir. IIli d i\IIS. J ohu K e l'~ey s pl'ul delel'ml ned orlg I Wedues d .,y ni g.!t S"ll t. d Ih \ 1II II\' t hei" d lil,lreli Cu \'- ' 1 · .lIl1,k,~ II· il\l-: With MI' . allcl Mrs. Th" WoyneRvl Ie nl'e d C[llIl'tmen t I'I'K \\, ~ I ' l: 1:, ,I . il l lI (1on fUI' ~II·.. 1U1,1 ,10(' 1 "~ I 'He y at Le!Janun . respo nd ed to th " a la rm II'hich W" S :\II'K. 1Il'HII Kt ,al.)\' . .\ : IKS '1I Iherl ll" give n abo ut] I 0,. 10f' k Ami th e !J1" zo alld Ha llJh BI'i1 ll s ! "1\ 1111' \\'hll" I hey laM l . Bux lIf 1', Clll'i ,l, a nti ~ I r . an d whi ch WII S dl 9c1;vered In the wa ll \ ""·K. 1,' U', 1I118 ulIII t'ldhll l' n HIlY mill III UK 'a r<! ~. :: :11'. Wa YII\'8v lll e Drug be tw eell a c~s t un d t ho liI'iug SUI'. S l u rp . room, WII S extinguil!lwd I.>,·flll' it hnd s pread to any gT 'uI eX l ent. T ::e He \, . II . J . ~ Ilyd " r of th e LylA' amount Of th o IOS8 ha s not be n I ~1. I~. Chlll'<'l\ Ill' eUr hl'l\ al th E' 1\1. learned . " . Chur ch !'lllllduy ni ght. __,_ _ _ _ •• •_ _ _ _ _ l\ti ss Loui Hc Zlmlll er mnn W:lS nn. (l1'1' 1'lIl gl1l glles l Thursdll Y all,l Fri. .Ia y IIf Mrs . Leo COllne r .
Bowling League Started Monday
Mo ndllY ni ght suw th e opening of the Waynes ville Busl ne"8 Men's Mrs. E. C. Crane and dnughte r Since lIlc stlll't of its ollCrat: ous Bowling Leag ue. Th e Lengue 18 two null one · hllif years IIgo, Ohio's Nancy und Mrs. R. L. Hnckwe~1 COIllI)r!s ed of th e followtn g e gilt or . ~ ocltU Securll y progrum for de pend- we re Dayton v:sltors Wednes dny. I;ll lliznti ons; Wulla ceg 1. G. A ; ( nt childre n, which took the place Cuy t"s Meals; K rogel'lI; F II lr ~ )"1J While lhey 11\81 , Box of 26 Cbrlstc f tho lother's penHlon plan, hps Ha rdw a re : n ogers & Simlltlo n : Gult mas Ca.rds, 59 c. Waynes vllle Drug l lcceedc d in bl'lng:u g to lIIany ch ilInu : Jun :or Lotige: and R a mbY'i! • I'c n the secul'lly which Is otten- Store, 'fl'li ckers. ,,~ijo citlted with life. Mr. and Mrs. RU8se)) Hollida y Iu the first round Wu!\ucc s 1. For ccntul'i es there hns existed spent the week end with G. A. ti eCented ltoge rs-Sl m(lSon two relative . ome form of pulilic relicf. How- at West Union. uut of lbree gnllles . wllh a llIurg n , . f I tov er, It I.e maillel lforthe com .ng of G4 llins. H,.lllIbys 'I', uckers won 0 'f P f Cl land apent . , "rll. arsons e eve th o twe ntieth I:Clltury to bring w .th the holiday s w:lth ~er , wo out 'If Ihree fr om Coyl" s Mellts daughte r Ulle gUIlI C e nti ed In II Lie a lhl in the It more dir ect we~are for children . Mrs. RU88ell Frank and family. In 1909 PI·es. Theodo l'e Rooae' 11IIIyuff RIIIIl!Jy S n os~ tl Ollt th e velt luvit d to the White House Cnylelll en by on e poillt. Mr. and Mrs. Keitt Walton spent a gronp ot welfare -minded penons I.lIe week end with the latter's Wedn sday c veliing tho f I'st \\' hlli' t ilCy las t, Box of :i5 Chri s t par. ...........~U--..~.~.,..." ___ ...-.~_ II. ' t , I' II. dlscusa lon of child welfare . enh, Mr, and Mrs, Hoyle. lI1 as Ca l'd s, [,9 c- 'Vaynes v ille Dru~ round will tie co mpl et ed wh ~ n th e :'I1 h;s Ad 'l in e B,'ll e r, ~ ~, " I'ling t ~tor ll, • raID th e confere nce now ' widely Julr Inn m e~ t . Ihe J unlol' Lodge ---1-_ Vall 'Yo wa.~ Idl !~ 11 Ins ta llil y Mr. and Mr•. Ohl~')cB Boyer and known as " The Wh Ite confere nce;' .lIlti Kroge l'~ t llngl c wil h Faid .)' Mrs. 1- H , Go rdo.n an 1 ~ll's . E m_ 8he s le pped In Ihe pa t,' Of II 1V t::~ t _ . :'III'. allli ~Ir s. Curmlln Cran e en came th e thougbt that the bellt carll Bon George oC Dayton spent Tballk/l Hurdwa re. ' lOa H . McClur e Sllelllt today In Dar- I lin d Pcnnsy lvnlliu jla He llgel' Il'al ll l~r lllll\ d with n turk a cbild could receive was In lhe ~IV ! I)S with Dr. and Mrs. A, E , eY dlnnc r to III tile ~Itlln s tr eet l'I'fJHs injr iu l Tha ll ks!;I\' lng for lII e m!Jel's fU Ullly group wbere he had a feel. !:ltout. Ten member s ot our loca l lilP' or their II , YOUN G FRIEN DS CLUB ,' PI'IIl!; \'flll ey III 3: Lr. il. Ill . ~l o n_ 1 (,I mily . ing of belongi ng. i1r . nnll Mrs. Wayne Dymon4 alld wlIl'~h i.ear;lle nttende rl t he EllhUIles Aud e r s(J11 of Oh io Stat~ I till Y. , Out ot Lilli! dlacuss lon grnduil ly Bon John •\1 1'. aUl I 'I spent the Thanks giving worth League 1J00~h res tlvlIl at Ep- sllellt the Thanks ,.1' 9. \V . S. Cra ham Th e Young FJ'icuds met with gllln.· 11 01:(III'.'u ,' ,l grow the Molher 's pe nsion plan 0 I" I I I ' lR,'I' ve( J ~ I I ' ~ Htp' ' 8 'us eX11I 1ld ~I I'. and ~rs. Albc rt ClEav er Cunis holldan wltb relative s at . Wesl worth Church , Dayton, S Jturd JY at, hi ~ home b llr~, Dnll Alina Toml1so n SundbY wbi 'h Ohio In 1913 adopted . How- Union. t. I' UIlC' · Ilefl C, :lll nH Bul: cl' tllljJlIl" I \\'I' r e .Iinll c r glLCHt S of Mr~. Daisy eve n ·ng. A dellghlf ul socla:.e ~tlrnoon and Suuday . Seven lpen venlng 'e r , In the plan there were 110 unIcnlly di ,1 IIOl heal' lhe tl'll;n as s h e Sm 'del' Thlll's dav I /lgul!~ trPI)l th!! DOftpq di atr!rt . MI'. a nd Mrs. J.P. 10' 1'0 111111, WIll! spellt Ilnd dlliuty reirl"s bmelOt9 Mr, and Mrs, Wade Turner and :'Ill'I'· 1I11~ ullJlc d to C I'O~S fl'om'Lll(' lIorth I . ' form prov1alo ns and placed practj.. we re Nerved . cally RI~ of the burdell of financi ng BOll Wall~ Jr. were dloner guests of d i splayed~H(J • OIlP anri ~1 IV)'II Banta lin! Clyd ' F I'Oll1m Ill· to th houlh s ' de ur lhe Htl'e~ t. a c- I .\11'· tl nd Mrs. Seth Thomus a nd other necessit i es Lended which will a blrthdu be givy party a t lh 'hum\;! 1:01 di ng to CUl'on r I I. . S(:izlck, , this progrnm upon the should ers· . Mr. and Mra. Harn1 Sackett and tlll t; of Cle ve!and, s pe nt Thanks ' en to the children of th e Worthi ng. '''ho I''' lurll 'd ,'1 1.1 11"" I{leulu l den tll l Il il Ing w ilh :\1r. T .lom311'S family last Thursda y. the individ ual countie s. of relative s In DuylO Il Iltul'llll )''' parents , FARM ER'S GRAN GE w w~ ~ ton Hom!!. '" spleil(r d song and ulgh~. VC I'Cllct . 1 he l'o ' we re 11 0 eye w. ln e:ll:j- ~·Ir. Il nti 1\1rs. K L. Thomlls It was ollly D4tural ' that. riie pro. , Mr. and Mrs. Lew!s Fit'as and worahlp service IIn4 depllrtmf ln tal gra m varied 10 a. IJi rge extent the ell tu l he accldellt. Third and Fourth degrees wDI be Mr , IIml Mrs, Clllrk Salisbu ry of famll), Rnd MI~ FloAle Firea were confere nce8 held the yoqng peoyle'g Mr~ . J t\ss'e Rolll Jl,ze r ot ll ll)' ~ o n , ~n l'e aUII treatme nt being given 'rho wom un's body wu s throw n Charlcs loll . W. VII" SPllnt severa l conferr ed on the followi ng ca.odl. SUllday lUelts ot Mr, aOlI }frs· lilly interes t SAturda y aflerno on. Atter 10 depend ent cll:ldre n largely de· !l P('Jlt w ecln eSdur ul!:ht !lu ll iiO fce ami Wr:lIlP d urou Id vln Fires. a dlnnll' to~pWer lh!!)' saw tlje pi g uy 'llIY ~ W:UI relative s here ovc r the <lates lit the regular 'meeCn g of the Ilcndlng UpOII the s trength of the TlltlDks g lYing wIth bor p wll'es n.I't" lIt~ ,U , ~11'. IIP-b l'lin g u' t clc phollc pol '. wce k cull Dnd lhe f , r Rt of th e wee k I"armer s' OI'lloge Saturda y night; tprll "King . of ~Ingll" !lllOWll a~ thl! flnlLul:e1! In th e county In whch. t1Uly Mr. and Mra. Glenn Frye and BOlt MI'. and Mrs . Russel Hollida y and Cul'one l' S~ h lclt viewcll th c tiv lly al ant! ~Irs. J. D, church Mu rl~.tL. . (,)Ul' leagller a were gq es~~ Iiyed. In 80me cO llll1'e8 at the state and MrJl. F'r),e'll mo~h"r, MN\. Do4y Enroute from Cunada to F'lorldn Mra. Leo Conner . th o ~c€ ne . of the Day to!) melllber li over' 0 Igh t Ul ldor th e Mother' s pens ion sys tem, of Dayton were S&turda y guellts at C. lJ. Lewis find M Kf! "mma LOll Mr . and l\1rs. Harry Turnor IIT1'lved and on Bllnday a!1 attend d SCI'· Be ll er, wIlli grants u.s low as 50 cents a montb Mr . .and Mrll. Ollb,rt Frye, nlU d IIOI:\! Montlay for a short visit with vice. togetl1er. Those from here al- Lew is left this rnor~ illg tor (i' lor l,ln .. 1110 II Ith MI'. llllll ~1, K. werc glvcn for the care of a chUd ,'II'. and Mrs · Harvey Sackett . Mr. Bnd !\irll, L. C, St. John Join- tendl~ were ; Cecil Dovla, Ipelli po\l whe r e tl.!'y w:n sp,<'I)t1 the wlute r Reyn olds 1\.1 811. in . Val;uy, s SUI'_ While In more prosper ous countie a Joe Jllme!!, Ml\.ry Lois, Lorqa anil mo uth ij, Dr . and Mrs . A. E . 'Slout spent \ I\'cd by a s iste r , Mrs. Ja:nes All um s glttuls r rlll 8S b lgb 8B ,18 a month, ed otber member s of theLr famll), at Jack Lacy, un Mary ll ay with Mrs. la lre ... tout the bome EVI\ ot LeMay Mr. alld , ' Bob pring M.ra, John Valley Setand u number of The Inequall ty In the and Mrs. c, H. Brace attt' lld'etl II GrotelD g, Sarnh Conner and Rox' lI children of Pb ·ladelph !a . Po." who ~W~A-Y~N---E-S-V-I-L-L-E-M-E-T-H-O-D nieces a ud nellil ews, treatmc nt of th08e children whose tlemyre Tbanka glvtilg day. -J-S-T-.J Saellett . meeting or t:l e III lI' ury club of 31'0 vis iting r elatives In Da yton. welfare largely rested upon the fiCHURC H Mr. and Ml'l. Geors e• Walton had About Il year ngo she WR S pulled which s be Is n me Iber, III X ni a nan cial statuI! of their particu lar u gueltl Thanka glvlng Mr, and ACCI DENT YICTI The Rev. and MI s. R . L. H llck- Sunday , Decemb e r 4, 1938. M. today. • (lff th e tracks Whe n. she rn ll , d to olluty led to the Incorpo rathUl MJ1... Ba1ft ., ..... -h w~II ell I' '" s pent Th RII"k .givin Day '~ - !l: 30 8u ~'d n y School on npprboc h ing ll'nt n , ~~.., ·.~later • .. ' .... " Th e Wom en's Auxilia ry of th e within lbe SoctarS ecnrllY ct of " Marilyn Gle ndule lit th e bomo of !\fr . .1. Il. 10 :45 :'foJ'nln g Worship and la), Pa"ton or DeyWO · ~I Conner Of ·nayton . ~rot"er EplscoPli1 Church will meet eectio!) desttne d to provlc1e ml)r, fri da y en l'I'uthe rs, Mrs. Iln c l(\v~lI 's bl'ot .l'0: 00 Epwort h Ll.'ag ue. Mr, $lid 1\11'11. Wodley Mills ot of flaymon d Conper lUld NOTIC E tlubstnnU1l1 ahl to depend ent cblldMrs. RIIS- afte rnoon. De(J('lJ1 h r 9, wi t h !'>II's. or. 7:30 Evening servi ce. Rev . Rode. Midlalld , Mlcblca ll. ,pept tbe lat.ter llel BeAtley of this plAce, 8urrered ren. Emmo H. McClur e (It W e l.lltle Inn patnful lnjurle ll about the 'h lpa and Mr. Th : nd MI's. W. P. S.l Ii Hbury. 1',f0NDAY Moth er's club moe ls ton ' ~ht Toaa.y In Warren oount)' , 13a de- part ot till! w~lt wlth- M-r . "lid Mrs. ahovl\Je rs apa IIlehntl olls ' /lbout t\le 1\11'8. Eva Ilurtmn n of Spril1 ;t bnl'o (Thnrsd ay) at 7:ao at t:1C Gym. and fumlly . II'. o nd Mrs. Russel! penden t childre n comIng from 48 George 11111111, taee ana ~ead whep. ho waa hit by ' \Ins r ecovere el fro m h 6 :30 Official !loard sUllper. er I'eccnt ill- I The entire faml !y is invited to thl!! SIIII~buI'Y alltl family and Mr . nnd f amilies In- thp county ar, bel"g 1\41'. ·alUt Mr". fl.o811 1!arf,Blclt .!l1I All "qtglDlb lle 'Satunm r 1.8 he wall I ness a nd Is pre[larc tl to weI ome IlI1l0Lin g II ud :\11'8. Harve 7:00-B oy S couts. y RYe and familY spent th e men li r e furni!!h helped, They a.....· yo~teral de· famU)' &1\" MI'II. LtPI flal'tAlelc al'.h~! llg frOID 1\ stree~ Cjlr. her patrons to 'rbnnks th e Be.auty 7 glving : 30 Orcbes tra pract:ce. S hoppe· willi Mr.' illg and the Mrs. prlved of the StlPPoft of tll'el, walr1\. program , R. spent TbaQkf llivtUf Pa1 at tbe R. E'c nson In IlId ,!llUllIOlIs. i : 00 ChoIr pra cti ce. cltrlll ng pa rentll, Who huve OOlln hi>lne Of Mr, and Mr• . A, Z. "~rt_ WEDNE SDAY ltc pt In lhelr Own homes 01' with Mr. and Mrs. Robert !lake r lind 80C~ Ilpd flllllll)' ' ntl&r. ()ak} ~Iood l'elaU Yes. 2 : no W.F'. M. S. w :1I mee t With Illlltgl ' t( '1' J eu n Hp('nl fl'Om FI'lday The filet tlUi.t lhey have no~ been Mr. nlld Mrs. Jolllab Dul., Mr. to S u; d Iy MI'. und :\11'8. L. MrM. A· K. Day casL aside and left to ahUt tor t~em anll Mra. Ll01ct 0a~18 anll BOIlII /It. O. Nonls ot Man lln , IIHIl'llUt. .\11'. LOMINO EV I~ NT celveR" and ~re befog given the care tended a family Tbank8 llving din. The Ladies Aid will hold the an Bak el' r e ported qUlIlI s ve ry plent! at their mothl1r' 8 h'onda or the at- ner a~ the bome Of relative a In 011 01 Chrl!ll.muB !l.Il'.unr at the fill thm·c . tellUOIl of their own relatlve l '11"11 Xenia. ,'hure',1 De('emb er 10. Fancyw ork. MI'. a nI! Mrs. T. C. Ru ··yon e n - Home made candy, wlli undoub tedly be' a large factor III (Ie' b Bold , and Mr, an(l Mr •. Raymon d · Braddo ck lertn ln ed th Ir lermini ng tbe kind .of e ' Uzenl the)' son · ln_l.l w and 1 chicken supper served. and \, ,daqbte rll and Mr. and Mrs, uaughte r, MI'. and Mrs. W. A. CIII'awill tnukc later In life. . Wutch for Jurthel' detail !, Fred Bradduo Jt were Sund.y dlnper Jlan of Wnlnu t III.!a. Cln il ,IUti and nde.. tile 01(1 Motber 'l Pension Mrs. Runyon 's mothe r, MI'8 . 'E. A. IJystem, many n]oth~rs becaliBe of gueats ot MI'. and Mra, LawrellCoe Furlla~, D 'L an!!y o[ MucIlHon \'ille, Thanks · Inodequ ate crants CO Uld Ilot Jive glviJ'Ig dny. their chlldr\lll lhe needett. care .,. Dr. Alfl'eill 1tout attende d a 'poat 3eco .. d S UI,U Il Y In Ad vlIlt: causc tbe mother s w!!re uwey trom gl'llduat e medIca} course at Dayton IDCIIO II WHENt-Ai the UFE·SlZE J.O : 00 II . m. CllUrch Be. ooi 'l'hnnks g v:ng gucs:s of Mr . and OF ROGERS-lUI ___.1 OD dIIplay. their homes much of the time In Wednes day afternoo n. Mrs, Stout Dr. Emil Sel,.. 01 Hollywood. 11 : ",., II . III. Mornin g Pl'3)'er a nd MrM. O\'\' ll\e Gmy 111111 Mis's B.lrbarl l ques t of em(10)'men~ to .Imake ends accomp anied b ' m and ' v lllted CoIaaIrJ Home .Nqaala e duV Cal.. brain Surq_ cmd Sculp"e rela· rmon . \\' O I'C .\1r . lind M I'll. E~wo u d T owso n IIp daII plc\w9 01 • COIIDtr, mee.t". W: thout care childre n wan- tivel, tOr baa complell d otter !hr.. of Mj uml s hul:g, Mr . Montiay Ilnd Mrs. p. m. Youl1g P~op~ at Ru sIOIDI _blcla _aa c:omDIOII Dol years 01 palnataldn9 work. a de red aimlesBI)' torough out the da)' !lcl ~ ea l and dllU ghte r Shirley of he hOllle or Mr. and :'.11·s. J ack Kel'.. 1oa9 a90. ID UI, the .. III "qll.(l· bUJIt 01 Will ROCIe", Mi88 Roma Hardin baa returne d o{Leu com Inc Into contact with taco Cill clnnllt\ , ~fr. anti Mr:; . A· C. Bow - .'1ey. bane" daya. 11". a ...tader ot Hundtld e 01 picture. and pro.home after a monthll ·vacatto n in tara which led to delinqu ency. wbat car IDGIllllactur'rf ban lected moUOD mlln !Iud BUll Paul or Frllukll n and plcturl 111m. 01 T\1 e~ d uy 2 p. Ill . Nursery School the BOUtb. Moat of her time W&l Und'er the eurrent proll'am the ~llIked 111 a pur.UO D. !he famoua humorlal W I r , :'I'll'. Orin Chun ey of Bla ncheste r. 4 p .m. Jlllllor Higb Boys, spent · a t Miami ' Beacb Florida . Incress'ed grunts to care for dependbtaIIIlIq • ,r eat IIIcIUJlIIY. ulld ID maklDq IhJa remark· While there ahe took ' a very c rio enJo)'_ ent II • 9 IDUlIou 01 lobe. chlldren , able lilt.n.... IIII'. uud Mrs, Robert Bul.e r. Mr , have permitt ed alaaatll\'I die b..... 01 a Datioa mothers to stn)' IQ their honies And able trip to Havana Oub4l, ' nnll Mrs. Fred FUl'nas and :III'. Il,;d tV A ¥:,\}o;SVILLE caul COUIDI Jf acldlll'l ' " " " uure tor thelr cbl.)dren , ~ flail-tim e :viI's. ,l eBM M!lcblle l III CfJllllla ny wilh OHURCH OF CHRIS T Friends Of MI'8, Clyde EKbert .. ....... 11· Bl)ble S r hool 9:30 u. m. MI'· and Mrs. Harlam l POlI'ell of job 'or tlie average . mctber. will be glad to lenow that althoul b Com lllunion 10: 45 a , m. In DUUl)' Instancc lI, the .presen t ,I eflcr son we re Wedn esday g u e8 l ~ still conflne d to ber bed. 'her bealtb Christia n Endeav or 7 : 00 p.m. aid to depend ent cl1Udrell'8 program ur Mr, and Mrs. Sam Coy le of Bookia Improved 10 tbat ,be Is liow Preach lng , 7 : 30 p. m. hilS h elpcll to curtail juvenlle dewallcr. The Ulen elljoyed rablll' home frOID tbo hOIPlta i wh~f8 Ihe Tuesday lInqUI!llcy, In moat ca'scll the un. huntin g while th e wom e n visited. has beel! for level'll} . weeki. Choir Practice 7 : 30 p .m. happy child Wll8 the unfed and 111MI'. lind ~rs. oakley UII81e8by Wednes day, ' Mr. . end Mrs, Frank Braddo ck cloUted youn~ter who pre.ent ed e nt ria ' ned with n family dlnnel Prnyer meetibg 7 : 30 p. m. problem s to the ·a uthorIU e. dealing entertai ned their ' chlld~eD ' on Thnnk :;gll'lng . Those present were 'rhank q:vlq day .. Mr. ' ",,4 Mrs. with delinqu ents. .vlr. !llld Mrs. Newton Blatt aud FERRY . The Warren OoUnty depend ent Raymon d ~raddoclt and da¥.te ra CHURC H OF CHRIS T ci' i~ dl'cJl of :-<ew LexIngt on, Mr. a.nd W. C. Smith, M:nlste r . childre n's progra~ through tbe Mr. and loire" Warren Braddo ck and . :'Ifl's. Carl Sanker and baby of MallSunday funds made a.vallab le by county, daughte r 1lnd .M.r : a.nd . Nra. FHd ou nlld Ml·S. Evelyn Wa.tkln s and Bible School, 9: 30 a, m. state and" federal s~urce8 III \lttemp t Braddo ck were prellellt . SOli . Roger. Commu nion 10:45 a. DI. Ing to meet the 'pr9blei n of arilling Mr. and Mra. Carl Duke and out of depende ney. Throug hout tbe M'ss ,June Cook of Earlhnm col- Sermon 11: 00 a . IU . &on Robert &t\eneled a famliJ din. county there are numero us . exam' lego, Ri chmond , Ind., accomp anied Monday ner at . tbe home of Mr, and Mrs, Board Meeting 7: 30 p. m. pies. of happy childre n wbo oDty by MIS8 Virgini a Bascom of BidPierCe GrobY 81Inela)". Thll .aa a Thursd ay '(Deeem ber 8th.) tw'o ' yeare .ba~k were un'bapp)" deford, Ma: ne and MIB8 Mildreil f&rewe n tor ber IOn wtlbur Grob)' youngll terl, lacking care anel affeeThe Berean C.lSS8 expects Prot. Cook of OhIo Univers ity, Athens, who la ··retnrn l"· to lila bom~ .at Uon. \Y Ith M' ss Betty Undert.1II of BOB- R. J . Drake of Cincinn ati B bl" wasbingt~b- D. O. . . -' . Semina ry to be present at theIr In the Otwo and one-hal f 'years 01 ton , Mass .• spent Thanks giving wllh class meeting . to show pictures at its operatio ns, · the proll'lllJ,l hal nr, Mal,}, lJ. Cook. . his trip to tile Holy land. M et.lng -brougb t about D. new lite fOil many Mr, anLl Mrs. Charles T. Mosher begins 7: ao p. m. children wbo turned 'fA) the' p~ram 'ot Edward 's Road, Cincinn ati. enfor nld through no fault of their t-e l'tnlned at d: nner oil Thanks glvHARVE VSBun o METHO DIST own, 'Ing day, the fo}lowig guests; Mrs. CHURC H dith M, Harr.i8, Mr. Harris Mosher Oeo. H . Weaver; Ministe r . NOnC E -MI'. und Mrs. Rona~ M. Haroke and 9:30 a, m. PUbllt; Wor,b'l p, . son Fra~k, of WuYnes vllle, Mr. and ,.$ermon . '''rbe Klllldo m .. N. .r." The Wa,... .,W. ·.O~eD elab wlll :.ft·:I. ~Ted Hartsoc k a.nd family 01 Tburad ay r:so p. 111. lAd'" '4 Mil ord. Mr. WU\lam Oarp,!n ter of Soelety M. .,1Dc, Syracul e, New York and Mr. Frank QIlarter ly Co:lIft' NI_ Roblnlo D . of Charles ton, South New BnrUlll roD CarollDa. Decemb er llta 'j: 10 Do
. Epworth league Meets At Dayton
Woman Killed At Spring Valley
Wlll'lI l
I Churches
tltbt .-ialni Phone U2
Wayne llJe, 'Ohio
iJ'hu"day, December t, 113f
' on
Harveysburg Main Street
Iltlv @ Tbllr ~day. "dllltiollni n\\J~Rt\nn8 or REA Mrs. 1.lIutH!' F\t(' tlutltnln II II'g fUIlIIH to Ohio I'urlll ..1 lltri( ' t'.I\ ·OIl IlI)Q -hlp InjuricI:I ill' II fall SutUI'QllY. Ilroj til will P(,l'llI jt l'IlUlpllllluu of l\1 ;s. FrulIl, "'11 ' 011 Is l!OnhlM Io 'fl15 milell of Vow 'I' liJ'e-'"1I Mil ,klll il- \ um, <iuerllsey, 111111 Noble COllnUll! ;Ier bed. 10 8el' I'0 2.l9G forlll ilOIII(\R anll 0 ' I) Mrs. Gale Gordon und" daugh ter nil n, era vtonl, Wo II , Marggnret Ann of Columbu s 'spellt mil s III th \! Thanksg'vlng holidays wj.h ' Huron, Sundusky, und Wyn' d t friends and l'e1atlv es In th s oem- ountles ,ith 2,OTl Clllll om I' ou mUlllty . flll'lII H,
~'lr , pild ~I's . Ed B , Daki n. has· p tu'. ly entel·tul .ed a suioll ,group . Flora M. Crane - Editor. ~~:;.!.:.+4+,-hjlr.lrirH'" l ~ !I'iemls at · their b. lIle on Tb.lD:.S· gh'lng duy In aompl(ment to Mrs. l\irs: R. H : Hastings, Society Editor. , .••• ,Phone 45 K 11 0 1>0. \\ elch, Bes :deB t~ e hllat and ho t ss and gu 8t at ho nor, th ose ISSUED EVEIty THURSDA~ 11110 (!nQoy tl Ih turk ey dlnn or sel'--..---'---,SubScl-iptlon Pri ce. $ 1.6 0 r eI' YeaI', Payable in Advance v(HI Ot th III\O n hour, IV' r. MI'. !l(\ til· l\Iillllli Guzllta Chl sal{ d-'ulltl ~11 '''. f:h:lri l< RllIllrt 11·H. C. (1. Ael l<. Hll lilia . ~ . :\11 ~s IIl' lt' lI !tuml:1I1 IU III Its... ,rtu:e S IIIIII·t. OUlof II lotll l nf 15,11 fl lu.le/ii s Tho Intli ~ or th e Civic ,--eaglt o lS llOIilIOl'l d a PI1l'Ly "l · tli l' hollle of Ul'oll l'd in the \1 110;;0 of A,:rI'l cul Stat e Un' vo\'l"l ty, GO!) If'S. :Vlllry BUill !l nn :\ovemlll' I' 21 ture. Ohi o :lI'e fUl'Ill el' 'I_II dub mOlllb 1' 5 . This ; ~::r~:~nol' of hcr blrthlluy !lllIIivcri I ludol! ~ 2G wh o UI'C s lud yln.g lI ' r :Th e Dook Revl w clr Ie melon cui Lure and I S3 in th e homo el'o. 'ruosdny llt the home of Mrs. har - nOUli cs coul·!;e. Mw;i al favo ri tes will be mingled with the following let< Smart. ly SOli, Iy Son; by - -------HOlYnrll Spring, WIl S I't) vl cwed by Th e latest offl clill aSl llIlut of the presc ntation s from 8 to 10 p . M . ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Mill>; Umce mart. An Intel'eR ttng' nnUo n's populntiun WU Il 130,2 1r..OOOI ;05 P e rry Co un.ty 4·H C lub Progra m -C lub members lJoull. 1l0rll'Aylllg the lives und chllr - li S or JUly I, Thill IncrcllllC or .7 1\('1' your C8ttle, hClgll, 8hee,p Ilt.~ calv.. ncteri stil's of 1111 Iris h und un mng- cent from a yell r II~U clIlph a,,'zes to Norris-Brock Ct." live W1r~ and dire cte d by Thomas H, J o hns on and Mi ss Murgaret E. liHh family; Dur:ng th c Boclll i h01l1' the I'edll ctlon In th o mto or IIOP_ t p"r()greMsiv~ firm f'lr the hll{hest market pncea alld good servIce. C ram, County Exten s ion A ge nts , Somerset. Union Stock Yal'd.' Cincinnati, O. l'errcshmellts were ~e l'v C(1 hy the I ulation In cre.1SIJ in lIti ~ ~ollutry. AS "•.'.1f;RICAS GI1EA1Ur INDOOR SPolt1lAG i'1ili1lT, hos l ·HS. I, Tune in on Rlldio Stat ion WCKY BowLINa COAlnwutS fb ATT'RACr l.ARGER. 8 ;30 Telescopes a nd Larger Tel esc opes-H, E, E swi ne. r:~ W5I'6 EACH 5iJCCIiElJING YIiAR- - Mr. nnd i\11'l<. H . C. Milligan en Th e price of Argen ' IIIl' wh eat 12 :26 to 12:30 p, m. for I)ur dan, ... , market reports. a... etA!nt II/one, fhe '50,000 REt> ('ROWN t ~ I'l!Iln o d rCltlllves frolll LocH lind W!lS Ilegg II on ;\ovcmlJc. 15 a t t "o 8 ;45 Clothes Accessorie' as Christmas Gifts - Miss SWEEI'STAIQ;S, will "t,.~ct "'0(9 ;WI '300.000 Cle \'elanLl for 'I' ha nk>lgivln.g unll ' f1ulvu! c nt of:n ce nl ~ U bushel. I A.IJ.c. iJO,IJL..ERS $~ Edna Callahan. Exten ion C lothing Specilist. ove r tbe wee k end . Planters lUay '11 to 3nyon(' who _ __tbE _ _. Th e s conel fi eld meet of th e will lIlly thllt J)rlce 01' lUoro Or c.un 8 ;55 Turk ey Market News-Reports from Ohio turkey season WIIS held at th e oltett furm (1I8pose or tll !;ru ln 1.0 a national ' rollnds, of decoration s in th e form raisers, . UC of colored li ghts on the dome tlUc! on Saturday aIHI Rund uy; in cl ment g l'a!n board, 9 ;10 New Trends in Dairy Fceding--S. M, Salisbury, {ronL of th e CUllito]. Mr. HuL hl ngs weather prevented n numhol' of l"n rlll Dlortgug soften sJlcctry salt! t1Hl\ n twcntY-flve Coot IIlum- ti!>ortslllcn trolll attending. Animal Husbandry Dept. ~Ir. anll Ml's. Carroll D. Smart lhat lh e buildings shall lJe kept in Indu strial 1\ 'clden ts 111 Ohio dur- Inaled hrl sLma~ tr'ee wou ld be InrePll lr; llul the solt whi ch is 9 ;20 Plans fOl: World' Poultry Con gre 's in Ohio-R. ing 1937 cuused an 'co nomle loss III Btniled In the rotunda oC tha Cap- ent rlain d with a fatll ' ~ dinn er gOOd til actual secu r y for the 11I01·twoges nlone of al leDNt $20.000,00 0, ~ lol within a few days to SIIIIIlI - on Thank sg i vlng Day. gnge, g III no proLection IInd er the E. Cray, Ext. Poultry Specialist. il was announced by uperlntend- went th exter ior decorativ e Mr s. C. G. RUllrlnli ;:;ua :Ill's. term s of the Ilgreement. ~nL Thomas p. ' Kea rns of the dlvl- sc heme. T. Smllrt ent rtalned a group of 9 ;30 Saving Soil on State Farm s-John Bragg, Chief 8ion of sar ly and hyg'e ne of the fri end s at the home of the lat ter Phone 78J Agriculturist, Ohio D ept. Public Welfare, li nd D. T. H e n'- Industrial Comm ission of Ohio. The a \'erage Ohio funn el' ca n g ('t on Thursday evenI ng. ThoRe presullout 250 days ' of ]0 hours ODch of "Assuming as correct the engineers ent were Mr. and 1\1rs. Ed B. Dllkln, man, Ohio Coordinator, Soil onservation Service, Ing estimate thnt th e indlrecl or Mr, !l url Mrs. A. S. olle tt, Mrs. productive la bor In the fields ;v th hidden cosl of a cldents, Is Cour ____ Mal'y l1 alll e5, Mrs. Oba W Ie:" his Ii vcstock, but he can keep him_ times the dire ·t eosl." MI'. l{earns A yeu r ar.;o B' lI McK echnie w. S :\Iln Collett, MI ·s Helen Rnnd all, self Crom getLing bored lJy blliliMhg add ed, "It may be reud :ly s ' en that.. lJel ng shower ed with ' omp~l\U ' n{:,j Mrs. Lizzie Hough . Mr. Robert fence, I'epairlng nmchillory, or tloREAL ESTATE Oblo's Industrial accident bill for for lhe tin e job he performed ali i Frank n. ~Hss Grace Smart, . Mrs . lug oth el' odd jolJs dlll'lng h 's spare 1937 reached th e amazing total of mlllluger of the Bostou Bees III C. G. Randall . and MI' . and Mrs. moments . NOTARY PUBLIC approximately $100 ,000,000. Wh u I !l ;{7. Today Bill :McK echnle Is lhe Smart, Hot oyster st IV was ser ved It Is con sid ered that at least n inety recipient of more compl :meuts f or at II. Illte hour. The elections are 0 er· Every patriotic American will per cent of these aCCidents were Mrs. W ~ lIl n m Wright has sold ller his f at of Ilavlng It'd Lh e 193 Cinaccept the results without rancor. It i the cardinal prin- preventable by the Il.PlIli atton Of clIIIIIlU R eds (rom IILsl place to a l~r op Ol· ty 011 Ja sper Str(!et III Day_ cipal of democracy that the people rule-even as it is the proper safely methods and silf e 11 IInant contending posleon in the ton. . practices, there Is no need 'for ar: EAST EDGE HARVEYSBURG, 0. ' cardinal principal -of dictatorship that the people be ruth· .g ument that prevention worl, in Nation al League. Mrs, Allies Wil:iallls .o t Dayton l\Icl,e hule wasl rcgnrded as 11 11 call ed 0 11 Mr. lind .MI'B, Charles T. lessly submereged to the whim of the dictator. Ohio Industry is stilI a crYing nee d Percherons, Jerseys, ansi Certified Hybrid Seed Corn outstanding manager prior to 1937, To the thinking citizen, who is less interested in parti~ In spite of the steady growth of so tb ~ e vents from Lhat lim e have Smurt ou Sunduy. Ohio 52. Ind. 614, U. S. 65,44-U. 17-1939 Funeral services were condu ct d san politics than in good government, the real signifi. safety sentiment on the part of only s rved us additional amllhasis JERSEY HERD IN 400 HONOR CLUB 1934,35-36-37 cance of this election is the reviyal of the two party sys- both employers and employes." TlIe to the theory thut his poll les are Monday tor 'Cyrus DeBoard who 1937 record for tbe sta te as a whole d led sudd enly Friday evening. Ten year old reg. mare, 3 yr. old gelding for aale tem, the very foundation of the republic. It is a well- showed 239.103 clnims filed, wh ' eh so und, Good Workers known fact that even men high in the Democratic party Included. 1090 fata)\tie s, four perManugerial mHlIner 's ms oC l\<l l'Mr. and Mrs. Will GiE' :lln enKechnle are eas ily IIl ngnoscd IJ€- tel'taill ed a. host of fl'iends an(f relhave ~oked with disapproval on th~ pary~ exces~ve~ manent d~u~litl ~~ d ]952 ~~ ~ U h ~ ili Ir s:rup"cl ~. He do~ ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . 1 maJorl . 'tes i 'tn recen tyears, A dn ' t grea t C ongresslOna 1 WI'11 tlnl disabilities. not pretend to he 'll. mastor mind . be remembered that following the W orld War~ _t.!<!hl!!e!L!R~e::.. · ~_-t11rJr,.."..m...-rr.,....,.tm-"I1TI'mrtl1'!l'lrtrrrtlrt+J:lJl....\.tI.JL.l3!JIIo.Jll:l.......atiye, old fash ioned publicans had a similar top heavy majority, faced no in- Ule 93rd General Assembly , which Illlot wllo bolievl!!!\ that llIost imfluential opposition, and certain abuses were the result. will function dnrlng 1!l:.l9 and I!HO, jlOI·taut is n collection of good ba ~ players. Jt is lIecessary to get the It WIIS Indi~ted that I ga!J talent This election has to a large extent readjusted the balIIIOSt Ollt oC the maLer lal at ;1II n 1, will predomlnaLe In cOlllparlson ance of »Ower in Congress to the status envisioned by the .wlth the other professions. Th e ros- so the method s he emJ)lo}"s a:'e jllst founding fathers. That makes for sound government. tel', Issued jo~ntJy by S2nator Clark a s conservative a nd co rrect ' 08 his Ideas surround:ng the pr!mary neWhatever party you follow, wnatever your political al· Dwight L. Matchette and Hou ' e Clerk l~J'ed p . Elsass, listed fift y_ cesslty of :I good 'team. legiance, if you believe in democracy, you will welcome McI<echnjt,'s teams us ually have one a Uorneys in botb brauches or the resurgence of an effective political opposition as a the simples t s 'gnols in lhe league. the incoming legislature. Reprocheck on whatever · party hap,pens to control Congress at selltative W. R. McChesney of Ceo He uses them witb LlIe smarter or more experi enced players who can the moment. darville, G reen counLy, t ile hend of catch tbem. H n~ IIlmn indicates a Cedurville college, was lhe only tenden cy to h e awed by slj;nnls, he -================================~ PUTS upyROFAX" GAS SERVICE IN YOUR HOME co l~ge pre si~ent Included In the eliminates them and lets thut pl rmetnbersh ~ p ; There are severnl J\Ut compare thi. low charge with the $50, $90. lind even $130 charges (or Ucular pillyer cCtn~e,ntrJlte on Just inswlilll inaccessible syslems! Thin.k of th., mllll)' monchs ... even yenrs .. . clergymen, dentists, farmers, pDy. bal~ 'f'o be simpler, he adof convenient, ~onomiCIII "PyrofllJl" Ga. Service you elln enjoy (or aU this slcians, neWllpapermen; ' t!tuggls:s mooey you save light at tbe be8inniDlr justs his type of. play to' the ma n II farmer-banller and the op rlltor with whom he is deai!ng and IltlJ '''" Th. cell 71H ,lIahl ",Iii", lit 1M of a farm stone quarry as well as ,_Iy ,., .j"PyrojllJt" CO" III """"C,."N fuel alone tempts to keep the mind on the cO/O",..";.,, ,.. is """,14 "of OJ/II' tM bi.b co,t other proresslons and occupatlonB bON" 8E MISLEDI As We approach the Christmas season, business contin;, . '. • ooly , • • .j I"""/~d.,.,. muln, I ~s ue _ as mu ch as possible, Acrual recotdJ .bow lhat tbe •• erqe COIl of "Pyro(II"" Gilt rfill/p", ... , j., ... =---ues its march '. fol'ward on practic~lly all fronts. It is true lisl rd In the rQ!lter, ]t . ull roverts back to his hav:ng Commissioner Lawrence Woo.! 37 , w" oaly !?~, rho ~ .. in 119ca1 r>e: (~mGi1Y, ~gg II::: $~:gg ~~ :~: Ig ~~:: there have been sharp reverses in the security oi. mar~,ets dell of the state diviSion oC cansoI'. "good horse SenSE!" antl the patience ~n t II prove"", pract eooaamy 0 ~lro,1U III 300 It... 3.00 per mo. S yrs.SelVu:e? ~ 600 lb.. 4.25 per mo, . 7 yrs. of late, but they have -be·en due, not to the business situa- vat 'on e8t1mnted Ihat Ohio's vas t lo cUl'ry out his ,c onservative Idells. Based on. typical under,round ioslallation cbar,e of 590. ~od . (Du.~ Us • .., RDlc) He pluys for the long pull. He 011tion, h ut largely to the severe!y sb'ained relations be- army of more than GOO,OOO rabb' t publirhrd pric.. of uoder,round ,u, look how many yean it .Wilhout raking iOlo account inter... on Ihe large orillinol i. before you cao' jult "breu eveD" OD your initial iDv"lment, invO$tmeDI (or inuDm ... und ••,round l'qulj>D1"r.I. crates on a plan of "Let's play totween this country and Germany-an immensely serious hunters will spend nearly $15 ,00(1, ,day's game today becau se It mll y matte r whose end is not yet i'n sight, and whose ultimate 000 thi s fall and winter In conjunc_ ruin tomorrow," but he sacr:fices e f f ct on commerce and trade cannot now be accurately tion wiLh their favorite sport. The Instanlaneous r esults for future estimate, Commi ssioner WooddelJ henefits In the cases of players' forecast. wanted It made clear, was for the Cu .hen ,.. .ant It-"Pyrofllll" Gas users set SIIS whm It dOCl not hllve 10 be storl'ti undergrouDd 10 maintain morale, partlcula.rl).' that of youn,,' '11Hy w,III1 il. NlltiOD.wide "Pyro(IIJI" G3S di.tribution asnow of gas duriog cold wea(h.,r. · A glance over ~he complete figures for October shows current season and does not In clu 'e sters. ' lUres prompr, r,li"bI. se,roce reprdJess of wh.,rc you live. G,.s supply that'. parant••d-"Pyro(u" Ga~ is mllde by it to have been a very good m,onth in almost .all lines a permanent Investment of some \ A typical examp e can be gained $15.000,00(J ill guns aud other eQulpl• automatJc-"Pyrofax" Qasregu!otingequil' Ca rbiOc and CarbO'n Chemicals Corporation, wbich, to· Senfc:e'that In some, it was exceptionally good. Thi favorable trend menl It was thought approxlmalely from the 1938 work of Harry Cruft., E"'her with Ihe associllted unit. of the Union Carbide and . m.,nt provides a' conrinuous Bow of gllS wilbout any allenC"rboD Corporation, is ' the oldest and largL'St mllnu(acextended into the ' first threc \\reeks of November and $800.000 ~I~I be Sl)(mt for IIcencefl speetllcular young center fielder : tion from .,~, h !. ~ns;a!led ..&o"'ll/1'oUlI4I-lI1wa". accessible. turer of com!)reSKd gases In the world. This' dependable there seems no I:eason why it should change in the near $1,800,000 for shells; '9,000,000 on who at times ea.rly In the season, 0 . . thltt'a ,.re-"Pyrofax" Gat is pure 8IU:"1IOI a mixlure. company gual'llDlceS the fUlute lup!)ly of "Pyrqfa,," sa. slumped Into hlUlng doldrums that Always u~form high.qu~iry aisur~ maximum efficiency. b writ/",. future· One .of the best signs is the fact that rise in de' trips, with items such as gasoline, niight have caused a manager w ith than fooll and lodging; and lIIore mand for certain basic products , such as steel, has been $3,000,000 on addiLlonal equipment les8 patience to t ake him from the materially greater than the rise in production. This indi- such as bools ,. hunting coats. sh ell lineup. or, at leust, lise pinch hit'. I~-C::::::::::=;:::::::::::t SIMPLE TO INSTALL LOO~I The "Pyrnfu" Gill cates that further gains in activity may be confidenly ex- vests nnd related articles. leI'S tor hlm at critical times. But c,e,ul.riil, .yltem not McKechnie. No Sir! Craft play"" ax.U1S of • Iturdy , pected befol'e long. And, of equal importance, the invensteel howi ... ·... hicb Fallen' al'ches from standing for ed ' every Inning of every game, tory situation, which was extremely bad last spring, is ~acllllCS tbepreslure II two hours to witness a footbali wound liP with a batting average of 'reciuclna regulator, s teadily improving, and ''''0 cylinden o( game and stiff neclls Crom cruning .270, including J 5 home runs, and , gJII-one for use and to see over or arollnd 80rileone EIre, Imocked home 82 rUDS. He.was Som e bri ef . of interest follow; one for reserve. it i. ill In.bol" thl.1teautIfIII a>mplerely aUlomatic MAa~~ u .. Aut_tic equlll_t. or will be, things of the plls L III corning along at fun steam when in operadon. CONSTRUCTION ;-Building in October touched the seventy-six Ohio commlllilLlcs 11 13 Lhe season ondl!!d, vindicating Mc. aD DAYS ONLY ~bIIM •• ic Chef ,a. ran • ., and "Prrofu"., aUlomalic ' G8I equ1pmellt inscallrd for IL... highest peak in a number of years. Unusual activity is the result .o f WPA stadium projects Kechni e's judgmlmt of him, . 1"- COlt of illllalliaa lOme other types of , .. equipmenl Wilh~t • rolll"l R ......· ~mple«!ly insularrd and found in the residential field,. Future steady improvement according to Dr, Carl Watson. sta Le McK echnie's BOng runge policy "lcrAL· LOW GAS ,RATIS ... available to "Pyrofu" equipped wirh automatic lOp buraer lIablera and (amoul is expected here, and also in industrial construction . . WPA administrator. He said that reasserted !tacit recently when he lorain "Rrd ~I" ovCQ heat ;"l\1lalorl Gat con.umers 'for ('(JOking a,o d ooe or more other uses . . the seventY-Six safe, mod ern s tadIa ulld ed a former manager, Jimmy lucb as waler heIi~inl abel refrjgeratio~ ELECTRIC POWER ;-Output is 'a t good levels for the and playing fh;~rls have been con- Wilson, ot his coaching staff. Bill seaBon. The utilities' new expansion program is slowly structed, or are in tbc proceRs of is familiar with Wilson's teaching . getting- underway. The apparent "truce" reached beconstruction, 8S WPA proJe ts. ahillty, so when' Jimmy beeame t~eer1 this industry and the Ad'mini s tration is an encou,r"The frequent cO lla[lf!~ of ri ck ty free, Bill -set qut to g~t )tIm, and • aging factor, wooden stadia or tile laek oC any· was 8UCeeS!ltu\. McKechnIe feels AQRICULTURE ; ' Is still a comparatively dark spot stadium whatever," Dr. Watson as.. that evel'y t ··me he adds, a good maD in an otherwise ·brightening economic picture. As this ~el'ted, " motivated cbmmunitles ' or in any deparLme~lt' his ollgnnlzotjon . column has observed before, the government's farm pro· school bollrlls to sponsor these sla. 18 that much stronger, _ gram has Buffered p r~ctically co~plete coll'Wge. On the dlum proJects, at an average cost of _ True --to hla-conservatlve' . style, ~ ..-. other hand, .:farm indfme for .the -year will reach a $.44,965." - - ' Bill will not mako-any -predictions ......,.good total, and no "crisis" in a.griculture is to be expected, The spirit of Yuletide Cdme oW- about the 1939 rEIC8... It's )Dueh too _ - It lIaii interesting and 'important fa.ct that no Onf~ seems elally to the state with the erection oarly for. 'anything like that," says to ' peet reeovery to attain boom proportions. Most, ex under the direction of Acting he, "and be!l6d s" let the newspaper tbiDk that the rate of improvement will be com para- pervhlor Charles Hutch'ngs of the boys do the p' They get more 1 L1 " . " fl '. ,r '~I I ", I I IUS <.;. r H V I! f B r 'I '-' ~4 l J T H t I I ''I (. f\ ""' M A I N 0; .'Vililv we are in a stead>, long-pull trend. divl~lon of State House and tun out or Jt I
Entered As Second Clogs Mail MaUer &t Postoiflce, Waynesvllle, Ohio
i i
Shorts and Middlings
Farm Night Talks, Dec. 5th.
- ====,-----
M art-In
State C.apital News
Or No Charge
Centerville, Ohio
News Olf Re d
J. B. Chapman
The Election
'L ukens Stock Farm
'f . . .
G.."'" ...........,....
fthone . ' 3' 02'I \.1':::
re~~;:nlhl:!~I:.e:~I~~\;:~. k~:~~~;~1
II County Court NewJI II =~::-=-==='-=r=====-==~
' I'J W SUITS Wa rl'ell coull t y court news Ollll 'O ;ilcocl va. Carneal DId. coot, d Ivorce,. a rOBs n egl ect , Stan. \ y a nd S ta nley. a UYI. Lo r n I, R (Isbn VB. Ru til La r. rl It n "u oi un , 1I1 1'Ol'stl. tl )l l l'llhllfl'rU 1ty. 'rh tl 1'1'lI lljro'y IIl1 ilcll ng I ,.(Ia n l1 IHI ~nvl ll gH en,. LI UII Il II II , VM , ' 11Iil'\(' ''' n IJI" ' hty ct ul fOl' m uncy ·1 "' , , " l,JIO UIII lulm II $259, AlIlll1 Dtlvl~801l v ~, mill r Duvill.
... ~
ISearch Ohio Farms To "p d d in The WOO S
...,. th,
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' .
nlat- l
See Us
B(;for.e You Buy
WN.SEARS 1 !------
---~--. -
Sn \ ' 0, NOMe Drlll'lI Headaches U/Juld. Tal/lela duo 10 ColdR 'l'r)' "nuh.My·Tilnll"-1I \Vnmll'rtul f,llIhUI'ut
.G · . . . .~. . . . . . . . . .~
Sand & Gravd' TAR VI A,LI'l'H IG T An AN D ROAD OIL ; Eo.\: AVATI NG D MP Tltl ' CI{ SJ;;n VIC g Gr av I as low as ·IOe
yn l'd
lain Armitage Lob<~non office Pho n e 473 -1\:~o.
Mo rrow Pho ne
r es .9 ·M.
----- ~ .--
T~n The'ater DEC. 2-3
- :u-
, G n e Autr y
"PRAIRIE MOON" SII'o r t- Mi ra
Fairley Hf\rdware S~ores
Cold Weather Starts Battle tJf f enturies
P h ono. Wn yn s ylli e 44 H. 11
Ie of SIl II lAke
ollled y- " F ootlla ll Ro ineo"
" l!l \j z.u be th Hube r , t i, Pl enlSant Rld" e bousekeeper. --_ M' lford -Al1Ifn, 22, FrankilTi 10. ~l'iI , LQ"erna F aul and MIRR WII. I I lion , Ji\,orso, g roRB n eglect , Meryl borer , aM P e arl Cou ld y, 19, F .'u k- m a Thomllll were week end gUe8tB l in, ot Mr. And Mrs. Har r y Cook in CovFor estr y in Oll io is m a l :1)' II B. ' GrQY, . ngt onl Kent!1 ck y, Sel t\lrda.~' ev an ing ler of f arm woodlots U8 {) per 'ent MBu,ri ce O. Kirk VB. Tuhla Kirk, R mkL lllSTATI1l Tft.A:"l SJI'EHU3 Susan L. GIllum and AIII.olI eil. they were dinn er ~ Ut8t8 ot the H. at th e l lruh er 111 til slate nnd 96 d :\,orce, extrllme crUAllty, Arthur IUlll to Frank R , Moreno ond no, e ClO y . and atten de d th e Ba ldwin pel' cent of the l um ber cu t eneh Bryandt, atty, CO}lMO X PLE AS PROOEE DINGS Blirk e r Mor ella , ~eal s tllie i ll Tu r . da llee Klv eD Ilt lilA H01'twe ll c~ un tljl year Is taken fr In woods that' lire I-IU\) iu Cillcltll1 tI, n pnrt at fa r ms, nc('orlling to F . W. ' TI uhOl'l . Wl llIII IlI VIl, Pca rl S.- r. c l'cek to wnJ I!p, T l rgJlli ll Calc to V fl n nmr1f't . i 1Ti' c',I:", t, etJrrrri1l!-:I1ml1'1l;.r1! os c:lu~ ht tilt c Ol!n ll , cxlcllNiou f ,i', 81 'r. n: III I I l' lt, l! 11 1. , s ll cl'lIf S Bule ordol'o , Stili !.' \1 nlv r ullY. lO(JIIS L1:ls scaso n . Til e SULlu. o f Oh io YR, J ll rn lls Ega ll IItreR 1.1. Fl'ull l,\'1I l ,v lI!l h ill, ' I'i llllierhr nll ;; i ll ti ll' stu; t <ll:l l $1" f ill And so n ten e d to aQ... lays W, C hesler Ma pl e 10 1l.J1' l'la AI_ 'RICI P 'rr), J, '1\10hl1\S wns t he vl cUIII II nt'ly r..OOO.O OO :lC'r rfl. P . I'III w'"HI . S 3.00 in WiuTon co un ty Jull , juil l:Icn tc ll ce hCI' Ro n . 1,09 acrcs ill F l'll ll k lin 10wn - of U II IIccld en l 1I].!!t 'r u IHlny . " 11 111' lui s h ip, lIluk\, 11 11 Oll ly , I) Ill'" "Iml I. r su s pcnd ed . 'ouel ' ng 16gs III P. s to n 's , wa nd s Li zz ie J< , He lze r vs, Ho lli e! H, My rtlc I. Car1er a nd S,. nlUe l M, hol h o f bi ~ h an d s w !e cn u ~ ht ill Ihe oc r a ile hil i t he I mb c l' <I ll I 0 Hc ize r. defend an t granted 20 days CUl' t pr. to Com , 1·lawk lu8. l oa l es_ t he win h with whi r ll t h ey loud ~"lgS slI \n ' l u !'!,)us Is iJeLle !' n t h uvror:! !,;!:' to fr .) nnllwe r , s late . n , 0 e rtr.e ld to wush ip . on t h e t r u r k . ix £Il1 gcr s a nd a Ihull th e 11' 8 in the IUI''';cr fU 111I!1 . 81 , t p I, f .. r1 W. S eiber t t o Alice S it'bel' l , rh u mb we re ba(\)y m as hed a nd Ihe It is np)lu!'l' nt l;l:1 t , it' Ih Wi ll ul'd C. Mc inty r e va. F . bregu l li g to iu er U SI' th e value Of I " 21. 25 aC l'es In Wa rren count y. wa re Cu!' po ru tloll , r ece ive r to ucfore fin ger all his ri ght h a n d was lilli he r r esouf'l' '!l, th ' muJor t' 1ll ' E mili a M. Grubbs 10 La fay ett e J . cept $[,0 In full llelll e me nt, hrok en. Jlhus ls lIl us t loe 1,Iuced 011 th \\'ollil s 13 urn sifle a nd Mury J . Bums 'dc. 2 PH On AT E COl RT P rofessor R. T. Drnl,e o t t ho Cln - th ul Are on lh c fa rm s. A 100% all mineral product that In Ihc ma tt er of thc gu nrdl a n. naes III Wayno l o wnsh ill. c lnnnti IJIbl e Som in a l'Y w jll lerlme e0 8t8 you l es e a nd gives you Ohio \l' ood l o t ~ p l'nu lIl'!) all a ll II I Dn ls y Dnv ls DUlIgc nnd He nri et - a nll s how 1li ctji r l!R . of his t r ll) Hhlp of AIII\rey Loi s Ruffn e r , ct nl.. betler result,. A money maker for I' I'e nll e \II \(le l' th e III'CfH' n l R.I'H l II. til Du vis to S usn n 13 , Va nd ervor t Btockmen and poultrYmen, Ask U 8. mill ors, fourth nccount. Ihrou g h the HoI La nd nt the Aer - o f IlI IS lllllntl)!,elllCll t o f nlll'l" l h nll In th e m Hllc r of th c est nte of 0.7 a c re In Morrow . I!un class m ee tll1g a l Lh c I"ur ry $ a, ~1I0 . uOU, n u d I h is Sum fl. l S lOt J . W. Lomb s nd Delli e La mh to Alhort L , Prl co. de 'ensed, luYe nhurch o f Cn rl at n ex t T hul·~ d ay il1l'~ Il<l l' f irewood . pos ts a nti IU llIbt' 1' I ArthUr L , S mith and S ud ie Smith , tory til ed . , lot No. 927 in Fl'll llklln . eve ning, Dece mber 8. u 'l' d on Ih fa r m. MI' . Dl'1I 1! H :l y ~ 1.:II·gl' r BI'I'IIU S(' or 111' \11'1' (lllll illy, Sl'rvk~. illlll I'r \(- ,' In t he ma lleI' of th e es tate a t 1';slahlis lrc·,1 Hn u ' 19aA WA\,;\iES \ ' I I.I .Jo; l'Ii()XJo; 32 ~lis s Be r t h a Fller of t h e ra elu l ly Ilits iU l'u l1\ ill (j Ul y olle -lhirt1 of LIe :-; uo m l on 10 Rodn ey Ii'. Mats hu rl ~ R. FI':lz i I', decea sed . inof Cincinn a ti Sem lnnry W IIS Ih c ilion y thnt could \)(0 outui ll ed r r oni er , .2 7 F orkn millon I'mll o l'), u pproved. ac re in, H'4 c ud "I 'sl tor nt th e honl~~ l,f f ,) I' 'SI S I·r I II r y we re )l I'UIJcr Iy ma\lI"eck • T III th e m ntte r of t h" esta te of town s hip. h er I)Ure nls. Mr , and Mrs , J , S. aged . l\I UI'y E. "'Iah er to Anna M. FlsI\. Hi chll rd noss, d oceased. P er cy D . A \\·Byne l'O Ulll y [a nn of j 90 c r . e t al. . lot s NOB. 759 li nd 7(; In F iler. HOBS U)lllO illte<l f'x ec uto r. t h ro ng h th o wa ll R. n Oat·, or r OOf . Ethnn Le Wis IIpen l. In11'1 of Illst aC re!; wall ~ o l d rece n tly rur $11<,'l li O. Frunl,.jn. J , T , Hil ey. a dmlnls tl'uto r d e bonIloIIS(' R II c'cd some vl' Il I i\ ul ' 0 11 bul It wee k with t he FrlLnk ~~U x C!l, SII II _ The tarm h a ll II 25 hc re wOlld !o l IR 11 0 11 of t he esla le of Ma rlo Wh ee l· BI LLS A LLOWED ~ ('Xlle lls iv(' III 111'Il\';,I ' vt.' l1lil uti o n d u~ be RUll g a t t he F err y ch ll l·cli. whll'lI h ro ug ll $;;,OOfl In a S<'PIl I'!IlC C. Don a.ld Dilllt ush, rent of ofer. d 'censed. 80 01111 and tiual !l C. 11I 1" llig h c ra cl{s II 1'0 11 ",I I he IIoor 9 The P. J . Tho mllScs Httelld d Ih l' SU ll', L fiS t hn ll 14 per re lll nf I ',,· fi ce fo r Prosec utin g Att orne y, $ 20 ; COUllt, uli cI Will do wH. ,I. Frtl nk Gnlla he r. Ildm ' nis lrator Bro wn nnd Bunne ll. COlLI tor Me - .communlty ga th erin g- hl' ld at _ lI . la ll d wu s in tlmlJe r hU I It bro ll ,:;1 1 torm sn.s h urc Ill !' I>e t tn ';1116 O[ r .le 101 1I I Th e buill " u f LI e (·eo.l uri 'S is [I ' of SprevNlti , -'),- I; e r (ClJt ' n g hea t from escapi ng o f Ih e es ta t e of Clo.rn A. Ga !J.uh e r . mo ri a l H a ll. $5.2; :'Ilili cr Hurd_ gar reek c hurc h Sa l l11'day ev lI ill g. 111111'1.' tll'lll wnr e and I"uI'll Itu re . s u pplies fa t· The W. C. S ll1ilh f a m ily r cturllt'd a ll' IJl'i i'l.!. T ' muc l' ha d bel' lI 'lIl l,u UI It I IJ' l'l' lI e w ',1. Th e tOll h ots til l'OIl J; h w · ndow s . 1' he !:lush cost do rea s d . flt'lIt a nd t n a l nelio unt. Charl es J . Wagg oner, a ~mln is Mo\Oo r :1\1 Ha ll. $3. 15; Tufls Fun , frolll Vlrs lni a abo u t two o'clnck 0 11 lb 8 P" !l'e to l'ouSI I' UI'l II S I of a ll tl th e til. ('old ~ wil l l'onllll Uc fro m one 10 ['ll'(,C d oll ars a nd n re trlltor fie bo nis n on wltb the will e r nl Home , umbul a nce se r vice, $10 ; Sa tul'd ay 1l1 0r n ·n g. Mr , Smith sa l(1 I)\lll d in gs wb lch we l'o Ht itll ll t" " to th!'lr ul'g-um c Il Is IIho u t h 'allng t hl.' , hOll s!.'. and til Y pl'tl huh ly II" II I'eor h IUOlit t wi 'f a s e ftectil'e In r educing UII II<' X d of E mma B. Pri ce. d ecclls ' Tre!ls ure r of S tllt e , aile [le I' Cen t ot thllt It wus con s ' d nnlb!y ("1:'<11'1' he worl h $G,OUO. . " 11 1, ,1 no li cl'i s iull liS Ih ey ha \' e vt·r s i ll e hen l 1 0~RI!!I a s 11'1.'111hoI' Btl' Pilin g. If t l1 (' I'a l u e of Ihe hu ili/ l lw $32 ,8f,O,!l:l t ot n l u mount duc s tate th er e un rl thaL th ey ha r! !lboll t ten cd . firs t nnd fiu ll l account. , .,0 (' he sa sh n l ~n I'N Ill ee th e niliou n t of . h c -Hn h'~ 11I·\(-e tU I' tile W()(lt llllt wc r ll' S'OllleOlle W;l S l uo la zy 10 1'011 Ih e I I I n t h e m a tte r of th e es ta te o f o f Ohi o. $~2 .00: tty of Da yton. in<'lle s ot sn ow. '('lI Ul :ul(l f l'tl!l t [0 1'111 n g o n w 1I_ s lIb ra ct ' ,1 frol1l t hl' $IR nno !1lI 1 Ii I'u('\( UII III fl'ull t of LIe mO llth of 0'1' 8 ill wl nt !'l' , b OD I'd of p r isone r . *7.20; Burrou ghl gva ) 1. Eu rnhllrt. cle ccn Re d, Invcn MI'I!, H(' I!'u MUrj)h y of e nl l' l'- 1)1'1 ' "0 of th e fU I'IlI . Ille !'ro ll III [I I hc ":lV • UI'I'UI'IIi Il !!: to G, H. 8 h l<'I', Adding -MileI-~~atnten n c e tll l' Y aJi llro ved. StorHl sllH h rnn be IPi d out on ' 11 wns g Iven Il bl r ll·1 VI" lu ny s UI')lr IHe . nlu fOI' ap )lroxll1lut ' Iy $li(J IJlI uen!, sp"dll l. ,,1 ill ugr k llll11 1'1l 1 c lI); III Ce rI'll Lhe mutte r of Ih e clltat e of se rvi ce 011 nudltor 's mnchill e. $1 TlU r ty Il t h er hO!l1 e F r itla y (' ve nilll!:. 'I'h,' wou dl ul b ro ug h t $2110 nn aCre ;11 1-:. 01110 ' Ia l c n l vCI's ·t y. I ,lrllrty wintl ow to prove t h e ir va l_ Li (.11I J\1oss te ller. dec.enSCd . Almn woodrow-~vei}-Sta nu?e Co mpun y. An on tl 0 " 1 g 1 ~O Ilr ee S .1I l IV r e t Il eI""S- a:ter f urn is h in g 11I:l1.cri uls for l hl! ~ Ir S h ie r lIa~ fi J.: url'd OUI lhat if UC, o r u f ew ('1111 he I n~ tu ll ~ll ono 1000 , paY' ln boo ks XO. 14 for Au. Mull UI)poin ted a dmin' stratr:x . l c r Ge rh n rd tamll y. lhe MorrIs sel or lJ u ild in gs. a ll th ' eu e rgy wlI s ted ill d li hal l B u- yeat'. In IlI Ony caSeB , Hnv ill s In fu d In th e m a ller ot th e UBs ~g1l!n ent dl tor s office, $ ~8 . 29; John Law a nd Hunte r fn mlly and MI'. an d :'I1rs . E d UY ' \lI'oduc ls or t ' moo l' lu nds , bout hnu s!,) \( 'l11pe riltU tI?S \V ns .vI II r epay (lltrt 0 1' ti l !, of til e cost of of !'IlI l\ er and s wink, fir st and f ln- S on, g us n nd 0 I. $2,9 0; Th e Offlco M urp IJy. s uch a B m n l)~e Bvr u p. woo d pil i p. lI va lln hle in t he f 01'1II .of he nt uult s , t h w illd ow. Mr , Rhl er d OCM 1I0l a tnl acco unt. Outfitte rs . typewrltcr rlbbobns. in. LI tt l e . J a ni ce I,, ae 1'1lom ns , In n ba r k. nn d n u t. cun be IIl llcl c to It would IJ ' 11Oss ih\ , 1.0 IlUV e n tro- te m pt to e~ti m ate th e va lue of t he III th e matter 'O f . the wl\1 o f d ex ca rds. repai ring a ddi ng m ach d a ug hter of t'he E rv ' n Th om as s :It!tl nppr(' 'Iaby to th e tnrm er' s in- I), cal cl imate r ' gh t li P It) t h e pole . lea ce thut a fe w 8tOl'm sush ' 11' ;11 10rri80ll, d eceased, ine. $4.(j0, George Le wis h us b ee n 111 t h e pas t wee k. cnme . A. . B nl s h as a rcco rd li e nl80 eOlllp u teK 1.1111 If th e I1ve r . :Jr ln g t o m nn y h o mes. will I) robatcll. - - - - - -- -R port ed on t h e s ick lillt nrc. o f n s usar bus h i n Gen ugn coun ty a ge I pu lls fr OIll Ih ese debatcs wCl'e I n ~ ul n. tin g 1.h ali i Ilnys d ivi_ In th e m n tte r of th e esl/.l te of Miss Anna Nutl. Cla r a B , Le wis. whic h pro<iu terl $2'\(100 wo rth ot . ta cke,1 liP In a h ('II 11. li n un glewo;' m 'Iend s ill LJolil wi nIC I' nn ll s umm cr. At'. I'l L. Pri ce, decensed , di t rl buMr s, Russell Campbeil i. and Marjo r- ~yrul) in Ihe rlast f, O y a r f! , A 11111_ r:o ul ll s ee ove l' l hem wit houl gettin g l 'h e m ax imum goo d a l t he !t UHt cos t t !OIl ortle red . Ie DuVnl. bel' hU yor o ll ce tri ed In huy this hi ll r hil1 of[ III r ou nd . <; lI n LJe obtai n ed h y a p illy ng 111 81110. In th e malle I' of t h e ostnte of H a rry H. Fordyce h as b ee n s tay- s lan d of I11npl e~ for $1.000 . a~:h Ol\ g h Th c 'agr iCll lt Ul'u l cn g i nl' c r (.la ims 1011 ' bet wee n t he r e illo g jO !slH. In_ Jo hn A. Ke ll e l', d ccea sed ertlfl ca te Mr . anu Mrs. ElYls Ml chuel and ing with his s is te r , Mrs. hllrl cs It ;l n8 IIl AtI n n a l'e l'ag e ret ll r n of , he tro u b l ~ with Ii ut ili ' lhe In- eXJ)e ll s lve m ot ' Mll is !:I uc h ns wo od_ of t rn ns duu g hte r Doroth y. Herbert Marla tt Hop e In Duy ton d uring th e co !d ..~ -IflO. doo rs '~ t h ut t ilel'e :II' , ' Ion n,u lI Y ~lI nvinb:s or g round co rn nebs cu n . fer Issued . In th e mutte r of th e es t a te o f a nd Edmon Ma rlatt spent Thanks_ weutller. 1\11'. Dea n does not be li e\" th ut wnys fo r Ih e h 'H t to g!'l out d oo rs be used. or "" m merc llli m utcrl :l ls ' Mr. and MI'R. P ete Wieu' nn d nil 010 Dr . L. O. Sa ur, d eceus elI , estate r e- g,jving da y w llb }Ir. and Mrs. Berne I I B Iloul d ue pl ullte d In Cor' If t h is t ra n sf e l' of I' c , t [rom Ih e r a n be ollt: iu cd ' <11" tlte pU I'j;ose. lIoved from ndmlnl strntion . Scheele y. d aug h ter . Els ie Mae li nd ;\Ir , Hobert esl~. Land untit fo r c ul t'\,,,ro n or ho u e to th ou ts ·lI e I:; Jll' " t' lI led Wa ll in s ui ll ti on Iq th e m ost e xIn th e matter at the estate f Mrs . Emer son Dill rece 'Ve d word B' lIe tt wer e d :n er g u est s of th e will h is s ubjed 10 I'al)i ti erosin n mos t of th e bOlls e he,lting p rob l' mh pe IlS:I'c n n d Is It t unny th e ICllst Edwa rd ·Maloy, de ceased . sch e dul e ' :'I10nday "that h er aunt, Miss Ade_ cnll be pr otita ul y r e f orea ted , but an' H'l l vl'd . T h t' only rellllli nin g n oec! d of III I m rafl ures l o pre ve nt. I J nmea Wienl famil y Sundn)'. I '' or de bts c la.lm s and IInb 'Utles f le d. line Beller Spring Va~ley was Ihe g renteRt good tor Ohi o for !:lIs la Rks ar : ( ~ g' I III " l e mp rn tu re l ea t los CS , Howel'c r . ho uses bu It • ~fr . and 1111'S. Lawren ce Th om as , 1-11 th e matte r of tb e elltate of bit by a tra In. Miss Be\l err di e d In, cil n be a cco mTlll s hed lIy IH'upc r ly til t ;'c r' ro)) , I' le l' c' l 111 , 1,l e a ncl PI'O_ w ith o ut s h eat hin g u n de l' l he s ltlin g In ro J c ffcry, d ecea sed , eBtute reo 8talltly. \Vllm u T no mn , MI'S, Lavcrna Faul m a nug- In g t h osc n o w In ex 'stn n ce Vid e e ll 0 •. , ; ; ' lIl u ls l u re ill t h nir to ca n Le 11ll1<le III li d. 111'071r'COmtol' nnd ao n. Erwin , Mr. nllli Mrs , Th ~1I(' I'(' d f rom nlIJnlllis tra tion. Mr. nnel Mrs. Ernes t E ornhs rt Pl'lll c r tio u fr om f lrcs nlld gr:lz' rt ~ 11I'(' VI' 1I 1 ilTH .. lo ll I ... Ih c II OHO a nd n ble by I,P Illy lll g buildin g pnl.e r In th e m a tte r of th e estate of. a nd childre n we l'e .g u esIR' of"lr, a ud 1I1I.1S Pordyce , we re Tha nl; sglvln g selcctive (, lI ttlng~. n r. 11 ('lIl\i ng th e Ihrollt. J ohn P . G"is wold, Lliftl account. Mrs. Gilbert Frye allll SOli a t a 0 g ucst s or lh e P . J. 'l'h o lll n8 ~' s aucl sla n rl to favo r t :le d csil'ub~ SIl ('Ies ovm' t il l' o'd !id in!: a n d pu t ting O!1I1 -h al r t il h 'u t ~1s l rl'r rn t h e Hu rry Fo r dyce8. wl' l be Ilrof ltaulbc III OhI o WO{) d ~ols. I II t h e matte r of th e estate of o'cloc k dinn e r Tha nksgiving d ny. IIV e l'a ~ " hOll se d epart s t h ro ll g h nr new aid i ng ove r the pllpe r . Lin coln Gregg, decea se.d , Leland Mr. and Mrs . Rnlph Bunn cll and Th e J a m es Wl eal s aud P etc Wi. t :11'01.11 ,1 III , (l oor s ao u- wi nd ows. 'rh e ch ildre n and Mrs. Dert Bunne\) of , cn ls a ll cndl' d a s howc r for Mr. n nd Gr egg a ppointed ndmln'strator. o t ~lcr riO )I C I' ce ll i lI f lost h e .. t gJes 13u y yo ur ell r ~ lm llS Sea.:s now . MARRI AGE LICENSES 'U Uca spent Monda)' afternoon with Mrs , H a r old Lucas, rece nt n ewl y, I
- ..
Mt. Holly
DE , H i Wn llue
Beer y
oO ll ey
liSTABLEMA:rES" New. of the Day DB . .7 t J, H o wnrd H . :'\llgel H. B. W a rn er .'
CCBulldog Drummond in Africa" "Cam e Tb c ' Bra wn" Comcd y- Our Gan g ill-
Ru ssell Mon Ce: 20, Lebanon, re r. a nd Ol>al Furbee. 23, Mason. It'vln Ni ebert , 24. Leban on da lrym nll. nnd Mary 1' ro ch e!lln nll. 2 1, Lebn non factory worker. . L oui s LuFnyatte Houk. 29 . Da yton ha ke!' lind Kath erin e ¥y . Brid.5 e 33, Franklin bookk e.ep e r .
lite offer a satisfactory Servi~e at all times
McClure Funeral Home Phone 7
Mr. and Mrs . Eve r e tt Bunll el~ and children . Mis s Betty Hu onel Mtss Alire Lan or Shanghi Colnn. and Mr. J'8 mes W ag n et: nnd frl e lld of X enia calle d on Mr. and Mra . Ever ett Bunn ellancl tamlly Sundll Y evening . Mrs . ,Nona Roland of L ebanon spe nt Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs, Fforold Keilia and fnmi'ly. Mrs. Mattie Lev i tlnd son W 1IIngton, Mrs. Ellsworth Smith nnd , aug I e r Ir .o.m ot Dayton spent the wee k cn tl at Mrs. Le vi 's hom e he re. Mr. aud Mrs, Wl11l nm T n te nnd son Robe l·t of Bellbrook we re . In g dl nn er giles t s 0 f M r , Th an k IISIV nnd ~lrs . P , A, Runyon. M r . and Mrs. Ell swor th C'I'b,so n and daughter Pi!yllJs of Centerv ' lIt"
~ ed s, Saturd a y e \,'e n ·ng.
Mr. a nd Mrs. James \vl c:11 anti d n ugh ter . Belty s llcnlt Mo ndll Y with Albe rt L('I! T u lmu go wns n vl Hitol' th e PerrY, Wad,es n ear Spr lll gboro. Thnnk Sgil'ing /l nd IInlll S und ay Mr. a nd Mrs. LOll:s W 'clI l and eve ning w;th hi s mother a ncl g rllnrl f n mily , Mr , lI.nd Mrs . .Jam es \Vi ('al pUI'ell ts , Mr. a nd M.r s. W . W , Shurt s lind family , Mr. o.nd Mrs. A~c n Lu- In So u l h LeiJ nn on. cas ll nd tamlly. M~. !lnd Mrs , j\ 11 n Otrs R i h , w1l,9 h ns b ee n r esiding Wi edn e r nn d family we l'e dlnn cr ill Mon to na for more t han u y eur, guests of Mr. and Mrs. P e te W I 11 11 is :1 v II tor of his g"an dl/ll r en ts. Mr . Thanksgiving. ' and Mrs . T om Ric h nnd fn m ily n ear Wellmnn . M s ses Ma r ie W ells an d H aze l wer e Thank s gll'lng tin y (; l nn r r I1l cha rrl snll o f Hum ' lI nn S'I! I Satgu eR ts ot Mr. a nd Ml rll. l-Jile ~' O;b_ unl ll .v wit h MI'. nnd Mrs. P erry son nnt! duu.g hterS Site lln unll Paul- Wells !lnd fl1 mll ~' ,
Alb ert L ee Talmago wn s e nt ('l'_ .t!llned lit dinne r Frida y. at th e hom e of his uunt . . ~Ir s. Raym o nd TlLus und Mr. Tltll s in South Lelr -
YOUR HEW HOME . . . If yoa
or. Lulldln, .... . home , .. k u •• boat th e hlan y etlle . Ypt!'
Mrs . SU1'Uh Ma rkum a nd dau gil ter ll Edn ll nnd Mollie o f H a m ')lOll . WCI'C Sa.tu rday n ight v is ito rs ot Ihe ' W elli! Family. !\Ir!!. Will SI. John al:d daug h te r!! .of W a yn eS Ville, wer e call e rs at t he of Mrs. Blna Put ter so n .
and ... n ed • ., •• yte. o r wlaler wi'adn".u ll duuLle .. ,IARtI ... b .....nable (or uWltu]uw CuadllloaJol·H YOUR PRESlHT HDME • • , may bu. tho
Dod " ,TIDI Wlnduw (;oadltloDIIl~ . to S lorm .Indu,.. ant' ~"1 10 Inllall and lae·e 10 Luy_ AD etl ...... le will coD"la.:e ,.0 • •
You inaulate your windows with Miami Gnzette Is , double-glu:~" .suh or storm win·now ab~ ,to offer an ~dded service dowa-two pone. of glaes where to Ita r e[lder!l. PATHFINDER. t he 'O n11 one wa. Uled before. Between Nation's ' most . widely read n e ws , the ' two, a wall of eaptiye air ill formed. Thla ab- .pace la one of the magazine now becomes lI.n addItlonbeet fol'llU of inlulation. a) feature ot, oui already wid ely , RelUabletut..hOMltha,"Windo", read ~~r. We are ha~py 'to tell ConditionirJlf" riw~ in fUIIl 'you that we cap after yOU n yea r'S coa" than anyotherau..leform' of howe lmulation-eut. 20 to 30% subsc riPtion. to ~he G!lzette risht off your fuel blll-permJt. PLUS a year's subscrlpl.ion. to Th e healthful bumldlJy without hOY1uS ' PATHFINDE,!l- for th e barga!~n wladow. fOiled up-'w lth exc-ah'e price ot $2.00. Acce1)t thiB offer and YOll Immedlate]y Join tJle ranks the most . Intelligent and J)rogre s.
Miami Gazette . . A Representative Will e.11· .
' iI••
'> - '
ine. I 111 1'. nnd IItrs. \V a J"l a nd Jord nn . Mr. BIlII Mrs. Hl' nl 'Y BUI'g l'SS nnd C' alr e. J oa n. Rulh n lHl J •• '''J o f ch il dren John a nd N~lDcy of Da yt o.n Inelnna tl , Wf' re J"I'ld ay I1 I1 U S nl ' Silent SUllday a ft erno on wHh Mr. nrrlny visitors ot th e Jord a n fnmll Y. Ilntl Mrs , Lcwls Morgan. Avnh Powe ll nen r h erc m a rl a bu s' n css cal\ to J uc k soll co unty. ---T- . Wednesdny . The ' Dav iS fn m ' ly' we r e SlIud a y afte rn oon viSi tors In l..cb ll non.
". l' -\.,
If You Are In Need Of
I Beech Grove
~.IIi• • • • •IIi-:~
lIive ,people In the nation. Tbls Is for a limited time only so send your lorder In without delay.
mois ture which 1:011«.. on uninlulated wludowa, drips down and Boil • draperies and rugs and spoils woodwork finishel. ' "Window Conditioning" is all investment that CAn pay for iteel f in 111.18 than two winters aud diyl, dends acerue year aner year. We make a specially of uling L·O·F Quallty Window Glo.a, Doted for I.. greater freedom (rom wadDes. aud diatortioD and 'therefore elpecially suited. IQ "Wiu!1ow Cc!uo . dJtioniug." For your proceetion, each Jllbl bears tbe LoO.F Label of Quality. , . AD UthuD'S "ill p...,ye how: little "'tI' Jodow Conditjonln," ~'1lI. You can. ' finaD,Ge tbe improye.menl 'under F, H,A. with no do_ pay. Call ua or~ la toda" .
-m-J..". .
W H Madden & Co ••
Phone 14'
7, December i
I Sportsmen
"AngeIs-;' W"th Dirty Faces" Stan I
I'e. wi I I,,> :. ~p);'t(: 11I :~ ' fl'(1111 I)ril 1I,ltlll" t"I' ''r ~ [, , 1 hy :. " . Lud]!' 111>11 d . l: " (111 a t L ~ " • I, 'allll'll ny /," , 11 II": . 11 ,·,' 111 . I',' SIlOIl RO I'('11 I,), til ' 'i li n IH',' " ," n II ' I ,'. uf I,yth' T.:ol ,1j ' S ' III.
l\'li flR Belly ' l'h ulllil s Is
====",,-=-- -
' =-=-"'- ~)
B" 1l"rlll b~ iI\11 WI' I'(' print Lh · rll ll.-,"II1 ;.l a l Ii"':' In' !lave Htlbt' rl s 0111 of a lota l of I&H s tude nls ill Ih, ('It" ill ll '1I i 1': 11 '1 1111" ' 1' : (O nroll ed in th~' 'o ll eg of Agrl 'lIl _ ' I··" m;n , > . 1: 1\1" ,, 1-11'11 th(' w\l t'1I1 lIl1·C. O:, iu fitlll e IIl ' vel' ~l ty. (j09 Ii ,\",. 111'1 ,· liN II II . \\. h:lI'l) Il I are ("rlll!' I' ,I- II .. \u b IlI cm 1J I'll. Th Is ""I,d ", 111 , "1 ;) ud Ir";' 1l ~8Cd th ;r illrl ud,'s I ~£j who nl'e Slll,lyln " a 1'1( 1Il'h" " "lid df" " IS. \\" , kllow {IIDI- culillre 111111 1:0.:1 ill th e hom o eolil t'S I II:I ~ nltlH' af1t ' 1' )"l' i\r s in which nOltl i f' s r l)l l t' s~. , ' , "II ~ C.t iI . ,tr I h ,~ )' may ,'Ollie In y,.;",~ or mn, to ' ru le ,' 1'0 liS. provi,\lng I " l, lI h'I! 'Hl c hll" r I),', 'o m !' Rn ' ,I nHO IlInt 1.111 ' la ll ,1 {' H IIII,,1 ~ lIrJ)ort the I'lI'lII,·, W e 1m ,, \\, .. hnul . alld ac ,'c pt., fU lll i ll" ~ \\' h il'll a fr{'CI t ;14,' hlllll UII !t\t'('. W" hllV ' II 's \laid Illllc h utt ell11011 to Ih,' fll lUilll'S IV h il' h ul t lll1(1s dpl'!m:tl .. our willlliC,' 110\lul alion s. Way ucs l'il ll' IIl "l' ~ III nc ll:·lJrooll (~um e ltlnls :t llli a llinwl~ fi n ' ~ illl Wuy n rsv ili p w(' nl tf> Ikll hruoll lI:!r III muny waY R to ltrllllit' \'(' hu- for the: .. third ,h·fca l. ,,"c tlll t-Hliay IIHln ~. Th y IJIU ~ t ell t , ~ I ep p , U nd night liS Dell brooll (' HIlIC Ihrou g h Inc II . 1' hcy do th e'\e th i ngs withoul with II I!l tu !t " ,'o r!', Th e Il ~s e rv e!! lnu e,l IllO ugltl of fut liN' ~e n e l'll!IOn s won Ih It· third ga m ' wit n t ,ley Ilc_ ulIll with 11 0 rl'!;a nl for Ih e lesson .. featp d 81'11 brook It e~l' .. ves 9 10 .1. whl h hl s lo r y 1Il1,.:-.IL have tllu g nt Th c Ilnl' up f il l' t ll(' Val'l!' ly wa S !t ~ them . TillIS. Wh f'lI lIl e IUIl,I Tl rodu cl'S f ollows ; lu s h crOIlS. wile n fooll is p'ent If u l 'i'P a ud na lm'nl e ne mies r~w, our wild- 'V AY .\I!:S VILI.I~ lire fumllies Ilr oLln cc I llTg~ popu la- Coll ett a 2 4 lions. Sometime!! luose population s Presloll I :l bcoll1 c so larg that stnl'Vnt:oD tol - Ruth erfu rd II o lo\\'s close all Ih heels of lea n- o r Anti 'rijOIl IJ ,) v II m ode rat I ood-groll' iug years, Pl a nck o () ~ry The re arc so mnny mouth s to feed o o" o that th e natura l f ooos fl l' n 't s ur_ Pe t e rs (! ~ flcl ent 10 go around,
of Ohio .- TO FURTHER
cll1 \ Htlw ~ I) nl w (',lrll':<day "I' nill ;' with Mr, 11 1,,1 )11 s W,II I<:' I' ](,'",'1 Mr. nnl' l\Il'~ . Ilal' llltl \\' h I d" I childre n RIWIII' S unci llY II \\ (O k 1I t;1 wit h th e ir au nt. !\1I RR LUlIru n os · nl1 gl.e ill Cin cinn ati. Mr l>, Ma ry Ca rm oll Y nitI' ll'" d II fa mil y Llillm' r 'l'huttk ag l\'ln1(' ill tll(, ho me or MI'. a nd Mrs. EV prl' 1I Cl nl'I, III Duyto n, Dr, anll Mr s , II , I" , 11 ;) lha\\'II ,I' nr Wa YIl('Hv lll e W"f' e Thllf' ~ ,l ay ," lIc:;l!; of \11', lIlltl \11' 8, 1I III'\'I'y Burll el , 1\11'1> , Al' rl' ·lul'l.c. MI' · 1111,1 \11':4, Walter Clark, ~i iss W a nci a nnd Jllnlor Clark. we re (> nt r rtalm'll at [Lnlle l' 'l'ha lll<flg i,' 11l1,l a t th e hOJII,' of lVI ''. lUll I Mrs. 1ilton S h {'(~ h ll n ill J umcfI Unl: ll Y ',1 a ll is m oney to ullY pret ty things ro r glamor· Cl' lI tl'l'vllle. OUH Alln Shll "ldan and s ts out un a life ot crlmo In "Angels With Thurs day !lIl Cs IMof M 1', und M rA. DIl'l v Fal:efl," I hu po wc rful Wa rn e r DrOB, production, which '11'111 .I, U, ,Jon cs were th eir nc phe w nnll O PCI~ Su nd a y, 'D.,c '1l Ib C' r ., at th e Xenia th eater In Xenia. tor a thruo day 811 !;II!;OIlIOnl. ni ece. Mr. li nd Mrs. A~(rf'll J O II OS T he fa1l1011 8 "1) ad E ntl" boys. Pat O'Brien, Humphrey Bogart and rlau g hh!r. Mi sR MIlI'y of So uth And 0 o rge Bnll C' I'ofl als o 1111 \, Imllorlant rol es In "Ange ls With 1 I'll I-I III!!. Dirt}' F acp!<," 'T hi pi<"l ur e I s II blograpl1y at a tough youtl1 played I uy ea · n" ,v. l!lIrryi ll!; him frolll his boyl1ood to Ih e electri c chil iI'. 'I' he YO lIlI g folK S of Lyt le ch ttr('o At th e sa m . lilll,· It (:ollll':J s t8 his life w ltb thnt of the churacter IlllL o n a good cllt e rLUlnmc nt at th e Ill u),r-1I by P. L O'l3l'il'n. I'at lillf' II' lse born In thc s lu ms tu mB In lI a l1 ';Yday ov",uin g . A num be r of tho opposi t e <1 11'('['110" ; In (ucl, he s tud ies tor Ihe llrleslhood.· pri? s we r e awarded . .\Irs, nU8~e]l ulIlllhel1 h a~ be n III llle past t IVa wee lIs. 1\11' . alld Mrs. Ha rry Burn r U alld :\11'. nlld :'III'S. J alll e~ Hnwke M il TP f:tmHy wore 'r ha nk sgiv :ng dinn er BELLBHOOK (Illu g ht er . h~.lIIa of pl' ld and :l guests or Mr. and :\III'S. E, L. 1'holll I P n e wil I 1 ;\1 r J. , Hn wke s pe nt Monday eveo a~ at WayneSVille , B, f' eue wll o ning wit h ;\11', and :'I lrs. J , p, Fromm Mrs . Margaret Johns an d Pa ul (i Siewart :J !\fl'. 11 n,I Mrs. I ~l i ,' f:o l':;ur h alii Au stoll "I I J oh ns we re Monday e vening dlun l' I' II ll1lg hl l' l' \llIrll' Hfl l'1I 1 SUUI1.IY I' V\! _ 2 g llcHts o( Mr. nud 1\11'11, Calvin L(!n ~ . pa Ili' n (n l,; w' lh l'l'lali n 's , ill lI,·thn IlY . U ac re lind c hilll r ' n . M"l\lidlu el II (;o\. O " ~l· Gole and 1, .l iltll· n lI ll'lI L 4 1\I ,·s. L eB tl ~ Gray and childre n SlLtes TIIllrHll uy wi l lt :\Ir. 1111,1 ;\Ir ~. Lo u J9 Bllen t Sat urday wII b Mrs, H ele n I''ry e unl l dnup:h e l', Cmy at Beavertown :\11', Hnt! :11 I'll· Hay i:l:('h allli r!l nt _ , Mr. and Mrs. Ha r vey Bumet alHESERV8S il y s lle nl T h m'Htl a y lI'ilh :'1'1,·. . lnd TP lellded the 0 ' nner club S a turd ay I·~r F'G 3 e venin g a t the co un try ho me of :' I ' l r , :\1'rs. W il li e 21" 'h o[ ~ I i ' tn i ,.l.11r ~. 1 Benbow 1 1 lItr!!. j\ l on l ~0 111 et'y (IIul ,\1 1''' ' 0:' 2 and Mrs, Howll l'd Gr nham n en r Petel's 1 o lin' still n il th !' sid ( Ii .. t. o lI orv.e ysburg. Os born o o 2 !\Ir. a nd Mrs. Ralph Barge r so n )11', 1I1lt! :\lrs. rt aYlIl llIHI !tunnel l Mille r u o nnd daughter were Thursda y g uest s ,MI' , an ll :\l rH. WI !I FJl Hrl( ~ , \11' . a nd FOR SA L E-Motol'o!.1l Radio . The Melltlh n o o of Ihe latte r 's ' mother. Mrs. 0, i\l r s. Bllrd ,' l tt· ;': I litr:, ~ anti 'I a ll ~ h tc l" id en l hl'i s tmas gift. to Ue us"d II I) Scott Drown at Washln"ton C. H. of Lon,":ln,1 HJll'n l T ~, nl'/l lll!\, with Ande rSOIl II 2 2 . , . \ljlh batt e rics. Call 13-1l-2 , Jtp. 9 Ml's. E. B, Longacre wi ll e m er - MI'. II nll ,\I r ~, iJert I1l1nll '\I a n(l l ta:n the memlle r H ot till' Laclil's Aid tl ung h l.(> rs. - -- - -- - ---- -- --......; DELr..nROOK H~SEn VES alld th e ir rfamilies at l h e Chrls_ ' ~l r , a nti :\II·s. 1111 (1 'Voting If Lrh- :':PEC IAL- FlIlI hail' cut or neel, FG FT TP mae meeting at , Lyt le Hall, WedoOt;- 1111 0 11 s \l Cll l S und ay w llh ~Tr. a mi ' l; illl , s haUtl)oo und ti ~ge rwave a:\ Penewit 1 0 2 day evc nlng. December 7. , Assl s lIn,g \11'1;' Il a r ry U Iv lie, I fill' ~5 ce nl!! al lhe Ha r / mun Beauty Bledsoe 1 o 2 hostesses nrc : Mrs. Calher 'n e Whit_ I T iler I ill h ~ to Iood s a l . lind S ho[lpe : o S JJr1ng hol'0. o o McMlcb a el o alICr, Mrs. Margar.e t Johns. Mrs, ' bat.;wl' nt Lin \! o'~ Il n l'lll 'u l' slU re ' _ !t. () Elli ot o o Cu lvln Longacr e and Mrs. Stunle y Sa l.un lu)'. 1l ,'('e lltIlL'r :l, g i n n hy th ' Dogge t o o o Bail ey. I tHief! I.llli il'''; }\ it! 1- - - - - - - -- - - - - DUlllfonl tl o o ' Mr, Mrs. Frank Milto nbc ..... cr , ( :a II ('1'8 III 111(' Illln n", II I,ome S un- rOR SA LJ!:- Elisilngc , Hoxaulla " ..... SPrl hr u o O e ntertained wil.h a t ur ke y cll' nn er (Iay \\' 'Ill" 1\1 1' . lIlll ' I '1 I' I I n 1111 - ' WU YllcRv lllc Pl ants $l ,5U per lao . \ J·S. "a p I ThankSgivi ng " Mrs Crace Sml'th •' II " II 11 111 I I' Ill' ' l l r n , ..'I 1' . :I ll".. 'I Hi g h Orlld e CUl.tnf'ra Salt 76 cts, per' " I'll. Til e .Junl ol' IJ. g h t oo m will piny Mr, and Mrs, Robert Lnmb of Way - " a ug Itil '1 11 ' 1 ' I I,' I '1 I I hunllrcli Ilvll nd .. no ~ allna C.l nnlng H II t,.' " ani ., r H, c.. ul' n ' U _ . tbeir IIrll t gum e Jo'rlday n igh t wilh nesvllli e. a nd Mr, a nd Mrs, Cliff I II. Cn" Pholl e 119,H·21. Ifb. Morrow. Come out and help th em Archdeacon of Dayton. get a good stu rt. Mr, a nd Mrs, Les lie Omy sJl(!nt WAI 'fE~- Gir l for gene ral Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs . Fred J. O. U. A. M . Party bOil, e work. SLa.y nig hIR- Inquh'c --_. The student co un c il WIIS orgll nl- F'ISk a t Ind elMmd en ce, K entu cky. o ' Mrs, W. il. M!\1er, R. 2 Waynes zed Tuesdny at noon. Th e officers The' l' parents, Mr. and Mrs, George v illc. GI'ay accom pa nied tbem hom e at • .' 1':Hlr' w ' JI 1>e Il ra rll pn.I·ly I1t tI:e President- Tress ler Hardin . a r e; - Juni or LoogL' Iw l! T hul's Ll ny ni g h t , 1_ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ te r n two weeks Visit tiJ e re: Vice Pres ident- Charl £'g Co l~"tt and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wilital{c r Deccmbel' . •' I FOn SA LIJ:- Corn; sCe Bina PatSecre tilry- Curolyn Lukens, Thc~ e I te rson, 4 miles wost of Ha rveysofficers w e re chosen from the meUl_ enterta ined at a flix o·c1r.>ck dinner, bur~ on Lebanon road . F l ldny. th e fol]'owlng g u e8!s; NIl'. bershlp of th c.ounclI which In_ :l nd Mrs. E. .I. n urto.n.....oLEl YI·lo. 0.. daturda), r.}ud !'s: Tr"sslel' Hll rdi n. Mir b m MI'. lind Mrs. J oh n Kerse y or WI I~L I'A Y c THAIORT. SALARY Scott, CarolYn Lul, ell l:!. Ci,ar:es Co l. "lWay nEsvi ll e an d :\11'. a nd !\f1'S, Tom , f'l $;!ii.OO P CI' week. man or wom', n : tt. R obert I\relll.on Ma l'jol"o Ddkln , 'Jurtn n of FeI'l'Y . -SCREE IN w : th !luto, sell E,gg P I'oducer to r.yle Fox . P lt ul J o hns . W:LynC Scott " BLONDIE" Fal'lncr~. E UI e ka Mig. Co " Eust St. ;II\(I Be tty Tbompso,n. Penny SlnQlleton FRIENDS HOME The cou!lt:iI wa g ol'g'an lz<d la si L:l uI S, Ill. Arthur L .ake ),ea r a nd lVe hope it mllY be a s ef l iMr. nnd Mrs. Heacock. Mrs. C. H, Continuous Shows Daily cie nt as it h as been in mony sc hools I FOR RE:\T-L. M. Henderson r esiAdults Only 15c ' Til 2 p, M. Dea therage li nd ~rs, Lena HUr lso('k den ce, I( e)" may be obtained next ~ tt e nd c d th e f Ull eral of Mrs, Bessie doo l' tram Mr8, Eva. pakltJ. If in· Vll n Winkl e In Spring Vall cy Saw:'_ I t.c l'es ter\ wr:te Doris Kreilin g, Ceu· day. '\ tl'lll Trust Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Mll r y Hugg with a fri el:I1 11 (ro m Detroit who have been s pentl- I Ing a montb III LouiHana ale dinn er I Featuring produ cts at th e state with Mrs, Margaret Martin on Sun ' STARTS SUNDAY FOR SALE-Fresh eggs. We serve Kroge r s to res of tb e Clnchmatj ,lay. BarlJec ue sandwlcbes , Home Made THREE DAYS BI'u lI l! h 11'1 11 stage a s pccia l 0:110 Mrs, Lena Hartsock sllc nt Ch ill, vegetab le so u ~ , Take orders l;u l? tll b wrl'k. a cco rding to E ldon Thanksgiving with h er son II lit! f or pies. and cakes, Mrs. S. O. Ur. rt elnJlit'k , lIulUu·g c r o( the loca l family al Oak la nd. ton. Rout e, 73-Phone 66-R-3. 1\ ro ge r sto r e.
Waynesville Loses
"In Ohio we hnvc se n th e sa me (·ycle In l' cent years, Bobwhite. wrre r l'c I'Y\1'11 r c. T he n ca me the t AlI'ly hlll'd wlqte r at 1 93 4- ~5, Quail d luo by til e th ous und s . and two )'(u r s Ih e r art l' th e blnh wer e scar ce. Tb is was t !'lIe. not on ly in Ohio, bui th ro ughout IIlO t of Wes t Vlr·g inl:J . 1\ nlu ci{y. and Indl a nn as well. "Th e qUlli l fllte anothe r c rls 's in Ihls secllou o f t he ountr y In the opinion of tbi s observ e r . The birds li re more ple nliful now than the y wer e In 1934. Many dis tri cts iu the <o ulhe ru part of the s ta t l' a r e s up1l,)r ti ng R8 Ulan y as two birds per at re. r igh t now . Defor e February rills around th eRe merry ~ltLle relI II'I! or th e fields wm have eat n mos t or rh e a~all a bl e fo od supply. If we 'hIt cold weath e r in February or Ma rcb, lhe toll will be enormous. Eve n If th e winter Is a mild one, we probably w ~ l\ have II. hi gh mort ality. , " In Indi a n a,. Ke ntu cky and W est ViI'g lnla th ' <! utl ook is br .ghl er , f or In th ese sLates Quuil lire on the s llool.l ng lilit. It may I:!cem a parndox to say (hal in arcas' whe re the qUllil may he lSbut he s lands b elter chan_ ' ~ ~.f s ur vlva\ .than In II. state wh el'e be is Ill'otecled. But it Is Iruo neve rtbeless. "If you we r e In thc ' poultry r a lslllg bus in ess nnd had j ust 10 acres of 11l.1Il1 on which you r flo ck might f e d nnd Ir thaL Clock wns enUrely upon nature for i~ 8 dell nd nt f flo ll s UllPly , would th e birds fare h Ite r if your f iock Il ulll bered a thousnlld or if t tJl1mh ~rcc1 10 '/ Th e 3n ~ \V I i~ obviou ~ . If th ele wCl'e 1 .()OO chicke ns In th e flo k. Ih ey wOIII<1 L1i!' of stll l' vallon in a week. If Ih el'e II' L l' e H) tll y nli li b l larry ou in (k fin · t ~' I ,". " So it is with Ih e lj u ' il. He will n OI lIli l' r lll". S ludi es w:, lch b ,ar no disPlI lI' Hh ow thn t he wi'/ s tay withIII a f,IV mi l s of I!I~ hOlll e. flood or fU lliin c! lIe will Hta y lh e re and II I!· If th f ond Is gOI1 e> . 'Alii\. tb e ~ ( i 'til i H I ~ 1",11 u s. two a erea pl'!r qUllil Is IL IUI'go POP Ul:Jtj llll to su ryj I' e IIvr r !I r easonably hard winter wl lh fou d a nd cov{'r cOllll ' li :JlIS nol'lII a l. ' Vh al will ' 1 ~IiPJlcn lu our pres. til pOJ) lIl a l lun o f two blrdR pe r ac re The yIl !-l wl.! r ilg a i ll ~ s o hvjous.
KING'S HERALD 1'; ICI'1'1I m ~lI1lJcr H of t he Ki ng's 1l "l a lth '1,;('1 w;th Sara h 'onner Mllnd ny aft ' rnoo'n uf l er school. DHI'ing th e hll " in cs~ (Ilel!ting. p!a ns we r e m ud ' for wak ing mO lH:), hy "!lell ing [lopco rn a nll punLly, Each took tUI'ns r eadin g f rrblll tit e ~ tu(ly book. Th o Il~ xl 1l!(!(·ll ng w ' l! he a ChrlQl.lIlas parLy al th e h 011le of RuLb Hele n LeMay, There Wil! be an ex bnnge of g lfll! nt this t ime.
Benbro ~ k
EATMORE OLEO 3 ·29c CREAM CHEESE • Lb·15c 2 b8·39c COFFEE 1hS
Hot Dat ed French Bt , nd
hand picked Lay in • 1... 11 Sne Money I
r crht"
FOR S ALE-Poland China male hog, E rnest E vans; phone HOR. Lebanon. 2tp.
LBS. 27c
tOO lb. bag 99c:
Lb. 3 lb•. 3 lb•. 3 lb., 2 lb•.
Club or Rocky River
Addres!o .
25e 25c 25c
(Plus deposit )
4-24 oz. bots. 25c Lb. tOe
3 tall can. 25c '
SODA CRACKERS ,2Ib'12~c pl.\!.
orH BU TlRSt:OH.
C, ' l.. l.LL/. ·11
Pic• .
Old Fashioli
3 lb•. 25c .. jlt. ~
Kroger's Silverware Ofler With Chrlatma. drawing n".r. it ..,1lI ~'a1 you to inY"..i,.te K''. populu LADY QORIS SILVERWARE OFFER-YOUR CHOICE OF TllREE UNITS- ONLY 0 9c EACH START A SET TODAYII
1001b. Bal
Wesco Scratch Feed
per cent Dairy Feed
100 lb.
$1.29 $1.19
ACM'E Wheat Middlings
Produce Potatoes, Cobbler. for Storin,. l00-lb. Ba, $1.47 .... Bananas, Golden Yellow 4 lb. 25c
5 4
Orange., Florida for Juice Apple., Romes, U. S .
No. I
Celery Hearts
Carrota, Ca,if. LarKe,Bunches,
lb. 2Sc
lOc2 for 15c
Doz. 10c
TanKerin.s, FI"'ida
qt. 10c
Brusaell Sprouts A fc etl m n nufa~ turer wants to aet yo u up ill bUMlness tor yourself. :\0 ill vestment on your part. , We ca rry the s tock of feed--you carry on t h e business. If, you have' hnd OX!lc l'le nce working wjth livestock 01' poultry ,a nd want t{l operate a ~otllld, prQ!ltable lJus :n es8, yCV' probnbly are the r :gb.t man. 'rake ord ors, r e nLler 'serville; .and make deII ve rl os . T hi ,j iM a job you can 40, and It wil, \ll~y you good moncy tbe ·yenr · around. Must , be qf good ~ tflllding. F'or ruli writ.e D~(I. care at this pa.per.'Nam e ~ -'
tOe t9c
Ohio Week At Kroger Stores
Dur ing th e s al e Kroge r s tores will s potl ight mOllY of the Items Ih ' s com)lony bu ys in qUllntity to He ll nnl only In Ohio but also In 18 ut he l' s tal c ~ In the Illiddlewest . In"'" tI ell amo ng impo l'tuut Buck eye s lall! Ilt:orltlcl S hought by Kroger are nolnlors. oppll:H. da iry produ cts. fl'''s h meal s, fruit s an d vegetables, tiOilPS a nd sho rten ' ng. Mr, Reta\lick
100 Lb.
Extra Special! Look! Stock Up! Save!
J-oa n a nd Jane Harlsot'll. allra e:live t win daugbte!'!; o f :\III', Ilnd Mr.-. Hoss Hartsoell Invited se ver al g il'] 'riellds to th eir home Wednest1ay evening after the ba s k e tl ll\~ll game fo r a slumber party, A g rand time ~ f not much sleep, was repo rted hy a ll. The gues ts were Sarah CO!llle ~, s aid, . Ma ry Lois Lacy, Mary Jean Tholllj)son" Charlotte ' Rye. 'Vlrgl;,ll1 Pre.;"500" CLUB . Kl' ogf! r cxnelll\itu re ' II Ohio !a:st ton and Melba Gus lin . Mr, a.nd Mrll. Howard Grahllrp ye ll I' toln led mOl'e t han $44,454,00 0 hl rUl,in d menlberlj at their dln - of II'ltl ('h ~2!l ,!\IH .OOO was Krent for nor luh at loeir home .near Har- the IlrOlhl Clfl oC Ohi o fa rms (Illd f~C aigued lo help sell ll urpllls fal'lIl \' sbu rg ; Saturday evening. In tories. crops. Oh 10 -fal'mers wer e ,' Itally p l 01 SIlOW an d icy toad,ti aU R euts rlU id 10 Ohio property own-, Interested In 11. . number of til so 'w,' (' prell ut and enlo yed the temp: III' ill I!l:! i total d $1.1111.986 and driveR, including ~lIl~lialg n s 011 tUI'ti l ' d10n r and enolng 01 ,cardB slat IHltI_ lor al. taxes nmounted to keys, la mbs, eggs, apples and pota whl' h fol!,owt'd. Those preeent were $ 64.7 ·11. l>i:roger, gives y ar-round toes. In eac1:t at th ese campn gus a ~Ir , I II n. Ihrvey BUMI1!tt.. entp~oynl(.' nl to 6.1l 16 Obloans. :uhl! \.ant. III illt'l'ease was scored In / ,~\ I J . B. CbapmaD, Dr. and In L11e l ~>lt Lilree yeurs the Kro. the , movement ot the commodity In_ " II. Hathaway, Mr. ud lin. ' Il"r COllll13ny hus parl lclp 4ted In volved. As a relluV., the surplus t's :tln; n n I and IIr. pd AI .... A, 8. j lllor(> thll lJ u score UtCesllfu: were eliminated and fannel's were . . , rroducer.(.'oIl 8umcr CUllllla 'gns d e' ' UVl!d from a 10118. , It It. , J ..- - - -___~----....
»r'tI. E,
We d e dica te thi. week IIf to our ' own Sta.t.,
th , whtlOlll 11 ~ t' ongh . F orellt Gr'l,tn ll' I' m fl i l\ ~ ')I I t at h lH home ""~ I IIr t,' II' n, Mr. alld Mrs, 'l' hl' I1, ' .1 ,1 " ; ;I ' ,I sou , :\lill on w('r T llallh " I I I~ gu es lH of Mr , allil ) ~ rs 1,1 \\ ill ' II nnd fnmily or C(' nt "ni ', . Mr , nnll Mr s, S .. th Furnas " I' S
1,1938 _ ,
,Celebrat r s • "
vI. il ll (\
Meats -, pt.27c
Frea-.hore Oystera, Mediam Select. , ChaDDel Cat Fish,
Breakfut Bacon,
end piece
fpr Breakfa.t
10e 17 1'2 lb. 23~ lb. 15c
, · Ib. ' Uk-
, lb.
WhitinK Fi.h Fil.l et of Haddock, Bonele..
3 lb. Pu~din&s, Ide~1
SaUlaae, Country
lb. .
.. f
J2 ,_ _
-- Ni.;-;tieth
·L_ -
New Books Re.ceived ,
At Public
NO -FIOTJON McFal'land und Pyle "How to F:OR BARGAIN HUNTERS OIOW Roses" 1\'01' tbis now cd'Uon lhe autbors have addod now illuEverybo~y !akes a real baraaln. t rations alld , re vlso(l tbls slundard Here's the one ttJat tops tbem a1l\ b ok on I'OSO growing to bring It The Miami Gazelte offers a )'ear'l up to dute. subscription PLUS a full 62 lasu" . Leoming- "Costumo Book" A of PATHFINDER, tbe DOst comr Ol11pl' hHls lve and 01 III ntllry book plete and widely Quoted news mSIdf cOlltumos for the lir'lJduction of azlne for only $~.OO. Act quickly BL'hOO! pa!:eants and ulllul ur plays. for there IS ' ~ time i ~ mit to this ofBU1'jlnganle-"Ml1l'ch of the Iron fer ; M Oil ." '1'hls book Is not U history of ill volltion In IIny accoptod sonse. It Is the story of the mnrch of a clvliizlltlon \v1l0se cadonce Is glveD und wbose puce Is lIot by the parallol - mnl'ell of muchlnos beside tt-"Tho .\'Ial'eh of the Iron Mell". ulwes- Invls:blo Stripes ." This M'ss ADna Nutt of near Ceptfipbook @1I1phaHlzoti tho r C!lPolIs lblllty 1'1110 Is very sick. ('f 6 0 lety to ward tho IlrisOur large select.on of Xm ~ s one l' rlUd toward the prevent:on of Curds now on display. crime. WIl),llfIllvllle Drug Slore L;'n' rcllild- "rhe World Willi my Garden." As a young botallist, the Mrs. Ralpb HOltlngs anlt MI'Jt. u.uthor set out to BCO ut the world W. S. Orn'lam were Dayton vjlljtq1s ' t Ol' Ilew fruita and Coods tbat could ' today. be grown in America. His eXPlora-1 110118 have never ceallCd. and bls Miss Matle Storer spent the Wfllk Wo's trlllls 'h ave led into Rome Of I end with home folks at Mart'Dslil e nl,O[lt I'emote reslons of the 1('8S Ville· travellod parts .of tho world. ox-/ Mr. and Mrs. GlenD Bordeg vlaltploror hall told wbat Dr. Fa.rchl)d ed Mr. and Mrs. Ed EYer of Spring. has to tell, for no explorer had his bo S d f' "0 un a)' a .erDoon. OPPOl't\lIl ~ Ues. FICTION Miss .Mary Cr~e o,t Oinolnpatl YouDg-"Do tor Brady Remem- , was home With ber mother. Mfi. II I'S" Now at 11I8t the autbor h&8 Maude Crane 'on SaDda),. d'rawn on the 1'1 11 storehouse of bi 3 own expcrlerUl\l to creMe II. three W.lIard BarQett of . ShawDee, dim nllional pen Ilol'tralt of II doc- Oklahoma. waa a gueet of hla aUlit. tor· In cr aUng the character Mrs. Emma Barnett, last week. Dr. John Bl'adley, Ji"rancis B. Young Fr'!d GOIIS IInel family lIan )0hns produced Olle of his finest cated In Pboenlx, ' Arizona. for. the Ilchlovemenls. ' I winter. 1111 r- "Never Another MOOD." j [nbercllt In this, charmingly romanBuy your Christmas preseDt" at L!c story is the very spirit aDd ex- tbe Ohrilltmae balaar at Grange cillng atmoap'here of the 011 fields, hall Saturday afterDoon. of fortunes belDg mnde overDlght. M ..... ana Mrli. Rogi!r Brown !lila of men whos~ emotloDs are strain- Mrs."Clift lIurnott alll\ (sJUIlY "pellt ~ __ . ' ed to 't)le brealdng-polnt, ' by the . chanoe- or'" tliacoverfng the "blaclt MODday tp Da¥tol' , . gold". ' I LltUe Miss Si!lrley Neel hq rafowl'l'y-"Vnl1oy Deyond" A sUr- turncd to ,her borne In OinclDDati ribg ,tale of per!! and. ad VQnture in llifter spending six weeks with her tbe norlb cou .I try. Aunt, Mrs. Orville Gra.y and Mr. Hili-UMaria" A now book ' by Gray. Ol'aco Hill, JUVENILES Mr. and Mrs. ,J. L, Mendonhall . Jumes-"F".Jnt Spear,," t~ were In Rlellmot;ul, IndlaDa Wodca reer of Flint S~rll .. ' cowboy neBday and visited Mr. and Mra. rod·o contestant. Will 'James pre- Geoq~e Thorpo at the FrleDdl' !lents also lhe atory of that great Home there. Amal'lean Institution, the Rodeo. Mr. and MfR. Fred FurDas aDd Hull "flaverb:1I Rerald" TeUs tbe Mr. aDd Mrs. Jesse Mlcbael spellt story" of a girl who had the courage SUllday with Mr. and Mrs. Roger to rUIl a newspaper (luring the 111- ,sext()n. of Mt. Sterling. ncss of her father. HarringLon-"DIc.kson amollg thf\ , Dr. and , M.r •. Alfred Stout aDd Indians' Alonl with the d-auihter were Sunday iuests of fascinating adVE!lw,urell of Dlcks~D : Mr. anc1 Mrs. James SDyder of this book prelloDtl! a plct"re Of the I Columbu", Lenav er or }) Jnd'l\nll. 81 Mr; aDd Mrs. Haro~ 'E arnhart Ihey lived In Now. Jersey a,n d PonD- 1 and children called 011 Mr: and Mfl. ylyllnlll, beforo the cOIll'ug of ,t he Cal'l Ba'bb and &on ,at XeDla SUDwbltOR. · ..J day Ilfternoorf, ~~_n_~_'
___ r__._.
Local Happenings
Whole Num~-;.3959
---. ___
The W. F. M. S. of the Methodist Ohurch met Wednesday afternoon wit11 Mrs. A. K. Day. Mrs. H. E. Hatliaway and Mrs, Kenneth Hough assistant hostesses. The. Rev. Jobn Lacy gave a short tulk c the welfare of tbe chu rch. A relldlng entitled "Russia Xmas Legend" was given b1. Mrs. R. D. Oollett. Mrs, Frank LeMay with the 'help of all the ladleB very effectIVely gave the "Birth of a King". "Mary Reed" was tbe subject of Mrs, Day's reading. and Mrs. Waller Sheehan read an article on the Qlj:mate ot'Indla. Mrs. Rnfus WalIttfllJ rlllHJ )1!1l11l N~ws. Qompanlon Thou&,htB" were ,Iven by Mri. Da'" and Mrs. Raymond Conner. Ml'II. D. C. Ridge rend "India the WonderCul" and the program W&8 concluded with a d!lIcusslon of the text ~o~-Moving Millions. by Mrs, KePIIl)th ",1>>>(11. Th{! I!ex~ Djeetjqg will be wltb Mr,.. H. H. Wllllam.on In January .
Mother's Club Meetins held
Clo " Meets
Waynesville Basketba....... llT earn Defeats Morrow
RelaUves and fr 'end s of M s, He 11 Harris S 'he:bler ot Sewif'k_ ley. Pennsylvan ia. were s ho cll ed 10 On Fr:day af ' r 'nonn, December hear of 'oer deal h 011 November. :10 2 tbe New Contu y club was en tor - u. tel' a Irr lef Illn ess of ten Ilays BAZAAR AND SUPPER L&jned by Mra. TIt t. Crabbe at tb Ifl'0I11 plleumonin at h oI' home Ii, home of Mrs, M ude erllne. Th e Sew lelll y. ~1 rs. Scheilller hull jU!i1 The [,:ulles' A III of the M . E. meeting was C6J1~d to order by the returned from n vls' t to her pare nt s I cillll' h will hold their annuli) president and embers' response Mr. and MI·8. Israe l :-; . Han ·s. in ' ;11; ,;1 111 a 8 buzalll' and ~uPJler at was 'Famous Homes. Dayton . Sh e!; a YOllug s n, to roll A few minute~ silence were Edward Harris Schei lll er. age MIx . UI'I1I1 e h all Saturday. Your choice observed as a ttll4bte to the memory 'her husban d William E, Schel·:lor. or n tlll' kH. goose .01' chicken SliP' of Mrs. Mary ",.ms. an honorary auditor of th e ni oll Trust o1Il_ per will hc so rved for 40 cents. member of tbe club. puny 0-( PIttsburg , her PilI' IIts. t wo frulII 5 Lo _, Also a nice assortment Sisters, Mrs. WIII' aJu G. G,' the r of The club vot,ed to buy $ 5.00 Dayton. and Mrs. Jamcs A. Ouvlrl' of hom emad e candy and al\ kInds Worth of Chrlst~as seals. son of W·nuetka. illinois. two of 11 edl work at mod crate pr:ces MrM. J. W. ard and Mrll. W. brothel'S. Joseph L. li nd ~'I'a nk J. E. Cornell were In charge of the Harris uf Dayton. ••_ _ _,..____•__...____...__.._....... I
LocaI H ,
Waynesvill e Varsi!.y brushed t ae cobwebs Irom those bas kets to beat Morro w FrldllY night for the !jIlt !;ume playe~ \V ,th a county scbool. The game wns tbe r;l8tedt and most exciting game tl1l1t WaynesI ville has plllyoll this year. Severa times durIng the game tile score waR Lied . T;,e Morrow tenm was trailing Ilt the hnlf 1:.\. 9 nnd at tbe end 21-) 9. The jUllior blg h boys played their opener when they defeated the Morrow t flun by the lopsided score of 30 to 11. The IIn e-hps were as fo!llows.
pl'ogram. The first number \VIIS U piano solo Lullaby. well re nd ered by RityIyn Crabb6. Mrs. Cornell gave a w9 r d p!ctl!r~ Of the bea utiful hCJlll o of Thqmas Jefferson. Montlccllo. an IlI'Ustic struc~ure aeslg netl by Jefferson h · m~lf. Rllyl yn ·· th en Hang "carry Me Back to Old Vir ' gIL ia." Mrs : Ward beIn g unall :e to be present. Mrg. Ie N. Hough r~l1 d ';11\:' lI'ell prepared PIIoP r on Mt. V rllO\! . the . bealltlfld 11\}n11l of C(!orl,l'J Wu!!b;ng~PIl. III 1 511 Mt, VernUll btlCj1me tjll,l prj)PiI~ty the AU. VerflQIl \,.alliel;!' BIiBoclntloll ol'g-uulzed b),. AIIP (Junl1iU,h~lll . . R!! )'I !1 clofj. ell tilt! pro/Jrllm tliaylllg trumpet solo !\C()oJUpa~lell II)' hQr Plolh I' Mrll. J . 1'1 . Orl\bjxl. IUIJQUl'llment del' cious ro.. frllshlDents were served to the 1D1llUbers alld gues ts. ft{l's. J. K Pre!!ton, Mrs. Glen Borden !lnd Mr . Harold F.4rllhal'~,
Mrs. Schelhle,· WD S a native of Wllrr 11 counly. 1"'lng UOI' II In t he lp~enlDgs . 1el{iDsey ilolll es tcnd ilL orwl I. I IInrl WII S "' gl'''lId-IIIII1~lltcl' of Ill e ,- .,- - - - - -.- IlIl e H~ nl'y onci Lyd lu All ee :'oIctll'.I' D'!I1ultl Coll ctt IItl~ndl'll II 80p110. McKinsey. She was II me mher n. more dnnce lit 11001 1 Ulllv t'rs ily the faculty at Lon gfell ow Br'iloo] ill 1"1' lIay ovenlng. OIl)tOIi foJ' several ycnrR 111'j ol' t 1: 0 1' mur riOge in 19:10 to 1111'.' Seh e _ Ol1r Inrge select' on of Xm 3s bier. urds now on dlsplllY W synesv lll~ Drug St,ere Inlj!rment was mad e ut A'Jeghe
:'~:::':d w::'.::::~':.::::: "~~:: '::":U'1d Vo, P,l< :~::;::.
oelll t.ery on Friday Decemlle ..
Collett P(' C~ tOIl
Mill er Clary Rulhel'iol'd
2 2
MI'. lind Mrs. Wilbur Stan 3herry Crank !I ucl da ughter hove moved Into the Volkerdlng urey apartment on North Street. Roblnllon
FG 1
FT 2 1
'fP 4 1
A }nrge ()rO~d ~t ~f[!a;( ~n" ino o o tere8ted frlellds attended the IIll{ht o 3 6 Fran k Winkler of Lebanon Silent Hal'l'l ~oll 2 o 4 meetlPR oJ I!l"lt 'rhUfSSunday with her grandparenta. Mr Kautz Hinkle day, BQIl"t1t,,1 ADd Iml)r~slve de. o o o !l lId MI·s. hUl'l es Alli e!;, votions w,re eo'"lul!~ea hy Mrs. Cbarlton 2 o ~1I 8S LIII ' II Benham s (:ent the Shephard Frank ~Ma)' . Tbelt! COllsl"ted Of o o o \\ cak ontl wi,lI Mrs. J . T. Deardoff tbe relldlD, ot "WlIy thl! Chimes fI" 19 A most imtbuslastlc mect: llg of of Lebnnon. RaD," pd lIeverll ot the Ohrjelma§ the W ay ne8\' I ~e Gurden club was WAY~ESV1LLE JR. HIOH Carols played alld sans b)' tlll! boy'" h Id al the home of MI·lI. John Miss Lncy Rice of Sallina spent FO FT TP Quartet whlch wal aomJlOaect 01 the PrestQIl • . Tueellay nftel'llooll with SUllday wllh Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Law. Daley 5 1, 11 tollowln&'. Frank LeMay, Jr. ona',most perfect memhl'r IIttendance r enee Furnus. Burnett o 0 o aId .(lollett, Charlot tc'lres and RusIo 10 5 lind BeVel'al gUOSts present. Three Mrs. Susie Evans entertalne Plllnck eJ f'rlUlk. A committee W&8 namC!d o o o ne w Dlcmbers. Mrs ; Blollc.le Miller MI'. and. Ml's. W. S. Grllham and Collett te) mll6t with (lOPllllltteeli from 2 1 5 I-~ MI·s. Glenn Borden untl MIS. Alva Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Frnzler ut dlnMcKeever other orpnlJAUOIIS to make plans 1 2 9 for A commullity Ohrifltmas tree. O· o o MI'II. l{.Mtys room alPl-In reoelved o o o tale flower box. TJte play bf tl\1! q1l1n o 2 1 foltows,Mlss Pe rl e Riley. president. ond Mrs. Elm r Kingsbury or Pnrks entlt'ed "Roverber-at!Jlg ReVelllll" W.\YNESV1U'E 'METHQDIST Mrs. John ,P reston, vlce-p os' dcnt. Xenill were SundllY e vening guestl- Earnhart o o o Wit(! -a '1!1'eBlQ trolQ thl! tlml! l\alpll Q}fUROFI . . of Mr. and Mra . MOl'I'ls Fulkerso:L SO ' Sun~)', Decemb"r 11. 1938., al:d Mrs, Ed LOI1.g'lcre. secretaryHAstillJI eDttr~ !Ul RumlnaUnl 9: SO Sunday SOllool treasurer. M1'8 . George mlth' gn y,\! Rachea. (110 heroine, untU the enll Do you like Turkey. Goose. MORROW JR. HIOH 0.:'\.0 ~!prn it ~P ;,. _ - an lntere Un, paRer on 'Birds' .1iJ!d. W~DllI' os &lae . . .UPNI'III..aa , FO icketh WJta,!1 t be trllnllbolPl<o.f""- FT TP ohUdr'" dllellMd fol' tM:d anet MUg Cont nU :llg the~.Pb'rlstmas serie s. leci In g:r~~p discu!l8io~ of our If BO come to the Grange 'ban Sat. ' Whitaker o o o G:OO Epworth .teaaae. state birds. A, wI:,ter recess was de- ni-dny e . eulpg.- 40c. "Poo,r papa": Harold. Whltal<er Fox o o o dared n.nd the next meeting wi:1 be 7 : 30 Evening Ser"vi()e pla-)'ed the pan of ,Robuat Ruaseh Bale 1 o II in March at the hOlQe ot Mrs. Frank Mr. a r t! M :·~. Warner ' MorriS Of Brunner -Poor Papa to perfeotlon Sl did MONDAY 2 3 7 F'nrr. The spirit of the Chr' stmos :'oIew Burli ngton 'lLtVe purchased Oonn.-:: er= --Kellar-Hoak a. Rudolph=tbe-v1llain 7: OO-Boy Scouts. o 1 z I season was brollgh t close In the ex- lhe Lce l.eminon IlroJ)erty which 18 WaYaoo Stanley BaIltY made an Ideal "baby" 7: 30 Orchcstra Ilract!ce. o o o c;,ange of gifts. Duhity I'efresh- OCf'Ullled by MI1l. E.I(!(!la Day ond and th~ Qthn all ClI\rrled their partl 8:0,1) Choir practice. 11 ments wel'C son ed by lhe hostess daughter. e"ceedlug~ well ; Reader. Rosa WED~ESDAY The Varsity will play their first aartsock. CbUelren. Adam MeJlob. 2:00 Friendsblp club wUl meet ass.sted by 1'4rs. Lena Hartsock . 1\: 1'. a nd Mrs. Carl Hesa and Mr. leogue game with carlisle, Friday James Harlalck. Chaa. Jamel. Hen- Witb Mrs. Elmer ·Sheehan. and Mra. Fred Baker .were Sunday December 9. There will also be a ry Burge. Raymon4 Braddock. I 7: SO Group I'ead(!t's will m~et at WAYNESVILLE VISITED aftel noon guesLR of Mr. and Mrs. junior blgh game. BY BURGLARS Lloyd Davis, Walter Sheehan. and the church. liTanli HellS. Low'ell Thomn&o Selections by the COMING EVENT Mr. nnd Mrs, MOI'n!! F'lIl1ler80n Two burslarles were reported to male quartet, ~mJlOlied of Russell Watch tOl' fltrthcr annOllftceHolliday. Robert Collett. Russoll ment about c~oir a:lrlstmus anthein bave taken plaee In WayneRville and rl htor Glell llll Mac were din. Frank and Howarct Fog[. and the service, and the CJbristmas enter_ wltil'n two days. Tbe ho~e of C. E . ncr g llC!lts of Mr. and Ml's. James Andel1lon on Third street was en- Dcam 01 Xen'a. Tbu :'81Iay evening. mixed quartet compoled of Vivien ta nment. , ConDer, Mary Eva LeMay. Donald _ _ _ __ t.e,r ed early Tuesday. the thieves 1\1\'. and !\irs. David Fink, Paul f the' The Missionary society Ool:t!tt and FraDk LeMay Jr. con- ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ga.nlng entrance by [orclng a door. Lin damood olld Ralph Bl'Iltlstrlltol Ferry and Wayn'esvi::.e OhUl'ches of eluded tbe program. $50 was taken It was stated . . h ft for Florilla ,unday to spend Rev. R. L. UcIckw(')l, Mlnistor The refreshment comm:ttee pa.lOhrlst met Wednesday, November Lnt~ Tuesday night Satterf.!1- the winter monl'lls. Tblrd Sunday In. Advent. 8e4 caudy aDd thuB brought to a waite's restaurant on Ma:n street :0. Ilt the home of Hel~n ' tUl'phy at 10 a· m. Cburch School. Mr. and Mrs. Hom sr Oe ,·,tllerag ventervl\lc. close ODe of . roe moat InterestlDg was robbed of $40. Tho proprietor. 11: a. m. Moro11llg Prayer and ---~ mee IllIs ot the Y"Ir, Clement SIIUerihwal t.e, suld he of Cinctnnati and Mrs. C. H. 1'he subjECt of the 'month'" pro_ sermon . found ,le back dool' open illld it !8 Dearherage we e Sund:,y 8uppe Tuosday 2 p. m. NUl1lery Church o{ all tho ugh t- the robbers were hidden in gUe8t~ ot Mr. and Mrs. !lORs Hllrt >·ralD was A.mer ~ cl1. ti,e hmd' ~ schoo\. Mr. Md Mr•. Ole~ McC;Uhbc!Q .nd "500" PARTY .Iatlons. . sock. the pi nee wll!) n it was c10s d for Frlday-4 p. m. Jrunior high boys. the. night. da ugp tel'. ot Pe.rrytOQ, TexBI, Wert The devotions Wll'e in ch!! rge of Oon\ fo~get to visit the · Elze~ Mrl. Oharlea Anderson W08 host_ JIIOIit. of Mr· and ~I'" J. Q. GODl! . V lr\!. MauriCe· A lelter .of ocknowHome Shoe Storc hefore buyinp lIevera) dan lalit week. , .. ess on T'outsday afternoon to mem- WAYNESVILLE your Christmas Cards; also see our edgemcnt for the receipt ot the box bera of her carll club. A delightful CHURCH OF CHRIST Dr. . E. Dalton Peele of Wllmlng The Rev. -and Ml'II. R- Llo,d afterDooD Of cards was enJoyed (u ll line of Hos :cI'Y. IIl1l1dkerc:.iefs .ent to the Ozark Home was read Sunday .)y Mrs. Brannock; ' also one from ton was a business v iai tor In t Is HaCk well were III SprlDlfieW The following persons r eceived a!JI fancy articles . and Aprolls. follo~.d by dainty refreshments. ir ble school 9: ilO a. m. he Women's Benevolent Associ&r vicinity Suntlay. urday . to attend. ~ C\lQr-ch I~ool Members aOO ,uClts present includ. A's for their second term gradl'8. Lords Supper 10:45 a. m, Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.aker anll tlon thaD king the society fOl" a conWQI'!1 11'118 ,bj!en receIved ot tile Inlltltute ttr ol8IV anc1 teao~er~ ' ed, Mn. Warren Brllddoak. Mra: Christian Endlllliror 7: 00 p. m. Sonlor-Mursie Gustin daughter Jelln and Perry Hartsock tribution. IIiMSII ot . Anlla Vll\lIOll wl!Q ,,, M Everett .Gust!n, Mrs. A. O. Griffy, Preaching 7: 30 ;p. m. Mr. and.' MI'!. Jlltl Tinney lett wc,'e guests of ·Mr. and Mra. Fred JUliior-M ary Eva LeMay prosen t COli valescln~ a~ the borne Tbe cocoanut WIlS opened n,nd ihe MNI. Joslab Da.v1s. Mrs. Jacob Wade S~rmon Subject, "Tollers of tbe FUr1IlI11 al an oYM ter Slippe r. S:1tnr. ~ ontents of $4.24 was ordere.d to be of her grandaughter, Mrs. Lane of Mopd;'y mornln&' t(jr ' Miami, Flor" Mrs. Raymond Mulford~ Mra. RusSophoDlore-Frlello. El 1l8 Night." da, wbore .they wi)l sP8l1d tlle wl~ . day evcn' ng. neal' Wilmington. s.e nt to the Philippines. The offerFI'clShmen- Frallces Johns. 'Marlon sel Bentley. Mre. Ed Hopk-lnB. Mra. Tuesday ter. ' - MI·s. Carrol Smart who hllll sut. Mal'f Hopltlnl, Mr.. Norah HQngh Mr. aud Mrs, IDm:t Brown nn·1 Ing tht, month was sent to the Re.Smith 811(1 Genev :ove Hadley. ChOir practice 7': 30 p. 'm . . Cered .Intectloll ot her ~rJrt Is ImItoratlon AssocilltioD. W,lma Smith Mr. and Mra. · Charlel And&rsoD 'and Mr •. Grace Smith. Wednesday. EIgbth Grade - Helen Hisey antl son: Q.lckie and Mr. and Mrsl Stlln. had chllr11;e of the program which , proved. and lOll ' Ha;old and Robert 'H,~ daugbter Phyllis loy Bailey llnd Prayer meeting ,;1.30 p. m .... Jean Hartsock. The Olark'lville ' basket\jall tel\m (ollows. were clt1Jner lue"t, Oil SUllday or (). E. NOTICE Thursday (Dec 15)' Fourtb Grade-Ann Weltz. Nao- were Sunday supper gUests ot Mr. plaY~d the local . team Baturdl\Y. Mr. and M~. CJa,eDce )lcOray of Work of Christian RestoratloD XeDla Area nleet:ng at Osborn mi Earnbart and Mildred Bourn e und Mrs. IrWin Mulford and cbl~T~e Icore wae 41 to 29 In f"vor ot CeDtenll., Association. Eva Burnett ; work of Miami Chapter 107'0. E. S. will church 7,30 p. m. Third Grllde-Po.tsy Baird. Belty dren of near Wilmington. Harveysbu!'i'. Association In Ar:zona •. Ruth Buruieet 1n regular seaslon ~nday Thomas. Yvonne Slubbs , Jlmmiel Mr. and Mrs..Iohn Fromm and . 1'he a.y.p;u. club lIIet at the Mrs. Fl0881, Carey and eh88- 'evenilif ' December, 11, nett; work III Soutbern California, FERRY CHURCH OF OHRIST Wel~: P;lyl\ls Burnett. Alldrey Ed- son Clyde . Wero Sunday guests ci ,'home of William Campbell SUDday ter M';I- Effie ~lI1Jth &lid Mia, LucJ 1 BerYl 'an4 Instn.)latlon Wi~ma Smitb; Frencb fie !d. M·r s. W. C. Smith, Mlnl,.ter. ... on. l\orma Longacre. Earl Rye. Dr. nnd . Mrs. RlIlph Vance and sop ev'eDlng. Emley w!.tb MI..· 84!t'tha 8D~. l¥~.M~JIIQ...a . Icers and In Frank F~x; by Alma Gerhard; SUDday Bible sl!boOI 9:30 a. Ill. of Wilmington. John C. Hawke Ser.ond Grade-Donald Lul(cns. e to be Whit lAlmb of FrankliD}ra~aact ter Carey of .,Dodd, eaJoYed SlIliell): of,. offl~re. All , ,ff sermOD by Mrs. Willis. CommuDlon 10!'t5 •. m . 'rEACHER'S MEET with Mr. and M~s. Carl, Hawke of ed ,)'Ushiess here Tu'eaday evenln;. d.lnDer wltlr ' Mr. JUid MIT. Harry' ~mlng otflcere. are urg d '. The next meeting will be held at Sermon 11:00 ', •. m. present. All members of tbe Or- The Wayne Township Teacbers Dayton were ' IIfternon guests of Dr. .. Mr. Ilnd Mra. Herman George of »mle1 of Ilear Dodd.. the home of M·re. Cora Murphy In ,~ .". der .... cordially '1IIv,ltetd. SermoD ' SubJect., "i. man full 0/ will have a mectlng De.ccl bel' 13 Rllil Mrs. Vance. near WlImlnltton visited Mr. and CelitervllJe. Mr. &lid M. N I. Mol'rla Nkenou Sara" Bnuldooit' W. M. the Holy Spirit." 'Our reYlvaJ will at 3:46 p. m. to discuss read: ng an(l ~trs. Har,ry McVay SUDda.y. · atteDded'tJie preview of the 'month Mlnn!e rtomm. Seey. start: the 9th of J'&/luary and con- a member of 'lhe Caculty of Cedal'Doub'l) ·bllln·k ela COc; single Mr. . aDd, Mrs· W. W. WII,on of WedDesdayevenlDe at ~ P"ytOD Ville College wl\I be in charge, of blankets 30c; straight curtaln8 fOc tlnue for two weeks .• FRIE.~DS HOME charieeloD, W were the weekInstitute of wh!cll Mr. Fulk~r. the discUssion. pa r; ruffl~d . curtains GOc pall'. en\! gueets of Mr. WllsoD'.' p8renta Art Junior Cl... Dan" Ion Is a member. NOTIC~ The men of the F.a cu!ly are at- 9 x 12- rugs $2.60. Let Quick CleaD- ' Mr. and ·Mrs. . Fosler £leacock'. .. Mr. ' and Mr.. Frank WI),on. :---,...~tending tbe WlLrren County School- ers 'help you' get your hOlDe ready Fr~a Harvey and RUby Berve were • Mra. ~ult1tr'" Ftte'" who .uitaill~d Mr. Bld[er. and . Robert Preston "wu bostes- to, Aooorliing to &!~no.D!lcemeut by master's Olub on Thureday at for the bollday season. 1<atlier'i!,e, In Dayton on Wedaesday. . and M·rs. Robert , leg and .hlp ,.I~jurlee 18 Ilowl, I~- dauM,hter Jd~MO . ~~n~",pes·ta membera of the junior cl... Irt hla Warren COUDty ~l'rea8urer George Soutb ' Lej16non. Mendenhall. Agent. . Mrs. B.rle~ . . Peelle ill not 10 . pl'~vl~\ ' . of r· an no . Ro~• .~er . r. tIom. Tueeda)' evening. naDCIDg to B.. Jobnson, b lIB :t.or the ~9118 real A committee COlls:Stlng of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond BraddOCk well at ' this 'writing. . on Sun_yo The occasion w.. the', • t of Bob Hymanl8 bl ua.e m ITJ' unH estate taxea ' will loot .be r.eady un- Dymond, ·Mr.: Ferguson. Mr. Brad- and 'daughter entertained. with a Mrs. LeDa C. Hartsock. calle,d at . elder goaker. rt_d.,.. JltMr-Boll' ..... the dlvel'lioll of the ill .oine ' tr~e after the flNlt ot tbe dopk, and Mr. Garilt 81'e oomplling family dluner on ·Bunda),. Those the home or Mrs.. narrltJfttlemeJ", eftiIJU-- '-J!fJlI: FeJ'l1l~n alld )leU. ,Sta_...!Dta . ill mailed, a JIst ~ books to be 8ubml~ 'present were Mr,,:::iiiHI Mrs. Frank In ' ~D. SIaDd.-N. t'ost acted ~ chaPel'Oll8 , Ute - meDUo1f"macli!; In all local pa-' tile 'AlUmni As~t!on so that the. Braddock, Mr. and M.... Frlld Brad- IIr and Ilra.H &rrJ ' 'I'Ian{w and Mn Wa.rren Brad. • ro~;"" 70.... fola. At a late tio~t the perl wbell collection Open8, Mr. AlumDI Hrgn8obool Reference ",t- d' oak , Mr. . , ell 011, the ...... . DUtI . . . clCIIII an4 all Jota- JohnlOn _Id, U1d aDyone Dot ra. brill")' may 800n JQ. .DtO etf~t. dock and da~ter Belty aud JIJ"II1'I. ean.tJD ......u.,.: .. III t21.,~. Robert fo.. Ida .... cel~IIl' a .boald noUf'l Bebool offlcial8 pre jub:laDt ~ver and Mrs. William Doster and obIld :: ..... Owni.o_.'~1 tile ~""a that the ' the pro.pect. of Hcurtn, needed ............ . "&d~'" lb. stud . . . .,.. DJ'O(I8I' add be .....tareeL I releND. tor oar . libraI', throu,h ren. _ __
Garden Club ' Met ' 1 uesdav
Missionary' Meeting
to •
Th........j, Dec........ It.
-- • -
win 1lIl' nu(ucnn',,, g(· 0 I.' I.nd nrm "' 1" ' _ Ilul'l.8. It wus s ~ HI that l.: , xl c , d . cli mb In Ind u. try wi il not lik ely Wahi!sville, Ohio Maln s treet Phone \12 The Ohi o Stat e 1\,-Chaeologlcal reach t e heigh ts at tain r !1 111 19 7 En~~d-1tlSecond ~fail Ma tter at ,Postottice, WaynavUle, Ohio nnd Hist orical Rociety In o- o~ra- I because there will ' be 'I' S~ I\(h ' nf'\ d tlon with the Quaker :\{emor illl ~,s- \ bu)'ln g and Ie. s hll .'ill~ I hll!'d 1, )1 WAY NElS VHJ.JEl,O, Ph one 30 Flora M. ra~e Editor so ' lal inn ot ~ I t . Ph' :\ S:Hlt, hlo, " III In,· ut orieK, but t.lut lit ,1'1 n IIf Mrs. R. H. Has ti n g , S ociety Editor . ' ._ . . , , Ph o n e 45 J:( 1 1 spOllsor a progl'.llll or puhlic sub- t h '~p f:\l·t ra wli I e! i n nut ' 0 ue , f I • 8cr l11l 0n to raise fu nd s for lbe de- tit do ngerll of n rl' >llcon R h :I R vl' lopm nl of Ih l! Ohio Vl"arl y MI' t- 1\ (' 'unl'!1 Insl y ar. Ing House projec t at It . 1'1 Jsa nt _ _ _ .r iption Price, $1,5 0 Per Year, Payable in Advance 1\'1, I' 'v 1\1,' 11 hy H II ry'. S.Irtl'on \l'pt. SlI ltl'ucl II . S'l UI1'CH Il ~ tbl' dIre tor of (h arl'hu oIOJ,:ic'o l 111111 ~ tll t r (lj vi siun Of ha n' !I a Lii hU lt k ~lI...:. hi>ltoricn l .)rgll uiw t j(,II . TIl!' h l~lO I' ' unnoUIll'e!1 t ha t he ' . ill a . p, II" e t e I\lt.. tln~ lI oulIe wa s bllilt I2ft yell S ap pli fi t Oil :; uf I!Ultu hn n l' ~ to I.ur ago by the society of F'rienll s of the (' hase st'h cool fOll nda l illn II tes' 'lI• '0111<) Ye:, r l), i\1 ~etill l: wllll hu,1 111 ' _ \ s II ed hy Il. e ,'br 01 ~ h"ll ' II. c r 1'!lll' gra ted to Ol1 io cur:'J In Ihe n nc- lC IILi oll In /l ntil'IIHlli ,, " of Ihl' fO llr th I ROOT FQR AND C"'ONSIGN t nth celltu ry. "T ,le bu ild in g !tHe'f q uart r's l' ve nu e u nd er l .: e iclto .. 1 , ) our Ca ttle . h!,g!!, sheep 8 1. ~ calv .. D:rector b Irone S!l ~ , " Is 1 In. ' totludll iion fuu d . 'r u t omp' y with tc Norrie- Brock C.... Ih'p "' lr~ and tr lcate Yll lue us a n outstll nlll.lg ex the Inw, Mr . Squi re poin'( ct ou t. it prag reKslve flrlll f 'lr the hlghell1 mllrket pri ces Ind I[(lod lIervlee. amp~ of colonial Quaker a rch l c('.1 wll) be neceSsa ry for thc banks tel • Mon da y D e cemb r 12 Uni<>n St ..clo Yard.' Cindnnatl, 0 tn re, wh ile the Y arl)' Mee, t I ~ submit fOI' IlHI!. npr l r ill ions w th ll. Tune 1\'1 on n adlo Stati on WCKY wh ich It hO llsl'll I" h rla:,ell fulI .desn tlll lo11 t1f l II! IHH Il C uml l'te 8 ;00 M u :-; ic a nd an n ounce me nt of pro g r a m . 12 :21\ to 12 :RO Jl . m to r 1u r d_n" throug hollt Am r iea n QU tl korclom mll(UI·!t y elate in Cl I'Ii I' 10 111111,0 thc I marke t reportll. .;05 4-H , Ne w s fro m Natio nal C l ub Co n g l:esfl-M if'!" lis l hc mot ill!" meetin g of a I In'· t 8 tm ~ nt . Prev touHly Director Eo. ~ Friends' me t ings wcst of the ;\ 11 , N. Di(, ll' lr h of t hc sla le clepar tm ent Ma~aret SuUayan, Melvyn OoUSlal, Joan Crawford Hulda Hoi'st . A fls t, State 4-H C lu b L e ad e r . Ill1 luchla n mountuills. III 3 11111 (:0 11 , ot mill culloll hud [l ," ntcll lI ut llol' ty in "The ShIning Hour" S ' 15 ur FFA's C o n ser va tion P )'og r m-Fut ure Farmer s Ihe ~ l e(! tll1 g h ClUse Is loca led in a I to th u boa rd s of u,luca li on to 'sslIe The year'. (IneB ~ pas t IS asseulbled In the mightiest love drama of a decade. "The Shining Hour," 8tarrlng Margar et Sullavan, co mmullity I'cpleta wit h s ites Im_ notes to (h uxh'ut ut $11,4311. 0 I of Ameri c a , Stu dents at Hills boro Hig h S r:noo l, d ir e cte d pol'tll nt not only III Oh 'o a nd Qunk- ' If needed. Melvyu Douglas and Joan Crawford, which will open !lot the Xenia tbeater In Xenia, Sunday, December 11 tor a three day engagec l' history but il lso in th e w,der I - - by P~lUI F . P ul s e, I n s tr u c tor. ment. . In ord er to provide f or lon!;'_ fi eld of Am el' l 'a u history ." T he In "The Shi ning HOllr," Joan geta out her dancing 8hoell once 8;25 C o l u m bus C h a m b e r O r c h e tra. more and does the rhumba and numerou. other dances with the IIl'OIlO!! 'd !Ievelopmellt , which wl!1 t e r lll plann ing o f 0 11 10'" hi!,: hw,·y world-famoWl Tony de Maroo. The .tory c:.enter. a.round a. dazzling I'cq ulrc ext ns:v c r epnlrs on t;IC co nstru ction progr am. IC l;iH la ti on 8 ;35 T h os e S k y P ictu r el';-t h e C Oil 'le II a ti o ns - H . E!.. E s· 0 New Yark cabaret dancer, who tiring of the glare of the 8pot, hull .li ng proJlor. wi ll cost $25, 0 , proposing t he c reatio n of a Rt at e . lIgh t, marries a wealthy farmer. Complications enlue when her il \l'IlIl es timate" I. ew i ~ Lupto n of highway ('omm 'lS81011 of I h !'(~e or husband's famll,. resente the presence of the dancer In the famwine, Natu ra lis t. 1Iy homa. Mt. I'lcns Il nt hns been named chuir- f ive III mbers wi ll be sul!m llteli to I 8 ;4 5 Tips on Keepi n g t h c H o u.' e W a rm-G. R, S h ie r, nnlll of the 6ubsc rlpUon fi nance the 93 rd geuera l llssembly next J un _, ~~~~~~~:::=====~=~~============= Phone 78J com millee, Director Shetrone sai d . UUI'y by Govern() r -elect J oh W. Agrl. Eng:, Dept . I Bri ckel', Mr. Bl'ieke r revealed. The , 8.55 T u r k ey Market News- Re p o rts f rom O hio t urk e y A dec; slon tha t WSS term ed 11 prollo sell comm lsl3loo. form of hl g h" world-wille pr cedelit regardi ng way development hilS been advocat · t r a iser s, Mr. nud Mrs. Ern est Mannon and the pur ity of wllter" wa s hunded ed by severnI organizut ons Includ_1 MI'. and Mrs. J esse Rola lld, Mr. G. W. Da v!s were Sund.a y aftern oon 9 ;00 C olum b u s C hamber Orch estra . REAL ESTATE down by the Sup I'crn e Court of Oh io' tng th e Oh io Grange li nd Oh' o Fa rm I lIud Mrs. P. J . Thomas• .Mr . a nd callers at the A. B. Talmage hom e. wh ' lI th e Sl:!vell judges ull an ' mously Burenu federa tion . It was sa itI , Mrs. ' Lawrence Thomas a nel da11gh. 1\1I'll. Mnbe!1 Terry of Columbus NOTARY PUBLIC 9 ; 10 T he A g r ic ultura l Adju s tm e n t Pro g r a m fo r 1939- ag r eed Ihlll Obio r esta urant and t.ers, Mrs. Laverna Faul and Wilma spent over Saturday un til Monday ~lm er F . K rus e , C h a irm a n , O hi.o Agr!. C ons ervatio n Co m . hotel ownors may be responsible Thomas attended the f ltneral of at. her home, her . Mr. ond Mrs. ·Or_ rO r t he pur ity of th e wal eI' they David Pope at the Meth odist church la ndo Brannlln or Xenia. spe nt Sun_ 9 ;20 R e u lt f rom Manur ing W h e at in W in ter - Earl serve with menls It the water · Is at Centerv!)Ie Sunday, Mr. Pope da y with he r and th e Terr y fa mily. J ones , Ext. A g ronomis t. f rom priva.te wells. A Franklin was fo und last Thu l'lldoy In his G. W. Da vis pass II s everal days County relltaur&.nt keeper had been Ila rn wh er e he had gone to do hIs lllorning work, He had been in in r ecentl y In th e ·home of hl a daugh9 ;3 0 T he Y e ar's P r og r ess in Prod u c t io n C r e dit-J . E, slled I>y n. cu st omer fo r Illness li nd ter , Mrs. E rnest 31annon and Mr. ' P 1'0 d u c t Ion ' ~'l o l'e tlla ll, 40,",00 students f rom he;alth fo r some Ume. He is surGarrison , C r e dit S u p e ri nte n d e nt, O h lO ·C r e d 'It a ll egeJ)y guftered a f ter u Ma n'non n.ea r Wilming t on . partak ing of a meal and water . It a ll par ls of lhe wor:11 have rccelv- vived by his widow, Mr s. Clara Pope Mr. and ?tirs. P~r y Wel1s .h ad as A ssns· was claimed t haI the water, draw n ed tqltlon-free training a t T be an ti two children , Everett Don nh ue a viSitor In tbelr home last ' Thursfrom a private \yell \vns " polluted Moody Dible Inst itute of Cllicago, of Dayton and Mrs. Sy lvia Trout 9 ;4 0 'Co l umb u s Cham b e r Ol'c h e tra : day. his brother, of Hamil ton. unw holesome and contai ned quanti- foun ded 52 yell'rs ago by . D. L. , of Tre ton. Mr. Dnd Mrs. Almon Ferris ha d Mr. u n ~ Mr s. Sidney Pope were ties of bacter ia." Tlle court of com_ Moody , noted eVlinge)l st, In these R.'! UI Ir Sundn y ditlO cr guests, Mr. mon pleas and the court. of appenls yea rs t hou8llnds of grll(luutes h. ve ' supper g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Law - and Mr R. Georgo Bec\,et.t a nd son d ided In f a vor of t he def eudant. ente red s pecial Chr llllian sery 'ce as ' rence' Thomas Fr 'd:lY evening. Charles William, of nellr B~ n c he 8T he questions presented to t h e 8UP- pas to rs. evangelis ts. , t ea chers , I'll !:: a nd Mrs. P. R WI cal called te r Dnd Mr. and M.l's. reme court in the II.PPtlr were ; when dl rector ~ of Chr'lsljan education, on ,Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Burton Tu esFerrI s. • II. r esta urant k~ pcr ' ser Ves' a gos pel song leaders, a.lId Sunday da y evening. • The Clarksv ille Home and School . ~===~======================::::!: complete meal lind wit h that meal S chool supeJ(,lnteDidents and tea Ch-I The Jllmes W ;cnl family called on League Is sponsorIng a n amateur "Keep t h e fifth m a n a live" se rves drinking water. Is there an el's in churches ,of nearly all de_ Mrs.. Wlcal 's g reat-gr andparents contest a t the Cla rksvlJle gymn nsTh t h e' s log an wh ich is n ow being e m p loyed in a implied wa rranty that the' water is nomina tions. Mor.e. than 2,1 00 have : 1\Ir, and . Mrs. . Job n Sheets at ium on December 15, fo ur cOSh ! , e duce t h e n orm a lly h eavy w inte r a' utomobt' le fIt for huma r\ co ns um pti on If wa- gone out liS missi onaries to 70 for- Springboro Sunda y afternoon. d "ive t o r. coun tries under various I.,ittle Geo rge Mark a nd Ma r y prizes t~ he g iven: $2.00. $].50, $1 .00 , • ter .a f ood wIthin the contempla.. elgn accid ent t oll b y a t l east 2 0 p er cen t. t ion of the pure foo d and dr ug law s ehUl'cb ' board ., T~elv\l of Uler.e Frllll cis Hartsook are llpending thl8 and .60. ThIs Is limIted to only ' " , If t h e U nite d Stat es c an k eep u p t h e p a ce set in the of Oh io? The high court rev rsed have met dea th aIs mar. yrs, but 1,_ weelt with t Mi r gran dparents, Mr. Clarksvill e dIstrIct contest!,nls The llome of Mr. W :!II Vtuars, of fi r st ten m ont h s of t he year, t h e 193 8 deat h t oJI will be the j udgment and remanded the 400 are stili on the f ield. a nd Mrs. Joe J"lIer.. Spring H+ll, WIIS opened to tlte 8,000 less t h a n 193 7 ' s, W e a r e iJl t he mid st of the c ru c ia l case to file common plens co urt f or l r. a n rs . •Lew ·s Wlcal spent member s of the Olive B r~n c.l Ladies a new tri a~ The a ttorney repre- the Ouy and F}vening Schools aud T hu rsday eveni ng nt the Pete WiAid society Thursday a !t cr noon. Aiperiod n ow. D ecem be r i s alwa~s a b~d ,m onth, And, look- sen tl ng t he pl aintif f saId that the 13,000 wer e enrolle d In tte Corres- -c~1 bome. -' i n g into n e x t year, J a nu ary , F ebruary a na March, wit h case sets a world Wide precedent In po ndence School. The Bible Is . the R ev: a nd Mrs. Carl Sm ith were ter the bus ineSS of the day was illa. ( J)Oseti of the annual e xcha nge of s now, ice ,(l nd s bort days, c ons t itu t e a p e riod of ma ~imum the matter of purit)' of, water, and ' 1ll'incipal texthook, but courses a re Xe" la s hoppers Monday. Chrlstitlll8 gifts were enjoyed. h a z a rd, that a tt or neys ha d sought va inly off er ed in Sunday S~hoo ~ AdDlln 's- . Emma Lou Lewis .and Obarles B. Rural electrification has just r eboth In t his country and abroad tratlon, Gospel Music. Pu blic LewIs cal led on Mr. and Mrs. For. cently become a ren.l lty In th ~ s co'lnTh e organ i z ed s a fety mo ve ment h as r e a ched a high for some prece4ent in t his sort of Spe.llk lng, Home EconomiCS, Man - est Tr ost Wednestlay evening. The munlty. when the llomel! had , ljg;lts p oin~ of effic iency" The tec hnique of a cc ident reduction case. ua l Tru lniog" Homiletics, Apologet.. Lew Is ' a r e lea'v i :g for 'Florida soon. Installed. Those who ar e now enhaa been a m a zingly peife d ed. Sporadic, des liltory, loIcs, Greek, Hebr ew, unll meclical Mr . a nd Mr s. P. J . Thomas and j oying t l\is lu xur y und convenience Pl'cdl ct!on ol impJ'oved Ohio busi- subj ects for miss 'onllry worlc . Vel'r:on FOl'llyce were supper gu~sts a re : Mr. a nd Mrs. Howard McKay, ca li zed afe t y campaigns h a v e prov e n a lmost worthl e ss. T:lel'e aro HIrtlE! terms 11 Yllll r- of Mr. Hnd Ml·S. Fonl yce ill West Mr . and Mrs. Ha rold McKay. Mr. I n stead , t he s a f ety ed ucati on mo:vement, s upported by the ness IInti fa rm prospects dul'in g 1939 WIl S made In the IIllllua l fore- tall , win ter . and Elumm er . An lIIu- Corr olto n Sund ~ even:ng. and Mrs, Almon F erl'le, Sherma n cas u~ lty, i n s urance indu str y t hrough its National Cons er cas t ' of fue de par tment of rural strut d ca taloguc will b e mailed on MI8s Lois Anderson, w'bo has Ferris ; Mr . ami Mrs: Harry Cline ," ati'on Burea u, stat e g ove rnm en ts and num e rous commer- economics of Oh io State un iver- rcquest. Ad dre~s ; 153 Institu te been stuy 'ng Ilt the, home ot Rolla and Berna rd J ordan. cia l and nOll-c omm e r cinl gro ups, is attemptin g , with a sity. 1'h'e principal pr emise in the Plllce, Cbi cago, ' 111.. Bolton. WU8 called to Piltsbur g S unA. H· Stubbs. funeral directOr ond Il ay by (.:Ie serious Illness . of her hig b ,degre e of s u ccess to r e ach eve ry .motor is t every d ay. prediction was t hat illdustr' a l con. cbl:clren Yvonne and Wm:lIm, of mother . . dltl ons lind consum er Income will T hus, t he safe ty e x per ts a r e doing all the y can-and rise next Year and thiY action Buy yo ur C hr ~ s tmas now. Mr. a nd Mrs. W . O. Smith and 'WayneBv:lJ e, wer e callers In• this CilmmunLt y Thursday. They pre" t h ey are doing th e bigg e s t and best job in t heir hist ory . two daugllters took dinner with Mr h lb ' It I I tid . 1 . an(\ Mrs. Hubble Thursd~y .s nted t e r eaut u ser p ura e• Low IllItallotio. COlt. $9.7S puu 'th e res t -a nd t his is s om eth i ng y ou c a n't re peat too often ' .....;;:,;-1Bigned cal endar, w'll lch has 1\ ver se "Pyrofax" Gas Service in your IIlome.-- - - - - +--:l&ott:t!tl'dn::m ~...r......,,_"""=~ - i li P t o the lllot or:st a nd t h e p ed estrian. Th e saf ety ~, ce lit til e Ferry cllur Ii of scri pt ure {or eac h day In th e No..~oipment service expense, ~m' Sunday was 135, offer in g , $49.78, parethiswith $50to Sl30instaUauOQ worker~ can offeJ' y ou a d v ice-· -but t h ey ca n 't o p en YO " t' Gues ts of Mr. and Mrs. Coy, year ('or our ril ed ilatlon. 'Ve wIsh . charles (or undersround s)'ste~1 ,. . BY. ELIOT JONES~' to Ulank Mr · Sttibbs IIncl family 2 ear s a·nd e y es if yo u inr::st o n ne :n e cl e pf I}.n d bl ind, Th ey ' \• Gillia m for supper Thurstlay even• reoaoMlcol to •••. Including contheir gift. ' . tor ca n y ou t h e :road t o s nfety':"""b u t tl~ ej' c :: n't mak e Profulor 01 T,.",..por&allon and Public lJlIlIIla Ing wel'e R ev. a nll Mrs , Car l Smltil sumers w h0 use 1arge amouou 0 f gas,
·Joan r.,rawford Dances Again
State Capital News
Dr. ·H. F.--- Dye Veterinarian
Farm Night Talks, Dec. 12
Martin r.Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio
Beech Grove
J. B. Cbapman
Free T ra i ni ngFor Youth
y our War
py I '
GAS SERVICE gives you ·AI:t"
of these
.- Pnee • The T wo"
SlaIIlord VnI"er.Uy
yo u t a k e it. T h is w a r is y o ur w n r . It is be ing .fo l;g lit Lo S :' VI! ~' o ·. r
life. t he lives of yo ur f rie n ds and f a m:J ic. , YOUI' p r t1 pel't::. Enlis t in it no w . ,
A n e di t ori al in th e New Yot"lc T im es , 0 :1e of A mc r 'c :1' f o r e m ost D e moc l'nLi c f1 a i li ~s, Rn y s ; "A gr c at num :~ e l' o f Am l':c n m i hav e ·be e n c 'l c oll r a ged to b e li e \' e t h a t it !S PORs ib le t o g r ow r ic h e r b y w orki n g l ess a n d by p rodu c ing Ie . that it is t h e p ro pel' bu.s iness o f a g o v e rn me n t ·~ o sub s id i z e la r g e num ber s o f its p eo pl e ; t h at t h e r e is a n inexh a u stib l e s u pp ly o f m o n e y which c an b e u s ed e n d , le s sly for t h is pu r pose; t hat t hos e w ho a d v is e g r eate r c a u tio n in t h e e xp. nd it u r e o f p ublic f und s, or who u rge a rel axa ti on of r estl:ai nts w hi c h n e edl essly h a ndica p private e n terp rise. ar e m e r e ly 'du ca l o ve rlords' who s t a nd in t h e wa.y o f a ll prog r e s. Th e d a n ger s in v olv e d in s u c h a co u rse as t h is a r e a n e v e ntu n l b nnkrup tc.y o f th e Nat i on ~t1 G overn men t ' a nd . e n coura g e m e nt of 'class' pr ej u d ic e 'Wh ich ou g h t to h ave no p lace in t h e U nit e 'd S t;ttes ,"
the n poin t s o u t t h at the ' l ast e lection in dicates " the A m e rica n peopl ~ r e m ov ing t o ward t h e midd l e ,o f t he
The peqJ>l e w a n t so cia-~ J'e~orm , wher e it is n eces s a ry. 11\ . ' ant a d eQu ate-p-ro'visio n m ct~ r t h e n ee dy _and
t he ei~l)' , BUt at t he' 'a m e ti m e ' th e y wa n t t o .k e ep our inatitu.tioua, and o ur d e m o c-ra t ic h. r ita-ge, ' in vio b te, Disregardina' a ll politic I pur t:s, n f h ip, t h n t's t h e bC~1t news In 10" 1B1.
.' an(l family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hubble. In ita endeavor to achleve -a tIils would require Ul IDOnDOUSItafr, planned earlculture" the Adm!n1IObviously, It would no\ .wile. to J'he W . C. S~ ' th s wero'l11 Cinein traUon hu tried out I1WI1 lChemea. make ODe InveJt\Ja'l.loD of each ap. natl , Fl'iday. It hu experimented with crop re- pllcant, for an applicant'. ecoDomio r No ..more wl'j' Ferr y ho'\ r t hat ItrlcUon, acre- .tatua mJaht improve .utllcfent!7 ·to · a,. allotment., take hIm out ot the lower third. The , markeUna quo- Government would therefore bave ' taa, dollar de- to Inve.lltigate more', or I. . contlnuvaluation, cub ously the Income ot the lower third, IUb.ldlea; crop not to mention thOR In the lower Insurance, the bracketa of the middle third. · ~ purcha.e of would mean many Dew government lurplu. com- Jobl, more red tape, end more clau modlU", and divisions. A 80rry pf'OSpeet Indeed! export dumaSupporters of the plan ..., tbat'u Ina. NotwlUi- a matter ot fact we calready have the ,tandinll then tpo-price syatem In Induat1'1. Tel.. measuru the Ifaph eompanies mallelower chara- ' prices ot earl. for n13ht letters than , for daJ' ,tele- ' ~~ralareP!?~I·l arama; telephone eo,mpanie. char,e • leu for lona dlatanoe calli at DlCht . low, and there than durlnll the dillY; and electric , Is much dillOn- IIl1ht comparues have .~ ratee tent among the farmers. Some new for eneray taken oft thl pen. . Icheme must therefore be evolved.. True eno"~", bu. ..... _... _ quite L u The new .cheme· 1s the two-price ....... ...... .. QU>o system, an arrangement whereby cer- ferent from the two-Ilrlce .yat:!!! protaIn agricultural "roduCII and the posed by the Department of .... Ieul. goods manufactured trom them wUl ture. One important clUfel'eDcell that. be offered to those on relief and to the lower charges of the utWU8I .p. ~ . I r L, ' others low Income. below tl\e "Iy at perIods ot low uae, and. ere do- ANNOtrNCl NO"~.' '. market prloe. Instead of dumplnll our signed to promote a fuller utllhaUon . , surplus farm products abroad, to the o( the company', fac)lllties. Tbe low tlle tac;t t)laf Tp, e M,lami ' G~ .· ette i& are oprn to t1" Gill/OM, by ' now atila t otfer. anr. a.It~ed lerv i e..l. I, . be ne nt ot. tore Ign eonsumers. It ,.. rate. brln"'n"ln revenue ,' ''' wouldand 0." •• proposed that we dump them 'at ... .. ,. .. w, L h home, Bnd thereby help, say. Seer.. willi be unrealized they make polo to ,~ t s readen." pe flfJNDER, t . e tary Wall.ace. ·"the lower"thIrd 01 ourllble a reduction in rates 'for the,.... Nation's m6at . wl~eJ1 reed news people," malnlnll customers. Tb. two~pri~ . , "t , I The dllftculttes that woUld be en- .y.tem of the Depalitqlent of Aari· magaf:i. !!' n~w oocomll8 ~~ addltlo. ncountered In 'admlollterlDIl a two- culture; however, ·la d~ to rail. al feature of our !l1~e8.d'y w.ldely price system .are staggerine, ape- the price ot agricultural productl, to - per, We a.r e hanny to tell clal1y If the Secretary 01 A8rlcUltllJ'e the detriment ot the !l9l\1umera. wbo .,.. .... really Intends to apply the plan to are not made bene8c1art_ ot the y~U tba.t we CIUl 'olfer you a year'~ "the lower third," l'here are llteraU1 lCheme. 8ul)scrlptlbn to TIl~ Miami Ga"tte le who do' not tall 1D Another dUference II thAt"the two, ·...._1 ti t The mIllion. 01 the category 0 the lower third, but price sy.tem of -the Department of f LUB a yea~1f IU.-.. P on 0 who would like ttl obtain the beneftt AatlcUlture will Impel" a bu.og bur. PATJ.fiMNDEI} . for th'e barga:D 01 theJower p~lees. NaturaUy thlY on.. the tax~1'Ii, ' tor~11' wW pric.?ir, rn ACcept tbls' offer WDuIif have to be prevented trom do- have to make up lbll dl1rerence be. • . _ t Inll 10. Probably the GovernmeDt tWeeD the price paid to the rarmar you Immedtatet:y ~o ~ n tbe raDka or , would have to ,uppl1 to the lower and tha reduced pric:e at wblch ~ be moat InteJU, . ;lt a\!.ll progre.. third • card certlfyinll that they are IOOdI are IOld to "the low.r third. 'TIll I .ntllltKI to the lower prlCt!l. Before The pollC1 01 rate dUlrerentlatloll 101. slye people ID the Dallol,l, • a 1.~~lna the card, however, the Gov- lowed b1 the uWltle!lo OD lbe either or a llbJ~ tlllle o~ 110 £e:1d 10ur ernment would bliv, to IDvesUgate hand, Impc)lel DO btlrcleu IIU...... rder t il ILboal clem, ' I' c:arefJIll7 the avpl!('lIrotr.' income. aad OD the tilXpa.vera. • wr___ _ r.
the a"crnao 'c;o.t of "Pyrofu" Gas ~n Waynes vill e area tn ~93 7, was onl y '2.04 per oonsume r.
'3 '
• U.lfol'll'lly HIIIII Qaalltw. Pure 185 ->wI a ntiXlllre-mlide from the clean~t, hottest pIIrt of naNtil g85. "Pyrofax" 'Gas maintains COnllant pressure in coldest weather witbout beang buried underground,
4. G. . Service fllat' •• '-oll.tlc.
" Py~t'q" Gil;' r'egulatinl equipment provides contanuous Bow of gas automatically.* Installed quickly willHnd 'any digging,
5. G •• S.",ly tllot', ' •• r .....d;
Prompt, reliable deliver,r service. Fo. ture I1lpply of "Pyrofax' Gas guaran~ teed hi wr"hlg by Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Coworation, which, with the associated' units of 'Union Carbide ,and Carbon Corporatioa, is the world'. olilesr and Jarsest manufacturer of _.-I
comp~ IP.Jft.
, ....
1 '.0'W.~ .1\1'1. D'.TES!· iii
~ia1'-""'-a"· le· co ' '~~ ...... OIICI . . ."-b ... RI'I .... ' ' ' ec..umus for cooldo, an oM or more Otber ~ audI U Wala beatin. and ..J..:_,._ tfoo. Ask us for deta.l1I .......'!".". of these ·~"inp.,., ' *~.wIiaaak cIeYIi:e ojIdOoaJ-ODl,. .,' _ _
' . :-
it.... E., Sny..dar. & Son B1.ANOP lilSTJilR, ' .---'
. Jtal
, '
Thunclay. Decem'ber I
-c-~:. ;u.=--= ~t=y:: : :=C ;:·==o===u=r=t =N=ew = s =~I
IOldest O. E.
Mrs. Hetti e y l'oselhllor h ilS OIDlllon Plens \)roug ht 811tt In CUUI·t a gn lns t FlOI' nee Baum gart_ II';;', LO!II 1I 011,Iin i JIIlln lI ard ·IIS. UOllnld rton II l1d Virginia SW !lO U-
Curtis Evans haa entered a I\1lt for divorce fr~ Ad ~ le Evans cl/arg:n g · ,r08s neglect. harglng n eglect to provide, Anna Morle Levy, through her attorli llY, Robert W . Brown. has ente red sui t for divo~e from Alfre.d ·Ben.
Y. t cnonltl ill NliumOl1 with th e I.illlnt·j"f. to · pal' tltion two lots In forl'ow . !:la lmln g It'glll r ' gllt to te ll-tllil' ty s ixt h or th pr ' 1I11 9cs "Il ri ll inlleri tH nce [rom ill'r hroth el·s. U o\'g l! und Th omas Holzlln .
WN.SEARS 1 REAL EST ATE \ INSURANCE AUCTIONEER ==== - - - . ~.=..=-='-"-'
Vy.::~:o~~::!~~r1~. .: . :.-A~~~::=;~~~~;~~
On lb e ground s of g ross lIegleet Ja min r... Go''-Ie Alexander luIS filed a dlvorce suit against Dewey A;exund-
' 1' .
Irmu Ka uchel' has brought a d ' vmce s uit aglilst Ralph Eugene Kau cher . whom she cba rges w:th gross neglect. C. Donald DllatuBh ill her attorney. Clnim ing $3.000 due. Beulah Rin ehurdt ha s flied , suit for foredosl1re of mortgage against Her_ mou J . Bothe. Clare Borile. Nell' e Dny. Thomas C. G~ ss. Mll'lom , Gloss a nd Adolph Wolfe.
Patron Dies .
Toblns W(! lnstl' lIl . !le,. h p, li ~ "cel to ue tbe oldest patron of lh ~ I'd r of Eas te!'n tar In Ihe l Jnl\ r d tntrs· (li Ed Tuostl llY in the 011 ' 0 M I\~o ll" c hom In Sp l'ln g fi E'lfl . li e 111111 hl'l ll 1I11111itteci tli re S VI'Il YP:'I'S a!(o CI'o m b nyton lodge ' .17 . F'J".'e !Inri Acce Pt ecl Masons. Wein stei n. a III mber of th e MI.1Sllllil' Ol·t\ r fol' f,8 ycal" ~ . is BII I' V' I ' t h)' !l Il nug ,lter. I ~~ ~t-lIl1 W :n OI UIll I. UH. !'unern l SCI' s t in. of v\t-es wi ll be held In CollI lIILnr s.
-e. '
ti l
1933·1937 Fiv"Y'1t Av.rlO.-233.000,OOO" bush.h • ·
FRIGIDAIRE with the METER·MISER eavel .nouch to Pay for ltulfl
SA VE ALL WINTER I • Ask any user! A new 1938 Frigid. airc with the Meler·Miftr saves 011 current, food, ice, and upkeep- pay. for itself! Gives you the 6nesc in refrigerat.i onl Buynow mrid enjoy Frigid. aire's protection, coovenience. t d economy for years to come!
PropoRli lfl wll'l he rerelvp,l 01 I he offlf'e or th o Seeonfl AS. IlIlant Postm ,18tor Genera\. I OSl Offi l e Depa rlm en t. unt il 4.:10 P. Ill . of .J a nua r y 2.1. I n:l!l. fo r' ('anYing tht:' mlli ls of Ih e I' nit (I SII1I Ol\ from
!l)COIIN INOUHIUU IlSIEARCH FOUNDAT.:JN made Into breakfast foods. Athougb about nlille-tentbs of tile COMMON P LEAS PROCEEDINGS total annual crop II fed to anima If on the farm where It Is grown. . l ---------- " la exchanged between farmers (.. .. ,Jul y I . I~::!l. 10 Jllnc :10. 1!1I :1. IIpOIl ' ;~Ill-~~:-The court has advised th~ L a mb feeding purposea, the remainde r t th e s tnr rou t e~ ill the Sia l H (If Only FRIGIDAIRE gives you Gl ass Co. t o recover from Pa ul an Important source of cash IncolII' Ohio. III(\"ana. IlIin ()I ~ . ~1 ,,"hiJ:flll . The METER - MISER .. . simplest reCbl·lst: un se n • $1 80.97 and Ita costs. with the corn reUnlng Indus lr Wi sconsin . ~lll1l1 ~sn l ll. 1011" :1. i\1is· fril':cra eing mechanism ever built ! I ~l lI ry Hel n Christophel. a minor alone paying more tor Ita co rn tlw • Mur !. AI"Iw Ilsas. LOlli hUla . T!'X.1 H. " Do uble· Easy" QUICKUBE TRAYS . . . f' ever and has been granted a divorce from the farmer receives for 68 of th p 7 . '1111 I Ok ia hollla . r t :' ., ,< ,' nbc! io sta ody Wilhoul Hl esS dlaerent kInde of crope thnl II ' d ac h ea Willia m H . Christoph el, on grounds II \ ' lI, NII"(J Un",,, H ea crown, Li o;t of rO Ull'S. furlll s of JlrOJl O ~' 0' ,'U~(c. lJeluld. 'ruble-1M , .hlll 10 C'III,b. II f negl -,t· She was r estored to ber , a ' s a lld honris. un d a ll ll ee"S'HI'Y in _ _ _ _ __ _ \, for mati on will h fllrni sh dUll"" 'r l'Y "Ullb·l\1y·TutllI"-a WOllllf'rful I lIIulli en nam e of Powell. LIniment A d:vorce and restol'allon of her sale. ' I Office Outfitters, suppli es. $4 .GO: I apJl I'l eo I' a ll t 0 l ie .I0 o I. P OS t lIlo.!;t 1 1 ~1I'I: ('r B.·.·lI IISf· uf R .. fl er QUlllity. S(·r\·h-t'. lind l'ri('c , ro rlller name. McMullen, has been b S - or t II S I' " . t P I Ro ert . Witham, admlnilltrator , 1~ . J . Heer Printin g Co.. Buppli c4 , .; 0 1(' ecollt. " ",,S IS aliI. os lila " \vA\' Sf'; ' \ · ILl. li: I';stllhll s lll'd 11I·!!1 . 1938 g ranted to Mildred Reece, a m' nor te' G I" Ii II C of the es tate of Lewis Witbam . 11as $4.15; Fred Proctor . jOlll"aa\. $2 '.i.0.1 I enent. as 1 ngton. . •. wh o sued Carl Reece on the ground been ordered to sell stocks of the Dr. H. M. Williams . cor onel" s co- t of neg lect. b·lI. $7.040: Office Ou tf tters. Inks. 1Il0 , t unuSlI ul girts were bro ught III ( ..- . -.- .- -.- - - - - - - . . Wnlte r E. Mentz has been grant- estnte at private sale, ed n divo rce from Ne!Jlle Ments, the The will or George Lewis Morrl- $t.Gl; Satakalta Mf !~ .. Co .. clips. $9 : vl cw from tho v 1')" otl r:H'l i \"(~ , cour t finding lhe defendent guilty 80n has been admitted to proba ' e. J ohn ha w a nd Son. gus, all. $2 8. 02: pllckn.lles, oml 10 g ive Ih e pl Nlsu r l's The court has ordered trustees J " H Sasscn . milea .: ge $G '7!l' TARVIA·l.ITfliC TAH AND o f extreme cruelty. Custody ot " Dr t>f th e l'venlng a 111 0 1'C unl" .. I''' I }Iclviu tOld John Ments was given of the trust created by John W, A. D. Harvey, examlillng I'ltildren . 1 alt' a pr:ze WfiS g ll'e n to the oll t' ROAD OIL; E..'{CAVATING the derendant. Scu~ to d epOsit ' 35,000. , tog hter I $12: Dr. H . M. WI.l~ U l1l s . mecllrll i ' winnin g three g31l1PS f"r~ t . nen y D MP TR CI{ S ER VIC E Th e court decreed that the Peo- W.lth any future sums wh!ch com e attention. $1 .50. PlJma s was the wlnlle r. I, Into t"belr band s. In the Flrst...Mason Dr. J ean A. :>:och . exumin:ll Oil, ! Grnvel llS ,low ns 400 u. Yllrd pies Building. Loan and S a v l n l : s . Time in Its Ill'emingly ~ wl rt Bank or the First Nationa l Bank $2: Warren County NCWW8. ellV e- . Co .• recover from Lottie Castleman CI I II I I tt b ' d "1320 t I Jo ur ney soulllll,d th e curfe w to i \of nc nna . opes, e e r en s .•, . : an ey , W ayaesvill e lIml I'ne estate of George CastleE ' t P t t ta f form us a ll ,g ood things IIlll st ha \"(' i Phoae 7 man. deceased, the 8um of , 882,31. arnoar '. os mas er . s mpa 'or a n end so homeward bound a ' (I , MARRIAGE LICENSES needy Chlldrtln , $,6; Harley W, t I '~'''-'-oo) Phone, Wnynellvllle 44 R 11 Paynlents made ·by Paul ltfelv:ln B" . d I $IS r. Soo n the sand ma n f0 11l1d uS" dl'ca lll run .... sen.ces as og ware en, . a Ing of a very ' pl easa nt even ing. . _ _ ' ,~ Upton to Beesle E. Upton tor the Lebnnon office Phone 473-Ks upport of three minor children Melville Sawyer, farmer. F ester, Raymond Mulford. payroll. $244 .9 0 : . I I.• OK AT IT :'I:OW The world'l! tobocco po nch Is res .& -:\1. Mor row P ho ne. o. 3 , . and Birdie Witham, housekeep ' r , Charles Brad. pnyroll. $1 i9.70 : J ohn 1 hose Inv.led were, Mr. UIHI I \l ele ordered reduced to , 8 per II ~2 4 0 E R Mrs. Robe l·t Furn as Ilnd {amll y C ntlll' les before Alnerl' lI W .. b ove r~tu r[cd rl gll t now, an d Ohio k FOllter. MYers. payro co 1 . : ', W . oss, ' , • •~........... • , wee '. ' , ,. Alfred H. Hardy. 31, Lebanon, payroll. '214. 0; Zain Armlta ; e. Mr. a net MI's. G org mlth and eJ: llcov rr d the hi nes wei' · ulll' & tarm rs ar Intcresleel In t he {'let v Illon Central , s Lite :\11'. and 1\1,1' ",,. I" I d Hli ' JII ' . ::"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~ a Insurance l e s m a n and Irene Mortha Re!tz 'I payroll. $76.60 Ear ~ B!~, h o r e p J.y- I ' Illllll ,.. J e· l . Pln neh. ) ,en h. ~ays LIe you ng!'!' _' " Lebanon bookkeeper roll $16030' Harry. Monnt payroll '1 '" ' a IIII "'1.r s. L osle r Ger IHlr t an et ! gt, n .l"lItinn . a nd 10ll.k at China now ! tbo'' tIle IlaBt r ap or llllr'e . , y tolncco . , Compa nYII suit aglnst Jack C. S h ,26' n klc et ai, has been dismissed with'Willard ',wyatt. 19 . Hamilton $96.'80' Earl' Hatfield 99 h~urs scr~ family. I\1r. and Mrs. Perry THonHls I - C' nr inn a U E nCl'llrer. Willi M millioll ponnd s In "X('CSR ot out record and without preJudice. • ' . " . ' 'd . ! . hospital ' worker and Ruth Hlb- vice as mecha niC. $59.40. hfr. a n MI"8. R omo Ri ggs tW II , - -- - - - - - Ilorllllli consumption. Produ J~ d .' th VI rg In Ia W'lll lams a.m,nor , If rtuljo Is -ffcl!llve all UII rdl ver DEC. 9_)0 who s ued through Gilbert Biggs, bnrd, 18, Franklin houseworker. The· following for., gllsoline.; John I daug ht er Puulln .e Mrs. Rulli Sav- i ti tl ing lIl ' dl um . wh y ca u't Ju Peu- ~i ll vo t on Docemoor Ii to ~ eci ::e h OI' {a aer was awarded a dlvorce Law and Son. $15.2 , ; . TIernanl Ser - \ IIge, and Mr. lIud Mrs. R. L. Mar-, ncr sell It Is duck '!_ 'I' _ OIll:lstOIl . G~ , 'J th ey want n murket quota f or - InWtlllul11 BOyd , R L E S E TRANSFERS I St tI $1 GO W L KI b I from John . Williams. a ~nor on EA TAT ' ;9~:4. a on. .: . . r y. tin o.f Cin cinnatI. , T ·mes. thl~ produ ct In 193!!. "TEXAS TRAIL" llie I grounds ~ ~OM ne~~t. She D Ic I( B rant c b II I nman on R oad ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J. Berne Jones aliid wife to Ross awarded custody Of a nine . ome<ly- Clounl ng I wa!! lIl~llis~ ~~~~ ~w~~ ~ ~~Md a~R~h &w~~ . 5~$~W:W . ~mb~~h~r . m~ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~_ _ _~----------------. I s uppor t th e cou rt ord ercd ' Will'lams east half of J. Tamseu estate. 29.66 . I ter ai, $tO: ' . Earl Hatfle\(I, ' . labor. I to ' pay .."350 k. , ncres. $3.90; LOUise Smith. u rslllg car l' . . a wee ' DEC. 11-12 I Alice Earnhart to Carl S. Cheno- , $20.50 ; Evan Retal.llck . compen Fa _
-" . 666
LARGEST buyer of casb corn II the corn reDnlnllnduatry, using, In the manufacture of atarcbell, ayr· upe, lugara and by·productl, about 31 percent of the corn that reache. the larce terminal marketll.,. Llve.tock feeden uee aboul 23 percent of the casb corn; corn meal and Ilour mtllere use 18 percent, 13 percent Ie ellported, 11 percent II absorbed In making alcohol and dis· tIlled 'l/lrIU and about f percent la
15cA DAY
Fairley H"rdware Sf.ores
-----.- - .- '- -·1'
lain Armitage
t t I I
l+e offer a satisfactory Se rvice . at all times
McClure Funeral Home
-Twin Theater
F. Bnrtblom
Jud y Garlaud PiWBATE COURT
weth and wife. lot In SprIngboro, !ion, $26. A. L. - Watkins and wife to I The ro~owillg for Invalid cure; Nettie Groby h as b. een appOinte d George M. Kirk and Ethel V. A. I Miss Oma Knox . $1l~ .:'i0: Ella Hoff. "LlSTEN DARLING" administratrix of the. 8lltate of A. Kirk ..306 of on acre In Franltldn I $7; Winn ie Gentry. $i; Mrs. Lloyd New. of the Day P . Grolly . late of Spr!ngboro. Carl townsblp. Bishop, $8; I~ J . Smith. $10; Ed, Duke. Ge orge .8ellers and El OIoe- Samuel H . Richard to Miami Valley Ka:ser. $5; L: B. Steel. $5; :'\ewton cliler were named appraisere. Building and Loan Association . of Stauter, $10: Millard Brynnt. $ ~ : DEC. 14 . . et value oi the estate of Sarah Franklin, 40 and 19.02 a cres . In Grace Urton. $ ; Miss Oma Knox.' Doris «I.lrl off 1$12.50 : Elvelyn Brent Elizaboth WllllOn wall determined Frank)!n twp, t.o be $456.46. UpOn, application ot 1 Sarah Palmer . Puckelt to Hal'. In . WONG DETECTIVE J oh n M· Wilson. anmlnlstrator, se- I riett Palmer Rainey, lot tn Leb- A HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR t1 urities were ordered sold at prl-I anon, quit claim deed . Short- Tiley Are Always CRught vute sale, Roxie StewBJ,t Jones to Mildred Mrs. F · T. Martin of Cenlervi '1e Net value o.f the- estate of ·Evll. L. Jon~s, tract in Clearvreek twp. very truly realized the joy of a M . Earnhart hos ' been determined I A. L. King to Anna Bunnell lot happy blrthduy lost Monday nig ht to be $2.812.17. j.ln Lytle. when sevoral of he r fr iends Crom Friday - Saturday The ,court aplll'oved the Inven- I A).b ert G008 to Dal C. Nadal. t""o the ~~ry church, Includlllg he r tory subm ' tted by L. W. Ohund!P.r, tracts containing a total of 11 and Bon 'and daughter-bl-Iaw fro~ Cln 1 as administrator of the estale of 3-4 acres in Cleorcreek twp. cinnatl dl'ama tj'zed th eir best -8CREENI Rachel A . Pettit. _ - COMMISSIO:o-IERS BILLS w:sl\es ~ith a. surprise party. seal"LISTEN DARLING" Ing forever the fond memo r ies or E state of J . T. Blount has b ..~n Judy Garland ~ W !lbur Swanger. services. jan_ more limn usual birthclay. a I I FreddIe Lo d we II an Conway ItoI', Memorial HaJl , '50: Sylvan f istr l.'I1te d to Blount and Irene Huddleson each Jameson Janitor court-house $ ' 6' M.r s. Martin . thhl1klng sbe And i '. Contlnuoua Showl Dally of whom received $96,G6. • , her "usbant! were to accompany I Adult. Only . 150 'Til 2 p, M. Penn Morton, Jaltor court-house . M d MIt G h t ' Inventory at the estate of Mary _ C D Id D'l t h r. an rs· .es er er art 0 a I .100; . ana I a us. room ' II I I "K' f KI . .. . fll d bAH St b"- ad ra g OUs 11 ny tU l~ 0 ngs at '" L .,., oY. e Y • . ' u "", - rent. $20 ; Brown and .Bunnell. c~a l, 0 Dayt.on church , sat anx:ously minl strn.tor has been approved. '18.91; Trustees of Public Affal l's, I ' hi ' H d r., pay ng t e p a- 0 while await n;; FJorenC(! S . Gates bas been ap- -5 8 . Mill , • .2 • er ar ware, SUPP I_B. th 1 d l e i ' I h e1d pointed admiuistratrlv of the ell-~ Memorial Ha~ 1315' Tufts Funere I" e aye arrlva. w .en su . e ' s lato of Nett;e G. Shank. I I Home re~o~ai 'Of mlln $10 ' .IY tbe door bell rang all(l into th e 11, , ' Ilouse several others kept COlD Ing Howard Archdeacon has been I,lP- state treasurer, due state, $a28,60 . I . b II d some carrytng arg'e UII( as an pointed adminlstratr:x of the City ~ Dayton. ~!lt'd of prilloner. h d b M 1 RI h tote of Clara ArchdelUlon. ~ $7.29; Burroughs Adding Ma chine us · eiI'C hY ·trs. fAl.nath ggB WI 0 . nc t e( as as ess or e QCcas on The court has ordered ·,that per-.·. . rvlce, $10.50; Woodrow-Well, and st TIl :.g ht way d ellar tc(i t 0 th e ' " sOllal property of . llie .eBtate of book for 'audltor, $18.29 ; J~hn Law basement while the /tle6t on Lincoln Gregg be sold at prtY8te ~ and Son, gas, oil, tire repair, $2.96; 'guard duty w!lb Mrs. Mar·tin III the lu
Miami Valley's Favorite Christmas Store for. 85 years
''Bank .Nl2ht"
PATHFINDER answers the qu'eatlons you and your friends are 8skIq wilh its , Concise, nvJd portrayal of the c:uiTeJlt .cen~ Eventa of natlonal and InternaUonill aigJillIcanc:e are' fully and lmparUalIy. eoverM. Fa~ts, new and old. t\lllt.add clarity and meaning to the n"" are hO~ tnr~ecJ. The..,., latest and~ most lnterestlnl· D8WI photographs · freeI7 JIlualfate the fac:tL . KOlle tbaa • mUlIon )'e8dera.. Snhsc:rihe now ma In t P,.t.'I'D1I'IVft'I:PD &'-- __.t. ......_ ' - -..0....
A ........· . ..,.,
....-....q n.u
news _"I.~e.
,.. . .....$ 2 00 .-,
room. Wben curloslty , frequently ca us_ ed Mrs, Martin to rush to the bnrred door to inspect tile situa tion and .s ecret wbere-aboutB. all gUdrda scrambled to duty dropping games and even notes of musk suddenly In the middle or tho measure, In due. tIme camEl the glad and welcome march It,o tbe ·basement ' where a long table was spread, tbe only light be!ng' lIghtcd cand es ot a large and beau~ifuUy decoratcd cake. Birthday g.lfts encircled the cake and some too large . for (ae table ' were placed < nl!Br by. L; rge and colorful celepbone containers filled ~with canei'y, I(lsses oelornrd l8!lCh ena of the tabl e wliile ludl ' 'flil.ual favorl! were '~rI8t' callY pr.epared. with peppermllnt stick candy to represent a cand'ie Ii"eld firmly In a large · pm -drop ae-1£ .can1t3 \ IItLck I\older, ~n..d eo lo l'ful birthday napkina completed. very picUI'ft- I Que Be.U :Dg .. Ice cream and 'cake were served..
mas wbeo ~enl
y ~U." ella-islmas Silopping " Made .asy· al .Rike' 5
See and hear Rike'. Oold_ Belli in Ihe Comer WiDdow.
,,-' Wide roomy aisles, new high-speed elevators, winter air conditioning, ' speedy wrapping and delivery service, increased Lay-by facilities and a host of other improvements, made possible by Rike's new building, will help make your Ch~istmas shopping at Rike's most efficient and enjoyable~ These services, plus the well-known courtesy and enthusiasm of Rike's salespeople, and ' the very complete assortnl~nts of attractive 'S ifi merchandise, promise you the ~ost pleasurable CbF~ 'shopping you have ever experi~ced.
A Clift From Rike'. Means More
bH~tlrul ~d _ _. . . . . . . ._ _ _ _ _ _---------~----. . . . . . .!!!I'_"
Cathtdra.1 Ptll
Fort y iiWIIIlJt'l'H;- in('!l.ltll nil. nwlr fum III 8. of UIE' oW '1111 b,'Il1'l.1 of ~1 1" al ld ;'\ 1'1\. T:'yI' Gorsil!l h all d w() t Eo hUI"h nJoy d till oY!llor dl1ughl I' IHJ( lI t • und t ~· wi t h Ir. III1Pll r in th (')lIlrch !' basem enl an\1 Ml'.. Will, I'll]lll' a nd ~ o u s Mon!!:11 ('n lug. A tm 11l cs~ ;<011r U)rton. sloll foil ."'<''/\ I h s UPPC'I'. "Mr. I~nd :'I1nt. Ha ny Em ley II ll ll ~Io n CIIlIJl'la inl' dd :l num b~r Of COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS fl'll'l1 <18 al n. hi l'~ hrl llY dilll1 ~ r 1111 lIny. TREE • 1I11·s. Molly P LI ce s pent Sunday I 1111111 nt C b lug Ill lllie [01' II eo m· wil h :'111'. and ?Ill'!!. I 0)' Z eh and mUlIl l.y hrilllmtl S lfC • 1I11\1 4'111'01 fu ml ly. slng iIlg' '!tri lll \ll OS EYe. Th(' trC E: 11 ' v. nlld :'111'. 11111. Iyde Brltw nl II ll h).~('d III lh ' \'ll~anl Ill l Oil ' ia ll !{Iol, Illnnl'r wiLh i\Jr. nUll ' Mrs. Mni n tl tf et. 110rlh of n. n. C'oll ~ tl'K !IN', JjU IlII l' 11 an ti IlnuI; hters' S IIII Hardwuro slor . Sunla III U!! w,lI .Iny. b lh Ie and fi JI ('hi l(lron l 11 years .' I'h ~ nil'n Llld 'l's' ,\ ill had 111111 1II111 r will b' given 1L t rout. hl'jtllmllR va l-t:.: al l\lrs. 1':[1 1'1 Dn\' ldWat 'h for Curlh r :lnnOIlIl emenls, ~O ll,: !; Thul'sdll), I\l r s . Gel1 rgl' Cnll' h ilS r ei ul' nod 10 h!' 1' h om oft 'I' It f w wcckfi stay NOTICE af the ho ·[lit u!. The B'r,l1l1ll \l ome 0 monstrntion 111'. and :'Irli. iJml VOUIll-: of Lobm('Cl illg wnl be held :lllhe Mothor s 'Inon Silent SlIlIll uy \\'lIh Mr. und c i ll b l'Otlm Il r.'x t ThurHdn y. D CC lU_ ' ~Ir s. !l arry lJ e ~\' ill ~ , ber' 1 at 2 p . Ill . Th e suhjcct of Mrs. CILf :\1o nl!lOl nl' I'Y is slow ly t h ' l e8~0 11 Is .. 01 ra nd Recomlng illllll'()\'ln g. Dress." ~11·S . :"I1jldrcd ,Iohn son all(\ ch llll I·P .1l hnvl' 1II 0l' e l1 til Sp ringbo ro. HAPPY HOUR MEMBERS 1\1rs· O. P . L ~' I l' CIf IJ'l ls ho l'o BI> I1 t 1f yo u CllllllOl bo 1)1' sent ~l lbe Thllrs!I,,>, wilh us a t 0111' C;~ I' ilit mas D omber 11l e l l . wbich is nil a' l pnrl y II I :'-Irs. I·: .. I'! DJ vi,lso u·s. day affllh' !It the honl of G!A'null Wilson , l) l ca.~', if P4) sible, ~c lld yo ur H. H. frl end's prese nt. 0111' larg-I! s ~ l ce rtJlI of Xm :l s
or d ~
Su bscr'l he to tho I\1lnm l Gazette.
1 11 ~n l a )' .
~ 1' llI c
Drug Slor
At Rikes
Attempted Bribery?
R ~ m c UlI ~r t he ."ogr\l ril in strel I\t 'Ay tlo H a ll ~l tllr(IIlY wenli4; DecI l'Iil btJr Itl . uUlier th ~Urtlcli o n of Mrs. Lu cll BlaLld .• M I·H . Wll ~ Gl'tly lI nll RO il Alfl' d of lInday gu esl~ of Mr. Day ton w , ~ aild Mrs. 0 orgo Om y. , L e 1\1 I1S011' of Mason re ll~,t\e d horn Monda y Mter s pending sevorul IIllYs wll h his s ister , Mrs· Ali e Cjllrl, a nd ~·Ir . a nti r.h:s. S. H. DurIl tt und fumlly. Mrs. Robe rt n · ~s Of . Dny ton WII S a dinner guest ThursdllY evening of Mi ss Beruice GrnhalU . 'Ir. anI! ~h'll. \Vnlte r Ke nri ck s pent Tu()sday evenin g lust week with Cha l'l 's Le wis IIIllI niece, Miss E mm a Lou Lewis in Wuyn esville, before Lhelr II parture f or Fl or ' da. Qu ite l\ numll r of Indies ntte!ld cd th e BOlll e d emon strntion m()()t_ ing li t th l' home or { l'B. Stunley Bail ey Wedn sel lly nfl ern o01l . MI·9. Ali ce CIII.rll. in company with A most unus ual and dramatI c Mrs. Ilomo Riggs lind daughter window displ ay aL Ri ke's In Dayton on Thursday a.fter:lIoon. spenl <::atlll'duy In Day tOil . !s ILtlrllcting a ' great dea l of att en· 1 Twcnty-tb ree young men were M I'. a nd MrR. Charl es B llnne l~ lind tion, Ri ke's corner w!ndo w has , preoont at the young men's ra rmdung hl cr of Fr anklin . Mr . nnd Mrs. be II transfo r'med a bell lower Ing club Monday evening. A picof a cu·t hed,r al. Three golden be!l! 8 tu re was givon enUtled " My Stllrl.~" Earl Youll g of Dlly !on were Suncla y d:1I1ll1' Il'u e ~; l s or Mrs. E mllla Llicy. d ng continuously sending out beautiful Westmins ter chimes. SJIOW Mr. a ud Mrli. Wa lter l{ euri ck a nd COV" I'S the l e~cs and floor of tbe J Il Ill CS Hulnc!l a ttond ed th e Santa b Ii tower .. and in lhe dlstl\Jlce may ____ Claus cntertalnm ent in Leblln oll be seen tbe lovely blue s ky. s tudded Kingman bnake.t ~ 1I team plny- I Wednesday eveulng. .. v lth si lv er s tars. A number of Mother's club mem-. ed a game wltb Clark s.."lIIe Ins t T hero III a peaceful and poetic Friday night, Cla.l'k s villc wInni ng bel'S lind tbeil' ' f ll mllies from her e ('J uuJi LY II bout tlle dis play, and it Is 2 -26 1e nj oyed th e SOCial meeting of the well worth a s pecial trip to Dayton The sophoDlOl'e class of Klng- cl ub at the gym In Waynesville. to see this beautifu~ window dis- b am high school was cnter ta ln ed , Thursday evening . play and 'bear the . love ly chimes. with a rabbit s upper Ilt th e home t Mr. and Mr s. Kesler Grahalll and of Phyll 's Ha in es last Saturday I duughter. Miss Bern 'ce, In company night. Those pr·esent were Rutll with Mr. a nd Mrs. A. E. Whltc and Esther Myers, Marianna Thomas. l Sons of Columbus, wore Sunday eveEmily Haines, Nina Haines. Ma r_ I n lng guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. cIa Haines, Wilford GiIJam 0 01'0- Albright nt Pellin. thy Ellis. William Lawson, Ma y_! . Mr . Rnd Mrs. .\{oblnso n made a nRrd StanleY, the cl 88 s pon8or , ; business trip to Da.y ton Saturday. Mr. Hughes lind Mrs. Hughes, nlEO the hostcsl! Phyll 's Hain es . 1\1 1'8. Ma rgaret John.8, Mrs . J ess ie Miss Frnncis George spent the Longacre and · Mrs Am y Bal~ y ntwee.k end with her parents at 0 - t endet! a home demotlstrllllon meet.. kena, Ohio. ' Iltg in f-Alba non ·Fr·dny aflternoon M'rs. J . B. J ones accompanied them. Bernard Haln<Js J r. Is conllned to th e city. to his homE w;tll. sca rlet f e vel' Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longaor c, Or' 'Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKinney were sorry to hear ville P J lllips, Mrs. George Ree d~r ot t'h e deaUI of Mr: McKinney's and daughters attended thl!' funeral brother, Allen McKinney of Dny.! ot David Pope nt Centerville church t Sunday afternoon and burial at on. . ' II Cen lervill e j!emetery. The Sharon Lac.lhlS' A d wi Help Yolir meet at the hom,s of 1rs. Herman Wednesday afternoon . NOTICE Home ru"rcu'os~. Ma rtin on , . I Mr. nnd Mrs. A, H. Banta an d SOHOOL PARTIGIPATION All m embers of th e Friend9hip family of Lebanoh were Snnllay I "Friday, December 16 has been afternoon g uest.s of Mr and Mrs. cluh tl.r e urged to be preBe'nt at the " cho~ .. l1t--MId--f!&n, Chris tmas meeti ng Wellncsda y, when Ohio Schools will parti cip.a te December 14th nt the home of In the Christmas Seal educatlona I . 'rhe wome,n oj' th e young mar- Mrs. Elm-er Sheehan. 0' Id .!_"anta ' ';'''1... w, 11 be' pr......:n.t t o help campaign by 8p~ ~ al projects, ac- fl ell peoples C~S8 are In vitEd to "11 Imse If ...... , a pa rty at the home of Mrs. Ches- with th e exchange of gifts. Tbere cording'" to Hon. E. N. Dietrich, 0 .tbe Department ot Ed- tel' Haydock, th eir closs teacher, . wI!.! be a treat for th08e attending roctor ucnllon of Ohio. A teaching unit on In the program wblch Is being "Christmas In tbe Hom.e," prepare II A local lady hlI.d spent tbe morn- planned- some very unique mu ic f or. th e National Tuberculosis 11.880- Ing watching some new folks move and an inter-esting Christmas p:ay. .Ciallon by Rutb M_ Strang, AS80_ into the nelghbcJlrbood . ller bUB- "Th Women's :League Trims tbe elate Professor of Education. band com e home to lunch and she Tree" . rr you wish to r ema in 0. Tenchers College, Columbia Unlver- was stll) a~ the window. and re- niemlJe r pll!ase show your Intcrest sity, and Grace Reeves, Horce Mann marked : "They don't hnve a radio, by your presence. School of Teacbers College, New a dog. nn .Ice box, any k ids, or a York City, and distributed by t':l e car. I wonder what tbey do have ? MISCELLANEOUS Ohio Public Heakh Association. Her husband grunted, sarcastlcn!iY, SHOWER Col umbus. III beIng made avaIJab:e- r.They probably have a bank acto the schools br Gouaty ·Tuber.c u- count, then."-MllnJtato Advocate: Mrs. A. O. Griffy enterta'ned losls Assoclatlol,ls. with a miscellaneous shower SatAccount books develop'e d espec- urday a .•ternoon, honoring M, \!. Groups hardest hit bY tuberculosis are young women between the IRlly for use In Olllo can be obtnln_ Vincent Griffy a ' recent bride. ages of 16 aJ;ld ' ao, men In Industry ed from.. aU COUIJty_·.ngricu]tural a- Twenty five fr :enils were present and negroes. Chr:stm:l8 seal finance gents in the stat.a. The agents also to enjoy a most. pleMant ~tt()rnoon Intensive work to protect' theEe wjll explain how to tlll:e tarni In- ot chatter Ilnd games. Mrs. ·Grlffy groups. It kills more ]1eople bl'- ventori es' alid s14rt the books so rec~lvea many lovely and useful t~een the age ot 15 lind 45 thnn an a ccurate rE!cord of the year's g ifts. Tempting refreshments were business ""Il i he avall_ble. any otller dIsease. • served, .
w. H. Madden & Co. Phone ,
Don't Sacrifice Your .Crean Cut Out The Middlem3D -' -Direct Shippin~ paya You aU the Dairy Dollar;- Y ou c:are for a~'d produce quality c:ream. '-We c:hurn it and market the butter. NO MIDDLEMAN-NO LOST MOTION Butterfat Dec. 5,- 26c Delivered by truc:k. Or if tru~k cannot lIerve you, ahip you'&' cream from the nearea.t baggage depot and enjoy the low 'hipping· ratell
The' ·Tri 'State Butter Co. ·Ohio
.Cincinnati. -;-
C hrist'"l·lB·S Gifts
Sw.a nadown Cake Flour; Box 25c
10 Ib: Bag, 25 lb. Bag
_22k! _ _
22 1-2c
25 OZjar
evening until-
, '. "
Tbere II • modem pleuant way to aet renef from Be.......... · Gu oD 8tomteb, 1Ieart· ItanI, ....mIq Alter" ud Museuln ~ .TUIt drop ODe or tWo ALKA-SI:LTZElR ~tablita iD. to .. . . of water, Wateh it bubble-1IaieD to It 8zz. A. IIOOa U tablet iI diDolved, .drink the taDG' 1Ol1,ltiOD.
FOR RENT-L. 'M. . Hende'rlSOn' r.esldence. Key may';be ;'nbtalned 'next doo~ .trom !tira'.:~~ya. DJll'in, It interested write .D()rls K'reilld'g,' 'ral Trll$t ' CIDc1DDllti• tl
Co. .
: •
"P, We "'I'Ve
B'arbecu~ ~nd ~Lkhell, 1I0me 'Made o~era Cblil, 'V'egetalJle .801,IP,'
for. pies: 'and cakes. Mra. S. O. .Urtoni ·Rout,.e ~a.-p'bone 66..R-3" FO}C-SA1&-Boland . Ch!~ hog, lilrDeat EYaua, pRloDe 410R, LebanOD, ,
I--=-~~~~~~ FOUNl)..:.i.ftedbou rabldt -4UI1l81l1.OWiler iDqulte lit this' d.
, '!l1 for
<Juett. onlJOe ·IUlG I
Wesco Scratc:h Feed lPO lb. 'B a8' ,Wesco E8'8' Mash 100 lb. Ba8'
Grapefruit Manh SMelle.. ~a"'t Cabbale " " " Ru.a.t potatoe. I , .oman •Be.uty . Appl~ _ . . I
$1.39 $1.69
esc:o 20 per cent Dairy Feed 100 lb. Bag $1.29 Hominy Meal . ..100 lb. bal $1.15 . DairY Supplem~t · 32 per .cent lOO I~. bag $1.69 '. ,
O ....nge., Florida for Juice
~ 'I
F6R ~BAL~Fre8h
Eatmore Oleo 9 1-2c
.GRAPFRlJIT S~:n~!rc~uO~k~ lOc o
-:-..,...... FO:{tSAI:.E-mnlll1qe; Roxanna Waynesvnl.r Planta U.50 per' High dHd.e'.CaIlnera 'S alt '1-5' <ill. huz.tdr~!l.( ounds, Roxan~a \JUI1UIIIIU• 'Co.• . Phone U9·R-21,
50 lb.·Can - ${.15
19, our store will be open every
maa and Pros perous New Year.
SAUER KRAUT 4 ~~~s25~
our best wishell for a Merry Christ-
isfaction to both the giver and · the receiver.
~xtend to you
3 Ibs.
and you will f ind an ideal gift that will bring lIat-.
Alao w~sh to thank you for your past patronage and
n~eds at once, If you are w ,pnde;ing, come in
Starting December
Stock up at this Pr:ce
If you know wh a t you want to g i v e , we can s upply your
Pure Kettle Rendered
1--=-=-=-.: .:. :- -=----------------:-------.
Frost or Sunny Cane
GOLD'MEDAL P~II.buty 24:=i 79c
to P,otect from
24 39 e
5 lb. lie . 3 ~or ' 10~ ~O lb. ba, Gtc , 1& lb. ba,. 29Ct .,lb•• t~ ..,
... - ' 5 I ' 5' 33
. Waynesville, Oh~o, ThUl'.taay, December ·15, 1938
W)lole Number 3960
8AN~ ROBBERS---- -L~;tH;;;; CARLISLE WIN~ER :::: ,:::~ ,::::nlty Qh:::: DA~TON , OVER WAYNfCVllLf. .1I _ ARRAIGNED ..---.,...-----.. HfDUGE HAT[S . *
Free picture shOW to a c loren. Bring a toy, can ' of fruIt Or ve,:;e_ tables. U the children can't bring any come anyway. Name of show. "Lnurel & Hardy " In "Swiss" at ,2 p. m . Sa ~ ul'day . Two bank robbers and their woDecember 17. men ",ccompllces were arraigned In' Lebanon Friday nfter kldlliB ping OELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Parker W . Powell . sLale highway pa_ ANNIVERSARY trolman, near here Thursday night Powell had stopped to aid them In Benny Furnas delightfully enter- s~ttlng their cal' out of a ditch talncd the members of Lhe sopho- where It had been forced by collision more class at his hom e Saturday with anolher car. Whlle they were night. working on tile cal' the bandits, fearWhen all were sel ted In a circle ing the pOliceman might sec a shotgames were plll yed. A prize was glv- !;.un In the back seat , held him liP en to the one who InughOO least In [lnd putting him In his ca r started the crnzygrnms. Slips of papel' were driving. They went abrut flve miles distributed each one rending the then shackled him With his own verse written on his slip. handcuffs and threw him hltO a Bingo and ping pong were al61J field , Tile Illen were tIlptured in W _lIhplayed. Benny received many nJce gifts from h1s friends. Refreshmentti Ington C. H. Thufliday night after of pop corn, candy, apples and nuts a live hour search by sla.t.e highy.ray patrolmen nnd other policemen. were servea. Those present were. David Furnas , Owen Hartsock, Ron- They registered as David I. aid Salisbury, Warren Cook, Robert Cross, 29, Hamilton, Pa ., and COY Benbow, Benton Hoak , Robert Russell,- 29, Houston . Tex!J.S. The Osborne. Albert Pummill, Wayne women were arre.sted by two Middle Scott, Alton Earnhart, Earl Menden- tOWl1 pOlice officers on the street a t hall, Oenevp Ro4tzahn , Frieda Ellis, Kin gs Mills <lit 11 p. m-. They were Leol1a TInney, TeSSA Stjln6b ur~, .turned over to Wan'en County Sha-Robert Zimmerman, Robert Orodet- ,ur Wlllla111 Hufford and lodged In lng, Rita Oonner, ' Betty Braddock ,' the county jail at Lebanon. They Jeanette Kurflss, Mary MOIlS, Mar_ are booked as Norma Hilyes. liS, tha Hiatt, Roxie Sackett, S leel, Mo., and Marie Day, 25, Greenup, Ky.
tree. Treats for children 10 and un_ del'. Everybody welcome . I \ Christmas carol singing IlllmedL Special, p~lce of 11.00 each on wlnWaynesvIlle Varsity lost to a al ely aftcr Snntn's visit. strong Quintet from Carllsle Frld'J Y tel' hats. Grace L, Smith. It was announced today that The NON FICTION ni ght by a 27_15 murgl n .. The scole ., . ' . , , . Dayton Power .a nd Light Company Mrs . J essie RO , tzer of Dayton, at the half was 15-10 In favor of the ..LI' FEIt FItACTURF. MoKenn!!y - "My sister Eileen" has voluntarily reduced electric rates OF COLLAR BONE s pent the week enl with her parents winner, T 'ese sketches are told with a gusto Mr.-and Mrs. J , >q applicable to residential and com_ However the junior high team a verve ,and a sense of fUn that is mercial lighting customers In the J oel Stokes. prominent farmer Jack and To my Earnhart of raled their second victory by de reat, captivating. There Is a laugh on village of Waynesville. It was also SOUl h of taWII . suffered a broken colCelltervWe spent' . Saturday with Ing the Carlisle boys to the tunc of every p3ge. announced tlfflt a reduction has been ' bJ r bone a nd fiv e broken ribs when their grandpareQ Mr. and Mrs. 27_8. Fulop.MWer "Triumph over granted to resldems and commercar In which he was riding last lhe Frank Thomas. Phln," The strange hlBtory of anesBoth teams will play Sprlngbor Friday was struck by another cal' at cial lighting customers In the subtt.~sla told with vast human Interest Mrli. Walter si eehan spent the here Friday night and Spring Val - the In tersection of roule 48 at Rldge- urban a nd unincorporated com81 d the finest . dramatic effect. It week end with he sister. Miss Re- I y I t Spring Valley Saturday night, vUle. Mrs. Stokes 'Who was driving munities In the Xenia District, of W 1 presented to us by MiBs Frances The lineups for the Carlisle gallle , lhe l,ar ~uffe red a broken bone in which Waynesv ille is a part. be; ca Dunham a~ OInclnnaU. A1Jen, to whom we are Indebted . for It Is ' ;llderstood that The Public were; I ller shoulder. Following the acclden: Mr, and Mell. ,y ElUs and Mrs. so many splendld booRs. which are FG FT TP Mr , SLokes was removed to Blah UtUities Commission of Ohio, which WAYNESVILLE Edgar Smith wen . Dayton visitors, 8 gJ:eat boon, to our reading public. 4 2 10 I hospital at Lebanon. The drivel' 01 has juriBdict10n over uWltles, has Collett Friday ,, "Taylor-"Men .and Music" The Preston 0 0 0 Lhe other car who came from Nor- approved the filing o,f the voluntary ti author haa the rare faculty ot mak_ 0 0 0 I weod wa s driving al a great rate 01 rate reducL\ons to become effective Come to the Christmas 500 par,y SpiUer ing • 'jlubJect Interesting. As .a re2 4 spc d al!d coming up over a hili , December 15, 1938. The new re ' lden~ given by the JUlll ' Order <II t Junior Planck sults that w1ll appeal to muI hit th e Stokes ca r wits such forc f .Ial lIghlng rated [or the ViIlltge of 0 1 hall Tuesday. Dec mber 20, 8 p, m, Clary .s1c1aIl8 and laymen alike. .~ Anderson 0 0 0 thaL It was 111rown around breaking Waynesville wUl be as foHows : D1gby-"Ooose Feathers" A'" child Mrs. Robert Bak r spent Friday RutherfOrd 0 0 0 off a tiasollne pump .J t the Tnylbl Minimum charge one dollar per boo"1l on a gOOlM! feather bed iB born with her slster_ln-' aw Mrs. Bernard 15 gl'ocelY. Mrs . Stokes repor ts ~hat meter per month with an en titlero \lander"-wtth a Journalist's flair Southard, of Day~p, their car. which was badly damaged ment of 15 kilowatt-hours. CARLISLE PG PT TP fr a gOOd storY-finding unusual 8 Imd quite a v[U'lety ot scrambled Mrs. EmU Brow~, Jln d Mrs. Charles T. Harold Next 25 kilowatt_hours per month 2 3 8< enture In al parts of the world. Ames and daUghter Velma were o e b i1 l :g0S k c~~ld omelets resulting from the five and one_half cents pel' K . W. Kntse 0 0 :'iaw_"Fashlon Is Spinach," A Dayton shoppers, Monday. 5 \"I' l lcl1 thirty-seven dozen eggs fir. Mount 2 1 famoua American dress designer tells 0 ' were in t.he back se at. • 0 Next 50 kilowatt-hours per mont h 0 what II wronl with the fasblon Mr. and Mrs. Elomer Roberts ot Cheek Whitt Cour and one-half cent.<; per K. W. 0 o 0 racket-and what women can do aJamestown 091100 n Mr. and Mrs, Sauter Hr. 2 bout it. Charles Ames aWUdllY a.Hernoon, R, Harold 5 0 Next 110 kilowatt-hours per month FICTION' Mrs. Will at J 'ohn was a QUest Earnhart 0 0 two and three_quarter cents pel' K. thls--wwk-a-t-G(llUllnbus of Mr , lind W. Hr, Tumbull-uRemember the End" A Mrs, R~y Irons or Clyde, All over 200 kilowatt-hours per story of the coal Industry In PenJI27 The Warren County gr~nd Jury. month two aod one-Quarter cents 8yl~nla, It Ia a novel crammed with Mrs. SueHen ElUott or Centervllle called In special session, begcan con_ per K. W. Hr. the essential stuff of American lite, sideration Wernesday of kidnaping and Charles Ellis ~Iere dinner guests Mrs . Cora V. Smith, 58, wlte oC strong In plot, heart warming In of Mr and Mrs. J:ames E. "McClure In announcing the new IImd lower and armed robbery charges against Carl Smith, died al her home on electric rates officials of the Comsentiment. Friday evening. the Quartet, the two men self-adRoute 42. Wednesday nJght, follow, pany declared that the reduction iB Van Dlne-"Or.cle Allen Murder," mltLed bank robbers. Mr, and Mrs. Ha.rold Van Pelt of Ing a lingering Illness. A new mystery story by this much.. being made In conformity to the tra X:enla were Sundsy dinner guests of liked writer of IDYIterY Itories. Survivors are the husband. fow elltlonal policy of The Dayton Pow· Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fulkerson and Wees-"Loat House" The author brothers and two sl ~ ters . Services at er anI Light Company to make reo FRIENDS HOME daUghter Glenna ¥ae. By EUr.abetb Stlbbs Billie Tinney, thirteen year old baa deftly oOfnbln", romance and lhe McClure funeral home Saturday ductlons whenever possible. son of Mr, and Mrs. Leonprd Tinney mystery In th1s novel. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Heacock were Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Stout and Keeping ppce with the more pro. at 2 p, m, and burial' will be made In Due to the fact that the new resineldlng-"Murder In Suffolk" A suCCered se1'lous Injw'les when Il called to Sabina, Indiana on Satur- daughter and Mrs. Boyer, who h!\ll gresslve c.ounUes throughout the l Bellbrook cemetery. dential lighting rate will be ~ ome ef_ private Investlptor inquires about dynamite rap explo.ded 111 his hlinds day on account of the death of an been spending the week with thlllll state, Warren Oounty has develop_ -fective for meter reading taken on . Dr. Orurievald's sanltorium and un. Sunday afternoon. The boy, who was a unt of Mr . Heacock. ed a medical program to aid In FRIENDSHIP CLUB spent Sunday In 100nolnna,tj. on and after December 15, 1938. Visiting at the farm of hiB uncle, eal ~hs mysterious condlUons. safeguarding the health of youngMrs. C. H. Dcather.3ge was a Leb_ holiday lighting will be billed at the Murrel Tinney. along with .hls COllMr. anI' Mrs, r.4Uton SheehAn of sters receiving aid under the county A most In ter estlng meeting of the new reduced rates. Meters are read anon vl sl~or on Thursda¥, JUVENILES sins was playing In the grovel pit Friendship club was held at the once each month and the consumpRev. and Mrs, S :hafCer took din- Centerville were , SundllY dinner dependent chUdren's program. Juatua "HOIJae in No-End Hollow" 'When ~e found a box of caps left ner with ' IS on Sunday. guests or Mr. and lIDs. A, H.. Earn. I • J:t a coun t y does no t tak e an In- home of Mrs. Elmer Sheehan with tion shown on the meter reading iB Thla Itory of fourteeen year by someone who had been dynamlttAl t In tll h alth of hlldr a large attendance of members and for 'a period of the · preYiws thirty Sund!ly afternoon c,all\!rs at the part Ilnd sons, ~ " , res e- e c en re_ several . es~: Miss' Moneta Troxel old.ty welCO'ftle 11181 he ehilclren no!; knowing -what home Included Mr. and Mrs. Wpde K ' ' days. Thus, the new rates, beln~ ef_ Mr. nnd Mrs, Murlon Whltpker celvlng thlB aid but Is content to I I gu f teen age readers. The development they were, were examining, them ss ooo ry rom orea, gave a fertlve for meter reading taken on . Turner and sO.n Mr. and Mrs. J. L. and son Fred ot Cincinnati were act as a mere money-distributing 5m lendld 11m se Into C,hrlstmas at of ... Bandlcrafl; school In the Ken- when one exploded 'In BIIUess hand Mendenhall, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest week end gues ts or Mr. and Mrs. W . agency, the county cannot expect ~lr a CO~le : there. Atter the us- and after December 15th, will result -lucky mountalna Is a truly Amer- He was rushed to -McClellan's. hosMnrtln and Mrs. pyle .J nd daug h ter S . Grpham. hEalthy, nOrmal children to become Yb I II I ted I In~_~~~llllij~~----------------~in lean story ot the present day. pltal where parts of three fingers of ual us ness was comp e severa Beulah of lIyton,' Mr. and Mrs. the physically sound citizens of to. Jarden-"Young Brontes" In this his lett hand and the Up of .:I righ t I kln th I I I th selections On Mrs. Harold Earnh81:t s Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beckett of Curtis Tomllnson, Mrs. Mar:a ElIllbus orin row nwor tn . gel' p aces n e R,egena Music Box Were elljoyed. NOTICE sympatheUc blqp'apby, M1as .J: rden, hand finger were removed. Powder were sLx o'clock dinner , ess Cincinnati ld bon, Dr: am- Mrs, Keever and MrS. with a deft and underlltandlng touch also struck the right flye, of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mrs. R. D. Collett gave a Chri-tmf:ls guests Mae Williamson of Centerville, the Throughout . the county there are reading after whl ~ h eight ladles prehas made auye 'and human the tour At last accounts It Is thought the MIsses Martha Wilson and Catherine .K ersey Wednesday evenJng, The pop corn and candy sale of 133 children who are being helped sen ted a clever playlet entitled "The the King's Herald Society which was remarkable cbJldren of Haworth sight of the eye can be saved. and Olive Elllott of Ferr)', Dr. and Dr, and Mrs,. A. E. Stout were In by the present .ald to dependent Ladles League Trims the Xmas tree" Parsooaae. tile young Brontes. Mrs. F. L. KeISer of Columbus, Mr. Spl'lnllfield Wednellday, where the children program. They are children As a climax to the afternoon old scheduled for this Saturday has been Sperry-"Yoq _Ie" A colorful BLAOK WIDOW SPIDER and Ml·ll. Sb; cy Burnett of Center_ Doctor attended .a. Medical meeting under 16 years of age who have lost Santa appeared with a wagon laden postponed on account ot the tree picture show for the children that story of preeent day NavaJos arid Ville, Mr. and Mrs. A: Z. Hprtscck and Mrs. Stout visited frlehds. the S,Ilpport ot their fathers through with gifts COl' young and old. Dellcl- day. the !Onilne of tirave Young Eagle to As Mrs. Lawrence Cook went down nn9 family of KIngman, Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Retallick 01 a number of reasons suoh as death ous refreshments In keeping with go fA) tfIe government achool. the cellon steps 'Ilt her home Sun- Sackett and W. T. Jorden ' of HarJloffltt-"Oreat Horae" The story day morning, a spider dropped In veysburg. Lebanon were Sunday evening up- and disability. In many Inslil nces the Christmas season brought the ARGUNOT CLUB the father died at a comparably meeting to a olose. of TellO, a ca~boy of Cro-Magnon front'- ot her. The sun' shining Miss Freda Harvey spent Sunday per guests of Mr, and Mrs. Emil young age leaving ~e mother with INSTALLATION. SERVICES timet. . Brown and son Dlt'kle. through the - window directly on I~ afternoon In Clllrksyille. young children. Mrs. Russell Salisbury entertained Jonathan-"OeDtJemen aren't SIa.. disclosed _ the hourgli¥>S marking members of the Argunot Brldg~ club In 1937 legiB~atlon was passed ap_ The following officera were IllSnllstea"' Tbere certalnly Is a real thrill which Identities the Black Widow llt her home Tuesday afternoon. Pre. proving the expenillture of state er In Impressive services at the reg. to be doing ~e rliht thinp right 6t spider. The Cooks are plnnning to and county money In the dependent war meeting ot the O. E. S. Monday ceellng an afternoon of cards, a de. the rilht time, In the grand have the spider mounted. children's wOl'k to be used In health evening, Worthy Matron Sara Brad- llcious luncheon was served . ner. It II a modem fUldeboOk o.f . _--,-____ -I-I_-..:~~~u~r~c~~e~s~-_tt__~r.1mtrM: programs. Many counties Incluellng dock ; Worthy 'P atron Paul Getts; manners tor t~ y04Da JOan. NLI'. anulI4rs. A. H. Eamnart and . our own took a~vantage of this legAssociate Matron, Edna Hartsock, WOMEN'S OLUB O'Brte!r-"Rlp DarcY." -Read the sons had as six o'clclCk dinner guests islatlon to protect the health of Associate Patron, Ross Hartsock ; --adventure. Rip 'bad with Frank n'AYNESVILLE METHODIST Friday evening. MI6-s Betty .Benham .. persons In dependent families. Secretary, Minnie Fromm; Treasurer The Professlonal and Business Wo BUCk, Bob Rlpl8)' and otber • men, CHUROH of Lebanon and Miss Genevieve EstabliBhment ot a' health pro Mary Earnhart, Conductress. Ruth men of Waynesville met with Lena who have dlstlngulabeca tbelIl8elverJ. SunQo.y, December 18. 1938. Hadley. gram In the dependent children's Morgan; Associate Conduotress, Madden Tuesday evening. After en· Local dealers In electrical acessor9:30 Sunday School Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawke and work In Warren County has made It Margaret Hadley; Chaplain, Bertha joying a tempting covered dish din. 10:40 Morning Worship. Contlnu· ~ St h 0 les are oUering what has been redaughter Betty otuayton and Mr. possible to .check the health of mo. Hess ; Marshal, Nina . -10 n; r- ner the members gathered round the IN MEMOBLUI Ing the Christmas themes, OhriBt, I I terred to as a Special Bargain Pack and. Mrs. Jesse Sears of Sa bins .were thers and children In dependent ganlst, Ola Kersey; Ada, Ese fire and sang Christmas carols. mas Gift. S d f i l t h d R th B b 0 M un ay a ternoon , ca ers at e families, and to t ake care of such Strou; u , ar ara ray; ar- Plans were made for the distribution In Lovlnjr Jleaiory ot our dear age tor Christmas buyers who ere alertly on the lookout for sOlllethlng 6.00 Epwort,h League. home of J. C. Hawlte. defects which would not oniy have tha, Pearl Ridge ; Electa , Elizabeth of Christmas bllSkets. FolloWing a buaband arid .father Henry L. Faul been Injurious to lhe Ir.dlvldual but Jones, Warder, Edna St, John and short business ' meeting the club adwht) plesed away ~ 11, 1935, of an unusual . and useful nature 7:30 Evening Service. The choir wlll present til. Christmas anthem Mrs. Harvey Sa: kett with Mrs. costl y t 0 th e commUJu.Ity a t I aL a er S entlnel, L . C.St , John ' . journed until Januarr. His smWng face' arid pleasant way Th15 "package" consists of a 6_way E. S. Floor lamp (complete with service. (3race Ritenour of .Bellbrook spent date If they were allowed to ge un- . The' Instaning officers were ; MIAre a pleasure to reeaU. MQNDAY the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Mazda bulbs; and a Oeneral E. heeded. nerv,a. Hou'g ht; Lucille Armitage, SIX O'CLOCK DINNERHe had a kindly word tor each •• John Turner of 8t.~ubenvUle. B Sc 00 7 Turnover toaster and a General E, oy ou.., '" Numerous times children through- Barbara Oray and Emma Boorom. . And' cUed beloved by all, . . lectrlc 'I:urnover Toaster and a 7:30 Orchestra practice. Mr. and Mrs. FrE!<i Braddock en- out the state have been reported as and Installing ChapIoln, Emma Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rich entertainGeneral' Electric Coffee Maker. To 8:00 Choir practice, tertalned the tolliilwtng at dinner, not shOWing adaptness In school and Booron. Bome day we bope to mee~ h1m, ed at a six o'cloc~ dinner Tuesda:y those patrons who take advantage WEDNESDAY Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Brad_ developed interior complexes, be- Short memorial services were held Bome day, we know no~ when, evening. Oovers w~re. laId fpr . Mr. of ,t he offer which .local dealers. ar 2:00 Ladles Ald will meet with dock and Mr. and Mrs. D. B. un-I cause they could not keep pace with for members who had passed away To olaap .hia band in the better land and Mrs. S. S. Ellis, Mr. and Ml.;. 'maklng a considerable savings tol Mrs. Charles Anderson. derwood. , the class, Consequently. In many In tlle last year. ~e!reshments were Never to part Earl Hockett and the' sost ancl 'hostlow~ to the buyer. These>1three ap3:15 Junior choir practice, cases this condition led to truancy , served at the cloSe of the meeting. ~" aiJued by hla wife and ess. Verus.on was I'4!rved which was pllances are '1111 manUfactured by THURSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Ira O. Brown ofl CheckupS on the health of these Miss Mary Leah EdWards of cli1ldftD.. killed by the Rloh's son, Maynard cOncerns with a nattonal ' reputa. 7 :30 Christmas entertainment by Franklin, are . receiving congratula· children have revealed that many Springfield, was a week end 'g ue;t 01 while on a ~untlng trip,. A.IAB~~G tlon. The lamp tor example, Is buUt U1e Sunday school. tions on the birth ~ a son, Oeorge had det~t1ve eyes, Infections from her aunt, Mrs. Emma H. McClure to the exacting, standards cif the Frederic, Friday, December 9 at dec~ yed teeth or bad tonsils and at the Little Inn. . • Md' EmJba H:(K~ute entertain- Illuminating Erl'~~eering Society ST. MARY'S ' EPISCOPAL Miami Valley hospital. nervous disorders. Mrs_' Edrth M. Harris and Mrs. D . .HAPPY HOUR MEMBERS _A . . . : ' ~embera of the Woman's &... , S lWEETING IN w'" (t. E. e.). Working in c~operatlon CHuRCH It was only natural that children L, Crane were dlimer guests ot the G~STMA ". . ' AuDlIarJ ' of the 'BpeIlCbpal 'churc~ with the Dayton Power and ' Light Rev. R. L. Hae\f.well, Mlnlste,: Alter spending several months handicapped by these aliments Rev. ' and Mrs. R. L. Hackwell, Frlat tier home. The Ut.tle Inn, PrIdaY COmpany.local merchantAl now .have ~urth Sunday In Advent. .wlth Anna HalnCl!, ,Mrs: Julia Ber- could ' not manitest an Interest in day evef!1ng, Mrs. Raymond WiLSon was hoo. afternoon, ~ routine busl- an , opportUnity to ' pre·sent '. SOme: 10 a. m. Church School . gan has returned q~ her hcme. She their school work which tess to the Happy Hour club Tues. nllll the ume ~~·ilnot.ecHo cUacWL thin in th ' w f ',,'ereal prtze ,, 11 a: m . Morning worship and ser- wlll be cared for· by her nephew and often accounted for the truancy OYST~B. SUPfER " day afternoop; Decemb~r .. 13. ' whop aton of plaDa "(or' ~. :real', .our-trig , ~ . ~ . ay ~ . " r ' I -' " niece, Mr. an4 Mrs. James McDon· .' f the i))er . '. ..... ieMd. package, w~ch may be obtalhed op mono aid tendency. > , .I, a larlre proportion 0 .' memthe· ~~t:, ~I1 e¥y terlIl8; a.·sm~ll p~t,ment ~ow.n Thursday-4 ' p. m. ' Church school . The heal~):l . program which WarMr. and Mrs. Robert . Baker Sr. ship and several' 8u8llts got together dahltj ....L _ and' fA'...f;~ . and \hll ,rest' ,pald',~· ,sma~ m09t~ ,ChrlBtmas party at the rectory. . Dr. O. E. NotJI1s of Ohicago ren ' CO!lJlty has placed into effect were much ' s!lrprlsed, Tltesday eve· for a dinner at 12:30 ·to· which each oa,~ ~ ........" ,an , payments. .ThClle batlsUl pack!,geB '.. . stopped T!i~sday ~ VIB1t b¥1lP'1Uld - has enabled Im,n y of these under_ nlng when several friends ~d rela.- had .cOO~I~~ . , ' ', lUna were ca1l~ may be seen In the store's of the 10- HARVEYSBURG METRO~.ST · mother, Mrs. Frank Hoffman, wh1le privileged , ch11dren to receive' the- tive.s: came' }n unexpecte;dlY , to ,re- . Of intense' inte~t W:UI the e~· bome of:... ••_~~~__ .... . cal merchants handl1n$ eiectr1<;al CHUllCR ' , enroute from Day"1C1 -to Cincinnati needed health' atteriho~ thereby mlnd .the former of his birthday. an- change ot Ohrlstmas gUt.. when ..... aCcessori es '!on' d app11e.~c:es an ' d have , G6O. H, Wea"er"lOUU'lt ... _1_1. ...., . . . each dISCovered wb.o her club friend • Bundai' . ' ..p~T............. JIai!ttil ey......... f OeDtervWe ... r In which , •cl~ h~ addreued the helping them to talte -mor'e Interest nlversary. '. and lira. . I!f;r " : lira ~ ~ttracteci a gree~ dea\ of favorable 9:30 ' a. m. Preaching Service; bo~ , of directors (1r'J!O htWpttala. ~ their achOoUng and b'ecomeJlet-1 ~The guests brought ail the mak- was, Other con.=s to • ~IUl!lUDIIbt,' .' aD ~ ClSinment thuri far. Semlcin; "A~ ficture of the KIng," ter ~d!!nts. .-. - !nis ot 'an oyster suppeJ: whIch . .s ~ ~e , ~ere; "TIle tbat - . 10:30 a. m. Church School,..Jl. C. Rev, J. V. , LacY., Mr. , and ' MIll. A ~ health program undoubt- enjoyed by the following; Mr. aftd Nlaht BefC11'8 CbrJ8&ma1, b1 11ft. _L".c.... _"_ ..~ LoU· -..,- ..~ are BIClIIOVEo TO ~08PlrrAL M.Illlgan. Bupt. '. Adam Mello.h_ and ' auinter Mary edly wW prove an uset to our Mrs. Rob~ Baker. Sr., Mr. arid Mrs, . Russell W11Ion; ~ nallaD ........~ O. B. 00iQaad0 "Mr.. Clyde who waa 7:30 p. m. Community Olu1stma8 Ann and·UrI. Pranlc Parr heard tile ltlOunty ~much aa the happiest Fred Pumas, Mr. ~ ~s . .Jesse : : . :m,;,~~ .P!II~IIIJ~j ... ' two' IIIiM*a tIliJuP.t to .have ~ bnproylDa Ja entertainment at "the. church \ Rev. Troy, a well eVl.Dlel1at, commQllltlllJ in our state are these Michael. PerrY Har:t8Ock and Mr. ~ of xe", teI_~ ~::~=~:, "'~~ arJtlnIDr In d . . aIaIP beeJJ re- 'l'Ueldar-7:30 p. m. church ICbaOl preach et the chun:.b In tn .bleh t.beJ can poJnt to healthy and Mrs. Robert Baker t.Dd daUlh'j - - . ,,~ to UClOeQu· . ~ .at Qhl'IIhnU parW at tbe.lI, 8. OJDI. I BamIltGll Dllbt. ' ~ aDd .,.~ cbIldreIl.' Jean. ~ .Je:"I.....
, · 1 Program Speela
A t Dayton -P. & L .
.... ,
and: .,
_bert' 1
~bt ~iami ~a~tttt Phone Uf
State Capital News
Main' Street
Dr.-H. F. Dye
Entered Aa Second CLasa Mail Matter a Posloffice, WayneBvilfe, Ohio
Supertntendent' samuel R. Squire Flora M. l'nne -. Editor banlts and of the stlte· illvislon banking announced that the diviociety Editor. " , , , , ,Phone 45 }( lJ. sion Is paying an addi ional five p'-' ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY cent dividend to tile depositors of the Union TfUst 00. of Day ton. Subficription Price, '1.60 Per Year. Payable in Advance which 'Is In U1e process of l1qulda~on . The dividend wlll bring the total paid to the d eposl~rs since -May, 1935 to nlnet.Y-five per cent. Mr. Squire said that a final dividend of at least three or four percent 'may be expected. During t.he t.hree .a nd a half year period the cash dividends amounted to $4 .710,509, wl1.ile other liabilities to : al!l~ g more tJlan $1.000,000 were discharged. In addllJon the bank income 8 ;00 Mu:ic and announcement of program. grossed $925,352, with expenses of only $334 ,4.21, which left a balance ' 8 ;05 \ ocntional Hom e Economics pl'ogram-Students of of more than half a mllllon dollars I Walnut Township High School. RFD No.1, A fl hville, di Income In excess of expenses, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrc~t Trost are
WAYNESVlw..E, O. Phone 30 announcIng the birth of a baby gi rl, . . . . . . . .IiI~. . . . .. qorn Tu esdn:& tnornJn . The new!!!'!'!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!! lady's nam Janet Nelds. Mrs. Tres Is cared for by Mrs. Sharter, all<l I. under the care of Dr. Stout. Dr, lind Mrs. Paul Bolton daughtcr mowr d down Crom lUlllbus W 'dncsdllY 10 vIsit the for_ mer',s folks. Mr. auel Mrs Rolla Bolton. Ruth Wlcal entertained '1 few of . " her Ilttle sch ooll11ll~es In lionor of ROOT FOR ANhD CONSdlGN four Cattle bolts, 8 eep III. eaIv... her birthday a.t her home TI1ursd ay to Norris-Brock Ct.., live wire anJ evening. Those present were Lalma progressive dnn "'r the hlahn' HlId abl'lI sh Ruthanna Johns, WlI- market prices and good lIervice. , I B tt H I Union Stock Yard.' Clnci.natl, ('. ma Surface, J an ce urne, azc Tune In on Radio Station WCKY Vinl ,and Vi\'lun Pummell . 12 :2~ to 12 :80 p. m , tor t)ur daU, fnmll y, Thursday evening were Mr . market reporta.
Farm Night Talks, Dec. 19 ..
and Mrs. Charles Bilker and Bon ~:============":: and Mr. and ·Mrs. Perry Wade and son, Joe. 8 ;15 Fairfie ld County 4-H Club Pl'ogmm-Club mem o Warden James C. Woodard of Mr. a.nd Mrs. }-Jet 0 Wieal and Ohio pen it.en llal'Y revealed loat supervision of' public offices. Att.or- I daught.el' Elble Mac and Robert bers directed by Gp.o . W. Kreill er ~nd M1S larian Me· only one ChrIstmas box containing ney General Duffy Quoted a section BIllett speu t Sunday afternoon in Elhaney, County Exte n ion age nts, Newark. food will be delivered to any inmale 01 the general code and said that Indiana . Mr. aud Mrs. Pete Wleal were of the penitentiary. Relatives and "in clear and unmistakable lan8 '30 Columbus h a mbel' Orc hestl"l friends he said, would have to join i f j isdi U II S d f M d ' '< • guage t con ers ur c On upon Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morgan 0, f overn g It guests, un ay 0 r. an In such gifts. The package must not d Ii f W i d kli i D t 8 ;40 Comets, Occas ional Celestial V i~ito l·s- H. E. Eswine the mayor an po ce 0 1e mun - Lebal)on called on Lewis Murray Mrs. Frc Con n n ayon. weigh morc than fifteen pounds clpalily beyond the territorial llmits Sunday afternoon. Perry a.nd La\'erna Faul and their, 8 ;50 Christmas Time Furni ' hing. -M i.. ,' Ann Biebricher a.nd Ilqulds, foods in glass or metal of such munlcipallty for the purson Ervin spent Sunday with the ' oontainers, jellies or jams, pi es and pose of not only maintaining but Mrs. Lewis Morgan and Mrs. Hiley Ste~'nrt. Tittles In Dayton. Ext. Home Furni hings speciH Ii t· nuts In shells .are banned. Artleles 'Pro\.ecting a municipally-owned Gibson called on Misses, Josle and, Mr. and Mrs. P6lbert 'Pfouts of Phone 78J Rena Smith Monday a \.emoon. Dayton called on the Perry ThO- ~ 9 ;00 Turkey Market News-Reports from Ohio turkey other tJlan food which may be re- water works." celved by Inmates Include books, Mrs. Harold KelUs and fa.mJly mllses and Vernon Fordyce Sunday ,..- - - - - - - - - . - . . " . : : - - .. . bathr0 bes, bl a nke ts " Chairman . Harry Taylor oC the were ..... raiser!. I yi pang car..." uuy t on Sh oppers Saturday . aCternoon. _ st,3te racing commjssion reported sh es, foun tal n pe,ns, gI oves, tles, bru to . Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Michael and Mr. and Mrs. T. M. BUrlen and 9 ;10 Columbus Chamber Olche ' tra. shoes underwear and pa.jamas. that Ohio razing fans wagered a , f 228301 t th tr ks d daughter Dorothy, Miss Olara daughtcr, NaomI visited Mrs. Mary "All Coods should be wrapped sep- tal 0 $8. , a e ac ur9 ;20 Highlights of State Grange feeLing-WHiter F. Th tate Daughters and Herbert Marlatt and- Burton in Waynesvllle, Sunday eve-: REAL ESTATE _ arately and packed securely," War- ing the 1938 season. e s re- son Edmond spent F1'lday cvenl, ng nlng. den Woodard asserted. "It should celved $139 ,142 in pari-mutuel taxes , Kirk, Master, Ohio State Grange. NOTARY PUBLICOllarlcs Rlldd lck and son, OllarwIth Mr. and Mrs. Hanson Jackson Mr Taylor in be kept in mind that the boxes will i an d In fl nes R,nd r, ees,. Xenia. ' 9 ;80 Explanation About R e habilitation LoanS-by rep- be handled several t1m ~s and open- ~ald . The state s . revenue Crom racles, Jr. nnd Russell Gsrrlson and a cd for inspection. Each year we re ing W035 short 01' the all-time high Mr. tHnd Mrs. Hiley Gibson and friend called on lhe Lawren :e resentatives of Farm Security Admini st ration in Ohio, celve a great many boxes that have es;abllshed Last year when the daughter Paullne and Lewis Craw- Tswh~.dn:, and Perry J . Thomnces Cord spent Saturday with Mr. and '" 9 ;45 Columbus hamber Orchest ra . been so carelessly packed that the revenue tot aI ed :"152335 ~ , . --Mrs. Ellsworth Gibson and daugh· 150 a ttended lhe Ferry Berean contents are worthless and have to J Robls hi f f tel' of near Centerville. WOSU not on ail'· No Farm Night Program, Dec 26, be thrown away. Judge Henry . on, c e o ' class rnceLlng 'l'bursday evening at ,I the state division of publlc assistMr. and Mrs. Arthur Kesinger and the Ferry church. Arter the busi- ' Any non-dailY Ohio Newspaper Is . ance, while in Washington ~ttend- family of Merlyn Heights. Dayton ne s meeting. an intereseing talk eligible to enter one or more of the Ing the American public :welfare spent Sunday with his sister was given and pictures shown by nine classes In the 1939 Osman C . conferenoe co~rred with 1ederal and Mrs: Ernest Earnb3rt and fam- Professor R. T. Drake of his trip Hooper newspaper show which will , officials In an a ttempt. to obtain an ·liy. through the HOly Land. Refresh.. , be staged at the college of Journal- incresse In the federal funds for Mrs. G, H. Kesinger Is spending ments of oJke and coffee were serI --------Ism, Ohio -State unl'.(erslty, January use In . expanding Ohio's dependent a few weeks In Dayton with rela- ved In the basement after the lee-I ., . 26 and 27 In conjunction with the children program. He pointed out U . ture. If th , e pro bl ems of the natIOn s railroads are to be sol, . that the Increas~lS would help ellml- ves. d th t· I f l" . annual convention of the Ohio Miss Minnie Crawford spent FriRev. and Mrs: Oarl Smith and ve, e en Ire p an 0 regu at IOn Will have to be reVised. Newspaper association, it was an- nate large waiting lists which have day ' night and Saturday with MIss twjn daughlers went to Lauder It can never be solved under the present c herne of grant- nounced by Ed M. Martin, executive accumulated In numerous counties Audrey Orawford of near Utica, Monday where Rev. Smith was to, ing huge direct and indirect subsidie to the lines' princi- director of the association. The var- due to limited finances . The state, preach a funeral. They wcre OVerpal competitors. lous classes will iriclude front page county and federal government Mrs. Frank Kellis and daughter night gues oC Lhe Homer Powells . ' .. . and other II,lake-up, news coverage each assume one-third of tbe ex-, Ruth and Mrs. . Hiley Gibson called of Peebl es. ' That l~ the , opinion 0, f Fred W. Sar,gent, PreSIdent of adverH.ln~ composition, edItorial pense of maint.3lning dependent on Mr. and Mrs. Oarl Smith of Ilear r I t e -'6 ~ children at fhe~~resent 'time and Waynesville, Sunday afternoon. Pro essojrl Russe T · DrakeSmia h t e Chicago and North Westem Railway, aB expressed in page, use oC local Illustrative mat th P ti I k f d ' supper w t 1 Rev. an d Mrs. th ' un 5 d f ily cia In I a t t lk terlal I I edltl It many a . e ooun es ac recen a . , spec a ons, commun y with which to Cl~~y on their share an am Thurs y even g. ·j'Try to visualize what , a c hang e would oome over Am service, Original co1umns ._and local , . ~ J . S . Filer were dln.. ... • 'f th 'f ' , features. January 1 will be the or tbe program, . t f . 'h J S H tsocks l~a I e credIt 0 the ' raIlroads were l'estor~d in full deadline for entries. Robison ~:~d~~~5 s o " e . . ar vigor tomOl'l'OW" Mr. Sargent continued . . "It would mean now able to orfel' an added service . I Little George and Mary Hartsock In arge measure the difference between prosperity and In overruling an opinion by 10rto Its readers. PATHFIl\OOR, the he r turn d to t.helr bome Sunday aL I I t T h t h h The only boWed depression. It would mean jobs for additional hundreds mer Attorney General Edward 0 00 muc ur (ey as 1 w en alion's most willely rend news famil y was too rna\! to eat a big I ter spending the last week with Turner, Attorney General Herber of thousands of men and women. ne now becomes an addltiongas senlee that bird decreased the demand for tbeir grandparents, the J . S. Filers. al feature of our already widely ",From the studies'1 ha,ve cau ed tQ be made, I am "at. s. Dully held that a municipality " Owning and operating a water works standard-slzed turkeys, so turkey read po,per. We are happy to tell Mr, and Mrs. J . S. Filer spl!nl gives you ALL 5 of isfied that the railroads could use to good advantage, ",hlch derives Its water from a gro wers are working on a mode) you that we can offer yo u a yeal"s Sundny ae emoon with their daugheven under present conditions, several hundred thouliland stone quarry less than twenty mlles that will mature at a weight of s ubscription to The Huml Gazette leI', Mrs. Mal'y Oornell and Iam1ly these advantages more employes t han are now on their payrolls. If their beyond the corpollale llmits has the (rom ] 0 to 12 j)lQunds. Times have .PLUS a year's 8ub~crlptioJl to The In Dayton. . 't power by ordinance to protect the changed since thl~ pioneer critic-' zed PATH}'!:\DER for the barga:n R,3Y Shawcallect. at the Lawrence I 1. Low Illstollatiol colt. Only '9.75 d ere I were restor.ed so that they could go forward with a gobbler 'becau! e' it was too big Thomas home Sunday mornJng. I as compared wich S50 to S130.for hard. '}' purch 't ld I th . water supply Irom polluLlon. The __ price of $2 .00. Accept this ofier and to ... et-at underground C1>ttoO, ms. . , thel ases, I wou . mean, a so, e restoration of opinion was made at the request of for ail e person to eat and not you Immediately join the runks . or Mr, aqd Mrs. Ervin Thomas and • ," .. -,jobs for many thousands in the factories and supply the state bureau at Inspection and enough for two., tbe most intelligent and progres. children called on Mr., and Mrs. P. 2. .... Including·con. houses that furnish the material s ~o the railroads, sive people In the nation. This Is J . Thomas Wednesday evening. sumers who use large amoun~ of gas. - - -- . for a l.mited time only so send your ' the average cost of "PyroCu" . Gas in "If the credit of the railroads could be restored tomor, order ill without delay, Subscrib to th Miami Gazette. Waynesv11le area 1n 1037 was only row it would mean the starting of factories now closed, $2.64 per consumer the blowing-in of n.ew furnaces in the steel mills. and the 3. U.Ho~ly HI,.. Q_allty. Pure gas restoration .of the security for old age for thousands of -not a mbiture-made (rooub~ est' Pan of nlltural ,115. "Pyrofax" Gas meIr1ln~ wOJllen who put their. savings into railroad maintains constant preISUre in co.ld.est stocks Ilnd bonds to provide a source of income for their weather without beiog buried. . declining years." 4. Ga. Service "at'. ado •• tlc, The i sue is now squarely in the lap of Congress. Only "Pyrofax" Gas ugulating equ.ipmeot .provides a continuous flow of gas au· Congress can break the log-jam of a cumu la ted restricttomatically.· Installed quickly wilhoul ions, regulations and Jaws which have finally brought tnI7 JiUill" tbe ·.A.merican railroad industry to its knees, All it now 5. Ga. S_.pply .".'. I_ara.teed. asks is an equal chance for its life, the same as any other If you know what you want to give, we: can sup'ply Future 'supply or "Pyrof'ax" Gas guar. business, Don't keep this industria l giant tied hand and anteed ;" wr#n., by Carbide and Cat. your needs at once. If you are wonderilng, come iD bon Chemicals Corporatioo, which, tofoot and expect it to survive. Loosen ' its bonds so it can with the associated uies of go to work for the benefit of the whole nation. and you will find an ideal gift that willI bring sat-, Carbide and Carbon Corpora.tion, is ~ w~rJd's oIdac an!llat,at isfaction to both the giver and the receiiver. manWatturer of compreaeid ..... Squire poln\.e_d_o~_t_._
r ected by Miss Olive Grimm, in tru cto r.
r.Auctioneer Martin
Or No Charge
I Centerville, Ohio I
J. B. Chapman
If RaiJroadCredit Returned
5 ERV Ie':'
C h r is t I ', .a~~s·.-tt-H~IUlllrhddir1~~V1 ns theWinter Table
*AaI-.rJC ·cIeYlCle opdoul~1IIIIr IS _
Starting December 19, our store will be open every
Auto Industry Leads The Way
evening until-
'60 DayS ONLY )·
• Some of the business forecasters are taking a cautious tone. They do not I,o ok for a severe reaction in the up' ward production and consumption cyc le-they do think th~t .the rate of betterment may tend to s low in fhe near future and l eve l off. The in te l'n~ tiona l s ituation remains one of the worst factors, and .ha::; troub led financial marke~, .
• I
The automobile industry with a production of nearly BUsiness , Week says, So long lfttle .:cause fo1' apprehen:ion curve." C.onsumel' demand strong-fsT -tronger than months a~o.
aQl early 1.9 37 'levels- 'wiHiin t! e next three or four. Ste~l is down badly ' by comparison with that bo"'~. perioa, and there j sma ll likelihood of producq,p witb 11 ru 'h: ' And Stic h burning problems "" ,IIIII"'ta qf
Rnd raih'C/ ,Hls
'mnin unsolved,
' {
R ~ 'p~dl~1 In
T.he tollowin, · recipe. art
.. popular now u.un'lteds . , DIeQiaI' • • Ia,. f.ltive.flnl,h Hot sauce . . to' U7 WlnJer m.... Topped with '., ~ " up' .rUlY_ h0117. andeeD a-blue on a worthy . " .ted au,"", . platte ~ ' CleIervea -to be carried ~up ,1IC1ur ' JIll. . tri umpli.:.;U7 aloft to tile holiday - pll)elI 181\. . , . • :'~~ table and 'then aerv,d to ' the ' - MIx · 1I~r. flour and "'t';'~ tMerlYwaItlnC taml), and rue.tI. I8t~l!r. 'Rub in butter. Mit .weD . SoUCl .' wlth ,0Odn., "brlnga( with lelllon Juice and . bOlllol toptb'r · the mOlt .eUow coili- water. Put on ltove and ' bOll . of caDd,leel frllih. nu.t l,. Jilinu~a. Take otr . fire. Adii e ' ad .,lcII that 'can 'be tabl.apooni brandy, j ,t dealncL blladed' into ODe d....~ " " This' quantity •• rvea 10. Sen. It with not ;one but two Hard ilauee .~ . If want to brlll8 out
it Merry .Christ-
"11 aU tile _oilden.of Ita -.en... food. 11M. ahot "ue, 1aYlJb17 urvig.
c ....
eIid "Pnofaa"
up.nelat bro_ ........
Criam butter and lapr. II JOG to wish to lpeel" fta"l'• . , , ~Dt o..r each In 8 tableapooftl brandy or Ill....., \ Thea top ·.IU hard a&1lce ' blendin. well with. bllttg.::nd " wld,,..d &, ....'". 8ne-lI'alDed &irve in a ~te .. Sc:hraft'a reataaranta'
.. I . . . . ri.., .
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...c Qi.r ali .." _, ...... Gel'
" II. ~dftal,' mod_
mas and Prosperous N ew Year.
. . . t~/l,;, ,
Also wi.h to thank you for your past p~.tronage and
continue ' to lead the way,. ] 00,000 cars pel' week. As as thiH c ontinues "there is a s to t he gener~l business for new , cars see ms very wa s thought possible six r .
It.'is extremely doubtfuJ; how ve l', if we' wH(- be. able ' to
.' extend to you ' our beat wiahes for
a •••• $69So~~ cq.
...u.a .. ..
thaD. • 01 ~ _ iIidIer, " ... or ... ~uip....1 wiflloat _ . ".,.r ..... Is 'I J..w.l aad .... uiJipjcl .w lda tlc top' '*'- u,taa _ ,ra.oa. ~,
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~\ warc & Furniture. f urnaec ce= ,
County Cour t News
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J S2.5;'; I I on Tuesday with Mrs. Obll Wel 'h n' !bt' icnh "h. I, .1 i,') ,'UI'il IS on(l 'l ilal'pt..u,' Is r~l'l'ly n il'hl, \'c , _ . r .. was Ing for p I ~ hostess "Tse Horse lind Buggy Do _ third I Icb 1h(' In,' I~ure WilS orig. (lImi t Jt·~ dll l!xJjt.'J'lo nce. _ I oners ~urlng November, $41.73: W:m. tor" ?l1'1l be reviewed by Mr&. C. G, nnlly tilt' I(·"t.: h or.:' ~r;lln 01 bUl'lt,) -.;:.~ =::::. Huffold Jr .. fcedh~g prisolll'rs dur i . . ----' Randall NEW SUITS .. M cMullen . her father VB. Oarl Recce l ing November, $426.75. Meck CI' & Mrs. Fl'llnk t;1)iCl~,ker, pleasantly ~~---------..;;...Beulah Rinehart VS. Herman J I divorce to 1?lalntlrr.. M eker insurance on Sher iff 's eJrs enl rlalned a ~m~U, l!frO~p or friends . ---'"---Bothe, at at, for m oney only. a- I Robert J . Ayrsma n VS . Irma Col S9 .00i F . A. Buttel'wcck. repair s, 25 I with a twclve 0 <nock luncheon a t Plant bl' [.1 1'8 til'\! now (I'rIIlS 10 1~~~da;'S '{i'~~~!""" ~~~~'t;').. mount claimed t3000 with Interest liver. defenda n t given leave to III CincInnati & L ebanon Exprc~s Co her home cast of Harveys burg, . on jlllllrove hay aud llRstlll'c gl':' fiC 'S ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~u l "iCiI ~ Mrs HeLtie Grqsdldler VB ' Mrs I h er pleading with ten days. freight on parts, 3i: ; Ell McGrego . Friday. The guests were Mrs. Oba by th saIn e pl' ·I.!Ss s th n pro Florence BaUmgartner,' et al .. par- PROBATE CO URT I urtalns for truck. 75c. Welch. Mrs. Mary HJ ines. Miss d ll cc(l hybrid C01'l\ hil t tltlon. In the matter of the t ate or Inc., par\.S fo Gract) Smart. Mrs . Ed B. Dakin , lib uti prouably I S 1110 1' cilf( lt'lilt I "': Bay Ol ty ' Margery B. Lovall, et .a!., vs. Ben- William Hayden Parris. deceased shovel. $115.74; Meeker & . Meeker and Mrs. Char ll.'s T. Smart. lha n thnt \I'1l ' dl fn"cd th e Illl' l! \1'1 ,1) jamin T . Blackburn, et al.. for par- first and fin al Ilccount. jn <urance. $123.7-l; K elly's Groe l'y M Il1bers of the Civic Ll.'ague lI ' rfeet II co rll hyhl' 0' J ItlOJ;l or real estate. I n the mattel' of the gUllrdlan -l gasoline. $2.31; Miss OlTla Knox. in I sponsored R Chl:ls(mas party in COD_ Oharles T . Johnson vs. F rauk ship of Carl Oole. Vemon COle ap_1 valid care, &1~.50; Ella HOff, invalid junction wlth ·tlle,~ I' gular m eeting Eff icient cr J) pro IlIdi !) 1I ill tli - b:O pointl'd guardian. I care. $7 .00 ; Wi n nie G entry, Invalid 11 Sa turday night, a t t he home of recl ly d ' !lend lit \1 11 0 11 .1·It'lds 1)( I' ~~A " broil. for money . only. amount 1\1: S bi M D · .almed $487,60, In the mattel' of lhe estate of care, $7 .00; Leo J . Slnl lh , invalid 1'5. II n . lom ld. Af ter . roll llcre. Lo w yic ltlH ('I'en la hi g h ull it ." The Village ot Franklin. Stat.e . o! William W. Welch . dcceased. in- Cal·e. $10.00 ; Ed Kaiser. Invalid care CO~ ~h~ pres~dent,: Miss Faye Kelly COHt H of producll on . 11111 th PJ'e is a OhIo VB. The Board of Education ve n tory filed. 1 $5.00; L. S . Steel, Invalld care. $5.00 as'c t at a ew moments of silence lim il he yuud \\'11 (,I t t.ll' ells I "r ill _ Vll'age School District J ames R. Brannock. execu'-[' MIS. Hele.n Doughman. invalid bet observedI for f Franklin ..'• • "" of h the -It I two members I I {'l'ca.s lng ylcl tl ~ is gre:II('I' th li ll I :! (, .. , t he estate of T . B. Bmnnock. de- care. $7.00; Allee M. Arnold, Inva- w 10 were n oSIl a ~. respect ve y ~~ \1./ I noney. ceased, first. final .a nd distributive ' lid care. $5.00: Iva NI: hols. In va - Mrs. Carroll D. 'Smart and Mrs. vulu o f th e extm I'l'OU III'O(lli e (I flo, S, Charles Tucker. ~h e League also ~;. ; OMMON PLEAS lO Ilc~2utlnt. ; i l li1dv~ CliBdl'ec·a$I ' e 5.00$; 1 0No ·ocwtMonill SltamBPer, voted to buy t he Chrtstmas h ealth t JSE THE MIAMI GAZETTE ~ PROCEEDINGS ..,..; 1er Null. executrix of the es " ..; arc ry~ 'I; Mildred Reece, a minor. by Elmer tate of Charles W . Early. deceased, a n t. in valid care. $5.00: Grace Ur- seals, .a s an organization . At the CLAS IFiED ADS .. " close of ' the 1)lI siness session first and final account. I ton. Invalid care. $12.50; 01'. Roy ---ec rica pp llanCeS. Th e es tate of Allce Cooke. de C. A. Bock. medical serv ices . $6 .00; "C hrls tmas Mile Stones" In panto-- ~ ceased. first and final account an H. M. Coyne, poslcards and stamps mine. were presented by the enterFriday - Saturd~y proved. I fU1'l1ished rell cf during· November tainment comml~tel~ with reading In the mattel' of t hc es tate or $6.00. I by Mrs. C. G. !Randall. All parts ,. C~l rn Archdeacon. deceased. How I The Lebanon Farmers Co-op. Co., were well taken. t he two ~mall l -SCREENREAL EST ATE Dl'd Archdeacon appointed adm lnis coal. $240.76: Gibson, 6 t.ypewrl ter dau gh te rs of Mr. and Mrs. WIllard "The~e Goe. My Heart" trntor. I rib bons for Pl'osecutin g At.torney Boga n attl'l ctlng special attention Virginia Bruce INSURANCE Frederic March In the ma tter of the estate of $6.00; Haynes P ublis hing Company Each member came with an invited AUCTIONEER I Larue L. Rank in. dece3sed. fh st, 1938 Supplement to Weygandt's guest, presen ts were distribu teei by Contlnuou. Show. Dally Clark Clements, deceased. sch edUle Ohio Charg es, less discount. $5 .25; Sllnta Claus, and fruit.. nuts . candy Adult. Only 15c 'Til 2 P. M. of claims. debl5 ,a nd llablllLles filed Lyle Blank Book Company. one and popcorn balls were se r ved . The I.'vening was most enjoyable to n IIL evenS fi m l an cl distribUtive a ccount. , 600 -[-age t mns f er recor d for ProIII t.he matter of the eslate o f tate Court. $47 .50: Dr. H . M , Wi!- members and guests . about 40 ladles Ciark Clement . d eceased. schedule l!ams. Coroner's ~OSL Bill, $7.40; C , being present. Fever and of Lla il11s. deb ts tnd lIabilitics flied C. Beckett. Clerk . stnmps fol' Clcrk MI'. and Mrs. Albel:t H ough of f . of COUI t $900 01' J Ollll Zeltel Wilmington accompanied by the I n tl le ma t '.. H e ad ac h e8 Wcaltha "",I' 0 Lhe es tate of " . •. !ve. NOlie urnp/! CI b II d I glasses $750 form er s mother Mrs. Har ry Hough •uoq • uld. TabI etll lam 1.'1' Il cceased . ' . due to Colds Geor Ch b Ii ' attend ed the persona l presentation Tr, "Rub.Mv.TI8Dl"-a WOI1lII'~u) ge am er n apPOinted adof tI " B CO t ·, dl # ,. mln tstrato r. Ie oon un y l'a a proglam . Unlment ,' held at Emel'Y Audllori um In ClnJ n the maLLeI' of the will of Ma- ' I innati. FridAY evening. hi e MaY Whls.l . er . d eceased. w1l1 1 probat,ed. MI'. an d Mrs. Lou Frye and i Mr. and Mrs. A. S . Collett were , d nner guests of Mr. '3 nd Mrs. James In the matter ot the estate of Cy- d aught l' spent Sunday afternoon C '1 I So 1·1 Ro rus D eBoard. dcccared, es tate re ' wllh MI'. and Mrs. G eorge Col e and al Fr7d C 11 W n ea r Centerville I Iieved from a dministration . f a mily. 0 11 ay. Mr. ' a nd Mrs. E JI'I Davidson and The Farm ers club met at t he . H . M . .Scott. executor of the estn le of Larue L . Rankin , deceased son enLertalned Sunday evening home of Mr. and Mrs. Ha r vey BurTARVIA-LITHI C TAn AND flrst Bnd final accoun t. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gray and chll- 11 tt on Thursday. Several from h er e EXCAVAT ING ROAD OIL; III tJle matter of tI1e estate of drcn. Mr. and Mrs . Everett Gustin were In attendance. DUMP TR UOK SERVICE Sal'3 h Elizabelh Wi tson. deceased and children of Waynesville at a Mrs. Earl Ho: kett 01 Wa ynesville I' port approved. birthday parLy. attended the Christmas party given , Grave l as low IlS 40c Cu. ynnl In the matter of the estate of Mr. and Mrs . Bert. Bunnell and by the Civic League on Saturday Permelia Bennett. d eceased, report daug htel's entcr tained Sunday Mr \lcning. approved. .a nd Mrs. J ud Bunnell , MI' . and M rs. Members of h te Cooperative ConIn the matte r of the estate of Bob Mullen. Mr8. Roy Bunnell and cer L nssociation from h ere, who atPhone. Waynesville 4-t R 11 Frank HOITls. writ of cltalion Is- daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Everett t nded the reCital of Erno Balogh Lebanon office Phone 473- 1{~u eu Ilgalns t Annn L. Harrts. BUlmell a nd children. MI'. and Mrs at the Friends church In Wilmingrea.98-M. Morrow Phone No. S In the matter of t he esLJte of Vaughn Mullen. ton Monday evenln€: were Professor George Lewis Mocrlson d eceased Mr. and Mrs. Ha rry Belville were and Mrs. H . C. M mlga n. Mrs . J . P . wUl probated. ' Cbrtstmas shoppers in Cincinnati Thornbury and dau gh ter Barbara • Yon apply modern winter cleaner's bills ond doctor's In the ma tter, of the estate of Friday. . Mrs. Charles T . Smart. Miss Gr.3ce windows or doublc.glozcd bills, too. "W indow Condl. John W. Scull, first accoun t with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gorsuch and E. Smart. Mrs. R. E. Hurst and ~o h. H Igbt thc n yon cut fuel tioning" i8 an i"\lcslD1enl vouchers. daughter en tertained relatives from daughters Margaret and Mildred . hills 20 tn 30%. Ilelill ble that can puy for ilselfin Ie /I In the matter of the cstate of Bethany Sunday. The Book Review Oircle wll! mezt "'..,- - - - - - - ; . ...::..::....: 18 prll\'c thai "Window . hlln two winter8. Divideuda Cnli dilioning" CUt' l·t s cOllliuuc ycor afl er year. Lewis W. Witham. deceased. pri- ' ~~~~::::::":'...."'!'"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~'~~~~~-.~~~~~~~_ _ _"'!'"~'!""""~_ - DEC. 16-17 For yuur complele snlisgrea t e r sav ill ::8 .h on any ",II/' r single form of h onse fa".iulI, ' e 1I8tl r.·O·F Qual· MARRIAGE LICENSES Ferlllln\ Grav"l Lulse Rainer iU!il ululion . il,· Willtluw Glus8 which ie III . David Brown. 27, mn · hlnlst. Ma .1 " ilh "Wimlow Co ndi ll", •• 11;" ('(1 fflr il8 grclI lcr frcct\oin son, and Dorothy Neufllrth, 21 .... .. fr um WII,·j Il C88 and dislo rill 1,;" - dtlulol e- ~llI s iIlKUI". "THE GREAT WALTZ" l i"n -a ,\I,ll o f ""p'i,'c /lir ,;"" 11,,,1 is e p("'ifllly\ . 'I is fur. lle •• h.·,"'c'."U h \ pn nes 10 "W ill,l"w Condj.ioning.' Comedf-"POW Wow" C)f ~tu.: .... "I h i!"l uir '"PIli'" il\ .~ u. Elich I'UII ' ..arricstb cL·O· F TRANSFERS Lalor\ <If ("Itlolily • l a l 4'~ ,". ~ t· ul i,·... ~ I " ~,, ur(',,Ed BI'enner to ElIz. beth Brenner Au I '~ 'illlllic will convincc •· IJI·' · t. ~ I"'hl 1,,-, ... ,,1 "ru ns. -19 DEC 80 acres In Decrfleld toWll?h ' p . )'.0\1 ,,(" lit e I"IV cost of"", in)'ul) "".t J I U'> ~ ),, ·ull l1 fll l JII' . .Iow (:.. II.11 li(lII illg...·FinonoIH idi t ~ \!ti l la-tlll lh e lIu il"u li to Judy Garland Asa Swope to EdJth Henry and MIckey Rooney iul,; ('un ho arronj!cd u nder uf fUJ!:.!)' winilu\'t'H, lIui ltH] Lewis Stone Oeclllia Parker 0.25 acre In Deer- i .lrul,,· rit·ij ullil JHui ~ tllrt! F . II .A. " 'ilh no !I/>wn PlIl'whic-h CI I UIH'~tl8 \ 't Hu,1 \\ uri" "It·nt . Cu ll u~ Ot· collie ;'), In ,-, Mar ga ret Van Honis- to Fred H . • • naJ l'U::; tt. \. cs- ~ ou c:.:n ::--:.: ,"C l url ay.
I flo
. See Our Complete iii~~~~ L-IDe Of Ch rlstmas . M ereh. an d-Ise .'
GIOft S For The Entire · Fami"I Y T oys, Games, nee h ', goo d Books, Glasswar & EI t· I A '. .
======_=.====:::-:.: -.-
~ 66
Sand & Grav~1
lain Armitage
... .... • ToaSTBR
a I rT
Wade. 2.50 acres In Fran:'lln . Fl'ed H. Wade to Margaret VanHorn. lot No. 36 ' In Franklin. Mary P.a rker Brown to Harry C' I DEC. 21 Eldridge, Sr., 1.59 acres In Warren E. Flynn county. B. DttvJs Grace M. Fry to Rodney W. Scott In 2 acres in plearcreek township. , "THE SISTERS" BILL~ ALLOWED Cartoon-"Porkey's Hunter A. '0. Harvey, M. D .• medical ~t- ' tentlon, $3.00; N. A. Hamilton. services rendered, $15.00 ;' Miller Hard-
-Newa of the Day
satisfactory Ser~ice at all times
"'011 •
~e offer a
£ ••,. 2"..... 11
McClure Funeral Home , . WayaeavWe _.. _c .. u _ \.. .. I
rOD " ...1...
Only $1.95 down (plus sales tax), and S2.10 a month for six months.
_ 11 _ _ l ~~~.-.a ._U_L_
SaL ·
Ba "Sra : .
"Love 'Finda Andy Hardy"
c:orr.... MaK"R
. '
Ileddeal AppllaDce
- ! -~
Save $6.GO
Look at the price - and the money'you save-and the easy payments, ot11y a f,ew cents a day. A~ve alllqc:lk at the bargainthe nationally kJllOWP firms-brand new up·to·the.lIllinute appliances, a modern toaster and coffee maker, and a beautiful I.E.S. bener ~igbt floor lamp that gives you your cboice.of six di(ieren't variations of light-for reading, working,games or brigbtening the room. The supply iiS limited. You can purchase this Special Bargain Package at the stores cooperating with us, or see it at our main office today.
W. ·H. Madden & Co. Phone
'IIe'.'ThlI.efrle M."er. • •1.,. to make ~.r coif"" -
S5.95 G .• ,.Cu, Co•••
, modern " I , ' -lull "':....r. d- 0 0 rI.;,. .... and mellow 'U.u ." biHem_-no l(oundJI M.,"I pam ' CbJomepl.~ finish. ~plere "'Ieb • 1_ f ...... ooc_ co~. C",!'-Qi!)l' one to ·.Iabl ~.
T",.o".r •• ,u'.r SI~. 50 6-W.~ I. E. S. Floo, , ..., . Thi. ~I... . bun·
•• ,,,,., u :so a: .1. To••'.,. AlIIQd.rn. bancllorn'e 'o••'.r 'hor proiluces COlli la, I ' jilly -
crisp! (.b;pmepllle ,- uilh • .Quidcheat!q. mica·core belir/nil units Ia· IUN eyen 'OUtlna. Cool hindI .. Ia·' cret...... of cum;", IOUI. Complet. wi,b cord lUll! pI...
.. aNI ~1JIa ,.,
Bold... ' 'rOUI .•,_ :aIa.410 bot edl"Ind mid. _I 'b,o'I'D th. tablt-
".ruriiau ... 1o. CT.
dlnl U"bl for r.. dl~8. studyl oR. 11. I. y. " Inl an d over·.U room ilIuminarinn . Six-"","y contloi 10, dh<C,f .nd Ind ite(! !iSh,ln". A hall Nt 01 Mazda Bulh. • ancludecl. Base fl.m'isb bronl. fin,.."
Silk Sblde.
.. .',..,..... GlII&
Por IIIrt6n .,,,,,;,,,,,, ,,,.. ,.".,~
1.IGHT .CQ:··:"
Contrary to populal' be li ef, the f lnming red leaves c1u tel'ed neal' the t op of th e tl;aditiQlH~1 Ch l'i tmns flower, t he' poin ettia,a,r e not flow el's at all, a nd t he plant did not orig:inally b loom at Chrjstma, time, according to H wett and Marion Mu lfot'd , sp on ~ol'S of the 9th a nnu al hristrnas Poin ettia show being h eJd fl· Decemper 11 -2~ 'at the ,l',fu lfOl:d Greenhouse, one mile south of Leba'nolJ, on/ highw.ay 42· . Th e-- ho w' is open dai1y and Sunday f rom 10 a . m. to 'If p" m. from . now until Chri t.1'f1ns. Th el'e-is no admission ch.a rge. .
Hewett P. Mulford &Co4 LEBANON
Qf Ml'.
t Ie .L . Y
anel Mr•.
~l1on Em~
,nell'\1,,11,waynuvlU" wnb.~ wlln~ Cam!! ChI a·o Illla
. I -or "NorlhWlltI~ Technlcolor Romanee Aunted". M
s: Id,,~,
b~ all..
UcOH,\be'i' 10 hM Mr. ond Mr , L. _ BU'g j ' 01' SWlllllc. trom 4 s\gl\ated as "SchOlJl HI!IUt~ ' Day" WllshJngl n- c . H. \\,(,110 dlm1e~ : day vf\nln~ /\rId will spend several V . T ile ~chool will hold a spe.& 1 o(I Sgue ts S\mdn' of Mr . and ~'S, days wit h her parents Mr. and Mrs Ml', .a h d MI'. Guv ul? 1m an d . ' I ternbly on that da y at 10: 30 pr~ . ni RA lph Bill'S r and ' h lldrrn, Mr E . B Longn 1'0 be'ore -~o lng 011 to lrutllly spen t W nesdny . ('\, ng . ' sen Ung 8 ,Ienlth prog' 11m built a'I I I BAr ger remlljn~d h er e a lew days theil' new home in Baltimore Md. WlIJ1 r Ilh ves III T 1>1l ly, . round tuberc:ulos\.s and t he OhrlstIt rv Burnet WAS In olumbliS ' visiting. )1 r {I.a ugh ter . Mrs. Fred Mrs . William ' Oray and Alfred I mas sen I ca mpa ign: In connection . Rush a nd fllmUy. G ay of Da}ton and Mr. and Mrs on bUh\ nl' s ·FrldlIy, . . ' wi th t his program wUl be a Doctor M rt M Til I J d A large crowd enjoyed t he ml.n- George Oray ' were dtnner guests Qulzz prOb'1·a m. Fi ve contes Ills I' ('I' e sones dan stl'el nt Lvtl Ha ll SllLm ctay veulng I Sunday at the .home of Mr and r . An 1'1. I\' I'e ayton Rltor atllr n ~' . . W I I . . will be selected fr om the eIgh th . Mr. and M rs . II Lt'l' K enrick and) Mrs . Leslie Gmy. . grade tlu'ollgh high school. The . irs. Adela. B llt!k.· of Miamisburg , J ames Haines ,"lsi ted their niece. ,. Ever ett Early and daugh ter. Mrs. public Is cordially invited to atte nd. !lpent, U1C week n<;1 with Mrs. Meta I MI:. J oseph GI'f1ssl nnel Ininlly !n Ru t h Morgan who are spendin g the l~ogers. Piqua Sundny. and found her su g winter at S t. Oloud, Florida, m otOTFarm I '~ ' wee k III. Oll :n Mrll. Ma ry Marshall spent Thlll's Iy' Improved. . cd here th e last of the week . Mr se h ' dliled r ~ 1' ,Ja llll fll' Y ::0 da ' in Dayton. . Mr. a)1u Mrs. Therle J ones and Early will spend about a week here ru ur y :l. Th e lll'o g ralll \\'111 contnl n H~r ' Ill't Smith of West Cal'roleton son . Milton ivcrc dinner guests Sun- on business, Several frIends are spent lhc week end willi Miss Velma day evening of MI'. and Mrs. J. B . gra teful to h.lm for the .flne oranges 80m thing of vu lu\) fO r ove ry mCIIl_ Help to Protect Your ana Herman Sml·t h . Jonc.~. and grapefmlt he brough t them. !.leI' of e \' 1' )' f;l.l' m fOlilil y In Ohio. Nome lrom TuHrculosi. Mrs. Mar garet J ohns and Paul Mrs. Margar et J ohns p nt Mon Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet enJohns were Friday evening dlnnel day with Mr. and Mrs . Amos Cook termln ed ilie Wayne Township Farmer's club on Thursday. A E_ _ L bounteous dinner was enjoyed at the noon hour. Mr. Palmer or Osborn was the speaker . Invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. W . C. m ark of Dayton Mr. and Mrs Palmer or OSborn , Dr. and Mrs, H. E. H nthaway and Charles Ellis of Waynesville, Mrs. SueL len Elliott 9f Centerville, Mr. and Beginning Dec. 20 the following stores in Way' Mrs. Harold Whi taker and Mr. and "Heal·t of Ul North," Wa rne r DroB. ,,:01'10\18 techn lcolor roMrs. Walter ·Kenrlck. neaville 'w ill be open every night until Christmas. man ce of lhc Norllhw cs l Mounted Pol!ce. is scheduled to open Sunday , Decembe r 1S. al the Xenia thea le r, In Xenia. for a atl r Mrs E, B . LoD ~ acre enterta ined These stores will be .c losed all day Monday, Dec_ 26. rin g t hree duy e n ~;ug e ll1 e nl. t he Ladles Aid and their families at Pl'orluced 011 th e lav ish !lcale chql'llct crl stic of a l: Warner t he Christmas meeting at Lytle ha'1l Dr08. tecb l1l color s Jlecla ls, "Heurt of the North" hilS ull the elp" A new. impro"ed Iced WITH COUPON BELOW I on W ednesday evening. A basket III Ill S reclu ' red by o. fl rlit-Tate outlloor fllIlI.- a dv entu re. aeLioli , S ll ~' layer c.kel Your choice dinner, a. program and exchange of. pen$e, the beauty a nd in teres t or un(>l lllll'u!' hn 8CUp s and a lu rge of 5 ".·rietie. - Fre.b cast of popu lar plnyel's headod by Pat rie Knowlell, Gloria D:ck· baked .nd delivered to E Ohrlstmas presents were features ot 80U unt! Gale P age. OUr atore. ""ery d.y A. the evening. The twelve tables were A Speci.1 Introductol'}' decora ted In keeping with each offert , ' month ot the year, ant those whose Waynesville, Oblo birthday swere of the month dined Dec, 12, 1938 a t t hat table. All left thanking Mrs. Mr. Wilbur N. Sears Longaore and her helpers for a moot Waynellville, Ohio " L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....J : On tbe purch •• e of • re.ul.r 250 KROGER : I enjoyable evening. The January • LAY£R CAKE-Thi .. COUpon .nd 200 mu.t meetIng wUl be held at the home or Dear Sir: I wish to espreSS my appreciation : b«- pre.ented .t your KROGER STOREI : Mrs. James Johns. : Thi. oR'"r expire. S.t., Dec«-mber 17 t to you as a,ent for Tlbe Continental , Insurance Company. for the prompt • • Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schaeffer &enlce given me Iv adJusUng have reLurned to their home In Day- loss on my property caused by fire. • Addr".. • ton, haVing spent several weeks In The draft being delivered to me In : Price of without thi. "oupD".-.2!i~ : St. Petersburg. Florida. wilh their twelve days after tbo fire. • grandchildren who are attending Yours vel/'y &.ruly, ·······················~ •••• ~ ••••• s ••••••••• school in t hat city. ~ W. S, Grabam Hot D~t.d. Spotliabt. . Lb. balr 15c ba, All hats In stock, now on 'sale, $1 Pla nt breeders orc now trying to elch at Grace L . Smit h's. imprOve hay anll ' pasture grasses COLD MEDAL Kitcb.n T •• t.d by tb e Burne processes that pro~ duced hybrid corn but the Job ahead probably is more dl/fioul t AVONDALE ' All Pu~.e ba, than that wb!ch to. cd th e men who perI cted corn hybl-: lls.
_ i
The Following Stores
D. R_. Smith Wallace I. G. A. Kroger
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :• THIS COUPON WORTH:•
' ~yerHyman
Fairley Hardware R. D. Collett
•• •
3 Ib, 39c
79.c 24 lb. 39C
FLOUR CRACKERS ~~;~ 2Ib, p·.·12~c LARD P2'ib~·:k~~u~9!t.r ~ulk3 2Sc SALMON P.NK lOc lb• .
· $"'" 'IIOARD.
Miss Brances Barmer,screen .ctiess, Gaucbt by caJldltl camera OD visit to the rrounds 01 ·the New
WANTED-Positlolll as hoUsekeep- Y~rk World'" FaIr 1919• . er for elderly couple. Have car. See 'NOTICE or write Mrs. Lotta K eafauver, Mt. Holly, Ohio. The Ladies ; Aid of the Methodlst Church 'wUI hold the\.r xmas meetIng at ~he horde of Mrs. Oharles WANTED-Help to care for 4 year Anderson . Wednesday afternoon, old boy and do housework . Apply to December 21 a~ 2 o'clock. There will Mrs. W. E. DymOIlld, WlllLa mson, ~ an e~change of gifts. Apts, Mains St. WaynesvUle
... Re.ide~lial
RATES $1.00 Miaimam cllazge ••• enHUemenl 15 If. W. Bn. N.xt 2S lC.1iI'. Bn.
• t ,. . '
,1.xtSOJt W.Bn.
., .. . , ' ."
.Velll 110 K. I' . H,., .'.
0".' 20C w. a;
: • 1111
SIc Liv. 2H, 4!C lew.
21c; .l·w. 4·
c.w ,
Santa Crellms a nd
IN SHELL., .... Lb. Zic
Delidoull French
. ., 4TRIICK:· LOAD &d"
door club sedan,; In perfect condl-\ tlon Inside and ut . Will take tlOO cash. 0811 or 'Vl'ite Mrs. Ba11ey Campbell. M1BlnL' Hotel, Payton. 0,
Tree Ripened oranlrea on
12 ~ c
. Fan~'y'
CANDY _ . .. , .'Lb. 10e hristmns
Lb. lOe
RIBBON MIX hoco illte"
DROPS . . ... . . Lb. tOe
Large size
FILBERTS .... . Lb. 23c: LarJe Budded
WALNUTS .• , .Lb, Z5c
LOWEST 'FEEP PRICES! 100 lb. $1.79
esco Egg Mash
100 lb. $1.49 100 lb. $1 •.29 100 lb. $1.29
Wesco 20 % Dairy Feed . Middlings
Produce' 15 lb. ' Balr 29t
Potatoes, Rusaet I
5 lb. 17c
Oranges, Florid~ Grapefruit, 80 Si2~ Tangerines, Florida .
, Celery Hearts, large bunch . " . . Head Lettuce 5 doz.· size
Sale next Satu~day; ~ .
Cott.lre Butta, .s cured •
Bologna. \
Fillet ,'o f HaddOck
Percher~ J!!raey•• and ,~ified Hy~rid Seec;l,Cbm .
ow. 12. led. 814, U. S. 81-44-U. n-I 931
IN 400 HONOR CLUB 1.aYS-3a.37 .
ten year old re•• Dla.-e, 3 yr. old ,eldin. for ..Jie
Old Fashioned
FOR SALE-B£g type . POland ! . China male hog~! ClaUde Strowct.
, ;
MIXED NUTS; . Lb. 23c:
1" 'f
PECAN$ . .... . Lb. 23c
Manh atta n Mix Christmas
Paper Shell
. . . .. Lb. lOe
CREAMS .... lb.
== .
H" ,
chair In good COndition. Mrs. Grac;e
lOlb.,C 27c
FOUND- Redbon rabbit hound ~ League g~es Owner inquire at O:azette orfice a~d _Springboro at WaynesvUle, 3tc Morrow at Maaoz;!: . .' pay for tbls ad. Otterbein at HarveYsburg
Cut Rock
JELLIES . . , . .. Lb. IOe CA~DY.
COUNTY moo FOR SALE House:hold goods, very BASKETBALL LEAG~ rea.sonable at the Walter Baker home on Main street. Numerous and Games p];ayed on December 9, useful variety. Call In person. The I CarlJsle, 2'1 WaynesVIlle 15 home for rent, semi-modem, furnace Bprlni~o 26 KIngs Mills 25 electricity and both 'waters 'In house Otterbein 44 Mason 34 • Garage, barn, shed 2 acres !!larden HarVeysb~g 33 Morrow 14 grounds. $20.00 per month In , LEAGUE STANJ;lINGS advance. ltp won lost CarlJsle 1 0 Harveysburg 1 0 FOR SALE- EnSilage, Roxanna a Otterbein 0 1000 1 Waynesvill e PllI.nts $1 .50 per ton Springboro '1 ujoo 0 HIgh Grad e Canners Salt 75 ets. per Klngll MIlls o 1 000 hu~dred pounds . •f14)xanna Canning o 1 000 MasOn • Co., Phone 119·R-21. • tfb. Morrow o 1 000 o 1 000 ~ WaynesvWe
NAVY Pio"d.
4 ·2S·c
now while the .electio n " .till complet--Cuar.ateed - Fre.b 1938 Stock -
Lighdng and electrical appliances are your electrical servants, .efficiently working to lighten the bur~en of household duties and beautify the home. Your monmly electric bills are ' the wages you pay these electric"al servants. Effective today, their wages are eut-anpther way of saying tbat a further reducdon has been made in electric rates. This volumary lowering of rates, ' like those which have preceded it, ,is the result of our policy of reducing household rates JUSt as rapidly as In· creased volume of business permits. ' Our, cominuous effort to keep Jown the cost of electricity bas brought more and more comforts and conveniences to the homes of our ·customers. Now you can hne a bel-e r lighted home ' anti be freed from , (ill more drudgrry by using electricity 'to perform ·additional ·tedious .Ind ' tlq!some tasks. Perhaps you've had your eye a . lamp or appl'iance which you intend to have sooner or later. This a· fine time to ' get it ..s ~ilh a new rate in effect and·. Christmas around ',the corner.
Creen '
I t
WHOLE NUMBER 396 .... ._ .._ .._
~ECRfTAAY Of SlAJE Local Happenings ,\PPOl~TS ASSISTANTS Call a t J , E. McClure's for one (
L(}cal - '-
of State-elect Earl ,I'lfnth today announced the fol ·')wlng appointments. effective when h e takes office, J a n . 9 ; · udge John G .' B elknap. SteubenVIlle, assistant se: retary of state. Gilorge N: Neftner. for the last 12 yeal's statistician and editor In the e;eeretllry of stlte's office, to con_ tinue In that position . Leonard J . Stern, Cleveland attorney, corporate advlsbr . Miss Ruth Porter, Mt. Gllud, personlll secretary. T : nnk Gardner, Delaware. shi pping
._ _ t, _ ,_ _
\I - '...... ' ~ ·. -,.- . , - I '
.....- ........-
E. McOI urE" . nil era i tllrcctor !s gil'lng alit the 1939 calendars. I J.
of his beau tlfuJ calendars. Secre~a l' Y
._ .,_ ._
Mrs. J . p . Fronun was the guest of James Hawke and family In Springfield over the week-end.
Furnn.~. nr;sL-;lad by Mrs
i Ke!ln i' Hiak I
II'RS host 10 m 1I11)cI S of his "500" club TIIl'sd y IIJght.
MIss Evelyn Johns and John Boger were Sunday ~ests at M r. and Mrs. Leo Conner.
WAYNESVILLE LOSES TO SPRINGBORO Waynesville bent to Springboro In the last few minutes of play. The ficore was t.ied at t he end of t h e Ulird quarter a nd t he score at tho
Mi. s Mnrle Owens and Mrs. Rob- e nd W[l S 23-26 . However the crt Bllkt'r were shopping In Xenia WaynCsnlie Junior high won t heir fourth straig ht when they oeteated Salmday. the SprIngboro boYs 23-16. Mr . 'nnd Mrs. Ross Hnrtrock ancl Saturday night Waynesville ]Oiirf.l l11ily II lalHiCtl t he Chn&lmas par- ncyC<\ to Sprin g Valley to play that ly at tile County home Su nday. un beate n Spring Valley fi ve. H!lw-
Mrs. James Kerrick Is slowly Improving from Injuries to her hlp reo celved when she fell. Miss Marie Storer Is spending the week with her parents at ~ar tln8 ville.
1\ r. 'l nll ~I:-' . lytle Egbert and ever it wRfi ll't until the last tour Mrs . Anna ilakcl 1111\'1' 11100'('rl to I lillnuU's of pillY thlll SPTlng Valley X Il ill cam' ahead lind bl'nt our boys by . a 36-28 ,o;:ore. Th e t;lIB me WIIS fa st Ml."s . ~III.. Conner 1)[ Mia mi I and had a ll the al men t.s of ag o U!JI\' ('r~ i ;y Is 1\1 nel ing th e holiduys galll lhe score a.t the half was 20_ \\1 . 11 ~IH pnr!'llts. 12 in favor 01 Wayne.wille, and we, were three points ahead at the end Mr». Flo.j·d Wlltrc:s and baby I of the third period The ReserveJ spent severn I duys last week wit h . 1V0n atU'r lWO over time periods by Mr. nnd Mrs. P . L. Reason. Ii 18-17 score. Mrs. Marlon McElfrc. 11 suffered The li neups for t he Sprin gboro a stroke of pal'alY ~ls Sunday evc, ,lnd Spring Valr y games were as nin g. She Is improved ~ om 'w hat Ilt follows. thIs writing. W AYNESVlLLE F G P
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas were ' l"k. i n becoming Identified with the business vlsltors In Xenia, Friday. U. M . White of LOUisville, Jt!', .- . ~etary of state's otrlcc for the J
.: ' Q9-1940 term, Judge .B elknap re- ctlo!1ed on friends here ~onday .
i rna to the position which h e ocMII:I5 DOl'16 Wh ~te WIlS the guest cupied lor four years, under ClIrot Mr. and Mrs. WI11 !StrOud IlllQ cnce J . Brown. He Is a native at son Harold Saturday and saturday Oarroll county, a graduate of Sclo night. o ollege and Ohio Northern Unlver.Blty, a former "Probate judge of JetMr. and Mrs. Ralph H astu'lgs and Jerson count.y, former chairman of son Robert visited Mr. and Mrs. , the \ Jefterson county ~ntral and , Cad Stephenson of Morrow Sun~o 6 3 xccutlve committee, and a practic day. Mrs . Elldcl.~a Day and dau ghter Collett 2 B 3 Dorothy will move '\lIto the Gra- Pres Lon lng att6,rl'ley In both Steubenville Mr. and Mrs. Ch!U'les Chapman Planck 2 2 6 ham cotl alle on 4th streel during a nd Columbus. Rutherford 1 o the holidays. George Neffner came to Colum_ were over night guests ~ull{i!lY 01 their p l rents Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Clary 1 o 2 , us 12 yoars ago from New Vle~ ChapmAn, Mrs. Madison Earnhart and Mrs. Peters o o o nnd has' served as statistician six Frank Thomas were III Lebanon years unCler George Meyers, and '. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Godby and shop ping aile day the latter p art of 23. , two years under WlIllam J . K:en- son, Paul of Cincinnati. were guests lh e week . FRIENDS HOME ; MISCELLANEOU. SHOWER 11e<ly. Election officials of Ohio, Ilnd of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Day SaL p SPRINGBORO F G all otht:!I'S concerMlped with details urday evening. Mrs. Cllnt.On Corwin Jr . entel'5 o . 10 Mrs. Eilddln Day and daughter Fonders mlt h Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Schoeler of cl ared through t he secretary of o m . neon e sses . e .J..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J tained at the home of her l>uenls Dorotby , Mrs. Rl I Bentley and Sheehan Anni ilto call d th MI Ha Mr. and Mrs. Amos Compton ",nd state's office have found George Hutt 9 Mr. and Mrs. John Will is were in U. oand Milme T . Brown on Sunday Mr'l a nd Mrs. S, D. Henkle In Leb_ NeUner a .phenomenally reliable son of near New Burlington were o WAYNESVILLE M, E. anon, Saturday a ftemoon with a Lync hbLU'g Sunday an d hear R ev· Dugan Misses Marath Deat herage and gt}ests of Mr. and MrII. Henry Sat5nurce of information. Owens 2 CHURCH ! miscellaneous shower for her sister Harold Willis preach. Margaret Sharrer of Dayton called terthwaite. Sunday evening. Pfieffer o Mr. Griffith's ' de 'lgnated corporaSunday December 25, 1938 Elizabeth whose approaching mlll'2 t .m advisor, Leonard Stern, Is a Mr. and Mrs. J. C. lJlsey are an- on Mrs, C. H. DOlth erage Sunday 9:30 Sunday I, School R. D. Co!- I'lage to Stanley Markey of neal' M.lss Louise Zimmermr9n of Kruer I I o uatlve Cleyelander who was admit· nouncing the arrival o:f daugb~r afternoon. lett, Superlntend,ent. Cleveland will be IS H event of Dec- Ath ens Is spending Lhe ChQ,stmas Lahman Mr. ' and Mrs. Dlam()nd and Mrs. 10 :40 Mor~ Worship. ember 26 at the Ck>ldcn Lamb In holidays with her par en ts, MI'. and Kruer .3 ted w the OhJo Bar In 1926. Since at their home , Saturday, DecemNlna DownIng of Xenia called here I Ghrltitmas ~rv llce. Subject, " Joy Lebanon. J oan aad Dicky Beckett, MI'S, Charles Zimmerman. t.hen be hilS been engaged In gen.. ber 1'1. 26 eral law practlce, exceptlng a fourSunday. To Tbe World.' · atlJ"active children of Mr. and Mrs. Martha Death erage of Dayton year period wben he W,,"S baIJUf in Miss Alice GallS of GUllford coL Mra. A. E, Har·t sock and W. T . Epworth LeaQuIl and evenln g ser- 1 Harold Beckett acted 'a s gift bear- visited h er mot her, Mrs. C. H. \V AYNES VILLE P G F the CUYljhoga common pleas court l8&e, North carolina Is spending J orden and Cla.ught:& Heten were vice will be omll ted on ac:oun t of er5. drawing a large snow man In Del.t.herage and sister. Mrs. Ross Collett 2 • • 1 during the term of Judge ~. Barris. t.he holidays with her parents, Mr. over Monday and with Mrs. Lena I Chr1st~a&. t heir III,tle wagon. The snow man H8.I1tsock and family , Sunday. Preston 5 3 13 He Is ~ m mber of the CUyahoga ll11d Mr~. J. Q. Gons; Hartsock attended the funeml of MONDAY which appen red Quite realistic had Planck 1 o 2 Thomas Thompson qI[I Mond!lY. '1:QO Boy $ roAit&:; • !.he .gifl:5 concealed within. A mtist ' ... Mrs. M rlol).. ¥C!J:Mr~ &~nt .laat count>, R,epubllClln executive com.. P etera 2 .~., ~!1 l\4ra, _ • Orabam ~ .- mltte€. Miss Ruby attended a f~7 :30 Orchestra practice deliciOUS lunch was served at week wlbh her son. Walter and his Rutherford o o o _ Mrs, DaJsy Snyder and Dan Sur_ 8:00 Choir prsLCLIce. dlnlng tab e which was lovely with wife and baby , daughter In Da.y - Clary MJss, who Is to be persona face vlslted Mr. rand Mr$. C. M_ 11y dinner at her home at Sprin g 3 6 UIll on Sunday. Miss Ruby James FRIDAY a centerj)lece fashioned of eveL ton. seoretary at t he new Secretllry 9f BroWn ",t B4mv.erwwn Sunday. took her place here. '1:30 Boy Scout and Epworth par_ I green . a nd green and red candles. Mrs. Frank Thomas Included Mr. r:;~ate, hq been slll'lilarly employed 28 A son 'lWI6 born w Mr. II-nd Mrs. for the last five years, lit" the Grlf. Mr. C. Todd of Middletown, wlth ty. ' Guests presen t 1l1c1uded Mesdames arid Mrs. Madison Eru:nhart and SPRING VALLEY G P .F flth newspaper, thlj Morrow County Lawr6JlC~ A. Ga.ret Monday Clven- hJs aunt, Mrs. Anna B. Moodie and .cOMING EVENT John Kersey, Gilbert F rye, John sons Jack and Tommy of Center_ E. Haines. 2 e ~ Sentinel, ' Ins:. The young man Who tlpped the Mrs. Lena. Har.tsock were In DaySunday Januall' 1, will be our Gons, John Set.t1emyre, Carl San- ville, Inez Thomas, Deana. Davis Haines, J . o o o annual New YeaTS service. A gift ker, George Henkle, Klmlt Long, and Robert T, homas of Dayton. There ls a hUfllan /ltory back of scaies Ilt plmost rune pounds has ton Friday. WI iI1a ms 4 9 for everyone, a :sel'vlce of prayer ol1d the Misses Kay D avey and J,l'l'ank Gafdner's ILPpolntment os been I1!lined R1c~rd Allen. Stoneburner 1 2 4 and C4IllIIlunlon. Evelyn K ersey. W. S. Grallam spen t Saturday ' . Mrs, LIllian F1fe II-nd 60n Earl of . s hipping cler", 2 1 5 with his daugbter Mrs. Ralph Lumkln QlU'dner, a Negro, went ' to Mi, Washington D. Coo and her daughOsborne 2 1 5 WAYNESVILLE CHunCH OF FAMILY DINNER Lewis and family of MlamJsburg. Gllea~ from nea!,by Cardlngt9n, til ter Mlrlam Jean of Wilmington Blair o o CHRIST The children and grandchlldrcn Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hightman were 1900 and sought", job-aD, The BeQ- will ",rrlve the ~tter part of the Agner 4 o 8 W. C. SmIth, MlnIster of Mr. a nd Mrs. Henry Sattert.hSunday dinner guests of Mr. and tlnel, tAen ~wned aW ~\ Qr1fflttl's week to spend tile holidays with SUNDAY wllite wUl ·gather a t the parental ' Mrs. Robert Baker and daughter .. ~an~f"theJ1. The newspI!-per c~ld Mr. and Mrs. Lester Oordon. 36 Bible School 9:30 home . Christmas Eve where a sum_ Jean. MI'. tIl1d Mrs. Bedford Strlck' hl\ve struggled alorlll wUMut ~nf . Supper 10:45 ptuous lurkey dinner will be served . 1111 of Middletown were afternoon exllJla help, but the" Ol'lffltt\s ' 11lt0(\ Mr. and Mrs. L, V. Branstrawr Chrlstlan Endeavor '1 :00 p. m. Those who w1Jl enjoy t he occasion ca llers. School will be dismissed oa.t noon Gardner an<l-wtlat WM mQre ·Im. entect.41lned their family a.t Sunday ..Jamps Monr~ Bhee~, ~, died are Mrs. Mabel S ta up, Mr. and Mrs. Friday for Christmas 'vacation and por\.lmt h~ Wl\S " g~ ~d leader. dinner, Covers were laid for Mr· Saturday morning at Mt. Carmel ChrlBtmas program ~ : 30 p. m . Mrs. P ercy R enson entertained at will reconvene on January 3. ' . You will want to be at the Christ.. W'Jrl'en Espey of centerVille; J ames he vlllJR toptets. at tlle tlJno, and Mrs, Ell F\.Q'nae and chll<1l'en hospital, ' Columbus, following a dlmlCI' Thur~d ay for t he pleasure of The alumni teams for ' ·the last and Cl\therlne and lb3Jph Branstra- long UIness. He la 6urv1ved by his mas evening ~;\ltce where a must- Mon'ls and family of Sabina; Mr: h er house guest , Mrs. Floyd Watwere without a ~nductor . .. As Gardner wor~d as a printer toI', widow, I.ouJse, his parents, Mr. and osl program will be given by the I and Mrs. L. J. Satterthwai te, Day_ res and baby of Dayton. t he follow- lwo years will play the boys of this by day !lnd oSli a band leader by . Mrs. P. L, Sheets of near Waynes- Waynesville and Ferry choll's com- I ton; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sumner Ing. Ml·S. Russe l Holiday and baby year. There will be another game JUght it &180 deVO-Io~ that lle was J4r. and Mrs, Albert (Janer and vUle ,t wo sisters and three brothers biDed, The program wll be followed Miss Ma l'Y satterthWaite, Miss Edna between aiumnl' teams, Remember, . daughter and Mrs. Rhodes 'Bunnel RUlte,t~~ athlete. lije and; Ear) Gtif. John Sears o~ Olw.lnnatl are spend_ Services Ing ttwl,t we have'" had some gOO4 Sta up, LebanC(3; Han,), Sa.bterlh- and children. were beld at the home of by a short talk by the minister nth were about the 6\tme age and Ing ,t lle hollda.y week with . t.heir his parents Tuesday altemoon and TUESDAY • Waite a nd family, Mr. a nd Mrs. C. tea ms In \ate years, we may expect · I. S Jtterlhwaite and dllughter and Sunday dinner guests of Mr. a nd good games Friday. Com~ qui; and lIo(lD tI:ley 'were ptllyhlg .football to • .~:::.ts. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur burial was In Enon cemetery. Choir. practice at 7;30 P. m. I Robert, Richard, Charles and Ruth Mrs. FI~reli c e BJlI'beau, Mr . Ollf- enjoy them, gllther OIl a 10ciU h:\def>en~ent teaIl'I, WEDNESDAY ford Barbeau a nd Miss Irma NarSatterthwaite. ,as wep ~ wor~g ,slde by sl~e in 'M r, oand Mrs, Ronald M. Hawke Prayer meetlnlg '1 :30 p, m. The eighth and seventh granes TPe ~eJlt1nel's COmpos~ rOOlD, ' attendec:\ tJle f,IUlual mee~1ng of TWO-HUNDRED CHILDREN kel' of Dayton, Mrs. Myrl J ohnson have charge of the Christmas as_ FERRY OHURCH OF CHRIST ENTERTAIN WITH of Samantha, Mr. II11d Ml·s. H . D. Kem bly this" week. Ft!rm!1D}' years GRrdJl~r trail Ohlo State Granle In Akron, last ATTEND PICTURE SHOW W. C. Smith, MlnlBter ~ OYSTER SUPI'ER O r b of Sabina, Mrs. COI'D Bakel' Sunday !?een an actiVe RepubllCllll work. week, , BS delegMea . fJ'Olll Warrep The gradcs' nre having Christmas nnd MI'. and Mrs. Kenneth KelT pJrties Including ,the exchange at Between one hundred-fifty and ill ~lawl\fe county where he hI\s coqnty. . '. Bible Schoo1 9:30 p. m. MI'. and Mrs. J essc Men gle .and of Wilmington, were gu 'IS of Mrs . gifts. two-liundred children attended the PUI home. He w!18 11 field repl'esent ~ Lord's Supper 10 :4511.. m. Charles Anl1er80ri of Ohio State free picture show Saturday' after- Christmas pro gram 11 !00 a. m. s ons enter tained at the il' beau lIful Ada Courtney a nd MI'S. lela Stokes, It . lve In ttlq Republican s41Le cam_ c"untry h ~me several memb ers of Sun day. Ulli1vcl1llty arrIved Wedn'esdliy ' to noon at the Twin theater. The algn In 1936 and 1931\. SUN '}lINE CLUB Baptismal Ser vice 11 :45 a. m . t.helr family, Saturday night, at 4111 spend the holidays at his borne children were kept in gales of .here· oyster supper a nd Chrls tmllS po.rty , The Ladles Aid of the Meth odist laughter from beginning wend' &t Mrs. Howard Burton entertained 'fhose to enjoy the occasion werei chUrch met with Mrs. Charles Andthe antiCS of LAurel and Hardy ST. MARY'S EI'ISCO~AL ers on . Wednesday afternoon. FoL members of the Sunshine club at MI'. and Mrs. John Settlcmyre, Mr. ~ MarY OlU'Olinc Lu kens was OOMMUNITY CBRla~8 TREE In "Swiss MIas" Many toy8 and CHRISTMAS pJ"'-'Y. Jowillg t.he bUsiness se~lon , .8 s hort her . home Friday e\'cnlng at a dl!', and Mrs. Glenn Bland a nd daugh~ C~lD~ , h06te&$ when ahe , . J articles of food were r~elved at the 11 8 . m . Ho}y Communion and ter Barbara Lou and MI'. a nd Mrs. Ohrlstmas progl'lllll of carols and . ligh~ful ChrJ.~lmas party. A be-l ,uent.ertla.lned twelve cll\8sml\tes Of the Tbe community Chrla~ tree door and these will be'UllCd mak- address. . r~a.dln~ was enj oyed. During tl1J" tiful\y trimmed tree under Which sentor class at a slumJ)er party ILt WIlS rataed Monday, 1n ,t he vacant Ing up baskets for the needy famThis Is our festival Christmas L. . C. St. John. / period San In. Claus a ppea red with ere gifts for. all was the attlactl9n l1er, J10me Friday night. The younlf lot ,On .Maln street north of R. 'D~ of our co~munlty. · service, and we Invite everyone In gifts far all , after which rerresh- of the eve ning. The gUt!sts present. k tb 11 Collett's Ha~ware store. The electhe cemmunlty w come and worm ents wert' served. ed their hosteSs With a gift. Ga nus ladles tjr8t tattended ~h~ bas e a ship with us At this service on this re!reshmenl:5. ~aJDe Clr~r wJtlcl1 ttJey went to tlle tr1c lJghts been t\qned on .. nnd contests In keeping with t he Luken's tlome where a jOlly mgnt every evening anct ·tAe CtlrIstmas FARMER'S GRANGE great day In the Christian ye~r, And It Is rumored that holiday season were played and a was spept. Most at the girls stayed E~e ~rognam Ia lIcheduled beg1n The Rev. GUbert. Symons 'Of the Santa Is making III special trip In COUNCILORS MEETING dainty lunch was served. ~hose wi1b Mar)' Cl\.rOllne· throUgh Sat- at · 6 .30 with carol Blnalni I!ofter Waynesville Farmer's Gnmge en- Bishop's staff ~111 preach and orn- \ order to be at this party. Mrs. .PI'·'!Sent were, Mm. Chalies Allen ' \.!':day, 'Those to enjoy the ()(\oaa1on . which ~nta.' Claua ~ arrive Joyed their annual Christmas. pro- clate at the service, a..oslsted. by the Hackwell, the 'h08teas, 1s being 1lSMrs. Ralph Hastin gs and Mrs. and d aughter Mary. Mrs. Austin werE! Opil Henderson Be~ty Petef. a treat for ~U children of 10 ye~s gram and party Be.turday evening. Rev. Mr. Hackwell. Familiar oorols sls&ed by Miss Ka therine Prend er_ :Stanley Bailey. Home Councllos Conller . and little daughter, Mrs . · .~on, AiJilt:ey .crI.\v1oiu,' t.tirlam' Bco1t, an.d under. · . 'TIle musiC.. for the occasion 'WIlS wlll. be feature of the service, o.n4· gast and' Mrs. J ack Bolin. for · WaynesvUle and Ly tle. respect- Albert Brannock and daughter AlJl:VeiYn' Johna, Wylodlne Kurns~ ~e affair ta ~ed by Jr. O. furnished by the grade schOOl orch- .the choir will ,smg a special Chrlst- . Another Qld 'custom Is decorating ively at.tended an all day . meetln~ berta. Mrs. Jeff Smith. Mrs.' Della AnDt.. touiae Beak, Louise SIncl&1r. 0. A. M. and W&yn~ TownlihJp estra U!lder the superv~n of Mr. mas anthem f9 r the oUerton'. the chul' h for the Christmas ,ser- of the Council member s from War- Venable. Miss Ilucy · Emley, Mrs. ArKirkpatrick Dorthy Drum- Mother'. club. Prank. A. q~~tet compoiled of AJ- _ ~e Chrts~mas splrlt. Is already vice. It Is a pleasant tracUlion re~ county at the home Of . Mrs . thur Atkinson, Mrs. Frank Farr; mond 'MUdrecl.llei-sen Elizabeth YIn Eamh8Jlt ' and hJs three' sonS, sttrrlpg amODg members CIt St:· which . goes along with th<a-t of Charles Elzey near Oregonia on Mrs. Frank Th~ma.s, Mrs. Ruuel , ,. • &.n.n,... . Le Ma "'--I was much Mary'll Eplscope.l Church . bringing the yule log Into Lhe home Hoblltt II-nd the boat.eall. -,.~..,--- ;MEETING r,..,..... and Al'An uu. • t Christ t De ' Frid~y. At ,the noon hour, !lfteell Bentley and MIs.s' Phoebe Miranda. On ~~day menlng members .!Jf a mas Ime. coratlona w1l1 councilors with t heir Home r!) gent, 1 ': apprecla.tecl-.·xmaa in Other I:an~' aOo~_'8 CLAS~ The .nnUal me.etlni at 'stOcJmolcL wrtt.ten by Mrs. R. D. Collett was the Young Peo:ple's Group carried ~ put up Friday, and anyenc tn . Ulfs a"a~'dy . el1jc-ycd a dmclous 500 PARTY ~iht ~1lers or ~ ~ era of W~ National. BUlk red bY K188 VIrg1nIa. Ban,Un. The out ~e old tnlod1t1on of , car'olllng ,the parish may come and help. ooverll.!l dish dinner. I n the after._~_ B<a1ler'1. , ~ of the PrIenth' of via.ri1~vI,lle, Ohio be beld p~ , was the' taken over by throughout the ~ !Starting from , ,~embers of the choir at St. nOOn,plrulS tor achievement day .• ~ ...... _ .... ·wi.'" '".. ' an,,;.. .... - ' Ita baD'IDK GUt. tbe r~~, 'tb2 young people . &ana ~ry',s church will present on . the Were discussed. Il'he next- demon... ._. -tD. • bOwIe in """;:"_m"", ...-Z ....... ,.... ·t be JuvenlJe GranP,. ./. . , . . Raymmld ,raddock and ch1ldreli Ohio on the 1~~ da¥ ~ J~, excba~ and it. treU liven tAl the the Qladltlonal music outside the Sunday after ' Ohristmas in .the strahan will be "Planning and Buy.. i~- et.eDlD8. . ~ -'boUse ~ 19311. a.t .2 o'c:look P. lI. "1lufAIm cb1ldren.1lID'1DI the ~- -meet- hOUlea of ~~8 of the parish: church &t 4 o'clock In ~e .afternoon irig commUnity" Each organ~ trimmed with oec!U' aDd Standanl TIme fCll' eIeotIoD ' of I)I.. lnr ~ members of the ~ Amolll tht* vtatted were the "The New-born KIng," a Christmas lzatlcn chunh or ciub- IB' entltl-d tc Lightf"d CUldIt"3 ou~ a 80ft .... "........_ "" ltIbtrec1 . . . . . . oudlel. ~ rectors for the tIIl8UlIlI Je&r &ad aaalD di8PJQed tb~ ~ tAl ~ AnnIe and Mary Browne I ~ntata by Charles Gabrl I. Th1;. send . two re,Jr 'eotatl Jl~ to this thll beauttrully appointed table 1ft or tile ~ ...a • elL ~. ~ of IAICb other ~- cooperate wlU1 otber Cll'PDJlaUoD& lin. Emma Barnett., Mrs, ' Bdltb , cantata was 'suna a lew years ago m~~lng, Anyone interested In "eclor IICheme which . . Ulbt.Nl ~ . . . .... .~ ... . , JII'IIP8I'lJ came befcII'8 In daaMtnI .ao ·uw OomIIlunlt.1 .1Iarrls, 1IrI. D. L. Crane. aDd lin. by the chOir ana. was .sO, well re- malOng slip covers or in a sewlnl holiday colon 01 red IIIIIIl .....-. ., _ UIe '1MIUaf. . . 0IiI _ _ tree ud lIS' ~ tbetr Hma At* IbIIID8 UJe oelftd that it Ia being riven again mac;hlne QJlnlc PIDUle get In touch Gifts w~ exchall&'ed '·.III~II;"~ • . . . . . . lIAR. . . . . UIiIiii", 01 ~..... ~ ~ rectorJ for tbIa Jear. WlU\ . ,yOur council member. ~ul ot evenlnl or '__ ·'111 p
THE MIAMI GAZETTE ,;--C--h-u-'r--c-h-e-'S-'~I '
Thunda,.. Decem.....,
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S eeO DrCompIet e L-Ine Of Chr i t m as
lJahtinc Committee of tbe_Council of &ald VUlase before the limp la ... erected, and after a limp has been Announcement of the publication EntMe4 A. Second 01... Mall Matter at POlltoffice, WaynelVUle, ObIo erected In accordance with sucll ap- of the appropl'1atlon aotls of the Mr. md MrS. Willard Taylor and I prova). the CoJllpany opon a written 92nd Oeneool Assembly Willi made 60na spent Sunday with . Mr. and . .~ Flora M. Crane - ~ditor order from the Councll, shall re. by Secretary of State William J Mns. Lesl1e.· Gorsuch and daughter . . Mrs. R. H, Hastings, Society ~ditor . .. '.... Phone 45 R 11 move It to another looatlon, the ltermedy. Copiea wUl be, sent to Marte. COlt of wch removal and relocation state, county and munJcJ.pal oft1Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Mullen ISSUED EVERY THUttSDAY to be paid by the Village of Waynes- elals, public libraries. - coU~!ges, WlL. apent Sunday evening with Mr. and 1 SUbecril'tiOil ~. ' 1.60 Per Year, Pa yable in A~Vln~ vUl Ohl verslties and other Inwested Indi- Mrs. Bert Bunnell and daughters. 6. That the COmpany vlduals and Instltutlo.ns, Mr. KenMiss Velma Kraester spent Sunday shall use all dlUgence and ,care nec-' nfdy said. The volume con tains all with the Carter family. "r==========================Y~ e.ssary to keep all the limps clean appropriation ' acts passed by the ~v. and Mrs. Hill spent Sunday and burnl~ during the hours called leglsta.ture In the regular Imd three with Mr. and Mrs. WUbur Marshall - - -.... - ••- - for In this ordinance and shall a_ special sessions during 1937 and and daughter. gree that If any llght goes out. the 1938, and Is Issued as a supplement Mrs. Banner BOOwart and son Budlampe ahall be repaired the same to Volume 117. Laws or Ohio, which day! spent SunJaY 8It. Bqtlerv1lle. n"tght. If possible, and In that event wlll be published early next year. Callers ..t the' Mont80mery home no deduction for outage wlll be Sunday were, Mr.. and Mrs. Raymade ; however, If any lamp or The State Department of Health mond Montcomery and children, lamps are found to be stW out on and the state dlvlslon of conserva- Mr. anq Mn. Ed Eyer, Mr. and Mrs. the second night. then the Village tion joined In a warning against Wiley M~ and ~. and I By HaIT7 EIUi...., Jr. wm make a deduction equal to two tularem ~, commonlY re1er1ed to IIlI Mrs. BerCI Bunnell and daughtera. Larger Because of Better Quality, Servlee, and Price. "rabbit Jever," durlng the r emalnMr. and Mrs. Bud Young spent FAtablished 1849 - 1938 WAYNESVILLE, PHONE 3! nighta for each lamp nO.t burning d f th ' h tl Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Fary on the second night, and a deduc- er 0 e curren. un . ng season , tion for each additional night that as the ftsult of Increased preval. BelvUle. ... any such lamp Is not burning, and ence of the malady In several secUTICA U. B. CHURCH . these deductions shaU be at the tlons of the state. More cases of Approxllnately 700 f\Shlng and IIe9tt A. BW, Paator 1200 hunting licenses were sold in ORDINANCE NO. 153 , same ratio per night as the total tulare~la have been reported In Special serlea of evangellatlc serWllrren County by dealers handling An ordinance fixing the price monthly price bears to the time the ' north and northeastern Ohio than them for the Warren County FIsh which the Dayton Power and LIght lamp or )amps have been found to ' In other sections, but within the vices, beginning December 26 and and Game association, according to Company may charge for electric be out. The Village, through Its IiIuIt few. days several CB.SeS havp continuing throurh JlIJluai'y 8 each to the klubHc Marshal, shall report to the office developed In additional districts, evening at 7:30 except Sa.turday. a report given by ~sldent.. . Earl l1ghta furnished Gustin at last ThUrsday night's grounds. streets. lanes, IIIlleya and of the Company all lamps dlscover- particularly In the east central por- Slogan for the meetlnga will be MiSS Ber tha Ker ns of Centerville meetJng of the above group. All , avenues In the village of Waynes- ed not burning. I tion of the state, It was disclosed. "Each one bring one," Ther~ wWl be fees tr~ the sale of theee l1cenaes ville Slate of Ohio, tor a period of The health department has ra- special muslc combined with sane placed her membership with the have been turned over to the A66n. ! five' ( 5 ) years. conunencing on thr. SEOTION 'I . Whenever any tree . peatedly urged p,ersons who dress and &Qund gOllpel preaching "Launch Ferry ,c hurch Sunday. for re-stocklng and conservation first day of January, 1939, and de- or trees upon any sidewalk of any wild game to weI\r rubber gloves out lnto the deep" a cordlel welThe Berean class mettlng will be J)W'p(¥e$ At the meetlni the game termlnlng the manner In which said street. lane. alley or avenue shall and has cautioned ag.aJnst 1na4e- come awaits you at theae meetlnis. · held at the Ferry- cllUr cb on JanROoT FOR AND CONSIGN ~ttee presented the followtnc lighting rna.y be furnished , provided seriously Interfere with the dlstrlbu.. quate cooking It Is said th&t allour Cattle, bop, sheep alul uary 6, 1939. to Norria-Broek Cc.., Un wire an" ~; purchase ot 120 rabbits and paid for. tlon of llght from any lamp or though rabbits which con.tract the The young people of the Ferry lIrogJ'e8IIive am t"r the blch~ $)r release In the count.y the last ot WHEREAS there la on rll.e with inluu P th°f lav~mpe, orshawlhllCbeh the Coun- disease usually die within a short church wlll give their Ohrlstmas market pric. and eood llnieto. the Judge •• ' c f e age January-purclmse of 50 pheasan... the Clerk of said Village of Weynea- ... _ Villa ill trim be' time, it Is difficult for the- average program Sunday morning. Every- Ual_ Stock Y.rd.· __1I. 0. ...... ge w or cause to • . Tune lD OD Radio St&UOIl WOItY for releaee <in Mamb and 10 coons ville oomp)ete plans and lpecltlca...... ed h tr hunter to determine whether a rab' . . any sue ee or trees In one welcome. 11 :211 to 12 :80 p. m. tor our daD, abOUt . the sarne time. The food tiona tor the lighting of the streets h that h Inter! bit Is Infected. w. C. Smith preached the luner- market report.. . sue marmer suc erence patch In Shaker Swampe game pre- and publlc places of the Village with with the dlatrlbutlon or U ht wm --Mlsa Clara Daughters. Mrs, Er- al of Thomas ThompSon of Well- ~~~~~~~==~~~~~ eerve Ia to ~ malntalDed during the electricity. which plans and IlpecHt- be removed g I Twenty-four UlllUon dollars less man, Monday afternoon at McOlure oomlIig year. A balance was held cations provide for different t y p e ' state revenue durlng I~he first neIt Earnhar.t. were Xenia shoppers Monday . funeral parlors. ..over iii the treaaury for promotion and rating of lights In different 10SECTION 8. That the plans and eleven months of 1938 wltlen cOrnMr. and Mrs. Perry ThDmas, Mr. •• Mrs. Ervin Smith and daughter and obtalnlna small stream damI cations according to the local re- speclf1cations herein referred to for pared with the same lM!rlod In and Mrs. Fr~ Hub*. Mr. and and carrying. through a lake pro- Qulrements. the lights being desl(DL.ISUCh street lighting and on me with 1937 was reported by State 'Treas- Judith Ann. Mrs. Harold Kellis and ject in the county. Additional food ted by candlepower and c1asaltled .. the Clerk of said Vmage be and the I urer Clarence H. Knlsle)r. He re. famUy were Dayton shoppers Sat- Mrs~ Oarl Smith were dinner gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gerhard, )I&t.e~ for game wID be maintained hereinafter set forth . same hereby are adopted and a p -, vealed that the state llquc,r mono-- urday. Monday . , . . soon as the proper reserves are BE IT ORDAINED BY TilE COON- proved. ' . . poly declined more than : $5,000.000. Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Osborn of Mr. and Mrs. J esse Hess called located. . CIL . OF THE VlLLAGB OP SEOTION 9. Upon '!be DaYt<.!n and the motor vehicle registration Xenla were Sunday evening supper on the .Robel1t St1les. Sunday eve Moat ot the 50 or more members WAYNESVILLE, STATE OP OHIO: Power and Light Oompany filing Its I fees more . than $1,000,000. The guests of Mr. and MrII. Emmerson ning. and .b1encls atten4ing the meeting SECTION 1. That for & period of Written acceptance of thJs ordinance greatest loss was decrease of more OW and eon ~Iph. Mary Ethel Welnder spent Sa.turre~ the beat. b\1Dtlni In y~ five (5) years from the lit daY of with the Clerk of I5ald VUlage, wlth- than 11,000,000 In sales tax revenue. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shaw and fam- day night as the guest of her grandWith many huntes KEtttngtbelr January, 1939, the price which may In thirty (30) days from the ta1tlng . Uy of near Xenia spent Sunda~ parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Wlcal. 11mit in our own country. btl oharIed by The Dayton POWer effect hereof, this ordinance &ballA new course offered iJll the col:- with Mr. .and Mn. Lewis Morpn. Phone 78J Mr. and . Mrs. Tom FordYce of Comm1saloner L. WooddeU ~ 'and , Llght Company, for electric. be and conatltute.. contract be- lege of engineering, Ohio Btate UnIMr. Levesta Stroup of East Dan- West Carrolton were Sunday guests ot Ohlo'a Conservation Dlv1slon vla- llaht furnlahed to · the Village of tween said VUlage end Company to vers1ty. has become b,lghly popular vUle la spending a few daya with of .the P. J. Thomases. lted the Warren 00. meeting later WaynesvWe, to llsht the streeta. l1Bht .the streets, Janes, alleys, ave- and Its success la virtually assured. Mr. Loula MUITIlY. Everett · Weidner was the over1D the evening after speak1ni at 18nea. alley... aVelluea aDd public n~ and public grouncls, in accord- according to Dean Char\eJs E. Mac.. II1s8 C1ara Dal,llhtera, Mrs. Clar- night guest of Q®rge WI cal SaturMIddletown Flah an4 Game aDIlual pJacea thereof In the manner and by &nee herewith, tor five (5) years QulgS' He referred to the wel4lng ence CrawfOrd and Mrs. BUey alb; day. . REAL ESTATE 11. A..' Pollt the new flab. manaa- the meana set forth 1D the plaDa from the lat day ot January, 1939. engineering, cOurse which waa inson attended -the funeNl of Mrs. Lottie Starke. Mr Albert ment aaslined to the ara Mlam1 and speclflcatlona therefor on me SBOTION 10. That this or4lnance augurated at ·the ·start olf the fall Carl 8intth at Wayneav1l1e Satur- Starke and Miss Freda Starke spent NOTARY PUBLIC ri¥er wlley. No formal ~ ' wall with the CIeJk of satd . VD1&Ie a1Id aball take effect and , be In force quarter in ~e d~. ant j of ~dua day afternoon. Monday evening with the P . J . ~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;; made by the men wlio -Juat' drOpped as pivvtded In thIa on1Inanee from I&Dd after the earnest ~ 'al- trial engineering: He lsald ithat there Korrla Lewis I8Ild Miss Stella alb- Thomases. _ ~ 1D for a Vlat. be as foUowa. lowed bylaw. la a "healthy demand" for men son called on Mr. and Mrs. ~ld Dorothy Beiry of Waynesville. The meeUns wu actj Palled· thIa 14 48y_ oLDece .. tMnn--1'rf+"""nt- Saturday night with Beulah .of' ~ field and that studenta ,are availa lunch and amoker. 16 or 'lesa ell at $30.00 per lamp ber, 1938. Bellbrook Prlday evenlDg. Smith. . D~ . (signed) A. K. Day, Ing themselves of the Oll)portUility PJ'eIkieilt "Milt" OriItie, prea1ded per year. 16 to 30 all at P'f.OO per Mr. and Mrs. ' Ellaworth Gibson Mrs. Clara- - Pope and Bill andof the speclaUzed ~~ now beat the Middletown PIah aDd GaI:J!.e lamp per year. 31 to eo all at _00 Mayor and diughter of CentervUle spent George Method called at t he Lao;..Ing offered. auoclatioo last Thursday nlsht be- per lamp per year. Exceaa (Iffll eo at B. K. Henderson. REAL ESTATE lIIonda.y evening with his Parents, renee Thomases Tuesday. fort turninS the gavel over to V. B. t21.00 per lamp per year. Clerk INSURANCE Mr. and J4i's. Hiley Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Thomas and Rlaa, year's E. H.. 260 O. P. IAmpa 15 or 1esa all at The qoorterly bulletin of the famlly. · famUy motored to Cincinnati SunAUCTIONEER McCandllah la the new aecretary. ~.50 per lamp per year. 16 "to 26 Managing ' Officers, asaooLatlQh of day. ' . -----~ Mrs. Elvis K1cheat anc1 daughter Approxlmately 100 sportsmen and all at MO.OO per lamp per year. DNOTICE TO CONTllACTOR8 the State Department of Publlc J4n!. Laverna Faul and son. Ervln ,:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~"!!!! their wives attended the cUnner. Cell oVer 25 at ~.oo per lamp per STAn: OF omo . Welfare listed the total population Dorothy spent Pilday wlth Mr. and spent Sunday-'nlght w1th Mr. and ~ __ ~ <~ . year. DEPARTMENT OF mOBWAYS of 'the t wenty-three staf,e lnatltu- MrII. Pete RunyOll. Mr. and Mrs. CharHe Blair, Mrs. Olarence Woods, Green County "'" O. P. lAunpe All at 150.00 per €Olumbus. OhIo, December 13, 1938 tiona at 27,792. of which 24,244, were Mr. Perfarmer killed one batd eaaJe and lamp per year. And aald company Olerk of Sales Legal Copy No. 38-479.' men 'and 13,548 were women. Ohio Etta-: Blalr, Mi8a ,Jer.~ tt~ Cole and ty :r'homas and Mrs. Laverna ~ul .• wounded and captured Ita mate, I!:. allall at Ita own expense. tum1Ih UNIT PRICE CONTRACT ' I penitentiary was credited *1th hav- Shennan Smith of Xenia, Mr. and were' Xenia shoppers, Monday. . ' F - d D. 6troup. County Game Protector sald lampe and equipment and ma.. Sealed proposa1a will be received I Ing the largest populAt1on" 4169 In- I(ls. Jake ' Ch118~ ' Of Lebanon, , eVe., .aD reported last M9CldaY. Woods aaid. terlal necessary for said l1shtiDI. at the office of the State HIghway I mates; the Miall6lllon BfAt:e hospltal and Mrs. Dor§·- ~orpn, 'M iss Clara TO AB~DON STA'rION S ve, NOlIe 'Drops Headache. tbat the birds had been preylng on and erect and m~ntaln laDle Director of OhIo. at Columbus. OhiO, was second with 3172 l bmlatea; and Dauehters. Mrs. BUey~albaon and . Uquld. Table4. dee to CAtlda poultry and small anbria1a On theJr and shall supply said lamP!!' with untU ten o'clock A:.._ M ., Eastern I the Ohio State refol'lnatory of daugh\ier Paullne, Mia ' Dorothy Try .. Bu...M7·Tlsm··..... Wonderflll • The PeWlliylvanla Rallroad Com" mlgratinr aouth Be abot one from the MCeSSaIY electric CUTl'1!Ilt and 8tuadard TIme, Prlday, JQnuary 8, Mansfield waa thkd w1&h .. popula_ lIIcheal and 10'. and Mrs. Clarence Unlment a tree aDd the ~te t.ben attempted ·the Company 1& to be paid by laid 1 1811, tor improvements In: ,Itlon totaUng 3058 Dr. O. H. Crawford aDd familY speqt Satur- pW has .been autthorized by the tio attack Wooda who fell down VUlage In twelve (12) equal manWarren County, Ohio, on part of l Calhoon. executive '~logtat In day evenUIIr WIt.b Mr. Lewla Murray StatAt . .l Jtlllties ·Comm.lsslon , to ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;======;;..;~~ 1cllilI ltA c1a. HJs second abot thly lnItallments on or belen the SectIon ~n and Bectloo B of charge of the state Durel.:u of Juve- who wall ae,,~ty years of ase l8at abandon 'Ita nOn-agenCY frel'~hmt!ll• • • • • • • • • • station at Dodds In Warren QOunty' ~:nded- thls b : whiCh stroup Ia tenth day of each ~ender IDODth. 1the Ofucitnnatl-Dayton Road, State nUe research aDd \ secrelllll'Y of the week. 'to become efUotlve on January I , nuraiDi baclt ""t o health. aublect however, to ..the deduotaoDl 1BlIh...., No. 19. U. S .. '~te No. 2& assoclailon, sa!,! ,~t the total pop_ 1939. , aa herein provide for outqes !llldj in &he' VIlIs. of Prank11n and ulatlon of the InatltutiOl1S bas - re- Subscribe' to ' the ,MljuD.!' Gl\Iette. WaYMtlriUe, Ohio
Gif ts For The .-Entlre . • 1amU,.1------I~ !i
TOYI, Gam.el, Wheel.o.·ods, Book' s, Glallwar.e &
Electrlca - . App._18 ncea.
Sportsmen CQrner _______ ______
Fairley HRrdware
It Holly
F T M8 ...... .... "ln Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio
J. B. Chapman
-============ W 11 r I II n-t1 . . &!U\.J- .
~Uevee' COLDS
Loottns back over
the hunttna · aeaaon. there are some atcIdea and true ones wollth repeatlngLou Hartsock. of Waynesville, reported that his pointer, Jack. act-
uaDy pinned a cock pheasant. down 10 .ug~ It woul4n't nuah whm Lou lltood beIIlde It.. The dar f1Dl1ly made a ' grab and caught It-unlnJured I From Paducahes. Ky. comes thIa storY of a "OOl'l1gan" A f.Jmer clad In a hunting outfit and seated In an automobile with a 12 gauge shotgun at his aide was arlUted on a charie of cIrunlteneas. 'Been bird hunting,' he told offlcera. 'From the hunting coat a patrolman p\llled a sIX POund fish. Prank Rlc~ey., St. Louis Card1nala · Kout from PortsmOUth. was arreat'. e!i In a ChlWcothe road check and tined ,25 and .costs. Rickey had In ·hla P1~on only 4$1e .plede of · pme .. ~ turtle 40ve. '!'bey were ~tb l1c~ at LIma, ()bic), but Peter 01!ua. qalo baa ftbI NO he poated .., bOad ' when acCUIed of aJlOQtlng a ben ph.-·nt, Warden C~: Banes fUed the ..... byt O'Bara lnatated hla. ,,1rd • ,ClOCk J)beuant.. ~, pi &he PiIaCe, Barr1ett a.~ '1IdD't iEIIDw., aDd ardered lilt JdfiI . . to tbe Oblo S'-te tTDt•
I '
.. ..,..., ,-
aoda.i &bat
.._wu proxima.
. . . .· .... tNM
11 ~r:: ...
Sand.& Grav."l
. \! the Company qreee that .any addL Prankltn TOWnahipand Montgomery mained practically atatlonary .5__iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~·i'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. tional lamps of the character a- County, Ohio, on Section 0-2, part of throughout the current year. . TAItVIA.LITHIC TAR AND foresald, for the street l1Bbtinc Section OJ., part of Section Nand ROAD OIL ; EXOA,VATING ordered by said Councll, aha11 be part of Section West CarroUton of DUMP 'n{ OCK BERVICm erected and operated by It at the the OInclnnati.Dayton Road, state The state aupreme C(rurt. by a • same pr1ce per lamp .. that. above IlJihway No. 19, U. S. Route No. 25, vote of four to held that a Gravel 88 low all 40c,Cu. yard named tbe same to be paid by aaId 1D ICam1 Townahlp .and the VUlage civU service employe may be ~ V1lJaaie in the aame ~I!I' and &,1- of West ~llton, bY wldenlpg and panded by ~ appointing offlcer stallments and at the .time bereIn- resurfacing the asphaltic concrete. for a reasonable period, not to exbef Ided f aald ... W ceed thirty days, fQr P\1I'PO&ea .of ore prov .or ~ldth: Pavement 20 ft.-27ft.; Road- discipline and the oftlCla.l1s ~ot re_ Phone,. Waynesville 44 -It U SEOTION 2 That the mlnlmum way 32 ft.-39 ft. number of lampa of the,;arlouI Len8tb 2e.o26.8 feet or 4:929 mllea qulred to iurnlsh a cop~ of tlie orLe~on otllee ..Pbone .4 '13-Koandie-power to be' \lied tor ~ IlIItIma.ted C08t. ••.•••••• $54,221.31 der of suspension and the reason res.98·M: ·. Morro1\' Phone No. a Ughtina' ot said atreeta, lanes, all.,., Contract to· be Completed not later tor the ·action. The ~l court reavenues and publ1c pIacea furnlabed than JuJJ 81, 1939. . versed the decls10n .~ the appellate ahall be aa foUawa: Tbe m1nlmwn. wase be paid to court in the oase of Howard · a. 33-100 O. P. Lampe all labor employed on this contract I Robinson, 8Uperlntend~t of the ..260 c. P . Lampa shall be In aocordance with the state bw:eau of ct1mliwJ IdenWI-tOO O. P. Lampe of PrevaWna Hourly catton and lnvea~tlon. who a &ald lampe to be located .. aball.. W.,. Ratet Aacerta1ned and Deter- year aao waa IUlpe~ed by WeUare cUrected by the i.tehttna ooG,mlt&ee. mlnecl by '!be Deparbnent of Indus- Director J(argaret Allman for ~a' DEO 23-24 of tbI: Counell of aald VWiI... fIial . BelatloasappUc8ble to State ~r1od of thirty daya IoIr d1Ic1pUn:. ........ Q# ~ feel that ~ey get quicker, qlore pleas- ' SJilCTION . 8 . . That · aaId elIIcII1C ~t Improvements uy p\lfl?Olle8.'~ ". mare ~~~ frOm ALKA-SELTZER than from Tim McCloy ::-In-r; o1d,!,"'I~ \..UD,'PllWII.b le pr~tions. That's why Ught · abaU be f~ · bJ .me&III' ,In ~ With sections 1'-3, 17. , 'AUCA~-;. ~ in demand than almost any GUN'JUSTlCE;~ . of · aerial constructloil · ODlJ, · .,Dd >4, ""...., 17-5 atid -l'l-6a of the Gen~ . ' . ~;:' .~~. in, ~ aVl!1'lllte drug sto~. ' said Company ~ be privl1epcl 'to eral 'pcide Of Ohio." .ANNOUNCING-; " ~ ALItA-SELTZER for . the relief ot and shall ' 1n!ltall necHlai'y wins,. Tbe. 6idder must ,BUbmli wlth .JU8 1he ~ct that "he Miami Gasette 'll BtOtuM~ -Sout' 'Srbma~h: Headache. Cold., poles, anchors, ' guys aM all b14 a cerWled check In an amount DOW abJi! t8, offer. an ~cl~ ""ice. . .~~, ~lfUeulcIt ·Pat""; and 41 cI Gargle equipment neqea&ary aDd proper ·to equAl to five per cent of the estt- to ·Ita readers. PA'f~If'lD", the . l . . . . . . . rA.., If'l''ttcttiou. . . . DEC. 26-26 accomPlIsh such UlhtlDlr ." euch maoted' COlt, but ~ no even~ more Nati~n's most widely ' read Dew. ' , W.~~l~ than ten thouaarul dol1an. . magulDe now. be'comea all additIon. means, . . ~_TZBRfor anY or ~f.. th~ '~mSmTlON 4. That Iiald . I1IbUa8 PkDI and _teatlODa' are 1m at feature ot our aJredy ·;wldely. , ln f!cIriI. Your IDCIDq ~ if ,lt filIJ;o~ 7;elieve. . " lhall be according to What. 11 Jmown . fUe In. the depa,r tment of hlg~WaY8 react paper. We are cbal)PY ' 'to wi In IIdd1t1an. to. an 8p!lIgeSlc (AcetYl-Salicylate .'·~FOUR DAUGH~" as·'the. ~'ALL NIGHT AND I:VBRY tbe office of the resident eIIa- you 'that ,we ~, o~r ').;DU·1l , .... . ' of 8oda)/ eacll ~ of ALKA-SELTZER '" , :1" NIGJi'r SCIIEDULB": that la, &be t.riCt deputy director. '. . . BU'*;rlpUon to ~be Mi&i~ ~~ , . · COIl~ Blkalizers:which help t.Q Newa Da,. lUipa aball be. Wwn1nated "V8rJ ~ neervea the rlaht PLUS a year's Bu"err~lon to The ' ~rtect those evel' ailmeats t " ~ue . to By,pe,';;if\:cidity. .. . ,;... • 18 D1sht from .appro!dmateq __ball .• ..aJecJt>My and all bids. P4TlD'IND~R f9r le ,. bU'plnIn BOt atul 60; packages at your boar after ~t 'o f cae dar to ap-j ' lvaa & AIUt; . . . ~rtce of '2:00. Acce~ tbill 'Mrer ud Gale Pqe B. BoDtt. proximately one balf boIIr b!dGn . IRate JQchwq 'Dlrectm, you ImmecUatelf JGl. Ule rall~ at Dead IIIIIcl lUcia' llII1l1Ie. of the DDt. dIr, ba . - - • . the mo.~ lnt~U'8I/t and P~ dance with WbIcb -'bIdUle " \'\1 _ ..... . . . . , ' .h·e ~pI. In tbe I Thla .. lamp Ihall be Uhnpt".&cI tor IIP'" • ....,_......... bla4llr,....... ·for .• halted time oilly aeDel jour toGO bGarI JIll' ,..,. ~.......,. I order In without . . , .
lain . Armit~8e
Twin Theater'
".. w.
.- au ..
j.od I
t .....
.. a!1
* 1
Chr1atma8 Greetings I Chrlstmas Oheerl . With Happiness throughOl.\t the year.
We hOI)e your New Year will be a . happy , Best Wishes' for
Merry Christmas and a Happy New .
that Health, Happlnw. Pr06perl.ty, ana
To ·Patrons
Waynesvllle Merchants Extend .' Yule tide W~th
.At this Season It Is flttlng that we express to our friends
one, and
appreclcntlon of their Good Will, We count ourselves for_
will be yaurs
·Year. '
tunate tn being among those to wish
ou Lhe BleSlOlngs_of
throughout !.he coming year, Christmas and the New Year.
W aynesville Nati~nal Bank
w. H. Madden a~d Co.
Coyle'l Meat Market
~ '_"~~N!CtC~~~~~~OO~~~iP!i·~t@ · ~~itC~~IP.€1~~Nt~lClC~IP.€1~~~~~-R€"~.~.~.~.~~~~~~~~OOkk'~ f~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ~~~~~~~
A good old fashioned Christmas and a prosperous
New Year for you ~nd yours Is the sincere wish o£-
With Oordlal Gl'cetln{,!s for n
Merry Christmas and a
Merry Xmas and a Happy and
Happy New Year
Prosperous New Year.
Heartiest . Greeting end Best Wishes for a Happy New
Texaco Service Station
WaJ neaville Smith'l Grocery
Greetings for a very Meny
Bowling Alleys
Earl Oonner, Man ager
Christma s and best wlshes for
New Year of a bund a nt ha p-
pln es.~.
Quick ele.ners
l'~',,~~~~~ , , ~,~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Merry Ohrlstmas and a
ft ~
i, \
Sincere good wishes for your l\IERRY OHRISTMAS and
Happy New Year
Wishing you a Merry Chrlst-
To wish you a very Merry
mas and a Happy New Year.
Christmas and n. Happy New
hIlpplness Ulls Christmas season and throughout thc com-
Ing year.
Wishing for you a Happy
Wishing you a Merry Chr b t-
and Prosperous New Year
mos and a Happy New Year.
J. R. Gibbons
-R. D. Collett
: Hyman'. Stor~
A. F. Melloh
Food Shop
~~~~dd~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ~~~~~~~~~~ "'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We are thankful for our
patronage, and it
Bordens Service Station
gives us great pleasure to extend to you our hearty wishes
Here's prosperLty and with It heal th and happiness. Her,s the esteem of your fellow man with the fuifUlment o f your . most cherished desires aU t hrough 1939.
In 1938. We feel It i8
but a reflection of your gOQd will and
for a Happy New Year.
A. H. Stubbs Waynesville Farmer's EIchange
Fairley Hdwe, Co.
Beech-Grove Otis Rich who has been here for a several week's visit, returned ·' to his duties Ln Montana. Wed.neaday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles CoWer. Mr. ond Mrs, OCcU Villars, Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Talmage, J .. LeE!. Talmage and son, Albert Lee, were OhrlStmas shoppers In Lebanon. Saturday, ' Miss Ann Attlesey of OUve Branch ,vas a recent caller a'~ the home of Mrs. Almon Ferris. Perry Wells and .Powell , were business visitors in Kentucky last week. MIss MJry Ethel 8lJ1D8 of Bethany
"" .....
. ..--;
was an over SaturC\&y night ' and 1Jf.l.rSl visitor with. her ,parents. " Mr. and Mrs. 'Olyde Sarns. Mrs. Imojean Voler,s, of HarveY8burg: Mrs. Claude Gray' and grand.. aughters, Misses 'Elberta oaild Jeanie Rich w.ere Christmas shoppers In Da~ton Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ballard, Bob .. by WlllJl.dene- and J'o yce ¥m,, ' of Miamisburg, spent Sunday afternoon with' Mr. and Mrs. A. Br.,Talmage and family. Thomas Thompson, an agl!d resident of Wellman, fO.r · many years po, ed away ' FrIday T a,tetnooD l at the home of his sla,ter, Mrs. Allee Gray. near Wellman, where he had been for the past several days. Funeral ,arrangemetllts w!!re made by the McClure funer,a} dliectors of WayncsvpUc', .,where '!the last rftes were held at the' fimeral ' home, Monday a.!ternoon ~t'ltwO o'dock. Mr. and Mrs. Pl'ank Bams entert-amed oS t dinner Sllftda.y, a group of friends; lnClUt:UDi, . Mr. and Mrs. William Shade, MiBse.!1 Louise, Irene ana Rose Pauline ilDl1 Billie, ·Ohes.. tei shade and friend, M1ss ' H.e len Kritzer and Vernon BamSI, 1Lll. of Dayton. I. ' ·"Mrs. Amrella Pence and lOll CUffOPd, near Wayl'leaV1lle:' were • T~kagJvlng callersl'at the Tal~e home. • , '
.. Mrs; Almon, Perils :18 the delighted owner of a new} ~8ctrtc ~ -radio, which Mi. ,Pen'lS prelented her . a few days In advance of Mr. \Dd ,Mia, Baro MCKay, ·Ur. and lira. Bonrd ana Lee Talmap .• t.tended tile- MDua'
ObrIIItmu Parm B\JrJIau ·meeUns apd dIDIier ...DiDI a, Memortal hall ~ U!!~IDOD,
(I( Out' company joins in the traditional greetings of th~" holiday season to our customers, whom we have h"d the privilege of serving another year. The happy relationship which has exis.t ed between us •• _
I .
• ..
and those we serve has been somt:thing mQre than metel,. ~ busiQes~ transactio~.
It is a deep-seated symbol of yom 'faith 'i n .us and 'our ."
resolve to continue to be faid.ful to the trust you - We approach
. .,'
have'p~ced i~ us.
_~ new year co~dent of the fu~, h~~PY" in 'the
, I)pporlunities .we.~ow, i9,39. will .bl'~a to coo~nue' t,o be of senice to you.
' Ehe
DaYton -
-and -Light _
. __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _
..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__~~~~____~~~~~~~~____~~~~~~~~~~~__________~__ :,_ _------=-0= I .......__....___~!!1111. . . .- -. . Ibut a good demand Cor lh~ receipts:
It,--_"'- _
. C . N County our t . ews
$50,000 Prizes 'for A.. B. c: ~wlera • •
~~~Decemher ~~~--~£D~ Thunda" D, ~ ~3 I and Mrs. Earl Young and daughter
Mrs. Seth Furnas on Socla l R<!w. the (acls ar,c, the enting public can MI'. auel Mrs. WllIam Rogel's and Mildr~d alld EmesL Lacy of Dayget along without other meats but daughter were Saturday anernoon ton ~and Mr. oIInd Mrs. Oharles It 1a hard to get along wlthou~ the and evening Inlest.s of the1r aunt, Bunnell and daui hter of Franklin.
=-=-=-=:_=_ ",.==============:::::!=====dI
many by-produots of hogs, The Mrs. Me ta Rogers. --- - - -' packers h ) ve talked expc ed Herman Smith, Miss Velma Suusprl\lo to th Miam I Gilzett! ' 'fhe Slate of . Ohio vs. Harry W 'VJT8 Smith, and Mrs. Clyde .Wluuton lowcl' price on h " s fur Lho la Georg B. Johnson, LI'ca urel" oj White, def nd!\.1lt. pleaded gunty part of tbls year; they hnvc missed were Daybon s hoppers Tuc.sde.Y . . - - - - - - - - - , . . - - - ----,. - Warr n county v M rt1e HllI, ,:Iv en S5 and cst. \ Ihelr mark. MI'. and Mrs. HJrvey Burnet t Ray Bastin vs Vlrglnia Bas ~' n, Oeorge Hill And the Loveland ThlR year has shown a good or were SU1lday afternoon guests of Building Ilnd J.,oan Co .. delinquent divorce to plalnllCr. beLter margin r pro' lt to h S recd- MI'. and Mrs. Ed Wilson near Cen_ I.I\Xe8, amoun t claimed $162.60. ers than lIlanY:l ea rs. ('on~ ldoling Lervllle. George B. J ohnson vs, Thomas !\IARRIAGE LlCEN ES the price of grain : which we areMI'. and Mrs. Therle Jane:; and Thompson. tlellnQuellt taxes, s._ glad to see. and hope price;1 will son MU t<:!n w~rc dinner gucst.s SunHardin D. Peters. 25. Frauklln mount claimed $70.22. h old up. Our opinion is. we will dl\Y of Mr. 'l nd Mrs J . B . Jones. Q ol'g .B. Johnson vs. Gertrude paper worker , nnd Wane!'l LeRoy h ave an Incr ase III production of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed BULlllCll movcd Ma Vall Camp o.nd Lillian G. Van Oox, 22 Franklin bookkeeper. hogs for 1939; call expect lower Crom Franklin last week toO the CaOamp, delinquent taxes, amount prices. opel' property here . which lll CY I'C~EAL E TATE TRANSFERS c 1m d $80.40. The fncts are: If th ere were more cnUy purchased. • FOrt SALE- rcn~i1agc . noxanna & George B. JolUlsOn VS. John L · "'lly n s vlli c T' lollts $1 .50 pel' ton buying power; there Is no renson Mlss MmlcenL H etzler and Miss Harry L. Harding to A. F. KinOIlG'!, tor dellllq11ent taxes, amount Irene S lade of Piqua were dInner Hi gh Omelo nllllC'rs Sn it i f) eta. per wh y 1939 should not be a good busl· ncy, lot No. 113 In South Lebanon: $29.35. ness year for the producer and all guests SlJlldny oC Mr. and Mrs. hllndl'cc1 ponnrls. Il(L~n.nJ1[\ Cun ning Roscoe Estep to Andrew Turner George B . Johnson vs. Anna !fh. busin ess; which would help to solve WaJLer Kenrick and In the aCter_ Co .. Phone UO·n ·21. Scudder, Thomas E. Glass and Har- and Sam B lair. 1-4 acre in FrankUn Iloon enjoyed seeing t he poinsettias our recession. Y E. Hall, delinquent ·tuxes, oIImount township. aL t h e Mulford green house near THE YEAR 1938 'Rhoda A. Bailey and Rlley KenLebanon. FO ;';D- n (Ihono rahhlt hounel.$48.01 . Has been a faIrly good business nett to Joseph Nixon, 3 acres In Own el' in qui re al GaZl' tto nffice lind Georg!! B. Johnson, VS. W1lliam F . yenr for u s; it could have been beL Everett Early ami da.ugh ter, pay for th Is ud. :Ilc McCabe and The Miamisburg Washington township. ~ r, could have .been worse. We have Mrs. Ruth MOrgon l'eturned to Chester F . Pugh to Ma.rietta KelBullc11ng and Loan Associatlon, $460 no complaint to make; we w.ant to St. Cloud . Florida Saturd llY . They . ly, lot 78 In Springboro. 46. thank our ma ny new customers and spent most of th eir time here with FOR SALE Poultry fryers for Geor ge F . Hall to Walter R. Fitts, Oeorge B. Johnson VS. Robert old ones, for h elping us m ake the MI'. and Mrs. Paul Williams in Christmas and Ne\V Years,' Weigh lot;,; , Nos. 163, 164. 165, 167 and 168 South, et aI., $75.27. grade. We do not believe In boast- Lebrulon . 3 pounds. S. C· Heston, R. 3 Oeorge B. Johnson vs. Mathias In Franklin. Ing about t he percen tage of busiWayncsvU! . O . Tel. 34R4. Emma Lacy had for h er Mrs. Fred Carr t.o Clemle Lakes and Burggraf, William Buggraf. The ness we do knowing the producer Sunday evening dinner glIIISt.s, ,Mr . L . O. Anderson Sons Co., TIle C. W . Hazel Lakes, '1 acres In Franklin are not interested In the amout ~f Unglesby UtldeI1taking Co., and the township. FOR SALE Crushed gravel, d e bUSiness we do) , but how well we Olemle Lakes to Fred Carr, lot New York ·Life Insurance Co ... llvered anywhere. Robert Fur nns, serve every inclivldual customer ; George B. Johnson vs. Travis No. 282 In Frankln township. Wnyncs vllle, 0 ., phone 83R4. Friday - Saturday which we make a' speCialty of wor k Albert LeRoy Watkins and Hazel Barnes, James Pile and F. W. Franz 12-22-4tp ing for them. first last and ' a ll the B. WoII tklns to CUJrord O. HU! and deUnquent taxes. amount $86.02. Chlea~o, nt-ABC learue bowlers In all parts of Gte cOlmtry. now time. Pass It on. Edlth Oredltt . Burns and J erry Isabell HH! . one acre In Franklin -8CREENquallfylDa' for the Red CroWD Sweeptltakes, record·breaklng ten pin Th nki FOR SALE Roan Shorthorn cow townshlp. classic, will soon be almine atrlkes at more tban $50,008 worlh of prill!(! , a n il' you a gain and again, "Little Adventure .." Burns, divorce, gross neglect. Fresh . Extra good one. W. E. displayed ID pl1rt bere by MI •• Laurette HI/I'ltins, one of tbe score tabu· Wishing you Ii good Christmas and Edith Fellows Kenneth Pence VS. Virginia Pence lators. December ., I. the quatUylnl' deadline for R.ed CrOWD prize A Prosperous Year. Stroud , Waynesvllle. Tel 44R2 IIp Cliff Edwards BILLS ALLOWED cUvorce, gross neglect. nlay. '1\"111011 will take place between January 22 and F ebruuy 11 .11 Yours fOl· · be tter serv ice In 1939. Contlnu'ous Showa Dally bow!"I", ell l ~ from cout to const. for 1939. Adults Only 150 'Til 2 P. M. Earl Basore, pay roll, $217.00; V. PROBATE COURT •. M. Armitage, pay roll, $82.00; Harry ,!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!,,",!,,"--:-,-!_ !!!,,!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~~. Norris Brock Co . Cincinnnti. 0 FOR SALE- 5 passenger Buick \ - ---.......:.......:In ·the matter of the estate of Mount, pay roll, $105.60; Zain Armldoor club sedan In perfect condiOUR ftEWPqlNT ON tion Inside and out. Will take $300 Olifton: Waldo U~glesby, deceased, !.age, sand and gravel, $743 .33; Har-I LIVESTOCK FOR 193~1 0 3\) or write Mrs. Bailey c&ru(i!llation 91 certificate of trana_ old V. Martz, gna.vel. $32.00; Armrel, Ca mpbell, Mlaml Hotel, Day top u. fer ordered. Materials Co. , asphalt. $583.07; M11- I Cattle-The tacts are, t here ls In t h e matter of the estate of IeI' Hard';'o'are and Funllture supplies Monday December 12 shortage of cattle. and it wlll take Helen Cha.rlotte Nicholas, deceased, $4 .91; L G. Anderson & Sons Co., Wallace IGA more than 1939 to make up t he short The minister being aII"ay there )\fEN WANTED 1st. 2nd. 3rd. age; there need be no fear of an will be no Sunday school nor chu rc h Inventory approved. lumber and post.s. $3.24; Blair & Lccal manager laIge farm supply 98 108 121 over-supply of oattle. It, the maLter. of Hamel'· Pursley, LeRoy. lime, cemel'lt a nd gravel. Furnas serv ice !lit Lytle church. Sunday. comP<1ny wants to personally inter 157 92 170 alleged to be insane, hearing set for $28..45. The Dayt.on Auto Parts Co., P . Btlanley Our fear shoUld be In the 1m_I Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of Dayton view several men for good paying. 128 138 131 portatlon of cheaper foreign meat. called at th~ h'oJll e of Mrs. MarDeeember 6. 1938. . parts. $65.45 . C. Hess permanent, local jobs. Special ser155 126 144 which carries out our Idea of raising gar et Joh ns Sunday: In the matter of the esLa.te of Morrow service S tation, 1 tire and D. Stanley vice work amon g farmers. Must 129 140 15$ Alber t L. Price. deceased, l1wentory t~be . $45.66 : M. D. L.1l'kln Co., par.t.s Britain all the cattle we can to supply our Mrs. Alice Clark ~pent Frldn ~ afhave car. Fnrm experlenoe dtSlrBbl•. 661 604 '116 demand. We continue to say, "there ternoon with MI'. and MI' . Milton . approved. $59.57; The Famous Auto Supply Total but not necessary. Address Box. 96 1981 are two wa.ys to make money on cat- Sheehan of Centerv ille. In the matter of the guardianship Co., thermostat, $3 .00; Fred Kahn ' care ' of this paper. of James Ec1wln Cowan, et al minors Motor Co. , parts, $20.70; Sam Smlth Fa~leYS tle ; buy as good quallty end as Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett atName first account with vouchers. parts. $9.25; The oa.yoon Setaer Todd 1'19 146 155 light as possible to grow Into money ; t.ende~ the dhmer club saturday Address In, the ,matter of the estate ot and Holst Co., repa.1rs to No. 28, Wllaon 101 145 92 or raise your cattle. from good beef evening <lit the home of Mr, and . , : .. .. .. ..... . Geolll'e' W. KnIght, deceased, LiZZle $208.49; Waltes' Oarage-, parts. $'7.30; Scott 141 113 139 gracle cows and goon beet grade Mr&. Joe Ohapman in Waynesville. Knl8ht, appolDted adminlstrtrlx The West Side Motor CO., retread Balley 119 . 106 146 bull&; or If you want dairy cows Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas In the matter of the settlement ot tires. $226.40 ; The TrlBtate IgnlUon Oook 138 136 158 have dairy bUlls. ' have purchaliQd t he proper ty of the PUBLIC SALE OF DAIRY OATthe estate of Lewis W. Witham, de-I Inc., part.s, $2'1.89; Warren County Total 678 646 690 The facts are, we are short of good late Emma Russell, and will move TLE Loca.t.ed 2 1-2 mHes west of ceued, est8lte exempt !tem inherit- Agriculturel Soclety, rental of' "nt, 2014 beet stocker an'!.. feeder cattle which there during the holidays . Washlngto.n O. H" ~m'ber 29, • nee tax. $'1S.00. £rogers I makes prices hiBb. to feed out; un- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swank and 25 milk cows, 15 heifers bred testIn the matter.of the settlemen~ of Ludlow Battery and Ignition 00., 1st. 2nd. ard. 1_ there .ar~ llOIIB to follow; which title Jlmmle Swank left here Moned for' T. B., Bangs Mastltus. the estate Of DellUah Everhart, der repairs 'and pam, $6.68; Auto Eiec- Earnhart 131 f42 115 will help. We see no reason why cat- Day mOming for t helr uew home St.anley and Preston D naIY. R . R . 3 ceued, estate exempt from lnher1L trle Equipment parts, $3·08; W. O. Wllaon 94 99 114 tIe prices shOUld · not hold up good ' ln Baltlmore, Md. Washington O. H. 117 · 151 125 through 1939. Mr. and Mrs. \'1'altcr Kenrick lUlU tax. Turton, .3500 Ibs of ~oal for garage, Promm In the matter of the estate of $10.94; Trustees of P\lbl1c Affaira, Hartsock ' 111 123 1111 . Oalves-There 1a a shortage of spent Friday afternoon In Dayton Franklin L. Pence, deceased, dls- llght for garage, $5.81; BOde PJnn Brown 145 118 140 I calves. in tact, our demand Is greater and called at th~ home ot Mr. and FOR SALE-TIlRCtor OUtfit"" "W. trlbution ordered. Equip 00., Inc., blad!ee and 0 sup- Total 598 633 605 t~an our supply, which Is holcling Mrs. W. G . Haines. C .. Allis Chalmers on Rubber, near1 The estate of ' Warren C. Jack, de- plies, $90.80; A. F. Melloh Oe.rage 1836 prices good on calves" better than M)'. and MrlJ. W. F. Clark of Iy new. Combine Shedder, Com ceased, . first and twal account. labor, $1.35; James 06r-age, 3 8&la Coylee any other livestock. OUr calf raisers Dayoton were Sat.urday guests o f Picker, three Brood Mares. Prtoed Comedy - M u ~ I t:;li ~ hort 1 &he estate of John Bennett, de- Prestone, $8.83; Shell petrole~ Coyle 199 102 169 , would realize more money it they the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary 08rMetro Newa to sell · E. R. Hartsock ceased, flrst.and f~1 account, kerosene and q11, $33.41; R. E. LeRoy Shuler 1'15 132 151 , would keep good beef type bulls. many. 1t bl the matter· of ,t he will of Ed 54 gals. Norway, $29.61; The Olncln- Davis 100 140 1311 Hogs-The hog market fs holcUng Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones and Brenner, deoea.iled, will admitted to natl Oil Works 00., 011 and r'rease Burton 120 139 166 up .good. consldering the prices of Mrs. J. B. Jones spcnt Friday In 'i Probate. $159.69. Ramby 170 151 185 corn and wheat; there has never Dayton. . In the matter 01 the settlement Total '104 664 802 been a bette!' time Iror the grain MiSi- Sara. Corine Furnas arrived of the estae. of Oharles R. Frazier, IN MEMORY OF ·WALES 2170 raisers to convert their grain produc- home Saturday from George School deceased, exempt from lnnerltance MY SON tlon into good prices.. There 1s no Pennsylvanla to spend tile holltax. . Wednesday December 14 Shortage Qf hOSS. or over supply, daYB w~ her }:iprr,hts, Mr. and In the matter of ·the estate of Wheels turning furiously, .~. Rogers & Slm~n 1st. 2nd. 3rd. ThPJDaB . Jefferson Smith, deceased tty, train or automobl1e, J)OUIldlnI 118 122· 1-53 dtstr1butlon ~ I the miles away; body OlIB.lJlped and C Peters 130 145 132 In the matter of . .the estlate of wea.r.y, heart, mind and will relent- , Thompson 162 167 203 MelvUle Britton, deceased, P. B . lessly driving I!ndurtng to Slmpson 99 122 129 '. Rogers appointed· executor. ~me, wife ~nlJI mother and all Olea.ver By GUS DYER ' 152 142 138 In the matter 01 the ' estate of I for Chrlstmas. El11a 681 698 '157 ~/...or ~to...omia and SocioiofY, J'antlerbU. Vnl"e,.,'" Hannah Booth. deceased. report ap_.1 Ahl the ache and the longing for TotalS 2116 Tha averall'e man tblnU of the In- three members of a family atworlt, I bile smile and the kiss and Wheal' proved, duatrlal Ute .of thlI Ccluntry u 'c on- even at low wages, the famlly Is able In the matter of the estate of the loved volce once again I18Ylni Junior Lodge !ned almost exel\lllvE!ly to a Jl'oup' to maintain Its Independence and reo 85 128 125\ of bta factories and medium .Ized spectabUity. . Frank L. Harris. deceased first and "Merry Ohrlstmas Mother dear". Brannock ll9 13'1 134 lactories. localA very large proportion of these partial oaccounll with vouchers. Harriet Wales Smart Anderson , ed w big cities small industries are located In small 103 104 125, . Dye or bta indus- towns. villages and rural 'communlIn 1939 May your thoughts be Inspirations and :roor d~8 trial centers. ties. There are 13,433 small towns In COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS Subscribe lo the Miami Gazette. Smith 95 149 1301 Condltions In ·thls country that bave populatloris of 123 16'1 136 McMIUan but the Cumulations of Divine Wisdom, thae big lndus- 2,Il00 and les8. Over 10,000 towns have 534 685 640 tries sre the populations of less than 1,000. The 1849 foundation tor comilined population . of these small pracflcally all towns ts 9,183,035. This Is a popula~ Rambys OIf the labor tion greater than the comblned popu· GOne)' ~ )".,. leglalatipn at latlon8 of Boston, S1. Louis, St. P.aul, 1st. 2nd. 3rd. · Wasblngton. Buffalo, BaitLmore, Cincinnati, Pitts· 129 177 131 J . Prendergast The public ID burgh, New Orleans, Dallas, Houston, 155 114 113 H. Osborn l1ieneral Is un· Indianapolis and Chicago. Yet little ~Ier a delusion thought Is 'given to the life and probe 104 152 115 J. Oons that the big In- lems of these little towns.· 107 122 175 L. Cook ~Iustrles have Few of those who are operating 122 169 138 ~I r I v e n out these small Industries are making P . Ollll1and ££ all much above a simple, decent living. 61'1 734 6711 of the .mall factories.practically Totaill The few lefl These industries are In no condition 2022 are not considered worthy of con· to absorb any extra business cost. The sider.tion In labilr le,lIislation. As a ptpductlvity at labor Is a deflnlte, Waynesville Bow~ing Club matter of tact. the bl, IIndustrles have fixed quantity that can be determined Plcklng 188 180 150' not driven out the.nall factories. The definitely on the market. The labor In small factories make up a very large an industry: must produce lhe value 91 • Hastings 98 1~5 part of our industrial lite today. of the wages ·pald or the industry is Brakefield 133 ~21 1151 In 1929. 210.954;facto-ries of all types doomed. These· small industries have Crane 116 84 153 were In operation In. this country, no reserve out at which to ' pay can · 7,000 of these factories employed t1nuous losses. A minimum wage of Oap stubbs 135 97 1Q'1 Over no wage earnel'll; 96,,767 employed 40c. an hour or $3 ~n a day tor eight 4170 807 ' 616 from one to five wage earners; 53,52~ hours would mean the elimination of TotalA 1893 employed from .Ix to 20 wage earn· all workers who cannot produce the era; and 25,022 emplol1ed from 21 to /lllnimum, and this WOUld. perhaps. Thursday December 15th 50 wage earners . .The total number of mean the eUmlnation Qt over one-half wage earners employed In these small of the workers in the small Indus· Junior League . factor.lea was 1.689,8411. Tbe average tries, and the closing or' a very la tlle 1st. . 2nd. 3rd, number of wage earnera In the 174.313 proportion of these Induslries. It I~ ' Brannock 142 131 119 • imall Industries m operation was 10. doubtful It the serious results of thf These litUe factories that give em· minimum wage on lhese Industrl41l ' 147 ' 12' 93 Anderson ployment to nearlY two million peo·· would ever reach lhe newspapers. 100 1'12 . 89 Dye ;:.Ie are located ; In dUes, towns, ·rl1e· 13,483 smal/'; Independent. seh· Smith, 104 .21 148 vlllages In the rural .• ections. every· SJlPportlnl!. self-respecting ~ommun l · ' N~ere. Among U1em WJ! flnd _aw/llll,Is, ties In which sma I business lives aor 'McMillan 122 133. 108 ':rist·mU1a, feed mills. chair factories, thrives are the very heatt ~f rea' tactorl.., ma'ltress factories, -"merlcan IIJe and Amer ican' IdealF "Jmlture .615 621 ' 556 Tot3la " factorleJl," .bed· Iron Indus· H left. alone they will taICe ,Clare 0 1 1792 ~ exUle des. clothlng-'l!ctorIEt.. . o~et:all · fac· themselves unde~ American Const! · Rooney makell the WllQ Weat wilder In the Iate8t or tt.e '. orles, etc. tutlonlll Industrial treedo11L It Is UtilI Wayneevtlle BowUng Club t&mll), pict"re, "O'Jt West Witil tile Hardy'I:1 .. bleb The wages or ..~ -employe are de. less than a crime tal' an absente! 1_5& 171 103 •.' ('rmlned Rlrridl'V,. nect8mber 25, Ilt Xeni. fbeater, In Xenia, (or 'by the productivity 01 ~ Centralized goVernment to make It II enPDllleDt. 130 134 88 .'fOl'ker. Each pta the market 'vaJue ,egal for hone,t, up.rlght citizen. t, VII_lata WelcUer, pictured above l'ltb Lewis Stoile ' ua4 o btl services. stilled orrer miUlon. -of-. worke", .tu1bel' ~ 104 caat . . lake Holt, \.he "ornorlest" bI ~=~~~~n~th~.:, tOWIIJ an opportunity to wurk ane 129 102 82 e support thelr lam11ies by tbel~ work , .1 Andy's ear s back wilen he gets too cOc:iq. II I. far worse for a government to lOB 110 115 Ilutllerford aDd Cectla Parker haye their , . ror~ · tbe!e people to Join thi raDk' G1 811 wr or the ".pend'!llu.a nd the. mendlaan1'
"Bank NiRht"
. ~_
Bowling Results
.. ..... .... ..... . .. ..
To All We Say
A Merry ' Christmas
Unseen Effects of Wage.Law ... . 01
and a Happy 'N ew rea~
MiCkey R ..
Out Well:
.McClure Funeral Hom~
!'"'''C 'in _ ~
zs:::::_---...i--- _._
MARKtY .. HENKl6 Palms, polrujettlas erabu ~llIes and all white tapers decorated the altar In the banquet LUom of 't he , ~olcfiin iamb, Lebanon;- Ohio. Mony afternoon, December 26, at .rty mmutes past fout when Miss " zabetli Henkle became the b(lde o f Mr. Stanley Mill·key. The Rev. Olenn Warner of the _lIethodi5t Episcopal · OhW'ch, Bel,loire, Ohio. read the slrigle' ring ceremony. Mrs. Mortis Dnuham, so_ 1 Jist, accompanied by Mrs. C1lrl Ranker, sang "I Love You Truly" .. d "Oh, Promi$e Me" Miss Merlll,m • Ol'key 01 Eatol). Ohio pla.yed "To A' l Evening Star" from Thnnhauser a nd "Liebesl.mum." To the ,,,m111ur strains of Lohellgrin's Weddmg March, the bllde entered on the arm of her rather Mr; Sam D, Henkle. who gllve his d nugl1kr' ill .rriarrJage. Bl~ 0008e i:,r her w~cUpg a sUpper sl!t1n I :Incess style. goWIJ with train. Her j , ger tip length v,ell Wlaa , gathered "\ ~th a coronet · ~t pearls. She.' carr:ed a. streamer bouquH 01 white .roses and rubrum 'lWes, Mias Corinne Timmons, brldes" ald, wore a OOlimial 'pansy blue fteta dress with bouffant skirt. Her old faahloned pauquet was o~ pink roses and Japane:oe lIUes, Mr. Jolm P. Butkc, &ton. Ohio ;J.ttendcd Mr. Markey as beat man - ': 'he ushers were Mr. : George R. ' enkJe and Mr. "Unton P ; Corwtn The bnde's mother, Mft.. Sam D. Hinkle wore a gown 'of old l'08e with hat to matoh !lnd corsaie of C'Jl1ChldB, • , •
------ ~~M~~N~~Nro'f~~~~~~
.,----.----.. Local.,H "ap·peni
~ W
Mrs. C. H. Bra<:e entertained thl'
members of the Argunot club Tuesday afternoon.
... ,
~~' tl~
The Rev, .and Mrs, R. L. HnCK_ wcll spent ' Clulstmas In Glenda le with Mrs. Haekwell's family.
~: ~JI'"
. ~$.
To our friends, subscribers and IJatrons; we extend our heartiest wishes for a Haoo'V New Year
The ;Eastern star party, whLcb was schedu,led to take ' place New YeRl"s eve. has been postponed Indefillitely. Mr. nnd
Mrs. B. T . Vice spent with Mr. la nd Mrs. Harry AzlYng In Dayton. Chrl~tmas
·Mr. tlIld Mrs. Will Stroud visited the tonner's pare llt~, Mr. Bpd Mrs. E . T . Stroud . Christmas day. I
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Owens of , Sprmgfleld. spent .the week end \\'nh Mr, unci Mrs, Verne ArmlLage. Lawrence Thayer Stout ot · Rochester, Pa, spent the week end with h ~ aunt, Mrs, Marla Elben.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ramby bl~~~~~~~~~~~rIf.~=aiDlIi»a~li~ " I,!, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mra, 1f,~~~~iJ~~~w.~~~~tJ~~~~ Stanley Clark of Dayton. Little Miss Donna Mae Simpson Is spending, her' vacation with relatives here. Dinner guesta ot Mr. and Mra. Ed Ramby on Ohrlstmas were Mrs. Rnmby's lather and mother. anr Mr, and Mrs. Earl conner,
Mr. and Mrs, deorge MUls and Wllllam Strouse were. dlnner guests at the home of Mr. and Mr&. Sam Following the .wedding a recep- McClure In CenterviUe. Monday. t ion and dinner were ·held at ~e Golden Lamb, Mr. e,nd Mrs. Oharles Allen ",nd The bride graduated ftom Wit- daUghter Mary spent Christmas In tenberg college where ahe~ was a Lebanon with Mr. and Mrs. Austin n:omber ~ Beta l'hI AlphA &orol'- Conner. 11 . RecentlY she has been a teachMr. and Mrs. Ralph H~s tlngs and s in the Eaton high schOOl. Mr. son Robert spent Chr1stmaa wltJl . ,ultey ' graduated trom' Mlam1 Mr, Ilnd Mrs, A.~. Stubb~ and l ~l1verslty, O!Cford, OhiO, where be tamlly. was a member ot Ot!1 ta TIl1,1 Delta fraternity IlJl,d bt41r ~ a Mr. and Mrs. ' Harvey Rye and ~qUJ~ .c~~ It, , UnJlverllltv .cltIldren ~ eo~nee .. at '"d~et ot M1cUlgan. At present ~e Is 'WedJJesday evening, Mr. ~d· Mrs. the stalf ~f tile Portage CoQllty Clluence Rye !lnd cptldrell, Mr. llnd Healtb Ileputulent '.4it RaVClllD&, Mrs. Ed Hartsock ot Spring V.Uey 0h1(). '. • Mr, Charll!S Rye: . Ttle pefits we~ ~ Johl) li'. fJurte, Mr. 5irold Vorh*- Mr. Mr. and Mrs. ~usser Sansbur)' ~d Mrs. DOn RallB~. Judge ~nd and fjUJlUy e~tertalned at dinner on Mrs. -J. B., ~ld MarIL Chrlstm!lS day. Mr. ~nd Mr". 'Yw£y/ Mr. and '~. Oarl Crejlge/:. ren Braddo:k and daul{hter' Betty, '1llPlea Oreager and ,~ ~ Jc;tPI H. A, Corn~l Mr. and ,14rs, W. l!l. Marke, .of. Eat9n, O~o, 'MIas Dql'O- Cornell and Hapy PratAp-, Uly ,i.!l,",ey, Oleveland, uf, RIaI,,~ Mr, . and Mrs. J . r . ~onrr Qf Nlswlltlder, Colum~, ¥T. .md ~ Lebanpn Mf. !ln~ Mrs. Ed of ~Ulll. ~~k~, Ylo~,Ji. Mr, Springboro. • Mr· anti . MI'Il, ~y ,nd)(rs. R!LY Markey, ~ne ~~.. Myers and son alld daqghter of 1t1>1, ,Ojnc~nat1• .MIl. 'an~ ' lirA, ;10M , were dinner . guestS of ~ ' , lCersey. Mr. and Nra. ~rl D;UJUI, and Mrs. GIenn Borden of} Ctm4tMr. ~ri puke, WaYn!l8V1Ue. ~ d C:f!nt4)1l n Corwin, x~ and ~ Ul~ ay, (l~ , a. Henkle. " ' ,'l'hl3 home of tbe, late Emm~ Arter ; a\lort, wtKldlni trip, Mr: Heighway, recelltl)' "lm1,~d ~y . ~ Mrs. MallO)' wpI be at home Mr. and Mrs. Ifoward otlse, (hn. lit 3Jl ql1l1ton ~~t, l\avf;~. netle Jllcobs) ot t,..eb~non III »eJnf reJ)1Odeleli (lfld, WW 6j)bp bL~dy o¥.q~ gccu~ncy; Mr. ~nd ldfs, C~ pl'Obably mov!! here In .JID\I8.l')'.
SALES lAX RETURNS I" Local Happe~i~~~' 50 fH ANNIVERSARY OUE-lthlAtW~~· Be~;:;;':-~~ ;:-;~L ..... I
l Of relatives In Dayton ovel' the Vendors will ~n receive torms week end. for fl1Jng Sales 'I1ax Retur~ , cov- ' Mr. and Mrs. IiLalph Johns With erlng ·t he last halt of leS8, All returns must be fUed with the Mr. and Mrs, Roy McKJrby of DayTax Commission by Jan. 31 . 1939, ton, lett Tuesday for e 30journ In according to a statement made to_ Florida. day by ElCamlner M. H, Keelor, who haS arranged t o be In various towns I Mr. ann Mrs. William Lukens and 10 Warren county during January chUdren entel1talued the latter's f.o t'ecelve ~turlUl. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green A statement Issued by J. E, Wll- I of Martinsville, OlluistlllBs ~ay .
llams Jr .• Ohlet ot the Bales Tax I Mr. and Mrs, Morr!s F ulkerson Secttqn, IndlcaWs t hat no extension and Zana Mae wl~re guests of Mr, of ttme after Jan. 31. 1939 will be ~nd Mrs. .J, W, Hopk.lns in Qolumgranted to vendors tor fUlng their biLs Monday. returns, except In ,caaea where the ' ve~~or appUes . direct to H!lQdq~- j )4r, f4J' tha .B:e nderson• .a..rI\!lld tefs' Office I\t ~~bWJ, sbowing ,home Monday f.rom Jacksonville. good cause for his request, E!cten- Fla.. after a two . mont h's Visit to slon Is t~ be Flnted ~ QOly bY that family. oftlce. . Jl:lcalDlner Keelor states that any Mfs. H. H. Wllliainson and daugh . I vendor falUl'lf to receive forma ter Grace spent Sunday with Mr. tlu:Q\lgh the mail earlyInJanuary . andMrs.Ir/a Br,own and son of should apply to him as soon N Franklin. possible for extra forms. i • A ' sched"le of 'the dates and 10_ ! Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Earnhart and clltioJl8 In the Oounty when~ ven~ sons were dinner guests of Mr, and dora ' IJlaY recelve ~s:statance ' to fIl- Mrs. Earnest Earnha~t and famlly 'iDS rCjtur~ tollow8: Monday. EIlCn ' saturday forenoon. Court HouSe Lel)anon ' Mr, and Mrs, Ell Furnas and J n t i3 0 t1 ' Leb ~ lli1dren were gul15ts of Mr. and ImUllr), jl 0 • our louse, - Mrs. Lawrence Furnas. Ohr~tmas da.y anon.. , J-nuRrv lAth. Ford. Gar....e Way_ . .... .... - I f Y n~~, Mr. and Mrs. Don Branstr.ator 'of J~uary ~q Mayou oftlce, Mor- Clarj(sville were guests of Mr. and roW· Mrs, Ell Filr~s and ehlldrcn, Sat Jl\nwry 18. Mayor's Office, Ma- urday, son. , Ja~uary J9. 20, 23, 2., City BuUdMrs. Anna Morg'lln and two spns Ulg, FtJmaur.- ,. of near Xenia aDd Mr. and ~rs. January 2~ to 31 Courthouse Leb- Harold ,W1Jllamson and of allOn, Dayton were dinner guests of Mr. " Mr. ~md Mrs. Clar~ce M;lllmJ;\ei, '-iliia M 'I an d Mrs . H' H .... mson . on. . ,I day. ' anlL 80n 8Qb~y 0,. ,Bttnbrl!1ge v1at~ O~JlJ8TMAS GVESTS OF cd friends her~ ~~af. In tM MB. AND MRS SQVmES I Mr. and Mrs. Charles BI1S dley afternoon tlley caQed 'on Mf'. 1Lnd' ~rs. CllrmeQ Crane and In ttle eveTblrtY-nine friends and.. relatives ' and chUdren entE~rtalned the fol~
IS CElfBR~lEO Mr. and Mrs, John W, Thompson. fOl'mel' resident.s of W.aynesv llle, 3, who have resided for the past fOUl' years In Clnclnllatl. c('lebrated their goldcn weddIng an niversary on Christmas day at lheir city home on McMillian stl cet. Their weddIng- Look plncc at the borne of he!' mother. Mrs. Ellen Wilson. a well knOI'/ll cit lzen of Lebanon. flIty years ago. On Christmas they entertamed with a sumptuous dlnnlll', Guests Included. Mr, and Mrs, Albert B. Talmage. J , L e Talmng and ALbert Lee nnd Miss J esslo L. 6arno ' of near WnyncsvUle, MI'. and Mrs. Alber t Herres and daughl 1'9, Mi.Gses Eleanor and J ackie of Cincmnnt! GlorIa. Elame and Janie of Dayton.
M r , lund Mrs , W . O. Hapcr spen t J.ul'ors for Lhe January term of 1I'\'cr(l i days Llli~ wcrk WII,1I the InL court were drawn by the Jury com.. lei 's ,,1 lC'r tn inclnul.ltl. I)llssloners composed of Paul Duko MI,;s Mi riam Whnl'lon was a and Mrs. Waldron C, GIlmour, asI;tlcs l un 'Ilnsl m :ls dllY r MI'. and sl:.tcd by Judge C. B. Decha nt In lhe office 'Of Clerk oC CourLs Oliff 11's . Adam Mclloh '~ nd fa mily. C. Beckett., Approximately 20 criminal cBsell MI'. alii' Mrs. Ml!lvin ~n a arc , pc nC\in~ lhc ho lld ny~ wlLh rCl n: nrc on Lhe docket to be heard by l h rs herc and In Lytlc. th lIew jury scbeduled to meet Jn nuary 3, MIu; Kalhryn GiblJOll5 hnd as 11 F'lfteen persons dm wn fol' grand Chri.-; tmn ' dllln ~ r g ue s !.~ , Mrs, W, jury servlcc Includ; Ruth Evans. S, S:'nllinn tllld on Fenee. South Lcbanon; Horace Stump, Mr, und M r,o , Don Hll wk c Slll'nt L banon , Ronald Hawk e, WaynesChri:;tmns wl lh MI' . aile! M r~ . May_ vUle, WilHam Langhorst. Jr, Milson. nilI'd Well? [l lId chil dren. Heber Th rockmorton, Springboro; C\.l rl HaWLh"1l. ·, ,Frankltn; rna Mr', Rnd Mrs. J oll n W Kerscy DcarLh, Franklin ; Goldie B, Elbon spt:nt the WGf'k end wllh th e fo rElla Sloutenborough Oregonia; mer's parcnts, Mr. amI . Mrs. ' WJl Franklin; Earl Kindred, Franklin; Ii}\nl Kerscy at Ol'e"ollln , Wllliam Couden, Lebanon, H. G. MI'. 'J lid Mrs. Lowell Norris Rlld Cook, Morrow: Hartley Moss, VI" ;/ SOli of Mnn.JJla, Ind .. werc week end n ville. Louie Thomas, Franklin; gUts ts of Mr. and Mr. . Hob 'rt Ba_ and Mrs, Gladys Kinder, FrankH n, The tentative daLe for the fol_ k I' a nd daugh:er Jean. lowing 22 petit JUI'ors to meet is Mr. and Mrs. J . p, Fromm , MI', Tuescby. Janual'Y, 17. lind Mrs. M. E. Ba n a, J . C, Hawke Helen Robinson, Franklln, James ,II li Clyde FrL mm were dlnncr Jackson, Lebanon. Raymond Hoff, guests of r elaLives In Dayton Sun- Mason , Florence H{, Wn.yneslI ay venJng. ville; Mrs. Ma e J ackson. Pleasant Miss Jane Cook of Earlham col- Plain; Lau Baker, MOfl'Ow; Mrs. Waynesville. Mrs, 1 ge, Richmond, Ind., and Miss Mable Terry, Mildred Cook of Ohio UnJver&ily, Ruth Wright, Franklin; Hi)rold Al) ens. Ohio, are sp ndl ng the SwenY'. Lebanon; Raymond De,arvacations wlLh their UUllt. Dr, Ma l l' doff, Franklin; Soth Long, PlellllL. Cook, ant P laJn; Harry Lighter, Waynes_ vUle; Alfred · Dra ke. Kings MIIlB ; Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Smith, Lebanon; Wilbur ElE. C, Crane were, Mrs. May Cook, lIoLt, Mon'ow; Paul Hilde ant, Mr. and Mrs, Orion Creekmur and Postel'; Sid B. Ellis, WaynesvUle; lItt,le &011 of Day tOil. and Mrs , D. Wymer Downey. Oregonia; Harold L . Crane. McVey. Hlitrveysburg; Karl Brown, Lebanon and Ertle Koogle, LebanMI'. and 1>ll's, Loren Hndley and on. daughters 'pcndmg the holL dnys In Deland. Fla,. the guests of Mrs, Hadley's moth er !lEd sister. MI s, Ruth Janney and Miss Louella.
Mrs. Cora, Rich entertained her fOlnUy at dinner Christmas day. II'hose presenL were · MI'. a.nd Mrs. Gilbert Frye and son Richard. Mrs. Chrll;tmas program were obser.,. Reba Braddock and Mr. and Mrs. ved In the various churches b . JrarLley Moos lind chlldren, children of t he Sunday so~ during the pas~ week, On Thursdo.3 Mr, and Mrs, J . B, Chapman lind the following guest.s fOr 6iruit:ffi:asI~cU:-:s:t:W~S~un~d~ay:~~S~C~h~0~0~1~p~re:s~en:ted::~a:--' OnRISTJ\oIAS TREAT and Lhrough 'the holidays, Mr. and very pleasing program of songs, re.. HUGE SUCOESS Mrs. Charles Chapman, Marjorie, citations and dialogues with tIle Il, _ Glenn lind Audrey Eden; Emerson pcorance of old Santa b11ogfn,& The committee 1n charge of the Spicer of Columbus and Robert candy and on m ges as the cllnllaX Community Chrlstm,\s tree want to Chapman of HOllywOOd, Cal1fol'llla, The Sunctay School of the Fr1endll! thank all organizations; F1ilrmcr's Leon and Russel Sall.\lbury. Mrs. meeting nad their program Qn Gran!;c, Professlonnl Buslnes ' Wo_ Harvey Rye and Mr. and Mrs. W. Christmas morning In pla.ce of t he men's club, Mother's club and the regular Sunday school. , At the Ohurch of ChilSt a treat P. Salisbury attended a tea. a.t the Junior Lodge, who helped make the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Tay~ for the children followed a soOrt affall' possible I)y their contrlbullollS and assL5tance. In spite of the lor 111 ullyton :::;ullday afternoon. program of music and recitations cold r.aln Saturday evening. more The .occaslon was the golden wed- In the 'evening the choir 9.Il8iBted b~ ·t ha n ,two hundred 'chlldren were ding annlvel'sary Mr, and Mrs. TIlY- th,e choir of ,th~ Ferry cgurch 1'en- ' present to receive t heir ~reat fl'om lor. dered a fme program ,bf music. ... jolly old allnt' Nick himself who A party for the cblldren at ~t. The following enjoyed Christmas Mary s Episcopal Ohurch school, came aU the way frQm the North dinner Wi th ~r, and Mrs, Harvey sponsol'ed by the teachers was held Pole to' do his bit, . f.ruc.J!1!L.!!l;!Q.p'-..n1ll[1lW1L.arl~Wxm.._J:::..~~~'" . Candy and oranges that' wel'e not Rye a nd cl1;lldren. MI'. and Mr;s~ given out Satul'day evening were Leon Sa lisbury and - Chlldl en wIh gifts , f~ arJl. placed in the i4 baskets wJ11ch were Washington C. H. Mrs. Ella Kent The service of Holy Communion delivered to needy Cammes In the of Del'lware. Mrs. Stella Evaru; nnd was held. at 11 ·a·, m. Ohrlstmas day. daugh ter .of Dayton and Mr, and Canon Symons or' OInclnnati was communJty. E~peclally cl oes the Mrs. W. P .' Sallisbury. i t ceelbrant. with the Rev. R. L. cOlUm tee thank Mr, Brakefield for Hackwell 'd ssistin l!'. "" Mr. and Mrs, Frank Braddock his coopef81tion In g-Ivlng the free 11lembru's of their f1 a mentertained sbqw to the ch!lrren at th e Twin !ly at supper Ohl'lstmas Eve. Thosc MRS. JOHN KERSEY . theater )sst Saturday. . ~TERTA;IN8 to enjoy the occasion were Mr. and COLUMBUS PREPARES Mrs. Raymond , BraddOCk and chlld, " Mrs. John Kersey was a. oharm." ,ren, Mr. and Mrs . Fred Bra ddcck . FOR 100,.000 VISITORS and Mr. and Mrs, Warren Bmddock Ing hostess to Ii. group of' ladies and daughter Betty, Friday . evening tat her home 'on When J ohn W. Bricker lakes the Main street at a kitchen Shower oath of office at the west entrancc Double blnnkets 60c; single honoring Miss . Ellzapeth ' He ~kie . of ,the State capitol. Monday af_ blankets 30c' straight Cllrtains 40c who on the 'followlng Monday be... t.ernoon • .lIan. 9, he will become the pair; ruffled curta lus 60c pair, 9 x came the bride of Stanley Ma~w. 54·th Governor of OhJ o. 12 rugs $2,50 Let Quick Cleanru's The gU ta were ' arrangfl'g. a. At 2 p: m, Ina ugllt'nt!o~ day. help . you get your home ready for beautiful Ohristmas tt;ee whICh Chief Justice Carl V. Weygand t of the New Year. Kalherine' Menden- other decoraLions about 't he ... _1~'~~·i" the Ohio Supreme Court will swear hall. Agent. suggesuve ot the Christmas seashn Mr. and Mfs. Herb Yunkes, and J Ohi ' crC'ated a 'hollday atmOsp'here. to ' Lh' e Mr. and Mrs, J . B. Gons enterMr. and . ~. Ola.rence' Simpson n o s new chief executive nnd a .. "veD1ng,o wa o ' s""ot·" " .' ... . M ' r. an d . 20· - mm'-' u.., ,Inauguml address will 'ailled at dill.n er. Christmas ' day, occasion. The P" and daugh ter 0f I.euanon, · . " ..n ' .'... follow Immediately. Mr.'. ' nd Mrs. A, H. Schoe!er of playing ' brtdge. af,er which te mptMrs. Edwin Rarhby and daughter ins refreshme~ts were served. ,'The Linda and M!s$ NaomJ ' RamPrec~dIng the guberna·torlal cere- ·liamJlI.oll. Harold Risinger of MI- g ueSts inClUded; , Mrs" John Setthlby w'ere dinner g1l1eSr., of ' Mr, and monl~. and "tarting at 1 p, m, . the ami universitY, Mr. nnd Mrs. J , Q: myre. MrS, Glenn,' Bland. 'Mr$: Mr~. Homer Ramby Monday. general .1l1Jugural program wiU In.. GOI'll}, Miss ./\lIce Gons, Mrs .. Knth- George Henkle, ' Mrs. Chnton ' Cor~,', elude the Indud lon oJ other 1'ecent- ryn Turner, F. B. Henderson, Mat, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Harper and lY el~teli State Officials In the fol, thew ' Turner, Fred Gom; and Rob- win, l!4r . S. D: Hepkle. Mrs, May. '. LOCAL PEOPLE LBA.VE cJlDdren of Culver, In~ • .are vls- lowing order: . Thomas J. Hel'bert• . ert.'OOlls. liard Ylelu, ~"GI~bert Frye, ~!. , " .: , FOR FLORIDA . , S~nley ~aUey. ,Mrs. Wymer Dli\lte. . Mr. and Mrs, Robert Futnas v,e ry Mrs. 'H'arold Bone. Mrs: Al PolinskY dellgrltfUlly ente r tained at: a. 6.30, ~., Evelyn Kersey ~and tho g~ ' o'clock dinner In honor Qf .their 'of honor ' M1Ss ' Elizabeth H I1kle. 'I' ~ dauch ter Bal be r J rall's ' blr lhday, ~'.' " .; . '. After dinner, which was served- in ENTERTAIN 'WITH' Ohio's 54th Governor, he alSQ be- leourses. was over J ea n unwrappCd . , OYSTER SttPr£a com:lS . t~e Sb9te's ~lst Re~Ubllcap ·hetvery. lovely gI:t~. Tl1os~ pr~ ent __ , Govc~or. The of!lce has ~en h~d 'were, Mr. a:n d Mrs, ,Leonard EHis I DowuQ eo'nett waS' hol't to Ii ' by 25 Detn~at$, ,20 Republicans. -of Kingman, Mr. and MtI\, Ray- group at friends Wec:lDesday \ btID three. l"ederallsts. and five WhJgs, mond WUson ~.' and M;.s. Pre:! he entertaJnetl at hls bQnle wJ.t'! ..,. since Tiffin. f('t assumed the posi- FlW'n11$. Benny' 1-~uvnllll, Pobe.t l"Ut_ oy/;Ler SUppet. Th"" pm.en~ .. tion on March 3, 1803. ~. DaS ' Jr.. HOward' MJssildine and ,,;(,ohh, BOler. ~ X. 1f&1i. .....l'.: M ~et' .term cct:uneridnll. Jeu l\u'nu. AU separated at a late Obarles ~. Jan. 9. 1938, 11'111· be tbe 18th In hour wtah1ntJ Jean map)' more _~ 0barIea ..Jtj.,.... Ohio I\lbernatorJal hiItorJ. py blrthllaya. : MIlo . . .~~~Je\~
J. '
oaDDfANCB NO. 1D theae decluctloaa -haU' An orcl1naDce flXinl the price ame . raUo per n1(rht the total Saturda, ~"riday wllich the Dayton Po1\'U aDd Ll:Jht montbly price be&ra to time the PIlqn. 112 Waynftville, Ohio Main Streit CompaQ)' may c~ tor elec\.rlc lamp or Iumpa have bee!1l found tD Handling objects .was the primary furnJahed to' the pub:1c be out. '!be VUlap, thl'ouah Ita ill\ereci AI Seeo~d Clue M~11 Matter ..~ Postoffice, W&~eeville. Ohio -'CR~ENc. ~, and Mrs. LeSlie Gorsuch and grounda, etreeta, lanet, elleye and Marabal, abaU repon tD the oUlce oa.use of Industrial aorldents In "FLlrtln, WIth Fete" WIth Flora M. Crane - Editor avenues In the vtIlage of Waynes. ot the Company all lampe dlIcover- Ohio during November, nccordIng daughter Mlarle spent Sunday With Joe E, Brown to statistics complied by Supe/'In- Mr. and Mrs. Willard }'ay.1or and ville, Btate of Ohio, for a ' period of ed not btlrn1na· . R. H. Ha~tings, Society Editor .. ': .. , . Phone 45 It 11 fCont~nuoua Showa CaLly five (5) years, co~enc tng on thl' SECTION". Whenever any tree tendent Thomas P . Kearns of !:he sons of Day.t on. Mr;. HaZel Abner a.nd 'chlldren Atluita ,Only 1&0 'TLI 2 P. M ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY first day of January, 1839, and de· or trees upon any aldewall~ of any division oC safety and hygiene ot spent SlUlday with Mr. and Mrs. termining the manner in whlch eald st reet, lane, alley or avenue shall the Industrial Oommlsslon of OhIo, SulMlcript.ion Price, $1.60 Per Year, Payable in A~vance Bert BlllUlell and dal.lghters. lIghtlng may .be furnJ.shed, provided seriously Interfere with tlIle dlstrlbu. He revealed that in the "llanellInlt Mr, and Mrs. Bud Young of Leb_ and paid for. tJon of light from . any IIIlmp or objects" c1lU;Slflcation Il. totl of 2441 anoll spent Sunday with Mr. and claims, Including one fatallty, were WHEREAS, there Is on fUe with group of lamps, or which the CounMrs. Fary Belville. the Clerk of said Vlllap of 'R*ynea- cll of the Village shall be tile Judge, filed with the commission, . while Mr. Leon Belvl\le returned home machlnery l!a.nked second with 2432 vllle, complete plans and speclfloa.. the Village will trim or cause to be OpenIng with Gay New Year'a Friday evening :after spendlng a clalmB, Inc1urlng two famlltles. Eve ,Prevue Show t.lons for · the lighting of the s treets trimmed, any such tree or trees In Cew months 111 Mon laun. and pubUc places of the Village with such manner that such Interference Superintendent Kearns lsald ~hat Three Days Mrs. Clifford · Montgomcl'Y and electricity, which plans and specl1l- with the cU8trlbutlon or light wUl November occupational diseas e and Mrs . .George Cole are stili on 't.he Docwnent dropped from a bale per. Injury claims almost duplicated the No. IS-Name. Sallie; age 49; cations prOVide for different type be removed. 01 waste paper Wllle)l was being October record. In November there ick .list. SECTION . 8. That thE! plans and unloaded on the Cincinnati Wharf_ height. 5 feet 3 Inches; ~ olor, black and rating of lights In dlfierent 10Mr. nnd Mrs. Orner Boldrey nnd were 14,323 claims flied, which was Alexllnder B. Ellis for the Mas- cations according to the local re- I speclflcatlona herein referred to for . boat and was plcked up by Captain only torty-three less than the daughter Phyllis spent Satw' da~ J . F. Ellison. The Information wa s ter. BeIng marked and numbered qulrements. the lights being deslgna_ such street IIgbttng and on flJe with for the prevIous month. There were evening WiUl ,t.he Inlter's parcnts, furnished by Jncob A. Scott ot R. a); In tile Il1I9cgin and ate to be de_ ted by candlepower and c1asal1led as the Clerk of said Village be and the seventy-elgh t 1!a.tal1t1es recorded In Mr. and . Mrs. Bert Bunnell and same hereby are adopted and ap· li vercd In like good ordcr and well hereinafter set forth. R. No.1. November, compared with seventy- daughters. A <:urlous reminder of slavery conditioned at the foresald poInt, SE IT ORDAINED BY THE COON- proved. Mr. Delbert McClnnahnn spent seven In Ootober. dayl'l fell from a bale of waste pa ~r New Orleans (lhe danger of the CIL OF THE VILLAGE OP· SEOTION 9. Upon 1l'he Dayton t.he week with home folks tJ ~ west I which a gang of roustabouts, some seas only accepted) unto J. H. Ash- WAYNESVILLE, STATE OF OHIO : Power and LlIht Compa'ny filing Its Union . I Announcement that a state nuof them probably descenda.nts of brIdge or to his aSSigns, he pay- SECTION 1. That for a period Oft written aoceptance of th1~ ordinance erstwhile slaves. were unloading on ing the frei ght for the salli slaves; five (5) years from the 1st day of with the Clerk of said VWage with. trltionist Is available at the request the Cincinnati wharfboat at the adults $12 eaCh, under 12 years of January, 1939, the price which may in thirty (30) daYB from the'taltlng at sehool officials to assist In school age $6 each with no prlmage and btl charged by The Dayton effect hereof, this ordinance shan lunch problems was msde by Dr, foot of Main Street, Tuesday. 3nll Light Company, for electric be and constitute !Po contract be- Walter H . Hartung, ellrector of the It is a shipping bill tha.t one average of custom. tn wItness whereof the Master Qr !Ight furrushed tD the Vlllqe of tween said Village end company to State Departmen t of Health, 'From James Nelson, of Baltimore, had. shipped tD J. W. Ashbrldge, of New Purser of the said band hath af- Waynesville, to light the streets, light the streetA, lanes. alleys, ave- studies made In sevcn3J locaJlLles," Orlea.nB, 18 "well conditioned" ne- firmed to three bills of lading all of ~nes, alleys, avenues and pubUo nUIle aDd pUblic grounds. In accord. Dr. Hartung asserted, "it Is evldcnt grOe" of divers and sundry descrip- this tenor nnd date; t.he one of places thereof In the manner and by anee herewith, for five (5) years that ,t here exists some undesirable tions. The bUl, which hal; colored whIch bUl beIng accomplished, the the means set forth In the plans from the 1st day of January, 1939. prlliCtices and policies so far as and specifications therefor on file aCTION 10. That this ordinance school lunches are concerned. For others to st.a.nd void. with age, says In part: . Dated In Baltimore tile 16th day with the Clerk of said Village aDd shall take effect &Ild be In torce example. too many schools sene . Shipped In good order and well as provided In this ordinance llball from IIlnd after the earlleet perIOd &1- only white bread and white rolls Thc following appeared several conditioned, by James Nelson, on of November, 1848. lowed by law. while many do not offer fresh years ago In t.he New York Evenint: be as follows, "Freigh t $138 h·as · been ]XI.1d. board of the good bark called the Passed this H da / of Decem- fruits such as apples. banlanas or Post and was handed us by J'n,:ob John Henderson & 00., per Alex. 100 O. P. Lamps ~ whereof Alex. Ruark Is mas15 or less all at $10.00 per lamp ber. 1938. l orangu. The state ):lelllth depart.- A. Scott, of R. R. 1. ter for . the present voyage, and now 8 . Ellis. Baltimore, November 18 per year. 16 to 30 au. at $21.00 per ( ment. through U.s nu trlUon servIce The wca ther oC the last !ylng In the pOl't of Baltimore, and 1848· lamp per year. 31 to eo ell at 125.00 &lcned) A. K, Day, now offers to co-operate with ,the six months sharpen one's appreclaThe document was picked up by bound for New Orleans. To say, Mayor ' B . K. Henderson, Sta te ~parment of Education. 10- tlon of the account of the swnmer 18 negro slaves, described as foL CIlPt. J . F. Ellison. s uperintendent per lamp per year. EXcess over eo at. Clerk ell l seu""l and health oIflclals and less year of 1816. which accordlllS lows, .but more particularly descri- of the Pittsburgh a nd Oinclnnati $24.00 per lamp' per year, 260 C. P . Lamps 16 or lese all at parent-teacher org1anlza.tlons In to the Danbury (Conn.) News is ed on the clearance at the Custom Packet Company who t reasures the m.50 per lamp per year. 16 to 25 ImprOving food service In the found In the pages of an old dlal;y find, House, Baltimore. 6chools as A part' of a broad health begun In 1810 and kept unbroken all at $tO,OO per lamp per year, Ex. No. I-Name, Sarah Ann, age, 30 cess over 25 at $38.00 per lamp perl NOTICE TO OONTRACTORS educational program." until 1840. height. 6 feet " Inches; color, cop- Subacl'lhe to th e MIami Gazette. year. 8TATE OF OHIO "Jl3.nuarY was so mIld t haL per. 4.00 C, P. Lampe All at $50.00 per DEPARTMENT OF IIIIGHWAYS Becretary ot state WUlIam J. persons allowed their flr~ .No. 2.-Name, Sam; age 9; height lamp per year. And said Company Columbus, Ohio, December 13, 1938 Kennedy a8 .the request of the spe- out a nd did not burn wood 3 feet 11 Inches; color. copper. LESS PAIN AND sball at Its own C'ltpense. furniah Clerk of Bales Legal Copy No. 38-479 dal conservancy court of the Lit- for cooking. No, 3-Name, Mary Elizabeth; MORE PlE4SURE said lamps and equipment and mL UNIT PRICE CONTRAOT tie Miami .Rlver Conser~ncy DIs"February was not cold" "ie, 6; helgbt, '. ~ teet 7 Inches; color OlJTOF ~ terlal neceas&ry for said lighting, Sealed proposala wUl be received trl:t, has fUed a cel'tlCied copy of "March from .the Brst copper. erect and same at the omce of the Stliate Hlghway the court's journal entl:y wWch sixth was incllnt;d to be windy . NO.4-Name, John BenJamln; ~~ and shall supply said lampe with Director of Ohio. at Columbus. Ohio, created the district and the entry April eame in warm. but as t.he . a"" 4; heliht, 2 feet 8 Inches; col~J......-2 . ROOT FOR AND CONS leN or, copper. the neceaaary electric current and until ten o'cloclt A. M ., Eastern Which te-appolnted Howard . W. days grew longer the alr become ,our Cattle. hClgs, s heep alid calvf' . No. ~Name, Lindsay, Infan~; the Company Ia to be paid by' said Standard Time, PrIday, January 6, Ivins as dlreotor . of the district for colder and by the first of May to Norris-Brock Ct.., live win· • , CGlor, copper. Village In twelve (12) equal moo. It., tor Improvements In: a term of seven years.. n-ie distrtct was a temperature Ilke winter, pr grellsive · firm f.,r the hig NO~ 6-Name, Hannah; Infant; thly Installment.! on or before the Warren County, Ohio, on part. of which Includes Greene, Olin ton, with plenty of snow and Ice. In market prices snd good seme. Union Stud, Y.rd.· Cinc:lnnatl. color, copper. tenth day of each calender month, Section Pran.tl1n and BecUoo B of WIItIll'eIl! Cermllllt. and HamlltDn May t he young buds were frozen Tune In on Radio Station WCh n sUbject ho.ever, to .the deductions ~e Ob!l!l l'6tl-Dayton Road, state ·countles, was organized In May, dead ioe formed hBlf an Inch thick 1~. :26 to 12 :3"0 p . m. fot I') ur dail . No. "-Name, Martha; age, 11~ heliht. 4 feet 4 1.2 Inches; color, aa herein provide for outages eDd ::'hway No. 1'- U, S. ;Route No. 25 1935, for the express purpose 01 pre- ,on ~nds and rivers, corn was kill- tnar1cet reports copper. tbe Company agrees that a~ addl.. the VWqe of Prankl.In and venting floods. regulating stream ed, and the ICoro fields were plautNo. ~Na.met E;l.t:4l?eth. ~ 24; tlonal lamps of. the character a· FranklIn Townabipand Montgomery channels, reclaiming anti re·tilling ed again until It became ,too late to heJaht, 6 feet 3 1-2 inches; color, toresa1d, for the street Jlghtliic County, Ohio, o~ ~tkll[1 0-2, part o~ wet and qver-nowed l,a nds, regulaV·!.raise a crop. June was the coldest copper. ordered by said- CounclJ ' Ihall be Section 0.1. part of 8ecUon Nand Ing the flow .of streams and divert. month 'of roses ever experlenced 1I~ ~ • No. 9-Name, William Douglas; erected and operated ~ It at the part of' BectiClO West Carrollton of Ing WIater courses. and Its officials th1s latitude. Snow fell In Vermont. age, ..4; helg~, '3 feet 3'=t-"'IlC.~I-"1~lE:RGiG1MiCltcs--.t:::~~=-~=~~~~~~~~ the Clnc1nnatJ.Day~n Road, State are empowered to build reservoirs, There W1lS a seven Inch fall In the . or, CGppel'. named the same ·t o be paid by said :a~~ ~!dt~p' ~_~~~~ vNWa°'25, c~. levees, !Jrldges, ams an Intetlor 0 New Yor1rS tate :a nd the I' ge all things .necessary for the fulfill· same in ulIQ;8chuset·· All No. ' IG-Name, lJttJe Mirna; [nMany an outing is spoiled 117 VUlft- In the same manner and In- - ..... annoylnc, aurevatbia t-d. ......, of Wett carroll'- .... widening and '''' ..,. s umtanto color, copper, aches. Here is a _ ........... stallmente and at the .time heretn- reswfactng the--. UI long the wind ble w· steadll _ __. _ aaphaltlc concrete. ment of the purposes of .the dis- mer , y , - . , No, ll-Name, Ralph; age, 5: Every laIm packa& of Dr, before provided tor said payments. trIct. The special court having from the North In blasls ladcn with ~_....._ - ~t,8 fll8t ~ Inches; color, .black. ~ a ~;t ~ eue~ SECTION 2 That the minlmum Width : Pavement 20 ft.;.2'7ft,: RoQd- Jurisdiction Is composed of a com- snow and Ice. On the Fourth of No, 12-Neme, Teresa.; 8"e. 6; holds six farills- Carry thiJ, and number of lampa of tbe varIous way 32 ft,-39 ft, mon please JUdge from each of the July Ice as thick as window glass ·helght, 9 teet 4 Inches; color, black. ~ ca~ckaae In your oandle.power to be UIed for the Length 26,028.8 feet Q\' .4.t211 mllea. five counties affected· formed throughout New England, No. 13--.. ame, Charles; age ' 2; DR. MILES ANTI.PAIN PILLS l1ghting of said streeta, Janee, alleys, Blltlmated cost , . . . ' ~'" .tM,221,37 NeY, York and some pal'ts of PennPhone 78J height, 2 feet 11 Inches; col~ ~ ~ommend~ for pain ..... avenuet and public placee furniahed Contract tD be complelted not later Dr, Fred A. Zi"mmer, chIef of the sylvania. To the surprise of everyshall be &8 follows' than July S1, It39. bureau of I8n1mal Industry of the body Au.... ~t proved tl t bJadt. Headache, Neurabda, ... __ !J'iodlc - - " The minimum ".,ge to be paid to . . .le wors No, 14-N~e, Paul; age, 39; Ttlcu1ar and Perl c PaIn8. 33~ 100 O. P. Lamps U State Department of Agriculture; month of wI. , Almost eVery green height, 5 feet 3 inches; ~lor, black. do~~o~psef~ . ~~, . -250 C. P. Lamps ~bor ~p1OYed on thlll contract and Dr. A. J. DeFosset of the Unl. ,thl,ng in this country imd Europe No. l~Name, John Henry; age, Your druuIst Iella them. .400 0 P Lamps be In accordaDice With tb e ted states Dept. of Agriculture, was blasted with frost." REAL ESTATE 19; height, 5 9 1-2 Inches; color, ~~C::e ~for aa1d lampe to be l~~ &8 eba11 be /.Sc!IeduIe Of ~q HoUrly will be two of the principal speak~ From an old fashioned summer black. d£rected by the LIahting Committee ~~~~ aDd Deter· ers a,t the annual convention of the of this kind, most of us wlll pray NOTARY PUBLIC No, 18-,.-Name, Ben; '·age, 32; of the. OouncU of said VlUlp. . ......_ _ ent of Ipdua- Ohio !State Veterlliary 8IS6OC.IaUon to bEl delivered • . h~t. 6 fee~ :> inches; color, cop_ ' SECTION· 3. That sald electr10 tr1a1' ~~ appUcable to State in Columbus on January 4, 6 and 6. per. fight ahall be furnished by meana ilJlrbway ~,lmprovementfi The general convenjiion th.eme will -_oAtlon Onl",.' nd In ~ce with SecUona 17-3, 17- b b Farmers o~ the United States are of aerial C............ No; 1'7-Nall\e Gabe; age 28; , • 11 .. 17 5 and 17 6 t th Oen e ased oil .the duties of veter1nlar- receiving $139,000,000 less for IIveheight 5 feet 9 blch~;coJor, cop. said Company &hall be prtvUeaed tD " ~ ,. .. - a. 0 ~ • lans in guardlnir public health' and stQCk matketed ·In i938 than they Ilnd ahall Install nec........... wet, eral Code of oldo. particular stress to be laid on d"_Aft_1 -# ...., .... obtained for animals sold In 1937 poles, anchors, guys and .notber The bidder muat submit with his ses which animals may. trans- although greater numbers f 1\ equipment necessary and proper to b1d ~ certWed check 11[1 amount ~It to humans such as tuberculosis. stock were sent to marget t:IS y:~; 811 VII, NON(I Dnlpll Headpchea accomplish such lIghtllJl by such equal tD f1Vtl per I cent Of the estl· ~ anthrax, undulant fever. tularemia than last U1lu141. Tablets due til (,~lcls meana. I mated cost, but in DO event more and rabies. Try ·uRub.l\ty.Til!\Jl"-a Wonderful SECTION 4. That said Un"tlng than ten tbouaand · dollars. Subscrl-b-e--. , - Gazette. -., Gt1$ .Y. DYER .... to the MlnUll Liniment shall be according tD what Is Imown ' Pbpa a~d ~lcaltlons are QD , More than 55,000 openings In 3665 I PrOJ-p ~/'Eeono"" artd SoeIolon, y~ Vnlwna, as the MALL NIGHT AND EVERY fUe In Ule deparbnent of highways abnndoned Ohio cool mines have ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~-'_!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~,:\ ~- ;0. wm 4be TVA turn ouHo be a third NotwItb.JtaDd1DI the abo" faoW, NIGHT SCHEDULE": tbat 1s, the and...U,1e of~ce of the resld.ent dis- ,I been seal·e d by WPA wOI'kInen. IhBt 8CODOmIe "Bub~"' The South and IIOtwlthltaDclUla the rrowiJII ta Bubble and the M1IIIuIppi Bub- rate, and the rapId Increue In .... .Iamps shall be illuminated ev er l r trict deputy aJred\or. D10SUy unemployed minors accord,pi PP ~o ble of the 18th, ceDtur7 are to national debt, the Adm1nJatratloD Sa night from . ap~roXlmatelY one·hlllf The ~ectqr 's:eeerYea the right Ing to Dr: Ca.rl Wa tson, st~te WPA 111 . 1l t boa. who .1nldni an InvUtment of "10,000,000 hour after sunset of one day to ap. tD reject. any and .11 bids. . admlnlst.rator.\ The inlne seaUng know economic 10 the Tenn_ Valley to ImprO" hIatol'7, river navteation for which tbere II DO proximately one.half hour before . Ivan'.R: Ault project bas been virtually completTh. IncoJllia- demand, and control occaalonal ftoocls sunrise of tbe next day, 1n aecor· State JlJibw.ay ·DlrectDr. ed In elghtecn of the twenty.elght tehclM or th. by creatlnt permanent 1Iooda. TVA will make When we tum from the stated obdance with which schedule each counties included In the proJect. it dlftlcult for !actlve ot the TVA, and from the au;' lamp shall be UJumtnated for ap· 'By ' sealing the -openings In ·the historian. to tbority given thOle dlrectln. t.he proximately 4000 hours per year. ~ aba.ndoned mines," Dr. Watson st8interpret it. movement, we dll1COver actlvlUN thet The sol e pur- are ~tartUng In their nature, becaue S~O~ That· the ' l~oD of ·. ~~el'" ~"" alr Is excluded and the pro. po SilO f the they seem to have no oonnection with every lamp shall be approved by the ceM whereby sulphuric aoid is form Tennessee Val- the purposes and ·objectlvea .tate4 In ley enterprise. the law. According to '· an N.t lmate ed is stopped, As the acid content Llghttng Committee of the OouDcl1 aa stated In the made by a competent authority, the of said VUJage before u.e Ump Sa ~~ Olarence J, of .the mine water ' Is reduced, the 1 a w u n d e r · ariloun~ allotted to 800d control II w h I chit was $81,133.600, to navigation, $91,800,000, erected, and after a llmp baa beG ~ )'eIJt4!rda; aJlXlIOWlCed the ,streams into which the mine water promoted, Is to and to power production, $332,2911,927. erected In aocordance with _~ ·.PO a~lntmeDt of Iiaaa ·.I~ . KlD~d no~s become leas polluted ' and' . improve navl- Power production as an objective proval, the Company upon a written of Blanc:he.ter ,to l8l'Ve &8 bIa COil- eventUally they become . -habitable· gation and pro- Isn't even mentioned In the law. Whatever the explanation may be vide means for 1I00d control In the order trom the' 00uncU . Iball re.. ~ . ~tarJ durtng ' the for flab, the water Is again fit for Tennessee Valley, Since the President the facts prove that the productIon move It to another J~n, the ~ two no. K1n~ co~ption by livestock ~4 , end members of Congress are bound and sale of electl'iclty II the chief under oath 10 uphold the . Constltu- purpose of those In charge of·the halt cost of such removal and' Ielocatlon Ia. well Imowp t:o. the RepubUcabS "tatloo return& "to the banks ot the tlon, and IIct In iOod faith In direct- bi\llon dollar enterprise. The hope of tD be paid by the vlilap or .W~. of the ~th ~ct, having aer- stre8m.a-" The · worst otfender ~ the poUelu of the government reconciling the real purpose of the .. vee! . . Kr. BlIOwn'!' aecretary. !Sur. Ohio. counties wh,en the -WIdeI' the Constitution,lt must be as- TVA with the purpose stated In the .VIlle. Ohio.' 'aumed that the purposes stated In the law under which It operates seems to . SECTION 6. That" the Company tng h!:&. admh~"ttr.tlon. ... -'~~. mlne..;aea!lng · ~Ject ·w,~ Iaun~~, ' law are the reill ·· purposes of the· be based on the I16sumptlon ·that tbe shall use all ,dWpnce and care uec. Governor and ISecretary ...of was. Hocking ".Oounty,· the mines or movemenl But such an assumption members of the Supreme Court are creaw great confusion.. For there is more ignol ant and have less knowl" eaaary ~ keep ' ~ the 1lmps c1ean' , . whIch poored for~ 20,000 tDllS of . no leaitlmate demand for the expen- edge of what is going ' on ~an the and bum11l1r durtng tJle ~ called Tbe Seventh dlItl'blt', ne. Roe- ,auiph~,c add a.andall),,· j t ~as ~dlture. of any large lum of money at average man In the Itreet,·If the law. ·the PfeRl1t time; eIther for the Im- yers are successful In this, a guarcliall for in tb1a. ord1nlDce· and ah&ll .. "publl~ ~~ wI11 be ac· ,~. ..: ; .--. ' . prov,ernent of'rlver navigation or for will have to be appointed for the gree that If any l1gbt gOes out, the c:ompOled to Wublnirt(Dil b? Mrs. .' , flood control in this part of our coun- "Nine Old Men." WtM!n we tum from try' . . • 'the politicnl an.d ethical opect. of the lampe 8hall be repa1recl the lame Brown · pd ~ aon,: J. ,1Au1re ~~lles 'off' ~ed vege. River tran.p"rtaUon bas been prac- movement to economic coiWcieraUqn night, If ·possIble, ami In that eftbt Brown. Jr., wt.e ttler will ·take tables 'available r th1s year prObably . .~ abelldoned ~d the occaalollal we find conditions that'shouid be tnno .ded~on for outap : wI11 . be up ~nce for the CiOII8I'~~ will redt.lCe acreape ' planted to iYeltow' of the streams ,t hat gener-. terestlng to taxpayer~. AecordlllJ to Dick. Powell, Olivia de Havilland al1ft Ohat-Jes· Wlanln,er ' are , an" ~ when the crops are 'not on .ali estimate made by Dean Moreland. made; ho.ever, If ..., laIIIP . Gl' ~ at I~ ___lhu.e", Av~ truc~ cr6psin ·1939 ant( ~y reduce the gay trl«;l who have .starrlng. -rolea 1r1 the ' l'Onicklng ·eomedytbe . . . call bardly be considered a .the annulli deficit . of the TVA tn III romance, "Hard To Get:" .hlcb Wtll 'opell Satdrday :Vecemoflr tncomes , o~ f.r\1ek crop producers, lampS are found to be stl11 out on ~ue. ~ P!I'1»b1e~. SlJ:lce It 111 claimed sale of power will be $10,352,000. U 111 a~ the Xenia th~tel'. in Xenia. with a pia New Year's ."e tIIIIt: ... daINI buUt-by4he--'l!-VA-wUl- Ildd-ltlooal Axed ohar,.. 81111 \U n1g~t.. toben the VWqe Word hie jud 1;IeeD.. reoelud '" Tl!e -tfO\Iernment wheat 10~ pro~ mldJillb~ ,preY11~ Ihow. ,_ _ ~ ~ 1IUt' ........ water perm.nentl" more that a utility company would have to T.he ,to!,), 'or "Hard To Get'" opens when, Ol1.I~; a beautifUl Iud tbu' wu evet subject to occa- pay are added: the annual deficit .ill will ~. a deduction equal to two ~ BI:'own u.t he baa ,,~ . enoour.,.. fann storage by but apolled belress bllYs I~a and 011 ..t Dlek', HrTlce ataUon · ana Ilonal owdcnn. the flood control ob- be $20)".19,000. Thll mealll 'that tu- nilhte for eW1 lamp not ·burnInI been aut .......· ~' 111, . BoUIe allowing borr.owinK fannflJ'S 70 a wan.. PoJft!r dams don't pre- payers throuahout the country muat on U1e aecond nlIbt.,.-UId a deduc· Offlce buUdlna for then f1l1d~ that ahe IS. without a cuu •.0 pay 'for IL Whei:41upon CI!IIDlnI ~ ~ ·on fUm stcftd Wheat If IoodI; &her create permanent pay this annual deficit \0 'p revent the' Dick "!,bo doell1't c;f e6Urse" IIno. wbe> lIb~ Ia. Gael pby.lca& fo~ . TV A Bubble (rom explodJna. tloli for MClh additional nlIbt tbJt IJoo. ..... all cUGIct farmers tum 1D wheat the enG to C91iipel bar to .ork Qllt her ·1 iDl b, M.eeplnl -out ad maldn~ ~ auch lamp Is . . IIundDr. aad ciUlenl"w ·be of the lpan perJod. _ tInI b~, III tile teD bUDralo....r. Ill• •ato . .
Capital News
Document Dropped From. Bale of Waste Paper Recalls Slavery Days
Old Newspaper
Clipping Reveal Cold Winter
FT.' Martin'
J. B. Chapman
6 6~D?D~ r;.
"Hard To Get" .....
.. _
hrir '
among ·
. _.»-
. . '
-1 County Court News
---- ----
Vernon M1cbael, S yda- IP'&vel, t2.55; Solvay Balea CorporaUon, 2 tons calcium ohlorlde, $68,00; WJghb & ~k~r PharmaCy i,upplles === ======:.::=::-=::=====:b::=======~-!/ $1.70; Carroll's Store, IlUpplles fU5 NEW -SUITS '. " ~e estate of Oharles F. 'F allen, The J. W. Lingo Hardware d~ ased, first and final ~ccount. pany, sup~Jlell land parts, '138,51; Na.lJonal SurdLy Oorpom,tlon vs. The estate of Emma. B. Prlce, The L~dlow . Battery and 'lgnltion De.vitl I .Oross nnd Coy Rti ell for.l de:eased, first and final o:ccount. " COmpany .. pam, ' 13.00; Kahn MoThe estate of James Pollen, de- tor Oompany parts, Uc; A: F. Melmoney only, atllount ,cJ,air(,led $935. 85 wJtl) Interest from November is. ' ceased first and final Mcount. loh Garage,. 58 gal OU, '34.'12; ~r H .8. Wal te~ S. COwan, gunrdian of nard Service station, gasoline, l"ldellty Bnd DePOSit Company, J a mes' Edward cowan, et a!.. min- $30.97; Gulf R efinlng Co., lil":lUllll", 0 : Maryland , vs. William HllfIord, ! 0 1'5, .first acco\1nt. 45 ' DresL OJLCompany, Jr .. Sheriff , replcvtn. Beulall Rlnhardt. executri K of , line, $24.19 ; Maddox 8erv~ce StJa..dazel Ridinger VB. Herbert Rld- the e~tate of Alber.t L. Prlee, de- ! tion , gasoline, $13.34; John Law & II ·el·~ divorce, Il'foss n~ll'lect. ceased, flrst and !Ina.! IU:count. Son, Il'!,SOllne, ' $10 .11; South's 8er------__ Karl S. Cowan, executor .of the I vice .Statlon, gasoline, $'1.27; Rout.(: IMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS estate of Hanna Booth, deceased , zahn s Gl,lrage, gasoline, '22.65; first and final account. Mays Service Station, §,asollne $7.92 I Raymond O. Fallen . admlnlstl-aRaymond Taylor, gasOline, $e.Helen L . Wells VS. Denver C. Lo r with the will annexed of the es- 27; West's Service Station, gasoWells, divorce to plninWff. Virginia Albertson V8. Clifford tate of Edward Mialoy. deceased. Une, $6 .58; Miss 01)1110 Knox. inva lid care, $12.50 ; Drs. Dunham first and Hnal a.ccount. A )Ortson, divorce to plaintiff. Alma A. Benge. executrix of the Skaylem & H eusinkyeld, medlcal services, $50 .00 ; lJewls & Drake Inc. estate of Ella M. TaU, d(1Ceased. I' '. OB,\TE COURT fi rs t . finnl · and distributive account. tipple rent for unloading car ~oal I II the matter of the e~ late of Anna. L. Harris, executrix of the tal' court house, $4 .73; SchUUng's S . a h Ellznbeth Wilson , d ecea~ed. estate of F tia,n k L. Harris. deceas- Food Ma.rket. oxydol, U,-sue a.nd Inventory approved. ed, first nnal a nd partial a ccount. broom for Mcmorlal Hnll. $4. -91; In the matter of the sta te of In the matter of t he est.a.t.e of Trustees, PubUc affairs, light and Memorial Hall, $7.27; 1.1ncolll Gresl!'. deceased. iI.w entory PaUline Bercaw. deceased, William gas for a pproved. Bishop. LesUc Spaeth and Verne Qul: k Cleaners. 12 x 19 ru g cle med and r esized for Memorial Hall, $7.85 I n t he matter of .the est,at!! ot · Spaeth , appointed appraisers. R AbeCCn. MOllton , deceased. J anuRry In the n1lll.tteJ' I>r t he estate or Lewis & Drake, Inc.. 7860 Ibs. Pocnhontlll IwnjJ coal lor Memorial 3, 1939, at tell o'clock Is the tim!! William W. Welch, deceased , InvenHall, $30 .46 ; Dudley Sears, sel'vices fJf" for hearJng. . tory npproved. as member of Soldler's Burial Com :l the ma.tter of th csta te of $1.00; Albert Ertel , services ~ MARRIAGE LICENSES ! M: Earn~rt. dcceas U, sched m ember of Soldier's Burtal Com., u of debts approved . $1.00 ; M. H. Oswald & Son, bW'la!, William Gaynor, 45, poohen farmrhe estate of Marie Wheeler. de$100.00; Oswald FuncmJ Home, iner . and Dorothy'e, 34. ButI lSeO, tlnal a:: count. valid car, $8.00 lervUle. The estate at Olara. A. Gallaher. The Western Star. advertising, Stanley E. Carr, 19, Franklln d .:ceased, first and final account. $1.30; Gibson, neva dog·.staples and farmer, and Kathleen Harrison, 18, . _ In the tnIa,tter at the estate of I Morrow carbon for Clerk of Court. $8.00; Henry BishOP. deceased, Ethel i KelUl~th Kellis. 3D, Franklin, PIIo- City of Dayton, board of prisoners Ecars appointed executrix. I per maker, and Alice Dotser, 27 for Nove~. $24,00; Dr. '1.. I n the matter of t he estate of Franklin, housekeeper. Rosencrall8, extraction, $5.00; Roy Ch arles W. Brown, deceased, report John Abner 22 Prankllne laborer C. A. Bock. M. D. Operation, $20.00 n ,proved. . and Carrie' ~Ch , 21, Franklln. Miss Omn Knox, invalld care $12:50 Tn t he matter of t he estate r I S ta nley Rickard, 19. Franklin, Ella Hoff, Inv:aHd care, $7.00; Winrue Gentry. Invalid care, $'1.00; Leo L dia BUlUlell, deceased . Inventory fnrmer , and Clara Wiedle, MlddieJ . Sl1llth, invalid care, $10.00; Ed a ,proved. lawn, R. R. , housework. Kaiser , invalid care, $5.00. REAL ' ESTATE TRANSFERS
= '
J . E. Lindsay to Bertha Belle LIndsay, lot No . 122 In Fnanklln town ship. Ernestine Roudebush to Albert LeRoy Watkins and Hazel R. Wat k1.ns, lot No. 109 In Franklin. J ames M. Carr to Nellie Lee Carr 21.80 acres in Frlillklln township. Walter A. Kellner to Celeste C Kellner to John J . Burske and Marydell K. Burske, 54,95 &eres In Warren Oounty. WaltA!r R. Fitts ,t o DaJsy M. BInD lot No. 512 In Franxl\n.
Mrs. Allce pIark received word Thursday of the deaih of her brother_In-law, Samuel Stevens: at D 1I1P TR OK SEUV1C I!l Lebanon, Ind., The funeral was at Gravel as low as 40 CII. ynrd his late home otIhere Saturday. ~ Ml:s. Mlary Carmony attended a tamlly dinner Chrlstma.ol at the ~omc at Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clat:k n Dayton. Phone, Way nesv ille 44 R 11 Mr. and Mrs. Allen EmrIck were L~bu.Don oUite Pbone 4.7S-K , guests at a Christmas dinner Sunrea.9 ·M. Morrow Phone ilia. 3 day at ihe home ot Mr. and MrII. BJLL~ ALLOWED Oharles AndeJ:SOn and family In Waynesville. ' Mr. land Mrs. Therle Jones and L. B. S teel, invalid . care. $5-00 Mrs. Helen Doughma.n, In:valld SOl1' Milton were Sunday dinner care', $7.00; Alice M . Arnold. Invalid Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Nutt care, $5.00; Iva NlchQls, inValid care at Osborn. $5.00 ; Newton 'Stamper, Invalld care are Mr. and Mrs. . Fred Rush and REAL ESTATE $10;00; Millard Bryant, invalid c chUdren spent the week-end and INSURANCE $5.00 Merwin Scofield, invalid car~ Chrlatmas with the latter's parents AUCTIONEER $7.00; The Gem City Blue Print Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Barger at .;.:...;;:::--=--:Sup. Co.. 1 r~lI detall paper. 13.72 Wash1n&ton' C. H. "" ~ _ __ . __ ~ -r"'--'.' Mr. Everett . Clark of Dayton ).-~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ , spent Mond8y afternoon here, callOA D OIL;
Zain Armitage
wN.sEARS ~
'-='=======-.:_ . __
log on rell9t1ves and fmnds. . Mr. and Mrs. Dearth Sheehan entertained with a family dinner, relatives of the latter. Saturday evening· at lJ1elr bo~e. on .the Day_ pike. . • ' Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Grabam and Miss Bernice spent Christmas day with Mr. ~Illd Mrs. C. W . .Albright at. Peldh. . Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wa.uace 'of Harveysburg spent Sunday with Mr. a.nd Mrs. LoWe1l 'Thomas" and daughter. Mrs. Alice Trickey and daughter e~tertamed with a family dinner, on .Monday. Mrs. Emlly Thackera of Lebanon who hils been the home or her daughter. Mrs. S. H. Burnet Cell down stairs early eunday mornIng, break.1ng her right arm at the wriSt and.sutfered other injuries. Mrs. ' ~~t Johns and Paul Johns were entel'lbalned at 6 o'dock dinner Saturday .at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. . Richard Turner at CentervU1e and later attended .. Chr1stmas entertainment at David
K'e offer ~ satisfactory Service
at all times
McClure funeral
Wayae••iQe -
Pboae 7
Lukens Stock Farm' EAST EDGE HAR~EYSBURG, ~.
Percherons, Jerseys, and Certified Hybrid Seed Corn ()bio 52. Ind. 614, U. S. 65·44.U. 17.1939
JERSEY HERD IN 400 HONOR 'cLUB 1934.35-36-37. ..,
Ten year old reg. mare, 3, yr. old geldina for aale '. . Good Workera , ' . , ,
. . . ..~1dI
PA-niFrNDER answ2rs ·the 'qUes~ons .you and your rriends lire asking with .Hs concise, vMd portl'ayul .' of the entrent' ~cene. E1tentS pf', natipnal ' Dnd ·international Slgni:,(l~llnce 11Ft' tully- and bnplll'fJallY. coverCCl, , ....acts. new and old, thnt odd. -clarity a,od,·meaniil. t9 ~m . . Dews arc- honcsUy inJected. 'the. ver.y latest and molt. interesUJig De~ pbolo~p~ freely muatrate tbe;.llore than' n milhon ~ders. S~ribe DOW. ':"'10 PATflF1NDEn. ibe most ~elJ read li.... ",......118.
Mr. and Mrs. H1lllard Greenwood of Lebanon spent Frlday eveD1ng with Mr. and Mrs. Wa.ler Ke:nJ'lj~k .M r, and Mrs. Wlalter qlark ' and chll~n. :had for their dinner, guests Chr1stmas day, Mr. and MrIi. Muton Sheebtul of Centervuie, and Mrs. AllOt! Clark. . Monday dinner guests 'of Mr. ·and MnI, . Tberle 30nes aDd 80n were; Mr, and J4r8. EdWIn Nutt .ndBerman N~tt .of Oent.ervWe, Mias Alma !iutt of Dayton , and Mr. · and Mrs, .'1: B. JgDtl8. ' . : .Mrs. Yatpl'et Johns and 'Paul JohnS attended a flUblly cUnner at the "country hoIIu! of Mr. and Mrs" .Amos Cook near Wayh.vtlle ,. on
amatmu · day,
Mr, and lira. ent.enaJriect at
Harold -' Whltper dJnner ~tmu. lllll Laura RMNlle of .00nctn..&I, DI'. ... .lIN. B. .B. ' Hathaway of
= ..
Mr...Dd . .
m. . . . . . . . . . . . . .~
lIlas with' tile Rolin Bolton and rew Peenoa. PI nl tI. their pnl'l'I1 lli with a Mrs. J ellSe Ro:(Ind 'pen t rll'ldn)' ~t' aul1(ul sH of sllvcl'wnrc. a~Lcrnoon with h er mother , Mrs. Afternocn callers n. the Bolton Nancy Pope. Mrs, Pope's }Jelilth .Ill home were Mr. and Mrs. Cqtter_ much Improved although she Is unman. Mrs. Ma~tlh and' Mrs: Tilton abl!3 b;l clo any work. BoLh the Perty · el')urCh d, d Su, nel daughter and qli of TrOY. Mr. l\nQ Mrs. Fred .Conklln ot gar Oreek Ohrlst~ n ~ t)urell gn\!e W e're proud of ' our J RYLon c;alled On MI'. a nd Mrs. p.1 gOQ!L rogra,.mJL_Chtjstmas~ mornilllJ town and county. Ro. W1c,,1 Monday afternoon. and sent t heir members aWI\Y ' filled , I. is a humming busi· MI'. and MI'8 . Tom FOI·dYCD. Mr. with Lhe Chrls~mas spirit and ' t he ness~enter and a natuml trad· .lrd Mrs. P . J . Tholl1a~. Vernon pence thnL oem a~. Christmas tJrnt' ing spot for ' a very much larger Fordyc' and Hal'ry For(.Iy e c le- May nex .year be 'Lhe population. ra t d lh eir Chtis tnlas nt 11.1rdnl ght . , U is the oormaJ nerve. center fo r S3LW'dIIY aft r 1\11'. Fordyce re- CUARLES i'nOMA INIURED a wide' Bnd rich farming country- and it' is rust tul'l1cd home Cram work. I c,e croo m IN AC(lIDEN"}' adding to its importance as an industriaJ comlind cake wer scr ved and pre~ en s Last Thursd y. December 22, munity. . 'x"hanged . I~. l'les Thomas ot neal: Mla.mls_ O.ur 8tO~, shops ~nd business organizations are The J eSSe Hesses spenL Christ_ burg was using a Fordson tractor equJPPE:d with all that 18 necessary to the besf servicemas wit h Mr. and Mrs. CRrl Hess draggIng logs. The tractor upset but telling YOtl about tbe advantages that are here isn't In Dayton. . backward and fell on Mr. Thomas quite ' getting it across Bc ~ Ly Rocc"s is spendin g the pInning him to Lhe ground. He was Chrislm ns hOI :days with Mr . and badly crushed, but is at 'h ome unYou'D never know how good this community of oun \!rs. Harry COl nel1. del' th e care · of hli wife and Dr. iI until you study its growth and· dev.elopmenL week ' after week-flfty-two weeks in the year. Ml:. and Mrs. EI'n~ t R ogel'!! were Borden . H Is lUlable to lie down dinm r £l u es ls of the Hurry Cor- and must sit In a c l~Jlr. His, condl~ere iI only ODe COrTecl way to do that. It is to !Iells Christ mas. tion . howevcr, L~ improving. MI'. read, the Dews" editorial and advertisinll columns of the Mr. allLl Mrs. Pote WI-al Bnd T homas Is lhe bro the r of Lawrence town's leadin., n~wspapen-THIS NEWSPAPER " Jllghtcr. EI.1e Mac and Robert Thcm as and Is well known In t his Every week in the year this newspaper places your Billett \\' ('1'£' Christmas gllests of com mu nity. door intereating. instructive and profitable information '.Jr. a: ,cI M' s. Louis Wieal and fam-news both ill editorial and advertising columns which :y Ileu r Miaml ·bur!: . can mean DOLLARS AND CENTS to you. The J n nes Hu rl.·ock fn mily ~ p: nt O. E. Reed . chi ef, "1:1' l U of dniry And aD for less than 3 cents per week. SlIlIday wlLh Mrs, Ha r tsock's par - Indust ry. Uni wd a ates Department . Ilt:< at F elTY. It', a HOME PAPER for this town and comml;lll~ty of AgriclllLUre, Ilnnouncc~ that govof oun. Mr . fllld Mrs. S id Fllcr called a t ernment rcsd.l rch men ha ve perh (, J oe FIl r. r~ S[lturd'IY nfte rnoon· fected nnd (Ja tl'lltrd n process C, r It II a part of YOU. MI FS Bl'r lh a P,IQr o f Ihe Cincln_ making te xtil e fl bcr from mll k II we baven't your name-aubscribe today. Il l Li Bible S 'lIIlllnry I:; sp: ndlng have developed a m~ thod of e~:~ C h .I~, mns I'oc atlon with h er folks. t·l'actln,. resin useful in' paints III rj , h(' Fikl's, a~ Ferry. vn rnlshes t ram lacUc ncid . nnd now Snnla called on L1 \.Ie Jimmy nrc working on a process that Wrll Th •. lnM. SOil of lhe Erv;n Tboinase:. make plastic B. ss one of the end ..;::;:;:===-:::-;:;:;_-:::-:::-~=-...:..::....__-;_____..:...___..:;._......;:.-. olle day la t we k. Til ll ttje fellow products of lnctic R . Id. leok refu ge on his grandfather's M r. an d Mrs. L esIie G ray an d lap. Firully he said , poillting to t he , lid 'd Wilm e,l reno av y an a were Sfiffs" pnl sonllge. "Go '. h· dinner b'llests Sunday of Mr and I Smiths) Mrs. George Gray. . . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick a nd The W. . SI .:11 s a nd L!!ster Mrs. Will Pine Is on thc . 'ck Ils L. January 4 On Wcdnesda y evening. Mr. 'and Gcrhal'd s p('n ~ Christmas day to· Fl'Rnkie Da na J ames Haines enjoyed a family din_ EvelYn K liapp n er , Christmas. a t I~he home of Mr. Mrs. Perry J. Thom as were host gether a nrt Santn called In the af"WANTED BY POLlCE" a nd Mrs. Will G. Haines in Da yton. and hoo tess to Mr. and Mrs. Hal'l~ ternoon and distribuL d gifts. No Cartoon- Donald Duck in Mr. and Mrs. RSJph Barger and Cornell and theIr gucst. Misse one ill Perry' was happier tha n Jr. "Hawaiian Holiday" children spent Christmas day with Wilma Smith and Betty Roger .. Smit h with his brand new sLream r el~t1ves at Washington C. H . The evening was passed in plnyii':l lined biCYCle \:I nd h e immediately January 1-2 Mrs. Margaret Johns and Paul games and making a huge popcorn took It out to try it. Rev. l\Od Mrs. Oarl Smith and Robert Taylor M. O'SulUvnn Johns In company' With Mrs. Ellza- cake , with Mrs. Cornell offic!otingfamily mo tored to Constance, Ken_ "THE CROWD ' ROARS" beth Smit h of Dayton were Mon - a t the latter . which was cn joy d by tuc ky Monday to visit with Mrs. Short "Swing; School " day dinner guests oj[ MIss Mary a nd the crOWd. News Reel Parry Cook In Waynesville. . Miss Wilma Smith spen t W edn es_ Sm1Ul'S parents, MI'. and Mrs. AndMr. and Mrs. HaJryey BUl'Oet and day n igh t as th gllest of Betty Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker bnd Rogers at the Harry Cornell h ome. children, Rlchard' alnd F'l'aDces were At the Lawrence Thomas home T~IHU IS A ....OUNG LII,OY IN NILES entertained at dinner Monday at Chr istmas was celebrated with n WHOSE ".a.CE IS II,L L COI/EREO ' the home of Dr. lind Mrs. Ernest fine turkey dinner . Tho~e presen t WITH SMILES Rosnagle at London. O. were, the p . J. Thomases tne Ervin Mr. and Mrs. Ve rnon ForSythe Tho~ ses t he Otto Gluters of MI and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred amisburg. Mrs. Lacema F aul, Hnrry Diers and son were present lilt a Fordyce and son Vernon a nd Ule family dinner Su.n(lay at the home h ost and ·their daughter Wilma and Df Mr. nod Mrs:. ~lames For Lbe, ]J\llll'Y :!3urll'ess. south of town. D?rothy Gerhard Is spending this week a.t t he parsonage visiting BeulB h Smith. . SILVER TROPHY FOR Miss Anna Nutt is r ecovering BEST COUNTY FAJR nicely from hel' recen t Illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Flier spent The best 'C ounty 'f air In the state held in 1938. will be decided upon Ohdst.mas with their daughter, Mrs a.t the annual convention of the Mary Cornell and family in DayOhio Fair Managel's Association In ton. ·The James Wical family spent the Deshler Wallick Hotel , Columbus. January 11 and 12. The wln- Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Peny I nlng fair wUl rece[ve a silver· tro- Ward and son Joe of near Sprlng- t J phy donated by f()fmer governor. bora. The P ete Wlcals eelebm ted Myers Y • .Cooper, honorary preslChristmas by having all Lhelr rent of the association. When you 'r nervous they tell you to relax. Size of the fair will not be a de- ~ hllQren and their families home Easy advice to give, but mighty hard to follow. ciding factor. The one with highest for Chrlstmas eve. You wiU .find it much easier to relax., overPerry Paul and SOI{ Ervin spent come Sle~plCIISDeti~ Nervous hrit8blU~)' t Restall-round merits, c<onsidering counlessDess, Nervous l1lladacbe nfter YOU UlKC ty populBJtion, will win, according the. Ohrlstmas hol1d tlys wi th his sister. Mr. a n d Mrs. Byron Mull and to ofCIc1als. . family of Higginsport. Ohi!:. Irene Brown, "" ll4-year-old 4- H Mr. and Mrs. J ess land ons were club girl' from Aledo, Illinois, re_ Monday guest(; at the Russell Murceived, ~,785,50 fo:r, a. steer Which rays near X~ la. Jr. Mu rra y was was declared grand champion in operated on for nllpendiclUs la t . the open -lass a t: tn~ International Mondl! ·· and 'was . ;eLu l'l ~d hom e Livestock EKposltioll. The steer sold December -2~h . Mary Lois Murrny a t auction for ,3.3fi per Pound. . ' l'ecently under e~t a tonsil opel'a _ tlOD. USE THE MIAMI GAZETTE Dr. and Mrs . John Bolton and CLASS,I FIED ADS daughter ot Colqmblis spent Chrlst-
Twin Theater
-_."-- .
If ¥ ou Are 'ln Need Of
Job Printing CALL THE
'Miami Gaz~tte .
A. Representative WiU 'Call
Beech Gr,ove attending vey~burg ' lichool arl! weeks Va{\lUoll. ,Mr. Hnl'l'Y Schwartz, ot Lebanon was a Monday caller I,n thls comANNUAL MEETING munity J , Lee Talmage and son Albert 'l'he 'IUltiual n\OOlIln, of stockbollien r W yn ville Na.tlonal Bank I.e were visitors in Ll!banOll Ohrlst of Wa nesvUl~. Ohio wUI be h eld a.t mas eVe and a ttended a show at It6 blnklng house In Waynesville, ,t,h e Town Hall. ' Mr. land Mrs, Earl Th,ompson, of Ohio on th lOth da.y of Jan~ary , 1089, at , 2 ,o'clcek ~. M. Eastern D.aylon. and Mrs. Mar!.ha Oleaver. Slan~ard Thl\e for election of DI- were visitors in Ch IUlcot.he, Monday Mr. and Mrs, w ayland Jordan, reeloor t r the ensuing year and tJ:aJl5llcUon ot Suoh other busi- Miss Claire, Joan and Rut h and nells as may properly come berore Master John , of Cincinnati, were ilie rlJeetlng.· . Saturday dinner guests of t h e JorROSS H. HARTSOOK; elm famlly . Mr. Allen Swar ts W(lS a vL.'>ltor CashIer Ohrlstmas with his mo ther at Xenia. MrS. S warts sp ent the day wit.h her parentS, Mr, and Mrs. Varvel of CacS!lrs Creck. MI.s!i Hannah JOl'dall tmd AUred Jordan were Christ.mas dinner guests of Mrs. Lucy Fishbaugh (lnd family In Mlddl town. Mrs, Bina P ntterson . Clayton. Il nd Faustlenla P J ltcrson were Mon_ dny dinner guests of th e (or mer's parents, Mr. u nd MIv.. Arthur Clay_ F'OR SALE- EllsUng , Roxanna & t,on, and also called at th e home Wayn Ville P lants $1.50 pcr tOil of her broUl el' Sherman Clayton, Hlgb Grade Cllnne[s Salt 7G, LS. per of ,Brookville. huodr d potlll ds . Roxan na Ca nning Co.• Pbone 119·Jl·21. lfb , George B. Orane, aSSIstant exLen_
Mr. and _Mrs. Raymond Conner and daugb ers, Ruth la nd Sar'n h enterlainjld ChrIBtma dllY, Mr. and MJ's~ C. E. Edwards and daughter. Mary . Mr. and Mrs . Herbert Edwards and sons, M rs, Margnret Re Neilly and sons and Mr. a nd Mrs. Leo Conner , . Guests at the hom e o( MI'. and Mrs. J . P. Larrick, Chrlstma~. IJ1 ~ c;luded Mr. and Mrs. George Quick and Thomas Fox Jr., o( Mla'mlsburg, t he Misses Ruth all.d Eileen LarrIck of Dayt{)n, Mr. [lnd Mrs, Frank HofCmnn and Hal've a nd John Mullen. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ross H. Hartsock a farrlly dinner on Ohrlstmas day, Those prt$cnt were Mr. and Ml·s. A. Z , Hartsook and family, Walter Jordon, Mrs. C, H, Den lhe.rage and Mrs. Lena Hartsock, Sunda y evening supper guests of the Hartsoclu; were BIIUe Vlrlrlnla Jones of Lebanon and Mll ry Caro_ line Lukens. .
"Y OUClubcertainly have a novel place when, on a recent VIsit
inspected the dormitory built ben eath t he Ohio star students, selected by county committees on and lod~ing in the Tower Club at cost or about ,3.26 per week. Now WPA workers are another addition to the club to house 100 morc students who could not otherwise attend school. official s would like to build dormitol'ics around the entire stadium to house 2400 studenta. above, left to right, are: Joseph A. P arI< dean of men, "father" of the Tower Club idea; Mrs. Roosevelt, and J. Otis Garber, de puty administrll t\ of WP A in Ohio.
61,o n dlreotor. Ohio State University
Bowling Results Bowling resuUs Fairleys Todd O. Cook Scott Woolard Bailey Rooney
Everything for building at ' reasonabl e prices.
1st 149 134 135 93 116
2nd 139 162 134 85
1st 2nd 133 175 196 169 12'1 174 117 114 114 149 803 724
Peters. Krogel'II Wilson Hartsook Fromm Brown Earnhart
"Two Price" Proposal 8, EIUJ[ MeEINLEY ERIKSSON
' ,.
~I-r -I *~, VnfNrG"1 ~I Soraherra caU/ornld,
3rd 130 168 143 121 t 1011
176 1'19 142 133 136 154 152 150 179 116 755 693 761
I .'
152 70 143 U9 170 654
'Wallaoe I. G. A.
Misses BrQwn and 1:'rlmble of DaytOn spent Sunday night and Monday with the Misses Anna W. and Mame T . Brown. Mrs. Ida Bosler. Mrs. Betty She~. Mrs, Oharlotte Whitmore and Miss Kelly called on MIss Katie COllins Monday. Miss Bantla. ' ot Lebanon was a caller Wednesd'sy. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mendenhall, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martin, Mr. and Mrs. RUeSkln or I:myton and Mrs. Elbon and nephew were guests on Chr\.stmaS. Mrs. O. H. DeatlJ,eragEi and ,Mrs. Lena Hartsook Bite Ohr~;tlD.l1s dInner with R. H. Hartsock Ilnd famlly.
3rd .(}ues~ of Mrs. Caroline Barnett l'10lon TUesday :were Rev. Ne~n 122 Thorne and daughter Jo of Clarksburg, W. Va..• and Mrs, Mary , Bar. 116 nett and daughter Ida, of near Day-
144 loon. 1721 724 STORES Wn.L CLOSE NEW YI!:AR'S DAY 158 80 The following stores hl Waynes86 163 '13 190 ville will be closed aU day Monday " 120 . 129 January 2. D. R. SmIth 113 117 550 669 Wallacji! I . G. A. Kroger 2nd 3rd Myer Hyman 149 154 Fairley Hardware 145 106 R. D. Ooll~tt '118 125 152 169 ELECTRICITY lb.2... 137 FOR FARM HOMES '116 691 Farmers residing on the New Burllngton road ' Decelved 'J. nice 140 143 Chrlstmas gift in tbe way of elec123 171 trldty. The Dayton Power and 69 99 Light .Co. have been busy running 139 124 llnes and set tulg poles- on that road ,148 ' 164, and several famules , alre~dy have 619 ,701 I· theIr h.~mcs wired. '
1st Allen 117 113 DIdaI to the ~ of thII ' 00UDtr1 ' Uie advocate. of the FUrnas : to ~ btl propolll for tbe eataltIt would merely be 1 Hess 140 lJIbmeDt of gov- i 178 "'two pl'loe" several ! R~' Stanley 143 ~ . ~tor .,. end the Hoover I 'Britlan • ps:odIUrplUi cotton and , 691 UGtL 'l'bII PI'9- wheat were turned OVetl to the Red I Waynesvl11e Bowling ClUb ,=:~ CrOll by the Farm Board and., after : 119 Picking d.aIIprouL It II beIDI prooe'aed Into cloth an\! ftour, IDtuwtIDa beunemployed people, ' Hastings 161 It of the New Deal the , 128 eMa. repreo Reliet CoryoratioD Crane . .t. a druttc up pork, butter Brakefield , f16 . W. . .1 ID , ~. . and dlatrlbutit 132 Wall a o. ,. on rellet. In 1936 thla Stubbs wu renamed the Federal I till• • ID re646 ~ l.tlon to the ' Commodities' Corporation Coyles farm problem. Jiven a permanent .~tua. ; 1st 2nd 3rd ~ linoe . ttie 0ne-th1rd of the c:uatoma recelpla, or orIIIilal ~.rl- about .140.000,000. wu made avall- I Schul ' 166 154 136 \ • ' caltural AcI- able for the purehue of fann sur- ' er 109 137 ,wtmentbOOk Act ".. plaeecl on the 1 bJch ' to be dlA-lb DaVis .,,-tute III the aprIq 'of 1811 th p UM8 w, were aU' uted 139 117 H. Burton .....:.._raJ f ' e to people on reUet or dJaposed of ....... a~UI ,proaram hu been cSt- abroad. Among the recent actlvltlll 129 107 Lindamood rectedDur 10 U to cut down product101l. of the corporation baa been the pur- ' 168 1177 Ina each of the put flve YUI'J an chili of I. mJUlon and ,. halt IUlta E. Ramby aVlrall of almcilt a bUllon dollan and overcoats tor distribution to the 117 Coyle ' annuallJr hu been Jiven to the farm. WMlmployed. 711 672 era U IUbJidifll ill return for their ' C90penitJon in redudni tbelr cultl ~ Presumably Mr. Wallace would Junior Lodge , va~ acreage. ' , continue to distribute proceued farm : 125 155 ' 133 Nolf'. Ia spite of the vllllt expendl. products free or ehar,eto those who ; Smith 87 110 105 ",r,., ,and despite the ala~ter of are OD reUef but he would make tl)at Dye pia. an1S lOWS the plowing under of merely a beginning. But. In planning · Anderson 153 132 144 t &rOwln. co~ the eatablbhment 01 to utend operatll'D so u to Iell 138 139 Quota.. end ,t he curtailment of ac:re- these products at a low prIce to mllMcMll1an -ae ,under the 'iu\M of 1011 conaerve- Uona of who are employed Brannock , 1'19 120 131 , tiOo or soU erosion control, the pro- but who are recelvlna only a small . 682 656 motora of a.n.. ..".tlflctal ICarclty are Income. the Question, 'arlse: How wID 1 ~cei:1 by a tealIiatiOD that the farm the ,persons be selected for the prlv- 1 __ ,_ _ , pi;)blem bU ,DDt b:een .• 01ved. The Uege of buying at the low price? Who I FAMILY PARTY AT ~oblem of 'crop • u r pi u • •• that will do the processing of the ' fann . II.\RRIS HOMESTEAD How will the produptll be plagued the Farm Board durin. the Hoover adinJhlItration Ia now plainto the CODsumer" I lQ&' tbe Ne,. D,UIera. , Obviously, whatever method of Ie- ~ Mrs. Edith HarrIs and Mr. Harris tD the faee of ,thII lIIt.uation Mr, leCtiOD II used, the result will be d1t. ' Wal¥ee ' advanced ~ "two iatlsfactlon. People denied the prJv- : M!J!1her entertained on , Sunday at Indicates of buying at the second or low I ' the old faDlilY home on MaIn street it . price wID be sure to object. In a,n . I at a very dellghttuf Christmas parcue, the plan of seWn, at two priCII . . woulcl IIgravalo the clUl feelln. ty. Those who, enjoyed the occa_ wthbJCh has already been promoted b1 . slon wer~ Mr and Mrs Fred .e r New Deal actloDl. The federal . , ,overnment II alr.ady InvolMd lJJ sock, Miss Mildred Hartsock 'and all eon. of economJc aC!tivitie. In ~. OharleS Hartsock of Miltord, competition wIth pnvate enterprise. Mr. and, Mrs. Ronald Hawke and the two ,price .,.tem ,overnment I'::~d:~~er:especlally . with small Mr. Frank Hawke and the hOl!t and
·. · I.W~~ra1,~ ~ad~~=-wh.oare'nowOD
tIIlbl\t increaSed.wolild The 'h~te88. ~a~~~~~~~ IIWOPO~lne·vl. andhi.r!!taJlera, if accepted mJrht concel _ A very
,.' , . ' beautuul Christmas tree -abl1 be the meant of coilvertin, th1. J laden wit h presents. was' ot:Ie or the co~b7 Into • 10clallat atate~ The, ',chler attractions, Eyeryone had a'
tal ownerahtP 'and' opeution .of thl! atrofto'production aecure .0verDmen.111~;r.~~~~~E~~J Soclal1a~ IIiItrumenb and die.
e. an voteq l ,"to ..oodbe iim ' d remembered.
gram encourages farm storage by ~
borrowing farmel'll "'1c a
busbel 'OD farm stored Wheat If farmers tum In wheat at the end , ot use IcIID period.
ST. ' MARY'S , EPISCOPAL CHUReI. First · Sunday aiter OhrtstmM. The CircumcIsion of Ohrlst. • 10 0., m . Church sohool, 11 a , m. Morning Prayer and sermon. , 4 p. m . "Th~ ~ew_born lOng",' a Chrlstma.s 'w n Lata , will be presenter by the choir at candle light musical service. Monda.y 6 :30 p. Il'l. Parish supper at the Little lrm .. to be followed by annual parb h meeting, Tuesday 2 p. m , Nursery Church Seliool , Friday 4, 1>. 01 •. Junior a:Ig h B~YS CJIRIS'J1MAS CANTANTA AfJ' sr, MARY'S CIIURCH Ohrlslmas Day is over. , but we are....stIll in the - Chris/ ian season or our Lord:s ~atlvlty. As la p~t Christmas obsetVa ti1011 on ' the Sunday aloter t Ohl:istmos ' u cantata "The New_born ~ g" by Oharle~ H , , Gabriel, ' will be gIven In St. Mary's churcb ;' a t 4 p, ,m . Those taking part are Mrs. Mbynard Weltz, Mr/!. Ethan Orane, Mrs. lJloyd Haokwell, Mrs. DOnald. liflwke. Mrs. Ja.:k Bolin, Mrs. Gnbert Frye, ,E than OnUle, the 'Rev. Lloyd Haokwell, Howard Po~t. Ethan Lewis Dean Ha~kc and RuSsel Pl~~: M,rs. Kathryn Tu1'Jler ' ls t he organist. ' ' , ·A oordlal ' IrMtatlo~ Is , extended to the public. .
lliat abe from fltequent bea'clacbAl!IL N• • .topthem until '. frilend J;'ecommeDded DB., II I L B S NERV1NE. She 18J'II Nez:vtoe atops headaChel. befOre , they get a goo4 .&lilt. Three genera~0D8 ,~Ve found DR ;.nm:s NERVINB effective (pro . NeroouIM.. . ftUI 8.. to ,N ",,", lrritabllUv, Nmo... 1,...
~Nl Sic. . . ..:--'" Get· DR. MILJ:S iNBRV-
~ at :your ~ .Itore.
it a. day long '
JI ;~::lb~U;tl:offi~~ ' jtbe~'~t~w~O~pr~l~ce~;!:~~In~~lMU!go~~' ~~~~~ , w h e a t l!J&ii -:7-pro- -I
" . WAYNE VILLE M. E. CHURCH' Sunday. Ja nuary 1 9 :30 Sunday 'S chool, R. .D. CoIlett. Superintendent. 10:30 Mornlng Worship, New Year servIce. A message for the new year; Comm\mion, and a gltt for everyone. 6 :00 Epworth L~ague. 7 :30 Evening service omitted 81Ccount of New Year. Monday 7:00 Boy scout.s 7:30 OrcbestXa practice 8:00 Ohoir 'pr!lcUce Wednesday 2 :00 W. F , M, S. With Mrs. WlIHamson. C min 0 g Event R,emember that Sunday. J o,nuary 8 the eVI!~eltstrc meetings sta~t.
_ _ ___ _ ::&2: _ _
. . . IItL I I . '"'IiiIiil IIIL ..
.... ,...
So 0100" ..., e ............... L.., .... CtuI. GI.,.. AI. UAIII Y" Ot\ y " _Ii ... .......... L..tOtlI. cu. tim ply .11 f... ttd ~ .... big 24 00... bolt!. F~EEI s.. If yott ce. ctl<h hlml •
KING'S HERALD MEETING The K1ng'~ Heraia society met witb Ruth Helt;n' ~a~ TueSday afternoon. After the usu'al buslnese was dlsP96ed of ~ary Eva Le May read from' the study book, on India the story of "!Who ,Is' Our Neighbor': ~hrIBtmas carolS were ·Jung ' by tbe cl'1Jldren an~ games ~re ' pla.Yed, after )Vhlch the s.erving of refresli.. ments brough t till! afternoon to a cJose~ . ,,> BmTHS Mr: arid ~rs:o. ' A. Allen ~re' aDnounoing the arrival of a' 'daughter, lone EmUy. born December 19 ilt ~noa.ster, 1\(1". Allen is' a brother of 1141116 ' Mary Allen. A 80n ·wu born "~ Mr'. "l.d Mrs. ElUS ~ Mi:Clure '(Luella Sheehan) at MiddletoWtr', hosPital " Monday ev~ng DeceIt!ber ~8. . Mr. and , Mrs. Loula , MCCarren (LouIse Reno) are announctng the birth ot a dau8hter at tbeIr bome JD -OcIrwIo. ' Dhi'JatJ.pd 1IiOmIDi.
,.n. ,.
t.... ""..",.... H It.. ....- w.I' I.,
CINCER ALE4bob.Z5 c Pl...........
~U.lA"TEE; T., La,ooI. eu CI.... AI. I• .., Loo .... O.~ .x,"nl~' . 1.1'" h • tRll ..... t.UCf 'h,,, t\htr • ntu • rort,", .wd ... "ill chetttullr u:r.ncl yo•• 1MM1"
Hot Date.d
3 ~2 25c
TABLE SALT~C= 2 pkp. 5e TALL MIrK C~W'RY ' 3 ~ns 19c .
'1-2 Ib pk,f. 11 1-20 '
pkg. 10e
MtJSTARD qt.l5c Country "Olub Pork a.nd . BEANS 2 for U)
pt. 1ge
SAND. SNACKS Pineapple JUICE' Alaskan . S~ON
Florida Orange~, Sweet and Juicy Lemona, Su~k,.t, Juicy Apples, F~ney box, Deli~ioua ~ot~toea~ Ru ••eta, 15lb baa ., CelerY Heal'ta, Te~d~'r; beb. 'Bruaael, SprOuta' qt. Grapefruit, Florida
.Oyate~a~ B.ltilnore Standarda
Frea4ahore Oyatera, fryin~ a~z~ . LaI1l,. Pure Kettle, 'Rendered .', '
'R~ ·P~.:cb Fillets, 'raaty, ' BoI9gn~, Large alieea
DrY Salt Side, '3 lb, pilic:e I
Sliced Bae~, Kwick Kriap
6 ,Ior JOe '3 'Ib 2Se
29c '
Fil.l et of lIaddock, Bonele~
6 lb tge
Sweet Potatoel, Texaa Yama,
Country Club .PEA(JHES, No: ! 1-2 ~n, ~ Couptry Club Tomato JUICE tall eans 3 for ~c HoliyWood MlXEf) oJ-iVEs jar Z9c • C<!Untry Club TWINKLE .. for .i,c
Fresh Em~y ,
Albert Barkalow Tahnngo, 78. died at his home near Wellman early Wednesday morning followin g a long Illness. Surviving Ilre 111~ widow"Adah, one son, Lee, and olle gJ'8ndson. Funeral services will be held at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eamha rt the McClure IuneNl home SaLmand chlldren entetalned members day at 2 P. m. \}'.Ith burial 111 Mlof Mrs Earnhart's family at d:nner am! cemotery. Ohrlstmas. Covers were laid for Mr, a nd MJ'S, Earnest Ha rlan ami Subs cribe In lhe MIllml OIl'Z~lt e.
Miss Frieda fl!Brvey was In Day_I 2 ton on Wednesday.
130 125 160 , 149 129
Bradley Oleaver Thompson Simpson
I Churches
95 686 627 615
Rambys James L. Cook Osborn J. Gons Prendergast G111l1and
you with on'e of New Calendars showing a different design for a home each month. '
Franklin D. Roosevelt told members. of the Tower
State University Stadium by WijA. the basis ot scholarship, character and
'is busy wi t h hls annual study 'of
Whether or not you contemplate building or remodeling 'a home, call and we will present
~a ve
FOR SALE Orushed gravel, de_ long distance weather forecasts. He llvered anywhere. Robert Furnas, says t he law of averages will proWayneeville, 0., phone 83&4. tect Fanners' Week from .xa,xlUary 12-22-4tp 30 to February a because bUtza.rds noods. and Icy ronds been successive hazards for the Lhree reL ST-Beagle bound, female, cent weeks and that OhIo weather "" hlla With brown SPOts, about 13 has to be good part of ,the t.lme. incQes high. Reward ' for her return USE' THE MIAMI GAZETTE or In!orrnatlon. Ernest Nixon, CLASSIFIED ADS WayneSville, ltp
, Mr. and MrS. I\Obert Baker and J ean entertaln'e d Ohris tmall day, Mr, la nd Mrtl" Lowell N or ~ rIB and son of ManUla . .Ind., B I" nard Southard. Mr. nnd Mrs. F'. Horton and children and: Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Horlon .nnd son or Dayton, Mr. and Ml'l;, 11. P . Sou th _ ard of Lebanon . Mr. and 1'4I's. Rob crt &Ike!'. Ml·. and Mfg . WUl Tu n ey and son o( Mason and Edwin Moore of Covington , The labter re_, malned fOI" a hor~ visit wi th the Bakers.
Mrs. Martha Hough, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hough ancl ch1lch'en and Walter Burdine.
The pupils
4 Jor 19c .. 'l b 190
REV. H. HI ABELS [ INSTI rU'TE SPEAKCR f The Farmer's lnstl~te' and corn lOW will be held at the blgh school gym January 11. The first session wlll be held' at 11 ;00 a. m" at which time Herbert Abels will speak on the subject "Strlve and Succeed," At the afternoon ' session Mr, Abels wU speak again on topics of j nterest to the general public.
Local ' appenings ,fl B. HENDERSON -=-~:-;;n::-:;I~:-::I HESIGN5 AS CLERK
Miss Margaret E, Baker, Repu~lIcan State Central Commlttee-woDr. I\nd Mrs. A. E. Stout and ' ~n for the Seventh Congressional Dlatrlct. will entertain with a tea Winnie Jo and Ml·S. Boyer spen t at the Deshler Wallick Hotel In Co- Sunday In Cln:ltlllati. lumbUs the afternoon ot the inauMr. and Mrs. William Lukens and guration . The will be trom 3 :30 family sponL Sunday with Mr. and to 5:00; All RepubUcan women of Mrs. Harry Green at MaJ;tlnsv llle. the Seventh district are invited. Mlss Louise Zimmermo,n returned The guests ot honor wut be Mrs, Laura Bricker. mother ot the gov- to her school du ties at Athens, afernor elect and Mrs. Katherine ter having spent her "acaticlll with Brown. Republican National Oom- her parents , mitteewoman for Ohio. The county Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Huth and chairwomen of the Seventh district son of Xenia were dinner guests FYI have been Invited to &ssllit. Those day evening of Mr. Qnd Mrs. J. P. who aiso have invitations to the Larrick. tea at the Governor's mansion will be able to attend both functiOns. as I Miss Faith Tomlinson who l~ at_ the latter aftalr Is to be held from tending school in chicago bpellt her 4:00 to '1:00, vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mns, Curtis Tomlinson.
I tn
Wayne T(lwnshlp Board of EduDonahoo was a atlon Illet In reo anlzaUon ses~ U...h , r Ll ('11 MlIIer a t Lebanon SiOll Monday evening. The board ,hI' 'liI ,i cek end. voted to retain th.e prese~t officers' with H. R. Moss as president al d Mrs. Mary . . Middleton of Spring K . N, Hough as vice I?resldellt. The Vahey was a "witor DL t he home of other m.embers consist ot , B. O. •,~r. ' , .I Il ' Vall ... r l!:1 ·und ay. Ha rtsoc k, D R. SaUshury, nnd R. H . Hartsock. R. H . Hartsock tOOk. of_ fice ns ~ I erk of the board aue to tne childl'-n W I'" c u cs t ~ .,1' Mr. and reSignation of Fred B. Hender, ::r . 'vt·~. Elvin Fires Sundny. M I'. Henderson had been the e ; . <:1 11 clerk since September. j" ) Mi ss Mnr)' I\'los.s wns n gll est 01 buL ask-ed to resign t hat he might M I~;; lktly Braddock at t he Hnp uevole more time to prIvate entel'py Hour club banqu t T h ursday eve prise. In view of this the )Joard 1'0nlng. luotantly accepted his reslg~atlon MI'. and Mrs. Ch arles Zimmer- and Mr. Hartsock was installed in m Ull au d ehl!drell sp li t New Yeal's h L~ pl ace. Mr. Hal'tso~ k had served witb Mr'. and Mrs. Dllni el Hlenz of as clerk previous to M!'. Henderson. Jn mostol 11. Time of board meetings was set for lhe first Monday evening In each M I'. and Ml·!I. (,hnrl rs All en nnl month . daughtcl·. Miss Mill Y w l' \ gl!l.'~ ls j OLiler bUls in~ con<;ernCd . purr. I\rld Mrs. Elmer u chasing of equipment for the new F'i:ster. MOlld ay. , nddJllon to the high sohool buildMr. und Mrs. WIll \u.rn Bradl (!~' , Ing. Pr'esertt indications point to- , M r ', Alice Sel vi:;, Mis.~clI M n r t h 'Nlll'd occupancy of t he bul1dlllg In Cook and Lucy Emley spent Mon- til ncar future, The heating plant day with MI'. and M1·d. ~ eo r has been Installed and Interior 'work Woollard in Deyton. Is nearing completion, PI all/; al'e being laId to 'open the bullding t o the Mr. and Mrs, C. E, Norris of S hool and tho cOlllmunl ty as soon , Peoria. Ill., and Mr. an r! Mrs. Estel as IVork i$ cOlllpleted. In~kcep of Sprlugf.ield ail ed 0 \1 Mr. Nor rill' mother. MI'S, Franl Hoffm an Mon day afte rnoon. Mi '
Oi ncinnatl.
MI'. and Mrs. R. D, Collett and sons we I'e guests on New Year's day of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stantield and children at New Vienna.
nu II A.nn
Mrs. Harvey Rye. Mrs. R. H. Hartsock. Mrs. Lena Hartsock and Post Chrlat.mas activities of St. Mrs, D. C. Ridge were Dayton ViS- , Mary's Ohurch included a cantata itors Tuesda y artemoon. by the choir On the §Qnday after Mr)s. M~rlo'l McElfTpsh who is Chrlattnas and the annual buslpe.s/j meeting ot the parish at the Littlo sti li bedfast following a r ecent strqke of paralysis, ~B now at the Inn 188t Monday evening. home of her daughter, Mrs WIlliam Por the cantata, "The New-Born Jones in-Da¥ton. - - KIng" the d81loratlve Ohrlstmas green around the church and cedar MI'. nnd Mrs, Fred Braddock, trees well placed at the front of the Faith and aPul ·Tomllnsqn and Lu_ chancel mac:Ie .a fitting background ther Hartsock wcre guests of Miss Atmosphere was added a~ ~f ~~n- Mary Heston at a Watch party at Rev. Harry F. Zierer Mrs. WUllnm t.ui!;ens and Mrs. dies in the chancel and WllldoW!I. her D!lYtop home N~w 'Years eve. The cantata was w~ rec~lved by ~.y. H!ll.rt.~F. Z!erer, 110W of ~Ralph HasLlngs taught in the sec.. Mrs, J . ft. Chapmlln ~l1d S@n ll\!1ls~U;;~ !S ' goin~ to speak ~wo W. II, M. SOCIETY HAS ond I\l)d tl~l1'd grades respectively In those who 'b eard it and 8pecl I Miss Evelyn Furnas and Esty Mr. Abela cont~ highly recom' _. a Robert were In Oinclnnatl Wednes - weekI> tn eval gellsl1c services at the GOOD J>RO RAM place of 'the regular teachers who Pringle were m~rrled at Birmlng· mended. He is II. Il'adlllt.te of Ohio prll!se was given to th08' who sang day and called at Christ hospital WaynesvlUe Methodist church. I were absent because ot .Illness. ton, Ky., SatUrday morning. The Wesleyan, oarr'ett SemInarY, and solo parts· where Mrs, Ch~pman's uncle, At_ Some local r Idcnts wlll remember Northwestern University. Se served ' Tbe annual partsh meet.lilg began torney George BaUey Is lying at the that some years ngo he was pastor Mrs. H. H. Williamson YlIlS hostMr. nnd MrS. A. H. Earnhart and br1de Is the daughter of Mt an.d · . as the youngest poUoe chlef in with dinner at the LIttle Inn. Af- point of death. of the gente: 'Ville church, He then ess to the Women's Forel Mls_ Son enlcrt.airled at dinner 011 New Mrs. DaVis Fw'nas. She was gradthe Uhited l3t.atei, at Parkersbura, tel' dlmler, with the Rev. Mr. Htt.cltwas transfer, to Epworth church .slonary SOl\leLy on Wl'dnesday a f- Yenr. .da,y. Covers wero laid for ·MI'. uatect f~om the local high 6Chool1n W. Va" and as 6J)eClal In EVanston well pr~lJ)g, nu~ meeting Includ_ A large number of local friends Dayton, and ' bad a long and suc- ternoon, Jall~lary t. Sile was IIsslsL- nnd Mrs. Ka rl Babb and son of the class or '37. Mrs. EvelYn Watill. He Itnown the InsJde of law ~ ed report.s of the t1nallcl~1 statu!> andc relatives of O. J. Edwards and cessful pasto;a te there. He Is SCJ'- ed by Mrs. Martha Hou gh . Xe,nln Mrs. Jessie Robltzer of Day- !dns and 911fford Jeffery were the ' ThlJ m eeLmg was opened by sing- ton and ¥r. nnd Mrs: J. D . Marlatt. attendants. foI'Cement. He Organ1led the ' Chj)p of t~e parlah. apprpval of ~J)proprk the J . Wilson Ed\yards family. ' for_ vlng 'h ls thlr I: nl}l year in the DI\YI cothe Larger Par.Lsh of seventeen atJoJl8 tor the colJlJne year. reports rn~r WIlYnesv»le residents attend_ ton district .l ie graduated from ing "Oh for a Th<;lUsand Tongues to Mr. nnd Mrs. Ell Fllrna.s and /'Ins ELLANEOUS SHOW£.R ~hurches Into one unlt. He Ls n~w from officer!! ot ·!.be 'various partsh ed a reception at the EdwardS home Moores_Hill ~:Ollege and went from Sing." Mrs. J . V. Lacy hlld charge there tQ 9 rett TheolOgical Semi_ of the' devotions hor subj CL ·belng C~lldr~n and Mr, and Mrs. .Law, ;ork1n8 In the field of radio. He o~n!laUoDf, eJectiop of the vestrJ In' Springfleltl ~ew Yettrs4la-y;. _ hu bad J)l'OIJ'aDII over WLW, deJ...... tA"'~O\ d~511.HIOD. IIlth Toriiunson .. MiaS nary fu vamt n~ lTowrrig mat llc "Wlnnlng dl~ s fOr the" ·Kin - enc Furna nttended-a dinner at the home ot Mr. and Mrs, mlsceJlaneous WPAR,llnd tor the past two ' yean vention, a~d appointment ot qomspent a 'period ot yeors on the mls- dom." .Helen Rand"ll, "nd Mr. and Mrs . "' . 7: -'-'- ntown over WHKC In COlumbus. He 1s the mltteea for U}e enaUl", ye,r. AltfU' lhe busln.s session the Set h FUI'IlBs and .son Seth Jr., and of Miss Jane"-;;':a"'r""ly,.. In--a=-e:-:'rmn FYed BraddoCk attended a ~ner Ilion field In t"e ., ' Phllllpplnes, ll~V~ daughter Sarah Corrine Sunday .. This w.a s In honor o~ Mrs. Earnere.tar ot the program "AerOll8 the The vestry Is l!. grpup of ~ymen party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ing ret"rned to this countl y later program was taken up; Hi tory of Years." He 18 also a minlater ,ot the who oversee the material welfare ot Raymond. La Rue..Jn...Mason Wed. and t.a ken up the above work as a India. Mrs. P. U . LeMay; Girl Ml'li. flon' H ' e nn Mrs. Ooapel. tile cb~b Jlnd who jls'sIsTlhe n- nesd3Y. f01':eful spellKer and very attractive ChUdron of India, Mrs. D. C. Ridge erso~' Earnhart' attended Q. ' cUnner In his J>ersonaUty. All will enjoy Us_ SOng _ c"From Greenland's Icy dance !It ~ooster Fl'lda~ eve~ng Edw1rt J. Bath, legtslatlve repre- lster In 1Ul)' way possible. Those Mrs- O. I, Sattert.hwal~ and tenlng to him, Mowltalns,"; India Note ~, Mrs. F. whlch. was given by the Ohio Cen.. aenlative far the Ohio Farm BlJl'eall elected tQ serve were W. Il· Allen, of many lovely .-1U 'ad\1reaa ·the eveDlng ~ ancl P, B. Uendersop, L. H. Gordon, E, daughter and Mrs, E, C, Crane and The general pUbUc Is cordially In- U. LeMay; Missionary Letter-Mrs. trah TelephOne Co, . tor its enL l ~ know that all wlJo . .ve heall ;L. ThomaJ, I. H. Mosher. Dollald daughter and Mrs, Ve.rll SlJnp~on vlted' to' tl~el;e services beginning J. B. Orabbe; Oompanion Thoughts ployees, The Indies ' 'rcmaU;ed . over f 1I:r. S-tb either as a publlc spea~. ~wk~. J:. V· J;Jarnhart, E. C, OrlU)e and daughter and Mrs. Alfred Sunday evening January 8 and con- Mrs. Day and Mrs. Hough; Song night .and returned home- saturday. . . el' 01; as a radio commentator, w1Jl and O. P. ar~. At tlle mornln~ Stout were Dayton vlsltOrs Wednes- clucUng on" . SlUlday evenng Jan_ "India Our India" FI\MJLl' DINNER ., .. welcome ibe opportunity to hear service next Sunday thel!e men will day, ' . uary 22 except Saturaays, I The next meeting will be with Double blankets 60e; single " him. agaln on january 11. 'be lnatlllled, G . A. Alle'n and two sons, of Lnn_ In addition there Is to be 'a spe_ M!'s, R. D. Collett in ·February. blankets 30e: Stl'alght cur~lns '4Oc J, 0, :Hawke, with ehUdren .and ' To Q"rv th lid t ttl W cinl leader t i M R I h patr;. niffled curL~lns 60c pair. 9 x .,""'~hdchU"-en ....d ,one gr............ . T h e latter part of the eve......g .... , ~ Qn e~ . 0 e o~ cas~r. spent Sunday with hts pal'-" 0 mus c, r5. ap • ., ' u .a. ....... .,.~ndsesaton ..;.oW l;Je given over. to .. short mall's ,,\uxlllary, II group whose spe- ents. Mr. ' and Mrs. Ohlu'les Allen. Bierbaum, choir dhle<:'tor of St. 12 rugs S2.50 . . Let Quick Olean"ers child ' enjoyed th\l lUlD\lal family COmlc., play, , "one Swaller, One oW m~t Is w find w_ys and , Mr, and Harold El\l'nha r t ·Paul's Methodist Church In Dayton help you get your home ready, for cUnfrer w.hlch ..hils bflofiqme a cusiQm Dollal' , to . ~ presented by a cast meana of proViding ,for needs In the and children were guests of Mr. Slle has had a IOllg experience and i _ l1he Nc!W Year: -Kathe.l'lne Menden-. dUl'itl'g tlhe Ohrlstmas ' hOlldays ,- t he and Mrs. Kenneth Hough ' hall, ' Agent. . '.WJt: " .J "New ..... "'· -rtin Ho'''l of the local P. P. A'. boP. .local ch"-.. \+>.... not t-.....ud e,d ... and is goIng to c1l rect t I1e voluptee, ... in ...." " 6 Gqod music, bo~ InlStzumenw,J budget. the follOWing ll'dles were childrell on Mondar. choir the congregational singing ~RD Mr. and Mrs, Holll~ Emery and ton on New Years (Jay, Cover8 were al\d vocal, w1Jl be fumilhed by cmr apPOinted ; Mrs. Jack Balm, Mrs. and will also' Sing solos and spet\ chlldren of Or en Springs \Ver lRid for' Mr. and Mrs. darl Hawke:, Edith iIm1a.- Mrs. Pollliid H"wk~, . Miss Mary Orane of OInclnnat, d altles. . hOuse guesllj of Mr. and Mrs. Char~ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawk~ local ~h schOOl Orch08tn, an4 610 .~enta, 8U~ bv Mr. Mrs. ~ ~wke, Mias Kather~ was with her mother, Mrs, Maude The serVices \Vlll start on SundaY les Hartsock nnd son Lu ber [rom daughter. Mrs: ' ..Mllry Fralit. ' . '. I ~d~t, IIJld Mrs, D Sn - Orane, over Sunday and Monday. morning the Elth w~th a visit ot'four D. W . Bisbop, president of the ¥onday The porn .how wlU award priIe/I d", Mrs, Robert Baker and daughter ~oung people from Miami Univer- Warren county fall' board for the They amI Mr. and Mrs . 'John Ker- Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Banta of Love 't". ---. -~"'J<Jean, v,lted Mrs. Bernard Southard slty " "t OxI01'd Their names are last six years, was -replaced by Her- sey nn d Miss' Mary H. es to n were l'in.. 1and, Miss Doris Hn.wke ' and , Mr. w. .~e Uf-' """V 'ten Aa.. ___ ....... r _ ' ... . Francis Ryan of Lebanon, Dr. and cllUlHll as folloWs: "open ' poIUna~ EASTERN STAR NOTICE and daughter Ann of Dayton Frl_ Irva Jane Samson and ' Harold scbel N. Bunnell at the board's reg_ ncr gUCllts. Mrs, Ra!ph yance and son Junior white: OJ)!!D ·polUnated mixed, b,,. . ',' de,y. Hownrd 'Who will speak on the sub" ular l'corb"&nizaLlon meeting last Mr. and Mrs.. 1I'a B~own and son of W1lmhigton, .·M r. and Mr~. t£e brld, and pop oom, Pl'lHs will' ~ . M.laJn1 Ohfpter No. 107 0 1!i. 8. Mis. Ellen Wlnspear and dnugh- ject "I Beliuve In ' the Ch~l'ch." week. George . Frederic of F!anklln spent be awarcied for tl\e beat 1-2 peolt ~U Jll8e~ m req!1'l' sessloQ Monday ter, Miss Oatherlpe. of Cincinnati Faythe Nelson and PaUl lrvln will i Bunnell has been board troaSurcr Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hawke ~l1d son Denn. Ann WI ltz, Mr, and Mrlj. Don Hawke, and ~. w~e guests ot Mrs. Emma Barnett bring , music Illld other fea~ures. In Einler S. Durrell, ,Deerlield town- W,illialllson and daughter Gl;ace. exhibltll ot TYe; so)' be.Il!f,. ~d bai. evenlnf; JIIJlUt.? II, at '1:30, ilnd Mrs. John . Fromm and sou ley. ' ~ Braddock, W. ~. over the week end. Additional the e~enlng at six o'clock th~ \Vill l ship was elected to succ6ed him at M r, and Mrs. Harold Willlnmson of Clyde Qnd J . O. Hawk~. After din~1e FI;'Omm. Sec'y. guests In tbe 'Barliett home ' Sunday take sup~r with the young people. thai:. post, afternoon callers, ner they went to 'tsl! home of Dr. DayLon were dLsplay of com were Mr. an~ Mrs. Earl Barnett, having a period of Informa~ ge~-to_ Z. O. Worley, Salem townsoip We .hope for a Miss Grace returned hom with the V.ance where a pleasant a.tteni~p and small Il'alns and will award BIBS; B. E. HATHAW4Y Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barnett of gether and !.hert take chal'ge of the was " l'e-clected vice president and Brown· for a sho\·t visit. was Spellt. . substantial pl1Ze8. ENTERTAINS CLUB Z"nesvWe, ~bert' Barnett of OhL evening servIce -at 7:30, Lyle Stewart. E, J. Beedlo and DurA jolly group of young folks The following busint188 boUIe' .ca'go and Martin Ung and family rell wewe on a 'committee to bave ,abown their co-operatIon by 1IrI. B . E, Hathaway W88 hostess .of Cincinnati.. ' B~THDAY ~ND WAT{)H PARTY seek a successor tor Stewart. who wa'Lchcd the Old Year out and the FINED $10 A~D ' COBTS dOllllting for tb1s purPose; ' ~" to the New oentUl')' club Friday . 15 resigning as secretary of the ew Year In aL the llome of WIlFood Shop, 'Borden" setvice lta- afternooD, ~ember 30. "A ObrJStAt their ) home in MIddletown In her USUII~ clevev manner, cMrs, board, Louie Freeland, R, . R. 1 WaypesCon Har tso<:k Saturday evening. tioD, Gray'. ~ber Shop, D. ~ Wldl" waa lilve~ in response to reeently, Mr. and Mrs. Vl~tcr Car- J. P, Larrlclt entertained friends The 1939 fall' was set for the woek Dnncing provided - the ma lh c1lver_ Ville, and Howard Jet.t, WlUlhlngton Smith's Grocery, w~v1ile. Bow- roll can by twenty meml;Jera. penter entertained at a 6 o'clock Saturday even.lng. As the occaslo~ of ' September 17. sion of the evening, Refre$bment..<; C. H. , wc:re fined $10 and costs In . ling l\1ley, ·Pai,rley'. Hardware Stop r 1frI: D. 0, Rldge took charge of dinner .l~norlng Mrs. . Carpenter!s .wlls her birthday, Invitations' had were served to ,Misses BUlle Vlrg1n.16 Wade Brown's court. Tuesday, . for WaUalCe'a I .. G. ~" Kroger's. . _ the P.fOil'UIl, ~, J . W. ~te be- parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. 0, Mlssll been sen~ to ' the guests addreSSed J one'S . Lois Ravenaugh and . Betty trespassing on the SIn.clnlr Fur .. Olure Funeral Ho~e, D. CoUett, Jng ~ble to uslat. because of IlL dine of WaYnesvillE!, Their guests to their · liick-names as chlldren WATCD PARTY A'1' Benham of Lebanon, jane Wilson farm. 'B~.d~ Service station, ,Conner', ~... ~ her hOme. MnI. .Albert Car- .wer~ Mrs. Maybelle ~urger, MISs All wl;re reqU~sted to oome dress PRESTON nOME of Kings ~ll!l , Lois Jean BrakeTeXaCO StaUon, MeUoh's Oarare, Vel' and ~ohn Searl, a~mpan1ed Nettie Maxwell and Mrs. Cordelia '~s boys and girIB. WhIln the "childfield and Mary Oarol\ne ' Lukens; AGED l\lAN IN~URED en', Service StAtion, Rogere and by ,.Mrs. P. 0', I.eMt.1 , , .Im . presa1vely Cross of Lebanon; Mias .Jean Pur- ren" arrived d~plaYing some \'ery ." Cleverly wrmen invltaUons lnvl- MCsSr!!. Oharloo BtU·thn . Ea'rnbart. All ,... nas and , Howard Mlljslldlhe. unique costumes, each tbas asked to SlmJlll9n: LeMay-Hawke ~,~ "In Old Judea" The ne~ num ted sevel'al of the 'younger set to a Bob H.Ym'an, Earl ' Earnhart. and . ' . J "" .......- beI' " was .. piano 8010 "Silent do 1\.' . .. ~tunt" . Oames whlcl;l were party at tl~'e Preston hom", S'a tur- Robert "Preston . . < WayneavJUe Dl:UIf Store, • n. :-"."'" .' .' The. Harlan famlly gathered' at reminders of cWldhood 'pa;ttes fo!,. ,boDs, Q. i:' Smith, ~~e'l Barber ~,iIJIlt.. well r~ by ~~: the h~me o.f, Mr. and -Mr&. ~Emest lowed, ~olse' makers werf~ , distrlbu- day evenIng where Jean and Jalle Mr. and Mrs.: Lawreti.=e Furnas Wc: B. "··dd.eD· " ces . ' Wbltaker.. , Mrs.' IRldge,. ~ a . ~ •. . Hartsock O"arJo' Ltc Rye and' . VII" Shop,' A. K. n..~" ~OOJ • -ed LI Harlan and children New Years eVE\ 'ted and all did their UtlO05t to , II . - entlktaillcd o,t dinner on Monday oyd . \' glnl" Preston a~ted as j~ln~ ~ost- Mrs , • Almi~a 'B alle"and SOll .Alson Co., Crane', QalIap, Evel'~ Barl1,. .. ~ m~, . rev ew " .'ph ~ .J-'''--''', --'er .· O~, DotIBlaa' b,OO.k, Hom, e far . ClirJIt- and watched tn the New Year. usl<er In the New. year. ~onowlng esses to thei (rle ds MIl I t ~ ,..... , WIllI> ....'!='II .. vel tt full f h . thIs fhe guests were seatA!a' at the . r " n . ny Jl er- 'of WUmlngton, MIs, BaUe,y and son ;;Vll.Yll.eSvtlle NatlollaJ ~nk, W~ynee mu .. no e, 0 , wnor and !.fhose .. resen,t were Mrs. Harold dining table -.i\r1:4ch ,Wall most attrac- estlng ~mes h~d be~n 'p~l\wled and have just' rt\tutned. ,from a ~-daY :lIle, Parmera', 1IlIr()Ji'.I\Iie,c .. ~ tenclerQea. intertwined ; With ~ de- Earnhart '~ Naoml, Mr. tive with its Cavonl and candles these witb dancing provided amtt-'1e- tour ot t1!e southern s~ates. Qalette, and lIorr1a 'l'u1UrIIOJj, UahUuJ lo\'.e .tory. MnI. Carver. and ali4 MriI, Kennflth .Hough and sUggestive of the ho1id~y se880~: ment for the evening. The ~piU)g noon ~tAI on. Monday of Mr. and ~ Lunch will be MrYed at uoOn in Ml'r Searl concluded the ~ by . ~. . ...... tc ' tolks did their be,st to usher tn ' the Mrs. F1itna.s "'.. ere M~: ~d 'Mrs• ••• 'A"'. for , ... _ '. ..t.;........ to, etnglng that old favorite" ''The Holy chlJdren Mrs. Viola ' Harlan. an!:l4'ne ' cen rpl.ete WB!! a beautlfl,ll 1th lh 1 f!,S "",' :<;J 1bt ....e__ ~- . "--,..... ,01- II • ,. Everett ·Harlan. 'b lrthday ClikE!, around' Wbtch were new year . w. e 1 ~ 0 ·IiO e Herberu Fuerst ' Jnmestown. """,. " makers. The lP'and maroh led them ' . ataJ· DurlnI the IOCJal bour de1lclQua representing· . each y~r of to . the dlnlr)g room \Vhel'/l a. dalpt)' ~ Mrs. ,iT.'. B , Ch~lJmllm and 'son POUIB,Il ......~ D"" ~' 1'8freIhment.a were ~ed W the FARMERS' GRANGE bOIIteas .1aB! and , pn.. Its s1.des lunch' was served. Those present 1n- :Roben and Glenn IPlCl Audrey E< ~ uliited bJ' lira. Harvey -.ere' the nail es o~ the INCSls: A eluded EUen, Sarah Conner, wet'~ dinner gues.ts o~ MotlaQY ' of l1l'i. Kat.barln8 Bow~ .,.,'~ ~tt, ~, ~. U.~.,. and , OWcera of the Waynesville. dellcto~ In,n ch was aerved MII,l'l!- J~n Thompson, Mary LoIS M,J." and -Mr!I, Einmon BaUey and ow of W,"" ~ died earIt ....... Wbltater. . Pal'mera' Orange . are ~ to be The f~owirur made yP the [)acy, Melba Qus~In, Ronald 9aUII- fthlldl'en. of near Lebanon. ~ ....*"1,,. ....... . - OC . G~ta 'Of lin. Hathaway were proaeot Satbrda.y evening at tbe , party; Mr. d Mfs. A. H. Stubbs. bury, J8:/[ Lacy, Dil1le Bel1lard,\ Mr. and Ml'B. C. l\{, Brown bel' OUIbter lin. LJdI& ........ Ma 'IIarveJ . BumeU, lin. II. lie- ~ ~1ng at wbleb and WI,1l Stroud, Mr, a nC1 1{arren LeMay, Jean Collett, ¥at- Mr, a~d M'n;. ball Brown gnI.....:tI IIriIaIi WID be KIDIeJ'. lID. BeDrt SatterUlwalle,tbere WUl-tle ~on of oWcen Mra. I'UlkerIon, Mr. aDd f.bew Tumer, Jean ·'l'bompaon. OhtJdreft t)I ~ , ~. ~ lUll ...... BlOwn and ..... ftaIl· All IIl8IDbeI8 ere ......"1f ,bWl&ed lin. ' ~ph ~4 Mr. and 0IJi0m. ObarlelJ Omdortr Mr.' .rut W" "'- Qratiai&t. ..nn, . •, - _ WIIltaI*. tAt a\telld t.btI meet1*1a: IItI, ~~;.1I
;at .
COUNTY fA'" 80
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' WAYNesYiUJ;;,
Ni~ty-Fir.t " ..;--
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1' _ _ _ -
- -- - -- - -
, ',J ANUARY 5~ ' 1939
• II
&&. . . . . .
Miss Margaret E, Baker, Repu~l1can 8tate oentJ"al Committee-wo", ............._._._._._........._._.-- ,___._04 Dr. and Mrs. A, E. Stout and District, will entertain with a tea Winnie Jo and ~rs . Boyer spen t at the Deshler Wallick Hotel In Co- Sunday In Cln ~hlIiatl. lwnbus the liftemoon or the inauguration, The wlll be, from 3:30 Mr, and Mrs. Wl1Jiam Lukeris and to 6:00: All Republloan women of family s pent Sunday Wltil Mr. and >nd Mrs. Harry Green at Martinsville. tb e Seven th, dl S trlct are invl ..... The guests of honor wul be Mrs· Miss Louise Zlmmerman returned Laura Bricker. mother of the gov- t.o her school duLles a t Atb ens, afernor elect and Mrs. Katherine ter having spent her vaca t ion with Brown, Republican National Com- her parents, mitteewoman for Ohio. The county chairwomen of the Seventh cUstrlct Mr. and Mrs. G)enn Huth have been invited to assl!lt. Those son of Xenia were dinner guests F ri who also have invltattons to the day evening of Mr. lind Mrs. J. P . Larrick. tea at the Governor's mansion will be able to attend both functions, as I Miss Faith Tomlinson who l~ at_ the latter affair is to be held from tending school in chicago !'pent her 4:00 to 1~~. vaoatlon with her parents, Mr. a nd MrlS, Curtis TomUnson.
Mr~. Myer Hym an In Cillcllln3 Lt.
Wayne Towns hi p BOIll'd of Edu'RUUl Ann Donahoo was a cation met in reol'ga nlza Uon ses..u.--,,, (f LlIC'n Miller a L Lebanon sion Monday evening. 'fhe boa rd ' , h I ' lIe \\ [!ck nd . voted to retain the prese~t Officers' with H. R. Moss ns pJ; esl~ent al d " Mrs. Mary · Middleton of Spring K. N. Hough as vice president, 'rhe Va l,cy was a 1I1;;ltor Ilt the home of o Lhel' m.embcl's consist or B. C. '0 \Valt r ' ·ul1t1ay. Hark.ock, D R. SaUsbury, and R , H. Hartsock. R. H.' Har tsock took of_ Mr. ~ll' I hr. rs. L I'. i~; Fires and rlcc as clerk of ~he boa l'd due to tl'\e chlldl·,n Wl'rt' guests ·11 MI' . nml reslgnn tlon of Fred B. Hcnderr:r . \I's, F.!vin Fires Sunrlay , Mr. Henderson had be n the e ; . c Miss MIl l>' ]0.'10 . WR S a guest ot ien lerk since September, j ) ') Miss Belly Bradrlock M th() Hap , bu~ ask-ed to resign that he m g.b~ py Hour club banquet Thur day eve devote more lime to private enterI)rlse. I n view of t his the poard renln . luolll ntly ,accepted hLs resignation Mr , a nd Mrs. Charles Zimmer- and Mr . Har tsock was Insta lled tD m<ln amI chl!drcn SPOil t NClv Yeo,l his place. Mr. HansC): k bad served wlLh Mr. and Mrs, Daniel H lenz of as clerk previous to Mr. Henderson. J nmCll low)l. Time of board meetings was set for Lhe first Monday evening in eachMI". nnd Mr~ . ( : h nr)~.s A \1P I1 am month, daughter, Mis .. M3IY w I'~ ~ lI e' ls (j Other busin ss concerned purI r. and Mrs. Elmci' Sinun :.el· U cbaslng of equipment foz' the new Fester. Monday" nddJlloll' to the high school bulldM r . a nd Mr~. WI!I!nm Bradley, Ing. Prellertt indications point to- . , r . Aile Sel VIS, MIs.;cfI Marth ' l'I'ard occupa ncy of the bundlng In ' Cook and LuCY Emley spent Mon- Lh " near future. The hea ting pla nt day with MI'. and Ml'j, .. orge has been Insta lled and 'interior 'work Woollard It Dayton. Is neD rin g completion. Pla ns a i'e being laid ~o 'open th e bulJdlng to t he Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Norr is of St bool and Lhe community as soon . Peoria. Ill., and Mr. and Mrs , Estel I).S wor k 1$ completed. Inskeep of SprwSf)cid allet! 0\1 Mr. Norris' mother, Mrs. Fr anJ Hoffman Monday aCtel'l1oOIl.
Mr. a nti Mrs, R. D. OoJle tt a nd ons were guesta on New Year's day of Mr. and Mrs. Oscor 8tantield a nd children at New Vienna,
Mrs. Harvey Rye, Mrs. R. H. Hal·l ock, Mrs. Lena Har tsock and Post Chl18tmas activities of S~. Mrs. p. C. Ridge were Dayton VISMary's Church included a cantata ltol's Tuesday afternoon . j by the oholr on thll 1;!1Inday after Mlil. M~riop McEllfrpsh who is Christmas and the annUli bUll~ meeting 01 the 'parlsh at the Little still bedfast following a recent st rQke of paralysis, Is now at the Iun last Monday evening. hom e or her dllUghter, Mrs Willia m For tbe cantata, "The New-Born Jones In...Da.¥ton. - - King" the decoratfve Christmas green around the church and cedar MI'. and Mrs. Fre Braddock, trees well placed at tbe f.ront of the Faith and aPul Tomllnsqn and Lu_ chancel made.a fItting background ther Hl1rtsock were guests of Miss AtmollPhere wu added alse 11¥ can- Mary Hest.on at a Watch party at Rev. Harry F. Zicrer Mrs. Wlllinm !.ukens and Mrs dles In the chancel and wlIldPW§. her Dp.yton home N~W Years eve. Rt:y. H!l"1 F . Z!erer j 110W of Mi_ l'tnJpl1 Hast.lngs f4ugb t In tile se~ The cantata was well received by Mrs. J, B. f)hapm~n qd s n nusl>U1'~ Is 1J0inlf to !ipe!1l\ two W. F . M . SO(]lETY liAS ond and third gr ades r espectively In :Mr. Abeis comes highlY l'eCom- those who 'beard it, and special Miss Evelyn Furnas and Esty GOOD PRO RAM pine!! of t he regular te~chers who Robert were In Cincinnati Wednes- weeks In evallgellsUc services a t the mended. He 18 a araduate of Oblo praise was given to th08, who sang Pringle were married at BlrmlngWaynesville Method ist church . day and called at Christ hospital were absenl because O[ iliness. ton, Ky., Saturday morning. The Wesleyan. oarrett SeoUnarY, and .8 010 pa~. . where Mrs. Chapman's uncle, At_ Some local r~ld en ts will remember Mrs, H. H. WlJllnll1Son l,\1as hostThe annual parish meeUhg began torney George Bailey is lying at the that some ~rs :I>.go he was pastor NortbwesteJ'n UD1verslty. Be serv!!d MI'. and Ml'li. A. li. Earn1uu-t and bride Is the daugbter of Mr. .. nd ' as tbe youngest police obler in ~th dinner at the Little Inn. Al- point of death. of the gentqvill(! church. He then ess to the Women 's Foreign . Mis_ ~On entertained a t dinner on New Mrs. Davis Furnas. She was 'gradthe UnlUd ~tes. at Parkersburl, tar ctplper, with th,e Rev. Mr. Hackwas transfer.ifed to Epwor~h church 10nnl>' So ~leLy on Wednesday a f- Year day . Covers werc la id for ' Mr. uated from the local .h1gh scbooi 1n A large number of local friends Dayton , nnd \.lad a long aud suc- ternoon, January . , She was nsslst- a nd Mrs. Ka rl Baby a nd son Of the class of '37. Mrs. Evelyn WatW. Va., and as special in Evanaton weU Presi{llM, ~ meeting inclu'd_ ID He known the lnatde of law en.. ed repor,ts ()f ~e tinaJlcl~l sl4t~ and relat.lves of O . J . Edwards and cessful pas tOl'n ~ there. He Is ser- ed bY' Mrs. Martha Hough. Xe.nla Mrs. J essie Roblt.zer 01 Day- kins and Cliffoi'd Jeffety were the fotcement. He organ1led the ObU~ of th.e parish, apprpval of ~ppropr! the J . Wilson Edwards famil y. for_ VIng 'h is t htrte n t;h year in t he DayThe meeting was opened by s ing- to n and ¥ r . and M r,~: J . D. Marlatt. attendnnts. ll.cotbe Larger Parisb of &eventeell .~ona lor the copqng yea.. , reports m~r W/lYllesvJ!1e residents attend_ tOn dis triot, .He graduated from Ing ';011 for a Thousand T ongues to churches into one unit. Be II now from otncera 01 tbe various parisl) ed a reception a ~ the Edwards home ~Qores_H1U Oolleue and went , t rom Sing." Mrs. J . V. Lacy had chllrge Mr. and, Ml·s. Ell Fllrnas and j\nsq ELLANEOU~ SHO",U workini in the field of t:adlO, He ~nilatiODt, ~lectlOn of the vestry in Springfllll~ ~ew Ye!lrs~\l-)':. ~ ther e tQ ~ ett TheoiOgica1 ·Semi_ of tue devotlol her subject .belng c~drflll and Mr, and Mrs . .Law~ had pl'OIl'&lDI Dver ~WLW, apd deltD&M\ ~"""o.,d!cw:e&ltP COD. llarY fn Il:v n:-~I 6' ~ ng llat he "Wlnnlng CltTZl1's tor the 'KIng:- renc Fur.nn ttended (l. u pnd Faith Tomlinson " Miss WPAR; -and for the palt two years ventlon, ~d appointment of QOfIl· spent a 'period of years on the mls- oom " ' . dinner nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Helen Rand~lJ, IIDd Mf· and MroS. , . Seth FUI1lIl-S and son Seth Jr., and OVer WHKO In Columbus. He is tho mltteea lor the enautnl yew· Altl'I tJ)e busln 53 session the Fred BraddoCk attended a <;Ilnner slon field in U'1 e Pnllllppines, havcreater 01 tb~ program "Across the The vestr,v Is ;. grgup ot ~ymen party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. iog returned to t.his countly later program was t.nken up; Iilstory of daugbter Sarah Corrine Sunday. Years." He is also a mlnister ,of the who oversee the materlo,\ wellare of RaYIDQM L Ru n...Mnson Wed- and taken up th e above work as a I ndia, Mrs. P. O. LeMay; CUrl Mr~. DOll' u .r<"r."'"....;r-......~I:-.:."t:<;;~·ha:ttl'"EIllltt1a-;:rafiirHes. Gospel. the cbllf9b J'nd who -li8slS 10e mliF nesday', for: eful speaK er a:nct very a tt ractive Chlldron of India, Mrs. D, C. R idge crson Earnhart' attended a cUnner Edwin J. Bath, legislative repre- ister In IW)' way possible. Those In his persollaH ty, All wOl enjoy Us _ Song - "From Greenland's Icy da nce at Wooster Friday eve$g Mrs. C. I. Satterthwal~ and tenlng to hlln. senJatlve for the Ohio Farm Bureau elected tQ serve were W. ~. Allen, ' Moun tains," ; India. Notes, Mrs. F. w.h1ch was glye n b y t he OhiC) den.. v-Ill ad~ 'the evening eeaslon ancl p, B. Hl!ndersop, L. H. Gordon, E, daughter and Mrs. E. C, Orane and The general ~ubUc is cordially in- U. LeMay ; Missionary Letter- Mrs, trill ' Tele)jhone CO., ~or Its _ em_ l ' know ·that aU wl')o have beaeS )... Tho~, I. H. MOllher, DoqaJd daughter and Mrs. Verq Slplp&Qn vlted' to these services beginning J. B. Orabbe; Companion Thoughts ployees. The lacUes ' rernalned' ov r ! :r. SIlth either as a publlc speak- H",wke,~. V· §arnhart , E, O. CrlUJ e and daughter ~nd Mrs. Alfred SUllday evenlilg JanUo,l'y 8 and oon- Mrs. Day aud Mrs. Hough; Song nl ght',aud 're turned 1I0me Sa'turday; evenng Jan_ "India Our India" e1' or as a radio commentator, w1l1 and o . H. J!n~ce. At the mOrninlf Stout were Dayton visttOrs Wednes- cludlng on" Sunday ' uary 22 except SaILuraays. ! The next me ~tin g wlll be wi th Double bla n~ets 60c; Single welcome the oPPOrtuni9' ,to hear service next B\lIld~)' tt)ej!e men w11\ day, . . J. C. ,Hawke, with Children 'and blankets 30e: Straight curtains In addition there Is to be a spe_ Mrs. R. D. Collett In 'February. him _gam on January Il, be InBtalled, G, A. Allen and two sons, of ltlln_ pair; l'I!tl1ed curtains 60c pair. \) x graildchUd1:en and ,one' gr~ 8rand- .. cllli leader of music, Mrs . Ralph . The latter part of the evenSpg To IiefVe Qn the j!llUd or the Wo- caster, spent Sunday with his par12 r ugs $2.50. ' Let Quick Oleaners ohlld enjoyed the a nnl1al' family ' seu10u 'Will be given over to' a short man's .A~, a group Wh06e spe- ents. Mr. and Mrs, Oh~rlcs Allen. h el p you get your home reo,dy ' for dlnfrei' ' whicb Jlas bocome :a custQm coOOe pIny, "One Swaller, One o1N it)~t Is t(J 1ind we,ys and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Earnhal t the Ntl'W Year; ,K a thel'ine Me~den- di.U·lrig the Chrltt~as hOUqays ,at " She has ,had a 10llg experience and [ Dollar", tQ ~ p,esentftl by _ cast means of providing Jor needs in the and children were gu~sts of Mr. ho,l!. ' Agent. · , the "New Martin Hotel in W1lm1ng- ' . , of' the local p, P. A, bOll. local church not included 1p the and Mrs. Kenneth Hough and is going to dlre(lt tile volunteer Good music, lloth tnatrumenw.1 budget, the 10lJowing Illdles were children on Monday. Mr, imq Mrs. HQIIL~ Emery , and ton on New Years da.Y. OoVecs were choir thealso' congregatlonal singing and will sing 5010s and speand Vocal, will be furnlthed by O\lf apPOtntel!1 ; lira. Jaok JJolln, Nf". chiltiren of Green Springs y;er ' Iilid .for Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawk~, local btlh school otchoat.r& aaJ4 Dl\&>o EcUth Han1r. Mrs. PO~ld H"wk~, . Miss Mary Crane of Oinclnnat, d alties. hOuse guesta Mr .• and Mrs. Ohar_ .Mr. , and Mrs. Ray Hawke 1110 " studenta, supervJled bY Mr. Mrs. I,ce HaWke, Miss Kath~~ was wl,th her mother, Mrs. Maude The services wUl start 011 Sunday les HarLBock and son Luther from daughter. Mrs:,' Mary ~ , . J'rtndC!lJ1':8t, apd Mr8. ~ 8n - Crane, over Sunday -nnd , MOllday. morning the 8th w)th a visit offour D, W. Blahol) , presiden t of tlle Monda y 'l'Jte corn .bow wW aWJU'd priMa Mra, Robert· Baker and daughter young people from .Mlami Univer- Warren county fa ir bqard for t he They and Mr. a nd .Mrs. John Ker - Mr, arid Mrs. Melvyn Banta of L9ve J"·n, The. ' - names are ll;\st six years, was ~'eplaeed by Her- sey and Miss Mary Reston were rin. land , Miss Doris Ha.Wke ' and ' ..,. valted Mrs, Bernard Southard sity at OxIol'd. . fol' the bes~ ten ear IIIUIlPles Sn FrancLs Ryan of Lebanon, Dr. and c l " as follOws: ' open -po_titd EABTEaN STAR NOTl(JI!: and daughter Ann of Dayton PrL Irva Jane SamslOn and ~ Harold scllel N. ,Bunnell a t th e boa.rd's reg_ ner ,guests, Mr~. Ralph vance and son Junior , . whlte, o~ polUna~ mixed, tiJ, day. Howard who wOl speak on the sub~ ular r eol't:anlzatlon meeting last Mr. a nd Mrs. II'a Brown a nd son of Wilm ington. ·Mr. nnd Mrs. bri'd, aDd pop col'll. Ptiaea w"' ~ M1aJn1 Chapter' No, 107 0 E!. B.· Mrs. Ellen Winspear and daugh- jeot "I BeHeve In the ChurCh ," week. George, Frederic of Franklin spent Hawke I!nd son Dean, .h.nn W' ltZ, be \Iowarc1ed for tile beat 1-2 peo~~ll .~t mre~w seaslon MQndp.y ter, Miss Catherine, ' of Cincinnati Faythe l<lelson and Palll Irvin Will i .BUlmell has bee.n board treaSurer Sunday with Mr. and ~1rs. H. H. wCfe guests 01 Mrs. Emma Barnett bring , mUSic 'and ,o ther features. In Elmer S. Durrell , Decrfleld town- :WUlIamson and daughter GI·ace. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawke, ,and \(r. exhibits 01 rye, so)' bea11ll, ~d bar. eventnr, January I, at 7:10, sarah Braddock, W. M. over the week end. Additional the e~ening a t slJe o'ciock th~ IVl!l siup was elected to succeed him at Mi'. and Mrs. Harold Wi'llInmson or and Mrs. John Fromm and son ley. Clyde and J . Hawkt:. Arter dinl\IJ.nnJo Fromm, Sec'». guests In the Barliett home .Sunday take s upper with the YOung people that post. afternoon c allers, ncr they went to 'tse home of Dr. Dayton were We .bope fOr a bl, d!-sPlay 01 c~ were Mr. anll Mrs. Earl Blirnett, having a period of informal get--to_ Z' O. Worley, Salem township Miss Grace returned home with the Vance wh~re a pleasant afterri~on and small i11'1nIJ and Will award MB8. B. & HATHAWAY Mr.' and Mrs. Edgar Barnett of gether and tIlen t.ake charge of the was re-elected vice presiden t and Brown for a short visIt. was spent. . sU~lItantlal pr~s, BNTBRTAINS CLUB Zanesville, ~bert Barnett of Chl_ evening· service 'Si t 7:30. Lyle Stewar t, E. J. Beedle and Dul'A jolly 'group Of young folks The following ' business ', ~UIe. •,cago and Martin Lang and family rell wewe named on a ' committee to bave ,shown their co-operation bY Mra. H. E, Hathaway was bostess of OindnnaU. . . BI~THDAY AND WATCH PARTY seck a successor for s tewart. who watched the Old Year out and the FINED $10 AND ' COSTS . ft-.", to the New Century club Friday -is resIgning as secretary of the New. Year in a ~ the home of Wildonatina f()1' tbla purpose; ' ~. At the'- j home in Middletown 1n her u5ua1 clever manner, · Mrs. Louie PI'eeland , R. R . 1 Wayneston Hartso~ k Sat urday evening. ~h ' ~ ' "S rvJce Sta afternoon, Oecem~r 30. "A Christ~" I 11'ood ts op, enl e • ma. Wkb" w.. g!ven In response to recently, Mr. and Mrs. Vid or Car- J. P. Larrick enl loC ·~I·tajned · friends, board. The 1939 fab' wa s set fol' the week Dancing provided- the main cUver_ ville, and Howa rd Jet.t, WBl!hington • tlOD, Gray'a . ber Bhl D. a. " ' . ' penter entertained at 80 .6 o'clock Saturdily evening. As the occasion slon or' the evening. Refreshments C. H .. w ~e flned '10 and c~ts in _ Sooth's .GroCery, Wvnea e, BoW- ro:.,.~~ ~ =~I. f dinner ~nOr1ng Mrs . . Carpenter's .w!ls ber birthday, Invitations had of September 17. were served to Misses Billie Vtr~l1la. Wade Brown's cou~t, Tuesday, for. IIna 1Jley, ~1Cl1.'1 Hardware Stop I...~_. • " • c arge ,0 been sent to ' the gucsts IlddreSlled J onel!, Lois Ravenaugll and . Betty trespasslng on the Sinclair · Fur Wallu:e'a I. , Q. A., Krogef's, lie- QJO procram, 14r1!, J. W. ~te be- parl1nts, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. MissU .. _._ I B R ' 0 Oo"ett lJ,la unable to . .1st. because 01 111- dine of Wayn. esvill~. Their guests to their nlc~-na;mes as chHdren. WATCR PARTY AT Benham of L~banol;l, Jane Wilson farm. Clure ~ ....era ome". " '.. , .....~ ... bell B MI All were l'equested ·n dr d P,I 'ESTON IIO'ME of Kings MIll$, Lois Jean Brake'Bema"D's Seri10e Station, COnner's n~ In. ber bome. Kn, Albert Oar- , wer~ A.uS, _ay e urger, as . y come esse ~ • · 8taUo M 11 h" Gar ver and Jobn ~ accompanled Nettie Maxwell and Mrs. Cordelia \is boys and girls. wilen the "chUdfield and Mary OarOllne ' Lukens; AGED MAN IN~URED =~: service nStati~,o JJ). ,Mrs: P, U. LdIay, ~pres81v6Ji cross of Lebanon': Miss . Jean PUr_ ren" arrlved dil!playlng some "ery Cleverly written InvltnUons inVl- MesSrs. · Ohllrles Buritln ~~artj LeMa Ha It ~ HIlI "In Old Judea" The next num nas and , Howard Missildine, un ique costumes, «lach ~as asked to ted seve"al of the 'younger set to a Bob Hyman, Earl Ea·rnhart. and f!!~':'n .. ON ' . ,Y8-.~, eJ . .... CUb ' . ~ '* ,'.': was" , • plano .' ~1.0 "SUent do a', ".$tunt". G~mes which were par y at the "P reston hom"', S,a tur- Rober t . Pres~n.· ...,~.~ ..,... no H'-t ell clered b Mill Pran The, Harla.n family gather~ at reminders of c.h11c\hood 'parties (0: T. bolla, 0. , E. sooth, u.wlte'. ~ - w reo I . ' ~" " ~ the home 01, Mr, and 'Mrs,_Ernest lowed. Noise DilUte rS we'r e distrlbu- day evening wher e J ean B'n d Jane Mr, and Mrs.. Lawrenze Fumas Rye and ' 'Vir- ent~tallled a,t dinner on Monday Shop, A. 'K, Day" V{. ' it. MaddeD' & eN .' WbltakeJi. .Kn. .Ridge, In a Harlan aM chlldren New Years eVA ted and al! did their utmost to Hartsock, Oharlot 00., ctane'. Garaae, Everett Barl1, , pl~ m~~, reviewed ~OYd . -; V' g.i'n la Preston 1l.Ct.ed as jci'l nt bost- Mrs. Almira' B!lUey and son Also , .'ft':"b '. Jo'--"", - - ',- G-"·"', OoUI"W' It 8~e for Cbi1at.. aild watched In the New Year. usher In the New .:y;ear, ~ollowllJg esseS to thelr (rl.end5., ' M~nv ' thter,. , J.. ...... -~.,........ vel tt full " f h d ' tbis the guests were seater! at; ' the ' .J of WUmiil,gton, Ml's Balle.\' and SOil .W ayn,eavWe NaUonal, Ba~j W-ynea mu a DO e , 0 _tumor aD lI'h06e f ~resent were' Mr~. 'Harold dining table' which as th st attrac- p-stirig games had been ,plant1ed ana b ave juat returned .from 11 ten-da,y ,il1c. Parmerl' ~_nge,M1am1 tendemesa Inte~ined ~th a de- Eanmart aw1 aaugmer NaOmi, 'Mr. thes~ with danolng Jjt ovlded I!-m\lBe- tour of. the southern states;' Gaze~te aDd 1oI0l'l1a PulIteiIi'>ji., ' ughtfu1love ltory. Kn.Oarve£. and and, Kenneth ,Hough a~d tlve with 'its favors and 'candles, ment for the evening. TIle young nopn ~tI! on Monda" 01 Mr. and ' . , . In lit: SeUa' CODClud8d the prorram by suggestive. o~ tJie holi~ay seasorl. folks did Lhelr ~8t to usl1er In ' the . . ~ ,' ~ , .. " Lunch wm lie IMII"fe4 at ~ IlnRini that old favOitte '''Iiie 80.1)' ch1ldren I 'Mrs. Viola ' Harlan a~ Tire oenterp1ete was II. beautlful Mrs. Flitnas :.were . ~. anC! Mrs the oafetBla for. ~' to, .......... ' Everett Barlan, blrthd It d' ...... h ' . new year , with tho h Ip of rlol$" Herbert Pluerst ~ot Jamestown. ~..... ,1lY en e,. aro~ .......c w~e. makers. The grand ,march led them " , atay. ,DurIni ' the IOClal hour de11c1Qua .. , c!,-ndles l'lIprl!sentllJ1g· each y~r .or to the dining .room. where a da1ntl" ~ Mrs. J. B. Obapman and " son ' I'ORIID BBSlDBlft . . . . . Jefreahmenta were served by the FARMERS' GR~GE the li06tess a,~ ~nd on Its sides lunch' was $orved, Those present JD- ·Robel'lI and Gl~ and Au~y Eo . , , I , bbeteaa aUlited b)' Jlrs. Harvey . I -"ere the names .~f the guests,' A eluded Etren MOBS Sarah Conn'll, were dlnper guests on Monady of BarDe&t, lin. P. U. Lellay and OUloera ' of the W~ynesvUle d~C,IO~ . lupch was aerved M"Q!- Jean J'h~~~80n, Ma,ry Lois 'M>, cand ~MnI. Einmon BaJler and PiaDCII WhltaUr: ' irannft GfI!.IlIre are urged ~ be- The' 1opo'lVinli made ~p the LallY, 'Melba Gustin, Ronal~ SiLlls- cllUdrcn of near LebanOD. . . . . dae.ta Of lin, Hathaway were present Satiirday evening at tbe party; Mr. .-tid A: H. Stubbs, bury, Jadt La . 0)'; BiJlle BelVard , \ Mr. an~ Ml'lI, C. 1.1. Brown Nn,'IIU\IeJ ' BurDett . ,lira. 11. Me- .l'eIu1ar meettnl at wbJCb anc:l Mr.. Strou", Mr. :warren LeMay, Jea.n dolleu, ¥at- Mr. and Mrs. Da.u Brown ' !aDler. l1l'i. 1Iem7 Sattenbwaltl, tbere 'VW-1Ie lnatallaticIn of ~ lira. . Mr. and .~ Tumer, Jean ''Ihoan}JllOll, ObtIdren ora.'fIII1Mm ;CIJI!II."tRi~lII~l:fI!II~ BlOwn aDd.1IIIa 1'raD- All meaiberII are ........''f 1Imied KnI. Ralph AD4 Mr. and ~ ~ Obarlee Orndorff Mr.. and ~ W. , Q~Potialri. _
SpC I1 ~
O. HENDERSON ._I~ I-.-.a..t~~~""""~;I"""~ I RESIGNS AS CLERK
Local Happenings
( man 10r the Seventh Congressional
The Farmer's instldite and com lOW will be held at the high school gym January 11. The first scsslon will be held at 11 ;00 a. m" at which ,t lme Herbert Abels wlll speak on the subject "Strive and Succeed." At the afternoon session Mr. Abeis wll speak again on topics of Jnterest to the general public.
::~~:U~~Ch~:~ ()~:~~hto~ll ~ay:~1 BUNN'[L HEADS
a!.era :.:
b" O o
w . 1Il ' l, Iq '
to- attcd -
Thuraday, January ORDINAlI/O! N~ 155
Utbt _(ami
WayneavlUe, Ohio
AlODe 112
u 'f'J.~ u. J\T t n:_~ L ''To. --8..,"""," ifn..~ Lei Us n.ope ....R3J naw l~O IJH!Ia n, aua is
Main Street
ID'*"«I A. Second Claaa MaU1.r..tter .t Postottice, Wayneaville. Ohio
Flora M. Crane - Editor Mrs. R. H. lIastings, Society Editor . . .. .. . Phone
~5 It 11
Subacription P'rice, $1.50 Per Year, Payable in Advance
, ,
I '
Sportsmen \.
Corner. By Har", Eldrld._, Jr.
----_ _---....
.. ,
In looking baek o~er the past $960.000. One more day of Ucense year of excellent hunting and fair receipts might have brought it over fishIng lots go back and take a t ho million nlark. quick slan t at the past four years W. E. Owens Lncludlng, 15 more of the best activity Ohio sportsmen I strcam inlprovement crews In next have ever re:elved from their state years budget plans. the best news COl crva tion departmen t. During fo r fishermen since hatcheries methat time great stl'ldes have been thods were ImprovedJ Commissioner Wooddell (Larry to m de along boslc and sound lines of eUort. Largo areas bIlve b~en put most of Warre n Co':!nty). WorlUnlJ untiE'!' controlled propagatlop and on plans for InOl'eased cooperation hunt.!ng guaranteeing a continuous with the Federal Blologl:al Survey. supplY ot game as well as an InYou wouldn't thlllk a sword hung creased feeling of good wUl between over t he enU re set-up- perhaps it fanner and hunter-All avaUable a- doesn 't. geneles have )Iccn enlisted In the Last week C. 0 : Morgan, 40 yeBrs cooperative ent.erprises of game .P,~ old. and Alfted C. Scribner, 2'1, or pagatlon and water control.The dJ- Dnyton, were held at Kenton, Ohio vision has insisted on flJl coopera- for trial ·on one of the most serioUs tlon with organized sportsmen's game law violation charges in the groupa, even to the extent of giv- history of Ohio. Deputy Game WarIng them voices in formulat- den F~ank RlUllge, wbo led conser_ Ing laws and poUel~'" p~m vatlon officers In the arrest today, of small and large dam buUtllng has said the men posseSSed 11 lien been started tJlat. It . continued, wlll Phe~simts, five quail. and three not o~ multlpiy our avaUable rooster pheasant. A third man fled Oshlng waters, but wm ' materlally Into a cornfield and escaped. ra '-- ·"'e water table over the en-
. . : ...
tire state. The whole spirit 01 the COnservatlon dlvlslon h¥ been one of 00•• _/ IIti b t operawuu-not . with PO . e&- U with the spor6men whom It serves. O"ubs have- ,,--- fostered and hel• """" ... ped as 'our Warren vOUn~y group . wen lmOws. ' ' While the program Is far from perlect and ' wni ·take some time to brtng results to each J,n.dlvldual bunter and fisherman It 18 80 sound ,that the ' Clubs have risen almoI!It .~ a ~ , to request Gj'v~o, elect Bricker to retain the personnel 'that baa made it possible for tbe sporta_ men to ~me. into his own. Mr. hl8b type man Bricker, being that his !s-we'll bet he'll i1aten to
Dlrectol' Elu'l H. Htlllefelcl of t Ie State Dt!pul tmcllt of Allricultll.Il, '" "";'{ Saturday recently appointed by G OI' rn ol' • ,1 . " MarUn .L. Davl'Y to dil'ceL und . l .: ~,;ght ,manage Ohlo's pal tklpntioll 111 Wl _ SCREE fII 1939 Ne w York world's tnir, revea.L t. " ALG IEFl S" Ch<l rl es 'Boyer cd that he has already conferr d H edy Lamar with a number of leading induslrlalJsts. agriculturalists, buslnes C . n t n u ou's Sho ws Dally Interests and educators with lhe ,\d ul : a Only 150 'TiI 2 P. M. " • hope that Ohio's exhibit may tx;uly Teflec,t the greatness of the state in varied \Wiys. "T.he success of . ...... Ohio's pal'Uclpation Is of concern to every citizen of the state." Mr. h I ;Hanefeld asserted. "Ohio ls out_ New 'Year come in . a~ the ome a STARTS SUNDAY v Mr; and Mrs. Carl Hess in De.yton. standing In numerous field s, lind ...,. The George Smith family called the recognized leader in others. We THREE DAYS H h M d plan to make the nation 'OWo con. at · the Jesse ess om.e on ay Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Jordan scious' In every way possible. alMonday. January 9 marks the be- I evenlng. , and family, ot Cin~innatl were. New t glnnlng of the revival to be held at I Mr. and Mrs. Perry WwQe and .son Year dinner guests of Miss Hannah hough details wl11 have to be workh J. d Mr d Mrs Charles Ba ed out. " The 92nd General Assemth , e Perry Chur,ch meeting eac eveoe. an . an. - Jordan and brothers, Edwin, Alfred b l1c in Ited I , . Iy appropriated $60,000 for .Ohlo's nlng at 7:30. The pub Is v . .. and George. N Y d y part in the world's fair, and It Is ~Ua Jean Wical of MI~burg 'ker and son were ew ears a ..... H C Atklnso and daughspent her vacation with Ruth .WICaI guests of Mr. and Mrs, J~lmes Wlcal DUS. • .' n thought !.bat an additional $50,000 and George Wlcal spent tile week I and famtly. I tar. Mlss Vil'ginla, 01 near WUmlng- will be needed in order t.ha. b the with hiS 81'andparents, the p , R. I Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sherwo¢ ton. were FrIday callers at the stBte may be Bdequately representWlcala. • called at ' the Tom Burton home home of Mr. and Ml'S. John W. Ed_ ed. DJrector Hanefeld, observers The P. J. Thomases, Mrs. Laver- I SiindaY evening. " wBrds. . . pointed out. Is well qualified for the na Paul and Wilma ThoDias llpent Wilma. Thomas and l\4r8. Laverna Vernon Sams or Dayton was .a POst by reason of his outstanding ,. -New Years eVe m DaYtea. ' I'Paul aDd SOD ~ . 9 rod~ his, visitor New Years of his parents, success with the ~ast eight Ol1.lo , Rosella Oonklln of Day,t on !leV( Chrlstmu tricyple, and Mr. MI;'. and Mrs. Frank Sam:; and Miss I state fairs, said to the Lhe world's was the gUest ' of her aunt and un.. Bnd Mrs. Tom Fordyce were Allce. largest agrlcuHural . expositions. , . ....wloal;-lftat--day callers at the Han~ Pordyce Mr. J . M . Wilson and slsler__ ' _ week. I and P. J. Thomas home., law, Mrs. MalOY WUson wel'e visitors Obio State university Is sixth in Mr. Raymond Shaw &nd' daugh-' , over OJu::lstmas and !.be New Year total enrollinent among all wliver-
I. _n,
Some of the best f1/!hing 'news a ths year comes with wprd that the Division recently P\irchaSed :;,(I(ij) 'I'Ilinbow ·trout froJP the CutaUa l!'anns hatcbery and stocked them all tn Mad River ,and Its tributaries b4:tw~en Urbana,. and West Liberty. M• .Polli, MIami Valley fish maoage~ent Bgent hel~ With the t'ransfer and sald they were 12 to 14 Inc.h es long, Pue a trl~ to Mad river , down for bhe closed bus s,eason pext,
! I
Beech Gro ve
:::~:n~~:o\=on 0:0-: po~: ~~a:~;: :a~:3~7b: : : ::t·=~d~U~~d P=~ 1 CAESARS C '. H'EEK n
An Ordinance to lUllend Ordl~f\llCtl No. 52 passed t ile 6tll day of Apl'U 19..09, cnlrltled. "An Ordlnanc The soon to be completed 1lU\S\,er 100 regulll t.e Billiard Tables. Pool card ~atolog ot 6,000 .000 llon-C1cLlon Tables. Nine 01' Tell Pin AlIey~, Box books ill virtually All of Ohio's pub_ Alloys. 01" Tables and Ball Alleys." I1c libraries was termed " n ravoluSec. 1. Thl\t S .t. 1. of Ordinance tlon In library service" by Stale No. 52, ptl 'd the 5th d Y of Ar~1 Libra'r ian Paul ·A. T. Noon. "The 1009 enL!f\ed "An Ordlnnnce to r~g new catalog 'wlll b of ]1Jr tlculnr ulnte BlUinrd Tables, Poo l Tables, beneUt t.o those who have access t.o Nine 0 1' Ten Pin Alleys, Box Alleys, small libraries," Mi'. Nooll ·l ld. or Tables Innd Ball Alleys." be "The procedure Is simple. When a II mended to re~d as follows: citizen can·t find the book he de_ II. shall be unlllwful for any per_ sires In his local library, he may ,on 0 1' pCl'son.~ 0 cupylng any hOUSD scnd a postal card of Inqulr~ LO the room 01' other pia CD wll hln the VIIS taLe library. A search will be m',1(.le 11.1 "0 of wn ync~v lUe , Oh Io. t or th . 0 In the master catalog Incll'x. H the ~ Bilil d d P ll I' PO~O of OpCI nUng nr 01' cards revea l that th e vohUl1e in c- Pool Tllblcs , Nine or Ten Pill AHoy! mand ls In the llbrary M Toledo. Duck Pin Alleys, BOl( AJicys, Ball for example, the Toledo libmry wil l Allcvs, or Card Tables . or Onmes be notified to send Lh e book to til e to keep s:'Ild house, room, 01' other person who requested It, the re· plnce open fol' pinylllg or particlplII b Clllient to pay only the transpol'ln 'f Uon charges. In other words the ca t 1,1011 In such ga mes except ng e-d twee n the hoUl's of 6:00 n. m. n . alog wUl multiply the resources 0 r k 11 :00 p. m. six «(I.) days overy woe " every library in tile stale III lillY, many times." The cutulog. which 611ndnys exccpted. Scr. II . Thnt (lny Ordillam:es or w\ll be kept at Lhe Statc Librllry. l~ being compUed as a WPA project 11Ilris I hereof ~ ol1fll c tlng with thJs at a cost of $280 ,000 In WPA fu nds Onllnnllcc nre hereby ropealed. Sec.TIl Tha t lhls ordinance shall $38.000 prov II( 0 d • h a ugmented by through the library. A similAr bl! In full force (lnd effect a ft~I' t e I y f 2500000 book In (ll'liest period allowed by 11.1\\. tel' cata og 0 , • J 2 1!l39 nine university Ubl'arles is 11150 be_ Pn~sc I: ,un. . Ing complied and w1ll be located (It B. K. Henderson. CI,el'k Western Reserve university, Cleve- I A . 1<. Dny. Mnyol' land , Mr. Noon reported.
Wonder how much good cUnt.. Newcomb of Franklln did wi~ that fishing license he boUght January 2. Couldn't have brought home less than .this writer. f
State Capital News
T. R..,:~.l _.
~~~:~~. Mrs. Almon Ferris e.nd : y :a ~n~:, : : : : :g:I~ t ::
Oommls81oner .. WOOddell, or allow ~as. only 6O, per copt of the b~tter and Mrs. Ar,thur Wean and sOn . Mr. Bnd Mrs, O. R. Beckett, were ters, president of the UnJverslty a cons~ptlo~. in the state. Ashtabu- Bruce.·called on Mr. and Mrs. guests of his sister and family, In of Olnclnnati. Its 13,148 lUll time the. Conservatlon,CoUDell to tempor3J'Y Bppolntment until thelIa county la.ds In the mllnber of Roland Sunday . ber tte ded' .MIddletown Thursday students are exceeded in number bill Is br ht in " next 1-J. W 18 d . Several of our mem s a n I · ' • only by those enrolled at 0 Bon Ilf r Ia aug up ~,e . "'.... - cows on Iarms, ayne ~ , ! Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hess , spent the funeral of J4rri. .JaInes Sheets I Albert Lee Talmage celebrated his l&ture to put aU matters of ~rsonel L,lcktng third, and St.lqk fourth; New 'Ye&I'II eve with· Mr, and Mrs. held at the home ' f bis parents• •twelfth birt~d8Y ' aIUllversary New MInnesota. ColWllbla, New York, . • '. " . ' Oarl Heaa , in Da)'ton. I Mr. 18Jid: Mrs. ~~8h.,ets. Year's day, at the home of h8 gram unJversltles, Dr. Wa.l ters, uhder their jurisdiction. Well know . lOOn! .' . lone of the best of, Insuring .. HaI:,rY Pvrdyee has bee1l con- I , Mr. Donald Hainea whll) has beep parents. Mr. and Mrs" Woo W. ' From ' : clover Seeding Is to apgly manure lined to. hls hqme tWa week with pending his vacation wit'll his par- 8hurts and mother In South LebDirector 11 recent Visit in Col~PU8 on t he 'Wheat where the seeding ls Wnel\,S. He Is I,mprovmg nloely a.t · !nts Mr and Mrs ~utl~er Haines anon where be •remained until H. C. Ramsower of the " Our Gang" Comedy Mrs., ' NOl'Q , ~'lter, In charg of IPIllle. Clover S~ds ar 80 smaU ' that this time. . I d' * _~,u has ;eturned to his MondaY everilng. state Brt1cultUl"91 e.xtenslon service Metr o Newl hunting and 1lsb1nf licenses be..~ Emm J Smith Is th sick an .a ......,. estimated grOSS' Ohio farm Income moanln~ the fact tbat' 1938 couldn't very Uttle food m~terial 18 provided list a ean on e school . work at . the UJ:dversity of Mr. and Mrs. S. ~. Ferris and from all sources during 1938 at =============~ run juSt one more for the seedling plant, BO an a\!ll1lCecll Faul 18 a Victim of tile WIaco~ MadJaon, WlsIoonsln. Mrs. Mary Wilson were Sunday eve_ $292,000,000, whlch represented a Emerson Sinc~ ,~ family nlng visitors of ~. and Mrs. G eo, decline of approximately 'flfteen per Oonservations Department depos.. able supply at nutrients must be whooping cough. ifS to 'Dece~er 30 had totaled over prescnt In the surface soil. Sunday guests at ,t he parsonage spent Ohrlstma8 With ,his parents at j Bel!kett and. son near blanches-, .cent whea compared with the 1937 . were Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood' Dal_ thelr ~me near Brookvllle. D>ulse tar. \ IncolT!e. He said that the Income ~, -, ton and son, Richard; Mr. and Mrs . . , sinclair spe~t t~e en~ .week with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sams and ~uring the current year Would be " ~--- ,a: A Mortla Hunter, J,IrIr. Dalton came In her lJI'andparents. , sons, Don~lli . and George ~d Frank way ahead" of the record low In 'UU. time t.oi "churcb and. made the con- ' . The Young Peoples MeetlDg .was SalDS the lu,!eral .o1 Clyde 1932. The most marked changes In . I t, ' " ,:. • . . , " '. j fesslon and wa.s . baptllled: held at the home of' Mr" and Mrs. Sarns. (a tbe.1 at SprlngbOi 0 , Mon-, OWo agriculture . in 1938. he stated f.,; ' ." eyening dinner of S!Illth Sunday Robert day. He was 81 years of age at the were reflected in the In: reased . ' Rev. Mrs. ,oarl Smith and fam- Wilson was the leader. . time of his death whlcb occurred acreages of soy beans and hybrid ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ~ ! An ._-_._ .. _-.ow o· bualn. . ,taI~ the Ily were: Mr. and Mrs. Homer pow-' Benjamin Carey of Hlghland at the ho~e of his daughter. corn, While soli conservation edu_ I .w......... - - - L Cattle, bc.gtI,Ct.sheep calve. ent bas beeD ' IPpearlnl before til." eli and sons of Peeble&, David Mor_ spent Sunday night with his da.ughO. W. Davis relw'Iled to his home cation b ad the effect of improving four to Norris-Brock .• livearid wiJe' all~ ris of the Cincinnati Bible Seml- ter, Mrs. Everett Haines ,a nd .family I' here Bfter spendlng Christmas and the productivity of farm lands. prngre8!Iv.e finl t'lr the Ipur r.. nary. Rev. and Mrs. P . T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Luther Haines and . the holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Attorney General Herbert S. Dut- market price! and good service. Y.rd,·Station ClnciDD&ti. O. .....'.rw.,.. ... _ and som, Oalvln and OWen and ch~dren, Donald an~ .,p,hyllls and Ernest MaIUlon near Wllmlngton. [y In an offiCial opJnlon ruled that Uni"n Tune InStoc" 'en Radio WCK\' Mr. and , Mrs. ' ,Howard MQKenzle Mrs. Ella Haines wel'e dinner Among ·the many frlenCis who cal- it was within the provJnce of the 12 :211 to 12 :80 p. m. tor nur dan" and daughter, ' Peggy LOU all of New gUests, Monday of Mrs. Haines par- led at the bome of the Talmage PublJc Employes' Retirement board I market reportll. VI.enna. ",. ents, Mr. ' and Mrs. ' CbII~les Laird family to offer sympathy during to ~Ither refuse or grant the appU- I ====~=~~~===~ The amB%lD1t thtn.: about IUcb ~ Sunday gUesUi of ¥r. Illld Mrs•. J. of Camden. . their bereaveme~ last week were: cation of individuals of a ' class' ex-'I ' ----,.-.... inquirJ ~ the Herrin. Comml~ PflCtica ire II now conducting. Ia the apparent .s. FIler were Mr. and Mrs. James Harry C. 8chwarts. G. T. Brown, empted from compulsory memberbeneftc\al; eeo- fallllre of the Committee to perceJve Hartsock and. children, Mrs: Jim HOUSEHOLD John M. ' Wilson, Mrs. Mary Wilson' ship to become members of the sys_ _ I e" QOmic~ Ind ,l1\e' tutl11~, of deaUnt ,wltb unes!len. ACCOUNT~J SCBO'OL all of LebBnon; ~. and Mrs. Tru- tem. Th~ opinion was handed down aoc:iallY. u I to tlaIs. Proftt"sharlna, employee atock ~alnes. Mr. BOil Haines andf~ly 'ewarrant .,.s ome 'ownerahlp, and ann~l · _.e· plana Mr. an.d Mrs. Harold Filer and famman T~lmage, Dayton, Mrs. H. C. '8t the request of Board Secretary Idnd of tax con- 'are 'I ood, in themselves, but none or ny. Homemakers Wbo 1are Interested Atkinson Miss Virginla Atk1nson Mr .Wll8on E. Hoge Who had received ceuion ' to the these trJcka will correct the evllJ of MIss Bertha PIler has returned to in keeping a record' ·of family ex- Mrs. JameS Oollett all of Wl1m1ng- an applk,at~on from B precinct eoncerna wblch the federal labor law., and unW tblJ Ipl)li . them. Ia done there can be no permanent her duties at the Cincinnati Seml- pencl1tures are invited to ~ttend the ton ; Mr~. Frank Everitt. Herret election official who wBnted to There can be progress toward better industrial re"hoUsehold accounts IlICbool to be EV~r1tt Olarksvllle; Raymond Brad_ quaU!y lor tnembersWp. The last' proAl-marlnl . may la tiona. . nary. .MIss Lilla Benham was a ChrlsL. }Jeld Tuesday ' afterftOQn;-" \January, dock, Mrs. Annella Pl.erce and CU!~ legislature enlarged the former ~t"'employ.. Incentive taxation wlll not ItOp be good, or vu:l..... _Y"'_ ·whlcb bave pubUc ,pending. and unm the pub- mas guest of Mrsr J~nnle Mullm 10 starttni.; at one O'clOl:k, In the. ford Pence, Way~esville·; Reverend sta~ employes' retirement system to 1m .lIc, 'flnancel afe ' in order there win and Mr. and Mrs. Tom .Burton:' off1~e of EllIabeth Oral1dy, ·home Thornbury, Mr. and Mrs. Walter to provide ben.ellts not only to state Mr. .and Mrs. Lester Kenrick and' demonstration 88e~t"jn the base - Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Beckett, employes but to employes of polltlem- be the nofuture, tneentlve .taxation inc:entlve to invest' boldl7 will for not radJcally ' the bot- OrvJlle " Savage , attended a New ment. of the Court HoUIleln Leb- all of Harveysburg; Mr. and Mrs. cal subd!vislons, including counties. tne attitUde toward Years :watch party at the home of anon. ' . ' W. C. Kersey. Mrs, Ella Perris, Miss The precinct official made his -_ _ , __ _ , _~. _ . ~ _._e ' bUlineu, and toward ,a Mr. and Mrs~ Will Pine and daughAccount keeping bo;okB and spend HaIUlah Jordan:' Alfred Jordan, Mr. clalIil on tile basls that he was a I\lrata .terMarie~ ,AnO~ter8upperwa.s· en- tng P!aDII deetgned to ·help ,famWes and Mrs: Howard ,McKay. ¥rS. Ila county employe, although he war\... '7; operate their. homes on a bU8ln~ McKay, Mrs. EdIth D!lVis. Omer cd only ·two days a year, Mr. Hoge joyed. ¥r and, Mrs. Tbomas But10D and . like baslIi" will be avillable at this .HoIUnlsworth. Stephen Lowe, .O eo. sald. .,' . REAL ESTAT,E' ~augbter .sPllnt Priday with .Mr. and meeting. 1 • Lowe, Heoty · A. ' 1WIlard and .. _ ,_ _---'_ _ ~ Howard Burton and dau;hter . 'MIBs Oraddy saYs·, tlilat every Sherman .Ferr1a .nnd Pri~ 'Sams, ReIlOl't6 f~m dif!~t/ sections ' NOTAR~ PU"LI~: .~ ill · Wa!D~vme. , . .~ who fee~~ 'thil~' lIile' cI1d oregonia: ... ,. . ! of Ohio IncUcate that federal corn ' . The ' ,Lester Gerhard'll ,,' ~~t ~t obta,n full value tp·.a~itual .goods :. Mr, and )bs. OejiNe Beckett·,. loana l}~ve Improved Prices offe~ed , _ ThurSC!aY ·night at .t he .J!!.r&Onage.. . and l ~tietactlOpa ' for' ti:le· ~~ announchig ' the amval of a twelve to fanners for this grain. The price rell!!vM ,~• . ~arion . Fo~ ,of 9lnclnna~ spent ~t' ~or her t~\tlut, Year wIi~ 'PDund son, DqJlald. ~, on New ImPl'Ovemeqt occurs both \!I com- . ':J~=~~~t;;;:~~;":;~~;;~~t:tb~~e~.~week end at home. be' helped by: a~l1Ilt llteeplni- to YelU'8 day at their home near Blan- ~ and nOIUOmmerClal corn ~ v.erdena~ , _ ,bq1ld .~more 'comfortablel ancfliat- cheater. ' a:re8!'of the state. One ~ty 8811F ' ad t~NV,l at Ban~nv1l1e M0ndi.7. 1at)!Da bGm~ · iue: ..,;r- e 'J • cultural qent estimated the loan. ever a Mr. and MnI. Tom. Burton saw ' • ' Mr. and Mr~. S. D. Penis are kept com pricea '15. cents a bUlbel .' Ye, NCIlM! Driije Headach•• tb,e !Jew .Year In with Mr. aDd Un.' th~ proud lP'IUid.J)al'ents and Mr. aboft tile level tbat 'Would llave lJquld. Tablets . due to .(lOIda~Burton. and lira. Almon ~ the 1Je8t- ~ set Ii ~ loan had been avan.' Trr ;ftab.M7-TlliD"-a WOIIIIerfal 'l'be J _ _ utcbed tt» If'IQIdpareatB. aIIIe. I .........
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Centerville, Ohio P"one 78J '
J. B. ~Chapman '
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nlte assurance, but mention proba-
CO'unty' Cour t. News
blUtlesthat andnight.. let Itbaseball go at that. Now 11; gaining the predicted momentum, and - = teams .in both ' major ' l~agues are Mr. and Mrs . . Alben Hawke Ilrc Emily Russell, 23, school teacher, hastening to-foUow-the example set lfnnounclnlrtl1e I:mth of a daughter - EW SVITS by the CInGlnnatl Reds I.n 1935, the Patsy Jean, Sunday morning. JnnJack Tholllpson vs. Julia Thomp_ Kings MUls. OrVille Wells, 26, Dayton, drUl light leading club Is , satisfied with uary 1. • son, dlvollCe, gr~ neglect, Frank press operalor, and Neme Ver- the Vindication ot Its Ideu and will Mrs. Calvin Longacre and child. " A'nderson. a~ruey. \ make no .a dditional advances In the ren spent Friday with relatives leorge B. Johnson vs, Cora H. bryke. 18, Lebanon, secretary. Dennis, 26, Franklin, direction of nocturnaL activities. In Cin~ lnnatl. . Estell ~ox at al.. delinquent taxes, No organization c.ould possibly be MI'. and Mrs. E. B. Longaci'e n11d ......ount claimed $85.17, O. Donald salesman, and Louisa Abrams, 22 more completely sold on the merits Mrs. J. B. Jones attended a New Ilatush and Meryl B .. Gray, nt.- Franklin. Stanley Markey, 32, Ravenn or baseball under the lights t·h xs evlLPfll'ty at the-parsonage torneys. . , . I(JCl,nm~ P.tea8 .,-ooeedinl'8 . . . sanitary engineer, and Elizabeth the Reds, but no efforts will be at Springboro given by Rev. Snyder made to increase the quota. of night and Mr. Snyder, '" Nina Gillen vs. Industrial Oom- Henkle. 29, teacher, Lebanon. J . R. Coffman, food. $2.00: James games, which was set at seven at Mrs . . Emily Thn c~ara Is slowly m ission of Ohio, ordered t hat venue In this cnlL~e be changed to Com- V. Mulford, dental work. $6.00; ,he time Cincinnati was given per_ Improving since her reeent filII. Mrs. Mal'garet JOhns and Paul - ·\on Pleas Court or B lltler coun_ Miss OmD. Knox. Invnlld <:are, $12. mission to Install Its llluminatlng 50; Ella Hoff. Invalid care, $7.00.!System. Johns were Dayton visitors ThursIn this respect General Manager day. KenneLh Pence vs. Vlrglna Pence. Winnie Gentry . Invalid care, $7.00; Giles takes the attitude Mrs. Allee · Clark left for Dayton t~ ..\t mlnel' child be awarded to de- Leo J. Smith, Invalid care, $1000; Warren fendant and plantlff PaY $3.50 Ed Kaiser. Invalid care, $5.00; L. that the Reds should be In the P751- Thursday, where she will spend th e B. Steel, Invalid care. $5.00; Mrs. tlon of the restaurants that racom- remainder of the winter. She is 10. enen nnd every week for support. Common Pica.! Proceedings ... Belen Doughman, Invalid care, $5 mend their patrons do not eat too cated In the Higgins Apartments 011 much of their food. regardless of West Fourth street. tn the matter of the estate of 00 : Iva Nichols. Invalid care, $5.00; how delicious. because the results Mr. and Mrs. Wlibur CiaI'\{ 01 Lillian H. Ludlum , decesed. InvenNewton Stamper, Invalid care are not as sat1sl1actory as when the Dayton were SaLurday Il'uc~ ts of ,t I'y and apprals~ment 'publ,shed. The estnte of Bethena Mills. de- $10.00; M1l1nrd Bryant, Invalid care delectables are taken In the proper Mrs. Mary Carmony. $5.00: Merwin ScOfield. Invalid care I quantities. Mrs. Adda Baclt of Miamisburg .ased. ,first and flnnl account. $7.00. H. M. Coyne, stamps and post Night baseball Is an appetizing and Mrs. Ada ChenoweLh of Cen- ' l'he estate of \-;otor H. Worley , cards furnished relief. office. $3.00; dish tor the fJlns, but restrictions tervllle are visiting Mrs . Meta Rog· c: ceased, first a.nd flnnl a :count. D. R. SmUll. pnlnt and supplies, are being maintained because of ers. unto Mrs. Mllw'ed Surface and dnugh. The assignment of Miller and $20.\5 ; Johnston & Johnston , wire the desire to keep that same hUll~ $12.94; The Morrow gry feellng thlJt is now prevalent tel', Wilma .spent the hollday~ with and lumber, f :Ink assignor, first and final ac( ,lOt. Lumber Company, cement. $18.00; among the custonlers wbo have MI'. and Mrs. Wan'en Surfnce and The estate of John P. Griswold, The Morrow Feed and Supply Co mnde the VoCnture so successfUl. Donald Surface. 16 barrels cement, $40.00; W. C. There will be no case of night basc_ Mrs. Elizabeth ~mith of Dayton (cccased. hlrd account. The trust of Denas Guttery, de- Turton, ~ ement, $2070; A. Hoppe & ball Indlgenstlon It the Reds can spent Sunday and Monday wi!.h cased, first account. Company, cemcnt. $4.90. help It. Mrs. Margaret John ' and Pa ul In the matter of the estate of 'EtSnell's Building Supply Comp:Ul Whether the future will be mar- Johns. OdIe, 'deceascd, report approved. 8 barrels cement. $18.80; Karl ~: ked by a change In this l>olIcy Is I Forest Graham Is slowly improv_ In the matter of the estate of Mlnst, cement, $18.40 ; Chas. Brad- something that cannot be deter- l ing after an eight weeks Il lness. Rnd 1\ 'lbel May WhiSler. deceased, Raz_ bury, payroll, $234.90;, Raymond mined at this time, although the Is able to sit up e. 'h Ue each day. e1 L. Harper appOinted executrix. Mulford, payroll. $240.40; Earl Hat_ possibilities are against a ctrangc. Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Kenrick visIn tbe mMter ot the estate of field, service as mechanic, $70.20; H Is very likely that the Reds will ited their niece, Mrs. Viola Grassl Anna Doane, deceued , Everett John J . Barr. payroll, $220.80 John- continue to favor the present pro_ l in Piqua Thursday. Doane appolDted admlnlstrator. son Myers, payroll, $159.20; E. w.. gr=f for many years to come. Mr. and Mrs. Leon SniisbUl'Y oj Ross, payroll, .500.40', Earl Bnsore. usal to make a definite state_ Washington C. H. were Sundav. In the matter of the estate o f.167.60. " payroll, men t a bout the club's policy In the guests of Mr. and Mrs Allen EmRichard Ross, deceued, Inventory Ha.rry Mou.nt, Phyton , $111.211' future comes from the realization I rick and In the afterno'on called at -approved. Walter Biggs, . Sr., 153 yds. gravel t Giles and llisooss, Powell Cros:- -the home of Mr. Clyde Mount and REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS $0.55; Sam Smith, 4 pieces steel ley. Jr.. that revolutiom ry changes daughters In Dayton. Gus Boxmeyer and Fannie Box- $1 .75; HolthaUli Transportation co' In lighting eqUipment, attitude of Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter IKel1l'ir k and JT r er to Robert K. j3outh, real es- parls tor No. 46, 76c; Clnclnnatl~ the fans ·a nd general conditions James Haines, In company with in Warren county. Lebanon Express Co., freight on I might make It neeessary to alter other relatives, were entertained at a 6 o': lock dinner Thursday at the Trlin R. Knight to Llllla E. H. C. parts, S5c; Ed Kilpatrick Tex the policy. home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 1 yne. lots Nos. 76~, 767, 768, and aco Service, tires and battery $103. 7(;9 In Deerfield township. 0'1; Sam Masters, . gaSOline, $6.63 ElJIott at Centerville. J . E. 'Yo.r k to Olara Theresa BIs- The Book Shop, ' ,nk (lnd towe~ ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark and tor court house, $8.25; Johnston & . daughter, Mildred and Mrs, Allce h ~p, lot No. 116 In Franklin. Oora. P. Welbaun and Earl A. J bnston. glass, putty and labor at ! Clark ot Dayton were dinner guests MQnday of Mr .. and Mrs. Walter Welbawn ,to Springboro Grange, )all, $9.42; C. Donald Dllatush, rent lot No. 101 in Spi'ingborQ. of room for Prosecuting Attorney. Clark and family. J . p . . Napier and Louise Napier $20.00. ' Mr. and Mrs. Seth Purnas. son to Pierce ~teelo. 3,95 acres In ~lUn_ Schllllng's Food Market, can op and daughter entertained Mr. and llton 'townshiP. ener, deaner and towel rack, S2. Mrs. Ell Furnu and children and MARRIAGE LIOENSES 36; Mortis .5 & 10 to $1.00 Store Mr. IUld Mrs. Lawrence Furnas of By Ei1zabeth Stlbbs Waynesville, at a turkey dinner. Stanley Taylor Schellenbach. 34, tumblers, teaspoons, plates, peppers and s!llts, $18.90; Wilbur R. SwangI Like In all counties tbroughout I New Years day. c: emlst, Kings Mllll!. and Frieda er. services as Jatdtot ot Memorial, Lhe state, Warren county has a Miss Sara Cortn -Punlas return"-'" ~ ,~. Hall $60.00; W. H. W1lllams; M. D. board of rubUc Assistance which ed to George School, Pennsylvailla examination. SI9.38; . COlumbus 'acts In all' advisory capacity in fur- Monday evening after spending the Blank Book MIg: Company, 400 therlng the program designed to u- holidays with her 1>arents' and sheets No. 939 Record of Resident slst Warren county's dependent brother Mr. arid Mrs. Seth Furnas .January 6-7 Ohio Stoc.kholders, ·SS.75; The John children and needy blind. I and Seth Jr. on SoCial Row Tex RitterMembers of the' board, a bLparMr. and Mrs. Alfred Jone: and son-Watson Company, '30 forms for "SONG OF THE handy Calendar Pad for Common I tisan group, do not receIve pay for da':lghter of South+rn H1lls were qUCKAROO" Pleas Court, 6Oc; The Office out-I scrv.lng u .board members- and have Friday evening guest.s ot· their un , 'artoon "What A Lion" fitters, Clco Paste for Probate been helpful In determlnlng poll- ele ar:td atffit, Mr. and :Mrs. J . B(. .medy "Toot Sw~t" Court. 3OC; The Book shop. pens cles and procedures which would Jones. arid calendar pad for Recorder, .1 of the two programs Mr" IUld Mrs Th er1e J ones and • - help d recipients t 86; The Barrett Brothers', forms .for an a the same time serve the best son Milton were M d din I on ay ner _. January 8-9 Prob a te Court, $9.75; Dr. H. M Interests of Warren Coun t y. guests of Mr. and Mrs I>;dwln Nutt Lewis BtDne Mickey Rooney WllIlam Coroner's Cost Bill, SUO. In July of 1938 when the current and family near Centerville dependent children's program and . "OUT WEST the plan for the needy blind were Relatives and friends !here reeelWITH TI;IE HARDYS placed In ,operatlon In Warren ved word Thursda}' of t.he SUdden Short Man'. Greateat Friend county wise planning was necessary death of Dr. A. A. Sm1tb, a former to bUIld strong foundations for LYtle resident, late of Dllyton, Mrs. Newl Reel . these programs so they would beat George Gray . Mr. and Mrs. ClarThe Reds are a young and ag-, serve those for Whom they were In- ence Gray, Mr: LeSlie Gray called January 11 . gresslve outfit. They ~ want to ' keep tended. . at ' the residence on BoI,mder AveJ~n Melvyn Douglu ;In ~.,. ··t ep when forward ..marc"'~afte rnoon. l'~r. and . . Crawford ...,.. are Shortly after .the program for de- nue Sunday ' "THE ,. SHINING HOUR" being rnade-l'bey . e blbld Mrs Lesl Gray attended the fun_ Shorts by und ctitlclze whUe ' other clubs were started, the Warren County eral Monday. "Wbilpera in The Dark" pioneer. Instead they Intend to Board of Public Asslstlance wu Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick Mrs "Red White and Blue have a hand In as many construc- formed. Under the public assistance' Margaret Johns and Mr. and Mrs'. Championl" tlve plans as possible and let It be setup In Ohio on . every county Walter KenriCk attended the fun====~_=====~.=~~.: the less progressive organizations board Is the Juvenile Judge Who eral of Mrs. Grace Mount in Daytell how terrible It is that the RecIs the adm1.n18trator of the dependent ton and burial at Springboro Wed; 6K are making attempts to offer their r,blldren'5 program, a. member 'of I'lesday. Mrs. Mount was a cousin fans what they W'ant to see. the board of county comrnJssloners of Mrs. Emrick. Customers are not attracted to which . administers th~ blind pro_ events they do not want to witness gram, and at leut two lay persons 'l'ARVlA·LITHIC TAR AND I! they ' ~Idn't Uke night baseball Interested in the welfare 't he the community In helping the un. derprlvleged . . they wouldn't att~nd the games. colinty. _lOAD OIT_; EXCAVATING There Is no doubt in the minds ot Not only does the Board of PubAbout 160.000 fans went to crosley D ' MP T!'tUCK SERVICE welflare-thlnklng perSOlU1 in Wartleld to see seven night games wt lIc A.ss1stJance aid In Interpreting to ren county that the local board has Gravel as low as 40c Cu. ynl'd sea~on· Five of the seven sames the community the workings of the . were agaInst second division teams Social Security programs for de- been largely Instrumenta,l 1n movJ30th contests in which first dM_ pendent chlldren and the blind but Ing the program a·h ead and also slon teams competed. were sellouts. It also brings" to county offlclahl III facllltlating the administration of the work designed to ~Id dependent What greater proof -can be advan- charge of the program the desires ~bone, Waynesville H R 11 .ehlldren and the bUnd. ced that the program has 'the en-I and thinking of the community re. Lebanon offIce Phone 473·K- darsemenst of the tans? latlve to the progrlUnS. TO SITE PUBLIC POLICIES . res.08.M. Morrow Phone No.3 This proot ~as been seized by At present. those serving On the
_ .
In Need This Newspal!.er &
Prinlin Call
Do you "fly all to pieces" when the children are noisy, or when the vegetables burn, or when the jelly won't "jell?" Some mothers are just naturally cranky. Some mothers are cross and impatient because they are nervous. . 1£ you are a natural crank, DR. MILES NERVlNE won't: do much for you. If you are irritable because your nerve. are overtaxed, DR. MILES NERVINE will do a lot for you. Do you . suffer from Sleeplessne~ Nervous Irritability, Nervous Headache, or Nervous 1. Do. you worry oov~e~r~tt~i~ft~e~s,~sta~rt~a~ttls~ur.d~d~e~n~~~fc~~~~~______-:~~~~lI nerves will ~i lNE will help you to relax those overtaxed nerves. . Why don't you give it a trial on our guarantee of satisfaction. or your money back? Your druggist can tell you about DR. MILES NERVINE. He has been selling It ever since he started clerking in a drug store. Dr. Miles Nervine comes in two forms-Liquid IUld Effervescent Tablets. Liquid Nervine, Larre Bottle SI.OG-Small BotUe ~ l~ fTervescent Tablets, Large Package 75t-SmnU PacitAlt'e 35'
The Miami
l ~. Zain
Phone Your Want Ad.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . other teams as the basis for a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'.~ swi tch . to the night baseball aide. More conver,l s w11l be added yearly. r Some of those who now are on Cio\I 'clnnatl's side of the ~ence wl'l'e loudest· In their denunciation of Idea when It was first produced REAL' ESTATE Time works strange pranks, wh1ch INSORANCE ' Is 'why, when the 'R eds speak of the AUCTIONEER '. '. future, they do not t,alk with de!!: ,~==========
. - - - - - - _....' ..- - - - ---.!.-
county bOard include; J:udge Char_ . , Musical favorlf,es wUl be mlng. les B. Dechant, Mrs. Freda Dlla" led with the folloWl,ng presentations . tush. Lebanon, Mr. Fred Hagemeyer from 8 to 10 .p. m. ctarksv1lle, and ¥r. Paul R!JPpert, 8:05 University f.H Club ProFranklln. The wishes of the community are Inaugurating Ottlo Govel:very ~port&nt 1n a welfare 'pro- nors Through the Years--H. E. Eagram such as thill. by knowing, wine, Hlstorillll " what the. needs and resources of the 8:45 Contag1.~US Eye Mlhdedness community ar~, It is much easler ·-Jane Blosser, Home Economlos to 8hape poJiclea and procedures Ext. DePartJnent. '. wh1ch will meet the need8 of the 8:55 Special Music. community and yet .confOrm to ~e 9:10 Trenc1s In I'UbUc Po)1cy atfederal and state reiU1atlona of the fecting Agr1cult~H. R Moore 60ctal Security Act, In· o~er 'words Rtir&l Economlca :DeIJartnlent. . the board 88i1at8 In adapUng!he 9:30 Trees for Eroaioo t:ontrol~ progra.m to make It most effective Paul ~. Burkhart; ~Iter, ceo in Warren count)'. 9&mP. Benefontaln~. Dul1ng tb8 put rear. the W~ 9:30 Parm I..oaJ1 .1OC1~at1cm County Board of Pub1l9 AIIIItance. nual Meet.inp-WIn. B. ~ rend~ed the oounty ~ .... c.rJ Bmbne, 0bI0 vice In brInaInIr t.Opther tile beaUb of I'adeaWl LuIcl' ..... 1lDaInUIe, &,._ _ _ _;,;..__- - - - . . . . :
education, aDd welfare
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A 100% all mineral product that c08te you leel and givel you beller results. A money maker for Itackmen and poultrymen. A~k us.
Established 1849 - 1938
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'I'CI S 3.00
- ---
More than 100,000 winter wheat growers in the United States areSnUlin' carrying Insurance' on their 1939 crop. Ohio growers turned In a large number of applications for In_ sUI'ame but only 41 per cent paid therr prelp.lums rand obtained poll-
Charlie Savs V '
S tudy of' weather records over long periods in the past indicate ·that tile chanoes for drouth ' are less than they have beoen for some years pa.~t. The Unite~ St'\tes Weather Bureau warns agathat tOo much op- • t1mism bl!b bcl1!!ves Ip.ore rainfall ''''~_ _ _ _...:I:i,=-'''~~_-' .Is indicated tor the next ·tew. yearS . than ~aa fallen during the drouth' period.
Soil .samples to be testell for 'percentage ~f lime tan ~ taken any time the ground Is not frozcn. U the testing Is post~ned until sprilll 11n'Ie appllcaUoDs alIo are usually postponed until anot:IJei' YCIIU.
'81ld Sunday·
I Churches I
WaynesvUle, Monday with Mr, And J.ytle, -Tuesday Clarence Crawford and family. M t. Holly, Wedneaday Mt. and MI'lI. Raymond Lucas of Spd ng Valley, Thursday L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wllnlin ton called on his paren\ll, SImpson 1'enton Chew of the' Mldd:le tc)Wll l MI'. And Mrs. Oavl<ll-!!~<; Wld (a m~I·~----------......- - · Bellbroolf;"' Friday 1st 2nd 31'd WAYN~SVILLE 1\1 . E . OI-1URCH LBEH.'f B. TALMAGE CentervUle, Sat urday ')Ournal Dud M't.:., Chew, .,a nd Mr, lIy TuesdRY. -', MEMORIAL SundllY' Ja n'uuy 8 122 152 ~rtldley Ul4 l\Irs. Robert Ohew or Dayton The service will begin each iVIIOleaver 121 9:30 Sunday School, R . D. Coll ett 116 wer" .New ,Year.s t allers at thO h otne nl ng a~ 7,3Q Plan to start the fIrIt 97 Alber t Barkalow Talmage was T hompson liW Supel·lntendent. . . of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Wcheuor, evening. Simpson 127 147 127 10:40 Morning Worship. ' Students born 111 Springboro, Warren Cgul}ty Mrs. Sadie Renson has re.turned 139 164 180 frorn Miami University will spe~ Ohio, August 14, 1 ~60. His parents Ellls hOme after 'spending the hoJlda s Peters were J ohn R . V. and Rachel SliCer with h er ch.lldren near Waynesvillr . Mrs. Margaret Heacock was I:aIL ~~~ 165 ~~~~~~; SUbjcct: "I Believe In The So.~ t l'Lhwa ltc Scil.>Ol was r urn d Tuest;!ay, cd Lb Pennsylvl\tlla:' last. week ow_ Talmage. 606 703 749 6:00 Epwor, h Lea gue. Supper in In the early d a~s of his llfe he. T he H81'VllYlibtng Fanners Jng to .the death of h el' sister, Mr~. an ,Irreparable loss In t he suffer ed charge of Mar~ Eva LoMay. Inlor6fftllte convencd WedMsdllS' .ex- Edlt.h W/letStoml, Mrs: Marla' Elbon ma l period . tending to Thursday ailel'noon. A Is wi th U!! during th c' absence of d~ath ' 01 his moCher. He wa s the Wnynesvlllc Bowling Olub 1st 2nd 3rd 7:30 Mcallng or ell ~lr e church .in only child by this union. fille program was presented a.t vnr- Mrs. RCMock;. 148 char ge of EpwOl'lh Lea!; u e~ College PIcking 140 138 Albert attended country school lous Int ervals' both dRYS. Ml's. . Ect Clark .. lind daughter 0 1 . 119 100 138 s tudents to speak and sing. Fal' the Ilrrest and prosecution of Mrs.· John Roblnspn was called to 0 1' onla, called on Mrs. C. K a nd ~he NatJolll\l Normal Unlvel'slty Ha t1ngs 142 139 144 MONDA"Y at Lebanon. Orake persons trespasslng on the roofs Of Springfield, Mass., becallst of DeQthersgc, Saturday. , 132 91 123 3:45 MeeLlng- 101' Chlldl'en a t the the follow)ng proper ties: Ulne of '.11 l' sister, who died Thes.. MI'. and Mrs. Sam Ba.r.nett and H e became a.ssoclated , with the Orane 139 117 08 church In chargc of Rev. Harry F . Dayton Hedge Compa ny a nd tra- Stubbs day. so~ and daughter. of Centerville, Evans, White. Aman, H yman and 672 585 651 Ziercr. ve. 1 ed extenldvely in the Company's Alber t Rosell .Is llvl ng a t R. H. vIsited' Mr. B arnett's mother, Mrs. Lewis buUdlngs. 7 :30 EVallgellstic MeeWng, Mrs. service. J efferies home nftcr living severa} Carollne Bar nett Sunday. Blel'uaum In charge of the music, , The above does not apply to juW hile servici ng some hedge on J unior LodB,e 'months ' wIth Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Death erage veniles. 'as only $1.00 will be paid 1st 2nd 3rd and Rev. Zlcl'er to preach. Underwood. Rnd daugh te r of Cincinnati spent t'h e J ohn D. Garner farm be met a for t heir arrest and conviction. 207 145 155 Same program re p aled evcry day Robcr t Gray vlsited Ills grand - Sunday afternoon with Mr. Deat.h- daugh ter , ~d ah M. Garncr, whom SmIth money held by Stanley R eward 102 136 102 except Sntw·day. m arried October 11 , 1891. Ar thur he later I(arents\ Mr. a nd Mrs. J. C. Gr ay eragc's mother. Bailey. 122 109 1261 WBONESDA Y To them one soo wns born , John Anderson Monday. Miss May P eele of Dayton spent 125 144 146 2:00 Frl l1 d h~llp Club With Mrs. McMillan Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Bogar Jr" Sunday afternoon w1th hcr aun~, Lec Talmage. FJ rm account books can be start235 11 5 131 Dor a Rich.' The Talll~a ges hose far ming as Brannock and fOUlUy were SundRY guests · of .Han ·let P eele. cd most conveniently when the in791 651 660 their Ufe wQrk a nd purchased a tit former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. ventory of feeds a nd supplies Is at l~m 'In Ma.ssle Township. Alber t ST. MARY'S EI' IS(;OPAL Charles Bogan Sr. SURPRI E PARTY a low point and before the plans for 1\ aul:e 'ful farmer. Rambles Talmage was CII URCH Mrs. Mary Tucker Is Impr.ovlng LIle new cropping season are com_ 1st 2nd 3rd F'h"~ Sun, 'y .,ller Epiphany He love naturc Bnd W1e great outPI·Ot. and Mrs, M1llignn have r epleted. Friends and neighbors 01 Mr. and doors. 126 H , Ramby 10 n. m. Ch urch School turI\ed after spending the holldllYs Mrs. Hen,ry Burge and son Donald To him growing planta and Iarm Cook 144 107 .1 62 11 :a. 111. Morning pra yer and serIn .Lodl, Ohio. tendered them. a surprise Saturclay a nimals were sources ot del1ght . He I J. J a mes 164 170 100 I mall. At Lhls s~ l' v lcc wnrdens and evening. This Wlls a farewell to the exulted In 11owers. His painstaking Osbol'll I'l l 146 187 I'cs b'ymcll ele ted at the annual Burge Iamlly before they left for care and business a bility won for Gil liland p:u'lbh m er! Ing lust Monday wilt be 174 106 their new born e ' near Sligo. Carda him a ' place of leadership In the Gons 174 119 Installed. and Chinese checkers provided th e communi ty. .\ ~rlll1d rgast 98 MO DA Y amusement for the evening. ReHis Genia l d. ;position and 'his 749 71 2 750 . II p. m . Young people at tile home Mrs. Hal'Old Kellis and famUy fre hmcnts of candy and pop eorn int( grlty made many friends. ~ f Mr. a nd Mrs. Maynard Weltz. sp~nt Friday with Mr. and Mrs. wer e serVed. After watching In t be oUace He served a the townShi p school TUESDAy Robert Hartsock and daughter near New Yeat , the ' guC$u; departed, \Jp&l:d. He was ' n val ued member 1st 21)d 3rd .2 p. m. Church School Nursery ~pr~g Valley. . wishing t he Bur ges J;lluch happiness ot Leba non ' Odd Fellows and the Ful'llos 150 143 155 Class. .Mr. Ralph 0111 spent a fllw days In theh' new home. . W nesvill'J l4asonic Lodge In each J . Slanley 1f O 113 Friday, J a nu8l'Y 13. 2 P. m . Wowith h ts aunt and uncle, Mr. and case for m ore than flfty years. He D . Stanley 119 174 123 man's Aux.lllnry at the Little ' I nn , Mrs. RaYmond Osborn ' or Xenia. II APPY JlOUR CLUB wa. a. member of tbe Harveysburg Britton 135 126 141 Miss Kathel'ille Pl'cndergast, host-. .Mis. Erne~t ~rih Brt is sp?ndlng ANNUAL BANQUET Eastem star and he had been a P. St.a.nley 113 115 11 3 4. p. Ill. J unIor bl1:1I h oys a few days 'With h er sl8ter In Day91 ass. ton. . . I Ladles of the Happy Hour Club Granger many years. For sometime , 0 . Stanley he represented Ma.ssle Township as 637 649 645 Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Dill tqgether with their h usbands IIJId a di rector on th e board of the WarWAYNESV1LLE II OF 'spent s Unday ""Ith her parents, Mr. 1amUIes enjoyed their l\.lUlual ban- fen County Farm Bureau. He be_ Krogers CURIST and MrS James Eowards of near quet togcther at the Grange hall, 1st 2nd 3Id W. C. Sm j,tb, Mlnjster Xenl&. . . . , ThurSday evening. The halls and lleved In the cooper ative movement. 162 142 131 SUNDAY Of a r efined nature, be avoided Wilson . Mr. Md Mrs. Ed Burton of Elyria tables were taWy and appropriately rough language and vulgar tales. Earnhart· 109 120 145 Bible S hOol 9:30. Ohlo who spent th eir vacation wl,h decorated. After a sumptuoUs dinHe was a member of the BeeC;, .: Fromm 136 96 130 Lord's SUI!P'!!'I' 10 :46 her parents, Mr.. and Mrs, John Rye ner thl!, JIoak orchestra entertained Grove Baptl8t Chiirch Ilnd became Hartsock 87 107 106 Chrl8tiJln Endeavor 7:00 p. m . and family of Waynesville, retur n_ with several n umbers. ,The r ema.ln- affillated wit h the Society of Brown 119 124 112 Preaching. 7:30 p. Ill . Cd to their home Sunday. der of the ~vening w~ spent Friends when they organized In the I 613 591 624 MONDAY Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Gibbons cards. cOlilDlunity. He occasionally spoke A del gaUon goes to Ferry revival and da~hter of centerville ,spent - - - - -- - In meetJng in a helpfUl way and of- High SCore for weekWEDNESDAY Thursday avenlng with Mr. ' and · WATCII-SLUMBER PART~ ten privately spoke words ' Qf en- Men-Ed :surton·-244 P rayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Hiley Glbson," and famlly. I .::,._'_ _ _ Women- Ruth Frazler- 174 couragement to others. . . Mrs. C18rence .. crawford ' and Miss J ean Hess entertained a Mr. Talmage had been an Invalid FERRY <lUURCI1 OF da~hter M1bnle, Mrs. Lewts Mor- 1\TOUp of glri , friends at a Ne~ for the past five. years. having been IDLE WIL.,E CI.UD OHRIST gan were Xerlla spOpl)en? Saturday Yea rs a nd Slumber party, Saturday stricken with paralysis, so tllat he - --.,W. O. S ~tlJ", 1\1'10.I8t6 eftern69n. eyenlng After welcomtng 4t the New spoke with great difficUlty; which Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Reason enter- SUNDAY Mls& Ernestine. Eal'Dha.r.t ' r eturn:' Yeall. the girls l'mpalned over Dlght caused him to accep farocd retlie;- .ta.ined the IdJ9 ~!Vnde club a~ their Unified servIce beginning 9:30 ' .ed home Sunday afternpon from With ,Jean. Guesta ll)clud~ Roxie ment ~rom a more active 1If~. home saturday evening . . After enSermon 11 :00 Miami valley hospital and Jast r e_ S!Lc~ett, Mar~ba Ma.rtln, MIldred On Christmas day he a.ecompan.,. Joying an Oystel flupper the remainF erry churcn closed 1938 wIth one ports are, mil is 'l:Ccovering nicely. Sall$bury, Dol'ls Freeman, Betty ted members of bl8 family ' to Cln- der of the even1ng was spent In of . in ~e . ~, and ~ q arl Babb an~ son; Bern d and J ean McOlure of Day- clnnatJ ",here they all enjoyed the playing checke~ and of·thc CllUrch. There was an Xenia called oh t he Earnhart l am - ton. aoiden wedding celebration of their present were, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Increascd a ttendance of iiI per cen t ily Monday evenltm, relatives, .Mr. and .M rs. John '!It. John and granddaughter Ba.r - over the preceding year. The averMr. and :urs. Henry Burge and It's easy to n.dvertlse the classl- Thompson. bara Lou Bland, lI.1r. and Mrs. Davis age a ttendance wns 149 and the of i. ' children of Da.~ton spent Saturday Hed way. , But the m1nIItratlo~ of loved 'F urnas ~nd .Ii David. Mr. and fering $37.80 per week. There WOre "!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!~!!!~!!!!!~~~~~~7~'!!!!!!!!!!!' ones and good medical care eould Mrs. Harry LaCy and son Tommy, 78 additions . to the church. 56 by ~;~ _ . .. - - - ·no't keep him With us. He answered Mr. and -Earl Crawford and baptism and 22 by statement and .................. .. ..... the final summons on December 28 daughters, Mr; and Mrs. Charles letter, Besides Ine half time work . '. 1938 . at five oclock·, succumbing to Zimmerman a~d children, Mr. and Waynesville thc minister. 'h eld three neuralgia of tbe heart and com pH- Mrs. Hartley ~106S and son Billy revivals a e churohes during the , ' cattons, aged 76 years. 4 months, and Mrs. Sadie Reason. year making a total of 14~ addlUon.s , and' fourteen days, --~+ 1 -----to t he churches. . , From my k.i tehen fr~~h to you .1 will deliver on Those of hls . immediate fr.mily DINNE.R AND . THEATER PARTY Brother Smith Is star ting his flfth Tuesday and Saturday home bak ed cakes, cookies living wi.t h .hIm in the home who \. . - - -.- . 'y~ar with Ferry . and. Way nesvUle Bre 'now grief , s tricken, are the and ·pies . .I .' use ohly I the best of . in@/redienta in Several couples all mjlmbf,!rs of churches. . . widow) Adah M. Talmage, the ~n the same card I dub had dinner at .A two weeks r evi va l starts' at bakinga <! I guarantee the m to be , good or· your J : Lee ';l'almage,' the grandson, AL the Little Inn Monday noon. In ~ MOl!day night, January 9 mon~y will be refunded . . I;lert Lee Talmage and Jessie r.. the afternoon ' ~lt1ey attended the with O . Clinton Pisber of Sablilla . Tli~ ·f ollowing prices a re effe'c tive; Garner, his sl8ter-in-law. theater In Da~toll . . In the livening leading singing and drawing chalk Please .end your order 10 it reachel me the day f1rlend after friend departs; they gathered at the home of Mr. pictllres~ W. C. Smith, mln.lster 'will
.Five Dollars Reward
FOR IiIALID- EnsUale: Ron,nna A, WaynClBvllle Plants ,1.60 ton Hlgb Grode Canners Salt 76 ctl. pii'r hundred pounds. Roxanna. Cannln, Co .. Ph.oue U9·R·21. ttb.
FOR BALE Cruahed gravel, d8_ Ilvered anywhere, Rober.t Pumas, WaynesvUle, 0., phone 83R4. 12-22-ttp RESIDENCE-For rent at Telegraph Mills, ten rooms, running water and bath. Apply Oarl Cook, Waynesville. 1 tp. FOR SALE - Pofiltry _ Pryers weighing 4 pounds. S. O. seeton. R. 3, Waynesvllle, telephone, 3m4. USE THE MIAMI ' GAZETTB CLASSIFIED ADS · _
- - - - - ------
'Mt. Holly
:'We Start the New Year Right with
NAVY BEANS ~!'~ 1,..' O·~ E( GREEN BE1NS'~ 3~25c
ERACKERS w.2.~ 121c -OOFFEE '~~Z~~ .~ 23c FtEECE [ISSUE 1~':""·4 f~ 19c .
~ I!IIIIIIi·~ ~~~~~~~~I, 1
Sodu .
P. - ' ~. SOAP
KitcRen BakerYo
6~E . JI08
ALURE·SOlP F!!t-·· 4.an19c. BOX SUGAR ~~
befo~e yo~ )Vant it.
.r . • ~~~-+;;""""'I""MRS PE~RY J ~ T HOMAS R .. R; l. WA'y. N~SVltL~ .2 layer, 9 'inch, . c8,~e' ,-yo !r choice of wh ite fluff ~r caramel icing. . . . ' Red Devil's Food .. ...... ... .. . ,... :,....... .. :... .. ...... ........ . .soc \Vhite ca ke .... ... ... ....... ..... .. ... .. .......... ,..... .. .. .. ... .. .... SOc 'Yellow t ake .. .. : .. ,.. .... :"" . ... " ...... .. ... ........ ..... .. ... " .. 4Sc PIES Deep d'sh spiced app le . . . . .. , .... , ... . .. ,..... 3Sc Cherry or Pumpkin .. .. .... .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ........ ..... :.. .3Oe Cup Cakes, Iced .. .... ... .... :... ............ .... ... .... .. .. doz. 25c Drop Cookies, Iced .. ... .. .. " .. ...... .. .. .. .. ... .... ... .. . doz 2~
Special Coal Prices Kentucky Lump and E gg Shovele d Ton $4,·7 5 Theie prices are for Cash on delivery No Credit 1-2 Ton $2.50 We .offer this as the· best coal that can be b~ught ~t the ·p rice. We still recommend the higher grade 'coals as the most ~ti'sfactory i~ the l~~g run. ., We .offer a wi~e 'selection of ~oals, Both Splint and Smokele... At uaual '. 'Terms a,nd priced from ,
$6.~O ~Q
Fa;rme.r s
. . . ~~~~~~
and; Mrs. WimAm Lukens' for~·!.su~p~-fa:c~t~a~s~e~ v a~n~g~e~lls~t~.~~~~·~~-m.~.~~~~'!"--.~!!!!!!~~.,~-+~--t-: per. and an eVeDllllg--of cards. . and all of these meetenjoying thls ~I.on were Mr. and ings. We are expecting a delegation ButMrs. Charles Dasl;er, Mr. 'a nd. Mrs. from . the follOwing towns on the night designated. .FaIth buUds ,a bridge across the Do'n ald' Coate, ;Mt·. and Mrs. bert Carr, Mr. Bind Mrs. ~hbdes gU]f of death, And immortal souis may dwell Mrs. Charles . Mr. and Mrs. Mn..ITARY BAND PRACTICE ' Florida 9raneea, aweet and Juicy Where the tears of earth are dried; Bunnel and MI'. and Mrs. Wm. Dos: .Apples,. Rome Beauty. fancy boa Where earth's hidden things are tel' .a nd Mr. anQ Mrs. W. A. Lukens. Lisle ,Ramsey, Commander of the clear; Warren Coun LY Military band, anBonanal, Golden Yellow, FRIENDSHIP CLUB Where the work of life Is tried nouncC$ tha.t the- ffrst . pra>etloe wIU The FrlendS\llp club' will meet be he~d a t th e Lebanon high school By a Juster Judge than here Sweet Potatoes, Louiaia~a Yams Father In thy gracious Iteeplng, Wednesday af~rnoon. January 11 Monday evening, Janua.ry 9 at 8 Potatoes, Ruaaeta Leave we now tbey servant sleeping with Mrs. Pearl Rich. A picture of O'clock: All young men In · high yourself as a baby will be your ad- school 'or who are pot over 25 years Head Lettuce, Laree aize mittance. old are Invited to attend this roeetCARD OF THANKS NEW CABBAGE, Freah Green ing, All clarinet players are urged We wish to extend our sincere CLASS PART~. ,Robert ZlmJierman attend as there 18 a shortage of to entertalneti thMks to aU our friends for their Celery Hearb, Tender . klndnE68- and sYmpathy extended to members of the s~,phomore class at clarinets 1n the organization. us at the time. of our bereavement. the' home of hfs grandparents, Mr. aDd Mrs, Walfer Cast. Wednesday - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _.;... Mrs. Adah Talmage J. Lee Talmage and son evening. The ' evening was spent playing . bingo, a:nd other ' card Jessie L. Gamer games and:sE ' . g after which dainty refr • mUa viere sel ' Isolation of ailing 'btrds from the Sau~a&e, Count!')' Clu" 'freIIa liiaka Those who en oyed the occasion farm flOCk Is trriportan t in .prevent , • • J The anBual. m~ting of stockliold.. were Reta Conner'; Ruth Oonner, ing ge~erai · outbrcakli of ~olds' or Oysterl, B~ltimore S~daidi, era of Waynesville Na.tlonal Bank Betty ' Brardock', MarY Mass) ' Jean. other cO~uh1cable . dls~ases. Ory WaynesvUle, Ohlo will be h¢ld at ,ne~te KurflSs, f. . P.!~artha . Martin, Iltt~r . and . 1m~rovell ·v entUatlon in ·b!lnldng house in , Waynesville, T~8S8; Stansbe "WUla :~y I.~W1B: ' the ~ouses help" ()rev~nt the muI. OhIo ontlie l~th. day of JanuarY. RoXI~ ) aacke~t; , Oenevleve Rout- tlplicatl9n pf bacteria. '\.. . '1939, at . 2 o'clock P. M. ~~ .zoung. Earl' Meqdenha.ll, ~Ul 'Jon~s AniQ'ln.l, nu~·~tion e~~rts at .Qhlo Standard T1Iile 101' 'election Dl- ~vld Furnas, BeiU;tie PutJ;1as. Ben" . State Unl.verslty say that lives'toc~ ~tora , tor the ' e~g year apd ~n Hoa.)c, W~n · C~k. Robert can use. ~oteinB t~ replace ~rl/Ohy_ t)1e :tra.n,s.action oi ·such otner bual,- Shaw, Roj3ert '~w" ·R onald sal- (Irate.: .cannot be ,used, to r~plac;e n~; as ma,y prope!'ly come befOre 1sbury, Alben .;. ~on, BUll!!, pro~ln. Rations ' mUBt . contain the hl~tlng. ;". • , . Melloh. :Robert· GrodIng and · AItiert ~ ebough to , mamtatri the ' ~d 'to ~urnia})' the amount · nl'j>,"'nt. , " ~8B , ~; ~TSOOK,. ,~. oashier in ·in11k- 0 (Jther prod1.!cts belnll' . Storage s~ o~ b~t~ .. ,rema1~ ~l\;nufactured by 14e ~idma1. ., I"orty,-seven !lta'i:es are' now. In' the high. Milk ' produetlloft on DecemBa~e l~nd BUffers solI losses by rea af r was about' 6 lief' cenfgreater ero.slon twl~1} la s U st as the 'same a~de teats fot. the detection- of tha~ iat the sauie tii~ iii 1837: TIle ,larut pl!lnted-contlnuously to '1 ; m cattle Jnfecte{l with bqvlne tuber~u.. proportion 0.1 cqwa In m1~ Be co~- tour tIn1es as fast as when p~ted j~. , . Te8ttDg, 'b nben' Ja .blRher .to Wheat and 12fi times as f~ 'as . , . . IS being cOmple-' , pared With ~ in 1e&r1 1m. . 11 kept continuousII' fn biU88I'8.W. ted In CaUtOl'Dla, Who has not'lost a friend? nlere is no union here at hearts That finds not here an. end.
Shoris and Middlings .
61b 11k 4 lb. lIe 3 lb. i~'
COUNTY BUDGEl fOR 1939 SET AT $200.000 Warren county offices will be operated during 19S9 at 0. ' cost of approximately $200.000, aooording to the budget adopted by the coun_ ty commissioners Mond1ly. TIlts figure represents no appreciable ( hange from last year's figu res, the budget caUlng for an ex. lICnd~ture of $181,690.02 through the ifelll.lral fUnd and $20,299.58 In spec:1al funds. The general fund allows $73.078._ C4 tor offices under the supervision of the commlssloners. App'r oprlatlons for these offices lire: commissionerS, $4,654.64 ; genernl office flmd, $1.426; courthouse and Jail, $6,000; county bome, $13,550; Memorlal buUdlllg, $1.000; jus_ tices 'Ond mayor's courts, $800; charity, 8.500; ,soldJers' burial, $660; agriculture. Including the county 1air, $10,100 and miscellaneous, nll.589. Auditor, $U ,I80; Board of revls_ i011, $50; assessIng personal property, $1 .600 ; board of ele ~ tions, $6._ 602; trensurer, $7.800; recorder, $5, " 0; prosecutor. $3,650; court of ap. 'als, $449.76; common please court $6,833.4"; probate court, $8.080; JU~enlle .court, $6,775 and clerk ot COW'Ul, $6.145. Sheriff, $14,385; coroner. $310; co' nty llome trustees, '12,280; Englueer, $8,571; , oldler rellet, $7._ S6 , and emergency, $3,474.08. of 'S pecial appropriations include dOJ and kennel fund, " .647.44; orphanage, $4,175 ; Miami Conservancy dlat.l1ct, $1,577.12 and bond rer Urement fund , P,980.
Ai" Mal)- Of ManhattaD and New 'Yorkl' World's Fair 'Gro~ds ' . .
TO 'BE OlSCU5SfD AT ·MEEliNii ,_ _ .-'-._
NEW YORK-An aerial pho- concerning road and bridge ap- alh miles. (3) Firom the entrance Manhattan Bridge. (8) Brooklyn t ographer recently obtained this proaches to the exposition which to the Triborough Bridge, 51 Navy ._ Ya rd. (9) Williamsburg r mal'kable picture showing the is preparing to handle 60,000,000 miles, (Motorislt.!! can make this Bridge. (10) Queensboro (59th skyline of New York with its reo visitors, are: trip without t:llcountering a single Street) Bridge. (11) Gra nd Cenl ation to the g:rou.nds of the New (1) From Emnlre Slate at Fifth traffic light). (4,) Holland Tunnel tral P arkway, (1,2) North Beach 'ork World's Fair 1939. An 8'Ttist A ven ue and 34th Street, iQ the from New JersEl,Y, showing route Airport (now pelng enlarged at a has painted on lines iRdieating heart of the re lail shopping dis- through ower Manhattan aC~OiS CQst of $30,QOO,000) •. (13) New d istancC's '~rom Car sin p oints in. trlct t o the F air grounds, 7 miles. Williamsburg B,:idge (No.9) to WhItestone BrId ge !urnls:1ing di: Tanha ltan to the Fair grotmd!l. (2) .F rom · Wall Street, in' lower roads leading to the Fair. (5) The J'ect gat ewaY' from N ew England 'l'hase cli: !.ances, alld other facts, Manhatl n, to the Fair ground s, B attery. (6) BrQoklyn Bridge. (7) and Canada, .----------~-----~-:..------=--.....:..---:.......-~ ,~--~-~--~-------,
--1- - -- -
SPECJ..\L SERIES OF Local business and professional " .. TRAINING l\1.E ETINGS men have expressed II. great deal of Int.erest In a meet.Lng whloh baa been called for 7: 30 p. m. Monday sent.a ,lves of the Twelve r epr Warren County CentUl ial Olub n- January 16th, ut the lownslilp hall, rolled In a spec 'al relIes of recrea- for the purpose of d1sct\6slng the Lionl11 leadl:J shl" tl'ailling meetings organization {)f a club devoted to this wCllk and 11 ttenucd the dem - the civic betterment of Wayne:>Y1l1e c.o..t.ratlons given by R. B. Tom and sWToundlnl: territory. Many business people have felt exwn: Ln I'll. [1\ sociologist of Ohio the need of such an orgaiuzauon Stale University. Cl,. tIS Beck. Spr.ngboro, Ruth In recen t years, and Ii. Is hOped that Hal'll:;. Lebanon. presi deQt and sec- preliminary detll lls can be worked r talY oj lhe local orgnu1za.Llon with ou t which will result In hlterestlng Betty Be lham , Helen Harris. Vel - meeLings a nd programs being held ma Swcny. Mary Clinger. Jesse for t h e mu tua l benefit. and better WlisGIl. Maynard Hagemeyer. Ver- acquaintance of all concerned' and non HIl , Milo Shoup !lnd Ernest the Improvement of boLh the bUsiCook aud Miss EllilJil beth Graddy. ness and farming _communltv here_ IIOUle demonstration agen t. wenl to a\)ollt. Among t hose who have Indicated the Genll lntoW~l h igh school bullcl ing Monl ilY and Tuesday evenings II. keen Interest In the meetlnl 11114 (or lile. .c lessons also attended by who are , planning to attend are, ' ~i 1.6 ates of similar youth ol'gan- Ross Hartsock, Mayor A. K, Day, IzaL'fons from Bu tler, Montgomery. O. H. Brace, R. D. Collett, C. M. Robltzer. Frederick Roblt~. J . V. Darke and Preble counties. Postma~ler Frank Fox. J. R. Lacy. Miss Graddy announces the dates of J<.muary l~th and 17th and Feb- Gibbons, Dr. H. E. Hathaway, ruary 6th and 7th for the other James E. McClure, E. V. Bunhart, MONis Fulkerson, A. H. Stubbs,\ G. similar training meettngs. D. Borden, FrIU)k LeMay, Wymer Drake, D. R. Smith, the Rev, R. L. Hnckwell and Attorney' Carl Abaecherll. Otllel' men wlshlr. tn' co.ntribute to the pl'ogre:;s and aeL vancement of the communlty arE' invited.
The committee appointed by the Waynesville High School Alumni Assn. to promote the Waynesville High School Reference Library to be gtven to the high school is now .....__'____________a.~--....-.... Mrs. A. 0 , Prtffy enter.ta1DeCt completing the first lap of Its work. - - - --- .---~.--'--. u- · - " ' · --.-,.-------- . Uhasbeen' lncorrespondencewith her card clut1 Thursday ~ternooo. OPEN IIOUSE rOR WARDENS AND VE8TIlYMEN CEDARVILLJ Ii' UDENTS n. K. HENDERSON Superintendent of Schools ' L. A. Mrs. Frank Hotfman. haa been on (JO~J)P01~ SERVICES EXTENSION COUNCILS ARE INSTALLt:J) SUBMITS TO OPERATION Gan;t. Mr, Garst and his IlBSOClates the s ick list the pa.!'t week. _ ,..- a_ _ _ ~_I_I_ d _ on the faculty have selected " l1s~ W, L. Drake IIUld Ray Robinlon Boyd K. Henderson, emb6lmer of books that are partl:ularly need' . -I Ced:;it;:- organizations Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker were The Monday morning session of Installation of the vestry and the took charge .itJ, ~onducted a pray_ and assistant funeral director at ,ed. Thl.s list Is now I~' the tiands of Ind1anapo~la, Ind, yls1~ the, for_ .; 'Dayton, vl.sltors last Friday, " the 1939 .Farmers' Week program t.o I regular monthly meeting of the er meetlnlJ ",, oopnectlon with the the McClure Funeral Home, and of ,the committee. C. M. Cartwright mer:s parents her~_ 8)mday. be held at 01110 state Unlverslty on ,'Young Peoples group were 'the high week- of Prayer ol)5erved by three clerk ' of Wa., nesville corporation of Chicago, chalrlmm of the comCharley Aman left Tuesday Mr. and Fred Hubbel called was taken to Miami Valley hOBpltal mittee, announces that purchases of Janullory 30th t.o February 3rd, will I,lights In acUvities of S ~. Mary's cedarville ehurcibes. mornlug tor Indianapotta wnete he' OD Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur be open house for members of the Church this past week. 1_ CecU Thomas, Washlngt.on O. Hoo Wednesday nfternoon for an emer- books will be made shortly and It will remaln Indetlnltely. Tb\lfllday evening. home extension counells' trom ~ At the oeonclusJon of the r~gular program chairman of the college gency operation. To date no report Is expected that the library will Installed within a few weekS.;.:::F =-= u :r.:_+--Mr - s-. -Emm. ..., a il.i.{celure aDdMn: Mr. and Mrs, James Ha~ke and counlles, aocordLng to Mlss ElIza- morning service last 8unctay the YM.C.A. had charge of ·the meet - ot his condition h~s come In. ther additions .will be made to ~he Lester Gordon were, Xenia vIslton daugtiter Glenna of 8prlngfeld vla_ beth Graddy local home demonstra-, Rev. Mr. Hacitwell received the fol- lug Talks on "The need for ChrstLlbrary as more funds are secured. Mondli.y. It.ed J . C. Hn~ke Baturday. tlon ,a gent. lowing mon offlclally as wardens lanlty in Industorlal Life Today'; FRIENDS HOME A' number of the members of the Mrs. Paul Shafter. Carll.slc. and' and veS¥"ymen of the parish. These w~re given b:l ,Tohn Fox, Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fires MIss Sara Katherine Hartsock of Alumni Association have not made Mrs. ' W. S. Scanlan and IOn Mrs. Harolll B rkett, Oregonia. men were elected to Phelr ofClce at presIdent of the Y. M. C .. A. Don_ Ferree, wer e guests of friends In tamlly had ' dinner with Mr. and Wllmlngton, spent a pl\rt of last their contribution and these addlof the Warthe annual mee~lng of t he 'parlsh ald Foulks. Waynesvi\le, president president Rnd secretary Mr•. Elvin P.lres ~unday. tlonal funds wUl be utilized to en... Payton Saturday. rim County Council will be the W. H. Allen. F. B. Henderson. L; ' of the college gospel team .ahd Vona weak at the Home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braddock were Mrs. Th8mas Hardin spent thc orficlal r epr esentatives to this an- H. Gordon . E. L. Thomas, I.:A . Owens of MUford Y. W. C. A. 'Mrs. H. O. Harvey of Lebanon. large the library, It is planned t,o week end wltb r elatives In FIlI_ nunl conference with Mrs, Mac Mosher, E, C. Crane, Donald Hllwke Beatrice McCellen' Xenia.. president Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock and daughter 'have members of the specllli com_ dinner guests on Bupday of Mr. and were dinner guests 'of Mrs. mlttee, officers of the Alumni ~- Mrs. W1lI1arn Doster. Grapevine, Morrow: Mrs. Hodley E. V. Barnhart and O. H. Brllce. : of the y . W. C. A. sang a solo. ' m61,lth, Ky, Hartso: k Thursday . soclation and others present at a ', • Cordes, Pleasant Plain; Mrs. W. A. In the sermon the men were charg_ · Mr, and Mrs. Fr.ed Horton of Swartzell . Wllynesville and Mtss ed with thelr duties. formal dedl~a~oll of the Library at. . Mr. and Mrl!. Honge of C1nClnnatl ' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Villars and tile proper Ume. Springfield 'were SUnday ' guests of spent the week end 'at the home Or children of Olive. Branch were SunMr. anCi Mrs. ,. JotID ~l'IIey., . Mr. and Mra. ~bert Baker and day afternoon callers here. daughter Jean. The luncheon for county home young people of the par ish . During . Miss Betty Haruiock of C1nctnnatl Mr. ' and Mrs. Ley ton Wa.lI and W. t:. SURFA.CE DIES IN CALIFORNIA spent the week end with ber MI8s Ver~e Rowe former 'high extension members will be held at atheta8lktUdonY hsyOmurboMrl1sm' daughter spent Friday afternoon parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartachool tellcber here had the mlafor- noon Monday a'nd a social hour and with Mrs. Hattie Peele who rema1na ~k. Word ' has been received here 01 tupe to on the sl1ppery tnve- ~p, ' will follow the afternoon pro- business meetlng an~ social hour 1 quite ill. ., ment and ~reak two 'bones In her gram. All present and past members followed, the death or William E..-awtace: of Mrs. Marla Elbon, ·Mra. D. L. I The V:llrslty P9Ys fell at the I Dr.- and ~rs. k. S. Weaver and of the Warren County ttome coun'c11 Los Angeles, Oa1trornla. Mr. Sur_ ~ Crane and F. B. HenderaoJ) were ' hands of Lebanon's battering rams llttle son' of . Xenia, called on MIss , I face a tormer resident of near ' here are invited to make reservatlon MOTHERS' ' Friday night. The defensive ot the Annie U. and Marne T. Browne L. M. s upper ll'Uests ot Mr. and Mrs. Marton 'WhItaker wltll ~ Graddy for- this llnnual was a brother of Dan Surf\ace oC _' derson sa,t urday night. loCal boys was good. The score, 47 Sunday. and sOn Freddf of Cl1);clnnatl v1s1t.. meeting. this place and George Surface of Sam Barnett of Centervllle, vlslted. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham, The' Wayne Township Mothers' to 17. Springboro. Besides his brothers he Mrs. ' D. C. Ridge ,'ll.Jld Mrs. H05a ed his mother, Mrs. Caroline BarSunday. . The junior high came home vlcClub met Friday afternoon; Mrs. Is survived by one ' son Raymond Hat'tsock were luncheon guests of MRS. RICH IS HOSTESS Marla El~n had cl1~rge of the de_ torous for the fourth time. At the nett Monday. with whom he made his home. Mrs. S. D. Henkle of Lebanon lI'rt_ Mr. and MrS. Eatey Pringle have TO CLUB MEMBEIlS votlonal period. Plans were dlscuss- end of the game the score was 25-16 MIss Laura McKinsey. teacher at day, taken up residence In the Shawnee the grade ' b Ulldil}g, has joined our . B 'p P ed for dedication services at the Waynesville apartment. on South Broadway, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Conrad and ThIB will be In Collett 1 1 3 family for the remainder of the SPECIAL MEETING new gymnasium. The Fi'ie~dshlp , club met with Lebanon. . daughters of Creascent Spdngs, ~. oharge of , the board of edu.cMlon, Preston 1 2 4 winter. , Mrs. J . B. Rich. Wednesday after_ MISses Annie U. and Marne T . Speolal meeting of Waynesville were Sunday guests at the home or' Mr. and Mrs'. Ralph Hastlngs and noon with t he I!!e president, Mrs. the Mothers' clu~ . and the teachers Peters 0 1 1 Browne were business v1sl~rs ~ Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M. Thursday Thomas Hu dln. Mr. Frank presented the follow- Planck 3 ,0 6 sen' Robert spent Sunday with Mr. COra. Rich presldJng. Mrs. Lacy took evenln&,. January 19 at 7 ,o'clock. 1 0 2 Xenia . ThUrsday afternoon. and Mrs. Carlos liastLng and daugh- the sUbject of FrUmdshlp fo~ de- Ing muSical progl'll.m . Saxophone Cook Mr. ' tOnd Mrs. Andrew Shawhan. WOI'k In tile E. A. degree. Howard Archdeacon bas sold bII 0 1 1 ter MDdred a t ,Dayton. . votions, opening with the song "I solo-:-Wilma Thomas ; vlolln solo. Clal'y nee Erma' Harvey; are announc1ns . Raymond Braddock, W. M. J'esldence on M'fl1n street. to Mrs. Mlrblm Wharton; triple triO, girls Mrs. Helen GNhaID and daughter Love .to. Tell the Story". Rejx)rts from the glee club; saxophone solo, V. M. "Armltage, Sec'y Irene Henderson. Mr. , Arc~~ 6 5 17 the birth of a daughter. were given by , various ' cormillttees I has moved to Spring Valley. J • of Stone M11i road, Dayton, and B F P The finance commlttee reported a Frances Johns, and trumpet duet, Lebanon Varsity , f Jlerbert MoLean of Patterson Field 3 MILK PROJECT o 6 Martha Martin and Ruth Conner. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Ray Malnoua and were dinner guests of}/u, and Mrs. sum ot thirteen dollars cleared on J<lnes 3 3 ~ S()JOURNEJtS MISS s,on Donald and and MrS. t.he dou~hnut sale. During the so) Brumensh'klc Oarl ~uIte Thursday evening. 10 20 'HOME TOWN PAPER Ralph Linn and dauihtet: ,Dale are hour ~aby pictures of the mem.. DIRECTORS ELECTED Keeler 1 o 2 planning ·t o teaye Monday tor St. Mr. and Mrs. Hartley ' Moss and bers were passed an~ their 14entlty AT ANNt1A.L MJ!;ET'ING Russel 3 o · 6 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 8h~b~, Petersburg, Florida where th~ Will fam1\y en~ at Sund~Y' dIn- guessed. A slngtng, talking end Hutchinson 1 o II Walter Sheeh~ and family and ner and ·'supper, Mr, and ~. ~y .whlstJlng contest and a what's my v1sIt Mr. a~d VernOn M~Bates 1 2 Mr. ,and Mrs. L. V. BranStrator are o ous and other relatlv~, ' . ' ,, GevedoD and Mr. Mrs. Beth name Bible cOntest were presented . At their annual meeting,. TUesdllY tourlug Florida. Mrs. 'Sbeelw'i Greely ,?f MIalnevW~. ' , by Mfa, ~. 'I l. stul)bs. ~ost stockholders of the Waynesville 3 47 Mr. and Mrs, .J . J. MuliHD ~ &-\. . .,' delid'ous refniilhment& the ctub 'ad- National Bank elected W. H. Allen .s on oi ColumbUs and Mr. ~ ,~ . " Wm. Lukens a.tte~ded' !l mee~ Journed to m~ ' with Mrs. ~de George J._ W'II;t.erhouse;' H, A. .Coi- OHIO'S' NEW CONSERVATION Clarence SCha.effer· and and Mr8. , of the south . Olilo: Jersey. crane In .February nell , E;verett Earl~ an" L. E. Hock., COMMlSSIONEllt Blackburn , of Da:1~ were > Vudt.cia Cattle' clUb I&t '- 'Bam1lto~ P'rld~y · · . !iltt, directors. ' at thQ hom,e' oU4r. andj KJ:!i1 D'-a. nlght. Plan.!! ~e made for holodlnig.l The officers namcd are W. H. '. Ridge Sunday. ' , ,,, ,a ,ParIah ~ ,,~, car} alicl'lar- PB4[)GJlE$SnE , Allen.' presld,en~; G. w'. Waterhouse By Harry Eldridge, Jr., '. ge xhJblt.i of Jerae)'s at the countY _. " . vlee . p'~dent; Ross H. ~ar~,
.. .
Happenings . _rLocal _
~:b:n~r:~~ ~~:::ct!e:onstra- M~;n:~nd~e~:zen:te~~:~ M:~~
· f~.
. T}lI;~ .Rev, R: .L. Bac~eU' w'aaJbe ClUIhiilr.; d. malJ:l ~ at the regular, monthly meeting o · 'the ' Proire8llve NOTICE W~eD!a . ~Ub TueIK1*). e~ .at
11': Brace, asst. ' C~h1er.
.. ..------
Waynesville, Ohio
,l:IlIeNd As SeCond. CI&III ~al1 Matt~r at Postoffice, Waynesville.. Oblo
Flora M. Crane Editor and Pub li her
Mrs, R. H. Hastings, Society Editor .• .... . Phone 45 K 11,
By H.~ Eldrida., Jr.
--_. - ..-----
8ublerfption Price, $1.50 Per Year• .Payable in Advance
----, At this Writing (Tuesday ) ' Oovel'nor Bricker's orUce has not yet releaaed the name of the new Con-. 8e1'vatlon COl11miss1~ner, although the appointment was made last Sat urday noon. Last Friday Mr. Brlcker advised this scribbl er by !.clephone that Larry Wooddcll would not be re-appointed , and tbat Warren COunty sportsmen's second cholce-J1m Light. of Wayne Lakes Park near OreenvUle, had been forced out oC the picture. Mr. Light was seriously consldet'ed at one time Mr. Bricker further sa id, however that he was In favor of some of the present conservation dept. activities such all fish and game management and would see that the sportsmen get a good man to carryon the work. By the time ths column ap_ pears the appOintment wm probably be made public.
Farm Night Talks, Jan. 16 = 8 ;00 Music and announcement of program :05 4-H Club Crops and Soils Proj ects--E. P. Reed Ex-
ten s ion Soil Com~el'vationist.
8 i15 Bea utif ying 'Farm~teads--Group disc uss ion led by L.
Olean a streal11-ev n In Janua ry. This hnrd luck Hnt'l'y couldn't .fInd the ( omblllAtion but has hea rd of a t 1~1lSt Lwo nlco bass aught last week. end. We saw one-n 15 InchCl' Paul Knlm of Lebanon and Franklin caught In til LILlie MiamI. The lucky----got It on ' worms- and missed another. They say Paul"s brother Fred h JS almost mined onc of 1115 new Chcvles hunting b~t!
Mr. and Mrs, O. P. Lyle of HUlaboro spent. SundaY wftht - Mr.Ilnd MrS. Burt BUIUlcll and daugh[ors. Mr. and MI·s. Will rl~r of Dayt n spenL Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Lcsle Oorl;uch nnd 'daughter. Ml·S. Ollrrl Keu\.e r Qf Lobanon spent Sunday . with Ml·. al\d Mrs. J ohn ,Koester' nnd daughter. . M.r. and Mrs. Bert BunneU and daughters spent Saturday eveniEg~ wit h Mr. and Mrs. Perry Earnhart. The Utica Ladles Aid had an all dny meetlIig at thc home of Mrs. Mildred J o lm.~o n In Springboro Thursdny. Tbo Utica MotJlers' club wlll meet FrldRY aflel'lloon at Lllc school building. Miss Ruth Oray entertained a Ijroup of friends nt her . blrtJlday pll'l,y Sat.urday cVeillng.
Tho Franklin Gun Club wlll hold Canadians at nn average of 3a a regular weekly shOaL next Sunday. pounds of ' butLel' annually but c ltl ~ And t hat reminds us-Just a couple ze ns of the United States use an liIrrol Flfllll Is the daring leader of "The DaWIJ, Patrol," the of weeks ago at the same club Bill a verage of ollly 17 pounds each great Warner Broa. spectacle which will open, January Swink of Franklin shot a turkey yea r. Bu Lter Is a good so urce' of 16 at the deluxe Xenia theater In Xenia, f.o r a thrlMI 4ay engageli~ Watts A s t. State Hom e Demonstration Le"ader. righ t ou t from under tho Tanner vitamin A. meat. Bupportlng Flynn Is a daeblng aq~ron of famoua stare ! ;55 Columbus Chamb e r Orche tra. Including BuU Rathbone, David Nlnn, Donald ~ep and lIIel· brothers of Kings Mills. Jerry Tan9 '05 'Invitati on to Farmers' W ee k--H. C . Rams ower, Diville Cooper. ner won top honors opcnng day a r~ctor, Ohio Agl'l. Extens ion Serv ic e. . Thla -nvtd mm portrays the lIvea 01 daredevil alrtnen, wbe last yea rs Grand American. 9 '15 What the World 's Poultry Congress m e an s to Hatch' roared through the dawn wllh death on their wings and laughler The N. C. R. Gun Club 11'1 11 hold on their lips. The pi cture emphasizes the futUity of war and all en,men an d Bl'eeders--G. S. Vickers . See'y Ohio Poultry Friday - Saturday It s mlaery and foolishness and can honestly be recorded ae a 811· a shoot this SaLurdny at 1:00 P. m. Improvement Assn. pe1'lor production. .c... The pl'ogram Includes 50-16 yard 9;25 Ohio's Farm Timber Lands-F· W. Dean, Extension 9 ;85 Columbus Chamber Orchestra. The' Warren County Flah and targets or 50 skeet lar cts. Entry _SCREENoame Assn. will hold their reg- foe Is $1.00 Including the targels. "SPRING MAONE.8." Forester. Thirty young men registered in ular monthly meeting tonJght. at Lew Ayrea JANUARY 23-N~ Farm NiaJ-at Program Mau reen O'Sullivan the shcn:t course on mUk tesL1ng at Memorial Hall, Lebanon. 8.:00 p. m. Ohio State university. The coune President Earl Oustln announced Contlnuoua Show. Dally prepares studenta for positions as that the annual election of officer/! Adult. Only 150 'Til 2 P. M. testers in dairy herd Improvement will be held ~t thls meeting. A re"J une In January" should be the Mr. and Mrs. John Bondurant association. Mlution will be voted on to be pretheme song for the present weather sented at t he Conservation Oounand daughters. hod as r ~ent gucsto With all these balmv breeze and on 1939 fish laws and his brother and famil y of Toledo. clls hearing G90d crop rotations protect the tlhe like it fits the- w~le perfectly. ~.; tI te d elsewh ere In ..... - - Mrs. Edith McKay, wos In WUsoil, Pl'ovlde enough roughage . for re...... a ons no ~J "'" P. J. Thomas l' ctul'ned to. work lIvestoclQ, supIply grlllin, .~rlbUte column. It Is well worth int'!rested mlngton f'!'lday attending a Peace The year just closed was a momentous one not only for last week, his hands bein!: healed labor requirements.. provide several fishermen's . time to attend the COUncil , ~f CUnton county at thc the United States but for the entire civilized world. It enQugh to permlt him to do so. sources of Income', and assures a meeting and make their wiShes home of Mrs. Frank Peele. Miss J essie Garner was a Tueswas a year of crises, of dramatic and far-reaching changes Mr. and Mrs. Vl: tor GIn ' of BelL fair annual Income unless uncon- known. The business will be folin the. structure of governments and p ·e oples. By the nar- brook called at the parsons 'e Mon- tral)able economic conditions lowed by a lunch and smoker: Every day coller a t Ule home of Mr; ~nd Mrs. Carl Lee In Lebanon . rowest of margins. a world war that seemed certain was day evening. this impossible. sportsman Is welcome. averted. Yet, at the saine time, major though undeRev. ~th Wilson, ml l:ble. cr~tbe A hearing on fishing rules !S nd reg- Mrs. Ella Ferris was a Monday clared wars are in progress on two of the continents, brute Washington C. H. of Chrlst CHARTBR NO. ZZZO ulations wlU be held by the Conser- visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. force has become the ' pripcipal weapon of modem diplo- 'lYas the SUP1-Cf guest .01 :-.e '. Reserve DlsU1ct No. 4 vation Council Tuesda.y. January 24 Oeorge Beckett. near Blanchester, macy, and there can be no real stability in tne world, no Mrs. Carl Smith and family, Friday at Columbus. While no speclflo making the acquaintance of her ,ermanent rest for the nerves of the troubled billions who evening. Report of Co:ndJtion of the changes. In t he present rulings are second great grand . Child. Donald inhabit it, so long as this is true. The annual revival meeting. held Waynesville Natftonal Bank of to be considered the council will Lester Beckett. who arrIved New Coming home to our ' own country, 1938 opened with by the Ferry church opened Mon· :ar~s~l~ ~ ~:m~~no~~~: hear opinions from sportsmen from Years day . "business declining on every hand, and with dep,r ession' day "evening, and will contillue un. ber 31. 1938, pubU.shed in response throughout the sOO !.c before 1939 Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Barr. of Eden_ deepening. At the year's end, one of the' sbarpest improve' ttl January 22. Last year '18 mem- to call mad~ by ,comptroller of the laws are announced. ton and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Murrish ments in business in our histo~y was registered over a bers were baptized and added to the currency, UDd~r SE!Ct!lon 5211; U. S and son. Clark of Xenl'll, were visperiod of five months, and the immediate prospects favor church, but Rev. Smith says be does revised statu~i:TS The Federation of Southwestern itors lit the Talmage home Sunday . a continued trend. Some of the grave djfferences between not hope for that , number this YC'8r. Loans and discounts Mr. Howard McKay and son Ohio Sportsmen's clubs will meet Mrs. Clara Pope and Bm Method including $12·36 . industry at-large and the National :Administration seem to this Friday, Jan. 13 at the Cuvier Donald Mrs. Hnrold McKay and so.n be nearing reconcilem·ent. The inevitable deduction to , nd Reba Method called on th overdrafts... . .. . .... $176.673.4'1 Press ClUb, CInCinnati. This organ. Allen, accompanJed by tlleir son's made the important, off-year elecions in November Lawr.ence Thomases Friday. U~~t ~~::t1~~~~ct lzatlon Is composed of l'epresenta guest, J ohp Carey, who Is attending 18 that the thinking of the electorate is turning toward ErvIn Thomas, 'lheehanlc: fotmerly end ' It\lal'ante'ed .: .. . . .. 12'1,455.1 Uves the organized clulle In a Wllm1n'gton college; to his home 10 the conservative side. Spokel5men for manufacturing in- with Frazier Motor Sales in Fl'an.k- Obligations of' Sta't~ southwestern Ohio counties. At this Dayton. Fridsi)' altel' he hnd en. duStry publicly express confidence. All this is highly Un. Is now w~th Roberts Dodge_Ply- and political subthe newly elected officers Joyed a pleasant visit Thursday and encoutaging: 1t gives great' cause for tltat a de'PE~~loUI~in-::i~mil;bU1rg;-Tnlf'1l'mrirnrrhJldiFeivlsf-i~O*nsias:'-Fo'~.~"''i '.~ ..~..:...!•..!...~~~D."" meeting will take office. Dr. Swing cif Cm- o...\er-ftight-~n- the McKay home. ' . lion· a de~ade long may be at least rtearing its end. Mrs. . Bina Patterson was a ~rage went out o{ bus)ness. debentures . ... .... .. ... : 45,812.45 clnnatl Is president. The Wart'en though this is true, it would be folly to overloo~~ or MrS,. r.av~ma 'Faul and '.m...."u"'''D-I Corporate M.ocks, including county group Is a member of the or- Thursday evening dinner guest of a stock of J:'ederal to underestimate, the many vital and unsettled· problems friend at the Holden hotel, Dayton. overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reserve ' bank : ...... : .. . 3.353.00 ganization. that'the American people still. face. Graham in Wayneaville, Sunday. Cash balance& witl'l o ~her Out of t he 40,000 wnd Missouri and was 'I1n overnight guest of Mrs. The Fred Hubbles and Coy WIl~ banks, including reserve' ra bbits distributed by the Conserva- Clara Huber. bala~, and cash items MrS. Allen Swarts has Iud as a tlon.Dept .. Warren Co.·· recelved over Iiams were guests a t the parsonage . in process of oollecin; her home for a few days, vlaltor 400 last saturday. Game protector Tuesday evening. tion .. .. , ..... ... ... .. 102.496.92 her mother, Mr/!. Varvel, of near the FIsh and Hines and melpbers of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin TI.lomas and Bank prem.Jses owned . $7900.00, furniture and Game Assn. took aates of bunnies Harveysburg. . famUy motored to Richmond, Sun- fixtures $2100.00 I, to every township for release. While Jessie . Garner was a Thursday Pete ' /1 • • • • •• • " 10.000.00 this number does not toueh thOlU: ovemlght guest of MrS. L~ie OarSmith h nrtl H. R. Fordyce was ahle to return I TolJa.l Assets $534,'189.91 $ot during the hunting season it 'ner BaUard, in Dayton. The frie nds . NEW -YORl~ - Here are G Displays of rare orChids, reto his work with ,the D B:1d X Rall. LIABILITIES ' I.nsurtis a goocl brood SWOk lor next of Mrs. ~allard nre sorry to learn few oJ the .tnkinglJl unusual newed every three days by road Saturday. Demand deposits ()f . yenr-and boYll-SOll'I~ ot those that she suffered a bndly fractured visitor. will f£nd at the plants flown to the Fair f rom Individuals. pal'tJlerships , ankle . whcn walking on the street ·N ew York W01'ld', Fair 1939: Venezuela. ' . ,' • The questions that OhIo Farmers Time and deposits corporations .. ... $300,64-1.98 Missouri swamp . Wedn""""y, which will cause her =~~==========of ineIL rabbIts · grow btg. ~.,U'~ The tremendous discharge of ' A parachute tower frOJJl IIhould ask salesmen of hybrid C0111 to b olin viduala, pamershlps Although the ,wpatherman's pres- .' e co ed t0 ".~er h.ome ror. which visitors may "ball out" 10,000,000 volta of man-made a • eeect are : "has ths hybrId• corn been .... "~d corporatl4'1 •'103• 56 ent of a warm " Inetime. """, . I. • . • . • spell In January playso IIgh~ning. at sn elevation of 250 feet and o!t1ciaUy tested for several seasons Deposits of United States A J3razilian exhibit building be sure ot a "happy landing." ". Government {I ..... ed the devn with . our colds, it has ,We are pleased to report the III my seotlon; what other hyb1'lds ....'luding , Revolving " magic carpetl!" erected pf\ sUIts. • Postal . 356.59 redeeming features for the' Incur- news ' t hat Mrs. Carl Madden Is , . A fioor · m sde . of cotton. f~om which you may 'look dQWJ1 ~:!l .about equally J~Q.ocLin ~rn:'-J<!:lWitB~JIIt1;s-(lfIstUte:-mrnr----'~-t-n.blles who' were Just settling 'down Improved In health at thla time. as from Ii height of two mUes wUt' thla hyj>r1d matw'e tlsfaotorand political sub.. . for a two or three ,m onths nap ~f- , • • • Upon ''The .City of Tomorrow" 'Uy for my purposes, was the seed divisions .... . .. ,. .... ... 61,241.58 ter! htin~g ·seaso.n. We mean tho~ USETIfE MIAMI GAZETTE inside the 200:-loot Perlsphere. produced ' under , conditions Other deposits (cerWled RIcksha runners from,' South and cashiers cheeks, flahermen to whom warm days CLASinnED ADS A "Tree of Li,fe" carved from Africa six ' and .a half feet tall prevented mixtures, and Is , the . the trunk and branche3 of an and clad mostly in leathers. price l8.bouU he same as that ask- T:t~i) ~~i~ .wil:037.60"· 120.89 , ~~~~~~!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~ elm planted in' Connecticut in horns and beads. ed' for recommended hybrids?" Other liablllties . .. . . . . . . . 1,500.00 RdoT FOR AND CONSIGN 1781 by .. Revolutionary War A waterfa\) cascading from ,our Oattle, boca, sheep and eal", Total Llablllties $411,53'1.60 prisoners. the high roof ot a building. to Norria-Brock C"., live win and capital stock; "Steve Brodie" jumping ai.x ORDINANCE NO. 155 Mural 'paintings that· change ANTI- PAIN PILLS progTeBslve ftl'Wl' f'lr th. bID... (c) COmmon 1000, total Umes a day from a reproduc- their colors while you're looltmarket prices and good serite.. " BEYOND Ques~ par . .. ........ . ..... :. $'15.000 tion of the 'Brooklyn Bridge. Ing at them. "U"II)" Stock V.rda· Cin'ci._tl. '0. An O~d1nance to amend Ordi- Surplus .... . ....•.... . ... 21,000.00 I RELI EVE - BUl' Tune In on Radio Station Fireworks set to music in re• nanco No. 52 passed the' 5tq da.y . UndiYide<l. profits • . .. . . .. 2'1,252:31 DON'T CAUSE 12:211 to 12:30 p. m. for our The most valuable wheatfield lated patterns of'color and li,ht April 1909 entitled "An Ordinance Total Capital Account ... 123,252.13 INDIGESTION market reports. " " , fpr ita lize in the world in full A city entirely populated by , ' . Total LiabUltle8 8Jild . to regula!;e Billiard Tables.. Pool CapItal AccOunt . ..... f534,'189.91 11'0Wth, mi.dgets. . Tables. Nine or Ten Pin Alleys. Box ' lIIEMO&IlNDA. Five'mUlIoll dollari worth' 01 An automopile speedway half. AlleYll, or Tables and Ball Alleys." Pledged assets mile long on ~op of an exhibit .cUamonda. rubies, emeralds and Bec. 1. That Sct. 1. of' Ordinance (a) United StateslJovern. other gema in ona Illtterin, . ment obUgl8.Uons, dlrect diaplay. . ' snowstol'TnS sweeping , No._52, passed the 5th day of AprU and guaranteed. pJedied Theatee1-wa,lled batbyJphere ~own out of a clear SPrinr sky. 1909 entitled " An O~d1nance to reg- to secure deposltil 'and in w~h descen~ baa been !pade ulate Billiard Tables, Pool Tables, other UabWt1es ..... . .• 51.663.23 ' • • mUes down 'ln the black depthl Nine or Ten PIn Alleys, Box7illeys, (b) other ~ts pJedied of tbe ocean. " . A building turned inside out 'All" to secure deposita ,and "Rocli.e~ gun" bf ,which paa- with its roofbeams on the outqr Tables and Ball eya. other UabWties Uilcluding IaDCetS will be ahot to the moon. side. ipIlencled to read as 1011ows: . notes and bills N!discountor ~ i:Ome d~y-perbaps.. Moving c h air I travelJDg . It shall be. 'unlawful for any per_ and secUrities sold under The model of a human eye,lO' around' in a building 10 Vialton son or persons occupying any house repurchase agree~e:rit) ... 11,113.45 , visitors may entet it and won't have t~· walle. . ro,!m or other place within the VU- (e) Total A ftight t'o Ven~ 80 real look' out. upon .the Fair'a bUIY t62,'176.68 'laie of Waynesville, Onio, ·for · ,the Secured liabilities: ..cene just ai if the efe were do- you'll swear you've been th~ -p1irpose of operating BUllard' or ( a) Deposits 6ecured by Phone 18J ,iD, 10lilldng. ., apel met the tollu. Pool Tables, N~e or Te~ Pin Alieys pledged assets pttrliuant .- • • • . The ·tallest mural paintinp Did you ever take medicine to stop head," Duck Pin Alleys Box Alleys, . Ball ' to r~u1rements . of ~W • •• 53,3'15.1'1 . TWo ~un~red blooded COWl in ·the world._ ' . :~ 'ache and have tbe headache stop and a stom. ach ache ~rt ? . beinl D\llked daily on a ra- 'A m~el of New ... ork City AlleY8. or ' Card' ',I'ablea or Oarnee (d) Tobal · .: ": . ~.375.1'1 vC!lving pl.tform. so tar,e that the Em~ire State to keep said house, room, or . other State of Ohio, County of Warren. III We'll wager you didn't ~e all Anti-Paill .",. All ~ranle crove transplanted Building is reproduc~d ~ feet place open for PlaYil;1g or pafttclpa- I RO«!II H. ~t. , cashler ot 1Jle PilL Ant.i-i?ain PiI1s do not upset 'the storn..; . R'EAL ESTATt : lil~ all the 'way from Florida. tall. ~~n in such games excepting be- above.named~aIik. ' do . ~Iemnly: . a~ They take effect quickly. too-:-and they A~tomobt1eiwitb living dri.v" A .~ , . swear that the abcJlVe statement Us .. '". taste,~e wintergreen ·.W#~. - : . . tween the .hours · of 6:00 -a. ·m. ~d true ,to the be~ ..olr.IllY knOWledg~ fl'I , In halr-raialn, collisions . You can't , do 1~ ~ wotk-yoU can't have 11;~ p. m. six (6) days every week, a'nel belief: " ~ ,~ a YlDl,.lOmeraaulta. ~niflering from a good time wliq you Sundays excepted. ' . . ' \' J .Ross· B. ~~; CasblF. • ~ The ~'ftt opa] il'l the world. ." NeUnd~: " Headache . . lIVell, in oJ)efation with " ., ~. 11. That anY or<nnances or , S~ to ~nd .su~rlbed 1Jefore , .MUIOUlar 01' , Penodic pains drinel~. · in the "cast II parts thereof confllotlng with th1l me this .'1th day ' o~ Sanuary 1939., , . ' . L. H. Gordon, " Whv ' don'~ you try, the i\ntl-Paln. '~lJ way t , model ~a11road Ordinal,lce are hereby ~led. " Publlc • nlleft We believe you Wi1l be delighted with the'tal~ted. raul... 'l'bo"-nda of otheni &re.. ' , . ____ It . Win not ClOIt much. Anti-PaIn ~n f~r L. tia tn, full force ' afteJ; tile ...:--- eent ·. . . <leaI .lD Ecannmy Pa~and . Gee. J • . Waterhouse .earUe8t 'periOd allowed by law. . - - - pW ~ relleVes.. . ",erau Early Ott 4a1l-Paba l'UIa ·at your' Drq StOle. ~: Jan. 2, "1939 DIrecton. . . . . pile. zs.for 2Ie. ~ 'pIce. ~ for iLk , B. K. Henderson, Clerk SubaCrlbe to the • ~ _ _ . A. K. ~Y,-Uayor
B, Fidler. Agrl. Edu. Dept. ~
;25 Columbus Chamber Orchestra· 8 ' 35 The Treasures of the Snow--H. E. E s wine. Naturalist 8 :45 Farmer' W eek Program fo}' Rural Homemakers, Nel
"Bank Night"
Beech Grove
•• •
wcn dan, .
F. T. Martin' Auctioneer .
.C enterville, Ohio
.J. B. .Chapman·
, J
~ _._ County' Court News
&_ ~
NEW 8U1T8 In a suit brought by Lelia M. BUllThe Peoples B1JUdlng, Loan and nell, has accepted the court's oyerlavlngs Co.. of Lebanon, 'halt filed ruUng of five of seven motions and It-it agatns~ Hester McCollum ond the. pla~tlft has accepted the ot)ler CJDS. McCOllum ~or money tudg- two motions. The defendant has ment, claiming ,,34.64, and for for~ been given 30 days to plead to the clOlure ot mortgage and sale or amended petition. Salem . township. . Ann D~ldson has been granted real estate . The court has given George B. a Johnson, county treasurer, plaintiff , Ule gro.unds o[ gross neglect of 10 a sUit against WUlIam M. dut.y. Stamps and others, pel'mlsslon ' La PROBATE COURT Tile cow·t has ordered L. w. tt e an . amended petiUon. to file nn amend petition. Ohandl er, admlnls ~ra t.or of the es. Qeorge B. Johnson, os county t.ate of Rachel A. Pettit, to seU per_ treasurer. 'has flied suit a gainst sonnl prpcrty of the csOa.t.e of p1'1P. W. Franz, far collection of $471.- Ville sale. 13 allegedly due In 'dellnquent taxes To pay debts due from the es\.at.e .and alISessments on lots in Frank- of Ed Brenner, the court bas order_ lin. C. D<?na.ld Dllatush !lind Carl ed Elizabet.h Brenner executrix. to AbaecherU were the attorneys en_ s II a U. S. Treasury bond or $1,000 tering the suit. par' value. C . C. Sponsler has filed suit Inventory of teh estate of, Nett.le ar.alJll5t the New York Central G. Shank wll be for hearing J an. System for t2.195.43, charging that 12. Inventory of the estate of Ull1an h e was forced to take a loss on .,aultry sent via railroad to New H. Ludlum has been 'aprpoved as l ork becaU94(! of ISlleged negligence have Inventories of the esta.te of A. on the part of the mlll'oad com- P. Groby !lind George Lewis Mol'pany in managing trains to permit rison. the poultry to arrtve In Lime fOI' a I J an. 4. was the date -set by t.he lIlornirlg market. . court for the application of Fred L: Ethan Lewis has flied two Bults pauly for appointment as guardian agatnst EVa B. Lewis and oth!!r for of Murgru'et LOuise. Pauly, a minor. JlartitlOn of real estate In 'Waynes_ Net value of tile estate of Nettle i.Itl.le. G. Shank was determined to be Irvin T. Roth has brought suit $8,047.42. agajnst -Byram E. Moore. of Morrow AaJh M. Talmage. widow wru. route 1, claiming the defendant nallled belleIlclnry In the will of owes ,him '546.65 on rent, credit. etc Albert B. Talmage, admlt.ted to proCOMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS bate Wednesday, The wlli wi nessRay Parker has been granted a cd by Howard W. Ivins and Gladys cUvon:e from Katherine Parker, a Buergermelt!r , of Lebanon, nomiIL minor on the 1J1'0unds of gross ne- ates MrSj Talmage as executrix. ,Iect of du.tY. .. REAL ESTATE TRAN8FER J. A. KilpatriCk., receiver of the George ~eJllan to Ch rance and Xflpatrlek Motor Car Ca.. bas been E$ther Seeman, lot in Frallldin. liven permJssion to sell notes and C" E. Brodenburg to Edna BradaocountB rece1vable to Edwin P. enburg. his wife, lot In Franklin. ,Kllpatrlek tor 150. Cora C. Rich to L. Earl HOCkett, H~schel N. Bunnell, defendant 2.02 acres in Wayne twp. JOSeph J. Grady. Catherine I . Grady and Alice W. Grady to Mary \' ung Gaskell. Myra Young Bosler and Hazel M. Harding. lot In Frank Un. " . January 13-14 Ma.rtha A. Garner to Willam "-~w: O. RdmlBon James Stewart Arch HIt)'cs -and Ma.ry Ann Hayes, lITHE LAST GANGSTER" 10 t In Fral1klin, l\lARRIAGE LICENSES Cal'leoa Paul 'E: Null, 25 Miamisburg J'I Want To Be A Sailor" route I, factory employee, and Emma Jane Heston. 20, faotor), em, ployee, FNnklin route 2. January 15-16 COMMISSIONERS BILLS lVALT 'DISNSY'S J . n. Coffmart. tood, 311111es FeatUre Length cartoon ~. Mulford, dental work, f6; M1M "SNOW WHITE AND Oma Knox. invaUd care, $12.50: THE SEVEN DWARFS" .mla Hoff, invalid care, $7; Winnie Travelope Jaipur City Gentry, Inva11d care $7 ' Leo J . New. a - l sffiIt~{nvalid care ' l1o; Ed Kaiser inVlllld care, 15; Mrs. Helen ·Dough.. man, Inwlld car~, $7; AlIce 1\1 ArJan\lary 18 nol!!. invalid care, .$6. P •.WHY B•. Cabo~ R Armstrong Iva Nieho18. inval1d cl're, IP: Newton Stamper, InvaUd care, ,10: - "KING KONG" Millard Bryant. Invalid care, $&; 'hort Strik..-Donald Duck Merwin Scofield. Invalid care '7; " 'THE OLD MILL" H ..14. Coyne, .stamps and post CIlrds ~~~~~~~~~~~~= -furniBhed relief office, $3; D. R. ~• • • • • •~. . . . .~ Smith, paint and supples, $20.15 ; , r if. J ohnston and Johnston wire and lumber, $12.9"; the Morrow Lumber ComP8l»', cement. $1~ ; the Mar , 'row Feet1,and Supply COqlpany. 16 'I'ARVIA-UTHlC T~,R AND barre18 cement, MO; W. C. Turton ROAD OIU; EXOAVATI~G I cement, m.70; A. .Hoppe and Co. DU~P TJ.l UOK SERVICE .:ement, M.90. • " Gravel as low' 'as 40e Cu. Yl1rd ' ......I..-. OHlO'8 NEW CONSERVATION
• Buy Now! Save All Winterl
Are In
NEW YORK- With the oPciling date of the ' New York Wprld's Fair 1939-April 30-comi ng near· er and nearer. activities on the I!'ai; grounds are i n creasj n~ daily. At the top YOll see a gia nt Ameri· can Flag, 90 ~ 230 feet, be i~g ~a· luted by 1.000 school Children In •• ceremony ma rking the dedica-
'Z~iD '
Armitage .
By Harry Eldridge, Jr., . -Although nei offla1ally released Phone,·- W~y.nesv1l1e H R 11 by.-the governor's off.ce. definite word w"s .received 'l\iesctay night Lebanon office Phone .473-K1't1.98-M. Morrow Phone No. 3 that Don Waters of Elmore, 'Ottawa county, (on '4ke Erie), has .been·.ap ........... . .. . . . . . . pointed conservation cOmmiSS10ner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~I to succeed 4rrY WOoddell of Ra venna. Mr. Waters Is Repub~ chairman of Ottawa County. an In surance salesman and pr.ofesslonal field trial Judge, Although he oilly recenUy. became oalfUlated with I\n REAL ESTATE organized .spol;tsmen's group, he Is INSURANCE said to be -wen versed. 'In the prob'AUCTIONEER lems confJ'?nttng bunters.
._ . _ aJ. ... ~
_ . __ a___ • __ ._a_r.-u-. __ n_ - ra_ .-.~ ~~ , • f, l S· r.r e:oTTer aBatiS . ac ory e~~ce at al( timeB :
, .
.- . -
Pboae ',
• <'t
.. _. __ u_. ___ _ Wi I
I,,' l
Only .Frigidaire Gives You The .Meter·Mlser ..'. simplest refrig.
Fairley Ht\rd ware Stores \.arll'cr ~1:CI1 U~e of Delter Q u,.lity. S cnioo. 1111(1 Pri ce. : .;ta bJlsh cd 1849 - 1.9:8 WAYNJ\SVILLE. PHONE 32
MRS PERRY J. THOMAS R. R. 1. WAYNESVILLE 2 layer, 9 inch, cakes,-your choice of white fl~ff or caramel icing. Red Devil'a Food ...... ... .. .. ...... ... .. .. .... .... .... ......... .. . SOc White cake .. .. ...:'.... .. .. .... ......... .. ... ...... , .. ... .. ............ SOc Yellow Cake .. ...... .. ..... .. , .... .. ... ..... .. ....... .. .... ... .. ...... . 45c PIES Deep dish spiced apple .... _ . . . . . _ . . . . . .. .. ... . 35c ~herrY Pl PUQlpkin .... .... .. .. .... ..... .. ................ ... ...... 3Oe Cup Cakes, Iced ...... .. _...... .... .. .. ............... ... .. . doz. 25c Drop Cookies, Iced ..... .. , .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ... ...... .. ..... ~oz 2&
Job Printin
to hear of the death of Mrs. Katberine Howland who wa.s well known here. Sbe died Wednesday. Interment in Miami cemetery Saturday. Hal'veysburr Methodist Church Will Gustin of Wilynesvllle tra.nsRev. H. Weaver, Minister od ed business here Sunday. Public Worship 9:30 a.. m. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Wash Were out Topic "The High Calling of God " of town visitors Sunday. Cpurch Sc!lool lQ :30 a. m. Mr. ana Mrs. Ot,t Fult~nzerge.r H. C. MlIllltl1n, Supt. and. family were Saturday night The annual Farmers' Institute visitors In Xenla. was held at the gym Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Lane and son of through Thursday. The state speak- Wilmington were Slmday guest s at er were Mr. I1nd Mrs. Joseph Flch- Mr. and Mrs. Donald SIla.we and ter of Oxford. Ohio. daughter I1nd Miss .Addle Polett. Robert Gray a nd sister , Miss ~rs. John Robliiison is expected Cathleen and girl friend of Mlamls- home this week from Mns-<;l\chussetburg spent the week end with the ta. for~er's. gra,lldpar.ellts, Mr. iIl.nd J. B. Ohapman of_ Waynesvllle Mrs'. J .C' G ray. called on Frank Wilson Sunda.y. Miss Diana Campbell, Infant Mr. and Mrs. r.c,W Kirk ' visited daughter of Mr,_ and Mrs. Eat l their daughter. Mrs. R. H. Jefferies Campbell Is m at this wriUng. ,«ild family . Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Frost were ~. Members of McF'hearson church Dayton sbqppers Saturda~ . of Dayton have been condu :tlng Mrs. R. H. Jefferies Bnd son Kirk services at. the town hall. The pubCleo and Carlnan w~re Wilmington lic Is Invited to attlend. v~~ors Saturday. Glenn Snell spent the week end J , C. Gray and grandaughter In Monteray. Cathleen and friend were WIlm1ng- Mr. and Mrs. CrulS. · Gray of MItoMrn . shoppers' ~atura~y" amlsburg spent Sunday . afternoon .' and Mrs. Joseph Fichter _with the formers parents, Mr. aJld spent .Wednesday night with Mrs. Mrs. J. S. GrayMary Haines and Mr. ChBs Smart An ' ou~tandlng Qrganlzation in Mr. ~nd Mrs. Will McQarren, our school is ' the Junior md dl~ ,Mrs . . Chas. Gordon I:\nd-Mrs Everett. rected by Glenn Snell ' V1llars left Friday for New MexiCO, MrS. CIl.~ll Smart improving. whru;e they wUl visit ~rs. <_~U1'a. _Raleigh _Boga~ and Wife of Cae- ':~:~a::m.WhO _ ~Ill.., return home Creek attended the Farmer's Mr. I1nd Mrs. Earl Hockett and l~sUtute Wednesday evening. MIss 'Rutti at Wnynlesvllle called ~ Man' 'Surface has returned to" her ..horne after spendiD, a few Mr.l;. Sadie Reason Sunday. OhaTles MacDonald has returned weeks Witb relatives .in Dayton. Mr. 18nd Mis, will ;Hoover and to his school In Clnl:nDati.' Mrs. LIssa CW'1 were ShOP~r's in Lebanon Sl!oturday. W~RJ:N COUN1~Y SCHOOLS .Mrs. D~Ler called on Mrs. Frank BASKETBALL I~TANDING Wilson Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Anna Harris visited friends Last · week's results. lIl'ld relj1tives here Monday.. Springboro 26. CarlJlsle ,24 Mrs. Earl .Hockett spent Wedne". Har,veysburg 34. Mason ' 18 • day and Tli_ay wltll 'ber mother O~r:peln 23, Morrow .9 Mrs. el dl~ Reason. _ .8tar.ullngs, Jan. 11,. 11939 1000 Prof. and Mrs. Ml11Jgan 'Were. viS-. Harveysburg S 0 1000 iting out town -I:!aturday. tjlprJngboro - 3 .0 . .. . ' Carlisle 2 1 667 . Mrs. ~da Hanks anr! ~daUghter" Otterbein 2 1. 66'1 ans. o1ohn Rutuff .were shoppers' In Mason . 1 .. 2 m wnrninliton , Saturday. Kings Ij4Ws 0 2. 000 2 . .. carl ·P ottoff who has resigned h1a. WaynesvUle . •0 000 poaition In the Wallace grocery was Morrow .'. 0 3 000 appbintecs Qw-ahal of our vWage by Lea.gue gaml!6,.~da.y, Jan •. 13 thevnia.......... ~ ..., __ . ... . . y WaynMvIIle a.t 1Ib8on..-Mn. Mlu'l TUc"er~prov1nIf'" . SpHDgboro 'lit ¥01"J'CIJW Ulas LuoWe Tucker is sPend1n~ H!U'Wisburg at KJJq M1lls Ule week with - her mother ,Mrs. ottertx!m ~t Oar~ 'l'UCker. " . Other IIUIIeS
- . ~--
~ . 'aDd
retataWe ,... .., I Morrow
.t OJaI$asn.,
- - -----,..-....-•
Special Coal. Prices · . Kentucky Lump and Egg Shoveled Ton $4.75. These prices are for Cash on delivery No Credit 1·2 Ton $2.50 .\ We offer this as the beat coal that 'can be
bought at the price. We still recommend the higher grade coal. ai' the most .atisfactory in the long run. -
From my k itchen fr e s h to you I will d eliver on Tuesday and Saturday home bak ed cakes, cookies and pies- I use o n ly the b est of ingr~dients in ' my bakingl and.l gu a rante e them to be good or your money will be refunded. The following prices are effective; Please send your order so it reaches me the d~y before y~u. want it.
tion of the Court air Peace, around which 62 nations are gathering their exhibits. In the micdle appears a 'modern 'sculptural group , called "Speed," featu ring a'woman astride a winged horse. At the bottom ·Is one unit: of tulip beds. More than 1.000,000 bulbs were imported from Holland to Ileeentuate lan dsc a~i n g.
era tlng mech anism e ver built! " Double. Ea$}''' Qulckube Trays ••• release ice cubes instantly, without mess or waste.
Twin Theater
Sand & Grav,,1
Ask a user how muc~ a new ] 938 Frig idaire w ith the MeterM iser sa ves o n cu rrent, food, ice, an d u pkeep. T he n you be rh e judge. Don't p ut up with o ld, wastefu l m ethods, when Frig idaire will give l OU new con venie nce and p ay for itself at the same time.
We offer a wide sele ction of coals , Both Splint and Smokeless. ·At usual Terms and priced from
$6.50 to $7.50
Waynesville Farmers Exchange
'Miami Gazette,
Phone 25
PATHFINDER answers the q uestions. ,OIl 8\ld yonI' friends are aSkin g with its , COlle tS, viviti pol'l~;rill of the current s cone. Evc'n,ts o.f. national .m,d intl' .... , '" national .si.gni1lcnDce nre ,ruHy nnd impa:;tiuUy ~verecJ •. ·' Facts, new and old. 1h at aud cl firHy nnd meaning to the , . news 8r~ honesUr injected. Tbe very' latest .nbd ,ltlost ' interesting news pbologrnpbsfreely ijJustratll , tbe . , faets. More than a millilln renders. ' . ~uhscribe irf.t ~ lo PATHFINDER, the !nost widely ~ad· Jn~iJl
this N.~rBr-·
LlI1.I!CLI[Ut:: .
of Pr.ogress,
The retl1vns of lh ~u l 51\Ic w ill be broulJh t In . MI s Norll C· Simmerman , exMontgomery cmlve soor!! ).y ot Oounty Hca.ILll A, n. wUt be guest speaker nnd w lU show n <:ouple of films on tuber ulosis, Teac hers a nd parents 1l1'e jlIutlclIlQ.rly urged to utt.end, but Lhe meeting 1s open to all. Come and see fol' yourself th e work being done by the little sP~ call ed "Christmas Sen I."
765 749 638
BOwling Results ' - - .... -.
Bowling results ... . ".!rleys VI!. Bowling club l"atrJeyS 1 . C, COOk 1M 123 BaDey W11lIon 96 1'14 Scott Rooney 112
127 115 96 659 611 Waynesville Bowling Club 128 194 Plckina 123 126 Buttnp 121 126 crane Brakefield 141 140 156 164 B.oo05 669 689 81mpllOO5
Krogers vS. Jr. Lodge Wilson 107 Fromm 123 JIartsock 196 S 195 94 Earnhart Brown 172 1M 675 149 Jr. Lodge 99 Smith 201 90 Larrick 113 586 Anderson 145 McMlllan 141 116 Brannock 123 1M Dye 123 723 123 119 637 Wallace vs. Rnmbys Wallace Allen 173 Furnas 129 '3 D. Stanley 172 162 Brittan 115 111 P . Stanley 143 169 732
113 159 141 62 180 675
110 126 83 168 161 648
155 12'1 191 129 167 769
186 121 164 174 139 784
8chuler Davia BOpit1Da Undameocl
ISS 170 166 164 145 194 If'l 118 Ra~bys 10'1 ' 130 Prendergast. 140 113 172 1~ 188 121 153 121 0008 • 1198 '140 'l6O Jame!S 126 1'74 121 Cook 123 150 150 137 14'1 125 196 125 156 lila 132 121 Olll11and 706 715 720 78 High Beores for Week of Jan 1'·7. 1110 112 191 160 109 Men-oa.rlton Cook-267 14'1 1'11 Women:-Loul~ Smtth-l99
Btmp!II)D BUll
Thirty young men registered in the short course on mUk Lcs Llng at OhIo State Ulliverslly. The cow'se prepares students for pOSitions as testers in .dau·y herd Improvement association.
169 181 139 130 163 144 137 92 100 143 676 720
. .. Ramby
Savin,, -Plan Spurred By New York Fnlr Inleret' In at least tbJtt)' .elgbt States bsn1dog IOlltJtUtiOIlB are ' DOW
operating New York World's Fair 1939 Savings Club ,orian. . Izatlom for, dcpositors which lnduce them to save 'stipulated RUDIS elUlb week tor a trip to tb e Fair next Sprin jf. This saving!! plan, annOUnced just one ycar agll, has lor Its slogan, "Save foclay to See tb World of Tomcrrow" and sev. eral banks haY(; linked It to their Christmas 'VacaUoD Clubs.
Tv, 11 'tHill, a ~ 7 :30.
Waynesville ' Bowling
Th~ Warren COllnty~beraulo:lls nli d Hen lin... As · "Ia tloh will i Old I.E; Clfln l ml'l!tiI1r, lor ~lle y , r of 1936 M Ildny J 1111HU'y ~6 q L t he ~eba n on
Thu,••y, January. 12,5113. __ _ (
Good crop rotatlom protect the soU, provide enough roughage for UVe!StociQ, sUp'ply graJ.n, dt;trlb\lte . . labor requirements, provide several sources of Income. a nd assures 1\ fair nnnual Income unless unCOlltroUable economic condit ions make t.hls Impossible.
At an held In Detroit 1alt week, a decade of procrCf18 In the automgtive industry was vividly portr~ ~ed by eat'll automobile euaines and pam made in 19~8 and 1938. . .. 10' I . . I~ the photo, at the left is a typical 1939 encine. while in tile centerlittle ten·year-old fo:4arla~Q IX. 91ttmg ~~ Iln'e built ' 19~8 wh'ch aeema almOlt a toy counterpart of the modem motor. She IS holdmg a 24-pound 19 :~. ~ Bu&er o} the C~et Foree P1aI).t (qed it and olso the fi8*pound 1939 abaft which he holds.
I Churches
-~~." ~~~:"m.. ,..II
1. • ...::..-:..___....;_______ ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ' Rev. R. L. HackweU, MIn ster FrIday. Jan. 13, at LI tle Inn, Woman's AlIx.1l1ary, at 2 p . m. Second Sunda.y after Epipha ny. 10 a. m. Church School 11 a,.m. Morning Prayer nnd Sel' mono MONDAY 7:30 P. m. Men's group at the rectory. ' TUESDAY 2 p . m. Nursery Church school FRIDAY 4 p. m. Junior hlgh boy
days here having come from Florida ~-----------tin-: Oh, the joys of that glad mee g, on b usI n&S. Mrs. Kesler was 'a week With the saints who 10r Us walt, end gues t 0 1 h er 51is te r, Mrs , A. E ' What a blessed h appy meeting, White and famUy :In Columbus. Just Imide the Heavenly gate.
protected III "windo- pe~" urtOnll 8 VARIITIIS ••• IllaIlY 11ft llnchl
t..t.c!·PUN '"I,edleml
Mrs. Clyde Whart;on atte"ded the Mrs. oarl C. SmIth, the daugh ter FRESHIR ••• rulhed by Clod Why pay !Sc ' to funeral of Mr. Homer Bant.a at Leb- 'of WIlliam and Rebecca Ouy. was Breed speed delivery' l lic a PO!1nd moro anon Thursday att.emoon. born in Oreene County, Ohio near for cooklc s no COST LlSS .- "led by". Mr. .and Mrs. Therle Jones and CentervlJe. on the 2nd day 01 March flner than these? method to COltl Mrs, J. B . Jone!S were Dayton vls- 1881 and departed this Ufe Decem_ ltors Friday. ber 14, 1998, at the a ge of 57 years, Mrs. Margaret ;Johns and Paul 2 months. and 19 days. Lb. Johm spent Frldar 8. week ago with All of her life had been spent in TO OPEN SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Weller Haines and this community. Through these Cocoanut hocolnte DOOR PRIZE da ughter and Miss Vlvlan Johm, years many friendshiPs been PfCANS • Lb. 25c MARSHM~U~WS lb. 23c near Bellbrook. formed and many friends as well II.S 1 '7.SO ... v....e AJUtocrat Permanent .Wave GINGfR SNAPS ~ Lb. 10c MACAROON,SNAPS Ib.23c A number of m embers from here relatives suffer her dpearturc. .1 _.00 Duart Permanent ·Wave. . ' attended the lmtallatlon of officers Her mother and father and one ....._ _ _ _...,....._...,.....------;....---_ _ _ _ _ _ _.... 1 Sh.... and Fialr1'r WaYfl ond enjoyed the oyster supper a t sister, Mrs. May Sidenstricker, have Come in and Sip Your Name WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF Farmers' Orange WaNDe!SvUle, Sat. preceded In death. Left to mourn EVERYOtfE WELCOME CHRI8T urday evening. her dea th are her f8.ith!ul husband, COUNTRY CLUB SUNDAY Mr. and Mi'II. Harry Northway of fo~r brothers, two sisters and a host Bible School.9:3O 11.. m . . Dayton were ~J;l.IUlr guests Sunday of nieces and nephews and frjends. Commuruon 10:45 a. m. of Mr. and 'C harles Mullenix Before her sickness she attended C~t1an Endeavor 7:00 p . m. and Dickey the Mt. Holly Methodist Episcopal 'p.·~!·~:!fi-~..::..,7.~::_.....--t_-Pl~mil9f_~~p._ftr.----_t-JIiUS--I\I1a%8liU'et 4.Johns and Paul cburch la"n .! H1I6r'ketHll' IN1rl:I__'bft1~~I_A_IoItp.I ~0J'&1.RY ,Sermon to be delivered by Bro. Johns were Friday evening dinner Aid in the furtherance of the Albl}~t Carver of Cincinnati Bible gUe!Sts of Mrs. Martha Hough near church . Seminary . . Wo.ynesvUle. ' Here the dearest of ties we must J'G.CJU WEDNEsDAY Several from h Efe attended the dis sever , Prayer meetlng 7:30 p. m. Tears of sorrow a re seen every trict Conference Hind covered d'sh B'EAN~S Tomato Seuce 'llhere were 80 presen~ ali eve·nlflilt dinner at Red, LiOl!l church Monday day; L•• 18 o~ can , servtce last Sund8.Y While Brother eve.n lng. Bljt no sickness. no s l~h1ng forever, Smith Is holding his meeting at A number of mombers from here When I've gone the ,l ast illile of Perry Jet Us try ' to k~ep the work attended the Motlllers club at grade tile way. gotng. buUdlng WaynesvJlJe · Friday after- And If bere I h llVe earnestly striven noon, And have tried a ll HIs will to PACKERS LABEL FERRY ' CHURCH· OF CHRIST Harvey Burnett ;went to Columbus obey, W. C. Smith, Minister · Monday taIternoon on business for 'Twill enhance all the rap ture of COUNTRY ('. UB t\ Whll. The, Lui The evangelistic meeting bas couple of days. Heaven, started off In a good way" we i Mr. and Mrs. Unrold Thacka1'a of When I'VI\ gone the last mUe of been keeping around- the hundred near Miamisburg nnd Mr. and Mrs , the way. mark each evening. _One addition Floyd Harness of Spring Valley were _ _ __ __ to ' .th~· church the second night of Sunday afternoon gu~ts of Mr. and CARD. OF THANKS ' the meeting We are expecting a . Mrs. S , H. Burnett and Mrs. Emily , , I Tha-I.large crowd Friday evening of this , ........ra. . ,. I wish to thank tbe . neighbors, week. It being overall night, the Mrs. Paul Oett~ and M!s. J. B , friends IalJd relatives for' their help men are to wear thelr overa.lls and' Jones attended an Eastern Star and sympathy dUring the Illness the women their aprom and hOUSe meeting at Waynesville Monday and at the time of the death of my dresses, This revival continues un- I nlng. wife. For the fioral tributes and for til' January 22 Come ~nce and I Mrs, Leslie Gray entertained with the kindly service given by the mlnam sure yOU will come back. 150 Is a birthday dinner Sunday in honor ister. and the ' McClure funeral diour gool for Sunday morning. You of her husband . the following rela- rectors, I am very grateful. Oranges, Temple, 'Large Size Doz.2ge can help us make It. tlves; Mr. and Mrs, George . Oooy, . Carl C. Smith' . , Mr. and Mrs, Clar.,nce Gray and son Head Lettuc~, Large size Each 10e WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH Gene and Mr. and Mrs: George Sunday, Jan, 15, 1939 Graham. NEW CABBAGE, Fresh. Green lb. Se ·The c:oming of a NeW Year is alwaYs a ~bol ·9:30 Sunday School. R. D. 001Mr. and Mrs. Walter KenrIck and 2 lb. 1ge Green beans, fresh, tender lett, supt. James Haines atoonded the funeral' aaociated with.the newest of things in general. 10 :"" Morning Worship . Evange_ service' Saturday of Mr. Jacob GabDeh'. lOc · Celery Hearta, Tender listie gro\1P from Hamilton. elman at the hOID4~ of his son-In-law as • .New Year .is ,ushered in we want to Grapefruit, Texa's Seedless, 4 for 1ge 12':30 Basket dinner at the and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ·W. O. to our friends about something that is eIi~. Coffee served. Friends ' are Haines in Dayton and atso a service nananas, Golden Y~l1ow, 3 lb. 'l9c , '. invited to this Informal time so ~t the chapel of "Vlne St. Cemetery old-Natural G8a and 'Electric service. Yes, Potatoes, Russets that all may get acquainted. In CIncinnati and burial there. 15 ib 'Ba; 29c There wU1 be 35 guests froin . old but , a1wa~ .~ewJ too, beca,w e with ~e FOR SA·LE-Ensllage, Roxanna & Hamilton. • Wayneevflle Plants $1.50 per ton passing of ~e ~ it becomes more apparent - 6,00 Epworth League. Rut" ConHigt) Grade Canners Bait 75 cte. per nor lea(1er: - . . . , in tJle conduct of home . life and ,industrial bundred pound~. Roxanna Canning 7:30 .Evening service, In . charge of ' Co., Phone 1.19·R·21. tfb. '. our ~ton guests. actMties ~t N~tUrat Gas and Electricity Breakfa~t Bacon, 3 lb. end.. Pi.ece MONDAY through FJUDAY . are aestinted t~ p~~ increasingly .important '1 :30 Ev'angellstl.c services til FOR ,SALE ~ Poultry _ Fryers Oysters, Baltimore' S~nc:iard., charge of Rev. HarrY ·P. Zlerer an.d weighing" pounds. S. C, Heston , R. . ~ in all ~er of p~. Oysters, Frea-shore, Fryin; size . . Mis. Ralp)l Bierbaum. The public 9. Waynesvlll~, telephon"e, 34R4 . . ~ · ' lnvited. ' • Our hope and wish fbr the New Year f91' o:ur Fillet of Haddock, Boneless . . J, " WEDNESDAY c~' is that 1939 will be a y.ear .of larger. - 11:00' Lildles Atd will meet, with Red Perch Fillets,' Delicious FOR SALE Favorite ' range In '1 '. • Mrs: LarrICk' 'til an all day meetfairly 'g~ condition. • 12.50: ·happiness, ~crease!i proSperity and that our
Conklin's Beauty; 'Shoppe pOo
SawSmilin· CharlIe I - . 'o'
--:: Meats.
,., '
:r,eiationshi~',~y 'co~, :'t~ ~d ' be I~ened. ., 'n:aJitional 'frieJidl; . ;
l '
Thomas, FCflY.
The ' ew.ngellstii: 'ineeUngs " t 8ta.rte'd "Off weU:' ' The: atte~· -':'!~'!:!.~:::=_~L . 'fo~ ~the '·da.1,' 1a8t Sunday' was only : . LPBT-Bl1or.t-ha.1ted. mixed' breed .reJp~e dog, tolor bi~Ck with brown 335; let I1S rhatcett 6OO: next. Sunda, ,..' JJQIl~~eI fe~t .. ADiS,!ers ~. ~me Peggy.' Clift ,l!:aCh 'hJght the .,,~tend.ince bas . . Burnett; Waynesville. tJeen growing, ; ou beten out? ~
Otmacllans 'e at an ' average or '32 IJCJUQda of btItter annuaUy but citt_ RDI of the United StateS · Use an . . . .e of onlY ~'1 pOl1Qds each ,year. Butw. Ii a good IOU1'Ce of YltamIn A.
~; .. ~ .. ::;:;: ; , PO~ SALE:-D1nlng table Conser. vo · . ~ 8P1'1Dr1\, RocJdng chak, Stand, Bedroom. toUet of .1t plecea, all m good COOdl~ Wl f-
ner. MorrIa, . Wa,JDemDe
_"I!I!.... ........ .......
Minty.Firat Year
MrB. J. B. Chapman and Mrs.,
r·L-O"'C~A-;L-"'if;;---'---'--'K'i'nTl'lrt1IAt11:ttrrnr't;n1rnlmrwere-joint host~es to the members of tile Argunot club I 'Tuesday. at the Chapman home. An Interesting ' and effective meet. Luncheon was aerve~ at one o'clock The farmers' Institute, corn and l Boyd K. 27, 8talstant with a· deUgbtful Ilfte:rpoon of 'P'aln show sponsored by the 10081 STOClUlOLDEBS ELECT Irg of a group of obuslness and }lrO.. funeral OFFICERS bridge followlng. Those present. In. dlrector of the chaptel' F. F. A. proved to be a suc. fesslonal men tor the purpo~ of home and clerk ( ~h~ village of· cluded Mr~, Ralph MIller, Mrs. Bert ctll8 . discussing II. permanent organIZation Due to • bsence of Ohalrman Rob_ HarveYi:;burg FertUizcr ComP'lny Hartsock, ,Mrs. D. O. RJdge Mrs. Waynesvl\1e. ,dled III , 9 •• 5 n. 171· Sun_ fO!: the..clvic· Improvement of Wayday at Miami Vall hOspital. Dayert GOllS . at the beginnIng chair, Tuesday night ele: ted C: E. Levlcy John Preston. Mrs. Emma McClure nesville and vicinity, as well as lor manBhip was a umed by Robert J . W. Kibler, H. ' 5. Tucker, John Mrs. W. E. Oornell. Mrs. Russel ton, .lollowing ~ . ttaclt of p.neudeveloping mutual BCqUllntance. . Wilson. who preSide!). Syferd Charles E. Gorden, Mnry Sy- Salisbury. Mrs. a. D. Henkle, Mrs. monla. ship and &lood felloWShlp lOQaUy, h Althoui ~Is he' th had been 1m. Attendance at tne forenoJn &e - ferd and Lester H. Gordon dlr c_ Ralph , Smith lind Mrs. Ross H~rt· was ,held upon call ot ,Atlorney Cad Pl1lrecl for some tit ,his death was •~lcn . numb red lBO, afternoon 120 t.ors. Tho bosrd reorgqnlzed by re_ ~ck . Abaecherll at the TOWD$hlp hall ~". ",,1' l!,hOt!It t.o '.·1'(":1.tlves II,nd a and evening 180. Rev. Hubert Ables elecWng C. E, Levloy president. John Monday evening. wide circle or frl4 , 1IIoved to be a good speaker and Syferd vice president, H. S. Tucker Among these present were J , R. He wns born"netl . Waynesville the .htld of both young aTd mana ger and treasure. lind Mary Gibbons, R. D. Collett. C. M. Rob. 80~ of the late II M. Henderson. Old. The address given In t he cve_ Syfeld. secretary. F. W. Robltzer, J . B. Ohapltzer. whO tor many ye".ta was cilshier of n1:lg by Edwin J . Bath was of the man. E . V. Barnhl',rt. Don Hawke, the W~Yl1esvil1l!" N QonDI Bank, .interesting, forceful and direct type Rev. R.. Lloyd Hackwell, S. H. Ball- Mr. and Mrs· Joe Davis h"d as He was "mem . of St, Mary's c:lruacterlstlc of the spenker, Th t! ey, E. E. Retnillck, A. H. StubloJ. their dinner guests Sunday. Mr, and f!pL'!Copal ohuroll" : nd WuynesvUL Sh rt comic piny "Ono Swal1er on') Rev. J . V. Lacy and Carl Abne· , lotlge ot MlIliOlUI. ~ . Dclllll'" and mlL~lc fUl'IIL, IICd by 'tile ,~ herll . Surviving are ~'~ Idow , Winifred hlgh lIchool orchestra and musical Upon ~he election of Mr. AbaeLora Burrl~ or Dayt.on cnlled on one slstet·, Mrs- ~bert Krell1ng of numbers from Mr. Frnnk's mu'ic I:h I'll as temporary chal! mlln ' lUld Fort Mitchell, Ky... . his stepmo.ther. deportment ~ere well re ndered and IJ' 'clothlng m~the woman, as Mrs . F. E. ThomM WedueBdllY. E. V. Barnhart as temporal y se'cre_ 11 Henderson; M. rs. Martha 0 ' furnished good entertainment to Is sometimes advertised, and If woMrs. Ac\'J L. Risk ot Shamro~k tllry , the group proceeded to take on aunt. Mrs. Juwi K: Henderson vary any monotony of the program. men make the clothing. It beehoves Mias Alice Britain has retUrned to Texas Is making an exttnded visit 1llld one ' Ulr."le, Pl'~ ' B, Henderson, steps for t he Improvement 'of local The wonderful lunoh furnished by Warren county homemakers to ather school In Columbus atter spelldcondItions by adopting 0. l·etOlutlon wlth - her sister Mrs. D. B. Undtr- ot Waynesytlle. the home economics department tend Fanners Week at Ohio state o Imlredlate)y get j1l teUch with woqd and family. illg Ule Clirlstma8 vae,aUon with be, WILlI thoroughly enjoyed and oaused University, January 30 to February The Rev. O. C. Olbert. of Elmore the Dayton Power ·& Llgh~ Com· IJl1lny to marvel that It COUld be fur_ 3. to. /fet thEl latest news on cloths 'the Booster's elass of the Friends Ohio as,slsted by the Rev _ B. L. )lnrenta. Mr. and Mrs. W. H . Britain :any r Cilnnllng the Improvement of n shed at I!O aamll a price. ing stYles,and plllthods, accordIng to Meeting w1l1 meet with Mr. and H'8ckwell of st. Mary's Episcopal Alben Carver nd John Sears or he electrIc service In Wayn~vllle The response bi the public proved Elizabeth Graddy, home dem,on_ Mrs. William Lu/tellS next Sunday church. conduoted ~ funeral services and surroul¥ilng terrltpfY by re· the Clnclnnatt Blble 8em1narr we. il FICTION evenIng at 7 :30. at the McClure funeral to be such that the F. F . A. boVS :;tratlon agent. , , home. Wed_ week end gueSts qf Mr. and Mrs, Calnt-" NON. questing thl\L the Company furnish Ltfe of Ohrlst"It Is t feel justlfled In sponsoring ,another Models will b' used by G:adys L. Mrs. Laura I:jides of Lebanon, who nesday at 3 p. m., at which time all personal study-a llie of Jesus tha an 'a dditional IIn.e tor power and closed, The W. N . ~, institute In 1940. Butt. Cornell Unlveralty. Itjla.oa, waa taken ' ;~ at, ElI:I;1beth- H06- business hoUBell meeta the needs of our own troubled light besld~ the one regular lIudWinners In the po/,.ter contest a' e New York, to ,d emonstrate to her pltal, Pay~j Inst week Is~t home large concourtMr of I:(tlends evidenced Oran 8trawn auttered a ~roke ot times and gtV&.l us a complete 1e auxlllary Une furnIshed the village as follows: HJgh school 1st WlnCleld Ohio audience things wbl : h women ag.aln but III stUI ClOnfjnea t.o her \:HId the high ~t~ '~ wl}1c1'l hI! was parillysis. Snturday. and Is said to allza tlon of the sl Uicance 01 at present. A commlLtee to (ollow held nere, wh~re ~ ~d !iPCllt hili Scott '1.00, 2n~ Charlotte Hartman can do. to make themselves look up thls' resolutlon and report at' the bo In" serloua .condltlon at his Christ's ute. ' 5Oc. 3rd Earl Mendenhall 2Sc. their best. The advance order from Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence l'Urna:; cntlre Ute. next meeting was appointed. constat Lutes "Millbrook". With the same Interment was IJ: MIami cemetery hc,me south of town. : l! 1-6 1st Raylyn Crabbe $1.00. Miss Butt tor modelB speclCles there were Sunday dinner guests at the ing of O. M., E. V. Barn.. homely charm that made the Coun_ :.rd Betty Jones 6Oc. 3rd John shall be several types so most WOo home of Miss Lucy Rlee near Sa.Th~ Rev. Dr. Da.vid R. Covell and try Kitchen so refreshing, Mrs hart and J. R. OJbbons. S .laffer 250. Grades 7-9 1st Ethe ' men will have Q chance to see COS- blm~. Miss Rice retuJ:Ded hom t Wllh Everyone present was hIghly- en· Mrs. Oovell of Olncinnatl, werp. Lute.'! has written her r~ollectlo!l£ R eno ,Sl.00. 2nd Myron Hagemeyer, tumes and accessories whIch could them to spend the week. luncheon guests 01 ' tne ~V. and of her first year In Millbrook, when thuslastic reS'a rdlng the possibilities be l dapted lor their own use. M~s. ota HIllY In company wi\b 50c Srd W'3rr~\l LeMay 250. She was twelve. The excitement for Mcompllahment of gre~ t clvio Mrs. R. LIpYd Hacltwell. II'llCfl(\ay . In the com and gram show The modelll may pppear in an un- her sister has gone t.o Mlaml caused by 4 a.andal and a mU l'd r gOOd ot an organlza,tlon of this kind. Were aa ,followa: o~n pollinated, b(l()om!ng costume and Miss Bu~t Beacl\ rJgrldl,1 wllere .sl}e Will !!PCIUJ Mrs. AnlPs Mendenhall od Mrt. maltes It a banner year tor MIll- After a general round table dlsollS.. men's cl&S11~ yellow 1st, P . N. C ~ r- ! then w1ll hoW the costumo the wInter. ' slon 01 ttl(} alms and objects of s'l\ch Clal'ence Mendermall entel'talned ~rock gosalps, - . .~ an organization, during whloh such Jlen $2.00 In trade at Waynesville: itself can be changed to ault the at (linner Wednead.y, Mr. and MrI. :ramler. Excbal\ie. 2nd 4man Day wearer 01' the demonstrator wUl Mr, ~nd Mrs. RU/ISel Wl\son lind fdf. a~ Mrs. 'Willt r WhItaker Jalln WlUia, lira. Frances Brannock Byrd "AlOlle" A<itn1.·al Byrd's own questl<!na BlI a ' clean tip and paint account loug awnlted by hls public otl change, Crane's Oarage , 3rd. show how aooc6Sorles or groomlng children entertained at Sunclay din. ente~ned th, -W 'yne.V11l~ Parm. alld Mills Lucy Emley . of the dreal'y. courageous. !Ive up campalgn, lmproVed houalng . Earl Holltett 110 c In trade et C.on_ ald.s ,:an change the appearance or ner. Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Wllscn ers' club at their beautiful country months Isola Lion at Advance Bas . conditions. ' and more adeci,\.late Mrs. Harvey Rye, In company , sewer facUlties were discussed. ~he MI'II 'texico station. !.he costume a nd Its wearer. ThIs nnd chtldren and Mr. and Mr,. Ar- home on ThUJ'll4ii. A lumpt\loua Whlte Ist.Q\lIllCY OOns. 1 gal Anti , de:'l'..onstratlon and talk w1ll be giv- lhur Wilson of Dayton. , btsket dlJlnar was sel'Ved at the wUh her sISter. Mrs. ' R. R . Benson In the AntarctiC, whet'e, In 1934 he meeting was adjourned for a COQ_ , Freta at PUllteraon's serv' ce station en Thur;5<lny, Februlary .2. . ~r. and Mrs. GUbert ',Frye and lIoon hour. The 1lI~ officers, W. ·A. of OIeveland and MIss Helen Evans ne.t\1'ly died. It Is the simple record tlnuance of the dlscUMioil and tor of Dayton are enJ9Y1ng a soJourn at or a man's una.lded struggle against the dJ!V!I1oPm t ~ fUrther Jatl ~~ B~ N..:~ 11,.110 pl' h, An exhlb~ ,of t,ab.rl~ 1Uld., D RI~jiu'tt-.-entel'~ect,.at .J!Ohwartzel, ·P,l1lI! · ~~ Butter· . . i t ~"'dP.....lt1¥a\U8ll.1 ,recor~ Q ' leadlp-g' tb '~nent or~ Mdure Funeral Hortle, 2Dd ~ Jam S I which wlll be 0 dI~play during th' dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Burnett But_ worth. vice p'res. " and Mrs. Carl Miami ~. '11'~ • a man s en uunce. tlOD lJageme,rer 1,..4 ga~ paint. J . R. Olb., w~ek wUl provide Information ~ l' lCrworttt pC Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs . .DUke, sec-trens., l~wDed their du. John Seat·s, father ot W. N, Sea~ s HaLsey,...."Wtth Mala.ce ' Toward . . bona.. · ," chocb1ng materllLls tor cerhlln cos· Glenn FrY!! ' ILnd ~n of Day~n, ties during the busln~ ·period. Mr. Is seriously ill 'at his home near Ar_ Some.;' While her husbahd taUght. The Chairman called the next Hybrid 1st P. ~, Cornell,' oU ' tllmes and aJoo wlll show the Ilml "' Mr. lind ~s. Ernest eutterwortll Schwn.rtll!el opened the m~et1pJ Wltb canum, Mr. sears Is well known In the author saw life as It was betng meetlngot the organization. with . ,.chanie . at Allen:s sen:lce sta~cn. t~t1(ins of some :nb~ICIi. The gar- and Mrs. Oarl Frye. IL short talk ILnd then introduced ""e' community. having been a ' frc. lived In a SID the approval of those present tot Se.\.h FuJ'naS who ni~t ably hand. Ql!ent visitor In tohe home at his Much that she saw seemed to C~~l 'MOlldaYeven ng. ariUiry 30. at'.tOO 2nd Qulnoy Oons, 6 aUons ~ at mentS shown wlJl tie Jtosers & S'lmpson. te price class that ls bought by Mr . and Mrs .. Fred Conklin. for· led his subject of tlle "World ~t son here. fOl applause. and about an equal at .the Townilhlp hall, It Is under_ BoYs OlllB&--Open pollinated, yeL fhe majority of women. merly of Dayton, llave become r~sI. look for 1931}." The h08t then lntro· amount for lnAIlce, a qUaJlty III 6tood ,that there are quite a few The Rev. H , F. ,Zlerer . and Mrs. low 1st MlIllIx HIl $1.00 caSh at Le. Mrs. Evelyn Speakman. Alliance, . dents of Waynesville. JLrli. ConklJn duced his, Attorney oUler lo~l men who,becaUse 01 pra.. whJch she Is cleverly pl'oCiclent. Ma Hawke Ins:ronce Agency. 2nd will report how Ohio homemllkerb I has opened a Be"ut.y Shoppe III tne Harold ' Meredith of Litn'l who 'In Ralph BierbawD who are a SSisting Brlttaln-"Thfice A Stran-:cI....- vlous e agements or Illne~ were . fYt d G ray, BII "1 '" • un"" at 'an form. groups and stlJdy clothing Burton room on Nort.h Main stree~ turn presented· the guest speaker, In ev.angelisUc ser.vlces at the M. This time her back ground L~ AmeJ;-, unable to be p.~esen~.. and It III hoped ' -""'. 'Vu 01' y 11 .. 11 Deco E. church, and the Rev. J. V. Lacy liA N tl I B k' OJ d Roy and accessory problems under the and Is offering special prices n onn an, "r ' ,on Nicholas Nolan. prosecuting Attor· w re !:iUppel' guests of Mr. and Mrs. ielm, which after a decade of Intel.•' th~t all SUch wUl be able to attend I Wayn sv.... ~nck, bottle hair tonIo. Gray's leadership ,at til Ir home demon· all work. ney' or Montgomery county. He mlttent 'con'bact has become her c. the next meeting to conlrlbute theitl b St ,stratton agents ' aud the cxtensloll gave an excellent talk on Faith in Joe Davis Wednesday evening. and 'home. It' Is a cohlment :he ~dens n~d suggestions, so ' that, ,the B at er lOp, peclaUsts from the Unlver51~y. Mrs . Several members of ~he Bradd~k Mankind. ·conclud~ng with the beauAmerican spirit and the civilization organl7,atlon ,Win be tr\1ly a ~epre. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham atW'hl't e 1st. Tom Florence $1 .00 In Speakman hIlS made '3 tailor ed cos- family gathered 011 Sunda:y at the tlful Poem; "The ltlouse by the Side It is creating. sentative one. tended a familY' dinner today at the ~de at Fairley's Hardware, '2nd tume and a :cessorles to go with It home of Mr. lind Mrs. Fred Brad. of the Road." MUss Anna Marilyn FlCTIOlll - - - - - ; - --" Tom Ftorence 750 In trade at Kes· Her talk 'W1II prove !.tiat other honie doCk ~ honor Mrs. Braddock'~ birth Whitaker enterta.t.ned with ' two home of Mr. Graham's slater, Mrs. Warren Rogers. The occasion oele. MRS. T. J. SMITH aler Oraham's. makel's Who want training In choos- day annlvtrsary. Covers were laid well rendered plano solos at tbe be. ~ HOSTESS TO CLUB Mixed; 1st Warren Oook .1.00 in Ing or ma)dng clothing can obtain '8 t noon for Mrs. Fred Btaddock, ginnlng and conclUsion of the pro. brated the flttleth weddlng annl. trade. Everett Early, 2nd. Charles h 'I I Mr. and ' Mrs. Raymond Braddock gram. The February meeting will, be versary of Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. lelp through t e extens on serv ce, and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Frank . Sixteep members ot, thll. SuDSblne H011e 75C In trade, Bel'llards Ser. at Grange hall wilth Mrs. Cora Rich C. L. Duke ~~d son Robert were vlOe 8tatlon. Braddook and Mrs. Warren Brad, lub ' enjOYed ~ an all day -r'Ileetin, In Columbus this week, attending dock and daughter Betty. as hos~. with Mrs: 'to J. Smith Thurad!JY. At H)!b~. 1st, 9wen Hartsock, '1.00 ---.--~ the annual school for nurserymen. · "-!.l"-......~,......'-'......~:r..w"':-:--+noolt al:l did ample justice ' to a' de:::-- ' In bowllng, Weynl)Bvllle BOwijna Mr. and ' Mrs: ,Clifford' Anderson . D. Collett, MIls. Gene Oon NEW' Jl1BOBS AIlE lIcio~ dinner. The a'riernoPn' w.~ Alley: 2nd Owen HattsOc1t 75c in DRA\lVN AT LEBANON of Ft. Ancl.enli and ,Mrs. Waller ner Mra. ·Maude Crsne and Mra. ' happily spent In games and convertrade, Bordens service' 8~Uon . . . Bentley of Xen!", .were dInner gueSta --..... George Henderson attended' adem·, sation. Mrs. ' John WIlI1s gave a ' Olover seed, 1st, Benny Purnas. Because, several persons drawn ' for of Mr..and Mrs. Russell Bentley Frionstratlon meeting 'at MemOrial hall 1 ' lar~well talk. as she Is !lOO~ iea~l. II $1.00 In ~ade. W. H. Madden Co; Lebanon. Thursday. Planning c~'m- petit jury ~rvlce for tlle January day. to malte her home In Sabina. Mrs. 2nd Benton Hoak, 2.6 ,lb. sack flour Lerm could not be loun~ and be· niunlty meals was demonstrated. SmIUl·.S daughters, ,Mrs, will st. Mrs. Kenneth Hough entertained Kropr'a. ,Z Mrs. HowarJi Hurley and tamlly, cause several others could not be John and Mrs. Hotner C~y aaalat.' MI&$ Jeanette McKay and Miss located, 12 new j,urOni were drawn' with a faml1y dinner TuesdllY eve. . Soy be~ns. 1st, lvUlard Furnas, lor duty. nlng In honor Qf the elev~nth birthed ber In her hospitalIties: OlhP.l' Joan DeHaven all of New lJurllnlr_ '1.00 ' In trade. Waynesville Drug guests pre ent Included Mrs. HowThe new Jurors are Smith Taylor day ·annlveriary· of 'hel' niece and toU. ' ' Sto{e; 2nd . Oeorge ~eterson, pock.. J 1m Le 'ft , ........ t . namtSake. Margaret Minerva Harard Burt.on and tlaU!{h~t, Mary Waynesv·11' ot. knife, R. p, Collet~, Hardware. e. Bat 0 d......w""klI.- .-uaBar er. Ian. Covers were lald for Mr. an d .... Aim, Mrs. Charles Allan. MrS: p. E. J. FOREST DAVIS Mrs. .-.wrence Whe~t 1st Herbert McMIllan $1.00 \' ~ 'r ...... an n; . ' Thomas .. Mrs. Russetl Ben.~IlY~ ¥isS Forest. P~~, .9, of, Day~n ,dI~d bara 'MlUer Fran&lln; aira. 0l1ldYI! Mrs. ' Ernest Harlan and daughter~ trade, D. R. 'Sm1th. grocery, 2rid, '; Ea 1 D~~_ M.argaret Minerva 'lind Suzanne, , %1 .' M 'Phoebe Mlranc\&, ' Mrs. L1na M~d· ' om)w. r ' &lIUUDI1. ' . Friday mom Ing lilt St. Elizabeth Cover e. Benton . Hoak, 60e 1n trade,' Peck's den" Mrs. Elijdla Qay, ~q; ';Elia hospital of cerebr~ ~~oJ1lahage. Mor Wi George RobY. Pleasant Mrs. Viola Harlan. Evel'ett Harlan .restaurant. 'Brac:ldock. Mrs. Emma Grubl)s, Mrs. A native of W~ynesrUle, the IOn qf P\a1n; ' Ma~t (lrapevl,lIe. Morrow ~:n,Mrs. Ke~eth Hough, and chll_ . Oats lat, Benny Furnas, ,1.00 ,callb Lena Burris Ml'$. • John WUlIa Mra;' the late John anA ~ry ~fgan D,a- Mrs. Petry BowyeFo Kings MUls; o. Eo smitb MeAt. ~ket, ~d Ben., Della Venable; ~I\LUcY EMi~Y'alld vis, he baa resided In Dayton for Jo~ Keller, Fo6ter; Elugene J«:!ffer)' ton Hoak, 50c ctish. Hawke'll Barber the past 33 years and was employed Oregonia, and Mrs. Seth Onele,} WOMAN'S AVX1LJAay ShOP. ' ': ' '85 a ma'chfnlsf with the B. & O. Foster. I' The Woman's' AuxUlary of St. raUroad for: the paat 22 y~. He was a 8bopcraft Degr,eeman, ' . , B. WARREN FABH BUIlEAU Mary'a ~hureh met at the Little .& O~ ~.t.ton.. .8urvtylng are hia 'ELECTS ' WOMEN ~nn last FrIdai, In spite of the &nOW widOW lClenora; 'tWo sona. WllbW; The election ot thfte woman 41· and, bad going. Following opening a~ ~lIeJie DavIs: a d8.J1Ihter; MIss rectora was annollmc~ Jut w~ by devotions and .tIPsiness meeting, Mr. LUcille Davtl' IaU pl': Dayton; '9, sis· .the Warren ComIty lI'arm Bureau'; 1Il\()kwell SPOke to the group on tet' Mfa. Martin Murphy of Dayton ,They are. Mrs. Miles' Davis, tAa,n~ worship U-;'. the ' Eplscilpal Church. ana on!! graD!t~blld, ' ~neral aeJ'- Mrs. ~OWard oraham; ~vey'b~ Bef~e lolng ou~ Into 'ihe ~lIzza~~ V,1ces were held at 2:30 P. m. Moo and Mrs. Johii Settlemyre, '01'eaonla agam., tl!ose preaent enjoy~ dainty day at the residence with Rev. W. The organization has ~:iGJ)ted planS refreshments planned ' by 'th~ boat. R. Onmenld offlclatlng. Burial to co-or~te agrlcultureal &ctlvL eea 01 the a.ttemOOll, l'41ss Katbenne was In . WoOdl~d "oemeter.y. 1 ties 111 the .coun~r. Ral~h Hobson, Prend~. , ~re,tary of the -group said. Harold M184 ' Ma~ret Jefferson, , . lII18CE~U8" SHOW~ ! • McKaY, oregonia, 1a prea1dent aNt 8ecre.tIU'Y of ' t~~ Oirl'a Friendly
Mrs. Samuel ~nedlct of Christ Church . • GlendQ1e.w1l1 ·be at the rectory on FI'lday to fllstruct In the methods of preparing supply work. 1----- - - - - - ' - - - - - Materials to be used will ' be fu t. CHAm RES EATING CLASS nlshed. , . AT GRANGE JIALL FRIDA\' All members ot the auxlllary al e "Cbah's Which need rel eating wiLt. asked to come I\t 10:30 a. m .. prr. cane artflbre or splint should, be re pared to sew throughout the d y. cuell flam J itlcs and i:;Qticm!mts alld Please bring a covered dish lun h brought to the olass fOI' clmlr reputting In your ow'n plates and ser~ seaLIn" to be hcld this week" saYf vice In order to save time for sew- MIss Elizabeth Graddy. home de. Ing. monslraUon agent. On FrIday. January 20 In truc. tlon in thL~ resea.t1ng handl ~ 1 afL wll be given at the Waynesville Orang 11 1I and on Thur~day January 26 aL Memorial hall In Lebanon. both mee1Jngs starting at 10 :00 a. m. '-"~~"""_.U~'· ___ _ MIs~ Graddy says that all old Mrs. Ourtll! Tomllnaon IS 111 llt her ~cnUu!; mnte.rlals sho uld be relll ,ve I\l.ITlC on RoU~e 73. I< llll allY needed l'epalr work should Mrs. Mlludq Crane spent Sunday ue done \,() the cluJr frame 111 prewith ~r. and Mrs. Russel Carl' oi pll. atlon for the reseating. Lebanon.
Local Happenings
MODEL CLOTHING DURING FARM WEEKId::ilt:~d~:;'J~~~I'~n~O~:~ ~~~
preatdent. ~ ' ~Dan,~ 'aboWer ,Mon~y Ulgllt, gL , Yen by Mrs. EVl!111l WatldJis at the bomo of her al4ter·.Mrs, M: D. BiJrd PInk and white was .the ·' color .acheme UIed' In decOratIons and In HollaDd - -in. ~ BII'VIDI ot dalnty refre8bmenta , of lUt wen,' Un. PrlDaJe recelV'ed IDIrbJ 10vel1 Taey wU1 make' anct u.ful I1ttl.
V.n... '
Thund.,., J ...u~ ,19, tNt _ 5
of Horror In Latest '/ Film
News Of Reds
Beecll Grove ,
Bllceh l';fove srM:phteat:i:1 , HUSh 'WrhlhL ~r Ill':\V W!lmhigt 11 ,Mr, And MrR, I;'crry Wells wllre --' . was lipe.ll, 'I' at our, ehUI'I'I1' Sll~ldf)y, ~lsjtOl'li or MI', IU'ld, ,M'rs. HufWj Orlgtnator of tbe PhraSe. "Man of iI r, lind 1\11:1, W luw WI)~U(I nl1d /.tlbl'l't. Ill':U' M(I.'(dl : lhr l irllt or the Destiny", musthave had a prem on Flora M. Crnne Editor ,~lnd PubH her M ,s Elln H" l nl" ~ ore 1I11t!IIY dlll- \ cn k, nlUon that Johnny Vander Meer nu.!" sur.~t..~ (Ir 1,II Lll\lr 1l1l11l0!t,lllld Ml': nnll MI's, EI:bl l I.owell and Ml'1!I. R, H, Hasting'S, ~ociety Edjto," .. , . , , . Phon 45 l( lJ' would appear to blend Into the very family : llnlt\l' II . Ml\rlllc Horbe rt Oe r~e eSsence of wording. ISSUED EVERY THURSDA¥ MIss Loualln n nl! \ir II", !, !.f,Vel'l' II I d EU: h ,l, wal'c St lll(\HY vibltor~ of ThIs famous young man, who Sinclair ar ['o(:oI'E'1 illt; fl'om Llw Mr, nlHl W's, Hw'hc'rl, Steffy, at S~bec.rlptlon Price, U,60 Per Year, Payable in Advance pitches baseball for the Cincinnati ' whQOpln g cough, Orl'l;Ollln, ' Reds of the National League, hlls T her WIIS n ~(und IlLl,'llIlo11C nL M Oo, Bin Pnttermm, Olftyl:en ftn(\ r'> b.een affected more by unusual Sunday school !lnel Chlll'('11 S Ulll l !l~' FalJs tlcnln. PnlterSOIl were, Sunda.y ,happe~, beyond hJs ;control, des plt Lhe slick wen Lhcr, C'VCIHIlI,l co Ilcr,q at !Jle h Ollle of Mrs, t han proba.bly any member of a Word has been rct't'lv II by n'ln- Hll llllllh Jordon and brother Alfred m&jor league team, but hl.s destiny tives of Dc;mald lio.lll s who Is at- JordRIl. seems to have been prescrlbed He tending school ilL the University 01 J , Lee '!'oJmago In company with has a knack of emerging from It all Wisconsin tl11lL he h as bean ollrin. William Lukens of Waynesvllle aton the right slde, , I ed to a th 1'0 for a rew d IYS t nclcd th Ins pectloll of the ¥a: You mIght call It a coincidence, threatened with PUCwllollin, We sonic Lodge nt Mason Batm-day By this time ' ina t of you!' New Year's resolution but It seems' s1gn1!lcant of the manare glnd to r epo!'t thllt h e was able nl!;ht, have probably been broken, But one re olut'ion e\:ery one ner In whlch fate bas dealt with to be moved ba k to tho dormitory Miss Morle W \Is, of Ho.mUlon and wish him Il s peedy I' cov!'!'Y, spent a duy I'ccenUy with her pl\rof us should make and keep for twelve months ahead h1m that the two successive no hit games he pitched In June of laat Raleigh Bogan and family sp nL ents, MI' , I1nd Mrs, Perry Wells, H ra it is; "1 r esolve to do my part n, a motorist alld peyear should have been performed Sund'a y wl\.h Mr, and Mr ~ , Ho!',lcc Mrs, B1I1I\ Pllttel'SOn was a Frld y destrian, to help redu ce America' ghastly death and ac~ against the only two major league Compwn ' of N w Burlington , night vI. ItQr In Duyton, cident toll." , teams that allowed him to sUp from J ohn Wilson I\nd 80n RobcrL calMr, tln d ' Ml's. F'ml1k Sams and their grasp, ' led on Mr, and Mrs, nYlllond Wil- Mr, Rnd Mrs, Clyd',! SRlns were bust.. During a large part of 1938, the a ccident rate deson Sunday afternoon, ness visitors In Lebanon, Thursday, clined, But we haven't yet earned the right t o compli- Reference hereby is made to the , Philip Fl'Rnklin who IIv('s at Lhe Brutal 10 Its frankness , sensaUonal 10 ite do rlgll and , lIrr:lIg Boston Bees and the Brooklyn DodMi ss Jessie Onmer- was an. over ment ourse lve and it back on oUt' laurels. Tens of gers. He blanked the Bees without a In Ita revelatt.ons is "Devll's Islund" starri ng BOI'!s Korlort whi r' home of Mr, and Mrs, Luther night g il st Friday of Dayton rell1 i8 8cheduled for I!. tbree day E!n,;agement Bt Ille delux e X"nio 111 (' , thou, ands of people di.ed unneces. arily la t year-the hit or run OD June 11, In ClDelnnatl, Haines has bra n n LlOllciill !l Ll\e revi- ttves. ater In Xenia, beginning S\lll uay, Jan\lary ~2 , val services lit LumberLon, then duplicated th1s ~eat aganst the victim of reckles ness and ignorance. Tens of thous,' The ato or. "Devll's I sla lid" dep,lcts Karlof! U ~ a lII a ll Ulljll H, ly Th e mcmber: of the FriendShIp The Young P oplt's meeting Club wlll enjoy the hospltuJlly ot sentenced to "Devll's Islnd" 1.I'1d ahows hll11 ~ u j. [ p llg 'he !l~ Illf! Dodgers on June 1,5. In the first and.s more will die unnece sarily thi year-ullie all of cru IUeB and indlgnltles as th e oweSl tYIl C1l o'rllll ;l1u l 'I'll !! h l~ n' which was supposed to mee t with lho Mesdum es Edllh and lla Mc_ major league night , ~me ever ligh t of the (ClUI'O iK 1<01'l0(,'s dariur,- ~ " ,upo t hro\lg h t t op Ld o UR d o omething about it. M s Mary Antram wa ~ pas lponcd Kny rit their home WeClncsdRY al'played In the metropolltal! 'Brea , jUll gles, ,Cor two weeks, There nre three basic approa hes to the acci dent ms entrance Into professional • Ch arles Stnnley of near Middle. terllOOI1. problem. First come edu atioll. And, t hat doe n't b aseball was made under very un.. Mrs, Adah Talmago was Q. recent ton's Comer visited In lh Bogan mean teaching the rudiments of af ty to scbool childr..en. usual circumstances, Be was lielechome Sunday evelllng, ca ll r at the home of Ml', lInd Mrs. J, W. Edwards, It al o· means reaching the adult-continuou ly and ted as the hero of a promotional f1m Mrs , Lawrence Mil.chner of this 'that never was developed and c1fpointed ly-with those imple in tru tions and sugges- cuJated, HIa part was that of the community who hilS been sick Is slightly Improved at Ulis time, tions that, if followed, will reduce the hazards of motortypical American boy. This gave him . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Mr, and Mrs, Walte r Wilsall and ing more than 90 per cent. the oppo.r tunlty to go to the Dodger Friday - Saturday By CLAKBlIICE J. BROWN any member of congress ever dare Mrs, EUa Rain s called on r lativcs camp In 1932 and once Second, comes law enforcement. Incompetent po- tralnlng bc, All In all, the hearings were most In Leesburg, Wednesday, ,Member of Conrress there he displayed sufficient ablilty Sevenib Ohio DIs!rIct Interesting, The t hree gentlemen lice--wholesale ticket fixing~lothful prosecutors--in- to cause the men In charge of the The W. C. :r, U, will m ee n Tues-SCREENefficient traffic courts--:these are aming t he best friends Brooklyn club to regard him as a The 78th Congress Is not a "rub_ wlll be confirmed by the Ileavlly day, J anuary 17 , with Mrs, Merle "King of the Underworld" McIntire of east of New Burlington Kay Francia ber stamp" Conlll" i!SS, As darkness t){lmocratic Senate. of the Grim ,R eaper. A number of American cities have future big league possIbllty. Hum rt , ' ,The Missionary society meets Wed. fell Friday evel,llng Preslden& Roosematerially reduced their accident rates by revising their He waS signed to a ctr traiCt to velt suffered his worst legislative Congress has only been In action nesd JY JUl1Unry 25 with Mrs, Daisy Contlnuou. Show. Dally traffic codes, training their traffic police and doing away pitch for t he Dayton club of the defeat since :ass.urnlng office when ten days. However, during that per_ Halne In New Burllngton, Adult. Only 169 'Til 2 p, M. Mid Atlantic Lea«ue, In the Brook1M of time up untU 'last Friday eve· with fixing. Some of the men and women lyn office. He hurled for the DUCks the House of Representatives passed niIlg, twenty-six hundred nnd thirty , In this n eighborhood wlll sIng In I!. the Dertclency Appropriation BUl Third comes better treet and highway design, to for two years, was transfened to for the W, p, A. by a vote of three four, new bills h ave been introduced men's quartet and women'~ chorus eliminate "accident prone" location. Ma ny an intersec- SCranton of U'I) New York PennsyL hundred and ninety-seven to six- However, \.hings are not as bad a respec\}j·,:cly at the Spring Valley vania League, ,~hen figured in a tion which was a 'virtual death trap has been made safe dj.spute over his contract that res- teen, The new 18111 reduced the they seem as many of the twenty. Farmers' I nstitute which will be through competent engineering, Every 'community should ulted in Cbmm1ssloner K M. amount requeste~d , by President six hundred and thlrLyJotlr meas- held In the TO\Vl1 hall, Wednesday start on a long time' program that will gradually do away deciding t~t Scranton. I;lnd not Roosevelt from el:ght hundred and ures ar e private p sn elonlcalm; .. ' and Thursday, JanulU'Y 25 and 26, ures are private pension claim mat· Part of the folks In the communDayton or Brooklyn, governed his seventyJlve mUllon to seven bun with this cause of deaths and injuries. dred and twenty flve mUllon, An ters, whUe in general legislation Ity are enjol'lllg the electric llghts services. , We can 'have safety-if we want it, and are willing Boston entered Into an agreement administration attempt to r estore many dupUcate bills ,have been In. which werc turned on recenLly. ',roduced, Mr, and ,Mrs. Evan Bogan and to earn it. This is a universal problem, and its solution wlt.h the MIners In 1935, his year at the full amount of the presidential request was defeat.ed on ' a teller vote !;on Robert called at lhc Bogan depends on the cooperation of u s all, We made progress SCranton and undcr their right of by more tban"f two to one, Amend- It doesn't take long for Congres- home Thursday night. toward tbat end last year-let'S do a great deal more this selection the bees advanced Johnny ments outlawing IlOUtlcal activity In sional Commlttees to get down to to their r06ter. W , P. A" reduclug labor di1feren- work, AlreadY the WayS and Means year. That winter Vander Meer wrote tlals between V&nlUS sectll,ms of the the' Appropriation, and tl1e Inter- Iy did no t' last long, The next d l Y every, R epublican ' member, (III1IIIIi. . . . . .IIi......__.... IIIi........~.-. the ,Boston oUtce, advising of th~ oountn\ prolJlo$inlf " tbe ~ rtrhta .tate"aJ¥! .Forelan CQmmeIl:e .c,om- some democntlc members ,oC the necessity of treatment. to his arm. 'aged work~s anC! widows with ',de_ m1ttees are ~olding bearings. I t is 1 HIs 'record was studied,' It showed '7 In these committee hearings that Oblo delegation, onsls tently vQted .77-:::-':....!.,,-:2==--=.........-::--~:--:=--==-c=:--:=-=.......~=---....:..-l... pendent children, were all adopted . -Clip tne presidential wings In "Wins and and ten losses, 153 hits In and \Melted I.t:l' th,e Bill over the op- the real 'work of CongTes8 III 133 l.nn1ngs, 90 paSses 88 strikeoutS position of Demo:ratlc leaders, The The committee Tooms are remindfUl eonn~tlon with Lhe W. P , A , Apand 2n earned run average of 5.35, saving of ,a hUl}dred and fifty mU- of court rooms, with the committee propriation bill, n ••• 10m ,till members seated a t the bench; ,w lt"Why bother with a 'fellow with that, Upn dollars Is sound evidence DllTH .. , Bon, t\rlhur HnmUloll of Lebakind of a record who now the new Congress will watch coming nesses at tables In front of the DEVIL'S AND INSTRUCTION FOR WOMEN ON THURSben: h ; and other interested persons non, former Speaker or the Ohio of arm trouble?" thought the Bo5- appropriation matters closely, ISUI. ", I•• bll ton baSses, so, when the opportunit y OCCUPYing the rest ' of the room House of Rcpr~ ent.a tlvcs, w~ a DAYS, • BETWEEN TWO AND FOUR p, M. h,n ., presented Itself, Johnny. because ot Last week the Senate hearings on Nearly a thousand persons ca,n be Seventh District visitor in Washing. b"", ftt that letter was sent to Nashville., the conflrmaUo~ of reCe)lt presiden_ cared for In any of the larger COlnto~ last week and was the guest of tial lIPpolntee!l attracted huge ,,1.11111 Congressman Clnl'ence J , Brown at II nnw This decisiOn was vln(Ucated by crowds.: Harry L., Hopkins, \.he newly mlttee rooms, Vandy's performance ' at Nashville. appointed Secneltan' of commerce, , lAIst ThuracJay evening t h e offi. luncheon and Congressional Ses, He pitched 22 1-3 innfngs, a llowed' rather astoundllw, some of his clal reception for Member,s of Con- sions, " ..............II!I!I!I.__................~. . . . runs and 29 h1tB and walked 25 hearers by admitting that he had gress Rnd t heir wives was held at does come to Washmen. "Thl.s wID never do", said the made a mistake In making political the White House. A White House the Presl_ invitation Is a. command that Is lngton. Last FJ1lday brought more Nashville heads, "lets get him off speeches at the rt~quest our roster." dentwhUe head ot W. P. A. and mandatory on officials to accept, \.han five Inche.'\ of snow and real These bad breaks developed Into that If he had It all to do over he The Ohio delegation was present in winter weather, to loll ow the mUd good breaks, for he wen~ to Durham would have kept pollt~cs out of ius tull force; but the 'glamor and the- temperatures that have existed for , ?"--: ~ LUTZ ~ --, st8ttled the baseball world by fan.. admInIstration 01 reUer. Ex-Gover_ brHUance or the receptlop seeming. several weeks.' 295' men 11'1 214 Inning~, won 19 nor Murphy of Wchlgan, newly ap_ --~,- ..... -.1 ning PU\ac, Fl..... p.,-inutoa and lost 6 and was ' seiected as the pointed Attorney' General brough ' ~ ~' ot W.ncb••ter ClCllDlnUl111i1'. ~ 'm., I;Ie. R. S. (lI.1tst..l~dlng mlnor leag~e player of gasps of surprisl! frpm ~ h earers I c:o.m.t7. . " yOrk. Iaaft· 3lIIt D- ~ for ..,1U1M aDd the co.t D.OUIlCe4'a 1!01ID~-~ MIIIP'lIF for at. lta"tovel'IUDaDt arvI", to become when he Insisted that he bad 'been I bittar. ~t aDel 10..... tax... Wlbeanble fi~. If ona of the the ye,.,. " \,' , '. ,~, ClYio orpniD- _1~~1ia of the oo\mb7 And, 80 he eanted another major against s it-dOwn ~trlkes all the t1m'e U 0 D. b • v a labou14 ~ve reicbed thJa oo~diUou. league shot, this one with Clneln. and w!'s opposed to the way John ,olnad with what mull be 1I1e at. of ,dalrI in natl, He needed more 'seasoritng, was L, Lewis handled the automobUe taxPI1C UIO- lOme of the ' 1l1li fortunate ..ctlooa? olatSoDa ' in th1a The folkl over In. W~ CoWl- ' s~nt to Syracuse In June, but faUed strikes, even though he did permit IIIOVCDIDt aDd ty have Ibowu thai theJ Intelld to to imprel!s, for he only won 5 and Lhe sit-down strikes to continue .. a rall11o., 'do eomath1nJ about It If the)' can. ROOT FOR AND CONSICN ' whlle he W ls GoveJ:tlor, and labor cr,. 111 thalr and th1I lhou14 .tlmulrete othen to l06t 11. , , your Cattle. ~C.IlB, sbeep .T,d cal':'.I' comin, b.Ul. taktl.otIon. ' to Norris-Brock Ct.., live wire 81141 What difference -dId that make? lEaders to run tpe state of Mlchlgan t h a ,. b a v a The preti lIDDOunc:ement of. the PNJ111'ellli v e 6....., ''II' the hlll:tie!l None to Bill McKechnie, who was for several weeks In defiance of adopted tha .mo\'elJient pva some further interm8~ket prlcee and , gOI)!! 8ervic:e, follo~ .10- est1Da detalls. The eoUl'lt1 debt of the manager at Boston when John- court orders, l~ellX Frankfur:er, ~nupil Stock Yard.' Cioc,inn';ti, 0 ,all: ""Hi,. f99,OOO,OOO, Ihould be ru ne In on lllttiifl Sta Ion WCE,\, tliolllUld ,.x- reftnanc:ed, but it remains to be Men ny was turned over to Na 'hville. Harvard professor and . gulding s :ar, 12 (211 to 12 :30 'p . m. for '1U1' dati,. 'II'm not going to let anybody take of youthful 'New D~alers, mo~,t re_ ~en..can't be whether the' bonda were' ,o~ ms r1cpt report ' ' UclIecL llsued with proper can. an~ maturlt)' that boy from me this time." de- cent appointee to ~he United Stat~s T hi.. I. • Iprovla.lo~ which will maIti th1a-pea. - .. -..... .. ' .. -.ortII7 ca".a libl.. Relief and welfare rieeclin_ ' 'clared Bill, He made a statement Sup.reme Oourt" ~lemnlY insisted aDd' the aloaan ti,ation. ThIS baa a famWar'r1D" U during the minor league meeting In that, although bom fu Austria and , , . ',~ b~ "both .....fldenc:e aD~ dd~ 'baa also the complaint .bout the ex· , anCl. ~ tIM ud truth II that the eesalve' number and cost of tha local Milwaukee on November 30. 1937, In often accused o:r "plnltlsh" te~den whkh h~ said Vander Meer was one ~Ies. he personll,l ly was as ·m uch in ~ can be lkUd, ,aVaD U units within the COWlty. , There are mahY u Mt7 UIouIaIld of them. The tew "tates in which the heaV1 loCal player he would not trade. On De_ favor of our Cpnstltutlon a nd' rep. u;perlenee of ncent ~ ,mOWI tax burden Ia not C81l1ed, In tar,e cember 31, he reiterated this state! resentative form of government as rallier COIIClualveJy Uiat u DW11 U measure, by the chaotic condition Of Gfty mJU!on ~ can be Bcked. local Ilovernment. m~t to the press, and on ,M arch 10 w~ cg.:-~~ Yet R may be safaly p,rophes1ed shortly 2fter the start ot training, ferlal II ' two-fIo~ 1M; ...,. have that r-I&ht here may be the ,Wllterloo ~r ~"rge he sald he was satlsfed ' that the ' DOt' a1~ bela. ~ oremtzed. of the ta~ayera, Nothing iJ more ~ays· man who only won n~e games In ' AA , bilt tM W. . .b..... ,*",18 are meet- obvlolll ~ that IOrnethin, ouaht ~~ ~ aod IiIoaa4. aD of the to be , done about the exeell1va the year before w,~uld stick. j " aN Ie1dom to lie found on amount ,of local ,overnmental or· Vander Meer stuck aU ,right And • tbe _a ata. at tile aamo tfme, SOme ,pnlzatlon and machln~ry, 1et noth, of' them,'aN ~tra1I III _or of 'o v- ini pertainln, to ,ovemment Is mare in addition ' to pitching his two no 7A:I' , " " , t81n lOV~tal UPID4\tUrM, al- dUllcult to do an~g about than ,b it games he r;et the lo'ngeat, wlnUIoulh &1181 mV 1Ie~.w 01 ~ thIa. If the Westchester Couiity tax'" i toNDob~ aU ~ poJllta. III j)aye1'I want to escape a good Uckn1~g streak· m,' the N,.t;ioha1'l.eague, ~. ~ torcta aN iIIUaDT 'IDI. they must approach thla-dlftlCult , nine. pltched' three scoreless innings dlVlded; atti'lJf¥ akWfu1 ~er UD~r.taltIii' with the ,reateit pa,WIlo " mADalin. ,1he IP8Ddinl pro- Uence, wtadom and und~rstand1h" , In the all"/Star game: earned ~ place ,nmean uauaDt win in. an.. of lIl ,ibese day. wben any 'and evef1 on the all s~ team seiec~d by the Immor' IIdnn'ab. w1.tbout havin"tb ,~t of c:entral control pplnta rIO dl· REAL ESTATE bateball writers, and let J>oth major j rIM evWJthln' on a ,eneral enredlY, .t dictatorship, it will be ' 1IICJD~t. ," d. ou~ly , 4Uftcult to Introduce even leagues in the Percentaie of 'hits I ' !lbe W m11Uon tuplJera !).ave moderate reforms in local, orpplu· . oJf him J)i:r time at', b~t,. , 1tbarlllwe balD ' d"'~ ' time and flon 0' admlhJstraUon. , ' ... , ' N\llll, __lUI th1I 1l'CI)1II, or that Tbe hope at selt.,ovemment " ' I ~ lot lOme particUlar spinding the sustained' and fnteIUient Jntel'eIl ' , ~)eet, With the l'eSult that in the oCthe people" ltI,jlDVetmnent. 'The . , iaJJ of them - had to endUJ'. ~e taxPa1et .. r e'~ pIt · In Wea~~ ' LYTLE ME)JB'~8 r' , . . 01 all the Count7 .lIallin ~"the people ovar TO FuRNISH PROGRAM " e ~ "Wdn' a more ~ Inter---==--"'---'-'--__ .'MM ~ the cltllenl of 411\- eI\ in their pUb1ie dJtlra. This \LaU Mem~ :'from the ~ytle comI CouDV'. wJliall II 'ftPUted fbi> IOQd. Mu=-tbeJ succeed jQ.. of . . . .ltbJetd C01IDUeI.1I1 thIdr objectives of better &OverruneDt munity will .' fumtib the PI'OtP'6ID at Tho",a. J, Herllt'rI . World 'W;lr Ace. wa~ 'worn in 'Mondll.1 'J an...... tbouW lie ikdfD. .d lower taxae, ~d thUS Ihow the the reeuIar meeting of the Wa~ \llIr) ,Vlh, ,.s Allt/rney l ;~l1e, AI." "1,,/. by Supreme COllrt ,ud~i ~oy toG be\tIIr 109- 'rat of the c:ountr'7 that 'the blxpayvWe Grange Satwday ntgbt, ,JanV;'nhalll~ H('.rht'~1 lell the (i (I , I' ".'1 Ohi(1 10 a SW8C'pirl8. 1'11'1t>f'y Jallt eI!I~~~,"~ tuea:. It. era need Dot be cSeteatecl evef1 time • IIow areat • til., take the Ileldl NtlV~mb ... r. ('IU~' lllg Ih.,. 51ate by the ht'rgest [{cpllbli III' majorrty 01 ,U&rY, 21 All memberS are Urged to :dl (;I\II.1l1lal\:1I be ....,.~
"Bank Night"
iiIIIlii• •
Waynesville ~owling 411ey
--' ~~
,A Taxpayers; Revolt &A_I.-I..
bear1n, .¥.""
- --,- --- -
- _-_.,... ~
F. T. l\1'artln Auctioneer
Smilin· Charlie
'N o ,
, ·~ent.rvlll~, 'Ohlo~ "
at '
. ", ' Ph".,.,-
.-din.. ' '
II, tt39
L_~~unty ~ourt News NEW SUITS
OhaJ'glnl! exil'eme cruel~y, John :11.. Allen has filed suit for divorce. fro'll Carrl E. Allen. TOO couple WI,I.II rrt.11'fled n't Cincinnati June 2, 1936. Virgll J;\lcklc, who flied suit Wed. eaday against Sylvester D. COUl' tley, NOl'wood. /leeks $225,25 alleged . Que .for labor, A judgment of $167,46 including in:erest, ' was granted the plalntitf In the ease of Paul Ta1'tl Mllry D. TI fel and !ilien Harrison, doln::bllBlneSs as the Electric & Supply 00., against ThomllS E. Corwin, sr .. and Thomas E. CorwLn. Oeorge B. Johnson, a5 tl'easurer, has brought suit agalru;t Rose Grehl llnd Mary and Robert Benedict Orehl, minors for delinquent taxes ( In. property ' In Mason. with $307.19 claimed, and agillnllt Howard O. Rogers, Gr:I<:e Rogers. Rulli E, Cook and Thomas Harvey COOk. a minor, tor delinquent taxes on 110 acres In, 'Wayne township with $2,012.46
Highest uality Merchandise
tor, thc Sarah E. Wilsot:' estate, first anel (1nal, M. 0 , Drake, admlnlstra. tor of the estate of Mlnnlc L, ·Mulford, and second account, Wilbur F . Chlrk. !!,uaidlll;n for Margaret E. Rogers . . Thc hcarlng on the Inventory riled by Ottlc D. Thompson. exeoutrlx of tile W.....N l'hompsoo· late has been set for Jan . 24. Harry Hartfeltel', guardian for Otto HlU'tfelter, Incompetent. has been ordered to tUe his flnal · account. The court has declared the estate of Magie Martin ot whl :h W. Chester Maple Is the executOr. exempt fl'om Inherlt.:ance tax payment. Tile flrs~ marriage license In War.
·!wa Nola-MoredoCk Stock Fanns pic- tors and £ann JlUlIchinery d tured herewith make up a show place equipment for'1rulkina, ~oo~i, lind the .separating in the dairy. A welcome . Central Ohio rlv~ ~alley. Sltua~ in a awaits visitors to the farms, which are bend of the Ohio River near Pti~Jot in ' on River Roa4, .lillghway 56, between Swi~land County, Indiana, they are Patriot and lUsing Sun. the home of a herd of 100 purebred Jer.' , .RY. and white - face Herefords. On three farms totaling about 500 acres, including those on which he and his wife were raised, George E. Moredock,
Twin Theater
Zain .
' .' ~ . S .1 WN. E!\I\J
"" e offer a satisfactory Se;ovice
at all'ti mea
McClure Funeral: Home ,
QUlllity, Sen icc, ll!ld
~' l
• ,
Pboae ."
· Mr. and Mrs, Wlllarii Taylor and sons spent Sunday e~enlng wiib Mr. and Mrs. I,.eslie Gorsuch and daugh. ter Marte. Mr. anll Mrs. Bert Bunnell and da~h~l'Ii entertain!ld Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Mullen, Mr. and Mrs 'Earl Mul1en and daUgh~r SUpday, . Mr. and Mrs'. , Bud Young spent a.fternoon with Mr. and Mrs~ Pary BellvUle and son, The YO,u ng peoPle'~ ' class ot the utiCa U ..,.:8. Church had .thelr cliu!<; party llt the home or .Miss Elizabeth ' Marslia~ Tuesday .J anuary 17· Mr: and ' Mrs. Sylvester NartlCer are moviDg to OlnctJiDaU. . ;. Wf!6 Miriam Stump ' called ' on 1II1IIIJ (JeJievJeve.'· Bunnell Monday
Mr, and Mrs. ·LesUe Gorsuch and
d,l'JIhter Marle ,toot CI o'Clock diD.. ner With Mt, IU\d Mra. WDbur Mat~u, and ~~tei Th~, ", Mr. and Mrs. Bert ,BwiDell and ~_tenI were recent ·· Vialt.0r8 · of ~. aDd Mri. Perry .~.
MII!s Mary Btbel sama, of BethaD1 . . . . recent 'visitor 01 bel' Par•.eDta. Mr. and lira. OlJde BuDs:-
DI hap Henry W . Hobson . heaet of the Diocese of Southern Ohio and one of th e Episcopal Church leaders Il t thl~ con fe rence the meeting of . the l ilt 1'11 11. lIolI II I Mlsslcnary Ooun· cil In Ic-llers 10 lh e Di ocesan House Clnclnnn. tl, writes . "'fhe s('ope of the representation On . of the greaws . 1111 lonn ry I~ , to wluill ~. As a matter of fact anI !'r em '!:; ever held hI the hl ~l 01 Y of Chrlste .Idom has jUf t been con· ', h is ml'cLln ' hns the widest geocluded a t 'l'lImbara m, Mad ras, Ind a 'S l'ophlc, I covel a~ e of any 8athe:rln ~ .11 ~h(' whole h h:t.ory of Chl'stcndom, Tn othel' \\'I)rds, sillcr. lhe Chul'Ch I\ RS fOllt)( INI therE" have never been qon al ien lecl 1) famll y dinn er Sun . ~o many l)ulIlrics (mol'e than 701 day at lile home of Mr. nnd Mr I epl'e~ en trd In a nyone meeting of Edwin Nu ·. t near Centcrv!Jle. Chl'lsi Ian people ." Mr~. W. O . Haines nnd d!lllgh lel Bis\lO p Hobson was one of 'the M I~s CI MIa Ml·. and Mrs. Robert D ~pcnkel's the opening clay, spealdng .n"':I. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ra ine and little SOil, spent Thusday eve· 01 the Forward Movement program of the Episcopal Cburch . He em. ning at the home of M. ~ nd phabized the Importance of having nlng at the home of Mr. Ilnd Mr~. de!i ni te I' ul for living the Christ. Wa lter Kenri'ck;, la' celebmte the IJ I1 life. nnel a. a basis for the rule bir thday of the latter. 3uggested the seven s teps 01 the Dl· Mrs. Shanley Bailey, Mrs. Theole 'clples' vtay whIch the Forward Jones, and Mrs. Jl:. B. Longacre, alMo emellt Commisclon has used: tended a home demOn!)lra tion meetTUI'Il. Follow. Learn, P1'IlY, Serve. Ing a.t Lebanon Thursday . Wr rshlp and Share. Messrs Frederiek Brown . CI13J';es The conference members did not Buckle, Paul Klnlllel' and Jr. A:la m" ltLend as delega tes from thelr of Dayton caned on Paul J ohns and - hul'c hes. explained Bishop Hobson, his gfandmobher Mrs Mal'''a CI .. t> "but 1\$ m ~ mbel's of the world-wide Johns. Sunday. Missionary Conncl! cJ1o~en bY the MI'. and Mrs. Elmer Jam es au d ,evcral bl'anche~ nf this bodY ' Mr. and Mrs. Laurencc James 01 hrougl)Ollt the wOI·ld . . Terre H te I d d Bishop Hobson In one ot his let.. and ter/, told of wading Into a · lnke, Mrs. Ben James on route 73. 'They , . . Where he baptized t.wenty Untoueh_ were called h ere by the serious W. bl . ness of Oeorge James at the MidTIle meeting was h'eld in the dlelawn hospital. Di08ece of Dornakal : where Bishop Mr. and Mrs, Walter Whlta , Azarlah of the Angelican com._' entertained the Wayne Townsh ip mullion Is In charge. Bishop Farmer's Club at their bea utiful ,i\zariah was one or U e guests at the country home near h re Thursda ' • Episcopal ChUI'C h 's General ConThe of the day was Mr \'entlon In Cincinnati in 1937. ' Nick Nolan, proseculing attol'l1ey of ~. -- - Mon gomtY. county , IllY led · Il'tI~S L(' u ' ..11 I1n rII'YCO;;'. ~ , were; Mr. and Mrs. Harold MereTh 1~" IJl h C>I" H biJrl eycurn IS one. dlth of' Lima, Mr~. SaUie Meredi th lhird inch The nlt'as ure was origi. an d MIss Latta R e Igle of Johnsville .'la lly Ih " Ir",~lh II f R J;lrai n ot barley Mr. and Mrs . Jake Meredith . Rev. and Mrs. J. V. Lacy and Mr. and -'---T-he-G:d-U-Y- Mrs. A. H . . Stubbs of Waynesville l\ ga d[J y IS . 11 III rge, black, bJuud· and Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Kenrick, sucki ng hor~cfI.Y .
1~15510N~f. YCOUNGIL
State Cap'l-tal News
Ly tle
The deadline for Ohlo employers ---who are ll:able for unemployment MI'. and Mrs. Leol1 Salisbury of WashlngtC>r1 C, H, WCI'e dinnel' comJ)ensatlon dutlng the last qUllr , g~es t.<; Thur day evening of Mr. alld ter o[ ~!!3D will De January 30. It WIl8 announced DY Director Fred L . Mrs. Allen EmrIck. Mrs . Ed Bunnell sen t severa Belchele of the .Unemployment days last week at the hOl11e of ".,•• Compensation commission Penalties ..~ Grace Fry at Splingboro. are provided for tlhose who fall to comply, Director Belchele warned Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lon gacre . spent last Thursday in Cincl·llllatl. The unemployment compensation Mr anti M fund now totals $97327923 hl h . rs. W, T. Cl ark were ' , . w C Satw'day II' t.s f Mr represents an Increase of $45656 ' ues 0 s. Mary Ca.r819 Since January 1. 1938. Pay~en~ m~lY. B for the last quarter of 1938 are ·eK' t I a;v~k urnet mud~ a bUSiness ooteq to 11 . 'rp 0 'ron TUesday th e fUnd to more Mrs. Susan SaylOl' 'spent several ' , . days last . week wi th her son Henry --and family In Dayton Department31 hela.dS for tIle 1939 Mr Fr . Ohio State fair said to be .... e GalS' ed Rush .and Mrs. Kesler . ..., 1 lam were D t lsi world's largest agl'lcultural exposl. Thursday ay on v tors tion were confirmed by the state M . y board of agrtc~tul'e, according to Cha:~s, Kenneth Balle. and Director John 'l' Brown of the I S es Bailey of M1amlsbmg wele Stll te De tm t' f I unday dinner SJ.Iests of Mr and . par en 0 Agriculture. Mrs. Stailley Baliey and dau~hter Those apPOinted. alld their divisions SeveraL from here ...attended th~ are as f9llow&, ErnllS.t J. Rlggs, Oal- sale of Mrs OlAr P llpoli8 agrictiltUre'-1tnd- horli . '" a ope near Cen. W. W. Ellenwood of . Ue Ch I E 'St h i ' num er were In atten; . . ar es C. . ' A. n Steel of Paulding, danceh at Epworth League d~Lt;Y. Mrs. of South cbur.: Sunday evenIn Tb atL Lytle . VIenna., fine arts B,nd the woman's I . g. e eall'Ue bulldlng; PaUl of Hayes.. d evening with ville, drn.f t hol'SCs,' Walter J. Buss of l Mr and' MrS' TnhY ler PJresent, . Wooster, poultry; C. L. Mitchell, o f ' . er e ones and Mansrteld, sheep; W . J . Galvin oI ---~-:-~_ =_=_~--::=--=-~~=;====:::-:===::-.:==---~--- , Wilmington , speed event.$; nnd J. - - - ~,...---------W, Weaver of Spencervllie. swine. Mr. Stahl will also have charge of machinery imd merchandise. New
Ja~ ~h~n $110~:~
••••" •••
• Establlsbed 1&49 • ,, )38
Intel'lUltional Harvester Company, is proving thl\t this section is ideally mit. ed for dalrying and raising beef cattle. The foundation stock of registered Herefords is of Domino and Fairfax ' breeding. The Jersey herd is V~lunteer and Wonderful Standard, two fninous hl00d strains. Arnong noted animals OD U,c fanns Is Beau's Wonderful SDOW~ ..!rop (shown here with Mr. Moredock), the daughter of Imported WonderflJl Sllnwdrup. a grond champion of Jerse¥s Lye .scvl'r~1 years; nod a sire which ~ II un of YO\l'll Do Volunteer, a famO\1II bill\. Chcstcr White hogs aJjd Bfl9c% pf \~)(; Whilr. Rock and White l.eghom chl"Kens nre nlso raised on the f~rms.· :'i l~ Innns IIro completely equipped WlIt. ''lcvicm McCnrmlck.Decrlng trac.
ren county In 1939 was Issued Monday to Charles Hogg Jr., 23 steel worker, and Mrs. Helen Hlnsey , both of Fl'anklln. Upon application ot Mrs. Charlotte Kupfer. executrix pf John Kupfer
Larg'er B ccau!i" of B
eastern district sales manager 'for tlae
Mason , Judge R!llph Carey Monday appointed D. 111. Heywood , Harry McVey anet Fr9J1k fftltt I\ppralsers. The widow Is lIole heir to the estate ~med, valued at $3500 during her lite, after "Ihe following accounts had been which the property passes to a son tneti Wec1nesday ; first Bnd final, by and t)yo ' daughters, oTI Do. othy Frazier, executrix, by App lcation as administratrix of the oharles R. Frazier estate: firs t the estate of Mary Whalen, late of enll flnal. Orace V. Bryant, guar- Deerfield tp. W<lS made Monday by dllln for Florence Bryant; first and Rose Orehl . The estate has an estl. has been authoriZed to make set.. final, John M. WUson, admlntstramated value o f $19 "175 a II personaI tlement In full of all claims trom properliY, payment or. $367.45 made by Jennie Louie ~, ~ettlt!myre, y.<ho was ap. Palmer and Frank L. Palmer for pointed admlnllltrltrlX apd ~wo sons causing Injury and death to Mounts . and three ~Aughters were named William Hammond, administrator H of the .... tate of Leo ne cares In t e will qf Horace ...., na ammond fl I be h I has been alven permtsst . p. . on f or a L . S e ttl emyre, which h3s been adJAQuary 20-21 of tran.'uer, .# '" mUted to probate. The . ~tate i scert"lcate Ann Sheridan v,a led Invento - ry filed In th e es t a te of Jolm Utel u at' ..10,000 In personal pro. . . Ed Brenner has b b perty and $7.500 In real estate. G . een approved y the court · ~'ALCATMZ ISLAND" F. and Karl M. Brown and J o h n ' Comecly Stocka and Blondes GO<Iaard are the appraisers. Judge Oarey has appointed Howard McKay O~rge D Is AI ~v av and Fre d L. Pi\lly h as been 'Il ppolnted 8Vardlan 01 Marg"ret L Pauly. a fred Jordan appraisers of the estate f Alb ,---' ~'------------------------Janullry 22-23 minor. 0 ert B. Talmage , late of near PICk Powell O. DeHavlla.ud The estate of Earl Evans Is val': Waynesvtlle. '. "HARD TO GE"';' . , ued a t .$31.900 according to' his w1l1 Harry Z. Oray, Lebanon attor" • • ' . " which has been admitted to probate ney has been appo~nted trustee of a Short They Live Agatn Heirs to the elIl:ate are 'Ernest trust crep.teet !?y the will of thl! News Reel a. brother, who was named adminls- Thad E, Z!mmeqnan. t rator and three 8isters. Ethel E. Hatrl~)d, Lebanon. Pearl E, Whit. COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS January 25 , :8on1ta OranvWll John Litel aker Wll8hlngton, and Ette E. Buk"~ANCY DREW ' ey, Mephearson Kansas, Appraisers Judge Charles B. Dechant MonDETECTIVE" named wer~ Ernest Ferris, JOliCph day had granted a divorce on gross Comed uD rei ' T bl" E . Boldt 'Bnd Jesse Mount. neglect charges, to Maurice C. KIrk y oa er , rou e J The 'court has ruled that the who named Thuia Kirk: J " c1a1n) of J. L. Mendenhall against udge Ci'\arles B. Dechant grant~iII!II.III!II ~1 the eatate of Eva M. Eax:nhart for eel a divorce to the plll1ntlff In the 165 be.4.IWOWed. ' , .or;..AnQa. Davidson ,agalns El'-o lnventory of the elitate of Rebe::- mer . Davidson - on the ground of ,ca Morton has been approved. . gross neglec~. . Albe· ' • Qray' has been ~PPOJnt" First Judgment .." ""'ainst ~a detenI . W ~ , . " . \ TARVIA 'LlTHIC TAR AND . " ed , e"ecutor of the estate of TOm dant In several. dellnquent tax suits Thompson, who bequecl.thed aU ' his ..bere. was ordered this week " li.inst· ROAD (H1.;. EXOAVATING property to his sllIter. Mrs, Alice Mathlns A t f Bergraff, of Franklin. . DUMP 'TRUOK B~RVIOE Gray Thomas and Albert Rich .and moun 0 the Judgment WIIS $41_ Gr!'vel na low as 40c Cu. yard 'Harmon Bttbbs were named toap. 16. Tbe. property. located at Fra~ . praL~e the estate, , lin, Is t<> be sold Feb. 14, Theasurer The cstate of William P . Mounts George B. Johnson said. has '8,.' value of $279.90, tax exempt, I . .. the court bas determined. REAL ES1'ATE TRANSFERS Phone, 'Waynesvllie H R 11 ~e court , has ruU!d that the es--LebAno.ll ~fflCtl Pqonc 17!l·Kta~ of Leona Hammond Is tax ex. Olara E. and Wnldron C. OUmou rtll.911·M. Morrow' Pbone No, 3 empt. to Rc W. and Rhoadabclle Campbell ,. . . lot No 8 In Lebanon The court has ordered Ross H . ' . William F . and Cllrrle B18l~k to HlUtsock administrator of the ~ .. , . es Flora McKinsey , lot N 0. 39 , M orta~ of , Delilah Everhart. to convey a ~d to Oakley R, Unglesby, with row. D~, $381.17, the "'lance rema1ning from Lydia Bunnell to Stanlex and ~ purc~ price of $474; after debts Lauretta Hirscnbach, real estate, REAL , ESTATI:' had '~en paid be. accounted for by OIFrearcrelekBatownshiP. "t HartsocJt, . enc 1 uer, Inc.• to WEl4ley INIURA~CE . ' Fr~nk J . Richter, ad~tratot: Reece; 1~5 acres: TUrtiecreek ~wp, " AUCTIONEER of the estate. of 'Wllllam P. Mounts ~alter and . Elva Helms ,to Mar• : I' - - - - . . : . .. ., . !; ' ~~-:: . ,~ , ,(' I shall T. , and Muriel E\!erhart. tour acres Deertlel~ t'wp. .,;..-. _ _ _ _ _....._ _ ~--~_. _ ._-,~_Sarah ·E. Richardson to Fred Land . DoJ;othy • Helsinger,·. 'lot in Franklin . . Carl Schaub to ~guertte Allendorf, lots In LoveJand Park. · WilHam and ' Mary Lou · Helser to Joseph H . ."nd Omer Fedders, 111,45 acres In Turtlecreek twp.
Sand &
Fairley Hnrd ware Stores
Jactso~:~ 1 te~llgl~yesdaY'b
~ ::e~as::r~~un:ay
officers of the agril:uUurnl boa'!'d '
lire Mr. RiggS, presiden~ and Mr Galvin, vice president; and Mrs: i Steele, secretary. A special building and improvement committee for the fair. headed by Mr. Galvin, was ap_ POlnted by the board; Director ' Brown said.
S~te Fore~.ter G" A. AJdetman. of Wooster disclosed that Increase:! pliblic Interest In o reforestation has brought such dE~mand for youn~ trees that orders flOr certain species have exceeded the ;supply. To Jitimu • late retorestallon. ' the ' l;late nurser!es 11 t Marietta arlld the Agrlculturl Experiment station at Wooster sup. ply plantings at Ie66 than oost. The price ranges from $2 to $9 per thousand. depending on the SIZtl \' JOd l>'J)ecle.~, Mr. Alderman l·eported. He urged that those who still desire tr~ tor spring planting , place their C?rders wltj10ut delay.
Sales ·tax cOll\lCtlon tor 1938 were down .10.728,149 I,:om the 1937 tatal, it was revealed by State uter Don H, Ebright, ' The sales tax rcvenue last year a.mounted to t38 .• 192,271. while In 1937 It 'WIIS $48,820,420, TreasUrer Ebright asserted. · Conservation amtmtssloner Donald 0, Watters alnnounced today tha~ a survey by ~tame mange~ent' agenta of the dlvifiton of col'iserva- . uon Indicated a';' eXCllllent . supply. of game left from' 'the hunting sea-
W1TH F A M I I. Y -'l of toy
flowed ell T_ pal' doDeCl cafter 22 ' rean, lor c:rlme of bomblno Scm Fran· ~'8 Preparednes8 Day Parade In 1118. WM reunited wllh hla I_U,. Leh 10 riohl are Jolla MOOII." a bro~fI
T_ M_y, ad lb. latt.,',
Treas- , ••
son tor brood stock tor the coming year; "There ~houlcl be a ~09d 'game crop this tall prov(~g ~he wi~ter • . 't. ., ~oes . not. beeome too Severe." mlsaIoper Watters ~~. "Oreat. er .1 hterest eYler :bef~M is. bell).g ·$ti~.wn; by farnnetiil, '. ~r~TIlen and YOl,lth 'o~t1.oiJs: ~ , ieedlilg a,nct lIheltez1nli .the ~~e and ~ll{e In Oblo. ''l'hIa-t!O~"''Wl~ a better fudlcates a
US. '1T~B:B~:~: 0
TI~~'sdayn ~:%c o~~~es:~~
- ...---
BOWEN AND LINCOLN The many frlenelll of Mrll, Ronald ON "R~I BUREAU DAY Hawke will be glad to leam ti1a t FOB FARlUER'S WEEK Plhe Is getting along VI!ry saLlsfactor_ 11y atter sul>mittlng to a majOl1 op· E. R. Bowen, general se retnry ot emMon at McCell",n hospital last the Cooperntlve League of the U. ~., Bnlurd.ay. and f4\1rray D. LI'ncolll, . executive Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Albert KrelilUlr, who secretlnry of the Ohio Farm Bureau. have belln guests at Mrs. L. M , will head the pea ' n1 or special HenderSou, returned to til Ir home . penkel:~ ahd v Ilts 101' U,e Farm In Fort Mitchell; Ky .. W;edJlesday Bm'eMI D y, Ja nllary 31. dUl'lng th e I evening. annual Fanners ' We k at Ohio State, University, Coillmbl , it was Subllcrlhp to tbo M1illul Cllzl'tt . annO~lDccd todflY by Perr)' L. Groon - -,~ , , ~~-~~~ presid ent of the s tilt farm organl- !!,!g:~,~,!!!!,~~~,,!-!,,~ \'laUon . Mr. Bpwen will open the farlll 1m. QUALITY PERMANENTS reau prOl:ram at 10 a, m . with a talk and dls: usslon session 011 HA Na. Regular $5 Duart $3 tiollal Coopera U ve Organlza t lon ". OPENING SPECIAL Mr, Lincoln will follow at 11 o'clock Other Permanents with dIScussion of HAn Adult Edu· $1.!~5 to $1.50 cation Prorrrft D\ fol' Farm People." i Both of these l'esslons w111 be held in room 200 of Townshcnd Hall. Two other s pcnlwr are sched\lled on the afternOon progra m sponsored phon'e 55 by the farm bureRu, both of wllich Wayneaville, wlll be held in Townshend Ha le
Corner ~----
• January 28, a week from this sat·
one. hundred
~ rabbits
wlll be delivered at Yellow Front store In, ,L ebanon for
dlIItt'lbution through_out the county
I 'Churches "
I .
1._____________ \
by dlrectors ' of the Warren Oounty W AYNESVlLLE CHURCH OF F1sh and Association. Thill is
pme and
f1llh re.. CHRIST
Conklin'. Beauty Shoppe
W C Smith Mlnlater. . ~ sUNDAY' Bible School 9:30 n. m. Lord's Supper 10:45 a. m. Christian endeavor 7:00 p. m. Preaching 7:30 p, m, Sermon to be dellvered by one of' our local boys, Brother John SearJ who Is now attending the Cincinnati Bible Seminary. Come and hear him Sunday evenillg. WEDNESDAY Bible study and prayer meeting Oh10'snew conservation com. '1 :30 p.' m. NOW IS THE TliltE TO STOCK UP ON BAKING l11laeloner 1B Dan Watters 01 OttaMissionary meeting at the home NECESSITIES! CHECK YOUR PANTRY IMMEDI· wa count)' on Lake Erie Mr Watters of Mrs. Maude Maurloe 2:00 P. m. ATELY AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE EX18 prac~~ally unknown In aoullhem TREMELY LOW MONEY SAVING PRICES I WE and central Ohio. but we lIll hope FERRY CIlUKCIf 0.' CIlRIST URGE YOU TO BUY AND SAVE II he win have a eowld conservation and Mrs. Emma 'Glbt;on of Bellbrook Mrs. Harold KellilS and son Her_ Protnm un~ load management. W. Smith, Minister COUNTRY CLUB & sreat IIIUlf aporiImen'lI 8l'OUPI 8UNDAY schel were on the sl£k list this past Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wellbaum feel thAt the KIam1 Valley and Bible SChool 9:30 a. m. week. and children of MlamJsburg , called lOuthwestern Ohio have taa long Preaching 11 :00 a. m. H. R. FOrdyce spent the week.end Miss Pauline Gibs.on spent Sun_ on their grandmother. Mrs. Caroline auy KROaBR ". COU NTRY CLua "'LOU" _~ left out of tile oonaervation Our EvangellsUc meeting In spite as the guest of his sister and lam. my with MIss Earnestlne Earnhart. Barnett. Sunc;lay afternoon. •• .. IKe:: IT AS WELL 0" D ETTaR 0" picture, both In appoin~enta to tM of the bad weather Js coming along ny. the C. M. Hopes of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Ever1ltt Bunnell and , Herbert Harvey of Sligo spent A I!:TURN UNU .~ D PORTION IN ORIO'· HAL CONTAINI:A AND W E WILL R~ · Mrs. P. J. Thomas and Mrs, In... ramlly called on MI'. and Mrs, Ben Sunday hel'e with his sister, Miss department. and In Ita ,activities. A flne we had 900 or more that at. IT FREE WITH ,t,,,,,v OT ... r" ORAND 0'" ,. . . . . . A.M. ITEM we SELL moy. II DOW under way ~ unite the tended the meetings Sunday, And vema Faul and son attended the Gruber and famil~ c~f neal' Waynes. Frelda. . REG"'RDt..ESS OF t:RI.C£. Il1aDl1 Valle1 Spdttsmena League there have been around 2 hundred Institute Wednesday afternoon llr.d vUle Sunday afternoon. I Mrs . Marga ret Martin 'lind Mrs. 'with the Pedera,tIOn ' Of Southwest· each evening since sunday. Flvel called on Miss Ruth Li Jhter later Mrs. Hiley GlbSorl spent Mouday Peele ore on the sick list. '2 LB.· ern Ohio ' ~tsmen'lI Olubs, of have come forward In response to In the '8ftemoon, In Dayton with Mr, ,and Mrs, Lew · BAG ...elIch the local 8l'Oup 1a a member. the Invltatl,on. We run the meetlngll Little Jim Thomas Is very 111 with Richards and daughter. 24 LB. BAG • • Sge U t.beIe join llanelli theJ wUl on unUl Sunday ev~s. Come see qulnzy. . MaSter Robert Bernard of Way. represent a coinb1ned membe~p the pIctures. hear the evangllstlc Romo Riggs' car turned oVer on nesvllle spent the week end with of 15 to 20 thousand sportsmen .ilJ:lg1ng and "F helped by a measage the way to church Sunday mO. n· Ralph Dill. AVONDALE lb. b.. 2.9~ 24 lb. b., 4ge from over 20 counties . .The purpose from God's Book. . Ing. No one was Injured but the car of 5Uch a II'OUp would not be to WEDNESDAY was damaged to some extent. Pk··26~ , bUDpel' tbe CoDIerVation Dlv1ll10n M1I!sJonary meeting at home ot During the revival services being M;~. S'!!:::~: iD In ~ ~-but it, would represent Mra. Maude Maurice 2:00 p. held at Ferry there hav~ been flve & CI'OII ~ · of sportamen In ~ adf1ltlons to the church. For the arrest and prosecution of PANC"KE )~ Country · d ub tuae block of ohlo--4lnd cOuld WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH. Wednesday of last week a delega_ Simpson va. Fairley persons trespassing on , the roofs 0: make ItIIelf beard aloni With Ir'OUPI tlon of 20 from Mt-amlSburg attend. Simpsons the following prope);t\es: · from the DOrtbUn part. . of our f&lr SUnday Jon, 22, 1939 ed the meeting. Bradley 143 127 137 Evans, White, Aman, Hyman and ataw. 9:30 Sunday scbool R. D. Oollett Brother Ollnton Fisher. song lead_ Thompson 126 162 140 Lewis buIldings. . , ..., Of ~t IJl)portanee w oVery per. Supt. ? er Is staying aL the parsonage dur- Simpson 151 161 147 1 The a~ve does not apply to ju· 4'~NA.TI lOll In~ In b~t1ng, ,flshInB, . 10:to Momlng Worship. i~ the services at the church. Satterthwatie 212 130 161 P or - ..•......a t " -' aotlV1t1ea of 6.00 Epworth Leasue, Rev. Lacy Hariy Cornell Is on the sick list. E1lls 128 101 I venUes. as o~y S1.00 11'111 be paid . III d ..... - ' """.. ida ttl 13th th 13 132 for their arrest and conviction. _ FO" ,. atu' k!nCl W8.I Qov. Brtcker's rCCJUellt I~der. Fr y e ,ere were Oleaver " In bIa apeecil .to &be Ol,l1o ~ MOND~Y from Bellbrook to attend the Ferry 760 ' 681 717 Reward money held bY Stallley " L£ us£ tun laAt 'l'IRsdaY, nlsllt, that a bill 7:00 Boy ScouU; ' revival. I Bailey. ~ PI( be puaed to put ~ .hlrinJ of Oon.. 7:39. ~hestra~ll , e father, J. CoC)k---if"'-'--nlo-:ltt-nnr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;:;:;;;;;;-lIl-t~Q~(l~":~'G~ . GS. ~ atockln.\l program being carried out wRh money received , from Ucense fees. PUI:chue of pheasants, coon 'aud malntalnance of food patches &te :11110 on the program, Be sure and bUy your fishing and hunting license from a deputy llcense agent representing the local aaaocIation SO that the fees (lOC for fishing and ~5c for .hunting license), can ,go dINCtly Into creation of bett?' t~untIng and flsi1lrg in Warren county.
______ ____ ~
111• • • •_._• •__.:.
~--~----.~~~~~~~ i, ~ '
DleB kel's Sale
-~ -
Bowling Results
D0 IIar s
a "
B AL 9 9'1....
Zpk ••.•
R. Couser and his three sons, Ja_ BaUey 105 90 l~V:"':: ';";~--""""'-"~~-""'.;... ~;;;.,J cob, Friend and WUl, sang at. the Wilson 134 129 146 ~ Ferry church MondllY evening. Wollard 167 172 149 Mrs. Laverna Faul and son are Scott. 121 161 94 Lu..... T.U spending a few days wIth the Bill Rooney 164 Lu.ciou. caD IO~ Burgesses at Waynesvllle. ~ 707 673 739 ' Wilma Thomas spent Sunday as the guest of Helen Harris at BeJl- Coyle'S vs. Bowlin.: club TREE RIPENED ORANGES brook. . Coyles 16 o .. ia~ IO~ 140 167 188 ON SALE NEXT WEEK. Mr. and Mrs. A. R . McM8ra of Schuler DILLS Dayton called at the Rolla. Bolton Davis . . 121 139 174 V home Sunday. ' Burton 123 136 I : Beveral (rom this neighborhOOd , Llpdamood 114, attended the sale held by Russell E. Ramby 144 143 16 Da:ry . l00 lb $1.29 Murray near Xenia last Tuesday. Coyle Cracked Corn 100 lb. 97 ST. MARY'" EPISCOPAL The Murrilys are starting 11 grocery 20% Dairy 100 lb. $1 .39 $1 .49 651 182 . 24% Dairy 100 lb. $1.65 COUBeR s!Ore In Leesburg In thtnear future Bowling Olub USE THE ~ GAZETTE Oyater Shell 100 lb. ~2 % Dairy 100 lb. $1.19 CLASSIFIED ADB. 90 188 1a i1JlcereiJ jp'ateful ....:y. R. L. HaeJlwell, MtDlster A goodly number of olks went to R. Go05 Wheat Middlinga , $1.29 Mrs. Olara Pope's sale near Miamis. Brakefield 19c 130 126 139 ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~....._ · far the boDor. of be1nI ~' 18It PlUDAY . burg ' Tuesday. Mrs.· Pope Is plannIng Orane Egg Maah 100 Ib $1.85 91 111 · prt!IddeD~ of ttle w~n 90~ lanualy 20th. ' to visit her-uncle In Ban-Pranclsco Pioklng Mixed Scratch 1OO-lb,z.--~.f--l!IIUl.E~-Dlau~:ULI'-"lt- --III-146 166 " PLIb ~ AIm. at.1aat "1'~ura. .' 10:30 a. m. Woman's Auxillary In the spring.. At the present she Stubbs . ' ,$1.49 $1.29 ' "09 137 wlll viSit with the Pete Mccray's at Drake day'a ,> repl8r ' . monUilJ ~. All day sewing at the rectory. . 111 Ok ~lt ~~t.ed offlCera w~ 'third ·aun~.y after EPtpha'ny MlamlsburlJ. 666 651 Eaf( :OuaUD of Let.DoJl vloe_preaL. 10 a. m. Church 'School. . Jacob ScOtt lInd daughters HazeL dent; aaymond Dugan or SpriDI11 :a. m. MornlngPrayer and 5er- and Helen ' spent Sunday evening boro 2nd v1ce.preaJdent; John Iter man. with Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hess. ~r. Loelee vs. Wallace . , ~ Wa,oeamne. aecreWy; FlOJd, TUESDAY Betty Meredith Is ill at the home Smith , !:~ 144 YOWli. ,LebaDODt rQ.IIII1IItant 8eC1'etarJ 2 p. m, Nursery Church school. of her parenU!. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Larrick Dqz.29c Oranges, Temple, Large Size Dr. ",0IU. Zettel. Lebanon. treasurer. FRIDAY Meredith. Anderson 134 22'1 155 FOR SALE- Ensilage. Roxanna" Pkll. 10c Vegetablea t Diced for soup SInce no further nomJDaUOD8 for 4 P. m. JunIor ,h igh boys. McMillan 139 95 WaynesvILle Plants $1.50 per ton Brannock 88 115 t.ownIIhip dlrec;:to... were made, the Deb .' lOe Celery He!lr~a, Tender High Grode 'Canners Sait 75' eta. per , .... f . Dye 130 .a.n~ .ones were 'cqotlnued ,for ..FEED THE BIRDS .' bundred pounds, Roxanna Ca nning Arthur 138 132 Each tOe Head Lettuce; Large lIize year. tfb. 633 734 646 Co., Phone 119·R·21. ."1 Re:.;u.mendaUODII to be ~ By 0'' '' Reaaon ' qt. l&e Druaael Sprouts, fresh Wallace at tile OOUDCU .hftrlnfJ at '~bUa, The prettiest Bight I ever did !lee, 163 ' 140 BriLian 106 3 ' lb. lOe OIl tlab1na laW& hexlo l'UeIdaJ were Was tbl beautiful ' anow that New Cabbage, Texa. '.I 138 FOR SALE - Poultry - Fryers Mr. and Mrs. Edmon Marlatt D. Stanley 185 162 d1IicuaaecI ind acted on, aft« ~ hangs on th~ tree 169 132 wejghlng 4 pounds, S. 0, Heston . R. (Lavern1ll Sheeley) were given an ' Furnas Head 1&4;. Cauliflower, Snow · ~hite 182 those praent. enjoyed a The nates In my face-my heart old fuhloned ' belling last Friday I P. Stanley 131 134 3, WaynesvUle, telephone, 34R4. 148 lunch. went in a whirl pt"" l1c Strawberries Florida night and a good time ,was enJoyed J. Stanley 148 141 99 For bow-I loved the ~now when by all. 768 746 643 FOR SALE Favcflte range, In 5 The Middletown Nh aDd oam. I 11'88 a little girl. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zimmer and fairly good condition. $12.50; p. J. AllOCation met last week UDder tbe I picked up my broom and swept me. chlldl'en, Anna, Clarence, Junior Thomas, Ferry. ' aavel 'of thelr new PreIIdeDt ," VIc" . a path , and Richard of Beavertown, Mr: Kroren va. RIImI~YII Promm 126 176 101 Vad~ pbUea of ~ To the old wash house, with the and Mra. Kenneth' Soward 'lind eon 103 146 124 were d,illcussed and ~ old fashioned hasp, ' Roger of near . Alpha were Sl,lnday Bartaock 120 136 128 LOST-Short~ha1red, mixed breed tiona were adopt.ed for praehtatICD The' bushes bung heavy, wIth Qle dlnneg ~U; of Mr. and Mrs. EM.. WUson 101 14'1 10'1 temale 'dOg, colOI' black wIth brown _001 .... on 'fIIbJDI sOn Ralph. Earnhart .~ ..- ,"",y...,U ...... u.. snow C1')'&talll white · ' merson Dill t 124 132 134 leet.' AnsWers to name Peggy. Oilff '.w... endid with' wqlle ' o).d . . . ,'ftle . .mattlnl . time burrIes along . Bert Marlatt had" a wedding sup- Brown .' 674 736 594 Burnett, Waynesville. JUMb. In h1II fUght, per . Frldi.y : evening for W. and I , In r ~~ or anow *bd ICJ roadI. , Mrs. Edmon ' Marlatt. The guesu;~Rambys 182 151·, 19~ and "".s. John ,H L.. ye , &..... Prendergast twelve deleiates attended ,the ~ The btrdlt!lJ '-to. treethey . hOPped' I'rOm twig were &""'. ITU' ..... IY" FOR SALE-Dlntn ,t able , Ooriser_ 105 243 125 tblJ · meet-Ina .of. the SoutbW~ ' and Mra: Elvis Mlcheal and daugh_ Osborn vo Bed sprlt;llS, .Rocklng chair, 101 Hunting a 'bite' to eat,-You see, ' ter Dorothy, Mrs, Frank Dakin and L. Oook . Ohio ' Federation of Sportameo'. Stand, Bedroom ~e, set of 124 156 153 pieces, all 'In good 'condli1op,.· W",,..,I'. · OillUaqd ' O}uJI8. The . !lelepta repreisenWd Fo,r the inow. ~ covered'their fbocl Mr. and Mrs. Georg~ MaI'latt. . 9(1 163 ner M~, WayneSVille .' , 2tp, ~ so. sI:Z countlea" and unam· , ..,, 10 ·Mr. , aDd .Mrs. G. ~" Kesinger re- :~~ . 178 ~ elKWned \he proposed quail Please throw qllt ~, drUDilII. U · turned 'ho~e 'Phursday after ena.: Y 1$9" 93, --'----:":':-'-'--';:,..,.,.'--+---"~~..,...." .. bill ~ be in the l~, " you , ~ve . ~em ~ spare. , ling a few days. with her. sister a t. GaM , '808 917 '102 Wre aOon. The bUl is zwt one to 'Kinp Mll1II. . lierft,t Ion
eollimlsBlclDen lD~
OowIcU'a banda. Thls' is IOmethinl ~.. ciUba tbrOUIl:IOUt ~ have iCIDI foupt. fOr-4q ~e the ~1 of our department at. Oolumbua out of poUtlcal channels. 'l'li1a loal '\V1ll, not .be completely ob· " talDed at preeent. .. dle Governor told us,be biteDdl to appOint a new douncU 'WIth the Dlfector of Ag. rt t~, 'John T , BrO~ as 01)' ' fn~ber.:· oov. Brtcur ftirth~r atat_ · tid that ~~ of ' Miaml Valley WOUld be repnileJi~ on the coun. en. Tbe set up 18., ~t perfect;.-but looka like & step"1D .rtght dlrec-
8,:00 Otlolr practlce WEDNESDAY U:OO Ladles Aid with Mrs. Lar. rlclt. .. The evangepstlc meetings will olose w'l th Supday ' evening. ReV. Zierer and Mrs. Bierbaum !"lll ,be wIt~ us. Attend~nce and splHt bas 'b~n good, last Bunday . there ,ere Just five less ttl'lln 400 tor the day and every evening the number ~as been Increasing. If you desire a good time or want to be helped you are welcome to attend.
Lero ·'
Wesco Feeds'
t~ ~tB
Mt. Holly
'. · M~ats .
•• •.... n-._." ..
rare. . ,
lIe&IO_unrl-~~~~~IOft. aIIo:.ado~
tJ'Mta • WIde opCm ahQOt1n8
a I lin: Prank Kellis. Mrs. EmMer. the 00uDcIJ eon..,f)Ill, Mrs. Everett Bunnell and rneDdinl that !.bere be no s . daughter ' Edna Marlene llnd at's. ........... Dep~ to spend limit on biaa, but Q1e .,., JIiilt be Oiarenpe Crawford callP.C! on 'fhe . . . . . aDd propIIIt.L rllld11 enforced. ' nae Idea: was to Eamb~ last we~ ".1-:~."'. 01 0Ilt0'a pale out down the ~~ or uaderliled Mn. BIley GIbIcm spent Tue>da'
Ai -:.,
for reeolutklllo to
r~ eaupt and IdDed. .
Mr. aJI:d
Mra. HarOld Boaera
JI'OR. ~ 8rOOm howe laclu· 1:80 p; m. din• • J9ta. eJectrIcity. clsttm, city of the Tbomp. water. tnoo. lV. N. Beanl Wayne&.
.,,_man. ' . m e . 8itan. AucUoneer
WITII ~RS LAitincK An all day mlletlng of thE! tildles Aid was held at the 'h ome 01 Mrs. J, P. Larrick. W dnesday , A teinpt~ 11Ig and bounteous b[l5ke~ dinner W9 served at noon. The followln l? ladles were birth, day guests; Mrs. S. S. Ellis, Mrs. Viola Oarey. Mrs. A. H. Stubbs, Mrs. Clarence . Edwards and Mrs. LarrJck During the business period a com_ mittee cOtn»Olled of Mrs. Ralph HUbtlngs. Mrs. S. S. Elltll and Mrs. DtlUas Bogal' WUII appointed to plan ~or Ii mother und daughter banquet. S~veral articles' left 'from the bal'.aar were auctioned ott to the highest bidder. A round robin lette,' was written to Mrs Olyde Egber~, Mrs. J . V. Lacy led In a devotional period. A pleas1ng pageant of the months was presented under the di_ rection of M\'5 . Ungleaby ane'! Mrs. Glenn Borden, After singing sevel'al wngs, the socJety adjourned to mflet with Mrs. Lacy In Febr uary. with Mrs, HaJ;tlngs and MIS. EeL wards in charge of the program.
:;; ~-,
Both Waynesv11le teams came t.brough with flying colors Friday nl;.bt. when thcy stoppcd the Kings Mllls ·teams. The senior high had 0. new bll~ well remembered player, Albert Rob_ ertson, to, play his flrst game of this season , The boys were In there with 'real fight and were . leading 9 to 'I .t the 'h alf,and 23 . to 18 at the end. The junior high team ,'ung up an_ other winner wlih a 28 to 15 score. Var~! ty llneups were: . , B F P 7 1 3 Col1ett 3 1 <tobertson 8 2 3 Planck . ci 0 0 Rutherford 5 1 2 Clary 0 0 0 Peters
Mrs. Lester Gordon, has b en III fOI' the PlI,st week wltb the grippe..
On MondRY the R~v, R. L. HltCk. wPoll was In Dayton La altend A meet Ing of Eplscl1)l1l1 clergymen (Of Day_ ton an d vlcllllty,
MI', and Mrs. Glenn Bor.den were The marl' g'c of .. u·,_ ..".... E "a nc dinner guests SlInday SlpeR.. ~nly 'Ughter of MI'. and evening of Mrs. Minnie Rehse of 'Mrs. O. H. Pes of Elkins. West Franklin. VIII ., to Mr. J I~pb Adelbert McMlIMr .. Ariel Mrs. Roy EIlts are an.. Ian of Wayn ville. took place FrL day evening, ' nuary 6 at 8 O'clock nOllllclng the bi rth of an eight I pound son. Sund(lY ~~ Miami Valley ~ ~~I ~ede " ~ LRULheran churc1"} h Ol!plbal. I l' ,eon e ev. Dr. J . Les_ ter Lin k of ·tQl sang, "0 Ifromtse Mr. and Jl.{rs. Karl 'J3odAnben"er Mil." .' ' '>' .. und dRu"hl er or Loveland were Sun The bride . lovely In a dlls'y .. • 23 d3~ dlnnllr !Wests of Mr . ~nd Mrs. rose cglored , epe frock . with bllle K1nga MIUs Varslty Fmnk LeMay and family. accMsorles. e wore a shoulder B F' P corsilge of 'l'a man roses and lilies Mr. 1U1d Mrs. Wi lliam T hcm!l8 Ii 0 Hildebrant 3 , of the valley. er attendant, Mrs. and dau"., htel' of Masoll called on PaUl Leonar 0 of Brtstol, wore a MacIntosh 0 Mr. an d M rs. A. H. Ea rnhar ~ apd royal arepe . Her shoulder cor_ Henderson 0 1 sa ge was of sons S aLur day . 1 2 Adams 5' , -----Holden 2 1 Ro~' H, IlJ'rtsock .~t' ~ndc'" the baby breath. , , ,• .. "" ;u o ! DOttA TILES 0 0 JIIICItsoIl meeting or til e Wllren c()unty BII~ The brldegt1)om had as his be~l Mtss Dora Stiles, '16, 1)3s"ed away ' ~ T ~01 d b 1 McDanlel1l 0 man.Mr . Pa "'" lUI' , 1 u; ness 18 Sunday Ill. the home of Mr8. Anna er's Assoclll11011 aL Leb:lIlon, Tues_ da)' evening. ' assocl3 teo . Hnlnes where, he had been sta.ylog Immedlatejy following the cer~Cor the PIlSt few months. Mrs. Mnl1d Crl\ne, l\{rs. Irene mony, Mr. 8nd Mrs . L{)onerd enter _ At their regular meeting the She was a daughter of the Jate Henderwn and Dr. Mary-Cook w~ . e .t j\lned the brlrlill P~IY at a dinne: Wayne township teachers discussed 'T George Stiles, who tor maey years d and \ recommend~ changes In tbe Inner guestl! oC Mrs. A. K. pay , at Lane'li res'.... rant. The table Wll!' -:r was express a gent at Corwin, Miss honor roll, Opinion prevailed that Wednesday. '!lttracUv!!l)' ~corated with ro.;es , recognltlon be given to puplls who Stiles lived her entire ILfe In Cor_ sweet pellS an6 had for It!! c n l Mrs . . Ellddla D3.y and daughter · er_ were strong In ru ppllcatlon but could win unUI 'e. few montbs ago she .. rle Owens and ple.ce a wedding oake on top t DorotllY. Miss -t· wen t to make her home W:t 'l Mrs. 00.. . l~ not quite make the straight A. clasMrs. Norah Hough w~re Dayton which WM -a .pllnlatUl·e br ide and sltLcation. :X'be revlSloq as adopted Haines. She Is survived by several groom ' ces and nephews. makes three divisions c1asslfled as visitors Saturday. Mr. 'and Mis. McMllwn le ft Im~ Services were conducted by the follows: , Mrs. Charles F l anzler and Mrs. medJately the dinner tOT £1Rev. J. V. Lacy at the McClure tun.. Daisy Snyder werc In Sprlngf:eld on kl.ris whereafter ~he~' were !Wests of the AlLStar Those maklns A's In era I home Tuesday afternoon and thil academic subJecl.5, as well. as the bwlal was made In Miami cemetery. Tuesday to represent the Woman's brides parents. ~rhey will make thel: Auxiliary of S t, MarY's Church at 11 home in Bristol, extra .curricula sub;ects.; 8chol~ ,. special missionary . meeting of Epts_ The bride 18 I graduate of Elkins tic-Those receiving A's in the aca_ JOPN J. SEARS demic sut)jects; Merit-Those hav_ J ohn J, Sears, 76. retired f'll!mer copal women of tilts dts~rlct. high school and was emp.oyed In the Tygert.s Vailley National bank inr no grade less than B, Including died Saturdny January 21 at the J . R. Gibbons. locnl lumberm an two A's. . home of hi daughter, Mrs. Irvin MIl Is enjoying a ftshing lind hunting for the past f~ years. She has been T he honor rolls for the third term IeI' near Greenv111e . alter an 111ness prominently 1i1entlCled wi th Holy tri p In Ala bama thts we: k. Incident.. ~~ ! as !ollows, of two weeks. Trinity ~~thql'fn eburch. ally, he Is also vll>!Ung lumber mms Mr Mn..-m d Irferlt:-Anna Hoak., Ev yn John&, ~neral services were held In the til re . ~an ,a son w the 1a k .ry . Carolyn " Lukens. . Miriam AlJbott!Vil!e tT. B. ' ~ Mi d8yr+-:;;~.~':..... Jeeep MeUi!1ilu is a ·gr~duate 'ot , ~ h lin th I o ' ott, , Oharlotte Hart'man, M ' Innle aftel'noon with burial In AbbottsDorothy Berry entertal. ed several W aynesvIII e hi. gLl SC 00 e C aFlI ..... Jones. Robert .P reston, M;argaret \-ille cemetery. Surviving I\I'e the IlLtle clllssmllles nt slipper woonell' lof '26 and attended Wilmington col Vlnt, ,Alton Earnhart, Setty Davis, nugh lel', Ulrce $ons. Wllbur of day evening at h er home, Her guests lege. He then 'w ent ' to Oincinn~tJ fhlllip Hartman, EYt\yn HobUt, Waynesville. AIVIJ, G reenville., and were Norma AcJ.mts., Betty 'Jones and started worldng with \Jl1e Arne. . Ii dcnt a t te h and Beulah smith. . rlCAn Airlines. :ae Is now manager Henrle~ta Pennlngwn, Roy Planck , arr I ron, I)uper l11ten Orv111e Savage. ' Reba Surface. Abbottsville cemel~ry, and one half. for Lhe Amert~an AIrlines at the . ' . Mr. and Mrs. Emest Earnhatt and Tri-Clty a··po. r t at ~listo'l TAn", .2eLty Thompson, Helen HIseY. Mar_ btot IleI'. 1\f31'10Jl Weller, cf Oenter_ u ... ~. cellne Peters, Monlmla Hoak, Jllne ville. - -_. Hartsock. Oharles. Onldorf , Ruth Ml'un"danayd. Mrs. H3l'old Ea.nhart. onl Gates, Ruth Mekeever and Marjor_ ' ORAN STRAW~ .~ftn • .. ' . Last 1'1~es were h eld at the Stubbs S Ie ...,., r Bcholastlc-Ada. Selle F.r e Carol unerlll home SatW'day at 2 o'c1cck 'Clyde Fr lD m celebrated his blrth_ 0 1' Oren Strawn. '13, whose dealh day anniversary Sunday at the ~nn _ Je BakeYr 'An .. "" , _ .anne . na occm-red Thursday at his home ' Marilyn WhItaker Virginia Preston home of his ~Jster, Mrs. Melvin .' , SCllt·h of Waynes.vllle - __ ._... PI_a. .~ Is f foUowlng a Banta and Mr. Banta In Loveland . I Pn\.'; All St:l1r-Margle Gustin, Opal stroke of pa13lys a ew days pre- Others present wele Clyde's parents An unu,:,-ual and entertaining .pro_ Henders~n, Elizabeth HObilt. Loutse .v)ous. He Is sUl'vlvl!d by his wife Mr. 1l nd Mrs. John Fromm and bls gl'em was presEmted · by the Lytle 81nc~, Mary Eva L eMay, Flieda. ~:~~~~;to;:e ~~~ J~~: ~t~:~:\~~' ~~~ glandfather. J. O. Haw.,e. members at the regular meeting 01 ""... Paul Johns Marion Smlt" Farmers' Gran"e, Saturday night. -, , II, lello and Ml's, May S lack of W~'an, .. I The lI:JW ledurer. Mrs. Ha.rold LapSIng f{ardln 'and Jean .Hartsock. dotte. Michigan . Burial WIlJ ma:e I Whitaker assisted by Mrs, Therl!! ill the celnetel'Y nt E1wardsvllle. . Junes 'prepared the program wblch County Supt. ·o( ach~ls H. Bohl ed~ressed t,he Wayne townShiP. nn' ,(\RF'S ANN' BELcHER consisted of a play. "An Evening , ~t Ulclr ~onlb\y meeting I. ,Ptmel'nl services were ' held Tue . Mrs, Oaroline Barnett. who has with the Old ..F,olks." The {ollowln:', . Thursday e,v eplng, January 19, He day, afternoon 'at the Cohgre~atlon- b en on the sick llst this past week Lytle member.; took pmt; Peter stre~sed tolerance III dealing with nl chill'ch In Miamisburg for DO- Is Imllrovlng. ,,{Isltars dming the Wiggins. Wa)ter K eD! iok; Nancy pupils.. "oJ lores Ann Belcher. . 11 month ' old week included her son Sam Barnett WI(:glns, Mrs., H:."rvey Burnet.t; WH . daughter of Mr. and Mr/!. Char~es 01 CcntervlPe her Mrs lie 111 Wiggins. Lowell Thomas; I).fary P1ircha·~ of books tor the alumni Belcher. The child died at tbe E thel Sackett, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wlgi lns, Edith Kurf\...o;s; children. high school' reference library ts go_ hom\;! of her grandparents, Mr. and 1'\Imer of Waynesvllle, Mr. and Mr.: B ' tty Thomas, Milton Jones. PhyL Ing ahead ' according to word recel_ Mrs, Sam Sh arer of Route 2, ot 'Robert. Barnett of Dayton and Ar_ Its Bailey, and f'S'aru;es Whitaker • fang ' 'JLngJe B eII s. " Mr. Ro d g_ W,10 ved from C , M . 0 IU't wr Ig ht 0 t OhI - bl'oJ1chiai pneumonh e rly Sunday th ur W r Ig h t 0 r Cen t erv11Ie. ' cago, chaJftn3n of the comml~tce. A 'morning. Stubbs funeral directors Mrs. Harriet Peele .. 87 yearS o( ers. Haro\(~; Mrs. Rodgers number of fine .reference book;, have were In cllal'ge of the sprv1oes. age passed aw.ay at the home on tbe Oatherlne Tbomas. who nang j'Put alrelldy been reCe1ved and public re. 19th Funeral services were held in On' Your Old Oray Bonnet: " Thel_ Sabina. Sunday afternoon. Mr: III nd ma Abbott. Etb~l Duke, who sang ()()gnlt'l on will be made wh~n the 'rr • n'J1lo1.4N ' J . .HAMM Word has been recetvert here of Mrs. Foster Heacock and M . Leila "I Cannot Sing the Old Songs". Lit. proJect . Is completed. Many' library bookl!. have been re~ I,be death of HartmAn ~. HaIi'Ull, 88. Hartsock attended from h ere. Uan Tcwne . Letl.tlil Kenrick. George . boun!!. tb~ough the nld of the WPA Sunday morning at till? home of hts ML~ Marie Owens accompanied West, Fral)k ' KurflFs; Mrs. TIIt~n. b~ at Lebanon. Mr. Orabbe's .soh- inlaw Dud dnJ,ightcr. Mr. and Mrs. EUddia Day and daughter Nettle Emrick; ~rl. Therle Jones; depar~nt Will soon begin work on Mrs. F'. R. Moomaw. In ChJlUcothe, Miss Dorothy to Dayton on S"3tu~~ I Mildred, MI:6. :Berne Jones; Miss a counter >snd adSilUonal stack room Mr. 'H amm, who was a Qatlve of da.y . Gray, Mary Brown; Vlrgll. Morris . for the l1bra....- Mrs. Dymond with Germany, wlll.)Je rememberd by Brown, Nettle. Amy BaUey; plantst. the sChool Ubr~rlans are reorganlz.. many of our reSidents, having lived ,..,NIOB C'.ASS TO Arlene Jones. ' . lng ·.and ,teeata iiglng the lIbrwy In the Moomaw home here when SPONSOR. ROOSEVELT RI\LL Songs by the vllllous" groups were will , tacllitate Its use. With MI'. .Moomaw was super'intendent of The senior class has given "Old Folks . at Home" "Love's Old tbe ;'eOmpleUon of 'these activities. Wayne township schools. ' the opportunity to help tight Inlan_ Sweet Song,·i"Da~lIn~ Nellie GrIlY" Way~, to~p ~P1l8 'will have '!l : services were held at the resl. tile paralysts by . distrIbuting the ." Home Sweet Home" and "Auld school' Ulmlri .. that will compare ~e,nce TUesday with burial In Green March of Dimes banks In tbe-school Lang Syrie" Re.a.lllngs vocaJ and clo_ With the' ~t., ' ' Lawn ce~tery, and community and by sponsoring lin 60106· were inlterspersed thrOUgh. • l - .' .:, a dance to be held In tbe gym'nas. ou·t the pr~am. . ...... lum on January" 30. , The Senior cl9.S5 W·3S entertaJiled PARTY FOR by Oarolyn Lukens !l~~ Margie Gus.. RECENT BR~E tin at ·the home ot Oarolyn LulcenS, Mrs. Ross Hartsock and Mrs. D. <' " . TUesday night. O. Ridge were jO~t h08~S at a party at the Ridge home TUead~ y,~na81~m e~lng VL.'88 iPARTY ~ . . ev~~tng, . hOnolrtJ;lg Ml'II. stanley ,". '. . 'In_ f th ':' .:E. " dl........ " I~ . . 'M !ss 'Margie Oust~ and Mi~8 'oar., t4arkey. a reten~ brI~e. Bridie PJ'0~ - The Infol,1\.la) opeJl~.. 0 e ..ew au ....."'um a1)., gymn9.8 um~:C;' 11 L It te ... 1""...... b vided ' 1 ' . t dll era! ' f \. the -, ThiIisdaJ Pebruar)' I, la' an eve'l\t Of' 'whicll not ()DIy the . lIC~ool '0 ne. \I e~ e~ r~.",, · me~ er,iI p eaa.a~, ,y. ~ or eve". but.the e~tlre coDUl)un1ty, as we11-, ahQ,Iild feel ~Ud. \ . of the ae~tor· c;l~sa at the. Lultens ning; after : whl~i:h ~lnty refrelh , Thll 1.!P to da1ie bu1l~ affords ,"-den.t.. ..t~ WAYne ToWn.. ~e'.- TUead.BY evening. Dl'nclng mer.!!:! w~~ ._n~ .~ .~-- ahIp achoola creaut lmpreyecS f.et1ltles for bo~ . work 'aDd plll7, aDd Ita cardi, pGilPong, .. and Chinese The gUeat.Jls~ biClUl"ed 'Mi'a. B. D. addl: ~~c::~~. w1J1 pu~ & speCIal edltlon--;ext ch~ters provided amuaeme~t tor Henkle apd ~~. Oecne ~e of ThursdQ. CGDtaInlhI antonnatt~ p.~t tb'e new audltorJum.:.D'I!lWIb1m the evenJnf. At a latA! hour retresh Lebanon. IIrI. CUntcm 00rwIn or coPlea' Of wJilch will be d1ettlbut,ed tf!ee at ctwP to tboee attendtna t.he menta were servecfJllnd lbus ended Xenia,~. Jobn ~. ~, lira, ~tt_ . nat ThUrIId&J IdIh&. ' , anotbel'Deftl'.to-be..fOlJOtteft ptb.. A. B. stout. Ralpli MOll'!' lind s ix o'clock
~~Il~~~nH~;;~ ~: ~~~:CrD:~!~e~~...
Rober Lud1n
G ' ' ..
Op· r '
erIDI ·ot' tbla ~ of
~ folb"
I ,
dasiu •
Opened Feb. Z
Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'llartsock of MillOI'd . Wero Sunday GU sts of Mrs, Edith M. Harris.
the IUflIt of
- . ~.
On Sunday members of tht famil .' of Mrs, Addle Smith gathered at the home or her son in law and dau h tcr, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson with whom she makes her home, to ce I ebI'ate bel' eighty_third blrth :lay annI versary. A bauntIfUl dinner W::8 served 'at noon . Tho~e present were Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Evans, Roy Crockett Ilnd Ohl\rles Ande.sen at CollI!l1bus. MI'. !lnd Mrs, Lawrence
Elabf)rate Program To Mark CeremOD) Here E1aborale plans have been completed for the opening Thurllday, FE'blllllry ·2. of the new auditorium and gymnasium of th e Wayne town.. ! h .IJ :;<:hooI6. . 'vwh.le ba ketball games will not be played tn the new buDdinr tb1S yea r. other parts o{ the struc ture wiU be avallable for use. and the cere.... IhOIlY next Thursday o!!er~ patrons of tile scbool an opportunity to He wbat teautUuI and up La date facilities wiU be offered the youth of this ~ eOIl .nlUnlty In 1uture years. "..-
The program Is belnlt- sponsored - - - - - - - - b th bo d t t y e a r ' 0 educaUop vlth be . ' tl ' I coo~ra on of the mother/,' club and school. The ceremonll'JI wiU open with a Roy Stoneburner '.Ind sons and Har,. _ ry Cook and son of Spring Vnlley. - ,- ,- - - - , -. cafeteria supper be (. mJnK aL 5:30 J . 0 . 'Un """,rIa tt... .. as bee:l on t".1 ocIOCk l a be st!lVeLl i'n t l .i! 1I . W din_ MI'. and Mrs. James Beirne and ,;lck Itst for tbe pas , ' two week.s. lng u,om wbleb will a ;)cJmoda e an.. dau~:hter of CinCinna ti and Harold ' , proximately 5uO pel'spl S AnclersoJ1.. Miss Betty Rartrock of .lnclnnlll1 A highly entertain! Jg p('(JgT' ' I,cut the week end al h r h me bee lUOTIIERS~ CLUB has n arrang<d whIch wlli olle I . •ele, the populnr &tyle of en ertlllnment MI£ETING I Donald, Dale, Anna May iiI,.d La today. . Th . > ' ,ht:!' W .UllllS we,'e sunLIl Lnll1 A fallt.nlovlng 8tww will ' cludl!; e WaYlle Township Motbel'l; . ~ uebLS of Mi'. a nd M. s L~o COl.ner, Bandmaster Frank and Us lelo. club w11l meeL FrIday. Pebruary 3 deers; . The Mlgh~y Fuel! ty Art Ilt 2 o'clock tn the Mother's club Mrs. JeSbe Meng-Ie and SO.I II . d Players in "Home by MldnJglW' and I'com at the grade building. Come '\lfl·ed· SLuu. were C nclnnaJ early and visit 'your CI.1Uds room. visitors Balurday. "Nlght.s Lodging"; WarrEn COunl,y'8 own HUlbllly JambOree; BUd L~y, Whether or no t you have ever at.. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Robin..on 01 and company ; Mlle. Fogle and Bal.. tended you are corlally Invited to . Da,yt.on ~pent Sunday with .Mi'. and let RU88e; Hotay Rh~thm. .1 Is meeting. • '"'Ian'd a Mrs. Emel'SOn Eal'lIharL amI" ' son makers', and Dr. -TIf"-oakum ..... .Jharles Burton. host of other 5C1b~UJaUnl &t31'<1. Immediately followwl' the Pl'Q. Mr,' ami Mrs. Marion. Whitaker gram In the' new auditorium " alld 8011 F"eddle were week end ~ b d . ~uesb of .Mr. ,and MIS. W•. &. Gra " e andnl' In the lIew bling -_ room tor those who cal'e, to par:tL ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL :Iam. c1pate. CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brown and 80n A large and enthusiastic crowd 11\ Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. Gt!orge Frederic or Franltlln vhlted 'expected to, attend this event, which 10 a Ill. Church sch"'"' 11 ' , . "'P. Mr, and Mra. H. H. Wlll1amson and Is alao expected to at~ct HlaDY a. m. Mornl.n g · Prayer .and ser. .. lhl,gillA:1' (.il8(:e batl.\rday. from surrounding communitlc,t man. This Informal , ol>ellm ' or ,11 new TUESDAY Mr. and Mrs. Blaney Rye and auditorluUl and gymu~l" m wlJl .be 2 p. m. l'IW'~C!y cQ urC 9 '!Cllool. '" J!*'!l en, ~Ied pn, Mrs, ~..rl , Me.. one ot th~ hlah &poL, of tme. e,1 '1 :30 p. m, ChOir lneetlng wi,h 'Mr. 'Maken and G. F . Brown ot LeI: on schoo! year, R. · L. 'Warner. Sunday atternoon. ' . FRIDAY , Mrs. WllIlam Mlchenor of ·PltlS.. . 4 P. m, Junior high boys, burgb, Pa., spent t~e week en~ wl. h UNITtO :-:o~ -"'~ '1 :30 p. m. Girls Friendly group , E. her parenti!, Mr. and Mrs. W. " ' Cornell WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH . . Evans and d"ughtel' and Mrs. LUlu Ba rrows o{ Fairfield Miss Eleanor Baxley of Xenia , M;. Susan Doug, las, MIss:Mlnnle COOk. Mr. and Mrs.
LoeaI H· ' apperuogs
I Church'es I
S~;~~Ysu~~~~a~h:I, R.
D. Collett, th:'
__ __
' . Mr K "h H ' John J . E!ears at Abbottsv11le n e l l ' s. a. ryn ende~n. Turner,, . d 10:4{) Morning '{Vorshlp Subject Greenville: Monday. . Bughter of Fred B, HendeteoD, "Time Out. " anq Mr. ~ger Ohamj)Usa, 1101') of 5:45 Epworth ' League meet to go }l:lIen. daughter of .Mr. and 'Mrs. Mr. and , Mrs. Harry Ohambllss of Bartley Moss, Is recovering aCter an' X Ia • to Lebanon. en , ;were CJUI~tly marr1~ In 7:30 Evening service. Rev. Plack_ operation for appendlc1t.1s lIt St. Xenia, Saturd~Y' aftem~n: . The ,. l!Jizabetb hospital, Dayton. Wednes_ geremony waa. ~rformed at. o'clock well wll! preach. MONDAY day morning. In the P&f80na~ of the P1rIt. He. '1 :00 ~oy ~outs • . 'formed church. the ~v: i. L. 8:00 Choir practice sa~:~:~n~:;d ~~I1~~! ~~~~~:~ SCherry ualng the" slOgle rlrtl acr. WEDNESDAY . vice. . wllh a family dinner. Thoe pieaent .2:00 W. F . M. S. wlll meeL with were Mr, and' Ml'II. W, E. Cornell , The atte~d.ants were Mr. and Mr.l. Ml'r. Ridge, Mite Box opening;' We Mrs. WUllam Mlchenor an~ . brotheJ'~Iru) aw tbe Jobn B. GoJ\S. . . , have had a good rccord.• let U- m , keep Misses Ruth and Doris S~U8b!JTY. , sister of tlle bride. Both It up. . and helr-lfbitlon-_....~Rt.t:tno..-hrlot..r-+.[~j.I~; 3 :45 Junior, Choir. Twellty six ' relatlves aSSembled color frocks with ' a~ n~ the hQme of Mr. and lIiIrs. ~"C. sorles aRd wore shoulder ,c,il\'agfl8 'o f " WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF HL.;ey. Sunday'; to help celebrate gal·denlaa. '." CHRIST Mis .•J. C. Hisey's blrth annlve.sary. Others WtlO wltnel'sed .,PU! ' ten This being the fifth Sunday there '1 tie party ' Included aunts. unoles mony were the bI1de:~ fa~l1e~1 Fred will be 'preaching ·at the ,rel ulet and cousins of the Hlseys. B. Henderson, her great. ilul,lt, Ml'4. Sunday Sohool hour at 9:30 a. m. D. L. OrQ1le ot Wayn8s\ 'lIle: lier Sermon subject will be "Altogether Mrs. D.O.. B1' wn and Mrs. O. M. brother In law imd slster: ~, and , . Brown ot avertown and M1ss . 'Urs. . A. ~. ' SChoe'er Ilton,· · a 0 hrIstlan." . . of ti"-· T- - " Sunday School 10:30 p. m. Edith Martell or/ Detroit were dill- the brldegroom'lI brot4er: In Jaw and Christian Endeavor 7:00 P. m. ner gueats oC Mr. and Mrs. W. S . . sister, Mr. !Ind Mrs. J, .Qal:orne Preaching 7:30 p ..m. Graham. Monday. MIss Martell Is and the1t; .son Jack of xefua: . TUESDAY a niece of ~Iss Doras S lUes WhO PolloWlilg the service the' b,rtdal v Choir practice 7:3D P. m. passed awa. ' sund~y: P,a~ty 'was e!1tettalmld at'the home WEDNESDAY Mr. and ~B. P. J. Larrtck were ~l, ,M~, nnd Mrs. Osborne in Xent~ . Bible study and Pl'ayer meeting at dinner guests Sunday of Mi'. and . Mr~ O~bll911 is 1n chan~ of ctle '1:30 p. m . . M!·s. GeOrge QUick MlamJi;b\lrg. ! Tumez: :'~*y Shoppe and In the afternoon they saw the Hall's ' Mr, Chambllss is connected 'wlth the ' FERRY CHURCH OF Laundry basketball team win their l Re,tjew Dry Clea~r. They will ' r~_ CHRIST tenth consecutlve ·game. Later they ; side In the Messerlgl!l: APtS., "Xen ;. Bible School 9:30 ·a. m. ~lled o.n Mrs KatberJiie Hammel . . Lord's Supper 10:458. in. a't the D1l) oa~rtbic hospital CBUBC~8 Scrmon 1l a. m. she ' Is confined follO'wlng e. fracture. 0111' revival came to a close Sun. ot the shOUlder. ' . Cb,1~~~~~!~ day night with 276 at the evening _"':""_-,- """""'-~!~~~~~~~~~i:~ service, and eleven people added ClfOiR IN8TRUC~IQN ,1: ded- to the church: In spite ot, the , -:-- ". .r ba d wa tller we h Ild a ·very SUCce8SMr.'..RIchard Warner. one of' Oin1Ul m~et1ng. not only In the way of ·c1onati·s foremOl1; organlstsand ,Betting new 1Dem~ but the splrlt_ choir d1r~l'II. win with the ,ual of ' the: church was stfenith_ ci:\olr'of at: on TUes.. alDgtn,.:~o"'i~~'U:D ened. There were ,eight ~ndinM d", of ne~t W8ek.'The' even1n~ tiI)l1l"'lllililtnU ."lIniit) . to.WDS rep!esented almOlt 8Il~h eve- ' ,* devoted to Ina,m,,,,U"n" nmg, ~e 'riOWJ1~ve membel'!l ~ JD~ ' of Anrucan 'a8 tar away as.Pra~n ~ ¥.~ Ohurcli mUsie ,IIOC:ord~ burg. The services at Perry seem w I"authOrities Th1a Ia a"1efiDIltj~ . ~-' . . . .. . , '~ . appeal w people t?ecauae they have' to the direction of '~sJDg p.o tiooit 'but the B1~le, no·. Creed but l atda of 'cl:lolr~ In &to' .'.,;._-,,, "',, Obrlt,t , and no D'meS bUt. tbe jiJv1n~, Church. whJch ",;.8lriad7 ~u, and that' all P'Ople. should cosne proud.ot Ita pUt Mr. wamer back .andUJilte on the' te.chlnr .01 , ill ' an ' authority 'o n 4lhurch';'mUlle, &be New Teltament" Ohlmlh. come ha\IbijJ 8tuc:Ued botb at 001 ' til · IIlItIla to 'tbe church &be CJOI8 lOa.: UnlVelldty alJ4"brOcid aDd .where a weloome and a ' smile at Ida . . . . . )11 ~~Id S upt,
M..n'8 Church
. . . J'OIl.
~ ~, .
br miami @a,rttr WaYJHllViUf, Ohio
I' I
Kalil StNet r
1\'-"4 4a 8100Dci '01... Mall KaUer.t POltotfi~e, WaynelVtlle, Ohio, ' Flora M. Crane Editor all d Publis her 1 ' ~'----~~----------~--------------------------~----~ Mn. R~ II. Hastings, SQ~iety Edito~ .•. , , , , Phone 45 H 11 I I~SUED BY-SRY
Subic:ription Price, ' 1.60 Per Year, P ayable, in Advance
Night Talit,s, Jan. 30
-'"-- --
--0-8 ;00 M u ic a n d a nn o un cem e n t o f p rog ram, S ;05 Looking 4head a t 193 9 's 4-H Club Year-H , W. " Ia r s h f ie ld , A s t. S tate 4·H C lub L ea d e r.
8 ;Ui Voca ti o,n al Hom e Econ o mi c s Pl'og r a m--Sludent s
of .Radn o r
Hig h S c hool ; dire cted by Miss
Nola Rhoad s,
I n t ructo l'. S ;25 oJumbus C hamb e r Ol·c h estr a .
8 ;3 5 A Forerunne r of Farmers' Weew -H, E, Eswine U is torian .
8 ;45 A National Viewpoint
o f Home Demonstration It it Is permissible to tur.n back t he stale offlcials may be Ident! led Thomas J, Herbert and JeanneLte G,o vernor J ohn W, Brickel' and \ Tt'onsu!,()J' of Sta to Don li, Work-Miss Grace E. Frysinger, Home Economi~t, Ex- PlLges of personal history, the wives with t heir husbnnds, left to right J udson : Lieutenant Governor Paul HRl'riet Day:'Y of Stnt~ and M,' rlha Miller, ot ' Ohlo;s recently lnaugura :ed os {ollows : Attorney General M, Herbert and Ruby Thomas : Earl GrlHIlh Rtld Mllry Terry; tension Service, U, S~ Department of Agl'icultu~e.
S';55 Columbus Chamber Orc l\e tra, 9 ;05 The National Farm Program-C . R . Wickard, Director, N or~h Central Region, 'A AA.
News Of 'Re dS
Ebr' :, .~t
Ohio', alld livestock Inch try are Is s 0'1 ilaluable li s Intercsts 9 ;25 Making, out FSA Farm ana Home 'PlanS-Dra-1 ' Ernest Lombar,dJ'S 1939 rush to vnrled thn L ~l1c progl'lln; during " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Iii ' the spoUight, which culminated In j Farm(')"" Week at Ohio Stl t.C Unl- t Friday - SaturdRY matiza . tion su~ervised by Farm Securitv Administratio ll ' I his winning the National Leaglle's versity, J anuary 30 to Febrl1 a~'y 3, t _ By CLARENCE J. BROWN 01110 COWS Ri':SOLVE staff, for OhI·O. M be r 'I most valuable player award, we.,s , has been split betwcen dall'Y a nti ,e' m T 0 Conrress TO KEEP OLD E-'<AU ,n 'lTS . achieved because of his Increased g n eral livestock and each of t he-e -SCREEN"GOING PLACES" 9 ;35 Columbus Chamber Orchestra. ., congi-ess ,more or less mnrked - ,- effcctlven2liS behind the bat and , dJvlsions again provides for the dl. , Dick Powell " time during the ps '!t we Ak, In the Many Ohio cows which failed t:> 1not because of any suddenly found verse phases within itself, I ,Anitl Louile !hoUse 'lI Deficiency app oprla Uon see a pasture Improvement program , ba tting power. ' Dall'ymen have meetings 11 fi ve CG ntinuoul ShoWI Ollily This mJght' seem slightly bim!'l'e days, beginning wi h h erd Improve. ! Bill to care for New England 's on their owners' Christmas !.rees Adults Only 160 'Til 2 p , M. took time out New Years to reaffhm l in view of the records tha t rev' al men t assocI. Lon work on Mon(lay. 8 torm d amage, grass h oppel'cl and other pests In the West, Wages and their old resolutil)n to spend their I Cincinnati's 220 \pound ca tchel' a t I Making silage from hay, Incl'Clt'\lng , HQurs admJnlst.ratlon, a nd C' nsUl days next summer wearing their I !.he top ,of the 1938 National League" hay consumption, a nd ar tIfIcial It l_ : matters. was debaled and then per- I' legs down to ,the:lr hocks sc JrchJng batting Hst. It ~ the only a nalysl , se~llatjon of cows a e other topiCS , mittect to rest over unW t he first of for feed and to report at the barn that can be gained from the sllua. Ilsted thllt day, Milk m3l'ketl ng the week. Again the aou~ of R P_ I f ach evening witlil .a half _portion of lton. however, as batting herelc ) Into the picture Tuesday. . resentatlves demonlltrated Its de_ rrulk accordlng to D, R, Dodd, ex- have been identified with Lombardi WeclnesC\ay brlllRS severa l sp ~r la'It's only human for , some ' person , who are refused sire .tor economy by materially re- tension specialist In agronomy, Ohio since ' he broke ·into . thl1 majors ! Ists to dlscllss d l~e!lst on trel In ' with Br09ltlyn , in 1931, , dairy h l'ds, and sl;l!n;csLlolls wlH 1: e ' loans by.. .a bank ~o go away' cursing banking in general. ducing, through amertdmetlts, some State University, of the ~dmln1stratlon requests, ,I n ' The resolutions of the cows is ex_ Untli last year, he was genel'ailY mnde about legislation n ded I• They palDt banke'rS as a crew of, heartle skinflints. . --0;-- , th.e Senate nlOlit of the week was pectcd to be son!irmed by beef cat_ regarded tbroughout baseball as Ohio lo ...get Lhe gr.eatest bene' lt . taken up in debating the con Irma. tie and sheep. which will register Just a hitter, !li nd n.o t as a crack from control campaigns. Thu-.Ilday . How'e ver, ~ banker doesri~t refuS\e a -loan because he wants to. He refl,lses it, when he does, be,c ause he must- tlo~ of Supreme Court Justice their disappointment by shortwelgh. receiver. His 1938 p~rformance aL is 'ocouplcd ~Ul sp: clal progrs m I Attorney , Gimeral 1t1n" their ownerli when he sel!s tered the ~complete situation for 'and busln~" s Illcetln s for fOll r st. l te " l;Iecnu.$~ ~ither ~he law or Ns obligatjon tfl his depositors Frankfurter; S~,ciatl~ns, , ' ·make It' ,I mpOSSIble , to grant t,h e request. As F. L. Lipp- Murphy ; and Director of Commerce meat or wool: Horses do not ' ge~ the m31mer In which he hB~dled l' breeders' Brown S\ I S I eeders meet Fri. man, Chairman the BORro of th e Wens fatgo Bank, Harry L. Hopkins, All were contlt_ , much shance to .jQin the campaIgn the youngsters on the Cincinnati recently ~rote, There is no real difference between tire med', but Mr, Hopkllll! did not ' becau~ tHey 'are fed {n the b¥n staff, and a newly found a ttitude day, T he dairy progra 1 con: ~lld~s l applicant and the b4nk. a to their interests and final lln easy time of , It-for his ears stt:l when their jaunts In the, pasture for his ' job causel! the crllics who with two, dlscllSSons of t he pr o 'I'e s I the m.!lSl valuable and .need fol' a beLl I' 11'0 rI'O,,'rnnl purposes. , , It is rindn es. t o a man to , make hini a bad must be burning from that wh ell leave them witl1.J~aunt...middlC3 and vot " , rally to him as tbelr No, 1 choice, n 5 stnte. -Noted daily 5pecla l l~t~ loan, fpr ~f .l\e , cannot repay the ban~ takes a ' lOss, ,th~ was said cencernlng hlm "oand ' p,oU- ' sore feet, . tics in relief The manner in which Lom.bardl from OhIo tlnd other sta tes will ap_ b orrower hlmself is ' ruined. The inte res t s of the two are The man who trained a cow to peal' throughout the week, ' , . i~ fact the ~ame. Both wan t 'tQ make the lo~n jf it is a , eat sawdu t hll h I handled Johnny Vander, Meer In hi , , s w e 5 e was wear ng t hit te ts - d Livestock men begin Monday b 'good loan, but neither at bottom wants to make a bad The Ohio de~egat1on In Congress I green 6pectacles kept I'educing ~he tlwo ngi0 cth°n sbl' a~ recognl- watChing 0 1110 Sb to st udenls denJ _ loan: lnevitabld there are s ome erForsof judgment on far~ well in official committee as- amount ot sawdust until the cow fonth ven be e f tgh fellow by a~l onstrate the market grades of pork bot.. sides, put it .is the banker who ~ust take the ' re' mgnm~ts. Bo~h. Sen.ator Tart and, was living on fal'th. About the time 0 e mem rs 0 . e Reds, sealed' d 1 th be t sponsibility. If- lle too sanquine', ' there may ,be a loss Senator Donahey are n a number the owner started to ce' eb' raL with the prevalent opinion that Bill Mc- an a so e s · way to slnug tel' of th I '. W K d f lambs. Another demonstration T UlS for the Qa~k and tr~gedy and ruin for the borrower." e mos~ mportant co~lttees the money saved by hls new feeding toe me .LOath oun d nefw Lombardi Clay will show how lhe lamb carca ' s , ---0--of the Senate, On the House s'de, method, the cow became non-cooprep ce e s t rong ofenslve but ' ,.' A bank 'js.Jjust as sound a s the judgment of the men Ohio has at lea:;t One repreEentalive eratlve and died. Her d.epart~e was weak defensive Cateher of the pl'e_ :::nU;dcl~~' handled lC' cet Lhe bel;t - who ' operate it. Afte; , all~ t h e money, iri the' bank doesn't oh every i.mpor lilt co~mlttee" and not the most melancholy thing in vlous seasons: Sheep producers are given speclnl The new Lombardi retained a!l ot • ..,elo~g, ~o th~ bankers. We will g e t a much cleaver piC<.. no ,·,ohio n:t embet failed to receive the' world ,b e:ause she at least rested iii ttentlon in the Tuesday progl am, ' the outsta.n dng qualities of the old ture of .banking 'if we divorce ourselves of the' mfstaken real recognition when the committee while she starved_ pluID$ we,.e passed out, I but added was a fellow who fit Into all 'topics except one dealing with , notion that bank officil\ls '~tmt to queez.e ever}': nickle Not all Ohio COW6 joined in the the producti on 'o( wool 01' ll1U , t n McKechnie's scheme of always hav_ , until.the e(\.gle sCtel,lms. , 'rh~ average bftoker is eager to ,A group of fortY . s ~ n a to rs and New Year's resolution, Several dls_ ing a good catcher tQ help in the The sh epmen' banquet Is plann d for Tue (lay evening, ~ake .sound loans to build UP' his community. A,s hi~ CQIlgre8Smen interested in farm santlng groups are formulating ~blerilB' were SpOOiIl) guer.ts M th e plans to permJt them a more efflclIncreaSlnt of a pitching Sb3ff'~ ef 1Horsenien',go Into nction Wednestown and state gr.qw ' and 'p'J;.9 sper, his bank grow.s and dosnos 01ub last Thursday even iti ent use of their time in the pasture clency. 0 Pitching corps can b~ day but dlv de lhe dllY with shep_ pro&pers ,with them. The banke~ is siJTlply the servant where ' they h~ard Dr, Hale, ' wo/ld fields, A few bercla tried to make successful, without a good pitching h el'ds. Coil ge students slage II. Clrtoon COmed) ,o f his depositors. He is bound by rigid l'ules- of ]aw' and staff to supPort It, bejJ,evts Bill. , authority Qn chemiStry, c!lscuss the a de31 with f1rerues to ligh t up the grooms' conLe~~ demonr trate eL , Metr~. ethi~8' . ,.nd' nine times out of ten, when he ~~e,uses Q loan; future of American BIP-icul ture. Dr, pasture fields ,nights but the ' f1re-, The record With Which Lombardi fective ways of flttlng hOISe.s for' '7< ,, -~ , thQl'e~8 a ,~C?UJld rea~on .'b~ck "of it, nn<l he'g., doing 'the ' ap~ HllI-: predicted that r~cent adv.ances ' !lies decllne<t bEiCiluse the short won the National League ba~tlng the shoW ring, Horse breeders' asso_ 1 L":~===:::::~~J , plic~~t. a'~,:or, a~'w~l1 ~!s s~vln~(the ban~ frqm probable In ' chemical science would permit grass keeps them flying so close to ~rown In ,1938_was not the highest ciaUolls hold ntinual meeting's, r ============~ ~ the, farms or Ameriqll. to' prOduce the ,d ust stirred up gives them. asttL. of his major Jelgue career, 50 ,you lo~. " ' many materials that WOUld ,bring a . rna. can see to what extent his defensive Out of a total or $10,000,000 of , " ~ bout prospet:lty fot ' both agrl~ulture lone red herd ,thought a sit-down Improvement raised his 'stand'gn fedal'al funds (or the building and ," The truth is the electri ~. industry pioneered the de' net I d among thoSe who are closely Identla n u.s!.ry in America. , and strike would get results but a little fled wltll 'the work of ~ il players. In maintena nce of forest highways In '.. velop,n ient ' or 'T urai ,el-ectrlfici'lj:jon, 'long befot:e any -gov- ,throughout' the United States dllrlng the fi scal' the world, Among Ohlo- figuring about the temperature oi ~rn~'ent bute~~ '~ver dre:l!m ~d the subJects.", Bruno ans present were Senator Robert A , sunbaked bare Land ended that 1935 Ernie clubbed for an impres- YeJ J', July I , 1939 to June 30, 1940, Taft d Co slve. 343 average and in so d,olng OhJo's apportioned sll(~re Is $3,929, ~ah,rl. ,',; . 1 , _ an ngres~mm Thomas A. threat, A few herds petitloned ' thelr "e~, Cliff Clevenger, Earl Lewis ownels to equip mUk:ing stOOls with started a string of batting 'marks California anC\ Idnho each wUI d Cia J B that are unrivaled for consistency, draw In excess of a million dollars, an renee. rown, wheels so t.he mUklng Couid be done " Since setting his high, 343, .ErnIe hit ith ni while the cow colltlnued to forage' h Two chicago drug companies scL , It Seventh District farmers .could ' . as w ,. pe points of that ROOT FOR AltfD CONSIGN sell their pl'oduct.s at Washington Mr Dodd s~ ys u{~ suggestions I figure for each , season, cUmaxlng ling a WClght..l'cCl ucing ' lemedy calv:-, D. C, prices the "faull qt1e,~ t1on" by the cows d~ous" but the with the .342 <average tllat won him called "281" havc becn ordcred by ,your Ca~t1e. hngs, sheey the ' Federal Trade Commission to to Norrl~·8rock C.... hve wir~, a,nl would be solved as far as they might cows pqt In the countercharge that the championship ll;!st season. He , ' ' pr"lI'reS8lVe fir.., f'lr the bllfhe8 be concerned. Just now strictly It is not very smartrJ~compel them also appeared In approximately the stop, advcl't1slllg the product unless marltet prices and Rood terne. ' fresh eggs are selling for 57c a dozen to devote so ,mUch <11 their . time same number of games each season they Sb3t.c the fads which are that \.!nlt>!I St""k Y.rd.~ ,Ci ... inn"ti. ln on Ra,dlo Station ~Clt' In Washington ; four per cent milk to hunting grass t t ;.ttjey are ab\e too, varying only one In the se~ blindness, serious Il'ljury to the eyes 112u'!..e Ii' ll to 12 :30 p., m. for f\nr dan th bodil or 0 er y injury may !ol1ow, r",lrk". repon., " · " , brings 14c a qUlW't; butter from 42c to pr9dtioe only an average ot' 17!Hb sons of 1935, 1936 and 1937 In use of , t he l'emedy. ~_~ ,_ = ' ~ . ~, to 4Be a lXIund; beef steak from 350 or butterfat a ' Y8ar,''irhe cows argue those. years he partl~ipated I~ 120, 15: '. to 550 a pound; pork chops from that II; half Pl?und of, buttert1lt a day 121, 'and 120 games. Last year he 250 to 35c .a pound : calves liver ; Is worth only ab0':1t, 15 " cents , at competed. in 129. " -. 850 a. pound. ' I present prices and that" amount is In his eight major league seasom ." ' , , hardiy ' enough to liltiy ' for the ,wear Lo b ';~" " That 'and perM,PS even I and tear on: I feJlces, ga::es mlWons ot ~Jnerklan cltlbens, COD- I The ,outcor;ne , o~ the ' controversy his first season with the' Brooklyn " t1n~~ tp listen to the radio broad_ between the, cows ~~d . their owners Dodgers, when he Wlaa In 73, HI, , casts of Father: ColighUn was , very j ~ahnot, ' be , toresee!~ . Man,v of the, llf~t1me battJng mark Is .319, with eVid!'! nt' this ,pas , week when ,m em: owners Pellev~ :,tt,r,\1I ;~'J{ the ' cqws ' only two ' s~~nS , with 11 ma.,k 0 ' : bera ?! both ~he House ~nd Sena,te wculd stop thj.jlkin@t ~~t IIm~ fer- 'less than ,300. Thosc"years were hJs were ' Utrally WI<)<¥d ,with ~tters Ullzer, and wbfte ~l,oter, : the pr~nt first, 1931, when he hit .297, and his , ,and, telegrams , protest~, against , pastur,es would 'P~ mor~, 'gT&SS' thlrd, whe~ he bit ,283. : the Ilft~ng of the embargo on arms If we have more rild. ,The cows ad.. , Lombardi' has ~ r,nunttlo.ns ' and othe~ shipments. to mit that rain wol~ld increase the '~ltaU ' many years lelt ,t o , \'France" ,contents of the nil1lk bucket' If it ' i~ be ~1 on. h1s~\lw , s~hding. ,He, ' • " \, ..... '<" ,I rains biu'd eno,ugh 'and the "lfillking w , Yllars 0 ,age 1~ day,s t:~I ' CoQllress: has taKllrl " <1ttu~r hitch is dbne out_d~ra" ' , fore the openng of the 1939' s illaspn. I
"Bank Night"
c' h n I
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F. < r~:' ~ar:tlt1
~he p!l~~e
" ".Auctloneer , .'
81'r!:ss1~asth:~:~e:rk ~nl/~
S~iFISFACT"O' N ~,r: ~O", ~~~rge'
In ItS, collective 'lelt . l Is prepBl'_ ing to make 'anot~(:t attempt to solve the farm problem. }{umerous me3~111 J:el~t.'ive to agricUlture have been 1ntroduc~ in both Houses. Moat the 'suggested leg.
" '. HER ff~ allotted an Qdditi~nal lsIatipn seems , to 1f~vor lne estab-, .t23~.OOO tor apdll11i 154 mlles of 118hment o~ base ..PrlICfB fQl' all Ame_ 'powell , with 793 c:u'ltomers ' to rl,~an. farm prodUICts equal to at the 743 rD.1les already und ' t least the cost of P;~UCtloD of the ctlon in nine southern ;;h1oCOIl8 ! ~ average Alnerfcan ' '," ties. coun
. 'A lot ,of US~ are, ~a find, Yfhen 't~ p,k ' b ~k that 'it~ JU$t, ,another year sone ~I" t
• unc!ar Juu"
28. l!~
1=;= ,~ounty~ourt ~O 'F -
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THE MIAMI GAZ£Tr£~_~_ _ _ _..-_~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ....._ _ _ _ _.....
fr ,. E'
~. iOHIO CONGRfSS OF :;~~~f ::::'S:;'~\":"~:~ PUNED MEALS KEEP News -j IPARENl. mCHERS IHE flM'lY .I PPY
Ie - - - ,-
f, I
Highes Quality Merchandise
,. Vtrge! Bickel VII. Sylvester D . and and QOsts. . ,.' . I.chalrnun. MrI.- W, H . Lalb, dlatrlot Oc>m-tney and 11.11 States Life In , . Le.wts Watson vs. Stat:' of Ohio publicity ohairma.tll, wH.! be asslst,e(l . , The Seventeenth Annual Cen er~ by Mr• . L. D, Peaslee, .former Dis. . .-....a".-ance do, tor money only,' amount dlsmissed for want of prosecution. I." 1" Un d .~6 25 ' Dorothy May Kinder vs, John ence of the Southwest Dilltr!ct 01 trlct director, Mrs, Jack Davia, PI nnlng lllenUs for tUII\lly meQl~ elr- e .... . -Allen . . , vs. Ca'r rJe "', . Allen Ray ' Klnder dls....'butlon ot proceeds th e Ohio Congress 0 t P arm t s an d president ot Montgomery county - week, at lea ot, in .advance has ~\\O J hn '" ... ' T eachera wU1 bI! h eId ' at \ h s \\'est and Dayton coun 1mpol'~nt {ldvalltaBes fc,r all [allL and sale of proper ty. ' , cll wm meet with III d1\ )rce, nex 'reme cruelly. ~ C lit Hi gh 8 h T '1 I es; SccOl'dIng to Leta Glgax, home ~ownrd Sileeler minor of Uln Maurice O. KI~k. VS. Thula Kirk Fabr~o ono 10 3 f c OClgl ' hu s ay h{'spltallty Cha,~l}ll!n, demoUSLrnlion ag. n' 111' ~ . al' on .... .. , .. ~ divorce .to plajntlff. .' . ; , e l'ual'Y. 9 rom Q. m. u ntLl The .afternOoIl' p:rogram \)~ ginnlng COUllty . - • \U. ,.lre ~f 19 years. by Ulysses G, , . , . '. . • I- p. III. will begin with mUSic by TI I . Wh etsel, "Is gralldl,other, and best - elaleJIce O. TUlldn . A, ... Work , motion overruled. dete.n dant ; Rcg l~trat.on will bes ln at 9 a . m . Mother Blnarers 'lrom the entlre dIs.. 1e p anrung will help the home fnend Vii. P!).ullne Bheeter, divorce given 20 days to pleDd. , The morning (iesslon will open a t trlct. Mrs, C" ?trn.CY· LaCost. State Dlaker La make cerul ln . ll .a~ the IIl'OSS neglect. I Paul Tafel, Mary D. Tafe1 . and 10 a. m. Wi th Mrs. U. S. CW'nutt, j president. will .!]rlng a m~sa:e to fDutlly 15 receiving nil Llle e :..enL1R Larfer BI'CRusc of Better Q 1I11ity, cr~ice, nnd Price. . . Alleen Hanlson vs Thomas Cor district dlrect.or, presiding. Mus ic r the assembly. An address will be de_ food ele~nents. Also Lhe :;hOPPlU lj COMMON Pl.EAS PROCEEDINGS win. Sr., an(l Tho~~s E. Oorwln~ ' will be u.nder the dlrect.on of Mrs. ' Uvered by Rev lld Floyd Faust, Ilroblem b partially solved Cor IS.Il, Esl:' blished 1849 • 1939 W.O\'·NF.SVIU,E. PHONE 32 '- - .there is due t~ plainLlff $159 98 wIth O. E. West. music I\upervlsor oC t he pastor of Brow Street Christian tolks who make pu rchn.~es ollly once Lawrence ~abbard VI'. . Martha Jnterest o:l t s ix P CI' cent. ' I West Carl'ollton high school. Invo_ ohurch. Columbus. Ohio. The topic a week because the menus arc meas_ , Gabb~rd. dlvOlce to plaintiff, I Gladys Abner vs. Roy Abner, de- cntlon will be pronounceI' by Rev. of the address wUl be "The Chal- ures of lh~ lhlnks which will U , Fidelity & Depo~lt Co .. of ~ary- fendant ordered to pay $2.50 11er C. W . C assell. pa stor of the Lu ther_ lenge of ' Youth toO Parents and needed cach week. ..,....-. land vs. WUlam Hurfol'd . Jr .. Sher_ week for support or minor' cllild. an church. Greeti ngs will be ex_ Teachers" , R , ullons wUl be pre. Winter weaLher and ~I'ay s kies lultt, National Buret~ Corporation MARRIAGE LICENSES t.cnded by Mr. W. E . SI)ade. super- scnted . by Mr". A. J . Ba rnett. creasc the need of vl~J mlll LJ boot made a. p arty dcfendant granLed 20 Intendent of West Carrollton ·chool chairman. ~stSFllIUon report will IL 15 cUfllcuH to find foods whi ~, . days to plead, Charles Hogg, Jr .. 23. Franklin. Mr. Emerson Landis superintendent be read by MrS. iI .. Stockton. chalr_ are !:,oOd ~ources of this vltanun hI, By ERIK McKINLEY ERIKSSON Anna Marie Levy VS. Alfred Beo- s teel worker lind Mrs. Helen Hen.. of Dayton schools; Mr. W. A. mll-n. a supply of codlll'er 0111, Impon.tlll .. Pro/ellIor oj Hi.wry, Vniverlit~ 0/ Sor.ttllern Cali/ornio ~amln Le1l¥, divorce to plaintiff. sey 27. Franklin OIerll. Drlscool, s uperintendent, MontgomWest Carroll~ Is on Route 25, Oth er vitamns cnn be obrolncd fro ... Almost three and a half years have utopian schemes for old age pension • . ,nd <her malCien nnme of Anna Willis F. Holland . . 62, Spring ery county schools . and Mrs. M . O. ten miles south o~ Dayton. load" If Lhe menu~ are pillunetl L_ now elapsed since the passage of the is evidence of the generl\.l dissatlsfac . Valley. route man for bakery , and Williams, president. west Carrollton Luncheon reserva.tlon s R('compall, ol l('l ude Ihe ri ght I ()(,ds. . 'rarle Coleman, reslored, National SocIal Security AcL. During tlon with the so-called old age penThe State or Ohio vs. Arthur Mrs. Estelle Shaner, 53. Waynes_ Parent.Teacher aSSOCiation. led by 65c shou14 be seut t.o MI'. W. Milk eggs, vegetables Dnd but .el' this perIod aU of the states h a. v e sian prov isions which place the readopted mis- cipierrls In the Sllme catello1'1 aa 1chuJer, senll'nced to Ohio Stal'e ville. S eparate conference fol' ofClcers E. Shade, superintend ent. Wer t Ca ;' - ,m~ ~he basIS tor a die t which fu.. named old age those receivIng reHet. The ex.clWlloD ;eforDllltory for one year. su~;pe'l. ' I lind chairmen oC all parent.t63cher ' rol1t.n1l school be ore Febn:RI'y 4. m, helo Vitamins as well as minelaL "pension" laws ot agricultural workers, household In order to be servants, casual laborers, seamen, and ed on condition th3t he s rve 90 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS a.ssocl nUons will be held from 11 a, autl oL''ncr clemenLs needed by thJ eligible for ted· persons employed by charitable, reo da)/8 In Warren county Jail, and 2 m . to 12 noon. The conference for V lJouy. MenL or 11sh once a d lo Y, 1 er al subsidies. Ilgious or educational Institutions h.. o v e r 1,700.000 been a subject of widespread c:r1U. years on good behavior. William F. Blo.ek aud Carrie presidents will be conducted by Mrs. wltOie 1;1'11111 cerLal or bread at lea...,10 aged persons clam. TheBe excluded &roup., to. The State of Ohio vs. Sam Burn, Bt3ck to FlOfl\ McKinsey, let. No. C. Tracy LaCoot, sLate president ollce 11 day. '. nd sugar vr ot1.e. are now recelv- gether with federal and state aovell, 60 days In Warren county jail. 39 in Morrow. and Mrs. U. S. Curnlltt. Mr,·. Mr. and Mr~. Earl Thol11ps: n ul . \ \UCLs in ~llIalJ amoullt:. l'Uunu ou .. Ina "relief" or ernmental employees who are alIo as 8 1st a n c e dlsqualifted, Dumber abClut 16,000,000. vlsl1o,s 0 .lle 1l1 l!IIUS wlllch SUPlJly dll i Y ne. cIs. Lewis Irving Pence, et al .. ·to James Birrell, first vice president, Dayton were recent under the s e It Is elltlmated. In I-ts 1Irat tellt In l8SS, Mary E. Pence, 50 acres In Clear- wlll meet with Council 'delega' e , MI's . Mnrtha Cle~ver. MIs~ GIg..l X l)olnl.'; OUL LhuL a l_ laws, Likewise, the unemployment Insurance pro. aU of the atates gram hardly measured up to expecMrs. Sta nley Emmitt, third vice John Wilson of Lebano ll hus b en Ioilough IlInllS fW'niloil nulk a, .« cr cele township. have set up un- tatlons, 10 there .1I a bellet on the Part , Mllry E. Pellce, et al. to Mn ..... E. ' pr ident, will assist membership a guellt In the . h :>me of MI'. onei employment of many that ih1s feature of IOClal "'OJ bULlt:" 1.0 CIly COLU. . ' ullle!',;, alLen u..o Insurance sy a· security needJ Improvement. Zech. 30 acres In Warren county, chairm en . Mrs . Philip Klrchner, Mrs. AJmon Ferris. fol' Lhe pa t : en ,Il Lle 01 tll~se tuods a c u.;eJ UL REAL ESTATE By the actual o.peratlcm of the terns In cooper· hum ', GIO\\llIg chUd,en need a L. Q . Kenne~t ond Jane Kennett Sta te motion plcLure chairmln. will days. ation with the Islatlon, other polnu deservin, crlU- ' lst Mrs. M. H. Snodgrass, dl' to Joseph Gribble and Vera Gribble MI~s Mary WlIs{'n and rind 1\1r. Quan of mt k a day alllt aJu,(.s w,!. , fed eral lIovemment. A total of about clsm have been revealed which are ' NOTARY PUBLIC , 27,500,000 are now elialble for unem· extremely important trom the KG- ! lots Nos. 838 nnd 839 In Franklin. i tnct motion picture chairman. Mrs . Paxl~n, both of W)lmln ton . wcr a ,ilia a PUll uf ml .k a day ue'Vful lO ployment beneftu ,muld they los e nomic standpoint. WhIle perhaps mD. j MUo .A. Fealy, et al to the V11lage H. B. Goyert, state treasurer , will Sunday visUors of the Gmy fam_ "hem. ' I t bel r employment. Already, during Ilon$ have not yet learned that social of FI'3 nklln, lot No. 19 In' Franklin present correct precedure to treas- Illes 10 Wellman. 1938, many unempilJyed persons In security Is an expensive matter and thIrty states have reCll'ived payments. must be paid tor with hard earned Two v llela"les in add.L.o.. C. Maham and Pearl L. Mah a~ urers, Mrs. Ethel Peters Simon, G, VI. DJv\a and Robert Dnvis During the current :year, the unem· money, this fact ha4 been broUlbt . .ot No. 10' In Jackson's lIddlt10n to State extension secretary, and Mrs. were visitors in Lehanon, Sa.turda.y po,a ,ou; ~ .. _uld be en ~ell looJlly an. played In the remainIng .tates be· home to those who have been taxed.. vile of tile lWO shou ,d be a I. n y come ellalble. There are many who belleve that the lhe town of Lebanon, George A. Arnold, sixth vIce presl. afternoon. For~y mlllJon perlOn. have applied social security taxes, added to pUDl· dent will have charge of the con _ Alfred Jordan and sister, Miss I Ollll If po.,slbl~. Twu herv.ngs 0 1 to tHe Social Security Board tor num- tlve capital galns and corporatlon PROBATE COURT ference tor ·program chairmen Mr. Hannah, were In Middletown. Mon_ Crull a day £105 ... $olollld b ~ ,U ...hl _C . bers, maldna them eligible for old age surpluses taxes, were In c:onatdera.ble January 27-2 8 h h ey re U " part taken resporalble the downward III th" III a pIa lining. Meal, llsll, 1,1' I E. E. Holt, State ohalrmrm of cbar- lOY In attendance' at the funeral "annulUes"went re'uom aCE skid by thefornation'. bUline. Tim McCoy egg!> IJllce a etay. 11 . lens~, bUpp.y I tlve employment at the age of sixty· and industrial Interests In 183'7.1'" acter education will assist Dr. Mary ·ervl' es for Joe Ftshbau gh. In the mntter of the estate . of Forty thousand bllnd perlOns r-erlence hu shown, at ..." rate. ··CODE OF THE Mrs. Mable Terry of Columbus :,oiue 01 Lhe body's p. o.e,n I'cquu'e- 8ve. and six hundred thousand d.e pendent -.. -.. Whalen deceased , Ro~e p reill R. Crowley, cltlzenship chairman mem s. chlldren are benelittlng from Ilate that the taxu whiCh are scheduled RANGERS'· Mary for the district In preo.eotlng Ihe was a Thursday and Friday visitor nppointed ndmJnlstratrlx. I to Increase, are unneceuarUy hlIb progrllJl\l subsldlzed b y the fe d era B" 1980,. these will cause the ac. Cartoon "Penquin Parade" In th~ matter of the estlte of subject, 'Democracy and Educatlcn' aL her' home here. Oereals and breads are I3 boUl the gllvernmenl An undisclosed number J of mothers, Infants, and handicapped cumUlation of a reserve fund ..u!\Ibert B. Talmge, deceased, How. The Parent Education Section Is In_ Perry Wells, Mars~,o Wells, George cheapes t source of bodily e.lergy . children are also belna aided by fed- mated at ,47,ooo,OOO,OOO.l'Or thll there ard McKay, ' George Davis and Al_ vlted to meet with this group to Moore and Tom Thompson , we re In Bulter, lard , 01' other 1aLS a ~o iu _ e.ral lubsldlet or grants.ln.D1rI to the Is no necessity. There &bould be a January 29 30 to aenough ''pay as we '0" propam hear Mr. Holt and share In dlscus_ Clnclnnatl Saturday 011 J bus ine s ulsh sLea m lor the <-a Iy t s k.~ . states. In addition, un d er"'.¥" separa t e change with only taxes to talce care ~ol rIynn O. D ~ Ho vnnnd fr ed Jordan 81)polnted appraisers. slen . Dr. Alln Buntin Becker, State tl1p . legislation enacted In 1937 and 1838, of current needs and to provide clOlll makers tJ.lluUld nuL [(,roe~ In the Matter of the estate of approximately a million r a II r 0 a d moderat. reserve. ThIs conclUllon Is "THE ADVENTURES of MenIal and Social HyMiss Malie Wells. of Hnmmon Is cl1:Jirman honey. maple sU!!ar, anJ o~ •. e.· Charles F. Wellman, deceased, 1.workers have been made eligible tor strenatbened by a realization that the • lene. has planned a class for a y passing several days In the home o. "weeLS when plnnnin.: lile old age "pensions" and unemploy- reserve tund mUlt, under the law, be OF ROBINHOOD" ven Lory fUed. ment Insurance. Invested In United States bonda. ThIa meals . Sh ort "The PasAing Parade" In the matt'!r of the guard'ans :Ip interested In her field. S~cretarleS her parents . This vast development of IOclal se· means that the actual cash received u . t La Is r I' F :I L 1' 0 ' 1 11 meet with Mrs. LelDnd BowMrs. Alice Terry Is some Improvo t ~, a rg:ue u e au y, . e . . Miss Glgax sugoest IhH Ihe curlty haa not taken place without goes Into the Treasury where It Is New• ..Reel ra l,ly apPOinted guardlan. . man , district seoretary and M s . A. ed In health at the pres _n t time. homemaker who plans mealS in a :!. opposition. In Ma.y, 1937, the Supreme avallable tor any fede~al elcpendl" ~-~~~-~==In the maller of the Trusteeship J. Barnett, first dl. t rlcL director. J ohn M . Wilson . of Lebanon. was vance aiso In a po.slLun Lv l,a, c Court drew the teeth from this oppo· ture, such as bull.d lna battleship.. sition when, In three notable decl· Unquestionably social security 1 s of Margaret EvelYll Rogers Hakes ' 1School legislation Wi 'l be d' 5~ 1ls.'ea a dInner guest of Mrs. Adah Tal the men In the lamlly p lan a home slons. It upheld the state and federal here- to slay _ provided it Is .not unemployment Insurance programs wrecked by stubborn refusal on the lee. Mrs. Mabel garden whjch will cut down 011 ffI!XI'Y Z . Gray appOin ted trustee. ' . by Mrs. Hamilton Sha ffer. forn' er mage -a nd SOil and also the federal taxes on payz:olls part of Its trleDct. to rerned5 Its des .' a te president. Teny was an afternoon caller when Th estate o.! Albert L . PrIce. De. store bUls. Home-gl'own ve;1c\.ablt!s and wages levied for the purpose of fects. Coneress haa It within lts power Par . ent_TeJcher Illa 'azlne , 011'1 on her ,. turn to OI)lumbus Friday. possess quamie" Lllat a l'e li ard Lo raising funds to pay old age annuities to reform the program so as to make /', d, fl.rst '~ nd flO!l1 Rccount. lO eligible workers ' It sounder and lllaJ'U>IV!JTklIlnerrom 1.11 the Illatter of the e8ta~ of publlCDtlol1 will be explained by 'rhe fl'len'ds pf Mrs. J. R. Hltematch in lhose which hol ve teen TAR IA·LITRl TAR AND Though these ' decision. have had the economic standpoint. But' t h l' , Cilnl les R. Franzler, deceased, first Mrs. Park Wineland, dist rict Ohal!. ! man are pleased to learn thnt she kept In transit or In IIt.o .. es for ~uu , e the effect ot mak.lng It secure from pressure will be 0 nth e lawmaJt· ROAD 011. : . .EXCAVAT I ~ q constitution A , ~ ltacks, the soclal- se 'ers-~enlHts-benetlts--wlthout atv. -Bl'Irrllnai acetlUI'l . man, Mrs. S . A. -BelAlgole, healtnl ls Improving In health n(ter II t lmc . • by no means an un· Ing any attention te lts practical eoncurlly pro' r II MP 'T R ' CI{, SER V[CF. In the matter of the guardianship ' lengthy 11Iness.· QualJftl't< The prevalence of nomlcL Mr. and Mrs. Mellrle T ~ rI Y were O,f Florence Beyalit, first and final ndmlnlslcator rued, calling on Mr. : nd W i;, Orlando Mr. 'J nd Mrs. John Fromm nnd Grovel as low liB 40 Cu. ya rd acoount. In the matter of the estate of Brannon In X~nla, Thursday. son Clyde spent Tuesday afternoon In the matter ot the estate of W. Anna Doane. deceased. Notice of James F. Jacobs and sons, Ollver In Dayton visiting friends. solLln-law, N. Thbmpson, declmied, inventory a.ppolntment of Everett Doane as and Laurence and ., filed. admJntstrator flied . Charles Ellis, are bUlslly engaged In Phone, Wnynesvllie 44 It J l In the matter or the settlement the· construction of la new home on Lebanon .olflce ~hol1e 173'J,BILLS ALLOWED of the es tate of Maggie M·ntiJ] , de.. t he Jncobs property for his daugh_ . Morrow ' Pllont) No, B rea.9S:M. . .ceased, estat exempt from Inherlt_ ter. Mrs. Ch srles Ellis and Mr. . . . . . .I111. . . .·'·.'.··• •IJI!I!·IJ!IIIJI!I... tlnee tax, Blair Brothers hospi tal tonsil.. Ellis. "c w·· ,In} he matter of the es!a te of W. lectomles, $62.f)J); Wlllie m C. Wls~_ This j~ the secon<l new builci "g .~ . --:-:.:: -;-.~ -~-- _ N, Thompson, d·CceRSed. Ottle D. , man, ·P. J . certified caples of court the Jacobs family have built In " ~ Th inpson appointed executnx. '. records I~ fore.c losure suits . $2,51; Wellman In the' past, two years . ! Johnston & Johnston ,paint scat- ~ In the matter of '-'r11l1am Robert fold lumber: 143.08 ; J. W.' Lingo
Fairley Hf\rdware Store&
IJ. I....................."...--------••
Sc~uriL y
8 eech.. Gro e
J. B. Chapman
Twin Theater-
,. 1 ,
lain Armitage I
Phone Your Want ' Ad.
admitted to
Insstltutlon Hardware C0l.llpany supplies, paint and parts 164.67; Blair and LeRoy matfer ' of the estate or 4 yards sand 13.00' The Lebanon
AUCTIONEE~ AI~a Doane, llecease'd, Notice ...=.-;:::.,_..l_-;,' --:;;- ._ . A I pri\ntm.e qt of Ev~rett Do~ne
~.:====-.,; ~ ~
21 _
. {or Feeble ·Mlnded. In th~
Of Lumber
_ _.:...._ _'\'_ ._,-._ _ ._ _ ,:-~.. .. .
eoffer a s'atisfacta'rY Se :vice -:
at "oil times -
. McClur~
Funeral Ho'me
._____--,--------.-_---00 'Pboae .,
- Wayae.vlDe
'~\~1lId' ·THE
. , PAmFnn)En~' answcrs . '.tbe; (nJe~ti~n8' .,y~
and' 7,onr
'fdends are ask-lng ;wilh: its ,. conoi~, v.irid IlOl' of the cu,rrent abene., EVlll~tS: of, nllUonalr nnd '~te:i'. Latldnal 8~e!U1Ce are fulty nnd.. iriip~lr CQyerecJ,;
,. Fa'ct$,' pew;aod ol~ that adll cllirJtr arid mearifn, to the ~ Dews are honestly injecteiL the wry ~t and moat Interealin,' ne'Wa pbotographs f.reely· illustrate the . fads. )(ore Ibnn a nullion read~rs. Subscribe ..oW , to PATBFIND~ the ~ost wldely read·new.
Oo~paIlY,' l~ber
as , The L. G. Anderson's Sons' qo .. lum
. ber, 13·28; Westel'll Auto Associate . Store supplies. $50; Sam Smhh suppliles. 11.75; Waites' Garage Maude Adams. for many yel:f3 ~upplles, $23:-12. . one of the most belOVed persona'!. Shell Petroleum <Yorp., kerosene. ties of the theater. will eme from $5.00; The Olnclnna·t1 011 Works retirement once more to face 'an Co.. 011 and grease, $149.64; Fred audience trom the stage of the Taft Kahn Motor Co.. parts $4.(15; The Theater. Oinclnnatl, on Friday e.veOhio , Oll Company. tire and gaso. nina February 3rd. Miss Adams will line, $60.75 ;. John Law & Son. Gas- appear In a. lec~ure-rec;Lal. "The . ollne, ' $5.42; A. B . Caudlll Sh~1l Thpo,ter as I Knew 'I t", under the station, gasoline, 114.92; Morrow r .. halZr'.nent of Jason Howar~. Service Station, gasoline. 11l.9!i..1 The .S tandard. 011 CompDny, gas '_ f'j ... line, 823.45; J 'a mes S er;!.iee StaUon, gasolJne. '.83; Walter Botts Shell Service, gasoline, $13.64. 'rhe Pure 011 Company, gasoline, $22.07; Oompton Gara e. gaS!llJl1e ' $14.10; Trustees of Public AlCam, light aod lI'as for Memorial Hall $11.60: Jeff Thompson, tuning two planO!'. fIo{emOrial HAll. S5.1Ip; J. W. L~go Hardware Oompany, glue brush, brad3, pa.lnt, etc." Cdr. Mc_ morlal Hall, 11.36; Miss Oma Knox, •. Id. care. $12:50; EUa. ' Hoff, in_ , inval V~ld care $'1,00; Winnie Gentry, In- •
1alld care, "7.00; LeO J . .smith, ~ valid ca~e" 110,00; .. Ed .. Ka1se~. In.. valld 'care, $5.00. L B, Steel, tnv:al(d care. $~_OO: MH. Helen ,Doughinan, . InValtil clare, 09; ~1C«l '~. ArnOldt . lnV~il j:8l'e . . , $5,001 Iva Nichols., Invalid Care, ,~.oo; Newton ~ta,mper lnvsltd care, ~O.OO; · M111ard Bryant, tnvaUd cue" $5.00; )(~In acoflelcllnvaltd care f'l.oo·- nr Warren 0 BreJden.< . " . " bech" medfcal servtceJ,' "liD; Drs, DunbIi:m Skavlem and Heuatnkve1d, uudJca1 serv1cs. .1'l.60; c:JerQd
. , .. " .. , . . ' , .. As a ~!!<ltl,lred ' stair, MI.Ss .. A' l, .m s c. • ,.,... 'P'lade famous the' leladli1g roles In "The Ltttlj! ~'! ·"Romeo and Jullet", "What :. Every wom~ Knows" "Joan of Arc" "Chant. "Icleel''' aDd. Dumber of either.. ' Reservations mQ :beeent ·to Ja'" IIOD HOwa~ · . ~r . ¥mer, paMiDg hIuddlJj in Pnat- OIIIolnnati. PrIces tram"5 : Un, "J.llottaea to Dol OWaera," ,5. oeoa 'CO 11.110 plaIi
• 'HFiWd BOTH;=:_$~.OO I
NEW YORK-TlIree of the' hundreds 01 amusements that will and _furnish enjoyment . lhrilla at New York , World's ·F.air 1939. l\bove Is a sketch 'o~. George Jessel'! . "Old New Yo.rk," which \O.{lIl fea\ure "Steve Brodle" jtl .~ p I.n It . from th~ · Brookly~ . Bridge" ·(,6 . times iljlU:yI) . At tb .. . righ~ t.op~ I~ the 250. " foot ' parachute jump which :will bail. quI ':'~ ' ~asi'erijers . ~d . ~tIltlt
happy landings•. :.A
thtt' ·right is
'OIIlf fea.
lUre of. the Children',.
MoWld tl\e WorJd . ------_~~~~--..;....;:;'--:....:...-;...-_.;....;.~......~~.;:...;::......~~~
We bonsted or JI~n l' In Januar ano " 0111 M ' n W" Jt er h:ts ') I i I e venge, HHe We' a. e w t tl c .11 wln,I, and MOW an~1 Ice ill'ld mo!e people II1ck than 1 like to hear ot. Uttlo Jim Thotnas I improved,
.. -...---
Second Meeting Of Busines~ .M en's Club. Tb second m el!t\n ll1 tor Iller Int.el'esled · In the !011D!ltion ot a 'c1vtc chllJ fol' Waynesville and Vicinity will be held at the Township ball t.foOday evening January 30, a t 0 o'clock. Further steps Will be taken' to\Vard permanent orgnnlz l tloll. AU who attended the first meeting loWI1 weeks IIgo are asked to return and bring at least one oth.e~· l't'Qspectlve member, All business and protassJonal men wll>hlng to as,",lIlt in tM development of the commllll1 ty m'e Invited,
hi' aunt Wilma Thorn"" !t gon..
fined to her ~d Wi th ' On8 1Jl~1 • Wt'fI. Jenny Mullen I 1);6 III with. " bid cold: Mr, and' MrS , aarry COrnell·
!SmiW1l2 Sweetheafta At Xenia
L ,
_. r
ANNUAl. FINANCIAL REPORT Grabb, a s~e-;etter carrier 'are boLh not so well D.t this tir~e, : birds. but they were hard on at the local post ofrlce. says he a nd Mrs. Fon'est Trost ~~ conrtned to Wayne TO\VllShll . W,11'I'en ,CO~l1tyl 01110, For the Fl scol Yeai' Sn . . ro~ poPulation as well. With the his broth er, J , Randel Grabb, spent he~ be: by erlous Illness, lu g Dcccmb I' 31. 1998, ground Ideal {or tracking several halt an hour landing the monster, un ay evening guests ot the . Popula Lloll 2308. 1930. were shot In Montgomtry' county I which was 36 Inches In length. The Harry Cornells were Mr. Don Fort. Tolo l Salaril" 'and Wllt!es pald dUl'l n ~ the ycn r 1!138 .. ',. , ... . $"27320 Tllx aluatloll ... , , , , , ,,:-, , ' , . ' ,', . . " , ". " , " , .,... . , 2.3749SU and at least two In "Butler, largest fresh water bass ever caught ne~hand son. Tn.x L "y " .... " .. .. ... " .... " ' , , .. .. . " , .... " .. " . .',,"'" i,3 ~ Early 1list. week. Merrill Cooltand arihording to (lShing records, 5 P. ~, Wlca1 family span t Lun y wi h Mr, and Ml Allen CbarUe Shaw of Lebanon. shot a weighed but 24 1-~ pounds. W nYllcsvl11e, Oh io big male tox and saw another, Two The catch was made about elgbt UCM lind tamlly, Ja nlla!'y 25th, 1939 dayS later Merrtll and Jule Graft miles from the mouth of the Scioto 1Th; Ferry Ohurch ot Christ 1 h 'I'\lily certify the followinr repol1t to be correct. knocked one tox down but didn't river nea r Coppersville. where the c:e it's meeldlngs Sdunday evening L. ,R. Gordon. Township CI~rl ' &et It. . They saw several others, Grabbs have a fishing camp, w 1 very goo crow s. There were GENERAL TOWNSJlIJ> FUNDS Next t1mc Merrlll Is golng to use a ' Being somewhat skeptical the eleven additions , to the church , Indude . Rcccl,)ts lllld Payments 01 All Funds Except Bond nlltl remel hOlnet Instead or. the shotgun, . Bulletin fi sh editor wrote Pendell . Baptismal serylces were held Sat. And Sinking FUll!ls ' Sp~klng of Shooting this time ot R.hoades, fish management agent ur:~ evening. RECEIPT S year-don't forget crows srI' always tlt Wilmington to look Into the mst. C rna Smith caUed 011 Mrs Hal'. Genel'al Property 'I'J ,X ., ... . , ...... " . . .. ...... ,., ., .• , .. . $ .6,261 ' J eanSlL6 :MacDonald untl Nelsoll E'lrty romance H. m ()d l:'r ll ry orneU Monday afternoon, In season. Last week four Lebanon ter.-He wrote. Gasoline Tax " .. " "" " , . . " .. " " , :",: " "., . .. , . " " ., $ 2,500' "I visited Paul Grabb thJ.s morn. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Wlcal and fam. d l"ss In the 'X'el:hnl oolor prou llcllon ot " ~w(\ethetlrts ," which IV 11 men, Earl Gustin, O1lme Protector Inheritance T al< " "" " "" " "" '" " " ' " . , , , , , ' , , , . " $ 91~; op en Sunday January 29 ul the XCllia th e" 1 r, In X nla , tor n fl ¥ Cliff HInes, Merrl11 Oook and Jule Ing and had Quite a talk wlth him. 11y spent Sunday with the Perry li n> ngugement. ClgJl'clle Tax . " ." .""" . . ,. ,. ",."'", :., .• ,.""""" ,, $6 ; . Wades.. M i';cc llo l1col/s ReceIpts ILlst) " ",. """ " . , .. ,." . . .. , ' $ 62:1 FloI' nce RI CE. Frank . Morgan. Ray I.ol!!pr. M lsch n Ali I!. :1Il0 Oraff killed 125. of the black devils Ells story IIlgTees with the cUpping The P . J, T homBJrs. the ' Beer L I C'lls e T tlx ... .. , .. . . , .. . ... ... . ....•• .' .. , . . . .. : . . $ 20() Tom lI el'lllall Blog b e nd lh e brlllll1l1l sUPPol'llng cust of "Sw III a l'IS . tTl n one nights hunt, In every way except that he relates Fordyces and Vernon Fordyce calHellef Jounds from ' C6\l\lty " ... .' .. " .... , , .. : .. : ........... $ 1041 54 T he guy stor)' c(,n c l'ns tw o rUIl Il' ,.,' ar y BI' on uw u ~' III11Slcu ' !I , /I1 that It wa.s caught on 0. rod and reel ToLal Mise Unn ous Receipts ""." .. . " .. " .... " .. $ 1,304,0 ' e dy " lat'P wl,to are III 1m' (lrf lil A r. l lI l! e Of w P!I 8 on , O'1l do II tll with soft craws Instead ot a trot led on the Misses Hedgel and D. I , Drposlto ry Intcl'cs L ', . ... ',' ,.," '." .. ""' . " . . r , .. , ." , . , ."" 2, l l. realize It until a co nnIving \1 , 0 ue r tril'£> lu sepanllO lh em. Coon p unters are requested to line. The catch was made In- a b~g :!~~~Z' In Dayton Sunday aftel'T OI DI Rrc ipts """""" """"" " '" '' ''. '' '' '' ' $11,048,8! send in the tags from coons killed Y~lEN'1'. .' The Les ter Gerhards met with an In the fielda to either Dr,E, D , rUne about 20 f~t deep. tV'o miles Geller ExccuUvc S I'VICCS-ColllpO llsatJon ot Tl'ustees " " , .$750 the Coppersville Ferry. He NOTICE MartJn· a~ 1he lI4l1an Coon Farm. or above ompensQLlon of Clerk " ,. " 1 .. , . , • , , ' , , , , , , , . , , , , , . , , , , ,$260 !t!Iys that many bMS 20 Inches and accident Monday evening when an_ to the Ohio Divlaton or COnservaTotnl rnl'l'lll xcclllive Services . . ' . " .. ,., ." . .... .. $1 .000 other car ran Into them from a side tlon. Co}umbua. The taga are u.sec:\ over Ilave been taken there thts street In Belmont, Their car was Beginning January 30, 1039, all Poor Rl' lIef- Medlca l ervlccs. , .. , . , " , ....... .. " .. . , . . .. " .$1 ,238,15 .to complete recorda or the DIvision I season, His reputation among loonl cromaged cOl1sldei ably, Their daughJ Ba nl·s In Warren County will open Bllria l Expenses .. , . . ....... , .. . . " ' . " ... " .... . .... , ... . . , . $173 Other 1:'001' Rell r '" .' ' .. , . ...... '''.,. ,., .. ,. ''' ''''' .. ,.' '' '' S328,e.with rea...... t to the habl>of the I people would lndlcate that he does at 9 a , m" <s nd close at 3 P. 111. ex_ To 11 1 Poor Rellcf .. .. " , ............ .. " .", .. . "' .. ""., . ,, ,$1,739,5 .. -~ "" te~ Dorothy sutfel'ed cuts and animal and the time ,which elapses not glv,e oue stories of such an un. brUises when she went through the c£p t Wednesdays, when Lhe B'an ks Road Maillle nRnc al d Repalr- LObQI' and Materia ls .. " , .. ,$9,426J , betw~n the liberation period and usual nature without some reason. windshield. Mrs, Ada Cbenweth r eturned t- will close at 12 neon. Road Machinery nnd Tool "' , ..... , .. .. .... , .,", .," '" .. , ,$1 ,754,66 the time' the animal Is taken. The unusua l tol>ch Is given tl:e her home In Centerville Sunday at. T otlllJ Hlghwa s , ',',." .. , ', ... " .. , ." .... ' , . . , .. , . . ... . . ... $11,160.5'1 Assn War!'en County Bankers story by the fact that he comldered tel' an extended visit with Mrs General Supplies , .... . "... , . . .. . " : ... , . . , . • ,, .... , .... , ', ... . $1 540.1 .1. First N'a tional Bank. Memol'tal BY ExpclI-SCS , ... " . ... " ... ... . , .. ". , . . . , . . . ...... ~$26 Many people of the state are un. this prize ca.tch (1) merely in the Meta Rogers. Morl'ow. Ohio ~n c r gertcy Rcllef . . . ... , .. . ..... ,", . , ... ," ,. , ," , .. ...... ,., ,$956,99 der, the Imoresslon that gaine pro. dayS catch and then cleaned It 1m. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Smith and Gas Tax ". , ,' , . , ."" " , I ' • •• , , ' . ' , • , • ' , • , , . , , • , , , • , • , , , • , , $1,653. PIrts National Bank. daughters or Duyton were Sunday medl tely Regardless' we m,,·t ad a . ..., • tect.ors 9 nd conservation officers Mason. Oblo Tota l Mis Uaneous ,. , "', ... ,'.,.".,' " '.,. " . , , " . . , ' " "" .4,176,( J reoelve 'part of tbe fines aase.ssed IOU such a fISh would be some bacs Kingman school and Community dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clar· TOla l Payments , . .. ," ", . ,. , " , ., " " , . , " ' , . , .. , ', .. . . ,'" $18,096. 3 (. Waynesville Natl. Bank I won't say true or false." . club met on Tuesday January 18 lit ence Smith, SU1\t1\fARY OF OPERATIONS BY FUNDS Waynesvllle Obio a(ll1wt game law violators. th h Ih M H A number of persons from here Bn lan~e, January 1. 1938 (clel'k's) " """" ~ , , . , , , , , $23,275 ,~ 3 'Advice trom the Dlvisloa ot con.. e so 00 ouse. r. . omer Haines Frank.!Jn National Receipts During Year , . ... " .""''' ' '' ,, . ' '' '''' .. . .$ll ,0.8 ' 1 wb1ch bar. We can't h elp wonderIng l! this the president ' opened the meeting, bave been attending the services ot servaUon Is that a Franklin , Oh.lo Total Receipts a nd Baill ncc . .. "", .. . " . .. , .. , . .. " $34 ,323) ~ wasn't another one of those carp the The secretary. Mrs. Edward SWd. the M. E. Church at Waynesvllle LebanoiLCltlzens Nall, Bank, Payments Durillg Year ... . " ....... ,. , .. .. .. " .." . . . $18.096:1 3 aker I'c3d the minutes of the last the last two weeks. red' anYOne from ~patlng in Balance Dec mber 31, 1998 (Clerk's) .. " ." : ,, . , .. ,$16,228,(;) fines , ~ paIiIIed In .19114, and that bait dealers up around Cellna are Lebanon. Ohio nn ' "':_b oft'- of the O1'''.lon of calling " German baas"l meeting, which were approved, . Mrs Allen l~mrlck. Mrs. J , B Outstanding ;Nanants. Deoembel' 31, 1938 (Add) No, 73;1, .. $7;D ", ..-u ."". .... M H A Ba Jones ",nd Mrs. ClYde Wharton at.. BaJance in Depository. December 31. 1938 ., ."', . , ' ,. ,$16.235,:- :) · COnservation recelwa ,-• -.,.t. of the - -nta announced that tended a home dlemonstratlon meet J th r. Kl . , .. ---~fine assessmeata. State law pre.. January 31 a' week from Tuesday eUld bngman tarmers' Instlt~te Ing ~t grjUlge ' hall WaynesVIlle, ~ .. n . ta,,' any . officer, r .... ardl ,.ass the TwIn Valley ROd and Gun. wo e March 2nd and 3rd, v -. Th F)'lday atternoon. , ..,., "hether he Is under .... -1 ....... o. not Olub, WUl !hold Its annu"l ox roast e prOgM m was given by the • -oT . .. Mrs, .Kesler" Graham. Miss Ber. Havin g lnstRlled a complcte new Une of permanellt a Ing Crom recel"IMft M r. an d Mrs. Ber .~... an" " of the fiDe, and at West Alexandria.. The ' prOtJram ' Martin Th family of Wilmington. n1ce ·GNham and Mr, Robert Slne\, . t Bunnell and equipment, We nrc offet1\lg r-egal'dl ess of orllllnal prlcc.-the only one who can "':'t:Ucl-te In wlll , Include movies, speeches. sup· , e Misses Florence and Wanda f 11 ..., _ ,.. were Saturday evening guests at am y entertained Rev. and Mrs. any way In money uaeIIIIed by Ohio per and tntertalnments of varlous Lane attended Alph l Phi Kappa Ule home oi Mr. and Mrs John O'Deli and . chUqren, and Mrs. Oar. ' I ner of Dayton. Bnd Mr" and Mrs , oourts are constables, who DlQ:re- kinds. Miami V'9l1ey sportsmen are open house last Wednesday mght Myers In Daytqn, celve . the COIIts. ~rdlaJly invited, at ".IM WU~~gton college. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrlc an I dVaughn Mull en of Springboro Sun"~ card men 0, f ~ O1v~Qn ot con.. .. ~ Frances George. Home eco_ nom! s t h I th Kin James Haines spent Friday with ay. for th first 1 permanent WQV glv II with our ne\v cqlllmn 'nt lI~atlOD. who serve withOut pay, Gus SteI:nparger ' m lt toP skeet c eac er n e "1ll9 n Mr. and Mrs. LeSlie Gorsuch and Make }'ou r a.ppOln"lnen~ 1.(:wl Snturday at the N, Q, schools, attended a meetllig at tlle Mr, and Mrs, . ThOD'l!lS Collins am. d h were permitted ID the f4nes p,rior h"o?ors la&t ~ ~ h. inte d Charles CoJUns In D ayton, aug tel' entertained relatives' f rom Lo tbe change or law In 19114: _but R Gu' n C1I'b n ,e nts oUIce 1!Lst . Dayton When be coun"" k tosuper Betb! ny SWlday. venlng at a bll'th_ , tha~ ~e, participate netther ~ed I 'so 'tr I 'bt E ' H wee plan a course of study for Dr. and Mrs. H, E .. Hathaway of d i E' urpr a nI in the fines nor"Cosle but serve ·t n~ x s ag. . . J;he year for tbe .seventh and el '11th .Waynesvllle weI'e Sunday guests of lI~Y sE sa party for Mr, Oorsuch 1 1 " _ 1;__•.. " .\ a. e Ii" '"'ades M d M B" • , .. I.', m@l'S9AEmleyI69ntDe-si,elE-l-. -.::.... ,~ without rel!l~~n.. trap score of. ot9 out of 50, .'. ' , ". , r, an rs. :l\I've y burnet, i llst. .. .' ,
Last ' weeks snows meant hungry
, "A
. Tbe Dayton Rlne and Revolver . Some time ago Welter Updyke', Club carded ' a new high team in the babit of draa'- l score In the Western Ohio ..e's .... ~ .. '" glDg ev-:r:v .......g :home be can carry , series when ~hey trimmed Sprlngshowed up after a trip along tbe " fJeld 1420 to 1399 ' " BIg Miami With an animal W~ter I • • coUldn't . 1denWy, . After var1oua ' ~ -conferences It turned outl to be a: The only bill of Interest to sport&.. :mlnk--tl!,d . ' prime 'one 'at that I P'len so far Introduced In the Ohio __.......'-._ legislative hopper IS .,one ~ SUPPIY This column ' won't voucH for ~ ex..service men with flshing ' and mo~ than the huntlng licenses free of chlll'Je, No toUowfug : ~tOri maeaZine WhIch 0fJIn&u, prtated Jt Serious consideration is expected -b~t here ~ th" ~le from Janua., y for It, . " Ohio .Oonaervation BuUetHr: _ . " , .'-;. ~ newa artlcle in the Porta. TWo chl!o!ago drug cbmpanll'.1; .seL
mouth ~es under. Cb11llCothe ling
~e sopfiomore class of the KIn!{- JOh Mrs. ¥argaret I Pa· ,l t S .. dJohns lind ·man high school. p1ea~antly sur· ns spen a. ur ay even ng with prlses Ruth, Est?er Miars. FrIday Miss Mary and Parry Cook In I Wiay nesvill even"ng at the school!1ouse: Supper ' , e. W8& served to all of the cla<s , Guests Mrs, AlIce .Wer made a busln .~ of tbe class were SuperIntendent trip to Dayton SaturlSay. H. M. Martln and Mrs, Ml3rtln ! Mr. George Gral has ~etl • •1 t he alass sponsor, Mr. Hughel/ arid past week with grip, . Hug~1'.1; and son Jariles, 'and Mr. Mr., and ' Mfs. Walter Kenrick and II,.nd Mrs, H. A, Banta and MJss James Haines visited Mr, and Mrs Fran~es George, ' Joseph Gmssl ,slnd family In p:q".' Miss Emily Haines entertained a Mond'llY· ' group of friends at her ho~e Eat. Mr. and "Mrs: Harold Whitaker, uro'llY af~ernoon, Mrs, Therle Jones and Mrs, Waltel' Sunday guests .o f Mr. and Mrs, H: ,Kenrick attended a meeting of the A, Banta were Mr. and Mrs, Newton otftcer!l of the lIranges of WaJ\'en
temedy Tucker
• . ' caUed "281" have been ordered ~y 'bld. f1lihermen around here ahake the ,Pederal' Trade Coin1n1salon to ,thl$' heads In d\llJ\b ,amazemllD.t at ~~P adV~lng ' the' ~tict unless a ,Pit;! ur~ 'of a 25 pound bass which. they sbate ' tbe facts . which are that riV;i.c!ctober9. "" !JlhidJieSs; ;;;;rlollS 'inJutY to t~e,e1es tI\ll G~bj) of : ~h1l\ioothe'I' says be ' qr Other bOdily injury'. may , tollow \:Ilugbt 'on 1L trot Une in tile Scioto use .of ,t he remedy, .• -\ ,.', .~ ,
of J\tlat;tfnsviUe. Afternoon county at Lebail on 'Saturday after_
guests were . Mr, and. Mrs. ,A , H, Banta and sons, Milo, Estel and 'El don, ~f ~banon. '. .' r.rh!! K1ngm~n' gra J?ge held their r~lar meeli11g Tuesday evening Janu~ry 24, . The women of the young married peoples. class of · the Sharon M. E, church are having a party Thu· sday afternoon at the home of M s, '~NTr- PAIN ,PllL4S. Eldon Bailey. , . . ,, i3EYOND Ques~ ,· NOTICE ~eL'~VE .-::- ·sUt . I 'The; Klng's HeMld society wlll !)ON T . CAUSE' , :' , meet wlthRobert Lee Hastings ·.' '''DIG~,STlO'N·: Monday January 30, immediately tol " " ' \' .' . lOWing sc~ool,. Every member is. cor. , . ,; " dlally I~Vlted. CLASS 'MEETING ~pprox.mately
,flfty members. In-
their fanimes of the aoost. er's class of the FrIends' mefltlng at. tended a meeting at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs, WUl1am Lukens Sun· dey evening, A deUgbtful and profit a.b le evening was spent In games 61nli1r:lg and ttue and false contests' Retr"~~!!ntli· were ' served, Mr, and Mis: ; Obarles ,DoSter aSsISted the L'1)teJli!'do 'dispensing ho~pitilutles,
- You ' can't do a
suffering' ~m
Head4c'Ae)K~J4r 01" PeriodiC pcih.a"' rerM ·,~ciGD':,ehOUtry .the Anti-Poln PlD w
• l'eIUlts.
~ you will bj! ~elill1ited
to '
wttb the ,
,.oar Drq ..... P-''''''Y''''. IS;. .....
AIIII...... ' .....
...... 11M !!IIf.,r~.
p!U'~y Thursday evening at the ;:::=;:::::=====::===::::::::=~::~~:.~:--=-:-:-~~~.~:-::'" home of Mr. BUly Dafoe of Sprlng~ :1
, The young peoPJ~S alnS:! of tile Utica U. B. Church had their elMs party Tuesi:'lay evening at the home of 1\'1 ' !!:lIzabeth Mnlsh all, Iv"lss B enu~ and WaIteI' Ca! ey er~ p :tolned Mlss}>ucy Emley. Mrs. Jo lOS;Y Carey and !ion Ch(ster and Mrs. Smith Sunday. .
,. i:.: " ~ ,
. .......,l" '-_
'"'- -.. ..........
Mrs, s. J , Allen entertained .at the 'home o-r h~ . :~~rents In ' Dayton Thursdsf .evenl:J;li~ honor, ~r t,he 20tll ,birthdaY tf8nil!versary · ot her son ' Larry Ha~~~n: The gu~sq. In_ cluded twenty pt his ,elMs mates. Mr, anti ~s. ~i. ' J~' Allen' attended trom ·here. , , ' ~ .
WANn:o-Purnlsh~ . r~oms Ught; bousekeeplng. Inqufile at zet~e office. " " " ' ---------.,~:-----
• J.
DAYS· ,~
p~ M. ' ' , --qTWEEN. TWO AND.- FC)(jjR l
Percherons" Jerseys, and Certified Hybrid Seecl Corn Ohio 52. Ind. 614, U. S. 65-44-U. 17.1 93,9
JERSEY HERD IN 400 HONOR CLUB 1934-36-36,37 Jerseys outnumber all oUler brecds In Over 4,000 breeders ( an·t be wrong.
_. -----
Lukens Stock Farm
Pub'lic' Sale
_ « tithers B1'e. .It wUl ~ CCIa' IDueh. Antl·Paln Pilla ,aU for aM::mDt \IIIIaIIy 8IIeb, a_ In ,~.c:onmny PocknJll!) , IUId .. .rer-. ., .
The Senior live wire!! had thele' ; . . . . ._ . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . .""~. . ....~
noon. . Me~bers of the Wom~n'8 .Au ll' The Ladles Aid wtll ' have an 1111 ll1ary ot St, Mary's Church met nt day meeting and covored dish dll'l- the rectol'Y Friday for an all ner Wedrtes'day P"ebruary 1 a~ the 'daY-se~lng meeting. The day wa.q home of Mrs, E!<ina ' Burnet: Assist. devo~d to . l~lItklng banda es' 'for ant hostesses 8lre; ' Mrs. Catherlne hospitals. , Sewing for the aid of WhItaker, Mrs. Margaret JOhns and Christian missionary work Is one ' Mrs. Ina Longa,e re, phase qI this organization's p. Ogl'301 The omcers ' of the Epwortl. and evcry third Friday of the League recently 'elected are. DOIlalrt month wlll be given by ttu;' iadll'.1; FoUlks, pres1dept, Kathry Smith, lor this aU day sewing me,eting. 1st vice .presldent; Gwendolyn ToUl son, 2nd Vice president; Robert HlB tt, 3rd vice" pristdent: , Robert Lacy, . 4th . Vi!le . president; Paul JohN, secretaI'l~; l;Jernlce Graham . treasurer, JefI,mlette Kurflss, music Saturday, Jan. 28, 1 ;30 p, m, Ray Mll~~ .; !pili ,II Mildred Smith Household goods of, the Thomp_ ushers ; , ~ev: HJ \1a Snyder and ' Mr son estate in Wellman, Einmett .Snydeil., grQup leaders. ·W. N, Sears. Auctl~neel' __ ' _. _ __
" .work-You. can~t avo
eood time wh~ Y9\Lar e
.uui you eVer take a medicine to stOp headache and have the bepdacl),e stop aIul a stom. acli ache start? . ~:. w~'iI, wager' you didn't ~e un :~t1-P8ln ' \', Plll. AQ.~,.Pa1n PHIs ao not u~set the atom-" ~ ,TheY take efI~ quickly tOo-and ~ ' ~like~ w1ntergreen waf~."
, 'Fe Iyn 'B s e. aut'y Sa,Io'n
en. .............. """u......
date I1ne
Guides Pa~dle , Against 'La~~ing' , , ~l , At OhIO Sports Show,March 18-26'
.-- ,--._ -'
; I!J&
NintY.Fir.t V••tt .. ;' ~
WIJIllH _ .
) :arvcysbul'g WI\S Lhe t;cene of a fire early last Friday 'momln g when a. secUon of Lhe vlltal;c was destroy ed, 'l he !Ire Is said to have s blrtcd In Oharles Thomps on's pool hall and spread to the Thomps on hOIl~e, the :adjacen t \>arbel' shop of Sabin Mac_ Donald and tht' Oharles , Madden 4rug store. which housed ! the post .office. All wel'e fmme buildings. A dog died In the pool hall blJaze. lIarveysburg firemen were aided by ~rucks from Wilmin gton and Lebano n' and firem en from Waynes· 1.111e In brlngl!!!! t.he fire under confl'ol. Fire Chief Olarenc e Dunham of Lebano n. was LrapPed IrI one of the bUU _ as the roof coUapsed. Al_ t hough momen tarily overcom e by :smoke, he manage d to esoape. Much of the furnl tllte of the residence was saved, "togethe r with all postal equipm ent and ome of the drug store mercha ndise. An 18. month-()ld baby girl was burned to death when fire Of un~.termlned rlgll1 destroy ed the IIU\U home of Mr. and Mrs. Lem Gunlon In the southw est seCtion of Harveysburg at 5 p. m. Wednesd ' y. Mrs. Gunion suff !fed bums on both arms when she attemp ted to rescue the cHUd. Her husban d had to be restrain ed by Marsha ll Carl P ottert to prevent hts en tering the f.ames. Mrs. GunlOn had gone to a neigh_ bor's land left the baby In ' a ellalr near, a whldow, and two boys. 7 and 4, playing in the yard. The bouse was In flames whim Marsha l POLtert saw It from the Masonic corner and arrived on the ECCne abOut the time 'Mrs. Ounlon returned. Mr. Gun Ion nfso was away fro!'ll home. A c mmlm!t y fund ts being raised to aid the famlly. d l! Istrous
.... .. ..-..:
Local Happenings
The eath of E. Jay Woh l" ~ml1th tl>uncier-o he Natrona i Underw rL ter ",hd presid lit of th e cOmpan y necessltated chanCeS in th official staff. J . O. Cartwright was ap· pointed to the n ewly crell ed off1ce of assistan t seer~1J:1 ry. Since hts connect ion with Ule Nationl ll Underwrlt el' John has be ~ ll . clrculat1on lllllJlager, hts new office wl1l cllrry with It. th e addition al dll tles of manajl'er of the Ohlcago oHic .
Miss Ruth Collins and Miss Ellen Miller of Lebano n were week end guests of Miss Ruth Ann Donaho o. MI'. and Mrs. Russel Holliday and baby daught ~l' spent the week end wi th home folks at West Union .
Mr. and. Mrs. 'k 8. Col ietL enter. . Tbe Young People's Group of St. tained their dinner olub Sa 1Urday eVening at their colintl'~ hUme. the Mary's cliurch .wni sponsor 'a VaL Hole·ln -the-Wobtls" S ell.ted at the enUne dance at the WaynesvUle beautifu lly appoint ed table were Mr school gym on Saturda y, Februar y and Mrs. Harvey Burnett . Mr. aud 18. Organized last fan, thts group Mrs, Howard Graham , Mr. and M' s Is proving to b ~ Intcres Ung to ils S. D. Henkle. Mr. and Mrs. J. B . membe rs. and II. lIims to be useful Chapma n. Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Ha th. . a • • • • • • ,. • • • • , . . a way and I.he host \and hostcSli to the chW'Ch \lnCl comm uul ty. Be- Followin Miss Made Storer spent Sunday g dlrUler , tlJe r emaind er 0 liefs e nd customs In th e Episcopal t he evening WIIS spent at cards. with her family at Martinsville. ChUl'eh, relll.tion 5,hll)S among th Barbara J ean Furnas Is working varlous churche s, [l nd lhe slJlliflIn Bueche rs Music store at Dayton . caneI' of for OUI' lentlnes at the Elzey Home and limes are some of the lopic.' \ V Shoe Store, Prices L2c. I e, 2 for 5c, stucll, d by theso young people· Reo · ognlzlng t he tact that clll :1Clng I ~ : '--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-.J. 5 and 10c.
Local Happenings
I Ch'·ur,.,hes I
On Wednes day , F ebruary 1, · 1938 Mr. W. H. Allen, Preside nt a{ the Waynesv\lle Nationa l Bank. bei\an his,' sixty-fi fth year of cont.!uuoWi nssoclat lon with ttiat Inotllut lon. The bank opened for busbleSl, Februar y 1 , 1875 In the room now occul!led by the R. D. Collett Ra, d. ware store. They r~m ained In ~hat room for five ·years when they moved lrlto the room now occu. pl ed by the , O. I . Satterth waite restaura nt. Here t hey OpeN ted tor about 25 years R~d then mo\ ed to dle newly erecl.ed bank bulldjng in the present location . When the bank was opened , S . B. Haln s was preside nt, S. W. Rogers, vice-pre sident, and Joel Evans, cash\(.r. It was on the openln] La y tbat Mr. Allen, now preside nt of t.he bank and dean of bankl'rs In Wa.r_ ren county. began his work a ' 8."ststant · cashier . In Februar y 1882 he was made cash!. I' .IT,J frr.I\l that Illle \.hrough hi:- 98('l'ndltlg t J vicepresiden t ill 18% and to , I' !lldent In 1901 he has b ~e n Lhe . u (IIni: fig. ure In toe history ot t hI! Lall I{ and one of th ~ oulsl.llndln ~ nil al !.lank. ers of the state. During Mr. Allen's bankin g Years he has seen b m idng pass from early hand ledger days or p en ,I,an. ship era, characr erlz,; d by heavy bound boOM, ,. xqulsltt' handwr ltlng and t.he abllilY to a dd 10118 ec;lumns of n ,ures with unerri ng sktll to the present highly mechar ucJl method . now used In all banks. Mr. Allen now In his eigh ty !SeCond Year enjoys dally contact s wItb Ule business In which he has Illaycd such an lmpor.ta nt part fo: the past sixty_toUr years.
A moveme nt, sponsor ed by local todpy a gr eat sourc~! of rt:crcar A. H. Stubbs, George Robinso n Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dymo nd on t5T. MARY'S EPISCO PAl. bu~ne~ men Is under way tor th e fllld !llllU6em cn t ror you Ill. tJ1 and Charles Satterth waite vWted and son spent the week end with C CII UR() JI 'OrganIza tion ot a civic' olul>, Jor You ng People's Group Lewisbu rg Tuesday .. 1V . I::omc~' ReV , R. L. Hackwell. Ministe r home folks at West Union. Wilynesvllle, which has for 1ts PUI'_ veryon~ to thei r G.lIlce. It Is the Sl lltU ftlleslma Sunday Mr. and MlIfs. Will Luken.. at. Mr. anaMrs. Emil Brown and son P06t ~I) e prom9tl on of varloljS w!l r- convl ol l Ql~ or tIlls I! rou p that til e 10 a· m' Ohurch 8choo). tende<l Farmer s we ~ k at Columb us DlckJ e were Sunday gu es t.~ of Mi. thy acUvlUe/l lind Impl'oveml!nJ s fOI' church ~h OIJ I ~ not f own up n l 11 (\ . m . Holy Commu nion. Wednes day and Thursda y. and Mrs. W\IIlJa m Brown of Ccnter_ the town . dllncll1t.: bu L rR\hur 8)lOIlSOI' order_ The Rev. Smythe H. L1nd!l8Y will A dinner n l S been arrange d at Iy palt le s for tIll.'! type of vlI1e· UIllU' C- orneln te and preaCh. M1ss Ros mary Bentley entered the L'lttle I nn for Wednes day, Feb- men I. Tlckettl may be the Mllton's Academy of Beauty (j bl a 'ned MONDAY Mr. and Mrs. William DOs ter had ruary 8 at six o'clock . whf'n th e.;c !low from any membe r of tile gl oup. 7 :30 p. m. Young people at th(' Culture a t Olncino oU on Moncl:ay . as guesls on 'Sunday Mr, Ilnd Mrs. m , n will meet to crect a perma- I home of MI'. and MI's. Ethan Crane D. B , Underwood and )'oil's· Adah ncnt organlzat,.lon to discuss Miss Aile Campbe ll of Norwood way.; lUTES AT CEME~rEltY As a phase of the larger problem o.f lipent RiSke. t he Week en~ wUh , Mr. nnd ling !n par.s !.o promote more help_ Church unity. a stuC\y Will Ile mft '" Mr~. Will St. John. Mr. ' and Mrs, Ell Furnas an~ tul erlterpr l~~6 . for th!! <;: cm!,lluj1lt.·: Short s~rvlces' tor N lile GlInl : 1\ of Severlll rten(lm!lla~loM. . ' TUESD children entel'ta lned at Sunday e ve· AY Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F rYe a ~ d I t js l)gped t l'\lIt t hit; enLI' r )ll h;!:l 18-mop lh~·():d c~lld who wjlS bUf11 p. ~. Nursery Ohurch school. ning supper , Mr. 1!Ind Mrs. Rhode, will receive tllt! ('ndore son Richard spent Sunday wlLh men ~ .a ncj \l 0 L9 rt~th I\t' Harvcys t)ufll W6:l - F'RIDAY, Februar y 10. Bunnell and children and Mr. and ccopera t\on of every 0110, Mrs. COra Rich. Mrs. Charles Doster and chi'dren . pesOs y cveo1ng . will be held at MI_ .1 '2 P. m. Women 's Auxiliary a t t1'e I J . R . Gibbons -. I~-l lumber dealANNUAL MEETI NG ......... ami <)(,mete l'Y, Fr'lday mOl'lllng at : home of Mrs. Daisy Snyd:: r. The er , has r eturned after spendin g . Mr. Ilnd Mrs. W. E. Stroud Mrs. TRUST EES, CLERK& 10 o'clock In cha.rg. e of A. H. Stubbs backgro unds of India . Into which several ~8 hunUng 1!.nd fishing Maude Orone, Mrs. Luther P erkins. Christia nity must go. will be pre- III /.lllb-m a. and Mrs. Harry Wlldsworl.h visited fune ral director , .. At . lhe . annual me-cllng of Lhe E. T Stroud on Friday. Mr. I;tr94d Th parents silld two small en ted by Several member s. " . 4 p. m. Junior has be :n 111 bu t Is now Improved . high fri~ ~o~. Rqth Oonner aocomp anl( d Wjlrreu count-Y tl'Ust e ~s li nd clerks brotner survive. 7:30 p. m. Girls ~r\elldlll gl'OUP, by tier room mate, Miss Helen held Iq ~l?anon Thursc'ay of la .: ... Friends of J O\lI ~tokes wl11 be glad week. Clyde Simpso n pf Stlrldle r of Oxford spent the weett UI1!0n " 'ING'S IIERAL )) to know that he b l.s been hom e. town~hlp. was elected pr lVA¥NEjiVILLE M. t. CHllaO H end wtth her family. esiden t !p,)d __ __ Sunday . FebrullrY a from the hos~It.a1 for two WeCK:1 J. J . PI' l:lger~a~t of ~IlY Ile l!}wl1The Klpg'~ tJ ~ ljllcl !joc· ty m el Mr, and Mrs. Lothatr Winfiel d 9: 30 Supdtay $elwol, and ts improvi ng so that h e l:l abl sh ip. vice proslden t of the IlSSOCja, with Robert Hastings Mon JlIY a ter· and children of Lebano n and Frank 10 :45 to be up and ~und the hoUS e. Mornin g Worshl p. Subject tion. Ruby Van R ip er of UnloQ nc;Ol-\ llfter sc)1ool. M3ry Orew Were Sunday dinner ~estli ot LoIs ylW) "In the Loo~lng Ol!llll." Twenty _three membe rs from thlj t wnshlp was elected ~crelar Rob rt Fumos and family. y_ pr{slded and It'd In cjeyo11 911l1 WillI 0 :00 Epwort h League . Method ist church attende d church Lre)sure r, anC\ Nelson Wllsoll gf Raylyo Crabb ... .a t; the p\anQ. Ule 7:80 !lventn~ 8C!1'VJae. Rev. o. R. at Miamisburg. Thursd ay evening . DeerfIeld townshi p, was IlIl Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Earnha rt and ·N!d rep· ' .0"1 ty Sling tWQ song ~. Mn· Ha,- usch of t;'enterv lUe wlll preach. Rev. Mr. Lacy 15 oond~tlng evau_ r , .>en tatlve to the St~teE.' sons were Sunday afterno on ••ld f.ecut!v e tln~ r~!l4 fI. stQt')' from t he ~tuqy WEDNE SDAY evening guel>tB of Mr. and Mril. MilC IIstlc services there. Comml ttel}. bpok. M~r ~djo"rnmepL of the 2 :00 Frlends hlp. club me!'ts with ton Sheeha n ot CentervUle. Joe E, Thomas, of Hayesv1Iljl, bu£lnes s: lIII!veral g/llllles were p' a)-ed Mr s. Maude Crano. Mrs. W. E. Cornell was h03te s t.:l presiden t of tlle Ohio As:oc1atlon oC \l.fter which pllXt:ne'r~ were ml\tche\l NEW , OENTURY CLUB MrR. EUddla Day and oougllte1' 3 :45 Junior ollQJr tbe Arguno t club Tuesc\a.y aft.ernoon T, wnshlp .Tl'lIStef/; ~nd ' Clerks (ll!l~ for r "treshm en Twelve m m Dorothy , Mra. W. S ,' arabAn } and ~ MEETlN(;I'-FltD )AY • . .. 7 :~ I3!lY 8cou.ta at th Little Inn,. .FolloM n'... dp USl;ed th e 19W t~lslat1ve . tlrograDl bers' and' thefr ..~er: · ru8: HarQfd 7 :30 Official Mlsi ~ ·--;.w;r;;-,:~Keni . ,"\tIie-~ ~ , ~'i1t' dow ' :,0 ' ~ aft.ernoon of bridge daTn~~ refresh · and oth r . local and state buslneas. Earnha rt were p,l'esen~. Dayld L!\cy 12 vlctorler over our boys when . . Shoppe rs on Saturda y. The-Ne w Century c1ub' m t at the m enls were served, 8:00 Choir practice , .' _ Abou t 110 Ql . mb ers aLtende d \.h ' wac. ~ssbtant )lQl;t. The Journey ed to Harveys burg Ptldilf · neKt meet_ hospita ble ho~ ' of Mrs. J. P. M d Mr M A.' FulkerSOl meellng. Mr. and M.l's. Leo ()onner enter- night 'Even the, juniol' bigh. F{Qmm F.'rlday afterno on. f· 'l ing will be wlt4 Rlchflrl'd loSt I an ecilan, The r. an . .' . talned the latter's grandpa rents tllelr balance after a hard and daughter . 8Zan Mae and Mr, _____ ____ ____ ___~----!ORS. LAURA SIDES and fut lr..S}!tlng was caUed to order by the and Mrs. Russ,ll aFrank -- ----and SO;) Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wa~ . f~ught.-bal.~e-lienior..blgh ,core STR.ICKEN AT LEBANON president ·and ninetee n member s Richard were ,SunDl Y dJnner on Sunday . dlrlne r and' was 39_14. The Junior hlgb. ~e r esponde d to roll call with ' a "Cur- 5\lJ!per guests of Mr. and Mrs. LRl,I1'a Sides, 82, died early Mrs. Corl Mr. and Mra.. R. D. Collett and was leSli lops.\dect 24-18. rent Evetlt". Tuesday mornin g at h er bome In . Bodeob end€r at Lovelan d. 80n6 spent Sunday with lIIr; ~d WaynesvlIle By a UllarllmOUS vot"" the n ame . j Lebanon, follOWing a month's 1lI_ of Mrs. WUlIam Lukens wos placed .Mrs. ·Emma McClur e Mrs. Lester Stanfie ld at New Bur. enterla 'n :d I ness. Mrs. Sides was for many Q P P on · the wa1tlrlg list of the club. Ington. sever.a l friends at an old fashion ed Collett years a. residen t ot Waynes vlle. 1 o . 2 MrB. F. 'U> U!may and Mrs. EdIth "buckw,h e'a.t cak,,·" sUPller Survivo rs IrIclude one son, Ed. F I" ay 1 0 2 Mr. and Mrs. 'Edward Sherwo od I ~t: Rarrls ' were In charge of the JlrO- eyening. Those presellS ward Eyer, Sprhlgb oro ; On e sister or Middlet own were ' sundlly guests ' were Mr. O' ' 0 0 I! e [ '-'am. Mrs. Harrts read a. very In- and Mrs. Bert Hartsoc Mrs. G. E. English , Bad Axe . MInh Jf Mr. and Mrs. JOel Stokes. I ', 2 ' t k and !'on . pceters I£r~tlng and helpful paper on I r:avid , Mr. I. nd Mrs. Lest er Go;-don . R niece, Mrs. Morris Dunham Lebook ' 0 0 0 "Cbrlst the Teach .of" Chr:st wa'l ,n. Ronald Hawke and Qharll.'s M'r8. Raymon d Conner Visited rel_ Clary anon; and two grandso ns, Lee .and EIIl, 1 2 .t atlvts in Dayton fLst· of ·th.e Ruthe~ford phll~..ophe l\ preach er, h ealel' Il ud Vaughn Eyer. Dayton . o· · 2 1 Mr . nnd Mrs, Ralph HlIs!ln g.; ami t~cher. He present ed four g eat Eon entel'la lned at su oP ~. S , ndf" Benbow Services wl11 be h ~ld Friday at week , 0 0 0 sermon s but he spen t thrc\! ' Years veiling, The occasIon 2:30 p . m. at the; Johnso n funeral 14 Jesse was Prender Mr. 8'3st. E, L- Thomas teaching men 1.0 mak.e the wo.r ld a litarveys bUl'g 11 me, Leblno n, with bU~lal In Leb- and W. C. St. b! tter plaCe In -....h1ch to live. J;f Hasting s John atlemle d tl}l! bl"thdliY I;nnl ers:\ y. a.non oe. m etery. 13tate coriven pon of townshI p lru this is not a. .,etter and happier 0 versowere laid for Mr. 0 II' P and MIS tees apd cl~ks at COlumbus, FrL 90rJd It III DOt'the failure or' 'C lirla;: A. H. S~ubbs, Mr. and 2 2 8 Mrs. J . P. day. t1a.nlty "but the faUure of J;eople to ~rrick. Mr. and Mrs. w" E. MRS. LAUR 7 1 A MARD 1& IS Stroud ovey' Chrls.t!~ teachlne'. and the , ~oSt and bosti!lS and son. 0 Bliss Forbuilh ot Baltimore spc,ke 'Downy 7' 2 16 'F uneral services tor Mrs. Laura on "Creati ve Worshi p" 'B·t the RUSSell R~th (;ohner .s ang a beautIfUl ' MRS. R . .D. COLLETT 0 0 D Mardis solo, "Ood's Tomorr ow." were held at the Oswald FI'lend's m eeting this Thursd ay af- ltoblnso n ." ' . . " . . HOSTE SS TO W. F;· M. S. 0 0 0 Funeral home In Lebano n. Tuesday temoon . Mr. Forbush Is Executi Mrs: Jj~ay reJao a very Interes t_ ve McOarr en Above -- Sta ge of 0 0 afterno on with burla.l In Lebano n secretar y of th e Bal tlmore Yearly 9 In'g paper on "91d Qullts" ., QuLltlng Jeffres The Women 's Foreign Mission ary audio- gym. 0 2 c:.met.e ry: Mrs. Mardis is .• very old art, schools · for. qulltwho . WM a meeUng . 39 SOCietY lIf of' Will the C. Method I3 nd L. . 1D'g baving tieen adv rtlsed :,t C. church St. John the Tne next game Is at MQ' row. ot W!2ynesvllle . died .Saturd ay at Mr. and Mrs. Ray Malnou and paper ns early as 1718 There arc met. WectnesdaY ' afterno on 'wlth son Donald, ~ . and Mrs. Ralph Friday , Februar y 3 . her home eas~ of L banon. 'four hundre4 and seventy -five ·pat;.. Mrs. R .. D. Collett. with Mrs. Stou ~ Linn ami daughte r Dale, returne d te~. Differe nt ones represe nting and Mrs. Wa~ Tupler a~lstlrlg. hOl11e Sunday from a trip to St. Toe following were selec ,ed to differ~nt PBt;tB of ~e country ; The 'CHURC H PROGRAM. Petersb urg, Florida. They were take toe speakin g parts In t-he opMrs. Lacy ch~e the theme, "The At Je£t--L. A, Garst, Super leven mokt ' popular Quilts are the FEBRU ARY 16 intend ent of W ny ne Townovernig ht guests Saturda y of Dr. eretta "Blow Me Down" : piece, oapplLq)le, ~tch work ! star, KiJlgdom" ,lor oevot!Qns, a ve 'Y ship and Mrs. R. W. Smith of Steams , Jake Sn}lthe rs. . ... aabert Benbow rose, bear's paw or best friend, and ImpressiVe steward ship prog am regimSchoo ls under who e Due to other things whlch ' were Kentuc ky. e the audio- gym ' a d diBen Barnacl e , .. • Alton Earll..hart the double Wedding ring. Mrs. 'Le_ was presente d by Mrs. Collett ; going on, the program wbloh was Mrs tiori .· was ~ade. Portuge e Pete .... Earl Meodf nhall May .displayed two old quUts. one Haro~d Eanihlor~ favored with a ,announ ced tor Februar y II has been SUm Balley ... . . . .. Roben Prest('n be1ng alm~t one hundred years old beautifu l solo "Thfl · G'olden postpon ed one week-t o Februa ry Key". D.1.plain Kldd : . Robert Eam"a ii Ruth c~osed , the program b~ ' sing· . "(i)Ompmlon Though ts" w~re read RA>bert Trent . . .... Earl Eal'llha n tng, ",HoneY. 'Sings , ~e Old Time by Mrs, Harvey Sackett . This ts to be given by membe rs. Mrs, Ken· Dutch Snekler .. . ... .. PaUl Johns S-:l\8s. . . of , the dJfferen t chutche s In 'o ur neth H\lU\lh read fro,m the ,text The M\sseB AnnIe U. ~nd' Mame Pa~lcJa pettigre w ...:. Ruth ."nn Dainty refr-eshme~ts were .>served ' ))0011: 'on ' ":Movtng MlJUOPI commu nity. In additio n to the 1 T. Browne ent;erta lned l" Two " ~t ~,." Donaho o ' to' the member s ,and gueSts. Mrs. J .. r _ dlDgs ·"polor doesn't number s given by the churche s, Friday" their ~UB1118, ¥r. Matter" and NanCy Todd ... . ,... Ruth Conner and ~ra. & Preston . Mrs: 'Harold 'Earnha rt, 'The GosPel Accord(ng to there will be a. pictUre Show of ea- Raymon d Moptgo mery 'and ·Mrs. Judy J.enldns '. : .. .• France:; 'Jobns ' YOU~ ' were a~d .oi~nn · B9rden : peclal IrIter~ to Children, a talk Louella: Browne of oenterv " /' .glv~n by Mrs. R. E. Ha.t1n~~. The Mrs. Todd Anna Louise Boak iUe.. More impor tant >than the celebl' atiQD the. in- - " " 7.. :~ . ...;'--;and communitY 8~ng. ·" next pteeting will be, with Mrs. D. Cho~ Mrs. Lena H&rtsock was 'ilonorcd be I'nnoun ced, later . forma l .~ open'in g tonigh t of the new !1udito l' iu w-gym OABD Pf T~K8 ' , o. ,Ridge; At ,this ~e there will ~ i. small' admls810~ ' will be charged at 13. dinner lPVen at the home.. o £ ~ I~~~'- - , - - - -- - - l ~~ nMiu\J l, is the great ' contribu~ion . of thi~ ;impro ve'a foUowShlp tea, . All' ot tbe mem. The " proceed s will go . io the ' her 8lster, Mrs, ~. C, ~ ~ · lo u'GIS: rRAnS ANNOVNC~ ;. ~ wish to ' ~~ ~e ·1 ~i-~on. ,betil ~e ' In~t'ed ' to, ai-tend. ,: thIs ment to .the tjocial life of the comm unity' . .. milk fund for: the grade- buUdlng ,Lebano n, Sunday , In ,*I Ebr~tit? n of WumIpBton , a~ ,Harveysb.~ .flre l mee~ ~ .IIJIIO tb~ 'lellowBl l:blldren. TliJs la .belplng the' chlld. l'4n. ~1t'8' " blft~da)l ;llp tea ' anni\.e~ _ " , , ' depar:tIIlen~ ·, ren: Very ' much. Neoriy all of the aary. 0tfl,!!T ~eats w~e 4>. RObl• . ,of .at tM R),ve~e ,~b~ 1;11 '. Mr . . and ~puty to. ~~le ,the ·au~ ~ , WayneavUle and. ·bIs f1,881stan~ the Feb~ry ~t . ilhllctre n who Wete . u nderW~ ht .' '. . are Mrs.' R. H.; ~taoct,.oo ~amDr In Wa,ynesvUle. t~ . .~ beet!: ~ inPY voiUrtteer& ~rom far'·' llQar . ~ , ; , . : 'bctug bro\aght up to nOnUal ' and MW Carolyn Wkeils of~· DO\lPCi!d.' .0. Y . RJd(re W1I1, h~ .. . "Or , ~· ~ ~fJ~~ ~ppori :~OUNOE ' ~1tIAG£ 'Caine 'a nd ehJo)l' yo\ll'Rl t 'aDd by ·ne.VlDe; Mr. and . ~. ~, Z. ~. the di1ver.:& 1I~, The a~ , ' ~ to ··my, so dolng; .help along a very ~y spck and ~ 'iof .W~ and--., co~·· ) -,.' • , , ! • , .men~ came, ~ ,thii ' a(ate~ ~ . UslY 'f1ibunl r Ule ~ ~ Mr. lind . Mrs; '. Alva . , ~~dlngto enterpr tse, Wel1 be 'seeln' JOU 'p,.a.. ~. aoo Mrs, A: I ., " Ha"~y I,l , and Dft'eCtoI'; . , . a&eO ed ' . .~ . .' " aJ,ld ~'. to .'alu\OWl~ the JDari'l.a ,e ·of ~' fa_"u of Hamti~ and Mr. and WBJ 161 . ~ . -....... ., . . /1 ." i .: > . . thel&: dIoughtel, Miriam J).Inea " Mrs. ~ , JIOI~Dpbead. '. -WAY xUVIL U ' BOY . , , • ~ ~ ~ Do 14F, . ~ B. ~uUte ' of Da-ytcl~ I. '" CharleS' Auatlr\ of 01lt Park, .~ 'BONO a .,cDT Y AT ' 0. ~U ' ~ ~or .~t In ~. l ¥lriam '1I a.~u&te.,Of tb, ~ o(, IDs bta buIiiIeu ., tGOIIl 110 ~!.I ; 'S! or WaYnesvW~: bJtb valentln e party and pMgram is MArnecalled Mr On ·~ T. BrOwne, AnnIe -0.. ;aad 'IDIIbt conllnu e with PlJ' ~ 8c:b.u1Ite la, a. jp'&duat.e. of . be1.IW planned lor Saturda y evenlq Mila Laura YcIDD I!eJ- a Wbl'ch fOt' 34 ,.., I ~"i ..f!1!'1!4 .bSIb. ~,~. He Gnmge p!eeting; · All Qlembers of Mrs. It ·B. 1IUDbIrt, -TbUJI I_ trleDdi In 'BarY. . . . p~ bT~ JIot.oq. whOle last beIln ,nth' letters ,at II dInIId IlYeD III hadar. ~ of ~ at bOi1le to tbe1r frlenda ., ~« VIclD1tJ. 01 the first half ot tbe' alpfiibe t are Grace NtDIl ...... of ~i.II .' IIII"'· -"· JI~' ~ bl·b .~ to ~ ~ pGUDd. IIIeb.
WAYNE~Vl llE . .
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~J~____~__________________~~~----------------------~--_! _M_IA_M--I_GAZ~,_ETTI _________ _------~--------------~--~--~-----==MUiSIO AllY MEETING -. ~
WayMlVDlel- Ohio
£ '\11 Second Chua Mail M.,itter.t Po totllce, Wa),neaville, Ohio
Flora M,. rane Edit'or ;and Publish r Mrs. R. H. Hastings, Society Editor ... .' ... Phone 45 K • ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Sub.!cripUol\ Prjce, $1.50 Per Year, Payable in Advance
Farm Niglit Ta'lk~, Feb. 6 Musi al favorite will be mingled with the following entatio ns from 8 to 10 p. m.
8 ;05 Union County 4-H lub and Rural Youth Program Memb 1 directe d by L. G . Brubaker, o. Agrl. Agent, :\lary vil1e. 8 ;35 Lincoln in Ohio--H· E. Eswine, Hi toria n. ,'-15 Electric Range Tri k -Thelma BeaII , Ext.-Hom e M.lIlagement Speciali t.
9 '05 Lessons from Ohio's Draft HoI' e Futurites-D. .J. Kay. , Animal Husbandry Dept. 9 ;15 Looking Ahead in Soil Consenratio n-D_ T. Herrmun, Ohio Soil Con el'vation Service oordinatOl'; !) :25 Report on Farmers Week-Delmer Groves, Editor, t he Agricultural Student. .
Where Everybody 'Ga ~ os There
one phase of t he chain store question that
deserve a great deal more thought th a n jt has yet I'eceived. In the words of an authority on merchandi in g "There is Ii .special reason why chain stOl'es are particul.nrly valuable t o t he sma ller tnlding centers of the nation . In town' where the chain operate, the u. tomeI'S know that they can 'ecure t he. a me a ttra tive prices that are offered in the larger trading .centers. Of importance is t h e fa ·t th at other stores in a town benefit when a chain moves in-part of t he customers att.racted to a better tra ding center are bound to go 10 rnem At the arne time, new job a re created, landowner find mpty buildings in demand, and neW sources of taxation are opened tG local g overnmellt. It' one of thos~ happy ca e where ne . has a hance to gain. --~.-
-- ........ .
Brains Produce Wealth • ;ot
~ met with Mrs. Alma
hllcir n. $79 21 ; Treasurer of State support of eleven. d Pl'ndent crlp. pli'C1 chUctr n, $715'1.'78: RS)'r.ivUd Mul(ord. payroll. SC66.UO; Earl. Hatfield. servlces, $55.110; V. M. Armitage. payroll. $73.50; John J . Barr, payroll. $258.4[) ; J ohnson , Myers J~.rOli . $142.40 ; E. W. Ross. payroll. 1414·90; Earl Basore, pa.yroll, 1133.60; Harry Mount, payt-oll . $9jUO; W. N. Cox, uppUe.s. 112.77: T E. Barnhart. garage ren~. 116.00; Ray GasIdJJ parts and labor, $ll.25; The Beater & Holst Co., repairs. 15.00:
Ethel E, Molier vs: Ployd J Mol_ 11 la divorce gross neglect.' Howard 'O 'Connell vs . Mary O 'Donn ~ ll . divorce. gross n lecl. Je e M IIIZ lIS. Mary King .. for mon . only. amount c!a1med '350.
Co~nty CourtN~~s -11 .n:;"~'h=::: :~:..~ ~ WN. SEARS .l__ .... = _ =
By GUS W. DYER Pro/e..or oj &o." onric. ami "ociology, r"nd~r')ilt llnif1erll,.,y
day afternoon. Th r d. ' ~"'n$1 program wns ~1vn by rs, C, tudia Cornell and R \I.
~'~~~I~II~rl~:~11 0 11. ; III MI' 'rIll
Ill-~<;JA V A TJ NO
1101 I
I, R rm vrem
______ The lesson was "India", The Great oommlsslon . Go" .by Alma Etz. . Prohibition ' In IndlaAdda K enrick. Llvl~ Condltlofl;S In India-FranCe Brannock. SOlo Februar y 8-4 "TIl Old Ruggecl Oross" MarjOry J ackle Cooper Brown. Mrs. Barbaro H artsock was "GANGSTER'S BOY" appblritecl 1.0 get mlsslonary li tera_ Micky Moulle in ture ftom tlie SemIn8ry. The treasurer r(' pOr(,ed $117.79 given to hom~ "Clock Cleaners" and for~lgn missions during the Our Gang in Past year. "Practical Joker"
Twin 'Theater
OM.l\ION PLEA PROCEEDINGS -..:.-Goldie Al~xand.eT vs. Dewey Alex'" ander. divorce to plaintiff. The LebanorLC tJ,zens Nationl\l Bank and Trust 00.. Lebanon. O hio vs. Earl J . Coburn and fildred C. Frank Sherwood Co .. s uppU'es and COburn., show ~USe wh y judgment £a.solln $16.12; The Or ~st Oil Co. The following committee was ap_ houldJl t be revlv~ . II ' $3019 V B k POinted to be hostesses at the all gaso n ... . ; I~rn e urs. gaso_ . be held Fe F ebruary G-6 LOren V. ReJson VS. Ruth Lar- line. $4.81; Howard E. Ivins, s a so - I day meeLingFto aRt ~~e rry rick Reason, divorce t'O plalnLlH. ) line . $1010 ; Ed Kilpatrick Texaco church In eb ruary . u"'u Pine. Leo Oa\'l'1I10 Jce E . Brown Service Station gasoline. $24.19 ; Adds, K cnrick . Inez Williams and l\IARRIAGE LICENSES Mildred OampD.:!lI . UFLIRTING WITH FATE' Conners Texaco Service S ba tion . gasollne. $35.33; Hathaway's T exaco MUllical ShortRaymond Theiss, 29. Franklin. Service Station, garoUne. 119.41 ; Sales ot Wheat and flour l o r ex_ w. P . A. work r . nnd Ma rtha Blnes Jimmy Dorsey's Orch. 26 . Franklin waitress. Bercaw's Garage. battery and cable. por t t rom t he Un lt.ed States between J uJy 1. 1938 and January 15. Willie Isaacs. 21. LetO llon, talm. gasoline. $35 .76 ; Gull RefininG Co', NewlI of the Day 1939, totaled 78.400,000 bushels. er , and Betty Hurtt. 16. Springboro. gasoline. $41.64 .
I'huul·. Wliyueflv ille
1'1. II
L 1~1I1011 offl co Phone 47a -Kr e~ . !1
Mor row Phone No.3
PROBATE COURT In the IIlll\.tel' of the eSlate of L1da MossteU er. dece3sed . dlst. lbu.. tlon ordered. In the matter of t he estate of Ab· ble E. Has. Uine. deeea<ed. fifth ac_ count. In the ma tter ot the e;'tlIte ot George R. Sage. deceased. appllca· Uon approved. In the matter of the estate of W ea Ithlo Ch am be rII. n . d eceas ed ,report approved. In the matter of the f!st1lte of Ra~ hel A. Pettit. deceased, report approved. In the mal;.ter of t he est.ate of William W. Welch, deceased. first 'final and distribu tive account. In the mat ter of the eSlat e of J ohn J. Tra 'y, deceased. Wr1il\lm J . Tracy appointed administrator. In tile mat.ter of the es. ate 0 _ John B. P ence. dec. ased. fifth ac. count.
J eannette MacDonald
WITH A·BUCKEYE IN THE CONGRESS ----------~--------~ Ly tle .
By CLARENC:E J. BROWN Member olf Conrress
AI; predlctec\ In this column last week. the Senate sustained t he ou . of one hundred and rtrty million dollars made In the W. P. A_ approprlatlon by the House. despite the most strenUQUS efforts of Mr. Roosevelt and,h15 Administration to h aVe the amount restored to the
In the matter of the estate of Sylv~ter Tilton. deceased, fI:-st and
final account. In the ma tter of the estate 0 1 H~ J . Will. deceaSed. r eport approved. In the matter of the estate of' George Stanley DIehl, dOCt ased Edna L. DehI . apPointed admin1s. tr a trlx_ REAL -E-S-T-A- T- E--T-n-"-N-S-F-E-RS
ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN . your Cattle. bc.gll, sheep and calv. to ' Norris·Brock C" •• live wire Bnt pr;)gressive ftr... f'lr the blghu, Ul8r k et prices .Bn d goo d service-. Uni!>n Stoe" Yard.' Cillcinna,ti. 0
T une in on Ra dio Station WOK'\ l 2 :26 to 12 :80 p. m . ror ",Ilr dan Nelson Eddy mark t reportfi
F eb ruary 8
Bill. The vote close . a nd It. was not. untll the last name was cal ~ that t h e outcome wa5 certa ' n . The !inal count was 47 to 46 again.:; . the amendment. tu res t.ore the hun· deed and [Ifty .~lIion dollars- It _Is the first time since Mr. 'Roose_ velt has been president th at h ~
F. f.
Shorb "Opening Day'" "China Today"
J~nuar. y.
t , o
NOTI E OF Al'POINTl\IENT of Boyd K. Hende rson , dcceased. There will be 'meetings at Lytle , Notice Is hereby given ()lil t Wlnl. church eve"" evening n eXt we~k r H d i P t Off' e 'J . ' ," ' red en 'Tson w 1 e os IC comme.nclng Sunday evening. Feb- Addres.~ Is Waynesville. Ohio hill; ruary 5. In charge of Rev_ Hilda been ' duly appointed as Arlmlnlsl.m_ Snyder, asslstec\ by Rev. T. T. trL... of the Estate of Boyd K. HcnCrawford or Dayton. Mr. Emmej ~ derson la te of Warren County. 01110 Snyder will have charge of tJle decca cd D9a. t: d · this 27th dRY. of snelUSrviICc·e s·. Ev "ryone Invited ',;11. sc 193
Centerville, Oliio
6 6 6 I.
Phone 11U
COrl'"L P,'eO Il S
Miss Miriam Wharton was ab- Stanh y & Stanl eY Attys. . r scnt from school severa l days 13~t RALPH H . CAREY F ~\' er and 'week with tbe grip. J udge ot the Prob3t e COl~ .t , nln'. NO!<!l Itt..II)!! H'e adaches Henry. Foulks spent last week Warren CounLy. Ohl Ull ujd . TnblelK dnr III ( )olds wlth his daughter. Mrs. Mable- Wal'·ner and family of Mlddletowp. TI')' " lCub-:\I)'·TIMIII"-n \Vnnd"rful I ,lujllll'lIl . S :!Dat-e has refw;e<J to appropdate Mr. and Mrs. Wa1t~r WhItaker Advocate" of the two-price plans Lhe exact amount of money 'request- and daughter are en joYing a neW for s olving farm problems have lost ed by _h,l m. Buick. recently purcbased . considerable of their falth- In the~e Little Barbua Lee Barger has . project.&. Admlnlstr.a tion of plans Speaking of war-for that seems been q uite ill the past . week. which Involve the payment of one • to be the subject that always crops .Mr. and Mrs. W . P. Clark of Day_ price for farm products consumed REAL ESTATE out, whenever a few Con]TCSSDlen ton were Friday guests of the lat- by buyerS tn t)le United StaLe. and or S .;natoTs ge~ together-the one ter's mot h er . Mrs. Mary Oarmony. another pric'e for products expol'l cd NOTARY PUBLIC big question in eVerybody'S mind Mr. and Mrs. William Rogers and or furniShed to relief cllen would seems to bfr w!l~~ or not there daughter, ·Miriam moved 'rue~day be d[Cflcu1t . w:U be a generaJ:; Europ,can war from Mason 1.0 their prope.a ty here within the n ext few montha. Oon- purchased of Mrs. Me l Rogers. gresslonal leadl~n; arc checkJng 'who will make her home with them ~losely on dilil:y . happenings In . Oalvln Lon gacr e and Al hert '::urope. They are also endeavOling Hawk a made a trip to Detroit last ' ~o get SOllle sort of a d efinite s (ate_ week and returned with . a new t I mCllt flom the. lPresident as to his Plymouth for t h e l ormer. fo n: ign policy . a nd are scrutlnlzlng Mrs. J . B . Jond Is shut In, bav_ • close ly the Presidential requests ' tor lug a Selge 01 the grip. .j . . . , appropriations Jror artDSment a nd Mrs. Fred Null of Spring Va' ley, defense. Most members express called 0"- Mr . and MIs. George t~lves as fa'vortng adequate &p. O1'3¥, the first of last week to tel propriaUons fot· -defense purpOse. Lhem of the death ot his mo ther. but want to be !Certain that eXpen.. Mrs. James Null 1m lnt.Jmate friend dltures are maze ' only for the o' thoeire. . • . . ' purpose of defeJllding our own land. Mr. and Mrs~ Walter Olark an'd They are oP"""". J to .... ",v. In'-'en- 'familY had for their Sunday dlnn'. r .--.!O ~"'. ~. tlon in Ute aflllllra othEr nations guests, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark and that mJght.emb'roll us _In a foreign daughter and. Mrs. 'AiJee Cl1lrk of war. Any appr<l~tiOns made ' wUl Dayton. ,carry l1m1tat1on~i against the U"e of Mrs. Mat;garet Johns and Paul ' def , nse funds for tbe ·continuation Johns In corripany with Mr and ' , . ' . . ot pump-prlmlnn.or other such Ne~ Mrs. R. M. Turner and son of CenIkal poUcles. 'll'b t there Is Q. ,wer tervllle . sPent Sat utday afternoon d fl .A da j I in Lebanb ' . l' e n_ propa~an campa gn go ng n. on in favor of heavily increased MIss Bernice Graham attendcj · armament, and for the building of' the weddln. g ot Miss Martha Sabin . i II- gigantic war machine, Seems and PaUl Leighty at Northridge" M. l Ulte evid ent. E. church at 12 o'clock noon Sunday
J. B.
When It Is reported .t hat a busineS9 . IgtellectuaL The dIfferences In the '. executive Is paid a salary as lal ..·c compensation ot tbese tour classes are Robert N. Van Horne to · u ~t 01 the PreSi~ent of thc Unit d not due to any discriminatIon agaihsl James Stat~, we maY expect someone \0 ahy class in favor ot other classel. Countryman, tracts Nos. 3 and • •• ' ask for an In- Under industrial treed om, the com- in Franklin township. vestigation. The pen allons of aU Ihe classes are fixed l (orees an d are d elermane . d Nina E. S t. John to L _c L mon ., e r y genc l'1I I I b y natura teeling t hat . under the same law. The differences real esvate In Wayne.>vlIIe. large sahll'ies are due entirely to the scare. Ity 'of George R«lberts to John Duna. In business are productive brains in buslne$s. ' It Is not C'nn ed Is Scarcity and scarcity alone that de- way and Mae Dunaway. J'll a cres In tlue. in the tlrst termine the values of all commodltiea Warren county. place. to the and all services on the open market. fac t that It i~ The compensation of the common Lucretla Hopkins, . to Edna J. difficult for the laborer is small because his servlc:ea Romas . 50 acres 111 Turtlecreek twp. mall who is re- are not scarce, · and his productive Carrie LaMarre to Mosry E . Alcelvina a ama il I power is small. The salary of the great salary to under- , executive Is large. because d lr, ective len. 32.41 acres In WasJlington t wp. stand !low any- brains are exfreme ly scarce', and the Walter H . Ne'ufarth to MinnIe bod'y can earn . productive power of a great d irective 'a large salary. brain Is almost un limited. ' . Oser . real tstate In Warren county In the second.. No man can produce much wealth Joe Toder to Oecll G. ·MoTrls and place. the hOil- with his hamis,_however skillful he Kelly Morris..98 a cre In Franklin t ility to bill &alaries is due to a very may be. Those who work- with their · genel:al IJI:!lorance of the nature 01 ha nds consume almost as mueh as township. prod uction. • I they produce. ~ long as soc.iety wa. Wllt am Hammond and VIola SIliIt .ls d ifficult fo r tbe average person I dependent on handwc;>rkers for pro- d r 1.0 ' Birdie S awy r part or I ' to divorce himself from the Idea that l ductlon society remamed poor. Our . , e e . ot · th~ product ion 'of wealth Is almost immense wealth In this country to. No. 22 In Mason. solely a.physlcal process. He reaards day is due primarily to the great dl· Harvey ,E . Warwick 1.0 Nellie W. prOduction as the work 01 the hands. recUve brains of American business · and .hen~ - glves lDIall place to those IIp.Bders. . • Henkle and Sam D. H enkle, lot No. who do no physical work. . Henry Ford, It Is sa id, has B fortune 139 In Lebanon. .,:- .A4. ~ matter ~f fa.c t the eJ'leotl ve ! of ' over a b!l1ion dollars. ThIs ,great Eben Leat and Anna Leaf to produeUon of wealth is pre·em inent y fortune is not the prod'ucl of a certain an intellectual rather \ltan a physical ! amount of capital and labor combined Sarah L : Moon a nd Harold E. Moon process. It is the brain. not the hands. in' the a utomobile business . . These , one acre In Turtlecreek townshIp that Is the great producer. The pro· \Vere only Instrumentalities used by duction of wealth is only in a very Ford in his great directive work. This Ilmlted sense a physical process. billion dollars of new wealth added ' BILLS- ALLOWED A short time s go the F~deral Workers In business may . be dl- to the wealth of this. country 'by Mr. Courts. In a case originating In vlded into tour classes - common Ford Is the product of hIs brain. He New York. rule l:! In effect that saL ' laborers, semi-skilled laborers. skilled I crealed it through the exercise of Merwin Scofield, invalid care laborers and those who eXl/rcise th~ J.:rcat dIrective skill That which 15 ''1.00 ; Millard Brant Invalid care . arIes paid numerous public s erva nt" directive function. The w9 r k of com· (rue of Mr. Ford Is true of ever¥ other 1 Including school Il<ach.e rs, many, moo labor IS almost altogether phys. ,'uccessful director of busines.~: 5.00; Ne·wtol! . S tamper. ·lllva·l.d leal; the work of the semi-skilled Is There Is ·nothing s trange about the care, $10.00 : Iva NJehoJs. inval:d countY'1llld citY officials, and othe preoomjnanUy physical; the work or >v·called big salaries of ' successful care. $5.00 ; Alice M. Arnold . Invalic' have been .subjeCt to Federal In· the highly skilled is pred ominantly business exec utives: It is high ly prob. . ::Ollle tax for t he , past 12 'vean • Intellectual: the work of those who I able that many of them are under. care . $5.00; ~rs. Helen Doughman , exercl&c directive skill is alto&e lhe r paid. Invalid <;are, $7.00; L B. Steele. in.. Authorltative rw:por has it that. vaUd care, $5.00; Ed Kaiser. invalid unless a law' to pr~ent such Tetro. ---:-~-:,,!_,==::-::::=~=======:=;========~-~-~ care, ' n.oo; Leo J. Smith, Invalid active taxation Is · enacted by the care. '10.00 ; WInn1e Gentl,'Y. iIlv~ olose ' ot InCOline Plx fiUng Ume . lid care, $7.00. March 15th, the Federal governElla Hoff: invalid care. 17.00; J . ment will proclCCC! ~to collect such t. Holcomb Mfg. Co., ' 10 gallolll bacJt taxes. Tll!e ~alrness of such waterproof wax. $25.Q.t; C. Dona!d ' tax is 80 apparent. that a numDilatush, rent of office for Pros- ber of bills ~v!e ~ IntrodUCed In AttY... 120.00; Mrs. Ne:ttle Bohl. rent CongreS6 to reUeve ~be PUbUc oUiot o1tIl'A for County Bupt ot school. clals 80 affected from sucb tax reo ..., " $45.00. ·Dr. A. D . Harvey, medIcal sPQnsibillty. One of the most dis $2;1.25; The Franklin Chronl08l. Inc cussed bills along this line was In.. printing .5.75; The Ofllce Outflt- troduc~ by c .o ngrJarnan Brown of. ters, ~epalrS and labor on tYPe- the Be....e.nth Ohio Dist riot. ~e Writer. $15.20; GIl16on, 200 ~ measure i$ nOW before the Ways pads for Auditor's otf1ce $6.25; and 1&eans Con1Dl1ttee a'nd It Is beTreasurer ' of · State-. · clothing and Ing freel)' predjlc}.ec!:'t hat . eltner the school supplies. '14. 79; Dr. H: 'M . Brown Bill. or .OD:! of l1lte l.ature Williams. Coroner's C<!St blll. $5.11). prepared by the comm'i ttee, wiQ be Banks-a.tciWtri Law Pub. 00. rePorted OUt and p3ssed by ~ J>.ATIfFG'1>ER' nnswcrs · 1he questions yell and your subscrtptlon to 1939 Baldwin's Ohio .gress before the March 15 deadline .. friends are asking 'wil 'ils concise, Thi" portrayal . COde, $9·80; Col. BIar,i1c.· ~k' Mfg. :" 1 of -the current soone. Events or naLional ' and interiUlUonn\ signiU~nce ~e lu:ly 'ahd iniparUa'lJy coVered.; Co. :l ~ds ven!iors licenses, $1.80; " . Fo.cts, new a.nd old, tl):1t add. lurity and m.eilnin..s to the . The oa,t.on BtmcJJ Works CO.: 1 COm .~t farmers are f~ 'i arc honesUy injected. The very- llllcsl 'and -most' rubber. sbsmp . for Auditor's 'ofOce pc.- cent more ~,t't1e ~n a year.gO ne",s photographs freely ilIu,strnte the t2.l0; The COlumbus Blanlt lJoc!I and the 1937·38 numHera on feed thq • In.llUon .!'eaders. Suilsuibe now . M!I. Co., . (orms tor Probate COUrt were an ~ of 15 per ~t over ..o, :,r~mFDmJm. -wJdel, re.d news ~P.iD-; • fte..oo-; Treaomer of state,. 1 per t~ preced1n8,.sr. 'I1ui ~ern cent- of .a2,8!10.:l3: total amt. dUe ·two atata ill the ~lb.. mate for aupport. 13:l81lO; TreIurer weH bave C'&ttle on feed ~ of &tafle , 1UPJJ011 of 'J depeJldent I i.baD •
El? Wednes·
Comoliments 01
Dayton Power
and Light Co
Mr. and Mrs . Kesler Graham, Miss BerniCe and Robert -S ines ' were Sunday evening dinner guest'; . of Mr. and Mrs_ C . W. Albright at Pekin. . • 1:--"-IIIiiii~-"--~"""'''''r! S d dl ts un ay noer gues of Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones ·and son were: .. 'We. take this opportunity to c6ngl'atul~te the' ~. arill Mrs. Edwin Nu tt of tI~r C t rvI11 d ' en e e an Mrs. Margaret Board ' of Edu'c ation and our schools in th e compleJohns and Paul Johns. . tion of our new_gymnasium nnd auditorium. It supGuests ot Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray and Mr . .and MnI. George plies a need which has been felt in ,our community . Gray .several dais ~t Week were: for many years. Mr. and Mrs. ~t P.opp and dauahter Pefty and Mr. and Mrs. Harry PI,ak and daughter :Ne1lie Mae of Independe)lce. Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. GUy Routzahn and " . . ' family were -$unclay dinner guests f ... d Mrs. Prank ' Brown a~ 0 UIU. an npp Olty. Mrs. Routzahn's brother Mr. Crist Bolntnott. returnecl "'I WttS Phone 25 them "to mak an extend d L'.lit here. .e e v • _ _ _ __
Waynesville Farmers" EXch~nge
UTICA '. . Mr. and
Mrs. Oharles House and
sonS entertained ~v. iUld 'Sunday. . '
Mrs. 8m .
~. and~· Be1:t ~
family S~tS1indaY . afternoon ·With Mri,> Hazel Abner and famlly. .Mr. MrB. LealIe CJ4?i'sUoh and da!-ushter drqve to : HarveYBbW'8 lee the fire Sunday. __ ~. and Vaughn Ilullen spent • few dQa 'l&it , Week Mr, . aDd lin. Bert BuDneIl
Fairley H"rdware Stores Largpl' Bf'cause or Better
---...... . ~-
THESE MERGHANfS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Completion Of Audio-Gym _ - - - - -....---_..Great Forward Step
The Infor~;lllng tonight jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiii -•••••-II! of the n ew audltorlum-gym o ssium marks.. ,a gr,eat fonva !d step In the history or t hl! loca l school "ystem, The ' completion of th ls beautiful neW building' contnlnln~ a lnrr e auditorium , g mnllslum Bnd ca relerLJ Is an accompllshment of whk h t.he board. school officials and tluWayn esvill e, 0 enUre commwlity can well 1:1' proud, Phone 114R2 It place3 the local school on a p3r with others In Warren county and will afford s tudents greater 0Pl:o" tu nUles for both work anet play, Thl' old gymnasium , wh ile servi ng a good purpo~ e for a time W 3S Inadequate for basketball and a h 31k SHOFS dlcap to athletic t eBms coml>eting WIUl olllers In thc CouBty with DRY GOODS more modern tacillUcs, The new BudltCll'lum.pymn3sium ETC. will seat approx1m ·tcly 750 p~ , sens wh en used as an auditorium. The playing ficor of the gymnB. ~ ium Is 69 teet by 45 fe . t , Perm a net auditorium chairs have bee n InI stBlled off the playing floor whlcil ! will accommodate 350 Persons. A 1 1arg well·equlpped slq~e adds t.O I ~------"---. the beauty and l1:'c of the bul'd 'ng I
o. E. Smith
Wallace "I. G. A.
Katb17n Mendenh nl1
Meat Market
Phone ,122
A. K. Day
Wayne Township Schools.
Jim McClure
Emma Hawke MClure WaynesviJle
1 care, In that th.~ new adcUt.lon blends 60 pleasingly ,wllh the' high
school bulldhlg, Chlldr~n of the WllIyne township school system ,feel Ill:>deln proud that they havenow the'can same
facl1!Ues. toand some caseS far superior, thoseIn afforded students of other schools In the county. The new' audlt;brlum·gymnaslum w!ll In future yealrs become one of the most a ctive uni ts In th e life or this community, a,n d Its Informal opening. is ,; n ev ' nt which can I:e noted as one of th e most s'gnlflcant ever, held here,
A BRICK 'OR A PANE OF GLASS . Whether it be Mater-ial For A Bird fIouse,
Ade:juate showers lind lccker rooms .=' for both boys and gir ls are provided. The large dining room which can accommodate m\arlv 500 'persons, al· so wUJ be ava!lab!e as a social c; n. t-er in the schOOl and p rov\.je ex Ira curricular actJvltles, The school board and 'others p13 n. nhlg the Eot1ucture should be con gra tulated for th e! foresight and
A Dwelling
A Structure; Large
STU B B' S Funera ' Hc.01 e
_______________________ ----------III!I__IIi--..------.. Borden's Service Station
~-----.----. .
IiiiI'.E___!I!I!..- - -..~---I!III-IIIi-!I!I!IIIi!I
I ~--~~
Dentist & X-Ray
ren have a'1l the advantages that a r e offered in t he
We are g lad to live in a com munity, where the child-
Senlee. anlt Prlre. WAYNESVII,LE. PHONE 82
Dr. H. E.
Dry Cleaning and Laundry Service
Q'I ~, lIt y.
Eswbllshed 1849 _ 1939
Compliments Of
------------------------------I!IIi--_ _ --. : 11------------
.!1III----------------III!i~I[II-~-1Ii , l;Iardware for New Gym furnished hy
W a yne
·R. D. Collett's Hard'w are Wayne.vill~,
Phone 99R3
You Can Get It Of
M. ,Ridge
D. R. Smith 'White V'illa Grocer .
Waynesviile, 0,
Pho!le S4
FEBRUARY SPECIALS $6,00 Nestle Perman ent $3.00-2 for $5.00 A soft Luxurious Wave ; Mon. Tues, Wed. Special Shampoo' and Finger Wave 50c Manicure 50c Sq.,a mpoo· Tinting .. Revlon , ... , Call for ap.pointment Waynesville, Phone 55
Phone 19
Hyman" .
Our he'arti ~st congra'tuhitions to th~ Way'ne" T~wn,
" ,
- ' • . ,....
,",! _
(. '........
,sliip ,schooi dt~trjct on., ~,ompletion of the n~'w Gym1
; Pe~herOD" Jeneys: •
.. . '
11. R; U. r \
Ind' 81t. .'
at'&i Cer:tified Hybrid Seed Com •
U. ' S.
u. ina. Blt, ,c.
8. 'n.1 939 ... ~
JE-RSEY HEI'tD IN 480 HONOR ' .CLUB , 1!J3U5.38..J7-lI8 , ('
'J. R. G I B BON' 'IS
• • wlmmlng
Corner 8, Har..,
With I!~gs I seltlng t Vf~ry lOW ) SaleS ot Wheat Ilhd flour tOr ~ .. prtl!$ In lorn 01'(\/1 " 1\ u:;"wlvl's ~r lr !front. Ih United StaLes ' 11m Clln ~t't exc 'ptloqul food valuc tween July 1, 1938 and J~lIluary 15, for their dollars by using more ~gfill It39, totaled 78,400,000 bwihels. In baking and ~y ~ervtng more In H1e many ' att1'aotlv WIlYS thn L egB'S USE THE MIAMI GAZETTE UIlIl bO prepar~a, (JLASIUFIED .ADS
Of Th. Ne\v
WaynesVille Audio ~ 'Gym THURSDAY EVE.. FE.B. 2,
M. D.Baird'
Last Satw-day ~.bers of Ule sr.rlpp .ct of food for game fish as WalTen ' Oounty Fish and Ollll'le they .have in the- past, when dooL Mark t gnrdeners who are so n In Aa6p. r1!lea8e.d twelve ' dozen Mis_ e~s were permitted to take 2,000 sweet com r Ids operating nn ntosour! l'abblts throughout the county minno,,!s at a time-uslullly' Idlllng Sc TO $1.00 STORE I mlzcr nre not applying Perfume to Tn e represent part of tbe gome twice that many ' In getting them. m e plants. A f w drops of llg h t j Ilutchased with money from license The ruling was taken almost word h.lghl y rl!flned minerai oll spray d fees turned OVer to t he Assn. Coon for word from the 'recommendation Oll the silks as sOon as Uley have JUIV • I8 l1.'eady been .bought and re- preSented by your correspondent. willed will protect th o car from lea 'd and the restocking program :l nd sponsored by t;lle Warren Coun· damage by the COl'n ar worm. w1l1 Include 50 matw-e pheasants to ty Fim and Oame Assn. We fough t be ( istribuLed Ln the early spring. a.1I last Year for a ruUng forcing L . .f, Saliirday's rabbits bl'in,g, the tOlal dealers to raise their own bait in... rele d in the county to 600. The, stead ot taking ' It from streams at .othets were sUPPUCd by Ole Con- the expense of fl/lh lite-now We servMlon Dlvlslon. ,According to have it! pr :; .releaseS COmmlssloner Waters Bilis to take qual off the song is dlstrlt!utlng 40,000 but it must b e bird .llst have been Introduced by r the balanCe l eft as Warren "cotmty representative Apking, Hannah, receiver;! t.hclJ· shipmen t sometlme Sweeney, Heiner and Yoder. The ago. Medina bill Is conceded best chance Last wce.k the COnservation of passage, and Is a logical one InCouncU hearing on flsblng regUIIl_ cOl'poratlng local option and strlctM~ghty tions was held' at Columbus-with ly controlled .h\lDtLni In ,ame man· about. 250 re~"t!6;Ilnt.at1ves of sports· age~nt areas under jurisdiction of men's clubs atLendlng. Th~ scrlb_ the OOll.$ervation Division. Many · bIer represented the' local groUP a-' f!arm groups have jo.lned with t.he long with Dr. Swing. president of sportsmen's clubs In sponsoring the the SouthWeStern Federat.on or removal or quaU from the song bird Sportsmen's OlUb6. list under proPer supervlslon. Another bllJ of Interest to con_ A ge'Jleral oross section of the servationists Introduced last week Is subjects discuaSed showed an ovcrretain one to exempt forest land trom ta.'Cwhelming sentiment to Hot~y atlon. With our woods <llsappear- 1 spring fishing-to continue Lhe Ing es (ast as meltltlg snow there Itl'esm Improvement program- to should be some additional IncentiVe ret&tn the io inch legal leJ;lgth pn toward planting trees. Not having baas and, the bag~ 1\mlt: ot ,.tlve per reo3d the bUl we cannot say hOW' It "ay. Is worded-but the general Idea is Many groups re<ionnnendad abo_ worthy of hearty suppo~t. Ushm nt or restriotlng or trot line' Next Thursday, February 9 wUl I fishing, and almost all or tllem ob· will S!!e the regular meeting ot the n jected to the stripping of streams ,. Warren 00. Fjsb, and Game Assn. by wmmerclal bait catQhel's. . The meeUng will be held Ln MemorNext day, fOll&\fInIt t~e hearln,; Ial Hall at Lebanon at 8 :00 P. m, the · Councll made the following ruL There protn.lses ,to be a fine pro· lng'S to, the 1938 fishing sea.ton. gram WIW' mOVies ,supplied by the Length and daily bag limits are standard OU CO., a talk ~y Dolph to remain the same as 1938 on all Sunday evening. I The postofflce Is located telnl'ol'_ Long • . , spo~ap and column:st '. noh f:xcept trQut. 'The bag limit on Mr.ll. Donal<l Ha .ines of D ' t 1U'llY a t the Madden home n ext to !'rom Dayton; a lunch and smoker I ay on , Brooks garage . . tbt>m wlls 'reduced from 8 ' to D pel' I Epent Satw-day niglht and Sunday . that.Earl GUIltLn and JWe ,ora,u d"y;' ·lnc~es in leng'ht. · ~ \ with WllUam Smith and family. Dr. Stout of Wllynesvl11e called Un promise W111 be dltferent. BrLng 'Now boys h.ere is the good neWI!-"Ferry church greeted two nddl- She WI3S a guest S'unday night of patients here .Saturday. . your friends. all streams that have been closed 50 POUND CAN $4 :S t.lo,!lS to It's membership Sunday. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emer:.. Mrs. Will Welch is Improving. 101" the taldng of bait to be ~ey were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence son Sinclair and f~mUy. Mr. 41 nd Mrs. John ' Ratliff and opened-but the llrnlb of 100 stream Jones. ,Fpw- persons were b8Pt.lZed. Mr. I!J1d Mrs. John WUson. and the latu:rs ,mother , Mrs. Ida Hanks minnows Per pen;on, whlch former· ¥!, anl1 Mrs. George Summer- on Robert Were Sunday dioner accompanted by Mrs. Louise Flte eatmore ly applied O'nly to the' ' Indl vidual 3 lb., fl~d were guests a.t the petsonage gueSts of Mr. and N s. EVelyn WIl_ and daughter Jaoe Ware ~opprs In a bargain tlsherman now applies to co'mmer. Mr·. . and Mrs. George Beckett; and Sunday . . son and son Gerald of near Xenia Wllmlngto . n sah'~d .... ny. ~Ial balt ~Lners as' weill This means so~ Charles I William and Donald . Mr. and Mrs. ~obert Furnas were , Mr. and Mrs. Wn:Ullm Smith and The Hal'Veysbul'g' bnskei. '0011 lenm that the str.e·a ms will n,~ lonfler COUNTRY CLUB Lesi~. ?f near Blanchester, wex:e callers of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Maurice ddughter Marllyn ' Sue' spent Salur. played tbe WaynesVille leam Fr'd1JY 241b. 12 lb. baC 330 g!1eats Tuesday of the Perris . f~ !lunter Sundtay eve",ng. . I day night with relatiVes In Dayton eVening. The ho~ team won by balf ~c iles . Doro~y Gerhard spent Sunday The roHowlng day they Visited rela- a· high score. FLEECE BRAND tlv~ In Middletown . Mr. and Mrs. Lum Kh'k of WI , Howard MoKay attenoea a dinner with Beulah Smith· roll Soft .nd Safe Friday - SaturdRY for • the Ltrust£.es 01 Wlluiln "ton ColThe Berean class m eet:ng will be s ome 01 our mernbelS . ' . attence mlngton called on theLr dnug Iter. t I lege at ,he· Denver dOrml~ry, Mon- held at the church basement Thurs- tl Mrs. Russell J efferieS 'and fnml' y Night~' day evening in WUmlnitOn. day··evenlng. le uncra <!t Enpcb CareY a . Friday. . ~EEN-' '. Ohester Saturday January 21 : als:> , . . ~~~~AL bar. Girl DG'wnIJlUtl.... yernon Barns , of Dayton. spent. Wbl1e ~ndeavorlng to do an act ' some attended the runelll l of Mr MondllY, Wilma 'Smith Ira Scroggy ' h eld at ",..,.. aw B urIIngton. Zundlay with Mr. and Mrs. Frank of kindness. ~ ' b I ~ ams . wa.s sever-ely ' Itten by . a dog that. Frlen d S c h. urc h last \" .......uUTsday G. W Davis has boon a vla1tor in 1 was caught; Ln 13. fence. Her condl- . . .' . h ' h' f Mr d . Ern t -tlon Is good at this time Mrs. Nellle , Bunnell and Mis • an Mrs. ea , , ' ' . ' Monimla Bunn 11 , h "'o , . t e ome 0 NO 'l Mmhon, 'near Wilmington for the , The lpuls Wjcal and James Wlcal X nI S t d e WH1! S '11. GILM~N'7L. l ge and . . f mil ' e a a ur ay aftE!rnoon . : weet. ~ v.tu," . c.~. /last ' several days, I a les with Miss EstJ;le r Stewart , ' . . . , -spent Bunday with Mr and Mrs P Ouests In .the BOlgan Rnd Smhh Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allen, of . . home Sunday for dInner w ~r . Mrs COMBINATION SAtEI ALL '. . Dayton spent the afternoon SundaY... R., Wical and daughter. DoI)ald H<lines amI MisS' LOUIs~ u jl. tf . . n Sp,OUI& •• S.U' , I' For the arrest and Pl'osecutlon of.· with Mrs. Ada , Tal.mage ·and son Mr. anll Mrs. HOlla .do (.On motored Slnc.! alr Utl ow M" tn Noodle. 4lII!It ~ persons trespassing on the roots o ' Lee, ~d .J essle Olrn~r. t.o Columbus S~turday k> vl~1t their. The ~ISSiOnary meetlng was held the follo~1ng .propertles: I' !"e Brand No~ Miss Je88le qarner was a ~Y soq. Dr. J . .P. BOlto~ IlnQ t emily. last WoedoesdllY afternoon with Mrs. . Evans, White. Aman, Hyman Ilnd .. 1;1 ,bed can .' ( over night and'. ~ednesdaY guest 9f Mrs. Forrest . Trost s condition Is Esther Mitchner. ellOst of New BurL ~w1s buildings. ' ~rs. . Eiizab,e th . ~l1ald, ID ~y~. 8om~What Improved, '. . , gt~n; Do~a}d Arthur, of WelliblJ, 'will! a \" ~. Jennle Mullen f~els no bet-. . Franzy She~ts and ' familY enter- Th~ above doe~ nqt apply 'to jut-uslhess :visitor in' th1a !X!~UDltY · tor and ,WllI'na Thomas returned to talned relatives from Dayk>n to venlles, as. only ,1.00 will be paid 'l'hursday,' . ". sqhool this week. .. . Sunday diuner. Other callers U;. tor their. arrest on9 conviction• . $1.,8 5 100 lb, Wesco Egg Mash ~ Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKay. ani:l Mr. ,and Mrs. Ervin Thomas' an.d the Sheets home 1m the oafterno!)ri Reward money held by ' Stanley $1.39' 20 % Weeco Dai'r y 100 lb. I Mrs. Hdold McKa~ were in children. Mr.. and Mrs. Lawr~nce were Mr.' and Mrs. '(Jarl Jones and Bailey. 9ge OHIO RIVER SAl.T 1~ lb· ~~~!!!'!!!!~!'!"''!''''!~''!!''~_ Ington, Wedbesday eVening, to Wit.:. Thomas and daughter., Wilma and son Charles. r.ess the college play, at thll. college; Mrs. LaVernlJ Faul and son visited Mr. and Mi's:., Herbert Carey 100 lb.' , WESCO STARTING MASH $1.85. Mrs. H8rold McKay were "Ln 'WU- Harveysbw-g Sunday. afternoon. and. son Allen of Htg·h land county .' ~too, Wednesday eve~ to wit ~ord has reached here that Mrs· Were Sunday dinner gueSts of·Ever· mother,. Mrs. Jenrue Maw'orth : ah4 LUlu . Roland, wUe of Edward Ro- ett ~alnes lind famtIy. , "'golden' Miss .beth .for a feW days,. . land ~d away at her home at Miss Esther Jell? Haines wlls Sib· Elmer Price, of near, Xent&; haS James~wn .. Saturday, January 21 · ,amoll g thoSe . prese'pt at a mlscel- I yellow I accepted a position on the ,farin' Sbe ~a8 bw-ied at Jamestown the laneous shOWer tor /a school frleng .each 10c with Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel Herrei·. . Tuesd8y .tolloVf,lng. , . . (1ormel'ly Blanche E,:ans) l1~ld at' C.ELERY' HEARTS large bu~ches We haye. been lnfonned that ·Rev, and Mrs. Carl Smith called the home of her fadler,· Mr. oeorge l Ql1}er HolUngsworth has bou,ht "t the Ro]Ja Bolton home Wednes, Evans. • '. . . 3 for the Tom Oolllne proPerty on ~t. day. . . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilson · .: , '.' ·seedle.. ..' Fork . which joins Mr. Hollln'irs~ Announcing the .. ~nlng of a Were callers at the home ot Frank ' WAN~Furnl8hi!d rooms for BROCCOU large gre~nJlunches each ,lOc worth's land. Mr. and Mr. Walter l.rAle in Pe"?,_ ErvLn 'fhomas has Braddock..a.nd w1fe recently. light housekeeping. Inquire at 00._
Cafeteria Supper, beginning at 5:30 p. m.
EAT - PAY· What you want •• ~s much ~s you want
lavishVariet.y. Show
MILK 4~~~23c
Bandmaster Frank and the Melodeers The Faculty Art Players In "Home by Midnight" and "Nights Lodging" Warren County's Own Hillbilly Jamboree Bud LeMay and Company Mlle. Fogle and Ballet Russe Totsy Rythmmakers Dr. Whoakum and Others
31b Bag'..39c
Program Tick:ets 16 & 2Sc Dancing after the' program
1 lb. 15c
For Young and Old
Store ManageI" s Special
26 5:.
I' I
Five Dollars " S' AP G~AN~.i.BS· Av.lon Pks,1S'c 4 ' 29C EAS Reward FOIt.5 . 2" I' 7P ,... . £
4 · -19c 4 25c
Grap'e frllit Florid~
Tbompson, and ~amiJy mVe' been ppened a garaie at his fatherls occupants of the bome 1(1r a: num.. place, and 1a ready tor bUrlness. ' ~ ,' The P . J. ~~mases visited the ber of Years.. , ~urlng a visit in the McKay hoine ~. R.. Fordyce's in West Oa~rolton. Fflday we were shown 'cat 01. Ute sun~Y', ~. ' )' 'l'hla " ek d. ~ ' .th '. We ~wea , e~n MaittJse tribe ~tuch 'had ·j ust· r~ cently aPPeared after a ' jo"~ oolildnlt '~e ,u p ~Is ,mind and ,we ~.~~ of hio m .. any mi . es from the home. Ii•. ...... ~~Ve ha.d·mow, .i ce, sjleet, m.u. d ,.~ -.. , and Mrs. Robert McKa-y near Xen1a aDd a l1tUe ~e. IaJ} ~ It Q\1eer whO ha.d 'taken the animal' from ~ how , the . 'weatherman gets aU ' ~ pl\l'en~ home some- 'dayS before. ~,~e fO.r ~verytbing. I'd ~te to 'be . ' :Who doub~ that a cat; bU:not a '~ b1a shoes,:
~nts? ;
lOt of sense and
~~=~~~~~~~~~~!!!!'!~"!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!~~~~~ ~.....~..:;;~_........;..~. •_ ..........;~ ....~~~_,~ ,...
,~e OTTer a \
I" ._
' .
. .
aatiB .;cictory' Service ."
, t a. II t'ImeB , ' . Q
,Mr. and .:lofJia. HOqler
~Lne8 ~n-
terta1ned to dmnet last 'IUesday in . ,. honor of Everett ani Luther Haines bt'ruidaY: Mrs. Ella Haines, Mr. and ,7Mra, Luther Haines, Mr. • nd~Mra.. s'Vee" HaIDes .aDd eon. Marvin and the ~t and h08f,eIlS. Mr. and M,rs. Somer Baipea. TIle Youns People'" .M:: eIlDi met
with l.OUJie and _· LoWell
... zette office.
Harvey.sburg .
FOR BALE- 8 room house Including 4 lots, electricity, ciStern, city ---:..!:... . water. Jl~OO. W. N. Bears Waynes. A . fire Orlg~n~tJnl{ In Thoml;)Sona. vW . '\, to 8Weep the . e. pooI h a U threatenE!Q ' en ti re vi. llage late Thursday night. -"--::..-:..--:;----.--'----,---' The Thompson residence to the ·POR. SALE-All 'v~rleties of hgih· right ot the pool ban was entirely 86t yielding ';, certified ' hybrid' S~ed destroyed ,as well . ~ MacOpoald's I01'n-1939, Ind. ~14j W, 17; U. S: I>arber. shop and tIl.e adjacent drug .65: U ....S:, 5~;' U. S. 44. Order now '
store and postotllc.!. PJans for reco~tru~tion o~ moI!~ or' ~e bulld_ lugs are being COn:1PleteCl. Mr: Robert Oray. ,lind Mtas 'Frances EllIS were ~aue"'; 'here Slilulay:.' Scbool dld no. 'onv Frld U " ene ay OwiIJ to the fire. . . " " Mi'. and Mrs: OruU:~ Grl!rY of ~ amJsbw-g called on. theJ former's parental Mr. and lIIks: J. C. Oray Sunday. ' Miss Marga~t of Dayton Fpent the weekend ber mother Mrs. Amanda
'b~fore ~
1",0' C',
':Potatoe ' s ~iChilfan' ~~"$I' ·I!!I!.U · .. '. cobblen . . .U. . HEAD LETTUCE
'rem jumbo'
i~ ,
.• quares for
iilsh. ,
l.evl H. LUkens.
Qhio ·,8tp
.--;--- -'7-:----;:-...:.....-.......:.-:.,-.:....... '
... ': ' FOR S~arden plow, wheel.:. barroU 'h .1 ~;.,i . , w, o . eater, · wul6, ,SWing, cha1rs..;and q~r ,.Iartlcles. ., . " Grace L. Smith. .' POR ~ALE-Oeneral purpose mare, sound; Bina PattereoD. 4 mJJeS weat of ~ on Bar_
I V8f'burg"LcbaaOD.
........ .... ...
280 ATTEND F. f. A. ANDHOME ECONOMICS tTSF~-:!;:'AJ(~:'~NGI INfORMAt OPENING BANQUET INNEW AUDITORIUM • "~:. :,:7:~;"":.~ p~y:: :':;'": WEll ATlINDfD The annual F. P. A. Home Eo. banquet was held on Tuesday eve· nlng Ih the new gymnasllllTl. Two hundred and sIxty parents. teachers students d fr Ien ds pllrtoo k 0r an an . excellent me~l prepared by the Home Economics girls and furnished by the boys of the F . F . A. Earl Earnhart. president of the F. F. A. presided In on effIcient and masterly manner, Introducing .each speaker appropriately with jokes and quotations well fitting ihe speakers. Ouests were welcomed by a re_ ception committee of girls· and boys a.;nd ushered Into the new audltorh Ium .were t h e hi gh sc h 00I orc h es... tra, directed by Mr. Fronk furnished the usual excellent music. At the appointed hour all were conducted to the banqllet hall, Invocation was given by the Rev. R. . L. HackweU afler which all did' full • • ustlce to the following menu; To· mato cocktaU, escalloped .chlcken, mashed potatoes. green beJn li, jeno L sa lad, rolJlS . and butter, pickles, col_ ree, ice. cream and ~ke, The program, conclucted by Earl Earnhart ion.stm~ter. continued with a well dJrected welcome by MI ss Lanh am. "Why I am laking Vocational Agriculture" was dlscussed by Phlly Hartman, a freshman. Jeanne Hess talked on "Why I am tak1ng Home EConomics." The sub_ ject "Do Vie want to become Farmers?' was discUsSed In rather vet· eran style by Tom Florence. Anno May Watkins . responded to "The phQe of }Jome eeonomlcs ·· I like' best" Robe~ ClarY. a senior talked on "A good 'hJih achool coUl'lle" "The girls place In the home" was the subject that WII8 discussed by Btitty Peteraon and Future Farmen of America ., given In Ute usual ettlclent manner by Lowetl ~ncla1r. Mrs. RusseU Sall8bury responded for the mothen ·-.nd Mr. Lawrence Furnas responded for the fathers. Mr. S. S. Ellis resp()ndeCl With a well t.bou,bt , out d18cluiSlon . of school IUld $Ome 'Of the handlco]JII and dlsadva,n tages that the students have to contend wltb The prlnctpal speaker of the eve_ nlng. Pl'. W.. E. Stewart of the Vocational Educational department of ohio State UnIversity•. atter endeavorlng ·to embarrass the toastmaster with 'hls jokes, launched hito !!l fine dlscUS8lon on 'vooatlonal edUcailon for our boys and ' girls, He ' noted that· in 'polJlt ot' 8118 our oWn de_ paftment riulka 12th tD the "sta' e. He made the, d1rect POIn~ ~f adv~. tages of fUll cooperation between students. ~ers, .' parenLIJ and bnards of education. AJao the ' dit_ fe..en~e . ot' opportunities . Intert)8ted and disinterested stQ-
The home of Elmer Jones and fam- . lIy was o smaged by fire. thought to February 14 • . 1939. A 'three_act " hnvt! started Irom an overheated The last home game will be V. M. HOBLIT RITES come~y entitled "special Oelivery." The Informal oPlmlng of the new stove. early Monday . morning. MO~1'IILY MEE1'ING ed with Harveysburg on Fdday/ WERE fiELD MONDA).' the first rull-length 'play to be given audltorium-gYlhnilsjum last Thurs_ The fire department rt:sponded to OF CHURCH GROUP February. 10. The band will play ' In the new audItorium . day night was "an outstanding event a t ' the- game, The Junior hl" h has ..L ... be d b the ali1,rrn and aoon hod the blaze V. M. (Monte) HobUt. 74 yel1l's old The cast consIsts' of: whi ch will 10' . rernem re Y Mrs. Ethnn Cran e was hostess to lost only one t his season, and died Friday nIght !!I,t the home of . the large nuIDber of pel'wns In at· under contrOl. Clothing of Mr. and l h e Youn" Peallie's Grollp of "" . lhat with Har vey~burg . This prqLorna Lacy, Betty Bl'rn:a.rd. Mary .. _ 0 his daughter. MI s. Oleve COlmer, attendance. Mrs. Jones and thelr tour children Mary 's Church In.~ t Monday evening mlses to be an exciting g.lm e. Come Eva Lemay. Charlotte Hartman. Startln ' g a> . · . ~O " .Ile MO , ' hers' club t el' an III. ness 0 f severn I wee Its 'd ur- A C b 11 • " , was destroyed IIlnd the house furn - Af ter the bllslncss me ·t.rng a dls_ oUl and hel p us win. nna amp e . Bob Preston. Ray s rved ·suppet. to abou t 200. Til,'.. The junior h igh chalked up .a.nat Ion. Mr. Ho bllt . was a re tlre d Miller. I Charles Oollett. Lowell Sln_ . Ishlngs went damaged to some ex . cu -' 1011 of va l lous u.1 C Ilomlna '.on5former and WIIS a well known lind clair and Harold Rutherford. tables In the lafge dlnln~ room were tlDt by water. the.r (,rlgins and u lstlngulsIJlnJJ other win. when they defeated Morlong time residen t pf this commu_ attractive wi*. of beautlfu! eha .c lerlsLics-was led by memL e.s ' ow on the OIJpOnent s floor by a 29 _ nlty. - - - - -"- ,- _,_,,. rosebuds for cintel·pleces. The loss was estlmaled to bt' of the group. Mrs . Etha n Crone. 24 scorc. T he Va r; lty was de' eated Surviving are hi s widow, Gelia ; Before 8 o'clQbk the more than 700 nround $200. Mil'S Mnl Y Beach. Mn yn ard Weltz. by MorrolV . although thf'Y d fe,lled the ·\laughtel'. Mrs. Conner. end one chairs In the~ ' \jdll(.Orlum were lI'- ~~~'-"~~~~ I '-'t" uml Howard Fogt reprcsen l.ed 1" s· Morrow 0 11 the 110111 1' floor ea l lIel' son Forrest. and several grandchll· led by an en ' usl tic assemblage. p. ct ivelY lhe Episcopal. Mel hi dis l, In Lh e sensoll . dren, all or ,wllynesvll1e. - - - - - - - , -., - , - Superlntenden~' of Schools L. A . PI Cllbytcrlan. and Lutheran church_ The lineups were : Services, Wltl1 l-Gev. W. C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. 'Valier Underwood Oarst. as ma.sttr of' ceremonies cle'5. Refr.e"hments 'served !Jy the Wnynesvllle . ' _._ _ ._. __ P G P " fC. 'I~ Iatt~g were h I'1.u1 at 'h • e Mc_ and Ralph Branslrator ,J re leaving verly announc4i the program ~hjch . ,_ _ ___ . _ "_ _ .' __ '•• '1 host ' s . and games compleLed tile 1 7 Clu,"funeral home Monday after- this week for Florida. consisted of a variety of enurlaln_ e\ l n ,11.; ·s program. Coll ett 3 noon and buhlal was In MIami ce_ Ing numbers ' presented by BandMr. and Mrs. John WlIlls lert lasL Spitl er 0 0 0 The Happy Hour club will meet master Fran .and his Melodeers Friday for 8n.rdlni11. where they will i Preston 2 4 metery. . next TuesdJY. February 14 with The Pac, ulty ~rt Players, Warren ma ke th e lr h ome. : . Benbow 0 0 0 2 0 Mrs. Earl Hockett. County s Hl1Ibllly Jamboree. Bud Ellen Moss Is recovering nicely tJ t " Peters LeMay and COmpany , Mlle Fogle 1 h I I R tl f d 2 2 0 Mrs. Grace Smith has moved In ., . ler ome rom a recent append II U ' lCI' or I and her Ballelc Russe. Hotsy Totsy operation MeHoh 3 l • to her recently acqulred property I Rhythm maken, 0 11'. Whoakum, etc. . Cla ry 1 3 on Third street. all very well exer:uted and well reo Mr. and Mrs. Mallon WhItaker 0 21 .. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Henkle have celved. Cincinnati were week end guests of . M Por ' y business men of Way .l e- Morrow Following tbe program dancing r. and Mrs. Bollard Wallace '11 W d purchased the Warwick property on to the musle o~ 'Sull LeMa 's orch_ . Ii , C neulay evening at the LIL G F P A splendJd program by Lh~ fifth ' Cherry street In Lebanon. tr j ........ I Y Ralph Hastings has been c1nCimd I:· Inn whcre Ih LY enjoyed a SPl. n- ' Dukon 1 0 2 . es a wJ S en u~P . , n the lipn · I·J us I and sixth glade pupils wa..; enjoye l Mr. and Mrs. Russell Carr of Leb. dining room. ! to his home. suJlerlng rrom R:1 a l_ d d dlnn r. after which the bu ~lness Crank 3 2 8 by members of the Waynesvl11e anon. Visited Mrs. Carr's mother. The formal d~ICI~t1on 01 the new tack: of lumbl go. meeting was rulied to orde,·. Invo. 1 Charlton 7 0 14 Mothers' , Club . Fl'lday af'Ar 2 0 ... .. ot njMrs. Mau de Crane, Tu elld ay even:l1g .addition will .t ake place Sunday. . Mrs Ellddln Da I , ill t ' aLk n• was given ,by th') Itev. JO.lD 0 ox n V. L ~ cy . ,alter which Mr. Carl Ab- Harrison 1 0 11 Mrs, Raymond Braddock rLad a February 12, at 2 P. m. h I. rr~ I Y f &S very portion of the 10th ch~ Pter of LUke Miss Margie Tinney and Miss Ei_ er lome. su er ng rom an attack a ch 1'11. tellll)O\'llry cllaJrmun Opell- Volkerdlng 3 0 6 as a part of devotlo\1,~. She enlarJ - leen Hall of Columbus spent t e Tile pupils of, Wayne Township of grippe. ing the scsslon wit h appropriate r c_ ;n ed upon the t.hoUght that any task week end W.lth the former's parents schools as well as the community Mrs. Irene Henderson and WE I marks asked that Rev. Lacy and O. can be lightened 1l done the rlgllt Mr. ana Mrs. Leonard TInney. will be -greatly benefitted by this Stroud wel'e buslllCSS Visitors ' Ill' M. Robltzer give a report or t.helr new addition to the high school The Varsity lost to lhe Mason sp.lrit. Betty Jon~ announced the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green of building which provides t.aclllt1e,; Lebanon, Monday. Visit to the meetlng and luncheon quintet last night In .-], Bame that follOwing numbers; songs by ' fifth Martinsville spent SUrlday with Mr. second to none In t.he cOnnty. Qlven .by tile CG<lperative National was to b e played earlier in the 'seagrade. reading, I'The Flag Goes By" .. F. B. Henderson. H. A. Cornell. Club of Da~ton. son but was postponed because of ' n. Adft~a., SQn"" by SiX ' 'th grade and Mrs. Wllliam' LUkens and famThe board or ~ucat1on and the and Harry Prater lett Monday Norm ~b~ 11 . Cfl Ia . 'L . F'1' e expression was given by lOCal an pidelllic of mumps there. ' Th.e a c Is of. "lie Il9.boolB are to be morning tor Florida where they wJII y, story of the "Oreat Men or Februcongratulated on tile fine Sllccess of bl\' Iness men, mak)ng . suggestions Junior High pame through 1Ifith tlfny," by Donald Brown; brass quin· ~. end Mrs: Ralph Hast!ngs and spend several weeks. and recommending various commit.., Ing colors. They led the Milson tel.. composed of Ruth ·Helen lA!May oon enjoyed a. wn.ffle supper with their under~ng ~ Mrs. Ronald H.awke Is recovel'lng tees. relative to continued benefits boys through the entire game, and Ruth Aim Johns, James Ha~tso·lt, Mr. an~ Mrs. J. P. Larrick Saturday at her home 'On the Xenia pike al- to be ·occompllshed. won by a. 32-18 score. Glenn Smith and R. E. Frank who evening. . , ter an operation 1lt McClella.n has.. The next meeting Is to 'b e held 'at The lin ups for the varsity follows substlt~ted for G sick member; . a Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Eornhart,and III tal, Xerua.. . the home of A. H. Stubbs on Wed- Waynesvllle clarinet solo -by Ruth Anna Johns. • ncOOay February ' 22 at 7:30 to orsons were SaturOaiY evening gues ts Mr and "'-8 L V ft 0 F P OurIng the business meeting of '. au . . . pranstra tor ga.n1ze a permanent club. 4 1 Oollett 9 of Mr. and Mrs. Ollbert Pyre and returned home I t Wednesd f ,the club. , the ,treasurer :reported a as ay a ________ Spitler 0 1 1 balance 01 $139.77. The lunch com. 5On. ter having spent five weeks touring IIELWAGEN'S ORCHESTRA 0 , 0 Preston 0 mlttee repm:ted $6-&0 to the Iioocs lIr. and Mrs . Em11 Brown IIoQd liOn Florida. TO PLAY FOR DANCE 0 Benbow ~. 0 0 to do.te. A. request was made by , ~ enllertalned."Mr. arld· M1'II. IlL. ~. and Mis. Behlard Southard .•\ Peters 3 0 6 the c~othlng commIttee for shoes, don Retalllcit at Sunday evening and little daullhter Ann were Bun. Ohuck Helwagen and his arches· Rutherford 0 0 0 Blze 4 1-2. ,II} the popU~ ILY coUht supper. . A formal dedlclI>t.ion of the' llew day dinner guests 01 Mr• . and Mrs, Lra, of Dayton, will ' furnish the MeHoh 0 0 0 l\4rs. K;ersey's room ' received the \ I ' WaynesvUle sohool audltorium·g In Robe~t Baker and daughj. r, Jean. music for the dance of the Young Clary 1 3 5 "'" . Mr. and Mrs. Homer ' sChmIdt o r naslum ' will be made on Sunoo~, IIower box. People's GI'OUP 01 st. , ·Mu.,...,....-t--.......= 2 Following adjournment, refresh- Dayton were visitors at \he home of """"ruary 12 at 2 p. .. . Ouests at ,the home of Mr. and Church at. the high school 011 Sot, rT;1J monts were Mr: and Mrs. nu.:'''I' ha... bj Oil A. de dJ ca to ry progl'am ls being or Mrs. Lester Gordon on Sunday w r a . . served . .( rday, F'cbruory 18th. 'rhls orehes.. F P 0 : anged wtth WPA ofIlclals, the Mr. a~d Mr~. Earl Sho.rt of Xer,la UB. Is a poPUl'Jl' one In thiS vicinity 5 0 . 10 . nnd wlU IJe IIlmUllb re I tl.r Its m _ Cunningham Mr. and ,Mrs. Leonard T.nn y Wayne township boIilrd of education and Mrs. L. M. Henderson. 1 2 0 have v.lslted several tlmes dm hg he al'chltects, and the Junior 01'Mr. and MIS. Robert Baker a nd ) ie a t the M:)thprs' club Hallow ell Tucker 0 0 0 the past week the latter's motller der United Aml'rh:nn Meehanlcs daughter Jelln, aDd Mr. and M lI. l a:t.a:lr, TiCkets o.I·e now !Jeln ; sc,ld Ayestock 1 0 2 ' ~ty Mrs. Ida Lawson who has been partlclpJ,tlng. The j;chool orche. tra Fred F'ul na:; spe;~t Saturday ev \l - by members of t he groU)J. Rn J the , Martin 6 0 12 quite . III at her home In COVington. wlll prOVide mUSic. All who are In-' i ng ' w1t h Mr. and - Mrs. Charles Zim pUbUc Is COl d lally welcome \,0 ' the FQx 0 0 0 dance. Dall 'lng wlli bc fl Oll\ D Ull- Runyan terest.ed In the.'ie ICeremonlC:! are merma n . f, Mr. and Mrs. Warren B , o.ddqck ,;ordinUy Invited to attend. 0 10 dl ·12. MI'. and .Mi·s. B~l't Hut'Lsoc:k Wiggins and daughter Betty entertained !l,t Lee Ltrnoll tias purcllalle J rs Mr. ond Mrl!. Le~tel' Go. dull, Mrs. OOlbert 0 2 2. Marla Ell.><m·s residence ' on' Ma n a famUy dinner, Sunday, Mr. g·n d 0 2 .. Ui:,)' ~nYll el', and E. V . BJ, nl1a, t Curley " M.J:s. Frank Braddock, Mr. and Mrs. !ltl''let. In the t lansaction, Mr/<. EI .ave b.:~ n announced as chllpl!rones 4:1, I I RaY.mood Braddock and daughters. ,bon acquli',ed the Lemon properly for Lhe dance. - - - -----.,.on tourtli str~t. . H. ,.. Cornell· and Harry PJater.. .
Collnty Su~rlntendent" Bohl and ~. R , F : Hat.f1eld spC)nded' ·when ~ed and ,Mr. Oarllt .11\ a few well chosen r&'pClnded f91 OI!I'schools Mr. , ujond ~ddoclt' 4lS principle Mr. Joe Kersey all a fonner 8t.1!lU~u' l responded. ,w hen calliid " ·Mr. crabb gave the conCluding remarks. alter which the 1839 Puture ",rmen Home ·Eco'J;lotr.lp:.. meetlng was olosed wIth the schOoi song. .', ' 1
LocaI Happenmgs .
Local Happeol-ogs
·-~ O -
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A C. ' F
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Donna Mae Simpson of Lebanen . Carolyn Norman '~I Antioch C 1 MI'. and Mrs. George S, Dalley c.f BlltTIIDi\\' PART\, spent the we~k end with her ~r nd lege w\ls the intel'e'lting spe ' k r at Clm.lnl)li ll visited M't. and Mrs. ,I. Mrs. Jamt s Har(sock el~: _l tJJ lned
WfONfSDAY. ._-',-'-'"
Mr.. and Mrs. H~mer ~- the J!'rlend's Ser,vlce ' CommunitY B. Clla.pman on TueSday. Frlr nds ·~c~, :~~:~.t1~le·L~~llfd(je; l~c~aTteUen~d . raooYm·afftorl'· by . . Mrs. .RQmby spent Saturday In meeting a~ the Home on Sunday, will be glad to know tHat Mr. Valle: LebanOn with her da.ughter, Mrs, MI:. 19 .Qd ~rs. Rag,r Cha.nbIL'iS of Is Improving In health after a se. he pleasulc (jf her llttle dllu':hter. . Herbert Yunkes. called on MI'iI. Carolyn Bar. lous illness. Barbara. The occasion ",a', the Ilt. . Lie girl's seVenth blrUlday. A happy Members of the Friendsl l) dub C. M. CartWright, fO'rmerly of rett Sl!nday afLernoon. Mnl. . Roy John~on of Oleveland .lme was Ilpent in IlbJIkl)lg valentines were en tertained at the h Jlflf: of Warren count.)'. now ,ed' Itor of the Miss T. lBrown rec Ived Is visiting her fa.t her, C. M. Roblt_ and playing, games. Everyone en· Mrs. Maude Crone Wedneselill.y a1~ . Mame Natto""~l UndcI'Un'lters Chicago 'wa~ r.ongratulatiuns on Sunday as her • .., - "'. > lier and her grandpal'ents, Mr. and joyed the opel'lillg u! lovely girts by . [ernoon .. The subject tor I h · devo_ the principal at a' ban'quet \,ll'thday anniversary WIlS qul ~ tty ob_ .. Mrs. J. D. Marlatt. Mr. Johnson he hostess.' At refreshment time Li ons this year Is "Frlrndshlp". ed wUl join hefFrlday. They w1l1 visit , he center of Il Ltl'ncUon was tile Wltll thIs In mind, M~s. Preston r llafl given in .connection with · the an_ i·crv . nual agency convention 'of the Ohio Bliss Forbush of l~ton Who gave In Leba,n on before returning to .eautlJul bll'tlld'ay cake with IUl a portion of the 18th chapter of State LIIe Ins~ce eompany in I n most Interesting lectUl'e 181 tile their hom.e. ' leveh candles. The guests were; Samuel telling of the love of ' J'-llil' Columbus tb1s w.eell, He spoke on/ Meeting house on . Thurs4ay spe?t .I.t:ary· Ann BijrtQn, Martha l..IJkeru;, t han ' nnd DaVid. She stressed' tlle :'A Oufflp&e Ahead:' Also &J;eQking the night at the h'lJIlle. . Mr,' and Mrs. a9i1'men Orane en· Jean Hawk. Mary DoN , H Ugh, thought of how criticism deslreY:1 at the banquet . wa.s J ohn A. Lloyd. The quarterly meeting o~ . the terta ntd several couRles at dinner Danny Slmpsoq and Jackie Tlmley. "friendship. Mrs. Howard Ea' nhsr t _' _ __ . , san~ " In the Garden" as .1l. part of newlY IIIppolJitedSt&te superlntend- Home board was held .here .o n Tues- MOnday ·evenlng. · Th~ occn.slon ent at Snsurance. day;. celebrated their WeddJnlr annlver_' ~e devotlon~l p"'10d, During th'l Miss Freda Harye., Is spending a ~. Tlielr ' gUests ' were; Dr: llnd COMMUNITY SIIOW CHURCH PItOGBAM couple of days with! home follts at ~rs: Har~d .Dye, Mr. and M1'II. A. . , puslness meeting It was dec ided to Warrt\n' county ·has the distinction send C:arc:ts to mem~ers who have C1larksvllIe. H .•StubbS, and Mr, and Mrs. Harold WELli UNDO WAY Mlller of SpollsQl'lng the th'st community not been attending regula,ly, re_ The community gathenflg whicb Opportunity show of the state questing them to 'renew their , attll, .. ' , TO HOLD ANNUAl MEETIN"" which W<.l S sta"'ed at the Lebanon lat' Ions with the club. Is being sponsored by the .churches · ' .' "I GRANGE MEMBERS' .. e n TO wn ' Hall "·onday and TUesday r of thJa communl.t y .1B 'well under way I . .-,' . ENJOY UNIQUE PROG. RAM ... tI . "" :; evenings. Talent. many of which • an.. we are apse ng a very fine The Stockholders of the Waynes.. " . ' P1'<iIraiD. Eacb Churcb Is prCletlting vllle 'Farmers . Ex~h ge . 'WID hold . A program .In k~plng Wlt~ the hod had previoUs experience in' a number. The prOgNm wW bliJ var- their aooual meetin ne~t. Tuesday .Valentlne seaso~ was .enJ?yed after broadclISU.n g eallle from all pal'ts of led and of lnterest to younr and old. February 14. ' Tlie inner. will be the r~~, bualneu ~ a.t Ohio. Waynesville . ~ well represented Beeldes this, there will · ~ a' ~ served by Farmers...c~e 08 UilI1a:l. Parmers Grang!! 8at~rdaY eve.nlng. ture whlch is of eapecla11nterest to . The PlUmers' Eicftanae 'ls owned .T he pan~, 'That Old Sweet cOntrlbut~ two numbers, the taL chlldren: Oommunlt.)' singing ' wlU by 200 stoCltholdilrli~ ~ and serves ~ heart of Mine, ~ P.rt!Sented with ented Hoak , fla.mlly orchestra and. wlnd .up,a VOry delightful eveIilng. totai of. several ht1lldtect patrons .,the. following. ~~ part, ' Frleda Barbara LOu Blond a very promising ThIs' program ' is being given for during .tIui year. it is organIZed Harvey. aa!.be reader, Leo Conner. young tap, dancel' singer. Little .the. ~neflt of the ·mWt·~und at,'the aDd Opera·teci .on ~ jnJrely cooper..- abo,~t f whom .. the . story .centerCd: MIsiI Bla,nd ls the. gra~~aughter of Grade lCbool ~dlq. ' ~Ive Mrs. Leo Conner; as ~ Iweetheart Mr. .and Mrs. L. C. ..St. John. ", ~ 0 the "' children 'w ho ~ , ' . . . IMd wife; ~. l!31 l'1UfDu ' play ng , !he· liage shbw was from '7 to 9 ~tInlJ milk are IUnInIf W~lght. FRI ENDS QUAJlTEi....y t . " ~, a ' plano 1010 .1.Loye's o id 'sweet 'after '.fhI; Li.eapecltlllJ belpful'to the ·UD- IlEETrN FEBRUARY . I. eon," and JenDul Lee and Wllhd~lIrht cb1ldren. ' . " . ' ., ~lna Braddock \ &I~ng "S<{hool .. The a'dmlPalon 1& ,IOe for all eM-' - -- . 't>a¥~!. ' " . ,'. Clren III aool ' 818 and 21;1C ' f~t The Ute tor 't he ~u daY QUarterlY I A novel a~lna bee 'and chinese ~tI!. ~ and enjoy a pleasant Meetlntr of PrJ~ , baa ~ e~ltera , occupied the remalnde . e.~ an~ .bJ so doing help alqng ehanr~to the ~tIl til ~ Of b ~ unW 'the "pbU,nd" O. E. 8. NQTIVE a wortIbY pro~ when Albert II&rtID and 8&anleJ refrelhmeata were Bved. lIJ¥Ii chapter No. ~ program will be held In the .Hamilton.'wnl speak 1m "CoadltlOna .. ~W meet ~ I'!!&1fllU' -.sIon ~ new .,at on Tb~ eventnI. Peb. In . Germany" and -RufUa JOn... p __-'-_. T R F'llecI da, Mt,IIarY III ,t 7:10 P. m. II. at 1;00 o'clOck.' Come aDd brlDlr TrIp to 0erInailJ. . ~ ..--... ax .lama • JOUl' fdeDdI, ••• will ".. welc:Gme. ,Oat. W,..... L DnIce
tltbr :Miami 8a;tttt Paau~
W.,n"viUe, Obio
Ferry MaiD
Mrs La\1l1rna Faul and son were gu . ts of M~. and M, s. P. J. Tl1011l&S Sllnd y v(oiHng. Editor and Publi. her Quite [l c: w o f ou r nelgl'loor aL ociety Editor ....... Ph le 45 K lJ ended lhl! dedi' lion or ·lh 11 .... • gynmnsium e t Wal'l1esvUl last
A. SkOnc;l CI .... Mail at Po.tolflce, W.yneavm"
~hio suppc~
I Df) . ING: ~
III nell
SundllY, Prrhrlln..y 12. ) 1)39 . , 9 .30 Sunduy :' ' 110 1. Le!ll c 0 , r ·
plRM lor 3 ftll'm llIunauers were J)resented l-arm rs" Wpek by W. O. Weigle. IIIILlln 8 r MUI'sh F undll.t1on Farma. • Vnn wert.. Mr, Weigle h(\YS onn of I I h r l he PI' blclns on wh oh , nrmer , I 'ds n.J(1 fj'om lh ' al{l Lullurtll coL Jege I); whether I'al'ge 01' IIlnlll1 farms nrc 1\1 t crrlatllnL from a nnUolial. .\ mclpolnt .
-,..-- - - - - . . --;I , ~lI('I\ . SUPI. 1:30 l\ urni II; II'Ll" hlp, F.tI cal"nere! a I()~ o~ a.utomobile 1 wll~ .b~•. cautioned. or c.Jte~ .by Flol'a M. drlv'!rs who !,ILther throu~ Ig- I poh('~ . • . y persIst in drlvrng d,lI,a l uuy will I> oils rved. tloran::e 01' ~jlllP<iI\ess drlv" ,r .r U.e cer.• ·r of the street. The Mrs. R. If. Ib -'1 :00 p m. h"1 U ,II ~nd \':lVor. A thE: luddle of thl ~ -•. i • .1 some· wb.ite Hne on any street. PresiCOl dlnl w('lrllllll.l alYnll.~ you. tir- ~ on the. lef: .sIde ot the road. dent Gardner Insists, shoulc: be week. Ml's. 0 lOrgln Ol p 181'j lid dnll!-\h_ accordt:.f, to Presid ent Jose ..b R. inviolate and s h 0 II I d not be L . I ' Prj 11.50 Per Year, Payable in Advanc~ Ler ~p ent; SUlld y wilh Mr. nnel Mr!;. S " .....e' p~on. I ll~r Joe Har(SO<'K spent sev al, ce, Hook oC Wilmington. day~ last week with his grandparMr a nd Mns. BcrL Bunnell and • • • • •- . . . . . . . . ents. the J. S . Filers. dau g illflr nten nln ct SundBY. Mr. Mrs. Forrest 'l'rosL's condition .nd Mrs. Ever t t Bunnell J nd r 111' shows but lit Ie Improvement. How· lIy. Mr. a nd Mrs. GI nn Hvover and ever that li t tle Is ellcowa gl n~ . Inasmuch as J received bu t few Mr. and Mrs. Vnughn Mull r. TAUVIA ."1'!'111 . TAn AND Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bunnell colli II answers · to my telephone calls. It on Mr. and Mrs. William Brlnk- 1t0.\I) 11. ; 1·1XCAVA'I·ING --===---Is sa fe ,to assume t hat most of Ferry meyer 11 11c\ doughter of Middletown IH !I II ' 'J rU 'C I, flF.flVrCm neighborhood Is ..l ttend1ng the Farm 5 4-H Cl ub News-W. H. Palmer State lub leader. er's Instl t.ute at Bellbrook this week. r cenlly Those on lhc sirK list lire. Mr. ;15 Future Farmer' Winter Activities--D iscu_sion The P . J . Thomases and VernLn e.nd Mrs. Charles Hause :\1:1'5 . Cha r_ Fordyce called on Mr. and Mr . d by E. O. Bol end r, Dept, Agr. Education. les Pylc. Perry Guth erJe and family at Bea_ Mr nnd Mrs. Lf'sJle Gorsur h and vertown, Thurstlny evening. Mrs. PlinlH!. \VnYll c~ vlll 11 11 11 hamber Orche tra. oJu mbu dnuch spen t Sunclay with rein· Stay in Y(lur lane and avoid accidenu "belhe, you drive in a autherle who 'has just re turned 'lrange city or a ' neighborin" Iiale. Use the cenler lane t tives in D !lyon. L.-.I)ll "' ) 11 IlCrlec Pllon"J ·,7:1 , 1<;35 Some of W"I. hingt(1 n' Farm Experiments-H. E . from Mlnml Valley hospital 15 r eor I~rt I.,~e (or passing lind gel back in your lane quickly. cuperating as qu.lckly as o. n be ex_\ i\)orrow P ilon No, 3 n·!I . ~, . ~1. Es\\'ine, Hi. torian . r-ardner of the' Cincinnati !.uto· cross'!<1. pected. If '.I slow moving veh i:le is in 8 ;45 Satigfactory Bed Linens-Anne Bierbrich e r, Ext· Rev. Smith conducted the funeral mobile Club. Aut'lmobiles mav· services lor Mr. MOlltl! HobUtt. h ?l d ing slowly" should travel al :lIl ~ r~ont. thc? 1una you.r hor:l un· Home Furni. hingi' peciaJi t. at McClw'e's funeral home Monday th"! s ide of .'.e road, leaving the hI the driver mc'V e~ ..J ver before cent" '1 ,ar: ' S ope:! I" ~ ta ste, ve· passmg. Ne ver pul. out pro the after. I ;In. I hicles h a mber Or h estl·a. '-' :53 11lumbu. f w:ong ~ide 1 tilt- r oad if t~ere to pass, Orville Sa vage spent the week end When the hi g r way is wide IS a . white Ime rr:~ rb~g t~e ~ep · !) ;05 What he Wol'ld 's Poultry ongl'ess Means to the with Mr. and MIS. John Thompson enough for a cen!el lane. passi n/! aratlon , The white hne Just , f. ,·!teting of eggs and paultry-Nea l Baker, Fairmont and son at cen~ vUle. Mrs. should be done qu i 'k ly a ne' mo 1 Imll , nanl a,' " '" er . . ... _ Thompson. Orville's s.l ter serve:1 a torists should pull back into the ir ~ r ec ted in th ~ middll! of the road C"eamery. Col umbus . separate .ill. flow of traffic. birthday supper In honor of Or- kne 0: trav el 1 .m ••h a;e.y. Prl:~ M Eo m ~ e r S CJ! tr.E: CIIl~ :nnat. 9; 15 Early 01' Late, Potatoes in Ohio? Answers to vlUe's and her husband's birthday ident Galdncl' said Wh prc th er' ar~ four lanes, twv it. each direc· \l:'tomoblle Club B!P pledged tc Sunday. Qu :tions-Ea rl Tu. ing, Ext. Potato Specialist. There were 114 at Fel ry Sunday tlon. motorists nJ mailer nO I" j~lve .,rop,;rly ana practIcE. aU f 5t they drive s l.ould not hu ~ :he courtesIes d~ . other :notor· ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN • -9 ;25 F inancing Far m:ng by the Year-J. E. Garrison. .school. Sunday. a . h I;ts and pedestrians. You may your Cattle h(,~8 . -heep ar.d calv.. the middle.. lane. In~tead. t e\ iom the Cincinr.ati AulOm J blle James Hartsock Jr. sp:! nt Sunday Cr dit Supervi or for Ohio Production Credit A ns., Arto N n r~IB' Rroell C.... live wire and should use It tor passing. ~Iub diviSions iI. Ohio. -in.:h .. nr with Carl Smith Jr., nr,)l!' rp"Rlve fir., f'lr the higheet ·anum. In Cincinnati s . ric t enlorer Jnd Kf:ntueky and aSJi!.: ' m JrC' Rev. , Macaroy. past.or of the I11nr),.'! nrirf!l\ lind ~n(ld service. UDI.,n Stock Yard.' Cincinnati. 0 , !} ;3 5 Columbu. Chamh r Orchestra· I' an ...000 org ~ "lzp d :: .... ".. ' Great Grove church called o.t' the' ment on the travel ot autom Tune in on Rallio !';tetlnn WCKl biles is being planned. MotOrlS L r, safety activfty, fighting unfair Monday mornJng. 12 :26 to 12 :SO p, m. fn.r "\In' 1I.1I~ No Farm Night Program February 20, 1939. Ul'oad· parronage using t~. COl...Imbia Par k w a Vl t10n and .eg!.lo· 00' ,. .. n.:: Jt WlII1.J m McDuffy and son David onRrk .. , rllfln rtf bou ev rG Jr ~elltral '<wa ~ ' "ect servi::bI tC' 'Tl"rnbr r' ast of Northwestern-OSU basketball game. of Waynesville were Sunday gues.s "
San.4 & Grav'"
Farm Night Talks, 'Feb. ' 13
Zain Armitage
of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Filer.
- It Smells Bad d r f t' The unpleasant pdol' that has surroWlde re Ie ac I· vities in many mtes has at last reached the sensitive Do~e of Congress. As Newsweek phrased 1t recently, lithe up· roariou8 House began a wholesale overhauling of the en· tire l'eHef system."
Several from here viewed the pic. ""!I• • • • • •I• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •~ ture. "King of Kings" being given !!! at the MethOdist chureh in MJamls-.
b~~::;n:~~t::~!~~~ted hIs blrth dny Sunday with a dinner. Guests
Martin r. Auctioneer
of the day were Mr. and Mrs. Perry • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •111. . . . . . . . . ... Or Wade and son. Joe; Mr. and Mrs The National defense program H. R. 3520 bY ,Clarcence J . Brown ot Chaorles Bilker and son; Mr. and and Americas fOf(~lgn policy. are be-I the Seventh Ohio District. which Mrs.. Johh Sheets: Mr. and Mrs. cOming more and more the c :.,tcr~ provides that permission be given Centerville~ Pete WICRI and daughter; 'and Paul of attention In Congress. R nt to national banks to make loans fo . Warren and Betl y P!mUnell. developments ha~'e been . such that enpital use In busIness and manu. p ,on ~ Mil;. Tom Burton set a can of lye members of both parties are be- I tacturlng for a period uP . to as long First ste p in this overha\lling was to cut the pro- water on the sink Wednesday. pre-. ginning to demand that they be gtv. as ten yeus, under proper' safepatory to cleanlng It anr turned her en the entire story of that which Is guards, with the right to redJSC!lunt p() ed approl>riation of $875,000,000 to be spent up to back for a nilfjute to do ~methlng tnanspirIng In our forelgn relatJoIL! -Uch .paper with the Fede~al ReJune 30 by the WPA, to $725,000,000 Then the House else. Her daughfer, Naomi .rane ships before- they vote on requested serve Bank. The' Brown BlJI is per tacked on a ' number of salutary amendments to the bill picked up the can, a~d put It to her appropriations far the purchase of I mlssable only, but wiIJ give the op_ . Mps. She screame<t and ller mother alrplanes, armament. and other portW'lity . fQr . banks to loan" and NEW' YORK- This is a pictuTe UCJtllo1. Tlthlef II price , lncJuding strictures denying WPA t:elief payment to turned horrified, to see the baby militarY and equipment, as small bUEinesses IndustU to of a 60- foot statue being carved IOc .250' J aliens denying, W,PA ~one.y to any .person attempting to spitting. The child did no~ swallow requested b9 "th(. Pl'emdent. ~r borrow money· !or cap1~ purpoSes from an elm tree at South Wind· influer)ce the political opi~jon of another, and malting jt a.ny of the liquid, but her tongue the first time In history s~mlngly under far more fa,vorable cJrcum- sor. Conn .• by Lawrence Tenney illegal for ·a ' WPA uperVisor to bring political pr~ sur and J,JJ}s were burned severely. She t Ident Is rned.-than-no .e~. It will symboliz~ It great. Is be ter at· thls time alter ti'eat- '9pproprlatJons for miUvary purposes exist. Members of the Banldng and ethereal spiritand. With two on those beneath him· It is a significant 'fact that not far· ment by the doctor. than has been requested by the 01_ Cl1!'rency_ Committee. to which the smaller compani on pi eces repre.frojn Democrats in the House, a well !l!>t a ma- At ot oflicers held lit SU-. ficers in charge ot bt-;-actual mm- Bill has been referred. state tba . senting man and womnn. will be REAL EST TE' jority of Republicans, upp<>rted these measures to gar Creek church ,recently . the fol, tary and naval estabu...hments of the measure wUl open a new fll.l:I placed in a plaza at th e New York cleanse and make more conomical the handling of relief. lowing were elected for thIs year. the government. OPen demands are for the use of. surplus monies now World's Fair 193!1. NOTARY PUBLIC Frances E11Iott. clerk ; Howard being made on the ' floors of the Idle In the banks; will hene it There is ample vidence to support the statement Woods. Elliott Wllliamsol'!. Will Senate and House that the Con· small businesses and indlvldual-. that the public has become sickened of too much politics Gutherie, trustef'S; H8rde~.te F . gress be lnlormed, as to any a zr ee_ which have Occn flndlnc It hatd Ip Thomas. financial secretary; Perry ment that may '~r may not have obtain capital for eXJ)'lnslon R'Id in relief administration. It fee ls that maximum economy Gutherie, treasu.reI;; Sarah GutheriE been made by the Admlnl!.tJa 10 growth; and shoUld be of benefit In is essentiul if the busines of providing for the job,ess pianist; Pearl Elliott, assistant pl'le with any Europe:an powers, A sub reviving and offer,n,i a d.;!i isn't tc:> bankrupt those ;Who ltill have jobs. ' . nlst; Will GUl\;herle, chotis er 8" d committee. frol1l 't he Senate called Uonal employment. Jllmes ~organ. WUIJam and Robert on Mr. Roosevelt thls past week In ,It is believed by ' persons in close touch with condi- Palmer and Clifford Elliott, ushers. connection with the foreign shua. . tiOD.a" tljat u.n told millions of dollars could be 'savedan- Perry Guthrie. Har,rlette F. Thomas tion land It Is repc,rted that Mr. Ro- The Ways and Means Comml tee t' Wal~b Elliott .. Howard ' woodS., and osevelt ' fran14y stated hi'! adminls of the House has before It a numb r lIuillly 'simply by divorc,i ng relief from politics, w~ste Wendall MOl'glgn flno.ncl81 CQlllmlt- tration was favorable to the Fl' e ~ch of bills IncorJ)9ratlng Var;Olld r. n- I cxce~8ive bureau racy an red tape-without reducing tee, and Engllsh governments. On every slon plans. Including the Townsend the sCR le of living of the' relief :penef~ciary. Here is one hand may be heard from I>oth Sen_ Plan. the General W~)f'J~ e P a.i , !<plare ' where, the tremendous tax drain Dn the nationaT in- Dr. .John D. Guthrie'. Boyc~ atars and Congressmen p otests and others. The. Ccml.l1lttee Is 8,:SJ ! come can be lessened: Congress -Js ~o ~e congratulated Thompson Institute. reports d1.scov. against AmericLenterIng InLo Cor given ~ot;JslderaUon to th~ Presi. i erlng a. , process to prevent the :.:Ign entanglementoS that may place dent's recommendati'o n for the \\Jde for kltaiting to fumigate"apd sweeten the odor ~round re- spro.u tlng ot. potatoes :and another he countrY on th~ road to war. cxU!nslon 0{ Social 'SeJlur\ty benefits lief activities. But don'( stop" . t-ocause Sprou _ Congressman Rankin.. outsiandlng under . the present ,Social Security I lng Is stOPped by trea.tlng the PDta- Democt'atic member from Mlsslsslp- act. Hearings on matters are I toes with potassium naphthaJenea- pl . has put a motion through the attracting largp crowd. and much 'cetate and started again with a House that Wash1hgton's Farewell discussion of ' tile various ,ptop;)ru Is trtll,tment with etheylene chlo.rhyd. Addrc:ss be read publicly while the can be heard on every hand. rln. House Is in session within the next few days-seemingly in the hope During January Washington ex_ that the Warning sounded therein , in the latest Ohio trials compar_ perienced every kind of weather. by our flrst President will Impress Ing th~ f~ v,a lue of hybrid and from balmy Spring days to ~owUng open_pollinated corn In fattenIng lhe membershll> with the wisdom bUzzards and 'deep snows;. but weaof the advice co~balned therein. Phis. hybrids, led in one trial ~Dd ther conditions seemingly .but open·p01l1natep In two. For all three - -'- - l1ttie. dlfterence to tourists who pass trials. an average ot three poW'lds That the famolllS Dies Committee oIlbout Washington In 'contlnuoup less of open-pollinated than of hy_ wJll be perm'ltted to 'continue Its In· parade. Dally, from early morning brid was requlred to produce 100 v£st!gatlon of the ac'tivltles ot those unt11 la.te at night. crowds visit the pounds of ' pork. opposed to our present form oi gov_ Capitol. the Supreme 'Court build. emment was assured by the pass. lug. the Wh.lte House, Lincoln MeCourt!!ty :8chratrt'. NtW age a tew days ago of a resolutiOn morlaJ, and WastiIngton's Monu. F , , . . continuing the life ?t the commlt- ment. Popular Intefest In the s~at THE erial', golden elg white.. Bak• .hl a hOt waffle tee and funds to pay of government and things that go ( waftIe, cousin of iron. Thia 8 wlfflu. ,Why SuFler Longer Than Necessary? ' " -~ - the necessary expenses of the In· on there, Is worthwhlle. at that. tne de.mocratic panca~e, . haa ' . Thim re ar:e 'iaU the ct.c:or.,. vestlgatlons the commIttee w1ll ~klm. on ain of. late .nd ,n~w ~p.:. ilve . • nd 4elleloila ·..ui:~. and Mil.. Anti-Pain Pills Relieve Quickly make There has ~en some crltlc_ pelt" at fr\allY, .g~y and ' laah!~- .other, aeeo~panlment. to dreu DR MILEs' ~ - .PAIN put you baek on your . feet !.sm ' o'f the work afi the .commUJ e~ . able~ parties onmpromptu 8JJ.~pen. lap' and '~a~' ~ " . .Y ,dlah. Qt · O PI,Lr..5 were made for .just .one a'g ain "rarin' to go". . . ~ .t C l1lJl'essman :Clarence J. Brown Tbere are chocolate wafflea an4 coune, there'• .the f.~rit. hutter' In the past.. b~t. ~I!\ '11~ ,whole it has ot the Seventh Ohio District. ' wl'l . ba~n" wafflel; those , eontaininr Il1Id. bot' ' maple ayrup jco!ftblna~~se-to relieve paitL' Us~ . DR. MILE~ ANTI - ' P~ done gOOd work 11:1 directing the at. deliver the prInCipafilddress oat the fl·e!.h:frul~, nuts; railln• . an". so .tlon;.or '~lItte~ an~ l!oney, marma~ 'write that ·.they "work ' like PILLS act ~~1Ckly. ~o~ pon t . . ,. . have' to walt forty nunutes to tfmtlon of the Amei-lean people to Fiftieth Annual Lincoln Day Ban~ . on~all made 'by ,Imply .ad~~r or llutll. ThaD. don't f~rret mag1C, T~ey c~ntain an , ~-. an hour for them to taKe effect 'roay subversive acts that have quet to be held by the Germanto nj ' l:!~y 'one or ~.0!8 of theae ~Ity b ueam, an4 butteraco~h ~r fectJve, gwck-acting, 8n~lg~sH! as. is the case with many analbeen going PJlactlc~ny unheeded ' 1ri . . w . treats- to th~ originar batter. choeOlate -.agee. or 1118 them .. .. merlen d.· ... .tt/e past several Republlca~ Olub o.~ Phlladelpbln. on , Here'8"a~biUie bitter ~t lend. ,t he: fouDdat.lon , ~,.or ehicon hubed .. ~n reliev~r. . . '. ges~cs: .. You'll g~t ae~ion ,iJ;l Iron> ........ , evening, iii cream or. HIM . ~ ,Dr. : Mi1es Antl-Pain 'Plll<: ten .to tweI)ty nunutfllJ. . .F> years, !Prom ~e tohe .rand content Mond~y · . February \ ' Itself to .all - 'kinds of v&rlatlOnl, , , J.: oilJer 'J* • ~ you.lqse--" day's' workPRo MILES ANTI;.' PAI~ ., Wafflea: ~ ". '. , ~ . . ..J:\. . NeOmmea ADd ,hINd'~ .... reCipe ~t. ot thousands of 'Ietters . an!! tele~ . &o&' . • pay-or. bre~k a social en- PIILS are pleasant tC) , take" ·jjnuns 't hat have 'bt!tin 'recelved by More than SO.ooO farm faimlles.!n I crupa IIt!ftl' P8It!7 , 1. }t-ellP ' C 111 . ." ,:; ' ; .beca\.UiEl · of JiEAP- barldy to carry·, ', pro~pt .and~ ef... , Members ' of on the matter .29 al1e" In . . 'bI .••tII. . ~ MUSQULAR, PERIQD- ·· fec\ive 'in action, "lind ~ . 'tibt It &ee ,' .ms ',QUite ~vlde.tit tha t the the. med.ical care pro"'rBril, ' whc,.h. a~ • m ,' JOIII.. .elI " . . . .' ~ I . tilt,. •...W " IJII_. • iI/~"'!II !9'-:~ ·~IC ·P AINS. upset ."the iltofYl!leb: . 'l'h.~: Ico~t. '" "'WI) . ,. . , . ,-tell (Dlilp . . . :I8IIt) I ft.\ r ~ , 1J'bei ~ ' ~ Just" wha.t y.o u .is .SJlUll1: poe, or. at ~.:tw0' pIe of America · glmerally ,want .... tM, ll'Ilt!.!l,t41d· by , the- Famr ~Ity, '~d.. , a .raP, ILI"r, II cr. . ~ ,. II.. . 11/, 'i.. "" 1,.' ,. -:;.>'1 GIlt l ' I I tr tJo . , '.,.... ~ .MIt: ~ ....... . , .lip _ , neecJ. to -telieVe your, PaUl and is ust.ially sufficient tC),. r,elieyr' D es InV~tJgat.lon ;to oontlnue, pe"I mils a n. A te.W . 8TC;>UPS alsO ~ , 81ft . ~ iit~ ''lollr :and IIlHhit. "_<~ .lIib\Jtter COJ: I ,re • . At ~r D""!' "i".;.~. ':.i Cor '!!il!. J~ lor l ..fIO. y mlt~ the chJps ItO falI ,wiW'e the /' Vld.e for hoSpital ~ces ~cl den-. Add ' ~a1clnl ~d.r "qat..,d '"iii. . . . not bmrJi";" ~Ien4: &he may .- . tal care. The cost 01 1!l1!d1ea1 .eare III, anti ,Jft .,In, 6.mltln,... lOur ' wlt~ ~. bUtter-..~ .onion. W'ld~ this p:an \tai1e11 frOm pO to ' "UCI, II\nk... add AM malt AIId· cream. O»ok untU ' ' One ot the Bills introduced In ,ao.Per year, and the family C1;hoo'lf'll to til flnr, ."....., to, • I ..QOth th4l1'Cl1I,hl" ~<': 8. ~ •• n and the presen~ COn......n; whlch 18 at- i~~ phy..t"lan from•.1abl'" the ,..Jlid n~.In. Add .~,,!-. Ilia welt ... L""'f." .,...., " I bu'~r.tn4 ..... r.kI ,.. &lit ..... 'IIiIi ~. __~" tractJng , iBt,tell!Jon Ja, In the OQnnnnnllr, .
Ohio nJ
J. B. · (ba~man
Waffles for Gay Pa.-ties
thete~ut deep~r: .
vlgOrous. sprou~lng.
Smilin· Charlie .$;tV!G
'D', .,
M ,;
.......,.,t ..
now P~tJclpatlng
,! ~! ~k.~ ,~
irA~ , '~b~~-:..!:.~~ *
ton," ••). ."r.l"
' '11
i 1\
Counly CoU.r t News
____~____~ ____________~__~__~~~________~
Beech Grove
To Be S~en In New Play
Mr. ,m d Wayland Jordan - and Ca mUy of Oincln oatl . were the ed, C. Donald Over Saturclny l1i{1h t and Sunda NF.W SVITS administrator •• guests. of Miss RaUl ~ l\ h J ordan and brothers . The Ph11llpsburg Slale Ba nk, a . In the m atter of Lhe e Ln.te , o· M~ Mary E~el Sams of Beth corp., vs. Vllinge of Mason and O. Dora 8tlle.~, decenscd , ·Rbi·s .I l. H lr t.any, was . a recen t vl~i tor at he i , E . young. tr ustee, to fo . ~ lo · Urill. Eock, appointed cxeeu\.Qr. home, here. . mortgage, Webb R . Clark, a ttor,\( y . In t.lle ma ot the est . le of T he friends of Mrs. J . R. HileGeo~8 e Ayers vs. Elsie Marie Boyd K. Hen derson , dec ed, Win :: ma n are pleosed to lear n tha t s he. Ayer~, dlvprce, gross neglect, Jt3mes ifred Henderson appoin ted admIn _ Is im proved In l1ealth a t j)1ls t ime. Istratrix, and Charlf\s_1:, E. Burke; at.ty.. Rtter an Illness of many weeks. Unglcsby. and L. J. Mendenhall apHs>ward McKay was an overnigh t pOI ~te d appraisers. PROBATE COVRT guest Monday . of hi brother , May· nard, in Wilmington . 011 Tuesday. 1n the mat.ter of the estate o r. REAL ESTj\TE , 'RANSFERS Lhey wen t t o Columbus to atLend Etta. Odie. deceased, first. and fina l. Farmers' Week. J. R, Hiteman IIIN C I.AIIt I.EWII FLIIRA CAMPBEL.. l'bll ,II' 8IERIV,U.11: Flora E. COllins to :account. Charles Hall IRnd Sylvia Joe of In tbe matter of the estate of W. and Ednn Hl temnn , re31 esta te ' In SinclaIr Lewis, one of the world's greatest writers, 'Is not only co· Ham uton have been passing several au thor ot .. Angela Is Twenty·TWo," but also alll\eare with It. The A. Early, deceased, first and rinal Ma ssie township. young and beautiful Flora Campbell l1as' the title ,rol e, while tbe dla· days with Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells Frank E. Michel to Ed wQ.; d Hem:account. tingulshed star, Philip Merlvnle, playa the principia) part. and family. Marson Wells accom_ In the matter of the ' esta te of mer.!e, 135.62 acres In Deerfield panied them to t heir home !=>aturtownship. . Largl'r Because of Be Ul'r Qualit y, Scnioe, !lnd Pr ice. WIlliam I.. Welser. d eccased. certifiday. Grace Hoff Raymond O. Hoff 'and E.~tIl bll sb ed 1849 _ 1939 WAYNESVILLE , PIIONE 9~ cate of transfer approved. Mr . and Mrs. Wllbur Mccar ren , Edgar Spears and Elfrieda In the mat.ter of the CS Ul te of to of nt'J r Harveysburg. were visitors lypewriLer ribbons, $9.00 ; Gibson, 12 W. N. Thompson, deceased. Inven- t:spears, 40 .28 acres In Union town_ Comet erasures, $1.20 : The Fred at t he home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ship. se a~c s prea ds so rapi tlly is not .I\ll iy u ~ F. T il E M IAM I GA:I,; (1T'J'E tory approved. Procter Company, I Clvll Ap}:ear_ Bill MeKechnle likes Wally Ber. Sams. Saturday. Cyn thia A. Oll'pen ter to Walter ulld. r~lO d . However th r e Is d efi CLA, l FlED ADS In Ole matter cr th e estate 0 " once docket, $48.00; Dr. H. M. Wil_ T he 1I1 mbel's ot Olive Branch nite proof tha L lhe bi (lnl! !l nll bloud . " __ ' . -:. _ _ ------~--~ Pauline Bercaw, deccased, Inv . n _ R. Fltl~, lot No. 593 In F ra nkli n. l i ~ ms . Cornor er 's cost bill. $6.40: S. gel', Wally Berger likes B\l1 Mc- Ladl es' Aid were welcomed to t he Rnd " Hermnn Woebenlcenbcrg sucking Insects stich a. mosqnlli s. K echnl McKechnie Is manager of tory approved. H. Thompson Mfg. Co. 'I pistol grip h CI ecl nat' Red" a nd B' rger Is home ot Mr. a lld Mrs. C. R. Beck· tk ks and fli es arc capable of sp.· all In the matte r of the es:ate of Margua ll Woebenkenberg to· J ohn e n n ,J , .J. . " Hili Th d 7· S . L'. Bu rkhardt: . ttheir ~carchlight $10.0, le!tflelder, so th e mutual ad. et t , .n cor Spl'ln g . urs ay. Roth and Clara Roth . 0:;.85 II r es In ing the di,seasc flom one anlllla l to Mary A. Leffler , deceased, Clyde M. D .. physical examination) , $1 .00 , mlratlon Is som ething t hat figures We wish to correct a statemen t another. In view of til ifi !.,1Ct It \~'" !'r n CI1un t·l . Leftler , appointed adml nlst.rator. Dr. O. L. L~)lman, physlca rdexa~- Into the poeslblllties of the Rhine_ made in ou r let ter la st · week t hat .s ndvl-.nblc to use mea HeS La k ep In the matter of the esllJ tc of . . MARRIAG E LICENSES Inallon, $B.OO . S . .L. Bur.khDa t ' H ' lander s 1n the NaUona l League pen- Omer HOllingsworth w el purcliased Lhes!: il~~ec Ls from Illl ilnals Il.~ mucll C1nrl nna i. 21. Viola Chamberlain Colbert, de :ea' McKinley Brown, c h th~ Tom Collins property, Mr. and porter, and Edith Wilii ams. 21. D tonsillectomy. $15.00, r. " as possible. '1'hl~ can not be ea .. k t tl $1000 ' The IlJAdmiration nt case, of mmnager for play_ Mr.,. J . R , Hltemft'w~, bou"b ht the Erhec , ex ; ac ons, . , -:===~~===~::-=-~ Lebanon, colored. rled to Lhe po int t l,at lh ~ db n e :Ii. Oregonia Bridge Co .. par ts, $100.59: er: and vice versa, usuall y does nOl farm. inste{ld of Mr. HoUlngswortii . t all be prevented. but II. lie. lnll y mileage. 8Oc, mean much on the field Itself but Ml'. a nd Mrs. Arthur Kn igh t ond help. . J ohn . Gregg, .. - ".., -. -~ , ... , BJI,LS . A1,LOWED G or"e A Brown mileage 90c Paul . of Oregonia , passe!i t he d{lY c " . , ' In the case of' MeK<~hnie and BerU Iltllly th e a ttack Is sutkle .1. Thl A Brilliant ~':'a C' a r;vchtl Frank Wilkins, mileage $1.20 Nelson th connection apparently ha,; Sunday. wit.h Mr, a nd Mrs. J. D elli ly sympto ms t;J J ' hloh If) , et , Ella Hoff . Invalid cor e, $7.00 : . il g SOc ' Wiley Mont - ger e Smi th . , Iderable to do with the manner . REAL EST ATE Winnie Gentry, Inva lid care, $'1.00 ; Wilson. m eaII . e, cons b..... P owe II a nct p nralysls Of t he . li ps a mi th roat gomery, m 63ge. '"100 ', ' ,' Charles . In which the big ()utflelder plays Mr. an d Mrs. E' r,,, Ihn lnatJons arc SlIIlPl'es,q:l , B<.dy Leo J. Smith. Invalid care, $10.00; INSURANCE Munger, mileage . $1.10; Ed. Knock_ baJi for he has been a successful children were 'Saturday visitors 01 '1 II Ilu lmal IIl RY a c~ like a dUI lil lY, Ed Ka iser, Invalid care, $5 .00; L, enh lluer, mll~ge, $1 .00 ; John Klb_ ma.J~r lea guer -only under . Bill . h is brothel'. Mil lcolm and wire. of , ufoulng in to ooje· t " wnlldu ; Ii , .. _ Steele, Invalid care, $5.00 ; Mn;· bey . . mileage, 30c; Rober t Reichel, Ber ger today Is a direct contrast Olive Branch. ti rde.~. ullGon sclous ot S,UlI' U1 d in Ii Invalid Helen Dough man. , to the B'e rger of a year ago, fo r he Mr. P . G . Wells and son, Marson $7.00; Allce M. Arnold , i nVl~ Jld care, $1.00. About fiO per cen t of the tla s ANG~LAIS $5.00 ; I VII Nichols, invalid car e, Clay to n Clark. mil eage. $1.60; Is full of hi ,h hopes, and. r ecently h j ust recently purchased 1\ n w recovel' If \l iven t he III: pe r ~CI li m "TWJllNTY -l'WO" Harl'}' Schnell, mileage, ~1.20; OS- In a letter to the club officers. said truck. S5.00 : Newton S ta mper , Invalid tnoa Lmen t lim l 'are. 1 1 is im p, 1', Comed y by Incla lr l..ewls car Doughman . mileage, $1.30; he exp!lcted the best season of his and 'P uy Wray care. $10:00. Jil L I,hnt t.l'enlnHl11 t of lhe ulseu • Frank' Wardlow, mileage, 8Oe: career In 1939. He has the conti. F ebl'uary 10-11 WI'rT f beein 3.rly. SOlll e oC ti le CI.I.!' C::o Millard Brya nt , Invalid · care, F 11l1nk Harvey, mileage, 2Oc; Clar- dcnce he lacked wh en playing lor Gal e p ,1ge ; Merwin Scofield, Invalid car e Which l'()Cov r a1'e fJ 'r llln nell l <1 11111 _ Dick Foran ence Shultz, mileage, 70c; Clyde I), team managed b~~ somebody be_ lilies. $7.00 ; J . F. Ounnlngham , Dean SimkIns, mlle~ge, 3Oc; Ed. Hodgoon sides Bill McKechnie. "Heart Of The North" WIt1; ln the I .(. yenl' Li,er!! h b hflding farmers' Inslltute, $17500: mileage, $1.50: Wm . HIles, mileage, In studying . Berger 's record un State Tr asurer, county's shlare beeu 0. ll lgilly ·snt sfaCL01:Y va ' j " u "Men of Steel" Musical . . der McKechnie, when bolh wer e $1.50. " . matnta lnlng ag1'lcultural work In pl'ellnred for tills ' d1.>.ease. Tile e J esse Prendergast. mileage, $1 .00; WIUl the Boston clUb can't pllSS Warren county 6 ' month, $1 200,00; E. L. Thomas, mileage, $1.00: Clines by t he proof of hi~ o!Censlve nclivj~ - -.. nre 110 w ' u gS 0 1' minerals '~ l1 lt'1 l wll. Equine encephnlomeyellLiJi (sleep. PI' V ' lll Or CUl'e t h e dis ase· 'U. F. J. Heer Pi-!nUng 00., 12 list of General Store, nalls, 3Oc; Relf's EL ties In 'the Beehive. H averaged February 12· ] 3 ing .slck ness) mus.t be l'ega rdc~ as horse Wl1el:S are ~!:~e(1 to b OJl (orfel ted lots ,and lands, $5.65: MML ORDER S NOW Jomes Co gney PaL O'Dl len ectric Shop, supplies. 7Sc; W. W. more than 100 runs batted In per \.he most serious disease of hon es the lookout ( 01' nostruill "ped cl. en,' StClI:alto. Mfg. Co. 2 p08Lul'e c (1 al ~s 'PRI ES Shurts supplies. $1.85; White Spot year In his six full years there. then "Angels With Dirty Facell" ( Cl' Audl tor's omt $46.33; The or_ and mules ever to occur in this who U'Y 1.0 s ell them SO IllC ' lillJ e service, gasOline, 110.92 ; Jones ,Gar. dropped ' ott Immediately when Orch CSlro-$2.2G lind 51,70 rIce outnttll'!l. rella h'lna typ ,w. lt r age . gasoline, 18.26; Smith's Servle, Lurned loose In the New York park Country . . Veterlnnrians who have (,lire" fO I' thnt "nr w 1)01'se d:ll. n e". News of the Day Logell !llld B oxllS $2.26 s tudi ed tile diJioose pI'edict t.he P 06- . for Audito r's offlce, $15.60 ; GeJ , Ro.h!ony 1.70 and $1,13 StaUon. easollne, $44.74: Sidney tha t has the /ihortlBst boundaries, sibill tles or serious outbreaks In ·D. J ohnson, · ' TII!!lsut'er, ClIve O,le." Ap ple which do no.. co:o!' n91" 'TtL,'( Inollld d Ml rkweU, gasoline, $13.02; W. L. . at t he foul lines. ln the circuit. those a t;'ells where sca tt ered February 1() st~ m ps: Po~ I;) l cards for Tr" a.:II1r er, Kirby, gasoline, $6.98. Relfim iless or where h~ has play· cccured'the past year. In the west- ma Uy will 'b.e improved COlls lu (l1'8b.l En~ 'o (l f- addressed , Ronald R a an Jane Brya n $ 15,00; George B. JohnSOn , Tr as , .ed, Berger never bl asted les.s thon em part of Orlo there wer e scatter, by b~i n g plal'led 011 clea.n sLl aw un· 'IV I()pe with cliellk COIlt;fnct SCI'vlclng ~afe lime . leek. 10 home runs .. t.hat fi gur e comln ed C4SeS during the late Bl11)1mer del' trees tor a f ew d }Is 01' a weeh "Girls On ' Probafon" order. and combInations. $30.00. ofter belnll plcked. The ' xperl o!'e ll\ e, In 1938 In tb 9Q games be and early fall of i~3B, Th is has .Mi.ller-BrylUl t-Plcrce, 1 b;,o!< Co~edy "Hate and .Dogs" ' for the Reds after his acquisition preceded serious outbreaks in west- sta tion at WOOSOOI' has' I";'ro.\' I U"o. M,Ilke chr.eks paya ble Theatre. ern sta.Les · In nOJrly eveU/ instance. on proper hand lll1~ of the np!?le The mechanism by Which this dL while they are being cQI,or .d~.~-,-j~~ ~~~~~~~= '; - - - -.- - - . - - - - - -,- .- -.- .- .- - - - " : I Reds,contrasted to th e anemic .188
____. .======~;_=;======-= --=
.=- -
Fairley HRrdware Stores
----------~--~.-~ - -~ - ~~~--
News Of Reds
Friday Eve Feb. 7
WN.~SE~~S ]
. _----- --
Twin Theater
, fE8RUARY 8 TO 14 I:~~~~ed~r~~~~:t :~~!·w~~b~t
"' e 'offer a .satisFactory Service
at all times
McC.lure Funeral Home Pb04e 7 I!f-·"'.,....·....., "
f .....,..... · . . . . .
· ~ _I' --,~. , '
'All' America' Marks 29tli '/ BoY, ScoutAnnivetsaiy • ~l
Th:E, ,. m: ny i nro ~m ed ~01l< ::n ' w ' a l ady . Is Boy Scout Week, ce·ebraIn ' the' 29\.h bll'thday .of the Boy of . Altl l r!ca , a ' ~Movemcn , h , t has ~Irea dy appea 1.ed to 8,400 ,:lClO AlII I'icnn bOys and mim . ~ 11(.1\ : u eel.s <3... ' the Boy Scout I hun,: has h : d iJi tlue c fl~e fi y , aside ' ! ' III il' i il ~l el'en t imogl nat ive ap, r n', for boys. to lhe fa::t tha l )',ousa nds 01' devoted m ~ n have giv '/eu Ume and money- but ch iefly thne-quiLc unscli'!shly In ordel h \l~ the ' bcy ~ who b!!come Scouts , I ilL hnW t he advantage of their !luncll 0n d Xperlence. No slmi'ar . l,I:lal ogeucy In the history of the world 1m!) ever engaged so many
";'<;LUt '
he hi t for the Giants prior to the ' rn ::'c tn· t, r!'n t hL'n to McKechnl ~ n exchange for &!cond Ba~eman Alex Karnpouris . T I,e placillR of Barger in. leCtfield Jla . a move tl1at h', lped rrake the ~:eds n p nnant threo.t for tlie first 'hru: In years.
He was tel\med In he 3l"1'den wHh t.wo lona distance 00. en,. P.o.rry C nrt and Iv I Goo lOan. who knor.ked 15 a nd 30 h ~ m (' tuns. respt-Clvely. Tbl'; t la ' ve the three regular f'; ric!l1nll,1 0 ' I . Lelde!'!; a tGtal of' 61 h ml)1'l for t' e ~eason, an ave ra~ of I;c tter than , lO per man. , [. The unit of Ber .~e " . Cr f' ll n GOOdman alEo ,Is one of " h e b .,;t In .he leoguu defensively. All tllr e 0:: e' , fast men. . mi!l1 .as volunteors and their w.l1l1ng_ The ;?eds are qu ite r"rLunat 1 t :> ncSo') and desire to be of some us~ be considering Bel'g' r In their 1939 Is a tribute Lo the sort of unself ish · pl'o ns, . for r('c n tly I)n th~ coa~t he . nl SS Which 1:; a component, of ,the . figured In an au tom bile a c~ ldeUl, . ssellUal American character, In which ~lls car was d emo·hhe:l.' The~e Scout leaders b J,ve not gill- but (rom which h e escap !id without 11 . 111 'vain, .for there i!l ample evl· even ' 0. bruiSe. T .lle manner In t!ence ;that the Boy scouts of ·Amer, which he emetgeti t'i'om 't he crash Ica have become Rmong those con_ caused 'Wally to n'~ure ~h l! t 'nilS,. ' :-Jslently acUve'.lD carrying ~ut the Inuch fate w~ wJtlt .hlm on t.hol: ,'el'vlce moUve In .our 1llltlonal life. ~Ion, lh,s probably Is.: hl'1 Y,~r ThJ!! has ~Jways been ~ply demon- and that he's In for the g~d sea. iltl'a.ted in .tlmes of. emergency and son he .e~·pects. : -'-_-:-is likewise to be di'scovered II! ord.Jnal'}' -days by maq.y signS. Not the aobbY. Wallace, chief , ECOUt ', eaSt of them .~ ,the fact that mall!' t.he Rtlds. predicts that Ell1l1r Ser_ m fact most of those .becoming Boy enson, . rookie second Sll,eker, .w!1o SCout leaders , in th~ past several chosen e.s~ the most v.a lcable years have previously been sCo~ta player ln the Th~!le-'eye ' L~a~u . ~st 1 and are ~elzing upon tba:'t. way of year; be the man' " to watch I epay1ng the debt .dl.\e their own ,among ClricJnnaU'8 ..infield c~ndl: 8cQutm.nsterS'. This is· significant· ,~tes. . ,. ;eVldence that the Scout cre.ed of . . helpfulness t6 ~ther8 is' a working . Added stepS Ip pro~s1ng food to doctrine. pre~e It for the c.~nsumets' tabl~ reduce 'the farmer's share o~ ilia NOTICE OF. APPOINTMENT , fOod. doll4%'. , Wage' scales !laid' by ,
food " p~rs ' we,re ' t~ce ~. hl~h 'lD', 1933. as"In 1910~13r. 'Bliclng ·."! c·al\
before ' it .is Sold 131l~1' Putting r8~m . , p~~ce In w e.{! p81Cbgea are two of the later developments. in p~-
iing. ;', '. '.
In' 1939 . p~opl'- ev~rywh~r,e ~"'e' say.i"",.,
" .,"'CHEVROl'::T'S THE (HOICf"'1. •
! •
Ch ' violet 1I1I'l$efl,~ all 'o lh 'ra it ' \'/1 10 «< ·Chev rolet mJJ~/J(l/ues all others ! That Il ' the vcrdkt 'of diS4lei'lling b~~'er8 ia~ 011 par~s of the CQuntry , alUl' it will be y our vertlil:t, 't.o o, when you 'weigh ~h e many extrll-~I/lI.e j ctllures Chcvrolet is olTcririg. : 'Modern . featui:es - im('f)rtant featu'rcs- exdl!8ive ·'f~a tures Ii~!} V a cuu!l1 Gearshift·, Valve, A o......"!. ~... Val ... ill-Head Eng~ne, . New ' rObscr,va tipn. Ca!;.".:; . ' 1 . •Visibility. P rfcele(L Kn. e-A ·lion. lti(li~,g e xtrf!Dlel y . low. prll'f';! q nl ., ' &),8t6n t, and '1;iploc-M.nLic Clutcb - Cea. ': .'givcS"l;o 1111I4)h lor 8 11 .~II tl,(" ll::' .lure ~ vailable . now!.e re . cl86 at 81l~h , -;-~· C~e\·ro.I(: t' the ,l.iU)lct'J . •r
• 't,
• • -4 ...
• \.
II'4b!,,:;,.lIlj "1oJ~" '" ~isA' ,.,.'ro N I'. ·t ........(IfIIIlft
Thunday, F_11IaI7
Lytle /'
Mrs. E. B. Monday dlnnl' r and !! ¥r. and Mrs. Harry Oro11alO Iwd Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Or, J ~ h ton; Tu S' 1rr , 'H. fl, l{'ttthJI,WIlY ot ~a:,rncs _ y gue ts or Mr, ru"d Mrs. Ba c' I t' \ a g llcst of f he Ladles Aid allet WedilesdllY gUe31f5 of Mr. and at. lilt' hOllle of Mrs, HArvey· Bu~r'- MIS. A1I tl 'Emrtck nnd Mr . Wnlter "An-In ." n , 01"'" ..~' I. Tw4~jy_Tw ~.~ co at on WCdnes'(lny. K nrlck. " r ,./ \ " .- , as a (amolls nu hor, MI'. lind Mrs. A. S• . Cornell of. Sinolair L wi t, npprarlng with I·" ;, enT were Thul"~day r a ~lcI s at \;he nnd a eel bl'll Cd actor, I?hlUp M rl,_ Ill ' of M . Rnl MI'S, Allcn Ellll'lck . ~ i yal In he stellar role. wi I be xcen A 18tg ' 11tlh,b=r of fr, m fit MIIl'llhY Wllmin ; ton \ ' Ohio. Prklny nlgh i, Feb ruary l" . l Ie at:t 'I1(,od lh c:ecllC"a Ion of Lhe l .. w YIIl nt Waync. vll le Thursdny , , The p·ay Is on toUl: of the middle t venlng. ... Wl/,t. an\1 Its periormance herr., will Mrs. P :.ul Duke' Is quite III at thls \IVA YNE VILLE (JIll R e ll OF be seen In advancc of th ~ Bnmdlim ' at her home on the Pike. 'IIRI T way opening. , E bb , Are hd ra ron and boy friend W. C. ml.h, l\f1nls ter '''Angella Is Twenty. Two" hilS roeie til Ir bicycles to D:lYlOn Satu ,_ SUNDAY b en wr,jtten by Mr. Lewl~ in col':ty' lint! Sptl t the ('ay with the C r. 10 ~ Shod 9 ;30 1\. :1.. laborntlon with Fay Wray. t he mer's grand parents, Mr. and l ord's 10:4" 11. lll. screen star. Allhoul( h n U' g \ F1;llnk Mlltehbergcr. Chnli: an Endeavor 7 :00 p. t11 . serious problem. the sl ory Is t Id Mr. and Mrs. H:'Il"olcl Th acke ra [ rca hing 7 :3J p. m . In terms of comedy and is fired :nd Mr. and ' Mrs . Aust in Tha~ kern WEDN ESDAY with laughter. of nea r Springboro visited their Bible Study and praye r mcea n:; Mr. Melivale plnYR a r.l Y' l1r o'd melher. Mrs. Emily Thacke,'u Sun- 7 :30 , p, m. ph~'!"lclan who fall s In love with a girl of twenty_two. The sUPPOI'Ung doy. Mrs. Thackern Is g;'adual y Il URSDAY failing. Her daughter, Mrs. Adda Xenia Area m eetlng 7:45 p, m. cast is composed of well known Burnelt Is poorly at thl",. time, ho.v _ The public Is Invited to attend Broad way acto rs-Plora Campbell, I'g fI brokC'n rib. t11e resulL of a fa ll this meetl n. The speak rs ' re to as AngeL.l . Royal Bel'll Barry SulIiIII Ule floor . liei'll wi th, the subject of why they van. ~ary Howes, Joqulll SOU lh'l', Mr. Qnd Mrs. Stanley BnUey and left denominationalIsm. Ann Gal'l'eLt and Barbal'l1 T ha tcher dnugh ter entertained R ev. and Mrs. Mr. Lewis . first Am erican Lo win T. T. rllwford of Dayton fi nd Mr . .·ERRV CIIURCH OF cmu the Nobel Prize for lite ratur e Is tl1ld M I s. E ml11 t Snyder at sIx SUNDAY the au thor of "MlIln Street," "Bab· Bible School 9:30 a. m. bitt" "Arr'owsmlth", ''Oodsworth'' "It O'clock dlnner Tuesday. Mrs. Willam Ro: ers spen t MonLord 's Supper 10: ~15 n. m. Can't Happen Hel'e," and ,) doz~n day with Mr~. Rl3Y Miller at Bell· Sermon 11 :00 a. m. other best sellers. brook. THURSDAy MI'. Merlvale Is known for his Mr, and Mrs. Harry Gmham were A delegation goes 1.0 Area m ce , f l' g fine performances In such plays as at Waynesville. Durlnl~ the month "Mary of Scotland" in which he was Lebanon visitors Thursday. Mrs. TherIa J ones Mrs. Frank of January there were flfl t'en Ilew co_starred with Hflen Hayes," KurIIss and BeLLy Campbell were members laken Into the Ferry "Death Takes A Holiday," "Cynnra " church n:uaklng 'One hundred and "The S\ n" "The Road To ROlllc," on th e .' Ick list Jas~ week. Mrs. Mary Carmony rec Ived the fifty-six In t he last four years. Come etc. II nnouncem nt of a gr at grand_ h£a r the plain old G ospel p:-eac:led MalJ orders for this product·on. d,lughter Marjorie Anne, daugh ter and you will know why PelTY , accompanied by a check and ~elf · of Mr. Qnd rs, Charles Rennard church continues to grow. She doe!; addressed stamped enyetope, may I (Marian Carmony) nt Columbus not believe In compromising wIth be sent to the box oCflce of \,h ,' last week, the world. 1 Murphy theater. Tickets will go on Mrs. Ever tt Kenrick and son ___ sale ~da.y, February 10. Bobby of Centerville I.P C'lt Monday ST. 1\fARY'S EPISCOPAl, NOTICE afternoOn with h er sl!-ter , Mrs. CHVRCH \ MASONIC RegU19.I" communication of Way_ Stanley Bailey. Rev. R. L. Hae.kwell, Minister nesville Lodge, No. 163 F, & A. M Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre had Sexagesima Sunday Tuesday February 14, at 7 p. m . for their di nner guests Wednesdf\y 10 a. m . Church schoo!. Work In the M. M. degree. R eevening' of l 'st week, Mr. Emmett 11 n. m, Morniug Prayer and scrfreshments will be served. a nd Rev, Snyder of Springboro and mon. Raymond Braddock.. W, M. Mrs. Margnret Johns and Paul TUESDAY Vern Armitage, Secoy. Johns. 2 'p, m . Nursery Chnrch school. Mrs. Kesler Graham spen t F rlda.y FRIDAY M!·s . W. S . Scanlon wa$ n lunch· with Mrs. Carl Pickering at Center_ lQ:30 Woman's Auxiliary All day eon guest of Mrs. Edwsrd 'Rlcks In ville. sewing. Dayton, Wednesday, Mr'. and . Mrs. Claude Riggs of 4 p. m. Jun\6r high boys . Mrs. L, C. St. John spen t FrIday Dayton spent Sunday afternoon 7:30 p. m. GIl'1s Friendly group _ and Saturday with h er daughter, with their grandmother, Mrs. Mary Mrs. John Bettlemyre and Mr. SetCarmony. WAYNESVILLE 1\1, E. CHURCH .. tlemyre of near Oregonia. , Mr. nnd Mrs, Ralph Barger and Sunday Feb. 12 children and Mr. and Mrs. Allen 9 :30 Church school, R. D. Collett, Men's 3_plece suits, SOc; men 's Emrick spent Sunday afternoon in Supt. hats cleaned and blocked 50<: Washington O. H;. the former the 10:40 Morning ~rOrsJ'iIP " children's 8 piece snow SUits, 510; ~ues~<; of Mrs" Q . M. Brown and 6:00 Epworth LCIllgue ladles' ph In dresses 50c a t Qulok th e la tter guests of ¥r. a.n d Mrs. 7:30' Evening service. Cleaners. Ka thryn Mendenhall, and daughter: WEDNESDAY Manager. ' L Jrge crowds are attending the 2:00 Ladles Aid s~t the Pnrson ng?.. meetings at Lytle church thIS week 3:45 Junior Choir: ' with Rev. T . T. Crawford oC Day_ 7:00 Boy Beouts toll preaching and assisted by Rev. 7 : 30 Official Boa:rd Hilda Snyder. Rev, Fred Keller of - - - - - - _.," OQlumbus, Who Is hOnie from 'h IT WON'T BE LONG NOW . as a missionary at Algers, .vrlca, was present, Monday evening These . new tr/l'Ctors are equipped' !\.nd a ssisted. Mr. nd Mrs, ' Snyder with a cab, cU$I')ned sea,t. ' radio: are s~Yl ng a t the 'home of Mr. and heater and evet:ytilling One / ilealer
Ml' ~.
north wooda guIdes who wi!l display their prolfeas in log biding, canoe humping an<l wood chopping and wood sawmg. These experta include Perry Greene.
world's ch~plon wood chopper from Bangor, Me., and Eber Peck, , world's champion log birler from Bear River, N. S. . Outdoor enthuaiuta in 62 Ohio A large lake will be constructed counties lurtouJlding Columbus on the main fioor of the Columbus will be glad to learn that the Na- AuditOrium in which varioul water tlonal Sportsmen's Show from sporta cOl)tests will be conducted. Grand Central Palace. New York, Free seata will be provided in the will be 'bronght to Central Ohio Auditorium balcony. ' for the first time when it II opo In addition to the lrIlides, there era ted next March 18 to 26 at the will be several fiy and bait casters r.olumbuB Auditorium as the Ohio with the show to demonstrate t he , Sportsmen's and Boat Show. handling of fisbing tackle; ~Iso Outstan'ding features of the New crack rifle and pistol shoo tel'S. York Show were brought to CleveEdu,c ational exhibits ~ be land last spring but Ol,ltside of that brought to Ohio from the New one appearance in 'Ohio the big York Show will include a large national show has never visited any Arctic. Alaskan and Hudson Bay part of Ohio, Campbell-Fairbank!! dIsplay. an Indian Village, an unF.ltpollitions of Boston, managers usual reptile exhibit from aU over or toe New York. Boston, Indian- the world and an African hunters a),)o lis and Detroit Sportsmen's exhibit. ' Shows are i" direct charce of the, The Ohio Show Is in charge Columbus Show: . , of William H. Piau, with headth~·m~ gilore will be provided quarten at the NOrw1Ch Ho~el in lit the Ohio Show by a dozen Columbui.
== ,Last worci in Convenience
"Bank Night"· -ecR ••N-
uc,met , Over BroectwaY' , . Kay Franol. .
a .,
'Mot k " I , -::I'e ,e&II'e o -,:na e.R ~f rerect its \lWIl';;-'S Individuality Is a potent ·factor 18 tlie average moto~lst. chOIce of accc.ory equi~lent And it would be ~ar\~o find a tno... ~ ;hO!. ~ulth ly "pc}sonalized" car ~hlln this new Chevrolet ,lJI w ,~~ , M.~ p , :,o:d IS .shown ,applying a touch or 1Up.l:eup_ .. As if the ~d),!1i,~-n _~ . erl vnmty m rror w~rc not enough.. the car lias a l1leciul, kit or' " T~~ I:': .ur . " ow~ f3n: OU~ benut y nida, now.on the m:v'b under h('r n me. th "t~n, n n el , holdm;: J ; r:s L~k, rougco-, powder an d c.·en-,l , fa ds. neatly U I '.' nto _ ~~o.m partment wnen not in 11_" " Ill$ct &bews r·:lse·up of yanl.l.y " ~I'
, ~9ntJnuou. ahow. 0.111 ' ; Adul" Only 110 'Til I P; M.
Extra Specials This Week Ja ck
, ••Wr... oI: ~",po.
.... lonol, 1I.~'l
10 lb. 4!)c b Rg'
25 11..1 . bag
Soda Crackers ~~:'2Sc Fan cy
2 tall
A laAka
M ichi gan
100 lb. bag
Watch For Our Meat Ad Next Thursday Co untry Cl ub
II!!!! uC
High Test
Quart Bottle ,
NOTICE-This Vinegar is in
handy wuter
Bottle at N·o ExtTa Co t
(; lb. bag lb. bag 24 lb. bag
Coffee lb·
Cou,:,try Cluf:J Avondaie · No.2, ca n Green lligh Quality Ce lo, Plain 'lime or Pkg. Wintergl'e~n
FlOur E.xt~a
- t :8 M In Valentine
1,Oe IOe
6 c.a lls 2S.c ,
·:Fomato ':'P.r~.dilcts (j,a .t sup ·Countl'Y Clu b
4 for
19._ =
Falls' For, Uniform "-
, ~~ang,~~s'.
20~O · .... k
t 01' Sunny Cane
\'\ esco, Fl'es h, '!'is p
.tumM IItIin.t hi... llut ono .. ,Irl It" , hl •• ln thl,.
"'~ ~r' I ! 'f t~ · I .. r
T'lesdny and
FOR SALE- 8' room ilolll;e Includln'g 4 lots, electrlclt¥ cl ltern, c"ty $l100. W . N. Sears WaynesvUle. - - - - - - - - - -- - -FOR SALE-Oarden plow, 'Wh ~ C'_ .t . barrow, aU beater, tools• . 100wn On e way to ' save 1500 lives VIIOuJd swing, chairs and. other lartlcles. be for everybody ~~ go ~ bed 'just Grace' L, smtth. before a hoJlday and 'iit ay their 1)Dt.l1 " t was ' ovel'.-J~~ll( " Kan., Republl - --.;....-----~----,can, , '" , ' ' \ ' ;' FOR ~ALE-deneral purpo.~c ~ , ,. ' mare, sound. Blna Patterson. 4 USE THE , MJ~"I , GAZETTE . mll'e s west of H6rv.eysburg, all Har . ,~ CLASSII'IED ADS • veysburg-Lebanon ,road. 2tp ~
n xt
Wed nmld h,y.
.says that with all , these convfmlen_ ces the operator"csln very ' eas'uy go 'to sleep, but', adds '~ere Is n~ \ dan- ' ger of hls .overslet~61ns It ~111 be only a Uttle! while un~\ h15 bankers will · be along !lind wake h im up.-Kingman, Kanl' Journal. \
R mod lin
Th~ ter,
Wnyn ::;ville , Ki'ogel' Store w'ill be clos ed
"Frlday - Saturday
t h~
.f JEAD L~~C~. :•.. Fresh Jumbo; ~ach
:GrapefrDttFlorida. a ,for 1'0 ' . . 'Seedless C CAbBAGE.
\ Ne'w
Veg','~e"abl; ~s" D'i~ed t , ' ' .
.~ _
3 lbs. tOe
pkg, J , r i A '
for SOQP' ,." .
~ .. Ninty.Fir.t . Year
- M-r;---nn
George SchUllng, prosecuting IIIttor_ ney of OIlnlon county. was the prilL clpal speaker at lhe dedication Sunday afternoon of the new audl_ lorlum gymnasium of Wayne lown ship schools, A large crowd attended the observance. Schilling had chargc of t he pres. entation of a flag on behalf of the Junior Order of United Amcrlcan Mecllanlcs. Following the invocation by Rev. J. V. Lacy , pastor of Lt\e Metl1odJst.
GRANGE NOTIOE , tlng progra nris~belng
iTohn If
open house Saturday afternoon and Sunday for their gue&ts, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Moomaw· Mr. Moomaw. who 15 now principal of Chillicothe school, was formedy superintendent of the Waynesville schools. While residents here, Mr. and Mrs. Moomaw made many friends who were happy, to ',welcome them While on t.helr visit here, M~. Moomaw was a speaker at the dedlcaUon excrclses Sunday after. noon.
planned for the regular meeting of ,the Farmer's grange Saturday evenlng. Februlfy ·18. All gra ngers are urged to be Ilresent·
---~----- ..- ,;-
Local. Happenmeg's
,- -.- - - - - - . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Conklin spent Sunday with relatives at Ferry.
Dr·s~ddMrs. HI' E. HatharWa,y wcre a ur ay even ng guests 0 Mr. and Mrs. J. p . Larriek. I
W~OLE ~ER 3", J.
Mary Lois L9CY. Sarah Conner Jack Lacy. and Joe James of th~ local Epworth League attended the Epworth League Institute at Osborn --:.- from Friday to Sunday. Rev. J . 'VI The junior cla!iS of Waynesville Lacy conducted one of the claSses high school Itresented t:he play a~ the convention. "Spec~l Delive.iy" In lne new aud\. torlum Tuesdal night. The playa c,bmedy In three acts ...- - - - ,- ,- - - - - -.. given under the dlrectJon of Miss ' Mary J. Beach was well received by lhe large audience present. The scene of the play Is laid in - - - - - - - - - -.. the offices of Brya n and Bryan In Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Cornell were Chicago. The aelUon was continuous supper guests of Mr. a nd Mrs. J. covc:rlng a perIod of about three B Chapman Friday hours on the Il(ternoon of Friday the 13th Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson and . The parts were weIJ cast each chlldren:-vlll move to the Lee Lem-
Local Happenings
Mr. iSnd Mrs. John W. Kersey attended thc weddln'l of the fOl'mer '~ brother. Wllllard to Miss Polly Kin ard of Lebanon which was quietly solemnized at the pnsonag ,at Sprlngbol'o Sa turday morning with the Rev. Fox of.flclat.lng. Following Lhe cercmony Ule wed. ding par Ly had lunchcon at tIle Peelless Pnnl.rY in Miamisburg The couple will make Lhell' hom~ In ' Chicago where Mr. Kersey is assoelated in business for t,he National Cash Hellister Compal1Y.
fARMERS EXCHAtmE, HAS ANNUAL MEETING Th~ annual meeting oC the Way· ncsvllle Fnrmel's' Exchange Co. was held at the Grant;e hall Thursday. February 14. About 100 membe'rs tIl nd wive attended. A very excel. lent dinner was served by the ~ bers of Flumera Ol·ange. R: E. Fr,~ nk and several st~denls trom ~he high school fUl'Dlshed several mu:;!cal selectIons wIllen were en.. joyed very much. The IluSlness session was called to ordcr by Presld nt , Clarence Rye. The r por~ pres nled by the audllor who examined the books Hhowed the bllslnciis to be in ·a sound finan· clal posltJon. T he manager reporte.d I.hat while tlte vol um e of bUsiness had not been as great IlS In the prevIous year all blanehes or tile business had shown a legltlmalc profit. Checks were issued for a 4 per ent dividend on ca pllal sLock which had been .au· thorlzed by tilt! bUIl1'tI . During Llle elecUon R. M. Hawke nnd C E. Mh:heJlt!I' wele e lected for 11 t ~r lJl of three years 41 the lJoarti. ErncRt Bu llcl'wortll. who had served very ably f I' several year/; J1,l d ex_ pressed a ut;~lre 1.0 be 1'I!lIeved at INs time,
F I k b the building was presented 'rank end A. W n lerofofhis Legrand anon par. was church, lo the board of education by R. C. a week guest McClown. district WPA engineer. enLs, Mr. a nd Mrs. Charles Ames; character being very creditably por- mon farm on Route 42. The nd<lltlon was acccpted by K. N. ---Mrs. Llda Sawin was an over_ John Sears of Cincinnati. spent trayed. Hough, vice pI'csldent of the board. Formers of Ohio who operate night guest Saturday of Mr. and the week end with his parents. Mr. PASSED AWA1~' MONDAY Several members of· MIami Chnp_ Other speakers on t he program tl'Q()tors for farm . work, and' who and Mrs. W. N. Sears. Mrs. A, H. Earnhart. · tel' No. 107 O· E. S. will IlLtend the Included Thomas Steen architect; usc thcm occasionally to pull a Mr. and Mrs. John B , Gons cn · 2 1 ~ t dis klcL meeting which will be Wilbur Wrlgillt. 67 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sears and T. V. Tscllan" coun~y W.PA engtn· ,tl'aller on the highways. wlll not tertalned their "500" club Wednes· held SaLw'day, February 18 In the died ;I t the honle of hts brother Ed Mrs. W. N. Sears were guests . o f rei· ·eer; F. R. Moomaw. former super_ be required to provide such tractors high school auditorium aL Moson. Monday day evening. Intcndent of th local schools and with a vehicle Ucense, according to atlves In Dayton, Sund3y afternoon. near New Burlington. The, meeting will be at one.tl1h·LY of cerebral hemorrhage. morning C. H. Bohi. superintendent of War_ information received today from Lee Lemmon has purchased th Jean Baker Is among those who His wife, Bertha. preceded him In o'clock with Mrl\. Bcrlha Pe Ie. oj ren county schools, Edwin J. Bath. legislative represen. Elmer Jones property at the lower were absent 'from school suHerlng death some time ago. Wilmington. presiding. end of town. The program closed with a talk tallve of the Ohio Farm Bureau, with the grippe the past week. Following the oIIftel'lloon seSl>lon, Surviving are one son. H1arold of by L. A. Garst, superintend nt. and Colunibus. Mrs. Ralph Hastings. home counwill be served. The night. dinner Dayton; one daughter. Louise ot Mrs. Robert Crew has been con· benediction by Rev. Lloyd Hackwell The Bureau of Motor Vehicles ' of 011 member, attended a council mee. session will consist or the Initial! n Wilmington; h is brother. E!d and fined to her bed because of U1ness pastor of SL. Marys Episcopal the sta·te of Ohio following cOnlerIng In Lebanon Wednesday. and the Instruction wUi be give n b) three sisters. church. enccs and correspondence with Mr. the past week. Funeral services were at 2 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brown tlnd SOl t.he Grand Matron of Ohio. Members of t.he board of educ:l.- Bath. and IIldvlce on· the question Mr. Ilnd Mrs. William Thomas Thursday, at t.lile McOlure funeral of Franklin spent (rom Friday tn tlon are H . R. Moss. ;u'esldent; K. from thc ornce of the Attorney and dau hter, ot Mason vlsrted the home with burial In Miami ceme_ I\IRS. LeMAY ELECTED Saturday wIth relatives here. N. Hough , B. C. Hartsock. Ross General, determined definItely as of lormer's parents. Mr. tlnd Mrs. E. tery. SEC'Y OF UEALTII GROUP February 6. 1939, that a tractor L. 'J!homas. S~nday. H, Hartsock and D. R. SalisbUry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapman The ' new addition, started last should retain Its agricultural status spent the week end with Mr. and Ml's. Frank U : LeM. y was clected L. C. st. John and Raymond Ken. April contains both auditorium when pulling a traUer, The BW'eau Mrs. J. B. Chapman. secretary .of the Wanen County Tu· rick are now employed in the maIn. with large stage. gymlUslum and also nOUfled 'the State Highwa.y PaThe Kroger Store Wol S closed Mpn. berculosls · HealLh Association ut a cafetl:J'la large enough to accom- trol and other police enforcement tenance division of the state highday. Tuesday and Wednesday while meetlnt held in Lebrlnon last weels:. modate apPF0xlmately 600 student&. officials accordingly. and requested way dePartment. te a new meat market was being In. Other Officers elected · illlllard Total cos~ of the building was the Ohio Farm Bureau to cooj:leTfl Mr. IlInd Mrs. WJll Lukens atGreenwood, and W. Co Gilmoul', of stalled. $47.475. $23,693 of which was fur- in notifYing owners of agrlcullural tended a banquet given by the Mrs. Irma HarrIS Davidson. of Lebanon. president ~ lld vice prcsi_ nlshed by t,he federal government. tractors. Wlnn tIm. Ill., dD ughter o~ Mr. and Lamb and Fleece Association of ClIn Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs and dent, respectlvcly; n\ld Gulldn Mill:; I , N. Hal'rls. of 3.2 Beverly Tuesday night will be one long to - ton, county at Sabina Tuesday evechildren were dinner guests TueS. at Sprlngboro. tl'easurer. MEl\IOltIAL ERVICES FOR bY members of the be remembered place, Oakwocd. ts recovering 'I n a ning. W. C. T. U, FOUNDER .JUnlor class. Not only was thts the day evening of Mr. and Mrs. E:arl Mrs. LeMey was named delegate Hammond. Ind.. hospital of head In. Heaton of Germantown. Miss Yvonne Stubbs entertained evening of theilr class play. but to state meeLings. juries uflcred earlier In the ;i,eek • Members Of tne Warren county several ilL tie friends at supper 6lld Mrs;-Frank Le~y. Mrs. John Pres Stanley Bailey of the Fairley when she wns throwl\ fl'om the auto W. C. T. U. held a Fr.ances Willard over.nlght on Wednesday. Her ton and Miss Beach planned addl· Hardware store attended a Hard_ mobl1~ driven by her sister Mrs: Memorial progJ'Dm, Wednesday af_ guests were PhylliS Bailey and Betty tional pleasures lor them. The cast ware convention In Columbus Wed. WillIAm G. GreLher of 7 Oakwood ternoon at the Methodist church in TI~ omas of Lytle and Audrey Eden. of the play whlc:h Included Betty nesday 41nd :I'hUlliday of this ' week. .lvelllie. i11 n collisIon with a' trUCk. Lebanon Be~rd, Lorna Lacy. Mary Eva Le_ They were re ~urning \.0 Dayton ·fol· Mr. and Mrs. ~ymond Conner RuS!;ell Thompson and Russe ll Mr. and Mrs. pari Stephenson Mrs. EVa ~cDOllald oC Har,vcys·. ~l, Cb~OL . ~an Mil ~P Jawing a . :vl.stt>-'wlth ...~. Grether'A' Stansberry . were Jnjured early ,FeL burg, president of the COI,lI1LY organ- and da\1ihters Barah 'and Ruth aDd bel\, Ray Millpr. ' Harold Rutherford. and (laughter RebA ot Morrow vIS. d6.ughter, 'Joan, a student at Mund .. Mr, and Mrs. Leo ~eJ; were Sun.. Oharles Collett, Robert Preston and lted . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings day evening wheo the automobUe in Ization presided: eleln college . . Ohlc~o. day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. which they were riding. drlvcn by Lowell Sinclair. wltb MIss ~h, Thursday. The fourth and next meeting oj Mrs. Davidson was a teach~ In Oharles Edwards of Dayton. young Thompson, collided with one bad dinner at. the LeMay hame. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Borden vis- the WoaYliesville Men's Clvlc....Q'lI.lI.4...1<!l-!< Oakw.oocLJdnderl}arten . bef driven by Richard MUler at the cor· Mr. and Mil- John Fromm 'and Their, a deligbtful -time was had Ited the former's parents. Mr. anti wUl tak'e place a,t 7:30 p . m. Wed_ he't niarrlag~ to James A.. DI\-VldsOn. ner oC Fourth and !'North streets. son Olyde, J . C. 'Hawke and Mr. and around the dining · table attractive Mrs. Perry Borden at Springboro nesday. February 22, at. Ule home . Mrs. Grether Is at the bedside 'or Russell Tliompson. who ' sUstained Mrs. Melvyn Banta spent Sunday in Its ~olor scheme of'red and white Sunday evening. of A. H. Stubbs. . her sister. ' a broken nose and 'oLher Injuries, with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawke of tor St- Valentine . ros. hospital, was taken to Blair Reports of the permanent organ_ Supt. and Mrs. L. A. Garst had payton. Follpwlng the play the entire ORDE~ EA~TERN STAR Lebanon, for treatment- Russell Junior class wltl:l Mias Beach and as Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Ization, nomInating and other com'- AND MASONS' PARTY Stansberry received cuts on hIS head Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Sheehan and Mr. ~guson was Invited to ~ Mrs. Ina Brown and son of Frant:. mHtees wUl ~ prlU!ented and all The body of A. H . Tumcr, 61, Mr and Mrs. W4IltAlr Sheehan and , . but DlcJt MUler was reported un· represen1;lltlve buslness and prote!>S: Cormer , Warren county treasurer sons arrived home Friday after hav- Preston ' home "bere dancing to the Un and Mr. and .Mrs. Karl Boden- lonal men who 'attended the dln.ner . ' ., hurt. '!'here' WUl be· a party at the Ma. WIIS found at 5:30 P: m. WectDesday Ing spent six weeks touring . In rhythm tunes 01' Bud LeMay's ' or· bender and da.ughter of Loveland. !11eeting at the Little Inn on Feb- sonic temple Wednesday evening, The Thompson mach~e was , ~ad. chestra proved , we Popular ' diver. In the Little Miami river, one mile Florida. Mr. and . Mrs. Glenn. Huth and ruaiy 8. together wltlL those ~. February 22. for members and their \' ; ly damaged, It Is s!"ld. sloo· eost of South Lebanon, near where sOn Jerry of Xenia spent ~onday vIO~IY Invited who . were unable 'to ~am1lIes of tbe Eastern Star and Delicious refreshm~nts were ser· evening with Mr. and ' Mrs. J P. Mr. and Mrs. Ora C~r and his abandoned light truck , was attenil the iast meeting, are 1'e. MAI§On 16dges. The 'evenlng wills!at.t MAKING SLIP COVERS and at a la'te hour the ;young LarriCk. ved • , round. Sheriff WIllLn.m HUl!ord' daughter Louise of Clnclnnatl were quested to be , present as perma. wlt.h a blisket dtnm:r at 6:30 Air are,. PROJEC'J; TOSTA~T salld one of the searchers n.otlced SundaY dinner guests . of 'Mr. end people took their departure expresMr. an<l Mrs. Albert KlelUnll of net organl2latlo'n wUl be effeottlve requested [to bring a' ba,sket lunch slllg tlielr gratitude to Mrs. LeMay Pieces of furniture which need a rope tted to a . tr/le and found It Mr~. Robert Ba,k er and daughter 'At ~he' last meeting; 'the repo~t at with· sandwiches and Serv.lce lncll.. Mrs. Preston an~ Miss Beach' who Ft. Mitchell Ky.• spent the week end Jean. the Ut.illLles "Co/Dmlttee Indlcat'ld' ded. The maln atua'.cUon of the new spring ~ 'dreSllCS" will re,Qelve tied around the bQdy of Turner wU;h relatives nere. Mrs, L. M. Hen·' had made the happy evening pos_ toot this progressive and "lIv.e wire') evening Wi!! be performance by special · attentlon next week when when he puUed It from the stream. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gons oIlnd sible: returned home with them der' s on Coroner ~. M. W1lJlams ' returned aCCiompllshthe well known II¥!Iglclan' Buckley organization ha,s been · Alice McKlnne~, home futnlsh little daughter and Matthew ;urJ;ler for a short visit:' · ,. " ---::= Ing results fol' thc benefit ot the en-+,lL..ll/IWlmington. Ingll . specialist; bJ. Ohio ,State Uni- a verdict , of sulclde . . Two notes with Mr. and , Mrs. Roger ChambUss Mr. and Mrs. Tl'jomas Steen (nee tire ~ommunlty right fTom the star.t versity and Miss -ElIzabeth 9raddY. wer~ found ' in a pocket of Turner's Xepia. /lPcnt S~day In HamUton Gretchen Gehring) ot West Union elnce The Dayton . Power and 8!JN'SUIN~ CL'llB ' home demons~a.J;lon ngent, help clothing. one addressed to hJs wHe. the ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. ( nnd the other to his · bUljlhess . pai't~ on Mr. 41nd Mrs. J. B. c 'hap_ LIght Company has l?rombed to called Warreh cOunty homemakers to Mrs. Della Venable was hostess to Schoeler: man Sunday Mr. Steen wal\, a speak comply with the l'c50lution tlnd re~ members or the SUDshlne club· at start their "Making of Slip Covers" nero Allred C. Brant, fOrmer sher· Ifl. They were associllted with ;1. B. Chapman. C. M . Robltzer er at the dedication services Sun. quest made by the Civic .club' at Its her home on Thurs!;lay . . SIl'teen . , project· Lewis lUtd Drake. InC" feed and end ~ame8 Gibbons of the local day of the new gymnasium. first meeting. to 'Improve 'electrlo me\nbers and , gutesm ga.thered at The first lesson In this .. proJ~ct caaJ dea.le~ ... C1v1c club attended a dinner at the ..:.. servIce to WaynesVille and viCinity noon and enjoyed a delicious '~sket dealing with tile sel~tion of ma· '. . . . ' . . M . terlals and a' study of the various Survivors InclUde the ' wl\IPw; , h1.~ Triangle Club, Jamestown • . of the Mrs. Cora Rich iDsslstd by her r. and Mrs. Russell Frank en- by InsLalllng an addl tlonnl power dhmer. IA pleaRant ~fternoon of slip cover construction processes will mollJer. Mrs. Uda Turner, living Cooperative National B\1lIlne3s'men's 'daughters. Mrs.. '. Reb. ,Braddock. tertaliled 4It dinner Monday cvenlng Une. • chatter· and Chinese check'crs toUow b~ presente!I Tuesday ' afternoon. with ,another son. Carl '.I\t Rochester club, Monday ,evening. Mrs. Hartley Moss .and Mrs. Glibert Dr. ~nd Mrs. A. ,E. ·S tout, Supt- nnd ad. Invited guests Included Mrs. . Frye entertalnedi the Wayne Town. Mrs; L A Garst and Mr. and Mrs. DANCE AND CARD ",ARTY.' February 21'. p.t the Memorl~l Hall four sisters., Mrs. Mar~ Woo~ of Groce smith. " aM Mrs. Madt80n \. ·.bario"n. Wedn"".. ay ' a"ter~oon. ))nyton, Mrs. "01yde Coverdale of Men's a-piece sul~. ,5Oc; · men:s shIp' Farmeril' ·clu.b at tha .Oran-e ;RU8S~1J ·HOll1day. . ' Eamhart and SOIlS Jack and Tom. . . ~ "It hats cleaned and blocked ~ ••~ ., , i, i,: " In Le Febru'ary 22nd In Franklin an~ Fri· Rochester. , Mrs. Lenore Bennington children'S I 3 'plece snow suits 6Oc; hall on Thursday. All but t W? tam· ~r. , and ~s.. Oharles Zimmerman 1'he eommlttee In " Of St. my. . , • and Mrs, Robert Baker Mary's Ohurch 'Young People's ' YJLI . da. a.ttcrnoon Fcbruary ·24 In Mor. ot West· Middletown, and Mrs. B. L. ladles plain dr.esses 50c at Quick" llIe~ were pre&eIllt to enjoy the swn.. and Mr 1/ , • • RQSS of'~ near Jamestown and two' Cleaners. A'__ er an d .the spien- were !l'lPI),Ilt, guests of Mr. 4Ind Mrs. en tine , dance hilS announced that 'WOMAN'S AUXILiARY KathrYn Mendenhall ptuous baske t ....... row. brothel:'S, Carl and Paul ot Lebanon. Manager. ' d~d program whieh followed. 'Rev P1;qd Pqrna.s .,Baturday :evenlng. tables 'and ,pardl!"wW' be' suppUI!d for ' A • J. V. Lacy cave the invocation, Mrs. ,' OWen Hart.ock, ., aon o( Mr. and those who wish: to attend , but ' not Mrs. Daisy Snyder was hostess last I,ENTEN SERVICES LADIES' Am MEETS Mrs. 'Bernice Hough entertained Harold; Earnhart sang "Ill the Gar- Mrs. Ross H; Hartaock Is . confined to "ahcel The .pub'lIc Is 'qordtally hlday .t o members.of the. "",oman's In ObservanCe of the seaSOn .C!f her' qard club ·Friday idternoon. den of TOmorrow" Bhe accom. to his 'home with scarlet fever. Invited, ' Mr. and Mrs. '. Donald Auxiliary o( St· Mary's Church. 'At. • Ch h III h The Ladles ~d. of the.' Methodist Thr~ tables of "500" were In play panled at the plano by ller sl8t.or, Hawke ,and Mr. and Mi-s. Maynard ter a short bUsiness ~ee~g, Mr/I. Lent St;. MiU'Y s . urc w . ~ ave churdh met Wednesday afternoon throughout the afternoon at the Mrs. Kenneth Hough. A well' dell. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Butter:worth Weltz comprise this ~mmi'ttee. ClfflordBl'1!-ce introduced ,tI1/l study ~, mldwee1,t services· on ea~l~ We n~_ at the home 'of Mrs. J. V. Lacy with close of which da1nty reft:eShmenta v~'pa.per on "The World's Pair' at! ot Lebanon . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest I " of India wlt~ a comprehensive pl~day evening untU Holy Week ,. at. ' . . The dance wll be held on Satur_ " 7:30. o'clock. ,At these. serviceS. to Mrs. Dallas Boger assistant hostess. were served. New York" waa Irlven by M. A. Cor. Butterw~rth. Charles' Frye, Mr. ,anl1 day. February ;18. from 9 uDtH 12. ~ure of the size. ' population, and.' which the ' public is weroome, the • Mrs: L , y. Branstrat<!r presided. nell. Mrs. Earnhart favored with Mrs. Oarl FrYe and Mr. and Mrs· at the high schqol gym. Music will complexIty of that country: Mm. . Rev. Hackwell. mli-tlSter. wlll .glve Ii. the presldeQt, ~s W'. E. S~Ud ~another solo "Carry Me Bact To Gilbert Frye and !iOn Richard were, be furnished by Ohuck lfelwagel'l Bert Hartsock then told at the r1ae ilerles 'of addre~s ~tltl~ ''Baslc lng, , unable to 'be " present, MrsOle Vli'glnny" A most entertalnlllg .sunday dinner guests of ~r. a~d and his orche~tra of Dayton. ~ck.ets of mOd~rn Indta and Its I'(!latlonand lnstructive lecture by the Rev. ~ Glenn Frye In Day~oo. may be oJ)talned {rom members, of 'shlp with Great BrltBPl· .The stu~ Bellets for Modern CHristians" 'DIe Glenn Bord!!n ha9 ~harge of the ' addresses wUl consist ' of a. re.exam. .devotlons a~ter ~h1,* a ,abort .p ro. . R. L. Hack",eU on his native atate the group ot ' at th~ door. .. hour:, COndl~ded with" a. ~ntattob ' lnatlo.n of th~ creed ·I.n 'h~ ~g~t of ~ ~fu; presented as !ollows; , gfrle~ds home' . . ' Of NeW HampShire co~ciuded ibe QIRTHDAY 8UP~ER of ilie co~d1t19n of women. in.1JKU8 . )". ,Reading "Grandma'il -Philoso ' p."..... . .Mrs· Blanche Baker ot Clrtc~t1 . nr-ram. " ' , - . ~ _' and th~ ' evidences of tb~lr lm~. , the CJo!;peI ,~nd ' In \1ew of ' the 'SPiF.: "3 .,. -D t '1",..-/"'., with t Y Ituai . needs IpdlvldunlB in ~ese Mrs. ·K. ·R Stubbs. 'sketclt, !'~~dY speth° . MMondaC Hnlgneaht the .~ , Mrs. WUl Stro~d enterl.lilned ~. S~~A In' C:,the~ ra ~~~:~ .ta~ on O.i ty Ohurchee'~ IfIIi!' Belen mo er, ~ . . . . ; . rage. , . . .. .. ' . . ! ' Mrs;"ji!arl Hockett enterfalhed the, n. ne. .~ \~i" ~r- " ~hnes. . ~ Hawke ~n,d Mrs: L. V. BraDllt-tator. , A., ·Z- ~~It anc a~ughter HeL. OFnCIALS grO~~ of nds ~unaay, eV~"fg rvr: HlW"py Hour cIU~ ~t her homel .Tue~ IUl4 ,I ref.rC!lliin~~~,_ by Mr.• .~ . CELEB . . R"'T~ij, QIBTBDAY , b~Jng f:Ilil 1!Oci~ ~rlod re~re8h. en of ~sman, caI~ here ~y the pleasure of her· ~ban~ VI~ day af~rnoon. Att,,£ ,Q • pr,ogram: 01, br~~ tJ:e ~t~mbOn ~~tlDc . ~ • .. ment$ w.e re ~rV~' by~e lJ~t~s .. ~ motl1er'.'~L!!na Ha,.~k re- . ~, ·H. 'E . Haltllawl!'y; en~rtatneCI celebrating h1s 'bll:thday apntVllrll81Y: 'contests and readlnP•. the- ~1S' Close. , ;'1. . , ' DODlilr;1 liuk,ns , Invited Several . The ,March all day meeting .w.ID t~ed home with them ~ in the officers.snd committees of the .Way· . Bea~. at the dlnUll" table. which were invited to lhe'dfnllig room. at. [rlends in to 'play and ' fdr ~sUPJ)eJ' be beld 'at, the~ ~ome of Mrs. W&;lte~ e~ing ' accomjl8Wed "Mr., and ~. n,esvUle Gard,e n c:lJlb at · lier beme waIJ loye1y ~th Its clot!) and favo~~ Friday evening. . rie o'c,~ Whlt.s.ker.} I 'H!rtsoc!lt}D Bablrta wbel;i! ,tb6Y "~., FrldllY, ' attemOOl~. The , .tIme was Jl!Ii-talnJnc to,.~ ' Yalentlne- were .'. ' tended the banquet . trI~ . b)' the 8peIl 10 the ~I of plaDa for Mr, apeS ""' Char~ . l"ndersop. , Donald's cll\'htb btrUtday annlver. IlnrY. · The lads preJlent wer~ RonaICl nqNoas DEVEASED",O ;... :CUnton Colintil' Lanib _~ , PI~ the . C()inIDg _ ,fl--· Retreebmentl Mr, and. lin! 'W~l&e" aheeh~n, Mr. ,Beckett, ~bard LukelllJ and Bob- At· a recent meetlng of th6 War. ~tlon. ~ ~ .li9~ ..ned ," the .folJoWloaj ,lira- and ~ ~lpb ~, Mr. ane' obert ~n~er. MrS,. !-£~ence Puma' ' by Moore HIii'VeY$JrIJ. lte1~l~n COUnty ~tlorl ft!8O. 111:. and Mrs. Sam , Barnett, of carl ~ Ia.i Perle RQIi)', lira. II.... J. P. tarI'lct and Mr, and MrS, Mrs. BeliSie Cook, MI1I. Ollie Harlan. '~, ' Dan SlIDPIiDn, BarIan luUon In mspect to .tile. Ja&e 1M- Centerville, Yi$lted.lbct fOl'ilUlr'a Jobil Preston. Mrs. Robert ~ 8tJioUd, .to pleasant evening .o f carda ana _'M!;JI. Badle Reason. Tbe ~at'Cb ,..rnhart. Delmar J1en7 ~d' RebIIrt ~ ~el'I\Pn; ' W~ Ia.,. motberl)lra, OaroJlDe Bamett, SUD· Nn- J...... :at ~I .... 0biDa CIbecUrs tDVCJWed sup- meet1Dl wUJ· be .wlth ' . . . P. L~ ' , and bAD_, WIUI ~ dIr. , acre _ ..... ..... per. . Reuon·
GlVIG ,ClU8 10 ~M£Ef
al ' , . .
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'. °rS: (.,.......
~~~~~~~--~.-~ . ~~·~I · ~EW -CHIEfOROERS Michigan Wintfi!r Queen Gets Feather Crown - INVESTIGATION
WayneniUe, Ohio
EsLllt of B l'd K. Henderson, d~ ceased, NOLlce Is hereby given th~t WinL 'frl)d , H ndCI'Spn who ..Pos OfJ'lcc Acltlr ss Is Wnyn 'svUle, Oh10 b!\... striClt adherence to the Jlrovlslo)l con' dilly ntlpointCri Ill; Adlilolsll'.l'c alling for quart rly I''' - lnvc~ligl'l 1'1'1" of Ul E.~lnt.o uf lloyd k. Hun_ tlon of ench recipient, on Ohio's ole\ dC'I'SOIl .~o.Le or ·Wal'l·~ n COUnby, Ohio Ilge pension rolls was ore! r d by dccensed . Tom McCnw, ncw chlet of the 81M D nLed ~hls 271.h day of January divlslon of aid for til al\' d. 1!l30. Mr. McCaw said tha t In the past RALPH H, OAREY laXIty in re.lnv · tJgnUIlg pen loner. Judge of the Problft Oourt at leru;.t . once every three monlhs Warren OounJy, Ohio probably had cost lhe SlotI' tholls, Slnlll'y & &tnnley, Attys, ands of dollars which coulcl ha ve been saved and utilized In providing ====~========~ assistance to many appllcnnls who In the past have berll ttnll ble \0 reo celve aid because of lack of fund s. He expressed the view th\lL I nck of con tact between \.he di vision's offices and reclpl ent.~ woulcl permit persons who h.-\c! no busi ness receivin g aid from the sta te 1.11 ~l' ll1 g granted payments. "In a program as la1'1:e ns Ohio's ROOT FOR AND CONSICN with 112,000 aged receiving aid u nd )'our Cattle, hogs, shell.p ar.d calv .. with limited funds Dyallable for the to Norrh•• BTock C"., hve wire and purpose only through clu~e/' contHcl pro!(reMs ive 61"'" ''1r th& hlglleat with recipients will It. b e pussible mArket' prices and good Bervice. to conserve om available funds so Union Stock Yard.' Cincinnati, 0, 'funt! ill 0 0 Radio Station WCKY thnt we ca n help the largest nUIll _ 12 :211 to i 2 :3 0 p. m. for /lur dill. ber of aged persons aCluuJly In ncect mlll'k t repnrtR, McQaw said. "Lack of ro-Investigatlon has lin. doubtedly resulted in Romo people whose , I,!irculllstnnccs have chnlll>ccl for the better since lhey were pin... ced on the rolls In cOIlUnuing to re" celve aid whUe peopl e In actua l need have had to walt' because funds were lacking to ca re fOl' them," he added
red AI Second ClaY Man Malter oat P08toffice, Waynesville, Ohio
rane EditQr and Publi her och~ty illditor . . .. . .. Phone 45, ~
Sub$criptlon Pl'il!e, $1.60 Per Year, ~ayab le in Advance
Just What Is a Billion?
I~PrQle6~or 01 n;&lory,
By ,ERIK McKJ:l'UY EiuKssON UmfJf!nity 0/ SouJhern California '
The federal budget can hardly. be recommended for light, leisure time r 3ding. On would ha,,-c ':".rlcullY In fincUng anything that Is duller or harder to read. Nevertheless, the budget Is one of Ole most Important doc. uments Issued by the governmen~ Dry though It is. [t requJres the at· tention not merelv of Con· gress 'but ot all citizens concerned w ' th the welfare 01 our country. A doc,. ument which c 1\ I I s lor e :t penditures. during the fiScal year end· ing June 30. 1940 amounting to practically ~9,Ooo,000,OOO, or. about one· seventh ot the tolal allnual income of all industrle$, businesses Bnd Individuals in the country, cannot be Ignored. ' In r!!cent years we have become accustomed to refcrrlne to federal Income nn.d expenditures In terms ot billions of dollars. But how many people have any Idea of what a bU· Uon means? One way to gaIn a more definite Impression, Is to compute the Ume tbat has elapsed since the crucifixion of Christ. In round numbers this wnl bO;! fO\lfld. by simple arith~ metic, .to equal 1.000,000,000 minuteS, So, it someone had started spending money about 1900 years ago, he would hllve been.,r.equired lo· spend $9.00 a minute up to the present time In ord,er to spend as much as the fed· -erG I government alone w!l1 spend In twelve' months. PTesident RooSevelt, In submitting th.e budget to Congress, estimated, (vlth the aid ' of the budget experl.s, that the government will have a total Income of $5.669,000.000 during the comIng !\scal yeor. Because of the current depression this Ag'ure Is ovpr' B half billion dollars less thAn during th~ fiscal year ending June :10. t!l:ul bVI sllChUy higher thnn the e~ t1 . mat for the rurTl>nl Y~Ar. A In ~ t f $815, .000 of the ·1940 inc. ,,,' , It
is of Intt!rest to note, wID come trllm the general and railroad loclal secu ri ty !axes. The expenditures of the governme.nt, In accordnnce with the New Deal theory, are divided into two parts: the ordinary and the extraol·dl. nary ' expenditures. Included In the former are 1.I1e expenses or Congress, the judiciary, the est8bHshed execu· tlve and admlnislratlve agencies, natiollal delense, the veterans' admin istra tion, interest on the public debt, benefits to farmers, and social security. These and a few miscellaneous items account for a total of $5,537,-
Unde r extraordinary expenditures are Inciuded an extra $210,000.000 for national defense; SI,04-4,OOO.OOO for public works. including highways. the Tennessee Valley Authority, flood control and publlc buildings; and $2,019,000,000 for unemployment relief, including the W.P.A. and the C.C.C. The total estimated lor extraordinary expe.ndlturell Is $3,458,000,000 while the grand esUmaled total of all expendttures, ex,clusive of debt retirement, is $8.995.000,000. • As a result 01 these estimated ellM any an lndJan chi~ftain wore this feather war·6'onnet before the white m~n turned hia ~ths into auto bi&hwa~8" penditures the federal government II hut Chief Greenleaf, of the Ottawas, revived on age-old ceremony to crown. MIst Janna.May Leekl, queen of the "rea due to experience Its tenth consecuPetoskey, Michigan, Winter Carnival, February 5. Little Sally Jean ScoglUlI bad to chmb onto thll bandy Chevrolet tive delicH. In PresJdent Hoover'. (0 crown he ,\ ttractive ruler of the annual lpo rtl·~elt . second yea r, which was also the second year of the great depression. the government was forced to alart borrowing. The deftclt of 1931. amountLosses caused by inle1'llnl pnra ing to $481,000,000 seems rather Inslzn lflcant compared with the estisites of sheep can be reduced If U1C mated 1940 deficit 01 $3,328,000,000. Phone 78J flock , is t.reated before belng turned A1J a 'result cit a decade 01 deficit financing the country wl11 be ladd,led on pasture. Ohio county agrloult ural with a federal debt of S44,458.000.000 ~. or about $342 for every man, woman Harold Kellis called on Fred Mor· agents can give dlrecl!ons for the! arid chUd in the United States. t.reatment or can arrange demon_ gan Sunday afternoon. The most troublesome feature of Mrs. Everett Bunnell, Mrs. Bar_ stra~lons of Its appllcatlon. the, whole maUer i8 th.t the New members of COngress. fe~l that any Deal administration seems to bave By CLARENCE J. BROWN . appropriations voted should be f or old Kellis, Mrs. Henry Burges called lost .all desire to 8ch~eve a balanced Scrubbing lInolcum creates more defense purposes onlY, and that, on Mr. a nd Mrs. Elmer Rogers Sunbudget by cutting down expendiUrllaiel. Tllhll'iH prIce Member of CODCTeS5 work because the Ooor covering ,be_ tures, The Presldertt professes to bewhUe 'the mllltarY esta blishm~ nt day afternoon. Rn)"c, Nose UrupR IDe .& Z5c lieve that by extraordinary pumpcames more porous u\lder 5Crubbtng must be adequate to protect AmerL Mrs. Mattie Levi and son Welllng· priming ,expenditures. the national income can .lie so increased as to . . , oan shores mnd the ~.ountry general'- ton of Dayton spent a few days last end coUects dirt fl\llter. All soaps ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~=!!!!!!-!!!"'!!!~!!!!!!''!!!!!!'!''!~ yield taxes equal to federal expendicontain some lye and this damages AS time goes on and operaUons Iy, tbe cit!zensWp should not be week at thelr bome here. lllre~ maintained on. thp present level. the ltn,o leum. Light appllcatlon~' of of Oongress and government genertaxed tobuUd a. grea.t war machine Th is sounds Bill' pulling ourselves up . I Callers at the Frank Kellis bome good hard wax keep IInoreum In the ally are observed the Il;lore apparent capable of waging an offensive war by the bootstraps, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Reed ~t condition, becomes the greatness, the strength across the seas ' Thle oommittee ex.. REAL ESTATE and th e rcsoJ}rces of Amenca. It pressed Itself rll,Vclr 01 pr~per de_ a nd famnY; Rulli Kellis and tbe nation was not strong ~nd llTet;-t fense for t he Panama. Canal and Mr. SkeltoP of Trotwood, Mr. and Subsorlbe to thl\ MiamI GnzeUc • • NOTARY PUBLIC and' Its resources almost unlimited, s trategic Islands protecting the con.. Mrs.. Herscbel Bunnell and family of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert It certainly could not stand the pun.. tinental United Stat es. but op~ Hartsock of near Spring V8ney. 1shment It receives at the hands of the fortification of the Island of 8y HARLEY L LUTZ: Mr. and Mrs. ' Henry Burges and government. Last week the Inde- Quam, The committee also reported children Nanoy Lee and Johnnie Prolu.or 01 PubU" (11ntJnee, 'Pri~n llnlf1el'dt, pendent Offices Appropriations BUl in favor of a moderate increase Qver spent SUnday 'YUh Mr. and ~I!. was .passed bY t~e ~House three a period of yearS . . tn the number of The ftnaoc:tal '<l1incuJt1es ~~-in ma~"" The ~locSec1 tbeol'7 wu , 'the "City of Brother.., ,Love" tlllve the one which ,held that tax conday/! of d t;bate. In spite of contln. ploan es 'for all' defense, llut opposed Hlley GibSOn and famlly . come to a ~ In the, prepuatiOll ot IClloul clt1Zem would alway. demand ,ued ReP~bllcan endeav~rs, th,rough the building of. a g.r eat air fleet at. Morris Lewis and Miss Stella Gib_ the butltet fOr 1938, 1Jl~ " ' . son called on Mr. and Mrs.' EllSpresentation of various amendinen ts a. cost of teninc financial strain . deve"ollmeotl prudent U8II of theIr tax , ~1I1ra. To ; lb. r e h I .V e the amazement of those wbo beld worth Gibson and ,daughter Phy}lJs' to reduce the amounts appropriated. within the next ye~Ir ' or so. , ' been .uch,u to th1I belief. ttHI trite mob, of voter.· the. Bill WJS finally passed carrying Mae of Centerville Fr1~ay evening. furDlIh .om. no lfoniIed the c1~ hall, ' and who ' ~ . a~d Mrs. Clarence Thompson fde'ctLona that laid' down ttle barr... of peUUON, a total apprOPriation ' of approxImately' one ' blllion elght hundred ' Spcaklng of matters miUtary-the Miss Frances Chermeweth' and Er· an o.r &enenl weN ' not demandinl 10V1!nunental IPp~n.' . retorma aDd. ImProvementa. Tbey' . and ' fifty mUllon dollars, or approx.. talk about wars l3 ~d threats of W!ll S n est Tompson spent S~day with TM llrIt BDd weN de!:nandln. the lnltant repeal Imately t\vo hundred and t h 'r ty stllJ goes on here and every nttemp~ Davl!I Lucas and lamUy. CIIOIt IIInlfteut o.r the &u. LUt. the mIlD wIIo bad raO\ III ~ alt. a bear by tile ta11. ~ ,counell laosmillion dollars more than the. to get the President to publicly de_ Dr. and Mrs, J. F.. Witha m spent uatlOD 11 that, ened tba taU hold _d Jumped for amount appropriated for the sam e fine his foreign poUcleshos failed. &be ~ . ,.. the Dearest tne, aD in ooe moUon. , Sunday ev~ng with Mr. and MrS. _ 1m~ aD ao- .From chI.t poalUoD. i IVaW vote ~ments for ' t he last fiscal ye'ar, l Many Members of <)ongress. in both Ernest Earilhart and attended eve_ .lImalated c1d. .... ~ounc.c;t on a ,MJi. of proHowever, the Republicans were suc- the House and Selnate, are Insistning services at Mt. HOlly church. " U 0' .0 m. P9IIla ~ .. IPradJDa the deftcU .' mn_ Ing on having soml~ so,t of a denU8.'O~t~OO • .~ tbil,'luture ,10 ' " , to let It· 0111 . cess rul In clipping se.venteen " ' . ' Idt Mr, jUld Mrs. Harley Fuller and . ~ , eoIlQlUoil 01 &be ltu budlM, 181.01 Ule cltyllon do\l&rs oU · the Tennessee Val- nlte s~atement fTOIIll .the Pres en family of D a'yton spent Sunday with . 11 ., feoend oWllt!d ....woru. I "!all Ale. tb, ley Authority appropriation, which before proceeding to vote In approp_ . tba\ " mould aD IDa.. 01 n1er rata, and an Rubber prOducts 'and processes an~ an a rena as large as a 'football IIothu " . . ;01 all dOeI It ;lnoome . . at ,IW". InItead of 3~. will result In a fln31 estimated sav- rlatlons for militarY purposes. Mr. and Mrs, AT~ur Morgan. " Russell ' Robinson and son Her· s~dium in which tires will be deJ1lonstrated, are to be housed In The warraDt NProICb lD view or Ihi CUrIoIIIb ID01IIII. me llIt of maw ings to tax payers over a p ~ rl(:~ . of Oth ers ISre deman(ljng t.o, know fr~m man of New Burlington caUed on . B., F. Goodrich Company building at the New York World's Fair, s.chlihl1 teIPeCtable u.ample. tbat ~bu ~ ~UoDa contained nothln, time, 01 approximately tW? hundred Just what power , br powers, Ar,nt rbeeD '" but all lD 'a c1~ aJm.od' 00 tIM redw:tl0D of apeodlb. except Mr. and Mrs. Emerson D111 and son cording to Ra!ph Smit h , owner, Smith Service S tation . Waynesvtl!e, Dear .n0Ulb eo ·PIIIlade4lhla to INt I.o.r aD tDqu1ry u to' whether the peo'mUliod dollars. fca Is .feaJllng attaclr,. Fear of bombRalph Sunday afternoon. Oblo. < IHD b1 Oh Iooidq eoutbW&!'! with pte fa9oJ'ed reducUon of the interell Ing raids on American crtles has I .pyalall friJm the top 01 &bit BeD rata ~ ouWtandln, debt, Tn.. lui Mrs. Et ta Blair l8 spending a been somewhat dUisipated' as a re_ J'ranklJD atu. above the '1ialL about ~ ·Um1l In IdJotio pro. Jimmie Lynch and his dared~vi1 automoblle drivers will perform Another Important measure ms- sult of statements from high aero- few days with her brothe~" Lue TIle nat ~ faat Sa tha\ the pOIal& Of oourae the people would on the 'arena track six times daily during the Fair, t Philadelphia c1~. fatbara UDdertook favor reftnaMln. the debt .If Jt could sed by-the House Jast ~eek, over He_, 'nauU~1 lSuthorities tha.t i~ would be Murray. ' GOOdrich, qne of the world'. gldl!st Fusser eO"(eIll5, i1ii\i1l1!ac-....._ _ to ,' do IOmelblna abo'4t CbJI dIi4c1\' ~ dcm& B~ ~ H oaD be doae. wb.1 publican OPPllSltlon, was ' . the Ad- impossible for ani bombing raid to j Mr, and Mrs. E~erett Bunnell, hires m~re than 32,000 product.! in 1000 distinct lines' and many , Since the UN Of aD de on the appro. DOt1proceed With It inat.ead o. walt.. be ~xtUbi~ed ,; New ilork: ' ministration sponsored Blll to make be made today wtMre planes would Mrs,' Hlley Gibson called on Mr: and Pr1a'~ODl .would 0CJDi1 &alder the head IDa' far .the result. of ••traw vote' of, c!r\Ie1 : and 'IIDUauaJ p"nl,hmenll" . Two ~ ,~d out In this temthe salaries of I>~I state, counly, have to fly morc ' than 8 hun<l~d Mrs, Elmer RJyer Monday after- ,· and ~c:e ' bru1al1~ II not oolllll1eid peft em &be banb of dl. Delaware. municipal, school, and other public miles from their base and retprn noon, ,with brOtberli' &Iva, It .... 4eclded ODe fa that the people of Phlladel. A W let lOme mCIN NVIDu.. Th1I w.. phla bave mdenU1 been too lIWe offlolals and employees subject to thereto. Mr, and ,Mrs. Noman Keslsnger of w~at .~ &be ar.wot'b. The coucfin,q of what baa been happen. Federal Income Tax. The Re~ubU_ Cincinnati ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur eouno1l ,~ an ·ordJ.nance DOl IODI 'l nI to tbelJ' llDaDoeJ til the put. cans 'o pposed the measure because provfd1na lor a to on aD In. , than .. no ocoulon for . cen. ,T hat the money spenders "never Kesinger and _tam1ly of Dayton come. earned or .. NCalved bJ ....... .uN; IIDce &he people ,eneraUy bave of thelr belief that such an Act say die" is rather evidenced by the spent Sunday With Mr and ' Mrs. ' ~entl of ,the cIV, '!'be nIPODa of CM been who~ IDdlttereot to dellcltl would be unconstitutional and an a ttempts being made in tWs session Ernest Earnhart and fall'\1Jy and elei!Iorat..coaAnned one &MoI7 Cbat aDd tbe1r CODIIQUIDCeI. The other invasion of state rlgbts, , Insisting bu 10Ql ~ held bJ the parlor... tblnI that .taDili out ." the practical Of Congress' tc? r~ ...e t~o famous Mr, and ~s G. W. Keslng~r, tMSon em broUlerl1 love. It evlr,ietJ ot tua~~OVIl'D1Dlllta1 that ii such action was desired ,i t New Deai proJects--the Florida ship' Mr, and, ~, EltO? Evarts and ex~ but It' aDotbc pet dantlJ doee not extend to Income should' be taken through the form canal , ~ nd th~' Passamaquoddy tide daughter Margie, Mr. I8ndMrs, th.or., beld b1 1l'OQP. ttualioD wilen It Sa a cue of taxIn, The . ~eo~ which ree~ eon- lD1 'iDcama'" WID ¥ 1~UI& ' But thla of a constitutional amendment'. The harnessing a t templts In Maine. In Howard Beam and 6O~ Don spent Arl'!lat1oD wu the ODe to 'Ibe effect. appllel JeIlerally, too, for • straw Bill also carried lS uthorlty for state fact, the' commltteel has already vis- SUriday ,with Mr and Mrs. 'John 'that.' cI.IfeC\ wcatlOD .. alni!l to M\ vote of aD the people woul,d uniSoubt.government to tax federal ' salaries. ,prel4i!led becawe " CNltu the at.! edl1 briDI a . , e maJon,,1n favor Ited Florida to ·P.~iS on the matter Rye, ."_ , of mm~ . ~Wn .. "tax co.,cloua-1 orlDOc!ml taxation, wblle • ~aw However, Ohio has no state Income of bulldlng · the jp"eBt canal across Mrs. David Lucas was takep to Deu;~ 'l'be Incoml WI ~ cer-; vOtl on the· .wi111nJneu to pay Inta~ law, the result ot the legiSlation the northern part of tha.t state at _the St. Elizabetb bospltal l&lit .Wed. talnl,y ' dJa that, even In advUCI 'oil cOml _ would produce an equally II~ lmpoalUoA of \be tax ItIall. Prom Iar,t miI.Jorit1 In .oppoalt100. ThOl. If It actually beqomes R law, will be n cost of" hundreds of mmons of nesday for tr,e atment. t.he yel'7 dQ em whIeb \!at ordfnuce who have 'dealt with pollUcIana. reethat all public offiCials and employ- dollars. ,C ongress j:1s also being ur_II approved, CM c1'-1 hall wu b60-, ol!l1Ze tb1.a . . . cue of the difference Mr, .and Mrs. Everett Bunnen and ees in OWo will pay tax to the fe~ ged to five further' consideration to family and Mra.. HIley Gibson spent al.epil b1 mobe ot taX coriac1ou. c:W-- between lamIna • propolitlon "In una, and. blU'led l.IIlder an avalanaba ~~Ie," and belna wl1lllll to "10 I ~al government. while Ohio wlll the passing of ttle PassamallUoddy Tues4ay , in DaytoJ,l. etpe~UODl and aU. ClocumlDtarrl ID IUPPOrt or lL collect nothing oft of federal em.. prOject. . ... _ .. ~ ~ '. . ... .,.I.t .. .. Mr. and ~rs. Omer 'Blair of Xenia ployees. FQr that reason, and . tbe Mrs; Ettie Blalr took supper " with e'!~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!:!-!!1 others given above. practicallY the thelr uncle, Lue Murray Longer Than ,' . ' . entire Ohio Republican delegation Clarencl! J, BrQ'wn, Member of eve~,, ;·.' • Dr~ . An~; ~s. Cla~a Da\18bters ia spendlDg DR. , ~ A;NTl ':' ,PAIN p~t you baQk; on ·your ': f~t a tew day..8 tbls Week, wltb ber sister ,PILLS were made for just ,ono again "rarin' to gO'!. " . " vious record set In 1931., Bnd other Federal employees are. al- of the spec~ sub~pommittee to hold Mrs. George Bratton of Xenia. ~se-to relieve pain. Users DR. MlLES' ANn PAIN ' r do.Ret byI show re9.dy' lP!8ying ,ederal Income ta.x :U:Og;; Wrlte ~t , they "work like p~ act' qUickly. Y~u doh" ' [II , .;..a eyery \iU"""~ n ' s ...te sent on their salaries, as well as their ln_ , MAYBE. IT'" ENVY ~" I 'J,'J:iey contain a.n ef- have to .wa1~ ~orty inlnute. ,to, , II; delegation, and that d1stiLnce frou1 In Faprlcs': ' B11l, which ' woUld reA M1ssO~ ~ho ' has' h8.d six fect:ive, qu1ck~actlng. anaIg~lc . an hour, for th~ . to ~ke ;eJtect . .~ ColumbUs 18 an 'Important factor in come. quire labelulg o.f aIIl clo~ and ma_ ,wives, says he neyer whJpped apy ot -pain. reliever '. . as ., the c:qe with 1DIlnY anal. l,i mit1ng ' attel\dance 'from any ?ne By the Ume ,this ~lillnn ,,"ppears terlals cqntaln1ng ~OOI, ' ." ' . " . geslell. .\'ot.I'll,et actjOr)' In hom ( tbem bijt once, and that w~ for Try Dr. Mllf!S Anti-Pain ,Pills ton' to tWllnty mln\ltel. " county. Franklpl county sent ,8 In print t he ~at1onal ne~ense .Ap," ' i • ,votlNi the 'Republlcan;' ~lcket,-.M. ~re you lose a day!. wQrk- . DR. MILES . AIn'l ' .. , PAIN .Agr1c~ltufaJ eX,te~lon work In tHe ho~etown deleg~t1on ,ot 2,1~2, to ' prollrlatlons Btll Will · , been ac~ ,MODERN EDUCr\~nON , .. toona ~bWie" , " . ana 'pay-or .)reak a social ,en- PILLs ~t'e pleaa.m ' to 18e ! . I~te , ts P.fovided by the attendance lead the' county ~e. ted. u~n by ,the' Bouse' of , ~epre_ A young agr1cUJt:tirlS~, ,J~~. .----...:..;.gagement because .o f HEAD- haJ;1(,1y· t.q '1!lImr, Ptotript and ef~, '. f~ ~nD~rw. Week , accord~' , . . '. selitatlvcs', as ~neral de~te started, ua.ted' ~ . c<illfiij~ l00~ed:, ,Mt~ tcf~R ~~~ PEJl}9b • f(\c!tlva f,. ~jC1J)1 ,arid do , not "Ult. ~ R . (l., ~9msower! direCtor .of Tenn~~.u \ an &rU~m':ltlc , on t~· Blll Monday. The RepublC scomtully at , the oliJ farmer, :'''Yo~ -:' , m1J"'nlUAiIC ~ PIU.N~. u~ the" ~Qh. 1!hel~..ciq.t · exteoal.o n setvtCe. · , , bay drier. Air in ap&CC4 under. metal can "m lnOt1ty In the HOU&e bad a methods of.cultlvaltf&n ~e ho~ ..I.~y may b" just w~t -you .. fma11. O"*.J.fI! '. t . - . ~o, ,' P" "~IIIII'II!"tor , " . says that roof~.()~ barns in 'renea&ee become ~ committee studying the ' De- ly out of date," hEl saSd with a 81,1- recorda are a.va1lable. O.blo hunters Deed ·to reUeve your pain ~ it UIUIIdy 1UIMi.., to . Parmera'-:-'Week warm. enough to cI!ll . aYlf the .alr, fense program of the Admlnstratfon pertOJ' alr. "WhY, rd ,be ~ pakt t510,350,93 in lleeD!te money. _ At~~8ton. I~"''''' -~ ~:fI_1I8I1P .pdD.' ln, adVance of !:he is pIpe~ through the hay and , clr- the report of the committee 'being' y~U II¢pioundl "..-. oraPPles Tbere w~· more"1ha!1 tour hunters , 1)Il, .... , II J " 'r::=J~ j:~~~=.~::~: undoob· c~la.t~ by a power.dJ1Ven b1oW~. . to the Re~ubllcan .caucus last from. tb&t tree." would r," re- in Ohio .f!ll' evert one in Texaa. ,\ \J T I ~ ,,\ -.I tbeIr read.. A turns ·~e_ .!Jlo,ru ott ThUl'lldaY evening.- Tbe Republi_ pUed the farmn. Mlchlaan had 30 huntera for evYO . . I when we alr collec", tOO much .... ...l Bel"'U . -oT P \ I \. P I IS,; 5"il~iit:'1iali- 1IItI1JIIt1.- or Lhe met!" moistu~. 6 caDS ,generally" and ,many 0"'...... YO e, KArl., one in WJomIDi,
F. ·r . . Martin Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio
It. Holly
J. B. Chapman
Tax Nerve Gets Sensitive
'Goodrich Building for World's. fair
no _
'Wh" 'SuHe~'
HELPED MAKE, '~~9',!!: 3,:!~~:a!~:~fo/!;:Op~~ .=~th~:=u~~ie~e~;=:o::' ~~r:::: h::~~~:e~th~e= glstr.atl~~~ ~t'beunti~ ::~Thengs :!l ~~e ,,~tIi . fl!ARMtRS R[CORO '
k.ce~,afY? ..Pai,. Pill" R.Ii.e v. Quic;k,ly :
y~ '.
nl1eVe. I)
dPICKINLOf!.l!ic. SfMES- 'JtSll1laa
PI'ot 'tlve Alarin c6" Inc;, VB. M. Itance tax, '" Tn the mAtter Qf the will Qf J ohn f money ~mount claimed $116.20. Adam RI~z, de ·pas(Ju. commL~slon ' George B. J Ohllson., county trens· of del1o:;ltlon Issued to J ohn H. UTeI', Vii. B njamln BuLtEil·WOl·t,h Donn. Moses and the Owepsvnt e Building In the' 1l1ntt r of til elitate of A. a nd Lqan 00.: for dellnQuen tax . S . · Flan~ery. doceas d. Georg F. (unout clnihlcd S26.12. Young npjJOlnted xeaulol'. George- B. jOhnsoll. CO\lnty treas_1 the matter of the estale of urer, VR. J ames Pile nnd Myrtle Pill:, Tom T hompson, deceased, Albert for delinquent laxes. am ouri ~ Cluim- I W. Gray lI,Ppolntcd executor. c] $1043Jl5. .' I' . In the matter of t he esta te of G eQl'ge B . Johnson, coun t;y trcali- .WIIU\\m p ' Mounts. dec e a.~ed . fina l urer . ys. Frallk Clark and wife. dc· aocoun t. ' In tho maLLer of t he tr ust under Hnquctlt tax 6. amollnt claimed $71152. Ilem :3 of the will of Male Runyan, G 01'1:0 B . JohnRlln. lr nSllrer, vs. deoeased, first ae ollnt ordered susMnry SlIsan Stevens, d n\., $6.660.- panded. 87 In Lhe matter of the gU"lr(Jinl1shlp of Walter 0 1 aver, nn Ine01l1petent second aCCOlln t. I·JtonA1 ' 1~ COURT Ih th e ma tter of t he estate of In t he ma ttel' of the cstn,to of Richard Hoss, deceased , sch edule of Emmn M. WILhn:m clecensed , fi rst d bt.s approved . Tn the matter of lhe guardianship and .flnal accoun t. of Ellie Al1I!>on , an Incompetent, EdIn the matter of thl' esl.(lle of John Kupfcl', ChurloUe Kllpf I' IlP- wl!'1 Allison appOinted guard lim . In the mutt I' of tho estate of poillt d ex cutrlx. III the ma tter of UI f'/;taLe of J essie Wi tl. decensed, prlvatc SAle Mary Wh nlen. dl'CcnRcd. nosc onlcrcci. In Lhc maLter of the estate o[ I'phl appointed ud mlnlst.l·n trlx. In the mntLeI' of el\LnL of MamJe Hllghc.\ f1ecen.qcd. JllvenLory ClIal'les F . Welhnnn , dec asccl. In. apPl'ovcd. 111 the· of Llle efltate of velltol'Y approved . , Boyd K. Hend erson, deceased . trans· In Lhe matter of lhe settlement fc r of automobile to Winifred Hen_ of t he es tate of Clam Ar hdeacon : d e cased, e~\,3te exempt' from Inl1er_ derson.
F. Wyatt" on note 'for 'the' r covety
D. Tinch. 34. Franklin, mechanic, an Dollie May Sheffield , 22, Franklin. Mllburne Huddleson, 18, Pleasant REAL ESTATE Plain, f.armer. and Virginia Stephen . INSURANCE 16. Pleasttnt Plain. . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Ella Crow .to Clara Gardner, lots number 5965 and 5966 In Deer_ field township. ·Charles J. Waggoner, GroY'er C. KM .pp and Frank A. Dl1atush to· February 17-18 Harry : L. 'Rosencrans and Ethel . Tex RItter "Sundown on the Prairie" B. Rosencrnns, 0.34 acres In village of Le~non. Donald Duck in Bertha E. FalTls to Virgil WU"Pluto'. Quinpupleta" k SOil anu I Ltna, M. Wilkerson, 28 Short "Miracles of Sport" ncres In Warren coun~y. Clinton K. · Nixon I.e Mella J . EIIloet. real eslate In Lebanon; February 19-20 Anna E. Haines to Earl Conner WaUn.ce Beery . lot No". 8' in Wayn esville. Robert Taylor E mlly K Aldrld e to Lydia Van_ "Stand Up And Fisftt" dervoo rt, n or th ha lf of lot n'''mber News.of the Day 115 In~Lebanon. Helen S. Hancock to 'ClaYlon A. 'H ager, : 29.23 acres In Salem town_ :Ir~bruary. 22 Fra.nchot Tone :_ Ftllhclsk9. Ga:li ship.. ' Dorothy Mae Wallace to Roy W. "GIRL DOWNSTAIRS" MUllical RAY"" Kinney·. Orch. Proud, ,real e tate In Lebanon. Shor.t You're An Education Ella I. Riggle to Bertrand W. Rubel, 141.50 acres in Deerfield townIIII_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -shiP.
Revenue: $21.109.7'1'1 -Taxes-Looal Levy Sinking and' Bond R tlre- . S619.51 . m ent fund TO; ALT'AXE!S , $21,72D.27 1 'InteresL from State on II' _ I reducible D bt SOlO Depo'ltO'1S Intere t . $6:62 Foundation Progrnm SI0.fl05.1 : VO(latlonal Educallon anl\ RehabilitAtion for Denr. Blind and Crippled Children from Slate and U. S . Government . 51.413. 9=1 TOTAL R!:V'ENUE $43.661 ~ ; NOli Ilevenue Miscell31leous 'Includ lnu lunches) . $2.044.50
_ ·FINANCIAL REPOR'I" OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION For FIBCal Year Ending December :JISt, 1938. Wayne Townih1p Rural School , 'DL,trlct, Warre~Coun ~y,
TOTAL RECEIPTS Billa nee. January 1st, 11138 General ]~ und Bond Retil'ement Fund School Bus ReplacemenL Fund Tolal Balance Tola l Recelpls and Balance A- PERSONAL SERVICE Admln lstl'n(.1OI1 • Members Bool'(l of Education
All olher AdmlnlslrnUoll Clerk l'les anu Wages
State Capital News '
rolls which acuon will resul t In the estimated so.~lng of ovcr $7.000 .000 annllally tor the taxpayers of Ohio. Practically every department continues daUy tp remove unneccssury employes and sucb action hllll al_ ready attracted much naUonal com mendation. Up to. dale this unusual S!lvlngs has been effected without distributing employes now under bona flde civil service.
Twin Theater
$18,33(1.41 , $ 1 $196.00 $24,465.57
I,u rgt'r
$106.01 $211.00
n NE[n [U lEC!S l1 floEWOO Il U
-,: ,_ -' _'_,_.___ .__,... :-
"' e offer a ssti'slactory Serf)ice at all times
M· ·C·lu·',r e 'Fu'nera,1 om" "
US. m.'Mi.uu
Friday -
"Bank Night" - - SCREEN-"OFF TH E RECORD"
Twenty years a 0 nhout Lhe only II Ip an Oh Io woman wa nted 011 the man ngement of thl! cook stove wa 9 to IBnn lh e best RI'f! Ulllfllll [0 (l't friend hus band to s plit enough wood bIlL times have hanged si nce power lines bring el ell' I iCy LO thouso nds of rum I homes fOl' th e first time. Thelma Bcall. spcclallxl In hOIl1 r. management. OhJo Stu c nivers· Ity . saY Il tl1al rnr m WUIIl'11 IlO W hnve hundrecls of CJII sllons LO ,g sk nbout the electric I'I1l1 ge which tJ~cy have bought 01' are Inl ' ndlng 10 purc1lase One of their chlcl won' le~ Is how much Lhe slove will co t to O l) ~rate. M i.~s Betlll adviscs owners of elee. trlc sLOves 1.0 stop wOI'rylng Ilbout kHowa~LS and sta r ~ n gllme ot sav· Ing time oII n<;l energy. . The gnme Sl\vl'.~ kllown Lls M well nil cook!;. On" of lhe wllYs tQ snv both Is by the melhod . recommended for cooking rice on the eleclrl' range. One cup of rice COVOI' d WiUl onc and t hree quarlers cup of wn ter In a covered pan enn be healAxl un til steam escapes In Idx minutes If the unit I.~ turned to high hca. TIle ! heat cnn thon be turned ot! entirely and ' the rlce wlll conti llue cooking for 25 minutes, when It. wlll be <lone. Th rice will ' 110t neetLsLiJ:l'ing and the gTlllns will be unbroken. This s!\,me !1'ielhod oJ .:ooklng with stored heat' will succeed wllh one. dis h meala I! uch a~ kIdney b nn sLew. JLalinn !.IPlIghet t,l. a nd chop ouey. TIle d ish III Mated unU I Lhe Ingl'edlents SUu1; bOiling !\.fld then tbe henL can be turned . completely off and the cooking w!ll continue for 46 minu or an hour. The food will not bon \lver and I s tirri ng Is eliminated.
Joan Blondell Pat O'Brien Contlnuoua Show. Dally Adult, Only 150 'Til 2 P. M.
r~edlng prisoners during J~muary., 756 Columbus women, a ll with chll- Total Fixed Char,~ and $36825; Wal ~' Garage, labor and dren to support. hav~a dismal out_ ConotribuUons S2G2.05 BILL AU,OWED parts. $2.60; Shumaker Appliance look for the cold winter weeks to II- DEBT SERVICE Interest on Bonds $325.00 Shop, ~adlo service. $2.25. come. Laid off by the WPA beDr. H. M. WlJllamll, Coroner's Gernld Couden, repairing tire by cause they are considered eligible Total 'Deb, Servlf'e S32!i.OO TAliv iA- I~ ITHIC TAn ,AND c\lst bill , $8.40; Stanley . Earnhart, Howard Auto Salel;, 500; Fred O. for grants from the D,lvlslon of Ald .-CAPITAL OUTLAY $21.1311.3? ROAD OIL; . EX. A'VA'fING 'po M.. stamps, $15.00; Columbus 'James, bones for Impounded dogs, for Dependent Children, the women Ne.w Buildings $11 .00 Blnnk Book Mfg Co. , 2000 Mem_ 11.35; E. M. ,Gross, 1 cou!>C?n bool', apparently have but (me 'hope--elty Other D MP TIHCI< SEIWICID oraudUm Certlflcates, "$15.00; Glb_ '10.00 The Office Out({tters. carbon relief. The DIvision (llr AJd for De_ Total Capital Outlay 011. stamp pad Ink. $1.!I5 ; Banks- paper arid Ink $2.05; The Gem Clty pendent Children expressed alarm Baldwlli La.w Pub. Co.. subscription Blue Print Sup. Co .. m aps and pho- over the WPA lay~offs but post_ TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 92" to 1939 Baldwin's ,Ohio COde 'S er- tostats, $7.21 ; Raymon Mu'tford . d d fin.! tI 55 , ",I.n~ pone e te ae on. Balance, D~mber 31l't 1938: "These layof1s" J.ames L. Kelly, Q enel'31 Fund 14.494 If vice, Sherllf. 19.80: Gem. ) Manu_ payroll, $517.60; Earl Hatfield, ser_ tacturlng Co.• 15 gal. formalde~y<le vices as .mechanlc. $64.80; , John J. Dlst,r1ct Director e,,:pI~lned," "are Slntdilg and Bbnd Retlre_ . ,'Phil'! , WnYllORvllle H R 11 ment F\md '6,227.67 'Lobanon orfl ~ P hone "7!l-K~ sP,,"Y, 15 lia,I., t:;park.O for " JaU Barr, payro!! , $105.60;' E W. Ross, merely carrying out an admlnistra_ ,59.!15; J. W. Ungo Bard~are payroU, .S416.40; Earl Basore,' pay_ tlve policy laid down lin WII;4h!ngton Sch~':US Replacement re8. ~S·~t. .Morl'ow Pltone Nc'). S COJ,l'lpaDy . sh~lIs . and brush .for 1'0 C $I50.>IO. -not state or district policies". Lunch Fund $i~~:~~ . . . ._iijJ·..IlllIIj·.·~·• • •· .jllll.; ,!=Iherll!, .: $G.05.i ',. Wm, B~ctord, ~r., : M•. Armitage, payron, $7~.>IO; Of 4,500 women Ifli~e 20 counties . J. W Lingo Har~ware Cp., supplies, of Mr. Kelly's Dstrlct No. 6, be- Total Balanee '10,950.28 ~._ ;~ "';_~I:::'=__ p9jnt.~ and' parts, '105.12; Trustees tween 2,000 and 2.500 were laid off T~ta~~buniement8 and '70,171.93 . . of PubUc Affairs. ltght bill , $7.97; February 1. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Elmer coms, suppJles and gasoline, . '!be Works PrOgtCl18 Admlnlstra_ ASSETS . '. . . I' ,7.65 ; Wilkerson Service Stailon tlon In Ohio fUled 1,100 admlniB- Cash *10.95U8 gaSOline, $3.26: · Henry Ludington, tr.a tlve positions IInd«!r clvU servlj:e ~~~~~ :-:~I~::l:nd $8.025,24 J Service StatJon,, $37.07; ratings February I, but only the Materials, (Est.> SL200.o0 C· LJ eO.. _ Ollfford Veldt. g1l.!lOl1ne, $8.00; persons who hel(f the ·jobs had a Land.~ (Cost) '2,500.00 IiI pierce Service station, gasoline, "look. In" At the Stlilte Beadquar- BuUdlngs (COst F.<It.) S11!i.000.00 $215 ; Dr. A. ·D. Harvey ortlce and ters of the WPA it: was learned· Equipment (Cost F.<It) $9.000.00 . . . house call... $4.25; Dr. ft . D. Harvey that "non-competl!Jve" examinL Total "-as 1146,537,05 Ph,-""e 7 Way~e.YWe nicidtcal $6.15. . tions were given to plresent employ_ LIABILITIES __- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~-' -.-.. Dr. 'Fr~ A. Dlla.t.llsh, x·ray, es throughqut the COlWtry prepara- Account6 Pajtable (Est.> $10.00P.00 Bond cd Debt , $5.00,' Dr. Hers'chel 1.1 'W UII"'-". ....... ·ltDlen·... 86.500.00 .... ~ tory to f----ft' "'&,ua> a l')AIu. medical '1.50; Bob Mays Service '!be announcement brought many Total IJalJIUU.. $165.00 Station, 011 and gasoline, $53.03; prote.'lts from' persons seeklng Jobs Exe_ or DetlelellC7 01 Clayton Clark, 236 locust P,08ts with the WPA . . They pointed out • "-fa '130.037.0~ $94.00; sam D. Henkle, engineer, that ·the "exarn1na~l,)n" Ilmply W~r:!1JJ~i~~~, ~~ ~~~~ labor on T. B . .Bouse; $11.60; Sam gu8ran~ the perJOanelJce or Jobs I certify the foregv1ng report to be D Henkle, engineer, usc · of eqUlp- of per!!OIls already em,ployed, .correct. ment and tar at Obildren's Home, - .. _ _ ROSs H. HARTSOCK . ' Clerk. Board cit Education Sl08.20; Trustees of Public Affairs, ~ late. report of ,t!le ,f.grlcultuta) Tax Valuation $3,07'1,680 fountain and sprinkling, ,6 montba Adjustment Adrn1nlItration revea18 Tax LeVy 7]0 etldlng Feb. I, 1939; $9.00; Feder_ t.h~Jer&est· li.mounts Jlla1d under the School Enum~rat1on . 510 al Sanitation ComPany,S gal. StL federal .PMItam ...~ P18,2a7.irr sweeping com~und, $16.34; ilaJd to the Delta ~td PJne Land 1Lebanon Ice 8& .Coal Company, 2 com noted by on theP'ebru.. pay· ", PBnY · 0 f Scot t. .,14~ .. f or· '·sugar Commission !'QUa.of tbat as' CommlMlon tons coal for Memorial 'Hall, 'It-OO; adjuat.ments during t~. yean' 1833 ary lit. The total number of emJ.. B. steele, inValid. care, $5.oo j to ·1935. In ',1934, the ~ntana Parma Newton Stamper, InvaUd cue InC., Pontana. oaufOrnta reeelwel playea 'JlOY' on record 18 1.990 and of .. '1~~75.42 for ' not ~iajnC bop" ~ number 1,460 9,J'~ In the un.. $]0.00 . . ~ Leo ,J. Smith, 1nvall~ car~, $10,,00; ~ -1913 to ,~tS5 1,.C!e WllIon .and ~p)O)'Dlent dlvlsJon. whUe ~ are I' Y'f!l'V1n Scoflfeld. In.vauci care; .7.110; Po.,' rei:e.lvecs' _ iroU2 for ·.cottOn, tbe , UDemployrpent .servlce dlvL Nichols, invaU~ care, 15.00: Ed. adJUaunen~ • . " ' . ' A bul ,~ D!lY iierore the J~, iJivaUd care, $5.00; ElI.Hoff '!be eieventb ~ ~ . for I&ture j!lDJ>OIVer1ng the' ~vernodo l e"'.-.J1d care, '7.00; WinDle Oerlt;r¥, lJ8.t;1'9Dage made ~ '. :be DiLvey a.L .reor!p:lI1~ ~.,' Oommll8lon ~~d 'ami, 1'1.110; Mrs" Be)en ~ wben ~~ state Senate "ben tbb bDl becomes .. 'law, It 18 ~ invalid caJ:!!, ..,;00;' .MIl- 'CO,IlUnued In III!IIII9n .Lefter tile Hew eaUmated tbat tbeAe 11& tn lard ~nt, 1DvaUlf' care,..J6.00: Year bella ,-n811u -t ~t " payro ay ..-.< . , • be cuteabout 1btrt¥ per cent:" M Arnold. 1n.aUd care• •.00, December 81at. baa ,resulted In a '. . AibaUJb..Qood Drur Co.. drop fur_ majOr IDcreue In: QIe number or' o~ 1dIbed relleNamJb', 12-31; ~ empIoJes IIDW on tJJ, par ftIIII of . BIJIIlItal, IIel'YIceI, .,01.. \ u~ ~UoQ mp. . . . . . . . . . •
WA\,Nr.SV IU,f.. pnONf: 32
Za'iQ Armitage
or ReU/'r Quality, Srn kc. a nti " ripe.
.. :=:::::::::=:=~~~~===~~~~~~~~ - _. -
S~I _$400.00
Meml)erl': of the State Senate and Housc Committees on Elections Total Personal have advised Secretary of Slate SerVice $33.256.78 B-BUPPLIES : Earl Griffi th that within . a short AdmlnlstraUoll OrrIce S11U I Ume h e will be requested to appear Text Books $196.55 belore th e Commi ttees and recomSchool Library . Books 546.f) () mend such ·amendments to the sla te Other Educa.tlonal $335,0' Fuel ' election and banot laws as he · may $915.66 $229.6' deem necessary at this time. The Wi th the view of cleaning up 11 J anitors present election law of Ohio was Oil- pack_log of hundreds of Industrial Other Including supplies for cafeteria 4l cted n 1929 and In response to a commission claims, Attorney Gen- Total Supplles ~~·.~i~:~; . letter recently addressed to each eral Thomas J. Berbert has announ C-MATERIALS FOR County Board of Elections asking ced the assignment of 16 members MAINTENANCE $28.17 suggestions [Ill to a mendments pro- of his staff to speed the lIt1g a~lon Buildings and Grounds Equipment and Furniture $43.90 posed to In troduce at this 1eg1sIL pending In the courts for several Total MateriaiB for $72.07 tive sessIon secretary Griffith has months. He pointed out toot dur- Maintenance received many practical and helpful ing the past month 107 cases D-EQUlPMENT REPLACE_ repUes. Nine bills seeking e.lecUon were closed and that pleadings and ~ENTS Otser $112.00 law tIl mendments have dow been re- ' briefs were fUed' In 112 cases since . . ferred to the Election Committees he took over his new duUes Jan- Total EQuipment Replacebut no action Is anticipated until uary 9. , ments SU2.OO after February 13th. the dendllne E-CONTRACT AND OPEN ORDER SERVICE set by the Legislature for the Intro_ Conservation ' Oommlssloner Wat- Repairs, School BuildIngs $77.50 ductlon of bllls. e.r s states that the Ohio fishing Repairs Motor Vehicles Used laws for 1939, season's e nd creel In Transporting Pupils $62.91 $97.65 The first month's record of the limits, wl\l remain abou~ the same Repairs Other Equipment Waler $176.50 n ew RepubUcan Sta Le Adminlstra- as last year. '!be Umlt (.n trout h88 ElectricitY $321.92 tlon reveals an unprecedented effort been reduced from 8. to 5 and 11.1 Telephone S110.71 to comply; wi h econom~' pl!!d~ ,parUnl llftJng of . the ban on bait T ransportution of Pupils-, . $7.25 made by all state otnclals In their taking in the streBmls closed la~t Contract $1213 campaign for election" During the year, whereby Individuals may now g~~~ng ' 82.08 rust month around 2,500 emplOyees take not to excE:ed 100 mln_ have been removed from state pay_ nows. cl'8~fis h. helgramltes, etc., Total Conlrad and Open In anyone day. The same reslric- Order Service F- FIXED CHARGES AND Uons now cover the whole state. CONTRmUTIONS washil1g for p,risoners dunng Jan~ Insurance $262.05 uary, .$35.08; Wm . Hufford, Jr., Caught In a bureaucratic conntct
Sand'&. Gravt!l
Est.'\bllshed JII.. !) _ HI!!!)
Fairley HRrdware Stores
eLe $2410& .04 Employes for TmnsP01:ta' tion of Ohildrcn $6.516.74 All· otherand Auxil iary Agcllcy $103.5(1 Salal'lel> Wages Janitors, Engineers and Olhel' Employes $191 0.5
Il _~A=c-UCTI~~EE_~.==--::=-=-
PUBLIC SAbE. . TTa.y l ng d ',i u () . to.-q.uit l!'al' ming-! - wiH- offer ttt' pubhc a u ctIo n , 1\ 1-2 eR eal:! of Wayn e~\1ille an d 3 miles s outhW 'fit of New ·Rudjngton. on Wayn 6 v ill e n nd N e w " Burlingto n pi k (l, at 10;30 pr'om p L
SATURDA Y, FEBRUARY 25 FIVE HEAD OF HORSES .. Black g Id ing 12 yrs . old , wL. 1600, s ound anel good worker; So rre l ge ldin g, I) . I's . old, wt. 11\r,O s ound and _ good work r; SOiT I fi ll y :3 y "s. old b r oke to wOl'k ; Sorrel g~]d in g 2 yr-s. old, b e n hitc h d R. f ew time~ ; ge nera l purpose so rre l mnl'C, s mooth mouLh . . 5 HEAD OF' COWS J ersey cow, 5 Yl'H. old to t'1'efl h en in Hpl'ing; g ivini good flow\ o~ milk . J ' I'sey h (~ ifcl', c;lI:ryihg 2 nd calf, freshen Aprd 1; J CI'Rey cow 9 yrH. o ld , frel-lhen middle of APl'i1; P?le DurhHm cow, 5 yra old, g iv in g good f low of m I Ik. ' br:..l e u; I~ 0 I e () Ill' h am hel'f cr, com in g tht'ee yra. old, treshen in .Jun e . .
55 HEAD OF HOGS 7 s ows with 48 pigF! by Ride, month o ld. FARM IMPLEMENTSWagon with flat top, iron w.heel wagon with bed 8 hoe disc wheat drill, revblving hay r .a ke, olJle horse wh~at drill, double disc, it'on lever h a l'row, 2-3 horse Oliver rid' . IDg P Io~vS, 2 Stal'~ 3 wa Iking breaking plows, 2 Barsh$re fUlTOW1ng out plows, 2 doubl e Hhov~ J plows. fiVe ahovel plow, riding cultivator, G ian t Deej-ing, mower in 'godd shape, 1-28 ih. buzz s aw outfit with .jack; SE!t of.good fence ·stretc.h ers, 1000 lb. platform s cales, a set of gO'o.d 1' bu"~her' 01 t an k1-1, 4 U'vh ' A k e ttl"eR, extra 1, "" ,mg t OS sea 1.'u tng large Jard. Pl'~8S, sau sage g rfn deJ', gJind sione, b l'o()der stov:e and lot of cans , pitcllfol'k s , s hoveJ$ chains double tre.e s, (lingle tree$, ~tc. ' " .. ,; ,
.." .. '3 aides of ham e~, 3 a ides 'c hain' harness. bridles, 'linea, ' co llars • .haltei;s etc" ' '.' " ' ' . 3 t on of ~Ifalfa hay, 300· bu ndles of .Fo~der, PoultrY;1 6Q hea cf of mix e.d ~hi ck~nti. , . . . ~ • ' . .' . ' . ~lce box, sa.fe./ 3 ta~les, . ~ wa~ll stands, 2 ·'b ... ~ua, cupboa.rd and several other articles. . $TANJ.:EY &: K~L_~. A,uc:(:;.- .
C. k atterlbw••te, Clerk. ,
B en"" S a tt'e.-anW ....L ~
. .
Ferry Corner B~
Elclrlq., Jr.
~==;:;:=;::;:::~==~===:::;;'==~=========:,==:,:===::!J Gone to the happy -hunting grounds is another well ~own Miami Valley sportsman and con_ servattorust, Mac McGee of Day_ , ' Fleld an d Stream ed!'""ftr of the ton D~ton 'Journal, pL~ on after an ~"'s Mac serIlli less 0 f on1y a few d... " • ved his newspaper ' apprenticeship under 'Dolph Long and has for years ~Itten , the 'O~tdoor column in ' the Journal. He ,was one of the Val1«V's beSt kno"", hu'n't.ers ankl ftshermen_s well ,as an acUve eonservatlolst In chare ot the and guns dept: of Kramer .tftckle .,..
with MerrUl Coo\, unless pou're hardened t~ it? , The -"fur bearing Colorado trout" story that almost got Us laughed out of .Middletown Fish and Oame Club's last meeting has reappeared with a picture of 'em ' in last Sunday's DaYton Daily News. That 9,000 mature pheasants. mostly roosters, will be distributed t.h1$ spring by the 0 l}10 Conservation Dept. Toot Warren' CountY will get how many of em ?
Hardware CO., in DaY ton, he w1l1 be sincerely, missed by many readers a nd friends. A movement Is now , under ",ay to donate proceeds from ' tl)e big ,sportsmen's show, beIng l1~ld for Dayton next month, to his famJ1v and to name It the ''Mac .,. M'Oee Memorial Sportsmen's Show" Det,alls .of the 'Show wUl be comple. i«i in the near future. App ro-<-ately 75 members and friends ' AU" attended last Thursday nigh ' meeting of · the Warren ;"'ftuntY ,"""h' an. d GAme Assn, at 'AI "''''., The Memo"'lal • Hall in Lebanon. , was unexpectedly adjourn_ meeting
Lawrence ThomBli lIufferCd a &evere h emorrhage Monday 'aftemoon and i~ confined to hts bed, ' Litt'e "Naomi Jane Burl.On is much better this week. H r mOllth Is n ear· ly healed . . Mr. and Mrs, Ramo Riggs lind daugh ter en tertained in honor -of Mrs Riggs' mother's . birthday, Sun_ day. Those present to enjoy the tine dinner were Mr. and. Mrs. Forrest Martin of c en terV1lle, MrS. J en. rile Mullen, Mr. J esse Mills, Mr, Perry ThoIl18S BJld the guest of . honor, Mrs. Perry Thomas. Mr. and Mrs Wilford Squires and daughter called on the Tom Bur_ ton'l Sunday evening. , Wilma Thomas, and Paul Hough spent Sunday evening with the latter's mother, Mrs. Bernice Hough. Mr, and Mrs, ErvIn Thomas were guests at a six o'clock dinner Sun. day evening, given at the home of Mr and Mrs, Earl Frye at Sprlng_ boro. ~
er~:~ ~:~:er~~Ph~r:n~I:::SRO~r
NEWLY Remodeled .. "WAYNESVILLE, OHIO With A New. Complete Meat Dep't. Special Prices Galore--Shop & Save
WHILE THEY LAST··Free Balloons For'The Children
News Of Re dS
readying for his seventh major lea· gue season- Buck Walters batted .376 as a third baseman in the scarlet fever. This ,b rngs the total Hundreds of thousnnds of boys of cases up to 22, it Is said. Pacific Coast League In 1939, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley a nd Mrs. Perry Thomas of Bellbrook Discussions (It,out tb~ 1~39 pnssi , batled in 92 runs in 91 games-DICk and young men read THE ' AMl!!R· Pike was taken III Monday. Rev. blllties of t.h 1 rlnclnnatl Hl' us 1,S_ West. ,promising Redleg rookie, hi t ICAN BOY Magazine every month daught,er 01 WaynesvUle were The junior high t~am sought and ually contain ~'olnted comments . 22 homers In 43 games for Dover In and consider It more as n living Thursday evening auests of Mrs, SmJth ca lled on her In the after_ 1 ed h th I d bo t th Infl ld It I l ' •. .. noon. but she' was too slok to talk ga n revenge w en ey p aye a u e e S Ullt I)n. "10 8. the Eastern Shore League .last yenr. companion than as 0. maga.zine. I\{arg.aret Johns and Paul Johns, the HllI'veysburg team Frlc\.ay night condition that wUI nOr b e remedied and compiled a batting average of "n's as lIl~oh a buddy to me as Harvey Burnet s~_nt sever,a1 days toRev. him mllch. R Cd s' j nner ,434. my neighborhood chum" writes one and Mrs. Carl SmJth and an d beat th em 20-L3. The game was I.ntil the se' t up Qf i : 1e last week In Columbus on bustqess. exciting throughout and only In the defeme is accept,'thlt! to the cl'lllcs, high school /ienlar. "THE AMER_ Mr . an d Mrs. Th er1e J ones an d MlsIi Shirley Mardis visited the last quarter did they come ahead and this wont happen until defifnlte ICAN BOY seems to understand a son were Saturday evening' guests of Bible Seminary In Cincinnati Tuea. to win. However ".... "e varsl'" •• proven I11 ,. I I T.A ...., .dldn't war th '" .~at ana ~Igue boy's problems and considers them Mr: and Mrs. William Rogers and day. perform so well and went down to competltJon. In such a sympathetic and helprul f il Meeting of the church trustees am y a 35 to 6 defeat. Whlle · all the shouting (,('fS on way. It gives advice and en terta.ln_ Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and was held at the Ferry parsonage Th e tellms wi II pay I their I ast abou~• him, Bill McKechnIe. who _____________- J ing rending on every ~i1,lbJect In daughter had for their dinner )\fonday everung. ga'me of the regular season Friday t h R ds c_ I T which a young fellow Is Interested, ~ when!1rt! broke out In Game I.s W dn sd nin Mr d Harvey Hole and Lester Kenrick manages e e .", tour Il g the S • MARY'S EPJSCOPAL It Is particular~y helprUI In sports, . an are building an addition to the n.1ght with OLterbcin. Florida countryside with his f;]mlly CHURCII / • Protector Cnff Hines' home. gues e e ay eve . g, Various , items of business wel'e Mrs. Harry Graham and Mrs. Su- Kenrick barn, The lineups for I;he Harveysburg saying very little , but thinking . Rev. Jt. L. lIackwell, I\linlsler I made our sohool basketball team '.ouued, tnoiudlng plans for an In.. san Baylor in honor of th~ birthday games were as Iolll)ws: . plenty about the problems h e and Quinquageslma Sunday b caUSe of playing Ups I read In d .., .,.. f th f A gOOd crowd attended the Beree ormer. Waynesville Junior high his, team wlll t,o fllee durin g 10 a, m, Church SChool. THE AMERICAN BOY tenslve ·m.embershlp campaign. after a .l A ' ht an class meeting ,a t Ferry Thursday Mrs. Kad e R eed er an d .... ug er which 'DOlph Long from Dayton G F P the season to come. His "'OPU!IOllS 11 a. m. Morning Pniycr und ser_ MallY famous -a thletes In all , Miss Ruth and Mr. and Mrs. Wal· despite the bad weather. Mr, How· Planck 3 0 6 f b 11 1 dlff 01 ~ SI,ort..s credit much of their success ~ave a splendld talk on the n~es K Ik t d d t"'~ I f ard Woods had charge of the fine a a payers . er vas ... y . ~om mono c at en e ....., sa e 0 Daley 3 0 6 those of some critics, f,avorable and TUESDAY to helpful suggcsUons received , sl.ty of spo'r tsmen's and conservatlon ter enr --ft' K nrt k t Cen t ervIII e program which Was given. anlzlng into Mrs. B.,.,....e e c a McKeever 3 0 6 unfavorable, of his team, He goes 2 p •. m, Nursery churoh school. Irom sporls artloles carr! d In THE clubs of all kinds o.... '& t .... afte Mr, and Mrs, Charles Baker and ·""tlonal unl~d then In- Sa uruuy moon. Purks 0 2 under the theory that n mana~er WEDNESDAY AMERICAN BOY Magazine, VhJ ustro.... .... _.. Mr d .... Ra d """.- d son called on the Jim W1c4l's F r1,. to a truly representative sta.te wide . an ...... 8. ymon __v", an day evening. ' Florence 0 0 0 never knows a ball player until he Ash , Wednesday, Ule first day of ally every Is.,ue offers advice from a 2,0 lives with him, and he's willing to Lent, . • famUy of Cincinnati were Sunday f{\mou~ coaoh or playe.r, Football. group. din ts t Mr d '..- C I I The Fred Conklin's spent Sunday ..Ing the talk Mr. Snyder, of ner gues 0 an ........a v ~ Harveysburg junlol' high risk judgment in the cases of men 7:30 p. m. Eventng Prayer nnd basketball. track, tennh, In fllct Pollo... T .Aft~ d child with Mr, and Mrs, Pete Wlcal and . .... e ""t&ndard 011 Co., showed talk·l ....... oe aere an reno . G F P WiUl Whose ability, 'habits nnd tem ~ addressevery major sport Is covored In fic"t. 1:1 .... d Mr Fred R sh d in the evening they called on Jim .... an s. . u an Hletman 2 2 6 perament he Is more closely /1.550_ FRIDAY tion a nd tact arUcles. In ..a plo' tures of OhJo's outdoor!!, in.. hUdr S d t th e Wloal anli family. cluding state fish hatcherIes, game c en were un ay guests 0 Ross 0 0 0 elated than anybody else. 4 p, m. ;Junior hlgh boYs Teach ers, librarians, parents o.n!1 fanna etc. A lunch and smoker lattel'8 parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. A meeting ot the ,Sugar Creek Tietmeyer 0 1 1 It Is not necessary for BUt 't o put 7:;i0 Girls Friendly Group,~ leaders or boys clubs also · recom· • f If wect Barger of Washington, O. H. Chr18tlan ohuroh board waS. held. at Bell 0 I 1 \ out information. He Jets. others do mend THE AMERICAN BOY' en_ o~e ~tion is happy to an.. Mrs. Elizabeth , Smith of Day tori ,perry Outherie's in Beavertown Campbell 0 0 0 tilat. He beHeves It Is necessary, WAYNESVILLE M. E. CllURcn thusiastically. TheY have found . Bunce 2 1 6 however. to absorb illS much news Sunday Februa.ry 19.--1939 nounee that twenty-six new mem- was a Sl}Ilday caller ~t the borne of Thursday evet; til a t Ii a general rule re Jar I'ead_ bers taken In at the meetlng Mrs, Margaret Johns. A BrotherhOOd supper was given 13j about pla~e~5 with whom he is not 9 :30 Sunday SChOOl R. D, Collett, ers of THE AMERICAN ' Bby ad-and U AU Drake don't pull any Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick at the COlored Church of Christ in very tamUlar as J)O€8iblfl , One o[ Supt. • vance more rapl<\ly and develop more ot those stories about his dOS on Dr. ~ndMrs. J . W. , Ward near Xenia. Wednesday evening. Rev. Waynesville Varsil:Y hts chief S9urces of Information is 10:40 Morning Worshlp-Subject mQre worthwh.lle characteristics ,that wolll,d track a cock pheasant Harveysburg sun~y evening and Smith , was guest speak!ll'.. Mr~. G 'F P the club's scoutlng department; of "What Is Worsblp'~ _ than do boys wh.o do no read It.. '~Utferent ~ a ben-It' is )1~ found Mrs Ward much lmproved1 Joe FlIer, *s T. B. Brannock IItnd Collett 2 0 • which Mr. Rhoderlck ,J. WaUace Is 6;00 'Epworth League. Trained wrIters and artlsts~ fam,we ~m have atlll more Ilew memo Mrs. Allen EmJ'iCk spent Prlday MnI. M. M Holto~ aoeompanled tbe, Spitler 1 0 2 t he head. 7:311 'Evening Bervlce-8ubject oIlS coacbes and athletes, explorers, be~ next mopth. It is the best way afternoon with Mrs, Martba Hough Smith's Peters :0 0 0 Wallace, who played 26 years in "God Make Us Better Men." scientists and men succes.'>ful In aJl~ · 1)unter. fil!berman or , land ' Waynesvl11e. Oerhard helped JJeSter Ken Olary 0 0 0 major league competitloJl, more WEDNESDAY' I , ' business and Indui;try JOin with an own.... 'can helP in CODSe"ation a rick butcher last Tuesda.y: Rutherford 0 0 0 t;han ~ other 'man In htstory ex7:00 Boy Scouts experIenced staff to produce In THE' u"";"'tive mUlt m~·IMg 11 h o C· 0 cept Edd Ie Comos, is 0. conservative ' work- , irere Iii Warren cpunt.v. ' ..... ""'..... at TrOy Frl- Rev. lmd Mrs, SmJth and famlly Meo '1:30 Ash Wednesday, Commuruo _~CAN BOY, ~~ so~t read· eve 6 tl f"~ , . . da'" Many ~ bWs ' .ot interest t o " spent Fr1day everung with, Mr and gen ema.n 0 a""ut 65, who hesl· Services Ing matter boys like best, . sportsman and land owner have Mrs. Vernon Forsythe and daugb· Mrs. Lawrence Jones, Harveysburg VarsIty lates to step ott 011 a 11mb In l11s THE AMERICAN BOY set Is on 8:30 Choir Practice. IntrOduced in the Ohio Legls_ terJ In company with her aunt, Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. James Wlcal and 0 r ' P esUmati!Jn at the 'possIbllIties of most n ewsstands at 15e a ~ture recently. Borne of t:he more NeJUe Rosell ot near , M1amJsburg, family were guests of l.he George Carr ' R 0 6 players he scouts. It was he who HARVEYSBURG M. E. CHURCI. Subscrlptlon prlcl!s ~e spent ThU1'8d.9Y with Mr. and Mrs. Burgeon's at Lebanon Sunday Hartley ;; 2 12 recommended Harry Cratt for a George a, Weaver Minister . impGrb!lnt are as foUow~ l ' one year ot' Sll·UO for t hree' B: No, '1(1-i.prOvlded for ellJ,nl- John Folk at WaynesVille. Downey , 8 3 15 trial in ClaSs A t wo years ago after 10 a . m. Sunday ~ChOOI H. S. MII- Foreign rates pOc a year extra. To ."le of wild ra bIts in ' · d' Dr. ~d Mrs. John Paul Bolton Starr . 1 1 tlult outfielder batted. less than .300 ligan' Supt. of the '"(' nation . subscribe simply sencl your name. . , Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Oray an . and daughter spent Sunday' at home 0 0 1 1 in '0laSs C the 'year before. It , was , 7:30 p., m, P.atriotlc ac1dress, o hio (This Is a ,move all bunter. chIldren were Sunday ~ner gueSu Afternoon .guests of the Rolla Bol- Robinson 'il ddre~ ~Ild remlttl\~ direct to ll~y'e' 'lo~g tought lor It is to ~ ' of Mr. and Mrs. . Alber~, Stacy in ton's were Mrs. Wm. Rambo, Mr. 35 he who, a year ago, told McKechnie "George WashIngton The Amer- TIlE .AMERICAN B9\J 430 Second .":A .... k ') , ' n.,,, ' that Frank McCormick f Blvd .. DetrOit;, Mlehlgfn, ,on., tlUo wee . ~..... ton. ' and Mrs, John Rambo 41nd Mr, and ' I was ready lean." vo""'" j 'N 16~ 'T' t· "'uall off ' to g 'o Into the big show. And, it was B .\ t A number of members 01 Lytle Mrs, MeMara all of Dayton; Mrs, H. : O. .,-- 0 a ..e 't ~... songblid list 0-'" In cont"olle<! he who recommended the purChase THOUqHT o,E KNEW \/Ue _ . ........, chUrch attended meeting at the Red RaymQnd Hatfield of Lebanon. Ice Brome grass as Ia. mixtUre In alTeacher-now, boys, if Napoleon I"~ &booting ~rea~ u1'\der supet'Vil{on of LIon church Sunday evening. cream and cake was served to till) -,- 01WW~lard, Herst:..~~er·f th Icia, especiaUy' tor pasture, Is r~· were stili alive today What do you the Conservation Dept~. and at the MISses Norma Grassl Lnlta Sny_ assembled. guests. W " N Sidenstrlclter has opened a ace s ap.,........J, 0 esc men 1 d m ers wishing , .. , . ' was seconded by McKechnie, after ommended for more exteildl!d use think he wouUi be doing? request of th e ~n 9~ ' der ~ nd Fay Mason 01 PIqua were ...._ W Ra bo bls sugar camp and has made OYer U all H", propaptlon and re~ ' ... ". m. m, Mr, and Mrs. Bill ' had an opportunity to Judge in Ohio by R D. Lewis. extension Smart- Alec- Drawing the old_aie qua .oo.~g, Sunday nests of Mr. and Mrs; Wal- John Rambo and Mr and Mrs. Mc. 50 gallons or Maple syrup so far. tor hJmself. agronomlllt-, Ohto State Unlverstty. P!lnsion. sir.-CalgaI1 Herald. stoctpn~, (This 1R the commonly ter Kenrick. 'Mara all of Dayto,n,' Mr. Raym ' ond Bellbrook high l;ch.ool lost a very mown "SWellney Quail Bill") , , . ,Now the scout ' comes through , . , Mrs. Einma Lacy and Robert Lacy HatfIeld or Lebanon. Ice cr~m close game of 'Wlket ball to , ROss With what he hopes wil1'be hla 'next ,, H, B.. ~o. ~34 provides ~n IdentJfy bad for thelJ' Mnner gues'ts " Ca~e was servec! 'to the assemb_, I1lgh sMool .last night. Bellbrook , lng, license' tag .number at l~t one , Mr. and Mis. Loren Pf,!rry aDd led guestS. will play ' Jamesto,wn' -FrIday 'nlght. :~~ce;:r~ea!:..~~:tiri:~ :i.e=.~ .,' , by , all of Buchanan, Mich. , 'Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bam MeredIth an'd Weller K. ana James Mil· Sorensen, who WB.s 'consllierable of a , , Inch high be erin~, ' , .' Mrs Earl Young ~nd Ernest Lacy ~al!l{hter spent Sunday aft.crn'oon ler 8re operating · th~ , Irvin sugar bero at WaterlOO, Iowa, last year. ' : ,H . B, No: 2~WoU1d make It lL I and daughter of Dayton ' camp this eaShn. • , . . with the Harry Corhell's. . < Sorensen led h1s team's hitters with legal to' carry 3 loaded rifle or IlhOl;.. \ n In any vehicle on ' a pubJiC bigh Mr., Rnd Mrs. Therle Jones and Mr. and Mrs. JesSe Hess' spent Miss Ida Weller Is reported much a .326 average, led second basegu" Miltcn entertained at 6 o'clock din- Sunday, with the Walter Hesses In better and has re~med to ' ber men in the Three·eye League in ~~ . I . , I tin .100 , ner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin xenia. home, f eldlng averages, stole 2. bases and . H. B. N, 229-Appropr a g . Nutt and Mr, and Mrs. Herman Tuesday evening dinner guests of MI':>, HnLLle Thclrne Is working at was selected as the most valuable 000 for 11 dam In summl~ County. Nutt of near 'Centerville. la In 11" '(Thls was I,ptroduced by Mr. Kasch ' Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Bolton ",as Dr. i tbe Bell [, iephone exchange. ' p yer' the c cUlt. wlto holds the long distance recoi:d ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry SaYlo~ B. 0 Skinner at Marionville The whooping. <:ough . is very pre_ Wallace is high ' on Sorensen. 'He' " Jor 'nwnber of billS Introduced-ilnd daughter .a nd Riley Saylor of Day~ T~ P. J. Thomases, the Tom valent among ; the' younger students wal! ' hlgh .~ . spring, and expree~ tH~ •short distance (record for ones ton, were Monday evening dinner Forctyee's and Vernon Fordyce made ,S t school. sed himself 80 at ' the tlme tbe 'Beds ss'ed . ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam a trip to BrookvUle Sunday and Mr La '8 1 d 19 WtJn ,were 'dIckering With.. th~ Giants for' pi!, , C I hto s. , ura ow an V , g" Wally Berger. That deal ' mea:nt \ H. B, ,No, 34{ WoUld provide for ra g n. called on Mr. and ' Mrs. WillIam her daughter Mrs. P,•. L. Guncitel of ' gMng up Ales Ram .. .:.~ ' d . " oil " ,I Mrs Alice Miller entertained Hedges at "'rotw~ 'e nroute. Dayton ..' ', ,, '' " po...... an ., ~ creawon of pheasant ". propaga.,.on ' .l VV'""" " this was mentioned to .Wallace, be areas. Ucenseii by, the s~te, where guests trom ~yton at a family dinMrs. Jennie Mullen. Mrs. Lena remarked, "We've '" a better second shooting would be permitted . from ner Saturday evening, in "hon.o r of RIggs and daughter, Pauline and baseman than kamoouris at Water. ' October· 1 to January 31: (ThIs 1'ill h er moth er, Mrs All ce Trl ck el'S Mrs. Grace Furnas were birthday 100 .rlgbt now:" . " would merely establish private 78th birthday. . dlnnex: guests of Mrs. Alice Clark In " "The foregoing 1.8 a mee,ns of lead· wcaithY shooting clubs). Mrs, Emmett Snyder and Rev.' Dayton Wednesday. . . AnOther bUl introduced woUld au.. Silyder were Thursday dinner and 'n!e Lawrence Thomases attended Ing , up to the expectation by- the thorize 'game proteCtors to search supper gueSts of , Mrs, Kovermen the dedication services at the Way. scoUt thab · Sorense~ Will 'be the .,., motor cars and cloUlingof persons and Mr. an.d Mr.S. Clarence Smith. n6vllle gym Sunday aftern90n, 'R~' 1939 second sacker. ' Let'& look ~ ,IUtle dee'Per Into th!! , suspecter,l of game and fish ,l a! yI- On, FrldllY they were entettalnecl at 'past of the newly found lJifleld dark , .olatiOlis ' without 'obta1nlng ' a war- tne ,homes of Mr . .and Mrs. Therle IN MEMORY . 'rant (Practically the Saine 1\01 "road ,Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur __ horse. 'He:s hB4. four years, of pro.. Fql11ks. In loving memory of my dear " . '''', ", fesslo~l e~l'1encie: He star,ted • ' eh~ks"L ; . " QO- y~U KNOWT ' " , The: meetings at' Lytl e tlhurCh mother, Beeste Burgess Who .passed FOR REN'J7 7"' Six j room house with ¥~. Atty' ln the BI-State pLea,. '>'The 'Conservation CouncU baa ap- last week closed on Friday eyenlng away, February' 18, 1920. lIghts·. and -~ater.•. ·North Main at. ~e Iii 1~5; mf?ved, to Macon' In the propfb.ted &1400 for 200 sharp tailed with seven accessIons to the ,church. WE SHALL MEET See Martha <t~k , 2 16 '2 tP' South , At1an~ 'Lessue ' ln 1936, to gro~nd ~,OOO f~r 1330. pairs ot Rev, Hilda Snyder ~lll hold ·meet_ We sh311 meet bllt we shall ' miss h er ., • DurhalJl In' 1937, and to Wate 100 in' ~I)' partridge? , " ulgs at the Red Lion charg~ this 'llhere wUl .be one yacant Ohair, FOR SALE-General l?urpo5e 1938. · 'He's ' 5 'f~ :10 ~nchl!8" - t~u, "' Batn .'l!i'lxner ot, Frankllit is week. The meetblss' here were welJ ~e shall linger to 'CareSs liet. mare, ~oun~~ " ~Ina PattersOn , 4 ~~::S~I5&, pound~,. bat,S and t~~ r a,lreiily .stoek!ng up for spring ,flBh· attende.d eac;h eveninl'. ' " .' While We breathe :our evening miles west otHa:rveysbtirg on. JIarg I nd comea. from Ban P1'ancisI .N~ , . ." . pray,er.i , ' . , ' ,' v~ysburg~L ~J11 road. ' 2tj1 co. , , . When years ago we ' pthered' And ( Wbl' 'd~ Mr. W'lla,:e lt~e Jor was In her mUd blue ~YeJi, FOR S...r.&-All1 vmatles of hgih. him IO? ';secaUlle ~e's ~lU't. ,lie But golden chord Is !ievered" est y,leldJng CI!J'1~1ted ~brid Seed , plc1ca up thins. blmselt aDd CloeID'L and -hopes In ruin dJes. . corn-19aOncriG14; W. 1'1 ; 0. S. have to ~ _tOld e tbU onoe We shall meet but We 8ha1\ miss her lIS: U. S. 52; ' U. 8. ". Order nQW when11e Dttkea tnllAd!II . _SI01il'1 There wID be one vacant- cba~ i;lorore the rtI8b. . Twel~ Of .~ l' pItchen .OII the We 8ba1l Unger to caress he.r, Levi H: Lukens. RarveYllbUJ'!l Oblo oinclJUiatt I.'OItJr .... ~ feet tal As We lIreathe Our evening- prayer. ' .., bellht. or talJer,-A1thol11h :be Sa lin- Dan WUllams' onl1 21 Jean Of .... ~ I'leJ' Sa
I Churches
, H:
fl~h~ Idr~
h ' en"..
' ' ,' -ty ..p.___r.....llO~JI......-.Ja&II~+..A!.~T....!:.'~RI~EN~D.!:LS·~CH~U"7.RC....,II~_ CommUDI . fAIRLEY H'RDWARE Pres~nteCi At ,Gym SlOnE CH ,SEN MODEL AU. nAY MEET~NG
J . C, Hawke. n ewly appointed de puty of motor vehicles announces that the 1939 auto tags ,wlll go ,on
S~ash"4ID ,,Coant1 .'
Tho committee in charge of the FAMILY DINNER milk fund planned B program which AT RAMBY nOM& was succeSsfully 'carrled out at thil Mr. 'and Mrs. Homer Ramby en. (O'mnaslum last Thursday night, · The Jlrst part of the ev.enlng was l.el'laln~d with a .family dinner on ·takim up by ' a program to which Sl!nday honoring the birth annlver· , the churches of the 'communlty had sary of t heir raughter. Mrs. Clar_ each contributed at least one num.. ence Simpson. ~' , The opening number WIlS se_ Gathered round the table were / leetlons by the S, S. orchestra of the guest of honor And her daugh· the Friends' meeting. ThIs splendid ter , Donna Mae; Mr. oand Mrs, Edgroup Is made up of tile. following win Ramby and dau ghter Linda Lee young people; Monlmla, /ltln Louise Mrs. Heflb Yunkes. Naomi Rnmby Euln., Seth and Benton !loak. Mary and the host and hostess, Mr. and Caroline Lukens and ' Genevieve Mrs. ;Homer Schmidt and Mr. and Hadley. Other numbers Bnd th ~ h' Mrs. Smnlcy Clark and son of Day_ spol18ors were as follows . St. Mary's !.On and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Was· Episcopal church, solo by Mrs. MIlY_ son Ilnd Mr. and Mrs. E, Ramby nl!<rd Weltz and a quartet compris_ of Germantown were callers at the Ing Mrs. Maynard Weltz. Mrs.. Ethan Ramby home. In the Aft~rnoon. C. qrane. Mrs. 'Don Hawke nnd Mrs, ~. D. Bolin; Mt. Holly M. E. churcb. Solos by Edward Marlatt, accom· panled by Mrs. Ernest Earnhal't; Green Briar Church. dUets by Asa Lamb ·and Mrs. Conrad Perky with guitar accompaniment by Ray Car_ rier; Waynesville MethOdist. read. Ing ' by Mrs. Rll,Jph Hast1ngs; Ferry Plans for the annual achievement Church of Christ, duct by Verna Mae and Everett Hunter accompan· day program to, be held at the Town led by Vera Hibbard at the plano. Hall, Tuesday. March 21st. are prac Lytle Ohurch, a short playlet "When Ucally complete according to E:lza. Grief meel;8 Grief" portraYed by beth Graddy. home demol18tration Mrs. Stanley BaUey, Mrs. J. B. agent. Mrs. Paul Sbaffer. who Is cbalr_ ~ JODes and Mrs. Susan Saylor. . • Pollowing the~ numbers ' short man of the county home eX\,el18lon talks were ' given by R. P. Hatfield, council will serve as c;halrman of , l aulstant county su)Jerlritendent and the day's program and has chosen the following commIttees to serve _ Mrs. Raymond. Braddock. Two reels were run olf on the ror ' the day. Program Committe_Mrs. V. H, school movie ' 'Pl'oJeotor. Although Whipple. Lebanon:- Mrs. Chas Allen, , these had been procurpd prin,larlly for ' the chUdren, everyone thorough Springboro; Mrs. George Deardoff, Franklin; Mrs. Mac Grapevine, ly enjoyed them. 'A song fest led by R , D. Oollett Morrow; Mrs. Harold Sharp. Ph!as_ · wJth Russell ank at the plano and Plain; Mrs. Am~ Bailey. Lytle. Hostess Committee - Mrs. Rll,lph a 'ha'PPY cl1mU to the evening. Money r eceived. from door receipts Bhem. Mason; Mrs .. Rnlph He,stings wl1l be used In furnishing mUk'J or Waynesville; Mrs. BeSSIe Haney. Ulldemour18hed children. MUch cre_ Morrow; Mrs. Hoadley Cordes. "'18 due Yn .. Raymond ·B1:~dOCIt Pleasant pram; Mrs. Karl - oow·an. o waa Jl!at1&ator of the milk pIan Lebanon; Mrs, Lelia Swank. Maln_ . .. nd throUgh wh~ efforts money vIDe· . , Reports Committee-Mrs. Haro:d • baa been raJaed. Mis. Braddock Oregonia; Mrs. Grace •and, ~ VirJ1nla Hardin Wele In BecketLj '( cjlatg~ of th,e evenlng's, entertain· Swnrtzel. Waynesville; Mrs. Wm. Mill r. Lebanon; Mrs. Wm. Hack. ment. .man, ,Morrow; Mrs. Forest Hough; Ridgeville; Mrs. Lennie Whitacre. ROllchester,
An all day quarterly me ~tlng of Frlellds was held nt the White Brick ChUrc!l . Sunday. After the morning meetJng B basket dinner was enjoyed At noon. Albert MAr_ tin. who recently returned to the United SlateS after having spent 3 Years In Germany. gave a vivid description of the Jewish situation there and spoke of the dUficulty of locating Jewish refugees In our country. H~ stressed the Import. ance of· our duty as ChrlstJans In helpln the ChrlstIar. Jewish refu. g gees. Among the out of town Friends present were. OJroline Norman ' of Antioch Colloge. Other Friends Were present from Selma and Ye"w Springs.
Ring Is ' . -~-
, sale March 1st at R. D. Collett·s .. """lJA'L MEETING OF Sheriff William Hufford. Monday The Ohio Ha! ware Association nnn Hardwllre store. The office will be LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS announCed the wnashlng of a hi. which met last vi: ek a t Its 45th an.. open from 8 11.: m. to 5 p. ·m . The jG cking ring that hag cost t~ucking deputies are advised to urge motor chosen the ' st ' of tile Fairley vehicle owners to seoure Uccn<e' Included among tho~.e from here compani s thousanc1s of dollars In gooqs while traveling over Warren. ,. . , plates early to avoid the posslb1llty who aue nded the Live Stock Pl'odu Hardware Stores,1at Wilmington, as of stsndlng 'In line at !;he Inst mln_ cers annual meeUng which was held BULler Rnd Clinton county highways the mod(ll hardw e oC Ohio Ilnd for durIng the last year. u~e rush. at lhe N\llhcrlll nd Plaza. Olncinnati . ,the first time ~ placed ,!pon ex_ Eight men, rangIng In ages trom Thursday . were, .a nd Mrs. Rho. 17 to 38. were bound OVer to the hlblt at the har~ir,tare convention In tho Oolumbus J> ditorlum. a large des Bunnell. Mr. and Mrs. 'Kella) May grand jury Monday by Squire glass framed eIlli\lI!l displaying some Hoak. Earnest. Butterworth. M. A Wade S, Brown on charges ' of 25 enlarged plctu;res, showing many Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. Ell Furnas. grand larceny and their bonds &at oC the various SEtCtlol18 and departMr. and Mrs, Lllwrence Furna ~. Mr nt $7fiO each. Two more men are ments of this:' National Model nnd Mrs. RJarry Satterthwaite nnl und er arrest and formal chJrges Bre Store. which hllB been adjudged Roscoe Furnas. A delicious dlnnel xPecled to be placed. throughout the United States as the was serVed at noon In the PavIlIQI. In addition. Sh eriff HuffOrd sta· ultimate In custClmer convenience, A publIc discussion on some of the CapriCe· Th ' I,lft~rl 001\ was given ~ed that "several thousand dollars' store lfolyout and merchandising dis. most Imporoont moral problems worth of goods" had been recovered over to l .. lks and dIJcu ~:;loll. • •• •• • •• • ••• play. . challenging all thinking men will be durin g tll a l'llst week. Arrests were EXterior and Interior views were held on the Thursdays of Lent at made qul eUy and tile round_up was shown to 1llustra,te elsa the perfect St. Augustlne's Catholic Church. ~ I _'N"" ' ''''~ .e::.4~, __ ....... ,- .............-..... vIrtually complclpd before the re_ Ughting accomp hed. eliminating Waynesville, Toe first of the OP en POlt was re lea.~ ed . --- . -.-.--~ all shadow tbro , ghout tbe entire forurll8 will take place Thursday Held' to the grand ' jury are; Mr. a~d Mrs. Russell Salisbury store, both on thl' main floor and In evening. March 2 at 8 o'clock on .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ .. Charles Hall. 23, an<l Rllymond and children enjoY,ed Sunday dinner the modern blUltment where com_ "Birth Control and the Na tion". Hall. 18. Hamilton; Nolan POwell. plete linoleum ,departments model Topics of dlscusslon for the suc· with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell. Mr I8 nd Mrs. Earl Oonner have 23, Dennis Wells. 20; Herchl\ll Ad_ bath rooms. mO<l!el kltchcl18. major ceedlng Thursday eVening durfng moved Into their property on 3rd. Idoson. 38; Rainond Roberson, 22, Mrs. M. D. Bnlrd has been can.. electrical appllBJlces, washing ma_ Lent are as follows: street. and Harold Roberson, 17. or Ore_ flned to her home becauS,e of illness ohlnes etc. and tl~ many varIed and "Divorce and the Home" March the past few Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gons and gonia. and Victor Wahes. 24, Wray_ .,mplete lines cif hardware farm 9; nesvllle. "Bad Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cook were Reading - CorruPter of Mr. nnd Mrs, J , P. Larrick were and household needs are displayed AlsO under arrest John Hop. Dllyton visltors, Saturday • Sunda.y..guests of MI';-aIld-Mrs Estol In what has beer ' universally r, cog· youth ... · March 16; kln:;. 35. slore proprietor at Miamis.. as the bestf and most modern n!zed "The ChUd. the Parent and the Inskeep of Springfield. The Rev. and Mrs. -.Robart E. burg, and Alexander Deskl WlImlng , , way for c\Uitomer'l;' convenience. School." March 23; Leake of Pomeroy. OhIo. were over· ton, Both will be charged ,wltn pas.' Mr. and Mrs. Adam" Menoh and In a recent Jahuary Issue or the .. Alcohol !lind Common Sem.e." night guests at St. Mnry's rectory sasSin g stolen property. Warren ottL son Bernard and daughter Mary Saturday Evenlntl Poot. the Yale & March 30; last Friday. clals said. Ann Visited friends In Middletown Towne Manufact1ll1'lng Company. of The discussions ~111 be lead by the SundllY .a fternoon. Mrs. W. S . Scanlan and son, Fer_ Much of the loot recovered at the Stamford Oonn.• one of the world's Reverend Doc/,m- Robert Krumholtz r ee were dinner !,"\.Iests of Mr. and homes of the arrested men included Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tinney. Mrs. oldest and tiest known manufactur_ in charge of the WayneSville parish Mrs. Fronk Andrews 1n Onyton. automobile tiresl car radl06,' heateni · ers of locks and bullder's harware und professor of theology at Mt. Robert Werntz rand daughter Leara Sunday. and vast quanUtles oC canned food. arrived home Thursday after a t.en· selected pictur~ from the south_ St. MarY Seminary. Olnclnnatl. AccordIng to Sheriff Hufford, the east section of the t(laln floor of All. regardless or their rell110us weeks tour of Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ramby ar( tile Wllm'! ngton i~tore of , the Fair· beliefs. are cordhlly invited to at~ announclpg the arriViaI of an eight hLJncklng gang co~centl'ated on Mr. ",nd Mrs. Edwin Ames of ley Hardware, 8IIi Amertca.'s most tend and take part In theSe forums. pound daughter, Sue J\nn. at their truck trartlc on routes 25. ~ and 3. Wilmington visited Mr. and Mrs. repr~ntatlve WhIle the heavy transports . labored arrangement 01 home. Tuesday, February 21. Charles Ames and daughter. Wilma, hardware to be OVer steep hills to "super" .low gear, 1.0 their adver_ Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert 00nge1 m mbers of the gang were said to tiseJnent In COlli ectlon with their were Sunday dinner guests' of Mr, clImb on the r ear of the trucks. Mrs COra Rich entertained at advertising theme "Buy Ha~dware and Mrs. Bedford Stricklin In Mid. where they broke the fastenings and In a 'Hardware E Sunday dinner. Mr. I8nd Mrs. Gil· dletown. then plt.ched .tIl e goods to the· road. The wide NCO bert Frye and son Richard. Mrs. CO~ederat~ .f~!loy.r d a~plsk~ \1p , "r~ DJ' ~{ld Mr{l. Alfred Btotit~md a.Rella nraddock and Mla.Ellen.Moss C9m.e.~ ~ he plunder. through the tireless work ,and end.. , supper guests. sunday. Mr. and Mrs Mr. lind Mrs. Adam MeUoh and less study of the hardware bualness OHiclal~ sold the OCO l1nC$ oper. Russell Frank and Supt· hnd Mrs, daughter Mary Ann Were six o'clock and the service to customers ~y . The Varsity started the game L A. Garst. atlng from Cincinnati to Cleveland - -dinner guests of ' Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. both; Fairley and his aasoc\ates-- right. but ~ded at the Short end were the heaviest. JOIIers In the bl_ Henkle In Hamilton: Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Charles E ..Anderson.. acking. and the detail study and close ob· of the 38 to 1'1 score· However the servatlon of many years by the for_junior high boys· ended their regular attended a 500 partY at 't he hoine Mrs. A. O. Grlffy Is recovering of Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence EVlan. nicely at Miami Valley hospital. af_ mer of hardware throughout all SEC. season with only one loss, aCter de. at Fairfield, Tuesday evening. tIons of the United States and feating Otterbein 33_11. ter undergoing a major opemtlon other countries. The lineups for the "Otterbein last week. Mr, and Mr~. ClUCord H. BraCt Vernon B. FaIrley had as his p~r. gameS were as ,follOWs. Were guests at, ra dinner brmgc. at The Waynesville Garden club will sonal guests at the hardware con. Waynesville Varsity the home of Mr,: and ,Mrs. ;R. I!'. Mrs .. »'Ily Glbilon and G F P meet Tuesaay, Mareh '1. with Mrs. ventlon In Colum'bua. the following DO 'YOU KNOW 5 Woodruff 111 ·Xenla, Saturday night, Pauline spent 'Saiurday with 'Mr. 2 1 Lena Hartsock at the Friends' managers of the Purley Hardware Oollett o 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. LewtR Fires and and, Mrs. Harold ' Rogers. Tboa.t Ohl.o's deer which now nwn.. Home. Stores; George W·. 'Wyatt. WUmlng.' ,P e,ters I .' o o o cblldren were gUests of Harold 'l)1y. brook. . Mi. and Mm John Daugherty of ton store; Stanlel7 H. BaUeY, Way· Benbow ber apprOXimately 2500 may become 7.. 1 1 Robert Greene.- Mrs. Howard 3 lor 13nd Ml'.. and Mrs. C. H. HarbeThursday evenlt:tg nesville store: oJ. Russell Briggs. Mlller "lot ,Mr· and Mr~ E. F. Edwards, 'qule!;. a real problem In the not distant Oakwood o o and Qhl1dren J:?eloJ;.l8 nod, Thlerkleld o son In Centerville, !3unday. , ,·,.Lv celebrate.d the fifty_third annlver· future-and that deer hunting In guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ful. Lynchburg store Imd Arthur each. Spitler , o o .0 Eddie of Dayton Called on Mi. and " ~U1. ~ur stnte may become a reality kerson. ran. Sabina., stllre, Rutherford , PllrY of their marriage with a fam· o S 3 Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Stricklin Mrs., Lue Morg~n ~undaf evening. soon. Clary . • l'!y dWier Sunday 'at their 5 'of Middletown wer!! Sunday ev~ln8 1 3 Mr: and Mrs. Everett' Bunnell' and Scott guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Bl8St,. famlly .. called on Mr:' and Mrs.' El. "!"Ili Of town. Those ~'nt were Thi~ Ohio Is Ute o,n1y state In the Mr. ,and Mrs, A, H. Earnhart and Jibeli- two sons and their folllllles, pings. where that grand game bird SOI18, ' LaMar. Elarl and Alvin were ,,1 Ottet'beln Vara1ty G F' mer Woolrl,d'ge and 'famUy in R1c;lsedinner guests oC Mr. and Mrs. Earl I anil Mrs. Charles E. Edwards the quail Is callect' a song bird. ' SCott 0 1 1 Mrs. R. L. Hackwell, Mrs. Ethar, )Il\~ Su~day ,~ternoolll _ . oand- thelr little That the House ' Conse~atlon Thomas at Centerville. Sunday. , .,Jf,ld daugh~r ~ary Lewis 0 0 · 0 Cl'ane,- 1Uld Daugl,ter. Nancy Wen: ' Mr. and Mrs. , E1lsworfh Gibson Mr. ond-Mrs.. Henry Satterthwaite · It, tandSpn. 1111 of Dayton., Mr. ",nd Committee ' uniln1rr)ously r~commend McDaniels 2 .j) 4 luncheon 'guests of~tI;, Hacky.rell's and daughter Phyl11s.Mae of Center • i, Mrs. C13I;enee Edwards aDd daugh. ed , a Jol~t resolution propasln~ a have : purchased the A. L. Sid s Russell 1 1 3 ' Sister, Mrs. Samuel Ben edict, 1n ville and Clydle Smith were s~day v,ote on a constitutional amendment · . e ',(i~' ter Re~, of ,' WaYnesvUle~ Hiatt 1( 0 0 to p~ovlde that all rec~lp~ froin sale ~roperty on , 5th st. After remodel· ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL o Glendale,' Wednesday. ' 'guests of ¥r. and Mrs. Blley GIbson Traylor d fish 'l1e~g they will make their permanent CHURCH, WAYNESVILLE f 11 te 2 14 6 and family. AftJernoon callers we're a . un rs an , ennen s enBeS residence here. Rev. R. .. Jlaek1llell. Abbott Le 1 2 Mr. and Mrs. T . S. Hardin and Mr. T8 nd Mrs. LUe. Rtchar<1s and 0 be eaK:marketl, for exelus,vc ,use of • PIRST SUNDAY IN LENT 8 family, Mr, and Mrs. 'L eonard Tin_ daughter Jessic of Dayton. Abbott Ln . 3 ' 2 the Conservation Dlvlslon. ~' Mrs. JOe WorleY. nee Miriam EL 10 a. m, Church School 2 ney a nd MIss Margie Tinney wer" Linder 1 0 Tha,t t;J1e -.committee also recom. Us of liebanon entel'tainecLat d1llner Dr. and Mrs: Ward; of HarveyL ~1 a, m. Morning PrayeK: and ser2 Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Kent 1 0 ~ lJurg ha~e ~~n warmly' w~~m~ mend a bill to ~ulre that flhennen SaturclGy. her mother IU)dslsler. mon· . ' 38 Mrs. Joe TinneY· Into the Borne famUy cfrCle. . wear a llc~ ' tag o.n · th'e ir outer Mrs~ S. S. EI11s 'aDd !.11M 'Frances, TUESDAY WaynesVille Jr. mgb ,Mlu" Nancy Tod~ of 'II'Id1a~~pollS garments aa well as carry a llcell8e. Mrs. Da1~aaBoger and daughter, , 2 p. m. Nurser~r Church "Chool. Callers a t the Gibson hOme last G F 'sj)ent the week en~ wJth, tier aunt I , That bait d~lers are already try. Mias KatheJ1ne; Mrs. Gilbert Frye WEDNEsDAY " , Tuesdny evening were _Mrs. Harold Daley 1 0 '" Mrs: Anna B. M:~e. , ,lng to change the council rU11ng ,and son ~chard; 7:30 p. m. Evenlug Player imd IId_ Roberl;8on Kellis ancl Ollildren Billy Erwin and l' 0 \ , Miss Ru't h Obandler Or '9ildilrvllle keeping them ,fro,m ,stripping of fish dreM. ' '. • ' \ Hershel Joan. Mrs. Emerson Dill Planck 4 3 ; and ,Albert Martib wer~ here for the f9Od, the one third of Ohio'/! streams PRmAY and son Billy. Mrs. Elvis Mlcheal Collett 2 1 • week end, and at~nded ' the quarter- wh1ch have been closed the past 4 'p, IJl. Junior ' lah boys. and d~ughtet Dorthl~. Mr, apd Mrs. .McKeever , . ) >/, 3 0 ,11 .ine~. " year. . . '1 :30 IP'OUp. Ellsworth Gibson and daughter Phy. . Girls FrIendly , ,~tB '2 0 Ills M~ 'of Center:vllle. Glydle Sm1th ". 1411s ,~ H~.of , Plorel1ce 1 1 IlPint 'SUnday wlth.her ~ndtnother Mrs. Everett Bunnell 'and daughters ~ ,Hartsock. .' . E~na and Marlene, IIond ",~'!tr1I! tterbein Jr. mgh O • 1 \ 0.' , " . I Le.wis. :-. ,I, .,' p G Mr. "and Mrs.'.John ' a le Were 10 Huggens , ," I. , , o o Xenia shllppfng Baturctay. ,.,,', Hoppl~ o MIS'.$ Clara Daughters Is ' Spc)'ldJna o o wee)c In Xenfa. " " ". 2 2 o o o Mr. ahd , ~8' Marlon Whi taker Mrs.' Fanme " nil1~.ahd \ .Mr. , 'Mrs. ~ymo~d " OsbOrn, Xenia 2 ~ : 9:nd son Freddy of '01nclnnatl spent SPent sunday evenl)1g .w lth ~r ~ ~ ·ct o 1~ ,the . week ~nd ' Wltb relatives 'b!!~e., Mrs, Eine~ri ' Dill ' and son BlJlJ'/' -. . ~s, Ettie ~~1r .r~ ,~ School will , be dlsm'-·-" t nlgbt with IlIIICU • a noon TheY spent '~~turday 'W d home in ~.~a rnda):'; atter1~~ Thursday and Pl1day 't o' enable Mr, and Mrs. .~. Graham an lor. f!!~\1IaY8Wlih b,*, ~, i • . Btud~nts to attend the tourname~t had " Sunday ,dJpner with '. Mr.' MurJ'aY, " ' !! I , . ., at Kmgs MWa. ' , ' . Mrs. ~ld Wh1ta:ke!' of Ly~e. Mr$. " " ." d , ' IV' • J............. , il--r-=.:.............,....-'-
Local Happenings ,
Local Happenings
l__Ch____ure. . ",;h.___es. . __
. Mts.
eLm. '
Gtbt .~iami ,
~a;tttt .
Thunday, F.bruar,- --
Universilf Quee!; Studies Batter-Maki.
- or ----
-::-:: Hundreds
thP-usands ' of OOys Il1ld young men r ad THE A¥ER. ICAN BOr 'Magazl~e "ery mouth and consider it more as a lIvLng companion Ulan 8$'a magazine. "It's as muc.h a buddy to me as my nelghbprhood chum:' writ es one high School senior. ..TJti;: AMER.. lOAN BOY seems to understand a boy's problems and C01)Slders them I.n SUdl 1\ syropath.e tic and helpful w.ny. It gives advice and entert.aln_ Ing reading on every subject in which a young tellow Is Interested, It Is part\cularly helpful in sports. I made Ollr school basketball team because of plaYing Ups I read in THE AMERICAN BOY . Many famous a thlet es in aU s porls ()redl ~ mu ch of their success to helpful sugges tions received fro~ sports articles Carried In THE AMERICAN BOV Magatillc. Vlrl ua,lIy every Issue offers advice from a famous coach or player, Football. basketball , track, tennis, I.n fact every major spor t Is covored In flcLion and fac t arUcles. Tea ohers, librarians, paten ts a na leaders of boys clubs also recommend .THE AMERICAN BOY en.. thuslascleaUy. They have found tha t as a general rule regullll' read_ ers of , THE AMERICAN BOY advance more raptdly and develop more WOrthwlllle chara cteristics than do boys who do not read It. Tra.l.ned writers and artists famous coaches and athletes, explorers, sdentlsts and men succ:esslUl In business and IndustrY JOin with an experienced Bt aff to produce 10 THE AMERICAN BOY, the sort of read· ing matLer boys like . best. THE AMERICAN BOY sells on most newsstands a 150 II copy, Subscrlp'Uon prices are 11.50 for one year or $3,00 for three years. Foreign rates SOc a year cxtra. To subscribe simply send your name. eddress and remittance direct t{) THE AMERICAN BOV; 7430 Second Blvd.. ~etrolt, Michigan,
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Farm 'Night Talks, Feb. 27 ;05 4-H Projects in Agronomy Forestry, and Soil ons rvntion-E. P. Re d, Ext. Soil Con ervntioni t. ;15 0 ntional Home Economics Program-High hool Stud nt dire t ed by In tri.lctors Helen Nichol of Puta kala and Bessie Bailey of Summit Station. S ;25 . olumb~ F deral 'rche tra. 8 '35 SriO\ in Ohio, Past and Pre ent--H. E.Eswine at urali t. . 8 ;45 County A hievement Day 'P rograms-l\'h . P. E. Portman, Lorain County Hom·emllker. 8 i55 CoJumbu Federal Orche tra. !i ;10 Farming Land and Ke ping the Soil-L. D. Baver Agronomy Dept. 9 ;25 A Look at an FSA BOl'l'lHver' Balance SheetOUO Nuetzel, Farm Security Supervisor, Columbus. 9 ;85 cOlumb\l Federal Orehe. tra.
~ By ERIK McKINLEY E _~ 'XSSON -'1" Prolcupr ollli,Io".. Vnlller.i.y 0/ Southern Cnlifnr"'n " . One 01 the thtnp most clearly re- gross fncome tax on all lrallsacuuna '!reeled by Ule recent elecllollJ Is that amoWltlng to S50 or more. The prothe 1939 Congrea .wlU (lve serious ceedJ, collected r,nonthl,. would be
A bill Is I]ow,.before the ,1egl8laturfl. pro\lOSlng important: a ~endmenlB to [he election cQde. It was prepared by Georl'C M. NeUner. Slat~ E1C()· lion StatJst,lclan" and a committee reJected by the county boards oC e1 tion and It has the lull support 'or' Seer tary of State E:u-l Grittlth as ch ief election officer of the state nnd auUlorlties on electJon matters. The most Imporlant ptoposed changes are: I ( 1) To make. It possible for the Secretary of SIJII te to certifY as nomInated candidates who are unopposed In party prtmarlcs ' for state , county, township and munL clpal offices. as weU a.~ for dele_ gates to aba te IlJld national conven· tions, thereby eliminating primnry expense. ( 2) To make It unnecessary to print the names or any unopposed candidates on a party primary ballot.
ubecription Price. '$1.50 Per Yel11', 'PaYAble in ,Advance
"The Queen was in the parlor eating bread and BUTTER.· fiSl' ~ Agn, ~ ,Ondrak. Clevela nd, " bea~ty queen" of Ohio State Uni\'cJ'S' y, cbanged tbe wording of tbe well·known nunery rhyme when she visited the Unh'ersity's department of dairy' ~hnology thil week to observe the production of butter. With the beginning of the second month of the Ohio "Eat More Butter" campaign. Miss Ondrak reee\ved an invitation from Mi ss Buddie Schultz. alsc of Cleveland, a hor;ne . economic$ major, to in3pe<:t student demonstrational "roduction nf this dairy pl:'Oduct. MillS Schultz ill shown point Ing out a buee churn to tbe "queen." T he Oh io Dairy Stabili7.n tion CC'mmitt.e't:. chain food stQres. and nt~e r groc.e ries are (ealurin " bult er this month In an att empt to aid , I :t lr~' fnr mcrs who ha'/e B naliona l surplus o( 1 93.000.000 p o und~ on hI! nd Cha in f od storE"< tress t he c~lD sum'.'r·s opportunity .a t Ulia tit" " to buy bigh qunlily butler at lower prices. .
An unemployed person in Ohio who applfes to the United States Unemployment BervlC4t hall about ~ one ('hanco In four pt · connecUng with a ..lob nceol {Ung to In~r.,.. 1)e. part.mcnt'treur s. Of' m 690,842 ap· JllIo:ln ts ' at the 35 Ohio offlc s dur_ Ing-, the flscn'! y~nr ' 1038, a totnl .or 14.004 were pIn ed . Not all got prl,'a Le employment haw Vln'.. or tho tomJ placements, 3'4,514 we public Jobs nnel 3,405 wcre put on th e relief rolls.
(3) To fix the time of the return of e bsent voters ballots at 6:30 on Thursday preceding an elec;tlon 111_ stead of midnight on Saturdny. (4) To permit county boards ,to combine' PTeeelncts containing less than 250 voters· ( 5) To change the term of local election officials to two years In_ st.ead of one, (6) To provide the rota lton or names In voting machines. Other amendments provide for separate counting of straight tick· ets, certificate of two residents of 11 precl.nct In addition to a booth nt the board oC elections for a·bsent voters. "All choanges proposed", commeD.. ted Mr, Grlflltb, "ate to provide ad_ ditional safeguards, more rigid ec· anomy 'In election practices and remedy technical discrepancies and inconsistencies In the present law ".
Farmers of Ohio who opera.te LllsctOI'S for farm work and who use U,em occasIonally to pull n trallel On the hlghwny,q, will not be 'reo qulred to provide such tractoJ:8 wltb II vehicle license . ruled the Ohio Burenu pf Motor Vchlcles on F ebru· ary 6t h. Several farmers had been arrested e nd convicted under a prl' • vlous ruling by the Bureau,
Football coach In Warren coun· ty are Invited to the annual foot.. boll clinic which Ohio State Uni. verslty will stage - FTidny and Saturday. May 5 and G, for the Ohio High School Athietlc Association. Ernest R . OOUn-ey, Ohio SlJ3te line conCh •.L~ supervisor oC thc clip. Ic. As In the past , the clinic wll1 clOSe with a regulation football game be tween two picked teams from the Ohio St.ale varsilY squad . This game wtll nd t.he spring ,Practice at the university. Lost year more than 200 Ohio high school " coache.~ attended the clinic, and GodIrcy l;S preparing for an eVen IlIrger numb r this y a.r. All phases of the game will be dl8. cussed by members of the Buckey\: coaching staH.
consideraUoo to demands for more prorated amone citizens sixty years liberal old age or age and over. giving each about 180 pensions. In aU a month. accordlnll to the advocates par t I of the or the plan. 'They optimistlcally becountry, Sen.- lIeve that the tax would yield $480.tara 'and Repre- 000,000 each month 01 the eoormoUi sentatlveS, who SI1m or ,$:1.'760.000,000 • ,ear but In ' are members of view 01 the faCI that there are more botb the Demo- than 11.000,000 persollJ over sillty There has- been a marked tight· cratJc and .Reo ',ears 01 age In Ibe countr)' It ~ obvl· . . ___ .5 publican par· OLa thal at least 3,000,000 would bave ening up at law enforcement In all Ues. were elect· 10 pass up the pension III order to state departments &inee January 1 eel after pledg. allow $60 I month · for eacb of the InI themseivel remllnder, as evidenced In COlumbus last week, The popwar IIiPpo" bema glVeD to either to vote when dolumbus food salesmen were . tor 0 0 e 0 r the pemiOD achemel mentioned II arrested and fined 125 and assessed ,another of the amuin. when ODe conJlders' that the ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN 110·65 costs eac.h for selling a$lUlter_ 10ur Cattie, bop, sheep and cal.,.. I) • . n . ' tOG Nltional Social SeCurity Act was ~ . ldIemes now ed III UI3& lit th. President'l request., Mention Paul Derringer to Bm • • •11111!1• • • • • • • • • •1111!!• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ated ground meat. They all entered to NOrT1I1-Brock C.... live wire a~ • • ...,' " current or at obvlous1.J to hall the movementa In progressive firm f1r the hi,hea' .110 .l IIsbt on ruu, hear\nll OD supPOrt of variOUI fantutic:. Impractt. McKechnie and the face of the new By CLAREN:VE J. BROWN woUld ~ used almost exclusively for a plea of guilty to a charge of us • market prices and good eerviee. Ule variOUI proposals., Senlto~ Pep- cal propollla..· nil act, among other manager of t.lie CincJonati Reds l\[ember 01 Vonc:ress the production of' power' In all sorts Ing chemicals to preserve 13 nd re- U.i". StClck Yard,',, O. per 01 Flori4a and Ser!ator Dow. thin... provldee 'for • (ederal sublld1 store oolor meats contrary to law. Tune In on Radio Station :WCKY ne, of Calffonua, for example, owe up 10 S15 • moptb to enable the .tate. beams with a satlsned 'look that With a buclteYe In the congress , . of engtnes, IncJ!lding automobUes Flve Columbus barbers were arrest- 12 :26 to 12 :30 p. m. for /)ur dan. tbelr elec:tlona to \be IUPJ)O" of, 10 give "Old ... UIIItanee" to quaU. pension mInded c:onsUtutenta. · Dr. 4ed peaons. The average qed person makes one rellize that Mr. Durin&,_ . The Pres1detit Is on board 41 b'aclors, etc. Th~ USe of f arm . pro. ed on charges of operating a barber mllrln't reporn TowDleDcl. ~ the November. 1938 believed that thlI ptOriIlOll WOUld er rates Pretty higb with bls~. cru&ler down m.,.the .CaribbellJ} Seas .ducts Tn manufacturing various plas shop >-without a state license. elec:tlODl; ~ed that OM blm' auuan_lifm or .her allYable-pa. Den'inger W83 the bulwark of the wa t .. h f M the- gJ'eB.t n.o ... of both ~ oils. resins. etc., . ~- also. ably dred and Itt1 BepreeentatiYeI were l1oa" but tb1I pIVged to be, a taIIe Clllclnnatl pitching corps last sea. ---er ....... explained. pledaed to support more Uberal pen- be11ef. .m .t.d of automatlcalll No __ ._ the, AUandc and PacUlc Fleets par. . slont or to insist 011 run b . . , . son _.1 ...... lUIg more games than an Addltiona,1 saCeguards protectLng 'l'be "Gener8l Welfare rei era n ·cuta.1D tot eumpJe, were Democratic leaders In Congress, armers purchasing hybrid seed Alnenea" cJa.tmeel about .. IIWl7 ID told tIHr7 wve ukIDi fUr "rel1et:" allier Natlol1al League hurler with He Is expecting to return to Washfavor of thell' penIlon Uberallzatlon which tbe1 ooald reCeIve ooJ:r 11 \beT the exception of Bill Lee of the lngton March 4Ul. In the meantime I both in the 'HoUSe and Senate. are com for their 1939 crop Ire set up plan. 'Even before the el~, Cbalr. lacbd .wIlCIlllt IIlcome IDII· It tIwJ man Robert 1.. Dougbton 01 the House bad no relaUftl ~ or IUPPOR- ChJe:Jgo CUbs,' -Be also was second we battle goes ~In, !!speclally In the 1having their troubles these days. tn a regulation reVising the derlnL • Ways and Means CoIJl!ll1~ an· InI them. It be were abiit to -tbI.J In the earned runs averages, and senate. OVer the Pres1d~t's foreign Members of Qongress have demon· tJon of bybrld corn, eUective. linme_ . nounced that · his, committee would the humillatlnl ~... a ~ be was quite a guy in a number of pollcy and specJial privileges given strated an Independence In theIr dlatelY. issued by State Director of malte a thorouall itudJ o~ aD ~on IOn would be awarded ' . mazlmlliD other respectsFrance. and ~d In conneetlon voting that bas proVen shocldng to AgricultUre ' John T, Brown. The P~:~J there Ire three ~~:u.:.u.. IDc1 m lD, ~ .~ The splendld 1938 season enjoyed with the purchase of planes and tlte admlD1strlltion. For the ' first ne,w regulation, GOwn to the trade .whlch are commanding the '!!I0Il at. " ' , :, lentlon. To the qed Uie Townsend 1Ian7. tlnCIlnl that tben II DO by Dcrrlnger, was the best of his ot,ber military ' eqUipment In this time -In six Years ~ny of them ,e re as ~atfon No.8, stipulates tJ1at plan Is stnl the most attractive. From '"pension: but m_1.J ~. have eight year major league care;-r. count.ry. . Last week Secretary Mol" not taking orders from the White tli'the future, "every lot. packQ~ e ~r the standPOint of practtca) ec:onoml~ eon~~ tha.~ the federal ~d atllte · PhClne 7lU this plan appeara unworkable but Itl IOCIal 1eeurit7 PfOIr8IDI aN bId.. oarne after a disappointing 193'7. In genthau and Secretary ' WOO!itlng ~ouse. SOme are .voting In'ect pamlJ of seed com sold as hybrid promise of up to $200 a month, to be In ,their dllappolDtment thq. bave which many people were of the testified before the Senate COmmit. opposition to the President's Te. seed shall have . platnly written or • raised b, • transactions ~ has eu:I1.J been conrerted to one. 'OJ' opinion that the big boy had start- t ee. that the French Military Mis.. .quests. Othen, simply . ~in ott printed ~ the ,bag or label, In the caused bundreds of tbouanda of another of the. peuIloo plaDl '~ nguage, the name and otherwise aenslble penons to loae promIII them cqmfwt Ji1 \beJJo cIe- . ed. a downward sUde that might slon had been fU:riushed military In. the P100r and ,faU to vote In' favor EngUsh theJ.r. Judplent add to clamor for it: cllnlnl ' years. Thus a peat force has force him from the ranks of the fom18t1on and SlSSlstanee on direct of the New Deal P,rilgram. ' rbe In- number by whIcb the ·hybrld Is Senator BUbo of Misslsslppl hal .been' lmlealhed which hu madel_If ' proposed • pension of $80 I month felt ID Am_eric:an polltlca. The QUe. National League'S outstanding men, orders from. the ·Presldent. High surrecilon hail ,grown' to such . pro.: commonly , designated'·. 8eisure of to the aled bul hlS proposal has been' tion no,r ... can Conpea withstand Bill McKechnie was not one of rariklng . miUtaljr offlcJals .testified portion by ,last week that; the Idd-· UD.\abeled or mislabeled seeds offerovershadowed by the sO-called :'Gfln. the pre.Ure and live a c:aIm cpo- those ·people. Be told, Derringer In the Information ' was ordered given era called 'a caUGtIS 'Qf aU , Dem~t.. ed for sale in 0h!0 ' and ' suspension eraJ Weltare Act"-whlc:b II still far Slderatlon to · tconamJcalIy lOUD!! from beina aD' acL. I'hls mea.sure. If way. and mean. of l!nprovlDII the tlle sout.b a year " 0. "Paul you can by the Pres1den~ qVer their object- Ie: members, where' much ' oratory or revocation of seect licenses If they p.i teh for me. Now go ahead and do ions. was used Id urgIDg '8Upport 'Of persist in nagrant vlolat1~ns of the adopted. wowd levy I 'Wo.·per cat 1&lI&ln& IOClaI eecurlU prQIP'UlJ. It." presIdential poUcJe8; lind, full atten- Agr.I~tunil Seal law Is an addlReason for the refusal of Me... -,-ret; Sessions qf Congresa. and tional warning ~roadcast to the ~d Kechnie to waver on hiS confidence a ~ote of 3,fJ'f t.o 1,5 the ,S! - vot~ In support oi fJJe l~detshJp. tra~ b:r St:ate' Director Brown. '"RId-~"""--1If--Ir:t.~__ ,.:...._...,....._ _ In Derringer, despite the bad season last week passed a drasticaUy re. · Numerous arguments deVelopect In 'sPonsIbWty (or 'propel' tagging of was tJl8t McKechnie Is partial to duted national ~~nse BID· ' The the caucus and on the verso next.rOll seed Is now placed upOn the vendor tEAL ESTATE .pitchers who have control. A study BID as reported ~y the MlIltary AL call In the House more than a Whether it bears bls own labels or By ELIOT JONES ~. j. of Derringer's record produces the lalrs Commlt~" and_pa.ssea by the hundred on the DemohJ'atic alde of· Ute labels of preVious vendors. . NOTARY PUBLlc Proln.~or 0/ TlYllllporlatiola and Publit: Vlililie. , most Gmazlng record 01 control In House. after rc!ductions, . movldes the alsl.e (aned to· vote, "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Slllll/ord Vnilleraly . ' recent Cincinnati baseball history. for the b~dlng of 3032 additional T d this'" airplanes wtt.hiJ ,the'. next three W....h .... _..:~ . '0» the """c. two .Though charges and counterchargel in 1936 an.! l1it38. though business was fly thick and last In the controvers;, deAnitely OD the up.grade. These 0 a e, . wetlme major league Years. Thls will bring the United ' - - " " . ". ......~ over relief certain facts are now weU- were thl electen years. During ~he record, compUed In eight seasons weeks has been a dty of red noses, established. One is that relief hu ·be. non-cleqt!(l[l y&.~rs the number on the of activity. shows only 446 passes In Sbates a.1r force up to 5S5O 'Planes soeeJIeS, snt.ff1es, and cou""~ , An come the most relief roll. "eclined from July to NoOrtginally Mr. ,l~velt asked 'fOr .. ....... . expensive Cunc- vembcr. 1\J~ , as business improved. 2.043 Innings, an aVef'llge 01 les:o epidemic . of colds. old ,. fashioned . Uon of govern· but also tHtn .... duJing the •• ~e pe. thllIl two per ""'me. In 19""', he waL' a total of. 10,000 planes. ; The Re· ..... ppe .f} d _._ .... "" pubUcan ' . attem'..... ment. The ell:· rlod In 19,)3 oIr '"" d 1937, despite~ the fact k "'....- to provide that .... t , u. ·a n pneuma...... has flL penditLlres of that busJnt~t 'NBS declining. With one ed 42 men In 282 fTaIlles. not over a thousand new planes led he hospltal$. No respector o( federal, state, exception, th"n, the pattern is: In Added comfort to MeKechnie was . perSons, the· gean laid low Ind local gov· ~ecUo~ ".eu~ relief goes up despite provided by the manner In which should be manufactured each yelU' high king fficlals from erumenta on dl- unproVUle blllJness conditions; and In was defeated mL; the noor of the ' ~ 0 the rect reliet In oon-elecUon vears, relief loes down Paul was able to complete his own House. Anothe~ attempt' to write Preslderit down. Attendance at Con~~8u:~r!!a~~ ~~u. :~~. bUSiness conditions be· ball .games last yelU'. In the Bill a caU lfor dlsarmament greaslonal Sessions ha&' been mater. . lion doUars. or A tbird n 11 Twenty~e declsioDS were won by conference was .ruIed out- on a point ta11z lowerOO ~ a result at .1l1Bess. r~~hll U ooe- that the paliticJ~~r~o~:n!~ Derringer. and on every one of ot ord~. Co~ ' &Iso e pproved ~r of persons on rellefls oot a coln- these victorious occas1o . DB • .n......._"_ ' That the 76th CO"'-e'ss Is _ .. nH, eSlrxa.moenatalgeOvlt: cldence, but results from the circum hid . , ....... " ' 6 an approprlatlOll lfor the Stn!Dgtben .--• ......., ~~dl0 ~~e:- ~~ stance thai the adminIstration of re: er .urthe 4l complete game- He also ing of the dei«~nSe of the hnama serious In Its attempt to practice pended (or re- Ii!!t has been tu.rned to partisan pur- wen. e rout fiVe of the times he Canal as lnclud In the BID, How~ economy, ' Is best evl~enced by the, , llef was one and poses. At Washington there Is com- was dfeated, whlch indicates tha~ ever; before ~j! floal vote was tL a,p propriation bW passed last week, ny th~ he did pretty well 86me of the ken, m_embera on Co""""" made whIch provided funds for ·the 0 ....._ one-lIalrUmesgreaterl;han~ublic~f:~~~vl~ ~~'tt:: 't!~t we toltelm . (Ltqu~ or E8erves~e'!'c Table'-) pendltures for education, lQcludlng M ' - own. ....~,..... eJementary. secondary, and normal th~:o~er, a number of polls taken times he was on the losing, sloocIeal' they were supporting the' meas aden and expenses of tile Congress Soothes in'itated nerves ' permits ' achpO!s. and state universities. and that ~eo~~~~:?~tr:r ~~_..clea.r No wonder McKechnie smiles w:e only for ~ ·putpo.,e , of d(t!~ The amount set up In. the budiet sleep, tt~lp.s you to "get' h Id f refreshing about two and one-balt times greater b th ......... n vIew ... ""I~d f I-_li> . ' 0 0 yourself " thaD expenditures for national de. th e ~ss ~f the people. In the poll when Derringer Is menUoned. Why our own country-ud .not (or the or _""';'Uve ezpendlnures was -reE4R!.Y everyone .• ." . . ten ' t!. , 0 e erlcaD Institute of Public shoul......t h wh n' Din ' n -..!-" of' n " . ess1' . f _._ duced ap.......... -~te'u ... """ 000 . Worries, street . IS, nervous ~ese days. ~anc.lal A nd fact now established Is OplJllon (the Gallup pam, In forty of .... e, ., e err ger wo - .... "'6 a agr ve or or~ ",UAU.UA y -,......, or . w. ark and axel tin .. ~a ' htj.ome. noISes. late hours, hard that ~elief rolls expand mar~ the state!! more than 60% of IlJe per- more than 2P per cent; of the victor. war. m~ than ten per cent, by the votes .,,,, ! """" on put a strain th ' d~in( the months preced~· an ele~. PO~~ ~~ressed the conviction lea credited to bta-team" JUld hurled __ oC the M~ o1;!tbe House. . ous sy5te1!' that' brings on SI~I ' ' N 0Il... e ,,~Clarence J . Bro- Df the " .- ~Dtb tloo"and deClline markedly during the b~. : r'''!!~inedtha pal rtl In,~e ' more than 'a t;b1rd of' the '32 com.. ~. NervoUs IpdigestiOll, ResU:essn~, ervous Headcorres~ndi• .g mOD hs of oon.-electlon ~ au:. e r oea...... . · _u ...,v" ) An tta-'L ' I ' " essncsa, lnitllblllti.. . yeal'S. Thus, the average- D\lll\Der of F,;:, the natl!>n aa a whole 78% of th~ plete g1UIles turned in by all the O~~, ' D1s~ 98& one of $!veral .Amoog OhIo Vidtor& In Washlng. a "'" 0 ne~ m\lY " ~rsQ!1S on ~?Uerdu:rin.thelhreeelec_ llia~ eX~~eSsedb an Opinion believed '. Clnclnnatl pltchel'!l? , He flgU1'ed In congressmen tS!~ ....- I eaJl f - __ A ~ this Seek . have '--- ~th-"-e' 1, quarrel with your h~d (I '1::' Ydu 108~ . blends; ' , . Uo(i ·yeari 1934. 1936, and 1938 was P9 cs as entered IDto the ' ' the ' " . •~ ~. ..... -.... ...... to Y0!Jl' chU'd~" ' ' r . 'IN,~o,;, apJM!lU' • lJl'lln.t . onll. Ina Oo.f -h.alf /Illllio'n l1Teci{~ in han~ling or rellef_ A-:poll taken rast more n . ~ per cent of ' the vic· sponsortng ,a mle etlng of ~nedy Brown o( Da»ton Bepub. Nov,,'mber Ua/)"In J41)'; and the aver. f:::'~:ltr ~v~ ~dr~ neWlJ)8pef edI. tortes In W~h oply one Cincinnati members Or Congress la$t TbIU'Sllar ' 1ic:an 'NaUoaal . ~R NEaVINE I,e number of persons on relief durowe , at· of~~ "bo hurler ~dpa~d . ' . "--":" '"-<_ .. of the n8t~on for nearly n n MM, Inll !.he thret nOD-election years.. 1933 expressed an opinfOJi bep~ thlt . ' evening to d1!ir.uss the .$ Object of UI4ll 'VUIU. Sbe visited the CapItol tll35. and 1~7 was two mlllinn len U; : A ~g 'f!f,.r:t,~~ 1D ,theb: . !'arm ChemarD· ae.eraJ ' DOted aDd held confereDcea WIth~ " ., get a bQttl. or ~.Ie • 1I9~ 1'0 II. rV01Ul ..voUr. money If J..ou ~ .. ~~ ! tU't"r\. Isl:» wUI ~".... ' ,.. vembertJ:tan In Jul y. . COnsid ratkl ; ..... poDW: · 0ilt5 ·USed as nurse crgp far &cfentlsts &lid oCJJat5. ~ _ _ Bepub]fcan membIirs oi' nm.""";'" • nl) ..., lfclly IIl.1tl" • .' .~!IIJe varlaUons in the I'.\mIller- of e ~ . , meadow ¥«Ill sh uld be ' . .. . ........ a --~ . per~ on relief. moreover, do not 'l'hll state"Of faCia 'and this atllte or np 0 , 801m at great amount or }nformatioD 0Il,!.be tnc1u.d1br thoee from the Ob1O ,del... ,~lild ~.""", ....... 111ft' need ehanl1~ condlt\9DJ.- ID bust,. bUe..oplD1oD ,,~ for the bope one..balI -Or two..tb:mta the· 1II!!l new dQmesUc 1lli8Ret.. for-~ ptkla. ___ ' .......r"I. ~~~... ftI, , -..U .. th i"e Ia IIW~ corr:e,leUon be- JMt-Conaress 1rilJ Address ItIelt.... rate. OVer 'a J-iocl .._ ' ture ~-r.. ' .t' the number on relier 'and busl. OUIl,tothe Im(lOl1aDt 'tuk 'of plaefn~ ~ dates f x --:.:......."..... a~ 1AA&-.o the - ~ . , .I'tlMI The nunll:1fr 01) re- ~ adminUtrStion of NUe1 OIl. clul ' or ~ta 105 ........., ~ UIte of f~nn produrts for iDdu.Itq Tbe time to- ~ bJ'Ooder .lUIY to No,,~1MIIo. ~.polltlcal. ~ hU~...· to do " ben cmps. .At Oolwnbui; 1fan:b ,11 aIId other PI~ PledJctIoDa bouIes tot the receptlo., 01 obktl. -b1,lliln.!tII ~I~. M~ ~!n Its tralD.coDJequen_ to~ to 2f. end at Woos&er, Ibreh 22 to ' ' '1 re ~ bJ UJe -&peUtn ,before the Ghloka ~\'td" eperl, IG CODtemplall • 30, bave been the . . . .~ 1ritbiD a WJ7 aJcbohoI de- '11u'ouah ICI'IJtIblq With· bol . .
News' Of Reds
r. '·Martin '· •
AU.c tloneer
Or No Charge
Centerville, Ohio
PoliticaI-llliythm, in Relief
D~ •. Miles N'~'rvine
mnk -
---tJmea for SOWID&
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. III'CIdac&a
:!.r.::a.~ preaode .&he . . Of
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6\) Y.!r'rI ;rth,nr th
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i.l'" ~ ~C~~ntYr Court: New,s . ~II :'~.I!i:!·or ~ • -,
\lam Pint' and Mira carrie Mtllm Ilttendlld t,he funeral of Marlon . M.llls at. Kingman church Tuesday ·I.lfler. noon·
. Union Joint StOck Land Bank of Detrol a orp., vs, Ajbcl't J . Ward and Lillie. M. Ward. for money. amount claimed $;!22905 with Intel'_ est. Thc Omne and Breed Cilsk t Co" a corp., vs. WlIbul' Ungl ·~by. fol' mon eY ' Only nraount clahned $127.· 45. The Peoples's Building Loan and Sllvlngs Co" of Lebanon vs. S{ll'Rh Ann Mills. et al .. for money juclgment. amount $8i 6.53.
In the matter of the estal e of Georgc Stanley Diehl. ciooe{lsed F ebrunry 21.1939. tim set fOr 11I'nr· Ing. In' Lhe matter o~ tM estatc of J . W. McClung, deceased. inventory IIpproved. In the maLter of the I'stnte of Anna Doane. dec nscd. Invcntory Ilpprovcd. In the mattcr of the estate of
'. ~~=-- _
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~~__!"'~ ~."!!!!!!!!!!!"'~
Twi~ ,theater February 24-25 Laurel Ilnd Hardy
"BLOCKHEADS" Crime Series--
The Wrong Way Out
Dnvl::! NIVln
Errol Flynn
DAWN PATROL . News of the Day
.j ".
Zain Ar~itage Phone, Waynesville 44 R 11 47~-K-
Lebanon office Phollc
.... ....
. rCB.9S,-;\f.
'- . .......
McClure F'u neraJ Home •
_--- -
9P.M. Wednesday
If you don't t ry.
'Beech Grove
Contest Rules
Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Sarns and daughter, Miss Alice. have moved to Harveysburg. . Mrs. Almon Ferris and -Sherman , Ferds were. dinner guests Sunday of M11I. Mary Wilson and John M. WayaesvlUe :wtlron, .In Leb~ non~ tl _ r _ l- · ~~ .-...-c..-...-.n-,.-c........... - ......... ~ Alfred Jordan ' Gnd Miss Hannah .~ . .. --~.- Jordim were Lebanon visitors. FrL !lay. Miss Mary Brown. of nei\r Ferry. was a Visitor l'ecenUy at the Jordan home. Mrs. Adnh Talmage. 'Lee Talmage~ Mr. and Mrs. Ed ' Clark and O. W. Davis• . were In attendance at ' the annual meeting ot' the Waynesville F1Brmer's Exchange COmpany•.a t .'the orange Hall, Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Clark Is reported to be very m. at her ' home neat the F1a'~ Fork bridge. . and Mrs. Allen Swarts ~ounclng the arrival of a daugh· ter at their ·home. Tuesday nlght. . The members of the 'Pr1endllhlp PATHFINP-En n.ts'WCi'S the 'qUesllons" yod and your • Club were .welcOmed '. io home friendS' 'are IIskln8 :with its concisc, vidd pOrtrnyill . of Mrs: Harry ,Cline and Mrs. wtnof the current scene, ", Events,'.of ..naUonal nndin~er.- . stOll . Cline, Wednesday. ~ternbon. natJponl 81~lncan'ce ~rc {lin)' aI1d iJmlart41l1Jy eo~red. ~ ., W . and Mrs. Robtir.t ~ and FactS, new and old. that add elnritY and mcaoing to the cbildlell Bobby and. J'9~ W, of Dews 8re bon.esUy i njected, %0 very l~tcst and ~ost· . M"I1'~-and lira; EU.betb Bal interesting Dews ~otoCt'9nbs r~ly i1IuatraJ,e the Jara;- of Dayton, ftl'e SUDCIay a(ter"fads. ltIore ' than a miauulI n :uaers. Subscribe DOW - to"'PA'J,'HPINDER, tbe rjfost w~clt:!1 ~,.ews masUine. IHI9Jl caners at the home 0( Mh. . Adah Talmap and family. Mi&.'l Hannah. Jordan aDd brOther Alfred I,
Phone Your Want Ad.
F,U~NITURE PRIZES And Other Awards In This·"Brain Tea~ing" CONTEST OF SKill AND MERIT
lte ofFer a.satisFactory Service .. at all times
............ ..
V0 I D
.r IRS !i W N SE . •
Fairley Hardware Stores
rr------ -
New & Used Washers See our complete line of .New May tag Washe~s
Special Bargains Also In.Used 'Washers
NOlla F . Drak BOllan VR. Wlibur O. Bogan. defendant;- to pay First Mnson Bank $2.00 every week. Mable HolUngswort\:l VB. Julia A. Bradbury. et aI., Nathan Fred appointed guardian In ule suit. Kenneth P ellce VS.. Vi rginia Pence. plalntIfC ordered to appear February 18. 39. Mary Schmitt. ndmlnL;tl'Dtrlx of the estate of Olive r E. Schmitt vs. Mable Colter, plaintiff to recover from defendant the sum of $4.500.
h,lmoor ••10500; zaln r~ -sand "'.nd gravel.
The Van GBmp Stonr Co" - - BnQ grAvel. $<;3102; Zllin Al mltaGe M WilUam Ro'!l ers 0. i!3 Mrs. Enrl EV{lnll. (~ccenscd. IllVcntory ap_ sand a ,11 !lra vl·l. 17:i l :i ; J. H. KIPI>. 'l'hell J ne.'; ntt;e.,I~led the MoLher's 3576 f ·,,· t brirlll 1>lunk. ~178.80 ;· The Olub at;. Mason. F~lday "fte no.-n . proved. . In the nla.t.l r of the Cl'iwtn of Mnrl ; j I,Ul"lbcl' CII,. lumbcl' and c.. Mr. nnd Mrs.. ' Palll Williams of Mn'l'y A. Leffler. iJeccn~cd~ Febru- mc ·, ., $:101 15; W· H. Madden & Co" Lebanon were Tu(>sday cvenlng (lry 24. 1939. tlmr. H for h e·a rlng. IU' f bOl' and crm nt. $203.07; The guests of Mr. !lnd ' Mrs. Lr.we\l I.n the m{lttcr oC Lh es tate of Lt..:;au-Long CQrilpany. len 5-gaIR. Thomll!l. ELECTRIC OR GASOLINE A8 Lo~ A'8 $59.95 Paul Johns ",as absent from Maggie MarLin . tlccc (l ~cd. first 'a nd aim Inuln paint. $117 fA): The Ohio Two lhilllon sets of 8utomQbl ~e nnlll account. CorrugaLed Culven Co., paved 18-ln school several days last we' k on . nco I1cense plates for 1939. calcul ~ted 8 In the nb~ tter of til will of I. .H. c\l-IHOl'l' $14 GO' S~m M'lldUn. 2 coucl;-t~eJlf'-llIJHln~t.g8l1ioo;------~ " to bring $24.000.000 Into the Ohio Bantn.. d ceased, will probated. steel . boilell!. $100.00 ; Mason Board Harvey Burne , n ~t;encl l d a co.op. In . th(~ matter of the will of Laura of Eduu,lUon . bollel' . $20.00; Wcl ~er crnUve milk meeting nt GrecnvJlle treasury. will be available to the bureau of motol' vehicles. Columbus M. Bnntn. deceased will probated. Welding Co,·. 4 Lnnks of oxygen. $15. Friday. by Feb. 15. according to' Reglstral' ! In the matler of Lhe estate of 40. Mr. and Mrs. 0 )11"111 Longacre and Cylon W. Wallace. . Georg Pierce. deceased. report of Armrel Materials Co.. asphalt. children visited i( latiVes In Clncln· Work on the steel plates wa~ 5397 .2t; The Kiln er_Dllls Co,, SlIP- llat!, Sunday. . Commissioners nPllrovcd. 1 USED SJ'EEl) Ql EEN ~2 0.()() In the maLter of the estate of pll e~, $2.35; Relf'R Electlic Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick. Mr. started eight mon ths ago In the "tag shop" at the Ohio penltentli9 ry 1 USED n l\IORE 15.00 Harry B. Thompson. dcceaS(!d . ae_ sllpplles. $1.50; Solvay Sales Cor- and Mrs. Wai ter Kenrick and James 1 USCd De lco .Radio (32 vohl A·l Co nditi on $11>.00 ount approved. poration. 2 tonR calcium chloride. Haines saw "Kentucky" at the with 120 men employed In their production. In the malter 'Of the estute o( $58.00 ; l.. G. Anderson's Sons Co" Grand In Lebanon. Tuesday ' eve_ This year the plates arc of 24 Chnrl es R. Fra7.lcr. d('ceased. first lumber .. $2.56 : H. S . Conover. sup· nlng. . plle.~. C R. Material and parts Mrs. Susan Saylor :;pen t Sunday gauge steel. one -third h eavier tJlan nnd fi nal acco~nt . the 20_gauge steel wall us ed Larger " rcallse of ReUer Qllality. Scn lce. and Prlcc. In the matter of the esta te of $6633; The Na~lon a l Colortype with Mr. and MrJ,l. William Crlghton I In 1938 In order to accommodate the f blis hed 1849 • 193U . . WAYNESYILLE. PIJONE 32 refl ector buttons '. Miss Meriam ROlgers was a week Minnie L . Mulford. ucceased . first Co .. Inc.. 300 covere 'l And final IiIccount. . $22.79: The Lebanon Farmers Co- end guest of Mrs. Sue Durr(!ll In Northwestern ' Territory . In the mat ter of tho estate of op. Co" 3860 Ibs. of coal $11 .58; Mason. ivagon design. Another . .- -• • ,. --------~-.-~"!"'"~------~---William I. W Iscr. <.i ncenscd . Inven. East End Coal Co .. 3900 Ibs.' of coal. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Rush enter_ ous change. made possible by e I. ! -~~-~ Lory approved. $12.18; Walts Garoge. supplies ' and talned Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Barger mlnaLing the design l!I t he Short_ I In UlC matter oC the cr-;tate of Ed recap tires. $131.65'. from Washington C. H. over Ih e enlng of ·the plates from 12' Inches , [ to 10 Inche.s, where the numerals Brenner, ·decCBsed. February 27. 1939 . The KUpatrlck_.F rench Mo torcar Week-end nre under 100. I .-' date set for hearing of schedule of Co., ono 32xO tube. $!I.99: The CinMrs. Susan Saylor. Mn J . n. License charges for plates are ['OV .~.;( ~ r,l Debts; esw t eXCml)t Crom Inherlt- i cln naLI 011 Works Co.• grease $16.~3 Jones .and Mrs. Stanl('y Batl cy we re erned by horsepower In the case of ance tax . R. E. LeRoy. 54 gallons 011 . $34.21: on the program of the elltertaln_ ' ",/" Geo. Hamilton. garage rent for D15t. ment at the gym Thursday evening passen ger eRrs and by wmght In t11e Cl\60 c.{ commercial cars. Owners of REAL ESTA'fE TRANSFF.RS 5. $12.00; The Auto Electrlo Equip Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnr> t IlL_ passenger w rs with less than 23. Co.. part.~. $226; Wharlon MOLol's. t ended Friends meet ing at Waynes· horRepower wtll ·continue to pay Osa A. Snell to Minnie Oglc.',bee. parts. $2.25; Wharton Motors. parts vUle, Sunday. . $7.00 ; for cllrs with more than 25 , real estate In Harveysburg. , $2.81; The TrI-8tate IgnitiOn, Inc.. Mr. Bnd Mrs. 'Roy MOrton of Ma_ Margaret Van Horne to Roy S. pJrt8. 511 .69; H. C. Haenggi Com_ son ca lled at the home of ~r. and a nd 1!\118 than 31 horsepowed $10 00 I for all COl'S with mOl'e than S'I ho:se' l Biu'rOughs lot number 30 In Frank- pany. parts. $6.68; Orlswold Service Mrll· William Rogers Sunday. power. $16.00. . \ lin. • StaOon supplJes and gasOline. $85·47 Mr. and Kesler Graham anll AflOr the cost of admlnlstI'Rtl( n J . W. Ri gg and Amanda ' Rigg to R. D. Collett . su pplies an!l gasoline Miss Bernice w re Sunday dinner S mith T. Taylor and Grace M Tay- ~23. 85. . guests of Mr, p,nt1 Mr/!. HIHry L, deducted. revenue from automo_1 • • • lor . .801 acre In Clenrcreck town. Ed Kilpatrick Texaco Service Graham In honor of Harry'S 'blrth_ biles Is dis tributed as follows; 41 ' per cent to the counties and . 2 5 per ship. gaSOline, $11 .48 ; Hathaway's Texaco day. Cullen Herr to Edward Hill . lot Service. gasoline. $2.17; Compton Mrs. ~_ B. Jon el!. Mr· nna Mr~. cent to the municipalities. on Ii of r eglstJl.1l1ons; 6 per ce.n tl number 45 In Maineville. Gara ge. gaSOline. $4.96; Bnngbam's Hnrold Whitaker B.nd Mr. and Mrs. \ Glenn Cook and CharloLte cook Texnco c enter. gasOline. $7.44 : Harv y Burnet atLcnded the annlla l divided equally among tile 88 coun 23 per cen t to the malnten-; Care less automobile drivers I :he safe driver never lets his ties. La Virgil Robinson . lot number 129 Gross Service Station . gasoline. 147·- meeting of the Co-operatlve Milk ance and repair (WId of the state i are l<ill ing themselves as well a., car get beyond his control. On In village of Franklin. 97; Wa lter Botts Shell Service Sla- Co. at wnynesvillc BalUl'day after_ hi ghway department. . other motorits e very day. accord· we t or slippery streets bfllkes Edward Boteler Glass to J esse J . tlon. gasoline. $10.S1; 'The Morrow noon. Registrar Wallace stat'.:; that the in.,; to Fr11.k Switalski, Execu- I don't mean a thing if the car has HUl'mon and Prlscilla Harmon. real Garage, {Wsollne, $6.24; L. P . '1'ay_ R ev. Hilda Snyder nnd Mr. Sny_ ~ ·. v e Vice President of the Cin- j too much speed to. bring it to .8 es tate In Wa.l'l'cn county. 10r'S Service S tation. gaslolne. Il .6!l; der attended the wedding of the 1939 plates wUJ be avaUable star t_ O::l1lnati Automobiie Club. stop without skidding. Care less motorists are in n('\ The C incinnati AutomobUe VenR Young to Veri Miller and Borden's ServiCe Station, gusollne. former'S sister at Lhe pnrcntal home In" March 1. They may be used on MaUd Dcnrdoff, .2 ncres In Frank.. $9 02. at Bucyrus. 0 .. Sunday eVening or after March 10. .The 1938 plates parti cular class. A wealthy bank - Cl ub. In a recent . survey. finds el <)1' business ,nan ma y be a dan ' tha t the pedestrian I.s not withI1n townshi p. Roger s & Simpson. gaSOline, $26.· R ev. Snyder prefol'lned the marrl· may not be used atter March 31. d rive r while a common out fault. Most accidents oeWhen• app Ucation Is mad e for Ii- gerolls Frnncls Marlon La Seur to Tom 19; The Pure 011 Co" gasoline $3.88 ege ceremony. I I cense plates. the certificate ~f t.ltle abnrer In an ..lId ftivver m ay cur between pedestrians and auPowell und Lois Powell real estate Smart's GarBge. gosallne. $5.53; d rtve saff'ly. No one can explai n Itomobi les. ind ic:atihg thai th.e peMr Ilnd Mrs Marlon Whitaker Bnd III Wal'ren county. ' John Law & Son. $6.10 ; Ruby. Von SOn o( C1n~nnatl 'Were Sunday din_ or bill of sale must be presented. why' men or wo men risk thei r rles'_dan foolish ly steps from the pda MIlY Walts to Maggie Kin- Riper. gnsollne •.$11.17; Treasurer of n er guests of Mr . and Mrs. Harold The owner must sign the applca tlon lives. especially on snowy. wet si de of the street Into tlie path d,·cd. lot number 208 In Franklin. State. 1 per cent o[ tolal amount Whitaker and children. p ersooolly. and have his signature roads. No one can understan I ot an a utom obile. The automosworn to betore an Bcknow!edglng how a m ~toris t c~n drive care · bile, being heavier and moving Cora S . Willis to Ruth W. Mc- due State of Ohio for care fo Inlessly toward spots where chil - [;tster, cannot s top as QUIckly as ElIres h. relll esbate In Franklin. m ates In statc Instltut.!on8"-Febru_ Mrs. W. O. Haines. Mr. and Mrs. officer. Qr~n are 31ed riding. Mr. Swilal - a pedestria n. The pedestrian Fred Carr and Thelma Carr to ary. 1328.50; R. E. LeRoy, 1 coupon Robert DeH9.ven B.nd Mr. alld Mrs. skI stated. . with good judgment gIves the Clem Ie LIIkes and Hazel Lakes, 7 book, $10:00 Ohio Central . Tele · Rober t Haln~ aniil son o~ Daylon Cattle rustling has become 11 fed Fe bruary and March a're dan- automobile the rig:lt of way ncres tn FTnnklln township. phone Corp tolls. 134.80. were Sllnday even ling dinner gUests eral problem. The Senate 'In consid_ g~rous months. according to the whelher in the righ' or wrong, Ohio ...-tral Tel. Corp.... r en ts of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. . ering a bill to malte the trallllpor- -ClIlmnnatl AutomobilE: C I u h. Swl lalski s ald. -'Bettel avoi d 81. . Harrison M. Rdgers a nd Cleo '-""'. taUon of stolen cattle across slla ttl Sn~w. Ice. fogs. raIn a nd al l the aCC iden t th an win 1111 argume nt. RofTers t o' Nlcholils D. Brews ter. 10" v03rlous offices. $67.50; Johnston & Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thackara of bounderles subject to a fine of " • L.... Yanke S M · ttl whIms of Nature combI ne In t hpsp M,)tol'lsls may JOIn the diVIsion n)lmbCrs 289 and 290 In Mason. JOlUlston. sash cord. $.75; East End . e t. . rs. Le e Ml rshall and $6.000, a flvc.year \lerm In prison: m nnths tn trap the f lO!is h n rt V"1 of the CinCinnati Aut"mllblle • Coal Co., 56.65 tons Stoker coal Miss Frances Thaekiua of Center_ or both. whl) ~ p ee ds ahean ii' th ough Lhe C;luh In wh Ich lhe~ reSid e In $274.'18; Drs. Edw & Robt . Blair. ex- ville vl.sHed Mrs. Emily Thaclmra MARRIAGE LICNsE-S - road IS perfectly dry. (l hlO, lmliana 0 1 Ke ntucky. 4 H club members and Smlth . -'1lminatlons. 18.00; Trustees of' Pub_ Saturdll.y_ at-the ·home ot Mr. anti IIc Affnlrs. light and glls for Mem. M rs. S. H. Burn et. Mrs. Thack nra Hugh es high school stud ents planted Wtllard H. Kersey . 2" Oregonia, 43~ .000 trees in 88 Ohio counties In orla l Hall. $489; Trustees o(Publ1c Is gmdua lly falling. cash register repairman. nnd Polly AffairS. \\ISter rent, Memorial Hall. - Orville Phillips, Mr. and Mr. . Wl1 1938. Kennard. 22. Lebanon factory work· $3.64; East End Coal Co., 4600 Ibs. cr. Poca Egg for Memorial Hall. $17.~I!1-~.-.-~-~· · .-~-.-=:. --;.~;.;;-;.1-.·~-~-~.~-.;~r.a -;.~-;;~-~.-;;;;-~ 83 ; L: B. Steel. invalld care. $5.00; BILLS ALI.OWED Newton Stamper. Invalid care. $10._ Dr. W. H. Williams. blind pen_ 00 ; Leo J. Smith . Invalid oare, $10.slon examlootloll. $3.00; The Office 00. Outflftters. 1 qUire stencil for mlm- Merwin Scofield. [nva~ld care. $7. $3.50; The Orcgonla Iva Nichols, Invalid care. $5.00: Ed eograph. Bridge 00.. reinf. steel paint. C. R. Kaiser. Invalid care. $5.00; Ella material, etc, $843.93: Th.£! Lab- Hoff · Invalid care. $7.00 Winnie anOn Lumber Company. ladder and G entry. in\l19l1d ' care. $7.00 ; Mrs. s~fold. $30.82; Sellers I . G. A. Helen Doughman. Invalid care. $7; Store, nails. 11.25; Fairley Hard. Millard Bryant. Invalid, $6.00; ware Stores;- supplies. $7.43; Blair Alice M. Arnold. Invalid care, 15.00 ; & .LeRoY, gravel. 116:!!O: f ohtJllton District Tuberculosis HOSPital. hosFireside Fur~itu:e_ Shop gives you t his rare opport4nity to win your cho ice of the fol1o~m~; LlVlng Room Suite, Bedroom Suite, Dining Room Suite, Breakfast &. Johnston. guard rail lumber, ". s. $16.10; Warren' County Fair ~Board . Sk.9vlem & HeU$1nkveld. medical S~t, StudlQ Couch, Lounge Chair, 9x12 Rug, Gas Range, Console Radio or E lecCONTE "T CLOSES #. .servlces $42.50. ~rlc Washer. START NOW-It's lots of fun. Get your entry in. You can't w in
~ ~r~ ' ~~______________________.~ ~~~~--..------..--.. t ~~~~ ~~!!~~!!~~~!!!L ~c~--. ._n~'MD~--________~:7W-~~~
j '
MARCil tst. 1939
MI s.~lng
this 34
- ---
16 --1--12· DIRECTiON S
U ' only nUlllbel'S fJ'om 1 to 16 In· .cllmive BUel at'I'JJlge 'them Ill ' the blank squures so ' tim t they Will to_ tal 34 In each dln!Otlon':"V,erUc,al, ' horizontal and diagonal. Do not use any numb~ 1' more Wl; n once. N,um,. , bel'S 16. ~~. la and .11 have alf.I;\d.V-. been ·· pIa cud In the COl'l'eCt squlU'ft-' Qontes ant!j wJ\l b;) notified bY, mail Win~lng el'\lil'Y wlll be on dlsphly' at ollr ·.~tOl'~ No empIpYe of this ·f lan 01' thtolr· {amJlIes ' arc eligible. •
BOtH ;fir 0ldJ $2.00
ware PrldaJ callen.
-City . Address' Addreu All Entries to ~""t..t .~_*.
Sportsm.e n ----
F or your wonderful .upport to the opening of our newly remodeled Kroger Store in Wayneaville last week and eapeciaJly your acceptance ~f our new 'Meat Market. .'
, Corner . , BJ' Harl7 Eldrid•• , Jr.
______. - _0-----
We Guarantee to able ·priees. - --
Outside '.of. a grand snow that the goal fO.f whloh sportsmen of \lrougt1t Qll _sucb old .tlme fox hunt. Ohio hns worked '!ol' many yeoars to efs 8.1\ Merrill Oook of Looanon nnd tnke the Division p ersonnel out 01 q harl1 e Shaw ot Oregonia" and a. . politics B11d put it on n merit basis) couple of warm balmy days t.hat While most of the administration ave fisWn'·mlnded a case of jitters supported legislation for tl1e Conser· tllis past w.eeks news of interest to vallon Dept. has been very splendid out door men nas been centered in - I t Is to be regr tted that tbls reo Columbus. A bill was passed in the organization bill contains a joker. House making the stile of wild rab. It would create an · entirely new bits 1l1egat, To our mind this Is a Conservat.lon Council thrOwing out splendld 'help in wild ure conserva. the present one ntlrely. 1.1011. Beeause as long as wild game Ever since the Council was erea or fish have a market valu , U adds ted under Gov. Donahey It has con Immense IncentJve. for law violators slsted of eight men- four democra ts Bills introduced in the 110USe during OllvlB de Havl!1and llnd George Brent have the starring roles and four republicans, who serve .1J1e p~t week of Interest to sports· in Warner Bros. exciting aerial romanco. "Wings- ot. the Navy" without pay, appointed by the Gov. ,,"en,_are' as follows. which will open SundllY. Februa ry 26 at tlle delu xe Xenia theater tor a five dllY engagement. H . B. blos. 388 389 390 391-Deol emors, whose terms expired In such The story ot ',' Wlngs of the Navy" Is Interes t sustaining Ilnd with flshlng on Lake Erie (coromer_ a way that only two vacancies. on e the romanllc a ngle a ppears genuine and not drngged In by the clal or otherwise) .such as size at of elum party could be apPointed bee1!! ~ Neve rtheless It) Is the background material, the sensible mesh In' commerc1al net; baWling eVery two years. This eouncn wall and ge.... clrnus exposltion of the Nli vy's ui r ,torce. In all Its aspect s that lila rank a nd m e wil! thrill to uuil go 'Ju t talking abo ut. nets' within one quarter mUe of given the POWer by the Legls1a.tur!-l mainland and extending ' t he rod to supervise aU matters of Conser_ and reel !lsliing season twenty days. vatlon policy and l'uUngs such a! . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;;;;:____-______ - ___-;;;;_;:;;;;;_______;;;0;;;;_ , H. B. No. ~ ,"5 Would prov,Jde for the purcbase of park sites on Lake Erie (We und61'6tand this bill is being backed by the League of Oblo sportsmen) ' a B , No. 669 Authorizing the Conservation COmmissioner to in_ vest1iat~ water resources lind con. servatioD. (This work has been dope .a nd ' will be done in the ~uturl WiU10ut necessity or legislative ac· tJon. LllSt but far ftom least ' Is Senate Bill No. 165 To rcorganJze t he OOiL ervatfon Dept: AIl.d permit the Con· serVation counc11 to name the Dept. Oommlssloner (If ,tilat were ,tile only function o,f this bll~ it would be
open seasons. bag limits etc. It VALENTINE DANCE FARMERS' GRANGE has made POllSlble at least a mess· The recently dedicated auditorium ure of long range plannings. sinCe at gym of Waynesvliie high School A February program was prescnt. any given time tllere were at least again gave evidence of its u~lness of 'Farmer's six experienced men serving. The to the community when It became ed at the meeting Grange Saturday evening. Master neW so ealled "Conservation Rippel the scene ot the Vll lentlne dance of Donald Brown gave ' 8 short sketch BIll" would allow Gov. Bricker to St. Mary's young people's group I'list appoint a ' totally new co.uncil 01 Saturday. Bellutlful in Itself. tbe of the lives of .some of t he great eight members, a ninth member be. gym n eed ed no decorations; and the men born In February. lI4rs. MOl'li ' Ing the Director of Agriculture. soft footlights, along with the !loar Fulkerson favolled wUh two beautl · This counen would serve a term of lamps over the card t.ables. provided eight years. The danger Is not onl~ a. fitting atmosphere for the youth- ful SO]06 and a plano solo by Master 0. totally inexperienced new councU ful dancers. All ages were repre- Milton Jones was enjoyed. The Clos. but that the next change of admin. sented. and everyone reported ing number was a splendid talk on !stratlon would pJl\6 another Ripper having had a good tlme. "Lincoln" by Supt. h A. Garst. Bill to el1minate Mr. Brlckers coun· ell. It is surprising that the L eagu RURAL YOUTH OONFERENCE of Ollio Sportsmen, wbo claim to The Warren County "Centurial" represent Ohio's sportsm~ who buy club will choose four boys' and girls hunting and flsb1ng licenses in their membersllip to attend from Ohio. are sponsoring tllis bill that Friday -- , ~laturday the Rural youth Conterence to be would e.l1mlnate the only official f beld cat the Dayton y . M. C. A. on group which we now' have ~t lias given Us long ' range - conservation Saturday, March· 4th. . '-SC.REENThe theme of the afternoon pro. programs .. regardless. o~ changes in " Bllrn 'Em Up O'Connorh administration. We cannot help gram !s "Oul,t ure In Fa.rm ,Life" and Cecilia Parker Dennl. O'Keefe but feel' that Mr. Brloker has been will be presented by C. C. Lang of unduly Influenced along if. wrong the State 4 HOlub. Office. Ohio Continuoul Shew. Dally path by men who claim they repre. State University. Adult. . Only ':rll 2 P. M. sent Ohio sportsmen. because most A.. B . Graham, retired member of of legl5latlon he bas 'support_ the tedCl'Bl extension staff. will be ed, affecting th e Dept. whIcb has tile guest speaker at the banquet complete say In our hunting, fish. planned to precede the evening ing and conservat~on hIlS been recl-eaUon 'in <;barge of the Shelby County youth Group. pretty so~d.
"Bank 1'Iight".
Complete line of beauty - Culture
•• __ ··------
our extra hirih quality ' of
Juicy , and Tender
lb. 23c
lb· 15c
lb. 17 Y"
dressed Ib.23c lb. 25c
all for Buy a package for 23c and get a Mayonnaiae di~h for 1c
lb· IS 'hc
Ib ISc
lb. 10
KRAUT 4 large cana • MARSHMALLOWS lb. MACARONI Noodles 31b, pkgs. BARTLEr PEARS No.2 can tall RED BEANS Spa~etti 8&
lb. ISc'
'Spotlight C'offe~ DREfT ,
Economy Twin loaf
Lge. CATSUP Bottle 4 Iba. 19c PRUNES Country 3 tall MILK Club can 19c Fancy 'RICE Rose 5 Iba. 19c TOMATO SOUP 4 cans 1ge
giant can
Ib.25c lb. 19c
Clo~k. Bread
Daisy Cream Cheese
RIB ROAST of BEEF BACON 3 lb. piece or more
lIe 25e 10e ,. 5e
lb. hag
N. B. C~ BRAN . . . 8pk::
Free--A large aample box with each 'package
No.2 SPINACH Count'ry 10e' SWEET HEART SOAP 4 bars ISc Club ' can . Franco - 1~e- ,FRUiT .CbCITklL SPAGHETTI ;·American can can e-10e .'
qA8HE8 - TIle Army'.
Florida (Jrange~ .
. __ twlJI..avtnecl plimlll ahIp ccaaa to r,rrIe' _
MlIdaaU FIeld. MIa.oId. If. T. Ita _IIaCltloD alter .~" the CoIIllaeat GIld -.ttIav
0 lIa.
Large Size -
Doz •.
Ap ' pleSRoman Beauty 4 Ibs~ 19c . or Wealthy .
Head Lettuce
Bananas ~::~~ 4
New Cahb~ge 3
CGllIllleaIaJ apHd rec«d.
each Ibe•
lb. . baSt
........ . . . .- ' . . . . . . . . . .•. ' .. . . . EGG MASH 100 I~. bag $I.~ STARTING ' MASH 20% DAIRY FEED · ·100 lb. bagn·39 SALT, bulk 16% D~IRY F~ED 1'00 lb. baa $1.35 BLOCK SALT TWIN8. lOIN FIVE DAYS
UABT - lame. McDonalU Irl9bll poMO .lIb bls twla brotMf. John AnthOIlY . • bo . cu bam Un day. Cllld thraa bClllft Iotar to No. Milo C. McDaaaaU of Kernllll Clly. n.a eCIIII Is Olle 01 the most ' _usual In medical hlltery.
, '"'- ~ ' . - -'.
Ferry PerrYtsms
. It seems to,'me
__ ..... II. _ '' ' - - len 0._
... GIld tar ........ IId-IIIIII, tile aI!I-traU' lI
a- ID . .old U. loaCJ bQUl up
"'1".'''' ., ...... J .III'!" - .. Iba 1<l1li<>," WID" IJMII\ TIMIt lilt ............ Is •
Da8ato, .
• - •
thalt' OldMJ3n .Win
ter had. bls fUn 10Ilg · etiougb. Be giVes 'u s a warm · da.v,·and ,gets our . aU'. rataed uP, then 'dasbes them to the ground .g&ln ·Wiih winds and snow, and Ice. shOuld do ~metblng" about l~_ . Mra. Busle 'MirtJil-'and m, 'iUld MtS. William 'Oot~lJlll4D;. TroY were Sunday; ~sts at !fije ~ua. ~lton bome· · " \ " . Mra. Forrest Trait 118 a)le t.o,l,e ~ and' raroun4 her ·bomt!- &pm, we are 'to report- --:-; ~ . Monday was a banDer ~ 'for the reSidents al~ ' Middle Bun ro&Jt. i The DaJtQp Power LIght 00., bouled poleS . them pntplratorr- to tbe.1oDI eX. J
pectecl eJectrIo UDe.
Marion Smith 18 suffering from a rick ' aDd 'Lester Gerhard. _ r • "'t b' la ....- Le8 te ' -' " \. ~e8. She ,iii ' bel,"'0 nIP. cartId for:, 'bY bad tt ae k .0f .'. 1-.,........... .-.'" . r au·hard Spent ·part.of , , borne. , . • ' ~bJ8 'last W~ek. V~rnlalrlng , In ' th~ ~ ~1118 ' Fpre , of tW~~~. PerrY and Laverrta ~ullmd, their .ch~h. , " .>~, Edward Q~ , o~ ,'WlnObeaier• ' , . -, ' :J Kentucky was a vtalto of Mr" ad sOD and Wilma; Thomas called on LaWrence Thomas. ' who"sufferect . , .... '. 1" " :_ .. a MJ'i. ljlthel , Paul, who bas been 111 lung hemorrhages liaat 'M onday and , ~. iI. S. PUer Prtday e~II'., with gr1pPe~ at; h~r' bome r in Mt. Tuesday Is l'ecovering enough to 8lt Wotd ,hu ~ ~~celved here ~t . .. HollY, and later called on Mr. and up lit a cbatr ,' . , ~. A;UC6 ~ort .Ja . ae~oU81y mat . : , " " " . . the hoine of her 1iIP~, Ref. ah....... " . ' ~. Harold Lemons !It ~eys- , A lielegatioD' o! ' i7 from 'the Perry t~ 'W'Uj8m101) <b1 aoOttBdaJll ~• . ' urg. ~~ attended v ~e' Xenia ~ 'WUma Bmtth'Wu cIinD~; '~t Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence ' MO'Ire ~.:,tlna held: at ,Wayn~v1l,le, :...Thura of ~e ~ oOmella' SUnday": " land friends were Bunday ~ven1ng cI " <Y~, ,. ',. '. • A IOOd ~ , folU '''elft ' to tbe' guests of Mr."and M~ ·Bar.ry Cor• . "·M1,tn.,h S~th an oarl .~tb ,"'rt 8jI1e of ~ eooJr.lI~; .. '. . , ., -t ~unday ~t J;he Leatei Oertua,'d . 1Ir:,IDd ¥n. , Oar~ . ir";' .' Bev from tbla' It ~ . ' ' '. , ~d., witb Kra: and Mrs. . ,,_ ~ttebded' the clul' plV ~..,"'"'!": Paul aDd ... 1!lr9IIh 'were, B... . .' , WaJDeavUle last Tqeaday qht. . cJ\nner ~..ot.aeY. ~.,..- oars Tbe Rn, ~fam1Jy were caD.. New cupboards are being, bunt ,.~- ~ lUIlIb' 8uDda7. en or tile DaUeJaa,.HanIa ~ 1D to the Idtc:ben, Of ' ~e Pe1'17 Church ' IIrI. t.tDr II a \fIctIm of IIdU'let Bellbrook . . . , afterDaaD. baagDieDt end tD tli. reyer. bUt II DOt ~ m, It II IAWI'eDat ~ bad lIIaIW aukltClhen. "!be 'wart II JII'OfI'IiIiidD ~ ... .' _ aDd be . , . tbat .rapldlJ under tbe ~ lin. LeI!tIi Kea11ctta 1117 ~. tIdDb ~ .. . . beIped II.... ~e7 ____ . . . . deIIrIaII:' N weIl~. ' f t . . . . . . . . . . . ..:
Whole number 3971
Ninty.Fi...t Year _-..
.. '"
-- - -----..-
Warren County Festival March 10
Alamo· Association Reference'Library
Many unusual entertainment feaohio rmple syrup producers, who Waynel\vme will be host to the tures have baen Ilrl'anged for the began opening theIr camps durIng Warren county school teachcrs In . I 1, the Week of February 13. are, fOI; their second an"ual me_Ling which annual home demonstration achieve· The flrz:t annual solo and e n s e m _ ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .the first time attempting to meet will ' ,be held about the middle of ment meeting to be held at the The special committee of the de'flnlle standards just adopted , by March. Arrangements are being Lebanon ToWn HIlIl,. Tuesday ANNUAL MEETING ble 'music ,event wID be held at the NO EXTENSION ON TIME FOR Waynesville HI h Sci1001 Alumni th U. S. and Ohio Department,l or made to secure Dr. Franklin B . Me- March 21, according to MIsB Ellza· TUESDAY. MARCil 14 Mason School Auditorium ' Friday PAYING REAL ESTATE TAXES Association has now hud Installed Agriculture. Nutt. Director of' InstrUction of the beth Graddy, home demonstJ-aLion in ' Ule hlgl1 scbool building the flrst March 10. This Is being sponsored 'I These standards- will be used for State Dept. or Edu~ atJon as the agent.. by the County Music Teachers In t There will be no extension of "Chemloal Rcr ~ :u I'h ns a n AlJ La I1nl ~ of t.he High Scl1001 Alumni l).{odels. selected fl'om the various order to stimulate muslcrol advance- i time tor PIIylng the current real es.- the· first tIme by judges at the an. principal speakel". Ud rrence Llbl·ary. which It voted m \lnt tQ as high a degr ee as po&. tate taxeS, County Treasurer Geo. nual Oeauga County Maple Festival The March me-etlng ort the War. home demonstrlltion groups, will the Fnrll1 r OO wi,l Le (h e subj ect 0, t() IIl'psent to the school at Il.s allI B. Johnson announ~ Wednesday. at Chardon, March 23·26. sible'. . ren County SchpoOI Masters club will wear garments chosen to · LUu ~t. ate U~~ adell ess uy ' Dr. W. F , Com or , lIuul meeting last MIlY. A special Much better service can be given All maple products at the festival be held at the Waynesville school t.l41 different color comblnaLlo. s Heud of t h e Department of Chern· cOlllml :tee was appointed headed by A pupil of any age In school may If tax payers come In early and will be Inspected by Mr. Baker 1IIllc1 on March 9. It Is hoped to have stressed In the recent project sllltly O. M, Cartwright of Ohloogo to se_ ente~ and may be In as many as not walt unttl the last t ew ooys, Mr. R. L. Bpangler, from the U. S. De- Alexander Varenofl, a Russia refu. called "The Selection 'of BeCom'lI Istry, n L the Iowa Stale Coll eg e 0, cure th J funds and haVe t he books .t hree different evepts. No prizes I Johnson said. R emittanCe by mall partment of Agriculture, Washlhg- gee, to speak , t.o t he men at that Color In Clothing". Costumes su it Ames, lown, at tho nll l ual me _tlnl purchase. A large collection of will be given. However, ~ch event. will save the last minute rush and ton, D. O. Inspectors from the DI_ meeting. able tor street and afternoon w u of Th e Miami Va lley Coopel'ilt,vt mls(:ellllncous books, reference liOlo or ensemble. ·wlll be construct- j ail . letters postmarked on the 15th 'as well as becoming house dre:;s. s Milk I'n)(lul:crs As},ocb tl, ll. T li workJ . encycl()pedlas, etc., haVe been _ and the Division A large . shipmen t of books has vision of Markets Ively criticised and rated such as will obe' received, wlll be :;howll. meellng will b e hl.ld 011 'I ues uY. I'j,ctl vr't! and In dOe season will be of Foods and Dairies of the OhiO superior. excellent, good, fal.:, Or be- I Mall dated leter than the 15th Department ot Agriculture will also been received \)~, Ure school which Opening th!! afternoon ,PI'Ogl am Mal'ch 14 and will begin promptl) l'I·m.H' <.I so thnt th e high s 'hool constitutes the .1ll'st cllD.'ugnmcnt of Mrs, Lyman L. Juckson of Colum- at 1 :00 p. m. in til . Rlld il,orlulll 0 low average. Those r.ecelvlng one of wl1\ be held untl.1 after settlement be on the grounds. jlu p'I ~. 1l1,d [acuity call have full ad· the ,first three ratings wlll receive 0 with County Auditor and .those Ohio Is the second, largest maple the Alumni Reference library. bus wlll discuss music and th part t1'1l BlItlllore Hot.el. l.)aYLolI. 0,110. VILII . I 1 ot Lhe fucilltles . A ~cond cllrtl,lcate which can be fra!Ded and sen<ling In their remIttance too products producer among the 48 The additIon of these books to which mush) plays In the llapplne: s Dr H H. W .11111,n '. 0 1111,11 ,Iolle ~ lI i ,. 1 ClIt will follow 111 two or kept as a troPhY. Ano~her advan_ late for acceptance. wl.1)" be notified sbates and the Chardon testlval an. our school WII~ give us a splendid of fumBy mem bers nnd In the tl'll n of H en .tli. Daylon . 0111.> will sp nl. , . ' <! weeks. This will constitute tage Is that any number of pupils, of the amount of their penalty. nually attract.l thous~ds at produ- library maldna Bval!cJble to our pu, lug of ohildren, Home Ex enslnn His sUlJjccL VIlli be . 'I'll ,! Need ol .•at w.1I1 be termed the lIrst unit U the Quality of perforffi'!lnce merits cers and VisItors from other maple ' plls the beat In :racb und fiction, Council members who heard M I'S HelllUI ·to:<llIcnLlon Progl lUll ." ,r the Alumni A..o;sociallon Refercan JJe c\BS.'jlfled In anyone ot ,the producing states. A dedication program Is being Jackson sPC';lk at the 1938 St, LI' I~s H It.n Nu ,0 t. th.) " L ence Llbral·Y. Next f!J 1I another 'ratings. -.- . - , ~ . The neW standards, applicable to planned ,tor ~ ufternoon of Ma'r. Home Council in Columbus prom'· e FuslJl( nell . 11'1" f Olll 1 :1(11 0 n .on unit will be establl. hed . It Is the 'l'he eVents are to beglr"'iPromptthe Industry In all states. esuabllsh 30 at whIch time' It l~ hoped u good nn unusuill treat In this presenl a · \'/LW III , .11. , rtaln ,' I .. I, ~s. hope oC the Alumni AssocIation to Iy at 9 a. m. In the Mason' 8chool requ\tements for, grades" color number ot alumni and friends ot \Ion. make this a continuous contribu_ auditorium and wllJ last until 3.ob "PI'eRenkl,,), fabill's allc! the 'r li St weight and containers. Weight of the school' may be prfsent· Mr. C. tion to th e School as evidence of p . m. Students, parent.;, ond all In_ ..~~ - _____ "-"' ___ ._ _ ..;u. Chicago. Chllll'man I ~ Jiving room decoration" will Ie one gallon of syrup Is fiXed at 11 M. Carwrlght the appreciation of the members of 'terested In thl8 worth while project --------~-~-,---------- the benefits they received durIng Mr. .and Mrs. Earl COnner were pounds. of the AI~nJ L1b"nry Committee I h I" ~.l1uJect of the lIIustreted t~ Jli are cordially Invited tQ attencl all dlhner .guests on Sunday of Mr. and ,P eak prdductlon season In Ohio will be here to mnke the pre enta.. glvl!n by F. B. sniltil, <lirector, of their school years. The books were clay or at any tlnie during the day. Mrs, Leo Conner. this year Is expected betwe-en Mar. tIon It was \:hrough Mr. ("Ilrl' the home decoratlon departmenl f IllJ selected by Superintendent L. A. No admission wm 'be charged, At . . . _ ..• Garst and a eommlttee of the hlgl1 ~ wrlght.·s earnes ,endeavors th, t this the Rlk e_Kumler Company In na. - __ _________._._._.M·.__ Mrs. John B. Oons, with Mrs, 1 and 10. the present time about 150 are gut to the SCf:1ool Is being ll'JJde lon. Carl Sanker. of Mason, spent Sat_ Mrs. H. H. WUllanlson Is on the school faculty . There 'were IjQme entered. Special enterMlnment features of POSSible. books that were particularly needed urdoy in Clncinnatl sick list this' week. Rehearsals tor the school OPeret- the day wID Include a Performance for high school reference work and Mrs. Edith M , Harris , and Mr. Mrs. Frank Hess called on ¥rs collateral r eading Others wer e ta "Blow Me Down" have started. of County Home~ers' Ohorus un· Harris MOllher were dinner guest~ Mr. Prank ~ In charge ot \J:le pro- der th e direction of )lrlrs. George Ollfford Prugh of Beavertown or, chosen because of their ,c ultural of Mrs. Emma H. McClure, TUesday Friday. duction with Milas Beach assisting NOel. and other novelty numbers. valUe· The first collection. which Reports 01 the accompll8hmen j;s evenJng. In danCe chOl'1lSEiS anct Mr. Pogt In was submitted to lading librau' Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Branstrator dialogueS. , The- ('peretta, ~heduled of the last year'li borne demonstra_ a\lthoritles ut the executive office . Jo~n Boger and James Hagewere· Sund.a y guests of Mr. and Mrs , and plana for the tion projects of the AmerIcan Llbro,ry As8oc~tlon . meYer ·· returned home Friday .fter On Friday afternoon, Feb, 24, the tor March :H 111 the muslqll dra~ 1939_40 activltlllll will be Included In S. S. Gatch of MIlford. James E . Burke" 51, well-known havlog spent four weeks In Florida. 'New Century Club was' p]eaj5&ntly hlg~ Habt of the school year. In Ohlcago was prbnouncec;l to be the annual publication called "The Warren county attorney ,of Lebanon The Farm Bureau Discussion most desh'llble In every way and entertained at the home of Mrs, J. As such eve~ member ot the com· Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Collett ~ere B. Champan. Twenty members re_ munity,lIlould refierve this ' night for Home Extell8lon Herald" to be dis· group met TUesday eVening Wltl, high cOlUmeml",Uon was given the died Saturday at Qood samaritan dinner guests last Tuesday eVening S~l1ded to roU call with "An Epl- att-endanCe In thll school auditorium tJ"buted at this meeting. hoIlpibal, Cincinnati, follOwing an Waynl'svllle, ,t aehers for the' dis. MI'. and Mrs.J . L. Mendenhall. emergency operation. He ~ pre_ of' the Rev. Ilnd Mrs, John Lacy. crimination shown: Bode In the Life of Bome FamOWI Mrs. Boyd HendersQn returnc< ASSUME DUTRS AT viously beeft W with innue1iza an!! Till' Alumni AssOCllltion wm hold Mr. an'd Mrs George Quick of Man". . LOCAL JEBSE,Y HEilD WINS after a two WeekS' visit wiLl. Its annual meeting the afternoon Sunday (lIlIIlDREN'S HOME 'was taken to tlie hoepltai Wednes· MIamisburg wer~ Sunday guests ot ' Mis,~, N. Hough and Mrs. J . B. PRODUCDON CERTIFICATE frIends 'at St. Albans, West. Va. daY r when the n~lty for an op_ a nd evening of May 2'1. . In ~~ af_ Mr. and Mrs. J . P. Larrick, Crabb, program committee for the F~R 41t-LB FAT RECORD Mr, and Mrs: Roy M. liradford as_ eration developed. Charles Wilson oC Lebanon spen ternoon Will , be (\ rally of the old sumed tbelr neW duties Moarch 1 as .~Is wUe, Jean; a. son, JameS Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pumas day. ChoSe to discuss Famous Wom_ tile week end with his grand paren\.. guard ~emb 1'8 lit Ule ~ratle school en" Mrs. ~bbe read a v~ry Ipter· superintendent and matron ot the grounds and In the evenhig wUl be Burke, . Jr.. end a lister ip elneln· spent Sunday with Mrs. Almira , tI . tl ' More than ota t40ns of milk testing Mr. and Mrs, Chal'les Ames. . e.s ng paper el! lied ''Uotqer ••Step: LW41Ten County Cb1l4ren's Home, '·natll.-omve. " . - .- ~Balley of'WUmlDrton. • • t1T j ' annual ' buslness meeting ' pteSld!.: d W" f Y 1---1 , 5.G3 ~ MliklIIIoI-t Were produc.. mO"uer an .. e- 0 .,......... n". LID.. '"'(' ••- sucoeedlng Mr. and, Mrs. Sam BnL Mrs. L. C. st John and Mrs. AI· ed over by Margaret W. Edwards. '89 lie was a member of St. Francis ~ , Irl sal t ed by the I8..eaw purebred Jersey •, . , , , . ' fred': Stout ca11ed on Mrs. ' Jesse whd d 0 Nancy Hanks, LlIicoln; herd of Wllllain A. Lukens, Waynes.' der. de Bales cliqrch In Lebllno~l: a ~ru:t The quarantlne . has been lifted co pl'es clent, and' thl&-wJl Mr. and Mrs, SnJder have con· Mengle Thursday artern&m. . exalted ruler of the Elks; past from the ~ ~. Hattsock- home "Ali that I am, aU that I hope to ville, durm&' a ieciently completed followed by a 'r eception In thl} .hlgb , be; I owe to my mother" Af~ her ' ducted the home for the past slxcommander of th . Ra'p~ ( Snook and the family Is reunited. 365-day ~st; The 'l\ev. and Mrs. R, b, _H· " "~:-f-i:wlJS!Ill--1lUllcunl~-'.ma -ll1te~e ·· de~Pk.h.t8 8tep-mQther.,..Banm-Bush teen years. but tendered their ·res_ ' , The record, made under the su. poet, AiD rican Legion, past presl- ,Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas SPent LI . In well entertained at dinner nco made their home IQ place of Ignations to the board In December d!!nt of the Lebanon aerie of Engles Sunday at t,.h ~ home ot their daUf:h. I -''''pervla10n of the dtllry department of The class of '89 will be featured, due to UJ health. Mr. Snider has Thursday, the Rev. 'a'rld Mrs. H. H. p easant memo • ..". to the Lincoln nnd a member of the ,Warren countY tel', Mrs. Harry Durnett, and famUy children Mary ...... Ad wit ot the the Ohio State University, Is Guthen b the 50 th year class. The belng In _MltI I dl I f Ha<liey of Glendale. . U"'. 'e ' , een 'Il ..... ca con t on or SeV_ bar IissoclaUon. In LyUe. ClOSS of 1914 wlJl be he 25th year president W88 a aocleiy belle hav tieated In a Herd Improvement . al da ......k _ __ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. licrman Smface ane, c1as." and Lhls will be accorded reo.. Mr. and Mrs. Rn'y mond' WIlSon Ing been' brought up In a ho:ne o~ Regl8try certificate Issued today by erBoth y~. and Mrs. Bradford have sOD Donald Lee have mOved Into o nltton, A, speCial ! effort w)11 be ~"P YEAR cliILD's and daughter Patsy of Spring ValleY lUXury. Although she possessed a hot The American JI!rseY Cattle Club, had experlenee as tenchera. 'Mr. Martha Cook's property on Ma; n 'BIRTHDAY PARTY ffi'3 d ~ to IIllva th06C!' l't:turn .1to the temper and' stubborn wiIJ she pro~ed I national organlral!.1on ,of Jersey cat· Bradford was a former membier or , • street. AltbOttgh little Miss Martha Lu· spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. "eUnJon Who belong t.P the genera_ In many WaYBtO be a helpful wife tIe ~reeders. the Lebanon high school faculty . k~na actUQ~IY has a blr~dlltY only IIl nd Mrs. Earl Evans. The Lukens h'erds total produto Lmcoln. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burface and ~Ion of these twO' cllWies. It IS exeve!,), fqur Years as bet anniversary pected t,hab 't he forth~lng reMr. and Mrs. L. C. St. John and Mni. lJou~h read a well prepared tlon was 8'1,778 ,pounds of · milk , WOMEN'S F, M ••SOCJETY ~ner Surfnce visited Mr. and Mrs fralls the 29th ot Pebruary, she cele:' Mr. and Mrs: .Olenn Bland and paper on '!SOme Women of Litera' 4.853 pounds oi 'I~utterfat. with 10 OBSERVES ANNIVERSARY Marlon Osborn at Harveysburg, union wllfb~ an eVl'Qttul one and brat 2d ~er ~veittit ' birthday on tb~ daughter Barbara Lou were Sunday ture ·and Legend" Rebecca Oratz, a of the Jerseys actually milking opportunIty be given ~ ,the Monday. " 28th by InvltlDl 8everal o( her guests, of Mr. and ~rs. John Settle_ Philadelphia beauty of a eentu'ry t~ughout the t 'est year, the rcc. member~ to, visit tbe '.~ew .~rez:ence T.l'!e seven~leth annlver8llry or the £chool m~te8 in aftllr school for play myre, of, Orcgorua. Mrs. Gayle Evans was called tc. Library II). the school building. lind a Quarter ago. Uves on in tbe ords show. The ' average milk Women's Foreign M1sslotWlry So. A happy time W8I spent In games Cincinnati Frld-ay to be with hel' , . ' .... . of Blr Walter Scott's "!van_ yield Was 7.5!r.I pounds. and the anti opening ,the gi(t~ brought l)y Mr. and Mrs. Al'thur Wilde and' ...... hoe". average butterfat yield was 419,84 clety of the Methodist church was mother Mrs. Wm. Fischer who was SEWING MACIIINE c ....Nic , observed with a combination Pound operated on for appendicitis. MrS. her friends ,rafter whiCh all Were 59n ot PJttsburg, arrived Th\lJ'8('llY of the enthralling mysterieS pounds per cO/fll. ·The herd was . er's Day, pr08~m It I tI 'Eeatec1 at the ·table for ,aupper. The to , vis re a ves here. ' Mr. Wilde of America "'.tory'- th dIsa mUked tWice mil:,. ' ". , -.. ',and ~Uowsl)lp Fischer Is getting alo':lg ",caly: I n 'IlI> .... e po . ' . tea at the home of Mrs, .D. C. Ridge , guests were Ba'r~a Hart.BQck, ¥atY returned home Bunda)" Mrs. Wdde pearanoe at s~ on the . way to visit ~e hlgh.e st II1ldlvldual prodUcer Wednesday. afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Morris Dora Hough both , of whom stayed and son remtlnlng f~ a sl1 • hllr.' tather In: New' York of Thea- was the 'l y,e ar old cow, granddaugh. . The 'devotional perlod was in ente'r talned at Sunday dlnn~r', . ~. OVer night: M'llf,y Ann .Dur~n, ~ean wl\J:l h,er parellts. Mr. and Mrs. D. dilsta ' Burr A1Bton. ~~ghter ot the tel: of Foxhunter. wIth 10.125 pounds cbarge of'Mr&, J. ¥, Laqy who chOSe I\nd Mrs. J , W. F~lkerson of Spring Hawk, Ann ' Rogeni and Audrey B. ,underwood. "v,lc a n.esl~ent, nf the Unlted 'Sta ' tes. o[ milk and 497.15, pounds of but.. ..., l" (or her . s ubject "The Password to Valley and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eden. The "'PrlenMhlp CiUb meet 'The Bronte a1s~r Were an exam_ terfet. the Kingdom" Mrs. A. K . Day gave Van Pelt or Xenia. a reading .-egardlng Founder's ' Day , . with Mrs. Will St. John OIl Wednea.. pie of group gerilua who In thelr be· Dr, and Mrs. Hal'land DYe were d,ay; March 8. A St~ Patrick day loved l:Iorn!!, Haworth parsonage. to LAWRENCE POPE RITES at the ' cloee of which Mrs. R,. D. MISSIONARY MEETING At M'llson Presbyterian church. The MioIslonary 'l!lOclety .' of the ll~m 18 bema planned. E'ach gettier produced their Works} Jane Collett, Mra. Walter Sheehan, Mrs, In Washington C, H. Thursday eve- Wednesday·,' Murph' 8th and' :It Ferry and WaynesvlJle Churches of inember· Is asked tQ ,resJlOl.ld', to reU Eyre, Agnes GreY and ' ;Wuthering Funeral aervlce.ll were held 9atur. Raymond Conner, Mrs . Harold Earn ning. The Doctor attended a meet. ~leasant Platn Junior, Hall. :nturs· . Ohrlst met at the Perry' church 'call With an Irlt h 'Joke. . :'. ' ,' Heights ~der the pseudonyms CUr- day afternoon at th~ Stubbs (un- hart and 1\I1s8 Vivian Conner , dress- Ing of the Southern Ohio day. Mat ch 9; R,. , D, Darden, a <>rl_ February 22 with ' a COVered dish . rer. Acton. aild Ellis BeD. eral parlors for J;.&wrenee PoPe, 37 ,ed In the fuhion of seventy years rlan's Association .whUe .Mrs. englneerln.g 'sp~lallst, Ohio dinner. . ~Ia.tives 'here have receIVed , aD-. ~fter 'a djournment. dellCioUs ~e_ who passed away ThUrS(!'1 Y a. m. at ago, apPear.!d. ~epresentlng the 'or _ vI~lted with friends. State Unlverslty. will direct the nounce,m ent ~f the arrival of a freahmeritliS wereairved by 'the 'host. his home near ~prln«boro atter a gan1t.e... of the' SOCiety. . The ~urch W18lII on the machines which will tie decorated In teeplnr wltb th~ 'MU- daughter. Carol Ko:ry, at the home ,ess to' the 'mel}l~ and lU~ta; II1'II. ,tew days Illness ' ~ ~e .15 sUrVived by , A rea~ from the Friend by cleaned and adjusted b~ their ownday. ' ' . , ot ¥t. and Mrs. John Turner, P ab. Harvey Purnett: Mrs. POeterHea.. his .w~e. AldaD}'liI/ ~two daughters. .~. Prank LeMay was enJoy~d. ers. Both meetings' 'Will " start .t 'nIe devotional program . W&3 In 26, a.t their ,h ome In Steubenville,. cock, Mrs. WIDlam' .Graham, Un., Janta ran~ ,JO):;.. Ii1!I iJl!.ren.~,; Mr., and Pollowlng the program, a ~lnt;v. 10:00 a· m: and homemakers ~re reo (l)large - of Marjory Brow-n: 'PrtP.rer, 91)10. , . • John.P reston and Mrs. William Lu· Mrs. R~ P-o . Of Cen,terylJle and tea was aerved to members . and minded to bring .' the e'Q~,j! maMrB, Edna Smith. Bong. America. kena. one atSter. "Mrs: tO~ester, t!OUIlg of guests. to receive atttin,tlon, . , atter wbleh the .follbwlng proiram .KiNG'1iI. HERALDS MEETING • OentervlUe, ,BUE1al. was , In the Mrs. .R1dae was us1Bt.ed by Mrs. was ·,lveo: 'l"aIk on tratnlng the EDUCATIONAL TOtJIt 8~bpro ce~~ . . Edith J{1l~ ~nd MrII. Pfanl LeMay INivRED IN ACCII)ENo, .Yo1,Ulr, AnDa. . NUtt: ~ 'S,tory ~tolil, • "' Edna Smtth: .. Plano 8010, Harriet A ~plen~ld m,e!l!lng of the King'S , • Herald ~ety was held .after '!be 'Y:oung Men Panners' 'club MARY t:DNA STEELE, DOUG~UT SALE AT ' 'nIomas: BuUdlng ~e Cb~ true school on Monday ,'wlth Richard with ~ell: lejLder, 'Mr. crabbe made ' _ ' _' M; ~ r VitUllCH SA~DAY to':u. DiVine plan; Jennie Planc1t; Sh~ehan. ,' silcteen hlembel'll and an educational toW' last~. M1Be 'Mury. Edna S~~I. 50, 'd led _ taiik" bJ thelr 'lee.der. Mrs. Harold Earnhart the tpP)$d through the Krorer at the bome of .hler brother. Arthur .Ladlea AId of the M. E. C~ord. ~~1I\U: " e ptesent. ' -An. " IliatrU'ctlve study Poundatlon, ; manUfacturlnl and r' ch"rch' wOl biLve a;:'doU~ut sa.!e. ., U ' Ban1et;. Rev Bmltb ' C. Steele, one mile e&I!t of .lrten1a CQ I!IU. " ,. : " ' houi h.was observed wIth a s~ pacldng planta and .the"lriternatlon· Olle. the Columbus PIke. Tuesday, of Saturday March 4, In tile church , The next meeting will be held at . .I_ ' • " . ::_.. i_...._ .. atJ . ...' ' f~m the /IN..., bOOk -and work on at Harvester· .p~~ at C....,~..... ' 'last week. In ,'aUlna health two basement. ItactJpg ,at 9 13. in. M;rs. Martha Hough and Mr, and the bO':'l Of~. Mattle~1B on th~ ~ter. Plani, ,were' d1scuased Prom there the ·trlp ·was ~ to y~ &he had .en IJ4!riOusb- 'ut 111 , Leave orderS wlth,Mrs. R. D. Col. ,Mr/!. ' Kenneth Hough and' children . SOC~ J'OYI, ~r Ord ~'to' ~ pop ~ aa~ on ~~ 25., BreW HUI patry wh~re Pll1k 18 Weeks trom ~ cpmpllcaUona' Id~~ 'ption~ .4~11. ' '.' visited Dr. "and Mrs: Word on ·S"n. '. JI'tie tz'eaau . ~ e ~ BIble m!!JnberI wm present a J)l'O~ ~dled by the. veTI ~tellt aan1tar¥ The daugliW of Albert and Laura , '' "",::-~ day. " .. \ ,~ ~.oo .~ ~=: to , ! . gra.m tbe~fll'llt Sunday, lq ~prll, at ,methOds from . a high ellUlll Jersey 'iiog~rs Stee~, Waynesville "'600"., CLUIJ~ ~, ';. ~mII;UU'Y .' . . " S~ acboOl.c retr,ah.· 1!erd. " reBldeota; she wu boi'n In ·Oteehe ' Mr, and 'Mrs. HarveY BUrnett Of menta wer_served ~ '-cloee of , ,'. . , " cOimW, Ap,rl\~: Sbe iistded li7ite entetta1ned ih'ei,r ,cu'd Club meetlnt· LocAL ~UB ENTERTAINS ' "'.In ~, VaD." t.wenty·~ve yil.... Saturday jU,ht. ~e eve'nlng ~n KINGMAN, LEB.UI~N CLtJBs and ' was eniplOJ~jd a,t ,t he u,m&p, with a . 1lUJDpj;IlDUS dlnner. " Se.ited , aDd '.BIocb Store. '~61at ro~n at \be table, attractiVe. With candles' On MondJy e~g the- YolUll Y..... . She ba~, ~_ at ~r bro· and favon lun~~tJve at W~ ~efllU'Y. . ', . Men J'arntet8' (nub the ther's hQme~weI 'e ~ . . ' ton's BIrthd., Wer.J Mr. · ~. ~ &efule~ HarfsOc\t., ~ ,PC)tUn~bUHI melD- clubs ft'CIm KlnIPMn Ucl~. lIIIa~teele, who . . . . ~. B; ~n;~ un" Ho~. and ~ Pete~ of WI1m1na. J"OI't7~bera ~tt,eQded, ~ 01 the 8~ . J'J!,ue, II. II; church ~ a.ali&m. 1b. and lira. A. S. ton cau~ · · at thtl Jlome Sun ay _ _111 Leque""'" ~ . ., 'after which 1IoUDtlfUl ..... lea~.. a- llat:eJ'. lira. James A. Bow. 00Uettt ~ and lin H. B. Hat1*·~rtl9CXl • ~ WGIIbIp ~ 01 lee ad 'ope ,ard, ,of 0IIiaba. Neb~ ; &bne blQUa. """ ~. and lin.. a D. Henkle, tD'!....uiJ_itIiJI':tlbir .aJaiid • nare- ,...,· ...ed and JIll 1III8re enter. en. 1'I1Id, DQ'taD; llarl 01 MIA- ..... Laura RoInaiIe and the bOat; ritz'll . . . aIDed at IIuketbaII and JIIDI paDS neapolll, IIIDD., ~ 0 .• aI and"'~ dbmer, eardI DIU ~ - - . .........Ikm the fNDlDI-
_._.- -
-- _.
Loeal Happenings
Local ~
'~~~1VD~ Our~e B~bl"st
\ .
' -,,'
i' . . ., - - . - ' -_ _
,' ...... .. .
Thuraday, March. 2, tnt llSE TilE MIAMI GAZBTTB
Harveysburg Pbune lU
WaYDesville. Ohio
Main Street
Frank,. WIiSOfl was a 1)11 In'(!~c; . calif I~ Wilmington SnLurdny. Heleh Rnndul1 SPc;l1lt l'nst W cdllcn. day In Cincinnati. Miss Kathleen Orny at Mlnmis' burg spent Saturday with her gr and parents, Mr. nnd Mrs, J, C, Gray, ,Will Hllderbr cht of London spent a few days this week Wi th his 's on Herschel Hilderbrecht and family , School was dJsmlssed Thursday afternOOIll! to enable studen ts to att end the to\lr~amcnt at Kings Mills, Mr. and Mrs. 'F rank Sams und daughter Alice nre now located In the property of Mrs, Ruth Sberwood The Frldells Class ' of the M. Eo Church met at the home of Mrs. J . W. Snell. Wednesday, Mrs. Ida Hanks and daughter Mrs, John R atliff w('I'e Wilmington visitors Saturday. Mr. P earl Sherod of Wllrillngtol1 transacted bUSiness here Friday, Mrs, Leon Fugate Is Improving. Mrs. Carroll Smart returned home Saturday after spending several weelts in Florida. Mr. Henry Fry of Franklin called on friends here Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, J , C. Gray ~nter talned as guests Sunday Mr. tand Mrs, Charles,Oray, Mr. Robert Gray and Miss Kathleen Oray, Mrs. Mary Haines Is ill at her home. .
Entered A. SClcond OIaB8 Mail Matter at .P ostoffice. Waynesville. Ohio FloJ'~
rane Editor and Publisher
'M 1'8. R. H. Hastings, Society Editor, . ~ .... Phone 45 K 11 ISS'!1ED EVERY THURSDAY
Subscription 'Price. $1.60 Year, Payable in Advance
-_.,- --====-============-
Farm Night Talks, Mar. 6 I~
8 ;05 Delaware County 4-H and Rural Youth Program -Club
d irecte d b y H , S,
Co. Agrl.
Age n t, Delaware
8 ;30
n Univ e r a l Nec e, s ity-H. E, Eswine,
8 ;40. Music by WOSU Mu keteers Quartette
8 ;50 Planning thf'! Family Garden-Mrs. Henry Emig Franklin Co' F-arm Homemaker.
9 ;00 Getting R eady for the 1940 Census-L. H. Barnes,
Ext. Farm' Mgmt. Specialist. S ;10 Music by WOSU Mu keteers Quartette 9 ;20 Why Liming Pays Dividends-Discussed
between .C harles Campbell, Guernsey Co. Farmer and L. D. Eagles a ng Guy C. Fuller, 'Conservation Service in Ohio. 9 ;30 Lambing Season SuggestionS-=-L: K. Bear, Extens ion Sheep Specialist. ' 9 ;40, Music
Mrs. Edward Daldn Is improving.
.- i •
.. ." ,.. ..... t
Hunting Accidents Last Year There were approximately 530,000 hunting licenses s old in ,Ohio last year. From game protectors' reports to the Conservation Division the number of fatal hunting accidents in Ohio for the same period was 44: non-fatal hunting accidents 115; number of self-inflicted injuries
With B.u ckeve In' Congress•••
Otterbein 's victory over Harveysburg at the tournament Thursday did n9t dlscourago Harveysburg'S 8tar team; In fact It was IIIn en· couragement. They persevered and won fiVe consecutive gameS placing them as the tournament winners. PraiSe should go to cooch E JrI Sanborn for his devoted efforts and sincere ~ork to promote the teams success. Frlend's church rendered a beautiful playlet and an Interesting SPeeCh on World Peac;e In which was IItIde Impressive the Europeon sltustlon whereby Americans are urged to ' helP the cOmIng refugees and , practice love Instead of force .' Wllma Engle an eighth grade student Is mOvill8 to Centerville. . Born to Mr. and Mrs. ~oc Simpson (nee Allce Oray) last week
"TRADE WIND.S " JO/l.D BelUlett . Frederic March ' Contlnuou. Shc.w. ~.II)' Adult. Only 1lic:'TIl 2 'Po M.
~ '
sa'GlERlr.a'II "w.
. . . 11 . . . . ......
1In.Dr........ «-I
.. ._ . - - - . - -'..
"Let Us Live"
Hundieds of thousands ot boyS Fatal automobile accidents on"the highways in the and young men read THE AMER.. C...IlI..c& J. "0'" state totaled 578, out of a total of 2,119,263 licensed ........ c . . . . . . . . . ....... ICAN BOY Magazine every month ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ,o perators and 151,168 licensed chauffeurs. This d6es and consider It mor~ as ' a Hving ,our Cattle, bop. sheep atJd ealvlf. not include deaths from accidents within municipalities. companion th!lD as a magazine. to Norria-Brock C.... live wire anll From this it would seem to be much more perilous" to After days of stormy debate" Ute sion so that Corlgn!SS may, adjourn progressive ftnn I'lr the lIlll'IIeat House struck out of the Naval De. I early in June, out;slde of the Ad. "It's. as much a buddy to me as market prieell and .. good ."rYleeo drive, than to hunt. U.ln. Slo.... Verda' Cincl.... I. 0 , tense Bl11 the appropriation for ministration DefenJSe Program, lit- my neighborhood chum" writes one hlgh' school senior. uTHE AMER.. Tune In .on Radio Station WCK\, special expenditures on the Island tie progress has been made on solv12 :2& to 12 :80 p, m. for I)UI' dall. hlch ICAN BOY seems to understand a f G uam. w opponents declared iilg the lmportant problems now be- boy's problems and considers them o market rep om ' ===~~~~ . -:: - ~~ VMS the beginning of the fOrtifica-1 fore the Congress. Farm . 1~·Ja_ In such a: sympathetlc and helpfUl tion, of Guam and meant the ada!)- tion, railroad re1!ef, Social security w.:ty_ It gi,v- advlc;e and entertain. a son. tton, by the United. States. of a new J law changes.' goverllinental r c o r g a n - " " Mrs, Dora Huddle. Mrs. Mark foreign ~lICY In the on t In lte ' I tI W P A . tng reading on every subject in Brlener and MIss Orace Welty of en. , sp I za on. . , ,. ' and ReUet re- ,which a young fellow Is Interesred, ' Gapita 1 markets remain stagnant and little money is available for th , e development of new enterprises because, of a dramatic appeal by Democratic ' forms are some of the matters yet Lancaster were Saturday visitors of "1:;;~7';;~rfliIJoeN;,~det~~!.W'1n-for-bfs"1)1latl+tHIle-'bftlll«il*--befe ' "'-"IA ' f It Is particularly heJpful in sports. M -.. ' ~ the ma)ority of Americal\ investors are uncet'1 am I an '&t! vungress or I d -ch:-:-;:I:;;'b=;k;:::""~~::':::~ !"_ I\nd 'Mrs, ....... nk Wilson I!ind last fearful of.the future. This is the net result of a Tecent poll to stand against '-strlking out the- legtslatlve acUcn, n . W1l1 take t ;lay7ng f.amlly, in which three tbousand investors from all sections of Item. a suft:!clent number of Demo· WOI:k- to pass on _Ill sue h ma ters THE AMERICAN BOY Dr. and Mrs. Ward are r esiding at the country were questioned. , Excessive taxation and, ill- orats Joined with the almost solld by June. the Friends Home In WaynesVIlle, advised legislation of a punitive nature are largely reo Republlcan minority to pass by' a Many famous athletes In all owing ~ Mrs. Ward's Indlsposltion. spoDsible for the existing' fear and uncertainty, accord- vote of 205 to 168 the amend'm ent credit' much of their received success Da.vld Demls of Lebanon transto The Administration r ecommends- 'sports to -helpful suggestlobs ing to the poll., el~nate the Ouam approprte. tlons, for changes in the Social S~_ from spor •• ' a 'rUclecd In THE acted business here Friday. h tlot) from the Bill. The startling reo 1.0 A gr '1 f placing 'under .... n:obTCAN BOY '.a, V ' lrtu. , oup of the Friends Society of A 1 o w ich ' sel'ves to confirm two significant facts; sult! was ' another . proof that , the curity law .Included . n4U~.... WIl i to Phone 78J conomy .in government, not more taxes, is the 'only Congress lavors an ad~uate na. the law's provlsloru;. ministers and ally every issue offers advice from a I m .ng In con~ucted Sunday eveE so~nd the, deficit p.roblem' ; second, experimen- tlonal defense. but Is OPPOSed to other employees o:f ' churches and famo',!S coach or player. Pootball,' n ng s en: CE6 he:e. tal ' or 'radical legislation intended to benefit the "littte k relJglous organizations. Most of the basketball, trac'-. tenn' ls, In fact There are numerous colds through m\l Ing appropriations for purPOSeS a. • 'f ~ II ow " b ut w h'lch in reality cripp I es the profitable oper- ot ottense. churcheS of Amerl«~ hsve already every major spOrt Is covoted In ftc- out our school, ation of. thpse industries which p.r ovid-e his job and his made provisiOn., fOI~ the retirement tlon and fact articleS. . ' Rhocles Bunnell and children. livelihood, is 'of no benefit to anyone. ' of ministers undcr' much more fav.' , Rhoda fond Carol are ' victims nf . Any brand ,-of '·'lib era lis I'll " which destroys confidence, Rumor has It that Jilmes Aloy. orable clrcumstanc:es than tho; e Teachers, llbrarlans. parents anti whooping cougll. · General tba , t woUld be ,proVided under the leaders of ' boys club~ alsoBOY Tecom· , ' mend THE A ......",TCAN MIss Helen Rile Thornberry. a J'obs, and, opportunities ',wh,i le' simultaneously leading the slus Farley: Po6tm'8ster country further along the road to 'bankruptcy, is bound to Chalrman of the Democratic Na. Social Security Act. As 1\ result ' ~ , en_ ca,use rea r and stagnation of activity. ' tional Committee, Chairman, of, the thousands of messages have been thuslastlcally. They have · 'found student" of OXford speht the week_ DemOC1\1t1c State' Committee Of New I received by co~meD, from all that as ~ general rUle r~ar .read. ~nd with her partnt/i. Rev, IImd Mrs , \y. • . era of THE ,AMlC'DICAN BOY d J p . Thornberry and faml York. a,n d politician extraordinary" ,over the country• •qIiIP08ing the ~x. ""''' ,' a· wUl resign as P08~aster General Ing of churches an«1 other rellG. loUB vance moxa rapidly and develo~ Word has been received of the within tht"lreXt'few . wee or" the organ$ifloDS 'aSjjl'(llJ(melf. Th ee ifr· more worthwhile c)lar:actenatles Cleath 'of James (Jim) Burke Sun_ announced purpose of recoupiJlg hls tAltits have been eUll'Ctlve; and 1& Is tha,n. clo 90YS who' ~o no~ read It. day. he was a ' Lebanon attorneY. " personal fortune. Howeyer, those a practical certardt;y that ' the new Trained writers ~d artists.. ' tam.... attorney. REAL ESTATE who should know state that the tax will ' not be tinposed. In fact ous coache~ and athletes.- explorers, Mr, Smith of Clnclmiaii toolJSoo ELIOT JONES real reason for genial Jim's reslgna: most of thc Adnillnlslrlltlon pro_ scientists· and men s,ucceasfu) .lp act~d business h er e Monday. NOTARY PUBLIC , 9' Pro/eain:. ~t T......po.............. Pub'le UtUlIlM. tion will be his deternilnatlon to , gram to Include many additional and lndustry Joln with an ~ ,, Skm/o.rd U.Der.." l seek the Democratic ' presldential l lJ1'ouPS under the provisions of the experienced staff to produce In THE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!"!'!~-~!!!!!!!!'!!!'!'~ I ~ npOr&d cbe SeDate CommIt:.. IDr Ibe Barkley e&n:lpalJn committee nomination in 1940. That he 18 one Social Security 'Act now seems AMERICAN BOY~ the sort of read---of the leading pos.sIbtllties for the doomed to fallure. Ing matter boys like best. to cw:t IqIa1.UoD a' tbII ucept for 1tatioD1l'1. wbleb wu fur· '~lace cannot be qUestioned, He ' THE AMERIOAN BOY sells on o 0 , to ~ N- I11IhI4 b1 the Barld~ eemPaliD probab~y knows more Democrats Washlngtol}'s b~~hday w~ obser. most' at' 160 a 'COpy, 0 tat r e ~ commlttee. .. 1 0 IOU,,", b7 the It ;wu . . IIbcnm that ltate em- ,personally than ~y . two other indI- ved in o • ~Ital city with many SUbscription ptlc'es are '1.50 for WPA. TbeCcm. DlO,...., who.....larlel wen derlve4 viquals In the nation. Then, too, ,celebrations. · In C~l:Dgr £s Washl o .• 0 I. one year or 13,09 for three yean, mitt.. made up fD put from Unl\ed State. 1'reu1.D7 Q ' 0 0 readn!c; Foreign' rates fi9c a . y\!ar extra. To of tour fundi, were IOlldtad tor 1XIDtribu· Jim Is about the smartest pollticlan' l ton's farewell addre..s e 0 '0 00". crat. and ozj. tlGIISOn behaltofGovemor Chmdler, the De~ocratlc party has produced I each House-with Senator Ff.obe'r t A 8ubscrlb,e slmply send your name. • aepabllcao ' Bar~ OPpcmeDt III 'the Demot to Taft of Ohio pertCllrmlng the cere~ <3ddress and remittance r 0 un d 'b a cratlo prlmarJ. aDd III lUeb maDDer In many ,years, "fundi g ' to UDOUDt to 'Intimidation end , mony In the Sena~e;tollowlng which THE AMERICAN BOY, 7430' Second (ll'1aW. coercion. . SPeakln~ of presidential llOssibll. I the legls]ators continued with the mVd .. Detroit. Mlcl~lgan. CoDF"D In re Ibere wu a 9IIol'O\lJ relief of eftot>t lbrouIbout the atate to ralle Ules on the DemOCl'atic side of the ususl day's wortr;: At Alexandrla In need and canipalgn fundi by contrIbution. Oharlle English, Redle6 third base trUl have betn trom Federal employees. Includlna ,fence-Vice Presid~t John Nance across thel PotJaD1¥. w~ere Wash: Oamer of Texas. Secretary of I Ington wd Master of his MUonlc candidate. bas batted in 100 or more I D man,. In· relief worke .... under clrcwnatancel ~~~~~~~~~~~ rtanCII diverted 1n certain lnatancel IndicaUng' Inabate Cord'ell Hull of Te~ee. Lodge. thousands gathered to nins during four ot his ' 'last five ' from these hlah tlmldalion and c:oerclon, WPA' labor sea&Oris-Last year he drove home pllrpGla to po. and mawlals, paJd for with funda Postmaster General .!:aIIies A. Far. ' watch a gr~t parade and to attend 143 men for Los Angeles In the :Pa.. . ,~ ll\lcal ID4I.M " tound tIIa. "there Ippropriated by CongHu for emer- ley of New York. and Senator Ben· the' annual ceremol!lIes .held by high hi. been 'ID tiIt"raJ States. and In leney relief purposes. namely larm- nett Champ Olark' ot Missouri. Masonic offlcl.als)J~om all , over the cillc COast -League-PrIor to , 1938. many rol'lDl; Ulijuatlftable poUtlcal to·market roadl, ,were used to con· IcUytt,1 In connection with the work struet and repair private drIve, and the four individuals . moist otten country at the gre.,l~ Masonic Shtlne ,Frank McCormick Played 26 major of thl Workl Pro"'" Ac1mlnlstra· l'OIilways. apparently for the purpose mentioned. P.o litlcal progJ,l06t1ca_ of Washington. f- !number ot pro- leagUe con~ and · batted , b~t :; tlcm," , . , 01 lriJIuenclng voles. And el!orta were tors will wager eVen money that one minent Ohio MaB<IDS Were In at.. one point. less than the .926 be ,hit There 11 a ~ p~, way ~ cat rellef from A lar,. pan tht repon tleal~ to Induce WPA worRrs to . . . .••• Oil OD Stoaiaeb, ' c.w., Heart. ~t Yea.r -Jlm W • .ver has the best wl~ 'eondltlona In Kentujlk)o, Teo· their registration under the of the four Is nominee in spite of tendance. .................. AItd' aad M. .Iar...... ' , D~. ,nd PenDlylvanla, that failure to 00 eO would reo llfetime won and .loSt reCord of any the- perSistent and rather authorlta. _tuck) In the OemocnUc suIt In a loJs of WPA statUI. . ll1R ~ One or two 'ALKA-SZLTZER tablet. inCongresatonal deleptlon Redl~,g hurler. 67 victorll!8 aDd 36 Bi'l1.....'Y WPA em were.o. In PellDlYlvlnla ' euenUaJl~ the , tlve ~or 'that' President Roosevelt . The to a . - of water. ·, Watch it btabble-1lIteD $I) it fta. ' would Hke to see hls close personal from ;Malne took ,a new method of defeats tor a Percentage , o f .813!'O~~!S;~~~Ia;:,~'B': the cam- lime ,tactlca ' were employed. In one M IOOIl .. ~blet Is elI_lIVed. drink the tang 801IWoa. , ' , lun,II••,·· nf lrutance WPA worke.... Ilona with oUler groups, were directed to attelid friend, SecretlarY of Commerce advertising their ,iltate!s mOllt lam- Th.e lat!! Garry Herrman served as • pollUeel rally. and were Informed' Harry L. Hopkins. assume the poll. oUa produce:-the -,lMaine J)Otato-. presJdent : of '· U!e', Reds (or 25. ccin. b)' letter that ' "there will be no· ex· tical mantle in case the people ~ew days ago by lII>,ryIt)g ev~ Per. liecutive ,Years. from 1903 to 1m. ' ~use aCCi!pted for ,lack otattendimce: should not Insist on a third ' term h h In I jf, :rhe Senate Commlttee .characterlzed for,.,ihe 'present , occupani of the ' so av g ~cb in the Qlpltol ', The K.ansa& . plant for the 'ma' nuthl~ sum mODI •• "In ttie nlture dlnln,g rooms a )~l"ge' ba,ked Maine Implied threat and I In tarter .White House. .. potato tree of, chard. Some, 4t the f~tur~ ~t a]Ch,Ohol '~rorn fB{nl pro.. eooe wtth the rlCht, ot' relief worken members have expressed themseiv'~ ducts baa 'clOsed after 1& tnal to be 'free from coercfon In the elIe, ~ 91 their political rlchta.· That the A!lxnlnlstratlon 1$ a as ho~ other: sltates ,wn( fonow the pubUc sa not much In.. , VenoM hlah In the" AdmlnuvaUor have on OIlC!IIslon lpoun I:onlemptu:· tIe "Jittery" and afraid of what the the lead of Maine', thus reduclng terelted in buymg '~ rUI!l f~ oUlly of ~OH who "pllll)l polltlCl wit» preaent COngress may do Is beat at- the l\lther high 'cOst of COngresalon. operating autOlDobUea. ' human mller)'... Vlt thJI· II ex.etJ~ t~~!l to by . the announCement a al eating. ' 'lbe. QhIo delegation bal 1- - - - - ; ; - - - - -_ _.::....____ what Ihe7 lbelDlel_ ..... dOm,; u Iht campreMntlvt aDd' Impel'll.1 re few daYl 1110 by Adm1nJatration POinted out that' suCh a plan produces about the belt port of Ibe. s.ute Ccmimltlett makft . ~eaders that eVf!f'Y attempt w111 be ~ Buckeye be tumIah· PftIdUci need~ fo "'~IaI_cll ~dantb eIiw made t.o shorten the l~tlve 181' Ins sumptuous as Oblo meaL r a -
, .A Sury.eJ: ·~f
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
bc:~: ~~
Or NoChairge-
Centerville, Ohio
c ' a r r l
.~, \. Po~Jics and a,
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J. B. ·Ch.ap,ma&
-'"timan Misery
'r.;:~r:::~d=,:~~ =~~~~;
" liiiiiiiiiii=tir~~~
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.., -------
r=- .
Counly, Court News'
., TrUst
O~" VB. A. IlpJlI'oved. oeprge B, Johnson, treasurer va., 1'ravl.'1 Barn~R" Jam~s Piles, and F. W. Franz; 'Order Qf sale ~ued to SherIff. conlll,p.i1d'ing ·hlm to "se ,\. In ~le mnttcr of th e nppolnt' i, ment, of trustee of tm~-UI1~~1----Asylum and Ohildren's HOIn:). John E. Holden be ' and he loS hereby appointed n u·ustee. , " In the mljtter of the ' Otterbein Home, ordered, adjudged and de_ crced that sale b e negoLlnted COMMON P~AS PROCEEDINGS " PROBATE COURT The Provident Savings Bank and In mattcr of the or George Stanley Dlehl. deceased ' ~drta L. Diehl appointed admil1lS~ tratrix. In the matter of the seUlement of the estate at Albert B, To.lmage. REAL ESTATE d ecB.lsed, estate exempt from Inher_ ltanee , tax. - - - - - - - - - -- - - INSURANCE In the matter of the estate ot approved. AUCTION·EER John Dollboa, deceased, Oharles ' In th2 IJiatter of th e guardianship Creighton. Estell Wright and ot FlorenCe Bryant, minor first and Charles Moore, appOinted apprals· final account. ' ers. In the ma.tter of the guardianship In the matter of the esblte of at Margaret Evelyn Rogers, a minor William F. Schenk, deceased, third second and final !!Iccount. MARCH 34 and f1nql account. In the matter of the estate at Clark Gable Norma. Shearer In the matter of the guardlansblp Frank L Pence, deceased, !Irs~ and "IDIOT'S DELIGHT" of Beulah SIa.ton, ~ flrst and final final account. Gccount. In the matter of Lhe will of Oren Cartoon "LonelOme Ghoat" In the matter of the estate of A. Strawn, deceased, will med In MARCH 5.6 w.. ~orrII P. Lane J. Bryan Emma' Helghway, ~ deceased, first Probate. and final ,account;. "BROTHER RAT" In . the matter of the eState of MARlUAGE LICENSES Metro ' New• . t\lbert B. Talmage, deceased, cerRobert 1'atton, 22, prlnler, Leba,MARCH 8 tificate of transfer ordered. Eleanor PoweU Robert Young , In the ml\tter of the estate ot non, and .. llzabeth Henry. 23 tacJohn J. Tracy, deceased, March 7, tory worker, Lebanon. "HONOLULU" Leslie A. Pa.y ne 46, OlfPenter, Our Gang "Alfalfa's' Inn" 19:19, date set tor hearing. In the' matter of t he .estate ot and GeorgIa MaeReeder, 38 w.ayMarla Mulford, decelised, Cedric p . nesvllle book binder. Mulford a~ Hlida. Ruckman .np. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ~Inted adrnlrl1strators.. In the matter of th e guardianship ot Harry Eckert, In,!ompetent, first James MurpllY and Alice Mur_ pItY to' James Muiph-Y Jr" and Lu· . TARVlA·LITlUC TAR AND and final accOunt. In the matter of Ule estate of ella Murphy, .39 of 'an aCre In HamEXCAVATINO ROAD O.I L; Thomns .Holzlln, ' deceased, 'first Ilton townShip. DUMP TRl CI~ SERvrCIil , Allce Croll and Carl Croll ,to (Uld flnal aCcount. In the matter of the -estate of Marvlit I. Shane and Helen M. Daniel ThomaS Morgan, deceased Shane, 5.52 'ncres In Franklin town_ ship. '. first and !lnal !lceount Oscar Chilton and Mary Chilton In the rna tter of the estate of Pbone, . Waynes ville 4~ n .l1 Viola Cbamberlain COlbert, deceas.. to GI~anvllle T . Norvell and Martha • ed; March 2, 1039, date set for hear E.Norvell. real estate In Frank·I ~baDon ofl1 e Phono, 47a-K.11 n townshiP. . . Ing. res.!1S·M. H. e len Morrow Phone No. 9 plbson Oampbell to Arch,In th.e , ,DJatter of the estate of ".~III!I~I!III~i!Ma~ Whalen, cleoeased, inventOry Ie E. Boggess, 180.48 acreS In Ham-
----Thcltn';l, Trlv :ttl, h mino r. vs· Aaron 1'l'IV6~t; divorce. gross ct; le L gleQt. O. A. Coleman VB. Thomn.s W. Yeazel, for rescission pf C(\n.~l·nct. ' GaU Dldcoct vs' Carneal P Did coet, dlvorce l gross neglect anll ex_ treme c,r~lty. Harold Bean the EaV W 00., for accounting money \J nl! other cq",ltable relief.
-,---. ,
n II
Twin -Theater
I~ an AI EIItireIy lew Plinciple • ~ • SIIes Food's Vital Juices ..... DlYing Outl CO~E i~: • Now for tlte fint time -you can uep even higbly perishable foods days longer than ever bef,?re ••• ~~d /fOlD", their mgi"aJ /rtJhnm -Ihtir 'ncb .",nIlDW wUlIG.-I/Hir piA frtsh foIwr! In celebration of their 86th Ann\. versary. Rlke's have On display II. very unusual Music Bo~, said to have been owned by Nl poleon Bona parte. The !8ntlque music box, wh1ch Is valued at $15,000, plays a number of old-fashioned tunes, The box, four feet long by three feel wide. Is In a case of heauLitul 'work_ manshlp. The mechantsm, which may be Seen as t11e music p.l YS ts quite Intriguing. The young lady 1n attendance, dreS-' !'ri In D'reel oil e fQl!hlon worn In ' N lPO'eon's day, will playa aelectlon 'nr you, Watc h the mlnlature drum IS and Ul rved eagles tapplng on a whol ro' l ot belts lIS the mUSic 1:0.1 plays The box was made by ol1le of thc most famous makers of m !1 s l ~ b?lCes, Hel ler Berne of S~tzerland . -ou may Bee It on !llke·s FIJshlon Ploor any
S,. Proof-ill 5 MillMta
1. THE
1lI SIpII"
FnllIr flMDllCI CGId fltr.. .. illlSlliL
Hue, It ~t, iJ an entirely new refrigett.tor that saves n~t lust your food, but the VrTAL VALues you pay for an foodl Convince yourself in' minutes. See the rich beau" of entirely Dew cabi net design. Me the new IICIiAY·TBNDU for ideal slOrage of fresh meats. New ""SR·NOIST H\ DIlAYOI\5 that prolong Vltlll freshness of vegc· ubi:;,. And ~y o~b~r ~ig advan-agesl You'll be amazed tli a! . the Cold·Wall Fngldaue costs DO more tban rwt/i"Qry "first·
linc" refrigerators I
Onl, Fr;gIJ.'re ".s t"e Meter-Miser I CUTS CURRENT COST TO TIlE BONE-for h's Ih. Simple" R.frill.ratins M« bl nism Ever BuDt . . . and when puts aren' , ,here. thcv/luSt can', use wear. Unseen. u o ub e·frr-e com· "lcHet,aealed in a llC'rruaor.m buh (If n il . CornL'!I 10 JOIl wilb , -Ve.. ProleClion Plan backed bv CUIICnt Of
Geaenl MOlD...
2. THE
' :s 1. .1 ~ ~ntiaJl for keepiJl, foolh vil.II, fresh W,,., - 1. Uniform Low Temperatura. 2. ~, • • I ... ··' umldity. 3, No MQllrure·Robblq Ajr CIr' ul.,,;, ,,. .\.11 wilbollt oddlol ••!nile movloa pUtl AND
G Tbi. r : ,• •"
, ."If'. II ,
",..1 v IliC.WDAlU HAl
Fairley Hardware Stores tal'gel: B ecause of Better Quality, Service, and Price Eatablt.hed 1849-1939 - - Waynesville., Phone 32
day~ur~g~~Ann~e~~S~~ ~=~==========~=~=_~~=.~_======~~~~~~=;;~~==~==~ The large corner wfindow at Rlke's . ------- -
:~. ",,'::.:I::'W,,!, '!::'n":,,,~::,
Is attracting a great deal of a t ten_
10-_,,_ _,_ _ ,_ _ ,_ ,___
"' e offer a sati.r;;;~:;;:S;':;;-'-~"
the tiny one room store of 1853 with CUStomers going to and fro. , horse How the weather dOCi; modl !y! drawn wrrlages ot the time and a Today we have wind and wind end man and woman In authentic 005_ more wind, We are apprpachlng tum s of the day. The next scene spring and I lIee where the grass' is shows the larger Rlke-Kumler store just peeping througb, Ii'S though of 1868. with a mother nnd daugh- ,tJ'ylng to mue up It·s mind whether ter wearing lovely hoop skJrts of the It ts time to come up. So If wind period. In the third scene the back._ will brlng grass and flowers and a ll grpund shows the Rlke-Kumler the llttle lnsectJ; let I,t b19W , say we, I\tore of 1868', with a mothes end Mrs. Lester Kcmrlck YlflS removed daughter Wearing lOVely hoop skirts to th e Miami Valll1Y hosplLal MonoC ' the period. In Lhe third scene day. She Is In 11, very critical ' condL the background, ~()ws the Rlke_ Oon. ilton.., township. .. "• . •. Z2 _ _ Kumler litore built In. 1893. Women Mr. and Mrs, J esse Roland, Mr. ~ . Turtler to Tom ,T urner. 5').69 ~enting the elaborate bustles apd and Mrs . James 'Wlcal and Mr and acres in Harlan township huge plumed hats of the day are Mrs. Waldo Elliott attended ' the shown about to ent.-r the store, ~l1e funeral of Lawrence Pope Ia.~t Sat_ .,ILLS ALLOWED Inst scene shows the store of 1912 urday at Waynesville. Noel H. Easton, built at the present 1000atlon. The Perry and Laverna Faul and son , $25.00; Dr. O. L. 'Layman, medical models we'Jr the rna.ntallored suits Ervin were dlno.r guests of Lhe $3.00; ~)mes, H. Arnold, M. D .. so fashionable In that day. In Ole Logan Gre ns' Sunday: medical ;' $10,25; Dr. .tohn Zettel. backgr.ound We see the Studebaker Mrs. Jennie Mu.Ilen was a Dayton glaSses, $10.50; Treasurer of state. motorcars being sriven up to tlfe nup~rt of 11 d epend nb crippled front ' ot the store, vlsltor Monday. Treasurer of Mo.~t at the . clothes worn by the Mr. and Mrs. p . J Tho~a.~ llnd children; ,70.51; ' state, support of 9 dependent cb1ld_ m.odels In ·thls delightful window VeIn on Fordyce spe~t Sunday af· ren, $71.89; Clayton Qlark, 148 10· dlliplay are from ' the collection of ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. E , H. cust ,posts. $Ii9.20; CJoayton Clark Mrs. Fowler Smith otr Ludl~w Falls, Schumaker and son In Dayton. 1090 ft. brid e plank lumber, $51.- Ohio. The W. C. Smith family nn el 50; Weiler Welding Co., .{)Xygen Additional period cos~mes and Dorothy Gerhard Were s~lppe : rods and rePairs', $52.65; RI9~mond accessories may be l!een on Rlk'e 's guests of Mr, and Mrs. Howard Mc· Cashion floor during the Annlver· Kenzie of Maritnsvllie. Multord, ' payroll,' $404.00. Earl Hatfield, services, $42.00; lian' Bale, Men 's fu rnlshlngs. InW, O. SmJth lind Lest~r Oerhard John "BaIT, PayroU~ '192.1Q: John- cludlng ~e square derby, the old butchered last TIlursday at th~, son Myers, payroll, t21t.20; E. VI buttoned oxford, silk ascots and Gerhard h~me. Ross, pa~ll 1351.00: Earl Basore. other qualnt apparel, worn by men ;:-~"--+JlIl:~w...~'W'lJIIIt;..'~I(, . M. ArmltU!l, 'nre on .dlsplay ~ the men's turntsh_ ~r. and Mtl;". Per~ Thoma~ spent '20 ~ D"" Ings depllrbne. nt, street floor. Friday at the home. of Mr. artd Mrs , ~. , ./ll Lester Gerhard . supplies, $62.58;. Kaufman's Another · feD.~Llre .>f lUke's 86th ' ,s pecial Interest Mr. and Mrs. Harry OomeJl were .supplle8, ~; Bla.lE.deU EQulpment Anniversary Sale & Supply Co.: bearlng, $.12.91; The t'O the. camera enthU:Slast ts on d18- ,dinner guests of Sam Meredith's I Taylor 'lUctor co., P&f~.149~3I? ,: play In their audil.or:lum., Thts exhL Sunday. The '~yton Auto 'Parts Co.• ,parts. b,t conslst..j tif 100 of Ithe best PhOtoPerry .-J. Tlrornae and Harriette .118:17; Flunk Sherwood qo., sUp_ graphs of the year' made wlth the Thomas c alled on Mr· ' and Mrs. 'an,d lt8.so11ne, $8,39; 'UlMar, Leten Olmera. The e"hlbll Is on Perry Gutherie Mond ay eVen ln ·'. Body Shop. supplies and gasoilne, display through Mar'ch ' 11. Mrs. GutherIe Is gradually rega ln$9.18; Dr. Warren C. Breidenbach. For ~qae time ' 'the New York Ing her health \l.nd strangth . \JIled:lea1 ' sen.ide, ~:oo; Robert T1*s hM been ~I~mbrng reproAustin, $95.00; , Allee dUctl!>ns of manUscripts" ~rlnted ¥ . Arnold, invalid care, $5.00; Mrs. boo~; newspapel'S'-"traclng tbe hls_ Helen Doughman; invalid due: $'1.00' tory . of 'the ' recorded wOhl. This eltInva~ld care•.' 17.00. hJbit, whiCh is no. being shown In UTICA U. B. ,CHURCH Ed' ~~, invalid cat:e" $5.00; Iva '~e's auditorium , 88 a feature of Be·'vJa A. 'HOI, paaior HlcholB, Inv~d ,care, $&.00 ' Merwin their , '~Iv :rsaif • Celebration. :Mareh, 5, 1939 . Scofield, invalld care, 17:00; Leo 'J ,~ man's p~ogr('sa In recordlr,g 9;30 a. m. Sunday school L s'le .the ;knowledge her r • Smith. InWllld care, $10.00;' Newton ~ord;a from the flqt Impres.~ion en- GorSUc'h Supt.' Stamper, In,valld care, $10:00; h • .B, clll:Y to the mOdem news[p~r. The 10:30 ,' . ' , beck a~~ 'caU one of ~e mOst iinROftant servant. . invalid care $5-00' W. O. C}ChJblt covers It period of ' five . . a. m Morning worsh ip. The , that any efficiently conducted homepollil"bly oUne .~ 63' Wbar~"n thousa'h d years. CHUdlren ~ weD as thfJJ!.e , for ~e service Is For,!~gn l"rorewcGtnb, gas ,~,,,,,, . ' Missions. Th to wll on seat COVers, gas tank adults. 'lV1II. find the E!xhlblt of great ;1Th e pas I preach on coUld have'~ " . " ~, cip radlo a~rbl etc $18'SO: Whar- ,Interest. i ' . e. Oh~'s MisSion to the t , , a, " , ,....' " World" ton Motors. 1 Deluxe For.d sedan, I ' "I ' ,. .... •••• I:. tt .. ;':.' leas allowance on 1937 Chevrolet. , Just when' ~e ~lJth WQl! ' to be ' 7:~ .p. m. , CJ,u1$tlan EndeolYOr, ,Bec;awe of ~ectriclty her~home' wor,lrl&., m,ade,~~. . $942.00; Wilarton MOtors, gl_ and a1ded byt~ development of an Come and brt,ng Bnother to the :parts,' .:10. I . ' ~l,IStry tor, rnakilll Jlaper of long. abc?ve, s~rvlces. . . day of .tIt!, ~. ~~ can cI~. run ~ ~~.,." ~ m,ri~tor. iron, ~· Ihe famgy, cIoth~ ~ , . ~..~ 'Donald Dllatuab, rent of 0(': .Ieat' pine, a successf~1 process for reo "The Utica LadieS Aid li'3d an all ·flce.: '?OJIII;' The ,BOot8.l,lOp, towels ,clalmlng ,us~ neWS print! Is an- day quUtfug . Wednes03Y at the " -in fact;'she about· an~ing"t" ,obe'cIqnt lJiii: ' $8.25;: Dr II. M. wmlama~ nou~ced. . home of Mrs: Oharles Hause~ " " in, • ~ ,h~ ~~ ".till hJve ~.fOr ~ ~ , . . ' Mr. apd., ~. ~I'le Gorsuch and I:to,un' each day. " ,'I. I. , . coroner's cost blll, $5-80, Dr. H. M. ." daughter Marl . . WUlIamS Ccl'on,e r" ar;,t bU1;' t8- ' ~cQdents Ip homes ldUM more . Mr. ~rld Mrs ::pen~. Sunday ~th ~ No has adequal~ly descn"bed die ble...w WhIdI , ,40; ~tlp.DleY "Earnhart, P. Moo 8tamps ;OhlO Peopl~ ~n' 19~ thaD.motor.~e. ' . t ,Bunnell aDd fam flow ftam the ~ ifi, .electric ietvi¢e in ~ Inodem ~ (or' 'AUdltcil:'s 'orrjee, $2O.OQ; , P .,,' J : 'hJC1e aecldtntJ>. More ' ~ t~o S&e, foU ca~ d~'ribe diHerent things electric:itV dnes. ' Beer• .PrIntlng Co~ forina for ,De- Ul1r!1a, of the vlcUlas In bome aceI· ·but" 1& almost 'impossjf?ie to te!1 tM ",,,* s,to!'Y. Thc:IIe. lUMIUent"landa &,nd,' Portel~ ~ , d~l4 rire 'I~ :the ~ClI qe clU:Jel,O
at all t l'me0
McClure ·Funeral Home ' PbODe 7
•••••' .
The Sm,iJe Qj $aiisf~ion
~~ ~I'!lm'
~t; sIi~" JW .~ L.·
' . ",
'. •
.II~.'C"'.·'C:I"'Y 1
'''w~ haw e'm'pl~ ele¢iciay know ill . ~"' , and ill . LOW' ~ fOR US&. '" /. "'., ~
'~ No i'o~ ~SIRJmaa
. , . ; '!'tie Boot Shop PUte fot- to .4 years old apd 115· years or oIc:1er.
~; .3fic; Olbtlol:l. 1 A~" Laale laf Docbt PUl'a\I for PrOSWe. yort~ repoffi a ~ ~o 'ecuUDI Att;J., .2.10; . The Bc:iok 1IfaeaIrtj III 18 ~ • _ - 0 __ . The .___ ...-dlDI· ', J ",_aday eVen.. ~. Ink aM manIb. eDvetopa, fur ....ectloD .. ~ In Qeneaee, lq at the home 0{ DutY 00IIUIIGIi ,1.10; Momoe. · and CountIeS. P8ttr WOOl .. 0hIneIe WeD 8tamiIe 00.. - pqe o,wn 'Ibe ...... II trom the DDaket .0. 10 for PnIIAte Coart. aDd .".... _ _ ~ft tile ap- . , .IDOIDIDS at ' the 0"- t1
~~ ~ _a fimiua
....... III bPtDI· __ . . . .' CIaunb.
8e~ ~tu:: -
. B.
Thi8 greal Storewide Sale, which i8 attracting shop-, per8 ,frc;»m a~1 over the Miami Valley, bring8 you l.he moet oul8tanding saving8 0(' tbe ,._ pring sea80n. ' yo.... w!ll ~nd wearing apparel for your entire lam!'y.!. ~ DltUre, appliances ' and other furnlshing8 far ,,«,fur home. a8 weD as hundred. of other dayoto-day neee. silies, offered at amazing low pricea'fUi I,h i" 'e vent; All the convenient serviceS 'for which: u .; kno~ are a~ailable during l~e·ADDI,~enary~"e9. ~ , eluding free delivery anywhere in'Ohio aD~~d~ . ' , Plan to ' meet your ' I rienda at Hike'.' 86tll A:mII,. , ver.ary Sale. The ' 8a1e . la818 ihrough Salurda)', ' March ll~ . . ,
_ _ t.
Thunday, March, 2, 1939
,~;:~~~~~~~-:·~·~~~;:~::::~r-~~~~~~~-'~":Idi~.o~t~'.~~,,~~~:Ii~;~h--~t~"-:~~~~:-~~~=-~~~B~e~e~ch--G--r-o-y-e------M-~~fm~m~th~.~~~~um-w--w~ere -
It HoDy
Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Jordan a nd f a mil y. 0f CJncI una."j , were til... ~ ner gun~L......~ Sundn...y, a t · tl1e ..T or d lin I h lome •• ere· Mr and ... S S tt D ' d f ' . •..r. co . ay an am· ilY. are' moving to the farm owned by Mrs.. Ida. Hanks, near Jiarveys: burg. Mr. and ' Mrs. John ~aM1tf nre vanntlng the farm . ... - . 'Mrs Harry Thompson has been . , .. indispoSed ' for several days.. ' Mr. HOlIace Oglesbee . lonnerly or this commuruty and Walt er Sooo ps. bOth of Xenia were vlsJtors at the I - f M · . lOmes o. rs. Martha Cleaver and Talmage ' Monday afternoon .
In 4ttendance at the tournament at Kings MUla, during the three days. J . 'Lee Talmage attended lnIlleC• tlon of the Wnyneavllle Mnsonlc Lodge Monday' evenln" , .. Henry 'MQ9I'e Jr., hal> gone to !~:clv:. spent. sometime with. his " Marson and Coorles Wells Wero busineSS 'visltors nt the 'stock yards ... In Clnc1nnatt. Tuesday. , _ _ _ -.. _ • . . Just 'wnen ·the SouLh was to be aided by the development or afl iII. d us t ry f or rna Idng. paper, 0 f 1°ll.. .. leaf pine, a succes.~rul ' process for reo
. ) , ' Mr. ' and ¥n. GlelUl Gruhot, Mrs. Com .to see 'IJrlve oJ hts in One". 4lvin ,Oasperson of No""'OOd. spent a'- LyUe Hall this Friday evenh''', • ... the week end with .M r. lind Mrs. • March 3 ~ven by the Lytle Ladles' "'. ClarenCe C'rl\wford .a.nd ·t am.lIy. ' Aid. part "ChaUb:!.uqua Opera. Mr. and .'Mrs. :t,Ienry Burges and Co.," 1l) charge of Mr. SnY.d er . · lla mily of',Dayton .spen t B~day with Second, ".LIving PloLurElS" Mrs.~· B. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morgan. .: LOngacre, third "Mr. };'rank's , .Musl, JJ7 Ha.r..,. Eldrldre, Jr. Mrs . .HUey Gibson, Mr. 'an'd Mrs. cal Entertainmerlt,j fourlh "Far~t~~e'tt BunneH- called on Mrs,. Da~ ers NIgbt" Walter Kenrick and the vid Lucas at the St, Elizabeth hos_ l~::======::::....==;:===========:=====:d,.';) fifth "Coonvllle Jubilee Singers"pita] MondllY afternoon. . . • _ I P . Mr& 'Therle Jones, , ... Game ProteQtor Hines ~dv1sed the Southern Ohio• Qu.... l ropag1l''Uk B Mr. and Mrs. E1vts Mlchlal and , " 1 . d C tI Assn ' last Mrs....... rvey urnet .was a. .guest . thl t S d that last Saturday 22 crates of the ,t on an onserva on . of the New Oentury Olub Friday Norma Sheater 'weare platinum daughter Dor a spen un ay f 'M r J Ch wigs' and glamOJ'ous gowns In '· with Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Marlatt clalin1I)g used neWS prlnt , is anhi" MiSsOuri swamp rabbits were rll- week dlscul)Sed the Swe.eneY . quaU t th h ., eeLved ~ .. . as follows .. We reaLlZl: ,' __ tha t any a' .e orne11 0 S , oe apman "ldlot~s)e I light" j S day nounced. fol" Warren County TheSe bill ~Ipen ng un , and Mr. Bert would waynwes/~u Ie.. R ' an't l MrS. March the deluxe Xenia theMrs. , large . bunnles-so big' they come blll wbJch th B b slmply Whit open ould the be jnMrs. uuamogers ater. 6In at this sensational film ....... Harold Sal Kellis was shopping I::::::::::::::::::::::=::=:~ - -six to 1\ crate. Inste:.1d of the usual senson on . e 0 e w Therle Jones vlsited In Bellbrook Clark Gable her (:0'8tar 8ings and In ...... yton urday. dances on the screen for the Ur8l MTs. Everett Bunnell called on twe ve. They were released near unpopular. not only with ~e farm.. the Shaker swamp game preserve I ern llld land owners but with II Wednesday afternoon. Ume. Don't miss It. Mrs. Ben Gruber Friday afternoon· Henry Fculks :W~S strloken with M ' 1ss Joan Kellis' spent FTldllY and shoUld br~ enough fordlstrL rriaj011ty of th e cIty sportsmen as lapopleXY Thursday mornlng at his nlght with Miss Pauline Gibson. ' butlon to other swampy areas In well. What we are trying to do Is home here where he lived IIl0ne. 'the ~nty lrt the nw ' future. get a measure which will allow the His condition Is serious at this time. .Mrs. Frank Dakin, Mrs. Margaret A shipment of 120 mature phoos- prop. r game management practioes Runyon were guests of Mrs. Ernest ants-mostlY' .cook blrds-is expect- In r egard to quail. These proctlces Mr. Everett Early Is here from St· S Earnhart Wednesday. Cloud Fla., for a few days on busle" from the state thJs week . The have proven very successful . f or Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lucas of ... and Game Assn. also has pur- other types of wild,ltle, notably deer . neSS. Flsh 1..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--' Wellington called on Mr. David LuChased about forty birds w~th the ringneck pheasants and rabbits. We Mrs. Paul Duke is slOWlY r eCOVer· WAYNESVILLE CHURCII cas and famJly Sunday afternoon. Ing af ter several Weeks Ulness. '" r 0&' CHRIST Mr. land Mrs. Roy Shaw of Sprlng llcense ,fee money. Both batches of know they will . prove help[u1 to ' Pbe~ts will be released In open quail. . . Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Snyder of W. C. Smith, Minister Valley spent Friday aflernoon with Springboro were ,dallers here Mon~;rrltory . throughout the county. Mr. Warner went on to s ta te th at SUNDAY Mr. '8 nd Mrs. LUe Morgan. . , ... h not; only will theY have an .oppor. farmers h ad much at stake In t e day evening. Bible school 9 : 30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bunnell and tunlty, to breed this summer, but quail problem, from a standpoint of Mrs. Margar t Johns was a dln_ l-Ord's Supper 1.0.45 110. m. family spent .Saturday evening with Christian Endeavor 7:00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Gibson. should' materially help' this fall's 10' .eqonomie .as well as of C3thetics ner guests oC Mrl\. calvin Longacre ca. hunting. Sportsmen. he adVised. must learn on Tuesday. Preaching 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Rlnymond Osborn r . QUite a treat is In store tor War- to respect the attitude of the farm- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whltlake Baptismal serv ICe 8 :30 .p. m. of XeoJa. called on Mr. and Mrs. lb. 27c ROUND OR SIRLOIN STEAK County Fish.' arid Game mem- er and the landowner over whose were Wedno:day 8\1ests of Mr. and WEDNESDAY Emerson DUl and son Ralph Sunday "t nl prope ty the hunt and fl~h Mrs. Marlon Whitaker ,In Cincin· . Bible Study 7.30 p. m. afternoon. ben and friends a that orga fA_ r Y . • I n tJ lb. 23c SWISS STEAK, Extra Tender . Uon;s meeting n~t Tbursday, .M ar. "We Ol nnot and should not ado, R • On account of so moany of our Mr. John Lucas was Injured in an Ib 19c 9 , Memorial Hall Lebanon. Word vocate t he passage of anl' blll which I Walter Kenrick has been appoint- members being Islck and the bad accident Saturda.Y nJght; AS he was HAMBURGER, Fresh Ground has just been received tha~ Dr: B. mJght In · aI,ly way endanger the cd to helP Ill nyon e with their pe r - weRther our evening crowd Sunday going along the street near the . L. W,lcklllf, head of Ohio Cooser- quail. brood stOCk," Mr. Warner In. sonal taxes during the month of was down to 51 1.n attendance· The church a machine hit him. tore off vatlon P1sh Managelnent work will sJstecL "Such an action would be ~arch. church rejoiced to hear Miss Mary one of his shOes, cut his head and tM! the prlnclpal spealt~. Bendell utterly unOalr to the farmers and or Mr. nnd Mrs. Leon Salisbury and Shields conless h er f>altli hl Injured his right leg. The drtver Rhoades and Michael' Po1ll, fish course it would be unfair to the daughter, MJss Miriam of Washing- and desisre to be baptised. The Sun_ failed to stop. lb. 17 1·2 SPARE RIBS, Fresh management agents for the Big and sportsmen , quail are valuable for tOn O. H. were Sunday evenlng 031- day before Mrs.. Mary Smith of Miss Pauline Gibson spent the lb. 161-2 FRESH CALLIES Whole or Shank end iers thtl home of Mr. and Mrs· Lytle brought her membership Little Miami dralnage larel¥> respect mor & reason s th ~ n on e: . AllenatEmrick. . from wee k end wit . h MIss Joan KeUls'. ~velY wID also be at the meetln. "The sweeney .bill strictly limits Dayton and placed it with us, Mrs. Roland WEia.ver ·spent a lew lb. t'9c PURE PORK SAUSAGE Dr. .W1ckl1ff hM charie of all rais- the taklilg of Bob White· to the sur- Miss Laura Rosnagle of Oinclnnati last week In Dayton, lot, and stocking of ilsh 10 ' the plus blrd1j which may be produ.ced spent; · the Week end with Mr. and FERRY CHURCH 01' ClIRIST Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford ' s~te- as 'wen as ·IPI-therlhg vaat on any tract of ground: It .nbsoll,l- Mrs. Harvey "Burnet and MI". !Snd W, C. Smith, Minister and family attended the birthday SUNDAY surprise on Mrs. Oarl Ridelnger ' ainl)unts ot data on their bablts and t.ely forblCl8 h~tlng when the brood Mrs. Harold WhJtakflr and c.hUdren needs- RhO-des "al)d '?OUt . ~ve 6UlCk might be endangered." Mr. and Mrs· WIII ~er J{enrickJ.were Cnlfled Servlc!! starts at 9:30 a. m . Saturday nJght,. Ib.. JOe COTTAGE CHEESE, Freah· charge' of tb1S work In the two "Farmers, who JWo~ better than Franklin visitors Mon~ay aft.ernoon Lord's SUPPer 10:450. m. Mr. and Mrs. Paul BplUer and lb. 15c FILLET OF HADDOCK, Boneleaa dralnlDg Ia~f which Warren .most city sportsmen. the laws of Mr. I8Jld Mrs. 'rherle Jones and Serm.{)n 11:00 a. m· family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rogers County. a.part. .llIlful'e- Which . thi-oUBh food and Mrs. William Rogers Were Dayton Tbe right·hand of fellowship wlll Mrs. Emlna Gibson ot Bellbrook. pt.23c OYSTERS, EXTRA STANDARD The ~tlon ls fortunate to oover . llmi~ natural wildlU Cl'2PB, sh?ppers Prlday. be given to tne new members at Mr. aDd Mrs. Ellsworth Gibson and I'u~ve Or.. WJckUff speak and togeth- can see the' da.u ghter Phyllls Mae of Centerville . . common sense in a plan Mr.. Howard Barger of Washing_ the close of th o mornlng service. FLORIDA er WIth memes frOm the Co~rva· which "nows a harvest C?f ~Ius ton O. II .Is vlsltlng at the home- of THURSDAY Mr. Clydte Smith spent Sunday 'tson' Dlvl8lan, a ·sho.r t buslDe&s meet game, but ·· whlo}l· !ltriotly prQhlblts Berean Class meeting 7:30 p. m. eveningWtth Mr, H11ey ' Gibson and LARGE SIZE ln8 and. lunCh the four new the damaging of brood stoCk. That his brother, Ralph, Barger and flamtamllY. " members of the, aoclJ\l cOmmltt~e is ~hy the Swee~ey bill Is findIng ny, . , ST. ~Y!8 EPISCO.,AL • lb. 10c ' TOMATOES, Fine Quality Rep'acka and Earl GUitln prOmise will be!! support IImong 'the rurlll People of Mr. and Mrs, Haney Burnet en- CB1JR(JR, WAYNESVILLE pkK' lOe somethlIil .n ew-.al1.ShoUld ~ it ~he · state. Farmers too, haVe seen tertall1ed the D~er club with a ~ Rev. ·R. L. IIMk_II, Min..... VEGETABLES, Diced for Soup one the ' m08t '1nterec~ meet- the eftec;tl! ·of proper I~Dd use o'clOCk dinner at their home here' SECOND SUN1DA Y IN LENT bch. 10e CELERY HEARTS, Tender IDgS ,foJ: some' tIn'Ie. · . AtI.y pum in- agement m~thOds and practices In Saturday e·venlng. 10 a. m, Ohurch School terested In outdOor We ia invited to bulldlng up _c rops of grain and liVe11 a. m_ Hp'y commurtion' and " EXTRA FANCY attend-whether ,a member 9J' not. s~. the.y know that proPel' game 118B THE ~ GAZETTE senqon. BOX WI.NESAP • mimsgement m ethods can Increase' . c.;-1!he~BeY.....Jj... ay..,.l""d--.O",,--,=~ '. Carl S. W~er. PtibllctiY h~d ' 01 wildlife crope In tl1e. same~ way.'i. CLASSIFIED ADS oftloll! te and PI.'caol1
Sportsmen - --..'_..---
I Cure h he' I
Lion's Share 01 Marcla Values'! Chuck Roast
lb. 17~c
Po'r k Chops
lb. 29c
Eatmore Oleo
O·ranees .
doz. 19c.
.A ' la .. I'll. vS
at home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain lin Lebanon. TUESDAY 2 P. m. Nursery Church School. WEDNESDAY. 7 :30 p. m. ~'e nJng Prayer and ad. dress. l FRIDAY, Mal'C:h 10, 2 P. m. WOOlen's Auxiliary at the home ' of Mrs. E. L. Thornn. 4 P. III JU~llor high boys ~ : 30 p. ·m. Cirlrls Friendly group.
' LI MI .
Greene, world', wood champion, who ilicell through a 101r In leu than 18 seconds, will swing 'biB axe in comp~' titlon at all performancell of ,the Ohio Sport8men~8 e,nd 'Boat Sbow to be held at the ,C olumbu. Auditorium beginning Satu'rday, Mar ch 18, and continuing until Sunday ' night, March · 26. . Greene ' bail~ . trom Bangor, Maine. alld hall hroken up many a ; log Jam In the "pring d ivell. He now' 8111'nel" hi!' Mummert! guldlrtg l)unttnJt lind fl~hin" ' parties fn1 florthe rn Malnl\. Greene III one of ., rlO;T.Pll nm·th \I("'lfl~ I!:ulrlell who Ivill d c rnlln ~tl'Qti! wood chopping wd Ha win~, ~~ nn e 1il t i'1 ~, log birlFOR 'SALE~AlI' v~ei1es of hglh· Ing anel ntt-I'r M Ptll't~ np. i.lVI' 1o' t he. est Yielding I certified hybl1d Seed 1I11·t.1> IV'"HI!' gui,II''' lit thll C.olurn. " .' corn-1939: lind. ' f14; w. 17; U. S. I ,U~ ·~,~f)W., 60: U.S. 52, U, S. Q, Oroer now befor~ the s1~. ,LevI 0;, · ~ukMs. Harveysburg, Ohio ,.; . " . .. . ,8tp cb~pplng
a I.•.
~'O ' ,.
• Coa Dtry Cia'
WAYNESVILLE M • .E. r:HURCH Sunday Marclll, 5, 193!.1· Collett. 9 :30 SundaY, School R. Supt. '. 10:4IL..l4omjng , Wor".~h...lploL,.-"""" "Kingdom Membership". 6:00 EPWor\h Leaoue 7 :30 Evenlnjg Service. 2:00 Frlen~!hlp Olub Nina St. Johll. \ 3 :45 J.uruor Icholr . 7:00 Boy spouts 8 :00 Cholrjll'8Otice.
'2 for
.H EAD LETTVCE, Freak, Crisp, NEW CABBAGE; Sol~d Heads' CAICDY YAM, Sweets -
~~~~~~~~~==========~=;=.=~=;=====;~========~~========~ MOND~Y ~,~,__ _ 7:30 P. m. ~l'oung people
4 ' II) 2Sc
'1 ;5MA.LL c~ 10e
, ~ :A tall cana
10 29c
Chplce ....
I '
'AtL~' MlLI
. e . .
~:::.: ·10c.
GLASB~lE OVERAIE .··: .,) . ,. :23c W)TH PU.~CHASE OP '. LAR~E' CAN_ C~· Co PORK .~ BUNS'
GRANGE MEMBERS _ _~----4-= EN.:..:..: JO::..:.Y--=-GO .:.: O== D ;; PR~OG=R=AM=--
Gale-"Frank Miller of Mission Inn" A sensitiVelY written and .ab_ sorbing biography of the man who made MiBBlon Inn at Riverside. OaUfornla, famous the world over. Niles .. "Tbe James" This book covers 0. river In WhOse history are many traglo I!\nd Incredible happen. Ings. as Well as one of the most romantlo and grQjll!OUB periods of A'merlcan Ut.. Ferber _ "Pecullar Treasure" Hardship. occasional povecty, and her own untiring efforts were the mllesto~e8 that marked Edna Fer>bet's road to suocess and In this, the story of her Ute which she tells with simplicity and humour, she says the things which she could not say In novels.
A group of Lytle liulles presented a short humorous pla.ylet· entltied "When Greek Meets Greek," at Fanner's Grange Saturday evening. Parts were taken by Mrs. Stanley BaileY, Mrs. ~rn~ Jones and Mrs: Sussn Saylor. Alvin Earnhart and sons Alton and Earl sang os group of Irish . songs. A talk on landscape gardening 'by Carl Duke concluded the program. Plans Were made for a birthday supper at tbe next meet. Ing.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Mosher of Edwards Road, Clnolnnatl, entertained at a beautifully appointed dhmer at the Little Inn on Sunday in honor of the birthday of thew Sister, Mrs.' Edith Harris ; The guests wcr.e; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsock and son Ch'llrles of MUford. Mr. and _ _ 0_' _ _ Mrs. Ronald Hawke, Mr. Harris Mosher and Mrs. Edith Harris. Mrs. HarrIs WIlS the recipient of many b eautiful Oower.~. as well ' IlS other gifts. After dinner theY all repaired to the Harris llome on Main street Mrs. Emil Brown WIlS 111 with the where >II delightful afternoon w~s grippe thc latter part of the week .spent. Mr. Rnd Mrs. HarleY Branden.. burg of Lebanon were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Bran.~tnator, Sunday. ~~~..-..
Local Happenings
I Sh~:~~~rtlstanI~o:~:;;~a~:~ HARRY FURNAS DIES AT
Ohi~ ', March, .9, 1939 4 .· • --~-
About thirty friends and neigh bors of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph HJldc_ ___ . 'I brecht t.endered them a surprise last The Waynesville. Oarden Club Tuesday evenini. This was 6l fere_ met with Mrs. ~na Hartsock at the well to the HJldebrecht family, Who Frlend's Home J Tuesday afternoon. are moving to thllir recently pur· chased farm OD the Bellbrook pike.! During the ~USlncss meeting at Ohlnese checkllrs and cards proviwhich the ne". ~esldent , Miss Perle ded entertainment for the evening. Rlley presided, )t was voted to donate money for , pne acre in the reo At a late hour refreshments Were served. forestation proj~t which ts reforest Ing landll in tl}e southern part of the state. A J,:ommltte e \VIaS ap_ pointed to meet~ with village councU to solicit cooPlll1ltion In beautifying WaynesvUle. with flowers. Mrs. J . K Preston read a paper on growing plants In water and Mrs. Mr. and Mr•. Robert BGker vlslLR. D. Oollett read an anlcle on ed friends In FrankllR Sunday. growing sweet peas. Miss Riley gave a report on t.he meeting she Mrs. ,Cellstla Austi n Prugh of attended at 01n4:tnnatl. Dayton Is the gueat 01 M11i. Susie MlW. Oeorge ~3mlth ' assisted Mrs Evans. , Hartsock In serylng dainty refreshHarris Mosher attended Use funments to twenty members Including two new ones, Mrs. Heacock ~ nd ern! of his eOlL5ln, I. N. Hnnts , 111 Dayton Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Nolan CoDner. The April meeting will be at the MI·s. Mattie Flannery of Scoville. home of Mrs, Carl Du~e. Ky .. Is the guC8& of her sister, Mis Ray'Mainous.
Local Happenings
Hillard' Greenwood .
Club's Guest Speaker SIXTH BIRTIIDA Y I S CELEBRATED Mrs· Ell Furnas entcrt aincd Saturday afternoon for th e pleasure of her dnughtcr Su e who was Iilx years old tht' followinl~ day. Games and contests provided cntertainmcnt for .t.he children. A beautiful birthday cake with six oondles was the ehl ·f attrnction at refreshm ent time . Invited guests were Maltha alld Lois Luken:>. Carol and Rhoda Bunnell. Janet Doster. Barbara and Mnry Hartsock, Doro_ thy and Miriam Wilson. Ann Sat t.erthwaHe, Nancy .Crane. Eula Hoak Marilyn Gons. Jennie Lee and WHhelmlnla Braddock. Betty and Bonny Satterthwaite. Pnt:.y Hln dl e~ Mary Dorn. Hough and Mary Ann Bunon.
Wayne Township Motbers' club met Friday afternoon In the musiC room at tile grade building. Devotions were ·In oharge of Mis. Ralph Hasting/; who chose "The Signifleance o[ n Good N,u me" for lie!' s ubject. Committees were appointed to plan for the athletic banqu\!t and also t.he dlnncr for the WIlI'I' n County Teacher'S Assocla· tion which will be held here soon. The club voted to buy capes an4 cap~ for the Rlwthm band. M~ JnckRon's room received the nower box in the popularity count. Fol_ lowing n splendid program ot musla I' adlll (\8 and plaYlets by the SeV" l1th and eighth grade pupils, Mrs. ,May, secretary of Warren County I'ubel'culosis and Hea lth Association ,lltrodUCed the president of the asso elation, HilUard Greenwood, who talked on the cllre and prevention of tuberculosis. A movie. "Behind the Shadows" was shown In connec. tlon with his talk. Refl'eshments were served and the club adjourned to meet In April.
Sue r elv 'd mBny nice glfl$ Mrs. Daisy Snyder spent· Friday dition" It Is Informal biography from her lIt.Lle frien~ With Mrs. Eva Blackhall at Oakof Charles Sheeler. who has without wood Manor, Dayton. much fanfare, 'become known as a very gllted artist and It touohes the Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Whitaker of very iCore at ~erloan traditions In Funeral services for HaJTY Furnas Olnclnnatl were Week end guests of aJ:t. Mrs. Ellddla Day returaed hOIl e son of Mr. and Mrs. Davis Furnas, Mr. rand Mrs. Ballard Wallace. Poole-IiNurses on Horsebaok" [rom Miami Valley ho,:plLal Monday Th1a 18 . ·' dramatio story of the or_ were held Tuesday afternoon at the Rev. 6nd Mrs. J. V. LaCY and Mr. --1 ganlzafion and work of the Frontier Oswald funeral )larlors In Lebanon, and Mrs. A. H. MeUoh and daugh. The Warren County E?choolmas- evening. I 1:lurses' down .In the Kentucky the Rev. B L George officiating. He ter Mary Ann left Monday morning ters club wbleb was to have h eld Mrs, Ralph Hastings and Mrs. v: mountains. The book Is filled wltb would -bave been twent.y·tour years for a twelVe days visit to Florida. . its meet lng .at Wjlynesv1Jle this S. OrahllJll were Dayton viSitors Problems and achievemen ts of revealing stories. of the lives ot old on Tuesday, the day of his .. month . Has beeJD cancelled due to Tuesday. 500,000 "captains" of Amerlca's sOllle Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Chapman visit the district tournam"nt. The meet. th~ .mountalneers and the serv1ce . funeral . ,. largest Industry will be dramatized Mtss Betty lIartsOCk oC Cincinnati ot the nurses. His death occurred at the Middle_ ed Mr. and Mrs . George Balley In Ing wID be held In April. In a broadcast dedicated to the HARVEYSBURG METHODIST . . Fiction town hOspital Saturaay morning uf- Clnclnnatl .Thursday. The Tuberculln test sponsored by spent the week end with her par- school boards of the Nation. The CUURCII ents, Mr. anll Mrs. Bert Hartsock. Aldrlch-Bong of Years" Pioneer tcr an Illness of three weeks. Donald Lukens was an overnight the state Board. of Health and the I}rogl'am, part of the Wings For The days In the valley of Red Cedar He had been an employee of the guest Friday 1I.nd Saturday of Keith Warren County. Board Is being glv_ Mrs. Marla Elboa and Mra. L . M. Martins series. will be heal'd Wed- G. II. Weaver, Minister river In Iowa, between the M:: Call Co. 01 Dayton for tbe last Longacre at Lytle. . en the first gra,de and High school Henderson were dlnaer "uests Sun. n e day,March 15. 9:30 p . m· . EST 9:30 .8. m. Worship service, serpupils here this ·week. years ISM and 1865, enriched by the tlnee years- SinCe his marriage a day ot Mr . and Mrs. Lester Oordon. over· the Blue' NBO network. man; '''l1le Compassionate Cbrist," Sund~y evening guests of Mr. and Miss Owens, c:.ommerclal teacher, . year ago he and his wife the for With approximately two and a 10 :30 Church school. H. C. MIlII_ author's ~ .and deep knowledge ' . - Mrs. p . L. Reasori Included ...... and of simple pioneer 11fe, Idea18, joys mer Thelma Luoas at Lebanon, had IoYU Is confined to Itler home with the Mr. and Mra. 'Oene Cmmer and qUarter billion doll ai'S eXPended gon , Supt. . and sorrows. resided In Springboro. HIs boyhood M~: RUS8ell Holllday, and~ Robert flu. family will move ,lato the Meredith annually ~or public schools , educa_ ThursdaY-Ladies Ald. · ' · WIlS spent on a farm near Waynes- Bowen and Brenna Reed or North seniors who ,vlll take the senior proPerty on Third streei; tbis week. 1.I0n Is the largest single public en_ Mar. 9th. 10 a· m.-3:30 'P. m. D U Bols-• Death Teare a Comic vUle. . Carolina. h I rshl Strlp"-A medlcal mystery with an 9C 0 a p test ,o n April 1 are Anna Fred B. Henderson, H. A. Cornen enterprise In ' the United States DI· meeting of the quarterly conference Mrs. O. E. Anderson and Mrs. Ad- HoaIt, Margie (lustln, Ada Belle and Harry Prater arrived home FrL rectlng this vast undertaking ~e a at WllmlJWton church. This is Heu original slant-bcitter than aveNge. Surviving are bls widow, Thelma; HUton-"8kylJue Riders" A ruth_ .h is parents; two ststers, Mrs. Estey die Smith spent Monday In Spring Frye, Elizabeth Hoblit and Carolyn day after spending three Weeks at half million school board members. ot the 2-3 Quarterly Conferences. less gang brought to justiCe makes Pringle of near Lebanon, and Jane, Valle-Y, the guests of Mrs. Sue Dou_ LUkens. Sarasota, Fla. ' "But what's the school board tor?" Pot luck dinner at noon. an exciting yarn with an authentlc Q student at Wilmington college, glas ' and Miss Minnie COOk. . Tlfe Wayne ~(!o nshlp Board of IlSks Mr.Martin of the radio Martins . flavor 0" the real w... t. and one brother, [)avid.• - . . ._< - ...~~ . . ' - Education -"mt!t- ii regular l!eSIIlon J~:SM~:~f~a::r~:~;:::~ {aUas: ~Ieal' Affierlcan 'Paffll)~ : _. PERRY CHnaCQ (W • "'" B I 1 1 In i Mrs. J. H. 6alCltett and Mrs. J . Eo Hojton-'IWatt .tor the Tide" Miss !V a was n M m cemetery. Mcc,ure spent the past week In Monday evening:, March 6, with all Tbursda.y evenlnf dinner guests of The answer, of direct Intcres.t to -Holton needs n.o l!ltroductlon as a SteubenvJlle wbere they_ vlslted.Mr. members presehlt. Mrs. .Maude Crane. 30,OOO,~ wbo e~the~ 8tt~nd or send SUNDAY writer of Oape Clod stories. ISR,AEL N. HARBIS and Mrs. John Turner. Topics d1sc\.lS&led were school fin. their children 'to school, Is outlined _9.;3JLa.-m. Vnlfled Service. . L1et~nt---!'Qharlty Pa.tlent&" A ance and JDIIIwtenance: At the con· Mr. and ~. Clarence Edwards In the 30-mlnute dramatic episode, 10:45 a. m. Communion servloe Mr• and" .... r·.. ~ 'D~"'_Mt orew' .."nd cluslon or the meeting ·the board and daughter Reba and Allen KJb_ featuring tbe a dventures at Mr. and very ~ortbWblle story. that shows FuneQ ser Ic for Israel N. Bar•..... !l:~.J!. sermon __. one cannot be bound by set rules 1n rls, 71, founder or the Harris -Phineas Oook vlslted Mr. and Mrs. made a survey ot ~e library and ler spent Sunday wleh Mr. and Mrs. Mra. MiLt and the~ youngsters. The attendance sUnday 120 dealing with humanlty-rlcb or Brothers , Co., fire department Abram Cook or Springboro Sunday viewed the new books received from John 8egale in O~t1. In . announcing this broadcast, and offering $45.00. The r:lghuWna. equipment manufacturers, who died art~n. the. Alumni AssooJation. poor. Commissioners of Education J. W. of fellowship was given .to 17 Dew .Mrs. Manley J~eBOn and Mrs. ." Selfert-"Wayfarer" The story of Sunda~ at his residence In Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Wlll St. John, Mr. ClllI1a Harvey and daughter Zula of Studebaker sald;"Reallzation of the members. Sunday morning at clUBe vital need tor closer coopel'l8.tion and of preaching hour a lKlPtJamal catJohn Cotter from his chUdhood In followmg an Illness ot six months, l8,n d ~"s. Homer arey and Mrs. Lebanon were saturday afternoon good w111 among school boards and urlcate >lind a' copy of 'the New New 'tor state to tiIs old age and were held Wednesday afternoon "at Jeff SLith were dinner guestB. Sunguests of Mrs. Maude OJlMle. . death if) the west, Is one of fasclna- the residence with ReV. Hazen G. day of Mr. and Mrs. Will Bergan the cO'm munltles they serve has Testament was prt!sltnted tAl each . tlon. Werner officiating. Burial . was In of 6ve~~. ---' Mr. and Mrs ~ Everett Mliler are prompted your OCtlce of Education member that come ~y baptlsDi.. · Town~"8hop of Dreanis" Is" a Centerville cemetery. His grand_ Mrs Carlton Oook and son, Mr. receiving congratulaUons on the to prepare a broadcast emphasizing romantic ·flll.le wltb an Intrlgulng ra~er James, erected the tlrst tes1" Mrs. John Thompson and son and Mrs. Roland Carey visited Mrs. birth of a son at McOlellan hos- the part the school bonrds are play_ WAYNESVILLE CIIURCH OF. thread of ID1stery. 'It ha& much dence and genei1l-1 store In Center_ Bobby of OenterVUle were dlliner' Harold Kellis ",·Iday. ing in solving modern education CURI8T pital, Sunday evenlng. problems." charm and :dli!tlnct!on. . ville, In the early 18OO's He was guests 011 Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. B.l\d .Mrs. Roy Shaw and fam· Mr. 'llnd Mrs. Roger Chambliss of Norton's :wJte" borr{ nellr Centervllle, the' son of George Milia. Ily of near Spring Valley called aD · Walk~-·oJ:)r. Wings 'For The MarLins Is pre_ SUNDAY ;Xenia, and P . B. Henderson ~ere Th1a Is a hovel. partly of lave. part· Frau' J . and · Eliza Wright Harris. ·Mrs. Thomas ' Hardin and da~lghter Mr. and Mrs. Lue Morgan Sunday pared ~nd presented by the United 9 :30 a. ni. Blble 8011001. Sunday gUests of ,Mr. and Mra. John ly of medicine. Th~ background Is Surviving are his widow, Mr$. Mary Miss VlrgIn1a and Mrs. Alvin Earn.. afternoon. States Department ' of the Interior, 10:45 a. m. communion B. Gons. · tbat of a modem medical scbool. E . H~rrlsL; .thwo sons. Joseph .~~ hart attended a faculty reCital a~ Mr.· Morris Lewis, Miss Stella 7:00 p. m. ChrlsUall endeavor OffiCe of Education, with the coThe theme is , the integrity .lIld de· Fran.. .• w a aile now opera ... '6 tbe FUie Arts Department of Musio Olbson. MrS. Hiley Olbson called on Mrs. R. D. Barden and little operaUon of the National Congre~ .7:30 p. m. Prel\ching votlon of ., mand .and a wife. It Is the manufaoturl.n g business; two 'of Miami University· Friday ~venlng Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rogers of daughter Marllyn, .o f Columbus. of Parents end Teaohers and with WEDNESDAY .one of the g60d booIr:s ~e. daughter~, Mrs. _~~th Grethe~ of EYere~~ K . Pa8teF, , Mjss . Rardin's Bell\lr<K?k Sunday afternoon. who have been guestS ot Mrs. Bar- the aBSIstance of the Works Prog.r:.=css:::: . +-...I:J1b le- Study sented to us bY Mills Frances Alden. Dayton and M. r s. Il'fnOl Davidson of tea her 'of I JanIs f th Mr .. and Mrs. Everett BWlnell osnd den's sister, Mrs. Loren Hadley, sev_ Administration. 7:30 P. m. Our atteDdanoe . . . . c . vo ce \WlS P t or e . ~. '.Ye~ Wlnr\etka, n\., ~nd three ·· ~d,. recital. fa~lly spent Sunday with Mrs. eral ' days, lett today, TburBda\V to Sunday ocliool last ' Sunday was Reck'-"Romance or Amel1can chUaren. . . • • . " . LIzzIe AbdC;l' mind· ramUy of near vlslt anoth~ slster. Mra. Walter and the evening ' cl'owd was arQunci FRIENDsnlP CLUB TransportaUon" The carefully, au.. Mr. Harris was well known' in The Rev. ~. L. Hackwell attended WaynesvUJe. Wiliams at Klllgman. 100. . thentiCated and f!'8i:lnating story of Waynesvllle, . For several years ' he a sUPPer meet.lng of oreene County Mr. and MrI~. Paul Sandy and o~ of the most potent factors 'in was conneetcd with the 'HarrIs bank Protestant 'l\lrilsteci last Friday at chlljlren of Dlilyton, and Mr and The Young People's group of St. Mrs. WI11 St. John opened her - .... h h met 1ast home Wednesday to memba'rs of the WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH the . development of our country- ownc!<l and oPCl1\ted by his uncle. ChrIst Episcopal Church in Xenia .... .-.0, _orris P1l1 and· femily of Leb- Mary's Epi scops 1 cure transpor;tiltlon ..· . tbe )ate Israel H. Harris, and duro to bear Bishop Hobson IIllt on the anon vislted Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Monday evenln" at the home of Friendship Club. The Rev. Mrs· Mr . an. d Mrs. Maynal'd Weltll'~ The .,ny ~ d . . . Fleinlng-"PygDlf's Arrow" The' Ing whlcb time was married to M1&s recent World 'mlBBlonBry. conference Kellis Sunday. er gave a. sp1en did ''' .... Ik ' on Sunday. March 12. 1939 9 :30 Sunday School. R. D. Collett Mrs. HileY Gibson and lila Olara program conslsted of further study Friendship. Mrs. A. H. StubbS read mysterious land of the strange little Mary McKinsey, elder daughter of at M;adras, IndJa. Supt, r peopl&- ·pygmies. of SoUth Africa, the late 'Henry and Alice Nedry Mc_ -.' . Daugb~ ca&1d on Mr. and M.ta.. of tbe qUetiUon church milLY. a !la'ne wrltter, by Mrs. J. K. PrP.S. 10:40 Morning worshiP, Dr. T. T . is. broUibt ,. to viVid reality in this. Kinsey. A fe~ frlen~ of Mrs., Nina ~t. Elmer: Roy.~l' 'IhlU'8day aftemoon;' 818mea, anq bualneS!! meeting. Mrs. ton ori the origin' .of st. Patriek's s/JiTlng storY. .'. . . !lOck gather~ . at \ ber .home . Friday, . Mr. Keruleth B\lNett' and ftiend Weltz. gave a report on the recent Day. Two Irlsll readings "Mrs. Crawford will preach. 6:00 Epworth League. SobmIdt'-"Sepret of SUver Peak" EDGAR L. BENNETT ~arcb 3, for noon lUllClleon. 'T' , alid Mr. and -.,an: BUin Buraett of valentine dance. O 'Toole ' at the Telephone" and An InspJr1na s~ {)f a young.Alner_ . who' enJoy~ this v~t.(, with Mrs. Dayton, Mr. and MrI. Robert Hart- . "Patrlck O'Grady's Mistake" were . No evenIng service WEDNESDAy ..1.1' fin' h t b .r Ha~k ~ere. ~, EdIth M. Har· sOck of Spr'M~' Valley v....,ted · ....r. The ·Rev. Pav~d R. Covell . and given by Mrs. R. . E. Hastings. tcan ... '8 e cOl1l'8ge wen, a e . Edgar L. Bennett. 'r7, died Mon.. .... "".,.. Mrs COv 11 .f CI clnnatl :.oln 11:00. The Latlies Aid will' liave a . d h rls, MJ:s. W. Eo Strou~ Mh. C. P. and ' Mra. FranI . t Kel l l - and dau"h. . e .' n were u The sum of one dollar IO nd ten grandfather's cath, ahe falls ~Ir day noon at his residence near Har.. ..... .. ner gu s18 Su d of the Re d .h d d ted Joy. Mrs. .Elmer Stieelmn e , n ay . ' v. an 'cents was' derlved from the sale of coveretl dish luncheon at the hom" . .. ~. Ad_ ter ~uth S ...... to a &beep rano ' an eser mine veysbUrg after a brief illnesS: SUr.........,. Mrs R L Hack eU Oth 3:45 Junlo.· chOir. In Colorado. A ' splendid . mya~ die Smith, Mrs. Charles Anderson 'Mra Frank DakIn. Mrs. Ernest . ' .' . w . er out or cup oakC¥! baked by Mrs. Hartley Earnb· t has t mJa.. town vlsloors at the rectory last Moss. vlvIna at:e his widOW, 'Olar", 1.. Ben- and Mrs. Cbarlotte Snapp. THURSDAY . ~tory. . . nett; one BOn, 'WUaon of Dayton; . , .ar.' were te.sses a a week,1ncludcd . Baabo, Henry W. of MI'S. Walter Whitaker · MOIIn-:-"fIollta" A · !leI1ghtful .two ·daughters. Mrs. MAry .AsbleY 01\ Tuesd.ay of this week mem- cel~DC(lus sh~eli. 1p honor of Mrs. Hobson, the Rev. Smythe IJrm,ay: Refreshments were ' served at 7:00 Boy' Scouts ~,' ., · story of MeXSco, Wblcb and Mni. Ruth E1I.Ison of near WUlt- b'e ra ot St. Mary's churcb spent tne Edmond Mar1liLtt. last Saturday the Rev. GUben Symons, all of Cln_ tables gay wiUt St. Patrlok's colors. . 8:00 Choir pl'lBctlce. conlbln~S ,' ~~U8t adve~t~e with ~D,&nct ~~ grand~n. day In XeiJla, part of a ~u'p of. 100 evenin& at t.he.1Cbure:h room~ G6mes clnnat! l8.nd the Rev and ¥rs Al- Mrs. st. John was assisted by ¥n. deft .~c~ deUneatton. ' FUneral servtQ~r:.;~ held Wednes. ladles. . from several Eptacopal and . lunch WE!l'e enjoyed by 45 mus Thorp of CoIU~bU8. • ~ark Rogers, Mrs. L. ·0. St. John, . J' • , • · . ' lI~e1 and Bel:iDWm-''Tb1,s wy day p' at the. McClure iun.. cburch!lS Inthla aectlo~.· who can.. gues~ 'present. . . Mrs. Harold . Earn!'iJ(lrt and Mrs.] S'J'. MAR ~'8 EPI!i.. CQPAL .. ~o th~ Uvely story of. a 'eral' BUtlaI In Miami ~me- Va8sed tlle enUre to~ to ~ertalil Mr. 4nd.Mrit. Ernest Earnhart ep.. Mr. and ' Mr.,' LeWIs Fire.. en'ter- Frank F!U'r. . . (JHURCII, WAYNESflLLE .. 1IttJe ~ 11'1;10 went t:o the. clre~ ,te.t j, ., .' the cburc~' aftUla~on ~f ltf bitl- entertalnet1' s1ulda,y. at, dInner, Mr. talned at dinner Sunday tD lIonor ' TIle Aprll meellng will be with '. ,~ . '.' undenitall~ an~ · b)lJOOr:oU8. .. . ~ , ,- I~' Zen! Mrs. C. H. Brace, Mrs. EthBn Bert. . Marlatt~ Yr. end Ilia. ,ElVia of the birthday Ulll1\rerSartes 'o'f Mrs. A. H Stubbs ReV. R. ~ •Hackwe1l, Ionlate;r Bra~~·!. Ears, Or~e .al,1d Mrs. Bert ~tsoC,k ,rep.. ~al and'diIUihter: Dorth1a; Mr· Doris ' Fires. Ha.i'Old Taylor and .~ ' . ' 'FRIDAY, Manm 10 .... -.. ~ · Wbale'" 'q1e story 0( a whAl.,; calf. reljented the ",aynesvUle ch~h. and' Mrs. Edmon Jlarlf,tt, Ada. ',Harold ' Harbeson. CoYen were laid MASONIC ~ODGE ~OTIC~ 2 po m. Woman's AtWllarr at J,he from ' tbe . ·time of bIa .b~ . on ria~1n and '~ C~ .Da~htera. tor Mr. apd ·Mrs. 0 . . H. Harb~n Stated communlca,tlon of Way- hom& or Mrs.' E · • Thomai. ' '. tbrc)11"h" 'bis JQUrDef . around ' the , i '."".; Mra~ DaVid l,j~ Is ae~tIng aIona and eon Harold ~d Rarold Taylor , 111 Lad' ..~ '163 F ' & A ~lr THIRD ~ SU~AY IN uiNT . . Mr and lira. Ernest· Ilar.ttD Nr FIRE AT CONAJU) B()ME nesv e March ge nI:' .O. • M. 10' a. 'ni'.' 0. burcb f • :world .':I ....,.:.,_ . .. , . . . , .' ", . '. . as..~e. U as ~ . ....,. e~ ........... at ·th... ot 0 entetvwe, Doris, £nna 'lind Tuesday at 7 p• m Work 8Choor,~' , I '~'. . ,' and .~ 'Rhuakbis or Dayton, II1aa at. EUlabetb h~taI." . ' .'. Charles Plies and-' Mr .n'd '" --\ '. ..1.l-a.' . ~.'1Z.omblD · P·.ra· unr' • ..:-.... __ " ~ . ~ . . -:-... ' , ' -.. Mrs. In 't)1e M., M. degree" ~ _ " " " ... - . N~bB ~F pUBLIC SALB':, Ir~e J'UlkhIaer '~ I:.ciwen.~t 0,' ,. QuiCkaotl.o n on the :p&(t of ' t . b e P i r e s . , . ' . '. , ~ , . . " ~., ' , , ' .. " __ ;. " RlchJQoncJ" .Ind., aDd,,, Mra.:·}.~tha WaYl)eavine fire 'de~nt . pre· Rn·~ond 'Braddock, W . ~. TUDJDAY " . , e ~p' of ,BOUgb of 'YI~pt~ :were ~ V~Dted wllat fuilht 'ba~ been . ,aer· V, M~· ~tager' Bee'Y.: , : 2 ~.·. m:· l(~r;. Qh.Urcb ':lI!lIlIUIII. · ~~~amn . OountY~' ohio, "'..... at,.the ~e. ~1. \ ... JOua fire at the CjU'l. CoDaI'd rest.: . . 'WED~Y ., ..•i . ,.W 9fr~ tClt' aale 'lit public' adoa, ,Mrs. Blancbe ~er of OlDclnnati "deno, on Srd. It. last FrIda, at~M ~t:v as the · &IIIOUilt of mooey -:r-" M. ~; . LADIES ' ~ '7:10 ~. ~""..r&• . , _, on the ·- . , on satunta;; UUi vlalted her mother. 1tIn. o. ~ DelL... nooD .... Spa'r~ {l'OlD-'tbe ~ I'M ~uJd,;.d)8l'lD1t. ~ ~ for IIJamt chapter .No. 1M O. E. 8 . -Tl'Ie . Ladlee- ' AId of ~e addreIe • eIIattb _ ofAI\Il11, 1111 at, 1 ~ SUndar attemooD: nlted ~ .roof and _used • ~ the aqII were lela ~ 15 .,* cent WID meet In regular 8ealon Mon. Church will bo~ an ail day meeting .PI'UbAY o'c}ock Po m,·tIIe buIJdInB comrnonJt • • aDd II'cParJand . of wbIcb. .... guI~ exilniuIIbed b:v ~.~ta made an day Ma~ Ill. at 7:10 p. m, Wedilesday, MArch IS, ' at the bOme 1 P. '"" WCIIlDUa'l AI~IiI3:"; ImOWD aDd delllnate\S .. \be "Old' ~. uad .""'" LouIa ~ namace .... ~ted OIl w___ ~J!~'bl cot . -pel rice. . . . at lira, 'WBltet WhItaker. MMnbera II&~. apm.1sum.., . or LebUIon'; wwp - V1IltonI at &be ., be&ween t40 ad 110Tubaooo ~ DIIIW ~ mare &IlUl Sarah Braddock. w. .y . havtnt bbthdan in Pebruary aDd • Po ~. 1IiU.:~_'" . .B. IL. ....... 0Iett m.e 8d11rda,J. .'111*' CIb& IIIDDia Promm, Bee'Y. IWch WDl be peats of O1\1b. ':80
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Thunda" March 9.1_ NEWS OF THE REDS There's going to be a 110t t.ime In dear old Tampa when Bill MoKechuJe starts ploklng the men hC eX_ \)ects to use In his Illllcld this com· ing soason. Thirteen me.n are here battling lor the four 'posl Ions. and MeKnchllle announced .t.ha~ only Olle posILlon-fh:st base-was defini tely' settled, Holder of the lIrst base Job Is Fra-nk ~cCormlck. who slammed out 209 hfts for the Reds last yea r in his first ( ampnlgn as a bIg leaguer. Fle led both leongucs In this department. Thrown open for compctll1on arc the second . third and shoristop posts. Last, Yell,r's regular occupants of these spots were Lew Riggs at third, Billy MYers aL short and Lonny Frey at second. All of these men are available COl' present Qctl_ vlty, but their ranks have becn swelled by Charley Glock. Eddie Joost and Einar Sorense n for the second base competition; Charley Enj Ush and Don Lnng for the t.hird base fIght; and Llndsa.y Brown 'lind Nolen Richardson to compete wIth Myers for the shortstop assignment. Les Scarsella and Joe Mack also are here as lIrst basemen . but the fight there seems to be for the right · to ad as McCormlck's understudy.
Loven WayneayUle.-obio
lCain Street
Ilntlncl A.. Second Olue Mall ~tter at P08tqffice, Wayne.yUle, Ohio'
Flora M. Crane Editor and Publisher Mrs. R, H. Hastings, soc iety Editor ....... Phone 45 }(. 1.1 ISSUED
Suba¢riptlon Price. $1.60 Per Year, Payable in Advance
Farm Night Talks, Mar. 13 8; 00 Music 8;05 4-H Cl ub N ews-C. C . Lang, A st. State 4-H C lub Leader
8 ;15 Wha,t 's Ahead in Vocational Agriculture-Ralph A. Howard , Supervisor. Vo cational A gric ul t ur e Instru ction in Ohio H igh Schools .
8 ;25 Co lumbus Fedenl Orc h estr a · 8 ;35 Ohio's Water C hann e ls a nd Storage Basins-H. E. Eswine, Naturalist.
8 ;45 What t h e Nutrition program h as Meant to Our
"Bank Nil!'ht" -SCREF.N"Biondi. Meet. the ' Bo ....
Arthur Lake
Coritinuoul Snc.wI Dally Adults Only 150 'Til 2 P. M.
~-.l-'~-- _.Ibtl~
Iwo lUlU
wolld .1
IIW tOl1llt
rilil lt III. .'II~
Fa mily ~-Mrs. Adelia Wolfe, S e neca County Farm Home
State Liquor Board, bas attacked the Issuance of liquor permIts In exmaker cess of the Quotas ,provided by law. 8 ;55 qolumbus Federal Orch estra . In Youngljtown, for Instance wWch bas a Quota of 113 permlti. 127 have 9 ;05 ' Educational Possibilities of t h e World's Poultry . Ylnur fin o· 'ulhvnll and Henry Fo nllu Bre th han (lssed love I'll oi lhe lellBely Uramatlc rr been Issued for hard liquor alone. 37 It< d. "I. I ' s LIve." wltfch will onen S lI lHlll Y. Mnl' II 12, at the cleluxe Xenia theater 10 Xer. ' tor private clubs, 80 for night. clubs, Congress-R. E. Cray a nd C. M. Fergu on, Extension 'la l ph DeJlullIY and AIIiU Bl\"t <lr heud th e dl' PDO.·UU& cast. ' a tobal of permits for Youngstown of Poultry Specialists. 244. State L1QuQr Control Director J. B. Taylor has made U1e foUowlng 9 ;15 The Human Factor in Credit Adminish:ation. statement in referenCe to Ma.ry Vashti Jon~s, Sec'y-Treas·, Nat'l F a rm Loan Assn., enforcement: "People who are not supposed to Zanesville. UTIOA U. B. OHURCH sell on Sunday wll1 not SeU on Sun Bevls .A. 1110, Pastor day", Taylor said, "Those who are 9 ;25 F 'ertilizing tbe Crop Rotation-R. M. Salter, not to sell after Certain hours wlll Sunday, March 12th. Chmn., Agronomy Dept. 9:30 a, m. Morning worship. The sell. I ,prop05e to develop a ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN ., CLAauc. J. noWN Service will center around the lite squad of 100 men to clear up con_ ,our Cattle, bOgs. aheep and eal". 9 ;85 Columbus Federal Orcbestra. M. . . . . c-.... 7do .,... . . . . . . to Norris-Brock 01..., live wire a'd · e nf orce progressive ftl'Wl f'lr the hlch'" of Christ. The Sermon will stress ditio~ In ObIo. I mean to the Lenten season. the Jaw." market prieell and !rood lIerviee. On March -ith, 1789 the Congress statements made by two oablnet 7:00 p. m. Ohrl$tian Endellvor. Ohio Is the second largest maple Unl". Stock Yard.' Cinci ....~i. O. of the Unite~ states met tor the offlc~ last weel'. Others . are Come and bring another to theSe product's producer among the 48 Tune In on Radio Station won first time. Lest Saturday, one hun- rather keeping their fingers crossed services. states and for the !Jrst time Buck.. 12 :2& to 12 :30 p. m. for our dan, market reports. . dred and fltty years later. pomp and remembering that somewhat s1m1Iar eye producers arc attempting to -=~~~=====~==~ ceremony marked the anniversary ' statenients In the past bOre but IltMr. lI nd Mrs. Leslie Gorsuch and JDeet definite standards Just adop' _ _~................_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The President ot the United States, tle actual fruit. H\>wever. there Is a daughter Marie spent Sunday with ted by the U . S. And OWo Depart, the VICe President, the Cablneb, dip~ better feeling geneirally In th«: busL Mr. and Mrs. WUlard Taylor and ment of ·Agrlculture. The new _. . Two recent ~qurt decisions are of great interest to the lomatlc- representatives of torelBJl ness world sln!le Secretary at the sons of'Dayton. standards 'II ppUcable to the industry hard pressed cC,) Osumer. lands. the congr~ss Itself, and all Treasury Morgimthau announced Mr. lind Mrs. ,Bert Bunnell' and ~ all states estab\Js.h requirements Ab.o ut a year ago, a New Jersey city adopted an ordin- otflclaldom joined tn thl! celebration tha t there wou Id be no new tax·es daughter entertained sunday', Mr. for gra d es, color, weight; and con_ I d by the F e(Ier al ~nt and Mrs', CUnord Bunnell, Rev. and taIn ers. Weight of one gallon ot ance which imposed an excessively heavy license tax up- that marked a century and a halt at I eVe on all "self-service" stores whkb . draw tbeir principal llfe for the legislative branch of a this year and that there would be Mrs. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn syrup Is fixed at 11 pounds. patronage from persons of modest means who .are eager. tree and 1iepresenta~ves . govern.. An att~m~t I.e -lighten. some of the Mullen. Mr. and Mrs. Arner Baldrey The spring distribution of maturto get IlS much as possible for their money, and are not ment. The n~w states Were so ~ow burdens ~esUlung from the pre8en~ and daugbter· ed pheasants IS now going Gn fr~m able to pay for e.x penslve services • . Tbe law was contes~ In selecting their representatives In !:ax laws. Secretllry .Gf Commerc e Il~:r~n~:~= :rYa=~!e. : : the Urbana Game under the ed and the Supreme Court of the state has handed "down the first Congress, and it took so Hopkins, in !l spe«;eh pledged Coop- Young ot Lebanon. • direction of the Sbate ConservalJon a decision setting the ordinahce'. asl e. The Court made lobg for them to re~h the t1rst seat ration of his department and .ot the Dlvtsl'O . A toEal ot=8,7SS birds will Phone 78:1 thiit~ignificant observation ' "The municipality must rea;ot government at New York .. ~!tat it Administration geillerally with bus!. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Woolrtdgfl be distributed, ringnecks and mu_ sonably .exerciB,e the power ot license business. Jt" can- was necessary tor the DeW Congress neSS enterprises at the country. In spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. tants, or black pheasants. not arbitrarily discriminate betwe,en those engaged ,in the to be adjourned f.r om day to day un_ almost so many words he stated that BeJ:.t Bunne)) and daughter, A statement Issued by U. S. Sec, same business merely because one merchant chooses one til A~rtl 6th, 1789, when a quorum the AdmJnlstratioII was now putting retary of Labor Francis Perkins on method for making sales and another fails to do so." was obtained, thus permitting the recovery ahead of reform and that I' February 25th reveals that 880,000 ....lIl!vM I transaction of omcial business to business and industry in the United \iii workers In non-agricultural Indus_ In the other case, the Dauphin County, Pennsylvania begin. . Each two years thereafter a Stales need haVe no further fear-of trIes lost their Jobs In January. Pac~ CQurt, found that state's anti-chain store tax uncon!- neW Congress was seated on March goverrunental punishment-at least tory payrolls dropped approxlmate_ l1ul«l. Tablet." . titutiqnal, 'on rne grounds t~,at i~ i~ eonfisca.tory, vi.olates 4tb in the ~d ' num~ered years, .un- tor the present. A recent. issUe of th~ Ohio State ly $0.500.000 a week or IObout 3.9 Pel' Snlve, N'OIlC Drop" 100 .250 the 'due process clause and IS ' ~ unJustly arbItrary, lllegal tU the adoption of the recent amend Bar Association Report cites that cent. . and wanting in uniformitory." ment to the Constitution changing The Committees on Agriculture of Secretary of State Ea~l Griffith bas In announcing a co~tinuat1on of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!! · , It begina to .look as if ,the trend toward penalizing and tile date of convening to January both the HotfSe a.nd: tile..Senate have .advlsed ChalrJilan JOSeph' L. Stern Its "aggressive campaign". to rid the • 3ni, thus eUmlnating the so-called been giving much 'study and atten- of the state Bar Committee on state of unlJcensed practitioners, l a' · competition tliat bolds down t;he cost of liv- "lame duck" sessions. Both the size tion to various proposed bills for the authorized Practice of Law that the OWo State Veterinary Medical Asso• ., ina-, is reversing itself, and' tbe con$umer is now being and the work of Congress haVe rellef and stabllll'..a~lon of agrlcul- office at the Secretary of State w1l1 cladon cites 29 persons have been REAL ESrATE recogn,ized as having some rights. As Congressman' grown IIImazlngly throughout the ture, espec~lly those measures con. continue to enforce the ,following convlcted ·as "quacks'" and 11 others Robert L. Rodgers has said, "Taxation with intent to years, but the 'two legislative bodies baining "cost of production" pro- rule with reference to fUlng articles have agreed to cease oPera~lons. NOTARY PUBLIC destroy has no place in our scbeme of government." In a still tollow the same generat me_ visions and for fIXIng prices on ot incorporation: U10ds in legislatiVe matters as Were agr~cultural commQd1tles .sold In the "No charter wlll be Issued 11 the : number Qf states, strongly supported moyements hav e adoptt;d a century 'and a half Ggo'. Ame,rican mark et . , Many farm ~r_ articles of, incorporation disclose been s~rted to repeal previously. enacted PlJnitiv:e legisla- 'rhe cItizenship of the United Statel! ganlzation leaders:, agriculturalists, that al'}y of the p~e clauseS Intion, and bills to this end have be~n entered i.n the Texas ~tul speaks' arid ' legislates In "We,' and Just p\faln tllllers of the sol1, clude acts -which constitute 'the , ~uid Micbigan legislatures. The consumer seemed to be the pe.ople the United ' Sta tes of have been partlcllllBtlng In U1e hear- practice of iaw: or the carrying on By BARLEY L LUTZ the forgotten JOan for a long while-now at last our legis- America, In Congress ·~embled-." logs. It·1s whlspelred about that the of any profession Pro/e..or 0/ Publk.FilUlllU, Priru:eton Unifler.ity lators 'are be'g inning to realize that be's the most import- The gre'8test ~Btem of goverl,UDent administration Is opp06ed to such Se~etary of 8t~te Griffith stateS The.Presldent's me.ssage on defense bought here, and with the ftnanclal ever devised tor the benefit of man proposals and will attempt to con- that this 'rule will be dlUgently and was received with relief by those who support of AmerIcan purcbues 01 ant 'm an in tbe nation. stul llves-:-a representative govern_ tinue thoe present, agrlculturoJ laws faithfully follOWed In spirit as well ~ feared that he woUld ask for much products. It the danger Is more, and "fIth regret by those who supposed to be across the Atlantlc:, !!!,!,,!!!!!!!!~!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!"!~!!!!!!!!!'!!"!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!"'!'.2I!!!!!'!II!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!~' ment-a. RepubUc-the United, ln effect. with a few amendment., to as ' In letter, tlYat corporate names had bought air- this means Germany Gr Itab', or both States of America. OVercome some of the present oppo_ wUl be scrutinized and charters re~ plane stocks In together. We are certalnly 'ln no dan. thehopethatthe ger of attack from England or' Franc.. s! tion. However a large block of tused ·1t tl:le names suggest that pro_ amount would So far as concerns the continental ' ~a:r{~~.rler United States, it is ridiculous to imply The money spenders "never say Bepators and Representatives from fesslomll servlee,s may be offered,' die' ;. In tile last session of conire~ the Middle West are preparing to and ~a€ the word ·'counsel'.'w.Ul be , The amount that, there Is &,nY, dsnger of attack . we are justified ~~o:e~ef::~~b[n~~~. O~!o:a~:: a bitter tight over the first elCpen- force ,the battle .' o~ to tpe Floor of rejected ~ misleading and IMproper dltures In connection with U1e pro- the House and Senate 11 'sufflclent as part ,of a , CorpQrate name. . ' - :ief!!se:~!th~ Canalis vulner~ble, and Isllkely 'td' Posed GilbertsVille Dam, In the Ten. votes can be mus~ ., id. Sucn '8ctioi by' sectetary Grltn''', . ' h I I· remain so de.splte all of the spending, .... more teo n oa tor 8 "suicIde sq\llldran" of' alrptanes ' --,,~ , has been 'apprOVed and , commended , I!spects of the could wreck the locks In' a surprise nessee river In Kentucky was waged rhree times the item was turned Not so many :l'~s. ago .O.hloans by the State 'Bar i.ssocllttion. " matter, luch 81 attack, not~lthstandlng the defensive the effec- preparation.. A "sulclde ,-hlp" co"ld pown. but on the fourth attempt, in attended county iatra and ."",aPed The Bricker adrn1nJstration will'. tlve most appor.lion U1e -closing hours of the sessIon, an with excitement · is they w;-tched 'save 12,620.660 a -Year in four ma'or ment of this th: noses dbsetend' era J pendlture to ex: the do It cargG otttbohe 0 .m in. the appropriation' for a ljurvey and pre_ the current dar~-de'vU professor 8tr~te departments . on the basis or . th n . the need of lome .~Y" e avy further precautionary defense at the . ,. ',. ,a n d the a I r Canal, !lothlng Is gaIned by building IImJnary .work on the ' Dam was ~ake a balloon ascension as the p'ayroll reductions made between . voted. This year a seventeen mU_ featured eVent of the week, Then a ~em,ber 31, 1938. 'Ilnd 'Felll1l8lY"15 force, are alikl! perplexing to the lay- bu~lIeets of planes'that will SOOQ be Uon dollar approprl'Otion ror a con, l1ttle later two b:lcYcle mach1nls~ 1939. Payroll 'reductlons wj!te 'as foL .:~~:r--:~:~~=~8m~c:~ ~~.Iete. j~ to protect, ~~~ ~~tinuance of the work was sought. the Wright brothers tram Dayton- lows:-- '~ , . appropriated that' each branch can 'Th' ,. .' , . .. . , . ' get all that It wan~_ Yet·It ,Is a~ lin: :...::, PresIdent talkI or the ,House and debuDded and flew a . -Tax COmmJsslon-The two weeb portant subject. for there Is DO Qlearer of::: l':"--_~ voted upon by ·feated. The the Senate re-~rt- flYing machJne-.:.t~e · fIrSt 'liirplane. payrolJ tor [)ecember.31 car'rllid 831 C8$e of (puie, w!lSte',thao unnece1lS1l17 ~:~:~i:t~~ll~~~ ed the GJ~sonville Dam, Item 1ri the Last Friday a grC!~t sli,tp ~t the' l;\ir. emploYes, ·P&td• .oo,820: 'dn February . ~:e::.~~~~~:i:f.vli!':~ BUl by amepdment and when the to carry seventy~four passengers, 15 tliSU'e w~e MS. employes, ... 01 actual.l1eed·doeIllot produce even. m~tter of corlcurrence in 'the amend ..settled · eaeUy on ,t h,e waters of the $48,922, a saving of' 19 per cent. ,a' transient' adcUUOII to ,We national m~d1a:te . . . ' wealUi. . me.n t came up '8 few dars .ago, after . Naval ' ~ Station In W'8s.hington, mghway Qepartmen.t -I!·)'ec.emlM!r.I .~r~~Th~e~r~~~~~~~~~ a terrific battle, the ,GIl~rl2!vUle and was chrlsteDe«t by Mrs.. RooIe_ '31 payrQJ1.6,57-i ~pl.9fes, p&id $'426. Dam appropriation was approved in velt.' who .broke' over. h8r boW a ' bot.. 062.Febl'uary .16th, 6,358 em'D')O:VE~. ~!:~~~=::;I~~! the House by )a p1he' v~te marg[n. tleJCOn~lnlng wa.ter. 4OJn the ~ven paid ~,'l29. Bav1ng. :15,6 :per cent; -;; Th~ th,e t;ountry .Is !l0~ nseern1n~ly seas. '~turday ~~~ ~undllY m_rs ., IJquor Department,.......December '31 ImJIIOf~t; , / commltt~ to a prPJe<:t from which 9f Congress. and ;others; 'whose offi· Qarrled 1,,~. enlplo~~. paid$107,880. U1e bepeflts '.at~ ~ue~tlonable ..n~ Ifial wor~ brJp.g8 them !p', clOSe ~n. Pebi"!W'Y' 15, 1,244 ~mpIOYes, 1 'pa,\id ~~r Whi()~... total expend1tm:e of be;., ta~t wi~h ' Ilv~atil~ mat~;, \Vtre $M,~. ~vlng:2~ •.9 ~ci~n~, .':' .. tween two and ~ee h~ m1l~ guestl! abroact thll"rre'llt four-motOr. ~d Iqr ; ·the- ,.Agec;l Div,ts1~-:Delion dollars will be nec_e&."8l'Y for I\d ship. . Amonll: those so 'honored cember ~1, 1,015 employei!, ~d __ complettol!- o~ the · work. -;\gain an wflr!! ~DU~ , and MrS"' O!&,,~ 405. P~b~, 15, 891 ~p107ea; paId attemJ)t-of the R_epUblican minority enCe J :-Brown ol~ the Seventlf-OhJo ~1.90•. Ba~ 13.8 per cent. . to call ' a halt to New Deal spendJng DlBtrlct. \\'Ithtn"i& Ihort t1Die the All departments are ~er .trIct ~ met With laUure. · YlU)tee' . OliPPer will pulke regular economy OI'dera and payroll rectuC.. TraIl&'AtIantJc trlPS: end II lOOn to tlons are 'stlll belnIr biade. . Many bualness men have been be joined by ~{l8 in ~e new giving heavy slgba of ~ef during, American Marine of the Aj.fflmey 0eDeral Berb~ fun. ,tho paat few d-ms 118 _ . result of .AIr, ~. ~ tile Jeaal .adWer to
With 'a- B.~ckeve In Congress•••
No Longer The Forgotten Man
F T Martl n Auctlon'e er
-State -pit-ai' News
Centerville, Ohio
' 6 6 6
J B Ch' pman
' A Smoke Screefi for What?
fIi,f -.
'l F -
I -County Court News ~ =-== NEW SUITS
11~st •
:~~n~,~::,o~t~~ :e::t!~i:~~! KROGER'S
:~::'~~::::'::~:~;.~2 PROMOTION '~EEK pltallzallon,
M~ra M' EL
WII,lIom W. Welch, deceased and final accourtt. freS\1, Invalid care $6,00; L. B. S teele Harry l'I!!Irtfc1ter vs. Otto . Hart. , In t.he matter of tIle estate of Invalid care $6,00; Newton Stamper, telter an Incompetent. and Oha rles Leona Hammond, decea sed, first InWl lld car, $10, 00 ; Leo J. Smith, Invnl1d care, $lO ,OO. J Waggoner as guardian, partition Ilnd final account, or reni estat~ and ot her relief. In the matt er of the Merwin SCOfield Invalid , care . George B, Johnson, county treas- Albert H : Turner $7.00; Iva Nichols, 'Invalld care, urer vs. Moary F. O'Donnell, fo r de_ Turner, a ppointed Ed Kaiser inyalld carp S5J)O; linquent taxes. Amount cl'!l lmed , Carl J. StUes, ~mlam Ranker, and Ella Hoff Inva lid care, $7,00; Mrs, $65,88 and costs, H. L. R osecrans o.ppolnted apprals_ Winnie Gent ry, Invo:J lId care, $7.00; Bertha soobcida VS, James Soo- ers. Mrs, Helen Doughman , Invalid care, bodR divorc e, ext.l'eme cruelty. • In th e mat ter, of the estate of $7.00; MlUard Bryant, invaUd ca re, CO~;MON PLEAS pnOCEEDJINGS Sylvester Tilton, decoased, Urst and $5,00; Allee M. Arnold, invalid care, final acount. $5.00 ; Martin Burke, ~arage rent 4 Jack Thompson vs, Jul1a Thomp- In the matter of the estate of months, $16.00; Hardert·s Grocery, son, divorce to plnndtr. William I, Weiser, decea.,o;cd, first Q'8 sollne, $84.40; Pierce Service The Lebanon Cltll.ens·NaUonal Ilnd final account. Stallon. gasoUne, $4,03, Bank and Trust Co.' of Lebanon, In the m atter of th e' will of Laura vs, Earl J . Coburn' and MIItlrcd C, Mardis, deceased, AUce E. Young Coburn, judgmen t be revived In appointed execut,rlx. favor of Lebanon-Citizens Bank, In the mat ter of t he estate of R. PROBATE CO~T S. Avis, d eceased, WIlliam E, Avis ___ nppolnted admlnstrator. In the matter ot the will of I swac In the matter of the estate of F, Fox, 'deceased Charles Munger, John Dolll>oa deceased, first and Hundreds of thousands of bOys Charles E, Moore and Ollvor Ch am_ tlnal account. and young men read THE AMERo berlain appointed 'Ilppralsers; WarIn the matter of the estate of ICAN BOY Magazine every month ren O. Young, a ppointed adminis _ J essie Witt, deCeased, first acount. a nd consider it more as a Jiving trator· In the matter of the estate of companion than as a niagazlne. In the matter of the estate of Dora StUes, Ross H. Hartsock ap"U 's as much a buddy to me as Anna ~. McFll,rloand, deceased F. L, pOinted executor, my neighborhood chum" writes one Marlow, Lee McCormick and _Mar_ In the matter of the estate of high school senior, "THE AMER_ vin E Young appointed appraisers. A. S, Fl'8nnery, deceased, George leAN BOY seems to unders!.and a In the matter of the estJOte of E, Young appointed- excutor, I bOy's problems and considers them Clara Al'$deacon, ' decC'llsed , sched_ In the matter ot th estate of In such a sympathetic and helpful ule 'of debts IlPproved, Charles RH. Letterst, deceased, WU· w.ay. It gives advice and enterta.ln_ In the matter of the estate of \lam Richards appointed admlnstra_ in g reading on every subject In tor. which a young fllllow Is Interested. In the matter of the will of Laura It Is particularly helpful In sports, It~============- II A. D. Kibby, deceased, hearing set I made our school basketball team
BUckeY~ slale's farms "ol nd factories,
111 la I I Kroger stores w 51 ge a spec ~ Ohio promotion ' wee., starting Mar, 13, according to Mr, Eldon Retal11ck manager ot the local Kroger store, "You Profit as Oh l6 Prospers," h'as been adopted' a s the slogan for th e eVent, Mr: Retallftck ~ald , adding that stores spen"molre than '44,000, 000 il1l the state each year" 9,000,000 of It for produc:ts grown nnd manufactured in- O hio. "Kroger Is fundamentally 'lin Ohio film," Mr. Retnlllck pointed out. "It was founded in Cincinnati more than 50 Years ago, and opera tes 'stores In 300 Ohlo ,clties and towns." DurlnJll 'the ~)1:IO .prclT.~otlon.
THE AMERICAN BOY IWhl;h Kro"er wlll spotllg:ht items for the state IS famous. MQny of them nre purchased for sale In the
eighteen other slates In which t he compnny operates, as well as In OhiO. . Included in ~ large annual elL penditure Is Kroger's Ohio payroll of approximately $11,000.000 and rents paid property owners In th e state, iotallng '1;181 ,000, Each yea r the company «pends $1 .425,000 for 11ght, heat, repairs and olher service. Local end state taxes paid by Kroger stores In Ohio reach $854" 000 Yearly. Approximately $838,000 is SPent for advertis ing, most of It for display space l!l loca l ncwspapers. Kroger gives year- a rou nd mploy_
1\ for February 27, 1939,
because of playing tips I read in ment to 6,615 Ohioans. THE AMERICAN BOY Principal purch'aSE:8 made by this , •• MARRIAGE LICENSES I company Include n early $500.000 REAL ESTATE Fred Hatfield, 25. Franklin, laborMany famous a thletes in all worth of beet suger, $2,386,000 worth INSURANCE er and Mary Amick, 2t Franklin sports credit much of their success of butter, eggs and milk, and $3 ,390,_ AUCTIONEER housekepper. to helpful suggestions received, 000 worth of Ohio canned frui ts and REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS from sports articles carried In THE vegetables. Products of Ohio papel' -=============-="""':::;' . AMERICAN BOY Magazine. Vlrtu- mills account for $SOO.OOO In Kroger Matthew Klpp e nd Sarah Klpp ally every Issue oUers advice from a purchases annually. ' famous coach or player, Football, to Sylvan Goodwin and Flora Mae basketball, track, tennis, In fact Kroger stores pay a Lota l of $6,GoodWin, lot No. 11 and east hall f t cl every major sport Is covored In f1c- 000,000 or mea e'a 1 Year, more of lot No.21 In Pleasant Plain, Lion and fact articles. than $2,000,000 of thl.s sum going for MARCH 10-11 purchases made directly with pro. H. V. Slayback to Jacob N. Burch, Raymorld Massy Sa-Ia Ro:ers real estatc In Warren county. Teachers, librarians, parents and ducers. Kroger mea't buyl'l's par_ Sam, Johnson to Ed ROSS, lots leaders of boys clubs a~ recolll· t1c1pated In a' score of 4-H club live. "DRUMS" numbers 80 and 81 In Fra~klln, mend THE AMERICAN BOY en_ stock sales last year.. Comedy-~'Stardust" Ohio groin farmers and millers George R . H enkle to Oeorge W. thuslastlcally. They _have found Himes and Theresa F. Himes, lot that as a general rule regular read_ benefitted by Kroger's $639,000 an_ No. 54 In Lebanon, era ,of THE AMERICAN BOY ad- nual purchase of cE!rlals and flour MARCH 12·13 Lizzie L. Knight to Walter E.' vance more rnpldly and develop SOap and soap products manufac. Comellus and Dorothy Mae Corne_ more worthwhile characteristics tured 1n the state are purchased In • Fredrick Man:b Vlrrlnla BI1ICle Iius, real estate In Turtlecreek town- than do boys who' do not read It. the amount of $2,713,000 a year.
Alan Mowbray
• _____MARCH .____ISL.-___
stamps tor commissioners' onlce SID 00 ; Thc Hubman : Supply 00., paper tow~ls an.d toilet tissue for ConstanCe , Roland You.,. court house, $18,96; Johnston & Johnston, 1 glass and ·putty fo "TOPpER TAKES A TRIP" Memorial Hall, $lM3; WUbur Swanger, services 'liS janitor of Mu,ica. 'Once Over Lightly' Memorial Han , 50,00; Lebanon· Farmers' Co_op. Co" coal for Memorlal Hall, $17.96; A: S. ColleLt,
Sand '& Grav~I '
presiden t , holding farmers! insti_ tu te at Harvqysburg, $20.25; The Da.yton Stencil WorltS Co. 1 x:ubber stamp for .a,udltor's omce, $.64;' TARV[A.LITHIC TAR AND ,Woodrow-WeU-fltange 00-, 1,000 ROAD OIl.; EXCAVATING remitters and stubs tor audl\JOr's office, $22,31; Dayton Stencll Works D MP TR CK SE RVICE Co 1000 aluminum seals for sealer of 'weights and measur~1 $13.50; Columbus Blank Book Mfg. Co., 25 form No. 915 for auditor $1.00. 'The Dayton Stencil Works, r1,lbl?er Phqne, Wayn esvllle.44 R 11· stamp, '1.24 ; The Columbua Blank Lebanon office Phone 473-KBook Mfg, Co.. one 600- page ReCOrd of Accounts fllt probate court, $35,00 res ..9S.M·, ' , Morr~w Pbone No, 3 'Staka-iin Mfg, Co' ,pads, tape dlspen..
'lain Armitage
Trained writers and ar tists, famous coaches and athletes, ~xplorers" scIentists and men success,1'u1 In business and ,In~ustry JOin with an experienced s(;llff to produce In THE AMERICAN BOY, the sort of read· ing- matter boys like best. -- - - - - - . THE AMERICAN BOY sells on most newsstands at 150 0. copy. Subscription prices are .'1.50 tor on~ year or $3,00 for three years. ForeIgn rates 50c a year extra. To
In Ule last three ycars the ;Kro. ger company has participated in more than a score ot: suceessful Prodllcer Consumer l~mpa1gns designed to help selll surplus farm crops, OhIo farmers were vlbally interested in a • number of, these drives, Including campaigns on turI b ' I a d potat , :~' ; :e~c~gs~f a:es~ ~mpal~ substantial increaSe was scored in th movement of the commodIty e
pou,ung out that Ohjo ra nk.~ fifth alliol] g »11 the l:ltaLes of tile. Un ion in t1 1(~ production qf, la rd , '3 prod u t of hnporlance to lhe lI ve.~ ~ek and m eat Industry, . R . Q . Smith, Mllnag r, of the Pi-Oducers Coop 1'Il_ live Commission AssOCla llon , at the Union Stock Yards, ClllclImaU, urged tha t more a Ltent lon b e givl.n 1.0 the household use or thla procl uc t In n stal.cment iSSUed today. "During the p ast 1,0 Years, lhe annual producLlon of la rd In th is country h as averaged approximately 2 ,b illion pounds" said Mr. Smith, "and the consump tion of lard hr s averaged 12.5 pounds Per ca pita, Th e a ver age hog which goes to m'ar_ keL .yIelds 32 pounds of lard: t h o L I... abollt 14 per cen t of Its own weigh t. Mr, Smith said that II. good deal of study has been give n to l!U'd a t. the va rious state experiment sla· tlons a nd by the Unl led S tales Dc_ part men t of Agricul ture, "These studies h aVe brough t ouL some very In lel"estlng facts a bou t lard," said Mr. Smith. "Th eY bav ~ Larger Beea\lse of UI'UPr Q :J 3 Iit y, S n ice, and rri ce. shown. fo r exa mple, that lard Is 97 ESl.llblished 1849 • 19:19 WA l' NES VILI.E, PHONE 32 per ceuL dlgesLible and that It is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._ '.._ _~~~~~~~~!!!!'!!!!!! h igh In energy value· They show that lard Is high in shortening v08 lue a nd t hat It l~ the most economical Hotl.5ewlves have house hold fa t, learned tha t lard Is excellent fer frying and deep· fat frying, T he ex_ perimental workers te ll us that lUld makes Lhe f1 akjest pie crusts -a nd tha t I~ can b? used In makIng excci. lent cakes, cookies a nd ohler pas. , ll·les." ' MI', Smith called a tlention to the fact that lard Is j!spe' lnlly valua bl" as n source of th e body_bUilding el e~ menli,. It has been show n that th uSe of lard In Lhe diet Is effective in prevenUn g and In curing Ce rtain types of skin dl<eases, such a.~ ce_
Fairley Hardware Stores
Ze~a'greater usc of lard in the statc f
Why Suff~r Longer Than Necessary? Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills Relieve Quiclcly
Ohio a nd In he other lard- pro_ duclng sta tes Is jlll;tlfl cd ." said Mr. S It I .• h nsld Its I III 1, W en we co er m_ parLance '3S a household fat. Its nu_ Lrltlve value and th.e fact that It Is so reasonable In price Especially ~hould It be kept In mind that In us. Ing lard we are assisting livestock growers and feeders of this great lard producing area. The state ot Ohio Is one of the 13 central state.~ which produce 70 per cent of t he 'nation's lard supply ." 0
DR. MILES ANTI - PAIN put 'you buck on your feet PILLS w er e ma d e Cor just one aga in "r arin' to go". purpose-to r elieve pain. Users DR. MILE~ ANTI - PAIN 1dV, ~ou,' don't write that they "work like P ILLS act g' " Th ta · an ef have to W llIt for ty nunutes to ma .1C , • ey c~n III .an hour for them to take effect fecta~e, q~ck-acting, analgeslc as is the case with many anal-pam r elieve r. gesies. You'll get ac;:tion in from , Try Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills ten to twen ty minutes. before you lose a day's workDR. MILES ANTI _ PAIN and pay-or break a social e n- PILLS a r e pleasant to take, gagement because of HEAD- ha ndy to carry, prompt and efACHE, MUSCULAR PERIOD- .f clive in action, and do not IC, OR NEURALGIC PAINS, upset the stomach. Their cost They may be just what you is sm all, One, or at Jllost, two, need to relieve your p ajn ' and is usually sufficUmt to relieve At your Drug Stnrc .. ~ f"r 2.~c. 125 for $1.00.
Fewer eottlc probnbly Will be slaughtered In 1939 than In 1938 bu t large SUPPlies of feed grain have cause farmers to keep their cattle longer and the heaVier animals are likely to make the supply of b eef this year a,bOut equal to that of 1938.
O R M\\.'ES
Involved. As a reSUlt, the surpluses eliminated and farmers were saved from ,d lsastrous 100~es, 1
Phone Your Want Ad.
subscribe simply send your name, "!!!!'!!II'!!'!!II'!~~!'!!II'!~_~!'!!II'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!'!!!'!"-'!!!!"'"-~~~~~_""!_~~~"""'!!'!---~-~-"'!"'-~--.~....................=======:::==~~!'! address ' and r emittance direct to ~ AMERICAN BOY, 7430 Second Blvd .. Detroit, Michigan. ~~~~~:-:~~~~~~~
eM,E II'OLET , . .
"All Tliats,Be'st at
-'. "'-:'---......._--
\.t- q_ _
11 _ _ _ _
" ~e
t _~_._.~~~..._..~~ ·
olfer a Batislactory~ Service , ~t all times
McClure Fu.n eral Home: ·
__ n_
•• _ _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ • • _ • •
• It tak~. th ......t In
~otor ~ar d.alglt, .ngln....I,n g
and manufac-
turlnl to glv'. ~. In ...otorlnl r.~Ult•• Today, al ah~aYI, Chevrol.t brllnll you the b ... In mode,rn ,~otorln8 ' at the lowe.t ' coat In purcilial. ,p",ce, PeDobacot Indian C.h iet .Needahbah whOle witty sallies enliven the conteata In. the artillcial l~ke wJl] the muter of cer,!monlu a~ the Ohio Sportsmen', D ,d 8()at Show be beld at the' 'Columbus Auditoriuin ' from SatardAy, ,Har~b
including . Sunday,
March 2~ . _.' Chief NE\ed&hbah ,fa a Harvard rralllJate aM when ' h,e; 'r.. not I)andling the ,"mike" at S~rta men'. Showl he Is either, maJdnc lectures-'oll;- Indian lore or teachIn. Jounpteri the flne pointe . of the ol1tdoon at IUDlm8l' CQlpll. Needahbab Is ~e BIUlCUIDCV at tile Natlon~1 SportameD'. $bow ID New York where h ... HJMI8ftd
lIaS- Bowttf,plOllUlao . - "..
• .• .
.. 1.
your'Ch~vrol.1 d ••I.,'.-rocIay'
and upkeep. S.e this car ,at
IDon't , ••,a"~fied wi,II any~IIin9 lIu, ,lie lIe5'. 'Uy- A CHfVROLIT!
Thsonlv . low-p"i:etlcor"eo",hininq
March ~ th(llL~tI
duck~, In the Shalte Swamp8 game reCuge, The swamps ar In the most part fl(lOdr d by r eI' n t raillS >s ud QU J' nn .Idelll sLopp, ~l1g off place. .WIla L'tA left of ttie ncre .food pal.Cr, -maintained In the 'refuge by Ul Fish !lUd _G6li'le AsSri. should prove. quite an !lddlt~on to th tra valers regular dJe~.
bet our shirt (the Miller and Robert Blney of DaYtOn Hybrid seed corn changed the In ·Lhe flshlnr li_ and ~ohn Ec)lart of ColumbQ4< IWrtcutural map of Ohio, but hybrid cense being to a dollar. Mrs. J. B. Jones entertlitAed the '6eed O!lts are an ~ginary llpeclel! .!Ulotlwr leg~Lt.tve move Is the Ladles "Ald at their March meting created ~ unscrupulbUB salesmen to . , attempt or on~ '.faiTn group to. -gIve . MiSS MlrJam WbaltOn returned to WedneSday' afternoon, a ssisled by. short change' Ohio farmers. the Director ot AgriCUlture the sohool .Monday after be,ng abllent Mrs. Whart<lll and Mrs. Wlcal, Four power to veto' a~lr aotion ot .ttl lle"l' last week on I\ccount of mDess. new members were added to .Ule Aid . The seasonal decline In the ConservaLlon ,Council. \The on~ ' set Mr8~ Margaret Johns called on Mrs. KOVel"mau; Mrs. 'Rogers, Mrs. ber of hogs going to mal'ket was In uJ;l by the ConserV'~ tion Dept. re- Mrs. Alice Clark In Dayt,on on TUeS.. Baird and Mrs. Conklin. The April eVlde.nce early I.n 1939 but' econom_ i>rganlzaLloil bU1.)' If such an amend day of last week . meeting ' will be 'at t he Ilome of ists believe thU Lhe 18 Per cnt In_ BJ' Harr,- Eldrld ••, Jr. The warm sp 11 last week end m'ent Is ~llowed 'to tie Ued.. .onto...the Mr., Levi Grealhouse IS visiting his Mrs. Carl Duke. crease In the 1938 ~ail pig crop W1l1 m nde fishing license 's ales begin to b11l whose tuncticln Is to remove the ·son Arthur and family In Dilyton __ __•• ______ . Henry Foulks a ge '18 year/! , pass'ed begin to IllcrC!lSj) market supplies boom- but r esults are still In .the department out of p' ollUcs-lt w1l1. Mrs. Fted Fisk Of Inde""nden~ .... away at his home h ere Wednesday 600n. 1l.:======~================:;=:;=~/) rumor stage'. The water is sUll too have Just the OI[lPoslte effect with Ky. Is spending a ( ouple. weeks evening !lfter havIng' a stroke of ap:' tile Dlre<;or of }\8r1 ulture In com~ h ere. With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. opJexy the Week before. He :.. surtVd-en ' Oou"'ty FIs'h and r eCO' gntzc ' the Importance of con. cold foJ," muc h actlvlty, and It is. a . The •• ~ . U f b i th plete charge of a d epartmen t sup_ 'George Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Les. 'rvatlon problems. little ar1y for the Ish .to eg n e . by a son. Wilbur nnd two we\e held Monday afternoon at 'the vived se Game Ass~l. will meet tonigh t at ported entirely by the hunting and lie Gray and children. H i t Leb The National Wildlife Federation. upstream mov m ent, The Robltzel's daughters, Mrs .. Mable Warner. of homo of the son, conducted by Rev. 8 :00 p. m. tn' Memotlal al a .. . at Waynesville -report, however that (lshlnll' license buyers, Mrs. Alice Clark returned to her anon. Dr, ,E. 'L. Wlcklltf, Ohio's has again made Il1vallnble a nother the channel catfish with which they , Governor ~ownsend of Indiana home here Saturday after spending Middletown nnd Mrs. lIn.o Llnne- HUda Snyder, Intermen t in Miami man of Dayton. Funeral services I Cemetery. Ohlef of fish managem en t will be set of 80 large and beaut iful w1ld- s ~ck Ul eir fishing waters nre be_ has signed .the bill ratifying the a couple ot months in Day ton. the main s peaker nnd 'will show life stamps. These stamps will be . '~nnin to bite little on worms- Ohio ' Va lley $antltaUon pact enabl· Mr. '8nd Mrs. Henry Saylor and movies of propagation tiviUes sold by conServa tion grO\1PS for g 1 " g f thr or tour days lug Indiana to Join Ohio. K entucky Mr. RUey Saylor and friend of Day. '· f 80 b th to ublleiz so et s pray or 'C e • Ir ' .Re)lOr ts on .game d Is tr Ibu tIon an d $1,00 Pel' set o . , 0 P e of wa rm weather and It'll be every Tennessee, New York, West· V glnla ton were Sunday guests of Mr. and SPECIAL SHOWING OF SPRING AND SUMMER club actIvities for tile coming year conservation of natural resourCes m an for hlmself-tr to rind batt! V,irglnia, and Illinois In carrying out Mrs. Harry Graham and Mrs. Su. wlU be discussed In t he business ses- .and to support such actlvl~y on a y an Interstate program for purifying san Saylor and In the evell1ng call. Sian. Dr, Wickliff will a nswer any n'8t1onnl scale. Seven ty fi ve per the Ohio and Wabash 'Rivel'$ and cd on Mr. and Mrs. WIlHam Crelghquestion.s abo!lt auquat1c plant and cent of the stamp sales wlll be turnOf Importance ,and Interest to their tributaries. ton. , animal .lIfe after the m eting which ed over to the National Wildlife fish ermen is Ohio leg1slaUure Bill Just such activities. as this tdgeth. Mrs, Ad'll Ohenoweth of Center_ Will end with a lunch and smoker. Federation and 25 per cell t. k ep~ by No. 234 whloh has alreadY passed In er with nat-Ional, legtsjation-wllI Ville spent Sunday with Mrs. Meta A membership campaign wUl be def_ the group Selling them f or local CQn_ t he House of Representatives. 1hls some day allow us to cl ean up pollu- Rogers, IriitelY completed at the meeting. servatlon use. Not only arc th ese bUl would r equire that all fisher· tion In our own back yards. Mrs. Mary Carmony was a dinner In C. Phillips residence, next to my former re.istamps In grea t demand for collec- men would be r equired to wear a guest Sundny at the home of Mr. dence on Main Street. . The second natlonai wlldllfe r eo t lons-they ser ve a splendid caUSe license number a t least one inch In 'Dolph Long 'goes "new deal" in and Mrs. W. F , Clark In Dayton. storatlon week will take pla ce from when used on t h e back of envelopes h eigh t on their outer garments. a big way with this item In his last Mr. and Mrs. Walter K enrick and March 19th to 25th, PreSident a nd letterheads. There 15 every chance 01 this bill Sunday's Day't on News Rod e nd James BQlnes were Franklin Visitors RooSevelt bas again. proclaimed the passing the sena te. Such a bill will Gun column: " We 1!ave to admit Saturday afternoon. Warren county IS at least tempor_ certainly take a nice slice of the 50 that, at least we are up-to_date. We Mrs. A, E. Wh~te of Columbus was week by. requesting all citizens to
Saturday, .March 18
Grace L. Smith
now have the LPA (JIcense plate abo surdity) , PHD (Pheasant propag~ tion deficiency) SRI (Swamp rabbit muslon) , RGD (Ruffled grouse delusion) and SPE (stream poUu_ t;.Ion problem) All we need now is a PCS (permanent dosed s easons) and we all can take up plng-ponglng o.r some other exciting recre~t1on."
Have I got sume news for you this Weeki We h..l!ove two new babies In our neighborhood, Mr and Mrs. Charles Osborn <Dorothy Gassert) ,haVe a son, Donald Vernon, who .welghed 8 pounds. And It's a boy a t the Howard Pennlngtons also. The baby has been [lamed Robert Boward ~ Weighed 7 pounds lilt birth Donald Osborn was born March 4 and ~obert Pelllnington was born March 1. Mr. and Mrs- T. R. Fordyce spent the weekend ' with' the P. J . Thomas family.
Mr. Oharles Patterson is wiring the house of B. R Fordyce this week. Carl Bart\hllrt of Springboro baa been hired to wire the George . Mrs. Angle Riggs of Dayton mother of Ralpbt and Joe POpe; died at her home Monday. Mrs. P. J. Th.oina.s. &n4 Mrs. La· Vema Faul callild on Mfs. Boward Pennington. Monday afternoon. wUm~ Thomaa spent TUeSday th \1vl!ning at e .John·s ~orne I.n Lytie. Wilma, Minatn Wharton and FranCes Johns axe. fOrming a saxophone trio and will tm their tll'8t· engageme~t . Frll4y evenlDg"When they will play ta t. the muslc cOnvention held at MlalOD. : . Mr. and Mrs. : ,charles K1rt1}~ '., J from ~burE' nd Mr. and Mrs. , Ed Stellhson of Peebles were all day guests at the JMiaOnage.
CaMlA IA a11II11D1ed DiUk. The OuJly whlla lIIaterial .bowa
baa lb.' epoD;Y ...1 01 "'001 . 'and" _are almo., ae ",.U.
"TJIRRu'flat'HI, .iI.
tiDge tor G n.w bUI adual. I,.. Harold ' Reed. leU. lelllUe eDqlA.., lor Inlematlonal Cor. ,..papdeaC8 SChooJa. and Todd foil... are eiudyiDq lanltal or artUlelal wolll iliaCi. Ironi
a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .III! Kesler Graham and daughter. Mrs. Leslie Gray , attended the KROGER,. s~e of Mrs. Cellsta • Austin Prugh near Beavertown, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton and daughter, Miss Eva, attended the ftMtu •••• ftIM 1M A funeral of their uncle. Joseph Car_ Pen ter at Lynchburg, Sunday. . Everett Early left for St. Cloud, • 'Y......... II.. Me .~ woll .o, .. Fla., Wednesday morning and will ~, ....... any .......... ft4 .....'" return the flrst week In AprU with .. .... 1ft .oie~",,1 ,o'!tel"., ."" ... ,.11 ......_ ,Oft .. •• the family. .n aft, .... "" , .... k . . . . ,.11..... . ."'I... of I'ri'" Orville PhiUlps visited his cousln Wlllioam Witters In Dayton Monday. Forrest Graham, who has been ill '.::':. " '::: .. ~~''' ..':: ", SOL D for a nWnber of weeks, Is not so well • .. • , . , ONLY AT at this time. ~(} ".' . . ,,~.' KR~[R ' S A largll crowd enjoyed the entertainment by Laclle's,Aid at Lytle hall Friday evening . ~C" C ' COUNTRYCLUB N H.lve. or Sliced . Mr. aJ?d Mni .. W. O. Bergdall and daughter .were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bergdall in COUNTRY Dayton. • CLUB Mrs,' Margaret Johns and PaUl JohnS spent Saturela'y In Dayton fu company with Mrs. R. O. Turner and. son of centervlUe. Mr. .and Mrs. Le8Ue Gray and guest, Mrs. FIsk, Mrs. George GNY Mrs. George Gnmam and lIrfios. Oharle& Mullenix at.tended the Sieg_ lib. Cello C' fried sale , In Springt!oro saturday' pk •• afternoon. Ward' PUmmel! brought to the el~' COUI\ITR,~ CLUB tell' 3 SMALL CANS 10c cene evator.tor exhibit Monday a 'hen egg measuring g' Inches around. the end. 7 1-2 ,Inches around ' the ' center and PELS - NAfTHA weighed 6 oz, Believe It or not. Its true. Mr. '8nd Mrs. Walter K~nrlCk and 100a. MARY LOU James Baines visited their swa ET, RELISH la. Mrs. Viola GraSsland 'at Plg_
Rev. Sniith 8CCOIppapied by Mrs, 'BrallllOC!t and Mlaaes Ruth and Anna. Nutt IU'Ii ~dJng the ~n· held at ·the ~clnnati BI~ ,ble Seminary tlhis · week. Mrs. J. S. Filer is visiting her daughter' MIsS ' Elei'tha Flier lILt :the Seminary and 8~ttend1ng. the conventlon • Mr. and Mrs. 'fw,ence Moore of Wilmington Wer Ttlesday ' evenlng guests ot Mr. an~ Mrs. Barry Cor-
P EiI\.
ua Sunda,v &fternoon II-Ild eVening. Miss ·B emlee Gf8Ilam ..n ...r.Atln....... to Bunday dinner, MiSs nell.
P. .J.. Thomas is starting ' out Thursday to steam to~oco beds, Mrs. Lester' Gerhard is ill at her home here. . Mra. Rolla Bo~ton is ill at her home this week. . . 'TIle Bmlth tw1nil are victims oJ the Ylhoop!Jig cough. I;lInner , 8\le8ts:,. of ' Mr. 'and ' Mrs~ HarrY 'Co~ell were Mr. ,and Mrs. Pearl Conlell Of ~11n.gboro. . . Mrs. T .. R. Potdyce 'and Mrs P J . '. • " " '. Thomas called OIl Mrs. Charles Os· 'borne at ; Hardtnger's hoePl11S1 Sun_· day' afternoon .~ " Rev. and Olll Smith ' called
100'1". b •• \ $1.85 " 10e) lb. bag $1.8,5
.20% DAIRY FEED, •
100 lb. bal'. . $1.39
.. M1sa ;ruaruta, Roush of IQdJana i~MAsTJm coua1il ~ lin. ~ Bm1tb aQClllr, range lIIra- ~ BartaocIt telL MeJtoD Brower .Qf ".... Ph~ 22!Ul " ltp UD1~, In ~ lIT Rev. 8aiUIi ~. ~ , ·tIle Pen)" I ~ ~ . ._ DOCIIl at -a!tI.. Brooder dove; Mr. ' ~ 'lti, j _ Red. . '''!It'lll'' c&11IIC",: used one 'eU'~ IIImda7 ... ",-,1[lI'ND YJiltlliil . ,L
, C~UCK ROAST. juicy, le~~er HAMBURGER; extra fine quality,
SPAR~ R]BS .~d. ~RA~l'
I ib.
of each "
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .!II....!II• •~. . . . . . . .~,
. ,'.
·: ~ork Ch4tpS M~~b':D 2 '7«:.
FOR SALE--GOOIif . ~ ,work ma~ ,. Mr~ .• ~e~te TJ.l0tDa~Playe((a Blna Patterso~, "mUes wes~ ' of :n~ ~lo , the .. W!I'~esVJl1e Harveys.,urg on 1!i&rveyaburr, ·Leba. ,urch ,QI, ~t ~undaY eventng. non road . !" ~-9 . ' 'lbe WendeD ¥ol'l!'ans were given , I..'. ' ~ larew.eD party 'by . the SuJ!U' .', J ... Or~ ~t1aD Church Tu~ PLUMBING ~(l'UR. 7' Eiectr1c evening.. The ~~ns are ...".DI.,,,....I. ~PS, B~!tIn!JBUpplies, V. Belts, to I,!' ne;v"h~e 'the Feed w1i'e Leather Belta. ,:,~il1eY8, flpe" ValVeS .ROad, Thw:!lday. " ,I anc;l Fittings. J. P ~ Boc!de~ Supp~ 'and ·Mra. . JOM . Paul 'Bolton 90 . Ph~ne 380;. ~6-.l9 w. ,MaID .at. and ~a!;l~~', '~f' Colwnl:!u8 ~ted ~e~, Ohio ~', M,2-g.1~ hdme f()1b ~. , I 'i,' FOR '. BALE
,t SOAP .F::DICKLES ' . '
fa ' mily
2 :.!"29c
on Mrs Lester Ketu1cJt at M18:m1 Valley hospital' Tuesday" evening. MrS. Kenl1ck ~d8rweDt an operation ,Wedneada.y mommg. ' Ber condltlon .Js ~UB. . ,'". i.. ' . Mr, ' 3abl SCott . ..nd daughters spent ' aitUnoori Wltb. and Mis•.j~ Bell• Mrs, Oh&rl~ Pry. apent .TUesday eventng at · the ~ge. ·M r. aD4, ~ lAwrenCe Thomas ' 1., ' and daughters Wilma and .Mrs. , FOR SALE-Gooa. Sapling Clover venia ~ul , and SQn "attendild the seed. Clarence l!t,ye. phone 22R3, ba8ketball ~~ between West Car_ Waynesville.. ' '1112-9-16 rollton arilf ReesvUle Saturday eve~
RHUB-"RB, hot ~ou~, ' e~tra faDer CELERY HEARl'S, ,fr'.,ah. ~ap.. ' : ~ .-'nkiat I
r '
'S tudents Win Bonor At Music Festival I
M. E. -LADIES AID TO BOP MAReH 22 The Methodist Ladles, AId society Which ,~as to bave met this Wed· nesday wl~ Mrs. Walter Whitaker was pos'tPOned until next Wednes· day, March 22. This Is an all 'day meeting with thOSe having birth· days In February and March as guests. The committee In charge of .the program requests each member to ,bring an old hat wrapped In pa· per.
ENDS lifE·
MRS. F. ·E. THOMAS 1l0STESS • TO SUNSHINE CLUB The Sunshine club met for a de· IIghtful day last Thursday oat the home of Mrs. Frank Thomas. The dinner table was attractive with fa· vors and decorations of green and white In keeping with the St. Patrl;:<k season. A pleasant afternoon of conversation and games was ~ pent by the sixteen members and guests present.
Directors Are NamA e il By ·Civic Club G;roup - - - - -- - - - , . - - - - - -
John Shultz. E.O. w.ell kpown and SHAMBAUGH. JONES TEN DAY VACATION highly 'respected in this communJty. The of ML'!S Irene Jones Ohio State University students was found dead at his home on the Bnd Mr. Floward Shambaugh was from Warren county have 8 10-day Bellbrook .road t:wo mUes northwest quietly solemnized at hit\ h noon, vaoaLion betWeen the winter' and , of here. Tuesda3' night. Coroner H. Sa,turday March 4 al the residence spring quarters. Completing the M. Wtlliams rel)Qrted Mr. Schultz of Elder S. E. Angle. .The first annual solo and ensem· present quarter FrIday, they will r~The WBynesvll!o CIVic club held had ended his Ufe with oa shotgun. turn to the caRUlus for the open· Mr. nnd Mrs. Shambaugh will its March dinner meeting' FrIday ble music held In Warren The body was found b;y neighbors. make Ul elr home on a farm ncar County took 'place last Friday, Mar. Ing of the llew term March 28. evening at tile Methodlst Church, coUlltyresldentallhla ..- - - - - - - Harveysburg. A n'ftpren· "10 In Mason. The program began enjoying an excellent chicken dm. a.t 9:00 a, -ro. and lasted until 5:30 life. he was active In the WayneSlIer prepared by tbe ladles of the vUIe Grange, the Warren County p. m. Ninety-five separate events Friendship club. performed In which 160 boys and Thirty members were present and girls were represented'. following the meal a brief session of He Is survived by his parents. Mr. Mrs. R. L. Hackwell visited rela· . Many.• visitors including parents group Singing was enjoyed. During Ruth Conner of Oxford spent the and Mrs. ~ndrew Shultz; six sisters. tlves In Glendale, toda?" Thursday .. and Interested musk: lovers through· the shon bUliiness session the con. M-ary at liome; Mrs. W. J. J. Mlles.\ week end with· home folks. out the county enjoY~d the aU day stitutlon and adopted at the Middletown; Mt. B. L. BosUck. MiSl!! Audr.y Eden has been con_ session. Mrs. Mary S. Silver, 85, lifelong previous meeting Were discussed for -Jesse Mengle wall on the sick Jist Beckley, W, Va.; Mrs. Ida Curllss. fined tQ her home with m . asles. The festival permitted eVeryone resident of thls community and Well last week. Lebanon; Mrs Van Warley. WIl_ The second unit of books given the benefit of the new members, to perform before judges after known throughout the county, pass· mln;ton and ~lrS Herman Kueh. Mr. and Mrs· Charles Chapman the high school by the High school followed by the e lection of a board Mrs. D. L, Ooone was a dinner nero odlumb1l8' whIch constructive crltlclsm and a ed away Tuesday mo~nlng at her ' one brother, are spending this week at their Alumni Association for the High of direCtors thus completing ,per' home on ThIrd stree~, following an guest of Mr. and Mrs, Cl1ftord H, Leslie, Lebanon. rating was given. home here. school Alumni Research 'L ibrary has manent orgaruzation. Illness of long duration, She was a Brace and W. H. Allen, Sunday. All kinds of Instruments were Funeral services will be held Frl jus t been received, There will b _ no The principal fen,ture of the eve.. Several of our regular oorrespond. ! f ur th er a ddltl ons un til next au t ullin played by the bOYS and girls and member of, the Methodist chur.: h, nJng was the out of town speaker. New Hats Cor Spring and Easter da.y at 2 p~ m. d .Ule Stubbs tuneral ents were unable to send In neWS The ~""ond unit contains some ex many vOcal contest.ants performed. the Wayne TownsWp Farmers' club. home and burial will be at Middle """ - "M.r. G . M. Kumler. business man at Phillips room. March 18 leLters this week because of Illness, ccedlngly interestin g volumes. FarmefG Grange and the Waynes· No group numbering more than 12 Run. publlsher of the Lewisburg, OhIo. Grace L , Smith ville Garden club. She was a great was allowed to take part. Speaking for the Alumni Associll.· weekly "Leader", and formerly a Se e "Blow Me Down" at the high WaYDesvllle school was well rep- lover of flOWers and greatly enjOyed Mrs. May Cook of Dayton spent school auditorium March 24, Ad. lion, O. M. Cartwright of ChLago, member of the Ohio Legislature for . resented oand came back With hon. working among them . the week end with her daughter. CI~l irmBn of UIIs special IICtlvlty t en Years. The speaker was' premission 25c and 15c, ors. The foUowing ratlngs were reSurvlvmg are ' two gran<lchIldren. Mrs. Ethan C. Crane. and family. says to the Miami Gazette--"The sented by Mr. A, H. Stubbs. and de. ceived by lOcal stUdents. one sister. Mrs. Lelia Bunnell and Remember the Mmlnery disp' ay,l high school pupils will find In the llvered a highly inspirational talk Mr, and Mrs. George Woolard of Reba sUrface. ]llAno, Good several nieces and nephews. Saturday March 18, at Phillips room I library which Is being established concerning advantages of a clvlc Dayton, were Sunday gUests of Mr. Jean ,Hartsock, plano. ' GOOd Funeral services. conducted by Grace L . Smlth for their benefit a mos't delightful club In a communlty of this kind. Ruth Anna Johns, clarinet. ExCel· the ~ev. G. C. Dibert. ~ Elmore. tII·n d Mrs. Clift Burnett and family. selection. Our association knowing keeping his audienCe at B high lent. "Blow Me Down" will furnish a that the teaching body has knowL pitch of 'IntereSt and enthusiasm, Ohio, were held at the residence Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Banta of this, Thursday oa.fternoon with burial Loveland. spent the week end wlUl Dorla FIreS. clarlnoi. Excellent. Members of Ell. Mary's Episcopal full evening's entertainment at the edge of the needs of the puplls left and concluding his talk with th~ relatives here and at Lytl.e. Ruth Co~ner. soprano solo.Super- In Miami cem.etJ!ry. church have been participating with school auditorium, Friday, March 24 the choice of books entirely In the well know poem "It ISn't your Town hands of the faculty , They have it's. you", The club members were those, of other Episcopal churches of at 8 p. m, AdmlssloA 25c and 15c. ior. , Mr. and Mrs. 'Rhodes Bunnell e\ done a most commendable piece of un-an lmous in their expression that Earl Earnhart, barlton solo. Suo Southern OhiO. ; i n a Forward Move. The Rev. and Mrs. J . V. Lacy and tertalned their card dub Wednesday lent. ment mlsslon In, Xenia. Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Melloh and work , The books giVe the pupUs a Mi'. Kumler. was one of the best .~_ night. Robert Preston,' 1Iarlton '5010. SU· last week 51 wom.en, four of whom daughter. who have been tourlng well balanced, reading ration. The tel" dinner speakers theY had heard perior. Mrs. Will C. St· Jolm spent the were from We~nesvl1le. from six Florida are ~peced home this week, tendency Is for children to be fcd \.0 III a long time. much on stories· That Is the main Raylyn Orabbe, truinpet, Gqod . . Week end with her daughter Rose. towns and cltl~~s. made over 1500 The newly clected directors are as !nne. Ftres, t11Impet. Silperlor_ . calls m Xenia. The purpose of the The Friendship elub aerved dIn_ di et but we need other elements, mary In Cincinnati. follows; For the two year term, PranCeS Johns, saxophone, canvass waS Ito ascertain where per to thlrty~ne members .of the "We are immensely proud of thls Hartley Moss and J . B . Ohapman; Mrs. L C. St. John spent Satur· People a(tended. church. Names of Men's Civic club. FTlday evening In second conslgnmcnt which contains lent. for the ~n e year term. The Rever· The ' Progressive Woman's club day with her daughter. Mrs. John famllles who gave tholtr church pre!_ the dining room of the church, Seth Boak; drums, Superior. some excellent books. There Is va- end R. L. Hackwell and M. A. PUl· met at the Little Inn Tuesday nlaht Settlemyre of near Oregonia. Monimla Boalt. VIolin, Good, erence' were urned over to the min· A fine dlnner precedl1d tbe shore Mr. and Mrs. R<>nald Hawke and riety and range to it. It wUl offer kerson. In addltlon to these tour. Miriam Wharton. vlolm, Good, session of rouUne buslness. Mr. and .Mrs. John W. KerSeY Isters of the respective churehel\. son Frank, Were Sunday dinner to the pupils splendid sourcea for Lbe board consists of the Colli' offL Ruth· Cooner and Martha Martln, At the SundllY evening service guests of Mrs. Edith M. Harrls and their outside reading. cers. PresIdent, Carl . Abaeeherll; The guest speaker for the evenJng were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. trumpet duet. Excellent· was Mrs. Hury Eldridge Jr-, ot Al PolinskY In Cincinnati. Saturdll,Y. of the Xenia Ji5aptist church the Mr. Harris Mosber. "MlJ-V I say for the Alumnl Asso. Vice-President, J . R. ~ Gibbons, Bec· FrlVlcea J.oluis, Mlrlarp Wharton. Ft:anklb~, who spoke on the subJec.t, Rev. R. L. H&ckJ!ll gave the ad.. cIation Lhat It gives, us mu ' satls· retary, Carl Conard! and TrealJurer. O. B. Lewis and ~ Emma LOu dresS. SpeRltlng chiefly of the mtS. Wilma Thomas. sax trio. gOod. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawke and faction In being able ' i;} a · tangible R-. D. COllett. tbe'"'charter · mem. "The Story BehInd FashIons::' She Beak orchestra, Very Good. gave a fore st ' of 'Sprlng eJoU1es Lewis returned Friday from Florida ilion the Rev. Mr. Hackwell also daughter llnd Mr.. and Mrs, Carl way to get behind the schooi /!ond bers of Ule Civic Club who became Ruth . Ann Donahpo, Anna· Hoak, with a hIStory of styles from the where they spent the wlpter. touched on the recent Madras World HaWke. ot Dayton were guests of assure it of our deep ' Interest am1 such . by submltfffii their appllca· Frances Johns. : EVelyn Johns. Ruth 12th ccnt\\ry. 6he II,lso gave are' Missionary Conference and on tlie John q. Hawke. Sund(ly. tions by March 10. ~nd ,p aying the Cldellty". . Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Stockstill and Oonner, Mary EVa LeMay. Girl's view of Margarc~ta Byers' book, subjeCt of church unJty, ·-ftllll!1'nbm;'hlp fee are-aFfollows; daughter Suanne of Dayton were Mr. and Mrs. Ballard Wallace sextet, EXcellent. ' On Wednesday of this week Mr/;. were week end !IU ~ sts of Mr. and " 0 signing Women. which was mOSt Sunday guests of ~, and Mrs. M. Dr. H . E. Hathaway. Rev. R.· L. Edith Harris. Mr.:l. Dalsf Snyder. Mrs. ' Marlon Whitaker In Clncln· 'luterestfng, Hackwell. Glenn Bor~en. Ballaid' A, Cornell. DATES OF WARREN Mrs. Lester Gordon, Mrs. Bert H;art_ Mrs. El~ldge. form erly Judy of Wallace, Chas. Anderson. H~rtley R natl. COUNTY SCHOOL EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. Wlll St. John enter_ SOCk. Mrs. Clifford Brace. Mrs. R: the Dayton Shol)pin$ News, and at Moss. J . It, Gibbons, R, D. OoUett. Ml's. J . .W. Ward will entertain PI'e~eJlt writer ot the Jan restures tained Mr. and Mrs. Arch Wharton L. HackweU, Mrs. Ethan Orane and Carl Abaecherll. Frank -M. Fox, A. Test,....· for the, Fl'anklln Chronicle arid of [,ebanon at six o'clock d!nncr, Miss Nancy Crane were present at members of the New Century club H. Stubbs, L. A. Garst, Eldon ~tal-' a tea giVen by the Woman's Auxm· at Ute Little Inn on Friday, March oth!?r neWIlPop('J'S, Is a pleasing Frfday evening. lick, Ross H. Hartsock. J . p . LaJTlck. 24Ul. ~ peaker an(l hpJd the earnest atten_ Carl Ferguson, 6 . H. Bailey. O. M. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilde and >8ry of Christ church, Xenia. In the On Friday afternoon. March 31. Robltzer. Fredrick Robltzer, O. E. parish house. ror the dloce. s an ,off!. tiOIl of her heBr. rs. , son have returned to their home In Mr, "li nd ·Mrlj. Il2nt·y Carpcnltr. the WayM Township MoUler's ciub Michener. John KerseY, E. V. Barn_ Pittsburg after a vlslt with relatives cers of the Woman's AuxUlary. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson SQllth, Ma.ry, will give a ' card party in tbe high hal·t. Fred Grauman. 0 , R, Smith, Mission services are being held Jimmy. R<>bert and Rlcbard Kiser. bere,. , OARD OF THANKS every evenIng t,his week In Christ of Dayton. SPent Sunday with Mrs, school caCet.erla-The purpose ot K. N. Hough. J. B. Chapman, Oul this project Is to raise money rOl Oona.d. ~Im McClure, t;..ouls Pr:tntz, Mr. and MI'/, Alvin Earnhart and church, Xel)la, ' wlt.h the Rev. Dr. A. S. Hardy, We wish thank ·o).1r nelgl"jbors, providing the hot d1sh served to the and M. A, Fulkerson. Were dinner guests 0\1 Sunday David Covell IllS missioner, Th!S' sons friends and r elatives .for their kInd eliminatIon expression - of sympathy and the of Mr'. and Mrs. Earnest Earnhar't Thursday evenJng the 'choir of St. At the regu~a.r monthly meetlns children of the grade bullillng every 1\.11 future applications for memo day : . • Mary's -churr#l will Iling two an, of the co~1l of the Village of Mor_ bershlp should be sUbmlited 1Jl floral tribute!! at the -death 01 our and children of Mt. HOllY, Elimination There' wlll be tabl!!S for blldge, wcttlng to Ii member of the Mem.. Mr and M C I D 'k t' · , thems and leadl the congregational row. last week, Attorney Carl Alme· son. Harry. Also for th ~ service . .. rs. ar u e en cr. I ing h H k '11 cherll was elected vlllage sol1cltor, five hundr-L>d. Chinese cbeckers or bershlp and Attendance Oommlttee, and t E! Rev. Mr, 11(,: We given by- the minister, thll Rev. B. L lalned with a. family dinner on Sun. s ng George and the Oswald funeral dL dll¥ honoring the birthday anniver. w1l1 assist In the I!!!rvlce, Each. night to succeed the late James E. Burke. whatever you and your friends co'nslstlng - of J. R. , Gibbons, Cha1r~ choose to play. Players may come rectors. saries of Paul Du1te and Fred Gre¥. a different choir takes part. A' daughter. Elizabeth Ann, was iIInyUme between 1 :30 and 4:00 and man. J . B. Chapman, Dc. , .H. E . . " DaviS Furnas and f~l1.Y born -to Mr. and Mrs, Cllnton Cor_ playas long as _they like-Refresh· .H~thaWay_ A, H, StUbbS, and OIlrl , MrS. John Preston and daughter HAPPY HOUR CLUB Conard.' .1 • . . win. nee Frances Henkle of XenIA, ments wlll be served during the afVirgInIa and son JackJe were over. Tile fl.rst regUlar' meeting 0[· the COM)ftSSIONERS TO at MIaml Valley ho»plbal, Dayton. ternoon and are IncIuded In the bOBrd of dlrect9rs will Oe 'Qt - ~he 'nlght guesta FrIday of friends In Mrs. p. L . Re/lSOll entertained the CL98E Q,6AD Monday. March 6. CI~chmatl. . price of admission. Tickets are 200 Township Hall Monday· ev~Dtng, Heppy Hour mub, at her home and may tie obtained froin !ln~ March .21, at 7:300.'Clock and the ' Tuesday a1temI30n. Oharles F. Hartsock, son of Mr • Olinton County Commissioners .Ohlldren of D. B. Underwood call· St. Patrick Day suggelltlons were' and Mrs, Fred Hartsock of Milford. member of Lhe finance commlttel next meeting of the entire club will ed at hlB home on Sunday to remind G\,>.I, together a foursome of you I be Wednesray eVening. April 5, e.t USed in ~~ the daln.t y refresh· was signally honored .when he was him of his Seventy first birthday an. menta and the fav!ft. ejected 'lnto the memb.}tshlp of 'Phl friends and enjoy ill delightful BIter. 7:30 o'clock at the Township Ball. Mrs, ReasOn'l! gdest ILst Included Beta Ka.ppa. n"atlOn~1 scholasUc too, noon. with the satisfaction of knowMrs. Emerson Earnhart,. Mrs. James ternJty, Mr. Hartsock Is a senior In Ing your money Is going for a very NOTICE worthwhile callie. McClure, Mr. Lawr.nce PUmas and the UnlverB1ty of Olncinnatl. MfG. Ralph Hastlo'gs, who Mrs FloYd W.e.troua. Among students attending Ohio the past year ' haS \leen the for Mra. Walter W1l8oIl w111 be hostess SPECIAL MEETING state UnJverslty who will be return. eftlol.ent soclety editor of the to ·the club In AprU: ing home thlB week for a vacation MIami G"zette, h.~ severe4 h~ Special meetmg of WaynesvI,le periOd are, Charles Anderson, Jullan connection with the pape.... ~. Crabbe, R<>y Crockett, Loren Hadley Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M. Tuesday " cause of other duties. Please and CecU ~ ~almer of Wayne~ille, evelling. March 21 oa.~ 7:30. Work In sen(! In your items to this .office, the E. .. and Edwin SmiUl of H.arveysburg. ' phone 112. o~ .to Mrs; E. O. The woman!s Civic League met at CC8l)e. phone '118, ' . . ... r' the bom.e , of Mrs. SaUle Wright, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Branstrator WOMAN'S AUXILIARY MEETS tE!UncIaN ~ts of Mrs.' Prances Ba~urday evetl1ng, ~ 11. There entertained at dinner Saturday eve- WITH MRS. E. ' L. THOMAS GOOD PROGRAM AT The Rev. al)dKrs. ThomlJerry Brannock ,were, Mr. and Mrs. Ohaa, wu a small ettendanc4il1ue to In. nlng, Mr, and M~. Harry Smith, FARMERS' CLIJB Q£TlNO .mrVeysbW'l call~, \011 ,0, H. Elzey and ~a~hter A~ of oregonia clement weather 'and Ulnea of Mr. and Mm. Ern.est Butterwortl!, Mrs, E. L. Thomas was hosteSS .~" ~ Deatt\aa,e S~day. .'. . Mrs. Loraine 'Spray antt 'daughter ot me~rs. Memberi re8j,ondedto roll Mr. and Mrs. S. S, Ellis. ' ·Mr. and last Friday for the regular meeting . Mrs O&roune Bu1iett whO ~ not Daytol\ and Mrs. Alhert Branriock call by' natn1hi th~ir favorite hoUle. Mrs. ~. A. Cornell oQnd Mr and Mrs. ot the Woman's AuxlUary, of St1;)een ~ "eU ~ '~De to and da.u,h.te,r Al~rta. ' . . • hol.d , co~i~,.: J. B. Rich, The evenlni was spent Mary's Episcopal church., .the home' .of ,bet IOn ~ Bai'netl, MrS. J "Pritz and daughter ' ~~ were , d1scUlled for the aa: ~t ~ . Mr~.' Brace,:. ~resldent of the ',' , . . , ' nual party to be held for member!! ' Nancy of ObUJeston. W' . Va .. .who and their famllies 0Jl St. Patrick's J . MIlton Earnhart and Victor organizatiOn, cpnduQted the have' been. vlB1t1na Imd ~, ~. . . 0 Loer of Leba~n were guests of tli~ v~iI6na1 pet;IOd and presl.qed · · 1 P. Ballsbllpu for weeka' J?aY" '11Wo n~~ ~. ~ea,ent~ f .r MethoiJlBt SUll:day schoo], Sunday' busineSS 'session. r ' .... J m tnbeiahlp ' , . ' , ., . , .Rilrl.Iiiilll!lr. ·returned· to their . e : " .'. , \' '.. morrung, Mr. ,:amh~, wh0..18 ,n1ne~ For the program. P ,' ....."'4 Mrs. saJlsburY . ~~ed .her '~ The prpgraDJ was iP"ven by Un. ty-tbree reara old re<;.lted "Thatll\. india wu cont.1n~d. " , ' Jennie Ora~ . ~d Mn.. \ AlIce topsIs" 00' "1'rlb te to bls Mother . , daulbt.e~ home for &,vlalt. \ HoUgh. Tbe topic. InteriOr Decora. hi " Ia a . & t h'~~ . '"lne.l emphaals' to tbe subject of ~llltotl\lh~1 :'Jt"1Ib1 ..' '. . ",', .. w . ch '. one 0 .., many. or.. ab~es in India MIss Marne Brown 1(8t:rwlt.1v',' .... 'ancl~. Itoren JameIOI1" and ~ was qUlttl a~te to tIle.poems. ~. LOer lead ijle Mrs CharI '~e.zIe; an~ 'Mta~ B. L' tclfdldlrell " of Waverly. 'MnI. ~UIIel ~ and tbe:v touc~ on reDlocS· .. .. . ~ . . ' OlIn' of LebuIon aDd' ...... u.i7 8JlDIJ ~ JDOdero tl'eucla-brlna1nc ~e Hlab St!hoolillee clubs, tlJIder Hackwell led , tb~ dlllcllssIO~ crane of, Were SUD!1ay ~ homes up o ;dat8. Tll1a cUKa. 'the ' dlrecUOg,.. of R, E. Prank. , W1ll l'oUowlng f adJo.~~l;. ~ dJmier "la'or, their sDotber. ' ~ 'l ion 1DclQde4 tni.a1mtmt ,Of ~a1II, pt'eaent the ' ~ta "Blow' ~e auCtion, .sponsored liy " t:he ~~Ililaude 'eraae. and lira. InIDe Hell- ,Oocin ~ clraPedll aDd ,... follOL "down" In ,the ~I a)1dltorllim, comm1uee~ COllt1'ibutec1 to denaa. In ~ aftfemooD the en. 14 br • ""d1...IIIIOb. 'J'be ~y ev~DIDI ~h It. a~ .1 p. ~ ~ of the~, a ••,a_ · ;M"~R" The tire ' party .ftIIt.ecI 111'. and Un. AprIl ... beJd with lin. 'l'IqbtaDOW ~ .-Ie. JI!c torladultl ~ ~~nts were aeryed bJ ~ . r ".~ . ....'""'" w 11IIiDleJ JIIIDeIIGIL at LIMDoD. . ...... AaIISl. I. UId 110 fCll' cbOdreD. the ~. .
150 Take Part In 8 Hour Program
Local Happenings
M. Kumler, of Lewisburg, Speaks ·
Local Happeo.·ogs
~~::::ur~l ~l~ ~~!O~i~roC~~:~~ ~--,-.--,----~
.. . .
'. "
C.' H.
vi1l ~
.a Mail Matt-er o.t PO~~.(JfliCIl'. Wayn e811 i1~Il, ehio
rane Editor and
1;lundrrd!; of thQusands boys Bnd 'young men read TJiE AMm: WAN BOY MB8B1.ioe ev~ry' monbh and consider It mol' as 11 living cOlllpahl~n tha.n as a Il loJ gnzl ll • , "U's as muCll a blU.ldy to me lIS ' ROOT FOR ANO CONSIGN my neighborhood chum" wrlfes ooe four Cattle, bllgs, ~ he"p a •. d ,cal v• • high ~chOOI senlol·. "THE AMER_ to NlIrrls-Uroek C;..... live wire and . Or nllrel!81ve 8,., f'lr tbe hlgbellt ICIAN BOY seems t.o undersland a market prices lind good l!I~rVice. boy's pl'oblems anel considers them U.. ll)o Sto'l'lr .V.rd,· CI"eh",.'.;tJ;=',;;0'--10 sllch (1. sympathetic _and I\elvful 'fune 1/1 on .Radio StatIon WCKY w,ny. It giVes advice nnd entertain_· 12 :2~ to 12.80 p . m. for ')ur ~aU" , market rellom Ing reading on overy subject In =========~::===::::~ which a young fellow is IQ.teresWd, It Is pal·ticularly helpful in sports· I made Ol,lf school basketball team because ot playing tips I rend In pm AMERIOAN BOY Many famous . .athletes in 1111 sports credit much ot their success to helpful suggest,lons received DescendIng upon the "maalc city" In the mIddle of' San Francisco Bay, aleamlng whCte In the from sports articles cnrrled In THE sunlight and glowing in warm, pas tel shades ,cif glamorous color at nlgbt, crowds broke all attend. AMERICAN BOY Mllgazlne. Virtuance record s for Expositions In early days on Treasure Is land.· Here hundreds of autos roll s moothly thro ugh tbe entrance ailtes while a ferry boat: (upper le ft ) leaves the I lip nfter carrying thousands aUy evel'y Issue offers aQvice from a (ro ... San Francisco to the' World's Fair. famous ,coach or plllyer. Footpall, basketball. track, tenn is. In fact Pho ..e 78J every major sport Is covored in !loing Republican leaders of the na_ lion and fact articles.
Pub hsh ~r
Subacriptlon Price, $~.60 Per Y,eor, Payable in Advance
Farm Night Talks, Mar. 20 Music 8 ;05 Fayette County 4-H and Rural Youth Program -Cl ub Members directed by W. W Montgomery, Co' Agr1. Agt., Washington C. H. 8;80 Ohio's Water Supply for Industrial Hnd Domestic Uses-H. E. Eswine, Naturalist. S ;40' Music by WOSU Musketeers Quartette. 8 ;50 Storing Clothes fO l' Summer-Miss Edith ~erry Ext· Clothing Specialist. 9 ;00 Interviews with Ohio Grange Lect~rers-Con ducted by J, P . Schmitt, Supervisor, Ohio Farmers' In-' stitutes. 9 ;15 Music by WOSU Musketeers Quartette. 9 ;25 Why Unemployment Insurance for Low-Producing Cows?-Ivan McKellip, Ext. Dairy Specialist. 9 ;35 Ohio Agricultural Conservation Progress Report-By member State Agricultura l Conservation Cornmittee. 9;45 MUSIC 8jOO
Centerville, Ohio
With a 'B,u cke'y e
Teachers. llbrnrlans, parents Ilnd tlon. The first dinner is being held Thursday eVening. March 16th with leaders of boys clubs also recom· Governors Harlan J. B~hlleld of eouth Dnkota. and Raymond E. Bald win 01 OonnecUcut as the principal guest speakers; together With Sen. ators Ohandler - Gurney of South
In Congress•••
........ CoaaI'-. nil OM. .......... ---~
- -
66. 6
Dlend THE AMERIOAN BOY en. relieve. tbusiastlClllly. They Mve found that as a generlll rule regular read_ ers of THE AMERIOAN BOY ad- ' lIllie]. obI t il ' price ,: . vance more rapidly and , del/elop 8nlvo, NOlie Drop!, 100 " 25e more worthwhile chnr.acteristics ======~====== than do boys who do not read It. ,Trained writers and artists, famous coa~hes and 'athletes, explorers, scllIDtists and lnen successful In business and industrY join with Iln experienced staU to produce in 'THE AMERIOAN BOY, the sort of read. Ing matter boys 11k!! best". . THE AMERIOAN BOY ' sells on most newsstands at 15c a copy.
A so·called Reorganization BLll -Peculiar mysteriOUS developments In Dakota and John E. Danaher of passed the House last week by a which the White H?USe played np Connecticut· The second dinner is narrow margin following three days sma~ part, attracted great a~ten- ,p lanned for early In April with two of hectlc debate. and is now In the tion snd caused much comment. As Ohioans in the limellght-Governor Senate for It's consideration. The the President left for neet maneu· John W. Bricker and Senator RobBU! passed Is but a pale repUca of vers h e hinted mysteriously that he ert A. Taft- featuring the program the measure oVer which such 6. ter- I might be compelled to return at any which will alSo Include two or three rmc battle was fought a year ago moment because ,of soine unlmown. prominent eastern RepubUcans. La· resulting in a major defeat for the I but evidently dang~rous, situatio~ , ter 0. third dinner In May will- un_ New DellI. In the BIU passed last confronting the country. Huge ap~ doubtedly mark the aPPearance of ~ . , Subscription prices are .1.50 tor Week practically aU of the contra· ' prop:-Iatlons f'o r detense Punx>&eS "racket buster" Tom Dewey of New versial portions of the original bill 'were rushed tlu'ough the Oongress. York, and other celebritieS. The one year or $3.00 for three years. Foreign rates 50c a year extra. To had been deleted. However. the I No one was IOnge~ tIllklng about the series of dinners which will be con· subscribe simply ', send your Mme, - - - - - -.....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . ; prOvision that reorganJzation orders I fallure of the' New , Deal's domestic dnued early next winter. will un. Ddd.\'ess . nn d renu "tta nce dlreo t to . by the President to become a. law poUcies. Then F. D R. returned ~ubtedly attract the attention of THE AMERIOAN BOY 7430 Second , When a bank ~ails, it is headline news. What doesn't It MJ hi ' _ a Joint resolution setting IB.- from the Oani bbeln to take up the thOSe so politically minded as to be BI d D make the headlines i I the immensely important fact that unless . f ' usin v .. etro , ' c . gan. 0 b ess appeasemen t lOOking forward to the campaign ot side sooh orders Is adopted by Oon. program only a microscopically smalJ proportion of failures result gress within slxty days thereafter, and taJt reduction. started by some 1940. 'IlS 1111 of the Republican "pres!. in. any loss t6 bank dep,ositors. , , dl'ew the opposition of most of the of his Oablnet officers a feW days dentlal posslbillties" w1ll be given an l'4echanlcal mUk coolers Bre 'be_ Republican, and a part of the Demo· earller. The ' t heme' song 110w seems opportunity to be seen 'and h eard cOming popular but Il;ie :C1ail'ymen In .the overwhelming 'majority of instances, the asshould remember that low temperasets of closed banks, plus assessments made against the cratlc membership of the HOIl8e. to be one of "Recovery before Re- sooner .or later. ' . , tures oOJy slow down the growth 01 stockholders, 'are more than sufficient to pay 'off all de- The' roll CAll showed 'the Admlnis- fonn" Thus we enter a new phase tratlon vlotorious by only a l our· of the New Oiea,l. Tbab reclproeaJ trade treaty made' bacteria' and do vat remove them. posits. And today, with p.ractica))y banks carrying teen margin, Incidentlllly. Speeking of the neW With . England by SecretarY Hull, Strict , clennlln8S& \n handling mUk Federal depQSit insurance on all accounts up to $5,000, AdmJ,nlstrat!on pr~gram to bring and whlc;h became effective the should complement COOling. the' <;hance of loss to depositors is so remote as to be hard- The recen't Suprem e Coure decis.. about recovery through aid to the first of the. year, bas not been at all ly worth eonsidering-some 98 per cent of depositors are Ion outlawing sltdown strikes and small buslnesa men of the country, favorable to the 1>roducers of wool Commenlal canners decldep there covered Iiy. this insurance· defining the rigbts of both employ· perhaps it might be well to point and the manufaoturer of wool~n may be some merit in production t• •. ers and emplyees in 01 labor out here that the' first suggestion goods in the United States, Is \\ttest control since they went into the American banking has discharged its public obligatrOUbles Is considered one of the along this 1Inie came early fn Jan- ed to hy a report Just out onimports present mBrke-tin g saBSOn carry~ tions in the finest conceivable manner. It has been far most far-reaching, Important deols_ uary, when C~opgressman' Olarence from England tor the _ month of log'25.!I61;000 eases of the 1937 sweet more responsible for this nation's epochal industrial and Ions of the Oourt in many years. As J . ' Brown of C:>h10 Introduced $\. bUi January. the first month under tile com crop. ' They will tty' an ex,perla-result Uiere-o . e National LibOi for aJdto sliffiUl· buSiriess ~y the ~eW treaty. Aocordlng to ~e 'tlgiu-~ ment t;l)1S season to control the social JWOgr~8S than most of us realize,. ' Relations Board has alreary tem. propel: extension ,of credit. The approximately ~our times many amount of sweet com to' be canned. pered It's conduct; nd actions;, but Brown Bui-~sLUS"ed, much dlsc:usa1on . pounds of nails were Imported In many believe It Is more certain than in tiusln~ss drcles and it was nat January · 1939. under th e treaty. as FInal reports on the 1937 AAA pro ever that Oongress / will drastically long atterward until 'Adlilln1strat1o~ In January 1938 und,e! the old la.w. gram show participation by 3.743,.. , amend the Wagner Labo~ Relations spokesmen ,b egan to feature slm1lar Practically six .times as many 904 farmers and lan$lowners who Act by extending further rights to P.l'ograms, which were cliUmed as ,POunds of woolen wastes qame In ope"rate 65 per cent of the crop land ....;,;,;,,--_ _! ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...... the emplOYers and reducing present their own. ot .course. any la.w for lUlder ~ new treaty, wh1le the in the United State& The cOOpera• ,. , The .farmer of the future wiJl be far better prepared POWers of the N. L. R , B. relief of smaU buSiness passed by Importation of Il!ogs was ' eleven tors planted 29,0001000 acres in le_ the present ClongreSs wlU bear the heavy. Better 1 to.'grappJe with the problems he must face than his pre, than double guDle8 and g1,'asses. and .. . 1,2,287,000 Some of the years-old polltJcal name' at a Democr!lotlc ~rtsor. The the amo~t ,of yardage of woolen ~res ot cover nd' green ' ~nure decesSors observers here-about 'iU'e glvmg " f'. Admlnlstratioll:wlll see to ' that. goods came ,Into the Ulilte'd States ,crops. ,They ~pplled 5,OOO.QOO tons T.he reason for this is education. Farm organlza- D. R. oredit for an exceptionally from Eng~and. 1n ~anuary 1939 th~n 'of limestone and 400 ,000 tOps ot . ' "1", ' tions, notably the agricultural marketing cooperatives, clever bit of polltlcal strategy dur_ ·RepUblicans..on-the·:March' 15 the in the ,same month In 1938. All of limestone and 400.000 tons of com~ have giv~n great attention to farm youth. Young men, ,i~g the past lew weeks. ·It is pOint- name that has been selected tOr a Which means l~ d.e mand for.Am;. mercial fertillzer. ' ed out that when the 76th Oongress series of dinners to be held In mean grown wooL and, ot course and women who look .forward to careers in 'agnculture assempled in January • .the attention . W.ashington wider thE!' sponsorshi.p leila emPloymeI\t and less .bus1ness CLASSIFIED ' ADS are given 's pecialized training not only in land utilization of both Oongress and the countrY of the RePublican ' members of the for ,our woolen mills USE THE MIAMI GAZE':l'T B and the raising of livestock, but' in those economic' mat· was focussed on the evident failure HOIl8e. Clarence if. Brown of the \ ..,iiiiii;'iiiiiiii'_;;;;;;iiiiiiii~~·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiii~iiiiiiii...~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;i;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ters that .89 vitalJy affect farm income, When the time of practically every phase of the Seventh Ohit~< District hall been comes f~r them to take over, they'lJ be ready. ' , New D~al ·progt8JJ1 and the serious named as :orie of the seven membel'8 of a special -comlptttee- in . ' ·dolJ'lest!c situation of~tlng employment ' and deepening depres_. of ~e d!nner Serslon. Suddenly all sorts of "war, les which to the publIC> .... talk" devl!loped in maily -qU~ter8. during th.e n~n the outstand"
A BaoInng J0b T0 Brag Ab00t
4 . ... _ _ _ _ __
Education DOWD"On The Farm
Needed Regulation forW.P.A. , By ERIK M~Y ERIKSSON " Pro/flUOr 01 BUtory. 01 Southern CalijornItJ The Ie,waUon reduclnl the W:P.A. Appropriation by II of 1m1JC)l'taDce b,eeauie It markl ~ ant ibne In lis years that 'Con~ , cress has dared to de t be PresIdent In the maUer of relief.
II the em lelil-
tation which at.-
temPti to reau:. .late In any way !~ral .....'apen-
the N • w D • a, a '-'1-" b " COD' r e .....
. ..:w"';;.;.p.:
receiv1n& regular waaeat A il'owing . number of people are convinced that II because W. P. A. wQrkerl are tOo much aftUcted with the notion that the/world ow.. them a llvlng and that there'll no need for them to give emalent and honest .ervice. The pur. pose of work relief la, as the W. P. A. pl'Opaaandlsts say, topreeerve the morale and Ik1lJs (If any) at the workers. But how can morllle be preserved by the loafing tactica which 1Lf!I'lO typical of W. P. A. projects? CongreSs hu made a beg1nn1ng to. ward Improvement of the W. P. A. In ..veral way.. By proh1bi~ rellef payments to penon. who refuse to ~f! private employment at the pre , Wltu of the community,
ban obed1eDU7 one important .ource of complaint heeded the ~ be e11m1natecL EyeJ7 locality . PreI1dIDf. • hU tW quota of peI'IODi who have , , 'panda lOr enormoUi amollDla to be rettIIId to accept IInpklyment on . . e'a"""ded u the J:ucutlve and b1I tanna, In h!>Ulebolda or in trades be" r.. I ........ ClUIe thel' pre1en'e4 to remain ' on , advllel'l .w ilL 'l'ba W. c. It.. ~ w; P. It.. Such a condition mould , It m~t be well to rec;au. ".. tW Dever bav. been permitted. By curb.! , e~lstence solel1 to, tblt ~ Ini the polltical activiUes of the ' ''''''~''_''. . wo.nlr~ the CODIt1tuUoaal1a~ W. P. A. the nat10nalletlalature baa l~ which 1I.lUppoaecl to de-: betun the e11m1nation of one of -the ' ~II. mIDI the UUoD' pollet.., bal. wont.evill 1A U1e organization. Pre"."., directly approved thl W. P. A. cad1Iif the 11138 and 1938 el~on.r. ill mult1tuct. of activltllll IU~ the poUUca1 activities of the w. .P. A.' ut. writeri' and edu ,were Dotonoua.
Dr. Miles Nervi~
• . (Liquid a'!' Effervescent,,r:dbllrtl) , Soothes irritate~ nerves', p.en~it{~I~'shin ' sleep, helps you to ' "get hold'· .~ ' ~·~"' ''.:.u~, .'
~:I:!:i~=i~t thlW.action of ConP. A. appro-
"OoDJreD baa also made a start In ' promotln, ecOnomy but the Ilgbt ' l!i M1Dtimt'Dti Of the DOt over. No Booner had the PreIi~ American ~ d." _lined the appropriatJon act to l i t anyone UWt he a,am dematided' In a IP\!C.I~ baMshlp. ~ 111_••, tIla' in addlUoDal. '1110.000,. be ,Ivtm. \hI 000 be Immedl8te~ appropr..ted tor 'WI""" _ ....llY ,avor work /'eo' u,. W. p,' It.. 'nte ia~, bowmore expenSive evitt, mould be .upllorted In 'their taape,en baD IWId. Let the a'clrillDlatratlon. Ilrat!eeeived for fAlWully ' Vae amount a~
a ... P. It.. 'proprlated before demaDCllnl more U",.. u money, Why not wa!t to lee -U the~ oUt. by I .~ be any emerPllQ' before yotla,~lc:y_ , auotht; 'lSO,ooo.~ ~
.~~~~~, ~---------
. '
O. I
'. )' "
Nkwomes , e;;~~n:n~ h~mrvous isthl!Se d~ys;,~ FJnAnclal d " ·. ' . e no es " ate "ourS hard
or ,an excltmg recreation put a ' st'rJm ' ,~ tth
;An atta~ nerves may make 0 l,j 'J . , .quarrel WJth your h.usband ' wU Y!l , ose fr~ends. to your , children. . or , e, .~PP~ 11 tyrant D ' ". . , . , R. MI~ ~VINE has been. ~oothl". :tit . . . of the nB;tip,n 'for 'nearly 60 years If . ~"I~ . q ~ get a ,bottle or packa"e at vnur d~"'df!!OUH'~~netvous; . your ..... on jf ",' "l • 'I" ". , . """'-ri e,· J<oIo~ , •• , ey . ~o~ are not ~tireJy IKltlSflecil ~lIldd Nan-me. Lallie Bottle $J~_~n '. . ' . • . ' EIF4!lve.eenf Tabr..s: . ,... II~I I!~ _._ - a.". rrc.. 75t-8aJaO Pq; ~
Hue'l! the tire blqaiD CI e lifotime. Tbl. ble buaky Commander fa . .
.or IpeCiaJ " _ _ reeletin." rub~.
;~~;=-~;=~~~~·~-~~~~~~~~-·-~-~-~-r~~~ -~~~:~·'~i-H~-W~ln~v-~-ge-c-o-r_~T~w~~-:~;C~;~_~_A_:_~_CA~~~~e~:~F~ea~t-u-re--~--~~I;;;;;:;;;;;=~~;;;;;;;;;;;;=';;;;' I.:..,.,--_ County: Court . Iu p C~\rl ~-= ,
• recorq M~ without prejudice,
II N~L!".:'t:::'~:-'':::;':'I:~ aM
See '0 ur,. Comp . Ie t e le~ne May tag froom $59.~5' ~p May t ag' Means " EX t ra L.·'fe.
George B. Johnson . county . trcas_ Ion township. r, vs. William V. MCOabe. co.s~ I. :T. Felte.r to Lee O. Simpson. et dlslnillsed. without rfcord, al.,. rcal ,estate In Lebanon.
raldine Menrs vs. divorce, ', extrem~ 0 1 uell.y.
Everett Davis va· , Daisy divorce, gross neglect.
DaviS, New York Life Insurance Com. Oharles lllmr to Cmeord HI. . pany ys. WllJlam Bw-ggraf, et zar, et al.,' 'reru estate In Turtie-
Maytag Washers ·
Ohio Sports Show March 18-26
Edward Bnook tAl Bud Lyncn Martha LYnch. r 1\1 estate In
Florence H. Jones, vs. Willard NeW York. ~L~if~e~InB;Ju~ra~n~c~e~'c~om =p=a~nY4~cr~e~ek~~~~~(fI:~llin:i~;:a::+Jones, divorce. gross neglect· dismissed ...! Be.n Balzer to Montag-, DO POtllY Albright vs. Alfred Al_ George B : Johnson. county tresB - et aI.. real cs'ta te In Turtlecreek • . . , bright, divorce, gt'oss negl l!c~. urer, vs. William M. stomps, et al:
to MiamisbUrg' BUilding ' COI\IMON PLEAS PltOCEEDlNGS anc;l Loan tor $4;404.28. Everett Davis vs. Daisy Davis George B. Johnson, COllnty trens. Service by ordereO, urer, VS. Benjnmln: BuLterworth Mary 8.ehmltt, administratrix 01 Moses, et al., clISe dismiSSed wlth- estate of Oliver E . Schmitt vs . out record. ,Mabel Colter. Ml?tion tor· new trl!!! George B , Johnson, county treas- overruled. ure r , VB . Gertrude Van Camp et 11.1., coilflrmation mad'e and deed · distrL REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS button. Nellie DalY to Beulah. Rinehardt, George B. Johnson, c~unty treas_ ur~r, vs· Thomas Thompson, con- 50.75 ,a cres In Hamilton township. Mary Qe1ger, LadJes Aid of Butfirmatlon made and deed dlstrlbution. lervllle, to Emma Cole, lot No. 4 In Butlerville· The Roxanna Canning Co. to Jo_ FranJc Schneldllr vs. George E. Hc.dger, case dismissed without seph H. and Suzan Z. Reynolds, 4'1.2 acres In Clearcreek township'. Jacob , Klober to ' Fred Klober. 4 acres In Franklin , township, Lottie Da6tIeman, et al., to Ha_ <zel ' Brookes, lot No. 292" In Lebanon. ' , REAL ESTATE Luella Deardort, et al., tAl Robert INSt}RANCE Miller Blair, ct aI., being part or AUCTIONEER . Ipt No, 61 In Lebanon. The Lebanon-CItizens National Bank ' tAl ArthUr and Bertha Hamli~n, 196." \o.Cr~ In Turtlecrec)r township. Llda Mossteller, deceased, to AI. MARCH 17-18 ) ma M. Mull, et · at .• 137 acres In Maureen O'SuJUvan Mickey Rooney Deerfield townshIp. Amelia Ivins, deceased, to Ho.w_ "HOLD THAT KISS" ard W. Ivins, ~t al" lot No. 20 In Lebanon. Cartoon-.Mutual Fedel'lll' ,Savings to HansDonald Duck-"Ostrich" ford and Nora ·Tewell, lot No. 162 In Frank1in. John Carller, et aI., to Polest ·Po_ , MARCH 19-20 ley, et OJ" 126.25 acreS In Tw-tle_ L. Bayard J. Fontaine. It- Carlson creek:, tAlwnshlp. . Mamie Hughes, deCeased by ad"The Duke of 'West Point" minlst,raoor: tAl ada ~e Waites, lor: Metro. News No. 722 In Franklin. Joseph J . Schneider to. St. Bus-. anna congregation by 'tr1,lStee, lots MARCP22 289 and 290 In Mason. J. Mabel Renner to MatheW K1pp 8m]' Ca,rtls et al.,' 25.37 acres ' in. Warren county. "The Terror of , Tiny Town" Clayton and Josephine Dough. Sborta-"Robinhood" man to Loveland Mutual Bullring ' Kendric:k and Orc:h. Loan, CO.' lot Np. 23 In SOuth Leb_ Declaration pf Independence .anon.
=== ==:::--===-==-:=--,--=
Margaret E. etroup, deceased to Harold A. Stroup. 54 acres In, War~n County. rav~-l Richard Ross, deceas.ed, to Allee _ , '" L. Ross, j lots-in Ma.son Walter R. Fitts to Robert White, TARVTA-}..lTHIC TAR ANI) lot No. 593 In Franklin, I . ROAD OIL; mxCAVA'l1INO ' Vi9Jnza O. Waites and Ada Mae Waites 00 John Reece et ai" part of DUMP T& CK j)1j),ltVICE ' lot No. 806 In 'Pl'anldln; " l'ficholas D. Bre'l'ster· tAl Joseph J. Schneider, lo.tB Nos. 289 and 290 In Wikoff's adliltion. in MaSOn. . , , J ". 1>, • • , AntAlnlp Volen to Edna zUet.lng, . Phone, Waynesv'l!le 44 R 11 part of lot ~o. 35 In Pleas.ant Plain.,; Leoonon ' office Phon~ 473-KVernbn, Cole to D. A. BaniSon ft"d W. R • ' Fitts. real es~te In M Morrow Pbone No, 3.... 98 res. . . Fra.nkl1n township. , l!>a1sy', Robertson to Florence JohnSon. real estate In Salem tcnmshiP. , . . '
Sand' & G'
Zain Armitage
J. Be Chap. REAL
_u ... __ (
<Hoe offer Q s'ati.i(Jctory $~ice . at. all limes
For You and Your Cloth ' es.
township. Lee Lemmon. et al .. to Maria EL bon. part of lot No, 11 In Wnyncs_ ville. . Mary Ellenshon to William Lall , et 11.1., real estate In Woashlngton township. AnnIe Young, widow of Edward Young to Henry A. Millard , et al.. real estate in WBBhingtAln township., Carl Lewis, et al., to Robert Horner, lot No. 49 in East Morrow. William V. McCabe to MlamIs_ burg Building land Loan Association lot No. 235 In Franklin.
FREE TRIAL Fairley Hardware St()re Large r Because of Better Quality, Service, and Price Established 1849-1939 - -, Waynellville, Phone 32
rai.... •
• Beline it: or not, the only pack ~f otter. .Yer bred, aDd trained In captiYlty will be exl>iblted by their ow~er aDd traiDer, Emil Lieu of Homer, Minne.ota, at the Ohio'. aDd Boat Blltty Klum t,o EII~abeth Herget, Show, March '1 8 to 26, at the Columbu. Auditorium~ . • LieI" ha. treined hi, pac" of tweln to do practically .DythlDC a real estale In Deerfield townshlp~ thuntinc doc lIIiII do. Ottert, ayeracinc 24 pound., are a. faat a. Joseph H, Gest to Howarr Shaw, do., OD land ,a nd flliter in the water. Their ellhibltion at the Ohio rcal estate In Deerfield townshiP. Sporhmen'~ all1d Boat Show will be one of the moat amaalac aaimal La.u ra Stockman to Fred K1bbey feature. eyer p ..... "nt .. d. OUer fur coa t. ere the mo.t espen.i"e of carmenb a.d wben 102.93 acres in Clearcreek township; Lieu' brood oIF ,tw .. lve were born they looked into Ii(. klndl,. face and Homer George. et 0.1., to Hewitt decided they would rather do triel.. for him than lie liquidated into P. Mulford, real esba.te In Tw-tle_ an espen.iye wrap ror lome rich led)'. -
creek township.
Grol gc Wru hinJ;lon'S visIt Lo the wild I mes.~ . from which Ohio WIIS carvf'_d did not disclose to him any CO I'II filJtiS bUL he must have had a IlI'O,.he' Llc Vision of Years _ to come wilen he wrote; My countrymen :!I'e Loo much IIsed t.o orn blades A. C, Thompson. formerly of .lIld corn shucks ; a nd hnve too little LyLlc. former owner and last opL'rll- nowleclge of the profit of grass I' of ~h e old TeleCrllph m ill be_ Innd." owI IWaynesvil Ilnd ' who .e In an tl le cle CI'I t wl'o mJll Sunday with Junior Smith. an c e on I an no , l\IAYBE SO Clinton G. Fisher of :'\lblrul called dustry of th~ L illie 'llnml Valley on MlnL~ter W. C , Smith Thul'sdll~ WI'ltes Interesting y to H. L. va~_ A Knnsas woman. whOse husband I tr .liS (rom his home In Pcnnsylvanm even Ing. nllowed hel' 10 cenhl a day to do , Mr!l, Claude Lewis Is confined tc The I Lter In part follows: JlI ~t n, she pleased with. saved her bed 1lC\3 ln. I am pleru;antly located. at 1)I'eslhe:" li mes until she '!-ccumuIated cnt. in the village of my birth, In ( nOli , money to buy a divorce. the North Central section o( Penn_ Tilel,. some women In this FAIR TRAVEL TO sylvania , in th vl: lnlty of the ex- world that a man >can't -afford to AJD TIRE SALES U' m e head of the tributar ies of the be !lice to.- WlIShington Post AkJ'oll tire mnnutacturers anti L Allegheny lind Ohio rlv{,rs, Lhese Increa sed automObile travel to the tributaries heading on the divid e 01' pate a 1939-40 sales in :reaSe of from summit of a range of lhe Alleg heny five to ; even per cent due to InerellS mountahts. A part of tiles hcnd Friday - Saturday ed ' automobile travel to the NeW si.rellms flow to the west side and ' York and San Francl!co fairs thl~ empLy into the Alle(th-:lllY riyer; an_ year, J . J . Newman. vice president. oth r part flows to t h e east and -SCREENof the B. F. Goodrich Company, empties Into the Susqu han nah and "Four Girl" In White" this empties Into the Potomac l'lver said here today. Florence Rice Alan Marsh." On the basis of estimates made by and Into Chesapeake Bay. The Monongahela. another trlbllContinuoul Show. Da"f offlcblls of both filiI'/! Md r epor tary of tlle Ohio heads on the dl'l 'Adults from 1,4.00 Goodrich retail tire dooL 150 'Til 2 P. M. ers Lhroughout the country. Mr, viele of the summit or' Chlat moun t· ain In West Vlrginln. A part of head I Newman said; 4.000000 cars wlll lialte to U. S . Higtiways bound for Amer- streams I10wlng west and t ben in a nort.herly dlrectloil forming I,he lea's twin entertainment objectives of 1939. Added to automobUe ossa- Monongahelu and connecting wit h clatlon estimates of normal tram.:: the All gbeny nl; Pittsburg, th\L~ totals of 15,000.000 C8i1'S traveling on formlng the Monongahela and con_ necting with the Alleglleny nt' PI Lvacation jaunts, this will raise holltAburg, thus forming the grand old day travel totals this year to ap_ forming the grand old Ohio river. proximately 19.000,000 cars. Immense projects 'll.fe being w rk_ The total increase In tire mileage ed out in the way of dams and resulting f.rom Amerlca's 1939 "onreservoirs for flood protection for to-the_falrs" cavalcade, Mr. New_ the Pltt.~burg, Cincinnati and lower mans said, should eventually make Ohio ·· dlstrlcts. Th~ construction of I~elf felt In a corresponding upa !Iood protecting wall' Is unper way ward trend in total tire ,s8·les dUilng In the Golden Triangle district of 1939 and 19'4.0 Plthlburg, This wall will be 80 feet ' - - - - -- high wlt.h a fow- lone driveway to Bubscrlbe to the Miami Gazette circle the top of the triangle. A dam ,and reservoir Is well along on Tionesta st.ream. head of th(!- Alleghany river, :rhe dam will be built on a. loop In the st.r~am. A t.unnel fourteen feet In diameter, has b~en bored , through the moun_ tain, a distance of 1800 feet. When !lnlshed the tunnel! will be furnIsh· . ed with flOOdgates which will hold flood waters to different heigh~ In the dum and gJ'adually lower the height. as needed. Two of tbese re- , servolrs with the lunnel conn etlan are under construction. one 011 th 'head of the Allegheny river. the other on Cheat mountain at the head of the Monongaheln .
James C. Campbell to Charles Me Peek et al.. lot No, 4.50L02 In Deerfield township. ' BILLS ALLOWED
Fe r r Y
Mrs. Lester Kenrick. who Is at the MIami VallE!y hospita l Is booked to return home Wednesday of t.hls week. and Mrs. Smith called on Mary·D. Shields Tuesday and found her much Improved over her condi· tlon last week and Is expected to be out In a few days. Mrs. p. J. Thomas who was shut In last week end with tb flu Is much Improv~ d " Mrs. Lester Oerhnrd is still on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Thomas were caUers at the qerhnrd borne Mon day. Mr. W. C. SlmHh was ealled to Lawshe, Ohio to conduct a funeral last Monday. Miss MarJorJe DUVall of Ml!lmls,b urg and Mr. Richard Wade of
The · Franklin Chroni: le, letter heads and envelopes Boco tor county V commissioners, $11 .00; ny acuum on Co" 2 coupon Ohio Central Telephone Corp. , tele_ phone rent, $68.00; A. E. Ri.Jckm~, repair of faucet at Jail. '1.00; E. D. 'Ibompson, labor and lead cable, $4.59; George Krager, repairs, $0.4.0; Lingo Hardware Co.. ells, nlp_ PIes,' side IU'm. plumbIng parts. '22,45; Lingo HlU'dware Co" I snow scraPer, $1 .15; Lewis & Drake, Inc" white sand. $7.80. StandlU'd 011 Co., kerosene, $5,00; Drs Edward and Robert .Bl1lir, examinatton. $5:00; K~dman, Mfg: Co" tube red Ink, 750; The Western Btar pl1nt1ng ' $77.65; . 'Lebanon-Cltlzens Nationai - Bank, rent ~fety deposit box for' slnklng fund. '$5.00; Colutnbus Blank Book Mfg. Co.. traJlSCll1pt Franklin w~re united In marriage at for prosecuting attorney, $1.60; Karl the Ferry parsonage Monday evenlng, Mt:nlster W. C. Smit~ r ead the D. Daldn, premium on' bond, $25.00; Th.e Office Outfitters, 3 doz. pencils. :~:~::. vOb~S' R~hea:nr~~~ee w: $3:00; The Fred Procter Co.• 600 Franklin and J,)yce DuVall of MJ folders. $19.26; Dr. H. M. Williams, amlsbw-g. The couple returned t<. InvHtlgatlon, $6-40. the bride's home where many atflce Outfitters, clips, 550; Hub_ friends Were waiting tAl Il'l:cct them. man Supply Co., soap flakes, soap, MisS Ethel S1;w-gil came to the Brltex for Jail, $34.64; Lingo Bard- Parsonage Wednesday to work for W~e 00., shells for dog warde~. Mrs. Smith a 'few days. ' 760; ,.Wm. Hufford Jr." Bhenft, Mrs Henry PenningtOn ' visited feeding prisoners' dw-tng February, her d~Ughter Mrs. Gralle Smith in $480.75; Wm: Hufford; Jr., S_herlff, Cincinnati last ·!'hursday. washing for prisoners dw-tng Febru_ Jimmie Hartsl>ck spent the day, ary, $45,119; Stanley Earnhart, .P . ~~ s~mP8 for office Aid to Dependent Chlldren, $8.00; Dr. Detrick Vall, eXaminations, $10,00; Alice. M. Ax_ nold, Invalid care, $5,00; Millard Bryan~, Invalid care, '$5.00; ~ Mrs. Helen Doughman, invalid oue, $7.00; .
carl L. MIller and GlenDa L: Mll.. Winnie Gentryy, Invalid care, let' t!> :t'homaa a~hcer and .PNncea '7.00; Ella Hoft .o lnva11d care! $7 Spen:er, lot No. I2':'Ih~Fatrvlew sub: Iva NicholS, lrivaUd care, $5.00; d1vli1lon ot t.ebanon, . Win Scofield,. Invalld care $'1.00; Leroy Moran, et aJ:, ,to LouIs p. LeO J. Smith, 1pva11d care, $10;001
Newton atE\1llper, . invalid care, $10.00; L. B. Steele, invalid . $5.00; McElfresh, ImaUd care, ~.OO; oregonia Bridge , 00.. ' Inc ' partB, reinforcement · steele, $9.40; L. IG . . AJ.)derson's 89ns Co., guard rail lUmber, $2.30: " Clayton Clark, 110, <lOcuSt JIOIts, ....00; Rayinond MYuord, pay roll. ~,OO; . Georgepay, roll, .} .~utahn; , ,,,OOj JOM J. Barr, . pay holl, , $11&80; Johnson pay' .roll, $II~.?O; E. w. Roes" InvaUd . ~e, $274.00; Earl Basore, pay rOll, ' ~177_ 60' . V. M Armitage. pay roll"lOO._ 80~ Earl, Hatfield, serviceS m~ ante, $59.40; . zatn ArmitlIge, sand and gravel, .$568-'17;
"Bank Night"
The eleventh annual short course for Grange lecturers will be ' held at Ohio 'Sloate UniverSity , March 20 to 24. T . G. Woatson. :;ccretary, College of Agriculture. has charge of reSer_ vations.
& LeRQ,Y,
sand ..e.nd grav'el
'8A)O .
:S~,.~~lt,:J1!U1Q!~~, · $ZUO'; ~ ~rd B J
. :
a ~'Rlcb&rd ~ • .;"
paoUne, s3~: Conners TO]!:SilrVlce Btation,' I(uoUne,: $26-' !I'eiCaOO .servtcJ!
~peclal r steer
, $10.49£ ',Caudill 'Servlce .ata..;·
" 161.50; H, ~ Conover, ' supplies,. ",132-48; Pittsburg St~1 & Tqol Co.,
blad!!S, t37.Q3; ~ Illi VUIcanlZlng and TIre Co" 8ICCefI'. ~.20: . P1ack Eqtijpment, 00.,.
I Will Offer for 'Sale at My Maiq' $tree~ '.Re.i-~ dence. , \ ' , "' , _. ,: ~ , , . 1 Oak J)i'hing Suite, l~rm~nt Ran • 3 'Bed~, Wash Stand; Library Table, Woman Friend E;l 'cm,.c W1\shet', I;.awn Mower. S~m.~, 'd,illh , and, ()tbec. articles too . numerpus. tQ m~ntlOn. . ~
T£RMS-C~SH;,: " ,
Sean; Auctioneer, ~ '. ~
---.C_h_u__r_c...h.. .;. .o.e_s_·--II P~tJLTRJ CO~GBBSS
made for a pleaaant evening at the close ot wh1ch relreslunents Were served. • MIae& TrUlena and Margaret Ed· wa~d8. arrIv.ed here Wednll6day after noon tram Florlda where they spent the winter, going 00 to visit ,rela. Uves In Dayion aod Springfield be· tOfe openlng their home here for the sum!"er.• ' '
guests were seated at .. table lPl'ead
with a birthday cloth' and a, beauti· AT ful hlrlJ1dBY cake gracing the oenter c Whether tnl 3( ' prOduce I!llgs, buy A pleasant evenlng follOWed dinner. them, sell then[l, or Jus~ eiit them, C. _.. • _ •• • •••• ' Ouesta Inclu~ed Mr. 'Ilnd Mr~ Chas. M. Ferg\.\80n,. poUltry hUSbandry I Mrs. Daisy Snyder and Mrs. 'W. S. Anderson. Mr. lind T Mrs. WlU st. 't. M RY ~S EPI (JOPAL {)HURCII speelalillt. -Oh.lo S~te UnJverslty, Ql'8ham were Dayton 'vlsltorll today. Joh'h. Mr. and Mrs. M'orrls'Fulker. R.v. R. L. lf1ulkweU. Mlnlater _ , says no one cilln 'affard to miss tho ;, lion. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheehan, t'OURTH SUNDAY IN LENT World's Poultry Congress starting in, Mrs. Dean Walton spen the week Mr· ancJ Mrs. Hastlngs Bnd Mr. and 10 a. m. Church' 8c.hooi Cleveland, Ju1;y 28. end with her aunt at La,wrenceburg Mrs" Stroud. . B:r Han7 Eldrl.... Jr. 11 a. m o' /Mornlng Prayer Jmd ' ser_ He also cli!c)are.s that no ' person tndlaM;. . mon. can spend 0;11y one' day at this Mrs. &055 Hartsock was hostess to NOTICE OF PUBLIC BALE TUESDAY world's greatetst 'POultry show and members of the Argunot elub at her Mr. and Mrs. J . p, Larrick Invited 2 m. Nursery Chu~ schoo!. see one_tenth of the tb.lngs whlch home~~~~;mffilin~...:......:~..:.-.~(r....-aIl~..,..MI!S;--Ratlpll--l~McWngs-, and The :Wayne Township Board orWEDNESDAY will be on dillPlay. not to mention Mr. and Mrs. Wlll Stroud to dinner Education. Warren County. Ohio, "The ' problem of creatlng better' - - - - - - - - - " : - - - - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings and WedntlSday eVtlnlng. When they ar- will offer tor sale 8;' publlo au~tlon, 7:30 p. m'. Evenlng Prayer and ad. missing . Instructive lectures and schools. Men" women, and youth son Bob vls1ted Mr. and Mrs. Geo. rived they found a group of friends on the premises, on Saturday the dress, have eque,l shllleS in thls exposition. Osborn at Lebanon, Sund1l.y. assembled to wish Mrs. Hastings eighth day ot 'April. 1939 at I FRIDAY, 'artlflolally raised flab Into these 1 p. m. Woman'S AuxlUary . Lent· L. E M1l1s of Midland. Mlch: and Mrs. Stroud a happy blrUlday o·clock. p. m. the bulldlng commonly One of the things whloh wID esMrs. Stroud's birthday annIversary knQwn and cI.esIgnated as the "Old peclally Interest consumers of pouL en sewing. waters. We must every_ thing Possible aboutfind the out habits eD(~ p' try w1ll be the disasSembly line spent Saturday with his f'll,t her Geo. was that day and Mrs. Hastings the Gymnasium". 4 P. m. Junior high boys needs of 1ish to properly breed and where chickens arriVe Qt one end D. Mills and Mrs. Mills. following , Monday. The ~onore<\ 7 :30 p. m . Olrls Friendly group. R. H. Hartsock, Clerk money and effort on creating better of a belt caC'.kl1ng and leave the Dr. L. B. Hall of Columbus vlsltfood and cover in our streams and Alda-"Men, women and tenors" other end WI'apped In oellophane ed Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGinnis, WAYNESVILLE M. E. CHURCH ' lakes. If we do this ·our· fish popuAn autobiography of one of the . ready Cor the oven. Exblblts, dem- Friday. Rev. J. V. Lacy, Pastor lation wW Increase of Its own aestars of the Metropolitan opera. 9:30 Sunday school, R. D. Oollett. onstrauons. fUld leotures wm eX. house. It Isn't merely 8 Singer's plain new sLlld different ways of Mrs. Ray Conner entertained her supt. So said Dr. E. L. Wickliff, during recOllections but.a brilliant book by cooking eggs. ' , ' l oa:d club a her home this, Thurs.. 10 ~ 40 Morning Warship, sermon a fIne' balk at last Thursc1aY nlght's a person who knew many promlnWhile the . men are vlsltlng the day afternoon. subJect-"Qod's Prodigal Oreativlty" . meeting of the Warren County FIsh. ent Persons. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oarver, John display of 7.500 birds entered In com 6:00 p. m., Epworth League -and Game Aaan. at Lebanon. Dr. Reed_uIn.*mtty Fair" A discJo.. PeUtion for prizes. tile women ceIl Sears 'and ,Rex Fessler of Clnclnnatl WEDNESDAY Wlc\tliff further stated that ev~ sure by a writer who tells the story vieW hens from Chile which lay were week end guests of Mr. and Individual flaberman could measur- of European events !tom the Ver. :3 :45 Junior choir blUe elfgs, PollBh hens with green Mrs. WUbur Sears. ably help the Department, and sames Treaty to the invasion ot THURSDAY feet. and Japanese chiokens that 7:00' Boy Scouts eventually Increase the .flab evaU. AWltrla. "It was ba.nned In OerMr. and Mrs. 'Fred Hoyle (nee ne:d attendants to carry their tails. 8:00 ChOir practice able for tumself, by taking notes many on SePt. 23, 1938. Doria Wade> are announcing the whlle along streams and lakeS. ThIa Bra1&-"Coming Struggle tor Latin birth of a son. FrederiCk Clayton. lntormation-anything dealing ' with Amerlca"-He leyS bare the whole FERRY CHUR(JH OF CIIRIST at Blair Bros. hospital, FrIday. ~EWS Ohio waters and the plant end anl- web of international intrigue being W. C.SD1ltb. Minister Miss Doris White of Mason was mal Ufe In them should be passed M'apped around the oountrles to LORD'S DAY an over nigbt guest Saturday and UnWed service starts at 9:30 The second annual Athletic-Band along 'to OODaenation grouPS.. game the south of us. It 1& well worth through sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. -, or flab management reading as so teW 0 t us 1mow mueh prompt. banquet wiU be beldhi'tonlght In the ProtCCtO... h h 1 E. Stroud and ' son Harold. who -.In fA-ard It to the about South. America. a aents .. WlU ~W Lord's table spread I}t 10:45 a. m. dining room of the g . sc 00 au.. 'conaervatlOn Dept. at Columbus. Waln-"Reaohing for the Stars" Sermon 11:00 e. m. dltorlum. The banquet Is You be SUTe of that, because Miss Clara Llle writes from Hava~""'lng to t;>r. Wlc.... ·l. such co_ A........ RED BRAND fence has been thoru ..... A record of four years In G ermany TrI-8tate Club meets at church, sponsored by the Mother's club__e.nd , __ na. Cuba. that she 18 having a won· t d anyone Interested In these org.........· O""'-tlon on the nart of the Indioughly tested by many years of ..-M .,., (1934-1938) . The author en ere 2 :00 p. m. tI h b Ing w II fW .... ba-"et derful tlme, viewing beautiful SoeDe_ ..eve ~em a ""-e OIlS W 0 r sa e "" ClA vidual would e' weather and strain 'a nd fence line - e Germany unprejudiced against tile WEDNESDAY ry and enjoying summer weather. _08 8";",on ot .... -t;......l1n d ...~w.... Is oordlally invited to attend. FoI_ punishment on Canns all over the 0 .................. ""'" - - _ . a.uv present German government or ....e ' MJ R th B t to country. It has made good for thou· ..... ~e with whi"" to plan fUture ac· H Is fair Missionary meeting 2:00 p. m. lowing the supper Superintendent ss . u urne t, of Day n, ~;Wea. -~ German people. er story a WAYNESVILLE CnURC}1 OF Holt of Sprln,gboro who is an ama· sPent the week end With her parents sands of farmers and it will {or you. J)utofIta ispatient eJso woman the Indlgnant te Itt magl c'la n wW entertain . ,Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Burnett, and fam You know what you're getting Rende11 , Rboades and Mlcbael one, protest against CHRIST when you buy POUt fiSh management agents for injustice and Inhumanity. W. C. Smith. Minister On Friday during the elttra.Cur· 1ly. the LWe MiamI and Big Miami LORD'S DAY rtcullr hour Ule educational enter- 'Sprlng Millinery on display, Sat. . dl'aJnap . areu were introduced to tIr~~Ie:e;M~~:~~y :Ogro: , Bible Scbool 9 :30 a. m. talnment fllmt "The HOOSier School qrday March, 18 at W. C. Phillips - d of about one hund.. Lord's Supper. lQ:45 a , m. Boy" wU\ be fihown to the students. residence. the l·-e -.. >NV" "'-'-tlan en deavor 7 :00 p. m. . """'.... __.. f.rtnera ot scholars under the directlon. of Cuu:> AdUlts are Invl~ to atte nd . red and forty . ...-r-tbe NeW Scbool of Social Research. GraCe L. Smith and other CoDaervationiata wbo atPreaching 7:30 p. m. The Democracy class of It has an extra thick " Galvannealed" coating of zinc, and the ' wire is real rust-resisting copper-bearing steel. Time of what many consider to· be ~e WEDNESDAY students madre a tour to Colhmtbwsl Mrs. Raymond ,WoacJe and daugh. tended the meeting In lIemorlal most important h1atorlcal document has proved there's extra years of service in those RED. ""-11 ..... _ - Committee · cbalrman. . Bible sutdy '1:30 p. m. 011 Tuesday visiting the ter Glenna and Mrs. Prank Thomas u.u. ........... of our time. Complete. unabrldged. , . BRAN 0 qualities, and extra rears mean exira value for Barl Gua~ gave a ~ of. the buUdlng and the state penitentiary visited Mrs. Fred Hoyle ' and young y_our money. Come in and we'l show you this good fence. pheasant. pUrebaaed with l1ce~ and fully an:~a~N WOME~'8 FIELD ARMY The J1lembers ot the group Were In- son at Blair hospital Mon~y afterWe have just the weight, height and spacing you want. ... mone"l b" the Aaaoclatlon and TO WAll AGAINST CAN(JER troduCed in both the Senate and the noon. f . ano it's priced rigtJ,t. Stop in~r call u up. ...., ~-"Clay Acres". Cl~ House of ReplresentJatives. relealed last week throughout the James Oelston's new brlde planted "Blow Me ]Jown" 1& in .he semL Miss Gertrude Hoyle and Earl ty n.. __ Pro·....tor Oliff BInes Last year 150,000 men. wO,men and ~ K d f L b Mr d M . ~ . '~ ' ' d h-- a garclen lnlItead of crops. But final week: of re.h earsal. Work on It enne yo e anon. • an rs. re-.. ted OQ the. ...... til an P ' . chUdren died at cancer In the UnL I dl Elmer Hoyle. Charles, Edith . and throughout thIa story ' of the genIa go'n~ forward steadIlY and n _ IUlta recelved In Warren C9UDty eratlon that' came after the pioneers ted states. Each day an· aVerage of ..... . Ruth Hoyle, ClarenCe Smith and rrOa,i the OOD8erVatiOil D,ept. , d~ ClarIaIa moves .1S WIfe, motb6 and 396 famiUes faced the tragio out- cations are that a· large audience Mr. and Mrs. Keltl\ W"lton were nd uaUy th ds I come of thIS disease when not dlai_ wW witness t.he operetta on March Sunday dinner guests of Mr. the PIA month., th leader, a event , e see DOlled eu'" and treated promptly 24. , ~ .-were IUlDOUDCed. for • and IlIps from her garden. a n d Y • Robert Osborpe and Mercellne lI4rs. Riley' Swigert of Beavertown. Phone 25 - " - " ' - dr1 contestBut medical authorities say that of ' . current ve from ' her character. find tbeJr way the 150.000 wbo died, between 50,. Peters won laurels , In ping ~Dg The Young PeoPl s claSS' of aDd after a lot of b8.rd work on' the Into every yard and family circle. 000 and 75,000 coUld and 8hould tournaments at ooon Tuesiiay. 1Ja1't of aecretanea Jact Kersey and Qregory-~'Rocky Bend" A rapid, ' About fifty tlOYs and girls entered ~d 'Young, It' was aDnouncect that ·~ haVe been saved. Because of thiS Mrs. Kellar Hoak and , fl. berBh1ps had fire saga Of' the great.· SOuthwest .. 'unnece&<lllrY annuaWoss .Qf llfe and the singles alnd 28 pairs began the , _" ~ _ _ _~'---"'--'-';;';;_I.. ., over ~U' new m~ . . Buot "patriot" It 1& the love storY the needless sufferIng the diseases doubles. ' . day evening. Games and !Jeen tumed In at ~ meetins. t f the man and woman of ditferent causes. the Amerloan Society for the We ~ the ~ laat weelt o . NCes separated b"l a sea ot' hatred, Control of Cancer was organlzed 26 baVln, a lone talIt with 1Ir_. J. W. and Pearl Buck's first novel with a years ego by a group of medical . PJchter, State orange lecturer for Chinese setting, in, four years. men, sclentlsts and laymen, bu't doc. 1 . Olilo.. Mr. Plcbter was tenlng Ill! Hanoock-"Nurse in .White" An tors dl.scovered r-esearch and 'linr .' , of, b1a ~ tor the state wide meet"' appealing hospitAll romance. roved methoo; at treatment ' were Harold Beokettr was elected SeCIng of Q~g~ lecW,e~ to be held Anson":""Ev~n Doctors Die" The p t b j retary of the WIIrr.en County Fair all DeJ;t week at ColumbU8. Be felt author is a youni Englishman no enoug . I Board 'last week succeeding· Lyle a much gr.e ater measure of cooper&. . OanCer 1& curable but only in Its Stewart, wM' bas resigned.' Mr t1 betw en sportsmen and ~nd whose first book: Shows remarkabl!l early stages. A pbyslclan must See ' BeCkett has s~umed his new dut' es be by a sk1ll In handling Intrkate baL pat1e'n t at the first symptoms to and wm serv'e In that capacity at compiete \tnOwJedae tbrOUghout or-' rung plot. . effeot a cure and this be c:anilo~ do the fair n~t Sept!!mber. galWled · farm g:roups .of 'COnseTvaMasterman - "Secret ~f the It the patient does not go to him for More than 75 persons attended tlOa Dept. .ct1Vittea supported ~ Downs" A highly e~tertalnlng mys- examination. To teach eVer:! man, the annual bnnquet In bonor of the moneY kem huntmg and fishing Ii.: tery with a tUnely theme-the Civil woman and chUd that carwer Is Harveysburg basketball t aam, wbl'.'h ~ To tbat end be baa request- War In Bpaln-thILt accounts.' for <C\UlIIble. that cancer mortality may was ' beld at 't he .orange Hall he: • ed ~t Oonaervation OommlssJoner mapy of the' strange happenings. be r-eduoed by prompt action, by the Monday everung. Parents of teem Don Waters ~ve several depart.. Foster-"Mustangers" A new Fos· Jndlvldua~. to. spread the danger members wel!'e also guests ot\ the ment beada !!peak before the con- ter western with the usual dash ~nd ,\Ignals and cut delay between ap. Orange. ference on suljb subJ~ as flab ~ authenticity. Pearahce ph0f ~~ 'sfrnatlsb ani ~ Vlf~t , 'Toll8tmaster ' PlJle management,· water oonserv~ JUVENILES to ~e ......o.aD. e ' .wpmens Lvi LUk . h~~t.;~!;i'~th~~, ;:'~~t:~~~~~r:~~~~~~ertlQn arid "control, etC. De Angerl-Copper_Toed Boots- Pleld. Army ()t the '~m08n ~ety In~'s' act1:~~~~ B~alters on ~e~;::~ I W~ not ohIy heartUy agree wlt~ The author writes here the story· of tor i;be Co~tro~ of ,Cancer was or- gram inoluded Billy, Carr. captaIn IIr. PSChter t,hat .knowledge of wild her own father's boyhood In Mloh~ ganlr.ed. TJie Army has t~e. endor&_ of the "t l!'8m CQl\ch Earl Sanborn Iit~ con8er:vatloil activities shoUld be Igan. . ment of the State Medical SOCietY Professor R ·CJ• .MilUpn and Leste~ 'y . more wiC1ely studied and alded by Johnson-"NI\ta1ie" A splendid and of the ~unty medical socletles. Starr. who told,"l1ow"baaketball ' was f ~"ut lI4rs. Ctarelice T: Telfair Is vice plaYed·26 YeaJ.'8 Bio. . A'CaJrdion • __ ..:_ ann 1fOU." , we alao ,f ..... "'" 1 ·"-t ..... present-day story of a fine young solos -'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\"!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~ =. !lJJch co-opeiatlve eftorts shoUld do American girl who, flli~ed. with coinmander of the. Plrst DIstrict were furnished bY ~e, ot aw.a"l W1~ the current attempt ~ lameness as the resUlt of iIlD accL and Ja selecting captains and lieu- WilInlngtanr ' • but getting sore about . the scarcity place the Conservation Dept. more dent. conquers her disabilities. tenants. The war agalnllt cail~ The Harveyaburi basketball team , , ~letflly. lUnder JlOJi~ control Patterson-"Redcoats 'at Oastine" wU\ be waged In this ~trlct, whicb has be'en Wureni cou!ltJ champions by placing the oounc1l enUrely UIl. A st1rrlng story of Maine' at the includes Clinton. Butler. Clermont, for the laSt ~ of HOT WATER do~~n't solv~ the der 'the ' pOlitically appointed DirecPlQtette, and HamUton counties .. ~ .. ; • tor oi Agrtcwture. time of tbe American Revolution. throughout the mopt,b of ~prll. , i. problem, does it?, 'Ransome-"W!e Didn't M'.ean to Subscribe to ithe :MlaJl!:! Gasette. " -go to Sea" Just about tbe most ex. FiG~8 . I Citing adventures the SWallows have MEMBERS' 'BIRTHDAYS for gerJdeinan .to· (Jo, shotgun shells were pur- eVer had, A new book about this TO BE RONO!tED' \' .' POR BA1.!J.-.:OoQd Sapling Clover cbaalld ·ln 11138 for hunting In Obio popular baDd of young peOple. . .of "flying (jff· is', seed. OlarenCe Rye, phone .22R3, -sa eatlrilated b"l the Ohio WUdilfl Waynesvlne Farmers' . Qrangtl iii , '" a;Ji:l Waynesv1lle. . J\42-9-18 RefieaJCb',Statl,on at Ohio State. members who have birthdays ~ aild !lan:h wiD The und~e'd as , Executor 4.300,000 ,rabbits, and 600,000 Jan\l8J"'l, Pebruary . the. estate of Swes, deceased. ppeeaaiita . were eitlmated . by the be suests . at a banQuet Saturday PLUMBINO FlX'tORES _ Elcctl:lo abov~ o-·_··.. tlon to bave been night at Onlnlll Hall; beginning at wW sell at publAc aUction, at he~ PumPS, Heating Supplies, V; Belbj, " The ·supper """ ---'t ' residence :in, on. L-ther Belts. Pulleys, Pipe. Valves ~-t ~In 0..... ..---··0 dur'-~ hunUng seaSon. '1 o'clock. ...... tee late .COrWIn. ,, " '1M.Ohio ...... ""II , , , '-_-' ' SATVRDAlC', APR" 1939 ' - .. . lito, rlgur~, <astronomtcal 'orotbel'· A publlc auction of autom~bllC!!l requestll that other memUCfll ,m· ·Of ~nd' Fittings. '~. ~. Boc;klet Supply .' WJae>, relea.ed ell! '!!Ungar1an Part' owned by the state anq deemed unO, elude ~ , ~ t);eir bBB!'et ·ciliuier. BegUin~g 'Blt eDe O'~lock p:··m. Co. Phone 3~; 415; 19 W. Malo st. . .A ..... u.uirre'- or (shhl) quaUI . necessary tor prOPer operatlO,n of or.ble service. Deed DOt be broUiht· .the following, ,cba~ilels towlt; . \ X I1la Ohl ...... 91 . . . . .w .... , .., th hieb wW I I d Household' il:lOda, cons1atln8 of " . e ,0 ....... ~~ . 300000 dollars aslted .... senate" .• e government. is planned by the A ,vtlrl& ~ '11', , n~ u e ' b' ~o 1,..... ,' or ....urc... ----...o.........- ~Jlcker ,admlnJstration as BOOn as a playlet. and, pJeDty, of ~, m~ MajCl!tlc rang.e·; , eating st9ve. two Q W ... '.. I""": • ..-AD -II burner ·oU . 8~el 1tJ00hen cabln~t; P9~ SAT"'AlJ vari..... ~ • . . ,'tJb lands Llike Eri a census 0 , the macbin es, is com.. Ja belng P.f4!II&I'tN. ....-..." ..,... .... of i :;-e::a, n 'W W" e pleted. Extra autos are being .sent Evpy (p'aDge membe1' 1& urged to ~tenslon " table; ldtcbe~ . ~I~, est yfeldlJla certiOed , hybrld . ODors , on y arr~n to a PQol at the state f,,1r groUnds be present. ,'i'. leather CO':l~h;."ch1ffoDDler; dtei!aer; ~1939,. Indo" .l.; W. IlJi U. OItIlbUUII at laat .tSunda)"s Crystal where the auction Will " BOOn tat, · wa:'h stand; bed,,· sewing mach1ntli 65: . U. S. '52 i 't1. B. '"- brder ;1AakeI ~oot1ng. tourney. Jerry place. Approximately '150 cars are A taa of alfe1fa alfatfa, sewing, oab1Det, . ~ table before the rush. .. th MWa :a-t owned by the state. It Ja estimated leatea th; aoU ' l,n boot c:-ae;.Stazl.41ilc!OCk; Uxl2 B. Oblo ~,::o f~ ,rom 22 Y~ds. W· thi,t' abQut 450 . 01 these '!ill', be' ~e';' the 8&D1e 'condition aa It -.s at the lam~,. 3 :~~ .6. cbaira) 2 '. • . ~ from PranklIn, with assigned and 'the balance' sold. . beiUlnina' of the to~ Jear8~ Tbel:~ ~, .braSs. ~:~t.Jei : fold~g lr.o"llnllll MId" -'-. \ w11l be DO_Ol', _IR t:..-. ~n pro. J)oard, sweepel .• tqt of dfiibea," -...,..,..~...."...-.....;:;~--,....-...,;.,.....,...4. • f'· ... In . ...... ' . The State 'Hlghway d~t duct1~t1. tbi'ough the .production of ~~,_~~, ~~ ~~ to ' ma&\"I tI ' th . ea wu munerous men on. reports .ere were 9,250 auto· mJa.. ~eae ~ . ' OASB . baIlS OIl Btt\te highways ~ year u " , i of ..., . . . for - - agalna~ 9,638 In 193'T. - a .j:IecUne or Olean fleeca. ~ tied with paPer W. N. Sean. A_~ t.o ndemptIoD l aIMJut I per cent. ~Idee' de- ati1nI. brq the beet prlees. Bur- c. DoaaJd ~ AUT• ... DIW law. the elIDed 111 Per cent, or '&om 885 In era .wID not· .., 1fOOl prfCiea for B088 B. ~=:i~"; at I un to 6'18 In I ....... 'savJng of 11'1 dirt, burri, chaff. and atber fOl'e18Il 0"
SPQrtlmen Comer ------......------
Local Happenings.
~':,ng1s~n:~eo:~~lu:~;~te:o: llEW BOOKS' AT 11 UBLIC LIBRARY
Waynesville Fl:lrmers' Exch~nge
Warne."i!!e, o.
®JC~urse He's Mad!
..The .~g
PUIf II·c· C!:-.le
Stat,e CaPI-1'1 a N'ews
' inst~d
I uw..
. '.
, 1DAfaiaII,.
L~, Ha~eysb\qi
~~ ban~e,"
Minty.Firat Year "",,-
omo.-TU,URSD~ Y,
W'hole Number. 3973 ..
MARCH, ·23, 1939
Harvey ' M . Burnett. Lytle was . named th~ iWarren county member of the board or-dLrectors at the MEETING · Miami Valley Cooperative MUk Pro_ ducers' association, which met in An 11.11 day meeting' of the<Lndles Dayton last week. Aid SOCiety of the Methodist church WIIS held at the home of Mrs. WaL ter Whitaker on Wednesday. The guests at honor were all members whose birthdays werc In' .January and February. namely, Mrs. W E. Stroud, Mrs .. Ralph Hnstlngs, Mrs. Miss Ruth Britain Is worklpg In Dallas Boger, Mrs. R. D. Collett, Oolumbus. Mrs. Cora Rich, Mrs. U. G. Whetzel Dr. A, E. Stout and family and and Mrs, .J. P Ulrrick. A sumptuous Mrs. Charles E; Boyer were Dayton dinner ' was enjoyed by all ~hose visitors, Sunday; present and the honored guests Mrs_ JeSSie Hyman end son Rob_ were presented with a beautiful birthday cake on which all their ert visited friends In Cincinnati, Sunday. name!; were Inscribed, Mrs. .Morris Fulkerson sang two Mr. and ' Mrs. Al Polinsky spent Irish songs-"When Irish Eyes are the week end; with theLr mother. SmlUng" and . "Where The River JIIrs. Jessie Hyman. Shannon. Flows". In honor of the Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brown and son bLrthday of the preSident, Mrs. W. of Franklin visited Mr. and Mrs· , E. Stroud, Mrs. J . E. Witham wrote and -read a poem "An Ode to Our Harry WUUamson, Sunday. PreSident" Miss Anna Marilyn Mrs. Charles Whitaker oC New WhItaker ,played tVlo plano solos Kensington, Pa. Is visiting Mr. and and a duet With Mrs. Charles Whit.. Mrs. Walter Whitaker. aker. . Myron Thomas of Dayton, visited An Old fashioned Easter hat pahis parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. rade <;ontest was enjoyed by tllo Thomas, Saturday. guests WJth a prize f.or the wearer of the most fashionable bonnetMr. anr Mrs. Vernon SLmpson Several other contests brought were Wednesday evening guests at the program and an enjoyable the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. I . Satday to a ClOse. The Aprll meeting terthwaite. wlll be held at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Marla Elbon -and Mrs. L. M. A. H. Stubbs. Henderson have moved lilto Mrs. Henderson's property at the corner of ThIrd and Miami streets. .
AT COUNTY . HOME ' John Jones, 61" died at the Wor_ ren countY Home satUrdaY morn.. Ing folloW1ng a long llIness, Be was born . in WayneavIDe, a . son of the late Isaac and MarY J. Pratt Jones oIlnd lived hI.!i entire life In thla communib'. Surviving are one bro~er; Charles, or Waynesvllle and one ltater, Mrs. Luella Decker
Funeri.l serviCes, !COnducted by the Rev. ' J. V. Lacy. held at the McOlure funeral home Tuesday II,ttemoon Gnd burlal was in MIatnl
HLElle .
BANnUET 't! .HELD' The annual uthletlc-band ban.. quet was held Thursday. Murch 16. In the 0011001 cafeteria. Following the dlnner Tressler Hardin respond_ ed lor the band and Robert Clary ' for the athletic group_ County Sup-
Miss B etty Hartsock of. OlnclnnalJ erlntendent 0 , H. Bohl and It. p . spent the week end with her parent . HalCleld made short speeches after Mr, and Mrs. Bel't Hilrtsock. ? which COMh Turner presented the letters_ Mr. Holt from Springboro Dr. A, E. Stout nnd L. C_ St._ John entertained with his magic tricks. attended Masonic Inspecl iop at New Those reclevlng letters Include: Robert Burlington, Wednesday cvenlng. Softball- Robert ·Clary. .. Planck, Robert Preston. Ralph Pe_ Charles Mrs. JulIa. Bergen I~.' [or the pl'es_ tenl, Albert Robert;son. I cnt making hel' home with hcl' son r Collett WI fl ld S tt R be t B Jamel; and IJlmlly . n e co, 0 r en . , bow, Lowell Sinclair, Harold Ruthel;' Miss Mary J ane Niles of Oolum- ford . Ray Mlller, and Manager Bllly bus. Is a guest In the home of Ros;; Melloh. Basketball- Robert Clary H, l'Iartso. k and family. this week. Charles OoHelt, Robert Preston, Robert Planck, Ralph Peters, Har_ Ma~r Donald Lukens spent tho old Rutherford and M·anager Ray day Sunday with Mr. and Mrx Kel_ MIII(!r. Icr Hoak and family, Reserve$ receiving numerals were Billy Spitler, Robert Benbow, WinMiSs Nancy Clalle spent liOveral days last week In thc home of ·Mr. field Scott, Harold Anderson. Billy I and Mrs. Paul at Bellbrook. MeUoh . and Warrl;n Cook. . Junior High le~ters were Mrs. Charles West of Wasllington Tom Florence, Roy Planck. Bernard D. O. was the guest 01 Miss Helen Daley, Carl McKeever, Raymond Jillwke, Thursday of lasb weok. Purks. ilnd Manager Bob Berry.
I Layout 01 the rwO-llcre Dol' Sct:JUI camp at the New York World's Fair, to be used by 3900 different Scouts and learl"". from all sections of cbe United Slales during the Fait season. I
have produced outstanding articles ContactS with OMenl.Service projem will be nn imporScouts ')/ Am~.irn 'IDa, apply for '.n of handicraft .lDd c'mpcraft 10 have opporl un' ry :0 t~':e pllrt in d unique them ~hOWD ill this tenl al the tant part of a Scout's pro&rarn duro Wo,ld': P"I, .nd 'lbe exhibit will ing four or 6ve bours each day . This demon~', ati(' n ro nd ,ervice CAmp at Ihe New Yo,1c \ '\.Volld's FQlr, Dr. !epreKnl tbe IfmeJI craftsmanship so will put Scouts · hl . tOllcb with the maDOg,menl of Ihe enterprise, and James E. , Wesl, alief Scout Execu. rer developed by Scouts. tbe, will have IDlny · occasions to tive of the N"tionnl Cou'lciI, Boy Near this tcot lhc;re will be an meet the distingu4bed persons in. The Dayton Outdoor club paid Its Scouls ~f America, ha ~ :InDouncc:d The plnn for a Scout camp of ap· "pen area fO.I: flaf; ceremonies. to- volved in the Pair. annual visit to Waynesville, Sunday pr .. ximQlely 1'0 ditTcrent Scout. :lnd !:ether with a rushc campfire amphiThLrty-two members enjoyed a hllte There will be. occommo'dations leaders each wet'k, o~ a two·ncre site theatre (or dramatic~ dnd other spec· followed by dinner at the Little Inn. ....ithin ~the Fair Brounds from April ucular dcmon:stralions and a dininll fo'r only 3,900 of the 1,271,000 prcsen'-iegistertd Sceut membership, 30 10 October 31, was approved by: ' I~ II with full equipment. mos. of whom, lud&ing fr~m re· Mrs. Maude Orane III spending formal IClioo of the .managets of T~' I'~e al Galeway quests alread1 on hand, would like thIS week with her daughter, Mrs. - the Wor""~ P~ir ('orpoutinn and Tbe galew.,' is to be an .imposing to avail them sa Ins of Ihis privilege. the National COWlcil. Boy Scouts of "nc :with a 40 foot totem pole. The The opportunity will be open to Loren Ja.mcson, and famUy, at WavAmerica. headqulrten buildirlg ~ilI serve as Scouls in any pari of the Uniled erly, Ohio. .The camp, . 0 -e tocated immedi- the admini5lrlltion centcr for the Slates who meet the sundards pre, Iltl, adjacenl II' . rh~ Pc'!eral Build. camp, and a s, will surround scribed b, th« National CoiJncil, Mrs, Jessie Robltzer of Daywn inll. will accornmodate four Troops the entire camF' area: In line with Ihe and preference will be gillen to apspent the week end with her parof 32 Scouts aNI tour leaders. Each syO\p!iony oJ ~IOA of Ihe World', plications in the order of their ule · ..,iII ~ ~q uipped with' tents 01-: Fair the Seoul ca¥ ~ "ill be mOil- receipt. ents, Mr and Mrs. D. J. ·:..iiti"us colon and designs. There coloiful ' "'irb !be Dying aags of .n tatt. All camp reservalions must be will b... I. rgt" It'nt for the displav SCOUI nations wavins aloft, • symbol <'f. Scouting i nclud in~ "'oodcrafi, of world brol~t'rhood .and a friendly made through local SCOIII Councils Miss Emily Brown ot :W"I ·ftftft and cnmpcraft , There will ' greeting to visilors from aU over and oor lIif"ctly with the: National and Mr. Charles Carnan b, "i'I'O rlunity for Troops Ihar Ihe world. Council. dinner ue~ilo8.l",,;::==-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--,________-:...._ _ _ _ _ _-=-_ more M land at St. Mary's rectory Monday. '--------. •
As the deadline ou 1938 auLo_ mobl1e I./lgs Is April 1, whloh is only n little more than one week t\\vay. Deputy Registrar J . O. Hawke urges those who havc not procured their tags. to do so as soon 3S posslblc und not walt until lh lust minu te.
.._u_____._ ._..
Local Happeniilgs
!,. J9 ~3~8~T!!.A~G!..!:S!.......-I-..........,I'T'i'T'II'_
Any '1".lili~ m"m b~r of Jte B01
xar 0-
The Rev. & L. Haenell and L. ACHIEVEMENT ' H . Gordon attended the rural_urban luncheon of the Wllmlpgton Rotary
C. '
The boys and girls of Waynesville
SFUl :en: ~~:~t'Ya::t I~:V::~
The Kl,llg's Heralds of the Metho· dlst Sunday schOOl ' wUI meet at the hOI;lle of Mary Ann Melloh after KE8RICK school on Monday, Much 27. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout were In
Ashland . 0 ., Friday evening to call on Dr. and lItrs. John Riebel, Wll0liO son John In dl d ta t Th d Walter Kenrick, of Lytle, last . ,e 5 urs ay· Wss Marle Storcr has returned week W.1l8 appoInted manager of the to the home of Mrs. Maude Orane Warren county oUtce of AId tor. the after a !Ive weeks visit to 11er par_ Aged at Lebanon. He succeeds Thomas Hunter, of Morrow, ,who cnts in MartlnsvUle. was notllied or his dlsmlsaal. Mrs. M.. 'Vern ArmItage spent the Nevil, Hauenstein, ortlce assistant, week end with her son-In_law and and Blair Miller, InvestIgator, weie daughter Mr • .and Mrs. Woodrow also released from the Warren county c,>rnc~ , It waa sta~ In reOwens, In SpringfIeld. ports from Columbus. .M rs. Ralph Hastings attended a Mr. Kenrick served os head of the s!;!o,,!e!: gllt en for i!er !lI.ece,. ¥r~ Bernhardt, at the home ' of Mrs. pension oftlee '1'rOm 19:t4 to- 1937 , Robert Ollver, in Morrow, 'llhursday O.E. S. BE()tJPTION , Vernon Chap·ter. O. E. S. Clarks.. Mr. and Mrs· Walter Ross of Mason .were gw~I.1Htt4he-i1QrmEro1HiIr.I-vtIUe-~e:deJTdinnr'1JJvttnttOJl"""t(jnne~ and Mrs. J. P. Lardck, Fdday eve. order to attend a recepUon tor the nJng,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis FIres and fam
' ~e~·H~~, =ChP:;I,~~O 8":~: at Inspection dates for the. 21st" dls_
Illy sltCnt Sunday at the home ot ~Ict are: . -
.L18RAHY:'~·f:~~y ~~h~;~te~:~~~
" ~~~~~~gM, ~::·29.
clUb, Monday. PROGRAM SUCCES , PRESENTS Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. WUUaql Lukt;ns get a chance 'to fill their tln}e and AU slgns , IncD:lllte a. jugo , and were guests at a party given by Mr. minds with the things that develop Bert C. Hartsock IliI.d W. E . Cor_ New Burlington, AprU .13. enthusiastic audience will witness and Mrs. CUht Taylor of Harveys- The Warren 'County HOme Makers real character, but when allowed to Arrangements are belnir comple. lieU visited Mr. and Mrs William Morrow, April 19, the schOOl oper_ burg Friday evening. "Blow Ne turned out ~ great numbers to at.. drift for them.selves they often fall ted for tHe Installation of the New )4ichener nnd famli y of Pittsburg, Martinsville, Aprll 21 etta' which will be given Fr.I~y eve_ tend the annual Home Demonstra. Into evil way.. Pit .. over the week end. IJeesburg, April 24 : High 8ojlool AlumnJ Refer~nce LL New Vletl1la, ~prtl 27, Rev. Kerns Preston of Chicago tlon Achievement Day program at ning, In the ,new auditorium. Nearly Our Troop has been. a wonde-rlul brary .to our school. Mr. and Mrs; J_ B. Chapman and Wllmlngton May 1 eighty-five students are t&t1ng part will spend the week..end, and his the Town Hall in Lebanon on Tueshelp to ra nwnlb er of boys, but they . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ohapman and W Ul M '" 75th blrtl:lday with his $On J . K. In. tt:'e .'prociu.c tion sj;aged ~y Mr. day. need co-"-unll'y' .... ckln.g to at.-In The second unit of books has ar_ aynesv e, ay II ,. .. IIUII L . . . daughter Peggy Ann, motored to HI1lJ;boro M y 8 Prank assisted by MIss Beaeh Gnd Preston, and famUy. The program' was begun G. 10 the fullest good. We need a place to rived and together ,w ith the first Cincinnati Sunday. ' . , a ~· ~~ 'I . A l\ttl~ d·s ughter, "~ancy Jean" o'clock with group singing conduct- call "Scout H'e adquarters", a cabin unit we now have 132 volumes t o . B l a n c h e s t e r , May 12, "Blow Me Down" is laid at sea was born to Mr.. and Mrs. Harold ed by Mrs .. George Noel. or room they can fix up and call It add to the library. Mr. and Mrs. M~lon Whitaker 0 . Greenfield, MaY 15 and concetna the fortunes ot the Hutchinson at the Good SamarItan A most InterestlJ,lg talk on color Home. CinclO1).atl were guests at thc .hpme HlU'Veysburg, May pirate "Blae . k, Death". A boilt.. hosplta,1 in Da'Jton, MaI'Gh' 21st. Mrs in "Gill Ellothlng" - w . a's then given An Informal dedicatory program of Mr. and . , iT If you are not 8cout.mlnded, Sa~a , June, 7 load of atu(lents on a tpur bas ~n Hutc~ was formerly Miss by Miss Edna Ca1lahan ' of Ohio won't you read up on some of these has been planned for March ;ro at Sat,,",~ay night. Sinking Springs. June, 9 ~pt~~ by the 'plr)ite8 an4 the en... '.Jeannette Fox. State I·Unlversity. ' Her ideas- and <8ct.1vities and lend a hand. There 2 p. m. at whlc'h Ulnc' the books will Mr. and MrS: G . A. Allen Imd Mason, June 16. IIUlng. ,difflcUltles which develOp as suggesUons for stylea, and colors to is no blgger OJ: more Lmportant · be presented to the ach.ol. the plot .dev~ops and' unfolds wID B~dd:...~rawere~lch san ," 'dlnnRebear' suit c~ta1n types and personalities thing to. .be done bere than to work Appropriate music will open the family of ~ancaster; Ohl.o, Mr. . and MOTIIER'S OLUB OARD PARTY . d a~ und iT. !l1ake Cor . a meat entertalnlrig eve- .- --1!(ere then demonatfated by style Mrs. Austin ~nner rand ilallghter .; ntns. guests of Mr. and Mrs. GUbert Frye show. About 1'1 m~ela took part In ~wards a better spirit of morality program and folloWilli introdUCtory oC Lebanon, were guests of Mr· and FRII?AY, MAROH 31 celebrating Mrs. Ritch'! birthday an.. tbI8 display o~ new sprlJig fallhions. and training :for our young people. .remarks by Mr. Ga.IIlt, Oharles M. Mrs. O. W. Allen al}d dllUghter, , nlversary whi.h 0CCUI:red on .aatur- Three of these, .... __ .. __ Satte~_ - It's our anllwer to the dictators, Mary, Suhday. Are. YOIl planning to attend the 'I'UBEBCULOSIS ASSN, TO MEET day • --- l U l U and all those forces In the world, Cartwrtaht, Chfcago, m., .chairman . wiUte, Mrs. ~er Sheehan llnd who would te,o r doWn ' our' form of of the Alumni Llbl'DrY Committee Mrs. S. D. ' Henkle of Lebanon Mother'a Olub card party on ~. . , I Duke f W .. , day, March 31? The district meetlJ)g 'of , the TU.. Ray comi~ underwent a major Mrs. Oar were, rom aynes_ government' and dlarupt the mIndB will make the preaentatlorl. Mrs: vlsited friends In Wo.ynesvllle, SunAs it VIas announced In last weeks . .' "-~Ifttlon. ·w1Il . be ' held ,. operation a·lI4Ia . mt Valley h. ospltal, vUle. The · ~on berc· ul-... UOAO ............. . ~ to mornlng ,.... lth · ·I was b 0f, our beys a nd -'-Is. ... Geneva Dymond, ,sclttool librarian day everung •. Mr. and Mrs. H"nkle ,. paper, -the purpose .of this . project March 3d 1n the' TOwn' Ball at Leb- saturday morntng. Mrs'. conner brought a c ....... w mus c y sCout, COmmittee, Troop 40 wlll entertain their five hundred Is to Jil.1se money for the school anon .The meetlng wID tJegln at 10 staying With lrie.n ds in Day top, the Home Ml1lters Chorus. . WayrlesvWe, OhIo. will r!lSPQnd and Mls& Margaret Ed- dinner club Saturday evening. lUMhes: ' What could be a more 0'.'--'-. ~- foll--'-a .6-. counttea bI' n,ear ,her hu,sbahd, Last reports . Mrs. ,Path Schaeffer, president of ; warda, preatrent of the AlwnnJ Asso . ......... 'LDe u ...... ""U . Mr. and 'Mrs. Ell Furnas and fam. worthwhlJe cause thari feeding our w1U be repn!lleDt.ed. Adama, Br~ are that ,~ conditlo_n Is the Wt.rren County ,Home_ Exten.. ,elation will ~ng Bl'CCtlngs. K. N. " o;.'U· 01 ' t Clinto '0 man eoundi we:.s chairman for the BJ,RTHDAY BIUPPEB Hough, vlce~preB1dent the bOard' lIy, at¥! Miss Catherine Bl'snstrator lKlys and girls? • ~u. er, ,ermon. , ., n,' reen!!. , Mrs Alva' Thompson ,Mrs It. D: . . AT GRANGE MEETING of .Morrow, were "sunday dinner '· Tables tor brldge, . five hun4l'ed Bamllton, Mol,l;tKomery, Preble, Colltit~' Mrs. J. K. Pr~ton, R. day. In the afternoon an ~tructlve '-of .educatlqn, w1U apeak for that guests at Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Bran.. or Otilnese checkers will' be ar_ Warren l ' , ....~ talk on "Music in Homemaklng was . '. ~ I);ody and Tre_Ier Hardin, ~resldent ranged In the new high school . • " , . ·R Hartsock end ~. ;Raymond given by LyDian JacIttion of Farmers' Gralltr1! No. 13 ellJoyed at the studen' council: Will speak strator. LuDcb wll1 be serv~ at the Gold· Braddock .attended lnspecUQn Olilo State University The h18h a sUlDptuous \)anquet Saturday eve for the schoel. Bemarka will be ~ . Katllerlne Prendergast ' and Cli"eteFIJl. DeJlciou,s rei~~ntli en Lam.~, PlC1'8:8 ~e resuvatlonl. "Star ,l odse at , PleaSant llght 'ot the e1'teinoon ~rqgram was JlJng, the first of a serlea of b\J'th- made by J .' B. Crabbe .u nder · whose Mr. Jesse Prendergast were dinner Will be l!Ierved during the afternoon ~. The meeting 18 open to all. rudge, C1rlc1nnatl, Monday evening. the Waynesville Rhythm" Band. day dlnners for members o~ ·the supervision additional Ubrary stacks guests of.Mr. -and' Bryan Pren_ and playas long as. you Ilke . 1 te f th 0 ' 1 a~d " :30. Tlrcktlt:s ate.25c Dr. 'and ~. Horace Sherwood, fl.·bere 'were fl boys and gLrIs the prev oua. ~uar rs 0 e range are being made and Raymond Brad dergast. and famlly of WlDtdn Place and ,a re on sale by members at the en route to their home in Doland, enUre class of Mrs. J . ·W. Kersey; .year. 18 ~embers w : birthdays , dock, high school prlnclpal. The; OlnclnnaU, Sunday. . -finance committee. .f Sou~" Dakota, arter touring the . grade 'teacher .' The. ~ un.' occur in Jan11W"!, - . ruary Gnd program WUl close With the singing Miss Lois l..ukens was dinner '_.a 8ta ' .a.were·< ... ' .... ts of 'their tl.. .,,~ rt _A_"~_ March sat at 81 })eauUfuly appointed· of the school ion&' UnI ..,.. ...... . .dar the dLrec Ou a nvu<1 . . . - - - tabl 1 ded !th ood things d • gUest of Miss Ruth Ear.nhart, FrL ANNl1A. , L FAMILY D~ , .~t1t~, MrS. '~rid . was reCeived With grut enthUsiasm. e oa ,w g . , an ' Pollowlng 'he library esercMeS day', March 17. 'the occasion ce10_ Qettysbui1r, Pa' :a~d Ployd B~ and family, oveJ'l!.lg~t Wedneiday, P: B. Smlth~ Interior 'decoratpr from a wonderful birthday cake.. 't0ther the- library a~ n;unIon commit~s " bratlng-'RUth's fourth blrthda.y anof ~Ord,. Pa... ./Ipent ~e week ~ . , ", '.. ' , ',' ~. . ' The Me .Kumier 00. talked on . mem~rs, numbering abo\lt . 0 sat of 'Ui'e AlumJd As$)clatlon wll~ hold '.wtth theJr paren~, Mr· eJlCl' MnI, ~: ' Mr. ~I Bodenbenqer. ,,,,-brics in llvlni room decor~ at s!:lft'Oundlng tabl';8. At~ the, ~ "cofuereDce at ·Mrs. McClul'e's Llt_ niversary.' On .' Sukrday Ruth was 'Po ~. , at LoveIan~ s~t s~Y afternoon .The ·atteriwon p~ was feast all adJoumed to the lodge UI! lpn,,' ~ aJ1~e for the ~ual l1gain ~onored ~GerL her parents, 'Mrs. C. N. Be~hUl'and da\ll~~ anr eveJ;llnaWlth Jog:' .. and ,~. Mor. by , mUilc' from ' the Bome room ,for a , ~c sesa1on and the gathe~. ,,!oIa, 27. · Mr, a Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. ll. , B Earnl)art elL M188 Ctara. vls1ted Mias ~e and ria~. Mr. ~1Id Mrs. Harold $orUa 1lDd 1fO\\P alDg1ng ,follOWlDa PI"OIlUl" ~~g~t will be h~ts ~t e toea to tertained at dinner: Mr. ' and' Alvin Ellrrihart .and sons, LaMar, M188 ~e Browne, 8UDdQ . V~ ~It ~ Mr. ana,. the entire assembly.. With iliuch Sone ' by the assembly . the, oftlcera. Of the AlWJlDi Aasoc\a, Earl and AIkin. -. '~.. ~!~. were . aJ80 a large re(Jresen~t1on. and,such an '~Ita,,?~ Donna- ~~~ Brannock, Uon the ~r& of the t~o noon," , . Dr ~ Uri, J. W. · W~ ....._ .. ..... wno at theinterel~ end ~1t\lnI ~ Vocal d_... MJ~· aDd. aKa. R. D.~... COIIlInlttees. PI'e!I1dent ~arsa~t W, Mr. , and Mrs: 'A. F o' MeUo~ and , < the follCiw1Dl frleDda, ~: home• ., It 'wu trul1"Acblevem8nt DaJ" lor le~t . Jldwards ~ prea1dtt at the .business 'daughter end Rev.- and Mrs. J. V• a~ ur. AneD "J:IDdck of ~ On ,BUndai f!V8IllDI. Mr. aDd Mrs, Wattep ' COUDty Home 'lIaicra 'and Paper. S. B. Billa . . IM!iJ8ion. MI'&l .Ruth }Jflrtsock Walton ~ . returned Friday from .a Mr. and JIn., Kemaetb ~UIb Ralph eiltlertabuid the· 'ol. for Mila JilIlIabeth ' ar.,ddY. the IIon1a UId Mary Brown oJ Darton wh1 be present aa -will weeb' trip tlirough: Flor1.da ............ . 1!ndDIr· . . . ..:-a t dSaIIeI'--Dr • and Bame J!lXteDIloJl ApIlt. Iaylet. and ~ lin, JrI1aa Belen ~e, treasurer a~ their tour U1ey 'were dinner Mr. abel'lIn. Pm7 .Davla 01 oar. f6." aua.. I ~. . 'Elmer Mrs. 001dle MIaIlDa J&mea, secretary.' Of Mn. 0all1e 'Oross and . 'roll., ~..' aDd JI):I. _ DeUb . . . , . . UId 1Ir. __ .lin., Mary caroUuo L1IADI. Buth 000· Borden, In view~bat U1III means &0 Weatherall, ot Englewood• .... aa4 claaib- of OIDeJnnaill, dImIe . . ~. RobIrt ~ aod DoDaId 001 .$IbI, Mr. lin. & D. Collett. the local . • ~ bope4 that a TIley alI!.O viIlted W. E, O'Neal .......- .... ~ IDL (l . . leU .~ • ~ ....... UDl- .''IIadul' lin. 8. 8, am. number 01 AlWNd and frlendl remDy 'In JacboDYIJ1e and . . . . . wnltrr IIa&UtdaJ . . . JIUIIo..' aDd ...., Bran wUl 1» . . . . . lor :till OCIIUIIoa " 1 , BlUk In JalUal.
M .· r s •
and.,. ,..,....
tltbe _,ami
WayneaviUe, Obio eorid CIa.'WI Mllil Matter -oat Postoffice
rane . Editor and Publi . . he r
Suoocription Pric.e. !I.50 Per Year, Payable in Advance
8 ;00 Mu i ;05 F~I'm Mana g m e n t Tips f or 4-H'ers-Floyd D e-
La hmu tt, Ext. Fa rm Management Specialist 8 ;15 Vocational Hom e 01'
r ange
Ec onomi~s Program--Student
ou n ty, directed ' by Miss Vlr.ginia Gibson, In-
8 ;25 Columb u s F e d eral Orche tra
8;35 Water in R e lation to Plant Growth-H. E. Eswine 8 ' 45 From t.h
Observation Tower-Mrs. Dorothy Sil·
cott Hammans , A sst· State Home Demonstration Leader.
S '55 Colu m us Federal Orchestra 9 ;05 Tips on Good Plowing-R. D. Barden, Extension . Agricultural Engineer.
9 ;15 Community and Cooperative Service Loans-Explained by Otto Nuetzel-and R. H. Knoop , Farm Security Admin., Columbus.
9 ;30 ColuB1bu Federal Orchestra
-<>-- .
.A F·a ir Pair
. ..
I State Capital News.
SatUrday entertallled wbat was, I An Investlgl;ltlon- of the Ohio Pen.. bope, th IlISt snow of the season. ,It iLentlary having reveMe" sr ~ ir· Qlew lustllr I\nd then the slin would re larlt! s, State!! Dil'eclor of WeI. peep coyly through 'the clouds anti !are Chorl s L . Sherwocxl ; has s sthe snow wQul(1 blot I~ out a'!fII ln . I~ pended WIU·d..: n James Wbodard, h Is w~ In truth, a reoI Maroh day" . son and St! V 11:1 1 guards. all I\v\>olnl., Lawrence Tbomas su:fercd Ulv,e. e ees of Governor [)QvcY. The Invcslnjurles to his back Monday When tJgatJon disclosed : a huge 11mb feU from Ii tree he w 1 That at least fi ve dJIferenL outting striking him on the sma ll liqUor seiling places haV e ~e n opel'_ of the back. His condition Is sQmeatlng InsJde Lhe penlt .ntlady wa.1's, what Improved however. with prisoners purchaslllg liquor nt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cornell were prices from $3 to $5 a pint. Sunday guests of the Lawrence Moores at Wilmington. In the after. 1 That marijuana clgarettcll ha ve nOOn they called on friends Ill'oulld been sold to Inmates at an aVerage price of 25 cen.ts ~ach. Lebanon. The Women's Missionary society 3 That crap ga mes bave been opel' ot the Waynesvllle and Ferry ated Withln the walls. one InvesU· ohurches will. meet wltlt Mrs . For. gator report being that as much rest Martin <li t Centervllle this W!!d· as 1600 was on t.he table at one nesday. Hme. Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Smith, Mrs. 4 That poker games with large J, S . Filer and Mrs. T. B. Brannock stakes have. been frequent. were guests o( the Rev. Clinton A complete reOrganization Is now Fisher famUy at Sabina lilSt Friday under way and It Is reported that, Mrs. Gerhard Is still on the sick the Warden and some t went.y list. (fUards wUJ be pennn.oen tly' severed Rev ..Clarence Bennett-and daugh from the state. service. tel', Geneva, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. p. J , Thomas, Sunday. Every person lIvlng in Ohio would Sunday evening callers at the haVe a bank balance of $313.'73 It de Thomases were Mrs. Lottie Starke. posits ot the state's 709 banking In. Mr. Albert and Miss Freda Starke: stlUltions werE.> divided evenly Mr. and Mrs. Perry Faul and son among the Inhabitants. according to and Wilma 1'homas visited the flyblg tlelds and broadcasting stations the annunl report of th e Oompt· Pretty "Miss Oregon," otherwise Miss Barbara John80n, ~akes roller of ' The Ourrency. Deman" the bull by the horns at the National Beef Show at the World's around Olncfnnatl Sunda.y. and time' deposits In Ohio banks Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Thomas and Fair of the West on Treasure ·lsland. The curly haired beauty at the left Is p,iIIsbury Mixer, p'rlze winner In the cattle show. ~,1 children were Sunda.y evening BlIp. total $2.118,610·00 Which Is credited per guests at ilie Lawrence Thorn- Lo 2.36'7.136 depositors. .SOme 4.600._ 000 Ohioans have no bank accounts. aoos. The Tom Fordyces caUed on the P . J. Thomases Sunday afternoon.
OHIO DISCUSSION CROUP ON NBC FARM-HOME HOUR . A rural discussion group representing the Brownhelm Congre~ational Church fn Lorain county, will broadcast on the National Farm and Home program 0'11 Wednesday March 29. Their topic will be problems .of church and state relations in rural lif~. Ohio stations to carry the broadcast include WLW; Cincinnati, WeOL. Columbus, and WHK, Cleveland
With a B,u ckeye In Congress•••
Bevis A. HW, PaatGr
. , Cl.AaaNC& 3. . .OWN
.......... c:..a- , ..... .,.......
Manlh 26. 1939
. 9:30 a. ''In. Sunday school
_ . . _ _
Sa~urda '
Friday -
"Bank .Niflht" -SCREEN-
, I Lady
and the !t'ob" Fay Balnter '- Lee Bowman
Continuoul Shc.wI Dally Adultl Only 160 'Til 2 P. M.
Director of State Highways Belghtler has announced an e-lq>Cll. dlture ot approxlma~ly $15.000.000 this Year In a campaign to talte Ohio tllrmers "out of the mUd". The program calls tor the surfacing ·of 2,000 miles of secondary highways and Is expected . to (five employment to thousands of workmen during the .year,
COMING SOON "Olclnhnyn", Kid" FZ)
.. t
-rd '
The Na.tlOll5 Oapltal ha.s been ge.t... per congresslo:nal ' Investigation be Leslie Gorsuch, Supt. tlng a wte ot what lallor troubles made of the nl~essity for the, appro. . 10:30 a. m. mornlng worship "The Ohio Senate will make his· end a stdke really mean. As these prlatlon beforEt vqtlng the money. 7';30 P. m. Ohrlstlan Endeavor ' tory this afternoon", said a Senator words are written long lines of men The fight will soon be on and pro': Go to church and make the Lent- addressing the Senate In 1919. "We en season one to be remebered. Will pass upon two bills, one plaolng and ,women pickets march slowly to m1ses to be a bitter one. and tro In front of the entrances of -Mr. <and Mrs. Willard Taylor and qual,l on the song bird list, the other W~hlngton's hotels. For more than The bUSiness lIppeasement 'pro_ sons of Dayton spent Sunday With giving women the right to vote.· In a week their ceaseless marching bas gram of Preslclent Roosevelt and his Mr. and Mis: 'Lester Gorsuch ' and other words, we wID place the qUail . th t continued and despite the predlntion advisors through pledges of coopera, daughter MarIe. on the SODg bird , list and take the F armers In e.' ·old.domini.on" have been making an of an early peace, no settlement"now tion with business r.ather than In.. Mr• and au... ...- Ber t BunneU and woman otf the song bird l!.st b" d 10 so I vmg theIr milk marketing problems exce II en d h'- tertalned Mr. and Mrs. placln a them In' poUt1~ s". Quail3 · t recor t . I . seems in -'ght A ult f terference tax reforms, and credit aug ''''''0 en accor d !,ng 0 an artlc e m the Dairymen's League News . .... . s a res many 0 " 0 P " , _ _ the -NatJon's law-111akers bave been old to /imall c()DCCfIUJ, seemlngl:! bas . . Lyle, ot HWsborq, Mr. and were placed on the 60ng bird list In ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN During 1938, in Richmond, Vir.ginia, there was unjver~' embarassed by' beblg compelled to had bu e'~o no,;..efte~t on bust- Mrs. Vaughn Mutten of Sprm,gboro 1919 and every .leglslature sinCe then rour Cattle, bop••beep atad calv.. sal cooperation between producer and distributor-and cross. the p'tcket lInes each night and ness conditions generally. The Presi_ Mr: and Mrs. Oharles Hoover and has' been tlesetsed 'With pleas to re_ to Norrill-Brock CI.•• lin wire all. it was achiev.ed wi hout hel. from eit er mornln., Some of the leglBlators dent~s messall'e to Oongress on the son of Dayton. Mrs. Sylvester Nart- peal the law· SmaU groups ot Ohio PNlP'eaaive t!rm for the hlah... ker and Mrs Will Lewis S d . ' market prices and good lIel'Viee. . . f ed era I governments. The farmers were represented by bave mqveCi ftom the' picketed ho- ·W. p. A. ~1gency APpropriation. , ' • un ay. sports have a repeal bill be for~ the , Unlo. Stocl! Yard,' Clnci••~ti. O. a Coope~ative.· Milk Producers' . Association which sat tels, but many others, ' who Ws recent sbal~ments relative to his Rev. and Mrs. Htu' spent Bun~ay legtsla.ture now which has Ol'OUS¥dl hne in on Radio, Station wCR'Y ' down WIth representatives and distributors and thrashed leases 0.0 their hotel accommoda._ )lOwer to Jasu,e three bllllo.o dollars with Mr. a~d Mrs. George Oale and the ra~rs to~such an extent that 12:211 to ,Ut:aO-P.-JD. for:9U1' daU, ?ut i~ues .. The resul~; A~stable and orderly market dur-. tiona, ere " fa clng the music." In worth of gree:nbaou, and the IpoS.'i , family. there appears to. be r.o c!!a"!.Ce fo~ market repoTtl. . 109 the'. entire year, WIth sales increasing. A four-year.old spite ot the more or less veUed b1l1ty thereot, and other recent bap_ The , Senior Live Wires had their Its passage. " , fi3deral Jicense plan was voluntarily dropped by the.fartn- threats 'of future political retallatlon penlngs and u~terances, hav.e not class ~ ~uraday evening at the ers . Numerous dinners, banquets, and been encouraging to either the 'busl. home of Miss Marte Gorsuch. Nearly 27 'out of every 100 girls 'Dealers and far 'I ' k ' k d t th d other functions. including the meet. ness or financial situations. Shrewd The young people's"class had their employed in meIl:antile eslab~ lsh· ers 1 eWlse wo~ .e Auctioneer shared th . ts oge er. ~n lng of the OWo 8oclety, have been observers say that' Mr. Roosevelt class party Wednesday evening, at me~ts In Ohio are wo!klng for less . e co.s 0 a successful publiCIty and advertismg ,cancelled or indefinitely pOstponed and the New Deale'rs .have at last I the home of MlBa MarJor!e·Retallick than one dollar a day. FO):l;.y-onc \ Cf\mpalgn t o ' mcrease consu~er demand. beCause .?t the strlk~. . reached the 1~lace. where the buSLl Mrs.B..W. Stewart !.s· still eOll- ond one_tenth ' per cent of Ohio shop girls' do . not make ' enough to There~s a good e~ample here for farmers in other areas . All of wblch brings up the ques- ness and flnaillclal Jnstltutlons · of fined to her bed. Or No Char•• support themselves without .ald. acwho want to stand on' their own ,feet and make progress. tion as to how far Co~ress will go the country no ~onger have faith or -----cOrc:tlng to ,fIgures from the State As the News observes, "If producers would cooperate 100 In amending the Wa~ner Labor Act confldence In !the promises and \ Industrial Commission. per cen:t or even. 85 per:. cent in their ' o~n coope;r~tive and In further limiting the power pledges of the, Administration. , O hio marketmg orgaBlzatlOn, we would not need either s tate ond jurlsc1Jctlon of the National La_ or federal control." . bor Relations Board. That ' talter WhUe there iIf talk of ~he • Agents of the enforcement dlvl _ Phone ' 7iJ ". treatmen~ will be exte. n ded to em_ . n eed for ecolllomy In the Federal ' , i __ Revlyal services have started at Mt. s on 0 f til e . 0hl ' 0 De p~r t men t 0 t , U • ' . , • Small good ever came from an attem t to tax a ' players through chang~' 1n the ,law government. there Is 8ctUa.~ little Holly church, service starts at '7:30. Liquor Control conducted 65 ra~ds. business 'out of e~istance"-La-keview Or PE 'n seems cerL!iln, Other amendments evidence to bEl found thereot by. vis- Oarl Smith spent supday With Lee' arr~ted 37 persons and obtained 32 ALVE , . ' ,egon xaml el'. will undou~~ly be made In restrict lUng sessions of COngress when ep_ Murray. '. " . , oonVlctlons that resulted In $5.520.Ing privileges now ,extended only to propl'1aUon blllls are up for conslder- ' Mr. an~ Mrs. Everett JJunnell ai1d 00 In flnes-.. and aentenc!!s totaUinl:! ~V8ll1:;:'--=>:::"""-_ !lertaln falltlom o,rgahlJei labor~ ation. In fad, rhoSt every depart_ familY have ' moved to · the' Ha"ey 640 .days, the w-eakly .report ot en_ :. . " . .. " , mental appropriation bUl that'.bas • t1 . ~ Another '~t tIle ' recent N'ew Deal ceen passed so far ...., the Oongress Rye lami. ' forcemeny. ac vlt1es shows. ' The . WI ~. Mattie LevI and aolll'WeIUng. aient.$ al80 co~cated seven stills uld. Tablets pr'Iee La,ws affecting employers 'and em- has been for I~ ·greater amount than til h th Salve, N068 Drops ' 108 .15c ployees ,slated- for overhaul , In lB 'the In previous years, 06termlned ei. t9n ot Dayton spent Tuesday at · roug out , e stete: their home here. ""!''!!!!~~~.~~~~~~!'!!!'!!'!!~~~'!!!!!~~~~~~I!!!!!!'~ Labor Standards ; Act. better fortS ot the Rcp,ubl1can minority to Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Marlatt ."'_ _ _ !k!E! ~_:" IOlQwn a.s the Wages and Hours BUl strike out or i'edUce various Items In . • • • •~~~:.. lln~uestibnabiy exemptions 'wlU ~ the IIIPpropriation. bill ere defentec!' spent Sunday with Mr. and (amlly. . Vern ,Bhfi~y Ruth. Kellis spent the week given to. emp~oyees now covered 'by by the ~mocll'atlc majority with, a the law. . The sma1J telephone cqm. monotonous r~l!J'lty. It 18 seldolll panles and .other small public utllL' that the Replllb~cans are victorio~ end ~th home tolka. . ties seeminglY m\.Ve fought a wln, In ,~n ~noQllc attempt; , but the Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Earnhart and nlng battle, to be exempted 'trom the very tact that the whole Republ1can tamlly. Miss O_lara ~ughters,. Mr. ' requirements of the law ' Which mem!>ership ' ~lI1'e fighting Shoulder and Mrs. G. ,H. KesJnier 8~~t smi.. would have put niany of them out to shoulder irl complete harmony day With Mr. ' and Mrs. John Mc, of business eventually. "white col_ for the rectuctlQn of ' gov'ern:mental Taggart and son at Oakwood; " lar" employees. upon a fixed mlnl. expenditures and tbe ellmlnatlon ot MIss Olaroa Daughters MIss Dormum wage, will 'also be exempted waste and exLravagence does :1;x>de ~ Mlch1a1 spent Frkia',. night and "Boys who shOw-off by dthcing Without exception these girIa and there Is much talk favoring an well for the future: In January lKl Saturd";y with Mr. and Mrs. George . • ·reclUessly, by speeding, by dash· realize, the Cincinnati Automo- amendment, to exempt a.11 employees when the Repu~ns take control ,B~t~n. ing ' up to an intersection and bile Club rep~rt disc~vered, that receiving 'll. moderate guaranteed an- of ·the'House as "result ot the 1940 Morris Lewis, MISses Stella and . slapping on the brakes are not on~ automoblle ae.cldent may nual wage. ~l~tlons, grea,t economies IlPd sav_ Pauline .Glbson' IIpeiit Monday eve ·them forever 'wlth a scarred . ..' . .7 , , - p<>pular with the girls," accord- rum face, a torn scalp, a broken leg It now looks as. 1f the battle over Ings can be ,looked for. accordlJig to n1ng With Mr. and ~, John Koes. . , . ing to Charles H. Fo.x, Safety or arm, bruises . . . ' . . the pledges Dllld~ by the party lead- ter ~nd daug~ter Vi!lma at :UUca. ,.' . .,' , Ohalrman o! the ' Cincinnati Auto- a~l o.f which destroy that 'which It the hundred and tlfty mllllon dol. ershlp d111'1\lg r~t weeks, . ,_ Mr. 'and 'Mrs,' P;red Morgan spent Wh, . SuRer lon' g er. ty? .mobile ClUb. gIrl values above all else '... her . lars cut from ~he original W. P. A . , Saturday In Xenia with Mr and' ...::.t! 'p' . n ' .. .. Th~ inform~tion ~ained appearance. . Deficiency Ap'propriation Bill', pass~ All W~gton, and Indeed the Mrs. E. ' BOqgh. . ' . '. r •. M' . . ftnu- a,. n ., • I : ~ "uitlclv '. ,In a survey made among girla at- The surve~ also ..reve~1s tha~ ed by Oongress 'fu late January. will whole country.. js' lOo1dng forward to Mr .. ' . DR. MILES ~ ~AIN , put you back -on yo tendln,g the Drivers' .school oparthe ~kh1Ug thfelr frlepds to be tought all over again: Last week Cherry. BI08SO~ ~e In the oapital f .. _ II:' ~ed~' ...~?ldd ~.:~ an~ . PlLLS· ~re made f~r J~ one agalP 'min' to go". ~p ' f erated by the Cindnnati Automo- ~~~ .....e em ome rom a party President R It I ' ~ on --. an BIUli- 'Paul ' purpose-to relieve _ftl_ U " DR. 'MIT 1i'Sl ANTI ' ,.. 'tILt bU~ pu~ in dual-control motor rather -than run the riSk of driv, ooseve sent another CIty. It won't b~ I~ ·now. Wlth1p BanCly and ' tamUy of Da ton ·BatUr. ,~ ~ ' . , _~ " . -. nw.. , cara. , m this school novice.l are with an .escort who ' may be message to qongress demandlng an ~ week. or two o~~ the most, d&y' cventng. /y ~te" ~t they 'work .like' ::!!.!Stoact ~~1cJlI•. Ypu don't ' tau,aht tci driv.e an automobile in . If the women ot , additional apprOP~lation of -the ex. the Japanese . r..h '~~; surround ': ' maiic. ':I'hey ~taJn an. ef- an hour, ~t arty minutes to ,a ,.er~ te,n ' l~ssons, eigb,t- of tb'iJl·ccM.mtrvb~d together against · act amount cut trom the, ortgtna.1 ~ . the tidal bulil and . dotting ~. ~~ Kents Mrs. HarOld ,. f~~, .quick.~ctJilg. · ~estc 'U is 'the ~tir~ toke :!!:f~ aetually driving an reckless driver I beijeve they blll-'One hundred an~ , f1fty ,mlijJon1 many of the I~ka iD Wa.lihlnrton,. -0 .ca.l!ed on Mrs. Johp 8ha~. : .~in reliever. t 1t,es1c8. You'll aet ~ f;ron1 .~l'OQ:IODl.e, two are lectures on .can do more 'for the ca~ of dOlklJ'&-~ carry ~n .~: p • .,.. work. 'WIll ~urst Int.) bloom. The. sJgbt is ne daY, l88t ~eek. >. Try Dr. ~~. 4Iltl-~ PJJls "en ~ ~g~ DUi:ltit-. ' '~ .::,:=:;lIiii~ of the. car and its safety than all tHe . c:am~algns , until the . en4 of the (ISC~ year alwa~ a malP1l1tlil~t one, I\ttractlng , An -" before ~olJ 1Os~ • d,ay.!• .",~k- .' DR. MILES ~ oA P,A;ll\ ever launcned, qbairman f.o~ June 30th. In tqe ho~' Represen~ vIsltors' tr~ alf over th ._ ' inspection of (ann tools. Wh1$ · and pa~ bre.d(,a ~ en- 'PILLS are pIeaiauit , to take ~ta~d. Boya . may n.ot Iii ten' to tI . • , , ' e coun .. " are to--be. Uact In sprina . It prOb '; . .getllel.!!1.~~\~of HEAD- .JWi,dy f9 ~ p'iobipi. ,, : their mothera : . , t)ilt . th~y will" a v~ OIHton .~ w~, ~o. who make the' plfir1maJe to see Old abI,y WiiI 'cUsclOse ' . . war - . ACQE,:' ~' MmlOB,. ~~tlve hi. ' aetk.n, .1IIid do .1i~trJllilJ,m.::..Jzl~eaa~~OIIile.....bJc.\..I,.Lat.e.!_n tG'-aROtner woman every crat of ~irgtnll" who.h!B been ~ ea,me ~ature tJ1-one of her ·moSt ' 'l.rJ w need for mbior ,Ie, OR NEURALClIC PAINS. UpI!et the 'l'beh"' ~ time .', • Ule girl they are in love man of the apPfQPrlatton SUb_com· ~utUGl Spring COIItumes. Already reps bJch Can be made DOW 'l'b& .,... be _ ~. you .. IibIaJL at mcMt, 'two with. The Cincinnati Automobile . m1ttee handUn8 rellef. mattera, !wi ~ . Oberry BIOBSOm Queen baa been . .v~ ~ durlD&' ~e ~ 18UOD<. Deed tp riJleve' )1JUI' »aID ad Is uauan, tq ~: Club seeks the cooper,ation ~f been "purpd" b)t tilt tie,r Deal Ad- selected and a peclal PtOIram of • ' . At ~ _...... . ~ ~ HI . every motorist In reduclIlg aCCt- ~tratkm.nd removed as cb81r. ~ll8lc and e ·rer£l.lnment baa 'been Biosaom dents. • ~ becaU810f IiIJ ~ to plJlnned. In f~ · ~ lIf1'1lIIpIDenta know wm~The date. P1'OIQUJ apee to tile Preaident'. re have been ~ cme-that of .Dune xatui. Ift4 8:.a.~j quest, aDd his bWatence that a pro. aelectIna the f . \be 0herrJ' Wea&ber . . .
Government Paternalism 'Not Needed.
'.·M artln
D' .... -"
Thlln' Nec....
P-" ...,- ." ,'eve " I
h:;UreIJ __
. County Court News.. .,
=---=. =~....-'. =====c===,"" -==-= N w Suits I n the matter or the estate ot O. M. Rid ge. VS . Flor nee C. HI15L Morin Mulford, deceased. Inventory Ings et al. acUol) ror money amount llPproved. clalme!l' $1500. C. Donald Dila tush, 111 the matter oC ttie . c-tate of ottomey': Ch I ,11r es H. Oampbell, deceased APril Ja n Heath vs. Claude Heath. dL 1, 1939 time set fo r heal'ln~, and 011vo Ie, Bros.'! neglect. J. T. RUey, nt- Late exempt from Inhel'ltllnce t9x. tol'ney. In the matter of the estate of . Ruby 8. Lutz VB. Charles A. Lutz Anno. .L. McFarland. deceased, No. divorce. gross negloc t. C. Donald tice 'or proot ot pubJ!cation of Geo. E. Young liS 'admlnlstra tor filed. DJlatus h. attor-ney. In the matter ot the estate of Alice Gray VB. Mary Bauman. et al. For partition of real estate and Emma M. Wltnom. deceased. first other equJtable relief, Meryl B. GI'OY and flnal' account. attorney. ' In the matter of the estate of William P . .J4ounts. deceased. first Common Plellll Proceedings and tina I account. GC!S)rge B. Johnson, county treas_ In the matter of tho trust of urer VS. Gertrude Mae Vnn Oamp. Male Runyan , deceased. ac· et al. Sherlff's sale apPl'ovett. count. George B. JOhnson, county treas_ In the mllt ter ot the estate of ur~r, VB· Thomas Thompson. Sher- Maggie Martin. deceased. first and Iff's sale approved. final account. ~rge B. johnson •. county trcl16_ In the matter of the estate of urer. vs. Mathias Burggraf. e~ al. Laura. A. D. Kibbey, deccl16ed . W. New York LUe Insurance Co. diS. Ohester Maple appointed executor. missed lis party defendant. J. A. Schilling, Virgil RusseU and Everett Davia VS· Daisy Davis. Charles Van Ness appointed apprais Plaintiff to proceed and obtain ser" ers. vice of swnmoris upon defendant. Inf the matter of the wlJl of John In t.h e matter of the appointment H. Carey, deceased. BUl of Sale of of the SOldiers' Rellet Commission aulomobile executed. Fred E. Robison appointed a mem. In the matter of the estate of ber of SOldiers' Relief Oommlsslon. Oscar B. Bayne. deceased· InveD. Elmer Whitacre vs. WilHam Kelly. tory approved. . et al. Notice of pendency of action In the ' matter ot the estate of be given. John J . Tracy, deceased, Inventory Lelle M. Bunnell vs. HerSChel N. approved. ,. Bunnell. Demtp'{er of defendant ov. In the matter or the estate of erruled. Laura Mardis. deceased. March 28. Ke~eth Pence VS. Virginia Pence 1939. time set tor hearing of inven. Plaintiff pay to defendant 16-00 tory. each week for alimony. In the matter of fthe estate of Probate Court In the matter of the estate of ~~r~::/~=te:ec:~~::~~~ Harry Monier, decease(l . First and Ollft Hildebrant. Ernest Klrby- and tinal account. 0 , F. Kl16h apPOinted appraisers. In the matter of the settlement of In the ma.tter of the estate of the estate of Thbmo.s Jefferson Emery Lee Lindsey, deceased. FlorSmith, deceased . Exezript from In· ence L. Llndse'y appointed admlnls... herltance tax. ' tratrlx and Lloyd SOuth. MCClure In the matter ot the estate of IbalstoJ\ and Walter Deardoff ap. Isaac F. Fox. deceased . InventorY poin ted appl'lWlers. · approved. In the matter Of tbe estate of In tho matter of the estate of Richard Rolls . . deceased. Certlf1cate Nellie ,A. Fox. deceased. ..InventQry o! trans{er ordered. approved. . In the matter of the estate of Horace L. Settlemyre. deceased. Es· tate exempt from lnheritance tax· In the matter of the estate ot Huldah A. Blackburn. deceased IF" Private sale of personal property ordered. REAL ESTATE In the matter of · the IWU'dlan. INSURANCE ship of Tobias Bretney. Fourth 80. count approved. . . . AUCTIONEER ,. , In the matter of the esqate· of !--!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!i!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!~!!!!'!!!"!!'!~ . Jonathan l(. Cook. ' deceased. Re· 'port approved. .
Twin Theater
In 'the matter or tne guarc11ansh1p of stankiy R. Chapman. an IncoIDpotent. Eleventh account. MARCH .24-25 In ,the matte.r: of, Rutl~ , Fredrick ¥arcli Joan Benne" Insape. Adnutted to Dayton Ralph B.a1aDl1 ~. Southern hospital. . In the matter of the guardianship "TRADE WINDSu of Rose L. Yetter. mlnor. F'lnal ac. . count. . . Cart~n- C~Daffy Duck'~ In the matter or the estate or Short-Happy Felt~n Owyh. Jacal;l N,Burch. Sr" deceased. First and 'f lnal account. . MAlU::H 26-27 . In the mat.t er of the estate of Mnmle Hughea. deceased. SChedUle Micke,, Walter Connolb' ot debts approved. "THE ADVENT1;1RES QF In the matter of the estiate of HUCKLEBERRY FINN" Rachel A'. Peitlt. deceaSed. Sched· ule (If debts approved. Metro New. . In the matter of the estate of Viola Chamberlain Oolbert. deceased MARCH '~b' InVl1ntory IlIlProved. " .. • I' , In' the matter of ·the estaieof BorIs KarIoff Mable 'May WhIsler. deceased, In. . In ' ventory approved. "DEVILS ISLAND" In the matter of the estate of 'Charles' H . O~pbeU. dec~. Mar: Shqrt-'uSunday Serenade' I ' . 23. 19S1J; time /set for hearing of In:" ventory: ' ' ," . In ~e ma~ter of the estate ot ~ L. 'Settlemyre, deceased. Mar ~~9, time' set for h~IJ. · <~e. matter of ~U1e.. w1l} of· O~n i .r", ., '" ;' , A. Wn deoeased. WUl admitted TA'RVJ~.LlrHJC TAR AND til ' ~te. , ' ROAD OIL:' .EXCAVATlNG. In :the matter 01 tbe estate 'of DUMP ~RUCK SERVICE mara Archdeacon, deceased. Private siale ord~.. . IiI the Jiiatter of the estate of aura A, ,Jj 'Klbbey, deceued. WUl admitted U; Probate ~rd. ·~' '. : , In .the matter . ~r the el!tate of Palilln.e Bell!=a,,; ' depeued. PrI~te ~le of ~ j,toperty ~ered: :' .,!'In '~e 'matter ' of.\ ~e , 88fB.~ J. Oharles R Lfl~~ dece'ased: PrL ..1IIi......~. . . . . . . . 'vate .~"' 9f pe1'8C)D&l t'ro~ or~
Sand & Grav~i
polnte<! executor. In the mattAu' of the esbate of Oharles H . Campbell. deceased Phoebe Oampbell appOinted execu· tt1x and Ben Schlemmer. John Woodry and Grover Green appOint. ed appraisers. In the rnutLer of the esta~e (If Flav11l11 Wllltt.lcre. deceased :' Amount of Inheritance tax determined. In the mattcJ: of the estate of Oeoqie Henry Diehl. Allloun~ of InbelilnD('e rax aetermlned lIS none In the matter of Thomas Feeley. minor. Settlement of claim ordered. In the matter ot the estate of Ma,rta MUltord. deceased Edward A. Ross, Jeff Thompson. and WIJ· bur McMullen appointed appralsers. In the matter of the estate of John Dollboa. <1eceased. Inventory hearing set for March 9. In the mat'er of the estate of John Do\ltlOa. Amount of Inherltance bax determined as none. In the matter ot the estate of T. H. Banta. decensecl. Inventory hear. ing set for Marcb 9. In the matter of the estate of Laura Banta, deceased. lnventory hearing sew for. March 9. In the matter of the es\ate of Ma· rLa Mulford. deceased. Inventory hearing set for March 9 ,In the matter 01 the estate of Mary Letner. deceased. Inventory approved . . In the matter of the eljtate of ISaae P. Foxp deceased. Inventory hearing J et for Mareh 10.' In the matter of the estate ot Nellie Fox. deceased. InventQry bearing set fpr March 10. In the matter of the estate of Oharles Letterst; deceased. Inven_ tory set ror March 17. In the matter of tbe estate of Dorothy MUler Magford, deceased.
of admlnlatl'8trlx or_
In the matter of the estate of i'lavUla Whltalcre. deceased, .Deter_ Ination of heirship. In the matter of the estate of Ed. Brenne~. deceased. ~edule ot a ro cd pp v ' ' In the matte.r o~ th,e estate.ot Llda M--+-ll d sed Tr,,,.. efer "I)'''''' er. ecea. ...... real estate ordered. In' the matter of the estate W. p . Eltzroth, deceas~. 'Private
tnmatea. $328.50: p , J. Heer PrllntllnR' Co.. 100 payroll I!heets for Auditor, $8.00: Woodrow Well-8trallge 00· 300 apportionment 19.26: Col. Blanlt Book Mfg. CO ..
voucnen for bUnd. peddier's Ucell_ sel\. f4 .00: The Western SJar. publishing rates of ·tax"ltlon $20Q.96. Warr en OountY 'News, publlshln ' rates ,o f tIlxatioll. $203.94 ; G. Slau_ ' ley Earnhart, 1'. M.. stamps. for The Common Ple~s Oourt. $6.00; Barrett Company. inheritance tax forms for Frob:! te Oourt, $3.25; , Columbus Blank Book MIg; Co" Ie· celpt books and torms for Probate COurt. ' $25.:60:. The West:et:n Sta r. cost bill, notices to $ervlce, . $8.00: MlJler~Bryllnt-pierce. 100 sheets blue pencil carbon for Clerk or Courts. $2.50: The WeSU!rn Sta r, letterheads and envelopes. '9.25: Dr. H . M. WilllalllB, medica.l. ,10.00 : A. D. Har vey, M. D.• medical. $8,00; James H Arnold, M. D .• medical '4-50. Alice M. Arnold . Invalid care $5.00; , MUlard ,Bryant, InvaUd care. $5.00: Mrs. Helen Doughman Invalld $7.00; Winnie Gentry. InV'alld care, $7.00: Ella Hoff. In_ valid care. $'1·00; Merwin Scoflelct. invalid care, n.oo; Iva Nichols, in valid care. $5·00:: Leo J. Smith. Invalid care. SlO.OD : L. ' B. Steele. In valid care. '5.00; Newton Sbamper. Invalid care. $10.':!O. Mara MlcElfresb, Invalid care. $5.00; H. M. ~,yyne. sta,mps and cards furnished tellef oftlce during Marcb, t4-00; .Western Union. 2 telegrams to Oolumbus. 96c; Joe Dlott, 300 watel' tanks. $150.00: D. R, Smith, 1 gnt paint. $2,95 ; Fair_ ley Hatdware StOres, supplies. 90c; Lewis & Drake, Inc.. supplies. 800; The Van Camp Store Co.• sand and gravel. '1013.09; Johnston & Johns· ton. suppUes. SS.71.
We Bring You the World's First
1939 FRIGIDAIRE WITH :THE METER·MISER • Now ••. fot the first time ••• you can store even highly perishable , foods, prolong their original fmbnm, retain their ri,b "utrilil1l1al wJ"1J .•• save their Juak f"tsb foJllor ••. days long~ than ever beforel Fresh vegetables and fruits, even when kept uncoveftd on 'open shelves, don't lose their attractiveness through wilting, shrinlcing. changing colorl !eft-over meats. BCls. beans, oatmeal, even mashed potatoes. Stay .5 fresh and delicio6s as when first prepared! Because wi~b the new "Cold· Willi" Principle, food is not dried out by moisture· robbing air currents. And odor-and· flavor transfer is definitely chec.ked, too .... Be sure to see 'this great new food·keeping miracle that costs DO more than ordinary "first· line" refrigerators I COQvenient terms as low as 25c II day.
Fairley Hardware Store Larger Be~ause of Better·Quality. Service, and Price Established 1849·1939 -. Waynesville, Phone 32
-- -- -- -'----.--- ----I
Attorney G oeral Herbert has ad Nearly 6,000 Ohioans now a. ~ A fo ur-ounce dose of mollJSSCli hilI> C\>mmunlty mleetlngs attended re- vised Stale Auditor FerJuson t hat membel's of tile Reserve Orn :er's been found to be a n effective treat; , cently by Ohio fJ~rmerB Indicate that parU:;'patlon by Carmers in the examiners In the state Bure.1u of corps ot t he U . S. nrmy and re-a dy : mont for ewes paralyzed at lambing 1939 AAA farm. program wUl be Public Inspection and Su.pervLololl to s~p Into positions of military time. Molasses contains some of the materials used In treating COWS for 'm uch higher thun for the past twu 'are In Ule classlflcd Civil serviCe. command . If called upon. milk fever. or three years aJlld ma.y exceed par_ Although some 3000 state emplOYeS tlclpation in tIt«! old corn.hog pro I A good e:<perlmimt ' for home ggr. Tbe lImlnatl!ln of 30,000 aU~m; haVe been dropped trom the paygram which &e~' the present recorc rolls in pursuance . of Governor '{rOnl WPA relief rolls Ls now under dencl's'is to try planLiJ:tg some 01 the 'for' f~nner coo"'!J'ation with federa' congr ssJonal edible varletle,s. of oybeans. SOy. ... Bricker 's economy program, all bona way in response to plans to aid ac*ulture. fid e civil service employes have been mandate which was wrltten In to the bea n faps ciqlm gre.a t merits l or protected \'I nd so far no CO!llplalnts appropria tion pili which continues the~ favorite wben' used ns green WPA untll June 30. beaos. shelled, or made Into souP. SUbscribe to tile Miami Gazette been filed;
sale of personal property ordered. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=~~~~!!!!!!!!p~!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~--~"""'___~~~!!!!!!!!"!!'!!~!"!!""~~ 1n tbe matter or the estate '" ----~ , - ----~Mable May Whisler, deceased. 23, 1939. time set tor hearing of schedule of debta. Real &tate TraDlfers Charles E. Ooleman' and Elizabetb P. Coleman to Margaret Lackens 'and Paul L. Lackens, lot ' No. 75 lh Frankl1n. -
Stanley C. WWough13Y to Marian WlJloughby, lots Not. 24 and 25 In SOuth -Lebanoo. ' Joe L. DavJs and Pannfe B. to 'George W. Easter and biil ter. part of lot No. 119 In Mason Stanley p. W~9ughby to Ed~ard Bretney and Annette Bretney; lot No. 33 In South Lebanon;F'lIank W : 0l!U'lr: and . Bertha F. «;llarlt-to George M. Young and !3oL. die M. Young 51.20 acres in Wash· Ington and Massie township. . A. L. Sides 'and Atella Sides to Henry Satterthwaite and ' Frances Sattertjlwaite. lot No. 2 In Waynes. vWe. . Baralene Regesburg to Minnie A; Simpson. 12U6, acres . In F'reDkJIn toWnship. ' . Anthony 1'1"", and Viola Ttg· ges to ' John T1UejI and \j&lr.oelrUl~~. 1 TIgges, 164 acr& In Warren county. Lester TUdson' and MarY Hudson to Dan Logendelpher,' iota · Not. -193 a.nd 20t In Franklin. ' ., . Woo W. Sh~ to ~ Reedl lata Not. 17 and 18 In SOUth Lebanon WUllam V. MCCabe 'to '!be ~L sburg BUll~g and LOan ' AssOciatlon. lot· No. '235 In~. . ' Betty Klumb to IlUzabefu Herget. real estate In ~leld township. " Joseph n. CJelit to HoWard Shaw Iota NOlI. 1~08. and U09 In Deerfield to~P. . x.aUN ' E. Stoclr:man to Fred L. ~Ibbey. 102.93 ~ ' In W~n county. Homer O. George and . Blapche George , to Hewett P. MUlford '-and Marion R. ' MUlford, 24.76 aerea In Turtlecreek townsbtp. , . , " , James Charl~ campbell to Ohas. E. McP~~ ~d Eula !IICPeek,; lots .'t60~ and ~ 10 J?CCrfield twP. ~re
Ucea.. "
. , .:
. ThOnias Stitt. 32. Rk:bmond • tu~. :·laborer. and Marjorie ,Blr:Id: ~ered.' .i !, . . more, ,29. Lebanon. '.. " ,;In "tJte ~ of ' the · .Will , of EsWe Ph1lllpe. as. -f'l'anklln,l'truCk cliar~ H. campbell.. wili 'adIIil~ driver, and V!rslnJa Pry. ~ PrankL ~ Pft1b&~ IU1'd ricciid~ :" ::. ", Up. CIerjt. ,. : . . , . . ' .•. In ~the "matter 'of ' the will , . Pred Hatfield, 25. ~ R. MOrr1a; WI,l1 aclinltted to bore!r. and MaI7 'Amick, 21 .............. . probate ' ancLPl'aI)k O. '~denou ap.: .' .
.uer ·
~d wade.:;Mt~ Pranktln: and"l(arJo&:le DuVaU 18. MilIIJ)1IiI."
~"----~~~--~~~~~~~~-"'~~:'· I~ttM.
'We, the,: largest manufact.urer ot Cemetery 'Me~ morials.'in E>hio and Indi~'na 'have just conve,rted. 30 carloads oJ G.ranite from the 'Jinest quarrie's .into ~ut:.t,~ding :' new Monume~t and Marker ''Designs ·':CQm~ -~ Mak~. YQ'u ,r selection in any .size, , finish .' design or price.· We have 1-Vhat you want and cal1~ handle all details, delivery for May 30 ,,< .' :,,' , '. ~
• •
the-. PI:Q;6:~$ ~:ANrFE o~ DI~IE
South Main St.
24 -
Churches ......
The Wayne TOWIlIlhip Board of ' Educo.tlon. WarJ;m COunty. Ohio, Mr,' James W. Morgan nnd family- will ofter tor sale 4lt PUrlle auct.lon have nloved' to the Bigger [a11n, on Ule premises. on Saturday tb~ northwest. of Bellbrook, eighth day of April, 1939 nt 1 .Mr. Joe White Jr. has returned o'clock p. m. the bullding commonly home after spelldlng several mont.h& kno,wn and r;iesignated as the "Old In Phoenix, Arizona. Gymnasium". R. H. HartsOCk. OIark Mr. and Mis. John Weaver have (Del&y~)
" Announe-etbent Is being made by Mrs. Susan sayl,or leturn d hon e Arthur Sorrel, south of Mlam.isbul·g Sundll¥ ntter ape ldlng n oouple of that a community auction will 00CHU R()II OF CIIBIST weeks with her chlLldl'cn In DayWn. ' gin operation in the MlamlHburg Th Lytle Ladles Aid will holel n vicinity within the next two weeks, Momlng worship ~glnnlng at market of baked food In Lebanon Auc~Jon -headquarters will be 10· cated at ao'rrel's farm on the Dilde 9:30 a. m. with Evere~t Hunter .lelLd next Saturday, MI,rch 25. Ing singing and Perry Thomas In Mrs. Ramo R1gl~s of SOCial Row Highway south ~f Miamisburg and was a dinner guest of Mrs. Alice the first auction day h ill! been set returned home nfter spending the -=::::::::::==~~=-=:::::~=~~ charge of Bible School.' - - - - - - ••- . 1ll.I()WS.O lIl•...a,Jt.....tJ:leo..U1Il:CW;.,.uLllli!-a.4-IJ.m1J( on. 'l\lesda d the al 0 . fo ~e6QaYI' March 28. The nuctlon winter In Welake, Florida. The Infant daughter of Mr. and 10 :45 a. m. made a business t:rip to L~banon. barn wnt . be known .os the Dlille The young folks of Lytle In co~. Auction Co" and It Is planned to Mrs. Victor Glass was removed to Sermon at il :00 n· m. S rmon s ubject "The Church l"01' pany with the young I.olks of Spring conduct community auctions there the Miami Valley hospital on Friday Dr. M. A. Shoemaker Is remodel_ The underslglled as Executor of Our 'Day" boro and R.ed L~lon churches and each Tuesday where residents of the ing his property on NorUl Main St. the estate ot Dora StUes, 'deceased, MONDAY Mr. and Mrs. Emmett SnYder at- vlclnlty may take anyUling they John Reeder of Centerville wns will s 11 nt public auction, at her Church board meets at 7 :45 P. m . tended a skat.lng party In Dayton wish to sell and It will be offered at WEDNESDAY o~ Tuesday, evening of last week. publlc auction, Furniture, merchan_ calling on friends In the vUlage ~hl s late residence In Corwin, Oilio on. The mis&lonary Society of Ule Mrs. Therle Jones, Mrs. Harold dlse, llvestock, Implements. etc.. wLll week. SATURDAY, APRIL Jilt, 19a9 The Merohants movIe was post_ Waynesville and Ferry churches Whitaker and Mrs. J . B. Jones be accepted and Forrest T. Martin, Beginning at One O'clock p. m. will meet with Mrs. Forest Martin spent ThUisday afternoon In Leba_ weU.JulOwn Centerville auctlbneer. poned until Friday night on ,account the following chattels towlt; of Centerville at 2:00 P. m. non. has been secured to conduct the of the equipment getting out of orHousehold goods. consisting of one E. B. Longacre Is suffering from selling. der. Majestic range ; heatlng stove. two' a mashed foot received last week WAYNESVILLE CIIURCH OF The sophomore class of Bellbrook burner oLl stove;, kitchen cabinet; while working at ·Wrlght Field, Day W. C. SmUb, Minister high school entertained the fresh_ extension table; kitchen table, ton. UNION SERviCES LORD'S DAY mnn clnss at the Junior hall last leather couch ; chlffonnier; dresser; Mrs. Allen EmrIck and Mrs. Fred Bible School 9 :30 a. m. Following the custom fo und In Tuesday nIght. wash stand; bed; sewing machine; Rush -a nd children' spent Thursday Lord's Supper 10 :45 a. m. many other communities, dally Andy B.lodsoe and fnmlly . have sewing cabinet IIIId table combined; In Washington C. H. visiting Leon Christian Endeavor 7:00 p. m. Salisbury and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Holy Week union services are being moved to the Cal Penewlt farm book casc; stand; clock; 3·9x12 rugs; Preaching 7:30 'p. m. lamps; 3 rockers; 6 chairs; 2 mIr_ Inaugurated in Way'nesvUle this north of B!.'lIbrook. ...... , J • ,. . ... .... " l''''' .'u . _- J - '0 .... .J .. • ...... 5 , Barger. Sermon subjeet "Why the Church "H u ' ., 'e b elTY Finn:' whIch opeus, ~' 1. !I:- '. Mn ~ ()b 26 at tll <' d , "~" year. Under the joint auspices of Ora Oasey hns accepted a position rors; brass ' kettle; folding Ironing Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith and Should Not Support Dancing and Xe nhl thea t er In Xenln . Adapt ed f"om lI.11'k TlVnln '~ novel w llll·h Mary Sue Croll vIIalted Mr. and Mrs, th e Waynesville Methodist Church with the Frlgldlare Corp., at Mor_ board; sweeper; lot of dishes; cook· ' Card PlILtles" Is 'onsl tl ~ d a 'Iassle' or- . r'e: 1 n hOyho'lcl. "Huckh;1" rry F "r' ing utensils, tubs and many oUler Allen 'S mlth and daughters in Day· and. st. Mary's Protestant EplscQpal aine City. in udes Lyunc Ilrv I' lind hlll zab til Risdon III Il~ :, 0 ~ nl (:ab' WEDNESDAY ton. ' Church. union services wlll be held James Crawl who has been con_ articles too numerous to menUon. Bible Study 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ltee- Mason of ~on each evening t.he week before East- fined to his . home becausc of slck_ TERMS CASH W. N. Sears, AUCI. were Friday dinller guests of Mrs- er from Monday through Thursday ness Is reported much Improved. WAYNESVRLE M. E. CHURCH Allce Clark. at t he Methodist church. On Good Mr. and Mrs. Wlillam Wiess of C. Donald Dll&tush, Atty. Rev. J. V. LaCly, Minister Smltb ot Dayton Friday these two churches will spon near Xenia tO nd Mr. and Mrs. Roy ROSS H. HARTSOCK, EXEO. Mrs. Elizabeth Sunday, March 26, 1939 OF THE ESTATE OF DORA was a Sunday guest of Mrs. Mar- sor a three hour service ~ ·St. Harris of Flint. Michigan were cal1 9:30 Sunday School .Mary's 'Church from noon until Ing on frIends in the village STILES, DECEASED. 10:40 Morning Worship. UGod's gare~ JO~ and Paul Johns. OF A number of · IE~ea from here at... three o'clock In commemoration of . Law of Cause and Effect... tended Achievement Day at Town the three h~urs thl\t Jesus on ~:::::~::::::::::::::::::::=:::::~===:::::===:::::::===~:::::~~ 6 :00 Epworth League. Hall in Lebanon Tuseday. the cross. It Is not expected that -IiI• • •- • • •II!I• • • • • 7 :30 Evening serVice Mr. ;and Mrs. .\llen Emrick <called everyone llttendinlf this service will WEDNESDAY on Dr. and Mrs. J . W. Ward at the be able to stay Ule whole time and 3 :45 Junioi' choir . BEGINNING AT 1 P. M. ONFriends Home Sunday afternoon. anyone may' arrive ~nd leave any :rRlDAY Mr • . and Mrs. 'Walter Kenrick vis pOint In the service. The general 8:00 Cbolr practl~ As we approach Enter we plan lted their COuslnl, William Pence 0 ' public Is invited to attend these more defln1tely f.o r the KIngdom Sprlr.gboro, at f;jit. Elizabeth hosplt- meetings. I Will Offer for Sale at My Main Street Re.i. of God. Some are thinlUng of Join_ al. Sunday ev nIng. Mr. Pence Is COMMVNlTY AUCTION dence. .'. , Ing t.he church: Sorpe are having sertously lll. and Mrs. Calvin Longacre and DIXIE AUCTION COMPANY Mr. their ohlldren bapUzed. Some are re . 1 Oak Dining Suite, Cler mont Range, S Beds, Johns . HlAMISBURG, OHIO son Keith and Mrs. Margarc:t newiDg their interest "by attendance PRINT Wash St~nd, Llbrary T~ble, Woman 'F riend 'Electric OPENING SALE! and offeringS. WttII\ever Is ot value and Paul .. ohlll; spent Satur4af fu ROW. Washer, Lawn Mower. Some ' dishes, and oth~r D~yton. TUESQAY;MMi'h 28, 1939 2& In the church comes from · God and articles too numerous to mention· . Le~ us lieU your stock, m~n. your interest and cont.rlbutlon. · Let · Mr. and Mrs. Wftllam Rogers and Mixed Ib.29c PORK CHOPS daughter Mirlalil spent Sunday eve_ . dise ' houeehold coocJs. etc. Ewer)" us all mBke It a great EaSter. 'TERMS-CASH; ning with Mr. and Mrs. Durrell lnt one invited, four . bUIlnete Is app..eFRESH SAUSAGE lb. 19c W • .N. Sear•• ~uctioneer. Mason. " elated . ' . ST. MARY'S EP.SCOPAL · Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett and CALL-PHONE 5a582 60 lb .CAN ~BtJR~ Mr. and Mrs. :Harold Whitaker MIAMISBURG, OHIO BeY. R: L. llaekWeU. MiDls&er . '4·15 . tended the funeral of John Shultz . PASSION SUNDAY In Waynesville Fnday afternoon. SALE EVERy TUESDAY 10 8. m · Churcb school. lb. 29c:. BREAKFAST BACON Sliced Rindle•• Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre callArthur Sonoel, owner· Tel. 53582 11 a: m. Morning Prayer and aer· ed on Rev. and Mrs. J. C Stitzel at F. T • .MartIn, Auctioneer . lb. lOe 'C OTTAGE CHEESE Freah ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!'!!'!~!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!'!!"II!!!"!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!~ mop. 'B eaman Sun~Y aft.eIinoOD. TeL CeDtervtue 'r8J WEDNESDAY ALL 7:30 p. m. Evening prayer and atL • Mr. and Kill. Stanley Bailey at:. ZOS Clu&er BIde· Daytoa, O. AD3661 dress tended the ~Ullleral of ' Mr. Uough· ' =:::::=:::::~===;::=:;::== BEEF ., man at Unio~ I~ty Saturday. ' FRIDAY' BOILlN~ BEEF, Mr. and Mtf;. 'Alfred - Jon'os and .For Soup 1. P. m :·Women's Aux1llary Lenten 2 lb •• ~5c sewing., . Mr. and Mrs. Arnott' of Southern ROUND STEAK. Tender ,~---r-~bl. 29c • p .. m. Junior high bOys were . 7:30 p. m. Girls Friendly grouP. Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Jones. we Mr. and Mrs. Earl Young / Miss Mildred Young and Mr. W.,It.... 1 Lacy and famUy of Dayton, Mr. Mrs. Charles ~lunneU and daughter of Middletown were Sunday guests NEW rOTATOES, U. S. 'NO.1 4 lb. 23c Mrs. Fred Nuh and Mrs. Harold of Mrs. Emma Lacy and &bert Nash and Janet Lou ot Dayton, Lacy. . Tender " GREE~ BEAN~, Ib.lSc their farm were business v!altars Fresh, Green" .NEW . PEAS~ Ib.1Sc here, TUesday. Most of neXt WInter's unprodUC_ W.ith well fenced Mr. and Mrs. Horace Sherwood,' tive inhabitants of poultry houseS fields you can farm . SEEDLESS South Dakota, have been the guest6 wit~J less labor and will be deternilned withlng the first for .several "ays of 'Mr. . and MrlI; ' lfOUOI e-roIale crops. 3 FOR few ,w~k8 af~ chicks are 'stQ,rted I!vft\ock and 1e/IURk'S E. C. Jeffery <and Mr and Mrs. E. 10 INIke lhe ioit riCher this spring. PBBt Irrowlng, matured _ve down' crain and A. .Jeffery of near On,gonla, and Florida For Juice r<>u«ha,e. pullets make the best fall and oUler relatlvea and fr1ends 1il th1a ter layers. P,UlletIJ 'mOuld be de. Sunkiat vJcln1ty. AmljlDg those who veloped In b~)()(\er house,; and . ed them .in . the1r ,home were Mr.
PUbl-Ie S"a
P ...
Bananas ~~~~~ 4LB. 23c .
,-..----=.;... , -
.Chev. t. S~an '" , Chev•.Del. T. Sedan Chev. Del. T. Sedan ,Cbev. Coupe ' 1937 , . Chev. Coupe .' Chry'ller ,Sedan Dodae:Waa Buick Sedan PI~outb'
Chev •.Coupe · Chev. bel. T. Sedaa Oldl 8 T. Sedan Ford Tudor Chev. T. Seda.n Chev. Del, T. Sedan .'. " 1936 DqcI,e Coupe Cliev. Std. T. Sedan Cite". Std. Coupe . Buick Ce"turY Coupe Chev. Coach 'Ford Tudor · Ol~. 4 Dr. Tr. Sedan Plymouth T. Sedan 1935 · Fora Coach
· OW. Sedari
. .1934 Terraplane Coupe Ford Coach .Plymouth Coaph Cbev. Coup~ . 1933 Old. Coach , . 1932 Plymouth Coupe Pontiac 'S edan C.h ev. Cou'p e ·C bev. Coach 1931 Chev. Coach Chev Sedan Chev~ Coach Pontiac Sedan DeSoto Sedan 1929 Chev. Coach Old. Sedan Ford Coupe TRUCKS 1935 Chev. Panel Truck 1935 Chev. and Cab 1'933 Dodge Truck . 1~35 'International Cha. ·' lis an.d Cab . ' . Indian MQ. t orcycle ' .1937 , ,
York, All Pulrpo,Ie,.,!:..JL-
and. Mrs. Cecifl 'Villars and family, who entertalneld them at six o'clock dinner WednClKiay ·evening. . Mr. and MtJa., 8. D: Boulware of Clartsvllle, were WednesdBf after· noon visitors of the Talmage famUy. Miss ~ Jordan was a visitor In .their home Friday afternoon, MIas aanrud'1l' ·Jordan opened ber PLUMBING rlxTURES _ Eleotrlol home to entelltath members of the PUmPS, Beat.1n1 SUPPUe8, V. Belts, 'Frlendship Clbib, We'dnesdaf. Ther~ Leather Belts. PulleYs, Pipe,c was a good att;end8nce and a pleas.. and ! Plt.tiDes J. P. · BockIet 'SUPPlY ant aiternOOn~ 'was eliJciyect. Playing • ". . , ChJneae checiilra 'wU a diversion of Co• •Phone 360; tllI-I9 . W. Main St. .. , , Xenia, Oblo M2 8 Hi 2S 30 the OOCIislon. ~tlon end favors ~ ~~p1ng wi'tb St. Patryok's was another feature the hoafees ACETYLENE WELDlNQ.-.., Body & p~ed,alont wl~ i!a41ty ............n Pender repair. wwiain tsmro'para. mente. Mrs. jHoi:~ Sherwood, WaynesV11le. Ohio ~to So~th Dakota,. ,'WIlI a guest , of .the
COUNTRY CLUB 12. lb•• 3le The'kind that has made gOOd on . (arms everywhere, through IlU\ny years of fence.line SCl'Vice, Extra' . thick "Galvannealed" zinc coating-real copper.bearing steel Wire-tighi knots-full gauge , and measure. SEE' thiS' goOd , feriee. We have weights and heights to suit' everY putJ>08e. :.. , RED BRAND is a good buy. Come in • ... .. get our prices.
12 lb•• 4&c
C. Club, 20 oz b~" 3 for2.5 c
Bag 4~25
~URE CANE. SUGAR. . Sunny Cane 25th. , CHERRIES;
R~d. Sou~.
$1.21 Pitted,. . No.2 Can 2 for 25c
24 lbs. 79c.
c·, SuO"ar· GRANUl.-ATED . $~l ' .;I :IJ! B ·" 1,0 lb. lb. • ..
Waynesville '. ·Farmers'· .' .: , ·:,Exchan •• , f
12 lb•• 45c
. ~ 031 Can 2 for '. . . . . 2 for 2Sc
HIll . . . . .IIII!I.IIi.!I!!'-. . .IIII~......-.iii~iII jitterbugs; Swing Bands, Imitators, Old ·T lme P1ddlers and Dancers, eoW~", · .T 8p . Dan~r8, Instrumental1ete arid Novelty entel'· tainers, Join' th~ XENIA THEATRE Bearcn for Talent Contest, Big cub Prizi:s and Radio Appearance to, the Winners. For Free . Entrance Blank 'Apply XENIA THEATRE '
. slDg.eps;,Datleera, CoD,i8CUans.
Yleaco, '; ·~e.c,o. 100 lb. "aa 2O~DAIRY FEED, ' Wesco, IOC),)b. bile: ,1;39 .BLQCK SALT· . " . . • Jb.~ · 49c .
BABY CHI~~ G~l~S .
~NTED Mamed cou· , -..._ .,,,. no children. to work on 1f Jntel'ested can raise tobacco or truck. Charles ~ble, Bellbrook 1 tp. . ....,~~~-. .~~~.~..,..,-. . .1!'I!I~4
..._ .._~____..._ ....I
'100 lb. ~,n.S9
. )
Main Characters Vividly Portrayed A cnpa_clty crowd fmed the hlg scnool a·u dltorlum. Friday night to see the operetta "Blow Me Down", presented by the High School Olee clubs. The /iCene of the play was the deck of a pirate ship "The Black Dea~h." The stOry concerned a band of bold and bloOdy pirates who held a group of yo~ng college boys!LS very willing victims on their ship. Later a sight seeing party ot girls lrom school accom_ panied by theIr dean; Miss Petti. greW were also forced to remain on board. The Incl~ents which en_ sued were of course hlihiy enter· talnlhg. It was the plan of the bold Captain Kldd to turn the ship into a night club and with the t!}L ent he had confiscated the plan was very successful. The play from start to I1nlsh was full or catchy tunes humerous ditties ,and. roman_ tic ballad&. . The band of plra~ plaYed by Robert Bedlbw,. Alton 'Earnhart Earl Mendenhall and Robert Pres_ ton were Vividly portrayed. Robert Earnhart in the reI) of Qaptaln Kl~ !Pave aaplendid Perrormance .Paul Jones as "Dutch SChneider" and Alton Eamhart,as "Ben Barn. acle" brough forth many a hearty laugb from the audience, Ruth Ann Donahoo portrayed the part of the dean, Miss Pettigrew. exceedingly well. Robert" Trent played by Earl Earnhart. and Nancr Todd played by RU,th Conner supplies the love Interest for the story and both gave tine performances. The roles of the Captain's pursuing w1t~ "Mehllable Todd," by Anna L Honk and Judy Jennings by Franc1s . Johns were Wt!l.I enacted; The 'mW!1o and dancing of the chor~ should re_ ceive specla] mention, and alsb 'a word of recognition tor the flne tap dancing by Hess, Mr. Prant, MIss Beach. Mr. Fort. and all '1(110 took part In apy way we MY "congratw",tJOna on a !lne show."
During the last term 75 per cent of the children who are drinking milk 'lire gaining weight as com_ pared to 59 per e:mt In a test taken In a previous year. Several of the ohildren have J1iO.lned over 10 100. .slnce last October ' and many are no longer underweight. By presenting this Information to the chtldren In the form of graphs. they are able to see the Improvements they are making. TeachetB at the grade building have noted marked 1m· provement In the cases of chlldren who needed milk badly. Consldeable temperence work hns ·been attem_ ptert through the milk project by means of posters l1nd literature compariJut values 01 milk and alco_ holic drinks. However the milk fund Is prac~calJy depleted and any do_ nation 'Vi111 be greatly 11 ppreclated , Those representing the d1fferent churches who w111 be glad to take your donation 6re: . Mrs. Ernest Earnhart. Mt. HOlly; . Mrs. Stanley BaUey, Lytle; MrIl. James Hartsock, Ferry; Mrs. James Oray, Green Briar; Mrs. F'J'ances Brannock. Waynes· ville Cburch of Ob~lst Mrs. Robert Collett, MethOdist Mrs. Laurence Brown, Oathollc; Mrs. Ethan Orane, Eplscopal; Sarab Braddock. Friends;
_ - 1_'\1.TES 8ATt'TltI;)AY
The Klngs Heralds met at the home of Mary Ann MeUoh Monday afternoon. The president, Mary Lois Lacy opened the meeting by reading t~ twe~ third P.saIm. During t)le business meeting it was reported that $3,30 had been clear_ ed from the pop corn sale dn Sat.. urdsy. After the program reCresh_ ments were served by Mrs. A. E. Melloh. The next meetlnl;' wllJ be held with Mary Lois Lacy.
Funeral services for Mrs. Clara Lewis, who died last Thursday at her home in Dayton. were held at the residence' Sa.lrurday afternoon nnd burial was In' Miami cemetery.
Funeral servicE'S for Mrs. Mary Smart Haines, pI'om lnen t ahd .Hfe ' long reo dent of Harv~sburg . who A PROCL~MATION passed away on March 26Lh at her -I late hOllle. were held at tile I'esl_ ' Presiden' RoosevcU Issued a proc· denee on Tuesday aL 2. p m . lamation MII.rch 17 to set . ashle ' Services were cOllau~ea by the April as Cancer Control J\lonth and Rev. Geol'ge H. Weaver of til e urKed aU Indllvlduals and orranlza_ 1 Methodl:>t Elpscopat church. assistlions to unite In the war against ed by Rev. J. p . Thol·nbury. In- _._ ._ _ , _ _ ._ _ _._ cancer with the Women'" Field ' terment wns In Ml3ml cemetery Army enptetL Ib ' a. nationwide cd · conducted by The Oswald fun ~ral ucatiC/nal campal,n. dll'ectors of Lebanon. April 3 a speCial broad ast over Rclallves from Iowa. Delaware _ _;_ _ , _ . _ _ ._ _ _ the Red Net.'ork of NBC, "Protect and Oincinna tl were present a nd II Mr. W. N. Sears was a Olnclnnatl Your B~' Yfl&l'II" will be hClU'd number of frlend~ from Wllmln'l'_ visitor Wednesday. I from 7:45 to 1\1 p, m. nlshop lJenry ton, Lebonon, Dayton nnd Xen :o Sa.. George Tucker' 1'homas Parran, [t LLcnded the 'services. Mrs. Orvllle Gray entertained her Jr.. sUfll"con_Ifeneral of the U. S. 500 club on Wednesday afternoon. PabUc Health Servlcc and Dr. C. 1\1RS. J . W, WAltD 1I0STESS C, LiUle wID Ibe &pCllkers.. 1'0 NEW CEN'fURY CLUB April U from tS:15 p, m, Blu Mrs. Joslab Dnvls entertained the members ot her card party club Network, . :NBC "Civlliutlon On Friday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. last Thursday afternoon . i\6ain14 Cancer" ~ sehcdulecJ, Dr, Ward was hrist-ess to the New Cen· Mr. and Mrs. James Hawke and Eduud Lindeman. Professor nenry Lury club nt the Little Inn, Nlne_ daughter Glenna of Springfield vis_ p,.u. FaJ~hJJd ao.d Dr. C. C. Lit- teen members responded to roll call tJe. speak.ers. Ited relativc!) here Sunday. with memory gem/\. The fltst number 0: the program Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oarver of arranged by Mrs. J H. Sackett. Mrs. Cincinnati will be guests of Mr, nnd PROSPECTIVIE B)tIDE Martha Hough and Mrs. H. E. Hath Mrs. W. N. Bears this week end. IS 1I0NORED away was a trio "Oh Lovely Night" sung by Mrs. R, D. ooilett, Mrs. F . Mrs. H. H. ~vls of Mansfield, O. Mr. and Mrs. ~mer Hoyle en.. U. LeMay lind Mrs. Sackett. visited at the home-of- her-&Ist.e.... Mrs, D. C. Ridge, last week. tertalned at Ul,elr home Saturday Mrs. Hough then read an Inter_ night, the 'occasion- being a misceL estlng ·paper on "Roads" . MrS. Miss Ruth Larrick Is again em· then IntrodUced Mrs. lancous shower .for Miss Ruth sackett ployed anhe Decco Wallpaper store ~OYle. The guesf:!; were Mr. and . Olsol1 of WlImlngton, who gave a In ~ayton, Mrs- Arthur Wean and son Bruce , Very instructive talk on CZecho_ Will have" on band, WednesdaY. o_t Belmont.l4[r, and Mrs. ' Stl nley slOVakia. the birthplace of .h er fo8_ AprU 6. potted nowers for Easter. Morris and daughter Mary Ellen of ther. Mrs. Olson was bOrn In a set_ ctnclnn.att; Mr. and Mrs. George tlement of her people In 10uli. Cz. A. H. Stubbs, Smltb and family. Mr. and Mrs. echoslovakla, a small country be_ Mr, and Mrs. L H. Gordon and Timothy Smith and daugllter tween Germany J\Il1d Russla.· their guest, Miss Lois Mitchell were Louise, Mr. James Smith, Mr. and Tile program was closed by an_ Dayton Visitors Baturday nigbi Mrs. Erion Smith and daughter otber vocal trio "The Rosary " Dainty ref,rsbmeht6 were ~rved Ml$ Abbie · Graham 10f Spring· Judy, Mr, and, ·Mrs. Willis Hunter boro Is spending this week at the and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence to members and the guests, Mrs, Edwards . and daughter, Mr. and Foster Heacock. Mrs. LeD1l.· Hart. home of Mrs, Bertie Mills, Mrs. Roy lult8$ and . family, Mrs. sock , Misses Annie and Marne Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Ridge enter, Myrtle oaIrllsll~ eW\ family ~ Browne. \ talned at dinner Friday evening, Helen Bco~t, -Charles Hoyle, Earl ,Kettnedy. "" MIss · rttude HoYle of 'E;\STER MARKET U:r ' and Mis.·. Bat1"Davls· of Dayton. , . Lebanon, ·Mr. and Mrs, Keith WaL Mba . ~ C~Jtne L~eDS WIIS ton, Miss EdIth Hoyle, Charles HoyMrs- J. P. Lartlck's dJvlslon of the guest of Mr. . and Mrs. Keller Ie Jr, and Clarence Smith. the Methodist Ladies' Aid wlll hold Hoak and family Sunday night. MAny beautlJful and ;useful gifts an all day market Saturday. April were bride to be. 8 at the Le-M!ly·Hnwke Agency, Dr. and Mrs. Ii.. E. stout daughter were Dayton vlsltors Sun.. The evening was spent In playlitg 'where you cati buy !ill kinds of ba.. cards and. OhbleBe checkers. Be.. ked. . goods and other food for dny. Easter dinner, Telephoillel freshments . were servoo by the your Mr. and ' Mrs, Glenn Bland and hostess. your order to Mrs: Larriok, Mr. . and Mrs, L, O. St. John were S,u nday evening guests of .Mr, and M~. J. H, Mengle. 1
Local Happenings
The Waynesville . Methodist chw'cll was bequeathed $300 from the estate 01 Mrs. Mary Stokes Sli_ ver, occordlng to hcr will recently admltled to probate. A granddaughter , Mm:y Louise Sliver. WlhLon Place, Cincinnati , and a grandson, John A. slIver . Gambler, are Lo receive the r sldue of thl! estate, valued at $9000· O. C. Eulnss. l'eLlred Lebanon banker wns named executor,
Local Happenings Mr. arid Mrs. J . P. Lan Ick were v Lsit.ors , Tuesday.
Ray O. Conner, who Is In Mlnml Valley hospital ,ls l'epor\.Cc1 to be Im_ pl·ovlng. Mr. twd Mrs. Russell Holliday Ilnd dall{:htel' spent Sunday w.tll Mrs. Hoillday 's parents at Hillsboro Miss J ean McCluT of Dnyton was the week end C'lIest of Miss Jean Hess. The Farm Burenu discussion group wl11 meet at the home of Harvey Burnett In LyLle Tuesday ,evening, Api'll 4 Miss Billie Virginia Jones of Leb. nnon was a. dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hart_ Hock, Friday.
ALUMNI ~RESENTS 2. LIBRARY UNITS , TO HIGH·. SCHOOL That the library proJect or the Waynesville high school alumni association WDS 1\ continuous one ,.v1tb more books to be added rrom year to year was 'announced by Oharles M. Cartwright. chairman o( the li_ brary cOmmittee, as the first two units were presented In Impress1ve exel1clses Ilt the aud1~rlum_gym. ll Jl-llull1 Tllursday aft rnOon. In an lnsplrlnlf lind informative address Mr. Ca.rtwrlght, who made a specinal trip frOm Chicago ror the event, traced the hl&tory of tho IIbrnry project, stilting that In addi. , Lion to the two units presented the ~cllool ThUl'~day, another would be .' [Il:.tnlled before the opening or the fall school term. Impressed by the sight ot 30 youn g people In caps ond gowns at th ~ commencement exercises last May, young people ot this rW'al community, Mr. oartWl'lght said he wa ~ prompted to do somethltlg con· structive tqr the school of which he. Is a grlUlunte. It was thus that the lIbmry project was started. ' ,
Mr. Cartwr~ht stressed J the 1m.. portance 01 . knowledge obtained from other sources than 8:hool text.. books. namely by wldel reading and social contacts. He Str~ed the value' of a greater vocabulary. abU., Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Roush and tty to wrlte clear an,d concise let.. dnughtel' Jeanne of I~dlanapollB tel's. and to express one's th~ugbts were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. befQre a public aucpence. . , Lawrence Surface and fnmUy. ., The meeting ",blch was a.ttended' Ethnn J. Lewis, who reenlisted In by about 30 members or the alumnt the Navy in February. Is now on MSOCilltion and members ' of ·the . duty at tile Bestroyer Base In San board ot edUcatIon. opened with the I;lnglng of America. TIlls Wall fol_ lJlego. Calif. lowed by a vocal solo by Ruth Con1ofr. and Mrs. Wlll Stroud visited Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Weltz ot nor. friends in West Carrollton. Sunday~ Wlbnington spent the day, Tuesday In the abl'oCJlCE1 of MIss Margaret' Mrs. A, E. ' Stout and Mrs, Rus... with Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Weltz Edward~, presldent of this ' 'year's and f~y. sell. Frank were Dayton visitors association. Mrs. Ruth Wllton vice. M9nday, . " Mr. and /Mrs, J. W. Kersey had '1\8 p~~dentt wa& Intr~uc~ arid sPOke brteny; . ... 1'.. IUl'd auo. ~.- A . P • M eII 0b v...,1 I . ted' dinner g\.\ests on Saturday, Mrs, Ira ... SuperlnteDd~mt r.;. A. Garst who Townsley and daughter of Baltl· relatives In ~ilton Bat~y eve,. presided, then Introduced Mr. 'Oart.. more. ;Md" and Mrs. Agnes Thom~_ wrlgbt. nJng. . , son or Xenia ' Mrs. , GeneVa Dymond. school 11· Mr' and 'Mrs. 'Wllliam Lukens en· Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Long ' and brarlan,. expressed her ~ppreCiation tertaIned tbelr brIdge club from daughter, ' Helen Louise of Colwn.. for the gUt to the school IInd ' re. Harveysburg on Wedne5aay even g' bus, an~ Mr', and Mrs. Ira Brown lated bow she and several st~denta ~ M1r~ W.baI'ton .of Lytle ..,. , . ' and son 6CFranklln were Sunday had 'spent 70 holirs. In preparing the was a Sul)day dinner guest . of Mr. guests or Mr. 'and Mrs. ' H H. WU, new books for . use. . and Mrs. A. p. MeUoh and famtly. Hamson. . ' , , Other speakers on the program were Kenneth, HOU~h, Vice presLl Mr. and Mrs. Ell Furnas and fam· Ml-. and Mrs. Robert Walton IIrnd dent of the board' of 'eduCatlon; lIy visited Mrs. ' Mory GUlnm at son al1~. Mt. and Mrs. Ar~her HarL Tressler Hardin, President of .the Mrs. Frances Brannock ' enter_ Wilmington Sunday. l>ock 01 Dayton were viSitors Sat_ high schooi 8tuden~ councll; J .. 'D, Miss Mae Tread,way '01 Dayton 'talned at dinner, Friday, Miss Lucy urday evening at .the home of Mr. Qrabbe. under \Vbose.supervWcm ex· and Mrs, Bert Hari:sock, I spent the week end With her par. Emley and Roger Brown lInd ram· tra library stacks Rre· being pre.. . , ents, .Mr. lind ~s .. John Treadway, 11y. and Raymond BraddOCk. pared; Dr. and Mrs; C, E. Norris of Chl~ 1n the : recent nationwide . broad: principal. F'J'ances ' Jo~ Played a Mr. lind uri. Lewis Fires an(l Mrs. Eva Long Hammond of Oakcn:~o · visited t~elr gtandmotherj ctst for Boy Scouts, President family were S~nday dlnlU!f guesta Il'nd; Oalif, 'Is spending a ~ew Y"~eks . .Ws. FraI)k Hoffman. last , ~eek , saxaphon.e, solo as the studimt body , Wltb ber slBter, Mrs. H. H. Wllllarn.. They wel'e guests of Mr. and Mrs. !lied from th~ audioorium to close ROosevelt who Is Horibrary Prest of Mr. and Mfs. Elvin Pires, son and ta(Jllly. J . P. Lnrrick all Tuesiiar and Wed.. the meeting. dent for the Boy SCduta of Amerl_ MiS/! HllfI'ict Ellen ' Miller of Leb_ At tlle conclUSion 'oJ the dedie~ nesday. , ca said: "I like to tblnl: that· faith· anon was a week end guest or JoI1ss , Miss Lois Mitchell of Woostu; tory . program. a bllSiness' meetln, ful observance· Of. the scOut oath Ann .DonAhoo. . Ohio W8$ " w~k entl IDlest :at tile Mr. and Mrg, . J, K. Preston gave and too were held at the Little Inn ~t.1tutea 'an elDCellent prellrn1nllry .'. : . .. or. a blrthdn¥ .supper Sunday .1n hOl\or Mfs, Ruth Walton presided lIt thIS' training du~ of cltlr.eDsh1p JaM . ~I'I! of Cincinnati s~t; don, . . of Mr, Pi'eston'sf'othe'r. ~v. · Kern, gathering.. and 'pl~ns for ~he coming . I ~lke to 'tti@Jt ot, the 'entlr!' Sco~t the wOOkend with his parents."lIr, . . . ...: Preston. Other guests were J . B. reunion were discussed 1h detail. ,; ~g as .an apprebtlceahip ' for ·and Mfa, W 'N: Scaril-'" ' Mr, and. I\Irs. Emerson Earnllarti Preston and H, B. Preston of· Cin_ MrS. Car~wright· who ·accompanled , , . • . were dinner' iUea~ of tJ)elr daugti_ ~ master of fut~ .clv1e (lutles." MI:, and Mrs. 'J, D. 'BoI1n were &ef. Mrs • .1., N 'Roblnson In Dayton cinnati. her husband 'from Ohtcago, and Mr, <,Scouta' !earn ' in~epen~oe, tol_ dln.ner guesta· Sund8y. 'of Mr. and on Prlday,. ' . .", Cartwrlgbt were. hosts .t the tea Mr. and Mr.s. Bl'yan prendergast at whlch ,offlcers Jf the alumni iIs:, erenCe: They. develop. individual ¥rs. ;W&)'Jie Shtdaker in Wllmlng_ .1 thtDldn'g ad .J~iment; . ·the seedS ton. ,.... . Mr, end Mr.s. Harold lIIIler nnd fa~IlY of Winton PllII::e, Cln~ soclatlon, m~mbers at the 'lIprary . of goOd clt1aensh!p " are" planted · . ." (. . tert41ned at ·dlnner Baturday e,~_ clnl1atl were week end guesW/ ot epmmlttee, and locM members Of. through , l:be learnh,lg_by.()o~ Several . .p1emba-!, o~ the local nina; · Mr, and Mrs, carme!l .. ~rane. MIss Katherine and Mr. Jesse Pren_ ~. O.a rtwrlght·s .;e\lIlion ,comll)1tt:ee method. Ariyone who hu stUdied Mnaoruc lodltC attended the Inspec.. Mr. and' Mrs. A. H. StubbS and Dr. dergast. Elmer ,starr of WilmingtOn were guests. Mrs. J. O. Cartwright', the , Boy SjlOu~ Movement, ctI~ot :tion and dJnn.;r ~~ the MaSOnic, and .Mrs, JI. F, Dye. . was their guest on Sunday. a! Clnctnnatl. also attended the help' but .realIze tbat it Is one of lodge ot' HarveYl!burg _ ~turda~ program I\Jld tea. .. -t tfal..: ....ou:.. ..... ' for nlgbt. A record , u,ttendance of 120 Mrs, Kenneth Hou"h .nnd Mrs, A. I -D, L. Cre,ne was a .guest, Mrs. the .,.,.. The committee this yellr Intends 111ll8 ..'......" E. stOut win be hastesses at the Sunday of Mrs. Editb M. Harris teaching American prlilCiple8 was re)l(!l'.t ed. -28 III!f~ent· 10000es CookJng School to be held at ma~e 'every effort to have JDQI'e' to and' Mr. Harris Mosher. After. dln~ .tbrough pra~tice,. , , being ~r_nted. . Town Hall tn· Lebanon Wednesday, the alumni I1880CI tlo» ' ner at the Little Inn the group mo_ members 'The Boy Scout Troop In Waynes., On Monday of this week the Rev. Thursday and Prtday. tl1e ' coming reunion tban back for .tored to Dayton where they ' spent ~ vlJle Is eager ·to keep pa.: e with the J. V"Lacy ,a nd the Rev, R· L, Hack;.. the afternoon with the Rev. and ever before, ~t 'prlnc!lples of BcoutlJ1g. 'HOW,' well attended 'a .meetlng ot..Day tort Mr.. and Mrs. Sherman Urton In this connection. Mr. Cartwright Mrs. John J. 8«haeffer, . ever. it Is badly in . need pt ~ulp.. clergy fA) her Bishop uimry Hob:. hav~ U¥>veddrom ROush prop_ 'polnted out that ' there have been ment I\Dd Wlless '!Orne mean's son speak on the Madras M1s8lcjO' arty on Route '73 to Mrs· MaddellB Mi. and Mrs . .Raymon4 Braddock 804 graduates of way~esv1l1e high ' . taken to' better · tiits condltloli the III!' propertY, recenUy vaeated by Mrs. Fred Bra~d.ock . .Mrs. Emerson sehool since: 1871. Of thi.~ number: moraie, and- SPIr!~. of the and MrS. Ernest Hartsock, . C1ilfc.4 Colimaa. cirrou. 0IU0. (~. rjpt) ..., "':""ib& tb.n.c 'o f Earnhart, Mrs. J . P. Fromm and h~ve died" and that 7Ill remain. sutter . \. . .. ,. ' ,., . Mr,. and Mrs. Wade TUtner end : . ,0IU0 . 'cc-. H,tIrida to Jaha T. Brcnni, Dinctor "of Aari~ Mrs. WlII O. St. John attended a '. • son were Sunday dinner guests of . ~, D. O. 'Ridge, Mrs. U. H. Da_ B: IAybo~ (~) SpriapeJd, Obio, Chief of the PiYWoa of ..~In~ Scoutlng,1Ii ao ~~t as 'Mr."arui Mrs. J.' ·U'. ~ett aDd vis: Mrs, John Fromm. Mrs. WUI PIaDt WIIIIrJ, iia' m'chatp of WOIdD.tbe nPiatiODl 'OIl .certiW ....... reception given :by tl!e Eastern St!!:r lodge · ot Cll1rksvllle Monday ',. . '. . a ~ea~ ~ d!",e1~ , character famhy ' • . " . st, John anct Mrs. R. H, Hartsock. ~ . -. evening . Iii honor of Mrs. PauUn~ an4 clvlc .< ~Ues may ~ , ownl ' : ,. vUited ,AcacJa C~apter or the East~LU;IIBUS ($~l) ,-'fhe Ohio Ins, Ohio ~.8. I9wa 981, Bush, Mrs. Susie Saylor and daughter. Deputy GraDd Matron of the com~unlty " ~~' ttie support " thllt . l\4l' and' ~ :Aitii~ Weari ' ·and $!1',Il ~~ IlOdge - a~ DaYtOn Thurs... OhIO Seed Impro~emnt · AsaocIa- Ohio ,KS5" Iow~ 989, Ohio WI'l, ' . Mrs. Mart~ G~m of' Lytle' !1a. Is needec1. , tha( 91ll' tiO~s' may have epn, a~ Mr. and.Mrs. StanleY. Nor: day ·nigbt. A chapter from IndJan.. tiOD la the ftrit ,tO compll with the US66, Ohio 014, Mnois 172, I1U~ . 21st. dlstrlC~, '. . ' Ired. rrlen~ at .tbe ,Hpme on PrIdV, new regUtation DDdet Ohio'. Airi. ~ols' 884. :US 62, Illinois ~60. US. . , ~e same advan~" ~t. ~PI\ ~Is .. 8Dd , ~~ter MAry ElJen or ,apO)Is. P\4t o~ ,.the ·\..:Oft, It . waS Mr. and M~ William Lukens at~ .Mr. ~usse11 Brown of, eol.U QDu 1ri' oth~r eoiiui1u¢~ enjoy,. 'Belmont, Dayton. were' Sltlp'day seJ;lted ~, ~ . the first ritual CUlture.Seed Law requlrIne .regta..", Indiana ~1'" Ohio ~1, US 18. tended . the mee.t in; 'of Harveysburg Med'~J ffehool 'Willi ' . • _ " ~ht. lU~ta ot .Mr.. ~d' Mrs:- 'BI. ~t.ten- ~or ,~e .~ star ~on' of com bbdill;' siilD~ Go!cJen o~ B~n..m Sweet Oral;1ge, Monday night. InltLat~on supper ~est of Miss ~~AL .~JN:G, WARBEN ~Je, .'. ... In··coe~. · " ' • . " .:, ' tho peclJcree of '·the hybrid ~Dd ~ . ,The rqala~OJ1, fn~- .poeUl'el and tl)e coruemng 'Of the Srd and MfIi8.!Iame Browne. " , auT ,P'A~ CLD . iIrB. S: D, "enkle ~r I,.ebaDon,i'"en. Mr: '~ 1lrB; '$, .D. Hel'llde enter- ~,. I)f ~ ~~on. perIOD, that onll ant Kellt!r~tlon of. ero•• 4th ' de~ .'featureci the· ' ~~~. ' aunday. ~ at "the'" A spec1al .~ team ~ .used ...... and Mrs. Oecar: W". ,- .~ i'''_ • l . tertamed the clue tamed .thelr: five dinner : : ?'he annUal ~ .ot tbe War- 'I'Ue!Ida1.. a~ U1e (.I4~Ue· Ihn. ',In~ club a~ . th~_ bome , In ~an~n, croI& '. ' ,' , . their ' eomblnatlona may be labeled .tOt' thla· ·WoI'~ Mr.' ~. the . rep. ~. st.cY ~ of'; oe.~lIIimm O,·;,BlllYIW ren CO!.IJJ1;1 Jeney,"C8tU" ClUb ted · 8uests b 't he .rternoon ~: Saturday Dlaht, The , foUowing . QUrord COtrmaa, C&rrol1 Oh\oo "hJbrld." The ohio $eed'lmprove. ' re~ntat1ve .of the ,B,an4y and ,Bea;.. Mr, altd Mii; _ .. . , . at the ~DOD: blab Mn. A. ~. stOut, lira. ;will. L\1kenI IU8lta preaen.~ Mr. ' ·imd M1'8, riee-prem&!Dt. ,ot tile .o~ sMd ·m lDt.A8eocJatioia II.~.....n, deiI. ver ValIey .lDiI, Co.,'wu .a ~t. AD anon.,Mn, A- z. 1I8l~"?_d: lIt!lool bulldlnlr PrIda.J•.-1IaIcb 31, lin., Bert oBarUoct.',' Mel lin.' BiD. J, B. Oiiapman, Dr,. add 1lf.. U. 1:. 'ImJltovement ·A -.oeIatloa, rectster. lpat.ea apDc, 101' cettlfJiDIR aeed elicepttOniilly good attendance Wla Kennetb aDd _ a' 8 p. m. Uotbi ___ d lie aw. It IIOOt&re. IIIIh 8qgi'e ".. ' Batbawv of :WayDesvWe, 111', aQd iii with . .lob T. Bro.... director Of corn_ hJbrlda aDder th.",~tate present.. The ~uvenu.- G~ge h~ Loq. .a nd abowD aDd ~ Biiatw. ~heJd"" JIn. ~ 'aD4"1be IM!i\ .....: A. . ..- OoI1ett, ..... Qld lira, 9f ..n,aU1~1;an "~J)hIo.ea. w• . O......eertt8catlon tap a apedaq:aater , ~ and, wDIIL. .;ea.Petllnon dID' of the State. club apeu. IdIIfJIt . . ·Ofr.JJ. 'Jbae DII......... ~ oraIiiUD of BaI'\'~ tl4ed com ltJbrlldflor1be. O~ IIIaed by tbIa or~tton «:an be 1d.CIiQ . . . . gifta for the ObUdren;a ...... Mra. • .' . .... . ' ~. , ..' member . aUacW 0Illl" .., .... of COI'D blAb bdenllted III. .finest ,...., ~ ,............ wert. -~ ~ tile aDd Mr· aDd Mrs. Hane1 Burnett The deat .. .' -bItda that _".- paued 'both ' &aId Home. After the b\lSlne8a aeaalOh 'Boovv
.. Local Happenings
troop rtJl
meeting: .
' .'
o~~~')tn~!e:ev:o= ~=:.~~~:r:;
. . . to .. Pi 1
of~ .
~ .. 1J1!t ~ _MpI-I•• ~
were aened,
You ~
To Shop THE
Ladies' New
ized Work Panta
Rayon Undiea
Spring Handbag_
$1.00 Men'a Spring
Motion Pictures Are Your neat Entertainment
Beautiful Spring Patterns . , tailored to fit, stripes checks figures. $1.29 Valuea.
MR; FA.RMER If you are going to j'nvest in a tractor or any
machinery you 'owe it to yourself to see the "Case" line before you buy. See the "Case" line at-
Fur felt hata in greena
a't Sl·98
5 lb. can famoua waterle.. cleaner, can
All Kinda Of Beauty Culture 32 S. Bclwy. Phone 69R Lebanon. Ohio
·'Thin•• To Wear For Men Who Care"
Lebanon, Ohi?
See Us Firat-For All Types of Beauty Work
For Wome':l an~ ~elJ Coats - Suits - 'Dresses - Hats " f
Wharton Motors
~. '
15 E.
M~IN ~T.
At Exceedingly Moderate Prices
We a.ppreciate very much your trading with
IOc 12"c 15c yd.24c yd. lOe
neweat ahadea. Boya spring aweatera Men'a Sanforized, fine woven covert ahirts
APRIL 9th.
EASTEI;t line of Suits, Hats, Sllirts, Shoes ahd Neck'Year
9Se • 87c
Opposite High Se'hool
browna and blues $2.49 hata
Girla apring ankleta in all colora Creton--Sun faat, tub faat, duat tidtt , Ma;guiaette, fine woven, aturdy, ecru ahade,
We invite you to stop in and look over our complete
Ladies 80 sq. fast color apring houae dreasea Men'a all wool aleevelesa barrell aweatera
Women's 23c·
Preienting the Best in Motion Picturea
.. Bil Yank San for·
Two Shows Daily 7~and 9 p. mi.
EASTER HUBER - OLIVER Farm Implementa Parta Sales and Service Weldin. and Repair ~or'k
1934 Terraplane Coupe . Ford Tudor Plymouth Coach Pontiac Sedan Chev. Coach , 1932 Plymouth Coupe Chev. Coupe 1930 Ford Coupe Buick Sedan 1929 Oakland Coach Olda Sedan 1928 Chev. Coach TRUCKS 1935 Chev. Chaaais ,and • Cab 1933 Dodge Truck 1935 International Truck 1935 Ford Truck
1938 PI,.o\lth Coupe Chev. Mat. T. Sedan Chew. Del. T. Sedan 1937 Cher. Del: T. Sedan Chery. Coupe C.-ITaler Sedan Dod.e Sed. . Ford Tudor Chev. DeL T. Sedan Chev. Del. T. Sedan 1936 . Chev. Std. Coupe Ford'Coupe Buick Century Coupe Chev. Mat. T. Sedan Ford Tudor Olda Tr. Sedan Olda 4 Dr. T • Sedan 1935 Chev. Sedan Old. Sedan
You will always find the highest' quality meats, PHONE 48 , "
Canned and Frosted Foods, Fish ~nd Poultry. '
NEW AND USED CARSi AND TRUCKS FORD lie COupm-o • .uo •• ~ Hut"'r I
lD:l1 FOHD 83 T ll oOn-B ... t ........o... 0 ..·..... IBM IflllV1tOLm' TOWN 8~oAN-onl)' oa.. O",au Jt1S3 PI.YlIOtITH WUP~ IBM FOliO FOIlOOR SEOAN Tr..k-'l1l1ll,J' .a .. O",au
Lebanon, Ohio. ,
lela 1'1.Y.OUTB
lr.lll FORD A T1JDOR
BUS.,tESS IS COoD There never lia" been, a "d~pression" fQr State AutombbUe Mut1,lal Insur.ance. The company has grown stropge~ each year ,and we have more busi· ne~ now_ than ever before. reople patronize an ~r ganization tbat is progresSive ~nd Qn~ that offers. more J)ro~ection for your money. Get '''State'' and you'll get the ' best. , ,. S· S. SCOVILLE 2S N. M~nic:: 'St. Telephone 412 Lebanon, Ohio District for- ;. . .' AutomCilti.e Mutual Insurance Co. . Columb.... Ohio
Coqle To our .Bi.r. ReX-II Ie 'S ale April 19 to 22 IVINS-JAMESQN DRUG CO.
Your Spring Hat $'£ E US Rey-a, ~nn.e Shoppe
The Resall Store Lebanon;' Ohio ,
TIME To think abou.tGRADUATION
SheDane trea you r~m , h~urs' of grinding' .J.:-......... ~ I . ' -con, ,, ' •• g '!;eII 'you alh1ic . ' venla"ccs ' of, ei~y gos 8erv, ic'~ -n.nYwh'c rc; (or Just .(1 ,r(7", cents a ilay.
EARL' B. DAVlD$ON , . Jeweler , .
Phone 67
·jne ,H ome of Gifta"
kno w , w e r ecommend II.n \1 8e11-
THE FARMALL TRACTOR W e have sold them exclusiv ely for mor~ than 20' y ears and there are more. l"W RMAlT.LS In u se In Warren County than all other row crop trtlCtor s comblneil. '!)hey mll!l~ bave done ~h e joh or e lse we would not have b een able to oOntinue tlullr lilli e , Llngo', have n e ver stuck to 0. ' loser non wI! w e. 'Some s al esmpn for competing trac tors hav & b een lolklng or N'ebrRJIko. telits. That·s flo'e-->lJllt t li t ractors ' you buy fW III be 'used h er e In W'o.rre n ' t ounly-not In lIom e w es t e rn ~ tn.t_and t11 ere mnny polnt8 In I!-ddltlon to .. th.e- N eb rr1.8~o. ' t eet to , Ile ,c4 na ldered. . . ... '
... '
"W e knQw what We can do. o.nd 'so that YOIl mny know also, w e ~Ill nt 'an y <t\lm e and pl a 'c , make a, complete teat with any mak e tractor o'f '~he lIam e aille. N bro..lea .I. II. 10Dir ways trom Warre n County, and b eat plaCe to aott •• au~ m a tt r ll 48 OR yp ur own ~rm'.. So h r ll !II ,0111' IIfOPQollion tp ,Any f&J'me r In ~Wn.rr en CO un\y "'110 la dlls l eu t bit sk ep tical aal to th e. PQw er and p e rformance ot nlffer nt tractou{ we ,,-:111 gladl y meet any compe titive traotor or t.h e 8&m ~ ehte ~o r da monatrat on and trlali' on YOUt farm. , ~. th . ~r e8ent ,prlce 01 tibe M'jjCornllCik De rll'lg ' lIn e 01 trac~orl!, 'We h~~ e • afore v alue to . o((er fa t " ..ell doUar "l b ~n any oth r !tne 1'011.«11, '. ' , . ~nyon e ",..Wlng ,WI arr",nge for II. compeJltlv o ilerponati'atlon ; Ic t U8 know ' what( yo u ..,Jall to. alfe alilJ f"e'U be there. ' " • I / '1. :to• .; • ' , ." .. : ~f '
- UWBAT 't'il~!II'J'
', ......
.Hart SchaffDe~~and Marx 'ClOthes Stetson and Dobbs Hats J: P: Sn'lit9 ~an~ pro~by:f ( Sqlllalje Shoes '.' .. Arrow ,and Shirtcratt ~)i1irts . I ; , Munsing Un«:lerweai~ ' .
mqEa .
PAT1CJlfT. JlfAVY .' olAP05IQ;\. 'WRITE.
-I -~
Phone 112
Waynesville, Ohio
Entered As Second ,Clasa MaW Matter at POBtoftice, WaynesvUle, Ohio
11'101'& M. Cr~ne Editor and Publisher ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY
Subacription Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payahle in Advance
sarB'h- COrlne Pumas ' re.. turned to Oeorge School. Pa., Tul!Sdlly after spendIng the Spring va· cation with ber parents and ' bro_ ther lIr and Mrs. Seth FUrnas and Beth Jr: Mrs. lIIary Carmony In ~ompany with Mr. and lIIrs. W. P.· Olark,
VtlMMUNlTY AUCTION DIXIE AUCIJ'ION VOMPANY MIAMISBURG, OHIO Estate of John Shultz, Dec'ea~d. SAtE EVERY TpESIM,Y , Notice Is hereby glyen that Ross Let us seD your s tOck, merchan. H. Hartsock, whose fost Office Ad_ " dbe hOWiehold 'coods, etc. Every· dress Is Waynesv) lIe, Ohio has been olle invited, your bUBlnetlll Is appredu'l y appOinted as adminJsp-ator of ciated the Estate ef John' Shultz late of OALL-PHONE 535R2 War~en County. OhiO, deceased . MtAMlSBURG, 01110 Oatl,ld this 27th day "'areb 1939, { • • owner. Tel. 53""R2 Ralph H . Carey. Arthur Sorrel,
little lIIarJorle' Anne Rennat d, at the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. E . J Oarmony in Springfield on Tue~y of last week, Mrs. ZOe Brown of Washington C. H. Is visiting her daughter, ·lIIra. Ralph Barger and famlly. Mrs. E. B. Longacre left on Wed· nesday of last week. for Baltimore, lIId. for a visit with her soD-lD-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil· F, Martin, Auctioneer Judge of the Probate Oourt bert Swank and grandaon Jimmie Wan-en County, Ohio Swank. Tet: CentevlU~ 78J A large number of folks. from here 203 Custer Bldll" D~yton, O. AD3661 0. Donald Dlllltush, Atty. attended the operetta at the Wayne Township school gym on Friday. eve nlng. Mrs. Clarence Smith and Mary --'- -' . Sue Croll sPent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alien Smith and daughters in Dayton. Th!! latter lIIrs. Smith has been 11I with the grip. Kenneth and Everett Savage are now bachlng In' a part of the DoDaid Baird house. Mrs. Therle Jones and son MilLOn were Thursday evening .dlnner guests of Mr. pnd lIIrs. Edwin Nutt near CentervUle. Mr and Mrs. Charles Early of Ger~antown and Mr. and Mrs. Miles Watkins of St. were Sunday afternoon callers ot Mr. and Dear Mr. and Mrs. Farmer: Mrs. Walter Kenrjck. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaulthels of You have no doubt heard about Townsley White Dayton, Ky., were week end gut;Sts Rocks, nnd know ~hat they lW'e nationally falDous. But and lIIrs. Walter Ola~k and do you know that exactly the same program wbll1b put • -I-:.:--.i;:-- - - - ' -our White nocko 011 top Ilns been followed In bulhllng lIIrs.' Fred Rush and Mrs. ' Ralph up our Thor·O·Oood Strain of Barred Rocks' ,Barger attended the funeral of their uncle, Wilbur BIlrger at W~h1ngton The fncls are lhllt we have an. extra fine lot of C. H . Monday afternoon. Barred ROlilt breedfng flocks and to Introduce them Mrs. Margaret Johnlr and Paul w[dely In this section are making Il' .Berisatlonal offer all Johns were dinner guests Sunday of .hown below. Mr. and Mrs. Amoa; cook and sons near WeynesvUle. , • Write. call, or Ilea u s for filII details. lIIr. anr 1111's. Beth Pumas and 'd aughter . Miss Sarah COrine were Townsley Trapn~~t Farm and Hatchery shopping in Cincll1ll{atl. Thursday. Phone ,2197 . WilmIngton, Ohio· l\lr. 1Ind ,Mrs. Therle Jones and son lIIUton, attended the Renfro valiey Barn Dance at Memorial hall Dayton. Saturday evening. Mrs. lIIary Carmony attended a birthdllY dinner Sunday for. her three . year aid' gres.t.grand son, Richard . C1atlt, at the' home of pacents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Olark In Dayton. " Mr. and Mrs· Beth Pumas enter~ talned to dinner Sunday. Dr. -and Mrs. M. W, Vencer at RichmOnd, and Mrs. and Mrs. stanley ~ratton of Liberty, Ind.
A .Letter fro~ Us ••. To Vou.
Mrs Meta Rogers Is seendlng week With her ' alster, 1Irs. TrlDJe Farquar .and family !lear Ridgeyille. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon 1I'orsy,the and . daughter were · Prtday . gue~ o.t lIIr.. and Mrs, ~thUJ' ~ and children in Lebanon. . :Mr, and Mrs. Walter ,Kenrlck
were'Ella' Kenrlckevening 'in Dayton. .
D TIVA U• • Vblarcb Bevis A. Bm, PM.... SUNDAY APRIL 1 . '.9:90 S:um.y school, Leslie Qor· . such, Supt. . 10:30 Palm SUntlll): will be obeer_ ved. '7:00 P. m. Ohristian Endeavot: Be loyal to the church and help us prepare for Enster Sunday.
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. lalle Gorsuch and daughter. lIIr. and Mrs. Bert BUinnell and 'daugbters spent SWlday afternoon with Mrs. Hazel Abner and cllUdI1!n The Utica Mothe~'s club w1l1 give a play Saturday evening, April, 1 at the school house. Mr and lIIra. Pery Belv1l1e and son iook Sunday qlnner with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Young of Lebanon. The George COle family have mo_ ved to Lebanon. lII1ss patty Freeze of Red Lion spent the week end with Mr. Ilnd 1IIrs.. Bob Roser. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomas and daughter entertained Rev. and M1'S. Hill &mday.
--Public Sale
Ohio State University'lI lIIen's The untl . giled as Executor of Olee Club wUl villit Lebanon on the est.\lte .o f Dora Stiles. dec ased. Tuesday. April 11, for II,ftenloon and will S$1l at puol ;c at tlo!,], nt. h r e.v enlng concerts In the Lebanon late resld nee In Oorwln. Ohio on. Town Hall, 'under the e.usp1ces of SATURDAY, APRIL L'It. 19:\9 the Kiwanis Club. Beginning Ilt One O'clock p. The glee club of 60 members' Is the following ohattels tow1t; directed by Professor LoUia B . Household goods, coll6lst!n~ of one Diercks, of the departmeRt of music, MajeStic range; heating stove. two who has been a member of the Ohio burner 011 stove: kitchen cabl State f8lculty since 1933. clltensiol) table.; kltchen table, In his six y.c ars at Ohio State,· leather couch; chlffonnl 'r; dreSSet; Professor Diercks has built up a na- I wasb stand; bed; sawing machine; tlona~ reputatIon for his chor uses sewing ca'binet .nnd table combined ; and glee club. His symphonic choir book case ; stand; cloc){; 3.0x12 rugs; 1!lst year won the natioD-wlde uChor l lamps; 3 rockers; 6 chairs; 2 mlr. al quest" conducted by the Oolumbia rors; brass keLUe; folding Ironing Broadcasting System, and soon will board; sweeper; lot of dishes; cook. have a concert !lour ttl New York lilg utensils. tu~ and many other City as Its reward. . . articles too numerolL'l to mention. Incidentally all of the men In the T~RMS CASH sy mphonic chOir, a mixed group, W N, Sears, Auct. ' also members of the Men's Glee Club with the exception of on In_ C. Donald Dililtus h, Atly. dlvldual. ROSS II. ItART,SOCK, EXEC. OF THE ESTATE Qt' D a RA S'flLES, DECEASED.
Fairley Hardware I' Store Waynesville, O.
Twin Theater F. f. Martin
The Wayne Townshfp Board of Education. Warren County, Ohl will offer for sale at public auction, MARCH 31-APRIL 1 on the premlseli. onJoh. n Garfield GlorIa Die'kson Little Oeorge and E1lsba Powell SATURDAY, April 8, 1939 sons of Mr. and lIltS. Erble Powell At one o'clock p . m. the building "They Made Me a Criminal" have recovered from Illness of the commonly known and deslgnated nil past week, the "Old Gymnasium". Short Dave Appollon Orch . .' Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Jordan Approximate size of main buUd_ and family of ClnciDnaU. were Sun_ Ing 42 x 84. stage 14 x 44; shed .en· April 2-3 da~ guests -at the Jordan home. trance 12 x 14; conatrucled of hard. Albert Lee Talmage was a vl&1tor wood frame, ~Wte pine siding, with Geo. Brent. Phone 78) O. deHaviland Sunday at the home of his grand· metal s heathing on outside, meta WINGS OF THE NAVY parents SOuth Lebanon. and wood sheathing on Inside . The Masons of Harveysburg lodge about 2700 ft. edge grain pine floo l'. METRO NEWS held their Inspection Saturday eve- 550 ft. common pine floor, 30_2xL nIng at their Masoq1c Hall. Around pine jOlsts_14 ft. about 2400 It. Sxll one hundrj!d and fifty peJrsons were floor joist. shinKle roof, 3 large Apr. 6-7 present with reprelentatlves tram metal ventilators, several windows, '1'ARVtA·Lt'l'HIC TAR AND . R. Montgomery R. RU8IIell many lodges, doors, spouting and other things ROAD orL'; EXCAVATINO FAST AND LOOSE Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Palmer of attached to the building. Also one D MP TR[ CI( SfoJRVICE Mason and Mrs. Cora A. Meuller turnace, with automat.ic Com.-The Dream of Love Thompson, of 01ncmnatl, were Sat_ fan attachment, been used only 3 METRO NEWS urday afternoon caners at the Tal· years; two 10 rt. steel gates Uke new The above mentioned property inage bome. . Oharles Sh&vi of near Oregonia, can be Inspected 1It any time before was a business vlsJ.tor in this com- sale date. by arrangement with A. Phone. Wayn 6v IlIe 44 R 1.1 munlty last , week. B. Olea ver janitor of the Wgh I Lebat\on office Phon 473·KMr. and Mrs· Erble P()well and school bulldlng. Purch~r, q( the Mol'rOW Phone ~ ' 0. a res.!lB·M. Children were 'Vlsltors of relatives In property will be allowed a rehSon· Oregonia Sunday. able time to wreck and remove It. The barn on the farm of lIIr..{Ilnd Oome look It over. Sale-CASB . Mrs. Harry Ollne was de:ltroyed by lI'erme fire Sunday morning The n'ames W. N. sears R. B. llartsock aroused the 'neiabbo~s aboiJt five , Auet. Vie"" ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN o'clock when Jt was first dJscovered, 10ur Cattle, bOgll, sheep and ca)Vel and spread so q~y tbe buUdlng, REALEST ATf; ... to Norris-Brock C"" live wire and prOgJ'et!tlive finn ''1r the hlrheat coul~ not be saved. It was dlUlcult market prices and good lIerviee. S~LVE U.IIt. to ~eep ~e , bQ~ 'rom , NOTARY PUBLIC Stock Vard,' ClnciDn&.ti; 0 I reUeYeB Two horses and some. ca)VII!8, a trac... 'rune In OD Radio Station WCK'V tor and many other thlng!1 were con 12:26 to 12 :30 p. m. for our dal" market reports. I Subscl'l~ the awned. Burning sblngles were car· uld. Wet. . price ried to the farm of' Almon , Perr;a, 160· .. Z5c n~r by. SalYe, Nose Drops
. Beech Grove
Centerville, Ohio
Sand &
zain Armitage
' 666 .
J, B. Chapman
~~..-..~...-.~~~.-.t.-....-ll ~~.-I ..-. ~.-,~~~
Invitations for Oovernor ' BrIcker __. to malte speeches throughout the I and nation ' now ..verqe. about .0 dally. Leas than 1 Per • r.~ cent ~r the Invl~tldns UE= ~pted REAL ESTATE and It 18 repOrted that the. oaver-l __ ' n.o r baa -long~ office hc)urs than INSURANCE any other CapItol oUlcljll. AUCTIONEER
WNSf: 1 DC
~e offer a satisfactory Service
at all times
McClure Funeral J-Iome
~,~~r~'~'~'~~==~3~~:~====~~==~~~~=;==~===-~~'~==' i
" Mr. . and- Mrs. Walter Clark l\I1s$ Wanda Clark attended. f ' ral of Mrs Clara LewIs in Day· une. ton ~.turday afternoon. Mrs; AlIce Clark, 1Irs· Allen EmrIck. McGInnIa
' .
' .
~;;=-~~'T.:i:=-+~~~~~~~~ife~~Fi;~ii1~~~[]~ '~ ,~,u~ndd= isl~et
vn•••~Gl!l OF WA l'IVBIIVILI,£, ,,"AKHIDN ·evVN..:!.!, 08jO ~ "~., y ....... .,.•••• Deeeallel' at, Iv... ' . l'OPlJLA'i'IOIV. JUG CION.V!! dIW . !l Wayoesvllie. Ohio Marcb 22nd. lU . I hel'eb~ eertlty the toliowl ng rllport to lt o eorr N. . , II, ~il~::'~ru l'k. . Bnlance nee Ipt" llllQJJ<!ll' I ',b.l\ce, ' . 'Jan . 1 tlltuI'1l8 Oec.31 .. : ........ ..... . 1 3.652 .0 6 '-' .. ...,.. J-tepal:r .• \ l:ilrelll,' Hcpal r Fun.~ .. , 6'5i1.H. I,~~ ~.[P U , l,4:l~ . 11 4< .~a
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·.t ' ..•.•. .. . ....... . .... ' ..... .
Slate Bc r License Feea ' ... ............................. ..........
READY . T~ MAIL ", ,., "
. 0
t'Jlcti nsee Ilbd l'eJ:nrlila , ...... : . I .... ,. .. · .......... • .. • .. • .... 0.. '06 Lleens 8 lind PermRta .•• • :., .. . ~ ,. II •••• o .. .............. , •• • : 4U.3~8\ and Coats .. : ......... . ..... . ...... ............ ~ .... .. c.. • 51l'f7 ServlcC\ · Entcrprlae!'-W'a ter TUlntb.le, etc.. ....... . ...... . . . .. a '08 Gu Ta·x ·Refund ... ..... . ......... . . . . , . .. ... ........•... '2' 60!'2G Public Serv let! . Entler!!rlaea ... ~ ..... ...... '...•. . .. ........ i l' 069' 46. Total ltevenue •...• : ... . .... .. ... ... .. . ...... .. .... : ..... • .•.... 11'669:.6 Grand Total Jlcccipta .. -.' : • . ... . . ' " ...... .. .•. . oj;ej.~·tl~~· ... Neow Coho
and '
atruetlun r 11
equIp".. nt
!l1JJilll'ARV OF. mxPElNDllI'UlIES
Gen eral GoVernment~Leld8Ial~VO, (~qun e l1) ....
General Executlv'l • • ..••••.• ..••. .•• ..• Eleotlons .•. ... l . . . . . . .. . . . ... .... . ~- . . . . . . . . . . . . Bulldl.n gB (To'W.n Iran; ?lC.) t .... ': ... .
Total (leneral Gove,nmenlt . .... '.' .... . .. •... . , • 'Protection to ,Por80n and 'Propert.y-W~I,ce . ... . F"ire ' . ', ,,, ·1 • !-." ~ ' .. ... ~ ........ '" ..... . O J •• '
. ' •••
i~~'I:h~~::iI:O~ ' ~~ :~~~~~~. ~.~~ ,~~?~~~~. : ::;'.':: ,
Italloln-;~'l, n e"r'~' L; Vlll.,~e, FundI! , .••••..• .•• • •. : . ......... .1 .. 1,. . . . . . . . . lalre Funda ·~..:I . , I • • '. • • •. . .. . . . ... . ;~~k'a' .:.: : ::.
• It Bet th~ pace for 1939 styles - this co.r dial "'ooks like it's
335.20 335.20
'AMElICA'S ONLY CAl. WITH 1 Lii,-~s;U:·P:EI:(:H:A.:G:EI:·:.ENG.....:._INI.J.---.J
going, when it'8 sta~ding .s~V' Every line is stunmog,. di8ljnc. \
live ... exciting. . . ; , :0 '·' . ' . ,\nd tbough it's !f thrill to look ~ , tlit; new Graham, it'8 on even biggQ~ ,thrill· to drive i.t! Un);c. • '(OM.,NATIO. COurt WJlII,1IU" $940. t .... lievalJly smooth. Its gClaway- t St4Gnllh lrunk 5940; s"tlil 4-4w SHOt·in" . liic~up--:-8pi>~d mak~ dri,ving II flunli SUS dtllnrod I.O.itol' ....,...., . . . . . ralll mitY.'lIf1lro o(;uin. ·Po),' r plus Indudl;;g 0Il,',n"',4 IKC,IUo/IIC ~P. f~ ~: ' • • • yet it W08. Official Economy O~IY frelghl, ,,." Ind '1K" 11IIt( (I! NY)" ~; . . . add.d. SUI'[I(WGR MOOns All80ntOlW (~ :tr'Chompion 3 YC!lrs.i,? 4 ro":!
· r.
CaT illusl1fJ1td is 4-door trunk Sidan·~ . $96S-
<*adl'l'lJlM scmN!l'I8T8 ~ICAL
Th OIU1l!UAn ~lent1!rl8 In Texa
today stand cO(Jlpl~tely free fro m the provisions of the St8~ Medical Practic All ' The o!flclaJ exemp. . tion becalllc efiel'tJvc at S P. m., MarCh 14, wilen Gov. W. ~ 0'. DIUlIe1 signed. HoUsC BU) No. 148. Unless a b11l Is passed by a twotl\irds 'majority In the Texas House Il'nd senate ~t cannot become a. law until 90 days after the adjournment of the ' i.eg1s1ature. But House Bill No. , HB WIth almOst unprecedented unanimity and speed, passed the Beruite on March 9 without {\ dis. sentilli vote and within an hour was returned to the House, where It was approved by a vote of 134 to l - the lone dissenting vote not be. Ing directed at the exemption. One of the noteworthy facts attending this full recognition of re. .1lgiOUS liberty is t1'!at the measure was sponsored I>y the Texas MildL cal Association Itself. This organlmtion succeeded in 1901 In passing tllIis. and representatives ot the which, in .Its defLn1tion of what cdn. stitutes the practice of medicine, stated that It 'applied . to a ll who treat disease '~y any sys~m ' or method." . It is of special interest · that the
I Cure h hes
present. legLsla\1on not only ex.. r----~------__: empts Chrlstlan Bcl«mtlsts lrom the ~I provLslons of the Texas loIedlcal Practice Act, but ootually strangth• Eli'i$ the position of esitimate-ptaot1tJOners. That. porLion of tHe new FERRY enUROH OF CHRIST '. 8 1:t affecting Otirls~an 8clentillts W. e, Smllh, Minister reads as follows. LORD'S DAY ' "Nothlng In this law shall be so Morning worship 9:30 a. m. construed as to discriminate aialnst Lords Supper 10:4.6 a. m. a~ particular School or system of Sermon 11:00 '$ . medical practice, nor to &ffeet or Ser1nOll SUbject-;-The SCllen Say. l1mSt In any way the appllcatlon or ings on the Cross: : use of , the prinCiples, tenets, o~ There were 115 In . attendallce teachtngs of IIny · Chur~h .' In the la$t Sunda.y but we are working for ministration to the sICk or suffer. 200 Easter, won't you make plans Ing by prayer without the use ,of to attend, any drug or material remedy, pro-----vlded sanitary and quarantine laws WAYNESVILLE CHURCII OF and regulations are complied with; CHRIST nnd provided fu.r ther, that all those W. ·C. Smith, Mlnls~er so m1n1stering or offering to min_ LORDS DAY Ister to the sIck or suttering by Bible' School 9:30 a. m. prayer shall refrain from ma lntain_ Communion 10:45 a. m. ing ot!1ees, elOCept -tor the purposes Christian endeavor 7:00 p. m. of exerc1s1ng the principles, tenets Preaohlng 7.30 p. m. or tenchlng of the Church ot which Sermon Subj~t-The necessity they are bona fide members." of the Cross. The ceremony of the slgiUng of There were 72 present last SUD. the bUl was staged In t he Gover· day morning for worship and 70 nor's office In the presence of the Sunday evening to hear the dis. d Be te course on the harm In dancing and authors of the House an na press. I t was freely and gratefully playing cards. expressed by everyone that a once WEDNESDAY seemingly unsolva ble problem has Prayer meetlng and Bible Study been satisfactorily ' solved through 7:30 P. m. friendly undestandlng and co_op_ eratlon.
$1.50 ANDRE' DANDRVFF TREATMENT with other beauty s~rvice THis WEEK, . if y~u - present thil ad, • ~.
Evelyn's Beauty ,Salon Phone 4 Waynesville, o. - --
. . .,.
BECAUSE x..,.... Cotr_ are HOT-dated (tho 0111)1 claU .. method thot m.... u.... ruu oorr... C....h • • a ) th0Y !I\l,)r be paeked 10 Inupeoal •• paper belO I.. tcad or coolly oonl&lo.,... You thUi MV. U much .. ten centa a pound I
SPOTUGHT COFFEE B Rutiful Rose mary Lane hUll t be femInIn e iend iu the gr Itt Worner BroB epic. "The Oklal:oma Kid" a s ti rr ing moll on pIc ture Il.I the famo1l8 land Tush of 1 93. whIch opens Sun dlty, April 2, a t the Xenia th ea l r ' In Xe nia'. Jam as Cagn ey has l h ~ m il ' U lI1 e luad while HutllIlhl'cy Dogurt lI eo<1l. tbe sUVPO"UIl Y, ~~Bt. "
10 lb. bal
5 lb. baE 26e
WHEATIES FI~~:~lbt 2 21 e PRESERVES P~~K:ER~S ~~~ 19~e '
9:30 Sunday school, .R. D. Collett !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~T~~~~~~~~~~~~ Supt. . plE,l. ' 10:40 Palm Sunday service, sub_ UNION SERVICES The rain has put a sLop to to_ I ject "Why the Palm," HOLY WEEK , bacco bed steaming and all tarmlng 6:00 Epworth League operations In thle neighborhood for No Evening Service Union Holy Week services to the tlme being. MONDAY .whlch everyone Is il\vited to come Mrs. Mary Haines , 70, died at her Erv1p Thomas experienced bad Lenten services begin. Union ser- nnd worship, wlll be held each day home here Sa,turd1ly. morning. She luck Sunday when his car caught vice each night from Monday to next week ex:c.ept Saturday. Begin. was the widow of Will Haines who lung , andl ' continuing preceded her in death several years fire from a short In tlle wiring and Thursday at 7:30. through Thursday th,e services wpl ago. She was a prominent member burned up. It was completely de- See announcement elsewhere. TEE-DEE stroyed and wUl be sold for junk: WEDNESDAY , be held at seven.thlrty o'clock In of the Methodist church, the W. O. Mr. and Mrs. McFarland anu Mr. The W. p . M: S, will meet at the the evening at -the M . E. church. T. U. and Olvlc League. and Mrs. Fraudenburg vIa1ted Rev. home of ~s. J. 'v. Lacy at 2 p, m. The Good Friday service from noon Mrs. Ida Hanks Is a vloUm .of and ~rs. Bmith Tuesday, which FRIDAY until three o'clock, \vlll be In St. scarlet fever. was Mrs. Smith's birthday. 12:00 Union three hour service lIt Mary's chUrch. Botl] choirs wUl The Babin MacDonald barber OOc~~;~RY Lawrence Thomas is recovering st. Mary's Church-8ee announce. participate in aU the meetings, On Shop . which was destroyed In the from his acoldent very slowly. ment elsewhere Monday evening, In place of an ad- recent fire is being replaCed by a • Dr.' aDd Mrs. 'John Paul Bolton The next Sunday WIll be · Easter dress a series of slides depicting modern cement br1!k structure. SIX DELICIOUS. and daughter spent Sunday with and there will be baptisms and the l~st week of Jesus wW be shown • plr••, FLAVORS Mrs. John Rali~l1ff, Mrs. Louise • • the tormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. some will Join the church 'The Rev. Mr. HDckwE!1l will preach Fite and daughter Jane were WIL ~LOUR COUNTRY CLUB Rolla Bolton and ~Iss V~ Bolton There WIll be an ' Easter Dawn on Tuesday and ThUl~day even1i1gs lb. bar l' ' 12 Lb. 8a. 35c • ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cornell were service, Easter brealdast and 1l ser. lind the Rev, Mr. Lnc:y on Wednes_ mlngton ' Saturday. AVONDALE h£ ~~non on busln,ess Tuesday vice- ot musio by the choir In the day evening. Both men wUl speak Mr. ' 1lnd Mrs. Charles Edwards 'b. b •• L. 12 Lb. Bag 31c • afternoon. evening. Q,t the Good Frida.y siervice. were In Wllmlngton Saturday. Mr. an~ Mrs. p. J. Thomaa were Mr. and . Mrs. Linn KIrk visited dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray. 'ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CIVIC CLUB TO MEET Mrs. A. K. Jeffries, Thursday. , w~'¢Ar~:lR 3 .c:~n~ mond ~baw and tamJIy Sunday. 'CHuRCH . ' Vernon Sarns spent Sunday with Late '10 the afternooo they vls,lted Bey. R. L Hackwell, Minister WEDNESDA~, •APRn, 1\ Mr. and Mrs_ F'rank Barns and Pure 'Granulated the dam at Germantown. Palm Sunda,. daughter. . . , Mrs. P. J. , Thomas and Vernon '10 a Church 'School The ' regular buslne'ss meeting of 10 lb. bag 49c LB. O~'C FWdyce callcfd on Mr, and Mrs. 11 a: ::.. Mornlng P-yer and the Waynesville Civll: Olub will be . , , ' 25 lb• .b__ag ' $1.15 BAG ~O , Tom Fordyce in West Carrollton ~_=_~·-="' '':''- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~g?,~~_...:N::O~TI~C~E~O~F=P=UB~LI~C:. . :S~I~i.L~E~-l~--:-:;;::-:::""'::; Thursday evenlng. Mrs.1"ordy e rmon. - Gl1LD MEDAL or ,PILLSBURY te At thls service the Ohoir Will sing The Wayne Township Board of qUi 1)1. a speolai anthem ' "LIft \ up your All members are urged to be EduC1I.tioJi, Warren County, Ohio, 5 ' lb. bag. 24C . Mr. sam Meredith underwent present. Comml.ttee appointments " , 1.. ~ Ib• balr an operation at McOlellan's hosplt~ heads, 0 ye gates" by HOpkins. Will be announced and arrange- wili offer for sale a t pliNIc auction, .. 47c al.., in XenIa Tue ·"'ay He is resting MONDAY through THURSDAY menLs will be made for the next on the premises, on saturday the ...... . 7:30 p. m. Holy week union sereighth day ot April, 1939 at 1 , comfortably at this writing. vices at M. E. ChuJ'Ch regular dinner meeting, o'clock p. m. the. buLldlng commonly known and designated as the "Old Rev. and Mrs. ·Smith and famJly GOOD FRIDAY were dinner 'gUests of Mr. and Mrs, Noon untll 3 P. m. Three hour GYlJllW!ium". Coy Ollllam and children Monday.- uriton servlc~. Everyone Is welcome R. H. HartsOck, Clerk A complete variety of Certifi~ •an~ Non-Certi~ Mr. land Mrs. D. ,L Robin~ to come to this service tor as long fied-Priced R;ght. These Potatoea w:ere pa:Oduced" called on the Lawrence Thomases a- time as they. are able to stay.
IPEANUT' ~'r!r!~Jl
, .
4~~.2 25e
4~.~a3 25c
2 !!';;.2 25e 2 ::.2 27e 4 1ge
24 SSe f l.;'OUR WERK'S TAG SOAP 10 bare39c
•. 5
FIG ' ur .
Seed Potatoes
A fire of unknown origin destroy. , ,- - - - - - - - : - - - - - -
au. pdCH tor
tbll "dou.blecured" Staa&Ird tift I*e the"tat Iowr - . BuDt witb 100" fuD·
fio.tiD, cord.,
It'l IIiIotber hie ftlue lf~ buy ben 811daow. ,
e~ the barns on the old , Ro~tzahn tarm on the CentervUle pike, now owned by LouIS Bellvo, Saturday night. Three horses, 12 hogs and a complete , line of new farm rna. ch1ner.y were also destroyect with the bamII. Mr.' Bellvo had Just mo· Yed hie stock and pnplements In on
·'sa•• " I!!. Sf" I~~ ., ",00...,7i!....:: 5,.,," , -o...,... ';.6-" '.Sf. '~IIQ.
't_ I.
Saturday and was fPllmnmg Ito move his famliy on Sunday. He . -eCRIUtN- , had bed the stock late Saturday "FmST OFFENDERS" evening and the flJ'e was discover. Beverl)' Ro~ Walter Abel cd about 11 :30. The loss was partly covered by insurance. FOR SALE 2 bottom Ii Inch Mrs. Lester Kenrick Is slowly re. Breaking plow. 'InqUiTe at this Contlnuou. S""w. Dally galnipg her health. flee .~23 ~, A 6 pd .dull. 0"j1--160 Til 2 p , M
.You Don't BU,ild
'Fence Lik.e '. This' ,lny,Mo,.
DOIl-aIdd amp. you've ever had. Include. Golden Ply blow-out protection, too.
~1IIii-.~~-II-Plm4B)NGI_F.~l!UItEi:l~ Electric HelLtlnllrr:SUpPl1eS, Bclts,
.•~'lfJbl"t t~ Ch"";~M"'''''fiI:.
Fifty years ago the Keystom: Steel ahd ' Wire Company started making , woven wire fence-to save fanners the wasted time and labor of building. ,cl~W .' niil ' fences. Well-you· don't ,see taIl .fences v: any mOre"-bu! .y~u do see a lot of Key., . stone RED BRAND fence. It's ·known '_ everywhere for its extra, long life, , Into . it have gone 50 years ,of fence ,making , experience' and improvement" . I
lED BRAI' D ' e FeIC, t r CoJne
in and look over our ~~ :of, this .,,> . gQOd I~ncel Its , "Gatvanrt~ed" ~nc '
coating, c6pper:·bearing steel ·anel, neat', -compact consttuctiOll 'give YQU years of ' extra 'service. ' " .
STARTING 'MASH, Wesco, BABY CHICK GRAINS Welco, 100 lb. ball $1.59 EGG MASH, Wesco, 100 lb. bag 16ge DAIRY FEED Wesco lOO.llJ' baa 20% DAIRY FEED, Wesco" 100 I" hal' -"=~i&-__~ BLOCK SALT . ·50 I I
FOR SALE-House with electric Ughts and water, 4 acres of ground or house and lot" Will Oustln MSO POr m~onnatlon the person · or \)arsoIls trespaasing my lot or in~ any way annoying me· durlng . the 'Dtgh't. Mrs. Cijnt " RoSs. 11430
tion or new Lifc-Sava .,11""A TI'eIId aivw qu1clrelt
FoR SALE-New Per'fectlon 9 bur· ner oU cook stove, used only one year, oven Included. Mrs, Wllbur Foulks. R. R. , ~ \Val'nesville M30p
Windahield.wI~ 1Ie-
only for Seed Purpolel in the best Potato lIection of '. the United States. , , .• ' EVERY BAG GUARANTEED
Valves and Fittings. J. P. Bocklet Supply Co. Phone 360; :tlj;.19 W. MaID at. Xenia, Ohio J ~., 1\0 9 '16 23 30 •
oi h~,~
, FOR SALE-k' varlet1es est yielding oer Ufled' hYbrid 'S eed corn-1939, Ind.(, J14.: "!I. ' i7; U. S. 65: U. ~. 52; u: ~. 44. Order now ', betore the 1'U8b. IAlvl :11. L~kens;·· Harvflya.burg, OhIo
HEAD LETTUCE firm, solid heads, "BANANAS Golden,. Yellow" ORANGES, ' Flori~a For Juice ..
·,: ~.uliflowea- ..~~~GD~ •
':~ABBAGE, I. .New, Freah,:Gr 'een, " :" .. /t.. . 1 CELERY. HEARTS . ~ Tender . NEW .POTATOES, 'U. S. NO. ·l .
• ........
-' _. 1
'VAYNESV1Li~ ouid.1HuBSD.lY: APRIL' G. 1939 ____ _ ; __ __
-Ie-lil :
GOOD ·FRIDAY,...8EJUTICES ..u;:...-._I_ _ ---JTuO ....W.u:N...S..E""NDuoo ME~ING ST AUGU$TINE CHUROH There will be a Townsend meeL·
MORE MONEY NEEDED log at Grange hall next :;I'uesday 'V ICIIM. OF'. FlAM-ES . Special devotiona l serv1ces com· the and ' evening , Aprli . .l1 ' at o'clock. There memOl'atlrig FOR MltK' PROJECT 'death of Ohrlst will be heldThon ReFrl-' will be good mUSic and two good speakers wlll be present. Come out --'-8
'1 k day even log ·a t 8 0 c oc. e v. An urgen t IIIppeal tor , funds. to Doctor WllIam Oouche S. T. D. Ph. eno.ble members of the school milk D. Professor of Theology and His· project committee to carry out t heir tory a t Mt. st, Mary Seminary, Cln· program to the end of the school cInnBti wW deliver a sermon on the ye~r,_ ls being ~ade Lo residents of "Last Agony of Christ, Our Rethe community and friends of the deemer." The Inspiring devotion of school. the Way of the Cross will pr~e Acrordlng to Mrs, Raymond Brad the sermon. The services will Close dock fund treasurer, $40 Is n eeded with solemn ad~ratlon of an au_ In o~der that chlldr,!ln may be pro_ thentlc reUc of the true Oross on vided milk during Aprll and May. whlch Christ died. Also a solemn So flar this year $1,3.40 has been high mass Easter Sunday at 9 0.. m. D H Krumb ltz spent In providIng milk tor underReAviI ot belief nOlll'!;lhed chlldr n . . are cordially Invited to attend this Of this amount, $1'22.05 has been donnted by -tile ~urchqi of Ithe religious service. commul1lty, $21 by various orgnnl_ Zlltlons, clubs and lodges. S1 1.50 by 4: H -CLUB AOTIVITIES
Mrs. Maude Orane Is e.lnnounclng the marriage Man' Stroud Crane,oftoher Mr.daUghter, Ooorles Dooln
Team-s Ch9sen For Elimination Contests
of Cincinnati. The wedding took place In Covington: Ky. , Saturday ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ ~ a " tte tl lte b and learn the facts. Everybod,y welMrs. Oharles 9'" r lwa urn- M~ rch 25. They are residing lo Cln- TilE itT. REV. PAUL JONE. come. ed to death at ~ home on Third clnnatl. st. last Friday ' ornlng. It Is be_ AT EPISCOPAL CHURCll !leved her clothiIl[ caught fire when
The scholarship team to represent Weynesvl1le In the county elL mlnatlon tes!.e; in LeiJanon on April . ·~~_a.- a __ " _ II _ . _ r~_. _~~.-.~~~~ 15 has been cno.~en and will consist she was attemp~ng to refuel the The Righ t Reverend Paul J ones of the following members: stove. Neighbors ruBhed to her res_ will offi ciate .ot lhe Easter festival AI ~ebra-Fra nces Johns and Ge11cue when noticlD8 ' the flames, but service at St. Mary's Church, 05_ before they cou(4 rea,ell her, her slsted by lhe minister, the Rev. R. evleve Hadley. Latin- Fl'cldn Ellis, Frances Johns - - - - - - - - - - - 1CI0thlog had ~.n cOlrurumed and .. _ - - - - - - - - . . L. Hackwell . Bishop Jones, who Is English I-Genevieve Hadley, Mrs, Vern Simpson, Mrs. Mark the chair in wblbh she was sitting Frank Gons Is seriously at the t he college pastor and Associa te Betty Thompson te ~as In flames. s' he died n few ml.n I Is ' h J Q 00 Rogers and Mrs. O. I. Satte~thwal . " .,.. home of 1 nap ew, . ' ns. Professor of Religion at Anti och General Selene PhiliP. Hartman were Dayton visitors, Wednesday. utes later. " Mrs. Lena C. Hartsock Is IlPcndlng college In Yellow Springs. will a lso Marlon Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawke spent Mrs. Batterth ,alte w~ past 80 the week at the home of heF son, preach . Bishop J ones Is wlde:y EIlL~. Alton Ocometl'y- FI'clda d Ith M d M Th years of age 1lD!S .had been a life Mr A. Z. Hartsock of Kingman. known for his courageous thought Earnhart. ~~~e:: Klng~a~~ rs. 0011118 long resident or t Waynesville. She and actton. Biology-Paul Johns, Leona Tin_ Is survived . by b r, nieces Mrs. R. Lloyd Hackwell spent Special Easter mu!)lc will add to ney. The Hoak orchestra played In a and a nephew. > ~ Wedne.clay In OIendale visiting the Joyful spiri t of the day. The English II- Alton Earnhart, reCital given at the Wurlitze Id_ The fimeral ~ held Tuesday friends 'and relatives . faml1lar jubilant hym ns will give Wayne Scott. Ing In Dayton, Friday nl.:ht. . ' ~ ftemoon at the MCC'l ure funeral 1' j the congregntlon a n opportunity to W. Hlstory-F\aul ,Johns, Wayne personal donations, and SI3,40 by TO BE RESUMED home, and bu.r lal was In 1>{laml Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout and Join 1>1\l l8e and thanksgiving for the Scott. the chUrch program given at the . (ts ughter were Sunday gue$ts of Mr. victory of Christ. Two anthems will Mr. and Mrs. l.e'l Conner enter_ cemetel'¥,v' Enltllsh IV Carolyn Lukens, Mar_ high school gy~naslum..audl,torlum . Hundreds of Warren county b(>ys talned Miss Evelyn Johns and Mr. a nd Mrs. O. E. Boyer of Dayton. be sung by the choir, "Christ our g e Oustln. Tolal receipts f1'om various sour_ and girls will be reorganizing their John Boger at dinner Sunday. FAIRLEY EMPLOYEES Mr, and Mr~. Russell Holliday Passover" and "OOd be In my Head" Engllsl III - Carol Ludington, I;es has amounted to $173,95 and eel \)rated their second wedding an_ Everyone Is Invited , and anyone Sarah Miller. 4-H Olub acLlvlties and selecting Miss Ruth ' Oonner Is home from GU£STS AT BANQm:T with Si79.40 having been spent tor t heir 1939 projects during the ne.xt h h tl I h 'h r .ml unlverslly for the spring va.. IIlversary Monday April S. W 0 as no par ,cu 11.1' c urc a _ U. S. History Oharlotte Hartman, milk, (\ balance of only $.55 remains few weeks 'accordlng to Miss E,11za- Mb cation. ' Employees of the Fairley Uard_ filiation wlll be especlnlly welcome Mary Eva LeMay. With only $40 needed ~ bring this beth Oraddy, home demonstration ware Stores of HUlBbol~o, Wllmln g _, Ray Colmer has returnfJd home I at this service.. Chemistry Robert Preston. Lelia most worthy school project to a agent. Mrs. Ralph D. Tolle of Alexand_ ton, Lynchburg, ~blnll and Way- alter undergoing an operation atl koverman. successful end meinbers of tile com Each year brings a growth lo the ria, Va ., Is vlsltll1g her parents, Mr. nesv1l1e, enjoyed a sumptuoUs tour Mlnml V<I1 l1ey hospital. He Is IIlL _ _ __ __ PhysiCS Bob Hyman, Elizabeth mlltee fecI that cJUzens of Woayne Interest and Influence or 4J1 Club and Mrs. Henry Sattc.r tllwlate, and course I:)anquet..t the Cleneral Den... proving rapidly. . LOCAI.MU IC STUDEN~S township. when apprised of the work In Warren county until the other relative.:; here. ver hotel, Wilmington, w ednesd,:ay RECEIVE RATING~ IN CONTEST HobUtt. Mrs. A. Z. Hart&ock of Kingman (acts, wlll see to It ' that the neces- 1938 results showed a total of 40 . Waynesv~l e 8th graders wIJ1 par_ Is taking th.e pluce of Mrs. Lena communities with organized cclubs - Mrs. 0 .... ..... Hid Y C-::-::-::===:TT as re urn to::-.oth~t-mren1ng;-Al' e - sary funds are torthcoming. tlc!pate In the Warren county spel_ ThIs Fulwider banquettOl'was gIven Mr. Hartsock at the Friends Home thIs At the StIlte elementary music ling bee at Lebanon, Friday evening AU contributions should be g1v~n and an enrollment at 700 boys and home a f h er d aug hte r, Mrs.' J . K . Bruce FairleybyHard week. restival at Marysville last Saturday, Ten members of the following group or sent to Mrs. Raymond Braddock, girls. Preston, after spending the winter ware Store employees IlI.nd brought ohalrman' of the milk ·fund com_ As the 'needs pf boys and glrlB re- at MiamI Beach, Fla. .to a close the May tag c.antest which The 1rlend~ of Miss Marne Waynesvllle music students won wuf sP4111 for our school : Marie mittee. quire it new projects are developed Mr, and Mrs. F118nk Loop nnd has been lo progress slnce tile first I Browne who WU confined to her further hOllors. Boys and girls from Lamb, ~arle Hardin, EIlzabet~ Bur bed the tlrst part of the week. will various parta 01 the State played nett, Ruth Blackford, Helen Hisey, 'and Miss Oraddy says ,that the scqpe Mrs. John Wadsworth and daugh- of Jonual"J. and sang In the Contest Which Is Ellen Moss, Melba oustil'), Vlrglnlo. MRS, C. L. DUKE ENTERTAINS Mr. Weed, assistant blranch man.. be glad to learn !!he Is Improving. of actlvltles available ' for 4-H Club ter of Lebanon vlslted Mr. and Mrs. held annually for pupLls In brrades Daley, D<irthy Ouy, Cha rlotte ' Rye, GARDJtN OLUB members ·i s larges and more Inter_ Or I , Satterthwaite SundaY evening. ~ger at May tag carponltlon gave a Israel SatterthwaIte oand one to nine. Junior bands, chorus < Jane Hartsock and Lansing Hardin. esUng this year than ever ,before. Very enlightening .speech about May Mr. In the development of the 4·H Mr. nnd Mrs. LlodIy MlllB, of tagS a nd Maytag sales. daughter, Mrs. Harold Burge of 50105 Instrumental ahd vocal) and An every pupil test wlll be beld In The regular meet ing at the Oar_ Olub program, eaoh of the H's-Head Midland. MI. c h were C'Jests Sal-ur_ . Dayton and Mr. Emmor Bailey of val'lous ensembles took part In the reading for pupIls of the 2nd. Srd., den club was held Tuesday' afterHeart, Hand and Health are given "-y night at t e home ot Mr. and Mr. V. B. Pairl~y commended all Lebanon were dinner gue8ts of Mr. I!l ll-day ,program. 4th., 5th.. ancr 6th grades on Thurs.. noon at the home 01 Mrs. O. li. "'" the sailesmen on ·the results of this May tag contest and the enthusiasm and Mrs. J. 11. Chapman Tuesday. . Those who entered from Waynes_ day t his week . Duke. D.urlog the buslnCS!j meeting attention and much of he credit is Mrs. Oeo~ Mills. . ...ft...... k The Schoolmaster's Club will vlllc a nd received ratings are; Ben.. arrangements were colJlPleted for due to the fine assI.stance given by J. B. Crab~ J, R. Brannoc , Mr. Miss Henrietta McKinsey ot Ash- It had enco~~. the ·roadslde ~eautll1catlon ~g the men or women who serve as tabula, O. 'spent 'Monday and Tucs_ The prizes werl) aWairded by, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stantorth. Mr. and ton Hoak, cornet, excellent plus; meet at Waynesville; Thursday eve_ . sponsored by the club. local leaders In the various COIlL day In WI8~eSV1lle, the guest of Bruce Fulwider, factory represente_ Mrs. W111 Lukens and L. W. Ohandl Seth Hoak . .drums, superior ; Ruth nlog AprU 13. Dinner will be s~rved Mrs J . H. Mengle read >1\ paper munltles. Madison McKInsey and Mrs. Me.. tlve for May tag oorponltlon, to the ler attended the annual meeting of Anna Johns, clarinet. exeellent; at 6:30 after which a program will on "C~own Imperial" and Mrs.' ~ Although much emphasis Is placed following persons &CeOl'dlng to the the Warren County Jersey Oattle Frances Johns, saxophone, excellent follow. Jake Frong, sports edl~r of Hartsock was in charge of the pro_ on the projects and the subject mat- KInsey. iPOlof4J scored; Mr. Luke Robe~, OIub at Lebanoa last Frida~ night. Irma. FIres, cornet, SUpj!OJor 'plus j th.e Dayton ' Journnl , will ~ the , , .. . • and MonlnUa Hoak, vlolln, ex(:ell(!n~ prlndpal spea _ _ ...,..,.. gra~. "A reading '-The Good Earth" ter cOI)Jlected with them . the 4-H Dr. Gale E. Ru8sUm, MIss Alice WllmtnrtOn, fst' \lrize; Thomas tin..' . ,. A speclal rlISoSembl III he held In program has been expanded unW Jane RusSum and Miss Margaret llamaon 2nd; John Hawke A group of six gIrla gathered at plus, and clarlnet, very good. was given by Mrs. O. L. Duke. MrsProCessor Eugene Welgel, head at the school auditorium on ,Prtday Blancbe MIller read. 6> paper on t he today there Is an opportunity to.r Russum at Dayton vtslted 'Misses I Lynchburg, 3rd and Stslnley &alley. the home of Barbara Crane Wed_ . nCfJday af¥!rnoon 10 help her cele_ the music department at OhiO State afternoon devoted to the Easter "Marijuana Plant" Mrs. Hartsock every club group to have an enrlch_ Trll1ena and Margarj!t Edwards, Waynesville 4th. ' brate her 10th birthday. Her guests University and former prellident of theme. Rev. W, O. Smith will ad_ conducted the monthly qulz of ed program that Is helpful, Inspiring Sunday. were Anne Weltz, Marjorie Conner, the Ohio MUSic Educators Ailsoclaquestions and answers on maktrig and satlsfylng tO' lts membershJp. Dorthy Conard, MIldred Bourne tlon, was the judge. Mrs. LUCY Murrell and daughter F•• A. M. NOTICE Mr. Garst wUl conduct pre_Easter and keeping a good )awn. Mias and Mrs. juanita Merrill at Esther Lukens .lid Naomi ;t!lArnhart. Berniee W. DAKIN GEORGE services at the Lower MIami Breth_ Perle Riley gave an account of Lebanon 'were Sunday visitors at the . Regu)ar communlcatllon of Way_ ren Church near Dayton, obio in New York reflower show held SMITH-HOYLE Mr. a nd Mn\. Ell Furnas enter_ Funeral services for George W. home o.f Mr. and Mrs. Lester Oor_ nesv1l1e Lodge No. 163 F. &: A. )(. April 7,' 8, and 9. . cenUy. several boquets Of spring 11, at 7:30. Tuesday evening, April don. tained at supper Sunday evening lo Dakin, who died in St. ElJzabeth The Bo.ard ·of .. t education ' held flo~ wer~ broulfht by ,m embers Visiting and sojoUrlng brethren honor of the nh birthday of their The Marr~nge of Miss Ruth Hoyle their regular 'llOI),IY ~eet1ng Mon Mrs. Lloyd Hackwell and Mrs. are w~lcOll\e. and were discussed by the club. Af. hospital, Wednesday at last week, ' son Roy, Miss Oatherlne Branstl'a- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer day eVjlnlng with all membeJs pn:ater the program, refreshments were wei:e h~ld 'lit the McClure funeral Daisy Snyder were 'In Hamilton on Raymond Braddock, W. M. tor of Morrow, Mr. Donald Greene Hoyle, and Mr, Clarence Smit~ iint. Monthly b1lls were Iillowed and Saturday afternoon and bur_ home Tuesday, March 29 to participate In .tIened by the hostess, The May V,. M. Armitage, See'y. of .S ablna and Mr. and Mrs. L._ V. son of Mr. apd Mrs. Timothy Smith ordered/ paid. Business conslsteQ o( meeting W1ll be held at tlie home of Ial was In Miami <:emetery. A son a Forward Movement 'Convass made was solemnized at the. Beavertown of the , financial status of Branstnltor. at tbe late George and Prudence in that city. Mrs. J . H . Mangle. EASTERN STAR NOTIIOE U. B. church, Thursday afternoon school and' ·recoQ'l.tnended pro_ Dak1il, he had Uved the greilter part Mrs. Eva Long Hammoad of Oak- ot 2:45. Rev. E. H . Hammon • . of his lite In WaynesvUle. fj', Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings and . . Mlaml ChJl.pter No. 107 0 : E. S. IOl\d. OaUf.. who IS v1l6*ing at the cia ted. The . attendants were Mr. GRAC~ E. HARTSOCK SurvivIng are his wlte, Anna, one son and Peggy Ann Chapman were will meet in regUlar BeSision Monday .home at her sister, Mrs. H. H. WII_ r I '. SPRINGVALLEY.~ son. Hallett, of Dayton; two sls~..s, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oarl steph- evening APf11 10. Vlsitlng members Hamson ~nd familJ was the dinner and Mrs. Keith ~alton. EASTER DINNER , The bride was a ttired In ' a navy Mrs. Ida Parshall and Mrs. Emma. enson of Morrow, Sunday afternoon are weicom'e. guest Wedn~y e,enlng, of ~. MIss Grace Evelyn HII·rtllo.:!l:.' Surta~, Waynesvllle. blue ensemble with blue accessoriell Mr and Mrs. Albert Cleaver enand ,evening. Sora Braddock. W. M. W. H. Allen ana Mr, and I.,1:rs. C. H. d~ughter Mr. and· Mrs, L. C. and Mrs, Walton wore a • fuchsia tertained wltti·~ an Eas~r dinner . 'Mrs. A." H.-Stubbr; gave a birthday ' MI~i~ Piromm, Sec'y, Brace. Hartsock, o.t Spring Yalley, and Er' METHODIS:r VBO~ TO . colored goym with russet accessor_ Sunday.' Ou~sts include~ . and nest crawford, Xenia, were united PRESENT CANTATA-· Mr and Mrs. Seth Thomas and les. ~oth oar,rled boquets Of-~,~-iI;;:mia-s:=Effij~ffiri.iTIiinie~roii:n;;'~~A~ 'party o.n Wednesday afternoon for In marr1~ at the New BurUngton her son . BUly, who was four years BAND ME~ING POSTPONED two sons. Teddy and Lee at Oleve_ low jonquils. Arter the wedding a Mr. Dan ,Surf,ace and , ~rs. DalBy M, E. ch,urch ~nage Sat.u rday Old. Jimmy Orane, Sonny MllIer, land are spending t\l¢ sprlng ' va- reception and dlnrier was glv.en · at Snyder ot .Waynesville and Mr. and A cantata "The First Ea....ter" wlll John Dymond and Jimmy Dye were ..... e Warren County Band meetevening, AplU 'l, the ~v. George '. . ~ callon with Mr. Thomas' parents. the home of the brides . parents, for Mrs. Robert Cleaver ot Dayton. ' Ing which was to be h.eld April 10. Mr. 'and Mrs, E, L- Thomas, .h ere Weaver officiating at the sJ~le ring be 'glven by the cho.1r o.t the·Metho_ guests at the part)'. the members of the family .The Afternoon callers 'were Mr. ans chUrcb, Easter at 7:30 p. m· service. The attendants were Mr. dlat Following is the program : Mrs. Raymond Braddock enter_ has been postponed to Monday and Mrs. Thomas' parents, Mr. 'and bride graduated from Waynesville Mrs.' Dan Brown' and children of and Mrs. Willard Brickel, of Spring Introduction and opening cholus, talned at IUrJ)rI8e birthday party, April 17. . Mrs. Tod Walton, at Spring Valley, high school In the class of '35. Mr. ~avertown. Valley. , '. "Silent ,i lie ~eel;llng' Town" Friday aftemobri~ ,n honor. at: her MISCELLANEOCS SHOWER Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Mosher and Mrs. Smith are not at home on Mr, and Mrs. Crawford wlll ·ea... MRS. VAN METER SF.RVlOE8 "In the Garden," 80101sts-~bert sister, Mrs, WOllam Doster:. The or' Edwards Road Cincinnati, enier-, their farm near Spring ·Valley. tabUsb thefr hOJ.lle In Xenia. Mrs, IIEI,D TODAr Preston, Ruth Conner guests were Mr/I. D. B. ' Underwood M1Bs 'Mary Satterthw"lte and Mrs, flalned at . a beautlfully appointed , Orawford was . araduated from , . "Shall Heavy Rock," solos, R. D. Mrs. Pred Braddock, Mrs. Lawrence .Warren EIIpy were hostesses a dlnDer on Su~ay Iil honor of Mr, W, Ii". M, S, MEETING SP~lnir Valley town8h1p high sch,ool Funeral services [or Mrs. Olenna oOll~tt, Mrs: R. D. Oollett, Furnas, Mrs. Raymond LaRY8,'MJIi ~neous' shower given for Mrs, Mosher's ' birthday. ' T he Invited AT HOME OF MRS. LACY and '¥r,. Orawford from oXenla .C en. Van Meter , 50, who died Tuesday "The Break of I?ay" Virginia Helen Randall, and Mrs. WIUlam Virgil Russell (Edna Mae Staup) . of guests were Mrs. EdJth Harrh, Mr. tral high school. [It Miami ' Valley hospltat, Ds.y~n, Doster ' . ' . ' The Women's Foreign Mlsslo.nlUlY Hardin ' " Lebanon, at the home o.f ·Mr. and Harris MOeber, ~. . and Mra,' Ron.. D C!nlo . 1 ' . ' "As It B (lII1ln To . a wn ,.. ...., ".'- . TrUlena 'a nd Miss Marnaret Mrs. Henry Sa~terthw8lite Weclnea... al~ Hawke and lIOn Frank of Way_ Soclety of. the Methodist church were held Thursday aiternl?On at ' IiKiOUT ~j, I~p ' , Colle. . t t, Ladles, chorus, Vi vL Edwards ........ have returned to W.ynei~ da)' nlBht.,- The , bride received .a nesville, ' , LOV~ tlonald ·Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Hart- met Wedriesday <afternoon, 'Aprll 5 the McOlure tuneral home, the Rev. wINs SEcOND ~~E an Oonner, Ruth Oonnerl ~ary. Evil ville and are establislled In tlleir vast array .of beautltui and useful sock and son Ohllrles of Milford, at the home . oC Mrs. J . V. Lacy, J, V.' LnCY offlclatin~. Burtal In ML LeMay " EVelyn 'Johius. . home for "uie summer. tTpqn Pletr gltts. The , eve$.g was spent 'play_ Mr. Samuel F. Mosher and Mr. and with Mrs. Unglesby and Miss Beleri ami cemetery. ; She was born In LY• t -:_- t1~, ' the daughter of Perry and w~esvWe ·,.Seq~t. Troop, .~O won ';OUr'Lord Indeed Is RIsen," 110108 return 'trom Florl.d a they spent a In'g cards after wblch the 'guests en- Mrs. Wilbur Mosher o.f Oardlngton, Hf~ke ~Istant hosteMes. S arah Simmons Snell. Surviving are couple ot· weeki . ~th their sister, joyed a ' deUclous lunch. . .ohl~, . ' DUring the devotional period seCond place at , the afUlual Warren Frances JO~; Russell HoWday. county sw1mmiDg'meet FrIday fit '''Ail Ball" ~10, Prank lAM.y Jr. f D to h The gu~ts were Mrs. Enilna Rus.. . hymn w~s sung. followed by .scl'lp_ her mother, of Wellman, and a llf Middletown. , . " "Lo, I (t.Jfl With ·you Al~ay" 11010 : : ' !it!IJ~U:~~. ~~; ~ sell, Mrs. ltfable staup, Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. CI~ent Sl1per t. ture reading an" prayer. Mrs. uacy brother, George Snell of. Dayton. 1" "·a · ttbew .... • .... er · .. n , · t'""o R. ",' , --:.. ... '.' . ' . . . · t .... K ... J M d Mrs Ar Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold read "The Days BeCore Easter ' ,'- ; ~. f ' · • ' .. _....... ..... W ..". ... , . . . . recovering trom an lUnesa of .." enne",. ones, r . aln . tan! l illl ItSUpcraft . itt and th 1 then ~, PANCAKE, . SAUSAGE SUPPER plft ..... one hi rl"';"" B!ld the . "ChrIst Is , 'Risen," 11010, Vivian ""'st w·....... thilr smer Mrs. Pearl McMaken, Mrs, S ey e, by . :\I!argaret Sangster, and ~. • .. t . • .. ther ' -.-......... --,.." .... .,.,.. . ' Th'omas, Mr. Milo UI, LeMay and Mrs • J • H " Sackett ' In tree ..... ,.. _ ... .... .' The Conner. Mr, Jesse e v R us- night Wednesday at the . . Prlends .. The Guild ~f the \vom~'~ AwcUL ... o . ooq~ .. . .~. ~ ba non, .... nd ....s H0lI\.e as 'gUests of ~s. F. P. ~e~ sang "There Is a Grccp HIlI , Far relay team won. .t~ pl~e. W1111aPl 1 ~' and, Mrs. Jolln PrItz and sell. ar . L6 ...... .. a .... . cock. They, were IInroUte from New AWay.'" . st. Mary's! Ohurch will serve Bei-nard thlrd In fa0C! dl'llng. MI"~ONABY IWClETY daughter Qf Oharleston, W. Va. rt;- James I(~ and family of Sabln~, York Olty where they had attended a pancake !lind sausage . supper at Each bo1 whq entered received", MEET8 ~!R'MR8~ ~1JRPHY '- ' turned to , WayrtesvWe with ',M rs. W. Mr. and Mrs. L. J . BatterthW!lolte · the wedding of a niece cif Mrs. HaeDuring the' b~lness" meeting , Orange HaU; ThUf1\day, 'A~', 18, 8weate.r emblem. The' )(Iss~ , Boc1ety of the P. Sallsb"ury who baa been , vlBtUng and Miss Betty Herold' or Dayton, , . . I' report of>the work of the Little tr,om '.5:30 to !J:oo. ~ I l/OU .~ _ ~ Fetty and Waypesyll!e$urchea u.n fo~ the past 'several ~~. On Mr: rand Mrs. Wr.rrenl!lBPY and Mr, COCks,'.1n the Rlvtersldde. Chthape : L1g~t Beater~. w~ Btven" bYt ~rs. for 250: Ybur- patronage. Is 8OUclte.d. I MOTHERS' 'CLtJB PARTY' ' . CbriIt ~t W~y', M&rcb ' a tainny dlnDer was ~nJoYed ~d JI'.Bpy at' Centervtlle, Mr. and . ~ here they re llJ1le to ell It Stubb~, a~~ Of\ tQe King's Heral~ NET~ FOB ¥ILK FJJND: at the home cit Mrs, ,Eva . MUrp~ at the halne of Mr."1U1d MJa, Rus-' ·M n. C. '1. Satterthwaite and home In ·Chlc;ago. " by 1o4rsl Harold EB.mhart. ' MRS.. ~T~I~iU(' , ~ , genteniWe• &en ~ by Mr. ,and Mrs.~. dl.uahtV, Mr. aDd ,Harry ~t.. . A l&rgerepreeenta~n from .th, . Par, the stewardsl;tip ·. program, . Tbe net ~ 'fi'oIil the benefit ,The ~oUODal prqpam w.. I!1v• .yrJf RJ8;imd ' f~ly, )(r. ' and lira. 'terth,..lte and. ~ly, Mrs. Ralp)l local ~m Star Chapter attendec;l Mrs: LeMay Jre8d ~'Lelsure Ti.m'e'l cUd' :~, Idv.eb ~ the, JIotlH!n en· bJ IoJn: RuUlt" ~"ge ~ Un. W. 'p, a.Ushury aDd Mr. and Mrs. D, Tolle of AlQander Va" II1aa the blspectlon of the Leba.~n ,Th:e pro8nin'1' wQa ~ tollow~: Ol~ · PrIdIy Uarcb .81. amoan.. . JIU1eocL 'lbe le.oIi ' toP- ,JOhn Prlts ~, Ruth Satterthwaite ' ~ Mr. and Eastern Star Tuesday night. Those, The Ol~ R~gged !C~Mrs. Le... . '18; '!be ~ ... ~ect 1o .was ~ of dlnIlet' waa liven ' bJ . : aDd MrS. ~~ satterthwaite.. who went . f~m here were, ~rs, -MaY. ~d Mrs, Sacltet,~ ~ bddp, .. file b~ 0cQ~ The IIerc1fol . ~ ~ . Binltll ~ In'' , - ' , ~ymcmd Braddoclc, Mr. anc;! Mrs- 'l!foteB Protit India I.....Mrs. 'CbbieIe ClbecrerI, S1P IDOft I'l or JfJIIUI, was preMID~ by ~v, Vi, and iIn, Olarenoe OP 'liUtD& L, V, Branstrator, Mr. ' aM Mrs. 1., WDllamson, .ell table ftC8lved: a as O. '1be Practlee of the ApciItil mIii'rled laat 'l'bura Tq tbe nellhban. frIcnda, tlremm 0. St. John, John Promm, lira. 'lKUiappl"- Mrs. .7,. B. "Crabbe. 1.1Wt-tliHL' a prIa" ~" 'ftI'O iemId OhUl'all_ ~ the ~ err &be BmI ~t wen Mr, aiid and .n, .&0 ...~ ~~ the.time' Vern Armlt&l!!. ~ La~ lrIcK1n-: '"'OomRUdOn 'lboIJahta . . . ,- -. AlIDa : . BtiDeI' JlGJJe '-aDd fUdly wife'. tnlle deat.h, SettlemJre, MrI. A. K. J?aY and Mrs. It. .N. . ' ..\It GMt' • •.,... ~ . . . . .....11 IDL KeHb W~ ' ..... ' CJer. ~ DIY' ......, Uaab, 0Ienn ' BJaod, lin. flaul Wl111atna: "Once In a. Garden" -Mr&. :A. I. ~ :x.v alldllJl. a..i.IoJd to _Mr, tbeIr ktDdDeIa ~. r .. lira. A. Z. stout, lin, ~nne~ BtuIIbB.
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Utbt .miami, , I
a.A881PIBD ADS CUARTElCNO, 2%20 Reservo DIStrict No. 4 118E TilE MIAMI GAZETT. Repor t of COndition of the Wtty_ nesvUle National Bllnk of Waynl!S - - - -__~----__- ville In the state of Ohl\>. nt thu -I~_ _~_ _ _ _""_ _• clQllc of Bus! 5t! on March 211 , lOa!); , ~ , PublIshed In r esponse 1:0 nil made by comptroller of tl,l currl1nqy. under sec~lon 5211., U. S. Revl ' 'd Slat.. ' , "Adventures of Lo ~ns a nd dlSQounts ' (In _ cluding $224,50 Jane Arden'" overdrafts . : .. . . , ... • , $108,321.46 T.own, United s tates Govcrnmcm t ' WIIII.m Gltg.n obllgaUons. direct and guarapteed . . . , .... . , ., 127,465.17 Contlnuou. 8hc.w. Dilly Obll ga t.\ons of states Adult. only 150 'Til 2 P . . .. and poUllcal subdivISions ; . .. .. ,. . ... 08,990.00 Other bonds. ~o tcs and debentures , ... ,... .. .. . 45,302.45 Corporate llto:ks, Includ· ~ng stoq,k of Federal Reserve bonk .,. , . . .. , .. . , . 3,153,00 Cash balances with othel' banks, including reserve balanCe. and cash Items I In process of collection I . . , , , . . . . . . . . . 103,882 08 Bank premises owned $7,900.00 . I furniture and fixtures $2,159.43 ,. , . . ,: , ' , . . . , . . .. IO,U59.43 Other Assets . . . . . , . . . , ", . . ' , 21.58
~a?tttt ~.ID
Fridiy..Saturday I
$1.60 Per Year, Payable in Advance
With a B_u ckeve In Congress••• 8~ CLARENCE I. DO.... DWriIt
......... c...r- ,.. ow.
» u::::
Bu: keye in Con&re5S Cherry Blossom time I.s On in . Thou!!ll,ncls touri.&ts frO!~ 1111 over the Eastern part of the;l e.tal·es have . been flo:k.~ Inc ~o Wru;bJngton ·for the pas~ w(.'Ck to see one of nature's most beouUful speclacles-__ the thow nds 01 J apanese cherry I.rccs surroun1. Ing til 'l,!dal BlSln respleudcn t 10 full bloom . Hotels are filled to over_ flowing, tro fflc Jams tile st reets, IUld Members of Oongress are busy nlCrtalrllng visitors from "back horne,"
after da ys 01 debate , The mel18ure now goes to the Senate for acUon or tha t August body, . Farm leaders have been ms klng a determined fight to have the tarlf! On vegetable fats a nad oils In.. creased so as to create a beLler market for like products from America n farms . A number of Obio_ aDS, Including several frpm the Seven th D trlct, are In the fo re_ front of the battle. It 15 predicted they will be successful In their cntJea vors.
Last Friday a lar ge group of qhlo indu 'L11 le1ders Dlod '! u Good WIU pih:rtmal!e to Washing· ton to vlslt the COn ss In ~io n und fA) get a flrsLha nd sUmpse of govrmmcllt In action. T he Ohio Chamber of Commerce sponsored th trip, In which retailer s and manufacturers joIned to tbe n umber at ' veral hundred- Friday nigh t Members of Congress from ·Ohio were guests at a banquet given In thclr ho~or by the Ohio vts1torll, Old frIenclships were renewed and n w a.cqualnta.nceships were made. II result. 9f the Visitation the Oblo buslJ>~ leaders and the con_ liresslOrull members understood each olihers problem.s muc~ better tho before. . The largest appropriation for the 'Department of AgricultUre ever made ",as passed by ' the House last week. The 'bUi con~i'ied ' ltem.s total· lrlg nearlY eiati~ hundred' and fifty miUlon d.Ollars: Including nve' bu~ dred mimon dollars for a continua_ lion of the soU conservation plan. An attempt to Include in the bID !lve hundred mUlloD dollara for additional beneft,-, land payqll!llt.s was defeated ~y a sinal! ma.rg1n
The House of Representative, by a heavy margin, reje. ted President Roasevelt',li. demancls for a hundred and fifty million dolJal'8 addiUonal to run the W. P . A. WltU July 1st. After leng~hy bearings the House COmmittee report that but flfty_ flve million ~ollars RaJ! necessary to take elire of present requirerpents, but In ofller to give a"cushlon" for payrolls for thj! period of change between the old and new fiscal years a bJll appropriating a hundred mill.. ion d.olLars '\'laB reported out · and 'Passed by the House after a lengthy debate. Before taking action, hwever the House aroped, by an overwhel. log for searching InvestIgation of W resentatlve Cox of Georgia. prOVid_ Ing to searcbtng Investigation of W. P. A. and 'all 01 l\f ratUlllatfoDS by 8; committee of the House. The re_ port a.n d flncUoga of the committee wlu be used al a guide In drafting relief legtslatlon for the Dew .fl.scal ber C. French of WashJngton C. H.: Year. H. A, Tyson of the Armstrong radi· ator Company and J. B. ··Wood, well Those among 6evetttbDlStrtct vls_ known grain elevator operator, and itora In WSBhtngton last week were Olen Woosley 01 the Madison Press, -IIrIlsa -.M8Irgaret Bakel\ Republlcan of London; Dr, and Mrs. .G. E. Oar· Sllate .Central , COmm1~tee,woman, vln, the Misses Betty Je~ anll and her mother Or Sprtngfield; Web Dorothy Brown of Blanchester; and Ned Lewis Walker of Jamestown.
b ill hlClSq 1\1t(1
TOTAL ASSETS . . . " 527,254.66 LtABILlTIES Demand deposits of In_ dividualS. partnerships and corporations . , ., .. 298.480,30 Time deposits of individ_ uals , partnerships, and corpi>ratioJ;ls .. . . . . , 44,828.69 Deposits of United Sliltes Government (Including postal savings) .' , . ". . . . 112.39 Deposits or States and political subdivisions ". 59,587,70 Other deposits (cerUned and cashiers checks, ete) .. .. .. .. .. ... .... .. . .. 27.30 Totai Deposits ,. $388.036,38
Total Liabilities . ,. "., 403 ,036.38 Capital Stock; (c) Common stock . total par .. . .. .. ... , ... . . . . .. $'15,000.00 ~urplus ..... ..... .. . .. ... $21 ,000,00 ndivlded profits .. , .. . . . ' 28,218-28 I
ITotal Capital Account
. . , 124,218-28
Total Liabilities and cap· ltal Ao: ount . . , .. ,'. ,. 257.254,66 • MEMORANDA
Pledged assets (and se_ curities loaned) (boolt Comedy value) : Metro (a) United st-ates Government obligations, dLrecb News and guaranteed, pled,'r'!d to secure deposits and otl)er llabUitles , ...... ,. 51,663.23 (b) Other assets pledged to secure deposita and I r--. . other ltabUities (Includ_ , , Ing notes lind ,bll18 re_ discounted d securities lIoldqnder 'repurctlase I being advised to . eUmlnate lower .agreement) : ...1, ••••• , . 11,113.45 REAL ESTATE grade apples from regular marlte,t TOTAL ••.•• : ........ 62,'1'16.68 channels by diverting them ' toto INSURA~CE secured llabUities! by_prod~ta such as canned , sterilL AUCTIONEER (8) Deposits &eCUl'I!d bY Ohio Industry ~d commerce, in zed elder, apple butter, canned appledged assets pursuant an attempt to pr~nt their Views pIes and Canned apple-sauce. ' to requlrements of law .. 54,501'44 ~=========~= WhiCh may assISt in JOreaktng ' the ~ t' In 1'1'1 1'' 1 b- In - find . . TOTAL ... - .. .. ...... 54,501.44 stalema e w c liIS ess s The official ftgures of the federal state of Ohio, County of Warren. ss: Jtself, Is 'p lanning' -ain , Industrial department of labor just ~ade pub_ I, Ross H, Hartsock, cashier of the mM'clt-on--Washmgto5 ' dl.sclose 4260 081 aliena , ~e . - balik, do' solemnly buslne 'viewpoint of c:ongress. The the USA.' to 'take up their per swear . that the above statement i s ' . ' . - true t:o the best 01 QlY knowledge quId, ablet8 PQsal bas bCen-apomlOl'ed by The manent· abode from 1931 to 1.939 . , and belief. " . Ohio Chamber COlIlIJIjerce and ROSS D. IlARTSnC!t, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before r!!presentatlves of business have de_ Secretary of State Earl orvnth l.s clded that ~ne way to break the 10 being commended for the equable me, this 3rd day of April. 1939. jam that Is seemlni:lY 'blocltlng manner In Which he distributed the . R. ~~~!i~~ry' Public. H A Cornell progress ls to approach the Ohto del· personnel "bf his d~par~ent. 'A sur_ egatlon In congreSs, both senatol'll vey reveals the following:-Men, 55 E, 'Hockett and representatlvel, In an endeavor per cent; Women, 45 per cent; C,ol_ ' Geo. J . Waterhouse to obtain co_operation between . Directors , o,red, 16 per ,c ent. businw and governmellt, , ,,
1============ ur
The • next "Republ1cans_op-the .March" liinnet to be given ·by -the congressional delegation at Wash.. Ington w1l1 be held at the Willard Hotel on April 20th with 'Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio as one of the fea~ured speakers The last ~ ner of .the Spring season will be held lin May with Governor John VJ. , Bricker leading the Ust of distinguished speakers. Clarence J. Brown Is on the special congressional 1lOInT In an otr19l1il annow;lcement It 'is ml.ttee In c~e of both meetings. Thus 01'110 continues to, hold' b~, declared that spOkesmeil for J>usness place In the limelight 01 PUbUC ' af- w1l\ tell the ohio dlllegg.t'.oD that-, itl the opinion of buSiness, 1;ecovery is fairs. stuck "on the" d~ad center," In using a federal adm1nlstratlol) term, for The Unjted , .S tates GOVllrnment these reasons,' has refused to recognize Germany's ' I-A 6YS~m ' of taxntlon· which conquest of C~ech,08lovakla "'nd oon_ ~tlfJGil 11I"41iitAUlAtiI, del tinues to ao~ept the CzechoslovakLan and stoPs all the lndwltrial expa~ Ambassador, Mr. vladimir' Hurban tl . t slon In I~ ' tra,cka. , t h ffl Lal dl I Il.$ e o. c . p oma cJ epresen 2,The Wagner Labc:lr Relatlons atlve of the Republlc whl!)h ~o lonl_. Act, which does not 'put laiXIr on tM er l\urvives. Mr. Hurb~n ~ re· , same plane of resporudbillty with fused to turn over the Czechalovak.. bUSiness.
cell it were not for the public utility service that '. ] enj~y in my home there'wo~lc1n't be as much time as I now have1to do·some of the things every woman wants to enjoy." 'That's true, When you consider the many things that your public u~ty does for you in the waY'of home work ·and at·very small cost, how on earth could you get these ' things done in time to haye some leisure? Wel1~ the answer is, you couldn't. Qay after day our service is at your com~d . . " , and you have learned to depend upon it ,-ha,ve,J't you?" ," .' .' ,01
An ex~~ utlve committe of ten Martetta Chairman and Walter from 39 .clVlc groups ha~e .jOlried the MackeY ~f canton ~d W. T. &,bAinerican ~gi~U;; In' demandlng a: efta of I?rlclgeport; the last two be~ )eglSlat!ve probe of allege,d commun, , 'lng , reappointments. Herschel C. l5tic "red" activitieS ",t Ohio State A~n f)f Akro'n was ,ppolnted University, It IS charged that the Adm1n1stratot It IS anttclpated investigation now beIng ~dUcted tt~.t the ~nnel of the Bureau by Ittee Inted .... th a comm appo · "iT e 'wlll lie reduCed around .2O<i. Trustees Is of the wbltew!ulh variety , i condt .. __._ tiona, . ,. " Wh '" ether .;........ d o.r open-po ' llInated ' ..., ... ~ . . - -,- .' " , , ~ .~ ,t o ~ 'PlaD~ .~ Ohio' ,fields, . R"eotgan1zatlon of . the ' State 'tho <Seed shoUld ". 'be, tested . employinent Compensation Bureau pliuitibg , . 'Moat of the hybrtd com La under Way, t91l9wing t~ ~rruog carrieS '" ~IDation iiuar~rltee ' 9t a board of revieW arid an adlnln_ whlc;h fa dependable, and farmers ian Embassy and other property of S_Public expenditures. which can- Latrator by GOvernor Bricker. should test their oWn 'opeD~~llIna_ his country to the German Ambas- not .be harmonlzed ,wlth natlonalm_ Named to the Board ' were 10~er ted varftlca. MJastng' 8talks produce sador, who has demanded t~em, , 8nd come. . "', ' .,. State Senator Vernon Eo Metcalf o~ no e&!'8, '. .' continues hl.s diplomatic headqu: r_ In the op1n1on of .business leaders, tera In the beautlful Czechos\ovalCan the adjustment of, t11!ese matters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!::!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"",!!"",,",,:-~!!!!!!!!!,,!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!,,!!!!,!!!!!!!!!,!!!!,,,,,, ~ structure on Massachusetts Avenue· would r,esuIt in a "go" sign, both to It La repOrted that from all over tbe employment and ,I ndustry. I I',mn,h'1I otters of support 'have come _ , to .the Czech6slovaklan ' Arilbassador . . Cedar Point, ~ldaY: August . 4th and, thousands of letters' and tele· wUl be the place an.d 'date of the grams ~ave been recelve~ . ~gtng i 8ta.~ Employes annujLU picrw., an. to stand his, ground In the nounces Charles MannllY, 8ec~e,taty controversy. of the State Empib)'es 'Association. - The progI;am wlJnnclude addresses Demands for amendm!lnts to cor_ by . Oovernor Bricker end other rect some of the present abuses sta~ officIals and the at~dance . at which exist Wlder the Walmer' La- these afralrs has · been as high ' as . bor ~elatlons Act have 'be In pour_ 10,000. , Ing' In on members at Congress in ' an ev~r'lncreaslni tprrent for ' the " .total of III ,337 needy aged .Petpast several weeJts.~ 'Plus far ·the '~d_ sons recelV;ed' old age pension checks minIStration has failed to repo~ out aveooglng '$22.54 diirtn11t ?ebru&ry, any bill to change the controversIal the state DivISion ,of Aid for the law, and it Is rumored that the Ad- Aged reports. Totii.l · dlsbUrsement . ministration wUl attempt 'to stave for . the month, WIJ8 ~,5(19,'I8 . .... ' otf ' a~endments to the Act Jl.t ihis The annUal maple ~p festival, session o! Congre~ However, U ~e held ~ shOW the world the ex~ll~n- . i tem,per of the· Congreaa . and the co of Ohio maple ~1!1cts, Wlll: be country can be properly gjLUged the held In Oeauga county froO\ March matter of ameQdlr)g _the ~~tional 23rt! to 26~, LabOr Rel~iona Act Will be ' f~d ___ out·On the, P100r .f~ Bciton, ' /- '.' , Huge c:rop,s . of ' O~onua, Texaa ." .anc;\ Florida citrua irultll ' ~e making 'nie term, achtevemen~..AI/.Y;-1i It ~ tor the' O~ .,pple~. uaeclln Oblo to eIll attention to the report. the state 1 DeI!IU'tJileiit - 0 complet1on_ ot tasks by 81Vupa Q1. Agr.Jetdture. Un~ low citrus rural women, but It does not (uI', prJcea "" ~ ,. atrong bid In, express the fact that It a1l9. is • the Ohio market 11) effort to expresaion of pride In Work awltcb the apPle ' to citrus • • ··w ...,," hila been wen doDe; fruJta aDd Oblo are .~
'66' S~~ 6 C0 LDS
!Let Me Tell You Something
Auctioneer S~TISFA' CTION Or '~o Charg~' C·e.rcterville; Ohio ~Ii.()ne
'·S.~nd :& ·. Grat~l. •
f '~
Bog~n, Mrs. Mary Wilson and John M. WIlSon, all of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs, Robert WUson and children, MI's. J, R. Hlternan and Mrs. Edwin, Bobblo and Eva May and Ed.1th DavIs were vevy lr1tereated IIit_ Mr. 'nnd Mrs, Arthur Wilson , ot tendal'S of the Cooklng SChool, sPan NEW SUITS Dayton. In the matter of thc estate of sored ~y thll Western star IllSt week. The Ohio Unlversa lst Conven.. Gustave Poppet l1eceosed; elevenlh ' Mrs. Mable 'HollmgsY{Qrth, . of Ore_ tlon Incorporated un~er the Jaws . ot account. ' ., NOTICE OF API'OfNTft1ENT gon ia, nccompnnled them the State of Ohio VB. Leonard Wei· In the m~tter of Ih es tate or 011 pt.' CM.'; G~rner, ot 'Ca11fornla, Ungton, at al.. to quiet title of real Samuel E. Yeakle. decens d; April E!ltnte of .)'ohn Shul tz, Decc3s: d. W( s, fl visitor the home of Mrs . estate In Mason, Ohio. • 5, 1939, time set for h ea ring. Notice is hore by gIven thot RosI~ Allah Tall1la ~e and JessIe Gllrner, George B. Johnson, county treas- ' in the matter-,-J.I.1-.Id.lI~liIt.IIlW.....w...1 Thursday. when on his way to Co- H. Hart.<>oc k, whose Post OffJee Ad_ urer, VII, H. S. Ferguson fQr detin.. Sahlord Kelley, deceased; Mlnnle lumbus. dress Is Waynosvl11o. oli io ha s been quent taxes. $87.43. ' ' Kelley appointed admInIStratrix; Mrs. Ida McKay and Mrs. Edith duly as nd mlnlstrntor o[ Betty Lou King vs' Herbert King John poast, Howard Monger and McKay were Lebanon vlsltors, lhe Estate of John Shu :tz Inte or and Robert Ki~Il, divorce, extreme Frank Sauter appointed · appraisers. Thursday, Warron County, Ohi o, deceased . cruelty. ' er•• Harvey Adami, of Silver Grove, bated this 27th da y March 1939, George Gilliland vs. Walter Dakin In the mn tter of the esta te of was a business vISitor ~\ere last week Ralph H , Carcy, money only, amount $900. Oharles H. ~tte'rst, deceased; sale Mrs. Ida Howe , Mr. IIRd Mrs. HarJudge or the Probate Court ~ Belva Cotrey vs. Arthur Coffey, bill recorded. ry Howe all of Qayton. were call1n,,, I Worren County. Ohio divorce, extreme cruelty, I n the matter at th e- tsate of In t hIS vicinity Sunday « ternoon. C, Donald Dllatush. Atty, Charles H. Oampbell, decellSeCt; In· Miss Hannah Jordan aBd brother ventory approved, , ~ PROBATE COURT Alfred, were Lebanon vlsltors, Wed_ One of the b 'sL ways to control In the qlatter of the estate ot nt'sday. internal parasites In poul try Is to In the matter of the will of R . S. Avis, deceased; Inventory apMrs, Edna Hltecan attended the Amanda Luce, decellSed; wllI pro_ proved. annual nil day meeting of the Ore_ have ranges wh r c Lhe pullet.~ cnn be turned on ground which hll ~ not bated, Klzzle Hawkins, executrix; In the matter of the estate of gonia Ladle's Aid society, Wednesbeen u s~'(\ by other birds during the George Oharles, C,harles Moore, WlIllam C. Lewis decellSed; certlfL day at the home Mr, and Mrs. W. preceding two years , and Mlldred Byers ', appointed ap· cnte of transfer ordered. Waynesville, O. C. Kersey, The birthday of Mrs. praisers. In the matter of the estate of Emma Kersey was celebrated on Priscilla LaDe who was co·starred with Jeffrey Lynn Ill! the III ~he matter ot the adoption of S. Flannery, deceased; W, Eo this o:caslon at ~helr OOme. romllntlc loyers of "~'our Daughtera" hlU! th,e Utle role In the ultra· JRmpq I?htUlp Cl1 ~ tls; pet!tlon for Beedle. John Collier Ilnd William modern love story, "Yes, My Darling Daughter" whIch will open Ever ett Thrmpson who has spent Easter Sunday, April 9 at the deluxe Xenia theater In Xenia, adepLion granted and nam .' hnng- Sprad1Jng appointed al praisers. :I'verul months in a CCC camp In "Yea, My Darlin g Daughter" Is the sensational movie wlllrh ed to OHI James Mayer. I In the mntlRr of thc estate of Ol'e;:oll, nenr the Paclrlc C~ast. r uwns banned by the Now York cenaors. It concerV8 a young coullle & In the matter at the est.lte 01 Delilah Everhart, dcceafiCd, fi rst I.urn II home last week: about to be separ!!! d who try out "comllanldns!llp marriage." Jeffrey Lynn again has the romantic lead, while Fay Ba inter Blld Saroh J, Murray ..... deceased; - cer_1 and ,f inal account. Mr'R. Adnh Talmage, Lee Talmage Roland Young heall the SUI'Portlna: cast. ' In the maLLer of the est ate of tlflcule ' ot transfer orderecl. and ~Oll AlberL Lee apd .1cs~ b . ar_ 1n the matter of t he e tnLe of ' Danlel :r'homas Morgan . decellspd; _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'--''--_ _ ner wore Sunday a fternoon callers at the home of Mr, and Mrs, J. R. Anna M. Snider, deceased ; Mnrl:h ' lirst and final account. , COMMON PI,EAS P ltOCEEDINGS 29, 1939, date set for hearln;~, In the matter of the mml'dl nllMlp __ Hlt.cmnn. Joe Edgar and Orner In the matter at the Ul ,ate of of Harry Erlcel't, incompetent; Tu (H ellllll) en te tnlRc:d theIr fr .lel1d . And l ew Turnm vs, Tonnie rnAlbert H. Turner, deceneetl; liale- of flr~t and final account. J'!VI n·t t LaFarge to dinner Sunday, UTICA U. B. CHURCII automobile ordered; AprJl I t, 1930, In the matt l' . of lhc estate of r, divorce to defendant. MI' , nnd Mrs, Ham·ck. wh o ha ',e Thomas Holz1in deceased' flrst and George R. Cesper and Lester A. Bevis A. Hili, Pastor been residing near Or -gOl. ln for . date set for hearing. inal account. ' I l Aue vs. Franklln Manufarturlllg Co. April 9, 1939 l': omell me, have located On lhc farm I 9 :30 a. m. Sunday SChool, Leslie In tlte ~aa'ttcr of the estate of Inc., l:eceiver nu thorlzcd lo transfer ree"n t:y pUl'chao;:ed by Mr, and Mrs. Gorsuch, Supt. Harry' L. Dapper and J ohn W. Dllp~ policy. Orner lIolllnasworth, ncar the Ethel E, MOtler vs. F;oyd J Mol_ 10:30 a, m Ea.~ter program , f'4)eclal 11Or, minors; s~ ond current a ccount. . I church In this community. music by the choir. In the matter- of the c~ tate of 11':, divorce to pIll inti! f. A pleasant day was enjoyed by til:) I Sarah B, Fred vs, Lebanon Lodge .\ 7 :00 p, m, Chrlstlsn Endeavor. Mable May Wh[Sler, deceased; cer· No, 26 Free and Accepted Mnsons. Make Easter victorious by eom- brothers and sisters of )loah Moore ' Uflcate , of , transfer , ordered. Apr. 6-7 when i hey assembled at hls home et al. Judgment , b e and tl~e same Ing to church service. In the matter at the estate of R , Montgomery R. Russell MalOY A. Holloway, deceased fourth Is hereby entered on verdict in la_ Miss Marie Abner spent the w&k Sunday to celebrate his birthdll Y anniversary; The guests were Mr. and vor of Lebanon Lumber Co. end .wrtb Miss Ruth BUOMI!. account. F~T AN}) LOOSE Mrs. Roscpe' Hendricks, of Middle_ John A. Allen vs. CatTle E, Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Bert BunneU vlslted In the matter of the estate of Mr, and ' Mrs. Wllllam Bl'lnkmeyer town, Mr, and Mrs. SI1 Lamb and Co....- The Dream of Love WIlliam C. LewIS. deceased; dlstrl- dIvorce to plaintiff. daughter ' Geneva, J'4r. and Mrs. at Middletown Sunday evening. butlve account. Henry Hopkins of COrwi n , Mr. Hen_ < MARRIAGE LICENSES Mr. and Mrs. Leslie GOl'such and , Eme.ry Lee Lindsey property April 8 daughter spent Sunday with Mr. ry Moore. Geocge and William Emery Lee Lindsey dl!Ce8.lled: Robert Gle~an , 2'1, Cincinnati al\d ' Mrs. Charles Harris altld son of Moore, of WaynesvUla. Tex Ritter private sale of personal property Mr. and' lIIrs. Herbert McMIII :; n tracer, and May Snell, 23, ~ason.. Springboro. ordCfed. , and daughter of near Waynesville, Harry Updyke, 23, Franklin, and Mrs Mamie Weldman o: f Indiana "ROLLING WESTWARD" In the matter ' of the estate of Anna Marie Barlett, 23, Frahk.tin 'spent 'a few days with Mr, and Mrs. were Wednesday evena"lg supper W . N. Thompson, deceased; certlfL c.rtoon ·,'Jitterbug Follies" guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wymer waitress. Bert Bunnell and daughters . cate of transfer ls&ued. Downey and family. Olarence Smith. 92, Waynesville, In the matter· of the ~ estate of COMMtJNlTY AUCTIO~. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Ferrls Mary S , Silver, deceased: C. C, Eu.. farmer, and Ruth Hoyle, 23 Way· Apr~l 9·10 • DIXIE AUCTION COMPANY were vlsltors Sunday of her father, la'ss- aPPOinted executor; Ross Hart- nesvllie. Harry Denver Witham, 26, Foster MIAMISBURG, OHIO Mr. wm Villar!! , of near ClarksVille, Dick Powell A, .Loulae sock, oakley Unglesby 'a nd H A. cement flnlsber and Ollve Ernes.. SALE EVERY TtJ.ESDAY who hIlS been a patient in the 'Mc· ~omell appolnt.ed appraisers, • . "GOING PLAC~" tine ,Snlder, 18 PoIter. Let 118 sell 7GUr ,stock, mercllan.. Olelland ~ospi~ . in ~enia, for some In tije matter ot ,the, estate of Bunny Ragland, 24, MQrrow, f&rm d18e lIo1llehoid roodB. etel. liver)" tlme. HIs friends are pleased to Short-CaNew Roadways" Walter Oadwallader, doceased; ffrst er and Fern Coleman, 21, Franklin one invited, your buslnesa Is appre- learn he Is much lmprovlld In health Q , nnd final a~un~ C(lvering di shes of cflokl',1 IIr I,·f!-uvcr food s for. normal ~ lorage In Pt1ETRO NEWS , , lilaJd. \ elated and wlU return to hjs home soon , the famil y refrigerntor ill nIh' of th. IIutlt for till S ntl :'actl\le homeCALL-PHONE WI1t2 Mrs. MIIOble T erry or Oolumbus, mal cr, who is Ilruurlly showing IljU:J:.IJ.ClilS.JI.t:L.JlULtLc~.l!L,.!7~-->'~'----':'-"::-;;:-;--::;-;-~ MIAMISBURG. OHIO spent from Saturday evening until Frigidaire. 1'his rcfrig.-ratnr i ~ 11 IlI' It' in 'ntinn ',lIJl'cl1cral foLors in , Arthur 8oi-rel. owner. '1fel.535R2 Monday wItll h.e r home folks. which couling is accl>ml.lishcd hy ,'nd i:llinn and r efrigerat.ed walls, Andrew Turner to Tennle Turn.. F, T, MartIn, AueUo:neer ' . Using IlIw teml.eru l urcl! li nd h i~h "' mll'lphe ric mois ture, with?ut t~e er, lots numbers 77, 76 and' part of TeL Cen&ervllUe '81 Mr. ,and Mrs. Kenneth Stratton, usual mois ture-robbing nir circul:lCt)l), which is nut necessary With Lhls Norman and Richard Stratton and method of reCriJ,l'eruliuII, fll llds even in III1 ~n \'en'd dishc!! nre preserved lot 75 In Franklln. 203 Custer Bide· DayWn. O. AD3661 Mrs, LlzzIe Ferris of Martlruvllle, trcllh, fnll,clIl orcd nnd full .flnvlI"(,d for 1')llg Jleri ods. A 811«'cinl m4!at Katherine L. Watt and Robert ==='===~'=====~'~ ~ere Sunday dinner guests of Mr. l ender in th;!! re(rigemto'r pruvidc8 j llllt the ri!;ht comhinntion ?f cold McDonald, lot number 4 In Deer_ and Mrs, Almon Ferrie. Afternoon t emllcruture, mo isture lind lIir circul ation to ki!cp frt!!lhmcats ~n that field township. cailelli ineluded , Mr. and Mrs. John ' condition. . Ertiest Hartsock to Addie Mad· • I
Beech Groye
No Need To Cover •
Tl~ ~
I ) I
Twin Theater '.
Mte ofler a aatia/a,ctory Service at all .times
_~ I ~_~~
I _._ . -
dllD, 11 acres In Wayne township. • ' Dap1el Lewls to Robert Lewis,
The Wayne Township :SOard of
6.52 acres In MassIe townShiP. ' . Education, Warren County, Ohio Daniel Lewts to David J. Stamp will ofter ,for sale atpubltl: auctlcn, 6.62 acres in Massie township. ,on the premlses, c,m-
EI~~ld~::; ::2:':c~:S ~~:~n~:
::::!:~Y~.A:i1u!'~ :~dlng
~!:l:~iec:~::=e~~~!h~~ll, th~~~~~:n:{~u::~ m.min build-
1...............IIIiii......~.....lIi!Iiii...... EASTER
acres Wnllams '
For .' Wom~n-· ':~nd'" Mj8S~S ,. . Coats - ' SuitS .- 'DreSses - - HatS
~ and Accessories AtExceedj~glY l',foderate ,Pri'ces , I
T~~ Fa~hiOi1,·. Sh~~pe· I
to'S. Broadway '
commonly known and designated as
lng ~ x 84, ate,ge 14 x '" ; shed 611' ,trance 12 x 14 ; ,c onstructed of hard· woOd trame, white pine shUns, with metal sheat..lng on outside, metal and wood sheathing 0111 Inside; Won about 2700 ft. edge grain pine Door, 550 ft, common pine Door, 30..2xl()'· pine Jolsts-14 1t. about 2400 ft. 8x8 noOl' Joist, shingle roof,3 ,large metal ventllators, several WlndOR, Raymon,d A, Conner to RudolPh dOors" £poutfng and -other thinga Hlldebrecht and Addle Wldebrecht, attached to the b,u lldlDi. A}8o one Meuller turnace, · With . auloma~c: .100 In Wayne townsh,p. and' Emma WU_ tan a~tachment. been UBIld onl)' 3 , Glen' years; two 10 It. steel gateli Uke new llams to 'Herbert J., Downey ~nd The, abOve mentl,oned property ,Marla E. DowneY" 6.~ acres In Deer can be fnIlpected 11 t any tiJme ~tore field township. sale" date, by ammgemenlt · With A, B. Cleaver janitor bf t he high BILLS AUOwm school 'bUIlding. Purchaser of , the property will be allowed' a. ~On' able time to wreck anil r,(!move it. qome look It. over. Terma pI Sale-CA8H &el:loc,ls;1 W. N. $ears • ' R. H. Bar tllook , Cledc
Renin U1bson campbell to WiL )Iam A. Freeland and ~ule Free~ ·l-.nd, 5.33 acres In Hamilton town_ ship. ' I, • '.; , , Hettie Ann Ruch to the Produc. '}>latlng ' Works. Inc,. lots numhers lin and .182 in Lebanon. ' . Jam~ Oarr and Hayes ' B. Macy 1and · Carrie I Maoy, 114 acreS In Franklin township,
C'H ' E¥RO LE'r
~-';II -; :;;;;;;ii::::~;~~~~:;;::;:;~;;;;;;;~;:' -=;';r'I~-:-:-:~ I ~;- - iiiii" lI!ln I 11111 tllllRUllnlli!! !II1!~I!IiIIIIti!{lilmlllil · I.lmllZ!jiJ IIJ!!IUI ;111111111 ff' ,
"A~ II "
The only
' /ow-pl'icet/ Ca, ,comhiilinf/
'ThaI's Bast 'af. Lowes't ,COSttt , .
1IIIIiII!I!!ltlll1i1l!ln!iilW~ltl11m:lllm~m1ililmmlilll~l!j 1111111111 :!!i 11iI!!
t ,
!!I11111J1 •
the blgge.t ' seiling 1939 model tar In more "'an tftcrr-the blgge't seiling car for seven out of the last eight yearsl ,I
It's' fast.r 'on the getaway ••• ,It.'1 bett er on the hills ••• and a much be"er all-round ' performer ••• than other cars In Its flold.
, '. . . . .'!. Vacuum O•• nhlft • N.w "., 5tylln" Now Bojll •• by, 'l.h., ., Now Lon,., .Idln."'.'-: , Cho",ol.,'. '.mou. ~.I"'-In-H.<ld Si. Per'utedlty<trciullc .rak!fl. • Now ," Ob.o,yetlon Ca," VlalbUHy • Porfectod Kn.o-"ctlon ~1() 11 5y.'om wltft" mprovod I#todqNooof -..;.. (Avalla61o on M....,. Do Lux. -'11) • I P'.~.H."lic Chltc!!,
--- - . _ ---_....-----.. :~~~==~=~==~=~=;=~~~=~======~~~~!!~~~=~==;~=~ _- . . . . .I h ,-=1I
I Ob'l·fua""
Spor.i:smen Corner
1 Lo"a) H~P~III_ I·.~~_S4
, ,' ,.. ~_ _--~~--_---:
returned theD). after an tertaI~ to cUnner SI,Illday. Mr. _ home EWith___ extended vlslt with hia slater and and Mrs. John Bayner. Mrs. Helen
Ch~ . ·r e· e.8 _
fnmlly here. Colvert chlldren J.une and 'Fhe Ladle$. Aid enjoyed an all Jacm of Westv1l1e M18a Betty ThodalY meeting and covered dWl mas and Mr. and ¥rs. Harold Whitbirthday dinner Wednesday at the aore and .son and daughter. Mr. and home of MrS. Ethel Duke. She Was Mf!!. Edgar WUson of near Cepter_ aMlsted by Mesdames Ma.rgaret vW" W\!J'tl afternoon guests. Duke. Vaden 'Wloal 8.n o Lltltla i<en rick. NOTIOE OF PUBUC SALE 'Mrs. Irma i<uhns and chUdren. Vernon ' and Clandene of Souto The Wayne Township BolU'd of Bend Indiana were week..end guests Education, Warren -El<lImtll, Ohio. or her grandmother and brother, will ottnr for sale put-:lc auction.. Mrs. Emma Laoy and Robert Lacy. all ' the premises, on' Saturday the Mr. and Mrs: Walter Kenrick and . eighth day' ' of April, . 1939 at 1 James Haines visited WUUam Pence o'clock p . m. the buildlng 'commonly at St. Elizabeth hospital, Dayton known and designated as the '011\ Sunday afternoon and afterward Gymnasium". caUed on Mr. and Mrs. Alva Scott R. H. Hartsock. Clerk. of DeUwo04l Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett enUse The C1&;tiieiAdd;-
' Maj stle sweetness sits enthroned I-MISS '· VJr8bua. Prestonl sPent the FERR'r CirnRCH .OF CHRIST Upon the SaVior's brow; week end with Miss Martha. Klemm W C. Smith M1nia&el: His head with mdlllnt glories of Wyoming. Cincinnati. Our Eas ter' ~Vic.e wW start Sun.. crowned, . Mr 'and Mrs J'ohn ' Fronun and. day 'mornlng at 9:30 a. ,m. The ros lips with grn.ce o'er flown. J. C.' Hawke visi~ Irlendli and' reL Easter program will be followed by No mortal. can with ~Im compare atlves and friends 'ln 8ablna Sunday a sermon on the Resurrection. We By H_1'I7 Eldrid,., Jr. Among. the sons of men; f· had 142 present last Sunday, but we Fairer Is he' than all the fair. , . Mr. and Mrs: A. ' F. MeUoh end want 200 for Eaater. Who fUl the heavenly train. ramUy visited relatives An HamlltOn The Berean class meeting wlll be : = 'I Florence Haines Satterthwaite Sunday. Thursday (AprU 13th). Dr 'p' C Swing president of the 1939 .dues are asked to bring or send was \lorn Noven1ber 27. 1952 and de_ \ . . 'wAyNESVILLE CHURC.. OF . ", Ohl them to the meeting LIsle Ivins of parted this UIe March 31 1939 . She Loren Hadley and Charles Ander_ CDIST' Fede~atlon of Southwestern Red Lion. chaJrman 'ot the member was the daughter ot Jacob " and son of OhJo s~te were at their l'C:- W 0 Sml~b MlDlakr Sportsmen' Clubs, and well known ship contest commJttee announces Anna Rogers Heines and her entire.' spectlve homes over th'e week end. S~AY" for his hunting and fishing trips In l that almost a hundred new mem- lUe was spent In and around Way_ I Mrs. Mabel Staup has a.nnounced Bible School 9:30 a. m. ' the marriage ot her daughter Edna Communion 10:45 a. , m. northern Canada, will s1lOW some : bers have joined the Asset Ia tlon In nesvWe. more of his motion pictures at the the past two months. He says his She gave her life to Christ and Mae to VlrgU Russell of Lebanon. Christian Endeavor 7:00 P. m. next Thursday's (AprU 13th) meet- committee will have a complete list was a member of the Methodist August 27, at Rk:bmond Ind. Sermon and Easter program 7:30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!"'!!!!~~~!'!!!'!!!!~, Ing of the Warren County Fish and of prizes for \.he meeting. Episcopal church. ' WEDNESDAY I~•••• - ••-.-.-- ;.-.;;;.-.-.-.-.~_-.-_;~;;•.;;;•. Game Assn. Many members W1Jl Planting of food patches for game June 5, 1905, she was married to. Mr. and Mrs. . Frank -WUson and Bible Study and prayer meeting remember Dr. Swing's deer and In the county w1l1 be discussed by Charles Satterthwaite by a former Mrs. Zimmer of Kings MIlls, were 7:30 p . m moose . hunting moVies shown Earl Gustin. game committee chalr_ pastor, V. F. Brown of Dayton. visitors at the home 01 :Dr. and Mrs. Last Sunaay .there were 71 at some time ago. TIlls time he brings man. Any tarmer interested In We lose a worthy citizen, kind J. E. Witham. Sunday. SWlday School and 76 for evening forty minutes of fishing in the having the Fish and Game Assn. and sympathizing friend who was ' Misses Anna Louise Hoak and service. Come and . let us make It ' Can~d!an Lake of the Woods se~_ place a food patch on his land Is always ready to help those In need .' Marjie Gustin were over-night 100 for each service. Sunday. tlon whJch he took on a trip up asked to contact Earl Gustin of She leaves her husband, nelces and I guests of Mary Caroline Lukens there. Lebanon or O1lme' Protector Hines. nephew Gnd a host of friends. Baturaay. WAYNESVILLE )I. E. OHURCH The meeting wW be held In Leb_ Every sportsmlln, farmer or con.. Eaakr Sunday, AprO 9, 1939 cnon Memorial Hall at 8:00 P. m. servatlonlst Is welcome at next Mr. and Mrs. J . P. Larrick and . 6:00 Easter Dawn servtee Mem~r who have not paid theJr Thursday's meeting of the Warren Mr. Harve MUllen visited Mr. Ed7:00 Easter breakfast ward Clutter and IamUy at Millord County FIsh and Game Assn. 9:90 Bunday School. R. D. Oollett Sunday. supt. . I 10:40 M;orntng Worship. Easter Next sunday. April 9 ·the Twin I HARVEYSBURG METHODIST Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brown and son Valley Rod and Gun Assn. w!11 hold CHUROH Or Franklin were weekend guests of Message "Gods Reciprocity" 6:00 Epworth League Its big annual coon chose on the Geo.\ :e H. Weaver, Mlnbter theJr paren~, Mr. and Mr~ H. H. 7:30 Easter Cantata "The Fi rst Frank Mattern farm, three mUes . 9:30 a. m. Public Worship, sermon W11lJamson. Lb Easter" northeast or Gratis, Ohio. Entree topiC "Sharing Hia ~urrectlon" Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout and fee Is 12.00 and the purse estimated 10 :30 a. m. C1~urch school H. C. daughter were dinner guests 01 Dr. See announcement elsewhere. at 1280. EVeryone Is welcome. MillJgan, Supt. and Mrs. Jack Persinger of W!l5h.. WEDNESDAY 3:00 FfJendshlp club will 'meet THURSDAY AFTERNOON Ington C. H. Wednesday eventng. with Mrs. Stubbs. .
----_ ..---
SPOTLIGHT 3~~~::~C 14c PINEAPPLE cO~S~:::dClu~ 2 ~:aI2·9c
The big Mac McGee' memorial Ladies AJd Soo1ety meeting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker and . 3.45 Junior Oholr Sportsmen's Show will be In Dayton Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker enter· daughter Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. FRIDAY Memorial Hall Friday and Saturday talned at a 7 o'clock dinner party. Fred Furnas were dinner guests of 8:00 Oholr pract1ce. April 14 and 15. Reports are . that Friday. thm 500 club and invited Mt. and Mrs. Chas., Zimmerman, ST. MAlty'S EPISCOPAL there will be assembled one 'of the guests. Members present were Mr. SaturdayeveniDa. biggest groups of dlsplays of Inter· and -Mrs. C. E. Levlcy, Mr. and Mrs. • CHlJItCB est outdoor sportsmen ever lIssemb_ H: J. Carr. Mr.. and Mrs. Howard Miss Jane Cook of Earlham col- Bev. K. L. IlaelnreU, MlDlater led In this section. Demonstrations Gra~m, Mr. and Mrs. ~llint Cleaver lege, Richmond, Ind. and Mias MIL 'EASTER DAY by nationally known casting ex.. , Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett. Mr and dred Cook of Ohio trnlverslty are 11 a ui. Holy Communion snd perts. outdoor movies, and' various Mrs. Robert Wallace, Howard Mc~ spending their vacatl()n with theJr sermo~ . Everyone in the commUnity is Items' of Interest are scheduled dur- Gulnn and Robert Collett. The aunt, Dr. Mary L. Cook. Ing the day - and both eventngs guests were Mr. and lIIIrs. E J. MIss Louise Zl,mmerrnan Is spend- cordially invited to come and wor_ the Renfro Valley Barn dance will Munger and Mr. and Mrs. RIChard 1l1g tile spring vacatloIl at the home ship With us on thIa glorl~us Christ-· give a performance In the maln au.. WUlta.n!-s of WUmlngton. . of her parents Mr. arl~d Mrs. Chas. tan festival day. dltorlum. The laldes ot Jonah's Run church Zimmerman. l\/I1ss ZJu:unerman is a MONDAY . .7:30 P. m. Young people meet at are serving Ii ohJcken s~pper at the student at OhJo UniVlirsity. Here'. a real' ~try fenaI -;- that .I Friday evening, April 7, be~ "the rectory to leave for Lebanon eerves almoIt evf:ry purpoee of ~t· Mr. ,S. A. Heiss of R. R. 2 FranL glnnJng at 5 O'clock. A door prize Mr. and 1Cr$. AlIEn He.!rut; of TUESDAY tine and aIIta far 1_ to uae. Une Irire8 only linch ~ at bottom- lin, received a pair each of silver. will be given and games will be Xenia, Mr. Herbert SatterthwaJte 2 p. m. Nursery Church s~nool Itaya either 2 or 3 ~ apart, and gOltten pheasants laBt. week. He features of the eventng's entertaln- and Mr. John Compton of Dayton THURSDAY widest top IPBdDi 4 bY 3 inCbee. Tmna largest poultry and ama1leat purchased them from the Turkey_ ment. Come and enjoy yourseU w1t:h were 10 \.Vayn~llle .'l'Uesday to at-" 5:30 until 8:!IO A pancake and foot Aviary of ' Wausen, OhJo and good eats and a good time. tend the .. funeral of Mrs. ~. Sat. sausage supper will be served by the chlck. intends to raise bJrds in his spare Mrs. Laura Bhidaker and Mrs. terthwaite. Guild 'at Gnq1J8 Hall. . ' ane-MESH is woven just · like time. • Sadie Reason entertained with an PRIDAY . field fence - of "Galvalulealed" "Aprll Fool" ,""'rty Saturday Jrlght P1v~ glrla from the :sentor olass of copper-beariog ateel Vfire, It oUt· . ..~ Wayne townshJp hig~ school. l\/IJsses 2 P. m. Woman's Auxiliary at the ~ oetting two to one by actual James M· Btltts or BowlJng Green at the home of Mrs. ShJdaker.500 El1zabeth Hoblit,. M:arjle Gustin, home 'of Mrs. John Bolln. . weather test. Needs.fewer poI!ta and tures ot the eve- Anna LouJse H~, A,da Belle Frye 4 P. m. Junior high boys.- ' --.., no top or bottom boards. Let us was appOinted a full' :li'iieThCtm: ebow yOU this strong, Iow-ClOlt fence; In tlie State. Conservation Dlvtslon nlng. The following ladles were 'and Mary CaroUna Lukens took the 7:30 p. m. Girls' Prlendly group. to explatn to farm and aport groups present; Mrs.. C. E. LevIC!.' Mrs', Wm seiuor scho1arshJp t.e!it In Lebano\1 the prlnclples of the conservation Oglesbee, Mrs. W. M. Hoover, . Mrs. Saturday program. He wUl receive $1.800 a Frank Squires, Mrs. Oharles Easter, . ' year. Mrs. A. S. Collett, Mrs. Frank' curl, A famUy dinner was given at the • Mrs. Howard. Graham, Mrs. H. S. home of Mrs. Nellie Bunnell and Th Disc . I t th Farm Tucker. Mrs PIorence paugherty MIss MonJrnla Bunnell, SUnday. The e uss on group 0 e guests were Mr. and MrS: Herschel Bureau met at the home of Mr. and Subscribe to the M!amJ Gazette and Mrs. Ethel Smith. Bunnell and fam1ly' ot Lebanon. Mrs. Harvey Burnet Wed.nesday Mr. aDd MrS. nharles Sha lin evening of last week. ~t: . ,w Mr. and Mrs. Allen EmrMlk and family and Mrs. ~. . B. Bunnell .of Mr. 'and Mrs. Therle Jones made a Daykm, Mr. and ¥rs.. George B~ business trip to Dayton Thursday MI'· ~nd ' Mrs. Mrs. Kessler Graham and daugllnell of Cente~, 1 Keller Hoak ~ . falnily anll Mr. ter, MJM .BernJ.:e spent Prlday eveand Mrs. Rhodea)wmeU and faril- ntng 'with ·Mr. md Mrs. Paul WUUy. In the af~oon a deUghful lIamII in Lebanon. • ; ' , Il'uslcal program, was presented' by M1B8 Catherine Smlth and ' Don. the Hoak ta~, ,_ . aId Poulks were r&-marrled at Ly_ \ . tle church op TUesday evening of last week, by Rev. BUda Snyder. FriendS received word f1'Qm St. Cloud, PIa. that Everett · Early anI! --.tamtiy and ' M1sa Sarah SmIth will Mrs. NeUle ~ght is recovering leave there Tuesday enroute home from a bad at~,. of pneumonia. Mr and ·Mrs. Fratik Smith vlslted . . Mrs. Grace ~, Mrs. Ivan Hol. .Mr. an~ Mrs. Edna Blake In Dayton and Mrs. Waiter Ling who have ton Sunday eventng. . . PORK CUTS BEEF CUTS been III with nu~ recoverJng. Dayton vIsItors Thursday were Mrs. Lester ~ck Ia still 1m. ~. Fred Rush and Children. Mrs. Boilina Beef ....~ ................... lb. 12 l·2'c Pork Steak ............................. ~ lb. 19c' . l:.1ft~ Kester .Graham, Mrs Frank Kur· Short Ribs ................................ lb. 15c Fresh Callie...: ........ .. ........... lb. 14 1..2«: . provtng, we are ~ to say flas, Mrs. Margaret J~lqls and Mr, Chuck Roalt "" ............. , ...... " .. lb. 1& . Pork Chapa, Loin or Rib ........ lb. 2~ ClaUde . ~ ~. at. her bome on and Mrs. 'CalVin Longacre. Mrs. Pork Loin Roa.t ............ I .... ~ ...... (b;,,2OC Shoulder Swiss ................... ... .. lb. 21c Social ~ad, ,; Mrs. TIlerle JoneS, , Mrs. Stallley Round or Loin, Steak ........ ...... lb. 2& Fresh Ham., Whole or Half ... ~ lb'-'2Oe . Rev. Smith ~'opelli li).eetlpga at BaUey and . Mrs. ' Willtam Rogers ,Chuck Steaks ........................ .. lb. 23c . Sliced frea~ -Ham . .................. :. lb. ~8c ". the Lebanon ch~ on April io. attended the . Mother's club card Club Steak .......... .. .... ................ lb. 25c Fresh Side, ...... :: ...................... lb. 1~ Rev. Beth will tID,. the FeiTy pulpit party at WayneavWe school Prlday T.Bone and Porter Houae ........ lb. 32c Fre.h Sausaae, Bulk ... ~r. t. ... : 2 I)). 33c . hJ.s absence. ~, afternoon~ . Cube Steaks ....... .. ..... .. .... ......... . lb. 30c Fresh Sau. . . Link ................ lb. 2Oc. .. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and Prime Rib Roast ..... : ................ lb. 20c Spare Rib., Meaty, .......... : ......... . lb. ISC . Sunday saw i4i:preBent at Perry son visited. relatlve.s 10 Tlpp City Rump Roa.t ....... .................... : ... lb. 23c SPRING J:.A.MB 'CUTS for church. 'lbeij ~ striving to .a Sunday afternoon. ' Fre'. h Ground Beef, .............. 2 lb. 35c Mr; and.Mrs. Guy Routzahn and goal of 200 on EaSter Sunday. Lea of Lamb .. .... ~ .... : ................. lb. 30c VEAL CUTS Rev. Bennett i ot' Sugar Creek son visited ' rel~tlvea in " Tlpp .City Lamb Cliop •• Rib .or Lpin .. : .... ,. .Ib. 28c (Owen's) Christian cb.u rch· wiU' hold Sun,day af~ ' 0rJsa . Boitnott • Veal Bt~.t for Stuffing .. .... .. lb. 13c Lamb Shoulder Roast ............ lb. 22c special serVlceabn :Eilaster ' Sunday --r-.....:.---.....:..--",.:.----.V eal Shoulder Roa.t.. ................ lb. 18c Lamb Shoulder C"ops : ............. lb. 25c Everyone. welco~e. . Lanib Brea.t fo" Stuffin~ ........ lb • .1Sc Veal Loin' Chopa . ~ .... :............. lb. 25c Mr. Hesa' spent; SUDd&y. 10 '. V:eal Chops ............................... lb. 23c LUNCH td£A.l'S Columbus. ' . , ~eal Cutlets .......... .................. lb. 28c .... B'o lopa ... ..... :...... ..... ... .'............ lb. ISc SMO~D MEATS Weiner ......... :......................... :. lb. 23c Jowl Bacon ................. :.. :, .... . ... lb. llc Frank ... : ......... : ...................... .2 Ib~ -33c Breakfast Bacon in Piece ........ lb. 19c .L iver Puddina .......................... lb. 15c Cau.'~ · Hama, Bone~eu ... ..... lb. 28c Minced Ham or Chicken Loaf Ih. 25c Tenderi.ed Smoked .Callies, .. :. lb. 18c Liver CheeM or Piniento loaf .. lb. 2Sc 2 lb•. Carton, ' Bri~, American or PUre, Home· Rendered, All Pork ' Pimento Chee.e. for .......... ;•..•; •• '49C . I.aI'd, ~ ........ ! ..... . ....... ..... ..... .. , .. : ... .. . lb. lOe '/
'Lvtle .
':Easter week ~pecials at-·
. Prices ..
. Pkg. .
SAVE..l.6c WITH'"[HIS COUPON Our Reiular 450 ;. 13 Eaa Angel Food Cake For Orr'Iu---",-~• •" , 29c With Thi. Coupon-Never Before At This Price. Name . Adcl:.:re:.... -------------......:--::----
.I!_____. ;. _____________. . .
Thi. Offer Expire. Saturday Ni;ht, April 8th.';'
.A ' U.esco"Fcea 'or · E~eTY fVeed 25 l b. baK
. 49c
Hig,hest Quality Lo~e.t ,;renderlzed hams fine fla~ore~ and ten,de~ . whole or 'he..' 24c lb.··· All Gu.r meats .ho... ~
21 lb. haK ' .
Goy.Je's Quality Meal 'Ma~k~t "
tall eana
'E'GG DY·.E 10c .K.RAFT GH,EESE :~:i:~2 :.0:~.29c 9-C HERSHEY SlRUR.
Starting and G
. Ferr·Y'
3 25 C. 4 22C No. 2
25 lb. bag
_ ow~ng ·Ma.h
l ei). lb.
~ag $1.85 "
100 lb. bag $1.85
BABY CHICK GRAIN ~ 16% DAIRY nED 20% .• . ' DAIRY . . FEED \ HOMJf{Y 1:fl:ED .• . •
'. HB .
mSP~.!aed Whole or . :render S~an" to 6 . 4 :".
C. C.
lb. Avg. . .lb. .' 22F .' Print I);.. ,26c RoUlb. 25c .
:n~t .Forget lor your' Ea.te;; Din,.~r ,0 f~nde~.. :, t"ia1rd hdm,
7Ite--n am ~ha~~m" ,'.
• v. ),our lolel, live UI a rin.g., Free D~livery .'Phone 66 ,R 2' .
Shoulder C~t
Easter Ob·serveo-:-A1~~i5~iZEiF~::--....:t!WInt1t1~r-mY Local Cllurches Ch::::~~~::ln~::s~~~:b:~ TO BE 'GIVEN MAY 12
I wish to expresS my sincere thanks and apprecIation for all the cheery cards and lovely gifts Ire. celved durlhg my IllncSs Each day was brightened .oy cards from many th0l!ghtful friends. For the kindly remembrances from the Harveys.. burg and Waynesville O. E. S. and fr:om all the societies and mY Sun· day school class, I am most grate· ful. Mrs. M. D. Baird
Monday night at the high school music room· In the absence of Mr. Russell FJ'ank,. Miss Virginia Hardin coQducted the singing. The organ· izatlon Is a. new one having just ~en started for the purpose of serving the community. The next meeting Is scheduled for next Mon· .day night, Aprll. l '1 . "
Special services mllrked the obser· .vance of Easter In all Waynesvllle churches. About 100 persons were In etten· dance at the sunrise serVice "at the Methodist church. This serVice was ort prayer meetlng and a solo a sung by Earl Earnhart, This was followed by Easter brcakrllst served -by the Epworth League members The attendimce a't the Sunduy school numbered 200. The Junior choir sang at this service· The church was fllled for the 11 o'clock service at which time tcn n ew mem. bers ' were received . Into the church And eleven babies were baptized. A special , anLhem was sun~ by the choir, and a duet by MIsses Virginia nnd ~ma Hardin. In' the evening n .can~ta, "T,he First E; s er ." w a.~ rQndered by the choir. A short Easter nrogram was given by ~he chUdren at the Ohurch of Chrl~t Bible school at 9:30. This was !ol\Ow~ by Oommunlon at 10;45. Preaching service and Easter program took plllce In the evening. All these servIces were well attended Easter morning the choir of 1St. Mal'Y's Episcopal church a~compan · led the. Rev> R. L HackweU to Wll· m~gton where they assisted In the service at All Saints ehurch. At St. Mary's ch,u rch lIt 11 o'clock Bishop . Paul Jones of Antioch coyege • preached and WIlS celebrant lit :tbe , Holy Communion with the m1nlster, 'the Rev. R. L. Rackwell qalstlng, ' Two speclal'8nthems were Bung by the choir. The children's Lenten of. fering was presen~ at this service w~lchy,was well attended. Wgh Mass was cele})rated at St. . Au'gustlne. church, A visiting choir sang .thli seril.ce wI~ the Rev. R. H, Krumholtz ortlclatlng, A large atten'danC9 was present for both First Day school and reg. ular worship at the FrIends church.
Local ,Happenings
Born, Eo Mr. and Mrs. Chjlrles Nickell, Friday April 7, a daugh ter.
The Townsend meeting held at Grange Ball Tuesday evenIng, April 11. was well attended with about 200 present: MI'. Snider, president of the Bellbrook Townsend club called the meeting to order. After singing ~erlca and the salute to the tl1!i, Mr. Snider Introduced the speaker of the evening, Ref. E. B. Thornton IOf Dayton, who held the atte.n tion of his audlen.ce. The people wh~ had never heard .about the Townsend
Mrs. Martha Parsonll of Oleveland, spent last week wltl) her dBughter Mrs, Russell Frank. Mr. and Mrs. J . M. MWlgcr of Lebanon, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. ~. Borden. Mr. and Mrs. .J . H. Mengle and son attended the high SC8001 oper~ tt da I ht e a a t Morrow. We<lnes y n g .
home In Green Forest. Ark . The Becks who were retiJdents of Way ne~ ville several years altO, have many friends In the community who wlll be sorry to hea r ot MI'1i. Beck's pass. lng. She IS survived by 11er husband and two daughters, Doris and Helen
men Gar1..n In Lebanon, The group i.> St. Mary's Church will ce.lebrate studying church unl'y through dis. t he fifty-eighth anniversary of Its cuSslons of the different protes tant dedication at the morning servl.ce denOminations. on Sunday. In the montll or April During the bUsiness se:l.~l o n plans 18GO t~e first Epl<;copal service ever were completed for servIng the din. to be conducted In Waynesvllle was ner at the meeting of the Men's led by a clergyman from Nashv111e Civic club next Monday night, A Tenne"see. After the beginning had recre ~Ional period followed during been achieved, gJ'adual but constant which tlmc a deUcio us lunch was progress was made by the devoted • served by the hostesses. Mrs. Lee followel's of the church. On the Hawke was -a guest I10t t he meeting. . Thursday alter Easter 1881, the pre nt hOllse of worship was con· secl'llted by the· first Bishop of BlSIIOP HOBSON TO Southern OhJo, This event wlll be VI SIT EPISCOPAL CIIURCII com memorated on Sunda.y morning. Tile Rev, Mr. Hackwell w1ll take The Right Reverend Henry Wise Hobson, Bishop of Southern OhJo. 1'01' Ills text the same words which wlll conduct the service of. conflr. \Verll used lor the consecration ser. mation In St .. M",ry's Church at l mon : "Surely this Is the house of o'clock on Thursday, April 20th. God , this Is' the gate of heaven." Bishop Hobson Is a leader in the The public Is cordlaUy Invited, Eplswpal Church, especially In the field of Evangellsatlon. It was un. der his leadership th>l t the For· ward movement became a great force In his church . Recently he wlis one of the small group of Ame· Ilca ll Christians at the World Mis. Mrs . Harry Burnett and daul h· ~Iona ry Conference In Inllia. Bishop ters 0'( Lytle, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hobson is perhl1 \J1I most widely known In Ohio for his work in iso. Thomas' and SOilS of Cleveland we", la ted sections with lhe Wayside dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas, Good Friday. Cathedral. )
58TH ANNIVERSARY Friends here havtl received 'word The young people's group or 'the of the death of Mrs. L· V. Beck Eplscopa,l Church met Monday night TO HE 'OBSERVED which occurred March a, at her with Misses Hawke and Ca\,. DorL~
The comedy "Ear'ly to Bed, Early to ruse" has titkn selected tor the Senior clIAS play, which Is to be presented May 12. The cast In· cludes: . Spanty-c'~lyn Lukens Bobby- Robtrt , Hyman patsy-EvelYll ,J ohns DaiSy-E!k.aheth Hoblit Otto-Rot)ert Clary Mr. Conkle-:-Tresler Hardin JIm- Earl Elnnhart EvereU-WUton Hartsock Abbie-Margie Gustin .... Laura....,.Anna 1I0ak Marlon""-Opai Henderson Dorothf Guy Will represent Way. nesvllIe at WlUO on April 22, In the Miami Valley Spelling Bee. 8eve~ studentos are baking a trIp to WasWngton D. C. thl,s week end·
Local Happenings Mrs. C. H. D8Qthel'aall and MI'S, Ross H. Hartsock were Lebanon vls_
ltors, Thursday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil RholUles, Frltlay, April 7, a dnugh_ ter. Mrs. Jessie Roblt.zer of DaytLn . vll!lted her parents, Mr. and M s. J . O . M!l rlatt, over the week end .
Mrs. O. I . SaLtel'thwaite lind Ml'>l Vel'll Simpsoa were Dayton vlsltor.'i A district· meet,lng of officers and Wednesday. workers In the Women's Field Army af the AmericAn Society for the Mr. and Mrs. Wll1lam LlpplncoC Mr. and Mn;. Fred Conklin were Control ot Cancer and of physlc1ans and grand daughter speat Tuesdny Recovery Plan, were grante__d_;rot~h~a~trW~ee~k'Aeeandl-ag;Hc~ u SIsm:Ov:f_M _:_._a_Il_J _Mr __S_'_P_·taW,t-U_lttbe leLh~el~d[lle,ln.ral."iE'llelm!nvIn,eJg :_l01-nlotAePlrll 18 ...tternoon In Dayton. uuvu'o ..., In ~ p a ~ and f< -at 6 Mr. and Mrs, Ray Hawke (Inti ml\nner, bringing home to his listMr. and Mrs. Don Hawke were p. m. daughter of Dayton , were visitors n ~ eners the need of a plan to provide dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E . Dr. oarl A. . Wlzbach, Health the home of J . O. Hawke, Sunday. the aged people Ln the United S.fttes Commissioner 0( , Cincinnati, repre • 0 Crane Gnd famlly Saturday night. At this serVi e he will r celve In· Mrs. Emma Barnett's IllaDY Mr. and. Mrs. WI11 Lukens enter· who have reached the iIlge ot 60 and sentative of the Ohio Medical Asso_ to the church, ' t hrough tlle laying friends will be pleased to lea.rn ·that talneq their Harveysburg bridge over with a comfortable home, food Mr. and Mrs. W. S . .Graham , vis. clatlon in the Ohio Field Army, Dr. . on of hands, those In the congrega· sh e Is recovering Crom ,the effects shelter and clothing, also more work Ited..Mr. and !lrs. w. W. Rogers of L. B . Bclllrt;lveJr, of Cincinnati, 'Club, Friday Illght. tlon of St. Mary's Church Who de. ot '9' . fall suffered at her home two . near Waynesville SundiN. counctlor for the tlrst medical dis· for the young people. MI'. e nd Mrs. Emil Brown and son sire to become full members. The weeks ago. AI... • a. tew SOngs the meetl.... WIlS ~ .... MIss Doria White, of Mason was trlct, and Mrs. G . A. Vincent, ot spent SunQay with .Mr. and Ml's. Rev. Mr. Hackwell , the minIster, I • clOsed by the audience repeating the . Bloomdale, sl1ate commander of the Oharles Ames. Mr, and Mrs. Bomer Deatherage will present, Mrs. Donald Hawke, a dlnper guest of Mr. and Mrs.· Will Townsend pledge. There wui be an.' Ann.y· will be thel speake,s. Ferree Scanlan, and Jack Orane. and family of Clq ~ lnnati, and Mrs. Stroud, Sunday. Mlss.' Mary Lou Sowash of Mansother JIleeting' ln the near futUre. " • Pollowlng the meeting a public The public Is , welcome at this ser- C. 'H. Deatherage ' were dinner MIss Miriam Jean FIfe, of Wll· forum on the subject of cam er wlll field, Ohlo ;S vlslt1ni .her aunt, Mrs. vice. guests o.f Mr. and Mrs. R. H , Hart. mfngton spent the spring va'c;:atlon be held. Questiolls from the audl· 0 .. O. RIdge, MRS. A. H. STUBBS HOSTESS sock. Sunday. , with Mr. and Mrs, Lester Gordon. ence will be ann/ered by Dr. WUz.. TO FRIE~SUIP CLVB Mr. and Mrs. John W . Kersey LITTLE GIB Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsoo~ and bach and Dr; Bclrtrelver. spent Easter' Day with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Flank T. Tawke abd Mr. Malt daughter MfIdred of UWOrd and The members of the PrtendsWp Bauer of SpringfIeld, were Batur. Delay may be fatal In cancer. W. Kersey of Oregonia. # ;'Llttle Glb" -Is n poem giving tht Mr. ;.~~d ¥r . Ronal~ , Hawke were club met at the bome of Mrs, A. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Here Is the advice of the Ainerlcan H. Stubbs. Wednesday afternoon'. ~~~ for the. ~trol of Cancer: . MIsaeB Esther, .Martha and !.oLe; lItory of a drummer boy of the .'l9~h fla8~ guea~ of MrS. ~Ith H$'1s · i i _ +,'..J , Bav,e' a completE~ annual physical Lukens were over· night guests of O. V. I. He enlisted when only ien and Mr, Harris Mosher. • DmltfoDS J;ei!J b1'lIbt j. V. nacy B.a.wlre. • I " years old and went through t he SPRINGBORO GRANGE. GUEflT, opened the meeting. After the busl· lI41ss Mary Leah Edwt,U'da of examtnation; cow!ring all the s1te:.r IM!ss Edwina. Stanforth, Friday, Dr. and ~s, A. E. Swut and war with his regiment. 1'hJs poem daughter were Sunday dinner guests ness session, the foliowlng ' pi-ogram Springfield spent the week end with where this disease .commonly ap_ OF R~RVEYSBt1BG GRANGE MJ:. IImd Mrs. Ira Brown !!ond son IImd 33 other poems 11) neat pam· _In charge of Mrs. L. ,Y. Branstrator her aunts, . J4lsaes Tr1Ilena . and pears. , of Frankllb were week end guest.~ phlet form wlll be sent postpaid 00 of Mrs. J . ' J , Stout of Pa.yton. '«r. Tbe members oCthe Springboro w~ ,given. and Urs. .Russell Frank were aft:4-. Margaret Edwards. , Mrs. John W. Bricker, first lady of Mr. and Mrs. II. H. WUllarnson. receipt 'of 35 cents. send cion to, noon visitors. Vocal solo-Ruth Col)ller, Mary Orange were guests at- the meeting Miss Lola ' SearS and John Sears 01 ~ , lB. ,cliili'man of the state ... _.ot the ifarveysburg , Grange. Mon· Eva LeMa\>. accompanist. Mr. ,and Mrs. Clarence Smith and Smith selfridge, R. R. 3, Way nesof, Olnclnnati ,spent the week' end advIBtory commltt<ee of the 'Women's vllle, Ohio. Dean Hawke visited last week at· Reading-Mrs. Gilbert Frye, • day nlaht. The Springboro officials r with their parents, Mr. and Mrs- W, FIeld ~y of the American SocIety Mr, end Mrs. Keith' Walton attend· the home ot 'Dr. Ralph Vance In Vocal duet-Ruth and ' VIvian ,filled ' Uie' cb1ltrs and presented the ed Easter aervlces at the Beaver. for the ~ntrol of Cancer, Wilmington. Ralph ;vance Jr" re~"Wblgh w.s In charge of Conner; Mary Eva. LeMay, a.ccom· N. Sears, FAMILY REUNION • Rallying to .campalgn of hope town U. B. ChurCh, Sunday. ~urned home with Dean, SlInday, to y'~ Win Mull. · I . Mr. and Mrs. ,Charles LeMay are under the slogan, '''Flght Oancer Mrs: J . p . Larrick's division of lIpend a few, dflys. . ,The p~ was 'as fOllows; .yo. Reading "Why People LIke You',' a~ounClng ' the birth of· an el~ht with 'Knowledge: ' Early Cancer Is Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Monger 01 the Methodist . Ladles Aid Society . cal solo by Mias Clara crockett, A ,-Mrs. Loren Hadley. Dr.' Gale E. Russum and Mlslles pound- son Wednesday morning at Curable," 26 Ohio citizens, reprCl!ent cleared $20 on the Easter market Lexington, Ky., were week end p8pel on by.products of farm ' pr<J- A true and false ~ntest on the the Middletown hospItal. guests of the fbrmer's parents, Mr AlIce Jane, Ivaln and Margaret SUS, Ing v~led interests, have . accepted tbey held Saturday. dllee, wes"read by Ohester Crockett. Blble . ~as -then e~oyed by all the Day Mr. and Mrl,). Rolly Monger 01 sjun of Dayton were Sunday vlsttOrs . Mr. and Mrs. E. J : Burton have member:shlp on the committee. A ~Ievel' one act play was 'given by members, Which concl~ded the pro. Mrs. Lee Hawke, Mrs. Ida Par· .J amestown. and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur at the home' of MIss Trlllena .. and returned to their home In , Elyria shall and Dean Hawke visited Mrs. Wollard' and family of Wayne"vUle, Miss Mal'[.Bret Edwards. . the SpdngboJo membe~. 'lbe . pro- ~II). . MUSIC FESTIVAL 'I ~ ~ 'I;!ODCltid~ With tap dan.. Durlng the social hour dainty re. after spendIng last week wlht rela. Emma Chancellor at New 'BurUng-- joined the ~oup for 11 famJ1y din. BY GBADE PUPIILS tives' here and ,-t Mt. Holly. ' Bishop ~\ll JO~j Mrs. ' JoPes ~ bY. ~~ ,Barbara Lou ~)la.nd, · ~hments werelier,ved by tJ:le hoatton, Wedn~ay. ner at the home of their parenta. and daughter Barbara of YeUow Ref.reshinehts were served by ~, ~. Ralph HlIstings, assisting. . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Berryhill Mrs. Hanna Rogell has returned Springs were dInner guests or Rev. Hilnejatiurg Grange at the Close The meettng in May wIU be held and daughter, MISs Clara, ,of Bell· to her home ~ere after spending ATTENDED BARN DANCE and Mrs" R. Lloyd Hackwell, Sun.. of the meeting. with !.Irs. _J . K, Preston. brook, were Synday dlpner guests the winter' with h~r daughter, Mrs. day. Mr. 'lind Mrs. E L. Thomas. J . O. Cartwright In OlnclnnaU. , Ten ~embeis of a ' local 500 club TwlN SONS! HONORED, MOTHER'S ·CLUB MEB'lIING Mr Q nd Mrs. ROgel;-C;ilQamll""'II-CI"7'---:~;':;-~ Mr. and Mrs, Everett Bears and enjoyed a visit to the Barn Dance Xl!nln.. Mr. '~nd Mrs. A. H. HELD 'FamAY I\I'TImNOON Mrl"'~nd Mrs. Joseph Tinney of O1~yelapd, spent severo.ll'.~'E!p~~[lltatdve ,at Memorial lIall, Dayton. Saturday of Ham11ton. Mr. and Mrs.· John B. ~ , terta~i!d a , famIlY group at UIIlIUl"r. l8si week with Mrs. K~'s dinner guests of Mr. altd Mrs. W. night, Those who lIttei1d~d were Mr. 'Gons and da ugh't er and Mrs. D. L • . ~e r~at meeting of the'Wayne e8tiu-dal, . everung in hono~ of ~Df.s, 1141-, 'lnc! ~. J . ,D. lI4ar~ t~: N. ' Sears. . .' I and M~~. M. A. Cornell, Mr. and Crane were Easter guests of Fred, B. TOwnat)lp 'Mothers' club was held tWin ';'sona, Wilber and· We,beter. The Mrs. Harry Smith, M~ nnd Mrs. B. Henderson and Matthew Turner. at the grade bulldlng Friday after. OOc:asIon .' celebr8.ted . their birthday , Mr. and MriI: ' V;i~tO! Oarpen~ of Mr. and, Mrs. L. C. st. ~,JOhn, Mr. S. Ellls, Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Rich, noon. ' DeV~tlona, 'read' . anniveJ.sary, ami was a complete Sur- Red,· Llon, ,,' aJ1d . ¥is:' Jean Pumas and Mrs. Glen Bland and I daugllter and Mr. and Mrs. L V. Br_anstrator Easter guests at the ~oinlt' of Mr. Loren Hadley, opened We me:etl:ng, ~' to the boys who received many were :dlnner guest. . Of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. J . P . LarrlcJc.' were Mi. and BaJlbara Loti, ~n" the week ' end 'Durlng the busines!i' 'mee~ it nlce PreSents. 'T he 'table was' beau. O. O. ~dIne ~ ~n. Sunday. · . Mrs. G. T Qutck (If Miamisburg, OBSERVE 40th ANNIVERSAIiy decided to contJnue servin; , ~e ~ decqrated · with ;nowers, for Alma and James PreriderPst of ¥lss Ruth: Latr:lck , c. Mt:is ~mel\a lunches untU 'the cia8e of ~hool. a.. qenterpiece ~d the !OVf/lY cake. Downs and Gerald 'rlnkerton '.of ' The plosram " W88 glv!!n t)y , the Dayton. first .. nd . second g·~des. ~ • ,Mr. and ' Mrs. bean W.alton ; tui'd ., as., their d\t1',1el' gue&ti! ' E~te~ · ~r. " Mrs. R.. L. 'H ammond of OaJtland, and Mrs. ,Clarence Glackin of 'Mil,. Callfornia., and Mrs. H. ,B. William:.. son. and Mr. and Mrl!. Henry Bren.. '. ~ were dinner' iruests of ner 'li nd daughte rs, A~m and Bernice . ., .of Fosters. ¥rs,~ OeGqe, J, Smith, Monday eve.
Local Happenings,
W: and
The t.rgunot tlrldge. clUb met ,/ TUesday llifternooil at ·the Little, Inn ." ,Mr~ an~' l\4ra. p ene ' D~Yidson , of with MJ'!I. Ralph MUler as . hostess, BoUldav ~~'ord, ,' Pe , Mt. and' Mrs. Ollv.... Mrs. J . K. 'Presto. received award #, - - - . - '." week-end Haecoc!t 'o f Gefvablq'g, '.~. , w.ere for ,hlgh ~ore arid Mrs. 'Edgar SmUh pail'!=nt." , Ml' w~ e~ ,.~ ~,t ~ Home. , Who wafta speqlal ' guest ot: her Mra~' O•. B.~Deatlll~ae ~ a vla1~ mother, toOk next hl,gh. '" ' dalllhtetmlWn-.1 or In ~on. ~ ~ COb~, Jane Furnas ~. -A: Z. Rart.ock, wl¥l ' W!IUI Mary Caroline LuJten8, Beulah Her" s.·"''''' "t the 'IVome ~ JIra ~ _.. , .',' , "';"1'''' , ) .~ . ': . .rIUd and Ruth Conner were gu~ts Har180cIt . . at ~ ~e qt her ~ at 'tile ~~e of , ~ Apoa lIoulie "!~ Pr1!1ay to ~er . ~om,! at . Jloat nlgllt for ,an 01(1. ~, , faSbtoned 't afty , utI. ' . Un. ~ .~~b ~ a dmner ".:, _ .~. , iI iue.t hI!re ~,. ' . .' Illr. aDd Mr•. J . .N IlobInsQn 'of
Thulada, ,
' , '
Mr. and Mrs. Webster Elliott 'o f DaytOn, Mrs, John O. Oartwright , , lind . da\!ghter EvelYn.· 01 ' Otlx:ldnatl , were Sunday vfsltors ai the home Of ' Mr. and Mrs. D. C:. Ridge.
·~IOl\f MEETING A SUCCESS . .;: The uriton Lenten . m~tinga beld" Tl)ehome P,t M( a~d',ibs. oe<i~: ' Iri the Methodist and Epls I Bunnell of oe~tervtlle ,as the scene copa of a su " is 'bl 'tltd' Wnn · .... - ,' churches v,Jere prol,lounced a suc. d I n~rl'l tl , ro, •. ar er; ........ c~ by aU.· Attendance held .up even b~~hd: ;no~ ~f '~WB~U: on ,rainy eVeninga. ' . . y. u~ 'iO m .. , ,a;vn,eavn 'rhe flra( night pIctures ~ . are or ::"e '~;d : : ~;::' thll scen~ in the Ufe of Christ were MisS Montmia B . . 11 Mt _~ .......: "'-ented. · Eachnlght the unIon " q~ne , " . :~ "-:'. , . . Keller Hoak . ~d f~111 aD4 ~. cnolrs ~ted, and the ministers .al. ERrI ~ockett 'imd -da~h_ Rutb.:. ' . t;erna.ted with the preachlng. Sub• Jects connecfied wIth · the claya pf MIas :,x.~ . ~~TR_ Jesus ~e were Presented . .., at ta1n~ lier ....~iI. . ,at. Mary's Church a three ' hOUr ber boait :8a~ ~\II'QI- q N Il
=? .
Wayf\(!tlville; Ohio
11, , . .
-Beech 'Grove
Main · ~tre.~ VtrICA ' U, B CHURCII
"Fast and ~ Will Drake of ~th Leba-non was a Sunday afternoon oaller Of Lee WIth Robert Montgom,ry Roaall\,d Ru.nll Tn).nlaae. Flora. M ~ Cr ane Editor and Publi~her 9 :30 ' 8.. m . Sunday. s~bool, Omer and Jean Hlteman were F Leslie Gorsllch, Supt. IBaU.E D EVERY ,THURSDAY dlnner guests of Everett La , Con~lnuoue .8h"we Dally 10:30 11, m. Morning Worship -_.. Forge near oregonia. Mr. sta~ley Dunkle 01 BoneSubae"ption Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payable' in Advance B,. Han,- £Idrld ••, Jr. Mr.,' .-a nd IDs, Perry Wells and brake Benilnary will bring the mess_ age, Mrs· Dunkle furnish spe~~~:""""~_~daI;~.ters, OOro'thy,- I~a and .Alta cial music. and son',Charles were Sunday Easter 7:00 p. m. Ohristlan Endeavor . ==============~ dlnner ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ru. fUB Roberts and' family near MesOll Come and worship With us: ThIS is a big week.-end for Miami PROJECT ACTIVITIES , ' Sunday afternoon callers at the Mr. and Mrs. LesUe Gorsuch and Valley sportamen~ven it the wea_ FOIi ~·H CLUB GIRLS Jordan home were Mr. Jim Foley daugh ter spent Sunday with Mr. ther!l'11in gives us ,mother rotten DAYS . "Be your own best exhibit·, is the of Chicago Ilnd his sister, Mrs. LU?y \li nd Mrs. Willard Taylor and chUd· deal. Tonight <ThurSday) t he Warof NINE ( re n. ren Oounty Plsb and Game Assn. slogan which w:arren' County 4.H Fishbaugh of Middletown. Miss Mary Ethel Sarns of Bethany Mr . and Mrs. Bert Bunnell and wW meet at Memorlnl Hall in Lea· Olub girls' wtll remember when STRJ,"GE PEOPLE • CLARENCI J. BROWN I ......... c.........', .. OllIe DQIrIet ,daughters entertained Mr. and Mrs: anon at 8 :00 p. m. A report of the choosing their project activities passed a few days last week. wlUl WUUam Spa.rk.s, Mr. and Mrs . Bur_ membership contest committee "'!ill during the com1ng summer aays her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde The United s tates con Llllu ~ to titles 1h this country at an a ppro- dette Sparks. Mr. and Mrs: Ray- be given by Lyle Ivins, chairman. MIss Ellzabeth Graddy, home dern. Barns. accumulate more and more or the xlmate cost of fifteen dollars per mond Bunnell. and Mr. and Mrs.. Dr. 'P. O. Swing, pt..~ dent of The onstra~on agent. Mrs. El;J;her Biteollln and sons, :FederatiOIlJ of SOUthwestern Ohio world's gold. During t he ' last week ounce· Originally. In the United Vaughn Mullen Sunday. Clothing nutrition home furnish. Joe. Edgar and Orner, I!lnd Albert The Utica Ladles Aid had th.e lr Sportsmen's Clubs will show motion tngs, hOpl~ manage¢ent, persanp.11 Lee Talmage, were Included In the in March alone two lluildred and States before gold coinage was stop_ thirty ~UlIon doll.ars worth of gold ped, the pl'ice of gold was fL"ed at regular meeting Thursday afternoon pictures 01 his flshing ' trlp In Oan.. Improvement and prdenlng are the group of parents and children In the was received from Europe. Ship· twenty dollars e nd sixty seven cents a* the home 01 Mrs. Bert Bunnell. , adlan Lake of the Woods region. major divisions In the 4_R home group of parents and children who Mrs.. B- W. Stewart is expected The meeting will end with a smolter ments continue to come In from the per ounce. Early In the New Deal economics program. in the study of particIpated in the Ensber egg ~arty old World 'by (llmost every liner Administration the price was arbit_ home ~ the hospital. S:J.~day, and lunch. Visitors Bl'e welcome. clothing projects deslgped to teach held on the U . B. Church lawn . Sa.t. Mr., and Mrs. Will Venable of The second event ,or real Interest girls Of' all degrees of sewing ex_ urday afternoon at Oregonia, with the re$ult that today United rarlly . advanced · to thlrty ·flve dolStates owns and controls between lars. If tile cost of production flg_ GreenvUle~ Mrs- John GUpln of Is the Dayton, (Ohio) Mac ~cGe«: perlence are provide(!, From the "A Mr. and Mrs. Frank EVerett and Show at tlfteen an!! . sixteen billion dollars ures gIven above Is corred It can be Huntington. West Virginia, is spend Memorial Sportsmen's B C's of seWing" to the construc· sons, John and Paul of near Olarks· 'Worth of the precious metal; or easily seen why gold Is flowing here iug a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Memorial Hall this Friday and Bat.. tion of "Oomplete Oost~mes" 4.H ville. were Monday Gftemoon call. urday. AprO 14 and 15 There wlll be about fifty-eight per cent of the so rapidly . for each ounce of for _ Harry Emley and son. Club glrls_leam much about the use ers at the tmme. of Mrs. Adah TalMr. and Mrs. Vaug'hn Mullen at. items of Interest to everyone inworld's known supply. Most of thls elgn gold sent La this country buys of the seWIng maohlne. the selection mage and fam1ly. gold,which Is no longer UBed In thirty-five dollar worth of Anlerl· tended a surprise party for Mrs. ter~ted 10 outdoor sports-from of fabrics. the use of l>attems and .- - - - - can goods or credit. which can Sylvester Nartker at the home of complete displays , of hunting an!i coinage Is buried In the great gov_ the clothing construction processes. , Ohio .fanners who apply both errunent Vl8.Ults at Fort Taylor, n ear easily be transferred for credi~ In her unole and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. ' fishing equipment to cas~g demonUmeston't and tertlllzer on ~Us some foreign counlry. The a-:cumula Will , Lewis Sunday evening. stratlom, aportsmen's movies, Con. LoulsvUJe. Kentucky. In the study of home furnlshlngs, lIIhlich . have an I8CId reaction - get tlon of gold In the Uniled S bates has servatton Dept. displays. Renfro projects are based on the 4-H Club greater returns from each dollar in_ 10HN WAYNE CLAIRE TREVOR Bpealdng of gold-an expert on (,'l'own so rapidly and In such large worth what It wID buy in goods end Valley Barn dance each evening end member's ' own room. <rolor and de_ vested In the combined soil treat· AND V DEVINE the rare metal told a group of call- proportions that many studen ts of materials in markets the world. !dany ~ber feature&-Q1l for one sign of the bacqround of. the room, ment thjl.n do farmers who use GEORGE • .0-'--1on. 'Dolph·'J.»-ng, who is In wallB, windows, celling, floors and fert1llzer . without first applying gressmen the ath er day th ..a', gold monetary systems sec danger in the It other nations should decide they a.........., BANCROn was being produced ~n limited quan. sHuation. Gold, after nil, Is only were, no longer interested In obtain. charge of the show, sponsored bj' all furniture and furnishings are llme. fHOlllIS MITCIIELL !!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!"! Ing gold by exchange or ottierwiR, Miami Valley SporUlmen's League considered in the five home fur'!! _ _&2 and would reeogn\M only some was down the firsl; of the week ~h1ngs projects .whlch are pl,.n_ Eju'ly pasturing does not put iII nd lent word to bill man)' friends ned to be of special Interest to girls much fat on livestock and It reother medium of e~hange in con.. , I ld Corned.v duces the total lUllount of forage ducting international and In Warren coun."'V" that it Is .a aho,w , 14 years ~ld or a er. Metro that a field would produce annually commerce. tor and ' by sportsmlen.- The entire 4-H Nutrition work la divided I~_ ,. By ERNEST MINOR PATIERSON It the lIv~toclt was kept In Lhe barn New That party afflDatloDS do' not proceeds' will go to the family of to six ·classes, ranging in Interest Pruldenl, American Academy 0/ PoU.kal and Social Sefence control in matters of war and peace Mac McGee, DaytOn Rod and Gun from the "Simple Desserts" tor girls lot untu the grass had time to get was attested to a few days ago by columnist who died recen~l! Don't with no cootlnJ experience to the a real start. An Important Queatlon arlslD8 out and public and private debts. Imporot the B)'J'd-Ecclea debate over na- tant 1ft either case is the UJe to which happenings in the Senate committee miss this first real show Iii our advanced 8tudy of ' "Advent~1 tlonal ftnances is: What Is the dUrer- borrowed funds are pul Are the" so WIth Dfn~er" and "Canning". When ence between public and private used that the debtor bas an increased hearing ' on propo.sed rpeutrallty laws back yard. ON OUR STAGE debtat p.roducUve capacit)' with whleh to Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of Th1rdly-Ohlo trout season opem .new nutrition project ~rrered to TIIURSDAY, APRIL, 20 Mr. Eccles ar- carr" the debtT Government fundi lUes that the to- may be so UHd that the national tn- State under Herbert Hoover, appear- this Saturday. That news used to 4.H Club Members Entertain" is a' tal of an do- come is eDlar,ed an4 higher' tax. ed as i& witness and urged that be quite a Joke until quite a few bJa '. young m~ and women Interested melt1c deb ,t .. can, readily be pald. Congress give President Roosevelt brown trout began tiO be ta~n up 10 the accepted ways of social 'etlboth pubUc lUld Second II that paymenta to C8n'1 ' tree rein In international affairs to In Mati River and Its tributaries all quette and ' in successful particlpa_ private, II ho debt,' whether public or private, an IlI ~ 'above West ,tion in ' different social occasIO~ns. " greater today not a·deduction flam the natlooalln- throw the weight of this country I the way from than 1~"!tU tnln com" but a dlvenion of It fW certain aga1nst the ag"-""r \nations in Liberty. With the news that the ... ~~ ., . "Personal Oroom1ng" and "Per1nt:..... - PurpolC!8J The debtor receivu ' It t ~ r. at ra tel through Uie IIle of Sood.s or; u In th. case of foreign wars, He was follow- Conserv.ation Dept. stocked 5,000 sonaitty Development" are aleo of , NEW YORK-MUlions of "aver, bave .harpl:r cue of ,overnment. through taxes ed by Bernard Baruch famous fin.. rainbow trout from 8 to 14 inchea DIRECT FROM RADIO , fered for older 4-H Olub members age" Americans" from Maine to decllDe<l and 'and pap it out to crec11ton. There 11 STATION WLW \ that the lntereat no loa In thla except in the coat of ander. war_time advisor of Pres!· long last fall In that terrltpry. April and include group' discussions. dem_ California, will close their cot' tages, bungalows, and apartments chU,e on th1a collection an4 payment. There is a dent Woodrow WUson, and outatand 15th takCJI on a new meaning. May_ Matinee 25c Evenm. is far Iell 10.. It either public or'private borrow- ing Democrat. who 'just 1S6 strongly be we're 'chaalna ~nbow8 (no fUft onatretions and .lndlVidual practice for brief. periods this year and than In 1828: elf lUll fundi for unproductive pur- 1nsisted that congress Ihould see to Jn~ded) .,ut ups. ': ter, alpp~ with of 8elt.lmprovement. start ouifor the New York World's ,~t in;I837 the ~8eI: _ . , natlonal1pcome So-called "pump-prlmlzla" does not It that the United states keep her .some other· local · h(lpetula wlD , ~ '''All &'ound - the KiUlhen", ls the Fair 1939. They will arrive by ... pO,ooo;ooo.OOO larger than In ~, what lu name implies: We may . handa of! and her nose out of 4;raveUng Urbana WAlV FrIday . nlgbt. name of the home management plane, car, b~ and some, perhaps, ll1U~ ' that the Interest char,e on defend enlarllCl,overnment oUt!ayI the' feCS.ral'debt II oub' a Uttle'more durl.u.l a d.prnslon on the ground Q\l8l'rels across the . sea by adopting The bag limit haaqeen reduced to 8tud~ pJan,!~ to-help gir)s In ~~ onl:~t the wOndel's of the Fair ··tbUl 'one per eel ot 'thla aational that public reUef mun be given to the a strict neutnlUty polley. and treat- five ,Per day~lets h~pe It meam ' ins out klUlhen , taau. to real\r.ethe they will ,l1a~e rcad mUch. They ~~. , destitute or becauie a more eerloul irig all belligerents aUke In .com. soplethlng, but .we'd settie for the value of£e use will expect the ' ubnost of this SenAtor BJl'I1 COIltd4a that 'a prl- collipie II avoided b:r the UN of ,ov- . , .ate de);tor enten Into the p~mIIe enunent purchuln, power while merclal and other transactions.. mate to that 3O-~1 6 3 1 hUnk of t~e, eneriJy: work1ng eqUipment. f155,ooo,I)()'O , exposition.• But the YOluntarilJ ', whtle the ,overnment private expendlturu are ' CUfta11ed. With two great Americans sUc~ as of brown trout dyna:mIte, ladY' luck and supplies. "Personal AcCount question they al't! askiug n ow ill :1 ESTATE ..creates the pubUc debt 1flth the tax- But that 11 not "prlmllur the pump." Sl;Imaon and Baruch. lbbth of whom brought yours trulY last ~met- Keeping" 18 en activl~y often carrled "what will it cost?" payer, the ultimate debtor, not con- It is merel:r 1l1l1nI In the pp unID INSURANCC, 11 • aulted; that per capita Income wblcfl' private bUlin_ can recover 'an4 It 'have .had wide experience In dlplo· (In spite 9 f 'what "DogJIsh Zettle In addltkin to another 4-H Olub pro· ~:::~e!:tjOY virtua\ly ali the . AUCTIONJ:ER ~ WU " I n a2II wu onl7 $MO In 11117 is alwa)'ll poaaible that 80me IOvem- matic and internatio~ affairs, dlf. saYSI) ' , ' , ject. ' . • won.d en of the Main . Exhibition :=x==::'":=and fell to'tsOO In tg1l8; that taxu were ment funds may be IP8Dt In W&YII that' i2per cent of1ll' nationallncolJle In wl1linterfare with recovery. .....:..."Vegetable • Qard.enlng" an\! Area without cost,. except what fering so widely as to the poUcles Ii they may spend for 'food which. 1828 and at.8 per cent In' 11138; that tn Government,debts are DOW 80 large the Un1ted States should adopt, It · A new serVice 'fQr stream flahert.\lis u IA otb'r upIlc:ts of the dlaelll- tha.t their "A ......'_" charges wm- De can be understood why so many men ba'8 been started by the Coil- "PloWer Gardening proVide "exce1.. ranges from 10-cent frankfurters ~ lion Itate aDd local 4nanees should ~"u.. be inclll4ed', tbat~eaent low interest hard to meet. especlally when interest varied op1nlon& on the matter now servation Dept. The3r ask aU game lent· opportunities to leam. about to de'luxe swank meals In the cafes. '. ' . rates are hlIher, Only with a greilt\.J . ht th. ey WI'11,b e trea le d ~ well 88' whol ....... exercise .E very nag .rates .are low 0 beeauae bIIIin. . . Increased national IAcome can it be exist among the membership of our protectors to report, ~ Thursda~ Plants aA 'II not a~ve BD4 the Interest burden done without .erlous strain. One at national leglsuature. the condltll'n of .BtI:eama their In t)le"o~t-of-doOrs. . to th.~ ireat~ ' free espectacle in ' at the fiIcleral IOvernment " 'lD loon . . , "e~ition history: the $1,000,000 be higher: aDd tliat lar,e ' publie ~_ our problems In the prevlolil decade EVery Warren , Oounty kirl, be_ fireworks and fountain displays Pouring rain felled to have any counties. These repll~ta are, ~a· , pendlturel are ' not "prim1n8 the was that Indebtedneu, both public' pump." and private, ~aa too large. HeavY noticeable effect on ,ille armed for: ted and malleli oqt •. to Writers. and tween the ages 'o~ 10 and 20' mouU .. whiCh' will bathe the l.218~ acI'es Thla brief ~ does not ,do debt mak.e . an)' fluanclal .uucture «es of the United states that 'parti· newspapers In the staW-arrivlng: . decide With bel' parents which 01 .. of the F.air·in brilliant 0010,:"&. u ' ' I rigid: A blllinesa recessloll, 'eapedally . lull 'uauoe to either of the men. t In- If prolonged, fore.. defaultl an" clpated in the great Art:ny Day Pa. Saturday mqmlngfor sun4y pubU_ these projects would be of greatest ' Free Sho," Galore dudes oaly 'the 'malA poln~ Both are bankruptcies. These are aeriOIJl III rade here l8lIt Thursd~y. Merkin, cation. Juat how accurate tJ1ese re- benefit and enroll In the 4-H Club HUndreds of free show~' on ~he correc, ID many parUc:ulartl but both eXI"arate. It donnot be toQ often 8D1 ease butpeeullar\,y 80 in the cue the twenty-Second anniversary of ports can be . quest1on-~th In her community. gro~ds will ir)c1ude sueh varl~ repeated Iohat there are two pointa to of putillc debt. AMerica's entry Into the world war, weather and other factors· cbanginJ enteitaiJ:un~t. as a rocket shlp be kept 10 mind. One is that there are 1t I, clearly time to watcll our S\Alp ~hlo , . . which carrles passengers through both ~illjl liltltles l<J1d dJJTerenees be- In the matter of ,overnment borrow- the demonstration of . our country's In f~ days bet!,~en report and • _ bpth space 8Qd t~e to remote ~ween puhl ~ . 6n~ prlva": spendlnl! , inf,. :Phone 7U ,. ~ preparedness and the eXhIbItion of PUblJcatl~n. It ',If- lm~~le '.to prc4hlbittng ~ o~ trot l1Iies for planets; thrU1in~ head-on cnlShes ---.--... - _ . the 14test in war equipme~~ 8~t_ carry such Informa.~,on In this coL 1000 feet""~low the downstream aUbe automQbile proving ground. !!!'-"""!!..!!!!~~~.. ~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Il!!!!~~? ed ' thousaqda Of .' spectators, The UDUl-81nce all paPeR lit . whlch It aide of any daDi holda ,(orce for a . mod'e l da4'Y , where 150 ,p rized great parade at more than thirty appears go to· pieu 9.n Tb~S 1931. " ,~ows will ,~e milk,ed daily. ~dusfuousand Part1cip~nts ,swung but we'll try to make ~ements try, sctence and".the nations .of ~e through the eapllUll8de 'In front of to have the dope liva11able for 6 One t~ , though~lnce . there world will offer the11' wonders and the Capitol and ~own Oonstltution phone call. Radio statWn WIlKO no 0~1o bag Umlt on mUlkellunge art treasures to the free view of Avenue past the reviewing stand at wm broadcast stream conditions on . . all Fair visitors. ' TARVlA.LITIiIO AND ' the rear of the WhIte Rouse. ID- The Old P18herman~8 program evel'1 we can catch 40 per day-try and do AdmiSsion to t~e ground, will ROAD OIL : (antry cavalry artillery machine ',Fr1day .. t 6' 30 p m.. a,s well as the It I cost 75cents for adUlts and 2$ cents , , . ' • •" " , I for chlldren. One day eacb week DUMP TR UCK SERVIOE guns an~ tanka" .s wept by In perfect other ne~s of ~en8 tn~eat. Representatives of the So)lthem cbilCIren will '-be admitted· for, 10. ' ptecl8ton giv1nJ a serise 'ot pride and W)ly don't some ot our Mtamt -VaJ: Ohlo Quail Propagation Assn a~d cents. " ~urI,ty to thoee ~~ ,aUlh~ 'tJiem. ley stations have a ' weekly· 'authors of the Sweeney QuaU bm ,()~e. o! the mosi e1aboral4t 'spec~ But to the tboughtful the par~ man's prQ8l'8m? met w til the Ohio &use of '~e_ ~clea iJi theatrIcal history, BJlb', ~CtiOD made up 9f tile mecHcal ,,, • sen.tatives Oonservation Committee RoSe', stage and, ,water ~al1et cOI'p, ambulan~ ~d ~ ~ . Do you taU the Ohio. Conserva· last week and ' declded to table that ::;e10~~r=~::~ ~~~ , '_ Pliohe, Waynesville 44 R 11 unUormed war n~ses, ught en tior) ,Bulletin? It is tlbe onlY month. bm until more tniormatlon on, QuaIl 300 '~cing ,and '·.w1mm1iig girll,Leoonon ' office Phone':' 47S-K~ even d~per rea~tlon . of the ter. 1y magazine devoted entirely to propagation and controJ1ed huntina wilrcost 9n}y 40 centS: res.9_8·M. rIIlc · cost In human sufferInB that Ohio's outdoors e.nd Is _ the best could be presented . to opponents of, " The World ~ D~IaJ Is the toll of evel'1 war nlckles worth available. The price Is the bill. It WIII' the aincere deStre of ,. Sixty-t",o foreign countrlea onlY fifty cents per , year, and your all loterested spoi1Bmm ' Wh~_~gn41ct;nt · pavnI01),l ...._-._. . , the &.qoon , 01 Nations' and Ohio orchards which produced suuowlption can be ~t at any store Iy In southern Ohio, tba:t all Court ' of. Peace ' will tie open the largest percentage ot clean handling licenses tc,.- · the Warren conce~~ ...tnow, ~Ully Iw~t lB ~UIli~,ut' the Fair ' for free iilfruit In the group 1nspected ,bY ' men County PIsh and Game A88n. done In all states but Ohio ·to fur- ~oD. Jlere ~e tr~ . of , ' from Ohio 'State Un1v~lty recelyed 1 ther th~ worth, ~~a l~pulatJoD. .qt E1IfQpe, .~ li Afr1~~~lli.l from six to 10 spray ,applicatlom iii Not v~ well, ~19D .. but mJghty thla pme 'blXct, There ~ 'be 'Db ~ §opth ~pr:1~ ,W1l1l!e.~o~, 1939. ' . lmportani tQ the "It fliIhermen li 'votA 'in the: pre.,rit' 1__'-ture ,~~ of ~e tree ,\VOnde~ ot~e . . . . . ?' . ,. . - J;xhlbit :Area would 1U1' COlUD1DL a ru1ing made a .year NO ' by the the quaU ~ . • Sbme 01 the hllh1(,hts ~:'" . . I. 1131 STYlE WDERSH•• Every in a row! Owners report very low .',. The lWIi:oad BuildlD,. ceIlter of Consumers' prefer to -buy white Conservation ' Oouncll ' wincb tie_ line ' in the -body of this exciting up~eep, practically ,no repairs. new. ~ is distinctive. It "looks 3. NEW LOW PRICES. Priced to save potatoes and they 'IIl'e. little snter~t~ cOmes ,eUective for, t.1J1e 1939 a I-Iiere ubibit ·cOn.~ the like it's going when il's standing you money-:the outstandin~ Car ed 10 the sec'tion where ,the tubers season. The Order-nlq\1lrejs ·tbat the JDOIIt miniatUre 'raIlroad still!" value of the year. See this thrilling were produced If they me&:1t meab In au seines 'and diP ' net _ Uon "to aprea to- Mr. t b J l v In I 2. I TI.ES '(CONOMY CHaMPioN. new Graham- .drive it - before ,'al. However. buyers often mqu1re fot batt taldJ)t be at leaae h4 ~ Woodden ' our ' .~ of ' complete, , The only car that WOII this all- you buy 8llY! imporUlnt A. A. A. mvard 3 year ChiCk_ where the dark..sJdnn~ ~nd acabbi aqqaN alid not mMe ~ ~.a ~l\ It!UB of falibtuJ aerVtoe .on beha~ 4. ~IIPEKilARG~ (HGINE. Graham is ilie 'onl y AmeriC"d(I automobile. pota~ were grown. . ", ' ,aQU&re. ~ meuun~t II tateD ,of the ~ and, co~on. at th..,e'h' .Ii.t',1 offering. 'a supercharg'er enl{!ne. ~tb ~~ net ~WJl tqbt"both ~ tat. Qt .~, and WI&b 'hIm tb~' utthe one-new and dltrerent,thri1lleft . . , ~Ientliltll from th& United Statea It ta m~ to Iiae IItllrlap eJicl other molt succeaa, III b1a fUture , , to the .buyer who ·is fe4 up with ordinary '. ·D ePartment . of AP,IcultllJ:8, ~ a ttahtb' woven ~ n1~ ~ tbe . automobiles! , . new manUfacturtna proceu wIdcb IDlaDd .~ d1IWliCt 'net. cUmot :. ___ ~u~ an.Jnt.ereetlntr ~ao. be mon ~ ~ feet ~ ' or ' 1he . ~ hearUl7 from wbeJ: Tb.e , IIUbItaDoe reeem- 8IIUIoN UId. mUst .DOt iii"" alde ,~ Iecc6l 4bac I'II01uUaa, tarrr. b1es rubbeI' In lome wata but' II IIInDcnr valli IIlUIt 'DOt be 2 . It fa lOIIIewbat UIre by oDe foot with not IDOre tban . . . bitt II IOfteio and fa .tl8ldble_ I 'openbjp oae IIIUI~~ID ~1Dmj. EDt.reci
. . ' . P ff' : W~' i]l O~' Bevis A. HID, l'Utor Second Clasa ldad M.atter oat ~sto Ice, ayneav e, · 1U0 'Sunday April 16, 1939
- .-- ,._--
. Wi~h a ' Buckeve
Lots of De!,t for All Who Like It
Free'Shows, at New York Fair _ For Millions
:1 We ·N.
SE,l\RS_' ~
M,artl ' n'
Auetlo'n eer ' :'
Is ·,
Service Station
Tbere aN ... 1iI11io,n pouDda,V a1ilJ1abJe annuaIJJ ·In tbe Vnlt.e4 State..
. uM.m.eJftII
Zain Armit~e,
- -"Grand Hotel" On
County· Court _. New:s ,
-1 children and two adults wer e bap. tlzed at thls ~ervl ce . .
Lytle Mr.
,and Mrs. E. J . Carmany of NElV lil.£ TAX TAl\fPS Sprln·gtield Wel'e dinner guests Sun. ARE REDEEMIiBLE ' ay evening of the former's mother, On May lst vendors will bc{ttn, to N~W SVl,.-S 't nthe " rria~1' of the· e;state of Mrl!. Mary 9 al'l11ony. r_ ISsuc the new :;a l ~s tax s ta mps Hazel Barcalow vs. Ever ett Bar. John ShUltz; decell8ed ; Ross H,. - Mr, .a nd Mrs. Clyde Whart-on , M~ whlt;h are redeemablo at three per . calow: dJvorce. groos neglect ; J._ T, ·· Ha~· apPointed I\dmlnlstrator ; Fronk Hess and Mt;s Bva Wha rto . cent of. their face valLIe.' I nd lvldu ~ I I ~;;;::;;;;;-~;. RUey attorney. Fred Furnl18 _ Char les Eill~ an<l J. atte nded the funeral at Mrs. Apn !\Ild · organizations planning to co]· , ElI~n R'lekard, a minor, ·va. Rob. L. :Menden~ll ___ appointed appreis. . T qmpset at Lynchburg on lect cancelled stamps may begin crt Rlckilld ;' for aUmony 1311d sep· ers. -. '. . Sunday o[ last week. their activltles a fter April 24th., at Ilra,t e · maintenance; J . T. Rlley, at111 tl)e matter of ~1l~=--.lUIL.~f--, Mrs. Perry Wade of Springboro which tim e v Idol'S who e x hfl~t. , tot;ney:. .... . I .M ary .P . Kd~;; deceat/ed; will pro.. 'l pd Mrs, Fred Gray of Dayton were their supply of the olel SI.Rll1 pS 'm ay Tho~aa NeVille, Jr./ a tnlnor of ba~. . , : guests at the Ladles Aid on Wed nes· begin using tbe new redeema ble age or: 19: years by . T11om~!I In the matter of the . estatl) of day at the home of Mrs· • C. L, stamps. Ne~Ill~. Sr.';' hl& f a th er ' ond n eXt Ce.lestl,a ,C. 'W iler! dece8.sed; sec;ond Duke. Any vendo r <lesll'!n/! It refund for friend vs. Ann NevUle. ' a minor ; ,dl_ current account with vouchers, Suc Croll who h a~ old tamllS on hand May l!lt will be Little Mary - vorce: sTOSS neglect; 9, OOhnld Dlla. . In. the matter of. the estate of been makln her home with Mr. required to produ ce his copy of t h tush, . at torney, Harry Ross. deceased f~st and ancj Mrs. Clarenoc SmIth for the Bt 10 Re~ rn showl n fF the amount Carl Frendenberg VB. In ter-8tat,e final ·a ccount. past eighteen mon ths left Saturd ay oC StnillP5 on hand December 31. Moter Fi-elght · System, In«: for In the inatter o~ the estate of ." to ma ke her home wIth her parents 1938, and · h i., r e~ elpL~ fa: slt.l mps Money amoWtt $251.60; Raiph w· Dora S~les, inventory . approved, nea r Franklin. Ilurcholieel sInce J on I , W 39 Stutz. attorney. In the ma:tter of the estate of· , Mr. J ames Nash and children of An f'.xnmi ncr wil l be slnlloned ti t. H. S . Conover ; V6. H. A. Balon; Walter Berma n, decel sed ; : esta te Canfield, Ohio spen t last week horo ea ch office where stamps arc sold. cognovit; J . .T. Riley and Ch), · exempt from inheritan.ce tax. wIth Mrs. Susan. Saylor and MI'. dur ing the w ck of May 1st to 6th , I ters D .Maple, attorney·s . . , In the matter of the estate of · a nd Mrs. Harry Gro ham . to receive applicalhms fr om vendor.; I l{athleert J , AtklnS vs . . Clark At . limy ,~ deceased; ce'r tlficate . Everett Early a nd family arr ived for refu nd In the reg-LIl li' mnnnc ' klns ; divorce, i grQliS neglect ;' darl of transfer ord~red . home from FlorIda Thu rsday eVl'n· accompa ni d by lho Inflll· lltnt.lon dc. '\ Abaecherll , at torney • I.n t he matter of the estate of I ing and were greeted by a snow sired. _ Omar Fedders , and JQe Fedders lJaura M. Banta, deecased; certin. ., t.orm a nd cold weather. It is S\\ :!.J::CFtf'(t by Th e Tw{ COIll vB.B. Ii. Balon ; co;rnovlt; J . T . cate of transfer issued a nd estate . Mr. :3nd Mrs. T herle J ones and mL:'l1 n that vendors arrnn [' -' 0 f'X ' I RlIl'Y, ·attorney. ·· exempt from Inh riLancl' a1'. son Milton were Easter guests of hallst thell' supply Of • lei :;t.\1l I P~ b COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS In the matter of the settlement Mr. and Mrs. EdwIn Nutt a nd fam. twee n Apr il 24th nn,1 May Ibt lIsinH I F. Bundy Thomes vs. E. W. AI_ of the estate of Mary Wha len . de. Ily near Centerville. the nt'w sta mps when their slipply I alr, cause COIppromlsed settled and -ceased ; estate exempt, from Inb er· • MI'. and Mrs. Ralph Barger aM 'T wo 1IVomen with seven strange men travel on,. '4espera~e jourof old !ltJmps has \leen cxhaustl'cl.' In "Stageooach" Walter Wanger'!! 8uper·producUoD :trblcb ney dismissed. "Ibance tax. child.·en s pent Sunday with Lhe laL T he new redeemnblc stamp:; wil l glorify the Xenia tb.eatre· screen In Xenia for three days belln· In the matter of the estate of George B. Johnson. coun ty treas· nlng Sunday, April 16. .'s mother, Mrs. Zoe Bl pWll at available aL the County Tl'c asu \'e l '~ urer. vs. Pauline' Bigler Huntsbar Amanda Luce. deceased; April 18, . Claire Trevor and John Wayne are romantttally teamed III Wcl sh ing ton C. B. Office 41eglnnl ng A\WII 2Hh . Accord. SEE IT TODAY AT ' ber, et al.; sale approved and con. 1939, date set for bearing. Mr and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and Ing to Examiner M. H . Keelol' , the thl R etlr rlng drama of mnUer days. Others In the brlUJant cast In the matt er . of the will of fIr med. J l1m&.; HaInes wel'e guests of Mr. new stamps nrc n ot to b r! ," :1 d -a re 'Andy Devine, Thoma!! Mitchell, Louise Platt, Tim Bolt, Dona14 Meek, Florence Lake and Berton OhurcbllL '" H. S. Conover ' vs. H . A. Balon, Mary S. Haines, deoeJsed; will adand Mrs. Joseph Gra!:sl and famlly by tearIng the consum er's n ~l f a~; plalnUff, recovere from d zfe~ dan t mltted to proba te. ' 11 Piqua Sunday. has been the pr act ice This will Cac. . tbe sum of S328-04. In the matter of tbe guardJallMr. and Mrs. Ben J l mes spen t IlItate handling a nd coun ting of Oetl Dldcoct vs. Carneal p . Old ship of John Mahon, ' Incompetent; S~pson ,and Marian Simpson, I~ts Tu csday of last week with theh' stamps submitted for redemption. Wayn ' ville. 0.. Phone 32 coct; Carneat P. Dldcoct granted 14 first and fin"l account. numbers 107 a nd 108 In SOuth Leb.j gl'and da ughter, Mrs . Heater Rogers In the matter of' the estate of Eon. . In hobor of b er bir thday. _ days to plead. B d tory mARRIAGE LICENSES t J 0 h n ', an d P auI ~ . ..' C· IIll1~ fta!' ~ ...... ··Mary W. Ridinger VS. Paul Rid· Jobn . carey., eeoo...:u, ... ven . B I ail fr the W R Warne rona. Margare . An . ' Robert B~rm. 95, Clnclnna.ti, enYo r m _ om . . " . ,Johns were evening dinner guest~ \ tif~ ~ ' ~...!..~~!!~..1!~'1t-..::yn;.E.!I~nJ!l'lliU,..;::;,"'._..:;.::.:.~.~~::..__7-1-=.::../\:.:.:: 1"':..ud4J1 Inger: defendant has 'a r l: tit to see 81}>proved. ~ In t be' matter of Eaul E ' Smith glbeer and, Rub] Do!'s~!', 26, Ma.. , family In . California there came to of Mr and Mrs . Weller HaInes "fnd r adopted child between the bours oT te pber M iss- Vista Bolton. on Wedne~day. . .4~_ YIi"ua ~~E-~~ _ box of beautiful flowers cameUas, daughter a~ · MIss Viylan JohuR ,.!!!"J,!!1f ~/II~ _ _ ,p.,\ "" "' o¥) 2 and 3 ,p. m : on the fUst an{l third feeble inI.n.dect ; application 'o~ ad. son, s nolt1'9 . . mission In ~ the Institution for tbe John Murphy, 43. Morrow, factory a ' on Sunday of last week. Milt. . • . thE. NSW fd:pOlOWN IIAN~ • ' Tuesday of each month. Feeble Minded . worker and Minnie Reed, 25, Mol'. azaleas and orange blossoms. They Miss - ~va Wharton and Mr. a n J'G"':~~"~ WW.. Dou,1.ES c:v.~5IC ,~ HIt. FIRST PROBATE COlJB.T • h' k arrived almost os beautiful as If ...-. ~AMe UP EVSNr -to OmR 2 ·MAN T'E'AMS ; matter of the estate of I row, ouse eeper. Mrs. Sbanley BaUey attended a ~~)' 9 ca..Plmn~ O'IIJ NAT1CNAL /!MI5 In 'the matter of the estate of T InB the Banta deceased' cert ifica te .Morgan Robinson, 26. LebanOn", f\,es hlY cut. . banquet of the Fairley Hardwa ' e wITIIA~6=t-& ",a5EA~~~.JqOOO Frank I. Rudduck. decell8ed; Char· or ~nS1er O~dered ' factory worker, and Willa. Ma.e Easter Sunday saw an a ttendance Co. a t b enver hotel WilmIngton 1.6AVt! WOtIIt c( WtZ!5 f'LA~' ters D. Maple appotDted admlnl.."ESTA'l:E mANSFERS. , . Eltzroth, 22 Lebanon factory work· of 197 at the Ferry ehurch ot whk h wednesday ·evening ' · • _ ~ I . " • 60 were In the Cl'U9aders class which . _ ~tor de ~nts non. Speed Riddell and Ella.· Riddell er. . tb I' lass Mrs. Allen Hole has been qui te 0In the malter of the estate of to William E Riddell 1832 acres I Edward McInto6h. 22. Kings is e young. poop es c . U1 the )lQst week but Is somewhat Mary A. Leffler, deceased; certifl. Mill f to Ire d Fran ces Rev Smith went to Oregonia Tues . . . t , ac ry war r. an Jmproved at this time. Uu. 1'!16URE If In Franklin toWJl8btp, ca te of transfer Issued. ~. . Peters lOng MUis . day afternoon to preaoch .a funeral r~~r'~ft~~~~~ Oliver W. !,forris to Martha L . W!1bur Le~Y Da~dson, 31, Kings service. Thir ty friends of Mr. a.nd Mrs """'~~\d~~~ Shafer, lot number .162 In Lebanon. Mills I b a d Mrs. Eisle Marie Mrs. Edith McKenzie· and baby of WWlam Rogers from Mason ten· Robert M, Bllllir. a.nd Frieda B: Ayen: ~ o~: WIls housekeeper. M1artinsvllle. s.iBter to Rev. Smtth. dered Mrs Rog~s' a surp rise on :.r ucs· ~n\C . 'Olimdenen" 22, Lebanon spent Monday at t he parsonage day evening of l~t week" celebrat· Blair . to Nellie '\1V. a .e nkle. part of . f B & . B IA ft Cream Co Mr. a nd Mrs Harry Roland call. Ing her birthda y. lot number 2S9 In f.ebanon . II@nager 0 . , ..... .' . • Edna J , Roman to Fred Carr. 50 \ and ' Bettie Steele, 21 , Leb . a. n oil. ed on Mr: and Mrs. J. W. Roland Mrs. ~ce Clark enterta ined to April 13-14 ~res in 'I,'Urtlecreek ,townshIp. . Jam~ T. Croucb, 22, Middletown Saturday evening. . Easter dlnner. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Glenda Farrell Bar,ton MacLane Ralph Johns and Anna N. .Johns , truck drlver~ and Arlene Jeannette Easter dJnner guests at the Law· Sheehan,pl Centerville and Mr. and to , Sallie A, GUman and EchO . A._ sa~t, 21, Franklin. house work. renee Thomas J1dme were Dr. and Mrs, Walter Clark, MIss W1!'llda Torchy BI~e In.. China Town Steinke: 18.76 IlU:res in Warren . . James E. WIlk1ns; 37, Lebanon Mrs. Perry Paul end m>n, Mr, and Clark and Jr. Clark. Cartooa Seal Skinners' co\iJlty. _ I merchant, and Mrs. Lillian M. Bell, ~s. ~vin, Thomas'.anld family . Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick had J, B. Boale alld Bessie Ellza~th ' 31 , reatauNnt ,owner. ~ Miss Frances _Smith o~ Virginia for their Easter dinner guClits, MrShort-'Mental Poise Soale to Mabel . Slye Tapn':l:' 60 Eu~ne o · Alli80ri. _ 22. German. spent the week end wlltb Rev. and and Mrs . Leon Salisbury and Wen. A_pn:115' acres in' aarlan township. town 'wPA ~ol'ke~. and Mary Tay. Mrs. W- C. I!Imlth and foamlly. .dell salisbury of Washington C. H. .' . A. B. Brandenburg ,and CalJ'le lor, 26" Frankl~ , fact6ry worker. The Smith family 'we~e In New Miss Miriam sallsbury of Dayton John Trent Marjorie Reynold ~ Bradenburg to Smitb B. Rucker Gnd BiLLS ' ALLOWED. VI~nna Th\lrsday to attend a and Mrs. Margaret Johns 41nd Paul Anna ~ RUcker, 2.45 acres .In Geo. C. Jones. eXpense holding meeting ~ere. Johns. , "MYSTERY PLAN-E " Deerfield township. The Lester Qerhard . family were A large crowd enjoyed tbe Easter institute at Morrow, Easter dinner guests at; the parson_ farmers' C.rtoon-uSelf Control" Helen -Gibson Campbell to George $19.49; Treasurer of st ate. liuppor~ service at Lytle chUrch Sunday eve_ G~paster. 5 acres l,n HamUton o! 13 dependent crippled children, age, nlng. An El\8ter play "For B e Ha th ,. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cornell were G rea t P Ions" b y t h e young townshIp. April 16.17 $1113.95; Treasurer of State, SUp· ossess ; ., Sunday d Inner guest$. o~ the Don people was well rendered. Several Ralpb' Dawson .and _ Dorotby · rt . .nf 3 ' dependent children, . . , PO Gary Co9PC1' ' Merl~ Oberon .." Fortneys In Mlamisburlr· . klns 'to Milo Swigert end Anna SWI_ $79.66; Dr. H. M . 'williams. cor. .. :.:,.:-::_::'.-:_=~::.=..::.::.::..=-=-::...=::_=:~=~~~= ·~Cowboy ,.nd l'he Lady" Mr&. ~wrence Tuomas and -:::::--=~=:::!:::;::====~=-:=====~~~~~~~.::==:::.. ;: --gert. real estate in MalnevUle. . ~mer's cost bill, $5.40; uti11tor Sup. daughter. Laverne. Faul -wUl start Harry L. Barding to Kenpet~ METRO 'NEWS ply Co., bands; eradlcator"pads; etc., h 'I I I ' to tor ol.erk of court. $4.06; The John. papering th~ ouse - JC o.-.g ng :.;-~-~~~r ~~-,..~I)"'.~ - '--.--.:.;.. ~-<~~.--..,.;~ ~ -~~~. . . . --- -.......~~~......~-~c~·~~~~~.-~·~· 'son Watson Co., 1 juvenile appear. M~. Thomal!6 mot~ert Mrs; Nancy oY
Fer r y' --
Fairley Hardware Store -;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;.=;:;;;=;:;;;======;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:.;......::;.= ======== PI SPARES Slv-n IP'I'
., .
twin Theater
-- --
M _____ . . .
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, •. e,'0' ~~er' "rT'
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~_ ,, ~
, ----~------~~-
a n.
ance docket
fo~ . ~lerk ' of
'Court, lPope,
Thursday ~ fte(noon.
a'. ,. at'.·, ~actor'v ..Service
'.37.00; The Offtce Outfitters, 1 pa. MISS Bertha Flier Of, the Clneln. pel flpger, 1 space bar Une for natl Bible Seminary spent Easter . ... I sheriff $1.45 ' The Western ,St:lr, Sunday wltb ber parents, ~r. and .repo;t blahks, The Mrs. J . s: Filer. o' . .Office Qutfltte1'8, 1 doz.' Vep.Dyke • Mr, l!nd Mrs. SIdney cif the Spring ' penc1L1, tl',Qo; ftianIqm Chronicle Valley r~ d enJoyeeJ SUnday. dinner . Inc , 1000 le't terbeads, $6.50: with Mr. and. Mr~. ,J. S, PIler and . UnlVl!l'Bal . LIlbora~ries ·.f 35 ,.gas, ~iss ·Bertha flier . sl~nt Sunday ioe~~l 5 gal.$. ' EmU'Iso " Pine I afternoon with Mr. alld Mrs. J S. :... .. _ ~ . $94.15; Mara Mc;Elfresb, ·Invalld Hartsock a!ld family beyond ~---'------"!:· --:----~'t--, ., t5.00 L B. Steele, . invalid win. t ~!!!!!!~~!!!'!!~~~!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!~~!'!!!!!!!!!!~!!!'!!!!!'!!~~;!l~~!!!'!!!r!!!!'i!!!!!'!!!!! Olin, f5.00; Ne~n St&mper, ·ln· ' Mrs.' George ~rver of Tulsa, vaUd care, 110,00; Leo J. Smitb, ,Oklahoma, Mrs. Fred Stewart of Invalid ~, -.10,00; M~ 8co~ Chicago, , Mrs. Kite Shepherd ,nd J ~ieid, invalld care, .,.00; IVa Nlcb.. Mrs, Inez Weimer .of ' Dayton were o~.. ' care; • .00; Ell~ BOff, ,S';lIlday VIBItc;lrs at '~he ~. W. Rola.n d Invalid ' care, 17.00; .Winnle I otmtrY" ·homfl. , , , lnva1id. oare, ~7:00·: .' Mrs. Belen' Sunday ~llers at tlne" R,olb. Bol.. , DOugbman, . Invalid care, $1,00. , ton home were Mrs, Zelia OUver , I . • .' ~ . and' ,daughter ' and Mr_ , James '~~m'pgqD ' of Piqua; ' Ilr&- 8uUD ~n, and' . '.~ba. BeJ~ Oo~ te~ from Troy; Mr. and MrS. , Owen .sUvey and ' r _:"&nd Mr. , S, S. BaryIUl of' Cbr.lBt;l,a nburg; and I
. at 'all tima
.:. .;.-.. . ; . . . .;. . :.;. .
Dr ..and Mn. J. p . Bolton ' from
, W; Sam
,.. '
, . l~~i~
Meredith 'was re.turned I to .the . McClellen bOSplit&l' a~ X~nla. iast' week.,·Yr. Meridillb· iuttere,d "relapae s11i~ ". ~ .~' peratlon 'two weeJqs ago; ' '.'
"Chevrolet Is first In sales' bee~use -'t' i~. ~tyllng - first _In . aee.'aratlo,' ~ flrst Iii ·,hlll~11""blng-a",d first I.n valua In Its price rangel ·
Again tb-e'People of the nation are awarding C,hev• •: ii~~i~~ rolet .firat place in motOr car sales'! , Arid the .r eason they,are t,uylng ,rl,ore Chev"'ol.e ts . than' any other m!lke of car Is t)lat th,is new CI.lf~vrolet Barbara ,Hartsock and 9hUd., , ....--..-.~~--t gives them m.oreof '~Il the things they want i~ a reD Oeor'ge , Mark anij Mary . Fran~ . 'motor car, at, lower cost. ~, vtstt:ed at' her 'folks hOme 'Mop' ' VJslt your neim!st Chevrolet dealer to(J y I' S e~. day. -aer alster . Mias' ' Berth'. ' r,tJer drl,ve 'and ~uy the n"atlon'.11 fastest sellin~ (llot;or car retumJlCl to ttie SerrrllB\U'Y Monday and the nat ion's bigg!!tit d.o lbr·value! . '.
. xn:
aftemOOl\. -.' -',
... ,"
'C... J1EJlilOLE:l:",~!~~~:t" .
Badgley'8 ~bevrolE!t $ale, .& Sprihl V_a.-=:
,I l'HoDy Mr. and Mrs. RoY Black of BelL brOok spent Monday ,evenln"g with Mrs. Lue Morgan.' Mrs, Elnerson D1ll was shopping In DaytQn TUesday. Oallers 'lit til Gibson home Sun'dllJl were Mr. and Mrs, Arnold qlarlt and son George, Mr. and Mrs. L:ue Rkbards and . daughter Jessie Dnyton. Mr. and, Mrs Harold Rogers and Mrs. Emma Gibson of Bellbrook Mrs. Donald Lucas spent a few days 01 last week wUh ?IUs. Frank Hess an~ famDy In Waynesville. Mr Morrls Lewis. MIss Stella Qlbs~n end Mrs. H1ley GibsoD. ,c alled on Mrs. Lue Richards of Dayton Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Shaw and faml1y of near Spring Valley spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Lue Mor. gan. Mrs. DaVid Lucas Is spending a few days with her son Raymond In
6C~~D S~~.!E
QwJ.lblet8 Salve. NOM DroP8
10c " 25c
Itvery now and then we Itrlke a valuo that .. eo outatandlog we c.n't rells t telllo., everyone about It. Read wby tbls new ' Goodricb Standard Tire .. our "pick" rllfbt DOW.
I Churche5
WllmlDltOn. ,.----------~ Mr. nd Ml:S. Olenn Oruhot and lIOn Don, Mr;'. Alvin Caspeuon o( Oincinnatl; llpent Sunday with Mr. Clarence Orawford and .famlly. Mrs. Robert Green and 'ctaughter Leona called on Mrs. Lue Morgan Sunday evening, CaUers at the Gibson home Monday eveninl!; were Mrs. Lue Morgan. 'Rev. T. M. 6earU; Mrs. Mat~le Levi and son, Welllngton. Misses Ester Bnd Emily Sl}1lth, Mr. Cl,ydie Smith Minnie Orawford and Mrs. Addie 0111 and son Ralph and Clara Daughters. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Rogers and Mrs. Emma plbson called on MrsJohn Rye Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Rye entertained with an Easter dinner Sunday. Guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Evans and daughters, Mr. iIInd Mrs. How· ard Beam and son·
PUBLIC SALE I will sell 1111 my farp1 chattels ai my farm home one mUe North· west of Waynesville, on the Waynesville and Lytle road o n SATURDAY, APRn. 22, 1939 AT 1 P. M. SHARP
:' Fesdve Shrimp a .. Newburg ,
' -_ _ _ _ _
W. 0, Smith, l\lInlSter SUNDAV ~ .UnlCled Service starts at 9 :30 I\1Jl. Lords table spr ad at 10:45, a. m. and sermon' at 11 ;00 Il. m. The Ser. mon wUl be delivered by Brother Seth Adamson minIster ot Lebanon Ohurch 'Of Christ. Brother Smith Is In B revival with the Lebanon church. . There were 197 In Sunday school last Sunday with more than 200 for the Sermon. One addition to the church .
and turn aU fees collected for Association expreUed their apprewriting t.helle licenses Into a fund clatlon fOr the cooperation Of firms for the pUI·pose of fish and game Ulroughout the COUI}ty In~t year 'and the creation of better hunt1J.lg which made p<l!lllble ~he pW'cha e and fishing OOlldltlO~1S In COUll_ of phensants, rabbits: and .coons ty. . Fees, froUl' nIl licenses pUl'chas- leaV ing a 'balanoe [or fish re.~b:)ck_ ed at the following places will be Ing >IIud conservation ,proJecWl. J used fOl' 'that' purpose; C. M. RobIt.. zer's Park. WaYl1esvUle ; The Fam- (JIVIG OI.UB DINNER MI!lETING QUS Auto Supply '00., Lebanol1; The rClPllar ' dlnnel' mC(!ting or Pierce Sel'vlce Soatlon. MOlTo\\,; S. M . Moll ag, Foster; Bro: h Hardware the Waynesville Civic club wI)) bb Co', Loveland; Bunnell Service Sta_ held nt the Grapge HaH. Monday tlol]. Mason; H. E. , Ivins Grocery, evening, April 17th 1St 6;30 o'c:loci;;J$~~ Red Lton; Carl Pottorf, Harveys- Dinner will be served by the burg; OUpins Sohio Service Station, people's Group of at. ~ry's ' Sprl.ngboro; Albaugh_Good Drug store, Franklin ; James Service sta_ Lcnglh 01' 8a rlCYCOl'1I tion, Franklin; iQ nd Hayes Service The length of n bll rle.ycorn Is third inch. The measure was Station, Franklln. Officials of the Fish and Game Dally Ule lcl1gth Ilt n grain at barley.
W. C. Smith, Minister SUNDAY Btble School 9 :30 a. m. Communion 10 ;45 a. m. Christian Endeavor 7;00 p. m. Preaching 7;30 p. m· The Sermon will be by Bro. Seth Adamson of Lebanon will preach. There were 103 at Sunday School Sunilay with 78 for the I!venlng ser_ vice.
Parad'e Of Progress!
2 farm wagons, 2 corn pla.n ters, 2 CHURCH single discs, double disc. ~1taUa Rev. ft. L. RackweU, Mlnlstu drlll, wheat drill. wheat bldfter, corn FIRST SUNDAY AFI'ER EASTER binder, 2 sulky brealdng plows walk10 a. m Ohurch School
Ing plow, corn plow, mowing mach_ ine, hay rake, hay tedder, hay ladders, 2 tobacco setters, ,tobacco press 4000 tobacco sticks, tobacco sprayer, tobacco plows, double shovel ,plow, Iron roller, cider press, 2-30 · gallon steamers, 2 large barrel water tanke Iron kettles, scalding tank, Mrrels, Iron wagon wheels, force pttmp, 100 ft. Iron pipe, lot of egg OIIses, lot of strawberry crates, Windmill, 400 brick, rope, pUlleys. hinges. anvil, lot of small tools, lot at old iron, etc. FEED 500 bushels of corn, 5' tons alfatra hay.
Courtuy Schrnl'Cl'. nutaurant., New York 'HAT proud parry favoricC', Shrimp la Newburg, has probably C'd morC' fash ionable cables from grac . . h Nt'wl?0rl ,10 5 111) Ff3n'lSc~ I an any ochC'f fesuve sea food dish. ~cre prcst'nlC'd on a noodle chcC'se nng, /lankC'd with colorful hC'sh gret'n as· halves Paragus lipS am srilled comalo . .5 a d'IS h al both ends of IhC' plaller, It 10 make both host and sueSI (eC'1 /' royal. .' d b V The (ClIlO... lng reclpC', suggC'stC' Schralfr's, ... ill appC'ai 10 boch mln and women cnoks : Noodle ChC'C'se Ring , l .<upo boiled 100001.. I up. WOr<ft· :. cup m,h,. ~uc\.. ,,,,hi .. IIU« I ..... n .... I I"'P, chopped I cup .n"d PUlII' 'h ... I Y, up. /in.l, , ~.It ,",t. .,I,.d onion
11 a. m. Festival Mornlng Prayer The sermon will commemorate the 58th an.nlversary of the dedica_ tion of the church THURSDAY 8 p. m. Confirmation by Blshop Hobson. FRIDAY 10:30 a· m. Woman's AuxUlary all day sewing. 4 P. m. Junior high boys '1 :30 p. m. Girls.' Friendly group. METHODIST OHURCH Sunday, April 18, 1939 ' 9:30 Sunday school, R, D. Oollett, Supt.
' MIX IngrC'di~ncs. !C'ason well. pour InlO a bUllerC'd one' 4 U3ft ring mold. Stl mold 10 pan 0 hOI IHcer. ch en hak e In • moderate oven 0 )0 · ) about 4~ min.
Fresh Shri~p • I. Newburg SprinklC' 3 cups cook.t'd and c1uned whole fresh shrimp wICh 1 t~kaspoo~ . onion juice Yz It'a5P.oon papn I, sa I and pepper: SaUI~ in 3/4 c.up bUlt~r, remove (rom pan and spnnkle wllh 1 II) lablC'spoo~s lemon juice. Pr,C" pare thC' (ollowIOS saucC' : ' !II (UP- .b~~"i' rr"", Y,1r:~~ ~t~(::'; on' mp ZIl''''"0 <up ft.u, arock z/'" ,.t~ ( I :,~':mli'h' I J. <up ..",,, 'Ik be _iu,d, I h <Up' m. Meh bunC'f. Add /lour and cook ...ell Heat shrimp slOck ... ilh milk and ·crc:lm. A!ld 10 1I0ul' and buner mix)IIre. BIC'nd wdl. Cook 10 minutcs. RC'moyC' from !love. . Add beaten cgS yolks, 'and . ~herrr, If dC'· slrC'd. chen Slul~ed shrimp and morC' seasoning If wishC'd. ' To SC'rvC' : Place noodle rillS In f I f ' lI 'h cell (C'nlC'r 0 a large p auer. I • ,e • • fer with shrimp mlXlure. allOWing some 10 run ovC'r cwo sides. At C'3ch end of the planer plac~ chrcC' grilled tomalo hal ves, each lopped wllh Ihrec small cooked a~paralius lips. G,lr' nl sh wilh W3 ICI((CSS. Serves 6.
MISCELLANEOUS 10:40 Morning Worship. 6;00 Epworth League Delco · Ugbt plant and batteries. Two brOO4er houses ' 8 x 10, Two ' '1:30 EVening service. chicken houses, 8 x 18, steel roofing WEDNESDAY • ~ lumber of various ldnda. 2:00 Ladies Atd at the home of =~~~~=:~~~~=~=~~=~~~~~~===~~= Some ~ousehoid furniture and ar_ Mrs: A. H . stubbs. and family were dinner ':gUests of tlc1ea: 3 :45 Junior choir. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cast, Sunday TEJlMS;-<JASH FRIDAY Monda~ Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman '1 :00 Boy Scouts ~ drove their daughter, Louise to SAM D. IIEN1tLE W: N. Sean, Auet. 8:00 Choir practice Athens where she attends college.
Butter 2 lb. jar23C Peanut Embassy Coffee lb. 14c Spotlight 3 lb. bag 39c Sweetheart 4 bars 18c .Soap , 3 for 17c., . Get 1 for Ie CI~anser BABRITT'S' 3 cans ~Oc Wheaties 2 pkgs. 21c Welcome back sale in honorof the Cincinnati Reds
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoyle .had as their guests for dinner Sun~ay , ¥r. and ·Mrs, Clarence Smith, Mr. and MI:s. Keith -Walto ,Mr.. rl- Kennedy, Miss Gertrude Hoyle, MIss Edith Hoyle and ~. Oharles Hoyle.
,; The CiVic League met at the home 'ot ¥lrs. E. B . Dakin, Sat.. ..!L.H ,;urday evening" Apx:U 8th. Each =member responded to roll call by naming her tavari~' shrUb, WAYNESVILLE START. WAYNESVII.J.E ECONO~ "A few mo~nts of sllenc~ w,ere ING MASH .. ...... L $2.25 MY STARTER ....... tl.80 observed for tlle death of a member
Po'u ltr y
This is a Manamar Mash and. contains 20 per This mash contains 17 c:l.!nt protein. We invite per cent protein and has comparison with any oth- every essent.ial element er mash at any price. Past for producmg strong results secured by la rge healthy chicks .. This ma~h feeders convin~e ,us that" ·cannot be .. duphcated else· this is one of the best where under $2.00 per starting ·mashes' on the hwd, We welcome com~arket regardless of. price parisons. , NQTE;· If you have yt?ur own corn bring it i~ for additional savings thru our liber~l exchange phin. We ' also have a good stock of' litter, feed· ers, and other poultry supplies.
TheMary Progrem Mrs. HaInes.TopIc "Important . Women In PolltJcs Today" was in charge of They Elizabeth Clark andofHelen Randa)). . named some our leading women in congress, in diplomatlc se'rvlce and those ~lng on various importa;nt committees 'Bnd gave sketches of the lives of a few . of the more unportant ones. Th~ next mll1ltlngJwDl be held a.t 't he home of ,Mrs. O. O. Randall May
The 'Warl'en Oounty Fish and Game Association announces that the ,following trusiness firms alid 'Ind!vtduii& thrOughout the count}' are cooperaupg, with l1upters and 13th. flshermen by' selllDg tl$ing >snd Book acMeW; Circle huntipg Ilcenses for their organiZa. , Mrs. H. O. !.9lUga~ was hostess to tion. These , finns have been a~ the "Book RevJe:w" on Tues- pobitecJ ' as llpec1al Il~ deputtes day, alternool} "Fann~ Kemble" _ :---I+-_tnJI.rIl\v Mergiaret Arm$ti'ong was reviewed by Helen Reda))· Fanny· Kembl was one of 't he Engllsh actr~8aes of her time and Wayn~.yille. O~ enjoyed a brilJ\ant career as ~ ,r ead.
.. Wa~nesvill~~rll)ers'
A,Real Bargain:!
• w.". ~ Cace the C.cta. Here'.
ooI¥ "cSoubleo ' eured"for eztra touabDeII a11~ 'II&7 .throu&b but it. livca ,you
prlca, it'lc:ertaiDly ,our'1uck7 buy." See
today. Soap
FOR SALE-Invalid . wheel ch~ almost new. InqUIre . at' Gazette
a 6 13 pq
May Garden ~ixed Jea Six Demons' FREE ·Prunes 70 - 80 SiZE 4 Ibs "" · ve".",,' are Baker and 1 lb Navy 2Sc O all., Beans-All for lb. 19c SNA.PS ,MacaroDn HOMESTYLE . 3 240Z'25c B rea d Sliced or Unsliced .
A -,.-l l es~o FC£4 lor Every Ne,ed "5 lb, baa
,,26 Ib~ ba.
8~arttnc anel G··ow;r.G .~~13 !:h
25 lb. 1l3.
100 lb. bag $1.8$
100 lb. ba, '$1.&9 , lQC;) lb. bag *1.25 • • ' 100 0,. bag $1.29 , 100 lb. ba, $1.29
Grace L.. ·Smitti .
Third St. Wa' ....vlll., o.
- ,.trona..
WouM _..,.elate YOU!: . ,
Meaty ,e, • , • END· PIECE SlieH 2&C .
Bacon · "
WELDING ,. ' Body ·and· Fen~er ~pa1rt :W11ltam Bhtip.. hard; WaynesVIlle, O,hto. ' a ,6 ' pd ,
FOR BALE-All varlet! of hg1h. yleidlng certifIed hybrid Seed oorn--.-1939, 1M: .414;, W. 1'1; U. S, 85: U~ S. 52; u. s. C4, Order now l?efO~' the rush. - . . : ., '
25 Ib; $1.16 Sugar Granulated Pure Cane Sugar Sun~~ $1:19
, • tire that ia not
many othe:c feabkee that meaD pICIlty d eztra mlIeaae and 1erV. icc. AAd ri&ht DOW_b~ :JOIl . can let thia·GoodricJa Standard Tire from \18 at tbetO lateat low
theofperiod from 1809 and er ShakespeaJre. Her to ute1893 covered her circle of f"ends Included almost every well knOWiIl figure of the day In both Engl&Jl1II and America. ,All the story Is trull the ~8Qns are I ' . ~ r,e al It ls Ins~etive as well I8,S tas7 FOR SALE 2 bQttom 14 Inch Oliver cinatlng. ' Breaking plow, Inquire at thl8 ot_ flce . 114 ,23 39, A 6 pd
rolls '
FREE! RE~. 25c LAYER CAKE! A delicious LADY DORIS PINK anI,! WHITE Layer Cake FREE with the purchase of a lovely LADY DORIS CA-KE SERVER at the REGULAR fRICE OF 49c! A 75c VALUE!
, JAC~
SALMON Frob DNUecI ', .
S. McClure ' pies 'In ~ayton
There will be a speclnl meeting of WnYbesvllle Lodge No. 163 F . ' & A. M. Tuesday evenIng. AprU 25, at '1 o'clock. :vork in the . E. A. and ·F.' C. degrees. ' Raymond Braddock. : W., M. Carl S. McOlure, 99, of' Dayton. V. M. Armitage, Sec'Y. died Wednesday morning at the Soldiers home' hospital following an ~I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ U_ P . extended lUness. Born In WaynesvUle, h e was the , younger son of the late Walter and - Mary . McClure . . He r eceIved his educatIon In Waynesville schools _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ . _ _ {l nd while yet In high: &phool enllBtMrs. \1. p . Larrick anll Mrs. Ralph cd In the navy. servJng as gunner's Hastings spent Thursday In Colum. imnte. first class 'on ' the U. S: s. bus. Oklahoma In foreign waters. Oolng to Dayton. he found employment at Mrs, Charles Dooln of ClnclnnaU the N. C. R. but became secreta visited her mother . Mrs. Maude of the Dayton Real Estate boa·rd in Crtlne. Sunday. 1924, serving 'u ntil · 1928. when "h'e Miss Anna Louise Hoak visited became secretary td the president of the Dayton Scale" 'company, con_ .Mlss Jane ' F'urn'BS at WIlmington tinuing until 1934 when he became college over the week end. secretary to· the presldcnt of the Mrs. Albert Carver of ClnclnnaU Rgry Register company. Is spending, a few Clays with her Mr. McOlure was a S cottish Rite par.c nts, ~. and Mrs. Wilbur Sears. Mason. He Is surviVed by his wife, Dr. ra nd ·Mrs. ·G . E. Russum of Margaret;. two daughters. Jean and Mlrlan ; ' and one brother. James E. Dayton visited MIsses Tr1llena and Margaret Edwards Suilday., McClur.e': of W~Y1Jesv.I!le .. F!uneral 8ervlees wUl -tic held at Mr. and Mrs. W. E . Stanton ot the .reslden'ce, 3026 Marlmont drive Springboro were guests 'of Mr. and 2 p. m. Burlai Mr/!. J . B. Chapman at Sunday . Dayton. Saturday wUJ be In Miami cemetery. We¥nes_ night supper. ; ville, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sears of Spring Valley were Sunday dinner DAYTON DIST,BICT guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur CONFERENCE MEE.TING Sears.
Local .Happenings
Th.e m,Jn1sters. wiveE and laymen representing the Dayton District of the ~Ilthodlst church met' for their Bprtnlr' District Conference at the W~ynellvllle ChqrCh. · Tuesday Aprll .18. The conference was character_ ~~_~y~ ~ Iat"j e attendance. making it a~06t a record for the of this nature. Bishop Lee, super· vising the work In part of India, Mal~1j, the Pl1lllppln$ 8tten~ and lectured· for an . hour. Dinner was served ,at noon to 135 delegates. at the ~hurch . The Women's Foreign MIssIonary Soolety had charge. In the ~.,Ylr!)~I\ . alter. so~ bus1.. ness, and a worship service, the concluding address was given ·,by Hazen G. Werner on the subject. " Let Us 00 Deeper"..
Mrs. BessIe White and da ughter, Miss Geraldine of Akron, spent the week end with Mrs. WhIte's sister. Dr. Mary L Cook, Mrs. Helen Graham and daughter of Dayton. and Mr. -and Mrs. Bam D. Henkle of' Lebanon. were' Sun-
'HOllOn n .
Salvation Army Officer Entertains Civ,ic Club
Over 50 members and guests of the Warren Oounty Olub met In the W~neavllle high school Thurllday livening for their final meeting of the IIChool year. A tasty fish dinner was served by the Home EconOmies class. under the direction of Miss Lanham. teacher . and Mrs. 1>eterson. cook. In the program which followed. Mr. Ethan Cranc. news editor ot the Dayton JOllf!lal. presented Mr. Jake Frong, s,-.. editor or the pa_ per. who spoke to the clUb. He discll88ed brillfly the work or a sports editor and gave his predlcUons on the National and American League baseball races· Mr. Bohl. County Superintendent, presented l)Ja guest Mr. Townsley, WlI8tern s tar pub ~ Iisher. who recalled. some memories of . newspaper work and spoke on the merits fir the Schoolmasters Club, Mr. Bailey. County AgrlcuL tural Agent. stressed 4-H Olub work In the county. The remainder of the evenIng was spent In playIng ·games. Guests Included members of the Wayne Township Board or Educa· Uon; H'. R. 1101088, K. N. Hough. R. H. Hartsock. and D. R. aallsbury ; 'l'oWllllley. Bailey, Kersey. and A. B. Cleaver.
The honor roll for the fifth term Includes: ALL..STAR Seniors-Margie Gustin Opal Henderson. . Juniors-Mary Eva LeMay Carol Ludington. Sophomores-Paul Johns Frieda Ellis Freshmen-Oenevleve H·adley. Grade Elght-Jean Hartsock and Helen Hisey. SCHOLASTIO Seniors-Elizabeth Hoblit Junlors-Bonelta Burske and Margaret Vlnt.. Freshmen-Jeanne Baker and Betty Thompson. MERIT Seniors-Louise Sinclair, Miriam Scott. Ada Belle Frye
Rt. Rev. HelU'J 1Wlse Hobson. D. D ••
The Rt. ReV. Henry Wise Hobson. BIBho\> of Southern Ohio diocese of the EJplscopal Church received. new members Into St. Mary's Ohurch. Tburada,y evening. AprlJ 20. Those COnftnbed are Mrs. Don Junlors-Oharlotte ilnrtman and Hawke, Ferree Scanlan. and Jack LeIJa ~overman. Freshman-Gene Collett, Pran.. Crane, ces Johns. Roy Planck. Marlon Smith, Reba Surface, Anna MarUyn Whitaker, Grade E1ght--Vlrg1nla Preston. Jane HartsOck .. Lansing Hardin and . . . . _ _ • • _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ • MarceUne Peters. G rade Seven-()harlea Rye, EveBand concert April 28. In high lyn Thompson. Glenna Wade, Don.. school auditorium. Admission 15c. aId Watkins, George Mengle. WUma Paul Ruth Oates. Irma PIres. Ruth Mrs. C . I. Satterthwaite and Mrs. McKeever, Marjorie Robertson. Vern 81mpson w,ere Dayton visitors .u.L-STAR Wednesday, Grade Slx-Janice Burnett. Miss Beulah. Il3ernard spent the Grade P1ve-Donald Brown week end with Miss Ruth Conner at Grade Four- Barbara Cr&nel Ed_ OXford. win Michener, Mildred Bourne and Ann Weltz. Mrs. J. K Preston and Mrs. Ota Grade Three-Patsy Baird, Aud.. 1I1dy were Sprln,gfleld visitors last D . D.,
•.•. _._._•.___
Local Happenings'
and Betty Thomas. Friends of qrade ~Delmar Berry, Jen_ wllJ be glad to' l~ that she Monday the musses being unable to nle Lee Bracfdock. Ellen Brown. proving after :l ,recent llInesa. make their trips beCa\llle'" G!..hlgh Betty Oampbell. Judith Conner Hadley,. RObert Hastings: water. CJII88eS were resiuned Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawke were day. Eula H~k. Keith Longacre. Donald ~e:sts Qt Mr. • nd ~ David H . . '1.1';;/1,' PianmM:a~~ "hM ~etufqed r PbYUts ' Praliees Anderson. of Kingman. SUnday. home after spendIng last week with Whitaker and Mary Ellen Spitler, Miss Marie Storer spent Ute week her soli and family, Mr. and Mrs. . Grade One-Do11a WOllard. Mary end with her parents. Mr. end Mrs. Charles LeMay and son of Middle.. Ann Burton. Dwight Michener. town. . Jackie TInney. Harlan Earnhart, Monty Storer. of MartlnsvllJe. Mary Dora Hough and Danny Simp. Mr. and Mrs. ;John W. Kersey LEBANON GRANGE MEMBERS Mr. and Mrs. Alfred. . Jones 01 were week end il1leals of Mr. and PRESENT PROGRAM ' Dayton. and Mrs. WUI Sidenstrlck- MERIT ·Mrs. Stanley Markey at Ravenna. er of' Bellbrook, were Sunday vlsltGrade SIX-Ruth Helen LeMay. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dymond The members of the Lebanon ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Grade Flve-Oladys Rye. and son John, visited In West Union Grange' were guests of Waynesvll'e James Kerrick. ; ."dams. Dorothy Berry. Dickie Irons Saturday night. Their officers flll_ Mr. and Mrs. ' Roy Ellis bave sold ·B etty Jones, Mary Jane Anderson. over the week enc1. ed the chaIrs and the following their fann on the Nutt road to Roy elld Edwyna· Stanforth. Mr. and Mrs. Walter WhItaker program was presented by the Leb_ . Baker and wUl make .thelr home In Grade Four-Mary Henderson. and Mrs. A. K. Day spent the week anon me,mbers under the dlrect1~n Wa¥nesv1Jle. They will . move Into DOrothy Conard, Marjorie Conner. end with Rev. C. G . Dibert and of ~rs. Mounts. the property formerly ocCupIed by Blanche Dlcltensheets. Naomi Eam_ family at Elmore. 0 ,. " Vocal solos "Shortnln' Bread. and Mrs. Boyd Henderson. ba.n . David' B&rtsock. George Hen_ Mr. and Mrs. Aol Polinsky of CID.. "LassIe o~e"-Carl. Abaecherll, derson, Esther Lukens Jane Pfief The Hlgla &:hool Band will give fer, Richard 8heehan. 'Olenn S~It!-; clnnatl spent thle week end with Miss Dorothy Mount, accompaIilst. Mrs. Pollnsky's mother. Mrs. JessIe Voc;al Duets '''My Boat Is .Waltlng " . concert In. the high school audL Rlehard Whitaker. . Third Qrade-Pbylll3 Burnett. Hyman. Here Por Thee" "LIttle Gray Home -torll\D\ Friday evening. April 28, at 8 ' o·clock. Admlaslon 15 cents. Danc. In the ~est" Mrs. M~unt.lil ' Carl Danny lIartsock. Norman Longacre. Mrs. RUssell ' H()}Uday and daugh· AbaecherU. IJlg after the concert. 10 cents a . 'Lamb. PhylJla BaDeY-. ter returned home Sunday after a Refreshm~e~n~ts~'_ _ _ _~1!lImU~I8r.(l.-..Dc:lDllolcS---'iIeJl_El,f-_ekll vllilt· to her parents in Wes' PlaY "Aunt Harrlet·s NI~llt out" person. Mr., and Mrs, E~ L. Thomas are Dickie Graham. Janet Lakes and Union. -Cast as f~U\lW~: . ceiebraUng. their fortieth wedding Dale Lll!Il. Mr, Howe-,.Edmo~d Foley Mrs. Stanley Markey of Ravenna. annlvereary With family dinner Sepond Grade-John D. BiggS, Mrs. Howe-Lola Bunnell Is s~ndlng' a week with her Ohio. fit their home. this' Thursday even.. Mary Ann Melloh. Norma Pummill. Aunt Harriet-Lois Bunnel.l parents. Mr. and :Mrs. Sam D. HenJack Sheppard. Ing. Incidentally this Ia the' ·thlr. RIchard Shaw. The Bellhop-;-BlU Mounta kle. of Lebanon. teenth anniversary of the maritage ~ Jea~ Smith, Wilbur ""aUard, Attqr the program refreshments were served boY ' the Waynesvllle of their daughter. Mary and Harry Helen Spitler. Dwlgbt Bartlett. and W. N. Sears and family have Beatrice Thompecin, ·membera.. . ' ett• I:rene Henderson's rented Mrs. Grade Oni-JoADn DIckensheets property dn Main 8t.• and will move 0;t • 9eeJi PaUlj ~Ilrrla Oray: DoD Rye: In the near fut~e. :B arbara ~k. Billy De,vIs. Mrs. Mollie Case of Goshen, Ohio ther Watltlna; M:artha LUkens. Roy spent several day.s of last Week ~t Pumas, OIaudle Lamb. "Nolan . , the bome of her son and ' daughterlJerry, Eddie DakIn. OIIf1ord' .and Jean Hawke. lD-1aw, Mr. and .lira. Howard Case: schools were e,JQ8l!d
Don't torget. tble concert
B. ~BOcD:TT -.utal ' H~Oa '~LL ; AT 0.' 8. U;· '
. . -, - . ,., Roy E. ~k~tt; local ·boy,',·.a eraduljte Ot , w~~ hlab ~ Ia J1s~ as ' one 'of " ~· .338' litu~en~ 'in Oh1o :State Unlvera1ty'S .college . ·of Commerce and . admlnJi~ijO~ , who made ,t he bonor roll for q~~r acco~ _to Ohio .,tate'· Unlverslty N.m ' B~~. ,
Board Of Director. To' Hold M'e etlng Next Monday
Roy Irons. former r esident Waynesville, now ot Clyde. Ohio. and chairman of the Sandusky County G . O. p . comrnJttee. has ,been appointed to membersh ip on The regular monthly dinner meetthe Ohio Bridge Commiss ion. Th is ing of the Waynesville Civic club . body has charge of the sevcl'8.l was held Monday evening at state owned bridges ancl Is It reGrange Hall. An excellent dinner sponsible poslUon. was ]l'rel>ared and served by the Young PcOPle 's group of st. MllU"a Episcopal' church. .' , "After grOUP si nging led by R. D Collett, and a short business sessl~ J. B. Chapman Introduced the guest _ ......_ ....._._._._._._........._.__.... Charles A. entel'talner . Major Band concert April 28. In high Shuerllolz ot the Dayton Sa.\va.t lon school auditorium. Admission 150. Arm y. Following a brief talk re_ garding the good aCcomplished by Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout. and his organization and an appeal to Mr. and Mrs. L A. Garst were Day_ the members to save their cast-off ton visitors Sunday. clothing. furniture. brie-a.-brac. Mr. and Mrs. 8 3m D. Henkle of newspapers, etc.. for ~he collecUon Lebanon were guests of Mr. and made 1\ere about every six weeks by Mrs. D. C . Ridge Sunday afternoon. the Salvation Army truck. the Major proceeded to amuse and mysU· Mr. ' and Mrs. Q. I. Satterthwalte .fY those present by some old and were visitors In Oovlngton ~ny new slelght-of~hand tricks Ky.• Friday. with cards .and other paraph~nal1a, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogers visited In fact all agreed he could readily N. L. Rogers and farolly at Spring_ qualify as a professional. Charles Michener. Joe Chapman. Lou Printz boro. Sunday. and the two preachers (were their Miss Carmen Garza. Miss Doris faces red I) serve(! as able "stooges" Hawke and Frances Ryan o( Leba_ for 'the magician ; and how Jim Me· non were Sunday guests of Mr. and Clure chuckled I The meetq ad.. Mrs. Lee Hawke and famlly. journed after being voted one of the . best yet. Presldeht Carl AbaecherU Miss Betty Harl40ck of Cincin_ announced the appointment of the nati spent the week end with her followLng standing committeeS for parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ber,t Hartfurthering the alms and objective . sock. . ot the club: ExecutlVe-Qarl AbaeSix studenis will go to Oxford on Miss Jean Baker visited Mr, and cherll. J . R. Glbboru, Carl ' Conard. May 6. MrS. Bernard Southard and daugh- a. D. Collett; F1nan~e-R. D. Col•. ter. A,nn of Dayton over the week.. lett. D. R. Smith. Oarl Connard: end. Audltlng-Ross B. Hartsock -E V. Barnhart, Glenn Borden; . Agrleui.: Ion Smith, Fr1eda Preston. Mary Eva ~:~~;~~~~:~~~~ _ LeMay and r=!r:::-..a",....., tural- C. E, MIchener. K. If. H~
............... Local Happenings _._.04.
Oharlotte Harim~, ' Beveral other students made very. gOOd ratlnes. namely: Reba Surface placed ·flfth In English I . Prances Johns placed s~nd In algebra and third In Lat.. In. Marlon Smith won second In general sclena and third ' place In algebra; Philip Hartman ranked
fourth In general sclence. Alton Earnhart placed seventh In geometry. FrIeda EllIB ranlted first place ifn Latin and tied for fourth In geometry. Wayne Scott placed thlr-d 1n World History. Leila Koverman placed fifth In ·chemlatry. Robert Preston placed third 1n chemistry. Carol LudIngton placed third and Sarah MIller fourth In English m. Mary Eva LeMay aM Charlotte Hartman place. first and ' second respectively in American History. . -and Robert Ilyman and ElI~beth Hoblit placed fifth and sixth re_
l~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~JI~~~ a.
spent the . week end
Mrs. Rusaell Pra.nk
. ' ,Fred O~u,"an. 8 , H. ·Balley. .R, Mrs. D. O. Ridge and Mr. and E Hathaway. F. W. Robltzei': 8~Mrs. Earl Davis of Dayton and Sorship-Rev. R. L. a..c~ell. ~i Mary Lou 8o'I'VBlstr1rrot;on!cr-toi";Fellt~A-.-fi;--Bt;Upbs;'--J!:lIdofl'l~tIl1l1C1:;:--~~:::1 Martinsville Sunday evening. Laws and Regulatlon&-C. M. Robitzer, II. R. 1101088. Oarl AbaeelierU' Mr. and Mrs .. W. A. Gerhart and Public Affairs and PuJluelty-'R. Mr• ~nd ".rs N• A• Allaman u ...... Co1I tt ""--- H u_"' __... children of Dayton visited at the e. LlAII>3 • n.ou.......,... 'I.. A bome or A. .H. Stubbs Sunda . Garst. Ballard Wallace, "'0 , M . ,y bltzer. Rev. J. v'. LacY: Memberaitsp Dr. Maynard M111s and family of ond. Attendanpe-J. 'R . Gibbons. J. :MIddletown were visitors', at B. 9ha pman, Dr. H, E. s.tbaWQ. home of Mrs. Emma Barnett and. ·A. H . Stubbs, carl Oonard ;, ". E. V. Barnhart. Sunday. ings and Program-J. B. Chapman. " R. D. Collett, M. A:-Flilkel'8On John Mrs. Maude Crane. Mrs. Irene Kerse, y C. 1101' Robl'-. • ....,1': .. Reception Henderson. Miss Marie Storer and and VISltaU9n..:..ReV, J, V. ·Lacy. ' J : . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Oarr visited P.' Lanl ck . I Louis PrIntz. Ohas. B.. ;-Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles' Dooln til·CIn'_ Anderson, Carl Pe!lJUBOn, ' 'Clrmatl, TUesday evening, ., The board of directors wilt hOld 'Don't 'fprget t.h e s:oncert by the ~helr second regular. meetlng next
spectlv~lY. In physlca, Elizabeth Hobut placed
High Schoo~~I~ba~n~d~.,~Ftld~~a~Y~ ' ~~~:~:ma:n:Q~t~h:e~en~t~lr~e~ct~viC~'~Cl~U~b~Jf~hl-~ AprU 211. a ' 4ludltoI1um. mente. . '. .. ' . . Mr. and. Mrs. ~. J, Hage~yer end :. .!IOn Wayne of Mr . .and Mrs. W.· D. BtanstJ'ator ,ot Wllmlng~ [ to ' . n, and Miss " Catherine Brabstra· tor. ,were d~er gueste,l of Mr. and Mrs: Ell Furnaa,~ Sunday. • • • l , •
' eleventh in the county In the &enio,r Jests. Waynesvtlle "m aend Dorothy G~y to the f~la of the WHlo spelling bee which Wlu be broad.' cast over wmo at 7:30 p. 'm. Sat. · U In th urday• Dero 0&&1. a ·pap e 8th grade Is one' of three pupils In Warren countJ to be $elected and receive this honor.
. - . R. ·H • .;Rar,~t •. ~. ~ ~.nd ~, ~ ~ .. ' R. ·D. Collett Mrs. ltala The Illgh , SchooL~~ni ~Ia.. ~ompson. ~., John. Fromm: and Uon 18 ,bringing Ita ~i'ds up . to " Mra . 'Harold :- Barnhart attended da~ and flncla that I~, has riot ' the E88tern star .,.~~,t1<ln ..,~i .!;'e,w present· addresses of· SOme 'members sa, few weeks' the ~otlcea .o f ,th; ." BurUngton. Th1iriday night. I • annuAl meetjhg. lIIay 2'1 will be ~rs. RusseIJ. pel)tley:' and Mrs.. sent out a rid .lfence the ~jauo Florence Hopk1na were supper d~l!s, If nossible, to get cOrreat ,gueata of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Con- dd ner.· Da-'-n Thursday ev'enlng'. a resses· , The fo.lIowing are 3fN names ot members 'and their . Robert Th~8S of. Dayton spent known addressrs: 'rhursday evening wlt~ ·home folks. , Ahha West' J882
by the
HIgh BchOoi band," JI'rlday .evening. AprU 38. at 8 o'clock m the school '.~dltori,um. · . Dancing and ~h. menta. . . . . ' ,.The HIgh, School Banet 'l'1l1 .lIIve • concert · JD 'th!! blgh school audl_ torlum ~Y . ev~!liJnJ. April 28, at 8 o'clock. 'AdmINdc~15 cents. Danemg., alter the cc~ 10, ants ~
I' n .
. Mr. and ~s, p . E. Thomas e~_ AvarJlJa Bra'dstre~t, 1899. West . terta.l ned at Slmday din nez:, ~. A.!exandrla, Ohio ' " : -, :. and ,Mrs. LoW~1l Thomas and 'A nn' 1101 1 C1 'k J ; • ;~ . a . ar ones 1";'" ..... Xenia Mr. , nd ' M,r~ , Ma(\1soll ' " . , .. . .• I ' , , .~ and Jack and Tommy; Inez Ohio _ ' " ' ' 1 ' .'. r.ester "Surface, ~ D~vls ' . Harol~ .. ~~~. 1~1 sad~. St i, Robert Thomas. Chl.c;ago. IlL ' - .. ,
. Pllends Of M1ils' Rut1h Conner will . Mary Atkfnsqn f Ha~ '1tl1. bti mtereSted to ~ow :that ~e Is '29 1.-2 ~,~~~ :ManSfield; memtier of the. 8tudent chOir cif the HaBel .RUey ~. 1918. " :Mt!'t hodfst .' ~1li 1 at ~ Oxto~. , This , Etbel Hames,' 1919 " , . .' choir wtIl present a conc:ettat the. Ee thl1l' ~ ' J.lamllton lID. . . SprinllJeld; pr&ldent of the D{lY- N. · .0 .· A. 'In aytpn. SimdaY. "APrll E. 'l3rd OI~~~.,O. ' . ' 23 ' . B~l Cook ~ ~ tea eqnvoCaUon. ' , . .' . "'. "' . 'EIther ~ . ~ . . _ . ":.
. The , reguJar~ ~rogram
ilrB: rio c. JUdie entertained' With
pe~ with aDd In 'Ita place a ,dem· a d1Dner Tb~ evenln8. III cmafatiOn ... trrvea by . a repre. hoJior of ·her DIeoe. ~ ~ ,So., HDtative .trbm .. bouIeboJd appu- . . . . who 'flllted bel' IIal week-
~ ~JIUI7.
. JIIIII'arw, 4lb~iIt _ . "
~ ' evenIIia
IAW.II as - - ..
. .0UeIta 1V8N ~ UId Jane ~ .. ...~. .;iiflr .......", -
'.I11III' . the 'Ibe IIQ meeUDc will . . at UJa ~ ~ '--. . ~d ..... .u.'.-rb' 'UWe lnn. wtua ilia anma LoU PreIIt.Cm, -AD
. ..-& PlQIal .....
. I
With a Buckeye In Con.gre~s•••
WaYMlYille, Ohio S cond Claaa Mail Matter . At Poatofllce, Wayne.vtl1e, Oblo,
lora M. Crane Editor and Publisher . Subscription Price, $1 •.50 Per Year, Payable in Advance
Use Your Brains The winner of a school prize wrote this: "A match has a head but no brains, When ' you use Its head use yoUl: br ains I " That's good advice for every per· son in this broad land of ours ; adult as well as child. For matches and smoking, according to the National Board of Fire Underwriters cauae tb}:ee times as many fires as any • other known cause. They are re_ sponsible Cor four times as many llres as overheated chimneys and flues; ,and almost six times as many as llghtnlng. Putting It another way. matches Bnli smoking cause 27 per cent of n1l tires 'of known causes-and fires of knOWn :cause comprise 83 per cent of thc total. That means that misuse of matches Is responsible for , the burn,lng to death of thousands of. people every years-to say noth'tng of property destruetlon running · Into the tens 01- millions.
Lytle Mr. and Mrs. Roalph Barger and chlldren spent Saturday in Wash. ington C. H. Mrs. Belle Scott Is qu6te 111 at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett attended the Wayne Township Farm.. er,s club at the home ot Mrs. J. T. Deardott In Lebanon Thursday Mrs. Allen Emrick e nd Mrs. Walter Kenrick were Dayton visitors Wednesday.
Mr/!. Oeorge Oray is J\l with the Ou. Her daughter. Mrs. Fred Fisk, and grand-daughter and husband of Independence Ky, is staying with her and Mr. <;tray for a few days. . MsrJorie and Bobby Swank at Dayton were week end guests of their grand parents, Mr. Bnd Mrs. E. B. Longacre. Mrs. Margaret Jobns was a dinner The tragic phase of this Is that guest SatUrday of her cousins, Mr. ev rY fire caused by a matc~ or ' by and Mr'a, Henry Satterthwaite and smoklng materIal Is a preventable family In Waynesville, [Ire, There ~ no excuse for going to sleep With a ' cigarette in your Mr. and Mrs. •William Brooks and chndren ' and orv"'e PhllUps spent h'\lnd- but lPCOple do It continually, W Saturday In Dayton. and t\ great mallY of them neve.r Mrs. J. B. Jones ID company with awaken again In Ulis world. Nothing her sister, Mrs. John Zimmerman I~ easier than to stamp out a aIgar of Dayton were week-end guests of butt when you 1Ire finished with it, their brother and wife, Mr: Bnd or to properly dispose of the ashes Mrs. Bernie Dill at C18yton. Sunday from a pipe-but .eaoh year there I. e"enina she returned home with are untold lruitances where thls Isn't , done-and In" some thousands of Mr. J. B. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones and son who were 6 tbose Instance!! fires, great or small, .: o'clock dinner guests of the Dillsresult. It certa1nly doesn't call for Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre and · any great eftort to dispose of your Mr. and Mrs. Olarence Smith at;natcheJi and clgare~ In the asb tended the Spring District Uonfertray In your car. instead of throw_ ence at Waynesville TUesday and lng them out of the window-but heard Blaho Lee of ,Sin a reo • mllllons ot acres of ravaged land ' lIbI C '1 ~ g po that once bore m&gnWcent timber. • ar e was ae.. offer to home by his son, Paul Be Is somewhat improved at this ttme. Mr. aDd Mrs. Walter 'Kenrlck etSmoke If you Wlll-but don't forj, get ule obUga,tSon every smoker owes tended the American Legion ban.. tQ everyone elae-and thpt Is to' be quet In Lebanon, lut Tuesday eveever watchlul of what happens ' to nlng. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke, Mrs. J . smoking materials when he Is done with them. The most common cause B. Jones and Mrs. Ruth Morgan at.. of 'fire is the most' lIlexcusable. tended :Eastern Star meeting In New Burlington, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mnt. E. J!. LongaCnl en1'hll Jatest ava.llable stattatlca place Oblo fOlll'th In the number ot tertalned to dinner Sunday. Mr. chickens on fanns, third In number ,and Mrs. l!'red Middleton of Olay_ of c\llckens prod!.iced, second In the ton aDd Marjorie and Bobby Swank . rtumlMtt' of e~ pr04uced ' and ~thlrd of Dayton. ' Mr. and Mrs. ' F!:'a Brown of in cash Income from sale ' of ' chick... ens · and eggs. .pennsYlvaDfa and Tipp Olty 'spent ~ursday with Mr. Iowa lead iii cash Income from sales 1Ind Mrs. ol1y ROutzahn and famny. . of j:hlckens npd eggs.
- ----------
Bp CLd&IIC& I. BROW'" M....... .,
AU Ohio county alP1eUltural agents can aupply free '1Iullettna whloh IJ'\¥O detailed directions for protecting field crops, gardens. and o~hards . aaalruit Insect.<J and elL
c-..-. ,'" o.... .otatrtct __
Among· members of Congre~. both a dIStinguished company mude 1\ pll. In the House a~d ' the Senate. there grlmage to Mt. V mon where oerehas been much crltl.clsm voiced con- monies ns a pa.rt of llie SesquL ce~!ng recent sp~es and, state_ Centennial celebration werc h, ·\1 ments made .by the President and commemorating the aay. other high otrlclals regarding in· ~at1onal affalrs. Fears' are ex.. The Daughtel's ot the American pressed that all such talk ' on the Revolu Uon have captured Washing· p~ t of the President ~d Administon. The city It theirS. From every tration leaders may result In the state and county and community United States beIng drawn Into con_ !1ict that may break out In Europe. they have come to meet In nn a.n.. Certainly the American position is nual convention . Hotels are f llled Dot being strengthened by such talk to overflowing. ConstlWtlon Ha~l Is as "meeting power with powe.r," and the center of actiVIties-bu t lIterother like utterances. The concen· ally hundreds at teas, luncheons, sus ot opinion among the sounder dinners and oUler social functions and saner statesmen is that no rea_ are being held for the honored vis.. Leslie Howard and Wendy Hiller in .. Pygmalion" son on earth exists at this time for ltors. On Capitol H1Il Seuntors nnd "Pygmulloll" st.alTlllg Les lie J I ward wllh the br,Ulant actress the United States to become a p~r- Representatives nre welcoming the Wendy Allier. w1\1 nUord Xenia thentre patrons In Xenia. four days t l.clpant In the threatened European fair Daughters from thell' home ot excellent entel'lIIlnmeat, when i1 opells at the delUxe Xenia war· It war comes acroSs the seas. cities and districts. theatre, Sunday, April 23. with n gnl1a Holl ywood, styled premfe~e. The story of "Pygmalion" Is the modem vElrsi.Oll of the old and the United States takes a part Greek legend of nle sculptor "PyglllAlio n" who' talla" In love with therein, It will be because of laok ... his cr nllon a beautiful B1II1uo at a , girl cal100 Gala ten. Leslie ot statesmanship on the part of Howard In a slIper b comedy role portrnys a IlrofelB Bor who takes a American leaders, and In spite Of' miserable co klley nower .girl and six mOllthB ,of traI ning passes and against the WII!hes of the great " , ~I' ort n8 n Duchess at a Royall 13all. Thongh at first bel' mal!-SCREE'.N ..:' he Is Inter hel' sla ve wh en h fn ll ~ III loy ~' '71th bel'. mass of the American people. In "Romance of rural Ohio there has long been a Redwoods" common saying "when neighbors , With Jean Parker and quarrel among themselves It Is wise Chaa. Bickford to stay home and 'tend to your own . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. business". That seems to.,be a. wise Continuoul Snc.wI Dilly Hundreds of thousands ot bOys pollcy for the nation to adopt just Adult. Only 25c to II P. M. The undersigned as nnd young men read THE AMER- at this time. tor of, the estate of John ShUltz. deICAN BOY Magazine every month ceased, wfll sell at PU,?lIC <IIuctlon, and consIder It uipre a llvlng The other evening this writer had at hIs ' late residence On t he Way_ companion than" as a magazine. the opportunity of talklng with a nesvUle and Bellbrook, 2 . miles "1115 lUi much .a .buddy to me as student, of International aUalrs who north of Waynesville and 5 mlles mOst of the last thirty years my neighborhood ohum" writes one llved south ~f Bellbrook onhigh school ~or. , "THE AMER.. In Various European caplta~. His TtJESDAY, MAY 9th, 1939 BegInning at 10:00 o'clock a. m, lOAN BOY seems to understand a description of the present European sharp. the followin g described chat.- boy's problems Imd considers them situation, and the causes therefor, In such a symplilothet!c and helpful was most llluminatlng. A prediction tel property to wit: w.ay. It gives advioe and entertain- that he made is worth repeating 3 3 MULES ing rflldlng Olll every subject in here. He stated that the outbreak One span aged mules; one cxtro whloh a young tellow is Interested. of war In Europe Is schedUled tor good mule, 8 'years old. 6 It Is particUlarly 'helpfUl In sports. Aprll ?'7th or 28th: and that If war 6 WHITE FACED CATTLE I made our Sch~XlI .,asketball team does not 'develop by May 6th. ncxt. One cow, five yearllngs. . because' of playing tiPS I read in there · wIlloe no general conDlot In 33 SHEEP . 33 THE AMElUCAN BOY E;urope either this year or tor seve_ 18 ewes; 14 lambs; one buok. Many famous a thletes In all ral years to come. Only time c~ 69 HOGS 119 sports credit much qt their success teU whether or not the gentlemen ~e<:£!~·~J! kn~.e~w~!~~:~~~;":!!!2U..liii.i~~:rn 6 sows with 50 pigs, 4 weeks old; to 'helpful 12 shoats wt. about 125 I~S. 1 sow to .fl'om sports arl~.llllr-'... .;~:--~tli~.ri " farrow.
: .Eun at S. F. World'~ 'F air ,. .
Bull at 't he Faler"
Forty Ohio rural boys and girls will be aided " In attending OhLo State University In , the future J)y scholarships to be awarded: this Summer. The Kroger Grocery ' and Baking COmpany. sears,'. Roebuck and Oompany each will: 'IJ'\ve . 20 scholarships. Awarda will be ' made .to 4'-H clUb members and Bmltll. , HudlE!8 stUd~ts" in astlcu\~ ,and 1 home economics. , L L. RumJn'el1, Columbus, and . University !Staff Diembers will make the selectlotU for achol&rahlPli whl~h have a. total "lue 01 t !lOO. · _ _......... ' _ _ -+
Pabrlos which have been treated be laundered carefUllt -in lukewarm water ~ preYent ~ should
with neutral _Po ~ laUDdel'''' ~;~;~~~~;~; Ina WIll decriue tbit abWt.v or the . -:.
tabrJo to resist. WI'IIIIWq.
Chas, Boyer
SIIP'ld Ourl
"ALGIERS" Our Gang-UTiny Troublea" Short-Ancient Egypt. • April 22 Kay Francis
Humphrey Bogart
"King of The Underworld" Added Short Reela April 23.24 N. Eddy
V. ;Bruce
L. Barrymore
Public Sale THE AMERICAN 80Y
ally every advice from' a James Hamilton LeWis, United plow ; W~lk famous coach or playa'. Football, States Senator from Dlinols. noted h.1s pink Whiskers, resple.n dent Ing yloW·, 5 ' hOe 'cUl~lvator; double basketball, tracl" 'tennis, 41· fact shovel; 60 tooth harrow; com bind'; tlvery m,a jor sport Is cOvered 'i n nc- waistcOB_ts. courtly manner, rapier er; , cultivator; sled; roller: com tlon and fact arlticle!. ' wit, and a )Oyalty to the New Deal. planter with fertWzer atbacbment; Teaohers. llbl'lulans. is no more. Death came at a Wash· double disc; co~n binder; wheat leaders ot boys clubs i''''''n'''",IIngto~ . hospl~ Sunday and on ~Inder; peering rnower;hay rl,lLk.e~rnend''TlfE·'iMlm[01lN'1ImnlCll -w~olJStlay be left forever the Caphay tedder; Oat, top wagon: bOx bed thu.s1astlcally. ' tol scene with the same PQmp and Superior grain drill; log chain; post that as. a gener",1 With which he ~d moved €Ugger; post auger; 011 drum; fence era of THE AMERI9AN BOY ad'- through lite. A state funer9.t was stretchers; Iron kettle; platform van~ more rapidly and develop held in the Senate Ohamber, where scales; gravel bed; ~nd~nt·s one more wort\lwhUe ohar.l\cterlstlcs the dlstlngulsbed gentleman had h:alf Interest In manure spreader. than do boys whlo do not read It. served for so long. The Preslqent, 1930 'Ford coupe In good condition Trained wriier~ and :artlsts, fam- the Supreme Court•.¥tl\e 'Diplomatlo and newly painted. ous coaohes and athletes, explorers. cOrps, the Cabinet, 'Senators and • MISOE"UNEOtJS • scientists and men · suCcessful 1I:1 Represen~tlves we.r e In otnclsl a L Wagon Jack; sythe; double ane! business and Industry join with an timdance. Capitol ~ds stood at siIl'gle tree!!; hay knife; lard .press; experIenced staff to produce in THE rigid attention beside the C8$et ' ln :I lawn ,mowers; sp~ayer; horse cllp- AMERICAN BOY. the sort 01 read: the ~el1 o{ the Senate. The bea~tlpers; . ~~ stove; 5 galvan1zetl Ing matter boys like ~t. . ful EplscopaUan service. was IJ'\ven ohicken COO!lS: water ,cream THE AMERIC,Ml BOY sells on by the Ohaplain ,Of ' the Senate. tor; · cur1laln , stretch,;s; sausage most newsstand..~ at 15c a copy. Flowers from the great and humble '-'"der; cream can; uWk can; · hay were everywhere m. profUsIon. Every :.:;;;i·iiii·~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio;;iii;;;;;;;i;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ 116 .. • • SubscrSptlon prltces are ,l.50 tor rope and fork:" seed 8OW~: . set one year or $3.00 for tm-ee years. chair In the pllery ' ane! on the double laddera ;.,2-12 It hog trou,gns; Foreign rates 50c: a year extra. To Floor ~as filled, except one-that 4 galvanized hog troulI,bs ; d.l nner -su~lbe simply send' your'. name, wlUch had , be~n jOCC~i~ ,!or so ~ll; . forks; shovels; harness; bridles address and remittance, direct io yearS by ' he gentl~man Ironi lines and may small articles too;~'-"'1f-*Jtui ~lEIIm:h\'l"'iwY;-~IO"1S1!l!mtlft.w,~~----~--:-;-;-:::--:--~ .merous to ,mention. Blvd .. Petro It. Michigan. ._ F~ In a pre\1OUs ~;tI::Je' mention was 150 bushels ,com nia~e ot ~e .fncreasln".' de" . "CmOKENS Mary Madeline Winters, Raymond d be " . Is to be a new member of the. Junior man. 8 log ~ade on Congress;' for • 50 Leghorn hens. the revamping .of the Adinlrilstra_ Fair Board fo"... Ohio. The appoint- tlon not to go.lntO that controversial " ,. HOUSEHOtD GOODS excellence SUbject at this session' Y , Illent Is based UIXln the Copper clad Nnge: . cupboard. ~ of Ootlkress. cabinet; table; dining table;. buf- of work in .!'IIrmers· Institute poster But In the words ot Chief 'Justice EBtate Heatrola.; ·' 011 stove; contests. activity in 4-H clubs, and Hugqes, "What till! Ameri&m, peo. 'd avenport; book , ca,se; stand; 6 leadership In youth gro\lP.S In her pJe wan.~ ~ey . usueJly, get.",. At the rockers; straight: chairs; 2 9xl:1 '·rullB community. closlng,session of eotlgreaa -last week 11 small rup; ,Maytag electric ' wash_ 14.aJorl.ty Fioor, Leade, .RIlytiurn·an-l ~. Eun\ka ' e~c 's weeper' 15 galnoUnced that ' , the HOuse Labor IO~ atOne Jar; ,3 dc$!n .caris fruit; coimrilttee ' hall ,.< deOtd.ed to hold " "I ·t"lmahels-potMoes~:.c1I.Bhea...and .ook· 'hearings on amendments to thi; Na_ Ing utenslIs. .' .tlonal Ll\bor ,Relations 'law, 'b etter , TEllMS CASH· known as the Wagner:Act ~Pd. th ' t W. N.-Sean. Aact. . such hearirigs 'W:OUld·"pro~~blY s~t R. D. CoDetl Olerlt wltbln a week ,or days. ' " Lunch by FrIendlhlp OIab . ;. , " . RoAs · IL IJARTSOck, AdmlnIItrator 01 the ' eI. t&~ 01. jcihn Sbulk, ' de.
April 20.21
Estate of Floreooe H. Satterthwaite. deceased. Notice is hereby given that Char_ les sa.tterthwalte, Wh06C FOst Office Address Is WaynesvUle. Ohio. has been duly appointed as Admlnlstra_ tor of the Estate of Florence H. Satterthwaite late of Warren Oounty, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 7th day of April, 1939. . RALPH H. OAREY Judge the P.robate Courr Warren Oounty, Ohio Carl Abliecberll, Atty.
· 6 6 ' S~I~!E 6 Cq,!:eDS
quId. Tabl II • Salve. NOlie Drops
lOcI .. !5e
F. 'r. ··'M artln Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio Phone ','7iJ . •
Sand & ,Gravel ,nUBLIC SA1' E r II. . TARVIA-L1THI O TAR ANi> I will sell 1\11 'my tarm chattels at ~ farm homeC?ne mile North. ,of Wa~esv111e. 'on the Wayne!!vine and Lytle toad on-
O~L ;
Zain Annitag~·
; SATtJRDAY. AP~JL ,22. 1939 AT 1 P. M. SHARP . mPLEMENTS ' Phone, Wayn!!svl1~ ' .4 R 11 :I fa1'Il1-wagons, 2 corn planters. 2 PhoDe "73·K~ single dIscS, double dIsC', alfa.lfa Lebilnonofflele , ' drill'' ··Il.. eat drill wh~t bl d Morrow PlIone No. 3 wn ,n er, corn ree.98·M. binder,:I . sUlky . ."reaklng p'lows waIk- • • • • • •_ . _..._ . . . . . Ing. plow, ,corn plow, mowing mach:.. Ine. har rake, hay ie'dder. hay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!~~ ,~ers, :I tobacco 6I!tters, tobae<;o, press 4000 tobacC? sticks, tobacco Ilpra~er, to~aoc9 plow~, do~l«: shovel 'Plow, j.ron roller, elder p~88, 2-30 gallo~ REA~ EsT~T~ , ,s teamers,:I ~ge bal1'!'1 water tanke \ro,n ke;~~s, S;CBldlng ~~, barr~. I~ ~al!OJJ: ·wheelS; force pump, 100 ft. iron. pl~, ~t of egg ~, lot of"wbelTy.r~ crateS, wJnamnl, "4QO b~~, rQPe,., ~UIteys, .~~ea, anvil. 19t . small tools, · lot ot old Iron, etc. '
DI'OI&8DAY. APRIL It, 1119
J-=?=C=ou=n= ty=C= ou~ f rt~N~ew~s~~ In The.WEEKeS NE"\\tS . ~.
COMMON PL~A PROCEEDINGS The Loveland ·Mutual Building' and Loan Co. vs-. Adn E. Heitman. et al.; defendant to pay f938-91 within three days· or r eal estate fo.rcclosure and premises wlll be sold J, A. Kilpatrick vs. the Kllpat.. rick-French Motorcar Co·: receiver .dlscharged from further UabUity. PROBATE COURT . In the matter of the 11'111 of Mary . B., HalIte" I deceased; Charl'e.s ' T. Smart nppolnted administrator; Ralph Brooks, E. B. Dakln and J. W. Bnell appointed approJsera. t In the ma tter of the guardianship of Lewis Atkinson; first and final nccount.
H!'ward Ct\ehoweth, deceased; lirst nnd final aCcount. In the matter of the · estate of Mlldr~d E. mllir, deceased; Aprll 19, 1939 time set for hoarlng oC In_ ventory. In the matter of the Ch.rles H. .~mpbell, deceased: schedule of debts ·opproved. In . the matter of the estate of Mary F. Adams, deceased ; Minnie Jackson appointed executrix; G . F . Brown, J. W. Goddard and Charles S. IrWin appointed ·appralsers. In the motter of the guardianship of Lewis Atkinson, an' incompetent person: Meryl B. Gray nppolnted guardian.. MARRIAGE LICENSES Andrew Baran: 42. Lebanon driver _ ._ _~_1'I""ti'te--matter of the estate oC Wealtha Chamberlain, deceased; certificate of transfer ordered. and Mrs. Beatrice camp, 35 Leba_ non, shoe factory employee. In the matter of the estate of Harry Elwood Workman, 21, Moses Bogan, deceased ; certificate Franklin laborer, and Annabelle Lee oC transfer ordered, Wolfe, 18, Franklin. In the matter of the estate of Veston Gentry, 31, Lovelli.nd ser· Florence H. Satterthwnlte, deceased, vip! .statl~ 'attendant. and Euhl Charles Satterthwaite, appolnted Phillips, 28, Foster, secretary. administrator; Robert Crew, Oakley Kenneth Ross, 24 •. Dayton , salesUnglesby and Ed Thomas appointed work and Mrs. Helen Hall, 19, Kings MUls. . ' . appralsera. In the matter of the estate of REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Albert Ward and Lillie M. Ward t o Mart in K. Kilburn , real estate Samuel H. SnIder to So.reh p . Bnlder. real estate In Warren county Calvin Bailey and Bertha Bailey to Flora D. Klemm, 64.14 acres to 'l'urtlecreek township. Henry Augusts Balon to Harry Fry and Sarah E. Fry, 172.15 aCl'~ In ·FrnnkUn township. NEW YORK - WhUe the New Harvey p. Green and Julia E York World'i Fair 1939 speeds to· ward its opening on April 3D, the Green, to Minnie L. Hawthorne', L t city Is prepar- n.umber 637 in Franklin. ing to receive . Berthn I . Middleton to George W. .15.000 , 000 Easter and EssIe Easter. real estate gues ts . The In Mason. F a I r will be Firman Sheets and Ed.1tb BheeLs the greatest to Robert Hue Adams and Marie party this town has ever Adams lots numbers It and 12 In thrown. , Springboro. Thousands of Charles Btephenson to Velma workmen, ar- Pointer. one acre In Warren county ,tists and techSarah B , Fred to Arch C. Wbar_ • L~!!2!!...!!!i!!!l.!!..!!!l!D:r...-~ n ic ian s are ton, lot number 30 In Lebanon. .....---------- " - . - --~ . .. - - - -- now engaged Jeannette . .Jam~ ~ M. W. Jlom i n flnishingOro"., A. Whalen Up the val t part of lot number 159 In Lebanon. spectacle and A. V, &HAPTER OBTAINS large crews lIJ'e at work on Man- CDOC.OLATE CHANGES FILM FOR EXBlBITION hattan Island, grooming hotels, OLD CAKES TO NEW A film that graphically shows the apartm!!nt houses, theatres, and Cake bakers caD achieve futJUty of war aDd proclaims to all public buildings for the date when Tbe. World of Tomorrow will steal new effects and at tbe l!IUDe time who seen ' it the llardships of mel\ Mrs. Frank Fo~: and dnughter, the show from the City Of Today. cater to the · taate ~lereopes of a who fight has been book.e d by the Verdena were dinner guests of Mr. "Goln, to the Pair" thiS year will majority of peoPle ,by lIubstttu~ Warren County Ohapter No. 59; and Mrs. ' J. S. FIler SUnday. mean two shows for the price CIf chocolate fQr some 'of the fat and Disabled Veterans of the World The funeral services of Mrs. Jane one 80 far as the out-at-town visl\. nour in any ~ foUndatlri cake re_ Waar, for May 2 at the Lebanon, Hayslip of Bpring Valley were held tor il concerned. New Yorll's clpe, according to Alma Garito. .town hall. . from , the Ferry church Monday at_ Broadway, lUDusement cen~t of trlttol,l,' Ohio state ' 11n1The ,play Is highly j!ducatlonal ternoon. This remarkable old' lady, tl\e na~on, wi.1l not 'rival, but will . . and carries the aU\flence through a who was 78, was title mother of 10 .supplement entertainments at the venit)'. One ounce or square of cl1ocolate series of views that bold the inter- children nnd left 45 grandchildren Fair. Extending ~ a broad arc beyond Is the equivalent, of aj)Qut one table_ 'cSt from the time the first flicker and 16 great grandchildren, and one the New York State Marine Am· spoon of fat e nd one tablespoon of appears until th final piCtures dis... slIIter, Mrs. Mary :Abbott of Indlnnphitheatre and 'along the eastern fiour.·Melt the chocolate over warm sappear. . .polls. . ahore of Pountain Lake is the 280· -not bolllng- water, and add Just A power.ful appeal for peace and Rev. Beth AdamSOn o( Lebanon Ainusement lirea wl).ere gaiety before the egg whites are folded in. the peaCefUl .JIIQtt,.lente~t qf. Inter· Church of Ohrlst, who filled the will rUle. to the ·b atter.-8ometlmes one_third natl~nal questions, the fUm, The Perry pulpit Bunda)' and 11'111 pre.a ch Miiucin DoDar Show At the amphlthelltre. Billy Rose, cup of cocoa ' and ODe-half table- Unlmown Soldier Speaks, cOntains again next. Sunday at Ferry, was 0. Broadw!lY'1 master showman, wUl spoon of shortening are substttuted material that h,as heretofore been guest .1t the J. S. lP'Uer borne Suopresent Eleanor Hohn in hil $1,. tor one oUDce of cl1ocolate. . unavailable to the public, such ·as day. ~;OOO extravaganza in which 300 Por' Q. devil'!! food, first substitute censo~ views of the World War 16 members of the Ferry Church , dancing and' /lwimming girls will 80 . ur .milk for sweet; d!P .for cup, for many years reposing l,n ·the War atLended a meetillig at Lebanon take, pBrl'A c\u'tain of water will leave~ng \J8!:! the soli... 'and bait. Department lrecords and more re- Sunday evening. 'shield the stage from the audience cent views of the war in Ohlna and ' Roy Hess, Robert . and Wayne , tietween the acts. The theatre will Ing poWder form\11&. That Is, Meredlt~, Robert Huston and Goo. measure of soda eqlJals four meas_ in civil war ' In Bpah.. · seat 10,000 persona. ' of baking powder.~ U the mUk Boake Carter, ~dlo news com_ . S tlles motored to Cincinnati Sunday urea Rides and' tlI.iilIers take up orie sec:Uon Jof the Amusement Area; Is Just turning BOu( add ,one_ fourtb men ta tor, ~nd peace crusader, ex- afternoon. There they tQok a plane I games of everY kind anoth,e r, while teaspoon of soda. and omit one tea~ plaInS the pictures. Throughout It Is and went sight seeJng over the stlll another section w111 hold ex.of baldng powder. If .the milk a powerfUl drama, and 'll picture rJooded district In it.hat city. otic ,villageS. . , . . IS veJl: sour, use pne·half .teaaPOOn- that everybodY, young or old' should Mr. ana~. Rolla Bolton went In ·the ,Caban village, covering the honest ae.. to ColumbUs Wednesday to visit three'ac!res/ the atmosphere of·Ha- of bilking powder, Ii the milk Is seen.' Many yana', .cafes will be :recap\ured: very sour, use. one.l1alt teaspoon of count of wal'll is withheld from the their son, Dr. John Paul Solton and . public but ' this rum portrays the hili family. Here the rhumba and danwn ",ill soda, to neutralize Its &cldlty be danced to native orchestras and omit two teaspoOns ot baking. pow- truth In the the most convincing The Lawrence Tbomases were In arfoZ con pallo will be on the der. manner, and In a way ,t hat all .can Lebahon on business Tuemay afmenu. . .: ' ' understand. ~ ., ternoon. In Me,rrJeEngland visitors will It is/ highly approprtate that men Herbert · Meredith ts constructing ,. watch Elizabethan ,$mell on the who suffered in the last war ~vil1age it~ eat ample slices: of a new fence along llis property talte tl;\I; lead in bringing to the facing the Comell road. roast bee.f and wal,k the s~ts of· 'people of thI.s country a true picture Old London. , of the lasting injustice and disaster Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hess called on ,9ld New YC?~~ will ,be another that war brlngs even to. a vlctorioUll Miss Ma~tI~ Hess at Spring VaHey
New York City Brushes Up for Fair "of .Century
State Capital News
The theory of borrowln"l'.or sPC~d_ Ing In o.n effort to relieve Indebted. ness was rather forolbly explodod r ecently when an Inves (gatlon of the Investment records of The Stale Sinking Fund Commission revealed that the amount of Interest received on a bond nO.t-yct-rtue nlren(ly -ex,ceeds t he (lice o( the bond . In 1920 the Commission purchnSed n $150.· 000 six per cent bond i~st\cd by n southern Ohio city fOl' the purpose o( erecting a high school buildin g. When the bond becomes due In 1940 the Commission will have reaohed $180000 as In te rest while the city which Issued the bond will still owe DESPERADO 8UlUlENDEIIS the original $150.000 ca rried on the TQ P8lE8T-Ana..t with mao fnce of the bond. clllDe 9I&U. plalola cmd lear At l he end of 1038 t here were 257 ,_ 'ilea. Hew York Clly polle. 000 Ohio famili es dependent on tailed Ia their eHorta 10 WPA . 86 .000 on general relief. At tore. dM...rado John Naumo the end of 1937. the case to tal COl' whom tbeF had comereel In the two wcre about equal- BO,OOO on aa ClPQrllDenl bOllN. 10 aur· .--. n..y caD..t lD FaIb.r WPA , 8B.000 on general relief. As n 18.....,1& X: QuIlUl. wbo lIDaUy l'bonc 3a refuta tion to the campnlgn chnrge I Wayn ville. 0 .. penuacledHaumo 10 .,1. . up. that the 1938 list was' built up" b ('- =~~~-=-=-: -===~ I cause of the gene;'al e!ectlon held I that year officials claim that with I out this WPA Incrense. direct r elief demands would ha ve swa mped local a nd stnte treAsuries, which ns It was Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Howner of had to provide 22 per cent mo re re_ LellRllon called 011 Mr. Lue Murl'll¥ lief money in 1938 than in 1937. SUlldoy afternoon . T h e United States. with only 1Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burgess and 17th of the world 's p'lplllalion, now children of Dayton spent Sunday holds 57 per cent of nil the worl d's with Mr. and Mrs. Lue Morgan . monetary gold. Right now, tillre is Mrs . Frank Dakin spent Sunday enough of It hero so tha t every m an with Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Marlatt. woman nnd chlltl in lhe United Mr. and MrR. Ellsworth Gibson S lates could have $lUi.50 worth .of and daughter Phyllis of CentervUle it· If a ll the rest of the world's gold Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rogers, Mrs. was dlstr lb~ted evenly among nil the Emma Glboo n ef Bellbrook called rest of t he peopl e of the world. each on Mr , Hiley Gibson and famUy one o( t hose persons would havc Su nday afternoon. only $5.42 worth Gold has b~en now Mr. and Mrs. Allred Morgan and In ~ Into the United S tnLrs recently dn ugh tcl·. Mr. a nd Mrs. ArUlur at the r ate of $30.000.000 n dny. The European War crisis evidently send ~ Monlan spen t ~aturday af ternoon In Xenia . the gold over here ~s t hey rCGllJ'd . Mr. Max Barnard of Spring ValUncle Same as a saCe, custodian. Twenty·three per cent of all t,'aL ley CD lied on MI'. and Mrs. Emerson flc accidents on rural hlghw1l.ys last Dill Sunday aCternoon. year were pedestrians. Of that total The spring Inspection of colonies of 132 pedestrlnns killed, tbe State of bees should disclose at Icast Ulree Highway Department reports that more than 40 p'er cent were walking solid (rnmes of honey In ' the hive. nlong the highway and two_th irds or Adeqtjnte stores 01 ' honey and pol· this number were walking with their len are ,essential for rapid colony development, which can proceed 0.1_ bac;Jts to approa.chlng trame. COMMUNITY AUCTION tilOUgh fli ght activities a re reduced T~e AAA has nnnoullced that by inclement weaLher . . only those farmers co-operating in DIXIE AUCTION COMPANY the 1939 conservation program will MI.AMliBURG, 0"10 . be eligible for government benefit phone number and location of the payments o!ind commodity loans. various ' ~iate - ~ ~Q!l:l _ Tbe SALE EVERY TUESDAy May i Is t.he final dnte for regl.'Itra_ maps mllY be obtafflecl at the trafLet us BeD year stock, merchan- tlon. fio bureau oC the State Hlghwal:' dise, ho..ebold roods, etc. Even'. . Bevernl chBllge.~ In .the numbering Depnrtment. one Invited, your business '" appre· of state highways are disclosed II) 1U1orney General Thomas J . Her_ clMed. the 1939 state highway maps which bert hM r endered nn opinion which nre now lI vallable for distribution t.o ho1ds that the State Highwny Dl· CALL-PRONE 5351&2 the general public. The maps show rector IR not compelled to acquiesce MIAMniBURG,OIlIO Arthur SOrrell, owner. Tel. 535R2 16.300 miles of qhlo hi hwnys and In the late 1038 purchase of $300_ gives 8 brief digest of regulations, ·000 worth of materials and 'equlp_ F. T. Martin. AueUeneer together with illustrations of var· ment which t h state Director deTel. CenlervlUe 78J lous types oC warning ,signs used In scribes as "unnecessary li nd unwant203 Cuter Bid,. Dayton, 0., AD36G1 making the highways and the telc· ed."
Fairley Hardware Store
Mt. Holly
_ _ ...:D :.:": vit
to . the van·
Vacuum looat•• Suppll•• 10" of th. Shlhln, Mort
Drlv. tit. c.- wltlt
~undny. Mr. Bam .
Th'e PerrY, J. ~om'8ses and Ver_ non Fordyce called on . the . Starke famDr near mdg~ville Bunday afternoon. I Rev-. SmUll wn\ lconduct revival Drive the ,"der ..• drive It In traffic ... and convince youreelf that Chevrolet Qut-ocCIIlerQte. an other low-priced ca~s-baa' nonel .' serviceS at the Lebanon. Church of Ohrlst> :t.p·rll, 23, ~e . )las mnde three Drl'l4! the ~. , . drive It on t~e hms • • • and aet concl"IIIYe proof addl~ so, (ar. ,~ . J . tbat Chevrolet out-cllm", all other cars In Itt p~lce ranae! ' No one' who ha6 81ttended a Ber_ l)rlve the leader ' • • .' drive It on the curves, on t~e .h-alll~t-away, on ean class mooting nt the Perry rouAh roa_ . ', ' and I8tlafy youreet' that here la the smoothest, steadiest, cbUrch CIIn doubt \ the ' sincerity of ,,'Ht-rldJnll car' you can poMlbly buy at or near CheYl'ole~s .low prlceel ~ . There's a new ,C!1evrolet ~ltinll' .oi- you at ,. your Deanet Chevrolet :. the t~ 'Wbb gO' l;tiere to church deaJer' •• · .see hlm- todayl A hearty" welcome 'aiven !!very one and ~ .fell~W~ abides there. ~III 'c~' met aM'le' chUrch basement ' last Th~,. ~ A flDe pro_ ·sram - ~d • 'lundl ;pr sandwiches, devtJecs egp ' ~n4 ',moat deUc10us coIlee .... enSoFec\ b:r all . . At a reeent ~ the ~ ~ cl1urch j~ ree,rgam.ct &belt ala IOCltty ' e!ected ·Ute f~ ~ BarrSett.e '1'I1DaIu. jlrllk!tIlt; Mary tJr'1I!beIL . . ' . lin. AlIce (
Jlra, :IteMI
,It. "" ,wltlt
!'='QC=,lll=HA::PP=EN=ING=S~=C=h_u:Z:r=Ch=e=s:::,:J=B: :~ =:~nO=: ;: ~; ;la:;B:NE; :rtFrI c~:~ ~O~f~fi~ci~al~R===Qu~t:::es=t?=o~T::b::::~:::.N:;e=w='~Y;:or::;k~W;;;:o='r~~d';:s~F~air.:=.:=.=' =11'> L
by the slnce
Mrs. Gilbert Frye WIIS hostess to ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL a group 'ot friends at a thimble OHURCH
party, Thursday' afternoon. Tbe Bey. R. L. n.elnnll, Minister afternoon was spent In 'sewlng iil- SECOND SUNDAY AFTER ter 'wilich refreshments were served .EASTER '1 : 15 ' a. m. Hol~ ComnlUnion. by the hostess· The guests were, TIle Rev. David Thornberry of M.lss Flossie nres, Mt<:. Lewls FIres 1141'8. Harold Shutts, Mfs. Hartley Christ Ohurch, Dayton, wUl ' offL clate. Moss and Mrll. Oo~ Rich. 10 a. m. Church school After I' very pleasant 'visit at tile 11 a.\ m. Morning Prayer home of H. ~ W~U1amso n a nd fam· At thls- servi.ce members or t he IIy. Mrs. 'Eva 'Long Hammond left , Wednesd,ay for, 'a ' short visit to a Girls' Friendly group will be given coUSin ' In J amestown Ohio. From their pins 'and formally admitted. there she will go to. '601wnbus and TUBSDAY Detroit to spend some time with her 2 p. m. Nursery Church school. sons. Olarence and Herbert Long, FRIDAY 4 p, m· Junior high bays r peotlvely, th ~ return to her '1:30 p. m. Girls Friendly group. home In Oakland, Caut. C. I . Sat. Thursday evening Mrs. terthwalte nnd Mrs. Vern Simllson WAYNESVILLE 1\1. E. CnURCn entertained at the home of the Sunday April 23, 1939 9:30 Suncl n~ s,chool. R. D. Oollett, (ormer, TWo tables of 500 were 1n Supt. progress dUring t he evening. honors 10 :40 Morning worship. Mr. Mor· going to , Mrs. LouJs Thompson. Re freshmenU! served by thl! hostesses rell of the Chlldrens home will See announ.cement else. .brough t a delightful evening to tl speak. where . . cl~. 6:00 Epworth League. Miss Yvonne stubbs was pleas. '1:30 Eve1;l1ng service. antly surprlse~, Saturday afternoon WEDNESDAY when a group of her friends gather3 :45 Juruor choir ed at her home to honor her ninth 8:00 Oholr practloe blrtbdBN. After the unwrapping of Sunday April 30 will be Boy Scout gifts, refreshments were enjoyed by Day at the church. the girls. The guests were J;'byllls 'Burnett, :Qetty Thomas, Phyllis FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Bailey, Peggy Ann 'Chapman, ,Patsy In' the absence of Brother Smith, Balr4. Norma Longacre, Dale Linn. Brother Seth Adamson of Lebanon and Yvonne Tltlney. filled the pulpit last Sunday. Bra; ther Adamson wlll he here again tbls 'Sunday. Service starting a t 9 :30
a. m.
There will . be preaching and a baptlSlllal service Tuesday evening at 7:45, The condidates for bap. tlsm from the Lebanon revival wlll be baptized. ~Isslonary meeting at Mrs. Coy GUllams Wednesday 2 :00 p. m.
WaynesVille SChool
Its orgaillzation wUl be given
Friday night . AprU 28 a 8:00 III tho school audlWrlum. In connection with the concert a demonstration at work by members ,o f the phYsical education ' classes will bo given tulder the diro ~ t1on or Miss Man. Beach. M \er the concert dancing can bo enjoyed as music will be furnished by a very good orchestra. ~, refreshments wUl be served by par· ents of the b and members. A fine evening's entertalnmen t can hn~ by yotulg and old. The proceeds or the concert will go for the benent of the band.
BELLBROOK Mr. Woodrow Miller was ta,ken to the LouJs v1l1e Ky. hospital for an operation last week. James Turner and O. E. Hodson a t tended the Presbyterian Presby· tery at Eaton, Oblo. . Mr. 'and Mni. Wayne Peterson en. tertaIned their card club Thursda.y evening. Miss O1ara Winter. who had her summer residence In Bellbrook tor the last forty years died ' jast TIlurs· day and was burled In Woodland cemetery. Dayton Saturday. The Village council has installed a new traffic IIgbt at the Intersection at. State Route '126 and Way. nesvllIe road. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoyle moved Into the Dr. Bboemaker property this week. Mrs. Grace Oass of Vandalia, Ohio was called to tbe 1"\ome or her mother, Mrs. Allen Davis on ac· count of her sickness. The Junior class of Bellbrook high scboo) attended court at Xenia this week. Mrs. Emma Hurley who resides south of Bellbrook has been con· fined .t o her bed for the last week on account· of sickness. Is reported better. Mrs. Oatherlne Spitler ,who under went a serious oPf:J'ation at McCellan hospital, Xenia, Is reported
~"YNESVILLE CHURCH OF ' OHRIST . Sunday morning service begln_ NEW YORK- Approved recently by Mayor F. H. La Gur..rdla ot' has been developed. Intorma tion booths will be 'fotuld at bridge and nll)g at 9 :30' N;w York Cit'~ and Grover A. Whalen, President of the New York tunnel app~bachc::s to New York. A,ccording to Mr. Whalen. o11t-ofSunday evening Service begInning World's ~air this map is designed to be of especial use to thos~ motor- to'Y!.l moto ns~,s WIll .b e able to thread their wa, through the cIty to th~ at '1':00 wlth Ohrlstlan Endeavor, Ing to the exbosition. A comprehensive system of bandUng Falr 'traffic Fall grounds as they now go from home down toMainSt.-eet. and preaching by Brothe~ Setb Ad· better. Mrs. Minnie ,Penewit has been .,. ...- - '- - -- a~n at '1:30 pl. . Prayer meetl1i'g Wednesday '1 :30 nursing at the Hutley bome for the FABM.ER8 OLUB MET SPECIAl.. PROGRAM AT last -.yeek. p. m. WITH MRS. DEA'RDOFF METHODIST OHUROH Mr. and Mrs. Be~gton entertained Mr. and Mrs. Rho~er and The home .01 Mrs. Luella· Dear. Ohildren from the Worthington son of Hamllton, Ohio over the doff. In Lebanon, was the scene at Ohildren'slI9IDe will be present and week end. the gathering of the 'Wayne Town- sing at the Wa~nesvUle Methodist Ml&s Nancy TOdd of IndianapoUs ship Formets' club Thursday of last Ohurth next Sunday morning. L. and Mr. Ohalmers Todd of Middle. ANNUAL OONVENTION wee~ Nineteen, families and twelve, D. Morrell who Is In charge -',.. ~"-l~"-' town. ;~ned on· .frlpnds here Sun- SOUTHERN OHIO ,DIOCESE Invited' guests enjoyed a bounteoUs Home wlll be here to tell aliout rot' Qr burn. Tiiey,'re day. . , . \ dinner. ·work.: The Friendship Olub of tbe , tough, sPringy rail ~tecl-7-and Mr.. and MI;'s. A: Z~ Hartsock of The annual diocesan cOllventlon,1 In the afternoon Mr. Charles West church .will .00 s~ally Interested po~d fox: pound. are the KIngman vlsJted here Sunda.y and of the Protestant Episcopal Church soll-ln-law of, Mrs. Deardoff. addres.. because they bave for a num~r of strongest type of post ntade. their daughter; .Bara returned home of Southern OhJo, . helli at obri8t sed the gathering, West.· is Under· years supported . one 'ot the girls to driv~y tb attach wit them after a weeks visit with Church. Dayton . . came to a close Secretary of the Interior. and his wbo w1ll be present. This spe!i1al the wire. time and save tier , grandmother, Mrs. Lena Hart- Wednesday aftern,oon. All phases or· ~lk was an nformal discussion 'of service wllI be of Inter!!st to many sock. the church's work were discussed the affairs at ,.tb(~ nation's capJtal. and any wbo do not ha,ve a church money by building your. next Mfs. Marla Elbon was a Bunda~ during the convention, rePorts ·of Mrs. ~l Hackett read an Interest_ home are Invited ... fence on ALUMINUM dinner guest· at the Harne. officers given. o!f!cera for the com· I~ paper, "A ,BIography of ElIzaTOPS; Come in and see ~c;un Mr, F06ter . Heacock returned Ing year elected, th~ church budget beth Fry" which ' c:oncluded th~ .pro_ --'-test their strength-;-~dmire home MOnday after spending sev_ approved. IUld delegates to. the, pro· gram. The May meeting will ' be EDUCATIO~AL EXCURSION eral. weeks In Dayton. their rich; durable finish, ' vlnclal synOd elected. '.The f!pan_ .at the home of Miss .Pearl Riley 'lind TO WASql1'!GTON, D, C: . , Mrs, P. J,. Keiser and Mrs. Del clal "eport ot the national cburch Mr.s. Blanche MUler. Hogue, of Columbus, vlstted the was given -by Dr. 0 , W. Sheerin, of , The . edUcational . excursion" to Misses Alden anii ~ Browne New York. Morrison Walte of Oln. CCC CAMP WARREN "" Monday. Wa$h~n D. C., given by the B. clnnatl, was reelected. chB,ncellol' ot TO CLOSE ' J'tJNi!: 30 Miss Predo. Harvey 5pent ·T hurs.. the diocese. and O. railroad was enjoYed "y a crowd of students and local people day a~d Friday with her parents All .sessions were presided over by C.CO Oamp !ia,rren located two over the week end. l:he students a t Olarksvllie. Bishop Henry W. HObson, Sixty miles east bl Leba'non will be closed were Jean Hess Evelyn Johns Ada parishes were repre~nted at the before the end ?f June and the vet- Belle Frye, n:,ro~y Dnim~n~ conventlon. . erans will be ~llIferred to ,0aJ.Dp. Mndred Bergan, Audrey Crawford, Delegates f~om St. Marys Church Clinton. near WJlllDlngto~, it is of. Laura Miller, Opal .HenderBQn aDd were aev. R. :LlOYd' Hackwell. Mrs. flcislly anno~•. · ~ . .' Wilton .Hart.liock: <?th~~ who went' Lester Gordon, Mrs. Dal~ Snyder. SPEOIAL " ~ll!On, who has had w~re Kathryn Boger,; Mrs. 1i;nierso~ Capt. Lean and lI)'ed Henderson. Mrs. R. L. cbarge of this . calmp for the past Earnhart Mrs. Alvth Earnhart. Mrs . $7.50 Machlnele!18 Oil ' Wave $11.00 Hackwell, Mrs. ' C. It. Frazier, 'D ,nd several years, 'be given charge Rice s~pp; R. H. ·Hartsock: ~I b. " Don Hawke 'also attended. Lonr, lasllnl'; natural .looidnr Wave. of the Wilmington camp but be will Salisbury ElIiler Sheehan ' and continue to live In Lebanon. Hartley M~ nqt discolor white hair. Oamp W~n has been operatOO " for World war. veterans only. _ _ _ _-.:-_ CIlUllren's Machlneless Spec1a) $3.50 , , .
,I When You're Hungry at Th~
'can't Easy
Waynesville Farmers"
. Conklin's Beauty ·Shoppe. .
MASH i ... : : ...... $2.25 MY STARTER ........ $1.80 , , ·Tliis '. is a Manamar 'Mash ' and c.ont8cins 20 per This mash · contains 17, ~nt .protein. We invite 'p er: cent protein · and has . c~rilparispn w:itp, any oth- every element er mash at any price. P~st ·for producing ' str!)ng re~ults secured by 'la·r ge l\ealthy chicks. This: inash' feeders convince us th~t cannot be du'plicated elsethis is on'e of the ' best where · under $~.OO p,(lr, idi,rting mashes on the hwd .. ' We welcome coinmarket regardless of price ·parisons. , ~ • l 'NOTE; If 'you have your own corn ljlting, Jt In tor additional sa~ings, thru , our , liberal : ~~change plan: ,We. also li3ve a good stock of. httet, feed· era, otilel;" p,oult,..y sup,plies. : . _ •
~~f-::-'-,--'-'Aj~" JDe_ville farmer8~
MtJ.~ GAZE".
FOR RENT-lO acreS corn ground Oco. J . w'~terbouse, Waynesville , . . a 13 20;.2'1
FOR' BALE-I3\;loats for fll!,le, BIn~ , p~ttersOl'lj 4
burlf: on
inllea West of. Ba~CYII·
FOR BALE-Large aile PJorence .heatlng stove, A..1 condition: alb. son refrigerator. 100 1... capacllJ: 100 lb ICe box, prden . . . . AIIO
goat. W. I~~I~~~":'~~~--~-~::=::=~::.J1I frt!8h IfbCme mJlt 11U11
L~ ":"~ AID
The ,LadJes' Aid of M. E. Church wtUl meet a~ · the home ~. . Mrs. ~ Grove 9 n 'Wednesday a , 8Cboo1. municjpalltles. tDwnahlps ternOOn 'lIay 3. An iDlembera ve urg . aDd county funds were the prInc1pal ed to be present. reqhllenta of ~MOfi, the Pebru· ~ cUatrlbuJ;lon of real estate and • •• ••• pubJlc utllity taxes, made mst week. by Deputy Auditor Will J. Ranker . Warren county acbooJa, Including 'tbaile at Leba"non and Prankl11lo re- _ ..._.-.- ...._ - ceiveCl ,hi,'r5U S; ThlB: f~ Mrs; 8. D. Hebkle of Lebano n en.. cludea adYaDOlis amoUnting to $68,' tertaine d Mrs, R. H. ~ocIt and 817.48 iilade to the achool districts . 'Mrs. D. C. Rldge Prtday afternoon ~pe ri!c:elved tsl,660.M; In honer of her daughte r Mrs. 8tanmun1c1..UtJes" P5,625.81 ; county· ey Markey, of Ravenn a, 0.. Who funcla, tli7,776.89; the etate,- $257.2t; visited ber week. arpban BlU'lum 'fund. P,37MO ; conMrs Ira Brown of Frankli n enter_ eervanq d1atrlct, $791.79; Board of talned a group of her Waynesville Health, and bond and lnter_ frlends a.t .. luncheo n, ' Wednesda-y. ~t ruDd • ..,,918. The guests were lira. A, H. stubbB, ICbooI fund was apportio ned Kra RUllleD Mrs MolTla PUlt to IlI¥ricta .. foUQWII: eraon, Mr/I. A. 1:. "Stout. Mrs. L. A. ~"" Ball V~, S383.89; Clent.. MrS. RusaeU HolUday, and runa.1 ",l.a.1 t: Olearereek ruml, ~_ W_:.a..... __ ~ ";'lt~"8; Harlan.BUtlerVllle, n ....,r. U; . ~ton.~evll1e, 17,813 .''r;¥Is a MlUUw. Deathe rage of DayKin.. IIIl1 rural, tIi,98U6 ; Mason tOn vias ,veek end guest of R. H. 9IWaae. .,iOIIU .; MUlle rural, Po Hart.8ock and family. . 011.'18; Morrow VIlJaie. ",146.3 0; e . and Mrs. L. A .. GlU'llt VIsIted Mr otterbe tn Home rural, $9,86.09; . SoUth t ....non V1lJlaie, $1,t66.08; frtensls ,at Gratls, 8unday .
to .".
public sChool'a t Morrow will be dedt.. cated May 20 Howard P. AsB~ Preside nt' of 'the Morrow Board of Educatton has announ ced E. N. ' Dietrich , B~t.e Directo r df Educa-
_dl...D :: ::7_"
The Waynesv1lle Garden Club will Frankll n Towll!!hlp cltlzen.'! for re_ ' CO'fery of Illegal ,relief expendI tures hold the Ma.y meet1n'g at the home r-In a report made pu~lIc here today of Mrs. 'Jesse Mengle on Tuesday af_ )iIlCTION by B. I . Hill, State ~lIef Examin er ternoon May 2, All members are ,urg· ed to attend. ' HUI's report, covering relle! : : Ahoy" {Welcom e)., ... .... .. . . , Young _'IRed Clark- two gull- ministr ation 'n Warrell County ad_ from Uon, will spee.\t. ....... . .. , . .. Capt. Bob Preswn The ge,nlal but hot·tem '\"he dedlca-Uon program ' will be In ntan"pered January I, 1938. to December 1. . "'....;. Is In top form In thla • •_ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _... .'1' of Superin tendent W. W. ·m.nge, ......... charge "Echo" (Respon se) .. . .. ...... . 1938, aocu&ed Tip and Saroh Allen. . . . .. . , . , .. . . , . . . Tressler Hardin newato ry. Hattie Harvt1le, and Frank M. Sex.. le.ddltlon consists Of north and Aydelot te-'- "Pull "HL ho (Junior Toast ) .... ~ . ... Harves t"- A ton of having obtaine d $28 in 1110((61 a sOuth ,wing to the old school bulleL novel of life 0111 a farm. . .... . ...... 1st Mate Ray Miller wtf The storythof funds. • ._ ._ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _.. Ing. !l'he sooth wing contain s , the Lyddy MIller, 1'arm "Juniors Ahoy" (SenIor Toast) e and mo er Hllttlo Harville drew $1:l. Sexton 8Ymnaaium and auditor ium wb1le who is the lnaplrat ion of her family . . , . , ... . .. , .. .... . , ., Carol Lukens $8, and the Allens $8 whlle they Mr. lind Mrs. Cast visited ,the north wing Is for classrooms. As This is the s'.C>ry "Anchors AWlays" (Farewell ) . , Ie of rural llfe In were working and receiving "sulIlcL friencls In S,ablna. Sunday . soon as a classroom Is completed Am~ca 'at th ' turn of the .. , ... . , .. , . . . . . . Wilton Hartsoe!!: century . ent incomi6," Hill's report said. Mrs. Elmer Sheeha n spent IIl.'lL the pupils occupy the room; As8um Above. you read the diary of the Bottom ly- ':;Mortal Storm "- It Is AU the clients named In the re_ week 'a t Springboro with her said. _ daugh _ good sh1p "Junior " on the night of the outstaru U g and .unforg ettable port paid except sexton, Who was ter, Mrs. Ellis McClur e who was III FrIday. Tbe addlUon , which was made novela of 1938 . A 6J;ory that April 21 , t he occasion being shows aSlllgned to work by the Townsh ip with tonsUlItis. necessaJ:Y by the ~dlng of sev~ whlllt lite unddr the N_I the annua.l Junior-S enlor banquet . regime Is Tru.!tees at 30 cents an hour unlll outlying 8llhoo1 districts to the Mor_ really like: Seventy passengers. IncludIn g teach. .. I the sum was paid. according to the 'Have your mower row system, was made posalble ground by ma_ ers and pupils were welcomed on F1eJd- ."DocI!iOr Two_G una"- An- report .. chinery. Satisfactio n guarant eed. H . board by Capt. Bob througl tf a . Federal grant of ."",909 other acUon PI!~ked western Preston . Admlr· that Is M. Sil rwood, Way nesville. In July, 1938, and a $50,000 bond 14- sure to .be poP'l~ar. <Il l Carl Ferguso n . sponsor 01 the WORLD FAMOUS IrAlNTIl'fGS sue pa.ased by the. dlstri~t In 19341. "P1reboond" - An exCiting F . E. Thomas wru; a Cincinn ati vis.. Junior class, Wll.'l master of cere_ WILL BE DISPLAYED itor, Tuesday . monies during the entertal runent ~ , ~' tale w,lll sa~ the reader. cruise. BOY SCOUT SUNDAY Grey':'" "Knigh ts of the Range" During the first week In May, Miss COl"'a Thomll.'l and Art hur The passengers were Instruct ed to The Boy Scouts· is 1m organiz ation An' exciting 8C\yentqre-romanoe, and Waynesv11le clUzcns Will have an 0 .' Thomas cntertnl ned at dinner. Sun· fh:id their pluces at the table by loto promot e a high gI1ade of clttieD.. a mUst tor e ry Zane Grey fOln, portuni ty to see excellen t reprodu c_ day Mr. and Mrs. F . E. Thomas . Mr. cating the passpor t contain ing their ShiP. I~ ~ not a military o~ YOI,Ulg and old, ' I tlons of 48 world_famous paintings, and Mrs. Lowell Thomas, Mrs. Mad . pfcture. Later the life story of each Uon. It bas uhlform s, and drUla,. .... "Seve ;h Hour"- A. new ~o_ These pictures are loaned by t he Ison Earhart. Inez Thomas . BetLy 'oWlS vivIdly portray ed In pictures, se_ ute and ,slgnal practice , but it Is un dell ht Mfs. Hill's Dayton Art Institut e in COIUlec Ion Thomas more like forellt .... n ..ers than sold!:.. mance that Vi . Dena Dol'vls Robert Thomas lected and pasted .In the pasIlports g . ....... with III n educati on 01" ca ll ' II:' I :n readers. Jack and Tommy Earnha rt nd War_ by his or her shipma te. Even to the - - nual, *.1~08UO; Lebano n VUMr. and Mrs. JObn Kreitze r of era in its ,type. It teacbes boys to ~ sponsored by a nationa l com n meet emergencles, it giYe6 thelp l1qe, .PU21. I7, anc1, Prankl,in V1W· BPrtng Valler were menu the nautica l theme prevaile d ypler- "Next to My Heart" - A composed of directors of leadil I tee J'en Thomas . visitors at the ," art greater self relllanCe, aldlls in th,e ch!,rUllng and , dramati c sto~ -.e, 8,17,01&;02. 'Ibese flgurea do ~ home of Mr. and.,Mrs. R. H. Hut_ of gal\erles and educato rs of nationa l Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butterw orth with such Items as: world out of doors, apecJa.l b'alnlng KatlUe O'~ land of the inclUde 8Up}8 sent ~ ,overJa~inl CUa sock SUDd., . _ ' five men repute. These beautifully colored r eo were Sunday dinner guests of MI'. Shark Stenk- Candled Life Boats in.. various flelda of activity . It In her ~lte. Her family's erratic trIcts In ot.ber COIliltlel. ' ,', ," way product ions will be on display at the and Mrs. Gilbert Frye. tI Buttere d sea Weed . Warren OOuhty recelved the ~ Jobn Sear of OlnclnDa spent th~ teachee boys to be loyal, respectf ul of 1Ivb)g broug~t many problem s to s~hool house all Life week. Preserver Salad ~ II~ts .0 __ .._ . week end with his parents , Mr. and and rell81ous. To preSent to the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Conklin spenL ~e solution of Kathies ' tangled ~f_ I In addition for those who feel Hard Tack Whale ciu . Bprlnlb oro, tIi63.36; LPianllu n, tt, Mra. Wilbur Sears, Sunday with Mrs, Conklin 's brother people of Waynesville some of the falrB. Iceberg s Sand Bar they would enjoy the pictures more In-law and sister, Mr. ~ J1d Mrs. C. E. IIIIU7; Ilaaon, ..,720.715: South UIbDr. and lira.. ,A. E. Sat VlSlted put ac~VIUe.s: fut~~ ~, and 1.. Marqu and- "Wickford Point" Its 11 th\iy knew more 'e bout them' Ja va , there Smith of near Eaton. ~ f8in.n; LebanoD, t5,~.28; Mrs. 8tout'. parents , 'Mr. and' deals of the orpnim1\tlon the scouts romanc e focused on 111, mast unusual Mrs. will be an explana tory lecture by will be present in a body at the Bun.. herOine, sldliful satire and After this curious but temptln a Neal R k ks. of I11Inols, son of tho eorWtn, •.71;: ~orrow. '''~''''J' c. E, splendid Miss UIlJan sexauer of the Dayton of.,llay ton,.. Bunday. ' day and delicious meal. the passeng ers IlalDevW e, ".22, Lovelan d. 8181. momin g service la~ Ned of the and Me~ocL Myra Neal Ricks,. for_ CbaraC;ter1zatiorul, ml1,ke It a book of Art Institut e, Monday Mr. and Mn!. JJay Byrob Cooper afternoo n, mer adjourn ed to the main deck of the ' ist ChurcH . .~nta and lriends of wide apPeal. lit; 'Jilneya bura, '102.22; ~~ or Mteml Pla., are announci,ng residen ts of Waynes vllle. called ' the May I, at 2 o'olock, In the High PlaJn, " .10 aDd But.leryWe, • •n birth of ~ IOn Tuesday, the scouts are particul ar)' invited. on Mrs. Will Scanlan . SaLurd1lIY eve- ship. ,Here those who wlshed enjoyAprIl 1'1 School auditori um. Thl!re Is no aeL .• ' DIIl.ributloJll to toWDlbipa were: ed an Illv1gol'8.t lng game of shutne · Next Bunday, AprU 30, 1839, at ! ning. NON-F ICVTlO N miSSion fee and' there will be no co\_ Oleam' eet, board or It they preferre d, a qiliet Mrs. J . O. Cartwri ght of Clnchl' game Tate- "Ed1son;s Open Door"- lecUon This service Is as free ' of bridge or Chinese checkers. as In,r e nat!, spent Monday with her mother . The Here is the JDOSt persona l ltory . the ~ks from a publlc l1brery. dance haH was a ttractivelY dec.. Mrs. Hannllh Rogers. Mrs. orated In the senJor class colors, 1111· that has eYer been :w~tten llbout . The Inventio n of prlntiJIg of Oregon Ia dinner BUeSts brought The Rev. and Ml'8. R. L. Hackwell ... ---"". . and tb1s t'ooIt alao contain ver and violet. Dancing v.1a6 enjoyed s people \1~hlnctAl the opportu nity of reading Mrs. Edith Harris and Mr. tD,1 of Mr. and~. L. O. 8t., Jobn, sat Many Warren C9t1IltJ. pbyslc1 anl mucb flrsl:JraD , ct ~ . Uon about , nn'" enJoyin" - . v i "'_,,_ the ledo through out the remaind er of the eVe ' ...... are malting plana to' be in 1'0 • ....... uuuao>,~:;:;~~~. urcll¥ evenlnr . ' Edison' . lamp. 0 0 :, . ti*. guesta, WedWednel dav and 'l'buradla.y. , Kay 3'the $Y8te'when __ ;~_ .. Mnf! ' _..... tr ns-'>+- r 10 of !!l& eninr , to bring ~r~;;-rc!l'l!;:~""~~ • __ u ~ ~n".. . 'Mr. and Kn. Ralph Baatln p aJM1' tor, tbe~NIDe~.'l'bIn1 Annual ~ph"ep--: :'l;_ .W~'clangln . a .... ·t""be ............. ._ uni...: v ....... " ".. ' of bel.rtng gooCl mUSIc: r ~r."_ ~'" I. . te .:...._1 and l d n e _ ere g andnci w, the Inven~~. of multL M<ame T. Brown at the Little Inn . ' . 1!&ttm!Q DJjbt amner rues of the 8ta M.......... face of American life. PUBi.JC J'OatJI I 'ON , color process ,kl prinUlg has brouKht and Kri.· C. A\. at Lebanon. , It Is eitpected that approxl mately Of an Amer- tbese reprodu ctions of world fam_ Dr. L B. Hall at Columbus, who , 0AlIIC8 & B Mr. 'amlM n.IJ'a ,Brown '1IDd .lOn Is working In Montgomery . laan"The famous AIderica n jour_ : OUB painting s to every commu nity .were week eDd pests of H. H. WllL 1,liOO off the 6,200 member s of the . r • spent , a few hours ere, Wedne.sday. • & Times'.' l't!_ In the Uunited states. The orlginala Assi>clatlon w1ll attend this sciell- DalIat and autho'r"tof "OUr , .~~ ....... , - eId . . . . lIa:m8pn and 'falnll1. tific session, wbleh will , be held at veala the pagesn 0 t his)if In an Harry Turner of Mil1,ml, Fla., Is e , or mast of these pa,i ntlngs hang In ., 11 ... \ellaDoe to Mr. and MrI. lAwrence Coot, en:. the Hotel CoInJno dore Perry. vlslting his mother . Mr,9. J. H. Back· extreme ly readabl e book. A vlvld Londoo, Paris, Rome, or Ilome have cancer, of women one out, of terta1ned their IlOO cfub Wednes other day The annuaL Banque t, aponaor ed by picture of the AmerIc a of ,th~ past far oU place. We CIIIl all see good ett, and family. every D . Yet or the 8,306 deaths eve~'~~. . .The· Toledo Academ y of '¥ed1cin~, fifty years written W!th fJ'Olll cancer in Ohio In .. year, &0 ..... humor and reprodUctlona here next week. Mrs. Ida J . Lawson of COVington. charm. ' ' Toe final meeting ot the Yea}' lira. Ralph . Vance and lOO 'IWPh will be beld at the Commo . dore ~nt of wb1ch , ..".... '!OU\en. '. 76 Jr.ot Ky .. is visiting her daughte r, Mrs . Wayne , This wPm1ngt1on visited at . the Perry Ho~, Thursd ay evening, May Townsh ip Mother 's club , wID Jlarpole -- "Body Mende rs'Per cent coUld .-ve been saved by hOme of J O. Hawte, SunctaY. EIGHT H GRADE TESTS FRIDAY Leonard Tinney. On Sunday , Leo be a night Govern or John W', Bricker Will meeting held at-' the high surgeon deacribe a unusua l .. cases I "Mrs. O . A. Vincen t, La,wson of Hartfor d, Conn., Edward • • the prtnclpa l school aUditor ium Thur$d&Y, Me.y ", !rom his own experie nce In wlUch I The annual elghMl grade lot ~e. ClOIDJDaDder of th~ Doyle of CovingtOn, Ky., and Mr. at 8 o'clock 'Mr: and lira. Eli PurnIu and Mr. ' Among thoae expecte . d to human lives bung In the ilalance· conduct ed 1n WarraD county schools and Mrs. Joseph Tinney were guests Oblo Women '. ·Ph!ld AnJ1Y of the and Mrs. Ban7 aatterth waJte Warren county at the Toledo meet- His tales of the never« ldlng An enterba lning variety ,PrOgram "battle by the Stla..te Departm ent of Edu.. In the Leonard Tinney home. ~~ SocIety feJl>· 00Dtl0J Of talned . the "Booate t Class" oienter_ Is being arrange d Includln g,muslc bY the lDIr are the Offlcla1 delegat e· and 81- between ,~f~ and deatl} are 68 f~cin-•. cation wtU be beld Prtday aa.ncer. aaId In, ber talk at a Pr18nda Oburch , ,WeclneIIday ', eve. ,, Dr. N. A. BamUto . Miss Helen H\lwke was a Dayton the Rhythm ~nd, glrla sextet, and n, Prank- aUng ... fiction. . I Prances Elizabeth Johns, of visitor, forum . ,00 .. held at -were ' oM meDllMtrB ·pre.. lin and Dr. Prank L. H. Batache , . Rockwewll ·boys quartet. supt. L A. Garst Will Wednesday. and GraySo n- "Gar_ WaynesvUle, won first place last Prkmcfls OhUfth w'\lmlniton, TUes- ...... to,enjOy a I09d 8OClal., speak at ~he meeting. 'l:bere 'i'Qll be time aIKl Mason" the. officers of the local denibg Indoors Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Retalllc k, o( ." This I>ooQ points year with a score of 170, and MU. r8frejdUnent+ ref~hments for all at- the close Of Inedbl Dr. Edw. O. Lebano Morey. n out .were the many PosslbUlUes in indoor i dred Oliver Hurst, of Harveys Sunday gue.sts 'of Mr. ¥Jai Oibboo s. Of • burg uatha '0.___ anD aer81cI the program. AU pel,'SOns Interest ed preside nt, and Dr. ,J. H. gardeni ng and gives expUclt Iilform· was a \oWe, repftan ted the bin)' in close second with 169 and one and Mrs. Emll Brown. lOla D!W"7 BuR..... In the school, I1,nd the work of the . Arnold Lebanoit. and Dr ation. ln an IDterea tlnl way. ien COUDtJ at the I half Winner s In the schoola will be MOlTOW Mr . : ; :;:; -:Wm Mother s clUb are cordJill1y IDvited to "veneiu eJa''-': An ac- ' the 'GtIneral 'Denver Hotel next week. nIDI dilpler attend. me,n' of the 8ectlQll'On pUbUc Health count of the authOr' s tz:avels ' the forum: 11\ i The student , s wilt be awarded cer_ ' J. R • . i {..,' and PrevenUve Medicine. . Venezuela. wll.b lOme history. aoclal . tltlca.t es showing their ,place ' DI'., .. In the ' 'Mr: aDd V. Branat ntor ·, BAND f;OI\{CE&T . and poUtlcal ~ qf Health in OInClnba~ ~. i.. R 'Kra. and sketche s : More than 300 ~~nd Br&ddocII:, Mr. and will of Gomez and Bollva. She bas pro_ partlclp ate. 8cb:rIever, ~ ~ ~ ~ 01 Kra: I o. !J~ ,Jobn. ,Wa. R, D. COl:On Friday AprU 28,' the Waynes · , duced a travel ~t whlch '18 well _ _ One of 'tb! _ _ _ Medica l I Jett, and lit. and Mi'a. J. R. vllle school band under the dlrectte~ l above the average and produces an ! The seniors are busy with .were epeakeril at the d1hner the pro. of Mr. Frank present ed a. conc,er.t ·, stu ln8pection The lntrodu ctlon ,to those; wbo want to 4uctlon of their . fanun and play "Early to 8ponsored by ' th,e pare~ts ~ of · t¥ " Yaaon, Carllale , and Wayne L know, aboUl one of our nearerBed. Early to ruse to be present ed numerous 'bJ member s This was given for the pur " vIDe for an evemna netgbboni. a~. . - ' " May 12. ; . ~' f~ of W1n~~. ~ the WayneavtJ)e High pose of · ralslng money tor the band School iYm,~ ~, three _~ . _~.:. ~r week ~ auesta as ct. well W. as a\icijo to show the resultl! of we ,for the flrBt Warren .~r--' ..... X-A" I naU; COunty ' " ,! . • . I , • aDdno' ~~t1a~ ~~~ 'IIr,J~~ work that bas put forth In. the ~ Baod , ~Val. • ' A ' ~~~cJti . fthwi,,,1I 1 ....,bii.~1 Mr"and lira. '.l'bciiDAa O'Keefe past. The band will be .1n tinlform Uu1 Tbere Yi1;U .be PO ~peUtlOD as w--. I ~~ .. , --. .' -, ' . eacb ' baud 1rW -- , play .. abort concert each ~. tos; ~ ~ ,~3O f~ Of ~ ,were And .wben ali Ai. f~ed aeveral , IlL CIVIC CLUB MEETI NG , Is ~ :of, tile ~t ~U0D8 ~~IIt. abd , ~ RdIert leCuCIM 'WuI be plQed 'b7, 't.he com~. ~ ~~'" I . RiclWd WeI8brOdt of Jf~, en ......... , lit. ArnoJd The Waynesvll)~ Civic Club )I'm Dr. IJcibdmIr ,!'!"P1'M'-iI the fUll KJ~ "U' a week' end eueat 0( ' . . ,of the ·Wl~n", hold its next regular busines s meet.. ~ .... ~ . J&.dl~ . Hawke: ' • . " ";111 'lead thl8 feature ~ 'dd the 8tMe AIIO' , Ing on Wednesd1iy May 3,;at 7:30 .P. , . ' ", '., - 0 ' " _ . ~ In 'lIia 1O'f.. ~ 'D• . ~ . , m. in the Townsh ip Hall. . , ~ ) An admIsIl ~ oin prkIe . , ., IIr mel lira per ~ wp1 .~ cbArpd . ~... 'M 'ui~_A •...:......... dlrect.cln :of tile banda ~ .. DAVID ANDERsQ~ ''''1ES .' , ... ~, ~!"'-' : ~~e,.~Yfjul·" BaPmeJer AW,B& ' SIJOB.~ ILLNES S , 1 , lJJjriDltboi~'l,'belm& KciIIler, ~.. ica*; bI WUieno D, 'IDcl :w.:;n~UI~ , "
Local Happenmgs
Local 'Happenings
'I.•; ...... -
"moun t.owPs :
da, ~bt.Ka~
T . here
~ mee~
~~ ~ ~le-_ ~ Ni ~on ~.' ~.
8\1- .
aecretarr Bcsnnl Btalr ~~n, cha1r~ ~n-
Jj~t 8~te Mengl~ ~, rat~nded '~ moe~ ~ anawered, )I~, We,1~. Dlabt. qU~ ~ .r'tb.~I ~ Kr.~ ~ ~ ~ergaat
B'a nd Fest ival
cancer; .,.."
~ ,.
. ' '~I
IJ.!iul f.u~ 11 'IIK- teJl> ~y, . .....00 p. ' m. in the, WArnes-
lscbool aUd1to1'lum. , ,
'l'llWlDA'I', DIIIL . . . . .
atbt:JRiami ..... 111
WayneivUle, Ohio '
Twin Theatre
MaiD ~.t
~. S~Dd, O\~ M!lil Matter at POllto~fice, Waynesville" Oblo
Flora AI, Crane Editor·and Publisher ISSUED
April 27·28
Joan Crawford
8 :45 N'e ws from an Old Farm Paper-H. E. Eswme, Historian. .. . tral Ohio Counties 8 :55 On the Kitchen Sh elf-Miss Nellie Watt, A State Home Demonstration. 9 :05 Music ' 9 :15 Care of Garden Ro ses, Alex Laurie, Flol'icult Specialist, '" 9 :25 Community Coope ration for SOIl ConservatlOn -F. E, Charles, Soil Conservation Service, Dayton. 9:85 Music , ' . ·9 :40 Tips on Haymakin gEquipment-E. A. Silver, Agricultural Engineering De pt. . 9:50 Music ..... ~e
Things One Remembers
~,..:~~==~~~~:.~:~;:~:~:~~e ~~ 1st thls had been
UIIOCIa talUed at ~lf '''iOOO,ood tor _ .~OOO farm ·patronis.In'1m. 'nle bUIbWI " .. habdJec1 b, 10 local or county' orPnllAtIona and two . . . . on ~ Ohio llveatock marte...
In 0bI0 marketed
mile,.". tito at
l Ulld 0111, III
~pck·bouom prices. _ - _ : : :
GOODRICR 'COJl'llt '585* '6" ,. ._ _I~ 10 'Hi ...... _ _ 1'45* '815* '1u"·
Th. Goodrich Com· #laDder lJ dull dimC/l. ~OIldrcmadeohpedlll
. "weu·re.lIriD," rub,.,.. No 'WoDder ic',
:r':I.......... . ... "' .... . .. :==0••,..... eUlC'f ..a.1
' • • -.1 .....
was at
a h1rb level
10 atcnge atocU were reduced ll'tle. Any bnProvement In prIoea of prodbcta mUst come from decre&Ied
r ..... 1QqII.
e.. a,4 ••en , ~ til'. 1111 ·';1
l!J"!ductron alIIo
pooductlon on aUlllJDer
nan ~ ~
::-.~UI;"~.'i'~ . . ' ;"'~&;'b~~~f~":..~ "~:.:lk-:.~cS~dte.:A~m! !e! !r! ! jc~.: ,''b\ ~~l~U~tI~' 01""-
pUwn by
to the II.... Guette.
. \
Sm~th Service !itation, Waynesville, Ohio ALL
Be~ch Grove
'llhe tenth annual meeting of tile AU Ohio Safety congress peld jn Mrs. George LlIebert and daugn, COlumbU6 April 18, 19 and 20 pre..: ters. Miss Jun'e I.I.ebert and Mrs.
sented such an e""'"-rate and in· ....t.rv structlve progr~ as to attract 08tional pubUc1ty and the attendance of hundreds of Industrialists and shop executives from other state!,:
.F erry Mrs.
Lester Kenrick 11
Cath In .... er e Oa ..... and uttle (laughter, very nicely trom bel severe Ellen, Junior Lll!bert and friend Rev. Smith went to of Chicago, are fWests for several days of Miss HarIDab brothers, •.
._ ....
. -'~;;R.O.'. !.jf;:..........iiiIi:~Il*'IIW''U!1liMa.-.ii.,lIItrrf.t~_.~
329 glene Dlylslon of state trial Oommla81on, there were '72,1'18
PAtll'ge Mrs. J . R. Hlteman and Edgar and Orner; attt:h.Jed the. P. T. A: at lBprveysburg, nesday e"enlng. Mrs. Jqseph Cline &rid chlldren, were vlsltor In l,.e~on, Saturday. The friends of 61enn Davis are pleased to learn that he Is ~me better at this tlnll!. He bas t>een a patient in the DllatUBb hospital In Dayton for the Plast week. All are
few..- accident claims rued with the comm1s.s1on In 1938 than there were In 193'1 and there were 48 fewe.r fataUtfes and 66'1 fewer permlanent dISability cases. The effectiveness ' 01 the organlzed group effort was dem.. omtrated by the records produced Which show that the acciden't rate has been reduced from 28.8 to 25,9 hoping for his permanen.t recovery
, News of the death of a former rea.. jdent of this Viclnlty. · John ' W. 'l'holru>son, was received by. his friends here Sunday. 'He Paased away at tbelr home in Olnclruiatf early Saturday mo~g, April 22 ,after an of , some duration. Survivors are his Wile, Cora " A Thompson, two daughters, M~ Opa'i at home, Mrl!. Albert Herres of Dayton, five granddaughters IBnd the son_lti.Jaw lei!'; Herres: One alB ter Mrs: Maggi~ HolfcroSs ot' Colum• .'bus Is the only llvllng member of., ' the Thompson family. ' ~,- . ; FunCfQl services took place 'at the Watkin's funeral Home in ~n 'r4esday afternooI)1lat two o'flook; A Mlnlster of tbe Io'lllends Church In Cincinnati ofIlciated at the 54!fv1ces Interment was ' n\ade In the ~ Hlll cemetery. ' .' .
.. --,.... . .... . .....
manufactered ~. throuah .J~uary, 1111. appuenUy w.. the hllheat for IIIl7 pertoa ot ldmUar 1!ll8th on recGJ'd. , ~weyer"
lew Gooddell ;(..... '4. whll lADY
Wet wheD YOU Caft lee " thi. Dew big, bu~,
- .
IroucS 01 11 cb.
I,', faba to tldeOlllliJn". wom.oue
per cent.
.James stewart
truetlon" and paving of ,mobile: they w.e nt 111 cIi!I),s Without ' Ohio's 5eC9Udary highway system a traffIC death. wUl soon be under way and the ' State Highway Director' bas an· 'The numb\!r o~ Immlgrants enter- nounced tb6t It Is planned to com_ ma the United States In 'the last plete the program within 8 months. four years was as follows- 1931)- Over '16.000.000 will be spent In an 34,1156; 1996-36,~9 : 1937-50.244; ,eflort to ."take 'rural Ohio out of t:h~ 1938--:61,895: mud."
, ...aolll.... If.. • . ..... • aAn •••,~•
Pursuant to instructions Issued by Secretary of State Eatl Or11fith, there has been I\. marked tightening up in the. Adm1n1stra.t1on of tnt}Ohio election laws. Some recent re.. sults of these efforts to protect the ballot have beenConviction and fIl. sentence of six p10nths In jail together with a fine of $200 of a precl~ct judge in Butler county on a charge of ballot tamper· ing and changing the result of a school bond election. Indlotment of two prominent offlclals In Cuyahoga county when It was d1scovered that inore votes had .been ta.ll1ed than there were votes cast at a speolal election held on March 22nd,
.T mNOS ONE REMEMBERS By R . M. Hofer EdItor Kellogg, President of ~e CalUornia Newspaper PUblishers, gave a tlmely warning recently when ·he said that the newspaper IS the bulwark between democracy ~nd dictatorship, tb1lt freedom ·of the ~ IS a safeguard not tor the newspaper, ,b ut tor the pubUc. Rabble-rousers lo\(,e to .polnt to large eiu-nt.ngs and leave the 1m. , presaion that thelr 'possesssion Is liIImlfUl and detrimental to public welfare. They never mention that Federal 1Dcome taxes alone ta~e For the first time since the Ohio ~ halt Of Incomes running from a Indusb1a~ Commlsslon was organ.. llWe over and up, or that !zed, the claims docket of pending after states have had their "pick· oases In Cuyahoga county has been iDp," the lpd1vidua.l.has but a mIn_ cleared up to date. Attorney oenu· or Interest left. No, they never say al Thomas J. Herbert's ' report for that ~ent Is the greatest fl· the first three months of his adm.ln.. DaDclal ~j:lary from large earn.. 1stration shows that when be took lD8II Of private endeavor and enter· office there were 959 cases pending In the courts and iha.t as of April
. ,~
' lJonel Barn'IDore
April 30 ,...,.
8 :00 Music
8 :05 Spring 4-H Club Planning-Members from ~en-
April. I
"YQUNG ·DR. ~II.;DAIIJ~~I .. Cartooa--"Boat Buildenl l
Farm 'Night Talks, 'May 1
CartoOa-Mama'_ New Hat
Lew AYrea
.~~~¥-1~~L,-C~~nJ1~~-:: OWD_Im...a
Subacription Price,
-: '".. , F. 'r~ .MadI,n
~~rJflRlGAft 80Y,. ·
COIlIldel- It more .. a llvlns . \:COI@YlUllon, than aa a mepa1ne. ' "It'. . . much a bud~ to me .. neJabborhoocl chum" writ_ one achool aenlor. ..~ BOY
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aeema to · UDtI.e I;Iltalld
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on e~iry ~ awtJt!ct"1n . JDter~.
faUna 'renow Is
It "1& pari)cularl1 helpful In made our 1Cb00l bull:ettIaU team
II~ca1,J!Ie' aI ~, tJJIIIQ AKBRIOAN '!i9Y
reaa in 1I' ~'"ta''!'''
Girl Scouu Get 'Birdseye' Of Spotless ,VI~ra.1ROfJern Plant NBW BUITI
~ JI. Jobnaon, Ooupty~
' 1,Jndaay;
AI; , baseball s centennial year swings Into Its second. week of play, the CIncinnati Reds are entering n of their schedule that calls fo~ fifteen games on tlie road oui; of .ihelr next seventeen battles. ' The Chicago Oubs, defending champions of the,:-:N:;a::t:;lo::;n::;n~ 1 . ':"..::==+---: will come to for single games Thursday and Friday. Tile Thursday game has been designated as the first ladles' day of the season This game will be dedicated to l h, memory of the late Mrs. Anna WuL kotte, a 10yaJ , Redler:: fan from Nor_ wood. ,Ohio. Mayor Amos Eylet', or NorWood, wilt ,be on hand to present the Reds with a plaque In Mrs· Wul, \lotte's memory. Ladlea' tickets go on sale fOllr With airlisb lDqulsltlveness, 'members of Girl 'Scout 'l'rooP No. U holdine.. weJ!~J meeUap 'ID days In advance oC each ladles day a ClaclnnaU ehurch, asked th.Lr Kout.leaders to A stamped, sel1.uddresseC\ envelope arranee an educational tour kDdw tIlelr com· should acocmpany each money or~ IIl'Wlity bettor. Valnc all means ~'f conveyance from autos &0 nIlroada the ' &-irls lira• ., a ilO·m1le der Cor tickets. which wll1 be sold at "ret lcq.,alntecl" .nur of Greate"~lnnatl. Lllte lhe old Tlmes-Star Bld g.. Sixth WaynC!lville. 0., Phone 32 hundredS 01 other ' chele, Inte 11' and school and Walnut streets. oups they 'YlsiWt the Dew ' f pl&»t ' of After their Crosley Field series r.le Coca.Cola BotUine Works JIIlAY, ooe of the Queen 'City'a sbow·places ,aJlt'lt","model, fllr tbe wl~h the Cub.~, the Reds will board a lnduatry. On a plant tour lrom ~ 'atea to stem" rattler for polnt.s East. making thcllr they sawall proce,ues and ope..atiOaa.oGDduc.ted first visit to Pittsburgh for 1\ series in • healthful, spotlessly clean ell'vironmeotl ca,u aiug ODe awed sCiut.,lrl to .. remu\(': "II II with the Pirates nnd then journey_ aJoways tbJs cleaD hereT·. Assured by the guide Ing onward to the seaboard cities in No one has successfully questioned that sucb _was the In...loInte wle, the· little m!sa Ford Frlck's circuit. They will piny the right and power oC housewives dtlClared: "It lure Is Dice and c1eaD oat bere," thirteen gnmes against live foes on . to clean their houses when and how . ollis tour. I.,J.J. Lhey please since Admiral Tromp The Reds are now able to pm ~'Lrolled tne seas with a <broom their full strength On the field. Billy tied to the mast s>f his nagship to Myers, who suffel'cd u :;li g ht con warn all and sundry t hat tile waves cusslon when hit by a throw on were to be swept as clean oC 'Dutch I Istr ~pcnlng Game day , has now taken enemies as the homes in his native ' The undersigned as Adm n a. his place in the IIne~up again , as land were of dirt. tor 9 t the estate ot John Shultz, de~ Any other authority needed to has Lonny Frey , second baseman ceased, will sell at pubUc 11 uctlon , who has been on the sidelines nurs. quiet grumbling husoonds m:a,y be at his late resldllJlce on the Way_ . . ClLAUNC& I •••OWN mg a bruised t~umb. 'obtained Crom the statement used nesvWe and Bellbrook pike, 2 mllea . . . . . . . . ~ , .. OM. DMtrkt by George Whitefield, religious reDorth of Waynesvllle anti __ 5 mtles _ •• Cormer and John Wesley. founder of Bellbrook 011- , The orJginal pllan of' the Admin cess In ~940 1IIIIIte met with eDthW!... of the' Methodist Episcopal Chure,h, . TUESDAY, MAY 9th, 1939 Istratlon ,to h'a,ve epngress complete 1aI!tlc respoDSe from the peat audl. who declared, "Cleanliness Is next to, . U ...... Mnlng ftt 10:00 o'clock a. m. ....."... u Its work and adjourn by June Uitli ence. That 1i81'mony prevaUa "Uhln godliness", The Inherent rights of sharp. the follow, It. Ing described chat- seema to have 101le the way of the RepubUcaa party, and that thl Mr. and Mrs . Harvey nUlrn"IL. women belllg ~hus es~buahed , It :1 property !-OM~ most gOOd Intentll[)M. It now ap. leaders thereof u:e confident of suc, only remains to decide upon , spent Thursday In Dayton. 3 pears that the «mgresslonal sea. cess In the comlrlg prGSldentlal cam. methods. Mrs. Tangle Heckathorn and fath.. One spI1Il aged mules; one exlua s10n WW 1aI!t until at least the mid· palgD, could not be questioned b~ BetLr. home agent In R,Ood mule, 8 years o~d·dle of JUly and PElrhaps eveR lo,ter. any who attended the enthusla.stlc. er, Mr. Fronk Smith of near Miamis Franklin county. got a recipe for 6 , WBI~ FACED CATTLE 6 Much will depend" of course. upon meeting, wh1ch mar~ed the actual burg wete Wednesday afternoon WlB-ll cleaner trom the Janitor of the , One cow. five yearUnga. whether or not t.hll expected war irl opening of the ' Republlcan cam. guests of Mrs. Ralph Johns and county bllilding who is confronted 8HEEP 33 Euiope breaka wltlhln the next few palgn to take con1lrol 01 the nation famtly. the ycar around with a coal.laden II· ewes; 14 lambs; one buck. weeks. UlIUIIlly the country Is In 1940. Another dinner of like na· A number from here at.tended the atmosphere Which sometlmes ~. BOG8 1:9 happy to see COngress adjourn; bat ture Is panned for late in May, al. 118le 'of Sam Henkle Saturday after_ comes so thick It can I>e returned to 6 lOWS witl'i ,1iO pigs , 4 wee~ old; under present oonll11Uons the &ltua. though the deflnl~ date has nol noon. the fu~ace for fuel. ~~e cleaner ,IS 01 I to be lIeversecl and most: yet been set. 1'1ot....'tR .wt. ~ut 12& Ibs. 1 sow to Uon made from one pound of good ~p Mr. and Mrs. Russel Oamp~U a d citizens are hopeful flakes dl'lSolved in a gallon of w.a.ter ., son Bob1!Y aitende8 the funeral oC wID remain In. IMPLEMENTS to which then Is added one·hal! Montgomery at Center•
derk. and " Mary III.
Newa Of The
- -' ,',t· of Wuren COUnty, va. oath· BE~ EST.dB ~hB8 , er1ne P. waarer, et al,; coJ1ectl9b of James B, Pl;)ra.Vthe- imcl Beaa1e del1DQuent .PoraYthe to Jam. V. ForIYtbe oal1 DkIcoct Y& Carneal P. DId- ftCI'ea .1D Clearcr~ tcnrIWilp. ~:' 'd1vorce tp:antecl: pI&lnWl re.. Llll1an - KaCNellari ~ Addle atored to zpalden name 01 0tJl Stark B1~ fA! 1Iltne8t Evena, real Booth. . ' :estate Ip tLebanclo, , ' 8IUD sbutb VI VUlale or LebanOn, Helen auJn ca~u to John addluOoal ttme 'srantecl for defend.. McIntosh an4 Mary McIntosh, 6.33 " aerea ID. HamIlton tmmablP. ant.. ' , . Benjamin V. Bmltb and Ida O. II. Rld8e VI. Plonmce C.1IMUDaa; leave to fJle aranted on au.. Bmltb to R8lpb Smith. .05 acre In awer ,end ~ petition. -; wa)BeIiV11ie. 'l11e PeOple'a Bu1l<llns. and tA:IaJi Speed RldcUe :and Ella RIddle to & UvlDp OampanJ. or.' Lebanon. Bertha Brande~g. 11.'1 acres ID u ' Beater Meou11U1D. aDd Chaa. J4c. PrankUD ~P•.' Earl ~mberl~n and Amy Kim· Cullum;' " Oon(b'matSon, deed and dLstributlOn 01 deed.''. • berla.1n to EBtel J. Wl'Igbt. Iota Nos. ChU'lea BoW~; Va. ~yrue Bowles 16 and 16' m ~ID. " Sarah Reed to Arthur Freeze. lots divorce.. gro&I nellilct; J . T. Rtley. ttomey NOI.l'1 and 18, Highland Puk. a The of Education. Ham. South Lebanon. Irene Berger ,to Barney 0 , Bmlth, llton.MemevWe. Vll1a8e of School DLstrtct ,va. IJzzIt ,L. HoPltms; to lots No., 6'7 and 5'7, Snldercrest, quiet .,tltle; MAple and M~ple at· Deerfield toWDIbJ.p. . tomey.. Brnest Evana, et al.. to H.len 8. DorOthy. It. Jllan~ vs. Oharles Hancock. 92.80 acres In Turtlecreek o. Blanton; cliv~, groaa neglect;, townsbJp. ; Meryl B. Ora1. attome,. Pie1der B.}larria, deceued.. 'to ' RAlpb Bruce VI. L~me Bruce, ~nce BarJiB. et al., )58 IBcr~1n dlvorce. nes1eet.;A!'thur Bry~ Wasbl~n toWnah!P. , ' ant. attorneJ. · . ' Plelder B" ~art18 to Daisy ~Is, Bclna Barrla· Olblon va. Herbert et al. ;lo~ Nos., 9, 10 and Ia. E Ob:m; dlVoroe. grOss ~le~t; BILLS ALLOWED . .. . ~ D. oauce, attorney . RuIae1 ,J;1COtt va. Francia Scott; Trustees of ~bUc j, M!, llght dlvorce. arc- neglect; O. Donald and I&s "t Memor1a:l nan, $!i.2'7; Trustees ' Of PUblic. Aftalrs, seWer Dilatuah. attorney. service, '12~; 0e0r8e' Kraser , chanI1bc band 'raU at Memor1al
Fairley Hardware Store
Public 'Sale
PaOMU OOtJaT In' the matter of the estate of Ball, $5.SO; Dr, Warren C. ~deo· J)acb, miedJCfti aen1eea, _00; Drs. Pl0reDC8 B. ~tterth'""te. cUceaa,. T>o . . . . . . _ S ... I .......... ed; beUtng set ror April 2'1, at 10:~ .............., _V em &: He .......... eId. medical sel'V1ce8 MO.oo· J)r 0 lr ' " -'00: .Laymon. medical• aerv1cea. Dr. Willard Hollman, medJcar,ierv_ '10.00; ~ L. Palmer. ex. penae- holdinl farmerain8utute at Uaaon, 123.'78; I;1&yton Stenc1l Worb Co" 1 Double11fe rubber atamp for auditor, 11.2'1; ment PUb, for
HOUfecieaning Approved By Sailor
With a Buckeve In Congre~s•.•,
),low; Ii hoe cUltivator; double • walk 60 tooth harrow' com bind.·r :' Sled; roller;' com "I~te.. with fertlllzer attachment; disc; corn binder; wJ,.t . .~Ier; Deer1Dg mo:wer; _!laY ralt , e;, • ; flat top wagon: box bed milml!rlilP grain drm: 101 chain; post , • ae!l'; post auget': 011 drUm; fence Blltet.che'r s Iron ketUe; platform gravel bed; Decedent's one IDterest In mUllire spreader. 1.SO Pont coupe In goOd condition Dewty painted. Ml8C~US Wagon Ja.cltl sytbe; dOuble and a.lIlIEU! " trees; bay kDlte; lard press; mowers; ' sPrayer; 'tlorse cllpbtooder stove: 5 galvanized ~l1dten COOp8i ~ter cream aepera.. curllatn atretcheftli aauaage .1DCI~;. cieam can; milk can; hil.y and fork: seed sower; set : ·2·\2 "ft hog troUg'6s; • 1UJi,e i~~I;~~~:~~~~~ t.rougbl; ~i!lner "A __ ' bridles ...... .-.. ' m~ysmalllP'~clea too 'nu. . . .~1.18, mention. , nED 1110 buBhela ~
, CIIJ~8
&0 Le&hom. hens. . • ,BOU8BRO,LD ' GOODS • vtJP,llI8I', clad ",Dp; !)lJPbOard. ~le i dlDlng table; t>~,; ~eatrola; oil .f.ove; dt,ftI~PC:IJ',t; ,tKIo'l ~ ~ stand; ' jJ ~ckers; atrallbt 'chall'II; ~ 9x12 rues 311_a~:l1lP: , ~~ ' electJ1c ';JQl~:a elee~ sweepe~; 16 pl. J8r: '.: 3 , ~ ' ~ ~f,rUtt,: 1'4111flllh'la wtatQea; ~es an~ Cook· ' u~ ' . ' I ~I CA,HB. 'IW~ ,R . ~~OOK. . Addu........ 01 the . . 1 , ~ " . . rtau 01 Jolm ~bJta, .... o..pqnaJ~. biia~. At\'Y. '. ,I ' 'Nuecl . ' ,
Au,., (JI~"
I .-,r---· . , '~ .' ,p
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there hBs been ~Iuch a maud from the country lUI a ' -remedial I~tlon ~hat the -,_· ...01-tJ I ' be..... Ad .......... . . on!1 u,g t0l'Ce(l to ~-.t -~ congresaloDaJ action , ' on a number of 1m,,,,n.llt ~_ lesislaUve m a ttera. 80 it 104)Q 'aa It Congress ,wIll ' ,r ema In ID Sfllllllon tar longer than .....na11y ex~ .
1._.~"!M!II:P"I:'; ~!~M~~a~nQ;;b;ur~.~~;;; Mal at Springboro.
viewpoint; Oobgrese and the Ad. mlnlltratlon lIl&y have serlOIl!! dol. ' mes~ic problema collfronting them. but all are forgo'ten for a little while when the baseball sea ...... gets under way. 'l'Iae opening ~.J' game at Washington, originally schedUled for Mondf,y, WIUI called ort be~ cause' ot Min, mueh to the dlsgust of the t housands of pubUc officials who planned to &ttend. Presldent Roosevelt was 8Clleduled to pitch the first ban' aRd other dignitaries were to take part In the elaborate program that always marks "open. Ing day" In the ..pltal City Vice President Garner SubStJtllted tor the ~esldent and Wloa cheered' by the crowd generally. but especially by the eongresaioQal delegation. Oon. gress went Into sesalon an hour ear. ' Uer for two succe&81ve daya In or. ,d er toot the work ml8ht be COnl. 'p~e~ In time to pennit members to r~ch the Park Mle "play bBU" order ...... h~~':' .. ........ . . 0010,nel Charles A. Lindbergh Is back In the United S._.:.... The fft -'. mOIl!! fl}lel,'; • col~)Del In • the ItJ1 CoJ]lll Res8rye, has beeIl IlSIllgned to ac~lve ,~ce with the War DepartDient for the next. few weeltS to , . In map~lng,' out the p~gram of In. creued eeronaut1ca1 research. the tralnlng of iur ...ota, anit other ~r. t1cns of the pr08l'am for the ew-nslon of Am~n 'POwer In tl)e, air. Lindbergh WIll draw the colon. el's p8y and llia1nf,enance fees of IB, 'little more than flv. hundred dol. lam. month. l ncldent&Uy It Is alao rumored that, h1a mAliC' ', and ~Dalltf W1ll be , used to obt.&ln · , IDcreased "pproPrIatlOIl,l for the ' air liervlce from Congress. ' • '. \
MrS~ Alice C!ark atte(lded ~e when It w · 1l1 ...... Ap.,.... .......·-..nce of ,-ve •'ne .. operetta, 'Un Old Vienna", at Cen- a ' soap........ is IS 'a pp' Ued to ~u terv1lle hall Friday"':~~!ruL---I-~I-\I~U8-11V1~ilt~~P01~ WhICh ha~ Mr. and Mrs· Marlon Whitaker been rubbed over the mixture. An_ and son of Cincinnati were ' $unday other sponge dipped in clear ...'a'• ...., dinner guests of Mr. and Mrl!. ,does Ule riming, an'd the rI ..... ....... Harold Whltlalter and children. water must be chanlTed trequent!' 0 D
enough to be ,k ept cleor. The walls are dried with a clean. dry clotb. Housewives 'Who are fearfUl for the pain t on the walls can reduce the amount of sal IIOda in the mix" ture., Walls should be cleaped a. little' , rat a time so the cleaning, rinsing. and drying can be perform~ Witn.:. out streaking areas not belog cleanMr. and Mrs. Thetle Jones and ed, Walls can be cleaned ' from thO .' 'son had Mr. an~ Mrs. J. B. Jones top down or from the_bottom up b~t for dinner guests Sunday and In it Is casler to l>r~vent strealdng when', the afternoon they u,;k a motor work Is started at the bOttom. trip to Olnclnnat4. The best window cleaner so 1\11' ,Mr. and Mrs. Allen Em-e r-IC-k-,-- H4:t!tEid-'bY"1;he-1mI1tre eeonOftilCB 'staff at Ohio State UniverSIty, Is water to Alice Olark IImd Mr. and Mrs. WaL I. which a little ammonia, kerosene. ter Kenrlc... visited Springboro It ' " or a co 101 has becn added , A smeJl Orange Wednesday evening. The t f In amoun o · v egar ladded to the Mason Oran~e filled the chairs and wa ter help.~ to make the glas.~ 51llne. put on a splendid program about A I II tl Ohio. c can, n ess cloth or a chamoLs skin cnn be used In window cleaning A rubbel' squeegee Is a labor saver on large windows but oore mw.t be taken to keep excess water off the window fi'1UIles when USing' a I!(jueegee. Too hot water will stiffen chamois skin, " The furniture cleaner now recom. mended by the home economics speCialists is a quart of water to which has been added one table. spoon of turpin tine and lhree of linseed oil. The furniture is cleaned ~~; RePubUcaD -':N.~bal ' O~~ with a soft cloth which has been man Jo"" Hamllto and ttl wrung out In this solution and Is -:-r.~-.t: , ~~ . ~ ,ers. then poUshed with 'a ,dry Ci'oth. ThIs of, ~ ReptibUcan sue, cleaner should not be used on furn. .' , Iture which has a wax finLsh. TOSSIng rugs over a ilne !lind then at. giving them a good beating is Ukely to break the threads wMre t1)e rUi comes in contact with the line The. • easiest way to get the dirt out'Ls to ' ~Iace the wrong Slde' up on Lhe 'graM . beat it thoroughly. sweep the rut:. .'reverse It, 'and then 'sweep 'again. Soiled rugs riW~' b'eWMhed with ,, -' ' brush which ~ lJee~ dlpp,c,l in !Jl11\1 . soip auda. :A $JQal1 section should be , washed a~ • tbiae an!;l ttieu rlDled); ,-141:. &.l)d. ,lira. Walter Kenrtck ~ caretul not to watea· ' Jarpea 1Jaine8 and '. thetr aues\a: enOuab 10 the~ the ~ O( MiWcent, Itetzl~ and the oap•. The dnae water shoUld_be _~ '.lIIIIlIiIl . .. maL iDeaa meb .t. . . . . the ~~UOO Slade ot -Aqua and:: ,~ Peoee CluIDIetl iIa orten, it becQIDojj dt.a. '. JIIId ...s .. ~ . ~ ~ '~l , motCftci -Co JamestoWn ~ at.. 00JarecS. .' JIIIIDd. tile lIDo • •t.IoD. with • IIaaqUet $lid an - '. Th.e Daughters 01 the
American Revolution . ca~ WaabIngton last weeks. Thouaanda 01 promlDent women from all , the UnltAd States were ID attendance at' the an· 'nual cOnvention sessions. wbere most of the great and Dear.gre&t ot the country were heard on varloua spealdng 'prollriltl/lf. crhe . famous organization: made , up 01 ilecendents of, tho!l8 wbo rougb't 1D the RevoluUonary War to esta~l1sh th1a lJOyemment. adoPted reaolu. tlons caWng tor a , continuance '01 ,our repn;ae~ta~ve (Gm, 01 t govern· m"nt' tor aupp~·'- of BUb ft-a.. r ' , '. V... " .. 6 acr., ,?n , t1!.e part ,C), tbo8e 'who seek , ~ destroy our h1.!;t1b,lUone; , for '.ad. , , equate defense of our shores:' ana tor ' lbe promotion Of ' AmerloaD , jdea.lJi. ---The ,flrBt ' Rcl'PubllcaDLoil-tbe. March dinner, under the aUspice& 'of Re~bl1can M~~ of, th!! Con. gress, ~ held at ~ WUJard BQt.el i'ast;.l'hurad,,! evelblng. Nearly a tbO\ll!8lld' or Amerp·. Jead1ng cUi· 1Ie~ ,c~Wded the trreet ballro9m to .to addresses on.' public 1uuili by ~~tor Taft, of"Ob1O; ~veniol BaldWin of <:'Onhe;ctlcut; , se~toI Reed ~ ~ ; ' COO8ress1oiial Pl~~ ~~er Mar,t.l~ ~ M)at!':sachu.
Mr. and Mrs. l'homos Oollins and Charles CollinS of Da.yton were Bun.. day callers at; the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Cook ' and ~n of Waynesville spent Sundlay at the home of Mr., and Mrs. ~ben Hunt and Warren Hunt.
GUIUaa. . . _n __ an.aJINII'UD; ' WltIl
ltIOft:: 8II"dI'tIOd
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rug .11
~ ~~ii5Ii
JIq1ior .... ~........'I_
30 lEI MEMBEftS RSK AND GAlE_CLUB A lJl'Oup or' 1·75 membe rs and t(UeIIts attende d the April meeting of . tbe Pl8h and Game Association held in Memorlal ~11, Lebanon. Thurs· " day evenJng to hell l' Dr. F :,C: Swing. PNsldeiIt ,of the Southw estern <?h10 BPortamen's Clubll. give an Interest1ng 1Ilustrated ljaik on it. recerit can. nd1an fUlhlng eXpedition. !ftl11:ty new members were e.dded
at the meetlns bringing total to 125 (Or the put months. Lyle Ivins. 'of Red chaiI'man of the membe rship CO)ltcst C)ommlttee. awtoun ced th"t in addi· tion' to the $5' mercllan~ , order to .be given lUI first prize in the contest the following concerns in the county will give prizeS. Kahn Motor Com.. pany. James Servtee Station . and AL baugh-Oood . Drug Company. of FrankU n; Shumak er Appliance Shop t he Morris store and Kaufmla ll's. or Lebano n; Ivins Genera l Store at 'Red Lion; Cox He.rdware store a t Mason; a ll~ the Robltzer Swimming Pool and Park 6t Wca.ynes~le.
Phon e 4
_~ E!!
Specia l Fre.h Fi.h S~ndwiche. tOe fried i~ deep
..... aacI bri~k
wit~ UI
Errol lI'1YDII QJ' romanti c team!1 \J' City." the mag»I!' Which wUl .,pen : "Dodge CI~:v," a teI'. 18 a lusty d .. ot the Bame name \ and Alon Ra,le 111'
lavWand, one of the 1D00t I ,uteat ve the .tarrlnr rOl.. 1D , .'Do4te lor produotlon of 'WarDer BroI. o at the Xenta theater ID XeDIL lay flye day. at . the X8IlIa tb,.
• 1.
when the
for plain and faney
ice cream .
Also Sherb ets and indivi dual mold••
S;:th; I:::d9 .Y have ,p reachin g at 9:30 a. and Sunda¥ School at 10:30 Q , :Obrlsti an En..deavor 6t 1:00 P. and preachl1lg at 7:45 p. m. Wed'nesday prayer meeting w1ll 'at 7:45 p. m.
tocal Hallpenings
we Mrs. Florenc e Perkhiz er of Selem,J m. _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ ,_~ Ind., were dinner guests here on m. ' d Bwtday . Mrs Perkh1z er .wlll remain Upon the invitati on of Mr. an m· ' " nl at the Home tor a v1a1t Mrs. Lawrenoe Furnas, . the se or cleo Mr. Foster Heacock.with her unbe class pleasan tly surprised. WWard Mr. and Mrs. · Stanley SCllara of Furnas on ~ blrthdJay Monday eve- , Lebanon VIsited M1&sIis AnnIe and , nlng. He reCeived• mnny lovely gifts. M ame Browne Sunday ' Ferry Chareh of Christ At a. late ·hour a twl) course lunch- , Dr. and Mrs. J. W: Ward W. C. Smith, Ministe r eon ~e.s serv~ the:: wiy.~~ Wilmington v1a1tors, Monday. Brothe r' Smith wlll be back to {ill peop e presen . A~I depar ~~'6 ' Mrs A Z Hartaock d QIIllS"• .' his pulpit Sunday after ' being away WUlard many more happy birthday S : ter, D~e~ 01.: Kingma n vtatto:1I for two weeks in a reVival a.t Leban.. ~s. HIlrry Settelt't hwale ~nter_ h ere Sunday . . on. There were thirteen added to tained the (ollowing uuests saturda y I MIss Ruby Berge visited with rela. ed to the Ohurch by baptism -and tile 'afterno on In honor of the ninth iJives In Adams TownsbJp this week churoh goes ~Jlead greatly encaur_ birthda y anniver sary of her daugh.1 Clarenc e Berrybl ll and ~n of BelL ter. Bonnlej Yvonne Stubbs, Uetty , brook visited M1ssea Annie and Th6N have been seven additions THomas , Norma. Loogjl.C fe. PhyWa Mame Bro.wn, this week. to ~e Fem Church this week, and Burnett , Patsy Baird. peggy Mrs. Liss1e Curl and Mrs. Will our bapt1amal, service :will be Sun. Chapm an, Luella st 'Clair. La~ Hoover called on Dr. and Mrs. J. W. day at 3:90 p. m. In the creek above and Latalne HIldebr Sue' Wvd. Friday. . the Spring· Valley Cannin g factory. as, Janet Lakes, Phyllis BaUey, Mr. Ta.ylor Hibbard 01. Chicago ~ attenda nce last Sunday ·was 156 Yvonne Tinney, Geor-glana Hoblet. has been staYing here since !!!~'~f:~r.",~-~~~.~",,'!II come and let us do b!tter this Sun. Betty and 'I. Bonnie satterth waite. ~~ da.f. Do not forget to J>r1ng your. Other guests for the pexty were Mrs. FIFTH TERM DONOR pledge, cards, Btu:lday, , . Roy, Fl1nspath'tof G~A
Ann: Purn..1
ager of Waynesville states that the ...~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tl ~r~~-m~~& was rounded in ... 1882 and that their "t 51th b1rth~ , ;'f • II8le "wh1cb ' Is the biggest and ., '. sale Kroger' s has ever "offered" Is l10~ in session: To celebrate this big event Eldon has , offered . a genuine Rolls candid camera freee to the ftr8t three (3) customers who bdng a coin a~ted 1882 ,to ,h1S stor~ ,next WedneSdaY'Ma l 3, ~tween 3:30 to 6 P. m. AD othernl Bl'tlclp ating ~l re.. oelve gifts.: ,
, BUde. honor roll the alxtb 'p-ade was . ~d sc>n.Rl9hard, Mrs. Henry ~ltted in ~'s acboOl ne,.. Satterth waite. M1sa Ruth Satter. , The names on the wh1cb . - - ••.•• ~ thwaite " ·Mrs, ~ph D. Tolle, and not published lut week tollow: Mrs. El1 Pumas" All A'a--Ra ylyn craJ)be; ' Jack Mr. arid Mrs. J·o hn W. Ker~y , .Cran~. Ruth A.nn8.' JObnB. ' were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. B or above ' (Achlev ement)- Bobby Raymo nd BraddOck T\hursday eve.. Bernard , John Ludington, Vernon " , I Shutts, Carleto n Stanley , WUUam , · Mr. and Mrs. Fred B~addock, Mr. Walsh_._ _ _ _ _ _-'.,---,-_ and Mrs. Raymon~ , BI~ddock 'and BOOK REVIE W CfIBcLB familY, and ' Mr. D. 8 · Underwood Mrs. C: G. Rantiall eritertalDed weregues!;s of Mr, and. Mrs. William Harveyl!burg Book Review CIrcle at Doster Su~da.y. the Little Inn. Il'Uesda,y afternoo n. Mr. Howard Hawk spent the MIss ,N·a h con~tt' gave a review w~"end with her mother at Buford, :'The Patriot" by Pearl ~. Buclr.. Ohio.
POR RENT- Ground f9t D-. -=-", ~g· or corn. ~ Opal Lewis evenlng~ Mr. and Mrs. W. E stroud. were Sunday a 20_~1Pd Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stroud. , ~R RENT- 10 acres com ground Rev. David Thornb eny snd MIss Gao. J. W'aterbouse, WaynesvUle Virgln1a Morr!sSett ot Il8yton were. ... : .1320.2 7 Pd overnig ht guests of ' Rev. and Mrs. . R. L. Haekwell, saturtlAy. ' - - - - - - - - - -,- - - . Miss Emma LOu Lewis 18 enter'POR SALE--;Shoats for sale. BI~ tla:1n friends fro~ db1ca:gO. . Patterso n. 4 mUes West of HarvE1Ysg , burg on HorveysbUrg.Leti~on rood Forrest crane of ~Wafhlngton, 0.. , . , a 20 27. pel O~ Is tl).e. guest of Mrs. MaUde cran~ , FOR 'SALE- Large siZe Florenc e DR. MARY L C.OOJ[ " BEGIO NAL;:D mBcCT qB heating ~tove, 10..1· conditio n; Gib_ son refrIgerator. 100 lb/!. ca.paclty; 100 Ib . Ice ,·box. garoeii plow. Also {r~ mUk goat. W. N. Sears; t(lle-
One 01 .the ~ays to satisfy a is to provide him with plenty of hot .. , w,.ter when he 'wants it••You ~ see the <?ld sIiwe come, to his face ,as he dips into the '
- -',
I .
phon~ u~
bot w~ter an~ . 8~ in to .shave. But hot ~at~r is in~iiQ,e4 for everybody ' .' . ~..
to enjoy and the sense or~tisfaction which: comes ' from, ali adequate . suppl y furni~ed .by, an' auto1natic heat~~ is som~thin~ hard·: . . to deac:ribe. " - "
FOR ~Laundry · stove: good conditio n; cheap.. J. V. ~y. Ph~ne- »... " ' . '
.,' u'"
l'OR SALE: Good , .selectl~n 01. year 91d ' ,p erepnla l ' floWt!r8. P1E!Ue
FrIends of MIss Marg1lret Edwards be sorry to learn that ·she 1& sWI conftnc d to her bed, her canelL tlon· remaiDing unchan ged.' Make your lawn beaUtU ul by hav1ng your mower irotiDd. by 'We IllUDe machin ery as used ID the factorY. H. 'M. Shenroo o. W6yn~sv~lle. Mr and Mrs EtbIm crCane , and . .{a~y were ' <llimei gueS~ of )lr\ and Mrs. Don Haw~e, Stiturda~ eve_
Kan....uaacatU.III.tOft . .•
.·hole" of the Weat. 'rllng callt.
Sat urd ay, April 29
WaynesvjUe Cbureb of Christ
Food Shop
Red Win g. Ice Crea m Cake s Give n Awa y at 9:30
Rev. John V. Lacy. I\ltniste r Sunday. April 30. 1939. . 9 :30-Sunday School. R. D. Collett, Supt. 10:40- Mornin g Worship. Special boy scout service. 6:00-E pwcrth League. 7:So-E vening Service.
m. Junior High b\>ys p . m, Glrl 's Frleildl y
2:00-W. F. M. S. wUl meet with Mrs. Crabbe. 3: 45-Jun lor choir. 7 :OO-Doy ·Soouts, 8 :OO-Cholr pmctlce . COming Event Mother 's Day, May ' H. 1939.
__ _ _
- --
Rev. R. L. Jlao\wc ll. Ministe r THIRD BUNDA Y AFTER EASTE R 10 '11.. m."'Churcl} SChOOl 11 .a. m. M0t:nln g Prayer .and sermon TUESDAY 2 p. Nursery Church sehool THURSDAY 5:30 p. m. Young People ·at the rec_
Eve lyn' s Bea uty Sal on
L.;:.....~ . __________ ...-.J
4 p.
LADIE SI FREE l $1.50. ANDR E' DAND RUFF TREA TMEN T ' with other beauty servic e THIS WEEK , if you presen t this ad,
WI . . . . . . .·CUG • •, ••
.. "On .
-8CR ••N":'-
= = e-·
S"O' Mlli tc"SeII.·~·'t lath 10 t~lt, We've Clasti6a1 Many Items Far .Your CODvenienc. .:..• --~ .~pftialI\.mce·Grocer. ; : n~ial Sal•• .,te~ds ·
tw~~ - ~
II&Ib. 100 u,. _
••••••• .... .
100 '
Lb..... .. _, •••••••• ••••• 11._ WflICO . . . JIMh 2& Lb. -.4Ic ; 100 Lb . . ........ ....... .
I" ,
WelCo II" 'DaIrJ Peed flO ·Lb. ~
- - WAYNES.V lLLE, OIil(O: ·
local ' Happenings Of WORK IN . ..... • Mrs. A. E. Stout. was a Dayton visitor, Monday.
~Ift¥---R-tIB~ NEW' lWIN~THEAIRE - SCHOOL CHILDREN I-·-·- ----·---:--+H--I MNllo-RUNOR SPONSORS SCOUTS 'OPENS FRIDAY MAY 5 GAINING WEIGHT Local Happenmgs 25 AND 50-ffAR -:;~he J-M::-~:-~:::~-~-::::';::': GLASSES MAY 27
BY ' a unanimous vote the Way. Announcemeot Is being made 0[ , The welshts chUtlren, nesvl)le CIvic club decided to as.. the opening of the New Twin the '"'ade bulldln", who are drink. , the MI'. and Mrs, Wilbur Bears were ". . e kGl'Ilnd jury III Lcbnnon this The Rey. Vlnoent Gowen, Epls. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. slst the local ·BoY .Scout Troop when Theatre, WeynesvUle, Ohio, Friday, log mUk, reveal ltiht 65 perceat W II • , President Margaret W. Edwards '.oopal Church Missionary in the George Smith, Manday eyenlng. they met In their regular session ' May 6th., at 6 :'&6 p. m. ExtellBlve have gained slnoe lasl welgM, as Sam Tomlinson of Plymou th, Ind., of the Way nesville High School AI. n D"It""t at ' t Wednesday at the Townhlp Hal\. remqdellng and .redecorating has compared with 52 perc8nt at this lJu\.i lilcen visitlnl; .A. G , TOlllllnw )) um nl Asso lation anllo\ln.ces that PhUlpplne Islands, W"...,. .. t>~'" Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Melloh visited As ~ first step the membership ' been going on t he past tew days, time of year In test taken In 1936. allU Camlly "his we<:k. ' to two of the main features In tbe et. ,Mary s rae ry last Mondl).y relatives in Hamllton Sa.turday Is spo~rlng a dinner and w1II be completed In time for All through the year, lhe number Make your lawn be,tUttrlll by hav , committee I» 'ogtam wlll be Lhc recognition of evening, At an Informal gathering evening. . tor the SCouts at the club's next the opening ·performance. gal'lling ~ns been higher than iIlg your mower gro und by lhe ame Lite 50 YCllr and 25 year groupsmembers of the congrtigatlon had an opportunity to meet Mr. Gow. Mrs. M. D. Baird Is sta.ying this meeting on the evening of Ma¥ 15. The total sum of 11500.00 Is being 1936. It Is nol known' how much machinery liS \lsed In llle fnctory. Tile 50Lh year clfl/is Is 1889. ' and It an and to hear about his work week at Dr. Ha,rdlnger's hospital, All members of the troop w1l1 be spent in the rE!lJ1oc1el1ng program, weat.her and other "conditions may H. M. l:::i hcrwood, Wuy~e~v llle . so happens that 01\ the four wbo among the Igorot people. In Spring Valley, ·for observalilon· the guests of individual , membe.s making the NE~W Twin Theatre have entered In, as it would reo t;rnd llRtctl in that y 'ar nre living. The region In which Mr. O-ow-an ~r. and MrS. A, E. Stout and I' of the club on this occasion, something th:at Waynesville can be quite tests over liCveral ¥ears t.o MIS,\;es BeLty Han sock one! Gy psi~ Mlss Edwtll'(ls Is an .. Ighty nlner" ', ovl rove this It 13 known howevel' iilmlLh. of CinclimuLi were w,.'ck..c daughter and Barbara Lou. Bland The olub also deolded to co-on. 'proud of. ThIs :remodel.lng consists P ' " . .,.. .I ntl Is presic1ent of the organlza· Is worldng Is one ot primitive \Iv. .. Lhat approxlmatel 8000 b "1 I' " \lest., of MI.o:.s Heu·t.soc/{ 's l)arent.~ visited In Cincinnati, Sunday. erate fUlly with the Town Council ot an entire new front to the build. y, 0 •• es 0 " Lion. The other two girls in . the Ing .conditlons, with Witch-craft a ,. . I milk wC!'e given to undernoul'lshed Mr. and Mrs. Berl Hastsock . closs were Miss J cnnlc Dinwiddie popular beller. "Our people, how. Mr. oand · Mrs. Bedford Strickland, when a Clean.Up campaign 15 car. Ing. a new abby, and a new foy. and underprlvlleglM1 children, and Mr. and Mrs. L . A. GarsL al tend of Incllann polls. Ind.. who tnUght ever," said he, "are .more advanced of MIddletown were Sunday guests rled on In the near future. er· . ThroughoulC the theatre em· I th t Id th h , . phas1s has been Jnade on Indirect a so a many so at e!;(l 001 eell the distrlc&. meeting of the In I hc Wuynel>'V l\le schools and tl1al1 many, but they stW eat wi th. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker Br. . lighting and .lumellme lighting, I during the year. Brethl'cn Chw'ch 01 Soutile1'll Ohio dwn 101' a lonl: lime in the In. benefit oll knlIe and forks ; Make your lawn beautiful by hav· making a pleasing sott atmosphere. The milk fund w1l\ be exhaust- aL 'l'rotwood , Saturday. lInnRpolls schools. Both Mlfs Ed. and they corne to school and to. tng your mower ground by the same Color schemllll mLre being done In ed about May 10. It will ta ke $10 Mr. a nd Mrs. George $bo1'11 0 .va 1'1 1: :'I nd Miss Dinwle!dle have reo churoh In the native gee..strlng." machinery as used In the factory. pastel shades, makIng a pleaSing to fin ish t h e year. An lIarnest ap - Lebllllo n we r c S um ~. y tlinnel 1l1'l~ c1 from Lile service. Ellzn.beth On the subject of Pnlllppine In. H. M. Sherwood, Wayn~svU1e. background ot color for the new peal is being made for contrlbu. gullSi./; o f MI'. ancA MriO. Rnlph Has t :';nok Sm ith r esides In DaytOn; dependence, Mr. Gowen believes Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cornell and ultra modern carpCtlng In the foy. tioAS to make up this amount t.o Inss. Juh n O. Cnrtwright Is the man Ih that people are insufficiently ad. Mrs. D. L. Crane were guests of be able to S\lcces!u1Jy finish t.11 ;s er. , Mr. Gnd Mrs._ David Ross nne. the class nnd will be the spokesman vanced for self.government, and Mrs. J . B. Crabbe and Mrs. Glenn worthy project. Allyono wishing to Mr. <and Mrs.' W. E Cornell, Sun. All material h~ a bee I II Children d. Ridgeville. 'W e, (.' gll CS(,~ It the annual reunion, May 27. further, that independence Is eco. Borden were hostesses to the Worn. . ..., n oca y pur- help. plense see the r epresen tative 01 MI'. nnd Jlltrs. Ralph l-llsUngs, (n ad dllion to r elnting some of the day. . chased. laborers and employees of 110m1ca II y im poss Ibl e. P eop Ie are en's Foreign MlssIonary SOCiety, of your church , or Mrs. ' Raymond incidents of hi., schol dnys, he h6$ ,a. urday everuog. ' n s till ,and 1n many cases Mr' and Witera"" . Mrs . E. H ' Oloeekl er of at 'he home ot the former·, Wed. the theatre au:e 1I00al reSidents, this Braddock. JI' pared a history of the Alumni IVI r. and Mrs. J ohn Fromm. nnd ,b eing the policy of the New Twin candidates ere able ~ win votes Sprlogboro were Sunday dinner nesday afternoon. ASsoclllion . When he was In Wa • SOli Clyde, and J . C. Hawke IIp nl '""ts f nd Most Philip attests of Mr. and Mrs. A F. MelTheatre, to use iocnl employment wIth T~t_ .... d 0 co. • lob. .,Devot'onc '_ FOSTER nesv1l1e lost summer hc consulU d M y. 00 bell .• • ..,.. were conducted by U .y.. ... as much as possible. The designing .HEACOC" ' . n D"'S .r. ", undny with Mr. and Mrs. MelVY I I p ne AAOAn ers. r . wen eves, J . V. Lacy, the sub1ect being "Re. IN DAYTON HOSPITAl. some o[ the old Miami Ga7.ett c ~ and redecorating' of the building is d to i d d t til ~IUI .it of Loveland. are op~ , n epen ence a e W1\l Graham. Fred Henderson, ! pentance and, the K1ngdo ." Mrs. In charge of Ben B. Bloom, of Co. 1\ .. and got In louch wUh \Jle, old_ present Ulne.. .. , . ~n !Jarry Prater, spent Tuesday R. D. COllett read a, selectLno lumbus, Ohio. who h as been Foster Heacock, 69, eupt:rlnlell. Mr. a.nd Ml'!l. Ell Furnas all ~r members in the effor t to nssenl ~ ware Sonliny cllll l1~' guesW:. "They JIUIke Sood Wednesday, fl8h1ng at Indlad "And His 'D~ward To With Him" for' th Is ........, brought In to give Waynesvllle dent of the Friends Horne. pas~d Jf Ml' and Mr•. Fred Mlnl's of WII· ble as much informa.tlon 3 :. p08. • Ohrlstlans"-.ld ,l lJle reganJlnr: the Inception of the .Q wa.y at Mla.inl Valley n1,lngton. :::d, La:.s. Ell Furnas, ' .. a in the way of the. !; nlzation· It is un.!\OTtunate Wednesday morning, May 3, after used to trca.t them llke c~dren, '" W1l\ Luk.. .. """ ...... Thll Epworth Lengue of the 10' ' hat tills historical sketch W~II n ot but have Il!IU1ied better Now ' we ens, Mrs. L. V. Branstr ator, Mr. World. CIt1ze~lp program as folThe manager of the New Twin an exteRded IllnEl6S. Survi ving 'are and Mrs. E L Thomas and Ron- lows: Vocal solo, Mrs. M. A. FuliL Th tre •his wile, MlII'glU'etta; two daugh· cal MeLhodlt;t church wlll enter· ~t Rrted ,years a 0 when th e ~oUl'ce stve them l1!syonlllblllty and theY" ld k " . tte' d d' erson; "Our Responsibility" Mrs. eo. Is Phil. Smith· of Ports· ~a lll a ll the leagues In the countr of Information was nrol' nt hand ucept It and make good " 'r aw . e, • a n e Pomona ' m o u t h , Ohio, iforrnerly asslstan' ters. Mrs. Flor.alce Purkhlser of ;Iolld grea ter. 10 the roll co..ll, the Orange mooting in Lebanon SaL. ,Martha ~ough; "Social Drlnldng," mana~ of the Westland Theatre Balem, ,Ind. '" e.nd Mrs. Holen Dav. his, Thurliday evening. idson 'ot Bedford. Pa. ; three sons, Ml·. nud Mrs. Kenneth Hough iOth year croup Will be r epresented urda.y. Mrs. R. " . COnner; "The La.ymen In that city. Mr~ Smith annou.nce of Oreenville, Pa .. Ollv. enWrLalned M.\sj; Eva Reeder and ~ LJ rtlllg with the cla.55 of 1885 ana Lawrence ~ Mrs. M· Uda saWin and daug.l. Speak," Mrs. K. N. Hough ; ·'In. that . he New Twin Theatre will Ruth 01' ConnorsvWe, Ind., via. dta" the Wonderland," Mrs. I? C. 'operate on the,. "follOwing policy: fOr, of . Biglerville, Pe,., and Floyd MiSi LuUNI McKinsey at dinner, runnin g through 1892. The clt\~s of 1914 Is tile .l5tl)· • " .ld MIsses TrllIena ani Marg1lJ'et Ed Ridge; Vocal solo, Mrs. M. A. Ful. I>oor8 will ,b e ~Ipened every even. ot Bedford, Fa.; one brother . ol\e l 'hUrsdIlY ' evening. closs. In th e roll call. the year Sister and 19 8l'6ndchUdren. wards, Sunday afternoon. ' ke~n. Ing at 6 :45 P- D11. · There will 'be a Have your mower ground by ma._ group will start with l Oll and 1'Un The June meeting w1I1 be held Services w1II be h,ld at the The Ben1oI' atria ~re Invited to 0. Mrs. W. p. Sa 1.;bury lett Wed_ at the horne .of Mrs. F. U. LeMay matinee on Saturday and ·Sunday, chlnery. Satlsfac'tion guarnnt.eed. H . loll rough 1917. Grace Carman DB;vls tea at the high school buUdlng in~J6day, to spend a tew days with • wlth clors oPen at 2 P. m. Adrnis. Stubbs funert¥ home Thursday at . Sherwood, Wa.ynClivllle. of Dayton will be the spokesman 7:30 p. m . and s t Salem, Ind·, Fri· Lebanon, ThursdaY-: All seniOr girls her daUghter, Mrs. R. R~ ~nson, THE UNITING CONFERENCE slop, IJUlItinee, ~o ~d 15 cents; ?1r. a nd Mrs. George Stroud, o. of the elass and will give some ree· 'lay at 2:30 p. m . count., are vited to attend. and family In IndlanapolJs, Eventnr 10 and " 20 cehts. In .... '" OPENED WEDNESDAY Dayton. Mrs. Maude Crane, and ollections ot her school days. There ....., , 'lbe dlati-Ict &chOlar8hiP team in- M. Sherwood, Waynesvtlle. ' __ The New Twllll, Theatre, formerly LIVESTOC.K .,mECTORY Mrs. lNne l'lenderljOn, were guestl> o.rc 11 members of the class , of , <. .. ... ..., Eva Have your mower gro UDd b y rna. . . .a operated by the. B~ ' . leld Broth· cludlnl RObert Prawn, --" Dr. Lester ~. Ivins o~. QeJianc:e, IS BEING COMP~D 01 Mr. and Mrs. Will Stroud, Sun· 1914 Reba. Earnhart Seipp is de· ,SmIth, " ...... _..... .:. ,,_ •• _,-->,-- -~--....... ' H former • .1 resident of thls COIDmunlty .era.". ba'a been I ' >ft~ under I.e...". . )larlUn ................ ""'W day. ceas~d. F orrest (Babe) nldge drop. the nameof "Twin Theatre, Inc." tte CharI nd Johns Prteda ElII4. 11. . 0 Dr. and Mrs. R. -A. Willlamson lind brother of Mrs. Hannah Rogers, Stxty~two Warren C~nty livestock Misses Wilhelmina Leach anci ped out tlur'ng senior year. In ad. ~ wm take the dlattlct Sta.t e and Mr. and Mrs. Herschel ,William· Is one of six layman elected at Every · TuesdlLY night · wllJ be breeders have submitted to date 930 Janet French. er OIendnle, were dillon to Grace Carman Davis the testa at 0Xf0l'l1 on Baturday, MaY 6, son of Anderson, Ind., were guests, Columbus last fall to represent the WAHOO NIOmr at the New Twin head of purebred livestock including ·.Iuneh eon guests of MI's R. L. Haok_ other mernbcrs nre Bll<sie Wa rner The beleball has wOn ihree Sunday of Mrs. W. 8. Bcanlan;Ohio COnference of the Methodist 'TIleatre, eo nov.el cash game with horses, cattle, !!heep and hags to be well, Friday. Hall of Xenia; Lena Whitaker r.... 66 ' . .1 cash awards to the winners. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hess. anj church ot the Uniting COnference games defeatintf LebanQu by a . listed in a Warren County Livestock Mr. 'fllld Mrs. C. H. Harbeson of Meredith, Wn.ynesv1lle; Lindley liCOre CenterVlDe)eel by a lO.o.score daugbter, Jean, and Mr. 'and Mrs, w~oh opened in Kana8s City, Mis.. Directory. These include Percheron Colltcrville, were Sundny guests MillS, Midland, M I 0 h .; Marie .6Ild night Kingman by a score Irwin' Ellis were d1noer guestS 'of sam, Wednesday of last week. Dr. PICTURES ON DISPLAY and Belgian horses; ouers~y, Brewn 'sf Mr. II.nd Mri. Lewis Fires. They Shu bts, Wayncs~lle ; Neva YoU,Og of 10..2. '!'be ~ will play aeveral tM r. and Mrs. L A. Oarst, Friday .Ivins left April 24 to arrive ~ Kan· Swiss. Ayrshire, Jersey and Holsteln also v~lted Miss sarah Smith. Doster. Way nesville; James Olb· AT HIGR SCHOOL games tncludllil: May 9, Harveya· evening. sas CitY the fo)lowlng day. dairy cattle', Aberdeen ADm,s, Short· H e len M· Mrs. Jemlle Pla nok spen t a few bons, Wa ynesville; horn and Hereford beef ca.ttle ·, days last week at tile home of her Hawke, treasurer of the Alumni ~urg, here; May' 18. Mason, here; , Mrs. Will Oraham visited at the The Uniting Conference Is CO\11. In collaboration with the d1B. Southdown, Hampshire. COtswold, AS.~oclatljon, Waynesv1lle; William )(8119, Harveyahu,rg'Jthere; May 23. home' of her son and family, Mr. posed of 900 delegates, 400 from the usln, Mrs. AlIoe Simpson; In d Ed Miohener of IPttsburgh an nB. .• Lebanon, there. and iMrs. :~rlon - WhItaker, In Methodist Episcopal Church South: play 01 ,ep~uctlons of vrorld. Delaine and Shropshire sheep; Berk. Dayton. I. I Smith BUhrman of Dayton. Provtdtnl the weather does not in.. Glnclnnatl. TUesday and WedDes. and 100 from the Methodist Protes· famous paintings at the high shire, Duroc Jersey. O. I. C. Pola nd Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bland qncl The Alumni AljSocialion Is fea. terfere the w..-ren COunty Field and day. • tant Chure~. The united churCh will school this weeg, Miss Lllilan Sex. Chln~ aad Spotted Poland China daughter. Barbara Lou, and Ml·. luring these golden and sliver Jub. ..... , ' t the \ have a total JltefDbershlp.'of 8,000,000 auer, of the Dayton Art Institute. Track Meet ~UI _e p.ace a ..._ Mrs. Newton " P. Blatt, of New hogs.· . 'and Mrs L. C. a t. J ohn were guests r' !lee classes and about each one Ev cry b re ed erw ho owns O-e ofMr Leb6rIon , '.airpoUnda on PrtCJay,' .....y y - . " . . . . .0, d"u'ghter of Mr. .. ..d ~ the Uni~ .States. There w111 be gave an Instru: tlve talk concern· andMrs· Jh 0 n S'tl c. emYre, d ' ft~ o . io 1M f ..,.;....'6''''' .. .... 22,000 ~ctlve mtntstel'8. The name of log the study of these ' pictures, more registered or eligible to regISter S d· th ere nrc groupe eon .......porary d &. The lo:al ~bOO1S will ,:,m or .._ O. R. UngleSby,' has been in D Ua hance....... tllls newly united body w1I1 be The Monday afternoon. animals should be listed giving the \Ill ay. el a.~ses. This ser ve t 0 bring the da1 to Kive. pup a 0 ~e • White Cross hospItal, cOlum- M~odIst Church. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ru~ell SaJlsb\U'Y m lU ber:! of these groups to the reShe talked allJOut and dessctlb_ name.' address, telephone number to a~tend tbe meet. • bus, for two weeks, where she un.. ed the . artists who 'painted these and the number and kind of register. ··a ttended a lJUrprlse blrthda.y pal·ty, union aI)od they are assured an e~. , on rl40nday ~1l1ng ~e seruM derwent a major operatlo\L ' pictures, the re'a sons tor and' the cd liveStock ·All breeders who ha.Ve Saturday night, at Ule home of MI'. [Jell 'nt welcome and a meeting of pia entertalned to cUnner at Miss Lola' Bears' of Cincinnati, colld1tlons unde'r Which they were not forWard~d the a.bove lnrormatlon and Mrs. Ernest. McKay, of Cuba, old Lime friends. the LtW,.Jnn; by the Waynlljlvl11e spint the . wee~nd' WIth he~~ ~ -painted, aDd . brought out the 1m. to the A&rlcultural Extension Ber• .Ohlo. PI'OII'eIalve Women's club. ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. SQa1'8. portant factors ' which enter Into Vice, Court House, Lebanon, OhiO, Mrs. L. V. Branstl'Rtor, Mrs. D. C. ~ ENIOn GlltLS, GUES'IS J . Wilson Edwards ot Springfield painting. The5le factol'$ she de. should do so at onoe. . · R.ldge, Mrs. Emerson Elnrnh3rt, OF WOMEN'S CLUB COH8AD8B1P TEA AT • ,was a bustness visitor In Warnes:' A:bout two weeks ago a blank form ' Mrs. Raymond Braddook. Mrs. Fr d scribed by llluBtrations, . 81.IOh 'as ., ;., loTHonIST' OHURCH ~' lolUe, He also v1J!1ted obta!nlng the right perspective, listing the above Infonnatlon was Br>l\ddo~ k, and Mrs. Vern Arml. . The ,mothers and ' daughters of th~ his aunts, Mla8es Tr11lena and Mar~ The members of the Progressive and .the Important features of sent to o~er 290 farmers of the coun. Ul,ge attended Enstern SLar inSI?Cc. ~unlti are invited to a Oom· garet' Edwarc:lS. . ty most of 1them do own reglitered tion at WiJmln~ton, Monday nIght. Women's clUD were hostesses to e<>rtralt painting. ~d~p n* In honor of Moth~ The Fr~endshlp club of t he Meth. 111 ~ Senior girls at cUnner Mondl!-Y The reproductions will remain on' livestock, It's expected th1lt many A ,group of young folks from Day. to'be held WednCl\day evening forms will be returned this week. odlst churoh provided lunch at the nIght at t.hc Little Inn. ¥1Bs LlI • . display ' all week: ~~ the hlgt! school e Methodlst chureh, spent , ·sa~. ~..y 10, at·' ,80 in the M. E ; church, ilan SexBuer o[ the Dayton Art and the publLc Is welcome to stop The directory when completed and SchUltz Iluction sale loday. urday and 'part .' of Slinday - In l :-~ . lntereeUDI pr~ with M1s8 printed will be a 'Valuable hand book Mrs . Edith M. Harris and Mr. rustiLme, was also II. guest Q,l thls In and see them Bny time the LWu B. SoUan, Day~n Pollee wO- Franklin; atteDctang an - 'instttutlt; to both buyer and seller of high qual.. Harris Mosher were e!hmcr gucsts JO ceLi ng and s poke 01 "The Plaoe. bul1ding Is open. The' . pi-Ogriun -included lootUres, man, as peat' ~, h8s been Ity livestock. A copy wlll be sent free of Mr. and Mrs. F . C. Har t.sock of of Art. In a Woman's . liCe." plaO,PecI ~ the ~ttee In cl\&rge roo , the progTlun eleotlon of of· to all breeders of registered livestock Mllford on Sunday. .AGCIDENT ~A'J('AIrTO. , flce rs was held, and thc follOWing . MID.DLBTOWN .YOUTH who are JJ.sted, Mr. and Mrs. L A. Garst en ter · the f.l!;st five '. cUftdmers as 'foL , . . --. Compiling 01 the dlreetory Is being talned. meQlbers of the school boar d ; lows: Mrs. Irene Baker, Miss Inez IJOYdl ~orrlsolll, , :ap. Of. M1~dletown. sponsored by the W~rren . COunty and their wives, at dinner Monday J ames. JJoo Hartsock, Paul Outin was ldlled Saturday night In an accL . Livestock Assoclatlof), I;ooperatlng evenlog. Their guests were Mr. ulld All.o11 Earnhart. dent on route 711 n~ here. The ac· with the Agricultural EXtension aer· and Mrs. R. H. HartSOCk, Ml·. ane! c1der¢ occurred at 8:30 po when vice. The cornrn1ttee In charge is Mrs. Hartley Moss, Mr. and Mr s. h1J ~~)'cle(8itruClt- a hol~: 'In the <compOsed ot ' IOOry Hurls, John Berl Hartsock, Mr. and Mrs. Ken. road:' He died B,t midnight . without Lewis and Man;hall Mllllll'. neth Houih and Mr. and ~s. Rus reP,tning con~Iousnes.s. sell Salisbury. LOSS IS $4,000 WilEN Mr. and Ml·S. Walter CaSL. Mr. I'D'W(JIBTR LEAGUE FARM ROME BURNS 'Chnrles Zlmm~rman . D,nd son, Rob_ ntEOTS" OFFlcns ei't, drove to Athens, Sundny, to ',' t ' .\ Join M~S. Cllarles Zimmerman. who was there attendlng th e M:other'~ . Wcek.eud at Ohio University, with her daughter, l,ouise. · In the a[. tcrl;loon, Mrs. C~t , Mrs. Zimmer· man, and Louise, atte ~ded a teo. glvon by Dean VOight, of the Unlvel'liltY. -Sundiiy evening they ni l vestIgoaUng the por~ toof was found enjoyed a band conoert presen ted t6 be It! flames. A hlgh .wIn~ .bam.. .by the OhIo Uruv~rslty oand, pared the flremeri ~ut all 'e lfecta on .....;':......._ ""'._ _ __ JINIIId . t· 'stev Uie fint tloorw~ 'sav~. OEN:TERVIW GmL e Th!l Ne\y- Burllngton fire ~epe.rtment 'W~S mOB ' RONO~ .- ..-ent, a'Dd helped keep the blaze from sP.1l!J~ _ _ aIlo! ' .rt;. • 01 Prank- 1na', cuttlDK. thII turf to confine a '-- Miss Ina Pickering. daughter ___,......... t:reIUIIl_: VlrRlftlIA Peace De IP'8Ia fire. . Mr and.Mrs. ~ J. A. Bartman was altgbUy Injlll'e\l ce~ter1Jllle. won "-superior 1=1l:~; wben he wu strueIt Qll Ute .head bY for vocal solo at- State coo~ l~"'_Jt 1dvIIar, .. lal11DI IIdot .. u.. ~D81 QOl-, music Oberlin &be .--'now eUa1ble for the lfatlaDal . .8UbIaiIbi ~U; jeijj~ telto at ~,"_k- -:;.m;.~"
~:n:utur,,~re ~e
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th~.te:a~~:~ P;=:;esen~d ::eeth1nd_~""'n.,~w
........1lQ:........................... .........,... .
. ,.
Thursday. .
CoiIEIO[MEkl .
. -:.....l"-!". .
tEbt .miami
I£Ilwred As Sec? nd ClaSs Mail Maltor at Po~ toffice, Waynesville, Ohio
Flora M. Cran
The raply of Adolph HlUer IlLSt Frl day morning to the me ge PresIdent Roosevelt sent him two w cks before was about UISt which was ex_ pected by Washington observers. The Interna·tJonal situation h'!l becom result of thc HiUer more tl'n...o;e 1\ speech b forc the Reichs tag and It L~ now thAt tilC die will be ----,-- - - - cru;l for wa r or fOr peace within the TO OBSERVE 25TH YEAR . OF EXTENSION .. SERVICL next two weeks. Members of Con_ grc are about eqUAlly dl\'idcd In 8 :00 MURic t heir opinion II to which wil be the lub Nc\\ s-Mis,' Eva Kinsey , A!':t. State :05 4-H aru weI' of lhe PI' sent European dll_ Cluo L ll.der . e mil , Va rious governmental agencies :15 BuildiuA' h ead 011 Our FFA Prog ram-Voc. are beC{lmulg Incrcascingly nct! \·c in gl'l. udents of unbury Hi g h Schoo l, directed by H, . . prcpar atlon for IIny cventuality; for . Ba t'nh ard, In tructor. thc genernl outlook in Europe is more gloomy tod ay than at Rny time . 8 :25 Golumbus F d ral rchestr a. 8 :35 Let ::; enns rye Our Wild Flow r~ - H. E. \ since til l! Munich crlsls .
Farm Night Talks, May 8
Natu rCl li~t.
You '
tories, nnd exhibits of famo us crlm. innl cas s. draw exclama tions a awc and surprise l:rom the visitors. Don't miss seeing t:he Federa r Bu rea u 01 lnvestlgatl,on the next time you come to Washillgi.on. One bit of good news for the busL n'ss InWrests of tile country has just ('orne from the Woys and Mean.s 'ommltwe of the House, wherein all x measures orlglnatc. to t he effect that that Important committee has just voted to recomPlend to the Oon.. gress an nmendment to the Social Security laws suspending for three years Lhe lncrease of one-half of one percent tax on payrolls nl!'!lInst both eml?loyers and workcl's orlgtnally scheduled .to take effect the first of next J anua ry. T~comml ttee action means that t he Sa<:ial Security tax for old age benefits when lI pprOVed by Congress. wlll re~lain at the pres_ ent mte of one percent on both the employer and the employee and will. temp'ol'alily at least. preven t the placing of a n addlt.1onal burden of nearly three hundrc!d million do11l1 n; 1n annual taxes on buSiness and In. dust.ry of the country.
A hundred nnd flfty years ago last Pl'o rram of th e Sunday. In thc dty of New York, World'R Po ul try Congres.-.M iss Alma Garvin, Ex tens ion George Washington took the oath lI S Nutl·itionist. the first President of the United 8 :55 Co lumbus Federal Or ch estra. States unde!' the Constitution . Last 9 :05 25th Anni versary Ob erva nce of Agricu ltura l Sunday, April 30th. President Roose_ velt and most of th e Members of the Ext ns ion Work in hio. Housc a nd Senate participated In a 9 :35 olumbll ' F ederal Orchestr a ceremon~ at New York cOllllnemorat9 :40 ther e an Easy W ay to Pay t he Mortgage? ing th:l t histQric event of a century c·y-Treas., Nat'l Farm Loan As n., and a halt ago. and olIlcially openH. Lloyd Jones, ing the New York World s Fair as D lawure. Evidently a well organized camthe closing triumph of the SesquL paign Is under way 1n behall ot t he 9 :50 Columbu, I" d eral Orch estr a . : !5The« () I ~l l11 c rEdu cation
We Just love to' thlrik about you, Bart of seems to too: Helpa to PBaa. the time away. ~ a~ut you every day. :And sometimes when we're 10neSQIDe. Sometlmes when we're bl,uc,- - - .Seems to bring the sunshtne back. Just to think of you. AiW1lya ml&sed by your Mother and . Oaddy and alater, MIldred. Mr. and lira. Th,omas Runyon and Daughter.
Subs ription Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payab le in Advance
In 10$r memoq of our deu ~na -and brotben. John and Carlen Runyon, who went away on May lith, 1935.
8~ CLARENCE J. 8ROW~ M . ... ber .. 1tAo <?.... DI. trtct
"Ice Follies of "1939"
Wit.h a Buckeye In Co,n g .. e~s•.•
. Main Stre et
Waynesvllle, Oh'io
The State 'Department ot Agricul_
ture has placed forclhle aelzul'E8 On 2,538 bushela of seed 1nvolvlng 63 dlfterent dealers who have been warned that they must comply with label1ng and license provlalona- of The Ohio 'Beed Act or face p~u· tlon.
An extravaganza of ffll8hlng blade., exqalllite colore, daulln. routines and a Cinderella love-story II "The Ice Folllel of liSe" ~ .. I rlnled to open Sunday, May 7, at the deluxe Xenia theater III .. '" fo r a t.4ree day engagement. : lamorous Joan Crawford Is the Ice Queen In thl8 picture aod t, is handsomely a8111sted by Jamea Stewart and Lew AYTes. l'o:IlIIW<1 after the Inte rllatJonnUy ramous lce Follies troupe. "Tbe I C'D Follies" features the troupe In Bkatln« dancltl" ,... ;c mblea ' which lire an Important part or the Btory. These ! ' 9 are m Uled 10 Technlcolor of breatb·taklng beauty.
Centennial celebration· which began nearly Lill'ee years '9go . A mll110n Amer ican cItizens partlclpat('d in t he New Y<;>rk celebration Sunday, accordI. g to estimates made by those In charge of the affair. It was per _ haps the largest single gather1ng ever held In America.
at Toledo ,Saturday, evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trout of Springfield, were Sunday callers ' at Mrs. NelJle Peterson and other relatives. Loren Krug lett Saturda.y tor MJchlgan to take a poaltlon to which he has been promoted. Mrs. Krur Mr. and loIrs. W1l1la zeller and Mr. and Mrs , Roy Stubbe of Dayton v1s1ted ·Mrs. Sarah O6born. Th~
The State Division of COnserva. tIon an~oun(j,e8 that It has for tree distribution to nature clubs. garden Clubs and individuals, packets !Jf sunDower seed. Kaft'1r corn and mlllet for ,p lanting 1n gardena and small plata wherever avallable. The purpose la to provide lui table tnod crops f~ blrd3 1n end around resl. ' dent1al districts, In proportion as the structure of a government gIves force to publlc opinion. it Is essential thil.t p~b1l() opinion should be enllghtened.Washlngton'~ Farewell AddrellS . .
In pursuance of an order of the passage of the Ramspeck Bl11- H. R. 960-to put government' employees, Probate Court of Warren countY, Kllne Qo d Rev. and Mrs. J esse Flor_ not 'already so protected. under the OhiO, I will after tor sale at public ,ck of Detroit. Rev. Kline is the fosprovisions of the CivU Service Law. 3uctlon on Saturday. the 8rd day of Subscribe to the Mlamt Oaaette ter son of the Cornells'. In the cve_ T housands 01 lettelrs and messages June. 1939, at two o'clock P. M., on ning Mr . and Mrs. Lawrence Moore :. ~-~~~'-~~~~~~ - ~~~~~~~. are f1ood1ng' In on Member s of Con. the premi8eS. the folloWing descrlbT here has been a praiseworthy In.. Jf Wllmlngton were visitors. gress urging the pl!lssa ge 01 the Bill rease of interest In spr ing and sum_ ed rea.l estate, to_wit: <l&y evenlng, Sunday guesLs at the Jim Wicals' In order t hat the merlt system may mer community clean-up campaigns, "Situate 1n the of COrwin, and BOn Donnie wUl JOin him In .. were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Conklln . of In ~he COunty at Warren and 1n the Diontb. . ~...,.be extended . efficiency In governwhich are designed to beautify our Wayesnville ; Mr. 'lind Mrs. Allen men t may be 1nereas~. economy towns and cities, ralse the values or Lucas and son. Mr, and Mrs. Pete State of Ohio, and bounded and de. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Kyne had as From a ll over the United s tates bO,t h business and residentia l proper_ business and Indust"lal lenders hav brought a bout. etc. However, many scribed as follows : Being a part 0.( fical and J oe Wade. EVening 'ViSitald. en .... prIee ty. al1d reduce the hllzards at t hat ors were Mr. and Mrs, Charles Baker ga.thered In WashIn gton this week of the Indlviduall.l Iirlnd organizations Survey No. 791 at the V1rglnla loIlU- l\Jeati! on Sunday; Mr. llnd Mrs. D. tary IAind. Beiiinnlnr at a. point L. Paullln and Pr!Wk ~angan at Salve, NoM Drope lie ' . !5c ~or the paSsage of the J!lll do askin g to attend the annual meeting of the drea!l destroyer: fire. thirty_three ( 33) feet frQm the cen. James, t own, Mr. and Mrs. ,Lawrence ", United' States Chamber of Com_ not seem to know that the melLSure communit es whl$ llilve not yet and so~. A delegation pt 26 members from merce. The multitude of problemS adually provides fool' the blanketing ter of the Little Mlaml R. R . and Paullln of Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs. pi Dned" activities of this nature I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=;!===~:!! Ferry attended the Xenia Area that confront t.he heads of business In under Civil Serllice. without . any seventy-five (75) teet Northward Lew18 MlIngaD of Jasper. sil~uld , as the sayin g goes. "get on competitive elC4\mli n ation or merit from the 11ne ot Moses Kel1y's land. held at Lebanon Friday today are being discussed by ou tmeetulg thei~ horse!' And wh ere towns are Only 11 percent of the tax delln. UX; small to have fire departments, evening. Ferry chur ch won the baD- sta nding leaders in the V'arious fields test Whatsoever , more tha n two hun- comer to Jane Roberta, (formerly quent land In one Ohlo county la r dred thous.nnd governmental employ. ElllLS B1nk1ey lot) , runnlng thence ner, awarded for havin g the most of human endeavor. Group meetin gs 10CltI officials. civic organizatlons a nd ilatlafactory for crop production; 6 of whom ,were appointed lLS ees. most parallel with the sa.ld Kelly's llDe B. present. over eight other are being held for those Interested In members jIfifividuals can get together and special sujects. One of the high political patronage to positions 40 degrees 52 minutes E . 2.76 cha1nB; percent la .poorlY adapted, and 'r1 take the lead. A clean_up campaign church es which were r~ presented . REAL ~TATE Mr. J esse Roland was pleasantly li ghts of the week was the ser ies of specifically exempted from Clvll Ber_ thence 'parallel with said R. R . N. 55 per cent 18 whollY, unfitted for farm doesn't involve any great expense or I NSURANC£ p\1J'pOllf.8. CXl)endlture oJ t;1me. it does Inyolv e sUrprised Saturday evening when dinners given by the var ious state .vIce when new agencies of govern- degrees 08 mlnutes:& 50 feet; 'thence AUCTIONEER ,making 'Pill: to hOUSeS and bulld- friends and relatives gave him !l. Chambers of Commerce for thetr ment were created during the put N. to degrees 112 mlnutes W 2.76 Subscribe To TIle ~ OUette 11Igs paJntfug structures where need_ party on his tifty_thlrd bLrthday. state groups on Wednesday evenin g. few years, RepubUoo.n Members of ':balDs to a polnt thIrtY·three (33) ed, ~aztng fire-trap!> If ·Iln~ e$t, Guests l.ndUded the Harry Rolands Quite a lar ge number of Ohio execu- Congress insist tl19:t·the proc~ure 1n feet from cente.- at the said R. R.; keeping ' ~ass -and weeds cut short from Lebanon ; Mrs. Kate 'H awes of tIves 'II ttended the Annua l meeting makIng SIlch orlg\Jnal 'S Ppolntments. thence ,p arallel With said ra.l~d S. =+elfld~lm¥eEHitle-tHlifr-dll1l\jl!l'~ a.t the and t he purpose (ltf the Ramspeck 55 degrees 08 minutes W. 50 feet to on e~pty: l ots and fields, eW. In Spring Valley ; Mr. and Mrs Bill. violate the whole spirit and In.. the beglnnlng conta.lnlng U19 cbalils lUa~ . B. case, an Intensive week or so Hawes of ' Dayton nnd Mr. a~d Mrs. Hotel Ca rl ton on Wednesday night. tent of t;he CIvil Se;rv1ce laws, and in_ more or less, and being the same Trost and daughter a nd the The Federal Bureau of Investlga_ Fonest of work of this sor t, once real public tlon in the Department of J ustice ls Sist that such employees, now be1ng premises conveyed by Lindley Men.. Hundreds ' of thoU8U'lda of boys intereSt Is aroused. will ellmlnate llt - host and hostess. fast becoming one of the centers of placed under Civil Service should .be denhQU, and Georgia Mendenhall, and young men read THE AMERerally t housand$ of fire hazards, R,alph Jones of Pleasant Plain and attraction ,In Washington for the required to take compeUtive CIvil husband ancJ wlfe, to Dora L SWes, ICAN ' BOY "agazlne 'every month large IPld 'small, a.~d go a long way ,No Miss Vergene Swank of Lovela nd thousands of tourls'CS who r egularly Service exa minations open to all by Deed dated January 20&, 1917, and and conslder' It more as a Uvlnr Wwaid maltlng a maj,?r disaster in IlUU'rled at Ferry church Wed- viSit their capital city. As a part qual ified persons. regardless of po- reCorded In Deed Record Volume companion than as a rpagazlne. tbe town Imposslble. nesday afternoon at tour o'clock. the program In their l Igh t a gainst litical afflUation. lit is the Republl- 102, page 228, of the WelTen county, "It·s as .m uch a buddy to me sa 'urther. these campaigns arouse The bride was dressed In blue and crime. depar tment officials regularl y can conten tion th nt the Bill must be OhiO, Deed Recorda." my nelghborhOQd chum" writes one -pride In t he Qommunlty , Ilnd cause There being nO street number for hlgh sChool senior. "THE AMBRman.y a lasting rc:;olution 'by citizens many rela tives a nd friends attended conduct large groups of visitors amended to provide for competitive the ceremony. The vows were r ea d through the new quarters of t he examina tions if tJle merit system Is said premises, accord1ng to the re· !CAN BOY seems to underStand a Phone 78J to always keep t heir property In by Rev , W. C. Smith. Mrs. Jones is G-Men wher e t he finger pri nt Identi- to aCLUaliy prevaU 1n Federal govern. corded Plat at th.e Village of COrwtn, boy's problems and considers them good br<\er and appearance: The Warren County, Ohto. II81d Prem.lliell In s~ch a . and helpful spring clean_up, In brief, helps to the granddn ughWr of Rev. T . B, fleation system, various crime labora ment . Thompson who a t one lime served are locate4 ,upon ~ Eaat ~ 0; way. It gives advice and entertaln.lp. . . . . . . . . . . . ..... make th~ townS of America bea·utlful R eports from. . chick hatcberles The U. S, Department of Agriculas minister of the Ferry Church. . ~n Street In Bald vmalie. between 1ng r~Dg op every subject in -and safe. trre~bas tlSSlgned 3,600.000 pounds of con t1 nue to Indlcnte lArger monthly John street' on the .North and, there which a YOUne fellow .. 1nterested. tobacco to be used as fer tllizer, The soles and more 8(lVance orders than befng no other Street within saW It .la partlcularly helpful 10 aporU. Department found Itself cramped was t he case In lUI38. corporate llmlta of the VUJage of I made our lChool basltlltbaU team TARVIA.LITlnc TAR AND for storage space for the 11 ,000,000 ' ~I COrwin Qtl the South. ·Do name beCla~ or playlnir UPS I read In The April 1 eS' t imate phu:es the pounds on hand. EIght car loads of MAp OIL; , EXCAVATING thereof can be·rlven. • 'tHE· AMERJC~ BO)r this l ertllizer ' tobacco have been re_ prospective wlntel~ wheat crop at LI~tle Ervin Faul has been very ill DUMP, T",lICK SEBYJC~ Bald preml8!!S were duly and J'e8U-Kany fl.JDous athietes In all a gain ot Mrs. Etta Blair spent Sunday with ceived by the Ohio State University 650,(J(J!f.OUIr bushels, Wi th t.on5111itis. larlY apprataed .for the sum sports creClit much v of their sucUas 64.000.000 {tom the Decell\ber l-est.l_ "experlmental purposes" and 20 for her brother Mr. Lite Murray. IlUgrestlona received Mrs. Nancy Pope spent Friday as car load s' went to a governmental mate. The carryo.ver of 1938 wh~t Thousand and no-,-.l00 (.1,000,00) .to helpful Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tate of Bell_ and muat , be BOld for not from sports arUclea carried In THE Dollars, Lile 'guest of her daughtcr, Mrs, Lawagency at Zanesville to further a. on· farms Aprll 1. was 180,000.000 brook called on Mr. and Mrs. Pete. less than '. two_thirds (2-3rds) of AMERICAN B01,' Magazine, Virtu. rence Thomas and fa mily. bushels. Runyon Sa turday even1ng. soU erosion program. sa1d apPraised value. Terms of sale ally every laaue otfers advice from a Phone, WayneR¥llle 44 R 11 -----------------------------~------. The P . J. Thomascs C9Ued on 'iIrlr . "cash." famous coach or player. FootbaU, Lebanon ottlce Phone 4'13-Ka nd Mrs Tom Fordyce in West Car_ Mrs. Harold Kellls and Mrs. Clar_ ROSS H. HARTSOCK, basketball, track, tennis. 1n fact ence Crawford were In Dayton shoplollton Monday evening. , EXecutor of Esta~ of Dora every' major sport la covored In ftc· res.98·M. Morrow Pbone ~o. I Ing Saturday. • llUles, deceased. tlon and fact articles: ' Mrs, Hn.; ry Cornell who has been Mrs. Flora Henderson a nd chlldren O. Donald Dllat,ush, Attorney. . '. . T~ers, pbrarlana, parenta and ~cnflned to her bed Is better at th1s of Waynesville ca lled on Mr. and W. N, Sears, Auct. ' ~ O&Ul' l~eis of boys clubs also recom· lime. Wilma. Smlih Is (:arlng for her Mrs, Earl Marlott Sunday a fternoon . mend ~ AMERICAN BOY Gcorge Wleal suffered an a ttael! , : Mr. and Mrs. Emerson DiU and thuslaatloally. Tbey have found Qf appendicitis \ilst weekend but waf son Ralph called On Mr. and Mrs. tba~ sa a Weileral rule regUlar read. able to r tum t.o ~hool on Tuesday , Raymond Osborn In· XenIa Saturday. era of THE. AMERICAN BOY ad~ , REA~ 'QTAR: Profes.~or R. T. Drake and his Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart and " ~~ more ~pldly ' and deveJoP ~ister and their famllles called at the family, Mr . and Mrs. G. Kensinger Dal8y,CU1tlce was 80 ~t' gueet of more wo~whlle CbaNctieriauca HQTARY' PUBLIC . i ' parsonage Sun day. spen t Sunday aiternoon at King her mother Mrs. T. 'Underwooci. than do boys who do not ~ It. " ..1{ The Rev Smith fa mily spent TUes_ Mll1s. W~S Pat Murphy of Mlam1sburg, VIalt_ Trained wrl*1 and artlatAs famday, eVenll~ as guests at the Morrl: Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Gibson ed old,friends here, MondaY. flJS coac!,ea and athletes, RU)Jter home !lnd helped to a nd daugh ter of Centervllle called Theodore perkins &pent the last '1Icl~~ta . .and ~en sUcceasful in on Mr. HUy Gibson and family Wednnd then eat Ice cream, week: ,With re18tl\tea in Kentucky. business aDd' lodqatry Jotn .With an Sever Al from 'Forry nesday evening. Motoriata must foget that the These rules alre fundamental " Mr. ~d ~Och ent.enalned ,at experl,enced S~f' to produce In' THII att 'nd~ ,t he band concert Mrs, Rober t Green and daughter highways are made for motorists, and . should' be respected ..1>1 all .dlnner on ' B'upday, . loIr. and Mrs. ~ BOY, the sort of reacs. according to Joseph R. Gardner. people, the Cin(~lnnati AutomoW~)'lwsvIUe High .School RmUrC'rIUII L O of Dayton, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Shaw Slla.llet and son 01 Clnclnnat1. , lng matter boYs like beat: ' Itt a camI st Friday evening. and family of near Spr1ng . Vall ey President of the Cincinnati Auto. bile Club bel,iev1e& mobile 'Club. The highways are paign to.ita members this.spring" Mrs. Francla Topptn Viali.ed· ber Boy ael1;B MillS Wilma Smith. president spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lue for pedestriana, ' bicycle riders, the Cincinnati Automobile Club daughter-lira.. C. and fam1l . D4! Iftanda , ,at 16c a Morgan. t he' local T I'I-State club Is , Y Sublcrlptlo'll prices .. are horse and wagon and school chi!· urges mem!Jera to : res.,Pect the . , one rear or .,,00 for three Ulg a. dMrict banquet to be given dren, Mr. Gardner pointed out in rights of the , other ~an .on ,the In Bellbrook, ,o n 8uDdQ. appealing to all automobile drivhighway. . On the 'other band, t.h Ferty 9hurch J une 23. Marle K1ne of . cOr~, VlIit.ed POreJrn rates ' IIOc a ' year COl\Il\lUNITY AUCTION ers to respect the rights of othNS the slow moving vehicle On the 'iler ~ta, PrldaJ Dlgb~ and' Sa~_ :suhacrlbe ~ply &end , , I highway ,should cooperate · with ' DIXIE AUCTION ~OMPANY' ~ on the roada. ,day. ' ~ '. ' addfeBs' nm1~ Today there are more . bleyc1 ,the ~otorists by ~oving ovrr to Mrs. Robert QueIU'J~ and , l nfaDt ~~OAl'f @OY•..,aD'-8I• •;1~!~il( riders on the roads tha •• anytime per~l1t ease of Illaas&:ge, M~SBURG, OIUO BOn ,retum~ ,bOme ~ ~ ~ 'Blvd.. DetrQlt, ~ in the past fifteen , years, Mr. Every motorist 'ean do his o ,i..l r~ Dr. BI¢ln&erI. balplt:al wlJiboe ~ SALE EVERY TUESDAY ) ,' . . , . Gardner lIald. ., These riders toward malting IiJighway.s safer /)y
' 6
W. N. SEARS ]_
r. Martl. n THE AMEHICAN '80Y F. _AuctJo ...r_ . SATISFACTION "Or
CenterVille, Ohio
Sand & Gra,"}
Mt.' Holly
J~' ·B~ :Chapman
rtI&~ ~~OAN ~
Let us sell yO"r stOek. merehan. should be ?1'1 ,the side of the ,r oadjoinjng the CincJnnati Autoino-
Qharl~ iUiIe, ,houSehold Obt!'
e~ . Ev~l')'_
invi /.cd. your husfness ' lS appre.
but lJloto ~ ~ts' ~ust drive care- bile Club. fuJIy w.hen !iasslllg or approach- fr~e travel
£JleDleyc E' CALL-PRONE 53SR2 rider, or pe'destrian off the road. MIAMISBURG. omo When eattle or other stock Is 'an tlre..-road ' It .should be 'driven by Arthur Sorrell, owner. Tel. 53582 an attenda nt and never allowed F. T. Martin, Au~"oneer t graze at w ill ~ Motorists shnuld Tel, Cenlenilf3 'f.U .Iow down. s"ri stop until the stock h"l\ j. . " driven past ,h" - JIkIc. Da)1on, 0., AD3t81 automnb"·
Thel ' ~Jub proVidea information. ma~
o~lreM~tl~fiH~~eq ' '. '
road service: ball 6'ond... flg adverse ta?,atlon snd doea everything for t~e .au tomobile , owne, twentY..:four day, Prutdent Gardner Branch. of 'the club malntal~d 1ft Northern EUtl'r" , ~ d iana ind Sou Ohln-'
a1d ,A.
~ ~.. AprQ..
,""~, , "puledl:r'~~~-~-~~~~~...;.:~~:,:~=:::. ..til '~ ,
- Mr. 'IUld ur-.. O. the ~ qf, ,til! D!k
• UCbfoe! lib. ~ 'BoJoce ' MId daUCbter o~ -~ . ",',
loIr. and JiIra, Walton Jr uxl Mr. and ~ JI'omIt Oraadba. at .~ JNre IIIIDdIIt-IUIIta of Mr. and Mra. J. '1'. WaHoo ' P. Me HIe&t; 0A. tended tbe .........
CJnad . ." ' ' '
'I- l
•. - _ _ _
,p==C:_==========_=_-:=:w:::= ======-=-= ~
Sheets, '16 feet
or lot No.1 In the vll.
care, fa·DO; Millard l3ryant, Invalld
' County' Court ·Nel'W&r's ~
larll of Spr1niborQ. care, t6.0I). . Amelda . zecher to John ZlKlher, ' Mrs. Helen Doughman,....... lnvalld ' . .' ;..., .... ,lot No. 700 1n the village of ;Frank. care, "'1lO';~ 'W~e Uelltry, , lnvelid lin. ' . care, .7.00; Ella Bonr, involld care , NiWSuiT::a:=±::::;:::: · ====,=""·=·=:I:":e5=.==:;:::::======!:.=:::=Roy L. Maddox ·tAl John P. De· $7.00; IVA Nicholl, Ivu.lld care, ts,OO ; Anna M, . Barcalow va. Oel'l\~d Bar. In thq matter of t.he esta.te of 'Bord, lot No. 90 III the vU16ge of Merwin Scofield, Inva.1ld care, $7.00: caloW; divorce, extreme cruelty; Lputse foor, tlecell8ed; certUi'cate of Mason. " .Leo J : SmlUl, Invnlld 'care, $10.00; Young aDd 'Young, &ttAlrneys. transfe~ of r8$1 estate ordered. Otho . E. Lane to Jeanette Ro68. NewtAl~ BtampeZ;, Invll<lId care, $10.00 Robert J. Woolwine vs. MargaT~t In the ma.~ter If the estate of man, lot No. 436 In the village of L. B. Steele. inviIJld care, ' $5.()(); Earnhart, et al.; part.U,lon of estate; ' C. E. BrOOking. deceased; Inbellt_, 'Franklln. Mara McElfresh, InvaUd care, $5,00; Apter and Shook, nttAlrn.eYIl. ance tax deterzp.lned as none. Nona KJrk tAl WIl1Ia~ H. C~n RaymO~d Mulford. payroll, $356.20;' verne Burak vs. Helen H. Bursk . In the matt;er of the estate of S 'acres In Earl Hatfield. services as m!lChp.nlc, divorce; gross .neglect; . Harry Z . Oll.therlne M; Hall, deceased; amount Frankl1Il township. $69.00. Gray and HOW4.rd W. Ivlnli. a~tor. of lnllerltance tax lletermlned as C. E. BrOOking, deceaSed, tAl aa.. John Batt, p&Yroll, $209.40; Johnneys. Service by publ1eatlon ordered. none. , chel D. Brooking, et al., 160,80 ~reiI son Myers, payron, $144,80; E. W: In the matter of the will of Lu_ In Deerfield township. Ross, pa.yroll, $359,20 ,; Earl Bashore, , Edith M. Haynes va. W1lliam N. HaYnl!S, ~vorce, gross neglect; /lila Jenn1ngs, deceased; will ordered Leola. W. and Edmund J . Hadley payroll. $13'1.40; V. M. Armitage, YouIli and Young. attorneys, filed. -to Ethel A. and Taylor Boyd, 26 payron, $112.00,; Harry Mount, pay. C. H. 'llIoten VB. H. A. Balon, for In the matter of the estate of acres In HamUtAln tAlwnshiP. roU, $101.80; Zaln Armitage, gravel, money, Interest, etc.; E. J . Kautz, Q.t- Mary Whalen, deoensed: schedule of Lucille M. Boeratler, deceased. tAl $92.80; Blair & LeRoy, cement, sand tornpy. debts approved. Charles H. Boerstler. et al.. 108 lInd gravel, $149,15: The Van Camp In the matter of the estate of acres in ~e tAlwnshlp. StAlne Co., sand and gravel, $1940,76; Mlldre(l. E. Blair. deceased; Inven· Chester M. Poor tAl Louise M. Poor Armrel Mater1als 00.\ M. T. & A. C, COMMON PLEAS PRO()EEDINGS tory and appraisement approved. 19153 acres In Fort Ancient. B. 3, J598.17; East End Coal Co.' Ethan Le'Wla va. Eva B, Lewis, et In the mAtter of the estate of H amilton..Malnvllle SChool District 9,000 pounds coal, $9.3761.; service by puhllcation ordered. M'IIbel May Whisler, de:ew;ed; dis· trict tAl James Tood, one-half acre In Mrs. Anna Doughman, ' garage George B. Johnson, Treasurer of trlbutlon in klnd ordered. Harlan tAlwnshlp. rent from DIst.. 2, $84.00: Lewis & Warren county, VS. Frank J . Clark , In the matter of the estate of Mary Edna I.Jane, deceased, tAl Drake, Inc.. tile and cement, $7,52 ; et al.; service by publlcatlon Ordered Anna M. Franz, deceased; will ad_ otho E. Lane. lot No: 436 In Frank_ Ed. KUpatrlck Texaco service, tire 'llIomas Neville, Jr., et al., VB. Ann mltted tAl Probate for record. lin and tube, $47.34 ; ~ . Kilpatrick Tex. Neville, et 191.; plaintiff tAl pay all· In the matter ot the estate Of , james R. Brown, deceased tAl Ea- aco Bervlce. g8llOline, $18.00; Hatha_ mony and defendant's attorney tee, Lelia Gertrude Trimble, deceased; tella M. Brown, et al.. 131 .98 acres way Texaco Bervlce, gasoline, $15.21 ; Louis E. George VB . L. H. Brown Inventory and appraisement 'lip. In Clearcreek tAlwnshlP. Ruby Van Riper, gasoline, $15.19; W. and Harry E. Snell; case dismissed, proved. Jane Brown tAl Estella M. Brown, L~ Kirby, gasoline , $2.33; West·s~_ compromised and settled. In the matter of the w1l1 of Alice 131.98 aCTes In Clearcreek township. vice Station, gasoHnl!, $9,44; Wilbur George B. Johnson, county Trea Cl'~a rles G. Miller, by Auditor, tAl Swanger, servl.ces 'a s janltAlr of Silvers, deceased; wUl admitted tAl Burer of county, Ohio, vs. Probate for record, George and Ollie Rhodes. one-eighth Memorial Hall, $50.00; Bureau of In_ Mary V. &!Donnell; case dlsmlssed In the matter of the CIltn.te of acre In Deerfield township. spection and Supervision, examiner without record. Lenna A. Lowe, deceased; W. E. Miss Alma M. MUll, tAl Florence for 1 day on roods, ' i19.75. . Kenneth Pence VS. Virginia Pence ; planUff to pay lIttomey's ' fees, etc. Frank oPpralsers. Stitt " and L M. M. and Bliss W. Baldwin, 137 acres Chesney, Moler appolnt.ccJ In the matter ot the estate ot
. . .-
u!~th~::e~~~!:ed~\:Ufl. ~~ of transfer of real estate order.
George Lewis ' Morrison, deCeased; rtnerltni'I'CetlOr
The Smith Agricultural Chemical Co.
(,ompare Our Prices and You ",ill !Jay At
Fairley Hdwe Stores Establis hed 1849_1039
Lar,er Because or Belter Qunllty, Service, and Price
.. nONE a2
Ir.••••~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 1_ \ . COllllnL~slon Public a!re~~~ates ~~~t t.hC~u~~t:~~~~ :
_ _
.... ......
The Fe<lW':; \ C:ml
es_ 1
l '«ctl
~~ ~oOnf,
Jesse Witt ; unolalmed money ordered paid tAl the County Treasurer. In the mat.ter of the estate of Henry Duffy, dece~; Hownrd P. Assum, appointed admlnlstratAlr', A. J. Scbeurer, Joseph McKinsey ruld Charles Sacker appolnt.ccJ ap. pral.sers. In the matter of the estate of Henrietta. Hines, deceased; C. Don. Jd DUatush appointed admlnlstra. tAlr; Edgar A Ludlum, J . N. McKln. sey 'and Everett Bennett appointed appraISers,
Guaranteed Quality
Mineral Feed aO'd Plant
Edgar A. and Florence C.
BUll. fertilizer' lnsjs't
" - . ",
,:l'lltJg/t "tl m'erent '
tAl C. C. Whis tler. 21.80 acres In T ::.egunsa .. tthhee e .,....., Wayne tAlwnshlp. LA:U In the' matter of the estate of Tile undersigned as Admlnl~tra_ of a nntional emergen.,Y. If the SO! I --SCREEN-Board of Eduoatlon of Hamilton. most colorful team In base.ball , are Mary Edna Lane. dl!ClCaSCd; date far Malnevllle Village &:llooJ District tAl now swinging their lusty bats on for. tor of the estate of Shultz. de- coal wage ner;o llaUons r main dead .. InventAlry set. for MAy I, 1939, at locked :J ftel' May 5th. A sUltem" ll l 'Women In the Wind' Florence Heitmeyer, 1 acre In Ham· elgn soil. 'llIe Reds are makJng a ceased, will sell at. public wucUon, W 10:00 o·clock. tAlur of flve National League cities, at his late residence on the IlY_ issued by the Commission Indicates Kay FrancIa . . lloon tAlwnshlP. mil . In the matter of the estate of in which they will appear In thirteen nesvllle and Bellbrook pike. 2 ell that the government might Is.sue 11 Wm. Gargan James Anderson, deceased; Ida M. games. north of Waynesville and i mill!!> proclamation authorizing the distrl Contlnuou. Shc.w. Dally , MARRIAGE LICENSES Following three games with Pie sout.h of Bellbrook ~nbutton at avnUable I;u\lpll s to vi 1\1 Sill, Pnnltlln, O~o, appointed ad· Adult. Only 25c to 6 P. M. m\nlatratrtx. Ralph W. Jones, 22, f&rmer, of Traynor's Pittsburgh Pirates, the TUESDAY, l\lA~...8lb! 1939 points to mainta in such services as In the matter of the wllU of cm. P I84SBnt Plain, and It. Vergene clan of McKechnie Will swing on tAl . Beglnnlng at 10:00 o'clock a . m water. light, hen t nnd trans portation ford D. Erd, dectased; will ordered Swank, 19. beautician. of Loveland. the Polo grounds for their fkst ap_ sharp. the f0110wln& described chat- Approximately 350.000 miners. Incluti fOed; will admftted to Probate for W11son Nicholas, merehant. and 'pearance against the Giants. The tel property tAl wit: Ing 30,000 in Ohio, quit work at record. Evelyn, Zimmerman, clerk. both of Reds and Giants IlDet In single 3 M1JLES 3 midnight March 31st undcr order In the matter of the estate of Lebanon. games Tuesday and Wednesday . lone span aged mules; one extrn from John M. Lewis. Prcsldent cUtrord D. J!lrd,' deceased; The Cen· Earl .F rancls Kennedy, 21. shoe Contlnulng their junket, the Reds good mule, 8 years old. the Uni ted Mine Workers' Union . tral TrUIt CO.........y appointed ex· ~EAL ESTATE TRANNSFEJlS worker. and Edna. Male Barlow, I to Bo tAln Th sd f three ED CATTLE 6 pending a wage and hour adjust_ ~.-. J Roy Drummond tAl Harry W. 20 shoe worker both of Lebanon move n s . "'1' ay or G WUITE FAC eCutor; O. R. Shoup. Joseph Karp. CUne, 62.'111 acres - in Washlngton ' . ' . tilts against the, Bees. then move to One cow , five yearUngs. ment. aDd Dean Stanley appointed ap. to~lp.. . Philadelphia for three games start- 33 SUEEP 33 . Rachel D. Brooking tAl Lemuel'D. BILLS ALLOWED !ng Sunday. 'llIe tAlur will close with 18 ewes; 14 lAmbs: one buck. pra1aera. According to the latest figur es In the matter of the ~te of Brooking and Hllbert Brooltlng, MUler Hardware & Furniture, 12\ contests In Brooklyn on May 10 and 69 . HOGS 69 complied by tile Intornntional Labor Jtunes Anderson, deceased; Gran. 160.80 acres. In Deerfield township. tAlwel, 3 knlves f~ Memorial Hall, 11. . • 6 sOws with 60 pigs, 4 weeks old ; OUlce at Geneva, Switzerland , the Vllle TUl1ea, L. D. Sander and Fred Hilbert Brooltlng to Lemuel D. $3.78: W. C. , 4000 Ibs. Poca. Wben the Reds return to Cl'oIIIIIYts t about JU5 lbs. 1 sow to total number 01 unemployed persons ~era appointed appraiser&. lump for Memorial Hall, tlt.50; Field on May .12, tWlY 11\'111 meet the 12 shea w. , • 1 lL .. , " Brooking, 160,8&- acres In Del:rfleld , farrow In the world todny Is 12,580,973. Of In th4! ma'ter. Of we estate of tAlwnshl Oolumbus Blanle Boole Mfg. Co.• ap_ St. Louis cardinals 1:n a ladles' day 1# IMPLEMENTS this number 7.215.961 nre r eported I Anianda. Luce, deceued; Inventor,: RaCh~' D. BrOOking to Lemuel D. .pllc:aUons for deduction for destroy_ game. Ladles' tlckeul' will be put on and·!8~Prale~\approvlld. ·. Brooking .et at :'U It.8S.cres (n ed,property, $3.60; Sf:akalta Mfg. Co•• sale four days In ad\rance at the old Ollver rl dIng .brea kIng plo ... ·, walk to be In. the United stotes. The Amer In the matter of the estate of field tAl~lp. , 10.000 Neva. Clog staples tor auditor, T1mes-8tar Building. Slsth >and Wal. Ing plow; 5 -h. ~ cultlvator ·, double lean Federation ot LlIber places the S . unemployecLaround lu'~~~'-I-I ¥arY Edna Lane, dec:eued; amount ".50; Stanley Earnhart stamps for nut Streets. Mall Qlrders tor this shove, I · 60 tooth liilttow'• corn ,blnd_ lL"" of tnherJ~ tax determined. 'Lemuel {>. BrooIclng to Hilbert· audiliDr'8 oftlce, S20.00; Stakalta M(g. game will be aocepuld before that er; cultivator; sled: roller ; .com In the matte.- of the estate ot Brooking, 161.63 acres In Deerfield Co. " ~ter paper and stamp for time. and fans are requCllted tAl send planter with fertilizer att.achment; A'I of April 27. sixty-five JCgJI»Ul lolY C&sslua M. ~J. deceased ; Meryl B. tAlwnshtn. probate jUdge, $3.00; Columbua Ii stamped, self-Addressed envelope double disc; com blnder; wheat enactments bearing the approval Oray appointed administrator de Lawrence Gephart to Otil? E. Blank Book Mfg. Co. forms for with their orders. binder: Deering mower; hay rake; bonia non. Gephart, 100 feet of lot No. 9 in the proba.t,e court, t9.76; 'llIe Book Shop, The Reds start the present. inva· hay tedder; flat tAlp wagon; box b t d IIgnature of Governor John W. Bricker have be;m Ol!\cially flied In In the matter of 'the estate or V111qe of Franklin. I ·record for dog warden $.75; Frank slon of the East In first 'Pl1Ice, after Superior grilin drU!; 10i chain; ,post the office of Secretary of State Oheater II. ~r. ~eceaaed: ce'rW~W. H. Me. Ewen and Edna E. Mc. Ba'tache M. D.. medl~l servlces, a sPectacular pair air meeUngs with digger; post auger; 011 drum; fence Earl GrlfftLh. The legislature slow_ cate of tranafer of real estate order· Ewen to Plrman. Sheete and &11th iI6.60; Allee M. Arnold, Invalld the Chicago Cubs at the home . lot, stretchers; Iron kettle; platform ly approaches adjournment, the sug_ _.....,,.,......,..._..,..------------_ _ _ _ _ _,.....___~~__.__'_~________ 'llIls road trip will se:rve notice 118 tAl scales; gravel bed; Decedent's one gested final date having been exthe poasIbUlties of the club in the h1l1t Interest in manure spreader. tended from May lOth to May 20th.' chase for the flag. • 1930 Ford coupe In good condition June Is Dairy Month and will be and newly painted. dedicated to call1ng public attention ' MISCELLANEOUS tAl the value of one or the best food Wagon Jack; aythe; double and products which will ibe 1LvaUable In single trees; hay knife ; lard pres!!; over.abund.ance. The Ohio Dairy 2 lawn mowers; sprayer; horse clip· Stabilization Committee Is cooperpers; brooder stove; 6 galvanized ating with chain stores, drug stores, I chicken coops; water cream seperll_ variety stAlres, grocery n.~soclaUons, tor; curt.aln stretchers; sausage dairy councils, ho tel~ , nnd res. ..... grinder; cream can; mllk can; hay rope and tark; seed sower; set 'llIe American Nautical Academy. tnura nts to Incrense ti1e con~ump_ double ladders; 2·12 ft hog tr\>ughs; Nationai Training School . for Mer. tlon of dairy produ::ts. chant Marine Officers, Washington. " galvanlr.ed hog troughs; dinner D. C.. announced today that boys bell;' torks; shovels; harness; bridles and young men between the agea of Ilnes and may small articles too nu_ 11 lIJld 21 years will be aUowed tAl 18_ merous tAl menUon. Tt4fAE IS A, "f'OU/f!6 LA.OV IN NILE S, FEED cure practical ship experience on WHOSf ""'CI IS ALL COVERED WIT.. S/O\IL.IS board a :training ship of the Acad· 150 bushels com emy wlt.hln tale pepcld from June 1. CHICKENS td October J, 1939. 50 Leghorn !:lens. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Copper c:ad Jl8nge; cupboard. cabinet; table; dlnlng table : burfe't ; Estate Heatrola; 011 stove; davenport; book case; stand; G rockers; straight cha~; 2 9xl2 rugs 3 small rugs; May tag electric washer; EUreka electric sweeper; 15 gallon stAlne jar; 3 dozen cans fruit ; In.. :. bushels potatAles; dishes and cook· on Ipg utensils. TERMS CASU ROSS H. HARTSOCK, ExecutAlr of tita te of Dora Stiles, Deceased. C. Donald DIlQtush, Att'y. W. N. Sean. AGel. R. D. ()olleU , Clerk ~uaeh by Friendllblp Club When you're nervous they tell you to . relax. 'E asy advice to aive, but mighty hnrd to follow, You will find It mUM easier' to relo.x-to over. GRAND.J:(JRY ~T WORK CUffle SleeD .. leanea.. Nervolls IrrltablUlYt RMt . ~ea, . Nervous , Headlldle< ~ler you tall:c .. 'l11e Wanen County, G~nd . Jury convened early Ulls week. ~e Jury 1a bivesttgatlng 23 crimtnal chal:llCf!. OR>
. :. .;-v.
--~--- "
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p" ( " d
" C 0 ro
1\ LL
r • III r :
i f ~;
I, ) " ~
f.5 T\:O 5 T
,·N'EDRViN·E nerve
DR. MILES NQVINE Is Q ' weU known ledative. Althoullh' th6 fonnula from which \t was made has been in WIe for. nearly 60 yeu:s, 110 better medicine tor a teDIe, over-wrouht
...--DeNour-condltlon haa-ever been , prescribed.
--nR. MILES NERVINE IS !III up-to-dite th1I lIIOI'niftI'a paper.
. u
WIN Waynesville, O.
G oJ'B" Young trlUlSnCted n.' h re SnturdllY.
- .:..-----
TENNIS CLva TO START ACTIVITIES Dr. and Mrs. Ward were Har.[ . . veys~urg vfsltots , SaturdaY. The TennJa club ~"bo~~,;o,~tateLt its second aeaaon. .l 118 ....... ~ ... Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Howell, ot pected to be ready in 11. few ·d4lya. Sl,!lmtl, and Mrs. ~ Downing of Fences haNe been repaired, a new Xenia. called at the H04Ile, Sunda.y. roller laooeing' made. and the new Miss Marie OWens Ilpent the Beason tickets ' are on 8ale. Any· , week.eM with her family at Dela.. 1one ' desiring a ticket should 8ee \~Are. O. Mary Stansberry or Inez James One flft ts
Mrs, R. H . J efI 'rl~1l and son Kirk ,were In WlJ1l1ingion Saturd\lY.
I Mrs.
OLVB'S GVEST SPEAKER . The New Century cl~ en. tertalned Prtday afternoon, April 28, at the country home of Ml'8. W. E Cornell. TWenty,.one meln. bers ~esponded to Toll call w1th ' the names Of a British ~ssI6n. Mrs. O. L. Hawke and .Mrs. R. P " Collett charge. read' of t}le gram. were Mrs, inHawk.e enpro· in.
Lettie Hibbard and niece, aoUar for adUlts: and Y cen terestlng ,Paper ' on '''Old Emgllsh .""'~" Thack&', of OentervUle vis· 1 tor high , school ege and under. It InnQ ••~ 18 Ired that rubber soled shoe ... _ " .... .....-s. .CQllett then intra.
MJ-s. Ida H anks nnd Mrs, John RatelU! weI' lon shopper:~' Suturrny.
requ heel be aworn. The mem.. duced Rev. W. O. Peterll, of Ash. , I Ited Taylor ~bbard, Sunday. wltho~t . h18 , Mrs. Me rla Elbon Is staying at ' ,bership 111 not l1m1tetl ' nnd any ap. v11le, 0 ., wl10 talk.ed about the Home during Mrs. Foster Hell. pl.~ n" mtly become members by homeland, England. . ' A spr1ng festlvul was given bs 3"'6 During the ~ ~our, Mrs. J . gym Friday evcnlng. The occn Ion cock's a ence. _ payme.n t of the fee. K . Preston. Mn Russell SalIsbury, was {'njoyed by aU. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dakin, and Mrs . Glld Mrs. Ralph M1l1er assIBted .the '1 M r. !1I)d M rs . CeLI I·scllc.l Hilder n,& .... ,. ..... . Oble Welch of HarVeysbUrg, were . CONSERV ......ION BILL ho'--In.8erv ' I, n. " , del1clous re'reah. J :echt nnd Inm Uy vl~1ted In vlsltors of Dr. 'lind Mrs. Ward. . PASSES' SENATE ments to the members and guests. Sunday, chc~ter Snturcla~', . Walter Clark was called to 00- Mrs, Lea1ler r.-.a VVI"on, Mrs. . Ota Ml'\S Cnrol Bunncll was , l he guc t Mr. and Mrs. H. C . Harvey. Mr. lumbus Tuesday to testify before Hidy. Mrs. Jack Rich, Mrs. Warren \ of her grnllclmother . Mrs. Sndle and Mrs. Hayes Keever and thelr ' ttl H ' Agricultural Committee Braddock, Mrs. William Lukens, De~rated e. new , COnservation r-. Un, G'--"'~rden, ~ '!lson S un day, gra n ds on. W ayn,e Keever of Leb- in e regard ..,u" Ufo' ... Mrs. Harold Mr. 1!1l~:1 Mr.·... WllItu'd MOl'lJn ; anon. visited here Sunday, Bill known as Senate B1ll No. 142. Earnhart, and the Rev. Peters. wcre Sunday gues l,~ of Mrs. Mary A. W ' hort, Chief (I t Game Man- , This Bill gives fann~ pte right to , Ohio Oonservatlon DIviSIOn . MISSIONARY MEETING Syfred. agement organize 1n dlstric ts an d oaU for a B4fD CON CERT~ D"~CE ~ visited Mr. and 6h hmrSHnDLUA' c. C. C. camp. ' TWenty s1lt states DRAWS LARGE CROWD Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman George . ... Invites Fisb and Game .. . , . , The mIsSionary society of the ' have passed a slmUar law. . The G roup to Meeting F erry and' Waynesv111e Churches of Benate Agr'Aultural CommJttee act.. ' Those who attended the benefit vlsiled Mr. .1I1d Mrs. Harry McVay .... th W III Sunday. A joint meeting of the Warren Christ met Wednesday afternoon, ed unanimously on this blll . and It concert IPven b y e ,. aynesv e county Fish and Game ~claUon April 26, at the home of Mrs. Mary passed the Senate without a dis. ~ band, Friday pight. ",ere We afe glad lo report 0111" sa m ~ feeling ot great pride bc' held at tbe Grangc Hall in , G1l1am on th,e Bellbrook p Ik . e. Th e , sentlng vote. It- also nD,ued WliIllL filled w1th .. t each ers were "rctalned mll cn 'he \"ill , .-th18 gant-tlon of ' young mu L banon on Tuesday. May 9, accord· devotiona l program was In charge ot mously by the House Committee in or _ • 1fC 1001 board comelled Friday even. I g LO an l8 unouncemeni. this week ' the president. Mrs. Jennie Thomas and wlll be passed In the house slclans. working under the capa~lll officers of tho two organizations. a nd MJs.s Wilma Slh1tb. Alter the I when the Ib ill comes up. The pro.. direction of their leader, RU8Sel E. ing. Rev. Smith, of Mllicll town, and J. O. Wilson, a member o[ both business sess10n letters were read gram 'now is that every camp will Frank. :A varied progra!D was pre. hi choir cond ucted services at t he groups. wlll serve as chairman of t h e from President Rocords of the be taken out of Ohio. If this bill . sented' consllltlng of marchell, over. Zion Baptist church Sun lay af tcI'_ meeting and t ile prognm will bc pro clnnatl Bible Seminary, thanking passes the House, Warren COlmty tures. Bacb Cbor6les, and novelty noon. vlded by the fLsh and game associa.. t lJe society for the canned fruit of· Will be able to 'hold the Veterans j selections. Seth Hoak gave ~n ex. William Sand'rs is Improving. I fering and from the st. Lou1s Homes camp at Lebanon Thls bill Is not ' cellent. example of hls talent on f D t Miss Margarct Starr 0 eyon Uon. I.t 1..'<.JWIUll1llced, that through the for the Easter olIerlng. The lesson ,I tied up with the• Agricultural Ad.. th e drums , which has the wont him tew r pent th wcek-end with h er motll_ CooPCI'J tll!"tr ~ , .• t;. 15U.0t- -_ -- . t)r~ared._ by , ' .IlmtU~ I.I".I"""'" J'\rna!"ftOOn. • _ , reeonIP .on during _ .~~. er Mrs Amanda S~l>.l"r lion Division, Uley have obtained A. Mullen was on me worl>. u, Idle !'hlL weeks and Marlon Smlth dJSPlayed I his aptness on the Sousaphone, a : ., .;. uela McCoy died at Miami W Sh t ch ief of game manage- lpplnes under the Wolts and Allisons With . Valley hospita l ThlU"sd[lY. Inter. t 01"11'0 ,"Ill talk on "The Farm· The Offerin,g was sent to the Phil· MRS. JESSE MENGLE very difficult instrument to play. • er's men.Place IV ENTERTAINS ment was In Miami ce mtelY , Sa_. In.• Game Managemeot;.. .. Ipplne M1ssIon. . . CLUB MEMBERS , During an 1ntenn1ss1on betwe~n' urday. Another featul'e of the program wlll The next meeting wlll be' at the , The Waynesville Garden club concerts & demonstration ot phy. Tuesday -- May 9th G.len n Fjealy, Miss F aye Kelly" be an address by W. ·E. Owens, chief home of Mrs. Maur!(:e the l~t Wed. , met Tuesday afternoon at the l~ve_ A1cal education was presented by Mrs. ~arn est D I on nnd daughter engineer In c))!Jrge ot water conser. , nesday In May. Ily country home of Mrs. Jesse Men. girls of the seventh and eighth Mary J a ne. attended the picture vatton. who will spel~k on "Water gle. grades under the direction of Miss With show in Wilmington Sunday nigh t . Control and Conservation," 'Movles : CHESTER EVERETT ~OURNE M1ss Pearl RUey, the preQdent, Mary Beach. Mr. end Mrs . Ohar es Edwa~d.> will be USBI' to !llustr ate both SUbo , , presided over the bUSiness seSaion. , After the concert a d';'DC~ W118 Melvyn Doug1as - Virginia Bruce were out of town vlsllors Snturday. jects, Chester Everett Bourne, 28, SJn · • enjoyed in the cafeteria room, With Wahoo Nighf- Big Cash Winners Robert Grey visi t Jd hL~ grand· of Morris Bourne, died thls, . Thurs. 1 A vocal duet by Mary L . Lacey mus1c by Bud LeMay'S orchestra. pa rents . Mr. anr Mrs. J . C. Grey. the .d ay morning, May 4, at Miami Val. , and Mery J. Thompbsn was enjoy. Refreshments were served by moth. was over the week-end. . Mrs. Anna V1ncent h te Mrs. ley hospita l tollowlng an Ulness of I cd by all. era of the band mlmbers. gues t of her gr~dda ug r, two years of d1a~etes. He had been I J4ra. B. V. Smith reported 'l.he Amos Thompson Fred Dakln a nd Donald Shawe. in the hospital t wo months. Be- planting of shrubs and nowers on Charles Fol~y sU:S baJned injuries In . • the Crane NOTICE an auto accident Thursday. T he sides his father, he Is surVIVed. by t.he road side bank at latter is confined ' to his home with 'smcnuo:l aq~ uo sdlJ~S one brother and two slsters, Corner tCOJDPleted. . 'In UT sdOl :Jo JO .8UJlU8 1d lllfl q11M j}UOIV . Funeral s.ervtces will tie held at Mrs, George .Sml~ led a dis. Doors are open for ths assembly a broken leg and arm. IiJussaoau a.taM Si)wn~ JO uOJl"0np the .McOlure tune'i-al home &qur. ' cusslon on perennlals. pt Gods' uttle family ~t llttle cbU. HARVEYSBURG .. . . ,.y . , . .... . · old ..a,q~ ~IWl9d cn S1uourJua.q nos day at 2 p. m •• Rev, W. O. Smith 'the guest 8peaker was ~a. J. dren on any following SabbattJ at Mrs . Mabel West, Mrs. J ane Mer, ~Ulfl PUDOJ aH 'LOGY tIT UU1IJ Alunoo officiating. Burial in Mi1Iml ceme. K • . S~b of Oinclnnati, Who such an hour as may be agreed on cer and Mrs. Anna Mercer of Lees·~ 1UoWlaa: sll{ uo saPISlllll{ uo nos al{~ tery. talked about . "OUr Native Wild by his famIlY, e~l of whom believe Open Every Ni,ht At 6 :45 P1owers," and .180 exhibited many that the PaUtera' name for ~ls burg. were Sunct!ly guests of Mrs. 8uTPloq 10 POtl1llUl Srtt~ uu.8aq Ol{M Matinee. Sat. & Sun. Onlyl .1 Louise Fite and daughter. Jane. U()IDD 'W J\UUJd' SIlJ4 lItIlcIcIoJO cIl.l19 GRANGE NOTICE 'o.f Ute plents. Th1s talk. was very faml1y 18 founcl In st. Matt. 5:43; Low Price. Mat. IOc &; 15c; Eve. ~Oc & ' 20c HeleD Randall and Mrs. C. G. tIT SJilOUOld oIttO ;)It'I JO :lUO There will be first and second de. interesting ~ IuId 1aatruQttye. De- 16:18; Eph. S':II1; 6:25: Randall /Were WUm1ngton ~lto:rS "NO BI\NNER- n.i~G;·gree 1n1tlation, and If sl}ort Moth. ' l~ refreBhmenta were served <,S igned) Joshua Harvey. Saturday. Is the title of a, play by the ·.~rs' Day pl"OgI>@m, at the Grange after whlch ~e meeting adjourned. Mrs. Lane and son "Junlor" vls- Ohmer Park layers of Dayton. WhO ' meeting. aat\lJ"d'y_ eV1lnlng.......MaY.!--'-_-====;;=- - - 8:00- Oholr' Practice. Use The Miami Gazette USE TII8 MriIiI GAZBTTB Mothers day will Jted Mr . lind Mrs. Donald .Shnwe a re ' comlng In hOl1lor of Mothers' ;'6th, Want Ads dt\.Ulthter - if:<ne Ruth and Miss Day the Method~;t church. Sun. " be here one week from this Su.n~. Addie Polett over tbe week..end. b I S b ( ·M ay 14. A speciiJ,1 progrt1m is plan· day evening. 1\:11\( 1.4, at 2:30. .1' u scribe to the Miami Gazette. ned, . ------------~~.-------
Friday Evening, May 5th 7 P. M , COMPLETELY REMODELED And
For Your Comfort!
ON THE SCREEN FRI. & SAT.! John Ford's Smash Epic Of The West!
. h" "Stagecoac
Joh~ Wayne A Cast Of 1000s
SUN. - MON. MAY 7-8 Frank Capra's Great Hit
"You Can't With You"
. James .)·t ewart
Jean Arthur
1 I
"There's That Woman Agai~"
Wed'. --Tburs. May IO·llth
- -- ":'- ", -
, C·,.....,.. -I' .
ST. MARY EPISCOPAL CI:IURCH being the first Slinda.y of the Rev. R. L. lIackweJl, Minister month ' t he young P ople w1l1 have 4TH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER c harge' of our unified service. 'Come 10 a. m , Church school. and by .your' presence ncou1'ag 11 a. m. Holy Communion and these "young people. Song service bo· 8CI'!1'on. gin E\t 9 :30 a. m. . . TUESDAY Mother's Day is May Lhe 14th and 2 p . m . Nursery Church school. our goal for cil I~ 250. so FRIDAY begin to make plans now to ' be at i 2 p. m. Woman 's Auxiliary ~ t the the F erry cburch for worship that Little Inn; Miss Emma Lou Lewis, day, hostes;. The is invited to the B~ 4 'p. 01. Junior hig h boys. el\D ql ss meetl1;&, TIIUrsd!ly 7 :45 7:30 P. m. Girls' Friendly grouP. p, m. .
Wayne: viII !) Ch ur(' h of Christ W. C. Smitll, Mini ·ter The II ttendance la: , Sunday morning was 84 Grtd lor the evening ~el"vlce it wa~ 75. If your children are not iiI SUl1cl ay S ,11001 why not come and bring them this Sunday? /:?un day SChool ' slar ts at 9 :30 a.m· hrlstlni1 Endeavor 7:00 p. m· P reaching .7 :45 p. m. FOI ALE- Fresh cow with calf Bible study Wednesd ay 7 :45 p. m . by side. J. B. Strouse, R. ~. 2 , WaYJ;lesvUle, M4·2t· Waynesville l\1cthodist Church . . , . Rev. Jolm V. Lacy. ~aslor FOR house, semi· Sunday. May 7. 9:30-Sundny SChool , R. D, Col· modern. large lot. in Lytle. See Stanley H. Bailey. Waynesville . lett, Supt. 10 :40- Morning Worship. M4.2t' 4 : OO-~rth Lc!!illJ.lL Meets 00 a ttcnd Epworth Church DaYton, DON'T SELIt Wednesday Your wool at presen t prices. Gov· 2:00- Frlelldsh lp Olub meets with rs Preston . Rev Morren wll1 bring ernment Loan Insures a strong sJx Singers from the Worthington mar ket. Ge t full va lue for 'YOUr cUp Children's Home and will provide by consigning to the Ohio Wool Growers Cooperative .Assoclatlon . the program . caSh adva nce when wool Is secelved 3:45--JunJor Cl'loir, Waynesville Farmers' Exchange Co, 7:00-Boy Scouts. 7 :30-MoUler .Daughter T ea. See , Use The Miami Gazette tl onounc mcnt elsewhere. Want Ads
\ , ....., : .. , . . . . eM - T. P. Edwatd P. Flab., antS
Ar>b.... , Mclean, oUldol, 01 the M" iody Dlvillon 01 GenlilOI
. experience have given ,You.
lnlp.cllh. Ilt.1 car with o plalhc body .v.r buUI In Ih. o S. II I. on dllplay In Ihe Gen· ; . " lIIIolotl Bulldln\! al Ih e ~1"· , Yorlc World', Fal'
140 , 10ft
L ..
A .fanner 'name(! Peter Sommer built this first Keyston~ fence weaving machine iIi' 1889, and ,founded the great ~ystone' Steel and Wire Company. They've been making fence better and better ever since! Come in and look at our stock o( mO<lelll 'Keystone RED BRAND fence. &!e. the . I improvements ~ years of (enee' making
~ ,ttuck ooating' o~ \~inc:~t on
by 'tbe ,pa~ted · "Gal~'~, pnJC#!SS -and the ' ·bearing steel;fights rust .t!m>ugh an'?~. '~e . b8ve~~ RED BRAND feilce in ' JD8Dl . bei£h.ts r and weights and spacipgs.< Fil.I your ,fencing needs herel A. '
. 'I'
lnau-:e Your ,Farm ~ertJ
The'Continental -I••uranc• .Co.
0... ,_OOO.~'&IHta.., Pay .~".QY at I. no' extra coSt. . FUll ~etaU8 , without obligation. ' ,I' ' . 't." . We are ' pleased to ·be .ble to quote lower rates 9n Auio~oblle8, With 'a n ad41- · tional cOYfmltre added. I
~~ Wilbur N.
' . " .
.......... ·W ...I__ Al1IdIa...,
wnOLE NUMBER 3$'78
'lbe Wap1esvUle
SdlQOl " • • ,. '!'!' , • •• -
Alumlll A,MocIra·t lon w111 return to oC hav· Ing dinner Inasmuch 'as with the new ' auditorium Qnd cafeteria In the hlgb school bulldJng there will be ample facilities to handle all . dem,nds. ~i l wat the officers and .local committee on arrangements feel th8.t It \W)uld be wort~ Q trial this year. Dinner will be· served at 8:aO p. m. by the Ladles' Aid of the Methodist church. The alUllC nI officers this year are Margoret W. Edwards) '89, president; Ruth Hartaock· WaI~~, 'la, Dayton, vMpprl!!lident; • Helen 14 Hawke 'I., SCC_ treasurer.; Inez M. J~mes, relary. The local eommlttec on arrange· menl8 conals~ of R06fl bI.I~~k,
:alr=~e:th a!d~' ~~ Brace,
iii , . , • •
:Hap'penmg-S" .
118 former amnial custom
Under the auspices of the v ville, The Waynesville Fire DeDlflrtmelrlt. ville Civic Club, Boa,rd of Health, Scouts, Thursday and Friday of next' 18th, and 19th.-hlive been designated and Paint-up' days It is hoped tbat all Business HQ s, and all private citizens will cooperate by dis sing of all un~ightly trash of every description, CLD a ll debris ght constiin basements or near buildinp, which tute a fire hazard. Beginning Monday, MIly 22nd, 1 39, W. B, Squires, Fire Chief, and his Ilssistants ·w: 11 make an illspectio]l in and about buildings to d'et t any possible i'ire hazards. Let us make Waynes iIIe a clean and safe town,
_ n _ _ a _ __
~,· plbtte(l' \ plants for Mother's Da.Y A. H. ·Btubbs.
• . '. • • Mrs. Davis FlirnllS Is . serlously ill ·with tile tlu. • • • • '. Mr. and Mrs. John W. KerF.ey were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward U11am of Lebanon, Sunday. • • • • • Raymond .Conner visited the New York world's fair and other points In the East. last week. '-. • • • • Mrs. R. H. Har~k and MrS. J. R. ' Mengle were Clriclnnatl vlsltors
and can deduct the charge from .remlttlancee. The fight to make such a colle<:_ tlon eharge Is not dependent upon W'hether 'or not the collection Is tor a prlva~ Individual or ~ public of_ . Attorney General Thomas J. Herbert ruled this week. The oPln1Dn waaJeq\leSted by the bureau of inspection and .supervisof pUblic otncea. Much of sbate 1nIt1W~ funds are Inveated In Ohio polltlcal subdlvlstoo bOndA, maw of wblch are payable at banks ' ou!aide of Ohio.
Part aotb , .
:.ofCan~~ · CODCel:/::
13 OHI~ STATE BOYS , • BESIDE DJ "ARNS . • _..-..:. C9lumbus-~en boYR are Uv. lng In barns ~hile ,&ttendlPl Ohio State Un1~tY. All majoring in emmal husbandry. these· boys llve and wort in ba.rna
spent stx · months witH., her slater In the dairy barq, me In the sheep barn, two in the beef OIlttJe the inCidents of hIS school 1days. at ,Englewood, . Plortda. t" • • ODe lJl the hog barn, and one in Grace ~n Davia of Dayton wUI · represent t.b8 2Lyear IfOUPS, abe Mr, "and Mrs, EriuI Blown and ~ horse bal:D. Tll,6i get lodging free 'lind cooking beln, I. member of the clue oC ·191. son and Mr. and Mrs. RUSl!ell WIl. MInnIe ibtson of IndianaPOlis: son and chl1dreJrV1alted liOUlSVIlle prlvtleges in . return for their work. KY.., B~, ' which gets them up early . In the of the C1Me of 1881, who alter leav. .' mornlng to help «;are for their anL Illi high ecbool became a teacher ID the public Icbools wUl speak 011 Dr. Mary L. Cook IIInd Dr. J. E. mal charges before starting off to "The Solemn 80'& .nll .Gay 90's." Witham attended the meeting' 01 class. Mary Leah. Edwat:dI!, '31, of 8p'rbig.. the W¥'l'en Medlcnl Society at Leb_ fle~i 0.; will !i&ve as ,hel; subJeCt, anon, Tu~~~ , . • • ' ONE DAY VAOATION , "The ,Voice of ~OUtb,': It ta eL ' . ' .. .' -protect. that: lihe will Poke /iOJIle fun .M r, and. Mi'~. Leonard Tinney Wa~nesvllle stUdents at Ohio at tope 61d Guard an~ aho .· brlng1 took thel" son ,Billy to an eye ape.. State Urilverslty wlU have a oncthe schoolstrlc't ly , up to date. clallst _In .. OID~tI for examfillL. day vaoa~lon, May 30, but Imme_ , .' tlon, 'l'Ue8day, . dlately afterward they'll be plungltlg IDfonn~ and brief talks will I.e ~ . ..... 'in . made the' other memberll of the to .preparatlons for final examlna. . ,. I ' Mrs. ~tella E;\'ana ~ tlons Which start On June 6 ~ltIel' clas~ Who wID be ~, Helen, ot Dayton, . v1lilted Mr, . • Mr. Furnas will pre,sJde during the I Mrs, H~ey Rye and family SENIOR CLASS DAY enttrepar~ of th~ Pl'OII'fIUD. day: . ' • • • • • . .•" Mr . .,. . WIth the Benlor pJa.y given this and ,Mrs-Harold Wlluamaon week the Seniors are tUrning th'e.. ,· , . . LlJi~ Children,. Dlck~~, ··
1. . .
ItliA l IllESV'l : E.--- n n charg~ RANKS HIGH IN UNO SALES
M. D. Baird was a business or In Dayton. WI'clnesdny.
The flrat event of Annual Alum. I\HIIta of Mr.. anei Mrs Howard Banks have a right to nI Day, May wfll be a rally at kyie of' 'nppecanoe OIW 'Sunc:D,y . fees for collecting bond and Inter_ the grade ~I gr.ounds to which ~ ; - .J - . • • • • ' • est receipts for state departments
Local Happenings "L~IL
• • • • •
At . M final me Ling of the school enr.ot he Wayne Towns hip Moth'r 's club, Thur~day night. t.he' fol, owin g orn ers Cor next year were; Mrs. Rnymoml Braddock , president; Mrs. Ell Furnns, vi e president; Mr5. KClUleth Hopgh, Mrs, Ma rk Rogers, ~ "re t.n ry nOli
Miss Mlril.1m Lindley. . of Wllming_ Lrcn.~ lIrer. LOn was an over_night guest nt St. Th , meeLing was opened with lIIary's m~ LOry. Sunday. devotions led by Mrs. Raymond Conner. During the business s( s_ • • • • • Mr. a nd Mrs. Rny Hawke and \~ Ion. MrR. Vern ArmllJ!lge. chalr_ daughL 1' . Bet.t.y. of Dayton were man of the lunch committee. re_ ported n n average of 123 lunches guests of J , C. Hawke . SlI n ' L'~ serveel dally durin g the year. Mrs. Mr. nnd Mrs. ~"ILh Vii. toll wen' Clelllellt Snlter thwalte, treasurer, wek end Jnl ts- of Mr .lnd Mrs· gave the following report. for the yea r ~.o ~ate : $1.031.63 has ileen Elmer Hoyle. SPl'lIt during t.he yoo i' to operate t he John Scars of Clnclnl1Rti spen t thl' u nch room . t he reLurns from which ,e. It end wlLh his parents. Mr. om .\l1lount to $616.39. In lunch receipts. The deficit of $355.24 Is partially Mrs. Wilbur Sears. made up through dues lind dona... • • • • Mr. and Mrs, Dean Wnlton Spelll tlons which thL~ year has amounted the week end with Mr. nnd Mrs to $40 and the remainder Is made during the year. through dlfferent Henry Brenner of Foster . actlv1 tles sponsored by the club, • • • • • After the busi ness session, the Miss Margie Tinney of Oolumbus spent the week end with her par. followin g program was presented: ents. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Tinney Trumpet solos by Raylyn Ol'abbe. I\. ~ 1Jmmary of the year's work, by the • • • • • Mrs . K a thryn Hawes of Spring Vu ' president. M,rs. R. D, Collett; Q mu,ey WIIS. the Sunday dlnn.e r guest of 'ileal reading by Virginia. Preston, Miss Emma Lou Lewl.~ nnd C" B IllUslc by the Rhythm Band. mu:'!.t: by a bOY ~1i quartet, composed of LewiS. • • • III • Don Oollctt, Oharles FIres. Robert Havc ·your mowcr ground by ma. Hlntt. and Frank LeMay . . At the ehlnery. SatisIacLlon gUaranteed. H .:105e of the program Supt. L. A, Garst gave a review of the school M, I3herwood. Waynesville. l ctlvltles during the- year, • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Cole. Mrs Refreshments were . served In the Ellen Wln~pear and daughter Cnth ' nreterla by a committee, Mrs. L . el·fne. of Olncltmntl. were guest..~ 0 V. Branstrator, chairman, Mrs. Emma Bnrnett, Sunday.
Mona-y. •• • • • Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Garst were
all ue r ·lnvltecl wbo are not mem.. Mr. 8l,d Mrs, 'Ronald Hawke were bers 01· the association but who feel dlJiner guests, Sunday of Mrs, Edith an interest in the cause aPd WOUld M, Harl1s. e*y meetlni· l!ODle •.of the older ~ . . • • • .• well ,N newer m~,I;lUs. It Is ex.. 'DJ'. at1d·j Mni. H. F DYe IIUld Mr ~ted thaI. a 18f18. number o~ ouL and Mrs. Harold Diller motored 01 town memllers wU!' rePQl;t a.t to Ite~tucky, Bunday. this tuactton .which will be quite • • • • • was I8i -are&t 8UOOeI8 Mrs. L. 0, St. John apent tbe day, Informal. lMt y~ ~ this year Pl'OqW;ea to WedDe8day, at ·the home of be even mQl'e enJoyab~. .. diwCbter, ~ John settlemyre, at one of tbe liltaatlng features 0rea0DIa. a .. the ,bualW!8B BeIIIion, wtuob .wU1, .; ••••• fqUow tile c:l1DDer, wJll be '"The Pa.. 'MakeiJJOI1r"Ja:"'n':beautlfill by havfolloW tile dinner, wUl be "The aP_ ing your mower ground by the same rade Or the Old Guaid, Prestdent machinery aa used III he factory. Margaret W. Edw.nla annCJl4licea H . . M, SheJiW5Kld, WJlynesvllle. · that Set4 11: Pu.rn.u, '08, Wtll ha~e ' .. . ..... . of Impor,tant (If Mr. and Mrs. 6!Uton Sheehan tbe propam. John O f C&rt1rr1Jh O~ntel"!llje were y1sltors at th~ '88, .p\*1!I1DUl for ' the home of !"h'. and MFa· Alvin Earn.. claa Ww have 88 h18 aUbject hart, Sunday. . . . l&.y and Otberw1lle.' ~ ~ • • ~ • • ' """.~,"....._ hu ~tt.eD in br1~C a l$to?: of tt.e ~~ ~:: tilrtJ8s ::'~turned
fORMEirPRINCIPAL .M otherLClub Elects Next Year's ' Officers Of SCHOOLS 'DlES
18 'INOI'CIt 0 8Y' 'UR"y '.
Oh8.rles H. carey
Charles H. Carey. 54, former prln· cipal of Uncoln and of Kiser jun_ Ior high schools of Da,ton, and a~ one time principal of the Waynes, ~ ville school. died at 8 p. m. Tues_ day at his home, 140 Illinois Ava. vlngs Bonds from DlIyton. He had been 111 since through Decem.. January. the state of Ohio During his 30 year educa.tlona.l among 3M Class Post Of_ career oC whlc~ 19 years were spent (Ices, rnnked bY ., r capita sale ac_ In Dayton, Mr. Carey took an o.ctlv ~, to ~ ,~ neal Government part In various scl10lastlc organi pubUc, shows zatlons. He became principal of ~ of Waynesville Uncoln junior high school when it that ays Postmaster, was so organIZed, t.IrA!B , Mr. carey WBi a reac}"Mlr of the p.erlod one year Waynesville cl8S6 of 1908 I3nd Is D.gQ ~esYD;l&ranked 10th In the the first of either teach~ or pu_ matter of JM!I: i:!l.l~ sales whUe the pUs of that class to dJe. 1938 s a lare e s ;· r N 6th in the A native of New Vienna. 0 ., be State ot 9 bkJ, . was 0. member of the Methodist or_ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 'Flrcs a.l1(1 United '. , Bavlngs Bonds der and of the Jr. 0 U, A. M. (Baby Bo~)J ve ' made Invest Surviving are h_ Wife, Bess Locke family were guests of Harold Tay_ ment hlstoq, . J America no oth- carey; four . children, Marjorie, lor apd Mrs. C, H. Harbeson o. er slnale seeari ~ held by as many N'ao~. of Dayton; Dorothy 0 ., of Ccnrerv111e. Sunday. • • • • • 0WIlera. SlDee . 1J 1st, 1935 and Rochester, Minn.; Roland of Mt, , Mr, and~Mrs. W. A. UPI)\ncott '""PI_IIII1I~,~_ ' tnOl'e' ·tharr Holly, ();, "«hI:! ;JoIn.· Il.: Of PaYton, were In Dayton las~ week. Mr 1,500,000 people, Mye bought mor~ a brother, Harry L •• and a sister, Llpplncot.t too~ treat;ment for call man 8,500,000 e1ai1np Bonds with LilUa'n Carey Woods. a maturitY Whiue I~ excess .o f t2,200,_ Memorial ' services were held by eer at Miami nVlley hosplta.l, -'- ', 000,000. I the Jr. O. U. A. M. at the Brad_ You may purc:tl8Se Savings Bonds ford and Routsong Funeral Home Mr, l8.nd Mrs. J . P, Larrick and each week, each month. or at regu.. DlIyton. Thurlilday evening, at 7:30, 'Mi. nno MrS.' I:>tephen Larrick, 0 lar Intervals 01 your choice, IUId &nd by the King HIram Lodge F Leba.non visited Mr. and Mrs. WaL ~ou may plan With confidence for and A. M., of West Alexandria. at ter Rosa of Mason, Sunda¥ evenlDg, the days of leisure llhead, for the 8:30 Funeral services ~wUJ be held • • • • • enjoyment of sunnY, days without at 2 p. m. Friday, at St. Andrews Mr. a nd Mrs. WlII Stroud,- Mrs. Episcopal Church, Rev. J .. P, Brere. Maud Cranc, and Mrs. Iren e Hf:n. concern of Immediate tomorrow, Savings Bonds are issued In five ton officiating. The vestry oC the derson, visited Mr. ' and Mrs. E. T . denomlnatlohs, (Maturity Value) ! church of which he had been a Stroud , Sunday evening. 125. $50,. $100, ti500, $1000. Their , member lour years, wUl serve as • • • • • respective purchase prices are pallbearers, and burial will be In Mr, and Mrs. Vern Simpson. and $18.75, $37,50, .i75, 1375, A. Spring. Grove cemetery, Clnc:nnat' family, and Mrs , C. l . Satterthwaite bond of any denomination' mny be were Lebanon visitors. Friday cven_ redeemed at t.lme after sIXtY REV E. L. MORRELL, SPEAKS ing. days from the da.te of l.ssue. The AT CLUB MEETING • • • • • cash ~emptioll values ~ never Re'v, E. L. Morrell. and four gil!., Mrs. El1dla Day and drl ughter, Ie&! tlian the pwrchasc: price and In- trom tile Wor'hlngton Methodis t l~..)rothy , Miss Marie Owens, and crease at the elld of tfle first year Home were guests of the Friendship Mrs. Robert Bnker. Sr., were Sunday and each six montlm thereafter vL'<1~rs of Mr. Ill'\d :Mr1 Robert; ' . club at their meeting, Wednesday, Baker, Jr. untU each bond tn te.n years, when at the home of Mrs. J . K. Presl.Gll
· . . . ..
· ..
rlved ,at ~e home of'H B. Wllualn_ Ito tlie ~uD:l class day It matures, Is w~lI1;h thlrty..threeand One' of the girls present Is sup_ lIOn and iariilly . . TU~y, afier exercises scheduled for May 19 In .one tb,lrd per 'cent more than 1,OU, ported at Lhe Home by the dub. 1-4r and Mrs Bryan p~endergRst and .- , spe~ the wlnter 'at MI1u:nI, ' F'ie..!the high school auditorium at 1 paid for It. . Th,e visiting glrls prov~ded an family of Wlntoll\ Place. ClnchL . . 'Th 1 t o'clock ' In the : 'a fternoon. This Is nnti, were week end guClltc; or M1 ' . ... , ey of for their borne In· pay_ the first event In w.hlch they we~ r excellent musical progmm, followed Katherine Prcnde1' 'fist and .Je~se .Ten plCD . cb&rgecl. .with ron, Thursday mol'Jllnll'. · their oops 4nd ' 0........8 and ma · r"MRS. BEUI.AD ORNDORF by a vocal solo by Mrs M. A. Prendergast. , " grand . .. "'.. ..... the I 'tri eonnecUOIi with "the bl.. • • • • . " Fulkerson and a teadlng "BilUe • • • • • beginning oC the : commencement I .. f ....llbt trucks were J , E;, MCC , ~UJ'f 'has secured . James MI'!!, BeUlah orndorf, age 32. wife 8ard" py MIss Marian Gowen, or Ml'/IS Mary Ben~Jl and HouMrd j ackin .. , ~ exercises, Each n:'ember of tbe I "" .. ~ BmO . _ . _,18 .lndlC,ted by th. e War, We~erlioltl f~erly of Clnclnrlatl~ c1 ass ....... "0..+1cIpates In the program of Henly Orndor!. died Bunday' Lebanon. The Rev. Morrell ' then F'ont , "'ere hostess ,a nd 110st to tl'e' ~ Is ~en . lcO,mty ~d jury, t~e report Q8 al}S . ~t ,funCl'al dlrec~. Mr. It Is' hoped th!!I,t a Jarge number or morntnll': ~er death wa.'I the , result gave an Interesting talk concern_ Young Peoples groUIJ of St, Mnrys being .~e ~y. Tbe ·jUjry ' eL Wetl}erholt ~ ,~~ h;1sdl,ltle8 sehool patrons. fl1ends and ' parents of .recel~ when abe was Ing the Worbhlnt/tOn Home. Its his · Ohurch. at n ' picnic. Thursday ~ed ,~ .9aJS!lS and returned one alld I~ ... the n~ tu~~ .. 1fl!! ~ will, atlena the exerelses. k1cked by' 8 ruJlrse ' about ten days tory and work being done there. nlcllt. at Harmon Pnrk, Lebanon. secret lndlctnlent and, 19nored ·flve pIS famUy here. They wlll, take ·up · ' , . ago. . .8h~ Is sUlrvl~d by''- her . hus. Refreslunents were scrYCd by the • • • • • ~"'L~':'" ........... r'''' ' " . .. } :. .tlielr ·res1dence tn one of ·the' .Lem- TnE REV R G DIONG band.l end thr·ee' chlldr,en, 1Ifellle l ,.0110Wing hostesses: Mrs. ' Horace Mr. anel ~. -rs. A. F, Mello}l and ...t .. ~ · ,~ ' ., ·a.:.nd.'latceni '·' lndictmcnt!' wr~e mVn a.:"""tmenUi on P\)wth 8tree ~ • ' , . VirginIa, .Ttpu~ Hepry, and Edna Shaner, Mrs. Joel Stokes. Mrs. dmUl'hter. Mary Ann and Rev. and · returned agaIDs~ ·HerabeU AWn.on. 'M ' . ~1 ~. " ~: ' . , TQ ADDRE~S AUXILIARY MUI~. ·The fun.e ral,Jwaa held at the 1Frank Thomas, Mrs. L. A. Garst Mrf J. V. Lacy .and ~n 'DaVid, were N~la~. Powell, n&Ymon'd RoIJerson i., , urs. ~ ... . ~e~ .entertal.ned ~ 'lbe Woms.n', Auxiliary of St resldeJ:)ce near . Waynesville. Wedl arid Mrs. PI:eston. Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Harold Roberson Dennis , Wells grq ~ of.illt; ~ .ends at lier home. Tue&.. MD"';' .....:1. __ 1 Ch . ,nesdlff afternoon, .,Burlal In MIamI Mrs Charles mn7de of ~mllton. , . , , , d''''' ' el1e < -..:.... .....1... IiOO - .. 8 ..~.urch meets cemetery . , Obarles HaJI, Raymond Han 'IInd ' ::. I ' ",. . '~;wvurl"'!'" - . . . . this Prlday at the Little Inn with . . ' POMONA GRANGE • • • • • ., of W . w",.e n progress d ng the f:v" n " MET AT LEBANON MI MIMI l i R e Rob t Victor.. ~a1teca. aU . ~ ~,~~, ,lUg: ~ . Ed8ar Bmlth .WInn1~ MIss Emma l,.(Ju" Le~, the _hostess. ANNOUNCEMENT ss ar e c ,uw , v. er ty, -ttl ~eetlon "Wlt~_ ~tJj ~•.,uat prtze, .and Mra. Louh 'lb~n, ~t this meeting ~he s~ker be Mnson , and Rev Ken Clmni, of CI11I~!Ih.t tructs. J,o hn Ho ,'. ~. c<llsoi~tioti RAitnllbJfielits • were : the ~v. ~. G . ~Ion~, Chaplain of The Warren c OU n ty pomona cinnatl. were S~?day dinner gu'r s' s' MMunlsburg, was IndlC~ . ed ' ~ . .. . I . I Trinity Co1lege, Dl~ of Puklen De6'l.Hawke ·wlll' be employerl at grange met at LabanQn. Saturdny . of Rev, and Mrs. R. L. Hackwell, celY1ng atolen , pronerty ~na. Cloyd I!CfV ,.to .tbe,.~~wlDi guests , ~. Ohlna. Mr 'DI~ng ~~ 9On klln's' B~uty . Shoppe during April 29. Owing to Lhe b1,l5Y sea_ l at the Little Inn . '¥lilllns ~ ~f ' Hilfnllton .' 'for 'Potlt' ,lar. e~ement '~tterth~te, Mrs. thebloglcal ' ~ BeXl ~e s~mme~. 13[e· speclall~ In hair son: tho attendance Wlas not large . 1 .. · · .. . _.' . , ,' . . . '.~Imps,o,n·l Mr.s. ~8I'k, Rogers, '; Mrs, I " . .ID~ ~t. : ey .lJall styling, as well as all, other types However every grange In the coun_ Mr. and Mrs. Rus,';ell ~nk. Ilnd '. .~' '~ _ . ' ' , ' ~I'lea ~ley~ Yra. ·GUbert· Prie, n Gll'~.bler, Ohio, ~d. ~ «IInIDg .of . ~uty wor·k. Your patronage ty .was represented with ten of the Mr. and Mrs. RUMell HoIJIdn.y "1".. <?~~ Ind:oa tm.~nU! I~CIU~~ Ro~ · J.JriI:;' Ed«nr BIillth; ana : ~. U1~ co~en~me~t . he wUl ~ gI~en a Wlll.. be 'a~II~ted. · ert, Moran , '. '~D, rece1 , . viM, J101~. """-.....n. . degree Jat, Kenyon College.. Mrs. ...' regular ofllcrs recspondlng . to roll lted the latter's parents, Mr, nnel Ci.' 'if ' • ......... _ B call. , ' . Mrs. OlarCllcc Sutlon, and Mr. a)1d .ptyperty;. llJarl ·Pla · Btid. O .IB Obit. . I • ;a • . • • .rown Burleigh;. president of the Mr and 'Mrs J wn Ed r.i . 'too, ,(OJ.Kery ; Qarl ~, " ~ . Th';~:'ft 'afternoon~, . Mrs,.' L' . ' A, Da,yton b~v'OO-ton, ..01 the . Wotru. ' and ·q ~~, ' ~ofso:prlnWg~:I~', .Ronald Hawke; master. called the l MTS. Fred Holliday at West Union, ~ mt.er1iW' au blblllited dWIIltDII ans AuxWary, wJll also be present Mrs G I E R '" d . session to order > and the regular Sunday. ltb \ inr:enttocOauldr.JIIteepJ ~,,~ s entertalDed In , honor ct. ,be! ai this ' meet! ·' .,' . ae .' . ~um, an daulJ h . routlf)e of bUSlrle;;s ~~ transacted • • • • • 'V ~ ~ 'iiDd ~..tr1.· Ichll.~~ ~ebTate. thelri ·· '. ng, . . ~ IviLlU.. and 'Mrs- ' G. E., W~~t- A sum1lUou.; dl~er wall served at ¥r. and Mrs. J. N, Robinson of . . ; h;~ " . ic ', t~ · ;: dr~ bIrtll~ in ~ 'A~ ' ~';' .JUDIt AU;~ DA '<' IIID ' "'., man, ,of ~n. ,were visitors at tile n~n, . Dayton spent th!l week end ~t:h '-:.:~ \ ~ ~ :; ,; , ' ttWi. 1~. , Th8;1 ~ .w~'.~ , • Tb ~. , .TPf~ , home oI ,,~, ~ret and .,.-rIL At the afternoon se'\lllon. George Mrs. Robinson!s . ~nts, Mt, {lI;ld •' • • • ' .' r • • il 'I" Ard ~nk" I'tpI~ mo~, ~'f R\IL , . e UcUea".~d .lioCIe~ of ,t~e tene JIlcIWVda~ .~u~, 14, Doss of Pleasa~lt ,Plain, spoke Mrs .. Emerson Earnhart, Mrs. Rob_. . ~11'1'~ ~ ,"AII .eU 'PrIlnk/ Judlth Ellen · HolUdaJ. ' ~t bb\1Jlcb~, ~, bold lUI all and Ilhe lecturer of Lebanon grange ! Inson attended the Eastern star · ,,' .' "', del' mother, . ..,.: ~lJII!I&li BOudQ', daJ:- ~~, •.W...,..,; ~ 1;7·, .. . . . . 00fIa. RuUl,. \Uld Wtldted Mrs. Edfth :Mounts, PreserJ.ted ~ 1 .InsPectlon. ~Iday n1~bt. · . ' , ..., or YOIlDIr , peOple ~ ~ Bodenbender; and ' IDGtber ,"-t tMhome ~ :un. 8.~, BIll.. · Salisbury Wa1ted ·tlletr aunt, Mrs, good program cons18tlng 'of ViX'.a1 1 .' ••••• . · 0bIIier JIIJft U. "Ylnla play I!IuD.: ...... Ku1 Bodenbender; z..iM. loIae 'r~ wtll be a ~ 4Isb ~r~ R. R. ~, ii.t JndLaDAP,"Us. Oft!' mUSic, t&p danclDg III<I1d a , short Mr. and Mrs. W. E, 'Cornell,!4r d&J >a" UIe 1IeUIodIIt . • ~,~ moUwr, Ml'a: 'it a DOOIl ~ &be.. ~ &be week ead. On ~ Mr. and 'plaYlet, "Aunt Harrtet's Night out."Land Mrs. ¥. A. CorneD, and . H . ..t, . ' ~ ~0eNkl DJe. and ~~..... Ih~ &lid lin, ~ &aJi""',~ funlb', .-5 I Cornel , were liUEits · oHIrs."R.~ ~1&Ud'".tIQIl_ ~ iqo&ber, ..... DJe. . , 1bJ. fa fiiD' ~ Ja d ....d, droN k» TncI. . .k.... ..-.,end the Mate your lawn beautJtUl bt bav- Bt.oclc8tlll, of DIlyton., at a aurpNe ...,. or cIub., . __ . . ... _ • _ . _ piau lor Mmq tbe ' AIuDmI _...... .p. '8aUaburJ; wb.o1lnl.four, InOWl!' IP'Ound by tileaame party alven at ~ home SandaI .1Il ...., . . aDD. ;~ · pIUlta,. . . . . . . DQ. ~. wtllile ~ a~~ meet. bu . tbae tbt put. m'acbi1le1'1 N used 1n tb,e factory.hoaor- of ~ f\.lo~. M. A. cornel ,A. . . .. . . . . . - . ..... . . " ' ... tbIm bome. s. loJ( 8berwood, ~. . .,....
" ,..
EVi\ Le.May. An opc!1ln 110'18 ' "'1'3' then lIung by dau",h tas ah, l 1..011 , I'TS responsively to the hmc (f ~ "America." A welcome v'n, I1lv, '. 1 by Mrs. Kenneth HOll h , t h(l nlOtIl .' ers ' response by Mrs, Will Luken:.!. and daughters r e::p'!l1s.' J) '1 R'J ' I Oa.rolyn Sackett. .A . rc·;ullnll I 'J EUeen B1Owl'\, a vO :l.I :I ' 1(.. "IB ' . Cause," by l\ifts. M:tyn:n l Weltz '\ ' rending bY ' Vlrgl11ia P r ~~I'n. ' ~ni Miss Sollars' address (;oTr\ ~}' I . "J tt . remainder of the progfn :I!. A clar.. ". Ing song \yl\~ s ung by 'mothel'!; :Ill' ! daughters to. the L-un(' "ur '.'Aul l; Lang ~," After the program. t C.1 was serve I ',' by ~he hostes':es, \Irl th hirs.' J • .,. . D Preston, and Mrs. R. ff IIartsocl .: · · " presidin g at ~he tablt'.. •
;re_1 .
Closer comrodeshlp wI~h your daughter;- '8 better ~ ~ knowtedge . of -, her friends, where she goes and with whom. the kind of books ' she reads, and the k ind of shows she ~ecs. all or these tdllngs were en. couraged for a better woJlltlDhood, by Miss Lulu SOllars, Dayton Pe>Jlcewomall. woen she nddressed mothers and daughters Wednesda.y night. at the Methodlst· church. Mrs. Frank LeMay, Mrs. S, ' So Ellis, Mrs. Da J}Js Boger, and MIs.~ Kathryn Boger , we're hostesses to nbout 160 mothers and gaughters of the communJty, at a tea, given as a. tribute to Moth,er's Day. ' The guests were received by ~rs. ' R L. Ha~ lcwell. Mr/;. J . V. La y, and Mrs Lawrence Brown Th e program WQ!; opened win mll.~lc by an nH-glrls orchestra, com . posed oC Ruth Connell. WHO(] . .\ KKurflls, Roxy Carolyn Baclret, Frances Johns. Doris P:l'~, Marumi ~ . Hoa k, Mlrl lUll WI1l11'ton . nnrl M::l".
TAR INSPEC110N . . .f,' . . : '. .
Gait-·· ,.,
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. UIlI' at
=- . the
"l~~t' '1Or bJI!I 0
PIlon. 112 Entered As
W yne:vill e, Ohio
Wi th a Buck~ve In Congre~s••·•
Main Stru t
cond Class Mail Matler at PostOfflc:e, Wa yneaville, Ohio c:=::
Flora M.
l'ane Editor a nd P ublish er
M ..._
c._ _ , .. ow.
TWin Tlreatre
Slt.U, Kaneaa . In...pursuance 01 an Cl'dl!ll; of the ""'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!"!!!!!!'_~~ ~~ April ~,1939 . Probate Court Warren county, ~ ......-- "- .....--
Notice Of . ~dito~ - PuJ)lic Sale
A Let ter To
My dear.. Edltor: Oblo, I will oller for· aale. at l,)ubUo FRIDA l' :- 8ATURDAY There 18 a gene&l(lS1ca1 book e~ auotion 'On Saturda y, the Srcl,day of While the Europcan crisis seems against our governm ent now gomg titled, "OUR O~B~ . ANOES_ June, 1939. at two o'clock p , 101·, on . flo be slightly eased a t this time of \ 011 1n this count,ry TOR.I' now In the bauda of the the prem1sea, the follow1n Gene AU~ey . . lJ deecrlb.. wl'l ~ing. w r d ouds have been by no .prlnters, the Americ an Offset Co., ed re&I ' estate, to-wit: -~= -_ .:-. In , nleans dissipated and It now 8pIn a m~ssag~ to Congress . last Loj! Angeles , Oalitom la, wh1ch I "Situat e In the hamlet of Corwin) ''WEST ERN 'IAMBOREE"- pe~rs tbat, th situa tion ma~ I'e- l Thursd ay PreslClent Roosevelt a.sked feel wlll be ot much lnterest to In the COunty or Warren and In the mam tense for some time to come, Cor an appropr iation . $1,762,490,000 many of your readers . whom we Comed J-Spor i , with a danger always present that for the continu ation of Ohkl, and bOunded and deof the W: p . A. may not be able to contaot, because IICl'lbedoras ) folloWs : BeIng a part or .some. small illclden t nlay precipit ate find aSking fOl: a cootlnu atlon 01 of not knOWlng their names and ad- Survey Nt. 791 of ~-,--,.,..-=",......-=--=::------,=-t-I========~ the Virginia MUL. . Matinee - Saiurda J '" Sunday conOict.-'on short notice. In, Wash- ' the present method of handlin ;0 MURic I Land. Beginning at a point Ington ¥embe rs of Oongre~ ar e be· ! net problems Rumors r10atlng g re_ dresses. about Thls book tnelude s a section which' thlrty.ih re& (33) feet from ~ ;00 ~ nivel' ity 1-II lub Progra ril the cen.. ---S-U ND--A -y---.M--O-ND-A-Y--coming more Insistent that the Capitol Hill 'concernIng purport ed deals with the tradlUolI8 and I\IBtor. tel of the lJttJe M1am1 B.R. and 8 ;30 ~$ for Wool nknl!nn l a Centu ry Ago- H . E, foreign policies of the country fOI· l revelatl ons now being made before k:al fo.ct6 of MaJ 14-15 Eli'\' ill , Hi torian . the five brother s and seventy.flve· (75) feet Northward I low the desires of th Congress; and the special commit tee Investig ating sisters: John, James Douglas. Hester. from the line of Moses that Kelly', land. Oharley Mccarth Y & Edgar Bergen 8 :4 0 A Mall ' ld a fo r 8 mmer Meat Di he. --L. H. Jctlonthe Presiden t take no furthe1' / W . P . A. strongly IndlcAte that the Mary IUld Se.muel campbe ll, bom corner 'to Jane Roberta, (form.I J In the Interna tional situatnon Congress will demand a nd Insist upIn K unk I, lea between 1'142 and . 1752; their land Elias Blnltley lot). TIll'inlng ia Ii. t. .. that migh t entangl e the Uni ted Or, a number 'of Importa thence nt and holdlng s, church recorda :50 W , and wil18 parallel with th.e 6Illd Kelly', llne S. "LETTER OF INTRO U Mu keteer Ila rt tte . States further In the power of poll. funda menba.l chnnges In the DUCTION" hand- as found In - York county. Penn. 40 degrees 52 mlnutes 9 :00 Legum e and Gra ' s 1ay and Silag e-C. J. ' Vil- \.Ies of E. 2.76 chains; Shorts Em'ope. !ing of W P . A. mlltters In t he fu_ Eylvanla . South Oarollna, and • ture. Melu'bers of the committee, In It carries down to the presentOh1o, thence p&rallel with said R. R . N. 65 la l'd , A grono my Dept., and C. L. Bin kman , Anima l Hue· the desrees 08 mlnuU'$ E. 60 feet ; 'thence That Uncle Sam Is paying more confide nce to their friends, Indlca te descendents of JOHN, the eldest baneI r~' D pt. TUESDAl' - MAl' 16 ~. to desreea 52 minutes W. 2.76 attention t.o his neighbors to the t.hat when the whole story Is made (wi1e Hester Olark) through his son. chains to a polnt 9 :15 Tips on Qlialit y Mi k Produ ction- L. H, Burg- South thirty_t hree ( S3) of htm was attested W last public the country wlU be shocked Dead End Klds JAMES (wife, Elizabe th ParneU), .feet from the center of the wald, Dairy Technology Dep said R. Friday when President Somoza of Into definite acLion on the In grea test a nd ot SAMUEL. Ole youngest R-; ihence parallel 9 :25 WOSU Musk eteers Qua rtette. with said railroad Nicaragua visited Washin gton. Pres- of present problem s. t hrough his ' A son, . RALPH It (wife. S. 55 degrees ~ minutes W. 50 feet "LlTl'L E TOUGH GUYS" 9 : 30 Oh 10 g rlcu ura I OIlHel'Va t'10 11 P rogrcs s Re- Ident Roasevelt anel h"s officia l ret_ Barnh .Hasket t). ~ to the beg1nnln 1J eontaln lng 2.09 \nue !l'rceted the Central America n pOl' t-B y M em b' er 8tate Agrlc ulturn l Conse !WAHOOI rvatio n Com- exetutive upon his arrival at the Speakin g of . W. P. A.. It h as This Includes remale deecendants cbainll more or leas, and being the mittee . j '~:t been develop ed before a con. and their famlllea by the surnam es same prem1.llea conveyed ,by LIndley IBlg Cash Prlzea l Union Station and escorted lUm. at gresslon al commit tee that the W, P . JefferIes. ¥enden hall. Spray! 8alter, 116 9 :40 M usic _en denhall ,and ................ ~&'" _en denthe hend of a parade. throc.: gh lines A. buUdfng at the New YOrk! Whlc1ter, Wllaon. and others... wen hall. husban d ana wlfc, to Dora L. of soldiers and saUors past the Cap. World's Falr-w here muskal WEDNESDAl' - TIfURS DAl' and as male desceadanta. \ SWes, by Deed dated January 2• • Itol and cl'owds of sight_seers to the other entertai nments and exhibits Further work and pubilca tlon re_ 1911, and recorded In Deed Record White House. where he was an oel· are being staged by W. p. A. work- main to ~ done on the descend anta Volume lOll, PlLae 228. or the Warren "LITl' U ADVENTURES" cial guest of the nation. Ovel'head a n ers tor the beneUt ot lhe Fall' visit. ot the o ther childre n of John, and COunty. Ohio. Deed Records ." armada of bombin g and pursuit ors-ha s already C06t more They 're gettin g toget h er "down on the farm ." Starrin g th'a n a of. the chUdren' of MARY There beIne no Street number ror T he get-to gether in q uestion invo lves t he fa t-grow - p1D.nes flew In forma tion while mar _ h slf million dollQll\s rather than the ' bell, who man1ed John OampEdith Fellow8 Clark, aaJd prelJllae ng to the-N_ ing agr icult ural mark eting coope rative movem ent- the Ine and army t>9l1Cis p~ayed the na· Quarter of a mUlion originally pre. which do not appear In thls volume. corded Plat 8.of acoord1 the Village of CorShort-" Sae My Lawyer " tiona I anth ems of both countries. dieted The 'repor t nlso shows that t he However, it 18 probable that the Win, Warren Oounty, m ost s ignific ant in t he fa r m history of our t im es. Oblo, said =~=~=~=~==~~~ Perh aps the recent and unusual prOba ble total cost of the building, materia l In the ... n ........ ---UcaU on 'premJaes are located \Ipon the East - nt ..Alrea dy t he movem ent has impro ved price in ma ny friendsh ip shown the Nicaraguan exhibits The olllc:lal report of the Ohio . etc .. will run well over a will not be . repeate d In the future aide of Malo Street In said VUlt.lJt!. conservat.\on div1slon shows instance t broad ened and stab ilized marke ts, dea lt wit h President by Premier Mussollnl of million dollars. Incidentally It that 16 ' publications of these . The between John Street on ~he North aU mann er of prob1e m affect ing agric ul t ure, a nd served I taly. had someth ing t.o do with the hs rd for some Members of Congres s append ix I6larie , with f&mWes corrOborative elKl, there belnl no other Street rurs bought In Ohio out of the I!Ulte duringapd the shipped t he .c onsum er by' helpin g a sure him of a consta nt su pply fervor and enthUSiasm of the re- to underst and how 'money can be and supplemental materia l. and with within said corpor& ree nt te 11m1ta or the open season amount ed ception extended th!!,Cen tral Ameri- fou nd in W. p . A. :runds for to 11 grand the con. notes on the ances ..... of fir t-clas farm prod uct at a fa ir price. of the OJarlt, V111qe of Oorwln on the. South, no "J can statesm an on his visit to the structlo n and o,pero.t1on total 01 1770,252.35. of . the j.spray, Wilson, and Mendenh&1ll1nes. name thereof can Those who have watch ed t he mo vemen t h ave heen U~ted be given. States. World 's Fair building and exhibit. Thls Oampbell ramUy moved from little short of a mazed by its ac hievem ents in a f ew brief Bald 'premll!ea were duly and reg_ __ Paymen t to Oblo farmers under while a t the same time heads of SOuth carolin a ~ Ohio In 1803-4 and ularly apprais ed for the 111m of One the years. And it is going places fnster a ll t he t ime. 1938 federal fann program toAliens who have been preaching large and needy f~lIIes are" being 15. They settled on land that. took tn Thouaa nd and n()-Ioo (11,000.00) taled 17.1100.000 on Mo-y 1. with 8000 a narchy and over_throw of the 11Iid oft of W. p . A. work because ot the norther n bounda ry Ilne of War. Dollars. end must be &Old for not leu applications for paymen t sUD w~t United States governm ent or hal"! Insufficient funds. Inciden tally. tbe ren county" and the souther n boUD.. than two-tblr da (~) of aaid Ing payment. Oh~1r.s already bad been .convlcted of crlml1s involving testtmO I)Y before the commit tee also dary line ot Greene county, where apprais ed value Tcrma of· sale "cash" lIOIle to 106,700 fanners In the s~ . moral tur pitude, and have been or_ brough t out the fact t hat most of ,'Roxan and Mt. Holly later stood. ROSS B . HARTSOOK. It 'is a distan ce of some 7,000 miles f rom Ameri ca's dered deported, will find the goin g a the labor used 9n the construction There na I\l'e a number of the Executor of Ellltate of northw est to the Holy Land . At least as f ar r emove d in little toughte r In the future If the ! of the W. P. A. l;mlldlng at the New ! tnclUdlng John and wHe, andtamlly ' h1a Dore. SWes, deCeue d. Senate follows the action of t he I York Fair was relfUiar union labor pirit" is t he moder n Ameri ca n 'comm ercialized "Moth er's son .James and wife, and othera that· C. Donald DUatWdl Attorne y' House Frldo.y .In passing the Hobbs !lind was n ot drawn from the W. P. are burled In the 'fonner famUy plot. W. N. 8eant, Auot. ' pay" from t he . conce pt' of mothe rhood t hat its found ers Bill. Under . 4t-M4 Its provisio ns. sueh A. or relief rolls, It. Is estimat ed that near Mt. Holly. nerth ~ ou ght to honor . Last week prepa ration s w ere 'under way aliens. who for various reasons wlll only t wen ty percent of t he woritel'll Quite a group of theof WaynesvWe famlly frun Olean range 18 the best environ. f or a unique religious celebr at ion t o be h eld in the moun- not be received back as depor tees employed were on W. p. A. New York to C&llforn la and friends Into the coun tries of thelr orlg1n. t~ins of Orego n on Mot her'!, pay, .May 14•. It ,' attende d the unVeillng' of a. .. lJiOilu- ment for IJI'Owtng wUl r e·emand plenty ~.s in Wash-- ment at the si'ave of John, the Revo. or feed will maturepqUeta, pn asize .t he spiritu al signifi cance of the last words Christ wuI' bl! conflne'd In Federal Instltu! . 'RoyaftY' COrll~ ~*" the b1rda In time ,;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;~";; for the fall and early tlons here In th.1s coqntry un til de· Ingt<'ln: Last week 't was -tl'le ' ;;;;;;';";;;" on the Cros a ddressed to His discip les : "Beho ld Thy por tatlon crown lutlonar y Ancestor of this family when eas are the beat laying season' .. prIcIis. Olean can be consum mated. The Prince and Orown Princess of Nor_ In Bethel Oenietery In 'O ctober of Mothe r.'" teed and water receptacles leuen ~== ==~~~~~~~~ bill had the support of a heavy way. Within a f ew' days It will be kl ~9:; 28~.~ B~ u~ ndr ~eda ~~0~ r :...l ' ~o~ur~-lIIl'l~~I-ehe-clat181~r d1a8aae and Parastte r.y , n:~~.,,--_--:-..,--_":UL,t: of th e- world 's only m1i,jorlty In the House. as well as the King and Queen of England among sanctu ary dedica ted. t o deacendants of thla famll)' Inf . ectlon. mothe rhopd is a 155-(0 0t cliff near Portla nd , Oregon. that of various veteran s and other that wlll visit Washin gton. All soci- We aretheanxious for them to know patrioti c organiz . ations In the coun_ ety Is agog hoping Ilgainst hope that that tbJs ' 11 Th ere; Rom a n Catho lic F ath ers of t h e cent uri es-old Ser· book 18 now available. . try. It Is' belJved that the enactm ent they wlll have the (Jpportunlty to be . There 18 a IJm1ted number of copies vite Order ma intain th e Sanct uary of Our Sorrow ful V. D. BIJJ'J'iB, county agricult ural REAL ESTATE . will go far In <II ha lt to some present ed to the Ilrlt1sh ~ Emplre 's of this volume being prlnted , LDL agent- In KedJna, Mot her, establish ed in 1923.· TpweJ·ing 200 feet in t he air of the presentcallillg countY says that subvers ive activities ruling Monarc h. INSUR ANCE I " !TED to the number of orders re.. the. most neglected crop .~ at9p .t he cliffs stands a bronz e t at ue of Ma ry, Mothe r of In Oh1o fa pait~ and ~t it wUl marked ly re_ AUCTIONEER ~IVed ~ore the ~t1na takes duce production costs of meat and Ch, sculpt ed by t he famou s Gui e p{)i Cassioli. Blesse d , , p ace, Vi en w1l1 be about May lat· mtlk If given weatme nta of lime d -:-~~~=~~~~ by ;p.ope Pius XI befor e its shipm ent t o t his counb 'y, t he =~=~ So if any of your readers are 1nter- fenlllze r when needed Q an st~tu e is t he specia l obj ect of a ttent ion of t he t housa nds ested In havine a coPY please send . orders for same to Mr& sarAh E~ 'who annua lly. gathe r at this natura l shrine . . •• On Mot her 's Day next wee k, ho~ever, t he statue of Temple, 2002 Sunset Blvd., Loa An· ---------~ Subscri ption Price. $ 1.50 ,P er Year, Payable in Ad vanc:e . .
Farm Night 'falks Ma y '15
. ~
Go ing rla ce s
=== === === ==
W N S"£jAR..S
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Wall~ce Beery <;oming T ~enia
Mnl'Y will lo~k do wn upon a specia l cong regation g~th er ed before t he 50-fo ot altll i' h ewn out of t he granit e base of t he cliff. As t he clim ax to specia l services, a huge t hrong will stand , faces turn ed up t o t he Mothe r of I'::hrist while t hose w hof,le moth er.s ~re dead pay Bent tribut e and thOSe wit h 1ivin~ mot her r ep eat a pl ed ge of devoti on to t he m. . Prior to this terem ony a proces sion of .childr en is t o fil e past t he 14 bronze Stations of t h e Cross a nd t he 34 \vood- cal'ved relig ious f igures below t he altar , en r oute to a specia.l mass. Closin g t h e' ser vices will b e an eccl.esiastical feast ent itled "Mary Our Mothe r .... Gra nted fo t he ·sanctu ary by Pope P ius XI, it will be the only f east in h onor of the Mothe r of Christ origin a ting in the United l:;Lates .. -Pathf inder. •
:'~'a;~=;:!p,:~~ore t!!v~
F .r M artI n· Auctioneer '
S~TISFACTION Or.' No Cha r.e ·
both v18Ited your' commu nity In gath Jlundrecia or 'thdUUnds or boJennlJ the data that appears .ln .thIII ~ ,YP\lDIJ men ~ TBB AIfD. book. • lOAN BOY llaguin e ..cry month 'and ooaa1der It more u a UVlDI I wouid a,wreelate it v~ much If companion than as a mePZln e. you wQuid pve some publiCity to "It', as much .. budd, . to me as these tacta for me: . my nelabborhoocl chum'" 8incere ly Yours. bllrh~'1Ichool senior. ..THI:....AJOR.. ............... - Phon e 7U' <:: ' ! MelVille campbe ll Harper. lOAN BOY seema to undentaDcl .. ~y'l! problema and considers' them ==~....,,~=-~-:-..;-.":!" ""--.... COMMUNITY AUCTION In such a I1mpatbet1.c and belPtull . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. way. It gives advice and enterta in. DIXIE AUCTION COMPANY , lng readinlJ on every subject In whICh a young fellow is Interes&ed. MIAMISBURG, OHIO It is 'p&rUcularly helpful' In &pOrta. SALE EvERY T~8DAY 1ARVI A-LITH IO TAR AND I made our school buketb all team becauae ROAD I.e, us .eJl )'oar stock, IDfttlhanof playtna tlJlll I read 10 OIL; EXOAVATINO d1ae; ho1!llebold pod_, etC. lve,.,.. ~ AKERIOAN BOY' DUMP TRUOK 8ERVIO E F ISllERMI:N TO W E AR BABDGES TROUT PROMPTI:Y CREELED one InYited, fOur bllllluese .. appre: 4-famoua atblete l In all Next year It wm be ncecessary for cU.ed. · ,pons ered1t mUCh of their succeu • fishermen to wear round badges or Flsb management age;;-ts. to helpfUl taking, al sunesU ona received CALI-P RONE 5URI pilltes pinned to tlleir coa~ , shlr .cr!!el census, followin g the release from sports utl.clea earrled In TBB ot MIAMISBURG, OHIO Or hats, as evidence of h avlng secur_ 1500 trout in Cedar Creek. AMERIOAN BOY MaiUln e, VirtuFrlaay, Arthur ~ owner. TeL 5UU • Phone. Wayn.l yll,. U R 11 d t1Shlng license .. This will make reported that many fisherm ally every 1saue offers &csYSoe from • an took It possible for law enforcement of- Lheil' limit after onfy 0. few hours or F. T. M.....n, AlICltloneer f~~ ~ .or PWIi. Football, L!!banon o!flee Phon. 47B-1~11001'S to clleck on 'fIsherm en without fishing. TeL Centervn14P 1U bIIltetbal.\, track, imnIa, In fact 1"1I1.98-M. Morrow Phone No. I ar>proaC hing t hem or demand in g to One ' check 'lnade. Friday morning, 203 Custer Bid&'. Da11on, 0 .• ADJ661 every major .port Is. COYoftct hi ac. see their· pa~er licenses. The new r eo and reporte d to Commissioner Uon and. .fact art1c1ea. Don Qulreme o t Is the resul t 'of the 'Mln- Waters. stated that seven fisherm an 'r~ ~ parents and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PROIE CTS INVE8T1GATED shall bU1:passed by bot h Houses and had 17 rainbow trout and that one leaders of bo)'l c:11Jba alIo recom, now ready ' for t he,. Governor's slgna _ man had taken his limit of five In A U. S. Senate Investigator look- me~d THE AIoRIO AN BOY ttlre. The 1D.w wUl not go Into effec t Lwo hour's time. . Ing Into the 'WPA theatre . projects th~~. ~, . ba'" , Wallace Beery Is a gruff but klnd-he arted oop "ho 1laI hi. until next Janum-y 1 because many . The trout released Friday , -' In New York. report s. total year1" that .. . . pneral rule I'eIJuIar were all tro.u~le8 whe~ his 80n (Alan Curtis) turns "klller In i'ead. Hsh l~g licenses for 1939 have been of "keeper '!Se,rllea nt ..,.d· tal 'REAL ESTATE " size-II or more Inches den, the exc iting drama which opens Sunday, Ma), 1f :at tIM! Xenia &J en or THE A.... .. , ren of .$142.260 baa been paJd;f o r - - I O A l I BOY ad. l)ol!1 a~~ it would be Impract icable In length. theater in Xenia. . ' .. six theatres by Uncle who b.a vance more rt.PknY \0 make distribution of the alsk8 lind . Larraln e Johnson, a 'pretty newcomer, has the' rolE' NOT. Q.Y PU"U C the 'Sir' become the "Bupr.• D&4"Y" or it more worthw blle cba ~:. .. \ who Is In love with Wallace Beery'8 renend e iOll.. ,I 'T,of th1s ' year· It 1$ expected that this N~ Om .row. 10118 ' line ' of tbea ~ Qopa.. The thaD do bq~~ .110 do _ read ~,.. ECONOMl' POLlC l' also has . ~ importa nt lIuppor~ng part. DeW require ment will result In In- ' , , • l ". rentals ,are but a smau ltem lh tile . ~a1ned 1irI~ and . , . , ~. cfea&ed .~venue fro m fishing licenses . . '---'- .. ~' - - -- .- . , expenSe or the. ventUre as the total DUB C!oacltei 'aDd athlete. , . .~en: COmparison of payrolls . fo r t he The Ohio . State University hort!· N~ TAX R~SION " oost Of 27 pioductlODa wu' ac;limf.!ata .~ mm "·.l~ prlhc1pa1 state dep~rt1nents for 9ul ture dlvlslon reports 'prospec . • 1II1Jl~' ts are I "You can ,no more · spe~- yourael, 11,488,3&5. :IDeidmtAll" dhMlJoe Un. ~~ ~~ . ~prH, 1938 ·. ~d A(?rll, '1939, sh'ow a g~d for a.n excellen t fruit CI'Op in/ lneo , prosperlty '. ~,' ~rou can drink· were ~,, '~aiCrJDi iL ttlbi ciommun.. ~ continu ance 'of tQe econom y l;tl' l rv Ohio bett It,affto ~ ~.. TD th . ' yourself . so~ • sta b th·· United Statea !stb, tleup with theater and wrtte.... ~OAN. tat. ot: produotioll bere. "rmports In announced BOY, tile . - • (Dem 8DI't. . cit re.d-. y . estate adminl:,q-a- other ta er Th an, .reported from Senator Plat .' .. ..... .•• _...... ...." ~ 10 years' bave never e.lCicecd- tlon at the begfnnl ng ~j :t he year. " M1as.) proJj!Cte In Nn Y.ork; 10 ~t tIat -- ma ...... ~6. s tea. ,e ·unlvers lty has call ~ When be addr~. I . aIUlual .~:- eemplo led aotora Were u.bje ; m v~~e 1 per cent o~ the yalu . ' The. Wghway De~tment's maln_ ed a TBB.uoaaiOAN) Boy ca meeting to be ~eld .on t he cam_ Ing ~ft:He u.~~<. of ~ flDd 8: plaee.(1D t.tte. wpA tb• •",p*" Of ~ . . . produce d at: h~me. ~g:r tenll-nce a nd cOIlStructlPh , dl:vlslon ~ pus on May 27th to ~Iscuss Pla.l1$. for W~ lPI;i l\(~ 4th: ~ p~tec*. AJDfoIt ~t ~.oD.: 8ubICrlpU!!'). ' III'IaIa 110-.. - . . hiah'!!.t- ln 1929, With a show a.1:educ t!on of 1623 empl~:s ... *1.10 markiltlilg the 1939,-Ohlo .apple crop. " Ha~ .Paril ~ ad.. ~~ tiAve lbM1 t~ ODe .'1eaJ' GI' . . . . fOl':J1II lie a( ..,.oo arbut our ' eJPGl'ts tor thfta~ t month , compar.j!d With ' 'M . --: m~ttatlon , ~ . . In btl to ~ IDexeuiable -radIoaI . . . . .PoreJtn ra&eI.:Joc .I. , . ~ ."To Whlcb ' b l )'OIr were valued at sam month a year .ago. a nd a Prof.-W hat Is steam? . . . . Pc:! &be, ~l producU . monthly sa Ing In payroll 'cCJ&ui , . tbeN '1IUIiI& to. I1IIIb • ftteftt· that' UJe auIIIaIIbe almplJ IIiiid of OJass-Water 10 . Q high ' tate e t be ~ ~ ... Slaate ~ ~ .. of _M8 ,000. 1118,322. .~ ~ of perspira tion. ,I! .~na"ft ~ DJbeet. lni!.~ ",d- 'Jnvestlllattan or fa 'Rew YOlk ... ftII AIiDRIOAlf , IIOJ'. , . . . . . . ./."' .......... n ..... ~. UP. . . BmI., ~" ' MIobIpn . '. '. I ....~.ii
Cen tenU le, Ohio
Sand &- Gravel
Za~ A~mitale
, J.,.B~~- .IGa,.. •
• ~.
I '
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"*'.. ........~I!~!~~!~i~;~~
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. Inherltoanoe
Albert Pox. decea.aed;
tas deterfulned as none, Tbetma G. Wllaon v .. . Clarence ' in the matter ot the wur ot MarWilson. dlyorce; extreme Cl'Uelty. Nellie Ohrlatman va. Jacob Chrlatman, dlvorce; 81'088 neglect. Katherine B. FlOYd, a mlnor, ' by her mother and next frle~. Ger_ trude Jonea. va. Birtch Eugene Ployd, divorce; gross neglect end ex. treme Cruelty. Mary Lou Clase VB. Frank Clase, divorce; grOl8 neglect. CO~O~ PLEAS PROCEEDtNGS
George B. Johnson, County Treaaurer of Werren County. Ohio, VB Helen Campbell. et al.; Case dJsmIsB: ed without record. Alice Grey va, Mary Baumann; partition ot real estate ordered. Roaamarle Norrla VB. Harry Norrla; case dl8mlaaed without record. Plore-.e D. Moffitt' va. Warren A. Moffitt; divorce iranted plaintiff. George . B. Johnson, Treasurer ot Warren County, vs. H, S. Ferguson, if living, and the unknown helra, etc.; service by pubUeation ordered. \ George B. Johnson, County urer. Warreq County, vs. James PIle and Y1t1a PIle; Jddgment p1alntUr. Vlrrll Becket VB. Sylvester Courtney, et al.; case dla'tlled without record. Elmer Whitacre vs. WlIUam ReI)y, et al.; partition of real estate ordered.
garet Perg<)Qn, ~; wm ad. mltted to Probate and record. In the matter . ot the estate ot Luella Jennings, dec mltted to Probate 'and record; Max Mue11 er a pPol n ted execu to r. In the matter of thll estate ot Mtarguet Ferguson, deceased; Prank Ferguson appOinted executAll';· ~. a. RockhUl, Everettt Schwartz and Harmon C Stlbbs appointed appraisers. In the matter of the estate of 'Luel~a Jennings. deceased; RAy Witte, Oharles S. Irwin and Harmon C. Stlbbs aPP9ln.ted appratsers. In ~e matter ot the estate of Dora StUes, deceased; pubUc sale of real 'e state ordered. In the m&tte~ the estate of MlIdred E . Blalr, deceued; Inheritance tAuc determined 86 none. In the matter of the Board of OOunty Vlslt«s; Charters Maple and Mfa. Heber Perrine appoInted aa members of ·the Board. '
-~ care, • .OO;
Carl Sberwood. 58, Wayn~vll1e, laborer; and Norah Hough. 60, Waynesvllle. Clarence Baumann, Jr. 22, Mason, salesman, and Wlda Swanger. 21, factory Worlra'. Maao~. • L. Keckler, 24, German_ town, asaembler. and Estella Oephart, 21. Pranklln. . PROBATE OOUBT J~es 1.. Gaines, 26. Springfield engineer. 'and Eldora H ........... ...... -~n. 2'8, In the matter of the estate o! Waynesvl11e. cleilt.
Wealb Obamberlaln. c1ec:eaaecl; 11nt and final acco4nt fOed.
REAL 'ESTATE BANSFEaS In the matter of the· estate ot cathertne Cold, deceued; flrat and Heste~ McCollum by Sheriff, to final dlatrlbutive account fUe4 'Mre, LIllian Roll. 5 town lots In the In the matter of the _tate or Village .of Lebanon. AnDa AI. Prena, d ....!ec1; date for Ira D. Mease, deooased , to Naomi T . Emert, 80 acres In Clearcreek tnventory set tor May 18.' 1939. In the of the estate of toWDBblp. W1lllam B. Parman to Maurice W. P , B1tatrotb, deceased ; !l81e ap· C. and 'PaUline O. Forman 102.62 proved ~ confirmed. In the matter of the estate aCres In Turt1ecreek townahlp Plorence B. Sattertb~te, deceaa.. . . Robert MOton Jefferies, d~. • .eel; bJventorJ ~Veel. " by adm1nlstrator, to Edward and In the uatter ot the' es~te of . Robert Blair, lot No. :IIi In the village 'Anna L. ~land cIeCeaIed: In· of South Lebanon. ventorJ appro.ed. , PrtBnk R . Moreno to Rose Barker In the matter 01 the estate .01 Merina. 1-22 acres In Turtlecreek J;lorotby MUler Baaforcl, deceased; to~ · tint and tIDal Keoun~ ap~ed.Nancy'KillY to WUbur N. carter, In the matter of the eat&te of 0.9'l'1 acre In the vUlage Boa.. MarJ A. Halloway, deceued: fourth obester account approvecl. " .E!:l~ A. and Florence O. Plaher In .the matter of the estjl,te Gua. to C. C. Whistler. 21.60 acres In · ~ve ~,; _ eleventh Wayne townahlp. '. account approveel. _ I{elen GIbBon 0IlDli>beU to In the toter f 1 ma 0 be 1UUd1an- A. Preeland and LoUie Preeland, 5.33 Iblp of .Tobias Bratney. locompet.. a.crea in Hamilton toWnshIP. mt; flftb ~untapproved, J • A. Condon to...:rohn E. Stouten. . In the matter of the estate of borodlrb , lot No, 15'1 in the ~flage of AlIce 8llvera, deceased; ' Prank WU. Pranklln. ' IOn ' 6ppotnt ed executAll'; Ralph D. A. Hamson to Plnley Johnson --... B ........ Prank Bbutta and Howard and Mona .Iohnson, lot No. 355 In . · Graham ~ppoJpted .appraisers. . the vUlQge of _ _ ..11_ , .... In the matter of the estate pr Mary Bmlth to D. A. Harrison aDd . . Anna M. Pruus, deoeaaed; Wl11lam Walter R ; Pitts. 61 feet of Jot No. P. PI!&Da ~ted executor; W. 2'11 10 Pnuitltn toWD8hlp. P. .tRoth. and D. A. Han1aon and Walter R. Prant WUey appointed .p~ ' Pitta to Mary smtth. 5 a'Crea In ~ ~ matter of the estate Qf Pranklln townahl n ,
Geor,e PiYbUqer
Alice M. ¥nold; InvalJd : care, 16.00; WWard B~t, invalid care. 15-00; Mrs. Helen-Doughman. and care, ''1.00; . Winnie Oentry, lnvalld care, ''1.00; i!lla Hoff, Invalid care. ''1.00; Iva Nichols, 'lnvalld care, $500 erwin Scofield, Invalid care" LeO J . . Smith. Inva~ld care, '10.00 ; Newton Stamper. Invalid care, '10.00 B. Steele, lnvalld care, 15.00; reall. in.v • '5~00; Clayton Clark, ' 140 locust pos ts , '56.00; E. B. Simpson, repe.1rIng " chairs tor courthouae, $6.25; Brown & Bunnell. 4000 lbs. Btoker coal for cOurthouae, $12)0; W. C. Turton, 1'1,170 Ibs. stoker coal lor courthouse, 163.66 ; The Christ Hos.. pltal, service for Cora Ware ,5.00; J. LIsle Vorhes Com.. mander, Memorial DaY' all~wance, $25,00; Wm. B. Rose, Adjutant, Memorial Day allowance, '25.00; Mrs. Richard VllnDerveer, Secretary, Memorial Day allowance. $25.00; Robert A. Kell Post . •Memorial Day alowance. 150.00; RU&Sell McElfresh Post, Memor1al Day allowance. $50,00 Treasurer of state, support of 4 dependent children, $113.26 ; Tre&llurer at State, support 11 crlppeld children county's share, '16.00; F. J. Heer Prlntlng Co., certl1lcates full pay_ ment undertakings, $12.10; F. J, Hee- Prlntlng Co. 26 cost bills for 'Clerk of Court, '1.45.
Ml Holly ~-
, Mr. and MrII, (llenn Gruchot and son Don ot Nol'1l~, Mr. e nd Mrs. Howard White of, Dayton called on Mr. and .M rs. Ol~nce Crawford and family Sunday a:~t«noon. . • • • • • Mr. a~ Mrs. Loren Kramer and 1 chUdr IDD WAre Sunda.y dinner guests Or !olr. and Mrs. Emer_ son DUl and• -son • Ralph. • • •
Mrs. Elsie Jack.llon, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Shaw IUld son Bobble of Xenia called on Mr. and Mrs . Ed_ mond , !,O~l~y :venln g. . . Mr. and Mrs. Prank Stroop and son, Mr, Vest BtnJ,up of East DIUlville called on thatr cousins, Mr. Lue I Murray . and Mrs. Lue Morgan, Sun.. . day. I • • 81 • • , Mrs. Ada Dakin, Mm. Chflrley StUes and daughtL"r called on Mr. and Mrs. John RYE' Monday evening. ,
• • • • •
Mr. e nd Mrs. John Rye are moving to their new home In Xenia I: this week.
aGbIirt ~~ " ~.eJrer",i~ tnbeIi~ . . ~.. ae .... liitate oap~
.-oiiIDed.. '.
.;.. .' \ I In ' - ~or .tbe -.te ~ ~ deDealld: ' fJtst, fIiial UId ~Uve ~~ '~ " _.~ or ~ ~ cd L.
'" .....
...., .
,aupp1t~ aDd
. . . . . ~,
ReftDIiii.QO; ~ _thaw," _ Teauo.aentoe
~ deceI_: CliUtlcate _ _ or _ III&ate" na. t :=~~. ~~,
IUQlIDe, . eII.'rJ:··
IIInIoe -.....,\
... . . .
".11; . ....'!'be .............
Larler BecaIl8e GI Bette' Quality. Service, and Price
Established 1849.1939 WAYNES VILLE
The ~ will rest Monday. following the aeries with the Carda, but the next day they will again be_ gin hOlitiUtles, meeting the BOliton Bees At crosley Pleld. 'I1le Bees wlll be the fIrSt Eastern club to &how In Cincinnati this ~n. 88 the Reellega start a string of ten battles with their Eastern toea. After the Bees. the PbllB, Dodgers and Giants wt11 show here In that order. The National Leasue race has aL ready begun to be hotly contested, and the Reds tound themselves InVolVed 10 'a fierce scramble as they made their first 10Djf road trlp. Two games agatnst 'the BrootJyn Dodgers Wedriesday eDd Thureday will con. dude \be present tour. The Dodge"" rejuvenated under Manager Leo Durocher. have already demoDBtrateel that they. are a vastly Improved club, In fect, the entire league bas been playing In a nlp.and-tuck man_ ner that Is obl:racterlatlc or the
Saturday, May 13, 1939 ~
a lot of Dishes; Fruit Jars. Tools. Garden Tools. and many articles too numerous to mention, There 'lire many Antiques among the dishes and furniture.
.' T· .f Free' Ifdrld's · F aIr· .: nps or., ,, " Jere The:J y" ". uaner. There's a TrTill' w, · ' . re sa" a
I)I.yton Auto PUt& 00.• parts. The CJaUon ~ Worb .,. _ _ and ~&I.
Fairley Hdwe Stores
Altho the spring fishing senson IndiCations n~w are that the plg~ has Just begun, state game protec- produced this YCJ r w11l furn is11 tors report some twenty arrests and enough pork to supply United Stater. convictions for fishing without lL people with the same amount of porI: Shield Expert Here Again as was available In the relatively r E. J . MeinhAl'lli , widely known EIC' cense. All fishermen over 18 years of age are required. to have f!.shln g prosperous years 1926-29, but this pert of ChIcago, will per onaUy be production will provide 700 million in Dayton, Ohio, at the Miami lIotc.I, licenses, which cost 50 cts. plUS 10 pounds or lard which wllJ not be re_ on Saturday only, Maoy 20th. from cents for clerk's tee, and they may qulred Cor use In the country and for 10:00 A, M. to 5:00 P. 1\1. and '7:00 be purchased from any county, town· which a toreign market wlll be p, M. to 8:00 r. M. &hlp or village clerk. needed. ! MR. MElNHARDI says: Tho new . ____ __ _ _ Shield, which 'he recent ly invented. Is a tremendous Improvement. usualI ly aJfecLing Immediate I'esults. It I strengthellS the weakened muscles of ~he Openlng-reta.lnlng tile Rup ture In 10 days on the ave rage CRSe, re_ g,1fdless of t he size or location and 110 matter how hard you work or strain. It is waterproof. quickly reo movable and hilS no leg straps or I ~:i1l offe~ at public auction at my residence on Third street, cum bersome arrangements. (PosiWaynes'ville, Ohio, on tively no s urgery or caustlc burning Injection treatments used.> Mr. Melnhardl has been coml~ g here for Iii yea rs Rup ~ ure tHernia) cnn cause back.. constlpa tlon. nervousness, nche, stomach patns-sometlmes weakness. .... BEGINNING AT 1 O'CLOCK .... resul ting in serious conditions. Me.n having large Ruptures whIch 3-9X12 Rugs. ~arpets, heavy 9X12 Linoleum Rug. small Rugs, Bookhav.e returned al ter s urgical opera. case,Liblrary Table, Stands, combined Victrola and Radio, 3 tables, solid tions are also Invited. When a ll others l a U-see MEINIIARDI. He walnut Corner Cupboard, in fine condition; Sideboard. Washstands, Din. • wlil be pleased to demonstrate to you privately without charge. Being Chait'S, Kitchen Chairs. Rockers, Sa~e, 2 Heating Stoves. 2 Oil Stoves. ware of Jmltators. (Only men in_ .Cookstove. Lamps, Kitchen Cabineh, Books, Ironing Board. Cooking. Vited. ) WhIte only.
...... ,
alloweMe. .
Compare Our Prices and You ",ill Buy At
lWe€lure Funeral Hpme
The Smith Agricultural Chemical Co.
at all tim«.
. . ..
Mineral Feed and Plant Food
Now clOSing their tlrst Inspecfjon Mr. and Mrs. BlU Tate ot Belltour along the Eastern lront of Na. brook spent Sunday after~oon ' wlth tlonal League wartare the Clncln. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Runyon, . natl Reds wlll retur~ to Crosley • • • • • P1eld this week-end tor a trio of Mrs. Bam Mlchlal Is spending n games wltb the dangerous St. LouIs few dayS with her s on Clarence Cardinals. . al. The ~ iIInd Cards will clash • • • • • Prlday In a ladle's day game Mrs. Everett Bla.:k:burn and chlld_ dles'~ ticketS are now on sale ~t the ren of Centerville. Mrs. Lue Preelan. old Tlme&-9tar BUilding. Sixth and MlaB Lucy FreeJan. -'t!'a.Iled on Mrs. Walnut Streets. Baturday and Sun.. I Bta.nley Preelan Batll1J'day afternoon. day the Reds wlll meet the Gas \ House In single affairs also. Reserved seats tor Sunday's froy can be obtained at the Red's down. town ticket office. the Henry Straus Cigar Store, Sixth and Walnut 8treets.
. Mte offer a 8Gtj.facfory .
,u .
HI hen 1'.ou Buv f ertilizeX-lnsist· On----~--:-;.
Mrs. David LuCl;I.S Is spending a few days with friends In Dnyton.
knock down and out races that the ottcult has seen. In thelr,.lwllig ~ around the cJrcult, the Reds have \ Rose Pollen. deceased; wtll ordered WalteJ: R. Pitts to Al4ecl KIn.. learned that.,thm, ale. no 80ft spots. flied; WUI~ admlt.ted to Probate and dred. 10 &erea in PRntun townahlp. ~ery ~m Is capable of ~, Jan~ Hea~ W ~~~~~h-~~~~d4~~~--~~~~~~lrlr----vv~~~Ai~j In the matter. ot ~ -tate of No.. 3'1 and ai I~ \be ' vWage of Auct. Bale PoUen, deeeJlJ8d; Raymond 0. PraDklln. ' !'qUen appotnted . exeo~tor; Ril~ ElIzabeth Betker to NeIDe 'W. Use The wamt Gazette - S~.'" Jobn, WUIlam Ranter and J. R. Henkle, lot No. . m 10 the vUlage of "-'W-.nt .Ada sJruth appointed appraisers In' the....v,.tter of the estate of E. Meehan to Nancy T. :=..~=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~= Prid J. Lellrbt, deceaaed; Meehan, 88.11 acres In Pranklln Smith a.tmlnlatrator. township: Sen!i~e in the ~atter of the estate :Julia. O. Burgess to RoIIella Lytle, . . , ~t Pel'iWlOn, decea&;ed; w11l 4.05 acres In ~Ian township. ordeJecl tUed. _. , GeorJe B. WUlImIII to Irma a. In. the matter 01 the estate of part of lots NOB. '9; io and ' Jam. Elmer Bercaw. deceased; cer_ 11 m the VUlage of Lebal'lon, Walter DatJn to Harry DakIn, , tlfScate at tnnafer ot J'8IIl estate or. . .~ ." dend. .-. < _ . one..ba1t acre In West IQ of the estate of townahip. 'Emina. I. RuaeU, deceased; PrIvate ~ of penonaI property ordered.. BILLS ALL()WED ,....or-- _ ,:.. 1Ii.- $be ,matter ·or the eata\e 01 t;.,v. ~ 1:1~i privat, ,0001!lDbua B1aiit Boo!t Yf,. Co., '...e ..Of,_ ...., ~-.......... ordered . B ft. ·lumber No. ' . '!!"'"---- .... ~.~ , ~ • , .IU8.w; . UWlL_ . III ,~ . matter of the eitate B:Oo~ Priii~• . ~.. OM", Q . cad: ~ D. reoorda for " 0Jerk of ' Court. '. L 117 1r7. &p~ &, ' . '-00; o. 8t&Dl1I)' .:~, p, 1(;, .- iii tbe· aaatter of th~ estate stamps for Clert ' at Court '16.00; walter, oadWau.d~, deoeued; ftnt Columbus -BId Boot ·" Mrg, 00. . an 1bIaJ &prOved. certlfied copy of OerU(lcate' ot'tntle, . ~ the matter of ,\ be eatate or t3.~ Btatal~ Mf•• do,. oOve: green 8t.rab '.PIumery. deeeuecl; ' Oecll'p me ·aue;'cpuo; Etrll! OolTlpn. 1 . B. YO\IDI ' eIIPOln~ edm1nI8t;rator': ~emorIal Dar $26.00; w ... ·Beedle. · JOhn CoWer 'and carron·s . . .; 1"C!fobIe cl~p., 89c; WU11am :~ ~ln&IId'. ,laP- lonna ' tor Probate, CoUrt. '• •86; , a~ ," . : .. . Van camp 'Stone c 09., -.,ad aDd .~ .tbiI . ~ fJl iII8 : eRate '. MM.t'i: II. D., Urtdp, ~p-
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore, Miss Wanda Lee WUllams. Mrs, John Zimmerman ot DI~yton spent Se.tur-I day with Mr. an!! Mrs. Hiley GibSon s nd tamlly.
News Of Reds
and Wanoo, and son Walter Jr.
• • • • •
• • • • •
• • • •
LIlwrenoe Thomll6 recently pur· chased the Spencer sawmUI at Lebanon. and has started work t)lcrc MrB. Laverna Faul and son spent They plan to move this month to the weekend as the guests of George the new mill. Meanwhile the mill a~ Johns famUy In Lebanon.. Ferry .will continue In opel1n,t lon.
The Ladles Aid ot the Sugar Creek A very pretty shower was given ch\U1Ch. met e.t th.e home · of Mrs. tor Mrs. Wendall Morgan a~ the Oharl~ .Plsher last Wednesday. home at Mrs. Chester Palmer on
• • • • • Thursday of last week. The guest.'i The Perry J . Tbomases IUld, T . R' ! assembled nt two o'clock and the aL Pordyces' took a drive Sunday and ternoon was ' plea.santly p95Sed playvisited the beauWul brld8e which Ing games. Prizes were won by Mrs. was recently conatructed over the Harriette Thomas Mrs Anna Shol't town of F'o6ter. and Mrs. Mary tracheil. . The guest • • • • • at honDr opened her gifts, of which Mr. {Wd Mrs. ~In Thomas and she received many useful and dainty famlly dinner gueSts of the ones, and at a later hour refresh_ Wtalter Thomases at West Oarrolton. ments of fruit salad , deliCiOUS cake and lemonade were served. Those • • • • • present Included, .Mrs. Viola Bock~v. Smlth will preach the f~ner- oven and son ~1, Mrs. .Opal Mor- I al services ofMr8. Buelah Orndorf gan; Mrs. Allce Harn!.sh; Mrs. Mary I W~nesdaY atter_ Urschell end daughter, Sherry; Mrs. I noon. , Ethel Schinldt;, Mrs, Mae William· • ~ • .' • • sOn; Misses Katherine and ,Ollve I The Peny church Is lI'ylng for an 'Eluott; Mrs. Charles Ftsher; Mrs. I attendance of 250 on !Iother's Day. Bessie 8lnunonson; Mm. Florence ." . • • • Hl11 and daughter Bar~' Mrs. ' Mr. U1d Mrs. Lester Oerhard were Mlnn1e ' Reeder; M~. ~ 'Short; -. dlnner lUesta of .ReV. and Mol Oarl ~ Edith W11llamson and , son BmlCh and famlly BUday.' Earl; Mni. Harriette Thomas and . .
~~Pa1m~. • • • • • Vllltors~ the Rolla' Bolton 'hpme -IuDday werenr. and Mia. J . P , Dol· Bu~on plantlngs keep the gar ton ud dlurhter and Mrs. Mae den producing JOnaer, malte the SmWl' or OoliDDbua aDd Mol. Cbar_ faailb' meaJe ~~er, and fumlab 1.. DI!JteI and 8011 Obara h. ~ ntamtna ~ an Just as benefl~ "..... ·BveaIaI oaJIera.... • • as tile 0Ja ioId III MID"'"'CIal prep.. WdIr 0Jark ADd~" .JQUa ....Uema.
Ot1GHWOB~ 6pLLf;t ~,,'L.
Here's the wa
• *' • • • .
MTli. K ler Graham ond daugh-" ,Mr. nnd M l's. M Oune .of Day to ter. Miss B mice spent SW1d:W weI'!! .Sunday guus Or her 'Wlth rela lves In Columbus. Mr!'.. Leon Al xnnder.
7.f~.S'"P .
Mr. and Mrs. ~tlmley Sellers 01 Mr. and MI!II~ RII srI! ("111'1' !1Ilt! MI' nhd Mrs, Irrul'Y We tson or Ml'. and MrS- E. B . Lo1\gn.:re ,werf) sons o( o..~bol'ri, visited he. mother. OnYlQn. Spellt SUillday witt\' hiS s!&- LelJllnon. vL""ted Misses Anna U. nnd Mame T Browne, Sunday. In Dayton on business ThuI'!iday. Mrs. Oora Oompton, all SundJy ·ter. Mrs. Neute Sownrd.
· .. . .. .
• • • •
• • •
" •. •
• .
... . .~
M1~ WillIam Huston wll<l hall Miss LoUise Hartsock of King. lwon sllriously, 111. !$ som what i '" •• ~ man aDd' MIss Cerol Lukens spent 'proved at this ,vrIUng. Sunday at the Home.
· . .. . . . .. .
• • • • • ."
Mrs. Lelia Hartsock attended. a !rs: Su.q,~n Saylor spent lnst' week Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Holland sp nL Ru~e ll Mllrl'liy nnd famlly of ramlly dl.nner. SundllY at. th~ 110me "'itll her ons and tbelr falllllies in osbttrg. spem;STmtIay with " , Sundny wlLh Ml·. nnd Ml'!1. Ramee of her brothel'. Stacy Burnet. near nnd Mrs. Arnoldi Bart.on. Shaner. near WaynesVille Centervl~le . . • • • • ..
th,ey used to •. build (encesuntiH'eter Som. mer inv.ented ~"''''"," Keystone woven 'i~~ wire f~nce
· . . ..
· ..'. . .
Mrs. Ell. zabe!.h Smith of Dayton J 3 tnCS Turner of Springeld. spent Mr. and Mrs. J . T. Wnltol;l vislt_ Mrs. ClWJ"le Y. -Ahtram of Day_ spent Sunday wltll Mrs. MargareL ed J . L. Peterson ruid famil y nrar Wedn da~' wit h relntlves ri nd ton was a visitor at the Home on Johns Md Paul Johns. Cedarville, Sunday. trlend~ here. 1889. Sunday. She expects to mllke an ... • • • • • • • • wi extended visit here sometime duro Mr. and Mrs. A. O. WUllnms 11 Mr nnd Mrs. Mal'lon Shoemaker Ing the summer. Marvin and WebSter Compton Dayton visited with Mr. and Mrs spent the week.. lid with frlcn.1s In ent rl a lned friends from Hnrveys_ • • • • • Will Gl1IIhan1 severlll days Inst week. St. Louis. burg, Sunpa~'. Miss Frieda Harvey Qnd Mr. aDd \ .. • • , Mrs. ponllid Hadley and daughter • • • • • Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Burnet Cll'L Til e Jun ior.Senlor c~~l's reception visited their brother and sister. Mr. ed 011 MI', and Mrs. Louis Balley lit Mr . and Mrs Jam es Se.l's O l wo s held In tJle Adams room. Hotel and Mrs. Clarence Harvey. SundllY Miamisburg Sunday afternoon. Day tOll . visited Mr. a nd Mrs . G. V. Mil11l11 ill Dn.yton, Friday evening . evenIng. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey are • • • • • Sims, Sunday. • • • • • r ., .. ., the proud parents of II dllughter, Mr. Robert Palmer of St. . Cloud. Th' Parent.'T'e achcr club wtll Charlene Mozell . born this month . .PIa. Is vlslt.1ng at the hom!! of EverMr. and Mrs. J . Inwood and SOilS hold their monthly meeting on • • • • • eLt Ea rly and family. of Midd leto~' n called on relntives Thursday. May 11, nt 2 p. m., al Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Heacock of here, Sum/ny Made by Keyalone• • • • • I h e home of Mrs. Fred Kennedy. Gettysburg. Penn .. Mr. Floyd Hea.. illv.. you "u t~ im· Mr. and Mrs. Willia m Rogers and , provenlllnto in 50 yea .. cock, and Mr an(f Mrs, Eugene daughter spent FridllY evening with Mr. IiInd Mrs. E. A. Hartsock vis. or fence m:tklngl "GolThe Memorial society met Frldny vnnncaled" zinc calling friends in Mason, Ited her .brother who is in a hos_ ('vclllng \vlth the following officers D'nvlctson of Bed·ford. Penn.. who that ,/381.8 y""", IO"8"f were called here beclluse of the ilL • • • • • pltal In Clhclnnnti. on Mondny. -CX>PllCr-bcaring ,ted el ctcp: Jesse Weaver . president; ness fU1d death of their father. lhat tt:sists rust-tiltht Mrs. Ralph Barger and children OItAl'lcs Underwood, vice president: ~eaoock. returned to t heir knott nnd ruJ(gl!d cooMrs . N III .Pe~er son hn rt J/ !S ur s' s struction. G I aU this spent last week with her mother, William Jobe. treasurer; Lawren ce homes. Sttturd9;Y. , In K e y , tone RED Mrs. Joe Brown In Washington . on Sun day . Mr. and Mrs. Don Pet_ Lamme. secretary. BRAN I) {Lonce-at no erson of Middlctown . MI'. and MI'S. ezlf1l price. C. H . • • • • • Wayne PeterEoll of B'rll brook. • • • • • Charles Myers pa s~d aW_ly sud. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas enter denly at h is home In New JlISper. Mrs. Fronces Toppin attended a t alned 011 number of relatives at a w edllesday mornIng.. He was In birthday dInner Sunday In honor of birthday surprise dinner for her his t URI health Tuesday but suf. son Pred , in Day tOll. SundllY crell. l he former. Mrs. Mary Doster wlU leave soon fered a hea r t attack. esr ly Wednes. Ing. • • • • • .day 1I10rnlng. Mr. Myers operated for COlumbUs wherc she wlll attend Mr. and Mts. Harold Wlllt.aker en. a grocery at New Jnspcr. He is !.he graduation exercises of h er tertalned to dinner SundllY. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hartsock and ~on. survived by his wife. Olile. several grand<Jon,ughter, Miss Cossum. Mrs. Clar ence Edwards and daughter and Mrs. Slrcet of Xenl·a. werc rc. chlldren . two brothI" ~ Harry and • • • • Rcba. of near Wllynesvl1le. cent guest.s of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Joscph and a ~I r '[ster, Mrs. Prof. and Mrs. Harley SmIth of • • • • • Hartsock. ClInton cOW1ty. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jeff Eimer Ohenoweth. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke attended Thompson and daughter. Miss Lu_ Mr . and Mrs Ervin Reeves and the funeral of Mrs. Sears Tuesdq.y at cllle, of Lebanon, spent Sunday afDEGREES CONFERRED the home her son. Mr. Jesse Sears In daughter .. of Dayton . visited her At the meetlng of Waynesville ternoon at tlbe home of Mr. and parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hart. Gmnge. saturday night. the first Mrs. W . O. Tichenor. O ther recent Sabina. sock. Sunday. " and second degrees were conferred "uests of Mr. and Mrs Tk henor .. Rev. and Mrs: 'Jesse Kline and on the candidates,. after which the were Mrs. George M. Denny and Among tllose from here who at.. [ollowlng , progJ,'am was presenW: Mrs. George Pidgeon and baby Rev .. Joseph Florlck of Detroit were over Sunday guests last week of Mr. tended th e S hultz sale near Way_ SOllg by thl! entire Grange. a read.. da\lghfer. nesville. on Tuesday were Mrs. and Mrs. Allen Emerick. • • • • • FOR SALE- Fresh cow with Ing by PhyU~ B alley. "Tribute to Anna Krug,' Berthll Hartsock and • • • by side. J. B. Strouse. R. R. 2. Mothar'" by Mrs. Harvey Burnett,. At a meeting of the Warren. Daisy Hartsock. WayneS~Ule. . M4-2t· Mr. and Mrs. Harley Darpenter and 11\ closing song by the enUre Clinton Oounty Dairy Herd Im. and son of near Lynchburg weri! Grange. provement Association held at the dinner .guests Sunday a week ago of MRS. J. Q. GONS HOSTESS ~igh school here mdnesday even. TO HAPPY HOUR CLUB FOR house, semi· Mr. arid Mrs. Clyde Wharton and Ing. a summary ot herd tests. feed.. FIRE DESTROYS BARN The "HIOppy Hour ' club spent an modern. large lot. in Lytle. See fa.m1ly. A barn on ' the farm, occupied by log practices and other subjects in enjoyable afternoon. Tuesday, at Stanley H. Bailey. Waynesville. • • • • Robert Creech and familY. and dIIJry \,.erd Improvement was dl&.. MUt· Mrs. Allee Clark has .been quite the home of Mrs. J . ~. Gons. Arter owned by J. T. Harblno.. Jr.,' of cussed. Ivin McKIllip aaJ.r.y spec. a short business sess1.on, and an In. Xenia. wr.15 completely destroyed by llalist at 01:110 State University, was Ul for several days and is under the formal progra-m, a pleasant social f ire Saturday night. The family was the prmclpal speakar. Walter Elils. WANTED-Hand Dinner bell In. care of Dr. Slagle. Mr. and, Mrs. time \WIll imjoyed. during which re_ qUire at Gazette Office, 5 11 ,p d. MUton Sheehan of Centervllle visit· freshments were served by the away 'from home at the time ot the prCS<ient of the Warren county 'unlt fire. The lOss to Mr. Creech Is es. \\las aiso' on the prognun. ed her Su.n day afternoon. hostess. .nvlted guests were. Mrs. tlmated at $500. and to the owner. • • • • J . a. Rich, Mr&;-Glarenoe FreeJ8nd; $2000. which wa~; 'parth-lly covered Have your mowe,r ground by J1UL Mrs. Mary Carmony ilI nd Mr. and ;FOR SALE ' - Olle used CaB{ Mrs. Bessie Cook , Mrs. Ocle Ha.rlan oCorn drlll with fertilizer attach_ Mrs. Walter Kenrick were entertain· and Mlsses Nettle and Lida ,Ogles_ by Insw·ance. The farm Is located chinery. Satlsfactton guaranteed. H . In ~he Briar Patch1 neighborhood_ . Sherwood. WaynesvlUe. D).ent.. Good condition. PrlclI $35. ed to dinner Sunday at the home of bee. Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Carmony In R. D. COUett. Phone 99.&3. Springf1eld. and In the afternod'n visited the Martin flower gardenfi FOR BAJ,.E-Scloto Soy Bean there. Seed. Recommended highly for • • • • ha.y or graln. $1 per bUshel. Get Mrs. Margaret JoJms and Paul yours now. McKay Bros.• Oregonia, Johns attended a birthday pllrty fOI' ~ .. T lephone Waynesv1J1e 26..R4. th~ latter's sister. IviL'lB Vivian Johns M 11 18 pd at th e home of her uncle md allnt . Mr. 'and Mrs. Weller Haines near I FOR. SALE-Shl),t.t.s, Bina. Pat. t '0 . 4 miles west of Harveys Bellbrook on SA Lurdny nrt~rIl O,,1l of tw',/! uu Harveys burg_Lebanon road last ,?,eek. • • • • Mllt! Mrs. Emma Lacy received wor d WOOL. Thursda.y of the death of hel' g:'nn :l G ~ r.ull market price fOr your son. Gel1ald Lacy {1t Galllpolls. Sev· til. ('01 -lEn ' to the Ohio Wool eral relatives from here attended the .Qrowers CoQperative. aOverrunent funeral at McClw'e fllneml h me lonn vL\lue n ;ol'o. thJ1 n 20 cents on Saturda~ afternoon nnd the bur ial In good ~ol. ~i¥'1'l\1 cash advance, Miami C,:!metery . . Waynesville Farmers' Exc ange. ------
·. , .
. ...
• •
. .
· . .. .
·... .
Waynesville Farmers' ~- Exchange
· hes, Peac
·.. .
Clinton -Creen Beans Extra High Quality; 4 .No. 2 Cans
5 lb. 25c
Brown Sugar, Bulk,
SUGAR. Pure, Fine Granulated .. ..... 25 ~b. Bag $1.17 SUNNY CANE or Jack Frolt Sugar. 25 lb. bag fl.21
FURE GRANULATED SU'G AR .......... 10 lb. Bal49c
24 Lb.
Pillsbury Flour
Special C.mbination Sale l~lb 'French Brand Coffee ................. ~ .......... 19c 1 pkg. 1 t,{o·oz. Mary Garden Tea .................. Ole ' Save 10c-both for ........ .................. : ........... ::-2Oc
· ...
No. 2Y2 Can. 2 For
Sliced or 'H alves in Heavy Syrup
A l1;'esco ·Feed lor Every Need 25 lb. bale
~tarting and 2$ lb. baw
, •. ,
tOO lb.
EGG MASH 25 lb. baw
tOO lb. bal
G.'o'·l mri rAaah 43c
tOO lb. bal tOO lb. bill tOO-lb. baa
4l8. '2'3 c
,RHUBA:RB--Home Grown-3 bunches ............ 1OC: ASPARAGU~HomeGrown bunch ....
'C' ...
New Cabbage-Fresh. Green Heads ............ lb.
. 1'. s. New Pfl t a t oes No. I
10 Lbs ' 29c
Red Triumph '
Fresh Shelle'd P~~new item ............ ...... pkg. 15c New ONIONS-yellow Texas ...... :....... .......... Ib •. 5c . . DICED VEGETABLES-for soup ............. pkg. 10c
HAMBURGER-fresh n-ound. al. beef - ... : lb. t9c ROUND STEAK' tender ................ ..... . ~ ...~ ... -1Ir.:-3itC-_aBaked MEAT LOAF-assorted ............. ,..: ..... ·Ib. 2sC: , '
Pork .Chops'
FILLET of HADDOCK-Boneless-No w.a ate lb. 15c SAUSAG.E-pure pork ·........ :." ............... : 2·lhs. '35c ·COTTAGE CHEESE-delicious ..... .. ,........... lb. toe l
Midiught Show Only ,1
.All ...
METHODIST CIIURCH Rev. John V. 'Lacy, Pas Lor. 9:30 Sunda.y School. n. D. C .1 lett Supt. 10:40 Morn.lng Worship. E: pc ;1-\1 ' Mother's Day Servl e. ' . 6 :00 Epworth League. The presL aent, UecU Davis wID . lead. I . 7:30 '1i gr~UP of ~young people 'Who . have. been specially tralngd wt1l give 11 play entUi!ed "No 1; '. . Flyihg.'· Any wh'o d no hI 1.nother church to ' atte~d are in..
' ;
WEDNESDAY 10:00~ ~'tlf1 and -aft day meeting. wtt~ MnI.
a a ' EllIs. :1:45 Junior eMir. 'flOO Boy Scouts, . 8":00 Chofi' practice,
2 for ....................... ............... , ........................... 29c . , '" .......
11 a; m. Morning Prayer and ser_ mon : with special petitions for God's blessings on the crops. TUESDAY . 2 p. m. Nursery, Church Schon\. FRIDAY 1.D :30 a . m. Woman'S Aux1liary All DIlY Sewing. 4 P. 111. Junior High Boys. 7:30 p . .m. Girls' Fdendl G I (,U ;).
Blue Label CHEESE,.;.-S·oz. pkit.
$1.50 :A~d ..e' ~
with othe!»eauty, 8~rvic'e 'TH·. Q ~
if YQu present "this ad.
CIV-IC CLUB HON.oD-e-~~~A~P~ . R"'O-C~1.~!!!!!!I 'A-'M~ ,A·~ 11"IOr.llN--= WADE F. BO¥ SCOUT' TROOP
'r '
Wh ereas, th " Waynesville High Sqhool Alumni Association will hold its a nnua:l meet1ing in Waynesville May 27, and
be present, IIIIt least for a part of the lime, as her elafis Is the 50th year The W;a.ynesvllle OJv1c Club enjoy~ -.--:::-.•.-:•..:-.-,- - - - - - ('lass ,a nd the four who origina"Y eel • floe dinner ' meeting In the Whereas, with the class of 1939 there will be at C'raduo.ted are stili Hvlng. view ~ Methodlst church dinlng room, the time of the meeting 741 survivihg members out r.r Miss Edwards' IlIn~ Charles IIohday evening, May 15. The 00of 832 thnt have g raduated since the establishment M.lchenor-, '09, wlll represent the c:uIon wa6 a tr1bute to 'the Boy of the hi gh school, and Alumni Association .at the Ngh a:oUt Troop of Wo.yneSVUle. Each Miss Mary Harsha. of CIn~ lnnatl , . ~hool commencement the evening Whereas, this community is proud of the record ~r of the club h!l<\ as h is was the week-end guest of Misses to r May 26. ,to convey greetings IIlIld of OUI' sc hool in . training for the worl( of life, so guest a Boy Scout member or a boy Doris and Ruth SaIlsbury. best wishes from It he organization. many me n and women who have becom~~ useful citiInte~ In scouting, ApproxL • • • • • Tills will be '0. new feature ~n the zens', ' not only in our own locality but lin points all mately ~ members anh guests enMr. and Mrs. W. E, Cornell were w mmencement program and one over the country, a nd joyed tbe excellent dinner prepar_ Sunday dinner gUe6ts of Mr. and which It Is hoped will be permL ed by the Ladles Aid soCiety of the Mrs. Russell Salisbury nnd famlly. Wh ereas, the W ay ne ville High School Alumni lIently estnbllshed. cburcll. Oroup singing W8S directed Association seeks to identlfy itself more cloRely with If Miss Edwards Is unable to preby R. D Oollett who e.Iso made all the activities of our school and ~ommuriity, andHave your mower ground by ma_ ~ lde at the Alumru meeting. Ro!s announc~ment as to the looOJ clean - chtnery. Sat1s!actlon guaranteed. H. H. Hartsock, chal.rm9n of the local Whereas, it is meet thnt we givli recognition to up ~~ th1s week. Prealdent . Sherwood, Waynesville. a rrangements oommi ttee , wUl sub_ this . larg~st a sociation in our midst, Carl Abaecherl1 pres1ded at the ~ UtuLe. In vljlW of -her InabUlty to meeting. Ouesta mc"ded Hlarry Mrs. R . . L . H a.c kwell attended a Therefor e, by my office and authority I h ereby lake charge of the de~l1s this comGraham of Lebanon, Chairmen 01 meettng of clergy wives': «lit Ohrlst proclaim May 27 as "Waynesville Hit h School Plans are completed for com· ,\l lttee has assumed responsibility the Warren . County Board, of Scout melllCement festivities Wh4Cll began '._ _ _•_ _ . - - - - - - nd dispatched the work as rapld_ Alumni Day." Commlas1oaers; 0.: L. Kingsbury . Church. Glendale, Tuesday. wit h the senior play Friday eveny as POSSible. Miss Edwards urges • • • • • Middletown, Chalrma.n 0 f the I urge our citizens not only in 'WaynesviHe itIng Ma.y 12 and will end wltAl tho lbat there ,b e a large attendance Mrs. W. 'So Graham, Mrs. J . B. Mound BUU4era Area CeuncU, and self but in t h e community, if they · conveniently ca n Al~mnl reunion, May 27. .. t the GJiternoon gathering at. the Tom Venable. Middletown, Scout Chapman, ana jilrs. lWJplt Hastings, do 80, to visit the members of the Alumhni . AssociaClass Day ncttvltles will be Ifi~, ~ __ , ____ lrade school ground.!! from ~ :30 p. were Hamilton visitors", Thursday. Exl!cutlve of the Mound Builders tion on the campus of Ute grade school 0 the afterday at 1 P. Ill. In the school audl. (.harles &ttA!rlhwaite is plaster- n. to 6 p , m., when the old claa3 • • • • Area... 00uncU. noon of May 27 from 3 :30 to 5 o'clock, and thus tortum. ,ng In LebMon. membel'tP especlalJy will be featured. Ru.aaeU HallidaY, loaaA Beout... Mr. o.nd Mrs. Lewis FIres and t ttl 'th b i I I come in con ac no on y WI mem ers n our oca • • • • • Another Innovation this YEW' wi I muter, expraaed appreciation for famlly were dinner guests or Mr. community but a large number 'o f others who will The baccaJnuree.~ s ervice will be Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Garst were the apooeonbJp of Ule Scouts by the and Mrs. Elvin Fires. Sunday. come to us f rom dl'stant points. held Sunday evening, lIlay 21 , at· 8 f Mr d be the recepUoll in ' honor of tbe ~. 'I k in the high sehool auditor t. unday dinner guests 0 . an :Iass of 1939, a t 6 o'olock, previous ol)lb and Garl ftt'1JUSOn, Q8Idstant • • • • • oc oc . - MIS. 'David Brown ot Dayton. Bcout.maBter, responded briefly. Harold ~beson of centerville, Witn ess my hand and seal this 16th day of lum. Rev. H.. L. Hl\JCkwel, mlnis • • • • .. to the dinner. At tAle head of the ""--_ . '. - LeMay, local Troop commit- w, M tAle guest of Mr. and Mrs, Lewter 0 f St . MOMl' receiving line will ,be Buperintenn'IYlK Mau, 1939. - .r 5 "'plseop., ,...' Church . • oJ Mrs. L. A. Gaa-st II1lnd Mrs. A. E. dent of Schools .and Mrs. L . A. ~ cJa1rman, epoke or tbe hlBtory Is Flre6 nnd f6DlUy last week. . A. K. DAY, Mayor.. will deliver the 6ermon, " tout were """yton visitors, Satur. ..,.. Ga.rst, This wU~ give an opportu_ k or the movement hell'. 1118 did Mr. • • • • • Attest; H . M . Carey, ViII age CI er. Commencement exel'cises will be .., .. I dQ1. nity tor the oldes- members to be~ Qrebam, . of the work In Lebanoq. Mr. and Mrs. Ell Fumns enter_ ~~~::=:::==:==::::::::=:.::::: held FrldQ1 evening, MialV 26. int 1e • • • • • 1Ir. KtnpburY ,stressed the impDr'_ ta1ned the members of thelr 600 high school auditorium with Wade come 6CQUIWlted with the new -Mr. and Ml . C4l.r1 Sherwood spenl class. Invltattoll8 ere ''tn the mall. ~ of' eeoutlDg as a buUder dt club, Wednel'!day eveDlng. ----- -- -C) E MUler, prlnciJllll of Middletown Sunday at tile home of Mr. and bova. • • • • • KING'S .HERALDS MEMBERS I MISS EMMA L U LEWIS . hiwh school mving the address Mr. Come bring a guest. The prol!Tam , HER BOSTIHI8 TO AUXlLDRY ..... • , &' • Mrs. WUl O'Banlon in Bellbrook. I foil The ' Rev. J. V. ,Lacy responded as Hugh HInton and Dale Baer of ENTERTAIN MOT ~I .' Miller Is well known through this • • • •• • s as. 0_: .. ':"t tor .i..... -e'- '-g .a lter w"'-h Celina were guests of n..n_ Hawke The members of the Klng's Her· ' The Woman's ' AuxUlary of St. section of the state, ha.vlng been t A£temoon Gathering ...... .... ..... .........~. ",.............11 CD h t f' I W. S. 8cIan~ Ql'1'ived home Sa <the Rev. R. L . Hncltwell, chaltman Sunday afternoon. aid socIety of· the M. E. Ohurch- en- Mary's "'-""' . ure me r· prlnclpeJ of the Middletown HI~ th I te 1 Grade school grounds 3 :30 to 5 :00 or the 8potllOl'llhlp, In• • • • • .tertalned bheir mothers w1th 0. cov- day. at the Llti;l Inn, with MIs.~ School for 22 years. He Is IFesiftent urday alter spending e w n r n p. m, Qeneral get together,hand_ traduced Tom Venable who save tj)e Mrs, L. C. St. John and Mrs. A. ered dish dinner. Monday evenlng, I Emma Lou Le-wril as hostess. After of the SouthweStern Ohio Tench Mlnml. Fla.. • ' , . • 3haltlng II4ld rernlnlscences. princi_ atIdrea· IIr. Venable, In' l!l. ' Stout were Xenia vtmtom, Frl- at the Nearly all mem' ,tbe opening dervotlons led by the ers assoc1a.tlon 9.IId secre1u1l'J and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bakel'. Sr., 6:00 P. M • .... u hers with their mothers. a few pres1ctent, Mrs. p. H. Brace, pay. treasurer of the SoutAWC8t4illl Ohio Reception in '~he ' ,high school a , clear" forceful inanneI'. present.. - . , . .:.. sh rt business entertnlned Mr. and Mrs. W11I 'l1Un· ed aeYeIU c:uea or 'b ow IICOUt.IDg " • • • • guests and the leader, Mrs. H . B' I ment of dues ~L ..... a. 0 Athletlc 8890C18t1on. He ha6 twice bUilding to the members of the had dected boll to the extent they Mrs. Nell Andenon of Kingman Ea.mha.rt, were present. ~ Ann seSSion foHewed. During this t1m.e served as presldeat' the alate as- GEY, of Ma~n,.s~. . clB6S ot 1939. _ ... -made 9UtI't""","'; acbleYe_ waa the gu o est or Mr. and Mrs. Don Melloh one of the yountcst mem- it was decided to meet St. Mal} s soclatlon of !Mool prtncJpaJs ot t. . 6:30 p. M. ..... .Hawke S .......6_. bers the soc1ety, asked the blCllS-' quota of ~ rnJI!sloDarY delic\t Obto. Be8ides his num........... school Mrs Ola Hidy l'l vis1tlng her s""" Annual alumni dinner. ment.& - In ..weral diUerent ftelda. ..........y -~ter, Mn.. J~hn Bmnd of Columbus The club adjourned _til the eing_ • • • • • Ing before the dinner was served • . through a pl'MlUce . of eell-derual In relations, he Is the errlctat man1:30 P . M. ln8 of "Amerlca-'/ Mr. end lirs. ~~on SlmPl!On I.e~r the following progTll!1l wasl ench I~ !the.. parIsh. and. thls >deer of tJ)e Miam1 vaI1ey .auwtau. thlS . ~ee.k.. . . .. Businfss.meetlng-8l1d.reUD1ou. '!'be ~ ' of ~ at 'the were d1imer- gueatB of Mr. and~. enJoyed: . ReoI~n;-A welcome l °rtertng 18 to be presentec;t ~da.y, qua,- near Franklln-one .t the few James Werberholt was the supper PART I r.d M M d Openlng remarks by the pr~ldclub -Oil hold their -_..t m-"-a C. I. Batterthwalte, Wednesday for MDther's DIly, Yvonne Stubbs; June f, at the t6mlly corporate com- large chautauqua stU! operatlng in ~&U evemn" May-;;, at.....;-~ eventng. vocal sol()-Ruth Helen 'Lel\4a.y, with munlon 6e.rvtce. the United States. lns adult Sun- gul!tit or Mr, a rs. aynar Ing oCttcer. In the Township hall, ; . • • • • • Mrs. F · U. LeMay at the plano; Mrs. Brown Burlelg~! prllllident day school claas 1rl the Presbyterian Weltz, sun~y~ • • • Report of the secrellary, Inez M . . Mr, and Mm RUSl)CIl ' Uollld 'Cla.rInet ~()-Esthe:L.Luketl6, and of the Dayton CODvoaation of the church at Middletown, Ohio' t · Miss Betty Har DC spen l e i '33. ~ -.'---'--~The club baS'made acUve Jltrldf!!l and d&Ughter were dinner guests oC clarinet ~nd. drUJno duetr-Estber IUld Woman'tJ AUXiliary, was a guest lit widely mown. Jle Is l1li public speU· week-end with her paren ts. Mr. nnd Roll call of the . FIftieth Year 1n meinhenhlp, ,~ and tile Mr. cmd Mrs. P . L. Reason. Thurs- Donald Lukell8; vocal solo-Mar· this meeting and spoke to the memo er of note and shoUld attract a group Including classes from 1~ Pl'IlIIlOtioo of a number of ac\lv ties day evening. garet Hilrl~m, wltn piano I\JCcom- bers on the "mit of the d10ceee large gathering when he comes to Ms. Bert ~~tsO:k.. • . to 1894. whlch afr6uld maIt.e for the whole• • • • • ~-, .......t by her ' mother, Mrs. E. L. ortlce,rs. Waynesville. Roll call of Ilhe TwentyJlve Year th of UDlt The .-~ - .. Mr. IOnd Mrs. J. K . Frosteu and IIOme grow 0\11' comm y. The teachem of the . grade IlIld Ha.r18n; trumpet so 10 - Raylyn The Rev. H. G. Dlong, ChaplR1n The public Ia oordltllly Invited to .farn11y vlstted Mr. and Mrs. Andy group inclUding clJlmes from 1910 aponsora}l~p of tht; Bo)' Scouts in.. high school bUildings, and thelr Crabbe BA:comapDled by her mother, of Tr1n1ty College, Diocese of FIl- attend these exercises-Klemm and family of near Oregonia, tA,l 1918. B. Crabbe; vocal SOI~Nao- l ketn, China, WSI& alsO a guest of the AW8l'ding of the annual attenc1icates the Interest .or the club an famJllea enjoyed iLn outing a.t W&JDe Mrs. promottna all actlvltles whkh will Park, Wednl!fiday evening. mi Ea~t, Mrs. K . N. Hough. nco Aux1llar.y, and addres6ec1 tho group Sunday. . . . . ., drulce prize ,to the oldest cla8a bav_ ....e tor a atrongerand better com• • • • • comPBnIs . t· vocal duetr-Mary "The Word or God, un:! Ohlna, Mr. and Mrs. Doon Wa.ton at.. lUg !Bill original graQuates p~ent. mun1t.Y. . "lftt.ft."our Inwn beautiful by hay. lAwy and Jean ThompsoJi, 'nc- and The Cr068 of Chrtst, and China." Welcome to the class 0; 1939, ........,. , -" 1 g1ca1 tended a family dinner at Ilhe home Ing your mower ground bY the companied by Mrs. Thompson; pia.. Mr. Dlong re;:leived his tbeu 0 or Mr. and Mrs. OIarence Glackin Ruth Hockett. g m.u:blneg as used in the factory. no sOlo-Richard Sheehan. A rld- 1tralnln at Be:itley Ball, In Mason, Sunday. . Response tor the class; T :ES..I r H. M. Sherwood, Waynesville. dle contest was conducted by Bob- Ohio, ~nd this eommenr.clIIen e ry w er mo er a II rs a • • • • • Hardin, '39. • • • • • by Hastln..Bs, Mrs. F. U. LeMa.y win.. wlll ,r eceive a degree at Ke~yo'l Col Dela~e, O· Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsock of Presentat1o~ of the momona:, Dr. and M!ns. A. E. Stout ViSltecl ning the prIZe tor the Mothers and lege, ' . • • • • • Milford, were supper guests of Mrs, Jeannette Janney Badley., ..,1• ~heir ~ts, Mr. and Mrs. Ch8l'- Ruth Helen LeMay winning for the Refreshment£. were servd to mem- ~. Emma Pierce was a dinner Edith and Mr. HarrIs M05h_1 Report of ,the special committee ., . lea Boyer, and Mrs. J. J. Stout of. ch11dren. · bers and guests during the soda! gufl!Bt bere . Sunday and attended ler on SundaY evenlng. on AlUmni promotion !U1d hi\. h Ilia. J~te Bloch. , mothel' of Patton.. Sun_ hour, quarterly ~g at th~ Friend's ' . • • • • school library, C. M. Ca..·twrtgl.L Miss Margaret W. Edwards, president of Waynesville . Hi gh School Alumni Assoc1nLlon , announces t.his lVeeK the complete Pl'~m for the 1I11lll Ual reunion on MtJ~ 27. The orl amZlltlon Is assured of a large at. 'Lcn wUlce from the older IIJS well as Lile yow1ger rla!ses aJld thert! will be . many from out of town. This .vOla' the o.ssOclaiton reLurns to lts old Ume custom of ha ving a dinner, which will be serven in the High I::c11ool bulldlng by the Lo.dles Aid t;;ociety of the M. E· Church, Miss EdWards hns been confined to her home with Ulnes.> for 1;\ llumt;er of weeks and hlaY n ot be ablt to preside at the business meeting. It is hoped, however, ,that she can
Local 'Happenings
· . .'. .
Local Happenmg·S
Mn . . ;
aam:le:. DaMissl~le 0W:S s~t ~:MI" ~
lira. Jeu1e Hyman,
paI8tld away • • • • • Eo LADIES AID K. E. THOMPSON DIES church. . Mr. and Mrf C. FrtdaJ, IIa.Y .12, at ~ bome of ber Mr. a.nd MIs. A. p. Mellob and • , lIAS ALL DAY MEETING' , • • • • • ClnclnJUloti, were guests of Mr. and Our High School Alumni Re. The Ladles Aid Society of the ' Kentol. E . T •..anpon\ 78, formerly Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ullum 0: Mrs. M06her's sister Mrs. Edith -.roll Ubr8l'Y. L. A. 03~ St; super_ lOll, Sidney Bloch, In Bond HW, daugh~, MaI'Y Ann, were SunQaq Clnclnnatl. Death· Was due 1.0 a guests of ,M rs. Mary Kauflng of MethOdist OhuFch held an all day of 'the Beecb Grove nelghborh.oocl, Dayton called on Dr. and Mrs. M. Harris, ThUrsday'or last week. ntendent of schools. beart ,_tack. Mrs. Bloch '{(as well BamUton. , ' , ' • meeting Wednesday, at 't he home of ( died at his herne in Lebanon, Wed- .klmes W. Ward. Frhlay. • '. • • • PART n ,. and favorably known In this Mrs. s.' S. EIlls. A dellclOus cover- , nesdaY, after &11\"Wnea of six months. • • • • • l\4a.tthew Turner spent the weekRuth , Hartsock WaIr.on , '16, premurilt.y hII.'1iD8 SIlent several sum~ M1IIS Dorta mllwke and Mr. Fra~ ed dish luncheon . WIl5 . enjoyed by His wif.e, , Patience, preceded him . Dr. WlIl1nm Mlchenor 01 Le»' end in Xenls with his mother. Mrs siding. mers here at, the , home of Mrs. ~Is Ryan of 'lRbanon, Mr. and Mrs. t'he ~members present, with Mrs. H: 1n death e.boUI~ a year Il10. anon a~tended Quarterly Meeting Roger 01l9mbll ..-; ltnd Mr. ChamPiano selections, Anna Sellern II:ymUl 8urY1VUI/J 8l'e four , dauab_ ' C. Lee HaWke, and Dean Hawke E. Hath\YIJ~, Mrs. J . V. Lacy, and survlved by t wo daugillters, Mrs. here Sunday. bliss. Stahl, '81 . . ten, Jaeob Kohtbgen\ . b f drove to Colwrtbus Sunday even· Mrs. J. B. Rich as birthday gul!tits. IW80bel Terry. of Columbus, and Mrs. • • • • • • • • • • Trumpet ~106, Frank U. LeMay, . BJa.n.chester, Mrs. Sam,8ba1let, Cin- Ing. ' Mrs J H sa.~kett led the devo_ Anna. Brown, of ,Xenia; one adopted Mm. Al1:irew Shawhaa and A. H. SChoeler of HamJlton, F . B. Jr., '38. olnna\ti, Mrs. Max K 0 hi h g en" • • • • • tlons 'bY ' rCadlng the 14th clwlpter daughter, . Mrs. Mary Burkitt, of daughter, Carol Lee of Clarksville, Henderson, Harry Prater apd John Duetr-Virglnia Hardin; '30. and Jamestown, and 'Mr:s. Jessie Mr. arid Mrs. Olareme Schaeffer, of Matthew, 22 to 34 verses; and e.l1 ' Ludlow, Ky, spent Monday with Freda Har_ B, Oons spent Sunday at Indian Rama Hardin, '34. DlIUl, Waynesvllle; three sOns, Isa- and Mr. and Mrs. OlelUl Alexande.' repeated the Lord's Prayer. The Mr. 'fbODlll80n waa( for many vey. Lake. Ql.Ell'tette -Donald COllett,' '38 ; dor Blocb of Spring Valley, J~h of DIary ton were SundQ1 guests of secretary's and treasurer's reports yeam' Beech 'Oroye. oo~~dent • • • • • • • • • • Frank LeMay, Jr:., '38; Ch8l'leJ and S1dDe)' BlOoh ot 'C~olnnaU; Mr. and Mm. D. C. Ridge. ~ere then given. ' , tor The Mi\'ftl11 Gazette. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. War.. visited Mr. and 'M rs . .Earl Wilkerson, .a nd FIres, '38, and RoberIt Hya.t t. '38. Mven ~blJcIftm ao(l ~e great • • •. • • After the buslnl!sa &e8lllo11, .. ·short Puneral senrtbea wW be held at Mrs. C4l.rollne Barnett at Bellbrook, Miss Rose Wilkerson, of Mon-ow, ·Plano SQlo. Ruth Hartsook Will'. r Mr. and · Mrs• . J . H. Mengle and program was preBellted, oonslSttng the McClure lfuneral home Batur- Monday afterp.oon. were guest!\, of Mr. and Mrs. Lester ton, '15. RnDdChlld: . . Puneral eervlces ~ were held SUD.. son George, were Sunday ' dinner of a reeding, "Your Mother and _ 'at 2 P; DL \ Burial wID be in • • • • • Gordon. Sunday. PART DI day 1111~ at 3:30 at the Wen i\!.esta ,01 MJ". a.nd, Mrs. George , Mine," by Mrs. Ralph ~ttnP, VQ; MlaJDl cemeteJ-y. Robert Burge of Dayton was the • • • • • Rally of bhe Old GuaJd ' Seth funeral home lJr 0Inc! • Mengle of Morrow, c&1 solOs · "Beca\9! She 'J'rUsted supper guest of his aunt. Mill! Ruby Miss Ruill Conn.e r was home Furnas. '08. presiding, " nephew, Ratib1 JOlieph Tuay. or'i " • . • • • • GOd" ::Ood B~eSs . Amer1ca,'· lIy WOMAN'S CMC LEAGUE Burge, Baturday nIgtlt. from Miami University to spend the Address, J . O. Cai'~k~t, •• ~ire Jlau&" In41ane., ·of~t;iDI. Mr. and Mrs. l!la.rl Conner and , Mrs. Franlc ~May.. MnJ. L, ' V. Pu8ENTS· GOOD PROGRAM week:end with her parents, M~. and "SOme Alumni History ar:t d ~e~ ~1III1n cutton cemetery otn_ James 'fetherbolt were saturday' Bf&D!Itrator, MIsa ~;~mit)l and . TJ,le Harvey;~urg Women's Clvio CANDY. NOW A. FOOD MnI. R ..ymond COlUler. thing OUlerwlse.". At th.1a time clD1»t1. eVening guests of Mr; and Mrs. May- Mrs. Mary C. 0r0M. eiu:h J,"ela.ted ~ met ,at; ·Ute hO!l'e of; Mrs. C. A recent decision of the Ohio' Bu· • • • • • special honor W1l1 be W;<t to 'the . ' nard wa.~ , some 'Of ~ exp4mencea In P1orI_ 0 RIaIldail BliLturas, evening, May preme COUl't now places candy and Mr. PlOd Mrs. lIerbert ~ward, claar of 1889, BBA1JTY. IIP~I.u.18T , . • • • • '. da : IS: '1be topIc;" or tlhe, ~Venlng was popcorn on the food list tor pur- and family of Dayton spent the . Address. Grace Oatrn..r( Da~ To LECTUBB AT Pred. BI1alido!clt was taken to MiJ rlWl next rne"etIng . ~ be ;Wlth "OU~ KClIber8" . and ~lte J)OIle3 of ·!I&Ies tax, VendorS will flo week-end wlth· Mr. .and MrS. Rufus ,14, "What We Were ' T~n '" and OONKLIN IlEAUT'I' So(,P .ami Valley. H06p1tal ~ eveDlng, Mrs. Ralph'" Hastings; Wt~ Mrs. ' m'e ettng W!Ul ,opened With "Mother longer be required to marge ~sales Watkins. What We Are NoW." , ~( tI1bU~' .MJaa Maud· Tyne~ tit 'I'hi!o Bender : ",here he underWeuf. a m..Joi. ~oper- LiOYd navis and Mra, ;J. B. RIch .1n Mac~." ~SPOlll!e to roll call was -tax 'On Il8les of candy and popcoi'n. • . ,. • • wtU be paid Ito the or ni.., 00mi*iI1, 'S t,' LouIs, Ioto., wID II!! In ..uDn. H1a concUtIon .1a reported all charge of the program; ~ ,&iI'IJHUe to ~. ' . ,except In cases where ,t is SOld. tor M; and Mrs L C. St. John~ and Add. . . Mlimle C, DodaaD, ..., , ~I ,Beauty ah.op ~. faV~ble., Tbe ~n given by Mrs. Obfi, consumption on the jJrelll1ses where M.r . ~d Mrs. Blalid of West "The SoJenm sO's tnd the ~ M&l! 23 to lllltruet lira, OoDtlln' aDd BDNAltb-BpaYBILL W~, Mrs. IIIIDnIe Oglesbee and ' 1IOIcl ' • ,' ' JefferSOn, Ohio, spent Sunday with 90'S:" .." .:,~. in .. I\lIW ~~ metbod The .BlolO81 cJaaa of the . ~Isa ~a.rIe ~U, of ~~ JoIns • •Nona, H a-ne touched on the t The rull8g dQfS not I!xempt chew~ Mr. anti Mrs. Olenn Bland of AddreM, Mary " LEta" icd~ •,"a( . . . . &be wUl.l1ve a free scbool, ~panleel by M1M Earllile and .E1vj.n L. Betnart\ O~· W~es. ,JUe~~~ or:the moth8I"JI or lUg gum nor novelty toy , artlcreseprlngboro. '31<'Let Y~tb Have A .YolCe." vUle, were UDl~ III ~,Sat- ~ of our ." utaliandlng persona jipntainJ.n8 candy • . ~ lliemB • •. • • • • 8c:iat~!pg rc.. . .ks ttom 1Catte. , lec&Unr tO~ the -pub~ ',fMm J to 3 .I_bam ind RuaeU ,I;•. PnuI1t "";..: ea. . . . II aordJaII7 azmted l~ the Cincinnati Zoo, WedDee.. IlJ'd&f. ~ 8,. ~ ~e wnonNe of bI;Ipl ~ pd )InIeIlt. 'r,to DeW Coilttnue to be ~bject to · th~> lilies . Ml86 ~Ia. an4, J9M Sears , w,ere 101 memJ)en. dN. the Kefilodlat Cbureh. MI'.8t.er1~, ~MDben 'MII'\8 ~ to mem- tax explaIned -,. H. KeeJm:, :' ~ 'bome for ~ weelt.end with their PART IV . ~ 'l'rMr ..... kDOwD ~ , .• • • • . • , "h" ,Ky •• '61 the ~. 3i- ~ West. Mr. ~p. , ',' . ~ Examiner. ~ clecWon cluiII-' ~., Mr. .and MIa. Wllbur· ~. Presld1nli .0UIcel" ~ ~ ;. • •....., IDduItrr fill' . . ~~ Haner Rye, ~ chIldrea, aDd Ilia- Robert 9}e&ver were- their TIle bl!Ilt will be held at tYtnlr ~ .... food, c ..'mh»_ Mr. and lira. Everett ~ 'or . . Report. of tbe ..... ,...... ::t-'~..JJ.JbDp . and ' trade aDd ilia. W. P~bury, .v1II&ed onI1 .~ .. tht..lJ,ome Of ~tb Clar~ on the I1t1p.tkIft"' &III:l--1epI battle~' . . ~w;n, -a.-o-~ fot mlteee. _ .. 'l'bII tei""tdN ja belDllIJClIl- Mr. aDd 'lira. JobO JI'rlb, ~d . Kr. UrI. Bernard Is the *Ulbter of Ute -ar___ '" ..... 10. . I1IlUng from till! ~ or a vend~r. BUndaY «biDer. . ...-'.' cJ:lecIllOD' ';' omc.r,. .... .. , tile WIIIdI8 ...... ~ aDd lin. Clark SalIIIIurJ, In m.r- Mr. Honrcl BerrJhDl 01 Olncbmatl; . In PQrtIIce oaunt, for ffU1Ure to col· ~, • .• • ." • 0Jamw - . . . ~ • a.taD.. W. Va., ~ the .Week..eI!d 8IId Is • ~ in the 1IeUbrook onae we .....nty and apUdtl1, lect _ _ tu OIl caDdy IIIleB 1ut Make your lawn belutlM by bay. omoer. ,.. . . , . • •. • • " acbool....~ 1If'UW Mr. ancI . . ......,Ie fWUre JDa Jour mowerlP'ilUn4lW' the_me RaYe 1a1lll1bOftr1llM1aD1fOUIId bJ !IlL lira. WlJUUl .. - • ::. " macb1l!er7 .. ....s m &be ,....,• ." I\1UIII"P~' .. for to~. IlIaa1 GMItte. 8benIood. W...-me. I1111~
•· · · ·
ali i
J . o u r
'I'HURSOAY, MAY 18, lt3I 2Z
' £ ._-
Not.·ce Of Publ.·c
Mother's Day~ _W • . floe attend.. mee a t bhe Bupr Creek Ohrlstlan OhUJ'()h SUIlday. Alter an excellent program. which waa in chaz'ee of ~ Sa Shield Expert Here AI~ Joe _~ttt~ 1iowers were given to E. J. Mdnbardl, wleleJy luIo.un E::, MrS. Ngncy ~ fU' being the oIdof the ' pCln of Chloata, wlU pel'llOPll 1 .,., est mother. present. ~ to Mrs. In pursuance of an order CO ty In Dayton, Oblo. at Miami BoUl, Garret~ for being the YOWliest Probate COurt of Warren un. S"turday only, May 20tb, '1'001 Ilors at Lhe h ome of Mr. and JIfrs. Mr. nc1 Mrs. MaCrTh'lr e of Day th t ~'. Ohio I Will oller for 'sale at public on .. M •• IS'OO P M ancJ 1:00 SI" S d . . d Ml' 'mo er presen , f 10'00,." • ..,P .M . ' · _ _ _ _-,-_ _:-----'-_ _ _ _ _ _"-::':-_-:-:_ _-:-:-_ _ __ • "olyron . we ...~ un ay.,. Lon 'wel'o Ct\IlIeJrs of Mr. an . So • .. • • • auction on Saturday, t he 3rd day 0 • ....00 S.u bllcr'iption Prie~, $1.50 Pcr Year, Payable in Advance. . • • • • • 'Rolla BoILon and Mil s Visa Bolton FrIends surprl8ecl Lester Gerhard' June. 19~, at two o'clock P. M·, .on . P·~:~EiNHAOOI sayS : Thl new -~--.;:..-:----------------------- f O, cn l' HlIlI'vey who works for Sunday. nh .his ,home Tuesda.y evening With II. the premiSes, the following d~lb_ Shield which he recently Inven ted, !!!!!!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!'!"!"'~ -!"'!!!'!"~~.!'! - ~~-~.. ~~~ ~-':".- - - - RoUn Bolton. went to Ohrl5tlrulburg • .. • ~ • d blrth~ s urprise puty. The gue:;ts ed real estate, to-wit: , Is II. ~mendous Improvement, usual.=undny to . the home of his sister, Mr. _ruld Mrs. Loul Frelan an were, Mr and Mrs. Fred Hubble Mr. "Situate In the ha . mlet of COrwin, 1'1 a"'ectin g ' lmmedlate result.s. It III M1- LUC ' Frelan Sj>Cllt Sunday . " u I 1W 10 S very . "'" y apd Mrs M. M. Holton, Mr. and in the Oounty of Warren and In the strengthens the weakene« muscles of • • • • • It rnoon nnd. ven1ng with Mr · m1lan~ Mrs Coy Gilliam-and ehUdren. Mr. State of Ohio, and ·bounded and de- the opening-retaining the Rupt.ure Mr. Iand Mr s. La' Moore an d I Mil; Everett BlIu:kford and f a y and . Mrs MOlTis Hunter JUld d!aiJgh- scribed as follows : Bega In .... n ' t of WI ence _r ' in 10 days on the average case, re.Mae. Billy and Wayne Ruddlok of , In Centerv Ule. ters, v~na Mae, Dorothy and carol survey No. '191 of the Vlrglnla MlU_ gardl~ of the size <;Ir location and Wilmington spent .sunday with Mr. ' • .. • • • Ann. Mr. aact Mrs. J ames Murphy tary Land. Beginning at a point no matter how hard you work or nnd Mrs. H arry Cornell. The P. J . Thom1\lSOB s pent sunday n.nd son. Bob, Mr. and Mrs. George thlrty.three (33) feet from the cen.. strain. It is waterproof; Quickly re· • • • • • ' 3 fternoon with Mr. and Mali. T . R. Smith and daugh ter Wilma and son ter of the Little·MJ&ml R. R. and movable and has no leg straps or - Music Rev. a nd Mrs. Ca.rl SmIth and th Fordyce In West crurolton. Mr. Mn)rlon , and Rev. and Mrs. Carl ' seventy.flve ('15) feet Northward cumbersome arrangemen't8, (Posl5 - P a l' nts and 4-H Club V. ol'k-l\Il's: Mary E. G twillS spent Friday In Cincinnati !"o.rdy"e has opened a wcldl:ng shop Smith and family. from the Ilne of Moses Kelly's land. tlvely no surgery or caustic laugh, hild Deve lopment Spec ia li ·t, nnd attended a banquet given at th e In tlla city and Is doing fine with oorn~ to Jane Roberu., (formerly InjectJon treatments used.) Mr. 8 :15 - Vocational Home EconOp1i c' Progrnm--Stuli cnts Columbt.-i Avel1u Church of ChrISt. th is bu ncss. unless we make ~l~ u.se_ Ellas Binkley lot), running thence . Melnhnrdl hIlS been coming here for • " • • • • • • • • ful we can't expect the world to I parallel with the ,said Kelly's 1Ine S 15 years. ' of ·Mt. Gil ead High S hool, eli)' cted by ML s R ba The Lawrcnces ThomsSCol u.r A congentnl' IgrOUP "ire d a picnic pa; mul;1l attention to us. 1 degrees 52 minutes E . 2.'16 c1ialns: Rupture {Hernia ) cnn cause baclL 40 Hu m me ll , instructor. thence parallel with said R. R. N. 65 ache, . constJpatlon, nerVousness, , I>cndlng a good d 1 of their time . upper I\.t. Le )oI'1on on the grounds or 8 :25 - Columbus F ederal Orche, tra. In Leb8.non preparlng the n ew mlll the new Thomllo S!l wmllr Sunday Leandlng cltlzens sllO\ild be com~ , degrees 06 minutes E. 50 teet ; thence weaknCSS, stomach pa1n&-4!Ometlmes ~:35 Water in Relation tu P lant Growth-H. E. Es- lor occupancy. evening, Those present were M rs. }Jed to t&ls:e every seventh year N 40 degrees 52 minutes W. 2.'16 reflUltlng in serious conditions. win e, Natura list. • • • • • Lawrence Thcmas. Mr. Dnd Mrs. P, oll (or the good ot bile oonunUnity. 1 chaIns to a polnt thlrty_three ( 33-) Men having lIf!'ge Ruptures which Mr. and Mrs Fred Oon.klln and J. 'I1homas. Mr. IIlJ1d Mrs. rl' Faul feet from the center of the said R. have returned after surgical opera. 8 :45 easonal Care of Furniture and Furnis hin g!'i Dnd son Jam es Weber and Wilma. A good tl!3me makes swell R.: thence parallel with said rallroad t10ns are n.lso Invited. When all Mi!S A lice McKinn ey, Exten~ion Hom Furnish ings M r. and M1'5. P " R Wloal callCd• on I' ThOlIl!Jl5 relatives In and around Port WIIl1a.m I ' . • • • • dtl.l n ews. I S. 55 degrees 08 minu tes W. 50 feet others fall-6lle MEINIIARDI. He · Specialist. . _ _ _..;._ _ _ _....;__;"'O;'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..............._ _ _. - .____;;;;.;__...,;;;;;,;;;=___7il~ I to the beginning containing 2.09 will be pleased to demonstrate to 8 :55 - Co lumbu Federal Orchestr.a. ehalns more or less, and being the you privately without charge. Be9 :05 - This Year' Ohio Fal m Legislation- Disc ussion same premises conveyed by LIndley ware of imitators <Only men in_ cond ucted by H. R. Moore, specialist on Ta xe. and Mendenhall and Goor. Menden- vltedJ White only. hall, husba~d and wUe, ' to Dora L. Rural Go ver nm ent. Stiles, by Deed dated January 24. 9 :25 - How FSA 's Coope rati ve e n 'ir es Aid Ec onom ica l 191'1, and recorl1ed In Dee.1 ReCord . F,a rming-Ru 'se ll H. Knoo]J , Farm 'Secu rity Admi nCOMMUNITY AU.CTION Volume 102, page 228, of the Warren istr:ition, Columbus. county, Ohio, Deed Records." DIXIE AUCTION COMPANY 9 :35 - Columbu Fec\Jl;'a l Ort he trn There being no street number lor said premises, 8COOrdlng to the _MIAMISBURG, OHIO . ~ corded Plat of the V1Ilnge of Cor· SALE EVERY TUESDAY ' wIn, Warren COunty, OhiO, said Let us seU your ltAlcll, mereh.npreml8es are located upon the East nt~edl side of Main Street In said Village . . dlse, hOUliehold ,oodl, ete. EftJ'1. In one of Lhose "magazines" that nre enclosed In Sunday newspapers, between Jolin Street on the North one Invited, your bUilnesfl IA we came across R page which \,Old about the fea ts of Mrs, Martin John._ e nd, there being no other Street cllllleel. SOn .In the AfrIcnn jungle. within said ' corporate limits of th~ CAL~PBONE 635RZ Village of COrWin on the SOuth, n MIAMISBURG, OIll0 In darkest AfrIca., Mrs. Johnson says that s he frequently wears name thereof can be given. ..II owner. Td. .... pai~t? scarves and silk pajamas and Lh~t sh~ goes in for rac~ls and hair waves Artb ur S 01'......... ....."". Said premises were duly and reg_ just f\;S tnougl1 she were at home. Ularly appraised for the sum of One . F. T. Marlin, AucUoneer Sbo and her laLe husbe.nd took long 300 targe boxes 'of food . They ThOusand ~ n()-100 _ (,1,000.00) Td. CentervDJe 1U efljoyed the delicacIes that usually are a vaUablc only In noted r:stauDollars, and must be sold for not less 203 Caster BId•• Dayton, 0 .. ADS881 than two-thirds (2-3rd8) of said rants. . , appraised value Terma of sale "cash" This was printed ;!S a tYPical dinner menu : caviar, cream of potato . ROBS R I'iARTSOCK, souP. brolled breast of guinea hen, wild rice, asparagus with Hollanda.lse, Executor of Estate of peach cream pie. DoN: Stiles, deceased. . What a. Ilfel . O. Donald Dllatuab, Attorney. ~ We ,have concluded that 'these !JIg game h unters tell whoppors, or W. N. Sears, Auct. 4t-M4 that We in the jungle Is not mucl} dUferent from life In a J?ark Avenue ukl. abWII penthouse. ~ T~e Imperia l Magazine.
~ Ferry
• " • • R v. Bcnncl(t oJ ,Sugilr creek Woyneliville, Ohio P¥R.112 Main Strut :burch a nd Mr aod Mrs. WLII Guth.. ,; rle w re dtnnin- gUesw of t.he John Entered As Seco~d Class Mail M.atte~ -at Posto!lice, Waymlsvll}e, Ohio FERRY"':' R ders' l.n Ccn tervfllc Sunday. The J ames WiCllJ rrun1ly were vl.!_ • ;, • • • Flora M Editor and P ubli her
L~~~~ght T~~~ May ~~_
Clean.Up - -Paint Up
Let Us Be Proud Of ' Our .ToWn
What can YOU do to help make W aynesville better place to rve? W.ill you help? 1. Is there garbage that removal? 2. Tin cans, ashes that need removal? 3. An empty lot that needs cleaning up?
4. What about some 5. Out-hQuses or old buildings that need removal? The Men's Civic Club, the Boy Scouts, The Vii. lage Council believe it elm be done! What will you do? Let us cooperate wid. our Mayor'. Proclamation ·and clean up.
6 66
- -.
The villa,e truck will erppty containers placed conveniently iio' th~ . aUey or in ' front· .... of homes. sati~b.~ , L.S.~Wei----++-IIf-~~::=..:::===.:=~--_
. . ._ _ _"!-__________
"' e offer a
. ~-
_ _ _ _-.:0.-
Thu~aday & Friday, May l8th & 19th .
at all times
PbODe 7
~"'''''''''''''''''''''''' .....'''''''''''''. .'''' FBI. MAY 19 At 7:30 An4
P. M..
thes e famou s fearure.
LADIES! FREE! $ 1.50 Andre' ~ DANDRUFF TREATME ~T with ot, h e~ beauty service TH'E'
NIW.Aa041lIAMItTf.L--.__-+l__-W- E -' E _ K, if Y?U p~esent this ad.
lNG, N.W 10DI., IY PlIHa, 3. NIW LONO .. aiDING. IAIL
E "e ! ~: In'! · F El ul Y ~ alen
---_ --. ,IN PERSON
.- .' .J
ffitJ.r'i Gi~t_t Enemy
FrI.-6at. May 19.10 . BUCK JONES
On Screen
,The city' worker depends on agricUlture as a market Prom him, . , farmer ' buys machinery, tertwzer. ' fuel, bUIlding supplies, II' .producte, . hOusehold . equipment, clothing, and a hundred other ar• ticJea which are factOry products, ~,Ohio, has been deslgnated . ee the second city In, the UNted .
14. 'X~LUIIV. IOX.OIIDII CHASSII ...... . ', ;. DUCO fI.aSHU. I.. fJ.YPOID·Gua lua' AXLI AND TOIGU""'II DtIYL : 17. DEL.CO•••~TAlTINO, ' IAGIITINO,.,ld"".ON• .
ICOreJ Qf other
importqnt Jeatures.
, .• engagemen~
SpriDI V alJey,' Ohio
Zain l\rmitage ' Phone, Wayneflvllle H R 11 Leilnnon oUlen Phone 473·KMorrow Phone ·No.•
__ ley's ~'Chevrolef Sales & Service
Wed-Thun. MaJ 24..25
. ......o.,y· &uy~ a 'new Chevrol.t'
10. HO. H."'·VIHTlLAno .... ,
Sand,& .GtaVt~1
........ WAIIOO . NIGIIT ..... . ..
t. TUlllT TO'.
. ' , fnry 40 MConcII 0' every .day,
Phcne 78J
Tutllda,-May 23
Centerv.ille, Ohio--
7. 'afieTlD KHII.ACTlON .IDlNG I"JIM WITH 1M. 'IOV.D IHO(l('.OO, STlaING. (Avollo6lo on Ma.'., D. Lu•• only.,
•• N." .. O . . . . YAnON CAt" VISlI".m.
• • and
Sun.-Mon. May 21-21
*. btlna-
Phone 4
Take a look at the unequaled salee ~ord of the new 1939 ChevroIet-tllen tak. ~ a look at the unequaled UBt of Chevrolet quality f.turea shown at the zi&ht. ••• There's a direct connection ·. ,...een th~ tv.o! . Chevrolet " 11 leading all other moke.r oj COrl in sale.r for the .",.th time ~'he last nine )'ears-llelllnQ at the rate of a car ...; fqre:y lee &ide of every twenty-four.hour day -because it'. tIW Oaiy car' t JOu all of these modem features at .... low COIlr ' · YGil 11m, tl .. car tbat alves 'you the most for your money; . . "~I~Hbe f Etbat Is flnt in eale8, first in value:. )'Ou want 'If' " .• 1:1 J939 Chevrolet! Better see your Chevrolet
"WESTERN F. T. Marti~~ STARS" . ', AQ;:lloneer
No other Car combines all
N~ D~'p1I
~""®~,y or
a ' NUt·
of all tl!" " .. - . tOlltered ~ of our In dem~ cover actlvft/!jl8 tJda OPI· .. • '"~ ,.,.,,, Lederer. LJa
~.ty ~II ,I .....D&!atn . ~
--_ -
J. :R" ,Chap lOan R~~ . ES~A~E
TllVRllDAY, KAY." . .
--=- -----
'I .
County Co urt News
-- ~ Newton 'SbIlmpe r, invalid care, tl0.00
W·1th ~ a B UC k ev~ ~ I"n C ong res . s ' ••
1. B. Steele, Invalid care.; $50); MaEa McElfre ah, lnvalld care, .5.00; , '. -:. . H. M. 6)'yne, stamps , -==:;;:==::;=---===:============-::-::~ tor rellet oft'lce, $3 ,00; Oem City - NEW 8tJ'ITsJohn Sbultz, decease d, - Inventot:y Blue Pr.:I.nt At Supply" Co .• :16 sheets · " r ' .. • a pproVed. tracing cloth, '17.57; Blair' " LeII, CLAUN CB J. I*OWN Alma Ell20be th McKellZle VII. GalIn the Dl1IItter of the estate of Roy, sewer. cement,' sand and ...... v_ ....... .. e' ~ 'do 0I0Ae- Dt'...... vin McKelizle, gt'()8s .neglect ; O. Albert B. 'l6lma.d ge, deceased, Adab el, '10.72; 'The Oregon ia Bridge Co., : " Donald Dilatus h, attorne y. . --, , M. Talmad ge appoint ed Ex~uto l r. lumber, pa.tnt, na11s and clips, The w . t peo.ce-tdme Ol1ve Bushne ll va. Truman Bush.. naval np_ Town, West Vlrgin1a lwot Saturda y. In the matter of ·t he estate or $4,122:79; Fairley Hardww e 00., proprln t\oo In the history or the Practically uJ.I of Real Bottl e Gas for Use I n Any· Gas Stove nell, divorce , IfN?SS rieglect; Meryl B, the working ((l.I' c1 Mary~Uey deceased su I Grey. attorne y. . country was passed by the House otherwi se) newspap er men of tiP ted to Probate and l'ecord; J . Vlce6 as mechal1lc, 100 hours, '60,00; last week when a bill carryin Kermtt WI\I8On vs. Edith Wasson . g a to- aapltal city. high govemm ental 0 ' _ Riley tlPpolnt ed Executb r; H, S. John. Barr, payron, $154.~; J . Myers >tal of seven hundred and seventy !lclals. the dlplmu cUv,orce, 1rl'0II8 neglect; Meryl ' B. lU. corp, tI c Conover, 'Fred Zartma n; Howard payroll, $143.20; E. W. RoSs, payroll, m1ll1o doUals I'ec:elved the approvu1 Federru judiciar y, Gray attorne y. nne! Membe rs or Oheny appoint ed Apprais ers. See 'The New Estat e Gas Rang e 321.20; Earl Basore, payroll. ,151.00; Displ ay n ... b Ed· S. ~t and Oletha R. P'ouSt ch t C n'"'e s Congress. made tile jOllrncy to th . V M " ...... I"" ne II ,112 00' of the In the matter of the estate of JUwer ron 0 , 0 o· . . ' .~ " ....... , pa.yro , flft . ' with .... Buud of ounty COmmissioners, ~ene but ltttle OP11X>51tlon. Even t.h!.lt Historic West VlIlg1nla town M. W41ton, decease d , &ale of Harry Mount, payron, $94.80; y Ray_ amount was a mductlo n trom the miles away and e njoycd At Ou r Store for money and relief. Miller an.d propert y llin aCtelapprove d and confirm ed. mond Mulford , payroll, $418.80; origina Pinney. attDrne ys. l reque6t rnade by the Ad- noon ot anlateu r sport, _ mule !'lice ;, In the matter of the es,tate of Armre1 Mla.terlals, M. T, and Come In And See Th is New Mode rn R~nge asphalt ministr ation. Undoub tedly the pres.. baseball games, Edward P , Roat vs. Marlon sny- 8aa:'ah Flanner etc. It WRli thc on y, decease d, date set '492.5 7;" E. LeRpy, two t4"es and ent unsettle d Europe an sltunt10n afterno on of the yelll" in der, EXecutor, for money only; 0, which . for Invento ry, May 19, 1939, at 10 tubes, '94.68; The Kl1ng~DU1s Co., was respons ible tor tll.e huge naval "everth lng was oft' the DonAld Dl\atua b, attorney . record" and o'clock a.m· ports, '6.08; Rome Grader & M""; program ' submitt ed to Congress, the ~ll1g 7>f press and olIlclaL In t he matter of th estate of chinery Corp., parts, 14.63; Waites which Include d provi31ons for con. dom was purely for saelnd purposes. COMMON PLEAS PROCE EDING S R·n~ ' ,~ d~~~~" nce Garage, parts, $46.48; J. W. Llngb " "" Follen , Inhcrlta . Large r Becau se of Better Qualit y, Servic e, and Price '-ttl.. struc tI on 0 f t wo new super -uu. tax determi ned. . Hardwa re Co., supplies and pe.rtI;, ships ot forty five thousan d ton~ Establ ished 1849- 1939 Washin gton caugh, a glhnl).~e of Wayn es ville, Phone 32 In the matter of the estate of $54.39; ClJa.ude E. wUson, na.lls and each which when complet ed. will be another royal couple George B. JohllliOn, TreMur er of Mary S . HaInes, time Cor laM week flllng ex- gasoline . $37,90; the largest 'ln .the world. It Is hoped wheA the Crown Prince and PrlncC50i Wanen County , VB. William M. )ended. Frank Sherwo od Co., supplles and by the .:anom y minded Membe rs or of Denmar k paid the capltBl city a StomPS, et al, .. confirm ation deed I!8SOllne, 1 12,04; Griswold service Congt'~ that the crisis -' In inter_ two dIly visit. Con trary to other re and dlstrlbu tlon ordered . REAL EST_E TRANS FERS Station , -supplies, labor and gasoline, n&tlondl aft'alrs may soon »II6S and cent royaJ artc1 9111clal visitors, the Everett Peters VS. Anna N. Peters, $91 .51; Frankli n Vulcanlzlng & TIre condJtlo ns beoome. so settled IlS to Crown Prln ,e and Princcs s d~ed divorce sranted . pla1nUII. I co.; s upplies and gesollne, $22.'16; make unneces sary the spendin g of oft'lelal ceremonies and enjoyed sccAllee Only vs. Mary Bauman , et t' Estel Wrlll'ht to W. H. Mallico at Flora's Motor SerVice, g!IIIlOline, a.H the amount s recently oappropr la't- tng the SlIghts al, ocmUrmation of report and or_ and MJnnle Mallico at, In their own way. --SCR EEN2 lots In 14.64; Walter Botts, gasoline, $20.17; ed for nationa. ) defense . However, It They visited the capitol un OIL der of sale. GllIUldvSew subdivis ion, Fra.nkll n West End Gro:ery, gasoline . ,S.10; I is the general consens us of oplnlon nounced early Let Freedom Ring" Harold Bean va The ~vey Co" Towtl.!Jhlp, one mornin g-their Cllllord Veld', gesollne, '16.80; l in Congrer.<> that fill adequa te nn- onl y guide case dlBm1saed. being an ordinar y CapHelen Gibson campbe ll and Chcs_ Rogers & Simpson, gasoline Nelson Eddy , '21.38; tional defense Is the bcst Insuran ce ito! guard. By Alma E1tmbe th McK~nz1e vs. ter oampbe n to Domltigo Virginia Bruce the time ~lr pres_ L.. Fermll A, B . Caudill Service Station , gaso- ; Americ a can ba:ve against war; and ence becnme known they had comGavin MlcKenz1e, service by publl- and Mary E. PermIl, 5 acres In line, ,14.11; Henry Luding ton Ber_ that the present expendi tures for pll P,ed their towr of the huilclmg un Continu ous Snc.wI Oally .cation ordered . Hamilto n townshi p. SlAltion. gasoline, 144.38; \ armam ent have been made neces- \ were ready to re~um to 15c Till 2 0e0rP, B. Johnsru n, Treasur er of George W. Jarnag in to Guy vice t.helr E:m Bernard Service Slation , ,aoaso11ne. AI'Y for the protecti on Wunn County , VB. Jobn L. Cage, Molei' and Ada M. Moler, ot the ,bas.'lY. The Prince's explana tion wa'S 0.52 acres $9.75; Pence service statton , Amerlca.n people through no fault of "we like to observe without JuclimeDte to p1a1ntttr for *58,'10 In Bal'511 township, beln:, line, '10.40; S, o uth's Service slB.tlon" their own. and PO.30 and coets. observed. In thla,t way we are not Q MervWe snowblll and Bertha L. gesollne, " 5.43 ; Bob MaY's Servke Peoples ' Butldln g, Loan lind Bav_ Snowhi n to Samh Doll, .' part of a show nnd a show Is not I lots 8 and 9 St.at1on, gasoline, $13.40; Wilkers on lngS Compan y va. W11l1am B. FOr- In Harla&l. Townsh iP. put on for us; UllliJ we get to sce I Bervlc/; Station , gasol1ne, '12.41; A number or weeks ago there was and know the places we visit. man, et al, cue d~. as they . '!be Sharonv lUe Bank· to Frank L. P Taylor's service' Statlon , g13,s_ much talk In oerlcl.a~ circles reg!lll'd_ actually are." Cleo Arthur VII. Otis Arthur, de_ Willtens, 110.30 ac.res in Deerfie ld ouneJJ. so.;...Bo rden's service Station ' 1ng a ~cUon of the Federal tax _ _ _ _ _ __ fendsnt OI'dered to appear. Townsh ip. gaSOline, '7.60 ; Gr066 Service sta... 1b';U'den through an over-ha uling Barry Hartrel ter VII, otto HartWonclers never ceau. Believe It or Mutual PedenLl Sa.vlngs & LOan tion line '51.05' Bangha m's and revnmp lng ot tbe present tax felter, tnoomp etent, et al. Natban Aseoc1atlon to Arthur D. not, the New Deal Admini stration and Emma Te • ~te' ll' ,1225 ' Ed laWs. However, tba,t Admini stration has a.ctually ¥red appoint ed guardia n ad Utem. Dell Rook Lot No. 45 In IC8CO abollsheIA a govern r, gaso ne kl . Fran In K1lpatrlc~ Texaco Sei'vlce 'Station , i progr~, now see ms to be" ou t the mental a~ency. LnBt week Protecti ve Alarm ()ompa ay, Inc. vUJsge, the Pres_ tJl8so11ne ,10.01; Dayton Beater '" window 1800 ad talk 11; belllg i ident sent to Congres VII. M. p . W~tt, pl&1ntttr ordered to Wm. KnOlT, et al. by Sherlft' to Holst Co" boring and bushing s his second re- , gears, l heard from dll'fel'~l\t presumn bly organiz ation plan deposlt ~ aecurtt,y for costs. wherein he pro_ the MlamIs burg BuDding Gnd Loan, ,50.98' H S Conove r supplies and authori tative 6OU~ as to the I vlded for the aboUsh 1 ment ot the lots 31 lind 32 In Prankll n county. paris' $102 . ; Alta 'urton, Pl'NI ' necessit y of tmpOlaIlg new and addL Bttumln us COlI.! Oommlsslon, Ilnd for . PROBA TE OOtJBT Mlna S. Crew to Bel'tlia. E, Rogers oran~ille Thursto n W. R. C. No lllll: tloasl tax burdens upon the Am, r- \ Ule transfer rlng of a tew .r Its lot No. 81 and ~ of lot 82 10 the Memori al Day nllowance, f25.00 Ilcon ·people In order that the New I function s to another lh tqe matter of the estate 01 vUJage of Springb oro. diVision , of COUNTY HOME .' Dea.l spendin g program ma.y be governm ent. The Oommis Prank Gone, deceased, John Q.' Gone s1on was JOhn GentrY io Llllian Slaton, 'lot Blair Bros. Hospita l, med.leal set'_ continu ed. Just wh!!l.t form these orlglnaUy estalllishetl under the GU- 'I bomas No. 399 In Frankli n Townah lP. vices, $40.00; H. E. Wpmck . groc r-I new taxes may take no appolntecl Adm1n iatrator ; T one yet I fey C08.1 Act .Ith the Idea and 1":. Pauline W. RUe, to M8t'y E. RUey, les, '58.08; Fred O. James, meat, knows; bUt a.t the present time there tentlon of Conrln , Peter P. imler and Kellar lot No. 918 in the village soft coal prloes '8.nd of Prank- $12.63' Lewis '" Inc starL Is conside rable aattatlo n for some solving all the problel1' l6 of the great He::' lin. er, and fO/Cou nty new type of processi ng taxeS of IIu'th1Io L. JlUMIIOn as Deputy . and troubles ome coal mining IndusJohn Andrew and W . MCOlln.. 1 Home, '100.73; Standa rd Oil Com- to those oU!lawe d by the courts In l try . For many Jnonilas the work ot 0leI1t of 'Pioobate Court, Oount,y of ,tic to Walter It- Pitts, lot No. 811ln ~pany,'lQ5 gal. kel'06ene, 110.50; D. E, conne~ti?'l with the OI'lglnaJ AAA. the Comml sslao hu been under fire Warren L. .Jameeo n order_ the v,1Uage of Frankli n. . Gal116On, 1 Ouprna ey cow, . '75.00; from variOUS sources. Mr. Roose_ cd ~nted as oePut.J 01ert. • Ruth and 1IC!War4. lVlllIB to Mary J;~. LlnSO Hardwa re Co., brooder, The GIlnua! outing of the NtatJona l velt's o.ctlon w strong evidenc In the mau.r .of . eatate · ot _E. Hannon. 23.90 acJ'f8 In Turtlee that ~lts. drill bK. etc" '16.~; ReU's Pret!6 Olub was 'held at Charles the M11dred B. BlaSr, deceue d, date set creek Town8b lp, CommJssIon was a tal\ure. . P;lectric Sbop, double socket, cord, for bearlDgCID Scbedu le of Debts as labor, 890; Griswol d Service Btatloll , May 22. 1138 at 10 o'clock. THATS RI6H rl MARRI AGE LlOENS E here III the neail' future" g88 an~ oU dUl'ini April, '11.91' · In the u.tter of . the es~te of l" TUIC FAMOUS UUU'II R.I..n 0 0 en lephone Corp., rent. MU'Y Edna deceased, InvenJohn A, Allen, 56, farmer, WU- nod tolls, telepho ne, $5.85; Her.:lchf'J Mr, and Mrs. Waylan d Jorda:n and STANDARD TIRE NOW tory -approv ed, elORGI SANDERS ml.ngton and MrS. Nona ~land, M, P. James, battery recharg e. relltal, family, 0$ Clnc1Iu:ll3;t1, were guests In the mattell of JOhn Mabon, In. nune, Lebano n , Ohio. ' PAUL LUIA S COSTS ONLY A LITTLE grease car, ,etc., $3.01; V. E. Crist Robert Ballard and family of Saturdn y of the Jordan (ompet ent, fl.rllt and floal ' acQOunt BINRV O'NEIL Elden RowltlDd, '23, commer ctal Compan y, checkin g 8OfteDe! L family. MORE THAN THE ' :llld Miamis burg, were visitors In this app~ed. • • • • • artist, Norwood and Katherl ne .Lu- lubricat e valve. '1.50. cOJnmU nitY Sunday l8.r.temo on. In the matter of the estate of clue Lollar, 20. 6tenOKl'llpher. CWEAPEST TIRES LebMrs. Lillie Villars, and Mrs~Mnry CHILD REN'S HOME COMEDY METRO NEWS • • • • Harry RoM, deCea8ed; first and final anon. I~ Frank Everitt and 6On, John. of Villars, have extende d nn Invltnti NEII~ Lewis '" Drake, Inc" egg HlIl!!h. on ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~_!!"_ ~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~ accoun t appioved. slIa.rter and grower, $49.65; William n~ OlOarksvllle. were here Mon- to the membe rs of the Friends hip In the matter of the estate' of BILLS ALLOWED Miller. plo'l'ljlng 1~ acres, clove~ 8od. day •on business. C.Ub. to meet In their home. Wed_ Celest1a. 1OllIr, deceuec l; second • • • • • $37.50; John Van Rlln8e Co.. Il r ale, nesday afternD on of this week. ' t.. and final ac:count 4lPPl"Oved. '" IndJlln Refln1nlr CompanY. 1 cou.. water back, fire brick, et.:. J. Lee Talmag $42.60; e attenae d Ill6pec_ • In the u.Uer .of the estate of pon bOok fbr :commls9l~, • '10,00; ~m. J. P!lanze r, labor snd mater_ tlon of tbe MasonI c LQdge. In ButMembe rs of the Oregoni a. U, 15, MAmie BuIrbeI.. d~, . flrltt and Smart's Galaatl , 8 gaJ. gasoline FIghting for 80 premIer posl tlon In for lals for repairs, ,S5.15; L elnnon lervwe, Saturda y n~ht. Church . aJso Lee Talmag e aJld son, final at:Count aJlFOte d: oomml&slon~, ,1.:118; Lebanon-Cit,.. Lumber Co.. glaSs and the tollsy -turvy Nationa l Ungul' glazlr.g, Albert Lee, and EVerett La Forge. In ' the mati of the estate of 1zena Nablonal Bank, 1 safety box, "'.20; J. W. LIngo Har Iware Co" ~ . Mrs. Ella Barlow lIIild Mts. Fa.nnle altende d the church night servlccs pennan t fight, the Cincinn ati Red' ( HoWara Cbenow eth, deoeeaed, _Orat ~OO: Henry Lucij face a 10llg home .stay with the ciT n~ Service churn, scales, mower, et/'. '30.3:;: , of Daytotl , were Bund~y at the home el • In spite otthe fact that thio new Mr. and final accOUnt approve d. und Mrs. J .' R. Station , '10 gal gasoline , *1.55; O~o John Law & Bon, gasoline Goodrich Standar d Tire is " douRnd (,11. dinner guests of N8J Hannah Jorc8In Hltema n and sons, Thursda y evll- wit's Easptern clubs. In. ttle matter of the esta\e of Cental Telepho ne Oorp" toUs , ble·curl! d." varL ' , '/.50' The Boston Bee" arc now nt Cros • • • • !-..!nIng. After the evening 's program J O . WeIst, decSeuIid, f~ ~t our01fl ces, , many other miJeqe- &iv,on rent and toll,s, $9.1'1; Sberm'u a Filletley Field for tl ~ I cs with the Rec s Mr. and Mrs, Frank Barns, or W8.8 oomple ted, refreshm ents of Ice aPPro~ed. '" ing, money-saving features we've Telephp ne Oorps.,~ renta various wood care of chUdren In and the series finale on ThllJ'sr' a bome not Harveys burg. are plannin g to 1000te cream and cakes were served. tuml!d. our backs on any temptaIn tbe.. matter of the eIICIIte or offices, $88; Wm, J. ,Pflanze r, plumb- owned by county, $10,00, ~. c. !\'!!!!!!!!! wILl be a ladles' day. Tlck el,.~ ror lIu !!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!7~~ Harnet Q. Spauldi ng, deceased, tion to get the higher price thiII supplies 8nd labor at Jail, $48;60; HamUto n, care Sherret t chlldrr. game are now on sa le at the 0:<1 tire n, and and flDlJ account approve d. deserves . If you wont a retII Relt's Electl1c Shop, fuses, lamps $12.00; Times.S tar Buildin g, SIXWI nnd Wn' "break" 01\ tirea come in todq 10' the of the eM&te of.ud iabor, ",,15; ' 'n'U8tees of· ' Pub.. Mrs. Oladys Smith, rore McCo~ IIUt Streets. Fr. id'l~ the PhlinClI" j)I!'J aDd see us about Standar ds. LatRosa' Pollen, d.lceoaed, date for, In. ] 11c AtralrB; Ugbt at courthoUBe and children , 18.00; Mrs. Georgia Mlller, Phlllics. showing Improve m ' nt lIll- C81: low prices I v~o&ary :set t ~ 18, 1939 at 1.) J.B1I, 'li8~; Dr. H. M, Wl1llam8. care of ctl~dren in home not owned dCl\o their n ow pilot, Doc P rothro, I' I.... .. o'clock Il. ~. . . Corone r's ClOSt b1ll, "'.to; by county, 18.00; Americ an Laundr y C9me to Cincinn ati for the first 0 1 · In the matter of trui state of Trusiees or Publlc Mairs, light Machin ery Co" InaIAIllment on laun.. Lwo single gan:lI~s. . Tboma J~eraon ~thJ deceased, and PS. Me!por1AI Hall, I i..." $8.20; Per .. dry equipm ent, 190.00: Blair Bros, date for ,.Scbedu le of debts set al ~ent BecI?rd ~tion, The BrooicIY l.l·Dodg crs. capl bly lc,,': 100,000 H~tal, medical services. 129.50; b;,c ShOrtsto~ ' DuroCher, move I MaY '23, 1m, 10 o'clock. ~ of co~y records .pboteg. raph_ Trustee s of Public Mairs. llght,' Into c'lncll11latt Sunday . Th ey wL I In the matter of the ~ of -ed, *1.500.00; Treasur er of state. '4.50. It " .1S. 19 1% t58.55; C. E. Grlft'lth. cutting childOount,y Yialtorll, Mrs. Edpr Ludlun 'o f $32,850.23, total amount CI'056 bats with the Redlegs In 8 due StIlts ren's hair. '15,75; Morris 5c 'and IOC trIo' of contests. Sunday 's gam\! w1ll apPDlii t*i,to the ~ . . _ ', as per oontnr.Ct fw: 'DMJDth ~ lIlY, to '1,00 Store, 8~hool suppllm ~ , $3.20; s tart aot 2 :30, and' tickets rue now on In the matter of the ,estat't of '328.50; J. M. Colema n, 5,15. , . ',50.17 Adjutan t, l1ebla~n ' lIome Bakery, bread, Mary S. BUver, deceaaed, Tnven- Me~ DG.y a~owanc sale at t he straus Cigar Store . Sixth ! e, t25.00; ",B,70; and Otqnble DlstrIb and Walnu t Street.... The Dodger ~ approve d; s' . , Drs. ~WlU'd and Robert B)alr, ex- UUDg 00., 250 Ills. Ozontte , laundiy have been the scn~t!On 'of the e(l.rJY ·: In the ,matter or the. est.te a! am1nat&>n, '1.00; Burrou ghs 6.00.16 6.50.16 Add- 8Uppl1es, '19.80; Hubma n - .Supply sensa'rl'. Mary P. ~IDI, deceased. In~ jill ~chlne Co., . OTH~R SIZES IN PROPOR TION' Jerv1ces on add.1ng Co., ' Brltex ' and Shur ~rtte, $1'1.89; . The long home stJa¥ w1l1 draw to a ap~Ved., ' . -:, • . 1Il&Ilhlpe, $8.00: Wp1. :.HU1ford, Jr., George ~. Pell\ln 00., peanut buL ,In tIbe .matter of the estate of stamps for Sherlft', $3.00; clooc as tlle Reds have two meeting s The ~ub .. ter, 12.82; Banco Product s Co.' Laura ~, detceased,' Schedu le 'with Bill T6ITY's New York Giants. Supply Co., ' 'tissue, chamo18, roach j,qwder _ awi' duster, . Fifty y~ ago the KeYl?tone Steel and $6.25; 01 deti.. 1IiIProved· 'Ehcse tilts are carded' for Ma.y '2 t " sponges , etC. for BherUf. $32.93:. Dr; Fred's Pumltu re Wire compa ny .s tarted makin g woven Store, yardage , and 25. The latter day wU,l also be a :x~ the; mate of the, ~~ 'Of W· Ro~rb Blair. medlcal. $58.00; Ivins. aheeUn .'. , wire ·fente-;-to save fanners the wasted g. allp, sweaters, ~~.. $9.14; ladles' ,. BLtoao~, d~, ~utor and JalJlesoJl Dr,IIr Co., auPPl1~ day. ~ and, l{llx... of buildin g clumsy rail '550; A ••. Ka~man. WBII~ apparel and il,\tonieYS au~. We3the r permitt i ng, th'e Reds will • ·Wm. Hu1f<?rd, J~~.~ f~ prIsonfences. Wel1..:..-yO.U don't see .rail fenceS ,'111.12; BucUJ e .,Paper Pro.., 'In tbd matter of the estate of ers during Ap~, $622}iO; Wm. have pla.yed thirteen contests In thIs 'an~ more-+ but you do see lot of Keyducts 00., W)'!'Ddotte Det.erP nt, AUce auv" ~. date riii ford, J~.. WI8iIbfuar fOl' PrIsone defense against , the Inv¥lcr s. ancl ('- tnICED TO SAVE YOU _OIlU REl\ BRAND fence. It's known rs dur- ,1.96' Fra.nkll n J'rUit Store, fnJtt IDVentory set ,at Maya. , 1939, ..t Ing April: $50.72; GI1awold Bervice such P!\ long series' of cnga.gcmcn is evefyw~ fOf, its extra long life. I~to IoDd ~~ $9.45;' F;l!lert . W. · iO ,O'clooll. . , it! on their native nearth should do have ~ . l;iO years of fence makin g ' alation; ~. ' oU, ~ble, battery, Irons ~ ·Bon. 15 bU. Po~, *n,25; In ,the.JD&tter of . the es~ of, W. for aberUr. $3UO; StaD1e.Y ~ ';,mtl itpprov ernent . much ' to determi ne the d tIJ1Y cf 'J;:.{I~~I.I~. Ilarnha rt, Lebanp o. hlch epbOol },uDCb. ~ ,. Bltliroth, d~; , . lM~tanf?e p. M., stamps. $8.00; Pred the ~lub In tiie ~e for the bunting'. .O . .~ meala ci~ Aprtl,.' ''.S1;. UIIIPO IlI CU detenDlDed as DODe. ,.'. meat for ~ .dop, *1,00, Jo1,. iNde IChboll tmcb, INI qIeIIla Following !.heir struggle s with th ~. ·In ~ iaUter of eltate , of w. ~ ~wve ()o.~ Eastern clubs, the. Reds will depart IIheUs for April, ..,.,:110; O. II. ;~~ re",We, deCetiaed, !,!*te Gr_ DOt Warden, '1.'111; Martba . ~ for ' St. LouIs to meet the Qlrdlna ls Came over stock of this ~. . . , . 1rom ~. sell. aeU1ng '11 dol ~ "10,8&; 1IUr, _ ; U: E. ~ 1POcerIn four games In thl'Ce dayS on' Ma.y . . . . .&8: BJoWn & Brown. 10 ..... Ita UGalv anneal ed" zinc • III tbe matter Of tbJ ~ Of ,Harry ObeIIrle1, ~er I 26, :n and 28. ' This latter datjl the caltin ...em.. .. t!o,OO;. Lee McOarmJct, l. bearing steel and neat, . ~ d~, ~ Of ~ ..D.aY aHa,fance, ~.OO; AUce..Il . '..... . Reds wi\) m ~et tho.:Gn s House g..nll!~ CDibpa ct ccil§{R lction give yoU years of · ~ . . . ~ecI aod ~ Amo~...1n.uld oue,ii. extra .-vice . , oo: . ·the first double,..headcr or the ., -' . . , III &be ..... G( ttae'iliatt of IImard a-,ant. 1n~ C¥t', P.OO: Btat.eI ~' aD experim ental pIaU ~ .J, qIJaIIr, declUl d, ' 1111'&- BeleD nou,.nn an. lnftUd .... 01 .urPIua 100cs to re.., , :' ..,.00: WkmIe (Jea1Z7. 1D,.ud lief . . . . ' . . . be tzted. 'DIe pIMa , C1I Of ..,~: . . 'JIoCr,~m.ud .,., .,JIII; wlII _ , CIIIeDta 10 abItIIn
In Tow... Or Co un try Own
Or Rent The Equipment On
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Oftn""" forth deUgbl.. C,!lMst leads me \IhrOugh no darker Sunday and MonClay with Mr. and and rMilo motion WLW, In ilrns. tI uI"".... n g gen I'".... "" Ohlll, 'Obuck WOOds ,1\Jld hls ." W t- rUl music, accompanied py the rooms Mrs. Lena ThilJlnpson, Mrs, Belle Mrs, Frank Kyne. I'll S s ' will pen a 01\ onr OnlY ) "Western stars" string band. JasThan ' He went througJh before; SlnlptlOn, MrS. MArgaI' t Rogers. ~ • • • • t\{l1\gem 'nl at tl\ New T\\-in tile.. t per: 'l\ well known comedian. Is con. He that Into God's Kingdom comes Mrs. Mtr1am Satto, ~hwa1te. Mrs. MI;s. Wm. Holland ami Mrs, WIL nc.r n Frldny. May 19 only. Tl Ils l ~der d · one of the goofiest stag Must enter by this door. l Imo Bl'Qdley nnd Miss Anna MlRry IIams wero D aylnn visitors on l\ ' pUo screen s tAge and rac'uo comedians of the present dAY. and . Beulah Jcsephlne Barlow oldest Rogers attended the . bal1 game at Thtil\'!day. s h w · Is pMk lrt , with a wealth Of ! his droll ..~medY In co~unctlon daughter of Bert end VIrg1n1e. Rey- Olnclnbatl, FrlwLY, • • • • • r I entcrWlUncnt, jammed \V Itil , with his brings nolds Barlow was born near HI?,,_ • • •• • • o 'tllfence Mnngnn ' of Olnclnr.ati m)()ot.h rhyLhnl . pi sin g yodels nnd ' ma.ny k ;U@llS lind much real enjoy~ .veysbUl1J, Ohio. October 27. 1906 anrl MIss OSee AnSon, or Los Angeles. spent Wednesday olght with his songs, plus thrUllng no.velty Il.l1d I ment, died May 7. 1939 a.t her home near caJ1!.. who Is vislUng relatives and sister Mrs. Fmnk Kyne. Another big fC81ture with the WaynesvUle. Ohio at the age of '!rlends In Harveysburg rand com_ .. . • • ~ • comedy. In lhls nile s bllow you wi 1 "Western Star " silage show Is \1t- 32 years 6 months e.nd 10 d~8. . !Illunlty. spent , WetihesdaY. lri W~· Mr, a.nd Mrs. Leo WUlenburg and ' e Ohuck Woods Who was guest tle Virginia. Lee. "The Girl from the At the age of 13 she united wIth nt!6vllle with Mrs. Margaret Sbel'_ children of Dayton, visited their ,s lar of Rudy Val1e 's radIo hour a. Golden West" who combines her the M. E, church 1St Harveysburg. wood. parents on Sunday . . t w shor m on Lbs QgO , SmUing Bud charming persona.llLy with sweet o.n.c\ always Uved faithful to her be• • • • • • • • • • d ~l "slnging .gulliar." Fiddling songs, This charming little la,dy llef. Never being In rugged health Mrs. Llda Sawin of ConnemvUle. Mr. and B111 Collins movcd J ohn ~d' h is t lyh'g Cldcllc. The Hol- W85 a bIg feature with several of she learned from childhoOd to be Ind . was ta. visitor In We.ynesv1l1e on T!JesdBY from th o Nora Houston ly \ypod TrIo of sin ge a nd yodeL t he largest l1DJdjo stations of ·the kind and cheerful to IIWI whom she this' week. She was the overnlght apartments to the home of Mrs, ers. SInging Denn and his big countl'Y and Is a welcome addition knew. She was always a loving •. uest, Monday, of Mrs. W1l1 Bean- Barr on Walnut street. flddie. to thls fine stage show. The show mother and faithful wire. Ian, and Tuesdll~y was the dlnne~ • • • • • bn t.h big features ~1C w1l1 be seen at the New Twin On April 27, 192& she WI.1S unlted guest of Mrs . Ralph Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Rnlph Eagle Sind show Is JASPER and his fa,mo ll. tseaLre In addition to tne regular In marriage to Henry Orndorf. and I • • • • • &pllS of Olnolnnatl. spent Sunday ·'Boozc..a-phoue" all odd mUSical screen show. to this. union were born four chiL Mr. and Mrs ..J, P, Larrick called w\d Molllia,y with his parents, Mr, dren, one, Anb Lavonne. hav1!1r on Mrs, S. B HISlop of Goshen. alld Mrs. Ray Eagle. 10 .. Monday ~iglllt, Mrs. Blshop's • • • • • preceded her In death, ' TUESDAY She leaves to mou~ her gomg husband. who WII6 a retired school 2 p. Ill. Nursery OhU~ch School. her husband. C!1l!! son John Henry , superintendent. died sa.turday night. Mr, and Mrs. John O'Donnell FRIDAY Cleveland, anrlved on Saturday two daughters. Nellle Virginia and anon. Tuesday. '4 P. m. Junlor High Boysnight tor,a. two weeks vaca.tlol1 with • • • • • Edna. MarIe. her parents. Mr. 7 :30 p, m. Girls' Friendly Group. and Mrs. Bert Barlow. one brother Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kyne. Mrs. Jessie ~ltzer gave a din• • • • • Denver, three sl.sters, Helen. Mrs. METHODIST CIIURCH Dorothy McRober~ and Mrs. . Earl ner party sunda(y at The Loretta. The funeral of Mr. Jlllmcs Lau_ Rev. John V, Lacy, Pastor. Kennedy a.nd an !8ged grandfather Dayton. In hono,r of her mother, rens was held at the M. E. church SUNDAY. MAY 21. 1939, Oharles Barlow. severe.l aunts I\lld Mrs. Jefferson Marlatt. Mrs, Rob. on SllIlday altern,oon. Burha.i 9 :30-0hurch School . R. D. 001- uncles and 11. hoot of other relatives Itzer leaves May 19th for e. trip to In Spring Valley cemetery. the West Ooast $pending a few dayS FOR SALE - One t;l;Cd Case lett. Supt. and friends. • • • • • orn drlll with 'fertlllzer attach_. 10.40 - Momlng Service. "The Mother's gQne and Oh. we miss her. at ,t he San Francisco Fladr and a Mr, and Mrs, Darl Sims of few weeks With bel' brot.ber, _ _ ment, Good condition. Prlce $3&. Temple of God." Jt!6US called ,h er to HIs home. clnnatl spent Mother's Dla.y with R, D. Collett, Phone 99~. 6:0o-Epworth League. Where no harm dan e'er befall her, mond at his' home 10 Mrs. Nettle FUlker~n and Mr. o.nd 7:3O-No evening service a.ccount PAin nor denth shall ever come Eugene, Oregon. She will return Mrs. G. V. Sims. by way of the canacUan Rockies. FOR SALE-Scloto Soy Bean of baccalaureate at 'th e school, Miss her. yes. our hearts lonely. • • • • • • • • • • • Seed,' Recommended highly for I WEDNESDAY. For her chair now \'MIlnt stands. Mr. land Mrs. O. E. Morris. of Mrs, Riate Strlckle of Florida Is ... h e1· Get 3 : 4~untor Ohair. But we know she Is with t he angels. hay or gra1n. $1 per '!JUS , Peoria, Ill,. Mr. und Mrs. George T. spending t.wo months with .,her sisM K~ Bros Oregonia 70o-Boy SCouts. While we re lett II bl,'Oken band. C ., ' 7 '30-0!flclal Board. o.hUdrcn, weep not for yoUr mother. Quick. of 141amJ,sburg. Miss Ruth terl, Mrs. Sam Knee e.nd other yours now. LIIlTlclt and GelraJd Pinkerton 01 relatives, 0 .• Telephone Waynesville 26_R4. 8:0o-Ch 1r P11acWce Jesus did what he thought bt!6t, M 11 18 pd . 0 • • • • • • Took our loved one from IILll suf_ Deyton, and Mr', e.nd Mrs. Prut Hoffman were cuests of Mr. e.nd Mr. end Mrs. James McOurro.n WAYNESVILLE ferlng, FOR SALE-Shoo.ts. Blna Pat. Mrs. J. p . l.6rr:lck. Sunday. Mr, and daughter of X'enla vJstted Mr, Unto· heaven a.nd gave her .rest, CHURCH OF CHRIST terso~ 4 mUes west of Harveys Norris returned to 1ls home Mon- and ~. J. O'Donnell at Ule Kyne W. C. Smith, Minister Pea.ceful. loving rt!6t He gave het burg Harveysburg.Lebanon road. O-If. Mrs, NOlTls :rema.lnlng to spend home on S~' evening. Last S\1Ilday we had in atten· In that home 00 bJ1ght and faJr. . M 11 tf • • • • • (lance e,t the morning service I\lld . And h8l' sweet voloe now Is oalUng the week with Mr. IUld Mrs. Lar. rick. Mrs. George Snook of South Leb_ 119 for the evenlng, SO don'~ forget Meet me children, over there. • • • • • CONSIGN YOUR WOOL anon, spent the week-end with her S\lIlda.y Bch~l calls you for 9:30 Yes. we'll meet you, dearest Mother, Get the highest dollar for your Mr. end Mrs. R. D. Oollett v1B1ted daughters Mrs, Wm. Hartinger and Sunday morolng. When our lives on earth are o'er, clip by marketing It through ·bhe Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stan!teld of Mrs, EdtiOr. Hood, There will be no evening service And we'll aJl be reunited ~ W~l Growers Codperatlve New Burlington, Sunday. In the on account of bo.ccalaureate serVtce On the.t brlght eternIaJ shore." • ,....• • • Assoc1atlon. Libera.! cash ad vlUlce afternoon they attended the fun.. at school. Mr. and Mrs, Ohns. Reynol!js aton recelpt of wOQ.l. Waynesville eral of James Laurens of SIJl1nr For Wednsday 7:45 Bible study ~ tended the funera1 of their niece. WORD OF THANKS Vlliley, Farmers' Exchange, local .Represenwill be the &th chapter of Galatians. Mrs. BeUle.h emdorf nenr Woynes... ta.tive: The femlly wlBhes to express • • ..... . • ville, on WedDe6day. their sincere tha.nk.s to their neigh. !41sa Sa.ratl Conner was hOllte1i8 to FOR SALE- All metal. &O.Jb, <ea FERRY OIlURCH OF CHRIST bars and friends tor lihelr kind a group of her f~lends at a slumb~ • • • • " ~clty. side icer lI'efrlgerator ; good W. C, S~th, minister sympathy and help rendered at thia party. Prlday bight. H~ guests Clayton Solleq attended the fun. The M other's DaiY __J'• LoIs., MJa.ry. Jean eraol of !Obas. Myers ofhom Newt Jasper, conditiOn, lll'lce ree.<;Ol'Uloble, 1n_ _ •program h ch time, To J . E. McOlure for his eIt,L were ... ...... X 197 ·to the The ~"'.:1 c ur t clent serviee. to ..... - """. e r Bmltb. for Thom........ Neeld rUDeral e . n en_ QUire FaIrley Hardware store or rought ,._ .._ .,....... V-• -.a~ • Preston. Melba at the a..turda ClIIll f&..Rll. S........ y ..............g. aune II. bls consoling WOl'dII!I, and to Miss Gustin, and Jean and Jane . Hart- ta, On ..... Y. tendance that we had Easter SUn- Lucy Emley for her comforting 1IOCk. . ••• •• ft
PORK & BEANS !:!ah
B~~~! •
COFFEE F~~t~::::D • Lit. 19c' CORN ,FLAKES 3~::;.2Sc PEA SOUP H=:J4T ":;" tOe MARSHMALLOWS:mEr 2Sc F.ree Sh. 'oe Laces8'LS:~.~:" t Sc' K.U.. i.
I · ····
day. Theat un1!led service bepn pt-omptly 9:30 e.. m. Sermon at messqe In 60n p. Mr. o.n.c\' Mrs. Olarence SmUll, 11 :00, ~on subject, "Ten Marks " I Mr and Mrs Kt.'1tb Walton MIss of e. ~J Christian," The Right.. HARVEYSBUR9 QIRL Ge;trude Hoyje and Mr Earl' Ken~ hand of fellowship Is to be given IS STATE WINNER . neely of Lebanon, aJid ' Oharll:s to seven new members Sunday M1ldred Hurst, freshman in Hu- i Hoyle were' guesql at a, !em11y din.. of 5 or 6 rooms, morning. veysburg schools. won first p\ In ner at the home of Mr. ,and Mrs.
. FOR ,SALE-l,4 011. p. Delco mo. tor Qn stand; 1 Benton churn; 1 milk cooler; 1 DelAvel cream f?eparaoor. Mrs. Nellie Bu.nneU .
A l ." escD Feed lor Every Need '" ~. ' b b 11~ . 2 ;)
• • 1,
Shrting tond Growing Mash 49c
, 25 lb. b31r
baa $1.8S 100 lb. baa n.6s too lb.
EGG MASH 2S lb . b ag
too. lb. bag $1.25 ' • 100 lb. bag .$1.36
A number a:w· attended the .oL1.I'1eJU1S--UOIn-I~H-~Ne funeral of Mrs. Emma No.1 Hurley 'on SUnda¥ a.tternoon. The Red Triumph' fUl\eral was held IQt her late res!_ GREEN BEANS R d dence and bur1al was in Bellbrolto. ' oun,
Potatoes u. s. '10 Lb•. 25c'
• ,. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Fred G.:1l'dner and
100 lb. baa $1.99
_- -
St i I 2 Lb 15c r ng e~s • Large, Solid Head IOc
Ban ' a''n 'a s
4L8', 23c
-S ausage
1 bhe state In year .EDll1Ih for Elmer Hoyle, Sunday. , son. Mr. and Mrs. Barrio Ma"tln of GyOELLDLEONW OAESAR'S <mEEK CHURCH ' division ~hree SCIl(lOls, a,:eordil'g to . ••••• Dayton, and Mrs O. smUey C BelL Miss Mary M111s of wUmlngton, an announcement received WedDeL • brook oa\1ed on 'their motbel'. WLl'lI. Mr. and Mrs. ~, W1l1 Schatzman, will be guClSt speaker at Caemr's diaiY from the state department of Miss Viola md Mr, Austln Schatz- Fra~ Toppin on Sundai}'. RKUBARB, Home Grown 3 Bch. lOe Oreek Friends church Sunday, Me.y Education. MIss Hurst won !t st man of MadlsomrWe, M~ Betty ~_liurches 21 at eleven O'clOck" . place In the distrtl:t test w~ch waa Martin of NewtoWn. and ' Miss Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Ha.rt~,~ and TOMATOES, Good Quality, Repacks Lb.15c ~ . held May 8. at OXford. ILetltlial Schatzman of , C1nc1nna.tI, . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hartoock mot!.-____________-' SPE()IAL MEETING Among other state w1nner~ . 1n were Sunday dlnlIler guests of Mr, orees to on Saturd'l v to ·J.uel·e witi be a special c~unJWe.rren county schools was Barbe.ra nd Mr W O ' lDft' • Afternoon jj,ttend tbe funeral of Mrs E. A. I Pure ST, MARY EPISCOI~AL CHURCH ca~~on of Waynesville 1.odge No. 163 Thornbury of Harveysburg. whd :allers ~ele'M~. ;::~r,Mrs. Morrls ! lIartsoclt's brother. ." Pork Rev R. L. nlUkweiJ. ~IlnJster F & A . M. Thu:sday e\·cninB. May was ninth In eleve~th year. English. RaPer of Da.yton. SUNDAY AFTER ASOENSION ~L with ~olk in Ilhe M, M. desree. A !dnd among those receiving honor, I • • • • •. Mr. and Mrs. Hugfh Harper and lO a. m· Ohurch School. 8000 a ttendance is urged. e.ble m~DtlOn were .Mar!fa.ret; HW'8t I M. and Mrs. E. W. Hauenstein i daughter of CUlver, Ind., 'spent the 11 8 , m . . MOl'nlng Prayer and RJ.l ~'11lond Braddock, W, M . and DOlothY ,Robert.son, also of Har- and daughter El~por. and.Mr. Joh!'l week..end with his mothc)' ,'Mrs. C~LLIES, V. M. ATmiiaJ e. Soc·Y. veysburg. tenth year English. 1 Stelnb&: hof N()rWlOOd, Mr. and Nettie IIarP!!r G,Dd with Mr. and !!!"!!~': ~:--"-~"--"""""""';~":?~:-:-~~~~~~~!!!"!'!"!:~~~~~~~~~~!!!7!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~1!! MJ's. H . D. Ol'~ or S lpina, Mrs. Mryl Mrs. MOI'iJ'\s JI'illkerson or Wa"'De5.J ~ h n~ n of Samantha. Mr. and 'VIDe. * • • • • Mrs. Kenneth Ke'r r and Mrs . Oore. Baker of Wllmlng-ton, were gu.:ats Mr. and Mrs. p. A. We' I" ' n-l fiB of Mr·s Ida Stokes and M s. Ad3 guests on, Mother's lJqty, M oo ' )VI'arCourtney, Sund41~, garet Barley n,nd ROM ' :>n'l .~ . ond ·4 • • ., • • Mrs, Herb Holland of r .· .. ' 1. nne} The home of H. H, WUIJamson ' Mr. anq Mm . Paullin 'Harp-r of ., and family was the scene of a hAP- Jamestown, . , ' '1 py famlly gn thr.b .'IT 0 ?<{o ' er 's • .• • • • Day" wben all of , Itheir children and Mr. and Mrs. Bloch ot,trm"led ) grandchildren with the excejltlon of the funeraJ ' of his m"I'I" ct· ~ t:s. one daughter. were present. Thc re Jeannette Blo:1h who r!led a " the · .~V.. , AN. \\1ho &t Ithered around the ' farrilly residence of' her ron Slrln"'" nl. r,h. table we re, Mr, aop Mrs. R ,' J WI'- Bond HU1: Funeral sllr'vif;es 1"ere, i 'I'• • Uamson, and Bon R~bert. B. ld ~ r 3. held tilt Well tunera,1 home, Rl\I'tl rl lm Wu.~mson·s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.oad, OinCln11ialtl, SUnd8y~ May 14. .. C C. Hcus~r. cf Clevelmd. Mr. and • • • • • _mIG IJSED IN 'I1IE . . Mrs. Harold WlWamsqp and chUMr, and ForrcRt GranrltD drell, Betty and Richard. of Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs, Tod. Walton, Jr •• ( BOllE IlENDERS Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bro~ and baby of Dayton, Mr. .and Mrs:·' Ralph I ~.~".ir."~~!I!-~II!~I!I"~!!~~~~!II!!lIIIII!~! son .ot Franklin. 1Blld Miss Grace Hadnes and' SOllS. 'I'Omt llnd R.lchard, IIORE EFFECTIVE Willkllnson. Mr. ' and Mrs R . J . Wi'_ of IlllIli Xenia., visited Sunday ~f.ter. ltamson have JUllt returned from noon with Mr and Mrs. J. T WaL SEIlUCE THAN THIS Miami .. Fla .• and lett WaynesvUle ton. ' , . . . --,_, ------Monday mornlng for their home II I sERVANT . Clevela.nd. ' I' OENTEaVILLE "A()CALAUREATE ., RUMell L. l\!8rtlh. a .student r.t MRS. HURLE'W clilClnnatl 'Btble . Se~ will de.: ~.~.pI,. ~. ',."!-_ Uver the baoeCB..laureate 8ddi'es:; e.t , Mrs. Emma Bbriey. '78, passed Centerv1Ue Tow n . HalJ; Sunda~ . • II ,..,... ".1(..,. _ _ _ . , 'away Friday morning at,MtaD)1 Val. evening, May 21. at 8 o'cloCk. ThIs ley hospital, DaI.i1ton: ~vq are Is Ute eecOnd consecuUve Year Mr, • II wo...., , one ~aughter. WB, . carron Barjlard MartIn hfis ,been ~led borne f9f, l 'pf WaynesVUle ~ R. 1. With Whom ~ He!S a gradUil.te of f she made her h<lP1e; 3 brothers, .~. , Centerville hJgb. lIChool 1n the class . A• . Beam 'and ,D. 'F, Beam of Olin, of '38. Since entering the Btble ton county. ,aild · .fl, E. Beam of &!mJnan be ba81Wd grea these re~l1S the fact Electricity is Greene. county; t>4vo atSten; Mrs. T. mvtDg Jla4 nearl1 IlOO addltlo,na to A. Boyd of ~ :V:611ey,' ~ Mrs. the clwrch In bJa three ,..,. mInmoment's and you better Flora McKaiY of JSurllnlton. Dtry. " to members, your fanu1'y_ - . ", ,- . . -- . .. . .: . ,F1,letGI In charp of A. . H. Stubbs" director, were ' OUMO. MOTIqB ' held Sunday at the reId- I oandtdatea wbo • • taken dence. "wftJl 10 BeliItrOOK aDd 2nd depeeIJ. wDl Ilftn
In or near Waynesvme., Inquire at Gl1zette office. .
· ••••
I . . . .. .
~OR~ CHOP$, Choice
Lb. 2·S c ,Tendered-smoked lb•.19$---f-_
Ram·J),-rger :r::~ Ib.19c ~
CHuck',ROAST, tender, ,ulcy Ib.~Oc Breakfast Bacon Sliced lb.' 2Sc;End cut
........... .,
4JU;..a,. ..w.r
c~lI fo~ service
always at a app~te ,what it m~ns
Dayton Power and Light Company
emeter1. .
t . ....... to tbtt·1111aIllU.......
I )
and -
~DIio] •
'9 c'
• ~-
NINE'I'm 'J'U VI': It
U-U-U-\,J~-l---I::J.HH-f-H:;J-R-jl--\H;J-il-trri S.~ MiMORI l U~ Special COl)1m,i ttee r, PlA S ARAAt'G'ED Greet Alumni Visi ~ ors
l GO MMEUGEm-HH------+-U-
W It l' Kl'll 'l' Wei' W ,lit I, I ly Mil j.lJ'11'lClt 11l~ 1, ,~1II1'.! I I!: II : I " , 1 (' Ilt.y of hi,,, IlC1l'hl"u' ,'I , I 011 " Th(' Iwnlll; 1"11 1 at thr !rl'n d b11l1(1. cam o drivfng l!l Wj 11 . I I 1]1 "!"=;w:;;::;;;_;;;;:;-"~'';;;-~ ',::,~'-;;_ :;;:;-:;-:;:-=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?=;;~ ' lll l{ Inl'l1lcle, : haslw l.~ IInd'l.'lp'l! 1"'11 ,', I, h . 11'11 1' 11'1>1 G rnlll' - All SI~II'~, Mill')' I IIiS hil'lll'l .,. T 1,1 HO\lf.\ h . M:lI'Y 1111 13ul'lon, HI~I'l a li rei IICl'o.·,' t.IH~ h , ,,1'1111 ,,1' Eal nlN l'1 n(1.lIn~ Sill1(1 ~'ll . R ...... F'tll' IIVhl~ l'OOIn f'l ill, ,jl , rll I , I I · nl. nil.... DII 1\111 M,chrlJl'r, I.m'tn' 1\ , r}- g .d lhJnl (" •. t!
f"'I .
rRos,:ltA -II, III I', 10nru~Ol(
r ll I-Uj;:h School Alumni AssociatIOn whi ch wIll hold lis arllllUl l Ie' ullion n xl Sat,urday will endeavor to b l'l n g LOf~ .. ther m.orl' closely t'hnn he St. M!u'Y's EpillC Opa I ch u rch, ho. · be n done in t he p*ast old~.' _" _ . _ ' - " -'. - , - .' - ' .- .'- , '. I tI, I \I'!' ( hn " 'Inrl' ~ T Ill' WaYlI ' "1' :1IIc1 n WCI' 111 mbeJ's InasmUCh ,,, '1,11, 1' Sdlool ballclllllder the d ' ~ (1111111,,, nlld "lIl flo\V('rs [, r IlR n 1111mb l' 01' In milel s will come '1 ' H II ' f':1 K FI' Jlk Will fllrn, J('(' ()li lllo l, al A . II I'1t llhh ~· . lnllll n dlsl.nn ' P, who h.ave not been Ish IllU ~ II; for the oc~a.~ lon In ccm t c~ wIth \Vaynesvllle fol' Mrs. Mamie I':\I\(' !<)lCl1l. T\lC".8" a .• 1'1,(' noy S,' lItS url(ler th ~ Il'U'I, l' ,,'A1W yrn,I');. it .. rm ed l1ighl3 dllbir111 11111.11 i I, ,1 (I HI·nllll ,I,'~ I.('!' Ru ",,{' 11 Holliday III able 1.0 I.hl) loen l eommiLt.ce on ' 01'1\ III 111I,,'j( III(' :)40 I't' ·I'I1. I\ ·~ 1: ln '. , I an~l'lIIrn l ,~ to makc Sllt.urday's re, ;>, ) I ,; l1o~!'110 Conl,lin of Da yl ,. I I I , I I ' rl UIlIl" t h e forenoon an(1 1111 on al'!!,t'l y n {let w g t h c l' affar. II' II I' t h, ' 1, 1'1.1111<1 ,,,lie! o..ssL';t ill i...; \ ISJ lll lt! h e r Inulh,')'. 1\lr.~. F I' 11 1'\1 111:11 111 (1 ." ~ p l'cil\l rl"Cc ptlon comCn ll l; lin . 11 11 ' W,rkll,g in tile afll'rlloon 111 I Ill'" has bee n ap po in~ d to ~ee .1 , . j .1', H('( del' v i I h 1 \'0 chnl "" ' n ii, I lin L ~hl' members 111 e!'t one , Ih, 'hlld ... ·I, ,',)('r(' sc:, nt th' cnn Mr. :1I1l1 !\II!')';. D. h fi pl1lan n I UlOlhl'l' :11 II l hllL there wUl be a, "". 'lid .,ql ,,:' I I He' ell LI'M;1 j;"Wlll i P I'; ~y Ann \\'i' 1'1' Cil1dnn:tU VII, II' r , (' 11' 1'01 min gling . The I'e (JUon
hCIi ',I, Invoc,t.lol1'v, J V , Lltcy, nlutdtorY- MUl'g lC Ul~\, lll . Music (Sirs uf lhe !:o ' II11111 'j: Tho Yoru' of Jubllfll I"'J It I PntANI plan.t", li nd c:uL f1ow,'I',; tnr H " I'I.~'jI' l: I>nTi ~ Woila l'rl 'I'll I' 110nOr l,Hi,,1 I"" " \"11 ." - Triple QlllU'tl't.l.1' rJr C()l'HIl(l ll :Lt A. 11 . " "!.; I :trh' 1.1'10 .\1 , II lc,' Anet III": "1\' v. le(lIcttll y-EII:oI ,lJcL h Hoblit, ,DOli r:~'l', Marilin lolI 1'c)J.". ,J _','J I GI'ccLin gs from ~hc A11.1I1111 1 - h ' I' ~ 1'hus(! Pl'f'! ,CI ~' ~\'j I ' ~i' 'u nl \'1 .' MI', HnlJldn~\ 1'111.', Clllnyr(\ 11 pic _ ·J{;l\II: . W'ln t Om.l'. CIHlld i" Illrnh. '~;c;u· Wart(: M: ' ,~ J~".11 . les M ichelle I',
Ad drl'l'~
" 'rin Mlehl\'towil ft Wilde E . Mill I' ,
MlI~ic "tln~ 'In Sweot In
1~'()I' PI..
, '~' I' 5 1 11(I , lit ''' .. ,lYII 1m "
' I
,1I..,l lon
$elllllol': hlpn
D IlcrIlOI"on-J;tev .· W .
li a.rold Alldol lin, Mtl(ll'cd n 1" R b Cia I C fl gnn , 0 r t ' r y. AtlIl'(',V rllw H , Dorothy Dl"ummond , Eml Eru'nhut, Ada Boll Fry. WllIm' I FIII'l111.S, M ars le GusUn, Tr~lcr ' Ulll'ctln , Wilton HI\1' k . Opal Hont! ,I':,on , Anna Hook. E1f1l 1! ~Ia HobllL, Pall I HOUll h, Chari Hoy l!', ' n.ob~ c r ~ f[yllu\O, . Evelyn Johns" Fran Klrkr>n~r lck, W y lodlne K U I' fl . s,
MRry Cmolyn Lukens. Wl llln" l Mo.'lS, Ralph P I 1'5, B tty Pctorsor RoberL Pl1tnc:k. Mbilli n ,Scot.t. :\11'\.1'Lha. Shaw a nd Louise Sin clair,
,tl ll' n t!,trH'p
'r; ".
1I :, 1' ,$1n 1'.• °n_
up unLU Uhe 11
It was dls-
'con Inuecl becau" ot Ule la"k 0, funds, '1'ho. totlll expend tlilO lor Lhe projec t WIlS t:!4.36.
whlch ll .u til sale of milk nd $217,6:l was donn.tcd, W1 Wl t h c exception 0' une It.em or xpendltll re atnoUIlLIng to
' anUlUll& $206,73 IYIIS der ive
$2. evcry penny'" donated was uSed to provide milk for t ile chUdl' I T Cl1lpcl1Jnce posters w'ro dispJa.yod
Perf et A tU'IHlntlco Connrd. Edwin Mi henl'l',
I. L. . .• Fl'n~· ' ... . ' 3m- rm' :ly. ·'those who enI . ,'" l ' u1 5e rollowed bY tl lunch Joyed LhC. (hI) v' 1'!! f-I.. 'h I't , cI amI ~11()k r In charge of RlIS'iClJ
s~,,;:tn~d~y~'_ __
nc·t y
' ..
' Ists of Il.oos H , R.l .rtsock , ohn1rlI1I1 n; h url s IYflch n r, ' el b E ,
L~lImnR and Ollv
Mr, and Mrs
ALen Bracc, N xt
;lIn dl. Y Ilt 9 p, m .. at thc L\UIC Inn I'(! will b(J f1. meeting of the n w of tic 1'.' anti som of th local
vfslUng a lllmnJ
n ext yem',
1,0 tal k over Tile special 1I~ ,
blill'Y committee hIlS anlloullced . hllt It. will be able to add a bhlrd
u nit tn t ho High SehQQl Alumni r l'e n Llbr.:l ry by September, rile Library project will receive atl emlon , F rom a II in dien t iolt th el' ~ II be l)
Edgn r SmiLh
I;Jll euclid 10urru:luL at Lbe reunion, Iay 11rlS IleOn 0 (11 claJ Iy d slg. nnte I as " Al um ni Day" for Wo~11 'viii 1ll1d Its loca.lIj.Y, T,he pro_ (' dings will st.n.l't with the get 00'cth ol' nt Lhe Gmlle School gTounds 0 3 at ,,: 0 p, m " which wm last. un; 11 F I d f cb ' , I ' n s o , " e Alumni 0 . <ill '-II• rul • axe I I1Vl';'00 to ..~_' k. 0 IXll't u I n th'I R spec1nl ren ' t:ure. ' '1'0 1I " un >all
ri.nllr:thtcI' W I'C lllldn.y gu sts 1\1.l 's. mit h's rj~u'cnls Mr, [l.ILlph M!lll~~·,. • • ~ MI Mary ook ;\nd M1·!;. Ol"j(\1 ., . B II rn t 'r okll1l1[, lind !<on I \ J)Y 0 ' U d YM01 1 <I> nL ThurMlo y wI. 1 mf , flll ' , , Etban fl)tmly . ' . Cmn. llld .,
.: . ' -Ir 'p,w' snell• 1M " , ane I S., , • III . t.h e mombel'S It Is nolY defln,ltely t le wcok ncl '~I .ll M ' , L!'lYl~ pa.r IlOWIl .... . W • E d wardA, w.n. t M' . w gllilet e1lts. Mr, s nu 1\'1' • Wolter Kruer , ",I . 1 d t I e p rel' en I w iii not be able tc.
In ("
nnd U1ll1lJy.
LUcncl ony of
M r , and IV. :c. 0 orge Bal !y ani
been confined to
-.ruch and has
" r , and Mrs. (.0 ' n ~ r Hnn S<Al OJ\( hor hom e cver since, It WWs hoped I :tily ,of CIt) JOI}'1 Ii worll 'lI:ts 0 1 ~ha t sh eo'utd ott!!nd. the evening }nmp'1I1. Sat ? 1' , nnel MI·s. J .
oUng fOI" I few minutes 1n order LO (tn~weJ' to the roll ,call Q( he': • • • (:lnS:l, wli ell is ccloorntlilg II:/;; 50th Speclll.I- Sklll tone Fac!(l.1 u,n niverf0i8 ry : In 'h er aJJsence RQ.o;s MOIlc!IlY , Tuc)';{lny ami Wedn Srlll, n, Hm'l..qOC k. cllaJrml\ll of :bw 10,;01 wff:h nthc l' ben ul;y 8Cl"vL 0 t: I. Con a 1'1 4,nlgl!1l I n l:6 conllTrl~tee. · Wlll fur,c. klln 'R 13cnllLY ShOp po. v.:n.yn rsvll 'r as PI' siding offll'el' o.t the f'Ve '1 Phonc '55, I ng IT! retf nit , • • • • • $: Mr, Hl\l't.sock :;tntcs t.hat owing to Dr, and MI'!j, A , t-!. tlt t.ho Increa..<;ed (nelliU w,h e rcby Ie ' d t lln luccLlng of U, e Hal voyshur u L.'l'lIes Ai el Socl t.y can handl rlln" ·, MOI\rlay nl f! hL. Dr. S . u ..lw·(;,e numbe r of pr op I II t. the bolt , a(h\r C6OO(:\ t h e gt' liP on ., Ollta , 11l (l ~. III mb"I'I! ofIJ' 1.1) b 11) owed t,1 DIs ' . of Children " ln vfte gu ests, All r, U() .t , l' of ;; Iw 75 c nt 1'1\00, Me llru:l.sock I" , Mi' (lJ I c\ Mr5 J h n 13. ,~~e~n~-:.Hll!>--/,AAI.-4Ae-f!Cesllri:1er"Dtn;Jcrrr'"ttITT-;-----:7:~ tel' ;neel dll1lw ' SllnOny. MI" , ami v U' will lJc 75 cen ts, I hl,"i j ~~'- lld .,. Mrs, J . Q . GOllS, M~ . 0 , L . Ct'aI1C' .. h •., rlhl1l ' 1'. hllsl n SS I ecting 'a n r Fr(:u ' OilS, FI" d n HI)IIe!I!l'snn 011(, ll1l! da n c. No on e \\ i ll b ,R"" MnLLllcw T lu'ncr. " 1 /'WI! wl :,llOlIl; nn ndmlsS,o n lieket • 0 GcOI'r," Wn t.~l'hou," hill> Le<!'1l ap , Awt IIn (~ llI cnl, 11!1:'1 bf'cn r eceivee' poinl£e! Sel'gcnnt ,nt...Arl1 1S of Uw m:uTiar,t of Mi' :> Mary War, nol' ~ul( l PI' dl'I'j(: k ucl lc y S tall Lou . TIIOMAS L. RF.N'Jt()W · :;;011 of Dr. F. M , linn tOll , or COIiIIll ' Thomos L . B~ll lJow, ~ 7, ' i ..:d · al Dr. SI.I1 nLOn was born and hil; hOIll~ in I'Iny ton ,' '. Vjf'l'dnf'sda " . ra !.<;cd o~ ll.1d.goville -and attended morning (oil owing an lUn eu:; 0 t hre: ' In Way n csvl ll . yeuJ'S, He W£l.S a native Lynn, • • • Ind., but had lived In iJb~ton 3~ Ml's Allie F'cI'J.:·uson a ne! claugh - yew's. " '~ . Olerlcal jobs In grocery stores, flU· 1.(>1' :Ruth an'\ F Il.1.1 ok HolmC5 , of He II> liurvlvEll;l hili w ile Q]ara log stations, ·shoo storeft, ctcl, will ,)nIllC!;W\1n. MI' , and Mrs. Sam Mc· J ,; 'n ~ris. L~ano. DaVid, H I:V~.v an.") be flUed by 236 grnduates. Thill total 1111'C" and son Thoma.s of C ' Iltl r~ Art.l1ur of D ayton, land Orville of Includes delivery ~boys and "ha~dy , men," m09f'Of whom sllrvo pllrt tlmo vUle, WCI" Sunday e! fnner gue ls r Wayn ville; one brot hel', Allen_. M r . !lJ\(t Mrs, Goo D, Mltls I\.~ Lh ei r i In a elerloal balla~lty. TblryY-Gnc Tit body will be at the home of Isalcsmcn ilIso l'ecelve4 tIIo ,..sheep. . hnmc on Fourth stroet, hls SOn Art hul'. 3392 Cow'l>! nd Ave, slf!Ds tbls ..,Year. Tbo. latter liIoludes . * • • Day.t.oll, F'rlclny nfl.ern!)O!I fl.lld ev'e.n~ boose·to-house oaD~assers. E lcler Eldon A, HllchiS'ln _anrl .wl ro, ln g, Fun'ra'l rvl ces at ~nrk View ' , I M r. L1P1d Ml's . CW'rl1.ce Der lc'" n N'll znrln,C ohurch, W flItervllet ' 9,Ild' of H.fI.llllll.ou, n\1cJ Ml'. In.~ob A , S CI. U Rovere Avenues. Vf\.y~n, ~at,urdar' ':p'mt. SlIlltlny aflcrnoon Wltli Mr. at 10 Ii. ·m Burial In Shlloll .cerne, 111
• •
n ,\ CC,\ L,\lJRF.A'I' F. SF-fl.n F.
avera,g o high school stu-
II~ will be 0001lp le4 ono year from
tlil, June has
determined by a '''':'0' survey or 1.00~ or Illst Junc'!! ,~Ild.u.tea. Teaclliers. coUeges, busl· _ . coUeges'Rncil vocational sohool,g W6I absorb 148 graduates' from tho _001 surveyed, al). In towns ot ap. .,ollimalcly 3,00111. ,
•. • . . "
'tllU'rsd ... , 'CI n:t0r(lln31::-~lIne
• ~. ..
" I ," ~ I t I f ., 1£)._ orl'111 :' vo 9.1)" ' H 11: and Mrs- C I . , , • . I'r II') . t ~ r m t of n,l' 1>1111() wl e b n FI'I!:'i!'r 1't'pr(\~I'nt "fl St, Milt' "s I ' Mak'C )" ' 111' lawn be3utltul by hall' Church nl the d l()(: Mn c ,nv ntl n I the :po.'J;cr n f, th\! In rr',lll'l !IN,,l f Ir,8 Y ur 1I1::wcr !P'ound by the ~ nme o{ the Woman's A~lIary, held in ' Q r ~ h Ii W yn ;0 ilifcthQ; IA lUi 1.I:e·1 tn the f.n'.'lo~", Monday' and Tucsd h next Sm~cbt', Illo,nln:, ,r ~ II. ~ Wayne.s\lille; MIlY 22nd and 23rd, . 10:4b. . "
Mrs R. L
Hllckt 11
• •
n.ue! Ml't-\, Rohert StH S (lnd SOil, In ~r~ ~ , \110 cvelii n f;;' E lder Huc;II :l\on de' jv, l: I,he bncca l{lul'eJ 'lte sermon aL WA \,NE PAR.R 70 Dl'llbl'Oolc,
·. .
, IT nl. Lebanon :JIl.1 CII
--jf-T_I_ l l_ l _M _ .tL_I'= = 'r=I=I\j=c=r=====:-:-_ _--=ti~
. C. , 1'(! il C\"ft elnl
j\ : l'
Mr, and -tvrrs, Thollla..~ oll~~L (II1rJ dnug and Mr, Rn d Mrs Max nOll~ed by SUllel11 t l1ettmL L. A, McEl w~. of K.lnr,rnn,n w 'C Su- .. The bL t'ol('Q ul' -,le sCl"vlcC' for LI e Garst nrc . AS fOllOWS :, . R~·YI n~.l (lilY vlsitol'S of Mr. MeI ' Mrs, Don W !lY' lC'sviJl c. Tn.clllnlin ~ el ns.; \ ,as Braddoc~. pl111 1))111 : Russell F n k , H l\.wk '. h f'lcl Sunday veiling' at. Ihe hlr. b '...... . . . . " .. ~c hool .a u{llt.ol1unI m usic; tenc.hcrs, Ob rll'S J ames, I . enrl F.el'gu..I\Oll, Wn,de Turn"f, ,1, J,3, Miss K.').therlnc- Pren I rll'a:' fI'le! Tile jll'or.c5sionl111 of seniors ani I Oro.l: bo, Mnrlc o wcns, .Rutb Hoc k:.- J "fol>c Prenrlergn'L w'r e .:lI" S !: 1'1 1h ., 1 I, IIJ 1.~' \YO!: I N'I by Mar j o:'Je , n':ill (. tL. Mary J B pa ~1 , 19 j 'l :n c L,1I11~!\m, h orne of BrYA n PI' nrl C'f"gas t' allrlll1l'lf.t n ob' l'l r ,r c:.!,()11. T hc m it: t ~l' I:towutl ~0!l't. R.u rilcll !Tolil , . , Vtr ~ ff,. mUy, Willtnn Plnec, Clnclnua.1I, 1,111' ,ervlre v ru h~rn ! h C'1 ! Y .I,hl' glnlA. Budin . DIlI'othy Day. '.:r 3. Sunday, hl ,11 ~d, o() 1 orCI\I'I't.ta, ll11ckr tho 11:- I Mt: KlnU!y Lu ollJ W~JWn. Qla 1(;0 . • " • r cLilm , ( M l ell JT~',n k. 1\f' .r I ey IMd Eva R ood r Ml' 1'., 1(1 MI'!I. nho(TI)', BlIl1lll'li 11. ' 1II; rl(l :', J ,,;'(1 •• I h c hynlh , ' M 'Ij ter~alnccl Mr, ' II 1lr:; Ell Fli 11" l' 1 lh Lllo ; TJ, To . Thee" W:;l.l•. u g 'UM, ;EJt 'TERM Mr~ l'lnd "MIll, )nl'l~' D ' 1'. \)~. 1r ,' . Ii ,- Il r. " v . (' " " ! 8JO T ."'~~t) " , I . r. !lml Mr.~, WUI Luk Ilg, lit ~up!)er ' (O(.wluct It 1'1l(' c\(lVOU01 s, o,n d tl C. W:-"Ylle T ~ lI~ l1il\ PI p il wi (, ~1t1ldny ' I'venin. . ., C.l('r, s~r1\. 1.J..1.~ro(} n " Irdi n "C"UI' .' ar 'p~ !ling, ~n t.:Lk1 'g m usic ~~'~'_I" (I 11 ' I Klcn ' , he $t>. 111fln ~tlII dc ' n.' tHis suni.m(l ;a:1'o 1.0 ' ~ll.l f (oJ' . ofill!l ' nry tl(!f1.l:11 " nrl Mi'.o; 'n.,- ,1J v, r (:d IJY , n. v n.. .L, I1n.vltw~ (, [i nti It;''IlOIl ms (In \ 'rl 1« :1I.y, J,m() 1 heir! (\,1'1 OPO'1} hOll.c h \'( illol l r·n ' by neW . t1 ''51, LI,J;; ' th a.ra:l~ ~ll .I h\lfl rl1n ' , ' , f,/n 'd ' In W:lyn cs'LytJl~ PlIPU m~y Jl1.ll::V' 1\, 1' 1~:lCail I'1lC1On , a.~ the l\~R, m(:).lt: fur Jessr l\'> ' L f he ,Lyt: ' M. .0, J MI I
E. cburCh
I>,·. I!'I .
Il1usi ...."t U'n. 'J'hllrs'
•. ..
. 2.
l' ,'f1hither the : c.r~ Graduate? Maylje This Holds the- Answer'
pal'cn l •., onl1l
I Irs.
r.ANc:nt STERS TO BE ~1I0WN 1\1' LOCAer, 'I'JlEJ\'rrm 1 I c of II (' mo , ::W I~~llIional pi ~ ' . t1ll " "vt'1' In be mad!' to r x IX'S;! tQ(: AlIlcl'l 11 n f:l1.n~ ·t c)"!; Is to bo show n al 1he Nc\\' Twin Tli ',I r e. Tlmr. 'n :'1 ,T1lllC ), Illy th is pictUl'(' ~how_ h ow (he G ,MPIl IUlV IrnPI1 cI hhc !110st ilOI Ol'ioll ' ~~ n "l\ i I's oC th!! <'ountl.'Y. H IV /.I)(' y I>mosh down on tl~C' ki /11J1 k n.'lprr~ ami so_called racketeer:;,' ~' li nd MI's. Raym 011" S ll'Im!. " Tills rli ll ICI1 !(Lh f CA.,t.u r t', ill to ap' I Mlamlsbnn: we1'n Suuday (/:11 111.'1' 1"" 1' 01. Lh c Now Twfn ThloaLre I [:luest: of 'MI', :1n\ Ml's, L cw ls Fin-, Til 11'1;(111)1 , J unc I ~t, One (lay 0111:;, l UI' l1Jll rl f amily,
Wayne Town:.•hlp t.cnc h t r~ ployed for th e coming yenJ
• I h r •"
1'01 , onel Dkl,y Von ~I'OW of Day MI,~ Lalita Rof\lIl'l e of Cincil,Bmu'n. Bo.lll)y Campbell Fifth Grndp: All .St I""-~lfn·rv-f tun : ilau:t.!rl ~lIlrl D.I Wl%tklnN and nnll ~ J)' n.1 III , \II ck~lld with M r Bobby GI'IlY I JdlO Mrs, Harvey Bltl"llclL Oth l' home of Mr ~, Walter Jan And ,I·f.{)n . EdWYll(l. Stll.I1Iol'Ll1, ----I ~~ul1<1n,\' dln ncr GilI'" wel':' Dr. 1I1H' G fadys Ry , J)oui1Jd Brnw n • • Mr, " li d Mn lIt'b '\ Hr. a ,<I I lI'11~. H to!, H:ttha\~IlY of W n,ynes_ No G 1"11 dC I3eIO\V B - N r,rm '\ ld MI'I; h n l'/('!; Judy Ilf Adanc , Dorothy Berry . D ie -Ie Trons, ~Oll of Mi dfllttoWIi I'll' f ' ' IIC;,t~ or 'Ill.. ' :111(1 I;{r , a nd !ILl'S, Harold Mr, m HI Mrs MJ\rk Rogor" . Sn tu r, Whllacl'r: and cllll(jl'cn, TI;e di n_ B t!leo Jon , BeWnll Smith, pl'll1 'flciel, Wl'l'(> .'Iu\,pcr g UC'S!1> d u.y (·I<ClIJllg. 11('1' oC'c lr,lJl'J 1ed !.be blrt.h day of Ml'.' Achlov mcnl, Mal'll y n BUI'<kc Mr. IlJlci 1I.1J~. .J K Prestnn ond ,_ __ H aLhallhty a nd Frances Wh itaker. HIXTII GltAOE family , Sund Ii, --4-00L .... . • • • .. • All $tu.r ~ Janice 1 Ul'l1.zt , ;a o 01' u.bnvc-Rny:yn O l'l\lJb l' , ,J< ok I> c la l- Skln I nll Fllch ll Monel y , Tu(), I,ty , lll.d (ti n, S(l :1.y Oram', HuCIl Annn Johns, V mon I lvil.h nth 1" bCAU~y l'Vl, ' Il,L COIL shiJUs, C(ll' lr I n St~u1ley , Il.1I LI1 Hel· n LoMny, kIln ', Brou uY 1]Jlll..', lIynr:-;l'll :e Perfect ALte ldon Ph.OIlC 56. Mllliel Dick.. • • • • • t'nshl'i'\'<;. V(,I'l on ' hut.ts R Itll AnMr and Mr:, Rnlph IlI1 ~lIll.'.:); a 1(1 na Johns, HMCI Vinl , P::\ulilll: l bf on vI. I.~tvll· , II 1\(1 II'S, 1'III1Ik snn . etll HOOk, Oick St:8.nslj I"I'Y. Schwr.nzl'allbrl' lind or Walter Johnson, Kcnnr th
Mo u bal'Y
Gcntevl VI'
~Id womell 0 LomOIl":lW" Dr, '1', ll'\'llp W-a. ' ,of Ci n cinnati, The combined church c hoI r, was It vlslLor In the hOi nn or M,s I'~ which is now being 01 '1\<l ·ulld j" Tl'lIl IlJa. And Mm·gn.l·i't Erlwnrrl ', tile direct.l(ln' of Ii u...soll F l'tln:t ," \mdny. has orfered th e r 'celpis of its con.. , .' • cort, ,June 30. to S~nl't. th ' iund for : John GlIl'tlt. of C!lrl.t:le . Mrs. ,) lleKt year, Bo .'c.~ have been placen O. 111'.' of 90Y !ln , Onl'l F i'l'I.:us on. in most 0 L11C b U, ' h , 's hou ' , Cor l~l1d L , A, Gn I'.' C't1joyl'c\ (l li1;l ll l1~ ' :tour sales (.ax strunl '. t ll ' r 'Cll 1,5 trip to Ine!l:ln 1." 'C', S. LI Il'I" ..
I lv ""./ , ., 'I AlI " I 'r P C , Swlll!!, 01 I IIcln 1111 Li , pr .. .,~ ' l .1 ,;,,011 lIle nncl dOllL of the SoUthWest.el1l 01110 POl' t \ 'nJt.l>r !i1 'I1) h:1J)1l.\ r.- lIrn: m on's Oll\bs Feclero,tion wUl entertnln I\Y ,wluch \nl.~ spellL it 'v Is... \" ;.1 lllC)vj '/ti of his COnn.cli lln fish hw d I nlkhl'r OV(!r old (I.lht·~ I !,rIp. nna plans wlU be completed f or _'" I I lcnk li t Jul y l"<,POl't 011 the dlstrL ..,.. l~ }f M !i (CniJ 'J ;:jl'f ('nll'r ' bllt Ion o . r phea.:-.nnt CJ1g'S in Wanel, Oil Sundn v f 11 1)1(' pit"~ 1,1\ 'L 1 0 , wlU he made by Earl G usLln { h ill' " r;lIld~;o 1 !tn t ,' rl A ' llLl .. ~ < tlntl'l1lll11 01 the Game cOlnnlltt<N., I ' • Cnl1 o[ DoY(o n ~h' 0 'Oil 1011 'l I'JI II a,nrJ GrUllC Pl'otect.or.Oll'ff H in II' Tb ,.1'j I"11~ I ng
compllring tllc v~uc of milk and aL co hoUc drinl S Ul ely If this pro· ject. Is conUnuL'Cl it. will pro e .ll.ctilve In mak ing Olll' boy,:; all Bf ;'~ neAl' Somm I'vlllc. of today. h elildLhior and llap).!1 I' 111 t
of which will ruso go t.o l 1 0ltl fund, ' "
l,llImilk't:' (:onslsL.~ of : MI', and Mrs. A Gltl'st" Mr M rs. J, 0 , ,. n , OJICI ·nl' lw l'I \lhL. Eve I Y n GartWI'lght, ['h 'wi ll be lU> lsteo by ~l1e offl~ ('1' tile AlUmni and m mbe1"S of he ~peci ll l committee. Thc conlllll Ltec In chuge of the neal onlUlg m en ls Lhis year con,
Lov Iltl1l1 S!!I.VC
proud, to Imow chn.L lis chur lh" jng, ol"gJJnlzaUoll , ai1ct cl~~ons can Ul1Jt.e lihelr cfIol'ls and mOll Y Lo pI'Ovid !).~I . , for OU]' chlldr n.
30 we kR,
t"f \'
.11(1" (,) " :, , Io.,
the yeru:, Falin! Orad : Mr, nlld ,M r.' ,' Doll .Hn wkc we 1\hc proj t.!:; ntl =171 [1)151 0' rr; 01 MI', flnll Mrs, J: N, Michonrl': Naomi of wl1l h the, c m nunlty 0011 w'll bo rObmSOl1 01 Daytnn. Sal urcftl y OVt' n ~ Wclt"", Mlldrerl Bournl)
:," "'1
Ca.Lha 'c. Ilnp, Fr.iend Qll\Irch , MI',~ , n.. ll, H il I' ~ IUld l'le;s!stecl by th e Omn~c, Ms_ Hartsock 1V0ro sU]lP 'I' • gu('s:. o f' son c Lodge, Ei.\SWl'1l Stnr. (Uld Pro· MI", and MI'.i, .lack JOl1l." s of V b . gr cssive WOlnen'S clul~, Ilnd (11 a llY 'allond , 'nclo,l ' cvonin 1, pl'iva dOll,lItlons, Is comploted f o r ' • • • • •
last wee .of school. wh
nne! 1\ !I':; , n,ny ,Fl' . " Will 1111;1 ,t
.f, ,,,,,.' I
.. .
n period
:•. ' 1
I'", l, 1/l('"II1 's GC Ll Yfiblll'A' Acldr l'ss I dOIHl..y Mr , finn M I'" ('" . . \ III )<.I'IlI,'r YI~LI'~ J ames 8 !\~ r_ 1 . M I I I II l' 1' , [>:11 ;y 11a,II,,)'. r,,,IJI'r t 1111:;l nq<;, nnrl cllll rl!'I'!! , I:,· " II' 1"1 :" ( ,'".,. \'11 11,1.1' <' 11'(' r;f I I"!tn , pnrl~tJ II 1\11'5. . r. ft. B1nc'k h n l !. of Onk w, 1':'1 . 1:1 I'vey r.y ,' " II ",I I" , I Lilia \I (tllf: f(. Ilil f / ,nellerl', DOnl\lel' , I/.i clgc WOI'O n" \,l l1tt v ~1I 0n, MOil I' 1\ I fo:!tIm n ftlllh , Tlll )·,-:t'· \\ " • !I' III , I' "II'hl I" ':;h 10 11IIIljsh flllW('I'~ ~'J JIOr, D. y lnl1, WIIS A'II ~L or M ':. " , • L ui ('II'. PllY I ' :11' ' II MI' rlml Ml'S ,r. 1'1, ' I' I II,' ,.lId t lwlIt ,\..'> J'ly ns p D:cls ,hlc \)ll'S~' Sns l!l'r, Thll1'st.iny, day J rn J Slllllh. PI ' I1r,' W11i al,l'r, " 1-tl r lt:II'fI, 11.11:: .1 . 111 TI)',I'IM!lfp HOUM' \V1H'(~> A . H " • • • • ; r ~' r· lI(·1l Sp ,I I,'1'. I!('n n nd ... lIl1d ·'!1 I: ' 'I Slubh · Will rroelVc them . Boy SCOII " M I'/;, C . I. S ,) l(,l'thw(\ II:' !lnd M I''' Dr [..wi M 'I. ,\ E ' , OIl t ',.", tl' 1r"t'lI - .lnll l\ D . [:I ::l:':<, Ma r y Ann Ru:;., r ll ~ '1'1 J. \' "/ 1, Il~1I a.'.S.l in g, t1l1'rinl\' Ilo<.lcl'S " 111 SlIlllJ11.)\1 wt'l e D .y Wn vl~i\'( " Dr, aw l Mr. . lin'" '. 11 11l b('11 n i M t' lI o il 1"01'111,1 ["111111111'1 , flil.:hm ' l I ..... Il"W WIII'"II" Woollarcl Hr'NI SPIt... l..<'Stc l CII)('k" ll i'~' : I I • ,\1nl1( ny. 111'11.1 Ettt; IC'\I'()(ld. Gll nclay, ., , S 'V"'I1-, and l: IIlI 1 ' " , , ' .... · 1 \N Il t: .\.i n : I I' nwh~h ~ P.:II'nCI.I., B rl I 1'1 c I' (lillI', Arlnll" ',III'~ .1 " 1 1- \" wn ~ Iht! overniJh • ,. 1·1: 0 ·1 1:......n ... r, j' S ~OCI,\'rrON p, I Y lI nflll'y " , '" Mrs. lJllu,y Stw ll'r 11':1:; Lhl' ~ \l( l>i ThOilllJMln Mrs. Clnrcl lc~ r. h,' Ii ,.", 111," glle l;.l, of Jennie " e B rndelo ck MOil LOO 111 ~f1t:1l 11":, ,1 :<l ll 1 ~l'm - Don- d,"II " lllnr C1111I'!f'I,,' ,1' (I I, " t>f frlf'l\(l s l or itH1I"ho(111 .ll III lflllll. ., ~ '1 ' ,,' II.', HI!'" I ! I1'r o f ti ll' \ V.l - (~.I Y Illul1 Inn. F'ritiny nld Lukcns, !'cn k Ml's, -'l\1.1I.v W', "'111'1 ",I I' /I { " I' I !\ C,..;;', e Pl'Otl'ctlV(, • •.• PlI Pelreet i\ft ciW('C' - .h'l1nicT..c'e el ·' ll .,., I I '~ , u'r" ""'1111 E .Jnnn y nnrl dO'I I....I· -I-.....:..~:..::.::.::.......:.:.:..:..c..:.: '1 liTH oil '" I .' - n l l t V ' III II .\11', . II Il, lipid II X~ Thlll'day, " " ", " , . 10 Mrs, Dl11sy n'o'(I('\" "'Il.~ ~hc eSI. Brnudock, T{p il.ll Lnn J.\n I'e. Norm" Roi1l'lt Knler . Ml . III', lil1 .J J 'I f 'II" :1 "morial Hall, .L bunon, leI' Louella, n rrJvcc\ III WaYIlI's'lil e~ nl Mrs. Fr('d Cht"1l 1 IIr 0:1 l.on n1l PUlllll1ltJ, nil. h WI('u !. H, I('11 S \1t..!r·I' , Mrs Janll'~, r;: 1 ,,, \ ~ ('llll;II". Ii I;' P II" ,: :JIll,ctlln cd by J.lnr_ Thurs(b)~ morning , niler sp c n oin Tur~dny , MC'Lvln Jon!'::, Pmrl('nc Jont'S, ,)O} C(' 1l.1Ir! l):lV I(1 J)IIVII I :11 , Mr 1'\ FJe:n,' 'I' .It \1:1' frlPnt til ,'Inl r In D'il1nd, P Ili , ThhrJ GrRt!('-l\1I Stars--E:ll'l R yc' , ' , I . • • • • Ilnd MrR. W ,tfW l' KIIlI'r :tfl: f 'II' P ', ", 11'11' I ll' n ))\I'(!l'd in t.hl' CIIl', Yvonnr S(·ubhF. B(,I f,y Tltom ns , lion s Cliflnrd CI I ) " j' n 1 n5~ Snwrday, af1ernonn tb t Mn, L, A. Onr~t Mrs A . F.. SlOlI: , " !:or (. ',W,,, I ,1/" J'I' ( 1l\1'111l)rl",lllll drivo whirh h al' :\'_ M('rir. h y llis Bnl1cy, :\ 11(\ MI' (Illel MI'; Rw;/, II J"m nk J l~'ry, .'·t hrnllglit In over 150 J IV 1llC'!l\ , Ohi o Umvlll'sl ty ch oir pres I t.c<l :, wl'rc Dn}' l.on vi Iwr~ ' Ttl"" d Mr • IIcl Mu~, ~~ 1'1 JI ll n ,\. ,lr • '~' ' r s, Lyle Tvlns of Red Lion is c hair - prn ~ l'IIl1I OVCI' WLW , Mildred CoolIs n. 111Cl11 b'r • 1'1," Ell ' • Onl S Ii!'" alld fl II I n of the lnrmlJorshl p comml I • or • Lht' • • ch• oir ,
MI'S, J p . L :u' rh:k a nd 111'1' tl The milk proje t. Sjloru;orcd by til • Ji) NOl'l"is, won LYtl : M Holly , ;Ferry. Gl' en Brl r. Vll.ltol'S, FridAY. M e t il od ,18 t, Ep~opal, Chrl!illnp . ...
This plan has bcen su t , !lIl,Y opera Led at the grado bUIlding t r
(/11 l:.\hll'I· · D i'llI<'..
~'l'tl'.: O('lllInl' MI'. and MI /;. \' 1I1:~
,' I1 I1 I1' L"" n" " d,. k. ElI""'ll IBrowil ,JH.I IY Camp h," 11 .11HI1Ii1 .C;OI\.
nllLI. S'II1(1. Y,
SmlLh ,
11\s.~ RIlIi
J ,.. 11;111 P.rwlll ·.fl l<; Rnll 10\:.'11 " I. tel S 1\1_1 S,r-n,"1 lenuNI 111 (" "!II d ~" , II'" III C,Il( m
nl n ll SI I';l1I hr l'l "I' E ,1.11 ' ''' W(1 t ltlll,". \Vael,. anrf ' rlnll, h ' , , ,' ,'II" 1111",, 1 ./'1111 · .... 131111' DaVIS, l~(klll'
llrl·&t. ·
'~Ulllo, C, H , DOhl. 1')'," nln.LlOn of D II,I')III. ,
'r IIUl ,. .. l.l .
.Ja<:l~II' TlIllW~'
Local Happenings
• • f h j' . nnd Mr~ · Pi'll' k : '111 " , \'1 ," WllIliI,lII IIllt! , n PII .Jl lll ill Bllck h'l' ," ,I II, I MJ·:;. I:V('I'l'l l JW.t:·("1 "" I \:, I I ;\1"111 ,J" 1\1111 fJII'I;"ns !l'('ls, 1,!IlL New B UI'I IIII: [')Il 1- 11<1,' I LIon: Ii '"I " M CC:III1(' Il ~ h M I', ( . " . ' . 1:1 , lel l Sunrhty . ri ll" S p,1I1..·. , M r and Mrs rJ '''I, , It ., I
AI1 I-{ III - .
D r..lh;IILful, f'kn. a n t I-GII'l s Trlp!(' O ,W tJ·,
. . . .:;llll)h~' .
i\r(' l1I", lu l Du~' wU bl! (1), I'VI' ,1 h~ , " , I ''''\I CI'S ilL 'MI :~ml cemeLclY TIl' .,hy :Li(l'nJ(M'11, 1'.1",' .;10, bcg h), hlll l-\ It. :l o'clock. Tlil fu'v. R . L, H ckwt'lI , mlnlf;Ul'
OPEN S~ND"Y C " M, Robltzer I\.mlount:eS the MI'f; , A , E . tOil nf I n(II"i 1.1,'" 0 h1llg of W1\YDe PIII'k m<t Sun. '..Omm c u ·cm ,nt ""l'c l!:'~ I'lf I h "!' dl\Jl, May 28, A nlO<idrn swi-r..mIn f1'mdual in!:, c l as.~ of S\.('ele IlI gh pool. flne .Qlcnlc ' (j'l.lll l t:ll',~ , Po d tcod ~ h 1. at til N, . .n. Sch 01 .confect1OI\.·:, (' ;n -! lel 'arlnks mlLt~ !'fOilSf'. DIIyton, ' Thn!'sd ny , night .' It An ' l(ieal "lJ!TImer. l'ClI~ri . M~, S tlL"lI. bl·oth!!I'. · Goor n. B,O"P'! ,on week ds~ btl ' '{l1l~1t op: ~' at '5 u. In,cml) I' of tl1~ :,l8f'8 , , ', noon; .sundayS' IU\d holldaY$ .. • • • .. l' 10,;J0 Il. m, ' . .' .• . k . a nd M ,s. >. .J, 1,:;111, t>n l.l'ttr. i ' ~ &grl.cultuB ",11\ c\atm . l.!IP " rad- '~d the mClll bfl; of tho loes1 Fa"'m Mlttttlltina.. Bmw.. of uates, many or wbom are retun(l'lI3 .. ,.. ............lIn. home to werk. laciluded alsb are Btlr.rnu . nL thc1r homo. Tue£day flUleli on Dr•. Mory L, youths who are .c~ln, to worW on a m rtht, AlxiuL 2& 111(!lnjJerR . wi re F'rIdtqt, II'or rnaIlY _____ ., _
•. •
:::. :. ~~1DclutIIa, nr:!t:n:rru::.~:!~ I~::;~;lI~~led:~~I~~~~ . b~n~: =u~: OIlS ~.
t.t~D -
after -,vhlch ~ was 5el'Vl'd 111 ~ 1lC!I"'0Ii, Ibecluutl ,"'al'" Ute hostess durtng Iibe itOql61 hOur bet ci~_~~~~'~ &tucl ·drly·
.... ceo enttaen. ~ aDd 41C14-J-b ....ken.
. _ ......,
1'HOOR8DAV~ MAY 2D, 1930
uti .' - Public Sal ..!
Y~ r,
t r oJ'.
.1 tJ
n~ ,
tJl , week . end wlLh Mt '! Ii; IlIh . I'I1 ' 1I
11U\'SUI\\1 o f nn qrd nr uf tho Tom$. . Imtn Court or Wnl'l'el1 0 nty, l Mr, and Mrfi . ..RlJbe(I, 'IlrI 11' of hlo, I wUI orrol' for al nt pllbl1: i Bellbrook ~t'OIl~ SILOiI Y a , t..'HI ll , Ilctloll lin :;>n tll l'dRY, t h o 3rcl d a y of wlt h Mr. 9.11.'1 Mrs, P C~(l Runy n ,
ISSUE D E VER Y THURSDAY S ubscription P ric , $1. 50 P e r
rvit. HoUy
Pnyable in
Junn. 19'19, Ilt L WI u" o.·\; P . M " on Mr. a nd Ml"l. Iius.~cl\ M Ol'I{,lll of the pi' r Iso , the follo wing (!esc;rl b. Leba,non 'CRJlllcI on Iil'lcnclJ h I , S I t I'll I' '[~I ,tnt '. lo-wit : ' ill'day ovenlng, . l it' I 1"1 II{' C't.v t' 1/. , .1I'rl'j\HllC!lo.:., "S,LulIl.O In the hamlet. of COl'\vi~ , M I' . 1\l\d Ml\ , Emel ~ n DiU n t.· h.1 b, (' II tllllln ,'ct· b ;,' tnl\llI' ' ','a''I'I'1l in t.he County of WUlTcn £I n :! III Lh L no d t ile fUll 1'111 2,t 1\'rs , D,I1 's r ',l\l \1l l' 1m II II'~ firm.!" «1ll1 n Irst SI.ate of O h l " and bounded a nd de ' cous in , Vic tor Snndel'S, ,o f Dny,on, , ",,-rl;:~ 01 ti n' l ltl.l Il l : merel U-I, c\ ,SC or· w'l'l »c<1 £IS follows: Uehl/( a part of b,lr.t Saturdny a!t.cmooJ1 . !l~' r U l~ fill!' "tVl'll by 11\,' (~:II\ I . F,,'rrv S UI'V v No, 79 1 of th' V,rgl nl I Mill_I Mr. und MI'S. H . SIm.~ and cll\lll!h · --~rt. ( II ~ ,r Who h." . 'Itl l'lI!'I) In I Wi) )r tar y Lllnd. Be nnlng nL 1\ point leI' of OlncllmaU spen t t,h e ck· l I1Iplt' Hppl cllni \\'1 1 f,l': ' pd, ~hlJ'Ly.thrcc 13:1 fce fI '{)1l\ t hr r ::n , end with , llnd Mrll. 'nrlwsl --:--~ .L~m'llILj".) Is l or lllo' , tll ' t r of the Lltllc Mlll ml R. R. m: d , En l'nhn.rt a nd fam11y. 8 :()O 'M uRic rCfll,ll Ih, ll {rum Dr f'r (] ' srvcnLy,fivC' (75) feet Nor Lhw nl'd Mr. tloct ' Mrs . Hown.rel Bm', on lIn l l : 5 Fai l'fi 'let 'o unt,v YO l1n ~ Farm I' P r g ram- Dil' l"\,cd ..I l:ItIl"111:1ll wh(\ broughl f l'o lll the line of Mo~ 'S r-:: lty'S I mi. Qj11U ' h OOr Mn,l'Y Anll, SP',lt F~htn y by H. F . Th ny 1', Coun ty Agrl. Agent, L a n r.p~t ':r Ih, AIJI II IllI "' illr Tll1~ ('onw1' ~o June Rob cr L.~ , (forllle rly I' V rung with Mr. nnrl M I'''' P ! Le :3 0 WOSU Mus kete I'S unrtette I , 1,i· I:)WII![I , who I:' 1)I'l's.lltlll. of El!n ~ Dlnkley lo t) . rUllnin l{ tllen",; Runyan. 'h, r ,'\.ll'mLlftll oT :301Itil \\·. H A I·Il.» m ile! with th e Hlid Kelly's lin e S. Mr. IIno Mrs. Alfred lv.o!,!" nn nnu 8:4. D dicati ng onfed rate Gra ves on hio oil- H. E. ( ' 0 SI\OrL ,r' If~Il ',; Chlf,~ mIL brill'! 10 ci t'''1 C S 52 minutL's E . 2,'7 6 chain.;: (lIuIglttur Bnrbnl'l\ J e. n , IlIWIlL S ;1.L_ E.swi n . H' torian , • I ' 1 b 1 ,,' ~ ,'I u, r :'t: ' 1,1, 1 1" ll ln~ II Ill , thence IJnrllllcl w th snl(l n. n.. N. !i5 unla y with 1>'11', ,md Mrs. Alvin :!)O W'hat Ohio Hom mal< l' ~ AI' Doin g in Ext en 'ion ProI ' 1 ' Ill1 ,1 \I !i U ". , ot Ill' WO 'I b l:!rl'i- I II 'gl'ces 08 minutes E , 50 fCl't: thencc Hounl1 of Xenia . gra ms-- fi ss Minnie Pri e State Hom e O e nlonstr.n lt OI , 1 " ~ ,\ n'llorl Wi lt bl; UIl 1I1o ~ N '10 degree 52 m lnut.cs W, 2.76 MI'. and M.l's, Ellswort h Ibsoll Lead • ',,) 'I, :' ,Ju t n l\ 111\" Wit I! LI,,' 'War, I el;n llls to 11 point thirty_th ree 13:1) a llel h tcr PhJ m,' o f C ClII l.l.' I-Vl.lC, 1" ' \ l 'tI r lilWI. Clab l' I lI l e IJ n - ' fPCI, flOm ~hc o j t h e sa id R . a n d MI'. Ray mond 5 11111h o f n _'fI r !) :00 WOSU Musketeer Quartette, 111 "I thO$I' ulwb\t- to 'l~ 'ml, unci , R.: then ce pnrnlle l wltb sa lel ra ilroa d SprIn g rul ey, sp ent. Sunday \\11th 9:J 0 tudent Quiz on Swine Pl'odu ti o n --St ud e ll t.~ f.J. S. 1/:1" '.\ i ll /)~ (11 . .t' \L"-:;t.'(t i: II' a club S . 55 d grees 011 Illin ut Ii W 50 feot Mr. a nd Mrs, 'HII y Gibso n 1\.1 Coffey, Animal Hu bandry Drpt. !11m\(' In .ht y, I to the beginnIng ~ on tnlnlng 2.<'9 [ruully, 9 :20 Answers to Arguments Aga inst a Ta riff on Vog'tab le J'lw T"\. h .1.11(\ n 'bile lII~ctl11l: will cllains more or tess, and bein g tl~() MI'. and Mrs , CJ ar n ce T mp:'on . IltJ hetd us \1s\l1\1 ill MI!III Ol'ln I H a.11 snme pl'c mises con vcyed by Li ndley MI&s Fmnces Chenowet h , Bernice, Fat a nd Oils-Oavid G: Wing, Mec ha nic:blll'g, ~n I" rum 'the lips no t the h arL, IkLle I .1 VI U ~. , , L. \);11) 0 11, !l,UO P. M . 11('Xt 'l'ht1Jsd'lY, Me ndenball, lind Geor nl\ Mendr n - Dorothy, Anm bel Tompson , or 11 -ar tional Dh'ector Dome tic F ats and Oils Con fe r ence. ]50 IIrlln th llboto ubov. Ilette's mind It< 1 ,u l1y nl~, ', llll' !>'. Il!" , ' ~ .. hll~c U-CVtTy ~pol' t."ma n and c Olls~r· hall, h usbll nd and wifc, to Dora L. Wnynesvll lc, Mr. Albert Lacy spont 9 :30 rip oJ! Saf l' Driving--Sgt. R. E. lark, State Hig hwho apD ' orB otong with Bogart In llUll nm" \If b r In 1> H'l, \,, ' "' , \':.tljonhts L welcom~ to the l1IeeLing, SLltes, by D ectl da ted J a n uary 24, Sunda.y with Mr. find Mm. David wh Ich opens Illldny, May 2" at til dOItI 'O, IIfn Ul(IUI!" 111 . 1110 , way Patrol. lunch nnd 51]lok I'. 191'7, nn9 recorded In D eed Record Lucas and frun1ly. tor 0. three duy eUl(Usemellt. . 9' 40 Music. Volu me 102, page 228 , of th e Warren Mr. tU'ld Mrs. Robert SnUU't and •' El.lCIT1' EN1'£I\o'NTAL County, Ohio, D eed R ecorcis, " daughtQl' Ja.q ~ , of Treblen, And Mr. There being n O S treet number for Jl nd M rs. H. Jaokson. spent tbe Fcl1('!ty Ohl Plnns hllvo b en said premlses~ a ccordin g to the re_ week- end with Mr, nod Mrs- Elvis "OlnlltC'll'ct by the t,m\'11 nnd t.hc cor ded Plat of the VUlngo of por· MicheaJ nod daughter DorotilY. M,'thod st c hurC'h to ~ lnflu n hlt[W win, Warre n ' county, Ohio, sald Mr. nod Mrs. Everett BUIUlell en· Twelve million surplus-htl rassed dependents of King t'ntl'nru',J ~ I ebru~on t his \II, k premlses lire lo ca ted upon the East Lel'tained Saturday eve n ing. at Q, get "Con t-to-coa st promotional aid from 11Qotton, rod v1 May 27 and 28t.h May 27 Is side of Main Street ill sold Village. h a mburger fry , Mr. and Mrs. WUbur nationaJly known, non-grocer chain tore companie comt !w fOW'll 1'!'1('1J~[lt!<1I1 ope;1!Jlg with a between J ohn Street on U1e North HLU\I1Cl'. Mrs. MeUle Morgan, Mr. horse plI l.lln 1 cont )( 1 at to :00 follow- ~ nd. th er e be ing n o other Street find Mrs. Carl Rlcllnger nnd chi!_ , po ing the Institute of Distribution, Inc., group, during t he r d )J, It po rodt', Ilaby show , pet 1), t - within !laid corporate limi ts ot the drell. Joe, DaJe, S.lI'ah Kathertne, week beginning May 22. These compnnies opera te more By Harry E ldridge, Jr. a( ll; ulll sholV and old fi.,shl onec! Vl1!age of Corwin On the South n o of near Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs, than 16,000 tores, l'epresented in every state. Theil' annu a l bl\rn (lallCe in tIle \1Un[t1' st.ree , In na me thereof can be given. Ellsworth G~b,son fIJld daughter, ales r~n to more than $3,500,000,000, of which $80 0 he ('veil ns. Sajd premises were duly and reg_ Ph yllis, ot nenr CentcrvlUe, Mr, 000,000' is in cottons of allied cotton prod ucts. During . the The M 'thOl.lisl church c n llll.les u l lU'ly a ppraised for the sum of One and Mrs. Hiley Gibson Md dnugh _ ~ Ih(' ceh:brntion on, May 28 w1th T housand Bnd no-l.OO ($1,000.00) tor, PaUline, Mr. and Mrs. Blarold peri04,' one 6:f the leading chains, Sears Roebuck, will back After 1.11 dose of Nell' 'lOll;' ,W,)r 'd ! l~~ent chur ' h!'!! I nil dcnomln(l ~lon" In OollaRi. 8 11d must''be soIl! [or not less 'Rogers, Mrs. Emma Gibson of Bell29 "cotton plugging' radio program s. The other companie. Fair, your Sp()rtman' Comer Etl reo -thl. nr a ta ' ;mg nrt Among the than t 'o-thirds (2-3rcls) of said brook , Mr, and ~. ' Cleam.lllCC wi~l liJcewi e publicize cotton nationally, thro\lgh news- turns w\1.h Ull U ' . I'J . " ' .. 1111 0 'I'hl:. '8 n o us b. 1 ln~ up I~OU '/,." ! ' I> )k.ers are DI' Ed IU'd L Rloe, nppralsed value T erms of sale "e b" Cl1Ilwford mId children. MInnie and pal}er and radiO advertising. his fis h n g-(1nd lil1tt~ 1h.1.1 u tsicl t.el'llln.r ()v"r WI;elh.,jo pop g.. 011 n Pfe l(l nL of OhIO W SICyun.'U lllver. ROSS H , HARTSOck, Lewis and Mr. Clyde Smith. Ill- .It" r , L , L . Roush, D r. C. F. Ell. In addition, the chain food tores will also urge th e of MJld rlver trou , til fish don t v( fll;tllu\!' 'Ip lr b. k Exec'u tor of E~ tate of --~ public to' use more cotton products. It's a safe bet t hat feel that way about It, Local Sll.'l\IIl \ 1M (.() the Wo.rld's Ftm Til· two I.'a, ~ II.-.h and Ju c; F recle1·! : k ·Howell . , Do~ fltUes. deceaSed, a. cl'ystal-{!l'8Pp'es aJld Ctl.t- IW eQ.n bmcd all bere " ho\\' . 'I'.. k t' Thc' Lwo rtny c(!lebraijon closes clear
,Farm Night Talks, May 29 -
----...---- - ----
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- - - --
there's ,hardly a consumer in the country who won t be en- 1'1511 slow at. Cellna nnd LIl un1'- the St uthem rou~e (lJi',:h ,'eYli 40 no with 8n clilbora,t e p al'l'ldepag t, tilE' C. D onale\. DIla.tush. Attorney. couraged ·to "buy cottons, benefit yo urself, peed national ba,'lli selltfil;lu C)lo!;ed unLll June l l)-tht:' 30) :U1d stop over 11'1 till' Pcnns'l' cloth I1g of other years being mode.t: W. N. Scars, Auct. 4t-M4 busine 'l'ecovery." _ best sport available I!! th(ls~ tr u ~ til \ run. mOLlI1tu.'\ns for ~wu f\r thrc.c !l(I. BOUl tho t o\\ and \11 clllm:h , Cotton's plight isn't being exaggerated. Foreign de- Mad r iver SJld I trUmt)! !'l ,About dass oj~rou flt!bl n 1\ n.on-r Ij (lent b th 11' founc1et's the ''fhoma s An Ameri ca n editor worries Il ln y :us n 0 and II !r gray t.o ee that .no typograph.. mand for .~ericl.m' cotton is -far below past' levels. Canoy- sevell tbousand hav Iloou , I) k~ I 3 M~' lllll!rl.!le C/(jI;ls 1-1\0 clllilUl' ,1xl~' Fcc t\,mlls .,.a hllbdred I ' i 3J tnistakes appear on the pageG tn till,!) }JQst four w k.S-l\ll over t~n Bve o.: iIld (.here 1$' g 'K! 1 stung t 11'001 tj1i:rn ,,·~U(ll ·y r Qcclved its na I '~ over of past years' "Crop is d'~ ngerously large. And t his Inch es long-the ' }O ,t stockln_ o. III tho WilY 'Irom lI\..>dford t.hrough of 'h is \ m aijazine. The Ohinese means,plenty of economical h'ouble in that great egment 2,000 was pu t in last F11day. T hey tllP. Mlch,tlllt S Itt Fc ('S betwcl'n II you 1(:11 your 'Itc . hoW much lmt.Qr Is w~er t \1an that. He wants 1of the United States which depends on cotton for t h m.njor are fighting devUs and occas1o~ OGI' j' - "'t1'g &HE! i",qt \'1 Ie, ' T1 , YO I1 mak , j;h p imm\!dlll t ly d(lub1c'l' t6 leave- his , r eader s -Hie- su,premo 11.nd YOU tlavo \;0 'uel, faction of dIscovering 0. .lew share of its farmers' income. The economy of whole states a big· nmbow ' Oll brown over ' (10 lJ\'.. t sou re Of l.nIurmatloll IS W'ul.' w)llr exp (l1l V(l1 typ rogm.plUea I Ill: \lakes for them_ is tied 'in Wjth cotton, Thousands of farm' families look to it Inch es .Is taken . More a bou t trout J '10 l NOrr '. tUsLl'lc~ Sl.(tee FtIJ'os 1", 'll~k tw1ce 11 ' selvcs.- LlJ1 YunlM in "Tho next week"':"it's the beSt fish ing bet with he'J<iQu'l tel'!t ,I n ll1e CRIQciOl'I~the n ext. YI"RI·. . 1m.. as their sole or pririci~al source of livelihood. A depr eSSion \:Olllnn oe of L1vl n ." ' in cotton means crisis in t he South, the Southwest, and secDrs . J . B . P a rk and J . A. SllpheJ tion C?f the F~r, We t, That means paralyzed ·busine/l , .\ 'NIl a.u ~hors of a new bulletin on the dropping' purchasing power, dwi.ndling market for all in- , ~ pillce of soy bea m In the Ohio f ru'l11 du try--and more depression for the whQle country, ~ Ing' system . Th ' bullc ~ln No . ]09 Ctl.11 be obt.a.lneci Cree from 0))10 coun Ly , This .. great 'cotton drive doesn"t 'depend for. it su;cess ~ , extension agents. alQne on enlisting public sympathy in the pijg'h t of the planters. 'l'~e pa.rtici~atin-g ' stores will offer great cotton 1 , Farmel'6 now J)l\Y approxi mately values. 'l'hey will do erythi g ro- ib Jo. t o rL l:otto ~.(). $1,500000,000 annually for thCpow, ~ucts. -at levels , t~~t make. it , un conomic fOl: the consumer e l' and ]lower IJll1clJ.1rn!ry buL before not tg buy. And If t he ,dn '.e goe o vel' the 0<', eVery busithe World War they sold power in the form of work lutimats for sever· ness; every 'work-er, in tbe eoun ry " ~ ill f.eel th long-range 1 nl h~dred ' mlllJon dollars annunlly. ~~nefit. I" . d
- ": -- - :...---::-- ,
---- . . .. - -......--.. ~
'~UD ,
COOK KNOWN .I:!:p~ ~; 0;e8~ ~~:U~:h~~~n;
B.y CEAt;:ONING ~ tJ
and griddl e cakes , s 19 b t.y I .. <.. The st.ancll~ ~cI' a,mOUl1·t of . " , US;;: III oooked·e als like rice, ]~_ lneru, or corn meal is one teas.. :; fUl to n" quart of wateJ·.
Ot No C~harge
FRI• ....:.. SAT, MAY 2G -
~ _ n ~_I_:~"""~~_ b _ ' _'-""'-i
R-e offer a :. ~'atisfactory Ser.vice at oil times
ROA n ' OllJ~ "
. .
. In
lain , . 'Armitage, ,
Serial .~haPtcr NO.2 .
P hone. W!lynesvl11e 44 R 11 ,
LebllnOl) ot1100 ~hon6 ' 4:73 -K-
.rcs,98,M: SUN.-MON. MAY' 28-29 Jamcs Cagney
, In "OKLAllOM.A KID" Sbort Subjec&s
J. 8.
".REAL ~TATt: ,
$30 CASH l'RJ2ES Boris Karloll ,
, Short SllbJccls
& Grav~1
Three Mesqullccrs
rJ!~~. -WED. ,l\IAY 30-31
- I~-
it ,I
Phone \ 78J
Miss G al'Vin S&ys sktllfL I -:nk.~ et'ages, Ul!!y would , r eceive in :very a dd a tew gnldllS of salt' to oooked 5bor.t order. a box of salt. According fruits and fruit drlilks, cocoa ~' k to Alma. L. Garvin, extension nui;rL , shakes, Md OthllT 'beverages. Be_ t1OJ!.1St~ ~l1JO S tate Unh/~r&ity, salt cause salt seems j;o make "sweet . Is the most impot1Jaillt 'scasimlng, and t.hings sweetel'," 'It hould always be a good cook adds a ll·ttle e1(e.n inoluded in candies, cakes , ice th?ug b th e. recipe does not eall for creams and s weet ·desserts "'ern "- . it. . " ... , t imes the cake shol'tening contains . . V~16bles are. cooked In water f.aJt. If nvt, f rom one.fot:rth to 01 !.hat Is Ugh\Jly salted. ,When fryin g h alf , teas poon of s al t Is enough for • or bi'Oillng meat, IiaIt should be a d d- tbe ord,u'l ary cake r",-j ~ USing f rc l:I I , ed~after COOking', since It tends to olle to two cups of s ugar. sal t d [!a,\v 'out the juice Of the meaot. But m.:akes PORcheu ggs set quickly. O n sweltering 'summer days It " a Illest roast call lose very ' llttJe ·juice ~hls way bo:ause the propor_ may be a good Id:;, to geL more salt tion 01 exposed surfnce Is eompara- than ~fl.I In the dl el.. because 'the tlvc]y s mall. So a may be sanL bSJdY loses q~aJlitles of It In p er sp lt'I ,'berore It .l(qes lnto the OV~D: a~nt. . :Foods suoh as cornstarch pud- , dmcs. 00ked cereals, ancI breads U6e The MJamt da1.ette nee<) ~ bit, of sail; t o bring ou l the . Want AdS
homcmak:'rs were to plead with the G oad e' - of Oookery fo,.fl s.l.ngle nllig Wla.t would Improve the flaVor 'or veglltables, melLts, cereais, eggs, fruits. nuts, candles and bev-
LO about one.. haU t easpo:m . ul t:.-. _
w. N. SEARS 1
Centerville, Ohio ' ,. c.
UC""U ~up of flour, For bisC~ts. 'one-"t 1ird tJ _ teru;poonful to a cup of Lour, 0.1'
Snlve, N')Me ))rlJp
Fer ry '
Honor Guard
Keeps Watch
Co unt y (:o urt Ne ws
Blltty RQ6cl\~ of Dnyton, 1.8 vL'lt tng . AlIce Barns lIas been spIlnd_ with Mr. and Mrs H Jl'ry Cornell . Inc a. week In Dayton with frJsndS NEW SUITS . It • • • • ' Allen Md Donald McKay , stu~ellt1l Frank WUson, .execu :or ~t the ei MIS:)'Vis.<t Bolton Is not 8:1 ' we1] as usual this week, 6lthoug h she 1.8 tlllr or Wilmin gton College, spent. tl)e !Ate of AUcl' 8!lver:l. deceased. VS. w ck-end With their )XIrents. Oan Snell. ct aI.; to romplet e conr, om well at !any time. t~ act, . • • • • • • --,-~-.,..,.~=:;~==--;;;':::-;:-:-:7';;-::-::::-;:---:-:;;:-::::-:-::-"r 'F lorence L. WcldlEI VB . MOm.i,,(; mb Thc W. C. SmIth family 9Il.1Ied at r. and Mrs. Robert 4 , of ~ear W. WeldIe, divorce , extreme cruelr,\". u~ Is he S .. fte WaynC6 vllle were Monday th e. D . R . ...... evenlnli rr me un"a".. . r. noon. :J t. . , , .. "'I ca.llers at the , Talnlag e home. p-css neg ~ • • • • •• ' ,.t Ub • • • • • E1lzabeth :' ~rry vs. Warrt'n Bar_ •" Mr . and Mrs. Howard McR!ay Ervin. Tho,":BS has be n Quite Ul Swid~y dinner guests of Mrs. were ry. dlvor«l, gross neg·l ect. Elsie with InClucnzo. but Is better at thls and Ma1'fPol1'et McCoy', In Wilmin gton COMnKON PLEAS PROtEEDINO~ time.
· ... .
] --
John Foley, d~sed; InvenL ry set :or ~y 25, 1m, at 10 o'clock A. M, In the matter at the jlsla le 01 Susie Snyder; Warren Young op' .x>lntcd guardlo n of Vlvi.lal Snyde,' ; ~lNCB a ,........ on Memo"'" Real Bottl e Gas for Use 'In Any Gas Sto"~--1~~~'7-"""1 jessie S . Forbes 'appoln t'Cd' cxecutr b:; V Dt.ry eye. .he ..,.".. IddJt\on al bond tiled. I~ on ~ 'omb In Arll"llora In the matter ot the e:.tate 0 lVaflonaJ ' CerneJu1 W cu~ Ambros e D~ker. deceased; JOsIe inllo.... D. .,hkh I. '''' Wills ap~lnted odmlnl stratrix • erl"e 4,"8e re ret,. in 1&0... See The New Estat e ·Gas Rang e On Display In the matter of the es~ te cf ! oretl,l o,.,. an Amerfema .old. Ambrose Decker, decease d; Jill. ;no., : 1ciloUln but 10 CoL" Th4f At Our Store Stlbtle ,Myles Pence and Albert W ,ho.e .oldle r.·ittho dled fn .er• • • • • • • . .,ice Gray appoint ed appralBers. aheb- eopnlr y ,hall ~(uite In And See New Mode rn Ranl e We have been Informe d that tt.£ C •. C. Sponsle r YS. Nj!w York Cell! I:ollllonlly 'remem bered, 'lui Mrs, Carl Smith underw ent nn farm In the matter at the estate '0 which Mrs Maool Hollings. tral Railroa d Compan y ; leave to 1'eI Uni,ed SIaIf3l Army malnlc dlll ' eYli! operatIo n at Dr. Black~u Fred J ,' LeIght, decease d; Fran~ J . rn's of· wortll recently bought has been rue amende d petlUon . I a JH!!'pe.uaJ ""gil over ,he .omb I flo Saturda y and is getting along Leight appoinSed adminis trator. 90Id to a party from Cl'nCinnn~~. Elmer Whitac re vs. Wllllnm Kel \~ . of fM Un1cnoJlJII Soldie r. I fine.. In the !B1"~ ' i ,. t~ of -... . of . the ....,...- "et 'IIi. ; order for sale tn pnl·tltl'lD . ' • • • • • Stephen A. Stilwell , dlC/iI8se d ; n, ~ ~V'l't. ·'L-arg.e.r .I~ecause of ~etler Qualit y, Servic Mrs. Cora A, . Thom,poon. or Cln, Harry HartrelJ er vs. Otto Hnrtt!'l· e, and Price Charles Fisher t ell 15 feet from defenda nts nomed In clvU proceell . ~" .. ;; clnnatl, \ Md H. ter, L. Palme. Incomp r, 'ot Meson. etent; parUlIo n ordered . ing; service by publica tion ordoied his haymow recently 'a nd tnjured . Establ ished 1~9~~ . .- Wayn esville , Phone ·32 were ca.lllng on fr,iellds, Well 1111; /lack. severely. He Is Improvi ng In the matter of the estate or --. - -.... need&y. - --;: MARRI AGE LICENS E -lowly. Marion Tilton, dece.ased, Char' er 1.. \ • • • • • • • • • •• D . Maple appoinU!<i Commls slener. . , Mr. and Mrs. J . R . Hitema n enter_ Ja mes Hock~r , 24. colored. land- In the matter of the estaLe ot 1m Mrs. Jennie Mul\en and grand· talned at dinner Sunday Revand FRIDA Y-SAT URDAY seaper, and JuanIta Settles, 25. M. Byferd; tlrst !Lnd fInal acroun t daugh ter, Nl80ml Jane rolled on Mrs. Mrs. App of Springb oro Rev. App Is -Scrce ncolored , tlouseworlter. both of Leba- filed . , ~l::~: ~::7::' , and ,daUghters, pastor of th: o:e,:on~ ~. B. Churoh non. "SOOIE TY LA WYF.R" In the matter of .he estate 0: Floyd L . PennIngton, ~3 , painter . Frank Gons, deceaSE d; Virginia Bruce Inherita nce There are no soft spots In this h ee. , Mr. and Mrs. Prank Sruns have at F1l'Jrrklln. and Rut.h Price. 18. .ax determi ned. Mrs. Mary Cornell and a. friend ' taken up their residenc e In Waller Pidgeon . the home tic Nationa l League race. At len.o;t, beauty operato r, of Fl'ankli n. -nnd her two dnugh~rs . Eileen and ; formerl y owned by Mr. and In the matter of the estate ot , the CIncinn ati ROOs haven't Mrs. K. bCC'1l Fronk E. DuVall, 22, Mlaml.~burg. John Foley. dlY-oose d; cerUfic RUtJl were callers at the J. S. F1Jer E. Thomps on. both now de. Contlnu oua Snc.wI Oall) ote of I able to find any. And. fO, 011 thl' l eosed. home Sunday afternoo n. McCalls PUblish ing Co .. and Virgin· transfer of real estate ' Adult. Only 150 Till 2 P.: M. ·ordered . have to look forward to th :s COOli n' III OCtts, 18, of Wnyncsvllle. • • • In the matLer of the estate of week I.~ another bit of feverl,h After a residence m this communacth'The Walter Thomos cs of West W(.~o w Armstro ng.. decease d ; sa·e tty against the toughes t 01 theIr Ity for severol years, Mr. and Mrs. foc,q Car;rollton vlsltCd With Mr. and Mrs. or real estate approve d and contino .. PROBA TE COURT ed. , Lawren ce Tho1l18.\i and farnlly Sun- Walter Thom)l6on and famUy have ! They were to close their three located In Crosswlck. da.y Dlternoon. game series with the Brookll n In matter ot the estntc 'ot • • • Dodgers at Oro.,ley Field Tuesda .v. • • • • Mnry Frances Jones. decensed ; w,1l REAL ESTAT E TRANS FERS ' i engage the New York. Glant.~ Mr. o.nd Mrs. Kennet h Strl\t.~ n, The Rev. Smith famlly were sup. In a ot'dered fUea. , \ two IlI3 rne series Wednes day an per and evening guests of Mr. and Naomi and Richard Stratto n and In the matter of the est ate of PaulIne W. Riley to Mary E. I'll. , Thursda y, .t hey move 00 S Mrs. Lester Gerhard and children Mr\';. LIzzie Fel'1'lt. all of MartlllllvlJlf! Catheri t. Loul 'ne M. Hall, decease d; rtrst ley, lot No. 918 In the vILlage were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. On guard ot all t1m C)! ~! lDO . M;onday . a \ for four games In three dayS ther . and f11l1i!1l aoooun t filed. "soldier . The t:enlry dctailin oludea nnd Mrs. Almon Ferris. Frankli n. ' • • • • • , the doubleh eadel' being sch~<lule I In . the matter o[ Ule ' estAlte ot RoxIe S. Jones to Lloyd - lhree ilhlfls of rnm mf'D Mob. Eaoh Mr Frank DuVall and Miss Vlr- I . li:. Jones for Sunday . . • • • shill Is on duly I hours . theD It 011 ':"gIn1 .G tts • • and Georglo na B. lted I I Mrs. Mabel Terry, of Columbus, Fronk Morris, dt;eeased; settlem cnt. Nos. 118, 117 and> Jones, part of lot duty 24. 1'111 scntry mB rahell SO 118. . I} e wore un Monda.y .they wllJ be back In their I'! DWT age was CR!led home Wednesday on DC- of death claim ordered . pace; a m i "u t~, keeps the lItlst ror 1 by Rev. (Jarl Smith at the Raymon d C. Pollen to Raymon d : Gwn orcluird agalnRt the home of count of the death of her father, anrt penna .. " two hours. thr D Is rellc\'cll for r OUf. t he bride on Route 48 In the matter at th.e estate of Bl.8hop and Bertha BIshop, Saturda y remaine d here unUI Sunday. Mr. lot NO. j deefendi ng Chicago Cub:;. then Wl tl ... Rosw Follen, decease d; hearing on 295 In .the village of Lebano n. Q mornin g, May 20. ngage these qubs In mornin .. and Mrs. OrlanCo Branna n, of XenIa schedul e of debts set for May 23, Zetta W\ll4tee to Mlnnle Wegma nn. and afterno on games on • Tuesda y. were guests In the. Terry bome over 11139, at 10 o'clock A. M:. land one-hal f acres In Ham11ton ' Memorial Day. The mornin Mrs. Jennie- Mullen (Jnd Mrs. T. M. the weeek.-end. g gam!! . In. the matter of the estate '~of township. Burt(ln ond daull'h J;er. Naomi vlsllled . w1ll start ot 10 o'clock and the aJter_ • • • • • ClUford D. Erd, decease d; will qrwith Mm. Fred Hubble and her Clara Murphy to Grace Roz7.eIl 'j noon game wLII get under way o,t 3. Several from this commun Jf:y, a.t. dered recorde daugllte r Mrs. Wm Drake from Indl_ d; date tor Invento ry ail of lot No. 511Wd part of lot No. . The Olants gave t he RedB tended a prett.' the tuneral , serviceS a.t the set at May 23, 1939, at 10 o'clock A·M 50 and 52 annpolls, Indiana . In the village of Maine. tough dooe In New York a short McClur e " uneNll bome for Kenton In the matter of the guardia nship vllle. • • • • • 1time ngo, whipPin g , them In two E. Thompe on, Be.turda afteJ1)oon. ot George Leposohok, ineomp Rev: and Mr.s. W. C. Smith and He bad been a here etent; 0, M. Jennett n cadwal lader to straigh t games. It during l<; natuml tor the allowan ce lncreilsed. ~IY spent Pr1day afterno on nnd his entire lIf.e of almost eighty .Raybur n W. Cad"lal llader, 123 acres Reds to look for revcnge. years pru-t lcularly In' the matter of the esl4\te o( In Harlan toWI18h1p. evening with the- Homer Powells' at I Interm ent 'Was made In Mlam1 Iwith each B!.1 rne menning 118 mu~h cemePeebles and nttende d graduat ion ex- tcry. W. Wi, Wlkoll, deceasedl; will f1IlmitHenry O3l1'loy to Vernon and Mere. QS It does In th1!> het ruce· Seoond erclscs there III .the evening. ted to Probate and reootrd. dlth Mtchea l' 5 21 acres In Hamil· game of the Olants scrlf:5 'fhms In the matter of the estate of ~n townshl~ • I ~ay, will be ladies' doy. ' NOTIC E TO CONTR .,CTOR S Mr. EVerett Davis and Miss Geor. Catberi ne DoHboa., decease d; date . CUrt ti.nd Lydia Angel to M . Following the M~ mpria! Day STATE OF OHIO gene McKeev er at WaYDesvUle sailed tor Invento ry set for Min\ty 24. 1939 at WhItt; 441f.! .acres, in W88bln aWu games aga<l1.!>t the Oub.-, the Rcds DEPA~riIENT ,OF HIGHW AYS 011 :Oil the sea of ' matrimo ny. from 10 o'clock A. M. . l' townshIP. ' w' 1 !l ta~e to the rol''C! lIntll June 14. Colum b., Ohio, May 20. 1939 'the Fer~ ptlflSlOrlllge Wednes day evlt In the matter ot the estate of John Zecher to.Alme da Zecher, lot when they wlU "~Wllt rm' n long ~Ierk of Sales I.eral Copy No. 39-" Mary E, Riley, rung, May 17. decease d, service by , No. 700 In the v11lage of Fz:anklln. hc.m~ stay. On June 15 they will nlay - _In .'l4'-I!RICB-CON'l'RA ' • • • • publica tion ordered . John Folk and Ab"I1e3 Folk tq MUo thi!lr first nlgllt cnme CIt the Mrs. Jennie Mullen, Mrs. Tom U·.U.,,:.n Fetlual In the matber of the estate ' o( M. Beal, Y.. aere In W~e townshi ft WIllie walUDI &0 ro on dutS'. &ilia Burton. Mrs. J. S. F1Jer, Mrs. Hepry r~eral AJd .....Jed No. 518·A (2) p against the PllllndeJI ilia I ·hll J : s . Aid Project No. 518-C (1) Marton TUton, (leceased: report ot l5 private answen the queaUoDl 01 Pcnntngton~ Mrs. Jacob O. Kendle and ~a Kell'l'lcket.s for a -I futuro R.'Xdeg A. e. COrnell and two ",blsee ra. de and the U olhert commJss1oner approve d. dIe to J. Leonard B1'08fW.ODe , 1.5S' games may be l'esel ved by • Bea.led wr: ti n ~ proposo ls wUl of his detail will serve for 15 daS'.. Rev. W. C. Smltk be received il L' attende d hacIn.the matter. of the estate of acres In Clearcree)t townshi p. th ;} Henry St\llJUS Co .. SI);Lh and calaurc ate. servlCCS' at centervlUe~ the office of the State Hlghwo, thell be replace d b:Y 'new senlrles . . y DL Rosa. Follen, deceased; Inherita nce , Olay Hedger to May L Oravttt , Wu nut bLl'eets, Cillclml atL Su.nday evening , In cases rect.or of Ohio, a.t Colum~us, Ohio, tax · d~termined. tOt No. '238 In the vruage ~ Masoq. w,her& reserva tions are accomp • • • . ' . anied 'untU ten o'clock A. M., fl3Stern StanIn the matter of the' estate of lot No. 28 In the v!.Ua«e of Mason. by ehecks or money orders, tickets Mr. aDd Mrs. p. R , .WiCOI and dard TIme, Baturila y, June 10, 1939, Will be sent you by return Il)1lII. daughte r, Elsie Mac and the James 'tor- Jmprov ements in: .. -.Wlcal famlly were 8-ueBUI at the AL WlUTen Oounty., Ohio ' on SectIon -~ -. The Importa nce of marketi ng dairy • A. ~ .... of 8eotlon D &:rtd >Oft.... of len .Lucas home Sunday at ~ bIrthda' Froilkll n of )'~he CI::u:n a.u. , P J:Qducts Is given rerognl tlon as an dlnner given in honor of James Plays 3 Days affair ot state by II. tlalry luncheo n W1cal 3Il.d Mrs. Lucas. Dnyton Road, State Highwa y, No. ~J on Ma,y 23 In • • • • • COlumbus to be attend. u. s. Route No. 26, In the V'Ll184re of At the high point of fa rm real es~ ed by Govern or John W, Brlcker C1nd The P. J . Thamns es' were invited FI'II!lkIIn and Frankll n • Town;;h .p, tn.te vnlues in Ohio In 1920, an aver_ represe n.totlves of all Industri es and to the Jamf)5 Wlcals' Wednes day eve- by grI¥lJng, .bUUdlqg .d~ strue- , -age acre 'ot land WJJII wort,h ,U3.lIi. organIZ J I ations nlng to enjoy Ice c~ and,r- eate tures pnd paYing with . ' . , CLAaJUIC& L"IU,lOWN Interest ed In dair~lng. relntorc ed 'I1he value declined each rtlceesslve _ow. ....... which W88 made In bonbr ot Mr. Portlan d cement con:ret e aDd road. Mrs. Virgil Shilling , Oortlan d, n ..--1Jv~a!!lu~esllir!!eachUJl!edllLtWhe[)J.ljb'-oL!1~t.o~m.... Wlc~" thirty· fifth birthday . - - - sI~ impl'(M!lllerl. ----lUOfld..'5b2tJ1.9~2-":"'f.7;:-"'-"" - -'~ was one of the s~kers at Ruml • • • • • Width: Paveme nt 22 f~t an~ 4Q A careful study of the agreem ent months hal 1IaUed In materla l1ze, Woman 's Day at the New York nn acre In 1933. Althoug h Ohio :" The , Ladies Aid of ' the Sugar feet; Roe.d~ 38 teet and 40 teet. recently re8.cbed between the ' mine I!D~ ' contend that only by the World's fann Income Increasl"d from : . F\1tr. creek . chUrch met at the home ot May 23. The day at ~~th ·3,IMt6.43 feet or 0·580 rasle, workers and .the mine opel'8iors ill ,adoptio n of their progralll8 can aD¥ the Fair ls only a prelimi nary event $290,950.000 In 1921 to '384,230.000 In )frS. p '. J, Tbama s' lMt 'YIedJ)e8day Est1~ted ID~ , ...... .. . $86,230. 00 the settlem ent of the na.tlon. wlde u~wlng In ~usIness a.nd industr ial 1926. the IJweralIe vnlue oC tarm land afternoo n. Mfa- the "USlneM - ~lon I contrae t to be complete c;l not later atr1Jce In tbe bltum1nous~ coal Indus- .activitY be.expe cted during the com- for 16 Ohio women who will proceed d cUlled over $20 an aore In 't bose from there to the confere nce ot the the ~f~ w~ ~p&nt In purlng than Novemb er 15; 1939. ' .; try .will ~y convinc e ~ unbl- Ing year-w hich, of course, (s of the AMoclaU!<i 'CountrY Women of the snme Jive year!>. g1\mes.;Ie and cOokies Welle , . The Oblo S~ .~Plo~ ent aaed observe i' that John JL. ~wis .. C. utm08t knporUa nce ,I n tbe New Deal· World In Londml . "rvCd . , England . . 'vtce, W. A, Bet.9cher, Alltlna~· I. 0, bead, won a gre&t vlotory . for ers It they are to a chance ot Nobody likes I3llybod y · wh/) bas ' • • It • • • er, 1335-37 CentNl A~ue, l,t:iddhL his ~vorlte lBboi-. organia tlon, the wtnning in' ~e lIMO election. oaiiD. nchleve weatber , d complete econom l(l Inde· Ml'. n.nd Mis. bluJa Frelan had a town. Ohio. wID furnlsb. "tbe .8tlc~ United III1ne Worker s. Inciden tally the aeD&r:Y boa. ~lead 01 marciaUSE THE MIAM~ GAZETTI! depepde nce, WeIner 1'0000t at ~ell bome ft1d~y (1ll bidder an emPloy ment list fr'qm Ill' ,bacl( 'p d ,Iortb before Ule tomb. it is .w~ tabout tba,t Prea1dent The present interna tional situatio n eVenlng at v.mich the folloWing were .whlch ':all quaUfle4 ~~ r Alan oUler times -replat iou"pro~ Roosev elt' be1J;ed LewIS materia lly baa probabl y proven more -~ . dlspleas.. vide niat HAirla .balI atlUld pareI' present . Mr, and lofts: EVereU BIadt_I 681s IoOaJ)y IP.vUlab le, shall. ~ selectby. ~ his 'M}1te' House conter· lng to the Oadet.a at the o.tald.e. . U. S. NaVal • ford and fMilly, Mr .and Mrs. stian- cd tor; this project. .' ence ~tween .represe nta:U\U 01 the Academy at Annap0\L6 a.nd the CoaBt ley F!ielan ~d , sop,', Ml!IS' Lucy Fre_ . The attentio n. of bld~ IB, dlteet.. ~ and of tlle Jlbft'Jng IJ\lners Guard a.t Bridgep ort !ban to mos~' Inn /lind Wm. aild the cd to the special provt$Ions (overin g ¥ tlle. ~ologl,caI ~ome~t. other Americana. For It was ~! host 'a nd hostesS. ~blett;1ng or IiIBgnln g the c:ontnu lt, of . tbe prCSient ''War scare" that tll.e • • • _. • the use ot· domesti c materia la. selecNavy . ~part.m.ent called all traUling The T. R Fordycc s' P . . J . . tlo.n of labor, hours of eDlPloyment cruIaes that would fraken the Thomas es ;'pd Ver1l!>n' ForDyce went condltlo na ofempJ oymep. t. - . ydqug mid8h1pmen on a tour of ~~ on a fL~hlng trip Sunday ' up the . The mJ~um wage to; be 1)044 to efrius' EuI'C)P,e8D por,tB. As .. ft!8Ult of river owve BeHbrook and ' bad • a.ll labor em~~ed' ~n this ClOll~t the last minute change, In pluls t~ wOnderful but home with 8haU be 1n ~ With ~he -.:ia0r8 on the One band a.nCI J1Ill.L. future Naval oJtlceN wID take their one case of 6unbUr'n '~d ~u~ "~edUle of Pi'eVad.l1hg KourIy· lV~ ~ ~'the Qther. aeC~.ry Morgen.. qta~ cf111s4!a til Americ U waters 110 fish I . '. SWIM MtNG 25c- - - -. ~iI:A!IS ~ and Deterrii.1ned 'and cUtain pemocrat.1c Sen· and will mliIs ,the tmJe-~onored an· by The ~ent of 'm dustrla l ~ ator~ aDd ~tat ~~-S-I-N-G""'L";" 'E~iEAsON TICKET~5.00"-' lveS ~ n~f ,taA~ ..,. tile' Europe an .capltAlle..I lat1qns 18PJ)1loQble to ·Sf.a;te Jtt&hJ"lY i ... !letm. .~ ~ ~~ ' 14t*ally bundre ds of hJgh . ICbOQl FAMI I:.y ·StAS ON TICK ET FOR 2-$7. 00 DeJ)!Utment Imp~vem~ta In 8Ct ~ revision mel iedtaWon' ~ ,daa1e6 ~ nuping Utelr · FAM11iY' SEASON TICK ET FOR a-:.$9:00 " ' Wlth.:~t10D8 ~7..3, ' 1'1'.1 ' 'P;Jan ~t WIll iip¢~ ' an4 &Id b~ ~ tor four:Ye Va ~ iood scbo1'1!ta. DIXIE AUCTION CO~ANY .and- 17..5& of ~ 0eDera.l 'EACH )\DQI TION AL MEMB ER--$ l.OO ~_8CIIDe -or (be pres.;: 1Utic·work .by be1nIr Ii.veIl trlJII ., Code-·of Ohio':: I , . ·l "I~MUM ..CLUB MEMBER.S FOUR ' bUrdenS , 1olm; '~ the Oapltal citY By but. and MlAMl SBUJtG , O~O The JJ1dder ~~t, ~ubm1t, ~th ble bcd~ CLUB SEASQN ·TICKET-:-$3.7S . . I~' ~..,. automo bues ~ Y4,;MlDptl~ I '8AL~ BVE"i 'I~~AY bid & certified check In 'an amount ""'-- 1 ., . " 'H ,.,Ildl • -' ni" • ~ are ~: • .,...~.-,- : : - , - - - - : - - - ' - " - - : : - baWl;b een eseec e~ upon . " . ; ilqUILl tl;) flV~ per cen~ ot tbe ~ ~Pt be I.e• .. as aen. :year lIteeII, ~- tid cost. .. mlIde s...dw to iCh ~QI' ... . LUncb ; PaIIIi eon, ~ Ice weeia, Cream , Cand y"nd The but in DO event more:tIiaD ........ ..-~...-Itl ...!.._ ..~1',!,_ " .._ _.' .. . ~ ', , ....... ~ to be . ' j .,_ I , - - - - ........ .wapIoUR' or- to a ...ten t;houan d doJJan. Ice Cold ant Drinlu . . . ' 4¥lC1.....' . , . . ollt! IIlvited. 1811r · ...... ... appre. • , .. IMI'~ i ~ ~I . PIima ~'-' " AluiD al M....ben and 6ther t are In.ite d ,"! "beu ~" ~ IJ'tie trips ~ com~riIy clal&ec1. .. III to lnap~t 011., Pool and Groun da ' ~raDd . . . to I WI ..-cl .t!Je beQeflt6-cleriftft
Over Shrine
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In Town Or 'Co un try Own Or Ren t The Equ ipme nt
.Fairley Har dwa re Stu re
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Of Reds
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·W ar ne P~rk Opens
Sundayr Ma y 28 ~ .
Sout~e,n Ohi o,s Mod ern PooJ·.
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Boston, Norfolk ll11d Bel- I humor, thnt women, especially , njoy · ' LATE NON-FICTION " Abel- Why Hitlel; Came .Power." A study of t he events humtlil moti leadln~ JlP ,t o
!nuda, d uring thnt period j ust prior t.o and durl11g th e early slJages Of [he Rev(llutlon (1'174-17'15 . Mr. M1\SOn docs this ...qui te dl'lUnatlcally All d ' au tI:lor 1'. \ ve Iy. Ha u k. Juliet, Inc," A good ligh t storv,.
will ,
• --,-"B ss Allen 01 dol uhlblls was a reIntb Rufus Kersey was a Sunday din_ and cont guest or Mr. Md Mrs. William ner ·guest lIIt ·the Rome. th HOll in gshead, ' • • • • • '
HlottJe~ tYPI~ Gem~nlrl
• • .. • • to Dr. and 'Mrs. J. W . Ward werc In ' c1 tlzell6' r s Muse. ".ll, nU . l . Mrs. Dn.Isy Cultlce returned Ramn(!-"Willc of Good Hopc"d at tak ld A d his f Ea ton nfter ~\ few weeks visit wIth Xenia Tuesda.y 00 visit Dr. Bell 'file rool proW. 'Onist of thl!' )10vel Grlnstead-"K1ng of the Range- or oes n. e s es. n e McClelILllll, who Is ill. for t docs much 00 clarIfy t he ele- MI'. l\I1d Mrs. To'ner Underwood. · . f o.dvon\'u.r ds IJ beautiful South land." An e xciting westel'l1 wlWl. all mentals of a movemen t on who.!'.e • • . ,' • • • • • • origins IU d course t1lere Is still con. ,: R al ph and Wm. Al lO~~ldel' spen t ML.~ Osee Anson of L05 Ang les . Afrlo,1II'\ sr.n.t~Ll\urguedQC-()\vl1ed unexpecLCd cliDl!lJx . Goudge - "Middle Wind ow." A fusion . . t he week.en d on n flsh lng trip to visited ~h.e. Home Tuesday aCterb 0. Dutdh. [run\ly. Tony Lemaire a Van P nssen _ " 0 a y s of Our the Reservoir. ' .noon. m ClnbCr ot this ' tam~', becomes ,1 story with a 6coLtlsh locale. I t is a \l'&lldcrc.J' bu fi ghting, revolution In romance of three people whose 'llves Years ." Th e !autobiogra phY 0 f • • • • • • • • • • B l'flzll', Intrigue In Minlnya, a nd n Ill' Inseparably linked togetllel'. Pie rre Van Panssen . \\fho. th ou gh Mr, IIlld Mrl>. Tbn~' WU\Cerson and Miss Mnrle Owens cn te rt.alned lImnx o n tile coa..'lt Of Main e · l'C· Time : today a n d the 1845's. ThIs horn , In a. village In Holla nd and <: hlldren of Dayton. visi t.ed Mr, a nd Miss DOl'Ot hy Dn.Y a nd II r r.olls ln Innkc him A t.nle of charm n,nd book a nd "Count Bel! rious" were educated for t he church . has bee n MfR. Web Wllker!iOn pn Sunday . Miss Osborn a~ dinncr Suo\lny. • • • • • • • • • • vleor . presen ted to US by Miss Frances presept at most of t h e exciting ev nts of thls era , and is now Eu_ Dorot hy Welle r ' of Cincinna ti .M rs. Adia, Talmadge and Ml! J c!>Rober1s-"They Wi:1.nt<>d to Live." Alden. Renden; of " V -w rla 4 :30" will r ecall GTaves-"Coun t BeUsarius," wLi ropee.n correspondent for Ameri oo.JI passed the week-end wit h her par_ sle Gamer of Beech Grove were LATONIA CLUB t.h:lL the onl y 'h arn.cter who did not. l.ntl:oduce Its r ellders to an unea.. an d Oanadlan papers, Good non- ents Mr. I!1J1d Mr!;, p . A. Weller . guestls of Mrs. C. H. Death ernge. rn bnrk on that ~Ip ac Europe ullliar a nd astonishing \\'orld, th e flctlon. . • • • • • Sa turday afternoon. \vas the port ~r nt Victoria Station. cen tr e of which Is med ieval Con- \ Fearn- "My Days of S~engLh . " Mr. and Mrs. Wm . H; lI :lI1cl (111(\ • • • • • Youn g Brown now tak s his Wife" on stnntlnople. t he most powe.tful cll. T. ~::':"'l".c+Jc. ~~Ullt ,of a woman Mr and Mrs Volch a Holland vis ited Miss Vera Hllde brant of Dny ton , Il honeymoon t.rlp and In Vlermll In existen ce in the ~ .,~ ",;;;r,• ..m:( doctor's f brty. fi ve years spent in friends In l.umbe.rton on S unday Mrs. Louella Brown and d/.1.ughler . • • • • • Julia of Centerville. called all. Misses WITH . . . 24 OZ. PLUS e ncounters t he N a z I !Jwru;ion , to Count .~t;;lW"' I U . -Ii' strong, cour~ fi ghtin g Chinese lIup l'rstltion la m l COUPON . . . . . BOTS. Y Z~~: Well-wri tten . nnd, absorbing, . ,. ' ~..:: ·.: ·t!- ClwaII'Y comma nder and IlL Ignorance. Yenrs endangered by Chm'les Underw'OOC! of near Wi!liY_ Annie and Mame Browne, Sunday . .• - .:'~11 - ' ''T h l'c 'c rtaro6iirs ''' l devout Christian . , the Boxer Rebellion , Revolution of lIPsvlll . cnlled on Mr. a nd Mrs, G. • • • • • Though n ot, n sea story, t his ,book F1root-"Yoke of Stal's ." A story 1911 , and t he cons tant encrooch- V. SimI>. Monday eveni ng. MIS6 Freda Harvey a t tended com· . . '~ th e Proble ms ·- -din .. ment of til e J a pan ese. • • • • • men cement a t the Wa yne Townshi p d ep I c.., a f mar i'i " me IVI' Itte . n \,It ' I1 u n dier"'......... 1 g anu McHenry- "Induslr iai Va ,ley " is Mr , and, Mrs. D. L , Pa ullin of School In Clinton Coun ty. Tuesda y :On the PURCHASE of ,any KROGER'S LATONIA CLUB· the story of 8 place and people of J am es town s pen t T uesday with Mr, ni ght. Her brother Herbert Bal'_ modem times . T he place Is Akron . a nd Mrs. FraJlk K yne Rnd f')rn lly , vey Is A member of t he gmd ua ting • • • . ,• class. . • • • • Oblo, grea test rubber producing • :Name ___________________________________________ center In America . Rn d t he peilple. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Freeman o nd Misses AlUlle and Mamie Bl owne, 300,000 of th em , ha ve their lI vini . daugh ter of Dayton , v L~i l erl t'1e : Addre.. _ _ _ _____________________________ eit her d l rec~ly or Indil' ctly from fo rm!"r 's 1)R.l 'en16 Mr. l811d Mrs, Seth and Ada.l1ne i!llI1d Frances Alden , these glgontic fac tories. It Is ' lolrl Freema n, Mandny evening. entertained Mrs. Hen r y. Mrs . : 11t.. Offe r Expire. Monday Ni g ht, May 29, 1939 • • • • • lesosn times on Wednesday, June 1 with renHsm . speed an d satire a nd Is lhe story of an epic human strUg· , Mrs. Ern es t Reeves has rctllrnect Columbus, at dinner Bunday. giC. home from Miami V... Jlf' v h"r pit ' 1 In Conover - "Builders in N e w Dayton where she recently ULlder•••••• • •_ FlelcL~. " Us ing t h e biograph.ical went on operation for golrer, method, she has selected t wo per• • • • • sonaJl IJes ou t of a s lng le fami ly . Mrs. Loren Kru g a nd son are Robert Pat terson first .and John H . spending a few da.ys wit.h r elatives, _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ __ _ Mr. and Mrs. George Mengie, Mrs. Pattoro...Dll, of Dnl( ton. One worked prior to leaving for her n ew home Bessie Tnliner IU1tl son J ack, Mr. in the Cleld of primitive piomer in Michigan. Pk r • ASSORTED Gerald Mengle, and Miss Martha days 'and the other in the world of • • • • • modern industr ialism, but both Mrs, Allce Sims. Mrs. Fh n " r1.: . Haney, ot Morrow. were Sunday No: 2 OR PEAS grandfa ther 6lld grandson were re- .Ies, Mrs. Ka te Eagle, Mrs. Helen d1nner guests' of Mr. "1lI1d Mrs, J. R. You can be sure of that, because , Packe r '. l ab e l Mangle. formers. pioneers, and bulldecs, Hood and Mrs. Ruth Stingley aMend.. RED BRAND fence has been thor• • • • • . cd O. E. S, in Harveysburg FrIday oughly tested by many years of . Mr. and Mrs. Eldon HutJ :hinSOn, weather and strain anp fence line FUTUURE FARMERS nigh t, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Derick. • • • • • punishment on fanns all over the GOING TO OSU country. It has made good for thouA delegation of Warren county Mr. Wm, Weckesser , Mrs. MartlUl son at Ham1Jtotn were Sunday vis · sands of fanners and It will for you, boys will tnaNel to O!U'> State urn· , K,vne and ohUdre,n, Mr. and Mrs, ioors at the horne of Mr. nnd Mrs. -too. You know what you're getting verslty in Columbus June a 8l1d 3, Fred Weckesser of Da,y ton were Fronk Hess. when you buy • • • • • EM B A S Y fOIl' the eleVenth annual convention Sunda y callers of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Keller Hoa.k - (tnd of Ohio l"Uture Farmers of Amer_ Frank Kyne. ram II y attended the Franklin ioa and ,t he nineteenth annual judg_ • • .' • • lng contest In vocational agr1cul. Mr, and Mrs. ,J oe Kirtland and Farmer's Olub meeting nt the home daughter of Clevl~land spent Wed. of MJ&o; Peaorl Riley and Mrs , G RAPEFRUIT ture· No Z Miller. near Ridgeville, BORDO BRAND It has an extra thick "Galvannealed" coating of zinc, and nesct~ lY and Thursday with Mr. and Blanche The program Is being i!lrranged CA N WHIt !': r HEY LI\ST the wire is real rust·resisting copper·bearing steel. Time under the jOin sponsorship of the Mrs . John O'Donnell at the home Thursday: The Hoak orchestra furn.. has proved there's extra years of service in those RED ished the ,m usic for the program, \ state department educaUon and 01 Mr. and M:rs.Frank Kyne. BRAND quaHties,and extra years mean extra value for • • the university's college of agricul· your money. Come in and we'll show you this good fence. Francis Ryan of Lebanon was the ture, We have just the weight, height and spacing you want, dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lee PrifAl6 are offered to the winning anel it~!! priced right, Stop in-or tall us up. Hawke and famUy , Sunday , In the, individuals and schools. Boys atoonding will have ,t he!r Harvey Burnett was In WnstUng_ I8lternoon _. and Mrs. Hawke. choice of clll11plng fl.1.cIl!t le/l 0'1 t"e ton, D. C. on bUlliiness four dQys Miss Dorts Hawke and Mr. Ryan visited fllemls til WSlmmgwn. university farm , spe 'lfll m t I i n l·o. last week. • • • ~~2:~~:s tels and " bunking" space in the Mr. and Mrs. A, S. Cornell wei e ju,prlor faJr building on the , s ta.te dinner guests Satttrday at the hOme - A..1arge-represen.ta.t1OB of- ~es.. ",.::~t5ALITV 2 wile people were present a t the fairgrounds , of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick. EJastem Star Inspection, at HuMrs. Mnrg,a.ret ;Johns spent Wed- veyaburg, FrIday ni( h t Mr. and n esday wit h Mrs. Earl Thomas on V/!N~ SoclaJ. Mrs. . L C. St. John , Mr ,~ Harold NEW, Alabama Triumphs Row. Connard, Mrs. Vem Ar m! ,~, nnd Horace and Ernest Foulks were Mrs. A. E. St.out were amI g the Sunday cilrmer guests of Mr, and SMOK£D many who attended tram hl!r e COUNTRY C lue Mrs. John Flte, n.~, Blue Ash. • • • • • TENDERED t MI'. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and WHOLE oR HALF Mr. and Mrs. KarJ Mltrlv,lI Sr., flll11lly visited rela,tlves in Ttpp Ci ty and ctwghter, Virginia. Mr. and Sundar. Mrs. Kanl Mitchell, Jr. , MI'. 8Ild I Mr s. l\!IJ.rgaret Joims and Paul Mrs. Jqmes . SOCItt of povln gton, tend~'r, J ohns were Saturday guests of Mrs. Ky" and Mr. and Mrs. Robe ' t BakMartha Hough at Wayn'esvrue. er, sr., were week-end guests at Mr. FOR SALE--ShOO,t,s. Bina Pat. Mrs. Vernon Fordyce and daugh· and Mrs. Robel't. Baker, Jr. t erson 4 miles west of Harveys tel' Shirley spent . last week . with burg ~n Harveysburg_Lebanon road, h er brother Arthur CaJn and fam,. Mr. Mrs. D. R. SmJth were M 11 tf Ily . u.t LeblUlon, ' Dayton v1i;tors, FrIday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs, EJ. IJ· Longacre spent Sunday af,ternoon with theIr COUSins to W ANTE Ho ur~ e of 5 or (I ro':ms the members of the A'l'g,unot in or Ileal ' ,W<yn, svUle. I nqu .l'') :,t Mr. and Mrs. ClekrUmt Wolford and bridge 'club, Tuesday at. ': ,I(,on at GazetLe. office. lllmily at Greenvtlle. the Little Inn. Mr~. J. B. Chap. MI' . and Mrs , Walrer Kenrick and man receiVed high hOnOl'R ~ IV Mrs, James Haines yiisited Mrs. Eva D. C. Ridge next high. M .er a FOR SA LE-Sows a nd pigs, Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph plea6allt afternoon of C::!' IC~~ , del1. ll. Hockett, Way nesville. tira. sl and fllln!ly in Piqua, SundaY. lllOUB refreshment.!; were sOI-ved to .rhllt college football rt:> N of y ~t ': r~' ea r call 3Pi'.Y initi:' :1Ie MI'. and Mrs. Calvin Longacre 4te members nnd one b'll - t, Mrs, FOR S ALE-8·room house ill good and e :: (.':,~es to business just as vigorously as they made gridiron t:: n d chJldren wen!"enterta1ned to din Bert Hartsock.. \~1teT bistorY ,I. s '1own above. Sam J. Gilliland. (right) former n Su d ttl h f .. ,- and condition, electrlo ligh ts . " sity of Cmelnnati backfb ld star Is sbnwn r eceiving current posses- (.1' n ay a 1e orne 0 .-.. Make your lawn ,beautiful by hay· a gurage, Good locri1.1.on for lunch sion of the I\lasbburn tl'c.pby tor Ule best mon~lly prodUction aDd Mrs, Raymond Da,vls In Cincinnati. " Tile L The" '~""' - "lies Aid ... n~d room. A bargain, Sec P. A . R un· l, sales elJ(I , "~ am ODg personDeI 0 f tb e C oca- C 0 Ja Bottling Works , "h • ' eir Ing your mower ground .by th e same . Mt H 11 Ohio ' M,25 pd I Company, 'CIncinnati ",bere he e cMtllcyed as a Cincinnati 8uhu::- flUnilies will be el!ltel'tained at the machinery as I,ISed II)- "the fac tory. yan, . 0 y. . , bao,,!,les reprcsc:Jtative. , N\lal J; Brady, :;"ort Mitchell, Ky,! per- J H . M. Sh~rwood, Wayne$vllle. . .... T· . IfOLWY M. E. CIJURCII sonn!! mauager for tbe company ar.:l a former major I~ague pitcher line meeting at Lytle Hall nelft !.. ~ Mls.<; Osee Anson of L05 An ge l e~ . , FOR RENT-Modem apartmen t who turned to personnel. wor •• aUer years in baseball is sh.lwn Wedn esday eveillng, the 7th, 'with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hart o~k, Mr. T. M. · Scarff, l\llnistcr . CnlU'., hns been !JIG 110llSC .gucst of . in Hotel pr6perty on Main street. \ (left) makin~ the WilHam O. WolSbturn, Jr., presi- Ml.~. Adda. Brunett hostess, assIBted and Mrs, WllJ Luken,s" Mr, and Mrs. Sunday school, 9 :30 fI, m. Mts. i'.<l\lrn. ShldakCJ' th e past, week, -"- ble JU .. 1. "'-- H H WI}· l1~nt °tf.,~he comiP8 n y Is tbe tropby donor. The tropby will he in by Ml·S. Ina Lonaacre, Mrs, Eva J. R, Mengle, and ron GeOrge, Mr. Evel" - '" sel I,. 7'.30. Av~ . ..... =<;. ' r" m"E; I Ion dar Dg 1939 and permaDent possession will !",me to .... D UII " ·v>.c, llrunson. M . 25.pc:1 l" ' r ( n r'~ lIest "salesma"tcr." . Gn Jlam and Mrs. Amy Dalley. and Mrs. Russell Sallsbury, Mr: and Pmyer meeti ng Wed n e:;dn.y. 7 :30 , ~ i Mrs. LestS Gordon : a.nd M IT. and p. m, " Mr . and M rs. W, F . Hockett of I "AI 1. .1- J Mrs. ~t Hartsock ulttended the Dayton , . atllended the bUli'al of FOR SALE-1m 'ge .tra.nsp1antecl ded1ca~on .of the new school gym. A welcdme awa its you at the.~e J OSCp11 G. Heisey In Mia mi ceme. gID'deri plaints, lOc dozen , 3 dozell .., naslum at Morrow, Saturday. services. tery, Sa turday afternoon . Mr. Hels: Miss Pat8y Hadley entel'tlJltned a ey . n. former resid ent of HIIl-vcys25c: annual fl ower s, perennillJs; ,cut group 'or her lJttle friends at supper ST., MARY'. EI'I , OI'AL uur g. died Ma~ a, (I,t l;h home oChis ' fl owers f or Decoratiun at- reasona ble pric . George Petel'SOn , one , Friday eve ntilg. Her guests were CnUR(;1I 1'.0 11 in Cornl G,Jb les, Fla , '*nll,a trom Wllyn csvtne on Bellbrool; ,Mary Ann MeUoh ,'" Judy ,'Conner, Rev. R. r,. II nckw II, Minist er • • • t • p \ke ; . ' . Jennie 'Lee Braddock, PhyaHs MI\J'- WHITSUNDA Y ' Mr. onrl Mrs , 'w. C. 'fi h .n&l· on. tin,' Betty . campbell, Eileen Brown 10 n. m .-Churc.h Sch OOl t tl !· jn( (l M i!; ~' \ " , AI':~ o n S lJ n dny F lllnces Whitali:er, 'and Eu1l.'1i Hoak' 11 8.. 1l1,":"Mor ni n ' P mycr a nd cVl'nln f\' nd M oncl:l..Y. Mr~. , FOR S ALE-Sweet potato plant.~. 1 Five of 'the little gIrls, ;}~:m'-e Lee: FC1'1I101l . J-Talt r1 11:n M/'Il. :'n ni ne pf 36 ccnl;;; per hundrcd or 3 hundre fOT $1 .00 'all kinds of 'J'l'den plant ' Bebty, Eileen. Frances and F. ulah TUESDAY , ~ IIlw J\ ' llet Ml': and ~.1:I,!;, G . I' C 10 Cf'nt.o; P. r doze n or 3 d07..en f O ', 'remained as her ove,r nigh t gu. 6ts. 2 p . m .-NurlleI'Y Church S ch oo!. :OcI'I:l1Y were a lso C'.efll'n; 1\ , I \c 25 er, One a nn oM·half mllc;:! Fred BraddoCk who ha.~· b-en In FRIDAY , , Tlolr 110\' 110m , . S IUII ' O'y n.rlIlMlOO.1, north ,o f Wnyn s vlll on corner cf II,f' ~ ~.' I y Wi yn -010, l!' .j'Y' a nd 'IJYtle ' ros.d . . " ami , ,' ue , hospital. ilfter lIn~c.r~ 7 :30 Jl. m. O1r ls' Friendly Grouj). ~.o ,V{lIl l1g· , I ~ohlg a major opcra~lon r et urned , ME1 ,rOm T n URcn , - -'-'~----S B lpthel1S., R. R. 2,. . ' to his home ,today (ThUrsday), He R\lv. John V. IJIley, rastnr Ml', o-ml· M . KI'~'1 R~I('l1hC!l1 , M,2.5,J ,l ,8,15. Is repc)l:.ted ·1o be 1n)proving rallld_1 . Sundny , Mi\y "28, 1939 I 17l~In.Jtt'. Ml'. "o,wl· M fs. Jrll lilm wn, --.....,.-'""'•....,.--~~" - - - I' I !y, " 9 :30-Suudn.y ' Soh onl. A. O. Col- «;If VI'anl.11I '!Y(t" 1111(\ T'.'l 'l. n r. ' I row 00:'0 ' plo I ' . -._-', let L, Sup.t. '" ,1"1 nk. Dr . an (/ M:I'~. 1\ , "E :S lont. noon . H. L. Ryc. Wa · . r.I::1't~~nl'tI F'rn& Palot 10 ,40-M .mln W()J ilii p M.r!'". C MI' , ,'\'\ 1\-' 1" J' .. I n <lJ l1.ln:y. r 1'. Ohio, M ,25,J,I" ~I ' r.:~.nJ. 11 :17<1 ·1937) ~aa twenl7~ U 1 the sulJJ L 'Let' Go and Mrs. L. }\ . (j1lJj' ,t : .",11 l')1r t. d '\\'n \' (' ~~ ... 'II ,I\'hnn he got hli ftrlt c , s , " . I~' I ' fnr • prActiCAl II)'stem of Church, " Mrs. M . A. Ji'I,lk In., cn.:ny!" I I ,\\ lr... I ... ~~ t('I!"'Yrarl,y 'ln Enlflnnd, O' OO- E pworth League. outl~ Ilnd pirl11c Ilt-Shn~ 11 ' ' Is. ",,.r ... .... ·11 "-"'WIll I')', til II1!19 he WEDNESDAY _ W dn ~!aY I\J.tol·nllQn O'1d (lven n g. prr':. ... " £::11":'''.:0 by . IPAII.dng 'he , 2:CIO-W. p, M. 8 , wlll meet w.1 t h ,-~ '. .. . ' . • atwe your mower around I)y ma_ to elllAbll.h rrat;ICo·Rrililh M:a PImlIk.. LcM.a.7, Ivlr., HI. '7:00:-BqJ SaQuta, B . It P,I TIO N
·:•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . THIS COUPON WORTH IOc:
: BEVERAGES 12 ~40~S. 65c g~~~ • .-
GRAPE JUICE .~~~ ~I~!R Qt,23c: PORK &BEANS (O~l~T:~ 4~~~.25c TWINKLE • 3 IOe S NACH 5c • DRESSING ~~~A~~ • QT·25c FRIE D'S BEA S 22~an:z. 25c MARSH ALLOWS 9c JUICE 5t·
Local Happenings
• •
Waynesville Farmers' .Exchange
Oranges, Florida, juicy 10 lb. 3Sc YELLOW ONIONS, Texas 3 Ibs. 10c GRAPEFRUIT ' 3for ,IOc TOMATOES, '0.(29
• •
10 Ibs. 19c
CALLIES, Tendered-£moked lb. 20c.
· . . ..
juicy Ib.20c Loaf 2Lb. 41c
I CIl·u" rches I
. ...
' ·1·ltv l,."oaeI J',eriJ All_Roun'd vtr
.I ,.
K ennel'l.h. H 9 ugh E ~'FI----f-President Of Alu'm ni Association ' For 1940
.. I-FI!..
K enneth M. Hough WM Icc led president of the Wnyn6Svillo high Gcllool alurp.n assoc~l\LIOn ilL the 50th annual r eunion held Saturday. Moro than 200 membcrR Mt nded. Other officers n am ed WCI' Oharles • . E . Mlch en el', vi e I n J61d nl ; Inl'?; J illmes. sccretru'Y: IUld Helen M . Hawke. tr surer . Mr. Hough succe ds M Mnl'~I1 I'CI, Edwurds. who becnuse of illl1cs.~ could not ttend Li?e reunion H I' l)l ~c was ably ruled by Ross H. Hn.rl.,)(lCk who prcsl.ded. F,oLlowlllS t he CUI>t.O I11 of til\, kist two years. the reunloll Bot tinder way n~ 3:30 In ,th e aftcmoon' at th e gmde school building, where memo bel'S met for (l gcnel'ul got -together, llandsh.a.klng M d t' mlnJ.-;clng. ThJs part.of the program was fol. lowed by e. receptlon at 6 :30 o'clock for the members of the class of ' 1939 In !.he IlIg}\ sch ool lbuJldlng. T" an· nual ruumni dlnnm' followed.
II.n \llumni Inoe~lng i~l 3] ycnrs, (Jre_ sieling. J . O. dn ~twrl g ht. In Ills ad. drc~ on 1'50 lIe Al111l11,i Hi tOl y", pnld r,pecJnl lIoflOt' to tl1.l c "~ss of
'89. $jJ~~ la l trlb .lte II ";' pill VI t h e cln.'IS of 101-1 and GI'1H' C r;il ll1l£n o.lvls ~ llok c ',r, " \V ha \V 'Nl),C Then and Wh,,': W" JI,re Nnw ' 'I'll nexl two numbel'!'; of t.h is part of I.he JlI'OtJl' m \\'ere n"dres s r~ ;,y Mlnnl O. 1)0; 18011 on -Tilt} "olemn 80's uno The Gay 91) · ~ .· ane! "Let Youth Hove A \Tab!" hy MJJ'y Lea;' Edwards .. • . u. con ludlng p:lr~ of lJhe pro. b'l'am a relJOI1t of t.he no minating committee was r ead by Gcorge J . Watel'house. foUowed <by tile e lection of oflleers. A fIIJS whic h belonged to theh' .In.te parents was presented to the ~hoo l by Chns. M. 1lI1d J . O . Ca.rtwrlght and accepted by K en· n eth Hough, member of t h e board of education. ~usic for the presidential ball was furnish ed by Bud ,LeMay's orcbestra. Tent.."tLv(' plans for n ext year's r eunion which wJll be h e ld Ma.y 25, 1040, were d,sc~ss ed Su ntkliY aOCer 1100n by mcmbers of the new exccuU ve I\J1d officers a t a meeting at the Llttl Itm.
T HLI IHm .\Y , ,IUNE 1. Jll:!!1
Ann \lIlCCmcmt is beulg made of t.hc npP l'onch1n g IlllUTiuge of M u;lI l oris WhiLe. to H)lrold Hll.!'itsock !SI I·OUel. Miss Wh.\Lc ls t he daughter of Mr. a nd Mrs. George While of Mason . Mr Stroud Is th e son oC Mr, nnd Mrs . W E. Stroud of Wayn es\. lie The weddin~ will be nn even t o~ June 10. 1lIt: Mason M. E. Ohurch .
Tw n w-clgh t oonlors received t lwLI' cllillomns at t it sixty.seventh II.n· nunl commencerllent exercises of WaYnesville h igh schrol h eld in l he s.chooi LU.ldltorlum Frldny ni ght. The school OI,: h tJ'Il , under the direcllpn of R. E . FJ'IIInk provided music for the PI'OC sdonn l which was led by Ma l'. jOl'i e On kJn nnd Robert PI·cs'tOn. The sahll.aWl'Y \\' : 6 given by Mal" g lc Gusbln u.nd lhe vnledlctory by Ellmbctll Ii bllt.. S Irctiol'l.<; were sunj:\ by (I. boys t.riple quartet a nd 1-lY a r:flrls t.rlp! octcLlo EU?p,bcLh !-Toblct was presented with a sch olm'shlp 1.0 Wilmington collclrl' anrl . one to Capital Unlver. ;;jLy, Columbus . by County Sllpel'in· tend n l. C. H. Bohl. T he diplomas were PI'e.<;l).nWd by Superintendent L. A. Garst. Wade E. MJIlcr, principal of Mid· dJotwol1 high schoo\' WIJ5 the speak. er fo r UlC occasion nnd delivered an exoollent address o ill . Iss lie to . ne,<;s M Margaret Ed_ wlll'ds WM unnble to be presen t oilld 'I!:eetl ngt'> to Ule clIL'l.~ from th Ahunnl A.'lSOClatJon wer e cxtended by Char les E. Mi,ch ener.
Number 3981
MI'. and Mrll.
Mrs. Ed K eever of Ha milton were guests of MI'. an d Mrs . W. E: Stroud Sl:\nd ay. • • • • • Mr. :l.nel Mrs. Herman Plunkett and children of TrotWOOd , a nd Mr. and Mrs. RII.',<;cll F m nk nnd son .\ NNO UNCE ENGAGEMENT were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Garst . Sunday. Mr. ml Mrs- James Barlett Ram· • • • • • a r:c' of Woodbridge stroot. South The grl'c:lunlJn g clIL'lS of Wu.y n cs· 1 nellcy ceJller, alU10unce th e Cl18R9C- v1Ue high w hool enjoyed a plc.nic at 111('111 of t1wi r d ) Ighter, Nanci Linda Fort Ancient. Wednesday . IUlmage. Lo P 11 Ell gone Thorpe. • • • • • ~o n of Mrs. Mary B. Thorpe of Am· Mr. and Mrs . Will.Jam Michener hrrAt. No elate has Ileen set for the and famlly of PltLsbu rgh. and Mr . . a nd Mrs. W . E· OOl11ell were Sund'l.y M Lo;s Ramoge i /l. seniOr lilt S6ut'h dinger guests of MI'. o.nd Mrs. Ru~ll H ' (lII:'Y hl r:h 8:-11001. Mr: Thorpe was Jia1J.sbur y and Comily. • • • • • grncllln.ted from Williston ' ncademy'
Mrs. H . E Hathaway was elected pre<;ldent of bhe New century cluL t t h e meetin g held Friday, May 26. at the home of Mrs. R. D. Collett O t her ofTIccrs pl"csented by the nom Inn.tlng committee IlII1d .elerted by th ; club were Mrs. J . p. Fromm, vic ~ presIdent; Mrs. 0. C. Ridge, seere la ry; Mrs. J . H. Sackett. trea.surel. Twenty·ithrce memQers r esponde . LO roll call t he name of II> stat n .lg. A memorial, written In hono of Mrs. Mary Leah Adams by Mr[ . George J. Smith and Mrs. J . P . Fromm. \Vrui read by Mrs. Smith: The memol'lIJl service. was conclude(
willi 0. son g. "Tl!e Lord Is My Shep herd " sung by Mrs . Harold Eearn· Mr. and Mrs . J, K. Preston and h art, £on. J ack visited Ln Springfield and Wl-~shington O . H. Sunday. Mrs. J . p. F romm and Mrs. s. D . • • • • • Henkle were In chM'ge of the pro. Fred Bm.ddock who was reported gnun which follows: to have been home f.rom the hospital Vocal solo, "Follow the Gleam"-;last week, was not able to make t he Mrs. H. B . Earnhart; reading: trip untU Monday. H is condition is "United S Ultes Flog and Oemoo· reported as favorable, moy,"-Mra. J , P, Fromm; vocal • • • • • solo. "The. Sunshine of Your Smile" Mr. and Mrs . Ar thur Wilde and - Mrs. ~Ilft; reading, " Luster ~Oll D a niel ,of ,PIttsburgh spent the Warc·'-M'I'S. S. D . Henkle. holiday vncntlon ,vith Mr. and Mrs. Arter the program delicious reo D. B. Ullderw()od fr s hmen ts were enjoyed by the • .:. ' . • • members, a.nd the guests, Les. Mr. ILnd ~. Chru'les Ohapman ter Stanfield dau ghter Helen were In Waynesville for thc week Louise, ot ew Burlington. end,
in 1!J:J4 fl nd from Dnrtmouth ' oe;ilege .. In 1,,38 . Miss R:\ is t he great grnnd: c.b wght c r of U1e late J a mes Ramage. who foundcd th c Frnnklln Paper CIlompany In Ho lyoke and who cs.. loblished Lhe paper nulls at MO~ BI'ldg-c mid at Rcadsbor~, ' Vt . • Her Mr. and Mrs. WllhuJ' Mil ,0f ~ C ~-, ~ ~J1111dfrul h er was th e late Charles lumbus n.ttended comnlcnco~ In JU\l1l all~.-Holyoke. MMS . Transcript The prollTlUn opened wl~h i1'c.mnrks Wayn ville.. F r;irtJIV ni ~hl,. nnrl wcr Gnd telogtam.. by the pres1dLhg pffdcer . Mr. Hart· OVCI' nlu ht guests of Mrs . Lena 1'1.1C above anl10wlCement w~lch sock, who rea<l 0. letter frQm Miss J-Ia.rl.<;Qck . Iwilf bc of Inter -t to friends h ere , Edwa rds exprcss.\n s regret at no~ . , wns I' c('lv d by Mrs.. Eva Miller. being able to attend . On motion of ST. MAltY EI'I SCOI'AL CnURCIl Mr. und MI' IP rry Dav!!;' of Olll'.1 ~1~lQlflll1other of Miss Ramage, whose Chvlcs M . Cartwrls ht. the nssoclarollLon, K y. and Mr. Romer DeuLh. mo t her wa.,;. befor e h er m arrlalre, Rev. R.- L. ~lackweJ', ·l\linister tlcn voted to cxtend 'OO Miss Ed. era e of Clncln nl1t v 'slt (I thhlr M41li MUler, youn gest daughter of TRINITY SUNDAY mother. Mrs. C . H. 0 th eragc Fri . Mrs . MIlicI'. warcb Q. noto of tapprccla~lon for tJ\. 10 a . m. Ohurch Sohool. . <'" day ni ght. work she ACcomplished toW'l\rd mnk. • • . !; • • APPLlCMII'l.S 1'0 B'~ , .X.\M1NF:D ===============~ 11 a. m . Holy Comunion and sel·. lng the reunion 1\ su cccss. inon. Mi ss 'lara Lilt, of W, s):1 ing ton. O. NOTICE Mr. a nd Mrs. J : B. Chapman, Mr. ExamInation of. ap U.-:ants -tor the · Report of the' secI' tllry Ine7. M. All members of the ehurch are urg- H. Is \'iSltJnll' for a wee at th I-I om ~ ca rl Abll,ocherU , Attorney and and Mrs Charles Ohapman a nd P _ positions of Superintendent and. Ma.James ~6 'then given, to be followed ed to attend . th is corpomle commun. ML'iS Rllth Chr,lJ1dler, of . Qed:'l rvilIe OOIln.~eLlor anncflUlces i hat com· gy Ann , were dinner guests of Mr. tron of the Warren CQunty Orp~n by a TOll call o f the fiftieth Yf'f.l r Ion of the whol P311'W:1. bringing I' t.u rn cd to Lhe Hom , Frld.'lY m 11 Ing Monday. June 5th" he will and Mrs. Emmor Bailey of Lebanon. ASylum and ChJldrca:; HOllll! will group lnclu(lil.lg classes from 1885 to with them aU t ho In thelr fa.mUlcs Miss Freda Elru'VGY sCpn Momorial be III his W ayn esv llle 011100 on Mon· Sunday, be conducted by ~pe ~ lal r eprf>sen'ta_ 1894. A roll ooJj, of the twenty-five Mfs. Edll.h.. HaaTIs entc.rta.lned at The' Rev. GIlbert Symons will of~ Day a.t ClarIa;vtlile . ~h r day and Wednesc!fl/i .aJiler:noons in· • • • • • tlves of t he Stn.te Clvl Servlco Com.. • I tcad of Tuesday and Tb.UnMlay 11l1f. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastlngs were m ission at the Cou r t House, Leban'ln The addresses of l\Jr_ ' Curtwri~ht dinner a.t ,the Little 11m on Weclnes- flciatc and p~each the Sermon. and Mrs. 'Llnen y' M Ild ellh a ll tel' noollS. T h is chan"'e In. 01I1'..e hours At chis scI'vlce the Every Member hoMr. d a.~ dJnner gli on Sunday ; Mr. ,, '" MIddJetown VIsitors. Monday, Ohio. Thul"Sday. J U!l'3 E, ~!l':l9 , at 9 :00 and Miss DodS(ln follow (11\ pnge 2. day ' bh following gu ests ; Mr. SJhI. 1.<; being made so Ithat Mr. Abe.echerll • . , . • •. A. M., J) to announcement , . . for the G enel1al Church will Offering uei 'Mosher, ~r . .Oa.rl Mosher, M ISs and Mrs. Errtest Mar~li" f\nlI Ml'l.'iCS year group Inoh,lCkid Lh classes from AI1cen Mosher and Mr, nnd Mrs· be received. Uzzle and Leta :H 1 "of Oinclnnatl ma~ more eff1ciently perform his Mr. a.n~ Mrs. SUJatley Sellers oC just made by C&rl W. Smith, (,half· ~ . duties as President of The Wlatyncs· Lebanon, and: Mrs. Mary Hopidns of ~ I and -Ra.lpb W. Ermmon& ,~ 1910 00 1918 1ncl.u9l.V' . Terry of Cardin gto n, ~rs . Ronuld TUESDAY Ill"" Out.hI1c ~r. ,vtUlt Ciy}c Club. . Belmont. ,,-ere l'Ollers at the'~, ber of the Comm1!1.~b. . I 2 P. m. Nursc.ry Church SObopl. The ' cjass of 1914 W11S presell~ Hawke and Mr, RaNts Masher. Dayton Mel Mrs. J.w"~!".~f!i?\JlSh. :vp>~aynesVllJe Off1ce-IJeMaY, .of Misses ~t ~nd Ttti,Ii!Wfa' . &I ' eXanUnations BY(I open oniy FRIDAY with the silver CUP, nn nnnUll.1. J l1.t.. • • • • • Jtod Dr. a11d ~,. , 1' , Stm on: at. All' . ~ "7'~ • •Ql.~,. ~ . .. : ;wards, Sundny. • . to resldent.'1 ~.(.cn Coonty. 14 1 p. ' . GlI Is' FrI Group . .... tondance ·a.ward to th ' ol rt ·t II\t» Mts. Ecll h Rnrrts i.1iI1d Mr. 'Harrla t~rnoon. Lebanon Office-l-5 DUatu£h IDdg • • • '. ' • ~f -,. liPCCtnJ bulle-lln s1iow~ug del.ill the bBvtng the mOSt orlgtna.1 grncluntea ¥ooher wer o Sun<.\a.y clinner guests Mr. and Mrs. \V,'1It(' r K!'Ill'lok ",,-er e T el .. 292 JI-2t Mr. and Mrs. R. D . Collett' lI.n d required qunliflto1l1irms necessary pres,ent. of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ht\wke. Sl1lld{IY. June 4 visitors 0 Dr. and Mrs. Ward , SUIl. t:amtly attended the Day \Wth the required appll.~a LlGn blallb, A w~come to ·th clMS of 1039 • • • • ~ METIlODIST CnURQII JOSEI'D M. IRVIN servlcns lilt New BUrlington. Sunda.y may be secured elthe. At th~ olflce was given by Ruth Ho:kett . . with MI Oarl Hamilton, of Da.y ton and Rev. John V. Lacy, Pastor. yevcnin g. J oseph M. Irvin, 85, of IndlMl....." .1_ '"'" "'AI100.I ROC Mr ..-. nnd Mrs. Jam Dn.vlq and • • • .- . 'of the County AUdJt.ot or by artdress. Tressler Hall'~ responding for .the her dauJ;hter;--Mr.;: Jotuuson-ot Tor· 9..... ..,u, ounuu.y . • 0 UC tt ' • new gmdUJl,tes. onto, amacia, . Mrs. Charley St ull Supt. fuLu ghtcr of Columbu,<;, nnr! MI' . und a polis, passed away suddenly a.t his Dr. and. Mrs. A. .E. Sto!!t. and Mr. Ing the State Olvll Ser~'ice Com. a nd Mrs. Louis Thomrson VIsited In nUs6Lon, Oolumbus, OllJo. Presentntion of the memorial was Md son of vlsi:t~ d Qe9rge 10 :40 Morning Worship . subject, Mrs. Kenne th Tl1Otn. nrul dau ghter home Satw'day morning . A son of the lote John Irvin . h e Cincinna ti Sunday. Appllca.tlOlUl mus~ be filed with given bY Jeanette J nnney Hadley . Oglesbee Ilnd /listers, Monday. " The Soul Catches UP." of n l i' Lebanon visi t d Ml~scs Annie was bom In WaynesvlUe, AprU '28, • • • .. • the State Civil Service ComlUlwon 7 :00 p. m. Epworth League and Mil JU e Browne Tuesday . who paid s pooF.l1 tribute to two llv. • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. W. S . GrB.ham were at Columbus, Ohio, n~t later Lban 1ng. mernbers, yv. H. Allen Ill1d J . W. Seth TbPllias o! Cleveland. . as WednesdL1!y Miss KaLie Collins a,:companicd 1854. He Is s Ul'Vlved by on son RI1BSe J . Irvin. Dayton· vlsLtors. ~urday. 5, 1939.Wh1te. ovc.rnl ght gu st . Pr1day, of his par. 7 :00 p. ~. Boy Scouts Mr. and Mrs. Ed R'opkins. ~'S. Stan· , !Some 1ntsest1ng facts were PI' ents, Mr. nod Mrs. E. L. Thomlas. · ~lday Icy Bni)ey and Phy\1Js t.o Ocllbrook, Mr· Itnd Mrs. Edwar SmJth enter· Dr. Md Mrs. Claire Stout of Phlla.. BERNIE DAKIN • •\ ' • • Bented to members 'by ·C. M. ·Cal'~· • 2 :00 p. m. W . F . M. S . at home of Tue.~(\:\y . talned a, group· of their rrtends [I,t d elphjannd Mr, and Mrs. Jmes Sny. . wright In his report 0 the SP<' lal . Miss 'Clara J . Llle Wash1ngt.On MI"S. Frank LeMay , DIES IN .1.F.HAJ..;ON Mr. n.nd Ml'~ Hobel' M Miillnn tlhcir home, Saturday night, after the d el' of Columbus WCl'e visitors at tAlo oommlt~ on nll1llUl;l promotlon ' and O. H., C!Lme lASt week for commence. Bemje Dak.!n, 78, of Lebanon., visited Dr. ami \1rs . Wrtrcl TuosdllY 8 :00 P. II'L Cllolr llmctice Alumna donce. home of Dr. and MI"S. A, E . Stout. di ed suddenly Wednesdal' evcrullf. ' h1rh school llbmfY, . melt~ and, t.h.C aJunmi meeting and venlng Theil'. \l'ucsts were, Mr. and Mn\. Sunday everling . Mr. Cartwright. t:>ld of: lhc two is spending this Weclc at thc Friends May 24 following 1\ heart attlUlJt l't.d WAYNESVILLE Mrs . A, Z. Hartsock rJJ1cl dnUgh tel's, RUBSell Frnnk . Mr. and Mrs. WBl1~ • • • • • was well known: throughou" tho uni!is L~ilreapY presented to thE: school Home. Snmh . LouiSc n nd H elen visited MI'S. . ul .- r h • • • • • CHURCH OF l:1 I1 RJST B'rnn r d, Dr. and Mrs. A. E . -stout, Mr. and Mrs. EVGrebt M. · Thom as county. Survdvmg are his I·.vo ,501115, nnd that more )looks wo d "" or . Lena Ro.r OCk, DccornUc)I1 Day. Mr. n.nd Mrs. Roy Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. of Rochester, New "York, spent tb e Dann. of Onyton. and . LaW1:eru:e..oLcdlnJng ~ore school opells In the Mr. nd Mrs. W. O. St. J olm were For', SundiliY we h ad an attend· ~~d nn ce III Bible School of 00 lind fol' ML$.<;CS Fmn ~ , nd Acl:HI1 AI{\en Erwin Ellis, MLsB Ma.ry Leah EeL weekend and Memorial day. with fn.1l. dilmer guests, Tues day of ,Mr, '-':': Sun ·Antonlo. Texas, and four ll'andHe eJso told of canferlng with 0. Mrs. }:{omer Cnrey. the evenin g SCI'vice 89. You whQ r ead were dhmer gu!!S of Mr!l- Emmn wnrcls and Mr. a nd Mr& WOOdrow bhe former 's parents. Mr and Mrs chLldren; and a n ephew, Karl J). thL'I we Invite 'yoU to come om;1 II Ip . McClure at Lh Llttlc tnn TII:!6d03'. Owen.., of Springfield, Miss Betty Fi1Iink Thomas . . Dakin of Lebanon. fellow ChJcngoe;n. a member of a · ' • • • - - n:a.tlonal library aSljoclMLon. wIle; ex~ · W. A. Llp;plcott I's confined to h is 4S go over t e hllnd~ed mark for Dr. and Mr.s. Jllm s Ward tin ot Stover of Mlamtsburg. D1ck Miller, F1l1\CJtl~ ~.~ were hem Satur, JlrOOsed surp11ise thnL sllch ,\n active hprlle l>ecause of Ulness. each sc:rvicQ this Sun$lY· . ITu dny wllh Mrs. Vnn D?ren ftnd Miss Bctty Hartsock, Frank Hawk e, Mrs. O. E. Edwards of Dayton. boo day afternoon at the Oswald .full~ral aluinru group exlsLed [n· R. ,scb O(!! ns Mr. anr Mrs. James S toops. Mrs, Bible S~hOOl will be a l 9 ;300.. m . M!1Ss Ll<;sle Ourll f HnrvcYRburg. In Ml"." R u t.h SaJi.s-bury'. and George Miss Helen Spindler 01 Ashville wete nome, Lebanon. with bm:ial ip M1am1 small. 1lli wa.yUesville. ~ e l()q;l~ qs.. Holmes Stoo~ ' and dRu gh~r ~artl~. ·t he mOl1)lng SOl'Vlce closing with thc celebration of tl1~ Doctor's bll'l.llday . Winters of CIncinnati. gU05ts ov~r tho weck end . ~t tho cemetery, Waytlesv1l1e. 8OOlatlon ~ unique! .ili tlhat \Jhcre n~e of Van Wert were guests of 01'. and communJon. service. . home of Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Can few groups bf ,its idnd sur]:ltulsln.~ Mrs J E. WiUuun, Tu.e sday. ChTlstinn EnI,1€l.lIVor at 7 :00 p , m. nero Miss Ruth Conner was also CLASS REUNJON , " . • • -. . ' with preaching stal\1llng a.t·7:45 p. m. home .from Miami over the week·end The qttle Inn WIiS the scene of ,10. 1n tradJ~OJl, entp~<da$m •.aJIild annua:! Bible study ·Wcdnesda.y 7:45 p. m . • the happy reunion of the graduating atte~ . Mr and ' Mrs LeWls ' Fires Ill1d • '.' Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Henkle and class of 1914; of W. II: 8., Sn;turje;y ' Mr. Cart.W1:\ght uggested because family were S~dnY dinner guests .....' -..,.----'"--Mrs. M]ary K.o.u1JUng; of . HamUton afternoon, MllC{ 27. 'of the rapid growth of the ru;socl~· of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Harbeson DDd FERRY CHURCH ' OF CliRisT were guests a.t the home of A. F . tlon to J'nore t t:Jn(n 'l00 Inembers the Mr. Harold Taylor of Centerville. C. "Su:.U_h . minister '. Six of the ten surviving 'members, !. , . . ' . MeLl!?h and family, TuesdlliY, one friend; n.nd one of the teatberl ' office of ' secretary be maoe more or • • • ~ • . . Sunday • • • • less a. permil.nlmt one, with a mJnL Miss ' Betty HArtsoCk was ' home Bible sCbool starting ' 9 :30 n . • m , of the Senior yetJ 1', Mri:.. Mom! Had· Bernard Mell~h Is spending this Ie.y Ireland . .of Wilmington glltheMd , mum salary of 410 a yCf.U'. fro~ Olclnnatl to spend tpe week- The young peal>le wm be In .c!111 rge week a;t St. Mary's Lake. ~ouni:1 the luncheon table 'when At Mr.· O\lrtwrlght·s su ggesti.o n an end with piU'ents; Mr. and MrS. of the sCrvicc.· A mJssfol\1TY program . the good C1:IItI; Wf're w ~l l>CJooned ex.ecutlve comnrltt:ee cOnsist.tng of silt Berfl Hnrtsock,. I wLU .slnrt at 10:W directed by Ws.~ MiSses Laura Spreen Ill1d Nan with the "do you reniembers" .. re6fdent nnd four non-residen t .. • ., • ' . Armll> ·Nutt. . Rlcharci50n of Glendale were guests Later In the afternoODj <tIeve~l: ~ bcrs was named .. The group com1.<lts .' ~. 'and Mm. WillI.r un Michener '. THURSDAY of Rev. and Mrs. R. L. HackweU over the clm~; called on Mrs. Neva' :Dos.: '. of ' the following: Ross Hartsock, and famUy of P \ttsbutjh, spent the Bel'OIm Class meeting at th~ week end: ter, one of Its members who w~ un ctnlrman, Olive Allen . Urace, Se~ week end wdih Mrs. Michener's 7 :45' p. m , E Pumas, c'. E. Mich~neri Edith cOts, !irr,. and Mrs. W· E Cornell . • • • • • able to atlend the ban'quet due' to Mrs. Al Polinsky of Cincinnati Is tJln&s • i Mosher Hawke Evelyn Johns. E. • • ,; • • MT. nOLLY M. -f;. CHU)l.CII wsitlng her mother, Mrs. J l!&9le HyAt the alumni banquet In !tbe' eve-onme; o. M. Cartwright: ~ue Din:' Mr. fl!l~ MrS •. ~ussell Hollida.y visT . M, Scarfl; M1nlster .' ~. Mr, Pollnsky was here over t.h e. nJng, t.h Js class crowned ' Witb 'th~1r , :~,lddJe, MarY Leah.' EdWn.r~ aad 1ted : thelrparents in West Unloo ,' Suhda~ School; 9:30 A. ¥ : . ~eek end, .\ purp).e and rrold hats, w., ~ed · RaYJllOnd .[laWs. over the ~~k end. . Evenmg Service, '1.:30 r • • .' • • the silver cup given .to, the·cl8sa' baY_ ' L : M. Ga.-st. upertntendent of ., ' , ~,. ' • ' . . Pr83'er Mee~ng Wednesdity 7:30 Mrs. J essie. Hyman; Mrs. AI Polin. ing the ' hJghest peroen:~e "~Qf ' '!P.t- " ., loPaa sehOO!s, . expreSsed appt~:tion . Mrs . .~rge Q~1ck 'of Miamisburg ~. "M, . .,' . . sky. and RoJjer~ · Hyrnan were dlnller tendance. . to the alurntli assoc1n.tlon on the IlC- Is spendlniJ a two week6 vadatl,on .The lAdies Aid w1ll h old' 'its ' regu· guests of Mr.. and ~ Saul Hurwleh reSt at' the 'hOme ot'her parents meeUn g a t the ohUrch 'WOOIWS: . ' qtlJmtlori of the fine Ubmfy, of Lebanon Thursday everung, .. tQld ofth~ 1nf1uen~(} ~t had. In Mr.''IIoI'ld Mi'II. J . P : UUTlck, ' . dny ':June 7 ~ 2 ;00 P: m . A weleomc' The Rev , S ymons, oJ . C.1nelnlla~I, w1\1 pr > ell a nd be Co.l hrnnt at the service.' Of Holy Com_ munion Sunday morni ng at ' st. . Mary'S Episco pa l chlU'dl. .
Hart..cock ,
· .... • • • •
lives ~d work of' the students. Mr: and M:rs~ ,J • .1', LarrIck and; n.wn ts you at these,servlces. The se<lOnd part o[ theguest, MnI. C? E- Norris ' of . ' . · we.a entirely mUB1cal ItInd ~nIaI, . Ill., drove ' to ap~le)d ot "the toDowmg: ~ evenil;\g __Mrs. .NOITis. re.. , l"lano, ~t.lOJ\6 b}' ~na. . . malned at the h'Ome o~ her s1;Bter, Btabl, ... tr)1mpet mlo by F,rank Le, • • • •. • ~:r-;Jr,: a vocal duet by ~ VIr~ UI4 . ~ ~lD .. IIlClelltlQI~!q' •. · 'bt .. ~'It quartet:t.e . c~
· ~ ~ett:, ~re.nk ~, . . P1reI; UId l\o6ert B:1&tt,.. se~1 Ruth lJ~k Walton.
wJlo so cba.II'D1an of this}lOr.Uon o[
. -. . .... .
uu rcach the h~rt of the lIPY" and IWith other peril! articles was girls that. I ~ht better reach the placed In · the ,cloak han to be intellect."'11e was followed by Mr. brougM out at I~oon ,nd taken to c, thc quiet, but forceful per· May's desk. The teacb..~would not sonality who .made our scllools permit May -to carry it but careo 'still greater by his earnest and fully took it . herself. When about capable supervision and guidance. to deposit It in ills proper place, off Mr. Stillwell during the !lO's was the plate and d.<lwn to the floor it --o. _ _ _.....;.......J~WJIlaJWS;'-¥J!W..L..:u:Llllt..::iL1.U!I..I..:at the head of our school syst m. fell! May hurst into tears. The --!-t'a.,.,-,bi ........;;trtr!.,.grrt1N:;n ........' I~w:~.'"1·~,..e.--$-l-liO -=---=----::----:'-:--:--:A~d-:-v-a-n-ce--- Hi s enthusiasm, his progressive t(,llcher wopt. 'What was to b!! ...:.:=~~~~~~~:t;rI~::~~~~;:~~~~~~~~~~~ ideas and methods won s till gr 'at- done? Suddenly the teacher' decid-
__ ·-'~"W?"TQ1t~~·lJ.tfiq~t+)tt~~ . ~! ! ! !·.t)! ! ! !'.! ! ! ;s! ! ! ! ! '! ! ! !'.! ! ! ! ! ! !'.! ! ! ! ! ! !'.! ! ! !I! ! erscho~ls. laur. Is Q ] ru------u 1
acter of the averale ~tI.enj for if tho character of the individual citizen is sullldently hlah, there Is literally no bel~ht of triumph un· aUainable hi this free lovernment of oura." ' In preparing pupils for ~he responsibUitlell of citilenshlp In a d~moeracy, tbe sohool .;faces its most critical test. Of late y~r8 we have· required a form of teaching which calls lor a high degree of specialization. That alone is not sufficient. What we need is a broad and intelligent and' understanding citizenship, an ever-widening hor. izon to enable us to rise above and out of selfishness, fear and greed. The home, the school, and the community can and should do this for our boys at\d girls. _ As never before, spiritual values are being stressed throughout the nation. Not alone from our religious workers but from public speakers, from columnists, superintendents in the schools of the "atlon, from Women's National organiutiona, from the Prellid~nt, In closing I am going to give a quotation that Miss Burnley placed on the blackboard:
Colllmbua, Ohio, Ma, 20, 1939 Clerk of Sales Leral Cop, No. 39.94
UNlT PRIOE CONTRACT Feder&! Aiel PrGJeClL No. 516·A (2) Federal AId Projee& NC!, 1Il6-Q (1)
Sealed will be received p ~ tIie oJfi~ 01 the State HIghw~ DL rector of Ohto, at Columbus, Ohio, untU ten o'clock A. M., Eastern Stn.ndard Time, SaturdaY, June 10, IllSll , for 1mproveme)lt.s In: We4'ren County, Ohio, on Section A, part of Beotlon D and pnrt of Section Franklin of the ClnclnnatlDayton Rood, State Highway No. 19, U. S. Route No, 25, In the Village of Frank.lln and Frankl1n Township, by grading, buUdlng stnlCtures and paVing with reinforced Portland cement concrete and roacL side 1mprovement. WIdth: Pavement 22 feet and 40 .feet; Roadway 38 feet and 40 feet. Length 3,066.4S feet or 0.580 rnJle.
;B 1. ltit
t."""""""""''''''''''~ ~,,"\.: """ . Wayne. ville ed she couldpie haV'e bake Fri.-Sat. June 2.3 C a custard at hel' the mother noon hour, Mary Mosher, Lola Zell, Ella Lhen it could be placcd on May's Roy Roger Hartford Carrie Bailey and Jennie desk with confessioll and (lxplanIn Dinwiddj~ were th~ primary t each- ation by th teacher. Th is was do!!e "BILLY, THE KID ) H]8M]'I.otl~1> ers who not only in structed the and May in tht~ spirit o~ girlish ,J 1ittle folks in the fundamentals of t oregivenesR, fo:rgave. The teachRETURNS" reading, writing, spelling, and cr never forgot. I was that teach; Short Subjects ,.I1'~Q taUQ, c.wllV~P.llbY.'l Mion.!!' C. realistic picture by swnying to nnd numbers, but a lso guided them er. ~Il ;n,,,tI'l -a4wul'1,eunion ' rOl- lfl'o wi th hands tightly clasped ov- wi sely in making that adjustment Our progress in trnnsportation Sun.-Mon. Jun e 4-5 lQlI'J!I l/IiM v ,II" , I '01", ' erhead. The audience was spell- from the small family' life wpere should not be pa.ssccl by unnoticed. . I by B eSS H~ . ,S a.ct 0 f .h ' In, they were very important to the In .the early 80'1!, lumbering oxen, Weaver Bros, . 11"lntil' d~el\l y " (:on. (' ious of lhiR I10u m, erols. ' Elvlry ho~o" ~1l " .'l.llllteful fO I' the privil- a Iso f rom ~cal' t ha t In t he swaYing school communily where a s pirit of "dumb, driven catt1(·", ~wl.y made l\ with you. E ' h t 1ose her b id e"'~ Il~ tn~1n:g mma lmg a ance a n co-operation and helpfulness makes their way with heavy logs, down in ~.. w , ~. fa n to the tloor, each member of the group as im - the Xenia pike along Main street vpou" rec IVlng U I'l.'quest tn to the road leading to Wright's "DOWN IN ' ~ ~'•.: . This very popular hig h ~c h oo l portant as every other member. Slleu ... to you on this occaSH)!l, my . Molll'e Sides , Lizzie Fairchild, mill. Tlten came heavy farm wa.1!!' society which we call n club today ARKANSAW" fi~J;lenctio n was one of l·cfu~al. , as an e:dro-curricular activi ty of Lizzie Bailey, Anna Burnley, J on- gons. Some place along t he lino EsUmated oost- ... .. . . . $66,230.00 I hell to greet my former punie Evans, Lilla Benham, Tri1lcna of progress there appeared the Short Subjects no' d I t great valu e. A tl'aining in oloc ucontract to be co~pleted not Inter Edwards, Mollie Bispham, Mamie Cartwright buckboard-a pleasure pi of t h t·" 5, an my (' UliS Ula c. ' I t ion, oratory, and song that bring s than November 15, 1939. aAft frioml of theW·80 5 , a 'so to to mind many happy. occasions. Thc Chandler, Etta Keys, Rowena Rob- vehicle that made frequent stops Tuesday June 6 . 11' . The Ohio Sta.te Employment Serknow tho new ayn VI lans erson, Ena Vance, these were the nt Mate Williamson's home on the . Jackie Cooper debates by has. Cartwright and vice, W . A . Betscher, Acting Mana-g, whoso parentA a nd gran dpal'en t s teachers who served in the inter- nights when Wi1l1 McJCay wa~ driv- "We live in deeds, not yean, J ohn J o n e~ led us to have visions Little Tough Guys er, 1335-37 central Avenue, Middle_ mediate and and grammar grades. ing up from Lebunon. "Seemingly," In thoughts, not breaths Jived in t he town and on t he farm s . of their preseneo in Congr('ss and in nem'by but I pre f el'l'ed to remain t heir voice~ resounding t hroughout 1n r eading a poem entitled "As I to use Mate's word, "these boys In feelings, not in figures on the town, OhiO, will furnish the success. fUl bidder an employment list from dial; in . the backgrounlI not t o appear on Go My Way," I am reminded of know just when Will is coming and those hi stol'jcal halls. Proi. Grawbk:h all qu&llfled unskilled labor "NEWSBOYS HOME" He lives most, who thlnks most, . the program, Upon s cond th oug ht, the years of faithful, efficient ser- they always get lIere first." T ' b owcver, 1 d eCI'd' ed t 0 accept t h e ham obligingly delivered lIlllny an vice of all whom I have named: 68 Is loQaUy available, shnl1 be select.. IWAHOO! here Wllrll the handsome car- Feels the noblest, acts the beat," • or-ation, one- of wh ich I distinctly ed for this ·proJect. invitation in t h hope t hnt some riages of the Quaker farmer/! or Cash Night . . f r ccall "Friends, Romans, Co unThe attention of bIdders Is direct. I wish it were possible to asre~,oUecti0\'ls and T mlOlsccnccs 0 t me'n lend me your ears. I come My life sholl touch so many lives Friends- the envy of all the tOWIISancient ' times might be fai rly in- ry , . _C h' d . d -people. About ilhis tim e Maffitt semble ' the boys and girls thst ed to the special provisions coverIng Wed.-Thurs. June 7-8 to bury Caesar, not to praise him." 'Bc.lore t IS ay IS one, . ter:esLing; for when one takes a I "a n also hear Frank AusUn's Lc.ave countless marks for good or emerged with hi!1 many-seated car- came to me from 1889 to 1901. subletting or assIgnJng the contmct, Qing Crosby retro 'pective glance into a form!!l' ... ill riage drawn by spirited, dapple- Practically overy .family in and the use of dommtlc materials. selecowerful 'voice repenting over and P in ~11 ration and attempts to bring Ere sets the evening sun', grey horses, A jolly crowd occupied around Waynesville at that time UOn of labor, hOUlS of employment I h th ovel' the line. "The Spirit, of Just . ' Are tolerance and charity tho~ seats, Lou B., Em H., Katie was represented. A splendid group and conditions of employment. t 6 mind the g rave Ilnl t e gay, e "EAST SIDE OF ~ I Men Made Perfect Ah." emn epd t h f estive,. ure y a They keynote of my song C., J ennie D., Mildred H., Mamie many of whom I eou,il name had I The minimum wage to be paid to HEAVEN" t'i'itle of int rest mu . t undoubtedly Orange Raper was always in de- As I go moving onward C., and myself, As this c.a rriage the time to do so. Successful in aU Ia!lor employed on this contract sth the heam anr! mines of those mand fo r one or more vocal num- Wit h earth's . eager, anxio~ passed our homes without stop- business, in industry. jn the pro- IIhall be in &.COl'dailce with the Short Subjects prescnt. In fact; many may be bers. Orange cam e t,) school fo r throng ping it was necE,sRary to jump on fessions, and In the home. My good "SchedUle of Preva.l.l1ng Hourly Wage m~ved to tears a s yout hf ul accom- one week then WIIS absent for to the running board as it moved wishes to all wherever they may RIa+tes ASoertalned and Determined Phone 11 for time of feature pJil;hmcnts' are graphically portray- three. At thbt t:OIr. we had no "My Ii!c'shilll touch a million lives along. "Maffitt and the carriage be, by The Department of Industrial Roecd! compulsory attentillnCIl law. In some way ere I go will be passing I~oday," or noodles 1a.t10ns applicable to Sta,te Highway "t W\ls warn d not to dwell upon But he was slways available From this dear world of action and chicken at :Maffitts, messages Department Improvements In BOtoe solemnities and gaieties of the when needed lin "lit program. His To a land I do not knOWj that reached each and everyone of cordanoe with 8ecttons 17.3, 17·4, 80's and 90's for a longer period Bolos, parts in d'J(: g , quartettes, ~o this the wish I always wish us by some grapevine method. 1'l-ta, 17-5 and 17_5& of the General The solid rubbElr tire bicycle costtfAth thirty minutes. Before I shall and the chort;s wt're greatly en- The prayer I ever pray, Code of OllIo"_ hW~finished you' may wish that 1 joyed. In , partirulbl' the solo, Let my lifo help the other lives ing $85.00 and sClld for $15 became The bI.d~r must submit with his we¥ the speaker of whom Clarence "Rocked in th!! Cratllr. c.f the Deep." It passes on the way." iT popular vehicle for Carrie Bar. -bid & c:eItlfJed checlt In an amount Bulilngton Kelland, toastmaster at It was perfect, Lilt again we sat -Strickland Gillihan. ley, Mollio Bispbam, Jennie QinThe followtng address was given equal CO 11Ve per cent of tile est.lm&t.. a ' banquet r emarked: "That was a breathless fearinlr that he could A few happenings in some of widdie and mysl!lf. On one oeca9- by J . O. ~ght: eel e~ but in no event more than • {lll\tf' eJtOtt. Yqu l'eally spoke but not possibly reach that low note. these rooms may be briefly relat- ion this · 'founb:me met near St. Since the inaucuration of com- ten p1OU8BDd dollars. . nino' minutes. It only seemed long." And that famuul! quartette oon- ed." Miss Mollie taught geography Mary~s church, had John Liddy mencements in connection with the Plane and speclflaa.tIanB are on file tI,Wben the great humorit, Ar- sisting of Flo WO\)lley, Et Tay- in th!! fourth grade, In order to take our pictures, then we coasted Waynesville schools there has been In the ~nt of hlIJhwB,YS and .mus. Ward, was introduced to an lor, Frank Farr III III OrlJnge Rap- have us know, really be familiar downhill to Main street on our way a graduating class each year with the ofttc:e of the l'e8ldent d1sbict _i,,"co' before whom he was to er! The bdys W6\'\> seriQ~s 'but with our own United States, she to the country to gather wild flow- three exceptIonl: '77, "19 and '15. deputy d1rector, From '72, the year of the first lllC,.-e, he said: "One 0:£ the fea· those girlsj It r('«(11ired great self- had our faithful janitor, Morgan ers .All went weH until Jennie who The d.lrector the rlgbt to tu,. ,oi" my lectures is that t hey control for thom te, refrain from Taylor, place " very large table was heading lor the open door of class, to '84, when the alumni al- reject any and all blda. cOJltain' so many things U\8t have. giggfing in the midst of a patriotic in the room, then at her . sugges- Mike Liady's salloon co ntinued her sociation came into existence, there Robett B. Beightler, llIfM\iQg to do with the Bubject.' or religious numL~I'. tion the Board of Education pur. c:oasting too far and with a. terrific had been 61 graduate., the allrN' State, H1&t1Wi? Dl1'ectol' , ~bis ~s partly, true of my remark"" Til contin\le with these activi- chased a large iron map of tlte fall all the ftagatOlle pavement re- pte of tbe 'eleVftl claBelt beine fRn .J~hoUgll. f have .del\! d into t~' ties let me give an account of our states and ten:itories, a dissected ceived a badly sprained ~rm. She lesR than that o~ two of tbe pres. Salve, NORfl DrllpII' lJIl~l;eSt. r ec sses of my memory, bigh school ClCcut~ion to .Corwin map, which wall placed on this tells me Mike I.iddy at that time ent day, was supposed to have had . ~ separfP.f'J~ho solc.rnp ,hap,peoi ngs of the, to see JamCl! (i, fllalne, the man table. The had sold his sa:1.Qru) , We ,Jennie It is , recorded that the alumni ..te-'-Cablej- wher the -1ours boys §QllfiJ }laye b en ullable to find allY rom ame, Ie Jl !lme oughly from handling, tracing with ought to ·know. At , last came the ga'olC a literary ~d mu,ieal enter- constitu1iJlg the tlrllt two classes I ~lIr. t hat "teen age." 'Tis true, the presidential rntlliidate: the hands, tho outline and surface, horseless carriage. tainment in 1876 but there is no were seated remainB a mystery. r=:::'= ===='===~:;;~~.=:~_ lUlih might think the following This , is Waynt!8vh\e. The news that they could idi!ntify each and "There is nothing new under the evi<Jenee that an organiiation The .napery, silver,' china and erys- Ii somewhat !\erious or. at most, e~- burst upon the tuwn a week ago every one without the slightest sun." The styles of today are exact' existed among" the memben at t~t tal were 'b rought from the home!! Rwii;a~~ing, nllmely, t he r eaoing of that n pr~identla~ candidate ' is hesitation, when blindfolded. Su- reproductions of those worn by time. of the airll 'and rumor bas it that i\(,~l\flT.. ~rom my. boy friends, one coniing, arrivinq t;', t: 1 :90 p. m. perintendent, parents and friends Mary Finley in the gay 90's. In Inquiry among the older gradu- much rivalry existed to see which Jtlfth hlld, P.cel! Tetrieved from that stoppi~g...for fiw minutesl And 80 were .invited to witness this spec- an advertisement· in one of our 10- ates fails to reveal who was ' the class could have the best appointREAL ESTATE 'ousy relay station, Web. tees Un- Waynesville prepures. Farmers\ tade. \:Ill papers~ I found these state- proponent of the idea of banding ed :ta)lle. INSURANCE abridged Dictionary, the reading of have been up eally watering stock, Miss Lizzie Bailey in her full- ments: G~aduates, we understand the graduatel . into an a8llooiatloll Will Wbite was elected first AUCTIONE.ER it aloud by PrOf. Graham in ~ho packing lunches, washing and skirted, black Bilk 'dress, with im- your philosophy and are prepared neither does it diselose whell and president .and by- virtuo of is office "'~=;:=========::;:..::=:.==i p~~~l'~e of the eoUl" high chool dressing the chlldren. The Board maculately white collaI' and cuffs, with a breath-taing collection Of where the Ilrgaw,!aati0l' was pet:- wu toastmaster at the first blln." ~~~~~~====:===~ b~il I¥'j'eshmcn, 'sophomores, jun- of Education has anlJounced a half- and dainty lace-trimmed white ap- frothy marquis€!ttes, tender pas- fected and tM ' first~cers chosen. quet. Judging from observing bim i~f~1 aj~a' senior! .Or, my h.aving holiday for the llch?~ls. ~~$int:ss ron, was ~ teacher who stood for tels, fragile, flo/lting chiffons, full j;uffie to sa'. t~t these girls were serve I.n a similar capacity in later ~~ S~,~r? u t my ~esk for fifteen places are clo~ed.l'()htlc~l dl~ere~c- order and obedience in the room. skirts that givt~ , grace , to every amon, the prime moven in t~e . years w'.. can safely assume that . . ... . ffim~f:Cd a a puni shment .for at- es. are put aSIde, I.a~t mght s ram, One day when all was quiet each step, upswinginl~ aleeves that are cause: Trlllena Edwards, Annie he presided with dignity and charm tf¥~~i~,~lIrhe attention. o~ two :hand- unfo~·tunately, bluJ"r(,.rl a1\ the col- pupil -intent on his desk w~rk a most tlattering. l"i!t~ o.r sixty years B'rowne, Etta Keys, Anna . Taylor of manner. . ~me Y'oung chaps VISitors III the orB m the rod, whlte. and blue sudden outburst was heard in one ago we were not prlVlleged to se- and Nan Wright. Subsequent cat' . re h Id ~~q\\i!''' ~) am convinced, however, bunting, bu& what of it, the candi- corner of . the room. It proved to lect our dress,e~ from such a The . first banquet wall held i~ in the old h ~ l:fs'9~e he . " . t6Ut' t;'h~A~l' evcre punishments have date won't know. 'J'hC\ town marshal be the forerunner of the JOe Lou- "breath-taking" collection, but 1884 in the 'old balllocatcd 9n ~he chan e ws < s a duntol th OwddcFn la ' Ia' . ~ueSlra • ble an.d 1ar-~eac h'mg and t hI! Bh erlff . arc on h'an. d M ~In . is-Max Schmeling fight. Jesse, col- from. our ~hotos, " taken by Mr. upper ftoor of the ~o ~~ s tory.f rame lows I lutll on.rnaNorth e e - .' e Had St.e Here the effect. Not that the mtercliange 9f street merchants have posted ''Wel- ored tall-Ed White short and Downmg, the .pl\otoJP.'Bpher, our building at the comer of Mam and gu sta were 0 ded t " 1 - -- -__~__--~--~.,~G~ _ ____ i~~IY 'h1can!l of note wri ting was come" on the wind'lws. Round the stout In Mi8~ Lizzie'~ ullsucces _ -just sucli breat. lam street8;-w1i'ich, after a 'ftre t .: . Ill' aC~h l' I d 0 prlVl egde dt~htiiTIied. I n.stead , a better old depot the ct'owd' which had ful aitemnt to referee the bout an taking' qualities. What could be" some ~ears alo was' remodeled into ",0 ,' tStsetmh . e I n._t etho gef rOt~?' atn · mmTt ''''~6 . . "' . . , . awa t ball e cal Th"0 e th cas m hef ~enterville. d o~~ f orwar d'109 mal'1 was 111been' gathering sInce early morn- ugly wound ~as inflicted on her more entrancing than 'our lovely, the present one story b~s Ine BIi ba 't'l IJ8 was Jtee sceneho geniously devised. Far-reaching, ing waits good naturedly. The town hand Wi~h that the superintendent dotted swisses, lIilks, organdies, structure now on the alte. Th!s ltall ' !!~t~ d, PhOne ' 78J · f or In . my many, many years 0 f ban d pays I . II'iairs. ' W as th a t was .sent for, but before he ould and lacesl. ' as· C'!dwal - ac\oIVI patrlO . was aUcCi!88 iveIy lenown h" les un I 91 dl w t nthanoth' er h teaching 1-11 have -nevel' fo rgotten Ii train whistle? res, sir, there appear both boys leaped out of Grammar an o~solete terms to- lader, G;' A, R•. and Crosll. It was :c:n~e w~ ~a e . 0 h e Ig ~o 0 ' experi ences, and my consid- / she comes! Sure ' cntiughl And you the open window.scampered across day but gt~mmar nevertheless, un- a c~ude atlair being heated ' with t ' 00 :Ut~ rl\~m In d t ~ .ul%.per _tionillor and appnrcnt inditfer- can see the puffs of white the campus and disappeared be- der'the modern names, "Lessons Sn two eatmon type atoves artd light· !.°ltryb tOh e nOt"!' grfa ,e ul mg. • t . h ' . h hts f ,n e excep Ion 0 1A.. w on a of he "hC&I 1!J0 'utCltsb fit ted sameb na ul de fs~oke bcf.o~e you ~Sehar t c: bt"!'o hind ¥ary Finley's cot~ge, English," and COI!rel!tive Speech," ed, including t e,kfoot 111 0 return was made to the Oddh Fel. ....... ave grea y ell my oys sn amt warnmg tools, e gets IgChildren think of the strangest "school projects" are now called the stale, with erOBene amps, I b 'Idi d ' I . TARVIA-U'{'HlC TAn AND ~8 /r'1lDus , encouraging them to ger every second, belching black thingsl For example the writing of "extra curricular aetivitles"j no The seata lien( long wooden t~WSba UI nf :~h m 2~ u~mg ElXOAVATlNO mako"greabel' usc of t he unlimited smoke. Hoorahl shouts the crOWd, answers to proble:Os in mental m 0 r e "primary, ' intermediate, benches graduated from comfort- i te h Be~e;;. 0 h e ~e~d' et od- ROAD OIL ; :fl)e.edom. so outstanding in the pub- Down in the valley by .the old mill arithmetic on their foreheads ' Fine grammar gradt!9," 'in.tead su~b . ably low in front .to much bigher tSh fJ U1'C .' else 00 l tlUI I '216!1 g whas DUMP TR Olt SERVICE) .1' h' I f ' in the rear. In Ita . Ia'ter hi" " a th e,faIl" 1m'II' pac un dC lit! IlOPIS , Il t th to present t'Ime. stream ' t h e s h fl11 WIst e a matftematicians ' were' in Miss terms, meaning .lthe same, however, a.Ory . hifted tbw en I e 8ce~e aw;m .8 b to cod . .FossiLI)! jf we could produce a Wright's saw mill hursts forth. The Bamley's room. When a pupil was as "nursery, kinderiiarten, elemen- .few dolCll foldln~ chairs were add. , . (Amagic earpet" of phonograph rec- locomotive sends lip steam and called uPon ''to solve mentally those tary junior higb, junior college. ed. It was the center many of ~~Iullum, d~lI~h.t we .a~~ . hap-.v ords s,ucbJ 8 S has been worked out smoke as car by tar goes past till intricate problems ' in Stoddard's The same is .u'Uo' concerning tell the village activities including, h "Idl .acco~ • th.e prllvld~«do of 116 h usctts I nst I' t ut e 0 f t hepa 1 tf orm 0 f t h . dances, ', 0 nil' • sway In •bYI ·.~hII ,.-a#jsac e aati one'Jerk s Mental Arithmetic he unconscious- books. . commencementi, poIlt'cal I b '1 IIS sp en . I new Phone, Waynesville ,44 .R 'i t" 'llQChnplo&-y ,to record and preserve to a halt right in fl'ont of the band! Iy glanced in the' direction of the I insist that no finer school books meetings, 'Iectures and festivalB. On r n a.SIUm, ~ UI,d ng co~tlDg per· ,~i~hq •r,em~mber whens" and so Every eye is on thllt real' platform. ones who knew tbe answers ever were publielh ed t'han Harvey's the stage were produced · amateur faPtlh mort~ t n !O,OhOO Ihn lexc~ss Lebanon office' Phone 47a -KI·h . .cd ba cow, k N h e su dd en Iy - T G. -- ' demo . . • . and ope~e .. "__ hIgh , ... . W.~ . ,.w.l. g ht be caIn In high school an~-actual Grammar Monllgomety's ,HIStory theatricalB ..... , WeenIe 0 h ' e1 ent Ire t cos ' t o~tet e Woe ' · ~.ljor 1'08.98·1\1. Morrow 'PhotIC' No, 3 across the years with r emarkable Blaine, Republican candidate for ons~ration of' the movements of of ' the United States~ . Stoddard's Elan once sllllln~ the title role' in se 00 p an a qual' r of a century · _C(!;Ur/lcy;, " I' president' A shout goes up I You the heavenly bodiel the sun moon 'Mental ArithR;etlc and MeGlitley's "SIIOW ' White," the picture of; aa:~ ti . b 11 . ;J'J1WJI'io",llI, be true also if tele- hear his voice. "Friends in Waynes~ and planet~ by me4~s ~f a ~echan'~ Readers and SIH!ilers, Intelligent whicb gave Walt DlRey 110 much '~ ~ asstoc !a on ad , butf "threo 94 when that 0 treas., t}' d'd th ' I am glad ica1 device consisting .of' large, . , . - f ce.·s un ilI dded> I ...~~P I . camera, e cmVI'11 e an d W arren county judgment displa;yed .by our Board fame, It waa tbe .aeene ,0 f ... "..., . • ~. \11'er was ~ . f/1lJ4.,1,,1I\ul\llze for us Emma to be here with you this afternoon~ small and medium:.sized · brass of Education, '. OUI Geol'lre 'H~I'tQn ~neftt ,m!n- . ~ . f a I andwEd Jhanney 14' tip h . . " .Cf'Yers and car-. .strels witb ,Ta,tor,' 'D" W ,a"-J CnOsen or f''¢: -n.r ~ ,;jMfl so . dram.a'+' ¥lca 11 y re- Th"IS 'IS my fif t h fi ve-mmute greet- globes made a small planetarium . Wby·,magazmSl __I!re, ,, ti f th e 'p ace. hith th e ex-. Cited-in !lur high choo) . Li~erl!-~ ing todIlY." A little- boy rushes up yean before the Century of Pro. toons pe1'Iilt in showing c'hildren e*l;e and ~et.: " the atar fun I cep, .:n ; b ~~~I!t~~ "f' en e was REAl\; .~rA:TE, .' Soeiet.y-thc poem, "Cud 'Vi Shall ,w,receive a handshake and a smile gress displaYOd the same Idea. That as disliking scho,ol and quaking be- .fakers. It 'wu the,meetlng place of, p~~ e~ " :1 . ~ o~ce contin; ,\ NO~WP.Al:,;\'pr¥ght." . as the train · puffs, moves, g~thers mechaniSM seldo~ worked. as it fore' Dad when ,report cards are the G.' A. R; ,and ..,.. at one , time , ~~ .' o~ tiy~~a. ~ mom I bel' of NO'tARY ' PUBLIC ' . d ' b . II d 11 ~-""' .l " W b tb 10cal1 o," .organIZO ()n was more oyalor ~ti~ II ,q't'" ~" . spec" eeomes slna er an sma - was intended. Just at ~he moment shown, ·1 canDO!; understand, e used .. an armo~ , e I . • bib ted · . t th .. , tl • o'r~ruf sun was setting e.r down the track. "Good by" waves that a student. wal explaining *he loved (lUl' sehool .ahd · 1bose were' com~n, .. of "'the, " Ohlo Nat!oJ?&lt Ctf.p. dl~ i. mWorhe O'th e .assoclatftlon r elTt~t~d'!' jJ tons far awsy th d d W '11' . . . . " mh' . , . n~ "'IJ ~e. en ere were nfi!.! " -I · •..,.. , e crow an aynesvI ,e goes eclipie of the aun down on the truly lUfppy day,_ yd JearH. '.l e Guard. ' . , i 1 dUHc!111t1 nd h ' , nd s ' .I ,. I~w. a " ~ .a~' with beauty b!lc~ to wllI:k. "A t~ultuous 're- , table wou~d, faI~ ' th~ .eartll or the same' lii trae today, Why,. In IDcJian~' With the exception ,of. the ice , :~ ~ '" . It , ~ . t .ey :were ,<!De and .day:. . .reports '(me 'Paper. J" A .mOO!! ;£hen the remaining mlnuteB apoliB,' owinl to traftlc " ••trda, it, cream which Will made and; olllcer::d " .'. '/! dlsappom~l~g t~~-aut'l ... ·declares. ot tJ:te Pllriod woulil .be used in an has· been r~l!.sary roma~e a rul- d~nated : th~ :v~~. tor t~e "rst be~ tQ"l Ed o . ~ e mem _ For, a t the rln I,n$.. of t~!J c~rfew . t)e \>PPO~I~~ POJltJ08J organ. . ,effort tel:make eol'r:ect- adjult~enta. inK tha~ c:l:lldre~ ~y not oomet -to. dlD~er were f~Jsh~ by.tile sweet he"carrie:\be .!'a:i!i, ~~!ll~n B oOfoiif ~ly~t di . , .~. atn ,happ..l ~~ 1h"v~ ,thill op~o~ H9bby Fairs a~ound at the ''pre~ the bulldJJ1Jf bef~l1'e 8 9'clook. 00· airl . enduateli, the me~~ beine' hilt own . aectl1ini. untp~lie~ : . : r .. . ~u~l~y , ~ ·...E ~tJlvl and 9\'tftK en~ tl..e, In. ~e year I8?6 W~)'IIes- erwlse .tljey w~ le&\'8 their pt~re e1abo~te . ~!'" ~1 IlUbaeq.lil In black. At th - I ~f:'Itd"~I"~:t..erlie s..tI!"Y~ allil tdbq;e ~en "of r. ttJa~ vOle _dola' h.ld . on. All l'OODlA brealdut fooA DIl~~ r. .a .~. I 4'fQt 9De, .'l1iej~w,!.,ciHlie ~- ~ " 1ii. esm6' ~., e ,c ose .., and. .~es~le re- ·t"eaty-¥~ period. ·Prof, Graham, .tldt'" · tea ".?~lr tell YOll J: 'rive, lOme ',t '18l~ bf.' ~eD~~ : pI.oVl,uDe' tIl'i Nlre.)llJlenti a -'a"hc!o . I\ll'tfetl }Ie waS, th~ rln&'1", of the scholarly gentleman, Cleep y just one nevel'-to,be-forarotteD hap.. tt. The IIc:bool fftftlc ofIleen are ".. followed 1I1ItIl 188'1 wben a ea- ~th i Nd ~. the p~-:" a.1,*M'*~"~!'lIIHl~JjoochmMd to th and. pl'ofoulllllr cal'r '3st in his de- penln~ in .t be sixth ~r~de. Maj' Lit- on duty at 8 orclOek. teJer ..u I8qe ~tftela. 01I;r-~ a:~ lI1IlIl~a ~w om Llil' I'u (I~\"- V... ~lun ttl the high idl*la ~ the jtle hacr 1lrith -paba..taldn~ epa. Our fo~e\o , ••Ident, Theodore boniface of the ~ld ~,. H~ ~.,.C1I omaae I: '"...., t!tat:'1~~==:;: -.uu .. 'bell aild wbil~ ~h!ng professio~in$ier~ fa baked • C1IIW'd pi... She brouaJl£ Roosevelt, uJd: ~e· .re:.proud of ".. tlse ·a nt , to ..... fa .1Ater i.e ~ '~e7' All honor toJ dieat, perform- blS boys and girl.-wu oae of IJ*lmea baDdlwiwlt ·tD our tehoola &ltd Of tlIe trained In- 7ean tis. tu1c WI uaaIJJ'...... bed --..J. ...,...lWIIn~ to and tho best loved 8Upertntenden~ of aehool In the JIlOI'IIIq. la the aft- teUla8aee oar ehiJdftD eel." OM of" fti10U ........ ...._ mulct ~ • undln~ of the Wa)'llesville aeboola. Th8le are ei'IloOD each e1d14'. dak. was to 1ICCI1Itre, bUt -~ ~~thiI a hJa WOlds: "1 .. 10aftt to r., Jail . . -• .,... Jle ~ ... ". care II tbt Jbu.
for the
F T Mar't.-n' A "'tl . . Uc; OReer
SA:FISFA ' CTION 0", 'No Char"'e
Sand & 'G,ravel
p ' m
~llt)i~ l~l?l~ii,.,o,
t1i!:=:; :e
or ...
j. B..:' Chap~an
.th~:~blt o~,
E 1. 19S9
Fer-ry .
With a Buckeye I~ Congre~s. ~ • s, ,. ....... Coa_.
Mrs. Edna M
U; h I' b d wHh
(ti th
at all times
on tin d
i n (~cled kn '.
Rov. Sltld MI·s. W. C.- Smi t h -a nd fomily we re Cincinnati vi lli tor , Tuesday. '
'ftll OWe Ol.trtet
, __ !2&J_
", 'e ofter a 'satisfactory Service ~
Mr. and Mrs. A , C, oJleLt we;! re Dlly ton visitors, Ol')e day las t w ek.
M(:Clure Funeral Home
MI', and Ml's . W. Ti chenOl' wel'e guests of f l'iends in Le bnnon, Monday.
WayaesvUle Phone' Mrs, Lav r na .. Faul ha s SeCUl'l d tor I will he ~o bllilllcd as to onlpl oy mcnt a t Leba non at the .... ~ _ 1 _ .I-.. ..... ~~.~~I~-.n_~ .. II _L.-.J_ I _..-.. - <0 brin~ i ll t he s um amount ' of, or ~_;;;;;iiiiiiii_ _.;';; Mi ss Osee Anson, nf t l' a d ·IIIl1re, l'cv(! nue to the govc 'nmont UutchltHwn 's s erv ice s laiiiClr..---r-;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;::::;;::;;;;;;;';' •• - - - - - -5 Jigh tful vis it with fl'iends her ' has troasury L1S und·r th - present; law, Mr. Jake cott IIn(1 lI a u,Cl'ht -1:, returned to he r hOlll e in Los Ang eles. 'I'lie F!ol'idn ship anal will n<lt H elen, call t\ ,on MI', lInd Mrs. • • • • • be c('nstl'bctetl , At leas t not by Jess H ess, Sunday aftcrno()n-;- . Mr. and Mrs, Ren Gai n c~ a nrl ap)lJ'ii'( lrintions rr(lm thi s c(lnll'l'csS. MI'. and MI's. Fmnk H ess ,iwnt daugh ter, Nllncy, of HlIl'twell . has Lost week the se riate defeut 'd t hc hill pl'ovidi ng for t he fede\'a l go v- Tuesday eve n ing with th' Jess been s p nding s v !'a I days wi th rnm nt io res ume wOI'k on ( he H ess', Mrs. Homee Hatt on, gi~B nLic ditc h across the r 'nins ula • • • • • Mi ss Lucy Fr ,lnll untl MI'. Wi lSlale which would have cost som eMrs. Mary Shidakel' and dnughliam SOlllll'S, ef ·en tl'l·ville. wcr wlw l'l! a ruund th.!' 'u hundr 'd million te l', Mi ss Bess , an.l 11', ha rl es dollars, T h practicability lif t h ' married in Ri 'hnwlltI, [ndi ana, Fri Scroggy, of Xenia. l\1r's, W, W. canal was ~ Il qu estioned tha t t he duy, May 2(;, Welch und Mr , Ed Dukin wel'e l'{Jnu my hloc in lhe se nate was Ilbl e Mr. nn cl Ivr rs, 8rvin Th om as und among the olil fl'iends attending It was the Harvest of 1831-at Steel's to win UHlir lig h t, In the menn- childr -n nlill MI's. LUVC I'lJa Fuul lhe buriul of Be rnard 1£. Dakin, at time in til<' house !l numbe r of apTavern in Virginia - that a young anrl Hon !:all ed on M I'~ , Thom:.l~' Miami aemetcl'y, Saturday , propl'iati() m~ fOI' nuwly pl'oposed farmer, Cyrus H. McCormick, cre~ted dam s in vllr illUs s mall rivel's ill th granrlpurents. Lh e «Ii ' nhe mn s, a t Phone 32 Wa Yllcsvilil', 0 .• co untry was dfeatutl, sav ing many Springboro, Sunday aft 'm oon , MI'S, H. C, Dakin. of Lebanon, a sensation by cutting the harvest millions of dollurs. Lawre nce Daldn, of Sun Antoni o, Betty Ro}:'cl's. who has been vis on th'e plantation wit a horse-drawn Texn , Miss Lolli. e Eyckc alld Mr. iti ng with t he HUl'ry ,omells', wus o ntl'uds for the;! ae rial mupCongressional . mcmOl·inl sel'vices I Suoflivan, of Aml cl'lIon, Ind .• MI'. harvester. en lied hOllle Tu usclu y by th e sudd -n ping of R .(i l'~) squar . miles of Ohio wer ' held ill the housc chamber on and Ml's, RUllert Newbrec ht, of Mcmlll'ini Day honoring the nin' illncss of hel' mot her , MI's. Ernes t tCl'l'itory ha ve be en a'ward ed by the Detroit, Miss Nan .coll ett, MI', nnt! me mbe rs of co ng ress who have di ed Rogel'S. l Ad jus l.nwn t Admini sAgl'icultura Mrs, George Denny, MI'S, Horace From that day to now the McCormicks, s ince th las t memoriul s rvice II Sunda y callers at the Lawrence Hutton and Mr, Ren Gaines wel'e tration. Thes' 1l1:l(ld LIS d 1)l'inllu'YUUI' agu. Th lat s t loss to condown to the third generation, have been visitors at the hom(' of Mr. and ily f()1' SIlI'vl!ying" cropping prllcTh omas hOll1e we re Mr . and Mrs. ln oss cu mo only las t week in the Ml's, W, C. Tichenor, lhe first of ti es on fal'lll s hav ' proved to be ,buildjng- Barve ting machinery and all death of Bert LOl'd of N w York, Chul'les Thomas, ' of Miumi!l bllrg , o( great vallie for oth,,1' purposes, the week. and Tom Ke rl'y flnrl H oward BUI'It is not very o ften s ince FI'an k- whu pass d uway unexpectedly in that time, the name McCormick on a gess , of Kelltll('ky,' Mr, Kerry lin Delano noosevelt wall fil'st ill - n Wm;hi ngton hospiwl. Harvesting machine has been 'a guaraugurated in 1033 that h e hUi;! lJe n At I nat half t h memb ·rshi(l of stay'cl OV'I' a nd i ~ wOI'king fOl' cllmpelled to bow to the will of congress re turned to th ·ir homes MI'. 'l'homas for n \;hil e, antee that the machine has been carec.o ngress ional leaders ; and in th rO I' Memorial Day. exerc ill s and pnst when such occas ion' did Ilrl se vis ils, with t he re, ult thnt congress Mr, and Mrs, Ed . Rit 5, nnt! MI'!:!, fully enginee red and constructe(i, and they cnllle only aitel' a tight irun . ac ted but IiUI hUs lness t hc Borger, of W at anolllon. Mr. thoroughly tested before being offered in congress. Rowove!', in t he lus t first part of the week . However a nd Mrs. Hal'olc1 Ro~e, MI', and few dllYS the pre!lide llt hIlS seem ... more and mol'C importl.\nt mcasul'e~ .Mrs. Laur I R sc and fami ly a nd for sale. ingly been c/lmpellod. lis 8 I' suIt a rc heing brought up fOI' consil!- Mr. and 1\11'8 " Morto n, of Tipp .r the vllrious 'confe r nces thnt oration and it now appoars it will tty, Mr, and Mrs. Hall s ' and have been held, to agree to pe!'mit not he long until the rus h anti high Betty Roger !.>, This is partieularly true of the No. 61 ' tho leaders of his party ill th pI' I:lsur , on legis lative matters in Tuesday gu 'sts house imd senate to prdce d w ith PI' pa1'lltlon fOI' adjournme nt will Harry Cornell. COMBI NE, the newest of the lIa.l'v.estthe r evision of. federal tax l lgis lu- pc t~e ordor of th day. Most leg' ers, tion 100Win-g towlIrd some ap_ l l sl at~ve, vet 1'lIns, ho\~ev 1', urc still ,Memorial Day was ve ry quiet in pca~merrt of business. Tl'Ilined Ill' chetmg that congress will be in Fer~y for the ·most part. Women observers believe that SOlO of th I session until at'ound t he first of dCcornted the graves of their loved It i rugged without ' being heavy or ' burdensome and troublesome tuxos Augll s t, and p rhaps longe r, Those olies in th eal' ly morning and will 'be e liminated 0 1.' r evised a nd mOre optimi stic express the hope spent the r s t of tll\} day much 'a s unwieldy-it is the size best sw"ted for that the tax ' lawR may, be Si'I1lJlIi- that final adjournm lit may com usual. Fal'mer s plowed corll, R t nil;, but that in t.he whole the 'tax ,oon newt' th& -1t,h of ,July . Ohio Fa.l'ming' not clumsy and overtoJ>ncco, anq a tto nd ed to vnl'ioll s large, and ye~ large enough to be a r~al While tell s ion in th!!' European other farm work that needed ats ituation has ' undoub t.cdly eased tention. But in t h hellrts of lIlI machine. The best engineel'ipg skill dudn /: t ht! pas t tW(l or t hree wceks t he day and what' it s tanos fOl' obtainable has eliminated freak conwlls n't -fo rgotten, t hos in closeSt touch with devel .: pm ents 111;1'0. ~ the seils ins is t that struction-has combined the best ~ea t h cl'isi ' has by no melln been ~rs, Laverna Faul gave a stork tUl'es of the Harveste~ and thresherpas cd, nor is continuetl pace IlS- shower in hol'lol' or MTs, Logan UI'ed. I t is be ing pointed out that j}reen at th~ home of Mrs. p , .J. itOftl~ Treatme..t Eo.e. so that the grain flows directly. from •• bearob,. Sorene.*-DI.trell th c nomic and intet'nnl ,ituations Thomas, Fl'ldny aftcJ'noon, The e.$watol· in a straight line-without. in 'Germ/my IIf'e , fas t I'eaching the guest- of hOllo.' received nla ny ],hore is one si""plo yet inolpensivo w~y s tat wher Hitl el' will b com'and dainty gift" and the afte l'noOJ\ t urns to make trouble-it hanaIes t'anto oase tho itching and to rture of Eczoma, Itcl\lng Toes or Fo~t Rasnos lln,d mony p lied t mllk QOIllC drastic move -Pllssed pleasun(ly playing games. gled gl'ain perfectly-harvests any of other exte rnally clI~.od Ikin oru ptlOns ~nd i I' lose a, great r,ol'tion of the power Prizes were won' by Mrs, T, B. , "': thot is to lI'ppLV Moono's ~merold ,Oil night IU\el con~rol he has b on cxe rci!!ing Brannock, who won t wo, and Mrs, ,Qur grairi or . seed crops and daTi\Ters and mornIng ,.lInd poo plo who $uHor from ov this J eOl'lo. Reports from Roger Brown. Iced tea and cookies ~u~h embarrassing or uns ightly skin eready for market. tl'nincd observers are to the effect -were served a;-r~!r ~~ment;;: The 1roublos would bl! wIse to try it. thllt German; lende r al'C ",:"orking guests wer l! Mrs, T. B. Dmnnock, Just (uk eny first· do'i druggist for a~ s peed , along mnny hnes t o - . ' ··You Say He~ I JIZ2 Bandl . Why, He PoUnds .. T~"I1~' Qriginal boffle of Moono's Emor';(d O il a t tlJP 'tl the. *COml} Ic t'ion 0 f a cen tra ' I Mrs. Jim Brannock and children, and rofuso to ac.,pt anyt hing olso, 11 is wnl . . P,or a Uvlng." _ ,. If you will come look it over, you will "-Ro.ger Brown, Mrs " Eth I Iud. !\ highly oonce nt'rl)tod proPl>rotion P lan f or intense lIlilituTy ae t'Ion. Mrs. F I M Lo G . d .... M~~S. ~~at·He's" Do~~. * J~ ~ . _~ know why and then if you will let us r~ , gun re-:n on, !Ion thot a smlll! bottla..!oits 0 long timo li nd '1 hut GernlRny_wiU in s ist ~n taking' 'IlU, furt~ormo~e inhit-cleo n. poworful. pone- OVUI" the PoB h onitlor lind the Ml's. -ErVin Thoma and chlldr n put it in the field for you, we will both trlOhng ocl thot holps promotn kealing il'eo-eity of Danzig' seems absolute- and Mrs. Faul alld 80n, and_ Mrs, foils t!> gilfll you full ' end comploto soils. p'l.'ofit. faotlo",you con hllvo your monoyre fundod, Iy ca)-tn ill, Thnt Poland will re&~ t Perry J. Thomas. It
now SQC lIlS cCl1.ain th L t h . aga:icuiturnl apPl;opl'iatill1l hill ' $\11' the next fl scal yeol' wil l hu ~1l111- where Bl'ound n biliilll\ twu hundr d million rtnllnl's io am. Ullt, a nd will caTl'y , pl'ovisions for pa rity payments"'to farmers, fun(is for h umlling s urplul> .pr duct s, 1\'11(] nthol' items not included in Lho IIrigitli\1 r ecommondlltion!! of the !leer ·tary 01 agi'iouiture and the lll'csid -nl. The appropriation will b ' t h ' In l' r_ est ever made by any ~ovornmlm(, Ilt any time_ for ag r icultul'"f PUI'poses and ie apprOldm ut.c ly thl' hunch'ad anti eig'h t y million dollars higher than l'eeummerllietl hy t he dil'octor of tho budj!ot, Final appl'oval of the meaflure wnt! III'uctically agl'eed upon when the house voted on the mlltter of ap p(.i nling Il confer ence ,"om mi ttee to d i 'c uss the Iici'IUte amendmunts, It is knbwn bhllt the house confere nce committe favors the in lU8ion oC the increased appropriutions in the bill Rnd t hat the r por t of tho committee in fnvol' of s uch a melldmenta will he approved by hoth bodies of con~l' e:;s.
ll ttU
The Combine
Fairley Hardware Store
Fiery I.tchin g Skin aits Qll~k Relief
with any such a ttempt on tlle Pll l't of Germany seems almost quully cOI'win. T,h erefOre, student of t he s!t~llti ~ in illt anothe~ EUI'Ojl 'Bn cri SIS, more dnngel'()US than ,tho l'ecent ne of t he past weeks, is sch eduletl to d velop soon,
1-~~======;;=~;;:;=-I F ad S d -
rl .ay- ator ay THRILL DAYS
''Kid From Texas')
Laughitig . Around the World •
,Prices 'for 1939 have been substantially reduced and refinements added. ' We ' have Qne on our sample flooi'--eome and see it, :, ,
• MEN LOVE ~' , \ .
U ftu ' " P8IIPY aad fuU or fun;,' _ III-.lte :roa tjl1I&n .... and PIIrtllJ!!-
1H E 1. W. LIN G0 -Hardware
Si~uatio~: ellor ~risi?# Il~_~~;
Ohio ''172 'U!nOOO 'f ' , " ' , I 0]' auto license plates a Ii in gasoline tnxe ...q duting • 1938 • New York , , and " • P~nnsylvama wlIl'e the only other t h' I s Iltes. ~ Ich' co le~ted greater su~s. from those SOUl'ces. Three ',. , :L states ,co1J!!cted a ,gas- tax of so en cents . g al\ on: 'The t otaI pala ". l , for ' • per , ,h, ,~cns~ .p11l~eB and as gaSOline tax' In" the Untted Stntt;lS lllst yellr- was
will .
, r__ ~If' )'ou &nI OU(llll, JlJIU_ lUll! tfroc!. 't be Intc!l'C>l!U!d. Mew don't lIko ~= , Wilon 'hey 110 til partl..-5hq ......t at .. "0111 who arc foU of pep, r ab III eUe<7l1n Mella aoOCl ae'ntli'al mtem loBIe, ......Diber ~or 8 aono·ratiOM one how to II'! "amlIInc tIIl1I" ~11 .. E. Plnkham'.' Vaaeuble ~~:d. I help. hulld up moM ph,...· anel,tII.. ~ldio In clvlna 70U }DON' G':P ~ ~ fnl,m fepwe ~ , . ~ bel I'IaJdIam" CoIllP0aD4 wzu. ,WORm.'~RYIN~I ; , ' ~l:,160,81l5.009. ,. ~~ ."
____ riCanOthOl'
"WHj~T You Want, WHEN ,Y ou Waitt It"
P. S.: For the man who w~ntS to cut ~ith ~ binder, we can supply new ones or used, ones, that will do t~e . harvest satisfactorily_ ,
, I
inf I
Your humble sCI;vener is.oot a . Lel us leU your stock, merCJ1lln- pl'ophet or the son Q;( a' prophet dlae, hOIlleb,old ,tc, Ever]'. but in spite of that fact · I'emainn!S!l_~~~~~::;~~~~_4!.t-_:::":::'::"_;"_~'--'''------.__...___ ...._.....____...__ • __• ono lnvl~" your blL~ltle II i! aplll'li· l'(!a~y t o take his---reputntion n1 the PI'opos iti,o)t it will be many a . ' e~. ' lcing- day, pqiore Mr., Roosevelt , CALt-,'1 I0NE 535R.2 mukes /lny ..,mor public stntements ., MIAMrSRlJRG/ 01110 ubout the S»Jloriority of Al'g ntine Arthur Sorren. owner. Td. 535R2 beol vel· ...that ,pt'Oduc~d in this c ou~try ; 01' inskucts "Illlvy F. T. Martin, Auctiolll!tu' to ollY $Quth American meat In Tel. Centerville 78J pl'eJeren~o til that pl'oduced by our 203 cUaler BId,. ,D~yton, '0., AD31JG1 own citizons. In ,fact, the congress, by a r.ide!' attached to ' the naval npppropr iation bill, ha~ provided by the Place to go for , \" . In w agail)st fhe' contingimoy of any I
In Oth~ Words a N,o.Run Tie By IR.VJN S. ~BB ,
'yEARS ago I knew a man who had a . if over a maD ,luwI.. . be called a character. . ' understanding. AJly time there was a came between scrub teams . . .. where in~·our country you could co_ upon Uncle Giles beiDa' ~~
those prominently present.. A close play lett ldm practlcally ~ ! with joy and excitelil€llt. " "- _ " , ft'_ Late in life he made his first. trip outsidll tho boundaries u. state. He took advantage of • ,",pulai' , excursMln l'ate SO .o ver"to, St. Louis where he remained for tw\I CIOwded ' tbri1liI!g dais.:.....:o.-{ Upon his return I met hi'lh at tho depot. I was" cub 1'8..--then on a loeal daily; ani for pca,po:>cs of publislting his ~ ,w hich .I knew would be pict1m!8Ciue, I ~ecdeJ to iDt6r9iew Jdm. , "Uncle Giles," I ' said, ··whAt · was :a YOIl 53W on YOUI' ~ . . struck you most forcibly 1" , , "Well, son," he said, "if I seen Dee intenwtlD' slgld: 11DD8t: ...... I ~ a thousand. When I seen 'em sellin' watezmeJon by the aUc:e, ail hII the middle of August, I says to myself that wonders will never cease. "But son~'-and here his ~ eyes brightened with a "'"'!pI...... gleam-"I reckon the greatest thing .1 seen was a baseball ~ _ , before yesterday. 'Twas a game J;letween these yere-St. tomes Dd.~ , I, there Detrolts. Son, them boys played 'loven eDclbfa_aDd ~"'~""" : ary ODe ra~e ' ary 0Ite." ' ~ . ",' ,
. (AaMlI~~.~ ~~ IM.I{
~• •
10, 1939, at 12 o'clock.
few loaves and fiabes is beyond the ken of human understandinl{, but th ey did It an d d'd b " deterI I't weII . H crq ert Warwick was presi dent tlult minati<ln of heirship ordered. (CoaUnuecl ~ Pare Two year and It ia needless to say that . In the matter of the estate of an d usually an orchestTa. On two. the program ' was carried out in a }feud ·rson. Emma I. Russell, deceased; deter- occasions we had one ffom Cln- Ilprightly and chara.,terlstic WarJ . A. Ellisl'ln y~. J. E. Smith; mination of funds ordered. .cInnati of which Clifford S: Ridge . , wick maflner. It was at this meet, B n Kill» ."'S , F1'tlne .- G, ]loll, judgro nt to plaintiff, $1 1.30 and In t he matter of t he estate of was a member. It has been my for- ing that the . lovinr cup was fi rst !Its. t aI., for m 'W~· only. Frank Gons, decCllscd; inheritance tune to hear a .few of the outstal)d- bestowed 9n the winning class. The tax. ordered certified to auditor. ~ a ri l' ' 1)}'\\'i ' itlgl"ton \'5 . Georg .iJliland vs. Walter Dning cornet playel1l of their day and cup. was a gift of t he OskampFOR SALE-Shoats , Blna Pn.t.. In th matter Ilf the' estate of 1 have never listened to one who Nolting Co., Cincinnati. There was Charl . Fr()lll!rick Sirigldpn, f or kin; cns compromised, s W ed and terson, 4 miles west ' ot Harveys inventory ld d h d ' h Rosa Follen, decllased' , limony. , dismiascd. cou raw sweeter tones from an muc . eta II connected with t e e- burg on HarveysburB'_ Lebn.uon road. Anna Opal Zin Ie vs. Raymond approvod. instrument and with such seeming ,union that year which .was admir. M 1i tf ' capable girls: In the' matter I~f the estate of ease as could Cliff. All who knew a bl Y handll}d by two OMMON rU~J\ rRO EEDJ OS E. Zinsle; case dismiss d. Mary Franccs Jones, deceased; H. him mourn his untimely death. Emma Hawke and Alice Carcy, PROBATE COURT HAzel Hillillgor v .. H I'\j l't Rid· Z. Gray appointed administrator; My 'fenow grey heads will recall Considering the conspicuous pnr t WANTED-House of 5 or Grooms Clint Ratliff, W. G. Rockhill and a custom practiced before dancing wh ich my brother played in• the In or near Waynesville. InquJr Ilt il1ger.; case dismi!'lSerl. G. F. Brown appointed appraisers. became t h. e vogue; the annual pre-reunion . Knthl ~n ,1. tkin, ,, ' lark A t In t h matter of the stnte of arrangements I a s t Gazette olIlce. kinsi divol' e to plaintiff. I' . tor'd H CnI'j ttn Hines, decensed ; hearing promenade. This would not be con- year modesty might forbid my l\fi\RRIAOE: LICENSE to maid<!n name' f Knthlc n J ohn- on inventory ct f r June 10, I US!), sidered a very exciting feature to- making mention of it; but Ross FOR SALE-Sows ami pi (.ls, D , nt 1 o'clock. . !!on. , day but we managed to derive en- Hartsock, hiR officers and commi tIn tbe Illatt r of t h estate of tutc of Ohio vs. Edwnl'll .J. Th Everett Davis, 2lI, Waynesville. joyment from it and succeeded in tees accomplished 1;0 much in H, Hockett, Waynesville. Johnson; d :( IIdan\: fin<!d "25 and Henry Duffy. decens 'd; h aring on laborer, and Georgene McKeever , ,stirring \\p a quantity of dust arousing the latent interest of t he FOR SALE--a-room house In good invent 1'Y se for June 10, ID3!). at cost 'arfd 30 dllY '; in jail. 17. of WayneSVille , from the Odd Fellows' carpet to old gL:aduates that I consider hut Berdett GarrisIln, 27, painter, c a vcr our paten t Ieat her shoes. Our JUS . t'ICC t 0 se Ieet i t as t h e t h ird 0 f condlUon. electrlo ligh ts, \\'I;lltcr, as S llisll1i sed: Tom Maria noA 10 o'clock. . ' , and Jane Lacy, 22, stenograp' her. banquets h ave d eveI tmy' Good locn.L\on [or 11Incl1 vs. Roy fich;l<'l s; Elb:nbelh Mari In the mattcr of ·the e~tate of oped much rlUmvera t e. both of Franklin. anos Vll. Roy lI1 ich a 11::; cllit' Mal'i- Flol'enc ' attel·tbwaitc, rleccased; post-prandial ability among the Fat many years our annual ban- room, A b~n. Sec P. A . Run· M ,25,pd 8r)OS ,v . Roy Michaolg; Ll on Kirk- c \'tifi~at(! of transfel.' of I'eal esRobert Siney, ~!2, pai nt mak er, membership. If you feel by your quet was the main social event of yan, Mt. Holly . Ohio, patrick vs. ;Emil Whitrlack; Annn ·tate ordered. Dayton, and Bernice Graham, 22, experience that you are entitled to the year. Of course the gradunt·s th e (egree I ' a II 0 f t h elr . commencestenograph er. Wa'.'"nesvill e. ]\{a Tan' in vs. Child ';'; Fulton TarI n t he nwttet' of the estste of FOR RENT- Modern apllrtment 0 f "AJ ter Dinner Ora- appeare d In vin; V. Fairlc~' VS, J uhn hu, Vi ola C. olbcrt. decen sed; heari~g Hubert , Sloan, 26, carpenter, tor" and your name is not men- ment finery and of times the old In Hotel property on Main street, mnkel'; LaIc Henderson vs. Haltie on schedu le of debts . et iol' June Middletown, and Louise Kennard. tioned no personal slight is intend- girls (Old used in a relative sense Available JUT\C 1, See H. H . Wi'l, 21, housekeepor, I.ebanon. cd; there are too many to name only) had new gowns 'fol' the oc.' llrunson. M_25-pd Sam Blissett, 21, Franklin. and all. At the moment I recall such casion. The r eturn of non-residents Nathali e Ferguson, 18, Franklin. names as: the Keys sisters, Viola Could always be counted on, Day- . FOR SALE-2_1Il0nth old H" mp. TMEAE IS <\ VOt.II1I6 Lr\OV IN NiLI!S J efferson Dunetmsoni 22. glass and Etta; Mame Browne Lina ton. Columbus and Cincinnati $hLre boar, eligible for re!:, stry, WI4OSI!' "ACI IS ALL COVEREO ' worker, Winchest.~r. Indiana, and Wright, Lou Barnett, Ed' Allen, each contributing a share. Not onWITI1 SMILES , ~ Sylvia Pursley: 22, Franklin. Clark McKay, Whittie.r Burnett Iy were the' members active but champion stock, vacclna.tcd . Mrs. S. Carl Duke. These and many othe~ the social leaders of the town wel'e Gilman, Telphono..Centervllle 23, JLlt* 4 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS loosed a flood of wit and satire that always pleased to receive an invito Route 48 was highly amusing to the 8ssemb- aUon. Mutual F ed era,) Savings and led guests, In r8llponding to toasts Owing to the increased size of FOR SALE-Plenty of Sweet po. Loan Association to William E. members some times resorted to the classes there has been no lcss- Ito&tO. and cabbage plonts at and Marcella Reynolds; lot No. 71 verse and on at least one QCcasion ening in attendance but t here 'has D. H, Hookett's Route 1: Waynesin the village of Franklin: I our talented president 'for th's year been a decided decadence of interVille. John Foley, deceased. to Thomas regaled us with rhyme. , est on the part of the oldcr memFoley and ' Matthew Foley; 124.22 At 80me banquets there were bers. This may be partially due to ,FOR BALE-Gnrdel') plnnts of 1111 acres in Turllecreek township. guest speakers; the moet eminent -the fact that we oldsters comc back Idnds 10 cents dozen, 3 dozen for 25c. AH States Life Insurance Com- being the poet, historian novelist to visit and it was hal'd to do so Sweet Potatoes 900 for $1.00 ; nnmral pany to R. A. Niekamp: 106.76 teacher, William HCI\ry Venable, ~ 'in competition with a dance orflowers , perennial flowers. Oeorge acres in Washingto'n township. product of the Ridgeville neighbor- chestra. Please do not understand Peten;on, one mile Crom Waynes_ ___ hood and one of Warren county's that I object to closing the reunVille on Bellbrook pllse. ~ost distinguish,ed ' sons, Respond- ion with a dance in the old gym. Ing to many reque'e ts on each vis.' To fully comprehend the mogniFOR SALE-SwCet potato pl!l}lts, it .Dr. Venable grac;ously recited tude of this asAociation one _lIhould Mrs, MafK'(U'et Barley Is v1siting some of his hest known poems spend some time with the Toll of 95 cent.!; per hundred or 3 hundred Crlends In Cleve1a:nd. Of all of ~e superintendents' who Enmemlberds, Gr~~~ates .live from N~w for $1.00 all kinds of 'lJllt'den plnnts• '. " • • h a v e served the W '11 g an to ~Iforma; from WIS- 10 cents per dozen or 3 doz n for h aynesvI e eonsin Texa~ Mr. and Mrs. JI. T. Wiaiton were sc ools I think three can be selecth' ed to f . ' b". 101 any h. ~ve 25 cents, One and on ·ha.\.f miles WheP you're nervous they tell you to 'nJu. ed as being most closeI l'd t'f\ed !iC lev ame n t el communitIes north of Waynesville on mer of adVice to liv., but m.lahtt bUd to follow ' You will find It much euler to relu-to ~ , vlsttors om .TUesday. with this institution' G Yh en Sl . and have received the well merite~1 WaynC6\>i1le. Ferry and L ytl roads. • • 10 • • . ' ra am, tillaO "'t th i f 11 ,. ' rm:.' ~.!lee»l_:-:-. Ne"OUI IrrltabW~, 1IeItwell and Bratten As Ion h l' aec 1m u ere ow CitIzens. ~IIC StrOUlie ,B rothers, 'R. R. 2, _ N~ dI'!'c1ae 'after ,au 1Ue ' Mabel Moon wdt.1!d ·m Oolumbua. ed to Mr Gra~m w gh~s e l~- influence that ' this great body of M ,25,J ,1,8,15 the .......t w.....k . ere IS puplls tat' " d DR. MILES~ ........... . here his boys and girla. He was rfpres.en , .lve m,e n an women can • • '. • • our guest many tim d Yield In behalf of this ' school, the FOR '$ ALE-'l'wo row dorn plow. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Donnell re- failed us when his es an neyer villar ,nd the communit"r at large . _ presence was . 1..- • DllJIILES-NERVINE 11 a well Jmown nerve Used on,e season. U . L. Rye, Waytumed to their home in Cleveland, parbcularlydesired. Stephen Stll- IS too great to "" Igno~ed, A duty IfdadYe. Althoulh the formula from which it nesv~j Ohio. M.25,J,i ... made bas been in \.\.Ie for De81'~ eo ~ on SuntbW. well took ' pardonable 'd ' . h devolves upon the r eSIdent memDO better medicine jor a teDIe, --WI'O\MIlt • • • • • fact that he served e In t e bers; the ireat ,revival of spirit nervOWll condition has ever been ~ as u DR. MII..F3 ~VINE Is as up-to-date etintendent than any ter sH))should never be a110wed to wan : tb Mm. 'Frands 'll'oppin visited her 0 er. i8 y as th1a D1CIminJ'8 . son. Fred and ttllnlly in DaYtop great contribution to education fYOIUI s~ould see that, thte Sathurda . . i was ,tlle Boxwell Iaw. Wh'l a owmg -"1-=-1iltlire-Iffiiftlre-Ol"tJieC81Eil{e;orlfsi~fiij~~~~:~~~~ I e it· . d commencemen d I d cac ' year bore the name of anoth' , IS ma e a re etter ay for cach Mrs.. E11.'Il Ferris wns a guest Tues, er It was Id d te A d • ~ the child ot his creation. He' never ~. g~8 ua . o~ you fy:oung day of .Mrs. J , B. Schm1dt In Wilen 8llb~leist' e c aSs °h' 1 89, a mIngton. Mr. and Mrs. Web Wilkerson have lost intereat" in his scbolars nor ~ a guest this week. Ml'. WukEl'SOD'II the Alumni Auociati Clif ~..pons I y XCS t s; w en 0 1del' mother. .. Bratten has honored on't . ton handa lay down the torch it is for Miss Meade EllIS hn.... retllmcd to us a varIous O" h I • • • •• times with his ptesen rt' II Y Il to grasp and old .t aloft. her home near 'hero nJ tcr completce, pa la y One afternoon last summer I Mlss 'Hann.1,h :aaJoper visited her due perhaps to til Ing her :r.ihool work'in a Ol'cenrield brother Hugh and family of CUlver. cd by the redoub~bre::uie spent some hO.u rs going over the school. ' _ Ind. UJe las: w:e~' • • In a personal lette: w~itt~n a;:::t roster of members. Ther~ were • • • • year Mr. Jlratten told me' that his awakened happy recol!ect lons o! Mr. IU'lcI Mrs, Enrl Thom"""'~ oC Mrs. KIlite· OopEiI&)' 9Jld Mrs. Mame years ot residllDce i W' III mt school lIays more than '60. years I ' ."'" Dnyton, , were vlsl ~rs. h r Friday . Knee were recent', gu.... .....oco..... :.. of' . ...-. and had a marked influence n on aynesv . his I e_ ago. "The 'many beru t'f I uI pictures • • • • • Mrs. J18l;(ln Neeld in Sprtnaft.eld. t~r life. _. at that bang on memory's wall" beore distinct. I reveled in ' M. M. Ferry was a bus\XIcss visitAmong the ' very d Ii htf I ' came t:n • • .. . ' • Mr. a.nd Mrs. :BIarold Noble and unions ' whieh- we ha e g u re- ~houghtti of scenes and friends ' of ~' F'I11day in Xenia. . ' ~ f n.., .~_ ..... ted, . ve so greatly I H d 'h • • • • • """ 0 u ...y .... Mrs. --MlnnIe enjoyed I think that three may be qng aeo. , ere an t ere was a ' Mr. and Mrs. Connell WilSon of Halnes on FrIday ' evening_ classed as out ta Th touch of sadncss: • • ~ • • 8 n mg. e first' Cleveland, were Monday cn ll r~ at was .in 1906 when one da v of that Mr, and Mrs. &1Ch Copacy telt on t '111\ ' "For IIOme we loved, the lovliest the ' home of Mr. and MrS, Almon Th ,-,", f g~ V1 ge bom~omlng was desand·H·e best ' ,-eri18. lU'_Y or I8J visit with M1' and Ignated as "High school daY I. Th ... Ralph HarUiOCk in St. ·LoUtS. old returned fr f ' ,e That from his vintage rolling Time '-Nr--f--=--=--~. . . ...-----:-.+:,,;,.::.~~: om ' ar and haa prest entered into the ' spirit H v d h lr . ' Vernon ~,' of QJw~n..-;am~' --'- AS of the occasion wltli unlimited zeal ' a , e run t : e cup a round 01' home ,FrIdAy ~vening to atoond the .· Mr. and Mrs. J~d H~k of lOW two before, _ ', ., Xenia. are 1Ilm\0tlJldng the birth of As I recall my duties' a8 eh'airm'a~ of tlte general 0 ·tt· , And one by one erept silently' to commencement of ' -t he Harveysburg son, on TuesdaY'p,May 23. AS c . mml ee preeludrest'" high school gmduate6. • • • • • e~ my attenQance on the ,ciay s~s. Mr. and Mrs. >Bloch enl:el'l:nil'lIM'1Slons except to " ana~er by name iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii1ii~iii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii':'tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii;"iiiii . on Sundo.y Mr. and Mrs. Olean.Qum at roll call, We 'are tortunate hl of ' posseul~g a copy of that· trul1 • • ~ • • splendid iS8ue (If the Miami , GaWhy invite trouble by riding on unSafe uddwom tim when DeW: Mrs. Kate Bd}'ee of Dayton Is 81 sette ·following, wbicb contained a" full dimension, loog mileage Com~crs .~re ."aced 10 low? gUest of her parents Mr. and MrS Q. full .account So accurate and comV. Sims, plete 'Was Browne cI; McKay'. Write , ... , ' • • • • .• up t~e ' secreta~y ' used ~t aa minMr. and Mrs. Rooert Plckeral o'f utes;' for the meeting. ' The nllrht Lawrencburg, Indlanla., · are 'spending se88lon was under ' the maples on IS the weelt-end wltl) Mr. IIlIld Mrs the weat sl~e ot the buildinlr: It lOW Bloch, • was . largely attended entbuaiaitl AS 1 • • • • • ran high ~nd eV~U'0i1e ~-ivaa happy;. ' .4.51121 . ~ • . ·Chaa, Reynold 8.Dk1 Theodore Per:. M~, seeond selection would btl .. ~' k1n8 passed 'SIItlll1'day n1gbtl at RUlI.. 1932.. Thi~ waa djstinctly an ~Ium~11B PoInt fishin"," They caught. 62. nl homeeom.ln&, t9 ·.. celebtate the _ _ __ _ _ fish. " . 60th ~niversa~ of ~h~ ' flnt com, • .' ~ • • .. mencement, · ;Fhe In..a1 committee Here's ,typical Goodrich value. It's the new Goodricb ScaDdard with many Iiigh pric;ed tindeatura. A rea1 bargainl " . .. 1\rIr8. Gr'anVlllei' Benaon iuxI 'chlld- adopt~ , the slopn '22 You ran 18ft home il:olD a: 'Weelts '!Of)" ,~d the Yqu':'Tpoa ca'm~'back wIth Mr. and MlqI, Lawrence Cox of In number, tar .nci tbe fondest expectations at the committee. it Waah1ngton, O. B. ~as an all-day adair, thc! mq~lnlr _, Mr. and MinI. POster Clemmer, belli&' !riven ~er tb ~pti~n and, Mr; and Mrs. ~ Shoup v,lBlted ~Ug~' ~be' coulrte:lv ·1 Mr; and MriI, ~ Kyo,!' on Sun::. of , _Friend, ~e ,i daY. '....I'~ .' . :'Wu held . in '; • • ., • • ' hou~., The hl&'hlilrltt . ~
ounty Court News
E:' . N " ERVI·Na;.
In the matter of the_estate of Jo ph Fi her, clec ascd', affidavit filed in lieu at accoullt. In the malt l' oC the estate of Sarah F lannery, dec as d. ;inventory npproved. In th(' mntter of t ho cstat , of Woodrow Armstr nl\', deceasd ;' inh ritancc tax dot rminecl as nono. In t he matter of t h estntn of .. James Weidner, deceased; inventory .,s t for Jun e 9. 1939, lit 10 o'clock; hearing fo r schedule of debts set lor June 9. 1939, at 10 o'clock. In the matter of the estate of Ira M. Syferd, deceased; inheritance tax determined as nono; corti ticate of t1'8nsfcr for real estate ord red. In the matter ' of the estate of John Foley, deceased; distribution of state 01'<1 I'ed. In t he matter of t he estate of , B, Laymon, deceased; hearing R . set fol' Jun e 9, 1939, on anventury at 10 o'cl ock. In the matter of t he estate of J ohn M. Monfort, d cased; hear. .mg on inventory set Iol' June 9, 1939, at 10 o'clock. In the matte! of t he estate of Ella B. Reitz, deceased: will admitted to probate and record, In the matLer of the estat of Viola Chamberlin Colbert, deceased; inh eritance tax determined as none, In the matter of the estate , of Lu ella J ennings, deceased; inventory set for June 6, 1939, at 10 o'clock. , In the matter of t he estate of Arthur Tittle, d ~eased; report of commissioners approved. In the matter of the estate of I . aac Brandon, deceased; Maude B. Deardoff appointed administratrix; Paul Gaynor, Frank Dubois and Fr~d Zartm~m appOinted appraisers, . In the matter of the estate ot Woodrow Armstrong, deceased; he.a ring on schedule of debts set for June 7, 1939, In the matter of the estate of Susie Snyde.r; private sale of real estate ordered. In the mattflr of the estate of 0, W. Brown,' dec:"ased,. fourth and ~ final accoont filed. In the matter of the estate of nna M. Franz, deceased; invenA tory approved: ' I n t be matter of the estate of Robert J. Koogle, deceased; amount of inheritance tax determined aa none. In the mjltter of the ' estate of ROsa Graft', deceased; CIa r a Downes Harrinaton appointed ad• ministr"trix.
morton and po;:tOOthnnnm,n'a"'t'lt'e,ar'- " ~ RusDcJI. Emma ' I.
Beech Grove
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New Features;'Planlled BATHER DROW·NS .LOCAL' F. ' P" A. BOYS WDRNKEWSTAp"OTWEDEROLNIN[ 00 . L HA~~fH--1 LU8,~ 'For Alumn'j In 1940 NEAR MORROW ATIENI ANNUAL MEET .: SPONSOR CONCERTS ' Preetdent Kenneth
of the •••••
• • _.. • • • • • •• • •
·' Local Happenmgs
HIIb Scbool Alumnl AaaodaUon an.
nouncea .that already some detinite .....U ob""" vee been readled for the annual meeUng .next year which • • wUl ~ place May 25. At tIhe ban- Mr, and Mrs, ~ A Garst were Day to Vi to S tu..... ,uet U1J.s yl!4U' there VMS ('.onslder- n · s rs, a ...ay. able confua1on due to the dlshwash• • • 0 • Ing after tbe dinner. President T~e "500" dlnner clUb met saturHOllga atatee b t this w1l1 be obVi. day night at the home of Mr. and ated next year. The open connec- Mrs. Howard Gral}am. Ucla between tbe cafeteria and the • • • • • .ervice room wtll be closed, Pur- Miss VlrglnJa Preston is spending tbermore the 'loud spea\tPlg system this week at Wyom~g, 0 .. the guest 01 ~ achool wID be brought lnto of Mlsa Martha Klemm,
lyIrs. Lulu Clampett. 91 . of near Lebanon, drowned when bathing In Todds Fork. two mUes north cif Morrow, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Clampett. who was In the water with Mrs. Lottie Cooper, a neighbor, and Mrs, Margaret Huston of Cincinnati, was bathing at some distance from her companions when she suddenly call· ~d for help. She sank before aid could reach h er. Coroner H. M. Wl!IIams of Lebanon, said the drowning was accidental and probably due to
Ten boys of ...... --1 Valley C"·pter _...... .... F.F.A.along wltb Mr Orabbe attend cd the annual (~nference and field' m. eet of the lP'uture Farmers ot Arner'lca at c'olumbus on Frl"·y .... and Saturday of last week. There were :3111 boys and 23~ teachers In attendance from departmenta all over the state of Ohio. A meeting of t'be Rtate chapter was held on FrIday evening with repre sentatlve from all cha ters p In the state. Educational tours were exhaustion. made both Friday atd saturday, Surviving are her husband. Bud, These tours were listed as follows:
-- . Mrs. Jessie Hyman visited r e]a... Tile Dayton Power and Light Com Uves In ,C incinnati, Sunday. pany consLructlon crews have start• • • • • cd building an additional power line MJss Lola Sears of Cincinnati. here to augment present service, pent tI1e wee k end WItI1 h er par· S The line , belllg bUllt fro m Center ts M r. and Mrs. WI Ibur Sears. . . en. ville In Montgomery county, Is to • • • • • cost approximately $12.000. The reo Mrs. Ralph HasUngs and Mrs . cently organized WaynesviU e CI vIc Will Gra ham were Middletown \'Is. · club Is sponsoring the proJeot. It Is It.ors Thursday. hoped the completion ot the new I line wUl ' eliminate power failures es J Mr d··· ·· ):leClaUy durlBg electrical storms. . an Mrs. Emerson Earnhart spent the day Sunday wlt.h their H l'l said that all Ines In Waynes son and daughter Mr and Mrs J vlUe are to be reconstructed. N ' Roblnson of ~yto~ . . . • • • • •
use. If, however, there is any nOlsel • • • • • and three chUdren, E thel Jean, 11, ~nd people are not able to hear, Ild- . MIss Peggy Ann Ohapman accom- Jack, 9 and Miriam. 4. The body was Joumment wW be taken to the a~d. Panted her parents, Mr. aop. · Mrs. removed 00 a Le.banon funeral home ltuium. . Oharlea Ohapman, on a week's trip , ,......... . of 1....,.' wll1 be the "A'" to Columbus and Chicago, GRAHAM.~SINEY ....... AUlD ,.._ o.v ""....
WaynesvILle Civic club met In . e The b I I Wednesda UI r II ar . 1¥i ness ses.'l Qn . y evening, June 7. .with President Oarl AbaecherU presiding, Following the reports of the SCcretary Fra~'" ...... . . .-. ... Fox and Treasurer R. D. Collett. ra- ' ports of the various committee eha.lrman were given. . Of parUcular Interest was the en.. dorsement ·of the club that the spon. sorshlp commJttee enlist the support of \.he communl t.y and direct plans for the Waynesvi.lle School Co mmunlty Band concer ts during the summer.
The Ohio Farm Bureau, Moores and Mr. rtnd Mrs. Charles Docin of It Is particularly grati fying that ~ Milk Oompnrly, Columbus Pack Cincinnati, were visitors at the one of the fh'!it activities which the • ing ComPany, Ohio Sheep and home of their mother, Mrs. Maud club Interested itself In Is coming to Wool Growers Cooperative Ass'n Crime. Sunday afternoon. completion. The Public Relations h Waynesvl1le grange observed their I Warehouse, Wele ChemJcal Comp • • • • • colllm announced pany Marble Clift' Quarries Comp annual memorlst ~rvice at the reg· er line ttee lli being broughtanother Into thepowvDyear clMl and that Wl1l be parUcu· MnI J •• • • • Ota pany, The Brown Fruit FIlrm ular meeting Saturday evening, for Mr. and Mrs. Wllbur Sears, Miss lage by the Da.yton Power and Light larly , ..wrecs, The IIO-year . group . ' B, Ohapman, Mrs, Columbus .Flltraltlon Plant. Trip the members who had passed away Lola Sears. and Mr. and Mrs Ev. Company which will give the com next year 'wtll· lDclude claSses from Hldy, and Mrs. J . K. Preston were A very pretty weddlng was sol- to toP of A. I. ' U, Bulldlng, The during the past year. nIB service erett Sears and son visited ·Mra. munlty unlterrupted service The 1881 to 189G Incluatve. There wna no luncheon guets of Mrs, S . D . Henkle e!Dnlzed at Lytle church on tile eve- Trip to top of A. I, U, building, The was In honor flf Mrs. Ma'ry SUvers Irvin Miller at Arcanum, Sunday. Dayton Power nnd Light Comp ~'. lP'8duaied In 1916. That Is one of Le~n, Prlday. ' nlgg of May 27 at 7:30. when Mlsa Seagrave Corporation. The Colum- and Mr. John Shultz anel was as tol• • • • • I;i to be commended lor their 01 the tbree where Plere was • • • • • Bernlc\! Oraham, daughter of Mr. bus Citizen The Oolumpus Dispatch. lows: Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Collett and eagerness ,to cerrect the se-rvice no commencement d~g the ent~ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings and and Mrs. Kesler Graham , became the The Kroge~ oroeery and Baklng . A candl~ and flower march by Mrs, family attended the baccalau"eat!! which has proven faulty at variQua hJetorY of tile hl8h school, However, eon ~, vls1ted Mr. and Mrs. bride of Mr. IJ.obert Sincy of Day- Company and trips over the Unlver- Stout, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs, Garst. services at Wilmington Collegp., Umes In the past. there WIll be 'a 26-,.ear (I1'~p inckad- carl Stephenson, ot near Morrow, ton. Rev. HUda linyder performed slty crops and 8'I!U'den plots and the Mrs. Fires. Mrs. Braddock and MI!'.'l Sunday afternoon . Two new members. Lloyd Davis ed In oIaasee 1910 to 19,2(1 inclUsIve. Sa~. the cere~ony. University museum. ' Doris FIres. The 23rd Psalm was • • • • • Frank LeMay have been taken Aa baa been establahed, these two .• • • • • The ch~h was decorated with There were COil'ltests in. judging read by the chaplain, Mrs. Kenrick; Mr, lilld Mrs. Mark Rogers anrt th.e cl~ so that the regular aroups pe.rt.iculerly bonored, The BoOIIter's clas8 of tn.e Prlend's ferns, sanservla and lighted with general llvestock, dairy cattle, sheep a 6010, "Nearer My G~ to Thee" by dr.ul:hter. Ann. visited Mr. tlnd Mrs. membership now stands at thlrtySomeone will be choee to speak for church met Sunday evening at the several candelbra. A program pre- wool and poultry, Also in Judging Thetle Jones with Mrs: 'Jones at tre N L Rogers of Springboro. Satur· three. ~ 25-year lI'Oup, home of M.{'. aDd Mrs, A- O. TomUn- ceded the ceremony Mr. Tom SheUa da1ry and meat products. There were plano. Rev. HUda I!IlIYder ~d Mr. day evening. one Of the interesting features for BOn, barger of Dayton sang "0 Promise contests In Judging com and grain Snyder of th~ Spr1ng1)Oro aad Lytle • • • • • The next. regular meeting will be next year will be the taking of I!OMe • • • • • Me" and "I L9ve You Truly" wlth. Identification of crops and green churches were present aDoll Rev. RIchard Williamson of Day ton ' Is the monthly dinner meeting June movlnlr pictures to be .eXhSblted at Mr, and ~a, Loul8 Fires and tam..- Mr, Everett Shellabarger also ot weed and seed IdentltlcatiOlUl, Snyder gave an Interesting. addres.1. l;pcndlng a few weeks with his 19. at Wayne Park, The members the 11141' reUIdoD. ThIs part of the 11y, and. Miss Flossie Fl[es were Dayton, at the plano. . Our own ohaptA!r had a team The lecturer, MM. Whitaker, an- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H, H. were happy to hear that Dusty M.I).. procnun wtl1 be In cbarp of Ethan IIJcsfB 'of Mr, and Mrs. O. B. Marlat1 MIss Roma. Hardin Dt Waynesvm~ tered Itl the corn, grain and weed. nounces that the Waynesville WlUlamson. ler well known humorist lecturer of O. orane'.' member of the execuUve of New Bur1lng~nl Sunday, and Mr. Leo Probe of Dayton were IdenWlcatlon contest;. Lowell BIn- Omnge will put on the procram at • • • • • WllmJngtol1 Is ex;pected to addreea commlttee, It baa been decided for .. • • • • the only attendAnts. The bride wore clair, Billy Hisy and Wayne Clary Malnvllle Orange thIlJ Friday even - Mrs. Edith M . Harrls and Harris the club. next year.. PI'OIfIUIl to have the MJ>; and Mrs. MIlton Royer and a gown·of blue lace with whlte ' hat. made the team wi~ ~ Earn- Ing. J~e 9, and wlshea all oft\lcers MOIlher were dInner guests of Mr. -------bJatoI1cal 1Itek:b come from the' family of Mlamlsburg v1slted at the and carried a bouquet of roses. and PhiUp Hartman golng and as many me~ra as p>iSlble to and Mrs, Charles F. MOIlher, of Ed. clus or 1810 and tben IIrill be heard home of Mr. and Mrs, J . P, Larr1clt, The Ushers were Messn, P!lul along as alternAt.e& attend. wards Road, Cincinnati, Sunday. br:tef remart. hom tbe,2&-year claIi 8unda3t evening, Johns'and Paul Smith. tollowlng ~JY8 made the trip; • • • • • fGPo_ _ WU' trom thole repre_ • • • •. • A reception of fifty-seven' guestS Earl Earnhart, W1Ulam MOIl. W1U EPWORTH LEAGUE Matthew frumer Is spending the HUUq periods, Tbe8e, Sara A. ,~, daUghter of Mr was held a.t the bt1l;lc6 home follow· am s~, Alblert Hap, Lowell " 'TO SPON80& II.VIE week In Xenia with hls mother, Mrs however, WUlIl. ahdR aDd 8JlUtUaic, and Mrs. Seth E. Fqrnas will be Ing the wedding ceremony. ~lnclalr, Phillp Hartman and wayne Roger Ohambllss, and Mr. ChamA IpecIaI eJtOIS Wl1l be ' made graduatec;l at Georg~ School Penn- . 'Ibebddl?andgroomleftthateve- Olary. · . . The1otmk~p~e~fthe ' Methodlst blls6. . Announcement has been made It year to . . or the.iJlder meal- sylvania, on Monday, June 12. nlng for Columbus where they spent OompUmentary. tJcbta to tbe baae- Ohurch are trylnS to raise money • .. • • • the engagement and a.'IlIlI'08ChlD8 beni . . .. TIle ~ ,.~ '''tb6 ' ee'veraJ daya in the gold room of the ball game were piNlllDted ~ ~ fQ1 ~ t;rip to tbe In§Utut.e, at Mrs. ~y Johnson of OJeve1and 'of:t.Oss Cathertna BIaD Grade -.bool IIJQWIda It.UUnr at Mrs. O. A. Burnett and ,her dau'g h- Deshler-Wallick hotel. upOn and Instructor!!, and many availed Mlaml Valley Ohautaqua this sum- IB visiting this week at the hOme ot strator, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. l>. 3 p. m. on AlUJnDl Day wID be cOn- ! ter, Mrs. S, W. Ward and children of return they Immediately went to themselves of the opportunity to see mer, They have selected as one her grandparents ~r. and Mrs J. D . V. BrilnStrator, to Donald Greene of tlnued aa that II one of the moat ' MlamJ, Florida,. v1slUng rela house-keeplng In Lytle and are now Kansas Olty play the OohImbus Red means to sell tlckets to the motJon Marlatt. Babllfa. The wedding wUHre an event -deUlhtlUl runctloua of tile ' reunlon tlvea In Le~on and WaynesvUle COIlily ~ttled In ,tll,e' property which Birds , plc~ure, "Three Smart Olrls Orow • • • • • of the summer, The bride-eJect wu , • • • • • the recently purchased of Mr: and Up • fl!Bturlng Dearma Durbin, June The members ot the young-peoples the honored - pcst - at; a - Idtchen At a meetlDg of ; the' o~ers and M e and Mtii, MUo MIltenberger Mn;.- Lc;weU Thomas. • LOCAL VALEDI'CTO~IAN WINS 14 and 15. ThIs Is at the New Twin group of St. Mary's EpIscopal shower given by Mrs. BessIe Haney members 01 tile neWlY created execu· are announclng the an1vtJ of a Mrs. Siney has been employed as READER'S DlGliST AWARD Theatre. church, held their monthly meeting and daughter Malltha, of Morrow. tiYe ~tt,ee., ~t Bough daugh~, Peggy Jo, at their ' home stenographer for three yeir!! : at and picniC, Monday evening at Thursday evening. 111e other guats DOUDCes .tbat It ... felt that there I WedneSda¥, Jun.e 7. Wright field and Mr. Slney la a pa.lnt L, A. Garst, superintendent of MRS. RIDGE ENTERTAINS Wayne Park, were the MIsses Mary Vandervoort,: ebould be • ~t ~oit on the ~ -. ..... blender at Il'VIn, Jewell and ,Vincent schools, annoul1C12s that th.e ooveted ' A~ ,L ITTLE INN • • • • • Edna. ComptOn, MUdred Hesltett. part of . the ~tlon to &!I8lat, ~ Mrs. Pred Gons and daUhter Helen fac~ In Da.Yton. •. . Reader's Digest Award for scboJas Mrs. Dalsy Snyder and Mrs. J, R. Kate Olark. Evelyn Kersey, Alberta e.pedally SleW member!!, In getUni Io(&rgaret aiTlvcd home Monday at FrIends here wish them weU .lon tic achievement has been won by Mrs. D, O. RIdge entertalned the Blackball of Dayton, left Saturday Parker, Rosalyn Wilson, ani GonerU are a nWn!ler of ter spending I tlie wiIWer In PbocnllC, their ' new journey of l ite. MIss Elizabeth Hoblit, valedictorian members of the Argunot bridge club morning for Ohlcago, where they Adams, Mrs, Olarence DemIt, .Mrs. ,euIpIoJ'Dlent. members looated througliout the · Arlmnia. of the class of 1939, Wayne Township and guests at a luncheon, , Monday w1ll spend about ten days. Mrs, Dllver Weber, Mrs- Eli Furnas, and ~ntry wbo eIther ue employers II I • : • • • OLEAR CREEK COUNTRY ~I~~ , hlgb school, lafternoon, at the Little Inn. During anyde!' will visit her son, F . Roush Mrs, L. V. Branstrator. tbemIelvee CJI' !lave much to say Mr. and Mrs. Lester GordOn have . MEETS AT BILBY HOD She wUl receive an engrossed the atternoon bridge was enJoyed by Snyder at the Palmer Housel during ~ut the ~ of men.. and p~ ' the BUver property on ~ " , parclunent cerUJ:lcate upon gn.clua tbe members and tbe following her stay there . BOARD OF EDUCATION women.AD their otIU)lIatto~, There- ~ "t., and start ImproveA pleasant day aid basket.. plante tlon gn8sts :Mrs. E. F . Haworth at Bouig • • • • • ANNOUNCES NEW' ~OIl&E8 f~ tile pre8lcle1\t ~ ~ed Roa&'K, men~ on It, next ~ to make it was enjoyed by' the membel'lt Qf ,the Reader's :otgest ~nfers thls Falls. S. D·; Mrs. Earl DavIs of DayMiss Ruth Salisbury left Sunday , , ~ ~ of' the eDC1:'ttve their future home. ' , Olear Creek Country clu~,' Sunday, annual award lIS enco~nt to ton, MrIL Will Lukens, Mrs. Bert morning for . a vacation In New . Wayne Township ~d of EduCa,;, comm1ttee, to aet up ... 1181;. 01 ~-' • •. • • • at the RIley.MIller home on tbe l:'0UDg men and women throughout Hartsock, Mrs. W, E. Cornell, Mrs· York. She will vlBlt Annette Camp, tlon met In regular session, Monday ben dd'ouibout U1e.COIP1tr1 "ho are Mr: aDd' Mfa. Hollis Emery and ton-LebaDon pOke . the nation: who, by thelr &ellolasUc Ota Hldy, and Mn;. A. E. stout, a sororIty stster, at Corning, N. Y evening, June 5 with all members III _ ,posltlon, to ~er", emRloJmlll).t, famnt , ~ Onen Bprlnys, . 0" 'l'tiis ,club"1B com~ of I~ achievement, give proml8e of grow- Guests prizes were glven to Mrs, and wlll attend June week at West present. After disposal of current. Bence, ,~ • meDiber 18.,mr em· ate ·~ a two weeks vlslt_~ the who have res! ' 01~r Creek Into leadership In tbelr coounun Haworth and Mn!'. Stout, and the t- os a-tntest--m1...-.i9lt!~-f'!ro'''''''9Dll&r1l'CPreeefttiMlYet!Htf'-¥ttrlelltlJ--ftoCIJ'W-~~~~ ~t CJI' desires help aIontr" ihltt home of Mrs Emei-y's parents, Mr. Townahlp for four or five genera.- ltles. prize for blgh 5COI' was won by Mrs, of Fort Payne, Alabama., Ing companies explained types and Uhe be can eDlW lit, ~'I :aII- ~ MnI. 'Ob~l~ HaIIIIroek. . tIoDs and Inllude the lutey, TaJlor Rus.c;eU S~llsb}U'Y. • • • .. • methods of laying ftoors for the ~, . f . , ~ .... r·, · • Duke, Beck, Eastoo, A1l~ and ' BarF. " A. M• .NOTICE Martha Lukens Is m at her home audltorlum-gymnaalum floor In the . ". PreI1cIeIK ~ atatAlB ~ at Mr, and,Mrs. O. L, Duke attended baugh tamWeII. . . ' . StAI.ted commun1caUon of Waynes FARMER ENDS LIFB with scarlet fever. During her lll· new bUilding. nat""" reUDlon)t may be de. an all ~C$&Y llICftlc at ,the RUey-MUler Vtll}' L<I<Iie No. 163 p, &: A. M. TUes ness Lois, Donald, and Esther are The board announced the seieec:ldecl tQ ~ • cb~ of IiQ ceata b~ on the ~ton-Lebanon pike. day even.lilg, JUDI! 13. Vlsltlng and so Fred w. Wadsworth, 67, larmer, sta.ylng with their grandparents. tlon ot Miss Ruth Hockett and Mlu for tboee 1itl91O to ~ daD~ alone. 8ialiday. The ·day'8 activIties were" _n _ _ . _ . _ - - • • • a • • • - • Joumlng brethren weloom,e. ended liis Ute by shooting himself in Mr. and Mr8 H. J. Green of Mar- Helen Lamb to tdle school facuJtJ \to ~ the cbarre the cJinJHIr e~OYed ~ the Olear ~ Country • "'_ . ,I Raymond Braddock, W. M., the f1ead, Sunday, at his home In tlnsvllle. Ma;Y Carolyn Is staying fill the vacancies created by the res&lid an other tuncUonS. Wl1l ~ .75 ~lub dlnlposed of famnte.. .who aU LUtia"I'~ " , , " ., V, M. Airmlbage, IBec'y. oeilntown. III healtb was given 8S' with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hartsock ignations of Mrs, Geneva Dymclnd 'cepta. . ,' ieelde, In ~~~ Creek townebip. the r~n tor his act and familY, and Mrs Eleanor Jackson. ) • . ' . . .. , ,. . NOTICE TO LOT .OWNERS • • • • .• Mrs. Alma Peterson has been re'f Mr, and u:rs..'L. A,"t, and Dr, and Mrs. A, E. Stout Ohioans are beginning to beatlr . The employees of the Falrley talned as school cook for the foUo~-
I Ha........ . --ft.S
'RE' 0[518''OYS: BARN Mr. FI ::::.::~=~!~~ r
' . ,', .~ ~ , "bater of N~ Manchester,'Ind" .~ " . c.A; ~ :OD the ~ be~. to ' lted. the new N, -C, a: recreatJon . ~~ '.Buftl1ell' ?f Lebanon, ~. park in Sunday: M~ - . br 111'. ~ un, .' ~r ';nu ~ t1ih summer wi~ ~, MrI. Oant. ' · ~.,.' ~ . OOIDP~~ ~ · ,bJ fire .~4' W~ m~, • " •. • •> •• ~ • • , " ~ Mr, &nd~ 1Ire" .Ira Bro~ . ,b ~ '. and Mr. and Mrs Harold : ,~, UI!1 Mn.'. er who ~ ~ , an~, , r&inliJ "of '· D · the .:.. ~ mllklnl ' , . . .. ~ ~ of Mr. and'1ofr8 , ! .Tbe, ''!!MD ~taIn!!d ~ 1IPnll .. ~ ........~o4a .. , l1r and
.::.:.a:r.! ;!:t ,~,..,
aiJii .em
,! w~~, ·~ estlm&tiis ~ ~~toW " ,Ia . . . .~, at ~ ~ b1 ~" t "., , r.
~~ ~;;-. ~ugh_ '
~b~ ~unday.
s:~~~:n~u: :~:~=u::nj:::e:n ~=g:: In~~e:lon on other Items of
frle.Dds 10 In ::en:l:::a:e Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gordon of t~ MIaml Oemetery Asaoc1aUon eu~ when Uncle sam takes hJs eened 'Mr, and Mrs: will ' FIfe at WU It o be held In the chapel of tbe CClll- sus next year, The auo portloa Is mtngtop, Sunday. etery at :I P. m ., MondaY. June 12th listed at some 27 $5OO~month 4ls. ' ~ • . ' . .. trlct supervisory Jobs, whl,ch wUl last The Rev. OU!Jert p, Symonj'of . IlARBIAOE UOEN8ES about six months, and 6500 enuDlerclnDaU was 'the dinner gUest· of ators who win get ~t tlu'ecweek's and Mrs. ~, L, Hack~" SUnda¥.CJl&rlea W~~ . ~~ce, , 21,:;k at an average of about f5 a • ,. • • • and MrS. DorothY RatWr, • Mias Ruth Larrick of . . Dayton I!PeIlt. 25; both of ~ , : ~ the' w~k I!Dd at ~e hOme of 'l1es; ~ Geo1'l8 W.IRoliJeniDn,.,., ~armer, en~ Mr. and' Mn; J, p, Larrlck and MrS, Cleo Al'Itbur, to, creamery
tar of Hubbard~ · ()'. were ~toM, >:; .~ .'. ;
V ' .', " ,. .. .. . .. ~
· bQU(of· ~le. · ·,
Mrs. ~thel ~\lkpf ~ " .;, J8 N.~ ~~ '2', cuiitodlan, eJi,ected to amve at ,the ,home ' and ~n ! L. tJayloi-, " 19, hOUie• • .. .. . . . . her parent4, Mf.•.qd . ~, ~ t~Per, txltb ' Of~, • 8nd Ilf8.l101m Vlicersey,. W\lIiaJ1u!On, ·sattirdll) , Jun~ 10. ~ of ~nla, and ''' . • • • ,• . .• AdamiI ' rot 18abIna ' . Mrs, W - N, 'New1ancl or OhlQilO,1 &pent \aat. WIltk at the hoIDe'
~·, ~~.~,,'aD"',1
·Mr. ~ ~
Cf ,
i" ~
picnic .a.t the summer home of Mr. tenance and repa~r about the ·echOOl Vernon FaIrley . near the ," Seven concluded the meeting, . Caves;' Sunday, , About 30 were In attendance and enJoyed a day pleas· anUy _spent 111 8W1m.tn1n&', tent)l.s and other out.dool;' ~tlViUes., · .--
0,.. • •
Mr. ' and Mrs. Albert Shuft.; and Mias MUJe Shuttf, ' entertal~d sev~. eral of their friends at their home
CEASAR'S CREEK W.ynesville, Ohio
-- Mr. IIlId 'Mrs. Horace Compton laY ~aU Matter,at Postofflc:e, Wayne'viIle, Ohio nere dinner guests of Raleigh Dogans Sunday. M. Crane Editor and Publisher •
ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Subaeription Price, ,1.50 Per Year, Payable in, Advance
means to Mother Church members Mr. Palmer in the Clerk's report' pointed out'toot "Chr18t1an Belen: tlsU! follow their Leader when they obey the Manual of The Mother Church, uphold The 'Mother Church an. d its branches, and heal the sick a.Y Th b y pr er, e Bible and Mrs. Eddy's writings contain the primal Ilnd
~~Im~~ ~~~rOf
: :gh = sclousness the fullness of salvation." F awrat blNe ~t1onM C . Au gus us o. WUUU, anager of-OOmmittees on PUblication, emphas1zed the growing favor of . leiIslators toward the Simple. yet; soUhd proposals of Ohrlstlan ScIentists Removal of restrlctlons on 'the free practice of Cbristlan Science In Texas, was cited by Mr. Norwood as a notable legislative victory of the last year. , An o.dded note of progress was sounded in the report of Miss M. ~OSBmond Wright, Manager of the Department of Bm:nches and PractltlonE:l's, showing that 688 practlt~oners and 83 nurses were otrlclal. Iy recognized during the year.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Speers of t he Dover neighborhood called on Luth· er Haines Bunday afternoon, • • • • • Mrs, EVerett Bnlnes and son Wllliard attellded the baccall$lreate services ~f Wllmlngton College SUn· day afternoon. • • • • • Mrs. Nellie Bunnell, Miss ~onImJa Bunnell . and Miss 'Carol BunII II 1 I h Bog Sat ne ca ~ on Ra e g ansurday eve~,. • • •
s. Bainea, deaeuecl; ht!lU'lnl 10 on lnventory set for June 13. o'clock. I In tbe matter o f the .tAte of In tile matter of the eatate , of 'l'homae JeJrereon Smith, deoeued: James Weidner, deCeued: lnherlt. cerblficate of transfer ordered. ance tax deter!n1ned 118 nonll. . In the matter of the eata~ of In the rmtter, of the estate of David JI. O. Muon, lncompeten\; Jonathan Cook, deceased; aecond pl1vate Bale of personal propert)' oraccount· fUed' dered In the · matter of ,t he estate of In the matter of the eatate of Fred J . Leight, deceased: Ivan Hen- Catherine Dollb06, deCeaaed; inven· derson, Stanley Herschback and tory approved. James Dwlre appointed appraisers. In the mattter. of the 'eatate of In the matter 'of the estate of lIlfBC Bra.mlon, deceaaedi ' cert;itlcate John H . Trion, deceo.sed; lnberl~ of real eatate ord~eC;l . ance !faX d~rm4ned 68 no~e: In the ~ter of -the estate · of ,In the matter of the estate of Ida Clevebger. deceased; wW order-, ~~:~. Erd, deceased; inventory ed filed; lnberitance tax determ1nIn the ..... tter o. • ..: ,es.... te of ed as none, Orlando Brannan of Xenia, was a -~ ... '" ..... Sunday caler in this vicinity, Rosa Pollen d4!ceased' schedule of ======~===== • • • • • debts appro~ed ' Mr. and Mra.
Gerhard and Wrlgbt and Cllnt:on, Joyce. aI;ul David ~va1l and Beulah- ~'th w~e d1nner guest., at the bome o[ Mr and Mrs'. Frank Sll1der In MilUlllBburg Sunday. • • It • • , ~. Everett HU,l1Iter nnd Miss Vera Hibbert. were married· by candle. Ught, the vows being rend by Rev. Busch, at the Metbodlst c~urch In CentervUle, Saturdo.l- cv~nlng, 3.
fBm111, Mrs.
IIaac Brandon, deceUecs: bearlns on II8l)'
Inv~nt.oty set for JUDe 12, at
r-:::;;;;;::-;;o:l fIllIP THE SPOT
·Fri.--Sat., Drill Nites "~roadwa1 Serenade" JeaJletle MacDonald . Lew yrel
Starts Sund,.y REE ""VI;
Beech Grove
Mr, and Mrs. Mayruird Hackney T:: the ::rtu;.. 8 the estate of and Bernadine were Wllmlngton of ~::ts approe~. mlth, schedule visitors ThU1'8day, .""" • • ., • • In the matter of the estate of B h J .. ., The friends of Robert Lewis are uara • _urra.y, deceased; d18tr:lbu. sorry to learn tha1, he Is stW ill in a on in kind ordered. • hospital In Daytol:l. In the matter of the estate of • • .. • • Mr. and Mrs. Cha.... Swindler of • • • • • Dayton, were Saturday visitors at Mr and Mrs. Raymond WIlson their farm , "Sunny Side." • • • • · visited Mr. and Mrs. Pred Brad· The und.eTSgned will ofter for dock one afternoon recently. MIss ·Mary Ethel 8arns. of Beth· sale a-t pubUc auction ' on . Mr. and Mrs, Raleigh Bogan at- any, was a Sunda.y vl&ltor of her tended a picnic tor foster parents parents. Mr. and Mrs. ClYde 8ama. SATURDAY. Jl1NE 10. 1939 , at Shawnee Acres, Dayton. • • • • • at the late rea1dence of M8ry S, • • • • • Vernon Scuns and Lee Talmage, BUver in Wayneav1lle, O~to, begin.. MlJs. Ella' Haines and Homer attended the auto rllces at Dayton, nIng at one o'clock p. M., the followBnines and fainlly calle<t on Ever- Sunday afternoon. 1ng property belontrtng to the eatate ett Haines o.n e evening this week. • • • • • of sakl decedent: Vernon 6ams and sister, Miss Allee Two bedroom seta, 3 pieces each. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connal'd entertalned some of Mrs. Connard's of Dayton, were Sunday vIaltors or bed, dres8er. and ~d; ' one relatives on Sunday their parents, Mr. 8nd Mrs. . Frank davenport, tapeetry covered; 1 llv_ 8ams, . . . ing room •....le with d~" A _ _.., . ~ ....... ~ •. • • • • bOOkcase With lot of boOIaI, 1 walMr. and Mrs Prock and daugbter nut drpp.leaf dining room table with in-law ,Mrs. ~k: mct. lltt1e. daugb- leaVes, 2 ruga 9%12, lot of 'small fuga, ter, spent Memorial Day In Clnctn- stair .c arpet, 1 large rag rug, d.Iil1na natL chaIrS. rockers. electric refi1gerator, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Barbara EVe HartsOOk spent Sun• • '. • • gfl8 stove, kIltchen cab~t, lamps, I day. with Emma Jean Bmlth. Mrs. Addle Deal:bemge and grand- china, dishes, Idtchen utenai1a and • • • • • son, OWen IIart.sooli, of W&.ynesvllle many other art.tcles too nUmerous Mrs. J, S. FUer is not;;o well were s,r.turday cullers at the Tal~ to mention. these days. mage heme and at ' the fonner'll Terms of uleJ-CA8R • • • . .. country home, here.' 0 C 'I:Orft . . . . . . Mrs Nanc , Y Po- la v'.,' tlng ber • . . a:.UunD<J, -"" • • • • • Exee.~ of tile eiitate of daeghter, Mrs. Jess Roland and 8uooay aft.e rnoon callers at flbe MARY S. SILVER, amlly, home of Mrs. Aillah 'l'a.ltmige and dee ••ed" • • • • • I ' Jeaate Garner WIn: Jo(r. aDd Mrs. W N Bears, Auctcarl Smhh, Jr, fa speJ¥llng thla Edgar Ballard, Qr llUlleatown Mr. -='='=~~=~~~~~~ week with hla jp'andparents Mr. and and Mrs. E P Edenton' ~. AndreW PelIno In Kentucky. C. A, Bumett: ljin: Audrw • • • • FIlL SAT - daughter 8h1r , ley, and llttJe son•. of Mary Ruddick of wnmlngton Is GeIIe Aaare, In. spendlnB her vacation with Mr. and Coral Oe.bleI" and Ohlcago.
I Churches I
Mr. aob Mrs. Walter Wilson caller on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Braddock B nd I u ay even ng. • • • • • Mr and Mrs. O. B. Marlatt had as ,t heir guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fires ahd family and Miss FlOSSIe FIres ot near Waynes· vUle,
QEORGE SHAW COOK· Incoming President ot Tbe First I of Oh'rlst, Scientist. L _Cburch in Bosfon. M§.8sacbusetts. BOSTON, Mass.-Thousands of. Ohristla~ Sc1entJ$ts, In this clty' Monda¥, challenged a tr6ubl~d worl~ to change Its perspecUve from ST, MARY EPISCOPAL CnURCH a · ma.tef1aJ: to a spil1itunJ basis in Its Rev. R. L. Hllekwell, Mfnil&er 6eareh for release' from pressing ecFrlclay, June 9th" 2 p. m. Womonomic a,nd polit ical problems. an's AuxUIary at the home of Mrs. The acc sion fQr bhe great influx Susan Scanlan, of the followers of'Mary Baker -Eddy FIRST ~UNDAY APTER TRINITY was 't he 1I.nnulll meet1ng of . The 10 &. m.-Church School. ...·ftther C....-h, The ""-t Church 11 a.. m.-Mornlng Prayer and ....... U~" ""uo of 'Cluist, ScIentist, in Boston, Mas- = " Y sachuSatts. whIM was filled at n , n early hoUr ot ' the afternoon r''''ht 2 p. m,-Nursery Church School. 6ft PRIDAY " Up to tllie Center balcony under. the . 11 «. m.-Woman's AUXUJary sewvery dome of ' th,e ~t edifice. Through an entire afternoon's round Ing. ' ~ of dresses and reporte from the 1 P. m.-Gir18' ~ndlY grooP. field 'the power ..4 the Christ Truth , v, _ . METHODIST (JDDBCD to 11ft individuals above Ithe llls of -MlCuCALI ROsr ~n sense W88 acknoWledged and Rev. lohn V. Leel,. Pastor. "..... Ir1 Ml'a. JIarrY, Cornell • .. uo lIame sp tual power waS reeSunday, June 11 • • • • • 8edaI Chal¥r' No. « COICIl1'nended. for the hBaung of the . Chlldftm'.' ,Day .. Rev. and Mrs. ·W: 0 BlnJth spent Short Sab,Jeefl naJIOna ,e.nd tbe estab1Jahment of a 1.0 .0G-00mluned serviee for SUn· part of Ja8t week in Constance KY permanent; world peace day .School and Churct) for Cb1l- .w ith the latter's ' parents ' " SUN. MON. '- 11-0 Chunh Prorre- ~porte4 ;, • ~'s Day. A committee hea~ed by ' • •• . • • • ' W. C. FIeIda' - ~~. HeCartU In MrS Hastln \farlbUs re ' CAN'T CBEA , . afternoon cited specUl instanceS of fine J>l'081'am Ie assured, Please aerv1~ of Pred Wadsworth at El1Iabeth ' LyDob VB. Walter AN DONEST MAN" ap\ittual enlightenment" acbively at note ch~e tn time. . Lebanon Tuesday afternoon:LynCh; GiV'OJ'C8" e:,ttm*1e .cruelty; C, Short Sabjeet. wOrt amon'g the nations today, one MONDAY \ ...... , Donald DuatU8h, attorney. revealed EurOpe, seetlting ce,n. '7:00--,Epworth League, Begin. Beulaq and ~ Jean .Smlth De&cde Trunlt,.YIS charles Trunk; TUESDAY -13 ~ of tUd,ulent potitlCal upheavals nlng the new summer program. All spent la6t week with their maternal diVorce, extreme . cruelty; Young ~.'&Iso Q. fertile ,field tor yfoung people , are inVited" • grandparents in Constance, Ky. and Y,oung attorneJB, TR'EMENDOUS SAVINGS grbwtt), IndJeated in .the formation' WED~AY ,I .' . ~. . "KID TaOM ~8" IN -EVERY DEPA~TME~T or 21 new bMnbh 'church 2,iOO-Frlendshlp Club with ¥ta, Mr and Mrs Andrew CI8.Y a.nd The Oakland <lnrJn and ~ t10na . R. D. Collett. ' " . Co. va. Paran ;H1nJkle; personal Judg'WAHOO! abrOCld, 12 o~ them being in FRIDAY _ ' I , Mr. Rex WUlIamllon wjn'e IIllPpet ment and foreclOisure of ~hamca rr~ a ;.. Donenfeld'. hold ,;England. , 10'00-V'ln- B ld .,."..,., guests at t)le Lawrence Thomas leln WIIID. mVB8.-1UI Sf . ~- era picnic Meet hom S . "'an 1.. ,tIJeir Gc!Odwm DI" ilia. a~ . \ mDar· ProgTe66 WQB reported in at Mrs Harold 'Eainhart's • Bring e . un"-:" even.. '6. __ \ ~hicJ( time ~t it forgotten •.• ' America Where 26 new branch your own lunch and there' wID eb '. ••••• COMMON PLEA is JlBOC1iEDI1'lGIf) I new,' cIe.itIIble· mat-blndilc it qnf:ZatlGn!! were launc~ed. Africa can; to take you to tee Harlan George ~y, who owned the farm __ . .,nmI m,. "r below theiJ ordl· , GROW' UP" J and 'AU8~]I&, ~t was stated, haVe farm. • which the Prank PoXfamU~ Is Uv- . L1Iy M, Egbert VB Anna Balter, nary prica' . Doon open at"9: JO. fo/DJ~ one !lew ~n1zBtlon each. 8:~01r practice. I t\ · ,. log on, died at b1s h~ wt.PrI- etal,; J)artJ.tIonOrd~. . ~baI1 1J.'jeot. while 32 ~eties were found ra1sing , ;1 day. ,The State of 0 ..... V8 Jft"- Hop. th,,~...... .....t of churCh .. dur_ WAYNESVILLE ". Idns' fined 1230 :eo ~ In c:ounW tngihe In educationI Mra, AIv.",• LUdington , ..... • VI... ..... la6t 1~ to months. -' • • • • and da~ JaU.' ' a1 fields, nine neW' Unlv~rslty organ.. CB1JB(!B OF (lBRIST ter and friend ~ed On Mr. and The State of O~ va. John ~"..tlOns bec&ple recognlled unltll of W. (), SDdu.. MlnJater Mrs. Harry Corneu Monday even· Itins., aocer Bnnm....SuPt. of ~~~~I~~~...hL..lO..I.~ the P h11Btla Scle"?e P1ov~ent. BUNDAY , , ••••• . B, &ppeal. I . ~ these distinct ev!,9:30 a. m, Bible School. ' Elizabeth Barry VII. Warren Barry den ces 0 t 8 ' con tin ued reachiD gout 10:46 a.. m.-Lord'& Supnar ' Mr. and Mrs, ,G.,.. !!. ThQm118 apd dA' .,.~d~t Ordered ., to. --~ 'a)JDulJllfI I Truu" enjOYl!4 SWuI&y dJimef with .....' or. " ",., ' 'the Directors, stated: '7:15 ~ ni.--ohrlatJan Endeavor. and $25 attprneY 'f.e. ':We ar!l in a . pooitlon' to know, and 7~46 p. m..-Pre&.chlng. MriP. C&ia KUenbamln ,in Kennl.t Eo . W-..pp: '\'8. EdItb Was. are gllUl to repo~t, that at no time ' Last Sunday ,t here were 81 ~res• • • • • son; mOtlon ' f~ -~.fO! keep tn the history of the Christian ent for Bible school and '74 for, The W 0 JImlth famQy made: ¥Il¥ 21. ",:.".' .. - \ 801en~e movement has the healing evenlng.service, COme let us do guestsor"'lIr 800 ' )C's .~ 'I1l:e People's LI».n imd . 4 DR. S,EDAN . 1931 Las.1I~. · . . , Savtnp Co. VIt. SIni.b AIm ' M1lls; work. been carried on with greater ·better this Sunday 19381Juick 4-D1;. Sedan , . 1931 Hadtob Coa~ success or along broader l1nes than WEDNESDAY • Hunter and fampy, Suru:laf even- conf1ruia.~ deed ~ 'dJBtr1butlon, tUs ,f.o:day," Prayer ~eeUng 7:45 p, m lng. • • • • • , cases dlsmlB8ecl :"~ B. John. PI,...o~th Del. 1930 ~z C:oa~ '. ' Announcement of new offl.cers THURSDAY Mr, Stonewood, of O!ntervWe fa lion. '11reaaurer , ~'f Wa,re, Co.1mt:v,I , ~~ , ~930 . Ford 'Ta~or C~c!', , cons.b~uted tJhe main buslness of the . Delegation goes to Xenia ohurch lllasterlng the •. baaement ', Of , 'Ule V8, HOWard 0 , R~et at.: Anna .' t~7 Cllmler 4-Dr. ~an ,,' . 'pO~PES I" ., ., m!.!Ct~g. ?oo.rge Shaw Cook, C, , S. for Area Meeting at 8:00 P. at. eliurch at JI'erry. plaJis made Mae, Morgan~ a D~l vir. WI,llIam "1937 Dod.~ T. Sedan 1938 'Olda.otiile Bua•., , B" ~f BrooklJne; Mass.• WIUI named to p&.mt th. · lnulaor bf' th8 base- ~~ MOl'iI'IUll: ll1rtle ,J01,mlon ,.. Prestden~ for the ensuing year to FERRY CHUReo OF CHRIST inent 10 ' the nell" future: · ,. VI: W~ H. ,J~lDiIon t Ida !lorreu i936''dan '.' . -., Coape ~cc~ed Ralph H. ~pp o~ Need. W. C, smnh. mlDlater '. • • • • • VB, Tl1f Worrell; . f~ .Wardlow V8. 1938 Plma_,t h'Del. 1,937 Chev•. M,t. CPllpe. ~ Edwarq L. Ripley of Brookline FERRY CHURnCD OF CBBlST M1sa . Bertha PIler, VIqtnla Ceil"" Cal'! ~ard.l~I . BieuJ8lt ,~ va. " l_~ ~. . Secbin 1936 ·D od.e. Coupe . ' ,', . • J and~: Ezra W. Palmer 01 Marshfield ' W, _C, SmlQa. ltIInlater nell and Mr '¥ cGUvrev .or tbe. ~ Lo~ Slatbn: Anna Tewart . va. 1933 F~ ~DI;.Seclan, 1~3~F.~ ~oa,e .': ' "'."'....~," . . were. ~ected Treasurer a.nd Clerk, Perry Thomas, Supt. o' Bible SebooI cinnatl Bible 8em1riary Weri, cU!lDer Wallter . ~; ~ ~ narter ' 1~33 I~~' ~.~ , ~9~5; C"~I.t CouJ?8·r. , . respectlV~r- The President 18 elect- SUNDAY I gueats at the J, S, Piler-hoine; Bun: V8~ AntlD1y ~~; Robert aentrt ~ b~ The Christian Science Board .9:30 a. m. Calls us ' for Bible day. .,' , " , Ethel GenP'7.: ,~cr ' ~ VB. I,!=P. ~".,.~er ~~ 1934,TerrapIn. Coupe , . pt.qJrec~rs ,1.or a one-year term,· his School. t.. • • .)..' . ' . bauaa ~,; ~Iabetb . Bury VB. 1'-3~ Pfiltiac,.... ~'. " ~OADStERs aDd~,: c~et duty being to serve as preS1d.. 10:46 a. m. Par Communion ' Rev. and Mrs. ". 0 Smith Mrs. Warren, ~.".. -, . . , 1!J~·l ,,~h~. Sed~n : CABRIOUTS ' ' . ~ ~i~er at ~e Annual Meeting. ' 11::00 a. m. For -t he ,Bermon, .Joe PUer, and 'Im. at- . The ~~ .. ~;C)~ :VB..: ~ 193Z : Ch~et .!W:I'-i . i L '·· ,'. .,," .:. ~ lI4t. COo~ , is, a native , of Iowa, i Las~ Sunda.y we had 165 present. tended the wedd1n8 " of Everett' Wella. aen.,tencec1 Ito l ' ~ in Ohio 1930 Stidan . . 1'~41,. C~ryal.r Cabnblet . mOVit}g to ,~cngo at -en 'early ag~. Begin nqw to mak~ plans ,t p be with Hunter and Vera Bl~ at 'ceil. State ~~tpr:v ,fi\oDd . coats 'of ". - ""·-Z"DR. ,.SEDAN ' l9~ ~olla"Royce' " .. ,b,er6 he ~lVed "lUs 'P~bUc 'school us Father's ' Day, ,June 18th; We tervWe, eaturdlCi: ' " . , pro&ecutlop., ~: ',-_ t. '1Sedu" ' Roadat~ , ~Uon. ,Entering the commercial ,are·.-worldng for '250 that day, • • .• . • • . Haael ~ . . Everett · BiI.r. "1938 Chev. ~li!I be ~e f!;" partner fin . TBt1RSDAY I Barry R PotWce Ill' and Mrs. ~; d1vo~ 1l'I»lted, CU8Itod,y of "1937 ,Ch~. Del T. Sedan ' 'TRUC.KS ' fbtl aeaun~ in Investment lMlCUrltles DelepUon ~ to Xen1a church T~ R, ~e. 'aDd ·Mrs·. P. J .~dren to' ~wr. .: ,1937. CheY. DeLT~ aectaa ·l938 ' Ch••• 1~ 'Toft ' - ~.~ ·int;erested in Chrlst1a~ tOll ~ <Meetlntll8 :00 p, m. . Thomas aDd 'Vernon, ~ C~lea Bowtea VI: MJr.Ue BowIeI; . ·1 935 ·Ch.... Std. Coiach Chuaia .... Cab'.· IIeIeac«i in' 1896, was c~ ta~t 0/ J ':, ' " ore<! to 8er,RInt MOUnd In Mama d1v~ Il'Jalted. . ' '," -1936 Tildo.dled ... · ' 1 936 Ch~"lMo TOIl . A. K1i¢a.ll, C" S, D" served .. ~. ~6LL~ M. E. CBUJWB. coUnty; SIlIlday~ , ~ r' 1934 Ch~l.t~: . . ~aUia ~pd ,,cab. ' ~ader of. the ruth ChUrCh . T. M. &-..arK Min...... . , ., . • ., • . ' Chiilj~ , .Bdentlst, Chlqa-o, i!ond ~unday ~l 9;'80 _ •. in. , 1934 ,I;a.outh C~ 1931 , ... Stake ~~ , , th_ereafter ~!!~ &;:Vlqe Q:OO p. m. , '==~ on ,~Ucatlon for · ru. Pre)'er qiOlltlna' WedneacSQ ~~ tile Board of Lecture, P. M. '
in Their ,.tot's Can Attract Men, -feW ..._. olurlu her
U to U). who 1_, to who wont. ~..,.u.
spIrltuai orsamZa-- ' .
!.. . .. 8
Centerville, Ohio
Zain Armitage . Phone, Wa,nenllle '4 R 11 Lebe.non oUlce Phone '73'K~ rea. DB-H.
Morrow Phone No• .•
PAGE TIIRH Sunday a t tbe of Mr· and ~. 'and Mra, II!. D. Oaborn of Mrs. Edwin Nutt Centerv11le. Dayton caUed on Mr. and Mra O. Mr. and Mrs. B, Longure and V, Sims on .Bunda¥. Mr. and Mrs J" B. ....Jones vtalted ., . • • • • Harvey Burnett spent Tuesday on Clifton Falla, Sunday. Mr. aM, Mrs, Todd Walton, Jr, • • J' • • Mrs. Kesler. Ornham, In ,company wlbh her sister. M:rs. John Myers ot Dayton, spent 'I\lt~ay and WedneRday In ColumbJlB, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'A. E. .Whlte, to attend ,tll\:) g...... \Ia",oo 4~f their nephew, ....... ...1... Robert WhIte, at the' Coliseum at 9:30 Wednesday morning.
buslnCSl! In ColumbUil. • . ' ., • • Mr. nnd ' Mrs. Calvin Longacre visited Mr, Fred Doe at Bethesda. hOllplfal, Sunday. • • . ' . .. 'Mrs. Alice Trlck,ey spent last week with her daughters, Mls. Hard man and Mrs. Kercl'lner In Dayton.
·. . .
• • • • •
• Where tit the world can you match thII valUeI "Double-cured" for extra lougMenl Nt;irllmprovcd. bUlkier , tread. }000//fI,ill·Ooating cordI-BIt for only • tiitte l1l9~ than you'd pay for the cheapeit tires" But act quick. . See'UI toifay about Qooclricn ard Ttie. rOl' your car.
. '
CIMre)5. O. BretAey and children ot ev and are gu...... ~ 01 h ....-te , Ed ~"" . er ""'. rs nor HOOd and Mrs. Wm, Hartinger. .,
McCORMIC·K. DEERING ,·for Tracto-:a, Binden, Mow~ra and thejr complete liD....Ar•• atQck of .part. on hand. One-day ~ice ODall~ , ,
,Fairley Hardware Store
Larger Because of Better Quality, Service, arid Price Ealabliahed 1849-1939 -' -
,-.. -.-..
nb' -
. HOUSE CLEANING? .Have your na.a Cle.n~, Shampooed ' ~a Sized so they look juat liike New. 9x12 Special ..... :.:...... $2.50 D. R-SaJ1isItuJo'I
• "
. Arrangements for 13 spec~ trains to the World's POultry Congrcli8 In Cleveland, July 28 to August 7, aI· ready have been made by groups for the convenience of {)CQple In Ohio areas.
"Kathryn Mendenhall"
,,""hone '14 ' . " I
Fairley Hardware Stores Larger Everywhere Because of Better Quality, Service and Price
Way:neaville, Sabina, Wilmington, Qhio ' Eatablilhed 1849-
Phone 32 " .
Telephone 47
TGo.Sinall" .
CUltom Grindi~g and Feed Mixing Yellow Jacket; Elkhom~ IUld Raven Red Aah Coal
Exchange Company
Feed. Flour, Se~d, S~lt a~d Cement Fence. Tile. Coal, Sewer Pipe, etc. ' Waynelville. Ohio Phone 25
tbe oolll1e8y of
100 Free Th4!atre Tickets "Phb Smlu.,.. . manarer of the The&tft, we are riviq
N~ ~
away 100 theatre
·iThese I'"IWl1CS ~ wlll . -'be'0Riel,!ted 1' tile qat el«ht ~J[ name. or Ioeal HIlden" wm ap~ I.. the ad! 0' th" pqe. at ~m. r..,m 'our IUblcripUoa lilt. When your name appean-J_ call at the bu, o(fic:e, 01 the NeW ''J::wln TheUl'e. fdenUfy yourself IhIld p~nt eop)' of t~e ad in whleb ~ na~ and you wtU
r-t.e TWO
Quality FGod .sold On' A· Small M.a rgin Of Profit White Villa Pork and Beana, three 2 1-2 oz can. 25c White Villa . Mixed 'Vegetables, 3 No,:1 cana 32c White Villa Fr~it Cocktail, 2 No. 1 ~ana 29c
.. " . W.yn•••iUe O. .
, Wayne.ville:f.armer.'
tak.~ pictures of the whole United States .
Lumber, ~ath, Shingles, Doors, Sash, ~ Mouldings, Wood . 'Pulp Plasier . ,
part of the federal AAA ,Project to
Home Cboked CHICKEN, BINNER , Swid~y at
Thirty-two Ohio cowit~ are beIng pnotogmphed .rom the ' alr as
.Enjoy ,a Delicious
The foUowln, basin.. men are your neirhbon and friend_they are mr, ready 10 lend their " I s t _ 10 esPawaon• Thq (»!iCe aud a'ppreo~te )'0111' piaUoDare'
.~ Order ,Too Large- ,None
all plans to lmproYe. clvio procre-a and
Lime ,Cemenl ' ~nd
R. D. C.• nett Hdwe. & Impl. PHONE
A number from here a~nded the wedding ot MargllJ'ct Kyne a.nd John Dewlne In Wa.ynesvllle, 0 ·, at ::::r::aUlollc church on Tuesday ng • • •. • • ... Mrs, Nettle FulkePSOn, Mrs, Allee Sims, Ruth Stingley, ~ Kate Esgle and Helen Hood attended O. E. S Inspection In Xenia OR Thursday evening and In Clarksl'lIle on Fri· day evening. • • • • • Mr, and Mrs. Vern Copsey have as• guests t'""lUG'~ wee , k h er all> _·-te r Mr's, Hattte Elle ' Mr man 01' ~ew York ,and s. Grace Lane 01' Turkey, Texas. Mr. and Mrs Theodore PerltJns entertained relatives from ~ton On Sunday.
Ohio llvesto k requires the most water In the months when the nat• • • • • ural supply In tAe ponds and streams Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Atkinson of Is Ute smallest. nellJ' Paintersvllle, called on Mr . and Mrs, Frank KYlle on Sunday. T~e Slate department of Agrleul• ••• ture Is now completing the member· Mrs Cora COmpton is spending Ship on the Ohio State Junior FaIr Iihts week In Springfield, the guest ~. Boys .-ld girls a.ppolnted to of her son Paul and family. this Board are selected on a b of • • • • • ....... lead--... ·p "·'d ' th Ir ~-.. In . ... "... ... ' e r~~ conMrs. Myrtle ' WOOds and , Mrs nection ' with activities comernlng Gladys PauUIn wt!re recent gU~ the dep8rtm~ to 'which they are 01' Mr. and M~, Harlan Badgley. ' assigned. They are recemmended to • • • • • the State De"""tme"t ... . - . . by ttl... Mrs. ~e1J Peterson was hQStess to school teachers or exeoutlvea of the··Merry Wives club at her home youth groups wlOl whlch they are on Saturday evenllng. alJUIated. Frances' Toppin on Sunday. '
. .. .
Mr. Fred Gardner and children
M11k profits next wtntea may be affected by the tline when the MY Is cut tills summer, Early-cut hay hal; the highest fe«Jing value, ' I\nd f~d costa are reduced If the. herd gets a good portlon ot their prOteins from (orage Instead of from more Mr. and Mrs. Therle Johnes and costly con~tia~. , son, MUton, were dinner guests
Gooc.Iye... Til·.
,Beautiful New Deluxe Model Copper·Clad Range
at Dayton, visited' his mother Mrs
Mrs. Alice MIller and son Ray and Mr. Irvin Harris ,s pent Wednesday and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. , Bakker was Mrs. Edna Vuker, formBa or was Mrs. Edna Unker, form. e~IY of this • place. • • • •
If your Ti.... are Thin', and oIel-Watch Out! Replace them. now for 'Safe Summer Drinn.. . Mobilg.. - Mobiloil ~ Willard Batteriea '
of a
• • • • •
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Holland spent Sunday Wlt;t Mr, and Mrs. Horace CSlumer nen.r We.;ynesvlJle. • • • • •
• • • • •
J •
During thil One Week a ,$19.95 Portable Radio will ~e given FREE aa a Premium with each. Purchase
Mrs. Sarah Osborn returned home on sunda.y from a visit with hell daughter's In Dayton.
Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Sims, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Hurley were Xenia vlsltors on Monday •• • • • • •
• • • • •
' - "'1_ ....... L '·-''-......... .... ---._ _ . ...""-e . "'_" rate ... ~.... of pm ba ·....dent1al bUlltling Will ca-. 8UCb ¥ Increaseel demaad,for. lWnber U1at the total UIleCl...... in_tile W1l be'78 "00 ., OIl ~ feet. as compu'ed to ~ btWon ~ teet , uaed tor home bUlldJDa IDb. per100 18»1.. . .
starting Next Monday
• • • • •
Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Bailey and daughter attended a. picnic Sunda.y, of the FaIrly Hardware CO., employees at Mr. Fairly's country home near Hillsboro.
For ONE Week ON'LV
Mr. and Mrs. W~. 'I)"Qut of Springfield visited relatives here on Sunday,
• • • • •
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Siney were Sunday dlnncr guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hirsch and family In Dayton. • • • • • B H k M Mr and M . rs, en a:w e. ra. Elmer Groves and Mrs. J . B. Jones attended Ea.~tern Star meeting In Clarksvll1~ Friday evening. • • '. • • Mr. o.nd Mrs Stanley Bailey at. tended th!! wedding of Mis.') Vera Hibberd and Mr, Everett Hunter at the Centerville M. E. church Satur. day evening. '
were guests on Saturday nlght and . Sunc;lay 01 his parents. '
• • • • •
Mrs. Alice Clarlt, Mrs. Mo.rgaret Mr and Mrs S. H, Burnett vlslted Johns, Paul Johns and Mr and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lamar and • family In ~ew Vlen'nn, Sunday. • Kenrick. In · company with Mrs. BeUe Cool) and daughters. • • • • • Ml'iSCS Bertha.. Beulah and Ruth, 01' Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark of Day. top were Saturday guests of Mrs. Dayton. and Mrs. Martha Hough ot Waynesville motored to Hocking Mary Carmony. county SU~day olnd pncnlcked at • • • • • the "Rock House" and also visited Miss Evelyn John!'l left Monday mornjng for Springfield where she "Old Man's Cave." "Cedar Falls" will enter Wittenberg College and and "Ash Cave." They returned home vie. Chillicothe. take a ibuslness course.
~ 1~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~I~R.SMfTH
WAYNE PARK ·~outhern · Obl()'1I
Full line of poultry and ' dairy
Look ,"
Veal Shoulder Roaa~ lb. 16c .:..Viait our plant ' at Corwin V~I. Pocket R~t lb. 12~c , on Route 73. S .. ,- our ~ulp~ V,aI Chop.. lb.," 21c ment aild d~ ni~t•• You Veal.SteakJb: " 28e .... -welcome at all times.... ,
Smo. Calliea, 'rena..., lb. ,18c Fresh Si,de;·l b • . 1& ,' Spare Rlba. Jlba. ,2!;c Beef Chu~k Road. lb. ' 17c
Coyle'•. ,9 .lialiti 'Meat,'" M.rket ' '-
MOIl' Modem PlIO'"
, Invites You Buy your Season Ticketa I)ow :ing!j ... ;.... .... ........... ...................................... " $ 5.Gq ami y Ticket. (2) .................. .... 1...... .. ............. 7.00 Family Ticket (3) ............ .. ............ ............ ...... 9.00 F~mily Ticket, (4) : ...... : ........ . " ... ,. .................. " 10.0'0 $I .for each addiUonal member
Pool 'opena Daily at 1;2 'n~n Sundaya and Holidays 10;30 A, M. "
LUMBER-GLASS-PAINTS . rloor Sander for:' Rent
," ,
M~ea Old Floo'" Look Like New
nnual Bu si ne ss -a nd In du s·..• I 'Review
"Sh ort Ske Jch es' Ot--Pro gre ssiv e Me rc" ant s Ser vin . Our Local Territo . ry" . ... .
. ' <WATCH THlrFO RD GO BY" Authorj~d 'For Sales and SerVice 'Locate d ~ Lebano n Furnish es a "FOR AGED AND OONVA LESCEN TS" High Standa rd of ScrVice to Ford Own rs That Is Not Surpass All modem Conveniences, Beautlf ui Surroun dings. Wholesome ed by Any Food-S pecial Monthl y Rates-U nder the Other ,Co~ce~ 1n Thia Section. Many New lind Beautlf ul Models of libe Direction of Mrs. Hester carr-W ho recently obtaine d a Long Time Lease on the propert y Where the Home ·~rd V-8 Are Now on Display and They Invite You to Ride in the New IS Located Thus Making TI11il Home n Perman ent Lebano n InsUtut. \on. Telepho ne Lebano n 9OO·K. Ford V-8. AlsQ Bales and ServIce {or the New,'Ford va Trucks which wlll Adequately Mee~ Your HaUling bemand s Ilt the Lowest Cost For II How woUld you like 'to recover \ surroun dings and Ideal treatme Demon stration of the New Ford Call Lebano n 48. nt the flnest and the most attentiv e from your urs or rest at tile above th8it suggests health raliber than 1lI- care, For cases where h08pltQl\zaplace to prevent encro&. hlnlr 1llnesII? ne6S. are ' the conveniences and atr tion Is not required It Is considered For ' many years Ford has taken gineered to give you topnotc h perThat's w~ Lebrulon has to otter traction s of ",E ast Oroha'rd". Ideal treatme nt 8J)eCIIIlUzing in quiet, the iead, In the manufa cture a nd rormance under all d11v1ng condl- In "East Orchar d"--a nursing home occupy fug an Ideal site away wholesome foods and rest, SIIle of automObiles, showlng the tlons and you will find brings the for corivalescent.s which Is M.1d to from the nolJie of the great public demand nnd trend for llltlmate motor car busy streetll. A patient may have strict privacy on, The possess all of the merits of an Inst!Ford products, Many good a nd sub- llew Ford has provenperfecti .beyond doubt tutlon of Its kind and ' where hos- It Is one of the most restful spots of of his own room. or may m1ngle with stantlsl reasons are support ed by nC- that It has what It takes in speed. pltallza tlon Is not Floravllle. More than 30 beautifu l assembled gull6ta in a room 'tunl foots in !.he un- enduran ce and economy. The to the inc~slng num- shade tree In close proximi same no; ty to the ed for their recreation, receiving tile .~ USUnl values offered In the New Ford fine materials, precision workma n- ber 01 convale&cents who avaU them- home a~low a spacious lawn where attentio n of graduat e or practica l , V-8. shlp and economy Is available to selves to Its restful environ ment to : : : may walk and enjoy the out- nurses ~hen that service Is desired. The Ford v-a employs t he V-type you only In the new 1939 .Ford V.a recaptu re health after an 1llness . Mrs. Hester Carr Is in charge of engine which Is In use by rnanufa codels ~eI or forestall an Illne6S that a rest Known as II "nursin g" Institut ion East' Orc~d Nursing Home. She turers ofthe hlghest' priced cars This ,The many ~tom M to ~~ may prevent, "East O'rchard " Is prov "East Orchar d" Is a prlmte home received her tralnlng as a nurse In new Ford v-a brings to you the most shown by:e d ~' ~tI rs to ing Itself among Warren county'S where persons sufferin g from chron- Lebano n Hospita l and Is well qualleconom1ca.1 and most beautifUl car bring won er ants tha irm h on m06t valuabl Institut ions I.e nmlctio ns and other ailment s, lIB !led to gtve the kind of everyon e who vlsl e S o w r o oe m ever produced by t he Ford Oompnny service res Id ' f _ Oheerfu environme~t , ' beautl(ul well as convllleeoents, are , assured quested In an institut ion of thIs 'type ~~h~to~~~~b~~u_~~~eo~~ iii~~~~'l ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ford ' V-s to appreci ate Its many' re- ~P to those who buy one, ~ tinemen ts. to appreciate. the largest, The Wharto n Motors has an envlroomiest 1Wd safest car offered at able record of years of service to mo- such l\ low price that more people tor car owners in . Warren County . every day are turing to the Ford and that . their f\.rst duty is to serve V-8. you quickly and efficiently Is known "SAFET Y SINOE 1905" ;rhe new Ford Is offered In many to all those who have had deaUngs Continuous and Undivided Service given pntrollS In their banking service by tb1s strong financial Instituboci31 styles to meet the performanc~ with them. For u. new car don't buy tion Known widely all over thIS section of· OhJo-A bank that dally teaches the lesson of tlU1f~Has an demand ed by the n;lOtoring public. until yoU have seen the new 1939 enviable record of service to rC8liients of Spring Valley and the surroun ding rural communl~ 8lnce 1905. All The ne;w Ford V-8 engines are so en- Ford v-a. account s Insured Under the Federal Insuran ce Corpor ation-U nder the d~t1on of Masrs. W~ O. Smith ~ and Mr. Williamson. Cashier.
2.L1: PIG.
19c TWINKLE~ 3·.... 10c PORI &.BEANS C~y 4:- : 25c SALAD DRESSING 19c . .FI~NC8 BRAND ::': .= u.19c, MUSTARD _AIiY ·2 ... ..,.19c ,N AV Y BEANS 10 :35c ,~()O~'BEE~ ~~~j!: · 12:;...6'9 c BLAet PEPPER SUDAN 3_!':'10c UlaAS SY
S~HWARll MEMORIALS "MEMO RIAL DESIG NS FOR EIGHT Y ),EABS" Famous for "Monuments of Quality " Conveniently located for residents ' of W'aynesvUle In Lebano n at 20-22-24 MechanIc St. where the Hlgbest Grade of Memorial Art Work Is Execut ed-Hav e Enviabl e Record of Eighty Years ~ this buisness and one of l be largest and 11\06~ complete cUsplllYS of Finlsbe d Monum ents in the State to Select From. 11 you are contem plating the eI:ection of II Monum ent Place Your Order Now-OoJI Lebano n 59. ' . in ~!!Cttng a family memori al 'monuine~t or memorial. the . Sch~'artz memorials wlll shoW A1; a designe r this compan y ~ you memori als buut on the ~asls of achelcved a well merited reputat ion. . good quallty. embodying- ,b oth du,r- the d . be~g or1g1nal and artIsabWty and IJOO!l appeara nce, and In tici and they are ready at any.tim e ~ theIie ,quaUtiea ' Imper1shable to submit designs t.or all claa&es
One of the Institut ions that give stabUity to the flnancla l and commerclal interest of the commuiUty Is the Spring Valley Nationa l Bank In Sprlns Valley whloh has been serving the people of 9l&t section for the past t;hlrty-three years. TbiB bank has aided In the upbu1ldlng of bhe county. A dollAr star~ her& In an accoun t has started many a man on the road to success. BVeJiV ~ 8efV1oe Is avallable I.'t the SprIpg Valley Natsonal BaJlk .....lnCiU4lni sanDi IUld COIllDlef'dal
accounts. checkin g o.coounts, loan of the county and farmers have departm ent. Mr_ WUllamson will be cOme to feel very much "at. b~e" pleased to glVEI you complete infor- when the call at thJa bank. In the matlon regardlJog your flnancla l bus.. organtm tk>n of tb1a bank are all Of Iness, ooMl1\t :your l~ banker. :tlle variOus departmentAl equipPe d to A special feature Is th$' service look after and stve service In every to farmers, They_a re oopeclally pre- branoh of the banklnl l ))uabU!1II J. pared to take care of the farmE'rs' 'lbere Is nothlilc 10 I!xceed1 ngly baJiIdng buslnl9 . They know _hLs comfor ting In the tline of need than needs ana throu~ long ex- a bank accoun t and there 1a double perlenc e have learned how best- to saUsfactlon In bav1ni yOur accoun t serve the J)eOJi,}e. , Th1s very- special with this bank: Yo.ur accoun t 18 pro• r ' and va.lued ser'Vice to tarmel'8 haS tectecl tbrOU(rh ..1Dsur'aD£e With been a n 't&! fac:tor In the upbuUcUng PedeN l Depoat Corpora tion.
, i
Ba na na s GyO~~~ 4L8S~ 23c NEW CABBAGE, Fre.b , Solid, ONIONS, , ~ew Yellow Texaa. , CARROTS. Ca"~ollbia, J.arae ·Buch e., HEAD LE1TUCE, Freah CrUp, LEMONS, Sunkiat,
3 ·lb.. tOc _3 lb. lOe
of materials are w;ed in cOnstruction. , ~rlt -in. Ull! une, '-'II wel\ as to ." , '. f~thStarti nl lind Grow in. Math, Weaco, ., ' The same .pa1.nste.klnlJ care It 81\1- fully execute to the letter any spec_ en &be pUJ'Obue o,t .a beadsto ne'4Om tal destgn which may be submitt ed Weaco BabY Chick Grain ., this firm as a monum ent or to them ~. The stock which can be seen Ma.h, WelCOo for more ella, ' at this' estabUShment Is always com~lWllrtJL.DIleJ]>mie-:lt-~oe-1Mtlles--t -"'A~~ ~~:J.I lIlJlWIJlIIN>-j~Wl!R.~~cr..tch Feed, for -chick cr"'1\'J;lpl'ectI~-nnfiiiiYml'ffimieni~PoImd . 8 wk. old 100 Ib $l.SS prehenslve, because it buys in Iarie requirel nents from the beadsto ne to , " ' quantiti es and has every style and the most elabora te memod , 16~ , D a~ - -:- -lOOdb. $1 ,_ Feed, Wesco eJ. Thdr matel'la i available. >, aim is to satisfy and they will flsure Block Salt _ When one buUds a home. busines s wlGt you and select someth ing ~ . &0 lb •. Block 49C that Ohevrolet more than ever before In never been ' equalt;d in " , ~tor car Ohe~let for ecoDOlD1, real, motorstnICtu re' or "by otbeT building they meets·y our desires and needs, Its hLstory present a to the motorists design In the low pficed field" uaually ' consult a compet ent arch· In making dibls review of lnI p168llUre :. 1Uid -complete sa~tac. our com. of this section a new llne of' Oh.evro. The Badgley O~et Bales' :In lJop. to dra",.., up ood make their munlty 'we tqe this C?PPC'rtunity of ' let motor ~s - lilclud1Dg many ad- present ing to tlhe motoris t. of tbla \, To thoae contem pJattng the purplans for such a structu re so fuat It ~ompllmentlng Schwar tz, Memorials dltlonal models just recently an, section the new , chevrol et are abow· cbaSe ~t a "VeId Oar" niay we w1ll~ artistic and In harmon y with on' thelr service to residen ts in thLs nounced to meet the dem.tnd for lng a ' .\r tllat lhaa' undergo SWIS S STEA K• .D.elicioua ne more ger;t that you lOok over ' the qcep.. its surroundlJigs, locatiol'lB. etc. 'nle section and suggest to o~ rearder s ,perform ance. r~U1ty, staunch improvements than any previou PO'K CHO~S "Cboice, ~, :'" s tional values ·now being ol!ereci by same care' and careful attentio n 'also for the most artistic work In this service ,a nd long llfe. Chevrolet since it was change d to a the "ley 0bevr0I et Sales'" PURE ' PORK IboUld be 'taken in the selection of a' line to cull Lebanon 59. ,SAUSAGE, Freah -Grou nd, MaDJ Every feature demand ed In ' the sIsJn '1929. That YOJ! sacrifice .thOUIIaDdB of mtJlIII of unU8BeCl trans- . finest motor cars Is now offered In omy when yoU drJve an "eight and ,p 0rt8UO ll ~ .tie bad at· very, low SO ,lb. . Bul" the new Chevro let-The World's power and sm"O()thnl!ll8' VfbCln u .. yoU ~'" $3.95 " 3 lb. 1 ' LowC8t Pr10ed Six. Scor~ of distinct drive a four Is an attesta ~ '. i fact We glad ,t;Q! campllD'eRt the FRAN improve KfUR ments T~, fine ·q"'lily~ have been made. In- known 'to more than 500,000 motor- Badgley , . '?bevrolet 8Alea And t6 lUIclucUng :'Knee-actiOn" ,wbeels' PlAb.. WElN ERs, Skint. . A Value , ' have Ii>urehased tbe New gest to our read_ who are C0ller bodies, Nodraf t ventilat ion. Im- OJ\evra1et since RED PERC H FILLETS. No·W a.te f!ret' at tlie year ~pI&UDa the' pi'.IrdIa Ie Of It' new "OWned by Farmet &-Cont roUed by Farmer s" proVed riding ClOmforts, added poW- ThIs tatllies to the facit that IDiOre' SLlCE -to be a.ure and !lee the DeW otiev. r.,ocated In Lebanon on SOut):l Sycamore Street. Has been successfully D BAtON~. KwiCk-l&iap, ' , ... er and faster acceler ation that bave people ev~ day are fUrnlng . to the .I'91et. 1 ' aDd saUSfo.ctcirtlY serving the farmers and residents for . - - - '- - - ; . : . . . : . - ' " - ; - - - - '-_ -1-"'-maily -~~+!!!!!!!, !!!!!!,!!!!! !,!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!,!!,!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!~~~!~~~~'~~';!-~~~'~~T"""" " Evt'Tf '11efd for the farmer has been provided In stock. Including "Farm ~'~~!!'!!!!!!l!!!!!'!!!~~~~!l!!~~~~,1 B~au " Feeds, Insuran ce. Fertiliz er. Fence, Paint and Farm Supplles of all kinds, AlsO operate a. direct to farm tank service 'ror "Farm Bureau" gasoline, 'oU and kerosene. For 'complete service can Lebanon 355. , ,
:~P.'.~e" L" a' ~d
"FOR MEN 'CARE" , _ r., • '. l . No revIew (!f the business or agri- tn regards to ~he proper leecUng of Conven1 ~ntJy located JnLebano n a.1I 28 E. MUlbes TJ"!St: <>t'~ tile cultura l interest s of thlB section your chl.ekeJlll , or Ilvestock. Take Finest QuaUty and Best Materia ls ~t the ~08t. Attract.tveJ~ ~ l' feeding bl to th Farm progres sive and Up-to-d ate ur House . prepared. to meet tbe demapd s of aU woUld be complete withou t extende d BYour Co 0 prouem s e claMes of ' ouyers -Now ShoWIng the newest 's~lea mention or the Farm Bureau co. for ~ Wear. eau - pera ve. ' " , ."1:----0::-- , o~uve which aid ~ no Uttle ·For years residents In rural sec• " ' . -r. " , measur e the ,progress of the farmers t10ns have insUred their .' property There ale always ~ 'firma In They ~flt WeD 8IWl w,u well and tha' IIP~ of 'i hIs commu nity. ' ~ ' ''''BIna' Pat.. - with the "Farm Bureau" knc.>wing every co~unlty .wh1ch" s~ out, the ma~ala ~re ,of. the' ~t qualitj tenon; • mlliI oPera.tlng on a co-operative basis the,t represe nts one of the s~. of- Barvey a largest promlnenUy be!caU8e . or ,,~ IIU- combined with Ul.1llI beIt .atanda rd t,rurr on .~~~. with· the fVmer you are Q.'>l>-ured of and stronge st Insurance organ1m . perJOr 'l!6fV1ce ' and bl •.the elothbla 01 lfOl'lunM,hlp. ' . the ' ~est quality ' in 1eedl1, tions In >the country. Here Is fea- Une in tb1a part _ •.~. 1~ of tlie- afate par_ , 'lbla' pOpular '~t , baa ftoW.".n d other supplles at all times tured a complete service in . I.nsur- OcUlar 'mentlo n mUst',' ~' atven .t o prpv1de d .. ~ l &t~t1ve Sj,lectlon FOR. SALE-~' fi.esh' co~ j ' . H .;V,oU are not a membe r of this as- ance including auto, llfe, fire and tbIs st.ofe. ,. ' In .'·~ton·"shoea, .uta .abIrt.s, neck and ·BroWn Swfaa,' one With IlOClation stop the next time ·you are all other fo~_ b: · Clothes eo1d at ~; po~~ store, wear, ~, ~. bbiIe and calf• .J:KtI.a 1OO'd. Allee Powera, \l~ in Lebano n and learn of the many The ,Farm Bureau Oooperatlve 18 are mown for theb' emU8lv e ~e otberfa pparel emsentlall, No ma~ mUea "west or. !lt advanta ges offered thru the Farm always on the lookout for Holly Old a •••••' ~_ new fea.. and hlgb i"~ mater1&laMen', ¥d WMt. pr\oe, you ,~-t~~ }uP.v~ J?l'O- roac!. ~one 8-L~l, ~p~g Vane;. Bureau, Increas e the profit of your tutes to make their service more young ~ Will' find they .carry . ' vtded _ lstocJt',WhJch ~rda -a ~ tann tbnt this service. "Farm, Bur- ,~mplete. and" now you can '. ' J 8-1\, pel have compl~te...llile 'aceordlDi ~ ,WI~. V'ar- yal1& ~ w~~~ eauI' teeds are known. to hundre ds Farm Bureau gasol~e. ~'. . , . , ' ' 011 or ker- 1ety of styes and\aJe from T1U!, CJIIbotIt,.OIo $tore have ¢Jatm ers who want the most pro- osene delivered at no extra cost. which to clioose as well prices to bunt 'u'~ a ~~ ~ dUro ', POR '~ fits from the Ume and money elt- Watch for the ~ Bureau ~uld ·Plp. oU man meet all , de~d8 , , ' 1J1:I, tbe pUt ,tWell', ,~, aiici tbe H, Hock~t. '~. ' :' ~. Farm Bureau feeds are or call your order In. There are hundre ds of men aJ)d ~uallf ~ traidt enJoj'M : l~dhe ,,.;.'.;.. ~ manUfactured aCcordtng to your own In this review we wish to compU' ---" "'-_ _ _......_...:...-.,;...;, young men In tb1a . ~~ w~ buy :~~;Cjf , ~,: ~t ;~~ , ~ fO"ll.Ulas and made ror every ment Ralph Hobson. the PO~: ~J'OODl bouse in manage r only "SJlver tone Q\IIi11f;i'! Olothea the pUblic. ,r-!•. ·~"""I.... ' , i~ pUi'pose. Tbe : ' cand1t;ton, el~trJC Ugbt.s, manage r anll upOn ,valuable service afforde d the . f O .. • -., ! ~ : ~ . location . , ~or' the· Farm Bureau are farmers of Warren County tuld !iU8., " , ' 'I F" " 10 a: Posltlon to serve you. in a 'm ost gest In regards .the hlghast quality ' 100m. A 1JaraUn. See p~ ,A . 'RahThe i3~ ~ ~Jy aoea Ii: ,recent survey .l~~ thao In 20 ' yan, lit. ' '1IQlIy. 01110. ~t mSnher and wID be ;pleas. feed or other farm suppUe s-:.w IUa,pd for dOWD"1n.'hiIitAIr7 .~th-& IoaIer ~t at states, ~ba1t" p. . ~ ~pro... tel tollie ~ c~mplete)nfonnat10n "Farm Bureau ." . cO~ve- ~pJ,bihtq~" to~lt. poaal to PJ'CIIiq,lt ,· ~0)'D1eIlt '.of
. .......ants e.t
' . ' . "
credit. for •.Ub ~'~ tIlDe! thaD
one-half miles c:QI'DI!r at
. L7tle . . . . .. . 2.
ie,mce' had
*" ......
...... ....- on
in 1OV~!ltt
The become ablUt.y s1)fmore bola doubtfu to 11ft l mort. gages the wOrld eacbed aIJice any ObJO ,the In 11!liill.1.tWe ·and execu· The 'R.Y . . . , .aIDce _ for this tiD- ,rt;lve decree, i ~ bl the r~ .show ...-& O".~- .......:- usual recarcl b~ tb8 ....11 pI-bnec s f .... , f~ ..... ~ ........ . . . . . . ., ...... ... baDI-lia.\'e ~ ''I''''n' " . ,.J........_ ....,.. ,. only natlOJl wlUl mo~of these ant: cat ~ ~ or lnto eftect, II?- Ohio, ~~ biD mals than the ·United , States. Re. JeAr by &he '1 IItIUr IdIDlnIItratlon ~ ~a.e blAt ,WU a1lo1NIl ports of.-poVfll't)' from the OrIent ~ ~ of wbIdl DO'P' ~ to p8rIai1 bl the SeDate. must ,be sanerat,ed or else tbe fl- OIl the ftICCII6I ...... eDaGt.ed I n a , . nanct&1 return. from llo8a mt»t de- ,to In Jull • . 8Ii4 el!ect pena UJ,on some factor other tIIU1 fU. ....
1UltD......... . ..... _ --- -
.. ." _
W~ cal~
fromsteen owners. 9r beUll'I, OJMID adJ'Hi'Ibred heifers,. con, ,-- ~ '1'Iiuet ~ carlota" few Your
~;;;;;EE;;~~~;;:E=Fa~!~:;~ --"
wbi Ql' pboae.". ' .,,, .... ~I ~"l""'''' JnabaiD loW&. . .... - : ........ . . . . . . . ' -~ JID,'II....
___ ,
_, I
Cook I'OId. COlumbus, was
earlY SUnday
the intAnectlon .f Routes · 'fS and ta ' la \ W""We.- when the auto.. 1DOt\QII1D wb6ch abe. 84 rldlnir With htIl' hu.a.ut wu struck by a tranapca1ailon truck,
The ~_ ocCurred shortly af· d!a1ng a severe wind
~ ' m";l8ht
81111 ramiCbrm. . Acconlllli tAt wttneMes, the auto OCC~PlId ~y the Coffins had been parkect Uontr the street Just north ., the 1DteQIecUon when s~lt by tile &ruck. The truck carrted the
untl botb veb1cler (\lUbe to a atop at an elcc· Wic power pole fDunedlately In tront. of Peo1t'. Pood Shop. MarIbaU Obarllll Joy 111veetlga&ed *he acclde~t. 'me driver was quee. t.6oDed. bJ tfte oMcer aiul permlttea
who waa removed to
IIiaraI <vane,
b8Ip1ta.l. Dayton', in a
, lira.
Stubb'a ariMtllnce, be autferIDg trom
was reported to four ' ~a
'nw WOIDAIl'a
.& . . . . .. : _
.r ~oJ' ~. Ob.- belA tbe1r JUDe ~> PrtUy afternoon. at tbe ~~. ""'" n.. · ~ __ ...... ........ ___ , '1'tIe dftooUGIIa ·" . , 00Dd1lCteil bY' !lev. L. JIackweU, and tile bUllDMI' ..aDo foUoWed. d~ .Wb1ch tIlDe ..... 0. R. PrUIer aDd un. K. L. .BIdnreU ...e repxta OIl tile JlIncMen CICIIlftilUoo at ~ta. wbIeb.t _ baUa at&eDded. A Jettir frcm ...... ItGiiw 3VoodhuII, cUcsaD lJDlt.d ...... orfel'inC treasurer, Bt,' U&r7'. wOmeD ob tbeAr IpIendfd otfer1Dc thtI IJp1Dc. . . re.d. Mrs. Woodhull
_II . . . . . .
......,........., J*ued that not onJ1
~ 1 WGIIIab in at. MarT. CIlUl'Ch ..~ but .., • few womm WIlD did DD& ____ <to .... _......
. ___ ~ _--_ WU' ..... COD'.-
:.=-.,: ::.'=, . .. ... - : - -..... ,
~:t d : A talk, the l 'Obrt.taiIo db..... 11\ 1Dd1a" was '!7 ~ ~ Lou LewIs.. ,t he . "Ohurcal, ,..... Root In India" by lin. O. i.e. Hawke. and ."PelloWabIp oItMOhUrcb.. 1D >the EaSt. , .. 'by iIIir
. 11-
~. .....
Mia. ~
Tb. ~IIA::t.bten ~
&IId\tbe ......... 4IDjoJed a ~t IOCIal hour. ,~, wbldi I'e"
were iIs'ftd by the bO'ate., ..... 'l'r11JeDa Bdw.rda ... """meaW
• ~ a' the. ~.
Robert Pre6ton. local ~ Is one were ob6erved Sunday nt the "'eth· Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Collett and of several, Warren county boYs who In a candlelight ceremony at '1:30 odlst Church, family attended a picnic at Brynn will attend the Buckeye Boys' State o'cloo)< saturday night. . at the Ma· Officers for the day were: David Park. Yellow Springs. Sundny. J'1ne 17·27 nt Columbus. O. son Methodist Church, Miss DoN .. ~------..... . ____....._..'..__ n .-0. ' _ _a LacY. supt,. Raylyn Crabbe. plan· • • • • • Seve.m1 outstanding boys from the Marie . White. daughter of Mr. and M1ss Lola Bears nnd John Bears J.11n1or High School classes from ist. Ruth Helen LeMay. scrlpturo Mrs Lucy Mill'reU of Lebanon Mrs George T White of Mason. b&of Cincinnati were home over rea'd1pg, Mary Ann MeHoh. Morning IIIl:lent . the week end wlLh Mr. and came the bride of Harold Hartsock eWch county arc, selected to pnrtic· week end. Prayer, and Marilyn 1iIurske. the Ml'li, Lester Gordon. ~pate in this meeting which Stroud. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E• • • • • Mfertory prayer. Ushers rer the • • • • • sponsored by the 011.10 Department Stroud of Waynesv1lJe, The ReV. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye and of the American Legion. service were, Joe Davis. Rlehard Mrs. C. I . Satterthwaite nnd Mrs. Lowel! Roupe read the service befamily were Dayton visitors. Satur· Osborn. John Lwcy. Jr.. and War· E, Stout were Dayton vlsltors. fore an altar decorated with white Enl"ollment in the conference Is ren LeMay. day. Thursday. l1m1ted to young men who are care· l'06es. lillles. nnd cnndelabra. After the opening eervloes tht ' • • • • • fll1ly selected with reference to their • • • • • Miss Virginia. Shurtts, a cousin 01 , Mrs,' Will Graham who has been talents for leadership and scholar· followtng program was presented Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman were ~he bride, sang ~he program of nup. very 111 since Friday. Is reported to ship. It is the ambition ot th& by the chUdren : dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. W , Ua,l music. Including. "0 Proml~ be Improving. Cantata, "When Roses Bloom"- Eo Cornell Friday evening, American Legion to assist these 'poMe" and " 1 Love You Truly." She Primary and Junior classes; Greettental civic leaders In their prepwas accompanted by M1s6 Edna • • • • • your mower ,round by ma.. ings to the Cradle Roll- Mary Dora aration for positions of future reMIM DII.18y Booth spent last week Compton, another cousin 'of the chlnery. Satisfaction guaranteed. H. sponslbl11ty. ' Hough; each member of the cradle at t he home of her Sister, Mrs. A. F · bride, Miss Compton's gown waa Sherwood. Wayne8vllle. roll was presented with a rose and Melloh. The purpose of. the Boys' State of pink satin. and Miss Shurtts' ot • • • a c~d. Is to give the young men a tullet sky. blue satin. Mr, and MI'III. J . K. Preston and • • • • • Pageant. "Garden of Prayer"son Jack, and Mr. and Mra.· Leo appreciation of Individual obllgation B. V. Smith who was seriously 111 Miss Helen Harris of Leban.on communJty. State and Nation. to Deutsch and son Bllly of Spring· Miss Sara. A . Furnas. daughte; of IntermedJate IJIrIs claSs The 6er' Saturday is reported to be slightlY tended as bridesmaid. and wa.a Inspire good American citizenship gowned In blue Ilet with hat to field spent Sunday at Indlan Lake· Mr. and Mrs. Beth E . Furnas. gradu. vice was closed witb a •benediction Improved. through an accurate knowledge of by Raylyn Cr6bbe. match . and carried a colonial bO• • • • • ated from George Sohool. Pennsyl. • • • • • the practical me:hanics of govern. Mrs. Leo Deutsch and son BOly of Mr , and Mrs. J : P. Larrick and quet of spring flowers, vanta. Monday. June 12. men~f what It Is compooed, how Spr1og(leld are spending this week Mr. ~d jMrs. O~ Qu{tck at· The ,bride walked to the altar 10 It is organIZed. how laws are cOnat the home of Mr. and Mrs J. K. tended the MlaJnl Valley ·boat races n floor·length gown of Ivory em_ ceived, adopted, enforced ~d how. • Preston and famUy. near Dayton Sunday. broidered satin with shoulder length penaltles are enforced to discour• • • • age violation of law. . vell and carried a calonlal boquet 011 Mr, and Mrs. BamU~1 Archer and Oarl Abaecherll. attorney nnd Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Whitaker white roses, button chrysanthemums two aona. Jack and Richard. -=+-counseUor announces Ihnt he will and white sna~-oons. and son 0 f Cin::I1nnatl were week and p._t_ U&II. .......... West Alexandria were guests of Mr. menctng MondllY. June 5th. he will end guests of Mr. and Mr· Ballard J Whl~"" b ... be In his WaynEiSVllIe office on Mon. Announcement iii being made of ~ ean "". rOWler of the bride arid Ml'B. ~Ralph Hastings. Sunday. .... t Wa11w:e attended ' Mr, Stroud as beat man· • • • • • • day and WedDl1Y aftcrnooo'l tn, .Ile engagem.en and approaching M.Ia8 ¥ary catberlne Evans of stead of Tuesday and. Thursday af. marrlage of Miss Winifred Eleanor • • • • • Ushers were Estey Pringle and Stan. ~leJd. was a guest in the.. home . ternoons. This hange In oUkE' Conner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Meyer of N. Manchester. t-.v Whtte. .. of her ~oowdn, Mri. C. E. Anderson. Murs Is made SCI ' t Mr. Ab3echerlt Gene Conner, to Walter MelvYn Ind., was the guest of M1Bs Ona Mrs. Whtte wore for her· daUgh· and tamily laIi week. , Mrs. R. L- Hackw/lll entertainea ma.y more efficiently perform his Jayson of Dayton: The. wedding MILe Brubaker at the home of L . ter's wedding. a gown of blue lace, • • • • • • ' at her home. Monday afutrnoon. duties as Ilresldlmt of the Waynes. will be an event of Saturday even. A . G arst , TIlesda y and Wednesday. wIth whi te aCCCSBOr1es, and carried The Misses Do~ an.d Irma ,FIres with a luncheon, honoring Miss ville Civic Club. " Ing. June 24. at Grace Methodist • • • • • a. corsage of blue and yellow da.lawere overn.\lltlt 1UfStB~ WSynesv1lle C5lfY,ce-LeMaY·Ha.wlrt church,. Dayton. They wlll be at. M1s6 Flossie FIres. Mrs. Loulb tes. Mrs. Stroud, JIibther of the __ .. ..... _ .~ 0 Emlly Brown; of Glendale. 8. bride. Mr. ~ r C, H. nanJnUn ot elect of this month. Mrs. Hack· Agency-Tel., 6l-R2. tended by MlE Helen Duford and F1res and daughters, Doris and bride-groom, wore a gown of raspc.nt.emIJe. ~ ~ will be one of the brldeslnalils Lebanon Oftlce _ 1-5 Dt'ft t ush Mr. Gene Medford of Da.Yton. Irma. were Dayton v18it~l'6. ,MOn. lace with white acceasortes. •• • • • at ~e wedding. Besides the hon· ,Bldg . ..,. Miss Conner was the lfU88t of hon.. day. Her corsage was of pink. yellow Ml'B: Pred IiartiIcJ:lIt and daugh· or gUeSt. those present at the .-Tel .• 292. J-l~· or at a. m1scel;laneoua ahower. given • • • • • . Ill\d blue sweetpeas. ter Mildred or lIllford. and Mrs. luncheon were, the MIsses Ma~ GRANGE NOTICE by a irouP of her friends. at her Mr. cd . Mrs. L- A. Garst and A receptJon was held at the home Ronald Hawke were dinner guests of Jean Moeser. Jeanne Heektn. Clar. . home, Wednesday, June '1t1l. The guest MIss Brubaker attended a o[ the bride's pnrenis Immediately Mn. Edith Ham. OIl Monday. , Ice Coke, Elsa " ThomPson. Mrs. At the regular meeting of the bricte to .be received many beautilul conference of the Bre~en Church fC'Uowlng the ceremony. Mr. aiut ' • • - - • RlCh8rct Wagner. Mrs. Robert )lul- Waynesville G r ~ n '- e. Satur~y....s ~ lilts. . . , at. An~~ "Ind., §~~ .. Mt:''J. StroUd left later lor a. wedding Mla8eIr VIVIa.D CoDner and Karian hauser. Mrs. Tholnas Dohan. and night. June 17. 8. bIrthdaY meeting .. . • • • • • trip' through,' .Indlana, the b"1~ Wbarton, ~ BerJuard Melloh and MrS caldwell Sherrill aU of Glen. wUl be held precedtng the bustOI'M Mrs. W. N. Sears attended t J)m· wearing a blue ensemble. with accuPraDJt LeMaY. Jr., vUilted the Ohlo dale: , . sesslon ana psogram. Each member mencement exercises at the Olncin. sories to match. On their return o&v~ 8und&y. ' ' L is requested to bring '8 basltet. SupnaU Bible seminary. Thursday lJhey wlll resld.e on MUlberry St-aD • • • • • ..I' per will be at '1::-10. evening. Lebanon. • Hugh Hlnton-of...eeeUna MIss Jane Oook, a. gradUate of • • • • • The bride 18 a gradl1!lte or. . the ~k ' end gueat of Dean ' Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Eo FumM left Waynesville high school. receiVed het' Mr. Rice Snapp lett Wednesday MIIllO!,1 high school In the clasiI' Of Mr. and ~. Elvin Bemard were Saturday for George 8cbool. Penn· morning' fo.r his home in Arcola 'S'3, and has since ~n a IteDp. --,-. of. M,r. ' and Mrs. Don Dr. - I Cook alid 1.1'-dinner IN....... " - Mary sylVania, to attend the. commen~ bachelor ha Co"ftof art5 degree from Earl· Va .. after spending several ~ay8 gtapher In the employ of . the Mul· HaWke.f"Sunda7 evenlnI. oato~ LUkens i1rove -io Richmond, exeretses at bhe scbool which . m ...,ge Monday. at .the Dlnety. bere with Mrs. Snapp and MrS. (or.~ Greenhouse. Mr. Stroud '! a ' .' • . ~ • • • Ind,. , Sunday to attend the bacca- too ' place Monday. Their daughter ~~aon~~c:n;ment. Form George HartsOck:. employed by the DOn Irona Truck,. Ifr, and_Mrs. M1c~ael NichOls o~ Ia~te serviCe for~ the gt'II.dua~rlB Sua, Ia a. member of the gradUa.. the main e~~ oover gave • • • • • Ing CO. ' of Franklin, u,wuaab~ v1a1ted ~ George c1ass of Earlham College. of which ttng e1ass. . Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Garst and Out ' of town guests at the wed· Qtllck,. :~onda.Y evening. at ~e I4Jss Jane Cook: Is a me~ber. They • • • • • 'Mla!J Cook, who was one of au Ona Mae Brube.kA!r visited air ding and recePtton were Mr. aDd hOlJl,e or her parents. Mr. apd Mrs. were · jothed Monday ~y Mrs. Levl ' Mr, and Mrs. O. E .. Mlchener and mernbeios of tlie gr~uaUng class, the home of John Garst and famlly. Mr/l. W. E. StroUd. Mrs. Maud J : p . LarriGIt. .' Lukens of ·Harv~ysburi-. Mrs. ~ two sona arrived home Baturdalt af- completed the regular four·year Prtday nJght, In honor of the bIrth- Qra,ne, Mrs. Irene Henderson aDd • •• ~ . • • Hartsock, and son WUton. and Mr. ter a. ,two weeks' vacation. They course in three years. She graduated day of Mr. Garst. Mrs. Iris Vice of Waynesville; Mi-~ ~ ~ " Stubbs and Will LUkens. Twbo., drove there on 'i'ttended the Ql'lIQual meettng of the from high school tn 1936. • • • • • ard ' Mrs. Carl Ha.rtl!ook of ~ ramo:r ~ ClrcleV1Ue and E. E· ~day' to a.ttend ~ cOnunenCe:- First· Church of Ohriet. 8CI~tl&t, On the Earlham Jcanipus she was Mrs. RUSllell Frank and son spent ton' Mr. IUld Mrs. Harry AI!.zijns ~ ment exerclBes and tb hear. the ad· In BOet(on. v1s1ted the World's Fa11' h~terest in sevel'a~ eKtra, ·currtcu. las!> week in B9WUng Green, at the ; Mr. and MftI. , CbArlel dress to the grad~ class given in New yprk. and other intereSting lar act1vttles., She Is prepared to en· bome of Mr. Frank'fj mother . Mrs Dooln of Hyde Park) OlnclmaU; lit. by He~bert Hoovl!". points through 'the East: ter medlcai collele. ,. Frank, who fell and ' broke ar,.:! Mrs. Willlam Hunt. 01· AvOft· ., • • her ankle. d&le; Mr. and Mrs. ·Herbert • • • • • Mrs: Homer As~ton ~~a~n~d~·~~~_~~ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth St. Wm . aDd family of Hubbard. Ohio: 'spe'n t Pl' ul. and Miss ptiggy Platte 01 tbc Week end with , the former's Wtlllamsburg; Mr. and' Mrs. HaD- ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. St. foro Male and daughter, Esther John. and Mr. Elmer White of Ba'ta.vta;· • • • • • W..r. 'and Mrs. T. F . Ml:tOonnact ot James Prendergast of Winton Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Estey Place. ClmtnnaU. is spending two Pringle. Miss Helen Harrts. and Her. weeks with hfs aunt and uncle. M\Ss &~.hel Frazier of Lebanon. ' Katherine and Mr. Jesse Prender· gast.
. .. . . .
• ••
CHILDREN'S DAY , Local, Happenings DORIS ~ MARIE AIM. E~ CHURCH -M;;~Ei&-:;;d ¥r;:' ;;tn BECOMES 8AI OF ~ El11s were Dayton visitors. Monday, HAROLD H. STHOUn Annual Chlldren'" Day services • • • • •
Auto Accident 'ATTEND CONFERENCE •. - .... _._- •. --..••.. 18& Local Happenings mornlna at
Woman· Injured Kn, Robert Coffin,
8. Of A.' DEGREE,
• • • • •
. Mrs. D. C. Ridge, Mrs, E. F. Ha worth, Mrs. Ross Hartsock, ana Mrs. Harvey Rye . were Clnclnnatt visitors Thursday. Mrs. Rldge and IStllVUll!' ¥ra. Haworth were luncheon guests of Mrs, Hartsodt and Mrs. Rye.
• • • • •
Mrs. WJll Mather of Bro'idnsville Texas, . oarl Mathe~ of ~ City: and Miss Helen Pleurer of Burling· ton, Kan,. are visiting friends In . arid were ~ ~esta: of , J . Hawke and Mr. arid MrS. oOn
·'Halik; . . ...-
~tlu-day' evemog,
Ml'B. IEthel of MJamt. PIa .. IU'Jiv~ ~ the hO!Jle of her parcnt.s, Mr. -and Mm." H :.H, WWtamsoD.
/K1'&. Lueila B. ~y
of !ber here fo~. week end' vtit( to tbe Wllllam· ~~ retUrrilnIt to ber home Mon- Qo1um1bwi. ~vhllt"'~ -'ljrl"','"
.~cJonat1 ~e(i"
. .'. . .
aymo~. ~
" .' '. '
1tbt ·_tami
Brown- Swil'---
Wa~e;-Yi11e. Ohio
a"tend Aa Second Class Mail Matter at POltoftice, Wayne.~le, Ohio
More than one hundred mules in· eluding apPl'9xlmatcly 135 registered cnttle. have o.!.roody been 'made tOr the Brown Swiss Canton No. 5 Show to. be held at the On.rke County Falrgrounds. saturday. J une 17 star ting at 10 :00. 0·clock. according to Cha,s. p , York, ch.o.lrnuul . Committee on Amlngemeni.s. These entries Include fort.1' Br own , Swls.') breeders .from nine southwestern Ohio countlC6 Included in the Ohio BroVin Swiss Canton No.5 The number ot cattle entered to dale from each county are listed as follows: Darke. 85 ; Montgomery. 29 ; Miami. 1'1; Clennon t. 5; Preble. 6; 'warrn 6; Logan 1; HamllLon. 2; and Greene 2. Approldmately twenty head of the totnl number en ter ed from Dark County llJ'e 4·H Club
Flora M. Crane Editor and Publisher ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Sublcript,ion PJice,. $1.60 Per Year, PaYAble in Advance
County Court N'ews -]
cordJDg to Ww Int.c:<t strt'Umllned m tbods or ,'howlng f'nlt1t' , "I'! lese B ~own Swl,. ClUlwn Sho\Y/i tlJ'e ., , In ll' conduct...'(\ t h is 'tlr ror the rtl'st tim ui,t! l' the aUNpiC1'1' or Ill' 0111 Brown Sw~ CatiJll lUb, J . Rl\y ParrQ\" PI' 'Id nt, nnd H, J. Fluste)'· wa ldo S rotary . and locnl Canton Comml l tee. 1'h sLnt.c Ol'l«lnlzatioll now hns 207 nctive " Brown s wt, breeder. 011 its m elllb r IUP roll. The Oluo Bro\,~ Swiss p c wili be h Id In connection with \II I C s how at' 9rceovllle. .
~ i - .. jat.,
Thrill Nites
"Ca ll ing Dr. Klldaro" LeW. AyrC!8 J Lana TUrner
Starts Sun(lay T H REE ~~~~.-~~
. YS ~~.~-
,,;:.===========:======= ========
. _.
Sportsmen Corner
~.~ ·~4.
Where .Do FIl1:gs ·.~omce From?
Uncle Sam Stitcluis His Own
of the
Recogn izing the growi nB demnnd on th plll·t of IllY I 'nd rs vcrywho) ' for gl'cn.tcr nl14<>nal mph osls on til, spiJiLun1 needs of . man. ar. rangements hlwe b en mad for r llgiolLS services on SUllday, Augus t 27. a.t th e sUIte lair grounds, OPeJl . ing th Oluo Sta ~c Fair , "L~kY Nigh~" will be shOwn 5 daYB
~~======~~============~========~ Laura. M. Banta.. decea&ed; private sale of property ordered. NEW SUITS In the matter of the C6tnte of T. Adam B. C&mpbelll vs. Everett H. Banta. deceased; private sale of and Elizabeth 8chumo.cher ; for property ordered. ~oney onlY; ceir1 Abaech.e rll. attar· In the matter of the estate of The Ohio D ivision of COll5ervntlon ney. .Mary A. Lenler. deceased; Inheritrcpo r l~ rcccipt.<; for the fil'lIt q uo.r tcr calves. Edith L BLshop vs David W. Bish· ance tax detennlned as noon. of 1939 amounting to ~190. 78Hn. 1\5 op; divorce. gT05S n eglect; C. DonIn the matter of the estate of ThIs will be the third Brown Swiss compared to $162 ,791.44 fol' the /lame ald ·Dllatush. nttonley. Jacob Lemer. deceased ; Inheritance Canton Show to be held In the state period In 1938. Expons s of the d lvis· for the period t hL ymr w(,1'e of Ohio in 1039. and it is predict ed IS Dr. Frank DlJatush and Dr. Heber tB.X de~rmlned as none. that the Ce.nton No, 5 Show will be $120.327.75 AS compn.rcd to $160295."4 DUI doing business as the Dayton In the matter of the estate of !'or tile same p rlod Ins t ycnr. the laregst held 1n the state Osteopathic Hospital vs. Edward Richard Ross. deceased; first and This show will be condudtect ncMeIIll1lPY; for money only; McMa- final and distributive account filed . bon. et al .. attorney. In the matter of the estate of Joe Pedders IlJld Omer Fedders. Martha. J . Richardson. deceased; dolnlr bus!netlS as the Fedders Supaocount a.nd resignation filed . ply eo. vs James Btnkley; cognovit In the matter of the trust created note; . J. T. Mey. by and under ' the will of E. K. ••iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiii_-~_iiiiiii_ _ _ _ _~ William Rohdenbl,lTg. of Norwood. Snook. deceased; distribution of ~. John Banlttir; in replevin; Allen estate ordered. ' In the matter of the estate of T . Roudebush. a'tomey. Ro&a.lle Masters. by Etta Uttle. Clarence L. ShuTts. deceased; trans. her 'mother d next friend vs. Wll. fer of real estate ordered. WAYNE VILLE, 01110 • lIams Masters. Jr .. a minor; divorce In the matter of the estate of T"I groSs neglect; Meryl B. Gray, attar· Mary E. Riley, deceased; inventoly STA IE """"""""""'~"""""'" BUTTER ner. a.pproved. FRI_· AT. J UN E I G.17 CO ~ In the matter of the estate of [1';[1\\ \T'. Erroi Flynn CoMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGf Margaret Ferguson, deceased; inII , . In BJ Hany Eldrld._, Jr. . ventory appr-oved. , • Ralph 'Bruce \'s. Ll.llo.i1e Bruce; dJ- In the matter of the estate of "DODGE CI1'Y" ... ,vorce granted; oustody of ohild to Frank Gons. decCMed; schedUle of 'rinl hapter No.5 ' Encourage bJghcst Butterfat Pri os pl&lnttfl. ' , debts approved. hor~ Subj ta The Loveland Mutual BuJldlng an(l In Ilhe matter of the . estate of - -bJ \ AND GAME Dugan donate all fisb caught a.t Loan Company V& Ada E. Heitkamp Ambrose ~~. deceased; loven. nSB SUN.-l\fON. Juno 18_19 and Th& F'ederal Bank of Louisville; tory approved. GROUP ENDS CONTEST Robltzers dt~g the day of free SHIPPING :YOUR CREAl\1 DIRECT Cary Grant & J ean A rthilr conflrmation, deed and distrlbutloll. In the mat~r of the estate of The Warren County F1sh Qld flsblng. (as a. .membersbJp price). IN George B: Johnson, county treas· Mabel May W1ustler, deceaaed; re-- Game team: memt>ershlp contest for a fish fry. Dugan refused to Patronbe No A«ents. "ONLY I\NGEL UAVE WING .. mer of Warren county vs. catherine port of d!strlbutloQ apJ)lQVed. came to a cl~ at last Thursday oommlt h.Imsell. total Get ALL TIlE PA:Y lor your Dairy P. Waper and L S. TUfts; conflr. In the matter of the estate of nights meeting In Lebanon. A All Dnake. Fish Committee chalrhart ubJcc:/s matson, deed 'and distribution. J . N. BurCh. dOOeasect; wUl ordered Of 1,'1 new were reported man. annowwed that flft.y dollars Work and Investment " • Dorothy K. BlantOn vs. Charles O. filed. with Chaa (sUm) Laymon of Ma- worth' of channel catfish had been TUESDAY ,JUNE 20 Blanton; divorce gmnted; plalntl1f in the matte' of the trust created son W1nn1ng flrst ·~ I.ssn!0n ordered for liberation in Warren Lltile ~oJgh Guys l'eIItored to malden name of Dortohy by the Will of Martha J. RlchanlaOn. obtained 3'1 new members. Lyle Co1mty trea Earl G tJ June 15 in K. i:Ieceased; A. B. Kaufman appointed Ivins of Red Lion and Herl Kindred. a Ins, • u.s n, game, . "Little Tough. G\IYS In oclct~" State of Ohio vs. Marvin Robert- trustee. Pranklln. of the contest committees committee Dha1rman reported dis· Butterfat ' 1IOIl; commltted to the LIma , State In the matter of the estate of preeented prizes to Laymon" orner trtbutlon of .300 pheosnnt eggs for IWAli.OO! 1IoiIpital. . . catherine Doliboa, deceased, cert1tl- Pyle. Lebanon; Ploy\I youpg. Leb- hal.chl:ng. • WED-TQ n , ,JUNE 21 .22 J08. Pedders and Omer Fedders VB. cate of transfer ot real estl\te order anon; Ray Dugen" Pranklln; C. N. Dr. P. C. Swing, Olncinnatl sparta. The Creamery Your Father J'a., ,.Jules Binkley; Judgment for cd. Robltzer. Wa.ynent.11e; JIile Oraff, man showed llnov1es of hiS canadian . 1)11 key Rooney . ..on. interest and costs. . In the matter of the estate . at Lebanon; Galoy Kuntz. Lebanon; late trout fls:~ trlp. The meeting tronJsed Is Cood lor'~u ~! In EdIth M. Hynes vs. WillJam Harry W. Mulford. deceased; Alice Earl Kfndred, Prankl1n; Paul ~oble. ~ With III fllie lunch served to "JIARIU' S RIPE, IlIOn" o ANY !l7nes; divorce gran"",,; plaintiff to Mulford 'a ppointed admJn1stratrix Red IJon.; Harry Eldridge. Prank- 125 spcJr~Cfl. farmers and fdends TRI STATE BUTTER COMP Sh~t ubjeeCs receive ' alimony and ·automoblle. . In the matter ot the estate 'Of 1llIl;~Jolln-..WlDOCtw8m,.--~~-lJ0Q.j~ttWAdiag;'::""---------I:--IC[jjINCINNATI, omo · Ruby B. Luu vs. OharlC$ B. Lutz; , Lenna A. Lowe. deceased; inventorY "Doc" Gilpin. Springboro. P"one' U For Timc of Feature The organization voted to . Ohio's' Inland bass season opens divorce grant,ed; plaintl1f restored approved. to~ma1den name of Ruby Brant. In the matter ot the estate of the July meeting B8 a family plclUc tonight (Thursd~y: June 15) at Stat:e of Ohio .Yr;. John Hopkins; Catherine DoUboa. deceased; 1I)her- at Robltzer·s park in W~le, twelve o'clock. and what effect the l\IBI)eIlSIon of sentence unUi June 8. lte.ncll tax detennJned as none. aDd RusJell carT W8II named chair- cool spell wU1 hl've on fishing Is a I The World's , ordered. In the matter of the guardJanshlp man of the plcnlc 1lOIIUl\I~. A iprobleml 'I11ere Is no question. I!Jlly M. 'Egbert VS. Anna. Baker: of Charles Lester Crockett. et aI.. committee beaded by JOe Kersey however. that. all Ute rain left' most billest-sel'in~ conflrmi!.tion deed and d1atrtbutlon. first' and partially final account ac- was appointed to look ,Into posstbUJ- stl'8llo1il8 i1{gh and muddy: at least ·,SlNGLE-EDGE . ved. ' . ties of a WildlUe dJapl~ and coon the larger ones. The few best bets Blade ' . In the matter of the estate of chase a~ the Warren Couqty Palr W11l probably be .. such creeks lIB PROBaTE COuRT WIlliIIm Wheaton, deceased; first this fall. !twas sU!nleSted tbat Ray Olear. Pour 1!I4i1e Caesars. etc. In the matter of the estate of and final account a.~ved. • . . ' ~~ Bab&on. . deceased; aftldavlt In the matter of the estate of in Ueu of final account filed. Catherine Cody,- deoeased; second DAy----------~-~~~-----,., ,In ~ matter of the estate '. of: and flna!. aocount approved. . . In the matter of the trust of Har~ ,. Obarles .L , ¥UJard. decea.aed; George · '" MUlArd appointed adm1nIstrator; riet SpaUlding. second and f11lal ac. Wiley ¥ontsoUierY. Howard MJ,mger cOunt ~pproVed. aDd George X. WIler, appointed ap. In the matter of the estate of grp,iIeni. ' Viola Chamberlain Co1bel'tt deceaa... , In the mat.ter of the estate of ed; eale bill ordered recorded. : . ,. ~ WUl1anl H. Irwin, deceaaed; Will H. . In the matter of the. eState of RE,II'ar.and IItrlpes .,~ ~bI 'AFniy ~ :Jr.• appointed executor; AI.! Clarence L. Shurts, deceased; first OU'P~h ·a nd'liulldtnc. bert B. Mosstellar. H, D .. McVey and and final aa:punt filed, . !!~er""bere 0 0 ' F la Ir KarlM. Brown appolnted lIIPpra!sers. ; ';a". JUDe 14. are' IQ MARRIAGE LICENSES " In the: matter of t.he estate of ( manufactured Ii e ,~nJt' Gons, deceased; inventory Oldiell 81a~_ .. .,pproved. .. William F. Stewart, 2t. researCh Quartermaster Corptl In the matte.t: of the estate of director, Dayton; 'and Doris J . . KmIn PhlladrJpbla. Pa, 0\11 bunlJnlr. relrlm~nrsil James Anderson, deceased; hearing der. 2t. teacher Frank1J.n colo", ' add slandardl on inventory. approved. EdWin Barr. grocer. and are DlaUU'r aeta.r ..·d In the niatter of the estate of EyelYn yVooctrufl. :n. MaJnevIlle. , 'here. IU, b'l. ' T '" II " Martha J, Richardson, dccea~j inFarshell Cre.ft. 23. trUck driver', IIl',amllll'estI_ nUl out · vestment of funds authorized. ~ddletown. and Helen Malott, ~, ihe' star, .: r.r olft('I:lI ' In tbe matter of the est.6te of KIngs Mllls. ",mUn, ' 1t:J!;1I 'to be seot Ida Clevenger•. deceru;ed; will adml~ Harold Hartsock Stroud, 20, truck ",my ""&8; • ~ to PIWa.te. driver. Waynesville, .and Do~ MIIile ' ln ~ matter of the estate ' of White, 24. secretary, Lebanon. •' QharleS H. Campbell. deceased; ~ tributlon In kind ordered. " REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ., In the ' matter of - the ' estate . of -~ ~ St.<x;kton Evans. deceased; John J . Mills by Sherl1f. to Emma ,.. certlflcate oftransrer of real estate Paul; 10~ 2'10 and 271 In the village Ordered. ' of Lebanon. , In the matter of the estate of Ida and WlIl~ K. Campbell m Kittle 'V. Lollar.. deceased; date for Lena. Poser; '9.22 acres oh the Ma.tne. , hearing on Inv.ent.Onr &et for ~une 2t ville-Poster toad. , . 'In the matter of the eJtate ot Alice and Mary WlllJams to Ever. qlarence L. Shurts, deceaaei.1; inher: ebt and Ruth Doane; 20.58 acres 10 ItaDDe' tax determined ' Hamilton 'toWnship .. ~ In t.h~ I'QIatter esta~ of Arthur ~ll!J'k to 'Ali~ 'W;hltte.ker; Obn ~~u; .deceasetl; &\lIe bill ot'. 15~6!J acres In Harlan townahlp. d~ recorded. ' . Harry Edward Allmyu . to Dan ·the matter ot the estate of B~tt; .bt 1003 .in:· the village 'Of ~~ Gebhart. ·deceased; affl- Franklin. , . , ". . In 118\1 '<It ',ILCCOunt ordered re· · Anna S~ton ·ElVans tQ WDIJam 1 ~. ..' ~: F. 'Stockton and Leonard StoCkIQ matter at the 'estate of tJOn; 82 2-3 acres in the: VIllage of ._'~IorelDOe;' R. ~teithwal'te: dece~ ~n. " .. ~edule of .debts approved. Barbara Rh~e to,Walter R. Pitts: Nn'i . . . Elicit ... _lii-a..., die Iqttet qI the estate of fot D18_and • .63 t~,of lot 919 In the II ............... " laaUeD bJ .~~.r'!jlp~tr. iI¥''':F~~~~ 'tJIrIIpJ. ~; sal8 Of v~ of Pr:aDkIfn, • , Aller .... U . . . . . . .~. ~..w: 8ome ' or &belton J, RoIe "aIJ!:I LIWe E. Role ' .... 1& II. ....... ...,... ~ eiIW.te ~ to VJctorla Re; loti! 30J aDd 18110 ; ~ ~ .......... ~ ea. .... tb& utlt..ft.., of _ _..,... . II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . -:~=~=:\ 1.:'111"• • _ _!lid;' d.IItrI~ . " - " . &'~~ • • • . . . IDI•• '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. III • PnId ~ &0 7,'beJma oatr~ , 10 ; . . . . ... . .p • • teI .' . . . -''Nl!I. : -...., ~ ....-.. ........ or acres In &bdItcIft ~ , ... ~ .
MEN LOVE ~\' . '. _ p'l.
PI .
If yo .... are poppy alld full or. rWl. meiI will
Invlw you to dAb. . and p&rtIeL • BUT if YIIU 1\1'9' ~ iliu. aDd tI!'!I4; meo won' t be Inte_t...t. Men doo·t "~t" alrJ~ Wb n they ItJ 1:11 pa~ tbq W11l\t ~.J'Ia .10n. who are fUll t pcp. So In .,.., you "ead a tIOOd ..,nenllQllll.a tonic. I'tImomher for 1I aencra\Jc)na _ woma n hall told another bow W 11! '~ thni" with 4'dla E. P1nldwD'. Vet"ta.bIo!
Compound. ~ t bel.!!!, build ul! more pllJllSl IUI.Ilnll Oll a nd thlll ala. in lima you _ pap lind 1, -... tlIIlna from fa. tlonal d laordlltll. ·.f '
You'lI lind PInkham', CoDl1lOQD4 WELL WORTH, TRYlNGI -' , '" (
F. 'r. .
Martln~ .
Or No 'Char,B_ Ce-.terville,.Ohio ...,
"Phone 78J .
lain ArmitClle
Mr. and Mrs. Ra.Ymoad 0Ib0rn of era, Mrs. TIlerle Jones lind son MIL Xenla were Bunday atternoon guests iton accompan1ed~m M~day eve. of Mr. and Mrs. TherJe 'Jonea and nlng.
Beech Grove
Eden Park, In OluClnnllti, 1!IU~d8y.
son. .
«,....:=..~~-:''''''!L!e'!_~_ ~''!!_~-:-~~''!'!''"'''!!'-_P_A_G_E_T_... ~E_E~!''''!.'!'!!!!!!'~!!!!P.!~
• • • • • I~McKay has been
With a B,U c k eve I n ' C ongress. •
In WIl. • • • • Mrs. Florence sams spent several ·m1ngton tor sev:rnJ days BSbillting In . ~~ . Mrs. Ida Stephens of Lebanon, C1a.ys last week:' with ,friends ill Day; the Cal'!! ot htH' mother. 1'41'& Jenrue Mr. and MrS. iJames Pntom ot Day • Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. MUton Shoo- ton. I RIl.WDrLh, who hos been quite lit ~ ton mov~ la&t. week In po.rt of U1e han of CentervUle were Monda.y eve. • • • • ... , .. , Mrs. John ~,iulll' of Dayton WII6 a illest ot hjlr slster, Mrs. J. B, DuJce house with Mr. and Mrs. Don. ning dinner guest.!; of Mrs, Alice • , • • • .' Mr. o.nd M rs. Stanley Hetzler. II, CLARENCE J. BROWN aid &!rd. . Mr. and Mrs. Wymer Downey nnd u .... ., c...n-. , .. ow. DlItrIet Jones aad Mr. Jones last week. ' son. John, werE) Monday evenlng roll __ _ Clark. Mrs. reIDlllned thIs Stanley Jr ., and Miss Wl.ntrred, of • • • • week Cor a. visit with her slster· Jamestown. were Sunda.y callers at ers of the Tnlmagc lamlly . Mrs. ~ret Johns o.nd Mr. o.nd Mrs. WUlinm Rafters vis. • • • • • , tho Talmage home. The King and Queen of England Grent Bri. toln ever visited the Unit ' I PaUl, ltCd the tormer'~ father. Mr. Morris J tms a t Sa.turd Mr, LInd, Mrs. Lowell Tho.m as and . cKa.~r famUles' attended' • • • • • hav_c come Md gone, They have seen ed ·Stntes. Then, too, It wn.s ' from pen ay w th Mrs. Rogers who Is very I attar a. bad o ' . . Mr. and MI'S Raymond Ross Mr. and been seen. Today, be(l!l.use of one of hJs predecessors _ IOn, Martha Hol,I8b Ile&.r Waynesville. heart a.ttack a.t hJs home near Way. daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold WhLtaker I1nd chJJdren, Mr. and Mrs mmFrte~ment at Wilmington Col· nnd Mrs.. Ross VUlam and chHc1ren. their visi t, England has more f r iends ••••• nesvUle, • Harvey Burnet, Mrs. Therle Jones ege 'daY. . were visitors a t Indian Lake, liun. in America. than before their' com. George III- tho.t th~ Uh.lte~ states •MI'B. J . F. Jones of CIMlnnaltl spent aeveral , d&ys last week with • • • • • and BOn, Mr, and Mrs. Allen Emrick • •• • • • clay. lng, Orosslng into the UnIted states won 'her, freedom . On evelY 'band The Ladies Aid n.nd their families Mrs. J . B: JOnes and Mr. and Mrs, Mr. IUld Mrs. Wayla.nd Jor,c!an and • • • • • at Niagara F1n.lIs last Wednesday the roya l palr could ~ statues arid Mr, and MrI. E. B. Longacre. WnJ k tte d nA 0 range n t 1a.mlly, were Saturd.ay vIsitors at the ter K llnr1can..... Mt.:, nnd Mrs. J , R. RI ~emQ(l and oJ g I1 t , tb e l'O!{a I tra In moved Into f amous pnintlngs of thooe whq re were entertained at the church on • • • • • Wednesday evening by Mrs. S. H. Mainville Friday evening, Jordan home, sons. Joe. E!ignr Mld Orner, were visit Was1!lngton Thursday morning, belled again.'!t England more than 8 Mn. • • • • • • .. • • • ors Sunclay of Mr. and Mrs. Wmiam where the KIng and Queen were re. hundred and fif ty years ago and t Harvev Burnet WIIS a dinner Burnett and aSSistants, Mrs. Kesler guea of Mr& &. D, Henkle In Leba- Graham and Mrs. Stanley Bailey. Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Grny, son and Mr. and Mrs. Wymer Downey and Hiteman, In Butler. Ky. celvccl by t he PresIden t ond Mrs. of course, the very home In whJch non on TIIetIda¥. Ice cream o.nd cake was served. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ' Dearth John, attended the basket meeting • • • • • Roosevelt, and nearly a mUlion otll . Ithey were enterlalned during their . • • • • • • • • • • Sheehan and daughters attended at Bethany, sunday. or Americans from every . walk of visit to Washington- the 'Whit!! • .' • • • Mrs, Ada.h TnJrnage, Lee Talmage Ilfe, TIle ~n~l Mrs. IIleta Rogers spent last week A kitchen shower wall tendered the Earnhart reunion Sunday, at the ~''''' tal C1ty was decorated House-received Its name because of. . J._ Seve-' . to' w!..,~ .. Mrs. Ada Oneno_th In Center,. Mrs. DonnJd Foulks Wednesday eve.. home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Earn· ,.... from he·r e attc.nded the and son. Alben Lee and J essie L. e vcryw h ere wi tl1 crossed banners- t h e nccCl;Slty of painting It white sc.rv1ces Sunday Garner, were Sunday callera at the the AmerIcan FIag nn d the UnIon cover up t h e marks of theI ' and ville. , n1ng a-t the home of her parents Mr· hart on Chaulllluqua. Road, near ChUdrens' Dal~' fire . Mr. and Mrs Franklin. momln"', at Orc.g onla U. B. church. home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Huff· J ac k. . Th ousnn d s 0 f so Id'.Iers, sa ilors 0 tll er d nrnage done when the Brlt1ah • • • • • ruld Mrs. Frank Smilh. to • .' • • • mnn and Mr, and Mrs. Albert Herres and IlUIJ'lnes form ecl unbreaklng capturccl WMhlngton in the War ,I )f MM. l\IQlJlaret Johns and Pnul Foulks arc now house-keepl"" ...., In of Dayton. Johns were Sunday evening guests of Cec1nrviUe where Mr. Foulks has em. We are sorry to report the illness lines that held back the uncounted 1812, destroying t he capital and , Ohio Il.pple producers ulre!ldy are Mr. arld Mrs. R. M, Turner and son ployment. of Mrs. Creech; we also hnve been thousnnds of speot;alors lining the burning lhe Whi te House But those at Centerville. • • • • • plnnnlng ways and means of market. Informed that John W. Edwards Is The State Dlreclior: of Agd:ult).lre street.!; over whlcJl the royal en tour. events belong only to th~ dim 'p ast. • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Lowc~ Thomas at- 1ng the current crop, The Ohio quite sick. offlclnJly reports that the deplllt- age passed. cavalry brIgades nnd bear no real sign ificance now, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and tended a. dance revue at the Dayton. Apple Institute assesses Its members • • • • • ment's financial ~tatement for the esoorted tile visitors down Pennsyl. as was attested to by the pledges ·James Haines In compl\JlY With W. Art. Instltut.c Sunday and Monday a. cent a bushel to provide funds to Several members of the Friendship first quarter of 1939 shows a net OJ)- ~a. Avenue. Behind the rum. a nd !.oru;lts passed between the King O. Pence 01 Spr¥lgboro, spent Batur'l evenJng!!, where their daUghter, Miss laccelel'llte public demn.nd for Ohio club and their husba nds enjoyed n eratlng savings of $103,684 over the bled artillery unllG and great war and the Pre:.ident at the gree..t state day afternoon In Middletown. Betty Thomas. \V1lS one of the danc· fruit. /PICnie at SharOn Woods and visited same quarter I.n 1938. tanks. OVerhcad;an nrmada of bomb. banquet on Thursday evenJng; by
Mra, Allce Olarlf epenl F'rIda.y
the Oem dtty,
. ..
• • •
• • • •
... .
. . .. .
q ] Q
;\'0-'..:-'. r,~_
r---==r--::===::::=---r- -.-- .- --- ....
Ing a nd lighting Planes flew In form.. ,the KJng's ro~eptlon to Members of aUon IlS the po.mde s lowly moved to Congress; ond by hls vlsit to Mt. lhe White House. . 'Vernon, where he Pla.ced ' a upon 't he Tomb of Wnsh.Ing.ton, tbe The visit 0If King Geot'ge and one Im an mOllt re..o;ponslble for, the Queen Ellznbetlll wns, of course, an I;uccess or the American Revolution h.l6torlc occasion, for It marked the and the separation ot the colonJes first Lime that o.ny ruling h eads of rr~m England.
t ', .
,. ~
• .•• !. '" J .~
: "---
. ' __ ~
. --
K-e offer a satisfactory Service
at all times
McCI~~e F~neral .Home
....:..: ... P4-
. .
Phone, ~.n_
Member of
The Federal De., In.urance , COl'Poration ,
J!ome COQked ' CHICKEN DINN£a SUlidav. at
THE ll.lTlf ·INN
"Kathryn Mendenhall"
Tel!!phone 122
E~change Company
f~START TRADING AT HOME-·W ATCH l:OUR HOME ·tOWN GROW" Tb ' fOIfO~ busiD~ mm are your nelrbbors lind friend_they are ever reacly to lend their assistance ~.
Im~Y~ .,1vIc pI'Op~ and expansion.
They Invite and apprecllate yoUI' patronare,
100 Free Theatre Tickets
TIuoqb tbe eoqrte.J ot "PbiI Smlt..... manager of the New Theatre, we are givlnr away 100 theatre fJclIIet.. ,Eaeb ~ fOl' the neKt eJlrht ~l[ names of Ioc'.al Tesldenla wm appear In the ads of t.hltI pare. ' ~4-....t:"!UaAllus,..llllllJlIL:aeI4~~r;cJ. at random from our 5ubserlpUon,Ust. When your name, call at the b,ox office 01 t'b~ New :~m Theatre, WenUly yourself and' present eop~ 01 the ad in wbleh ~ name ap~an
reCeive TWO FREE T[()KETS.
.~::---~~~~~=~+--~~~ 1.~~4~~~'·;:;;:;..~~~..;.i()_om_pU__~_b,:,:Y_:W_Ilb",",:ur:-S~ba~D_~_~_-:Look ·'
',\ "CQYle!s. q.\1.Ut:y ~ Meat Mar,ket Rt;E DJEkl\fERY
Quality Food Sold On A Small Ma Bartlett PEARS. No. 2 % can ........ " ...... :....... 2 for 4&c Tree Ripened GRA:PE FRUIT, No.2 can" .. '3 for 32c Real MAYONNAISE "" .. ,, " ,,, ,,, :.,, ,,,, .. ,, ... Pt.. j~r Dc .
21c m~nt and dr~~d;Jlle.ts. You Veal Shoulder Roast lb.16c 1'~ are w"lcome a~ all tim~s ..... Veal Chops ............... , lb. ~Oc ,
-;-_-:-~~., D. R. SMITH
I., 1& 27c .... our pl.nt at Co~ip Veal Pocket. R~st, 2 lb. ~5c on Route 73" ~ .our equIp- Bacon, In Plec~ ." .. :.. .lb•• 7c
Fresh Pork Sa...... 2 'Pork Steak . .••... ' lb. Steak, Chuck ............ Ib; Freah Callies, Whole; Ib: PHONE 66R2
Way~eaville F~rmer.'
Did you know that you can secure practleally IIny nne of merchandise or service nrht here In our own 1com· 'manIty? That a 'dollar spent In ' our Home Town-in fiGme fom:' or ,a nother ret1ll1JS to the spender?
, Cu.tom Grinding and F~d Mixini' t Yellow Jacket, Elkhorn, and Raven Red A.h Coal
&ad JOU
E.tablished 1849 Larger Everywhere Because of Bett~r Q"ality;, Service and Price Our binder twine stock ,half ju.t arrived. ,see u. before you huy" , Phone 32 ' Mrs. Carman Orane
.' 'WHIRE TO TRAJ)E tiaII -;,..... to
___ u__
. ~airley Hardware StOI~S
Enjo,Y a DelidOti.
_ U _ '_ lI _~",-~.-u
If your Tire. are Thin and oId';""'Watch Out! Replace ,Have ' you~ rug. Cleaned, them now for Safe Sum~er ~hampooed a.n d Sized .0 Driving. , th"e y look ju.' like New. '. Mobilga. - MoJ,iloil . Willard Battene. 9x12 Special.:......, ..... $2.50 GoOdyear Tare.
Wayne. ille Nat!ona' Bank
. PHONE 19
Oh~'5 Most Modem Pool" Invites You Buy your Season 'Tickets Iiow , Single ....... " ................... \....... :."" ... "." .......... .. "Southern
~::~; ~~:t:~ ~!~ ~~~~~::~::::~::::::;:::.,:.,:::::',: . .:.: . '.: . ::
Family Ticket (4) .. :.. .. .. " " .................. ,...... " ... for each additional member
Pool open. Daily at 12 nOon Sunday.. and Holiday. 10:30 A. M.
. Floor Sander ,for Rent .
Make. . Old Floors . Look Like New ,. .
"Your. L~mber Man" Homer Ramby
, !~ Bog,
CLUB CHllDRJN'S MEl WEnNESOAY The Frtendshlp club of, the Meth· odist €hurch met Weqnesday, alter. noon, at the home of Mrs. R'. ,D.
COllett. A vOcal duet. "Juanita:' was sUJ\g by Mary 1.01& Lacy ~d Mary Jean. Thompson to open tho program; For the devotlonal part of the program Rev . J. V, LlWY gave a tnlk on "Understanding Youth." Two vocnl solos "When I Grow Too Old to Dream'" and "Gold Mine in the Sky" were then sung by Victor Thrmpson. Jean Ha.rtsock played a piano solo and ~uth COnner n. cornet solo. An acrobatic dnnce by Mal llyn ' Burske concluded the pro. gram. Mrs. Lloyd Davis, Mrs. Gilbert Frye, Mrs, Ben Smith. and .. Mrs. Carl Conard assisted the hostess In Buck Owens, America's favnrlte cowboy motion pi~ture star will liP' peal' on the stage of the New Twin , theatre With his own company, in. eluding thc' frunous Ma1lbu ranch boys cowboy' band. RIta. Ty Bell, ....... Uyw ood 's mo st famous lady .av double. who doubled for Joan Cra.w· ford In "Chained." Barbara Stan· wyck. In . 'W oman In Red" an d mosll ~l of the fa mous lady stars. ;Buck b rings ' ~1s horse "Goldie" ' on 'the s'- ge ith hi G Idl .... W m. 0 e playec;l the'" ps:rtI of the," Charger " In Bhlrle.y. .. emp e's picture "Little MLss Mllrkel'," also as "Broadway Bm" in t he picture of Lhe SlI me name. This entir e uhlt Is on a good wlU toUr and is being presented by the Der wood Picture PrOdl1c, tlons and comes direct from Holly_ 'ROOd. 'Rita. Ty BeU wh~ ~ns seriousl.Y Injured whU~ doubling [or Bat'bar:>, BtanwYck In "Woma n In Red " i s nOw fully recove~ed nrul Is a ppear. log In person with the BUCk Olfens
unit at the New ,Twin theatre along with t he eight Malibu ranch boys and Buck Owens famous horse ' Goldi e. Goldie. famous motion picture horse who appears in peJ'll(ln on the stage at the New Twin , theat .~ Waynesville. was 1\, year old when presented to Buck Owens by the Wllugnei brothers. He wns trained t.o do his movie work by Buck. He is claimed the most Intelligent nnillUll ever to appear before a movie camera. Buck has ridden h1m in sixfy.flve ' of his ploturc.r lind his Intelllgence wJl\ be rememb"red in such pictures BS wllth Roman Navarro in "Laughing Boy." In M. G, M's "Stranger Returns." His most outstandJhg work was the Charger In Shirley Temple's "Little Miss Marker'" and as "Broadway. BUl" in COlumbia 's picture of the same name· He displays hI.s redlarkable tal. ent with his pal B~ Owens. In the most unlque pcrfonrumce ev~. presented. on a stage, '
lItghway Department
. bas let road 'ninQunt1ng to $2,833,235 Slnte J8.lluary 1st. In adtlt.
~n. several mJ.l}0ns are belIlg ~pent
to comp~te contrrults sta1lted year. '
- -..-
.. -
last '
BOOK REVIEW CIRCLE Mrs. R. E.. Hurst was hostess to the Book Review circle Tuesd6y at·
~n , Mrs. ,L1da
seventeen member&: or' the Happy , Hour club gathered: at the home ot, Mr. Elmer Royer' isn't .so well. at Mrs. Jooiah Dav1& 'rueada,y atter- th.1s wr1Un~. . noon. to enjoy a spc!Clal chtldreo's • • . ,. .. .._ dllY progrllm. ..... and 'Mrs. Roy Shawl •sROnt n ,u Ith Mr ' . d .... _ ..;. .. nmes cif th,e Sund...., ' w , an ....... D • • aue FollomlIlg . ....0 the ,M' ..,... 114 rgnn chlldron taklnit part' and the Pro: 0 • gram they presented :: . • • • • • 'llbe Mt. Holly Hl'ppy 00 LutJcy Pmyer ~ Carol ~unnell; Rendlng 4.H club will meet . at the d:iurOh -Dorothy Wilson. Reading-Billy Th rsd ~vls; Song-Eula Hoak; D1alogue room u.~.... y nnd .sue Furnas; Rea.cUng-MI· Mr, Charles Tt10lmJI s~t the rlam Wilson ; Bun. . ne)] ; Rending - Wilhelmina. Brad· week end With Mr. nnd Mrs. OIar·. dock; Readlng-Jennle Lee Brad. ence crawford and family. dock. , . • • • • MLss Annn Louise Hook and Marl· M*>s -, MinnIe Otawtoro spent Iyn Gons were also guests of the Monday nIght with Miss Dortbla rJub. This meeting was the last one Mlcheal. unUI September. wt.m the club wUl • • • .• • . m~~. n.t the home of Mrs. John Mrs. Ellsworth Srriith apeRt lut Gons. week with her mother. Mrs. Mat· tie Levi.
t1ii' atreQltb-or thelr"lilloe. Alrtc~
Ebe Bailey ot Xenla 'vlall:4!d h1a, tural e04l1neera claim UIIa& rraas Bl· , ~ Charles and tam1Jy on 'nlura· lage exe~ more ~ure than C01'll
., '
serving tempting refreshments to BAND CONCERT • • • • • the members nnd guests during the MIss Roberta Shawl of near social hour. it The CQmmunlty band will Xenia ~t the week end wJth , give (\ Miss Ern tin ...... ~art The J}ext meeting of the club w1ll concert o.t McClure's corner as e ."... ••, . be an nil day pIrtIlc at the home of Thursday night. June 22 lit 8:90 • • • • • Mrs. Walter Whitaker. July 12. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson om and son Ra''''lo.. ...... were Sunda;v dinner CHURCHES OF CHRIST guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Loren MISSIONARY MEETING Kramer and chUdren of Dayton: • • • • • The joint missionary me!!tlng 01 ' Mr. and Mrs. HIley Gibson and the Waynesville and Ferry Churches Sf.. Mary'S Episcopal Cburch dp.ughter Stella, Mr, Morris Lew ca.1led on .1::8. .......erett Bunnell 01 Christ was held Wednesday nt· nell. R. L. Haelr.well. Minister DIU .... temoon at the home of Mrs. Mau. SA'rt1RnAY. Jun.e 17th .• 3 p. m. family BUnday' afternoon. rioo on t.he Nutt road. Church school presentation at the • • • • • The devotional program was In rectory. Mr. and Mrs. Paul 8andy Uld charge of Mrs Frances Brannock SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TIUN, chUd:ren of na,ton were dinner and the Rev, SmJth. The program ITY guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ket,. was as follows: 11 a. m.-Mol'nJJog Prayer and lis tmd f1Unlly Sunday. MternooJl A ,Mountain MISsion School-' sermon... callers were ) Mrs. Leotl& HartaocIt Helen . Murphy; our Missionary MONDAY aNI daughter Roberta, Rutb Task-Jen.nJ8 Thomns; The Mia· 8:90:p. In. Bpec1al choir practice. KeWs, Mrs. HJly GibBon and slonaq Work of , J. W. West-~va , ' I ter PaUline and Mta. Ke~ Burnett; solo-Mrs. LIng. METHODIST CHUIlCR The secre;ary reported an average Re... John V. Lacy. Pastor APPROVAL 18 GIVEN 'a~tendance · lor Ute year, 23. tfi'! Bunday. ,J une 18 '· rolt NOTE ItE~IflG average ~fer1ng. $6.25. This nion~'8 9:3O.-aunday ~chool. R,. D ' Coloffering o..f $5.00 was sent' tp tale lett. Bupenntendetlt. :Patber'~' Day. :DIstrict boards ,o f ed\1C8'Uon. to G~dy m1sslon school in VlrgtnJa, 10:4o-M~ WQrsh~p. SUbject Wuren 00UDr.y ~e been IJI'8Ilted Th!! next meetlng will ~ at Ule "It I Were a. hlher." autbor11'aUon permlwn, ' the rehome 01 Helen Murphy in center. MONDAY . funding of notet amountlnl ,.tD VUle. " ' 7:SO-Epwor1ll League New Com. P9.87~ , tor amounts, due fr9m the bIDed prDII'&m'" oJ! recreation and etate pubUc &Cbool fUndI, ~. . •. worishtp. ' ~ t.endent Charles II. office
I Chure'hes I
~ Pr"8Dk
l. l IS -SUCCESSfU .,
H8:~ton revlew~d "or.
. ~; , ~ld
~~s. Hastlngs.
wUl meet with
,,\. "L ky B b L k Y M , yrna '. '"
~ '."
b6 ~Ie " or debta contracted by my wife. Alm ....n . B · -:L . ~
-:--------::;:--;--.;:----.....: 'F OR SALE ' So ; and pt " . ~~ ", p. H. Hockett, ~, • '.
~ the
Bllo may meet
need IIOIIU! ~·_·-....... en· ....., .... uraml """
• .
number' trom here attend.... the the add.ed stnl.1n. In"" New --------
urlJlliton., on Bund.ll.y, • • • . :. Mr. and Mrs. 'l'hecxtore Perltins anel IIOn:l/PCnt the past week with relaUves 10 Kentucky, ' • • • • • George WOOd of Dayton w". mlnglJng With old frlendS h' ~... Thursday. ere on • • • • ...
·ed.Cothunt.v ..~ricultural agenta report. , at 1".,:1112 tarmers in the UnIt-
~ ~teS lo~ l'eOO~d~ t
pral: llce8 tor inflect control In 1938.
The 'ar~rs uaed ~8t.SI8.'1~ pounds of various klnds of, pobons In cam· palgn$ bhat aavllcl, $7,~.570 above ' the cost of the polson applloatloila. , ' --r ' ' Keeping so11' in place on the t1eW of a. North carouna watershed de-" Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Whitacre oj crelllSed' the rate 01 Blltlng In a down. Morro vlalted -relaUves here on Ijtream reservoir by 60 per cent. The Friday. consthIotion cost of the l'elll!rvoil: • • • • • was $1,200.000,' Erosion control up Mr. and Mrs. Kohlhagen of Blan· the valley doubled. the number of chester vlslted Mr. and Mrs. years this Investment would be 'proBloch on Priday. ductlve. • • • • • Marle Kyne o.t Qolumbus was a week end .... est of' her ..... ren·· II I=~!!!!!~~~~!!!~~ .....-.... I Earl Oopsey who 18 attending O. S. U. 'RBI! home over the week end, •
The ladles of the Prlend's church were entertained at' n covered dish dinner at the bome or Rev, and Mrs. Bogan.on. ~m:ct? f
WID. Needles tmd NetUe PIlY and
Sprt amUy of G , V. ngfle1d Mr. and Mrs. 81mB.called Prldayoneven·
• . ". • -. NetUe PulUraon Ruth Bt1nlief. Katll! ·EBale. Hel~n Hood and Goldie Kreltaer attended O. E. S ' , in ·.Jameetown Mrs.
haa~, ' _ , The au~tton permits the re-
fllDdlng 9f IIalance dUe OIl tbe Sepl'Tlday . • teD)ber: 1938. amounting ,to ' 8;OO-Cholr prIW:tlce. , .. ' P2,800.80, and the ~, 181& At&enUon 'W.,P. :II. B. ' Jasue, total.1n, ~8'r3.81. ' 'llle dJa. Tueeday . .June 20 the school of boards are "fA) Bak for blda on ~ODli starts at Pranklln. It 'wUl the notejs to ' be n!fUnd~. , Aa81atant extend, thrpugh FrIday 8n~ . any 1"~~!I1J:I~ick!lll_i8g.n~~~~~d who can sh.ould attend for the fleld laid. , ' whole or part tune. ' , . BcihiJol offJclala .ald the DIOOfIJr' l was borrowed when lltate tOUJUla.. , MT. HOny M;. B. OHtJROB tlon ' runda ra.UeCl to arrive .. T. M. Seadr, Minister Iilhedwe, &mday .Soh®1 9;30 a. m: ' ( Eventn.g servlce 8:00 p,' m. , . tii&la at BeltavUle, Mary. Prayer meetlng Wednesday 7:30 land,huUcate tha.t Iambs C'an be fat.. p, M. . . tenect ,on soybeains wJthout ~ . ~onary me~!~ wID be Wed- Ing soft fai. . nesday, June 21 lit the Dhurch. A welcome awaits you at
, The W~ County .Plsll Game AIIBOClIltlon ,m embership de; aervea- a. lot of , 'Credl~ for Itl!work durtng the mem -rshtJ) "",mpa~gn WhiCh . en'«;\e& at Thursday nights meet1ni. One hundred and tOl'ty..aeven new members ' have jqln· ed since Jan. 1st, an4 meeting attAmdance bas.doubled. It Is now uP ,B rett Youn\g, .hav1hg bee~ 11 aoc., to t~ club to c .anUnue tJte fine tor befo.r e becoming a novelist; could spoitsmer1-famier' reJ8tloriship' it truly depict the'doctor;s life. has, beiUn to build. and the sound ronservatlon project it has, created WOMAN'S C~VlC LEAGUE Th.e Woman.'$ Civic League met qt In thls sectlon. Such 'an active or· tlic"home of Ellzaoetn Clark, Batlir. ganlzaUon can bl! a. big f~ctor In I " ~a.y a.fternoon. June lOth. . aiding flsb and game law enf~rce.. ':::':-~:~~~~~h~~: The Ways and Means corrunittee ment. !lJ'C&tlDg better hunting and Vice&; taaat waa on one of the bi~ Uners, aIllloUnced a Silver Tea !lo be given fishing condltlons in Warren ~o., ;:;;;;555E~e;;55E5E53 utr 'the; till me, and she didn t know 'a t · the hOme -of Mrs. Howard Gra. and gaining public interest in °nal '1D1Wa of ~Ik afternoon, J' une 16th. door recreatl~•.,.and , educatlo. atabout 'II8L ' the. But kind ahe was goingthe1 to ham: Frida" u I , _ her monel's worth out qf the All of t~.!), ladles of the community projects. J;t Is . -t1ll8 wrttel'6 S n~re ,frip, aDd she w.. set on interview. are invited to attend belief that , the I;~ub wpl receive CO, =:~:t, " ~J'a~"i w~~ :y~I~~, Mrs, ~aJlIe Wrlght ~d Charge 01 operat1o~ from ,in~Vlduals an~ com· ' - MIas-BettYJ~l!.nne Peterson en· the ea~tain .. Wbere'li J find him T,r, the program, ~e tx>p'" being "flow. mtib1tles throughout ' t~ty In tered~leld business ' mlleP. "Jl8S forward, · madame," saya ' ers." S.h e had ' a delJghtr1l1 n .......r such work, "Pull ." backlng o~ the June. 4th. ~'.', ~, ',the ate-ard. · · read on the planning of a flower ...-,.~ C tlon n........rtment .... ~ been .... onserva. ..,....... " •..." • • • • • ~ ~ ."Well,',' says the . maiden lady, I erf rtB to build ;klnda sharp like, "I don't care how garden. Atter a short flowpr con~ assured n a.ny .0 up Pbil Bmlth. JDaJlage'i- of the Ne~ ,forward he is. I'm gainA' to talk test, Mrs. 'iJzzie Hough read artiCI&.l our wlldllfe population. ' 'J;wtn theatre. vllalted bome 10 to him anyhow I I've handled a lot on . petunias. and dahUas: ' . ..Zaneav1lle the "-st'. of .t he week ,of forward young men in my time, ...... AT COUNTY P A m ' " :and if you'll just kindly teU me Th~ July meetlng will be helel at FISH, GftIY..... , • • • • • ' ' , where to find the captuin maybe I ' the home of Miss Faye Keltey. July ' A ~t~ 'or .the Warren C~un· J. B. Crabbe 1.11 attending th.e an. ~on't tell him wha t you been say- 8th. and members will have' pic. ty F1!1b and qam ,.. e AsBdctatlon lS nual conference of Ohio ' Teachers' In&' about him I" ' , .:arr&ng1ng with ate.te Conservation _ .!.Am,.!:i£"!l N""," X.llt!' ':'''' 1110.).. nie supper following the meetlng. fflcla'. .1. b in dl la f ft' h of Vocational A3T1cUlture in 8easlon' :=;;_ _ _ _ _ _iiiiiii_iiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _iiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. .. 0 III LV r gasp y 0 B at Ohio State' Unlversity'thJs 'e ek ' _ _ • and same native • to OhJo to ,t he ' . . .' . • . • w , • r-.-"-" , fair t1\is 'ran, aa:ordJog to .Dr., John , . ' _.':1 Mr. ·and Mrs. A H. Stubbs atI UC 0, UC Zettel • .....,...dent . and ~urer of tended th& conventiOn' of the ~Ohlo tbe gro~p. .' Puneral ~kri' aaaoclalilon In ~ Wednead81 and , Thursday, , Make your lAwn beautHUl by hav· ing yoUI'" mower ground by the same Use Tbe Mlium 'Gazette machinery , as used In tbe. ractoty: 'I _'" H: M. Sherw~ Waynesville. , Want AP8 Bradiey Remembers" by Franc's Brett Young Dr. Bradley. a.f.t.:!r fifty years of servlce..-bad sold,. his.. practice· to a young aJuJ ' this was his last night of practlce. After the last patient had gone he SIl~ be. fore his fire and viewed his life In retroSpect..
fUneNol or Lew ' Holland
" nl}mBI?AY ._
• • • • • lira. Ralph Alexander entertain,
ed at dinner on Sunday in honor of her mother's bl.rthcla1. the follow: Mr. and. Mrs. Prank Kyne. Jr" and Mra. PaUl Kyn.e Prank ~e, Br.• and John case~.
P1eherman--tht'oug---heut--t-he state . ptUna their tackle ready for ~e openlna of tbe .,.. IICIUIOn, Prtdar. J'UDIJ 18th. ' ' .' . : A Idonal
;;;':Uon ~
tlbe 1311tb biI'thda.y celebiaUon of WlWam Bolml!l8 M~eJ. author the' f1uDoua McOu1fey Reader, beld on the oauipua,of ohio at Atbena on ~ IlAjpwrey qualJt1ed. ~ Pn!IIi. deIlt of,the obfo~ l1nl"",b' In 1839:
--- -==
.._1- ______,_ -.
- -
.. -.-- - - ~ -'~ -'-.- DUSIY MlhLER ,- ·---tftHl+HDAY ,'DINNER
~te p~tl.oDs
are ~ing made by 'a c:cxiUnlttA!e ot more than :100 oOlUlnbua bu8lnesa ' men' and women tal the enwrta1nment 'ot the few' reml!in!hg Ohio veterans of the CMl War. tbe1r Wives and the ''2;0{I0 IQen anll' ''''omen of aftJlJated organJ.. Of the llq)artment or Ohio Orand Army (II tile RepUbUc, at the 'I3rd a:rmual ' eD~pment of the or· pn1Iation. .tarttJig Sunday, June 35, aDd conUnu1ns through the follo~. me Thunday. lJeadquarters Will be at the Desbler Wallick lIotel. er&! events. however, are ' to tate place at the governor's man. . .-Ion and the rotunda of the state • _pl~. 'lbe wW. be pitched on the o..8cre state holiae lawn. The ,ten.t baa been the .eoene for swapping of war stortes for more than a score ot
,.ua. OeD. John C. Speaks. Columbus, ja (tIll'ral ehalnnan of tile commit· _ til c~ of .~vltles. . AfllUated Q . A. R- groups 'ml!et:ng wi," "the cororndeil · n~: Women'8 aellef Corps. Ladle~ of the 01'and .ttirDJ. of the RePW;Ujl, DaughterS of UtUoD 'V~t...::.Jn" of the citvll War, 8cIaI ot 'Un!on Veterans ot the .O:v· il war and Federated ·Pit.trl,~c · siI:
!!On Dc;Inald spent Sunday at Dayton. • • • • • John Bears Is spending 'two weeks at the hoine. ot hJs school roonunate. Howard Nuckles. in Missouri. • • • • • Mrs. Lester Gordon is !!pe~d1ng two weeks ,a t the home of tier s1stcr, attended Eastern Star at Harveys• • • • • Miss Virginia Hardin left Sunday to attend 8\unmer school at Miami University, Oxford.
• • • • • lAl:nslng Ha.rdln returned home Sunday after a week's visit with rela . YCii at . FalJW)uth. Ky. • • • • • . MiS,- Allee Gons 1 eft today, ThUl'Sday, for Oamp Lochbrae. Benr MOUD.ta1n, New York, wh~e . .she wUl spend two months as dietiCian. • • • • • Rev. and ~ R. L. Hackwell and Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Crane were dlnner gu ests of Mr, and Mrs. Don Hawke saturday evening. • •. • • • Miss ,Dens salISbury ' spent the week end In Springfield visiting Mr. and Mts. Woodrow Owens and Miss M1\.l'Y Leah Edwards. ' • • • ,. • Mr. aDd Mrs. RB1tIlond Braddock and famJly were dtnner, guests of Mr· and Mrs. Frank Braddock, Sun.
. The Waynesville Oivlc Club joyed a fine meeting at Roblt.zers Park Monday evening; June 19. A sumptuous dinner 'MaS served in the I shelter house to apprOximatelY 35 members and guests. President Cnrl Abaecherl! prosided at the busl. ness session after which Mr. Collett Introduced the sPeaker, "Dus(y" Miller. Mr . Miller gave a humorous nnd inspirational type t.nlk which was. well received. He stressed the 1m. portanoe o! buUdlng proper attJtude3 In making a successful lIIe and In. !listed the smnIler community is the Ideal place to live. He cmphaslz~d that It Isn't the Illze of the commU' nity that coun\6 but yihat it does. The ~ard of d1rectors wW' m~et In th'e Township Hnll, Monday even. ing, June 26. The next regular m'ce~g wUl be held In the Hall on Monday evening, July 3.
A large. crowcil ,;enjoyed the basket
"Warren Oounty homemakers who attend the annual women's 'vacaUon camp at camp Hook. July 16 · to 19, are promtsed complete rest, relus.. tion. and recreation." Ilccordlng to Miss Elizabeth Graddy, home demo onstrat1on agent. Camp opens "vtth a swim supper on Sunday evening nnd closes foJ. lowing • breakfQSt on Wednesday morning. Miss Graddy &IlYs tb&t no changes hnye been made In the camp fee th15 YOOJ' nlthough many fea,tures of Intllrest to women . have been added to the ~111P program. Members of the ~ttee In charge ot the 1939 oamp M I!'l Helen James. ellB.1rman. Mrs. Swa.rtzel, Mra. Ann DuermJ t . Mrs. Chas. Elzey. 60Ild Mr.&- Harold Beck. ett.
birthday c:l1Onc;j: \ at Grnnge Hall ~:t turday even honoz:ing the grangers wtwe;(I" birthday occurred in the months . r April. May and June; 16 in nlibnber. Home made loe creaIll and ·i~ed tea were also served iby the 1D~1ttee In charge, namely : Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fires. Mr. and ~l's. ftOss Hartsock, Mr. and Mrs. Earl HOckett and Mr. and Mrs. Th'erle JOJ~es. Soon aHer Lhe dl-nner grange was held. Durin ~ the business ses . ?n four new memo bers were obl1gated in the lhird Ilud fourbh degrees. , ~ program followed consisting of a ~o solo by Frances ~Itaker, a~-PhYlI1S BaUey. a; d!Jet-MI6S V~nl(\ Hardin and Mrs. Irma FrYe,' with Miss Helen ~~e a~ the plano. A "true and f qu. conqueted by ,Mrs. Ellza.. beth Jones be~n 11 men and 11 ladles· The latter WOll the prizes.
Local Happenings
Mr. I\lld. Mrs . . W, A. Lukens and fe.m1ly were gueslG of Mr. and Mrs. Ell Furnas, Sunday evening. • • • • • Mrs. H. H. Williamson and MiSS Grace WUllamson rue vlsiling Mrs. Ethel Hauk nt Dayton. • • • • • Miss Martha Klenun of Wyoming 1& the guest of Miss VU'glnln Preston thls week, • • • • • Mrs. D. C. Ridge and Mrs . E . C. Orane were Dayton visitors, Thurs· day.
• • • • •
Mrs. C. A. Burnett of Miami. Fin .. Is visiting at the home o! R H. Hartsock and family.
• • • • •
Mr. Ilnd
Mrs. Ralph Lay.r15 of visited Mr. ruld Mrs WtIl Graham Sunday. ~Iaml sburg
• • • • •
, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lukens and famlly attendeJ the Sta te Jersey cattle t.lub picnic at Breezy Hill tarm. Madisonville. 0 ·, Snturday.
• • • • •
June 30 has been set as the date for the marriage of M1sa OatherlDe Bre.nst~tor to Donald Green of Lees creek. The announcement was made at a dinner party given by Mary Vandervoort ot W1lm1iIaton and Miss Kate Clark of By~ . ; ~ , ville. Friday, o.t the General Denver ' Hotel In WJlmlngton. The hosteeaea both taught In the Morrow scboola with Miss Bre.nstrator. Miss Branstrator 15 the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. V. Branstr&tor of Wllynesvllle. After her graduaUon from Wittenberg she taught a year at Lees Creek o.nd has 61nee been t~nchlng at Morrow . Mr. Green Is the son of .M r. and Mrs. O. ·W. Green of Lees Cr~k and gmdl.\oted ,from high school there, He has been farming since, and he and h15 bride will reside on his farm. Guests at lhe dinner were : Mfa. L. V. BranstratOr and Mrs, Bll Furnas. Waynesville ; Mr.I. O. W. Green and Mrs. A. C . Henry, Creek; Mrs . WUlard Henry ~ ~ Loren Green, Sabina; MIa. Austin Green. Circleville; Mrs. ElIzabeth Jennings . Mrs. CHaney, MIBs Mar_ tha. Haney, ·Mrs. W. Newberg, W'a. . George Swindell, IIIld Mrs. W. W· Cade, Morrow; Miss Roelyn W1Jaon, South Vienna; MIss Edna OIImptaD. Mason; Miss Alberl4l. Parker, JAbanon; Miss Mildred ~ett, By__ vUle; , Mrs. D.. H . Weber;- ,Marion; , Mrs. Robert Green and Mrs. Luc1111 R. Vandervoort. W1l.mlngton. ..
Mr . . and Mrs. Charles Chapmrul I A. L. French O. R Again tbtl; year Mr. Frank and the was the )ll'inc1pnl speaker at the or Clilcago and Mr. John BowSher i Band w11l give a series o! concerts quarterly meetl11g of the Warren o( Columbus were week end guests in the Waynesville shopping district. The Ladles Aid SOCiety of the county maH carriers and of Mr. and Mrs'. J. B. Ohapman. The first one-'Wtl.l be held this even. Methodist chl1tt:rb met Wednesday • • • • • wives. held at the home o( Mr. and ~ , cI8tML log (Thursday at 8:30. afternoon at the home of Mrs. George J . Waterboul5le, Thurs· Misses Dorothy and Miriam WIl. The WaynesvllIe C. I v 1c Olub. Ralph Hastings. • ~ day evening of last week. Other son spent IllSt week In Dayton vls. wholeheartedly endorsing these con. The tneetinl 1!111S opened with de. speakers were BlBte Worker Mrs. Itlng their coUSin. Miss Ado. Marie certS lIS tine entertALlnment and as vo~lons eOndU~Wd by Mrs. Joshlatl George Baker of Lolldon, and Mrs. Wilson. daJ. ' • . ' • • .. a decided so~ ot civic !pride Davis. Alter the business session. Wiley Brown of MartinBville. Din. Charles Rye and ChIu'les satterth. would Uke your help in assurln~ the the following program was presented ner at the Llttle Inn preceded Mr. and Mrs: Frank L, Tay4>r' 'of Band of the apprec1a,lon of the under the dlre<:tlon of Mrs. ' Lloyd meettng. waite visited Oscar J . Edwards a.t -or San: Francisco; Oall!" are guests ot enUre commUJl1kt tor' thelr e'fo- Davis and Mrs. IJ B Rich , . _ Mrs. TaIlor's mother. Mrs: EdIt1a - -. WI ~ ,.. • • . : Auxl~ oftlcer8 were e!ected lor his home near Springfield. ThursID . . of 1111 ' 9verpro<luoUon Han18 ~lll you kindly sltpl ttJe question. Vocal sOlo-''Where He 'Lea.ds Me" the COm1ng year as f~: Mrs. day afternoon. . _. . . OGI1l.laat~, ,W arren County '. • • • • naIn;belQW and either mall It to the -Ruth Conner', RCCOmpanlst-~s. George waterhouse. ~res1dent, Mra. • • • • • 0N00n1 .~ ~toii ~ted a Charles SittertllWaite spent I!Jat;. ~v.. R. L. Hackwell or leave It in ~"...' ...u , Hastln81s; "reading - ..~ Harvey Rye, vice ~ii1ent; MrsMr. and Mrs. J. P. Larrtck and ~aIIrct ..... &hII '~e.r. ~ urday nigHt and Sunday With hta Pranlt LeMay's office. P&thers Day- ''I~ -Mrs. Clare~ Wlll LUkens. secretaiy-fa'easurer. Mr. and Mrs. Stetson Larrick of Miss Reba Edwards. . assisted by l ~i!"ICb" -, ~ll. owner of brother .Ber....rt and Wife' and 1. Do lOU want . Band EdW8:fds; ,' wcal solo - ','Smlles"Th ,; . Lebanon a.ttended the '.~.. game her grandmother, Mrs. Ed. Edwud4, ~nM aa1d .~e ton. da.uihter ~t, in Bay ton. th~ slUlUller?... . . . . Bastlnpl; readlng-"June" e following guest6~ PI1\S&1t . In C1nclrui&t1, Thursday evenln~. planned a dellghttul day laIIt SUDtIWa for 0Cll'D were out aa D:luch as • • • • • Q. E, Anderson; read1ng- Mr, and Mrs. J.M. ~ and Mr. • • • • • day . fer her parents. Mr. and IrIn. 2 How DIIIn" woUld 0 II'-'_? .'P!ag-oa,....,- ) j• ...;. S . S. Ellis and Mrs. George Baker, of, UJodQn; 0 arenoe Edwards, in celeb.... tlop 'Of . 80 ~ CltIDt. aDd that t6e' _ ..... htg of Ur. and ....s.~ A: p. U ..110h. Mary' . ·Y Y 1,1 ....., ••• '3 UlL • Mr . ...... • .. -r-~... .. .,.. litter the ~tam. dUrtng the so. . and ~"'''. WHey .~'fll of~. baa. and Mrs. J . B. Jones of . thef 25th wedding anniversary. ' ~ aII9' J'OUld be curt:aUed. ~nn ~d BlUy visited Rev. G. C. cla1 ihour ~W Wtreshments were ~)n5vWe Mr and MS's A L Premtl 8JI!I attended Eastern Atar t Harvev . " A. ,bountiful baaDt· diDQIt aod ~ R. L. . . . . . . 01 the IiaIon: Dibert awl fam1J1 , Of Blmore. "'., ntght In the . Mr.' and Mrs: Do........ -" • • '1 l" , - - c1-' .,J....... , Y , ~ by"\I!&, ~t1hlJll, Mrs. J . p . . £ .... . . . , . . .... burg" 'l'h1U'llda.y' evenln8'. . ... wme was ' enjoyed by the .... ~ ~I t.bwe would be SUbda~. ' . ' Larriek. and Ml"6. W E . StroUd O. B ., Mr. and Mrs: (lb.!\r1es PolSter . • • • • • folloWing: alack. aDd tlwt 110 cortl. woi.Ild • • • .. >. . . . ' be an .all and Mr' .and Mrs.V. D. -......... ..._ be to The July meeting will 3 .....t ot Mrs. W. B . R, UIIBUJI1 0.-\.& da· ...hter Mr. and Mrs., Ed Ed~ Mr. . . canned· It"m.., ~ Ont ......e In F'ranklln' Mr Io:d Mrs Wmtam .... ug . thf . ~t 11aa , not day meeting honoring members He 'h f ' ron Margaret of DaJ(ton returneq Allen Kibler, Mr. and lin. PruIk venaug ~ com. 'R.IUn.IeJ said. Whose birthdays In June or Ha 0 L$anon ; Mr. and. Mrs to theIr home after a week's visit Shutts. Oharl~ K1bier and ' , y TIle OftiI:prod_OIl baa been July. The program for this meeting L ;,e ~ye. Mr. and Mrs. Wlll with 'MIsses Margaret and Tituena Albert utta and Cbarlea Bhutta·Of , CUIDU....... · for two ;peen. wlU b,e 1p charge of Mrs. Elmer 1,1 ens 0 Waynesville. EdwlU'ds. . .Waynesvllle; Chades tIDCl .. OeanlhC ~ta in hie ~ty • • • • • Addrea . . .... . , . . . . : .: ..•. .. : ... ... Sheehan and Mrs. J , V. La'" ~. • • • • •, Mr. Lee L1ntJe '01 ~; ..,.....hundred peI!!ODII . , HEADS BUSINESS WOMEN young people.. memo JoJinBegaJe and fllnlJbl aDd ..... _ : ! J . _ =, ....... Ah In Mr. aDd Mrs• . D. ,B. Underwood VIlARl.E . C, tEMEN , ·11'8 bers ot ~he EPworth League of the Edith PerkJns· of. ~otwobct; Ralph: _ - . ....... ;-r-r,n""I_".11~ Mr. ' and MJS. . WUUam Doster At ~ annUal Imeting t~ LebH to d .... .. • ~_...., . _~_-:...:. Methodist Church. attended a folk OUS n en .fa.mlly. of opting celebrated · tht!li 31th"aDd .9t,1l wed_ anon BUS1J)ess and ProfeMIonal I ' \ ' , d 1 n g ~nn1.erariea, respectively, Women's .' c116, Miss Doris Hawke. dance party at AntlOOh Oopege f1; Mr. ~ Mrfs· Fred Sherwood i ' ,~riI: Marllarel~ Martin remains secretary... , h Saturday evening. and Mr. 'IUld ~. ~bert WIi1~ very m. -weasw-er o~ t e J W. • • • • • ot: Oolumbua; Mr. a.Dcl ,Mrs. Earl . 1- . . ... LingO . Hard~e Compa,ny, . w a 8 ' . S i n d ....,_ . , .• Rev. and Mrs. Frank J. Wright of wa . an .Launa. McK1PMJ: of • • • • • elected pres1deM. MIss Betty Ba~lUf, MrS. parmen Crane took Misses , ' . Greenhills VUlage. Oinclnnati, were Lebanon. . ~. Leavlt~, . Annie and Marne Browne to eoiumMls:& ij'awke is a. dl{ughter of Mr. visitors at 60me ot Mr. and Mrs. Afternoon ' callers ~ the ~" tlliS. WeQnesday. and Mrs ..O. Lee Hawke, of Wa.ynes.. D. O. RIclge. Sl1Ilda.yafternoon Rev. Mia. J . V. Lacy,14r. ancl ..... • • • • • •, vWe, WrlRht Is pastor of the Gree'nh1l1s J . B. Rich iul~ ~. Brid.: ~ aut. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mattin aDd • , h ' Community cllbrch. Watldn8. . and Mrs. H.oeskins of Dayton, .LOC FARMER IN • • • • ( and M1as Sara. lEo HartsOOk of WIJ. BRQWN SWISS Mr. 8Ilcl Mrs. Raymond Brad. . ~m,ln'rtnn. were dinner guesta at the ' and children and Mrs. Amos
. .'. . '.
.n.. ,.,. u.
n , NmII
~~~~~~i~~,-~~~~~~A~S~~~~rt~H;' -+~~l
ElJricr) Bhee.h an. " or.ted Ma.ple Stol:k ,Farm.. Judge OharJes'.B . .De~~t:i1Wii''()On 'Misses Annie '.and Mat:ne . Browne county .a t J he Brown SW1Ii6 oanton ttrmed 'the apPotntment . accompanied I\jlrs. ' Edilh ~ Show held at the DlUice ·r· -. " •I . • '. 'Fa1rgro~ds I as t SaIAlr..... n • Ea''':''';' ...... 0 near Lebanon as· M,rs. D. L. OraDJ~. Bnd Hatrlil Mosh. --.. , " . ~to~, was er · to Dayton Sunday,' ,w.~ ,ttley ~~,:han had sil,C ena1es in the spent rthe . afternoon n~d (evening' • with Rev. and Nt J J . ...."ft· 'ff A picnic was held In connflGt1on " T re. I . ' .........e cr. with the mej)~ I. /. Sunday.
• .:i . • •..
Oook. attended & ' picnic clent. Wednesday eve~g, given for PIUIt matrons and patrons ot the Eastern Star, • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Roger Chambliss o(
ICE CREAM SQQI.\L . Come one; tome alL to t~~ $prtng. ~~ GJ'a!.I8C Hall next W~ night. June 28th to an lee cream soclad, . sponsored py th~ ~oy's . :B c1Ul? of Sp~ngboro. . ~ome , ~e ~e . ~ , cents a 81lCe. Musto· tlU1l1sbed by the ~11. 'Ed: R:ruer. 8ec.Trea.s. ."
• • • • •
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Getts. Ml's
Don Hadley, Mrs. Amos Cook. EmenIon Earnhart, Mrs. J 0 h .Jrin. lktolcl Earnhart, and Mrs. Raymond Br6ddocIt attended the meet!Jig of Harveysburg cl\a'pter ~. ~e ·Bu~ Star. T}luraday night. • • • •• ' Mr. and Mrs"Beth E Pumas and IOn Beth, Jr., attended 'the gradua. ot their daugnter, Sa;.a from ~~ 8c~. ~br)" .Jast. Morida,y. Prom there they cIi'ove to New .
whereth8y the; World's FaIr, en~ .~eturned . to WayuesViUe
.. . . . ~.
gues~:,~. ~./ A.Lei)~' ~~::~~;;~==~~ ·~
parte. Pl.a:r; Trustees of PubHc tJ· fa1rs, Ught bill. ,U2; R. J!l. LeRoy. 81'eIU!8 aDd oU. _85; The Pamoua Auto supply ~. supplies.
. .. ;',;io01~~ i _;;rA8A;ii8eooj;;;;;D;dd"ccil;;._ ;Jlliiall;UiMatter~;;;-;attip;'0.;itoffl;;Ukc;'e,~Ww.;a;yne;;;Avt;;UI ( •• ,.
,2.3&; A. P. Melloh Garage. labor and supplles. SOC: The M. D. LIf·
W&)'DIim1le, Ohlo
Flora M. Orane Editor and Publisher
s~JlpUes. *13·28; •
. . . . . . . . " - - hi!
awe .......
Thrill Nite~
"The F..mll,. Nut Door" Joy Hodge. - Hugh Herbe.r t
Lnst week the House extended reo debate On the W . p . A. &.pp1'?pr~ . Starts Sunday lie! to American employers and cm- tlon brought out many Interesting ~IYE bAY. ployees to the tune of approximate.. hlgh·lights ns to the wnste and ex· ly two hun.d red and seventy·flve travagance of W . p. A. admlnls~. mmon doUars a ycnr by amending tlon durmg the last Cew years. ManY the Social Security Act to postpone of the Instances would be D\Oflt for three years the increase in old laughable were they not GO COfltly age retirement taxes originally to the taxpayers . .AS a. result ' of the scheduled to take effect next Janu. House investigation of W , P . A. ary 1st. At the same time the At t numerous amendments were placed was greatly 'amended for the benefit in the la.w In tile hope that betteo of employees and other beneficiaries .run1n1Btration of relief nmtters thereunder. Old age retirement pay may result In greater benefits to ments \lnder the Act "lere originally those In need and that political scheduled to beQin in 1942, untll the groft. and ~rruptloll may be ellm· House las t week voted to move the inatecl th the handUng of tlUs great r effective date therefor up to Janu- problem, Other amendements were a.ry 1st, 1940. In addition thereto adopted fixing the type of projects provls1ons were also made for pay. U;pOn whiCh W. P. A. expenditures REAL ESTATE ment of retirement benefits to wives may be made IUld Ilinltlng the INSURANCE and dependent children of benefic!· amount of money that may be &pent AUCTIONEER aries In case of death of thp wage on such lncUv1dual projects. A Re. earner; and to alSo pay fifty per. publican attempt to return the 8d. ==========~====~==~/ cent of the benefits of 0: Ilv1nit re- ministration of rellef to state tired wage earner to hls wife, Mould authorities was defeated ; but an. she also be living nnel over the age amendment to pr~lde for &. three.of $ty.flvc. l1'UUl nonpartisan boord to be In oharge of the national ndministrntl f W P 'A Itt into Another phase of the Socla.l Se- on- o . . . was wr en curlty laws greatly llberallzed waa tile l.a.w. ' ~I the Increase voted in Federal aid tol _ _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiithe states for payment of old ' lIie pensIons under state la.w?, At the p.resent time the Federal govern• ment contributes up to flf>--n ....., dol. lars Ii month to the various states to nmtil state approprtatlons for the payment of old age penslOM Under the new law. lIB amended. the Federal govermnent will now for eaoh blind person. subject to the
County Court News
. , CLAIDtCI .i. ••OWlt
The De.yton Auto Parts co., pallts, _~__-:-_ _~I88-:-U..:E_D:--E:-V_E-::iR;;..Y--::,T:-B_ua--:S=-D_~~Y:--:---:-:-_ _ _ _ $28 •.0; . Waites' Garage, supplies and "1l~OD Price. $1.6'1 . Per .Year, P&~le .i n A.dvIIuce parts. P5.75; The Taylor Tractor Company· jJart.lJ f\15.78; Herschel P. James, SUppllll6, $19.45; Fred Kahn Motor eo.. parts $1 .99; The p=~==~======================:3C===========~== ObJo Ball Bearing. CO., parts P.I0; The Klinger DUls COmpQJly, supploo t17.5'1; Wharton Motors. parts. tU6 Borden's Service Station. tire . a~d ===-'''=======::c:=============~- gasoline. ,",UO; GrisWOld 8ervlce flnBI account approved. allowed aDd Station. supl1es and gnsollne. $P6.72 oontirmed. Frank Sherwood CO .. oU and gas.. !fEW SUITS In ' the matter of the estate of ollne. $35.30; Claude S, Wilson. sup. H&j)en 81nger w: Roxie May Catherine M, Hall. deceased, first pl1es and gasoline. '40.14; Shutts 8Inpl'. d190~; gro&II neglect. alld final account 'Ilpproved. aUow, Texaco Service Station, gasoline. 1i0nr0e Bante. 'vs. Glenn Banta. ed and confirmed. $8.06; Henry LucUngton Service Staet al., pe.rtlt1on of real estate and In Uie matter of the estate o! tlon. gasol41e. $70·11; Morrow 8ereqUltable reUet. Luella Jennings, deceased. Inven· v1ce Station. gasoline, ,19.94; AlMutual Pederal savings and lJOan tory approved. lans 8ervlce Station. gasoline. $l6,r,.) .A.xSatioo w. R. M. RobIson. ' et In the ma.tter of the estate of Wilkerson 8ervice station. gasoline, al" for mcmey only, amount claim. George Lewis Morrison, deceased. $30,10; Wal.ter Botts 8ervice station ' e4. 118M,38 With 6 per cent intefll6t. certificate Of transfer of real estate $12.27; Meeker & Meeker, Walter CbUders VtI. Arthur B. ordered. premium on lnsurance policy. $82.22 Batton; for money only. amoun't In the matter of the estate' of O. M. RIdge. premium on insurance daIm8cl for damages $1500. John M, Monfort. certificate of polley. $61.62; BeI1ba Svoboda vs James BV&- tra.nsf'er of real estate ordered. Mosher Insurance Agency, premo ~. -nvorce; extreme cruelty. In the matter of. the estate of lum on insurance pollcy. $95.28; lCmiIlallne TrovWo Conn VB . Jo- Lot.tle Castleman. deceased. estate JllSIle A . Mount. premium on Insur. MIIb J. cOnn; divorce. relieved from Qrlm1ntatratlon. &nce policy. $39.78; Wilbur N. In ' .... matter of the estate of mi I ce policy -7912 ...... pre urn on nsuran · ,. . COIQION PUAS PROCEEDING Ariilrose Decker. deceased. reaJ es.. Ohio Central Telephone Corps., tolls tate 'ordered sold. various' ofttces. P5.15. Ohio Central Dtber CUe. et aI .• va. The Indua· In the matter of the estate of Telephone Corps.. rents v8llious oftl1U Commla!dOll or Oblo; verdict Mary Frances Jones, det:eased, in· fices. $68,00; L. I . Pence, weld part rOt' pIalnwr. ventory approved. for lawn mower, 1iOc; The Hubma.n .......--"'n.· In the matter of the C5tate of S uppIy .................. ,,~...... y. .. " ga Is. Brl't e x. .....- .......;... - ...... ~ -3 . . . .- . . . . _ __ A , . .-trlb tl o& _ _ L ~- deceased tate • hI ~ ClClIlf1rInM.Io deed .... \lID U on. nou... • DUlller. , es reo $10·54; Mrs. Nettle Bo . reno of 'Tbe lIutual Bulld1Dr and Loan Ueved from adminJstraUon. oJrlce. "'5.00; Drs . .Dunham. Skav· , oampany VII. Joe; t:aae disIn the matter of the C5tate of lem & Heuatnkveld. med1cal render· ...... Joon H. Carey, deceased. hearing on ed, $35.00; Dr. J omcs N. Arnold, TJ¥ImBII NmJ1e, Jr., • minor of schedule of debt.. set for June 29. med1cal services. $3.'16; .&be . . of 111 year& by Thomas 1939. at 10 o'clock. Dr. Derrlck'Vtl ll med1cal serviCC5, • ..we, Sr~ bJs· father and · next nI the matter of the estate of 192.00; 'Trcaaurt'1' ot state, 1% due fIIIrId, va. Ann Nev1lle a m.lDDr of Kittle V. Lollar. deceased. private· State for care 01 inmates $328.60'
With a .B uckeye In Congres8~ ••"-
W. N. SEARS ~~
A cordial invitaUon to resldenb of thils vicinity to see one of the nation's most powerful radio stations :In operation was ex-
~~~;:~!mfd:;~d b:en;a~' mV:~~~:;
WCKY, Oincinnati. Radio lisle,n ers in thls area will bear WCKY with as much clarity of signal as any station on the dial 10llowing inauguration of ftfty thousand watts power about June 30. ' 1~he new transmitter, incorporatlng the latest engin. eering developments, will make WCKY as powerful as any atation In the entire United States and will make the many outstanding NBC progrnma carried by the staUIJn available to 58%' of the country's night· time list. enera. Because ol! its favorable locatlon on the dial, 1490 kilocycles (149 on moat radio dials) WCKY 1a comparatnvt:ly free of man· made interfel·ence. Therefore. . radio l1atenel:a in this area should month to match state ·futlds 101' .. ' . . , be a6le to receive programs that purpose; '.whlch. of course. d Dere', 1004 _hIe. for _ _ _D d ........ ....... of 17 J"'IU'S, wbo realdee with sale of personal property ordered. Drs. Edward and . Robert Blalr. ex. broadcast by tht! .taUon satlsfac· pennlt state old age penslons f(I ebanp (uaually flo ... 88 to 62); who 1.... I.n ' W .-tar• . lira. Keameth Young· - 'am1natlon. '1.00; p. J . Heer PrInt- torny at all times. torty doUars per month .to be paid .he·lI I... ber a~ to ,.rbo _nt. "PALS OF THE .SADDLE" about bot dull.... 1- of re.dlay' IPI&II. ~. .uvorce gtaDted on groundl REAL .STATE TRANSFERS tng Co.• 88 budgets tor aucUtor, Mr_ Wllaon said the new trans· In the future instead of thirty dGI. UI*lt nervlO! aDd moodY , , IlertaI Chapter No. 6 of .arc- D8Ilect. . $13.20; O. Stanley ~. P. M.• mitter wID be open for in.specUC'n ),ars per month as in the past.' '111&' Juat .,\1 more f~h arr b.......p alld If ;you noid ... reliable "WOkAN'S" toIIIe tall. Short subjects • Once B. MIUarcl VB. Alouc) MUArthur 1.. 8m1th and Susie 8m1th staJnps for aucUtor's otm:e. t20,00; tours Marti), after .dedication L;ydla fl. p. IlIkbam', V.....bIe Compou4., made .~ctli. /or _ _ 'N.tww Iud; aIimOIl1 'denied; answer and to Walter R Pitta; 3().6 teet ot lot The OhIo Law Reporter cO.. .OhIo ceremon1e.t to be held about 8IIJlle type of an amendment to • • June 80 law was ml\ode in reference to PIIl8lJN.-MON. JUNE 25-26 build up phnl.;.1 naIootan.... th.. bel.. 1110", vlvadt;y to '.Io, W. _ad ..... CI'WI petltIoa dim' mi. m in the ' village of Pranklln. Law Reporter• •00; The Columbus· s10ns for the blind. providlng tor a Gene Autrey Ill, Jittery n,rvCllua "'- d1at"'..... ~po to .... that oftell a"""",..., dut!!p cilllt.. • lIJ,UIe A. PIen:e va. DeJmar ~. Walter R, Pitts to Arthur L: and Blank Boot Wg. CO.. Inheritance maximum contribution by the Peel.. IN rIDkbam·. " ,WELL WOJl.TB kJiIIC. ' • .al.; dl~lIMd, ' SUIle 8m1tb. 1.88 acres In PranklJn tax' forms. 12.50; Gibson, red skrtpt eral iOvernment of twenty dol~ "IILIJII, MONTANA SKIES" MeWe ClD1.iItman \'I\. Jilcob townab1p. 'and typewriter brush. 82c; Bernard state also furn1sh1ng tWenty doll-.; lI.uri Subjects au.....-n; .divorce INI\tIIId; pJaa. Marpret - Palmer to ~ Pol~, movtng desltiJ from Burce's f persons ot ,forty dollars a montb ' ,8JiSDAY JUNE 2'7 'cur retcted to malden name ,of Mel· Ku.e; Iota 'l'19 and 780 of Poster 01ltce to,courthouse. t2·90; The We&. thus perin1ttlng . , pension to btmd Tom Brown lie , 1IIqiUl; ' car aDd hot1Be~ Park in Deerfield to~. ter 'Star, clvtl cost bl118, certUled . f in _ _ to plaintur. z. EllaIIJeth.dov~ to Precl O. aove copies j~ entry. ,18.50; Af~ an 01f-da.y folloWing tlle ~~o:=~. ~~=':i "SWING TQAT ClIEER" • ' 87·156 Beres in Maule .tcnmablp. , Dr: . B. ~. ~ner's coat Wednesday nltrht game. the New Ohio, by the Way, WIYI the aUtlief . !\!ABOOI ,Arthur Clar~ to ~ O. Ree&l; bW. ' t6,~0' Dr. H M. WtpJams. oor- .~ork Otanta. ~juvena.ted and win, of the 8DW1dment giVIng adcUtioui ' n.G1lA'D ~OtJaT' 70 ~crea in Harlan toWnahlP. r- onc!S"s cost bW, $6-.0; Dr. H. M. W1l- n1ng regularly as tJlB'" G1&nts tleneflts to the blind. Other "pro'" WBD-TRURS. JUNE 28-29 lobe matter of the estate of ~ L. lJardlng to Corwin 8. 1Iama. ~er'. cost bW, ,",80; used to. will e<»Oe to CI'Osley Pield s1o~ of the Jaw relative to ,the sup.. Florence Rlee ~ 'R . JIIiler. deceaaed, private Pred., lUll acres in UUD10n town- Dr. James H. Arnold. elaUD1J)ation. for single gaJIlOB with the Reds, Prt· port o,t dependent or ' criPpled chJld. iii MIt of ra1 eetate ontend. ship. _ 11.00; ~ce M. ¥'Dold• invalId care. day Satur<iay, and sunday. ,The the ren were also llbcraI1zed. -TO . DI tbematter of. tbe estate of George Lewis Morrlson to OllIe 1.. 15-00~ llUla,rif ~t. invalid care. PittlSburgh P1re~tes wm move InfOJ" a l1a GIRLS IN WHITE" 0JIftnce L, BbIirta, 'deceUed. cert1- Korrleon, Iota 88, 137 and :HI in iIle f5,00; lira. Hel~n Do , ughman, in- games Tuesday. June 27. and a nlg . ht ' 8laori Sub~ ,/ ne 7---. . , _\. Three full dayS of argUment ·UKl ... ' fWl'~ or iDher1t&nce tax crdered v.Ulap of MaeoD, I valJd 'care. 17.00; Wlnble nentry1in- gaine Wednll6day. Jtirie 28. PllDH '11 F~r Time 01 Feature .::;;:.~•._;;::=::,;~:~ Dl ' W aia.tter of iIle estate of Harlan: ButlervWe 8c:hool DlBtrtct valid care" 17.00; Ella. H01l. invalid TJakets for the night game with .iiiiiii-:-_'-_iiiiiiiiiii_";;'_lIIiiiiii-i!oiiil_~ p x.ara 'Banta. deceued. salea, &po to Beu1e ElJzabetb Boale; 1 acre in care, .17.00; Iva NichQls, 'invalid care. the Dodgers lind Bunda..y's game ~.. ' , .. Harlan townahlP. . ~ ~.OO; L!eo J. &p.l~. invalid, ca,re. with the ~lants .are now on sa~e at 1Il-tbe matetr of the . C5tate of Jobn Mantort to AnnIe Il1labeth , ',10.00; Newton Stamper, ~va11d tile Henry StnlUS Cigar Store,_81xth T. BuM, deIa-S~ '. . lIP- MOnfort; lot 3S ' in the vllJap ot care. '10.00'; i,. B. ~le" inva11d and Walnut Street6 '.' TARVIA·LITHIO TAR AND ~ '. . • Lebarion. care. $5.00; The Reds will ha~e played thlr. ROAD OIL; . ,EXOAVATING 1Il' matter of the .....te of 'Ira 14, Syferd to John J. ·and Gross Service Station, gasoline, teen games, weather pennittlng. "'Cle~ deceued. ~Id E. Mary Syferd; part or lot · ti In t}Je ~.Q'l; Pence 8er,lice . Station. gsa. when they ' clooise 'the current home DUMP TRUCK SERVIOE MlDa aPPlJl:nted .~tor; · dwies v1lage ot ,,"eysb'!fK. aline. $33.33; Caudill Service 8ta. 8~d. Then t1ley embe.r~ for ChI.• . P1&tal J:niard KeiIl1nB and InJD Mary Baumann. 'by sheri1f. to tlOl~, lJ&8Ol!ne. ,18.25; Rosa L. Tay. cqo 1Uld st. LouIS bringing the Na~ . . .. "$IP9m\ed ~ . Nathan ~; % Bkre tit Massle lor. J3.20; M. A. Pulteraon. gasoline, tlonal League ~e to the half-way ,,18 1be of -the , .tate 01 to'tmIIb1P~ $2.02; Compton Garage, gaaOllne. Dlafk with a t,win tiW in, the latUl~ Ada WUlWDIon. deceamd, ' date f. , 'Sherman Powell and Ida Powell to 113.59; HU1!ord's L1nOO Station. gas- clty July 4. . ..-Phone. Wayneavllle 4t R it <, . beariIII on inVentory let for JUne IUchard Preeze I\nd Grace Freeze; aline. I $2,48; City board Lebanon 11: • . at 10 o'cloCIt. . 38 8Cl'CII 'i n Wasblngton tOwnahlp. of prisoner. p .:ao; Treaatlrer of state BecIa BIQ' Art Jaeo...·, til \.be matter of the eatate of Ethel Blalr to Bmest GfOIB and board and ' care of 10 dependent Latest adcUt1~ to the RecUeI' roIJo. ~ .II. . . . . . decayed. Monroe Elbert LeWIs; part of 10tl06 In the crtppled ch1ldten, ~5.54; P . J. tor '-.s pltoher Art Jacobs. veteran Buita appolnt.ed trustee. ' . Village of ~. Heer PrInting CO" 100 sheets, &Uk. lefthander wblG W'M purclw!OO by _ .... 'matter of the estate at Klttle V. Lollar to Ruby M. and spun ciUtIOn. $6.00; .,P. J. Heel' the Reds last week from BUffalo. of, ' , ' .' ' ~ 'lIi1t.on Jeftrles, cleceued; Barry D. Lollar; ~57 acres in 00- Prin~g 60.. 1 tiansrer binder, t2.50 the International League. ' I 8114' final ~t apprcwed. ~. Ion townIt1IP. • 1lrB. Jam.. E. Burke, 2 ~ter 'Jacoba' record with B~o, reads ~ aDd ~ . " Henry ~ and B. ~ aDd ,c balra fOr clerk of ,court. five wths and ~~o defeats. ire has in .the 'matter of the ruarcua'nahlp Stockton to Hazel Br001tea. 0.136 $25.00; Ray .M.IlIa, 840 feet l\uribel-~' WOn 36 gaJD6!I agBlnst· onJ,y 23 set- iii~iiiiiiil_;''';;~;;;i;;;;iiiii;~~iiiiiiii~_iiiiii:;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_~.~_io;;i; " REAL ESTATE " '10 , .of ~J ~en KoUm~er, first ac- ~ in Lebanon. M2.00; Burro'u,hs AdcUna . Mach1ncibl!ocks: HiS purc:b8ae waa",made fol. ClOUD' appro~, aDd con. eo.. serviCes to 8~eyor'8 adcUni lowing ConfereJ~ wlul Intema,,' . ' 'NOTARY PUBUC. ftrIIiid.: " IlABBlAGE LIVENSES maohlne OS per contract,. ...95; · , ttonal League, managere,. l '. ~ ~" . ~us1nC118 1 \ 1D.~ t.he matter of ·the ' estate of Celani, Rome ' ~rs. and. cl~ presidents. ~ B. ~. dec , peed. f1rBt Arnold Matthews, 22, labore', Bla1l' ~ Hospital, medical duro COntrol 1$ :AJ~'1i speclalty: He IS ~&It:l a.ccount approved, allowed 8nct i:.owse Co1ley. 21, both of ~ May, $24.00; _Trustees of Publ1c one of those 1!1rd$- wbo takes .hla ~~ PrankUn. . A1!aIrs, )1~t, $77.60; BrO~ . and time when on the mound a~wor!C'B . , ~ ~ ~t.ter of the esta~ of s.~en. fertJl1zer. 4245 llle. . M: C. the pla!'C ~ully. ~ mates hUn .. I.&1ftIOD deceamd, tnventoJ'Y BILLS ALLOWJn) stove DOal. '16.02; Trustees of .Pub- ideally - suited for reUef Jobs. In •, • lie A1!6ln, .water .f40.96; 8. E. War. ' which capacitY be .~ been aSed al. ,_ ~ apa.t.ter of the estate of , Mal'8 MoElfl'eBh Invalid care ,t/i.oo ~. grocer1~ :171.62; Peter ~ ~ excIustvel17 !IiDCe golna to the .. ~ WekIDer. cleeeued. sobedule H. II. 00108. stamps, '$8.00; J~ Bakery, ."reaCt dur1n(J , May, $BU.; , Interna~onal. . OI " ~ applVVed; invent.ol'jr ·.ap.: llton & Johnston. wire and naUs, The 'Htinnan '8\qlply ComPanY. ~ 'l'hll' Reda >DOW have three south· ....... - ~ . ' " ' 711c; B1a1r & LeRoy. cement, aI.n4 drum fty epray•.less dl8cOun&, '. 57; pan, ' Be .J~ ,'Vand!'1" M~r and . ~ ,. . aiaUer, 01, tbe ..tate 01 and gravel, '31008; The lABan-Lema .~ O. Jamfis, -'me&t dUl'lDi ~ Lep G~ ·all8o .tbrow with tlJe " 1M. ~CIIt, lIece~ tJma. Coftlp8ny, 100 pia. al1J!D1num paiDt f20.55; j. M. ~ , Company, 1 lett . \'~. ~ '~ , ' 1230.30; carron', store. spikes. ~; keg ~le ~ ' Fl.'1~i Albert ~ "J _. > , ' • t ,tJae ~ 01 the estate of 'J'hio oreroma. ~ BrIdge eo.. suppUes, lum. 7 ,~ ,~8IJIY 1;1eiImi, . ••'16; The. Uncle· Bam's lA.nnual chedt of big ,8 . ~. deceuect. tDherlt. retnforceinent steel, ' 1934.211; 'Alpba ~ • ~ co.,.aced po- P.IDe anlrnala in ·.natll)1lA1 forll6ts ... ~ .. ~: . The IIotrow Lumber Co.. cement, tatoCls, ~.C!O; , ~l1er Hardware ~ re~ there .are ~ cif these an· ,b . - t e of 17.70; Joe Dlott. 113 water tanka. PumttUre; ~ . ,06; . 1m8la now for .~v~ one present in lIIik"qtIl_lMirl.a1D CoJben, decieu- $&6.50; .A, Hoppe & Company. :I bar. ,. J.W. _ _ Haniw~ CO.; fene- 1~. The ' last • ceMus 'dlsclosed rels",~t. ~,IIO; mg. boise. PloW .ihovel. plde~~, 1.1142:~· tiIf, ~ ~al~. · ~r estate' ~ , Tl~ Ohio Corrugated Culvert CO" etc. $31.26; p. A.. Butterw8clt. bar. are much~ ~. 'mos~ numerouS. --,,: ~ "_~wUl admitted JlQtvtrla.. $373.60; ~e Moz:ro"f Peed J:'Ow. teeth ,and, tWQ ploWS ~ned. Mou~ta1n sheep appear to decUn,, · JeOOi'd. .' " ,& BuA!it Co.. cement. lUmber and ~:ao; lJerichel P. James, 6 on, in ,'numberi In spite of , the .protec. .te' of, auppllee. tst·~II: ~ , Multcird. $5,.o;~ WU!en COunt)- ~ Bureau tIo given ,them, ' : ~f.~.~' ."~':· c, Dorijalcl I*Yl'QUi ,,"e.oO; Oba,i B. ~" 3 bags, $5.21; Th~ ~~. ' ' ,. -' - .'" • '1~~~toI'. ~' t83UO; IBrI Jl&Weld.' aer- anJ OIl ,00.. 105 aalI. teraeene. County wee4 commlail9ne1'll, were ~ ,.., ~ ,:01 VIcea a4 ~echaJilc fei' '11• . ~ '''0.&0; i.e~ &.arate,Inc •. fertli- aelected in 16 'I~ klOUjlttes ul1937. ..~. . ., ':a."'.i';" ~ ~,..; oJohn ' J, : ~. pa.yroll,~, ~ -WBi'IDF' ~.; •.85; The n~ In.c~ to '33 ~ 1988, ~ , d. '121.'10; JolmIop ' ~ paJrQIl. ~~d ,8ervlce, ~tatton. aQd. and . , recently paiIed law Pl'ovldt!§ . t1ll1llllll1Mr fIJ tile '..... '01 'l'f~; B. W. Bola. J)a1:rOII, ".1:; on. ,,0.11; 0b10 eenizal, Telephone for orie In 'every oounty. Lan4 own1~.111I11'1'. CI!_~_~' In. . . ~ ~ 'lIOIUlI"H"",40: v. M Corpa.•. p~ rent antHoUa.' $5.96. era are notWed ~ ~tI'Oy noxious ~. lIQI'Oll. 'l.~: weeds; and, if -the DO~ Jpored ...... ,.. ...., ~t. panoU, "OIl.,; x.te b~& ~ eaD'DOt be 'U1~ weed CCIDUlllisIIoDer baa tIl~ work ill r-.l ~ 1Ia~ Oo~ . 0. T. tar ad ciUred bUt It .cab be prevented b7 done an:d a.,.,, , Ita ClCIit· apibet: -.'.._ • 1 r. ~ .....17; D ~: SpaUil, I . . . 't.banIuth .,.",..... of ~ lbe cnrDer. .,
. . . .., .u
Now Women
in Their 40's Can Attract Men _n.
News Of Re dI
r. Maliln' Auctlonee".' .
Centerville, Ohio .,
___ -
SAlIS,. rACE .. I
.Sand & Gravel
J: ·8.Cha_
,alIoWecs ~
" . . . . . . . 00.. IIIPII1III .... ..... . . . aDd ....... - . ,. . . . of
• • •,: .. a
CcIDonr, .. . . . ad
~ to *t~ IIr "'~,
't ~,
' U. TIle ~
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00Ia~ are em~e~ barv -est1Dlr --~ F --.-. tf er·r y to
. equtpn ent-IR -ObJo
the grain ts aUoweli ripen. the aQjUitment of . . &he WOl'Idnc ~ is correct _ aim Mias vtsa. Bolton IS reported to be the '_Id'1I best-g n:etel'll. The" num· In a vcry low condltio n. recommeniied by lts manuf.acturer . • • • • • . Mrs. P. R. WI.c al IS not ,well these days. We wlsh her better health.
Mr. and Mrs. BerbeJ1. Cook moved into the Elliot farm hOWle recently yllQlted by the ErvIn 'I'homaIIefl.
Be~c.~h G;o;~- ~::OY~d r:Y~~ :x;~
~ughing_ AroiInd ~be World.." .
• • • • •_ Mr. and M .... EdwUd HAmma n of • .!-. • • OleQll Da.v1,s and faniily were Sat- Bowersville VIW8 W~eed With IRV~ S. COBB aY viii. I I Mr. and Mrs.' J, S. Filer a.nd daugh urdJiy evenln& ;vlldtors hi Lebano n. torS in the 'hormt of bet parent.&. Mt ...._-Ol.;;..,,~ _ _ _ _--:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:!:..~~~_,.: ter. Bertha. spent Sunday with Mr. . . : ~ . ~ jUld Mrs. John ' BdwardB. Mr. ECl~ ,and Mrs. Sidney FlIer of t.he Center. Mrs. Frank ~ms spent Thursda y wards remains ...ety W: . vUle Road. ~Why Cro~ with frlenda llu Da,Yton. • • . • •• . . Examinat' ion • • • • ~ . . ,~ • • • Mrs. Adalil T&!mage, Lee 'l'4Ima8e. By IRVIN ·s . COBB Louise Burns of Glace. VIrl{InIa. 18 Mrs. P . J . Thomas and Mlss Ruth M . M. 'l'erry was 0. busines s vis- o.n.d .Jess1e O&.iner , were Sunday 'aJvlBlting with her coUilns at the par. Lighter tnlled on Mrs. SCHOO LMATE of mine who went to the bad after be IN'!" up andl Vernon ltor In Cln\CJIlD&tl, week. ternoon c8neI8 lri the home of Mr. sonage became a lawyer was defendi ng 0. case for a street railway Compo1 • ew-son at Red Lion • • • • • . and Mrs. Joseph ~hm1dt, In Wll· which had been sued on account of a smash-u p. One of" its can l7 Tuesday afterno o n. hit: • • • • • . . a truck belongi ng to a negro teamste r with 8uch violenc Mr. anli Ml'8f. Rufus RoiJerts and mlngto e that ve~ 1 n. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Gillam v1sited . little WIIB left of ~e said .truck, while its owner was carried , ' to ~ chlldre n. of D4!M Maron. spent Wed. w,th Rev. and Mrs. Smtth and fam· Vlrglnls , granddaUgl)~r of the nesda.y with p . G. Wens lamUy. I Many from lile Beech Grove COOl. lly Sunday . . Harry Oornell s and J . R. Filers , was . ' ~' • • • munlty attende.d the funeral ..... hurt In an auto acciden t In Dayton • • • . vices for RobeFt Lew neu here, Bo.turdo ." night. Mr. and ~~ enry Murphy were Rush WlcaJ had h is tonsUs and ~ busines s vimtQni. in Lebano n, Thurs. which took plty::o S~daY altemOO ll, adnolds remove d last Mondo.y and Is • • • • ...... __yo at the Arthur funemt honte. in J. recover ing very nicely. Mrs. Lester Kenrick was remove d • ' ct' • • • Wilmin gton. Mr. I.ev{b P&*I6d • • • • • to the Mlaml Valley hospita l last Mrs. Ella. BU' ~. of Dayton , wa.s away Wednesd&ly at tl1e ValMr. and Mrs. D. I. Ptouts of Da,y. Monday and operate d. on again. l to be !'e-()OOpered and otherwise made leak-pr oof agaiD. Natu~ ton were IOOllers of Mr , and Mrs. P . conditio n Is reporte d very poor. Her a vIsitar in tbci' Jordan home, for ley Hospital. tn Day,ion; wbere he hospita aUy, be brough t an action for heaVY damage s. .... ,s. ~. '. had " !been tn"en t !1r treatme a. few.... nt eey..u J J. Thoma.'1 Sunday afternoo n. " The chief corrobo ration witness ..,.. • • • • • the plaintif f was a .8Jdnn), • ~',$ . • • weeks ago His surVivors are hl8 wile coal-bla ck, ~elve-year old boy who for had been riding on the truck • • •. • • The Lawren ce Thomes fa.m1ly JJtOv Lee Talmag e and son. Albert Lee. Mrs. Vada Lewis. two when the collisio n occurred and who, luckier than its proprie daughte r's tor, had MlIB Berlha Filer 18 spendin g her ed t heir llouseho ld goods eecaped withou t serious injury. By his way of telling, the fault to Lebano n attende d the Ringlin g Br06. and Bemldo. and lay Opal, s.on Vernon , his entirely with the vnco.t1on with her parents , the J . S. Monday The Ervin ThOJ:DnB agent of the defenda nt corpon tion namely . -the . e8 Barnum and B~lley circus. In nay. father and three IlIaters. motorm Filers. ' Reveren d an of the offendin g car. It was quite evident that .unless living I~ ,t he house In Ferry.. hia ton 'l'hursda Y. . Thornsb ury of HarNlIY 6burg. had testiDlODY could be shaken the jury would give a jodgme • • • • • nt for '1)1_ • • ~ • • ' injured . • • • • negro. charge of the servan. . Interme nt . , Mr. Grant Adams of Winston Mr. and Mrs. ErvIn Thomas and . AI~rt Lee 1lumag e Is MyoId 'achool buddy, represe nting ,the car line, went at the witnesa a visitor was made In tke Bow~e ceme- briskly Salem, North carolin a is{ h,Is family, Mrs. Laverno. Faul . The dialogu e ran someth ing like this: and son, In South Lebwno n. with his mother tery. You Bay the car came around the curve at great speed T" niece Mrs. Joe Filer and husband . Ervin. Mr. LOwell Pringle and Wilma and ' grandpa rents, Mr. and Mrs. W· ''Yaasuh, tba's penack ly wbut I seL" • • • • • Thomas took a sight seeing tour of ·W. Shw-ts and other relative "And you say the motorm an did' not BOund his bell a8 he toOk s YoU can safely bet 00 a. girl'. w~ t}Je The Sugar Creek church gave the coun try Sunday afterno tumt'" . " on and ... ... ' dIng If she sMrte her marrI~ life their children 's day program last ate a picnic supper at Fort . "Not nary time. 8~n MCKlnA new block b8.rn Is being built with IMre Idd!hen aprons "And you. say he made no effort to. check his speed before Sunday mornl.n g. taan . ley, the " on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Harry loungin g robae.- DoUila a Coun~. collisio n occurie d T" 1 "That's whut I sec!' "And you MY that the car struck the tract with great forceT · .. _ " _ Kan., RepllbUron. "Shore dId." ~im "And that you were knocke d high up into the air," ' t,)y\'1~" 1; F5~~~~~~~--~--~~-"Yas suh." ~~~~~~~~:~~--''Bow high t" "Way up!' "Way up. ehT WeD; IIow long did you stay upT" "Not DO JODgeTn it took me to glt down." It was at t.b1a poiAt tbat the ClO8S-e x.amJnat iOD was ~ .
Oos ed
. ...
!!!!F.~~:;~;:~~~~~5:-~'~-~"~'~.~. ~_~,.~~~II!!!~.:~
Ho1,lon'. ,Choice, You Mea n
Dy Gene
(A_...... Newa
~ ~
------------------------~----------~~. . . . .41 _
. __
__ 0 ___
Hte offer a satis facto ry Serv ice . a~ all time s
McClure 'Fu ner al Ho me Pb~ae
Memb er of 1'he Feder al Depo. it Insura nce
-!. ~~r car doe.n 't work right have your ignitio n and batter y .ch~kecl. If your bat· terx ·i. bad replac e. it with a WIu.A RD BATl'ER Y
Enjo y. Q.elieiou.
Have your ~g. ' C.eane cl, Sham pooed and , Sized so they look just like New. 9x12 Specia l ... ... $2.50
. Home Cf»oked-
" ~
Large r ,Every where Becau le of Bettel : Qualit y. Servic e and Price . • t' • . Our binde r twine,.tock ha. ju.t arrive d. See before you buy! Phone 32
CHlCKEtN DINN ER S_a ,. at
j ........
BORDEN'S SERVICE ~~~o:..:~~rp:..:::~:!o~o:~~~~~ STAJlON •
"Kath ryn Mend enhall "
. TeleRhOlle 122 m Grind ing and F ee'd ' Moon
e r ellow Jacket, Eik~or"q, and Ra~en Red A.h C~I :',
Way nesv ille farm ers'
.. 0111 :;ou banv &hat JOII 'c ao aeeure prae&ically an,. IIn.e 'of liaercha Ddile or aentce richt here III oar own com· mault,. , 'That _. dollar in our Home Town- In lOIDe "orm or another retume to ~ -veude
n.'e.foUoWl11&" b~eIiI men .au ,.our nelcbbon and frlend-u.e,. au ~er ~ to lend &beIr ..i.tUce w ~ ..,..... to Improv e civic' profrM l and uptnalOn. The~ invite aDd ap~late your paVo. ..,.
. . 100 Free TIleat re Ticke ts
. &lie
Grain . Feed, ~Iour, Seed. and 'Ceme nt Fence ., Tile. Coal. Sewer Pipe~ etc. ' Wayn esville . Ohio E · B , Longacre ' ' Phone )21
Throq b the eourtea,. of' ~'Ph11 Smith... manace r 01 the New TwIn Theatre , we an civiq awa,. 100 theatre &like... week for nest. eiA'ht W~lt names of Ioc&l ....dlllll.. win appear In tile ... ., . . .. pac•• '---I-_ _.......nn~__'H be Mlected at random .rom our 8ubscr lpU. When,. our ...... ~j" eaIl at &be boX ..rice 01. lite New' TwID neawe , tdenuly younel f aad preIeIll' cop,. of tbe ad in wblcb ,.our aame 'appean .... 708 WID ~ye 'fWO FREE T,I OKETS . "
.. .
WAT £H THIS PAGE EACH WEEK -YOU R NAME MAY 'BE NEXT , •. . (Compiled by Wilbur Sbane)
Coyl,,'s Qua lit, .
",.sor ted Lunch Meat, lb. '25c our 'plan, 'a t Co",! , ,F ,n.Ii ·C,lIie•. . ", • , . .·lb. ·134: on Route' 73. See our eqUI~ V.eal PocJ[e t R~t ., Ih.. 12c menl and.d reued ~t. , Xo, . Yeat Chop . . . . . . . . . lb. IDe. are welco me at all time•• · ....
Sma. Cal.... ·~.der. lb. IDe V . .l Shoul 8er Roa.t, fb. lfc: Pork Ch~p., ShQulder, lb. Ute Sp~e ~Ib. . .. , . . 2 lba. -mc
M~t ! M.,.ke~
.. '.........K:..
WAYNE,~.PA,~~ "Soutbe rn ObJo'. Moet Modem Pool"
Invite . You , Buy, your Sea.on l·Ticke ts now Sinale ........ .... .......... ......... ......... . :... ; ....... .... . .Famil y Ticke t ' (2) ...... : ........ , .......... .......... ....... . Famil y Ticke t (3) .. ........ :........... .......... ...:.: ... .. . F~ily ·Ticket (4) ................... ......... . IL~;..\::.. I
• Feedl , C.~al
ExC~.Dge ' C.mpaDY
,or each adiUtl~ ~ber '
" -
_ .J
INEW BlJILI>1NG IS AhIJlt ED ;rOWN 'sml' 'rnl). TEE. (tOR wt\nd N FAIK EXWB lTI Tt\'l'[ CON 'NTION delay, the ~t, JOIII\, Jrs.,' PJ'cndC)'gnst, I ArLeI' seyeral months W. ! and ..,..BoIu'd F'Il,!r COUI\!;Y 11 ",arr -l\I'C _ _ _--J . L , 'l110 JnIlS nHo L H Gfll'dOU Leon Holland ,of Lumbe~, was ¥Iss WaUdn Olark spent sevel'!il :-~~-_ _ _ _ _ were Oraham actioa took Howard Mrs week IUld thll:\ Mr . lSlonl'I's sWlday OOmml: on of tion s Conven relative call1ng on ntl erldln the SLat ST, aays in Dayton . last, week, building program at the in town Monday a(terno bn, . I\t the GIbson to L!\SIJ1' • . , .' • • T ow nship Tl'l1stc , d I • • ItJ • • • r J'{inistc Rc,". 1t. L . Hn Ykwc\l, ot I, Cincinn ati. PI 110wl n ft the expO/l , oIl grOHl\ S lel'e, h • • • AFTER • • SUNDA ' the THII~D In spent FrldD¥ Dayton spent of Billy ~'De Mrs. Allee Clark Oll the Mrs. Homce l',fll.tton a nd M'I'6 . uu nCo'\,'! 5 !\SIOIl, ThlU'f\(Ja ' lrto),nJn g, n Is expect ct tb~t 'work past week with his grandpa rents. TRINIT Y $6,000 cost W re. structu Mrs. and pro Mr. for· on lslnnd called Ren Gaines Lilcy will go to Coney ~r, Rnd Mrs. Prank Kyne. • • PJ'n),er nnd I • • • ~ Momlrlf' on. m. July. n. ~ . 11 aft.erno . tnl'te<i s ~ SWldll.Y ' r will TIcheno night y Thursda • l1l1el • n • • • tile , a ftornoo f2,500 be liated , will I s lllpprop sermOll exercise s1on(\rtj Day s CQlrubJ~ n' Ohildre ' • • • • • wlJJ tIltend the nn nuni b,q llque~ On Don Bauer of Lexlni~n , .Ky" Sunday MONDAY Balr Board Dr. and ~ J. W, Ward of the held at the churCh next. Frida y t hey will n I~ld the ball t o · \lid ' In he project. spent the week end with Mr. nn~ prayU c. OI~()lr reimilndlll' Ilt 8 p'eloek. ctnJ ' tile d m.-Spc cvelilllg P. In(licnle were 8:30 Jcials s"ille. off ~Wayne Home. Jd. fi Friends Crosley nt (t'n mc Mrs. Ellswor th Olotfel ter, • • • • • . .. d recently w 1\llel b\) borrowe calling On friends here • • • • • -. Plnns tor ' t he const.ruction ot a . . Mrs. Allen ' Hole who hIlS been 111 . ~IETHODlS'I' Cn URClI REVUE J);\NC~ N'f J'RESE his ned entertai William Scarff at d Improve l\ muc< ts time some nml t h constru ctio!l of other ': for c\\'~'I" :, Miss pH~_ nnd non Reed Ldl8 of V. le Fog Mrs, Laura MJss Helen Rev, John \ '. La c ', l\'l· Sabbath School clllSS at the Wayne time. this , have beeD visitors n Floram ond were Lebano sc the pllplL~ uf her dancin g ',uiloings Ilt th wounds Sunday , J tlnC ;;)5. 1039 Park swimm ing pOOl on Friday, . ' helv'd . . 0 es Monday F'\Jll • • • 0 :30 SWldny SclloOI , R. D. Collett. clnss('s In a r'vlIe, "The • • • • • 'the ~r,oP<ls d buJldlng wLU be 100 Mrs. MArgar et Joh hs and Mrs. Supt . 1939." Tuesday night. III lhe Towlt Mrs. Mildred. Watkin s Q1ld Sab1112 feet nnd will house exhi)Jlt.a ~. bv Surface PIII)lls c Howard v Dayton Mrs. Fort.y·fl . were and Mr. Leb~non SUl'face In on aU Hull Mildred · Com Clncl~n bQth class motored to 10 :30- Morn1n g Wors};l)). of home lcnt.~, Bunn 11 said. It Is hoped the \\;ld In tors ·Thursd ay. frOm Lebnno l1. Wnynl'sv llle. Mnson. Monday and witness ed the ball were Sunday visItors mUllIon Service. the structur e wlU be complet ed , Mr. and Mrs. Marlpn Osborn. i.hat pl'O_ the In pnrt nnd Morrow took ~ MONDAY • • by the lime the fair opens 8ept.em.. Miss Laura. Rosnag lc of Cincinn ati 7:30- Epwort h League, combin ed gram. ' ' and Mrs· Denny 001' 19. wllie George Wflync! Mrs. The danccrs from Is spendin g her vacallon a t the rccreatl on nud worship pl'ogl·nm . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dels and baby daughte r IUld talr program , '!,Irtuaily Pidgeon year's George 'I'hls Fur· pue were Ann SntLpl'lh\\'aitc, home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bur· F IDAY da.ughte r. and Mrs. Oharles Kyne. on with net. calls . for nl8ht afterno ay today, Thursd ed last (omplct spent BIII'_ Ann '. Mnry Crnne, Nancy nIlS, 8 :0O-Ch olr practice of Centerv ille. vls1ted Mr. and Mrs< . r races. traDer Ticheno C. W. bicycle vOl'.. f Mrs. ay shows. and Mr. horse Weeb, Broadw ton, and Bnrbam F: Kyne on Sund~ . • • • • • , COMIN O EVENT bam dance. . • n. • and • • • contcsts I}Rcklng lte comedi an star. W1ll &ppear on the • • July 2 will be OlU' naHonn l R<'rMr. and Mrs. J"eop Salisbu ry Of ba.ndI school 'high nly cou ht ~ AT EI S . Mr SPEAK . NEY Cf\.st &Iaie of the New Twin Theatre , A1'TOR WaHer Mrs. Helen and Mrs Mr. Mrs. Bess Conner s and gton C. R. , cnlled 011 Ml·. and vIce. Washin exhlbl28 the at AL June ay, mUlllc 'FESTIV L Thursd _ ANNUA Wednes day and Zhrullc rman nne! will provide I\nd Mrs. Chari Martin of Dayton ·vislted their Mrs . A,llcn Emrick. Sunday . even· and 29. . . Su nday. They tion. wIth 1\ jpTnt concert arran sed Sabinn OF 111 RCH were CH son IJ,LE YNESV Wl\ mother , Mrs· Frances Toppin on ., y, was ing. atttome rll, Abaocne Carl Funera l Ho'ne for Septem ber 22. n Littleto · w1ll the fed you vIII show . Bunday In this fine stage CilRlS T ' ' • • •• • • Harthe at lJle of speaker body lpnJ the prlnt and saw Lh )J ctrlfied • • • • • see IJoyd 8entor, Europe an contorr 1\1Iniste Smith, C. W, and Rogers W,UlIiwn Mrs. and Mr. day color d mall that had be n lying In t'SE THE MIAMI ~~ Mr. and Mrs. T. Walton , Jr., and veysbur g Men's Club. Wednes tiOnist, Gracia, mistres s of ceremo. daughte r were Silnda1{ guests of Mr. SUNDAY the of rs membe the when . night the tunersl home l<'n )'0 1'5. of n, plus ~ Grandi KOkomo Mr. and Mrs. FolTCSt D1e6. Hobo Joe from m. a. 9:30 SChool r Bible daughte ~ - -= tned their ladles at the and Mrs. George Fox and big I5C1'een attraCti on, Florenc e Rice Dayton, spent Sunday -with Mr. and club enterlia Chrlst.lan Endea.vor 7 :00 p . m , Miamis burg . . at the In festival rry ~trawbe 'annual Mrs. J . T. Walton . in I'Four Girls It:) Whl~.· ' PI'CI\ch!ng, 7:45 p. m . • • tJ • • gymnas ium. PrecedJ ng hts talk Mr. • • • • .' You who do not have any evcnlng Mr. and M.i-s. W. F. Clark oC Day· the group Mr. s.nd Mrs, Ray Eagle had as. Abaech erll enterta ined we lnvite you to eon e "I nri Mrvlce, he t ot ton were Saturda y visitors guests on Monday , his father and with several vocal solos. with us. worship , Car. Mary Mrs. , mother which latter's Followi ng the IProgr8JIl, of aunt, Mrs. Laura McLaug hlin of SDAY WEDNE the mony,' n. chatrma illi W Doster Charles ' ~ton. Bible S tuely 7:45 p . m· • • .11 Sealed propo6a.Ls will be received • evening was. devot.ed to cards and • • • • • Edu· ot Board the of Office Is the, at Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Boots and Mrs. Alice SIms. Mrs. Nettle Ful- other gumes. Harold BeCkett FERRY CHURO K Ol" CIIRI T cation or the Wayne Townsh ip ntion. children of Akron, \Spent several RU~ Stingley , Kate Eagle preside nt of the organI1. kerson, W. C, SmJth, Ministe r Waynes at , Rural School Dtstrlct d,!-YB last week \lI;,ith Mr_ and Mrs. and Lucille eorr.Pto n motored to Y S11m>A until Ohio, . County Warren ville. Fred Rush and family. NOTIC E OF SALE OF Mason on Friday evening and witBlblo' School 9:30 ' n. m. • • • • • • twelve o'Oloclt liGOn on Monda.y, the BONDS REFUN DING nessed the O . E. S, inspection. Sermon 11 :00 a. m. 17th dIQ' Of JulY, 1939, and opened Mr. and Mrs. Paul Willtam s of IT MAY CONCERN : WHOM TO • • • In spIte Of tJ1C rain we had 147 p. 7 aot Board sald Scott of Belle Clerk the Mrs. I!y For the· PW1J)OSe of refundi ng the Lebano n called on Dayton visited of Boyce Kate Mrs. II.ttellda nco .sunday . in a nd Mrs. Alice Clark Dl, ot the same day, tor all labor . Mr, s.nd Mrs. G. V_ outstan ding notes Issued under and and fll.m1ly parents her SDAY WEDNE a Install to and .materi als necessary t , Mrs, Ida. Stephen s, Thursd ay Slnis the past WeeK prior to leaving pu\'Suan t to Sectlop 2293·81 of the gues. ary meeting 2:00 p. m . ' Mission . the In e concret over floor . od evening Jardwo Francis co and Genera l Oode,. the I?oar,d of edUC8Ba.n to trip a for announ ced. be to Placo • • • • , 'AucUwi1um of th~ Wayne TOwnShLp tion ot Wayne Townsh ip Rural other points of, lnterest . g, [Iud Bulldln .Furnas JUab SchoOl' 07Dina sium .SchOOI DIst.r1~t, Warren CoWlty~ . Mr, and Mrs_ Seth • • • • • . MT. nOLLY 1\1. E. CfIURC~ retum~ home ThlU'sdsy 1nclUd.lDg two aicoves. In accorda nce Jr., Seth. public for of~r will Oplo ot State Day. of Zeiler W. Mrs. and Mr. of. tJJe In tile on .T. 1\1. .Scadf, l\Unl.-.tcr with a. blue print Mon Il1'ter spendin g s,eveml da.y s · I.n t h e her mother; Mrs. Sarah sale at Wa.ynes ville, Ohio .. on S :.hool 9 :30 n m. if: Sunday e eor q to nee of the Clerk. reference to which &on. vlslted Saturda d east. Ther motore .y ~Ven1ng. Mrs. day. July 17, 19~9, at 8 P. m. eer. . Supt. t, E~ha)' where y, JIi bereby made. COpies of said Osborn on Saturda Penn" 15ch00J, t taln refundi ng notes in the amoun home them pa,ued 4I.OOOm 0Ib0rn m. • p. be 8:00 may service Ing Evening .corlne. blue print. contaIn of Three Thousa nd IUld Eighty· Six their daughte r, MIss Sara y 7:30 lXInesda ;;: ... ;;;;~;;;;:;; meeting ;;;;:;;;;:;; ,;; . Prayer s;;;;:v1sl;;;;;;;t;;;; ' ;;;;:k;iii RecOin: o;;;;r;;;;a;;;;wee She f ~ eeen at tile office of the Clerk of and 77-100 Dollar~ $3.086.77) 8e.Pt. 1. gl'aduat.ed on ~<)Uday. , E . ~ m P. City k r Yo. New to !)n i!Ud B4lard. 19;t8 issue; Four Tho\lS1lnd Nlne panJed them these a.t YOU awaits. e welcom A a.nd WeclIlll proposect 'that 61terna.te blda HWldred Thirty Eight and 47-100 where they spent Tuesday ~ FaJr, and services. World's the' at nesCiay Issue 1938 1, Dec. 47) ~ wbmltt ed tor said flooring 118 <".1188. Dollars -----..,.. d ' to them 'wlth . home CoUowa: at a percent um not to . exceed 4% also came t tIn g to be t i Exte spen . ns on a gen s are go annual'...''. the summe r vacaltion before enterin g . Grown n Norther 1 A. No. -a therlne A. Vulgwn ore, J a8peJ\ t ' The interest. ~ ~such refundi ng college this fin. Bard Maple, Jatd herring-bone ber of callers ~ln , extensio n office., . __ • • • • potes ahalI be paid annuall y and the • bloCk pattern ; m mastic, and durJng 1938 was reporte d tl.S ~1 123,~ '" notea ,are subject to call after NO- Mr, and Mrs. Leslle Oray en'er_ B, No. 2 or better Norther n SEDA NS ' • dinner 152. The agents wrote 8~701.984 pervember 30 in any year by 'the board oolned at a ' Father' s oay Grown Hard Maple lald her. 1938 Ch'ev. Spt. Wan .S tacy E;onal Jetters. and malie 6.644,664 tllle. Alben Mr. g' of !lduc;atlon . 18sl,llng same. Any Sunday, honorin I'IaIbln o or. b1oc~rn In 'phone cn1ts e.s Pt\rt of the years work 1938 Bulck .Sed.n Th G pel'llOn dea1rtng to offer a bid 9r and Mr G DIMtIo. guests e rlliY. eorge . 1937 Ply. DeJ. Sedan based ;::~~;;=~;;~~;;;; notes, ng bids to~ such refuhdl ::~~=:;r==::=7,~~==~==:::::=:::::::::::=:::;=~:::;:;:::=~~~~ A1"'''''-t And ' 'U_~ d·. Mrc_ .. "'" .:. All ~s shall be made In 1937 rd Sedan Jnclude ....~ . rate t dim~ren a })earlng upon *elr Marie S t,nc.v of ccmfol'lnity With the Genera l Code 1937 Olda Tr. Sed.n of lnterest than spC'Qltled , In this StaCY and Ml'!,. be IIhall which Ohio. Taylor and son of Anna Mrs. , or'the .Btale Dayton al but so. do 1936 Dodae Sed.n may ement advertis IQnd Mrs. Wl11 • . Mr llle, Centerv ·eoclOled ~ ~ envelo~ ad-' 193,6 Ply. ' Del. $edan ~Idders must submit with .t heJr bid of of Sprin poro, r daughte I\nd Null t , ~ to the Board ot Educati on 1936 Dodae Sed.n . '8.Illoun an In a certifie d check Burnett a,nd. l~ussel1 at the Wayne Townsh1p Rural 1938 Chev. Spt. Sed.n ,Mrs, and Per one %) (1 than less not to equa1 ' Md Mrs Mr. ille. RidgE!v Scbool Dt8trJC;t. Waynes ville, Sed.n of 19315 Ohev. Spt. ~ent of the amount of the re'tuncllng ·. Deart~ Mrs. and N(r. . Oray ren County . Ohio. George sold. be to 1934 Dodae Sed.n notes ordor BQbl:)y F ll.J;ld rs Ford I!lIch bid Bha.ll contaln the name 1934 This advertts ement.'. Is In' 'con , Sheehnl'! and' daughte r Fordo Ford 1933 ther~ln. ed Or'lW at ~Very perl!O~ IIlt.erest formity with Section 2293-86 of thE I\nd Wilma. and abaIl be accompan1~ by a bl~ 1933 Rockn e Sed.n l COde ot Olito s.nd !pursua nt Genera ~ or certJfle d check upon a 1932 Ponti .c Sed.n 282 passed by the Nl oet}'. B. : H to 1IQ1Yel'~t , bank. which bond or check 1930 Ford F ordor l Assembly ot Ohio. Genera ThIrd n Sed.n man In no 1nstanc e be ' JImII than 1929 Hudao H . HARTS OCK, ~ ROSS , COAC HES fiVe! per cent of the ~unt of the Hundrr ds . of ·thousan ds ~f boys Board' of Education Olerk, ' bJd eoDdJt1on that if said bid be &c. young men re,ad THE AMER,. Rnd Ruml ip Sed.n T. Townsh Del. Wayne . Chev. of 1938 oel»teQ a contrac t will be . te ' lOAN BOY Magazi ne every month Sed.n School Distrlct. into an~ the' performance f ~n red ·1937 Chev. Del. T. sedan T. and conside r tl~ more. as II. llvin/r Del. 22 ~hev. June 19;17 prop. 0 elly: secured . c?mpan lon tharWlS ' I' Ir¥' IT zine. ' . _ Sed.n _ T. 'lbe Boara of Educati on reserves 1937 Ohev. Mat. "It's as much Il buddy to me a.s ~ rigtit to reject any and all bli:IB 1936 Chev. Del. T. Sedan m:( ne1ghbor\lO(l<f cbum" writes one Coac~ By order of said Boord of EdU'Ca: 1935 Chev. Std. Coach . Mat. •. Chev high school senior. "THE AMER.. 1935 Uon. 1934 Chev. Mat. Coach lOAN BOY' see'llIS :to underst and a 1934 Ply. conSide rs them 'boY's problem s ROSS H'- HARTs OCK, 1933 Chev. Coach. In s~lch a sympat hetic an helpful Olerk. 1932 Chev. Coach w.ay. It giVes advice and enterta ln~ R R. MOBS, Preside nt. Tudor (8) Ford 1,32 lng rendlnlr ~ on eyery subject ,In ,13 JWle 22,29 July 6 I 1931 LaS.ll e 5 P.... Coupe which a young fellow Is interest ed. . 1931 Hudao n Coach It ts pa~tlcl-\lar:ly helpful in sports. I made our school basket~all tea m ~-;;;;3i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"'~ 1931 .Cbev. Coach Coach £..ex 1930 beca1.!Se of plfLJing - tips· I read Sn a« ..... NOTIC E Coach Chev. AMERIdA~ BOY 1928 THE • _~j ':w not and after t~\lfle'> 15, I On COUP ES ! be respons ible for debts 'contrac ted 1938 Olda.,Bu•. Co:'pe I by 'my wife~ Alm~a ~ur" Chev. Mat. Coupe
... . • " ..
· . . .. .
• •
· . ..
• • •
• • •
·.Ii,,,__ _ . . , '.
1937 1937 Ply. Coupe .1 938 Chev. Std. Coupe 1938 POIIti.c Coupe
::.~ ~::: ~;;~ 3~5~ r;9~ 81tl ~~~E ~~~~ J:~~ ~~~ :
. W.-o.
J 15-22 pd.
·n;I-·-..:;yDeav1lIe~'k.~..... ~'----&!II.,.,....
POR Bu •• Coupe ! POR SAI;E-8h~, Bina Pat. 1935 O'da Spt. Coupe terson, 4 miles west of HarVeY8 1933 Ford Coupe burg on Harvey6~urg..Lebanon road· -'ROADSTERS AND M 11 tf CABRIOLETS 1936 Cbev. C.brio let , ~ ! 1934 Cbev. Rdat. FOR S~PJenty !,f Sweet ~ Rdat; a~~\ 1929 Ford Royce tato, toma,1X> Imel. cabbGie,J,,].ant;s at Rd.t. '1928 RoU. • . 1. ' Waynes TRVC~ AND, T.RACTORS D. ~ Hooket t'6 RoUte ., _ V1II~, 1938 Cbev. Cb.aa i. and C.b i' ' . Cab 1935. Chev. Ch." i. bd Wheat 1'9~ C~ev. Cb...i. and Cab FOR ~A~ - M~1r. Inquire a. cdlUa petfect '!n Blnder .nd PI.tfo rm '_ ;J 15.-22 pd l , bwl1il~5S at Gazette Ottlce. 1931 F~ 'Stake Truck Tracto r ~a Plo~. c
,K a' ~h·n'
'MeJlor · CO.
. "
M188 Ann Illsey of near Oregonia, sev. en.. de,ys laSt week . . ••••• . Mrs . Lester States of' Clarksville .~ NlalUng Mr. and Mrs. Wa.ter Cast t~la w~k. • • • • • Mrs. DaIsy Snyder and [)Qn Bur. ta.: e vi611,ed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bro~n at Beavertown. Tuesday. ' •• • • • Mrs. Olareilce Blmpson of Lebanon ~nt Sunday' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ramby: .
~n~ , K~er . ~e jp'CICery "bout 10 o'~oOk
tw,q multCd
be ordained to the Order pf Priest,. . hood In the Protestant · EpI::leoP&1
ann. .
_turd&)' eveniDl· Oqe 't!ancUt, Cd WUb & ahot.-aun announced that it ~ a qaici.up and leveled the gun at JIermaIi ~th, the onl, cUlltomer 10 the grOcery at the ttuie: Mr. Gra.. bam. . . in ~ rar of the store. .Ther mutt have loat tpelr nerve for tbe1 left wttbout demanding the m.0De1. A tIllrd mIU\ ' b8d rematned 10 an old Chevrolet and they ft.e d toward Dayton. 8berltf Hufford waa
Church by the Right Revecend Hen. ry W. Hobson. Bishop of SOuthern Ohio. on 11ues<1ay. July 11 , at eleven o'clock In the morning at St Mary' Church, Waynesviile. . II For the past year the Rev. Mr. Haclcwell has been 0. deacon In the EpIscOpal Church. serving 116 mlnta. ter In charge o! St. Mary's ChlWJh In Waynesville and All Saint'. Church In Wilmlngton. By vIltue of the approach1ng ordination Mr Hackwell receives the ' 6 ...."000 orde; of the Ep1acolJQl m1JU8try, and R automatically becomes Rector of bis parJshes with official Jw1sd1ctlon over them. A nauv~ at New- Hampshlr ...
called and ~ newa . . soOn on • • • • • abort wave from. Wilmington";nd Miss Nancy Crane 16 enjoying 8 the roads were patrolled. visit at the ·home at Mr. arid Mrs Paul Boorom near BeUbrook. .
• • • • •
Mrs. 'Jessie Hyman attended a luncheon at the Redmon Inn, Cln· clnnatl, Wednesd6y.
• • • • •
MnI. 'Viola Harlan and son Everett
sundily with Mr. and Mrs. Harold WiDIfrecl Oonnel' and W& ....JfDUllI .EnrnhtDt. were united 1D man1age at th.e . oiue M. E church lfi Dayton In Mr. and Mn. Melchior ~urgesa. of tile prerooce (If tbe tmmedlate tam!. D!l.yton, were supper guests of Mr I:&a. 'Rev MeOlle ' rend the and Mrs, J,.Q. OofuI, ~Y evening '
live do,ubtc dnl' .:.ervlce. ,'11\" couple WN attended b1 MIllS Helen Dufour and Gene Meflford. · . Mr. and Mra. Walwr cast spent
:~~~:a:,~e ~aYlng on of hands
July the Fourth. in seventy·six- . A date no Amerian has trouble .to fixAnnually
the glad story tells: .
Ho~ the faithfu l old bellman. up in the tow,~r
Waited to ring out hour after hour expected gladttidingl! to be told by the bell A~erican freedom on hill and in dell.
'l'boINi& 9f
for a V1I&t
:~~~ ~ ~n~pp and .~ ».
and lin. Cbarles carmack , and cbfldJ'en' of A~ondale were .. per ..... on Saturday of Mrs.. Elid.
.JIDroI1menta b ' tbe ~ ~ Cll& Da1 .and dalllJb.ter Dorothy. .tIDQ camp for wiuTeo 'ooun~ 110• • • •• ·t melt ...'~ reeeived at &be ooun. Mr.' and lI(n;.. carl AbaecberU . . . . . . . . ~ tbII week., When
• •• -
• -
•• _....
_ _ •• _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ Th __ _ _ e Misses Charlotte Rye and Mildred Ballsbury were Clnclnnati vlsltors, Saturday. • ••••• Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berry v18lted Mra carleton Cook at the Miami Valley Hospital on. Sunday. • • • • • RoHert Hastings haa been confined to his home.thls week suffering from the grippe. • • • • • Mrs. Al Polinsky of Cincinnati, spent the weekend with Mrs. JftI8Ie Hyman and SOil Robert.
• • • • •
C. M. Cartwright of Ch1c&IO, cbaIr man of the 8pe{:lal Ubrary CommiL tee of the H1gh School Alwrml ~ elation, announces that arranc.. ments have been completed tor tba estabUshment of the third Unit 1A the High School AlulJlD1 Ref~• Llb rary so that the extn boob w11lbe Ilbl ava a e when school convea. In the f0.11. This unlt Is piU'tlcularly Intuestlng. There will be two vol· ~es of "Manners & CUlltome Of Mankind;" two volumes of "Wonder. of the Past;" ten volumes of "Uw... versal World History ;" five volume. "How and Why Library; " and " 1'01urnes "Big Picture Series." Theile ie· lectlons were made by a commlttee of the high school faculty headed by Superintendent L. A. Gant. The .u. umnl commUte "-e ' - taken the pQIlo tIon that It wlll not select UlJ at book& cont.rlbuted to the AlUlDDl IJbrary, belJeV10i tile 1t6elt Is tar bet.ter able to Judge what volumes Ne needed. Mr. cartwright announces ,t hat the fourth unit will be estab1Wled l&ier
~ ~:' s.~y. at Dean
~ ".:terDuGD
••••• '. The New club lin: WilHam LukeDII children antly entertabled Pliday _._._ visited Old Man's Cave and Aab Cave at the ·home .of Un. -J . Q. 00Da More than one hundred 4-H Club on SWii1&y. • Twenty.three members nwpooded ~ . girls and advlsqrs are espected to .t• • • • • .roU call t)y namlna their favortte tend the annual 4.H Olub camp' to Mr. and Mn. Raymond LaRue and flower MrtJ,' Marla Elbon, ¥no p . H. Pan be he at Camp Hoolc. July UI·22. daUlhter Joan of Muoo were 8uD~o,:ne at the ~ost PGPuJar fearuz;e. day iUIIlIIte at Mr. and Mrs. A· L and Mra. R. H. Hartao.:k ~...... ot the camp 'p rogram are dramaUa, TonillDllOll. . .... - tumdlcrafta, swlmmlng. arl:heI-y, • • • • • the followlDi ~: ." nature
lltudy. IJ!UIlptlre, and
an1vecl here &plcIaJ
.: '!be· bride was :\ttrilr.
LoeaI Happenmgs ·
Haclcwell received h16 education In the East. He 81'aduated from a.w. F. B. Henderson is spending thE doln College In the State ot MaIne. week In Ham1lton. the guest· of Mr later attending the Episcopal Tbe md Mrs'. A. H. Schoeler. . Bohoot In OII.mbrid MaMa • • • • • dluaetta. In ~pru-atIOn- fO~'~ min. Mrs. Joe 'W olfe of Olarkesvllle will IatrY . be the weekend guest of her son, • Orvllle J. Gray and famUy The public Is cordially invited to ' . • • • • . wJtneae thla ancient ceremony of or MJAs Plorin.e crawford of Dayton
saturday. e1'eniDI at .. '7:30
e. BLr.
'lb.e gfrls 1'I'ho attended the camp last,Year ere arWoualy PlanntOi to pa.rtlcfpa~ In IIle c1&ue& In f'BkFtd1em., a,nd "~y lJnelpPlDellt" wlilch wJll ~ cUrecited by Un. O. L. OunnJnrham of Day· ton. Other members at Ute ~ stalf w1l1 have charge of the swimmiDi .ald handicrafts lnatn&ctloo and supervi8ed i'ecreaUOn,
~tIer or Dayton wa
WhItcomb ' 1Wej', ' In June" wu rea4 . b7 . ParT, MIM Ru&h Hockett ....s 1ODoI. a very Intereetlng ~ on "RAlIea;" • • • • • ~nd the ~ubject of lira. l!IboIl', .... IJttJe M... sbJriey NeaL of Cincln : : ~ Q~. IIIItt ~ nati, apeot I&et week at the home of • her aunt, Mn. OI'ViUe J. Gray and This belDi the Jut meettoa of &.be. family. • Yfar the pres1deot Mre, r.-ti:"TboIar. • • • •• u. with .. tew well ~ ~ MnI. It. L, HackwelJ _.........,.....----.;rtIRe:senteQ-U1e-j.v41l-'i)~De~'IMrt.-n_ the brideama1de at' the weddlnl of a id~t. JoIn. ,H. E. a.cb&wa1, wbe friend In au18t cburch. Glendale. graclOUlll,y ,accepted it and adJOW'D.ICI. sa&urdaY. tho meettor· JflIIIIe
a .upper I\Ie8t Saturday evening 0: Mr, aDd Mra. A. H. Barnbal1. and
~ee ~p
the aoc1al hour. Mre . .JoIiD
• • •. • •
JIr. and Kn,Il, C. crane and two GOl'l& MJaa Helen ~t' 0-.. children. Barbara and Jack. and little Marilyn K&J 00IlB . . . . apendInjr this week in "ew the boeteBa in .ervinl d.elil:b~
Dr. Mary L. Oook and niece JaDe and Will Villit the World's fair. Cook, with Miss Vlrl(1na Baaoom. ac. • • • • • companylna them. drOve to the Baa.. Matthew TUrner Is spending the com home on the- cow of MaIne week with ~ mother, lin. Roger near KennebunkPOrt where . tb8y OhambU. and Mr;, In
rdrMlln*lt.s to the membeN . . ' the guests Mrs Pred 0008 Ilia HocLett. lira. J. K. PnltOo. ~ Glenn Borden. Mre. Harold ..... nlU'l and un. WWlam LulteoI-
spent a delightful Week:. On tbe 'return trip Jane CQolt IltOwed at the Penncraft 'Communlty Centei' In Southwestern l!ennaylvanJa wblre she will ej:I;enr,t 8 weelcs l under the Fr1eOO's Beryice COmmittee's Homestead wor~ among ·the maners.
• • • • • • M1aaea IIIary and Ruth Britain and It. frleDd, at Columbus, v(slted Mr. and ¥ra, Walter BritaIn, Bun. -. ~~~ ~r-
• •
.. 'lbe third and final TrI-8tate Bao, quet held at the FeJry Church -of : Ohr1llt June 23. Ferry and Way· . lleIIV1lJe churches of . Chrlat were
_____~~=-~~~~~~~~~~l . ~
Cl~ver in compariy With . LovJaa Anne Bolton,
Dayton trlend8 enjoyed a ten
day 1tah1ng trip to Duluth, Minnesota. arriv10g home on Wednesday. . • • ". • • Mn. Le'- Oordon baa returnet1 to ber home after a two week's v1&lt with her slater, lira, LIllian Fife ~t WaahJnaton. D . b. • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Kellar Hoak and dauabte-ra and MJai Moolmla Bunlut
• • • • •
so. .. . .
a~ Thursday eventDi June 12 M . the bome of her ~. 'aQu. ~; , ton, near; Perry. Mila BoltGD I}a4
been W four yeai'll. The dauihter of Jobn and _ Bolton, abe wu 110m In . . . county. BeBJdee her' brother ~- • aurvived by a B1ateI'. Un. .~. tin 01 TroJ· · . , " ~' , Puneral Mt'VtC81 w~ beld Ba&W.' afternoon at the I'eJ'r1 ~UISb of Chrlst. Rev. W. O. ~ .ill: cbarp. Burial was 10 Memorial ~
...... 111
WaJII..Yille, Ohio
. u e k ey"e With ~ B. I n Congress...
Ill..... Ali 8eooDd ClaM Mall Matter At Fo.toince, W&)'De.Yi1le, OIalo
Flora M. Crane Editor and Publishe~
., .a:: .! :.-=~ . ~~~.;.~~;;;;~;;==~;;~::;:!!::!!!!!!!~~=:: WNC
fLOO Per y .... P....... I. A _
ation bW In all history was sent to j • • .. • the President a few days ago. follow Ina acUon by the Hous,e In agreeing to senate amenclmenta which added ]'} tnree hundred and thIrty-eight mlllion dollara to the or1g1na1 House ap propr1atlons to bring the total to one -bUlIon one bundred IUld seven_ In ,t he matter of the eslAlte of tY-6even million dollars. Included OyrusDeBoanl. deceased; report of In this' huge amount was five huncomm1ssl0n8J' ordered approved. dred million dollllrs for soU cQnser·
It . . Coonty Cour t News T
NEW smT8
-LeSlIe A. Payne VB- Mae cUvorce, extreme cruelty. Payne; In the matter of the estate of Norman L Rlcluilond, deceased; • In the matter of the transfer funds of the Board 01 Truitees of wlll to arUI rec;ord; of Jessie H. Rlohmond. a~lnted ex. ~ CIearcree,k township, ecut.r1x ; Earl Ridings. O.tI. Young, P. W. Prinz VB. Lora Osborn. et and Oharles Nlsblt appointed apal.; for money only. appral8ers. In the matter of the estate of G &nina I." RusseU de<:eased: bond or ' COMlllON PLEAS PROOEEDIN and ..,,,'u red ......... .......,... · ad-·-·-tmtor ........
admlt~ ~te
vatioD. two hunclred and twenty_ five million for farm parity pay· ments. and one hundred and thlrteen mUllon for excess commOdltlC6. Including export thereof.
At last the decision has . been made public. Some time ago thlB column reported on the conflict then going on within the Inner eIrc11if1 ot the New Deal between thase of more conservative, Who were at.. tempU., '"
attorney fees ordered paid. HU~ S1nger va. Roxie May g In the matter of the I!6tate .,,; If_.... ""'" ....,In..... .".,.. LlIIJan B. L.d1=. - . . . ; U,. Ad U_. """'Ie .f ",...",.f ,,," 6ta" .......11 --
Mtamt. Valley Building and Loan .ordered. J, In the matter of the estate Merdtt x,.outse Merritt; plain.. Ollft'ord O. Erd. deceased. Inherit.. Wf to recover from defendent 1322'1. ance tax determtned. 4i;' propmty orderea 1I01d. In the matter of the of KatberI.De ·Plofd, a minor ot the John M Monfort, deceased. Inher_ • of ,9 years, by Gertrude Jones, determined as none. mother and next frieDd VIIIn the matlter of .the estate ot : ·Blrtdl Eugene Ployd; divorce grant.. Norman L R1cluIfond, deceased; . ed; cUlltody of child to platntUf. de. will orclered fUed. . . 'fendant to 'pa.y t3 tor keep ot chUd. -MARRlAbE LICENSES PB.OBATE COURT
ltan~ ~
-Bernard O'Donnell. ~. In "the the estate of statisUcan: and Margaret OBtherln.e laac BrandOn. ddcea8ed; Inventory F1lsher. 22. insul'II.nce clerk. both of : ' appftwed. • Franklin. In the matter ot the gue.rd1anshlp Lewis H. Campbell: 22, mechanb :- of Samuel J. Stull, Incompetent: Harveysburg. and Minnie El12alleth Edn& Roman appotDt.ed guardian, Jones. 17, WaynesvUle. ... .. In the matter of the eetate Lester . Gate&, 22 Unner, WlImlng· · Oeorge. Stanley Diehl, dec4!ased, ton. and Loulse Adams, 18. Waynes.. · . JIrlftte .eale of J)el'llOnal property vUle. ordered. TRAN8FER8 . ' In tbe ~tter of the esta~ ot ~AL E8TA'I'I!: . ,,~, ,?1Wrtberll;D, deceaaed; , .~e aAxond, "' John. O. Adame and In the aatter of the estate ot Harry L. HIUJt1ngB; 32·05 acres In ·J.aella Jenninp. deeeaaed; pr;1vate , TurUecreet townsblP. . ' Ialie of property ordez:ed, Belva Co1Jee to Horace E. and • . , Iri' 'the ot the estate of , Ruth TovertB; 20 acres - In Harlan ·'Charl. H t.ettereBt hee.&: township, . Iba.chedule of diebteeet for Harry L, Ro&enerana and Ethel s: tm. at 10 o·clock. B. Rosencrans to M. and In the matter of the . estate of ' Anna Mae Brewer; Jot No. 17 In the deceased...!. of Le))e.nOD, . . · ldIa L. I&Iockenh&uer appointed ad.. Edltq It.. Pry, deCiN8ed, to Nel#e '.}DIniatritrtX: Roo6a, Oeorge O· IihDSth and Robert H. Fry; Iota ~W) and George Cutler appointed NOB. ·~1J2. 1783, 17M. 1785, and 1'186 ....... . .' in Loveland Park, Deerfield townIn the of ' the 'eetete of ship. Jlmm& r. RUIIIeJl. d~; ~y. John and Margare~ Sl;1eeban to -..1DeI1t of ~ orc1eftd. Oharles M. Robinson. 95.94 ~ In ln, the matter ot tHe "estate of TJlrtlecreek townshiP. • ., i H 'trwtn. 'deceaaed;' hear. WJlllam B. PortJage. trustee, to ... ·'I,!Ii>for._tmY ee~ JUlf 5. 1939 Allen Ludlow Whlte; .,tot ,No. 1868 • , . ~ 10 o'clcOIt. ' In Loveland Park. Deerfield town-
ma~r ot
... ·chard =
to , Ora'lle~.
~-:oiuly .. BcsRrd. Knoclt~er, ~bert
~}ri ~ (~ter
the estate of ship. . ."• JIMtIe' V, LoUar. of deceased; copy ~f Fred Abney and Ersle Abney to ' .-
tax ordered certt.tied. -In 'Ute matter of the ~te of Prank R. Morris. deceased; acbed' ' U)e of debta ")pproved. bearing on InYIQtcJrJ ..t 'f or JIJlY tV 19;19. at 10
' . -'if
J, .~,~
I!&l. .or
stead many l,eg\8laUve leaders,
Congress wUl remain In sesslon for many mote weey, A few days ago President Roosevelt called New Deal legislative leaders to the White House and demanded ot them that
.ville. Warren County,
Congre!l6 take action upon the Ad_ ministration neutrality measure. known as the Plttman.Bloom ' Neutrallty Act. bill has been report. ed out by the 'Houae F'orelgn AfIalra Committee by • strictly IPQ1'ty vote, with an 'Republican members votlhg
and materials necessary to install a hardwood floor over concrete In the Audltortum of the Wa.yne Wgh School Oymna6lwn BuUclIng, Inc ludln" .. two. alcovea. In a.ccort1ance wtth a blue print on file In the of, tiee of the Olerk, reference to w.hich y made. """'" or oa..
years Into the future. EvldenUy be.. Ing of amendmenta under the five' of the fact that the naUonal l minute rule. lY08t ot the RePUblican debt Is practically up 10 the llmit and a nu.mbelr of the Democratic, penntttecl by Iaw-fonY.flve bUlioa I members will oppoee the me88Ure cJoUar&- and whll:b llmIt C!ongre&s on the Ploor &rut w1ll attempt to haa refUSed to extend. Mr. Roose- amend It to their 11ItJng. HOwever, nit In his mesaie endeaveored to tile New Deal cohorts and the tell tbat authorlJat.1on for White House are !pUtting the pre& the new buge expenditure could be sure on House Meml>era In an atmade outalde ot tbe budiet and with tempt to 't01'l1le PasSage of the bUl out bema counted as a part 01 the In the form approved by the Pres1-
~aay ~on
attracting .the attention of fruit growen, 18 an old praetlce whose merits h&ve recuecoVered re. ceutJy
- - ,over by strangers.
~~ ~
field crops Inr Oatb. 0iaUIt8 a;etatliN ' or another a.niimlcal shoUld be add· from t2C!O to . . w1li In'1&ate ~ ed to . the mIXture. up to 10 am", In 81J1e " ,~,
,', .
Tbe murmurs grew louder tUl the ~ _ ~~~~~~:==~~~~~~~~~~=-;~====:~~~ ' • We've all heard bf the benenta h&t 8@1cUlt!ll'al ~ketlng ~tton bas brought the farp!er~alr. -' -;, ;er .prtces,. more s~le1lW'''Cl.ta. e~, ;, ~d the tact EhO),Jldn't be lost
present back to try tQ.Editors rt!lltorebravely the paper . lta , own We rejOICed ~nd still are glad to ~ once more the wen wrttten not1ces. the ' Interesting personals With IRVIN S~ COBa and to feel that it Is our oWn paper again .but I. tor one,. would .glad ~'.--"':"----:-~--~~~--:----""T::'-:~
Laug'bin , g Ar.ound tile
of: ~t thIa kil1d ~ ~eS8', to cliave mo.r e of the well written .• : ,l'Si«bt' . Ite serves the and wen selected ed1torlals that . .~Uon' .. . \C!)D8\UD.
~ Well,,,:
The ' lnevita · bl~ ' (~O.-.sleClPJi~l~~ ;
characterize«!' the Old Gallette; . co8B ' ". ' • I POr example It 8B8ures ~e city· "Oh. there Isn't much 8~Ope for . . , IRVIN S. .' . ," . a certain sup. that sort of thing on such a little MARTIN Ll'M'LETON "";1101'11 In '. .ply 01 high qualltY ,farm products- peper, ' one with such a small clrCIlbo, be JDOYed to ~ eomm~~,.~-:-, ~ ~ ~keUng coopera.tlon, by ·tend latlon," said one of the ),oUfl8er gen from hlI own part of the eou~ .tndI~~ , JlAUft mDIm~ the ,fanner's cash ID· eraUon, but , I bel1eve that there 1& oHned • the rural market tor unless of course Waynesvllle Is to Ia""cifftionmd . . dowa to • .urtlin m·nufactured gOOdl. become just a han .... p~n of the tar. tIMi Irit ,..... • called lI~n Ida ~ ~ JI~ _ .. ~, .&aqund , I Jar "'" _ . ........ he W ' 1!:DoWD All '. eIdICL PJaz:l that. h,eps, one" ~e get' cities. just a stopUght on Hlgh_ was .. A_PI leu:.,._ . .. ..',} " , , ' '~p ~ '"Nnertcans. belpa ~ther way ' u. Our own paper. small ', '. , , . . , . • ~ ~~ , ~. ~ :!'IrflCl,llturel though it Is .can be a great torce ,'~~ .,~t19D Is no e_po hold US together. We do' not .all betkIn ~ ,L 't lUIe, limi to the 's ame church. . we do . not au belong to the same lodge. we do • not 'all belong to the Garden Olub, ,to the Orange, we do 'not all have l:':.Jet . chI1clren In the 9OhOOIs, ,but we do ..:II ~ ~t to seel ~ayneiav1I.h!\hbld Ita ) . own In this dI1flcWt clay &nd cO~ .' '. ue to ~ ~ ~ Place'-to- Uve :~. ,.Edltor of ~ , ~t,m1 paper ~. for U. 'nU:oulh *,,';QI-.: ~5 ,. <.'. 'WI!' ~ ~~ ,our ' &10 Wfl ~e to · of our \1rtUes and .." •., ., ...... 8j)Cin .~. tat- 'JIbe. ci~ s-JI8I'1I repbi'ta ._ - Guette. 'lbefe w~ 0fU' 'dOln.p but ~ OI;Ir Ibc:&l pajJ(!r .Utue PIPIt can exprelll Gtu; thoUa'l)ta and flab' " tcnm bat .. our battles, The KJam1 Ouette t.& _&Itt:. til Ita qwD Jdone ' this In ' Ibe put II,IId wiU do It !lit... WIbout WllJa" III til/! future If we IIV!' It our IUp ~ .tha:n . port. , , .
~ l:lweU~.of ~nstant.
~ TeDJu~ ~:e
.!t:~~ ~eDI
::'!Ucsttwe:!t':.-tlJ, iaannr~
~:. .""t ~ eo~.~~~ . 6_
~11;:L;;, ~
0. I t . . ... ..
. . B!aned. An IJHerasted 0bIerYet
P.. B. I tIaJd DI1 BUb orIpUaft Jut
~ed spealtJng program ot mUBlc, pe.gentry ' wUl follow.
crowde on the river bank. A varied r.
f_ " ' '.
AUCTIONEER___ . ========:;;; __ _ .
Ail prOpoaals mall be l1l6de . ln . th th...... 1 Code conformtty .,1 e ...... nera , of the State of Ohio, whlcb ehall be WAYNBSVlUE. omo . enclO8ed In sealed ..... .. .... to the Board of Education • ao,. Boprw of . .the Wayn" Township Rural III SchoOl Dlstrtct. WaynesvUle, War"(JOME ON RANGERS" ren County. Obto. Sertal Cup_ No. 7 &lch bid ahall contain the 8Iion Sa)Jeete of evell' petson Intet'elted ~ereln, and ahall ~ accompanied by a . bid.~-~01f~ Jl;TLY !-! bond or lle1'tltled clillCk a Robert H7ma Loy eolvent bank, whlcb . bond 01' qbeck. , IN . shall In no lnatance be less thaD ·....UC.Y NIGHT" " five per cent of the amount of hanSa)Jeet. bid condition that If aa1d bid be ac~Pted • contnlct wtll be entered .. Into ancl the performance of it prop. oIm secured. BUttWBUl8 ISLAND" The BoarCl or re84!ne& IWAHOOI 'rlsbt to any and all bids. order of aaltl Board Uon. WIW.-TBURS. IULY U
enveJ~pes &d~ 'Mlt'=il.~~)'\)Ji't~ )m~)'
Ta,.... .,.
-~-T-U-B""'8D-A-Y--.1UJ.--Y-4"";'-';" ~
0-: ~..._
ROBSH, ~~ Clerk,
~ ,R. KosS, T;'l'esI~I\~t.. ' June
,,, ''" ~ Ep
MEN LOVE ~\p '
II 1ft are pep" ucl Iall '" ,.. _
.. 7M '-0 _ _ &lid ~ BUT U JOG are c:ro., u.u.. u4 ~ _ _'t be 1iI~ ..~ doD't lID ..CIIIIft" IfrIL WIle .. ~7 II' to puu,. . . . wut IlrII alOIIC who are lUll of s-p. .
80 111_ ,011 ..w.IIOOd . . . . . ......
- - . ,.1M.ber lor I .....~.;:
--.... ms-0tber!loW to \I tMa" wi.. B. l'IIlIIIIuD'Ii II!
~ bWl4 aJ...~
c..u:.="111d .~a -If.!.-..:r",!l ..,........ u4
VOla'll tad 1'Ia...... CO........ WORTH "RVINOI
F. f:. ·Martln Auction •• "
No Char.e
... .
....loce«m.. ..JIQl
"YES, MY DAlU.lNG DA.UGHTER" , &bon Sa)~ •
Pbone 11 For Time .,
"'........tare ~
30c ~ yt)~
Zain Armitage - Phone. Waynesville U R 11'
Rotating h-u. on aiOv. IIOmlt ~tertal ~ able pipes become ODe of the SU,Ck to .Vlnes moist of fungi.
I~===========~ I ] and "1. " . 11 ~
era wUl carry the program to the
The greatest amount of time allot ted to any single project by exten· slon qents nnd In the Unit.<! States In 1938 was devoted to clothing. Nex t In 1J ne was ~. and !preparation, ngrlcul. tural engtneerlng WB6 third. oDd __ WM ",v. ue _ , .......... _ may" ..............ruth "'0 tim. _ , seen at tile office of . the Clerk of on clothlna. and com absorbed not said Board: . quite a third as much as cloth. It Is proposed that eJternate bids IDa. be submitted tor lIoid flooring 811 iiiiooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tollows: A. No. 1 Northern Orown HanS Maple laid herrlng.bone or block pattern; In maatlC. and B. No, or. beUer Northern Orown Bard M"p1e laid her• rtngb>ne or block pattern In mastic.
~ ~ A ~ amount o~ ,C&:Iclum, arsena~
ordez:ed recof!ied. "
dent and Jt !lhouJd not be aurpIalng It · the llnal ,rote ttnds the Admlp18. tt.t1on forces vt:mri0Ull. HoweVer. when the t:eaChes the senate there will be Gother story to be told 'lllere Is no five minute rule In the senate sucb 'as exists In the House. nstead Senate rules provide for 11n. limited debiLte. with each and every Member .I!elnr perm1tted to tall!: as )on8 'aa he any BUbJoot 110 long t~ he retama the floor. At least tWeJlty-tWO Senators ., known to b8 bl aaree~ ,amOlig tbeIDaelves t() Nibt Presldent'B neutJ'al1ty bill to the bltter ' end, fill. buster1na fer weieb If neceeaary to prevent the enactment of the me&an. which ~: claim would en. danger the' Peaci Qf America ' and mtaht lead us nttc; all aorta ot for. , elgn compUcatloils m ~ t:ase shOuld break ollt io Europe or Ortent; •
='= =='=='=========='=::=:;:==::::::;::=:;:::=;:;::==:::;::::=:::;:~=? Sun-colorlng 'J, apples wltlcb
bes~ ~trol1a a co~
Ohio. untU twelve o'Clock noon on Monclay, the 17th day of 1939. and by the Clerk ' of said Boord at '1 p. m. ot the same day, for all labor
... ""'_ ",... "' ..... th., ••
PInley Johnson and M1na Johnson; Wilt of cucumbers and DlUSIanel· I!)t No, 315 ttl the vUJage of Prank- ODS Is ~U8ed by ~, which are lin.Oeo . carrted from ' 4Iseaaed .' plants to 0 "'(~& ·to J W Coleman • " fire, ...... , . , healthy ones by the cucwnber beetle and Octavia Coleman; lot No. 13
M.IV)'" DoIIIII ..!,
"'_ch~:'te od ~
. ng ., . ttrat 100 years. 'lbe a1Jl;\ir opens on Saturday sponsoJ1!d by the town and be11l8 nature Sunclay or of festive "",,...'"
-"TIL"L NO T~La;8"
end JUly 1 M .d 2nd.
Administration and the more radl. pl1ea to any nations he may cal of his who were urging please. while , withboJdins _les to that he embark upon another great . other nations; to designate aggrea. spendJng program. Late' last week sor naUoJl8; and practlcaUy tates the PresIdent sent a to Oon away Oonaress and pJaces tn 8re8I asking that the national, leg1&.. the banOs of the ?resident the poW. latlve body authorIZe a 8J)eDd1n.: er to declare wv .. The measure Is program ot three blllion eight bun. ,lICheduled for OOnaidemtion early dred mUllon dollars to bea1n July this week. ten hours of general 1st and to extend fTOql two to seven debate to be followed by the , offer.
.,::, ..:::...
FilDXi ANB. 8XTV~A.i
.=""'" ........,....,... _
national debt 81mp1y by glvtna authortty to varloua new, public qe~ to illaue their own bonds fer the varto.u& projects ouWned In the whlqJ1 the would be leU-liquidating some tinie In the fUture. Of course, tbe pretiJ. dentlal plan also ProvtdeQ that all such tIorlds should be guaranteed by ,t he Pederal government. Uncler such ruarantee the PederaI IOvemmept would be rt!llpoDB1b1e tor the final payment of the bonds and the taxpayers would be calJed upOn to 1Ie~ tle the obligations of any ' proJecta that might In the future fa41 to prove as seU-lIquidatlfl8 . as hOPed for at the time 8uch project. were approved. It Is stW too early to 'Pl'8" d.l~t, just whAt final ~011 may take' In tegald itD the new spendlDg prograin; but. when first presented. ,the Pree1dent·s message fatted to stir any great . enth~m
'Til ". I .
... .........., ........::;,....,.;;:
f.rulta and vegetables. Some produce the churtlh with othllr Demooret and Republican, express· $Old at high 'prices low In qlolallty. the uniting to help c ., ed opinions 'tl:llat the propoeals were . . Nearly 2,000 years ago the FOlln, ill adY1aed, indicated that they , er of Ohi1.st1an1ty Pllfhed out In a would be given careful scrutiny. il.nd small boot to the MIl While the mul. predicted that a. nwmer of leglalaUtude assembled on the seashore to blve battles might be- expeoted before hear Him speak. In oommemoratlrr It Is approved Sealed wUl be received of thIa Blblcal event the Sunday af: __ at the Office of the Board of Edu- ternoon program .wtll originate from Unlees something unforseen de- cation' of the Wayne Township the waters of the Ohio River. A It now appears certain that Rural School District, at large barge equipped wUh loudspeak
tha' ."".... . _ .....
.In KlInia 141118., ' . ,The the· ~tter 'of the estate of John J. Syfercl to Mary BY!~. c~ mlXed ,.tth S. ,SIlver. sale, bU1 part 'Of .lot No. 5 In the vU. of make the
O'cb*. .
. the
... til. ""'" - -.. _ .
Studles made by Dr, Oharles W . Hauck rural econorn1c6 department. Ohio Stilte University. dl8clase that . Uabl guld to C,,,'...... .1•.
'!be _ " " " ' ""'.... ment and more economy In govern. the btU gtves :MJ-.. Roosevelt. In effect of ment should be the pr0tn'8m of hls the power to sell mUnlt16ns and sup_
AIIIIOcIatlon . of Pranltlln va. IVY
~Tho _ , "",,,>1',,al ......""". WI""
I S• .....,.... -
Mextean ~ beeiJ. can be con trolled If the IJI'OPe treatmJDt tB ap plied ., the time the ttrat 1aqae are 'lbe ehlo ~ver toWn 9t OhUo and batchlll8 Ohio county asncultural the local Methpd1st church had a"enta ~ ...: .. auov.l v directions for mix 0_.>_ 11_ ' ."~,, .. WIU....... completed plan8 WUIIY loU s ...e b •
~banon 4)rfJ~ .Phone "'9-£ree,9S-Y.
MQrrow Phone NO. • '\.;;
·~ l\.}',~·
theEp. iit~~:.:!.L~~!.:..'-~;-~L-~~~~8~~~ ra.lly. of about Mrs. of Mfd. Chapel ' the dletown ~ent ~ thE!' week·end at 'woc3fu{ " After an . ~~~~~·~b1on , Fm~~ WUlard l. Oot»ta!!!!I\(jA tile oJ meetIng-a:plc:.nh supper was enJpy guest of Mrs. Dl1J&CUI&J VaU8b6ll ~ cd b !Ill. ·f111iit.,.. M of '
tJ ,
I. . .. •
,Th«; .~; B. .Ch\l~·c(l,l SPent the day here te1'5 ',1n the big Shelter 10:00 tMy" 'liad ~e, reguiar services ~Ollowcd A:lt dinner. afoornoon 'iV6a SPint in' 'coreaLlqn" ·!'I.,, .,.mtlA" eal.'.h one ~tIclpatln~ ~. h~ '4 lte sport. .
Mrs. Warren Schleich of Wash- l'i The DOl1;M .diub . ~n aux llary of Inc-ton , Q. B .. , J.s. speJ,l.dlpg the week 'tt1e Elihl'.ern Stlu. ' from Cln~lnnatl wth W. a~9 Ii- .lJ.IIlph ~hlle(lh of hilil: thelrl annwi.I' oUting at Ohaut.iu Mary-Carol~n... F,Q~tag~. , "~I .. ' Qua abnday. FOrty members enjoy· • ". O. " . .. ° i cd dinner at""tru~ dining hall . t j .!.'. \ ., Mrs. H~rrr , JI~n Uj ,arg~r wps opcrated ~n ~t ruesd ~~ \\t, ~e ~IdThe WlIllai'Tiu reullJon spent the ~~p,tal. ~e.r ~~dJVo~ , is day I rc'JaiUng former 'c:Inya s ttll ven; serl0l!:'I. , . ' mathhllllf ' storles of the pa's t \ yedr. • • • • • The"'us~'al 1'g :'~:IIilJ1er Q{a.t r~unt'o~ always' enjoy WIlS spread In the new Shelter 'house'. I
.... 'II~e
To Home Canninlr ,,
S~~r~I '"
companion than as a maguine. I "It's as mucl) a buddy to Diil as my neighborhood chum" writes obe hlg h school senior. "THE I AMER. ~OAN BOY seems t.o unaerstand l a boy's problems and considers .thep1 In such a sympathetic and helPt;u1
--......lle, ST,ORES
• e•:s •f~~~ • ..t Mlddleto~n w.ay. It gives on advlcll ana ~\.\1l~e enterta.4l. Thlrt~otCOupl, Ing readl~l~, , fl"!~ry. ~9t.1' ~~ •
p{n?lnna~ Includ~g ·Mr. . ~d Shera and Mr. and Mrs. Saw· 'J. ' Lt ,U... Ilie 1 spenwng \ mi. uf Chautaul{ua " ".~. ...t· week end a1: Spring MIll rark t
'W/on't Y.ou Have Ii Chair PIt
~.·u Hav~ i
ill ' iiullana. .'
Phone Your Want Ad:
whloh a younll f~ow, 18 ;l~~ere,}t*ii to helpful' suggesUons It Is partlCJllarly heiplul In sports. I . '~om ' sports' articles carr d tn I made our school basketball ten . ' .I. ' i; AMERICAN BOY Magtltlne. because of playIng tlPS 1 read .. , THE AMERIOAh BOY ' , . , . , . Many famous a t.hletes In " I the sports credit much of their succ I every ma r tlon and fact articles.
.) t'
, T~cl).l/n;,,, ,1Jbl'liU'l"ns, j parents a d I
.!"...- .
" I, ,
.Le~er:i o! R9Ys ol~ a.l~o' Teco ; mend THE AMERICADI BOY e thuslastically. ·Tbey have fou "d • that '~ISI a ge~erlll II le !~gI,lIlU' .er~ o~., ~ ~[9N'lol BQ~ , vance' mo~ rapidly and mor~ w!>rthwhUe chaI\DC~erlSl"9S
do boys who do not TraIned wrIters an.d art.· ••, lamous· conches and athletes, 'P.explorers, solentists and men. sU,caessfJ1l fu busin ess and ~nd'.lst ry" Joln w~tl! n exper I til r f to prod uce /J\ If).Il!: . ~E;RICAN, BqY. , the sort. lot ;read' ,ng matter boys like best. . TffFJ . ~~0..w. \ ~QY sells oil most newsstands at 15c a. copy. sllllscilP'ttor'i ' ~rlces ' ~ril $1.50 for one year or ~ $3.00 . for three years. . porei~ ra~ 5ifo a ,-~:G' e tr 1 To 'subscrlb~ slnlpl send! y1Juf t name, address and rem'tt anee'"ldtrect ' to ~IO'KN ~Oy, '7436 &bd Blvd .. Detroit, Mlchl'ga'n. I II·
Enjoy a Delicioua ,1'
' : . ' .... .. . . ... ) ... I ..... . ~ . . . Men's Overooae. fXI Topcoats' ! . '890
:ladles' PlaIn ' ; .. . .. '.' . ! . : ':: I9c ·Mea's fialli I,. . " ... .. ..' ...... : . .
Plain ' D~ . . . '. : .... '.1sec , S ....all cJaarp , .' Sanltex .Cedar'.
i&eel carmen&• II,
lQUlG.K CL~ANERS ' "lCatliryif Mendenla.Il"
Hollie' £ooked·; I
.t; _
u ....
SET EIIOY News Of Red. SOCIAL EVENTS Tbe ~ set enJoyed a round
I!U'U. IUt
Statt.1ng tlie teetlvtti. "aa a "slumber" party at tile h~ of ¥e~ . Oustin. Wednes. ru,bt. -on 'll\\lnIday evenln,g, _ VJratnJa Preatan ebtertalQed tJ e ~b';"'~~ftburrrhet ShuPper ·honorl.ns 0 er ouse guest, MIsS ~ ..Klemm ·ot Clnc1nnlLtl. The . . ......... IacU h "'" es w 0 en""yed these ' at· «0.1_ were J d"'- Hartsoe... ..... WI , • ean an ......,e '" Ollarl~ Rye. Bara~ Conner, Melba ~.uatln., Ellen ~ Helen MarglU'et ~ H~~en. ~y'. Monimin Hook. -r"~ Lolli Lacy, Mary Jean Thomp. IOn, Ruth Bl&cktord. VIrgln1n Pres· ton. and Martha Klemm . of
."v_... u_
Ray Blad. and hIa duhJni _ st. LoW. 0ard1naIa W1ll aupply the op· poeition on July 6 when the Orosley Pleld ftood;Ugh~· are turned on tor another noctumal battle. The Qaa House Gang bas given the Reds the 'sUffest sort of competition an season.
, Mrs.- l.aura BolUnlrShead waa Mr. and Mrs. WIDIam Brooks and "";;EEEEEEe;;~E:;;;;;;EE;;;;;;;EE;:;:3 ill the pU~ week. chUdreh spent Friday In ·0 8yton = i • • • • • · • •. • • • ' . Master Halrlan Earnhart spent Mr; and Mrs. G1'8Ilv1l1e BenIoa • aeverar·daya lNt ~Jt W1~ his aunt and- ChJldren spent Sunday at. InMr. W&1ter Clark Is Improved af. Kenne~ H06gh and family. dlan lake. ter .a aerlo~ Sl~ :pe:II~t week. • • . , ,. • • M1M .Lorna Lacy bas atcepted a • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones ~nd with the Dayton 01/'1 Scouts Mrs. Dave RUtann of .Da1'On lIOn were . Dayton visitors Fr1day. She W1.ll be 6t~~oned at the camp sPent the last week with her motwr
:'SHOWER FOR BRIDE MIl. 8. 1,.BlJ1a IUId lira. Prank LaJoIQt ~ea at the fonner's home . .tutela, afternoon at
...., We.
• ~ Ahower bonorIDI lira. Da$ Bater recent bride. A plluaDt. ~ was spent m con. ...... lin. BotIer received many .1"PR SALB-Prteli, OlUf Burnett. loveJy aDd 1aaefu1 gifts. D(Wity reo Wayri.vWe. R: R. 2. inIUlmenlia were served at the clO6e •. of Job' ~t.emoon. The invited Illest POR 8A:L1D-8~. BIDa Pat.. l\lt Illcluded Ml'8. CIarenoe .Rye. Mr:1 tereQn, , Qll1. ~ of ,~.,a Obu. tlal(ellleYer, ~ Glenn BOr. b~ on HarveJ8buq.Lebanon road. dell. KIa. Ronald Hawke, ~. DalI&i , M 11 tf Beier, and daU8hter Katherine, . Steteo.. L&rrtck Mrs. Amos Pair. chJfd. Joba. ~ld ShUtta.' Mrs Oil. PO'R S~P"ty o( Sweet po....._ _ •• . tato, tomIm and - ..... ;.e ':""'nfa I at ......... ~." _rl . cora Rich, Mrs.. L. HaWke. Mrs. Ilaynard Weltz. Mrs. H. Bocbtt'e ' ROute 1. WIt1I*' John Promm. MJ'6. Emma McClure. MrS. -J. P. Lan1clt. MJs.s EVelYn Jobna. Mrs. Chaa. ~ay, Mrs. Don PO~ BALE-Oarden plAn.., of .u Ha.wlt~. Un. Herbert MCMU1~, MlaB tJnQa 10 can'" dolen, 3 dosen tor Mo. HeIe~ R&W~, Mbs Ruth Larrick, Sweet t»otatoea aocr fOt' 11 00; annual ~ Mary Eva LeMay, Wsa Roxie . perelUl1al fto~ GeOl'Ie lacltet.t. Mlaa Ruth Helen LeMay, one,.m1Ie from Wayne.. MlIs CJl4dYs Rye. MI8a Prances El11a on BellbrOolt ptII:e. ' Mrs. Joe Worley and the brlde'~ maUler\ Mrs, Crumm ·and·slster Mra. I---S-A,LE----La-;te-, -~-Ilfl-planta,--
• •. ' • • near Morrow where she wl.ll be ·1'8- Mrs. MarY OrUlY. Before the game a spectaouIlU' track and Held meet w1ll be run oft Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and slstant In the domestic science de. • • • • • entrl.... Inclu'''-'' th6 lead'~" ' James Haines spent S.unday alter· putment. . "" """. ~ ~... Mrs. Oora Davia baa.: puruhaaed star of the natlon. Wa-e .. • • • • ~u Rideout. noon with relat1vell In Piqua. the Wm Anderson property on Wal· Tom Delctal"d, and Olenn Cunning. • • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Crane, Barbara nut st. ham will, an be here In the recent Mrs. WlUlam Rogers and daugh. and Jack Crane am Mrs. D· L. Crane • • •- . • Princeton InvltaUon' meet tar, M1.r lam spent Thursday shop· visited H • . C. COleman and famlly defeated Oene Venzke in the three. ping 10 Dayton. of ·Norwood, StlturdllY. Mrs. Coleman Mrs. Osborn vls1ted her quarter m1Je run, and Deckard, ex. • • • • • Is irol.duaUy r.:MloVer1ng &fter bon ex. son Argus Osborn and family iii I diana. t h . tended lijness Waynesville on SUnday. n sar; won ti c two·m1Je r ceo A numller trom here attended the • , • • • • • Cunningham Is one of the greatest balld concert In Wa,ynesvUle Thuri. • • .. • • _ _...,..-__ In the· world. day evening. Forty meml?ers Including famUies Mr~ and Mrs. Wm Bootes. Mr. and Th ~ 1 • • • • • the Booater"s Class of the Friend's Mrs. Fred Carter of Deyton were e even w IJ include a mile run 1 gues~ on Sunday of Ben Ollne. m eetJ - nJo ed - a l()().yard dash, a walking race. teaA large ~wd elljoyed the Ohild. M u· ng He y' a Pds~c da°n the turin", th nnI I B e ' ee ng OUSEi ifoun , Sun y eve.. • • • • • . .... e pere a · bastian LIne. ren s Da.y exercises at Lytle church n1ng. A dellghttul ,time WIIS spent Mr. and Mrs. Wm Honand were ~------.! han, anl1 a dl!iCus !brow. Sunday evening, with volley b!ill and tennis on the guests OJ} Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. 8'1'. MAllY'S EPISOCCOPAL The Cardinals ' will also • • • • • newly compl!)ted tennis court. Homer Wood of near WllmlngteD. . CIlUBCB b~re JUly 6 In a ladles' day game. Mr. and Mrs. ArthUr White of • • • • .. • • • • • Be.... B. L. BackweU. MbdIter Tickets fo.r the nIgIht game go COlumbus were week-end -guests of Mr, and ~~. J . K. Preston and Mrs. Harian Badgley returned cen'" a h'Unclred. George Petel'lDD, on sale on July 1 at the uezlry Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Oraham. family, Mr. and Mrs. ~ Deutsch home o.n Thursday ,from K1aID6 WUIon. ' m1le from ~aynesYille on BelL Straus Cigar store, Slxtb CUld WeJ. • • • • • .., and 1IOIl, Mr. \~ Mrs. jI, B. Chap. Valley 'hospltl!-I whes-e ape \alder· POURTH BUNDAY AF'I'ER brook. PIke. ... nut Streets. Mr. lind Mrs. Harvey Burnet and man, ~. and Kra. OharJeos Chapwent an operaCion a week aro. . TRINITY MIas Laura Rosnngle spent several man and the MJ.sIes Martha K1emm . , • .. • • 11 a . m, Morning Preyer and ser. days last week In Oolumbus. Ma.rjorle. Audrey" and Olenn Eden Mr. and Mnr. Chaa Underwood mOD . .GlbSOn Winter in charge. . ,' r;• • • • • enjoyed a plcnJc supper In the ~ha.p of nw w~ynesville. ~Ued 01,1 b1a MONDAY • MI&; Martha Martin of Wayn~s. man Park Saturday evening. brother T. Underwood and dI. The home or J. O. Hawke wu the 8:30 p. m. Special choir practice, ville was the guest of Mlss O~eva . ,. . ~ • • Mrs. O . V. Sims. 6Ce~ of .. pleasant tamlly satherlni Mr. Hugh Moore became a memo Routzahn a couple of days l!lSt week. Mr. and ~'8. Ed Edwards. Mr· . • • • • _. . on Bunday afternoon when hI.s ch11d· lIOTIIODIST CHURCH ber of the Ferry church Sunday • • • • • lind Mrs. Clar«~nce Edwards, Mrs· R. Mr. and ,1 1ft. Carl S1Dia .and lOll , aDd arandch1i4ren arriVed with ...... John V. Lacy, Minister r morning. Mrs. Russell Wilson and chlldre.n A. Conner. ~ Ruth Conner and ot otnclnnatl were week-end guIita weB fWed for ~ plocnlc sup. • • • • • ot WaynesvUle were Wednesday Mlss Laura MCKinljey attended com.. of Mrs. Nettle PUlkereon and Mr. per. Thoee pn!IeDt were Dr and SUnday. July 2, 1939 lin. Rt,lph Vanc;e ancl. Ra)ptl' Jr. or ,:SO--SUndaY Bchool- R . D, Col. The Ervin Thornases were sl gh dinner JUest.'1 of Mrs . Stanley -Ba.ll.. m~ncement exero~ of Mlaml.Ja CUld Mrs. O. V. Sims. I I f t ey and Mis6 PhylUs. cobs college at the N, C. R. auditor. . • • • • . ' . WllIn1 , 1lPIn:. Mf. and Mrs: Ray lett. Superlntendent, . see ng n Cincinnati Sunday a tar· • • • • • I~ In Dayton J'rl....... evening. U I .. Mrs. Fran...... Toppin left far "-"'. SaWke and dAult\ter Betty and Mr. --.r 10:40-Mornlng Worship, A service Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Davis of Reba ~wards was one at ,t he ana on Saturday where &be wl11 via an.! ...... ' "":'MI Ha_Io- or n..~ .. __ • in oommemoratlon of the ' A tel 00' • • • • ClncJnnatl were Sunday dlnn er uates. It With relativep aDd friends tor M; and 01 the nation and hopes fol' its ep ne has peen Installed In guests at Mr. and Mrs. E B. Long. • • • • • ttu'Oe weeD. a_de. Mr. aDd lira. Lee Hawke. Mr tuture, eUbJect-~'My Counbry". . the parsonage and It comes from ttle andfamUy. . , E. W. Hop)tins returned homll • • • • • ADd ~. Don Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. MondaJ SUIOlDllerlccntarvUle exchange. ' • • • • • Tuesday from ndlanapolls where he Mr.. and MI'Il. Leonard BUrley and ~ We.ta and cb1ldre~. I Mills 7:30-EpWOrth League • • • • • Mr, and Mrs. WUbert Swank aDd attended a fo.ur-daya TownaeDi1 CODa daughter Of ~ V18lted bla per ~ Ol'&wford . ADd, Dean Hawke: ~ Beulah &nUll Is vacationing th1s Jimmie Swank of Bo&ton are visiting ventlon. held Ir.l Cadle tabernacle. He ent. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hurw, 81 TIlesdaY week With lIer Aunt McKenzie In at the horne of the lattem parents. repoJ!.'! a 'large attendan':e, 30:000 Qaturday, Dlght. 'l:3i).....:.Bo}' Scouts Vienna. , Mr. and Mrs. E; B. Lorigacre. . being In attendance at. One • • • • • ' Wedne8C:lay • • ~ • "! to • • • seasJon. '.. Jotm ~I_t Nell ,cOlllPk!n, Jo1l{l-, 2:CJO.:-W. P. J4. S. Yfill meet with Mrs Mr. and Mrs. P. J . Thoma& wer Mro and Mrs. J. B, Jones entAlr• • • • TraVia ·and Kenneth :. EllIDger at. 000D0r.. d.1.nDer guests of ,the Lawrence Iialned at dinner Sunday. Mrs. john Mrs. Will Stroud attended a meet- tended the ball game In O1nctImail ' 'I'Il4lDl11~S In Lebanon. sunday. ' ztnunerman, Mr. aDd Mrs. Richard tJng o.f a Mason Sunday Behoor cla8a on Baturday. Mrs. Barry 8ett.lelnyre of Leba· t th bom t u _ . . . DI& aDd t.wo daUihten at DaJton .. • •. . • .• Moore. Mrs. WlIJter MOOrtHmd M4$8" . e e.o ......... C..... ord Howard • • ~ • • UId OOl\lDlllUa The w~dlne of LoW8e Adami of Wanda. WWlams ot Dayton' and Mr or near LeballOll on Frldayevenlng. Mr. aDd Mrs, Pred ,~ Il1eDd. IIere were calliDI . 0.11 WAYHB8VJLLB CBmiCB OF mel Leeter 01 -.nI1 MhI,. Therle .roo._ and Stroud. a · member and uu. ctaUihters of 1 ....... • (DIIDBT · WJlm1nctop was solemDlsed at ' the MUtoQ. 01 ~e . c.1au 111M presented with a Vlalted Mr. abd lira. Homer WaltAlo . TIle ___ .0W. C. 8l1li&11, M1nb&er 1 . • • • • •.. beauWUl ftoor lamp on 8uDd&1 ,. . . IR&DJ •• "'1'- of Honaee . ~ ast ~onday eve. • • • '. • . • .~ . .. • . . . w11l .,. IOITy 'to hear Of ble IIUlUlAY . D1ng, by Rev, Smith. . MrS. MlntJe Smith and grand. , . . 10Ys'lllDeea at h1I borne In New Hay. BIble 8cbool 9:90 a. m. • • '. • • daughter Mlss Oharlotte Elchbaum , Mr. ~ ,¥ri l • Oharles . DaVis '&tld Mr. IIIld lira.. Everett BllrJ.ey eo. ~ OoqunUnkm m. pests ot Rev ' and Mrs and Kr. and Arnold Bridges of daughter eptea-taJned the following and daughter and Kh.. .lJD,. • • • .' • .CIn1atIan"EndeILVor 7:00 ,.p. m. C 'smlth ~d 'iami1y: were JIr'.Dayton were Pr1day eVen1J)g callers at Bunda.y dbullet'! ~. and Mrs. "WU· derwood Yi&ltA!d Kr. and Ura, Batiia '-.m WeIcb abel r"~"b PMIdlI Ro . . of Nt. and Mrs George Gray Mr Uan1!'S and ~:Rrant Y11Der of near" Dayton on 8und&y , -...." of Porl. III 7:.&& P. to, • :' f8l'd McKenzie or New. d Mrs ~ ;'" and familY of CnarDvill ' Mt d . • • • '. • , . ~, ~owa. are 1rUSta of MnI. _W 1RDNBBDAY Vienna. Mr. &ruI Mrs. Eari Sherwood an . WlllJIUU Bergdall and Mr ' ~. e" ~ W· 1hIcb, " Bible Study'7:45 p. m. and eon or 'CJnclnna'ti. and Mr anti and Mrs. ~alter Kenriclt, Mrs. ~on hVdand and Mr. aDd '• • ~ • •• ' . W. bad ~ 1M) In atten(lanceIIMlrs. 'Ro6s AtkJns and . . Mrs· ~ward F'era-uaon and· son o.t ~~i=i=~~:=~!9...J~~.-JIjUIII~-Jjrr.aDlH(m,:-BIICIr::1s~ ""18ldIIJlr.l~ ~ 8ua.daY eyeo1illf. sons, Wilm1pgton anli Mr. and Mrs. Ralph .' • • • .• • . USB THE MI~ GAzIrrra .· MyeJ'!l of Dayton , ., '
Churches· .._____
c, a b b a -
Ferry .
== 8ract.
..-:a: J~hn"~ ~":t
oates :
f ' .~tIy;
10:~, a,
.EO~ ~ll, ~nddaugbter ~
the Harry ~1l'6 and J. S.oP1l~'8 was lnJurecs severely In ILl/. aut e.ed. 80NDAY dent fn Dayton Baturday'" everuhg. , ~. Vlr&Jnia. was InJured ·, ln .Woz:ahl.P1led 1w the young peoplel., stmIlar accldent Just a week agO .tiarta at 11;30 a. m. ~ that the eJstens have en: a ·afrealt of· bad luck,. 0ur beet ~ for t&.e tr sPeedy feeO ry ~ lI'be TrLState banquet was held Eve~.bocC;IUlIWl'lat the Perry' church' Frlda~ ev~g . per~ were I!6rved and around "n~-at..te'I3(IO. were present the program Uta fOllowed. U-~I"d lroven of CJneln· . was the prJnelnPlll a~ter 01 lIT,' , BOIiJ,Y II., Eo CHUBCH eveD1ng, ThJa club is a Ohrlstlan ' T. M! ~. Mlm.ter groUP, 01 · Kentucky West IVlivi,nlA abd Ohio, an(h88 ~ 'st~ng FDBY CllUltCB. O'" CUBIST -W, C. ~ui. IIlnilur
- .
you at these
GARDEN CLUB Due .to the tact ~.t the TegUlar , me.etlng date faUs on the .th :~......:'f tll*WIe 1M). . . " July, the O1i.rden club will hold 1ts . ~ u ... next meeting July 11th in the eve..... ~ ~ ,ntng at the home of MIss Kathel'ine G1bbons. .
~~. .~. .~~. . . .~· ~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:J~~~~~·r~~::~-
ii. . . .
", .
w~re 9'Y~: '~. ~elldB¥.
ChUd~en's :nliht was ~ed
Morr1a FUlkerson
Mr. and Ioke,
at trW OODun1te lie cuatodaana at , Farmers Grange 10/1. s t Saturday blIh ICbool aDd . . . . InllktlDIB 11. MJaaee ~ aDd ElItber LUkens nigbt, memllers ot tbe JuvenUe ... anllCllJiJced follo~ tbe NI\I. were w~ e'Dd ,~tDrs ot Mr. ~d Grange turnlslUg the fonoWlng laI' Board ofltdIMlaUoo~, H. ~, Green of Martln8V1lle. program: ' . I Monday ev-I~ .., .. • •0, • V.• R.og'ers': of -Mr, and •Mfa. Howard BWItOn, Goorae Vi 's · ....... ts t 8.., were un......, rues lOll, nuph HlldebreCh. of Mr and l4nt Mark Rogers Jolule ~ Ipron Reuon wID CoD• • • tlbue aa ~ bus Cb1vera. • • • • • Bide lor the bardwood tloor In Mrs. Pearl McMacken, " at Lebith"'th ....... &be I)'DlDUlwn Wl1l be opened anon. spent ~y w , .... mo er. Jill? 17, ¥n., Viola oarey. ~t 01 c~i bUIa apd dis• • • ~ • ~ CD routme' mattere ClOp. Mr. and Mr!S. George 06born 01 eluded tile ·meetlnr. Lebanoo.. 'll\'ere sheats of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haatinp, Sunday. • • • • • ~Ul Ktnall waa the lI)lest of Owen Uft'~'-k' ~~ """" .or d'--"'''"'' So.tur d ay - evenlng an~ overnlllht. , • • • .' . Ulsa Martha. Deatherage and
Mlu Margaret
or Dayton
,borne of her IOn, Rlcbard, oear.~. • • • • • brook. (oUtwmg. ~r~ heID~ 1ft, and ~ ." Lester Stanf1eld orrb:sp. • '. ~ temily Or New Burlington were Bead. her 8011 Rleh~t'd , 51) 1~ S unday guests of Mr . and Mrs. R, 8UI'Vlvtd by 'a son 01. Hervey , D. OoUett. _ ~ epd . : dlWti-hter, ,¥n!. Ruth s . . • • • • • McClUre. of W.yJleevule. J MJas Mary Leah Ed-ros of 8eniCel. were . eld Wedne·daY Bppnalleld was the ruest of M i.as4ls .~ tlt th e roaldtlDCCf &lid Margaret arld 'l!rlllene. Edwards . . . WM II 8.~roolt , ~inotery. over &he PoW'tIl. ," . ••••• ,
Bt.' !ky. BellI7 W. . " The Rlgh, ReYerend Henry W. Hobson: B1IIhOP ' of the Epl6copal The missionary society of the Ohurch DIoO«_ of Southenl Ohio, C~urcbes or Ohrlst met June 28 at will ordain tme Reves-end R.,· Uoyd the home of Mrs. Helen 1durphy in Hackviell to tbe order of PriesthOOd Centerville. members re- In s t, Mary's Obw:ch , ' WayneavUle sponded to roll caJ]; Jul.y elevl!JlQl at eleven o'clock , 8cripture rmdlngs were 'given by. Dllt the mornlnc. ' AA a' boY, the Rev. Mrs. Frank Fox and Mrs. GruTie Mr. , HackweU. af!;ended 't he ch~cb filer; Mi's. Frank Wl1gbt led in In Worcester. ~usetts, where prayer. .: , Blahop Hobson _ at tbat ~ ' the The lesson fo~ J!-1Jle '11\'85 work of rector, A, year 'iIo Blahop HobaoB
•' and stOutGlenn were the Church inofMexguest. of Mrs. Mr. A: andE. Mrs. ~. ~rTestament the )eaderBhi~ the at , Spr1np,oro Wedne8daY, ArtIcles :were , ~ bf eYcn1ng. . . ~ Mary G~ Mrs. Prances , • • • • • Brannock. Mrs, Edna. 8m1~, Mrs ft~ .~:- Tom O'V'~le and 1larjQr). , Brown. Mrs .. 0arrIe PlIer:
..... ..... .
'-" Mia :Ann& were ~ ofl-~ .i~''ltt~~ ~ Ling, The iud' Mrs. Robert Th;'"~;bU~~ ' to«! 'June t to - ... . " . ' . • '5eq . "". IA. Wesm.ap for the work I,n New MIIIiiio. ' •. , The ,ant meetbJli w1ll be at tlY! home of ...... . .
, of
'_~~o'':'' ~ 1Iz'. ~ Br. •
.... .
W... N; .......... _ ,
Ml:. UId !In. •A, 8. talned thetr eOo ~ut,>.
Oollett entet_ Saturday at 'their oountry , hom~, . "The
• • • • •
Mls6 E1lzaheth Graddy. Home , _ _ _ _ ,, _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ Wednesday evCnltlg t.he r glilnr Demonstratlon Agent. announces the meeting of the Waynesville civ1c ' .Warren OOunty girls' 4-B Club was held In Lhe TownSl-dp Club .camp w1ll open July 19 at Oamp Hook, near Carlisle, Ohio .,_ _ ._ _ _ _ _ ,_,~ bulldln~ with a working q'uoi:ilin IJrCScnt for tllau sacLiql\ o f tiUSlll The camp is open to an mempers of Millses Minnie DaNis a.nd Ruth under UJ h eadin g of rcpo L'1./i 0 glr16' 4.H Olubs of Warren COunty 'Durnett of Dauton sepm Sunda) admission of 11 Yo! 01lUn.d th Ir cl b --' ~ , an e u .... vJs0r8. The camp with CllfJ Burnett 8J1d faOllly. i)crs and otJlc.r l 'Oli LIIlC lruI Lter&. session opell8 with Wednesde.y eve, • • • • • SaUsladion WUi; cxprCl;Scd 'ror , rung dlnner, July 19. and closes Mrs. J . K , Preston and son Jack the success of Ule last umner meet· with lunch on Saturd&.Y. July 22. spent the day. Wednesday. In Cin- ,ll!:, wh l.c h was addressed by "Uusty" Many of the oampers are expected MIller of W Illllinglon. to arrive 'early Wednesday after- cinnaU, A very PI'(lInillCIl ~ spcliker h ilS • • • • • noon for a sw1mbefore dinner. been sec.w'ed lor the nem cUnn r Mrs. D . 0 , Ridge, Mrs. J , K. Pres The varied camp program wlll mectlng, dewlls 01 which wlll be ~ ton, and Mrs, Harvey Rye we. meet the Interest of all the girls at. uounced in' next week's issue of the Cincinnati visitors, Satw'day, tending. Crafts. vespers. and camP: Gazette, tires wlll be under the d1rec~lon of • • • • • Plans are wtder W\loy for the big the clul;l advillOl'S attending camp. Mlss Anne Satterthwaite is visit., ev ll~ of the year when the lnd1es ... _" G wen "'-....... lIl!S week at the home of her will ,be lnvi ted to .Joln with their ......", ,-,,,u..ue h . · of D a.rIre .1"" 'C county!, wUl have charge of must Ilrnndparen ts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank husbands at a chick.en d.1nner. An a.nd recreation. This year t he Loop in Lebanon. ,p rogram will be one of Oamp Hook Ufe guard .wUl give.. the • • • • • the features or this meeting.
Song" Roy a.nd Sue ~;, Re· Citation, Miriam W1l60n, Recitation, · .wUEelmln!l Braddock; J;'Jano ,Bol~, MUton Jonee; Recitation, Donna Mae Bl'IuUlock ; Song. Betty aJl~ Bobby OampI;leU; RecItation. --"'-roth7 Wilson; Piano Solo. Gladya Rye ; 'l:ap dance. Sue Furnas; Recitation, JennJe Lee Bradd.Qdt; P.lano solo, Glenn SrnJt.h; Recl/adon. Richard Sheehan; Song. PhylUs Ballcy, 'Fran_ ces Whlt.a1ter. MUton Jones ; Trump· eO 6010. RaylYn Crab~; Saxophone ~l~. George Mengle; Acrobatic rj~-re .... , Ma rlyo B ursk e : After the program the Juveniles enjoyed an Ice c~/UD ClOne treat.
aaecl 118. were week end gueate of Mr. and died nrltl 8und)a)' bI,OI11l~ at ~. R. H. HlirtA.oclt and r&.mUy" lUI. liaude B. Ba.otett.
~". lOez
made Mr. ' a deaCon In that churcll. B&vlng grown uP . der the,.8Ulda.nce of BJs.bop HoJx!on, Mr HackweU's aecond ordination 'him M ...-:' In a re_tionllh\p _ ...... ~. .' >
--"' . "~' .', ~ c~Jmep in
w1;1l ' &!80 ~;tclp&te in ~
The senqon w1l1 be deUvered ., , by the ~1IDd H . .~ Bacliey, 'REiJtor lot Ohurcll ' in Glendale. 1IIe Rev, Mr, ,and a.v. ..... ~e1l are ~ lJl(ID)' .j
of tbe, ~ .chool. ' When Mr. ilacltwell came to' ohlo New ,lour ~ be ....I- ded Olu1st CtJurcb in ....... " , and unW -.l.......~ """""6 , be was a member. of that 1l8J'.1sh.. Therefore It'is fltUDg that the per&OIL selected to, preseni the cand1d&te to the BJs.bop should ¥1i10Jl1&I:'1 the Rev. l''rank. JL Nelso1i,', retlr· '8eiptemberll1n8 rector ' of Mr. lJackweU'a fOl'Dler The fortJ!.er rector of St. Mary's 1<JI1.ur'M, the Rev . JOhn J.' BchaefUOIltestelrs'lIer, of Dayton . Will alao take part 'ba serv1ce. ~l1le Rev. Mr. Bchaefwtll read the Ep\.9t1e and ...lllt l..o_
the admtn,lBtrawun of the , m~on. ~. ~t.efter's many friends will ,velcome him back on
recmv!M.lthls occasiQO.
Swimming instructions whUe Per90nallty Development end sket.chln' will be conducted by Mrs. O. L. O\lJUl1ngtlam, Dayton, Onlo. Olub DieImlere planning to attend the camp may pay opart of their f~e by brin8ini' home produced food A llat of food supplies acceptable a part payment of camp fees 18 &ent to clUb membera by MIss Graddy. July 12, Is the deadline for cam tegl8trat1on to be In tbe County Extension , offloe. ,
D. W,
and son ' Donald. Jr.,
The Olvlc Club Is sponsoring at time a. movement to ' make It posslble {or all rueruhants a.nd vendors to ge~ thoir SlOJte Sa.les 'fux r eceipts in this village without being put to the trouble of gol~ to i>Ul' nelghbol'i.n g , cities to procure them.
01 Muncie, Ind., a nd Mark Rogers th e present
took a ' mol.Or LrIP ~ugh ,t he .;)lllokcy Mountains last week. ,. • • • • Mr. a nd Mrs. Morris Fulkerson yuawd IY1r. and Mrs. J . W. Fulker:>Oil of Spring Valley Sunday after· Loon and ellerun g . • • •• . • Mrs. L. V. Branstrator. and Mrs. ~ll Furnas and cbUdren 6pent Mon. uay a.t the home of Mr, and' Mrs, uonald Greene of Sabina .
• • • • M1ss Mal')'
'Lou Sowash o[ Mans.
The Women's F'ol'elgn MISsionary field is, two weeks with hel Soclety of the chUrch uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs, D, O. W ' entertained Wednesda.y ;after. R111g noon. July 541, at the home of IVIts . In &. Blngle... ~ tc:eremohy. char_ e. • • • • acterllled ,by, .IIUI¥oIcity; Mias CathaR. A. Conner. S he was., ess1sied' y nne ~, 'd aughter or Mr Dr. and Mrs. . A. E. Stout ,and Mrs, K. N. HOllg n and Mrs. J. W and~, L. ,Y.. Braoatrator, beca~ daui;hter. Winitred, v1&lted Mr. am White. • the bride of Donald Greene of Sa Mrs. Lewjs Emmelheln~ at ~ndlnn .. . " M!,s. Kenneth Hough had ch):rgePrtc:tay afternoon at 2:30. The Lake· ~. of the " devotions Alter 0,' song: weddJng was aoleDlllU.ed at the • • • •• , "Sweet Houl' of pray~r,'" by all. MrS. MethocUlt church J)U'IK)Il8p the ,MI:. and Mrs. W. S. Grahl1rn V1S~ • J.' 'v:. lAcy _A'M_ ~ ser~ lted 1If. Grabam's 'dallgbtel'. ~, ~.y.@-v .a...xead1ng. "Stew"" .--.. o( Prayer," inLcrspersed vice. A~ UIe couple were ~Jpb Lewis of MiamIsburg; Thurs. with Bible quotation by Mr$ RUfus . Mr. aad ...... WIlla.rd 1fenry~ eI sa- da,y evening. . ' Watkins. This was !oUowed />y a ' bin&. tile brJcleema1d t~ing a lister • • • • • readlt)1j" "st~h;Vll rdshlp\" _by Mrs. F. of the 8J'OOm. Mr. ROOett Baker. Sr.. under U "' . .LeMay.. Mrs. R , A., COQneJ).. then ,b ride W--' a .......... of "._ .. went a ma""r opem.t.ion at Miam I , -'" ........ ....... Vall ........Ital .. I d t gave a vlVltl t'.1 f)l 0 a,, ""~sheer crepe, aDd can1ed a bouquet ey ......... .. _00 &.y mom ~, lJn g In IneiJ11, A 'v en:! ~olo "Follow of p1nIt roses. Mrs. Willard's gown He was removed to his home here The. Gleam,'" by Mrs Harold ~nlwas of light blue sheer c.repe. ruesday ev~'. • • llll't concluded the r egular pro~ • Mr. >a.nd I4J'8. G~e left after Mr Md , Mrs A F Melloh a I'll Mrs. ,~rtice U;Uay, of Sheffield: the WeddJng fa 1'& week el1d trip daughter Mary' ~ ~d ~n Bllly .. Alabama, then told In a. very Inter- , through 'Kentucky. 1bey are now drove to New York, SundRY, where e~tJng manner o~ t he missionary , at home ,on their fann ' near Sabina. they visited the World'jl Fak, r e WOl'k as 'cond ucted In her"home citY. turning Tuesday iJJght. . .The, society adjourned to m ee~ A by tbe Expei-lment ' . • • • • wltll, Mrs. HOrus We.tkti · I~~ A'u I{U$~: Slatton Of rates of BB1n Dlade by Mr. and Mrs , L. A. GImIt left to' ~ day (T11Jlrsday) for 410 ' two week steers ~1ng .. full teed of sl.Iasels, t ' with .thoee getting com only as gral V, , with Mrs. Garst s paren ts, Mr. " . '. n and Mrs. R , J Bruetinker of near ~t.ed tha.t more poun,~ of beef Sprlngtleld, Ill' caD be produced per acre of ' com • • • • • for alIage than wltb the P . 'P. · HenderSon 'accompanied b. for Mr. a.nd Mrs., A, L. Schoeler, 0 1 Hamilton. spent the week end , B.nd 'l'he lortle¢ niJnl.lal Natlqnlll "'mre-;1UiSocrmjji'jriJ~~~~~ttl the Fourth In the Smokey Moull- tan -Ha rd ... !Jaw. Tennessee. will be held in Cin:ln!l1\tl J~lf 'l1 to A plCn1c sul1per was enjoyed at • • • . ' . 21, wJth prominen t personalltiq Mr. and Mrs. LeWis ~'1res' ~rom ~any litll'ts or Lh~ COI~t'.Y. par~ fam1ly and MIss· Ellmbeth Hoblitt .lOl pa ~lllg 01' speo k.lng , 011 ~l C pro. , . ' gram w~e guests of and ,Mrs. G. H. . " , . Dr. Harold G , Moulton . .natlonal-. In lY known ecioqoOllst all~ bU.; l!l;e6i,. . o b~~r vel' , and head or the :Brookly I11stHute, WII.Sh,l11gton .; D.O., wUI 'be • •• • • • e o!1 for tile' .. V!.sltors art the .home of Mr. and , Iof the featured speakers' , " ,( . .:ess on . addressing the as' mbly <i n Mrs. W. S. OmJ{.e.m, Sunday, wer e "The Busines; OUtlOOk:'! .' Mr. and Mrs. WI~ Graham of Lytle. TIle Conve~tioJ will
_ fiii iiWii
...... 111
"".yuEsville, Ohio
. ..... Street
second Clua Maillbtter at p~t.ltffic!tJ. wa,rauVSlle. Ohio \ ~lora '10.1, Crane Editor and Pub. Usher ~ J,U . .ISSUED ;EVERY TH':111~DAY ",::",-~-__"",,:,"",--:~~-:-:~:-:::---=....:..::.-,:::-,-7.-:-:-::____-::---
. . . . . As
:;::::se - .
NOTICE 01' ~ JlEA.BlNG " ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~-i
O D .....,....... 'l' eOUDty n~OU~ .N ews J . ..... ==::.
,- - - - - -
a .... 8Ilbool nt-trio&
clalmed $11.60108.
CaUierine S~OoJ[ VS. Edward Snook divorce, gI'05B Deglect.. Kate stebert VI. Chrlst. SIebert· divorce. 8J'OI!S neglect. ' note,
Carrie B mlth. · dece8aecl: , Win. &:hne/1. Aloruro. 8tUes I~ Oeorp JOI1es appointed ~ , Iaers. In the DBuer of tbp estate of Olarence L. BbUrtll, decelUed; schoo· liJe of debl4 approved. I~ the. matt:er of the estate o~ OlareDl:e L ; Sh~ decea.s~; Alber~ COwan. RObert 1:-. Moon~!y and G. F. Brown appblnted appraisers.
of the ~ Rural School Distrlct
of Wa.rren County, Ohio. for the next liucceed1n8 t1sca1 1I!4Lr ending
C!_t., Thrill-
Bubecl'1be To
D....l .... .I'L--oIi
The Mtaml Gallette
Aaftabella -- Rotiert Young
Star1s Sunday FIVE DAYS
. ,
J•.B. Chapman c
the right to
F. ·r.; Martin Auctioneer
&:264Tlpe from 'thl! 'June Pig SurveY-L. H. Barnes, Ext,. P'arlll .. ' Ill'-
aaement Specialist:
in tti~ ltate.
subSoribe to ttle Miami Gazette.
:986-When [s" a Farm 'SOundly F1nnnced-~r J .' lAne, Seciy.-Trss.• Nat'}" -Parol ' LOOn Ass·ti.• Wilmington. 9!t&--Columbus' 'Federal Orchestra, • "
opeNtlDi lOYa thaD
"t p~nt grown proCl88I
Some mills Q"ade meal for be!lns on:a hARts that Is t.o !the· ra.rIDer's ~
~nj)er 3-1st. lIMO. Such w1l1 be held ~t the of tt1e Board of Educatlon in the Bohool Buttalni. Harveysburg.
. are
.on. ~ liven
m .I..'"
Nine soYbean mUla
1~liiIiliitOf." M~ ... publlo hearlni on ' the l:Iudget In tbe matter ~r. the . ee~te of prepared by Board' of IldUcMoIon
R. O. LeRoy v& Quentin Cox. cog.
8,:OO-MU6ac. 8:06-Roes County t-H and Rum) youth 'Prograhl-Club members dI~ted by Fred Keeler and Don Rebl. County Extension Agents;
'u Noiice t,a that the ===:::;::========r:='i5'=r:;5;~::;;;;~::::;:::;===::l." 28" cIa~ of July. 1839 8I~ 8 "clock P.
R. E. LeRoy vs. Quentin cox; {or monen f571,84 and interest.. . Subleription Price, ,,1.60 Per Year.• Payable in Advance. . ~ W. A. Balll'Y va. 0e0l'Ie M. Woo!!!!~"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'~!!!!!~!!!!!!I~~~~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!'!!7!!!"!!!~- dell. et a\.; for money onlY. amount
Or No Charge Centerville, Ohio , Phorie 78J
How WOlMn
- - ---- ' -
in Their 40's ! Can Attract Men TARVIA-LITHIC TAR AND_ EXCAVATING
Zain Armitage Phone., Way,nellVUle 44 R 11
office Pbone 473-KMorrow Pillme No, ,
. .",.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!\,,,...,,,,,,,~~.
, ,
sal.. .JUly 1,8
8IIJL8y .B1JB.'NEftE .
"BoaR ON TIlE pa.uaU:" eenIl DIIa~ No, 8, ~~~~~~~=~===
, NOTICE .....
- --
, short 8abjec" ,. .a.a..'...... lalr 1.10 !
()AROLE WMB&RD IA1D8 8TBWART ' IN "II&DB EACB ,0TBi:a'm-t 8.J,jecta' .
Hore'. cO<><l adYl ... for .. woman durllur IMr cbanBe (ualilUy fro,m 38 to 62), who 1.... .b.·11 lillie her appell W men, who wom.. 'abollt haL nuh" , 10M 01 pep, dIu.y upoet nerY" and moo<l)' ,peill. JllIt pt mare fresh air, 8 bra. liMP and U ),011 need. Nlilable "WOMA~'8" wale taka LYdll E. Pinkham'. Vea-table Compouad, mad•••""da/l, Jor ..,.....; It belPlIN~t.,. build up pbyalcal ....ta .... tbUII he pi D'N more vivacity to ...Joy m•.aDel·.-let CIilmIDC jllta,), n",v" lad tb_ dIalurblllCl)'1II~ lAu.. thet oltan, lc:comJlfo~ e..... or urI. Pitlkbam·. Ie WELL WORTS tI)'iD&. •
lat.1oD5: Pheasant.--etqsered eeaaon, open daya .aa follcrn--Nov. a. 9. 10, 11, - j '16, 18, 17, 18; 111, 28, 24, 2J;; 29, 311, j L1m1t. two coCIt pheuantf; ller day• I two days l1m1t lLlloWed In p06lle&81on. Rabbit - open . season same 86 pheeae.nt In Novem~. arid shootInr 'allowed eve.:)' day cxcep,t Sunday tlurtng Deoeblber. Llm1t ,four per po&day, two dayS llm1t allowed &es1on.
Sportsmen Corne'r ' aOnT POR AND CONSICPf
,oar Ca~ 1I0Pt:.bMp aDd ealVet
to Norrt.-Broek Qt..1 lffli wrre aDIl PJ'OlNIIiv. Ilrm ''1r the '''la'he*1 m~."prie .. ,aDa, lood ••~e&
• TUDe ID on ' Raalo Statio., WOK,\ 11:21 to 12 :80 p. m; rol' I)U" dati. D181'lrflt ~eJ)ril'tF
- ry . ItCh·.1.'e ,.St-II . F.. • JI. 'Q'U•. ,.1_ IC k I I I·IeI __ ~~
Ii.... T~••t lase. U..... ,.ItI.~SOn••n-D..IreI.
.' -' Th.,. ~ 'OII'~ IImple]et Ine.penlive wey to eo .. tI,.ltching en torture of Eczema, Itching To.. or Feet Reshe. end many ··oth.r .... rnolly cou$ed I~in eru t,ions end that il to apply Moone's Emerall011 night ond morning' end poople w~o luffer from
~:~bl.~m;o;:rds~:gwis~rto ~~11t~tIY ~ skin
=---:Last weeks' COll8ervlltlon COuncIl hearing- e.t Columbus on a&.me report 'was of special Inte~t to southern ohio S"';'rf8ml)D ' ihe n"ew COnservatiion COUnc11 · met. "Ith the old one and ·tOOk offlce the toll ow!Dg day' About 300 repreee'ntatives or sportsmen's clubS throughout the stMe attendetl hearings' and m8~ recoll1n)ended .changes In ·th~ game laws anti regWations. The majority seemed ' :well satisfIed with open seasons as they now stand ex(ept fo~ some way to stl4!'ger huntlI18 days purlng the phetlM1lt ~a.nd Part..
Iant propagation. In seouthcm Ohio, Councu
cha1rma.n Joe Strob stated
In front 'of the ' enttre group that the COuneU Intended to see that
,.,. " . special effort to
ridge season 'I n order to give game J~at oak any fint-c:lell ?ruggilt for a~ a chan~ to get In the fields again, orlglnoJ bottl. of Moone I Emerald 011 Action on these lIuggestlons will be end refuse to accept anything else. It. II found In the new game laws elseluch e highly concentrated preparetipn I that· e Imoll boHle lasts a long time .and where In this column. furt!'ormore if thil clelin, powerful, 'pen .. / At your correspondent's request tha . t hn 9 011 t~at helps promote healing more attention be given by lh~ fa ils to gtv. you full end comPlete' lIItia'l .f~ction you can heve your mon"y refunded. ConservOltlon Department to phellS-
-~. -..::.-
_ _.,..-. __._---:::= _ .:..,..
U.I•• Stocll Y.,.' C._l.utl. O .
117 to IIrIDe • bullet Of fOOd and bot dol IaDdwtebee will be supplied by tbe c:lub . RUIIIIell OUT, Clarence Willlama, l and Eben tat of (he euiel'L.iilll.le n , j and lW1Ch C9IJUD1ttee hav Qrtang~ I an eveniog of fun. hend-lined with Mr. IUld Mrs. Dolph Long of J!)ay_ ton, who Will gdve , an exhibition of fly and bUt oaatIng-Gfid give In· etnlcttoll8 to all comers. The new dry land casUng galne "Flsh-O',
Pa11trIdi~n same 118 Phea,r;ant with Hm1t of four per day or In poSsesa1on . . , 8e t 2& to 8q~~=n &eIIIlO~t'~ . Oct. 1 . inc ve. _11 our per day two days l1m1t ......owed In pas'
wtl1 be la1d out, WIth five 'sets of Pr12Jes and a IIIPI!cial one for the If\.dies. Three borae shoe courts w,1I be avalla.ble. Swimming and fISh_ ' 1ng at the parks regular rates. The clUb 18 offering a new Sbakespeal'e "" Wonder reel from ~he Famous AUt;/) SUPPlY Cor the largest f1sh caught dUJ'ing the evening. Cold drinks , w1ll be sold at 8. special booth on the grounds Most of the 28& . members and tihelr friends are ex· pected to attend. - - - -- - Mistur · ...... f II In . e eYapol'8-. rom so Lar&,er Becauae of Betler Quality. Service, cleared UcIds abou~ nine times a s . • rapIdly as from: soil covered with Eatabllahed 1849·1939 - - Wayneaville,
improve the bird hunting In .t hat section of the state 8f68lon.. ~ sta.rted-1Uld- that the hunting Raccoon-o~ season Nov. 1& to problem of our territory be given Jan. 1&. LImit two per day or in active COll8I.demUon, posaess1on. Alter the he~ng both old and Fox-No Dbanie in seaSon. open new Ooun<;U memb~rs met In joint at all tlines' ln We.rren COWlty. . sessloP8. The follOwing dQ¥ the Grow;e.-()pen season Nov. 10, 11; 25 T I _ I new CouncU ItoOk ofIke and at the:r 17, 18; 24, " ........ t two per day or meeting appointed the 'present COil- In possession. servation Commissioner Don W!J-tcrs' Opo66UlTl and skunk--Open sea-
~t ~Itlon.
to remaJn In Exceudve secretary .' Buck Rider . was appointed as assistant CommIssion. ~ Under the new law these ap. . polntments may be changed at any time the Council sees fit to do so. • • •
fl>n Nov. lQ to
~ l~.
HUFFMAN B·. CYCLES The _Buy of .'39 Fairley Hardware Store and 'Price Phone 3~
No Hm1t.
denae forest. Water evapora.tes from 8D1l In !the open.park type of _
In 'J)1ace of their reg:ulair monthly SpeaIdng of the fight In COngr _68 1slonal repm;ent&t1ves rega,rd.\na' tile the Warren County F1sh woods five times as rapidly as from . til Adm1n1stratto' nso d meaaure are I.n81stent Ulat ' • , U In " ......... ~ over e n sp:> r, . every poe Fd Game A6i0clation wUl have a 60 \lense ... """" containing un'I"leutraUtyOl Bill, perhaps no other sible Jl1'O'I'ialon be made by' law' to family picnic a.t Wayne Park. Way dergrowth. 'meallure has attracted as much at- !Deep the nU1ted states out of War. . nesv1lle next Thur&d&y e11ening at -- - - - -_~ _ ten~on from over the country 81ncr At least. ninety percent of the com. rlere ·are the new hunting regu· 6 .30. '!be pl8ll8 ~ tor each lam-I UBB 'I'IIB IILUII GAZET1 t: the battJes over the Supreme Court mun1catlons received vOlced -oppo_
---. _ ----. , . Keeping The Kid Sati.&ed '
.., .' -_.By.. . .-Gene ._.'. ."\. '-r
rI .
" .~-
r;;;;;;"::"::~;';;"'------""''''''''''''''---:::::=====:::::-=:''''''':--I-----:::::=====:::::----r--:----~:::===::::-.:....--, .
PacIc1ng BUl and the ortg1na.l Re. slUon tb the Adm1n1stratLon spon,. organIZation .Bill. Thousands. an j BOred Bloom Neutral1ty BUl· Most per-haps even mll1ions, of letters and of the messaps requested that the telegnuJIB poured in' from back embargo on sb1pment of &ml8 and bome on MCJDbeI'a of Oongre.S8 rela- munit1an6 to naUons ' engaged in tlve to th1s contl'OVel'ldal measure. war be continued and that 00ncreI!a SeeminglY. the great D8.1ority of n~ extend to the Pres1d~nt any new Arnerlca.n !lit1zens" IDtere6ted enough powers rege.rtling InternatlooaJ af. to get in touch with their COngr~ ' falrB.
~~. ~----------------'----~~~'.---"~-----~---,----------------.----'. ~e offer a satisfactory Service . ..
at all tim..
MCClure Funeral Home' PIa.De .7 ,
If y~u*, car doeaJl't work iiaht have your ia"ition' aJld ; battery.cliecked. If your bat~ are. : . . .. . . ...•..... : ....... ,. ,. tery i. bad replace it with a Men'. OYeft!OAt.! or TopiODaCa :". I8e M4l8f'. P\aha qau. '. .......... ;18e WILLARD BAnER" Men'. Sult. ... ~. .. . .'-'..... .. .. .. .Me ,
Enjoy a Deliciou. Hbme Cooked
.. ,t
. ~H1CQ:N
LalItell' Plalu Dreates' . . .' .. ..... SOe .smaU cJaarre for SImIties' .Cedar-
lied rumen' -tor:aJe bat:.
I, Everywhere " .e cauae of B.Her Quality, ~d Price FRIGIDAIRE "COLI)..WALL" • Th'e World'. firat "COLD.WAU." .Refri&'':ator .,hone·32 Wa)'lleaville
Telepho..e 122 ,
~I~ you kllow' &hat yoa Clan aeeure , prae~ _ny line of' mlerchancJhe' or ~ ' nCht~" In our own com· TIq.& a dollar 1l,»eDt., 11) ' 0~ H~ ~own-iD lOIDe fonD or anoUaer returns 10 the _pender'
· mUDlty?
~ . ~~;... pro,...
The bualnelll 'men plans 10 ImPr:oye elvie
· .u
'e nr
to lena their . . .~. to
"OW patropqe.
,100' Free ~eatre Ticketa~
nelrbbo!} and rrtenb-Uae,, ·an
iuul upantlon. .lJ'hr,y lnY1~e aDd .P~te
Tb~~b tbe ~
of "PhU Sml~" manaler· of ~be N!!W' TwIn Tbeaue, we In! ri~r awa" 108 th.tTe for the nleSt eI.... Web sis or loeal ,111.1... will .. ..... III the ·... of .... ...,.e. ~~,..~t'l'lP-oriiii:i6;;;nilni":be aelected-'at. nDilom lrom oar . . . . WIle J'OIU' DUDe a~~ call ... the bOll the N~ TWm Theat.,e, l4enUf" yo,arieU aac1...,eMU' "'" 01 ihe acl In .~ ,oar name • · and " ou wJU tee,elYe TWO FRO, nCKETS. I ' ',' • ". . : '... • '
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(~ed b1 WI1b~ ShaDe)
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:::N~,~~~~~~. ~ ~,~~~,~~~~,,_
'------------~ property ot .~nllt Uu(leI'Wood, liT. ~Aln" CHURCH • • • ~ • Mr. Bnd Mrs. R. ~. Asbbaugh ... R. I.. U . . . .ell, M!nIa&er
Wedn~ay nlghL. ,
lru: meeting
~~~T~UAJ!.~ M~~'::"
crImlnoloilst. and IUI8b tor . . . . . . of reI&t1w. lD lawyer wU1 aw-r In thl! t.Ud1t.aI'~ DIItoD. lum at the M1Uill Ohautau. ... . ' . • • , " qua Sunday, JUl1 It .t' 3:80 Po m. abel' SIma bY ....
IcDown lecturer.
8uella. Bernard spent the Pourtb ' • • • • • T<I U~ In the hearia of thoee we with Elsie Ilae W1cal; 0( . Mrs. CharleS KYIle is. visIting with Pav.1! behind Is not Jto dl". • • '. • • relati BatAl8vW nd " New Boston were week end guests yes at e, I , In the m~ of life 'we nour. Tbe Ervin ThoJnuea ' vII1tecl' w1th
: ;U.:ol: Is vWtln 'sheth as like th~ ~Ia that groweth .O, . - . g up, but in the evenln~: It IJJ cut d.OWD lJ (}o, m .--orn1ng Prayer and ser· Mr. tmd Mrs. C. C. BoohIJer of with cta.~~~ ~.eo; In Dayton. and wlthereth. " ". Cin··1nna'" ·~re spendJng the week . m-. ..,...... w , Miss aFnnJe White llpent ' the day MIss LovLsa Anne Bolton. cta.ugb~ MONl)AY with Mrs. Com Davis and brotti~r. ter of John and EmUy Bolton, WIIS 8:30 p. rll-BpeclB.l rulOir practice, . ' . • • • Sunday with Miss Eve)yn Berryhill. WESDAY Helen Hood. who underwent an • • .' • • born In Plke County, Ohio. 8eptemOlellan I Miss Mary G~bons of Dayton Is ber 191 h, 1859 aDd departed lbJs 11 a.. m.-Qrd1na.tloll se<vtce. operation at Mf , tlosp tal last vlSlUng with her sister Mrs. Aurellil June 22nd. 1989 "t the Ilge of 11 Hess ' years, 9 month8. 3 days. Just a few week, ' is reported doing well. FIlth SUnday
,fte:T ~ty,
MiAMi CiJ!'lfiIrE
J uly 01 Mrs, Leda. . .Vlllan.. ' •
e' "
Mr. and M'rII, Bam Noble at AI_ Sunday e\tenlng. • • • • • Tbe Ladles AI' d ?""" ~~Iet: y of ,i.e . .... Sugar Creek church met at the home of Mrs, MJke Bockov~ laat Wednesday.
Db. B&IlIIeQ brlDla lUst bind ' In. .t~ about IUlIIIItera and tiwr vIcloua ~ . . He hUnBelf w.. "taken fOr a ride," 'by ""'._, v,,--v aanaatens and survived. He Uved amour the capone p.ngatera 611 an ~ 1oveat.l8ator, re,*ved IICOn!I ()f ~ and baa • • • • e been flrecl The p , J . Tboa.ases were ca1Ung · ~ , on the Earl 8hi.nlls. and Starke Dr. HaneI!D baa bMI1 ' hoDored or· t~ -·" .. -· b r . l C a u y y the 0h1c&&0 BIU' ~ amUy near RldgevWe Sunday eve· ela.ttOll, · an }CJI'8Wf";'Uoo or 1,Il00
turDecl tiD
ber · ~ beN &fW eeVera!' mrlOtha 111 Beth·
any. ' .
• • • • • . Ibis ~ Terl'y Sa enjo~\ a vac&Uon from 'her duUee in COlum, bUs. where abe bq been for tbe pan yc.r. • .• • • • . ' ~ ~ J. B. Blteman and . ....._ .. ___ .... aoDII, .eutert:aInoc1 .. __ u ..... _ ...
•. • • •. • m.o nths OOCore she l'ftched Mr, and Mrs. FQrrest GrondIn of Day Con. visited her parent6 on Sun. Mrs. Wallace Elliot and children fi ne old age of 110 years. amlIIIUrr. recentl)', 111m Mr. ~ Rev. · .John V. LMy. 1\Dnlster day. were dinner guests of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Th.c days of our y.oo.m are three· ning. laWJ'fli'a. for ~ and 00"-- MnI, OhM. BbIIif and Ur, ADd ~, SllllcUlY. J\llY 9. • • • • • p . W. Sture on Ule Fourth., sc.'ore years and ten; and if oua eervkle. . He has spoken from Bud SWIII't8eL 111 near oretaa&a. • • .• • • reason of strength they be Little Ervin Paul had hls t&.sns ~ .....~_... . ..- • • 9:30-0InJl'CIl 6. hool, R . D . Oollett. Mr o.nct Mrs. Wilfred Sims of " "'-~ and Is I'eCOII1I1Ied as .. • ... &IPt. DaytOn were week end guests of his Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meredith Dnd score years. yet .. "Is their strength reinoved Prlday at ~he Bla.l.r boa. ene Or the moat dramatic epea.ten Mrs, Adah l'l'&lmqe, JeIIIle a.r10 :40-Motl'lln'" W I'slilP. Subject I)arents, Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Sims, children were Sunday dinnol' guests labour and' sorrow ; for Lt Is soon pltal in Lebanon. He is recovering of ~, ner ' And Lee 'I'aI.aIaIe were . enter· ., tr d nIcely. . the "Nbw Wln ... . , • • • • at Mr. IlIld Mrs. E D. Belden. 0 ,M. we . 6oWQy. • • • talned to c1lnnIIr 8unda.y in MONDAY Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Trout of • • • • • I~ early I1fe she 1bt!Cllme e. mem• • • • • The MlPmtat9lr ~ under the home of Mr. II~ BI'GVIn and III7:30-Epworth Loogue. Springfield. visited Mm NeIL Peter. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lansinger of ber. of the M. E: 'Church at Pleas· The Rev. W, O. Sm1th farn11y dlrect.l.on ot Mr. Don Pel!fer Will ttr, II1u Browa. of mu' WF..DNESDAY son and famlly on Sunday Dayton visited with his mother, Mrs, ant Valley. Ohio. AltJlOUgh she be. are visiting the tormer's folks In live .two ~fI."ta • tba U1am1 9prin8 V~, , \2 :00-Frlendsh!p Club will have • • • • .' Olarence Lanshlger on Monday, came Interesteq, In local church Ufe Vlrglnla. Beulah 8m1th has been Valley ChautAuqua. 8unday July a. ' • • • • • Q picnic With Mrs. Walter Whit. Mrs. JOM O 'Donnell or Cleveland • • • • • In the various CClmmunltle6 wh~re spending t he past week 10 New The ftnt lODe W1¥ ~e the Kra. J!Idna mteman 1lWJlbernker. , Is sJ)ClldJng ,two weeks with her M;r. a nd Mrs. J . C. Hooven of ~e made het 'b.o~ An her Journey speaker of Ute afternoon, Q. Ray ed With a cornpaD)' of lad1ea WhO parents, Mr. <find Mrs. FrBlnk Kyne. Dayton spent U10 Fourth wlt.h Mr. through' Ufe. yet hE:r • • • • • Hansen at. 2:15 and ·the other at were entertaln~ Tb~ af~. MT. HOLLY M. E. COtTRCIl ' • ' . '. • • and Mrs. E. D. Belden. was never changed. . Lillie Benham entertained 6:30 p, m. '111e band cona.1a Are noon at the home of lire, Mabel T. 1\1. Searft, Mlnl'lw Mr . and Mrs. Lawton Bolender. 0# • • • • • A beautlfUl.• ~tun! of brotherly Mrs. Jennie Mullen and Mrs. Tom' almoIIt a weekly affair lind we Holllnpwortb near' ~, who Booton. Mass.. spent the week end We Me glad to hear tha.t Mrs and sisterly loVe . are portrayed Burton and daug~ter. Naaml Jane, greaUy 8W'OC~ted ~ ll11 eapee. save a Ibonr f~ KIa, '!'raDk Sunday Schqol, 9:30 8. m. E. A. with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. HDlland and catherine Spitler. who lms been the life pi t his sister and a brother 1.0 dinner at ,the I4ttle Inn on the Ially Ute pl~~ • Bnrd~, the 1f4rmer .... EonUuut, 8up~ other relaUves. qutte Ill. Is ab1e to be up and around Mr, BolIo Batton, who· have been 8aturda¥ weolng, July 8 the mov. Helen 8tepbena. 8he wu'the deEvening servlce 8:00 p. m. • • • • • at her !lome. PIllS tbroUgh het enttlre Ufe. Hap• • • • • inlf 'plcture "A Nattu'alllli" DIuT' lIghtful recl&iem of many Ioftlr Pmyer meeting Wednesday eveMr. and Mrs. Argus Osborn of pill( theY. ' lr1'ew up together with Mrs. Margaret of Middletown. In tecbDlcolor w1ll be preaented by I1ft& n\ng 7 :30 Wayn-es'vUle were Saturday evening Rev. and Mrs. Ohllton Bowles and their patents. then e.[ter the death Mrs. Lalla ~U of C1nc1Dn&t.1, Karl H. MaalOWK1 .t AucWor. . • • " ~ • A wel~ awaits you at these guests or his mother, Mrs. Sarah son of Atchtson. Kansas, arrived or the rather. a brother marrIes a Mr. and Mrs. McDuffey of W~· Ium. Tbla Sa .. remarllable fUm de- Tbe 'l'alulllge tIImlly wu vtI'J' EerVice6. 06b0rn. JUly 3 to spend .two w~ With hls wife who proves. to be kind and af· vWe, an~ EdwarcJ 180 of SIX'lng·Val· pletlna lliant. bIrcl. and other &Ill. pleasantly au r pr lee d Monda7 • • • • (. mother. Mrs. W. H. Mondabaugb. tecttonate ItkleW1Be !Xl slster. thus ley called at the J . 8, PIler home mal actlv.lty t.hnJu&bout the JeIU'.. evenblg wben: I(n, JIerbert e. War. Mrs. csas. Kyne and Mr. and Mrs. • • • • • happily she had made iller hOOte Se.turday af·temoon: • • • wick and two ~ "dauIHt.ra. Doors 1\ open at th.e residence Mr. 'and Mrs. ~mer Ritenour of wtbh Mr. ~~ : MI'$. Rollo Bolton • • • • • Ther. wtD ' be ICIIIle ,fIDe aoIoI8ta III8III!ts Mary .~ ~ N~ of J oshua •Harvey very Sab6.a.lh at Walter Dels and daughter of ecn. To Mr, end Mrs. Wendall Mor· 'lib.\) Will be 8lUlO1.U1Ced later be. Yo~ caUed ..t thelr tlome. 2 o'clock P. m . .fQl" the assembly ot tervllJo. wcr Sundo..y dinner gues . Llvings1.on Manor. New York, ur, whoSo ' son. :John . Pn,ul .natumll! of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kync. rlved 'I\tesday for a. visit with hI~ came the ideal of her a ffection 'and gan WI\B borri last Saturday. evening sides danrlng and comedy aQts of The .~ ..ere to I.oWa- ' his ,body tJ,e ch~b . • • • • • mother. Mrs. Grace Ritenour. devotion a.~ she WA hed him grow :1 llttle dfIughter. named EleanOl' vartous SQrts. An evning of' tun and vWe, Ky., to ipeDd} the weet !with Jo&htl:l Em'vey hofr and Mrs J W H kl f • • •. • • . lip in to noble manhood Ito later. be- Jane. She is the MO~' sixth laugotlter Is In store for all at 8:30 Mr. Uld lira ' W~'s eon, eber. Oolu~bus we~ Cues~ ~~erns t~e Mr:<;, Clarence LansJ nger and hel' 'ome Il doctor. . chlld Mlfl they now tbree under the d~tton of l11li Veda wood, who ~ ~ 10 tAI&cbJIIc Fourt.h or Mr. and Mrs. J . W . Ful. moth r. MJ·s. Harry MYers a.ttended J About four years ngo. VJs.a , a s hel bOYli 1Uld three girls; a very nice MCCray. 1!! '!Po ~ tbere. KJaa Mary :tetIl lrer&on. the tune.raJ of Clarence Mahn at friends know her be/;t, received famtly. On Tbur.da.y. July 13 an old • Juat returned bGIi» tram PalJWa,. • • • • • CenteTVllie. last Monday. . serious hlp mJury frorn a fall when • • • • e faabloned .....~ fDOutrel vine, Where abe wi a' !P'&duat<l' of • • • •. /lhe spent_ Quite 9OWW' .tIme In ~tt1e JIIDJIIS', ~ .ltter.cfle• wtll be . _._ ...._bv .. _ ....._ __ . ' .. ,II........ __ .. , _... . . . "._ Mrs. Wm. Hartinger enLertaJned , • ~; ._ ., .... ....,_ Y"'_" v __ _ __ _ MTs. whl. Fulkerson... Mis. 'R aj Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hook and tt~ltal In Oolumbus wbere JOhn manner of small boys, rouldn't 'heed men in amd around ,Cbau~uqua. baDon as • 1ltudaDt. Krug and Mrs. JOM ODonnell chlJdren, Mlos Margaret CJ'owI. en~' PaUl 1s a surgeon. Due to tier ex· his molber's wanung to keep away' , ' • . at Mills , Helen Harris were guests at, 'treme age all tha . t II1UJnAn band: s from .. the~ . of her washer. 80. brIdge 011 Friday evening. the H: F. elow's picnic lilt IlUlers co1.l1d do tor her reCoVery waS of no h1B mother heard him screun. • • • • • Mrs. Mar~et Ba.rley ' ..and sonS ,Grove near Vandalia.. o~ sUnday, ttVall., Th~ me has ))lI.tiently bOrne wa~ In the Jront yard h&Dl1n« . POR SALE-Pr1es~ Ollll Burnett. of Dn.yton, :Wted her parents, Mr, • • • • _ •. • her surt~g with G sweet and COIl:ahe ran quJcltly to beIp b1m . wa~, R . R. 2. . and Mrs. P. A. Weller on Friday Mr. and Mm. Wilbert Bennington Rlderate ~tlon. and slipped and ~en Jlttttnii ~er ' evenlitg .•' and daughter, .Patty, IIJ?8nt the h~1· 8ince bedJUt for .Ith~ last tour knee.. shaq)Jy on tbe edp lof the SALE--8hol9ts. B1na. Pat.. • .". ~ • • • days 60~ Mrs. Benn1~n's parents y~, ~er · greatest conc~rD was that cement walt, '! Today lin. 'I'tIIJm¥ tenIOn, 4 mll~ west of HarveYII Mr and Mrs. . WIUIs zeller and' 01 New Bavara. Patty will spend me felt ahe. oould never, r:ePB3' 1Ir, Umps badly and JJDamy 18 & .adder burg on ' HarveY8burg~on road. Mr. ';nd Mrs. Paul'Wy,"""g e.ndSOIl8 a month \vitb her grandmother. end ¥ra- Bolton and John ~Paul for bU~ W1aer bqJ, . . ... M ' U tf of Da-yton VlsIted Mrs. .---' Sa~ Os-" • • •. • • tbeb' Jdrj...... - u.uv un tllrlng thought-. • . •. • • • ' , ~ . , born 'on P'l1day eventng,' Mr. Obal'les L. Pierce and chlldren fulness of qer. .She was a veo' Mrs. J . 8, PUer tmd .dILuIb..... . .• • • • • of Ancon, canal Zone, Panama. aT- IP'jI.teful and apprecillot~ve Bertba Pller,...and II.nI. James ~ JI'OR SA,I,.E-n&te cabllage plantS, Mr. and M~. J ImwOOd and sons. rived ~t to 8J?Cnd a"o and ~QUgh ~, 8OCk..a~ a.'Irtbda.v~""" 3fI'oenlo$ lUlDclred. deorge Peter90n of MIddletown 'Vlslted Mrs. Nell months vlslt mth his mOllher, Mrs. did' not lose .her..,JoviaJ . spirit• • She M1ddle\()Wft ~y . af~ tor tdle rnlk from ~ ynesvUle on . B e1L .Peterson nnd' other relatives on Sun. Indiana PIerce. . ' ,. loved to t.alk 1.0 friendS of the. Pleas- Mrs. PUer's ,aunt, Mra. Ilarpret brook . Plke. ' J29 do ~ ' . • • • • ' . ure she derived . in looking forward , Igo. ~o W8S 82 l"!'\youru~'I'ti~m --~--'-'-"".-----'--.-- ' • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Eowo.rcf Powerljof ,to the ~mjng yl8lt from time to several guests present and lei! ">AlfrED :"" Work in harvestJrig • MT, nnd Mrs. Calvin ' Brown of Springfield, and Mr: and Mrs, 'Ph1llp Um~ 'or fOhn P.atb. h1s w/fe Her. cr~m and. anf1f'l •. ft>~-d, ('!'I "e \VB l~ylJnaJtin lt and .ttll~shlng, by ex- Chicago, m ., and Vinette Boyce of wen~el '';If West C8froltnn ' were ntce, .~d little Mary K:a1ilryn: ilhetr served, .One of the 1'8Ite~, btol.lg' t pe:rienood white man· FOr JnfQrnla- Dayton ' were SundaY dinner guests hollday guests of Mr. ai)d Mrs. W. dIlUp'hte~ whom slie 10Ved' to Speak by Mrs. P1leT, w13s,b,,, d in II h en' ~ .Ilddi'ess !-frs. J~!mSO?' 342 W. of Mr. ~ Mrs. G. V. Sims. . H. Monda.b6ugb.. . of as "eweeUe Pie!! . :' ~ pan oVcr one hun~ )'e:ll'S Orand Av , S)ll'lngfteld. Ohio. ' . . . . . .' • • • • . • '.. I Sbe l~vee to mourn .her loss. one old ' and" 'II!" I decorated with · .~: ' • July 6-13-20 ' M~rV1n Compton or Wright Field Mr. and Mre~ Jeiul Werner, Jr., brother, Rollo Bolton and . One ~. cand,l. . , ' • was .a guest Over tHe lI'ourtll ' Of his of ~n. have_moved to., the ~es I tief:. Mrs. Susie Mal'tJn. her devoted . . . . , . •• ~ . .. _ ..... _ d ,,,,,,, Co . home . On Well~ PrankUn receptly ! nephew Or. John 'Paul Bolton and A~ . a combined .shower tw Ml8s Use' The II1IUr11 Gazette an ~<>- _ax m.p. .v~ted by Mr. and Mrs, Lomite . tbree n1eces-MIls. ,MOlly Cotterman, ELSae MRe Wlrel . "/00 ' ;~ wI"' ,,~ Wan t Ads . Stephens. , I~' Mabel cannon and Mrs. c, N. come too bride or Robert WUIet$ or SmIWl. Also a ·ver.y deVoted sls- OentervWe. and G blKhday dinner tor·In·law Mrs Bolio tor Pled. . COnklin. fol'MVlnIl' ~ She 'goes to jom 1)8rent&, and guests present .t ,the J " " • two s1sters who hit.v~· I~reoeded her Wlcal boIIie Bun~: Ill.', aDd ~ ~ to ber eterOOl bome. ~ Conklin lind , dlaUc~tet. . WaynesvlUe; . Elmer CqnkUIi . 0 • There is no deathl . The . IItau'!! go ~n; Mr, and Mrs, Allen Luou' I do~ . and ~p and Mr. ~d Mrs. atarlp.s To dse upon IIOmetatrel ahore and tam1Jy_ of CentervtUe: And ~lBht In ~eav n'~ Jeweled M . ~ Ibiig and HUet crown , Mi.• am M'r8. RufUs ' OO!tlkllin They shine foi- evel'lllOl8. - .daUghter, M1as ' , .Mr. an~ Mrs. BriJ;II There Is no death! All :Bniet form Bnd Mrs.' Robert Huey ~ ' t,!&J. W~ks o'er bhe srth WIth .s.oent ton; ~I', aniS . l\tn,. ;rrvtri ~~ tread, . and IIIss GUlotta· 8mJtb ot MId: He bears our best Ipved tt~ away, 8letoWn; Mr. 8nd Mte Sam And lIhen we call the~ deaf!. ~uln &nd flW1lY and and . , ~. A. llatsori"abd IlOl1 of Rk~l9nd, And~ver ' neBl' ~', thoU'!rh unseen. lndJan$ ; Mr.' and ¥m ~ Wade The dear Irnmorta.l splrlts tread · and son Joe, -Mr._ aDc:t lira, ~ 'JIYr aU the lIoundlesil 'unlverse ' Sheets, ~d Mr. And , Mrs ' John Is I1fe;-there are .nO '4t~, Sheets _all 'of ' ~; ~ ~M:rs. Porresl 'Jr. Martin , ~. ,0«11'11'8 C3epbut Of Alebn__ • , ville ; Mr. and 14h, Allen WJedner :I ., CAllD ' !lF~~8 -: ~ f~ ~ ~burg;;~, ' ," In ' thJ8. way we;.. 1riah to express M"ra. ~ames 8nd ~ our slnpere thanks \n oour rrtendS Mr. "nd~ ~, P ... R. W1cal , , ;. and ~1i'~r8. for .!tbeJ:r • help and aa"g~ter•.. Elsle .~ tm4 "'_'''_~I '. ,... j.. ltmdness in oUr recent sorrow for W1l1e~t; ~ttr BuJg~ of South Leb· . II "tvw~ 1 . the ~' of .0!Jl ~r. 1banJcs anon. anq Mr. Kelsey qt, ~tervi1le, the .~vely nowent; and 'thanks anti . • -:7",...:.. ' ~ , --....,....;...METHODJST CnURCH
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~ ~~~ to :· Mr. ;~cOlure · to 'P1n8l . ~ .·or ~~ ~v.8mith arid to those Wtto. B1Jp. lion of .~ ,.m .d~ .
~ upon ~i\tlte: ~r.e" .regardJng the ")'m!6Identllil derJ~,dl L, ' ~ 1:.-0:... .' I, . . .-, .. t~. a n~ "N~ty" Bill '.~ ............,,0 . '" . lI,ov~ ~ . . , . j. '. The funer~ of ~<p,e~ '~ei extendtng ' the- ~r '01 ' the ' Prest. ! WitS held WednesdaY at~ . at dent . ~d hIs .\dmIn1et.:ratioli in In. · ~,.ID1~t~ .~.mC!.~ .b~Iat;h"fa.q . .resldence of 'Jber' /!(l'n; a,lC~ ' lte~~a'tfall$, · lJ1ie·'~OUae ". thSt . iii ear. ~.~ I• . Sw,:ta1 wM b1 the BellbroOk .,~calli an or · laat week . '.110 ,ftret ~ ~ beca\1M u~~~ .~emete~. " " .. jog OVer, ~e ...".I~ ~.....~tl , -:boy. .: . . . ..'o.' . . . tnJdm ·.t'.P8l ,~· ....- tJ. ! . " ... . " PI'OIl:UD, avofHbiiani' tie!ni . . ' ret1p'Dl. , " ." . . -' . '. I A!tboUg~ moet the ~¢cultuml\ .~ .~ lajt ' 'Pr1dU, q1l8lldel""~.Qb-' ,. agenct~ of' PJe tI'Dlfat 8tateii 'are aenate . however 1t!e atwY ~ eqUal . ......, tal ~ paa. ~ ' mob!ll2Jl!c.1 to f~~ ~ ~On. cmrerent ~ ,as &be rule of WIUIQ. '! , ~ ." -M ,~ Y~ ,mn ~eh~ . ~' Cti~tet, . Pn#~r Alex , ~~ i~cu1tuie~ d~ ,8UaJIU1-.' that the . ...,.....,~ . .,.elYXfor 'Ita l)eauq. COmfort, PI; ·~~ce- i ~partziaeot, oti1h ~ ~ty, maher . WIll tie db Bed fUlly'~Uld tiut yOu Gd4ItIon: th&t.~~Im~rtaDt .)'8 be~ flow caa:a ~ ' lfOwn ~ 10 thM;~. A. .tbIs atrQ WIIiMI. . . . .. ... wlM1 IflIIS labor em 'Stiei11e IP"a-y'el. ' wrl}ten : tbere ....,. tip b8
S -tOte-
Ob,vroaei1,' " IJ!.'
beatitlfU} , lIOur sentce. ~. Rolla. Bolton.
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---- ~
=-IUUL:Y 15011· SJlEffA "REiifRi--.'YELloW '- SPRINGS. Letters Of Two' Former . . fnfl' ENftOllMENl ,. ',' DUE HIS MON1H SUMMfR THEATRE WaynesvilleRe~.ideDt.
IIr aDd un. ' Ofobn Prcam vii" , lted ;'lattvei "to 0an0D. SUDday. . AbOUt 160 peJ'1lOQe i~: Man'" .' Eplaoopal Cb~h' bcMm ~ • • • • . . lor the lII'ViC:e On1InatlOD 01 1oI'r. 'aDd IIr& W1lliIal Dolt« Rev Roberl ~dHacltw'll to the ~. ~ Gil Mr. and IIr& . . ~00d by the at · ~v. KeDlJ BraddOck. BWldI.Y. Wile Kobaotr. Bisbop ~f Southern • • • • • Ohio: ' • Mr. peny Hartaldt of Dayton ...... 6 .ReV. 'K Barr'''''' u·.o'ey re- apent lUt week &t the home 01 hSa ...... .....u - . daUCbter. 11ft. W. E. Stroud. tDr of obriat 'Ohurcll, Glendale, delivered the sermon Rev Mr Hacttweh • • • • • Wall preaeDced lOr ~ by the ~. O. E. ~ of Dayton Rev. PruI& H. NelIo6, rector 01 spent the day ~ with ber Ohrlat ObUl'Cl\ 01ncbm&U The J!eV. 1IIater. MrI. R. A. ~. .1 J . Scmaefter: 01 ~.ormer ~t.or . of the at · MalT' Ohurch. II1Ia 8&rab ~ visited lut B#V" J p. Brereton of Dayton aM ~ at t.tu; bOme of ·beI' aunt, lira Rev: L. Kenyon: of i.'l&ckue~: V.lctor :-~:. Il11o it .. ..." lD t.he aervice. Other . . . vIIl~ 'c leru prelalt 'Wer~: Rev. lit.. a¥ len. RNlDond ·Braddock. AnIon PblDl.... Btoltee of Oolumbua, caUed on lira. Walter WUeoa Sun. . ... dItY. lin. WUeon baa been very ill . Rev. and . . . PbWlp Hull of Wort.b~ «- ..._ ...... DIontb • mrton • Rev and Mrs. Robert Pur- . - . . • • • • • • I'IDIton. 0' . Athena, 'Rev •. and Mre. ..... B. H WlllIamIon ~ I.nlhome of OllElnDatl, ~. . . ._ ~ are vIIIIt1ne lit 1n WDUam Gel)Ueman. of OInc naU, and Mn . R J WUUalDllOQ of Oleve~ Re!. ~ ~. of Oxford, luiil. • '. . aDd Yr. aDd .... 0baI1eIl ~era .~ • • • .' • t.bI Mr. lin. J. p . IMI1ct and JmmedIIlt.>1Y toDowing ~e aervice Boward Mulleo atteoded a a lbncheon was en.J01ed at ~ J.I1\tle ~ ~.t G"vme. Inn tY 'abcillt 60 memGel"'::' of the par OIII&IJ . lib. v1l1tma frlenda relativea and • ••••• cieru. UIiI Ruth ~ and Gerald Plnlterton or Da:rtoo were wMlt end -
• .• • • • -
Bun:a :n
W~ ~tbecIrfal·
th an
hundred glrla and are roUlng up their blan~ keta. .'bfttbtng 1lUit& and. ' tqrll ~ to aet an e8r1y start WedneBd&y afternoOn. n.~ e~ ---..... rollment tor . gilia ~hoee ,-~ ~Jecta are hi iood oroll' will be acCepted until ~~, JUly 15th. _•
81R1HOAY .1
. ~URPRIS[..
,,: .[ .
Mrs. Raymond Braddock
guest of honor at a 8Urprl8e
day party given fOI' . her by .the mbers of th Eastern Star chapme , .e ter. Monday night. . . After the regulat'< meetln4r. MIll. Braddock led ·the <pI'0cer8lon to tlie room'" whefe a beautifully &'p. pointed tAlble had been &rl'&I\Ied. hu,e C&DdJe-uihted birthday" caR III'acecl the center 0' the ,~ wu Iurrounded by an array fl1}lD her Menda. Mrs, Bra4dock then ·unwr&pped her and refreibinents were en.. Joyed by all the 1DeIIj)ere.
. 00. Ing. July. .
lin. . . . . lIo&lI'.esh. ~.,. ,.ue of
Tw.dar at,:
" . ~ I8UDwIaI ... -....,.,wt UJ..
'lbe Ud1IU ~ oI~ the f..mlJ wPl be
_lIIIldiIIbell.bwbuad ......... ~. ~ 18 at &he WhIte .lncl . , two daUIb-- lira• ....., JIouIit II'PUDdI. .... ", _DIS, ~ aDd Mn. ._ ...!..•• r.!~..• ' . . . Jaa.. .. ~. tIDIl . . 11m. ..... ..-flCl ~. aI ...... .SUnday 'I1lIM'*IaY IaRIrDOaA - ' . . , of 1If. and lira. CbInIa or 0bItI$ Gd. lliiarill 1111'_- 8MM_
1IIe . . . . . . ' .
::Ji::± .
Oharles. Batterlbwa.lte spent Bun~ In . Dayton. . Buest of hie brother Herbert. ind :family. • • • • •
~ec: .b~1I ~
a . _...ofnw guan.....
ot. Obent. Ky.•
lin. Pen7 Davia of
&be ......... a& &he
un: . w . P. .~. A( ~-~;
• ' .
~~ton. Ky" .i'ema1ntns · ,
lin .............. aeetor 'lbe. ~ ~ a:e\DIJan ·.8011 '. . , btld ~ ,~ , W~ Park; About • Uudr lin. BoftlrdllmlT.H SUNDAY,AP.'l'BR ~ ~ aI ~ family enJoyec' .811J'''" and fam117 oC New BurIlDl- 7:. . . . m JIobr OOmmunlon dfimer) uld outing tQrether -..,.-, '01. PiIrIeb ate lib Rober.t Bp and r:bUdnn. . .' hlritled to tbIII ,ffnt 1Io1Y CloIQr ~ti are~1~ng this wee~ TIe BoUaton: 'amIlY reunJoD was mUDloa aenice.of the .reetDr. ,the home at Mr. !'lUI Mrs! Keller . 8uDclaJ at 'tale ~ of Mr. 11 L MornIhs Pnirer and .famIly• • . '
··· •
' .
I.caDdaJ .
.. .. ~
ThU~ay. ~h!.
.. . ' .U&ly provided the: fund. to meet .&be ' , " . . expenses of hla profef;a1~ traID· ~Iy\.e ~romm and OecU Dav s u.te ;ng at Lynn Medioal Oollege in otn'nj()ylng 0. trip through tale East qlnnatl. He studtedthere undei- ' :\nd wlll visit the New York World's S9me of the most eminent pby_
• I. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Gene Oonner and family entertAUned at SUnday dlnner, Mr. , and ·~s. W61ter Jayson of Dayton. and Prank LeMay, Jr.
sicJans 'and surgeons of the day. A ietter that Dr. Scott .prqtueee In his biography Wall Wl'lt.teIi by Hallnah ~bY. ,Nov. 13. 183'l. who latft became Mrs. Evans.
. ..:...:..-
PriendShlp clUl:f ot the Me:h · Held' aD .an daY'iDe!Wi:i'tJter--Ufti·,.k·llftt,..;Nfr..o; ,**'Wec1¥ed&Y at' the beautl- T •. C. ~UDYaD. • • • coun~ bome of Mrs. . Walter . .. •• Wbtt.Met. A bounteous dinner was Mr. and Ml$. W. A. Lukens and enio.Yed OIl tile I8.Wn, atter wh!'Ch 'a~y attend~ ~'y!cnlc =:;.-=a:=,.t.-=;._.,::=....= ..", afternoon was spent pl8.ying Woods' Sunday. given by the 1'\n.teriIl8W!d games ioases Anna Marilyn Whit.. of t~e .Harveysburg 500 clul1. . I' ~d Anna May Watltlns sup'• • • • • plied It. musical ~.
teoui ~ ' WU enjoyed by to 'Ib8 J,adtes Aid Boc1e.ty of the ... &Ilk . . . ill 0heDt. ~.• wlUi memben of the famUJ'. . WAtNa~, OhurCh wIli have an an fMt ~. . , .IDTIIODIBT C~ ' . meeting, Wed~iLY, July 19, at . . • • • • • Ilia. b. O. Rldpi ..... ~. l;OU , 8ft...... v. Lu7, ......... bbme of Mrs. ~nce Edwrds.ldiI,\lgtlter Dr IIRr7 ~ 01 IlJiblerut ' am. R. 'II. ·HariIock · BUDda.V' ~. 111, 1~ . will be a lCOVenlCl dleh dinner ...,bYo m., ~ bia IUter.MiII l-.n .• . JaDe. 'aDd t:3O--Buriday 8chcd. a.,D. Ool1ett noon. bonortDg ali ' metlDbenl.:Uln JIlIa ~ to ~ Home. ~, ' "... ~ ~ton. 'l'hlll'l- SuPt• .' . I whose blrthda.YII are In 10r _ Indeanh ...,. . .l 10:to=-~ WorabIP. July... . , ilia,;
Letters from two .former , warn_' /,lIe resIdents whIch wlll .be. at tn~ , .crest to readers of t~ · MSaIDi ' uette are l'eprod~ced thle • • ' choren as the nextlSpecial production Mrs. Ida Marquardt entertained They are from Charles M . out. o{ the Yellow Sprlng6 Summer her grandchildren. Iris and Harold wrIght of ' Clllcago and Thea.txe on July 14 and 15. Dodson of Toledo, last week. ' Warwick. or Youngstown . Our TOIwn is the history of any s mall Amer'-n town of tiny • • • • • Mr. cartwright'l! letter folloWl: """ In many ways John EVaQ/l, tile' average AmerJ.can, from t!Je cradlf Mrs. Russell F1rank Mrs. Ira of Evanston, Ill., HUt tara:- . to the grave. Told with simplicity Brown and Mrs. A. E. St()ut wer~ est suburb of O~ago, was , the and na.tUralness that mark truly visitors 'Puesday afternoon. most .noted person. that Wa~ great drams.. the pla.y WIIi!! awarded • • • • • vl1l~ has produced. HIs fathl!'" ~ the PuUtzer prize tor 1938, highest Mr. and Mrs. Frank Loop of Le~- .l mel'cllant in . the town • . John dramatic award In IihI.s oountry. anon visited Mr. and Mrs. O. I . S6t· Evans, Cornell into tmmedJate)lrC!tD1vUf Town is one or the six recent terthwalte. Tue6(la.y evening. nence at thlB tJme beCause 01 the Broadway hits the Joou.l otheatre will • •• • • • _ biography that. ha.s . beeil .written b,. produce thl.s summer. The curtal ; Vein Armitage and Everett ~\~ Dr. Walter 'DIll Scott. retiI1Dir ........ . .. for these shows goes up at 8 :45 P. m. logs of Dayton, spent the week end dent of Northwestern trDlvenIitJ . . i...nillji aC HaJ"rlngJton Lake, Ky. Eva.n.ston John Ev...... fatw ... . • • • • • . '7'" .: Mrs D Coli tt d that his ~ ilboul'd aucceed . Mr. and . R. . e an him in the lIae 1Y. WaJQIIIVWe. famtly were Sunday gu sts of Mr. '. . . d Eln ' aagl t X 1& Bpwever, the. /lOll waa .~ 10 beat III 0 III Mrs. • )e: • • ere en, . that direction and asplred to be• All Masons In .t he Mlarnl Vnlll'\)1 Mrs I N. BonIs. of Ddy..on. spent '~me a phy61clan. ~ .pareDta ~ and their famiUes are Invited to a .1!vel'ni days last week he e with 'lPpQ!ied hI#! entering ~ JDBdfaeI monstrous jolnt picnic ,arid oulIng, I r sister, MIss Henrietta. McWn- 'Ield. Young Jobn B:v bad • . Saturday. July 15, from 1 p. ro, say. "errlflc mental etrug1e but be to 11 p. m. At Miami Valley ellau • • • • • nately decided to J'Wl ltontrar7 to auqua grounds. Brmg basket lunch. Mr. IIIlQ Mrs. HalTy Mlsstldlne ot ,he advice and Wishes of h1a ~. Free I~ fCl'eam. pop and coffee. Wichita. Kansas, were guests of the \!llta, He had no mooey and W'IUI. FOr further Information and free .ormer's brother. O. O. MIss1ldlne, '00 'proud to ('eque6t his father to tickets see R . H. Hartsoc.k or D and !e.m11y last week. oay for a med1cal Course I~ a 001- . R. Bmith. • • •• • • le!;e. Two practldng phy l:>lans at Way.;esville. however. a :rrecd ·,,:ltal Mr. iUld Mrs . M. A. Fulkel'llOn ~e J 1m waa pursu n·. :uld " GUERNSEY IS SOLD and Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawke nt· proCOv\lredse..'ft °att1tu.r.: In bo~ ~'k''''';' TO PATTISON d d .the~. ·'n ..... ft.. ....e, They lJt!Dl!r. - . ten e g~ 1n 01 n c1n.. '\'1) 'Is .fat\'jer.Uf>. for mobey.
years A Guernsey bull lin.: ' ....... bee ld b B I B Pres In ~n. 000ege. DaVid rece.""'J.. n so. y . e en ' . niece IUUl .lI8pbeWll. · Boger w1l1 teach in ~roodvUle schO:ll ton to John W. Pattison of Morrow. PImeral I8I"fIc:a were conducted 'nIII CClID1ne year . Ohio. ThIs animal Is Helena Con~ &fternoon at ~ ~d ·f~ • . ',. • • . ~or ' 273103 aooorcDng to Tne Amer. bOme Iii 'L'bInon, with · ~ 'lit. ad lire. R. H.' IIart8oCk. aDd lean Guernsey Oa~le Olub. Peter~ MI&uI1' cemetery. bere. .. Jean JDd. ;Jane, and )Irs. 'borough. N. B~ ,. ' 0, H. Dea~ Vtalted Mrs .~. •~ . ,.' 0
. .o. a Dlat6eAIP "
.r. •.d. . Pranklln"": m.iyors Office - Mon. esday , JUly 25th day. July 17th, Wec:lneeday, J~:th . W~~ Garage-Mon. dar, July :K~. ~ . Morro1'(-M~rs Offlce- TuesJ,WY l~. . Maaon-JofiI&' 8 Of!1Ce-Wednes~ : July 19th. • Returns.1Ied .,durlng July . cover the period .Jan~ fl~t to June 30th Inclualve. penalty. of one dolla, da II Ie led ~ ch d a y v or ea ay the retW1l8 re~n delinquent after JUlY 3llt I ~ II. Keelor.
• .• • • •
dates shown duro
~ Leb8nOD. -:- - ElU:h 'ltiui'edat, P11W &Il(1 tlU noon Se..t-
aDd Bumett. of Lytle. WedneedaJ:
Local HappeD.·Dgs
~. !d ~. :n~ ;:: O~~d=~e '!::':'naRITES. lHURSDAY were ------.. ~~ 01 Mr. lira. BarYt!J' Uve t J· are course
IIMIQD .......... died
FALLS ~EAD WHEN CUTING GBAB8 I\IIIta Gil Mr. ad MrI• .1. p , Larrlct. • .' . Mrs. arUee 1)1 Bbeftte1d, ,a. Lola BtIIQ .OI OIncIDIaati,sa . WhUe running • lawn mower at Ala., is v1l1t1ng at the home of Nr: • • • • • the home of 'nul...... Burns in Leb. ' • • u-.o Mn. p. U. ·LeMI_y,
l\'Or the COflv.uel1.ce of vendors YELLOW SPRINGS. Omo--one ..- ,- - - -.- .- .- .. - - - . . Ol\lb str1.B Will gather at OUnp who dealre ,,"neE' In fillng their or the grel\ltest American plays . y-=t . BOOk for their annual' period of Bales Tax an examiner wrl Lten. Thorton Wilder's Pulltzer aJ?-Cl Instruo~on. More will btl at; the fallowing price-Wlnnmv Our Town h~ been •._ _ _.._ _ _._ ._ _ _ _•
. . . . 111
Wayne. ville.' Obio
....... Aa Second Cl... MaU
Main Street
Ibtt~r at Po.toffi~. W&J1l.~II•• (j~
'Far,m Night Talks, July 17 "
8:1()--..of-H Club News-H W. Barshtleld, 'Asst, state 4.B Club Leeder. B:20-Voct.Uonal Horne Economics Pro8ram-8tudents of TbomvUle Htih School . dlmcted by MIss Irene Gutbrte. Instructor. 8:30-MU8Ic lI:t6-OUr TrIp to LondOn, England- MlSs Vlrglnla Bear, Home Demon. . . . . . AleUt. Pranlt11n countY. 8 : ~Uy VacaUon Places 1n Ohto-W. R. Wheelock, Chief, Burea" Inland Lakes and Parka. Ohio Q)[lllervatton Division. II :Dr.-M\lIdc. . •• 1~Th1II Year'll Oftlp Pmapec~V, R. wertz. Rural'Eoonom!Qs Dept. ~ : 36--80U
ErOeloo Pr<Iblem.s In Wayne county- D. W. Oalehouse. Boll Con-
IM!I'VBtt~ ~ee,
' J1.
=========== \'\'/,i
C.~~.rville, Ohio 78J
u fOIl .,. peP" u4 eI ,., . . . . . 70V to CIII,D- Ud IIIl"* • BUT U you aN - . ~ . . . ~ . . . woo't be' In~ KIll "quiet" d,... WbiD the,. 10 to~'" ....t a10n, who &1'11 fUll eI pep.. . 80 In _ you Med & IOOIl ftnerallYltaa toaIc, MDIemM.r · for "'_do.. _ woman haa told another bo.... to 10 "eeII!Iw dlrQ" with Lydia E. PInkham'. V........· ph"", Compolilld. n bill.,. build up ......... ee and thue "de ID,KI'IIDa ,.... _ pep and '-na dI8a- fniID ~ , UoUI dIoo ...... , You'l!.1In4.l1akbam"~ 'W ILL
laiD' ~rmit8ge .
~~l\~')ljt""l~n""-~ . ,
.~ ~..." ~oaa Brvn . ' 'iaGUHT lUDDEN", • . s-IaI ~ No., • · 1JMrt~
.,.'i ...
StaIe Capita) NeWI - --
. NIo~ tb6 IDItinJoUcma IIIIuiIIcl Jut February by ~ 01 8~
faIIowIDI tmtaane: tnt t.he time 01 bulldinc and the piece All ObJo Boy'. 'J'hIs. band • Dodgers. with all the h~1a that eJec:ttoo omd&Ia dllml.,<1 0&pM0l today remains pract.lcaUy U DOW be1ng asaemblied' and. wU1 be aooompanles suoh an event In "'Ia.t.. ..une SOUl by the 0\I1'INlIa coubtJ ~.-me &It W~ tint completed, OIl the fair growids f(tr maas rehear. bush. Is carded [or July . 19. and· 0 I Baud 01 JII~ ~ errors In 'When the ~e was laid. eo.. aa!a a. tuil week betOl'e! the falr opens .. wy 21 the Reds will., meet Leq count1Dl ballot.l in lUt November's IUlDbul, a duaLy town o~ 11.,000 In- ~180 ~\I~ ' mUllca.l part D~er'lS j{1an In e. t\V1n bl I. ...... ~ 'ItIe BoII'd tuled babitaDta, W8II fWed with I.rowda of of the PNlI'81,4 will be the Franklin L st pom of oaU wUI I.e .-bl;nde!tboeiI ~ 'leaD not be qalll vattora for the ocCasion, comlng by Post NO.1 AIDence.n .I.eglon Band of phia, where the r.eds a.~e to wppear be ~~ . boata on tbe newly opelied Ohio and Colwnbus. Tho . tradlUOII6l Ohio hi a single game on July 22 , Imd a A fine of 1300 &Dd,ooeta aDd ,IIiiC Brie 0aDal. ~y or ' otber State Pa4r NlCht HOI'88 8h~W, fea- ~uble-beader the day following, moot.a. 111 .~ tor ~ Butler county veb1cloi and on ~~k. No ual- tUrtnc .t he t4J1C1~t eaddle hOraes, .Upon returning to Crosley Field, ~ iucip CODvSo~ OIl a road bad .. yet entered Columbus and Ule famous "Million Dollar LJve- the Reds will ~eet the Boston Beea cbarve 01 .uot ~rlne al¥.t and a I,Ystem Of turnpUtea h&J Just ~tock pa~'ad~' wll i &b.ow In the 'f1l1r In a njih~ game on JUly 25. 'J1l1s chanRiDlt tbe.reeult In & ~l.~d beiun ~ center lW'Ound the ' c,ty. 'gJ'Ouhds coliBeuir( game has been designated as "Shrine DII&ed In the
1lIr1 ?~Wl, We Blectioal Dlvilkla o.f .h1a orrtce aDd the vvioua ClOUD :BOUCt Of. BIeouaa. we d,.1D m. ~ the elaioo 1&,.., oleu1Dt up ~ violaUona &ad ~ ~ tM Alii_ pr-lm&l1ea and No. vembel' eleoUon. The lticce. Of· till. clr1ve to enrorae tIbe eleoUon law. 1.1 el(f~UOJl,. . - - --, .. _ ... .,._...::~ _... IndJlit;lpent of t~o Clark' county . , poUtICii.n. ~ with ~'~.. e , . . II~hAnd votll\l IlOIllt!, 1? tnI.rWeut. voters. ., . - . .. Di!Jchatie of ~t otrlc~ In CUyIlhoaa DPUDt1 v.tlen It waa dIsooYered tb&t more vote. bad been ·tapled·than Ithere were votes cut at . H'" T......~ ..... a n!eel)t apecIal ela!tton,
Oovernora In a long parade ~ve . I Night" and. Oller 200 uniformed been lilII.ugurated here and 8)me o. people will take part in the pre. them been elevated tQ Ihe na· game festlv1t1es, . , tJon's Prest . dancy. Thousands or. L6.Jew~ Seven of the Reds were to have lsla.t.ors have sat In the Ia.w-~g ,. _ a.ppeared wlt.h the NatiOnal LeagUe chamber" and 8Om.e or the nation's With th • hi N t1 nal .All-Stars In their clash with the most noted JurislB Pl~ed ovu ~ _~rc 118' a 0 American League at Yankee Stadium '. League penna.... race ap;> or ~tlC),p&ted !p the state's and the ha.lfwa.y, point. the Clnolnnatl Tuesda.y. The group Included pitch, U............ naUons h1atl coUl1ts. 'No ce.lebnlUon Red we about to embark on their ers Paul Derringer, Bucky Walters of the Oap~tol's ~ hundredth an· •__ ...._ f ' " . alf f ' and Johnny Vander Meer, catcher third LlnDEAlI.l 0 Ule ,,:astern h 0 The,. II OM aI",pte ~ I~ WIly Just 100 Ye&I'& ago: July t, the nlvelWll')' was Pla.ruled and _1111 state t.hi circuit. It prOmIses to be an- 1m. ErnIe · Lombarcl1; first baseman to .... the itching and fortu,. of ea.INI, COI1leraUme of the Pl'elleDt ~Itol oares were clOlSed for the national ~t journey I thirtee I Frank McCorir,lck; second baseman Itching Or F..t h,hes and INny other eaternilly ceUHd...kin eruptiOftl and bWldlna til Columbu8 was lald by holJda.y. hed"'-"' -. : J nt games Lonny ~ey; and out fielder Ivul are 6C .....u .Ol'...-.. aun. Goodman that II to a pply Moone'l Emereld Oil night Governor JeremI&b Morrow. Tbe and moml~ and peqpla who lufl'a,.from bUOdlng was to be the ial'8eet and The most elaborate grandstand The Reds will ~pen at New York . _ __ __ luch amberrl..lng or uftlightly RIa tln8et of ttractlo In the bIatoIy f Thursday meeting the Oiants In . troubl.. -ould be wi.. to try It. • ..,__ all .tile .capltola at th&t "State _~_ will · 0 tile Ohio three~es ' ll\ 118 many daYB at Iihe Pullets aUl be V'8I:olnated to PIe~ Jult a,k any fi"t-cla" dnl9gilt for M ..."., and wben conaIrucUon wu ....... provide entertaln., vent a.ttacks of fowl pox and In!'Jcoriginal bottle of Moone', 'Emareld 011 started, it 1!'U believed tbat tbe me~t a.t· this big agricultural .&nd in- Polo Orounda. On SUllday \he club tious bl't)nchltts. The trea.tment Ind ,.futl to Iccept anything .he. It II such a highiV concantr.ted pBparltlon work would rilQu1re abt ~ .but 1t dllltzial ,bow this year, ~uguat 26 · will IJb1ft to Boston far a doubJre. Should be given whUe the birds a re to September 1. Acta Included 'in the , header qa.1n8t tfe BE!eS. The Reci- tin 1'& and are from 8 to 12 weeks that • ,,,,all bottl. I"h a 1000g tl",e and a.ctqally took 22 yeant. The furthermora . if thl. d .. n, pow.rful, pe,..:. ed cost was 1eaa tba.n balt & mllUc n I "Let's Go Ohio" show will employ and BeeI\... wU1 ~ tangle Inslngle old. tratlng oil t~at help!' promo" healing by, the real cost was t1 ,6tt.OOO. Just more IIl&n 150 pertormetS aDd win (Jam1!6 on July l~ and 18. . . _ _ _ • -' . fail. to 9i1le you full and com pia.... titSubscribe to the Miami Gazette foctioft you can have your monev , II. dozen aoveinol:a were In otrlce dur- I be auamented ~y mUBic by 11. . 300-/ A game wltb the Brooklyn
••• Sk-.I·
O'f R d .' e S
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• F·114 'SAFE .REnHllUllf
• MULnft£COUt
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- .. ' -' ~'. - · l~lI.1!RS
••• AND MANY...... " GUlST..... _MY. .: • Ch~ck Frigidaire qaintt them aUI Yon'll W .... yar's Frigidaire the greatest ono Frigidaire ner ba1Id . 'Rite, 'o f doUn· ..viog, food·.ving. work· ....... , .dvanra •.• 1,.15 ,0' galoro why it i;I America', No. 1 refri,eralDr, why it i' ._to ",.. ... 1bID any other bra ." i. See Frigidaire coda"
eJd¥ fRIG.IDAlRI:: IEIIR-Ila.r ,
Fairley Hardware Store Larger Becaulle of· Better Quality, Sorvice, and, P~~r c Established 1849.1939 - - W ayDeaville,. Phon~ < 32 ,
Phone Your Want Ad •
•, )'our cardoeaD't .,orIC ri,bt ·ba.e )'CMlr i;mtion and. battery c~. If your bat. .,e. . ... .. .......... .... .... : .... . tei:')" ia ~place it with a Men'. Oye.coata ... Topeoata .. 89c
La4lee' PlaID
cl.iti . . ... ; ..'...
EnjQY a Deliciou. Home CoOked
CHICKEN 'D INNER Suna.Q: At. _~ :....
.'-U_~lEfIVtct .' 'S{AltON~
Established 1849 ' Larger Everywhere Becauae,of . Better Quality, Service and ' Price HP'FFMAN B~CYCLES "-' TIie Quy of '39 ~~J!CC
'l'elephone 122 Cuatom 'Grinding and Feed ·Misinl Yellow Jacket, Elkhorn, and Raven Red Aah
DId J08
~ ~. , . . ~
IeCtI1"e :~u.;.11J an, u~ ' 01 IIIlenlbani1be or service rI,bt, here In onr own com. 'l'IIN ,• • ~UU , .D& In oar:,Bome Tow~-In lIOIIle lorm or .no~er tetoma to tbe llpender't
W .:... .:... ~'Jiar' ~bbO" and ~n_-theJ are ever ready to lend tbelr aulat&ueo to ........ ....., ~ ,.",... .... espaDIIon. Tbe1 Inri&e and epprerJale JO. patrou,e. .
,. TIle
I .
• IIVID. oar lu'tMlei',JpU-CIIl III&. ';0aneII
fit tIM! New Twtiin-cre, "'eatllJ . .... 10a -'u rec:ely. nt'O. ft&& TlmUrr8. \
. •
Grain, Feed, Flour, 'Seed, Salt ~~ Cement · Fence. Tile. Coal, Sewer Pipe, etc. , Wayne.ville, Ohio Lester O lthena PhqDe ~IS ,
ft.e ...- .... lie ......."
Wayne.svill·e ' Far~~r.' Exchange Company
100 Free ·Theatre Ticket. • , .~b. tile ~ fit ..fto BaII~'" ma..-c~ 01 i~ ' New T1rbi 'ftlMtrre, .a are ctvID, away 1~ . ..... EiIeIa ·....' ......... *lIt weeu.-ts; JI.amee of 1'....1 real4enta ~U · appear III the ads of thJa p:1,e. I
WIlen Joar quh.~ app_.,........~ ~ a~ the ~. P~D~ ClOPJ " the ad ~ .bleb JOat name appears.
..' •
'. _
'. . . I
. '
. WATCH 'mls"' p-AG£ 'EACH WEEK -YOUR NAM~ MAY '. :,.
(Compued bJ ~Ilbar ISbane)'
. HIToE V-ILLA The Bett All Purpol.e ' Flour
BE N.E~T ·
"Southern Ohio's MOlit Modem Pool"
Invite.1 You Buy your Sealon Ticket. now
LOMBER~LASS-PAINtS floor Sander for, Rent ,Make. aid Floor.Look Like I\(e" .
. .~
GIBBONS'~~' .,/
"1,our .L~mber M.Ii:'._
Beech -Grove
An ordluancB to al'neud $00, I, of Ord1nace No, 16~ entitled "An, ordl. Mareon Welle WftB a buslriess vts~ (Contlnni!d from Page 1 j t,;,r rln Ctn.elnnaU, 'l'lluraday. Bome Ta.Ie~t MlMjaoel WIllce to l"eiUla~ ,billiard tables. pool a 1IOI'k: P.Bcker and became very tablea, nI.n(I o.r ten plnaJlllYs, box • • • • • ., SOOw At Ohautauqua very wealth". ' alleys OJ' t.Qbles and ba1\, alleys" as Mrs. Wymel' Downer 8lld FUn and )augh~, are !n ~tore fot ;rohn b~ve returned from a motor all who attend the Kome ToJent President Lfil.:oln appointed JOM amended January 2nd, 1939, ..j,lp to Florida., Blaiekface Minstrel ', Show 8ft, the Sec. I, Be It ordained by the Ooun. Evans ~ war' govemor 01 00101'a.d~ of the V1l1a~ of WaYnesville, ClUt BUrnetl • • .. • • Chautauqua. Auditorium ThW'lid&y In that a~te Dr. Evarus took Q Ohio that Bee. I of ordinance No. j55 IllrOllltUUmt Part 10 bualneliS M:r Md MM. Mearle Woods are .evenIng at 8!30 p. In. This shOW, "w regulate blUiIu'd tables, pool well ' 83 elVlc, poUtical and announcing the arrival or a sOh. will be preaent~ by young men, In &1000.1 affairs. He -became "'lJ'I.II.I'.', tl\.blea, nine or ten Pln alleys, lbox FOR SAI,.E-sh09t8. Blna Pat.. Darrell Lewis. Clnd exound Chautauqua u~der the In ralli·oadJilg. aJleys or tapie6 a.nd ball ,&lIeys" as ' ter60D '. mUes 'wes-t of Harveys • • • • • dIrection of M1s.s Veda. ~y. tbe &arne bereby IS amellded 80 as to bW'1J ~n Harveysburg..Lebanon 'rood Richll,l'd Holl trom Cincinnati will O. M. Cartwrllfhb, M 11 if Mr. and 'Mrs, Orlando Erannan, give several no'v elty dauOOs. The read u tOllows : t Xenia, were Sund8.y dinner show tieglns a.t 8:30 Tbursday eve. ' Mr. W~wiclt wr1tes as tallows, "Sec. II. It shall' be '~nlawfUl for guests of the Terry family. nlng, July 13, DIlalr ~ Crane: ally person or per~ns occupying any • • • • • . ~ FOR SALE-Late cabbage plants Mr ' Ella Ferris was a SatW'day I thoUiht it would be 01 Interest houliq. l'oqJU o.r other place within 36 cents II. hundred. George Peterson. Week End prngram For Ohautauqua to you to know of 'a reunion whl.oh th~ V1I1nge of WaYll~lle Ohio tor • • ne m1Ie from Wa.yne ville on BelL afternoon V1s1tor of her brother, On. JUly 14 8 t S'. 30 P. m . th e mo· the wrlt~r had with Harry HamUt.on· the .p1pTp05e of operatln , g 'billiard or brook. Plke. J29 olm WUSOn. In. Lebanon. tion p~: 'cW'e show " Doctor Syn" will 1 trulll • • • • • this week. It probalbly ivils the 1>'. 0 es, l1~l1e or ten pin 'aIleYIi, ,be pre med In the auditorium. second time in thirty years it hru. quck pin alleys, box alleys, ball alleys !been my pleasure W lneeL with h1m or card tables or garlies to keep 6Illd WANTED - Work In ' harvest.lng. of a fall from a tree, which ocow-red Q<IOrge Arliss plaYs the eJq>lrate turn h .. _ - - ; .... d ~ ... ......;... l b Vernon 8ams o.nd sister Miss Alice ed parson In his own Inimitable wo.y . • house ~, ' ~,~ f _ ......... an ..... ,"'"" ng. y ex.. ' " !tarry Is hend of The HrunUton ' room or owler .....ce open • or perienoed white man. Por lnfol·ma. a ll ot Day.ton, This Is a thrilling and 'ch~ ad- , Stee.1 On.... na ... " • . Olc.v e'--d, 0""0. playing or 'PIl.r~lc~t!on In sU,ch , • • • • • venture of the 18th centw'Y 'smug. _ ........., ~I 'll UOn address Mrs. J!)hnaon; 342 W. ui which business ' h e has been very gtUnes, ex~epl.lng between the hours Grand SpringfIeld, Ohl0, Mr. and Mrs. Menrle Terry were gl1 ng, In addition there will be II. . " successfUl. He tells me that he has ot G A, M. to 12 p, M. on each week: July 6-13-20 some t\ays 880' His condltlon Is reo short subjeot and comedy reel, ..... ~ ", a mairled son and married dtuighter clay , said house, room or ·othe.r place ported to be very serious. On Saturday evening a.t 8 :30 p, and a180 an UlllJl&I'ioied son. ' HIs, so used or opratcd as abOve to reo • ~ • t • m· A.I1thur E. Rtberts will return ' • ' ~, Is " SQn.. Pta" _ _ . .,_ main closed 0 Sundays" for h1s third e ....." of 'he ~""', ~....U' residence is 16822 oak HtU, East 'I n f eli . N 155 'FOR SALE-Hay baler with motMrs. Allce Terry 111 quite India· ........ ~. • ...... ~ "'UM • Vamp AnIwa _ fila _._. Tb t S , . son to leotW'e on the subject "You th .- _ . ' • .-.... ' . '~ Cleveland, Ohio His busihess ad, ' a ee, ' 0 or nance o. or; couJd uae ~tor. Ed McQuinn. posed at thIS time, though some 1m. dress 16 East 13ist Street and Tnrt "to regulate bllliard tables. pool Telephone '1638, Wilmlngton, proved from reeent report. In ~pe" Mr. Roberts has Bpen& • t bl n1 w I aJl bo much tune in Europe and is well Avenue, OIevelond. 0b.10 a 6S, pe or Il p n ey6, x • • • • • al fI In Our boyhood day~ evel'yolle alleys 0 1' tables a.n'd . ball . alleys as POR _SALE-Two Jersey cows, MIsseS Mary CUnger and Mar, ~n ~~~oc:~~:nsy~~ ,knew bUn as ·'Ootton. " He I a amended ,)n:nuary 2nd! 1939 be and trab. B. T, V......e,.Tel. 59-R~2. garet Palmer. ot Mason, were the ternS, lie is a finn :belt~ver In t,h e Mr. and Mt'S. E;verett Hurley were IYoung man of whom . the commu. the same Is here~yre~ed, , overnight gueGt6 ot Miss NelUe fund&mentals of the American plail Xenia v\llltoni on 'Monday. , Mrs .\Uoe Olark Spent 6a.tW'day mr,y can well be IProud. I learned Sec. In, This ordinance shall take Ba.vls. 'Ib\lrsday. with Its guanllltees of the greatst • " !, ' • ill Dayton. . blm that his els-er ,prothero e1Iect and be In force from Ilnd after l"OR ~ boUse on • '. • • • good to the greatest number, Da.lsy HarriS o~ Eaton Is a gue6t '. • • • ! ', ' ~llk, Uves In COvlngton. Ky .• and tile earliest period n.llowl!(! by law. IIaIn etreet. InQUIre or, 00ldle Sur· Miss ELeanor Stegmoller and her ot bel' mother, Mr6. T, UnderwOOd. , Harvey Burnet made a DU&1neSS works , In CInCinnati. As I recall, Passed ; July 12th, 1999 ,., fr:te~d. or Morrow, wel't! Th~rsday "Alfalfa 8m" ~rkray • • • • • trip to Columbu.. Monday. Frank baa bien there ever since be A, K : Day, Mayor Mrs. A' H Stui>bs assisted b evening supper guests of Mr. and WIn ,Speak. SlOlday Mr. a.nd MrS, Bloch were OJn~m. • • • •• ,l~t Iic~. I tbJ.nlc Harry was In Attest;H. M, OGrey. Olerk IlIA ~ Man\yn .WbltoJeer, .:sUm~enry Murphy and lam1ly in Sundn,y wU1 be a big day at Chau- nat! v1s1tors on Sunday. MiS!! Doris McIOrby or Dayton 11 the ~ or 1905. ' tertajDed her Sunday sohool c l a s s ' tauquau. 'Ihe Honorable WiUiam M, • • • • • vts1ttng at the home of Mr.- and I was delllbted in. your havU18 - ~~-~.• • • • • M r. an d~"" ~--Ral...... J~"'-~ been ' h. P. 8 Thunday, with., a picnic ~t Wayne Murray, the colorful 'ex-goovernor of .... s. Sam Mill er 0·t T .,"eb - ..... D. ...... UUlIoOI, 60 WlouB'httul In printlna in ita · , When I , rooelv coles of Park. '!be follOWing mllmileJ'S of Jean J'eJ!ery of near llere and his Oklah01ll1\ w1]1 deliver a stining anon. were guests on Sunday of • •. • • • entirety 'me remarks made MIn. . publication, I n.lwnys f , rward _ . . and tbelr motbei'!; wele ~On Lew1ll. 0" Lebanon. made up a messas- Oil me' subject "How MUch Mr. a.nd Mrs: HOOlf!!' Walton, MIss Joan YOUIl4r or Mason wu ,rue Dodaon a.t the l"e,ent Alwnni them to my aunt, Mrs., Annn CleavIr\Jeita: Mrs. .Harold Miller and Son- PRrty of five gen~lemeD, who en. Freedom ShoWn lUIlericalls Have?" ". • • • • . the 8UIl6t of. her friend; M!sa Mil- meeting, whtch I regret.ted haVing er \\:'lIrwlck, Wi)\> r('6ldcs in ~ Jl1•. 11n1. Obarle8 BelTY and Delor~ joyed a severn.l days fishing trip The Time Magazine says o( ' :AIfal1a AIlsn Bnldford of' COlumbus was !am RoIera ,Jut week. had ,to }nlsa, She' was one of my ~Dgeles. Cnl. She oriQ'lnally/ Bple 10.. Charles Jamft! and Jack. Mrs, near Batte Creek, Mloltlge.n. 8111" Murray thab' .. recent guest of ' b1s coua1ns Joan • • .• • • teachers ih the. grade schOOl da.y~ from Wellman· She ~rs that she LeioJ MolJ'll and Bobby, Mm. • • • • • Precedln8' ~e address by Ex-, and Nancy H8r~~. ElwOOd 01'8ll81 of PiQua III spend~ and. as YOU ' will remember, her and t\er 8l8ter, M~ Qrimes, ChM. Day and Jimmy, Mrs. Wu.. A ple&8liat day. , July t, was apent Go,\,erllOJ', Murre.y <the Ii'tellklln high • ', . • • hla the summer at the h~ of Mr .blotbe!' was ~ 11lt1maLe chum. also 'Of )Varren Collnty, e,moy' readtred 8Quirea and ' Manlyn Ann, Mrs. at the bome 01 Mr. and Mrs. F'rftn.k school band un!1er the ~tion o{ Edward . of Alabama. fa .ne 'MrS. w.J.ter Kem1ck . . Recentq I bee.rd 'ro~ my c')UsID. mg them vea ~ucb. • . Wade Tbmer and Wade, Jr., Mrs. Barns, when they entertained.~ John Rutledge will play . a. concert a guest of h1& broQh,er, Benton Wu. • • • • ,' . • l&wrence SberWood. who resides Walter Sheehan anc:l Warren, Mrs . .dinner, Tbe guests were: Mr. a,nd at 2:15. Aaain at 6:30 they MP g!.ve llama and ~~! MTI. J, B. Jpnes spent the 'RHk QoIulellavWe. h . and 1& an im- ~~iiiii;;iiiiiiiiiii;;;.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_~ BnlMt Harlan and Suzanne. , M1'6. Mrs. Fra~k Potok and son ~Frank1e, a. concert for the plcnJckers. ' . end with ber a1.Ita' MI'a. John ztm. portaJlt oUletal In the Penneylvanla I KeQfletb HOUl'b and Loren, Mrs. A, 1n Middletown. . Wednesday, to v's. Mrs. ~elle.. BeDlOXl Who 1$ etay- ' merman &D4 In D&ytop. . Wire OJaas Cl9mPany. He has two . R Stul)be and BWy. and Ruth Eva .it their relative Henry. Carpenter~ tng in Lytle, was a Sunday vlsltor . :' . • • • ' . Orleb~ Y<IWla boys, one of whom IIJ ~. ot ?&1U>D., who l§' confined 1~ a at bet' h~ ~ere, .. • Mr, ' aiui iIrs; Allen' JIlmrlck ~eft attending the Oepr&e School, J beho&pltal s)itfer1n from ' the e~ects ' ,- ~ SUI:Ida- ' afterboon IueIta of Yr ~ 11eve; , . I'll tbe''IIJ.&Q wlio pays the b1lIs wh~ , • • • • • MrS, MyttIe Reeve.!; who .baa. bean.~ y , , ' • very ill for '4lome nme Ia reported ~. Albert OorDell, . . , Perry', ,' 1mInr. ~ COlt of UVUIc' . 'VBB TU~ MIAMI G"~BTTI Mlsa Nan Oollett ·was a V1s1tor in better. \' ' , . , ' . '. • • • ' town Tuesday aftcu:noon. • • • " • ,Mrs, . .Ralph ~ e. d ' . . '.. . . ' . " , Mr and Ml'S. HOW'a rd Ve.ndemau ~ ' \ut week after • vi&.t· ... llh Tom Welch and tamlly have come nave 'mOVed m wltb ur, Leon Ales. reIatl. . In COlumbus. , to reside In Harveysbl1r8'. Mr· Welch ~ " • • • • " WIll ~O(IBge In hardware tiusmea . ' • _" • , • ~,. . . . MIl IrtiIDda !rom ~aala8lle. • . • ' .• • • Jr.[b. J. Inwood of ~qI~ W ben atMzided the fUDeral or lin, Mr. Ro~rt C8.tner of Wilm.1nrton. a IW!IIt of ber uter., Ml'a. Nell Pet- Alma ~ at oeDtervWe 'I'UeIdIif. wa.s a bl:slnes vJa1toi- in town,~"" eJ'IQIl e.nd f&mlly, • .. .. If .. , &-'I........' - '__-""-~....."".-It<#...,A-'I....,........,..---I-r-~...:,...:f;<) " • • . , I. ~ Mr, ~ Mn. O'tl ROutaabn. Bet:. , . . . " , . ~, .Ml:a. Ralpb E$ale 1wd' cbndren of' tY 8.Dd~, , ~ CU. . . Mr. an~ Mrs. Harry Eltelle C}f Day Olnclnnatl were,' receQ,t ' CUesta Of of ~. and KrB. PIw.DIl. Brown at iloIlo spent Sunda,y aftem~ With Mrs, Ray Eagle.' .' . . , 'J'IW O1tT. ~, . 1-~PUlI& Mr. 1IDd)Cos. W. O. Tlcbenor, • • ' 0 .. • , - ~ • • .. • . . . • • • • • , Mr. end Mrs,. ar.n'v1l1e Ben.ronl lIl-. and lin. S. H. :Burnett at.
- ..
LYte I
. .•
and I r
~~~~~;~#~:;;~~~~~~2~~~~:;~~~£.: Bigielt ~mll.ement Bargain Ever ~ffereclln .. ,W a,y nelvilie
Mr. MIJ, Hen a6lnes were and Becsau.. and chDdren '4I'ted relatives in B\lDdI.y ObaUila·.!qua nat PraDklln I·daup:lter Nancy, of ~. iUld wa4run~ 0 , H, on UId 'ailo aalJecl a& \be home week-elld gueste or la'a. Honu:e Hat- Bun,day' ton. ' ,
:", ' • '
" ' , ttl
, • • . ' . • , Ml'. ~d Mrs. Leo' 'Willenberg ' and The Woman's Civic , Leaau.e met ehlidren mOY((l bem fro~n rayon ~ me ~ of Ule., PIlBi~t. wa laat week IntD the I>~~'Y vacat hye Kelley. , on Saturday,. af(er. ed ,oy Ml'6- ' oars. 0&1018. ' noon, JUly 8th, witti ,a l&rJe at. • • •' i" • . wndanice of memj)era and ,r ue.ta. Mr, and Mrs, V. suDs spent ' ,~he b~in~ . meeting a iaet weelF In D~yton/ cuest& of their ~ Women Writers of ~ grandciauahters V1rletu ·a.ru1 Annette dlP.y', was given., The ooinmittee; ltoYce. " UlIlna the novelist the, colwJimet, • _, ' ' 0' radio commentator • sketched. Mr, John " ~ the ~ves. persollaUties and 1ilf1~ here from Olevele.nQl, ~ ~turd'-J. several weD .mown ~ ~~en ,!n..; 1He returned b~e (~n MOl,lday , B.C. F8Jth Bald~ i;dna Perber. ,. QOmpa.n1ed. by ' ~ ,4I)vormen, .tio Mal'l!iII.l'et , ~Itchell, DorotnY ~~1l1P- '1 half been h~e, ~ p'Ult two' wee~ soh, Anne MOrrow ', Unilberg , aDd " ,, ' EieanorRhoseve1t. ,,' " It's 'easier 00 Pf.w(?k~ tn<\lB'i1t:.tlo~ Following ~e m~ , memIIera t han to aroU$e eti;thus1aSn and gues!;6 enjoyed a plante s1,li.oer ~ The nex~ m~t~ will bei~ ~t f Otlbers.don·t.hrt~& ,109.:1, the hOIIie or IlkS: 'LaWJ'1!DC8 JIouih, :we Intend to quit to. " , Atiguali 12th. " . ' . I· , . , ' .
l I
Ida. . . near . . .there.
' ': ~,.. . ',. • • ' , Mr. end Mnt. WillIam R~~ !I an :' , daUjJhter MirIam, were enteli:~~ d at dinner 8unda.y at the bome of • . and Mh. -.., ~OUD' and tamny
-rMuon., '
• _.
~. .~ . ,~Ony . a~n~ed
carmony reunt6n ' at M1l1~r 'i " , ~ of " Dayton, sundaY" accol1)P,*ll1ed Mr. and .M1'$. E,
Carnio~ ot SpnDB1lel1i.
!lI_-:"_~~~~~_--:'~.....-::_~ . /" ~ •
' ..,.. ,
Obtained .pnder F~ ' ~ ~ ,
,. ;'"
rrliESE used to' be b dty editOr on ,'Park ,ROw, whO' ... aot .aac!11 ', ,.I. :-heto ed ,by some of 'bis m~. Ii Be is gone now .'but'",Qt ~IY. ~1l1Je.n. ' forgotten, His Ii-is a ll failed 'and , he obta,ined, leave of al:!s8ll~ ot some weeKs to go to i 'lorida.'to ·recup,e rate. , " ~", . , ' : : '., , 'fhe staff decided to off~r' hbh,a;.little farewell Of repi'd; ' 1~1q1J:~~ ,
' "
, Y,
:.'; ,
• .. .
.With. tRVIN ,So-COBB ' ,I • .'. , ,,'
. Mila oan:ie M1Ill! iii 0 " nya1e,s:::ln<' at tb4t ,~ of Mr. end 'Mrs, WIll ~.e , alnc~ ,ret~...\ from Valley hDlipital, - Wb~, abe underweDt .~, ~on.Iast w:.ek. '
,. , · " 2 . ' :1 La~g'hUi~ ' AtO~ ' die , l VQr'ld.:",' I' ' , . . , .., ,
1, ~~~r=~~~¥~=E5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
,(', ' ,
'I1le J'eK\llar a:n.Ontbly d1nDer 1DMt,. .... _ . _
of tile
,waYneavwe ciVic
I _
a ___
J _._
'!,_ • _ . _
Local Hap"'~ing. r- '
· Ot.rI
A ~odId ~' waa ierved by the 01 the ~p Ol~
LadI.,' memaBw
aDa, luea .
Local Happenings =1:; :e :: O~t~:
, beld In the l'O(Q of the M. m, Oburcb, July 17tb with the "' ._..,""__ u _ _ _ _ _ _._....... ________ __ prf!IddiD~
In dayS gone by annU&1 COImtrJ . testlvoJ.s were given an
..~----{Glenn Stomps of Miamisburg vlslted last week at the ,h ome of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fires. • • • • •
W,. A, UpplJt:ott a confiDed b'Ia bome beeauae of lllneIa.
• ••••
world customs. In recent tb1a cU&tom has teen , reVived in iJD&D7 parts of this country It.1a with tb1a . Idea. In mind that the peopl~ of ~ . community of 'Lytle. Ohla :ue p~~ an old time COllntry testlV'&l t.o be held on Saturday. July 21. ~ will begin at 10 o'clock a. II\.
f.Uld cOntinue throughout the evening.
Mrs. Wllllam Rogel'6 is actlng ," general chaJnnan fOl' th1s 'PJa at- . fair. ~ist'ing MrS. RO,e~ 0!1 ~, arrangements cOmm,lt~ wW be Mrs. CaMn LOllPC1;e. Mrs. ~ Graham. Mrs. Lowell Tbomu, .I4n. Harvey Burnett, ·, Mrs. Walter KeDf.Uld Mrs. LesI1e~: . Widespread Interest M belna a1ani-, fested 1n this 61fa1r the . ~
Mrs. May COOk-of Day.ton spent t he week ~d with Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Crane and famUy • • • • .' Mr, and MrS. M. A. Fulkerson BesIdes her husband and ' one son were guests of Mr, f.Uld Mrs. J. W. Mrs, Sherman is S\M:vlved by anoth· Fulkerson, of Spring Valley. Friday. • • • • • wlUch will eo ~ the pner~ ~ ,r son. Arthur, Jr... attending Trinity of the Lytle chUllOh., Alieady College in Connecticut, tWo daugll~rs. Ella Kent of Ohio many lettCl'l! have been received Wlirtaoi:k, ass1sted by ters Ma.rtha Silerman. Secretary of is, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harvey from former rea1denta 'Of' ~ ~ , Rye f.Uld family. muntty s1gn1fYlna ftlelr Intention to.
tor the amateur contest
• • • • •
return and atld to the
Jar.. crow4
Miss' Ma.rgie Tinney. of Hamilton. for which Lytle Ia preparing on ' tbJa claW. . spent the week enn with. her
Mr. and Mrs. Leona.rd TInney. . '
• • • •
Thete will be c&sh and
uable prizes for the many
Mrs. Maggie Burnet of Centerville. IICheduled as weU lIB for
There will be a IOaP bOx der. py, 'biCYcle race &rid ,pet ~ tOr the ch1ldreQ; ' & croqUet ' IIDCl b . , shoe ,tournament tOr tbe~; ta style show'; " , band couCerti. and old nd~8 .qontest. ., Refre8bmenta .-'}
mBl'.~lIAI~~=~~;*~1:=:. .. /
.. • • • • •
FRIENDIS HOME !3U88n BnlWll of Lebanbn Y1s . Mrs, Oan1e 'Y, ADtram. S~
• • • •• •
Mr. and Mr&. W. B. Sq~lres talned Mr.. e.nd Mrs, M. A. ~_ '!On, and Mr. and .Mrs: W. O. R,l;\per. • at a. fish fry. Monday evenlnl. '· 18111D1:1aY .,
. .. . . . evenrn.. .
>Lena Hart80clt wu a d1Dner at ~ hom.e of h~ ~, A, ·z . • V"'....... n
n~tar.i:aoc~~ or ,K111E~n. SUnday.
MisS Peggy Ann Chapman cele- . Mr. &lid' Mrs. Harold Van P.e lt of her ninth b!rthdBY. ,Pr1day, Xe~, were 'guests of Mr. Bnd Mrs. a par~y In the ALf'ternoon to M: A. F'U1Iterson at:a 'picnic supper, the Jollowing friends '~re tn- ~ednesda.y
• • • • •
Ie ' .
_ _ _-'----,_ _
01 vis1ted friends here over the week stock and home producta•. Atend. prizes will ~ awardecifor • • • • • ' pies, fancy work,. qurita, ~ Mr. f.Uld Mrs. H. O. COleman, 0 tables, C&Ill,led Ii<!odi;, trua~. f;ai,.. Norwood. are spending the week e,t cplts and POUltrY . . t~ Friends ~ome. . Entertainment fqJ: ill w11l be ~ •
Giber ~
ISSUED EVERY TmntSDAY 8ublcrtptiOD Price, 41.60 Per Year, PaJ,abla in Advaoct
Farm,Night Talks, July 24
. Auctlon••r .
SATI$FACTIO'N Or N__ Char•• ' ,
Centerville,. Ohl~ " .. . \.
, dPhone-., ~
7'" . '
loa Yo . i
Za~ ., Armitage
!'or the conv~1laI of vendors. who delU'e ~ in f1lln8 1he1r' . . • 8alea TaX ~ an examiner Will be statiOned at the following locat101l1 • OIl the date. shown duro'
• •
• • • • •
Mr. an4 ~ WuPert ~~wank. JIin-
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet, MIss
mJe--awanl &nil-Horace l!'oUlka spent and Mr,. d Mrs. to Sll~ In Harold and ~hUdr~n 9.. Yjaitlnf h1eDda bere this week. . Cb4c ' Y 'Y tended the Fal'mer's Olub Thursda.y • • • • ~ • Il10. , the home' of Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Come to LYtle street and • " • • .' .. Swar~l near Waynesvill", H 001..._~.ft~ Mr, and MI\I. John F!te • • •- . • _ .... , ..............y ·JUly... ' and son • • • • ~ ·Kenneth of Blue Ash were Monday Mr and Mrs. E. B. Longacre In ' . dinner 1U1I6t.a Qf Mr. ancl Mrs. E.. B . t ompany with Mr. and Mrs, Ray ura, Therle Jones and Mrs, Wd •. Lonaaore and family. B ran db ..__ D _ _ Le.... _"'Altors . en urg' a f MidI and , ,and ,MIss ...... ._-.. ~ Davis of New Holland were
Mn, Florence lAmb of X8D1& Is from Wedne&da
. _. . . ._ ""
ft ... "
. · .,.
Phone, Wayneavllle .4 R 11 LeOIinon -:- court - l!lacb Pr1da¥. .Mrs, MlaI'Iraret Johns ' and Paul dinner' guests sunday ' at the home 'l'burIday, Prlda¥ aDd <till 'n oon 8I.t~. • • • • Johns were Monday dinner gueste of of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mtddl<!ton in . Lebanon otflce Phon.;' 473-Kur~y. . ' M.llton JOIlllll Ilpe~1 last wejlk with Mr. and MrS. AmoS Coolie and sons Claxton. res.98·M. Morrow Phons No. a ' Primkl1n -Mayo~ Office':'" Moo.. h1a ~~, M~ and Mrs. . Ed_ ~ W&~le, • • ~ ., .
UN The M1&ml OGette Want Ada '
Cen~e. • • •
day, J\1lY 11th: Tueeday, JUly 25til win Nutt near Weclneeday, ~ 28th. • •
• • • • • Mrs. Emma Lacy and Miss Mlrlam , Mr. and )(no W~ter Kenrick at- Wharton a,ttended ~ lV1lduation Mrs; Elizabeth Smith of Dayton tended a ,b Ulthilay dlDnerl party for excerc1ses a.t the N. ,C. R. School ' W&ll a Sunday evening gu~t ot 14rB. Mr.' A.. L K1n&', Thursday at the Saturday evening where the f Marp.ret Jobne and Pa.ul J0hn8. Lltt.le Inn. W&;neavUle. former's. granddaughter. Miss MU-
da¥ JUly -:Mth. . _ ~=~~~====== ~ orrow-_~or's 0 flce- Tues·
' .... -
JUly 18th.
• • • • •
• • • • •
Mr, E. J . carmony ot Springfield Maaon-~W s O~e-Wednea- called on his mtlther, Mrs. Mary day. J~ 19th. . Cannony Monday evening. .'., Return. fUed dU1'1na July' cover .. • • • • "
'I1 -----.. .----------...--.. .--.
. Mr. and 'lin. Ra.y Miller of Bell. broolt were cUnner guests sUnday of !iT_ and 14rB. William Rogers and
dred Young 'was one of the gradu.
How Women in Their 40's
the period January tnt to June MIas Norma Ol'8Blll and Mias Fay '. • • • • '30th lnc1U11lve. A penalty ot one ' dollar~& day Is levied for eadl day, WlJsonol~U&SpentTh~ywlth .14rB. Allen ~Ck and Mrs. WaJ. ....... ~._ del1nq t _u_ the formera brother, BlWOOd Oraasl. ter Kenrick and El . wOOd Grassl spent __ the ret''... - re..-u uen -...,. • • • • • Wednftft"- In Da to d JuJy Slit . -y y n an were sup Here'. 11004 advice !or a woma.D durin, her • Mr: and MrII B H. Burnett enter- per guest!! of Mr and Mni. W . G . cbanle (uoually !rom 38 to 62). who fea .. FO. AND CONSIGN M. B Keelor . . . ' . abe'll 1_ her appeal to mon, who wonl... ,oar CaUl., Il~ Ill.., .a. _vet . • tainea MrII. Mante Bumet of QeD. HaineB and daUihter. about hot flub .., lou of dlay lpeU., ----....... '1 the - - > . - . . • • • • • upoct norv.. and moody . II. to NoJTt..JbQcIt (X.., Un win -&u4 U "'" YU e over .. ~. Juot Jet more !r...b air, h ... liMP and if pro....... t'Jr the 1lJab'" you're . natur&lly. quarrelaome. _ • • • • I4r aDd Mrs Harvey Burnet and tOU nMd a rellable "WOMAN'S" tonic take .. iDaiUt pric. ad ~ don~ open • Joint checklnl ' ' . l Ydia E. Plnkham'a Voaetable COIllPGWld • ac.. , Mr. A L. King ot WaynesvUle hu M1s8 Laura RosnatIle were Friday mad. . .".ti.lI~ '''' ......... It belpa NatuNI U.I....... y .....' Cl_ta_tl. 0 , account. ' . , build up pbyslcal _lItan .., thua belpa alvei 'hu. . . OD 'RadJo 8tatlu W()J[Y PUlUlhalled the property of !tIr. and evenlna pesta of MIas Perle Riley more vivacity to en~oy iife and ... ilt ..1121' 11 :11 to II :.0 p. III. tor IJur 4aO, to Mrs. OlarenCe Mal¢1n who w1U move' and Mrs- Blanc!he Miller near . R1dge , market . •
Can Attract Men
• F-1I4 SAFE RlfltlCWtAIII
~M1aml Oar.e~
Not Much Of A Tracie '
, --
- ,
fOOD "'oncnON
Pinkbam'l II WELL WORTH tr,vinr.
• •• AND lIANY 0lB OUTSTAIIDl. ADVMTACES: • Ch~tk frigidaire sgainJt them aUI You'U 'lind dill yws Frigidaire the greatest ooe frigidaire ever build . IIaIre. of doUn...viog. food·.ving. work· . . . . advaota .. :. 7(• .,,,0. sal Ole why it " America', No. 1 re~seralDtt why it I'. io ._re ~ 1:bao aoy other bra<\d. See frigldwe toda,.
Fairley ~ard'ware Sto~e Larger Because of Better, Quality Service, and Priee Eatablished 1849-1939 -
Waynesville, .Phone 32
Phone Your Want Ad.
Enjoy a ' Delici~us
'F airley Hardware Stores
H~me Cooke.d
Eetabl~.hed 1849 . . Larcer .£ B~uae-of . Bet~er,Quality, Service and -Price HUFJ:MAN BICYCLES ,The Buy of '39
Carl Conard
CUltom Grinding~nd F~ Misin. Yellow jacket, Elkhom, a~d Raven Reel Aah:~oal •.
Wayne~vill" Farmf'r.' Exchange Compa~y
"Southern QhlOIS MOIl' Modem Pool"
Invites You Buy your Sea ion TIckets now
· . Ie . ....................................... ;........... "' .... SIng
.. "
. $.
~ .. . ...
Family Ticket (2) ........................ ,.................. . 'Family Ticket (3) , ............................................" Family 1,'icket (4) . ..... ~.......... ·:................., ..... .. $1 tor eacb additional member
. pool openl Daily at
12 noon . Sund..,s and Holidays 10:30 A. M • . LUMBER-GLASS-;-PAINTS
FOR RENr- 'llhe ~ propel''J'I"B' Bt1NDAy APl"£R' TRINlTY .ty In LYtle '1-room house. 2 1-2 acrel'. ,'1:80 ... m. .HOlY C~un1on of ground. A. L . K1Dg . J20-2t· . 11 a. ~. JIlomtng Pra.yer and set', ----------------~--mClll. FOR BALE-HoUsehold furnture. See' Ml;s. Frank Bess, Route '13. edge WAYNESVILLE of WaynesvUle. J20-1 t· ~ODI8'11 VQURCB
~Obn V.,LacY, MinIster
FOR 8A.l4:-A seven room house on Third street. Inquire of Mrs . ClInt Ross. It'
Bunday. July . 23, 1939
8:. Sunday School. R. D Collett.
1:46 .d1Ul'Ch
POR. SALE-Shoat.a
• .,
ina PaL teraon, 4 rn1les west ot Harvel'S Meet at the burg on Harveyeburg..LebanoD road. M U tf go. to Ohmer. Park.
¥<irntQg ·WOI8h1p.
". ~ ~ Leque.
,PI\lIllc at Way~ Puk About. 100 mcnWe1: of the Warren County lFsh a nd Game A:m1. and thelr fo.mll1es enjOyed a. basllet plc.. we at Wa$ntlS ParJt lri Wa.'ynellVille last. Thursday n1Yht. . ~~e events ot the even1ng was the casting eXhibition by Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Lony of Dayton, whicb wiIB followed by a ca.st11l8 contest in . YQU~ BIDy D}1I!an of Springboro walked off with two flfst prizes The women',s castlng eve.nt was won Mrs. What loOked like a three way tie tor the blggtat catflsh caught in tlie race waa ~ when Ray Roes' 3 3-4 pounder wa.s weighed in a few oUnces heavier than those of Vall James and QeOrg Foxbower. Ra;y WOD the Bhakespeare Wonder reel-fli-st· priZe. SW1mm1ng and horseshoea were also enjoyed by group, and J.he Wanen County nnd Game ' Ass'D.S. t~t plc1e . voted a. success in evel'Y, way.
WANTED - Work 10 harvesUng, hay maldng Bnd -threshlng. by experienced white man. FOr blforma- Warren Coun'y to Get tfon address Mrs. Johnson. 342 W. Giune MallagementAgent Grand Ave. Springfield, Ohio. Barry Eldl-Idge. Jr. president orJuly 6-13-20 the Warren County FIsh and Game. adv1se6 that a. letter from ;., NOTl()E OF APPOINTMENT ShOJlt, Chief of the Ohio ConserAdminlItrator de boIiis non with Division's Oame, ~ement will lUlDesecJ Bl1R!8u, announces the p1ac1ng In .AYNZSVILLE. OHIO __ County of a full time Game '1II'Ui:1Ji'B':~~";~1"':":" £seat.! ~ . Annette Boren Deceued Ma~ent agent He is M .. B . ........ EWIII' · - Notice is hereQy ldve ~t R 0 Hendersbot .. ~d . will IIBSume his 0Irwed .'1'0 WaJ1lemue Cornell Wb06e Post Ofttce Address ~ duties next Monday. He wW be perW v1Ile ' . stationed at Lebanon and PJUDAY ONLY aynes. Ohio R. a 1 ha6 been will Work with organ1zed f ' duly lId)pOlnted 86 AdJn1n1strator de armen, "RADIO ROUND-UP" bonis non witb the .wID annexed of sportsmen. 4-R club groupa, etc., ~ New S&a,e Show the &It.ate of Annette v",, ' late in creating better hunting '!lld Wild I era of Ute .~rul1t1ons in thJa territorY He ~ FrIday Warren ~ty, Ohio. deceased. will help with conservat1on FBI.....8AT. IVLY21_ZZ Datea this 18th ~y of JUly. 1939. for younger II:fOlIPs and cloee ft. TIu'ee MeI4uJ&een Ralph B. Carey. coopera~o~ between farmer sporta~ III JUdge of the Probate Court men.. A ......
"SANTA FE STAMPEDE" 8ertaI--Comed)'
8t1N.-IION•. I1JLY U.H
GnD~ A
VIdor HcLarIeD IN
Warren COUntY.OhIo
~ {-\"t-' I
...... SUjea..
Will Rogaw'
KI~ SELl.- A~
OOOt)S BY tolar -I,",' 'f'OU(S 'BOUT
It} 0 i;'
~...r >tA, THcAi It DONt .' ~y 10 ADVERrISE!
~ .. :,.::W .' • '
rAFTER beIDa cmt of.ark for . : I; time .Ran~ 1,08 ~l'. lOBI[
IPt a Job Ill .the chlU c1ellartmat ....
.1. .
.. I
. &.;;,,...-.&.;.-~ ,
of a big;
Ito.... .
~ 'ftIl~
alri,bt for a few da,.. lnI~~ u..; third day JOe clroppiId .• UI& -
. ~~; ::,.::h~l~:~ :lr'i · ~to the~.
office .
.. tot
\that the, were RO_m. to deduct h . bIa until the vue was 11 !lor. Bow mud! .. tile, .,..,
/worth?", ~~_.Toe. J \ "About ~f" the III8Il8RU' - . "Ued. . i . Joe ImllledJatety ltarted to ~11 '. nth .Joy, ., the 'm~ Ub:" ," What have you pt to be lO,baPP'J ,"bnut 1" . t , "Well." aaYl! "Jt looktt' {all if ! ~ave a job l.n," \
"COOL , S~ 150
Fri.-Sat., Thrill Nites "KID fWROM KOKOM.c:r' 'rJoan a.o"dell I'at O'arl."
Wayne Morrie -
~" I-
1D the he&. __ hital lut week lor obeervatJoo and . Tilt' mechan iZed sevelWl oavalry x-Ray u~-.~It, tZeatme nt. Mra. D1nah Antru l DAO -..... brigade of 1132 vehtcl.. aDd .2300 of• • • • • : wUe o~ the late 0eclI'R.- BartIoc It flun; and men wW ' lUI ' Ulrough Mrs. E, A. DelAne y of Mad .... - died at. her home on Thtrd etnet Waynes vUle betWee:n '1 a. m . ..m ••• vta1 .. her "' ......w_ Thurad ay nlgtlt. July ~o, foUowing Hft W A ........ ~I_ nest Thursda y, Aug. 3 • nroute on . rouh1 t2 O'om Port eA ........,.. · neae. ' ,""" ......e ~ox, Ky., ,to ,O' ~'. • • • . " • of W~esvUle she was well fUlll. army maneuve1'l. at Plattsb~. Mrs. Laura' Starke of Iowa. v1II1ted lUlo'rm and J1i&bly ~ed In N . Y. Mrs. 8ws1e !lv..... aeveral ....... last comm.unity and till'OUih out Ute tlma ....... ooun~y It it ea ted that the colump week. • • WIll •be 15 mUeI!I IODi and Will .t.aJte. . • • • _ • ~ l8he wu a. loW · onmmlln1CAl!t of seve.n~ for the ,106O-mlle bae. J . O. ---I.e and _ .... .-1 ~A_. I:t(i. Epl8cop 10 Mary's be healtheJ.churc permitthedand as 10J1Sest In the tl1at«)i ot tbe brigade of Dayton spent the week end at ng as r . ,)'he br1gade wtU leave Knox Ind".": 9 .&'e. In '~e work of the Church _ , ...... 1_ Aug, 2 and arrive at l,Iamllt op at • • • • • eoc:""t1es. 4 :40 p. ~. for . overn1rtlt bivouac. Surv1viDg are. two.. sisters. Un. The trooPIIl eave HaDiut 6:80 on Yr. and Mrs. Jamea. satterth walte ~t , Thomaa of Piqua, and the moming o! Aug' 3 and go by of Dayton w~ Praday eveDInJ aueata Mn. OWlott c; 8napp. otAlcc U., route 4 to Monroe then .... route 83 ot Mr. Mrs. O. I. Satterth waite. Va . two niec. aDd '" Btep.IIon, . • .", • • • • • •, to eLbaDon and will tate I'O\1te t2 . ~ of Wayneaville. from Lebano n throuah XeDla to' Aab Mra. 0 , ~. s.terthw alte and KlIla P.uneral serviceB "Iere beld at the land.. to spend tbe ~ ntabt R\Oth qattertb watte epent Saturda y reald~. Monday atternO on. the . . In Dayton . . • • • • .• Rev. R. L , Hacltwell, rector 01 S~. Mary'. churcb. oftlclat lng. Mrs. IIuel Leavitt and aon KeD. tn 'loI1aml n.eth of . O1nctnn atl were guests of Mils K&tbert ne aDd P.Jimderaaat. 'lbund& y eveD1ni, '.. • • • • ·Mr. and Mra. W. A. Lultena' and --:(amlly attende d a fam1lJ reunion Bntutdr y' &ventng : July 15,' WAY- ~undaY at the bome of Yr and Ib.. , n4!S\-1Jle Flanner's' Onnge' enjoyt!d a H, J, Greene at uartlnavme. O. un. ·D. L. crane was the d1nner ve:-y tn fOfe:J.:Q ' pToara .m.feitu rlni . -.. . • • . cue.t of Mr. aDd Mrs. ,H, 0, Oole8.s It. th_me. "N"w orJ,eana", ..... and' J.,(n DorW4 ·G reene of man at the Prtend'& ·Home. SUDday. Tl:e 'f1r.:t uur,1:~Jr ' on Ibe proeN.m 8abtn& and Mr. and un. L. 'V, Bran • • • • • Wilt: two selcettoDs. "Hand Me DoWn itrCtor. were d1niIer ~ of 111'. Mrs. L M. Hender son la. spendlna MY SIlYei' Trump d," and .' .~~ aDd Yni. Bl1 Purnu aJUl ~ Bun few day. w1tb Mr. and LIra. Awa To Heev:en". auar by a m1.ltf,i . , : .' ErIe1lDI at Fortlll tdlell. Kl(, qua tot, compoeeCl "'D. RD . '. ~, l. ,. .• of ...COl • • -• • '. lett Un. OUbeil. ' !lYe. ~ J'In!I • • II' . - • Mr. aacs;Kr( ~ waltoo..~ IIlIlIII8 EUz&be th alld Ruth Ohand, and ..... R D ; Collett. .' Mr· ~ .~ Deul WaLtdo vIalted 1er apeot Saturda y In Dayton . A com1c' Cuaiogue was tbe nut MrS..J:IDe Black' of IkNtb ~ • • • • • number . "OVer tIle Back . I'ence," ~, ' : MlIII Mary WUi\U. of Xen1a. wa, With "PetuDl a Pepper" , plQed by . .... ~ i tbe P!l8t of Kt.. iieurtet ta N.ra.' lAWIa Plree; and "IIe1M U. PnIIIt llawu ~ JI w~ 1D Wed"" ",,y aDd ' '11iurada¥. ' Mc~.,y;. eci by, Un. BId 1IIlJI. '. ~ '. . .wn...... ~t tile ' .. • • • . • 1 '.. L .' AnI,!t.I!Ir ~ b7' QUU'teJ weet.ea d, wIt.b . . ~ Mr, Mrs. D. e, Rld8e' ancl UJaa ·Henri"BwlDa ~w sweet Obariot ", • Mrs, ~ Hawke. . etta Mc:Kln ay were oa>1on ' fo!iowed. :' l'C)eonc lude tile JlI'OCfII8l tbe • • • •
...... ... .....
......•..-. .u<_ --...
...a_. . . .
. . ... 1"_. """.....,
I ! .. .. . '
.. .
. . . . .
~nJoYi!ct . 8D ~ lil~tillI . ~
"Ac:roea ProDt st, 1Ji New aJ1'11l1il.iwoa~ -ibe
eo~ ot
tile' trIId1~ of &be c;i1iY. and IOmo Of Ita btStory. aa 1f,eU as whU ODe may' expeCt to ODd 1D very 1D~r8It1n8 and unusua l Ule J)J:et!ellt
.Farmer. Granae
. lWeI .iDOIal , tisI!e .• th~ ~I Deb. membN ' Ia ~_ecl to.-me' ~ UId 'buDs ·&IICII·Dllm td,.~ tile eamptlr8 .~.etllili,
.11.' Bin_
....... ~w
b'.. -'* __. ---I-n It 'I'!:le fire started In theborear . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . , was Ea"'-~~ted t of"I thek W . . . . . . . . h ome •~ a U a u DC ~ecld~t th~;.ty . would serve from the maL~ part of the village the ~~r ~:u. ~. :rr:m l= blaze threaten ed the homes of H. C. commlttee conallL of LIra Glenn MlUigan, superin tendent of schools , · roO f. Borden , LIra. ~d Davis and Miss and WUliam Hoover. bu t nelUler was sally &n1th waa ppoln~ next damage d. Most 01 the 1urrutu re was fti ' De" carried from the Hoover home when yean 0 cera. t. xt meeting will It was reared the fire might sprad be lield In the ....!DIent of the spread cIl.urch to make ~lt\DlS for the work . The greater part ot the Eakin furMrs. I!llm Sh~ft d Mrs ' nlture was saved by the house was er ,....",n an . J, practica lly destroyed. The lOBS was V.lacy then preaent ed the folloWIng said to be partly covel'ed by insur. program : aur.e. ' I~Ddence ,~, by Mrs. R. D, OOllett; .r eading. by Mrs. Ethel FAMILY PIONIC Hopkln a; GrouP ~ng; plano selec~: .:~ I(e'a.c t to Old VIr- Celebra ting the birt hday of Mts, gtny. :Pus .)Ie Not 0 Gentle sav- F. H . MIllenberger she with rela tives lour". Glad" Rye; piano selectio n and friends plcnlcked at ShQ.ron "Les Sylph" ", Reba I!~warda; plano Woods and spent the afterno on and selectiOn~a:::: Return. " Anna evening Sunday ; at COney Island. Those. who enjoyed the occasion were Mr.. and Mrs. F. H . MUtenber • ger Mr. and Mrs. Milo MLltenberger anei baby daughte r. Mr . and Mr,S. ' CUfford Archdea con and r.hUdren • Mrs. Grace L, Smlth.a nd M.1ss Anna [ M a e Watkins.
~" ---- .----
LocaI Happe .
Mr. and Mrs. J . B, tertalne d !.heir "500" Saturda y ev:~g.. •
Mr. and 'Mrs. L. V. Branstr ator en tertalne d tlle "Oheerf ul Olrcle Onrd Club" a.t Ulelr home, Saturda y night
. . . . . . . . . . . . ...,
. Chapm&:n en. dinner club •
L, A . Garst and daughte r Joa.n at...
te nded the Garst tamUy reunion a.t St. Clair pB.!k . •Eat;'n~ S~ru.y, Mr. and Mrs Russell Saltsou ry and (amlly have moved into the Clarenc e RYe property 011 }fourth St, • • • • • . Mis Betty Ha.rlsook of Cincinn ati spent the week end wilh her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsoc k. • • • • e MISs Martha Klemm of Wyomi ng is spendIng the week with M.1ss VIrgirl:!! Preston . • • • • • Marvin Haines. who hilS been In I I :nl Va lley hosplt.o.l au1ferln g,from blood poisoning. was well enough to removed to his home Tuesday . • • • • • Charles FIres attende d the air maneuv ers at Vandal la. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, O. H. Harbeso n, ot ' enterville.
Mrs. Wlllam Rogers. Ly;tJe, ObJO an.1 her commit tee are rapidly cOmto t:: -J vtlllJ gc Main St.. Saturda y. July 28. h 'l proceeds rrom this affair will 110 m tu the geneJlaI funds of <the ~ Ct:1UCJ'l. Assisting Mrs. Roger. on tile (\1\ ol1geme nts commlt tee are ~•• CaJvtn Longacre. Mrs, K.euler l1am Mrs. Lowell Thomn ~ ..,- W'·' ' ........ .. ter Kenrick . Mrs. Harvey-.Burnet and ~:I S . Leslie Gray, Many events of Interest to ev-· J one have ·been schedul ed for the -daY and evening 118 well as exhibits . 0 1 live stock and home JJroducts. Ohairman of other commttteefl appoint ed by Mrs Rag to ssIs 1 "'a .. ft'''~ . ers a t n....,... .... the various events and exhlblta In· clude: Harvey Burnet. calf exhJbIt; Mrs. May BanIa. fancy work and · qullls·. Mr.!. Clarenl. e Smith. f-· ..• ....04 and vegetables; Mrs. 8tanley Balle1. popcorn and candy; Russell ~ bel~. soap box derby; 1IIra. Eva praham. pet. parade; Mrs. Harold. Wb1t~ a k~r. pies <and cakes; Prank Kurtl5B. old fiddlers ' contest ; Mrs. Ina iougacre. food; Mrs. Letitia KenrtCl t, general pllbl1c1ty; Everett f.&i'lyJ ., horsesh oe and crOQuet tournam ents, The grand parade one of the lm_ port ant features of the d~y. will be 101 th making a special effort to ... Evel ett Early. who 111 in charge of tht.6 event. asks you to Come an,d JOIn in the fUn wtth\, any unusual . funnJ. or . especially ibterest lng arranie - J' 111 nt. Get out the "old .. one .lieu . ,hay". tiut "bicycle buUt for two" or the old ox yoke and team and get in this parade. Prize are belIJ.i offered tor various d1IIpl;aYII In t.bliI event. The festlvaJ will begin at lQ o'elock a, m. and cont.1nue throuch. 0\lt the day and evenlDi: Ii. reh'eab ment booth will be open d~ , the entire time. Attractl ve · CUb &Dd.
~~::~ f~:::.~r
t.::: bt~: ar....
e' • • Mrs. Ella Kent and •Mrs. w . P. Sll.lIsb'ury are V1s1t.1ng for a few lays at the home of Leon Salisbu ry a.nd family In Washin gton C. H. A nHJDber of t~1II ' and, ~y_ NOTIC E • • • • • mates J~ In P,e. oelebra tion of _. __ 14r, and Mrs. Oharles Boring and Mb1aIn Ann sa~h'\l\'a1te's filth The Waynesv1lle Garden Club daughte r, Jane •. of Dayton were birthda y annive $rt,on Pnday July Will meet. Tuesday afterno on, Aug, guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulker_ twentiY-flllt. between the bours o! I, at the home of M1IIs Pearl Ri'ey. son. Sunday evening, three and Oft, · • instead of Tuesda y evening at the . lIJ'lI Mabel 8 home or Mrs. George PeterSo n as Miss Oharlot te Rye has returne d ' w a a formerlY planned. .' , home after a t.hree weeks visit at the ~otthe~r~~~f~f[;~~ ~~!~!!:;;"" "c~':",~ - ........ -...a,m.. ~. iJcJIm Pntt or PUBUO LIBRA RY NOTES In Cbarles ton, W. Va. its. The commlt tee tD Charire iJI ' ... -- , • • • • • All the wrlt.1ngs of Mary Baker Mr. and Mrs, J . N. Robinso feativai invl~ you to jobl the n of were received by Eddy, d.Iacoverer and founder of Dayton were SundaY gue~ts at the rJment of ·a real ."old AX)UrJtry' f~ . In the home ot the latter's - parents , Mr, val." Plan to spend all or IlU't ,. , and Mrs. E. F . Earnha rt. Saturda y July 29 l~ 1..Ytle.· Oblo . . Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogers and REOKLESS DRIVE R FINED . daughte r. Ann. and their guest. Miss CIVIO CLUB MBETD JO Angene tte Pence of Dayton . spent at the C1nclDn atl Zoo.
wt1l meet Aug. at" the"Gra nae 'Ball tor tbe ~n. . at1er :wbJch the are Invt~ to' t, h e home of, MI<, ld:-.IJ& rm8m1 tb. ~ e~ &.lI!GaJc.liBYeI$
.. • .• • •
es1d f Milt Eal I In Iloolety of the '"h .. e r ence 0 on { rl!' an all day ~arveysburg was destroyed by nl'e at the home of Tl\ursd ay morning 01 last. week with u_ A bounteo us a loss of several thousan d doUars. It .,., ' .. was 681d COVflea d.Iah b' all the .was enJoyed y The blaze was discovered by a. t hO'ie whOle noon. honorin g passing motoris t who aroused the or July. . are ~ June family. Members of the Harvey sburg departm ent had trouble getting the The attemoo~ . eeting 'IV88 open· lila h d to U e '"" wldevoti . by .. ,-s. J Will vh ge ..I opera on ..... til an pwnper dUl U W",.te. #ollowed !P'It) e Lebe.non an up pray'er andad departm ents were called.W mUlgton The 1:.ALd1ea .
---- --.,0 .---- ---- -
.• . .• •. .•
Yr. aII4~, I~ BrOwn.:and bMlJ 1AIIWJIj'"7' :were ~ cuesta ThUnd ay, . Ethel
~ of~. '
Mr. and Mrs. 1t'rlssell . Wilson and family enjoyed a trip to Washin gton D.C. last week. They returne d home via the Skyline Drive through Smoky Mounta ins
, FRIENDS IIOME' re............
Ura.-" N - a r ~..,.......... .......... to ..-:-- 1D ~'vton ."". .,:",_... atter '"
!' few
..... w_........
weeD at the .H(lIIIe. " • • •. • • , and MJS~ GeoIlI6 of I.IaYlGa'. Were supper ,j;Uesta. Sunday
. Mr.
• • • • • time
• • • ~ • 0Ifde Colema n ' ritulnie d . to his Norwood, Monday. bUt Mrs. ·11".....,;;. W"'\I' ICralAillDliD w11l remaJD at the Home tor aDOtber 'lfl!t!k. , '..
• • • • •
A group of twenty young' people .~erai servlC1!!> ~or. Mrs: L,vdla from the Frlend's hurt:h will leave Harveys burg. wW be conduct ed Friday mOmln g for .a weeks stay' at Pleelan d 87 "'h di d t h h the Chu . rch camp on Lake Dewart, 1n ' ..., 0 e a ' er ' ome FrIday t., ' I '- t th norther n Indiana. • 'I 0 c. 00.. a . e resIdence. A native of West Union. she .~~-+-.- - - -- • • • ~ vlved by her hU$band. Aaron Burial Mr. arid Mrs. Lawson Whltesides 'wW be in Mlalnl cemeter y, . of GlendaJ e, Oincinn ati. were dtnner l!1.1ests· of Rev. and Mrs. R. L. J{'~kWPA SLASH well. Sunday. Slaahln g ,of WPA payrolls In Wat:• • • • ren county under the new thirty-d ay Mr. and Mrs. Maynar d Weltz, Rev lay-ofl ~n almuty has begun. Id Mrs. R . L. JIacll'well and · Mr. WPA officials at Clnc1nn atl said Mrs. Ethan ·· Crane . were Sunday four men would be dismisS ed today. ·e\.enlng supper guests of Mr. and More will lose their jobs next weelc. Mrs. Don Hawke. the clIu:inDa.tI. 01rldal -'<L ~ • • • • ApproXImately 40 'were dIsm1.ssed Mr. and Mrs. E~tel Pringle and the county recet:ltly, It W8II learn- Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Stroud of Leb6today. non were Sunday night supper guesis of Mr. and Mrs. W. E: StrOUd.
. . . . '.,
MICKIE SAY S• • • • • Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Whitak er and son of Cl!,!cinnati. v1s1ted last week at the home Of. Mr. and Mrs. Will Grabam. .
• • • • •
Come out.. ., CJIlAMP ION BIICITB B ,
' J. MUton Ea.rJlh ut. . ~-a MlCOUtley recitatiO n . ~teel --r..t the ~nnual conventIQ~ of: ~e J:f&., tlonal Federat ion of, McOU1rey ~' .... etles at Oxford SuntSay, JiT. ~ Dnlwho is 93 years 0111. r~1«l WU; ·'· Uam Cullen Bryant' s ..'l'h.....~ ... ' in a clear VOice that was' euu:,bearci' by the 500 persons preaent . . r ~ ';"
- '
County ',C ourt Ne"\\rs "
---,---,, Flora M. Crane Jilditor
~nd Publisher
- ,. _
WI.n and Prasaere,
lira, carl
OUI Btllea ,iIoppOlnted a'p-
In the matter of the Ohio Unlver- In the ~tts of ,the ~tate of sallst convention; authority to sell Ida Clevenpr. deceued; htiu1nc ,1ICl real estate lnventory set fer A\18'U8t 2; 193\1. SUNcrlption Plice, $1.60 Per Year, J;»ayable in Advance EmUy Me~mer vs. Charles Messmer In the matter of the estate 01 !!!![!!!!!!!-!:!!!!!e!,!!!,!!!,!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!".!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!E223!!!!!!!!!!I!'" divorce, extreme cruelty, J. Lester Mul!Ol'd, deceased; 'certltlreate of transfer of, real estate order_ COMMON- PLEAS PROOEEDING eel. In the matter of t;he estate of Monroe Banta VS. Glenn Banta. George 8geman, dec;eo.&ed; ,wID <lI' et al,; PfU'tltlon ordered. dered flied, , , Frank Wilson vs. <>sa. Snell. et a1.; In the matter of tJlee&tate of authorized to complete oontract. Kittle V· IAllar. d~eased; schedule 8:00-Musl.c ' ~"' , Mary A, Dey VS. he Frahklln Na- of debts II4lProved. ~ : lo-ae\ttng Recldy for Junior Fair-B. p. -Handles, Manager . JunIor Fair. tlonal Ba.nk; e dlsmls&cd . In the matter of I.he estate of t!>h1o Slate Fa1J:. Edward'F ' Raat vs. Matlo~ Snider Llzz1e Nwmel', deceased ; LoUJa LUeS.. 8:2~Act1vttles of 4-B'ers aL Oolleg~Delmer Groves, Senior. College 01 cost.s ordered depoolted. eke. Vernon MIchael and Claude AgrlgUltur'e IUld Member Ul)1verslt9 4-H Club, Sam L Smith vs. The Village of campbell appolnted e~pp1'&laenl.. , 8:~Muslc ' Lebanon; demur-rer overrUled, In the maUer ot the . estate of 8 ' 4~Better , Buylng by Fann Polk- Mrs. Pearl SOrbaugh and Mrs. FlOyd Edith Bishop vs, D. W. Blshop~ 20 John A. Kellar, . decl:tMed; Kline. Musklngum County .Homemakers days 'timo granted de[endnnt for tlon of real estate ordered. pleading case, In the matter of the estate of J . 8:50--Report from Wor1d's poultl'Y con~ and EXpOSItion, 9 100-:MUBic, • , N. Burch, deceased. lhearing on tnPROBATE COURT ventory set for Aug\U~t 4. 11139, at 10 9:1hUsing More Forage 011 Fnrms-c , W. Gay and L, P . McCaun, Ani. o'clock.. ' It)nl Husbandry Dept . 9 :2~P\irpose of Coun'ty Fnnn Security Adm1n1st.ra.t.ion Commlttees-Otto In the matter of the estate of In the ma~ of the guardlanahlp , . P. Nuetw, l"arm SecUrity Admil'tislratJon Supervisor, Columbus. John P Griswold. deceased' fourth Eva ~l Anderson; Arthur B. 9l35-MUSlC,' account' !lied. ' AIlderson rued appllcation fer In the matter of the estate of guardianabip. "FROM RAGTIME TO SWINOTlME" Thomas A. Williams, deceased; In ,t.he matter of the t!l!tate of IBIdore Whltml!or\t.. of the old.time Bou..o;e of Whitmark, hns written an twelfth account. fUed. Ollver W. Mon18, deceased; 1Dher. , Ilutoblogt'apby, "From Ra@ttme t~, SWingtime." wWch encompa&ses folklore First and tina! aocount flied in taDCe tax detennln.ed. m"~'ft. ' In the matte... of the guardlanahlp ot modern popu'ft..... W>W the matter of the estates of Anna It"may seem Uke a. far:.letched theory to presume tbnt jJlelodious Stockton Evans, Obarles H , 08mp. o~ Herman Uhlenber{r; BarrJ 'l'epo mustc resUlts t:rom, reasonably sound, happy economic 'toodltions ~n 0. Dn- bell. Mary A Ulrler and Ja.cob Let. tiled_application for guarcUanahlp ..u~ and that ,harsh music Is an e;\:prtlSSion of disturbed mental conditions ner and I.ssaIc- Brandon. and nationaJunrest. In the matter of the estates of MARRIAGE -":CBNSB8 But ,vNien one listens to 'the melodies 'of the la.te Victor Herbert and William A. Scott, deceasedi lnven. o~ com'posera of his time whOse compositions Whltmark publlsbed. one tory approved Joe D. JaJDefJOD, 26, factory emr tl t In ttle ~ .. tt· 'Ar ot the esta... of ployee. Fftncee Jane h tl te d woo el'S w e ler a more or less con ten d era 0 our ,nation is not re ec ..... ....,. . "" Bunt -2"Lebanon. t.eaNlel' end Pranklln In such muslc. PaJ'tlcUla.rly does this th.ought grow when one listens Sarah Fla.nnery. deceased; certlfl- ~' , . to the ,m odem "swlnlr' muslc with It." raucous notes I\nd seeming discords. cate of transfer of real estate orderFugate. 21 , papermater, Modren mualc SUCll as "sWing" seems to base if..; excuse for existence on ed, , Frankltn, and LllUan Vlr81na H8n1~, but 'm ost of the "swing" rhythrrt h.a.s monotony of the jungle In' the matter 01 the estate of son. IB, clerk, 'P'ranklln. tom' t.oms. Laum A . D , KJbbey, deceased. &ehed . In ~ Whitmark's bQok. one is lm!pressed with the 11ldlviduaUty u1e of debts approyed. allowed and REAL EST"", TRAN8FD8 of the compoSet6 or that ere, Tiley did not all play (llike or look alike. confirmed -. WWlam Be npv Me to There was indlviiluallty ill their musle as there V{as in theIr Uves. That is In the matter of the estates of -oT' , _ ...e sOmething tJlll.t IS lacking 'In most of the music and orChestra. leaders today Lilllan H, Ludl~" and Earl Evana. ' 178 acres In TurUecreek - musk: Is ~ust b1g buSiness to tlhem, ground out'il!. so much per grind over schedUle of debts approved and COD township. or in t.he night club. The world tren.d toward regimentation in 14med, ' J , ~~ MUl(O~ " to . EH'IIhetb h.wnan a.l.tatrs seems to IDe re6ected in tl'ie Wlld of modern popular musl!::. In the matter of John H. SChafferi MUlford. lots 30 to .. in Poster Park Mr.'s book covers an era of lndlvldua~ty tn muslc as defln- admltte<l to Dayton State ,HOspItal. IBl.2Bacres ~ Deer'f1t!ld' townshlp. lte in this nation as the era which saw the gre&t pla.y of Indlvlduallty In the matter of the estate of Rose Barter and rPanJt.a. 1Iorwhich bullt the ~ds and developed the Wes~. A. S, Flannery. delcea8edi lnberit.. eno 'to Irene Planrler ; 63.89 acres 1ft 'J, ____ ance .tax dete~ a6 noDe ~ In the matter of the es~te of J4aIbel B~orth to, D&W80n"M sarah Flannery. deceued; 1Dherlt,.. : : Marie . ~; 106 ·.m:. 1ft anoe' tax detemuned 68 none. . tow'DIblp. In the matter of the estate of Delbert A ~ Charles R. Lydia A.lli:e 'Poore, doce&led; certlfL =::oss1e Eo Beg; lot No, 14 10 cate of transfer ot 'real estate order.-, ' Jld !~P. . , ..,.a , -.~ to ,~ t.. ICHcbIn the of the estate Jot No, '· ~ ·JJeer.fleJd townabiP. Nuniller. deceased' \VUl.admit- May West to Wuu.1IQ B. IIaDdJ' , and Gertrude X. 70-41 lSSU~D EVERY THu:RSPAY
'F~rm Night Talks, July . 31 '
0; :
" • • • • • were SUDd&1 attemooD callens of ¥1:! Mr. Prye.aDd ......100 .......... aDd Mrs. ~ Wella. callers at tbe JIUIIOIUIIllIaIIdIW eve. • ' . .. .. .. nll?l. Allen McKay was ' in Yellow • • .. .. .. Bprtnga laat week troQl Monday "nul Stub taml!Y' Ot BklpvWe ttl Prida¥, atteIldlni a Youth's At.. were YIaU.on of~. and un. p. j . ~tIOn of, the Parm ,BUreaU, Ttlomaa BUJ¥!a1'1 ~ • . '. • • • • • • .. Mrs. Lucy Flsbbaugh, of Middle., lira. Walta' BeIIS .and d&!lIhter, town and, brotller. James Poleoy, of Velma went viIlUln of Mr· aDd ian. Bprlnifleld, were vlsStors\ the first JeaM Res ~,. afWbaOD. of the week, 01 the Jordan familY. • .. .. .. • • .. • .. • J Mr, Olark ater of Weet V1r8IDia Mrs. clara Dunn and Mr. and II visa_ the.Jeae s.. tamllJ, Kra. Knt.tIer, of Lebanon, "fA Mr, saar II aD UICle oCKr, Rea, ~, evening callers at the " •••• '. bcIIU of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn DIlvja iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _ _iiiiiii~The Rev. W. O. Bm1ul and famllJ and la.D.lly. The , wise men say' that function attended Obautauqua S~y , makes faculty. which means thllot we . eve:- Present staUstlca on hogs In4.1ca.te learn by doing, nln,. . . . . .. , .. th& production of 83,000,000 head tn 1939, When the average yearly p ro- -::=:-:======~~~= Ruth WIcaIII entertainbW the duotlon was more ,Ulan 80.000.000 Club, the'KerrY Sttf.cbtra of head In 1931.33, the average Ohlcago 'l'ueIIdaJ' af~. • .. matltft prlce W88 f4 , a hundred· Grace Ropr& 01 DII.J'tOn. I.' the welgbt. Presert Industrial and aeonhaUae IUe8t of the BU17 CorDe11a' ouUo COlldltlona shOuld prevent retbll week," currence of those low pricl!6. ..
The P. J.
.. ..
vlllted at
~ abd W_ 1IADcbeeter,
Mr. and
and eoro(at.e bclme C!IIlI,ed on un. Qeorp '1hIIerry 1ft
~. -'- -
NOTICE 01' DPOINftlENT de boDII nOD wlU.
wW lUlaesed ......, ., .........
11'01; ~ &be NoUae ta tiereby ~ at 0GIuIDIIIa. _.-..... ~ 'W~ PoIt
ao.-., Deeeued !!!!!!!!!!!!~~!'!!'!'!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!
rive that . ' O. Office AddreSs 111 , W~ Ohio R a. 1 hal been and til... cIrote flO to .... ,.. - ' - ' t _ de see the lleleford abaW held theN""'" - ....... 'l'ueeda7 '. ' bDDIa DOll Witll the 1VlU umexed of . ' the lliltate 01 Annetl.e Ropra J,a~ of WIU'ND ooubt7, Oblo,'.deceued. , Kenneth
uq'" 'I1a1IndiaJ
', ~c"'" .. .. .. • I\1tIIts OIl Mr ~ Powell and eftDlnp, ' Mr, ~ Mra.1Id WeDs! 01 QreIonI&.
and the Coy 011·
llama .... CIIa
TU~Y _
, Mr. aDd Mn. JIoward II~ join eel a JfOUP of frieIIdJ 8&Inda¥ .,...-noon at ft AIlclllDt-, 1V~ they en·
.Bolt.: IU,
J. B. Chapman
--.A,:..... .. Mmtnta....
Dated thJ1 'l ith da7 of
July, i939,.
BalWl B.
.Judpi of tbe Prcat.e Court' r, •
J4ra. EIale
.W81l'8Il Cowtty,ObJo
spent. TU~y 'Wltll bel' ~,Iira. =======;=:;:;=~:;===-== ~ QlbeoQ. aDd famllJ.
. • .• • • • Joe Crew 01 ~ II ·......... a few 'WeeD With bIa IIIter MD.1IA&Ue Levi.
• • _. • • .. )(n. IIUt IllUiatt,. . .. Weaver and 80D Doll . . . In na,taD
IhoppAq II......,. .• , . •
• .. KIll .....
Kon18 LeWII aDd 0Ib.. WADaVIU&. ....0 eon ....t II~ eftDIDr witll lO', -.--.... !!!~'!!'u!!r~.I!!J1JL!!!I!!~"!!... ~.~-~ aDd lin: DIrett BamitD aDd -1IIIJ',,1 Iaek ....., • . ' • ... ~ JIrI. I . - IfWteeti u4 Dortbtia' . . . . ......., 'Wl&b JobD
ADCtlon•• r
I.Jw... ....1re
0 .......... . IN ....." of v _ ..... II'IDe ~ IIMrt 8u",
leIUa ...
K&therine ~; .ll8O of village of Lebanob
In me I_lid
Ruby M, r..01Jal I~ ~* D. Lollar acres tn Umon ·toWDllb1p. ., In the matter of the estate of Cathe~ Muribe , ,and Qeo ' Earl W. Morris. d~ed; date set Dugan to ' . qallllP--
AI.JO, U I . . . . W. . . .1IDer III JI'IlIfD8 it BO~ ....... Saltjede
'. State 'Capital News All thoughts o{ attempting to
The-attltude of
........... s-,....,..o• ..,. . Tho..'I. one aimple ,yet I~," woV to .....", Itching end tortu.. of Eiczame,
8aJeib and UbJOo
r.I1 .ltcfiill'Ski• a.t. Qaiel Reli" Itchrng toes 'Of het JRa,"" lind many oth.r eitemally co.,..d ~P" end tfIo~ II to opPlv Moon.'. Emtr.lcf'(l),1, I!ICJIit .nchnoming end pte;lp1e whO luff.,. frOm ,uc~ , .",beITelSing Of UllSlghtly IIrIa bub'" would ba wi.. to fly It, . ' Just a.~ .any flm-doq dru9CJist fot originaL -bottl. of Moon.', Ernar.1d .nd accopt .....
Sand" -- Gravel ~ -~
e, Ar·.lDIetage Zam Phone, Way'DeaVille n.. "R '11
Lebanon oftlee ' ~bODe 413-K-.. ' ~ . , . , I'e.. 98 '~' .' Morro;,r, Phone No. II
CHAUTAUQUA NEWS' :::t=~~=:~= News' Qf ed8 1~:r~~:=:::~na::~U>t: JUlY
who appear bere Sunday 30, are one...ol the hlgb-Ushta ot the . 28tal opens the PfOII'Am at Obautau =U!~..!:'.!ype=te~~ aen~ en.::~. s~: : :,~ ~"' to Da,yton anCS all ' aDd rh1tbm numbers that mak, tlVoulb .the Valley ' W11l entertain. tap your toM, . ' All iho.e ln' the audience ha .~ atrractlona tor Ine tq1lowlng vote to cUt tor tbi!tr favOrl~e one week WIll tie the Lombarda 'on Mortformer. bTe p~ ,wID conaia~ day. They wUl present two programs h . .. . . ...... nc.... d I oonalatlng or numbers from ....... "d _ ........~... w -.-.... .... __8Oioel ........c trumpet -allc.1l1r.solo. Vo- opera tQ light comedy. '!be program -~ oal 8Olos. ..plano ellnt band ... Bel . tl . ;.;........ ~y wlll be 01 a llghter vein -ell on, ........,. ... solos and vlollh aolo. tor tboee especially who like vaude.
ft .....
.: . --:-. . A..bUBY week-end faces· the leaiue~11I' Otnclnnatl Reds as they start their i!em1·1I1l&l sta~nd at Croll. ley P'kl1c:t Durin. thia hOlne sta:y .they
CIi.rd1nala. . Tickel;.s for Sunday'1I LI1l!n o,tlrtlcWon with the PI1UlIes are n w on I)D.le the Reds' downtown tJokct ol!!oe, the 'Henry ~u. ct88ll' Store. Sixth and WQlnut Strets.
!Veatner lletore they again . take oft for torelgn olimes, The Boston Bees wlll supply the ......... tt o~ Thursday ·when the' ,Reds OP.,...,. appear , In a doublehead,e r which Is , . also ladies' daY. on Friday the Phll-
• • • . In Winning hJs first sixteen gam· es. Buoky Walters defeated every club In the league a t least twice. except ·•011' ... e·.. PhilSo Wh om he has f8J;ed . Just .... """ . Bucky Incluect four wins over the n.v.~ers nnd th B ~""'OI ree over t.he
f~n .pnu¥io
'~:;~;=====:=!1 I4:laaTh~ 18 W. O. T 0. dar ~ vWe.'~ere wru be Just 'one proliJ'am adelphia ~Ils fol" S"!~IE' g~es and ~i Oraeclo Boulder 'of AU$ralI& In the evening. Tne Ambp'sad'lr twin oID on SundaY. Q~tette. who are also known as S~lsa Bell RIngers wID be here Wed. nesday
wID be the apeaker. M1U Boulder has become nationally kriOwn and . wlU stve her audience a i-ea1 ~ The MOtIon Picture Show. "'111e ~er' •. ~ be rpreeen~ on Pr4tAY. Relph BellamY. MICkey Rooney, and Karen Morley wijl appear :In tbla picture, W .hlch 1& the story ot a woo(ls
. lIlax Gene Nohl, the Intel
~ruy ~"
f:lut linalJ,v restored to h1s needf pa. ttents and loyal sweetheart.
The celina Band arriveS Sa.tUrdaY • • to .... 8 ..... for ten days 'Ibey wW iPve
FOR ~ CONSIGN Cattle, 110'" ell. . aad _ _ __ COUC.,.... IKlIDe in the auditorothera trom the band stand In to. Norrt.-Brocl ~ lIYe wire .... tum. th pIuit At 8 30 Sa e • : t\p'day evenln! liro.,....... fl ••1 the ....... mark.t prie. aad pod ..riIee. A. E ., RobertB •wlU atve hJa fourth .4.n..
•, ,
Ual....... y ..... CI......U. O.
1'laae ID .OD BacHo 8taUea WCD lecture at CI\aU~uqua ~ season. "Man, not Monkey" J 1:11 &0 . ~I :.0 p... ,.,1' ow uU, Hla"' lIubJect .Is, \ "
nationally knOWn deep sea dlver wID show pICtures taken at the bottom of ,t he sea and tell many of his expenences On Thursday. The Vera Pearl. 'Kemp Ensemble wID play a return eng8Qement on JI'r1day. The Bob . Hansom Players' are also an attraction returning becaUse .of their popuJartt}'. They wID present ''Big H earted Herbert" on Saturday after . . nOOn and Huokleberry FInn" on Sa.turday evening. "The K1JtJeti" are returning Sunday. August 6. ThIs group of 800Il00 aIngera were wltb out doubt the most popular grOU~ last year
marbt NP01'tL .
.... ~ ~
:~=:;::'E:":=:~."":':.-~r-.::~ - · ... .... ~
• ..
, "
r ......~~...;;..;,;~~~~-t-.;;..·_.-=-SC=ie=n=ce:....:En==counie~.-~
, Tbe coming of August coincides with tsthe htatt coming of the New York 01 an .' w 041 a serite:! of three games bere on August 1. The series Will olose wlth a~' day batlle on August 3. The Reds and Giants have not met stJ*e the celebrated series at the Polo O~unds thll\t produced the bome run by BaITY
Half the pro he r tom of a depr!:sl on t.<; ~~Iet the botsoon . aud the 0 tl1er )1a Ifmonths too SIx months too late, whloh seems to prove tha t nobody knows much about It.
1I00Tt.fll ~_UilEm • Here i. an cntitel, new kind of refrigerator! There', DO~ else like it! See the "X-Ray" Proof of riua sensational new dlacoveryl See ~ow food. are I . .ed froJD ' ~· 109 Out. Seewby yqU'don't need food conrs of any Idodl Oail, Frigidaire can give y.ou cbis mu"elous "(.old - Wall" CooUq.' Sec it If once. At OU1> .co,.:
Th~ powerful arcs wUl
blaze again at OJ'o8ley Field when the Reds and B kJ roo yn Dodgers clash in fl. night game on August •. The Reds will also meet the clan of' Flatbush In 8. Ie game the next day and a doubleheader on August 6. Pollowlng that the Reds WU l j ourney to Ohlcago J. for' five games s " ing
'\ \
t 1"
lAvE,u:::, ~~~e:~:~:':M:' meD will m!UT U,l'~~ ~re en.. UaU.... anc! t/recJ ,,00 ......ote...ted Meo don't Uk' "quiet" lIi'rIa. When tbey iro to parU...
_ot llirll a1001 wbo ant full f
80 In ...... you need a IOOd :.. ~ tonic, ~ember for l ceo~uo:rt:.: :b0~ told aoother bow to Ito Co':.;"'~: E. PInkham's V~tablo reoIot:aOe8 a..d th': u~vT~"'Ju ~~ Il":DAl~=.u..- from female fllJlOo You'll find Plokham'. W __ O_R_TB_T_R..;,Y1.;;,;N,;.G:.;I _ Compoun(i _ _ _ WELL __
- .- .~;---~ -
O~. .
By Gene Byrnes' ~-------~~=====:~~--~
Model lIIuSU'lted Cold-WaU 6-39 ~O~.OO 14 Ol1l£R FRICIDIURE MODUS STARTlIIQ AT
See wby Prigidaire doe. Got depcnd on!yon "one •• po'''· coOiing. See bow lealed refrigerating coil. beh.iad the . walla liteftUy sunoand food . with vj~ PfOtectin,' cnld• See h.o~· moiSture-robbing ai.rcurreah lie !!nded. how food odor-and·Bavor U'lalm, 15 ~bccked. Seo how Frigidaire maiDWu . un,forro low tempuaturet anel 85,lO~ humidlty. SEE WHY YOU DON'T HAVE TO ~VIR fOODSI
Fairley Ha~dware ' Sto~e Larger Be'Cauae of Better Quality, Service, and 'PriCfl E.tabliahed 1849-1939 - -" Waynellville, Phone 32
Phone Your Wailt Ad.
Don't 'f~pt ~e 'have Dry Cleanin" aildLau••dry .. aer-. vice out of 'our .ore daily. .. Special Men's Shirts tOe, mendecl and butt~ replaceeL, Men! Suit. deaiaecl and p . . . . ... .Men" Hat. cleaned ...d block,teI SOc. ,
W. E! 8troQcll
Fairley Haralware. Stol ei ,
Enjoy • Delicious
E.tablished 1849 Larger E verywllere Becaule of ~ --Better Quality., Service a'nd Price HUFFMAN BICYCLES The Buy 9f '39
Home Cooked CHICKEN DINNER Sunday at
.,THE ·' tITTLE . INN Telephone t22
C~.tom Grinding and Feed Mixin..Yellow Jacket, Elkhorn, and Raven Red "Ash Coal
W . ayneiville F~rm~r'~ Exchange. Cgmpany .-
" ' . Did :roll mOw Uaat ,... caD aeove pracdeallJ an, llDe or Dlertlbaildiae or Iel'Vfce rlrht here In oar own com· 1D~'''f ~" · do..... apea& 1n' 01l:f Home TOWD.-i~ BOme 'orm or another returns &0 the spender?
, f~ 'MaID_ \
.. ..en are 1OUI' nelrbbors imd 'frIendi.-&be, an enr read,' &0 lend their assls\aDce to
TJut all ...... &0 _,;ove elvIa JII'tIreI!i' I j
u.s .
TbeJ lnvl1ie and appredate yo... palrona,e.
100 Free
Theatre Ticket.
TluMah the ~ of ~ ,8J1l1Uil m!UIAICl' 'he New T1ijn 'I1Ieatre, we are rimr away 100 theatre tIdr* BaeIa f . UIe nat eI«b' weeb-1b ~ of loealr81deau wtII appear In the' acb of tIlla pap. 1-~_..IIII_II:..:.~.De M1ecW a& raDaom from our IllblerlpUo!ll Uat. When your name appeara-JuA call a& the DfIIoe New Ad. .air, ,ouneU and 'preaen, oop," of 'be ad In wbleb jour appesn . ':: ... ,.. wlllteCel,eTWc{nn ,'nPKJ'l'8; . ,
25 ~
Grain, Feed, Flour, Seed, Salt and Cemeat Fence. Tile. Coal, Se~er Pipe. etc:. Phone .Waynesville. Ohio
~ Tb~,
.. , " ", , . ' WATCH rHis'. PAOE
~CH WEEK -YOUR 'NAME MAY BE NEXT Y I_"';~~~~"""~_'. '); .;.:.;;;.;;~~(Com __ pII_ed_ . _b...'fir'P"D_b..,1Ir.'.8_ban_ 'e_,_~_ _\ ...-_"'""!'!"'~;.;..._ _....... D. R. S'M ITH Loo~ LoolC -------........;~:.:.;.::.;;:.:;.. "Southern Ohlo's M\llil Modem Pool"
Invites You . Bpy ,our Sea.on TicICeta naw Single ·Ti~k~···2' ··: ··· .. ···... ·· .:...........................; f'amil
" . .* "&'.00
amlly Ticket (4) .... :....... .. .. · ........................•.
· 10~OO
( ) .... .... ..... ....... .. ......... ... .. ...... .,'. 7.00 . ,. F am~ y T~cket (3) .............................................. . 9~" $1 for eaeh additional member
Pool opens Daity at 12 noon Sund,ay. and Holiday. 10:30' A.
fliJnciiDI, ;V:.c Fertilize~t Feeds, Coal for 'th. L.a.~" ·. CENTERVILLE PHON;l!lS: 8~F2
Floor Sander for Rent ";ak~. Old FJoo~ .I..ook 'Uke Ne~
J •....R·~~.$I_BONS ".- ,: . ,
"Your Lumber Man" Vlnc~nt
Will .
HWD(}ro~. Sto:-y _....... -.
-- Laughing
The Radio Roundu p to b presen t.. eti on the stage at the TWin t hea o'e Friday evening w1l1 pre$Cnt six 1lOt.~ By WILL ICOGEltS Ulat oller a wld~ .varlety ot' vocal and rT-lrh:RE wall,a "llIall kid. that wa", Instrumental enterta lnment. Thll 1,.a.,-I8tt alone a lit tle whlle t o takC!\ comedy part of the SbOw will be 'care of the' bally, She got a1 on~ ty in Lytle 7_1' onl honsc. 2 1,2 ncrc~ iaken care of !by Hargus Oonley, a of l,'Tound, A. L· King J 20-2 • clever Imitato r who reprodu ces the sound and effects made I>y people FOR ·RENT -7·r90n l scmLmza.crn lind llnlmal&. ConleY' has prQve~ very house loca.ted In Lytle, known as thl' popul(lJ' over the rur with b1s lmita.talll!'y Iln \I Y property. I nqu\1'c of ; ,J~~"~ tlons of crying ba\)les. He L.~ often ~UL~~~~ H81"V01' C. Cook. Waynosvl1le, R used on big 'radlo program s when 1~ pretty aood for the tlrst hour, but L the scrip calls for a. crying baby: The after a~hlle th~ neighbo rs hcnr d. .the kid bawliDg,.and the bnb~' bawl-, FOR SALE- Red ,Star Coal II Accordta.Dettes are t.wo ehnrm1ng I mil', anel then the kid ran down the. Stove, Florence B enting Slave. SIIlItH young ladles 'who play concert size IItntet to a litatiollery store. 001 nnn~. Mrs. Goldie Surfnce . accordians, TIley ofi'er both sweet " "Ghnm e some blottlnl : paper 1I11.88ye, J27-lt and swing music ~ hJch Include the "How much 1" \ late' melodies, Harmonica Hal , who ~ "Oll, a lo~~ quicJc! E nouP f.o/ FOR SALE- Oflk Dining-room Is otten beard over se veral S(.I\ tions )soak. up a boa:le of i.nkl" , ~ ai ~ B il ('t rounet Tabl!'. 6 . ".All rl&,~ are it Is, Spllled Ink' Conklin Iil th is territOr y Is ani artist who the 's Uenuty I\oppe \1)1 5; on- the tlot r . . people of t his commun ity will enj ~y , " No, b\lt the bnb~' dronlc a bott le. WnYlIebv!.Ue. J:!7-lt la nd I'm 'gOlDg to make him ellt : eclng In person. 'l1h e Sleepy V8Jley land .mve his Ufe l" FOR SALE- Dedroo m ~ul1 e . ell) . <I' Boys, an instrumen tal group \)'laylng .(.b.rlea n Nen Fcatwv. Im.l . J)(!r Cupboard. ]'WcK rs, Irotllnt: old time favorite,&. They feature a .. Board . . Rug 10'A: x13. L H. Gorden . trICk iI~~'1.h'i!.14i88 befm very popular with theatre audiences 'Tyrone rowe~ and Sonja Henle romanc e again to lhe " ) ' • FOR SA.LE-;-Shaat( '·"·B ina PaL_ In th.Is territor y. The sixth act Is of six new sODg hUll In Irving Rerlln's "Second Fid,dle, Ill t' I" . terson , 4 mUes west of Harveys Century Fox SlO},y with Dlualc opening Sunday Jul y :\0 111 f ..I1oo._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ocwboy Don. a young k11np who .Is bw;g on l1arveys burg.Lel>anon roa.d. tlve-day engagement at the Xenia Theater , Xe ~llI.. J an expert at. yodeling the plalnttv,e With Tyrone In a gay role showing him aa he ST. MARY' S EPISCCCOPAL MIlt! v tllm Is highligh ted by S onj~'8 s8lisatlo nal Ice . , ~ . ~ reall .. ong$ ot 'the plaIns. "Shake " David· ',' C~1JRCH so.n who hJ!.S been In charge of the WANT ED-Ho usc pa.!.i,t1ng. $2.50 ~~fo!~~._Wlt~ ~ ~k~tlng 'Parln r for theflrl'l tim on til l .• Rev. R. L, Jlackwe ll, l\linlste r other Radio Roundupa present ed a.~ per dllY . you CUl'l1lsh the pain t . Oall 8TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY or write F . J ohnson , 342 W . GraJld the '!)vin theatre wID also be back 7:30 a . m. Holy OclJUnunion' Xenia. called on Mr. a nd Mrs, G . V. again. The stage show will Ave. Springfield. Ohio. tl be pre11 a, ro.. HolY Co~DlU nion and Sims on Sunday artemo on, sented In connecUon with the reeu.. sennon. Mr, a nd Mrs. Allen and da\lghtel' • • • • • lar picture program , Wo Sll'Vices. Will ' be held in s t· of Dayton were guests on Wednes , Mr, .and Mrs. R. W. Halliday ot . M¥Y's Church durjng the :nonth of day evening of Mr. and Mrs. Thea Cleveland and Mr. and Mrs. Todd August, Hundreds of thousa nds of boys Perkins. Walton. Jr .. of Dayton were Baturand young men read THE ' AMERo• • • • • '"' day evening gue~ts of Mr, and Mrs ~ ~AYNE VILLE WAN BOY Magazlne every month Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peterso n of I J. T. Walt.on and Mr. and Mrs: METHO DIST cnURC H and' consider it more as a li ving Midd letown vL.~ lted hls mother Mrs Frank Kyne. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Olark or DayBAI", John V, i.!lc:Y, l\Jlnlsk r companion than as a magazh ll'. Nell p~terson all .Wednesday evening t.on were saturcli y gUests ot Mrs. • • • • • "It's as mucb a buddy to .r" as , ~unday. July SO, 1939 • • • • •• Born to Mr, aud Mrs. RoI>e~l MIU'Y Carm y, D : 3~),Ul d.ay School . R. D Collett my nelghbol'hood Chunl" wr1t ( lI1e Vlvloli Hun t of Xerlill spent' the Smith a .daught er on Sunday . July Supt. . • • • • • . high school senIor. "THE A.\l ER_ last week wlt'li Mr. and Mrs. Wm 23 at: Harting er hosplt~~ . Mr. and Mrs, HarVey Burnett lO :40-Mo mtrig Worshi p , leAN BOY seems to underst and a Holland. spent Wednesday of lali~ week wlt.h MONDA,Y boy's problems and conSlder s them Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Rosnagle and 7 :30- Epwort h League III such a ~'Y m pathetl c and helpful Mrs. Wm Holla.nd Is spendin g this family at London. O . _ WEDNESDAY way, It gives advice and entertai n, 2:1OO-Woman's Foreign M~<;SiC'll ' Ing reading on every subject in w,e ek with ber llaJ'ents near Ol,nlinary 8oclety , with Mrs. Rufus Wat- whlo.h a young fellow Is Interest ed· natl. Mr. and Mrs, Lee Mason ' of Maron km8. .. It Is particularly helpful In sportS. were Frtday dinner guests ot the • • • • • . I made our school b£lSketbali team former's sister. Mr. nnd Mrs. Volcha. Holland are Mrs. Allee Clark . because ot playin g ti ps I rea d in spending fl!\1s week In Florida. WAYNESVILLE CDmO n OF • • • • • NEW YORK (Spec:i al)-Tw o , CHRIS T Mts, Ethel Keller and daughte r or THE AMERI CAli BOY agencies ~ a ~e 'le~ D set up in • • • • .• W. C. Smftb, Ministe r. New York Many fa mous athletes In all AshVille : ~Ity , N, Y,' are vla1ung at the to insure Mr, and Mrs. J , T. Walton visited 'S~DAY World's Fair' visitors ' getting sportS credit much of their success Mr. and Mrs. Ralph.H alnes horne of Mr. aDd Mrs.' Vernon Porand sons \Lving accomm odatIon s at a sythe 'and daught Th1s being the 5th Sundlly we will to 'helpful er. suggcsUons received on Wednesday. most reaso~able' price. have preachi ng Sunday' mornin g a t ·from sports artloles carl'ied • • • In THE One ' is the Mayor' s Official .• • • • • the SUnday school hour 9:30 a . m. AMERI CAN BOY Magazin Mrs. EdIth MacLardie of Dayton r , apd Mrs, ' Gee. Wood cit Daye. Vlrtu!"f World's Fair Housin ~ Bureau Commu nion 10:45 a. m . ally every Issue offers advice from a ton visited friends here on Inc" with l;l~adquarters.j.n tH~ Is vlsltlng her cousins Mr, and Mi-s.. Tuesday. ~unday School 10:50 a. m. Chanin Buildin g, 12:! East 42d ' ~ey Burnett . 1amous coach or player. Football, • • • • • ~ EBdeavor 7:00 P. m.; the bsskctb all ' traok.. tennis,. Street, set up by lllayor ' La• • • • • In fact , Mrs. Ella. Ke~t of Delawa re" 0 ~l' wll,l <be On'al Bavage, Guardi a to ~ocate rooms for every major sport Is covored In ftc- was' cnJU~ on friends !here lCrs, Emma J.8cY atUnc11id a fam.. on 1'bur'~ visitors in l)rivate ' ~Iomes and PreliChlng '7:45.p. m. lly picnic at Foster's Sunday. Lion and fact articles, \d8.Y' dwellin gs, ' WEDNESDA ~ ' • Teache rs. libraria ns, paren ls and • • • • • • The • other • • Is th.e Hotel Room Prayer meeting 7;45 p, lOIl Qcr s at aey~lubs also t~om· Mrs. Thomaa Oolllns ot Duyt on , Informa tion Bureau ' of the Mrs. F'annl,e Brugg man of Daymene! THE AMER.IOAN BOY en. ton spent the wee'\c end Witb Hotel ASsociatiopl of :New YO'rk, spending a few days' t his week at Mr. anQ 'thuslll5 tlcally. . T qey have found M rs, Todd Vlalton . the home of Mr. <and M;rs, Walter City, represe ntfng 180 hotels JERRY ORURCH OF ClIRlS T with a· total that as a g nerlll 'rille regular ~·clld. capacit Kenrick y . of 80,000 W. C, Smith, Ministe r • • • • • rooms. The bureaq is at assocj· e1'5' 01 THE AMERICAN BOT ad. ~.... SlpIDA Y ' The MIsses Emma and ' Osle Balls. ation headqu arters, 221 West vance mOl'l;! ra pidly and develop bury has as g\lests Thurda y Ml-. and· Mrs .. WIlUaJn Rog~rs wec~ Bible Sobool' 9:30' a . m evening 57th Street. more . worthwhile ,. cbar.acterlBtics Mr, and Mrs. Hor.acc Wtcker Sunday .guests C?f ' Mr. and Mrs, Ray ComJhunton 10145 n. m: slWn ~r Both agencie sltunctj on with· than' do boys who do not read It.. MlUer at Bellbroo k. Miss Mlr11\ll1 reXenia. eermon. 11 :.00 ~. m. . 'out any charge to Ule visItor In ' Trained wrlwrs and artists, fam: tur,ned bome with them a.ftA}r their Baptlsm al .Service 11 ;30 Il., m. ,finding him clean' and..comfor t• • • • • Last Sunday there ' were two addi- ous coaches and athletes{ explorers, Mrs. Ra.Jph Hartsoc k and children able accommoda~dns at,a price ' vis~t there. within his mea,ns. Rooms in ; • • tions .~ · the,.~~. Mr, Rnd ¥re. s~en t.lSIs 'Bnd men succe!>Sfui In of s t . Louis Ql"e spendin g their va· private b.uslness dwellin g:. ran~:e in price and industry Mr, and Mrs Therle . Jones 'and join With an cation with Pt,ul GIa$s w,!)o w.1U be baptize d UII Mr. ruld Mrs, Arch Ocpfrom $1 per night per persori son;' MIlton experienced s taff to produce In THE sey and other relatives, · Sunday . . .wer~ Sunday dinner upward , with tJ:¥! 'averagl\!~ 'per ' AMERIOAN BOY .. the sqrt of readguests of Mr, and' Mrs. .r. B. Jon~ • • • • • person $1.50. ; .' • • m~ tter boys like best, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Brickler M1. HOLLY M. E. CRVRCD ing'I'HE Every Wester n' Union .and , In 'the evening they and Mrs. J ;"I B, AMERI OAN HOY sells on lBetty Turner> . ~e announ cing' the Jones. motored , to .Ob'autauqua. Pos~al .1' e l£i g r Jl p h office \ is . ~. ~ Scilrlf, Ministe r . _ , fllOBt n ewsstan ds at 15c a copy. Iol)l'th of fl 10 Ib, son • equlppe d to<luesta fQr • • fl. -; at ' Dr Hart.. Sunday 8chool, 9 :30 It, m. E. A. Subscri ption prices are rooms in conjunc tion with. the Mrs. 'Emma ~ enjo~ed a trip to $1.50 for sin ger's ~Pltal TuesdaY , J~y 18. iarnhart, Supt., Housing Bur e J u's operati on. Michiga lJ last week . ' on~ year or S3,00 for three years, nsltlng t\er • • . ,. • Every policem an' in N'e w YorJc \ grandchU'dren EVening service 8:00 p. lll, Foreign rates 50c a year extra. To Mr. and Mrs, Earl Copsey • . Mrs. ' Irm& _KUlmI;. or doCity is familia r ,w ith the plan Pr6yer meeting WedItesdny ove- subacril>e ~lmply send your Mrs. B~ Perry. 1141's. H&l~ Delrtp lumbus VISited . hJs patenta on sa~ an4 is ec:juiJ;>p ed Co give visitors mng: 7:30. . II ddre~ and remi ttance direct to urday, . .Buclia'nan first hand inform ,tion'on meth'; sey aPel ',tti~ famines . • .... 1..;" ' I "'o-e THE end 'nl.yton; ,Mlch, ' ,. AMERl OAN-BOY, 7430 Sccond ods at obtainin g egistere d and A ,' .. " ..~me ' a wa ts Y9u at ou~ , ' . ' ,. It • • . '6ei'Vlce.s: Blvd., Det.roit, Michigan. . sponsor ed rooms. and Mrs. BlOch enterta tned , . -._;;;;;;_-__....-i;;_ J ' . c _._;;;;. _ ;;;;;,,.;;;i;_ ___ ___ iiiiiOi_iiiiiOiiiiiiOiiiiiiOi_ Mr.Mr.01185 On making the appUcatl'on ¥t, . ~d ' ~s. Wellu Haines Qnd •. Bettrria n.·· Mr. and Mrs. tor a rOQqI the visitor P,\lYs a de- . daughte r Linda Lou ' ~-J]~iii;r;0=:::;:::Z=='::!'1L-~_ ahd ~ VIvian Vesper Sudend i ' Of olnclnn atl I posit of 50 cents .~ r~ight per Mr. find ~s. Robert ,PJck(lh l ·and qt . person for whlc he .tt)celves a Joh,ns' of nEmr J;\epb~~)t, ~~. . ~nd' I LOV E TO S EE t 't . Lawrcn! . bur g. Indiana the past I r eceipt. The r ecei~t ,Mrs, ~Ichar~ _;rurfl~ a,n dsou.,Dicikc,Y ~ay be preTHE CHILD REN HAVE wceek. sented to the landlorrl in lieu I of Centetvl11e. Mra,,aibetJi 8n1\th .. IiIr • • • A GOOD TIME . of cash as par t Pllymen t for the or ~yt&n w,e re .s~ afJ;ern60n ) guests ot Mis. Mr. Ilnd Mrs~ ·Joe ¢onklln of Rlcll , room, :Margaret Johns Paul o1OIuls' land and Mrs. Byron Bishop gf " ~
@J ~
Around the World
With IRVIN S. COBB .--"
In ~e, Very .Lap of
By 'JRVIN s. COBB I AGED couple ..:from the East-ai de were vlailinc their 1III&I'l'W daught er in Brooklyn. One atte1'll00D OD a aiP~ieb'1J stroll . \ . drilted into a uearby cemetery, • •
AN "
......... - - -
"---- - --- ---- - ----_.'
] Ch'~rches-
. . ... .
. . .'. ..
Room Bureaus ·Set Up
, For New York Fair
• •
\. . -. . .
• •
Do 'y~u "Bi.1ill to pieces" when the childre n are noisy or when the vegetab Jes bum, or when the jelly won't ":Id?" . .Some mo~ers ate .~tura1ly crankY. Some mother s are cross and lDlpatie nt beCaus e they are nervou s. . If you are a natural ·crank, · DR, MILES NERVINE won't do much for you, If you are Jrritapl~ becaus e your nerves nre overtax ed, DR. MILES NERVI NE will ao a lot for you. . . Do ~ou suITer from Sleeple ssness, R estlessn ess; Nervou , .' ]irl~bUlty, Nerv0u :' Headnc lw, or Nervou s In'c1ig~on? Dbs ~(,Iu.;w,ol'f'Y' ov~ trifles, start nt sudden nois,e.i;? Overtru (ed • • 1 mtes . will ,ca~e all these trouble s, and .D~ MILES NERV~ " .\ . .y..m.h~p you to relax those oVe~ ~ nerves; . ~.!::...VfJs7 doItt you give it a trial on ·our gUaran'tee of ey back? Your druggis ~Jt t can tell aboUt ~ 8tarled . ~,"'~ ~_~e bas hllCn sel}.il)g it everyou er~ &U, .a ~"l6 ' store, Dr, Miles Nerv1nlIinee he e c~ '. tf!ro lonu-:-~utd and, Efferve scent Tablets; " '.
satisfac.. .
.,""'" XeritDe.,LUp
~'_ _t ~ ~
fl,oo-smaU' Bow. Z!It
l"ac:bre .~~ ~
Presently, a huge marble mausoleum eauaht their eye. The), lialW before .it in admirat ion. ' "Ain' t that peautitu111". said the old man, "I pet you. E.o... that c~st!~ly .twenty thousan d dol1~l'1I. Who is burled there;:l wOllde r" HIS Wife, whose eyesigh t was i)etter' than his 8~led out the . . . . ,carved over tlie entranc e to th~ tomb. .' ,' , "Augus t Kohn huh ?-sol Then it must be tl1e million roods importer what's purled there.'" He wagged ' biB beard·aire fA tdbIIe. l"Vcll, them rich lle<lples certainl y do live veil." .
... .
II'WW'M, Inc.);
.. ... ..... ... . ' .
- ' - ' _. _ ._
. _....,..-'-------
lite offer a satislactoTJLSe~ice
at all time ,
McClure Fu ner a') ·Ho me W."a eavW e ••
• •• • ••••
LOOALS-.. i· r MI' and Mrs. ilbut N. Sears wer ' I in Day on, Monday. . . . Mrs. 'Roy , and Mrs. Erwin • .Wa'e DaY n Visitors. Sa.tul'day afternoon. . ' • , ., . • Mrs. T. S, ' Hhrdlu and Miss Vlr ",;.. log ... "'"' • ..,.""" 1nJ_ . ,inIa HanlIn tOe ."". "1<1",Y• •• Albert- Gray. of r,ebal\on. drfver of Jetto' at the Zap Wednesday evenJng
PlVI!I persons ' we~ ' Injured< in &n automObUe crash on the waYtl1lSvllIe '!lebanon pike Sunday night. 'Phe 'injUred were Lowell Thomas ut"'.ItArI·141K Lytle who 8uttered head Injuries a knee; Frank Thomas • '. • face cutsj John ROby. and SOD Jack. cutB on his Arthllr Mrs Wayneav1Ue. wM W&S drlv_
, • More than 2300 soldiers. ' compi'lStng the Oa vllh'y Brigade. II oorted by pollce a.nd state hlghwa . pa.ssetl through W ynesvllle _ _ 0_ _ _ _ _ _ t Is mOlnlng They were xpected' and at early hour Ma n street wai; • ' ., . d1,l'onged with people ),,1,0 c.a me to LOCALS<.' s the aFmy au Its way from Fol'L Mr. and . Mrs. R. D. ?Ollett and 'J. K. ilK-Ole, Ky,. (.0 , Plattsburg. N. Y . fol' SOn J ean a motor trip " '•.0" ' " Hl'r .I.. mM,"",'. • ",,·. ugh Smok, .........k. De11'ltJ1C1'l,4 1 Yellow • • • • • ~' . The outfit Includes regular aTmy . other SU8talned _concUSIIlon • 1 • • . men from Oh.lo. Incliana and Ken. Mr. and Mrs, Will Stroud vis ted and scalp wounds. His seven year ' The Ml.sSes ,anny and MinnJe tucky. MI. anu ·Mrs. J. B. Wu<lswo.n b of old SOD Ray Harold Gray 'who was. Bbe.rp 6Jld Mr Riley Sharp spent Cnl'l'olJl.On, Sunday evening. 1'I.dJng with· him also suffered con- Sunday and Mo.n day With MI'. and More than 50.000 sOldIers, the Ifu'lI • • • • • , and family. Aot pen.ccWme army In l'lle bistol'Y of " ,.',~ ., CussiOD and face and scalp injuries. Mrs. T. S. Harqln .... Un. Ira The lW:cldent it is .said, • • • • • the Counu'y. wi.ll,pllTtlcipate In mon· l.ll'S. W.. A. Lukens and daughtel· Week • tormer c0Ue8e room-f wilen. the driver of the Thomas car ... . . " . euvers a t Plattsburg. Eb. jltll'. VI&\.ed III Cleveland over thu . Mrs.· Oarl Frre Mrs. GoWle Sur. Wl.OCK UU. mate. M1Ba ,MIotY attempted to pus the (kay -car ad CoYiDer were Day ... • • • •
, ~ tM
~prtJlg& /J
.:t. ··
LoeaI Happen ' JOg. S
'~li,jOyed M~
Bro~ ~ e!l~ta1nJDg
SCbJdt~ntz. °
.. .
. ..
1-J(J8eptb Tinney. ,
-' •
, . '1'0 make room 'out au
~r Gra.cel~~ •
.... J...
at her count.ry borne Wednesday eve· oing, with a steak try. WIDifred Mlaon, Mason. ,and Mr. and Mrs. Mepd,e uball of Xenia and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock and
.M~ ~Udred
.on D,,,'" W<io he, . .';;is:
Caroline Barnett. age 81. of Bell- " • • • • • . , •. • • . brook, died W:ednesday afternoon at M~. and ' Mrs, Wa.d(~ Shepard. al:ld hQme of her daughter. Mrs. Bar_' Mr. and Mrs. ~. 'w. F'orter and lam. ,n ew I am vey Sackett. Wayn,esvllle. after an Uyt of Otnclnnl\t1, we;re Sunday din. bats at 1llnesa of two weeks' Her husband, ner guests of Mr. aru1 Mrs. J K. Bmtth. Barnett, .Green COUll-. PreSton. ' • I tiY commIMloner.· precedect her In • 0 • • • Llnder. o. death 810. -'i'i(r. and Mrs Vern Simpson spent tormerjy ot ber daughter. abe Is surviv last week at "he home of by ope eQD,'lBam simett-. ,ot Cen- Iofrs, ' sbnPBOD'1f parents. Mr. Bnd ~n!'I"" ~teen grandcbildnln, 8Dd 114& ''lrWty' P:Urdy- In .Bufor d, 0 l.t.ollll'lcell'!ln , ~andchlldren.. M1~ .June Purdy &companied then: Puneral ,~ WlU be held B&~ orne ·tor' .. weeJt's vIsit . :. ~,Y,J~.t!!J1l~)/. ~ 2 ~'cblk at her . , . • '0 ~ . ret\14i,~~, il:1. BeJlbl;'Dolt. . ~ _. , .~ .
~·I'~••·.."I". Mra. ~ ~wardl
£Alrab·"H· ·&'1....
.9I!~ID.I· -"~,,~,. ...,.... ol "",.... .. un~:!:.ea. ':a of Mr. aDd Mrs. ~OI>•
. ~ 8~RNETr '
Mr. and .Mrs. a,obert We. n .z am..
A ._ I
and Mn;. ktalph Hastings anti SOil Bobby. and Donald Lukens !>llCu. ~a.Luruay aL Concy Island. • • ~ • • Miss LoUise Zlmmerma.ll bpent sev • • • • cnd days lasL week with Mrs. Leo The) MlssiOn!i.1 Y ooclety ot the Ferry Conncr. Miss Kathl'yn. atbtXms entertained im d WaynesVIlle Ohurches of Christ • • , • •
.. ~ a.. ..,uaer
nE • .,..
on. .......e
~en ~
j.:&U~~ !~. H. ~" ~llW.W ~d~~ . .lIl~itS*l';Jt"'1i.W~~~. . 'il~ ~ o,ylo9~. ,o•r.~.,Bt.bel 1JaW§. , •• • • ....!1yc-II,., ...
~ J4ra. , B. H. Wqner and ~~" of:.Da.v~'caued on fh.11n_tlIIiOf·IJ~"'I4~ ~.*tbw~ ~Y after.,
Ilni PrancJs
B~~~ "~ ' •
. ' ., .•
.' , . , IUl "" L ' and IOn' John ot R. B . IUlld, O. ,BraC! pnll&l4llC1 lira. ,01Jde Oolem/Ul' 8UDday were guests 0 , the C4(!ltral Trust 00, IIIftenaooo. . .' 'of C:IiIcI.nna~;, at .1V,d!nper. Tu~aY ' evening at the Q~~lIl Oity Olub. At_ • '., .. . . . • Dr. and Mrls. KIlfM!ZI atrd ter the 4lnner they a.ttended t he ot eentervwe, Ilr; and Mri J. "Rims" game. , .....-00· dJ'''--r -"'1
~~n ~ --"'-:· I~-e'Bunda';', uuc ........... ......
• • here.
Goo,,, .....,. ,,,,,.d
cont1n~ue ~, 0
_~ AId ...... n substantial sum for the Obureh." "'" ""' .,.....
The outstanding feature was the quilt dJsplay whJch was ad- . mired by the large. crowd. The W.y_ nesvllJe Oomll1unlty Oand .and Ralpb Ballou of th e WurJltzer M ..... ....o 00• with a drum corps. funitsbed muatc for the ooca.slon. .
FpUowtng are wlnners In ,the
, . ' O'I4tAu1ty. depth-otplantln8';· temper_ Sue Burn.e tt, 1as~ wee~. ature oJ storage: ' an~ other f~tors , .' ..... ; ~ whloh -greatly compUcate · ~he : per. Mr. and ¥rs. J . p, Larlck. ~ ~. tect418' o~ any one variety whJi:n -wU and Mrs. Ma.non Fcaner\~ childpfP(luce exceUent ,t.ab)e · ~toc.k. wder reo. vls~~d tbe OIncumat.rZoo, sun.. alC.COndWODS.' J
• 1<,
. Ill8tructlOO"in the consetvatlOn o~ wl11 '& glven to 4.H, club- meml:Jei'lt ' Over 15 yo old -at, Camp <Ohlo; AUgUst 20 to 25 Abo ' and. '. gI 1 from ' h .' y n r . ' eac county ls.ellglble. 'and tbose''Ulterested ,shOUld contact their "agrl_ a;Jen,t. " I, ' .. ..1' , ' .'. ., ..... ,
co~y ~ .
B'l!,$t peck pt wllea,j Walter Whitaleer; Soap Ibox demy. MUton J01lM. Best . decorated ~lCf.\Il8 Campbell
""., _ ' "
'l""" , ...., _
L. S. ,Penn.; 3rd, Ralph Stowe, .. '. Old Flddler&-lat. Ed /--orqten. . . ; 2nd. 'Hugo Wllsonj 3rd, ~ uOpaa Brown. ' . MarUfD B{uake; :aDd Wilson and VUlars S'rJteDito
_ , _',
~ aufWi",y'A~' . ~
~_ Women:A:,l!'ore1an Vi......." o(
the ~~ ~
afternoon.. AUC)J8t.. 2Dd ' wW1 He.r&r:t!:4MU'd1 Md.~J\ 0'. . ~,
, .. ,
VOtlon,s'l~= ,~
-Mrs. K. N, Hough Jed in. &be • -;
Lellay. lip. .N. '. _ _ ............. __ ... ;._piealdent.; ..."'O"';;, .._-t.;, .... ~......,., K.__ ._
Mrs. Raymond Oonner al days last . week at the hOme In' hill' 111stBr, Mrs. O. E. Edwards Dayton.
Wa~ ~ta.rrl ¥n. B...A. COD. MXa J a ~ treaBuler. , " . '
, , • Mrs. Ronald ' M, Hawke and ·Miss Hen.rtetta: McKUlsey 'Were gUests ot Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson Edwa;ds Sprw,gtleld,
~e ~te ,;b9x~ ~
• • • ,' . •
WILL PIONIC 'AT FT, ANOiENT ' . • . ' ... ; .• . , Melloh . was .pleasantly .. ¥embers ... -of ' Ute ,. '. 1 Mi. Pond "Mrs. L. A. GaU-st. Friday eve-rung when a Grange , andl'vthelr trjendf will Mrs: RUSSell' Frank. of his frlltnd ,natbered at . lind evenlng' h MIll . au'sscii were In celebratlon',c.f his twenty. at. •.. Ancient. • LeVI Sunday eveoinlJ. birthday anruve:rsary, ..Tbe ewe. the 'Burg was spent In plaYlllg games IU1lIo\."llUtA~ . which refl'e$bmenta. were
'* :
lollS contests; , .• Gl'ade colt sho.w-lst Oliver ~ 2nd: Stony Brook Farma; 3rcl..J..... Wlcal; 4th, W. W. Kruer. Registered claSS-1st, P : ,G. Stroop Tallest s~lk ,of corn l4. teitt. ~ 10 Inches. Rqbert Billett. _. . •• Larfiest stalk 0 tob8eco. Harold Whitaker. •• ~
"'. , + •
. Dewart. n* Spracuse Ind, :'fh<ie~1n .ttendance frqmr WnynesvilJe are. Jean, ',JaJ;le "and . Owen Hartsock. ~- .. ." "'.,. ' ~ Loulle. Molillniia. and Benton ~ , Hoalc, Jane. Furnas. 'Mlldred. Oook Mr, of Poster, called Mary 'CarolYn Lukens, Willard h1a lfaocIfathe~ Eus.e ' ~ter as, Sara.b Corrine and Seth FurnM ftidII,y e¥ell.lq . ~. . ., 0 ...... •. ~. .• JI':.• 'and Genevieve HI.ldley. ' .
met Wedneroay afternoon at the The Cheerful Circle card club enhome of Mrs. Marjory Brown. .joyed an outing and plcruc at 'The devotionf!l progJ'a!n was If WOOdS. day Thursday. by Mrs. Flo iIUbr,l~. Mrs . Jennie • • • 0 • Planck and Rev. Smith. The lesson ."' b, M<, . MW'phy . _ hb .._ NelUe Hunter and Mary Gillam. This parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Menlglo . . 0>1 Morrow. last week. was especially lnter~&tlng as tl~e I~· son this monCh , 'was "Mlss1on • • • • • Among ow' Colored Brethren", , George H. Edwards of Springfield Two of Lawrence [;unbar'S pOems visited friends and rela.tives In Way. were read by Mrs, He:en Murphy; nesvllle, Thursday. ' , bery, I M rs. Ll ng . • • • • • Our ~on n t 'U n.un Sibollya. Mrs. Alma Mrs. caroline Barnett Is ctltlcally Gearhard; T. Washington, ill at the home or daughter. Mrs Barbara Hartsdb; Mrs. Bradley s aVe J . Harvey Sackett. ' an interesting talk and Mrs. 'Tho~ • • • • • read a poem by a lltllle"ColOred girl. To make room for new stOck 1 The next meetlng will be- held at ~10&1ng out all S\UJUDU bate at 'l5c the home ot· Mrs. Fra.nk·¥o~.· and 900. Grace L. '. • • • •
CeQletes7 A group Of yOung people from the The ~ ciUa:lIt <of 110Latoei is ¥ISs Jmo~ :~vk 0 ~ W,1lll the. ,Ulis affecte(f . 'tby ax'fetJ'. " , so, 'u d egree -~f' , .or ..bcr{:!"' - realdence ._- Prlen(ls ..~....... Oburch ';;..~l"W Is"",,, ~dln ~ .. _ .. 0 t.hft .guest coWiln. Pl1zatieth
Prlencla. may ~~~~c;~~i:r.r.... ~
W1~ ft.... --
~ar~ an(U4rs. kl ".
, ... ..
'aDd Md. p. L. and • d BW ' f .... i'n Y, 0 .- ........... _ , 1aat .;oed, with Mr. and Mrs. •
The Rainmaker dampened ' the. of the exh1bltor.s of tilII ...... _ ...e fair on' the Of July 29. but about. noon ' the . alin came out and so did the pau-ou.. The program which cpmed with. calf show. was to late evenlni. clo8ir13 wlth-the ..old Fiddlers' contest. . About 1,000 persons witte 'jn at..
co~~~.... ~~ * .-.. .. "'~""". ._'~ .... _
W• Whi~ ~~. 10., .12.00'Kra." .J~ ,. VIe l?1rt1\~y ~•. ' . .'.' ' .' '. . 'nle foll!lW~ PI'OIP'aIn. . . . t.beD , _ ......... _ _ ~_ given: Oandle dCDJo.... _:-u,
___ to ~ll to the Na~na"; "1'1eId SUD-
*. and D. O. ~dge~. Song- ..We'Ve-A .. . . ,
~nc;l Mr,: and D~Yton Por~"-)I4rs. ~. K. Day: ~
Lig/ll the
!\ ary Lois. lind Davld,' and QJld Ja,r;e ' HartsOCk ' , I J &Ilcl (Joney, 1; land In Olnclnnatl, Wednesday. t_
RUfua "!'aWIiI; . ",
tor' emu _1'U"
SoDc-"1Ddja .
pm: ~
. . ..
•. " !
~ .
. .,.or:.. .
, Mrs:' J:' 0. ' qar8t~ the week en(f "wlth
Day~ri he,r soil and )'I"-....,:"""-:-..:..:-..:..........~~~~~" fiuntW; Mr. Ilnd Mr~: L, " It. O'arst chUdren 'Ii', ", .,.' ,
~.. ,. ....
Vtbe J1liami
Wa~Ue. Ohio '
&DtM'ecS As Seeond 91au Man
~===-====-:===1F=== 1
L':. County Cour.t New~ rr=
With a 13,uckeve
~tter .at POJlt.offictt, Waynellville, Ohio
Flora M. Crane Editor and Publisher ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY ---.;..--....;...---:-----~-----------,...--- -
. BubKription Price, ,1.50 Per Yea~, Payable in Aqvance
.. " . . . . . ..1.1&0. .
~;:::~~:I.:.:' ~' ~~··~~M~~~~.~k~~~=~~~~~~t\
a~d EI8i: ~ ;~:~r20,
Mnl g.ret Simpkins Dwire, a farmeJ:. Lebanon, De , . T. f.eQk,- p.nd Jr'" Ka~ 38. dahU& ... ... mlnor. uy Clyde Smpklns. fathe r and ,,.shu SlatA!r, 20. Talladega Alabama - ,next 11'1 'M VS. William C. Dwh'e; Robe.t B11I tt 22 r ' w ~ . As the first ~~on ot the '18th don I ~tlc l~p
:r:: !or:o~~~~~~!:e!h%:: ~o:,:! '_n I:::.n::ere~ ::,~ , ~~ _n ,_
dlvol'ce, gross nealeot. ,\1l1e. "'.. ...., .....'''''_'w Hubert G. Addison vs. Doris B- rap!1er, W~esyl))e. - ' -' ••-tl ,,",. ' "d t .. ,__ ha FBI.-8AT. ,AVG. t·5 _ ' . .........., ..... on ....,.,oml!4 mcu:e an more , ............ on .... po n meaaw~ ve ' A Addlson; divorce, gross neglect. Willard '0 . MacIntyre, 25. s~rin· apparen.. .. • The _.~.-on 1 al ,re.volt' ....... •.. -1..:...... +h f t . ... . . . . -'-011'" Rl",HARD DI~ , """"" N,e A'IOPIl......... ,..... 'I " MIU'~ Lou~se Stlvllr VB. Alva , C· ten dent, and Jeanne Marr Rogers. 23 ~~ the Jofew Deal" and many of l C)aat'I~ unanl~0U8 votes. !w1~ .only in Stiver. dlvolce, gross neglect. ;bom of Franklin. , 1ts poll'cles has reached the place five or its of thenunclred and a1xtyJ. ' ." I t. ' l ~. where it now appears questionable.nine MemDel'8 >belng absent from ~ . " ' .' , • \.VMlItl . reddlM, Weaver vs. Rol!1nd eaver; VOI·ce. il'0!IB l1eg eo , REAl. ESlATE' TltANSFERS "" "'''_6 f . Carl J Mather vs. WUU~ Fred. a to whe~r O;f n.o t any portion or Ploor throUC.. - - - or . or . other -Added- . " the Presd:lent's Spend-Lend program rood cauae· , . • - -Mather, et al.; partition of Nell~ Assum t 0 Ola renee T.',HOdg. w' Ill. be enacteel into law. nIA_, ,,1_,"8 . Serial & Oomecly 8:1»-1I&".i"'. erickes(;Qte, _ .. ' real ' .. 8:06-4-H ClUb News--H. W. Harshfll!ld Ass't State 4.H Club Leader, F I'an k Muag VB S-" - tl M son IUld Izola Hod4PIol'1; lottl Nos, 28 in the senate where the fliht aptnst The <lUl,S an ~ . only meeaure thus 'far, to be ,8UN-MON; AUG. 8.'1 _ 8:~'&'-l"1P1$ on EnniWng for College-Delmer Groves, Semor. College (jf MD.!l.g; to Qulet t1tl~. • and 29 In the vl11age o:r Mafl'Ow.. the spending plan c~l;It.lnued heated. brought to the P100r of Comrreu for Double Feature AgricUltw;e,' , I . Perry E. Wade and Mary IOla)Y ~ver the weelt~nd, the total a vote througb the usMf 'the 8 )26-Co1UJnbua Federal Orchestra. .. , Wade to P. Brooks Stockmon and amount ot the Bill has ~n reduced cllarle Petition methQd 18 the GavNo: 1 e :~JJ~ kints Prom State Fnir. Exhlblts-Mrs. C. A. Steele. In COMMON PLEAS PROflEE.D1NGS Florence P Stockmon; 10.20 acres by a.mendm~t from three bUUQn agan-Flah Anti-Lynch1ni Bill. 0r1gcbarp Women's BUllding, Ohio Sbate Fair. \ in Clea'rcre~k townshiP. ' eight hundred mUUon to 1et18 thtJI both COngressman PIah an~ No, :I 8:00 S()U ii:roII1on Problems in Llcklng County-George W . Kreltler, Co Mnrtln A. R ush , Sr. V5o , Lorine Maude C. Monger to Pearl L. and Olle bWlon se:v en hundred miWoo, COngreasman oavapn Introduced Alrl. Aaent. Newark, and carl W. Shimer, SOU conservation Se.rvlce, Rush; case dismissed. Easter Badgley; .36 acres in Frank.. There III .. lItrona po&8lb1llty th,at the IOmewbat s1m11&r measures to, fur;' •.:lo-lAInb and Wool Repor~Floyd DeLashmutt. Rural EconomJcs Adam B. Campbell vs. EYeret and lin townshJp. entire BUI may be defeated. in : the tiler outlaw lynchlng in the United Dept. \Eltzabeth SOhumacher; ' defendant .. t...~ary E. W"u.ovn -- to. 'Willi am H , St . Senate w~n the final vote camei. \Batea throuab" atrolllr Federal atat.. -Added- ' 8:~ of So)'beall6 in 'a Farm's Management-J. B. Park. AgronOmy gTanted 30 days to answer. , ' John and carrie St: John ; Iota N08, , utes. No action waa taken ~n elWer Short Subjects ~'. Mary Louise Stiver 118. Alva C, 41) anti, 41 in Lebanon On the Bouse alde the .Spend~Lend by the New Deal controned oommlt. 1£ t:S()--,Oolumb\1a J"ederal orchestra. Stiver; motion for allmOny pend. . to program la havllllr a1moat as rol18h tee to which they bad been a881ined TUESDAY AUG. 8 Volley IUld Katherllne ~lnger la.n i "aUlng .. In the Bana .e. even though Dl8cbarp Petltlo,l& for each were ent:e Hte; .>healing July 21 , 1939. ' ADOLPHE MENJOU NO LONGER AN EXPERIMENT George B. Johnson, treMUrtl' o f Wlillam W. Judd; 66 Ilcres n Har none of the leglaJation necessary to then placedJln the Olerk's desk, with In Dur1na Augu:;L, represen tatives of hundreds of agricultural marketing Warren county VS. Fl'ank J , OIAr k; townshiP. ' the program has yet been brought to the Republ1Can sllPllng tbe ,Flsb' pe. ~t1vea wUl hold an annual meeting In ChiCAgo , And t.he d legates judgment $'79.52 and oosts. .F'letah K : 'tIecll:er to Robert Kooile the Floor tor open debate. It III With.lutlon and the Democrat!! signing' the · ,wb1le they ]Ilan for the future, wU1 be Justified in looking back with pride Charley Watkins VS. A. 0 •.sparks; ' 11 teet on Mecba~ street in the in the HoWIe committee. that the Oavapn .,etltlon" It soon 'became -AddedOIl the yean..of achievement. case dismissed. vlllage of Lebanon. . New Dealers have been having thetr appaft'llt that nelther petl~on could Short Subjects ~ aDd more of the produce of the Carm moves into l'IlIU' through Daisy . EUzabeth LYtizb VI!. Walter A. M. ~orse to Sarah Morae; ~ tro}lbles. It was not untU late aatur_ 1obtain 'the 218 Idgnatl1l'e8 nec:eesarT "Waboo Free Cub" farmer cooperation. And' the resUlt Is IJuit a larger and fR1rer percentage Lynch; d1vorce granted, custody or acre 1n SoclalvllIe. day nliht that the House Banklna ' a Ploor vote. Bottl petltlona were 01 tbe eYeIlt\.lal selUng priee la retum ;Q to the pocketB of the producers chlldren to plalntl~ , a.Umony ,12 per Elizabeth MUlfOrd t.o' Edith Hoppe; and Ourrency OOInmltteti reported and a ~1hatloq p~ 'fED.-THUB8. ~A1JG. 1.18 . uaneta are widened and st&bUlzed, T hus fluctuations In the craft ot agrJ,' wedt, co.sts and attorney fees eo de.. lots NOll. 30 to 48 1n l"08~er. the major Spend·Lend Bill by & ,ote Pet.JtIon presented Last FrIda . MERLE OBERON CuIcure are -le6aened ~ severity, fendant. I Clarence E. Martin and Ro8e Mar (,f fourteen to tell. after ItrWoj out ~.ed and ellJhteen~ in . ( ~ IOOOpera,tlon was once an experiment. Toda,y it is an estabHood Rubber Co. vs. Edward O. tin to A L . K1ng; 2.12 acree ' in a llnal eight bundred. _nd flfty mllto th.! DiscI ,arge Petition umecI fact, whicb has earned the support of business as well as agricUlture Zehring; final aO«lun approved and Wayne toW~hlp. . lion doU~s frain the meuure, and ~ recelVe,d. Under Ule tulps of , . ' ~c1ed- ' liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiliiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiii_ _ _iiiiiii;"iiiiiiii_ receiver discharged. . Robert and Nettle. Dors to Thomas reducmi the total ' to lesa than two House the bUl ~ OIl the ~er~ ~~jects, out oppoattlon. In the Democra~c Mary LoUise . Stiver vs. Alva O. I stewart . lots ?J0Il. 320 and 321 in bW10n dollan.. '!be bUl tiaa yet to re ~ for ten l~t1ve c!a'is before ~a.:.& ~itaI field. U. S. Senator Donahey and Stiver; restralrilng order mod1fled. the vUla ' ~ of Franklin. celve a vote of approv.J'l from the com1ng to a vote. It Congress Is in former Governor Da ey to F . W. Fronz vs Lora Osborn; 30 g Rules OomJnlttee of HoUle and 8811lon A\lgUBt 14th, the Gavaganthe angUng for 'place Voo tP~~ t days In whlch'to plead granted, Elate Buffington t<, CIIl'l La~n; finallY the consent of the BoUIe to PWl Anti·Lynching Bill will unTbe _te OODaeJ'V8t1on D1V1s1on ' ar: hop Bertha Svoboda VB James Svoboda Jot No. 388 .1n the village of PrankllD have it brou,ht up for debate acMJtecUy be paII6ed by the HoUle ..• ' , '. Frauk W id· 'Ice WeWl I. 'to • . baa aent out .. plea tor a 30.40 pound. any def1nJte declaratlons... .....vorce granted, p1a1J;1tllJ restoreu e s an ,ru , ' 11 Conareu adJourniJ prt",' ca,.tck ...... aboftlbead mudcali fC!l' 'exh1blt at the Cheer upl Total depO;;lts in 'all co- to )Dalden name of Bertha Sloan, Leonard H. Michael and Nancy 1:. The Federal BOUIin, le81ll1atl,o~: to AUlUllt ltth. t~ measure will be 0IaI0 State ........ lwnbus tl8nks B8 of June 30, 1999 -M1cha~!: lot No, 62 In_the vlllag, or aaldng jor el,bt hundred mUlIon dolto a vote withln a few daya PBOBATE COURT ·Mllll}e.ule. .' lars, has alao been having a clIftlcuJ~ after convenlna of Conareu January , " amountA!d to ,1'18.905,OOO-the qtrhD ....... _ .. 3rd ~ - lIIembe of Th!' State Department of ~~\1l.. , est' 'of any bank call da~ In the -,.Oharles A. Grllham and ~WUl I •• ,oyap: ' ~ IIDwIe ebalmeJa. 'Af. , ". _........ n r . ture ~ at a net sa~nga or hUitoc, of th eiey ts h In the matter of tbe tAte of Oraham to Walter an.d Bertba ter bel~ fInallY voted out by the the Houae, and . a nUn'lber of the ,11MIUa dlll1Dr the flrat a1z lumbus Ol~ ~~t::n- Carr e · Smlth. deceased; eaflng ' on Parlett; 1089 acres in C~creek Banking Oommittee: 'the BOUIe BID ~moc:ratlc Members, Ohio ~DIIu of} _. as oo~pared with , The ligures ~pre.<;ent an Increase of OObedule of debts set for AugU/lt '1. \.Owru;hlp. struck .. snag In the powerful RuleI slined the Dlecbarge Petitio and O\W'&WIj Coeta ~ , ~e dee:rtment '14,062,000 over tbe same date ' laIit 1999, a~ 10 o'clock. Jolut A. KeU~r to .ath1l~ W. aPd Oommltte.,; where a coallt&on of ~ti. ~y the Bm wJll ~ve the d~ tbe '1UD8 pel1oC1. of lIrsa. year . In 'the matter of too ' estate of' Bertha E. Keller; UN acres in s.r. New D,eal Democrats and ~U- SUlJport o~ U1e IOlkl ObIo R.epllbucah hl . . ... ld .... . dele~atlOl1 when It ClOIDee up Iqr pas. ' . " I • • f . Of the many initiative and refer. Poster J . Heacock, 'deoeased; e8~e an towns p. • . cana : ,e up ..... meMUre ,for 1D&IIj;.p. . ~ ~ BureaU. of" Mark!!ts re. ell(lUm propGIJalll' heretofore disCuss- rel1eved tr~ admlnlstratlOl1. , Fred O. and A!ty .James to 'RaJ", days Adm1nLatration l~ers' p1ade a . • ~ ~. ~ and vece~~le .Pf'O!" ed, oNy two remain wblch have a In the matter of the eatate of and Marjorie Gilby ; lot .. 0. 11 In .corlcfjntr&ted 'drlVe to Bu¥s A real bU'b u~ '. ~ 10 state to be the ll4I&v1- posalble chance Of getting on the bal Mary E. WaUace, deceased; .wm ad- HUI-Vlew Subd19is1on. le,mmtttee to'rePCll't,out Uie bilL ODIJ J ~~ maD7 . yeM'L 'lbe :Bureau lot' at the N()vember eiectlon. Au pro m~ to probatA! and record. Rebecca Morlbn lAo carl· Mor. , to ftnd, to tlIeir amal1ement. ~t IUf ~~ stile :unIted sate. .was v~ ..~u. 0bIQ PI'C)CIucerIr that ~ey are I)OIIMI Ust.ed With th Sficreta I the iter f tb " . votes " "' la.c:klDato b&:InI'" ...e 0UIe lait SaturdaY. The ~>1o~wl~ · Ul8reqUlN. " . . • . ry of . n ~ ·9 e estate of f()D l lot No. HIt b ' nlltlP.ot blll I ' ~ ~ dQ to b~~smlUibf'VlraWs IDtIIts 01 Cbe Obio Bt:andanlIJaUon e:e~ t:, :ve ~alled . l.o 18tephen A. . 8tilweIL deceased; .ca.rl FtaW11n. · _ vote' : ': :. ~ liu de 1Jri!~ ~'7 pen&l~ I,Dd PI'9Iilpt • 1a" ID&ldDtr mandatory the)abeUDg ta1n1ng :.e uJr~ pet eon AbaecherU appaln~. r Ernest Evall5 t() VJlnr.16 R. RboaOe! WbDe frIaIIed elrartl for aUeoa found gu1lty aGar FOR AND CONSIGN of ali ~. UIied In the market,. naturea Wi req . e n~ 0 IIlg~ In .the ma~tA!r of the . ~tateof lot No, 10 in Johe, ' . roar ~. bop; .,Jwep ... ~ lll1r Of fnilts andveeet&bJel. . tb1n the dates sped{led Maty 8 , HaJnes. deoeued; private The board ,Of educatlim of 0I_bDl. W1tb1n of Uae tTnJt to Noiyt.Srock C" .. 11ft wIrti ... bY Jaw. Wbat III C9D111lOllly knoWn aa sale of pel'8Ona! property ordered Bu"-''''e 1ICh00l d'..... ct.' ·to Drl - _ .' eei' 8'''~ - . . h l n n ov-........ ....l..:... , . . . . . . . . . . . Inn hr u.. ........ the Bigelow P'OJ)09allJ he.: t1 ' , . . ....,..... ,....~ " ~. t'"_ .... wuvw ",~ , tmete ~ .-d ......... . _ averqe da1ly .atte~ of AuaUat 8th to tllff 260,000 87:n.:~ In the .matter of tile eatate of R. J?Odd; * acre in ~aI'lan _toWnshlp. Aa a !:,eault of ~ 1ill', ueI,UoaecI tbe tTnlted State. IOft"Fent..for U.... S.... y .... ~ ~tly ~: 1'l7.000 , P.:8t'B0n.8 and the state Civil Senb re(eren- S. ~~, deceeaed; &ale ~approved and ~d J . Oeat tc~ O~~~ Be~ lou of the AcImlI}Iatra~'1 CObtlOl 1~ .; ,a llen ~~~" T:r:.~ ~''i=4Il~ :'~:dih ~ been tbiin ~ dum b,aa until September 8th to file corii1rmed, ~~ on aohedule of ek, 2.14 acres in Deertield towrwuP. of letriIlat;tV. mattera.1n bOth , vtce J;1npo and otbei_ market =rtI ... ! t.o _ _ &be NeW York WoI1d'. Pair 147.000 ~ , d~ts set for August 8, 1839, at 10 GUbert S1nttb tat OJarence and of Oonsnes. it now antl-~~ ~ ~ acUY1.. -; ~ _ ...... , ____ _. a ftnancllif IIU&lOeIa Orlilnal;1. Th ' e i'BI-'o"': sal ' o"olock. attorneys t~ ordered paid, Mary Mllam' lot .. o. 11M ~ the ,n. that Oon,t-eli ' w1Il be tlM. ~ CM Cl"'na.z', . ' . .' , ....,... propo would In'" /._• " , . n"':"'_ _ _ ' . ,,, L • ma~ f~ IIeIII(X1 r~ged as: high J1Iedge Ohio to give a ' $60-a. nth ~~e:"',.uCle -tax de!oC~ed as nODe lage '0,1 ~uth ~~n. " ,ac;lJourn elDe die by AUiUIto &~. retM~ ~ P.lftb Ohio ~", , , . ~ as ~,OOO bUt leas than 14,000,000 ~)l61on to every Ohioan 80 In the matter of til,: estate of ~ba Smtih to Donna ~. ~u prObabillty adJ~llJ'JlDIeDt ~ a me~ o~ me ~ lmm~ . _ ~e fair 'thus far, Some years of age and also make the pro.. ~111~ H. lrW1n: deceti.sed; private shine, 122.30 acres lin ~n tDWl! come ~ore August 12th, ~'pe: tlGh oom~ of \he.~, played .... , • ' · .,.:1.600 emPlOYee were discharged ' July. c~ of amen!1lng the State Oons,l Jtu- ~le of peritonai prope~ty ordered. ship, ' . la~. ~bUc:an leackra and aD ,~pqrtant put 1O .~ ~t1On . 2CI ~ ,attend&Q:le had fallen tlon much eaaler. The spollBOr, Her. In, the- mattA!r.,o t ~ eatatc of Oarolyn ~ker 1,(11 Mary ~. Irona, ~ are cleter:n1ile,d to preJMIIl,tatton ~d Of ttiei ~eilt .. --:- . / ' abort .of ~pectations. ' Lack or pub· bert Bigelow. of 01nclrlnatl is uot- Ann8t~ Rogers, deceased; tirst and tract In Uqion tmyllllhip. IItaf on till / job &n41OOD~e , their of I~ Important bUl. A moat 1m..... S.,.·....oh4¥tee'or._ d~~ . Uc1ty 11 1l9en .. the cause of the ed ' aa thln.k1ng h.t.s 'plan ~ Qcost !~l account a.pProved ' M~riOll Whitacre to Emma. M. opposition ~ U. SPflnd-.LeIid pft,. tan~ amendment bJ Kr, Olevenger :::.r.o!.~=:: :...~~~ Ught ~~da~ce. ' Ohio '100,000,000 the first .y"r but In-the. mat~ 01 the ~te o. Eva ~; lots . Nos. 1832',~ ~,8S& incl~ve, aram unt1l 'the very,·lut. The :bar•..:w~ ~~~~t.Wo . ~18 :=~:.!'l~~~...".,.u.: --"-others belleve Its first ' M. .lllarnh&rt d ......ft...:.... 10 Loveland Park SiUDCUWIsIOb. Deer~ j)oo,*"Uon 'u iIUDI With. . 0.., _ ~ of ~W was vot.: ' ' 1. . - - - , . \I~ ~ . . . I( ~ 'state ~ fEd ' , year coat • ~i puvQte Bale. field townabl .. , . . ed.,mto ibe bW by an, b 1_1"8 IDU....cs . . . . . .," :O_U',S.. COiIIa .... ~ '" ent 0 . uca- would ' reach $381.800,000 and that it of personal property ordered P. · . the Republlilan ranka Jn~Oanareu tG- '. .~ ~ ,e~ l,7& ~ . . . . . . . . . v ....... ,tJOO baa Just completed an Iottr.C· would exceed $560 000 . . Chester Taylor ,t;o Raymond aDd bnIUIht CODl&erDa&loD to abe YO ~ =.~ ~ J:'~1'.~ , -E!-.•
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"Klng Of Tile Turf"
"WutherJn. He.,hls"
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, 8' hlghl1ghtli in the sW:te's biatory and $)Ores of photogra~"' e , ...... I :ot v,artouS ..pottl of lowest through. out the atatA! Accordlng.- the' book. . .... . , let, "The ~boW Comes Down In · Oblo" and one who has orlly casual. 1, ~ it. is lncllned to agree
StatA! by th!' Democratic ~" .~Ould repeal the civil senlee Jaw recently enacted by the state I to eg1sla.Lure ,and probably res re some 3000 ent ~ ed Blrice the fh-st f t~ oyes, remov. economy measure 0 to. ~/=ieas a~' ~ua. , . p ~
f:\tPpeJn~~. admln1.stra~r
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nell d, Martha 8 . __U!!y' to · Albert bonJs non; . " MOWe Baatln· lot No. lAin the vlL _ " the hrUt oJ I . . .r . ' , " ftI'J 01 millie • n the matter of the elitate of ~ge 'o t.Lebanon: . . '. v • .' • .......... ' . ' ' George D, ShlJplleru (Jeeeased' will ' 'U_ _ 8 Silver to L 'K "-'"'N"'''' . ,~ " ". , On :at,. ... 10 ,taie W~ Paaeantr , . ' , -I . ' • • .....~ ........ .',. . "'Ttiit'lIaiSo tJm" trUl be ~ admJtted to pr()bate and "recOl·d. M. Go!don; lots N06. ,/i ,and 7 10 the ~ lin Gene -N... oa .. tbe~ · r ~ '. ~ ~n the mattA!r 'Of tbe estate of vlIJage of WaY~,!De. , . ', ~ ' . ' ~ '., - , be a Jatp ~ +.h.;, ~":~rit.wtlI James .E lmer ~rcaw, deceJl:li8d; d.lB~~ ~ . Nobl. WbO , ~ .tbe ~ ... ~, e . it"
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" vater the sam. year at the bJ)eIUIe Pred .1. btl deceaaeci; lDWIICarJ . . . . . . . . . ~ of f2lI,OOO. ' approved. ' ... .·~-"" 8e11ator aaId the - , ,(.'OU)d be done by one ....• ~ the matter of .t lle . . . :01 of• '="".'r Robert or'~ ~ Uae ~ WamJ 0ueCte ' John J!'oIeJ. ~e"'.: 1DIIettc... Waa& Ada · taI: '~ . , .
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With the author. Requests for a copy So far, the legislatiVe proposal tributlon In klnd ordered , R'" , teOord. for .(Seep, . .... ' the pf thla a.t;tractlve bOOklet should be amend tlie constitution to pr vide a . In me matter of ",e estate of . ~ ~pear In ~, a~ ,~ ~~ cJi.'lDI. ~ an(t ia~ d1vlna at1druad . . to. t~ State Department State Board of Education. Is t~e only Mary E. Wallace, deceased; C. W. tauql,l& a~ . •.torl¥m; ~n _ Tb\lr!~, Au. ~ .~tlOD 1rW be a Equcatlon, Columbus. ?ne &allured a place on tbe ballot Muljger. Warren Maxwell aud Char_ • If4walJan in "HUla BUlBI' c,aace.' ,.!' , . ,this fall . lea E Moore appointed appraisers. . : ' lJ?I~ ~~ \ . , ,. .' ,.' . . ~ ..,' The ~ reports that the Ohlo In the matter f til .~ biaa bad ~& ~ protee-~ , ' '. . . oor:n P'tle adjustment program III M E o .e eatate of ' .( , . , SUYinC, Jlae doae Il')&I'1ne ' DL ' .• no. \UlCIer way. A oCbedk of perform. . Agrloult\Ul8l and ho~e economics "GUStin, dece8.!ied, W. G, ~ck,~ ; , "'-"- " '. . ' ~ _. ~ ~ anee nveiJs that a ·larg~ number of bulletins shOuld be inoluded on all hill l,iarmon O.Stlbbs and Myron When Junior ~.JO ~ ..,-and ~ ~~ 1Ib411to1p,11)ti. fanners who have kept within thelr "lle.~t seller" lISI,'). as 13.998.138 copies , JOhnson appointed apprai$ers. mllkbecause it 1& WIQ'ID, when yCII~' mUcb, Ot what 'Iie ,J...." .._ cor.n acreage allotments will be ell. were disLrlbutcd in t he United States In the matter ot the estate of ~aY'8 fOQd .sPQ~, or when the . ~, . , .~ e~ for &tx ce.nt per bushel prIce by extension agents in 1938. Stephen A. S~lIwell, decl!a.'led; pri. n,tornIng'S PlCkln(,:.; Of . ' . ',Tbt" , v'm:a >~l" ~p • ~Uif.lllent on ttle nonnaJ yJeld and v~te soJe of personln property ~rder- looks Ibedl'aggl~, t~ s ttin!! fO~. ~~- wblcli lis, ~ . "0r. · air , ~a , •• ~ payment will be In addltlon to A survey made in HanCOCK county ea. . , ' malters ~ get the ,COld facts . ao.)qt ladIeI pIa7iD.i ttoIbis Of varlOUi 'mea &be AAA conaeivation ~eUt ot by a group of farmers disclosed that In the mattA!r of ,the • ea~te of ~han,~ ~ 1&)'1 Thel., wW ,pJa,. " ~t hue pdIjl~ · ~ cents per bUBbeI to be made over 50 per cent of the houses and Edwaril · M. Jordan, deel!!U!ed; Lau~ ma Bh~'. tlc;me ,..~~~ sp~" 0)"'.' .ot'tbe State. ...",,'.....,...,... ~ei. ·The maize ot depart. 60 per cent of ~e barns wlJl requJre renee E, Brown appolntecs adm1Dta- 1aUst; ~b1o l!t.ate pnJ;vel'slty" '.: ' . 1Obp , ~ ' tb.m·.'lut ' ' , ,mem re8uIa~~ gcivet1)1n; 'AAA dIs replacement or major repairs wlthln trater: Rosa Hartsock, Georg~ W'at- Tbe ,e ven told . ~ a refriserator W1l1 aPPiir-lit , 8:aO ~ .W(wid:" Pbol.t rv 0!1ijI.1;(·(~e\,~ . "'~~ ~' 'iOnf~ ~ a.lI in~_ 'the next 40 years: erhouse and J . L. M~enhall,' ~es ,i~ poea1ble~ to keep ·foods '!I "t :J5 .r~ ?Sth · ~I,lPI~f~~" ' ..tea. abould ~ulre. at the l}elU'flllt Polnted apJ)raisel'8. :. ' , ~ oolidttlon fpn I~ n~ber of days Cb4Die 1JI'OIrain~ , . t.AAA· COInm1ttee for ,8dtutlonal1nfor. Wayne :oun ty. OhJo, was listed In ~e matte~ el the estate ~ salad vece~l~ maY, pre. Be!:auae :~the ,piQ t6e . ',' matknf reWtilni bile parlty~. In 1935 as the fourth rl hesL county Norman L •.'R1cJunoild, d~; In, pared ~or ae~ . ~ ab~ .. tIIe ' BOb _i:I,IC*IJuia:ill~ . ",menta. l:lon!t try to figure Jt out agriculturally in the United States. ~erltance 'tax ' detA!l'lD1hed. ~ , , . ettll retain tlie1r c:i1J1IJlD~ and . ~~.Q' .l""'~_d" ~~~ ..all b, JQUiIelf. '. ~ut, 100 farmers ownIng 11;000 acres In the matter Or 'tbe~estate of M. ,Since' ala!, a1fecte ' ~le . .~tIj1g. COIIt"I'ilatunlllLv.' ,tbiil" DllIIl1lri'1 · ' are coweratlng with the SOU Con- E. GUstln, deceased: apPra18ement ],but I1ttle It,.uaua.l,lY fa ~ for ,..,~ ,for the ftnt tune to his 8ervatlon Service to reduce the et. aPIln?Ved and boDa ordered .sid aPo famWe, to buj af'. l~t a seven· le·oan.clIdaty; tor the preslenc)', 'fec~ of erOllI~ on Wayne county Iproved; p~lva~, i\ale ot Jeal' esJite ~UMc.foot b9z. " " ., ,~- 'Brtclter told OolUDiliua 801L " . ' ordered. " . : < "" IQiI BeaU ~ "~tlon rrin,llINIli'rv I ~ ~ recentlY: . ' Stud~es made by B. Wallace, In .. the matter o~ the es&a~ at the fal'lD bome ~ ~ more ' .... ,.. . . ~ ~~~~~~I:~t;:';;~:~i: "ADJ praumpilao that I am a flUm marketing speQiaJlst Ohlo Oarrte Sm~~, deceased' iDventoty ,; : '~ It .. ~ ~ ' cltJ 'ad ~. . . ." - ' . . omd.... fell' .Prllli;denn~ not ,se. 1 State Unlverslty, sMw th'ai ' the e~. approved. ., . ' ,I Wivet ~ bU;, food' ~. . , ~ . . IMI~ oUt; bec4uae I ·have Pc:DSe ot .handllng a' _ .000 annual . ' In, tHe matter of fge . . . . _ ~nl~s, Uld 'thus. nailee . a. . OIl ~ b .....1taiI1ir .~,,~~;~~,;; Me . . . . to: _Taft: & welT I bU&1n~ ~Uib ' alx country eleva.. Henry D~, deC)(!Q;,ea', ti.t.eclule. or. ~~ w~ me llu an ~ OJ!"'''''~~~ _111111~:"~' .....rtI...ffiiliil , ~ he would' tors DUaht be $44 OOO'Wben _ ....... de. approVed! .. __ . ~~. ~ buslnesa " ---.,. In . -~ . .Ye to
" .
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"':''t·U'~Lt!'.:-r:r~''= <'
"1-It m1llt be ta1'fb1e tAl be brute and haY. to Uye Jib a millionaire to Pep 1OW' ered1tol'li humble aDd quiet
I(.~i., Sli.
'et_ Qlie~ Reli.f H... Tawl.... ........ U.....,..... S~....~II~u
Th.... ~ 011. limp', yltllll,apenw. way
to ~.. t~. ,~hln", nd tortu ... of Eq.rnt;
' Itclilll'" Toes. or f.1t R"hN Ind mlny" other .tdiornilly c.ul.d It/n .ruptlon. Ina thatlltoepplyMoon.'. Eme'lld.OIl night Ind mornl'l'" Ind peop/. who;.i1iftr from luch ~ .mberra"ing or ulIIl~htly Iklll,
troubl•• would b. wi.. to try It. • Just e.k .ny firat-c:II" druggist for In In Or!9 ,1 bottl· of Moon.', em.reld Oil Ind ...fll.. to anythin", al... It .. .uch I highly conce"trlttd p... poretlOll th.t e Imall bottl. II'" I long tim. Inel furthermo ... if this cilln. pow.rful. pen.. tr~tin~ 011 that h.lps promote healln; f.111 to vlv. you full Ind ..tIIf,etlon you CIIn hlft your monay ...funded. ' ,
. COlEY ISLAND ~ and ~tra. one IfHal ·.. -.:. nnn"'ft. dance banda of o ...e....- 0:"'""'atage. BCrHn radJo. wt,n,tn Moon be a ~maht attzactloD special Ute ' Qa'rdelllo the beautiful summer ballroom at COney Island, CIJic1nnati. ~ eveh1ng, Aug. • 18; a.c:oorclina to an announcement by ,Ed L. p,«a1dent and e.enel' 11.1 maDaftt.' .. .. George H&!I an~ His ' Orcheatn.. fetaUrmg Pouy the: etrervetS' cent ~ ~~enne, ~ntlnue as a nilb.tJY'ieature!lot COney .. '~ ~ . ~ Jarae-'"p1cnlc gro~d8. With 6:, thoUSlind tree plmlo _tallIes. . ' , . and ita famous · awtmm1nJ pool. coney Iall\nd often attractions to ,a,P peal' to ev~ JD8Iijljer tit th'e l&(I111y. :At t~. 'OoJie" ClUbbOUIe. . < "" , c/ lunoheoiu; &pd iUnnw. ,&1'8 Tommy. Nolap arufJlls :Orch8!ib'a, with the Savoy ' , «\Dtertatn A ' ' . . ....... . ev",ry e.e....... '. ' ~ on ne&rlf 86,000.000 })uahelS of wheat were , '~ ~to" UDlted S~tea farmers ti~ider- th&~ 1938 farm program. The 10IUlII tot:eJed ov~r tD,OOO,OOO. '
m. ,
w~ ~~.
~=~~=====~ ~ ~~-:-=NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Adai1nIdratclrcJ!, boDII nOD wU~
,,111' amaned .
etC ~te 80. . . »eoeaied is
If, . (,
Notlce r y ve a ." COrDeD whbse Post Office Address ia W&YJ)eSviUe. Oblo R. R ,' 1 bas been duly IIIPIl91nted .. Admlnistrator ~e bon1I DOll with the will ,.nnexecl of ..- a~era. late t the Estate of· Anne~..., ...- d . . . . . Warren Qount)'. O ....... ~..... 8th cia f J"'" 11138 Dated thla 1 '1 0 , ,...,. "'I' • .. Ra~h H. ~, Judge of ~ . WarreD & ......
~l'8I'heD la$t Wedr~Y after- , noon· A flne afwmoon Willi eiljoye ~ and cake and lemonadet was served.
S Ith M ~ Lfnn Lln~l'r of Oklnhoma is Rev and Mrs, Carl , In , r s . , Cll 1"1e.s Ed Mrs oJamea Wlcal. ia on the sick Marjo~e Brown and dELughter, Mrs, 'vJ(llti n& Mr. and M!·s. a _ liat • , Smith und Mrs. Mendenhnll wards .. • • • • • • • • • t · . atte eel ~ ~iOna.t"y meeting • Mr. II.nd Ed Youog of ~lor 'J1he Oornells were In Xenia at ,the ,home ot Mrs_ John WU - Park )Vere calUn on fr il:nds and on bua1neea Monday. Us in ~rdin1a;' TueSday afternoon. relativell llU!L Sunday •
"-;,!.-- .
. •
Mr. and Mfa. JI!Me He&tS .called on E.ul SunClI\Y ' • / . • • • . .. ·Mr. and Mrs. PaUl (}1Us were . I 'ed ' lnto the baptized aDd we com . ' Perry ,ohurch SundaY ,morning.
' .
• • • ' . ',
N~l\1e WllUaDl80n
is very low, 4.. Mr at tlle home of ber son. Nev.. \. s. WWlaIMon has tJeen .m all summer. -. ...~ .. . . Mlsa-..Loia Anderson of . Pennsyl' ;Mrs.
W~~I ' •
Stephen GUman. hp.s been sta.y ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs Rc?l1o. Bolton. left Tue$~y morl,llng to me,et ,h is mother In Calciago. from ' .. ....l'.I t th Ul motor to COlo whion lJ'V.n ey W I . .' -, rado.';t'he Gllmans r~llltly purehased the J;Jol~n farm :
.. SAVJS rOODS' VlTli. 'JuDs fROM DRYINe OUlI '. ';" . CRICKS OOORlltlNUYtl , nwcSfER OUOOD.L "
.... .
* fIO~(1I'n~""UII£nl
Mrs .. W, C. Tlchenol' pent!as Thtm;day In Wilmington the g ll C. t of Misses Lula and Anna Vander-
Beech Gro ve
• •
I.nn.a Stum p wa
th'e gurs L' uesda y and Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ticheoellr. , • • ••' . • Mrs., Horace Hatton v1sltlns- he~ daugter. Mrs. Reo ' Onlns In Hart well.. Mls$
• Here Is' eQrird; new kind of re(rigetatotJ The~~ JlO~ . ~J5e lil<~ ,ie I,&- , .; ~'!............ (d..!. See tne " h -R,y' r~oon;) ~ sensational riew ' ol!~! see are'uvel'l (rom ,cbring oue. See why you dob~c DeCci (00.) covers of any l'iiodl Oo1y Fragidaire can give youlhis f!1U - " clous "<-old - W.Jl'~· Cooliq. Sec it lit once. ALOUt
vapla back. _ 9te RollA BoI~n8 Mrs. James Graham and Mrs. 'Lulu • • • • • atter 'a week's vcation at home. Ellis of 'HarveYsburg. . were calling Mr. and Mrs. Shirley SCott of Mil • • • • • . rord visited MIsS Nan Oollet,t SaturM'-- B--"FIler "'h'" has been on friends herll last ..... ~ w... .,.v ' • • • • • day eVllnlng. 'attending , WflmJn~ college thIs . MI'. Vorbroker and son, of Elm lIu~er, was at ho~e Sunday. ' Morrow were callers in this vicinity MiSS Nan Collett WIlS able Lo ." • . • • • Sunday morntrw tend church last Sunday after n T _ U1u' Qrac.e ,J;"ordyce ~t Win~rset ,. . ' . • • cent ilfn~ss. ~ Yialttng at, the p. J . 'nlomases and Howard M~y and Mrs. 11a Mc• • • • • H. R. Fordyce home tb1a wee'k. Kay were call1ng on friends here I Ed~in RandPlI nnd fnUlily of Lew_ .' ., • " • • • • Monday afterJJi>on. ' ~burg. Tennessee, were recent ~esw; ·Elsie Mae"Wtc8l'aI\d RObert BWeU , of Mrs. C G Randall and Miss wei'e 'unl~ 1h ~Ia,ge Saturday • • • • ., . I Helen. . . eveDin4' , t ·die ho~ of the t/nde, Mr and Mr1. John WilsOn of near . • • ..•• • ~ .. Clarka~we. ' wet e ThurSday visitors lild~ln Smith of Wllm~gLon nnd so.: COQ1ll1~iy 'Nliht was held a~...the of their daughter, Mrs. Fred Thomp . Donald sniith of Denver Oolorad~ 'Oreek chw'~ Pi-t,Pay eventiig. IO~ were calling on friends I'ecently. with. a t~ program and plenty ot ,. • • ~ • • • • • • ice cream and cake. ' several fr9m thJs vicinity nttend _ Jess Clnl'k n!ld W. C, Ticheno • • • . :' • eft the sale Saturday n t the home ,oC made n buslness to Washln w, evening caners at t,l!e John M. Wilson' and Mrs.. Mary WlI- C. H. laSt . He.. horDe were Mat~e Reiif'. san 1n Lebanon. • • • • • Wayne Bm1~", and Mrs. Melburnt • • • • • u" A' S . Collebt Is enjoying an eXLe!1 Bmit.. _~A da""h."'-. Mr. a ....• Mr- Geor'g e Beckett and "! ...... .... ~WilUam and Donllld, slve 'tour of the West. He Is at PI' _'_ • _• . .•. .•• • I sane. Chari". ......., ent in Los Angeles and will vlSU ll'u? 'l1he Ervin .Thomues moved to of near Blaqchester, were Sunday San rFaoolsco Fall' before returning. Lebanon last Friday. The bouse va.. dinner guests. of Mr, and Mrs, Sher_ • • • • • In Perry ia belrig renovated man Ferris. Charles Thompson !\ud Snbln Me by Charles Thomas. the owner. and .' . • • • Donrud have added tQ t.he appear_ RUey family. formerly of Bell- Mr. and Mrs. E. C, J effery an d ance of Main St. by erecting two b~ook. wID be the new occupa l1ts . son, Robert of pUve Branc~ are vls- cement buJldlngs. itors 1n New York city with . their ' . • • • • , .• • ,. • • ~.\ and Mra Forrest-Trost and daughter and w1l1 attend the World'li Our Mayor and Marshal are being
• • • • •
· See~
Model mwcnced Cold-W'aU 6-~9
M~8. Alber-e' Wean left 'S un-
Fair dW'lng tour in the East. trip through the • • • • • . . Smoky Mountains_ Little Janet -Trost Mr. and Mrs. AlmOIl Ferris Ie 1J)eDd1Jig' tbia week wtt,tl the John companied Mrs. Adab TaImag,e • .Lee Talmage II,~ Mrs- Jessie Garner on • • • • • a: viatt Sunitar to ClJlJ'¥vWe and !J'he youna Co of the·Ferry church Poater. ' weni on a 'hay ride Priday evening • • • • • :to BprtnS .Valley and BellbfooJr.. Ken The friends here of Mrs. Elizabeth Deth Fox hlrnIIhed tlle team · and Garner Ballard. of DayLon. .are
~ for
.. .. ~
as -100" hwniwry.
SEE WHY yoU DON.....
. ,
'liVE '
'TO ccJVItt "OOOSI ' . ..... .
~FRIGiDlI~~=I~M'IER Fairley 'Har'd ware Store
~i;;===;;=:::=:i=;' lthe
uniform IQw ~f.m~lU.f~ a,1l4 _
$147.50 .
Mr. ,and
. S~c why Frigidaire dOe• .• ~ . , d~peQd only QD ~ olle-...l'Clt' cooling. See ' h~w se"lea're- . (tigerarin g MiJs b~ hlnitthe walJ~ literally surrOllcdJo04 , wicb vital,. p~tecciDI col<!. See how cnois~rc!robbld~ air cun~nts are ended ho'w food odor-Iad-fi,"o, frfttf.r is che~ked. Sell' ho"" Frl8id~_~tIIAu
'Larger Becauae of Better Qua.ity, Service, 'a nd "Ptice
' ~
much approved fot" their good work .. In enforcing sOme of the laws in our community.
' ..
_ _ __• _ _-
Mrs- Marjorie Wlhl of CoLumbus was a week end guest of her parents. • • • • • pleased to learnJ hat she Is Jmprov- John Hood oC Cleveland spent the log atter a serioua opePaitlon which past week with hIs' sisters eleri Ur.ce ~Va11eOSP&tal -HoOd ai'ld ·Est. Hainer: ' to two weeks ago. • .. • • •
j _ 32 Eltabliahed 184~-1939 - - - Waynellville, . Phone.
Sportsmen .. ~
Corner ' ____!!. I-!arry Eldrid••• Jr.
Mr. ~nd Mrs. Wm BOOtes of Day~_ = . ,. ... . . J) ton. visited Ben ClJne a~d other I'el_ R'e ndell RllOades. State Coru:erva_ fivt: IXlunder t or which, Pleld and a.tlves on • • , tloli .DePt. FJsh gives a .. for the Little Miami dialnnRe area·1 The beating yours truly..1.ooIt for MISlJ Fay 'June BrOwn and Vlnette stopped In the othel' day with wOl'd ce.tcblng IiOme "whJstle-nosed pike"In a vigorous deie n ... of their first Boyoo of Dayton caned on Mr and . •..." . . . that the fish from ' the NewLown sU:'I~ers to you' place PerCh, the Reds , are now en- Mrs. G . V. hntch h wiU' be. dlsb'lbuted earler John D8.Iton and Ray Berger gagIng the Eastern clubs of the Na.Yr. and Mrs. Dal'nell oC than usual. He a dvised that some of tiOl!' open a '21.1b. bass. tbltt had aoLeague as they swing tlu'O~h ••..., IN ed • II bOth th lr baita to CinclJIl'l8tl 00 their semi-flna] lnvll.:- Dayton were weekend guests of h er the bass In stocking will tbe pla.c tually swa owl!d e • slon. . siders Bnd brother. In Warren countY. Mr. Rhoades fur- flna out Who ·it:.b'eJonge(i,·to--.Jobn'. • • • • • tl··cr 'j,"..,., ,. ,T he ,Reds . will meet the ' Brooklyn . sald t ha t tliere is a possibility hook was the dee~t2· •. Ilodgera 10 a night galJlle at CroeJey M/ and. Mrs. Tony Wllk<lr on and 01 good bluegill fishing In the po~1s It. CO,ld ml~t:o~:~~,~¥l':atsuni1ae Field. Friday. As usUAl. the contest children spent Sun<!ay evening WlU1 behInd IKings Mills and Foster dams Jilarl Basore IltYirig a. nJCe pike .OD W1l1 be preceded by a festlve pre- Mi.". aJld ~'s. Web. Wilkerson. In the Little Mlnrtl ra nd he has re- the wall of th~ 'Hardy ~~ 10M&. game show. fes turlng tJbe Drum and • • • • • q\iooted 2500 flvc In ch blueglllS lor It--a~d ,,1.5,~g ' h~ ·~fm.t' , ' frogle Corps of the Spanish War Mr. and Mrs. G , V, Sims attended an Initial stooklng III that terrItory. Tlla..t never~to-tle-f~ten Vtp Veteran&- This unit of' fifty pieces, ~he Underwood reunion 011 Sunday The Newtown satchery Is due to tie dowr. 't he, Muskegon:Rivef in a. row In green and ~old unUorms. at the home of Mr and MrS': Curtis d~ah ed sometime this week Ilnd iv111 , iJonl, Tim hours of .trOut. flah1iia oil one of the best outfj,ts of tts kind Tomlinson near Wayn ' yUle, be trucked ,lJefore clayUght \)eCIlUle olle oC MJchJgan's .- m~ ~W)1l ' • • , • • <Jr warm weather, Members of tho st!·e~m,s. undet the e~pert ·, gu.l dance l'DIre8lBnt • something ent,trely ~w : Mr and Mrs. -l.T. Walton visited Warren Count.y Fisll 'and Oame Alisn of P . Van WOTJ'l)er ~~~n". to every "phantom Infield drW""ln Which no Mr. and M1'6. Lee Peterson near Ce- (loll c;:ggjwttee will hell' Game Pro- Bne) . .NUIiS 55 -year Old ;~n.ot~e is used. The Rt:lds have been darvllle. on Sunday. . tector Hines In the. dist,ri'bution. River. ". , ' LPI:ao·Mcllng this bit,·of .il8,&eball cOm.• ~.. • • _ Van sholVlpg trtc~' wi~ IItfiY',rOd , )\ qtimber from here ai;tended the IUlohipD l\tcmorlcs that proved CamPhauee*'s storY of wedding of. Ida DUlnbaugh of n ear The tlu'lI1 Qf arri ving In the new h im catching a skunk last year. , " Tre~1n and Harold Sollars, at the L' hing terrltory- alla ' the let down Last two hours of' the r1ver trip bY. ' 8'Dd a doUble·header Sunday. Mt., Zion chun:h on Friday evening. \\ hel! old Umes say .. It atnt been so dar k with the' big . water gra(i~ FollOWing that. th~ H.eds will take JUly 28. . t. i t since thc ra ins, ,, slOwing down iback ,of the j Ne~ for a' llevere series With the Cubs • • • • • 'Ray Bergel's swell fried flsll and Dam. In OhJeago The 'Reds are.scheduled Mr· and Mrs. Wm Trout of Spring plill.toes. The vast fund of tishtng lnformato meet the Bruins . :In successive field , Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Peterson Ffed Byers after fighting what he tlon wUdlUe lore and lqr.e of tbe ' ou~ double-headers on August 8 and 9 of Xenia lind rv.1'. 'al~d rs. DOilal~ tJwughi was a big trout one nlRhL dOtlS Van hll.$ stoi-ed Up :in tblrtJ alid in Single ,game AU811St 10. Peterson ' of Middletown. visited Mrs. III the' Muskegon river- It was a big yellJ's on th,er1ver _ ',. . , I they will move on to,st. LouIs NeU Peterson and fam11y ·on Sunday. bJ'Hk sucker that. tOOk n, trout fl y' Ol,}e o{ ~Ile b.Jggest kl~ was atop. 'stngle Wt on, AU811St"12 and .a . • • • • • T ht> very next day Fred 's WhOP- III'1 g In.van's. §~re "t. br<ltq~ 11:114 .' bill on tbeday f(llowlng. Mr. ~d Mr. 'W.,.. W, Whitacr'l' p:ng 21 Incbsmall mou~h bass t~at ~In~ every ~~ber pel'/lOll ~ Plu ' , The New York Giants will close Mr.. and Mrs. Elgin WI~~ere .. Mrs- W:lS just four ounces short of ' the \ Un, Cincinnati or thereabOur-_ ' present series hJere ThUl'8day Harold Overly of Morrow were guests " day pme. J'Tbis sel'ies. o~ S~day of Mr. and .Mrs. Rolli _ ... . " , Alexander. ~r:;~~ret8 lor Prtday night's - game Stind,Iay'I ' doublc--header with Mr. and lI(rs. , Virgil Melvin ~\IIHlliClO.lYn Ue' nmi on sale at the moved on Mon9ay to Byron Kyne's 1,~ijtr::;;~' 'tlckllt office the ,proper~y In· the country. M( and ciRar Store, •SJxth Mrs. Topel: underwOOd" ~!1gh' the , proP'lrty vaca~d by the ' Melvlns.
· elva Of R d N : - e S
~In: ~n ~~day. Vlc'~r
ManaR~m:.nt, ~gent ISLl'e~
. .'. . .
NEW ' YORK (Spe0GJ)-Tbe ltlq of Eogtand Ja pictured u he 1ucribel the 1'0)'81 autolrapb,; "George VI ·~.I," in the IPll!!lt book ~ for ~ names of vJa1t1n, rulen in perylon Hall at the New York World" FaIr. His Queen, who a moment later alIned the iuest book, ''EUzabeth R." Ja eeated beside him. I
,lilT. BOI,.LY III. E. CHURCH ' , T. M. Bcaift, ~ter SUnday School, 9:30 a. m. E.
Earnhart, Supt. EvenlIlg I!eI'V1ce 8,:00 p. m. Pra¥er meeting WedDesd~y
" D1nIr 7:30. >\ welc:cme awaits
eernce.. .
- . ' ..' locAl-nAPPENIN6s ("'i;~'~i~:=: CHURCHES.WANT GIVES ACCOUNrt .OF . . w~~ lOCAL OPTION VOUFRIENDS' WOR~ IN SPA~' ...;..-·B~D .-t- _.- _.. ..' ." : '.... '. . .",!':,::!."t::!;.::" Ittl
. """.·~.-.L-.. . . Hppe : om-' gs ano~ be~e: . VAl' a
Mr. ,.nd Mr)1I. J . O. Cartwrlght"of hOI<l " '0~11 ' h9US .. .thq afternoon . Clnctnriatt. were vlil1to1'8 bere,ll'ues-' of Sunday, ~u ' ~I•. from 2 to 6. Wayl,lesvllle. chll!ch~ have ell' u. 'day. , The occasion Mrs, lalcd petitiOns for Q, IDCa;1 option _ _ _ ..... _ _ "_._, _ _ »US wtIl be -ule eoeDe 01 l ,eWs 9Otti: bh·th UI beer and IIquQr the Novem. fit tor the ecbool baDdJ satul'day e , _ . - - •• _ . _ . _ . - - _ . _ . , Mr.' aiid ·Mrs. AI. Krelling of New- slle extends a I;Qrdtill lnvltation to ber night. AU,guat 12. • ' WIlneas v1st.. KY." are of Mrs. L. 114. aU her friends to present. Rev. John V. Lacy. pastor of thl . ~ B"enderson. . ' , ' Hcltlodlst Church , lender. of t he _"~. _. _ _ _ , _" _ _ _ _ _ Sloce theo~tlon of the ba~d ' W. N, 8eara W80I a b three·year. No the, ~fJt h¥ ~n tOr In Wllmlngton. ' Pr1daY. , . .~ . . ., . . -- - -- crusade, sald the petitions. olrculat-
, Waynesvrue arad,e sChool cam-
celeQ~tes BQ,r~ a~111"elsary ~
!ir' ~rUt ~y Sun!1aY~
,. .....
• - • . '. . • Mr and Mre. J. Q, Oons, Mrs. ents and well' wishers. Tbe mciney Mrs. J. P. x.arrtclt ' : BOons and daughter apd ralaect has' UIlf)d in 'PWlCllaI!tng the' with Mr. and Mrs. Margaret Gona were unltORJlll The Am98. ·B1nk1ey, of Goshen, Dayton Vt8tto1'8, 'l'uesday. !· , has a member8h1p of IiO boYS and • • • • • .. '. ' . • • • The dilldren. 81' dchlldren and &1rlB and· taltes , aet1ve part. in the 14r. ~d Mrs, 'Bert Hartsock v1s1tMrs. E. It. Bently undl!fWent a. friends of Mrs. F:"~. Snider gather' IIChool aDd county It was ed tbelr ilrotber-1n..1a.w, Robert S, ma.jor at St. Anthony'S ed at her home in Sun hoSt to an al11 county band WaltOn, at Morraine Farm. Sunday Columbus, Monday. The day ' to celebrate her 72nd blrthda y. beh1 1n the new ,auditorium, ' . • ~ • . , report Is that. her''QOndltlon 18' ThOse present wel'e Mr. and Mrs. last eprtng tnd played at tbe Greene Miss· Eva MicM1lJan at Olnc1ml&tl, M. E : Snider. of :':Franklln. Miss OOunty talr ' ln addition to ,preientthe week .end with her slster, '• ' . • • ., Juanl(;a Bonhoqs, ~Ilo Wade. Mr. ing aeveral concerts this summer 1n Mrs. RUIIIIeIJ. WUson . ., Mr. alld ¥is. Bryon Prendergast a.nd MrS. Charl~ Wade . of ' Sprln~ WaynesV11le. • • • • • and children, Alma and · Jimmy. o f Valley; Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Hoyle Home ice and ' cake, . ElIzabeth Ohandler and Wlntorl Place, 'Clnclnnatl, and 1I4Jas and 1100 of .Bellbrook; Mr. and Mrs. aanctWlOhee; and unique gamea p1W1 a . 1I4cK1naey were at .MiILm1 KatllryO Prendergast, vtslted Mr. E. H. DuVall and famll y, ·Mr. and banet oon'cert are on th, prOlram tor He I e b& ' tau ua Prtday and 1141'8. A. L. Chanoe, at Selma. Mrs. Richard Wad~. Mr. . and Mrs. Saturday night. In additton, It may Val ey 0 . ~ . • q. • • .. Friday evening, Frank DuVall, Ted Getts and Ray. be ~lble that .. free movle' will be letts McK1naey sPent ' ,~ . • • • • : _ mond Wade, pr Sp(lngboro; Mrs. J. ebOwn. Pree door prizes will be given ~: h brother Joe Me- Mi. and Mrs. W. W. Schatzman R. Wade 'end ,daughter Glenna, of away, d f er in M w and HtU:rY Schatzman. or Madlson· Waynesvijle; Allle T aylor and Mr. lI:VeryODe Is cord1ally Invited to at.. ~y an • ~ • .or:to . Vllfe, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Schat7_ and Mrs F . A, Sl')Ider Mrs. Snider tend the IOdal SatUJ'da31 D18ht. Mr and -Mrs Bert Hart.aOck, and man, of Newtown, allCl MIss ' Letitia rece1v~ 'many nice: gifts. . Aq. , iatb em .&be arade echoo!' . ~ Schatzman. of Clqclnnatl, were dln- Plenty of home D18,de ICe cream IP'OUIId& I• . ' famUy. vlalted Mr. end Mrs. ~·Bat. bel ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. and cake was enjoyed by aU. lIartsOcIt' and f8Jnily of Dayton -Raper! Sunday. llrday . eV~B. • . _'
an annual prQject of the band Par-
~ ~ Dt.ber~.
cille ··UI TO .ETI UL
__ ~parattona are eolil~ abead for a most Int~t1riI I!leetlng when the
Mr.! and Mrs, Edgar Smith lind 8araoh LoU' , were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller and ram1lY ~Y; • • • ........ Ral~h HaIItlnllB and Mr. and alUD. . ~' , Bobby, 1!ere Sunday If\leIt8' ot Mr. and ~ Carlos ~811. of DaytOn. .' • • • • " Mr .and Mrs W. E. Strbud and Ka~ ~tj vIelted Mr. t~ the ONene ooilnW Palt· ~ Prtday. ' . • •. • • •
IT "IDlE I. THE IDOlS' daughtet~ r
~~~d1nnVIr. ':l=~~~mbetl eon·
....,... .... ~month. • On the ev~!J ot AuruSt 1'1 tile members with ·thc:r wives 8.! gUests w11~ ~jouibe1 to the "'~Ole in tbe Wooda" llaJlveyeb\ll'lf tOl' cUD· Der Pd ali entertalnlng to tallow. lDum~b AI the WI,ea are
hoped tba .t Mr: and lira. A, p. malllXll1l Will ~ a .,IP8CIal et· daurbter. ~I'J ~nn, tort. to .attin,4. tble meettnr.. of tJ1e Pueloo
' IUI!Ct4..L.L~_ tbJa month . It ,1a
Mr "llM- Mrs - D C Ridge enter· tained to d1n~er' S~day at ~e
uttle Inn, Mi. and Mrs. Dan Kreager of Toledo. and their mother, Mrs ~ of ,lAs Angele., Cal1t Altemoon .calle~ at the Ridge home were, Mr. and Mrs. J . J . Mun. sell, and Mr and Mrs. Charles Miller. of OoI~bU8 ' • 'ce ' . • • • . '. Us of '. 'Mri, and ,16rII. J .E., cur 'M r Springfield. ObJo, Mr. ~ Au ~ Alford aD~~ ~l1ers~tt Dayton, d Mrs Ray home 0 . an ,
' .
. ". • • •
1(g~ a~
Local Happeomg·s ,
ed In WaYlles\l1lle and Wayne Townill}), requesll; a vote on "0" and "n' beer permits and on wine and splr'luous liquor licenses. The petltlonr ask tbat the sale of a ll kinds of a loo hollo beverages be barred . . The only alcohoL1c beverage on sa le here now is 3.2 beer. There is no state liquor store In the townsbl Other churches cooperating In the circulating of the petltlOllS ar.:: tlie Friends, pln1stJan. a nd Eplsco. pal Rev. Mr. 'Lacy silld the petition , be f11ed with V. H. Russell, Lebanon. ElectiOns Clerk. soon.
. . . . ~ and
IpeiU 'Ib~ . wtt.b . ., ¥d' Ilia. ~ . K~ta~ '01 Omtel'VUle,
• •
Mr. and Mrs . M. A.' Fulkerson attended the Greene Oounty Falr al Xema , Tuesday and Wednesdsy. • • • • • Mk Louise HartsoCk ot Wllmlng-: ICIl , spent the week end with Mary Cn~olY n Lukens.
• • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas OQl1ett and dilli gl',ter . Sue Ann. were guests .OJ Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawke, Sunday.
MI's . Jessie Hyman and son, obert, are visiting frlends In Elgin, Barrlngton. and Chkago, Ill. ...
·. ..
Mrs. Ira Brown and guest. Miss Mary Schlckedan tz, of Selma , were
JO OPEN SEPT. 5 Ii.llow~d
~ ~ ••
, -The Waynesville Civic Club recent adopted a resolution reque ting that hr. .Public UtUit ies Commission , of 0hlo Inv~ttc ate "the serv~ce, eqUipment and charges" of .the Ohio Cen· l1a\ Telephone Coporatlon, which sel'ves several Warren county 'towns The Public Utilities Commls Ion Q~ · Ohlo Is asked to make a complete lnvEstigatlon here. lncludJng a thorough inspection of the teleplione (1rm's ' lines and equlpmen In Warren county, eSpeillally In 'Wayne
• • • •
• '"I
Mr. and MJ'$. Ch&i'lell man and f8m1lY ,vleI~ . at .' home of ·1I4r: and Mrs, Danlei in JamestOwn. Sunday. •
Mr. and Mrs·, R\lBsell 'sa l and Mr. • ,nnd Mrs. , Mart. aLtl'ncl~d 'ih~ b\l-ll gam! Qet~eep OiJ'clJUlatl Reds and the ' R ...",},h"., Dodge~8 Frl~ay nlght) ln Cincinnati f ·
. .. .
W. D . BranstTntor of Wilmington spen t the week end wibh llls son. L. V, BrarUltraOOr.
Waldron ' C,. GUinour 'won the Re- Sflturday evening supP'er , guests ot publican race for Mayor of Lebanor, Mr. and Mr:. :. ,~ c.:ars~. at the pl'lmal'l ~s there T uesday. d.e · , Mr. ond Mrs. Harold Mohler and featlng his nearest oppone nt CiaI' ence F. Rankel" by a majority o. IlhUd ren spent Satul;day n tg nt and Sunday with Mrs. Mohler's parents 151 vo tes. Dem~ rat~ failed to file at West MUOOn. . fOr a sin gle alII e • • • • • Gilmour. running for a third term Ml'8. J essie 'lJyman attended 8 Boa~d polled 567 v(ltes In fl~e preoincts, .blrthday reception Sunday. 1.n NorWayne Township School • met In regular lIesslOn Monday ve- RankeI' l'c'celvcg 416, and Wllmel' wOOd, Oh1o, given In honor; of her Uttell was third. with 04 vote!!. uncle. Malt Hexter. nlng, Monthly bUts were OI0se6t contest was that for VU . • • • •. • and' ordered paid. A number ot repairs are beIng lage Clerk. Wall by a marll ln of 50 made that all will 1)1! 'm l'eadJl1e~; votes .by Mrs. Heleu r. McGeLrhin. i:)\te received 548 votes, Her oppon . (or schOOl .opening. Tile floor oC the ent, Mrs Matgte Cottengin. 498. 'new gymDallIUm will soon be compIe ted.
The 'opening date of school has been set. for Beptemlber 6. Other ~= ~ Hanej aunou.ncemeDts . c;o~ the -::-:"."..,~,.-~c ilftll"'ln-~.'~' I\~ 18JnIl' iI.nd Mr nd 'Mrs , chOOI program Will !:Ie made soon . Rye end y • . • < P. sau.sbuJy; With Mr, and Mrs. - . ~ 1bI:'Vemon .~ua and 8a1lebury of Wa8b1ngton C. H. • furlJl1 Of ' St. PtlterabUri. PSa;, vlsltect lW,ek House aDd :o~, M\m's MJaa P,Nda Harvey, ~ I118Dt iaat !l)8ndlnathe1r vacation" ~th Oe.V4; at LOgan Ohlo-, Bunday. , ",".k at. Q\IU,w, In JndIW, prent&t Yi'. ~1 Mta. ~Y , •. • ' . • • re~ bome J"rtdaJ. . • • ,. ~ _'. ;rhe Lad1e.s Aid 'soclety of ~ • • ! • MethodISt Ohureh wm hold an all day meeting an~ eaDT4l.og next Wed. and guests at b<Jql.e; last Tuea. nesday, August 16, at the church. afternoOn, ~t 1. ~ for Suppl1es are to be canned for use at acore waS' won,iby Mrs. D, q. the ~Ir,. Reques~ are being m,!lde and next -·high .by Mrs, Roli· for fooctS to be canned and for help HAWke. Ou~ts were Mfs'j Emma lh ,t he canning. Mc.Slure and Mrs. Ire. Brown. .. , {: - •. • • : " ,Miss H~rletla. ~cKinsey ent~KIs8 Ann 'Weltz was b08te68 to,'. ' lalned the membcr-$..<tf the.pgunot
. ...
Alfred Co~, o~ the Dllnole Ye,.rly Meeting of Friends, spoke at the Friends' Meeting House. SUJldi\7' evenlng, Aug: 6. on hls experle~ In SPain during- t he pnst .tWo YeaN: 'He was sent by the ~rlcan' ~'a Service Oommittee to take . l:barae ot the child feedJng 'reUel wor'~ In Spain durlng the recent .clvtl war. Besides money obtaJned ' l!l the United States. contributions were receIved from fourteen govemmen... lor the work. . He gave a vivid pictUre or tbe 'COD' dltlons durIng the war, He and bia , wife flew over the blOCkade 1nto Bar colonia and thence to . Valencla. served as a center fOl' tbe1r
~O~~ul~~?~~: ~=~'Itm:~
sulred from 6 weeks t;Q 6 montha CO obtain a Shipment from .,land whel'CM in normal tlmea. lt' Would have required but S days. However because of the care 'and the IPMCl with which the shIps were unIOiIdl!d. not a pou~ of 'fOOd 11'88 10lt>• . 0&1though evero.i sh1pa wet:Cl .mmlt ~ a.fter being unloaded. The condition of ·the. peo~ In Spain was tound to be Vel-y>dlatreaI~I~ Mr 00 .sald. Regular war I dJ' t pc Isted t bea __ .. L me e ~ ons ' a .' na_
News Of Reda ftoIIeUI
. 'Lytle
T••t Th1. Quick ......
Farm Night Talks, Aug~ 1'4
"Dark Victory" .-
Short 8I&bJecta "
_ TllVUDU A1JG1J8T 10; ust.
. SITE UNCOVfREOI Whh a Buokeye In Congre.~s ...
Mrs. Oop lJUeat of Mr, and Ml'I. 0, o[ 'xenla,
TOe alte ot an ancient IJ;ldlan vllla&e, perhaps one thousand year. old, . ~ CLAUNCI J, ••oWN Y _ •• _ .. . . . . . c:._ lUt ow. Ole...wa • • ". • • . hila ~ unoovered at Symm':S ~ _ PIT RUN, .LOADED SOc YD, Mr. Toner Undea'wood . hu pur.. located foUr mUea south of Hamilton .'. - . -- - ~ - - - - - . ; , . -cl'IUed ,t he property of;J 'l'. WalWil. 'ot route 127. It hall been an~ ffrat ~on of the 76th con- ,l'angement.s for the care of widoWS ; . just Mted by Vlri1l y~V1n. Wt:8t b V{~ter QaUSmanD . one greas has ended, Convening on Jan- and dependcn~s o! workers entltl.ed i I " .• " .' • no~ced y 1ake prQp- ~ Brd, and adjourning last Satur_ , to benefits under the SOCial Secunty I . Mr and.!liIEverett ay. ugus , the work ot the ' law. I PhoiJe, W~yue8v111\1 44 R 11 . . erty. . Congress toOk more than I i as dlnner . guests Monde.y evening, EVidence of the prehistoric vWage seVen . Lebanon office Phone 473-K. .xlCl Mra. Leooan1 BW'ley and ~ uncovered by the erosion. of the months to complete. History will l'e' l Congressman 'l'ho~1S A. Jenldns.·, SAVES rooDS' mAL JUICU UD.~"·~.. •.. u" " w k' Uile ,~ u, II daughter ...r Dayton. . Ilurroundlng ' land by the Great cord it ;,as during the first session , veteran Represente.t1ve from the ' FROM DRVINC OUT I • • • .* • • Miami River..leavlng exposed a Cf06S ,of the 7 h OOnQl' tha.t the break- : Tenth OlUo DistrIct., Is l'ecel ving : CHECKS OfM)R.A"I).RAvoi. TRANSFER 0' FOOD t • , ==- =..:;-:, -..,,-==-,:=~ Mr and lI4ni. Bloch bave retunl' of what once was a mound_ !UP of the New Deal bei:ame apparen~ . much credlt'for two notable vlctor ·e.- I NOOTt:nt RfFJIGfRATORUlEm . - ed fr~m .. four ~ vis1t tD L&W- 1buUders colony of considerable stze 8J}d that tbe legtsltoaUve Ibranch of , achieved last week. After months Of , . govel'l1ment began tue b6ck unto bl .- Here i. an entireJy oew"dDd Ind. or Oustav G CllJisou. Instructor ,strugg;le. In which he was a y Sup- I . of re&lgeralorl There', DOlhiDa In a~thropology' at the Unlvei'8lty of It.selt many ot the poWe!'6 It had sur- ported bt the entire Ohio oongres- l t'Jtci like ill . , . 6 The Adult clllll of the II, E, Bun- Cincinnati and Dr K.eDneth E cas ' rendered to the Chlef ExecuUve at "slona1 delegaUon-Republlcans and , Sec the "X·Ray" Ptoof. of chU ' t h e beginning of the Roosevelt ad bl t sen5&tiooll Dew dflCoveryl See day school held their cluI· ptCDIz:: ter. curator of th& umvel'llty. mus· mJn1stration - I D~moCfats allke-he was a e 0 how foods IltC laved Jrom drrWedneaday at Bryan park, Yellow eum both have v1s1ted the location ' fOl1ce to a. ' vote and to passage by ing Qur. Seewhyyou doo't need Hom. Treatm••t Ia••• " Sprinp. and 'have termed the flndlDp "moat ~he House, his bill to pay to the (Qod covt'rs of any kind I Onl, Frtgldaire can give you cbii ma.r- , U........ bl.Son....a-DI.treil " ., • . •• . Inrerestlng·... " Durlng the ' past sIxty days t.he State of Ohio the one mUllan three ... elou! ·'(old· Wall" CoeliGa, . . Mr. and lira, Wllllam Peterson Flndlnis on the surface to date in New Deal ha.s suffered one defeat at· and thlrty-elgh' thousand co it If ooce. At our IIQ~, The,.. I. one Ilmpl.l.t in •• pensl". WI" and daUihtcre of Pennvlvanla are elude man..v human bones. deer horn ter another, beglnn.lng with the ItC- dolars d~e ,he State from the Social ' 10 .... the itching In tortu,.. of =.m., d ldra. I tio· f C I IJmln H~ft • 1C 1 Itching To... or F.. t Rllh •• Ind min.,. lIuestl of h1I parents Mr. an fragments, pieces of broken pottery, .n 0 ongrese n e a~,& from Security Board as the Federa another ....rnell.,. ceu5ld skin .rupfionl end I. O. Peterson and other relaU·,. several fire pit$, marks of a ·'lt1tchen Ule Relief Bill some o.r the pet pro- trlbution to the Ohio old Itg!! pell510n th,ti.toepply Moene', Emerald Oil night - • • • • mldden" or refuse hole. and a log Jects of the New Deal which . plain Isystem for the month of October Ind ",ornln; end people ... ho ,uffer from Mr. and Mr•. Ben W1llIamI and tomb used by the Indlall6 of the pre speaking Representatives and. Sen.. 19311 which had been held up at that : luch .• lmberrolling or un.lghtly 1.ln d troubl .. would b. wi •• to try it. l ' son are v1&1t1ne relAtives m Oolumblan peJ'1Od for burying their &tors l~te were CommuniStic. time because of a quarrel between , S~I: why Frigidaire does not JUlt Ilk In.,. fint·cloll dnlggi.t for en uama . . dead. I Then came SUccessive defeats on ' the State and National admin1strll.- I depend only on "one· spot" orit n• 1 bottI, of Moon.', Emerald on . • • e.. "Undoubtedly," said or. Caster .. other hdmlnlstratlon measures. in.' tlons: Then. too. after weeks of dead I CO QUOS, See how le,led rofrigeraling coils behind die ::ch ,,:fuh~~ I::~::n::::.~n~~~:~ol,to~ Mr. and Mrs. p. A. Weller pass! d "the site once waB occuPied by RD l'ludlng the Bloom Neutrality BUl. t{) lock between the House and senate I 1 ModeJ liIulttalcd walla literally lurJ'GUcd (000 th.t e Imoll pqHle 111+1 e Igng fime Ind tbe lut two weeU wltb, the1r daUIb- Indian village of cons1derable size. ' be Collowed In the clo6lng week of over o.mendments to the Social Se· , Cold-Wall 6-39 with viral, Protectiol colrf. furth.rmo,.. if thil cI.on, po.... rful. pan.. ter. Mrl· Pauline Harper and tam1ly IProm the material 60 fll' found Ind!- , the session by"tile HOuse voting down corlt.y law, Congressman Jenkins ap· Sce how tRoist\Ur-tobbinll alrcurreouare 5000.00 ce.tiom strongly point to e. buHal th H , AdmJnlstratlon's 'Spend-Lend. pOir.ted to f111 vacancy on the Oon- . tr.tlng 011 thet help. promote h•• ling near Cedarville. end~d, bow food odor-and· Savor traosfer folll to give you full end complete loti... •• In 1'.. ~ t th t I J4QTllnt is checked, 5t"" bow Frigidaire uaiGtalu flction.,.ouc:orrheveyourmoneyr.funded. ,~. • ' lI'ound, campsite, and otber usual 1prtlgram . .... en_e y on Tuesday . feren ce Committee between e wo fl,tlGIDAIRE UODElS uni furnl low CempelttutCl uul Mr. and Mrs, Arch Copley, .Kra. features of a vlllage of that period. II.ncl the el,g ht hundred mUllan dollar Houses, pla.yed a. lea.dlng part In 8H OU" humldJ!}" STAftn~C AT Katil COpsel!. and 1'4 81m1Ion were Dr (Jarl!on stated tbat the tomb Ho\lsfng BtU on Thursday . That the working out the compromlse that. per SEE WKY YOU DON'T HAVE &IJIOIlI 'those who aitend8d. the fun- 11 oc' particular Interest and may I'$S 01 the~ two mea.sures was a dls lrutted the law to Ibec:ome effective ill 10 COVlR FOOD" l M" era of Mfa, ~ 81m llQD. ~ QoJum. prove of noteworthy value to the tinct shock to PresldEint RooseVelt \ time to save Amery.,an taxpayers se v 17 ii i . 1 '1 bua on Friday. . fleld of anthropololY in th1a area, Be an.d his New D~ supporters cannot era] hundred mUllon doUars~ .J.d that "It illmpoadble to tell the be questioned. The Senate 1)00 plac- I Muter Lee Watton 'l'bGIiIu a£ ·true nature of th~ I1te,from the sw'· ed lte approval upon the President's I The' llU'gest peace-tlme approprJa.- , tew days flndlngs and the material we.shattempts to bring about pros. tlons In the history of any govern· -_. lIIr. and ed out, but there 11 Uttle doubt that perity by pubUc spen~lng, and Ad· t ment, amounting to the amaZIng t~- I ". .' MrI. To4d :V~': ~ the ~cuptelt1ly ·In· ntln1stra~ ea era were confident tal oC more than thirteen billion dol, ~ of either Hopewell or Port An- that the beavUy Demooratic House lars for the new fiscal year , Is t he , , Th, LacIIeI of tile, K. B.. churcA Clent culture" exlatlrlg 800 to- 1,000 wcul~ quickly enact Ix)th bUls inti> spending record o( the Session of. 1 hold a lawn fete on ~turday years ago. law. Bpwever. a coe.lltion of a pra.c- Congress just closed The amount ap. 0 evm1nl Auauat 12 in front the '!'be emrre region aurround\n8 solid Republlr.'a..n minority and IPrapriat.ed Is nee.rly· two and e. half Larger Because of Better Q ality, Service, and Phone 78J · community room, ,-', Symmes L&ke, which is .. approxlmately f1fty conservative b1111 dollars higher than for the Established 1849·1939 Wayne8ville, Phone 32 '=;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;=::i;;;~;;;;;;:~;;;;;;;,1 . ••••• \. ' fiab1DIlate. it rich in eVidences of Democral.6 brought on the Adm1n- p:rec:~1ng year, 1n spite of the fact Mr· and Mra. Carl SlmI and . lOll the .~~ent indian culture. Dr. eu.. ~tl'Ution defee.t.s by mug\ns of twen.. that many Adm1n1strat.1on requ~ts ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W:!:2~==~~~~~"~h~~e~ of 01DclnnaU called _ tbelr pareDta tel and. Dr, C81'lIIOD both CQiDm~Dted' ty·seven votes on thoe Spend-Lend for appropriations were turned down
New "Cold ~W8li"
lain Krmitage
Sk,-n F·l8ry· Itc'h-'I" I ,I" QIIC• k Rell·,1
· · · ...
* *
' .,
-------------1 r ari,·"
r . '.
• ,. • • • .
5 AT ISFA Cr. 0 N ~~-r =~~ 0, . Centerville, 0
Fairley Har.d ware Stor'e ,
bm and twenty-one votes on tile by Oongress. Had It not been for ~e G~AUIAU~UA Houslng Bill. The fact that it ~ consistent figh t for economy put up ~erry the shrewdest poUt1csll leaders on by th~ Republican minority In Con. • •• • • • 1"" , the Democr&tlc'" side of the House the total budget for the year Mra. ~ ~,qte )!!a,le. fthat Joined with the ~bUcans In !:'Oe:d have been much greater. As it Next Sunday afterl'loon. AugUs~ Mrs. Ropert Orielle &pent'ThursAlIce .mma AhI! BIrdie ,A Jeun. at,- - . I vctlr.g against Ule ~e~v spendIng pro I.s the Fecferal government;s budget 13 a.t 3 ~OO p . m. R{)Selle Brewer II day evening with Mfa. Dora Moqan tended the funeral CJl 0U0Ime BarThe J , S', FUer family attended t ~ indicate. the.t many Demo. f~ thls fiscal year, for whJch the appear 011 the· platform 01 th • • • •• nett at her late home 1D Mbroot the Pller reUnlon at ~ Sunday. cratJc' OODgl'el$8U1en .. 8l'e begUjnlng to Amer1can taxpayers.. must pay, Audltorluui with her " ~elng Eye" Mr~. Don Dr1lhot of NorwOOd it . " I • • • • • .' realize that the countlry Is nO IOflBer ts to mare than one-fifth 01 dog. Lady Luck. Her subject ~ ~ending two weeu wi h1a uncle , • . .. • • - ,I, • • • The Harry' Oornella' were Dayton In sympathy with...ud aovernmental ~o:tal income 01 all the dt1zeJll . ~Looklng Ahead." Hilr l}lIU'Veloua Clarence Qrawto ' :'and '1 & ." 'dllJlJi:' ~ ~ .V1IltdfS ell.pellditures ~dl'the ClODtinuatton of of et.h~ Unlted States, bom all sourc. storY' tel 1.$ how "seeing eYt:" dogs • • • ". • • an ~-""'L II ~ .. .c!("f1cit flll.a1'IICfug. • . •• ~ I t ear hl}\'e drawn tile veJ] of darkness . Mrs. Hiley G~n, .MfaII Clar. _ . - or _" eUIl4I.Y . ~ whs,,,,,,,,,,,ver, 116 y . . ~ and loin W 0 8m1th· were • from the ,b lind, Wherever this bl1nd Daugj'lters calJed on . Mrs. Bertha her . Mr, . &. of Mr. Fred l;Iubb1e .' After nearly II. month hopeless I girl bas appeared. wttlJ her Holton ot'Xenia, evenlnr, ". ~ ~ 'F ' •• .6....;..... w e............ , " .deadlock between the House and Sen There will be no ehanges I In Idog, she has been acclaimed a youn T • • • ... .". . , . • ....""~ . "'~......ue" _• . • . ~ !' . ' ,. • • . • • ate ..a Copference CommIttee ~as the Wages and Hours aw woman of utmost charm and Went. Mrs. ' Ellsworth Btnltl\ 01 Dayton. ¥J'. and .• ' C'reek Church w1ll bold able to reach an arreement sa to the voted by 'thls session of Congress ex- Until she was twenty years ot age Is spending a rew days with her .....h . . . • ' " em ~" ~ CI4 ~= at Cheater Palme:I' pr-ovlsions of the bW carrying amend l cept a 'special bID giVing exemption Brewer enjoyed a normal ~fe. moth " Mrs. Mattie Levi. ' . Jl~, ~ IOD ~ near p m~te to ~ Soda! iSecurlt.y law. to operators in nual telephone CX- j She was preJXU1ng tor a. ca~e~r as a . • • • • ., . 1.1I~C'tOn. Mr, ~ ,~. awace ~1.II')lG ~'" • The House confe.reea 'won a not&bk chatige& having less than five bUI)-' dancer in II, Ru.ss1an BaJ.1ec when Miss , PauUqe OlbSen ' Is spend~ne W-,rn.vme aRd, Mra. villtory In the ellm1na.tlon of objec- dred s\l.SCrlbers. The' ¢minIstratlOn aoted ~ye speclAllstt; 1n!ol:Uled .hei 'a lew .dnys with Mr. 8Jld Mrll. Ellacal .. 1£'l'I Vtden W1Th " r t tlclJilple senate am.... nmenta to the . was suecessfulln heading off a num- that She would never see again, Her I wot;th Oibs4n. of C,entervmt:. :' •• .. ' het ·b ome here e .,u ....... are '---,, . [ • . ~ . '" .,; " '. . . ' ~tl toDd' fr1end.. Implntant measure, whJch wtll save ber of Ills lIlcludlng the farpoUti world of Jlgbt and beauty ' was tl'ans • • . ," . ' • ~ NetUe ~. ~ ,Ru~ v1sltlrli wit~ • * v:- ~ the 'employers 'an4 wo.rkers ot the Barden Bill'ror the exemptlOn of ag- formed Into darkness. She learned Mrs. D~a Mo~g",n, ¥!s. ,Hiley StlDile,j ,Ur'" ~ .MrI"•• 'WIlUam " , . Pie~ th eek- country nearly a bUllon doUan the rlculturel wOl'kers and pr~sors of to . read Braille and I1stened &tten. Glt,Eon. an~, daugpter 8~lIa and JI'IJ~ a~ tuu,ral o~ • MrI. ~':*Mnl O ' ~w a~ next three years In PII~yroU tI!Jtee by agricultural 'Products, lbut it seems tlvely Lo tfie talking books" and' Morris LeWIS sPent ~ur~ fD NeijJe ~ of ;1leat" ~ll- end fUel W~ deterring for that length. of time the certain that euly In the next session, radio. Finally she W8.8 tlne.nclally ton . . on 81md&J. . " fMDtly near~ • • , ; . tax Increase of one ~nt O.D ~PI . be~ January 3rd, the Wages able to 6tind her ailpllcatlon to The ' • • • .. • • .. I, ... '.... • • " ' .. '. bm; Oerbard w~ · a 'houSe' ortglnally 8~heduled :to become ·· ! and HOW'S law 18 due for e. rathe1. j Seeing EYe at Morristown, New I M.;'. and Mrs, Hiley GibsOn were . Mrs. Sarah Wal~- entertained' , thY. , .Jut week .tlve next January. Then, too, the bUI ' complete over-haul1ng. IJersey for Q "seeing eye" og, Pre- I Sw,u lay 'dinner guest. of Mr. ~ ~QDdQ', Mr. ~ 'Peed It. : : at the ~ ." proVides for the possible ~ in1 ' ~. _ ceding Miss Brewer 'S lecture, The ! 1.\01. 5. Evflrett Burnell and famDy. ..... John ~ ~~~. ~ ~ . ~ ••• ~ State 'old age penaions through beaVl I A feaunlil! of tht: work ot t he l e.;.- Ohio Fythlall Home's Concert 01'Prtcl &peer, Mr. aDd ..... OUr Me....... d .... . ....:.: .... _.. , dltl . er contributions from the Pederal sion' at Oongresa just closed wUl be chest.ra w1)1 play "Favorites of Yes. ; . " • • .-&0· A ...e -......... COD OD 00 t well mak1n . t I te d .. Ooy or ~~ ¥r. aDd~, lAw- has impr~i!d to' iuch ' an .• t v~rnmen . a.s 118 If ar- II ~ttempted ~ ne~ week's co .um~ , . r I\y. , ~~. ~~~" ~ ,\II 8M ie ,dle to alt~ _~ ~ea : 10M ~ wiltlOD aIi4 a 'c:haJr Part"of ~ ~, • - - ' - -- - -.- fr1lllCl of ~. 1 , .. " , , , • . • . ' ~ . ',' ' . l 'f.hurSday morning. Plmenal ael'Vlcea A CU'Op 1n C&$h receipts on 65 w~ SubscrIbe to the Miami oazeLte and !tin. G. V. Sima and MR. I'I.IJkenon OIl their ft1 _ _ frOm Gl'MDe eo.-falr,
'1 '
w.;.--. ' .
8aturoar.' . ." ..
~' ~'
~ , .~~
MI. Holly
• , •
~ Mr.:
e.. •
wv· I*&
.LOUts Prelan '; ElV1l ~l Buc)t. were held from 8uJpf Oreek church. LucU ~ ~ ~t ~ Sl.mday a(temoon, with Rev. Ben· a ,tllWDr ~p qver , WI, head I Ii'ett conduz.tlng the ' serVices and near W~ O. R .; ' . , MCClure's funeral. dlrectora .In Jiltt.te of Dlnah- A. IIu1Ioc* .. , . . . e ~, ' . • cha!!ge She Is survlvE.'C.1 by her son. . DeCl'" Mr ~i1 ¥ra ' Buck . ana Nevin' three grandchlldren and one No~1c8 Ii h~ pven that Rou I:iillcken .were . WA!er lJUeIta of the broth~r, Mr. W11kerson of Bprlng ~ I' JIoIt . omce · ad~ ~~V. ~lth f~~\l,DdIiy e~ Valley. •
JBobutt u.e '.
' ~ The' t9~'45 ~: ~.-t~ ~ clnn&t1 ~ and. 1I!i~~:"late Of 'ed at Waynesvm. Ch~' Df:~
1biiQj,~ of
. , Sunday evlDlnl... . , . " ' . . • . ' " • '.
nr:·'b ....~.t. lU9
, Tbe 10UDI icalta or . tbe Perry ~, chui-l?~ .~ • tbeIr .Tn.... · ·
w.'.f'I~.~ CoUrt meetlni ~t tbe ,Morrta :WmiifOOlil$, Oblo ~ ~ with
" ,".
smith f. tbe
~. {~ ~ . . . IeI'fed at. '~ " .' '", . , ".. , . 1( " . ~ , • ,e.
.Mt.: . N~ . . Wt..!~,',IioD . ,pUIId , ' &1!l'.~ the ~. ~ ~, ,,,,, , L
tern Ohio ta.rms In 1938, sa compared with 1937, ca1lBed an average de· crase of $64 spent for uv~toc~ bulld\ng5, and fa ntl mac~ YOhlo sUnllar on 250• farms would .m eall $10.000,000 les~ money invested In ~hree ltems need· ed to lt~p the t~ . plant in first i '. " class opera.ting oue.tio., 'A deiegat ion of 4.5 from the Ferry -church attended the Xenla. Area Hura.! young people of Ohl.o from Ross 18 to 25 Ye&nI old wUl meet at Ohio TownShip school . auditorium at State Unlverl1ty, Beptem.ber 4 to 8. Great Orove Sund.ii.y. with 200 mem- for a tllfrd. ann!1al conference. ~e ~nt. ud ten churches rep- ~tlng 18 .spopsored by the agrlculFerry church WOn the at;.. tw;al extell610n service. Ohio State baimer for the t.hlrd COIl- Frallge, 0b10 Farm Bureau un-;e and thll& earned tbe ation. Christian Youth Oouncll of ~t. to keep It; Mr. .PI:ank Buck ablo, Ohl.o OoUlt~ of ChU11Ches, and VfU the Prtnctpe.1 apealter of tile the d~pe.rtments of vocational eduCIlImlletfrui. ' . '. Uan In agriculture ,iIoIld Ilome . econ· , omles. Each sponsel' selects a share of the deleptes who will ·a.ttend. .;
·~~II~~~tot;~I~~iii:~r:ti=ti=~~==;::~~~~:- ·~y; GePe !y~es
- - -.- :...---
saga of Ii
JOOGIIG SCHEDULE -Made TraDer; , Texas to the 'New ¥ork World's, Fair STARIED .MONDAY i .
Pour hundred
Whitestone Brlcllge for your ear (leave the tJ'aUer at ~p) and 25 cents toll bael, agaiD (pr·tlde a' . aDd DU~uaa fare ten cen.ts eaCh): &0 cents W~. KIll Ill1abetb to park In ~ plU'kiD, poundl ~t Home Qe1nOnatraUorl the F i.jr. '15 c (lts adinillJio~ for, vl8lUpa each·.of the 81r1a' clUbs dur adults. U cents for children; 25 tbe 'n ut fevi days to the cents each ,!or the Perisphl!re, aDd ',the IItJa In., ICOI'lnc the which is a must because' it 18 the of their 8\UIUlUII". 'wQrk. Fair', symbol; 10 cents ,for ·the Tbe J.1......,.".......-....le lnc1ud..... , Town of Tomorrow. which also . u...~.......~ ..., ought to be .. must for any houseDeerfield TownabJp -' W~. hQlder. and Cas and oil. AUauat 8. Advllom-~ ~ We ate dlmiel~ at one of many • Mra. Jaeaner Bradford. Mrs. reataurants in the Fair grounds. B&JUllnston. . . . l!ldn.. LaU. My wife had chicken and , mush. _.....:..... __ Muriel HeuouBarl .......BarDtbOQIe u-. ,' . 0IIf .... rooms with conlee ·for 60 cent.. I and'lrInJ ate a aaUabUl7 steak with eofIee • . for 60 cents, IiDd lamb chops for the M~ TowDahip - Tbl,lfll day.
. , '1'011 CAVJ1BLD '
·1-:· ~~, aew. '...~. . . . GIG
... fv_ -
(IN ....
. . . , .... JJnazo. BoctoIna of Cen. .. ~ for the WIKO 'l'imu", ......,. ......,. J'AlB. Netr York 1'115 0 _ . . . . . . . -'-"--.vear-old - - -.r'CU ., _- I ~ .... the I'm and.alI ..... - ........ .".~ III .Waco told us it ~':--doDe OIl tlie Ca~eld .~ '!be lJ)eedometer. on . . . Blat.oQ' n reads 2,000 .... hill I'lfth aDd Auatln: the "... .• out.$tIO. and we've g.:lt ..... ~ r j t Wired the boa ' e to -t ... :;:r._ - - v~_ _ p~'_"''' •.........,.. m •• ~ OIl, UI.CI .1Nhe chewlna gum ~ baWq wire on the trailer and j~ don't relax their . holds ...... the homeward 2,000 mjles. 'we &ball have made the whole ,~ on.,. . , " We apent • U~ over $1.&0 each per day on the Fair Jtael1, coW\t1Di adm'~ at the cates. Thomas, e1eveD-Y~-old and I'rancea, .... woman wbQ tells me bow to dri...: aa4.1 walked and walked aad looIIecl and ~ ftnally bec:oaalq ~vlncvcl that the best pu1a of the Fair an: free. We could ....... away tWo weelu here look· iDI at the free, and ~ever _........ h t ...... ..,peat ...... Dever'Um w a the aUck paper writen call ennui. W. aN leavinc only ~ause a wolf " bo~nna door bearing ... ~ :........ of --- of a -rtaln small
hamburg~rs and pie. whieh rm UI
.f. =-."*' . . . ..--
_ ..... De'IVIP.perman
in or '
uu tIae B~
We atoocI p1ped when· we .... the lllwn1DatioD at the 18,oon .~ qUou JAat nilht. NothIn.,lIke \hat ~ · the BrazOs; nor any· "~n elite.
A ~ bolt bit a telephone
- puled it on the rOad to Knoxville, ~ up. It smashed the post,
WUeted our car with &pUnters, made an outtaleol,l8 noJle. scared UI atiftI We laW it· all over again, ~ .. u.'Ge.rlerN Electric abow . . . . ~ made 10 million
"~BAHGr met we were back on the TenneGee hiIh-
.... ~-=4';''''
W1.~ ~t-=~ and~ •
• "'-JI&lIoton
. . PIGPIe
a ' da7 look aL Gil ,... .. m ~ . ...... a ~ ~ ,Qlana. . ~ l:nIm the dUIIr .U'IDIo and ~ .. \be hJlh~ aystem of. . . ' .. U -,l\adn!t beeD JOr roads
~::::alI"thCauJleld~wemade~ertolll WIiN-IChbeY'~Wwlfrled~dFasoln va
e war ......-
aeo, ".,s.,
system display, we might ha,ve in a pond by the New England
thou,ht, In. the aviaUon building. that man was flxlng to leave the ground for good; but GM gave WI hope for the JUchW.YL We could hardly let the bOy away from the aviation dJaplaJ'. ~ad of wanting to ride on the carniv•• ,a*ts, he wanted to go back arid loOk at the model wind tunnels, the c:roa aectlon ot the Y.nkee clipper, and thm,s Ute that. l'feecl tor Ad,Jecuve. ,We heard the Voder. That's a contrapUon we h.d read abo\.\t, a BO,li"rltpoun~tachlkinea k'eytypewli,. and mtke' aPreco!:r. binalion 01 hillJea and J1'W1.ts th.t abunib lllte Charlie McCarthy at h:iI worst, but" understandable. l'Ilever waa much on adjectives. The one adjective needed IU'OUDd here is "marveloua." Give me eDoqh IJDODYJDII for that,!pIen them aa neede4,' and that'. the Fair. I There', a moviD8 mural in the Ford buiid\D,. Pistons, cogs, thin.. like that bed in the wlill, !ill movina· Time for one of the 'ynonyms. In the same bullcUng. walla bung all round with a one-piece yellow Curtain made of spuD and woven .. I free 1t1dr: the City of lrith 100.000 individual 1he . Forw.N !)f
, when lloit Frances and Thomas. by lett.i.Dll mixed up rendeZvOUS; they waited an hour for me tb'ere. perfectly aatlafted, while the fountalD aplasJied o~taide. . '. They"ve ,ot a real aJ,Up parked
building. They've got life-sized toy monkeys climbing trees in ,a toy exhibit and real monkeys elimblng on a rock inlide the Frank Buck enclosure. The roclc is higher than the bamboo wallll. 80 you can see the moftkeys without going in. ' Escalaton aDd Bam.. · About transportation; this fair is great ,on saving shoe, leather, It has to be, it is 80 big that unless there were a lot of escalators and haye a field day at every exit. You go up into the .Perisphel'e on an escalator, and rIde around it on a moving bel~: and there's the moving belt at the GM building. Everywhen! you find' ramps instead of steps, and · the ramps ar~ exacUy calculated to ease your Jep as ;you go up or doVV11. Streets and walks are asphalt, and the buildinca generally have rubber composition flooring .. And ~ you want to ride. it coats a dime for 'a bus f~om any point on the groundJ to any other Wint. ; If your feet do get tired ' (and they oughtn'~ to often,if you've 'g ot .the rJght kind of shoes, which is important, esP1!cially to the you can stop 1n at aliy' of tfi~ ftrllf aid stations and get 'a free foot trea~eAt to e~ thtlm.
20' cents each. It coats a niCkel for pop or rqot bfar at any of a do~n .tandLWe,ottotheFalrforlunch one day and bad dlnn~r there that ni,ht. We bad breaktut In. camp next day, lunch. at the Fair a.n d 'p'ull~ out late that afternoon f~ home. . • Seebac P~ew: York ~k.J1n .TownalUp - Pr 1d a '1.. You C4I1 ~ something of New 11 AdY1lom-lIl1a ..." while you'ire at the Fair, f~ LoUIse ooniwer. Mta.. 1IeUy ; T.~. the Iiere> cOlt of gasoline. The Kn. o. W. Huffman. Ill'&. ClartnCe night we arrived. we took a 50. B.lon. Un. .u..;_ ....t Ivins. 'and lire. _ _u mile dr~ve llcros.'S town, alona the Dozo~ IIIcDona,ld HendrUc Huclaolll Parkway and , TUrUecreek 'I'owII.Ui1p - MoDdU. back from tile Batt~ry up Broad- Auiust 14 Advlaora-lOu Betty Ben way to Tlm~, then back J . ·to camp. We had,a volunteer guide , ~, D!avJd B. BaUeJ, UrI. A. -one of the officials at Uie camp. DaVicl8on. Mila Bl1abetb OlU'll, The pullcemen go out of their EleUlor VIlwn. Mr;a- Vall JaDlII way to help a visitor. One of tbem MrI. Lawreace IftVIr. .
Le • the 'fter t i eount coat, a get to New York. trailer-4hat'a $1 Geor,e WUhingtoD I.! the best way ceq" a a faw milk and whatever other groceriea you need for eating ~t the camp; ~ cents toll over
things in general while we walted for an open-to» bua next moming for a sightseei"''' trip in Manhat~. In fact, I~~Y New Yorker go~s out of his way to help a' Fair visitor. . • We felt so mUlc h at home that when we parked our car to catch a bus to t~e Fair im our ilrst day', vialt, we forgot to m~e a note 01 where we lefUt; just walked ....y from it like We 1would have !lODe in our owh home town. And. lleve it or llOt, ;w e lound' it when .we came back illl the rain-.witb the help of I9me .o f the pas,engel'll on the bus. ., ' Bear 111 rbfud that the cost of eomIng \0 New York depends OD how you' !U'e willling to come. W~ had a camp traUel'; slept in it, usin, ' a trailer eamp-once, a cabin. cine night dlir~ng a p<l,uring rain, usina ,j
• • • • • PO&-BA.LE--Q11Hln GUlLElumsr-,-Dale ,Ro8en~mna of Lebanon, waa a bualnesa vlaltor In Harveysburg 4, O. Hawke. Waynesville. A10-U' aDd VICm~ty. , Wedne~ay !'fternooz:1. ·, _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _-.-_ • • • • • ". • WANTED-;HotiSe pa.ln~ln8. *2.50 Mra . • Hurat and two. daughters Ilel' day. you fUrlll!lh the paint. Oall are Ylsltlng Mrs. Hurst's [ather In Wrltc\ P . JO~t 342 W. Orand MJaalaalppJ. Ave•.Bprl.D8fleld. OhIO. ' tf • • • • • A lfQup of fl'~end& Including Mrs.
F; •..
'::~~!cthas ~
. ' Aupst· 1&. Ad~1In. Bertba Mrs. o. B. Stotler. Mrs, Law~ Brown, and U1II Grace WUIDD Clearcree!l ~WedneldaJ', Aualllt Ie . A~ Da..s4 ft4u, Mra Ohu' a&UI8.... ~ PrJ ~ JnDa'Thomaa. aDd' UJIa ••. PaUllne.....". Harlan ~Prl~, A1IP,It
,~ •
., •. •
~. '
Ww be beJel bllrl'benmi_
1~\Jlpel~~~~t ...
. . - --
JI..... lI.,.J,j;.r;;r,.... .
Walter and Charles. Burnett at. tend~ . tb,e Wll}n1ngtGn fall' today.
Ad........Ura. Addle Hermaa. Ruth Bray. ancl KIll IldDa II.
. AJIIrUIt " ... 1eJeCt.., b
PI:::' ~p- ~=: f:~::21
curve ~~e ~ ~e. and .. 1IInIter. and' hls MiCces8 comes fi'om InixIIlB them up
. Ad\'laQr,-1IrI! .CbaL B Cramer '
e.s a
HamIlton'" . ~ ..:. ~
. ~cU tmi:e wJtI\.Ga PH~U. . r. VIe Rtate mission of -rpr31 neighbOr.. ~d sU18 ~ 1liIct at We ohio ;;'!te parldnl tJtrt{t' UlIQeB at fl1lin... . ...... tions. It ibok' ui daya t:, lei WIMeIj 'Jn tbj ~ ~ he,., ., . . , • . , me. and bealtb'. ~feita wm " l That $85 is an, education worth determmed at that time. ' 'for a boy of 11. 'and worth plenty mqre for h1a falber and mo th er~-R~ j,_ IA.' N_
11'0& a.u..E-Pull blood~ Quem. 0nW' ~olllngllworth of Oregon.1a. male cow. QOOd IllICit Bloycle. Mrs. 0 0 RandaU and Mrs A B ' . . Collet"•• e"""ye ~'n d a dell....... · • . Blna Alttei'80n. 1I..... ul after. u '.JJilles __ • b ' west ur • of _...:.Har. __ ' '_At S d • B ' . on .. _ .eY8 g·....,.,....... n noon..., un.y a. ryan ~rlt, ro.ct.. ' . . AIO.U . 8pr1 Auauat 10. Ad~~. Louella YellOW, Mrs. ~ Moore, . •. FoR ' SALEr'BenOni aM Malde.l Mia. Lavcme QIbanle. Mr. ~d Mrs. VI. O. Tich~OOl' aDd Apples. J . L. MendenbaL, Wayne ToWDlblp _ Tbund Helen Randall spent !3unday W.~yneavl11e', . afternoon In Oxford with the Betas; Ausua' lQ. AdvlaOn-:-lIJIi Grace " ' IHc)C)t·ett. MJaa Pr1eda BarY8J, JoIn. who were ,celebrating their one h~FaUl "'_, ...... f ...., " ' _ ~_ ~~~ anDlversary. Mr. Tichenor When PaUl Derrlnger aMended ....... rIMII ........... -~ a J;ieta. . ~wn OoUege. be was & mem. ' ~, ~ lin. •• ·ber ,of the undefeated. untJed. and '
recovenoa from
• •• •
Warren 00UJ1
are now compietiDa ~ ..a cl ' of cI~lDi. an tbeJud8lDI
" ~!'au joUrMIW bWU JaitnHl, ......... lGadedi" .... ul'.~UI'. oId .... G1Id italted 0tI4 2,000 .... . . . I9r .,.. NftD York ........ , . ...,. tsooDP • Jail .~." ... Jlli aperinee. ~,.. ~ Illf tl . . . the toQou;Iag atorv: .
Ikla n
Robert GordOn a ~recent~~
- --
""'_. _....
, -,
.. -
:UI!MIC-~~=CA:rl HifillJ~PENrrnIN~GSFI. Signing Wheat Plans .
T ' .
For AAA.Program
Harold SbaXp chairman t the war ren County AgrIcultural Conserva -
BappeniDgs _Local.._-------------bllilOu.
BeU7 WAdlwcJrtb
apent. , .vfftl
.... .-
day. . lut
Dainty retreahme'llr. were ~
aftfrmoon '" ..,..
Ed~. bt · 8~d. and
Ed8v SmUll. " 7 -;:. 'o~~ bY- tel..~.' "",. . . . fl'o~ u:ra. c~ 8., tudae.
ChJ:cag:o; Mn.
' Fa" aDd the an. ~ lin, BactweU. wb'o ~ on ~ qca-
Mr. an4 Mrs, p, L, Reuon and Mrs. Bad1e Reason of llarVeyabur8. t10n ~ Newport, NeW' B&m~, 'I1b,e names of tboee w!lo 'palstad follow. " . Bob BroWnell. Yr, ~
Ridge RoblnloDl ClUl=~:
IIIr1 ~ ~"Edpr
BrowneU, Zaneev1lle; _
- -.-
, AIQ J, ...
-II... Stnet-
..... 11.
.......... 8100.. au. IIaU Kalter . . Poatofflu, WapuYlll., ,Olalo
Flora K. Crane Editor and Publisbe1,' .IIIUBD EVERY TIIUIlSDA.Y
With a~ B,uckeve In eongre~s.. ~ .' ., CLAIlIDIn J. DO... ....... .,'o._Ma.. ..........
Stlte Capital News
"Farm Night ,
Zain Arm,itqe
. Phone, WaYJljllYtlle .. R 1l ' Uebanon ofttce I:'hone 478'K~ r
red8 M.
Morro,.. Pbo,n e No. B
,NEW 81J1'1'8
:""VWa - j -
~n · va. . . .
DeI~t. ,
__ .
II ~~
CGaDly 'C.' u 't _News
I '
~ ad _ I~' tb8 matter -
TIle Coy OUlIams
, Newtqn Stamper, 'care, $10.00 rebtttves In .VlrC:lnia ~ week. flltate of L. B: invalid care,lS.oo; .M4rI. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry were WbHaere, deceMed: adm1D. M.clCltNIb. invalid calI'e, ".00, Ec!. Xenia visitors Mpiia&y aft.ernool1.
heo .J. Smith.
...oJ feea
.ta~ ·
d KaJaer, lnvall(1 care. $&,00. Drs. Ed. ward and Robert Blair, eumlnatlons
M's James Wica.l Is reported bet-
week. ' ,
tbe of 110.00; Pred O . Jamefil. bOnes. for Bruce Wean Is the summer guest Arch Nicholl ,v.. PloreD4le NIQhok Seeman. cSoceu.ed; ott 'Deer impounded clop. 6&C: J . W. , of the J. W. Roland!. dfYoroe. Il'OIIa neatect. " BI!rdet 0ar1iI0n and Olm'lea Htlrdware 00" cartridges for dog P J. 'n!omas moved his Tarv~ .- --warden. 'I.MI; The t?llttce heating· outfit to Jamestown 'P'rId$.y (lOIOlON' PLKA8 P·OCUDDf08 lC'IO _~P, tho -ta~ ' ot ,6000 atapll!lS! ll..50; '!N. ,0 . Turton . fl:Jng. ' "'" "I .............., ~ _ DiDIb A. IIuIatlock. decet.aed. will cement,. tlI~.19, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ·H ubble attend. -Monroe 1*U& va. Glean BaDta• .ciImw to " D, R. ,8m1th, 1 gUollJru; 55c; ed the Hubble reUnt.on at RldgevUle
~' Prateera.
'=!!~~!!~=~!!!!!!!!~Iet al.;
probMe~NUt ~rd. ·
·10 ttie 0( ' the estate ot Alva O,.DUiah A. ft(u Sttver; Maple and Maple appointed Harfabcit ..,pqint.ed eltecutor. f'red tto f ncetl'W Btmd,;""o. ~ ~ " and Leeter , lr. . . ' t._ . a mey I MarSa Mulford, executdx of tbe Goraon estate of Ala).Jatue E. de-: ceaaed, _6"_ VI, Man. IUW&OE, UCBNBBS ..........,Kulford: defendant.Mabel <Je,ed IUld dJetributaon.
e. .
,~"/ . oeme~t, $66.15;
,A. Hoppe & '. CO.' Bunda.y. Palrley stool! .cenment The Chester RIley famUy of suppUee. .'13.&5. Obas. E. Bradbury, ~urg moved Into the Charln; payroU• • .00; Raymobd Mulford , Thomas property Monday. payroll. '11K.DO: Earl Ha.trleld, serMr. and Mrs. J. J . Thomas were . V1ces ILl mechanic, $7'.'0; John Barr present at the Pottenger reun13n JaYl"On. '130.10; J. Myers. payroll. held at 'City last Sunday, '152.00; E. W.. Ross. plI.Yroll. $522.70; Howard Thomas was the overnigh t ~. 1na ...... IF. . . . . . , tIMI ..... • .......... lI"!'U" . Earl Baaor'e. payfOll. 1,156-40: gUef;t of the 'Perry J. Thomases Siebert va, Siebert; Kermit WUlOll, 36. oonstrucUon V. Armlt&t!e. payroll. $143.20 ; Friday. 15 daYII in wbleb to plead aranted. 'wllrker. LebanOa, aDd lira, Ollve H Mottnt. Payrc)ll, '188.00; P. J Thomases called on the B .... Marta Mullord. of b 'BUIIhrWl. 38, ho\l8eWiOlriter, of w,e.y. Armitage, sand " and gn.vel, Walter at West OIlrrolton .tate of AUIUIWI B;. MulIOI'Cl. do- nav1ije. 197.99; Armrel Matert8.Is Co.• tar and ThurSday evening. PMDae_tt..ator ·_fir1a4la..... VII. Marla Mulford; b ollda DuUI Berman Knlier~ st. echool ILIphalt, p:H1-'79; Trustees of Public Perry and Harrle Thomas called •' ordered IIOl4 at prl'fMe ale, teacber. TrentGo. and Dorothy ill- Mairs. electric bW &t garaae. 14.10 ; ,o n the Jess Roland!; and Mrs . Na!lCY Elmer WbUacn va. Keil1; ther OUrleu, H, . H8f~ townahlP. H. S. Conover. supplles and parts. Pope Sunday evening. _ et al; ordered tbM abeIUI pay teacher. MU1; wtght. & Decker Pharmacy. 'fhe W. C. Smith vielted tlI58.03 to tdmlnlltntcll' at wtat.e 01 Alva 21, 1Ih'?8 worker, supplies, ' .1.20: ' Good,., ServIic1!, with Mr • . and Mrs. Lester Gerhard PlaVwa Whitacre . ' L1Q8tt., 18, ttre and , tubes, 132.47; Bay City &Ild famtly' Sunday aft.ernOQll. Hubert G. va Dol1ll B- &er, Shovels. IDC., PartB. *245.79; A. F. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jess Hess attended . to' det~t Ohester Tolei', M. nlght watch. .MeUoh o,.rage. battery. $14.00; t.he Dr.' Pepper reunJon at MUter's man, K1ICa MUia, and Hamlln Auto BodY Shop, stra.tgh- Grcv6. and tJie SmJth reunion at t5 per wee ...' "t;n Wll,llaIDa. 31, lIhoe worker. K1Dp fenders. 16.00; '!,mous Auto pIiffc: Sunday. , -""'BATE CO_T . WIa. Supply 00., se.t covers. $14:~; Shar MI'. and.Mre- H. W. Warne of On.. ' .." II..... tle Bros. Macbine Co.. labOr.' $2-00; taTIO. California were house guesti! ~ . IlEAL ESTATE TItANBI'DB Prank Bherwood 00., supplies and of Mr. and Mira.~Rolla. Bolton during n the PUltw 01 the eatate of paollne.. t27.28; Be.ngham·s TeJl1lCO the past week. Nonnan. Rlchmood, c1eceued; lD. NIcIlell va. Oad Morgan center. tlr!e. tubes and gMoUne. Rev, &nd Mrs. oarl SmIth and Veiltor)' a'fJlll'OVed. and Wlll& MDrran; Iota Noe. Uf and 185.12; HenrY Lu(llllgton Service f81r,l1y were callers on the Dougb,.~ In tbe matter the tItate '" f26 in tbe vWap of PrulkJ1n, Station. supplies and ,3U3 Harrlaee in Bellbrook Monday eve. - -~ 8taD1eY DIeb1. cleoealed: prt. wwa IICirpn ~ Ildwa.rd and Mar Lebanon Mot« Inn, Inc., supplies Ding. ,va~ eale of peNOII&l propel.tJ Of\\- garet Nicll:eU; lot No. 428 in the vU- and gaeol1ne, '17.24; · Grlswold aer· MnI. Oarl Smith and daughters. ed. . • Jaae of Pranklln. . vice Station. lIuPPlloea and gasoline. Emma Jean. EcUth and Ethel a re In matt. of We . . . of . Ode 157.40; Jla.vld.!!onls F1U1ng Station. spendIng week with the fonnsamuel B. YeUle. _ _ led: certlf· Ed~ard N. CoWDa to Erma ' paolini!. 13.10; Wliitu Spot, Service· er's pa.reJ)ta., the Andrew Peenoa in lcw.te oftnDter of real eetate. Cll'6 Wold. 21,38. acree, In Hal'laD town. ~jine, tll.2O: KentuckY.
II~ Louise Sttvan va·
~.. . _ ......... '=-' ........ " ... De.:=--.: m s.....C'1.. . g:f,. ~te ~ ~;..::-~~..... , hI;-:;
~ deceaaed;
~'III>I" ~=~= !{j...7,w"r:. ~'Z
== ..
F•• r · M artln
~ ~ R~y
SATISFACTION Adclllo~. =.~ f_. Centerville, Ohio
; ;=;;;;;;.~~p.;.h~o;::;n;;;';;;;;;;7;;;;8J;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;
In the ~ of the ,8Itate of
abIp, Hdord'il Llnco Statton, gasollne. Joseph Com. to EclWVd Baapr; 157.42; ClaUde E. Wllaon, paollne,
deceaIIed: Iota NOlI, • to too in Loveland ale ·aspoV.cs aDd caaftrIDed. , . PMk, In Deerfield t.ownIb1p. In ~ maUillr of Gut . . . . .. fJ8 0&rI.1. to ArthUl' POm· IIonoe 1.. 8eW~. diu I led; .U~ leta N,* leG to 1_ aDd . 1882 ~ ~ err ...... JD ~ PUt. DeerfIeld town· ~ IbIp. , nI the matter or ~ ~ alWlU'd ~ Robert BlAar .$O ~ .,I,ID.M'" A. aDd PJ:U$ Jean ~ B-;-'aiKt 8aI'a ~. Slfoemairer; hiil_~; tint ~t ~0ged. " No 25 III • vWue fJ8 South Ropra.
The funeral of Mr. Perry pa&ISed awa.y Sunday eVt!n1IiII t17.13; P'iora Moto!' 8erv1ce, 8'IIIOline will be held from the 14.48: Sidney I4lU'ttwell. psolfne. 'church In centervWe Wednllllda!' '17.55;' Smart's Garage. - guollne, a.r~rnOOn, $5."; W. o. - Newcomb. gasoline, Mr. and lI4rII. Rmno Rlg8111 and '12,27; OrltIy's Bemce Statton. dau~ter, Paullne IUld Mrs. Harold t27.89; Borden's &~e Station. Filer and chlldren. Harold .Jr.. and a.eo11n~, t27,18. Gwendolyn vistted Mrs. Filer', sliter , _ 1;11 Oons~, MIChIgan a. tew da,. last week.
matter elf tile tiIIu:te ill K. • . . . . . dIe!!!,iI: I8Iiobd &lid Oil" If K. ou.uo:''''eed, to CIw1es al MeoImt. al\ill'Uted. , .. . iI.aDd NeWa 0 .' 8toDe; .... acreI ~I tbe .~ of tn' 'l'\ut.IecneIt ~ John B. PRe. ~1Id: G&b~. .;: ,'Yeakle to WUJa IIoipn
'l1lomaa mm.
Of Reds
BII dolnp ~ on tap for the . "" Reda «btl week as they ,wing Into r of attton stiff OIlpoeltJon at the ...... 'i.ouIie DOD.426. at . . , . . 'heme lot. Before.the 'week's play 8ICIDbt to N oeeIi completed. the7 wIll have .. Ip~. ma,.- or tbP < ....tIl .of " ,. ' • ,L,.;t 'al, "I"'12 ~ the Pirates.. '0UbI, 0I1ll'd1. the' o~ber uarlfia eewt. dec "": leUna,re. ~ " ~ three members or the National ft1!8 ~ pa(d; • W~ ~ po , 'Leaaue's first cUv1sIolI. In ... of U. eetate • IIartb& ' . . . . . to O,t L. The final nlsbt game of the sea, PIIltIllla.·1ftUt.cre, cltell,_! ale ap. 7,M ..... 1ft 'nIrtole:nek ~p. . BOD W8II played ' at ~ey Field , V I It.. JtlltiQn to. BdD G, Batlow. ThUl'llday wnen~' Reds met the 2 acrea tD me.nreet towDIblp, ' Ch1caio under the atca. ThJa --:.- ~. CObCIUdes the two pme aeries iIIU.I .u.t.O,lRD With the CUbe ·that "''ILl to.start with
..-..owed.. .
count ID tbe. mader
~ .,..0ft4.
Here'. liow you get It LOOK!
EI of and llarprel
' .
Lar8'er Beeauae of Belt~r Qua lily t S~i'Vice••nc( pJice
Eatabiiabed 1849.1939 ~ Way?,e'"fq'e; " )" n~ 2
- ...
Phon. Y~urWant 'Ad
~t TUesda.y . evcmh!ir the W. C. 8mJth the MaurIce Huntel?' and ~tera, and J4r. and Mrs. H8.\U'Y Murphy and .eon. Rd)ert en. joYed ~ out~ plcnIc at the Lea. ter Gerhard .bOme. ' • , Tom' Hunter escaped dro'lmlng at the POOl in Wa,ynlllvllle laat when be col• lld8d With another IIwlmmer. Dr, sto.u t;waa oUted to th~ ,scene and soon the boy on the road to reoovery but Tommy spent the three bo~ In bed rest!t}e.
~day ,eve~.
.,~ ., BaU:oDII
Fairle.y Hardwa~e St~
MI•.HoDy .
ladies day game lVedneeda.y.
The Kersten (rDII.}' Drum and, Miss Mary Miller of Middletown Bugle Corps of the ye~ of For", 11 spendinr' lI: few dli.ya 'with . her ala '.c!ltaID. d:f:~==~1 elan Wars w1l1' strut. tHe~ stuft ~ ter Mrs. D.or.thsa. KeI.I.1I iw1 fam1ly. afJ ~_oDI the night game. Thjs Wllt baa ', M1I8 Minnie ar.wford is spending won a.cc1a1m 'throughout the middle a few With.Mr. ,and lira. AJ, rT'l1IJeiIbol!Ie~.. We.:: .~ey were ap:1ed~ for . an V1n ~ and Mr. and lire• • _rza"UAl_ ,telAlllltllD, 13c; KortJI DC appearance at ~ 'Pleld 0Jl June Glenn Dnibot of NOC'WOOd. 4 aa.. tea· 28. wbeo,.the 8IU118 was raIiIed out. Mr. and Mrs Clarence Crawford '~"":= .~.. .,.. 1014 to night baa been des1ina.ie4 lmc:I 'LoU Murriy spent' Siml;lay wttb _ ...............,... ,.null. 'UMIlodlil, otOOlurlllbUlNlght"and M1'. and Mi'a, Wllbur Bani1er of 1 ,'YI!lh.I.hwlldiledB of memberi. of tqat 0I'IIU1- I:.eparum. . at10n wm be in ..aiI:endance. ' .• M~ ~ ~: Hu8f. Gtbeon, ~ti!~~BId, Ray Blades and hll1 'St. ~ Car,.. and daughters ·~tena. '~ ' Paul.Ine ... d1na1& runners-up 't,(I 'the ' 'Reds a'l called on Mr. and Mrs. John Koester . ~ IoDi, Wtu collile to 'cfuchu)att 01 ,u~c1a Sun4aY 8.rte~. : DIS- saturday for a. slngJle game aDd wUl Don Druhot returned . home Jut rfCt:'Tl~~l1oaW: 1i~lIltiliJ; ~1taJ.over for a. double~header' Tue~ a!~r IIPI!Dd}ne a tew ~yt. ,
~ Of ryltUc 'Af_ rent.'",po; O~{'eiltral oaIp.. I1I)One; ~~ ,aI· M8J!0:" Ohio . ~tral
·,LeAIII~."'''''i;'· ·''''lt~'P
.~: ,
~ 0UtI1."
.fOl'PQ\lo~ that the Reds will wltb hisUDCle Mr. ~Dce Oraw- ';:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;:;;;:':;;;:;;;;;;;==;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;~~~::;;;;;;; tbeldinal' J!laet.em alp. ford and f&m11y. ,
aDd Dn~, . ; . .(',0. rl1UIIIbIM BJuk ~ wa, ' ~.!~, OII.I..~._D. ~ 1_. . .Id~ 1IUl__" ...I9 . ~umbua. ~ . . Mtl~
~ ~.'1.'I&; JIIDdI!l B
Quilttit....., 1
' · ~~f,r.~~lf!~j~
' '.li:::ii..., J"''''IUtI_;..~,ltii.. ,~....iI. ~
)\I~1bt: ~"·jJ\.·~· ;nllaD"
• night
~ ~.
John Shawl. Mrs,
the Reds MOiIlday and an !1f. Dill. Mrs. Arthur Morgan Of~ t11t TUe8dey~ By the end of were dInnet- gy.ef!ts of ¥rs- Hiley the·~ RedB ,Ifill ·.have com. Obion 'and fam1ly laIt ~. ~~"'''''''''' a ·atrlDl-ot flltteeD,co~tlve ~. ~tle Levi anc;l ~!' Welling·
division spent th~ ~eek .eqd . w1~ ! her , daughter. M!j.lm1eWorth Smith and 8~·'a double meet· t.ani1ly or Da.Y1XIIl. \ . HOUI«a now on Mr. and 14iiI~ Lou Rlcbarde aDd • .'
tbe BeD.ry s&ua and .
are asar-8t«e daughter Jessle were supPer (Uelte
Walnoo rB.~. ,. ."
E!~ ev~ of MI-, NUt· H11ei"CHI:leOQ: and family.
PIt~UDe ~.p~~t , :~ \ ~
. ... . ,
. '..
I!' ~VOj ~ ~:,
BY.w...A h~ld ~moU8 "fO~ ~ the ' to be tlewickeaeet
ll&II,aa'~"r'~~~~~~,e-~~K.\""'.''''''H'' '
· J~9:S1l,..wl ~ $lld tam.. . ' Uabei'Oi~'",~ $li;.WJ ind ..on Bobbl' .e~ a r~ OIl the ~:;:a~~~~ti~~~rt~"~;~=~~I=:-:=.: _.>......·MI.· filmllA'?'V~Det :~.B;1l; :~ cia.~ter ·.-el'Jlly.. :~~. ' ,~d" .t; ~ ,
MJ8.t~BlVl8 . II1cbIai.
,;i .' , .'"
,~~ra~=:: SPORTSMEN'S CORNER ~========:;;~~ TH)'; II
~ .0.0 L DnT S£"_V
FbI! alld G~ Qmap
11'1'. BOLLY _ ; .. OII1JII(IB
Beech Grove .
Areommodating Elephant
. George Liebert Jr. of Cbl'Q880. 18
a v si tor rf Li1C J(.rdan family. ~
anaODIBiI' OII11aCB BeY, ' ....
. will French of NQi'mIlJl, Indiana, . To Ban Display 'A~ to - ; ; ; 'J!lllridie Jr. . fonnerly of Edwardsville, W85 .~ vII~, the W~ ooun~ J"IIh nor of frienda bere. 1ut week. .
.._... ~me ,........ .h._ baa ................ _ftle....
'1:30. ' • .A welcome ."aite
, 1II"ISceI.
lO:to-UOmInr WoNh1~\lbJect "Tile Ooet of the ~om, ,It . Wiiberforee Oototed Male quar-
tette W1U give & number of selecttOna
the mQrntng aervlee. MONDA,r
7:31}-l!llm>rth ~e WEDmap>AY
TerrY and
meeUne Wednelday ' eve-
large aree.ted fiBh ~ 81 Oi; Ith M IS. ' Allee other intereet1ng d'rplaY8 from the 'felTY.
V. lM1. IIbaI.ter
':~Q IabooI, R. I),
8$001, 9;30 " m. E. A. -
Ilarnhart, Supt. llYentng ":30 ·P. m, ~er
Mr. alId Mrs. Cone ·Elam. ente 'ta1ned tho fOrmer's brotherl frOm ' J'&JlPl~t. With ~ stue CoJIIieI'\'I\. Kentucky lait \~eClt, . '.' tIon tl~t and the local PaIr BotU'Cl . . .., • •. <Us 1(\ of -wild 11f and ~ t·s, Gtl r ne~t : ranul~tln; o~ Dowersto ~ ve a p y , ~ , vWc WlI« II. vIS !r~r lIl('b \. ~k of her nS.h at .the 00\!DtY fait. plans cUsl parents Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards cM1 for a cOOn chase in · the race ' ..;_' ',..L dI G ' 'of m U · I - ....... -- f th L• ...,.,. ____ u II. ray, rye man. I \traI-It. J Kersey, ch.... u~ 0 e r"-et. seV(I'l\.l daYs ' recentJy with club's h~ comqtltt e,4U\d Bill }lenIi 11\ Cinc1l1!l&ti. dershot. Otune M~lUgement Aegnt. MI . Et" c) Be:.«m was a. callK' have 8.\1'ebdy MTl\n ...ed to ha" - L~IO Tu :;uay a.tteroo~ n at the- bome of _oil ,.,.,.'
T." Searl', .........
.,:3t-Pourth Quarterly COnierenee
Mrs. Mabel ,
WAYNESVILLE (lIl1JBCB OF (lBlUST W. (l, Smith. MJDbter
\ COn.servaUoo Divis' n. The · 'Club Miss Hannah Jordan and brotJler, will .hAve U~ phea..c;ants. coon. Alfred, were Thw.:sclIl.Y guest;;. of .\IIClWlftla etc. on d.I8play. Mr and Mrs. Wayland JordaD and Hendershot helped plan the Green rt. ~ tIY Ii Ot,u :llUUltl. <;ounty Fish end Qune A88n. dlap\8Y. Mr, . and MnI. mibert Sett;y aDd at the Xenia Paf!. last week. sons, of Oresm1a were Monday vls~~;;;;;~~~~~~~~ ltors of MI', and Mrs. Erbte Po,vel)' T~ property in Wellman which
PaR 8~reen Gage Pluma, J. O. Hawke.:WaYDe8vj}le. . AIO·tf
WANTED-BoU$e" painting,
·W · day, you furnish tJle paint,
was tl)e hmle of the late Thomas Thompson tor many years; has been sold to Mr. and MrI, Oecll Lamb. 'Ot18 RICh has returned to MODtana where he wu 'tormedy located, after & lell8tb.Y vlat, Wlt.b hI8 pal'Cmts Mr- and Mrs. 'ThooI.s 1Ucb. . Mr. ..00 MJa. ~h Pbe:an son Norbert. and daughter Joan and
on .the ' 'l' 'and' familles ~ ..
PaR {Jom Binder. In Iood condition, Inquire. at. Galett.e O~, Al7-3t·
Mr. and Mn, Pi'aJ:lk 8aqI.s were v1sl.tors in Dayton. Sunday afternoon. in the bo~ Mr. end Mrs. Elwood Obenow1t.b at Porest Park. TIleir IOD, Vernon S8ma attended ,the auto, l'IICeIII •
. Alott
the former. state. Miss Mary PIleL. an of· Portland, 'Oreson were can1ng
~-iii~iii~;~ii~;;.;=====;;~..ii. · --=-"'iiiiiiiiii:--__~~.:-_-_-.._-iiii.ii~__
POR eALE-Heretords. Buy direct 9l3O from qwnens. All teated. Daly... Yearllnga, ~'8 Steers and lIe1fera. 10:45 Open and Bred ·COw. Truck' or Ou'~, Write WI,re Phone, Mack Al'l-It-
. .
. ....
USe The wamJ' 0Uett.e Want~
~ ' cta:aa
LOCAl:BASEBALUOJES . "L~,~~_."T~"f\l~~N~~tlY LOCAL After wlnn1na two
a~-I';'bt, _.......
. ._a .----:-
UJe WaY1lesvllJe·Ooya foUoweel lil tile
fool.ltepl 0,1 h ~ Qd were knock ed o1r ttae& Perch BWldQ wben !bey bad ~~ bW tateo from Uaem. TbIe _ 'plateil ~tb ~flbugr . . U¥? bome ~
kilt .... ....
. .. . ...
Mra. W. 1:. etlWd aDd Mn. J, p. tPeDt .'l'\\unaaJ In Dl.JWn. .
ttii ~~ pme plaJed ,at
• ",
Mr. aDd lin. BYelJn I'lra • • • • • ,
, ___ .~ or, lll:-f ,,tbJle
• • .' .
. . . PkIIIIe . ...... JII)eOt
J, O. Hawke. IIImi
~ with
tiel a
Va1le.V . . . ~ ,~-ll1. ." " da\llbter. un. ~, R failce/ 01 With Qbarlea ~t ~ the W1lJD1Diton. ........... ................ mOUDd In &be tint came &be Bar.. ' . • • • • ~ ve~ bot. lta;rted. n..t aI\IIf_t ·Mr. ~. Kn. 00Imer aDd &Del In the .third ~ ~ dau(Jbter. Jud7. lefi PncIt.y fOr a In ~. . ~ out of IDe bolL two week" trip tbrouIh the West ~: r.i. ....., I'eU8nIl m.rt.odt 10 tile • • • • . ' IJIIII 1'... IouJ:1b ........and ~ awcb bettea-Mr .ad Ul'a. I ( . A PulUraon to, 10 hlia. . Tbe were·'DQ1oo. aIWarren pOunty Homemakers' , ~ wu allowed Qoly '&erllOOD, Cborua wID 10. to the Ohio '. .;, and ~ the ~ pttcbeft • • • • • Pal! eunday. Auguat :n, to preaent a ..... B ......... -.....,. 0_ . . IIr aDd 111ft A. P. ~:"'ll-b ._... concert, in the Women's BuUdtng Por the aeoon4 pme the ~ ~ . • _ ..... IIiu'ting .~ 2:00 p m. !.In GeoJ'ge went ~. ~ Valley w~ - AriSe cIWdND, ...". ~ aDd Bll11, .at- NoelL dlrec:tor, ~. 8 . 8, Tbomaa, Osborne. pitched the tun IJUDe .._ tended a reunJan at &be ~ pIaD1it aDdllJaa Bllrabeth Graddy, lowtnr 12 hJla WIWe Groome or J " R SbeIe11n &milton. 8\1Dd&)' HOme ~mooatratlon A....nt wID ac• • • • • . .~, Sprbla- ,Va11ey save up 1'1. bU. to . OOIIlP&ll1 •.&be IlOUP. oUr bvJa. ~...-.. wu WI'ODI with Mr. &D4 Mra. .01W1ea ~ .of ,~ of the C~ to.make our boya '4 ilUcl to .., bui t.bey JUIt =:':~ were cUnner rueata of ur. _ trip aret P1rat sopranos. Mrs. coUldDlt aeon. . - .. JohI) W. KenoJ. TUelday Lw:W.e Loe;r' ifni. A. L. King, Mra. RUII OIbarne, c:atcbu tor . ev~ • • .• • • WW INtt. lira, Karl IIlDat~ Mra. ~ t.eam; lUre bad the ~ WIn. St!lntAm, lIfn. Grover Green, Wb1Je ~, at. flIIIrtq VaJ,Ief . aDd lIN. L., _. TboDlIJlOll &D4 ...... KN'1 Sbopert, lin. Mae Hall ... JU& 00 the ead 01, tpe ftaaer b, .Mn, A. ...Stout &lid the1r and:un, Orace Swu14'Jel; second so • pltobecllMU .ad; .. the NIUl& • WIIUUe Jo, ~ t& N. pranoe. ~. Geraldine Eicher, Mrs. mjury . . . -~ to pIaJ C. R, ncnatloD part Wid...".) ~ WUlIamI, Mrs, Leslle Bambart dibt fIII14 .PQIlUaa, . evenbll. lira, Bert PIIber; 'Altos, MIl.: DIcIt ~ led ~, bQme ~UUama. lira Erma Whited. ptf.ull!CJUr ~~ on tlIDI8 a& bat ~ • •, wbo hu aae. laalr NettkHa.ttleld, aDd lira. PaUlBhal· WI1UM 8tUea aDd au. 'Oebome colWWl the OgnlrltD Beauty fer, Jec:ted a eub. , , 11M aDD & PGllUoD WUb , Tlda ~,. &be ~. teiIm ~ "u~ 8bopp8 . ID . have a n&l "We OIl ban.:. &.I' ~1 are !lCbedwec.t to c:ee& the MJddi... • • •. '.
Hoaaeiaaken' Caros
To' ... At
vf.sI~; ib~
WWD ' ArmC::., dD. w t.oane hl~ 1lle ~ ..... VtIIY fine' .... 1'.114 ~ . . . bayOl ~ ~ rt.,ht "akiil, 10 ,,,I, PW~ IIhat, 1&
\,~ tie "ftIIl.~.
So""i. ~bQn
Darta \&lid Irm&. Wbo Yis. are ~. l&ed
" e erp:uhjpDieD.t _ '1).."1111 .......... • ~ . . . IDe,!, Ul-r~ IUJ' wiD. .
....... IbeIr s-reDk
. . ., • ; • •
aDd' ~
W1nn 4. 'H j ers in the Warren County .,- - - - - . - - - - - • - , 0 ub contests who w11l receive trips to the Ohio State Falr next week are: Marian WhIpple who for '1 yearsl-- _ _ . - _ _ ,_. _ _ _ _ tW. been enrolled In th H . ; -Hour Club at Lebanon, wonethe :~~~I MIS6 Daisy Gultloe of XeDlIs visRH\;q by making and d 1lIM~V 11Ung Mrs. A. E. Osborne this week. mo e .... 8 • • • • • polr.J>lete c.tume iColDposed . of a green wool crepe taUored drm andl Elmer Sheehan Is attending the a green and brown wool tweed coat OrEenvl~e t.alr.,t hls weelc. • • • • • with which are worn brown . aCOOJ-' • •.• Walter Oast. ' Chiu'les Zlmmerma'n IOrles. Mr. and Mrs. D. R . Smith are enand dauahter, Louise, were vlaltora Ellza.betb Schnell, of Pleasant joying a vacation trip week. In Athena, 0 ., Xond&¥. Plain and Frances Clark. ot Genn• • • • • • '. • • • town, were chosen as the most out- l>4,rs, Robert Crew was taken to .lI'red Braddobk .a nd KeUer Hoalt standing models trom the Dress Re- Miami Valley ho6pltal. Dayton, ~ion of Company E vue . .MIss, Schnell wearing a gray nesday moming, for an op<:ratlon Legion at Lebanon, rayon sports dreSs and M1s;s Clark In • • • •.• . . a blUe wool crepe taUOred street Mr, and .Mrs. Ell Furnas and t~. • ••• dress will represent W6rrell County lly were dinner ,... ,.... of Mr. ..Y....,'" Mrs. Burgeaa' Crumrine and two on Tuesd!lY In the State ' :H Club Mrs, Fred Furnas. Sunday. . Dress Revue. • • • • • . and A. L. Rlchaids. of Ruth Harrts of the Red Lion Club X~nla, were d1pner guests .or Mr. will test the experhince she 8a1ne~ Miss Angenette Pen.ce of Dayton loin. A; E. Os~rne. Tuesday. in 8 years of 4.-H clothl~~ cl b k 15 vislt.lng thls week. with Mr. and • ~ • • • ....... u wor Mni Cia R nd 1 u .. on Wednesday, by competing in the . renoe ye a Mrs. J, M. 9Omell!J6 and Miss clothing Judgln OODtjBt. and on TIles • • • • • Dal16 of Ashtabula. were day, Miss Marguerite Kroelle , 0 Mr. and Mrs , R . D. Collett and gues of .MIss , Henrietta McKlnlley the MainevUle"Food club, wUl matCh' lami\y attended the Stanfield famUy ThW'8day ~4 ~~~ ~t week. her Itnowle.<lge with the ' group 01 n;un10D at CW'uvUle, Sunday. fOOd jUdge.. • • • • • Choeen first 1n the ~ealth COnMr. and Mrs. Ralph Hasttng,; and relatives bare ThursdaY of last test was MlBs Georgia Kennl,U'd , also son, BGbby, attenaed' a family reunweek. .o f the Lebanon Club. Miss Kennard ,on at RIchmond, lnd.. sunday: < ••••• wUJ be examined In the State COn- ' • • • • • Mrs, ~utb II; Jumey aDd Wu test held to determine the healthlest Mr. and Mrs, Don Ha-wke 'l\en Louella apen~ . .t week In Oolum- '-Ii Olub etrlln the state. &ue5ts 01 Mr. and Mrs. C111bu., the ~.'4r Mr. and Mr~, ft.. Trips to the National 4.-H Club .ord Rormell, or New Burlln.,ton. D. Barden. COngresa, held In connection willi Sunday, • .... the InternatIonal Livestock Show ' • • • • • M1a8 lICKln&ey and In Chlcaa-o 1n November. are the re- Mrs. J, O. Oartwright or Clncln· a B. Brace "ttended a lunch- wards for the winners tri each of natl entertalne<1 the ~embeni of the .& IIhe home of Mrs I N Harris thl!Sl'., state oontes~ and It Is bellved Atgunot. bridge club, at the Little IJ1 Da1ton. WedDealdaf 'Of 'l~t week. that these Warren' County girls. wlll l~, today, Thursday. • It; . • • present strong competition tor aU • • • • •. . . • the other entrants. ~ BeIltrloe and Wilma stanfield 0, New Vienna are vlsltlni at tho! home 01 Mr, and Mrs. R. D. CoIlett thIa week.. .
' ': ' Mr. C. Runyon visited . ...' :n ' d 'p ' !c-'- r ..... a •• v... In O·.lI: -Ina'l Sun ' day. ....... ...., ........ .. .... lfAC. aDd all day rally at the Lebanon •• • • ~ II'OUDcIe SUnday, August :no Mr. antt MrS Charies Zimmerman . To1maeDd clubs troIn 23 counUea vlalted Mr. and;MrB. Joseph Lake of 10 Southwlltem 0b10 wtll send lalle Piqua. 8undAy cIeleptJODII 00 tl).1s meet. ~ pubUc • " • • • Is lDvited · to come aDd hear the v truth aboUt th1a great natlonal Mr. aDd Mrs. tH . :U. Stroud of LebBrlna )'OW' bUt.e '. aIlon were Suniky evening guests of old f&llhlbned ~._ ... ~. ~~.~ODY • Ud Mrs, ;V. 11:. Stroud. tIbere 'Wtu
• • • • •
LoeaI Happenmgs · .
-UAJ. ft
~ ~ , ~~ ~d 'MJ'a; carl ~e are
. ~ted l\i~. and lin, Ray
Joyinf. a vacation In VlrginJa. laDDOIl.of Blancbe~r, ~ at• • • • . '
Mr. aDd 1Ir~ Walter Sheehan ' . !Oll8 were .DaytoD vlsltons Iba. RUISell Jten.tley ".. brouiht ~ saw "The W1iard of 0." home trom a COIWl1bua boCIltal laIIt I,oew'e·jn the eve_. week and Is rapldly recoyertng after . • • • • • aD Opera.t1oD. ' •
• j
. ,
• • • • •
• • • • • '
. . Nearly 50 memI;)Q an.i llJue3U1 euJOYed the chicken dinner ai 'the .• S. Collen's "Hole In the WOOCIa" . .Idence when the Waynellvlull Civic club members witb their Wives .. guests attended the monthly c1iJ:iDet meetlng Mo1UlaY l!Venl~"', .-.. FollOwing the dloDer a short bUllt-. neS6 session was held afte ' which the prOStarn chairman. J" 8. pman, IntrOduoed the fIIPeaker U, D, Dtcl-.50n of Dayton. J4r. DlcklOD hO :e 16 a well known tlaveler pve a ry Interesting account of boa g when he waa a member or exploring party . crOllllbla t.IIa thirty years :o.northern yootau. Mr. CoJlett. the genial boat who ha.d Just returned from a
west ci .
"ialt to the
coaat eXpre&,ed h1a
er.terta.n1~ tne club and IIIOke
,,),ell;' Ou Lhe delight of b1I Journey. All -'. meu..ers are urged ~o .ttead the next l'eJUlar meetlni 0 the club lot Lne wwnBntp nal.I WeantlOa1 eveDl.n g September 8.
MRS. LUCY HOWARD RilES IN~ fRAlJllIl , Funeral servlce& for Mla, Luq Howard, 89. who died at tLe ~ of her uncle Horace P. ~a IIOAda.y n.ght followlng an ellte~.. lllr.eUl. were beld at the aoU-IlitoA funeral •.. home In Pranklln, Thursday afternoon. BUrial ... • Miami cemetelY, be~. &be:- ~ vived by a IOn, RGeMirt ,Boward. of . Ctnc~t1, II&ld several coUllDa. two whom are M1!a Em111 JaboIIa, Uved with her and M~ ~ of WaypesvllJe. lira. . Ho-.d. fon:lierly of" c.ruaJ..
t"" .ur-
1VU.!~Z~t &10, abe
Wlth bu. ~
Jacobi. came·bue to cu. tor 'Who . . . been . In,: ....,-. ~ for eome time, . . NOTJ(l&-
The Ha.wke reunJon wtll be beId III the ~ buJ1dIDB at the lMwnt IlO\UkI!o
trienda are
AuIUIi 1'1
" J : c. Hane, Pl'ellldiDc , / " If " !
liKE ' AI . . . . . ClaM Mail Jratte r.t POlitorfiee,
w:lya..yill~, Ohio
"" a ---'-
AlA PI _ F. 111118 Wheat
l'Wmer a bad a lncome .of 12,1187,000.000 ~rom the !$Ie of farm product a durlni ,t pe (11' l halt of tblI reu, reporta tile U. s. nept. of As., rtcultur e, lDcoo-,e WIllS four cent IIttlAUer than In the C61T~ ppnuina period of l~ st ,err, whl:n the total tncollle W.'. I P.084,000.000. Tbe rural eoonom1C) uepu1.mcnt at 01110 8t:aW Un1vers lty St.YB that the IIhrlnk age In Ohio .... approxi mately t6,000.000. OhIo tanners received t tal of ,lSIU91,OOO trom au sources LOmr-llr ed wlt.b tl~.l28.000 In 1938 and $160,099.000 In- 193'l-, TIle U , S. DepL. of Agrlcu) ture on Auau' ~ 12tb awarde d contrac ts tor 25.500 steel graJn blna at a total cost of 13.611.520 TllCIle bm8 will ~ U8ed to &tore .3.280.000 bushels of corD: In rural secti~ of the mid-we stern com belt Parmer.. are expecte d to tum aver the grain to the lov~nt In set'tleinen t of Joana made 00 corn In 1937 1938.
Gets Rmnl r= n tile Gd I W. N. SEA~S II
r a. I r.s'PA TE R I:.fta. . . . ' 'e WIDter ':;.w*' ~ ..rho piau A 'Otradtn Da amaar veaeta b- a INSUR ANCE OUt of the re&IIGM wbJ the to tqtaue their It.tO crap WI~':.:b1e - -......- - -...I88=UBD=~B--VER=..:;Y~T--H....uas~-:-D~... centU17 AIO. ~ &be ~to .... AY:' ~---.,--'-AUCTIONEER or """1111 ID Ohio hU 'ln- to ..., their ~ bIIuft,D~ um bout of the ~ ItorJ of aevl!l'el tQld In 1e.te Yeai'll. Dr WIth au aDvance OIl futlU'e ~"i: aU 8ubM:r iptioa Brice, ,1,&0 Per Year, Pr.Jabl e in 1Ic*uft..u, " ,ta a fi'u!t. e J, Park. l.I1'onomy departm ent. pa~:men\l, aOOofd1IIar to --.:.. ...-......- - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - -AAlvaac -'----... Suprem e ~Iirt ........ldm ID 1838\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ State UDlvers lty. chOoseS the Sh&Ol (O~ of:::,e , ~ !!!'!!!!'''''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!''''!!!'!!!!!!'''!'!~-!!'!!!'-!!''!!c--_ ~arren a YI,etab le. ~~ :!!!!~~-~-tact that 8Oybe&r iS to aOOd c:aah County AM Comm1$ .;=z:======;===============-o:=:===~-• There are "'venl aood l'eUODII ~rop 88 the principa l factor why An amendm ent to the ~lc~ltural why tomatoe I s enJoy " dletetlc pres. lIlOI'e fanuers eacby ear prod\JC8 AdJ~~ ~ of 1838 fua:d~ ,It pc»- tlie ~,aeOordInt to nutrItIo n t.hem '_ , sible for a.pl1Dir-~heat, lI'01fera to . I at Ohio 8we UDlverl.tt1, , J{EAL UTA~E mru oow locatect In obio "cbeck~" &hell' premiu m s-J~ Tomaw ea ~t run the ~ut of wUl pa.y caah for fioybeBnll or wID, ,lMnts aPlnat future AM ~ the vUamln alphabe t. CODt&1nlna i, traQe '. ,ybeaD oil meal for the beans but ':'D- ~e lIMO crap NOTA RY PUBLIC lnII~ vitamln ll 0, A. Bl. !Illd O. _and they _ __ on a. baa1s that ts of advant .ae to plan. aU powera may tI:~UIIic do 110, ' " have a matchle sa flavor and, attrac, the ra.nner, 8:05-H o_s eo,mty .-B Olllb Program -;-MerD bers dit'(llCted . ' , 'To ISMw ~ fUture AAA pay- tlve color. by S. N, Q. LAnothe r factor ' whlch has created mrots r~r hJe crop lnIIuran ce premInkl,lh and MIas Prances Brundig e. COUnty ExtensI on .\geots. AlthoU lh tom&tA>es ale In Milletslnterest ID lIOybeuU bera· l Ia the _blU ty IUm., & tanner m~ We , the YeIIa' around noWadaYII, ' UlIi' low01 harvest.lD8 the tp'aUl crop with wWi the County AAA a 8 :SQ:-Vo catloual Home l!konom1ca Progra m-8tud en'" of Oom.m . eat pnaes and most pleDtlfWIIUppUes West LIberty comblnes_ ElIm1nall.lon of hand labor 'lbe ~t~ wW ~ Hiah &:11001. d1rected by MI8II Mary Ryan, Instruct or_ ~e QCj)ur ID AUi\I8t -end Septem ber when 6hc:8'tenll the t.rvest perlod and amount '~ preml~ due 8:0-MU sle on ~ In- hEome- irown tomatoe a appear on _ H. . . Tawl ..... .... . ,tends tD leesen the costs of produc- ~ce at the time . 8 :5:l-" Our TwIn Stars for ThI.s Wtelt" -Repor t ~U\ Bome .~ I'armer the market: It·s also the season "hen .......,........ ..~ Demons ttat.lon. ' ........ tloD Exhibit s at Ohlo 8tate Pair Purn1sh ed by Harriso n. tnalfes hia appUcat lOn. After honlema Jterll caD t.bem for Use IiItel' h{\J.\lklu gwn. ~ It _ vet I~,," we., <l1'eene, Frankll n llnd Butln- count1eB. AAA appr0'W i8 tile powers re- on • , " ........ lic h/ll9 ellCf torture of EcuI'Ml. ,:OI-K UIIc quest. -~ ~or ~, prem1Qm Tomato es are eeIIler to at' ttchln9 Toea 01 Feet Reahea .nd mlny , NOTICI! ) '1'0 C4JNTn ACTOR . are paid to the Pe~ Crop lnIIur· 8.JL.I)l !lCll9!d "a Your Sella llee.!a for ume and Pertlllz er-l,", .TA'l'1D ClIF 0.110 b ath.r ~.mell'f CIIu,.d gIn eruption, end U J. Salter. The N8.~ Safety CouocU In.:ncl the home than most vegeta leA. "4"'8 J)ePAR TIlENT '0 .... HIGHW AY!! ........ thetl,toe pplvMo one', Emer', Ap-Onomy Dept ld Oil &nee Corpora ~. , an acid fOOd __ .? ~~I •••C.. .'_ -.;.~ they need not be pro- ud lIIOm in9 .net peopl. whO suff.r nlqht .... ' COI_ A-.utI' •• Js. goes lnto ,force, '!be amount oi the ~ ... frOm 8_~.....",", "-_01 De.... AdJustment&-O~e D. Brooks. f:tatc Farm forms us that last' year In the Uh1ted ('1"'1l of .....LeO~lo. In _.__ ... 1 eo.,. N•• ,. .220 IlIwner,'1 MlCh "' emberrl uln mi Will be cleduct8d troal' tIle"~ 01 un'i9htly gin States 12500 of us walkers wolled Debt AdJUSter 9 a ....,..... preMur e \lNIT PR.lVIIl Id be OONTR AC'l' I" pre um • , . ProceeI QIl them In water bath tor trou F ....e •• 1 AI. JKO. . . . ..,. proJe'" 8 :36-Tlp next AM paymen t due tbe produce "e,~eny fintwhe-cl.~d~:ilt for en AYOt4m . InJurie s to MarUt Livesto ck-P_ 0 , Ketner~. rI ' J. u~ or darted to our deatb in tl'aft_c a.<:. .. a " I ~ N~~.. , . c1deota. At tb&t, tbe --.tIona ! pedes-lnIIurao ce Ia tU:en out. a .....::~ length dent. Obto UVeato clt LrlaI Preven tion Au'n. Sealed, will be roeelved after t1mble ~~..~1l :'JI:}U::·KC # _ _'_ofep~':n~'n9 .i:!~ I~~ alIo h t.rIan dC4th rate per 100000 popUla- at lhlo otflce one aIl7 _ _ uus or of , g .t6-!tIlI IIIc. trou e-.......tli pf the Statel:U g,b way The'-I DA ~ ,"M C ~ bacteria that • , may ' be present. ' _ Dlr ctor Of Oblo. euc:h at • hi9111v Columb . 'c __ n....Nd .".peret lon ull. Oblo, or two o(,her metbod l tJOQ baa come down from 8,e in 1938 1UIt11 ten o'clock to pa.)' hill A. M_ tII-••• bottle lata • 'long time .nd slaD· ~ __ "'_'''--' _a Ideal tomatoe s tor canning are furth.rmmall Time. ~'J-~ay_ . Ell!Itern tember 1, ........., um: (I) 'B ''''' to 8.S tor the first lour ~tb of this dard ore If, thltcl•• n, pow.rful; pen.. ..."..... a ..e.._ ..-~- M _ . . _ _ _ ... 19 !Ill. tor Improve m,en.8Sep BA8I:B Ait. 8UPER 8T1T10 N8 In ; " ....... ho reoet h t I)' f wbeat L equlval I ent yeu .uu, ........ ...., In B1ze and ...... tf'tin9 oil ~l crmoDl Oo unty. OhIo. on part of t e P' promote n"'"9 use p or • , of ..- t from decay, /3lt1n. the tomatoes first f.U, to 91'1.•• A men . of .. major lea8ue buebaU team waa 110 dlaoouraged WMn. aectlon D r loc:atlolll of the ~Ianyou In full value end compl.t to . . .titamowit ' w._ " ell Iler.WI IU,amab url'-No rtllern Road .....'*led f the , IKtlonyouClln heveyour mon.yr. funded. b&Yln8 faUecI ~ ~ be was. taken out ot the game In an , early tnnD1ng ."e p~'"''' ' (2) .../ . by PlitUnK them State. Hll!'hway No., In .a tray or .wire 608. State Route 8....~ 01'... • ..... "I ......... . old No. 181. In Wayne TownWl dJ ' tbatms tM4 of 8O'DI to thetsbo wers and leaVlni the park as Is customa , When it was found tb&t llp ; War- paymen t In , cuIl equlV81~t to the _et. ry. "-e ppmal n boillng water tor A_n'''~e was re..... -~ with ren Count y, OhIo. o'n SecLlon ..... 11."_ -.., _ D·l re.. -.... ~ went to tile club'. prlntlJa g p\aDt ID full untlorm and pla. ...:.... _ '_ __ tlon' oJ tbe Blancbe 8ter-W1 "-". •..... ... _ a minute then p1~ing t.bem ID I- value or the w_ y ed carda with '100.000 In .the built. he 1V1WI ,SIU!d loea .or ' "__ , ". Ih~nl'IJU rg-Nor thern Road, Stat. premiu m at the preva1l lnc manet oold <tile &upenn teildent . Dr&ln. peeL and core imto what dJd he r.ttrtbut e tla tlDaxla l ~l~ar,a~fan6~;,\~I~~~,p ; Ra~~dt. Tbe club came out of a IoIIin .. streak Umt day The manage e cr..~~ price_ Premiu ms i-yab1e at the D\edJatel1., Then pack either hot r like all , .... or ton Coun n'. Oblo. 011 pan ot Sec tion .......... all p&ayem being lnIIaDelly IlUperstltlOUS. conclud ed •after he had ' B U o c e s s . Be repUed. "Sir, my au· Ale8S. E relocatl cold IDto IIaaa Jars or tin cane. ot t he Blanche "ter. WII. tlme. appUcatloDS are ..... beard tHe BUch as it Ia Ie due entirely to hard Ullmabu rgon KV by . . , ' -Nortbor n ,Road. State growers AppUca t.lons are slgne(t by detaUs of th1a lnfractl on of the rtiJell thAt It was a good omen_ To can them !!Old ~k '. ,put tbe He ordered work-b ard ~Odt plus ambltlOO dill- t1(rl~'nita~I~' n G~~';:'':~~p : Rb;tegr~cf~ growers ' Applica tions must be tl.l ed tomatoeS as \be dlaobed1 eDt pJa.yer to 110 to printlng plant and play cards betore gence --cra nce tJu1.U aD the Ing . bullillng clbtSely &II possM)le Int<> drllo1 nage r.. bet the' ,_,-.. ......... Is ~'a..ted ' eacb ~e, wblch he contlnU ed to do 110 long &II th e wlnnlng , ..... _ . . tbe contalhe l'8, add one teaspoon ot ' a n d paving wtt1t surfa.ceatruotu streak la8ted. $99.988,9 treated ore 0 ....... I Inherite . -.... d 1ut ..-. wceIt from • _It .wll.ter f bound h' macada u . ... m, f'll th ' tift .,.. . . or cae q~.,. " an aunt In Boetoo. " e can or w~~I~~hic.~tv~ m n,t 20 f~et: a trOCCl daI on U1e fleld or at bat IlUpentltoUII players attemp t Jar with tomato Juice; and then pro. ... _ . . . . _ . . . . . - ..... u - U ....... _ Llln g'th 8.1 94.22 feet or 1,661 mil ..., ........... ... . . ._ 0.. ~WIC - . . un'" 'k_ R oro.. ~I ......... . _ . a .... _ L of wa..,.~. Tomato es padted hot will need ...--.Eltlma te eost - - . . - - - - ,~l).563,.BI OIl....., WAYNE SVILLE . omo NOTlelD , TO COWT Cllnlrn .tl1lfd lDDIDI ~ WIll DOt dI1nIt until the t.blrd \U~ Cl A. to be complet ed not later , ITATI!) or OHIO -_ ~ lnn1DI on IlUcceed lnIr clan When the OhIo State PaIr opBll& "han July ~_ """'_"~""_"""""".:,, ' ... --" ... - _ . ...... : .......... Sl . 1940_ _ • DI!)PulR TIIlCWT If a p~ __ ~ a . . '. . pln in tJQllt ~f, the ~t 0Jli Aucust OP mOBW 2etb. &Y.... ~ raw. ev""" .tate ID tb» Un. The Ohio State ' the day he ment SerV .. _ ..... 4l~'" A . . . . . 111. 1 -., vice Clermo nt Co:Employ y# lOt .. bcDe l'UJl be DII¥ ' CUf)' the Pn wlt.b him the rest of the u~ty . EdwlI.rd M_ CJlerlL . . II .... i.f.iIiIt C.w W•• __2M .- C&DDed in the rJgbt -way, toseason 01' Jon. 88 well ... tile ~OD of, Oan- Dooley, Manage . AlII. 15 aa4 18 , . r, 'lCIr:n "and CeDtr&l ."ft w1l1 be (lW"" PR.OID OO,!!.TR AQT , at. . . . IIDW be baa a I'UD or .bat be ..... In ..... __.. .t Parkwa y. 'Inolnna matoes lme little Yl.tamID 0 They bad luclt.-l mperia l Mapld'M. t.l, Qhlo : Cllllton , ' .....,w Cou nlY. John Hagerty . Manage r, , . " BUCK JONES Sealed propoea 1. will btl. reeeiv d JDa1. ~wever. J~ ,fI'Om oompet ltlqn, .. ' record !!""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ) ever lSI ~ Sout,b jIouth Street, !!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ rtns one-thU 'd Wllmln at tll ottlee ot UUI State HI , , ' ...... ay ,,_ .... ,. ton. Ohio; and. W Brlren County. P. g' F . Dlreoto r' or Ohio" ar Columb u., Oblo ~ . ODe-.... . their vitamin, 0 content beretotOC'e acbIeve d. 'J oh nson. Manage r, 1395-87 CeDtral unUI ten oclook A., "M" Jilaetem Sianc if 8torecI for allt months Av en u Mlddlet o1rn 01' more at Ql\lo will dal,'d Time. Friday. -Septem ber 8, lUBl • ., , ,.~, turnllh I ' t'he .ucce .. rnl bidder aD for Improv ementll In: ' , A llta.- ............ u ••-n of 1...... ~mph)yinent lI.t ' f!rom PI1lIDu 7 room t.empera &ure. whleh , all Warren County, Ohio, ,on Seetlo!) ev- ....- t~,. ..,..... ........., .... ..,.. qUlllltie ti unskille d Jabor as Is local- 1 and pari ot Section Sp1' of - .... ..,. _ I toOOn wtIl- made _ --- .......toes _ - .... - Ohio ()on,- Iy availab le. "hall be Boleeted -. 1(Jr, the . FranJUl ~ lnJrton Road; aUU IIUIJP}y a ocm!dderatle proJec~_ , , , , State Eflghwa yn-WUm aervaUon Division tbta .UDHner . this No. 161. .. Rouu, , ~e aUent10 n of lbldder. \. directNo. ,73. In tile Vlllalfe ofBtat " Bpr'n~boro or vitamin 0, It u.kea Utt1e cWrer. , ' 'l1IeIe cW1e went all ftared at the :~b\~tf.t:g8~~Ia.!I~r~~~!~~nlt~( jve~~~~ ::~:.r~ ~k~~~:I~~.Cl';jl.~::ka~~~~~, enc8 whethe r ~ ~ ve ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Q~I·~ _ Co.Operat)·~n · State RAcoon *Parm wh1cb' re.ortB tract. lhe ;;;;;;;;; 1e melabor, of dOlm".u • l' •• , aelectlo n of urte~1In .."Favero :wIth tarol hQu~.pot employ, . ..... ItoreCl ' WI"tb; or .n, conl;lre ~ . 20 fee&. :, Roada very I\ICCeI8fuJ eeaQl. dark " roam. ! _. m ' .a " , - mont and conilltlo nal ot employ ment. wa~ --O!! , • 31 feet_ , ••..." ,10141 ~t tile eame &mO\lllt of . ' The minimu m wallfe t() b~ paid to • IAnllth U~ 17.881.40 feet OJ' ... 177 mUe. VltaIDln 0 eltber ..., , all labor emploJ id 01\ , tbl. contrac t Conj!;ac t to be complet ea no later OOLU DU8 (S,...) -cauI Dc ., ~ an 'qblo. ' II Ohio.. ' Bhow ' OhIo'a 52 deleIatee and ~ liter. • ~eln ~faccc;r:~~.ranllt~od~¥: h~ .. ~fn~~u!!·~a ... t~ n. p'a.d to ~.~ be aampJe . _dow thro11llaI,whleb • ftIDaID: nates to a _ ....' __ natlcme,'-coJl ~~~lc4~ who put.. up tomato Wage Rates Alcertl~lned and Deter- all. labor employe d on .... . .dai of til, aa~ ' loob upon uul tble contrao t ~- WUl be ~atuJathl' herself .-' mIned <by 'rbe Depai1tment ot In.HI •• ,~han be In aecorda ,... . . Ita op'-IOll a"'--" t"' ... 1-1-4 vebtloo nc. ln 1MO wit" toWUl the be c:boeea Mat •~r. f . Ia ~I.!IU;I.a &\ the trlal , R elation . applica ble to S~t. R au 8eh "aule of Pre~~11?.' Jlo&\m ,_ . , - aw _ _ -_ ._ be h ' ,"~tllghwa i\Y,.~ y 'DeQa1't ........ "J.'t ment ... ~" I11nprov emenla A_O~ .. ~..... "1>iI~... ... _ _ 1.... eld Tueeda )'l .=-:r -' 14. in a.ccordatu:<! ,.lth !Maden. . .t-'l, IIYa t~. _-- - ; ,pe"rt ellt 41, 1~4:.'1 0lJf three !Stake '1JUi have. :.. t '" Ie'tler 17-•• 17 -.Il. 1'I-a and! 17-611. Q~ ~b. 1atlon. , ' allP'lka Ie . to 8tat, " b,1I'~ ~ . aIr",. ~ puJp-farnJahes .~ Coile of OMI'''_ ' • Departm ent Impr~.mlllltlt Jl ac· 4l11P ~ntattoo; -New YorIL wit! 90 OenOlral me day" reqUlreD The. lents blild e ~ mUllt " ubmit ,w ltb 1)1' for vltamln 0 ee wlUi Seetlon a 1'r-1. 17'-4 tee· Pe I abo - .._~ bid a certlfle 4 cbeck -In an amount .,Cordan , 17-.a. 17-6 a't4 1'1-6a of" the OenerlLlJ 'At ep., DDIIY ~Dla 'l~ .. rt and equal to ~Ivc per oent , of the & ' ......, lIS poe!dble from utlCode of Oblo. • llI1DoIa 57 ~ven Presiden IB Of the mat ed cost but ,In ~'o·' event ~. YlDe-to --tbe COIltal.D el" Ja tb8 ' 4 more The bidder , • ." ' , . len ,Ulouur ld diolJer._ , " ; , R"\ bid a certifie d'l'1J~t Unite(! Stat&, OllUlt. Ba1rlaan. . than ch eCk In au IlmOU'lt eret ror' ....ktn .. tomltoe Plane and 8pecltl,& tlon8 a~e on equal JUice Work to ,Ive percent o(the lI8Y~ Oartleld MI:KIDl •• Uma,- ClaW • Tal. ' iInd tile in the d\lpartm .,nt of hlglwwaye e4 co.t. b\.lt. • • " • -, lIo eVent m9H tb&lI , , ,_ • fIf... . ' ODe or two Pllona a\ a time. an4 the office a.t- th ~ reeldent dlltrlcC ten ~hO\l~lIa th, dQI....... . • NMl do aot lee the BIlrdinr• ~ botD in OIUQ~ -_ft"'t de~t>' 41rectol'. . ~'.h .. ' ~ Pl&ne 4 1 ' lIOn!! .pe"Wld ' .,.. Ltlon. of &be PrealdeD ijj I -ht· are . tile on hi the ' depart.....t of blPw a. MGUDd . i.....I.. barn In Vir - ' ........... , ,--- , e reo,or ren rei , ~ ue r II - j . - ' -...... i~i~M'~;r:U!~ ___ .0 10.#.. d thtfl , r th went ' . . Id t dtee reject " ,any and - -... all br. _ ......"I' U18 . :":let, ~ ' JllPlKI nI"", ; ~ abel ROBT, - ,Q.EIOHTLlllR, . Til d:til to4~:" r .til 811I Ilt . , ., state H ghway .Dlrecto r I e any di re 9 r reMl'\l' . , err: , t 0 ~t ,. , tbit -k1e, 8 'into _ I I reject and all' bId., -I t , --..,. --... • ROM. 8. DIDIGBillf.1!1R. ~ IimIDer unW ~, iotten Sta~ 'D:eaau rer DCIIl II. Dl..taht TbtIn ' ~ Stat,l Hlc h1fay Dlrech. r pu, tMm at _ t.h.............. . .. ..... NOTIC B 0 .. AJ1io~ ' ,f,J'e!lX'1"r. , COUec(Uona for the ftrst ' " alx · , , ' - -&be abbAIIpJ " " ftDe " " ateYe.~, &be Juke to IDUm~aa;· of tbla y-.a- were $218.6 '16. ~ BlrCept ,·the , piiIrlOd , ltal-M. pomt and. pour Ioto ,~ Jan. '1'AR.VIA,·UTHIO TAIl ~ ,iapbJa _:m.m.58 tOl' tbe JuIJ t..- Ildcee 1Il '0hi0 ..y~ ~, ~hiIlf tID oDe '_ laat ymr. . . &aln of _~ , of ROAD OIL;.. £a&ate ot Dlnab l. ~artllMlk ' the _ _ b1 UOAVA .'l'INQ lill ~ lalt/ to r. , ~ It . ~ t.ben .... 011 of oon~Ung ~~ . D~","4 , &KcePt tor 1131-82 . 0b10 JUiJ piIces , hhmedi ateb. ,JIIbI to the gain, was the DeW aUto- N9tlce Is hereby *~ , t.b!'t RAIu for wbat and CCII'Il were u.' IowWt . . . po JII'G -Iba, hi , .... JUI P!T"a'D N, LOADJID IOc YD. '.' , clllMlfk &Uon ot vtllldora. R. Bartaoc lt whose l~ , omce ad· for \a.~ ~- of IIDJ" , .JUJJ' _ _ , 1'be Un1~t7:DIltn UoD ~ta pollll!Ct:liloa "in thJa departm ent.- be. dreaa Ja waynesvtUe~:.:~ baa ~ f1!IlOI'da were ~ ' ID lIIII. ' ':' ~ all ~ lJo&~ ' in' tGaIato ."II3U6 2.86. a, gain of '1,481.- d!llY ~ppo1nted 88 , utor .:of ~ , ~ ,e anr'lDI ~ .. ~ &be or 3On" Estate of .D inah A. ~~ late of , QIUo tD;1ie tile ~ . . kJtJd CII. u~ To . .'&118 ....... Warren , CO~ty. 0bIp. deCN~. "..::-u.:l l~ " itbe torua&d eoIor . . Ita ' , Dated th1s 5th 'claJ Of AutUat 1138 . or h ......-at ltel::l_ . . . aD4~:""~ ..;,..~ O. DcmaJd Dllatush, ~",.. .. com ~ ~ QWI: lWed with the 8ecre." -' 01 . . I "~VM& ~" . ~ ." ....._ 10 ~ oQuntj . . aQ all , -I . bGltJtie tilll., Ibia ~' Cllt _~,n. I •• J, tGa'atoi tt IItiIIDd 'm , , Wbleb be of ' JudiP; ot the -PIobat. e Court att.enda Dee • at thb tlm~. ,'IDay i!I entitled . the 0h1~ , W~, CoUnty ' ... . Oblo cla1fY ~ bad two Of u., .....'. . I ~f'" ~ ~, qp ,1UIC tniI:: \ ~ pounc1J of OM". Fratern al &n4 Pto . , - , ...;, ' ct.fuJ .uoos " ~ OoIum...,.. ... ths pan ~ ~ poIjaao ua. trloUo ~~ 1Jlo•• dedJCa~ Sat~l'" the JV~d" ~ ~ . , ,~, to foster q :PIltriotism in ~ 8&ate . I • J 1 . • ~ ~, ~ ~ ! ~.lAIia . ,'. of Ohlo' 8nct IMmbat ing wl·Ame ricah . . , , . ' ','. activltlea. Thla ,oraantaUOn peu. · .. :" -'. " . , . tloned the'Ohl o Seaate to Ulvea1.lpte ,., ell. 'Un.;Arue I1can aotlvlU . In ', ~-MlP' , COLUMe~S (I:I~.U ,- Wo.rkpc;rtrd IIChoola aDd' urilveralt.le!l 01 ,tile lIMn rapidly wln~~, · .p ar. aThe ofll~Ot ~ ~ ' teDalve, pro,raD l) af i bll,l,d in, ~ E. W' Pre!ddeot.' pain, fire et:ID.t1 OD . • 04-' ~urd. V'ce-PI' eIMIent , and C" W._ ,c1eaa-lW OD the Oble 8tatf 'air• . Secreta ry. aU of COlumbus. Il'owad i ID prepara tlo for the 89th O. .' -, upoaitiO D,A • -.a_to, 8ept~
Flora M. Crane Editor and Pubi~her
J. :~. Chapman
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" N.,.. root, aA 'bUJIia p1&ced ·on. ... of tihs 18 IP"c("r~ on the blidai r, ba~n ' Wil ~ ,I., incendt a '. ftna ,1&1t wln&er are ,beln, ' retia red. " , by ~ hI...... ·JDteI'e.Its ~ .' the , . ,.. ','.- ' \ , pPbllc gen~. ~t Y88 , TU mod ~rloua '11d.}~nlrab._nil tQlI,owed. Tbanal tVuw I;la:v thIe:vear ~ ftre (huu.d ~u ! ~ tround l ' il fau on ' ~ovemller , ~th. ' leav,; be1nc'~lniDate4T~ _fpr. a~ , le~.... _" -_ •..: 20 IIhO~ 4aIS" before , albl.......t th. bIg ar~n" horae b,rn
'~rlatmaj. Tbeiiratl ~~ wblcll b~lLIu 668, ..iuabl' boraei
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lnatituu ons. InV,,'ld Bryant. Invalid ~ eve. t5.oo; Mrs. Helen oDuahm an. Mr.. Ho1)y Home Coming wlU be .'\8 the Ne,tlonaJ Lea.gue t.ce reach ~=-=-~ H ==~~~~~====~~==~ Invalld c:are• .., 00; hel1 Oct. 1 at \be church. es It moSt cr1tk:al stqe. the Reds WbinJe Oen,to/, Invalid care. '7.00; Mrs. Etta Blalr o~ XenJa, Is spend. rolllng through the East, their , . . . 81Jft'8 • • • • .. 0. UCBN IU Bua Hoii', 1Jlvalu:l eare. '7.00; Iva Ing a few days with her .brother . are last vislt to tbat territory. They wID , . -- . · Ptto M. BaP!I &qd ,..-.n~.~ B. RnIIcOe RAJS!: 21, ~. Pranltll n. NJcboIB. Invalld CU'e , 'S.OO; Leo J Lou Mwray . . riot return to Orosley !!'Ield until Smlth. va. a.Ie ~ et. ~.I Mt ,¥ar1 8Ml:ble r, 22. <;>f Prankli li. Stampe tnftlld pare; '10.00: Newton Mr, and rMs. Olaren~e oraWford Septem ber 2. wben tl1ey meet the l', In~ ca:re, ,10.00, 1.. ~. sPf:nt Sunda.y with· Mr. and Ml'8. tor IDOIle1 only, forec~ aDd roCUbs In the first of a two . -..,. Steele. invalid care IJS.OO; ~ MC.. Joe Morgan. game series. , lief. , , . I IlEAL, mATB: ~AN8FD8 E1t:ftIh , InvaIld r.are1S.00; Ed KAl.8er Mr. and rMa. Htley GUllion ', 'llhe Reds opened Ii t\tree game Nllea Bayea .. ~ 8tWleri fClr > care t5.00; Johnsto n & Jolm dlllll<lllters Paullne !lnd stella apd series mooe:r . • In hP1ladelphia. Monday , and ~ • .'J. LiwJa UId L1ule Lew1a to B. ston, stake8 and 8U~,Ues, ".12: e MC:rr1s Lewis spent Sunday · with on Thursda y they will ~ransfer the O. E. YO\ID8, ~ v.. 'Tbe 'Vp~' 14 . ,00Idaa ~; 2U acres. lD Lebano n Lumber 00.. supplles and Mr. and Mrs. Jease Smith oIOamd en scene of their actiVities to Brook· laP of 1IUoD;· a.c&aoII. for forecfoluj'e ~" tcMrriIIbIIP. " ." lumber. p'no; . . Mr. and Mrs. Lou Morgan. Lou lyn. where they wiU meet of mOrttlq e &:lid eqUltM le ftJtef. B., J. JIOItID't ·UId 00IdIe ~t1c~ The ~OIToW Co., cem,ent , Murray U.le a~d MIsIr Etta BI$' spent Dodgers that night under the maz, &0 aikqe &; "_tV ; 2'.13 acreI '14.40; W. H.. Maddl!Jl & 00 .. sup- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur das. The Reds and Dodgers also have -:-:DDIN~ iii 1U!4". 'ODIlIa t.owIIIIbIp. !Pl1es. cemeht t5II.12; Weller Weld1n~ .Mcrgan. COIIIIO K PLBa8 PI&OO , . a double- header scheduled for Satur. . ~ Mit q~ &n1tb to NeWe 00., ~lde. oxygen find rods, SlIIOO: Mr. and Mrs. Raymon d Lucaa and day. . ~ VI ~ ~t4 ~: Iota }faa.. SIi to .. ZfJn Armtteg e. sanr1 anrt gravel, dnughte r Betty Sue of Wilmin gton Sunday the club opens an engage. Mildred . . . leWed' aDd d$I-, . . .- - In townsb1P. ; Pra:nkllp Vulcanlzlng & c!llle,. on David Lucas la.&t Friday ~ham, cue 1'010 Ot'ounds. clashing harU, . U61Jud. to Oeol'lle L. ¥1L' TIre 00.. supplJel, '15.84; The M. D· evening. wltb the Glanta In three aIllile m1IIed. . lard; lots Nos 218 and 783 In the v11- Lartin 00.. 8UPPUes, tl3.54; . Gen· Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore, Mrs. games. and B. 'JobDao~ COWj.t~ ...- - lap of ft'aDkUD and 88.41 acres 10 HamIlto the tour wlll c101e h1 Larrer Beca1lle 01' n. attorney in fact tor ¥reo Maud Moore and Mrs. John Zimmer Booton where the eRds wlll play the ~r, VI. B. S. !'erpIo D, eL &I:; PraDkll n toWDlhip. ' QuaU,y .a nd Prtee . JuclimeDt. to p~WI for ,,?U &lUI . O. 1.. .LanIIaw to Henry Brown; MafHt. ~ rent DistrIct 5. M~ , m&n of Dayton spebt Tuesda y eve- Bees on August 30 and 31 . EstabUshed 1849-1 9. June. July. '12.00; Cincinn ati Auto nlllg with Hiley Gibson and tamUy. Then come the blg doin8s at Oros- WaynesvlUe, 0., COlts. , 71." ~ In Turtlecr eelr. township. & Truck Pan.s 00., parts, Pbebe • . $22.50; , Doroth, r A1briIbt VI. Alfred Alley Field &.lPtember 2 and 3 with ~;;;;;~~~~~~....~~~: PIofew: e 1.. HeDderson and Marlon Kahn Motor Co.. parte $4.95; : the CUbs as guests. Tickets for these brilbt.; CltYOI'ee ~ plalntU l .re- E. Hendera oo to Mary L. Jones People who used ~~ ~ and Waltea ClanIce, ' recap tires, parts. . to mallkll1 .'Wne of DoroUl y QacUe M. Gr.tbo use; lot No. 15 games were placed on sale Tuesday appettte tor turkeY8 unW 11:1 I368;M; tb& boU~ . morning at the Henry Straus 01pr day season ca n now find tlJrke;v BenDet:t. . the vWage of Lebano n. The Taylor 'l'rac.tor Co.. parts, ~erlDe B lI'Ioy.d, a minor, vI- Belva.JokCandle&s to Ollftord store, Sixth and' Walnut Streets. almoot dally on t he menus of ~ t45.20; 'lbe Daytion Beater & HoISt u __ I - - t ( dfty 'h • . W~b _ene • FIOrd; plasn~UI On Labor Day the 'Reds will be In Ulrger restaura nts and boteja. ' . ..... ~ 'M ontiom ery; ,loot No. 118 • .... ...L 0 .. In the 00., ........ shell ••11.45; ~". ........ r 8 spen """,t End . Harry II. RUeys'. ew a 8 " e jSt. Louis for a double. t week with Ohester to ma&deD ~m, of KatbeJ1D1I vWqe of SPrtnab oro. . header with _.::::;::::~;;;-======:;:~;;': .' Coal .OO., 28OO. 1bl coeLl, f8.75; The I ~rs Tom Burton sut'fered a ner- the Cards, and trom there' they will " LuJa Tufta to Roswell and MYrtle 011 Works 00., oiL fa 17; .I 'u.., ·State of Ohio v. LoW. Hayne& We1s; lot No. 8 In MainevW k b t Is Iittl ruove to Pittsbur gh. where five . "ous re 8IIl6e Ias t wee, e. u R. E. LeRoy. oU m.48:; Morrow Ber. a e I ed this k IflI.mea will be pli.yed with> the Bues ..,,~ 10 1 , . in tbe Ohio Olayton Berane k to J . O. a~ EUz. vice Statton 1 , oU ' guollne , $58.86; n:~vOolOJ'ed·w:'tet of Wilberforce III three da.ys. Then on Septem ber delOI 'DI&& ory;' abetll,~; . 2.13 aCIes In Deer Q 8.taoda rd Oil 00.. gasoline, OoUege sang 6t Ferry church Sunday 12 they will start w ' LUll wa~r.e oi me Obio Unlvv- fldd toWlillhip. the flna.lh ome . PD·Ii8; The Pure,au CO., gasoline, I rntna' . . . r 6u nd of the season. Cutrord and Effie 81nUb to BarrJ taU; R. Hayes Shell Station mo . , r..w..rI. VOIlvenUO_. ; __ .e at proptIl'Q and LlIl1&n S~nbope; Iota NOI • . $5 nDe. t7.12;' Walta Botts Shell ser. The . Coy Gllliams spent Sunday ;;;;;;;:;P;;;;J;;;P;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~iIr.~ • and M ID ~n townIbl p. . vice. gasolIne, '15.68; · afterno on with Rev. carl Sm1th and WInter are UtUe JeSS eJflCiAlbert ·SCott and Erneett ne Scott Gulf Refjn1n g 000. l&BOline . t9.47; family. P&08& T& comlT cient than their summe r couslna in to PranIi: o. ADdenion; •.0 acre in The Oil Co•. lluollne.$28.00; Mrs. carl Smith and twin dau(ih- stealing 50Il if it Is left unprQtected ~. . W. L. Kli-by, paOlIne , p .88; Jonea ters .r eturned . borne Prlday evening .In the ma~cec 01 1Jle ~rdlanahl., by oover crops and Is not frozen • J. Oeat 10 Ella Olark; 3.28 Gerap. gasoline , ' " .7,8; Wilkers on from OOnstance Kentuck y. of .JOHgh Iii. Corwin ; lant accouu , aerie 1D Deerfta kl toWDIh1 __, _ P ' Service Station , S-lUne $18.08; Tedd Getts was baptize d at WayI Rural ~ts at Ohio State liled. , . ' • Qeorae J • .ietfery and B~nche G. Pence 8ervk.'e Station . guollne . nesvUle'Sunday evening and becomes Un1Vers . 1n &be matter ot U1e utate 01 JeflOI7 to DanIel and ity point out that f:allure to Laura B. $18.18; Bob Mays Service Station. a membe r of the Ferry church. keep Ll:wlrl Olaw~ deceue d;j eoimQ, aDQ Routt; lot .. 0. 131"1JI" hog product ion In l1ile w1~ lbe vllaie or guoUne , f28.2' j Jaml'.l!l SerVice Sta- Wllma Thomas of Lebano n was ~ket demand s can bring a price lmal &a.1OlUl t fiIec1. ~. . tIon, guoUne . ,11.58; 'I'osh1e's ' Ber- the overnig ht guest of the P. J . sl~tlon to the one in 1932-33 or 'l In IIIMteI: of tbe estate of Bert ·1.. and Lucy U . Bunnell to vice ~tUm, pso).ine, M.32; Gross Thomaaea Thul'l!lday. ~.LUCe deceaaQ ; u.1t aIU1 MarioD and Delpha Ohapm can cause a drast1c liquidat ion of an; 10 SerY1ce Statton , . ga8lDllne , ,,1 sa; Mrs. QuI Whitis and son Robert bop such 80S occurred In • ',~.' 1934 when of •__ • in 0'--:'- '" &ownsh1 OOleman Service center, &~ ~.• l~. ..... nllne spent Friday and Prlday nlaht with droutb curta1led • ' product ion of grain ..'Mr and Mrs p . J . Thomas w IoUe I&&&Lter uf .the uta&e or Walter R. P.itt. to WUUam Pp.. "'.42. , crops. " P. J . TIwma s was a,' supper ~"& ~,' deceaIecl; WI1'd &0-, Denb; Jota ·HIII. 186, 187 and 188 In guest of the carl Whitis' family SatA new enrollm ent record for Ohio flied. , , tbe v1l1qe of PranklI n. urdayev ening. ~ ~ ma&t,ef or Cbe . ..... cd ' 1IeDq A· Imhulle and Leaa Im4-H clubs Is predicted. this )'ear. Mr. and lIll'8. Perry J. Thom&6 at- Tabulat ions In the state . . AJII:e Poore. deoeIIMd; flut hlllle III Bdwm .B. office &bow 180 acres tended the Potteng er reunion held a, N'Oject enrollm ent of "IJU ,UlU aoDOUDt m.d. 81,413 in III DeerfIeld toWDlblP. [ " at npp Oity la.&t Sunda.y. 'W &nil iDA*leI' of tbe luardla lJlblp ' 3.acK clUbs 10 87 ~tlee. The clubs R. a. S1uiber, cIeCeII,,: to Slndy .' The Douglats Harris famOy were are directed by 5.900 OhIo !pe'D BVa ,ftar1 ArIderaon;. AnAur ' 81 8l~ .18 '~I:rd,~ iIoDd d1nnec guests at fme parsonage Mon~ I women who perform tl1Is ~. . . . . . . . . - . O~ L: commu . aeue,d, to HUndrec I.s, of ~uian da of ~ys day eVening. .... '. ww~. , ,,~ , ., .~. cd Pegl II. ~d and ~ L., un.. anet foul!W men read THE Ity service wltbou~ pay.' SOme club ~ Mr; and Mrs. Maurice Hunter an,, ' memlie rs have II10re than one pro, III ma.ter p,' ~ ...... 01~; ~ 1i1ll. 208 aDd 'till In 1IlI'ank- lOAN BOY Mapaln e every mbJitll ~amJly and Mr. and Mrs. Everett IJect b~t It Ie almost cert&ln that 10. and u,GlOAI • QPnIV~_ _ " , a were 1bIII. ,; of the '. , c:ompanion tbaD .. a JDlpiIln e. _ INDi1Y Sunday evemna. .'~ • ~ ~ ~ of 'O.oI ! ••~,.... ~~.~~ IlberU!I 1'Jt.'. ... I,!'ueb . \bae~r, to me Nenle Benson, who Is caring ' • , _ _ _ __ M. . , _ • ,. ~, R el. • • '" urea IM4IhbOrbood ch~ , wrl~ one for Mrs. Lester ~enrick, enter~l ;. ,' ,........ , &leaD. ~ ~~. . '1Wt"~.~ ned "i ' 'B~n1ey .•~' Bordqa ray acbool lenlor. TJD AYIlR;- \her cblldren to a pimic supper Sunwhile ~th lf3acrameJlto IJi 1932; execuLOo. N., PIonmc e 111: $08 .matter~. U. ~ vi' L.IIair BOY to undent and a ida}' 00 the Keru1ck It.wn. ThOle achieve d ~::n..:...lot !It No. l.iD t.he .v11- boYS WObl~m l s an4 coDllders tIle~ , preMot were Mr. and Mrs. Henry a, l00-yarnatlona .. d rir.ceoO &I 0Ur1ea B. Lel&ela, . . . . . . dd sucb a. SJlDP& Ire. DOu,,· thetlc and . ~ SbU1~, _ctJc:eued, to ~ In . helpful ' Kersey and chlldren and Mr. and ""Y. It glvel advice aud en~ __ 10 £be ma"", ' ~. D. $iulta ind JImma 1.. 8b\ih.a; 101 iDI ~ on every ~Jec:t 1D Mfa. GranvW e Benson and faInuY. " iii Mr. an4 Mrs. Low~U Prtngle of . 10 W,AJDe~. . iii. ~t.; ......IICI; ., . Jlbich a ~una fellow Is ltiteres~ J,ebanon were guests of bonor at
CoUDty €o urt Ne~.
News- Of Red'S
Cen terv ille, Ohio
Pho".' 7U
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Fairley Stor e
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~~ .
d~ . ~ . . . . . . . A'IIbCraft; 101.10
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,. I~ ...,.. ~ , ....: ~ . " , ,. , In ~ _ .. . ' . t~. 1 ~ !'!!.tt;: tot, Or Ib U1e.. Dor& SWel, ~~~)' . l~ of ~ , ' . 0rdiI'ect .~~ '. ~ J 'I " , 'awa ~ to ,~ :u: ~ of ,&be .ate ,.0 t Jo~ Mo. 27 11\ ButlerJ We ~~IIL '~ied: wW, ~~ . ~. .
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.. partlCu latly helpfUl in sports. abower at the P. J . Thomas home I made -.. .. ft~ even'n_ -.Ingle .' ~our school baUtetball team ............ ....... •....... ... auo. .u ,._ because of playtna tJpa J read In . formerl y Mrs. Lavema. ...Faul. cake THE AMERICAN BOY ., ' and fruit Jello waa served after an' MaOy famous '«thliltetl ' In . evening spent· In playmg games. 'lbe credlt much of tbelr IlUcceaa were Mr• .and Mrs Harry Corto helpful suggestlolis· recelved nelL wUm& Smith. 'lbomas . from ..poct.s art.lClt!lt'~1ed In ~ Ervin Fau), ~ernon Pordyce . Mrs. AMERIOAN BOY ~loIIne. Virtu j ~1 Whitis and son, Robert; Mr. and allyeye ry 1sIIue oUers advJce from • .Mrs. Otto 'GIW;er and daught er ot ,f amoua coach or ~yell'. Pootban , MlamlabUI'l'~ Mr. and Mrs. ' ~ell blatetba iJ, tracll:, tenn1I, lD fact, Prinlle aDd the host and hostess. eveJ'7 major aport ",. covored in tId- The Prlngle s received some very UoD and ~act arUcJ.. ' . lovely gifts. T~•. llbraIjaDa, parents an.~ leaden of boys clllbe' 8110, rec:o m - Pr~ McCormick ,Is n~w leading ,THE ~OA!\T BOY eD.. , tile NatlcmaJ LeaiUe in ' total · hits. thUl1aiUcaJJ.y. They h.~ foUDd lAIBtweek be uP Morrie Am,tba~ a g~ra1 rull! r~ read-I oV1cih. of the ~ p.hlis. and Jimmy THE .u.u:RIO AN adof the Oards. had been ~ more rapidb" 81nd develop Brown, ahead' ot tile seaaon IDOrl! w0rt;hWhIJe chllr~cterlst1ca ,' of him most _.__ , .
~ ~e, :=',. w... ~. 0Iar&~:!4, ~
tW .-..;
. . • .
~ do boyil who not read It. ! Loriny Frey pri,ved his versatlllty ~ w,rtters and a.rtl8~, ,(am- . with the O~cag~ t;ubs In ,1937 by
... '
, _. . . _____
to ,ID
t7Jdaa ,Joaat, Stock Luwl' ...... 01 owront . . Addie 'M~' 'y *: wW ai,.. acna' fD Hiemllt on ~ ~
rn ~
GenlJ"hut l d1v1d.lJJual~~~~~~~J_DJJj"".i9~~~~~~tt.r~
A 10'~.~ for ~ I~ 1teIIae; ~ ~ in Jf.!mIltoa to~ UA!~lfilll",~. ~ 1bJp. ., .r .~ 1M ~ or &be ' !".
I'fo-:' .:.
a~~tetl, tplJ)101'ers, and ~~ , s"ccessf ul in aDd ln~uatlT Jom Witb an .~ft to1prodlUce 10 THE , Boy, ~ 80rt of read· boys ute beat. . ~IiU:RlOAN 'BOY sells on at ~ISc a . copJ. ~ are",5 0 for
co.c:hes and
IQJ· three
playmg 6 games 'as aD outfield er, .13 as a seco~-baaeman, 91\11. a tb1rclbasema n 30 as Ii sbarteto p aDd '21 as & pln~h-h1tter. ' . Whitey Mopre aDd J,.ee Gr1ssom Me: two of the greates t followers of Wild west movJes In basebalL Lee has been mown to sit through two double4 eatures In succession. -'--
DOc ·" 1....· extra. To Bill werber started stealing bases ,~;~~~~;~=;;I;~:' ~nd )tour name. long before he ~ed 'professlonal '1:~~::~re=inlt
.. * .. r-~~~;\~~~ ,1-ID.-pa.j~'I!!" ,.~
~"IbIF ,,:~.~It,tJl : ~
~ cI1nd to baseball. W!tIl . Duke UDlveralty's IMj)Y, '1430 ,Second !:earn lri 1930 be' stole 6 sacks in a M1cbIp n. single ' game aialnst tbe Un1~tI'l ot WeSt VItglDla . '
Beech Grove
LaUghing Around Jhe Worl~
cluI 8:00
U 10U ere temp!.ed to atay at home
..~iii;a00im:~;;m;--'I!'IUldI~7 IDOI'D1Da uk
Hannah JoftIan aDd lin. A Jo1n~ reunion ,Df ttle siepb~ ~ ~Ia Iqui.tlcJo, U eYa7 chUl'Cll ni~J' Nellie Liebert. were WedMlday eVe- Ouatin r.muIe. of ADd~ Ind. Rev· leba V. Lae1, ........ Uk, 'me. wbat k1nd ot a cJ1~ n1ng caaJere al the Talmqe hom., the Re9 LIon' Oh(~ Ouat1n ~ , the Perry churCh 1I..w..:..-I • ~"~1 Mr. ' and Mrs. O~ ~e Liebert and of WaY1l8lYWe and Lebanon. Ohio SUND.\Y. AUGUST 81, 1~ , ~~..n 11 , CJU ~ , ton: ot 0h10aI0, have beeD ~ton ' ;, ' ' . , 8:3O-8uDda1 ScboOl, a 9. ()oUett, 'i n the Jo~n. iion;~, the ra,'Jt w~ok &ad the Piqua 0l'I11O 0 _ rewdaD NT. ~OLLY M. .CJUJaCIf . • . ." lRVIN &' COBB . . Mis,: Loraine ~u.r. ' 01 \Vayoe., WU held 8uDdat, A~ 80~ 18~8 ~t.eI1d.n' , T. III. hartt. MIn"C4r 10:,tO-MOI1}1n8 Wbrsbi~pectal ~~,.~ ,et!lr 'with a r~putatlon for wit-a reputatioa. hJ t1Ie vWe, was a guest tar a Week of.. 011:0. a Ilouit to at ihe reeJd~hce 01 'lia},,) ~hicb is deserved;-went' to a 1" IIcbeon liven bi a .famoua lThelma Ro!lll. J esse W, Moore. 1416 FJ, Main St. eea'vloe for _worth LMcUe. MONDAY '. Sunday SchOOl, 8':30 aT"'m. E "--A. ;.~treaa , for several, members of her aUPl'lIl'tlng company. Among the Mr. Will VllW. s. of Cin ks\ We. Iq Richmond. Ind. T hls was the first , 7:3G-Epworth League Earnbart~ eitpt. . .... , very 1U at the home of 111a' da'u ahter at tempt at'havlng a National ~uniOn I'\I:;ET . Only two Sundays Wltll VUI'U1C', C"';o; Evening service 7:30 P. m. ~ ?ER~1:.C'Mrs. Bherman Per.rIa and Mr. Perria oC the Guatln tarnlly whose known Remember your gifts to balance the P,rayer meetmg Wednesday S AM l..E · · . ' Mr. and M~. George Ueber t and alJ~estors t)een ~raced back ·to b~t, 1:30. !ion, MIsa Hannah Jordan and Alfred the middle ages and have bad promA, welcome ~wa1t1j , Jordan. were Wednesday visitors Qf Ihcnt 'parts In affllu s since before serv\cea. . ' WAYNESVILLE OHUaOH OF Mrs Lucy FIshbaugh and famlly . Amel"lca was oolol1lzed. Members of In r ·!Iddletown. ' tbe famIlY were among the f1rst PuCUBIST W. ,C. '8m1Ul. M.lnla&er Mrs. Henry Murphy spent a week grlms In Massach ~tts. In all uest.s '7f 1::::.')1' ,llS IIJl English leading 1lUUI, ,who rather fancied hi~. ~-and s h \II d it. H e monopo1ized the conversation. pealdng 0011" In Wllm1ngton with Mt. and Mrs. Colonlal and ' Terllitorla l Wars. ollSly and feeling ly of himself.. his personality and his . merits. Charle6 PUterbaugb. tinee have ~n in libe ranks of every Y • ..,1'010 his place across the table the American, eyed him with • Miss NeUte Mary Davis was a TUes pioneer move to the westward. 'lbe Bible School. led by Supt. Racer rapidl y: enbrUleing di ~.favor. At 1e..'Ktb he turnea' to the man sitting day nllNlt guest ot Mlsa Mar aret immediate ancestor of the local loLlS. , l)egtnnlng at 9:30 a . m. LUt next him on the right. . . "OUr n ritll;h lri iod over there is by way of being n regular ael Pl!lmer. of Lebannn. Uns, one Je~rn1ah Oustln Bw:.daY 81 Pl1!6el1t Come. leta do lsa'f h E:!" h Ilsk d in n \ :hi"p 1', . .Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Reynolds with his tamlly at; Red Lon OWo In better this j:3UJ)da.y, , "Oh. I'd , hardly go so far as t o say that," anllwered his n eighbor. and family, were Wllm1ngton -vl8n- 1798. having come dOWn the ' Qhl0 Ohr1aUan Endeavor led by Pauline "Well, he'll do, wo~'t he, till OJll! comes? " said the Americ:.u. :"Ii Wedne.~day evening. ' W~1'd 7.00 P. m. , .. (J\. .h~ . .. ean ... ~ c" l , ~. Itu~• • IDeS . river in a fiat boat from Pennsyl. . a.......· . .. t 'I "6 10'1 l. Warren Oleaver ot Detroit arJ Ived ni laD ., .Several years .ago lAwrence' S1m.... QII;.'I. ng :, P. m· ~~ ta Sunday to ~nd a week in the home va a and ded at Station 'bo has last Bunday everilng with one WANTED-Bouse ~tlDg, $2-60 of Oeorge Davls and Mr. and Mrs. sIX mUee above ClJlclnnatl Ohio. The moDS of Versa.Ues. ~hlo, w tion to the Ohuroh. r per daY:,YOU i~ the Call ANTi-PAIN PILLS Oll!nn Davls and family. des :endents of Jeremla.h alone are ~~nt many years devel~ pulllDg Eapttamal service 8:411 p. m. 'f. ~te P: Johnaon, ;fa Orand BE'rONO QU£S~ Mr. and MnI. Hackney and itnO\l!Jl to be 1o ,elle17 state . in the horses. held'the World Pulling ReOCome let PI! go up to the boUle or Ave. SprlMfle}d. O~. , • U , Union. ~. ', .~ _,-,.:_",;'_~--,-_ _ REUEVE - B\It' ter., attended a surprlae party Sun• _' oro wh1ch stood for several ·y ears: th! Lord. . ' , \. . ~ DON'T CAUSE day a.t the home or Mr. and Mrs. Approximately 160 ~mbers of the on Satur<iq' aft«noon aM D1ght, - POk ~PUU blooded, Guem, NDIGESTION Bias. near oregon1&!), uaembled at mid-day tor a . State PaIr FERRY CHIJRCH OF, ORRIn' 'male oow. Good UBed BIcycle. lWa8 Hannah Jordan and the basket dinner A sihort buslnese ses. AUiUSt 26th at It:he Ohio , W. V. 8m1&b, Mlm.teI' ·Paftenon. • west ot'HarLleberl"fam1ly were Tbunda,y guests 810n and prognup was enjoyed: Ad- COlumbus., where the World', J~or on u.u.voyabUrIH.ebe.non of Mrs. Muy Murphy, In Springfield ~ weft made by Verna GUBt1n. Hoi'se PWl1nB CbamplObllb1p wW be SUNDAY , Alo..U. . h1s daUghter. ~. seven Bible IICh901 called to Mrs. NeWe Bunnell nnd M18Is Mo- East St. ~Ulf\; Mo. ; wa"'!" GUII~, n1m1a Bunnell, of near Wayne!.vUle ~etcher. OhIo; Mrs, Jennie G,Ilstin. teen ' yelll'll Id, will strive top Su[lt. Perry • T~maa promptly ,', . were MOIlda,y evening callers In the Dayton. Ohio; Win O. Ouatln. Way- honors with tbe team "Jim '" Dock" 9 ;30 .... In.. ' ,' , ~R ~~nOD1 and ualden Da.v1B home. DesvWe. Obi!); HUllh .Ol!;IItin. Ander_ as Uus' yoUng ~ ~ Le!; Wi bfJ preeent tor the (lommun- BlUSh ~RPJes. \ J . L. Mend.e nball. AlOU Mr. and Ml'II. ~ Rich are an.. son. Ind.: Jesse W. Moore. Rlch- in the f~ or her Pather aDd loll setVlce ~very SundQ taking tbe WvneiMUe. . nounc1nr ilie an1n.1 of • daughter, mOnd, Ind.; A tritoute to flve o!, the can really df!.ve A~ la 'eqpected tli!r.t OJ\li~h at ,Tl'oaa aa ~ ex~ , ., . Rose Dene. .t their home. near Gust1n& deceased, W85 given by . wW f1nlsb in the f~ ~ . 20:7, . , '. , POR ~JI£~ Corn WellmaD. presl~ent. W1U O. Gustln& as fol- the money wtnnera. ( -Bermon .bf:81Dntng at H:oo a. m. BiIldet, Iri good OOIldltlOn. lDquu. Al'l4t· Mlsa Anne AWeuey. of OUve _lowa 'r am db Y01ll1n extending our ' . ana eervltee 1Ue ' th!'OU&h by l'1:alI at ~ ~e. Branch. welcomed the. members of sympathy to all kllnllman by sUent JO_ NlggeUng, neWest,iwsditlon a. m. _~~~::'!! .."'!I ... ~_ __ ';;""_ -=:the Pr1endllb1p Olub to her home prayer for one m1rItute In memory of to the Redleg hurllng lltaft i throws ' . St.an18y 'Princby' . ~ W~ afternoon. !ODeteen all tiJ18lDan" who Iilave passed away a Itn,uokle ball' ~t . ~ hltters ,flhd Winter ra1n8 are UtUe lelia eflld-wh.llft 91, . ~ ~ 1112. Did you ever take a medicine to atop beadlad1es nsponde4 to the lnvttaUon. s1Dce tile Iut ~~. "" . very ba1fllng. Johnny ~ ·WOn 16 dent than thetr IIl11JUDer couaIDa 1ft eved fap- ty ruQDlDK ache and have the headache stop and a stomThey ·repoat thIa to ba.V4t been • very A' reao~uUon wan adopted to bold and 10&~ 7 for Indianapolis prior to steallnc sop If Jt Ia left unprotected'. l00-1vcr ~ arirJnat · . bone ach ache start? enjOYable~n. a national reunion. a gain on the tbl~ ;l his purchase. by the ReS ' by cover crops aJid Is ~ fl'ar.en,' ~ ·StIIr BtB~..., We'll wager ·you didn't take an Anti-Pain Miss Marjorie Davis W88 a guest SWlday of ' Aujust In 1M2. tbre'e iiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiii~~~~~ioi~_~;i;;;;;ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;,iiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiii . Plll . Anti-Pain Pills do not upset the stomof Mr. and Mrs. Prank Ohrlt near y~a ls hence. The Jramlly hislory wlll 1ICb. They take eRect quiCkly tOo-end they Lebanon. last week. M1aa Joy(elYn be carried down to date and present.. 'taste like winte~ wafers. WillIon. of ~ton . . . &lao a gueSt ad at thla time. ~ partial list of th06J You can't do 'goOd ~ork-you can't have of the Olark faJnlIY. and ~pa.. preeent f9~s :-, - ' . 'IIDOd time when you are suffering from nIecI Marjorie to her home for, ~ew. Ohaa. N. 01l8t1,1\ and, PJoyd O.~ , NetI~gia . ,Headache , .M~,.. or Perlodte .ya VIaI~. • ., ' of AlexandrSa. Ind.; John A. Oustin' 'Wb don'~ 79'1 ,b'y the Anti-PaIn PiU 'Ift7 to A JDefI1I&Ie CODveYlDlr. the D8W:J ot NeWe II, GUBL1nj Marguerite Hun t, r ~ . We tielIeve you wUI be delllhted with the tbe .de&th .1!& week of HOI'8;CO Bur- Mr,' and Mra.'ArPUll Gustin. M&1tha ....... ~ of othenl are. " gees, of . CoDnectIcut, .... recei~ OUstin-Mr. . and " Mrs. Hany \. , , It win l)Ot east much. . AntJ-Paln ' PUD ~n for '. . CIId-t.b. at. In Eeonom3' Packaae> aDd • . .fe8l'e t by h1afrl~ in this vi· JOI'es, 1I4'azilJe ~Ol!lI~s. Mr,. an ! £d, rs , ,~ . " 'PU ' -wI7 relleftL , clDlb. Mr. BunJeaa .... bam , and A. H. OWeaple. J&io. aild 1Irs. Bugb . GIrt AaU-PaID ..... __ , . . DIu ..... ' 0 1.8-~'" n!aNCl In ~ ~ De!gb'JOr,; ~w.t1n. Mr. ~ M~ P~. ~ . ' ~ bcJod. A .Ofllo M. Guatiol Mr. "aDd lin. JIUrMr. and Mra. RayIDllDd. ROse and ea~ Larmore, Uu1e, lArmore. ID'Ii. and ~ StepheD B. Lowe. of 'EMtel'Larmo Allee IAI'mnll'll.• near Oregoo1.a., made up a oooge1ilaJ H It. ~ .~. Ross Kendall tCI~lr!!J~~~~~~...::!.::.......,w.~~0~n~a·week'8 tour. .lo Hi!ueI and 141'11 ' Wllda . Pi,~t. •Mr. an4 . Mril~ In Boo ~: and Grar;t ~g~ :Mr. ·~d MrS. ABa. J. Wdted In ~t1Ida. They ~port Smith. Mr. ~llb'a, Richard Sml.t.h, a deUghtful vacation spent in f~- Mt~ and Mrs. a,vbllam A. COoper; touring the lCOuntry and wit. MA~ E. Oooper, ,BUBsanne ' CooI!8I'. ne5!l8d ~ A'4fOI'& BoreaUs from Rc.I~rt Cooper. JC!l'OIJle Ooop)r, he northern country. Wblch was and Mn. Llnoo Bm1th" Mrs. beYO!ld detlCl1ption 6- Huebel, M,ra Nelll~ 'Ea~P. Mr..and ~rs. John ~ndurant and Milude Patty,. I\n~1 Dr. W: B. MatMIas
'T he 'nilU&m-___
d 'S b"":tu
iiaQit. w.
'(11' ,
...... .-..15,. ...
dauglitera, Betty and Mary ADD. of thews of AndeDaoIll Ind' Mr ~I:~~~~~~~~;;~~~i~i;i;~~;~~~~~~ . Daytoll\ were . ~ ~I! Mrs. Elmer and "~t~ " , callers ~f' Mrs. Martha Cleaver, who of Ohesler:lIBld. nld:: Mr
Jor!ea .
Mr. aDIl MrB. Therle Jones and son MntoQ were ~t.e tained at six • cUlmer ~tui:day at t.l].e home l\,Ir, aDd .... ;Stanley BaU,~ aDd. and lira. Edwin Nutt' .ne&r IUUlbt~r ~ 11lSt. ~ to 1L .. . honoring, Mrs. Jopes n ar Uu. wbkb they fecenUy ~. azwiveraary. .
, '
1.DaI, (ReUnion '. , . 'VeJ tlle1iUmm~ with' MA'. ~Mta. ital'. • Of Rolish family ~Bul'Det. ,~faDilly; . , . ~ ~ . l1.l&'I ~a ~Il~ returned ~ o~ . Iaat ,vB &fteI' ~d1DI
, .' i6: .. ~
~et.t. ~det
'Mts. . . 8IA!ot lalIt week at Ohautauqua.
tend1~ the ~~ ~~t.~~ven-
ilon. , ' ". ' , ,' · 1-'he ~~e. S~ ~bool had 11 . Plcnlc .' at 'H8m:IOn Park" Lebanon. SWldaY~ "':' ., , aU-vey BUrnet made · a ' buslheaa trig to Cciluinb$~. ~. J¥ar~t Johns' and' Paul j obDa 'Bu. of M1ss
Mary ~
~' ~ In W~fDe&vtue
. "
· .JIatc;»I4Wbl~rqt.~ v~ v~u~
. 'ablt
' ~ . ·. of .'~qck-J&w. 'S unds.y tv.~"';, ··. .1. .. I • 'was~ a 'Bun. the home. or
· .,un:'
'., ~
inllatlves aDiI fr1ends. ·Poliilkl.,re~, liI,On· Suruiay ~t:;uM.~~iiri" '~ lira. WUbUr
.~~'t(:~~I~~ a(t~~il.i·lLl}d ,.;tJ;~
, Ita~
hOD)e ~ ~, > .,'
In ' 1639, Rausch ot TraubeDbe
Bavaria, waa granted a famll c!~ C?f arms the Boly Empire. yChar- '
15 In vt!ry 'poor ~th at . present. Her many frlen~ hOpe she ~Il soon Improve. ,. , . ,. ' Lee Talmage, Mrs.. Adab ~ and Jess1e Gamer were Sunda.y afcallers In the or~. and Mrs. Robert Lamb. near WaynesvW.. ~
Mrll. Ray Ber~d and ',M.iais • MIldred Shadley \~ ' otDclnnati. Ohio; "Mrs. M1k1re(f ompson. Kr anil alta. R. oune, - . and Mrs . OUStin. and Do d Gustin· 'Mr. aDd lira. R. ' v. ~. ~ U . Ou.!ltJn. and .GuaUn EAa, st. LoU1B. . I Mr. and , .,.. M. MOOre 0 ,BlWOOd. Ind.: Mr
and Mrs.
w~ QustID. oiaaun. Mr.
un: •
~ BWJ~~
R1ll. Robert mil or Pletch&" ,O~o'·: hllW. Ellen lAickcr. Ellen iJh&ft'er, i:t~lanor Sbaft'er and Illft~ra aart . 91f ~01'd. Ol~, .Ind.: Yr. and ~~ Jobn B. Orlpe, Ohaa. -crtpe; J~ CrIpe. ~ Allee Orllie; Obaa. C.l'Sbadley. Mable M Shadley'. Mr, '11J'ld ''llL1belt El: lIot,to Mr; ~ ·atrii' l'~ wn:em, Ohas. iWlUem IUld Mrs. ~ Of! ~PC;IIB. Ind. '
by Tb~y, ~uauat 24th. wIIl'~ the. leo V was the reigning Emperor. To- date ot the first annlJ8l l/IJaml·vaUey Ohautauqua ~Vltation8l awlmJDlDg day the Roush and AWed Fam1l1es champlonsbipSto be ~red .' by A8s0cJatl~n of America 1nc., the ...'1e MJam1 Valley Ohaut&uqiJa Asaota.rgeflt f~ reunion 8SIiOCIatton In clation at the Ob&utaUQua: the!Jni States. still perpetuate There wID be seven eventa ;folHnen and use this 400 year old grant. As and four for women. 00kL- siivel~ the huge family clan. w~ member and bronze me<iala will bt, fhat ship is 50.000. from coast to coast. &eOOnd. and third places lcii: ',~ Mr. '~ rMs. W. 'oB~rne. pre~ to trek to Canton and event. The meet wID begiD ~t '1:30 B<l1~ l!'J'anz, ¥!', 8\Dd Mrs. . .Ol1Jlqr d North Canton this week end, to 00- P. m. .t BIaer. Mr. and~ Bernard 'PoIV serve the 228th anniversary reunion "Renf~w of tile, Roy~ MOWlted" ,IOn, Ed; Janel'. and .Margaret ot their American ancestor, John wlU be. the ploture ,ihQW ~ or I,dlanon. ohio; 'M rs ~ Roll.'lh : who emigrated to Ph11a- Sat\U'day evening .t the audltorluni ' lit. ~d Mrs. Silvester delphia In 1736. gree~gS began to at 8:30. Th1a story la , I;iu!d. Ob MaueloV,~eft'. ·Mr. and come In !t'om. many national r1gw'es, popul!U' c.urrent radto ~: It. IS J). ~ml~ , . aDd ' ~ Olen among them. messages of congratula. stor~ of the 'CJanedIecl. 1Uid . ~U8~n of, ¥.Jddl~ tIon from U:' S. Senator Robert A. and of partl~ Intene~' to , Ind.;: ~. and ~. Oarl.,Step;. Tart. Governor Homer W. ,Holt of ~ fana. .There w~ of ~f1oW. Obro; M'r: w. Va. and Oovel;llOl' John W. Ject and ~ reel aJao. ~er of Muncie,' Ind ' BrIcker of Ohio. ' JacIt KurtD~ . i.b4" ~ S:: Brown. " ' . T)l,e orga~t1on meets ann.uaJJy phline l3and wW return JIrown c$i 'l'lobeJSvllle ' 'Ind " to 'give due respect to theIr ~ qut. fOr the ~:US, ttmci , .Do!Dei! ',~ ~e,. ~ I.J~Or1a1 5el'V!£cs oV~J: th~ ~vesof AugU,st 'll'1,". ~ ' . . ~~, bJ'OreJODl8, :()Jilo; . wID be held Priday ,11:1 foUrteen yDlmg mU_Iana have ,Wt 'aDd ' whose d ocal chapter returned tMm ·. tiour '01 · : ObIiien1nl!' their 50th .anniverSary and: thJa Ia .tbeir'laiIt4iQ · ~_eDIi . Of . the tlattl?na1 ,, ~lat!on: ~Ore lIChool,'beg1ns ,In Jtbe . the reunlo~ ICOn'tlnl1l!8. and PIa, all ~ of ' novelty ~1f.t:s ' ~ .the )~tar~ . ~~tY ., Pa1r J~ ~ 'i~, fUll
M.,r-i~J"'~~}Q!!Uii'~Jd i!~n,:Dlc~"I?~~dB , her~;;,Iq C;&n~~ : tI;le ret!l m~~ciaps: TheyJ,.wII~Y.llVe W~am" Mc1tlril~y' !4~rlali , ';-.: , (;()neer~; on.e at 2.~OO.,p. m.. ~d
. Tti~ little . Obloi :18 'tq
l.,e"1~ ~i!i~i~~;~~~~iil5$
,German' band .Qf' Akton, &t,8. Pi ' In. th~ ".tu,re :m~Cat ; ~~'u """;u~ ~.'
BuJ!P", ..., .
~lete" l~~"'I'~~~~~~~ ",.".
~., ~. "
o~ '! ~r for ~" ~ ~... "'-'_10.. ,0'1I:1ai ' ~~II<(lttaatlD~,ae ~nn.~"'~I, at tbe"1 ~ other ~ wID. ... ~: .~)~:aii .~ ~ ,uDW ~ DQ. 'nJe .... JIei1ft- 'cablDa are far U. DMlt · ~ Xe'MI&U' O( ~_!Qj~
J8;1 llJ.lI:ela
Ind'" .ad
, u.e· ~, Ob1o. fUn ._ ,..._ . .. ~ III 1IJ1YaD1&. . . . VU'IloI~: ~ iuid'If . . . .,;J*'JIdt. . . . ~"1i1Ii\l ~ tlMl'D'J &ur,.ky; . . . . . ."'....e fIIJiIIIv. dQ. """ cIowd .. .. ....... far x..... JlIV .....,. ~ eat1on. in atfftMlence. • .... . .
P.,....... ...."-I......
.....",...I-~.:...JL Nl!lfiid
I'. .-:-.....;.o.Io:;;O;"-~.,;
: 'W~tk:
me SCe-De- -,Of Family Reunion
Anieri~;s Sym onl!,_.~-~--::-.-. .-' :'~';--,~-'~;:~-~.-~-.'U-'Ji"w-~-;.l " -I-U---1H.!.1:1"f-J,
Local Happenings Is
Mrs. Walter WUson reported to Bunday August 2'l. a beaUtuul ...e criLlcalJy Ill. ' Waynes TwP. Schools wm IDaUllla tesult 1'.'lOluUon _.. • late summer day me anDual reunion, ' • • • .• • ate t he openIng of the 1939-40 aebCIOl ~ntly ndcptfd bY the Wayn~llle ' . of .tbe late GeoriIe W. and ~,I Dr, and Mrs, A. E. Stout were year sept. 6. ' , Civic Olub. and _nt to the ' .~Uc ' . 0IIb0rn Bopn family was .~ at Dayton visitors. Wednesday. School will con'lene at. 9 o'GiocJt Utllitlea oommlisu/;ID at Oblo. Prell:' UAI ~ . . the pleaaant country bOrne Mr. • .• • • • with an opening assembly 1ol,owln;: dent 08rl A'baecllerll. 10c.l attomey. • - - ~ • ' • • end Yts, Kratzer near Leb. ' which students ww. regl8t~ aD4' R D. oollj!ti. chairman of t~ Pub- UIu Ihr7 ~u SOWUh of ~n. which they have Juat lately Oharles Boyer Jr .. and lrl~nds o. comPlete' their schedulea: , Pu~ Uc Rela\iODI UId' 4Jhad.a fteJd, 0.. 1a v1a1t1ll1 ,tbIa 'week at the lCQutred, Mrs. Olara Dunn, Miss Dayton, vlBlted Dr. and Mrs. A: Eo need not bring lutlcbca on Tu ~ay' • ... ener -c ha<of ' Mr and Urs D. 0 Rldae Lou1Ie Dunn Ruth Kratzer as school w1ll be In _ op qnJfhadt Stout. Sunday afternoon. U..•• .. man , .....- A........ ·' bnAtand MIas........ _ turai co~ttee. ate in Oolumbua • • " • • ' were CQ-_A'BSU. '.lnuty seven • • • " •. ~be day. Busses wll.l travel .the I&IDe today attendlDg a conf~ at the lira Daisy BDyder and lira. W1l1 gueata paJI~ of tile uaual . ~U , Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson at- routes as last year on the ttme State Offl~ BulldlnI ~ by , "'ere Dayton vtsltora. ' Mon-l fUi cl1nner at. tbe noon hour. . . ten"ed the FUlkerson reuniOn at schedules .' the CommlSllbn, with the day. . In.the afternoon. Mr. ~ ~. Richmond. Ind., Bunday. Opening cla&es will colJlineqaf at , representatives aDI.& with Mr. Quat• • " • • Rallegh Bopn. ~ed , on the • • • • • 8:16 B. m. 'with flrat bU!l pUp~ cUSman of Llma:~OhJo. ' PrelldeDt ,oI The "500" dlDDer club met at the' plano, by their da~lItlter. ~. W~~ Mr. and Mrs. John B. 0008 and mlssed at 3 p. ttl. and the aecoDd ' Ohio central TelephOne Ooipai-a- home of Mr. and Un. Barvey Bur_I'Smith. aang several IOJ1.II& Master Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cook were lITOuP at 3:45 p. m. ;I'he. IKlhOol _' nett saturday eveniq Wm Dunri favored ua with. guitAr tton, ~ d1lcUlllllon Is at Ohio State talr, Monday. rollment Is expected to 'be abOUt'UIe to a pouible tormal , and harmonic& mt.wc. Mills Ru~ • • • • • same !Ullast year. , will coyer , tbe CompJ&lnta and re- . Satartbw~te 01 JlQtoD Krauer and Mrs. Smith ,pJayc;" . .Charles O'Ne&u of Jacltsonvllle. It Is hoped to begin servlna l~h quests rat8ed by, tile 4Jlub.. reeolu- vislted relatt,. ID WayMevme ereJ plano aelectlona and Mls8 Ruth lela .• is visiting at the home of hlll at the high school building on Wedtton In reaard to county &oil-tree . , • a1llo 81.111. W. E. BoBan Pove an, Inaunr, Mrs. Martha Henderson. nesday Sept.. 6, .e~1cea, apeclal cbarpa tor 1DdCtf1• • • " • taUt comparing the times of • • • • • l1it~ J)e1'fOda of time, and deftD1~ 1m, 81"'- PIru our tathers and what we enjoy now. "orllme~ tbnlugllout the community. atate aDd nation la, down their. Miss Kath1ee~ ' Mershon of Oovpro'Vemeoi In the type and 141'. aud MIa. .... lira. John BoIIan read a letter from tooia Moada, ~ .Amerlca paya ~rlbute to the motive force wh lcb bul ~ lngton , Ky', is havlng a two week's of eClulpment furlliehed. and 10 the dlDner I\*ta of Mr. aDd Un. Lewis Mrs, Lillian Surber a daughter ~l m it with M1ss Jeanne .Ba~er. 1natallattoJl; repair, and maintenance Fires aad family, Sunday. Jefferson BoIIan of Matlon Ind •. who D-LabOr. • • • • • • " " • • boped to meet with ua. of servSee. 141"!'" -- J I. Mr. and Mra. ira Brnwo and son . It 1a boped by the offlleers awl ~ a...I'1Ute 0 ,r D a yton... All to soon came the time to wend IS I •members of tb~ otv1c Club, u..t tbIa thta weeIt With MlII various '\Vays homewa.rd. All ex,were guests of Mrs , 'E;thel Hauk, a t Assl tant Superintendent :Qaymon ' conference will rUrther the aubItu1~ H.... prflllled their 8A)reclatton for her summer h,ome In Dayto.n. on F, H8ltfleld announced that ~tate ' t~l ~ whleb baa already, • • • • • very pJeUant and happy day spent 3unday. •• _ • • foundation lunda amountllll to ap- I -ma~e at lecent conterencee and 4.." . Eel~ Hoak and b1a eons. BeDtoD In tb1a del1ibtlUi hOme With tbe " _ proximately "3,2'l6 were d1atrtbu\ecl Seth,' and RoIcoe PumU ~and KratrJera. We adjourned Mrs. Ira Vice of Dayton Is vlBltlng to Warren county ruul , schOOl dia,':.. ' '''-. A.... --.. _ .. •• c....:_._" beld ,...... -'--j& 1_'....,... e ... _ _ .... _ - ........... W d Y ~- --cea be- tended "he • Ohlo sta-~.. aU meet Dext year the Lord will- E " L Bergdall of Dayton, WM a Tile annual Hawke reunion wa' t.hls week at the home of Mr. and trlc ts as f 0 11ows: W....... .."w _• naYUellv e an ~.on woo • • • • • • IDIO WaYllllsvllle vIsitor. Tuesday. held Sunday. August 27, in the Lin,!o ,lItrs. W. E. Stroud. \,fi 711 97 ; Blue'Ball. $1.2'l6.811 carUaJe twee~tbe Preitdeu~ of the "~ Mr. and 1IIJa. W. N. fiIearI : YiIlt. • •.• • • building at the Lebanon fair ground • • • • • $2.762 72; Olea.rcieek. ••; ~paDJ • • till! neW Wan4ID ~.J ed at the bome ot Mr. aDd IrIJ'a. . Mrs Merle Kern, of C;evelnnd, Is Fifty-two memibers answered to rot Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Blanton of Mt. Hamliton-Malnevwe. $3,276.83 ; ~ ~panY 1DfoQaPJ', Mr,. D. Bole. 01 LJtle. Sunday ,afternoon .IIO.IBCT PLANS FOB spendln, tbe week . wibh her parents. call. Ol'ab, Ohio. were guesls of Mrs Harian-Butlel'vllle. $2 ,039 8'7; KlnIfS 8teyena; and • a:epreeentattve IP'OIlP • • • • • . NExT Y£AB, DISCUSSED Mr and Mrs J , D. Marlatt. The cU8tomary bOuntiful dlnner ()barles Joy and family last week . ..... 81 ' mbeni . . • '.1'1£' , 5.01].80; Muon. f'.-. ; of ~ anc1 ~~ mj! , John Bear. baa NturtIed to an. ' • • • • wa selved at one o·clock. after • • • • • Ma&:1e Townsblp. $2.978.65; Morrow of the OJv1c OI~. coIuIIJtIDi ~ etnna.U &her apet'IdIi'I Jut _ a.t 'lbe UWt lI'UDd CommIttee, com- Mrs. Edith Wttls and Mr, Harr:s whl<.h Dr. a. H . Vance or Wllmlng- Bernard Melloh spent a few days $5,3010.35; Otterbein Home, f2.'roU4. Meure. OolJett, ~Micbenef, AIIMCIb-. bJa bOaIII beN, ' . ~ of ,; representative from each Moeber ""ere S~day guests ot, Mr. ton showed movlng pictures of the this week Wltb friends at "MlarnJ jOut.l:l Leb8Don. $1,857.83. ,. 11, ~ ....nk 1'Dll~ - - H&i'UOck, : • • • • • IJi WQDe townablp IUld the and Mrs. .Fred lIartsock of Milford, wesLt:rn trip taken by hls family th1s Shores" near Dayton. 0, 14, KIaQetb lIouIb, ~ KteIJn aDd IIaI7 Katlll1n mel at the bome of Yts. R. " • '., • • SUIT,mer. The fjim of ranch Jlte. and " " ,' • • and Pred Rcibu... 011 OUlftr· lD4.. . . 111* 00UI'*t Tb\ll'ldaJ afternoon. the Mrs. calvlD Iiolllgaere and famlly 01 scenes In Yellow. Stone National Albert Oarver of Cinclnnatl was '!be telepbone ~~ u 1Nll "Shllr. aDd Una. II. A.. ~of tile ~ beIDa to outLYtle , eate~!!d Mrs. Cassle PaI'IL. was produc.ed in techn1color. an overnight guest at the bOl!le of .. otber Importan, ~ . " tar the ~~t durlila the sArcIy at Thursday, bOnT- Miss Ethel OOll,etL then showed plc- Mr. and Mrs. W. N. ~,TbW1lday. to ~ ..lfare·or WQnelYllle. W.,. • •. • " • 8Cbool y,eu. Mra, ~ iDa Mrs. Bardi'a '73rd birthday aD- Lures taken at the l(Iawke reunion In towr.atlIp. and warren couuty. ,..... ... elec:t.ed c:baIrmIUl ~ nlversary , 1936, and, also pictures of Mackinac , Mlss , Betty Hal;tsock has returned dllctM' " ' at ~ ,..war ~ Mia, ' D.bau ' • ... ~ " • " ~lllnd, . to 01nc1!lDa~1 after a months's vaca~ ,',. "'t1nI. of toM Olub.. IIOU'd 01 dl......... 'I'be projeot. Un Q' ~I and daugbteK J 0, Ha.wke called. a al}ort busl- Uon spent w.1th her parents, Mr. andlvell'Ml'V. repton. bellt I~' IIDDcIaJ ~ W ~~OJ 'iIai.i 'lYauda HaiWle ' 0. ne1;j sessIon. and after devotlons led. ¥-ra. Bert Uar~t. •• o~_. ~ ~;~~Mblm..tb""'AliIiMId""klll~.....' ' ' ' -u., wU1 be ~I Jear .~ of --... ,.._ Sertle oy MnI. Melvyn Banta.. Ilhe f6Uowlnl • • " • • < ~-- ' were cues... ., . II. a. Q - •• ~ - - aDClD U UIe aec_v fUndi are MJllII Hearne remain-' oftlcera were appolnted for the com, ~ oJ B. 'rn.apmau TUeIdaY<ia ' ~t inc year: J . 0 , Hawke-presldent; the Hale reunion held on the lawal"jBatter:IIb"aUie, '~u. ~~ _ tor a fe'fl'. • y• a• . • R4Jl8ld Hawke _ vice-president; of •~ Dr,-Kelly Hale boIp[tal. SUD1. ", •
L-'':':'" .Happeain&s
0, ...... , ........-
·. ,
'. .
' ...." '. Jar_
Coonty Se,hools Are
Gino Slate ,_."
AnnnaI ReDmOn • Of 'Hawke family
T~ WayneavWe Garden Club Wm meet 'fUeedaY afternoop, 8ept.6. &he bome of 10'*. I
II. D. ~.
, ·····
Boger-acretary-treaaurer . . 'Yr. end Mrl. T. A. p~ower 01 KaUlrYn The meeting ' was then adJol1med day. ,~-,,.-j --".......~~O--_ _---l~=~~~~~~~~~~~~::..-~~~ • • • • • . -"', Loa Angeles. Oallf. and MIas Co,r a to meet the ' 4th Sunday In AUllU8t, . Mr. and Mrs, Walter !Ca,er and aDIl Mra: KeuDeUl Ill. Jabn Peirce of Selma 0 of. Middletown. OhIO'lI:~ 1940. da~lIbter. JelUlJUl Audrer, Clnc1naDd daUlbtw. ~_ aDd'" Mr .. -:.:.., Dnma feW das at the Hom'~ of tbelr ntece· Mrs. De Bes des the members several old n~tt. were dinner guests of Dr. and Oeorp TouDd crI HUbbard, , ' 8" ~ and Mr. ClIlllller. friends of the . family were present Mra A. E. Stout. Sunday, ,.,.. ~ ..... or Mr, Uid:ur.. 111M LoUIIe ~ of Jt1n:g• • • • • to enjoy a pleasant day. " " " • ~. ~ a at J.OIur, IN' ~ eod, ~ed a few dQa at the H~ M1Bs Mildred Hartsock of Milford. • ~ • • • • . ' . • . . . durbllr tIbe 81b1ence of her and M1B8 ASpinwall.. Dean (If !"omen IP~IiIIc~!I', Mrs, :Lena ' Bartlodt, I..ynchburg Ool1j!ge, Vlr8lna. ~tat bel' IdBteI'. lira. H. 0, returned homn from a cruise \0 11Il1n'1!!r ~ LebaDon, '." . ouatemala. in OeD,t ral America. • Uad'Un. Homer De&thera~ . • • • • • . Dr. and Mil!. D. J. ,ElUott of 0IDclimatl, aDd lira, ~ H. ~Mr. and Mrs. F'r1ILllk L. Taylor who lutnbU8, spent Sunday with Dr, ~nd lIOdt· caued OIl Mrs. O. R ' Death~- have been spendl:ng the summe~ Mrs. H. F . Dye . • • ,. • • M~, • with Mrs. Edith. Harris are I ...king a " " • • • Mlss Katberine Prendergast _r.' ''' D,r,.,an4I1n. J : W. Ward. of Bar~ motor trip through tbe El¥>t, before Miss Rachel Davls, 'wh~ underwen~ the week end guest of ' MI': ~ Mi'II. ,~, ·Mr, and ~ Prank , R. retumlng to ,t her bome in Ban FraJ;l- 11 serious, operatIon at iltUamt Valley ~an Prendergast and family of WertI; aDd 1If. Jack ,Burke of c\liCO. , hOspital recenLly. wtl5 lbro~ht bome WlntOD Place. Qlnclnnatl. ' 1IIIOWleJ
ISJldillltie1d r wen dlaDer pesta, :~:~~~':' . ,. auSh Werts or SprInctleld ·t8 l"'iDdJI~ the Week "here "with her
• • • • • '
• • • • •
TueSday. The latest report of condition ls f8vo~able; • • .• •
Mf. ailQ Mrs. H. A. Mohler I cl1llldll'en IlIp6nt Tullsday night with • • • • • Mrs. Mohler's paH~Jlts. MI', and Mr,S. Mr. ana Mrs. "Robert 'Baker and RIIIltw!r1tA, D. J , Cable and family of West MI!- daughter, JealU1*1' were guests at , dinner Friday. given by Mrs. Bernard Bo)lthal'd at her hoUle to Oak• • • •
•• • • • • Mr. and Mrs WWlam Micbenel , fll,JD11y re~ 'to' their III Pittabura, Pndat after a " tWQ w<.'8k·1l vJs1t with Kr. aDd iIZs. W. E. Cornell ;1' " , _ .
. . . . .1
WQII8 Yille. Ohio ~~ . At Sec.\ond ClaBI Milll.M attel' t POIlt.lffic:e. Wayn. pUle J Ohio'
Flora M. Crane Edito r and'P ublisb er ., -..... ----- ...-,,. ...--- ---'. :.:. :":.,.-.---~
CONGR ES8 AND !J'D _CONO llY ·1I0\'.D IENT It II .. ourtoua paradOX that the ~ ConiX'8N ~ted even more nMmfY 't.hf.-n t~ blg·apendJnl predOOeMOl'-1et baa In tOr consIder-
f~e prafa for acUvlUee In the d1reClt1on of economy . '1 he pMlClo -IS understa ndable.. For. toward the -t~ng f *loi1; (.'O'nl\rtS!l
=== =:;:::;0:;= === =;1 1,
. Price, St.60' 'Per Year, Paynble in AlJvance
,,I. B. QapmIIF
t.boIe e'l1ll ..
, '
"We k!Ok to t.M
·.ta~ . ~
'01 .....' tUn
. , . . II ' ·......
IlI'Qb,Ib&UdIi." . ~ ...
,1aD4 we
want'to prove tb&t ~ tJ\e'IMPOPle. We
Weeks of the
an srantbI8 DO ~t.a In areu .~Vh' q\iotu ~CCJD!~ to PQCIUi&u.oo~ aDd , redlldn(r ~ numbel' .. 118& ..
r-b\'1i;rusly appalle d by the swiftnes& With . which
l'atlont.l debt. ~ ~toachlng thll ..s:oOO.POO,OQO legal' Umh, flna:ly put.the Its IOO~ doynl. I sharPlY reduced WPA expenditures, ~ ap:p:-O!lrl~t' ns
prop d In le . ~elf-lIqu1datlng" spendin g bill, aU 1IJ0n1 the llne otherw15C sh.owed Ittl benet that. the Ume 'tor some retrenc hment ~ at band. . 'lbe tOlLme n forecas t now Is that the next session of Congress will ' go Ii ~eat ~eal farther In the' direction of a. balanced budget. If It does. the lawmak eJ s vlll really earn tl!e plnlidlts of the ,nation. r_o one c:.r dellY that the groWing debt. Wb1cll cames with It the tnevitab Uity of JnQre and blgher taxes on klp ,of t.O<:!aY's crushin g burdens. Is l\ majOl" ia.ccIqr in bold Ug ~.-;&l11e!.'l ~. In tIl1ef. tnt. lu t C01RT e!:S r..:.ade o. .start. It Is the duty of the next OO~ to 80 on from 1bere. o.nd reallY achieve somethl .ng besides more an.d 'b~ ·deflcits . The ~nd1ng spree thls country has been IndUlg1n~ • In-has before been Witnes&ed In world btstorY·
'. lAoeDIIs expire." lUI . ~ta ca~ ,t he flNt 'u mCllltbe tbII ;year ~pal'eCl with S8lI in tb4t eime , period in 1__ M toWDiblpa and incol'pCII'ated t.owDe in OhIo probM)lted 11quor · .bJ lOCl&l ' ek\cUOna. To obtain a VOUI Oil 'U beer•.. peUUona must bear tbe ~ . Of 32 per ~ or tile voteh' or taU. dected area,' for whlakey 16 per . ' ~...
WAYNE 8V1LLE , OHIO "",~ ~,:,-"~,-",,
n?~AT. 8Err. 1.i Tbree. Ma;qalteerw In
SVN-M ON. 8Err. 3·6
.fIano7 ElclrlQ a, Jr.
--- ...--_ ..---
Bac, lielo . r 'Mo ther AMell 8dee.... ~ h'~ , :rbn.- WBD . SErr, 64 • B1IIIIph reJ Bop"
Beech Grove
F. ,
= News Of Redi
M~!BeDJT, -
County Cour·t News
00DiPWn Crane's oar
IItaUoo . ...,alae
IUU1:M. peol1ne. *2.02; When the RedS return rrom their ~ '1.71; Ruby Van Riper. final invasion of the East thts RubJ stoae. 21, PrankUn. ...,llne. PUt-: _Jelhn. Law & Son. week-end. they wl~ lind the~elve~ Ourtaa R. Ban. 40, tnapeet.or, Day- IUOltlle. pltte<! agafnst the Ohlcago OUll6 de~ aDd Mr•• Helt!b W,11I, n. ~tb fending cluunpions of the National l..-;on . .' . . " League. at Crosley Field.
~;:;====~=;=;=;====":;'::=;='~ifE6iiiilfif.iiiliiiii;.1ii d...;-;-Ul'nI
f".... ,
. The Reds and BrulIis will cJMh In amgle gwnes Saturday fLnd Sunda1,' ~~-~~:--::::--:=-=~==:=~-=:--_~-¥~'e"~i~~~~~~;i~i!"··""" 'The latter date h~ been deslgnatec:l R B Jell..... to Orb ~hr. ___ , lIB "13Uly Myers Day," and hundred!! of .hl••··;,. ... 01 lot No. a ,e", ___ ~ BMJ.d »ropo."I. wIII be l'Icelvtld Of friendl' 01 _. NI _'''oJ· .t the, offlc. of thel State Hllthlway . the little ROeller short,. , , . ' bUll. . .' Plrector of OhiO, a lt Columbul. Ohio ' ~toP. who has been a key man in bls ........-. -~ _ , , -..11 • _ _ , _ _ . _ to ..... - - . until ten o' oloek A. M.• !lalter n Stan- team'S fl~t tor the naimant , thl8 'o..-u ~"r4 Time. ~14ay. ,S eptember 8, usn ... ""' . R,aJe', ~ . .. In tbe ~ _ CI! lots NO.. fJMLa 'llI\& aDd 2406 Iii tor Impl'ovementl In: season . WUl present him with vaIu~ ~ Warren County. Ohio. on B ctlon LD'''Jand Part, Deerfleld ' townahlp. t and . J.!art of eotlon prhlgboro ot abl.e glfta . ....... w. ' W ..... n...A.. ' • the Franklln- WllmlJlgtol'l Roael. , • . ..,... a,ner q ...,...--.. qner; J; ...Ul ~ Uld LWtan .K. opdY State H'lghw",y No. 2~ 1. State RoUte After sundlY 8 tilt. the Reds will divorce. extNme, cruelt)r. to Nellie W Henkle' lot· No. :UO in No, 73. In the Village' 01 Springboro JOllTney to st LoUU; fbr a Labor Day ' . • , and Franklhi and Clear Creek Town, . the ytllale of Lebanon. . ' , , .hlp •• by grading, widening and r eo double bW with the st. Loul$ CUdl. ' Pled L Pa L ........... "1, to surfacing :wIth tar conorete. I h d OOIUlON PU48 PaOODDDlG8 . ....... y • 'Wlilth: Pavement 20 tcet ; Road- na s, w ose mad ash to catch the y,&lJaOe ii. and Mada E. l'Vnt: .183 way 31 teet. Reds has been a feature of the lat• " ' Len«th 17,831A O te et or 8,871 miles Betbel oa~ VI. Daykl Camp· ~orea In C~ toW1lllb1p. I Contract to l}e comllie l d not lat"l' t~~ halt of the season . Then BUI Mcbell'. defesidant, otdeNd to -'/ IoWlnIe L Bowyer to C~ . b!:le W· than July ·31, 1840. . Kechnie's warriors wul shift the ~ . ' 'l'Ihe' minimum wage to be paid to pJatnUIl " pel' WeQ, alimony and Andrew. and IfIeanOl' 0 Andreltir.; all labor emp loY~ d on thle (Jontrl\ot scene 01 lihelr Ilctlv1Ues to Forbes .... I " .hall bc II, aooorlll\noe wit It the PI Id UIi at~ rees. "" aeree In D eerfleld ..... ...wneh p. 'Schedule of PrllvalUng Hou'rly Wage e. Plttsburgh. where the Reds Jacob' A. ' Scott• et' aI· • va 0 Y WilHam E Seare to H S. Gunnoe· ~ates IABclIJ'ta.ned I~nd Determin ed and Pirates Will meet In a double ••• • • " by The Departm ent or Indu8trlal nt'-=::=:=====;;::=:~''~===~ICtUIIIIlbeU: leave to rUe report ,...nt- part of Iota NOI. a.'1 aDd Ma til lations tl) Stut Hlgh'!';·.&y hel\der'on. September 6 and slIigle ' 0_-" ,--Department Impro'vemenla In 80t' l t wo days fo l lOwing, ed. trustee appollh~1 to nt , 1IoIId. ... --:U. r , cordance with 8ecll on s 17.3. 11 .4. games on le bond approved. Enuna Lewll to HU&b O. Ler: 1~-4a, 17-5 ana l'1-oa or the General Then on Beptember 9 and 1(i. the . ' . Code of OhIo," , Obulea N. BIller VI. 'Ibe Board of 2.13 acree in Turtlecreek towDllhl • The bIdder mU 8t Hubmlt with hla Reds will 'hook Up With the Cub!! 1n Oommlutnners of W....... Ollarlea E Jelm b'l executor 10 bid a oertlfled check: In lion amount Chicago -,-.. '" equal to t.lve per~ent of the eaUmal. 'aI.· for equltabJe reUef Nt!lJe M oO Jelm. t.ruetee; 11l1.6 a ea ed coat. tiut In no oevent more than At present, the ·task at hand con• " t!T I ten thou.and dQllarll. . 't s . Walter W. Belley VI. Da18)" V· r. on townsblP. . Plana and apeciflcatlon8 . are on sis of finishing up their schedule In U-ley· divorce ,ranted COIla Home. Owners' Loan corpora~'on tile In the deparlmllnl of hl ghswaYi the East '!Ihe Reds were to close , . ,. and the ,0fClce of th e reSid ent dIs· . " pla1nWl. tc ~aret B. Etter; 2,118 acres 10 trlct deputy dlr,ctor, . heir series with the Olants a.t the ••,to-~·... The dlrectol' reBe r\' 8~ the rlght- to , I 0 . Betty LUCwc S1m~ ~. Hal E. :".....p . , . reject any anit all bid. . 0 0 rounds Tuesday. and tJ;len Simpson ' . divorce to plalntur rt.Etbel May Ron.lcker ·,to Talbot B. . ROOT. 8, BEIGBTuER, complete the Junket In B08tOh. Where ' . ' State HighWay Director fendant to pay OOIta, and MaUde A. ,Holman: lot No. 26 ~ the Reds and Bees met Wednesday ROOT FOR AND ~ONSICN< ,our Pattl., bop. .heep aDd Cal. . ~'/D W. ~I:e.&bd va. Uortl D- I" Cold Sprtnga C~ 0I'0wid. ~ , and ThursdAl.Y. to. Norrt.Brocli liv. wIN 8114 Preeland; divorce to platnWl. tGWD8hJp. On 'September 12, the Reds wlL proJ{J'el!lllv. Ira ' the ldIrbe.. 01Ulord Smith to Oeorge 'Lee start home stand. meeting m .....t . prl('" .n<l .ood ..mtie. rormer DUDe. Addlt. LIe; lot No. 49 Orandview _ the Brooklyn Dodgera in a Uid • • U.i•• S ...... Ya'" Cl..... _tf, O. 'JIaqe hI un RAdt,., Statio II WOK\ PIlOBATB CORT AtId1t1on to PnlDklJn 10wnshlp day game at Crosley Field. This 12 :2& to u :Stl p , WI. for \'lU, CJlft'ord to James Lee'D&1, home stay Will_carry tht'Dl to ~he las rflllnrt. 4 lD the matter or the estate 01 Wn and Nora Dalton.; lot No. 3lJ . wee~ of the seasonAlma L. McJVlaDd. decNlIed; dla. Oralldvlew Add~tlon In Fi-aotIJn .l--;. trlbutSon In kiDd CII'dered. . • toWlllhlp. _ A mod~t1on pI'Ogram that will iiCiiii-• .iiii -. ..._ _ _. ._ _ _ ___ 1
Centerville, Ohio Phone 7U
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S:!T ,IT _ • • . FORGf.T ITI ' It••pa the roOIlUl um-
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In tile matter of . the estate · of A. Sc:ofte'ld. D. J:. , H@lfWOIlIid IlIIPOUlW IIIIICIltol'. W. ..
HI . I.Clbesin~ · P .. WtJIleDl'OllaacLL.K' ~;-::~~~:Pi::;::aiiiiiii:;::= Moler .:.....:...ted "'_I~. .,. .--...
_..--. In the DlaUer, oi &be estate ' ot LeJ1a QrqhIer. wID 1ldmJ&ted <to probate and recant. In the mauer of &he '" M\a,- of Lena dec •• lid: . . . . . A. Oruhler appointed edm!nletntGr.
.sooo ~ wuu8m ....., Fi!lIJ Ito'~elll._I $kl-.' I- I po1n~ ~ 9' 8• tS' QI.e. e.1 m. TIWI_.. ibe &be..... -....,11·...... _n_: , -*'te,
make the Pittal)urgh
Jo1nt: Stock he]
H ... ~ I',;!:I! _ .." ' rMir H..1ftIa II 1nItaJ.....
Fairley Hardw.are ·Stor.e Larger Becau.e of Better Qual~ty, Service, .and Price
Eatabliahed 1 849- 1939 - - n.1 ~'f. ayneav ill e, Phone 32
~.._iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i~---~--;;;;'-~,...j; ~ '- -iiiii....~~iiiiiiiiii-
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one or the out.8tandlng y~rd~ p on 1!8Ilea. Farm and Hom Plana ' .and . fInancial . J4a.nt.gement 10 the country Ie und:e r w.y at Hem proble f th
The Columbus BJ&Dk Book Wg. Ieland, Pittaburih. Pa:, according to hel IDS? 086 1n need or sue}: Jo .• 1 No. 1762 elngle ditch peUtlon, lesu;:d ·'-!/ the Pitt6burgh P. He 8dded .that copies of ,t he fll'xible farm lease fonn Cll.n be had 3.M; The Standard OIl CO" . 1 cou- Oba~r of Oommel·ce. .t the oUIce 1n the court hOUS03 base~ book ••10.00; ~: B. S!JnpIbn. FIi~ destroYed ,more tban half of lltout. Lebanon. O. . and labor, 'lbe Hub- Ute yard1ng ~ the night of J 'Oy SupplY 00.. paper toweI$. fI,y 18. The folloW1nl day a complete rec.....moJs. Truateee of ' PI'OIl'UD Was announced dalrs, liIh&:. 1M. Memorla1 and wo.:k wU begUn at once. When
I'o'a d .. Plftl·Pr.-I.II.. n I."
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M'" ea1r' tMail'Ilt",It-r,iI, _thl nl _ ... until'.......... you .... In "U' men,lIl, pa,-
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· L 0 0 ~ ! :~ tH· e' s how YO,u get It Como ........j)lione. Or... r ~..........u,... £ltd. 011 H..t.
The Thrifty Ri~h
JIaU, a,OI; 'n'uat.eIIis 01 PublIc Af- compleU!d. some, '100 pena wUl be LfII)IUl D. IIIact aDd Joe L. Vall a.,. r.tri,'. :water hilt. KemoriaI BalL available. ~ J; ' -, 1111 Dr ' " , . Rich people frequently get a,,'ay 'ePPI't.III!,rF. ' ; . • O. I..- ,.~. , m~ In the rebtWd1ng. in additiOn ~ .vlth forms of thrift that would lD tile of &be llltate .00; Dr• .James B. Arnold. the IUret pens. .. cOlnsJderable num- cause poor people extreme em~arHorace BAtton, deceued; tnber. tII.25; Dr. ~ ber 01 .maU ··J)eIlB hnve been coni 1&ePee tu c1e&erm1Ded eli none Vail. ,iDed1Cal eernoee, ",IID; Dr, atructed fA) add' modern _facWtlee . lL!ISment., lD maUer' Of ' ' Warr~ C. ~cb. ~... for tbe amaJIer IIhIplinenta. TWa &lao A,-.lJ!8n we ,kno':;u;hO d ~~_ been ~1tteW ---.... .... .... ___ .... .' . a Jl.-.0.........,ever ~, . . '~, ~- , . . WIll .,anntt the eep'ep~n , he ten years old told US fIhIp of reel d~ . C. T . .JohDion " SoDI, ambUlance u sa well sa li4!;reption of tecenUy tbat he had boug~t a new In the matter of ,the _tate of sorvlces. • .00; H. Il. W~ 1Iel'- V~oUl k1nds of aDlmalS. In ' addl- dress sUit the first 1 . twenty y .... rs S. ... ·--ure d""---.... • fb • Ykea . CIIl' eokUera' commJ"-e .100'" the f . h ., d'• n .... • --.vI • . . - - . . I. 2l'ecl 'Brant ' . . ' '. ', ~.on, encee ave oeen 10 es.....- He "Was exQited about thl!, purChase. aQd rtnal aooount~. ., . • ~C1fI8 on lOkUen tiel an~ constructed as to reduce to a He said he did not Lntend to buy a , ~the m~tter of tile eatale or cOmm1tte,e. ,f1.IID, th danger of bru1s1~ the new silk hat The sUk hat he o~n~ WUlIem JL inr1n. decnled ~wUl or. aer;vlcee CIa 801dIera CIOmmlttee, . ..0 • ~ r8cordecs . ' Obarl. ~. iervIcee on .mdI purchased In, 11}98 and ,be con· . '. . - erl With this modemllZed yard com- sIders Jt Satisfactory .. lD the. ~ter of &be estate-of ....... ~ttee. '1:00~ 0, T. .J~n. the Pittsburgh Joint.' Stock ' lie ~ ...ay's looka, 'well: too, His de I!~.deoIe_: beu1Dr on In- :::::: f100:~ ~aId ~ home w1ll be oue of the finest In frtendsprobably think he has boUght gentorJ t fOC' ~ber Boot _'1 ~OO. OolwDbua , BJaDlt the country. not only for the resting II: dozen sUk .hats in ' tbe tlUlt tON ; In ·, tIIe - - " - of of IU,.•J. ....:. 1 pad veDl;lor', 1IcerII- and reeding or stock. 'but ' tor , the rear8.-I~per1a1 Magazine wlll1ani 0 •. Ven PoeIeG, .~.......s' ea. f6.IID~~ ..... ";' ~w & BcjD. . . . nuu'ketlng of loaa~ fltock as Well. _'~_....:...,.-_ __ bond
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to .... the Itchln,"iICI,torture of. ~a",*j
, ltI:hlrMJ ,~ OI ·fMt ~ - ~ -111 other .aternelly caUHd ~- _pt;iont .nd , htll~o.pPl1 M~' .. ~.Id Oil lI19ht , .nd IiIonilni .nd people wllo (tOIl! _',IUCh.f ....befr••'lni M ulIIlglitl1 , """ troublfl wou'~ b. wi.. try If: ) Ju" ..t 'ft1' flnt.cJ... druCJ9 11t for..
qr/9 inel bottle of .elld .
.1,.. It II
,e. .... u.e -.&aw ·
'K.~• .J; A. ft*Id . ...... ear. U3: 'I1ae p. J. Prank PrlnUq do.. $2.00. In the me~ of tbe , ' voiW fKa*-!a Pldeli"; ~ Ouaran· wider the . wtb ,o f Otorae II. ~ . fI1, 00-. prem&~ 011 . bond. l2Q.oo; Law 00.• , l;.B39 . ~ . ',.' lIIaQual, . . . . . . In the mattel- .of .taw- Of tAw 00.
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The ' rebUlldlng ~ be oompJclt.d well In advance \ :O, Ute IJvestcck Show wh1ch wW be heid October 17 aDd 18. . . •..
."'~~ ~ ~Baldwtn F..J-.A.....::'-.hle. ~ ~1'1 A..__ 0bI0' Prob&te ""Il"~. UF '1UiI, • ' . O,*loauwqrt ~ i;r;;~~~i!1'~' "Obn-.... ~ 'deoea~j CIa mWDtorJ, . t tor> &epUpabe'r 'I. Tbe~uuwe QuUl~., ~tbe~ met. 0( &be ..tate of ~&er., f12.10: LJIe
Lee Gambie broke !pto basebafl with a .bang. getting four hits lrl many tlin~ up IUld stealing " two bases in his fjrst , pror~OI)~1 game with Jeanette or the .Pennayhania
~Clat10n . ll! 1.~34,
I ,UkeInpeopled Who batknow th '(here theygo ~, an ~ ey want.
.V6"~ are
~a~~~~ ' ~~~;:M~~~~. ~~ ::::~~~::~~~·~~:~,I~~~~~~~!~~r~~::~;~ :=~=;==~:"~:==i~~~=====~~;=~:=~~~~=;i~~~1
. " ~oJd. d~_;"
In the matter .of the
~ac:~) · Il.;_ appointed ..
-'orcieredr a;
I,VClIClli1l1a·' .md .LeeSh~
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I ~. ·· I!!~I.! . Do~ .ID~
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care. ti.oo; WIDn1e Geqtti>• .tII!~ ~. 17.00; ZlIa .Raft- 1n.alI¢~·ean.l'r81rm1Jna... .
.- ..
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BIGCER AIh , - and'BETTER F . . --'----- AnENDANCE 'PRIZES ,
Ml&; Wlcb'",d ,M4. 0 ,.,.-_. • ~JlURCB . . IWLH IQa~ Wek 11 \ h' 11 II' E t lC!l> m!\t1e to , In 'Ieate thl\ . 1te:", Jt.. L. Ilac!kweU, Rec>tor apd Mrs. Walter Clark. . the Moot amery oounty l1'aU·. { *n.........-. !\I. I " t:W,\C &:iCO' ... Ull9 I'S. A el . Ingj~:on ay, Labo~ D~Y r Sept. 4th: 13TH 'SUNPA Y A'FTER TRTN: T" EmricK were on IilIC sje.i. Us. t , ",nd contlt\u lng !r four d.ys and 7'30 a. m. Holy Commu nlon week. four I ~ht$.. will S~Illl&~R ttll' »re y}o"~ 11 a.. m. H<M Oomm\lnlon 81)( ' Q'l1e SQI)~enWqI:' m()e~(Il1? 01 , ~b eHorts both in qualIty ofexhl blm sermon. ':·~, II"I. Ai " will bt: hel, nL ~. I 11 lllr 'an<). qUllnity of showings. Even de. ' It Mrs., WUI...a.m..:tl.Oger'li on Wc(Ln s' part 'lIl wlll be , replet.c with tbe l\IETHO DlS,- CHUR(::II ' dny the 6th. est t}:16t.lhe county has to olfer. Mr. and Mrs. U:e Mason of MruIOn I .' - ttll l't · ~\Iui,· s totaUng m~re ~Illln Rev. John V, ~)'; Pallor lve,!'!! Friday $'ucs(s ,of tl\C former' , $;16.000 00 the J"dir wID set a -, new sister Mrs. Alice Clark. ' ~i'd'in the variety of :exhlbita. 111 SUNDAY. SEPl'EM BIlR S Mr, and Ml'S: MUo Mlltcnbc,go. Lhe speed progro.m ttw 1. rtest h lTSf-S 9:30-8u nday. Schopl, ~. D. Oollett, and dau!\'hter W Ire 'Dayton v slt: r obta1nabl~' have been 'entered whUe Superin tendent Baturda y. t l,e men's diS': lasS &11 wJI, of 1O :4l)-Mo rning WO~iP, Las' Mr. and Mrs. Charles 006ter rnd cx· el nt callb 'r 1"11 . e wlll 'also be Sunday before Conference. daughte r Janet 'of Harveysburg (\ 1\ exceptlollollS' 111 ~e snowing of WEDNE SDAY were Sunday dlnllel" guests of Mr\lfarm implements. 2:00-W . F . M. S. with Mrs. Jo- Margar et Johns ~lDd Pa ul Johns. , ~ce program s wllJ be staged sephlne Earnha rt. Mrs. Ada Ohel\Owlth of CenterVUlt ' M9ndny aftorno on anrl o':o,lln" spent Sunday with Mr~. Metl' CuU'ent '~~ge. 8~i rltt;c1 ~fl~c:.i;ll.1t~d \ ' ed' c! a:v . t rnoon Bnd Thursd ay WAYNESVILLE OHVBOD OF Rogers. ' hOI' e owned by Dr. H . C. Holton, afterno on o.nd evening. Tueeday CHRIS T Mr. and Mrs. 'Harvey Burrlut 11 , Clnctnn at\, was judged fIrst ' The Collowintt ltein: was rec!'lved' i afternoon and evening the -in Idle bfg atW. O. SmlU., Ministe r·l.ainel;1 the card olub at a covered grand champl onshJp by Hermal l ' Sur~t\ce [rom his mother traction will be' t~e new five-gai ted Pine Wdge dish dinner Battp'day evening. • vent nt the rot III Olcrmon LCounty who is ,V1attJQg ' in Ollinoo\c" Man- Folllcs. of 1939 fe&tur!D g Lum. & SUNDAY Mr, and Mrs. Clal k nn~ Fair horse show helel hI Owensv ta1,J&:- -1r. ' • ille. ~e~'s Pine Ridge Band. Appear ing Bible SChool 9:30 & m. Junior Clark. In compan y wltl Mr, 0 .• to Win the Kroger Grocery "An enOrml)lJS 1lIiht of grassbo p-' with tm1,s show will be Dick fmd Huddle s- Lord's Supper 10:.s a. m. and Mrs. MOj.on Shee.bllll of Cellier- l-Pu' ....lJ'lI Company T!·ophy. T pera pil88ed over Malta. M"'ntan&, ton. Oaleb W~bunt d Leonand Cedric ~ chrtsua n Endeav or 7:OQ p ~m En- vUle. attende d tbe Olark ftunlly 're~ in1cration ~ tbur,' or five Pine Rklge,. 0. complete enterta Kroger ' distrIct manager. is in- deavor wm be led by ROger ·Br~wn. . union at Snyder Park; SprIng ield ~ 'nle ftlght wBs ~Ied on a ment of fun and !rollc. In ad.ditlon, Preach~ '1:45 '" p m.. Sunday . . ~ ..ttnng wind ~roin the 6Outheast. and In the alte[oo n there will be a dtaft WEDNESD.Ay • Mrs. William. R.ogflra vIsited ,het TO!3EL L nRiVE RS' LICENS .• w,s I01ni Jn la riOl'tb.westerlY ditec- and saddle hOfllC show, BJld 10 ES the Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. sister. Mrs. LIlvlna Fox, at MiamI ttoJi. evening the horse and mule 'Team Come let us go to c.hurch sUnday. Valley hospital . J,lntul'day. . John C, Hl\<wke baa been ,-capTbe tl1ght dl,d not form a cloud. PuUlng Contests. • Mrs· B~rnlce Siney and Mrs. aulth'JJ;lOlntCa deputy reg;'"strn r to . rell Wedne~ay evening will bring but 'the gl1ste)l1ng wings of tbe Morgan attende d ILhe r union 01 the drivers' Jloensas In W8Ynff iviJ le. iraahop pers could be seen. aga.lnst al otller. big attraCtion. the WLW FERRY OHURCH OF OHRIS T 1934 o'a..s of. Walmesvl e s:bcol at W C 8m1t.b . , theaun , ~t the rate they seemed to B'Iooe County Jambor ee, well known '.' Chautau qua. groPJlds . Sund~ alter... Use The G1i.ZCtte ~ fty'1ng on tbe wind. it Is belJeved to rr.dJo faDS· Also that eveOing there noon. • . til.! hoppers rrught be carried beyond will be a massed band of 600 pieces SUNDAY. Mr. and Mrs. Emmer t Snyder nnd Wnnt, Ads . IIlprlsil,lg the various county school Bible 9Chool wt1l be 10 charge PhUlJP6 countr into Oanapa ." of son Tprruny. ara taking 0. vtlCa.tlo n be nd~ .. The Uve "stock parade w111 al- the young peoPle" and .time .for be- from their ohurch duUes. vis! j In . • .. \. 'i so btl Jleld on Wednesd~ evening. g:l1lD1ng is 9:30 a. m. It Lhe home of the latters ' parents . But Wemer once SCOred frOm first On Monday and Thursd ay of Fair Lord'a Supper 10:45 a. m. Mr. and 14r8. James at BlIeyrus. O. '-on a 'Stngle 'wben lIe was a mem~er Wt-e Jc an entire changQ of attractI ons . Sermon 11:00 a. m. Mr. and Mrs" ~I'herle Jones and ot the :!oston Red Solt.' wllJ ' be mnde each' day, im array of Come let 'us take our cbUdre~ to son Milton in .comJPlUlY with' Mr. and' clr c\Js acts augmen ting the prognu p: Bible School Sunday. we never s et Mrs. Ecfwin Nu~ qf Oentervllle left ..' Attenda nce !prizes valued over too old to learn. ' . ' Tue8Qa y mornin g on a. motor trip ,A good timE! la seldom had by aU. $2.000,00, Including two De,!" auto- FRIDA ,. to Smokey Mountal~'llnd Leat:n~ 'to '40 wJtl:jQut sugar f1'1g1dalre, Ma~ wasber. Persona l geUsm cla~s 7:4fi 11. m, points of Interest. In yout coffee saves a 'IQt of ZC!llth radio. furnitur e aruJ otller . ' Mr. alit! Mrs. ~l Olal'k and Miss both ' , va,uable prizes will be g:lven a'fillY ,. Mildred Davls of Dayton ' and Mn; 81:'. .' during FaIr, week, MT. HOLLY M. a CIIUBO.B Allee Clark were, FrIday eventn~ ~_ T. M. Scarff, )lIDJIt er guests OfMr.~OO ·Mr8, WalterClark • • • • • • • • F ••••• ~ • •• • • 90D and daugbte r .. ~e q SUnday SchOOl, 9 l3O a , m. E. A Mr. and Mrs. ,.lIen Emrick enterEa.rnha rt, . supt. tllined at dinnel' SUnday ev.ening, Evening.' aetv1ce 7:SP P. m. Mr, Clyde Mount . and daugbte rs ' PlVerm eetlng Wednesday eve- Misses EdIth and C~U of Dayton mDg 'Jl3!l• . < • and Mr. and ~ Leon 1 Salisbury A welcoote awaita you at t.heae ot Waahln aton C. B. . . 'aerv~ . I Mr. IUId Mrs, .Plrter Banta .t~,... , lit. Holly borne coming will be ed ~ home-c/Illlling at UtJca ~ hurcll Oct. 1 at ~ clutn:h. 'C?om~ and en- ').0 SUDda~.... :~, -.' : . I 1'. r joy the day with lU5, Mr. and ' Vernon ' Por.sYt>1
. .---'-
.... '.
___ c. -
E . van
sati. facto ry Service
and dnugbte r Ijht.rley ate 'm.ovln·g this week from ~e Early propert y to I theIr newry 'hom,e Dayton pIke, of Taylo!:,s '~IC',9mE~l":-Ml'7Il1nd1:Mlrs~ Fred-D ler alIa children are Plovlng from part 01 .the Eatly prdpe,rty. to Dayton Friends here ~'elved word ' of the dea~". of 'O harles at 'hls hOW!!1 in Oetm~town. was ·a Corm\r resIden t q! Lytle. IFtm ..•....·! services ' w,~e the 1'161dence Monday ~1lfu,OOP at 'Miamisburg. Graham and
Kenr1ck cauecr'
sUnday 'artE!l'DIIlCiD. Mr. and Mr4. three eh11dren home 10 spendU ig last , Mrs. their ""'.IL~lry
' acres. 6 f\Q'llllee ",nd b&th -
priced' to sell '{{- N. ~ wa.Yn~ \liIle.0, p1
FOR SALE-.~l Plooded Quem· Ie oow~ . aciod \I!Itd B~ole . BI~ Patter$On. ~ mtll!5 W~ of Har-
. veysburg on ( HarveysI>\Ug-Lebano roo.d.
Sho;n .~~- extr'eme rJght Pre~epti ng
, . t.l~e o.lVB.l·q to Owen Haley. trn l1ler aL FOR SALE-- Ma,lden BlUih Ap01'. Holton's Falmou th, ICy:, Top- pies. J. L. MendenhalL Waynos vllle. land Farm stables wl{o rode dUlrent; All-tC Rage. .. ' '. At left nre Oharlio n Jones, Nortn FOR S~M.ZCorm.tC,k Oorn Mlddle~wn. Ky", who Judged the Bindel'. In- good conditio n. Inqu~e 1111.0,,", and OUttord W. WhIte. AmelJa at Ouette OJrlce Al7"3t" 0 ., halrma n of the norse show ,. " "7...,..... .:..._."'il':".....,;.._.~...:....~::.....2:_ . .' ' ,.. I> POk SAL»- Houae; ' 'f rooma. 'eelJ. W. LOTZ TQ IlEA» . lar. eleCtito . llghta. water Qopd CODWAYNE , 0 .. SOHoo ris ctltl,lon. Will Guaun. . .,' All-i,· AccordiJlg 't o Wor~ received here , StaDley '~hY' . Borda~raY W. 1\ , former su~ntendeni. Wh1l8 edw~th .. ~~en to. 10 1932, h1ev rw To · nsl ac DaLWIll U fame by tunntna 0 . ayne W lip' 50110015, 'haS a lOO-yar d taCe ""a1llllt a .. ~been e!ected superin tendent of ... _ ......· 'S>a- ..... _7:7: OMU_ WByn . Ohio, -sohools. ........... -. ... _ .. - .. J.
~ .r._ "i~ i
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Mr. and lib. M. A. PUllteraon arc: facatlon1Da In UidllPn. The·' ..... ~._ . t . Mr. and MIa. Albert Kre1l1ng of A nnoul1ceme~t 1.8 ~iDll ~e · • • • • • - u a f Y eoc:1e'l of the NeWport. Ky. sIlent the weekend Wayn' Township Schools offlclalthe WAynesville Civic Club that the ' . . . Perry and Wayn.esvllle Ohurches of .with Mrs. L 14: Henderson ly opened with the largest enrollDaYWn Power and Light comPanY ~ R.u th DuPree of Dayton w~ Ohrlllt met W'edneada.y. Aurust SO. ; \'. • • .' Iment on record 1'12 students are now haa completed the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. a t the h ome of Mrs. , Pnulk M. Pox Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Batterth- enrolled In the ..four . . . a new eIec trlc po~er John .Fromm upper grades 0 , Une 1nto .~e. vmaae. 'I'bla WI8 one of . .' • ~ • • 1II1th an attendance of 36. waite and daughter oC' ~ton. were Ithe school. The future of our school!: the "first m~ures undertaken by M1as Ruth Burnett of, Da)1oll, The lesaon was ':Tbe New Testa· Sunday guests or Charles Satterth-Iseems assured will) 62 pupils enroll. tbe cJ~ Itt me suaeatlo!:' 'of o. M. BPeni Monday with her parents. Mr ment Ch\Jl'Gh In Poltnd" and due to waite. ' '. ed In the first grade. The increased Robltzer and ,i t Is ~b,t oo~~lat.d ' d Mrs fur B • t ' '. the foreign sttua.t.ton, was extremely , '., . • • 1enr011Jnent has necessItated the mat -fo" &he B~ . of Its , UDdertaklnll. an . ' o. " . ~ t. . '. intereattna. Miss Jlerdena Pox gave . ·Mrs. J. B. Chapman was hostess ling o( two sections tor !(!'ade 1. Ml&: The ~yto~ Power and tJght . '. a review of Polish htstory. Mls& Ber- to the members. ot the Argunot Eva Reeder and MIss Helen' Lamb pany was very prompt tobrinlln ,t be X:~ an~u:~ Oha~:~ tha Piler of the OlnolnnaU Blb:e bridge club . • t her home, Thursday In charge; ~ade 2 wltll ani. enrollt 1I.ddl~na1 Une wheft lntonfled of ., wntg . cue . Sa Semlnary. with the help of seven afternoon. meut of 44, Is tsU:~ht b Mrs Ola Y the lault1 servk:e p{evloUllly received urday, of Mr. ~ Mrs. John Oona. ~unger members presented the re • • • • • Ker~6y' grad e 3, Miss . L uce III ·w 1 · , ••••• ' ""'. a· Th.e \lOfI~ O.f l~ new Une was approx.". malnder of the proBt'&Dl. Miss PIler IIlaa MUdreCI BlrookB accompanied ton S( enrolled' grades 3 and" Miss ~ma~ .'12.000. Uwas the unaIil- M~ Dor~ and Irma P1r~ YIsIt.. stressed the menace of atbllstlc by MIas warida Kline of German- Vir~ H~ 28 enr<illed' ~ade moUlt ·vote of the ClUb t!> extend Ilr. aDd lira. O. B. llarlatt of teaching to the youth ot Poland by town. has returned to her home' 4 Laura McKInsey 35 ~rol1 d tbanka to the ~ Power and New :BurUnrton last week. RUUla. · route 1 Wa..........JUe atter 8pen.tI"~ gr'ade' " M'AA'Doroth ;O 44 ~ d • · ·Clar· • • 1 Id The offenn. of tli.OO Is to be sent a week jn ~~·(J~oUtou. --- rolled' "iua.a':6 R~~ H~~~day Light OOm~. for the promp~ .ud eff~m;y of tbe1r won.. Mr: ,an un.: epee G ae n of to Poland and tlO 00 to Xenia .Area • • • • • en.u.I'~" The to'>A' enroll t'f ' " . MaBon '.were IIUDIIQ cUnner ~. •' nJ u:u' ..... men or The new Une ·wW . ~ve tiDln~- of Mi' and M:ra Dean WaltOn. Ohurchea tor home m1as1onary . Matthew TUrner has enrotled tn . tfili.. grade butlWng Is 292. . , rupled aer.vt!'8 to the commUD1ty . ..' . ' . • work. . Central hlllh 8ch.ool. Xenia. and At the lligh s chOOl buUCllng 44 puwh1oh' ·preViously .... laUlt;)' 8Ip8C1MI!8 Lola Sears of C1De1nnatl The September meeting wtllbe w1ll spend ~ the winter 'wlth bII pUs enrolled In de ' '1, MlFs ally In times of aevere electrical and -.J at the l'erI7 parsonage the last molher Mia Rotler Chambliss and Earllne Lan..... and M'A- R th H k wind &to It .... sJA!nt the wilelt end with ber par' . , . 'I1On "'" u40 oclla . rma. waa alId po1DOOIQ 'out '. .of the month. l\lrt. Chaul~. I CB Home room POb$O that the fire ilazard wW be leaaebed ents. Mr. and lobs. W. N. ~ s , raj p~ " • • • • • . are enrolled In the 8th grade wi h oonsiderabl1. . I .• ' • Shirley Ann 011ven at West Car- Mrs Ma Fogt Oh . In case of ~Pted eei':vtce real- Mr, .and Kl'I. Elva BaIEet and roUton, la spendIng a week with her the 'spor:rs and ~rles Jame dent. u.y c&ll PhU t.arrlick Who is chlldreD or Walton K¥,. Y1atted 1:Ir. •• • . grandparents. Mr and' Mra. The 9th . . t.he loca1 representatlve oJ. the nat- lqid Mn. Rllbert Baker ••• 8uJId&J. ID~ IU Brooks Mr d w : . .... Sam - Elry grade nas 58 pupU~ wlLh " .. ( . • .~ • • • ' M. rJlM . . aD . ........ . Merldlth RaymOnd Braddock the sponsor, ton Powa; ani! L1Kbt CoiilpaDy. . ~ A.. Oarat and Charles Jatbeia atan~ daugbter ' WEire guests 01 Mr. Grade' 10, 49 pupils. Wade Turner. taiJded tbe II~ -between the Oln- Mrs. -Mrs. Brooke 'Lnd Ctaugbter. Mil- sponsor. Grade' 11. 30 puplls Oarl ICIlIUUI,tl "Reds" and the Oblcqo to Harold ~. was hostess dred. Sunday evelling. ~rguaon. sponsor. Grade 12. 35 puI .............. 8aturcIaY ~ .~omen:a_ PoreI&U Mls&1onary . • • It • • . ptls. ,Howard Fogt. sponsor The t<>, ' . ••• • • ., IOC ty of the Methodls~ Obhrch IIJ&a Emma. Lou LeWIs entertain- tal enrollment for the 6Ohool M-. Kathryn and LouIse W~, atternoo~ September at diner; rPlday ev~n1ng honor- bulJdin.g is 256 giving a total enrOll. J_n and Jane Rartaock .The..meetlng was opened with de- lng ~. Emina Petree ot Selma. ment of 5(8 for the school to date ts of I:DIa .. O&roIyn v~ttbne by Mrs. K •. N. HoUgh. DurIng who was v1a1t1n1 , at the Prtend's • ~tuld& ' Mat1 the bustnes H88lOn reports of the Home last WeeJr., "Ber guuts were 1...· -..· ·... • • Y .ev~. done 'd lir1ng the lastyev b)' EdltP Harris J:lrs Mary c. Mr Ut~ Llibt Beal'era aDd. ,K1ng's Cross. lin. ~. 'H: W~maon. Mrs. ••• -::·llfIunIltcJ·IQand., R. 8claoe.lel'. qf Heralds ~ liven by Mns. ·A. H. Maraaretta Heaoock.. 'and ' Mni ... ~t . week end. Stubbs . . lira. HarOld Eiu'nbart. Peirce . . til. . SCboeler a Pled B. Ben- Atter the buain.. m~ the fol. , . • • ,. • • .)
• '. • •
• .• • • •
Loea I Happenmgs .
- - - . - -"- - - - - Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye attend· ed the Ohio state Fair, Wednesday. • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. A.. F. MeUoh and family visited relatives ' ln Hamilton. ThursdaY evening. • • • • •• MJ's C. E . Boyer of Dayton spent tile weekend with her daughter. Mrs.
A. E. Stout. . • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Oharles BlinD Qf Glendale were Sunday dinner guests . of M~. and Mrs. J. B. ChapJDlUl, • • • • • pel & Monday at the home ot b ... rO.der. O. B. LeWis. • • • • • Mr: and Mrs. J. H.
Mengle and Oec:irge, attended the Ohio Stt.lte Fair Wednesday, • • • •. • , Mrs. -A. E. stout and Mrs. C. I. Sattel thwalte were Olnclnnatl viAl!.Ora. Wednesday.
The re8uJar monthly _ _ meeting of the WaynavOIe atyJe W8II held WedD.ud&, ~ .
¥'- ,-,..
Mrs. Joh~Settlemyre and baby son returned to. their home in Oregonia. TUeaday, trom Mla~l . Valley
• • • • • MRS RDtOLLE ' TT Mr. lind Mrs. Don Hawke ,were dlnn~r gueats of Mr. ~ Mrs. :Mel~ E'IITERTAINS CLUB vyn Bi:nta.•.of Loveland, P'rtday eve-
Id .......'n
~ - ,-"-'""-_._.
• • • • •
the TownabJp Hall. Tbe 'cooIer weather and 1mportant . ma~ 'to be dlsouued and acted '. \IPOP. 'out an even better atteadanca than usual.· . . ' In addltlon to IUUlO\iDclJIa .... for the regUlar September dlnner.meeting to be held DI:' Monet.,. _ 18th. J. B. Ohapman introd~ . , ~ , ;:r . ~ amendment to the Ry-Lawa &be ClUb . PI:0vidlnlJ . foi · the ~tbl7 meeting of the Board of Dtrect«a to be held on the same' eventna. ' _ prior to. Ute re~ bua.l• 1ieHlng on the first W~ne8day ot'" '. L month. This amenClment .~ ...)n . tille ellmlnatlpn of oae Of evenlnga per month a~ at pt8ll8Jlt required of the ciftlcen d t th ' .••...;. • . an a , ~. . 'with Ul8 proper • handling by ~ Soard. Th18 amendment be eUbml~ the, final re,leCUon the next ~ ' of the
the Btwas proP.OJl8d and ~d by Oad
A tllfther. amendment
wbleb amendment would the name of the a ....... Commlttee to New ladUla~d BUSiDeflII S~d.s ComIt)It~e I ·wblch ,comml~ . would ', have the additional I"IpOIIatbWty 01 . endeavortng to a.ttract d.eslrable new bualn_ to WaynuvlUe and vtctnltJ. ~ an lnveat1eatJ.oo wldcb would flm ~ appl'OveeJ by the Board of Dlreeton.
IowIntr PI'OIP'am waa IIlven! SteWard- . Mr. and Mrs. I;larold Williamson. The Waynesville Garden club met ·Mrs. Ethan . crane and daUllh~n, The .peelal COmm1t!- which arlira. p . tT. LeMay; "A Meaaaae and oJilldren, Rk,bard and Betty. Tuesday a!~06Jl September 5. at Narry and ~ were 41;Mer ranred fol;' and parttilpated In ~ ~t Women" lin. A. It. aDd 'Mrs. Ethel ' Hauk of . Dayton. the bDm.e of MrS. R. D. Collett. , guests ~ Mr. and Mrs. PaUl Boorom on the telephone alt~
'W~ aDd tile Way". . and Mr. and ~ Ira O. Brown Of After the bu.slneea session. the reg- ?t BeUbrook, Wednesdl'Y evenlpi. -'·' II:II&l1:b1. , ~;, qrtgin, of the 1fl'Dm, weU:l lV~tkend -vtaltora at ulai' quiz, C)Onslsting of questions on . • • • .• .. . Old R~eCI Croiss", Mrs. P; tT. the home· pt Ki'; and Mrs. H. ~. gardeninll. ~ conducted 'by Mrs. Mrs. Ob~l~ Z1mmennan and ~, . • r • WllllamlCln. RIcba:~ Wllltamlon re- Ben SmJth. An interesting paper 00 daU$hter. LoullSe. lpent the WeekTbe place ~or !:be ~ m..un, t\.U'Ded to ~ WIIIl hII parents "Parnoua Trees of Ohio'" was re~ end With ,Mr. ilnd ~ • . t..wrence WUl t:- ~~ at .. ~ date. . after spencUnt " Lew weeb bere~ . by Mrs. J. 1.. Mend~ . 01 Wllmtngion. " . ' • • .: • • PollowlJig the PfOITani ' t,he cl~b ~ IIJ&a Allce . 00011. WhO ' spent the &dJourned to meet In' OCtotiet Bummer In a l' prl'!1 camp at Bear Mrs. Glenn Borden. Refreshments of 1 I,pllolmtaln; New Y()rk, arrtVed home hom, macse Ice cream. cake, and Iced Prtday for a Bbort vlalt to her JIU'- tea, were setved J)y 't he ' ·cts, Mr.' .1Dd 1IrI,.J..Q. ,oaa.,' ... ' left TUmay tor r.ol'tb 'Oarollna to hlth Tomltnaoll of CbIeiIO
... • • •
her work in GUllion!
~ ~ ~".
• dauIb- ~ ~ late Daniel IMotsan. a t~ l'8IIId.ent ot Way• . • buaband, ~o MeWe
• JUdy. have returned hOme' after a plea.sant ~tQr trip to ~_ ~da. New York and Pennayivanla. En route they lpent saiuntay and sunday In Detroit where they 'were ~ta 01 Mr. , and Mra. Herbert Baumgardner. , .' .. . .
~ • ~ ,. • •
hOine; three Mrs. Rosa $chatzman, M'r. l.lOu~ l~otheriL :Ru.u ~ of Leba- SchatZman .and MD. DaI& 01 JOeepb Kor1Ilm 01 ~. ¥aysvWe. Ky.' were gueata or· Mr. ~~D!'t!I,....J"l.JJI§!::~_~d ~. of Wellman. Mrs. yv. o. a.!I*'.~~. ' : ,,: • .~.. . ,. , .. ' Mrs" Fred COilklin retumecl home Wednesday nlllbt , after &Pending eeveranrays with her mother ' In .l WaablJlgton. D. ' 0. . . .
.'. . . .
pt out ~ 0DJIett Mil Oharl~ , ~r. . . .. . . . C!& &be, wor~ &U comm'u. ...... other .1J1tereated ~ 1IIIGD - . . al&uai1oa neal. . . . ~ 1IIOIl&b ",1Waf8Dd tbe ana utNd .., Ita a
M·RS. 'WAtTER 'WILSON w1::e:I:;n~W~~~~~~
"';;"nd.:i.;"Da~ .:: .~ PASSED AWAY TUESDAY::;..:;':"
. .
'lb~y Won'tbe PUblIc UWlttee Ootnm ...lnn .t 9OiumbuI. preeeJlt.ed ,a de~ npart GIl .... ~ and 9Dy ta. pnUm1narr De1OtIa~ft$ 'whJcb pteeded It; ....
_ r-frs. J,eI1Jl1e Haines Wllson; 73 years old. wife of . Walter WuSon. pUaed' awaY at her. bom~ north 01 wa~neavtile. early Tufll4!ay moril1ng following an Olnesa of.several weeu. Besides her ,husband.'I he '·'ts I!:urvlved !;ty one 'd,&ui{bter. '~:, onve Petersol\ of NeW . ~uritngt(jn; ' one son, Ray" mOnd~ 01 . ~~esvUl.; five gr&pd_ cbll!iftn and one great grandChtld . Pune~ services wnPlt! held at residence, Saturday at :tp. rD. and at the Oeasars Oreek ~ends ' church a~ 2:30. Burial will 'be In Oreelt ·cemetery. · ,
00_ _
·... D.
'T, _ .. were week8l)d IJII88t4I or~' ~va ' deflnlkll ~ p : ~ Mr. and IIrs. J .. p. La.i'r1ck· They .all.. tod aervtae, at leut ~ ~ attend~ the Mpntgomery County and ~hape . la*er . ~ ...... PaIr Monday. Coubty e~. ' ~. • • • • • more ~n a year. JIIO'IldId .... Mrs; Robert .Orew. who underwent men ~ ~ to IPV • major operation ~t Miami v..uet , I~ mojl~ nw. l~t week. w~ brOuaht to . tbe& ~ IIeDIIIL . . She fa re'. . of rtJklena,.nct rural ' • • • '. : : . w~,.. ~ ..... Atte r nneral , . • , enJoy~ a wemer . ~~, TUesevenln" at ,the .p!cnlc growuts of Mr. apd Mrs. :J{arry 'SmJtll. .. ICOInJ)lIDY.
~,fami ~a,e
wQ1lemn~ Ohio
'''oa. 111 . -
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AI1IertInI It
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The Editor
fodDd "a marbc1
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\he nee ,... pUalq out or
Qht. he aid: "'!be JIJOf'a. WbIIkIn
NeW I Of Re.dI
~:rblaO::;: :: " tou*~ ae&.~::;; the road '1 doni bave
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, 11
- - - - - -.- I&ceI I· laltlt.y In enforce ment 1;lDten!d A. Secbntl ClaM Mail Matter 61 PoltofC l lce. Wilyne aville, Obio 1&W/l." the State Board'Of ofaambllD tilwaya tune to el(C\lBe the Red3 before they LIqUor Wameg o. KanM:a 't o their R" a.. . . ·...AT ·E myaelf! 1 ' terra1n W meet ~e arOGatlJll.1 Flora M. Crape Editor and Publis hc II:oft&. - OO;;trol 'has warned munlcl paUU. 8ept.ember 1; 1939' AU throug) l theIe fMl'!I' WUlle In a ladles' day game- - - 'that 'Ie wUl withhol d Uquor revenue ! Dear Editor: .. INSUR ANCE ' . ISSUE D EVERY TRURS DAY lod8on and I were chUDl8. In ,thase w111 the laSt home' stay on from ·those whiOb. fatl to enro~ the I have tiC!fore: me the lSsu AUCT IONE ER JI of the lays I was called :Wlllle ". 1 believe Septem ber 12. Subacr iptlopP riee, ,1.60 Per Year, Payabl e in Advane e state ·laws. 1lle w.rrilng CIU)le ~ Ouet.te of June 1st. 1939, _ , . In which _-----------.,----:---~---~--brothel ' !'fed was in the class BtU McKechnie and hlB gang wort - COn,Junet1on' with the Board'll Buspen h publlsh8l~ a report of th.e annual M.IBiI DodIon. • ~ meet the Plttllbu !! PIrates sion of 111 deal~t'a beer and llquor meeting of the Alumni ~tlo n I cUd not. get. to flnlah blgh school, doubleh eader at Porbea FIeld In 8 Wed· permits ~ thei were operatin g of the Wall'nesvllle High School. My for on December 19th, 1882, lIlY l~tb THE WORLD 'S FAm AND THE AMERI CAN8Y STEM . and In Stn,le oonfUcta ThUl'l slot machin es on ' thel!: ' brother Fred and I attende d the h:lgi? blrthda.Y. o~ . falll1Ly moved to KaD.. and Friday. Then they will hOJ) ~hool In "Solemn 80's". I en- satI.· In 1893 .w~en Fred '11114 year America is belng treated to two magnlfllcent. world's falrB. ~d I gradU; Ohlo.go lor single sames With Joyed tl)ia report very much. Many atedfro m the Ransaa State at New .ork Ilnd Sanfrancl8co. Millions of clt1.zens are visiting them. College, cuba Baturdl'oY and Bunday. These And ~EAL ESTATE names wen, familiar . The talk of we sent InVItations to Prof. O~e to the ~ourht.fU l v1s.ltoor. these faJrs must appear DS e. great deal contests with the Bruins will ' om more Minnie ·DodSon ,brough t to . mind J. Oraham . I saw him. ,at the Home plete' tlle' season's sedes tl 'an CO~OIt\.l r.r.d lJCcltlng- 'shows- tllt'y are Uving testlmo nlals to our t adlbetweell NOTA RY PUBLIC many pleullW t memories. 1 nal econourto ~stcm belled on the freest Pos41ble Pla~ Coming tn 1906. I had an enjoyab le two clubs. of individual ' Perhaps 1 should Identify myself. v1s1t with him and he told me he Ic lUAl.Ive and' entA:rpr~. Cincinn atI's last home stand w1l1 Fred and I are IOns of Harvey M . receiVed our invitati ons At Lllc Ilrcat illdustl1aJ exhlb1ts at the fair you wUl sec vividly present and he alao be the most gruelling teSt of ' the .· The "ny-fre e date" or ''safe sow- and Irene ,S mith. Mother was a remembered the. race. with Dick eel the a ~1 11cv mont.': which are responsible for our Americ Because of rnjn that wlUlhl!(l nn standar d of lng date·, for wheat thla fall In War- if'ather for many years In and about M~n, . ' IIvln , the hlS'1'l1'S .by' far In the entire world. Out of the work of , . out engagem ents In' the East lind ml1llon.~ ren County Is october 2. ObservaUon \\>a~:lesv1Ue-tc aching at erosswt ck. of l.~ n~ nnd br ins, wo~lting .In a free SOCiety. has come this Brother Fred and J both· attende d neoessltal.ed . their transfe r to epochal or th1.s aeedlng.. date ~ agatnat ~t. HOlly, Lytle and prorIn the Pugh the high school and we are proud<of ley PIehl. the-~d progres s. Electric power, mdlo. mllroad . automobUe, clothlng-every s wUl be caUed upex· eerlous 10llliell froJJ.1 HeIalan 1ly. Lar- dl~trlcts. She taught In these places It. Fred and his two aonll are part- on to play '23 htbll j, n mCluum fnt LO the hmerica n sys' em- pr;vate entcrpl·ise. games In 17 days. and ' vae .of tile Itesslon fly feed ~ the 1.~ the 70's IUld early SO's. MotbEr a!'.lners In the law bUSIness with offices at It I.a fltUng that the two fa\ra should be in operati on at this one stretch will play nine games time. Por. areen stem of the wheat UIU&1ly Just 80 att.ended Waynes vUte high school at M:aI'y!lvUle and ~ttan. Ranto an extellt. never before known In our h1s~ry. this American syst.em five days. , . of above the lower loInt.. 'l1lIs tre- rru ny years ago and she was always saa. My law !'ftJce 1& in ·Wamego, The I>od8ers ours hall been under attack. The greates t acb1evements of private w111 . be here Sel?tem· indus- quently causes the r1penln g straw W proud of this fillet. ' try baVe been mlnlIn1zed. The 'iery foundat ion atones Of. democracy have break over at 1K.an88& about fifteen m11ea east or her 12 and 13; arid wW be followed WAYNJ!:SVILLE, ()lU~ thla point thus Iftatly J entered the WaYllesvlUe soho.l Manha ttan on U. S. Highwa been ~ciemilned. Ind1vldual1Sm baa been held up to 800m and y No. by the New York Olanta.. The Reds .., " " " ,...,',........., ...... rtdlcule reducln g the yieJd and JJI.AItIni bar-jln the '10's when J. , ...............""" ......",,...... B. Dodd was '40. A younge r brother . Prank, .aiaO and Olants BUSIness baa been· reviled. Back of this campai gn agaJnst the are to clash In aucceealve American vest dlftloult. prlmlpa l In wbat was called thenluv es In Manhat tan. ThIa • ymID ill a -determ1nect attemp t to put in Its place a system ba!:ed account s double blllB on Septem ber 14 and 15 ,upon Delayed eecdlni, so that the adults the 8ecOruItU'y room. I belleve TBVU .-Fal- BAT. 'MIss for all our family. I enjoy these and 1n a s1ngle game aoale fore1gn :'~". • on ,the 16th. . ,have dlaappeareci belore the young IM<.IJ\C Bld'as was the teacher &epee _. 7•• anil • . I will remlnl8een8es. I still have the same J'l1l.e n .come the ~~ WelL one. can hardly believe the Americ an people will fall for this. wbeat 00IDe8 above around, Is the name some ,o hny eJassma Bees for GENE A(J'J'Jl8Y tes: WW1e wife I married nearly 40 years ago doubleheaders on , It century ~nd a half ago we were among the least of the powem -today Septem ber 17 and only practica ble metbocl of control DocIson. George Manlng ton. Frank and I expect to keep her aIwa.vs. .."e are the greates t power on earth. Thae unprece ndented progres 118. . ' bu SA Ohio. Fan. Cbarll~ MOSher . May Wrlgbt. •• cOme from prlV4te enterpp .se-from the work o( free men, engaged Ins free Very truly, Three 6lngle g&me!' W1th the Ph\l8 A ~eot survey In Warren County C#Ul'k, Ridge!, tbe Battcrthwalt.e undertaklnka. It is a,u shown magnificently at tho faJrs. And It Is shown. IIrla W~. E . Smith starting on ~ptember 19. wUI sup. /Showed 8.2% lnf~1atlon I~ 1039 as IUlel' many others. Our cllUi8 beld tocoo all around you. wberev er you live-in the stores, the ~. Wamego, Kansas ) ply & bI1ef respite from double duty, industJ1es. the' compar ed to 11·2')1, lor 1938. Bowe~er gether well. Our next teacher w ~lf,e compan ies In your town or city. All of Amerifa Is a great but 'the twin b~ll menu wtu be re~ and con· tile "safe' aeedlne date" . ahould be MIss Uzzle ,BaIley. then MIs$ Anna 8UN~O~. t.tnuous lair. 'exhlblt ing proudly the frul.tII of the Americ an syst.em. I1l1II1ed Wh~~ the Plttabu rab PIrates -In- strlctl,y ~rv~ becauee there are. Burnley and f~ &ep&eDlber 10 . . . 11 clu.strlal liIeWli Review Prof. 010. J. . 'come heJ'fJ 'for double~rs on ~ ' occ:aaional rlelds sh~ bea'Y In- Ol'flbam. YJ()KE Y ROONE Y tember 22 and :t3, and a a\ngle __ lD coDSldersince 1910 In the good old state of Ohio bad 20..5% infestat ion In 1939 emn 80'.", most of whloh I remllmObJo. according to a recent report of c:om.s-red ~ lo.Q% In 1~, up to the Reds most of the aeaaon ThIa ill .. bar• .here is one I wish .. '\llude to . • , the State D1re!ctor of HeeJth. Ll.fe aeJ10us menace to the will close the lQeal , lICbe:iule With a lIMO Oh1o tha\ 'h appene d wHUe we wen: in Miss Many changes at St. Petersb urg, double bW on ~tember expecta ncy for chUdren bom In wbeat crop UDleM ''ft1 free 28 and eeedlnc BurrJey 's l'OIlm. You wUl rememb er Fla... wUl be no~ by retUl'1ll The .ddress es, "OhloElec~ion Bye- 11138 was 62 16&1'8, ~ompared ng sea- single contest s the next two claye With dates", are observed. . • In those d1y.s Sbat batk of C&(lwal': ·sonal guests thta Fall with the comtem," delivered by secreta ry ot.5 yean for those born in . 1910. The . Wheat seeded befare octobe r 2 is lader'a store arid . ~ TUES. -WED, . along the side walk pletlon of three new hotela, eco1'8S State Earl OrlfflLh before the Na.· Increue d life expecta ncy ' for Ohio. subject to He88lan 1ly Infeet8UOD. was a high bOard ~IJUUl1S fence. Four or flvelof n~w winter homes and aparttiOnal Aasocla.tlon ot Becretar1~ of U\Il Sa attribut ed larply to progress When sown very much after th1.s ache,ol boys lilrew aOB&B T YOVNG some plcture" wltb ments and many ·new buudlll 8l InState at <the annual COIlvenUon held In treatme nt and -prevention of clls- date It I.a 11kely to sufter from wInter. chalk on tbJa fenee. lD They were fbun cluding' the new mWlon dollar city at Ooocord , Nef Hampah lre. ~ eaeee such sa typhoid , ' cUpther1 . a, InJury. When IIOwn on or immed1- out and par~ of the ;pul]lsh ment ,ra~ drawn wide dlacuaslon aDd much meaales 8IlIi tubi!rcu ,b all and Junior college. Miss Evelyn Jotins returpe d' t.Q losls. Deatha ately after tb1a date It lives mw- to apologize In MCb room. I d1it1nct. Obio wUl aa~ be well repreeent.- buablea natioDl J prese commen t, most. re- from tJIlholcl, dropped from s acbool at Sprlngf leld Mon1281 In mum ytefd. 1)' rememb er .the apology and the Ilt- eel here this season ren:lna to OIUo'a electlon ayatem .. 1910 to only ~ laat year, largely· by many ,el- day eve~ tude of the >boya. They were brough t dents who wW ~tum to renew being the mOlit up-to-d ate aDd IJlOSt tbrough' improv ement of olel . aDd YnI. Charles MuIllnls" sanitati on TlltJ& S.-I'U- -8AT. to our room und each woUld advance friendShips ahd &CuqatJitances. ._~rMY. of of the a~ and waterworlla, . Mr, aiulllra . 8. 1I. Burnet aDd Dtct the lePoJlt ' to the plltto'n n, clasp his hands be- Among those fl'QlJl Waynes I'e ey Irons " ...... II.H" ,11 Tbere have been many requesb lO.r Dlpther ta deaths In 1910 spent Sunday with the number ed IIUCK 10DS hind blm. bow and lIay: oopIeI of the new Obio-EleoUon Law • .,., compar ed ' 'Who were here last winter include d former's brother , Tom 1lUllin1x at wJth In in I&.: . ' \,II . "Idrew Some pictures on Mr. cad. : Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Branstn ltor, iD and many 8fD'etar 1es or state bave meU1ea fatautte s dropped Mr. \ Uanebe etD. O •• ~. : 82'r walladel"a feJ~, I erased them' an 1 and ~. Ralph , LInn. Dale deClare d t.belr IDtenUo a or ~.the to 1'18. aDd iUben:utosts linn. Mr.,nd l\Ira. Jonea &ad deaths tmm The dty e~ '. ted VillaIe nd I am sorry for' lt." then Th~ .0b10. Jaw ," a ~el. 1n ~bIu1ttbi1 7179 to 3028 In the aame bow ani Il'.'Mt. a.Dd~••~ S. Malno~ Donol !on attende d the'lberle Pertocs < MOI " l~ .emp' coun- . II . tlttMalnou s. ~. and IInI: '~tIon law amepdm ente to theU More evidenc e that the ,~cqunty nta ,~... 811....... . ~ ~~~:u~~: 'l.bta lDck'I.e;nt and many other.~ OilS, Donald Penew1 V. C. Maln- ty fair Uond.ay eventnr v8J1ous .a&ate t.. Mrs. Maude Mrs. ~Iy ThaCke~ (,f Lebanon -==::=:: leatalatu rea. secreta ry Comes down In Obto" O{lfrlth . • partme named *I~::=:;::==-~=meiDber of & . hapPen ed ~ ,those achool days .and Backett. Mr. and lin. Elmer • A8M:lrMon . .ve endorsed tile prQ:'QiIIdal'c~:&u.cee-1irt'anltCilm M.: Shee'll! pent Ia8t week with her da •• nbtcr \~iiiiii.iililiiiiiii .•.. :w-~ "... JIOIIed OOIIStJtuUonaI UliDdmcntlespec~ .In the \!lInU!r ~e WIlen iii.liiiiiij . • , ",n, Mr.~!l'I , • .Wal!iOr .Sheeha n· 1Mrs. B. R. Burnet 'and famny; '?OOtii offlclala tn' , ' . _ . . • lafter tIOo , P,roeed1Jre, ~ ",au.a l ~ ROdI;ran, 8(:c1den t.. bob sleddin ,! an~ Warren and Richard Sh~ ~t, Cuy~ creatlng a state board or edUeat1 op, ,WOukl be' f¢ltdde ri Mrs: Mary CumODJ iD oom~DJ on Ute ectIQ;OI That others a~e contem p'ating, 1WlU) ~Uoo oreecretanes of State la~.- oounL • were ,......... A......:. A"-'" Mr. and ¥n. E. J. ~ of 111- ~~_~tJon , oft' ,their executive b111' Then some' bf the wi tbe If Uoaal 00UDCll 0 1 ' " boys wrou1d epentllng the SOI\aoU 1n Ih'e 8unshln e ISprlngfleld and \- - - - "! ' comJnlt...,.,., ftUated In Join aesslon In Oolu m' ' ' a , after. 2'1 fate UN . W P ....._-". error In , the . recent Wa Tbe .. . mendm ' violate the rule ~d next Lee Cum- City Is Indlcatec1 by the ......... . ........... 8\Hl.e GGV~ i prtmSry election tabulati on fta ella. wl11 nwn~ro\; 1i or ~n apeDt ~ nay with rel. propoaed a TARV'I A.LlTH ent lO Which TAR AND DJlnga, clty maraha , J woUld come to reuqest ' rnade of the Oity Infcnna-la~v1!8 at·st:"J Vla. .0:.... ; ' . e ec ~ ••~ppear on the November baJl~. 0;" room. 0 --.: It-wa . ROAO OIL; ilXOAV ATINO " the • .L ' d--ope n':" tlon .'. .Bureau for .......... free literatu ........ re de- ' 1\(io a.nci IIrs. t B." ...n_......: ..... tJ - ttr.n bOOm . o-.n~lals ."".. "'" d1lIcharged i!t _->---authori ze, a - board whDSe and his biilty ',. u,," . tkIn that. personS c1a.lm1nl' to ~ve • • • • fonn .........~"..... ~ -eXpose ' d to crlpUve DIi,,» TauCK or St. reters . BEB.VI m......... urg . and its ad relatlvl!4. In ~vWe Bunda)' OB "tnt serve wltbout com.. wtth trWt S&af,e' BIIb . ~ahotJa JODunty t wiUi1n the la~t penaatJo..n would . surroun dln and whose orpnba tlon v! ' aI.ytl gaft u. th.e Jitters. .uence 'P IT BUN LOADB D 30c YO . . 118. . ' ~ two months up to 382. None of the and poWers would • Mr. aDd ,~. Kesler Oraham and' . be prea:rtb ed by ,:The "Solerm~· 80"". Tbese ~ the " •• De 1lJ1men& are so~~"ai..~ ~: offlclalB1!t:n Mr. jUld Mrs. Rhbeft Slney a~ ' agaln enwr iaw. The alate d1rec:tor would be a.,. days when our , te motber ~ b~ with the a ~e .0':0' l • the a~ servICe In slmilar. posItIon l pointed by this board a' l~ ~er. Bunda7at the~' tnatead 0; tbe lothes out of o~ue Jeane. our uncUes :t~ae· J~. Jleiah lel'i IUCb releued ~. fA!'. < f __ of Ill'. . 1'1 ........ and 'lin. w·, WaJ~ All <8e!ker c1Iw:na are " .' '. . out of cantob %lUine' imd mother !"6 ~ .- ..... : , I ., . 1 8prlliib The PederaI Census Bureau re- governor as at 'Present br:o. , ' , n><o"., ·Wi• ., ....-'-'>·.. - .1 'a u ' . ' and giandmotiller krllt us tboee lon~ .' r,a~~~ &ad inade ~ ' m :~- lOrted August 26 that Ohio is spend• ....u .. ....IITUW , Mr. a~ Mra. Earl Olan ~d M1IB ' . . " Woo1~ .toc~ of dlfferen t colors torl. .. Mildrett Davia ~f rD~toa ,were cUD!. .Lebano n oUlce Phc)ae' . und, ~e:.!..U e" prebqr;no nl'thlui three times as' much ' W co Theremoney Ua-Kare no •• ....,.. " .or Il'III and we ' " 'WOre boOts with . copJ)!lr toes. . ' ..... .'.. ," net '. , rueate S~clay of lira AJte8 re.. 9.8o.... ..~rrGw Pllone r -J for ~ral go.vermental functions. No. ' . , ' . Our diM, Lam eure, passed Into '.' • IUf,. ,ray ~. I~' .' • ~'. c:om~ '9Vltil a few. years ago . . hi@ lIChooj" In 1810 ' ~. • hc. t h· Oeo, J. 01 fonrier d " piUtlcu larly fot chartttea and schools ~. '~ lira. ~t..MIa' ~~~=~==~~ ' i ~ . as :IX~ . . Do you le . ap~ '" .'. he .ezpencUtures for QPeratlon and . :8a.rUa, ~t and ,Mr. and un. membe r how J~ wore his wti\alt~r s ~1I:t-~:: o\~ IHarold Wbitat er and cbUdftln · at.{ ·~t.e~ce Qf 8uch I}UlCtlOOs sty. Appro~tely ~ weets from In thOle ,daya? He I~t ~ bea'!'d IJ!OW uai 'br'in \0 tbit 'd lffIcUlt ";"'t1o rockete d from f,f9.382,0 tendecJ . &be ~t . ~ at · 00 In 1932 to da.t e of appllcat lon those bualnea8 10ng but. abaVllCi li18 ~ clean, 011 , ....~ -.... SP~lngborO. BUnday. a Illan .. 'WI a .._..._ pubile' ~ '175.257.000 in 1937. in line with the people who have made appUcau8fl 61'111. sid.' they rhcbed down qUl~ ' ~ baa bad I .' ~_ nationa l trend. The state spent only for Mr. and ~ Alfl'ed Jones . aDd ' • mund receive their cheolra aways, Don 't .' D rce....... Ua_ . eDc.e ~:e :e10oW o -Mauo: ::: ciuans;. N4~,OOO. Sohoola ' coats - I of BoUtber'n In 1932 from the Treasur er of State. A ~ . I remMmber ~ of the Incid~n . With 'tl I ... "'-'___ tateCI fI2.731.000 as COlD~ with shows Sbat tile Mrs. Charles 8kIenatdCter and averap _les tax re- reJated tIy.JIIaa DfJdaim In thl3 room ......: . u ve · seln~"C: won ldJ::'le__ "......... fliII,CUrOOO In 193'1. There was little IIIa8 ·BeatrlCe ~. ;;;~ot~Belmon~~~.;~~=t:~=~~=.j fund for the Orat half of the year £t.ta 'L'aylor atld PlOl'& ' Woolley . ..... Q ~r an d ' ....". or .... af aa a I ;~ at· mujor e.nd lieuten ant oOJonel' !~ ~ ' afternOQn . ~ .' ~ ." - . . . U. change In the expendl~ures for ..hae"1lDWunted to :'6.10. of' ...... h'Oiii ........ .......~ .... Al~oug UId'llr a b ~e o~ ~ '''fb:row Out, It' j .' CoI6t; Oatantt. ...... N« ..... ' ... fervid e1 t ears as Ohio Ad 'iltant 'blgh~8, the f1guns be.l na . .' l· . , o~ ,.'. '15.398:-- halt of the ~tums In tbls cJaaslf1ca-' "~e .Une " an~',ma ' ~~ .' ~"11ieI\IIIa _ 7. . . . m; etal ~ Go mo ' ~ ny ...klndred ~99 in 1932 and 115.487,000 In 1937. tlon are ~ 8Dyde~ ~ MrI~,B. B• .=-~-:':U.f-=~.., und,er ,1·00, It Is Intet'ea Wli songa.; Tbey U81!d to ente~ WI .,t &lUi whtte both ~_.: , .. are attendiD g ,II. &. ':000- ~". ~_..:.. ~~ to note that ODe veod~. Bart Dtap.. Intermlal1ona. · ;.... '. , ,I:I~ IIf;polnimeqt removes :the hnl.' The Citizens' Tax League of Oblo Incorpo Del&wUe .t bl, week. Mr. . . . _:..... _.' ';. .::-=. ;':.-_ / rated, of ~, ~vedl Iam 'won~erlpIr If you . . ~t'tI..."\V flom the poUtlca1 foOt-tlau has be~ an audit of the State ~ ,,~MlCKIE SA~ 111- '1.310.17. which ~ , Ute- hlIheat Diet' ~. , One day 'for some iJld!v1J!jon for nnt time In 't he h1a- dustriaJ Comml&slon. In a w11l · re~ • press re- l\!1lOunt .refunde d for .!he year; ttacttpn of the rules;, . tot .of the tnat1 tIon ' Pro~, G~ !ease the League states the purpose wbJle another , Mr. Olear Marple ot caused ... A ' a . 010\ ........... Dick ' to ~ . on the , ~• Is to determi ne "wheth er pawing Al11am:e, was returne d WII5. 'r~ ' ." .~ .. AEII ... three • ~ta:near the bOys e!~tranI». door. 'Ioo ...8 Ohio banks ~portlng W through' the Comml.sslon·s 0U~ :M~ ~M'oa:u lUes by for his old IIales tax atamJl!l. . b8d" ~ \~il ~aPhr in the State · Bank Pc]:X'rtment as 01 ambUlance cbasl'l'S can be prevent .~x. . ~~ , . . . banda; Tben audd~hl. Y .b e., Jtltl~. 30 , IhoweJ .r.:/IOiu-oea amount - ed:. wbethe r overpayment of clalme The driest AIJIUIt ~ maD7 1~ the ~ &be d~ ~:\'5II f,(, ltlSUL"1$ lng, to .1,566.1189.400,. an . Id due to lax adminis tration: Wheth has resulted In collslder!able ~4L4. '11!1 .1NIftr$ QP . ,~ do~ the ~~ ~ PrOleu or a.ner .> ~1Y ~n f40.000,OOO ·from er the securities held In the Work- to late crops bere ~ ooa.~_ c.-.L41CM!& ', ~. A8r1. l?;1m. ,J;loftl~ ~, It .mlght have beetl . ~~r' 31, ina. . . ' men's, Compensation Pund are less cultura l Agent D&vIcI:.R ~ey. . ~ ~~ M~f!$, .8am, Way~, or O~ · Edw~ ~t I , ____ than the $55,000.000 they represent" ~t month ~ said by many bellet~ It lW,", (>rimse Raper . . • : .l. w~o . Ohlo"8 taUe£t I!talk' of COI1l, 18 feet and "Why recommendaUons of sur- farmers \0 have been tile dr1eIt tooIr h1a Pbsltlon at the East wtndo~ .6'1i wiles, was o~ of the 11'18 en. veys .durlng the past 20 years have Auguat In 1& years. ; '. and ' an~olinced to t!Je rema1n~er ~df ,tria; at '~ stale fair.' Xt waa P'OWD been Ignored." Com cutttnr .. well UDder ,,..,, ID us ~ ~ to t~e ~ ' . by , B!U1le~ itDugber. MarIem ont. Warren AXlunty and the ~rop wUl not ''TIIey, are qtr....:~ ' Profess or &Old he waS: aw.,de d ,111, and the be as good &8 Ia8t JeaI' owlnl to the galriJn s"-and maDY Bwh r emarks oOv~ ~ tr6pby. .• lack of mol.atUre, Bally~ : :,. z;e~lndlhl one '?i . ' h~ race-:-
In Old 'Monterey
.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=Z!!!!~!!!!I ~:::.,u:~ ~.«*IIe
State Capital News
PREPARING FOR CI:e:;~ .=:0::::: :en~~ ABUSY SEASON ~J: !t~~ car~IS. ~nne~
And y Hard y 'Gets
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Co-uum '·7 Co ' _u.. a:-t News rAuc• tion . M·artIn ' ===oe=== -==== =-== =:== ==== ==== ==-=-" eer
Ed. KllPfot.r1clt TeD=o 8erV1ee staMre, Don Smith and son at Xenia tien, guollnl i. Sfiutts TexILCO gted her parents Mr. and M:l'S. Service, SMOlin•. $111.l4; lfatha.way·s James OSborne the past . wee)t. In U!e ~tter of t.he estate of Te~QO Service. gasoUne . $15.83; Mrs. Kate ~yqf and · daughte r !II&W 11JIT8 Raobe1 A, Pettit. deceue d, flret aDd Conner 's Service Station, Annette and Fay Brown at ,Dayton ------ b U f1na1 accoun HUed, ' paoUne. $3,~I. ~ . , vISited. Mr. and Mrs. ·G . V. Sims on Annabe lle WQI'lanani y RW!118 III the matter ' of the Priday. Wolfe, her father and next friend. Tom TbompsoO. deceue d:estate of first. and · Mrs Ada Courtn~ of WaYne~lle va. Elwood . Workm an; divorce. (l'OSI f~ aOoount tUed: was a'recen t guest 'or M,rs.' J . T. Wal nellect of duty. In the matter of the .tate or •• E;'SEASON SALE . . , ton. C.nt.ryll~., JOIeph 0, BOlan and Bernard J . 8amUe1 Albert. Bania; prlyate sale , j Mr. and !/D's. John O'Donnell of Hopo, Bam1lton, Oblo. n .. James of persona l proPert y ordered Phon e 71J . -- Clevelarid and MarIe Wlhl of ColumPatterso n. ~; for money only, In the matter of the estate Of S· D. Ferris at~nded tl)e State bus were weekend guests.of Mr. and amount clalmed. (~lec:l hUDdred dol- WUllit.m Villars, deceased; END S SAT URD AY applJca- Fatt. In Columbus, Wednesday. Mrs. Frank ~ne . lara (11500,00): toiIetber wtth inter- tion fpr the appoin tment. , appra1s Several frollil this vicinity attendMelle Benson of Lytle vISited est and the COlts of thiI action, e' e. ed the ' Clarlui:vllle home comln J at ... mad Ifftu Prank A. RoIa \'I. June Bumpb rlea folks on Sun-". . Ft. Ancient. Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. Blem.e of Cincinn ati ROu. a manor; divorce, IP'OII neclect II&-BI &GE U ... ....... SE8 Mr. and 141:'5. Erble Powell were _ '" ."... of duty. were weekend guests of Mrs. Susan v1altors In Lebanon, Satur- Doulllas and Minnie Cook. , Robert A. Borden, 34. laborer, day. Mrs. Mary McMan us at Dayton COMMON PLEAS PaoCE EDING 8 PN~""" and '!belma M Cleve er. Mr. and MrS. Glen.n Davis and Is spendin g ,this week :::.::... _ _ I." with her slS. ng MIss Marjori e, were Dayton visitors 33 . - . ...... "'·........n. Prtd Sam ·L. Bmlth vs. Villa.. of Lebter Mrs. Prank Kyne . Joseph Slezak. 26, pressman. Mlday. Mr. and Mrs. F'oTest Grandi n vlsanon. OblO; leave to roe ans~er dletown. and Ruth Ballinge r. In. Mr. and Mrl!. Fred Thomps on at. Ited her parent.<; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. , 1J'IUlt.ed. PranItl1n. .' tended the MA:lberly reunion at Bu- Walton On SUnday. Florence ~. Jones VI. WlUard A, lenmla b Glover. 26, laborer. iMd- lord. 10 Highl8lnd county, Sunday. Mr. and Mq;. Wayne Peterso n of Jones;beaJ1ng on aUmony ae. for dletown nd Vlrglnla CUtlem an. 21. .John M. Willson and Mrs. Mary Xenia. v1s1ted on.Bun AUiUIt 30, INt. day With Nellie Lebano • aboth colo ed WUSOz1 af Lebano n. spent trom Bat- Peterso n, ,, Rutban a WWlams ..... Obarlel J, W~ Pred~ 24. stu- urday unUl Monday. with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Sims were Sun WWlams; defenda nt to pay attome y dent Wddlet own and Mary Isabelle Mrs. AlmOD Pt!rrls. feee. day guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Chas. • . MJsae3 Mlldr'ed and Mary Ellen Auppu rpr, 23. teacher. Wddlet own . . UnderwOOd of near WaynesvUle, 'Harry Hartrel ter v•. Otto Hartfel wuuam Taulbee , 23. truclt driver. IRoberts , of WUmtngtoo. were Satur· Ralph Hartsoc k of St. Louts. vis~r. an 1neompetent, et al" conflrm - Lebanon. and Mellable Back. 24, day over night guest.<; of Miss Anna ted over the weekend with relative'; I ation and cUetr1butiOft of proceed I, houseworlE. LebanOn. • Mae Reynold l. Mrs. Hartsoc k and chUdren who Mr. and Mr.!. Maynar d Hackne y have been here tor the past PROBA Ta COOT six . entertai ned thj,lr parents . Mr. and IlEAL 88TA n TBAN8F E1U1 weeks returne d home with him on Mre, Hackney, of Wilmington. Sat- Aoor day. Eleanor Copsey . aocbm. In the matter of the estate ·of Lulu Walter-;-~ Howard urday night. and Sunday , "OOT FOR AND CONSI~" panled them home tor a. weeks' vaJames Elmer .Bercaw. deceue d; flnt Shall . I til N 300II 3100 roar Cattle, bop, IbMP arad calv.. 3101 Mr. and lire, Frank Sams cation "Oed er. 0 03. to Norrill-B rOtlIr Ct." live win ~ an d final accot un. • , . alai. 3103 and 3104 in Deerfie ld town• tained a group of relatlve s Sunday prom- Ive 1l'1li f9r the Iat.bMI I b In the matter of the I\IU'dS8IlIb1p IhIp. Mable Moon spen t the weeken d . a.t ~er wrum they were ce e market pricM aDd !fOOd Mrilee, of Samuel Brtmer deeeue " ayton. With Mr. and Mrs. M. C. d; RUby Cleo Dea to Anna E BraCk tt. 10g Mrs. Sam's birthda y anniver ratU.IOD -eIre. Yanla' CI_....... 0. Brlxner . appolDtecl' suardia sary Barl ' n. ' .. at. Tane if! on Radio StaUO'll wen ey ,_n~__ l , . __ : .. , e , \Ther chUdren. Vernon and AlIce of ..... I.Cft8 OIl M . Fred Sh Ae& an _ ..._up. ood f Col bus ' )2:26 tn tt:IIO p, . . for 0111' claD, t rs. erw In ~ matter of:: -::ate • a um ~enry NIcley to Ernest Haug anll D~~: were ~mongf t : = pres~ spent market "POrtl! : several days with her sISter Jamea Oona. deceI • Hazel Viola HaUl; lot ~o. 67 10 the e spec len a pray g Mrs. Ralph Houston lind family . approve d, vl1lase of PranltlIn. Iman~ was found one day recently I Mrs. FranciS Topp1o vISited her In the mat_ of ~ .ate of ... ... Huel Brook . to Roberta E. Crane Iamong th~ flowers at ,the home of , daughte r Mrs. Jess Conners and Luella JeJUlIn p, d"cellled; 1nbel1- and Robert It. Crane, lot No, 110 In your correspondent.. We c&ptured family in Dayton t.&r!cc tall det.ermblecl , . on SundllY and CIh ~ f Lebano Mr . (or Mrs) ManUs and held it M d In the matter 01 the ..tate of · ~:.. ~ to ~bert S. Kinprisone r In. a ul~ Jar for quite a '\ ::~rner famUy reunion ... Jurdao; deceuec l; bond DeY and Thoma s 0 .was I n .... _ ; Jot whlle and watched Its many antics held at th country home . " - Tn 0 0 ' " rectucfId , of Mr. and Large r Becau se of Better Qualit y, Servic e, and Price - ' .. , before ' It 0 relea.s1n ir . It ."A · tter f . ."A _ ....A of No. 113 In the vUlaI6 of Boutb Leb- S d e 4 ......... . : t th h '" ..::.~.,==.~ In ..... ma , Oeo W Mrs. Joe Smith 0 ...... ---: " anon. . on Sunday . ge . . . un aya 'e ome o. a" IMI!J ...... . . C&thul De A. Palmer. deceue d. 10- Ola.ra Smith Eatabl ished 1849- 1939 Mr, and Mrs. Stubbs of Dayton Wayn e.ville . Phone 32. to Edward Grlmes ,~VII and M1'. 1~1l Mrs. Olennr Davis visited her grandm other Mrs. Sarah ____ ____ ____ __. .. ...;.;;..._ _....-:0._ _ ~..:c-::.;: ':8Ilt.ol7 ~JlPlVved. _ _ _..:;;....... 8DCl1Ia mJe Grtmea ; 47-100 acre 10 and f~y, near Wellma n. wa.s as· OSborn on MondAy . _~II=..:.In the matter of , . . . . . of YWap PI . sembled a comJP8llY of relatlve a and The Hartsoc k family held their reQeorp S.......m. ~: ~ . ara.Ym, Bart Kerwin to J E friends compllm enttng thelr guest union at Bear Branch on Sunday . on inftllto rr ·. for . . . . . 1', IaDIwa rtby and BlIlora KtnaW~rtsy; Warren Cleave)~. of Detroit. Those Mr. and Mrs E. C. Hartsock nnd ace.,., ......... ..... It II ... I In .tale mattet' at fiNale of at'No. II in tb "'''A_ ........ ... ~ .... I.-!II l(on PoUe f D'''8 vii' present were: 1Mt'. and Mrs. Ira (a_"" Mr ~nd d Md' cerUflcatJ of Mrs Lew Har~k e ._'" 0 n.~e _ _ _ __ .... des. . . .-::..:::::::;:::::-:;:::-. tu:lWe r :'':eIt;~ ont.ed . _ James II. Carr ~ Earl Jam,. ,e Hartsoc k Mr II d Mrs Joe Jackson ..... ....". . - ' . and and ~ ohuJ:en of' Da.yton Mr and family, and Mr. and • Mrs. W. E ita The at best ·th8 time _' __ to enjoy "artistlc " l By the time · a man has learned Lula .JarvIs; 11,3 S:1'es in ·tadkMJ r ea....... and Mrs 0 E =a Of' n . ,Crlter and.tam11y .I~ ma . , .---. .... toWDahlp. those things is after a full meal. . " bow to handle money. he's lost It·all, . D, ear "hI> attende d from here. . ot Robert ~elII. belrtna ~ appIlPrecI 0, Abney &ad Lou Erele Ab- WUnlinston. Mr. and Mrs. ' Joe D~v1s Mr. Olayton Bollers and other T-:::=:;::-'7~ifl~1 caUoD of I'\iU'diaIIIhlp lit fw 8ep- ney to Joe Ooft'ey and Dora COifey; and R1chard ~ Clf Harveysburg. and membe teuaber 11, rs of his family at~nded the Iota Noa: 248 ..,ad M7 in the vWap Was Ethel llaJa.non. of Tlppeca noe /funera l at his br9ther.-ln-iJ!.w Mr. In. .....~"- 01 tile eaa-.te of of PI'aDklt n. . City, . ... . Camero n of Greenfi eld On Tuesda y, C:LroltDe ~. \......- ; ,aobedNeWton A. ..Prank.s ' aDd 'lfanole ~ Mr a~d .Mrs. · ~.hl)on_ Ferris very ~Mr. Camero n was t1lre(f In an llutou~f-'t ~ appiute c!; , • . ~ PrIula . to A Kellnllf and quietly obllervecll . their flfty·foUrth. mobile acciden t on Saturda y. - In matter Of Cbe pardIa nIbIp oeJeI&e C. KeUDer; ';'.M acres in weddin g ~veraary. Sun~a.y.. at Mrs. Joe Walton of Denver. C01001 lid. .· ~ IIOp\1D L deCene d: DeerfteJd'toWDllbJp. thelr home near Oregon l,a . Those rado . IS spend10g some time Yo'ith tbird account mid, -Amor lIWer' and. JUl1a IIUJer to who partoolt of a swnptu ous dinner . Mrs. Harting er, Mrs, E. Hood Ilnd JJr mdttel' of - - of PrecI IIUS11lnan and Kathlee n IIUSiat the noon hour. were, Mr. and other relatives. ' . OAtrit 8plltb. 'daceue cl. ale IdD or- 11DaD; lot No, 301 In the vWqe 01 lira. Sherma n If'errts, Mr.t and. ~ra' i Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Crites of dr.ed filed. ....... ' Georve Beekett and sons, Oharles Pittsbu rg were weekend guests of his Tn the matter ~ the . . . . of JoIeiIb B 1tlaer and Lucy G Kia- WWlam and Donald Ll!!ter, at ne~ •parents Mr. and Mrs. W. E. crites ~ J, 00II1q . ' dee. . .; oertUII.aIe ler to J~ C, JO~; ' lot N~. 24 ,Blanch ester. John Wi'son anll Mrs, tranater anil distribu tion ~ ~ In tbf, Cold 8~"' .. n - campln ' IIar1 . W1lson. ~af , Lebanon, Pour furt.btIr ordered Sa. iepurt , ........... .. g lenerat ions werl! ' present to the d80 tile cUdrtIIU~ . • .Prank Y_I U¥I ~race Yeazel 118ht of Mr. and Mrs.• ~. Thelr the matter of ,tile ~ 01 An- tb Barry II. 'Roland Harriet B. friends Join in extendi ng congrat uI. ,. 11 Md, teport 01 ad- Roiand'. 71-100 acre 'in the vil1ale of lations on tlhls occa8~n. miIIII&r atrbI approte d . Mrs J. S Piler and ' daughte rs. . • Lebano1i MIss Berttl~ imd Mrs. James Hartestate at ,. , _ ....... ~ 1M lloore.lof IliDor; aetUeme to Pearl Den-· sock ·were Xenla v1altors Friday. Watbout ' &ppOIDtmlnt .Dt of - - ; ~. ~I_, ... 0, , _ ... t b e ... ...1Bruce' Wean returne d to his ho~e ll1l~~ . . of, ~, .'1. In Belmon t sunday : He'has been a AdJa. P, KiDney , deceaIe d, to ~Bundre ds or thousan ds of boys house guest ~t Mr. and lI,{rs. Jesse . 8 K1DneJ. ~ c . . ~y 'and young men read THE AllER-' Roland,-aU summe r. and '~e L Brown; lOt NQ. ~I~ lOAN BOY MagazI ne every month Mr, and Mrs. p. J. Thomas and ~ . or Bou~ , Lebanon, ' and eonsldex it more as a Uvlnl Mr. and Mra. T. R. Fordyce vlillted Lilcetta oJeDklIw. decease d; heal1Dc IkI:ltJ CIIamb era ~ Prank L, cOInPamon than as a maluin e, Newcom be ' Tavern m In Dayton ., ....=+_ for ~ I. ~ ctaa . . . . to !fen, A. 11&11; "It's as muclJ a buddy to as day and ~led on the E. H: SctiuIn ,~ matter 01 ~ . ....../. 0( '/0 III the YWaIe' oI~, . Jo&. No, " my nelghborhOOC1l chum" writes oDe makers afterwa rd. , A. Rartaoc lt. ~; , _ , "When Tomorrow Cornel." the Unlvarl&l Product ion alward 8cbooIey. dec:ea$ed. to high school senll)r: "'ffi.E AMElL. I!ast Sunday .unltee Oharles Boyer and Irene Dunne In theIr .:~ ' ~w. the .. Mr. and Mrs, appoint ed 8UCUtor. . LaUra ~e)" , aDd .,Fr!U* lOAN 'BOY SeelIl8 to underst and a Je&~(J Hess and family lIether. lInk.s the Itars in a vlt8llov e ItOry played " (~""' :"' .~ " sPent the day ., .round III &be matter of tbe:. ~f ~ . ..Jo& ,llo, 21n the, vWage 01 boy's proble!M alnd conslders or a recent hurrica which devasta ted portiOu C)r them with ) Mr. l:~ and Mrs" ~\ISSIil ~ llfUJT8.Y I ,. land. Boyer will· be leen ne 0tIarp ........., deCeaied; .~ ~.psam, as a famoul French plan lilt, whUe '. In such a sympath et.1c and helpfUI !llnd fainUy at Leesbur g. ,.'l:t-::-:\.:.~ ~"'~If . Dunne III a waItres , appoint ed adm1ntliratliX, s who meetB and lalll In love with him. ,T.~, by eltee\JtoI'. w.ay: It lives advice and entertai n.. Mr, and ' I ~~~::.; y, ~ . Thll Intensely enterta lnlnc drama will . bt! sUown at the Mrs. Victor Olass and ~ Ill' t.hiI mailer of the estate of to ~ B. Borner; XIlJl~ 1 III,. acres in IDa 'Theate r~ r for three on every .ublect In , Meam. Pred Jlubble and Maiu1ce daYB 8tartlnc Sunday. Septemher 10. In lupport - ~ !l¥.de )~{O! -:-I,\~-- Inn II, Wet~. deceall d; Obulee Wa:rne toWJllbtP, ' . . lDll rolel' ."fll be Been Barbara O'Nell, Onslow SteVinl , N)'dla . which a young. fellow is Interest ed. ,Hunter ,vISited at the parsona Wea'-,j 'J, W8ft'Oqer.appoblt ed actmln "ft- , ~Ib~ <~; ge iman, Fritz Feld. Nella Walker and Oreta Meyar, • 'to , R aJ_. It II partlcul arly helpf~ In sports. M;onday eve~ and. spent " ' ! ~:::: ... . ... - . " ...... , .. ~ ... " ~~t1:,.., ...... ...... ~. the eve' ..... .. " • • t' , 10111 NOI, 1M . ~ l ~~ our 5ch~101 basketball team 'j Dlng playing croquet "'~~ ~ ~Q. trJiaI.' . III tile ~ of the elt&te of, ~O~. JIOU~. , ~ of ~D" beca~ of -playing tiPS I read In _Rev, Carl Smith spate at the ... =;;:.~~~~=~~~~~~Iwwwn ~ . .; ~ ued; J~ of ~ ~f ~.n. d~, THE ·AMERICAN BOY opening exerelSes of the Bellbrook ~ cirdend '· . . ~~. twemab. ~ RoJIeI¢ .L-. lIanY famous '.athlete! In a11 \5ChOOl TUesdaY .mornin g. , . lD 't~ .matter of. ~ • 4...... of ~; 4110 acres ~ ~eld IJIOI1.!s Credit m!1Ch of thelr success The W. C. Smith flUllUy were 5UP: ~: to ·.helpful su:ggestiODS .;ecelved , per guests. of Mr,'and Mrs. Coy Oiled copt of 'eDt17 ~ ,io ~ With !RV:!N S. COBB . . ~ aportII art,lciea carried In THE ' Uam Thursda y .evenlng . LIb b ' __ .. tb;e- 'iiIt&te ~ ,~; IOta"Noe. 68 AMERICAN sQy MaPztne· Virtu- , The TrI-sta~ club met at ', the " .... B. ~ttoD, ·deceaiI d; flnt· ~ We BnJdeN~ ~ , allY eYerJ luue. uffers advlce from a jhome qt Rankin Llnvllle at Warpla , jDd ,f IDallC Oo.UD t",: . townah1sI~ ., f,, '···'. : 'am~ ~ 011' player. l. burg Prlday eventlll With 21 pr~f'nt . , In . .. .of · &tie.. .... . IIenba ~ 'I'rtvtowo .to 'l'tiOIDu B. basketb all. ~, tennis• Footbal C!l .. In fact . Mr. and "'~~IL "" ftnt . ~ ' '''~ 4, Tcnmsl~; eYer')' major aport 18 covored In flc- and Mrs. Mrs, Fred Huj)ble. Mr. Coy GWlam. Mr. and Mrs... . By lRVIN S. COBB . ' ~ No, a in the,~ of' ~ ~ ~ fact artIclee. ". · Earl Hubble aild Mrs, Marjorl e lo.. '""L O'nRTEN, who waa a minstrel man, _ ..... or . . I " ,. told me that once he l~~ed -r,achen, Ubtartans. parents and ~ke and soO' were guests at a. plc- ~~th. a troupe i!~~!I=ril" ~~; i~ II. Virgini a tuwn btu'ely i~ time to JriV!' the e"II~ID. bo,. dUbs .also recom' .nic supper held on the Lester Ger- IarY ~;;-I&, lteoeIilOlkl" InYeb:' at~ parade before the hour for the matinee. Outfitte d f~r m~h~ ·.AlrllDUOAN BOY elL hard lawn WedrieadaY evening. t, - . . . ' . , ~-· f,ltbll• •,,It.IcIllly, TbeY haVe found ' 0rY!lle'~Y~ st week wl~l\ , that Us • pnenl rule r~ reaL hie' broth~ Paul imd family. "._''''''''''.' . 10 Mid of 'I'mI' AimRIO AN Boy ad- dletown, . \ moI;e ra~iliJy .and ' deXeJop. SUndAy iUeilt.s of Mr. and Mrs,! ~lUIIcterLst~ ROua"'BOlt.on were Mrs. Mae Smith; . ;110 do DOt read it. . Mr. an~ 'lira.. ~ · Bmlth. Mr. . . _.... A. Larrimo re fnd ..... the' pUed off the "t'raJn to11nd V' , ~ .~ewa. ,~QreI'II, f~ ~d ~.andlliJ. J, P, Bo~n "a ' 'e'~p'tion ' eommtttee of r,e~es.. .' ,' ~ Dl~ su~ ~ .~' ~ or Columl) us.. '. " l!el'1 da'rky In the ' cr.)wd ,,&5' 'anxiouS ·to ~ the, Job ...·,:,.,...~:~~~Jt.uI~IIf.Ib!Jl~!8II ·,and" 11Mb" " J_. :wtth,·an '.1Ir, .. ~ 1Ire~ J~ t.~decl . Of the oow bannera , not:'~\lne. 10J' ,thll ;sa,,"o "'·hl...,';" I"I< "'~ 'baft It(tprocl Uclllia TBII ~e State fau; ' at Columb us las\' · . ......I . . . ... ~A iii exchang e for 'UW duty but fOT t'1ae added .• 101')'f ttl" o~ ~,'''.aa'l rAll_~~'··BOY, tbe 1ort0! 'diMt-
SA,TISFACTION . Or 'No C.• r..
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THE MIAMI man's Civic t.ea.aue" .wIll lie held at the Mille or Mr& ClYde ~, Bat --" l1rday evenlilA'; september ·9~. .• Mrs cirrie Antrlilh returqti<,t to Tbla ·wlll .bQ tlle \.Wiln_ . nUh 111\her ~me ,1n Dayt.on. TueSday after , Illvers&r')' of .the ~tlon or UMI spending the 8WJUm~r here. ,League .and tbere Wl11 tie a special , program. All members are Mrs" ~na. Hart/lolc~ otten~ed the &-ttend ' , . Burn~tt reunlon '~t 8pr.lngboro. $un. .
0IIBI8T W C. Smith. MhtIda•
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,,' , 1I1blc School be~ns lit 9 ,30 a . m. AI'll! IIr welcome a.walts you and your Children: . . ' clay. c' The Lord's table 1.s 10 ••6 M'rr Woodhouse of OlnGinnatl W08 a. m. An d, all or Gods children have the Of Iiler mother, Mrs. L .Ight t o • . Mary Johnson. MOl1ldny. . Olll'lsL/on EndeJI.vot mov 'balck ~IISs Marie Owellli of Delaware, O. ,to 6:45 m. rhe l~der ' Will be rred n teacher In the hllgh scl\ool. wlll 1ST.. MAY'S EPISCOPAL Oet.1.\!. . . stay at the itome this school year. . CHURCH ' preaching service Is moved tack to ~es Annie ' ~D<~ Mame 'Browne Rev:Ii. L. lIackweJl, Rec&or tl:\c otl1 time 7:30 p. m , Las \. week for t he evenLng sei'vlcc ' there , W~ an atvisited Mrs. Louellia Browne alld t.endance of 94. come lilts us do betfamily of CenterylUe. Saturday, Friday september 8, . 2 P. 111. - ,to r tbls Sunday' evenlr)g. Mrs. Harriet MoOoy returned t o Woman'a Auxillary at the h~me of WEDNESDAY hcr hOlDe In Sp,rlil8ifleld Tuesday. Mm, C. H, Brace Pray,cr and B.lble study 7 :30 p . 111. , Misses AllI'lle. and ~Mame Browne 14TH SUNDA,Y ·AFTER TRINITY attended the weddIng of MLss Julia 7 '30 a. in. Holy Communion Browne In Centerville, Friday eve ~ 11 a. 01. Mornlng Prayer and 6el'- - FERRY CHUROH OF CHRIST nlng. ' , W. C, Smith. MJnlster man. Mr. and Mn.. Flrank Wertz and 'rOESDAY Mrs, Harriet MdCoiY atten<).ed ~he '" jI. III. Nursery Church SOhool. BUNDAY "Reds" ball game 11, ClnclnnatL Bat - FRIDAY 9:9'0 a. m. The Bible SchOOl ciaJls urday. MrS. wertz accom-parued' her Woman's AUXlliary sew~g. us to wOI'8h1p. r..a., t Sunday attendhUSband to their helme In Springfield 7:30 p. m. OlrJil' Prlenc1ly Group: aOCe was ru.s, . after s pending the week h~rll with 10:45 a. m . The members have relher mother. MI'8. l ! 4 e C o y . . lowsiltp at the, Lord's table.
d~ner" gueSt
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. , NEW YOR • (SpeeiaI)-PicnJckQl's art' 111'1 , ' ( , feel at home .al,the ~ew York World's F.';r. i' · tured here is • happy group cnj pying ox Ill , 's beneath brill'~tly striped umbrel13s wh'.'!, " '!
the picnic srea at tbe Fair groun ' ; '( '.! " I .luncheon al !resco a pleasant inte rl Uli r; r Jt 1I,E.
-- - -
Mr. and Mrs. J , ,L., Mondenhall'j METHODIST OIiuRCB MI'8: Margaretta' ~:f1Ilcock. Mrs. Emrna Plerr:e, Dr anel Mrs. Dudley Roc Rev, ;John V. LacY. Pastor ver, Mrs. ' Lea~ Hartsock . ond Mrs. C. H. Deatherage attended the fun": SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1939 eral of EUgene Foster, .Saturday. at 9 :3D-Sullday SChool, R.. D. COllett, Foster; O. ,s uperintendent Mrs. Oatl'fe DaJlItortb Oreg lO :40-0Qnference Sunday no wor Wellington. 0.. and her son, Robert ~rvlce, Oregg of PlttSburfth. were Saturday evenSng supper guests .at the Home. 2 :00"':"Frlendsh'l p Club with ¥rs" Sunday dinner guests at the HOme GoldJe Borden. wim~; ¥r. a.n d Mrs. Ernest MarUn. and Mr. and Mn. Morris Roeskin of
(:.!'in.c: th nj~ tour of the huudreds' of:fuclnaUng ::!lib ;l.s, I\nd they find that the bin thin,. at the 1 ;" ;\ ,,! i,·ce. 'During the first month of the expo-• ' ; ~ '1 the average per capita e%Pf!Jlditure within t '~h' was $1.17 and this Included restaurant , { {, r mo~t of the visitors•
DAfl)n ·,M~N ARE Kroger .Siores. Provide f. AWARD'ED DIPLOMAS Hall-Priee CoupeDS onYtOn: Dr. an4Mrs, J.' W;, Ward of Harveymurg; Dr. and,Mrs. DUdley
UnUlcatloD of the MetllOdist Ep'sICOpal and the Methodist Protestant Churches tn Ohio was completed
Football' fans bere'WI» bate an op- Keever of Oentemille; Mrs. Alta.GalWednesday. ' . The NRtlo ~ al Dalrv As.~oclnUon portunity to see the 0pen1ng ADler- Ve'rl and daug)lter Helen, I1nd MIss Both ~enomlnatfons gatbered ' at has nwaldea d iploll1aR to £evern] lean PrOfessional Pootball LeagUe Mabel WUson of Selma. 0 ., Miss ',t1}e annllal contere~ e at the Meth, WalTen COllDty fnrlll for a chlevebetween the Oinclnnatl .Bengals ~ Lou O. B. LeWis.
odiat EpisCopal ChUrch In Delaware, ment In herd' deve'1opmcut ana but- and the Chicago Indians &t xavier Members .o f thl~ , annual board of 0""". 1 't' d t1 Satthe F'11encl$' Hom . e h eld thelr meet....,. and . ceremoniously fonned I ' teraproucon ' Unlverstty Stadium, CiileJnnati, . . beW ' Ohl!> COnference of tbe . ' urday ,ntght; ,8epteDlber 16 fol' balt- ing here, Tuesday'. Those in attendMethod!! t Church. Acoordlng to c.ol~nt:Y' A e~.t DlaVltl price througb , s))4ic1a.l arrangements anee were, Tllo~U! Calvert and 0 ~ imWcatlaa or ..u.lDIIIohes or r a .Bal}ey. fanners In th is VI~ nlty made by the Kroger ,Orix:erY & Be,t- lando Batto~ 'of Selma, 0 ., Mrs, lfethodlam wa& approved at a .\olnl with Oll..'II.a.l1ClLng h erds and tbe Avcr- Lng COmpany in stores throqghtut Gertrude Themas or Richmond , Ind. convention In Kansas City ljuIt /Wrlng ~ij !cal'ly qUR I)t.iJ; os of but(erfaL the its Clnc1nnatJ district. Mrs. Dudley Kee'ver of Centerville :
~ denominations In the North- c WS produr ~ n,r e : William ,Dost'!r. ..Accord1ng to the Kroger arrange- Seth Pumas. :Yr, and MI'8. J . I,. EUt Dllstl'tct conipleted a Slmllar 1~ ~WS, 3~8 f.o u · cIs ot ., buttel!', ment8, a couJ>oa entitllng the hoieer Mendenhall, Mra, Keller Hoak, Mrs,
He,J.i!:lett and E~ McMIl11!-n . 6 "co,w&, to a '~.10 l'i!served tl~tet. for t he Martha Henderso;n. Mrs. Amos Cook 402 pot! lds; Tl e LlIkens. S~oc1t Farm Bengat~Ind1an 8l\l1le at ba1t1lri>ie and R. H. ~~. " 11 CqVllI, 425lJ')Q,\~ml~ . . ' f ' . wm be liiven with every P\U'Cbase of ' Use The ~ml Qar.ette The D,\'Il\':l$e wete f or the year Hot-Dated Co1fee at KiOiJer atorce. Want Ads ending in. Qecember 1938, The 8RQCial ofter; :be~ at once anir • ,contlnues'Untu Prlday nooo,'Beptem; 15'. TJle coupons en~tllng the holder to e}CChange the coupon and ......,...;' 55 tceDts tor a reserved seat for the ).Ir. and Mrs. W.O. Tichenor had ...r-i~:"-.-.H!;aDlle· will provide &av1.ngs for foot- as tlhelr guest8 ilUndaY afternoon, , fans desiring to see th1s lmpcr- Professor and Mrs. ~ley .S,m lth tant a~d Interesting grid ·tIlt. The near New Burlington, and Mr. and coupons may be exchanged· tor sea~ !II"! Harry Estel!e Of Da)'ton. Mrs. At the Straus Clgltr Store. Sixth and' Oeorge L1eber1! ot>Chlcago. 'and Mis.!; Walnut streets Cincinnati or at the Hannah Jordan ,..,ent . Wednesday IIcket offices at Xavier Stadium on evenlng with Mt'8. Tichenor and on the n1gbt of the game for patrons {onday,.MUton J~.Of ~ n , trom 0. d,st.a.nee-:- Early exchanges ." and Mr. Bowyer of Mason were callStraus' are urged. ' ' era at th~ Tlcheqor' home. Thp opportunity to see the Bengall! The Rev. Ensley and tamUy having a collection or former college Cllftonburg. weJre .recent guests stars In the Ilneup 1n the opener with Or. and .Mrs. ~Iesbee. ' , ' the strong Ob.1cago Indfans, Robert Frap.kE~~ 0.( Ohio State un " " , Rp~d C h Da ' M 12'Ift_ f th IVerslty ',1s vfs1tlng hJa 8!andP.llrents, . .................. .. ti " ,1 ' " one na .....'&0 e Mr ' " ._ • ,,' PAC.l·~I'U'llIER answers the ·ques OD,S yon UOa ' y01l1' Bengals -luis announced that his • "Od MUD. ~JIl&r'es Smart. ~ trieDels .are asking ~Ql Us concise, vivid por\J'nyuJ elev"n wlll uill h i .... .. ~ft" Mra. W. r; . .Welch is VIsiting her . tit the current sccne:- ' Events ' of nationnl and inter-cas an . n .... res....." , , Oilbert l 'fam1l frt Deb' It ' "sUono! slgniJlca#ce Jlre fully 1l1lU jmparOully cover:e.U. l\ttack that will keep 'the f~ on ,son ~( . y ", . ~ , . · d . , h theIr toes from .,e..... ftlft~ to end of M1chfgan ., 1 Id dd d Faets, new an 0 ; th:lt a C ArlLy nn 11cnnmg 1.0 t 0 the con......... ..~uuo . " Rev. J . ~,. Th.ombury was a visitor u~ are ho~esUy . inJcctcd: 1'4e v()rY.lnt ~~t an d most Interestin, news pbotogrnu1;ls . freely the .~' ~-:------~. In~~~:-gh:;"Midc1le'town, Is filets; )fore' than . a 'miJUvTl ~::;d~:!~~~~t~'riiiiii~iiiiiiii-~:;.~i ' a guest of Mias, Hannah Jordan thiS ~, to PATHFINDER, the JDost'widely r ead neWs • •• , , t .: ; week:
Dlel'll!1' d~g the da~ at Lakes1de.,
" Harveysburg '
.' =-;;;:-....;;.N;;.fiNrt~.~BOTH :::.. Only $2~OC ~--~~~~~------~----------------------
I i.!::''::''~:.'.:~~
..... .
i •
--;~;:~;;;~~-:. BJ WILL, .
'fI'lCU'" 1
J . W . Snen /Ls, addng much to' the ' ap~ce Or~)ur village ehectlng
-,:e:r ~.l ~h; ,Lile ... 'i,vi.esdle " 10
court an(
a" ~ 1a~t eWe) ' Ing a new bU11c!l1dg: . . . . ..tat. aGt V~" The ~r meetutg of ' $he : :Wobh
-~~--:-:. "
. I, ~
~::s: . ~ ', To; ,8e'~PortRJed deacI anl ' . ' /
W. E.
! <;>~~. frQJn 'Saturday untlJ MO,n -
Halond Color'_MoYies .
Rader, theatre owner . ~ au~ed ul/obtatnfti, cameram"n to pbo~j:'W&ynesvtllEr and > siuTou,niiitlg' tOvni:a" for ,. the \ ~ov'les who w~ to I'Ct the dOIlIlt. So tl;c, to be shown at. t~e new ' """in ,found out they could, ~et up a ft,;h" ' . . .,,,r. , - IT',.. over .w hether , this Scotchmu dice ~C!~. .Mr. ~r~ Spradc tameraBuddenly or' not. One side elain:el ~n f0m.erlY · 'wt~ ...HonfWOOd PrO~at the poor fellow died rietit Iud ductlona wID .be behlnd 't he , Pollard ,en.. 80 that h~ didD't bave time ~ ~lex camera . . hi .' , " , ' ~ , , D,lsxe a qhanre. in hi, wiU iiltended to make. They ,~ere try•., Co~gationiil Ot , illr to 'prove it. .. . :' , . ' 3ChoO( band, street 'Ther ;jlut a fellow on ~ mf;D';l'J polnta' ot' phl)tqi~Phj~ bad ~ til eot,·h· pOO;Io,1e 'in . man!s ' t!nancial adViser ;~ . . . r ,: "You BaY he died sud 7" and BprU)g ~ .. ~\Vtul ' 8udden"" " " ' . jectS. ' MJI'~ger . "W48t,makes You ·'thln' ' ~,. , "Well, I:. DOW .,~ '~obod)" 11;1'" .h im die ~d 'it was a' week belot.. ;tbe body wa• .tound. but there "u. \evldlW<:fl that 'Sandy went ' Cl'll{ mfrilty quick?" , "What evlilence?" , pictures; are,.e!lIttWI1Ye for one, thin..., tlu!,. .i. . ' vU~e and 'aWm!l¥u1~r ~ he had rot that day tllat h &irl!l 'wID tdBCJ oPllO.minft:,,1 supposed- to haye ·dfed. ·· anc.: t~ to ha~e a real :.-t, stamp on It happened to be dlles: . .".. . c.\I1ed. .The .lJDQJK'elled ltamp ', is the .... at&raetiOl:':-11fe!:1)' rilll 011 ' the envelolJ8~ 011 a"'til ' " ; Rnd ~ T&J1or In. desk. WI! an bow tnlt If S"" . .. ' ,of ~ ~ had lied him teD mfJlulP" 0-1 ...." fJ!~ he wOllJd of wrote a ' l~, '" .;.;--:..- - - ~~Jtrr£ j l101lleW, to make .... III
.tamr, "
patDtlng, 12·50 .
per day. you furblah tbe ~t. dan or write P. Jobn8on,34i W. Orand , Ave. Spr1ngtleld, Olllo,' . tt , FOR S~ blooded Guern· sey male cow· 'Good WM!d Bicycle. ,B Ina Patterson. 4 roUes Vflllt of Harveysburg on Harveysburg-Lebanon r~d.,..
WANTEo-Sl1O'-B11lng wl!J1 hay" corn or 80~ns ba)1ng' by' 'lihe ., ·ton. Reasonable. P. J. nuimas. FuPhone Cen~rv111~ 72Ft S7-lt
F'O~ SALE---Q room house, electrtcity, cIty and cistern water In nouse, cheap for eash, W . N:. Sears. Waynesville, OhIo.
1l:00 a . m. The gospel memlage. , '· 11 :30 n. m . The benedlctio,n. · Mrs'-Ada . u~tn:ey was ·the ' 8\lest THCRSDAY , • of ,Mr. ~d Mri!.;. T , ~ Walton 111 7:45 p. m. The B..-ean class, meeting Bprtng.t,v&liey !J'lleIIdv., '' FRIDAY' .J • • .., 7:45 P. m. The Personal Evangel1!!m clilss.. ' . . . . Parm properly and automobUe Ferry Ohurch Invites you to come siOck company lnauranqe; brQaQer aDd, worship wtth her, you b'(ie ft. to I C¥)verage, lower n~, term ~yYO).lfseJf to !I~tend church , . 'ment8., at no e~tra charge. W. N· . I~ oirlce M~ St.• pl.lOl)8 .19 , _ waYnesville,. Ohio , ' " U8B 'rUE MI,uD GAZ8'ft'B
FrientldUp tlub WOMEN'S ENTERTAINS CLUB Meets Wkllt Mrs. Borden \
CLUe . --L~ Hap~Diag~~"
Mothet's Chah To HoW ' HAS FIRST MEETING --.~-~-- - •._.... Reception For Teach., ' .. .
, '
" MrI. ,,John Oons wu bOllteasa
0' the
Mrs. Olenp . ~rden was hostess to
Mr. and Mrs Harvey Rye and fam. The Wayne Towtl8hip Moth..... The Pr~gresslve Women's club held 11y spent Sunday at ClUfton, O. Club held tts first. of ttu! club, at ber bome. Tu.esday her home W~esday I;lfternoon. the first meeting or the new year, • • • • e. .;chool year, 11139-'4.0, FrIday, ~t. . iIl .~ IacI'ed IPOt &0 par • Jut loY. • .. • • .. Tbe meeting ~ opened with de- I Tuesday evening, at the Little Inn. Mr. .and Mrs. L. A. Garst were 9, at the 8l'Ilde bulldlnt. , . IDa tribute to ·t ile ID8IDCIrJ or JeDDIe' ::r'be CCIbCI1tIQIl.~r ·Ml ~' B:aker A I!bort bUl!lness aeu10n opened votlOIl6 led by' ,rs. ltala Thompson, The meeting was. as IS customary, Dayton visitors Thursday evening. The meeting. was ' called to order JIUDeB .,vu.on who ..,.. born oh , wbo swrer41 • aUsbt strqte a Ute meeting, toUo~g whtch a tollowed by a reading, "How Long opened with dinner at 6:30, After din • • • • • by tile president, Mrlt. RAYJDODd 'arm In ' tbe 0MIara creeJt WeeD ago Ia 'reponed meDwrtal to Mrs. Walter WilBon was II! PrJ.enrly'R0a4". 'ner an excellent mUSical program, Mrs J P LarrIck tb I h Braddock, and all joined in ilniInI ntt07 OII ·~ If. 1.... be UblIDproYed .• ' read After the bus!ness session the fol-, Including two vocal solos, "Some." was e ~~..: "Amerlca tbe BeautuUl." e ~_ '- - _ ....:... .........-- _. _. • • • • The' .... _- f .._- at'te lowing program was presented' wher a Vot:' Is C llin " d M <lon guest of Mrs. Howard ..........., t·d ...... .. . ....- - ... .... . owe...., 0 wu:: ~ moon's. pro- Tru t I' b':'a I ' , . e e a g, an em-.l t Loveland, Thursday wD8 were con ucted by un. va ' ~ :~ ~ &be IP'IUD wu "School Days", and it was . mpe 600 Y: ay Yn Crabbe, two ,arIes". sung by Mrs. Maynard Weltz, • Robert Collett. In the ramu, of u ' cIiIldreD. lID 'of ' 1'W'nu aDd cbBdreji __• Carried out wtUl contest& slDgtng readings by ' A. K. Day, and a accompanied by Mrs. John BoUn, • • • • a During the business sesslOD the wti.n baye lODe 011 tq t.belr tueIt. o~ ~ aad old faab10ned I!ODP. and recltations. reading by Mrs Clara Sheehan. nnd a plano solo, "Hollday" by Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Ethan Orane and finance committee annoull'Ced that .' "On a..J.cb II, abe wu 0( ~. 8a\Ul'd&;. There were nineteen uWnbers, and Refreshments were served by the BOll~ , was thoroul!ihly enjoyed by the ilUD1ly were dinner. guests of Mr. and the annu~ canning wiU be held at , In ~ .10 T. ' • • • . • .' . 0IIe peat, MrS. D: R.' Bmttb, present co d of Mrs . Mary members. !WH. Don Hawke Saturday evening. the Orade buUdlng, Friday. SePt. Iii, who bacl' a-D I4r aDd ¥J1I. W. B SWowl ~rtDg the social bour the hOlltas Cross, .Mrs. ey UngleBby. Mrt, The business meeting was called • • • • . ' &11 day Requests for vegetables and bar ad to UIe ~~ 1iD4~. ....ed tce,cr.m and caIuI The Oc~ar ~s. Russell HoUl· to order by the new president. Mrs. John EahentJlIoUih of Bowllng apples. to can. are being made, ' an4 ·church• .~ tIIeJ built , Wblte-Of KasoD. 8UDday. , tober meeUna w11l be with MrI· Mrs. J. B. lJrabbe and Mrs. Don Hawke. The main business of Green 19 vII!ItJna It"the home of his al80 tor mothers or frlend4 to come bO'Iu In Uda .....mullitY. Pol' ~- .. . , ,"'~ . . . , ' Warren BraddQCk. Borden, the evening was the appointment of nephew RuaseU Prank and help. "nlO8e who come for the · ~ the)' .haYe' bieD prtYUepd 1lArJ0de BdeD, aDd ~: Pn. " members aDd a committees for the com1qg year, • • • .'. entire day are requested to brIns '. PlaD, to Wort. to eDJor. to reaII¥ "'"S1mdIi; CItDDIr. peat. .Qt enjoyed a deUght- wh1ch are as tollows, Membership, . sandwiches, and coHee will be served loYe .dl other mole U ' the ' aDC1 "ane Bant.oak~, "I:.._I~.._ .." Kathryn Gibbons, Miss Eva Mrs, Martha Par8onI! of Cleve~d It was also announced t.hat the , haVe lODe bY. ODe Or...tta. • • • .' • , lID ~er RetKier, and. Dr. ¥ary Cook; general returned to her bome Friday after October meetlhg of the club will be eventa 'of their llv. was. tile, Yr. .&rId lira, James 1IcOlure' aDd I.. chairman tor all proiP-am commltters S~Cndlng a. week with her daughter a. reception for the te&l:thers held at in,1Ift.~ '~ , &betr lOlIlen w.dd1DI o.NJ;yn 8acbtr.~ ~ III11DC l1l;I6 1111 Iii Ii ... r6.· Howard 1"ogt, program commlt- Mrs. RusseU Prank. tile high school au!lltorlum ..t nllbt ~ and .. half 810. after 'a tliree ....... fttOation , t e e for OCtober, Mrs. Charles "nder. • • • • • on the regUlar meeting date .. Oct. ' 8. 'l'bfte CbI1dreD ...... to ~ tn son chairman. Miss Earline Lanham "Mrs, J. H, Mengle and Mrs. L. O. All teachers, parents, and fmodl! ~ Jtyq _ t» . •.• • ll'be ·.WayOellvWe OIvlc OIub wtil and MJas Ine.z James ; for November tit. John visited Mra. John SetUe. are invited to attend thll! meeUna. · btDme: Bdaar .t. who coull _ Ita dinner meeun, lor the ~ .Miss Laura MlcXlnsey, chairman, iuyre &rnd baby lion, Wllliam Lewis. fol' which a special and interesting maID here but.tour ahd • half IIUQ' lot ~ Mill or Sept.enmer at '"nle Little Mrs. .Mary EII!her Sellers passed Miss Marie Owens. and Miss Dorothy u . thelrbome In Oregonia Tueeday program is belnl atrlUlJed by the · , . , . , ~ ()Uft ibe WUe 01 liftll< ~ ~the, home of ,1IIaI IInn~ 8:30 p. m. Yonc1a.y September away at. her bome In Lebanon Wed- Day; for December, Mrs. John W. ... ternoon. 'JX'Ogram committee. . ~~ ,of near x..da. _ lAlla ~98DaUIb.~ elM,?"" ~y ,II. ~ ~. turnout 18 boped for . .nesda~ moml~ following a · two Kersey, ohalrman, Mrs, Jessie Hyman • • • • • After the bu81ne811 meeting ' the lira. . . . . " , ) o f t l ' 01 ev~. .' ,. lalnCe ~ committee baa arranred fqr weelts llineaa. I and Mrs. W. H. Madden Mrs Chal'_ ] loIoiwlng pro8l'llm committee aOwen. and often 'em ~ ~th bed " • • • • ~ , 1 • Dean Stanley, w~ Lebanon Mrs. Sellers, a ~'aughter at the late les Anderson was a.ppoI~ted ~ reP- fa: ar: Mrs. Russell BaUsbury and After th.e bus1n~ meetb,g . &be ., WoUld r~ bel' loved ODe to ~ ,.Da1llJ ~ wu • DutoD ,l!l*lker ~ attorney, to glte btl! Ivan E. and 114 'Y Ellmbeth l{awke rest'l'tatlve member on the MUk y ere Sunday lUests ot Mr. tolloWIng program was PJesented ' fw them abe wu mteruted In YiIitor Mon.. ,.: and Mra. Ray Murphy of near Wll· Vocal Trio. "In My Garden';-~ ' DII ot &be Euiopean sltUa· Keys, was bor In Waynesville and Fund committee " 'adcIaJ . ~~ 01. the COIDIDUDltJ. • " , ' . . , •. • ~ i' tIon. , . · . ' liVed here ~t her marriage to .nUlgton. • • a e • Ma:, nalU Weltz, Mrs. Don B&W~: • m. . . . of -the Happy Hour chJb. IID. .. D . Boae'oI LJtla .. VIIltina ~ addition to &be ot the Stanley.M. Sen rtI. Bea1des her hus. anc: Mrs. Ethan OraDe-Mrs. JobD • abe wu .• member ot the W..,.... tbIa,...,,~ the home Of Mr. ' and ~. a · abort bWllneaa ~n band she 18 ved by liu'ee daugh. Mi . ~d Mrs. Ralpb Hastlnga .and Boli II , accompllniat; addle&. by vWe ~ U4' W~ .,., W. N. 'IIeIrj, _ w11l be beld, dw:tna wbtcb .t.wo pro- ten, Mrs. Sarah ISchUnck of Banntng on. BOb. vlAlted at the home of Mr. L. . A, Qarst; a reading, "What Palm,. the baDiiII' of beIDI .... ., ~ ~ ~ndmen~ to the Constltu- Callfomla; MrS . tJna Weise, Leba_ "."d ~. C. II' Bastings in Dayton ents Have a RIght to Bxpeet ffOlD ' mai'i1ed~. . ~ eftDJDI ttIuar of ~' ana Uo~ wU1 be ~~tted. AU. ~JJ,lbers non, ~ Mrs. tbrtpa Bannister. .:)unday eve~ • • • tlu: !.'tc.hools"~MrIl. Prank LeIIQ. ' 1IIIe wu • bIItbrIIM ........ .., H, A.1tIobler aDd cbIIdren were Intendlnc to attend the dInner are West Virginia 1ST. )lA]{'S EPISCOPAL . Ar' "Aaklt.Baaket" contat bet WD lcea were . beld tbta a:fternoon . ibe ~. On,k ..,..... .......lID. O. J : ~ ad fam- reqUested to ~tit)' J. R. Gibbons _ CHURCH Mr and I4ra Ed Oloeekler and Ui8a a team of LyUe II\JKbefl! ..tA.all. . . . .,- . . . . ut of NcbmMd. un. UobIer Itbairma , "....... " of Lob~ ~ Booth of • ..",..... , ...... WaVftAavWe ' _ ....... _ __ --... - - ....... - - " Rev. A. L. llaekwell, ~tor at til bo • ...... ....~ .............. ..,. fc!tmd In her ~ MOe aGO ~ . .tet lladde ~ Jayce ~uee by not later Ulan Sat- non, with bu I in Lebanon cemee me o• ..u. and Mrs. A. p . by the Lytle representaUves . , , .• eel"'~ ' urda . . - tery , .lI1elloh Sunday afternoon. . ' . ~~ 'tile WOI'IbJp .. . . . . . ~...... ............,. ~ ~e aDil· ~~t ," y, , . . ,I • , 15TH SUNDAY AFI'ER TRINITY • • • •. • The meeting W&I! then adJoumeCl t1I'Ri belJri!" ki the ~Ibii"r . ~ , ., 7'30 a m. Holy CommunJon • RIoJDl d W1l1lamI!o an:l refres~ents were aeryecl b1 'Pr1eDd'. CIUp'Cb; trait aDd IDJal to ,. • • " ,. • " . . • .. • . . . on n aDd son the old and new otrloera. aU acUYi........... obIIrcb. 111'. ~ -IIn. J. H. ~ niliii' 11 a m. MOrning Prayer and aer- «<k)ert or Cleveland 8topped tor ,a bad bIIIi ail": r• ..., ,.... ~ ~ ~. . I ,) • vunu . :p-' . .;hort vlatt at the home of Mr. and ~ ..... , raatIIrul . _ 01 tbiI ... . • • • • ~e ~DAY . , .4.8. H. H. WWlamson, Baturda)' en· 1 • .:_.... . Iii _-'..____....-.-.. w Mtl-1Ilb&n S 0raIerneD I.£Il LL& 2 .30 p. m. Nursery Church School. ,'oute to Deland, PJa... Where . Robert JUIIIIIW ------.~ 0, . . J ~ _ : ' • ___ • •• P'RJ.:!>AY . ,__ ..~_-~-.. _.v.lli~t~~. ~ ...~t,lOCI"" -~~I~ ' • .T.:..I_II:~' ~. --nI~~I.k.11'du,..: - dp' 4'L WW-. , 1,,_, Uasa1e OraDie at :30 p. ~. Girls' F'rlendly Group. Jtetaon, ClOlJep. : I'.... Ii. .. - .~ - - ;:r--- , . . . . . of , WQD4!Y~~' ~!1UI'B I.............. hAte ue&41 "~ the . k place IIOnda~ • • • • • .-iIdI~r 1 • • • • , caippa caU," u:e 8arouecI in evenIng'~reP.t·De,ll,plu· tyTh Frederick Robttltr Ia enJo11Dt a At the annual Ohlo ~ ' .eD.~k~ett o .'" v,,,,, WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF LWO ~'8 vac:ati()n at the }Jew -York Oanterence IJUlt CODcl~ a~ 1)01&. a}lU1t ~8tDge. and Mra, O. D. CDBIST .World. JI'aIr. Mr. aDd lira. Boy ware tide week. Rev. X;. O., .. IDI.d:ett>lfOr .tJ:!e, Juvel1U a rra.·-e W. C. Smltb, M~ JOhrwm..,lQbDerlJt.,of OJe.V8laDd. who &ItiIIfhed ·t9 'tbe putorate of tile tioDi SP1'1nIIIboro. Both granges aad been VIl!1~ relative. here ~d Methoclla obUrcb 41.M....ttill frladtt", 0tiIe of.... ~ ..... aDd Mn. LewW oiih'mNi aDd haft been -attelldultl the' Sprlnstleld hQrh an~ ' their work was .n Lebanon. accompanled.Mr. ~~ Jobn V. Lacy who .... . ....,. . Mr: ·and 1iI'ra. ArUwio SSIIIkM' or BUIbIeIa aCbooI and by the lnapec:tIng omeen. 1fT to New Jereey where Mr. John- ~. ' Deer _ o"wnMtI __ ___ ' " Juvenile grange bas the reputa- Bible School called to order by SOn baa been transtered aDd where n.....__ thiir I'MI,"= ID• > •• WW alaIl enaeraooa, W),lodlne Eur. · .L Brow t 9'30 ~....... ~ ....QDIIo< , ~ UDCIe..Dr. J. B ~ aDd a. &lid 'l'riaIer IIUdID a-.# enrollof being one of we best in f 'e , n a . a. m. ~b.~y wtl11 make their new home. Yr. ~ aDd famlJ1: have ...... ~IUIIIIIL \. . •. ' - c ~ county' More at Lords Supper 10.45 a , m. • • • • • frt'euua ~ .. _ w_ .. _ ~ . 9 _ . ect'al . .e . . JaoobI 'B~ . th.'n .fUtvJ pe-~t .~...... ' . . . . . . , 1itIJ ' , . " .' . ~ , JD IID:rtoD; 811aabeUa" . tendanee, was JlCOl'ded for the tn· Christian Endeavor '1 :00 p, ·m. ~ M1aa M1ldred ~t8OCk of MIlford. with Uiem to their DeW ~ . lin. . . RurIe7 .. at the __ ' ~ HoblIt wtU m. . . ' llIder wtll ~e BraD80n Moore. spent Wednesday ot Ju~ week with , " of iIotien I'UrDM ~ ~ ~~ ~ A fine .progl'IUlll, featuring talks by Pr~ch1ng '1 :30 P. m . 1v.l1·S, Edith Han1a; KII!s H&l'f,a)ck left . '.' " . • e' • • e ' .' *Drodid .at ~ 'C. Milligan, . SuPerintendent of • 11.e e WI re three people added to tor LYncbbl111r VIrI1nt& Saturday Mr. ~ .'M. A. Ntenoo and ....k,. ¥.arr '~ Barvenburg scbc)oJs and. Len the church Jut Sunday everilng nigbt, and resumed · ber work at .' }-:I .' . 1iaiDe aft.t ' Jut furnished by. lira. ,Howard through the to baptlBm.. L)nchburg aD Monday morn.' lA_. . . .' YaGau6D ~t 'at SaUlt ... a " " ' . d" Graham and Mlrs. -Cltnt Tal'lor was ~NESDAY Ing. . ,lUI... , ; -::!::l;~,~:: Ubi:: . .. , .. 'l'bancIa1, ~ aDd th... presented The n...-_ was Bible MudY and prayer at '1 :30 p. m • • • • • w. __ ' IAIIIQ wll1 . tel- ~ 11Id ~ ....----. . • • '. • • ~ '. . UiIa ~ . with P.Jll,ES enJOyed tiy au. and, !here were 89 in Sunday School ~. .Edl~ Harris and Mr. IJan1s '!be Woman'~ AwdlIu7 .. ... bel' ~Uth 00nDer were lel.'Vcct by tl~e last SundaY, and wltb every bc?dY MO.sher entertained a famtly • dIn- IIU)"I! Churcb held ,tbe1r -~".""··OuItID In charge. we wiUbave one h~ed , . party at the IJttle Inn on Moll' bel' meet1ng Prlday, ~ UMI ~""'Ia¥' U;'-l~IOD'I ... ~ l' - hday ,' The ,roup inCluded' Mrs. 8th, at the home of lIN.
~ meJl)ben
TbJ. att.mooo ...... 1Dved frlendl aDct Del......... ant ptbered
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8Ul'prise dilllDer
anil mts, 0'\~U8 shownI' were given 1n honW of Mr, and Bt~. Howard Pogt, by ~U'1lI!d ' to . ~ Y'~ Peo~le I! Group of St, eveDlJlil. t~ . ch~~ ,¥onday ' eVenIng. at ~-."""""- 0( RtIV. · and ~ R. L. 10V~' a,Dd uaeful ~;'J~~a~~~'~: rmet" _!d~. the bride and ,) A".J_lUng of' the group ,Was held the 'evelltlng and the ' foUow.... Otncert5 elected~ ~. lI'o,w' OIIi11a1d1."-~ ~ pres1c~nt and ~ Ethan secretary-treasurer..
.' w.
C 8 111 101, Mlnl.ter
• • • • •
9:30 a .. m. 8Wts the week w.Jth Mr. and Mrs. T: O. Run,yon enter. ' Bible School. Had good attendance talned at a bl.rtfiday dlnner SundaY last Sunday reaclrlng l'liin attend· lhe toUowin, IUeItI. Mr, and lira, ance aDd $42.00 bUel·lng. COme 1e~ us W. A. OalJahan, Mr. and Ml'I!. do tbat well this Sunday. • CalJaban, of Walnut Hl11I!, Olncln-
10:45 a. m. Brings us to the Lord'a Supper. 11 :00 a, m. Sermon. F'RIpAY 7 :~5 P. · m. The Personal Evangel~ . Let us remember our annUal bome cp.~ng date ,II! September the ~th. wtu be an all day meeting With aDd aervtce ":",r. dlacuaied 'On the grp~t¢s 8n~ the lipealt " OJ'gIlD,lzatton ~dlll'lng. the er !lUI be . Brother Natban Johnson. 1001IIII:1If 'I'f1e ~r WM 'at oDe ~e mlbll!tered for thiI! aIK.·. .. ,~ ....""..... at the home of Mr, and CbU1'Ch. :~ ,£0 ~e ~lans now ..........~': . . ,llteraey. be.t t. ~n1:)~p.~mbe~ tb~ 24th. .
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, MT. ,R8LJ.! M~' B. C111JIUl~. .. T. II. ~r, MlRlater ... '
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Fred ' Hartsock ~ Mr. aWles .,~g devotIDne _~ ~ Har tsock at 1I(j)ford;. Mrs. Bonald by Rev. ' R. L. BackweJ,l. .Dqe ,CO IA' Hawke, Mr. Prank Hawke. Mr. Har_ 01 "'!SIr"" .:~ ," • rls Mosher and ~1! • .1'.dItb .JIan1a. the summer YI~ . . ." ·".,,:.~,.t.1.·,
'v. .. ..
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meeting WN d"~ to ~ tor the wort at the ~ , During the IJeIJIIIon It ... .. . . . pledge P • mOnth to tbe .... project tram st. ~" ch1ll!Cb church 1*nItI:,... b eYeD4ll' ~. at; . ~ . . .
nat~ Mr,: ali".lIra. R. p, Jones of SUv8rton. 0 .• lin JeromelJonea and . ... . ,,' ,., , Mrs. Addle Darline of NorWood. WIllI ~ts 01 lee CI\eUD" Clara Seward or Avondale &n4 Mr. eerved,b, :the ~ Barr)' St. Clair of Indlanapo1I8, Ind, IDi She aoc:.Ial hou;r. ,. .•.• " ,,', Pour b&ribday!l:..were .repies4mtect-c- -: , ' _ _ _ " '-the (p'OUp: "un Run,von'belnr one ot MICKIE SAYS~ . J:h08e honOred. • , " , •. e • It ... .. Tbe GIbboDa famlly l'eunlon beld Surus., at ~e .~ of lira ~telll~)1 Hesa, wu attendect by the t'c.lkrttrlnlt Wap-vW~ ~amtuea; ' x" Bert Ha'rtaoclt and f~. MIss ~tb " l'yn IO~ns, JUDeI (Olbbona. 'Mrs .Juii& ser,m. .'and ifl.: and James ~d aDd ·flllllllY.
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satUJ'C:!&Y!"WayneviUe, Ohio !
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daurhter GrIIICe spent lAbor DaJ OIlesbee. ~ Ban'eyib\U'i. are ' very weekend In, Cleveland . ' Main $treet 1'apUly. SOA1 t4 ,,!ere l~VWtors of ~ Wnel$ll. ' M ' ' . in Le~. ' r: a~d ¥rs. MillS of Raymond, 'nle tneDda. bere of Dr.
' '-'-
~DtMed A* Second, 6t Postoffice, Wayn~.vi1lel l1hio family, fere v1B1tprs ____...:-__-:...___......._-.-'""'"'::....,;..--OO:-~--- __ ThufsW Flora M. Crane EditOr a~d Publisher 'Mr dM 'ISSUED EVERy' THUBSDA:Y
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Lebanon ' vUle, ~xas were overnight ,gue.;\;s Mr ' _......... d " . ' or Mr, and 1II.rB. Fmtl~k ~ldaker on, • aDd Mra. ftOIUW'. ~ an ' , Frldny. Mr," and Mrs Mills are jus' chll~n of ~ bay. moved to G ,rs l)Oolplettna a tour ' tourIDglthe Bailey ' " '., 1'eunion of :\JJlda: trip ,of tbe 'Ul'I1ted are lin. Pred 'UrI. Dill. In $enecaVille. " , traveling on to the ,home of Mr. and G~ ~ DQtoD ~pera J'rlMr IUld Mrs. Wayland Jol'dan and Mrs, Ernest COWer, in NBabvWe daa" , ' famUy, of Olbc1nnat1. were' vlal tora Tennessee and home In TeXas; ,returblng to their dauChter ' Y1daanWWlam ,atteDded a Gn~1I1
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Labor Day, ,at U18 Jordan ~ome. ' pIcn1Q 'at 'Maam ~ here. J. " " Fire, raging and. has made' b1aclt barren ugly. Mrs. Prock ' anl;l oman's ,(ll.te " lin. J. 'B. , Jonu, ') Ira. , . of .of the f1';le6t forest la1,ld.,1 Fire lias turm:d nnd ,her ,little daurbter. saDdra 2l'Ul AnnI",-"" .-pd ,SUIan Baylot at•I NOTAR¥ ' PUBLIC pleasant Into smoking piles of dcbr1.s. Fire has I'Ilvaged factories. June. were Monday dbiner IUcsts "The Woman's ·Clvlc League'" ob, lid Star. at . . . , J , and aelded men and women to tIle long rolls of jobles Fire has rna. _11 d 10f Mrs. LYnch. ,served its 25th nnnlvereary at the , " . " qzt:;:=± Irresistibly through farms. kUUng Uves~, raztnr buUdlngs, and rulnlnlf Mr. and Mrs, RaYPlond Morgan home of Mrs. Clyde ~Levley. Satur- Mr. auel Kn. B. B. weat .,.. . crops. " or Wellmall atteneled the funeral day eVeJ,llng wUb a large attendance of Dayt.oo 8WIda7 . Wltlb A few ot these fireS may be unavoidable. But ,t hey 'Jlre very few indeed Saturday of' his alBter. ma. Oather- The president caned the' meetlng to, . " and so rare as to harqly Eighty per cent of all fU1!S. ine HanDah. of Lebanon. order and the uiembers sang "Auld , Mr. and un..,JolIn •. WVU-LITHIO TAR :&ND '1 !i8oy the expert,s, COUld have pX;vented. They ,need ne er have ooeurrUi. Mr . and MtB. Ernest 0 , Mannon Lang Byne" after which the ~ ~ter of Belmont . . . ROAD OIL; EXCAVA.TING But they cUd ~uee IiDm~ne was thoughtless, IiDmeOne waa. ijrnor of near ,W1IJn1ngton. in compi.ny Ing- ~as turned over to the offiCers ennIDI lUll", or 111'. . . ' DUMP TRUOK SJDRVIOBI '" ant. som~ne too~ ~ obanCe. I , J, ' . with . ~elr relative, Mrs. Lawrcnc~ of t.wenty tlve years a,go. Mri. Llda Xealer ~. 'lWlT R1m., LoADm 100 YD', -, Bac~ of all tllese 11res, great ~d small alike. lies the human ,element. A Danforth or Loa Angeles. Oalifornia, Hatton. president. ~. Anna Ran;. 111'. and lin. B'owud DeW.... c1garette butt tossed from a car-o. camp fire not qui te ('x i 1- were Monday afternoon callers at dall, secretary. Mras. Sadie Reason, near Dayfon , moYecl" . . . clean-Up, job 111ft undone til! tomorrow- a 'vacant lot I It LO Lha home at Mr, and Mrs. Glenn ed according to the fa.shlon of that Evvett .'BarI1'i ...... ty drY, untended weed&- these arc the thtngs that make fire, thiS year, Lst Davis and George W. Davia ~d period and carried the' meetin8 OIl vacated by 111'. and lin. year. next y~. . . ot.her #rtends in ~h1s communlty. Nr as they did when first organized. PoDYtbe. Phon.. W&7.,..,w. . . R l~ n' There can be no recompense for We fires of the past-unless it I i :n DlUltOrtb'S mother will be ' remem· Mra. Hatton stated the p\1l'POlle of Ilia BlJ& ~' eII DaJtaD ' a lenerlll camPfl1gn to the fires of the fu ture. It. can be done. Lt's \)Urel! by BOme here aa M1u Lucllle organizing the Civic League and vJalUnr at the of 111', IDd ..;. r.l.ig.~ up to ~ch of us. 88,,an individual, holds the weapon t hat will des. rui Lllwrente. before her lDG'rtaae. pointed out that the major objecUve W~ xiortct. ' the great elestroyer. Mrs, Adah ,Talplage. Lee Talmqe was "securlng li~hts for the town, .Mr. and lin. Obara BUDDe. __ and son Albert Lee !Uld , JesaJe L. She ' told tt\elr many discourage. aud l1tUe daulbw " 01 PrarikJmti. . . • • •I!I.IIIIj• . .. were Sunday afternoon calL ments, their pefll!!v,erance. and the Sund.y clIJIner or air . .' church .will hold eroS at e hOme of Mr. anel lin: achievement ot thelir goal. aDc1' lira. Ed BUDDen. ,;' ho~e-oomlng SundaY sept. 24 a~ WaidCReprogle ~d Mrs. EllUbeth .M1'8. ,Rrandall reael the, mtDutes. Mr. and • ,r;)onucl IIUni '•• Ule church. Mason Johnson will l?e Ballard. Tbe latter 18 convalescing of the organlzatlon meeting anel 1n- tertaIDect tJW fOdaa''a ' JlU'tht. f1I ,'_ the pr1ncl~ speaker. at the Replogle home aft~r a serlow terelltlng sketches ." [tom other sUe. Day too on 8uodu EUeen an4 Lola cornell 01 DaYtoo Rev/D. R. Dunn of Piqua. was a lIInl'8ll. ceedlng mlnutes. There a roU lin. Allene and ..... Oataawer,e weekend. fIl~ta of their grand gu~t at the parsonage Frtday eve.. call of cbarter me[o~s and the ertne ~ .ti.dw UIt ~ JIO&b. llfol'Sta. lU, and 'Mnt Harry eor- ~. . " first constttutioIi and By laws, were eJ". clUb at the II'ade ~ ..n.. aeU. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and reael.. ' day 'aftemooD.. • , Tb~ ' ot Lebanon Is Mrs. Mauri~ HunUlr and fa:mIlY Mrs. Reason gave a report ~f the lin. ~ 'OIark bit 41. . . fit I]lendlriI tlU8 wmter ~th the P. J. were Mr. and lIlrs. Coy Gilliam money mak1nI IIICtIv1Ues and con- DaJtoIl ,a nd 1IrI. Allee , ' 'J'bOmases;ancl finiBJUng hel,' ~l and chlldren, Mr. ', and Mrs. Lester eluded with the statement that,they Prtcla7 U"': , 1f~ b Illg at Waynesville. Wilma at.arted Ger iDd amlly. and M . and Dr,' W. E, Oglesbee la seriously had 1&.60.46. . .I , &Del I0Il. Raberf to school at Waynesv1l1e and wants Mr$. Fred -Hubble. , III at this writing. . , Mrs. Randall ga.'ve a review of talned '8atunlay '~: Mn t9 graduate, from there Douglns Hatrls and ·, Ros Severol fr" m here a ended the th~ expendl~ ~Ihloh had been : Paul ~ or \ MI'8. Nancy Pope Ilo'd daughter: alee and W. O. Smith we of Mrs, Oarl Anderson in made the YEJ8P.l. The LealUe and Mr. lira, R.obln MnI Jesse ROland ca.ned on Mrs- $!m.lnary Tuesday. Mrs. Sril1th and ]tenlll Friday. ' was responsible for gettlnl electri9 ; IIr. and UtI. W1ll1am ~ waldo Ellloti Monday" aftern~. twin daughters &Pent the ~y with ,Robert Pranken ls spending &, f~w ,Ughts in the town. they spoT\IOred ' ~' dA~. Kn. (JIa;dJa Rob , !Irs.•ID\?" Is not BO well. her stster Mrs. George B1~~01z. weeks with his grandl,'llren s Mr, an COurse pr<lgl' provided BOD. ~ft Wec,t"""a, -far '!'be p, a.. Thom.1LiIJI!S and wUma P. J. Thomas PUrch&sed the Perry Mrs. Oharles BrnaJ't before entering the 001 with literature for many West- Brabch, VBI.... r to YIalt , Added 8ellll'1el1 8beri SU"" Thomas aOO Ervin PaUl made- . uwmll1 n1s f~ and baa moved on hls third year ,ot me~ctl at Chlo years. fUl'llJahed the ftrsi ~UB1c Mr. Ulcl un. GecIiP Weir. bualnells trip to Monclax U. tltli Harry PcJrdJIce farm where St&te. " for t!ie 'a cbool an,d dJel in- Mr. abd 1Ira... Walter DialII* - " . evenina. , he lives, He Is going to it up Mr. Ilnd Ma, 1\. S, Collett ' enter- :' other whlch for e, o'clock cUpDer 4CUnr on orders from Wl\IhJnlJtOn IIiaI Bettha Pl1er~returned to her bext weelt. and will be ready tor ta!qed with a plrnlc .'!ur-rer at the both aoo! and community. aDd lin. 1JIIUaID BaIDea. Mr. heacla of.19 clUferentjederal asrtclilduties at the Oinclnnatl Bible Sem. llusiness. sugar camp at the' !'Ho~e :1n the PciUowing the ltU!etina'. retreeb- auil ~. Robert DeBaftD. ur.. . t~l agencies ' In the,Oolwnbua are 1 .Inar1 ~. woc3da" Frr~ny. 'number of menta were ~" '. ~, ~ ~ and lID 0( SQ., Oil iIe.,tember e o~ Ti. B, 'nle Rev. W. 0 : Bmltb family Wef81 lrlends (rom Dayton were In atund. AdjOurned to mleet Witll Mrs. toD,. .' ," ,'., , Department of ~. ,CIUb for pleeiantlY 'aurprieed 8unda.Y when ance. ' ~in NacDonaJd Oct.ober 14th· Mn•• BeDe IJaott ad IOn 8v'eftU ~ P\l1'ROl8 01 etfect1ng 'clORd c0a IZOQP of 29 folka'll'Qlll Mayhm 'rpc Boo:, Review Cli'cle h.;kt Th1a will be elet)tIoll of ,to' aD operation apd ~tIon ' of actlyl~ of '~ ~eDt. broUIht their ~ anel came ' up _ . . their annual picnic at Port Ancient sax huli'dMlt Sunday, Mr. UId ~. I'auI WIWamIi . to ~ at the parIOJlaIl8. . s • all Saturday evening. Uemtlera and uatea ~-'1 and fifty Leb&Dpo, Mr. aDd M;a.-' ~ at ' Perry Mr, and Mrs. Prock aud famIlY their families enjoYed the accatlon clua it'f8D I'almer. un. ¥eta ___ aDd JIOb" 1,1:, yJaUol'll of OO\clIlIiaij' well fWed baaketa. 1.; ' , . USE THE MIAMI mE GREAT DES,!:ROYER Fire, the I great uestroyer, has been in fine' fettle t his sUmJlier
·~ou.sands ~ hom~
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Sand' -- Grav"') ~
~i i i i i i i i il;._~i !i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i. 'i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
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~ Btate.l7?'~enltY ~ ~y M~
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'aarciware"Slores Way' syille, :e .
Tilit aOur Display .o f ~ Quality Merchandise at tHe -
W~Ren' U'~oUllty: Fair~Sept.
Heatrolas, '011 "Burners, Frigi(iaires, Maytag .Washers, Sinks aDa Radios. Sacco Eertilizer aDa Oil -St Continental,Pioneer F~Bce
Ask For Your 'Y ARD :STI At O.u r·<B 'o oth
Phone" . "
Capital News Sta'e t ,
'l, ?:be petitions will be Hnt to ' the varlaua COUDU8e {Ipr verltSoaUon
,\before being ac:eepted as v~td and u1f~jllent to WVl'ent U]le proposal be- H\indredJ or tl1c~ of bQpa Mrs. Luther H41tIea IU)ent ~lle Sealed war departillent orders IQI' Iilg SUbDiltt.ed this fall 1llO~ young )pen l'e&4 THE AJiIIa. weekend With her ~ents Mr. &tid airplanes, , ammUDitJon ~ other lOAN BOY ' Mapatne eVllrY month Mrs. Charley Lalrd of Camden: ()blo arttclea of war are now locked In the . The B18el~w cOn.lUtur~lonal amel~d- and cmiat~ it DlOI!e as B living Our community IS saddimfitl bY the ea(ea of, IIWlUSact~ pl&nts men peUUona _king ~ materiallY oompanioD than ~ Ii ,magazine. d.e ath of Mrs. Walter Wtlson whose tbrousti!>ut the United States, in-JredUce the number of sl'gnatures' reo "It·s Ba Dlullh ' a bud4y 'to me a. eluding 8!~ plants in Ohio, ObJ_ec , \quJred 01) 1n1tlatlve and referendultl my nelghborhQOd obum" writea one funeral aerv1cea wertlbe1d at caesars .Creekohuroh afternoon, FOR SALE-FUll .blooded Quern. ~ve In l1n1ng \Q) the nattoD's .1nd\lS· propoa&la, have now been returneii hlgh sohoo) lIeniQf. "l'HE ~ Mr. ~d Un, ~Uegh BorfdD ' ~d sey mll ie cow' Good -used Bicycle. tl':les ~or Production of war m ••aterfa \s,11 1.9 the SecretarY ot State by, the IqAN" BOY seems to )Ulde,'r';\A d It little grllnddaugh,tcr ,UA..I,_ .........,.. S ue Bina. Patterson. ,. miles west of Bar. and , . s\lPPlles is to pro ~ Id.e an a de· county j!lectJon b08rd.51 ~nd a tIr,?ula- boy's p~obler,n$ ana C'lll d r lhcm t;mlth, Dorothy ~by and Bonnie JelUl veYsburw on H'arveyaburll-~on dua~ cloord1nated and integratA:d p.o : Uon of their reports reveala that in 8~ch a symplltbel;ic tUtti 101 :Jf1lJ Miller called on Audrey 9fewa SUll" , A1~tt: 8~ '01 warUine procureDlent aclap. about ,'15 per cent ,O f the ~gnatures w.a.Y. It 'g,IVes advice' nlln elllerl·illn~ day afternoon. , table 'to the Amen,can S)'lltem of ~v,. have been verUled. Flnlll -aotion by Ing readJng · on Ilvlli'y ,I>ubjoct ' ln Mr. lind Mrs. Wllllam Smith ~ i , ernment and industry, Which wID the Secretary of ~tat4~ has been de - which a young fellow Is 1l1Lel'esIA)cl dUmer gu~ In the $blc1a1r hOme W~-fU,ung with hay. lunctlon effectivelY ~n /C88e of war", layed by ~~ists rued In two or IIi Is particularly helpful In sportsl Sunday. ' ", corp or soybea.nB also baling by ,tl)C according to a statement lsIIued by three counties. a pra.oeedlng which 1 ·made our ' sellOol bl\ske,lbnU tcam Mrs. Ella Baines. Rev. MI;t.ry An- ton. Reasonable. P . J, Thomas. F~ r- Lbe Secretary of War, may be legally instItuted by either because of playing ,Ups 1 road In tram and Marianna Bogan atten\ied 'rY, Phone Centerville '72F4 57-lt -the}lrOS or COI1ll when sud! proposal THE AMERICAN BOY tl W, C. T. U. 'convention at W11m1ng Mink farming. the new fur-raDCh. are submitted. ' , . S Many famous . athletes in aU $On Tuesday afternoon, FOR SALE-Rugs : electriC stove, ing industry ga1ntng favor In Con· sports credit much or their succe.'18 Walter WJl:;on and and otllllr items betor next Wed(l('s· ada and northern Un&tec:t states, apto belptul sqggesl40ns reCeived Paulln~. PeterSon ~ on Horace afternoon. parently Is becom1ng tlnnIy e.;tab. from sports arUel1!s carried Iii TJilB compton aDd W1!e .' 1J;ll'lew BurUnKV, Lacy. 8.14-1t. 1lshed .1n ,Ashtabula cbunty, whel'e . AMERICAN BOY Magnzl~e. Vlrtl,lton Tuesde.y ,. . 110 minks are being ,primed for the Classes and activities e,ro being ally 'every Issue offers advice fr9m a. , " Homer BalneS 1S ,~ after . S!.LE-APPLES Fall Plpp'n IWlnter market. Recent aur.veY8 hnve Ot@bl11zed lor the school yelld', Tile famous c<!ach' or player. Football; hav~g been' O1tten by a dog. Hla sop FOR rimes Oold~n and s now: '<,hewn tllat rtlW furs worth $1.20.000•. BI~ter'a Club which publlshes th,e basketba.ll. traCk, telllUs, In fact Rlchard 111 sWfertng with .. telon, . Jonathan. a JlheJl Wa &ovUle 814 COO are being imported Into tbe Un· ac.hoc\ paper has been organized every major'spor IS covored in ficJ, L. Mende ' . yn . p Led States ~h year. 1t.Ja beUeved wlr.b ArlJus OSborne. presldent. LeUa tion an~ tact articies, ' that Within e1trht years tbIa country Kov£nnan, v1ce president. and Betty Teachers, llbrarlans. Pl"'cnts leaaer~ of boys clulJs also recom. FOR SALE-20 rabbits, male and will be meeting most of Ita own de~ Draddock, secretarY. female, part of thenl are UhI=hWa. manda, Seven schools in Warren county mend THE AMERICAN BOY eo_ part white rabbiLS. $20, Hutches and _ wm comprise the softball league tlluslnstlcnlly. They h ve found Included. H' R. Fordyce, Way· Under a new state law which lie. W",vnesvtlle Is a member and wui that n.~ a general rule rl)gUl{u~ read. SUND.V - MONDAY' ...",.....c. lWute 1 comes effective OIl 8eptelpber 6. Ueos p1kY her first league game at home el's of THE AMERIOAN' BOY "adI , . - - - - - - - - - - -.-:- agalnst old age penaloners' ,real e&: on Tuesday afternoon. September 19. vance more mpldly an,d develop S~DlBEIt 17.:18 FOR RENT--Furntshed room. also tate which the state has had power wi!.!) Carllale moru worthwhile ellal'! ct "lsUes 8llra ge , Inqulro at Miami GaZette to take under the pension law slnc:.e The 1trst ~eetlng the SChool. 'than do boys wao do no ~ re. d it.. S14~t· It went Iilto effect nearly i1x years DUl5tel"S clUb tor the current yenr Trained Wrltel's and I'rrl ts. Iam· ago, are abolJshed. Under the old I wUl be held ~t the GOldelJ Lamb, ous cOIIches nnd ntWeL s. expJol·erll. law. the state could take a lien on ThurSday evening at 6:90 p. m, A sclenti.ts and m en b'Ucec~ul in , FOR SALE -Shropshire BUck. J. H. rea) estate as a ~eana of reimburse. delegation ot the men teacllcr ' from business and Industry join with nil, Backett R. R. 3 ~l.-lt· ment' for pension grants. Pell8ioners WayneavUJe ex.pect to attend. experienced staff to produce lu THE - - - - - -- ...:;=.-,____ :protested on the grolJ1lds that thrifty ~CAN BOY, the Sol·t of ,'cad· V8E .'nIB MLUII GAZ8'J'TB persona, who had saved enough to BOYS' GLEE CLUB ..... Want Ads OUF their own 'homes' were penalized Tbt' B ys' Olee Club met '1'I1\-AI1Y by being forced to give the state a September '1. for Ulelr first meeting lien when ,accepting peDSlol1ll. of t.hls year. with 46 boys presen The following officers were elade:: for lh ' The operatl,ln of the new cJvll Ber· ce:mlng year: Charlels Collett. presl. vice b1lJ schedu)~ to become cffec~ dr-Dt; EaJ:I Menaenball 1l6' retarY' Uve Septell,ber ~ W.l,S s.lI8pended Alton Earnhart and ROb~rt· o'root-in; when ret~rendum petJtJons were me<! ' JilJrartana. . ' i ~~.S (lPt~IIlt;(!l' 6 with Sec.etary Of ! Plans tor the' operetta are now be. I te Earl OrlJrlth. Tn '! . patltlona jnlr made and .we welcome all bOys ~nla1ncd IlPJ?1Oxbr_atelY 148.000 iDteres~ .in mu.s1c to join I\t our : '''', I SlgnatUI'es, about 5,000 more than re_ I next meeting ' . .' WayaesvWe qulred to plnce the proposal on the ' Char~s COllett Pr ' I\t tho : la, e e tlon. Nov' ~rl Mendenhall,
- '
, ~s Wee
Jq matter beat. AMElUOAN l' on
r' 'p1~~m=~ . '
moat newsstanda at 1.60 a ,COpy ClI 18 to' 30, ,,~le!l~ 1\ fetlt , BUbsc:rtptlon prices ~e.1: 110 : Sur . nes,grit, ~e. Of aOocl
lDcbel! 1n
able meet the high pbyalCal' standard!.; Of the Marlnt!- 0prpB, a'nd . hav ' at "1~nst a COll1rnon ~J1OO1 edilcauo~ ! , . . " The ~e COI!JXI t\1m18li tree' ed· uco.t1onal · opportunities tlll'Ouan the M1¥'lne COl'Pll matttute to any Mar~ . 1 : • <* 'j. ill dC!ildng to Improve his liducaiion IiOd t he ~y' 18vY the 8amll SC8le , ' ' as the - _ "' " Ar~y ~d, Na , from · ~1 to I $lG7. , l . month according to -rank and ' " ,length of service. To .thosc who de: ' ' cide to ,mU O th~'Marln? Corps theft: ., _ ' _' _ . _ . ' ., .ca,reer! th!lre Is offered on· ~ompletl~n , ~1)e,.U, S. Mo.r1ne OorPl' is acc~t- I or: 30 ytllU'$ ' service. the oPJ)ortunlty young men for !our years enlli,1- to reUI'e with a. monthly lr).come-of it wns announced t.ociay y I$134.00 per month lor the ~te.nce ot Oaptaln OUY B'. Beatty. Mari . tlleJr liVes. This. l~ome amounts to Oorps. ~ecru1twg Offlcer in Clncln- $j. ~8,OO 1)01' yeaI' and .Is eqllll;l to " pet ~ent on a life savings ot $4O~OO.O:l
onc YQIUI 0(- $3,00 fQl\ three yeru , FOl;elgn l'I-tes 60c a Ylml' extra. 1:1'0 b'Ublicrlbe slmply s~, your ~l1'\e, Mdr~ and renuttance . d1rect to THE AMERICAN BO'1, '1430 SecOl1lt ~va.• Det.tQlt, MJoh1sliu. .
Xenia Theatre
sm ut in wheat cJluscs b oayy, losses in both grade, to t he farmer, T.r nt your aeed wheat SmME~AN and prevent smut nnd increase yield. nt J ,
ExchaDge, 'Co.'
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24 Iii. ba~€fc:,1 :
GOLD MEDAL . " ~r "plt.,L.S? U~Y -,our
J> . ) '
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!.' ~,.
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ra._ OD Ih. . W.rr,D •
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.All 'promiatto'b.e t,~elr~.te.t•••
Fair.Ground •••t~e~d.·y, WedDead~~, . ., "
' .
and. Fri4~Y l'
. '"
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Valley ' B,rn '
'The .Educational Program \ for Warren , County School 'C hildren i. a neui ieciture
, " ' :',:.<5,££ I~! ...
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Waynesv~lIe· Farmers~
,='::=:;:;:=======:::::::::::====::'::=.=.=.=.:;:.=.=.=.==,:;===========.::;:::= . :-:lte offer a .ati.factory Service , at all time.