~ur,O"~' '~~r I)~~..e~ .' . Fumers.!~ . FRIDA
By CIVIC Club-Speaker ' :$po . ~'" ,
ft . . . . . . . .
~ W~ Clyte 01~ met InD MOIIdaj ~
at thtt. Uttle
'f ar their. mOnthly ' cUriner mee_. P\)UuwIq &be eXcellelJ.t 'd1nDeI', a , ' 6b~~ bU8lnela, i;neetlD8 WU ' 1¥kL . over which tbe president, Carl
. " .•
"~ ,,' ~e, Waynesy1lle _ A ~~. Ex- .. h _ - - - -....."'!--~~~_,...·"I-e ~ ........... man
"'_1 ~
U.........nmas ~~--r;,
- ' - - • • - •.. E .' .' .'
II1I8e!I ~t and 'n11leDa Ed· were .~~ ~~ 'l,'Ue£day
A motion ..... made and 'UDfnl. . m~ ~ to ezteud the &OOc1 Mr. and MN. L. A. Gant and Dr, wlabes of ~ club to Rev. .1. V. and Mn. A ... 8toUt enjoyed, dinLacY and bIa famllJ. Who are and the Ule&tft In Darton, Wed1I18.for ~e, . nesdaJ eVeD1Dl. ,'" It ~: ~ to have the • • • • • . of ~tora meet One-balt bour Mr. and 'MIl. IfmeIt Qw.m~ ot rore 'the NIUlar ~ ~ New Yorlt City ~ttnI at. the tbt! club eacb mcnltb, ' " of ~, parenta. ur, an4.lII'I,
,Tbe lUeat apeUer of iile eveidua. DeaD Stabley, weD. known aDd ~ 01 LebaIlaD . . . Imp.:, MDI 01 ~ ,BUropean IS~ tion. After atncbJDa' the ..... arWrus of the 'PftIIIeDt Buropiu
Gillam lD
,."....., . . . . ...,.
.and &
.....,.,....~ 8e1!+w7 Ie a' deie- ~. pte 10 ~ ~ cIlib coafereace. ...... L A.ry "
~ ~.~, ~....
Rev. and IIl'I.,a:
• •
~_ . _ "
The squ1rrel hunting season opens Monday, 26 and wUl ' con· t1nue until October 10. A bag lJmlt ot four per day is permitted under .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • conServation regulations. A hunter Mr. and Mrs R. H. HartsoCk. w.., 18 allowed to have eight 1o ' h!s pos- 01nclnnatl vtsiton;, Wednesday. ... ~ :session after the flrst day. ' • • • • • Tbe squirrel outlook 18 reported H. A. Cornell and H. F . Burton promising In some parts of. the ('oun. were in (",(, l:nbus Tuesd ay, ty while 10 other parts It is. d-Isc<>ur ~ • ~ • .' aging due to a shortage or nuts call.&Ing tbe squirrels to seek greener PM ¥rs. W., N. Bears attended the turea. Oonvocatlon held at the Bible BernIllary 10 C1nc1nnatl. Wednesday.
M. of , chalrman of the apecJa1l1bru7 mlttee of the W&1neavw, BJP Sobool Aiumnl ABIoOlatlOn. wbJob h &Ii eata bllahed the ....,....,; lIt1h 8:uuw ... .-'..... Alumni Reference Ltbriary in &1M , Wgh school buUdlDg" r~ _~ another unit has been fI~ ,In Lbe llbrary , malt1ni foUl' In alV It • trom the chalrJJt.t-Q.. .... port to record that two ' unit. ... formed alnce the annual ~~ of the High School A1\lmDl M• • .• • • , the last weelc of ~1.. TbM MISs' Barbara Gray reenterted , highly encouraglnl, ~owtna the Wllm1ngton donege, Wednesday ot deep concern ot the mell;l~ In ~
Mr. ~nd Mrs" p Oase of Clnc1n, DaU; Mr, and lMn;. '110m Rankin Roberts. a d ()hl1~Jren of Sabina . and Mrs. ~r~e Shank Be tty Mrs. Joseph Heston presented Miss and Harry 8~ of Hamilton! Mr, Lola OUlam III .. pJano recital Satllnd Mrs. Mu~l Tlnney and family, urday eveninl{; at the Frtends MeetMrs. Lura Werntz and daugbter Ing HoUlie In Harveysburg. Miss G1J. Leada of Dayton; ~. and Mrs, Joe. lam's progi'am included tlle followTl~ney. Mr~ a d Mrs. Howard Flo,- tng numbers : Mar,c h M1UiaJt eence and fal!l1lf. Mr. und Mrs. Lyle Schubert; Scenes from OhUdhood l'inney,"and .dll,ughter l~atty and the Scb umann ., Son ata A Maj Of-MOZguest of b?nor. Miss Margie Tinney. art; Waltz A Flat MaJor- B 11ms: Hungarian Dance F Sharp MinorBrahms; Flatterer _ Chamlnade ' "
Utls week tor her senior
project. It seelllll Ultely, ~ to tbe ( halrman . that another unit ' can be purchased betore the Dt~ annual meeting. Tl1e fourth, unJt cOnalat. or tlie fOllowinlr booIt.a: WOIIderi of ADlm&l Ufe, EnCYClOpedia ot Art., Van Art, Walcutt Reader. AfUIW MUSic. Constitution. Waeblpgion,.
:ag ~:::---!:=~fJ'Pr:~
• • • • • Mrs, JellSle Hyman v1l1ted Mr. and Mrs, Al Polinsky and baby daugh~r, MarIlyn Joy, of O1ncinnatl. Sunday and Monday. • • • • • Mr. and MrI, R. H. H'ArtAIock ac: qompan1ed the11' 8On. WUton, to Ox.. lord, Sunday. where h e will ~ter MIami Unlverslty, • • • • • MIss Lola Bears, John and ..l ,', and Mrs. Albert Carver of Cin. cinnatl were Sunday dinner gueats . of Mr. and ~' ~. !. ' ~.
Inten;persed durlo& ~e recital were readings by MIss Merle Mouller a s~udent at Steele high schooL Day ton, and Miss Phyll1a Webster, a stUa
Mrs. A, C, Bowman 01 FraI1klln, Mr. ana MrS'. ElwOOd Towson and At the Grade acbool bUlI4lbl• da,\.lIhter Sharon ot ' Sunda.y, September ~, at 2:30P. m. were Saturday guest. at Mr and "Little Butcher" Tbomu of 0IU'd.. Mrs Ol'Vll1e Gray and t " . .• • • • • •&mJJy, : : ; Obto, w1U ~ how the oro,m.
Mn. Marg~tta Heacoc~, MIss F'rteda Harvey, and Mi."B ' Marie owens enjoyed lSCVeral days last eaclt of' terWiMr to week at tbe Hawke oottage a t the , Wam1 Van- ....biwta ,_"a '. . " - 3 '" 'lIlua IP'O......... Mias Clara l:'le of W~ngton C, II.
Nocturne-Leybach; The ~t Hope - Oottschallt.
~" R. x.; ~. wW!attend · the annUal ClODI~ of tbe '!'be
m~te of , Southern :Nth.,' TIle
Bt~IQ'd:.' ~ ~
..". .·• .....
!. '~~~IIpr~" ;'_r1'_:,...r"WI_n,...':.o:.~'!.~:~~~::
0 .. '2
farnuY '.
vWted Mrs. ¥Ai'lareltta Hea.coclt, Moiul.a:v. · , Mr. ~d MrI. Ernest Marttil ot Dayton. lain. a. It ~.tbera~, aDd Mrs. Lena ,Bal'taoc* vlalted at the of Mr. MIS Iln: ,A. Z Hartsock
O."Ii•• d Bam ",M.
Mr, ~ Mhi. Ilra. '
WUn!dngoton, '
lIIra. B. A.
ly_ resided on the now "n. Jt. ~rty, on mute 42, fie-
~en1a, • recen~ bi1de.
Jan can benefit tbe ..." ' -
• • • .• • Ora Carter, of Hopkins St. Mr. and lin. A. p. Kellob' and Cl.r.c1nnatl, a former resistent of nfl61' entertalned Rev. aDd lin. Waynesville, died at his home Thurs J. V, Lacy ,and famllJ at 6 o'clock day evenJng after auJfertns a heart. d1oner, Prlday even,lng, I attack. Mr, ~d Mrs. Carter tormer_ . ' .. • • • . :
Dr. Kan' Jones ~ . Belleview Hoa' tWt't'n WaynesvUle and Lebanon. plt;aJ, New Clty, · ~ls1ted her He 18 surviVed by his wife. Gladys, • ~ J . W. Anderton, ~nd one adop~ daughter, Lou~. in~ " , . . , l'hll tune"al waS held. Monday. and Dr. JIraokun. treasurer of KtB. C. N. BerryhUl and Ua. ~:I burlal was In Rest' Havcn Memorial tile ~ 00uncU of the Ep!aco- BerrYhill of neut,rook vIalted M1aaea Pal k, OlnclnnaU ' . Ob~ " ,tt; _e ODe or the Con· Annie U. and Mame ~. 'Browne, Sun _ _' _._ _ __ , • day. . l,f.1IIcI J8I:cIera.
"'Tbe 0tirIataaD'a ~lUty In , Mrs. ' Lena 1Iark<oc!!t , attA,ndect a ~ Of W...• • ODe of' the IUbJeRI linen shower Tu~ eVen,1nB given ~ ~. ' :n lionor ot MrS. KeJineth DIce. 01
Famous Pal~tlnga. I Nature '
and Our Wondelful ' World. Superlntenden~ L: A. Gant v1Il~ publ1ahing house of G~ . • " . Co. In Columbus and penopaI. selected the fourth unit.
ANNUIL CDNfENCE' Monday made morn1ng. a call on Home friends dent at Stivers high school, T. C. v1l1ted man . 'am· . Mrs. Jeanette 8tetao:n Oak Runyon'a mother, OF' CHURCH LEADERS- Mrs. Ill.• PoI~ of R:1chmond, and HEART ATTACK FATAL ~1 ~ HUl, 'MadIacm'flnt Kemn ~er or IndJanaP<lm TO FORMER RESIDENT O. &mda1.
Lloyd 1IukweU
~ 1"reoJtnIr, Ja aelibratbl 01 &betr weeldJj.~. . • •
~' "
wue ..-.. of lin. Backwell's 111 in .QIeDdi,J..
Leo , 'romey , Hom e ~,
1118 to one~of the factories ~here ttMrs. N~ Pinckard and son.
a.. . . . . . .
cs.m- '1\l8Ita
Iq ',held
At.. '
ipment ~ of . Charles E. ' Mkbener invited their , patrons to at. tend an event ll8'a ,free enfFtaln, .fJr,-Tuesday at Grange Ball. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Tinney en· .............,.,ca~ ""!I'~'",tura!, Ohem·........ te~-·-ed ,a ,_ L 0 t'eJ tl d ...., ~ ~p 1. a yes an leal 00m1lUl!, Pt:eeellted,~ new ,mo. friends at a PI~ dinner, Sunday, Uon picture" .:T1i~ SoU, narrated ~lebratlng'..the · lrttiday anniversary ~ Lo~ll Tb~, . nO.ted radio ot thlili' daugh~1 , Mnrgie. 'I'h,06e COOUDeDta~. present we\,e: ,i.trs. Ida. Lawson; Mr . Aa each ~bre was thrown ,on the and Mrs. Pra~ Lawson. and daughaqeen showing tl;le many proc:eaaes ter. ,Betty, Mr, ;and rMJs: John Huff. throuab ~ ' the ' ~utlUlture Mr. and 1f:8. ,~Boone, Miss Ole audieDce. ~ a Helen DUrban~ ~ Mr. Lt'o La~'"on 1 t;a of pebble phosphate .,rock Mrs. Ceo' • an(!t liOn JIJruny, ~ in Plorlda. ILDd followS the ~, Henry '01~. of O()vlngton, Ky.. throuab,. the waahlng and dry- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey iPinckard, Mr.
. ' • .• ,'. . ' . , It. converted .lnto SI,lJ)erp~~" Was Loll QUlam Jet~ Monday for ThIs intereetlng plQture _, . ,..~re abe wW renter IIWn1 by , vlsualllSng ,arocUlture as . , .Ior the winter. . !ca's biggest and greateat • • • • • .' , good bualD~ tor the ~ peoples, be ~ tile belief, that ,M r. and ..,.. (lh~r~· R4wke and farm is wen ma~8ed; a buslnes the )ll:eeeDt ooa&ct Is sc.n, ,«?~l... 8ot;Iert, pf p..,toD and the young -people , of ,~r1ca yeJoWD!linto one of dUlertnc Id~ Dean Hawke were ~te to. be II'Owtngup 10 a 1'IIU'd1ntr the nature of ~ . : ~ lin pop., ~~, ~ J. H. day Wh;n agtlcUlture. 1a on the 8Ovenament. The outJoot fQI' aawu, S~. • ' I, march, aays Lowen Thomas, as ex. . future .' .clVWaUoa ,.. t. dark ' , • • • • • inowledte and ~ , ' ," ~_ thole ~enta ..wbl!lh Mr. and KrI, W; A; LlW!oa ent..l'_ won qetbel' to belp the ~ ~ve ,in the treecIam .of the t:alned ~ ~ of UMI, Har.f8J'gl!t the mOlt out of ~ baslc . maaIeI .hoUld trI~pb in the prea.. burr bridre club, SaturdaJ evenlna· uaetr-:-the. sol1. ' ent "\Ie, ae cGQteDdecl tbd ADIer• • . ,' . . . After the hour and a half ,o f enlea liboUkt 'do her po", to MJea DQrta'AaJIlburJIa vt'at~ thia tel'tabUnent was over. 'the meetlni's ~ ou~ at fortllD .tanaJemomta. week at the bome. of Mr. aDd lin. rlDal featur;e ~ the draWlDr of the " Robert' 8toer. III 0IImtIaDd. of the winneI' ot a sacIt ot • • • • • ., aupr which went ~ l1l'i. Adah
'. ' ' . '
PiCIIC' U'" ru.._...ir .
Fourth Unit Iqstalled In HEGINS SEPT.. 25 Alumni Ref~rence Library. , .- _______ •.. \ . . Bep~ember LQcaI H· appemogs ' c· C~li' ~ cam.,
LUr~eWllroPiin B1dy
Mra. Ohar.-
KJtcben", in the ,-com 'now OCC\lpleCl by cOnklin'. Beauty Shoppe, in UJe 'c1car future. ·BIAct date of ' Op411dJ.~ w1l1 De announ.:ed next wMIt. . • • • • .:
S, 8 1afilan left Wednesday for lWaml Fla .• 7fiil spend t~e .winter
• • • • •
0 .. J . Edwards arid J. Wilson ward of Sprtn~leld, M.1ss . TrWena Zlmrt. O. Worley. vlcepreetdent of Edw.ards, ' Mlssca AnnIe arid. Marne the Warren Oounty PiI.lr Board. baa Browne, Mrs. H. H. W11llarmon, Mr.
FARMERS' " :AN~,vn. .'.;
Farm S.11s For $137 Per Acre AI AudiO.
..*_&Y, Ohio Aupat
State Capital News
. LYtIe
1'ellef oamaatton. w11I: total tU88.000 an tDcI'eue of ..... 1~' over the JuJ1
8iFI._• • UII
.-----,,-- - - - -
If D&iUre ~ ' ft:1vo1oua we .abouJd be
-_ ..- -
DOt made ua • Uttle m,ost wretch-
Main, Street _ ,.' total O"I,n'l,~. .I , _ . , 8d It 18 becaUie one can be frivo101,ll Wa71l • e, Ohio opponents After &everal heIU1np, to The fecleralRuraI, . -;--" Electrification Of'1bI1lIICIIrIIIM4 .....were aud SUndA1 ...... W. IUIlti P. that ItmAJorltJ do DPt haDa &bema of the maeIow propciHd tb .... or lIU1.. ..sm,D,.,._ ~ ,.. oroUlIflira, IIe1vee. ja sweet to be foolJab n e vUl Flora M. Ed itor and Publisher amendment. the ObJo conaUtUuon AdmlnJatration OIl' 12 al- and .. _111...... _ . . . dec_seQ, Iar1 0IU'mDDJ. ' . . occaaIoD,-Voltaire. 0 ....,..-::--..,.,_--,.__,.:----'____ ~_::_'_------=....::.:.::..:..:...........:......:..-~. Secretary Of State Earl' artmtll on loted ''1'93.000 for ,:oooructlon of ......... ~ lDdlvtcllaUJ. Mr. and lira. Robert BIMJ Iud iSSUED THURSDAY 12 11!Jected thelJ: plea to 'ltI2 .mUM of electne lines In Ohio to' wm o1fer pubUc a1,icUOll ,an ' taw 111'. UI4 '1In. RGbeIt Palmer were ....lJuoow' out all ~.tlUOna"ben SO'" , 6 !' t rve 2815 fartrW. Tbls brinp the . farm chatte!& Im~Dta; Uw..toct, Thursday eveiuDa dlnDer 1\lfJIt.I' or Sub8~ription Plice, ,1.1)0 P.e r Year,. P~Jable in, Abulce . .we"e . . .InValid, . -to the estate or Barl Mr, aDd, lira, Paul WUUama tn !Alb.. of tile signatureS up. total uP .to date alloted tor thb etc Ev" beJoncinIr . held the vaUdity of lobe petlti0ll4. ud up to tll,600.000. :=.,~ to ~ uncia'· ADIIll. . . . . \ .X cert1f1ed th1tt 01,795 ai&Dature. aWl • -'--' . . 1 ~ tb8 prem. Rev. BIIda Snyder ~ re~ REAL ·ESTATE THE SOU1tCE OF JOBS were needed to put. the proposal on FIeld acouw re~entlng the WPA ~oo~ " .. EvaDa to the LJtIe. SprInfb\lro and ' IUd INSURANC~ , . the tjallQt. Orgap1flng Commlt~. a ' • ~a nOl'tbeUt .of Don cburcllee for ,the oom1rig year. AtiCl'lONEER I t's About time that 1I0nest.har<1 working people realized that tbe "We are t~ to ~nelw1e", said CIO union aft~te. lare now at work Lebanon, and, '~ mil• . IOUthweet qt. ·Mr. and, 'Kra: t.eOn BaJ~ury qt • bUIDl~lsruptmg policIes of Ilertilin lett-Wln81 labor leaders are dlreetly Be: retllry QrU!1th, .·that the uaUlDp In Ohio. foUowlng n meeting J1eld WaJIlMVlUe ~ 8ta~ Route ft. on ~ub1nIt.oD O. B. Were Sunday of· and unequivocably opposed t.o the re!s.l Interests of decent. ambltlous labor tlon of lllifticiency ,Is oarrttld by every in Columbus SepteDlber 12. WEDNESDAY Bm"I"EJIDIEB 11. lISt temoon lIleete of Mr. · and Mrs•. AI, organIzed or unorganized. . pet1tioh baving apparent au1!1clent .. OomInenclni at· ll o'Clock, ahaI'P leD ·BmrIck. wOOr wants fair wages. It wants good work1ng condltlons: lt wants signatures and proper vel1flcatloD. Robert R. Bal!'ham. ot Wtlmlni7-BEAD OF Mr. and lira. Therle Jones enter· ~_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiii~iiliiiiliiiiiiiiiliii-.securIty nn Cl 1\ pernUlOent job year In and year out. It wanta a reasonable and that the burden of proot 18 on ton. was appointed State Director of BOJUmS-:-7 tIalDe4 WlUl a familY cUnner Sunl1ay -;: ., .wor)tlng week. And t h,e.o;e und~tandable desires can only be fultUled by the objectors to prove ·U.s 1n.su1!1cl- FInanCe by Gov. Bricker on 8eptem· ~rrel reJdini.8 yrs. Old, w~bt. 1D bo~ of .t.he btrthdal' of Mra. ~table profll,-m9~lng Industry. A company whlk:h doesn't know whether encY." . ber 12. Mr. Bangham has been a 1600 lbi.; IOrrei mare. 7 YnI. Old; Jonea ~ttier. Edwln Nutt of Centert.h(! I~bor czars nre going to let It op_rate next. month or not, Isn't a comThe sponsors of the 'petltlons have member ot the HOOae for four tenna weliht 1,!1OO' Jbs: mare. 6 )'I'll olc1. .ute_ . REAL ESTATE . pony which Is In Ii POSItion to shortl'll hours. to Increase wages. or to 1ril. until September 23 to obtatn addJ- chaJrman of tile ' fln~ce committee we1gbt.1500·1bI.i Bay maie, 6)'1'11. 'old MIas. Ella 'Kenrlck a ~eat at. the prove l'ondlLlons In Its plant. . tlonal slgnatutes In a statement and a member of the Board of COn. weight 1600 lb!.; bay ~, 7 yrs. Kenrick's apent $lturday evening 'NOTARY' PUBLIC 8 WIth ~ IrIartba. Hough near Way. .' . The ty~jcaJ American emplo~er undenstands and appreeJatea the given out when 'the petitloDB were, ~ since Jan~y 1st -and baa ~d old, weJibt ' lliOOlbI; ~ .' rlgbts of the working people to orgen~ze. and to better themselyea, He is flied, Mr. Bigelow cpntended they a Wide expenence tn deailng ~th yra. 014. weJabt I~ b : brown pIcl." De8Vi1le. . . lIS much Interested as anyone In raWng w_ and lIhorteDlng hours when arc holding 100,000 additiOnal alg.. pubUc finances. , 1~, 1. na. ,old. welabt 1400 It;.. 1Ir, and lira. E. B. IAnpere aDd possible..-.a1ter: all,an Increased national tncorpe, dlatrlbuted among all natures In reserve tn case they are Tbele bIlnea ~ .......t 1fI)rata 1Ir. and 1In.' J. B. JODeB toot' .• people. Is tlhe key tc)'stlmUlated demands for the products of Industry. He needed. ' War ~tlvit1ea were brought home an,ywbere bltcbecl. motor tq, tbroulb' Ol1nton 00. sun Is wtlltng to meet Ill!bOr halt.way In any legitimate undertaking. But he "> Ohio . OIl September 12-13 when lto--11BAD or CA'I"II.&-lt dQ. at&emooD. canno m~t the Im)lOsslble .demands of ra.eketeermg la.t>ol'--ilnd the hon- Ohio's quota of the 11.000 air plane the seventh calvatry brigade, meoll· :. lira. Allen Hole who 18 lmproyJDI' est labOrer Is. tb.& firat. t.o autrer. , . . pilota .to be trained at goveinment anlled. of tl\e tr. 8. army P'8IeCl JerJIII!1 cow. freIb WIth bJ after • pro1ciqed tIlne. ls sP8ndThere are deflhlte, allDll that thinldng labor. both Within and Without expense wUI be 650. It WM announc- through the lOuthern part of the b de. 3 Jeney ooe. due to fielbeD 1nc tbJe week WIth her lalater. Mrs. the u1110ns, Is growing ,weary of 'left-wing domination. And representative cd September 8 by tbe State Dtrecitor state on lte way to Pt. Knox. Ky. .' da7 or ..e; a Jer.IJ oowa PYlna James .Jo!ma. • • l®or hIi.s .volutarUy spoken up In fAvor of changes In such unWorkable of AeronauUca. The Ohio quota WM The brigade. ~poosed ot 2100 men. : ROOd Bow or mJa; 2 J~ .belten. 1Ir. aDd lire. Prank Deweese ·aDd pieces of l~a~Jm;l la, the W~er Act. It 18 this attitude of fairness and fixed by the otvll .AeronautlA:a 660 . motor vehi~les. Including ,mod. a ~ old, one fresh with calf ~ ald•• ~ of DIU' .Yankee St. were eJJ.. reason that will belp bor go aheac),-as against the business-destroying Authority, ttle federal .reiUJatory er,n armored ~ ~~ artWery qamp ID1lk rtborn COWl ItvtDa rood dow of . . .oecl GIl SUDdaJ· at the home or WAYNl:8VJU.B. 0".0 attJtude wWoh hOlds labor and even one else bac:lt. body which admlnJatera th.e civil ed overnight ,~, 'Cambridge . apd . iii. and lira. Jlowanl DeweeIe. . ' ~"'., ......" '. , ...." " " '...--"~"" .......'" , pUot traInInr actlectmtly paesed by BamJlton. ~~ CIIIlf& 1Ir. aDd . Ml'a. Kesler OralaaD\ ------..;.~;...--oonar-. 'nle8e pilota willl)e traJDed ...DING BBOAT..... ..-at' 8uDdaJ eYenIng with Mr. aDd nWs,; J'IU. aad B&T. ~SPM"EB ADVEB.T18INO· KEEP YOUB DAD tllrougb the co-operatton wIt.b Unt.. "The atate deparlmenla are living l7--IIAIIP8'BJU • lin. Barry onliam: ' . 8eptelaller 21, !I and !S ;FOaDlO!'T . _ ve~ttes and, althoush a llmIt of ao well within tIlelr approp..tatl<ma and BBDP-17 Ifft,. Meta· Rotera vIIlted her ... BOY 1t0GER8 . Rarely In our hJatol'Y bas It beeIi 80 s~udente has been eet fot: each tn- the state Jncome 18 holding up v~ 111 ~w•• 2 bucka. . -Kra!''l)'Wa'ParqUU' and tamllJ . '. . ' . ns:esaary for Americana to k.eep their stltutlon. eftorta are being made to well," deelated Gov. Jobn ·W. DlPl.DliNTB , DIU JU.dpttWt OIl SUDday." DespIte the of other heads as 1t Is todAY raise tbJe t.o 100 for Ohio State unt_ er In a con terence held wUh his clib' . MIa. BlMan 8a11or vIalted MIla • advertising media. the newspaper The most ghaauY of all tragedIes verslty because of 1t6 excellent fa_\lnet membera September 9. piParmall tractor with twO-bottom l.uIa Boner. &Dd lit. and Mri. remains productive channel has engulfed Europe It 18 th b eWtIea and tbe Ideal airport poylb1l -' - OWl. cuJtI.aw aDd doUble cllac. In I!IayI!Jr m Dayton ' eeveraJ da laat . ... whel'eby Industry can reach the buy- 'lng hope of the vast'tnaJontyeOf': U1es around Columbull. The Since Prealdez:'t ·RooSevelt·s pro.. rood 6 .,alklng '.. )'8 " ' tng publlc:--6nd .Industry Is fully Ipeople tbat we eacape tbe holocaust tiona provide for a Il'OUDd ICboel clamatlon aqthorlzllllg a substantial plOwa, s.ctraa 1OlIer: bene 1Ir. and un. W11lIam Rogeraaod . . of that .' flo destructton. We have not forgotten course of '12 bourl to be given on Inereaae tn the arD'11'. naVy, nW1ne double dille harrow; fertttlr.er Deere Mirtaai were enletV4Jied "':""":""'- , A recent. survey weU illustrates the World War. It iC)wecl the seeds the college campus and ' between ' 36 and air COl'Jl8' bI!lt:ame e1IIectlve, IlOI'D pJanter With cbIdt ftIW: two to Ihu;aday cHimer at the horne ' of aDd MONl;l"Y the 's ustained popularity of new.. for the yean of aocIal dJacOntent and and 60 hours of 1llght pwructlon at thousands of YOUlll mea are ap ...,t. inow· lit; aDd - . : OU!ll'd BUtt iD IIUOn '!4 .11n1) 25 . papers among THe sur- depre.salon Utat. 'followed We have a nearby llylng school r lready op- pearlng at tr. S. recrultlng atatlonl\ :;,: rue. teclder: baJ riIMr. aDd Mra. O&lvln ItQIIPCre aDd ' .vey was. made by four natloDal &810- not forgotten Ulat of erat.lni In the community. The In. for enllatment. pel'llODDel of the ; 'J-tt. iP'&tD &lid 101........... Jobna "DE&» END" KIDS c1atlona serving IOhAin and Aml!l1can and bUUob:, of 81'oood echooJ cliIsee Ohio C?1llU'4 wtll be Inareaa bbwler on trucu. lib DeW: BooeIIr abd Paul eplIbt SWIdaJ·a net .. co'Vered. 138 repreaenbi.Uve ~tems In American wetUth . and reIIDU1"C5 '18 ~uled for October I" :wlth tid aPP1'O~17 by 2000 oft'lcen fertUlsl!r' ~ sram~; lODe hone ~ at JDdJaD I.aIIe and wblle UIere •• ,than 99.000 ........... -'floOd. Only ___ ri' In.... I M _ "'..... and - . • ... - : _ ..... 0\ ......... "! Dr. . .d·x.. t-to..coa.st. and having annual eventually what ~. U any. !!'lOVImber' I. - -.. , planter. farDl ~: dl!iellow wbeel Aleander. . ' well In of ts;OOO.OOO.pc,lO. came from that 'war. __ . In ee-.ting annJverWith ba, ladderI; two an4 un. walter JJ:t!IUick.aDd Dur1iIg the t!pical year coVered 'bY The ~dent baa aaJd that . Ali The 27th wual meetJng of 'the IWY reeentb' Ute U. 8. 'l'reaIUr)' !'8-,aIedI., two~..... tADD; OUftIt'..-to MIla IIU& '~ ean.d • AlSo tleleeled Short eab~ti c ~e ,sur,vey, tlbeae oompanJes spent long aa it rema1na witbln hIa power. \Ohio Hiator)' A.eIocJatlon will be held ported ~Ipti ~~ In. tI2~OOO,OOO maD'P'e. ~. ~ barDeM ~ lin.· Mda' ~. and ' claugfrte.n, -......;~-'-----~~-.:...:.--more t56.ooo,OOO for Qdvenl8lng there aball be no "bIac1r.out of peace" Sunday afternoon. October i. In &be a day. and ' eJQJeDlilturea goln! out. f!ilht CIlIDPiete . . . . . Mre: , U4 lib. ,Pltagerald In 'TUE8I ul WED. an average of $1.7M per store. AI- In thJanatJon In that be etJboea tbe ' Lopn .EIm Part, of 0Ira daY. The ttcurea cover_'. hamesI, 1 br-,k 8ul\dat afternoon, &ad It : . 58 per cent of the money was And heert.a of aU' of lao Blit tbe c1evWe. Amon" thole c.n tile Ihg the ftm were. not aprtn; ptDCMoae: two .., aIao ea1Jecl DO 1Iie. VIDa Byers in LIONEl; " :\owtth .newspapers· A Uttle less mere WIsh 18 not enough. Hyatert& !wtU be the fndJan. Oomptanter: '. ctven. . mUk In . \ . " b1llS per cent was spent on pualOn, fanatlel8m, mistaken . __ . ""--, • ""-- . • , • YlI. aDd lira. WUIIam creJgbto';' and sImlJ8r prlJlted 1aJn:-."tIwse tb.InII. can be the At. the begInnJUg of thJa year the 'lbe otllo Oommltu'e.' • 1IO'lMIIOItD GOODI ' ...... 8aiab Saylor &Del lira. Harry . , o( was produced ln loit!al era ot'rutn and horror. 4JDerican state owed to acbool diatrtcts GrPnluUoif,perfetted to. ....... ... at&tDded tbe Bouth Park . . . . ". .. plants, 0nlJ 4.30 neutrality Is dependent upon Amer. operatlng lInde.,!' the OhIo School the adoptfon of. BIIeIow PI'OI)!I8-. . .; 1IIMhI....' .... II; .. 'aervbi mom-,' ./' 'I ', me . . the lea keeptn!r Ita.bead. Foundation lOme '17,000,000. to 1ClODatItu }few pIdfw......... IDs aud . . . dInDer IWIeta Or Mr., . Added sbora laneoua ' .' on. mIacel· No one Imowa when 'the war wtn state J:as un- I ... ____lnMI _to: QiICO-neePeb IDAD1 • aDd WUUam 8I:ylor In DaylAln. •, , 'the .;-::..... . ,end, or "ho'wt11 the ''VIctor''. But dertaken to. finance ' the. dellclt and beld. In a too numelvul to ....."oa. j SII,!If. , \ " . .' ......_ down. l~ ~ ~ there 18 Justlfied fear that put the schools on a carb oftWena pr Ibe j~tt_ are B ' •--r. " 1 t~ a . ~nlil*' ~ at her t't .. . . ... . . . . . Pilon. 11J . WaYIle&vllle,1 Ohio , " EntMed Aa Second Cluil Mall Mat! 'r .t
EV~JtY ~tember :--_ -::-:---:--::-.,. . -=--:-__________._________
'!. ! . ! . .!'"-! . -'!!!!~!!!!!~!!!O!~"'"!"!! .~
, W,,"N. SEARS
J. 'B~ Chapman '
~ppeue~ ~he ~OIlt
lI~res. .
O~o ~ ~atloDal
~ unto~ ,a~tlon
ides1~ ~uc.;'1
~UCb w~ newl$Jl8~r per.cen~ =~ Ie::::.",:::. ~ p~ ~
. . .:. .----~---
A I W h nge • ••
TheI " r F -ca.
~ ~.
~;l~ '
' '0 ' n 80 ..owed
laD ~t e'~ ~... ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !rlle:n.~~~ ~ '~bab'a; . ~~ 8e1~"'l Sab~ p~t ad~t1on ~feeted) ~ ~ ~ Oolumb~ 8e~ ~·I ...... ~ el~~~ bUti.1 home. ·r ~ . f ..... ':'::. -:::. ....... ,....,,:: all ...... _ Don n; -1M ~ ::. ~ or.~h , _ . '-jl--Cl'" 1'_ _ ...... ·...... I~ '1"'. . ~' , . . . . . .In .. per oeD .1Id~ , .'to tbt.t·contlnent 10~ IIl&DJ JeaI'6 porta tha& en. IIIIbool ·cUatrlcta. ap. . ' -~ PNIIdeDt of &be ' '. . ___n ~ ..... of IIIIB ~ llWel'i ' 'an .' ' . ' , ~&b ~ ' 1J'OCer1 chaIna after boetWtree bit.ve ' atopped. War proKimatety one.thJrd of theae In ,Hatloba.l LIVe 8tocIt Prod~a' Oo~ AdnitntatJ ' ~ ,~ee .or ~"J'Ieldo. r ~~tloneer ~per.t.:;~ ~ cent ~ IeDeral IDeaIll! th:at' the ~ ofInPea...' mUll ~ atate, baw nqw oomj,Iet8d tI.e I.operatlve Coomllsslon of Ohio. ' of 1IIrI ' ::~.e JI'II8Ilt "!h: 'II!e ~ BtIU An.. .... ~ "'l&~:FA ' C"r, '0 N mer~ c:Uae . And ~y obaIna be'rUt.bleiJely .~ order IIb&t refunding or their School PoWlda_ ,Other oftloere of tile CoIii~ttee. ~e ., ,<'. _~ . -Md. deno~ Betty ,lIJIltIDD.·UWait I'Qrnea. ~·"IV !I " (pe:ut 61.35 per 1CeDi. _..... ~. A_... __ - a and ......"ore ,lira. W. B'........,. PreI1dent of the Kar . . ~. - IIuMo DIQ,. -RuUa . ....~ II-.m. , ,,' T . '. . ,_, ' , tile - ,.. ...-, auv _ _ _ _ _ tlon note end of this " • ,--,. ~ Or. "nO AI. Ita : L~t 18. testlinonJal to the char. lDQ ..be ~. Tbe 'preaen..tlon )'ear all of the notes w1I1 jct~ Olub ot ~~. B, O.~. ~""Brown. A~ttoDeer ""-" ........' :Qe&t)' ~ aoca.. Iiiaa . rae aott.r ~ the AJner1ca~ Pr88a. ~o in:- of ~ wbIcb have beeD WGIl be. refunded. the state aIIProPrtating I M~avUl •• , former 19tate DIrect«' Cl . ,.~ ~ ' . ~ IiIIlJe rUIIIt 01 ~ ., . I, tlt\.tIon, b~ .. hi81,ler place tn the tmoqh centul1e8, are t.bre&t.ened In ,or boui the prtpotpal"and . Interest IEcl~t1on ~. p~ A.. ,Bunter. OOIum.l · ~ ..,.,ed "13): Ule ~ +1 • . , . stc?DI of the Am:er1ean ~ple; 'lbIa .. ~ world.-IDdUlCl1al HIIW8 ohariM. 1lhe present' &dmll'll8tlaUon bus attorney. The .~ttee ~ OIjIDm',nlb ClUb. 'r ' •. '!P :, " How" W~ ,.IOntenllle ~1tlo lIi. p lrtl~lJ t:r:ue of the newspaPer ReVIeW. . bas promptly .met aU jaaimente d . senb 110 ItAte. tndt!. clvlc. ~ 8oc1a1 ' . . . • " '., ' . ' f:' .La' ......~I~·~I ' I ~ Jr'lng.l.tb~.'~ ' towt\a 'orl the to date under ihe' SchoQ"Po~~ ~ganbatJDII.I. ,~: .; . ." &JDRING' V "AU' If. , .: .• I ',. . . . . . . , . ....... "7U co~utry.•1V~cib ~ read from ':cover '!By tbe tI,me •• mail,' baa Ieamed tlOn I:'I'Otrl'amo aiune tleme . ~" In . .. h-- .' . '. '. : I': .( . ~. EY". ,aM ,..;..... .,
~ ~ ~: ~~
8erIa~omecl, S~"Y ANN~8::=:::
..... . ~. ~
~ :tlva~; ~ ba, )f~-DeerIna
Round-U, n'~
In""" _ ....................
ja .. .
re_pg .i....
.............. _
t ' h e
t COVW'''y theJ.r SUIleorlllers;-newa, bow tq baDcue. mooey. be'a'lost It aU. caaIi on tlIe date due. i' locals/ Sdvert.fllelnenta and aU -IJ1. ,.' "_ , '_ . , d ~ . Il8trial New!! Review. ';l'be, beet Ume to f/IJJO.F"'&1"tIIUo" of the State, DlYialOD of • .t .bWp .. alter a full me.l. • tor flrat. ekht
• II ' . .
,N , 91· .... n~K onal HI'Tr~pShoO~IIII' C .,bernp , 'Ares III .
-lift-HI" " ': JI!IU eelS, . ~ ,On' ~h~ottle 'Of' Busy. GelJlral ~toie
'rJie Zalesld
if ' " POjeCt
Mc~ur; dev8JOPea' ......., .... tWa -
dI~ .
f~ .._.. ......
oW. .
"...: -
I' "
• . '
Adam PaUl Of
. .
~JCa'et ~lIn. p. ana
tnontbe of.tbJa year totaled .aUJIa _ . , her 1~. ~ .18.~ ~a,. tDl'~, u ~ . . . . . .'11 for ~ 18 ~~ e)f 18.as\.a,"~I;,ol aDd •
91 the u. ' S, InUIet GIl 'J'UeedaJ or
. 0.,
was -.
Ilia' .• ~
'e8" ,.""r~~ . en . "_'-,1"~:'7L.::~
.un~ penod lut jeal'~ . ,net ~Ue ,~~~$3 """!.relJel!Yed. for ' ~·l the ;~~~~1i~:::~a~:~~
~ent· rePort\abOwa .. . 1or~res r I~~ aad t5 nesCsay .~. aces .dm.I~ltI9,n, . '/i~ere .~ 111'. aDd'
of I.5U78,.49, a ElpendJttires for tbfi .iame'
a. l2kCre~. 141~uD~ ~~fi'IiI_. I.)j_
were IjJ38 and .• 21of i'OafI 1I®,16 tn 1838. a net aaVlnla or t38.- tTa11s 'In ~~1~ IDUea I, of footi Ili' ,..... .......... _ _.96 for the elglit month ......tod ...~_ e ...,..~8Ilt wbleb eclIIt ~ t_ ' . ...,.. . pro........ ""lv *"""000 .. _'" . '!"II DUrIns the I{lOIltb , of Auruat:' th . ,'''''''' ~ .8aturiJa)' ~_r:) Dtvtalon' reporta 7'1 &rreata fOr ~ut tbree y~ to l~PIMe. 'I i Mr. ~.
of 'the state flab and pme COnvictIOns ~e ~~ ',In 7'1 cues, with rtiu!a tOt&wng , . . . ,11'1.:'111
-8 eecn . Ii ' ' C .' ,I.-DIItInn1' ·~~i."'. " rove ,
. ....
.lUIloun~ ~to ~ of.; ~'e~'ma~~;fS;:~;::~ ""III~"" • . - ~r; ClIraYJ.., 'tMaw,e8.
and ' . ' coata ' .
, "
r~ :.
~ - , . . ~ 9APrtAL NBwsr 111'0 C :1D\CI"~ .• AId i\IeIts trOm~l; ,~~ ~~~=~~:=~~ · ll~.~~b;*ir' I :~~~~~~~~~~~ eoIIAictA!d , _:N&&e7 , ~Berreeo, ot': ~~' J~ _!_~ ;~ I",'
UDcle, Bam
Oblo·.tupQere tn the'
.~ . Whicb
f~l ~
J~, .1t39, .but'l~eUman.
iOf' l~ ~ta, . near'lf" .
I ' Tbe
~"~ '~ ' ~d< JIidmey ren IIbort of ·the amount · coUeCted the Iand ~UPI;er. ~ ... 8uD:.~ , preVious year. acConunr to f1gur~ .d~, 8U~ of ~.,Ud.... Waltel alr '. made IPU~ September 8 by .the U II1n* or.'DIfJ&l ~, . ,; . S, Intemal ~"enue Bureau, M'I MI" ' ~ lire, ~nneth LIlney o~ · the
Oblo ' ~IPte . were "U71~aOl
, ,
thOU~~~ , tu rates weN .iD .ncM yVa1DM!,UIe; we~ .8uD4q e1f~t , d~ the ·~t period, the pesta· ot Mr. ~ lira. Olenn DaVia' Ohio reoetpts d~ .1CJ 'Percent' f~. \ " . ,. ' wh1le the decrease for tbe entire 1Itas, HeW~ ~, DaVIa was a
na~on WA4 8.' per !Cent. with . 618 W~d.nesday overmght ,8Ues~ of ~ cent of the nation's '~n. ' ,:Jean, Whitacre, 'of, Morroir. · '~'. 'iIz." . OhIo ab.ould~ 6.H ·, * ~ of the ¥r. ~1Id .lira. ' ~. Bllls; (.~ . RIch...... nN'oua! &ax burden. : Jacobe) ot Weuman. JJaQ ~ bIaok y-..LIi;;;. . •' Utu. eon. . ;;;.,. .... ~
. Stud~ta In
. -na
~ new _.••. lIl~t~~f~~~~~ up tile ,... ... WOI't, ~ ., :""'O&;'
tor qt • •tII.
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I. '=In=~'W"'; NeW'~- 'O~f
t- CO~ntYCou~t Fl'
Itt,lJ acne
==~''::::F========~::7':::;:::==:=::~::=~=~=' ., LeIJa . GrIabJet, ",('alIII'd; IIW~
~ ~t
e s ,........
I SUrl1JJi ICct1er &Did
and DOWe Beitler to Orantl. Black Otmeva · B~;
, "
,nth ~t rate of ~.1iO per week ~ ~ ~ .~. - ,- , , , er to Ben,j amln the real flrew&rks ls s'ch~uled for th~ seminarY Iti Clnclnnati wed-:I ----G d Q' I from 1, 18811, the In ,the matter ot .tate of T Biackbum' 41'1 IICres In Olear I Friday. when the Pittsburgh Pirates nway uaran ee ua Ity m: .Qt DIU..." . on real eM&te, aDd UlUaIi 11. ~WD,' ~ece&aed; .Ilrat, ~, ~trlP, ' ''' , - jcome in tor tlve ba~t14lS in ~hl'ee I MrS, ' ohester ,Riley was removed f\':U1':t~a:r:Uo ' . and t1na1, 1lIFIb~/.1~e ac;cotqlt· tUed, Hv~ ButJe118 et.al, to EmIlY ~ :aya, S:CCl:s~ed double·:})ea(!ers Fri- to Miami Valley hospital last Satur T , " compII.II.J ordered t,~nd~. , ', broee' lots Nos, 11 and 12.1n Butler-/ ay an a ray, _.atld a sing~e I d.ay and underwent an operation M~ TIlton iuId , Ethel BIalr, ,-In ~ matter at /the estate vUIe. P!Jle Sunday are on t;ap, Friday s M(JDday moming. Her condition Is ! lCOgJlOvtt.. Judiment to pIaI.o.. Ed deceaaecl; &lldrtln,: E. Blair, -game wID also a ladles' day at- Isald to be good, Mrs. Rtley's mollier, : Manufactured By ~.55 ~ eaatI, aocoUilt rned, ordered a\IIpebded. ROtiert M. ;Blair, et a.l •• lot NO. 23C11tractlon, Mrs, Dennis of Ashland, Ky , Is stay_ Th 5 ,My't 8' DOane v_ . , Walter Doane; In, the matter. Of the eIItMe oi and part of lot No. 235 In 'Lebanon; The St, ~~. Oardlnals, who have ' lI ,g at the Riley home. 'I mlth Agricultural Chemical Co. actloD 11 dlyOl'Cle. . Stephen A 8t1lwell. decetiaed; , sale 1ft TUrUecreek township 82,10 acres. been clinging doggedly on the heels Otorge Smith lost one of his team • The ,PranItlln National ~ VI. of real eatate aJ.lPlOved ~ 00I2f1rm. end another tract or 191.82 acres In or, the ~ aU season, will arrive on of mares last Wednesday trom IndlCharlie Meeb: acti!Nl. C08DOvtt ed, Turtlecreek townshlp. September 28 ttlr the final series of gl:'Slion and the extreme heat, JUQmen,,: rendered. ~ 10 tbe matter of tile _~ of T Mabel Vlrglrila. WW1ams to Leroy th Crosley !leld season The ~ and Mrs . Nancy Pope spent few days In the appzoprtatlOD B. deceased; rirst aiut rlnai P. lind 1I:dlth B; Wertz; .3'lli In Oards wID In 0. double-header las! with her daughter, Mrs> , o~::: easement ~or hlgbway aDd for aOoount 1IPPI'OVed. , • . Turtlecreelt towMblP. on ~esday September 26. and In a Lawrence 'DholIU\>' and family In c neJ phanae pur~ ~ver tile , In the 'matter of t1,Ie -uta\i' of 8tepben stuweU, deceaaed, by ex- ladles day gune on the 21th, Then Lebullon, I la~ or Boward L. ~Ude. e.t at: B. BarrIs; cteceaeed: tint and ecutor, to' E. P aDd 'Wllda SoUthard on 8egtember 28 the two teams wm l· The JlWles Wlcal famIly spent ~rler B.cause of Better Quality, , ac~n. for co"""'oratloA or ,acoount approved. .' parts of Jot . . 89 In Lebanon. meet In the last game ot the year at Sunuay with Mr. and Mrs. Perry Service, nd Price ty' ADd~: Robert s, Bellht. In u;ae matter or the ~ ot 8~~hen stuweU, deceased, by ex- the local lot, The Reds ands Oards Wade. , ~, Dltector. 01 BiahftYI. attorney, II: ,Baa .,..ae«:~~ ' ecutor. to Pr'ed L. Kibbey; lot No, 1 have clawed 6&vagely at each other's Mr. and Mrs. Rolla' Bolton spent Established 1849-1939 "'-"" aclWUntapproVed .. ' '. 100 ,Stll1well'asubdlv1aion in Lebanon throats aU season, and as th1ngS IFr!day In OohimbUB with their BOlL Phone 32 PLEAS P.OCDDOiQ8 In Pte matter of eatate aDd, ,12 acre. stand now, each team has won nine I Dr, J . p, Bolton and family, ; Waynesvllle,O. ~ --.:.. John 'Foley decea8ed' first ani111nal1 StePhen' s'ttlwell deceased by ex- games with two contests resUlting In , Mr.s.. Thomas Burton, su1lerllllt EdIth L. VII. ' DaYict account ' ~utor, ~ Robert ~ of lot ties. ' . fr\',m nervoL18 breakdown, is a llttlej BIaIJqp.' dlvorce granted. cuatocl)' 01 ' Iu tl~ mat~l:.. of ' ,the aatate " of No. as tn' Lebanon. ' P The Reds wI~l lClose the season III .IDI\>roveq. =::..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~=~~~~~~~ m1Dar Ch1ld ,llyen to the pIalnWl Mary E :"LoJ. d~; 'flr$ abct4ln. . Ste~n Stllwell, deceaaed, by ,ex- ~ttaburgh. winhere they are to mee_1 Rozella. "Conklin is sLaying with the -dltfendaDi to 11&1 t2J1O per weet ait~ ~t apprpvecL , " ecutDr, OJUrord Turner; part ot e Pirates sllllle g~mes on Bep- Jim Wicals', ': 1llQD1. ' , In ~he mat¥ of• .the .tate of lot No. '1. <lot )fa. :J and lot No. 3 lD teJnber 29. 30. and O?,o",er 1, Buelab Smith was the Sunday • _ ...- - Kate Selbert •• ObrIIt ' &eIIert; ' ,A. P8Dce, ' Oeoeaaed; " a1JItb Stuwell'. Subc1Ivlalon' i~ Lebapon. " Tickets for aU remain:lbg games at guest of Dorothy Gerhard. a~tlon fpr &llJiuInJ " flied approved. ' JohD B. Treon. dece8eed. to Clara home now are on sale Ilt the Henry Rev . W, 0. Smith vlsited h1.s broi)lalDwr' to De beU'd. OIl September - of t.be Itt '.U acres b) 'Lemon and ' Sl.raua Olgar Store, Sixth and Wal, ther, Rev, F. H, Smith at New Vi.. ! II, ' ,deceased; I8veat.1a ac_IPranklln townihips. ' nut Streets, ( enna Thursday. Marl.... sun~ DwIre, ,' _ OharBe-Moore;-deceued. to AWe " ~ Orville ~vage saw the "Reda" va, WlWam C. Dwire. dlvoroe 01 ttle .tate ' IOf. Il00re ; 1,84.87 ~ ~ QJarlrfv1lle ~d ~UBe of the limited time be· play at Clnclpnatl, Friday aftemoon ea. c\MOcly or ODe Yciar old . awl In ~. townablp, ' tween now and the start of the' Mi and Mrs; MauriCe Humer: Mr ' 1 li~ to , ~~, ' ~t, to ~unt aP~ftd, HlIldab4~ ~Iac~ deC:eued, to Wolld's _rles, It ha,! become neceS- ,and Mrs. Lester Gerhard and family B,. Ha....,. Elclrl.... Jr, 13.10 per ~ ~: ' ' III .... ~ tbtt , · ...... ' 01 Benjamin T , Blackburn; • acres 'In ~ for ~e C1neinnati :Reds to start and Rev. W. C. Smith were eveulng ,~t ~ va, Rapl'aad LOUe~IiiiriT~Jlei s"'~ncf Oll!lU'Cl'eek .to)mSblP. ' ' their preparations, notwitbstandlng lgUeBt8 of Mr, and Mrs. Ooy Gilliam • _. tlpelT, IDe.: pet1tJoo to be J'IIVerUIed r~, aocount aPJJn>Ved. that the National Lea~rue pennant and family MOnday. ' on' or before' se.,tembei 14; toe de- In the~tter of the .tate Of , NOTice TO CONTRAoroB8 ' race has ,nOt beeJi decided. , '·1 The Marc ,Wilson family bave -~-- -~' .WCIa1iL. V,il.':'" of '~ ~Y8D 'l&ytI.a WblCacl'e, dlcea!ed; flrlt and DEP"R 8T1,;n: 06' OHIO ,A special World's ser:les tlcket otJ moved In with Mr. and Mrs. Al cor- I Although primarily Ill1 industrial waters In certain sect10ns rau ~'" .. flDal IMlcOuDt a&CII!Vi'id. -' , .. TII",,'NT OF ' HIGHWAY. fins ell temporarily until they can Iln" l lllld agricultural state, OhIo ranks poor fishing, Beet ' bet is dee leave to f1I6 answer on or before (lul_ ..... , 0 .... _ ~ •• _..., 11, 1l/:JfI -.: Was opened at the Red's heatl- In I38pt.embe1' II. ~". ~ the . .tter or the . .te of GlHktJ·:.:'''=.~~~R!" ~4 QUarters 10 the"Union .Omtral BUild_ a place. fourth In the annual catch ot fur water In .treama-and ·laltes," TheY' : 01'&D4 Barnett va, B 0 BOu' • S. A~ .......: flnt &lid ftJial 'ac- ~ ',. _ 91' tng TueadQ and all orders for the ! Mr. and Mrs, Carl Wbltls and 60n bearing animals, This state's an- tell1ng us! Ray DuPn' reports upper , .odIlollt -.ranted . 16 .~. ClOIID& 4rao., .• , . atS::~egt8~:P~:~~e ~tebe'r::~:~ Sellea wtll be ,handled there. Only I of Dayton were Sunday guestS ot nual fur crop is 6!itlmated at be- Caerar Creek almost Without run.1Ocb 'to r"s ......v or 0."-nI f.bf mat&er 01 &be .tat.e of' DltrlelCttor of OhIo, at Columbu., 01110 man orden WU:t be aCCElptect All or Mt:, and Mrs. P, J . Thomas The Lween one and two mJll10n doUar&--.- nihg w:l.ter-.'leveral backwater pools .... - v . . . . . . . . • ~ deera"'; ' . , .ad tID. un en o'clock A. 14" Ea te'l'D' 8 an : .. _,-' • ina. ' Dora tint dard, Time. TuueS.,.' October, lI' ....... m\J8t be accompanied , by cash, Fordyces were afternoon caUers, and whh almost a mUUon reported, The In the Little MIami he.ve had to be Ift1ea Ba1ea VII. Emeat 8DJder; de- al ~ approftCl; " • ,1~te.~~!QI~r::t~,:,e~to!nkn 8e~on ler's check; ~r~fled ~beck, or bank the entire company visited with Ule Conservation Dept, Is taking more seined to save ttsh-!..trOut tlshlnlr 8p febdaA 1fUl~' dQ...~ wbleb In 't lie mat., of the .~ of ,I and of ~'~on Sprln&borD of flatt made payable to 'I'he Oincin- Lawrence Thomas fam1ly In Lebanon t Jhtercst In fur bel!l"el'8 as they rep- Mad ,RTver way has . been unuauallJ ,. anawer or.otbet.p' _ _ • VfaI& ~ ~ d_sed .~ttfl Hf:::'~;-Nol, T:~,&tot!te nati Bu;:baU pl'ub 0<11. No c~, in t~e late afternoon. Il esent 'from a half to a mUllon dol- good , aud "Mary Anne" (that bII . _ ... ' - B' "-0 ' __......_ 'B ~ . . mnn. NO,l71, In tbe Vllla.e "Dt' 81!rlnIJboro persona} oh~. or' otltler forms Of Au~umn is with lIS again Com . lars of the total with mink, skunk ,brown trout) was hooted " ... ,- ~ _~, 'AAJ"'" _ . . - • < ~~, aDd rra",klln a,4 Clea., C...ek Tow n- niJ .. I . , ---£1apl, aDd' WtwaIn CUalua maCk. . . 0( toe estate ,.of .!i!.I!" 'by .,a41i1&" wldenlni and reo re ttapce WUlbe accepted, eaves. leaves from the trees and and coon folloWIng next In value. low Urbana, and as Ulluallost IIID'1l va BeQJam'D T. BlacktiPrD. et K. ,BI&tr, '~~; ooun 01'_ .:.\;5f::=~ :'~~m~~t c;:cl::; ;}toad- In &nDOUDCq the plan to be fol- cobweb" play tag hlgh tn the air and Bill Hendershot, Warren County's " , . " _ . t . . - - . 0 dencI &bat .. oertl1Icate- 01, &nDafv :w,~...al teet. , . _ lowed. General 14aDaCt~ Warren 0 Wille to rest on the earth far Irolll Game Management Agent, ls gather- Seventy seven 'arresfA were report- ' a1 """",U. a..;. . . . .-A ' . ~D .. 17',811 40 ,teet or • '1'1 mile. GlIea f ' ' . '!be ow.... aetIc!'• . Loan aDd - - , "" ~ aI ~~ ~Um.ted coi.t . . '., .. ' _. ·,n.I15••• 1 ' , 0 the Reds stated ~t In the• I th e Ir h ome. A dense fog this morn- 'I~g d a ta bn the fur crop in tbla ter- ed in August by-lbe law entol'CfDWlt ' Ea~_II'JIiI_ ot~towD. iItratlGD ... 8IIIII'Oftd. . _~ CODtracr to ::.:oDlPJeted not)ater ;pnenJ mall sale not DtOl'e than two : 1111 roused the trees and shrubs trom- ri tory and would like to have any branch or the Conservation Dept. n. ......... -It 'al.; &be' aD- , In the mat..... 01 ~ . CI( • .10 tlcket. would ,bf! allotted to p~_ I' their lethargy and o~er is a brooding records or observatio~ ~e by Oonvlctions were _ured In an ouea J~bIao prgceedlap LIllIe 1IuIult!t, till' .... ; ~ _.um~~bec.tlUUlll.o1:del'a peace despite tt)e dryness. trapper or fur dealer durlrlg ,the last with fines totaling f1.97...,0. h$a beeD-~I'uecL;.anwr to P!'O- apprb~ , ' not macfe \ out ffJr ' the ,COO'eCt few years: 'Any lnf0rm4t10n- c:an be -, , .: Ce.ct in. &be'torecia.\n proceecItnp. ,. ' I ~ount would not be l'I!!09rded. given l\U, Hendershot at hili home It's ·t he fault of the gu)' WIth hook ' , 'Tbe .:~ NaUoaal Bank u. 1 ac:rb~ !(lI'ld:a 8I!rles 19111 :open In No, 3 Fred Apts, Lebanon,~r at and llne-thls, poor fisbing-6Dd ~ &be ....IDU reocm.'- I I. ' 1711 1the YaDltee StadlWp ' OII October 4.' any meeting of 'the Warren COunty here's the reason, taken irom a All IOJ!. t21N.'1'J· totIetber
win the pennant, chaeta wUl be re-
. -' The Reds ~ 'now engaged In. the , _ 1 acre bi fiaDtUn'1oWDlbip., most ~Ulng portion of their " " , the matter of '~ will Of ChrII BdD& Bo1t.cm to OJUrard Slefer' lost lICh~ule. as tbll National League . ' . . , . ' """" ... nt cbUe ·&nn""'........ e Its· cl1m ' deeelMd; IaJd .m to ' be ,~ eo6 met ~ I.n ,L aYelaDd . ; s ., ax , Don·t forge t the Fer.ry home-comto ~te ' tiUdwli Koenli to Pbrreat ~ Doc Prothro a~d hili PhUUes CIPJIe Ing this Sunday lJl .the matter of wW of Walter Bruce; lot )fo, 862 lD [to O1nclnnatt TUesday- for three Rev, Carl smith and Mrs, a: Van ~... deceued; uJd wm I to Pt'aDtWl •_ stlllle pm~ ,agalnsb the Reds, but I Sears' and Ro6ale~, Harris visited I
" - 8~ ~ , The People'. 8u.U.tlft- w_ _ _ _ ... com . ~'~ ..... v _ !Dill JIUf' 01 Lebanon. Oblo, va. Ad",'de Clements, et al,; action
m WubIDItoA
Minerai Feed and Plant F,ood
d~. t:o
th,unat~. ~
See Us Before You Buy
Fairley Hdwe. Store
'tlPPl'OYed. '
I .tate; ,E,.'~·r~:
S , pO"t amen
. '
Tom !I
, ed . . . Ol -and coafa from said
4rDold D. 'I'IIdoI"
l'aOBAD q)tJBT
as .
mauacer'to IIorIiI Ie •. 10e
" Ge_ri;er . The
Natlonal ,~
Illbmc , Il'Ilm e '
'~~It ' w~ :~~ wtU be ~Iayed on October 'I, 8. and
an~ Game Association. informattlon which Ja
__ recent news release;
"&a&UUIU , ~ _ 20 clilrk/ Lebaiion: UNllta St:'Jobn, :WldtL IS, f~ ' PraDIi:IlD,~"'" ..... HaWe' WarcI. . ' PnDII..
' PI
~-.:-a.h....fl~"'" ,
'I T"eel - ail '
The ~er~ CIRf.UfJ J; ExPLAINS
lP'18, O'bIo. Che.b, ~oney . o:rdera or bank ' , .. ~l~,,: :,-....:!;~ ~~ft"~Ould be made out' as fC?Uows -otncInn8tl Baaeb6)1,ClIIib Co, In the ' 001:..... of $16.9& for one ~t and A circular com..,rlng In PflnlUel 1·..........',"'1' two '!aeta, , , .. columns ,old and new 'ProvisloMof t.bIi'OU""; Q.~.IPb.r-'1. are reque&tCci '~t to ask tbe Social Security Act Is now aVaU~ lo&Uj~" IIIIIR!CJIlIC l~tlons, a8 the demand able througlt the BamUt.cm " FIeld .' J~l&.r.~ 'and Ethe ~~es& ot'Ume' O~lce of the Bureau ot Old·l\ge In.~:lUIII~":-, ~ It ~JP.lBlllile ' ~ comply aurance. .' .' l\1illraPrir;:~_f7j'IO_-iilaae Ge:llir,:"SDi 1!:NJ!:~IQt;.,,~~, sUch, feCl,ueeta; ,~I)uld the Reds,! "It will be several weeks betor. We '_ ,~.. t1cke~~ tor t~ .c , lD _1 jl:l'e ,able to give, out complete sere oi j' ~ II!W be ,sent ,by ~ ' I:!rculars explaining In detaU the ~ ::;;Ji~I~~~~ o,n or abo~I~" Ocl.ober \I, Social ' 8ecui1ty , a:~ndn.tent8,.. sal!! I ar.~·I,' ~;neCl,til all orders which w1ll not Robert H UJnn1ch'· Manager or th ) . be ,filled' wtll be returni!Cl at approxi- I,aamuton' P,eld orllce, " ,~~jjl~: ID4te~ the same ,~e. SboU14 three , "Mean~ we ha~e ~is prellmln- ' V"IP'o'~.JJU'ICll, ,;IIII11,.Rea In ~t1 be UDneceuary, ary ouWne -Ofthe' new rights and Ole, ~ or' ~t}ot ~ 5 wi!l J ~uUeli bt , 'employers and worker" ! f,,"!~"''' ~ refunded ,al~ the completiOn o' ,whlch will.~ ~nt ,to ' anyone on re-" ~, ~ 'No~ ' w1ll ,be' ac- quest; · 1Vlth~,:,t , charge. ' Requeatil ,,-...;,..:;.~~~.....,.~;;~ ~1eiI~.•• ' .'.., . " should 'be ~ddreased to our oftlce' ld J , In w,.' evenb. ~ beC!omes : mathe.. the ,New faSt 'Oftice" Sulldtrig tn maUcap, lmpc$1ble t(II' the Iteda toHamilt.on. ' · . " " ~"l~UJlIlO,II' ~, '--
~~~~~_R~~E~~~~~~'~~:;~ ' ~~~~~~ '
~elng "The cattJah cry, and the. bass be
ntl.tat- ~. Tlcketa , wtU :Ge IOld .~nly tor the gathe!,ed over the state wID result In mar • .th,!. ' n ,en_I" ' t t _ tbr ' " ee gam~ sCheduled at 0InWith only a tew days remaining a t e tte . r management program to clnnl\tl. Three t1clteta (one for ,each for Warren County farmers to apply In : rease Ohio'& very , con.&l~erable ~e) wtll be on a s:rlp, tor ga me I for wheat ibsurance under the Agri_ fur crop. Un, " ' , ' , ~. 4. and, 5, and the Prtcea wtU be I Jllltural Conaervatton ' Program, ' , :-~~~~~~j!I!:~d}~~t!}:~ ,16.• per strip for l'el;erved .seats, l0halnnan Harold ~ o( the War- From last weeks stream repOrt ~e Bi wblch bicludl* fede~, and state ren County AAAofflc.e urges tarmets followlng streams throughOut 'the -~-'-_ _ _ _, ':::-4&azea. ' " I "" ' to obtain w~eat crop .lnsurance be.. s tate continue clear and many ood . '~ ' 9, '-.~ r Bo~seats ate ~ced at ~,40, per ~ore seeding Uleir' lHO wheat crop, catchll8 have been ' reported ~w 1,1 of 'three, bu~ n 9111pnll be avall. The deadline bas been set for sep. ' . ' -,. , .' ' able ,f or the general ptlbUc beca\J8c tember ~. ' , $ePt~ the ~Iy wtU, ba~~ IM~ ~U8ted ' Winter .wheat growers who want ,. . • by ~e' allotments to the' season box to Insure their ICroPS shoUld rememT. , ~ _ ~ -, I hold~ playera, vtsIttng club, other ber that they must apply [or insurlD~_llAl,JClI_ to q. 0. ~,. ~ '1'. p~ fl'Om ~,. U1Ia ~ dubl/ J)rfas , 11111 Om "'l\ls I ance and pay the premium bero.e ., .,.. m ftUkIID.' t.owD- eeetlOn of t.be . . . ,.m All appUcatlotia ~ be iecelved I tl,elr crops are seeded this faU he f , 'l'bUradaF - - - . to september ~, and m \I; -be said, ' ~ I ' ' , ~ -"- __~ 1\8 ,,(OU~a: '';WOrld ~r1es' ,~ ' ~,.,....:.'- - - ~, CJtndim'at~ ~ ' p 0 ' .' ' ,.r ' __ ...._ ". "' __ J
, c..u.
lilly, y:onder is a !AIIbeJman C9JIlIn'
dJa way" ' ADd be U try fer to ketch .yOU on b1a ' line. And he'll teU de tollt8 you ~ abt ,toot nine, De catfish say, "let'a ..wiID up bltber We don't want to ·aoo~te. With Do sUCh ~I'" ,
your PA'l'HFINDER ansWers tile queaUooa }'Oil and yal . _ 'portra -riyld , CoDclae its with Uldng ' are frleD~ ' inter" and l naU,ona , of of the curren~ .eeDe. ~ E,'onta . covered any imp~t nnd. ft,:!), are ance alpifte l aaUona Facts, Dew and ola., thDt 'udli clarity. nnd mCBDIn, la, the Dews are honeatly Injected. Tho "ery latest and m~t inlereaUng news pbotollro Qhs freely muslra te the' ,facts. )lore 'than a uJhuull )·cuaers. SUbscribe now ' r~ud Dewi ~~iDl 6 to PATHFINDER, the,.~l widely . • ' i ,
. ,
' ~'~ ,' Ih"_-"~~"I!~ fervlcal .
ReID.8mber Kt. Bo1lJ'. boule com. IDe Sunday OCt. lat at the church. We are expectIDI 1Q1l. cOme an4 enJQY ~e dI!Y with
~'1T. ,"'"
oIliiaht ly _ _ Within aD thaa 12 lIlinutea after aa Ohio tc~ phone IUbICrIbcr put. Ia, a ~D f~ • ' par&)' in LondQDi E~ · tIM connec:tioD ia .... w...~cn.dM baa
Hundre da of tbouaanda' ¢ and young men read TIm A..... . every month lOAN BO~ and eoaatder it more lUI • llvlDl 'companion thaD' as a' msgaatne. Z'Itla . . much . a. buddY to me . m.y n ilighlxlI'hcot.i ChUDl" ..Tit_ .ht h ecbool ~;, •.TJII: ~
~v. ' ~ms to Il~er.tand • ,boy's problam a and cbXIddera them·
tn such a sympat hetic and beiphll W1Y: It gives /ldvlce and enterta in.
~j_'~~~" and prevent, smut and increa se,' yield . "
I .
. WayD~~~ville' F~rmer8~' .&change Co~ ' .
LllkeDS , John W! Edwarda a former~.
dent'ot Olarlt ClOUD". wbo located 011 a farm 1n tbe ~ Groft ~u-
Dill near OrIllO~ more tb&n
AIIdeI'IoD olD.,.,." ~t the Week md{witb bel' daqb. ' 1IJ1, DaVId
tar, lin. Don ua"a.
.•, • '.
. ,.
Y~ NO. p8IIeCl aw.,- 'nl~y. ~t Klat PIoIIIe Pli'ea 'was a ten tb1rty P. m. at the aae of II yean rUeM 'of Mr ~ lin , Blttn PIN Be bacl been (a1IlrMJ In,healtb for ~. ,' leYetal montba. 'Be Jeavee ' b1a - Wlte •" . ' . • • • a1x dauahten: ODe euD. Bdpr aDd Dr, ~ 'ua:a. A, B. ~ UId , ~ ~ 'of th6' tmme~ Jo, weN dIDDer dlate tamu,. 'DVto BuIIdaY "eDIDe. On account or Mrs. Edward'i • ~n. • • . h~tb, funeral aervlcea were held at U1d lin. J . P ; LarrIck, Un. the ·home on SUDday ~te.l'Doon. On 0, a Nonii. aDd Un. PraDk Boft. Monday afternoon the Jut rita maD''fta1ted in RJchrMncs 8Und&y. place at the lIcClure funeral baIne, . ,\ ••••• 10 ,,~, at :&:00 with Rev. ' 'l'JIe IlBooM1er'1t.- ,.~ of $be Tbo~WJ' of JIarVe)'Iburs. u ~'''cbureh bitla an 'ou_, aDd a~ mtnlater. Interment.... weIner' rOMt .at t.be ~.UDlIIouIe, a .. SOUth ObarlMtGp. , Bundat ~ •
".- e' • ' • .;
PrUIk Bollman. ADd Mrs. J. p. IM_
attaDdeCl t;be "RedI" 1IaU .... In (lInc!n..ta 'l'III8daJ attAnIoaII. The W.yDeIIVWe HiIb Bebool IOU· ' • • • • • bia1l ~ cSetea&ed Muon. 8-1 ..... ~' LenicIt of'DaJtao &D,d daJ. Sept. :as' at the hIIb 'Kbool 'l'boIbM . . Jr.. of 1IIamIabarI, 1DOI\d. ~~nd , ~ pitched IIUUrcIQ 'evea1D8 WWl Mr. - . t.. ball _11 . . . ._8 _____ 'I ' •....';".... lOt. I. P. I.«nIck. .. IIarald Rutherford AeCl ·tb8 attack . .. . • . ' • Wll7l)81vWe 'PWDIJ, S hi In t tr,. Mr. and II. A. fWbnaD ttato ~ plate. I l&ect . . ~ • • 'ADd ~ ~. . . . ,BeIre W. I'aIbnon or IIJIrbIa V&Uef, PItAB..B B KuoD . WQIMPIIIe
Deieat. ~-
~l". Loeb, SB. WlaIiDlo Ot.
Wltbam, p.
Palmer 80, KaOurIq., Bi.
" , U. QIrtoD,
, KariID.
•• 2 t 2 1
• • • '.
o 1
.... '. ~
or .................... UIe UIIlrlm8
~ ~'-~-I · -'-~RYBiIlJOiil:rMii4 ktroyed 'By rlre NEW CERTORY CLUB ~ i~' -.~ . f:t'own '.rfgtn com-' RESUMES ' MEETINGS or.J.~Dr.C.-'.,Hawke was the dinner guest and Mrs. R. H. Vance ot WlL
DO'n WM. III'1!!'..LEWIS
CtU-8 MEETING· . 7c!:.arf.......1!::d~ _
'rbe ~ " Of the
=, _ ...
tire A 0 • 0 'lbe IIOtb annual warren county plete1y d~Y a double com crib The New Century club held its first mJngton, Sunday. ' ' wbJeh cJoeed Jut la ~J, ~ stock 1Iam, o? the farm belong· meeting of the 19.39-40 year, Fr1~ay • • • • • ~1aUon ot Bank Womea. ~. baYe . . . CJDe or the ~t DPO!I1' Lng to ~. A~ LUkI.ns at HarveY8~Urg. afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mar. " day night presented Mrs: DoIU ~~ in reCent. ye&lllt and the at- saturday DOOIt 'I1le WaynesvUle tha HendersOn.' Mr. and Mrs. W· E. , Stroud wer~ der Krelllna, O1ncllinau, 'the Jean ~,noe ~ ~d in, ex.. De~t 'Visa se~t. to the Mrs, H. E. Hathaway. the new Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Arnot Reid award for OuteD""),,, , ~ of Jut~. . ot, the f~e and waa succesarUI president, presided and 22 members Mrs. ~laren~e ~~ar~s. . character And ach1evment unAII18 . ' 'J'he DeW ~tIon preven~ . other bulldlngs from responded to rall ce.ll with vacation Bank Women •. whicb repl8ces ttle Old ~~ bUrn1n&. ,The tjun wh.lch waa de. ~. Mr. and Mra. John Segale of Nor- The award is made annualJ¥ ~ , . ' .... fWed, wt.t.h,~ of mer etroyed conta1nl!Cl hay and ImpleDuring the business session it was wood vtslted a.t the home of Mr. and non-m'1'lber Of the 'AaIoc:Ia~ ebabteand iDacbinety , dealer:- &I! menta.,the l~ pf which was est\nl.at. voted to give 'two dollars each month Mrs. Clarenc~ Edwards Jut week. selected "lIS the best fitted tbrOuIIL., wei) u exb1blts trom t-H clubs. ed at S2OOO, WDJCh WlIB part1al1y co\'- of the school year to 'the milk fUDd.. • • • • • the Integrity of her charaetu aDd ' etc, e~ by ~l. The 1Pf0gram commJttee presented Mrs. L. O. St, John spent laat the efficiency ot her work to 1'ep.. A cUlpJaJ' of wild llte and fish J the following program; A paper 9n week with her daughter, Mrs. John resent women in banting. A ' cub b)' the Wwren COUnt L1mberl08t Cabin near Geneva. Ind., SetUemyre, of Oregonia. prize of $100 is included. &8IIOdation and a pet parwas written and read by Mrs R H. • • • • • Mrs. Kre1l1D11'. wife of Albert KreU .Mtncited a peat deal of tntA!!'Hartspck, a paper On .. ~ Trip ' .Ralph Hastings and J . p. lArrick Ing is ,a member of the triut depart. Through· .the Smoky Mountains," attended the LoUis-Pastor t1&ht In ment 6r the Central Trust 00.. ,or , Th arr1a or M1ss Clara B written and read by Mrs. R. n. Co1- Detroit, last Wednesday night, Cincinnati. " • e m »g\ . Hartaoi!k; a 'paper on "Our Trip • • • • • A daughter. of the late Lee M. 'TIle II'Mid p&Nde wbleb · toot an4. , Ion C, Bowman was ,Mrs. Collet t then Introduced Mrs MIss Je6sie B . Clarke, or Marle- Hender&on, fonner caah1er of the ~ mornIng~ was h~ed quietly 801e~ at the Perry par- W. N, MklKaf, of New Burlington, mont, was In Waynesv1l1e Wednes. Wayneav1l1e National Bank. . . . . . . J. IIWIon Eambart, 93; and at 3.30 . m. saturday, Bep. who talked on her trip through Eur- day v1s1Uni trtends. born and reared in WayneavWe, 0 . " W. Obarlton. 92, tbe only tember~. , ' laat year. • • • • • where she received her a:ra4e and IUntvlDlr CIvil veta'an In the 'nle bride is ,tlle daughter or Mr Gueats at the meeting were 'Missea Nat han J~n of Lancaater. 0" lChool education. , COUDtJ. ::.~" ClaU~:~ FO~ : Margaret and Trillena Edwards. and was the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. W. She wsa araduated trom Weateru dteas V:thw:'~ ed &1 v ue Mrs. Lester Gordon. N. Sears Monday. College tor Women at OXford, aDd < acoessor es and car_ DaInty retresrunenf4were served • • • • • has been emploYed by the C1ncln· ~ &_~~:~! whlte roses and by the ho~teE8 asuted by Mrs, Maria Elmer Sheehan received first nati banlt for 'eight yean uauy U&U,JDDU"' ~U'ums. H er OnlV at' rd in th ~ , ' • waa MBiII Kathryn Bowma Elbon, Mrs. J. B. Chapman ' and , awa ' e Brown SwJ8s cattle ex1 d n Mrs. Lester Gordon hlblt at the Warren county fair laat : . ::!h The October meeting w1ll be held -;Yeek. ' . • !'I!' a - at the'home of Mrs Kenneth Hough • • • • •
" ..
' CJctcI)et
~f~~ is th ............u e son nf Mrs, . Howard Of Dayton. He wa ~ at-
Civic tended by Mr; llOl'en Asklnli
the fourth Friday
wW'1 :30. be held at the ToWnahlp~. a~ W~y eveDlng. Mr. and Mrs.' Bowman
fRIDAY " THE 13 fH
will reside ttb. ~ UlIs ,_ _ temporarUy wtli) the ,brUle's parcnts~
•n·'.1.....,.. the
ealled for '1
recuIar monthlY meet-
of the 'board 01 cl1rectora
will be
~ October,
" '
Procure Drivers' lJcease ' fellow Before last liaate spent
Wilton Hartsock ~ a student at Miami, Penton Hall the .week end with WiltOn's ~enta. Mr. and Mrs. R . H Hart&oct .
· · .. .. '
~55~55~~ ;:= ::' ~~~~~~
~ Mr. . . 1ft D. a ~~ ~~t ~l ~etU an. LOCAL. HAPPENIHIS
• • • • • Mr•. and Mrs. Ell Pur\lsa and Mr. and Kn. Rhodes Bunnell attended
the Olnc1nnatt·P1ttaburgI:1 games in p. B. , Hl!nderlbn IS speridIng day and PrIdQ in HamUton of hIa ~m.laW ,and daugh~,
. and lin. .
,e .
CinC~~L saturday.
. B, Scboeler. ' .
"'iellr "!-Jj..._iIIIlft. ~ "",o. Lee.S. . . . . . .Wr.en
. • • • • .. Emerson
Sunday of M:r. and lin. 'i'he chaned bodJ found TUesday Bater Jr.
e.. . • • '.
• • • r.J.BDTY . Mr. and Mrs. Eli P'urnaa and f~. and Mr. and Mrs L. Bran. Il!IW:-au:/I'" were BundaY cUnner gueata' Nobody can define U~rty . au.. and ~,"DoriaId tJreene, ot factorlly. ' \'. .' DurIng the, CiV11 War. ~ ., • . ' . . . made a apeech in Baltlmor.., III ~e aatd: "Tbe shepherd Grivea' from the m,ep" thrOAt. fa; lbep·
• ••
t·. ', SEEOt.IN'GS =: !':reMNO:~:' =~~=:!: 1
10 e>'cloct and continue t.brough_
, . . AppUcatlo~ tonna for Order1tlg l.tOlreatl~ aeedlltl8B ,were receivlld tbI8 WIlII!k'l~v n&vid BIlUey. CountY.AaeDt Lebanon, for the use of ,W arren • ~'-N"3 ta,rviera In order1n(r aeecntnia the State N ursery. .P, -W. .Dean Extel;lllion Porester, 111 sending appllcaU«ms. the aertIIU1I-I·I;Jllll
and Bxtenaton 8erv.ice .in
~otlng reforestation.
day afternoon.
~ra~ v:. ~ ~Ukens
~: ~e:p-:.a .:e~~~~
Mr. and and familY and Mr. and Mrs. . Keller agreed upon a detlnltlob of the wqrd and tami!1 vtslted 'MIas AnnII. and pree1sely tile ~e dlf- , Hoat and MJas Mary Oarolyn LUkens terence prevalis ~. ' ~ \Ie ' . at,Ji'.arlhlun. college, ~' Bun- hwnan creatures, -The ~ . ' t18y. ' . • • • • .• Mr" and Mra. Ira Brown &lid IIOt1. The ....ce of peace at 'hOme eam., ~ Predencit. of '_ .... high, but lt'abetter u.au and 6ulklng week end of Mr. and Ml'II. H, ' • H. WlUlamson, Mr. and ~ -----'aDd family, ,and
& k_i._
' dlnner 8Ueet& Lots Of 500 or more aeedlin&B are • • • • • , ~urnlal _ 1184 a at a cost of ' from Mr. and Mrs. Br:van Prenderaaat. :&"'I'II~-I ...,'uuJ4 .,,00 !per thousand d~ M1aa , Alma and James Prendergast,
' fOl' the d~er <'of l1bertf: MJ)eeIaU7 '
State Capital News
THUBI!J.. ' f.Ji.I.'aiul 8~'l'. September II, 19 IIDd so
, .'
The La·w Neither Is perfect. Bot.h ma~e through ' e4l.\catlon, I Cla~u.ee• . t\l'e;'•.E:~~Ii'~:.,ue~r. .p1 '''U,n,If, lear ot a: monetary
, damagea 9r fear
to drive "hhln the ae.c:PJ~IK 'the und~r con-
County ~'1:.============-=
TO -~T
nw -11II'l'I
divtrce. ' , ., '
Mabel Qleaaon
VI. ' Obar~
oleaaon;' divorce.
Guaranteed QualitY
Minerai ,eed and Plant Food Manufactured By . The Sml~h Agrlcuaural Chemical
See Us Before You Buy
Fairley Hdwe. Store . Larger Bee.. use of Better Quality, Service·and Price Established 1849-1939 Phone 32
PATHFINDER answers ' the questions you and your friends are asking .with i!s concise. vivid portrayal or the current scene. Events oC noUonal ' and intetnaUona! algniftcancp are Cu:ly and impartially covered. Facts, lI,ew and ol~ 1h!lt add clarity and me~g to the news are honesUy injected. The very lal~st and moat inlereaUng news photoGrachs , freely illUstrate the . ' facts. More than a miuwu' "t!!loera. SUbScribe now • to PATHFINDER. the most widely read DewS magadne •
. puun coaT
Jr:/.mIir;EI BOTH ,,:r Only $2.0C Campfll'e Girls, Pancake CtlOitmI thampto. Compete at the -Newt York World's ~. 'DIJ
New 'Che~olet .Models to Appear Odoher 14.
XBI.E· repl"ft~n"llwt!.
,.;. '
or lite eGanl.,.',
beet C.",p&~ Girl ~. . . . Ihes" youn. ml,.~ who m.le.hed 'their P!I~~I! ~I" ~"I I • • eonle.1 .1 Ihe New 'York World', Fair on Ca~pllre ~lrl'. ~y~ lHe~ Aunl Jemlm. in penon fa .Iwl. . the pri_ *Ianl. . Cl!l»iIdH.l- III lip. on how 10 'do II ju.. before lhe 'fjn." '..01 under 'way. " TIle ~ .. winni. . PIIar.lles w_ aeleele4 b,- polai. ' ioialted rrom ahe bee , lell1: u"" ft"or, tolor, '.nd ,,~ed- i~ roo~i.... M.ny 01 lhe:• ...., ~.ftdfle4 ".llellk~ eoOki. . la .uamer ea-it lor die World'~ Fair f-PC"''- ~
re." . --'
'. ' La~ghing Arouud the ..
World ( "
A .Voict. Frotn.
'. "'.
Void . ,
WITH ANY 1.00 PURCHAS~ . ' .' (~.UPI lolkfl ...11...)
'.1 1
• undetwrite.rs' approved cord and plug!
• lo-inch genuine Crayo-Lith ahad'e! • beautiful walnut finish hardwood font! ! bracket and base' ~ mellow ,two-tone lvoryf
the Lagoo~. of Nations. At the lower left is the Court of Stateff, TheTraDsportation Zone can be seen stretcl.'lihg out along the·upper left of the F.,.aiJt grounds. The picture shows the Fairls close proximity to Broadway ah~ skyscrapers of upper Manhattal1i. ~ctuaUy tbe,F air is only 10 ~utes from B!'G8d~ way by Long Island Railroad; and ~bout . 25 p1inutes by subw,-f. By-motor th., triP requires about 30 minultes, with 5 parking fields fumislWig ample,spaC80
NEW YORJ{ (Special)-This ~emar1table air view of the New York Fair shows the World. of Tomorrow that has sprung up against the back. ground of.New Y~t:k City of Today. .. . " The'rrylon and·Perisphere, theme of·the New York Fairf are .seen dominatingj he 1216%-acre'tract. At the lower right is·the intelTlational area with ~ts !Ilagnificent foyeign pavilions grouped around the Court of Pea<;e below .... " t • •
Indianapolis Ind. 2. G~ape Grove ~,I cattolton 4. I·
'1 LltJe OentervWe 10•. ,west 2.
Want Ada On
or"the Ironlcal facts Ia
who has
.....----~~~----A . delegation -goes to BeUbi'oolt ST. MAY'S EPISCOPAL revival be1ne ,til1d In. the ToWnabip CDvaCD ball, you are lLU'ged to attend thls aev. a. ·L. 1JaekweU. Kedor revival beCalillej ,tbl! l"e,rry' ,OhiUeh WW be tleneflt-ted from 'the rDeetblg, , 17TH SUNDAY APl'ER TRINITY 7'30 &. m.. Holy Communion · MT. DOLLY M. It. ~ 10 a. m. Junior Ohurch BcbooL T. Ii' 11e&rf., MlDiI1er . U · & • •m. Holy Communloil and
come-IS able to save money in times. ,
. .
SUnday SCbool, 9:ap .. m. E. ,
·· I ·m~uu-t. Bul~
, ~-MEmODI8T c. BadIe;.·........
+,' .
TH:E ' 'AM RICAN 80Y ' .. . , .-
FOR S~FoUr-year .old ·colt. , . ~~ . ,of I thouaaOd~ of til.,. Good worker; Alao two two..year old • Cburcb School 9:30 a. m. Worab1p and ,OUlll me~ read '11IE AJiID' coUs. {Jaiold o'illam, R. R. 3, near servtc:e- U)·40 Subject: "Not A;.&hamec( lOAN BOy Mir~,,!rie ~er;y montb HarveYsburg. , 828.05-12 ol·Chrlst.... . • I: ,an4 ccma1der ~mOnt . &8 .Il nVSbI .' Ep'wortb Leagu~ • .)(Onday.~ ~,m~~ ~u ,&8 a ·magulne. -DO~N-ALD--:--B-AlL-;'EY-----,-tl-.-:.:...... at 7 o'clock. An younc.people iDVited . 'Ita &8 mUCl.,· " b~d~ tb m, !'II .. . ,.Auc oneer, • ' fDY netghborhoOd chum" . writee one
CQmplete .aUction service,' CitIZens The Woman II ~relln MIaalonary ~gh tlChool Bank Bldg., WJlJn1nBton. Pho~ ~ety w11l m~ wIth Mrs. PraJ1k ICAN BOY S28-tt ~ay. WednesdAy afternoon Oct. . ~!!!'!'!'!"!!!!'!!~!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~~!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~!!tS 4t, h at 2o,ClOCk. ' ,,J ' j \' ., ""
---~~--~----~ WATNESVIi.u VJlfuWD 0" '. .
ieI:dar. .
•. .•
SUNDAY 0:30, a. ' m; Bible School, Lord's Supper.18;45 a.
'1:00 P.
M-e offer o·/Bali.factory Service • at .all time~
II~ ~t
Branson M~. ieadera. ,I Preaching 7:~ . p. m. .,.. . . l' Last Sunday ev~ .we bad present tor. the ·e vemng aerv1ce. on and leta keep up 'the>IOOd
, '.
tp" . ·ti8tpftP
$CIrtI'·art:lileS ,caJ'lt'li!d'
Bible study and prayer· at 7:80 p,
A delegation goes neetlng.
to'the ·Bel~brl)(i•., -,:~
to ~ . '..0_ • ~""'" "and them ~~.~.-
lJ8~eii'i·· j~! to:m~~
SCHOO;L NEWS .n.e ~tud~nts ot ~~eavllle blIh •.
. It'
.. Cora lela 'Dies In ,- Lo:'ADla,a:;; ealit. Local·1I.ni.A ~raiags, CJA,
Fiftieth, .AJ,niversary
Of Wedding Celebrated
_ _ _ _ ._ r
IICbooI took acUve the W&I'IIr and lira. " Don Hawke 'and ren County Pair. 'lbe 1': 1'. A boys IIrII :Btban crane were' DaytOn vIIreceived second pI8ee , With thet,r lto~ 'PrJ.da¥. ' demonstraUo.n of a m1n1ature ... P. • • • • • A.. meetlna. Mrs. Enr1it Ems. Mrs: Roy El1IaJ AinOiI.i the Junior h18h students and lira. 0811 ~e were Daytoq there were alao. several flra, leoond 'visitor" Pltday aftemooD. • • • • • ~d th1rcl pa;emlUJDJ glven :in wrlt.. Mr. Don HaWke V1alted 1nI and map drawiDl· Tboee J'e. lira B&wke'a mother. lin. David ce1v1ng awards In wrtt1na were: Anderson of Ktnpnan, Thurad'ai. Ruth Amla J~ eecoucl; 'Robert . • • • • • • . , Woollard aeconcl' Blanch.e DlCken- Mr and Mrs.. Brw1n IlWa attend. sheets, f~; • o~ . Rye;, tbJrd-; eel .. '. Clodn",,*, ...... PID8I Harlan IDambart tint· and mula Tuesday 1n ot,nciDDilti. Hoat. nri& ~ ' ~wudecl 101' • • ,. • • their ~PI' were: Rayl1t\ CJ'abbe, 1Ir. and Mra W. S. Graham Vlseecond; Jadt Orane, third; Alma lted Mr. IDCl lira, Ralph , ~ of Belle . 'lli~, aecODd; &Del Seth II1!mdaburl. Thundal.
and ·air&.
W. H. Aiiim received lut of the death of Mila Cora wbJcb tOOk p,!Ke 111 a ' Loa ,\nieles . tloepttal. ~ber 22, .tolIoW.l nI a major opera~n. , MIss :McKay. .a ooualn Q.t Mr. AI, )en. w1Ii be ' remembered -by our okler readers. Sbe-~ the daughter ot the late J~ 'aDd VJc.tor1a McKay who owned and Uved 00 the tar,n now ~ and occupied by 1Ir.: ana Mra. J . . Q. 00,nB.
.·~1 _
_ _ ••
At their
hO'Dle in
Sunday evening. 'October i , Mr. U4 " Mrs Chai'les T Bmarl celemat.ecl the 'fiftleth arimVereary ' 01 ~ marriage, the ceremony .01 ftfti' ---~ - J _ . years 'ago be1J)a ree~ted ~ the Mr, a~ Mrs . Dopald Greene 9f presence of a .l arge eomptUlY of ,re!:Sabina were Sunday dinner guesl.s and ,friends. .. . ' , ... Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Branstrator, . carl Vandervoort 01 . Pitl:.iGUii,
Local Happenings
violinist. accompan1ed by Mra. R. D. Hurst. played the Wed~ march . trom LobenarJn. Mr, VandenOOrt and his' sister, Mrs, L~t1e ,V andervoort Tlcllenor. provided mUlle f~ tbe original wedding but tWa occaslon Mrs. TIchenor WIllS UD&ble W streuinr the Imporlance or traffic safeb'. ·Alben H. Morrill , lell use her banda becauae 01 'artbrltls )Jrcsldent or the Krorer Grocery and BalIIDa' company. ~ollcratuJate5 , • • • • • and Mrs. Hurst 'ldIldl1 IUbawuted Flov4 Grimes "of Indianapolis on his oatatandlnr s~e&y record. , Grimel. a Krlo ,er emplo)'e lor almost 20 year., haa driven a Kro,er Dr. S O. Wright and son, Victor. her, . HOak, t.b1.nL ' • .- . • • truck more llhan a million miles In tbe p,ut 18 yean without • ot MI~I. Fla.. visited lut Week PJ'OPlptly at the apPointed tlma . 1Ir. aDd lID. Leo OOilller charceable ueJdent. Usln, ~letJ a. · a tbeme, Kro,er stores are _ The w'bo1e 1Choo~ was an tGptber 1Ueat. of 1Ir. and un. DI . . . ' .sluiu a Fall. Value Carnival sale. Store and wlodow decoraUolai with Mr. and Mrs.' M. A. FulkerSon. the •.tlr1de and bridegroom WUh '~ • .• • • • attendants. Mr. and)lra. B., B. fOl'the tirlt time when tbe1 . . .m- of Darton. SUDcIa1. will carr), out the traffic safety theme. • • bled In t.he IDOr'D1nI OIl ~ Uw . '. . . . . ' . . Dakin wbO ere best mao . and Mr, and Mrs. Walter Oampbell of bridesmaid at the wedclbai 'flny 29U,. Mn. Post led ot a Dayton ~led at the home of Mr. a,o•• en ter ed a nd .~.. ....... th-.vu anp Mrs; D. C. Ridge , Sunday. places In front Of the OfrIc1aUaa • • • •• . . minister the ReV. J P. ThQl'llburr Mrs. lJ. E. Boyer 01 Dayton Iijlen~ of Jonah's RUDI BaPtsat chureh. no . the week end with Dr. and' Mrs. 'I.... oonducted the ceremony 111. a moat E. Stout, '. . tJDpresa1ve manner. • . '. • • The bride wu lovely In a ' _ MI'8~ Bailey Campbell. widow of . Tbe Wa.ynesv1lle ctvlc Olub held .Mr. and Mrs. Bert O'N.n of sown of ~ blue satin. &be Dr Baney Campbell. passed away their regular monthly busfness meet Pensacola. Fla., were week end carried a boU4uet Of Ta"....... W~eaday. September 27. at tier t1ng at the Township Hall Wednes - guests of the former'! aunt. Mrs. L· 'baby breath and llrn. The a~lI.t 1n th.e Miam1 hotel, day evening with Prea1dent Oarl M . Henderson. br~1d wu beMJn1n,Jy attired Dayton. where s11e had Uved since AbaecherU lPl'esldlng. .• .. • • . ' . In .olllfl ~tln and w~ a"COl'lap 01 8ept.ember. 1931i1. Her husband pre- In accordance with a. motion paSSM1s.s Betty , H!Lrtaoclt of Olncln- gardenias. The brldearoom and beat Ct!ded' her in death Just eleven ed In the .precedlng meeting the natl spent the week end with her man wore the convenUOnal black JDQnt.b &80. board Of dlrectol'fi met before the paren\4. Mr. and Mrs. Bert with bo,utonn1eres ot liLrdenIaa. She was. for many yeat s . .1 t rent regular session. /JOck. After Mr. and ~ Smart. bad.resu1rerer trom Isthnw.. trying ~ Reports from the varloua com• • • • • fe1v~ congral.Wat1~ 'aDd _ d11ferent 'clJmatAes fol' relief. ' m1t~ chlltrlnen indicated ~t Mr. and Mrs. Bryan w1ahes from their sueite .a ,P,l'opain Sbe leayes to mourn her loss, civ1c Improvement Is being encour: and tamlly .Of Winton flace, ~ere of mualc was' presented by D~. Paul . three cousinS to wbom she aged In a nUinber 'Of ways. the "feek end guests of M1Ba Kath- Vanderv!lOl't ot W1lm1nItOn. aDd ~ .~-J . .... ..... .:.. was clOBely attliLched: James Stoops The spoD.60J'8blp coDunittee cba1i- mne lind 'Jesse, Prend~. ". Mni a.,'D. Hunt ofH.ai'Veytburc. DI' w ..... --_....... tbat f • • • • • VA_" _ . 'I n f1De VOIce, __ .... .The 'wltlftl '""mee '-d....... by Rev openetl R 1.. HiCkwel1 ' of" Van Wert. 1Ilra. 0 .. G. Randall, man, Mr.' Hackwe11 re_"""" . .', ~erv""".. " • ~ It! Harveysburg. alld ~Ii. J . E. Wlth- the sponsorship of the 8C9uta Is ~ Dr. , ~d Mrs. A. E. stout and " Put ,On Your O~ Gray "BonJwL" to • itb t.Q Way'n.e:svme. At ber request Mrs In, 'carried on ' satisfactorily, The daughter, 070, moved , J'nto "Because" aM "Por You lie Of at. .Pel' StoopS waS' nl!r tor four club voOOlJ to grant the · 8OOUU; a their on Main St.', accom,lIaD1ed by bJa. daUlb,*:.. ... n.. tuDd. PirialIlMT. iii weeks. before 'ber death. . ' cash gUt to supply urgently needed day Of laat i fnt number was itven In n-rHaving spetit.'one at the mater1als for iItIem. . ._ . • • • to ftCl1*& , 01' the r ... . or . 'U" iHome .Lnd many week4 and The clUb also voteq to give the Mr. and 14rI. Ray ,Hawa . and JDatrumeDtal ObilrU!lI~1Q II» IIQUII.,~,~. ., .~I the months throUgbl the 'years with their Wayne Township lIChool mllk fund' 'daughter, Betty. and Kr. and 14rI. "~ Love our. apd "All; ...., cousins. Dr, 8JlI;1 Mrs. J. E. 'Wltham. a cash gUt hi accordance with the~ Ca'!'l Hawke ' of .,Dayton V1al~ ~. o. MYIsterY of We" were wen nDdIhd . Dr. and '14rI. nampbell had made desire to aid any worthy 'projects 10 Hawke and ' f~ Sunday. Mn. HUnt. mahy fr1endS In WaynesVwe. . the community. " , . , ~ ' ., ' • , IlurIng a de~htful ~ period Funeral services were h~d. from Mr. AbaeeherU reported' on the .John ~, ..~!!.ent at the Bible elaborate .refreslunenta ' Were Mi'Yed the Whitmer flJneral home in Day- action. of the' Ohio central Tale- 8em1~ary , In ~~ spent the In two oo~ ~ bride beDeU ton. Monday,' October 2; and bur1ll1 phone Co• .to carry on a &'brvey . In weep en~ a,t the bome of his ~nts , tile IarJe wedd1na ..ate. was 10 Mlam1 (:emetefy, Waynesvllle this communtty. and . stated this Is Mr. arid Mrs. W. N. Sears. were little COld allppera. . We will' mils her. but deflol~y to ' be c8med ou.t 10 the . '. • ' ~ • • ~ Qr1Iinal wedcUni , , ~~ aDd 00Ukt not c:8JiJ her back, next few months. M~ ~ Lou1ae, ~ and aWrtaae certUlcate were ~, Aa abe has n.ow gaJned The Oc~ dinner nteetmg ,of M~" Carolyn LuteDl, both on a table near aDOUl- .,.e. That 'whlch we still lack. the club lIf1ll be ' Monday evening at Earlham . Colleae, . Blcbnio~. oonta1n1iw the bealiUtul gltts 'Octj)ber If!. J;)eiaUs and qlla:¢e. of tbe spent the week ~nd with their par- ~ved on tb1s ocCuIcll"~ , , mee~g will be announoed In th.. ents. 'and Among, the laNe , ..umber of telo: paper next. week. ' , • • • • • aUvea ,a nd. friends ))resent .tIIt Kr. and Mrs. LeVI Luena three of the , four ch1\dreD of Mr. aDd .lIIJ'I. ,$nart; l\C'a. Mary oa,ra.ld ' family of !larveyaburg. Mr. " Mrs, R J. Qreene of; ~ttria~e) .~ PIa.• ~ '0 . . .·· Sman and Mrs. ~ .~ were d1n'~ . ~ 01 . lIarYe~. /. , ner guests of Mr. 8l1Id Mrs. . ~. A. elder 8Oil. WaJe& .,.Meet • ..., Disregarding all supers~t1on. on Lukena. SUJi'aay. ~t a JeaI' and a hall aso • . 'lboIe 'present Who. attended ~ •
• MeUoh and daughter, Mary Ann, visited relaUves In Harrison. Ind" Sunday, • • • • • Mr aml Mrs W. N Sears were gu •.~ of Mrs , 'Eva D~. Sunday evening, Mr. and
·J. 'l c.tis IartW Fity·Fwe ,Yeus
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u.e ........
Mrs. A. F.
~~ ~
.~ '~ the~be ~
wa: PI.
' ~'mes
W~e w~.
~th ~er
n~w ~ome
. :," ·!'. ET :fU£SQAY '; DANCE AT -GYM-
w~ fifty yean ·aaO wera .Mr.'" Mia,;B. ·S .} ~. un. ~
S~~d~,~r~: I~~eJClIl~:~~. ~ MrS. Qeol'le ~; ,i.~tJe. v.awiCll'YOOl't ~,
Vandervoort d , A· S. ~ were deel8Dated by Uttle, boWl .tin .ribbon pr'eIeDted "
-* bride.
~ ,(~.
of tcWm aueete ' were 1Ir. aDd Carl VanderVOoa't. PU~: ancl Mn. ;"" c. &Wa. 'I JacUoDPIA., Mn. Lld& Satton. ur. '. ~
The program was devoted to a re.L __ . ~ '. ' by . the 11RtiWent, M1s.s Pearl of the convention ot the ,. .... aG 'd' 01"· A.MoclatJon ~ r ,en u ..... aftlll'l,UellU 'ln, ~ lilep~r 12. ~ l:t· thei I~"the meeting c;Wnty ·'r;r~;:' t~ftfli5hllIlen,ta ,Jere !lCrved by the ~~qI ~~IlII8. :~ next meeting wtll be the ~ O! lira. George J. SmIth 2, of the "d"t.)IiiIidI~lI1llf Tq,~~;'t~~~e )~o~t~ . ~, In
ChD~~ns. Irvin Swiudler and ...., ~v hla orchestra. wbo ~m be remem. bere<1 from last year's Junior prom . will furn1.sb the muslc. .
~~" I~~. ~ad ,~. •
lira; Ren Mia. ., M1'e • ~&......: Pat.--.' 1IiiI'IR,...,..
l'DpbaJ't. ,-
' ~. '.J'
, "A_ Robert . n-~ ....h..... Qtnclnnatt! ) Mr and MJ'II E. J Burton and ,...... . ' Mr ~d Mrs Carl Mias' Clara LtIJe. ~ P. IL . " , E1l'11a Dr and MrS. Paul VaDder;9oOtt. aii4 were week end gu~ at ~ home . _ 1I.•..: . t Mr nd ~ w daushter Dr. and .Mrs. AaAq BaJe. . . ~e ~tte-Cted thee , ~:. WIlm1il8~n; Dr'.~~ L. ~ toot~ same ' Saturday 0 : 1..' crane. _~. 1. , . ' , " '1 bt , ' • Ihc1deD~Y ' U$I cDaiIon aJIo n 8, . "..... ~ked~ lIrs. Bma'rt'. ' 1'ftIl, birtbdQ • '. Mrs. Lena ' H.art.so.:Jt wu the din. Mils StiauL DIrector of Re- amtJveTllU'1. Kr. Smart ' • .'fl. BoU\ .', of Mr. snd Mrs... W· Edueatlon. 'and of ' Young are of ,Warren; LUkens and family, Sunday. . . ActlvlUes ot the 'llPlacopal were '~ed .bJ:· tbe , Ia" !_ Eo,'
n~r, ~est
~tJ, ~';.;
MaIne ' In the DiOoese o~ Southern . ~n pUtor of ~ ~~ . , ,' . " , b Has Browne. an~ Mrs • . Lena . ~ Ohio, wai ·the: ,"*er Bkest of Rev. lIe.tbOdtBt ch~ ,~. " ., Mrs W E ,StrO(&d. Mrs Ralp - attended ~e biu1al of Mrs.' Balley . 'lira. R. 'L. " HaCkwell Tuesday ' ' " ' 'I.f. :-. lira- ~rP Qabome, of , LIIb- Campbell at M1am1 cemetery. ev-.n... Atter A' __ - r Mias 'Sha'" • l>' • OaAKOB N~I'lB '. 'ap.4. Mrs W B. a~ at. d' . ' i . , • , ........... , . ~ . • .... ',.., ~. " I .~(t~Ii~~~ .... J!ft~i~~~ : . 4 il.Ie!.". I' ~ ~~~'ea: th y ~~ or the '7th 001' ay. , . . " . Itt./ ...... DlJl, ~ .with a ~P , of lead~ . and . , ~.: .. ; ", oJl ~~.~ ~II~("'1"'.. e, I " ~ Sarah Hai'ts!Jo~ of. _gt'n_, teacbera of 8~, 1IalIy', Chun)h. _ ~ -di• •~ 1,~~D\i~ " !l;nCl; of ~ Wom~ .!leid at spent ' a 'few ~s·. ,,~ the HoUle;,~t do Dqt fOl'lll'
. ......
Anlile 0 : IUld ,
~ JI&U 10· ~eld. week.
I.:. •.. '.
. , •• IInn.lV ,' Th~y• . All tlw, women Mrs. Rufus Jones o! ~on. '& I)d ~~mr" ~,the citatt1ct ~' her nepb\w, Mr.• ~-oat. 01 ,r.o~th ~~~', cuesta of MJes ~~ kpta C8Ued .~ Mr:S: ~enQJl~ Tu~ ~.
• •
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It, Stro\lC1 of LebaDoD" ~ OomptD,n', of 1Ia8o~
da .. at.ternoon.
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ahoPPer: TUeIcIa;y. lin,
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¥r. ~ ...... home of ~ da~ter; lin. a •. . . . . . . .. &be ; ~. 1IaI1p!CIck• ...,..~ "': . ". ." ~ of ~ ., -"' . 'MJIII OJari ~ at WUb1nItDn" SaratiUa '~ _ _ &DOt . • '-DII_",, _ W~ Il 'WIi . . . ·ea4 '*_ at tile ........ '
...............,.....- of
will ad. &me.
. . liIl'........... ~... ~
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I'bune 112 1!.n1lOen!Q
'I I . Street
A.Second Clau Man Matter at POlltoffice, Wa7lleaville, 'Ohio
APLEA Fon ~ All Day I •• ~ . LAW ENFORC.EMENl Of RepreseutaliYes Ohrlstmas Healtll seal Sale rep- . . .
Flora M. ·Crane Editor and Publisher
A boy not more than fifteen stag-
Fire Pre:vention
n!8entatl~ea (rom tlen 50uthweslern
national , ~m4lion
.he · wee'k Octolier IJ.J4 '"..
Fir" PrfftJp.I&' gers uncertainty In the gate ,and OWo counUes ~ill .attend nn ~-d'ay been stumbles It'" the steps at one thirty meeting at the. Town Hall, Lebanon, ':-n"'·. TIaU communir,.. . .... R . •and .., all ". otluri, 1uu been ur~Pd ' SublcriRtion Price, ,1.60 Per Year, Payable in Advance tri. the morning after an evening on Wednesday, Octob~r 11th " - -.......--~-..:.----------..;;....-------. at a nearby dance hall; fifty HIlliard Green'IVoodl, presld nt of to co-o~ in.~~ ~,,. ~~~!!!!'!'!~!!!"!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!!!!..!!!!.!!!~!!.!!.!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!"!!!!!!'!!!.!"!'!"I'. more boys and men drlv~ or the Warren county 'l'I.IbUcUloa1s and hosanU. Even ",ou~1a lia. . thumb their' way to a countrY ''hot- Health Msociation, wlll preside at ard. IamHt been c~ fir,... . TJME TO GO TO, W A'BI . apot" 8 SCHlalled dance Ule meet.lng '!'Wch .will begin . )rilI break' Here fIT(t a • '. has been advertlsed A passer-by 10:00 a. m. and oont.lnue with a few common and meth.' It Is time .r9~ ~er1ca to go to war-but n.ot 1D Europe. The battle ~ing at a couna;, llUing s~tIon noon lunnheon and, a short after- 00. 01 ,fig"~ ,hem. . · field Is right here---;-In your home aDd place of.buslness. The enemy Is lire. and beer Jo1Dt Mes a pretty strl, ob- J\OO~ Be$Slon. . II___~________"'" It Is no mean e~emy. Each year It destroya property worth severnl vlously under age, lolling drunk in Oharles G. Orellt and BenjamIn 1 boy not much older p. Knepper, field representatives ' l1UJldr d million dollar&, It' Itlll8 thoUllands of. buman belnp. It destroYf> th I grt'.at numbers of lobs. It destroyS h0P;M' ambltloll8, opportunities. It ~ a::u; ;und to lurid? We could wlt~ the Oblo PUbllc Health. A8BOCIleaves obehind scenes of smok.1ng ruin all grim as If bombs had been the and make It worse. "Its the aUon In COlumbus, wUl lead the Instruments of destruction. It strikes when we least expect it, nnd often ~:t'8 problem", you say. "Let d\scusslOI1l. • . , them keep the kids at home." Yes. The Otirlsmas Health Seal Sale is where there Is no defense, Th~ 'Year. as in 'every year for two decades. ~ definite date has been but try to do It. It is your problem to take place. thIa ~'e8r, from """.......... ~ot tor declaring War agatnllt tire. The mobUlzaUon da)'li are October 8 t,.., too What ar we solng to do aboU' ber 1st to Ohrlstmas- Day, under, the H. The oocaston is Plre Prevention Week. . It?' e . sponsorship of the · National 'J:U,DeI~' D~lng lbat !period every cltlzen In the land wUl be given an unrtval' There Is a law maldng It megal «;Ulosls A.s6OC1atlon 'with the coopercd oppor.t.uwty to learn about fire, and how It may be prevented and con- for a proprletor .to allow. juvenile. atlon of state-wide and local aasocl· trolled. ThJa Is no dry-n,s-dust subject. It wID be taught to you vividly and in his place witbout their parenta or atlona. ", ~ dramatically. Approach It with an open, interested mind. Remember what other reaponalble adults . .Mao .8 law TuberoUlosls is stlll the leading • YOll rend and hen~ ~nd see: Por fire prevention Is of the most direct which Prohiblta . the se111ng of' 'Uquor caUSe of death 1D the age gJ'OlU) from portanee to you. No one knows where fire will strike next-your home. has to mtnor ven one that makes It 15 to .4&. ThJs group Includes " . s "moh ehan« to be .th~ see~e of ~n as anyone else's. Your town m~y con':rlbUt1n~ ~ the delinquency 01 a. young people, and men ~nd women .. ~i,tn~ a ca~gratlon .that wID br~g clvlc progrll'lS to .an end. minor to buy him drinks or give In the most produoUve y~ars o~ . : ~l(!re can never be too many soldiers in the fire-fighting army. En.. him liquor. But these things happen lives, • • . , 11s11 (or ~e d\lf9.~on 0 . hoswtUes.- The Industrial News Review We have a sherUf and law enfor.ee. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY
• . ,; . . l'
• -,
:s~t :otr::r::h~=e~':sm:ut::; 40 000 TO.'ATTEND can not everywhere at once ancl,
Tbomasea. Mondal.
' Ruth· and Virginia comell of Day ton and Robert' ~Ie of Centerville were Sunday dinner guests 01 the " Harry Cpmells, r 'nle Supr Q1'ee1t churdl recently tAe exterior of the church white and plan' w red~ate .the I~tenor"in the near future. 'nle .Milton OOode fam1Jy and Lou1a WIcal famlly of Miamisburg •.,ent Sunday afternooJl and' eve. Ding with Mr. and Mrs. James Wlcal and family. Mrs. Ol1ester Riley who was ree4!nt ly in the Mlaml Valley hOlill~ has returned borne 'and Is muoh better able to SO about her home and in her car. Mr arwt Mrs. p. 'Thomas call4!d ~., Eugene SchumM.e r Saturday inorninl. who Is the mother of a new . named Eleanor MarIe. Mr§. was the .. tormer 'Mary 'ot Route 'l3 .and has two
'. • NO CON.S IGN ROOT A ,beep aDd.. ~v. .., Caw FO. h-:...
f:U~orrlit-;ro:t ~ U.e wtn ul proJZreUi"• .ftf8l , 1ft dI,.· hlPman~t price. and. ~od. ..mc~
¥~I". t!~: l:J.to' s~=':W~ItY 1:~Ze6 to 12 :80 po'., for marleet reporta.
TWIN Saturday vWtoB at ' the
COrnella wer~ I4ra Lawrence Moore, Iba. JtanJe Mr. TOm Bur-
daugbter. Mr. and Mia. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~,,,~,,,,,,* WAYNE8V1LJA 9B10. an.dOGmen their 48th ____________....._ _
Ferry .~:..":. ::~ .:"':P.
We spend too . mUch' tlme and money on a Plan for this coun- bow f!LSY'1t. Is tQ prevent their eeelDl lweddbur mntveraary Batun2&J. THURS., m( ... 8AT. tI}'. I~ mJgh~ be profitable ~ oheck back through h1&tory and f~ out how a profitable lnw Infraction. hTen too Plora Ann ~ of Bellbrook Is OCTOBER 5. • AND ', we got along in the past. • aame one must. ma1te a complaint. ftJieri«lInr tbta week at th~ Perry '1Ja:I'. THRD lIq:SQurrU.8 . ~ nee this goVernment was ' founded" important th1nga have ,usually backed up' with atrldavlt.t from wit. .. aon8ae. The Bellbrook ichool lias · beep done at unexpected l!Imes and by unexpected peQple. We dido t, deatg· neues who SlLW the liquor 80ld or Elaborate preparntloll8 for the enbeen cJoaed becaUSe oIa mntertous 10 · ,nate' an$-one to develop oUr · Important Iventlons. 88 they claim to be do, given. and how there ' are who terta1nment and aafety 01 boya dd Pf In the acb~l buUdlng, the . ing toBWIIla) " . care enough to risk ' 'being caUed llirls attending Ob1o State Untverof wJilch ..' yet baa not been dIsThe lightning-rod' WUJ Invented by a pl1nter named Benjamin Prank- Into court 88 a wltneu. slty'll annual High School Day Sat~. lin'. The cotton-gtn was 1Dven~ by a teacher named' Ell Whitney. 'l'!'e . I have dre....med a dream of wbat urday (Oct. 7) arj~ being made by ,~ LadJes Aid aocIety of the tclegrl\ph ""aa inven~ by a palnter named Morse. The e1ec:trtc lI&ht and , a comm).lntty ooUld do to carry out hI!. unlverslty. , 8u8ar . Creek church met with Mrs. 8eriD-ColDed, the phonograph Were llivented by a telep-apher named Thomas A, BdlaOn. a. program or law- enforeemen,t sup.. Twenty-eight uruveralty depar,tponaid Hi.rnIah near • We ChOSt! a VlrglnIa .~rat to ~e our experiment in demoe. ported by a live Pl'OIram .of educa- mfl~ta are arranging exhlbits and suNDAY 1iaat 'nlunday afternoon, . , . _net MONDAY racy. We sent ,the unsophlst1cated Pranklln to represent tU at the elegant Uon and whoJeeome recreation, It a demonstrations fOI' Sjlturday , 6lorn' ' .JlInmy Ba1Uoclt spent . OOTO~ • AJIID. • · pjtepch ' Court, We let the dilettante intellectual named 'lbomaa ,Jetrersoo committee got togetber from all the lng. starting ~t 10 :30. These wUl be with Jr: 8JD1th. .....wa"I'lI5 l DVNN-(JQA.I.E8 BOYD define the rights of the common people under democracy. churchell, lodaea, echoois and other follOWed by the QlOwtng of mo.Uon DoJ:cIthy Gethard' apent the lD When the slavery problem pressed for a 8Olutton. we turned to a Jaw- communJ.t.y organluUooa they could pictures taken at high school day end·...~ ~~th. IUid on SUI"y~ ~amed Abraham Uncaln. and when the W~rld War waa ,upon us we pUt over a three fold program, . activities of laat year. giving IIUlP1 C!a.J Buelah. bd PIora furb .~ chose a college proftaor named WoodrOW wUaoI). ' FIrst, ~ committee on Iaw enlorce- of the young vIsltal'B an opportunity . . ~ 1U,at.t of Dorotb,y:' - "Sure~:' Bays a writer to the New York 'I"1mM, In h1a beat Ironic velli•. meqt of men and women willlnIr to to let! themselves c,n the acreen. Emma Jean Bml~ '" I!Jck Wi~ 1D. - "there's a better way to do ~P. If Stalin ...-nts art,ulclal rubber be i.:ot aa 1DVe8t1ptors ready to teetJfy At 2 p. m the at;udenta and teat1na1 .8l1PP1. ' , • ':tu~ to 8 plant blokiP,t and tella him to get b~. It be wants a dead 1D court if necessary;' a c:ODun1ttee chaperoDS will be in the aianda at Mr -" and Mrs. Coy om1am enter.~ 8e~~' 8h,er& ~~.. . llIaI1,).'evived ,he t~ ~ a .~~ • .It he dec1ds on a bydro-e~ectr1D that .. mother !)Quld 10 to aDd lay, Ohlo s~um. ~~ for the OPllIWlIII Arthur Brewtr' and Mr· -...;;....:.--T-tlB--.,;S.;;...-"'--wm-.. .....,, -, -:- . Plant. he" impOrts fo~U!n. 'eDglneera-" " .,... bu7 (II' 8irl' ~t1 tq IJO to auch wh16t1e 10 the PUle between IIcBlniw who oondu9Una' ' OCI'OKa It AJIID 11 ~ . "But here," he continUes. "ever:ytlllq la lIi ·the old, co~U8ed. hapIiu- and' auch II place to dance. What Btfte and MIs8owi, two. teams' . .....olcee at ~ to IUPPI'I'.t PAm. ~'I"FE . DAVJ8 .anI ·tri.c:utlon of Christopher OoIUJDb\!1, who waa Jookma' tor o~ wben ~d of .. place is It." They , Would Ing for the first time on the gri4:' 1D . :he 'dJjIoOvered ·Amerlca." , , tHen 'make up a party and vlslt the lro1l. , l ,jIIPo--. · ~ 'fh~ maybe a better way to get th1.DII don~, bUt past expc!rlence In- place, Cl8tenslbly for their own Is 0plaonwo~~te·~ f = ~:ghband . . . . . . . . . . . Mar .... .....,. • ··~JUAREZ" , ~tes th&t the R~n way iallot the'rlsht way.-'-The Imperial ~ amusement 8I1d malte a report~ It ...... a. a 11' onor .8N_'t7J.NO..... . .' ------'.' . wo\lldn't be long before the places 01 lJIe Wgh IICbOo.l I P l . band mem •. .AiI4e!l 8eJec:lecl 8~' 8ab~ • ·t • t. , i . , that wanted to stay ' in busb;leu ba~ retUI'DIBd ~ week .' ~e Ohio ~ RUD*- A8IIocbiUon . woUld clean up and e~urh evidence t~e open\JlJ o~ acJI,~ ~. atart t.l)eJr wID bold ~r B;DDual meeUna' at LO- would be gathered to help the aber- practice. .' . . , ~ durlng the .weiek' of October 21•. ur taIt.e We of the otbers ~tatlona .to tbJa year:s , I But that would ~ot 1)0' enouah; School Day, the 1II!I·~enth at It: hs Benja,m1D PranklIn who When ~e U. S: Weather B~u We need more llClucaUonal facllltles ~tate. were extend4!d to juntor aald: .~ nn. baa beep ' a ,oad recently checked u., the blw and for thoSe who have had to leave sentors in 1262 high aeboola of &be , . .~ or .~ ~." ~ IICOI'ed by ~ oft1C1al ~ore- 1school &eo YGunr or who do not fit 1It&te. / . ' ,. .' . casters tbroughout the country. tt l our ~u school ~m, ,. recerit·z:eport filed by Attorney . was found that the six 6h1o. fore. bUt more of tha~ . another time. NOTICE OF 8m OF Gel,l~ 'l'h'Omas f J., Herbert Mowa casLers have' batted .878 80 far UUa Last but not least we need a pro_ REFUNDIN~ JIOl\P)8 ' . ' tt,iat couec~II8 ';kom ftI10us lIOurceJl' ~ear, ~bove the average scored bf gram of' w~esome recreaUon. TO WH~M MAY OONO~ .. dildng ~e .f!rat eight ,montba .of t.h1a r Wost, of the' otbe~ . 8tate,s. Tempera-I There are plenty .of o~tlona In Por the PU1'JX>ae .,o f re~1.lIKUDg ~ , .year .totaled ,.,tICK· aa ~pamt~ . f~ts fot Ohio ~ Yllar.1&nc1 ~u~ Wa,..v11le~, 8pODIIOr o~tstanding note. JilUed ~er aDd ' Phone 18J ·. wittt ~.549 tor , the saUne • period Hav~ been 90.6 Per cent ~t enough llveJy evenlnaa of.wholeeome pursuant to 8ectlou ,2293-81 01 n year: OJ the "total ClollectiolUl; the wet and dry prediCtIOn. 1M.8 per- 'recreaUon to have one' good time a General Code, th.e .board of 'edUC&th~ Sbm of ~,861 'repreients 001, cent. 'week, not Just the b1gh' aohool tIon of Wayne ~rbwMhlp lectlbn of deUnQue6t ~Uma ~ue and boys. but tbat other sroup of ac'bool DlStnct. ~a:rr;en Count)', the state' linder4Jle Workmen's COm- In ttle face of a host 01 uncertaln- out-of-echOOl youne people who State or Obto will ~~r tor \, ~ation ~{. and 6lgtl1flcaDce of ties cloudJDg the fate of the congrea. thtnt tht!IJ.lves too old tol"IICbool' lI81e at WayneevlUe, Ohlo, on " 'TARVIA·LITHIC TAR AND this collection figUre may be noted alohal neu~ty act, there , baa J)U'tles. day, Noved)er 8, .11938, at 8 P. m. ... _ .... by comparing It, with the tUI.626 pre.. ~ a ~ pick-up In aJmost Most of those who let in trouble ~rtatn refuncUna DOte in the 'el ~QAD . OIL; mOAV4TIl\f9 . mIum de1lquencles ' collected ,~ur1nif all. Unes of O~o ind1.lBtr1a1 bua1neIa. are not really. bad, but how they moun ,of Three 'lbouaaad ~ ;BIIb, DUIIP TRUOK 8I1R~c:i1Il . the same period last year. seventy Many ' oOtwDbua OOncefns have add- do crave fun and oompanJolllblpl W SIx and '17-100 I)oJJqs ~ts.(I88m) ~ ~~, 300 "1'-:::-:::--:-l'Ve :~ cent of .\'PP!tllaie Oourt caaea ec:. hundreds of emploYe&! and Jenitb Are we IOI.ng to sit '-Idle and 'u.t ~t, 1. 1~8 Jasue. . '.' beep" decided in f"v~ the ~I)~tbe bllD'ar of worldns ho1U'8in pay' taXes to IlUPport the 'refo.r mThe interea~, on ;· ~ '. re!UJli:tIPC . Attome)" ~neral and ~ date tbl8 a~ e1fort to keep ,~e with' the "War ~tortea and jails? . notes shall be patd i~1. &Dd.. tbe , year 12UI 8ePar-ate.l:!plnlona hav beIin boom." ,. TaxPaYer note .:is aubject to call 'af~ . N~ ma4e by ~ttor.ney General Herbert vemtier 30 In ~ YeU- ,lIy the boan\ Phone, Wa;nea.ille: .4 -.R 1i . and' his stalf. as ~omPared with 1190 The U. S. Olvll Service COmmlas1on .... of education ~r IllUDe. ~ perLeb&no~ 'offlee. rbone 'f413-K""' · · thi ~ecorcl (or the 'siune perlod, laat reported September 25 that there son geaJl1nlr. t.o o1f~ ,a ,. bid or bids r•.fI..It~: Mo,rew PhO'ne No.• ear : . ' . ' for such mundtloa' note, buei!' y • . were 92Q.31(1 employes on the .govern J'A ..:.............. ..... • ._ ~ . /i." , ,""" .."". - . f. ' ": ment .... VPI\Ila J 30 ... i. lGlOn ... - . . . . a. .....eren. , ra.., on une . Of ....... f interest than " cUlad in this ad- ' Ollio ac~eved prominence at t.h e number 6'{.7 per cent were under the Tha~vtn DB 1a In the ~ ~ AmerllSan L4:gt0n annual convention ~ed c1V11 service t. g y vertiaement mAY dl; so, but all' bid· lIght earlier than usual, ~ .to d~ mUst.aubmJt :1Ii~tth their bid : a beld in . 'Obl~ September 25-36 ao 11 1'1 G rno ' B I k marched ' at . the President's change In the date. certlfled check in " U1 · amo~t · ' ~ ~ h :vef ' t~ ~~ erd l' tl in Gen. G. D. Ught, Ohio Adjutant: It Is inteJ;eSting from another 'angle to ieaa than ('I~) , one per. e ea Q d ~e :ru~egad ~. t General. has been Jbstructed by the I to!'¥lte the foUowlng paragraph of the amount of 'the re,unding nqte ~~ ~I~ pari.a :'~rt' made than _;~ federal war department to increase mID, the Thankagivlng rroc~ma· to be IIOld " ' . ,-",v. J;'au R e."", e no......- th Ohl N ' • un /C)eCCl:l' ! Ing M11 J W _, e 0 aUona! Guard In person- tlon 01 Prealdent Andrew Jaetaon Tbla advert.laemant is iii ' 'eoQ.. G Togledo ... Pf ac o ....~~ nel by 1602 enUatmenta at once, With Issued Nov. 29, 1835: ' fonnJ...· with 8ecUCm. 2293-88' of 01 ...e ore t.be canven ....... as out th ddlU "w tha ..~ ..... bo . "¥ . a cnndida'tefoi National oommande, a on of any new untts. e . . . . .,LtC!! for....., unt!- General. Code O:.Oblo and 'pursuant er . on " T-h~. Tbe Columbua lul supply of wlldll!e wtth wWch to B. B. 282 puaed"bY tb8 Ninety·Franklln. Post band w<>n thlrd place The U. e. Travel Bureau recently .ThOU baR blessed our , land; tor Thtrd ~ ~ of 0ti10. . · ... ';n' ...:... ba' d ' ...... reported that OWo ranked tourth the turkeys that gobble 10 our forROBS B HAR'l'8OeK. . in the . nawo._ ........ n can.-., ts th ;,.~..__• ..... d .. . . ' . ' _ _ '. among title states in the amount of el!; e .......... va Pe&Ie ..... - Olert,~:d of JIlducatlon . 1bii ~rganliation ~nd the B.g. money spent in It for recreatl.onal that honk 01;1 our 8~. &Dd ~ of l!~:Ol'o~ RurIU low prO~ed conSt.Jtu~n.al a~ ~\U'pOIIes by tourists. It estimated the clouds 0( ~er: ,,~ that SchOOl DIaIirfct. .', ' : ments m1t1aq old ate' ,pen.s1ODa. ~ amoUnt IilPCnt in Ohio in 18~ . at \,darkl!n t¥ Wes, and th~ vast h~ " aa .'t . '» filed' .... th· .. _-•• - t2t5.'l38,M4 and only New ·york. .of deer,the antelopes and ~u1ra1o that e t'C"'" .0n,......P ...... _ ... __ i:...__ .... , 'f 1I""' rim ' W' D""H'_I, - -"~l vania anll Oallfornla 1 '. -m ................... p _ ...... of ~tate EIV .0 . th SUPPlemental . . .ter IUDOUIlts. race ved \yond the Blue RIdge DlOuntalna. ' . MICKIE .SAy~ . , pet.UOni ~~ 1..82,734 ~- '. _ "We thank Thee tor the lllex" • , hau&uble wealth' of V1q1D Umber , Lure. to ~ tb.e ~ • 80.000 ~~ ,o n their flrp; JI8U- 'QO~ Ooh8eJ'vatlon ~VSaloq Ja .tre~ from we::ItAIiD . lWses. Aim''JlI!C), ~oo lfblab ' cOu'p&J ~ . . .' . uting 1388 coon tbroUibT' ot tidewater or ~ to ·the far .. . VlOl.ETS. A~,E BUll:. ~: ~.oUt on ~ tecbnlca'!' '; :'b tbe ~tate. They ,are ~ ~ 'a ir mountains of 7 ~n. 8l.liaa ~ Alte·WE, ItJ~ ~ . .~ ~.. . l'8CCQon propagatlon .areas and 10 fuel and lumber for &be count1es8 ' \)IHE.... "w'OU ~b..a:r RE~~ .(1I,lI: ~'L~""~~ e~n p~_'.? the ~tate where they, ate"hOmes cit 8ener.:tI~.¥et~unbom ..., ,..~~r-" .." o~ ,:verwca f~ a ' ~ expec...,.. to ~ thrIv.e. ._ ._. '. . " "d~'" ~ ~' ~ . '18" . . ' .' " ' ' . • PJUl\lJ'e to crI~ our.. 'Ju~' ~ .. I..,.. ~eaa lla ~ btl reuon for tn. 18 tb.:e obatade (hat . b10CIta the n .... , .
. Rev:,
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F•...r. '.Martin
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_h ......b • --lret. food. : .... un.... _... .Da1ry. milk. 11.10; lin. II'lofcl PoiIter. • lIbelter. . . . . : B. O. Bamlltorl. food, NOTT E la hElFeby g iven -til .. , In --"'.' W1l11am 8cbneU. food, ",00; pura,uance of a ItellolLiti on of the ~ 'Cl uncll ot the Village or Waynel'
To'tVnBh,p PreCinct EaBt. Wnyn Town.hlp' PrClelnct North Weill Rn.' Wayne Township Pre In t Sou'h , ·Weat. . ,D Shall the 8nle ot "l?lr llUOU8 \1~uorll by the 11'11\.118 b,· P1ermllt a I" '\ ayne T(7wnl' hl ll t're ' n et E11"I'l ~- , d W. B. lIGBelU')'. rood. _00. ville. OhIo. pal"cd on til 71h . day of Way'ne ' TOWn~lp .Pre In I Norlll CJau"e WII8on. f ....... , '12.00.' Mc_ Augu.et, 1lI3~. tiler \WIll be >lubmltlc'l ,,~ s( and 'Vnyn "rO",Mhtl' I~r"ol"':t er. MJddletown. aDd IIarIe BunJe) '" to a vote 01 the peop} or lIal(1 \\'ay - Bouth W 81. , Veri Brotbera. food, ".25; L ·R. neav ll\ V1hur at the NOV'EMD.Erl 'K Shall 1111\.\" liquor stores tor thl1 NEW SUITS mLEO'IlI N to' be hdd III Ille Vlliag. aale ot spI rItuou s 11'1 11 0'. uy lh e IH.w k 18. LebaDon. Brown. tood, fII.lIO; Charles Poppe. ott Wo,ynpsvllle. hlo. Ilt th e regula.r· al( • f(lr th consumpllon otf th llbelter••• 00 .' Oharles OllToll. food. places of voting therel ... on Tuesday. proll~IIICII whero sol~. ; JO permlU ,11 II'I> ' tho 1$ day ot Noy mil r. 1939, -ille Wa)'ne. Towl1s h lp l reclnn bill;. '~che O'Brlen V8- Robert J. RBAL 88TATB ' TBAN8PBB8 $11."': L. W~ Smtih tood, ,17.00: J . QueeUo n ot. levying It t iu: In exceB8 WaYUla Towns hip Pre In t Nor' h O'Br1en; dlvorlCe. If1lM neglect. -man. food••"7.50· '. Morrow of the t n mill llmlta~ldn' for th e W st und Wnyn " 'I'<I\vIL~ hlp ['reel uM R. eo... benetH of Waynl1s"l\l Villag e,. War- SOllth West. ' Prec1erlak D- MStcbell. d~ b) Kropr Qroc&ry, food. t8-00; J. A. rill ounW. OhIo. fo,' the purpOllc n f --.... S p .. nl'l-n.DfG8 Current Qx pcnsl!oll ot 81/- Id vlUnge at It "AI.E OF DEER C· OllOlO!ll PL . ..,. ~DDU adln1nl8trator. to Joaepb A. Schlllln8. .tood, '13.00; Lebanull Ute not l'cecdlng 2 ~ ml1Js tor ca"h (lI ub mlttod n8 a SCpl\Tnt e Quesl.lon) -......,...:. . . . ._ H v a• . fuel. • .. "".' dollar ot valuatIon, whlt!h Ufllouuts Shnl1 th o Bnle oC b r (~8 (\ f ln (;d ·"d Plora II KalrD' 42 1M acres I ~ ......"""_ .. ~.v ........ ,to twenty-fIve- centa , flo r cacho on In .~ectlo·n 62l 2-03 of the 'r OPen "'~.~ In the- matter ot the appropr1atloD .... ' ' . " • Morton's~. food .. sa.Do, . bundred dollars of .valuatlon. for tlv o,:~ .~e perm 1t tCd by holll e B 0 ., . Washlnaton townabJp yenrs 1939.1$40-1941.1942 .1943. or D p erm(ts t n Wayne Town s"l" ~ of an euement tor h1Ihway and. tor ' ·L. P. Taylor. tood lor reUer famiThe Poll. tor said 'Election will b o PreO/not Enst. "WIU'n Towns hip . Oeorp V GIo8 tb Bnn1e D Plorea '11 d ..... _ 8 A _ . . . .".00 w ~-arcl open at ~:so A. Y. nnd remain open .Preclnct North \v at Illld \ nx ne channel Chanae purposee over the' . . ea ....... u ....... _ . ; &.OCUA.& until 6 :80 o'clock P. 1tI. (Eo.lltern Towl\Ijhlp Pr CftWl SoUb}1 II CBt. \l lLr _. 'U~ • L ""b d et at Bracrea In Wuren IlOWlty and 87.Dt Schell, t~. $18.00; 'DI'. P'1Ju1k 9tan/la.-,} TIme) of Bald day. , r n County. Ohio. 1an..W>~ VI. nuWald .... - .... leaL I G Byorder or uhe Board ~ f --• .... u e • acres In Harlan ~p. . ' B,atache. UICU 1.00; C U' ne .s roEll1 c tlona of Warren Count y Tho: po\l~ tor MId " Ioc tion wI ll etc, ; ."ppellants pay the court '100.00 . Martha. Qudi . en to l!'.da 0Ud8 . en~ Wy" food. ".00:. I!IUiene Ohio' . op n at G:30 o'clo ck A . 1Il. and r ~ mnln to n - . . - A Chu' J Wnggoner hr. (llIen until 6 : 30 o'clock P . Af. (Ens l ~ .... ~~. lots 91 ~ S2 111 Plea8Ilnt Plain. ~ter. 112.00; Dr. R. p. Gilby, den~ • v. H: RUII8ell. Clerk rn Stnnllard Tim e) oe said dnr. Robert J. ~ VII. Irma COl. Ida Cleyenaer•.deCeued. byeucu- tal~, 18.00; Allen Robertson; food Dllted O<;tober 2nd. 19l19. . BY OIIDI!:n Ii" THE B0A'nJ I '" liVer; ~Udiment gr&nted to plalntUJ. trIx. to Raymond A. Hannah ~ 1'1.00; eKaler Qraham, fopcll ....110; NOTIOB 0 ... BLEGT!ION TO Rill 8~~0.TJONS OF Warr e n 'OUNT)'. Dora ",olmllon vA: Ezra JOhnaon; IMartha ..... part of Iota 57.- Allee II. ArnOld; tnviilld care, IMio: HELD ON THE 'llJlnSTlON OF . C11I\8. J . Wuggo ncr . hi'. di ........ ted tad I til t . LONI Option It SaIl., ot B..... • V, 1-1 , nuslI'lI, ' lcl·k . vorce D·_n • CWl Y. o . e wo 158 and at In~. ' ~d Bry.n~ ~Y.lillc1~. $5.00. Olltefl Oc l D'ber . 2nd 1U3 9. 'NO'l'lTCE 18 her eb), Rivcn that pur- No. 1 ' Younrest chUdren .liven to plaintur.' Arthur Bmadbeck and Ruth Smad- lin. Helen DoUghman. Inval1cl care' suant O.- It to Il iletlUon . tIled . h 1 hll
In Town Or Country
Bottle Gas
See The New Estate Gas Ranle On Display
At Our Store Come In And See This New. Modern Ran.a
Obar~ Bryan. et
Fairley Hardware Store Larger Becau.e of Better Qu~lity, Service, and Price
to Wldred BamUton Iota ~5. 1.100: W1nn.l e. Qentry. , invalid care. COy • et .aI .......-•• -.... e tol " ....8 aDd 28'1'7 In Deerfield t,ownabJP. 17uu. tnValId care . . .7'''''': p.A._ .... _ .. oed leav ..... · U Ita d tI _. ._..... ; __'A H-~ e . amen ed pe tlon. ' J~ A. Younc to Walter L. werie Iva.lflcbOl8,. lnvalld care. tJ5.00; ~ew" ' .....-....... "--_ .... _.• to S ............. ...-. "10.00'. L. liVe ·-ta ... In .....- invalid ._.. n......... ..____ B 8"':"'- ' 1n._ 1Id .... OIl, ..... PROBATB COURT ..........e - . . ....~ to S""... • - . y... care, -'r-' . - at. v •. Charlet!
BOARD OF ELECTrONS of Wa rren tember. 1939. Bubmltted County. Ohio. "here on th ewill glhueiJ"l <lr 1:)6,, -
NonCE OF "':I.E(';'J'ION '1' 0 llIi:
~ ~ IIL'LD o~·.. 'I'll au'"k '.n Hul" ~,,~ "of'II'U..~....Ole Lo'!.1 option. r
- t j; t ~a:81~0 ~0~~'s~1~. ~e:r~;~ O!ou~~~~
Use In Any Gas. Stove
. Own Or Rent The Equipment
Established 1849-1939 - - Waynesville. Phone 32
~~:~=::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~ ,; = : : = =
= ."
01110. at the General IDLE TTON to 8unnt NOTItoCEr. 48 horeby Iflv thn~ PilI' :I p titlon led n rwlVh th e· be' held nt th e regulaf ~) lo.ce of vuUIIg BOA n.D O~ EIJ~)ONS or " r'trr " tllero1n. on the 7th. day oIt 'November. Coun't"y. OI~·IO . o;;'t.hp t'st I1n\' or' s{'~, Seeman; · lota I •• 170, aDd 1'1'l Ju NcEltreab, in~ caret 15.00: . Ed 11939. In the41Rtrlct desi gnated aa fol- lomber. 1939. t1H>re will be s ubmltl'!.) . . tr_ ......_ • • 16·W8 : Ma.llie Township. Warren to 0. vote or the eleclfA"1I otr 8,.IoJ In the matter of Waite» calvin PranIclIn. ~, lnvalld~. ~.OO. Lla1e County. Ohio. on the lIu e8 t1ons a es lg- WAyneevllle Villag e. Warrell oUnt l'. Bracknev ' Insane' admittance to PImnIe Rahiig to Lulu II Wood. Snyder. InvalJd ~. fo5.00; Johnnie nate.d 0.'11 fOJI~o;:i. OPTION Ohio. at the Geueral E 'L, "l'IO:J . 0 ~' , • • .,. , . ' be held at th e rogular place o f \. ~U ' " Dayton state hoepltal · ordered. rey; part of Jot lI2 In Malon. ,.. UaOn. Inval1j1 care, . I~·OO. ' IA. S hnJI Ih n I\.le of !!ny Intnl< '<'u1.-, thereIn. on thc 7th. dllY or No" e mlJ e r In the matter of the estllte 01 Jessie)!:. BIber to ~e IL '1'errJ. Treaaurer ' of S~te. services as. 1'8- ~!W~I~~~1' P~:CI~~~~l'itt:ed In MU~810 ~rtoo.J~: ~~yd~S;~lm.; ~~~II!~~.l A~~ Dlnah A.. Halts.6ct d-.....,~ .... · In _ ....... "f Jot 't8tn t.H&non. . . iller examiner. 12'1;15: H. M. · ~e. SlIall Ubo sale of wino by th e <r en County. Ohio. , P.recln t e Nor.l'h ven -~ . .... , . , ' package f<lr consumption ntt t llo nd Sollth em th <tl1elttioll8 dlls lg nllt • """'""""'. torY IlIIPl'Oved. ,. Tboma. 8hacby aDd Ife1lIe 8boc- 1tamP5 ancI' ~ '....00;, ~banon premlaea 'Wher '11 0111 , b l' l'ermlUed In , cd llJt .1ollbw'; · In ~ matter of the est.~ , 01 ~-. to Bar.-S .. _.. ftllO In Lumber Oom....." .. 1 Town.abip ·Preolnct. J OOAI orrlON By Harry Elclricla•• Jr. -~ .... , 1'-";,,, acre . ..--". ..~ oaae . .tor "Maeale C. Shall th e IlIl'e of wIne tor conA:.. SlIo.l1 tbe saie o r n.n~' Intox lcatJohn Adam Ritz deceaaed' Invento- Wayue toWnah1p, Law llbrar)I. 113.50; S11van Jameson aumptlon on and ofC t.he pr~ ml8c 8 .Ing IIQllor ue permitted In Wayn CH1 . ' , ." . I!!mma Cole to ~ , Oole; lot fo 14 _. ----... 'a._ where 8014. be J)eJmlittet\ In MUBs,e l vllle Vl1l'age Precinct o rt h anrl approved. y!"'""" as .... m__. '16.00: o. ponald Toor.onei)lp Prednct. '. Waynesville Village Pr clnct outh. - .... t the tl Bu··--.o" DUatuah. rent of office lor prosecutD. Shall the sale or spl rltu0 l;ls B. Sha ll th e Ral e of wine by 1 ~'" .... WKI ma ter 01 !let esnent of ..........e. ' . IIquora by til glo.s. b·, THll'mlllnd Oil vackage tor ('onsuml>t1on oItC th" the estllte 01 Henry DutIJ deceueCl' Boward Prophater and Lena ~ Ing ~. 120.00: Tbe Jobnllon Maul e Townllhlp Pre~Qt. ' prem'lse8 wllere 80111 b pcrmlttt'd 11 = _._ _ • , '.' , ... :Wa"-- Co 1 ._~ d. E. Shall .tllle liquor atot CR ro,. p , ,, WaYille8vlll e Village' Pr ec In c t Nor t h deter.Jn1,natlon .oI inheritance taK or_ pbater to &o,rard RcnrlaDd;.... -"., mor .....e recor ani\! ot IIplrlluou. liquor byn tb pack· and Wllynosvllle Village P r c 'In, t Here we. are-In the middle of give a thought glrht now to the A ........ • _ A......Ied to th . dltor ' - - - In ~... 'l5~. ta 'Mfr. 001 IfJ'QIII age; tor ·llh e conaumptl9 ot[ th e Bouth . u.,."'" "' """ ce'WI e &I,l • ~ -~ ..., .. ~. . . " .. • pr~ml .ea W1hcr,1! lold. h.,. pe:rmIUt'a III ' . Shnll th e 81l le or wIn e Jor con- squirrel season which ends next land owner and teno.nt who makes In the matter 01 the !lettlemeut of . Jaieepbfae 0, to JIUoI4 9.to. p. J. Beer Printing 00.• Muele, Tow.neb.lp. P1:ecllnc t. Kumpl'lon o n and otr th e pr ,m Is"", . . our h tl 'g Lbl Th ...- -ta.- _. S'-phen A stu en. d D • .I....;;.... 2870 acrea ln IlUeIe town. ,~ fellef DOte. . . 00', City Treaaur, ' . _.... 0'" BI"... fl .wher solt! II perrnltt 'd In Wnynrs - . 'IUesday. Oct. 10. From all report:s un n poss e. e surest we.... .....u& "'" • w e- ~ • . ", . • .• . VIlli Village .Pr clnct Nortb anel l way of maintaining good hunter:' dlatrlbutlon of estate made 1b1p. . ' . er. ~ of prlaoners. 11460; lAba- '(Suhmllt&d ila a Bepu'ate Quostlon)lwn~' ne8v lli Vllh\l:I'C PreCin ct South. ,the fur-taUs a. re fairly ~lent1lul_ fn-er Ireatlo'ns Is to "ollow II. set ~""', ......_ . ..,, ' . . Shall the 1I00Ie or b eer as d et lllrd D Shall the flille or HplrltuolIsl _ ~uo I· inberltanCe tax cJeterm1iled as QGDe. " _ QOIJ-", _ _ .Nawunal Bank, PClItage, In Sootlon 6212-63 of t.hp G en~~~.! IlqU·OfS uv th " g lass b" perntlit p(\ I" 0 but the hunting l).as been plenty rule of never going on any land 1 0 'In til tter · 01 t·h e ._'. I ~ and telephone on bond 11016 co~~ 1 permltted ,by \h oltl rs ot '. Way,llesv )Ue Village Pr ec In c t North · tough because of dry weather. e ma . 0 IULL8 ~ or D' .p rmlta. dn Yuale TownShip anti 'Vny nc8\, lIl e Villag Pre In et without the owner'S or teno.nt·s conPloI'ence' B: Satterthwalte. deceu.ess· JiG, ~ • r • _ •. • Ptf,e.lnct. War en County. Ohio. South. Last Saturday'S rain softened up the sent- and then treating It lJlce a • ..... . • , Sto.nlev ___""'...6 . pos.... _ .._ E. ha ll s til t" liquor 810re8 rOr th .. ...~ .. b tter b f.-t apd t1nal account approved. 8tokM.·DaIry . milk fw- relIet Iaml. # -..-.......... ............r. The ,polla I,!r ",aId plcctton ,vIII ale ot I!pllrJ tuou9 IIquQr by th e pnA! k- woo"" some an... e ags are ex- true sportsm.an. One case or tresIn' ~ matter 01 tile estate 01 tI __ 11' M ' ,....-~l- ·P stampa. ",00; John8toq & Johnston opoep ar;: r(eEa~~~ age. fu r th e consulllPtlon ort ltrtl peeted. Adams County has been .....-r.lng. fence cutting. stock shoot. / . ....... . : v_ . _ ........ I .. ~. · 0_"'_ . 0 ' enn autn6tl:al au?,.0 °OIOCo'~I~ic Hi>f ' pr~ml 8e 8 where ao\(]. be p ermltt d i n " " " " ADn.Ui! Hore.... . deceued. Ilrat and "OO;.obrla KWIlbJ. food. '~ ~ and treaties. 1~2.60 ern :Stanllard Time) of 811. d dny. wa~'nef)v llle Village PrecInct No.·th long flne squirrel territory. but Mil- lng or game law vtolatloll--by a filial ~nt approved. . . • ~ Mfr. 00., 15 ·pI. drum SparkBY ORDER OF'T}fIE BOA RD O~' ~~~th ~ nyn~8vllle . Village Pre In tIer o.nd Rosnagle of Franklln could- guy who shouldn't be allowed In the In tile matter 01 tbe estate ot 1; 'l'be OUtfitters. 1 0 Wanen COUNTY. . '. ' n·t get their Ilm1b on an opening fleld-can ruin the prlVlle8ea of BOward S. McClUre. d~; if1rat NIch.. tood • ~ ~ t~ tor typewriter••1.50; 0,. ' . Cb·!1I1. J. Waggc)'ner. OIu·. (Sllbmltle~~F;., ':' p~:"~!, Qu(!stlon) day trlJ>-too dry. (the woods!) Bev_ many .sportsmen who sincerely an.. 0 __ ' '''' "'"""" " . . . . . . . 'RI .... .D1ed1eal-1Iel'VI&lea. SZJ.IIO· . V. H. )'tulIscll. Cl rk. ~ho.lI Ule sale or b er as d ertn d l'I'al h terS · 1u Is ' 'aDd f ...... account approved. f~, '1&.06; Dr. :A. 'D. Harvey. med1. ~~ "~! .' • Datetl Octdber. 2nd. JU9. In Section ' 6212 -63 ilf th G il'eral Wl l;8,y many squ e are 'Prec1ate hte hunting ~tB · glyeD. In the matter Of the estate (II _, . Sl2.' Dr Prank A. . DUa....... ~., ElectrIC ShoP, 1 - JuJU; and ~o. 1 odo be PQNlIltted bv holde rs or "c'IJon the grOUnd-and that makes It them ibY farmel'6 ' --i .• , ....... labor iii: Dr B L. li___ ... a or "D" permlta ·1n Wayn o8Vlll e VIl- bad Ith dry ' Is t tin . J OIePh DonoalI1. deceaaed. second medleal. tII.26: Dr Rt.Jph lV. NOTIOF: 0 ... 1lI.......oT'ON Tn DE lago Preolnct North and W.nsneavtlle w no Y 00 g. Go .o ut o.nd your fanner and tlnal 1IiCCOunt approved . ' m ... """t' HOO • dental QUe, ".00; olobq Litow & Bon. HELD ON' THE&'lt)1g"TlO N OF Village ro.!lrOOlnct SouWl. Wllrren Along comes duck seamn Oct- 22. frle rula · ~fore the ~"".on ... _... ~ B • __ ~ • . ' .... .I._I O.u.a ".ll e O' ""r Cou.nty, yo. o. . -..... 0 .... _ tn the matter 01 the estate..Of Dr 8 II Brewer _ .... _ t "'2&' - and on. al.36: D,r. Jolui zettoel. . . with pbeasant, rabbit o.nd partridge the'yll probably appreciate a box t . , . . . . •• . -• - - . 117 110' D\mhain' sta NOTlCE Ja ~ereby !flven t hat pllr. Th e polls tor saId eleoUon will f U I I I N ' 8 Let' . . 0 AlIce BllV!M'& ~; lint and fln- S. 8. 'lbos:Ilu. food, tll.OO; IAfe V'br- ' ," . • • v· lIuimt to a petition med IWltlh tbe 'open at 6 :30 0'ct09k A. M. Illld r emllin 0 OW ng cOIle y on ov. . , s sheus too. , I,' al account appro., h1& food. 10' Dr _ A. - ' a _ Jem..BeualnkftlcI, medlcal. '.32'.50. BOARD OF FJLECTIONS of Wa:rren open until 6:30 0 clock P . H. \ EastI . . ~.,. - - . DJItrIct T\JtlemlkIIIa '11'_'''' bos CoWl>lY. OhJo. on tlbe. 8th. day ot Seo- e rn Standard TIme ) or aald day. '':-~;;=;;iiiI''';;-lIiiiiiiiiillliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii In the matter of the, ....te of medical Dr .._-:t..._.-o. - -...P. tember. 1939. there 1VIlll b 8ubmlttc/l . . -: " . ' ' ~, . ~~ ... and care $221).00' Olark County 'IU- t.o ,a vote of tho eleeron or aald BY ORDFlR OF .THE BOA:RD 0[1' Irene II. Walton. deceUed. ~ medical, ....l,j ~errl"" OI'OClq; ,,--..... : " __ 0._':' h_ • HarveYllburg Village. W'arren CO\l~:y ELhlI.!TIO.NS OF WnlTen OUNTY and final account. fOOd _ 00 'r - n...r...- ..... .....,,- ......1oIN'.um, __ and CAre Ohio at the General E>LEOTION to /) '! OHIO. · ~ . " . . - \ ; - - - - - , - - - lUll 110': ..........- of State 1 . held' at the regular place of voting Cbaa. J . 'Vaggoner i Ohr. lJl the ~t.er Of &be ea&&te 01 1nI' 00 rOOd SIll 00' ClreM A. & p . , -.~"'. ~ .of to- therein. on the 7t'h da,' of Novemb o~ . _ V, II. R ussoll. Clerk . . CUll.. 0 'IiI ......:.11 "'+==-s. ' ............... Oo~ f ' _ . . . '. tal unt due Itate for care ot In- 19S9 .ln the dltltrlct' dea l M'JI~ted-a8 101- Dared OctO'bff. 2nd. 1039. . ..~ ~ , _... ....' 00d •• ,.·110; .toW' PtUrY, .......' . Iowa: Hat'Vey.abu·rg VlIlase. Warr'l n No.2 . andalnal accouat &IIIIiOvect. milk. ~ . ~ ma _ _.110; LeWI8 .& Drake. Inc., County. OhiO, on the· QIUe8t1on dellg-I . . • 'I-I oh_ '':lo.. 01 the ___UaM.h. . • • • • 10 ' bU'reIa of cement. Pl,00· The natect as tollowlI. NOTICE 0 ... 1!l1.IllC'fIION Tn OIC ..... JIla_ . .~-P' 8aDdec'a ' Orooerr. f~, ":60; ' . ' .' " . . LOCAL OPT'ION • _ HI!lLD AlN THE ",VERTION OF 01 IInbert Welllt; aeCond iIccount.~ ScbIlUn. ~ f~ ....' 00 . . . . ~ BrIdge CO., 1iU'ta, relnt . . · ~. Shall tlle .llale of an.y l!1,.to:<loat L_.I Option"" S.I" O. B.er · :!:. ' . ....•...-.. , .......... ; -. fo,. D.~" ""uU ding liquor be pe.rmt HelS In .....a'I'Ve rs _._8c:h~ fOOd. BIalr Brae.~' ., - , • _........ or. burg VlIIage Preclnot. . NOTI(:E .18 her eby given that PIII'In *be ............ of ~ ' estate 01 ' • . . rOD. IU"'" 0bI& 11: Brac1tiury B. Shall the 8ale of wine' bv the 8uant to a petl llon tll ed rwllJb th · 1Io8pt$Id., • , • .' package tor con8umptlon off th o BOA IU) 0[' EillJCTrONS of Warr n Horace & Batton. deDII~; IlrI& brant, food. 'tll.IO' '!be ~,.., ~~........ H~Ie!d, II8Ii- premlses ·where 80Ijl.}~e permItted I " ounty. Ohio. on th e lat. da.y ot SeP_:, ..-- _ .... ' ., , < . . . . U -.eMote . . . to· JobJi Barr ,g·cr-vseYSbur g Villa ge l;rflnft. lemher. 1939. there will ,Ie lIubmltted and 11.... ~ ap;:;;... 0br0nIcle. cdIIoe ' IIIIDIIIIIla. - ."00' .' .., , ! . hall t h e 88'l e or w' no 01" con- to a V<lt e. of the e~ecbor. 0It .ald T .." the of..... ~tate .6 --..-~. . . , rail. lUO 00; Jcibn80n N):era. pay lumpt!on on and off the premise!! Corwin V illage Wa~~en County OhIo J.~ --I , . -:" 0 ! 'DIe 0aIce ouut. . . oaIiciI, anppI.... '-It . . . . '•• ' " ,."..here 80ld: be pe l"Dlltled In Harve)'s- Ilt the Genero.J 'ELEt;~10N to ba II eld LJdl& BwmeU. dec euect; aad "10' .... ndiard 00 '-l!._- - - _allO, II!. /W. ~ ~~ _rou.· Iburg VUla·ge .Precinct. a.t the relflJlar place of Voting th llr, , • . . . , a~ .' _ _ foG. . ' ~ . . • D. S"a11 the Itale ot Bplrltuoll8 In. on the 7th. day or November. 1989. f~ account a~~ . 110,00: 'I'tUI&eee Of PublIc M. ' . J , 4·· liquors by th e glaa. be permitted 101 In th e dlsl!rlct desllOnat'ld as f.llow 'l: In the · matter Of the . .te cd f ..... 'eIec~ f~ ~ ~ ~~'~. roll. '11fo. to; V• . Harv eyaburg VjI)o.gjl PreCinct, Conwoln VIllage. \ arren ~ I ; CObley. 'deceued; ~ ... Jt:M ,~'i, .!.~ K. ~~ HarrT Mount••a~· :f~:-I~M~~~~~IB~:;rB~O;~t:o;a!t~ ~~~~':an tho Queetllemtt delll . -~ " --.. - - - (x)'ORT NBW8 BILLS ALLOWBDh age. tor the cronBllmption ott the • I,OOAL Or'l'ION · f d!.u'L o epw approv"", ) ... , preml8QII wil er !\. Boli!. Ibe ~ef'mltted In . A:. Shall Nie 1Iille of' any Intoxl atf lJl lhti m,att,er 'oi tb4i eII~te ·, IIUtJ. Joebt , 91 " ~. .,., ~ Vulqanlzlng ~~.r~eyabur.. Vlllase I?reclnc.t. 05-4\ tllfl~~u~~I1~rn~~r\!,lt~ed In Carwln O. tlDoo.rht'aDlp& . . . . • 'l'b'e 00.......,... . and euollM. , " B • .Shallthe1ll\Ieot. wlne by . Tirey Say It Witit •( Smll.' h-... .I...;: m......t - let for. 0ctCiber ~I•• ' ..., 111,;.; ~ 8berwooct. CO · IAlppUea . SALE OF BiEIilR package fill' con8umptlon otrf th e .... - ~ . '~' .•: W. na~. ,....... ,~ __ II . -1J.. .' " (BubmJtted lUI a Scpante Que8t1oTll premlliea where 80lii b e permltt () ' II Do the members of YOt1R say tbJa'l . a ' ....~.:io 3 . ' 1 _ . . ._ _ _ - , . .~ M • ..JoIn Law & Son Bba\l the eale ot beer aa dl;fluNI Corwin Village Pree l nct. ·t . ' , : . . ~v ---~ ~' II III' am.rt. GU'aIe In section 0212-8S of the . General C: Shllll the sale 6r wine ror U not, perhaps It is because you have never glveJMlb-8eltzer 11 the matter pt .tihe wUl of • • 00 .~_ te· ..._ IIGIor . ' _~_:J...:' • . BU- Code bo Jlelm'Ltetl b h - I ·'·r .. of "C" aumpl'lon on'- and ott th o prem gene B -...:6_ deCtelllllCl' WW 1IIIUed" • .... GlINt• .-.w: 'lbe Van camp, Stone or "D" permit. lin H4rvc.l'..,\>ul·" VtI-· ,Wlhe'e tlold be permItted In orwln a thorough trial ) . ~'!I''''' IDD,. 1HOIbMt~ ~.. : 8beI1 OIl' . •1 00.. aad aDd -viii. ....... '. Med- la~e Predlnct, WIlNI1!): co'un~Y. Ohl9 Village PrecInct. to ....... L:..-_ *'. GO, 0bI0 - . . - . --. D. Shall the 8al<l' or 8plrltuo 18 All over the world people who have uSed Alka.:.Selt;er are . L. Lambert to be uecuteil ~ ...."., . -. , ..,.......- ~'. qaraae iuollne The polls tor .ald election will IIQuora by. the· glau bc permlttcd In In the mat.ter Of BeIU'7 tn· Tel. Carp ~ . . . . .tu ..· ....L L L·· I open at .:30 o'cloc)< A . M. aOO rr.mn.'n Corwin VlIIage Precinct. - ,enthusiast1c In its praise. sane' ........;......:... to """'..State • .~ ~..:_ ~~ . ' ·a--.'a BervIce StaUoD. BlUQlIne, open until 8 :80 o'clod, .,. M. ~Ea.lIt. Sball stn.te liquor 8to~eB fOr tho U AIka.seJtzeris as as we say it la, you want it in your med• -~ . , ..... ~ TIle ~-IjW.....,.-,...~; RetIntDl 00 .• ~ . , em BtanClard,.TI"..e) ;Of~, anld ,d a,Y. "aleco~ lIP1rltuou8 Ih.uor 1,1)' tno p M k. bo4... tal ordeft!d ... I;. -..... ... age. tor \!h i! con8umptlon of( tho '7 ." • . ', - " -, _"~ ~ .,,: ~ • suD ICAliten .1~· Dl'; onomn OF· THE BOA'Rn 01" preniil"ea Wlh re HO/d. be pe<rlllillud III icJne ~bJnet: if it is not, It won't cOst you a penny. We wUl refund the~8by new user whO is nOt entirely sa~ed. ~!, ~ ~~t.er ~ ~.. ~~.!! tilt.,......: 1F1a;:'1t; , ...~ ~ aDd 0 ~i' /rUOuOe 11~.wi I g~TI0NS OF ':~'Fen COUNTY Corwin VI\II\~e t'r~lnct. ~Ii~, '7T?WD , ~--, ""f...... ~........., ..... . • '.. I • • ) • , • " . • Chas. J'. WagglJnflr"Chr. RIO,1ll n ..• REEII , Your &mJJ.y may need Atka-Seltzer sooner and more often than cau fit tftnater to be IIIQed to t.b* . _""aD"" ~' _'rallD.' .n..:.. ~tt~ ~ ~Ice 8~t1on~ ~, V K . Ruiulell. Clerk. . (Submrltted as Il ~pa.-nte c./llestlon) you th1Dk.', 'Ouzo auarantee of satisfaction or money ·refunded county~..!.- ' . . ,',' ~' .' ..... -F.,..." 110; Ba&li:away·a. T~ Ber. Dat-ed Octll'be<r. 2n4. 1939. 9hall t.lti sale o t beer JlS defined ---. • W ....... RIOd. .VIII, :I• .!.: ~aru. vi _ ........ __ ... 15 ...... K11 .........oL ,,., • In Soottqn 6212-63 of the Gener~l covers its in all condltious lJsted be· In the matter oI -the elltat.tl 01 r.....e a•• 00. ~ .. 'IIhett ' ceo .~ . , -paw-~. '.OTIOIll 0 ... ELEC',I:!.ON TO DE COIle b pel'lT1j~ted b~' holdl'r8 or .. . low.' . . • ' . .~ - . f e:!., TelrI.co Bervtce -88IIOl1ne. .7·11' HELD 0..111' THE Q.11",STION OF or "D" permlta In ' OorIwln Village BlI& "'. 8itl, decealed; ~~ . . . . . .~ ~.I~ ~~food, • .Go- ~ S:erv1ce ~tton; N~ ' oiL , OpU••• "'· "II.le .• t B.,n Preolnc~ w~rren County. Ohio. u,. ,M.-;,~.mIIId"'l. t18.~: _.:lit' .. NOTICE la t(et'eby gIV'In ~<htLtllur. The polla tor Bald election wlll In the mat~ of the lUardIan8b1P Dr' W H AriioIcL .......1CaI ~. ' au ant to a. potltl\l'11' filed · owlllh t!1 o open ~t 6:30 o'olock A.. l!t am! r e maIn , . . • ". ,. • ,. ~OA:RI> OF EtJECTIONS ot Warron .opon until lI·ao o'olock P M ( Eas tOr Wllter Ol.ver•. aeconiI account ..... ~ JIaIpltal,' m..sao,J 00' Coun'tY. 0hlo, fin the 1st ·day ot Sep- em Standard Tlmo) of 81\'ld day. aPfA'OWId.' , . 1 ' . , ~ ~ III . . . 'f~: 'l'M, trOU1Q Wltll eommlttele ~ ~:~~~P3:~, t~:~e :'~~t~8,!1U~rl~~~~ ORDER OF THE ~A:RD OF In the ma'. of tile aett.IeJUD& Of 'ibe-o~ p Te&'~ ~ are a1• . , . wo~ertn.J, Wayntl . ~oW:llIIhlp , _Wllmen~ COUltlty; '1illtIllCTJONS ' OF 'WmTen COUNTY. , .• • .' ::"J. ' " , ,1. " •• what O~ wm- ...,..... tIl0/110. at the Oeheral F.LEC'NON to oJ-no ' the ea~&e1Of ~ P.';Adam& d.,... foot,.ltuu; ,.", i .• ". ,. ' . > . . ~ • • • ;.0: : . be held' at bhe r~g'ular · tlla~8' of voUng , . ChIlB. J. Waggone r. Chr. ed'· eetj.-. w...':)jL _..~_ ~, ......... . ..... '" to, iillIbt ~Id~ m therein. oil.,tlhl' ,th."'ay of Novembolr.: . V. H . RUll1lell. Clerk. .~...,.., I ~- .. ~ ,~--. ~ ......,. • • -"'~ ~J".t ..... -t. ,.• at. lIb tbe dlsfrlct r)eallgmated aa ro, nate d October 2nd 193&. tIlx det.etinlned. " '. • RJ-.......~ 1~'lrm.·j , :t1.:.::. aiiil _n.. ~ _ u , " lowa:( . aYlle '!:'ownllhlp Preo l nnt ~. No. 3 ' . . 06-H ~~~__ -""~ ~,~ ~ , ~" > East. North WIest and 8oullb , West. , ~I the ' IQM{,CI' of .- . - - - u&' N(:1I: IIAI~~'~ ' fqiQcll "10; ·D. '. . 1 .Warren ·.county. Ohio. on the Qu eB' d t .-... d'~~1 lin S:!,,)!; ..., d~; Pruk J1Ua. R " ~~?. .:., .Dr ~"~h; . se.~ .41ta &be . 8{XIDtalieltiJ' of U~n. d"l~ate~ a8 fO~:8. ~e d~ gery 0 loUUAy . "'" P es a irator. to wttbi and for II:. SbD,ll e!ie°r, an::'Jntoxloat- us to meet the responslbllltles of • . • • ' . .. . ' ,t ~ . .. ~_ •• f ' ... _ \ .' IDg liquor be permltt.ect In WilY 0 toJDOrrow • ten ~ . . ~ " '~ ' meaieal.-po.lIOfll Lo KIrk......WoIIII! ... one 0 ..... hard Jolla Of Townlihlp. , ~reclnct · Eaat. Way,is _ _ _ _ __ In &be Of. the edate 01 .~ ,... - . . _ _ ~ " empIoJIera. . , . 1.e"n'blp ,preclnoct... Nort,h WI181 anrl . ,, '~I .. ...-. . -- . - - ~ ~ '.' wayne. ' Townehlp 'Predlnct South ... t ftft~'uJ In'dust-'es n"e Hul9*I\ A•• Blaokbum. , deal,..; l1fo.llO· "rnnd. ... 00; J 'F .- ' " . ' . , < Weet. . · . ..OIl succ....... ·h ...... - . __ ..:......... deb.. f'- '9' ~.~ ......,' ... ..; [~_. ~ r. ""'.-,; ~1~ .... A!-oo~ pi . BL Sha,1 the anI!, o.t wIne by ~he hatched in the laborator1es ot - - - .. .. - .....~ ~. a~ !IfU"N" :~'~. ~~, , ~e 1DIUUI~- _ _ 1J8O e ,~ ~ pa.c allll'e for eonsumptlon orr the _" OCt.Gl:ler I\.. . " #~ liIM, 'iIO .,'., . J . ,'. • _ _ H __ :Wt&b' the tbat prem'I1lI8 wn.ere·aold. be permitted . Il. plt.... science . • ~• .,... • > ,I .=!!.~~ . •• I , .--"~ .", ", ....... . Wayne Tawnllhlp Preclnl,lt Eas l . . 'l"-. '--_ _ _ _ _ __ I ~ ~Iem"",...,.. ~ii; a &lOIr"l!tiUIiIi .. 'k'abbi&. " " , Wame 'T ownship ' lPreclnct ~orth I .• .. ~~~ ......t.::.i ~-,::' ""t::'!"'. ' . , .~ ·r.",) ,~.,.. M- ! Wea . t and Wayne . Townshlp ITeclnct Don't be afraid ot wasting . GnIeD~.~ ~ I . . ,~ " Sollth West. I . " . . . _ ,. ·u .. 'Paiir'ir ~ .....' ~ ...... , ~· ~lt ')'ounelf...::.arter yOu' ba . C. Bhilll the .llille 01 wlae. for con- by learning ~eth1ng you, are • :i , . ' ..'. , '. ..,. . '" ~ . • 'i ',' ' ~ ,,' " .um~t'lon on a,,4 otlf the prtlmlsoe Ulred to ...... "W WUU. ~~. 21. truek dIl,,; ~,.~. ",10; ,..-:aJOA ~... ~I~ ~ Ilailta~; ., . ere 'elota. 'b~ pe~nflttod Ih . Way~e ~ ....... .
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-~, sentoe~10:40. Top1c: "A 00l0nY of 11:00 .. m. Bermon. H_ven." You will find a 'lVelcome· THURSDAY met 7:30 p. m o' Bereari (:lass
HaneylUUl5 L-
MiIIeI TrUlena and I ( · _....t &lnew bome 11 beilll .~ on tbIB --meetlna. plot. . were hoIteMee to bhe memberS ... . .evenlng for weeklY special muskal program will be , t Mr, and MtI. PaUl Duke are IIIDV- of the Al'IUDOt llI'ldIe clUb, Tuesday 'service and recrtlaUon pedQd. There given by The Joy-Bell" Rlnger& of 1 M q ' into their beautiful reStat tbe Llttl8 Inn, PrI2ie8 8T. MAY'S EPI COPAL WB$ a gOOd attendance, PllU16 were Columbu , This Wll,! be sacred music Mrs. Leslie Gray III.\tentled the. r, and MrII. Qarl Vandervoort of. denee on the Duke farm 'lVltl1 oUt.". IIJ'I. R. B. sartsocl QIURC . B. . , made ror a hallowe'en party t.o be on such Instrument$ iu; Plecol0 cow hOMm~mtSar ' ngJat RldpvUle ~turday. Pri,tMtaburgV' Pad" wer!,W~teend peats let on the pu..PrI,;;;-:l. ' and, MJi'. HarVey Rye. . ' . . ' . _ a Co'rln~ P'urnas entered 0 r. an ervooas .... r Mrs. W ' '--: . .- ~ • • .. , • . . ',' Rev. R. L. lIackweU. Ree~r held Monday OCtober 30th, All young bells. V~brB-HQrp, P1ano.Accordlan. Ohlo State nUlveralw at Columbus O. 'l'lchenor and Mr. Tichenor. . The home, on l"O'lte 73 erected by M d M V ' BUNDA'l AFTER TRINITY people are .mvlte!l to the meetlngs musical saw. and musical No lB$t week. · '. BOOK REVIEW CIRCLE . Earl Bh1m, 1& nearing completion. A dr. an rIl. Simpson, Mr. 'l ' :lIJ .a m Holy Oommunion - of .thls live youth admission charge. ,110 free wj\l offer· ' M d Mrs All Emr1 RESUMES MEETIN new dairy outfit htI& erected on n Mrs. .Olmrles Bradley, and . ., • • 1 011 ch Sch Ing w11 be taken. The public is Illr. a~ . ' et! Ck were . ' G8 the 'Cooper fann (Stroop faim) with 'ard PUrdy of Bufford, e:; left ~ay10 . In, Jun or ur ~ WAYNESVILLE .CHUiUJH OF vltfld ' Sunday dinner .guests of Mrs, Mar-' complete :bottling d . nesville early Monday morolrig for 1\ 110, m. M~ Pre..Yer and ser~ CB&IST . ' . tha Hough of near WlilYlulllvtlle. ' . The I.fnt meeting of the Barveya- ayctema " an. ref~ratlon New York where they a.ttended the n \ tl • Mrs. Marpret Joblll8 spent PIt.Boo~ Review ,ctrcle of th&l1ew' world pmea. " TUE;SI;>AY , W. C. Smith. MlDIa&er 'l .SO p. m. Tl'1-State 'Club meetllll !lay at the bome of ~4r. and' Mrs. club year waa held September 12 at . Ralph Barlow baa remodel~ his ' - ' ''!: 30 \:>. 'm. NUrsery Church s( ~lO, : SUNDAr , . with S~lrley Mar~ at SpIingboro Amos Cook ~ Wa:vnesvtlle tbe home of Mrs. Llcla Hatton: homeOll48~ Jus~ north of 79. ""My Skin Wa. 'Full Of , ~ P. m. pnmary Ohurch school. IThls will be ~ Day for our All young people are urged t,o attend Mrs. Ell2Abeth Jone..s Bhd Mr. and Mlsa Grace Smart gave an mwrIt 1s understood two more.plots are . . " Mrs• .E. Lonpc;re attended the eatinr account of the New YOI'll: 11kely to be sold SOOI;11n this nelgh,- Pimples A!,'d Bleml.hes 7:!JO ,po m. Olrl's Friendly Service. SundaY School so we want you FRI DAY be sure and come. The program will . MT. HOLLY M. E. CHURCH homecoming at yt. Holly ' dturch world', fair and ' told ,of-aome nevJ borhood. with new homes to be erect. saya Vema 8.: ,BInCe ualn8 A:1derlka 2 ll. m. Woman~s ,A\a,lUary at The ~tart at.9:30 a. m. T. M. MInISter Bundayafternoon. . shows she Ball' In New York OUy. . ed by Dayton tamWes. ,the plmples are gone. · My skin , ~ l"ltUc 11m; hostesses, the Misses Christian Endeavof 7:00 p. m. Sunday School 9:30 a. m. E A, Mr. and Mrs. Don Baird and chU. MrII. E. JJ. DakIn was hostea to . J . lIDlootb and glOW8 -with, health. Annle nad Marne Browne. PreQ.Chlng 7:30 p, m. Earnhart. Supt. ' . dren vlalted the latter's brother and the members of the Circle for UWr . p. Lan1cJt aOl!n~ed a party Adlerlka. helps wash BOTH boweIa. 4 p. m. Boys Club. WEDNESDAY Evening service 7:30. wife, Mr. and ~. Oharles Dur. at second meetlng at her. hOme, Sep- given by tbe Da~ton Power & Light and relieves temporary constipation :tHURSDAY. Player mee.tlng 730 P. m, Prayer meeting Wednesday eve- PhWlpsburg Monday. teuiber 211. . ~pany at ,their club house In Ree.. that often awtvates tlad comnlng 7:30 " A nwnber from here were at the Mra, W~ DoIt.er Rvtewed reatlon park, Dayton. Prtday night. . plexlon. Bold a,t all. Drug Stores. 8:,30 p. ro. 'Y oung people's Dance
~BW '
were '~
,~t the fP'lll.
METHOI)IST, CHURCH LoullJ ., G. RadleJ. PMtor
Church School 9 :30
IIi. Worship
-0-_-_-----___-:. ___"'-'_-------'.
A we,lcome awaits you at these orange Booeter n1ght party at i'The Ma1DlJtream" by' BUda Norrts. services. Orange Hall. W8J1lesv1lle. SaturdaY The story dfl:lL~ with the oen;rood ••_ ' ;., ' We to thank everyone who evening. familY. Mother DenwOOd ooce '-Id .'
9:30 a. m . Bible Schoo). "10:45 a . ~. Lord's Supper.
was present Sunday tor helping to The Lytle LIidles' AJd had an all make our 19th homecOming a won· day meeting and 'covered dlsh dln' dertul success. ' ner Wednesday at tlie country home of Mra. Amy Ba1ley near Utica. , Mr. and Mrs- Fred Rush aDd ohlldren were week end ~ests of the latter's parentS, Mr. and Un. L. A.. Barger at Washl~t(m O. H.
"farm foikmake up the main stream 01 aoctety and .. t.h&t ever rtr1d_ stream ' meeta obstacles and the ftood fortune, members of th.e same fbilly are thrust In.t o dl1ferent 110'clal strata. Thus the Denwood. chll· drin dlvlded lii.o three classes.
Mr. and Mrs. I Tht!rle Jones and son spent Sunday with Mr. and M:rB ' Edwin ~t\ and faalLlly near Center vtlle. • MrII. Wlll1am ROgen attended the .. TrJple L Sunday aC:hool class • of FOR ~Pour-year old colt. which ahe 1s a member, at ~ Good worker, Alao two two-year old Wedneaday. What a~ -t.o be a l&nd boom, colts. Harold ~lllam. R. R. 3, .near lin. Ifary Carmony ... the.honor .. an in t,be aid IIucteJe 8Cbool dtIaHarveysburg. • 828-05-12 eueat Sunda, at, a tlirtbdaJ . dlnner t.rIct out route ft, Teo haft DONALD BAILEY. Auctioneer bonor1IIa her a8t.b birthday, at the beIIu ao1d ott tale PwI7 Ww farm Ocimplete auction serv1ce O1tlze~~. of her grandldaughter, Mra. and. f1ftIMn ~. oft the · XendalI Bank Bldtf" W1lmtngto~ Phone PaUl Plory ~ 'l ir. )P'JOry, in Dayton farm~, to.. two Dayton men. 229,2. I B28-tf Mr. and'Mrs. HarVey Burnet. in It III ~ 1u.tl two, ftDe ~ I ~____~-------- company with iii. aUld Mr8 Roberta denceIs w1l1 lOOn obe IbU1lt On theae FOR SALE - Globe Olrc~Un8 of Dayti)n, were dlnJne: gu~ta Sun- . . . . 'llIe,IaDd" Just nA;lrUt heater, A·l condition. Reas9nable. day of Mr. and MD. I:lUtts, at Oreen- recenUJ' ~ ~nger boDle. Boy Elll& Waynesvllle. . Qt- vtlle. . . A ~w 00-. Is ; JIIIt ' Completed
800M ON
SAi.E-8; room ho\'W, water and llgbts, cheap for quiet. sale W N Sears . ' • . 'fIAve moved and reopenea sawmm at Perry. sa.,mg '1.00 per hun. dred. Logs .hauled and l~ delivered, Phone Centervtlle 72P4. , Pe~ J. Thomaa. Waynesv1lle; R, I,
~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",! ' ~!!!!!!!!!!!0!!5..~13-~1~9 ""
Mr. and Mra. Leroy Ifaaon and cb1ldren ~ Great Pall& Montana and Mr. and lIIr& Lee, Mason Of )f~n called Mn. AlJce 'Clark P11daJ. · . • Mr.' and Mrs. BanI'ld Deweese in company With' the f(lnIIer's parents, Mr. ,aDd Mrs~ Planllt . Dewee. of Yanbe st.. ' motiOl'ed ti9 Troy Sun.
to wltoeu ~
on, the PclraJt.he f~ l&he ~ ~~ laD , ~d) faolnlr the DaJt.on
PJ,.te and oceupled by the~ fudJJ.
• " • - _ •••' .
0 ••••• "
. . ., • • • • _
••• 0
Mte offer a .i4i./acfoty Service . , ' at all time.
:McClure Funeral Home ."~.e
.,O pen, House 'S.t~rd.y. October .
, Taylor'll oamer ........ cently to 111'8• .Jam. Vallidenoa", af LebaDon.' It. 18 ~. opera&ed by .. Mr, BcbU1(er· fJ'oIn Germanu,1m. , V,~' BUton "aDd '0 , V. Dulle have
p\ilUDg eold tbj JoIDu,o cnm8d IOUtb-weat , corner .t' the 1DIenectloD of 41 And Mr. and !oCra. Herbert Ault of near . The 'farat loc,l quarterly confer- 71, 1Ir. DuD haI'- BOld flve~ , Jndian Lake were saturday rugbt ence W\ll be held at ~~ro to Roy NewlaDd of stroop Road. A ..._---~~~~---~---..:..----;;...;..~ : and Sunday dinner lIuest. of Mrs. cburch Thuraclay e?en1Dg. IIr aDd ' , hone
after- MrII. McLaugJiln, mllslonarlea' from atteQded the 'b omecomuig at Indla WlU R!e ·on tbe program ' after
Evelyn WattlDB and
.....__.........-....__~_ _ _ _ _ _ _:';O;';:'_ _.........:.:.;...;;;.;:.;:~~-I Oregonia.
the b~ aeeaIon.. . Rev. Bllda IIb.Jder preached 'at the North Broad~, cH;Ul'!lb In Colum:;
~~=:. =~~~~~:':~~- ~~~~~=;~Z==~~~~:::=====:::=~ I
ev~:, Mr. and .' Mrs " cectl Rolle entertained Rev, aDd IIr I:Inyder and a nlunbel' of their . friends . at a Dufret luncheon after the service. .
bus Sunday
. RaII7 0.,. at IiJOe Chareh Rally Day will be obIerved at Lytle church ,sunda, .with ,the Sun~ay· school and ~U~h service combined. beginning at t;30. Qbll,d rep of ~e SIllldQ 1ICh~01 will take part , In the service. Mr. , En:unet I Snyder w1ll sing ''TIie PrQIer ,Perfecto" Mra. BtbeJ Duke will PVlt a talk.' on "The Purpose of..Rally Day." 'lbe /IeI'DlOI1 ' oil "Qod Yeai'DII,''' ll,eQ by Rev, Hllda Snyder., The , COmm1~ . 1n
,-... L,
' \
r.barae comprleee lira, ,.Graham. ..,.. Joaea and .IIrI1, Innpare.
• -
. -.
'iii\' - -
~~ , . , .,
Local Happeaiitgs
• • • • .Mr. and 1lrII, D. J. Cable and fainW~eaday and ~uraclay of of Milton. pot SundaY I week t.he aenJor claaa \w1ll look. over Mr. and ~. R. '" II~ and . the sample ·photoanlpha trom van. famDy. oua atudloll 'l1l1a matter 18 beIilg • • • • .. . tabn \IP ~w ,0 118 ,t o ' have. the Mr. and lira. James Stoops of pictures I'fSdy to give as Cbrl8tmaa West, apent Thursday ot last rur.. wtuiilr. stoops' brothCl'-~w I, aiatel' or and Moe J. E. Wlthain' The Preshmen Civics clue are
• • • • • Marjorie Eden and Oharlotte Rye .m Joyed a bicycle trip to Lebanon. '::>aturdlQ' aftel1lOQD, where they at"ended a m&t.1nee. - - • • • Mrs San..h Hahn of Wilnl. 1 15 vislUng ·at · the home of Mr, ..otd .I<trs. D. B. Underwood. • • • • • MIss Dorla P1rea was the overnl,h1. guest of lI41Bs Evelyn Boblitt, Thurs-
• • • • •
apcJll8Ol1nao & weekly cartoon QOIlteit. Wada .Juraior. Uttle .on of Mr. In laat week's contest tlrat prlile Un. Wade TUme1' Is In Good ..ven to. Jlarjorie Bden. 'nlO8e fe. U511 Ul boIpltaL Deo.Yt.oIl. recovereelV1n& boDon.ble mentIOn after an att.ck of Jntaltlnal 1l'1p. Jane Rartaock. C....les _ • • • • BWy TIllDe)' and B1Ien 1loU. 'l'be Hallowe'en carlval, apoDIIOled
'he 447 yE~cars .ince (:hrts C(I' pher Columi)u. di.covered Americ4-can '.!Vent beins cell" brtJlea Octo be,' 12-no ORP. ha.. .1. ___ .UT" C ' IWha, the intrepid UlI .,.,.,... ."",·s".or ked like.I Wnil h,. 0; ahor', thin or /al? W /I., IuJ bald or did he have curly ""ir? The IllUwers can be fnuntl in olmoll ony librcary. Hidory boob Gre tuU ot h.U pictUTfl'. , But Iut" G di.Dflrent man in elJc1l . You can p,ic1c 'he one 'YOU Iik,. bet&, bedJwe even outhoritie& _IIto dlJlf"p.e. , have been WUllble So if Ou pre~er 'au, ar,, ' m~n. fin 'he art";t who lIf{"'PII with you. "won', be difficult. 'e
'tbe ' Wayae- Tcnmah1p MoUler'lI
Tbe monthly meeting of 8cbool Mute.. clUb wUl .aaaemble ...-~- """..--••, eve..... - the ' October - - - ----t • ... W&iDesv1Ue "w be: Mr. Pbit, Mr, Perauaon. Mr. Mr. BradcSock, Mr. Prank and Mr.
___ .v... ._- _.
~~tCrabbe. ~,
club. wID be held .. \&aual tbta feU. the date other CletaUa to be an-
oounced next w.eet, · -.
~'Artte~ Jut ,ame of thet.IIam willw:tb j0tterThe eaftbill C8br.me
Co .. -.
-l-._.... -_.. . '
• .•
.• • •
IIea$On .. pJar l ' '. .. W,P' &II..., 'sa con'Ined beIn Prtday. October 18. at. &G 'bel' & - - • ........, beIn . ! \ICD abe team k* to Iolort'OW laat 't'r .. talL by a IICOI'e of 8-1, PQu.r of. tbe 1'11\,. . . Hare • • • •• • Jan wwe out of the lineup but tbe Un.! Jrlther Been. lira. Lee
eubatltut.ea pll.)'t!l1
. ·Buket'bau
bed .~t.b
. • ._A- IIr...... . - , MrII o~ of 1Abda, !Qt.,
wW ....·t .. Tbamu·
lOOn the bactbOU'ds and baaket hate been put up.
k.me· u: '~d
" . "
F. C. of Springfield h8.b plin:haBed the lOA grocery here ana assumed management of the store week Mr. and Mrs. Shoemalr.el will oeCUpy an e.partment In the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. OrUfy
• • • • • Mills Lola Sears ot Clncinnata . spen·... the week end with her ents. Mr. and Mrs W N. Sears. Mr. and Mrs Everett' and IOn were dinner guesta
of the 1llneaa of Roy Shepberd. 19 years old, liOn ot Prank 8hepberd at New Burllnrton. D. L. Pal'ker, cUnton counti .aaol· tarlan, treated all wellli In the vU. lage with chlorlne. TUesday, after Dr W. K. Ruble, health commla. aloiun-. and Mrs. Yer& Bl'owI1. county· nurse, had admJnis~ t,.phOld vaccine to 2'1 other penoDll. The Shepherd h~·waa quaranttD~
Wayneav11le will be boat to the War.
Sears home.
~ ~UIb'~, ._.....
aoocl' .ball.
Shoemak~ •
• • • • •
Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Ba1'be6on 1Ul" lamlly of Centerv1lle. and Mr. lUlU .vIrB. Raymond Stomps of HarveYIIourg were Sunday dInner guesta 01 Mr. and Mrs. Lewj.s Fires and ta.mll,
• • • • • Mrs. J, B. PmIIeJo entel't&1ned at dinner lAst ThUl'lday, MrI. Mary C. cro.. Ill": 0. 0, Nt.tWoe, lira. SUIIe BIId;Ie ' CoIJIu!I". .);'pb1ne and Dr. Mary
• Mrs. Martha ParSOIlll of cltivea nd spent the week end with her Impure water. cauaec1 by the lDDIf. ~a.ughter, ·Mrs. Ruasell Frank. drolllht. waa said to .tie the cauae
Local Happ.s
'l'blt JunIOr clue baa been copald~ _ _ ., _ _ " _ ,. erIna t.he aamp}e claaa ahown MMIa Lena AnIle la DOW with tile bi: the varlOUll companies' repreaent- Conkl1n eBauty Sbo~.
....... _._ .. ~lYPHOIO /Ffilft .AT
• • • • •
ren county teaehe ra on the alternoon and evening of October 1'1, when they assemble in the ICbool auditorium ' fOT their fall meetlni. Superintendent R. C. MUllgan of the Rarvey!iburg . 1IChoo1 will preside at the meetings, The meeting w111 beiln at 2:415 with an evening aeulon at 7 o'cIOdt. The Wayne ToWllllblp Mothers. club will serve the dJD~r at 5:45. Muslc is beIni turnlllhed by of the Morrow, Harvey&burc B BUill xecu and Wayneav1lleI 1ICh0018. are Wa ter. , e _ ~ ..... 3 tlve --pe' of the ObJo BducatMaD •
d Mrs' J H Mengle a.ttendGrange Memhers Dinn edMrtbean~ SW:. "Past Matron:. AssoclatlO~ Mr. ?f the S=~ Enjoy B~hday • er and PatronS Night" I at MOIruw ~=~Z::~UCA:U~:,cs Ohio: h
of IOaIes Meme T. • '. • ' t ...... .. _, ' . hom'e WednesdlQ' •eveolng. noted Inatltute and ChautannUA . Browne apeo ........y a~ t"''UC: , On FrIday evelrl1ng October '6th • • • • ..,. YOUNG nO.1&'8 0.01'. ..... 'a nd ¥nt. W. N. Wra VIelte.l_ ot and 10'8, Cl8rence 'BerryhJll, the member and I[riends of Ht. Holly A large numbeT enjoyed th Mr. and Mrs. L. A. lecturer, ' 8PON"BI. l:S n \N~ lira. -Allen RdIe.of Lytle. SUnday ~- -ot Centeryllle. ,' , _ l. · E church e'''nitertalned with p quarterly birthday dinner at grange Loca.l schools wUl be d1am a«l at t . , temoon. I' ~ • . Mr and Mrs. Bmeat ~. ot pm. • . f hall Saturday evening; hooormg ramly attended a family c11nner a • •oon, TUesday. Anyone IDt.erellted in • ' . . , ' supper a, t the dl/urch; in honor 0 h blrththe tlome of Mr. and Mrs. liIu'~e. On FridaY. 12t'1. " . , aDd t.be1i pastor Rev T M -Scarff cr the nineteen members w .0 58 ' daY these meetlnga 1a cordially invited to 4tte'.ld. Young ~ple'a gmi r of Ute EpIa. ...... BMty lIMper, a..,tudent' a lted ~ IIal; carolyn LUkens at Spring vau~y, th~ ~st~n being his liAys occurred In July. August 1U1 2 PrlBer of John8vUle. 0.. Sun tJb1veDlfiJ· .....t UJe . . . Ilarlham Cot.Jece. at R1chmon~. Sun. bltthda . Atter supper an en :oya 1e September. AfteT the ~ grange ey'enlng. • • • • • _ _ _ _ _ __ t.be 8Cbool ~ Tuls da.\C8 ,la tor WlUi ber)mlllJe and aunt iii- and ~ I , elimJn; was spent In games ana meeting the following program wa.s . :_L ' every ODe In the .c-- mmunJt and for< lin.... ' A. ~, ~ eye. Kra. ,c . ~. ~thera~9l8S retun)- ar.np, At a lAte, hOur all dep~ given. Music by tile Hoak family Mr. and Mrs. W . B. Graham, Mra, tbo8e who do DOt oIlU'e to dan e t.bere DlnI. 1Ir.. aDd 1'UIkerIIon ect to the Rome. after spendtng a few wishing their p&S;tor many more Just was ver:y much appreciated Da1sy Snyder. and Mr. Dan Burface D:... dl caMII provtd -d, ·Ir. daurbt.er Dr. aDd lira. .',., ';B 01 her welt wl8hes and . IIl8llY more ' J\lst ated. A plano solo by were 8UeBta· &t. a birthday . dinner 0 IJC J vm and .. ad . tiL. ......• R. ,H. su("ll happy oc:ca.sions. Rev. Scarff Whitaker. n. song by Betty and party. Wednesday at home of furn1ab the tar the occ:a:lm . " .1IIMeS Pred& and. Ruby has been pastor ,!)f J.Jt. M')lly churc1;l Bobby ·Campb2U. Mrs.' AUce Olar .Mr. and Mra- 'Marlon Whltaker. III ._ • • \ • • . n .. .2:.....1 ,.~n . vlBttors , • • t 1 • 1ay~1 8 cO'lple of nl .... EJ on the Cincinnati, In celebration of the "-"''''ementa..Jla.ve been made bJ ' " , , - ... ~ . ~ " 'O} wen"y years ( th IY ..._ . IIIra. J • .J._8toat. Dr•. UId · ...... ~ &tternoop:. • . _ _ .~____ "'!·enct"l.r "rt>•. r. c- ·".. ..·p.~,ed by Mrs. second birthdaY anlveraary 0 e.r The Clnctnnatl BaiOl1' Olub COin. ~ e Stout and children. a:lCi Ip8 Kaq :~ 8JlI\Ilt several • .JPI'1J llPll at t...'le' ; ' ~;' J . •~ comedy son "Freddie" , pa~Llor relundlna gKlney Jl&:ld, f . f/I. " ",dID- . JUt week lri C1nc1nnati. , LAr(:U. }.I.ID SO<JIET'I: tl18 by Mr. • • • • • Uckets for rtbe unpJa.yed fUth IIUD, auuta at, UIe boiae ,o! or. aDd un. IoIaI"pret Reaooclt. MIsses c, Michener. Mr. McMlllan and Mr. Mrs. .Ruth Sherwood of COlumbus. I the World , So..rlee. 'nleae t.lcUa • ..... A. JI. Stout,.Pl'iQJ e~. fteda Baney ~ RUby Burge vis- 'The Ladles ·Aid Soclety wUl mee. Kenrlck and last a pantomime. Mrs. Ralph Lewis of Miamisuur& ... .... be redeemed at Tue Central .. .. .. • . . . .' . &ted Dr• .ad Ilia. 'J. W" Ward. at at the home of lIIra. Olenn ~den "Oirls of Today," representlng the Mrs. Ellery Lewl8. Ioll88 Zoe DL.u, Tt.... .;, ~. Il.Ild T... PUt.h W01 Kra. DUth HarrIll.. Mr. HarrIs tbelr hOme near RatveysbUl'i. Wed- Wedneooay, 18. ThIs wUl be The graduo.te, The Plo.pper, and Mrs, Jeeaie HOller of , UnJon TrWIt. COUI.PNlY and ita - ....... ,11I<*.rlvcw . . ·apc, Kh: ft1u* L, 1IeIIda1. , 'an ·aU _day meel!qg with e. covered The Lawyer, AUlletic The town, .were vlaltma at the home 0 , l OftUlll8' of SUa Prancllloo'" Were . dish dinner at noon. the new officers Miss1onary. The Doctor and the Mr. and Mrs W. S . Graham, SUDOut 'of t.Jwn fllW may rodeem OI'I... aiDDer ..... aDd . .. , ' J " , In charge, They are Mrs: Walter and The Housewife, day. , • . their ticker. W '"stln, to the
' . •
~tobr ~
iIi.r. .
be"~ .fW
~ ~ ~tr(l ~,~ ~
C:la.r~t 'an~
Noted 'Leebrer Y. Otic tl••
~. ecbOol. .
J_ .--.
J4ia" J,oena,~It'I~'
..' ' .
~;'at ~ bc~e
.£--.• _
JI.j~cK , ~ey
PbM'_ IiIOIber bf ;',1lI!I 'Bit- FRIENOSHI· P'CLUB .',.
~~ -~
:..:.::. .~::""," . . .,-. . .' ~.- , '"
-umlYer1a17 TuesdaY
. ... '
" ."
· ~r::vl,.,~IVIt~~riljn,~~~~~~~~tI'D~I-W~~llble "
Ul~ lh.hes.
,Mrs. J. K. Preston. M.r6. R. Ii World 8er1ea T~c~ OU1oea, Box R"d t ~ HartBoclt. Mrs. J. B. Chapman •. ann 1,,78. Clndw.al;!, Ohio. '1'h13 office Ja onner esl en Mrs. w. A. Lukens attended the bdog kept opeu untU all t.1cItets tor V ' IS°its' Fnends Here meeting of the Seven~ COIlO'Tc!;S.on the tifttlgame are redeemed, CbecU at District of ' RepublJcan . will be m&lled all people IM:ndJna
,~e.tkln& vice prell1dent; Mrs. Ernest F Whitaker. president;
lO'CAL' H~PP~NtN" S [ D L
, ; .'
\l .
. , • , MIss Betty BJng of 'Washington. D . C. and 'Ethlan J. Lewl8. of the U. , S. N. are gueats of Miss Opai Lewis. • • .. • • Th many friends of Mrs CIUY01'd H. will be 1elll'n th~t ahe returned' home Wednesday from Iollaml Valley hospital and that her condlt'lon Is greatly lm -
P':~d to
prove'd , ,
•. • • " • A pIcn1c BUPIlII!J' at Sharo. Wo;:<is.
~aa enjoyed, SUndai::e~n~~~:. 10Qo]'iDJ. Mr. and . " , 80CIt and fainily. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. and f~. Mr. and Rarvey "Rye and 'family, Mr. and , • d t U COIlL"'~" 1 lira. Alva Tboll1J111OD an am y,
opened , bY' president JbaaatratOr. Mrs.. L. 0 · Radl;ey
IJa.rts.ock, ,secrE!tary; Mrs. L . . v . [Branatrator, ' treasurer. ..
.on.;.~hlP ·· club' met w~. al~a at the horne Of Alva ~n. ~ ~~
, C»I~\1~ee,I"rda ~ ...ot."JVLt,t. J . , . '
~~ornl&. r;II'~.
MODeY For Taets
Mr. and Oreist ot Chi. cago called a.t the home -of Mr. and Mrs. RObert Crew. Thursday. noon. to vtslt Mrs. 'Crew who has been quite 111 tor the past few months, buffs now ltn,pToving rapid.. ly. Mrs Oreist was betore her mar· riage. Atha Edwards, and Itve!i near Waynesville with her parents, John and Charlotte Edwards about years ago She married LewIs an attorney who has pnictlced law in and later in ChIcage, tor the past 42 YeafS, D,u rlng hl8 career a.a attorney he faa ch06en as one out ot. three hundred best . in Chicago. ired f Mr. Oreist j.s now re~ rom and be and his wire enroute to Delray. Fla.., where they
will make their ' home.
Mr. aDd I(ra. :Ev~ Gustin ·, and fam1Jy. ~, 8ara1iL paone,. Marjorie uid Charlea 00Dard. t
. SOME SUBSeR.I\3ERS ·~')f ~. IO~ ~T WE MA~ ' SO 'MUQ.i).\O~~ OI-J A~$ :
• '. • • •
'AIJ' JOB \VO~;\V~'O~)J"
~A\JE 1't COI-It~r OI,lIV , S\lGSeR.\PTIO~ ~Ot.1e1~
\'! AI,,", SO, 'f'O\..\<.S! . SOt
held at Mem.or1al Hall, SprillgUeid. ln, tickets. that the owner ' Thursday. . a:;sumes tull resP,Gmiblllty. tor .the 0
, "
' .
Among the baseball fans {rom Waynesv1lle, · attendlns the . World · game In C1nc1nnatl. Saturday were, L. A.. Garst. Raymond ... Bl'ad; CQar1ca James Sr.. and Ro}.)ert James, Raymond . LaRue ~h a~ Ma80n High SChOol. John. O~ _1, ~ Carl Be!lchler of Carlisle we. a.1!O with thlB grouP. • • • • • Mr· and Mrs. Ralph Hasting:! and IOn Bobby v1alted the Comm.un1t): center ~ LetlanOn and Yor~ . t!!Jlab)iabed by M1IIJJ George Elpoet &lid ~per _A_woman Oinc1onatl. SUbday ... ..,moon. LYle Mner, well known drUJQJner and' member ot the National ofsan-
12atlon or DrI1mInere. wblch baa a lIm1ted memberab1p of 35. interellt1ng display or old and and v an acellent druma. , .~ ~--truments
oo ....• e .... • •
• '.
• l1!illvery 01 lila tlckets at that ofiice. Panll are to be. their name aDd CQlTect 18 printed o~ a .lett8f ac:comPlP'ytnr,
the·. ~kets.
'lbe total price
WID be refunded. In aU. $168.000.00 be refunded..
Mr. 'and Mra. Clyde Wharton are announcinl the mantage ot tbe.r 'dalllhtel', M1r1&m Letitia, to Bar. nard Raymond Melloh. 'l!hlch &oo~ In Newport.- Kentucky. Batur. , , day. October '1. ' .;._ ' _ _ _ __
In. 'mel Bral...l• • .. ,. r ........:...
...... ,~
U,. , A-L.,. .
~l' Qtbt J!l~~ !a,tttt __ I i , County Court Ne~s--=- ~ - ferrr P_~_ ~-- . D ...- ....-
6_' _.1
d OJ
-an ____ ...... :.~
.......14-. Wa~~. Oklo
: t .
=:!I - - IoN.. COmeD. daulhter 0 au. and Mrs. Loren Kramer an4 . I~I r .." T.8oeldner. so. :radlo aervlce, Mrs. Kary ~mell of ShrOYer Road. children of DaJton. Mr. and " M. Crane and Publish r 0h1cq0, DllnoJa, aDd mldegard Alice Oanood, t.he of Jo- DneJ'IOIl Ind apent Blmdar " ~ .ISSUED EVERY.. TIIUIlSDAY Weber, 38, banIr. clerk, Leqanon. Hendrieka. 80n 01 eRv. and MrS at, ~ld Mans cave In Hoc:JtIng county Harry McVey VII. Mildred ~cVey; • H8D~lcka or the U ..B. c~urcb ·In Mr. aDd Mrs. Clarence Crawford SubicripUon Priei. $1.60 Per_ Year, Payable ill A4vaDce divorce. grOss, neglect. '--t Bat..wuay -~ ~ - e~e~ in ' a and fam1ly s~t Bunda), with Mr. REAL E8t:Aft TRANSFERS' wood ...., ------:--~------'----------..---~ t ' Ectrtb Moorman VI. Lawrence ~utifUl candle.J1ghted ceremony, and ¥rs. Ev~ett Bunnell and famUy _~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!2&E!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!E5!!,,!!,~ !! ,!!!!!' - "'""'!!_!"!!!!",,!,,!!!!!!!!!!',!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!"~ Moorman; divorce. 'gross nepeet;~+--n.r"-"', NADaJ .nd JOliephin6 Na. ~he bride Ia w~ll' knowD aro~ , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berges and' Dal to Albert. Goos,; 118~ acres, W&1nesvJlle 'VIalPJty, ' beJDir the cb1l~en of Dayton lpent Sunday CONFl.AGR~TlON8 8nLL IIAPPEN (lOMMON PLEAS PROCE,EDlNG8 Olearcreelt toWlllbtp. ~dodau8hter of Mr. and Mrs. wtth. ..... and lira. Arthur Korpn. "The.da)' O1.tG11fiaaratlcms Is not past." sayS p . D Layton. ~Ident . -Llda ljatton eM Olafa Hattbn oomeu Mr. and Mrs. 1Ir: 'Uld Mrs. Pred Morgan and of Lhe Nattonal sOard of Fire UnderWrtters. ~d he ~ plenty of evidenCe Ellen Rickard. a ~r. et aI. VI. GalDea to w: E. Prost and ~. P1I9I:: abe . ..~~ In wblte dtuihfet called on friends in X~nla to . llpport his statement. Robert Rickard; temporary alimony Pros~; 132% acres, MMaie township ber ·..... BiIeen, who at- suDda)oaftanoon. Ln.st May a Chicago granary fire and explosion devastated ",n area glve~ ,to plalntlft'. defendant to pay If:Ury H. s.y~re to EmIl WhIte.. ~ded lui, wu tIUWDed tb ,~ ' iraUn Lewta cra~ord 'Ia" spe~g a week one-fourth mlle SQuare. took.'elght Uves and destraied property valUed at attorney fees. , oaek; 3UO acres. Detlrflel!1 town- The, brldqroom', f~,er oft'1c:1ated with Mr. and ~ Glenn Gruhot or more than $3.000.000. Eal'lier In the year, fire razed a bustn~ block In OStizens BUilding Loan & Savings IIhIP. , at .!he ceremony which was held In Norwood, Sandusky. OhJo. cnustng a mlllion-donar loss: Beveral bUlldings went up1n A8Ioclatlon, of Middletown, va. Bam Anna M. Dolan and ''"tce E. WhIte the U. a chUrch in Oakwood. Mr. Prank .KeWa, Mrs. Emerson Dtll smoke In Halifax, Nova &loU-to the tune of $800.000. Finkelman. et al.; confirmation to Aloom Eo Ruckman and Hllda G. and Mrs. JIan'J Oornell, Mr. ~ MrI and 80D BWy. Mr: uid'Mr& A!; Mr. lAyton also says. !''l'he threat of Irreat flrea'13 'present; In most deed and dlatrlbution, ' Judgment Ruckbaani part of lots 80. 61 an~' 82, Tom Burton. Un. Jennie lluUeP. Mr, Bunnell and famUy lP,ent Monday clttes," Inadequate or outmoded bUUdlng code_ the exJJtence of amlent against said defendant. Bam FInkel, LaDOD. and ~. Joeepb PlliIr. and' lIr. aDd, eveqlng Wi~ ~. HUey ,Glbeon and firetraps and tenements--pootlY organized fire fighting racillties-unstable In the sum Of $2830.93 with Intel'f'st Margaret Bchm1tz to Allen LayCOCk Mm. James Hartaoclt ~ family family. '., " water supply-these are a !ew ot. the har.ard,s -tbat may. 'at any moment. ltarnet Grand vs. H, C. Roes; de- and Katherine ~t; pa.rt of Iota were amoDl the 1Wlllta. I Mr. and Mrs. Ilorrla Lewtl produce R heU of smoke and 1Iame which win leave death and deStl'Uetion feruimt granted leave to file answer illS and 618. PranItltn. ~ R. Pordyce ~tumed homll 8ubcIaJ evenlna With Mr. and Mrs. In Its wake. . Common pleas cOUJlt datea for Harold R, Rlslnger to Josepblne Monday after a two weeks vacatioD John Koester and ciaUlhter Velma. Further, Lhe conIlagration danger Ia not confined to the larger cities heartnaa tor the year 1940 'Imed at O. Oons; 387.09 acre&. Maule and' with bIa relatives In...- Obio and Raymond snl.tth of Dayton. spent of the country. A quarter-mile fire Buchas.that whlch oocurredJm Chlcaso January 2. May I and OCtober '1, at Wayne Townsblps, PennsylVania. Bunday with Davld'LUcu and lamily 1~ soon forgotten In a metropoll&-e. iflre of similar size ln~ small town 10:00 o'clock a. m. , Joeephine O. Oons, to Harold O. Wilma &nUh had a eevere Blck lin. l'WeIt Hoblit c:alled on Mra. would destroy 1t completely, In many or the small communities a single ~ ~utse SUver VII. Alva C. RIs1nger;, 2'10-'14 ecres, Maasle and spell ,last week. but 11 abJ~ to be up Biley Otlleon 8uDda;v even1nlJ. factory Is the main source of the town's. jobs and Income. If that factory BUver, case transCened to .the com- Wayne townships. aDd li3lout araln. . burns. 11 blow Is struck from whlch the community 'may never be able to ·mon pleas court ot Clinton county. Anna. Cordella SchwaN, deceuecs. Jntellttnal II1ppe 11 tr)'lDe to Bet a Most of us feel that our own bard recover,. Jooated at Wllmlngton, Oblo. to CanneD SOvereign, et a1.: Iota atrong JlOld 00 thla community aDd luck' Ia worse ~ the other fellow's Here Is where the .cause 01 fire prevention cornes' straight ,home to us Prank , Mug' vs. Beba.sttan M. 1328. 132U383 and 1334, Deerfield 60 far seem. to be dolnl pretty weD Por oompanl~Mbtp on an Wand oll. To help prevel)t fire 15 a. personal job. ' , Mug and Helen ,Masg; defendants townablP. UXlut it. . "- _ . rranted leave to file answer and Stephen A. BWwell, deceased by W_ Tbomu e~ , ber w~ would prefer a man who knew c:roaa petltlon. executor. to John W: :Ltagett; &8-100 8uJ)day 8cboo1 clue or the LebUon notblng to a fellow who knew everythIDa· . IV to Indl Ua Ind dis r The People's BUlldma. Loan and acre, Lebanon. IOhurch of Ohr1lt to a wetDer l'O&st o:t.tand1na~~ ~i ~nJy ~ Savlnp Company va. Adalalde Mary P. 'Haaaett anell John KIna to at her home In Lebanon OD 'l'Illlday eventna. Ohio' b.iIt.ory b t t.lo~ It IOlements, et al.: defendaDta pant.. Gulf Reflnlni CO.: .04,s acre, ..... a , u Da ,as ~ 111 additional days' time within lin. ' lira. P. J.~ aDd lin. ~ Three southern Ohio area.. to- Is a.. porUon or the rou~ ~ by plo~ wblch to pl~. Wllll-.n E. McElfrllllb. deceaaed. Cornell were DaJton v1Itton ~ tIlJliJl 36.000 acres. were turned neers In taIttng e1vWr.atlon wsward Mlasourt p. Mdltreeh; lots 12 and day a1&er1io1m. ' , over to ~ Ohio A8l1cul~ Ibper- It la anticipated ,t hat a ~nc:etted PROBATE COURT 13, Roadleeter Mr. and 1Irs. RelDa ~ ..... lment- Station b) the federal aovern. celebration wlU'tend not only to ed, ZoJa Wood OQlt t at in Caro ll'Ueata or"'theb"lOft Dr ~ul mel1t on Octo~ 1. The tract. wW ucate Qh10ans as to the route'a hla- In the matter of the settlement or Wood: lot 2ai1 in '~ban:,n: 1: IBol~ aDd famil, in 001'hm~II':SUIL be used for- forestry~ conservation tortc atgnlflcance. bllt ~ :wm at- th t L f ..a ..... P d 8'1 In Avalon' Hel..hts I..,. , __ A tio I .- ~t tra Un tal .~""·t Ieee a-e 0 - 3 • A ama, de-I .. . , M.(l()n en ..,...10 trave ceueo; copy of the entry determlnBam Finllelman. et aI., by sherift'. JI!8IJe Hees fa haVlna' a Df hla ....... recrea n P,urpoeea and are C~ted ~ Musldngum. VInton. Roaa . InB the Inheritance tai to be pa1d I to 'I1le CItizens BU1l41n1. Loan & falm toota 'nm Wedn~. a d Ho::klJ)g countle&. A.ulm11ation of astronOmtc fl.gures to be certified to the auditor ,Savings AsIIoclaUon; :1Ot 18 Pranltlln HeEses are wanJ;llnII to move to Day. -- a.ppears to have reached the severest In the matter of the es'tnte ofltownshtp. . ton tbla wlnter 'lOme~· beca,*. The . DI~on of Public Assistance test when a reeent report wa8 filed JbeJ'y Lee Undsey deceased hearing, MlsIIourt P. McE1f.reah to Gazol V, Mr, Heaa' c:oIlDemOnS .Ul')the· of the Btate Welfare Department In .wlth Preatdent Roosevelt by ' the on' schedule of debtS aei for October i Turner ~ Luella 'nIrner; lor. 12 Pt>1)J)V: ~tU1DIJ CODlpanJ. • • E " ...1'"",
a .con ,
. ... ...
~~='~'1IC'd tr. .......Ir~~·.· r4l~t a_~a II"", I
iii' l!a iMI·.....l:m SClIatt. '41111"
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pie, 'nayt
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ROoT Fo. AND CONSIGN Jour Cattl., b~ all... aDd cal. . to Nom..BrocIl ec... Dve win aD. Pro~euI'• .ftnD for the ~u&
rl:fo:tsf.:l·y::!l!· ~.!l:_tl-o. wen
Tune III 0. Radio Station 11;21 to 11:80 p. ID. tor oar daIl,
market reporta.
THE\TRE WAYNESVILLE. omo ~'''''''''~''-'''~'''''''Vlir.'''''''''''-''''~
THua1lo. FBl•. aDd SAT•
~=-~~~t ::~
an~:~;a~~~~&"ingB ~nd
~=~r~i~~nt:;n:=~_ :e~:~~~=~;''::~~ ::~ :~e~ert,.nee tax d~tenntned
'State CapitaI ·News
·SC)UTflW.A'RD . NO"
Ai-W .ltic(~, ~
as Loau to ... 'Wha _ seven yeats of depresslon had CO$t In the matter of the estate of AssoctaUo~ to Jacob , Beholl and Bolton' home this weeJt. '~j .sto.ac" or H_n,",,,, make yau', the UDitecl StMes $200.000.000,000 In J . N. Burch deceased ; hearing on Ruth Bettoll; lot 118. PraJ;lklln Ihs. Nancy p~pe anel daughtera. feel hDCCIIDlaltabJe or 'emberna ..,jd~"';8:-:mm=---A-Y----':'----r Income. Two bwidri!d billion doUara I schedule of debts aet tor 'October 111 Elmer E JI:vana, deocea.sed, to'" IDes Mrs. J,.. lira. WUdo BlUot M.:.m:: When the nat1cma1 debt reached inhel¢anee tax i:letermint:d as none. ' M, EYana;.I0t III, Lebanon. ' . a!ld cwrotd, P..Olott dro~e t9 ..... eounteract . the , auocJated BBTT'J DAVIa $45,000,000,000, there were BOme who In the matter of the ~ Harla D.' MUler, to John W. Cole· :::tl"~iI.~~t ,~th Il~ ~ S~ AcId.U7, '" . .. thought that would-be the lIm1t. Now, of Amanda A. Maft'ltt; appUcation mlln and .ba~~ Oc:.leman; Iota 58 ., ~" ~. But ttae nlief 1!iIDor comes the BrlUsh O~~ of &he for appointment of luardlan to be to 69. both tncluded. Deerfield' town.. IIIstf,r. Mrs," ~e~ Ttt.tIe .O"IJ~ ........ upI8ta .. 0Dl.J a jmaJl J!!Xchequer .who atatee Itw11l cost' heard' OCtober II. ' ship. . ~ ' ~..~ . at tile ~Keutiir Wt of t.t ".~ ,;all "upeot England about "'000,000,000 to wace In the matter 01 the estate or . " .,' home. '. AUra & 1 . to,do W7ou.' You AIao:~ ,~on lebjeGa. war aplnst Germany the Ilrst year. Luella Jennings. deceased; first. fin.. --- . BlLLII ALl.iOWEJ) • .M~ ~~ ~ (Clara B. 'will ~tft ~ ~ .~ Be-.I·.__--.:;~:___"""---'--..,----· Is moved to wo~ what will a16nd dlatrlb)ltlve account fIledJ or_ ~ ~. l.ew1llc . . . rtven a ~ : at ~ lief bll(~,1f~ CoLla aM ..., be the reaction of the average Amer-I derec. sUspended. Shutts Texaco Service. aasoUne by htme Of bei'. motbel', .... ~ ~ _ftd lPuiU. . : ~~.17 . . . lean citizen when he leams thaiP In the matter of Ute aettlemeDt of H. D. Baney, $1,113: Rurroi'd'a ServIceILeWla. by ~ ,m~ Of.ibe JIWtr ,=~,:~Io8U. 10K ~. niNE TRAVIS Britain 11 able to underwrtte-tbe-cciat-We estate or-Edward 14, Jordan. de- BtaUon. ., pJIons ..~ by H. D. CllUlCh OIl ~~. a\bou$ "'-ftt aDd III Ita .... in '" or a Conlan WIU' for 1eIJe than what c:eaaed; COP)' of entry ,determlnlnlJ Batley, $1.08; LebaDon-cltllena 'Na- r8j ,( y. folks ,werO ' aDd eJke1bW: 'I t Is DOW' oosttna th'e united Btates tbe inheritance tO'to be paid to be tIonal BaDk, ~l4!i and insurance ~ ~rjl. ~WInaD .~ = " t tile .a1ta. . • . to run ita Bovernment for 12 monthB OII'tlflecl'wlth the auditor. bearlnl on OIl no.ooo poor relief note., "I!O; IPftrr~Dqe, OIl . ( .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . -In peacetlml!' ' lICheduie of debts to be ,OctOber 10. Tnuurer, .b oaftl of tlenry,Pish- ~ .a." ~ 1DIb JOUfeettlM aDd ' . In the matter of the auardlanahtp er In ~toD W~oUlle, t2.40; 1,'he . 8e'f. ~ Smitb aad 1Ir . ~ter ....... ~ . ~ the ~ 01 Este1l& M Loaan: application for tOft't~ Outfitters. 1 .1'111bber ,tamp. 6Iic ~ t to ~~.. III .A4amI I IDI e4eet 01 8 -: IIMa of ~ head. .' appointment or IfUUdlan .t o be beard Allee M. ArnoJd, 'SIi~ cUe tII.oo; ~UDty to bunt ,OIl ~ .aDit ~ Alb-&Hur. I Addtng" true aplrlt; Oct.ober II. . " ,M11lard cate· &ieaday aDd bGmel " M . . . . . ., , lIP <the report also statee that 32,000.000 , In the matter of Ute aettlement of Mrs. Helen DolJirhman, Invalid care, 1;1I.b ~ atUeren aq~1f I " 117
Child Aid, 29,6S6-f896.98ll,lO; BUne!, S.951~78.1K9.05; Aged. 1l1l,OlS$2.695.615.11; Qen. Relief, $1.794'1I2l!.86! W. .P. "-, 14U46$'l.91U25,OO; Total $12,880.Q'15.18. -Aocor4lng to recnt annual federal atatistlcs. tqe end of the rainbow l;I at U! fA) be found In Oblo. As a pro.. dUcer or Agricultural producta,.Qblo rPoDks f011b In ,the. na.t1on With Uw' . followlng flBures : Wheat, 28.821,000 bU. ;, Corn. 164.400.000 1Iu.; Ry& 1,190.000 bu. ; Barley, 1.119.000; SugaJ beets, 408,000 tons; Tobacoo.- 28.650... 000 lbs; APPles,' 5.6'10,000 btL; Peach-' ea 1,212.000 bu.; Pears 64'1.000 .bU. ~ . Potatoes. 12.3110,000 bli.; ~; Ss.a26. 000 ·bu.: ' Ofaipes. 42.300 tons; ·Buck.. wheat. 216,000 ~u. : Lambs, 1.383,OCKj
M'OR .
the estate of Hulct&b A Blaclahurn deceased; distribution ~f est:ate. ...: heritance tax cletermlned. · , _ " , ,I n Ute matter ot the estate of WlllIam E. McElfresh, d.eceaced; in. My laet weeka letter on LAw En- herttanee tax detel,'Dllned u none ... rorcem , ent seems tc:! have at1rred uP ' IIOl't of comm\sllonera AIlProv,,ed a horneta neat. PInel that Is Jtiat IeM&te ill reUeved f~ admlnlt.r&~.~ "'h.~ 1t wu wrlUen for. but ,.-ead It property transferred to. Widow. ', '. clll't'f~, nothlna wu aimed at any In tbe ' matter or the eatate ~ weU-run. law-ahld1l)a place that was. Prank 8ktnner. deceued; 'w Ilftrett furn1ah1na clean ~ 10,r the BmDett appointed appralaer to Jm people who attend ,ueh places the vacaocy made by AlbertrSCheur I am ,dellaht.ecl to bear that 'there er. '_ .
~t& with its v~ are IUCh plaeea. Parents and Irtends . coal, oJI ",nd gas flelda. aDd Ita maL T tal' aratn .vIII1t tt\e places v.:here grow'lDg, sugar
)oUJ' cb1ldren go and If they are property conducted give them fOur slJ1ll)Ol't, I would rather aee .the plesent laws enforced than even to see ~ return of Prob1~I~ Wlt.h tts boo~eners. It Is aafer to ,have-deceDt places of recreataon near a~ haold han to drive It. !Ill to tlie cltles and country blde.outll. You can keep)'Ow: eYe on it In town but the au~oblle makes It ·not Just the ·problem of the -village of WaynesvWe but oC the whole region within ~n h~ ride of
'd~rlng October, Of this num- here.
~,t haa been tenned -the first ·battle ot the 1~ campatrn In 01110, WI1S, '~ . In Columbus reqently over' ~, eIeption or. a 'President fOr
~~"artIcles In.the~·
. . . . . . . NIIlWUaD.,
. Off '
•. . . . .
~ -.:.... :,..
, "" ,
PUB[I~ ' "
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Wednesday ~ O·ctoL~:,;",,., 'i8··,at ,"1-38 ' ,IiI,~: ~~~! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '~ •., L
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9 HE'A 'D' '0'" I i ,.:, .,..,
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.• -.
C '&' T~LD " 9 ' ~ . 'J Ir.-.- ~"',. 2 Registered Gu~~eys; ; ! fr~h ':by day 'of aale. 1 . -
(T '-
. "
February. ~ Guernsey helf~l'&::-!elittib'le ~. ~eg~r. 2 seys. ~re8h m "'oovember, 1 hei~er 'G uewey and ., J fresh J!l November. 1 Jel'8ey fresh iIi Februativ 2 . "9,1~~;II,.;;~~~'I;~ Holsteuls. ". ' .' .' ~"' . I
,' .
-,-,"-_ ' 01..!2,..::c
WiD .•
In the mattfr
the estate
.,_ . umo~. "..., ~~~~~~~~~~~D~illi~~e:r~(;~~~~~[t:E=~!G~ . .- - - - - - - - - - - -...
lj!:,'!Y,· j
, .'1.
. '
'nlci~ ,McClain,' 21. laborer, Tren Halnuf.o IS . ~ worker• .~ n. I .' ,.=7'-,
:l~:; !
ton and BlaDcbe
' PUll Etter, '22, paper worker, Mid. dIetown. and AI2* ~.. tacwofter, ~n. ' . BatitI't KelU~, 22 faetorJ work. ar. ~. ~ RacbeJ,88m.. but ~ ~ .<:- __
ItabiIrt 'aiuUn.
. 'ia.,. __.. . "._ . .
:,,=,, ~:::;,
.. ~
' "
. ,'10.
estate of Motor Translt, treillht on parts. "'.09 Louella Pauib, deceaaed; wW' ad- The ~ Motot Mart Co.' {parts; mUted to probaf.e. EdIth Warwick ''16.4~. Peter J,. Nolil, ~. M.IO; appointed executrIX, Howard lvlnl, Dare, Oarage' , Iraaol1ne. .12.40; BeIIJamln Blackburn and Kenneth Bman Garage•. ?IMOline, *1'.88; A; Thomaa appointed .ppraSaer8. p. Mellob. aupll11e_ and. PIOUne. In Ute matter of the .tAte of t21:1O; Sbutts ~ ServIce. peO.. J:uaene H. Poster. deee&aed; will ad- line. *1.24: Hathaway'. !l'eUco Ser. mUted to probate Herbert ROOSa vice, paol1ne, M.81, George Cutler and Howard ' lug appointed appralaers. 'I1lomas B Foster appointed executor. • In the matter of the estate lit ~ W1lllam VUlaI'a. deceased' InVeDtorr -Dapproved. •
ta~ \V1~
.:;-w that.,.
.DoOdle KICk.
"""01' ..........
.. tnvalld care. $5.00; ,Emeaon 1laI'per. , ;" , 8 yarda atone, *1.:10: J4ra, OUve ' '. '. ,' ~ Jamea••.69'1- yearda IilJ'&vel, We wiI1 , s~l)'by th~ way' of Public Auction,aU .of our Armrel Yate~. 00., UIIbalt. chattels, located" miles )!!forth of WaYnesville ' 4 tN.88i Western Auto ~te Store South of Bellbto'ok. 1"'.2 in~le. welt of Mid,d"Jl~n .. h,......k Parts_~ 8UJipUes, ~: TIle KllilBv on th.e Mt. HoUy' and,Ferry 'Ro,d o~ DIlls Co.. parts , ~llll',lai' WllaoD', '. '. J ",' ',,.. ", ' , • .-:'
&be 'IJe""aD 'bMptolBalreeataaeul.
~udly biouI~t " .
Ka~. Invalld cUe. $11.00; John WIl8ClP. invalid eare ' .,.00 Llz:l?e 8n1der.
the whole , evening at ~ ' Pluea October 20, distribution of estate, In.. So~iDClp,al IUQE'Rtfld where the law Is enforced or dO they hert1la.nce .tax detennlned. dlatnbu. ~ ~r Idda ' ~:I,,1a& start there and end ,by ~vIni -all tIoD In klnd. . 81viq tIIeal moM, p~ for oyer the county tn ~ of excite- In the matter or the state J_, .:
OhUtee'SaW)'er and ~ted In a 'WOl'Il evtdeace, Utey CIlD dO Uttle v! t~ tar ~ :~tter bt:! YOte bf 4111; more ~ ~ aer do~. Tbls ,lsIl't to ~a. ',,~, , primarlJy . a letter for. ,Prohibttlon •••j . 'L...A':" ) . ~ut It Is a ~In favor' of .la~ en, .'the U. " . .WiII; ~,1JU 'i~ fQrc~ no~ a crltolclsm Of qur law ~\ M:U b. 's. bad.... ') liang enfon:emmt OftJi:erI . b~~ a plfl:& to .. , ~~ IIU,eipIIIWCI~ • •_ ~ _the Wb~Je comD.IlmJtt tel, help them, ItIrIti r. Wavy· to make law . ~~t P"'I!",* Parent.. no ODe lllat JOU ~ ~on:e ,M ...~ IIlIII& ~ -PArentI, but;, ,, a ~"!IIIt1,
,. . . ttl.. . .. ,.
.,·00: F;lla Horr, '!DVal1cl 'care. $'I QO: ' Iva Nichols. In~lid 'care. P:OO; 9ne~""'~' bow a ..-t, Ney.'ton Btam~valld can, *10.00 man fl,:!~ .Ume to' shave! " L. B. SteeJe. InvaUd care, ~oo ~ra " . McElfresh. Invalid ' ~P.OO; Ed - - -. . - "'- " ~ __ i. . ;; ~-:" ~
In the matter of the
DelnOCnltic WQ1i1en'a l ,haVe O,ur lher- Chee_ p, HamUtoD. deceued; CIUbi of"9bioo~ oPlljlslng S1I:Jtn11Ih ur ~ i know Ute. ~eul~ they ventcll'y 'approved. ; ~es .~ tid m ~ 'by .~: _V~ ~th .tl\1a probl~: W(tbQ~t ~ , _ . , ~v__ and ~"UOD&l Comm1tteemaD lUll ~ or .Jiqb1~ oplnlon and -ABBlAQE LleDSU
f~~e are na"onal In 8COpe and try Home O,? Are We ~, Back to PraQt' SIdimer, cleceued; date for ". the ~ ,for ,t-he year is expected to Prohlbltlon and one on COuntry hearlnl aet for October 20. IIJ WIU. 'ROOBB8 ' ',Vllr.l'l," ~~ce Columb.us near the top of con. Ho' Spots", and If .Y9u. don't belteve .In ~e matter ot the eetate ,of rrRERE ... ·.~t,~.';'... 'Ven~lon cltlt!4 In the n&tIon. me ~ to our sheDIr. . Lelia Oertrude Trimble, d~d; £ -bad a bo "~"t. 8Chool, ~ -'. PareDts. do y~ Mlldren spend hearing on aehedule of debta itt for tile bor cUda~' ,cto ,., well in .hi.
th~ ~~!)n
ot ....
~t, . ~.:
Ufae~lug Indlllitrtes ' pl'Oduclni everythln, ' from steel to clothlng atld ·8hoes. 1t is the one atateselfilUSWolng and not depe~ent. upon &D)' otber state for necessities or luxuriaS. 'n'uly. the alopn "The Rain. bow Comes Down In Ohio" can not be succeastully challenged. .. The ColumbUII Chamber of Com.. m~l'c e, reports ~at l1OOO delegates will at~pd Ule 24 annual conventions &cht;duled to tie held In the capl~
.OI&....- ".....
turkeys Will be readY for the nations 'I'han1cagtvlng market. an Inereue of 15 JH'r ~ent over lut year. Ohio bas -shared In' th1a Increase also. the-lead Ing turkey counttea In ,the state beina Medtna,' Knox; Bk:bJand, Qallla, Vinton and Pulton. In Pulton couby. II. preUmlnary survey lIIhowed 55.000 turkeys and on 'the largeat turkey ,farm In the state, ~ Dw1IJht Lifer far m. near Danville, 20.000 ~tt1i18 ~lteys , are thrivlng, wl~ ~~ already SOld. " Ohl,Q being one of ~e four .......
• , ber.
obarr --
U __
1::: ~~~~ ....
• •.".....
. SALII 011' . . . . ' .... fo.. , W ay.nH vllle Precinc t North (Submtned . . I .. Bell....' . QueaUo,,) prenda'l a nd Way neBv l e Vllllige Prec ln ··t &ball the . .Ie of beer •• d.·tlllO·d Wayne • South. In Section 6211-18 of tbe Oen.nU W.yme h " . :;h all , ta t e liQuo r s l o ree for th'! Code b. pem)lt~ed by boMena ~f • C" W eet .nd W.yne not lile or "1>l r l~lI (l u a 11'1 11 0," lI y lh e pac kor ".0" permit. _m,.Rarvey~ ur'" V!1- Soutb Welt. . . a ge. for th e con s llmpt lon oft Uu; r.p Preclnc~ W.,...ell Coual" OliIo . ... . Ipremlsee W'her eo 111. ho p &rmltte d . n •. 1",1.111 01' H1iII!lK Wa ),ueB v\ll e V lIIu gl' P reci nc t No rth , • 'l'be polll ~ol' .ald e le ction . wlll Submitted a. a S P IL1'tl.W Que"Uon I and \ aynolville Vlllag Precinct open at I:SO o 'clock A . I(. .nd relJUllll ahaU th e . a le of beer Ill. d" rln ,-d South. ' ... n ..... ' -open unUl 6 :30 o'clock P . Y. (E . ... t · '111 Sectlbn UU·I:I o r th!~ Gf>nero l SAUll , .... '11 EIllIt Code be permitted b}' hol dle rs o t " ;" ' ern Stand.rd Time ) of . .Id .a.y. or " D" p e rlplla kw Wl\ yne '1'o \\'n " h lo (B ll h mltl e~ lls n S"pa ra l e Q ues t.io.t S ll a ll II Ha l or II e r Ils d Cin e BY ORDER OF THE B()A-RO 0(1' 'P r nt Eas t. Wa Yll e T owns illp ELIJOTIONS oF Wane n COU ~'l'Y Preclnot Noilb W l ,a t lll W II)' 1H\ In Sello n' G212- 69 o f lh e Gone ral od e b pe,-mJlle d bv ho lders o t •. , e le'c tlon will OHIO. Towne'hlp }>,re olnet Sou bh . \\ es t, Wa'" or " I)" p rmlls In Wa y II 8v lll e V II· I(. and remain Ch . .: ;1. WaglrO<ller. Chr. r e n Count.)'. Ohio. lag J:treclnot North and WII. )' nesvlLle P M. (E.elV. H I Runell. Cl 41 rk. - -- l 'rool uct SoULli. Warre n I&ld day. Da1"ed OctOibet'. Dnd,19 311. . I The p \lll, tor . s llld c l olion w l)1 Vlliag _ _;...._ . optln at 8 : 90 o'clock A. lit:... And r mllin COIl.n l Y.Olllo. "''''.."\,.. ~ 10TIVIID OF IIII#IilCTION TO Hili open IIlI.tll 6 :3 u u'olo Ie 1:'. Y . (Eas t. Th " p o lls t OI' salO 01 etlon WII.J E:r::i;ic'i;io:N".itr\r~ f!lLO oN 'I'RIII qVIIIIIJ'lenr-or e rn Standard Tim.. , of aald day. op n n t G:110 o'c l k A. Ill. an d r ema in ...... ~t. I,". 4t .... 01 BMw Cbu. J •. W •• goner, Cbr. , BY OIt.DEn OF TH E ,EIOA'RD F' opon u n~1I 6 : 3 0 o'c loc k 1'. 111. \ Ea s t· V, R. Ru •• ell. Clerk. NOTICE Is hereby «Iv-oen' tbat pur- ELECTiONS O'F Wan n CQU N'l'Y. er q St a llda l'd TAm e) ot sa id day . . • au",nt to Il pe~ltlWl til ed rwlilh . t!le OBTO( . . OctOiber. 2nd use. BY n Og R I> Tlil!l BOxno 0 1" . . . 0/i-4t DOhRD OF ElJ)!;CTIONS or Warrlln !- C hlUl. J . Woggon er, Chr. ______ . Counh'. Ohio, on the 18t d a y ot ScPV. H. R ues ,1\. le rk. IllLb 'TIONS OF' Wnrr cn COU NIJ' Y OHI O. . NOTICIII OF BLIDOTION 'I'O ,B III tember. 1939. there wUl be submitted ,D ated October, 2nd , t 939. Chas. J . Wnggon r . hr . 81111.0 ON TRIO ,,1I1II1..,.ON 0.' to a vote of the elect.Cl'lI 011 aald No.1 , ' OS· It V. H . n U8S II , Clerk . . Lo,.l 0»'1e. A: .... • , Beec Wllyne Town.ehlp · Wllrren C O)Jdlty. DIl te d Oct ober. 2nd 1939. . Qh,o; at the General lIlLEC'NON to NOTIOIll OF EI,.JilOTION '1'0 ,ilill 1(0. 2 • 0 6-4t NOTICE ~a bll'eby given lIbat pur- be held at l>he r e gular place or votin g HIilLD ON 1'UIll Q R81rlON 0.' J. W •• g oner. Ohr. luant to a petition 'flled IWIUlI the tb.reln, on tJhe 1 tho day or Nove mb e r , LOftII 0.11 •• , &:. S.I....r ndr Russell Clerk Dated ' Octobe r ~Il'd, 1 LaB. • I BOARD OF' ELlDCTION8 ot Wu-'ren lin, lin the dletrlct delllDliated ae rolNo'rI VE 0.' ELECTION TO Hill CouDty. O'hlo, on ttl. 8th · day of ~tl. lows : :Wayn e Town " hlp Precl nch. NOTICE Is her eb y g lv In th n t pur· 'II~ I 0 ON •...U ll QIlIo' S'I'ION OF , 1'(OTIOIII OF IIII.1COTIOK TO Hili tember, 1939. there JI'.111 be l ubmUted IIlnIl t. NOl'th Wes t .nd Soutlb West. auant to a p e~ltI(l'I1 lII ed 'W It h th o l.o~'" 0.,1100 06.: of H..... . 8111LD ON THill "UIIII'I'IUN OF to a vote of tho elec""'s at aal. Warren County. 'OhiO. on the Qlle a-,BO'AfW OF 'El UJi)CT IlONS o f Wnfl' n . . LONI OP. . . . . 1.le .1 Heer Harve yahlll'&' Vlllalre, W'arren Cou.n ~y tiona d,o slgnated as follow" . County. Ohio, on th e 1s t day ot Stop· NOT te., Ie her euv g ive n ~h l\l pUI'. , Ohio ILt the General ELBOT'ION to II" LOOAL 01"1'101'( temb er. 19 39. th er e w ilt b e s ubmltl!!d s uant t o a pelitlo n ' fll d Iw l\Jh Ih NO'I'IlCE I. bere b)' !rIven that pur- beld at tbe regul.r plaee of votf"g A Shall the .ale ot any Intoxloat- to a vote of tII ~ e lectOirs 011 sa id 1l0AH D 01" EI.JI' 'T t NS oC Worr ell auant ·to a !letltlon ,filed ,wltb tbe therein. on lbe 7tb, day o,t NovembH; Ing ·lIquor be pe rmitted . In Wa y o . Way n es v ille Villag e. Warron Co unt y. !.,;o unt y. O'hl o. on t h · h I. d uy o r ScPBOARD O~ lilLECTIONS o( W .. rr un lUe In tbo dletrlot de.llI'Dated . . rol- Townlhlp Proclnc,t E ast, Way.,elOhIO. at th e Gen e r a l Ji:iI..El T tON 10 t ember, IU39. Ihu l'c wi ll oje Bubmlll'ld CounU', Oblo, on the 'th 0"1 of Se l.-Ilow. : Haf'veYllburc VIII. .e. Warr, n ToWn.hlp Prec inct North W e Bt a.nd e held llllh e r egul ar pla"e o f 'otlng l to a vo t u of the eleet o:l'H tAr 6a ld tembe r. 19311. th e re will be .ubmlttod I County. 01110, 011 the queetlon d eillf- Wayne 'l'oWn:ahlp Preolnet Southlth ereln. on Ib e 7th. dn y oC Nove m b'! I·. o r wln Village Warre n 'oun tv Oh Io to a vot .. Of the eleOlou o. laid nated a. tollowe, We.t. . . 1939. In tJh dIstrI c t d eS ig na t ed all a t the enernl '1il 1_ECTI ON to held Maule 'l'ow)ll hIP. Warre n Count\', .' LOCAL 0 .....01'( B. S)1.11 th e •• Ie of wine by tlbe lIOl\ow's: Wayn es,' llIe V III 11 jte, \\0 tll'- I al th e I'cg ul a r pi ne of ,'u tln K' t h.,r.Larrer BecaUle of Beiter 8entce, Ohio. at the: Gen e ral ElLlilC!l'JON to 9hall tbe aale 9( .ny Int01lcat- t)ackage for con.umpUo,n Gff tbe Te n Count)' . O'hl o. Pre ' lnet s Nort'h In . o n th e 7th. day or Novumb er . 1939 be held at the recul.r place of votlnlr Ing liquor be permitted In Harve)'s- p.rem1.ea wnere lIold .. be permitted : 1: nd South, o n to o qu s llonl! ,I cs lg na t · In tb e dl Bl>I'ic t desl81nated I.lH r6110w.! ~Uty ana .-rice tbcre1n. Oll- the 7th. ,day 0If November , bur&' Village Precl.et. · Wayno Toownehlp Precinc t Eas t. cd u tollow s, C0I1",1n Vllillge. WII I'r en t..uu nt y· ese, In the dl.trlct d ellgnated .. f018 . Shall tbe eale or wine by lIbe 'Va)'llie Town ... lp i>roolnet North LOCAL 0 11.... 10.111 Ohio on t he QlI ealiioll s dS8 1g nat ed nil lOlt'll : ),(a .. le Town.hlp. Wal'reQ packlge for consumption aU tJlll W,eat and Wayne TownshIp P~ecillet A:.. Shall t·h e sale o f nny Inloxl ca t - fOIlO·ws. Eltabu.bec1 18U-19S9 County. Oblo. on the questlona duls - preml .... where eold .be permitted III South 'V'eat. I,og liquor be p ermlttc-c1 In W a y n It'OCAI OM'ION n.ted aa tollowa, Sarve"lbutg Vlllaa'e iPrednct. 0 Shall the sale of wille for con· Ville Village Pr c lnc l N o ~th and A. S hn ll toll., >.II\I ~ of a ll Y Int ox lcal' W.)'UflSvlUe, 0., Phone S2 . C. Sh.1I tile aale ot Wine 'for con· eumptlc,lD on and ott the premlaea Way·ne8vllle Villa ge P re c:lnc l Sout",. In t.r liqu or be pe rmitt e d In Corw in \ LOVAL O ....IOllf IA. Shall th e Male or nny Intoxl ent- sumptlon on and 0'" tb e preml./ll nere sold. 'be permitte d In Way .. e B . Shall th e sale o r win e by l:, Villa gll Pr eci nc t . log liquor' !be p el'nrIlted In Masate ",' here aold. b e peNllIUed In Harve YI- 'J'oW"Dshlp Precinct Eaet. Wayn. 'Pack age t or conau mptlo,n o ft th e Ii hu ll tb e ijat o f wino by the Toown.blp Precinct. . Iburg Village ,Preolnct. Townsblp Pre clnot North W e et and prem'ls es where Bold. b perin i n ed I Ilo'ckll g tor co n lluhlptl o n o rt lh e a. 8hall Cbe aale or WiDe by ' the D. Sball tbe .,,1. of 8plrltuou. I Wayne Township i>reolnc t Soutb ' Way,ncs vlll VII/ag. Proc lnc t No nh , p r e.... l.es whe r e 110 1(1 be pe rmlt! ' d 1,1 pack.te for cons umption off ttle IIQuora by the Ifl . .e be permitted Inl We.t, . ' Bnd W .. ynesvllie Villa g e Pr ool nct Cor Wi n Vill age P r cin c l. premleee -where 801d, be permitted In Harveyeburg V.lIla..e PreCinct ~ Shall tbe IIIle 01 aplrltuoujI South. . I C. Shull t he sale or "l lI e t.or Ollm~~Ii~D. ~f?W8 ""; t,,.,:,.fY1" q va.. l. Townlblp Prec Inct, _. Ill. Shall at.te IIqu(W' etore. tor the II . uor. by tI. e gJaaa b e permitted lu C. S.ba." t. he sale of .Wln o tor co n· \ 1I.um P t lon o n lin d o rt th pl'c m ls c8 1.10 _ •• _ ""\ • .. .... n·Jorc:.cl .b 1;1' __ Eo.'. eumption on and .rt ' t lle premla,'s wJlere 801 d be permitted In ,Co rwln • C. Sball the lIale ot wine for con- I&le of IIEj1rltuoul Uq.uor by tbe PllAlk· Wayne Tawnablp i'roolnc t fiI~l.til\g . y .. l .... . eumptlon on and off the premlees a&,e. tor toh" consumption "Ir th e Wa)"ne 'tOWll.llhlp .precInct l'jorth wh er e .old be permItted In Wa yn ee· lII ogc Precinct . . where aolq. be lIerunltted In )'(aHle preJPI.ee W'here aold, be pet'mltted In Weat a.nd . Wayne TownMblp P<reclnr.t vil11e Village .P!r.ec lnct North a nd D. I;holl the' sale . Gt splrltuo :~;;~~~;;;;;~;:;~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;~~;-;;;;:;;;;;;;;~~~-;;;;': ' TOW'DlIh'lI t"rec~n.ct. f llarveY8bur« Village PrecInct. South W"et. . Waynesvlll. Village PI'eoiIiOt Soulh. II11U OI·t/ lJ~' th e g lll8. b e permltt d ' 11 II D. Shall the . .Ie ot .plrltuOIiI ~o, Z · , 05.4& 'E. 8hall at.te IIQuot' .torel ror', tbe D. Shall th ' aale or spIr it uou s l-orwl n Vill a go P r eCi nct. ' • llQuora by ,th " gl ••e bo per.nltled III • sale of .pIlrltuou. liquor b~ the PllAlk. IIquora by th e. glu.. b pe rmitted In E. Sha ll s tat u 1I(IU Or 8tores for th e
Fairley Hardware Store "
p remi a s' ,,"hero 1t0 11l be pe rmitted '" ( 'or wln Vlllag t'rl!C 1ne t. .
S ,,"1.I!l I"'" HEEIt
(Sub mltl d II.S a S Pllratc <.Iu natlo rr) Shu ll t nc 81ll e ur bee r as d efin e d I . In S e tl o n 62 1 ~-6:1 or l h Gc ner,d ' . • 'od b permllt t:d b )' ho ld61'11 o f '''C I or "j)" p e rmlte In Co rwlu Viliago ' I'rec lnct. Warr e n COllnly. OhIo. ' I Th t! po lls for s aid I c tlon will . ope n al ij :8 0 o· look A . M . nn d r ('maln I' ope li un1.11 6 :80 o'c lock P. M. l J!l a ~ t .. rn Stnn da l'd 'l'l m c) of-sa id d ay. OHDI~R Ol~
------ - ..-----====--=========-=====:::::1.
'l'HEl BOA'RD Ob' El I .EO.TI ONS OF Warr e n CO NTY O'W BY
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Iu~ qllo r by the~~k· !!! a ge. or~~rl t OI' l hetuous conlsl umption ort th Q
, =_
Waggo ne r·kC . A letter from MUte Polll, . flah Another le't tcr of In ter ' -""./nIH' . S.. J. Huss :11. Cle r . lIr. . es t t rom . ~Ig.t 3d Oc t O'iltlt'. ~nd. 1939. ' . 0 '5.41 I mana!tement agent staponed at ~x.. Tom Norris. Pennsylvania State ., ord and -.:el1 lmowg to Dlany Warren Forester: .
-'les r ve Dlst"lct - No. 4
countlans. •
' Dear
"oear 'Harry:
'Rep ort o f ond ltl o n of th e Way . ' . ' , , Have bee~ watching a herd ot alx n II vlll Na tional Bank o r W a l,n s· 1 Heres some news that is quite un. deer. four bucks, two doe. for the ~ :~.ee' l~f ~~~8 f!.t:8t: ~~ ~~~'~~'er a21. 1~~~ expected-I've reslgnedl I've received I past month .. 'Chances to get & good publls ll d In I ' pOllse t o a ll mllc\" 1a won~er!ul offer from Firestone head in Pa.. th1a year are excellent: by co mptroll e r or bli t! cLn· 'ne,,- n bb CO to to U"-rl W IJond e r flec ti on 62 J.l. U. S. r ev ised U er . go """ a. es Veer are not so plentiful but the pers tatutes . ASSIll'l'8 Africa. as II. planter on thelr plan· ('ent' of bUCQ Is high and racta are Lo an~ and disco unt.. In· tatlons there-.and I'm taltlng It. large In ibis section: Best regarda c llllll .. g . ,137 .63 o ver' I don't know who my !n1ccesllOr to YOU and yours. o ra tl s ... • .•. . . . . . . .. '1 61. 623.24 Unit ed S tat os Geve rn· be but am leaving hlm' a note Tom Norrla ment ob lig a ti ons.! dl , Payettevllle, Pt.. oreet an d" gua r a n tee·d. .. . 127,272.2G to look you fellows uP. Obllg llllon li ot ta\ e. llnd "Sorry I· ~n·t see you but 8&y good To Ul be lad . . po litical s Ubdiv isi on",.. 'l. 63 9.0 m W g to amnver ian1 , 0 th r bonds. ,"otes, IWll by to the gang tor me, Will drop a co~pondence about bls . aec~lon of de bentur es .......... . 44,&8 9.G line from • ... e brush orPQrat stock s In clud. w. ' . Pa. regarding bunting. flsblng or Ing s toc k o r ~'ed e rlll Sincerely, campln". n es ·tve bank ... .. ' .' . 3.203.00 ... .. - bae·l Polll." ll Rh. b a 111. ne e s wi t'll -...; o lh er bank fl. In clu d ing reser vt! balo.ncc. and t·
cn tl h
Il JlII!
Il roces8
o f collecUon ..... ... .. Ba nk pre mIses own o d .;7 00.1)0. ru.,nlture and flxlur es S1900. 00 • .. .. . Otber aseets .. .... ... . .
9.600.00 9. J l
To til I '''\:88et8 . .. . . . ... .. . ' 506.621.6i
I.MHILlrl'lE8 )c mand d eposit. 0IIl Indi-
Lin TUI.
vidual". Pll rtnlJrsh ... . a.nd , OOl'lPOTatl"on8 . .. . . l266,H9.7 S 'TIme d e posits ot Indl vld· uaLs. pal' lJne rahlps. and corporation..' , .. ... . . . . 43, 208.66 Deposits of U nl tea States Governm e lll ( includlllg pasta I 8avlnp) .. ... . 2tl .87 DepOSits of States MId polltli:1L1 subdlvlstons . . G9 ,410.7G 'Oth er d e p08.its «('ertlItled and cashle r 'lI cheeks . . eto. ) ....... .. .. . .. . .. . Total Depoelt.. · ' 3i 9.3 ~ O.60 Qtlher lIabliltioa • .•.• ...
'£0.;" at tIi~ ~•
.lncreiue4 ~ • Tuae·tato .... wI..f~letJ.NeW '. Qnly· Chevrolet glV81S such ~"" ~.:: of . ~ I~ Wltil Dew " IUi~JTe V.db'm~Po1f" ·shut. .... ... . ·q uallty CIt 'lUch low cost. Iqer, w:h~~ 8DCI Jt1umI!la Dew' .Teet Itl mat~... .CO~blDadO~ of ••• -LOW Prlc••• • • Low Oper.~ .~RaYalalpPer".~~ ....And~en . ,ower~atiet"tloD~~thb.. ~d .~,ost. • •• ~ow·- Upkeep.
::yo" "11.~ow 'It!~ '~ Itnam!~
. ~O' :/~ of.. the low...~· it..d
:. ;" ;" tlJe ;,I~;_~i~: .;.onei _ buy! I~ ~. ..,
(~ ..
~...~dth_)1)u. wlIllmow -' ' I . • • It" , .... beat~ ..belt-rld....
No/~th.r motor car can
and "'-ped~ loW-prlc:W carl' \
'm atch its all-round value ,;
,..tW'"ROYAL ~(. siYuMG. IIIGGtR INSIDE AND 0u1sa • NEW FULL-VISION BOoIES BY FiSHERI ' : ~EW, EXailSlVE ·YACUUM-POWE..:s..r '....... ·RIDE ·ROY~..~li ""ectecl KMe-A,ctlOil Rld",,1 , Sy.... ~·. SUPER.SlLENt VAL~£-itr..H£A" Et4GINE~. ALL,..SILE~T I...SYNCROeM£SH TRA"'SM'SSION !.' ..... . .' ~,
_ if"
, ~
a.w.IIt'_ ....... ,~ ..... ,..., ~. """ ."" .. !. ~"
. ...,. .. ..... Dar- .......... DeLiaaes.w · • t
1'otnl Capital Aceoullta .. 120. 24s. n Totnl Llll bllltillfl and CI\4>' ltol 'AIooounts ... . .. .• ,605.621.l;4 . III,EMORANDA P ledged aMe Os : • . ( 0. ) United State" GOY' ernment obligations. direct and guarant e ed, pledge d to Ie· cure deposltll and alher Uablll.Uea ••• ,
. • .. . •. . . •.•. . . •
UndivIde d profits •. .• ..
(e) Tolal ...... .... .. , Secured IItlbllltl ~lI : (a) Dopo"llII 8eCured by pledged lI.IlIIIe til purBulllilt t o retJuJ r e ... ment s or la ~" . ..... . , Tota l ..Co . .... .. WWl'ren, • 8 2. 95 1.M ~ (d e) or Stal Ohio, unty.. of . I. ROBS H.. Hartsock, casbler of the abov e·named bank. do sol errt.nly swear that Cbe above' atatement Is true to the best of my klDowledlre and belle r. . Roaa H. HartllOcle. Cuhler. _ Sworn to and s ubscrtbed before me this 7tb day of Oclober. 1989. R. D . Collett. N'?ta ~y Publl<l, Correot-.'A.t lest: Oeo. J. VVftterhoule 11. A. Cornell . .L. E . Hockett . .' Dlrecto
This is the admonition of highway Director Robt. S. ,Beightler. who eolia to tho attentioD of all motorists that section of th. General Code of Ohio which atates "drivers of vehioles belore turning, atopplng chlIDglng thalr courso ahall make aure luch movementa can' be mado In salet, and . shall cause II~I mado of t.heir Intention in " w.Y visible outsIde tho vehicle." MotoriBtB. Mr. Be1lrhUer ItresBCd. IIhQuld .lways . Ilpal and should nefer be excwled from 'doing 10 on t}!e ~undl th.t thoy, didn't know jute wh.t i. the proper method of allrl\&lIng.
Totol llaIbliltiea , . . •. • . , '3 79.3 77.73 CAI'J'r,u, ACCOV.N'l:8 Capital Stock. ' . (e ) Common atoCk. to· tal par , .. . . .. .. . . . . . , 75.000.0.
."HT TU••
·1 . I,
'TOP • ,s u. : ~ .
The accelltecl method of baDd aJgnal. .. Bhowa In the ab090
Left TUrn- ~d and arm ..-
tended horiIioDtally. · Right Tum-Bud extendlld . up""",
ucI ....:
Sto~Hand ad Itml esteDcIItl downward. ' . That halld ,are vltaUy mPQ ev need 1)y tbi fact that. on ' the bul. of atatiBt1e8 complIed by the 1'ia1rlc Bunaa ilf th. State BI,hway Depart. ment, more than 460 .ccldentl on . lltate hlpwaYI out.llida munlci"pal. itlu during 1988 oceurred from
c:aUlle8 resulting bec:auie the other driver f.lled to lipid.
Laughing \round the World With _ll.VIN S. COBB 'I •
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•
Practically Destitutta: Dy IRVIN S. COBB
'"rrLTED baek in biB chair on a boatstore porch sat Cap'n loe Fowler. ~ - as typical , a ·Ke.ntuckilll as the fll~ end' of the Ilist cf'ntury ,lIra- , dueed. A packet bound from Cincinnati .th N ew Orleans, landed. Up the lltecP slope of tile whal r can:c 11 toun s t lady from up North some· ~~~rwhere acro86 the. Ohio was "up North" to.us in ~at · towD•
The Pl'«l'PlCt ~f Plocle1lng a per. feCt. ~d aeema 1Dcrea.stDlly remote
Ch U rc hes
ST. MAY'S '1U."1800rAL CIltJR(JH ' - ,Rev. It; L. BaekweU, ~t.or .
107~~O:,' ~'n:;l~:r:n=~, SUNDAY APl'BR
:~:'~ ~.
':~ :ecM:,
11 a . m. Morning Prayer and ser- !::sh':dof ' Hurley of Lumlletton
~.~~ Th~ N~tes ~-Qufek Millions I
Starts Sunday . FIVE' ,AVS
Scm mlddl: -aged people Pursue a1 good 'Ume with .the same fury tJ;lat , a dog
(~ a i-abbit.
yourself-after YOU' have Itl..;;::;;;;.;;;;;.::.;.._____.. . . ognlzed .your lIIn1tationa. .. ExplOIt.
On'l~J,v $2•OC
aoni.ce married
Detroit, MlchJpn.
·bI.,. .
c.w.c.. OF
CIIBI8T W. C. Sadu.. IIIDIster
our RallY day .rvice ,wu well attended; h8d 147 preleDt, Ute ~ est attendance In :veam, We"lnVite JOU to come aDd tie witJl . us U1la Sunday our atart& SUnday mAlMllng With Bible acbool at 8:30, OhJ1ltlan End~vor .,:00 P. · OJ, and
Here aDd There-• . , .. ' Henry Parrott of Newtown tied PPR SALE-Four-year old colt. to a 60 pound t9 Inch catfish last Good worker. A1ao two two,.year old ld aUlam ' R R 3 near Sunday In the Ohio River near New coltS. Haro , ': Riohmond. The YO\1Ilg wohale was Harveysburg. • \ lan~ed after 'il fjgh~ven on hla DONALD B#JLEY. Auctioneer, t{Ot Ilne. It was hooked after a smaL auction servilCe, OltiZens ler fish had taken a cravlish Bank Bldg., Wl1m1ngton, Phone
" , In;)
up and took
ntgb'~ sun~ay
B2B-tr =-.-=;:-
·mR:BAi.E-Three &neat
~. 'Vlrtu~
dish mend'I"JIE , AMERIOAN
' .
smaller fish-tor bls own fln1sh- _ ___ The League of Ohio Sportsmen ex.. Have , moved and reopened ,sawecutlve committee met a.t Wayne mill Perry. Sawing noo per hun. La.kes Park near ' GreenvlUe last sired, Logs haUled and lwnber Sunday, A resolUtion' was adopted Phone 'llIF'4. to call' attention of the Stlte Oon. Perry J . Thomas, Waynesville. R. 1, aervatlon Dept the reeulta obtaIn05.12.19 ed in the park'ln' tho way ot flahlng year old Buck" and recreatlonal facUltieS from to· Butterworth. ).. 01:2-19tAuy waste land.' It Wlll-be suggested ' the Dept mlgbt tollow similar linea of effort in some sectionsJ30th black and spattA!d Poland ThIs actually happened In . West Ohlna Immune, Oharles Haiemeyer Pa I ' i • '012.19 Oheater, , . ~'l ' " A young woman_ phoned DepU,y pc?R SA.f:.E-2 Duroc .s prlng boal's ot Oourts, Wayne Moore ADd yea.rl1n« Duroo. prlced reaInquired If she ooUld exch&nge ber aonable, IIon1a Brown. Spring en. license .. ,lluntlIMr 11- Valle,y, Ohio 1\. R, I, 012-19
th'UalaaUcally, Tbey ~ve "lquod Mn. aDd and that aa " general rule regular- read... Mrs. ~ 81Jna of O1Dcln natl via- era ol'l'BE AMERIOAN BOY adltA!d 1!Dd ', Kra. G, V. f,Dma vance more rapldlf ' BDd eVIIdIJ., I more worthwhlle chuacterJatlca BarD to 1Il", . aqcl lira, Everett thaD do. bon wlip do .not rWl U. ; Gnu ~ WeC~y mornlDg, a Tta1D~ wrltea and attlata, fam' at the B8:rtlnier hoepltu. • oua co6chea &Jid aU1letea, exPlorers.. Tbe JunJor J:llih 8ChGol claaa pre. sc1entliltl and 'men IuCOllllfUl In .tIIe "Qhoet of ~ PInes" ~ and Jndq&trJ joln wlth ~ the bIIh adlool auditorium on ~ atall ~C"1II'C!CIUceiJn 'tBIt . I'rlday e~ Oct. 20, ., ' ~OAN the 1Dt\,5Jf reado ' ~. and lIril, Ralph Alexander iDa maUer . . l1b belt. ...
~th ~
to the meeting, Lead- ~' aDd ~ed a. ~\'ered RecreatIOn wlll dlnner &lid 8OC~ time,
Argus 0Iib0m.
, ~ng
scb~) .,
follow ,the devotional aerV1ce,
Hundreds of tbo1l8&llda of on Wednesday, October to at tbl! ' iead THE ~ f He W E Bogan. Mr, and young -men .: 'so p m Nuraery Oh~ s _h ooJ home 0 v. • t' L L Kre1•••- lOAN BOY , Magazine every month . " . is employed a ·Wle ~ I It 0 a UVlna p . m, Primary Ohurch and Utey are making thelr and cons der In re ::: aalne With Mr and Mrs. Wm Hoi· compaJilon than as a gto ' . FRIDAY "It's as much a buddy me aa 1 m woman's Auxlltary Sew" D , p. . BO Ohm ' !or Ute preBeJlt, 'IllY ne1gbborbood bbum" writes one ;' m . Prlendly Mrs. Prances Toppin moved high school senior. "THIll from the Nora Houston WAN ~Y seema to undentand a 8'30 p'm. Young People's Dance boy's problema and them . . apartmenUi to the gym. Mrs. Cora CCilmpton Is spending a in such a sympathetIo and 'helpful few weeks at the home 01 Mr. and w~y It gives aclVice' and entertalb.. METHODIST CHlJRCH Mrs, Ohaa. Venable or Xenia. Mn. ing' reading on every aubJect in C, BadIe,.,Putor is home 1rom Dayton hes- which a youhg feDow Is Thla Sunday. October 15th, wW wbere ShE! underWent an opel- U Is parUcularly helpful In sport&< obServed as Rally Day: It will be a weella ago, i m"de our schoo) basketbal.l team unlfled service 'at . Mr. and Mrs. Todd Walton Jr. and because of playing UP$ J r.ead In A. M. and cliJ8lng -about 11:15.:e and Mrs. Jli'orrest Grandin of THE AME1UCAN BOY paaean't W1ll be presentA!d by vlalte4Uteir parents Mr. and Many famous athletes In all Chumh 8Chool eDtItlec1 the Mrs. J, T, Walton on Sunday , sports credit much of their Sl,lcceas Great Commander's Plag, .. 'e noon. • . to helpful , suggestlons pastor wW glve a ,brle( talk on Th . Mr. and MfII"Wm, Holland had as . sports arUcles carried In T.Jm Church's Taat In Ohristlan guesta on Mr. and Mrs. AMEIUC"Pl BOY tien," Everybody is inVited. Brtng Leon Holland and son of Lumbe$n ally every Issue oUera advice from a some ODe Wittl you. ' Mr. and 'Mr8, Paul Webb were famous coach or. player. Football, Tbe Epworth . LeaiUe, wID Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. AI- basketball, track, t.enn1II. In fact J40nday even,ml OCt. 16th for Its fred ~urley 01 Lamberton, every major sP9rt Is ,.ovored in flcdevotional ~eettne· TbIa baa been The II, E. dnurch La<ijeS Ald held lion and fact artlclelJ. designated a RAuy Ben1ce tor the. their resular IneeUng at Ute home Teachers, lIbrar1&nii; Parents anll League and' every0JWt Ie urged to Mrs, ~ lIendenhall on Wed- leaders of boya clubs also ~.
brlntr a friend
This N...p'~" a .~H ·on.
g~ ~r~o:'~~:: ~.
help is needed. Public Health
PATHFINDER answers the questions you 'arid yoUr fdeneb are asking with its concise,' Vivid portrayal of the current scene. Events ' or national and InternaHonnI s1gni1lcance are lully and imparUaJIy covered, Facts new aiu) old, thal add clarity and meaning 10 the . news' are hoaest!y injected. :rhe very latest and ~ost interesting neJU'll pbotogranbs freely i1lustrate the facts. More than a miutuu I't~aaer.s. Subscribe now. • to ·PATIlFlNDER. the mo.st 'WJ~ely read news maguJne:
T"'J AlIIERIOAN BOY Iella on Ing dllappearedlI:>W' DllWllltanda at 160 a CQP1. , Q, !' •• llon prices IU1! '1.110 for }I'ilt women don't get lnad as eu1ly 1be repOrt or the of Bud etlon Is depending 0';1 you· yelU' or IS.OO for truee years. as1th1n ·women. &!ld'they dbn't have Sj.Uee ana Clatber1ne' cilice waa Thia Fotelgn rates 50c a year estra•. To to be watched 84 ckI6e1y, f6lae report M D sub8cr1j)e ~ply !lend your name, _':--_ _ _ __ and (Signed) R. H . MarkwlUt, Mr, and. ;,._ ... 01.. Paul W--ng J.Dlredor ot BeaJUt, . 8ddr-___ and l'emtttance dlrect to SODI of Dayton ~lted Mn. THE AMmJOAN BOY, 74110 Second Tbe
~. 1" •• • • • • • • • • ; •• oce:;::;r:" J" ~. ; •• . • ~ ' . '. Jte oller a ~.'(Jctory Serv•.ce . • at ',11 tima '.
• '.••• w ,.
M:C~ .'hlure · rounera ~ . " 1.ROme L.I .
• ..
iii~.~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~"iiiii;;~i:"~~~iiiiiiii~~~iiiiiii_ _..iiii;~~~~~Iiiiii=-:--r_~iiiiiiii_
m. p. m, Our . n- Jnd1ailBatUI'daY at each Wedneeday '1:30 L&IIIe. vlval etatta Nov, 20th and runs two Mr. &ad ~. 1bomu .W tlton . ol , R .I . are vlsltlng their UDde, .JOe &nltb tamlly. FEBIlY CJlUROII OF CIllUBT ,w., C IlloIa&er
' CornC'r Of M'ain and Tyler ,Sts.
., Badth,
8 :30 a. m,
10:45 a. m. Lord'lt' Supper, .' I 11 :()Q a. m. SermOD . ..
'--.-"Kt:I:P out o~_Thla Wart" , 'Itlla . 1e t.be &tt1e and ~. of a , p1!~ by ~.es1dent p,' m, Emeritus eOmrge W. Rigbtmire, of FRIDAY " . Emerltqa Oeol'le W, Rigb~e, ot Personal. eV&fl8ellam clara 'l:30,p.m been bailed aa one ot the'81JnU~cantl '. : ' contribUUoIla,-t.o the ' movement to 11'1'. , HOLLY M. E. .CH1JBCH keep the ' Unlt.ed States 9lit ot the .
• .' Delegation aoes ·to Xenia ' Area ~tlDg at the BowersV1l1e ~hun:b.
T. 11. ' 8c: ....,. JIIIIlIIteIo SuDda:v' achool 9130 •. m, ,ItEalmbiart.
..vice '1:30"
Prayer. meeUDr. WedneSday
~~~~~S~55;;E;~;~~~~;;~~rln1n~';~7:30 "
A welcome awaits you at
ialrope&D CODfIJot,
Dr; Rtshtmlre w111 tallt on, the .ame I subject In a ~broadcut a~ ,8 P, m, Prlday (Oct. ·U) from the ~~alt:v
eve- statlon. ·W081Jr.
, ~a,Dire ~ I
theee a\ltborlty o~ ~ ~ Situation . Dr. Wltb· -pftao from 'the 011:0 atate
Our tnlaslonary ~!J win Jle 1deDc;v BOrne '16 lnOlltna; ..go he , ~ held WeClDeeday OCt. 18t~ • .a 2:00 8J),E!nt .. y~ In ' V&rJ911:' Ji:uropean o'clock at the cb\ltCh, .
Beech Grove
An -Important Announcement ,
- ' 'We are now able t& give you a lot of .extra cov",,.· age. on your automobile s,tot. lower cost! Wlt~ day or I nikht ,elai'm 'sernce, Term payments If d.eslred at no "extra coskOn.f. theJargest stock compames ,reporesent, 'ed;' .have' your .P~o:1icy checked and see the dIfference . . A~~o let us tell:y()u' about the new ~overage' on
fa..r:~ property (,iJls,u~anc~ ' ~d a\so, explam our -J;ll~n wherebY iyour ,preMitlm"Can J.le paId annually at no e.A
charge, Many ~eoJrle ':Ire now able to ~~rry insurance, with t~ l~gest stock 'c_o~pa~y ,Wfltmg ~arm . bU8iri~ 'in' t&~. ~nited ~ta~, .~c;J~~ to th1~ ~l~~" " ',Our ex.p'ri~nce of mor, 'tl;uin. twenty·!iv~' ~ea~dJl til · b.a 'dUnA" Qffarms and town property and ;tn 'tbe .co:duJ'tiDg,of auctipn' sa'ej,; is..of value to both "buy:er and.Be ler,.,We p«er ~q; sugar plums, ~~~ ~e dp • pfter ~"un'd, reU,aJ)le~ personal >8erv~e. at t~.e ~me pnce to , ,
, '.: ,,:'
. , " ',
~~~ i~ t~~ real e'B~tei a~~ your ~8al~ wit~
...,UR' N.~ SEARS .
SCH"OOL NEWS~-'---:-:-
"A~ 0
- a
a l . a , . ':" • • ,a a l .
mOBDAY, OCTOBER 19.1 1939.
~ ~- - - ' -- -!\£ - -
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_._.. ,- -- - - - . Wing Koag CIIo.g LocaWl~ppeniDgs '
. Ga~ Speaker
_ lb. . .
eJ!.l.!.,al!'~O!a'et~"'8_ r
t ;nwrcCl As Second
- -'--
~urt N~-w-;-~\~~"=\=-::=-~"':;"'" ~ ALLO~-
:au lh
lou 12, U ; 11. 18 aDCl
Subecrip'U on Price. 51.60 p~ Year, P~le in AdYaoce
~t; ~lL
~r , & "".LII....... ,,·.d--1v., """ &o~::':r;:!,: live wire and ~~ tl)' the hlab. and IfOC/Cf """ce.
~ta: -::::=:::==::============:::-:==
III OD 00 11:80 p. m. tor our, dati"
;;;;;;;;;~~;;~:;;;;;-;-~ -
ra,y and Harold T • Henry 'IVS. F . C ' Normand I'ft-R ' . Pi tts to L. O. Andet1IOn'I dol P. ,]!l• ra.1serIl ,"Sam' Turner appoloted Wa.... SoD.,warden; ....-11_" . Welln.er, Eugene H1zar and.... EV:trett . , .. " Sona Company; 'lot, 1M in PraJ1klln. . 18,115; Lew & Drake, CAPITAL IN TIlE STORM (lBJ.t&B Aicholtz; action brought for $2500.00 In the !Jl:ILtta: of the este.te of 'LW " Inc .. $31,20; 'MUl- P • . ' . , \13 damages. $1000.00 punltlve dam. WUUam O. Van 'Fo!Isen, deceased; . , Ie Cooper. to O. Reece ford. " IJ6;:IO; 0baI. BfaCl. Some torty years ag() SenaOOr Burton wrote .. llttle book enUUed ages and $100 00 attorney fees Inventory appro,red. Flora E, Reece ; 5UO acres in bury, paJI'OU. t21i4,.o; EUl , . Crises 6lld Depres8l.ons." In tba.t book he sald:,''''lbe central. fact in "II He.rold D. McVey vs, Ellen In the matter' of thtf est.ate ' of salem towMh1p. 81 bouDI eervleea .. ••.,80: II p e!1Slons. as well as Ln thoIIe cr\lIe6 whleb are followed by deprea.. divorce, groea neglect. 6.nn$ Roser, est.ate relieved J . O. Reece LlWe B. .Cooper; JaIm..7. Barr,' JIQI'Q11, ..,6.80: " r slODS, Is ihe conHlUon Qf eapltal. 'rbese dJaturbancea .are due to derangOdessa White vs. Olifford White; from adm1n1stratlon and 3 acres 1n and lfarlan JohMon IoI)'era, payiou, $93,80; E, ments hl its corul1t1on whlch, .for the most. part, 'assume the form of waste divorce grosB neglect \nheritanee tax determined as none. towneh1pa. . W. Ro& 138&.0: Earl tr or xcessJve loss' of or Its abiorpUon. to an exceptional degTs- " . Essie' Lanktord vs: Art1lur LankIn the matter ot .the est.ate of Barney L. SbawhaD to PIirrtn .T. BI.eore. ,"•.0,; V. 101, Mm· ellt rprlses 'n~t 'lmm~lately remunerative." , ford ; divorce, exb"eme cruelty. Rosa Oraf, , deceased; d1s!.r1butlon Orlest.; 100.50 acres 10 Uaaale and 1~, payroU, 1100.80; Harry IIOWlt, ~at Is 8.'1 sound 88 on the daY it was written. And, If anythlng, . Ie · __ In kind ordered. Ohester .t.owDlhlPB. paJrOll, "".20; Homer CllftDn, In of more vital 6lgnlflcallce to us now Ulan it wae two lteneratlOOa ago. The COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS In the matter of the guardlanahlp Chester campbell and &Ie Olb (C9ntmued &l Pap. 4) . oudltion' of caplf1al aftechs every business, JOb.. every man's l1veli, __ of Estella M. LoIran; Harry p. ReI. mn Campbell to II t hood, and We can damn oe.pI.tal all we llke-we can bar, sWn appolnted • U3 &cree In' arpre , ass and chalri 1t. But It 1s capUal which makA!8 our factories hum and The People 6 BuUdlng, Loan a.nd In the matter of the estate cf ' ton t o w n e h i p . ' Skin W. Full Of builds our homes and PrOVides the WIl8l!8 wh1ch pay but.cber. baker and savlngs com~ny vs, Adalalde Earl EvIUlS, deceued ; ~le btll record Jamel~, Ohrlatlaneen to HOward Plmpl.. And Bleml.hes" candlestl.ck maker. And it is lack of ay"tive capital wh1ch ~ and pro- Clements, et 1101., defendants grant,. ed. Mosiman, .141,1t acree 10 SaleiD -.ya Vema 8-: "SInCe UI1nc AlderUr.:a , ed 15 dayS In which IX) plead. . towllSb1p. ' longs depression. .H OUs M Cl Ethel In the matter of the est.ate ot the pimples are 80Ile My aldn Ie We .t alk about capital being on sulke In th1s naUon today. No any c. ung vs. Harry W, Poor, decebed; will record John E. Stacy aM Ueda S&acy to amootb and I10ws health .. Uon could be less exact.. WIl80t haS happened is that capital hall been lone Dudley, et ai" sixth account of ed, A. J. Hughes; 89 acree 1n MaMIe Adlea1ta helpa wash BOTH bow. forced lnto channell; "not 1mmedlately remWleratlve." Ooverment poUcYlt~tee app;v~. illard In the matt.er of the estate of townshiP. ! and rellevee temporary constipation required' untold bl1llollB of ba.nk dlUXls1-~the normal &OI11'Ce ot cap- J o~~. on~~. W Edward E. Knoekenl1auer, deceaoed; COra A. Thompson IX) samuel B. that ofteo aartva.tea tJad com. I be tied lip In government' aecurit1ea, , per ones, Cd to • lovenOOry approved.' Tharr10and Edna IA. 'l"h&n:: 84·l1li plez10n. Sold at .n n..'N S·_,1tal tor lndust.ry , and commerce-to , week ony m ' ~- .......... ,
11, lIII.
vme . . . Snook 'to !Ie"- Chese1- tlOii 2 belli {or 1berUr · . , : In the mat.t.er of ~he wUl of Jessie dine; 0.-10 acre 1n Lebanqn, '$5.80; Wm. ' H\lirord ' Jr." . ~aabln~ The Morrow , . Sand , and Grovel. Burltholz, decea8e<1; 'W1ll admitted to MUc:tred Irene Snyder to Clareuce $45.83; Orlawold Serviea •. 8tatlcin. Oompal'lY. a partr\ershlp ~mposed ,probate, John T. Hall appc1nted ex· Snyder; 30.~5 acres, Clearcreek lowll..' ~1lniI. oIL MC).2'l; " J, W: ot William Herbert ana Le5lle Mur- ecutor, C. Donald Dilatush , Oscar ahJp. ' . Han1ware 00., ,3 boxes. bu11etl for
~IUI Mail Matter At Po.toUic., 'WayDeavDl., Ohio ~ -=w'=========="========:;::':== Ial 4lCcount apptoye~,===== .~ NEW S1JIT8
Flora.M. Crane Editor and Publisher
:nu' MI.~lebUl'l BUUd~, '~I.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;-;;;;:;----~;;;;;;:;
_ ....
Yar1a d b'ix f In the mattEtr of Ul.e estate ot acres MaasIe towneh1p. ta of A or, execu 0 the John ·C. Simpkins. deceased; Clyde ~ vs =~usM~::':Z:' ~~~ Slmpklns appointed adm1D1Btrator LOan Aaaoc1atlon to t.~_ . WAYNESVILLE,Omo d.l8trlb' U' f eds f 1 ; 0, P, Brown, lflarrlson Bevan and ooclt and Kathel'1ne La)'COCk; lot 624 "",..."""""' ...."""~""""'''''' bel dB u on 0 proce rom sa e 0 Ralph Bt1bb8 appointed appra1sera. 10 FranklIn. , . ..... . lit. A Scctt t i D I In the matter of the wUl Of Mar- ' Henry Ro8I to PruIcfIe McClure; muRS., 'Flu. aDd SAT. C B pb4ill ~t al' ' ea., xlsil y. tha Oudgen, deceased; application CI3 acres 10 WublDaton to~, fill .,........ . . Oetober 19. ZO aDd 11 'b : made. .. payment 0 e ng for wW .to be admitted to probate Prank Bnuldon and C, Ella Bran: Ji!lIII,... GZOaGE OBRIEN Oharlotte Sim h va.. Clarence 100 be heard October 18, don 00 A. BarrIIoo aDd Bthel -.r ! Sim . . In the matter of the settlement of Hart1soo. lot min Pr&nklID. " - - ... .... , In ""'", "'" ' . tho - . . of _ /L ....... ' - " " J , ................ . and will conduct. .- survey of beauty R. E. LeRoy YS, Quebtin COx; per deceased' Amalnda E Uggett re' eu- Gabbard; 20 acres In ft'ankl1n. 1on given to the plalntlft to file ed her ~wer lo,t erest 'In ~y' 1I01d ehlp. parlor and office wortterl wqes In . , '., '. the c1t1e8. Oodee are In am nded petlUon. for whlch ahe 'was paid, !lhe also reW. A. 110 Leater Q, lfausei ' ...... I: h _ effect for three bidUlltr1e&-Iatmd11e3 celVed locome lrrom ~ rent oft sa1ct lot acres 10 B&m1lto'p townahlP. ' ...... ........ ' It was a ieal tarmer's week at the dr)' clean1DiJ and botA!la and niatau. PROBATE COURT property prior to the sale. O!lcar aDd, Im1IaIIeth 0 • •• . . " Ohio s tate Unlvel'll1ty When tile 25th ranta. In the matter of the settlement of .....- .....- yeru; of Ohio'a ~icu1tural exteoa1on In the matt.er of the estate of the estate of I,. M. Henderson, de. -SUNJiAY ana MOND.U servlceWas a~c1OU8ly celernted 10 Two hundred spotted bI.8B, a.ll Elvie Whitacre, deceased; MYrta ceaaed; estate value~ at .19,859.18. Oetobflr ZI ana 2S a 3~daY ~ beglnn1Dg October abOUt II1X 1ncbeI1o length. were Ie- Lewta.. appolnted adm1nl.stratrlx, estate d1sb'lbuted, lnbelltance tu ~ST~CK10th --wtth' 250 county and home ec. centlY shtpped by airplane by the Grant Hgpklns. Henry Orote and detenn11led. ' &DOLPH MENIOU onomlc agents priesent and more than State oanserw.t1on DMmon from ElUs'Smith appolnted appraIserS. In the nui.tu!J' of' the guardlanah1p 12,000 f.anners croweded the coll8eum Buckeye x..ke to Qa.petown. Afr1ca. In the mat~ at the estate of ot· Virginia Be,Ue Berca.w Ball, et at, a.t the st.ate fair lJn)UI1d8 ' on October After experImentlnl. the CaPetown George S,t anley Diehl deceased; Charles William Bercaw had made lOth for the first annu81 Oh1ci Palm autbarlttea decJded th&t Ohio fMh ~ule .,f debts approved. I}PPl1ca.Uon for' guardian to be heard Bureau Flek.. Day The week's IIIC- most aultallle lor propaeatlon pur- In the matter of the esta~ of 'Q ctober 14, C MIG Selected Short ~ub~~ 0.1 tlvltl8ll. were t.erme<t a celebratIOn of p!lA8 bi the . .ten of tbat area. ~alter R- Van Ness, deceaeed; hear· In the mat1t.er Of the eetate tf the '~glee.tmb fu1Ult. eauca.Uon 'and ProIreaale belnI made OD a r;un1.C.. tng ,on In'Ventory set tor October ~, Josepb :E.B~Clse, deoea.sed; beI.r1Dg youth ,leadershlp ~ 10, the ulum OIl ~ ' eductlon for . In the matter of the .estate of ,o n loventory llet for ~ 21, world t'. 1'he ~teD8lOn service and the Ohlo publle ICbooIa. the work ~ I, Oonley. deceasec;i. first and In the ma"tter of the " est.ate of ~PaI addre811e8 were deUVered by hav1De been \l1ldeIt.ken M " jolot final atcount ~pproVed. Frank Skinner, deceased; Laura B . Governor. Bricker 'Pedei'al EXteDalOn project of the Ohlo Department 9f In the matter ot the .settlement of Skinner appointed admlnlatrat.rlx. GaDa G&B80N ~ Dh'~tot C." w. WhalburtOO. State Ed~ aDd tile Ohio ~lvi11Dn 01 the esta~ of Huldah A. Blackbwn, .In , . D.ilector Dr. H. 0: RamiIower and 0aDeervatI0D &ncl Natural Ri!Iourcee, deceased. entry det.ermin1J1g .lnherit'Dew ,pIUC"wIl1 make' ance tax to 1M! IIIIIaIed to the auditor. M&BRIA"E
1In.d t.o be used 'ror nOD-lll'oductive purposes. "RIeII: caplt&l" has been made pr.8.0tle8l1y extlnctby suicidal tax and regulatory laW!! Wblch take D\06t of , ~be Jlroflt incentive out of legitimate speculation. And don't forget that nll enterprises In their euly stages are of the apecula., lions of 'the past came the great employing "conservative" industries of today , UntU artlflcla1 and daIl8erous restraints on capital are removed, and (\ man who h16 money Is allowed to earn 6 gooCi profit U he can, capital Is going 1.0 stay In the storm cellar,
State (ap~a1 News
Allen' T.
M.N .'tN,. GlRLJ.W,I1'H 1:.1: .11':
==- -=' . . r:
~ It.:.~. -:.,:r.:..:; ·~ ':::~:fi.
!:~ town-...... iii •
~ Blanke~
tIIL..l:'Ir ~.\\~ ----~'~.;.--
. ... ..
I wiJ~ ~u at .~ublic ~' ale ~, Jn~ relil! ·'~LDIE~ BO~" de;,.ce' Tilird III"eet, ,Wa,~e.Yille .
Saturdax October ; 21-, -
EJteeUtlV6~Of\tie~'BUr"1be ~ 'fl.r,7-'~:-"---lWlI-M;":' D.-LlJlCOlD.-..BOme of tM . 01'- u... ~ of the ~ .chool cur.
.at ODe ~ ~.M."''-
good, RaDle, H~'a~in-._ ·~ve, " Din~
In the matttr of the setUement of \ high spotIS nCwWD ADd IlVes'deftDl&e uaurance the estate of Leila '¥rtrude TrImble J1m Roblnam, 64. II'raDtl1D. Gov. Brlcker-"Oh1o 11 forttmate that the lDformatlon. 10 P-ea.uy need deceaBed; ' entq detrmlnJng Inherit- Dora JohnscJo, fn having 'the stabWty, of the nmd ,ed the OD-oomlDg pnera_ ance tax to be 1MUed 00 the auditor. PraDtlln. , . RUdO peop!'8! (they tblnk MfuUy and tIoD ~ mlndec;l, will 'teach In the matter of the guardianship I8t. }Ph Louts Bayer, 43, ~. sanely and s1and flrmlY on tbe 9 - a.ll of the achOol chDdreD. at least 10 of Edna May Hopkins. ~r; third oakley, Oblo, and C8lUe Alberta -perlencea ot the past, The propo.icl ,the elemeDtu:)' padea. A large account approved. ' ~rw1n, 30, factory worket', Morrow. BigelOW PensIon plaD.le the present'• •tate-wide oommlttee of ' p,-Omlnent j In the matter of Ute guardIanship Earl W, Hall, 25, ml11 w~lker, 1Ildb~st putlUe ~dlf puiIIed, educaton at a. meetlnB held in co- of Margaret Lou1se pauly, mli.or; dletown, ~d Bue~ SnelL 19, .PrankwoUld c06t Ohlo tRx.PB¥eI'S 1311.000';' IluinbUl Octdler 13 endorsed the plan first and flDal account approved. Un. ., , 000 anb~y-twtce what the state __ In the matter ot tlj.e estate ' of Theodore CILln, 21, tactory worker, ; ''Ibe Ohlo Chamber ~ Oommerce. \Borace L- BetUemyre, deoeueQ; ftrat : : : : : ' and He~n Osl:*ne, 21, . " spend:! now," , , . should be. the larpe . t and oldest state.wlde bus_land final aCcount aPPloved. Y burg. { ~ ex~ ~ta 1d every one 1neu QI'IanlIation 1n the state, will ~ the matter of the .£1It.ate of - ' ', of ,the s~te'e .~ co'unUes: Tb1a wou1c! bold 1.4fth,UlD\al convenUon at M. ~, deceased; nrat REAL ES1r&TE TRANSFEKS fulnlah ~ ~t fOr every 1000.farm- Cleveland on' November 16 and 1'1 , and final a.tCOuot approved, . , -1:)omes and tJWI adCutloDal le8der-.Announoa:neDt of the ~ ~ In the matter of the tatate of Lucy CuUOIIQ 00' Edward K. Halaby ' • " r Sh~f) would gnstly help in planning that It will be the most Important Rca Pollen. deceased: ftrat and .in 36 a~ 10 Ha1'1air toWDllblp. taOD. f~rm .' ~ 'from the bottom up. convenUon held 10 twenty Yee:rI al acc:oupt approyed. Albert Aubede ~ Nancy J. AuM ~ abOuld be." , . "The taeb at band.are the tub at. In.tlle mat~ of the ~t.ate of LII- berle to Robe:rt J. Gwesple and'Mar_ Sect,. ~"F8nnera atIll re. home and Ohlo's om jcJb, Is peace lIaD H. 'L'¥Ilum. decealt!d. ftrat l.nd garet 101. 01Ueap1e! lot 12 In ~l1D celve onlY half the Income..Muih1ch .tIme problems of -p'Oduction and UDal ~unt appro~ Roben J, GWespie and Maipret tatelr numbers entitle them. llisuee ' 1nclude the In the , matter of ,Of 101. OlUe&p1e to ·Elba. P. Ooleman.
i.. ~
i.Dt · ~~ble. ~".~r.~ Cot; , Cup~~.rat itcheh :rabt~~ R~keril;Phbii~raphrpllll---.......~ with ' 100' irec~"~ 17ub~ r, . TARVIA+I'IlHIQ TAR AND ' ROAD OIl,.; EXCAVATING D~.h~l, (;oOkio'. Ut~Diil.,~ aad', maD' . D~M~ TR cli SmRVICE . PIT RUN. LOADED aoc YD. article, toe) Dwaer." ,to men-
" : DIl. RAunsow~-"'1bere
~ere ~ ~
~ up 24'percent of the population preaent and set oq'ly 12percent of the tnoome demailda for CO-Opelatlve 1Ded1c11ie and fl.naDdng are belni made' by tazmera....
~e es~t.e
~_ ot l!'.d Bre~er, deceased. first and Ln_ JoLlln Praokl1D.
the oatlon a.nd 1.' UDIIOlvecl UDeII1ployment problem; a. ~ far new markete; InCreuInc ·tamtIon; Wl~ aurpluaee of ap1culture low farm pr1oe8," . , . the .an-
_ land
The .statbwlde campaign JaUDChed DOIlOoemeot!. . by- the Vete1'8ln6 of Porellin Wars 10 -Ohlo 1.0. build up fien);lment aga1n8t 'The Wildlife Reeearch Station at Amencan partlolpation In the Eur- Ohio State muVerslty reportA!d Octo.. opean war .~ ~ officlallY endora.. bar 6 that 0b10 n1mrods should have ed bY,. Qove~ BrIc]ter In a formal good hunttng t.h1s year 10 ,the st:ate procllunatioo d~ng O(:tobClr 1I9 pbeasnt area.. A recent survey BooW to NoveinbCr 4 rJ..; Neutral1ty Week" eel a I8rge 1ncrea&e In pheaaante 10 Ohio, ' to "JDll tbe hena" would be "K11llng ''The'' Vast ~Jority of the cit1-.the rooee thaIt laws the golden ens" .. -l1leIlS of the ~ted States Is ,QDPOeed -111 the report In 6 plea to aave to any foreIgn polley which would en- hIeD8 " • danger our neutrality ' and farce us • loto ~ oIIenaive war on foreign arAl· ' .. All ~ttzens.or"th1a et:ate'are UI'Ied 00 A JI)eCIal taz commlttee of the 'with the VetenLD8 of Pm'etgn 0b10 Senate has IIIarted an Ulves.~'W&J1I (n ,1ta prognm 10 arouse the tlaaUOn 00 ftnd what would be the ... people to a.- deteniJJna.Uon to ftm.tn proba.bie COlt of the Proposed Blge. . at Peace." the Governor' /IBId. ~w old-age 1Jenslon system, w~ , .; " , w1ll come before the · votenr at next month's eeneral elfclton,
but the
. jom
A BeNe of humor .18 the real toWltaln of youth. -
--~~-'...-- - ..;;;.....
1940 Chevrolets Make Th~ir.Bow
'u.w.um, • '
Zain,: .Armitage Phon.. WaJDa.fllle U R il LebaDO~ office 'Pbone t7J-K-
In CDr·WIII · uer ~ 8UDday. ~ In the -eve.. 'lburaday afternoon of Mrs. , I ....... n. _ _ •• ~"ed 0111 ..._ . __ A MIa C"--les Madden in Harveysburg. ' _Ie of Iplrljuo "1 ....... ''''''3 ..... ...... -1 -..-. ....... • ..... "Pr'iOllnbce,LPermUted in iPaul Duke aou&b f# tc!wn. . ' tor the Mr. ClYde Mounte ~ '~ughters Mu.es IldIth and_ Cecil of ~n Dlllmilltu:a In were ~ cueate Sumday of Mr. Mr and Mrs. Jns F. Jaoobe and .........,\'OQt. aDd lira. 4l1en Emrlck. &lid In the son. 'Ollver J8lCObIl: attended the .SUbtbltt':~l!la 0d:JI .,.ue.Uot\.) afternoon' they motor.ild to Washing: fUperol of the former's nephew. Cl\ar Shall tne ,..Ie of .· bee.. ... denned ton C. H. and visited . Mr. and Mrs. les Sidener wWch <took plad! Monthe ::fOdS:C:!O~e:';ll~t:~ b~( h~fd~a~t~ro~ LeOn Salls~ and family. , day at Findlay. Ohio. . the tor "0" permltl In CQrwln Village Mrs- Boward De~:ese left Tuell.. C~A-Ies you'h of 13. met Instant n ..'.... lltt.... lPJoeolbot, Warren County, Ohio, . ..... ,nQ .
the Warpurpoee 'It ~~~,~lr'~~~~~ I'ate ~~~::::. .M.at:I~~I~:re al dollar ot Vtlluatlonl which to t.wentY-live Dente t.or eech one hundreD dolla... ot valuaUon. tor five il~~r~rt~\~~ ~lnp,;~.: yeara 1988-IUO-Utl-1U2.1U.. .!!;;';;.';~L;;u"P~ D T .T be Polil tor aald lElection open Ilt 8:30 A. X . ' and ::ri!~:~~OTI';;.c:)C:t .!id .
lkogt~~~, ~: wtA,:·~ro~~nt~.t Ohio,
. "'~~: 1.:u::,f,sgr::iA: Chr, Dat~d ....,tober 2m!. lU., . . NOTioB OF IaLIIl(lTION TO BE JIIiILD ON .... E -.tl1IItITION OF L_I 0 . . . . . . lale .t Urn
N01'lCIilI. hereby .-Iven at IIlIant to a lIetlt\on tiled BOARD OF ELECTIONS on thewill 'lthbe Oounty, Ohio. t-bere temblOr, 1839, to It vote or the eleolor. Que.Uon) Maule 'l1ownltblp. Warren Count", beer al detl.nf;d Ohio, at Ih. Genoral Eld!lCTION to ot the Gilneral be held at the relJular pi ape or voting by holdora 01 'e" thera1n, on the 7th. dtoy oIf Noy.!lmber, waYna ' Tow 1139, In the dlltrlct designated toll1e low.: Ma.. le Townahlp. Oounty. Ohio. on the question. nated a. 'c;!~OO~ ,PrION ' ran Ohio. IA. Shall the aale ot any Into.lca.tThe polll tor .ala electlon will In. liquor Ibe perln'l~ted III KUllle Open at I:SO o'olock A. K. and remain Town,hlp ProcIDJ1, f:open until 1:10 o'olock P. II. (EaetB. Shall tlho eal'" ot wine . by tbe ern Standard Time) of old dey., packase tor oonlumptloa orr the " )Ireml.el ·where eold. be permitted In BY OlU>i!lR OF THE OF Ma .. le Townahlp Precinct, ELECT10N8 OF Wart'enBOA:RD ' COUNTY, ·C. SI)all the Bale o.r wine tor '.con- OHIO, . .
~ evening
by train to vl81t her deo.th Saturooy night when he WO,.' Franklin at struck. by a hit-skip m~tor1st Willie
op;:e.r.~~~ ~~~IO::I!. ~~'!:I~!:~ein~~~ parenta, Mr. 'and Mrs. open "unUI 8:~0·. 0·clock · p. ¥. (Eait- oate Olty, Va., and wm
motor there lllLIilCTIONS OF Warren COUNTY r 3"" .,. ' , . OHIO, " for the wJCl' end. ~~~: ~u~~f.~~:~k~hr.. , Mrs. ~ Clark's all day guest.5 06-H on Prtday were:"Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Maaon and three chilidren of Great Falls. Mont.. Mr. and Mrs. Lee . MMon or Maaon. Mrll. Adda Burnett Mrs; 'MIldred Surfuce, Mrs. Ina Longacre and daUghter carol ot
Ct lcago Pike near Albon Road .. . The boy's body was carried on the front of the automobile fol' 100 feet be!ore It was dropped m,to the drlve. f lI'n 'l statton, An examination of the body reveal ed that his skull had been fractured IWo mul~le frectures of the body . The coroner said death WII8 In. stantaneous •
return MOD.... th Mr Deweese and friends
tilDe) ot Aid day. da IemBYStandard y ... • ORDER OF :rHE BOA:RD OF t om oa~An who 'w:Ul
I1lUI '
The guilty motorist who wns In. xtcated retw'ned the followlng day d ""---If . d t an jail. gave 'UI."'" uP. an Was sen to This makes the 53rd traffic death in L t .... Is ucas coun y. w, year.
The Tr1-atate club beld ,t·s month- t.yt.1e, ... m-........ ~ ft,t u.._ home .<. Shirley
1t._...u_ -...t.._
Fairley Hardware Store
his father were walking In the
- 'lbe .....ladles &'~-orev........... . toe Perry. churi:b are . · . ' bavtng IUDCb aal'e a.t the.Jesse Hesa , Larger Because of Better Serrice, -, -................ -..e ......... ........,.. , . Quality and Price The W C. SmltIl 1Bm11.Y were call. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bmlth were _ at .1.'_ 1t.or-........ Hunters' SWlda,y Established 1849-1939 -.. ..... -........ among those who. EaljOYed a trIp afternoon. ' through Southern Ohio. Bunday. Waynesville, 0., PhODe sa Mr. and MrII. P, J. 'nlomaa Were The W. C. T. U. met at the home ........_ ...I 1t.I• • _ .... Mm. carl . .. -... ... ... ..... of M.Ia& Mary O. Antram of. near WU Mr. and Mrs. Wm Holland spent and IOn in ~. ...I .....~ last TuesQ y fternoon. Sunday with relatives 1)1 Wllmlngtoll . ...--....... a a 11m. Nancy Pope returned to her Mrs. ElJ& Haines Was Sunda.y dfnMrs. Sarah OSberne spent ,t he past !l1u.tr~tio,. ~ h ,;, w. new' '1 W -': Y"P_ bome at &be Waldo EWotts' Sunday ..... '"'est of b.. -ther-In-law and week with her daughters In na,"nn. Hoah: .::. . .:\ ~ ·.l . , n·lole.cl &1,.r cu..... e... ..... OC"r~ ou lc.tir.: :;.y .. •.... l U. a 8UIllIJlel' v1slt. with her da~ 8latA!r Mr. and)lrs. Horace comp- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb were ~~~!lo,,':,13.n b~n~e~lt~~~ I:r:,~~: ~~-:. ~.:.aeffOC'~rll.~hr. ter, )Irs. JeMe Ro~ ~ family. • ton In New BUrlIngtcm Sunday guests of Lumberton rela_ __ T~n:~~~~ P~~~~~ile ot Iplrlluoul ~.t~d · Ootobe?', 2~d . .lIlI. 06-lt HUT)' oomeu Ia very 1U at b1s Mrs. Nellie Bunnell' spent a few Uvea, f=. IIqu'Orl by the ala .. be lIermlited In . '. home. Word .thIa morning was tba.t dayS laat 'week with her son end The adult class of the M. E K ... le Township' Pre~ct, NOTICIa «* ~ON TO BE "'- - - "wane" but we hope ' that family. Mr. and 1041'S. George Bt.n· c h urch held a. soc Lal In t h e ch-'" E. 8hall at",te liquor Itore. for tlie BJilLO .,N TaB 411DT101ll 011' "OC I U,y, -.le 01 Iplrltuou. IIqLlor by the packLk" O,,'oa, . . . . . . . Beer &be report will be cha.Dced . to "bet- nell and IOn of Centerville on Wednesday evening al'e. tor l'bo consumption ott the ., w'. the ..... ' - ' 3 ' ' . premlac, w'h r'r l' ~ 1,1. 1;0 pet'tnlur d iii NOTIO~ hi berebJ( JlIVe!l .. _ goes on. LltUe AlIen oarey of near carey_ Mr. and Mrs. Robert PJckeral of J4allle Tdwnshlp Precinct, ~~~~o JFP~N1~ro~r- Of KJ:. and ~. Rolla Bolton return_ town spent put of Bunda.y with his Lewrenceburg. Ind., were recent 8A.,1!l Ol' DE1~ Count)', OhIo, on the. lit day ed the .former's sister. Mrs. susan a~t M'n Everett lia.lnes and ram- gUESts of Mr. and Mrs. Bloch . (Submlttel) Ila a 8 L>aTate QuoIUon) temller, US~. tbere will be 1t.I_ .... _ to ..- b in ..-, S ....... I ,,- Shai. 't h" a,.le of b~ef" 1\8 deClnrd !9 a vote or the elfQtor. .. oIf - - - - . - - ome •• ..r u _ ny. . Mrs, JOhn O·Donnell·of Cleveland In section '!l:I- U or Ibt Oeneral "'l4ya_"IlI.Yllla.ge, · W~~County, arut caUed on the Sbermau JIU'YeJ ."'-t attended spent the week end with her parents Code' be I>elr, lllltl.d 1. :I boltreu of ""., Ohio. at the General .....-....ION to - . . . . .of . . our . . . . .me-"-s ...,. 01' "0" p':,,'nl ill ,In M .,B.. le 1.'own~tp Il hehl at the re.ular piece of vutlnlr famll1 In CbrIat1aDllburg whlbl In The New Burllng~ Friends Church Mr· and Mrs Frank Kyne. PHcl~ct. '" ar~.n Count y. Ohio. ~;~D 0JiJb:l:t~C{'!'~:.~::.~=,b~ VScInlty. . Sunday to bear Le6llle Sha.e1fer. a and Herb Holland of I B~ H.rr~ Eldrld•• , Jr, The poll, for u -d (l('clloD toll".: Wayn ..vllle VIII..... Wal'- Mr. and lira I'*ul Mari:e. newlyber or ...... _ PII1ends Service Dayton vislted her parents on Sun open at 6 :30 o'clOClt A. K. and ren Couaty. Oblo. Pr.clnct. :Hortt> • . mem ...... open until fi :;IO o'clock .P K. n4 South, _ tile queltloDI d. .ll'~twho We JD&ldnc their home in Commlttee day. , --ern Standard ~~ Bala lIay. e4 . . tOllo~~AL . callecl OIl the Rolli. BoIAbout sO De1ghbors and friends Mrs. John Kreitzer Is ' spending BY ORn~n Ol" TItE t-be .ele ~ evenJDg. Mrs. Marice fjIilthered ~ tile home ' .of Raleigh this week at the home of her parents -~ ruJfJ,TION OF was the former Lola ,Anderalll from Bogan Oct. 5 tcrftmlnd h1m of his near Centervllle. Ohio is placed opens on Octcberd :vo ' due to harvestlnp soy beans there . \'~it~iLl':.~ft)~~~k~br. who ~~ . at the b~d.\lY~ PoJJC9l'l:l. apple.>, and Bom last week at Hartlnger .h06.. Next Monday, October 23. at 7 :00 will be no huntlng allowed in Wood ated October. 2nd.. lU'. BolkID bame. . candy were:.enJo1ed by aU. pita} a son to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest bo. m. the duck shooting will o1flclally county unW November 15. That o. J . At. t.be aer.o DleetlJIc .at MrII. Ella Balnes .e ntertalned Mr. Camden of near Bellbrook, ('pen in Ohio•• The zone In which Imeans a .l ot of local boys are iJoang Perr1 .lMt. Th~ foUia were and Mrs. John , Oo.upton of N. Mrs. LIzzIe Weso and n Leo mav· Chlo Is placed opens on October 22 . w1lI mean two opening daYB for the n~:~!'~~~:~I&ieItaIDed bJ tbe IlocIrbe1l... RIn8en durinlr the day Priday. They stayed led to the Bims property vecated by but the date fall on Bunda.y when Ito go elsewhere for opening day-it 'b who are a II'OUP of · IlOvely I1ngera all nIgbt Pr1day J1Ittht with Luther MInnie Haines on WednesdaY' 110 huntlng Is allowed In this state. · lUCky ones. aaauUWI., mualcl.na. It .,.. a grand en· Ha.lnes GIld· famIlY. Mrs. Margaret Barley and sons l,l\k!' Erie shore lines are by far the 'Thls :column will be glad to -"PM a.,lrlt.,ou.. 1~rqent. fI'om .u~. ,TbIa Mr and lira. JIlIu'I Sheets who are of Dayton vlslted her parents Mr. best duck shooting territory but are all information on bag llm1ts and ~~,~:~!::~;:~~ ~,~~It~:~ dIdn·t pt to JOo About 160 ho~ on a furlouah at th~ home or jand Mm. p, p, Weller over the week pJI1()t1cally an In clUb or' private openlJfg dates for huntlni aeasoll8 ie-ijanR.iii7.n{;I~114"'·I~~I80l!Ut..! .hecillctlpeople wen ~. his parenta. spent I9atul'da3' ~ ~nd. hoilds. Don·t figure on hunting ljiler to anyone in doubt. Drop us a lIDe. and 8UndB.Y with Mrs. Sheets Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Sims en~rw ithout payiJ;llf plenty for the prlvi_ ~l., " 1 mother at Fort Kno~. Kent~ky. ta1ned the followlng relatives ~n Bun lege •. There Is some. good hunting on A big crowd of members and - ~'. U Luther Ha1nes .U1d. famny Mr. «talL *- ~ ~...Qba.s~Dnderw lands-ln.:a.nd· around Sandusky 'Bay friends turned 'OUt tor la!!t, Tbursday and Mft. Raleigh Bc8an. Mal1lyn Mr. and lIlrs, WlIlter Underwood. of The next bes~ bets from here are night's meeting of ,t he W~ cOw _ Sue 8m1t.h. .BonnIe! MWer and DOr- Waynesville. and Mr. ,and Mrs, Toner ' Celina and Lora.lme .Reservolrs. In· ty F1sh and Game Assn. MQlt Impor,III'. aDd B.·TCI[nIMie.pent othy O»y were Bunday dlriner guests Underwood. i 4Lan Lake. smaller ponds, Big and ant business WII8 the adopUo.n of· a hal i2ae . . . . . w1&b reII.tt'niiI til · CIn,. of Mary- and Ralph Antram of near AlIce Sims. Kate ~gle. Grace Bor_ \ lttLe Mia.ml rivers. U going up· to long range game conservation and ::'~C)~."::II~~:;!t bO: b!':era '~" ", . . . W~n. ton. Nettle Fulkerson. Ruth Bting- L ')ramle be sure and 1nqulre 8ince a propagation prognun. That· p~ Wa,peavllie vu- IIr aDd TlW'le JoDea In ' honor of Mr. and Mrs. .fohn ley. Helen Hood. Lucille COmpton. portion 'of that lake' was r.lA'led for will be.found elsewhere in ,t.hIa paper an4 W..yn......le - ' , llna Goldie Krei"-- nd ....- Vande......" South. .WarreD D&rton nat.cn PrktaY. Compton of . Ashvtue, N. oaro . .Ia<l' . a .... 0. " - ' \hunting laat week by the Ohio Con- A report was made by the fair 1CODl---,;.-. . lira AliCe Clartt and Mrs. Lena Re.1eIgb Bogan ani! tunIlY enter_ attended O. E. S. Inltation and Iservation COuncll ' All reports point mlttee. and prlze~ t1warded to the - II*lt Wed.....w.y In DaykJD:. t.alned the following guests to dln- friendship soclalln Mason on Jrrlday to a better du,* season than usual. following: flrst-Herman 8p1nlt, ~ .... 'in Springfield ner laat: ~ ev.en,tnr. Mr. and night. . Be sure te buY tbat duck stam !or rra nkHn; eecond;....,John' Roman. Leb 1lU1Ib!_ IIDDday i.ttemoon and Mrs. John OOtrIptot!i of AShvWe. N. C The Merry Wives club was enter- your hunting lIceMe: TheYal'I: Oil . thlrd - PloYd Young. Green. Mr. end Mrs. H.ora;Ce Compton, Mrs: .ta1ned by MrII. aeo. WOOd and Mrs, sale at any U. S. tpo8t omre. Also field; tourth-Omer Pyle. Lebanoo; i ~ ~ lIoaI'e of ,~~, Haines. Mr. WlWam. Compton Gaddis at the home ot;Mm. Wood In be sure Ito get your huntlllg Ilcnns;: firth-Henry reven'r. Lebanon. Ada 'week eDd IlII!8t. 01 her &UDt. and Mary LouIse Jones, In the eve- Dayton on Friday. Members pteleDt from one of the merchant~ , IUlY dltlon8.l prize!- were received by Obai . aAUa or BBBa J. B, JcJIlea and 1'amllj. ~ t1Ing • number of' .other reJaUvas from he~ were Nell Petersqn, Kate place In Warren County, v.ho "re Rl"bltzer, Waynervllle ; E. M. Gna. (8::W~~ ~l: ,~pant' Q~IIllI~I01'll . , 06-~t ur.. aDd lira. ~ BInder eepnt ClBID6 to tile ~g&II~ home to spend Eagle Bertha Hartsocn . Anna Krog. cooPeratJng with local sportsmen by Lebanon; L. Brenner. Posters; Jay tn 8ec:tlon ' ull-n . ~ ~.. ~ ' W1&b" It.t&er'a parents. the evening· Grace Borton. Lena Badgley and turnmg allllcense fees Into a fund to Albertson. Leb~non, Jaa. Baysore. '. ~~~}?~=~tt.:tHII. I'V.'v.lb~ . ~.O"":-"""""~~ 111'_ Ud If:N. Keller Qftham, . Mrs. Blanche Fixx, promote better local hunting ami Milson; M. Kautenoock. Greenfield: le.e 'P r at, W,,,,,,en L:O'UDlJT. p~. a.tiNI from bin etW1ded, a aupMr. and Mrs. P , Bt, J~, Betty fishing. L. Whitacre. Lebanon; Ben Blaclt.. 'tbe for ' . .14 ' eJeotioll " ~e ... aDd ul'eDtertaiDIDent at SPiiDr.All'~nder, Oeraldl~ and Dona~d Just a word about pheasants, p,u'- burn, LeOOnon: C. P, Beck. Prantl1n !)pen at 1:10.:ao Q'o1~ A, K.P.tom!' - , ~Le Cou.pton. Mrs. ,'Laurens and chi- tridge.9 ,..... a nd .f fibblts; the open daLe:; Perry Coates, Lebanon; Ray Role. 'OpeD lilltll 0 clock K. -......... :-.--r., _''''~. "'ven '"3 WI ern Standard Time) ot -.14 d&7. ~ Of,the ~urch, , ' -rr..m and ~. Belle Anderson, Jennie In November are as follpW6 . starting Loveland; Sam Steddon. Lebanon; BY ORDBit Opl ' 'J'H1II :V&lmzT'y .aDd . . . Dlwant Patton ~ Mr. and Mrs, WlIlson ~d chUdren St. John of Xenia motored 'to the lot noon November 8; 9, 10j 11; 15. 16 Jas. Robbin. Lebanon; C. E. Foster• . ELlDCTION8 OF Warren ~m~~~~i~~{~~] Ralph BaldWin 01 of Pataakala &pent the- week end hQme of Rev. ~mpson and famUy 17.18; 22. 23.24. 25; 29.30. The rab- Franklin; W. W. Shurte. Jr.. 8oU~ 'OIlJO, c~.J. Wan...... Chi'. ''''~IJi ' ~q, were .. . a. .......... ·.,teiDoon . With Mr. 'and Mrs. Mear . Ie Terry. on s~., day and spent the .da.,Y. bit seB8On"1S open duril14!' . • Lebanon; Roland Bnlder Lebanon • ,'~-Th Re be th MaIn CO . . ,. V, 'D. Ri'J_ell, Clerk.' Date4 rOet~, td4. Kra. Belle Scott aDd famlly '14nI. Allee Gray 'Of Wellman •. who e mem r e e un. cember, The above dates apply to The organization's )lext m~ti~ i'OTICill OII"lIL8CI'lolII '1'0 _ aDd MIa. JobD Myers and bas been quite ill bas gone to ' the cU No. 85 and Walter COpsey Coun.. IIlI of the state except Wood county will <be held early In November be.....0 ON '1J'BIIl 411ID8'1'ION .... CIauIb- ' ~. ~ were . ~, home of her 'dau~~ter'. in Pnmklir'l. ell No. 89 entel'ltalned In their half The Wood 00 .• Game ASsn. has ad_ cause o~ tlte hunting season BtaI'tlD8' . a - l ~ oil ...., " "". . ., IfteiIbGon lUMbI 'of 111'. Uld.K5 Mr. and Mrs. RObert ~rd and on Thursday evening- with a supper vised the CoMervation Dept. that on the 8th. NOTIOJII I. , berebl' .I.... n thet purchUdren; Of~ ' ~g, 'Were sun. nnd. soci.a l Ume honoring . Mr. and • ~~:t10 tll1a\I=-~1.dor"'I:...~~: ~~~~~~~~;:r;~~~e~ Bcbb Oipm!m fell -.at Wed'!' da,-.dIlera at the I liome. . Mrs. Frank Hiett. ~~~~~'!!!!!"'!"'!!"'!"'!!"'!"'!~I!!!!!'!!"'!"'!!"'!"'!~!"'!"'!!"'!"'!!"'!"'!!"'!"'!!"'!"'!!"'!"'!'!!!!.!'!!!!"'!"'!!"'!"'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~ County:, Ohio, on the -Jlt. day ot 8eP...__ .. OIl .... - bne=-. . . . . and Mr•' and ·Mrs.~:aI," Qnd ·Jordan tell'libel", I.U,' there wIll bl, .ubmlttecl _.. .......' ". STATEMENT .. U , to a ,v ote , ot thi! illaQtoI'l OIC lal4 prelllll•••• b ,-ta -'b;1&.Iak.en and fe.D1Uy, of .. ' . ~, were visWaJne . TownahlP Wa~ell COllllty, ,. OblUm • l•
============= -:= =-===========-==
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x.aer on..un.
Phone Your Want A ....
'.tIactuiect _.hip.
ot I'~ tbe ~ VaUe7. boIIplt.al !tora of ,t he J'orda, w,ntlY, '::====;=~;=~~=~;;==~;= GU'eDIIf,ob. bus DQ. ' . ,.
• T
. ..
Statement of ownel'6hip and man_ ~# ' Th Miami rs-._-tte .... - ==-::VI e ---p....- l1shed at WayDeavwe; Ohio. 118 re~ by the Act of CODgreaa August WIll '~ ~_ :.. .: .(. ". .,'. 24. 1912. and March 3, ~933. TelP of l't. WQII8, Iud.:' Ml'., 1IDd 'Mrs. . ~ Publlaher. Flora M. ~e. ~. ~ . - OC"..r, W and ,~ werJl 8uDda.7 guestaof M&naaer ~d editor. Flora M. ~ 'tmd "h'-' Surface Crane. ./ . ~ ••111'. ~ 'J..:':..: BeD " .,' "7." ......... _- BrendtJen & Kluge Inc ,.....: IUld• •__ JaiDIIi .~ -.uo
III'IWJ Baniet ..,.at Pl1dt:r Mr.' and Mrs. · I ' . 8atris were with .., ~ ;;t.trteDds. at tiae gueste Priday. a.nd,·sat~ of Mr. baDe ~ '"", ;Jo8 KenJe1 Dear ~ aDd lin. lI:l'Wood ' - enilrweth in D~i'
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To The Miami Gazett. - - - - - --
Laughil!g Around dIe World With
nivlN S. COBB
. .
Bondho!.ders and other security bOJ,4em, none. , Bw~ to and sub&crlbed befare me t~ 13th day ·of October. 1939.
~NOtip ~,Hart.soc!', Public. ••
Assigning G. B. S. to His ·Peace By IRVIN s. conB
Geor~ Bernard Shaw. as a young man. ~ ..... ~ W HEN native Irelur.d and mo\'ed to En/{Iand he beaan. W1'it.tDa' • eoIuita·· for a London w.e ekJy puhli.:ntion.
Then, as now, he bad
tie ~ tI
Mon or ue-ibel
~~ ---_ .. - .... ~~~B~~ \ Ch~!che. \ ~~N~ :I~ men RE UP
- - - - and YO\111l read THE AJIER. end with 1"8IatIYeS In Delaware. --------8T. MAY'S EPISCOPAL ' ~tI lOAN BOY Mapa1De every month li4r: and·M?. 'l:rOlJlBr Dt:atherage ,........:..-. ,' . and CoMtder it. more aa a Uv1n1 CHUROH of Olnclnnati '~,ted Mm. 0. ' H, ton were dinner peets of Dr. An 8 per cent Inc::reaae In 'Sales for companion than as a ma~, Rev. R. L. llaekwell. R«&or De6~ 'I11Ul'i1day. . Mrs. A. E; Stout.. TUeada.Y eveninc, the .tenth four-week period . . . ' aJl,o ShleJd El[per~ Here 'Apln "n's as much a buddy to me aa ~ Mr. end ~. Ernest Kinney of J;luubced by offlclala of The KrqJer • '. E. , I, MEINHARDt wtaeb' kn01:"D My nelIhborhood chUDi" writes one 20TH, SUNDAY APTER ' 'mINlTY MlIas Myra ROOerta. Rev. &ad MnI, otorIre OUver Grocery aDd BaItlnI company. ' . pOR colt. £Sperl ar Chlcap. wiD pencmaIIJ be hlgh eebool eeruor. "TBB AIoIER. '1 :30 a. ni, HoI,}' commuruon. Sunday ~. ' 'eon. 'nnney. of P~W'i, 0.. : 8a1ea fot the perlod. ending Oct. 'I, ~ worker. Al.m two .two-year old 1.11 Da,t.oD. Ohio, a' Ute M~ BOo lOAN BOY aeema to Understand a 10 a. m . Junior Church School. Mr. and Mrs. J. •• ,Z, H~ a~ were dinner KQe8Ia of Dr. and Mrs. were tI9.012• • coml)llied with tenth colta. Harold GUlam. B. B. 3. near l 1. Tues~ only, Oot. 24th. from boy'~ problema and CODIIlder8 them 11 a. m , Morning Pre.yer and ser- daughter Helen, '(J.f WIlm1ngtCOn. ~ A. E. Stout, ThU11!lday .evenlni· period _ _ last Yeal' 0( f18.119,48:1. Barve)'lbUl'l'. . ' 828-06-1r. ·1.0. A. M. ~ 4 P. M. and 6 ,1': M. to In such. a aflDP!'tbetlc aDd helpful mon, , ed ,o n Mrs. L«\Il8. JEIartsock, TUe8da1.\ • • - - • cumulatiVe 'aalea 'for the first te,n DONALD BAILEY. AuQUooeer, II 'P. M. W0ll1. It atvea advlce and enterta1J1- TUESDAY .. Mn9. ~ ~taocIt aceompan1ed Mr., and Mrs.. BI.II!I8B1 PriI.nIt enter_ pertods ot !9H were fUI3,Ho.a88, an eomple~ auction eeh1ce, Oiule~ Mr. l\tElNRARDI ~: The Mein- Ing readlni on every lubJect In .d l) P. m. Nursery Church s.:h{Xj. Mrs. _ ~ iIolnd ~ Cook..to t&.Ined a ifOUP of trlenda at tbe1i ~ of , ,per cent: OVt!r ,ttioae f~ Bank BI\Jir, Wl1m.Ingt.o ' Pbo barcH Shield Is a. tremendpus whlch a yOUDI fellow Ia Interested, P. m. Primary Ohurch school the Peace Conferenoe'Friaa.y evenlDi home SUnday If\l88tIi COlnIpolld1llr laat year of 22112. ' , ,n, 828: I , ))l;o\'ement.-w~ll knoWn for produc- It J.s particularly helpful In !!pOrta. FRIDAY " Mrs. !rverett lJIar\Iey ' aDd daugh- were 'Mr. BDd Mrs. RWIIell HD1l1day. '1'lIUI06,235. " lug ImmcdlMe results. It closes the I ,made oUr school basketball team . .. p. m. BoYS ClUb. ter, end ~. Andrew Shawban and Dr. and' Mia. A. B. Stout. Mr, Avenp number of atori8ln opera. Have moved and reopened aawOpcnhlg iu 10 dn.ys on the average because of play1ns tiPS I read In '1 :30 P, m . Gid's Friendly GrouP. daughter of o~vWe visited Miss MnI. M. A, FUlItenoo, and Mr. UOn dll1'1nathe tenth period WIU 3910 mlll at Perry. Sawing -.1,00 per hun-,J'egardle~ of size or location of THE AMElUCAN B<>Y Freda Harvey ~i!sda3. Mrs. L. A. a.rat. a demue' of :I per Cent ' from ,.the dred. LoIs bauled and lumber deftupture and no matter ~'lOw hard Many famous athletes In aU METHODIST CHURCB Dr. Emily WHght. of ~PI'ln8bOro ' _. , - s'tares In' operatlon durina the llvered. Phone .Centervllie 72Pi. you work. or stra.ln. It Is wateJtroof sporta c:red1t much of their aucceaa Louis C. BacIIe,.. PMtor Mrs. Oharles Blinn of GlendaJ.e A 0 Toml.In8on 1938 tenth per1Od. Perry J, Tholha.a, WayDesvllle. B. ,I. IUld has no leg stro.ps or cumber- to helpful auggeationa l'ecelved were dinner gUests at the Home, ' .:_....: was InJured. , 05-12-19 y Th some arran....nenta. (NO .... _ry . or from .....;... UttcIea carrted In THB Sunday. ~ I ...------r----------, when be fell from a ' tree D, "' .....~ _.... " on his 8011' farm wlill --. S I nject.lon Treatments u;ed) Mr AMERICAN BOY Nagazlne, Vlrtu· Ohuroh Sohool 9:30 a m Th«e Dr. and Mft; ' KeJser, or the Home 5" e ,",vB ALE-Three year old Buck. M Inlw'dlhss 'been oom1ng h8!'e fo; all,y every laisue offers advice from a was a fine ' attAmdalre iast'Sunday for PeebIe W¥ed. CQlumbua;::' J:Ie. aevere oota and MICKIE £rnefIt Butterworth. 012·1915 years. ' famous coach or player. Football, tor RallY Day and a 800cl RaU,y oay were dinner guests of M18aets Annie on ,ht8 face and bead. He POB 8AL;E - Boar$ and ·OUta. ' 1W~ES ,AA~ 'REO. Cnutlon : If neglected- Rupture basketball, track. tenru", In fact offering. A fine 'Pllleant WlUi pre.. and Mame ~e, and fl'mnces and was taken to t.hit hoeplt&L but was . Both · blaclit ~ . llpatted Poland mny muse weakness. backache, con. every m&Jor sport Is covored In flc- JiO,l'ed and presentAl(! by a oommltLet: Adeline Alden. Sunday. released after trea.tmeIl~. HIs coDdl.. VIOt-Er9 ARE B\"u~. clilna. Immune, 0hllrles HarCll1leyer &W pat.\on. nervousness. stomach tlon and fact articlee. headed by Mrs. Ralph Hastfugs, In Ml.sBes Annie U. & Mame T. Browne t.ionvat present Is ~ to be 1mAt-lO SO A~e. \vE, 012·19 pa ins etc .. or s udden death from Teechera, librarians, _paren~ and which the entire liChool .........t>A be- Mrs, Lena Hartsook, nod Mrs C _ pro ed. ' • • • • • \,)I~EI-l ~U 00""'- RENEW/ POR 8ALE-2 Duroc spring boars strnngulatlon. leaders of boys clubs also recom· tore the ChrlBtlan fiag, and pledged men orene V1s1t~ Mary c arolyn . • aDd one yearWlg Duroc. priced re~ Men baving large Ruptures which mend THE AMERIOAN BOY en.. new alleglance .to Jesua auist. Tbe Lukens, Anna !pulse HooJc.. Martha The home of E. AI. ~ser, of 8OIl&ble. MorrIa Brown. 'SprIng J11love r eturned atter Surglca.l Oper- thualaatically. They have fouild new Chrilt1an ftag uaed _ made Calvert, and kene Perkhlsel', at Ola.re RIdge PaI'k na,ton. was the ' I~' Valley, Ohio B. R.I. , Ol~-ll1 a tlons or Injection Treat:nents are that. aa a leneral J'ule regular read- by MrB. Hast.lng& Pel'bapa in. EBr.lha.m Rlcrun;ODd, ,I nd .• scene of a bappy Sunday a lSo Invited. When a.n dthers fall- era of THE AMERIOAN BOY ad· d1vidual or c1Ua 'WOUld ute to fur_ WedneedaY. . when the ~wm. ~vlWe ~~, \" See MEIN1~Dl He wt11 be pleased vance more rapldly and develop nJab.a standard-for the ftag that lin. Margareltl& Heacock. MIas pepple enjoyed. picnic dinner there ~'\'. ~ The trouble with Committees 18 to demonatrate to you privately with more worthwh1Je charscterlsttca m.tght be kept on permanent d1SpI&.y Pred&. Harvey. alild II41aa R~ Burge Mr. end. Mrs: ~er, Hoak. an9 tam_ \ t~ . that ' they are alwan . woDderlni out charge. (Only men 1nvited.) than do bo18 who do DOt reacl U.. , Worship service 10:40 •. m. attell4led ~ ~l:end'8 Pfl8ce Conf~ Uy. Roscoe Pumu. 111'. and IIrs. J. ~~ t wbat otbers will tli1nlt; they seem White only. Trained writer. and arttata. fam- Ject: "God's ALL EnQomIJUlllD8 I!DOIl W1lmir1gtoo college, su.ur. Q . Goba. Mr. ' JIUd un. ~ohn ,Ooa.s to bave 11lIht confidence In their ous coaches aDd athletes. explorers. , Love" day; , and cia.." . . ~ ~ Hen. own Judp1ent. acJentJata and men suc:eeufU] tD Ep~h League Monday evenlD& M'ra. HoNce , Terry. M11!I. ' James deraoIi, ~ ~«, ~, Prea bus1Deaa and industrY 10tD with an at. 7 o'clock, 'I11ere waa a fine attend Rice. Mrs. B. I; W11l1ams, 1UId 1IJ'a. GoDa. 'and cb1ldren. ~ 1IArIUe~ I ' . Handiness J.s tfie !lie reason tor the experienced ltaff to proc1uce In TID ance Jut Monday evening. AU young Jack W1l1J&ma and ch1idren. of Day aDd Robert, loin. w-rtha ~QUIh. ~ st.orea' suoceaa. ,. AMERIOAN BOY, the .eon of read- people are invitAld. ton; called on M,rs. J. W . Anderton. KenDIIfel Houarh and IDn, end Mias IDg matter boys lib belt. The 19H 'School of ReUglon of the TU •. eeday af~1OOQ. llaJ'eelene Pet.eriI. • 'til . 'J"HK AMERlOAN BOY Iella on na.yton Dlatrtct ot the · KetbOcUIt 2 mC'" ne. .tanda · at lIio a copy Ohurdl, wt11 be held In Grace' oburcb ,A '!be ~ are doIq
~ . v~ted
' ,- - - · -
8ALE-~ur-year ol~
Mrs: ~
~ ~~",.,
ri.-S:lt .• Thrill Niles 'W INTER CARNIVAL'" Ann Sheridan Richard Carl.on
Starts iSunday
~I)' _'-·'00 prices are tUO foe -oe year or p.~ tor three yean. Foreign rates IIOc a year extri~ To subscribe a1mply send your name, address and remittance cUrect ' to THE AMERiCAN BOY, 7430 Second Blvd.. Detroit. 141chlpn. ,
Ina lectures will be 60
LETHAL GAS DANGER ~r The advent of br1IIt fall weather broulht . :WarnlnI ~t the evel'preMnt danawB of carbon monoxide
for dN1la.
toda.y lJOIn the PUblIc Health
~tlOn .C(lmmittee of the 0b10
Med~ AModatlOn.
ClllU8T W. C. 8mJ&b. IIbWIer
Wb.erever a fuel
but., 0bJ'I8t,
DO , ~
motor:rom '
...,.,., ..-... ... rettJ bUa)'u.. II7I1IIr to· are ----.... ""'....... po........... u ~t..e ,&Ilo~er pUz fill ~......... abould more ~IY be called
'oX}'• '-raJ maner, . gen starvatiOb. because it k1Us by The lell. U,teaM tw aIIoot 1ft depdvtna the blood of the oxygen oan to tM ~rapplD' pak~dI~\ wh1eh 18 needed to sustain llfe .. '~:.4(D.hIa , "" 10 _ • e ~ to, oat. . . . . . . "'l11ls litWer lurka everywhere at tf!D8 ,the la~ 1f&1W ,_ ~ :this,Ume of year." the med1cal com_ , apo~ JlIm OD ~ 'ft7 ~ ... = I-mtttee warned "The old ad Ie about Jr.eeping doora YoW" cUvo~ fllIl"tIM .... with motoru J'UDIllng, plenty or freeb .,:t:;~p?-~Jt-~ air In aut.muJblles. 'good llues on
r~ . . .,. . . . . ""-.. ~
. .!I#.i '1t1ier• rw-,ded~ ..,..,." ~::."'" ~ otW. u . Jlzztst-e-" lila .. -
''',os and ,' and adequate cI.reul6t.1on In rooms heated
by , gas'
w .w. 'or other ~:uners cannot be repea.tAld
too oftAm,
"':j OE~
A.mft,h:.-u " oW • •ltMW:-. I... \
, Oi~lIlwldtJ,-aIUb--belcH , Tbe Mens t.hell' monthly IMetlnir Wednea-
wltll: Rev. II.oore ",
~~odJat : .........er for The
Women'~ CIvic ~e
aa ' met at
, ~10'8. G . II. MacDonald, ?~_ ..... _ . evenlng~. ,AIJ thla waa
....... tor el tlon 01 oJrJceI'll the entb'e m~ NIl ' _____' -. . 1, ~ to ~, buaaax>OUU. Ala. P8.Ye Kelley ViM re-elected prestd"nt. fte re~ offJcer8 served rel!ft8hment4 The next meettne wDl bel;';" the hcXne of Mla a.rtee ~ 'No~r 11th ' Mr. and Mrit. Ed B. Dakin' Vf!l'1 ' ..I ' ~t:"'" SUNDAY , ....easntl1 eo:::Jl~ .. I!IJ1i\U group 9 :30 a. m Bible School of frJeDda 0Il'81Ijnda.Y e~ In eele 10'15 a ~ Lord's bn.ttoo ~ the JIlr,tt ntnth lUUlI.¥er. ,: • . . . . , of tb* ~ -.... , Tboee in at11:00 a . m. sermon. t.e.......:~- ~ . and' U ' _ ......._ ..1 PRIDAY , , ....-......~ .. ca"" • ~a.. va... til ' Per8onal .~.....t,,;,,, T. Smart, Mr, Mrs B, C 1IWt· ' ev_..___ clMa '1:3<> p:m ~. IO'.'and 'lI!~: B~ G~ POl' worahIp laat Blmday mol'niDS 111'. and MIa. d~ae Levlcy Mr ,and u:!6 = t . let do II1'II: TOm 0.' G, . , dalJ. Belenl RandIIll, Mi'a. Sadie : RA!uIOD and Welc:h, OOQ,. MT. HOLLY M. E. ,OHUBCB antwa~cma, ana,',,~ wtah«t ~or T. M. Searlf, .......&er many t.ppy , re~ 'ot, t.helr ~«:lInI ~V~raary were extended b1 Bunday School 9''''' a' R1 E. A !Ill ~ pfese4~. Dellolous rekellh."" . , , menta were &eI'Wcl Earnhart. Supt. . ' . . . ~,' Evening sena '1:30. ~ GI'8(le ~ waa h08tesa to Prayer meetlnl Wec:lneada)' eve- ~~ TURev~ _~.~' her . DIng '1:30 " . oon. After A welconie await. yOU at theM a IIohQrt ~~l( aeeaJon. "Ghrlat in~ services waa,revieWed by lira, • OUVe Bunt. T.J,ie atmy deals with
' Mr.. "'* werc~ M¥;'9Jla
'*"!'IJ _ ......
',' .' EpJiblpal Church the 'lWeaIna'
the home
Saturday; at
~118' ja' t.o >' I!e We1cIi '
~~ '~: ~.:r....,.
.~ ~ .~,_ _ ...
~~~~=edState the 001''"''''-. '
-'"'- -----
Mr, Ed B. DuJtln of the fInD of WeIch end Dakln baa BOld b1a In· lias Jio tereat8 In th&.;'C~ to Mr Tc"m
'11le Olwrdl 01 Chr1at
rfcx""~ PIlle between Ohio
Bf.u~, no name but the DIV~, and believes in aeparat.Jne yoqnetf ftom or ,, ' ," i wD:.t het.tI.nI ftIUne blima, there ja the the worid Invitee )'OIl to come ' ap.d ~u~ of poIIsonIDa or death attend 1ta aerW:e8. calW ., • ...,... _~ tbla lethal pa, the CCIIDDl1ttee . B1ble 8cIwol SuDday 9:30 a.m. \ uJd .AI he WIll~":I. IdtW Chrlat.IaD Endeavor '1'00 th ..... wife, he 1W4:_ of p.~ declared. Its toU rlaea _ft"'~_ P. m. • dlV0!'e8. .Be ~ aD anoha:.! ~' ever year about this time as •• ~........... 7.30 P. m. , 'with th,Jala~ for abGi{. ' ; cold auto motors are warmed up In Bapt1am&l ,eervlce 8:46 !p. m. tin Ole ifternoca the ,... .,.,. garages car WIndowa i.re cloIIed There were two addtt.Jcma ' by t.he ,. , ' .......... cont-'-- laat S..~... and gas, coal. or WOOd tnuiners are ........ , , - " , .........y evenlng , atAu'tedto d1apel the chill. Prayer ' m~ W~y '1:30 pm ' "ClarIfbn mon0xid8 Is an odor'- ' , .' colorl.. taiteleall I8:B Pioctuced by : 1ncOinpiete cornl>uat.Jon," the state, FBIlRJ' CHV~CB OF CBIll8T \ • , ment from the state ,J4edICal .AIIIOW. C SaUb.......Ier "'!D ... Cot tJaere be 1rU ..-..a II; dation's committee ald. : :ItB e1recta , . - ' ' aD~room '*:au •• '~- b t th . .',
See ,the
Jobs beIIIt aeem ,to <be hav1J)r" Very rood time. ,
Hte OII.r a' 'aali./actory S~ft)ice a(
alttima ,
McClu.r e f'uneral Home" WapenlUe -
===~~~:~~~~~~;i;; .~~o~t~~~:~~~,~~~-~~~~~~~~~~;~~~;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~;~~~~~;;]::;~;:::;~.~. cent.: an ev,enme entert:alnlpent
H. _~OroUl
9 o·clock.. Each &e8Iion Will ll1;ery dfaboneat man' was once with & lecture 'by eome Ladlee of the BapUst MlssJoaar1 holle8t, llDtU temptation lOt UJe apeaker. Iq. Merton RIce of Detroit eoclety. w1J1 holcll Ii} aU day meet.. better 'of ' h1m, wt11 be the apeater for October 23rc1 lnI ' on Wedneeltay at the bIJme of - -......- Bleb' coureea covering a wide ~ J4rII. A : S. ~. The ~ 111 The Pallw'e to. mt.Jcllle our jildlPDent of aubjectlr of 8pec1a1 Interest. w NoodA A cove~ tUab &nil your tII!i9I J.s the oba~e that bloeIita the prO-
WMnON ~ . .-'
Oa&'ton on alx Moada.y nJahta, be~ lIonday Oct. 23rd. ' to Nov, :nth. The 8M!IIons wID be from 'I
the of that elaII8 of UTICA U. B. OIIt1BVR I&Al.lana usti.uy htetted to .. ''wops Bevia A. DIU, . . . . ••.. 'IIhe bOok la ~ written, I . • brutal and eI~imta.l, but IJ(JI'tn.vI Bunday. Qcb)ber 22 the home and t~ ur.e of 9:3~ a. m· --8111ld&y acbaQL LeIl1e ,men w~. ride ~ at oUr GonIUch. Supt. , lIMIt eteel bull • and, UIIii red 10:30 a. m.-KorniDC worablp.· ,hot rtvet:. tbat ' ~lt' ~ : toIetber '1:00 p. m.-au1atlan Ii:nde.YOI'. as ItoryU'pori ,s _ Is plied upward Come and JoIn In 'the ' dIIcuia1an of to ~ betgbttll -In .~ boIne they11:, evenJDIr. 'A c:ordIIIl lDY1~UDoIa are Idnd 10Ykli' ~ '~PfOud. of e.IIh extended to a.I1 to come Uld IIhan 01, cbUdreii Wbo' In the ~P of God, , WIth the" wife . PrIIIe ~ famOJ. ; ' and, when a b ' .' and , 'lbe ce of .peace at home comes two or three . ' are ' ~teI'ed\ high. but It'. better than miplJ1l PIe' &;;ttUul ~ bit tbcae left &4ld ~ulklna. without the 'au.··is ~t.hlDa" , < . which IP'IPI tJlI;J~ 'andc1DIDd.aa on of the IronIcI,1 f~ta la _ the a&orJ\ UDfolc~: ,: . ' alJllO!lt evel')'l)ody ,!bo ~..,. m. Durta ,the bOui' refreebJDeDta
one U.
- . .- ...... - .......... - ...
... timea.
t;~ "" .
. , " ' ' ,I( t.htDp are'· ' Wen .~, ~ WIth ~; ,~ ~ ~ wbj IbcnIli a D~ ....'..JrUl' to the .WOJk ~ ~ tile PAF. IpImd a JIIU or 1D tilt . . . . ., h
We _ by
OUI' - . .
da1a I ExploIt
NCltIai" DUI' tniiUbIea to tbem.
U ram' WIfe
1ftIIl' .... to ~
~ '11ae
-~ ,~I• •~j~M
~ - WA'rinC8~
z .
--... ,
'Home Blessed,'
SCHOOL NEW$ ... , ., .
beoauee o~ the 8Qu~ Wartem Ohio . M1I8 ~.L, .~ oI;'~ 11 ImPress1ve and bet.~t1ful iri .its TeGehera AsaoclatJon to be be14 at the' guest 9I ·Dr. · Mary ·k 600Ji.. sl4rn1f~e WII8 th.e ~ of the .......... _--tt ....... ---' .... - Central' Ohio .. . a.tU1lci.J.ve . . . ,j'.. . new home , ....~ WID -. , 1" . ' . ' . , • . of lI{. and Mrs 'l'eaehera AIIIIOcIaUml 'tD be held at .Mrs. W. s, AcwMn and son and WWs.m E"'~er nOriln>f route 73 n.. ..._ .... ' , . , " , . , ~"""'. 4.,e meeting 'Will be in eee J MJ'a. Grace L. BmJth were DIWton on ttle Lytle .Pike which ttooIt place mon all day FrldaY ,and Saturday. vlaltors. Saturda.y. Sunda.y eve~. All teachers in theee dlIItr1cts wUI at- . • • ,. • • The service wail conducted by the tend. . . Prlday, November 3.. a .benefit , movl.e wID be g1v~ lip. . the I11gh aabool auditorium. 'nle proceeds,are to go toward the purchasing of' an , . electric 8OOI1iIbcModl f« our 8YIJlII8SIum. The mIUn feature wW be "Rid~lnr On Air" aIanIDg tile oC»n1aal Joe E ' Brown. You , &Ie all oordlally Invtted to oome •
The 9~ TUI!IIdaY the twenty fourth
waa In cbarge of. the student
Tb8, -..-I.E· .... - coun.. ---..e nt 'of ,...... CIL Bob Preston gave a. short talk. . ' Mr. ~dock ~ed. the point system DOW in uae in the acnool, and Mr. 0u'It RllLve a ' /Sbolt taUt.. Gene. vieve JIadIey gave a ~ of the ~ta to wblch our cheer leaders 81'8 to Bve up .... .",..••ouw for cheer leader ,.,. "'iI wID be next week, '1lbe try-outa1are 6""""""-' th1& year "y the . student .~ .~ ~ ooun . ClOUDC1l .
Mrs, Ralph D . Tolle oI ,Wash1ngton. D. C: Is vls1tlng her ~ts, Mr and Mrs. Henry aa.tterU1W&lte. r
. •
\0 . . •
Mr. and Mrs Bchayler Matthews of Pittsburg, Pa were dinner guests • of Mrs. Maude crane, w,~y. • • • • • M1Il8 PIloiia1e Flres was a guest. Sundll.Y, a.t the ihome of her " parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elvan Fires. • • • • •. Mrs, ,Raymond Br6dd\Xlk' attended Grand C~ter o~ the Eastern Btar . IAxIge which was held 1n To' ledo, Wednsday' ~ and. Thuniday. . • • • .• • .
Mr. &lid MrS. ,John Fromm. Clyde P.romm, and J. O. HaW~ were Bun;. day guest. of Mr. end Mrs, MelYJO
Banta 0( Lovel'aod. , , •
' .
• • •
. Leave 1001' . order fOl' Hallowe'en pks and cook.le6 ~t ,tale commUnity Kltchen;. · ·
• • • .•. •
, ' ",.. __ 10'. end Mrs ......_ Smith and .The weekly C8liOon OOIlte8t winber dauabtler S9.rah Lou, spent was Sarah Conner. Those receiving , banorable mentiDn were:' M&mellJae Wlth their parents. Mr• . ~ Peten. Btlb' '1'IDDe1, ' John stana. R&lpb uwer. •
berry and
MarJorie Edenl --:--
Mr. and lira. J, H. MeDIle were
1JUefIt,a, ev~, hi tihe of Mr. and lint. O. Y.~. LebaIlOIl. . . , .• , 1
Tboee matlnI the boDor rolla at tbe llIP IICbool ""'Pdtna' wen: ALL STAR JIOROR JIOLI.r-Cuvl • • • • • .' ~, 1I!IdoII~ PrJiIIcII. alii Jun- lira. Adt. Oourtnn wu in ~Sor: IIu'ceUbe ~ 1IM)'man. bua t.Ine daJa lut week.. aWmd,pg • ~O BORC8 ROLL- the meetmc 01 the 0hJ0 I.IIIrvl LiD& KorenIIaD; ~:, PI..- ~.'
.JabDiI. ~"
Oems, 813"-'''''': .• . • . • • . • ~ ~..... 1IIIeIJ. 1nIh- · IIN.:Katber1Jle ~ aDd 80Q ol mAD. RIdb AmIa ~ Bulb JJIIeD 0I~1 were ~ or Ill-. ~, Bob PnMIaD 1iIdor; ' liar B&ciIteI aDd Mis. Ada OQUrtDey, QUIt. -....
' ..-arr
~Oll '.,
· •
lAit.... ..... R.n:; 'niUe ~
~ Bob ........ 8eIdar'
, •
. ,; . ' .
..-.- .... _ or ' IIM'~ D . 0 " -... ...-.~........ .
A1tQD IIUiIIIul, .~.we.~....... Henry s.tterthwalte .JcIma. ~: . ADm.1IMUJb WhIt- vJsIted 1If, Lewis 'nIlIe In ,
.. ...-:amet. -
. . ., JeUIiIe ~, ~~ Obio. :~. ' . . . ~ '''-11. lI&rII1act, ! . . . . . ., •
~ ,0IIIIcne, VIrIb*
, .. ~; JriD& . JIInI.
19st ~ -,.... -" ---.......
-.. $ - ---.-
~ _E"'· R··
It (mpreuiYetere.y •
_ _1 ....
6,,:'o.iRW8DAV, ·C)CTOB.- Ie"
toeal ,....peniugi -
. At Gruge Ball
.E~• • E'. E.' '';' • '~harlel ~'IIOn Jr-Of Ohio state
£. Dowdell To Speak / At M '• E• Chur
• • - '. • ."
Ml' *-nd Mb Carl Duke were b\ll.. ICy , J!1r1day, '
Parmer's Grange meetJng, Inell; visitors in Paris. spent the'week end at his home here Saturday eveninill'. ~tober 20, after . . .~ .
~t1 lIII.d.,~r'/I.
Edith M . Harrl8 at
a l am1l1J' reunion a~ Mt. GUead. Ohio on Y of la.&t week.
Judge Charles B. Decbant. ~ ~ ...-...... .._on m('u. P 1eaa Court, uuu.w.u--..' --Dec.:eDlber 6•. tile heea1ns of H~ N B"--" .... -~.:. "'_# ~..... ~t I . . . ........... Le............ ...,.e_._. ... a ' sult f!.led by hla stepmother. · . . . Lelia B\lJl{Iel. for 811 eccoun~ o! the proflta of the TOm COrWin cao.. n1ni company and several tarma under Bunnell'. ~nt. Attorneys for both aides CQIIMDte4 to the I)06tponement tQ,permit aud1tora to ~ an exaID.maUOIl of boob 1nvolved In the beariIIg, It wu reported. The plalntUr 1& a at0ckh04da 1n the ---........ _~~'"d l1rm. 'I1he ,~16Y·t and t.be, t. a r ms Invc4v-' In the 11 ...... .... " -tton OhCe were pa.rt ot the f2OO.000 eat.&te of Newton L. Bunnell. The C8IIO wu Qpt'lIld Monaay befOl'e Juddei ~_
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawke.of 0\11natl visited M1B&es Tr1Ilena and Mar . garet Edwar:s ~~:. • . • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reeder 0" Clarkev11le were Sunda¥ guests of Mr. 1U1d Mrs. W· H. 0nIham.· • • • • • ~ L, A. Oarst · a~d claughte.. and
M1sII Margie Gustin were Dayton vIs1tor, Thursday, •• • • • Mr. a.nd Mra. Ralph Hast1ngs and son, . Bobby attended a. family dln. nero Sunaay, lilt the bome of Mr. and Mrs. George Osborne. of L ebanon. '
~, and Mrs: C. F. MD6her oI (;in-
Mr. and Mrs. J. p. Larrick spent an evening last week with Mr. and ant. . Gl Mrs. enn Huth and their son. J erry. of Xenia. •
Leave your order for Ha.l1owe·en pie and cookies at the Community , Kdtchen..
· · · · ·
Obl·tuarv '
" -
~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - !
..... RaJ, daUlht4' or Th.e Dtscusston Group of the Farm Fiorente PhUll..To mer~ta wbo have . b Bureau met ~~t the hO~A of .,_ and Jatlt!.Z and A1:tlY PhW1pa, waa born A A_ A . . _ W T nshfi .. ..... . • • • • • . pr_n .... ...., ")'De p Ml'II, 'Ernest ButterwO.r th ~y oat.. 12th. 1868 In W~ 00., 0 •• C. Eo Dowdell ' Da.~ 1 i '~ MLs8 Ka1lhe+e Prendergast was 8o&nl or Eelucatlon. eveniJlr. and dled in M1am1 vaue" boIIp1~ ' .ne. eo er tbe week eDd ~est of Mr. and Mrs. Please file you itemized atate• • • • • JD. Dayton. 0 .. fOlloWini an 11lneIII '" investigator., wID speak at the. D _ _ Pre--,-"t __ .t 4...... 11y of ments,prompUy on the ' rJrst 0; I "8 "-"- ' Oct "lat I ft39 ...... 71 _.... _.. Th.. _ .... u N -...... --.__..... .-.. I WUton HartaQcII::, a student at 2 .......... .., •• a."", "'"~""'I ' ... --:>' ovem Wui'Mn Place, C1DctJulati the month. 2. ~t', 7 i30 P. Illi, A preeen~ T" . , ... • Miami Unlven1ty, spent 'the week y~, and nine daYa. of the staztl1ng facta from bJa own Re ' and .,..- R L Hack 11 t- . - - - - - - - - -. ..::' end wlbh his parente. Mr, and Mrs. MR. Hay ap«:nt her entire 111. pemmal eXPirl that should t1r v· we a R. H. Hal18ock, and SUIIday VlBlted lwitbtn the Oounds oI Warren Co. 8M tile heuta or c=ttan peoPle to~. teDded the ' ~1nc1a1 Conference of friends at DeJ8.ware, O. waa man1ed to Wm. p . Ba.Y OIl Jail. Uon 'qaibat . tbe ~ ~r 1t.eUaou& Edq;labion. ~d In C h i c a - · . . . • • • .. , 11, 1890, To otbJ.a UDIJoa 6 ch1ldreD ~1c. P1ctWee from We wa:.tmtecl IO, Pr1daY. 0ct-r 20. 8B delegates Dr. ned Mrs. P. Pieper oI Peeb!~. were Ixnn; A1:tlY, Allred. M'arV1D, abowlnaf niIht We ~ O~ -.J.ooDa ' from. the cUoclIiIe oI, Bout.ht:r~ 0:.110. ' ,' 0 ./ and Ilr. and Mrs. D R. Ba.llsbur~ Char1ell. Mart.b&, and OU'l, Sa' hIlL 8peclel musSo. ~ weIa at. the ProtA!IIltant Epl600pal Church . ' -and fainny were ISunday dinner IlNld pniced«l bel' In death 011 to oth1a meetmc Come 8Dd~ the • • • •• • ServIces for Mrs. Florence Hay. 71 pests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. COr- Nov. 3, 1930. . : '. , ~8. ~. H. Ba.rtsock W65 who pa.&IJed away Baturda..Y In Mlami nell. In eUly' We abe wUted with t.be to the. nUlmbel'8 of the Valley bo6pitaL were held at the • • .' • • United Bretlbn!n Oh~ at USloa, bddae tCiub, al~ .. luncheon and McClure funeral home, ~a~ af- . Mr, 8I}d MB. L • . A.. Garst and ~ remained a f~ and 0IIIl. Tuel!day att.ernoon. HIgih honot's ternoon.. w.tth burlal in Miami ceme· ~, and Mr. and l\Ir6. Russell .iIIt.ent of that IXIdf UQIIl irA were· won by ,.... D. R. Smith, and tery. BtIe was the w1f~ o( ,the late Frank and ·son. spent SlUlday with 'dJaaoIutllOn. a lew i..next high by 11m. J,' B. Chapman. Will~ p . ~. . Mr. and Mrs.. c8.rJ Bond,!Oberider of She was a~' cl8voteG; Jo\1JIi .' -"-Surviving ere three daughters. Mn; Loveland.. -:-7 . . . . . . a._. ......._ u .. _ .. u ~or the r ' mother ~ wlte, thlM'", at.,. o! ...............-"'~.." ' Day of . WaynasvWe, ~Ith • • • • • We welt awl ha or h8r bonftre ·CIIO be ~ormecl Into at. ferred. from her home; Mrs. Mrs. Ola. Harlan ent.erUUrte4 at I are ~MM 'It&t.- dlDDet ~ ti:JOri1 iii.mnDr ot ~. Sbe w""-Qf." c:beerfUl , diI,. oI f C"- -l M1' W'" Bm1 h paQtlon. and mAde lrldWII WOS• • • ~""n / our sous. ...-' es . at t of Wameao. Kan , 8IIe wem WlIoynesville. and Alfred and Carl who fa JD8Iung a ·t wo weetB vialt ,With ' of Day,/:On. and Marvin. of Troy. Mrs. H'U'1Ian &lid Mit aod MrS, ~ a. boM 91 aad • • • • • . Fr~ ~ocIt. . ' frleIlda. abe ilea.ves to IIIIIUI11Mrloa • • • • .11lr._ chUdreo, ~, AID1 DQ• t ' h.
Mrs .Florence Hay Rites Were 'Held luesday
-n........ .
sunday e\'~, .Mr. and Mrs. 'Alf~ Iiaf. ~ ~, Warren Braddioo'. . bad as supper lia.)" Martha K~, aIXl CUi guests. WW Sni1th of Wamego. h.an. , :7. A.Iao one ~p dauehwr, 0In lira: R, It Bar18ock. ~,and -Mr. and Mo..7ranJt Bn.ddock. Mr, 'J;'l-.l, two IJODII AD A.W, da~. d1JmIIi' a.t; JIt. "",*,,,t SaDcs..Y" ,J. K , PftsIllD, and·Mr. aDd MrB . P~ for ,the tuberculin testing of and Mrs. Pled 'Br6dd~ and WaUer ~ra in la.w•. uteen ~ • • • • .. ~ vn:re chaperons, oattJe -In warren oOIinty were cUa· Wilaon. ,J ana aeven great IP'UIIkt'lldren. '. • • • '! pusaed 8It ... meeting. of v~ . . ' . , ! .. • • We cannot UIIdentaDI1 the ~ 'Ed ftad)lV , and family are moving and Dr; J. ~ Reeder of ttbe . ~;a,te ~: Ydoh ha& purdlaaed the of life 6Dd ~, -1Nt w. ~ pt.Gl . w~ftom the Edwards Veterinarians ~~ent, h~.d in Taylor II1'OC8iY and fWing station IIIOe from the' ODe whO 81Y-)lIe awl on 1bitd etreet. to the Rob! tzer JA)anoh TUesday n1gh~. lQcated at ,Ridgev1lle. and took poa- taIu!8 it, ~t is iC~ortiJls to iblak of ~perty at the comer or Plfth and It 18 ~pected , testing of 20,000 session. Monday. He and hI8 bride death 10 t4e of .Alfred Lord Tyleratreets, ~ently 'vacated ,by wt,tl begin In two weeks, Coun. will occupy the 'Hvlhg quarters ' Qd~ ~8OIl: H. B. Earnl:Ulrt and raiuiiy who have ty Agent. Da.vid B. Ba1ley stated. jolnlng the atore • inov~ to the L, H ; GOrdon farm on . , • .'. • • SUnset and ev.eniDg IItal'. ,,,qi"C,,.old.,cbii_wbJdl Deed a~ the B,elbioc>It pike. •. , Mr and Mrs Don Hawke and Mr And one Clear call foc me; And may there lie no II!09Dl ~ tbeIe JDeet.IDiI\ . t ' . . . .. . ~ '\tl~ ~ M. A. FuUcer~ti enjoyed . 'III &i , Yr, Jotm Bm1th' Mr, and MtiI. ~ 1''';' • ," dJ.n:ber and ,the Ilheatre ~ ~ ..., Moms RaPier a.nd nlece, of Da.yton ~ Thurada.y evenIng , 1n CelebratIOn of When I put out to aea. 1&. and Mira, ,Otto Sebald and Mias the b1r1.hday anniver.rtes of Mrs and. eveWng tJell, Norma BandtnUn. of Clnolnnatl, - '- - ' Hawke and M1's.' Pulkerson. · . ~,&tter that the dN1t;' we", S\IJ1d1LY vtsltora at the home of Two · 0b10 .Congresamen. Clarence . .' . • • • And may '~ be QO ~ M'r.B:W. O. Raper. J. Brown of ' the 7th ~DiIItIr1ct and MrS. H, H. Da.V1a 'ot lIIansf/Ald, fuewe11: • '\" . . . ,. • • QWI Clevenger of ..the 5tth District. vl.l.ited , her SIster. l\Iira D. C '.tdge. When'I emtlu1t. . •,. t --:-~ , Mrs. ,H . 11. Williamson and datlgh. were named as ~1'8 of the ~ last week. Mrs. A.ul BoWlS!. and )Ho!I"'; ,.IlId, ,0 . JIi!UDeJ were ter MJas Grace, wel:'ll Sunda.y gu83t8 tton-wide, Speclal~ ~ttee_ to daughter. Ma.rjorie. and H. It eavlli Cbo' from out our 'bourae of ' .. • ~Ion, Mr. and Mrs. .lra Brown 01 Prank Agricultural Problana. . by of Man.8rield ' spent the ~nd at ~ &¥ pJ,.ce, . JIBlltD!• .:J".t;vt.: IIiI:::~=:I:~i~~;,·:' IdII'( C"* '8un. ni~ attended. th.e christening of J06ePh W. M..t~. ~ubliOlUl, lead, the JUdge bome, all retlirnlng home .The flood IIl&Y bear me 1'........ ", ~rge Pl'edet!lck Brown. at the er of the House of RepresenaUves. on Sundai. . ~ ,11OPe to Me my pilot flUl8 to ,.... ~ PraDklln MetbodI8t churoh, the In mating the a.ppotnt,ments Mr • . ~. • .• Wht!n I have crc.ecI the bar. tbe' fa'lllQwan.j same chUrt~ in whlch hIS parents MartIn polnted ou·t. "Mr. Brown Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Cook t • 0......--_ _ _~~,.t.rt~-~1~~d~~~~,~~ 1h.....~;M ,. , " were~. Mr. !\11d Mrs, ' S . . S, Mr. , Clevenaer represent 4P,'e&t agrl. Mrs. Bessie L. ~ and Mrs, Osee ' . ; CARJ;t O~ 'DIANJUI , I~_" '''' """-'.' ~ of 'VeraWl!s also attended th~ cultuml dlll.tr1cta, and. both gen lle- Harlan were ~er guests la.&t ' 'irt.. . ~. . ~, : .: men have such \10 ~oroulth Imow- lle6da.y of Rev. and Mrs, H.1.. . ~ desire to elq)lall our , ~ ,~aq.~~!bIIIlVlID;~~lIiiir r"'th8 • • • • • . ledge of Itbe 8,grtCUlt,~ problems of sure of &\bin&. Mr: and Mra: J T. and h~elt u.nte aad ~ • .-ta1ll_I'Cllkt':' .lJiIIlI~~" atAte Of Ohio and Middle West Davia of LeesbUrg weli; . additional trO'n.lto.u, who by wo~d oC'~ • utetr cUnner ' gueatll, Sund&y, l\lra, as to paritculUlY ' well gueata. .' . • acta o! kind. . . WIn' ~ to 6hlJ.t!8. and Yr . to represent .O hlo to . ' • • • • • us durlils , the e1~ .Dd dIIa'tb of ;a,.~~;(blDbe ObDe8 of R1climOnd. InB. II1e 1mporta.nt work of this Com.. Mr. and Mrs. b~ Braddock OUl'motber. '. ' ~~~~~Miia.:I'~~"J'>"~~~~'!lJ~~ ~' ~S'e; Mr.-and Mm. Harry mlttee." . and famUy aJttended' 't he ~hd'B We especiIJIJ wiib to uIaDk ,-. ~., ~~~.~~~'4:11t Auung, . Jaa. Betty A8Zl1ng ana . . . Confe",n.ce held at the PmIt Priends mtntlJt«~ by. 14 o. ,~ fbi: ilia !til'S. II'I8 Vice, and Mr. and " . MOTHERS CLUB .Ohw:ch In lrlcHanapoUs' .Oct, 20 to ~ t.be'(\WIrU' ~ Stroud of Dayton; M r s , 2 2 . ) , f 1 a s ~th 'IUnllnaou of Pt. IIoOlure fW' bill ~ . . . ~~Q~~~:::~;II;:ttauc:~ · c'r"ne;~)lrB. Ire~ Helldefton The w~· 'Township Motbers' Wyne and Nan'!y Foa~ of PoSter. and the l'I'ieDdI Ud~. . . . . :4; ,'ultfll6i-ll. W. Ill. Str.o';"l olub ,wID ,meet. Frldar afternooJl both members of <the ; wa.yn ~svUlc the beautUul1kJral~ , , Nov'. 3. at the <lft:de builcUng at 2 Meeting. alIIo I!ottend~. ' I4m&n 'QI¥ . •. • ~ • • . .~ ~d ' ~elloh. o'elock. '!be ~ comniLttee 1lu . • • ~ • •.' . Alfred Ht# Ud: ~, " raoreeent ,brrtde,and ~ .~on • ..-rafl8ed for,a. apeilkeI: trained in On W:ed~ eveniN, Dr. II&r;Vln ~ I ~~i)lIY.:t~!:~ll~:I/ll' , at .. . B1lr ,?'~ocIt ~,the vt of. knOW~ and se;tectlng the L. CooIc MfIeaded a ~ given by 0lIWlea IIa¥, 8Jid ~ I g&.11Cfl;i~' ~~~~~~~ ,the I ' evening ' given ~y l)lr. and rtaht books for . ch1ldren. 'who will The C1nctnrWtt M:edlCa1 Women's air: .ncl Mlw. JobfL ....... Bu~".t:~_ ) " lUis. Da~1aa Boger, ' Mi¥ .: ~ryn talk -on ,thAt subject '\ club and ~ 11 of tl}e MWlcan . . • • aDd Mi'a~_ . , Bocet' _t1 ~ Bopr at the ~er " I K~. Wome~'1 ~la.tion. 'in 1tIrS., QoIi ~ '&ad . ' . YJr. aDd Mra. 1lelloh reCeived ' LONG DROUGHT ENDED bonor of. Dr. Martha. Tracy, Dean of . . ' >, ~ «. , . . ·1Ii1lll " ll.1l"'_L'nIrw.m~l_iiv beaUtm,ll ~ , f~ thetr ' '" . . 'Woinan'a . Medbl Oolleee ' of A fellOW ' bt.~ lie . . . . ._.~,~~I ~. 4~ Peats ~t~ tbe ~er . Amo~ to ftBIdenta whO ha.ve II)tv&lJla. ;at tile Slntoo Hotel, to 11n tbeee ..,..' ~==::!:=W.:'e' Jar,, '\ijM( ttn.. Lee.~, Ur: bpt record, ·tItle raID. ~ . Ie:! &l: ' " .' . • • . ' Ida IlUk .....~""''!I.,: -3 ' lin, ~vld Bocei', KIJB Inez day Wednesday. waa . tbe heavJ.est Re~; aild MrS, L" C. ~, L, tile II'OiuIiIo .• f!iIW:._,J!ii'MI'~·I~_•. 1aI~ ~ Dav1&~, " here_in three m~ ~ ~ ~.anc1p. U. ~y aitA!iided 1Jh!!"'" to iIIit . ~~-..---"'--. of tbe IonISt drouihta aD record and M~ tin1QO -the ...... ,' !II'IIpc. "
Ktl.1iIAI1 Patt.enmD, _. aDd
AlD'IeUa J. N, RdIIDIan... '" 'Daytaa. Yr, aDd . ....... ~ ~: . . . . .Belle lin. IDNaIIa 1!Iu'nbu1. IPMl ~ ~ . . . .' _~ lIII'DbaI'teDjalJeda
• • • • the bUlllness &elISIon. the . lecturu· \ Mrs May ' of Da3'ton. spent a and her assIst:an.t presented the fo!· " . few dayatb1s 1\1 k with Mr. and Mrs lowlpg progrnm : Song,lby the entlr..: EUian Crane a.n~fam1ly. ll$8embly; .&a.X8!phone solo, George . •• • • • Mengle. ~P6.n1ed by Mrs. J . H· Rev R . lLoyd Hack.well. t'eCtor of Bt Dr. and Mrill Clare E . Stout 01 Mengle ; roll call . each member an• EP,18oopal Oburch, aU present D\t.ytOn W~g~krts of Dr and Mrs. swertng wtth hl.$ or !her pet superst . part1clpating. E . StxlUt Ba.t~y evening. tWn; two vocal numbers by M1s5 ~' th8 IiOClal hour whloh {01• . 01 . ' . • Virgin1&. Hardin. a.coompll.n1~d b. lowed' a delicioUs BUpp(!!' was served . l lftan Russell~. The remo.1nder of oaleteria -Ie Mrs- JesaleoI .Hr d wID <be the din. the pJ'OI1'8m featured games limon!., -il • • ner guest Ml. an Mrs. Saul Hur. Tho6e prMtiged ,to enJoy 1t118 very which were 0. cracker eo.tin " oonles, p1euant O"a'asion, were: Mr. and ~I~~ In J..ebaDOih UJIs. Thursday .eve- 0. spell1ng bee, and a mUSical ro Mrs JeMe Parker, Mr. and Mrs. - , . ' ... DlAllCe. ~ 'lbomton and two ch1ldreD. Mrs . J...-., _~ ••_ •a t Attention 1.$ being C&Ued to the .,yman spen Sunday LoI8 and Dick' and Mr and Mrs. " '" h in la nd November 4. meeting 6L which time • ' . • at 'the hOUle 0 .. er S011- - W a ' Paul B. Snyder, all or Dayton; the 'daughter Mr 4nd Mrs Ai Polinsky a minstrel, "School Days". wUl be Rev. and . ~, R, LlOyd RaI:k well, in CjnC~t1. I ' . ' p~nted , featuring singing. tromEdith M. ~,Mrs. C. R. • • • • • bone 801061 Wld comic dlalosue. Th1.~ Mz8. ...._ \ D'_ .... __ promMs to be an entertaining pro· ., W ' a.' . ScaDlan. "Mra' Mr. a nd -.-a ..u.<W • ..,.,n Sears of Snyder, Mr. and MnI- Harold . gram. • Gr~v1lle, 9., ,were vIs1tol S Sunda.y Mrs. D. L. c:ane, Mr. Bar· at the home 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Mosher, Mr. and Mrs. Miller. SeArs , . ; ...
8 ELL -15.r ~ocal Happeoiilgs IS CONTIIUE.D
Good Program Presented • - .•• E. •
Ohi0 Co, DgressmeD On .._..:... wmmiltee
lIetbDc11e~ ~'
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The ptaJo ~ CUlvert 00•• Ed ~ck 'nsxaco service.... culftl'ta, tIIl.lO; Weld1l!C . Flor.a M. Crane Editor and Publisher ~ . . ~. '1~'rII; 8hqtU Teuco 8el'v1lDe. 00•. aarbon abd oxnen. '1"801, . NBlf SUITS Maqie E , oram~ aD Ja.m.e6 K . gaso\tne. .t5'.'I4.; en.rt& Garap. au. ISSUED. EVf:RY TBUaSDAY Morrta em' Maggi Morrla' k»t 205 oll.ne, ts5.0'l; Oltlee8entlce OIl Oom.• ' -:--":"--.---::-:--:-:-:::-:-~-"::-;;--:---=-~-:--;-7~=~-' Allee Ratllft' VI!' Putnam (I')1tney) ~ ,e , pany. psoUne. *.&1: ~ Pa1lure to crtum. oUr Judgment ""-_S=-u"",,,b.s:.::._cn~·p:..:t....:io_n-P_ri_ce..:.,_$:,;I_.5_0_P_e_r_Y_e_ar...:t:..p_a_;yab_..:.le_ID_A_dva_II_Ce--:-__, Rat.I1ft': dlvorce. extreme , cruelt~. ~G Smlth.and Mollie Sm1th · W 8erV1oe StatJoD, aamUne• ..,.11; 1kJt. .. the _lade ~t blocks ~ proMarr SluI,nnon w. Luther Shan. X.ul~McAdam8' puta or'lots 51. ~ den's ~ StaUoIl1 1IIIIIODDe. If'eII Qt DWl1 of ... , - -. 2!2S._ DOn; divorce. grQB nl!8lect. aDd 10 In oeerlteld. " , ,'10.51; OIaUde E .. WIJaba, .adoe, , HOMETOWN. AND BIGTOWN . -- , . Delmer s.lnum to Roy V. Heuna "12; 1be Standard QSl 0iDrn»aDJ• .~,=~==~==~~~~~.I t. ' , ' , COMMON ..LEAS PROOEEDINGS asid WiJta Helms; lot 23 in South _.38; ,The 0I}i0' OIl COint Mt\S$-dI:!t.rIbuUOn- o. classl!1cation wtiich Incl.';lde& th~ of orgaD-. .~. pony. 1lMOl1ne. '1M'; The Chat .' lied Iil.d~lJCJlden.b stores. Il.S well 83 cha.1lls--ba& been of partIcUlarly fine Emma B. Wesselman. ,va. Prank maiicbo a , RQCih Ix:I Mari~ ,F. ou~. '19.M; '. ro to t l10 SllU4Mr communities of thIs country. E. Bonnell; estate ,distributed. . Dlckenoii" leU 93 and !It In' Leba- AlIce M. Arnold. In~ care• • .00 It " No longer do flU'tlle!'S IU1d other l~ pea,ple drive forty or fifty miles Verne Burak vs. Helen··lI. Bulat; 'non. l M1IJard liry&nt. Invalid _ , tI.OO; 10 slzable, ccnte of po,>ulatJon in order ,to make t heir p~. For divorce granted. . Ni.nnle OuU1naki to Maude RWlle; MnI. BelIeD Ilou(rhman, Jnftlld cue. 8m wn Is as good tI. shopping center as Blgtowll. The buyer Is Iffered Alice Rat11ft' vs. Putnam : (Put- lot ~ In PraDklln. $1.00; WUmIe QentrJ. In~ care,1 Ule sa,me wide seJ.eet.lon of goods, o.t the same reaaonable prJces He C8Jl ney) Ratliff; "'.00 pending al1mony C L. Duke and Ethel O . DUke w ,1·00: JaI& Botr. InvaUd cue. ".00; REAL ESTATE ve his ga.sollne and spend ,his money locally. The benel1cla1 effect ar to be paid ellt!h week by defendant. NewUd Ii.t MJldred Newtand; tva Nichola, Iqvalld ~ -.00; N.... thL" on any' town Is apparent. Pl'Oparty owners fWd ready t.enantA a.t good Robert J. Ayrsman VB. D1n& 001- 5 acree in Olearcreek townshlp. tim stamper. In~ oare. .10.00; INSURANCE rt.n tnJs. LQcal people find jobs at home and spend their money a't hom· llver; defendant to-pa.y t35.oo end K. Oarl Kunkle to Herbert. Hat- MIra MoJIUndI, tnV'aUd oare, 111.00; 1989 Buick Sedan AUCTIONEER All .lJt1..~lness enterprises in t.he community benefit as trade increases. New cootB to the pla1ntlff. field and Anna N Hatfleld; lot 5 In Ed ·Ka!aer. tnfalld' 1CIlU'e. $5-00: L. B. 19.38 Buick Sedim II,=============~~I , . bllStn!'SSCS are starWd e.nd oM ones ,grow. New sourcoo 0: taxation n,ppear. . The People's Building. Loan and Lebanon.' Sl4!ele, lnv.lld 0U't, '•• 00: 1938 Buick 2 'Dr. Sedan a.nd 10001 pu "hn.':1ng power expands. Savings Company or Lebanon, p. A, Kemper to OrvUle L. Norris John Wu..on, tnval1cl care: ".00: 1937 Buick CouPe. YOJI BOO this in tpousand of sm&ller towns and cittles scattered thrpugh 01110. vs. AdaJaIde Olements. et aI .• II.Dd Evel,yn N4m.s; Jot 17 In FrMIt· Llllle r, .In\'lll&d care. tII.OO: 1936 Buick Coupe OUL ~he 48 !;taies. you . IL in the steady, soUlld growth that Is taking service by publ1catlon ordered on lin. BOOk DII'7, mD ~ecl relief 1"939 Ford Tudor p lOOO In ruroJ America. And blg-s:ale distribution must be given much of defendants. Emma Hobm, WWiaIJl E Grub- fImlI1 • .•.,., ~ Dalry, mUIt, Lh cr edit for what might be termed "the decentral1zo.tion of trade Harriet Jua.n1ta Barker VII. Jack Ier and Anna Mae Mason U; WlUlam P.OI ; ' 4 Albert Andenoo, lhelter 1938 Ford Tudor centers." divorce granted. mlllden!A, Gruhler; lot 109 In Pl'anklIn. '1()'00: M'OrtIIn'e Qrooel')'. tOOd, tI.OO 1939 PJymout~ Sedan , _ name of BarrJet Juanlta IllOr , re- Viola Lew1a UId Ross 0 l..ewis QeI'lU Verdi, lIbelter. . ..00; NIchoIM 1989 Plymouth Coupe fur'lou8'h hav1ng beeT! st.o.red to pIa1ntilf . . ' to Pred HDl and Wtlma HW; 8 acres Grocery, tood '1.00; Homer Oecqe 1988 Plymouth Sedan 101 those onOne off1clal ' announced. The ()aklB.nd Orain and Lumber In HantUton townahiP. .' ~. mUt, *1M:" • ' ,~usre:~ boom in buslne6s con- Company VB. J. Faran ltUDlde; Edna!la¥ mu to Velma EubarWI Moa.tohln'e RaIlnaey. medJcal 1958 Plymouth 2 Dr. SeWAYNBSVnLB, OHIO II thJB ch 1_ _ th "N Men Judgement In the sum of t252.03 anq 2'-JOO 8QfI In LE~ supplies. 1Do: Robert .Roll. 1IheIt.er. dan' tinues ~u ~....~. e 0 ome interest rrun the date 0: '\hIS entry __ . '10.00; Dr. Prapk DIItauIIIb. JDecUcaI '''''\'''''''''''''''''''~''''"''''''''~ u. S , Senator Robert A. TtlIt was Want.ed signs wUl have to c 1granted W the plaint1ft'. . BILLS I~LLOWED 11'1.50: Dr .A. D. lfarVey• .:nedk:ia1 1933 Ch~vroletSedan endorsed as Ohlo's Republican con- down and we wl11 "reaJlY have to go MUdred MDiden o~ . aerv1Cf111, .a.50;"'Obrle MlIrpby. food. 1933 Chevrolet Coupe ----------------~-----TII~as., FRI. and SAT. , dldl\OO for P~dent In 1940 and out and hire men. Barl- MoldeT! ' decree 'mocUUed to Dr "'A' b W Y . _ ..... _. 183.25' SchWlnI n....-_ tood 1934 Chevrolet Sedan , October H. 21 and 23 J W B I k was en -01 " , • ~p oung. " " " " , - . ' ~-I., Governor ohn . r c er •. 11.50 per week as aUmooy tor the ,2().'l5; west Gl'OOeI')'. fOOd fur- '10.50; !larve W'u'wklt. food. ".00: 1933 Chevrolet Sedan BUOK' JONES dOrsid ~Qr V. econd ~rm by ~ Oblo. which once produced m~ care at one child. HeDl'ietta. nIshed tor reUe1 (amUy. p .75; Orle- Dr. J~ AnIoId. medkal, flUS.; 1986 Pontiac 2 Dr. Sedan In Rep~ca.n State oonunlt~,.t than 40.000.000 toIlS of sott coal 11 In the matt.« of tbe guard1ansb1p wold Service Slation .fuel fumlshed .Glen Bania, labor••i.2II: IM'I~ meettng held on October 11. The ~c- y.ea.r. DOWra.nks ruth with so an, ot Amanda A. MIl1rIt; O. M. Rldge rellef fam&ly. 1l.00; Ohar. . p ' Ma1nterw.nce Ser9toe. labor, ".110: 1938 POlltiac Coupe Uon of the cooumttee was \lII8I..J7 nual productlm of J7.920,000· tons. appointed. gu&rdlan. 8tuta. rood funrt8bed reUef The H~ SUPPlY eompany, 2 1932 Buick Sedan ltlOUS as .also was ,the vote d;o 8UppoJ:t aa:ordlng to recent figures relea.se<\ In the matter 01 the settlement of 16.00: Dr. O. WUlIial'c1 HolfmaD. med- (lUes Bpra.mlat, _11; J . W., ~ 1932 .Oldsmobile· Sedan Ule Ijtn.te constitutional amendment by the U. S . BItuminous Coal Diyt- the estate at L. M. Henderson de- iCal f\ll'lUabed re~let family. t23' 00 IB8z'dwant 00•• leaf ftu and all CD " 193)' .Oldsmobile Sedan . 'eatlng G. State ~~:~:I:"!~! stOll. ceaaed;' ~~e WI to be deter- Dr. W. B . slegtred. dental Gel'VI~ 1$2·16; TrwibeelS Of PubUO : M _ 1989 ChevI:olet DeI: T SeSerial-(Jomed,. and to Oll~ the d mined. . ~.OO; . w. B. ~unphrey, elotlllng, llgbt and ga.s rc.: Memon.t 11&11. , _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ peUS10~,( ~enru::ents : : la.tter Significance is suggestA!cl by a. In the mat.ter 01 the estate of t3.38; BOward Dean. moVIa)g,', tII.oo; '13-05; Lewie &: JJnte, coal,JaI' dan-,- Three of these. MlNDAY all4 MONDAY Civil ce re ere~~ State co~ of admiDlatrative ' COlts MevWa Britton, deceued; cerWl· Dr 0 WUlard Hoffman. • medical.' Kemortal Hall; '1~.39:; 'I'reuureI- ot 11988 Chevrolet Del. 'I 'October Z9 and 30 Inltiated _by the or the OhIo Dlv1a1on of Aid for the cate of transfer ordered. 1'li.oo; Wrtgbt'. MM1tet. food. '15.cio State, I~ ortOtal~~ ciue ate Sedan <?o~ttee. th Democrat state Aged. on Febn&'Y 1. tlhere were In the matter of the settlement 01 , Iv1IIB-JIIt.mefk Drug 00.. ~,for support ot 'JV""tM .. . .eo; d ' S S A. ltleetlJlg of, e f I U1,183 J)tIIIBIoQ«1I QI1 ,the roa re- ,t he estate of UIi& Orubler. deceu- ·,10 00' Ita.nfmab'& clothing. t2 98' WdodhUl 0emiIIterY "srave: ~ 1958 ' hevrolet port e , Oo~ttee called fclr OcUlber:~ al calving '20610.3111. IDODtblY and the eel: iaber11aDL'e ~ Mermlned aa ~tn Food Market.. food ••10:00; and cloiilng, _.00; ~ ~_ dan ~ to produc;e !" quorum. ea ll&Yl'Qll mvealed 1060 ~ployes. QQ DODe. . G~ A&: P Tea 00.. food. '1'11-85; watmD ·o.nPUW•.l00~ ,DI)oo Hi3S Oldsmobile ' 4 :pro ot -t.be 48 mem~ha= October 1 there were 130,926 ~l In the matter of the estate of Knlcer Groc:ery. 1& BakIng 00:; food; • foil ~.16; ~ '?alce . SMAo- •• • ~1 :!~ng IN Btielow 8IoMr8 reee1vmg $2,1~.81. monthly Edftl'd K. Jordan. deciea.aed; sched· 163.00; WI18bt'a Market. food; 111.00 ,~ 11D1t eridfoator tOt' abJl. C>ldll. 4.nf. Sei:i~n u .r the and there \UIDI CJIl1y 800 emawyea on we or debt. ,approved. . W. B. Berpt, tim, tII.oo; PrankUn . : . . '!f p: ~~=ts ~= been 'the, ~roJ:l,. 1'be total .COIIt of adminIn' the m&IIter o~ the eatate 01 Pooci 1IaIb'" fclOd. ••00; , wtmam 'l'be o~ ou~tt:er& 1·~'~_•• " _ 1~~t .ply~oU!h· ~e ao pared tile !Meting which IllWation f~ the flrlllt nine ~QI1tha LIZZIe Murray, deceaaed; It .. order· 00WDI. fOOd. $8.100; E. L. ltSi'k, food *,06; The Book ~ . .1 1987 Buick' Sec)altl , ,pre , ~.... t I t1 ' of 1938 wae '1.166,856 as COIDS-ed eel that -.ld real estate be tnmsrer. '10.00" 'UI; ~"'lIta. ," 19S,. Do'dg>e ~an ' ,TUBS. 'ADd 'WED• • , ' n;m¥ be ~d la...,.... bu no ac on en-t1al" wtth t980.9911 fal' the IllUDe ' period ed . ' J~ Mount. frood; ~.oo ' ADdrew doaen' ~ ~ 3i and · No_...:1· • dorslnl. A. lleJnDc;'at bePrelsforelden this year. a 1IIlv1D8a ·or .114.851. in the matter or the will of ODe" ..... - . . . " '00' J '1..'; '12 00t" D. '..... v,,,_ 19$6 B,iiik ' 80 candidate Is expected !lOme " . 0 1 " ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . '. --....-u,. . "19S6"!b odie Bellab BUT .BiUR t1m& itl J&nUIU'Y' • Yeuel, ,deceMed; ~tIoo fOr rood. ".00;- B: E. IvJna. ~0i0d. 1500; .. law UbnrIaII,.. '100,00; 'lbe '. '93' 0 BUI'ck ~-'Cla'-o '. ~mwrtsoN . oourr. declldana liD OhIo aDd 10 · wUl.to be beI.rc1 0ctIDrbel' 20. Beak'. Dairy; mWt, . ...40: ClIIreDce BlUe Rin& .J-~ 00., SO ~ t;:)8(1 "Prom. a.n I:V heard or seen other states. have held tb6t ~I ' In t.be mMt.er 01 'he estate' Of 1bJ....,-m. doAtI.lDI. ' *'.at; The ~..) fI.'II: stMal~ 198'1 Buick'Special ~ all ' In e ,...,l 't ~ ,., ~ 1 laww .tIa i~OhIO." . .~ m.. 'own.- L M. ~ - ' . Md; ftIIlGIit ';"''Mhr' ,GIl I~ ,'lUOIIae ' ~P"I'~ !IIt~~ 1 ~ !cH~WOl~" ia~. .I'T Now comes Oba.rlta oUIert; ' Belle- ·IA?an Corp. borrowers and P'lV1l~ or eucutriJr is approved. " fUl'llJllbeel b ' .:reUet ~ f34.IO• rn. -Book ~ ~' .' - -+ , " • 'fon~ Q( who;eports h'e ' baa f~ ln8tltutiODS, wherein the In the matte!; 01 the estate of no.OI): lA!IIa.Doa Motor IID . 8IIBOUne ~In. ~.~;'JJes"" tf. ~ co.tton blOO. -at.'hIs home. ~He bOl'rowefs wet'e oomP,8lJed ~ give a ElviS Whitacre. d~; bearIni ~ t3.'1II; 8beU ' 0», ~. 1nIeot. ~. fare, ~Plfbejoll ·UIIl '~_I1iii~~,i~1-;:i9ai::Plci~d-1ludor Jlad 6. of 100 'PlantS tti18 yeei. IIOOODd 1ID'tg'e.ge' 1n order to secure 100- Inventory set. for Octoller:n. 111.00: ft'ed'. ~p&rtment :stcire, ~t' Cont~. t1.~; . Obu- I Md~ '8bed Y. verily tIlhe RI1JJlbOw eDd is In 11 Wan. are illegal, The UOLa bAs In the matter 01 the guanUaDllhtp t21.23; . ,. , ~ , ~ tare, tlUDCblloD' ~ 0 :" •. ' _ offered 118&1 assIstaI1ce w ~~rs of Ella Rhodea; QllPUcatlon au.ged 1Il. B. 'I'bIrt1ek1 &' 15ODI 00.. mater. ~ Welfare ec,ot~ B: fJ· ' woo have given second mortpgea lncompeteJlCl7 w1ll be beard OctAlbel' aala ror 88WlQg project, ,123,28; &I ~ 00,: '.aboea an.:l
~\l LuJ'cd Alf Se'c Qnd 011U'8 Mail }I.tret' tlt Poatoffice, Waynesville, Ohio
~.-=.=========;=:;,===========-,=!I t22.1l!
lone and one-f~tJb acres 1n Leb-
-NEW _~rWIN'
State Capl-tal News
the '
1981 r
, "COWBOY, . QUARTlDACM!' , .s.."ie.--.
. ' GoiDg .
Roosevelt. as Ohio law provides he m~t. . ~yemQl' Bricker's Tbanlu;·
tor auch llurpolSl·
:lOIn' the
D!~~_ .~~~".....
of Buel I'fmt. _.00; maD'. ~ .~1-IK: 'DUI&eeII ~I ~ ' - '. - ' " Joeeph E. ~. deceated; eertW· PubUc A1f~, ~ electddty. t2.0I' ~,~. ~j . : . tb cate of traDatl!l' ordered" ~~erl- Lin&IO BardWM~ 00.. eew1Dg . ~~ DC ~ are tance. tax determlned aa DOne. cblne "t, tic; , ~ A & P ~t~~*~~~tio.I.I.~~~~"""" In the matt.er at the estate of eery., 3 bl'UIIbeI t.;d broom. tlIic: .neBuldab ·A. ~"urn. ' decea8ed; pUtmeot. of Publlc WeJ!are. nm_.tll .· ':'l\'' ' _ •
The Wa&' ~1!Ot .. expected the ~ to IaIIUe an orela:' at f1l* approval date as ThUl'llday. November 23rd. tor two Garae ftood tOCDt.lU ~ In When .the ~t announced that Ohio at an eu-ly~. The dam& will he Was mov~ '-up the natioillll 1('8, be acroea the OlentAnu mea" 8lx . tl'val' one week 'and proclaim It for miles north of De1a-.re at an esti· aohedule of ~ellta. a~ed. . . of tlut.ter. ~ll.1e ;, aUY OOtpnBo "November 23 Instead of the 30t.h the rIBted coat of "'.000.000 and am& IbtrltK.t8.oo; III. B. HYman &: 8oD. . nOmuil ' date lJDIler past ~t the LlcIdng rivet' five Dill. weISt of MARRIAGE UCEN8U cOO*b...... '1.96; Dr... P. Lever. zn.ed22 states agreed w the date fixed by ZanmvWe lID cost aboUt. $8,l1OO,OOO. icaL P.OO; t he President including Ohio. ~~ The Delaware 'dam will be more Edav White. . 31. tlll1pper. Oi'ldD.. J. 1.. Blltord, fOOll. tl2.00; ' igan , u.t.on. Irullarla and Penosyl- than 3 mtlm WIg and w1l1 bave a Dati, and Blame Dt.oo, :11. Maine- Offtce OUtf1tt.e:ns.i IIlIJ)IIIIeIJ. v~, StlcltJDg to the old' c:IIQ ' ~ ~ area. of lOme IiOOO &ereII. ~ vuie, both COrk:Iftd. . Oblo Oebtnl' ~ QorJ>•• eer. revolt aga.1n.st. any "tinkering wlth CODiSe1'9atloD pd. W~I wlll be ObaI'lea Mama. 22, laborer. LeI»- vice. ,11-80; P • . O.. ~t. (ood, ~dItl61\ ~e.2S, Qthers • .amona tbem ~ at all 4;kne&, will c;PVf.I' only aixm. and Ruth RaWft, 15, Morrow t2'1.00; SeUera. I. ~. A. Bt.ore! food, being' AlIlbo.ma., ArkarisaB. Kentucky abOUt 80 or 100 ~ The , ~ , . , *,00; ~bert ~ralliace,' fooc:t- Ilil TellIlessee' end , North earoIlna. dAm· wUl . . 1300 feet JioIl8. 11~ feet REAL ESTATE Ta&N8FDS Dr. II'/ M. WlWlaD!II. ~'11liO; Three ~tes were reporte<1 uDdecId· high with & '!'~ aPftild of 1l.00,!I PuIIbee'. I. G ! .. ' ~ , dOT) 0M0ber 20. SO it appears that Ilere& 'lbe dII.nl were authorized 1p Morris E. Sherwood to RUth ' ,H. t116.1B; Tra&y'a ~ery. bi(L . good old U. S', A. has t!O much the 11138 ~ ocmtrdl Act. Sherwood;- PIlI't of lot 8.en Harvey$. ~ Farms llairy, m1I.lt, "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!=!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~!!!!~ 00 be thankful for this year tha.t ' , .' bUl'l' Dr. S. 8t.erlilDl: s~ .medICal. I = tt. ;VIIi take two offl>;!:.l Tban1csg1vlng The. drudgery or todaY dJac1pJlnes • Ruth B. Sherwood to Pred E. t52.00; Bla1r ~ . Day fest;\vals throughout the coUn. us to meet , the responatbwtles ' of Sherwood; part or iot 6 In Barv'eYI' medical, 138.15;. H. E. Ivm.. .try 1.0 express' due appreciationtomorrow. burI.-. t'l.00; L. - P. 1'a¥1Df1 $DOd. ~.OO; & . Ohester and Wilma B, GloecIIllf.l'. food. 1:6JIO:- Leoo1ard For the flrst time in JDO!e thaD Don't be atrald of wasting time Brandenburlr to Viol6 Kn.pp and ScbeIL food. 'U.op:, Barr Jl:totben. 10- years railroads entering , Colwn. by learning somethlJlg )'011 are ' not Ellzabeth ~; Iota 1 aDd 8 In fQOd. I?t'a ~ , ~tacl!~ ~ bus are ell1,ploylng new men. the Uat reqUIted w kD,ow. ~vUle. . ' mecUoal, '10.00;: "I. W. eliDe." r~.
glvinJ ~~t1~ f~
~!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!!~!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!!~!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!!~~ ""'!!!!~~~!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!"
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BDwU'Cl S. Oooover Ted Mote "n.oo; Olao ~-')" . food. .~.oo; .. aDd If.Yrtle A. MOte; 1.'1'l acre In Dr. Baal'lamert.. ~I.cal, '18 N: W' B. MoB....,·, ~ $18.00; OlaUde or~~ towmbJo. NetlUe Brunk to Leeite QUbert; W~ 1Iood, tl8JiQ: o. O • lot 'I'll In PraDklJn, taocL ,12.00;, Lee vamsa. tood, Brower L. SteveDS to ,B, J. Roy- Dr. S. L. ~t. meet'....,. aod l"Iorence BAwUty; 8.60 H. Smith. ~! $8.D; acres In Hamuton townablp~ 00I!!inan. food. N.2,60; ~ WWIIun T. Wallace. deceued, to roD. ~ood, $21.5(1; ~ ~ ~, food, 'MAl7 m. W.u.ce and TBUe Good. NI.O!J; (, '. " lot 1'111 In PrankUn. . 0. E. Wrlabl~,. W .. ~cIod; '12.00; Muy E- WaDace. deeeUed. to Ray ~ Irood} ~.QO; Ohades Eatl aad Ada Sb1M; lOt 'I'll in Poppe. &belter, t3.00~ B. p. ,: Hamll~ P.ra.nklln. ' too. tood. -'8:5; Ob&rlell Jett. abel· Anna Kenr1cIt ,to Ber.tba. CoWna; tar: III.OO~ BeItlila BmIa: tClOd, '1.00: lots 5 and 8 In .Wfllt Wt.¥D8 town- Van ~a Wlllte V.uJt., tClOd, $59.86 ship. , Dr. W· T. 8ull1wm.. DIIICIk:aI• • • 00; ~ Scbooley to EBteU ~ Ocqad " ~. fcmd • •,50; Dr, A. ~th. et &1.; 118.33 a«ee In lfar. B. ~ m.u~ ~liO; laD toWDllhtP. , " ' -, J. B. ,,~ J John MuiTay, 'deoe&sed :~ LIaJiI JobDa. t~ ~.BO~. A. ~ KWT&Y &Del Anna. Doser; 18.36 ~ clO~. ".00; ~. I(ary I,.. Jo Wanen county. ' 1 ' . . . . . ., _JIG!; Bi 10. 8cllQ~. ua&e ~. c:teoe.aed. to la- ~ $5-'11: .~oblll:MquDt. food. Vem Winner. f!'*i &1.; 11103l 'ac:ne 1D 81ft. BIIDaiera.. fC¥iC,fI.oo; , Wane COUIIIty. " _ ~ ~.. aldlt. ,18.10: ~" A. ••
1'or:l4 ....:
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ct al.: 1'.98 ~ ~
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. . . . .;
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Tbe J.... -"~ 00., . . . .
B. T. 8k'Oud and. ~ " . Stroud . 8beII 011 On '. ~ ....to Claude 8inocl; lUI .... _/16'.•: I'nd JIlIlm .OD._ ...... West WQne t.owIlIbIp. .....: _
-lo:b1e· ".18. ~
~ A. 8UhreIIt ilia MIl. euculor. to ~ ., ~:
J~~: .. ~_~,~4
On of ... -
IEWDe'J'ION8 OF COUNTY.' SAI.1Il 0fI" RRIIlD OHIO. ISuhmlUed a. II. S parattl QUII. Monl . Chaa J . e hr. BhJ111 the eal" or b er as lIe rln l! d V. H . In otlon 6! U.6S or the UI'n eral II ble to .......... ... bU'd Dated OdObel", , ode lJ e pe r ml t t 4.'tl b " holde rs ot " " come a .ve .. - -y ~ NOTICE I. hereby ' ~Iven tbat In No.1 <f5-4t or "D" permits In WaYnesville VII. . , - ." pursuance ot a Itesolution ot the. Prech"l odh an ' ayn sVllle times. Council of th e Village . Of " " yne , NO'l'ICE 011' ~L£CT.Olll TO Bill Vlllag ~'I'()Cln t Soulih. W t ville. Qhlo, plUhled th Ian1811bmlltetl l1. (,lay ot - n O~ ""lJl'l''IlIOW oil' t · ..... If your wlf" won' t llIten to reuon August 18811 there on ""III H_..... . . -. . E .. .C ou,n), ~l Io . , .' to a vo't- or 'tll- poorele ot Ila' Iii Wa)' _ L'!C al 0 ..... & .ale .r Beer ~ ' . ~ 'I:hc ' polls fO,· sa :tl hl ot.lnn will try a fur c;oat. D08,;;lIIe V1latre at t ~ Nb~l;CMBJ!:,( NQTIC E I. hereby jfj ~en that pur- Ol'~n at 6: 30 o'c l ~ k J~. M. li nd r <' maln JIlLECTIOl'l to be h Id In the Vlllall> .,uant to a pctltron rHed 'Wlbb the o pe n until 0: 30 o 'clock P . M. \ Aas t•" Ott WaYm!lIvllle, <!Ihlo. at the ..reg~.~ar .BOARD' OF .1!II~I!lCTIONS ot ·Wa.rr ... n e rn El land lLr/! 'lllme ) o f s lLld dn )'. .1, pl&cea ot voUnar t'herjlln. Qh Tu"....,.. 'Oounty. Ohio; on til St ill, dRY ot 8.0(1- , the ' 7til. da)' of Novemher. liS" llle,tambel'. U ~ II .. th r e wl1J' II!, s ubmitted ' lW On D E n I~ THE Bf'lA;U D O J;' queetlon ot lev~lnar a tax In exf,l Be to a vote 'o-'~' tI.e ·clectOl'B !lOf said ELh:CTIONS Or-- "' ou·1' 11 ' 0 ' N T \' VOTE FOR of the ten 'mill , 11 mit a-fh n for the llaP\oIoysbut.r Village. Warre n Oou~ml' OHIO Real Bottle Ga. For Use 11;1 Any Ga. Stove beneYlt ot W ... nenille Vlllaare. War- Ohio at the OeneraJ ELiElOTIQN to ... ., . . hus . J . W"g-go'n r. hr. reD County. OhIo. tor trle purpoee ?f held at the rek;ula r bluc:e , of vo tin g V_. H . UU BS II , Irk . CUrront tl.llpeIlB('.S of 8al<;l village at a therein. on . the 17th. day of Nove mb(· , Dn. Lfl d 0 tober. 2nd. ) 939 . ate not. eXcee~'ng-2 ~ ml1l8 tor, eaC)h lOSe dn t-he iJlstrl~t de811'1'nated a s tOI - No. 2 0 5- 41. dollar of va\,!latlon, Whlcp amounta Iowa " Ha·rve yabUrg - VllIage. W a rr ~'l , tp twentY-tlv. cente tor each one Coun't y, Oblo. Ob, tlle {(" elltio n desl g N()'J'I EO'" 1\l •• EC'J100N '(10 DEl hUndred 'dollars of.v aluatlon, tor fiVe nated al (OIl()WB, . IIE1,i) ' CIN 'l'nE QUESTION 0 ..' year. 1989-IU40-19U-l!1·' 2 . 1943. 1.0Co\L OPT.ON Loc.1 Optl"n oil: H.le 01 lIeer CANDIDATE FOR The Polls for said 'Elec~lj)n Will b e Jr.. Shall the .a~o, of ~~ny Intox laat" _ ._ _ . See The New E.tate Range On Di.play , . , open at ·'Il :80 .A. .M:. and remain open Ing lIguor be permitted In Harv ya NO'f 1 0E Is h r oby g ive n Lhal PUI''Until 8 :30 o'cloclt ,P , lIf. (Easte rn burS' Vl\lag:e Preb lnct. , lIl1ant L o " pe lltlo ," fli ed ~v l ilh th ~ At Our Store 1 ' StandlU'd Tim ) , of aald day. B. Shall th e sale e>t wine by tho BAnD 0 1;' E IJ EX:TI O NS ot Warre ll B,yorder of tho lloa,rd ' ' .f paokage tor consumption o ft" th o County. Ordo, on th h t. dlly o r Sen Com.e In And See Thi, New Modem RQilfe Elecllohll. of 1Varre n Cou.nt) pr(lmlsea Where/ eold. b,~ permltt d III t e mb er. 1 9:10. lh e.· will., 8ubmlll'ld 011.10. ·.. • . HlUlveYlburl\' Village Precinc t . t u a vot e ot til elect o.r s ()( , aalll Chu . .1. W-aggonel\ Cllr. C. Shall u~e . ale of wine fQr con- o l' wln Vll h'lro. Warr e n ounty. Oh lu ElectIon, Novemller" ", 1939 8umpt'lon bn anll ,ott \-h ' PI' mlsQII a t th e Gen e r !.l l EJ..ECTf N t o be he ld V. H . RUIIBell, Clerk . D~ted Octobe r 2nd. 1939. Wfher8- Bol~ 'be pe runlltE'<1 In Har\' eYM- at th e regu lar J IIIlCO ut vut In g th .r ." ., . Iburg Village <Prf\cln,ct. • In , un lh e 7th, a y of No\' c m\l er. 193 9. 'OFTHID IIlI.ECTION TO Bill D. Shall t!1e 'glas lIal8e bl!ofpe rm sp irituous In t he n VII1 Rge. d s lgm a t ed lUI r.llew. . NOTICIIl HlD-LD ON ~UE8TIOlli 011" . lIQuqrB by the Itt d II, ConwlJ Wun'en o unt~': Larlfer Becaule of Better Quality, Service, and Price - - - -- I L_I O.Uo. . . 11.101 .1 B .... r . HarveJsb~rg Village l:>reclnct, Ohio. on th e qll osll1ons deslgnll ted n. '. . . E.Shall stat& HlluOJ' stor es ter th e tOIl D'W8 I '\ NcYnfClil II horeb)' given that p\lr- Ille -o~ -8p1lrltuouB liquor by the PIlCK' I OCAI OP'I'ION I E.tablilhed 1849-19:" - - Wayne.ville, Phone 32 Buant to a '!le tltlon tiled lwlth the age" for the , coneumptlon ,.,ft th e N.. Sha ll ~hf>.,, "'I · o t an y Int olt leatBOARD OJ<' ELECTIONS of WurrH,. prepl1s ea ;w-here sDIIl,_b e per mitted In l" l:f 1I 'luo,' I> e p ermllt ' c\ In orw ln County, Ohio, on the 9th a ..,. ot Be •• - Harveyaburlr Vllla.ge P~eclnct, VllIllge 'I'J'ecl n t. . . . . .IiI. . . . . . . . . .L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. tembe r, un, ~here wJIl be Bubmute4 ·No.. 2 •J 06~4t B. Sha ll t he sal e Qf win o vy thc ~ to a vote ot the eledtore of ' said ' p a okag e t or COl1 l1Unwtl on a Ir th e Mo._ale 'l'owJlarhlp. Warre ll Count". _ BALE OF RIRlJtR preml ~e ll wh er e sold bo pe rmltt ell III :::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: Ohio. at the General Eld!lC'£ION to (Submitted WI a Se par l1te Questloll\ Co rwin Vill age P r ecln t. I FOR le b eld at the rearular place o(..x o tln8' Shall lh e aal of be e r I1s d c tln d S hall thc 81\Ie o r w in e ro r co,, there1n. on the 7tb. day' 0It November, In Section 6212-63 of th e Ge neral s lImpt:1o n on o ntl o rr th p pr PlIl lu es I U89, In the district deSignated all to 1- Code be permitted b y hold e rs o f' C'' wh er e s old bc pe rmitt ed In Co r w In low,,: )Ial.le Town·sh~p . WarreD or "D'" permits ~n Hhn' eyffil url" VII- "lIIage PreCin c t, \ County. OhIo. on the ques tions d e.I~- lage PreCinct. Warren. County. Ohio. D . Sha ll th e sal n.r s plrlt uo '" nated a s tollows, . IIqllOr S h,. th e g la ss be pe rlllitt ed j " LOOAL OPTIO" The ,poll" tor s llld election will l:orwln Villag e P I'cclnct. A. Shall Ih e anl e ot I1 ny Inloxl cat- open at 6: 30 O' cl~k A . M. a nd r !.,IIa ln l J-:. Shall II ta l e 1I1111 0r .. 1.0 1"' 8 fer I h, . Hundreds of thousanda of bnp Your Support Will Be Appreciated. Ing liquor Ibe P41rmltted In MII.ssle 1>pen until 6:30 0 clocl. }' . lIf . I E " s l- . a le 'of s l>ll'i tuous li q uo r b" t ht. p a t k . Tow.ahlp Precinct. ' e rn Standard Tim e) of! snld dR Y. lage t or th e cons unlPtlo'n o ft th . and young men read THE ~ B. Shall tJhe. llale ot wine lJy the ~ . . llre;n~se8 ' he r e 8,, 1<1: hi' p l'rm lUe,1 In Predictions that ell previous ree.. package tor o!>nsumptlon o ft the BY ORDER OF ~HE BOAn n or· ; or wln Vlllnge .t'1· c lu e t. ords for number of entries will be ICAN BOY Magazine everY month Eiect1oo, November 7. ~939 premllles wh er e s old. be permitted In ELECTIONIl OF ' W (~rr e n CO N'I' Y I and consider it more as a Ilvtnc Ma.. le Townlhlp PreCinct, omo, . 8A.1,11 01" ItEEIl broken are m ade by the managecompanion than as a magazine• .!. C. Shall th e sale or win e tor con.Chas. J . Wa g g oner . Chr. (SubmlLled as a S~ llarat loIu eH Ll on ) t .~-~ tl _ _ 1 L1 "U's as much a buddy to me . . lIumpti on on antl olr til e premlees V. H . ' Russell, Cl erk. Sh rl ll t il e sal e oC bl'er IlS dcrt n p<l men of the In"'-4 ..... 0...... ve wh e re eold, be permitt ed In Mass lo Dat d OetO'ber, 2nd . lu 39. In Soo ti on G2 12- 6 3 Of th o Oe ncr .Li Stock Expooition for this year's - -- - - - - - TOownehlp PreeLnct. 'od e IJ c p e l' mllled b y hol,I(' I's tl t ,. , my neighborhood chum" writs one 0 - Shall the lillie or s plrltueus NOTIOIll OF I!lIJEC'lI'ION '1'0 'BE o r "D" p erml ta 1n Co rwin V ill uS'" show which wlll ,be held a.t the Ilqu'orai TownShip by the glass b p e rmlttetl' In JlELl> ON 'j'Hfj QUE S'l'JON 0 ..' P r cc lnc t. Wa rr e n County, Ohi o. . Ohtft~" Stock Yards December 2 to high school senior. "THE .u.om.. MaSHie Pre.t, 1...... 1 O.t10D '" 8,.1.. of B_r __0 ICAN BOY seems to understand a I!.:: Shall state. liquor atol'c8 tor thc Th e poll s tor said e lection will II .. ~e ef splr'1tuoue liquor by the packNOTICE ' Is herehy ~d " en t,hn l pll r· ope n III 6 ::10 o'cl ock A. M.. and r~ ll'Inh1 ' . boy 's probleDUI aIld consldera them age, for bhe' consumptl on o ft the suant to )..."')letlU~, . fll, a Ilih t~c OI)On until 6 :30 .0·CIO"k p . M. (Ea' l' j AccordlDg- to B. H. Heide, secreIn such a sympathetic and helpful' . Maule premlsee wlh ere Bold. be p 01'mlU ot) III BOARD v)i EWC'l roNS or Wn.rr<l ll rll Sumdard 'rime ) ef said day. tary of the exposition the Townahlp PreCinct, County, Ohio, on 't he 1s t (iay ot Sen. _ma.na.ger. W4>1. It gives advice and entert.aJn.. . " te~ber. 1939. thero will bc s u bmitt ed B Y OBDF:R OF TFfE B OARD 01' early entry Is the heaviest it has Ing reading on every lubJect In ~III 011' BlDIIln . to a vote ot: th e eIE.e t oa-" ()It s nld 1': L£lCTI ONS 0 1" Warr e n CO NT~' I (Submttted ae a Separate ' QuelUon) Wayne Towrushlp Warr en Co UJJl ty, OHIO ever been and more than the usual Shall th e lIale or beer 11.8 de tlnpd Ohio. at th e Gen eral ELECTION to . Ch 1l8 . J . Wagsoll er . I". I n .......-- of stockmen have made In. whlcl1 a ' young fellOW is Interested. In Section 8212-83 ef th ' GonerJ1.! le held at ~he regul"r plat'e ot "olln g V IT HU8 8 0 11 Cle rk . .......,.,.. It Is particularly helpful In sports. ' I qu1ries relia.t1ve to llatlng .exhibits. Code be permltted ,lIy hold er,! of ". :" theroln" on ah e Hh, day of Nov emb er. Oa tea October 1nd 1 939. I made our school basketball team or "!Y ' permlta ~n JoInsBl e Town8blp 999. dn th e dletrlcC- ,lelllll'oal04 &I 101- Nil. 8 " 0 5 ·41 I *-_ th bred d I Precinc t. Wauen Oounty. 01110. . lowII: Wayne Tpwnllhlp Pree{nc ts . Entries.... e p\U'e an n. becal18e Of playing UPS I read In The polls ' rer said e lection -will ~a::;e~b~~u~.s ~~r~ o,::, n~ q\~t'8~ I . • ' dlvlduail fat stock classes of the ex- THE AMERICAN BOY OpeD &t. II:~U6:30 o 'clock A. M..P a.n.d emain tlo.na designat ed aso.-nON foUew s , , I position wW ,be 6(:cepted until No.. Many . famous ethlet;a In aU open until o'clock M. r(EastI.OOAL ern Standard Time) ot BAld .day. .N.. Shall th e lillie ot an y Into l! lcatvember 1st, he says; end for the In- sports credit much of their 8UCCIIIIII , . Ing liquor be p e rmitted In \\ " Y" ' ternational Grain and Hay Show. BY ORDI!lR OF TI:fE lJQA,RD OF Townahlp Precinct ERst, Wa y .lo · . I . to helpful suggestions cecelvecl from sports arUcles carried tn TUB ;::L'e TOWDl,hlp Preolnet Soutn L. A. Garst, Superintendent o f small grain. seeds and hay In bhe AMERIOAN BOY 14aiulne. V1r1u· B. ShILIifor thecon.umlltion Bale ot wlne ()jrt by tall. _l.lp Schools has b .' en oountry ' ex!hibibs may be ente.ea ally every issue otfens advice trom " lIackage the Wayne ........... ... v .....,," • premises where .qld. Iile permitted : Il Invited by .the Umverslty of Olncin_ until November 2(). famous coach or player. Pootball.· ;:~~: ~~::~~t:~ ~;~:\~~~ N~~~I; na.ti to arrange for 8. group of his ~ Exposition will be. . staged In basketball, track. tennis. In fact West and Waync TownshIp ~ e clnct friends in WaynesvWe to attend the the huge IJJIiematimal Amphl. every major sport Ie covored In flc. South West. C. Sh,,11 th e sale Of . wiR e tor con- Untversity F'al1 Leoture Series theatre, situated at the east en- Ilon and fact arUels. ~~~!I~~I:.\:r:.~t~ft.t~~e In pr~~~~: An Important annu8.i ~vent ~t the trance to the Oh1c&go Stnck Yards. Teachers, librarians, puente and TOWDShlp PreCinct But, Wayne I leaders of boys clubs alIo reoomTO'l'nehlp ' Preclnc t ' N ,,"lh Weal anll Un1verslty. the Fall Lecture SeriES mend THE AMERICAN BOY en.. WaYDe Towlle"lp Preoln ct South teatures 8lx d\stlniu1ahed . personal'1'_ _
...., ~- , - .. ....... ··':'--t e"-""· who baa ..... -lD-
I....... .
.OTIC. 0 .. JiCL1I:CTIO OlV "'''ll UDv~ IN IIIllCl!I81 OF THill TIIIN KILL ~IJI""A'l'ION
~;:~;;~;;~~~~~~~~;;~~;;;;~~~5~;;;;~~~~~ (p--
'In, Town .Or
.Wade Turne,
Own Or Rent The Equipment ea,
Village .C lerk
Fairley Hardware Store
E. oL. Tholnas
Live Stock, Crops Show THE AMERICAN 80Y Planned For Chicago
. Vote For
J. P. Larrick
'. W
Marshal and Conatable
Your IU"PO~ lY~1l be appreciated
~~;~~~~;~~~~;~;~~~~~~=~~:~:~~~~~~~~~~. ;~~~;~~~~~~IP~~t~hW_ nndl =
--, 1 -'"
.; t
the' lillie of s plrituoull IIguors by the glaS8 be pe rmlttcd . h. \Vayne Towns hip !:'reclnc t Eallt, Wa)l>IleandTown ... lpTo .Prec inct~reclnr.t North Welt 'Vayne w llIIhlp South W est: . • El:- Shan 1tt~e Ittruor 'IIto1'81l sale ot sJ¥lrltuous liquor bt th e pack. n.ge, (or ,,!here th l1 con8umptio OUt edthe preml&Cle sold. !be permit In Wayne Towns hip P recInCt ERS' ,
~~.r~!nl~a~~:~P'l'o'!;~c~~ctpr~~~~ SQutb
lUes Who wW talk QIl subjects ot current e'_"I _____ The 111 ""6 .... ............,. group w meetUIn wUaon Auditorium. Ollfton I and nlverst~ Av~u- on six 8 ' '''_ _ _. _ ....... - - • -~ " .,.... . CessIve Tuesdays at 8.30 p. m., beginning _ ' October 31 • The Univoers}t;.y will present these The slxteenth annual convention authorities: R1s Excellency Jan ot the JoumaI1sm A.ssoclatlon. of , Masa..ryic.. illter-na.t1ana.l statesman; ' OhIo Schools, will meet In Clumbus
Senator Bennett Ohamp Clark. of on November 3 and 4. ,.-. f C. Getzl ' Ohi M""",url, e. Prealdentlal poSBlbWty I Pro eIMlK' L. oe. Q _ 0 for 1940 .' Dr. WWlam Lyon Phel"'" ....' state Univen1ty's School ot Journ· . proJnlnent Uteruy flgure; MB1.ma! all.sm. 1a receivlJ:lg the· reservations. 0':'_ &_6"' ___ -d ted Ohln ' UI e hun"-..a ~ and a 'rls are """"', ~........, Uta eEe 8C,,[.V ..,n;" .......... ", 'trees; Vlbljalmur Stefa.nsson noted expected for the eessWnti, t:> hen:• and r&dl . --canMtan 8l'ICtIe explorer and 8~~en_ how preti8 a.SsodatioDs , 0 Theatpoll8 said eleami ctionr e main will tlst; and Oarl Bandb\U'.... &_-'--- cover the' WU' hews, atDd to dlacU8S OpeD 6:30 tor o'olock ,t.. K. ~ ~....... ' .ern -open until 8:30 o'cilock P. K. (Eul- writer and trolllJaqour. .In 'their own Iound· tables the prob_ ·Standard TIm ' ) . of aald day. --"For the Jut several YeArS Int«- , lema of 8Cbool Jo\IrDII.llBm. BY OHDER OF THE BOA'RD OF . A dinner da:lce with "Dusty" Mil ELECTJONS OF Warren COUNTY, ~ted ~ns In outlying dUas have .- . . OHIO. ehaa . .1. W~rC'an - r. Chr. 110.ttended the University of Oln-rln. ler, WJ.lmfngton humorts~ &8 speaker "t&4 I to CoJumb per ~ ' V. H . lIUBS ~I, CI .. ,k. ' nat! l'eoture groups to Bee and bear a vIS t a UI; newspe. ~g.~~d October, 2nd. 1939. 06.lt the featlm!d oelebr1tles," ,t he U. C. i }:Ilant; e. ~pJay and a <;entest for BALE OF J)11lIIl,R (Submitted &S a Sepl!Lt"at'6 Question) Shall the ...le ot beer ,as d e nn '=<! in Section 6ZU-6S by . o,f holil thee rsGe Code be permItted ofneral .•)' 01' "D" permits in Wayne Township Preolnct Eut WB.Yno 'l'own Hblp -Pteclnct N-ortti \" cll t and WI1-YI ~ e , Town.tIh1p Preclncl South 'W est. War · '!'en County. Ohio.
thusiaat1cally. They have found that as a1lenerall'llle regular read.. era of THE &""""'IC&V BOY."
...more ~ rapidly nn aDd develop _>_010" .... ... ....... . .. v ...........e ""ara" ..., uwCl than do boys 'who do DOt read it. Trained wrl--'s __ A ar"._ •• t ___ ...- ...... ...... ....... OUS coaches and athletes, expklnr... SC1entlsts and men aucceaatul . m buslnes&-1ltld Indl18tr)' ,1Otn wlth 'm
vance m ore
ezperlenced staff to produce In TJDI ' . AMERIOAN BOY. the IOrt of reado Inll mattel' bOl'3 nke beSt . ' TJJII AlIERIOAN BOY eelIa OD ' • __ ..a_
1mI" newaa ......... at lliC. copy. ~' ·-t.w' n pl-iceB 8re t1 ,60 fOr ~ne year or $3.00 tor three years. Fore'..... .." rates 50c a year un To subscribe limply send your
Bt!dreaa and ~mlttance • dl~ to ' TIlE AMERICAN BOY, 7UO Second Blvd.• Det.roit, Mlchlga , n. .
NOTICE OF 1!l1.~;""ON TO Rill announ~ent stated. "Thos~ 1 n ~1II!hool pu?lIcatlons and the Ohi:> HELD ON TUB ~IJI!ISTIO. OF WaynesVIlle who are mteiesteci StAte-lndla.na football .I!mDe are L_II' o.t1~ ~a.e of Reer In the 1939 serieS oan obtain tnfor- otlher features. NOTICE Ie hereby give n bhat pur- mation from Mr Garst. 1rom the • lIuant to a petition rUed <wIth the . . BOARD OF" EUEQ!l'roNS ot Warren o1!I1ce of the MIami O&aetfle. or by The prospect CIt mixleUng a per-. County. OhIo, on tll~' 18t day o.f Sell- adclrilsslng the DiJieator ot the Pall tember, US9. the r e 1jII1II be lIubmltNd feet worid seems Increasi'lglr renio~e to a"voteot th a.- 1~lett.or8 0If said Lecture Series. University of Cin; Two un1veQitlea with 8 lot In Wuyneevllle V.IIlllge, "'arren 'OountY, I 'U" • Oblo, at tile Ge ne ral ELl!.."CTION to C nna • common wtU meet on the football The people who are doing their - , " held Ilt the I'egulnr place ot vutlng therein. on tb.& 7th. day ot Nove miJ eo' Jobs best se~ to be having a 'ery field (or the first time Saturday. 1939, In lobe cJ1atrlca dell g nated as gpod ~. tIOllows, WaynesvfUe ' VtIlag4l. ' " ' IlrOctober 28, when COrnell grldderil < ~en Oounty. Prec lnet8 Corne to the Ohio state Un1ven1ty riei·South ....Ohio; tne tluestlona deslgnat· . ed ... follows. Every dishonest man was once- 5tadlwn. -" . . LOCA L. (lIPTlOlII ~ Shll.ll tile 81\Ie any Intoxlcathonest, untO &emptatlon got the The game w1l1be tne last non.con • lng ' IIquer be p ermitted In Wayne." better of h1Jp' , - vl1le Village p ~. eclncl l~orth and terence enoounter of the seaaoo tor Waynelvllle VlIlllge ,P recInct South . tht;.Bucks who in the remaining ~lf . B, Shall the sale' or wine by t'lle .package for £on" umpllon o.tt the yv6yn~ studenta a~~ng Some middle-aged people purSUe a ~f U1elr~~hlwm m:n!.lg r~ prern1ses where sold. be llE' rmlLted I ~ Wa)'lDetlyllle VlIJag:e Precinct NOrLh OhloM Slate Un1venslty will ·,have no good time with the same tury that oes, In , . 0&:;10, :.s, IUJ and Wayrieavlll 6 Village Pr oln t Mlch1gun on successive Satlll"daYI. South. • .. , d)ool on AmUStlce Dey, Nov. 11, a dog chases a ra~blt. C. Shall tile sale or wine tor oon. _ \ alJrnptlon- on Ilnd of.the premlsfl8 but they have been asked . by Acting wh,ere BOld be p~lUlueq In Wayn es- President WWIam ' l\4cPherson to at.. ville VlIIage Precinct Ncwth j1,nd .' . W.ynaevllle VlllaEre Precinct South. tend a memorial service at 10 a m ., ' . . , D 81111.11 tho . ,ale ot spirituous lIQu'ora by the gtull be permitted In talat day In the chapel, Ot. ln Wa-y.neutlle vtUage Precinct North . a.D4 .\Vayneavllle Village Precln·, t Chlef Justice Oarl '(. WeYB1UIdt ot ' I 8o~~b8him . sta\e lI i(uor steo'eil for th u the Ohio SUpreme Court wUi'speak .' With lRV~ COBB ale ot spirituous Uquor by the pa.ek- at the ceremon1e8 ·hoaorlnlr 'tbe 65611..11-'...- - -.........- - - - - - - age. Cor the consumption O(f the Oh1o So.. h " premlles where eold. be pl>rmltted , Jn _te men , 11' 0 served In the Wa)'lDellvlllCl VlIl1t.geVillage Precinct.Ereclnct North II Wot1CI•..:.Wu of _ftl_> whom 135 .,l ost their and Waynesville • iii /:louth, Ves ou "'_ CO.u.uw ..
OLio State Meet FOI first TIDJe
Ohio Slate To Have Anms• Ii·lie 0af Program
Laugbin .' g
Pen'aliz'ed for an Off·-S.·de pC '
, By IaVIN ~. COBB VERYBODY knows who. and w~t Thomas A.
"~bOdl ~:
th&f ~r.
Edition is deaf.
Edison 18 iauI-_' _ ~~ the ffICt tbat ~.
p.m· THURSDt.:Y, Nov 2nd ~ temperance meo\.ing wID be held at the local Met.hoc1lst ellurcl\ in the 'interest of 'Ute dl}' campa.ian spoMorec:t by the chW'Cllles of Way· neaVWe. We urae everybOdy to- at·t end t.he meetlni begtnn1ng at' 7:30 m, I .
8T MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Il y. B. L. RacllweU, ~~r
' lST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 7 ::10 eo, m. Holy Communlon, 10 a ro· JUnior Church. Bohool. ~1 'a. In. Mornina PJ'Q¥er and aer. o •
Ferry -
_Mrs. Tom Burton 18 contined tQ her bed atI1I4n. She _aa taan to loIeOJel- , len ho!;pltal 10 Xenia tor x..ray OIl MondaY but-we have no report from Wday. She Is at bGme JIOW. , The lAd1es A1d 01 !the Creek church met with Mrs. Clbeater last ThUJ'8da.y · aftemooD. ,
ay 1md you can help us do bet Q.
m· tel' this
a. ~ vJatt.
• METHQDIST CHURCH Lo~l!I O. RlJdley. Pastor
Church Scliool 9:90 a. m.
&lllp ~ervice 10 :40. The pastor's sub-
ject wID be ''The Ildstumlng Christ" S~rs arc alwayS welcome to ow- services. . Ep~ League Monday eyenlllg at 7 O'c1ook. The' Lea8U!l Cabinet met TuESd&y ~ and made BOrne p~ fOlf' the oragnlmtJon. Oome next Monaa.v everung o.na learn about them. The League will give 0. Hallowe'en party Monday eve rung Oct. 30. All the young people of 'the ohurch are invited. All are asked to mask.
. ~lb few 8lIItleptlOll.ll" the harder the work Ule amaller ~ pay, We cbee.r our trienda these daya
marri~ znan
Hall pn Moo..
' _ _ _ _..,.-_ _
number of or1Zea wen
Exploit yourself-6fter you . have -ecogntzed your IJmJtatlons.
awarded. The Men'S Commumty Club are
__ A
"u:-. Uvin'gstone, I Presume?" Henry~. StaDle, (Spencer Tr4"::. left.) groots Dr. David Livingstone (Sir Oedrlc Hardwick.) ,..;,b t: ~ historic words In the depths at unknown Africa, hlgb S[lot of the memorable pltlture-open~n~ at tb. Xen. Theater f._n': J7. Darryl F. Zanuck's ' produ.etlon ol 'Stanley and Livin.·
Tracy, twice winner of tbe
A.ca4~my · Award,
We(lnel!Jday afternoon w:yeeta of . )41'. Mrs. W. C. TIcIlenar.
•. _ - .....
Por the plee.sure' of Mrs. Ralph D. DO , . TQUe ' of Va., wbo is via complete auction servk:e. CltJzena . 1tJn8' relaUves ,here, 1Ir. and l\Ira..Bank Bldtr., WUmlngton. Phone Keller Hoek and RoIcoe PurDaa en- 2283. · 838-tr tertaSne<l at d1nner Wednesday, Mrs.
i.1 1!1.oUooiar l:Teat performance as the heroic reporter who J1alled. I .. s .., "Find LI'flngelonel" In tbe blaok heart of ,unknown A,;·!;A.. . N'a:;cr Kelly and Rlobard Green. co·,tanecl with Trac~ ~t tl;o !IlIIMl -< a macnltlcent cut.
The price of at home comes gynmaalum on . Wednesda¥ evenmg. •. but it's better than snip1ng Tbe home of Oarroll Smait and sulklng, . caUBht tire on TueadaY aftern<!On from unknown ortgln. The .flames were 800n under OohClrol by the 10cal fire deparlJlnent. with -=onslder. 'a ble dalnage to furn1sh\niB and cIotb1ng 10 the home, ..,.....ct .., ...[ E. E. Way of Orlando ... _ ...... ... with eueeta from cJnciimatl; Mrs. Dugan and .Mrs. BelL were
bavtne a lWlowe'en PIU'tY at the
Mr and Mra Wm R.oa ..... am. oa.lIera··of Mr. and Mrs.
d&.y nJcht.
Ben. A. HW, P.... .. "
ter In .attnrvwtl.
pan, at the Orange
He wun't feeUng 110 well T.uesday. ma 'dauahter BIle\Ah was one of the tew cbUc1ren in Waynesville 6dl0Ql who bad pedEd teefh ~ Impromptu weiner I'088t WIIB enjoyed Sunday evening at the P, J. Thomases when guesta trom Dawton MT, HOI.LY M. E. CHURCn Ibr.~ugltlt the "rilaJdnsB" and came out present. were the carl WhItis T. M: 8eu1f, Mlnlater 1 _II the ""'-- Piscber fft_no. , .......y. ... .....-~ ........., Bunday School 9:30 a. m. E. A and the Tom F'ordyces' from . Ovnolton, Joe Goode and Earnhart. Sapt. Fordyce, &nd the holst and hmteM. Evening service 7:30. Mr. and Mrs Robert BWett (Blale Prayer meeting Wednesday eveWlcal) are DMWfng to Center· nillg 7:30 in the near tuture. A welcome awaits you at these '!be famWes of Maurtce Hunter, Everett Hunter aDd Ed Murphy were vJs1tlng In Ba.ldmdge Sunday. UTIOA U. B. CHURCH 149 sweUed the congregation at
Sennon begins at 11 :00 6 . m. Y PerIIonal Evangelism cla6s at 7:30 SA'l"URDAY Oct, 28th. 7:30 Young people's social . in bQse.ment of Chw-ch.
4 p. m. BoYS Club. 7:30 P. m. GIrl's Friendly Grolip,
IIIIfAIrn star. 'nlUl'&....Y ev~. They also ~ber1de1;i a ba.Ddkel'CDlef. abOwer liven 10 h,onor .Of II1'It ..... Batton. 1'1110 will leave In tbe DIIIIr·ftlture to _ the win
Mr, .wi Mm, 'J'om Welcb on 'l'uefI. by realUD, our ,trOUbl81 to &bern. Welcb murbed to , OheMpNke with ber oouama far: a U · thtnla. are lOin, well bome, .wby should a want to 'lbe Omn,e held a Hal1Qw~'en 81!4'nd a' YHr or two in the Antartlc?
Lord's Table spread 10:45 a. m.
MI'II. Jess' Bess
or Ule
dar. 18'1,
NOV. 1ST. ALL SAINTS DAY. 10 Holy Communion.1
meet.tDt tit ibe
Verar)' abapter,
Mr. and MraoRAlUlo ' Bolton were Sunday i\llllta of Rev. aDd Mm, InJn SUNDAy 0harl8l Smith 10 ClnenViJe. Bibte Bohool 9:80 a. m, The CUI Heu ' f&lD1ly apeDt Sun. ..: :30 P. m. Nursery Church, sch()lll can't you come to Sunday School with Mr. and M'ra, J_ Bees. S P. m· Primary Ohurch scllool. sunday, we had 149 present laAt Mrs. J818 Roland was an after·
DYe ~dles from Clbl:lnnaU enter.. ta1ned the following at lunobeoD ., the JJttte OD ~. MrS. H, K. Klpbarl; Miss Den ~b1lillia. ¥ris. Ruth DMoon Mi'II 'Beas Alan. b:.ulb. Ib. Ch.riea· 8DW't and &be bOltell. , _ 0eCUe Cft.wtord and Wi'll. Reardon of Ohespeab, 'O blo Mr.' aDd IO'a. ~ ~ or W1kDInatoD were dinner and SUp per lUeate of lIIrB. OIl&. Welch and
Tracy iii Heroic Adventure' Drama . ', -'" ,',.'
Benry 8a.tterthwuc-. and .... POR SALE- 30 Bam!d Rock pulICas Ruth; Mrs. C;. I . ~..,.......leta, lOme layJrig. L. V. Branatrator. and daU(hter Ann; lira. RQbert 021 PumIIs' ~ ClalIIIbter. MIls Jean; . - 1ItI!. Barry t!lmJth. Mr'Ii NeDle Bun- _ _ _ _ _---'_ _ __ neIL MJas Monlmla Bunnell and !!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!! Mrs. Tolle; , _ _ _ _ __ .
JIIrY"'I HU1'1
p~. 11~
Sunday. 29 ' . Mrs. Bester Ro8era. 9:30 a m , -BundllY schooL Leslie James WIca1 Sundiay evenlni', , . WAmSVIL1.E CHURCH OF I GclIMU(:h', Supt. 'lbe COY .OIll1am' were v1fdtors '!'be Book Review CJrcle met 00 CHRIST 10:90 . a. m.-Momlng worsh ;p, the p&J'BOD88e MoadayeveDJDa'. . " ThI1l8dal afternoon with Mrs, Cu7'00 p. m -ohrisUan Endeavor. Mr. and Mi'8 lAwrence ste OoUett 88 .h08tees. BleCtJoo of W C. Smith. Miolster . +» • "'--"'alL 1-.0' .... "ft __ t . __ ~. the ' waa the order • . MIss "",lza.bet:b _"" .,........ were Tuesday eve....oe go..... a Mr. and, loIJ:8. Ernest KDee and v~ .or ... --...-......:.-........._,- . . ILl -TheIiCl services can mean to • J. 'Dl0ma8l!6. cbUdren of lllUnOu spent laat Week of the bl.tnma meeting. 'Ifith \41'11. 6UND~Y '. all who deslre to worship God in Ute Sunday dinner. guesu; of the W. O. Wl.th the fomlfll"s parents, Mr. and Est~ Dos~ elected .as president, • . 'to Bible School oalIs God's cbJldre~ church on the Babbath day. ' l8mlt~ famUY were Mr. and Mrs. Gecqe :bee, M~ Belen Randall aa Vice preI" _ '. Ito worMIp each Sunday at 9:30 .., . Wort.bJngton of. Beavertown. U1 "ent and!o(n. H. W, 8iDart re>...e loll' and Mrs Clement 'PUtcraft I . 2 m. '. ' " Th~ ~uble with co~tt.eeS Is Harry Cornell wu removed . Besa A.l1eD of OOiumbus ~un~ ed as secretary and tzw.surer. &Iter who 'lI&teN'ticl t.a.e Pl1end's. ~ FelloWihJp is enjoYed with that. ·they are . always wonder1ni Wamt. Valley bosptt81 WedDMda.y of end with her uncle a:d which ~ O~ Snw.rt reviewed. Oobfennce I trr .IncttenapolJlS~ I88t Frl.--Sat., ~ Ni~ At Hl8 table at 10:45 a.. m· - what others w1ll tb1nJt; they seem Iaat week, Be Is upectlng to undergo . and Mrs. Wm HolUngBh, "BJ&ck NamIII!ua by R~ qocl- week. heJd '& rneetlJltr heJ'e Monday "Good I Girl. Go To Pat'I'CbrJsttan Endeavor at 1:00 p. m. to have aUght confidence 10 their an ~n but 1t hasn·t been per- Mrs Marie W1hl of Columbus. den. , Dilrbt, >to ta.lk ewer the Iit.uatlOn witb Ii Melvyn' DouClu ' lou BIoncJell ~liing 7~30 P. m, ~ own Judament. ' . formed lIB yet. BJs condiUop Is fair. the week end with her parents The book portre,. the ~r1encea local Prlendit. . , ' ; , , J I "were one hundred present Mr. and Mrs. P, R. Wlcal visited , and J4I'II. F. of. IIMIl IP'OUp .G! AnIdcan DUDI IIJIIea ADDIe U ADd llame , T. Starts. Sunda, . lBat 8UnI2Ay evenlrtg tor tbe preach Handiness Is the big reason fpr the with the former's Mlltoo W. and Mil. James Tmvls and opened a echI:ioI In Browne P'iid..,. .. in . 1ng and. ,~&rrlaiI ~. As ,.awe chain stores' Iueceu. Wlocail and famUy at Sabina Bunda.),. lIOn lett OIl I~ for Mkanaa.s rioithWe8~ ~' 'Of Indl& 0 ' X.... . . >_ at the iCli~ are not ~pen on ~e ..· , tlW' -4~t to make their the aJster IM!eame ~ ~ JU aDd lin; B;.r:rr .~ or Lord:s day eVening we ~~ve you ~ We're aate from chaos 10 long lUI , with the tnfIUenoes Of' the ·CiOUIIItl'Y J;JayioD riftt.ed I'rtend.s at the Home with everybody exPecta It. Mrs. Herbert Pldterlng and son of J?8rtlcuiarlY of one altei'DDon, " " us, lIB ~ hiI.'ve ~y been com . . J CedarvIlle wu a recent guest of 'her dian ~ WhO beaed 110 be al.~ ~ Kn. LIna Welta lng. . ' USB TBz KLUa. J4I'II. Pe.ul Webb. ' . lowed to COID6 the daily and aoa. Jobii. of called WEDNESDAy . . . . . Mrs. Pranll: Kyne vJs1ted her' slster' tor le&llOlllS altho ecatnat tile nales 0Il-1IIIIea II&mi and Annie rBiowne, - Blble pmyef WANT AD OOI..UMN MhI Bdw1n Nutt of centerJaDe a ,a llaitl" In Xenia Qn tu .admlt'"mm students. al. . . .
~ ~
~ne. .
1nV1~n ~. ~e ~. wonbJ~ ~e1y.,'&JId
~=~:~=:.;;;:~~~~:~=:.:'::~~~ ~We
ee.tUr~and I~ ·.
Ofa'ge Gray &nd Mr. and Mra. LesUe ' Ora.y and chil-
a'B01l y: Only $2'.00
•Mle Walter eKnrIck aiJcI brotJler. James' BaJnea. ~ PrIday and. Bat urcs..r at &be home of 16-. &lid II1'II. W- G. B&IDea In Da1to.D and attendect'the.BelmoDt church' street 181r; , , 1Ir. WUIJam Ber'gd8u, Mr. and !oIra Allen Emrlck and Mrs. J. B: JODea attended the ICiOm hWlldng ccmteat at NOramndy fanna near CentervUle ~~. .
Mr. and Mrs. H'alQshom of I;a.yton Mr. and 14~ L. A. Ba.rpr of Wash.lngton C. H. ~ IIr B. 0 Rt!8h of Anderson, Ind., were entertalned &0 dlnner Sunda¥ at ~ home of )fr. and Ml'II Pred Ruah and cblldren" Mr. ~ Mrs. ~ O~ 'l lr. a.nd Mrs Robelt Slney ..nd ' ~ ·0. W. ~t aP,eJit ~ , a{ 'the home of Mr. Dad Mm. Arthur WhIte 10 Oolwnbua' bO'lUlzIir ' t.be birijlda.J of tile latter, ' : ~ Walter Clark WIllS &everett cut ..be back of bill ba.Dd wood wital • .bu.".w'Prida.7 Be l'e&Cbecl under &be '!&W wben a CIoot.h m.ugbt bJIJ ·PWe. "Be Sa tbe ewe of Stout and the WOUJl(I.I The' p, A. of Massie Tow.mihip schools will hold Is ~o.lng ~: . " R mask cal'JlivaJ.: i~ ~be. · Schoo' gymnasium on Hallow-I The Pl'OIDUD tor the next. mec.~tJDjJI e'en. t 'a feieria ·shp.per,', will be served evening, begin Iof. the m ' . '" -" M' III b f . h d b ·t h h I Mrs:. O&tIh!!l1,lie ....... _er P..
fl anOin' , en Social
Gymnasium, Harveysburg Octo'b er 31 F~om 5:30 P.M'., On' T.
~.~~_~ at~
~w.gt::a:t 5 :...3 0 o'clock.uSlc W. !I ,e . urDls.e y . e se 00, WedDeedaf lfov. 1 Sa:~~' band: A Jish pon~ anda fot:tune teJ~er wIll.be features o·lmu.slc. ~ ArI8ne Jones; roll call. the progl-fl..m. At 8 o'c)pck those m~sked wIll assemble to epeoIal November ~ent;
be ';h ldged \fO~'Prizes. A'wards ~nl, be made for th~ best it:~; Ttrant~vlni re.dInc,
. , repreAnta~on8 .o f tlie. Joll0.win~: , " , DICTA'!:OR · .:. ' COMID. STRIP CHARAc'TER . . , MO;\!:IE 9HUACTER ' . > .. BBJ»E ~N.n. GROOM . 1(OTHER G.OOSE HISTORIOAL CHARACTER --nCTlONAL' .
~ tc;\ial'lOs.::~=~
" ' ~' ~ aDdKlW. BdD& ~ . ,• -_ . .
~ ''Il00'' :!.a~~' at the boIDe f1I1n, -MJeae Joaa on Thgra dI.Y, WIleD .. poup Of :JrIes.Id5 i :~ wmbIed for the IaItau meetbI8 01 tile • .... lin- cr.therIne WbttaUr AI'
...,.. altend., P.~" K.; .'!be'1UII& 111& 1JFhidrd; lin, AJar tbel1'.Inell1C1a to eDjoy the ·car- . . . . Mm. ~~, KnI. .
lin. Iiena H.arl.IooIt and K.JIa, W. A.. Lutell8 ' attended ·the' 34U1 aMI-
. • _
.,..~_ _ _~_~_______-O:~~...._ _~:-......._ ._,.
week, end Pftd~k of 8u~ts , Ind~ ii~~~~.-~~~~'------.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~F¥~~~~~~~~~~~::::~~~~
pe~. Mr andXy." Mm.~ \ PA'llIFINnER answ,ers the questlODa YOI1 Illid y~ rriends are asking with its CODCiae, 'Vivid portrayail 01 cwrent ~ceoe. Events of "national and international aigrilllcance are h:llly imd impartially covered. Facts, new and old. that add clarity and meaning to the news are hODestly injected. The 'Very latest and most ' interesting ' news pbo.to~u1u : freely illustrate the facts. Mor-e than' . a .mIUJ.o~ &'t!aaers. Subscribe ~0'YI " to, PATHFJNDERrJh~ most widelY 'read Dews masuine~ 6
af~" ,
of Mr. and
y~\ln'i ~n. ~ ClODyen~
apent Wedner!4 . .blte attn ebIrts ,QPa aailY with.hel-&t&I1CIM',III'II. "lbeI'd~,:on: Mr ~[rs', Tbeodore Perkins WAYS ~l~in tpLta ~e drenched '~ per. ~. wUUam Rogers an . . . . . . . . . . . . • 1!mJ ' with the . , B. lmlgacre a.ttended the Home In DalVIon on SundaY: , .',,-.. Sister R".'" becanie ennaT....,.,...,.of him and-. I),emanatratlon actiVitles 'in Mrs. Paul 'Webb a . recen t brld e amoured. ' finally tbroUih I88t WedDeeday. honor guest at a mlsceUanepua the bMtIe with the spirit . ~ ' q8Ib Mr. aDd ·)In Allen Enl1'Idt ~veo b~r by Mrs•.J. D. BIli',- her iDmd CIWIIbIeIl ADd W burls Mrs, IIarpNt Johns were LeI:Je.Don . near WllmlnatOn on Prlday &I~lhtftelt fJOIQ tile bra vJsltcn ''IbUl'8lla,J. a kitchen shower from whIt(b tb8 _ biif' 01'. the Iofl'Il. Mamie RetalI6cIt of MO~Y evening I)y M&lC-jCODVeat IfIUD& om _ ~. .... • w..... weebDcll(Ul!lllt of Mr e.n4 lira. and EllIab8th ' Keiter of near .' ........~ _ _ _ •• . , ti UnuaJ8llY· I""",,, .~ _ _ ,.. ~ey Burnet. Lllmberton. She receiVed a beaU ful , eerved by ~ ~ . Att • lira. ~ Slmtlb of Dayton ~ of gift. I " I~~ to meet WtGi·1In., ~. spent Monday and .~ , Mr. and M~ a, V,~ are ~ l~t.t" OIl 'N orem.. ,' " with her IIII8ter Mrs. JoI.arpret JohDa tn8 a week ' Dayton with Mra. . , . I\lld.Paul JohDII, Kate Boyce llUl4 daughter. ~ Mrs. ~\..n
.,. .
I. ;' .
MIldred _ ...... 1D& l4qacft.
WAYNESvn...., oll~TiiiiB.iiiiY~ _ '_
NOVEMBER2.1939 _ _ - _.
_ _• i.--... __ _
L;; u;;.; 'IRS. WllL.BRAOlEY· ~ "~;;~~s Voters Qecide On' Sale
--~;;........, .. ':;:;,:;::.:;'=';.;.:a.. ENURTAINSSOmm "':'and~~;';:" ;"
Of Beer Next Tuesdav
. ' _ apent tl;le week tad with be!' jIU'eI1ta The IIJaUonary 1IOcl~ of the were ruMIII: Blldda¥. of Mr. and Mrs, . , ' J~~ Ttl_y. the tWtlltoy~tb of Oc. Mr. and JoO'a. Bert Bart.Iock, ~ and Wa)'D8avWe oburoh of L J. Burnsides. of near WaynesvUle. tober. a relJiou8 tJlm WILl Ihown to . • • • • • 0Iu1at met October 2e at .the bome • .' . • • ---------~-------------the student body. '!be tltle of the 8uDdI.Y ~ 8UI8ta 01 ' . , and of ure. W11l Bradley with twenty· Mrs. Pearl MCMaken. of Lebanon. Local option iMues. determ1niD8 moVIe was "Damaaoua". loire. H. k IIohJer WILl IoIra. Alb two m~ and eleve.n vJa1ton V1a1ted ber mother. Mrs ViolaC&.reY the sale of tntoxlcatllli Uquon with White aDd ber Mend flODl . .too. p~t. today.' in the confines of Wayne tO~ The llaaketball 8Iiledule .w11l' get • ., • • • 1IrIi, Mary OWiam bad marge of ; ••••• and Waynesv1lJe corporatloD. bold.. UDder waY when we play our fJrat Mm• ..t-'e B)maD qMlIlt BuDda, the Iee80n studJ wb1cb 11'1& on TIbet , Mr. Oswtn Rl~k.8, Mr,. and Mrs. • . . . . . _ •• , • • _ _ _ • the eenter of attention .. yo~ 10 pme with Klnrman November loth 1rith her dauIllter and fuUII in~. B~en ~UIIihY; MIea ADna EdWin ruCD and famlly. of DB.yton, . t the 'polla next TUesday ' , Many of U8 have been 'looldng for· C1tIC4Jmatl. , Nutt and !oIJ'e.. Jennle Planck save. were Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs. J . P. Larrlck's Cuvlslon of the, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker Jr. Submitted as a eepara~ queatloD. ward to the flnt --e in ....- De.... ' . • • • • talb on the cWI1culty o~ the field . Mr. 'and' ...- : J. C Tichenor. of Dayto. vl.6ltors, Wednesday. be the -Ie of what Ia commonlF to cbI1atIul1Be be bard ..... D Y'(. • Ladies AkI. Society. being winner in • • • • • gymnaalum and we hope the boys lin. Berman Plunkett and daush· Tbt m, the • Harveysburg. ~ this years contest, to make funds as 3.2 percent beer. and it s. do 'not ~I ... _ , ... us. ....._· of"----" "'.'.-0 ....- L A est 01 aU tcnliD flelda. lin. GW1am • • • • • , the ch W'ch. was entertained. Mr. ond Mrs- L, C. St.. John Vis- on this US8ue that the -teat ill-..-.... ._, . .. ....... ..~...."""'" .-~ . . . . . . . . .... • to A .or . ... been praoUclng avidly for the put 0U'IIt aDd cblldren, WedDeeday. read...., 8tory o~ Dr. ~ n. Mr. aDd Mn.. E. T . Stroud enter- Tuesday evening. by the two losing Ited Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Bland baa been aroused. three weeks under the u.tructlOD of • • • • • praJer clrcle wa& beld tor the MO~. tatned Robert Courtney and SylveS. dlvlslons at a Hallowe'en party at Springboro. Sunday evening. The questJon of wbether 3.2 per. ....... _..........-_ - __.I it Ia -alb .' ria's DOW c:arry1ng on Dr Shelton s te ......_'1;. ~ t • • • • • • .._1& ,,. In W our ................ ..... - w, Mr.' ~ lin. Alfred Bay ot Os~ work. • r ......... _ '01 COv.... ...gton, ..... -...r •• a the chW'Cb. The members all maskU=&' as now 110... ...,....... an~ we lOot forward ' to ....-. 0 'ftl'f) SIlMa" rueeta _. the _ .. _ ..:.... dinner Bunda.y, Mtemoon guests eel for the occasion and enjoyed an Mr. and Mr& R.alph Hast1ngs spent IIbal1 be oontlnued . ..... plaeed . . . . . . . . . . .- ....... " ".,.... •• # . Rev Bmith reported th ..... ........." 0'1:. _ tI ' . ..... ---...... aeaaoo. home at». and lIN P L Reuon. · e at the Suvulil 'tome were. Mr. and evening of gwnes altd fun, A dell- Sunday a.t the home of Mr. and Mrs the <ballot following the dr~ ... . ' • • • ~ ~' . otBlblDeW~~ tbetudoln~lnnatl Mrs. Clarenc:e' Braddock. Mr. and clous H8.U0we'en luncheon was servo David ROIlS in RldgevUle. of petltlone by cit1sens ....lIa' We ."·ve h." two ..................... - t _....,...-ns Kiaa SInh· 000Der spent the week now ebe...-...-,. """ s en... can • .-- . 0 H nr_"_. rth • an m.&. an ed to the hopored guests by ~e di. in the 8ummer .. - r ", !UW!Qlmodated with . larger --... . • ., n'_WO • to our eyar-1llcr'eutq Ust of boob end with bel' aliter UlaI Ruth. 'at claM . . Mrs. Hoover ,all 'Of Dayton. and Mrs. vtslons headed by Mrs Joe Tinney Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Bal. The expresaion of senUment tIM in the ne.... library. '!'he '1IIIIW volumel . • . * rOODlS. Tbe offering waa sent V!ola Harlan . . and Mrs. Elme'r Sheehan. Loveland. were week end guests aroused unus\B1 ~ aQd • are: "BuUcllnr oAauI1c&" aDd "See- IoI1amt tJDIWlndty to Tibet. _ 4 . and Mrs. John Fromm, vote Is expected on ~ I8Iue . h ..... - - - - - - - Tbe .A'_" . • • • •• . 'l'be next meeting w1l1 be beJel at I • • • • • e1t.lZens contend that the . . ~OlenDa Wade was tile o.er- the home of 1Ira. ' HIMel on the Mr. and Mre L. V. Branstrator Visall beer should ' ~ eUm1nat.ed. Btudent II nJabt rueat of Bellbrook pAte, , •. Mr. nnd MrS- stacy Bumett of wme melchanta and Others
Local Happenmg·S
t ' er
&..... . ...... . ..... ~I ~
80Y SeD IS AND New Century Club .~' ~..-:. HALLOWE'EN PAlny· LEA .EnS ACTIVE Eajoys Good Program
~'Irma ~WecL
;:=.?..i..:.r:= :::::.:.
euggeaWd but.:' .. ,Jet notbJDl baa Leac\18 of the ~at Iil~ enbeen decJdecl . ; JoYed a BaUDW6'en party. at the . ~urcb. JIOaday evenlDr, . The StUdent CoUDCJl iI ,in lIhliuo.r.l'. . ••••• . . of a movie to be liven PrIday eveMr. and ....... 0. B. IlaltiteDDI aDd D1DIr the tblr!! of November. Ttl,e Harol'd ~j o( .QentervWe. and maiD" featu.. Is ''Iine a UJnut.e Mrs. L&wk ~ ~ relatlve. in Love aDd tbII will be aooompanIed Pal'tlalGUth. 0., auDdaJ. by ItIltabJe . . . . to prayJde an ev~ • • .• • • . ~t, 'l'be proceeda . , . O"""nmltJ Ettcben will an, to be ':-- to purcbue aD elec- . . . ~ POt !!Ie or V. ~ artcallCCll'llboaid for tile J!lItdkID W. No,. . . .,.
d. . . d · · · · ·
• .•
~ ~ ,000t ,for cheer , 1Ir, 8Dd iDe. Wade 'lWDer are on ThUlWda.J, wm be: ~t<J...:..aoDe NpimnclDIr the birth of • IOn. AIaD "aQ!I'eU. ~ ~ ,... - - DIlL ~. 0CfI0ber 21. . . . Good l.I1rIa, JeiUl ,~ ~ • ,~ ~ IIAneIIe ~ ~ , , ' , . ~ •• , . . Alta1 JIInabu1. aDd BeaDr PUIDiu, 1Ir, IIDIl lin. Bryan ~
J~ b'V . _~ CJ:UItln. . , . 'Jbi~D, .....,.a ~ ; ~ ~~ MIriam .M u7 1euL ......... f ~
~,..... 0UldD. . . ~ at aDd
M1aI _
JaDe Thompeon
~ to -the membets of
the ' ~
more ~ of the bisb IICbool. at a Hallowe'en II&l'tY 'Thursday epenIDs at her home. • '!be J'OUIIa ' peo&JIe an ~ for the party, and IIMIJlt a happy eveIitnc ~ IUD-. and depnlng, ~nti were' aerVed by the bo8teM at, the ckIee of the evenins.
Dot1I PlreI,
were. Evelyn Reba Surface.
Boblit, Anna
Mu1lYD Wb1t.ker. Bem1etta ~. nInaton. BernIce , ~ Prancea Genevieve Badley. ~1eD M. Ocioa. BettIe J?avt8/ EdIth Berpn. IODnle •ON.Wford. Jeanne BMer. JIrcnrDt Geoe Collett. 0Wf0l'd ~. Saftle, OrvIlle P~PI Jr&rt.maD. 1'c!m l'SoreDce. Ray I.,JIe' lI'ox,
Bentoo' Boak,
, , , ••
Mrs. Kenneth Hough was were sunday dinner guests of Mr Sbtty-four 1 Mound to the membe1'6 of the New Century , Mrs. David Brown, of Dayton. Bulldera Arefl U ot the Boy club, FrI~y afternoon. ' • • • • • Scoute of ~aeltca were guests of Twenty members IUlBwere<t roll ,Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Stroud. of Leb.. the' local Boy . j3c0ut Troop com.. caJl and after the business meeting anon wer~ Sunday evening mittee at a dimU!r at the high school the fallowing program on Ute sub- guests of Mr. and Mrs W. 'E, Stroud cafeteria, Wf~ay evening. Ject ot "TextUes" was ptelieDted by • • • • • • RegIonal OIftcers. scout masters. Mrs- Raymond Conner. Mrs. Prank Mrs. D. R Bal1sbury ~ ~uab~ a~d aala~ IUld troop oommlt- Farr, aDd Mrs. Martha Henden;on. Mildred. wer~ C1nc1nniltl Visl~ teemen atteDdeCI from Middletown, A paper on. "Cotton Linen, Wool Friday. .Le~ . PnLlllipn, 80uth Lebanon. and Bilk" wU read' by Mrs. RaY: ' • • : • ,. 1 ~ ~l' _ Kfll8!>!ofU1& :IIlbl'tow, Monroe. Spring 11lOnd COnner. The musical ~ -ogram. }tIr. and 1In.. ..Qlarenoe .HOIIV8 bora. and Wli~We. During the of wbldh. Mrs. PVr had Cha1'l!e. con; and cblldren of Pendleton. Injl. IJuIJnfJM ~Ion. follOwing the din- slsted of a. plano 8010 by Mrs Ernest we$ end gUI8ta at the boIJJe o( liar ~ng tbole wbo spoke were Harlan. ' &nd two vocal solos Mfa. ,.~ ~ ~ ~r,.., " Tom Y'e~1e' ~t executiVe of the M. A. Fulkerson. In the absence . of ' '" ., ~ " , ' area. ~ 0, 'L ury. President Mrs. Henderson; Mrs. Marla Elbon. The. y~ • Priende beJc:I.: ~lr of the 00uDciJ. ! 1 read her paper on. "Weaving and c ,mll9~, ,~ eventnr" at ptnDer W8B and served Klvers" about the Churchill . the hOb)e of )4r, and Mrs. ~)nloDd by. a COmmltt8J! of mothers of the at ~ COllege in .KentuclQt. Mrs- Braddock. • • • • • . loCal boy 8001,*. beaded by Mrs. R. also' cUspkl)'ed four very .old ',. . ' ,) D. CODett.. 0UWr members of tb~ and rve ,COverlets. belonatng to The Community Kitchen .1I?lJ ~ ...-...,..111. f ~.lAIoIa¥ VI ' 1oI8I.IiN.,.., ~
Simllar questions are to be de. cided by voten of Conrbl aDd Bar• ·Voters of W~le COI]IOl'&tkIa w1l1 be &lilted to decide on a tu in exc. . of the 10 mill ltmlta-
, MaYor A. K.
by E, L.
~ Ia beIDB
wblle J. p. 1M.
rtc~ ~ ~ apiDat 1Dcumbeal. Charles ,p. JOt. for V1lIaie manbal • IPld ..C9Q8~. .• • •
'Beven ~da~ are out for &be poeSUoIII on ~e ~ OCIUIICD- ' are Albert .Cleaver. ~. '" ~peon. 0ar1 00Dard. .... ~~ Barry ~ aDd O. I.
SattertbWilte. · Homer
barer ~ ~ flIIPI*IIl . .
t: ~ ~e ~ to 'I'UrDa',
townablp bem.mea at. lIobert ~
BObert awe-.. -''~tbIa~- : . : ~tb. IIax Hay. Rooa1d Mra. R. B, J~ Mrs. JIUIIIIIII ~ aDd Mrs. J. Q. 00IIIi ~ • • • • All in _ . . . . IIaI . . RaDdI.ll RobeNon IIDd BartaOeIt. KJB. T . B. HardIn, Mrs Guestsf the ftemoo ' . 8UI'II fO!U' ~ ~ . . . ~bo Petenoo. . lJqrd DtLvta:ancl Mm- Ethan 0 a . n were. Mrs. Ethel Balik. 'of Da.Yton. ~ will be uIuId to • • OD lMInor tIIe ·.aboaaI . . their Tboee .whO 1Ii~ on table Included ~eIvyn o~ Loveland. Mrs, E;r; tu,ned 'l'bunday. after a two weeD' the BIKeloW' !UJ!o8!!dnum~ .bIeb Ia . lDNleMp aDd IeaderIbIp lin Don Blione R ' L Hack. best Bal'Jan. Mrs. II. A. Pulkenon, With un~ Ray . WUUal!\1OD.. vtaoroualJ OSIIPed ." aui • • • • .' Mm- J. K. Preston. Mrs. H . B. ~ 1oIt. aDd ~ in ' IU. M0well. Mrs. RUIiIIIe , HoWday. and bart- loin 01-- ~n. aDd: "'' . . Mm- James Wetherholt. Proceeds ...... . ~... • • • • • tloM. , the dltmer wU1 the W. A. Lukens. Mrs, H&l'lan ana Mrs Mr. and Mra. W" A. Lukens atteDd The P¥, deVi8eCl by 1Iedlert B. loCal Boy Bcout trooP. Eambart asslsted the hostess in Ber. eel the meeting of the Harveysburg BlIelow. C1ne1nD&tI IJft&eb.el' poll. • ,.~ On Thursday of 'tbr8 week, a court vIng the deUcous refreshments wbleb bridge club, 'Iburaday evening. at sa ~ ~,.'"d.. .. '. ' .' . of honor is besnr beld. 'at wblch were enjOyed during the sodal.bOur. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donak! ida W'bklb 1'OUld tu .- - ' ., lin., J. ~. Sactett,' ebaIrman of time ieVerIll boya will recel~e pins , Coate. , ), beyond reason. • • • • '. . ~ ftDaDce ~t~ ~ .p1t!I Wayne of their cla.! In t1ng MiChael FR1END8~ CLUB • • ~ . ,. 1O'~lUlidl~ ~:onbamen&er 'I'o1mIbtp KOther'.,.p~. ~~, Pealy ' 8ooI~t ~oner of Ml.'. and ,Ml'S. ·PNIlJt X. .......,•. 1Ir~ . . un. of $112.85. from *be HaL ~ willI ~.esent second class The FrIendship club of the Melli- wh~ have been v1s1tlDg 1":"":_ I'$NIt.~ '~1d ..hi........... carn1~ gt~8Il ~ the oate- ,__ ... J ph odl5t CllUIch .will meet Wednesday, mother Mrs Eintll II WJIII~ I' ,...... - . • th " . p.... ..., Ole ~ Warren ' " " , ...... 1_ , Ud da.tar. a.. e b1IJ1 tICbOOl b~. . and In1D Lewis. Tender- November 8, at the home of MrIi. A. Monday morning for !helr bome W lIN. RaJ IIDdtll aDd I0Il'. ' iIId avenine· , wUl be gtven ' to James p. ,M~b. In Sao Pre.ncJaco, ,oautomla. ' I'Mllredllfalrlnlll';ll~ DDIIIIb _~"anr.OI ,n.noa. ~~~-;ut 'ro Jr. Wmtain)[ellfs. • . . . .. •
crane: .
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._State Capital News
. County Court· N~ews
Phone 111
" &torecl Aa Second Clasa Mail Miatter.t Poatoffiee, Wapemlle, Ohio NEW SlJIT8
Flora M. Crane Editor /lnd' Publisber
An all tmie ~ for t.be political tcJot.beDlnc of lepl&ti\'e reCereDdwD propoIIal we . . ~, October W~ Newloill, 23, clerk. Lebanon, 21. when It '!. Ohapman .of ·the and lona Crane. 23, stenographer. 8ta.t e Provlaiooal Employees AIIOc:1. LEbaDOD. ' ' atlon, l't!~ ' the' eQmocratIC William 8e.n~lers, 21. laborer. Har- ~l:ate oomm1ttee. ..ppeared In ~ v6YlIburI. aDd Ida Rippey, 17. Lr/l.: and with, OII8 baud tendered &ddt. anon. both cobed; UOII~",tlireI demI.ndlnIthe
ISSUED ~VERY THURSDAY The People's Buil'd1~g. Loon and _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _.:...-_ __ _ _ _ _ _'""':""_ _ _ _• 8a.vlngs company va John TIgges ublieripti9D Price, ,1.60 Per Year, Payable in Mvaoce et 81.; !action' for m~y only, .. The Schuster Electric Oompan.y va. Quenton Cox. doing bwII.neM as V&lIey Motors CO ' and TeXaco ' Cen. PATRIOTIC PARTISANSHIP . _ ___ " f the rl ~ ...... _ teri aotlon for m.oney only. Re3'tOOnc1 J. Kelly. NatlODlll OO~er 0 Alne can .......~ recenlily ~Ve the naUon fine advice when be aaId: "U you must become COMMON PLEAS paOVUDINGS )lBItIsa.n. let It be solely an aggressive parttsaD!!hlp fot the American way of life," . ana W84Jil,er ve. Everett Wagner; There is one gn!8t IssUe In the world ~~ lssUe which traJ\- sherl1! bas t.ken pos!IPM1on of desc.end$ part1sa.n polltlcs. ethnological d11terenoel!l and geographical fendant.s automobUe unW be mUes oounda.r1e$.' Tba.t Issue is freedcm.. Of all the gre&t Mt.i0D6 on this troub- payment ot $30,00 tD p1a1nUfr. at. led earth. we s"tlll have the right. to th1nIt what we pJea.se. to say torney. . woot we please. and tD publish what we please. n. Is a tar cry from bere tic. P . KrOOn VB Eva Banta. et &1.. tlhat .European dlctamrshlp where. accord1ng to late news d1spa~es. ublle sale canc:eUed • "dangerous th1nklng" has been fonnally made a. crlme in the eyes of the P law. ' ftank,A, ~ VIt. June Hwnphriea This freedom or ours was dearlY won. And it' m.ust be asslduoualY pro. Ro8II. a m.I.nOI'; Nathan Fred f'Pt.cct.ed If It is to be malntalned.. All the advocates of dictatorshiP . don't pointed guardian fot said minor de. spook foreign languages. All of them aren't ooeeJI6 away !rom US- And fendant divOI"Oe granted.
dun.t COrgeL' tJlat some Of the UlO'it lnsldlous attacks agalnst true free.. I Harrtet Farmer vs. Herbert Parm· uOjl1 have been made In the name of ··demOCf8,CJ". er ; divorce granted. defendant to Tlll;re are tJ10LSe In this nation who would use lbe- world emergency to ~ ».00 per week to the plalnWl phl:e lastin g sllaclt.les upon the American people. They work by devious for care or minor child. menllS--El clear and knowing eye Is needed to detect them. The call to sa... WiWam Gibbons. a minor. vs. .A. Amcrtclltl way or Ufe was never more important tblUl Wda.Y. T. MulberrY ; judgmen~ given to the ~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!~ pl&.lnW! in tile sum ot $550.00. -Merle ,8nell VB K6rJ B 8Del1' d1. 2~~========= own rtlIIIQIUl'Ce6 to tbe utmost before . . •, vor-ce granted, care of chUd awarded spending any of their alender gold tD the defendant. Karl E. 8nelL With boaords. As a result. it is to the do- reMOIl8ble rlghta of V1altaUon gl.en
• U:.LI:":ht Economlc I5I1q5 5
-;;;;== = = = = = = = = = mestlc market that we must prlncl· to the p1a1nWr,' '" pa.Uy look for a rise in demand that Edith MOOl'DWl
R. •• BMltwm , '~eftI fa
41he end ~f the year w1l1 - be ibIe", IBid Mr. Bulpm.
' UDder a
J)IUIIieCl by the IMt aprIne. Ohio SaleII
. . .,..... .. -
-, MJdlael Lotz to Meh'1n and 0IuTIe Leirman; 0.21 emif8 in 8Uem townablp. Raymond O. POllen to Ludnda Ruth Bla1r; PI" of Iota 155 and 158 In LeiNulon. James Weidner. deoeaaed; to JIl11a WEidner; lot 2 and put ot ~ 1 and 115 In 8priDat101Oo T s a : tDLe=lb.oOlt.lzeD8 NaUqD&l aDd-- Hester O. carr. par.t of lot 230 In LebanOn.
the otbel' ht.Dd pneentect tale Seeretary ot State wlth .. ~ 1njUDCUon reIIt.r&IDInC him frun ~ any ot!loJal ICt.IDn In !be matter. botb tendet'l be1n&' made by the I&JDe In· .divtdU&l at 1liiie tJme. . After tWne a ret'enqdWD petItIOn contla1n1D8 IOID8 . 161.000 "~Ifta on September ,5th •• court IIIIIDdatAI WU aecured orderlq tbe 8ec:retar)' of State to "forihlrith·· NIh the peUt.lons tD the county BoardII of J:lec.. t.lOOII tor ~erUJcM.lon. No eotaer were the petitloas In the banda or the
Oecqe T ~JOI' et aI .• to c: 0. and Itsbel :M. AndetSon; 181 acres SD
aood , MrilC!8CI...._tI. 0. ..._ ..................""."" - BtatiOD out 4b various charitable p . . for oor dallJ • tbrolIgbout tile stAte. mark" ",0* •
ilatl, Ohio. .
Par'tIIe finlt time SD~~ hJatory o~ tale ~~t an oft .yev' • eleetion returns w1U be broadc:ut · by fa!i1o from the Secretary at State's 0• . 8ecreIary Ortmth baa stated that, wbUe a heavy vote 1& expec~ be felt alX'e that the count on ••te
"It Sa that 10 Ohio the em be wed to obItruct &be
retunde OD tax ~ returned. The !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ laqeIt eha wu tor t9'10·78 and went to St. ~'s H~tal, C1DciD- Ii;:::========:::;::===
w~ Moore to MolUe MIoore; 14.75 acres In c:nean:reelt townah1p. Lul\l McAdams tD Luc.lnda Ruth BIaJr; paI't of lata 51. 62 and 70 10 South LebaDot'l. • Shiro Tashiro 10 Patil BrIoI; Iota 6i2 tD 678 both '1nc;lUded and 1015 fl81 ·tD 59t both Included In JlQster
Board or J:IecUons. tbaD COIa't actiona were begun 10 10 oounUla by Democr&tio county Oommlt.tees quaUoninIr the count. of loea1 Boards AU legal a.rrtera were fIDaD1' ~ moved end alter IaIulnI and . order to place the ~ CID tile ~ oruntn dIu'pd tile Dam.. ort*nI-tlon With ~ .. ' ' :Mollle:Moore to Jobn Iloore;, 1"-15 ph.ODJ •00UIt actlDna.. to SJr"ent .. aCl'ell 10 01earcnek townah1p vO.e aDil addecl:
II., winhID...... all.
Tax stamps now have a. redempUoD aubmS8aa.lof .. referendum., ~ 011 .lIIue and State 'n'eUurer Don H the DeW Otvtl',aernoe LAw and With ___ ... - .. "'0"""'" hA:
..D ... "STJ'T!! _ ....S - S
QUeIUOD 'but' the P.OOO,OOO tile admtnAatrat.lott plaJined to.pay OIl the publIo .:hoOl deficit at
DON'T SLEEP WHEN . GAS PRESSES HEART U you can't eat or sleep because 1M bioat.l ,ou.up tzy Adlerlka. One usual17 nille • Vf8 pre68ure on from etomacb 8U due to c0nstIpatioD, Adlertka cleana out BOTH .
IN~URANCE AUCTIONEER 11:;;;::=::===========::::::'1
Ieeuee Wl11 be coocluded by DildniCht
THID\~RE omo
'SOW AT ALL DRUG STORES . !!!!!! . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
November 2. I aDd • Moorman; Service upon'8aJd . and IS' Iota 1D 01' Pails. Dividend Checks and Tax Tha.t tlIe country 18 all set ro go cue will be made bY . vesUecl flUD 01 \III, '<! THREE MBSQUITEEIlS · , ..BlIIs 01 Every IncUvldaal. Na- ... ahead is obVious from eVen a cursory p ._ BoscheI't. deoeaaed. Int.erell b7 .. eo-c:alIIId Mi-tUDII !AI...... rna Boschert· lot 285 m ' . ~RLs'a~"'H tlonal and International gkt.nce at the ba81c statistics. Bwd· paOBATB COuaT Detrflelcl tO~ • . t.loD" ~ Witboult a ,beuSnIr ~ WI W'..J. . Problem. IDllepllrable ness Wee. for InataJll:e. tl1.lnb 'IJla.t . . upon al'eIItklas 1IIbJcij ant bMb 11- - . . . . . . . . . . ., .... • from Local Welfare Mary Mount et al •• to Da1Jy Grit· lalIIe Uld IMllclOUa-'" ~ .. -........... . witbout being over.aangutne. it Its rea In the matter of fbe estate of tith; IIOta 111 Deerfield and a.Iao 113-100 _ ~"'J: It should be remembered that bus apnable to ant1.c1pate a push upward MUdJ'ed E. Blair. deceased. 1nher1- 1IQf8 Pour InWa&lva wU1 1ness was improving in ,tb.la country that bring u.s ahead ot 1929 fICO- tance tax as n o n e . ' vo&ed upon M the tre'IIIIftI before Germany invaded Poland. nom1oa1ly. As evidence the maga.z1ne In the ~ of the estate at BILLS ALLOWED to be held ~. November't. u ..... \ . ....IW~a:r::~ BUd Bl'1ta1n and Prame declared potnta 'out that bank deposita are at J. MUton Wlll1am8on. deecaaed; at'. (oU~: • tr=.~=. .::.!'iljl:i;:s' -IVNDAly · .... ¥ONDAY · war. Therefore, late Jumps In the their all·tlme high and tba.t excesa fldaVit in of 9CCOunt is recorcled H. M. coyne. t\a'i1llhed re Oonatk-utlauol , bUlliness ' cycle cannot <be entirely reeerves of banks are also at record Al1iCe W. Stueber appointed ~. Uef otrloe dUrliDS Ootlober, $3.00; J •.I ~~ • 81IMe Bo.rd of ~• • .........·11 • • • . laid to haItillties abroad, War WB8 a high levels. '11le cash Is on hand nI the matter of .1I1e wm of Bllt.ber HOlcomb Mf&'. 00.. 0Ile 18-in ~ ucat.lon . '. , ~\\"" 01 • • • 1llDJ' OA.BIA.ND 'Iboom" tactor. but It didn't change wben our people are ready tD UIIe It. It. 8el1ers. deecaaed; w1U admltted bn&ab• •I'l; O. Donald D1latwlb. a-m..u the Itate JefJ addUlo. .l ' & downward trend tD an upward All the temPorarY lnftuencea aeem tD probate. Stanley M. · 8eUera lIPof. omce fOl' ~utlng attar- tuee to IIQ alllODtNr pebIIap trend. It simPlY accelerated' (to an tD:be for the better. At the same, podDted eDJCQt.or. o. P. ~ Jotm ~.OO: J?latnct '1'UbercuIoaIa aU fMSdeDta oC b ,tale onr eo 1mme1ll!8 extent lD some llnes) the time. it paya to be cauttou-tlme W. Goddard and Karl M. Brown IIoIpltal, bllIIIIi,tsu.Uon. POO.OO; or ....... ;. IDOD&h (or ~uabetterment <that bBd set in some aDd aga1n In the last ten Ye&nI we pointed ~ a.n: 00UIlt7: boIpHallwt 10 n. bad aDd time before. have eeen the step. set for l'eCOVeJ'f. In the matter of the estate 1105.00; Dr. J&IIiea B. ArDold...medl3-RectucIDI the DIUDbIr of • • The flrlJt :weeks of the War .,; onJJ, to tave .. ~ ''recMlllon'' take Ada WI\Hurmn. 'deceaseCl; bearlnS cal.-vieel, 7&0; Dr. Warren O. naturea required to 1Dluate CONtttU. frer;!Zted b~ and manufeoturlng bold ~ shatter our bopea. U an- on dledule of debta set for Hovem- ~fdenbacb, med1cal eemces, tIoilal aDd nfereDdU;JD ~. T1JES, . . .. WBD. ~bOdY seemed tD be .tzying to other break ~ ~ IU1d the in· ber 8. d1atr1bu~ of eBtate made.-' 60. . . LesiMUye BelaeDdwn :No"..... ., aDd' 8 get .in Op th~ groUnd ftoor at once, dlcaton rtI'mII& their UPWlY'~ couree ID the matter at the eetate ot Dr.. O. L. I~ ~ aervice 8baU ~ But ...........' . . tbe , ~~11! JIrtoee Shot ~ . . That ~t ""fJ ~ In the country I..eWla Olawaon. deceaIlIed; AUce W. t.,.OO. B. . P •. Bcbnder, repair to Olyll Senice Law ud IIIIInWId bJ flfs nr.tber ~tedi:at j)bUe 01. tbe tdl~.to.eD mtci.~ ThIry ue 8tJueIJer appoIilted lIuItA!e': ~-. . wInI1 tbe 'GoYIID& . . . ..~.lt • , '" ~ all bulJ1ab today ~ . .• ; B~ stampa for . ' 0U1ftnt, jmPfOVeDleJ}t appareptly baa • In the DUltter of the estate at auditOl''I o1'lice. ~ 00' Goo 'B JoIm The PeItiDa .. •. ~:7."-:;-----'---P_IU. ~1'Dd ~ tbe baro- TIle. drudgery 01 today dIac1pl1nes WilUam Moore. deceaaed; ~. tD Q,l.:owus· ObIenatory, meters continuea-: ~t lot a slow pu:e. tD meet the hllponalbWt1es of of traDIIfer ordered. O. Donald DUa01 TUatklO, '10.00: john lAw lD the Ublted , I ' ~ ouUook .l a, ~ future tomorrow • . tuah. administrator. awvded tlIO(I.OO Bon. 5 pie. IIII8'OIlne' for....... ' . , _ ... . - .,Adde4 8eIeoW 's*, ....jjota ~nt .w. be 8low'~ut 1t Sa a .fact for Mtorney feea and extra..ordlnarJ Geo. B. .robD.oG o. W. Bt.ln the tlf1b ~ In the WGlrJ4. , . which you. can -take fot wtlat it Sa _" ,_ .. •. • _ ._ ~ heuiIlg on 1Obedu1e CO" ovedlauUna UJne lock ~ The state Bun.. 0(\ , worth that ~~ , all ' of .tJ)e 'MICKIE .SAVeL- - - ,. ., of debts set for November 10, Inber- safe comtI1nIltlon•••00; The omoe 8uJwy ~ tbei't..JI!~!IIIICII2.DaM'" ~. feei .that "i t ~ ClODtlnue. ~ , itanoe tu. detenn1Ded aa ~e. OUUitters. 1 stamp: pad f~ proee. m Otdo; . . ,·'11·. . . ~ and B~, Je better .thuHnost ,of us S'QM .. '. In the matter of the , estate of outing attorJ:.ey. ,350; The Office Out ·butrlio.' 'DIet are all 'on atatAI 01' reaUze. 1nddatriiaI .jarod\lction . today' " e- SU~BERS QOf' Prank 8t:1nner•• deecued; inventory fi,ttera. aoaiplet.ej overbiwl of t.ype., PI"'.. . is ~ Ito the 1929 level....eome ba. ~ 10&1\ '1AAT' \W, MAv.& approved. .. for , ~. tl1.75; Banb ~ TARVIA·LlTHIO , . TAll AND romew,a ~ it even sllghtly abOve SO Muat.A\O~E\f ON AOS In the matter of the estate of BaldwlD La""~. 00:, ~pUon The Oblo N.tIoaal QiIU'd 11M ~ ROk~' OIL; · mxOA-VATING t.ba.t , ~t A' nwn~ of iIJd~tries. •AN' JOB W'ORK,,\ve.DOJ.tr Le~ eOrtrude 'n1mble: ~: to. Balchfln·~(OhJo DWeBt Servtce for ped ~ilP 1te act.fv1~ . is ~~~~~~~~~~~ DUMP mtroK SJa\VIOIil ha-v«; ~. ~ tJle pre-depre.s~A\JE eoU,ECT OUR-- • adllidule of debta approved. common pe.~ ~UO; 'l'tle 'Weltem mctiu.tioD to alp sIqn peak- Of these. the most JmpOI'S\.lB~PrlON MOO~n In ~ matter of the ~ eetate of Stu. 210 land apin.Iaal blanka. pl'OIIUl of ....... del.liel tant Is stat w~ receDtly touched AI....,. FO\,\<$! Amy It. BuUoct. deceased; hev1nC . ~ uMI, ... ~ a be1I: h18h. other Industries whlch SOt on lDventorI set for NOvember 4. . Sa the fIrIt ~ .. • '~ ,doing-better now than In _ 1929 In the matbel' · of tKe eatate of mlllD: a~ 1 . . . II*'dMDeD . . .. 'Ibe ~ frOm the p~uotton standpo1nt (but. JoaelZ E. Burdge. deoeaaecl; , cleaner and 1~ep, .800: l1li1venaJ lAb. . ~ imlt ~ ~oDe. WIl1D...ule n R 11 .; ~ from tne, prOfJt stani:lpoint) are tory approved, . o!atcld-. dll!1Inr~ d ........ and ~. BeIIn",*,,"~" tebaD'OD 'ortlee Pilone; 4'1S-Ke~e;ct11c power; shoes. texWes. on zoe. In · the ~~~ of the 8Itate at blJ!;lo1de. ,".18; ~ . Law '& Bon tile IDID Wm _ .....,... . m ~.8S.1I• . ' Mp~.w fbo~ . No. I • ,f1D1ng ' ahd tdIacoo manufeoturtng. James W. . . . decellleCl; dIatr1bu- ......tne and. .CJO. f . ~'. CWo ctrID ~ _I&w . ...., ~ . ~ column has pointed ' wt tion In kind orden!d. . $32.M; ~ 1 1lotGn. t.Iree fill' call tor tile _ to DIGbDI8e 117' ~~. tlJe very stuu:P . ~cnlaBe 1ri In ~ matter ot the sett1~t at lherUl'a car. " '00: 8Jplme~ ~A~ ~ ',' . .' . .. ' · m~tor1ee ocoo.sIonedby the W!U' ! the estate of WUUam B. 1nvIn. de. 8J)oii~ repair- radJo OD , PIt· '. 4 - . ., I' " ba8:~ let been met ~ a 1CIOII\pW"~' ceaaed; entrY detennlnlDl UIher1- r:JOuth and ,office let for aherlll. '!be' ftdIraI 'deM ~ . . . . ~ abJe '. 1ncreaBe .1n 00llSUIner p~ \ tance tu to be paid baa -been laaued N .OO; OIbIIoD. pad,. 750;. The Ore.. m ~ - "'.' 011 Oetatieir'. . ... reo.~. ~ it Beem.a I:rnprobable that In the DUltter of the estate ,of sonia Brld8e: co. ' IDe.. relDforee- ont, blab of ' _ _ _ _ • u '" , foreign' demand.,JLt least in the more J. N. Bureh, deceaaec1; schedule of ment ateel. ~2.38:; Ohu. BradtiurJ. t7; 8. ~ a-'IOWt)18 ,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IIi!!!!!~!!I!!!!!!!!!!!'~~I:'~r.~ldfr • or lesrs v1s1b1e future. WU1 be adedebts approved. pa)TOitl, $1'7.20: .Ba.JmOQd MUlford. to: "" '.f(ll' 'Ita J q\JIILte ~ abearb 4tat foreign demand I In the matter of tile estate · ot payrol!. ,162,00; , I, . , ~'" • •4'10 at ~~t in the more or less visible Emery Lee LI.nd8ey" decea.sed; ached Efr. Ha.tfillld. &el'V1cea .MlDI!C:hu- 1rbeD,·tbe ~ J.'ut\~. will be adequate to a.b6orb I u1e of debts approved. '$59.40; Joon J. Barr. . . . . . t2;!500;OCII',IIOI.'bl-... the sup.p~ EUrope Js abOrt of ' I In the matter of the eetate or ,'<)t.00; JO~!l- MYI!i'8. PaYron. ....' a'7W cash, and her natIons wt1l USe ' Martha Gudgen. decea.IIed; wm ad- 'lM.OO; & W. Rolla. ~ "11M: ~. 11M ..· . .~ ~t.al~.oiD..rr. . .• mlttect' tD 1Jl"obMe. WJ:I& steurer ap- Farl ~; pa~. '178-00; V. II. t.aUft'-,~ •.' poInbed executrix, Armltap, IJayrop. tlOBJ!O: ' Goo. ~ ~' UlI8 PII'Iod <<,In.l• .i.~'''J;1 In the matter Of tale estate 01 Rt.ut.aahDo P~. fII8,OO; AnDreI PoI" 'u. --I*tod IIu& ~,- " .......:. John O. SJOOW'ne. d&eoUed; heariJI8 MateriUa 00., ...pbalt, _oa; lIar- 4ef1cIt ... _ . . . .. on Inventlor7 /let far October 10. Un p. BUIb~ ~ ~ '118.00: S. '~.~ ',' In the matter of the llWement 'of D. IArtlna ~, .~1eI .~UO "'We wtII _ , the estMe of Ida. 0levenIer. deceas'lbe JIode..~. '00.• pait8.' _21: Of imJ.. 84; cU8tJ1butlon at mAde; In- J. ~ ~ib .· ~ 00,, ' ~. b ciawil:' her1iaDce tAx det«inlDed. ....11; .~ ~ 00•• "WlI.. cIanDe CD I~;~:';:~:; ~ the mtttter of the estate of and fIMOllne, t21--; .1IImee 8ervicee 01 ~ W1Wam T. Wood. decea.eed; ~ StAUoD. paolJDe. '~.IIO; JObn LAw & lib. ~:. .. ' . on. IICbedUle of' debta set for N6vem. ~ IlUIlline. ~ ~ "-"':_1r , P'1Ie" 0Di~;14 bel' .'8, application 101" the ~ ~t'& • reilbd. 8 - 1IcMI~ ,~ , :r:~:~ of the court on a mortcaee re1eue B&lL' ,it•• ; BImkB BUt. baa ' been 1IoPl*i>ved. win LAw Pub. 00T'- ~ . lit . In the mat.ter 01 'the estate 'at Baldwin'. Ohlo . ~ projll!ClU_f\I"ri ·· II1~.1IDIi BY& 8t.c!tt8; ttec:....: Lee Stoba ..~ .ao;- IIJIleI.~ 'PSlI'OeI~I!IlII" appointed ·...rnt~.....; obarleli 1 coUpon. book f~" . . . .te.. '~~~ 'I.I:aJ.~:_nj W8:ftOD8J'. om lIYaJia. and WUbur ••00; " .. ' 8WIUJ8W' ~ appra.IIIn. TrMSl1'eZ' of .~ 'cl'otIun; In the IIIIItW of.the eefate of 1nmateI:In ", state ~"'_... IIa._ !l9ydlL' ~,;deoeuecl; bear- "'2111; ~ • • Ibc.. eeIIIIal ina on .-,becbde.C11 ctetita ~ torRo.' . . . .: un" DMm. II ~ 't. ., <; . • ,; ." ",.ICII; WiIIII1oD . . . . "'''I-''''''''''o.'U''I--_''''_~~~!'!~~t J),i' UJ.8 1IUter· Of ~ .... . of 300~ aat.ta QeNp, peoJlDI. iii ~, A. ' .~ ..,...W: .. . ~ at atDot flied- bi JdmIn.- ''QaI; tile plat Mad ,au- ~ .. _ _ ............. '~ ID CIlIa CouR. . . .. of . ... . .r" I'il' 1IIIiI~1"" ID $be . . . . 01 tile · eJIII.te 01 0ne7 y.... - M,d; Dar.. y .... l~dly.ldull. apJIQIDted ......1nWftIIIt& J ' A . " athtlDnr. A. B. KIA"'- Ud oar .~,...,......... Uappenlnp Tha' Afred the Dinner will Justify the l1.IIe in production.
~_ aa.ttIIn
..:.n: S~....
r.to~tIiii ..=.......~=:'r:= ....
-=:; .., f:; ~~tl~
···EX-CHAMP" .
wID ·_ ..,m
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Wlf"I .B. . ~..... .sa .. 1'aaa. .......... 11'11
1wm edm'..... ..... ....
u.. ,.. ' I ..
RIKE'S AINUAL , - .: : ;=: =I;~ .-::.:CW4~7
- FALL FtiSTIVAL 11-;:"'''"'=.=01''::':: ~.~;.~ boJa. trona tram t
Sportsmen .
~ee for BOl'I ... thliJ violn· throughout tbe JoIkml V.,tley are ~ and tbey we ~ lJlVited to A number of ~ attra~ ~ to.tI1eae 1howB. ft'ee tIcltete are IJtteni1 thelle vutoua free ettTaotlona tWDS ~ .be1rie. plianDed by avaUable In RlD's ' Boya' 1a the aw:UtDrlUm on tM el~hth
of . ftee
R1ke'. In Dayton... a fea.ture . tlUdr Afmual ~ Festlvel now . progre88. 'nle I?ubllc Is lnvited ~ Joy theae progJ'IUII8 being. held
of ment OIl the ' II800Dd floor: A . of the PJ'08l'&Dl Sa the aerial "'Pile In Pbantom EDlpIr&" Wl~ 0erIe AUtry. ep the s1ng1.nc co'lltloY. ~ ' ~d 'In. a.n1mated cartooIlI are 1niCtIIireQon
auditorium, lllilluded In tthIa progr8m '1 0 popular w~th boys. tbeiIe intereatlilg ' attrad.lOllll are On Batl.Jl"d&y aftemooo, Nmmbook reviews. free IDOv~ for boy& be.r. -Rlke's wUl bold their eeoond and Rite's All-Star IJ&rw<e Revue. o.ooe at 2:30 In the There Is no ~ for admIas1on. aud1tor1um~ star pupUa 4f Dayton On -ThUl'1lda.¥, NoveJd)er 2. at 2:30 daDc1ng echOOIa w11l be ~nted in O'clock. Profeaaor J. D . KIngsley f# ihls revue. An entireJy CWferent pro. Ant.loah OoUese, Yellow .Sprtnga, wW gram or the All-Star Da.Doe Revue
(.LACK 011 • •
OORNE&- A 4. Educatlng future fanners along Rev. and Mrs. L. A. ~ of TOnJabt the W8.l'lren Co. FIsh and all conservation llnes. Olu1tavWe, and 1IrB. ~ Huft!p&n, AasOclation will hold their reg Establish enough ' small sa.rety ot-SPr1DIllW. were'Iburada-y after- ul8r meet1ng at Memorial Hall. Leb- zones of from .t wo to ten acres to in. noon of Mr. and Mrs. Almon anon at 8 o'clock. The prorgam will sure saving a su.tI1clent brood stock ~ . consist of outdoor movies and wUJ be of game. \ Mrs. Mabel Teriy was a vtsltor of followed by lw:w h EIlld re!reshmel1ts. Where necessary, plant food ' patch frlenda in COlumbua. Friday and At thJs time your reporter wanta to es and give winter feeaillg to all 8a.tu.rday' . give a short SWllJJljliry or t~e long wUd life. Several from here. attended the range game matlairem~nt Qnd edu· Trap game surpluses from closed HallOwe'en social. at Ha.rvey8b~ catlOn8.l program which was adopted areas for restock.lng in open territory gym TuesdaF whioh was sponsor at bhe last Assocls,tion meeting. To by .the P. T. A. our mind this prognun, 11 properly Real1zIng the importance of adeMn.. Ella Barlow, or Dayton, was carried out, win be a mighty big fae.. quate law enforcement. the club a vlsltor 1a the Jordan home t!ever&l tor In creating' bett;er tcOnd1t1ons here wishes to be of any possible assist.days lut week. the county lbe prognun was plan ane in bringing it about. Mr, and Mrs- PnmIt Sams attended ned by the cl.ub's game committee , Sponsor, 1n any way possLble, the the funeral of tbe1r relative IIl'8- £1- with !be help of Gtune ManB.gement. conservation of a.ll natural resources. wood Ohenowtth, In Dayton Tuesday Agent Hendenshot, antt una.n1mously such as soU. water, non·game o1r~. afta'zloclD. passed at the meet1n8; sliowing that forests. etc<, as well as fish and game Mr. and KnI. ShenJBl1 Perris spent the group Is interested in the well OOOperate with any other cons&'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George rounded actiVities being sponsored by vation groups. ·· Ohio's ' CoD8er:va\lon Dept. Here are To sponsor, f1nane1ally a.nd othel'Beckett. .n ear BJaDcheater. Tbe 'l'almaee famJly were vI81t,ora the maln points: wise, conserva.tion programs in the J
~~"" '~"I'lE !\&V~MTAG£S I'
C' . P• Joy Vll:.lAGE MARStiAL
• Compare Frigidaire with them all! On !loy basis you choose. Packed, inside aDd out, with more value, more features, more sa"ings, more ~dvantages than any Frigidaire ever built! . Come in. Get the facts about this beautiful new Frigidaire. See why it is America's No. 1 refrigerator ••• in more homes than any other refrigerator. Compare them aU and you'll want the "Buy of BUY5" .•• a Dew Frigidaire.
Promote a
EJecUon NoveiDber 7, 1939.
]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Din,.
denlall Ml'IS
Mra, Lue Karaan, M':rI. HJ1ey <lib" . &lid d&qhter ~ and Mr. Mrs. Mom. lAIWiI were 8Unday rueate of Mn. Eua Moon -ot IDlm~'We a.nd called OIl other relation
win Appreci9tte Your ~upport
:bn~th.:~ ~8cld~i
Fairley Hardware Store
and aster, MrsKrug" MnI. AmOs MenTbompson of IIId.d letown retUrned _ home OIl Batunt.;y from Grand Rapjds, 1l1ob.. w:here It hey spent several Next Tuesda.y the voters or the days wltIl Mr. and Mrs. Loren Erog state wUJ either .adopt or reject a .. and 800. I propc-.l to pay a. guaranteed , In-
, there. Ill\ and Mrs. G. H. KeaInrer spent
Even1Dg C&1lera were Mr. and M':rI. Jobn ~ and Jaclde of ~~!!!!!!!,!,,!!!!!~~~I~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~~~~ Oakwood. Dayt,on. VAL~EY JIr& Robert CJftene of na,ton call eel on 11ft. Lue MOl1PIA KoDaII.Y eve':'
your Support WiB Be Appreciated
Mr. .and Mrs. Chi8S- Sams and,MJss come ptinsion to persons over
nd Compnre Friglt .. '~ther outl;tandl nh
".-pU;~ IN, ptWd
'better fanner-sportB- folloWIng youth groups: F. F. A, and m8n relationllhip by ; 4-H Clubs. Scout group. 6ChooIs 1. Purn1sh1ng free of charge to eoo. land owners alins lettered "No Hunt. While this program Is ne.itber per1ng Wltbout pennLss1on. Be A Sports fect nor eompiete it represents to man." thIa writers mind some mighty worth 2. Keep groups Inrormed while activities that will only lead to I4IIIs Olara Daugbters aDd Mrs- about club actlvlUes. better hunting and fishing but a. Pre.nIt DakIn took Sunday dinner 3 Setting ~IPles as sportsmen general outdoor program that will With Mr. and Mrs. Emeat Ilarnbart. wh;n- deal1ns with lalld owners. benefit everyone connected with it.
afternoon with friends Olennopt county.
eJ::u;/z. t~,,('.M3
.Outstanding for More V~~ue, More Savings, More Couwei'lience Than '. . ' frigidaire in . t:ist~ry! '
Larger Becau.e of Better Quality, Service, and Price E.tabli.hed 1849·1939 -
Wayne.ville, Phone 32
Betty Burkhart MJddietown ' were years age, ThIs propo6O.l wUl o.kwood. ' Sunday gue&ta ot Mr. and Mrs. H. change our present Penslon-program ..... &lid MrI. 'R oy Slaw of SprInr W. Badgley. Not everyone now receiving a. pen. Valley epeDt 'l'b1nd&y evealnir with Mr. and Mrs • .J1I.m.e8 ae.rs of Day_ slon will be eUg1ble. under the New Lue Mo1'II&Dton v1sIted Mr. and Mrs, G. V. 8lm11 Plan, Tlle cost of this propo81lJ, un. Mr. Barold Shaw of XenIa. spent on B~. der the New P-lano require a new . ~~ K!:_~MrB.:-... ~!t Mt..--DoMti1 1 'lL'&1ior ·qr-- Daytori and heavY"btl 'Of \tue8 wtl1ch~ MCll'pD. 1ha a recent guep,t of Mr and Mrs. need to be levied a.t 01?-ce. and 1iIl'I. Henry Burgee and!:afl CleVenger 'l1le Leglalature 16 . to chlldren Da¥too. were 6lijlI)er • , nderwood lasUe bonds beyond the amount of gueata of Mr. and Mrs- Fred Morgan Mr· and. Ml'S. 'I. • M. .U and f760 000 therefore this will need to • Mr .00 M':rI JIlllaworth G1b6on were Sunday . 1n14~ of Mr. ' ,. Our . • W be a. pay 118 you SO program and daughter PhyJUa of eentA!rvWe Mrs. Walter UnderWoOd ~f a.vnea- pre.mt ~on program ~ not
.Candidate For. .
\333~333=3!!!i3=~;;1!~;;~~;;.~~~~-~"""' ~~ ~ .~Mr.
~;;~~~;;~~~~;;~~~;;;E~~~;;~~~~~ ;, VOTE .FOR
aDd Mr. Clyde 8m1tb spent Pr1~ W1t.b M.r& Bile)' GlbIon and famllJ, 111'. and MIS. SMa "II1dl1al ~ daI;lrbter Dorth1a spent Sund&y eve.n1nr with ~. UId I4nl ~ Oihion ·.and daurhter Pby1lls of
be aU Ithat we could hope tor, but Krs. Kate Eagle ' returned home at leaSt We have a program In oper~ a weeks' ~y in Toledo wbere a.t1on and we need not sn.p it 'to she attendeQ Graod Oba.pter O. E. tiy a visionary program. but ra~ Mr. Paul~1OD and M18s LoUise to bu1ld on the plan now In 8;ffect, .
Trumbull of lleBi' Jamestown were' The second BIgelow proposal will married on 8atUl!'da.y in . Ken~. ,~bJoy 4l"8~tattve governm~t ~ attendanta'.Wt'ft~. '11lomae ior it destroys the . balance now ~ .. , • Howrton and W. Hel'en Maraball. !sting' J)etween ,t he rural sectlons and ~ .wU1 niIlde with the grooms the urban. centem of' our state. F\u-. parents .~. aDd Mrs. Lee .P'er8WrOD ther. Jt would destroy our present
their hooey· system of .1n1t1atlng a . ,propositIOn John Garfield and Priscilla Lane starring. in the Xenl. The.where aisnatures from at least '44 ater'. nft hIt, "Dust Be My D.estJny.·' Thls simple ' .tol7 of • WII8 of the 88 cbunttea ' of the State s;re Loft opeDs a two day engagement SlInd.a y, ~ovember 5th. 'l'ladQ. wife .... .~ bJm held at the Pr1end's ch~ on Sun- requIred. to a. p1!Ul where &m~ Great The all-star ~t Includes Frank McHugh, Alan Hale, Cllarlev Tu.da7. q ~ W~. day afternoon. ·burlal in 8pr1ng Val· P'O\lp&,- in '&IIi part. or in one ci~, Grapewin and Henry Armetta. . • CeCIl 01 DaWllOD,' Qh10 lev cemetery. ADlong out 0: town the state oOuId p.lt on the ballot .....·.....,.."!'th Ki'a. D1m'Y Oomell ' .~I8 ,wbo a~llIed the fUDl!a~ were issues Q( local or seUlsh aiL :iji~;;r~~5f'ti. . . . .~i+=.~.. =---:IIi':: l~'. aliter. . " Mr • .and Mrs. III Wlldman, Mrs. W'est that it would orea.te confUSion . ~&lf_ iJueet4; of tile p. CllU'a .Wlldman, 1~. aild.' Mrs. Mar- among the voters of the state and '._ _'_n___ '_ _ _~_io-_ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _- : - _ ' J were 111'. Uld Krs. oarI" Inn Wildman of Selma, Mrs. James useless and unneeded amendmenta , , and IOn, Mr. IiDd Mrs. Par· ZeD ot Yellow SI1Il'1n8s. l\4rS. E. A, laws would be enacted. . . rest· ftIMr &Dcf'lU1iJY- Or· DQton. Def!d& Mr. and Kre. Robert Walton. At.t er careful study. I believe that ...... Tbe .. 8~ ~ .churob ¥r. and Mrs, ~weJ Walton. Mr.and an empbat1io"no mould be registered Vlith IRVIN S. C03B ~ • ~'eD.'party at Mrs. Barry Walton GIld daughter. against these two propositions and 0IMI&er Pa1auir bcme laat ·MoD.. Mr8 Walter Wb1~. Toddy Walton that next Tuesday will .be well' spent . ,.. ..-::--.:..e . -: .iL ~,. f mdwd WU and Mrs. ·<Pal'est G~d,1n all of Da-Y- U tb1s Is all ,that you do on that d a y ; . y , ~ t..~~~ So-_1 after returning .ftom
JJari'Y 00tneU ~ent Ul: opo moon triP. . " l.aU.lIIII - loami V~ ho8pl~ Mr. Homer W~~'II funeral
-- .- -
~o.:az. ~ an ~!~~~E~·'~~~~i~~~~~~~=i.~l~~·_:Boltic.w ur:•.
".. .V~te '., r 'o r .
ton, Mr. Sam M111er of LeO;\' ... bid & Wiry ' . -eDJo1&b1e - , . - , anon andand 'Mr,Mr&. '~!rd Danllury MaHarvey. who ~& . •1th 'lOll.
eftnInK"tn &
~ . ~ &~
wut.pulllld Prt-
lWr1 'cbUftll,: ... ' '- - - of •
'l'bIllDlUMl - Ra
until ~y mOl'Jllng, No-
,.; DOn't be '
ain~ o~
waaUns ·
for 'fN TllE . latter yenrs of pic't uresquc career Epb J. wus wurden (If the pl'ifiOn at ¥rnnkfort. It wat; no more natur!l that the Co:.onei ~hould be ~ smcere lo~er of g,?od , !lone- _ l'o begin with, he 'was a J.; -r.tucki:ul bom. WhIle still m hie teens real foun· ·~l;.;d .hcCJ1 u t;aip~r on Mors~u'D cavah'Y and at II somewlui.t more matu.re
Deep in every human breast is the instinct to do worth"while work. ; _
___:-all' ' 1I~P!ii:Ule'lIkUII~1d bav- 'by learnsDa 80Di:eth1nl 70U are not "equJieci.tQ ·kI\O~r.
I essential
for Ohio . . wUl start A ~Dlle· of humor is 'November 22, and tain of youth.
. '; '-1I.0ordJaD vfJlllber 27, it II C\imouDoed by Act1ng IW"I(IIQ'a.· iAftriia '·~ ·aIid· lOll Preeident WW1Iim McPberson.
here Spa
Ib .r~. 'ftllel. Ot 'CaDfomia COIlttnue
Respectfully Harold submitted V. Ma.rtz.
Aq&pt&bDlty .Survlval.
- . J ' TbADIalriVlnli'iacauon ;;:,WU1JaiiieoD .n-. .Dei' ~~iiack ·i:Jtate:tT1l!;l!1'Idtl 'students or 'CIDeIn- WedDeadIoY night,
L::tl;!h.ing Around the World
c:::=> ,
• One always wond~a how a. great m.n finds tlme to shave.
'. i;Jy'·.Gene .Byrnes
l'hone 111
IJoftlDhr I
..a 6
.wteci' 8e1..... '8Wn • •~
live a rmew of the boot ,
. [ILt rlt - FESTIUAL II
.\ nWaber of intereeUni .~ctlQne are bOW beJng pIa.nn~ by RIb's In Dayton 'as ' ~ feature of theh- Anil1.W Pall P'e6t.1Y6l now in prop'e8I,
Joy tbeee
'OUr y ......
Bver1 EJaturdat momlDI at
-thrOUab at~
11 o'clJoct, RIb.. ' bola. IbowInti November 11, .1a Of free boya, BoP, IlatrODe \bfoUIhout tbJa vicln· throughout tile IOun1 Valley are ~ IV &Del \bey are ~invlted to vited to these abowa. ~ ticket. are Mtenc1 the11!8 .va.rioua (ree attraotlona a~ in RIIL'e's Boya' &be awUtIOriwn on the ellfh~ mont OIl tb4t lleoond ftoor· ~ feature of the PI'OIZ'UIl 18 the ee~ '''lbe Pbantom 1lmpIre:' with Gene AUtry. the 81nglnc CO*1. OomJlled1: '
movies for
18invlted to en being held in an1ma.tecl
RIte'. new auditorium. Included in tb1s
cartoons are "
Corller ·
4. Educat,l ng future fe.nners along all conservation .Unes. Establlsh enough small safety zones of from .two to ten acres to Ill. sure saving a 6u1flclent 'brood stock of ga.me, • Where necessary. plant food patch es and give winter feeaIng to all
give a short 8ummlUY of the long game management ~d, edu· cation&! Pl'08I'6D\ wltllch was a.dopted at bhe last Asaoc1a.tton meeting, To our mind tb18 pl'Ollrem. It properly carried out, wtD be la mighty big factor in creating bettc!r IOOndlt1ons here the county 'Ibe l~ was plan ned b:v the dub's game ' committee wlth tbe help Of ~iIme Management Agent HeQdershot, ant! unanimously afterzIocm. " . passed at the meetq; showing that Mr. 6Dd Mrs. Bberman Ferrla spent the group Sa interOj,ted in the well Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. ~Orge ~unded actlV1t1es being spoDlllOred by Several from here
attended the BallDwe'en eoclal. at HarVeysburg IJYDl TuesdaV wbleb was 8P9D111Ored by the P. T. A. Mrs.• Ella Barlow. of Dayton. was a v1s1tcr in the Jordan home eeveral da111 lut weS. Mr. and Mra. ~ 8amB attended the funeral of their relattve Mra. El· wood Ohenow1tb, In ~n Tuesday
. ,
Wild llte. Trap gam surplUses from
areas for .
cl06ed In open te';"ltory
, /F.U4 SAfE R£fRIG£flANT l" V " llomn.E·EASy" QUlCKU6E 'WAYS
Your Support Will Be,Appreciated
• Compare Frigidaire with them all! On any basis you cboose. Packed, inside and out, with more value, more fealures, more savings, more advantages than any Frigidaire ever built! Come io. Get the facts about this beautiful new Frigidaire. See why it is America's No.1 refrigerator ••• in more homes than any other refrigerator. Compare chem all and you'll want the "Buy of Buy~" .•• a new Frigidaire.
Election November 7, 1939.
MnI ~ Krug. Mrs. Amos Lue Mm B1Jey Olband eliu~r. Mrs. UId d&u&bter Paul1ne ~ Mr. Tbompson of Ylddletown returned
ninB· Mrs.
I Will Apprecia~ Your ~upport
- -"
Pairley Hardware Stere Large .. Becaule of Better Quality, Service, and. Price
, , Candidate'.,' F-ol'
and eon. I end Mrs Sams and MIss BIll'IthaJt of Middletown were Sunday guests of Mr. and MrB. H. W. Badgley, .' Mr. and Mrs. J&lrnea Seers of Da.y_ ton V1a1ted anlli Mrs. G. V· 81mB on SundaY. . Mll.-DuMbl t1~or ot- DIiJtori was a recent guesl~ of Mr and ~: Earl Clevenger. ' , ' nderwood Mr. aDd MrB. T. M·of U .....: d were 8und8y guesta ..... an MrB Walter UnderWOOd of Wa.YDe&-
~thandMr~ az.tl~ Be~
PhoDe 32
~~~~~~~~=~=====~========~ i '
propOea.l to pay a
guanulteed in. come pension ,to persons over 60 the years of age. This propooaI will Oakwood. change our present Peri&lon- program 111'. 1Uld-1oIn. e.o,- Sl».w of S~ No~ everyone now receiving a ~n. VaDey.nt Tburlday evenIng With alon will be eUgible. under the New ' lira. LUe IlorJaD. Plan, The cost of thls proposal, un. Mr. Barold Sbaw.of Xenia spent der the New Plan. ~ ~equ1re a new ~~ 1l1;.~ I!" ...:... antllleaVY' ,D d of'-ues 'II!l1ch'''w111' 1fCII'IU. . need to be levied a.t once. Mr. aDd KrB. Henry Burgee 'Ibe Leg1aI&ture Is forbidden to cblldren of Dayton were supper Wue bJnd& beyond the &mount of P.eBta of and ),(fts. Fred IIorpn '760 000 therefore this will need to • Mr and Yra EIlaviorth Glb&oa ,. • . ' . , . 0-.111_ be a PIli as you go program. Our and daUghter Pbyllla of ~...,. • ...., • preaent ptDIdon prOgratn may not and Mr. 911de 8m1tb spent PrId&y vIDe. " be ail :that we .could hoPe for, but WUb ~ B1ley" Olheon and famlly. lira. Kate aglll returned home ..t least We have a program in oper. lCi'. aDd lin. ~yjs ' llktUal IIJld ~ a weeD' ~Y in Toledo wbere atlon enl! we need not IICIl"aP It . 'to daa,&~ DorUlIa ~Dt Sunday eve- abe attended Gruld Chapter O. E. S try a vle10Dary program. but rather I11na W1th aDd ~ Mr. P&Ul~ and'MJsa Louise to buDd on the plan now in e1Iect, ~bter PbYUIa ~ of ~ Jamestown were ' The second Bigelow propoeal w111 ~ on Sa.~daY' in Kent\icJEY, ~tIJOY representat4ve ,government Their attAmdantA ' were Mr. ~~as for It destroys the balance DOW ~_ B~ ~ MillIs' HeJ'en MarBba.ll. iBting between ,t he rural 6t\OtIone and 'lbey will niItde with the grooms the urban centers of our state. Purparents Ml'. aDd Mrs. Lee ,Perguson ther. it would destroy our present ~ter returning fIoom their ;hOlley- lG'8tebl of 1n1t1s.tmg a. propoeltlon moan ViP. . ., wber'e .8I8natures '&om 'least . •• bo1lP11ta1'1 Mr. Bomer W~lton'8 tuneraJ. w~ ~ the 88 counties of the state beld a.t ,t ile P11eJid'. church on SUn. required. to a plan wbere amin, 'l'lI1Id., ',;MId r~l'MUI11ed "'.",....,.,.. day iaftetnoon. burtal in ~ Val· gnjUIl8. in any part, or in one c1~, .... .... CeOU crt DaftOD, ~ lev cemetery. AmODe out 0,;: t.o~ of the lltate could put on the ballot
~ ~ ~. G, H. Kestnger spent ~
Eatabliahed 1849.1939 -
loin. KoI:rJa LeWisElla wereM~ Sunday hameMIch.. on 8aturc!II¥ fromspent Grand RapICIlIiD4'l' rueata ot 101ft. of Ide, wae 4;hey several Next Tuesday the voters of the:: IDlmvtUe and called on other relation days wttb Mr: and Mrs. Loren KrUg state will either adopt or .reject a
Ro~ert Fur~1
d Compnre Frlglc:
., • i!I~th cr outstandi n !>
It Holly
r"'-{kud Iut p~
'I. PurDIsIl1ng tree of charge to etc. land owners signa ll~ttered "No Hunt. Whlle this Pl'OglUbl is neither per~ 1nIr Without periJWiII1on. Be A Sports tect nor complete it represents to ~" this writers mind some mighty worth 2, Keep farm groups informed whlle activities ;that will onlY lead to J.lIaa Olala Dauahte1'8 aDd Mrs. about club actlvltles. better bunting and fishing but a PluIt DakIn took Sunda.,y dinner 3 8ett1D8 ~ples as sportsmen general outdoor program that wUl With Mr. and' Mrs. Erneat Earnhart. wh~n deallng With land owners. benefit everyone connected with It. Evenlng callers were Mr. and Mrs. I Jobn ~ aDd son Jacltte of oatwood. Dayton. MIa RDbert Oreene of DtI!1ton call ed on Mm. Lue Morna ~ eve, _
rrigidaire in
'!'=' ·"·· '\~I~E !\L!JAM TAGES
c. ·P•.Joy
Outstanding for' More Vd~e; More Saii~g~" ,
eJ:z,ek ~~
Rea11zIng the irnpor1:4Ulce of ade· quate law enforcement. the club wishes to be of any possible as51s tanc In bringing it about. I Sponsor, in any way possible. the conservation of all natural resources, such as soU. water. non.game b1r~ , forests. etc, 85 well as fish and game Cooperate with any other oonservaUon groups. ~kett. near BlaJIcbeater. 0b10'8~COnse"at,loln Dept. Here are To sponsor, flnanclally and othel'The 'l'aImaa"e fam1ly were visltora tbe main points: w1.se, coxv;ervat.ion programs In the SUnday afternoon Witb fr1encls in Promote a. bettor farmer-sports. folloWing youth groups; F. F. A. and :. m8n relattoo.shlp by; '-H Clubs. SCOut group. schools " Olerinont county.
More Couvcilie.nce Than '!
- ,
' .
~lY o;~ tR " fRIGlRATOR _Ill! . "
:es=-~an:dl---. :.:.~~4lfC:q~,~
Ocl1' iJ'
110 pOpular Wit!;l boYS. . CO:RNER- A UleIIe. intereet.fq attnldoione On Saturday atteJ'llOOD. Rev.. and Mrs. L. A· Bnrodd" , of TOnIght the Warren Co. Filih and book reViews. free mov1ea for boys. bar 4. RJke'II will bold their aecood OJarIaw1lle, end u,rt Aa8Oc1atlon Will hol'd their reg RIb'. All-Sw Dance Revlleo All-Stu' Danae Revue at 2:90 in ot"Sprtna BW. were 'IburlIday attermeeting Kelnor1a.l Ball. LellIs no charge for adm!saion. auditorium. star pupUe of ' ca1lers ot'Mr. and Mm. a.t 8 o'clock.. prorgam' wlll On ThU1'8day, November 2. at ,2:90 daDc1ng IICbooIa w1ll be pt\ll!ented ',' consbt of outdoor D1L9Vles Will ~ o·cJ.oclt. Profeaaor J. D, Klnpley of this revue. ·An entIrelY pro. Mrs. Kabel was • vlIlltor of by aDd refresluneSits. AriUoob Oollep, Yellow ,SPrtnge. will gram at fIbe All-Star Dance Revue friends in Oolumbus. P'rlday and At th1a time your reporter wants to
·d .' " -1"ngJ alre
will bI preIIIDtecl CIIl St.turdar, ":.l~nat Pall Peettval B:aJe.
Van PI ••sm.
~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~ Fr : :-.,
John Oartleld and Priscilla Lane starring In the Xenia Theater's DeW Jilt. liDust Be My ~e8tfIlY." This 111m pie 1101")' of a ' , . Great LoTe opens a two day engagement S.nday. lIfovember 5th _ T11e all-star CA@t Includes Fre.nlt McHugh. Alan Hale, Ollarley (Jrapewtn . and Henry Armetta .
.;.~ "un; BuTy ~hoMrs. at~.ed ,the f~~ ~. were lID ~thatlssuee of local Or se1f.l8b tt-!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!i!~!!!!!!!iiii'-:~11 ' ie Ill' With '00mell,.~1If8t8r ..' ~en. people Mr• .and ,11:, '~Udman, terest it would crea.te CO!1fUlwsd~Jl ·~" .I{daJ
twist. of ttie p. 11••TbimUea',.e 1Ii'. UId, ~ out Wbltlil Uid ' 8OD, KrI- 1IDd Mrs. Par· ' ftIbeI: UId~~ of',Da#On.
CJ!U'& WUdman, Jill'. ana Mrs. Mar- among ,the voters of the. state and inn WUdman of 1!IelIna. Mrs. James useless and unneeded amendments
Zell of .Yellow SprfIIga•.Mrs. E. A. and lawa Would - be enacted. ' Ilef!ds. Mr. ·and ¥ra- 'RdJert Walton. Atter carefUl lltudy, I bel1eve that SUiar .OneIt ~ chUich ~d8¥ • and KriI. Dellrey ~alton, Mr.arid an emphat.tc no abould be registered I~lpll: ~Jd 'a , ~en.,. ~ ~t Mrs. ~ Welton Uld daugbter. agaloat these two ' proposIUons arid i Palmer JUt 'lIOn. Walter; Wh1t1ICre., Toddy Walton that next Tuesda¥ w1ll be well spent ' -" ......,......
J_~~,,! N'o9'e~"~~.1'11~~~;~~lItb
n.lIIIIr, '·A
,'pOil " CIl'Owd '
~~2~5~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~il:1~~ ~IID" IU bId~a'.,. " " -
.".. aDd
'e iljojable
~ Porest QI:8Ddln all of Day.
it thJs is all.t.hat you do on "hat day
, Mr. Wi s.m J41l1er of and ~.Mrs; ~rd Danbury of Leb.M Il-
~~-'~ ' ODlVera1t7 ~enta
Respectfully Harold submitted V. Martz,
IW'V1 al
L~l1 b~T~-llnQ: ~
Around the World
V'/ith IRVIN S. C03B
The!e 51'0 :a ~ympatruzmg -
is J E6Sential
IN wus THE , latter' y~nrs of his I.icturesque career Colonel Ep~ UUartl', warden of th e ro tate pJ'isQn at ~rankfort. It wa.; no ~re thaD ~'houht b~
o~ g4?od~0:u.tet
v • 'natura that tbe Co:.oncl a smcere lo,":er for Ohio : - -.- - - 1"Q begin with, he was ll. f:- n tuc!u:l1I borb. WhIle st)l1 m, , will start A seDlle or humor 18 the real foun- ! t:p bcClf 0. ra ider on MOl'gaa'c cavaL'Y L'ld at a somewhat I!l0~ DI&~ ICJ:DI!JlI)- , \1I'ecIJ~ , ~ ', ~j\ ~~ ~, taln ~f youth. or· C~\fnI' c:Otltinue untO M!JDdB.y ~, No---1" e~'~27.lt1a~ by Actq Deep in every human breast Is the I'rt!lldent WUl1lID IkPberIOn.· instinct to do worth·whlle work. "
, Bun!1reda Of UJouanda ' of be.-
Blble School wUl be in charge of ST MARY'S EPISCOPAII the young people, bee'1JUl1ng at 9:30 CRUJWD a.. m . . Rev. B. L. """eIl, Beeter 'i'he Lotti's Supper 10:U a.. m t3erttlon' U:oo a.. m, Subject. "The 22ND SUNDAY AFl'ER 1JUNITY IS!~cn~,C6S of Bumo.n Life," 7:"M 0.. m. Holy ,CommunlQn. 10 Q m . JuniOr Church SChool. IUJd •..,..r........''''" .. l1'a, m Holy ' Comnum1on ., s,eJ'ln~n , Trl-Stat.e Club meetlng 7:30 p. m,
and YOQlla men read THB AIIJIII. lOAN BOY JoI&8u.1ne every montb and cona1der ,tt more as a Uvina companion than as a megulne, J "It', as much a buddy to me aa my neighborhood chum" Wl'tteS one ~ IIChool senior. "THE A!QlR.. IC .. ..,. BOY to ' nd tand , -' . !leem& u etII • ~y's problema and considers them In such a 'iympathetlc a!let b~lptul 1M,.. It' atye, advice and enter~ tnll' reading on every IUbJect 1D Wblob . . yo~ fellow Is Interested. It Is particularly belpful tn sportlI made our school basketball team because of play1na' . tiPS I read In THE AMERIOAN BOY . ]&aDY tamous ath1ete1 . In an sports credit much of their INceeaa to · belpful auggeetlona rece1v~ from apQIta articles in TH& AMElUdAN BOY ~ viltually eVery t88Ue ofters advice frOm a coach player. . Football. baatetball, J,rack, wmla. in fact every maJor aport 18 covored 1D f1ctIon and. fac'
7:.i; p , rn. Young People at the home of Mr. and M,rs. Weltz.
T. M. Searl',
TUESDAY :i!:30 p. m. NUrSery ,Ohurch school sundaY SCbOOI 9:30 a. m. E. A. 3 P. m· ~atY Church SlChool·1Eamhart. Bupt. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1ST. Eventng servtee 7:30,. ALL SAINTS DAY. 10 B. m, Prayer meeting Wednesday eve-
Holy Oommwrlon. 7 :30 FRIDAY A welcome I!.'fatts you at these 2,. pm, Womo.n's Awtil.tu'y at Mrsl".. r·vt~.~_q Etl;1l!.n Crane's Home. 4 p . m. ~ys Club. UTICA U, B. CHURCH 7:~0 p. m. Gtrfs Frtendly Group. Beria A. HlU, Pastol' , •..
W., C. Smltlti Mbibtei
~Y, tbe eort of ~ ute beat. , 'llB.uo:RI~ ,~y leila on ~ DllWIItaJ¥!a _t .' tao a copJ. -
.-me year or
' ':as
boneat, unUl temptation lOt better of blm. • \
own JucIi1neDt.
~ Sunda¥,
,,!here ,htl! leBds '¥', let' ua~. . It t.~ , ~ taU.l1t ~ ~ be· cauSe she hasJtoo many L&OdIlDeaM, (PeoPle who .f:'re ne1ijler CQIld DOl' , bot) too many; · .folk Who bavenlt .' their ' eyes oll8n u), the,eVil eftecta of S:1ooh,ol, P Ch~ arise and show 'your ,Color&. ' WEDNESDA.Y . Prayer meeting 7:30 ·P. m.
""0, I can't ..,. tat I dill. Bat
All members are urged to 10 aDd Jier ..... FamUe. tile ·........, vote a drf ticket. If 0hrIat were bere ~ ~ with • haDdnd bacb how WOUld. be ~? We aa memIIerS .hen I told her I'd 1Iaft to - " _ . . . . . a C un:b are bIa toUowere. So the' partY and 10 .WIIE • .. ... ""'i'
~e8a Is the l1li reaaOD ior the
fM '~'8==~~r~~ .' did , .
..a. r-:!d at
·If th1njpI are tIOinI well at hoIIui.' shoUld a married man' want kI. a year or two in the Antlu'tlo.
,......... ,... .........JM.I _--::,- _ Pallure to crltlclle our JuciIDlel1l l Is the ob8~ that blocb the grees of iDaJi7 of UL ' .. , , For coJp.pan1onsb1P on. anll1and We would prerc ". man_who knew nothing to .-felloW WhO !mew every.
~~~~~~GUNS "
BALE-Yearl1nr Hampshire MOrr1s Bro~ Spring Valley, N2·
Misses AnnIe an9 Mame T, On Saturday evening. October 2l. Browne. were dlJ.ner guests of J. -0, . ' at·'1:U. M1as Iona Cran~ IUl!1'WW1am 'Hawke, Sunday. ". Newton exchanged marrJaie VOws at the Bll.l't;18t parsonage. tn ' Lebanon. Rev, Whemtt read1hg th,e tmpres. ~ony.
•• I •
aa ••
liiV-B' R "O·~ Vii .pie , , n I l l . III
"Be Of SpoOks ' WIfe '
a••OT ~vtt
Il'onlCal facta 18 ~ The trouble w1~ comm1tw. almoet eve1'Jbod7 ~bo b8a abJ Inthat tbey are a1wa1I come II able to ave moaey 1D bard wbat 0tber8 wJll_t.bSDk: tIie1' 1IeeDl tilnea.. to have sllght CODfIdeDce In tbelr , On of the
Bible ~l 9:30 _. m. Lord's Supper lO:U .., m· • Qh1iattan Endeavor '1:00 p, m.
let us do better
Every' dlaboDeat man .waa once
~ Iari"_~ ~ . '~"'''''''
Blyd" Detroit,
WDlIIU!Y." ,LMt 8Ullday ' ev~ . tbere were .......n_ one bundred. and. seven preeent, come "lOmil¥! ,-,---
'Iv -,- '-:-t100 prices. are tJ.M fer tor three Jan. Porelp rates IlOo • ,.ear eztra.' To aubacrlbe limply send JOur name. addreel ~ rem1ttaDce dlIect tct TBB ~OAN Boy. 7UO 'SeConct
~;;::,::::t:i be, "The In
J'OicI:-. tIIdoPIlalJ -
. . , - - )II
<>alt . heater. ·
ot' Wanw;VWe 'on John Nutt l'Ol\d.
lICleot.lata and meo ~ ID . . bwdneaa and IndUItJ'Y Join with an _ aperieDced -taft to produce in r.t'BB
of, =m 1111& . . OW telthe league met Tues$Y evenlDir to ~ 11M - die ......... 1IIpD trY for .,arts in e. play to 'be given by ~:: ~to the organ1zat1on ·soon. . . . tIJII& ...wtww Ia ....... . . . . . . . . . ~ 6al will u.. tIIaIi
,FOR' . SALE-State
ch~, R. S, KIbler,' 8 m1l'ea north
ous-rr:.wrt:a=:,sa~= TwsH' MRid B~\"SI
m-.. ," ~ ... In+'ps
Waynesv11le. N2" _ _...,-.,.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
IQiiil '
WAYNESvD.u CB1JBCH '01' ' cBm8T .
roR BAL&-06sollne pressure 1'&1JIl!. 'niJI!med Ivory & Black. Rea8onable. A. H. stubbs; phone 29,
Teacben, llbra11ana. parents and FOR SAL&-Fresh Jersey cow. , Na" leaders of boys c;luba . alIo recom- Larry Brown, mend TIll: AIORIOAN BOY ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . thUSlaat.lcally, '!bey have found i· tI' . . that u a leneral rule repJar read.. era of 'l'8lI AllER,lOAN BOY ad., BAnGAlN HOUR ito ~I~I 2, vance man . rapldl1' and' develop . Friday more worthwhUe ' AND than do boy. wbo do not read It. : Saturday
I....... . ...w =::a '" li.
Sunday, November 5 ..•• 9:30 a. In, -SWldaY school. Leslie Gol'8Uch. Supt. . 10:80 •• rn.-Morning worshIp. Sunday Nov. 5th is Armistice Sun- AnnJst1ce Do,y observance. ~ay. and the ~orntng w<?rshlp ser· 7:00 p , m.--Ohr1atlan Endeavor. vIce at 10:40, win be In keeping with Leader; Mrs. Georgia Gebhart. .the occasion. The pastor's Come and receive a 00Il'd1al wUJ be: "Are We DrUWlg Into War?" come at au the above services. A $peclal invltation Is extended to the members at the American Legion the V. F. W. a.ndi al.1 other patriotlc <\rgan1zatlons to attend thtI! aervlce. Chw-Ch School 9:30 A. M, Epworth League, MondaN eveD1ng e.t 'I o'clock. All h1gb 0011001 yC!ung ~ple are inVited to attend. '!bere Was a, fine e.ttendance at the League . , WIt'L . IIOG_ \ ~ Hallowe'eJi pa.Tty MondaY night. A varied progr8.m ot games, was pro_ ~ of the tIIaiiItI an 11*11 vlded by the commlttee. followed by ~ ,,~rtMr a lunch c;on,slstltlg or pumpkln pie. W& ~....,. 'l'IMI
·doughnuts.and elder. Memb«a
-ro-R--S-.ALE--:.Boara-· ---and--O-U-t;s.-' bladt and spotted ~l1d Immune OharJes Hagemeyer ~ . N2-9"
Ciea ::...
DONAW BAItJ!:Y Auctioneer Oomplete BUCt!O . 8e~1ce • cttlJe~ n, Bank B1411", Wl1mlnlfto~. - , - -1' 2292, B28-t!
EUea Smidt' , II Giest Speaker _~o_~~ o
Bishop Of: , ~t
• f,aterIIiBs fJah
'the W.,ne Township MotheJ'8 Dt. Ell Crew of na.vt.on 'vialted . 'Rle WaynesvWe Gerd~ club meL cltlb held their reauIar rnontbly Mr. aDd ~ Robert crew, Sunday With Mrs. aeorge Smith, '1b!lJliday ~t.Itis. Pr1tIay attemoon. Nov. 3 at . • '. • • • at~n November 2, the' d6te of the Grade bulldlng, , Kl'Ii R Benaon of IndllMpOl's the ~ttn.g having been ~ged The meeUng was called to order by vial • '~tiVei here lMt week - -' from TUesday to ~rnOdate, t,b($e thQ.. presldent. Mrs, Raymood Brad. ~ , ' w h o a.r~ members of other oqan1za_ and & song. "Brighten the ~ • • • • tloJIB. 00raIii' Where You Are" was lung Mr, aDd MIlL otto SdHLI4 of Cin- , AnnoUncement waa made concern. .... ttr ', clnnatl were-Sunday guea1i5 of Mr; VJ ItIe _ e group, after wb1c;h the Ul4 Mrs W 0 Raper Inc the ftower &bow, aponaored ' by Lord's ~yer was repeated. rta '. '. • • • the , ~ton Journal-Herald in coat the 8eC2'etary and tr were .. operation with the Dayton 'Plonsts given, the treasurer reportlac a bal- Mr. anc:lllrs. Carl Bodenbender Aa.:IclatlooJ to tie held November 10 anee of '198.l1li in' the-treasury. 'lbe ~ dauih~ o~ LoWlland v.:et'& Bat- ADd 11. All members ,vere utged .to chairman of the (lnaDce commIttee Ul'da1 eVenlllg supper guest. at Mr, ~ and iulea 'aDd r~ted a. ~~t profit of $n3, from and, Mm, ~ ~.~ , " 'ftre, _I1V~ to..thpse who wiah to the lIaUowe en ~'1'L JI)Onaored cm~ ~e IJlow. , ,, by tbellothers ~ub, October 241. The L. M, Hmdersm, Mrs ElectIOn ¢ o1r~ Jlas the lunch OOmrnlt.tee<.~ that D. L. , Otue and p, B. HeDde~_ order of, bU$l... and th~ ".180 chlldren ~e, ~ eerved da1ly IIOQ ~~,S=-~ ~ ~~:. were elec~; MJIs Perle ~y, In ~e lunch room, 'a nd req ~ ., ' , Ident; MIB, H. E. HathaWay, addlUonal d18bes~ to ., _, . . . . . ' ) President;· Mrs.. Alva tate c..-e of <the Ip, . . . . . . ' , ' I: 8m1tb. r.t~ of W8m ' eqd lire. carl Duke, treu . eervec1_ '-'~ . ..., W' baa been Y . relaue: ' br1ni tbeJi' General . . . . ~ &be put wetJu "re. Af~ the bu&In~ &eMlon. ~ incoupone to ifile DIU tia~. ., Jicme ' ' , . , tenaeI1, intereatIDs pa~. on. Peace der to Obtain ~tIoaal..... eer~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ., ,~ , Garden of the World. wee r~ vice for tJle...lunch ~ ' Mlaa Perie RIley When membe:ra of ~ ""I~'imd ;"""~= , was made .,y the c~ of ~L~ ' . ~'.R1"! ~ tbe Natlonal AModa.Uon 01 Gardens clothing committee fdt three eli11- - - - 'lite ~~ IUle . COIlvened in 1928, they 'decided to men'l coata .: ~ " WlthJvW aDd "Oiad~ ~~ bold t.h tn9 - tto in da ' _ ...._ Lo.....L Hadl' : .......- .........._, ' " ' , ' , tb-~e !,=C?nv~~ ~ qana . . --to, 'an' ey tallied to u .........." a.vr '.t~lablrilr a precedebt as group cotrern1na the 10cal option , . ...... AMoaIatlOn bM never before iaaue detemlJn1na the aaJe of 12 ..... R&IPb Bm1~ ,&Del "11ft. as &belr ~ OUtBlde the United " "Bmltb IUI4 . ~- "'--" MIlia' percen~ beer,whlcb_. . . voted on at 1181' , ' - ,' " It!,U ~t thla meeting in 1929 the elecUl»l. TUeId&)'. lin, Hadley were DaJlt,oa YIIIDII, , Baturd&y HeDry J, Moore. 'of Ontario, In. - JDIIde;.a rnoUon, which WIII~, • • • • . ' , t.b4i Jdea for ' . Peace 'Ga.rthat tale IIotllera club epoDIOI' toe 111'. and -lira, O. B, Bmlth of wbJch wOuld be d~ ' to ~ education in the ICbOobl~~ 'Pdou.a. Mich.. via1ted at the bDme, of intIemaUonal IIOOd Ww oollnritltee oomP""4 Of ...... IIa(lJe)' of Mr, aDd MIa J. Po ~$. BatJ)IIIbe:,.1'tie fIrIt prden 'was ea.
, "",
,. . .,.
•· ••,
. .. : . . ' . lCalia8
.. """"'Y'" - ""- ~ 10'1, RuaMlt WIIIion. wu •
- 0
~~~~ CliJ~ Met , . Heavy Vote E~pa1 Church \filii Mrs. A. F. MeHoh . Sale of
.. . . . . . " " " ' "
The members of th~ Friendship •• • ••• club, o~ the Methodist Church, were L_ enteI1a1ned. Wednesday afternoon at the borne of Mrs, A, F, MeUoh, ' with Mrs. Harold Miller. Mrs. Charles Berry. Mrs, Ray Conner, Mrs, L . • • • • •• • • • • • •• V, Branstrator, I\lld Mrs. Cora Rich Mrs. L. V. Branstrator and Mrs. as 811S1.stant hoste6ses. • Ell Furnas were C1nt1nnatl visitors TUe6Clay ~ DevoUons were conducted b, M r s . ' C. Radley, after which the busJ• • • • • Da$ meeUng was held, During this Mr: and Mrs. B. T. Vice spent the ~ Mrs- Elmer Sheehan was clect- w~k end with Mf, and Mrs, Harry ed presiden t of the club, due to, the Aszllng of Da~n. resIgnwt10n of r...tB. Will St, John. ' . • • • • 'nle Pf08hUD was opened with a ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hinkle of _:.acquainted stunt, Mrs Frank Hamilton were Sunday guests of Part Glenn Borden win Mr. and A, F. Melloh and fa.mJly. n1ng the prIZes. Two 110108, "The Kld • • • • • Has Gone to War," and " God Bless Mr. and Mrs, Earl Dam of DayAmer1ca." were 8UDi during th.e ,ton were Sunday callers at the home program by Mrs, Gilbert Frye. A of Mr, and Mrs D. C. RIdge, reading, "Wheru:e ~ Magic came" • • • • • slven by Mrs. Cha4'leII Berry, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Thompson of and a Thanksgiving reading was Clarltsv1lle, were Sunday VIsitors of given, by Mrs, A. H. StUbbe" The Mr, and Mnr. ClltIJ'les ZJmmerman, program was 'conCluded with two • • • • • ..... •• __.._.vtng games, The first. Robert Duke ha.s enrolled for a "Recipes for Happiness" was won by 20 ......_ ' , w = - course in landscape garden H. E. Hathaway, the second Ing at the Ulilveraity of Cincinnati Oburcb, ' . 'f . was a charade on the quaUties tor '. • • • • " ...... _............... . 11.,C Ln.·.... &IOU 0, " , . . , . . . . , and M1s!I Pearl ........ O. I~. , • NPTlCE DaInty refreshment.; were, served, Riley, attendlld the Garden 8C1lool a.t. tbe boeteseea during the aoclal .L ' ' MlamJ Ch i . ,loDe Y. M, C, A. In Dayton, la.st ,,~ No. 10'7 O. E, S. lUldthe meeting adjourned to Wednesday. wU meet in n~ IIe68lon Monday, in December with Mk's, Fz:ank ••• 9 • November IS, • .7.SO p, m. Election Farr, tor their &nnual Cbrlstm&~ of off~ and 'Payment. of' dues. ' • IS Bnu1doc~ W. ~'
The Right Rtf.'erend Spence Burton. ,P .rotestantEPIlI Auxiliary Bishop of ~tt d the Dominican RepubUc, wID the preacher I\t Bt. Mary's Eplsco~ Church, Waynesv1l1e, th1s ~ Btmday. St. Mary's Church this y~WW help"support a small /!Choat'at, re86ier In Haltl ' . ' Throughout BiL1t1 ' I~ 18 generall'J that 8l~~ is sent by an angry God whotmuat be placated. Offerlngs of fo wls and g08ts are give . n and pU.ages are made to /I&Cl'ed places ~hOl'e food Is offered in abundanL l nlt.lef., EverythiDg .1s done In fear. ay WIne, of the pepple or HaIlti e beginning to see these offer1n~1B ~tually do not bring 'apedal t;eDhtic1a1 results, Little little thQ~ ~e learn1ng that the IIlitIslonary ~OIC~ can do a great g ,them cures (or d~ more to their stckness ~~ 'that his god Is not an 8DIl'1 on,e but rather a loVing one. 1 Blabop' wID tell of his , won in Haiti, not an utter stanger Be Is a native .omc1naaU and Is weD known tl out the EplBOOpal
LocaI Happenmgs' •
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~ • • • • , t.be bordef between Nortb Dakota • poIDCIed aDd .uotted, $I~ to ~ JcIbD Searl of OSDCIpnM.! apuat , u.Datoba. tbt!n foUr more AN AP elATION thetr wI~ td& ~ ;Yr, ~ haft been establlsh- I wIah to tbaplt the voterl of the The .....-un plwepteci bY the ,~. 'W, If, ee.n. . VllJage 01 WaiJ.v1lJe for their aupcoaam1ttee .ccaIIt.ed of a ~ 1010; .• ~r ~.. " ~ .• • A deIIaIouI lUDllb 'wae lI8l'Ved bJ port in the n~t elecUon. .~ Dar," ." 10'1.. IlJIdied 1Ir. - - ~ ~' / BiDIth and IIItdIl aDd II1a8 8alJ7 Smttb . ' Walter T Elzey ' .00,!,pheU; an' IDtere8tIaa' wt ,. . .- ....... ' Loa ~ dIia..r &be 1JI'OIIUl, IUI4 the • , - '''CbIldnn'. ~oj,.". IIa.. .......... ~. at tile ~ at tbeIt 11M a4JoIimecl to meet willb Mrs, •• _ • __ ~ Of ~ Book Depu'Caient 01 ....... III'.~~ ..... RIIpb MUler, ' 'l'bompmn the f1rat 1'b\U'lda), 'the. BIder Ud JobIIa'l , IIkIre in • • • •• .. , DecwnW. at wbtch tame there ~; . an CIQOob~ . . .; , ~ Albert· o.r*' 01 ' OInctnna.t;l IIJ8nt. 0br'1atae ~
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, Beer is Upheld,
In an UDIlBUaUy bave vote for aD off -year elecUon. Wa)'JiMv1lJe T ... day decided against tile sale of w1DM and liquors of high alcobol1c , OQIle tent, but voted to contln~, ~ . . . .. or 3.2 percent beer wlth1n ~ ~lines ot the vUlqe by the DU'I'Otr gln f H tea ' mar 0 vo, The vote, one of the l~ ~ cast bere, was st.1mulated bY tbe local option l85u,es fUld ,the ~. . old age pension amel'\dme'nta, Tallying the votes was not completed at several polUng PIacee unt1l --'1'\y W~y 1IIOI'Il1ng. In 80IDe J It w~ neceeaary <to IIelld to , Lebanon for more ballots, Wayne towD8h1p voters turDed down boUlliquar and ll.2 , peracmt beer, while <the v11lqe of CorwIn all) voUng on the local option. acoept.ed both 18Iuea. whlch means ,tbM the " Gale of lJquor, wiDee and beer Ia legal within the corporation.
~yor A, K, Day waa, ~ul In h18 ~ for reelecUon 1JClll1DIr:HIJ
' . ' votes ~ ~ opponent E. Ii. Thomaa, who rece1Wd 220, w&ea, ... _... ' ......l C.I lng P. Joy &lao .... re1...a ted e ec ,race v 31'l ' votea or.. .bioi opponent J. p . LaniCL whoee tot.a was 1" "
1Slate ~ ~ IewsFiery Itchina Skin Quick Relief
County ,Co urt News
,= = == = = = = = ' '= = --d:=JI
EnWre d A. Second Class M~il Matter at Postoff iee, W&ynesvU)e. Ohio
Flora M. Crane Eclitor ,and Publis her . '
Havtna 'tract "0" I.n PalMew aubdlvtaloDo tacklIa, 1"..d1 nl 'Lebanon. ' . . ~ &be ,0\;11
NO. . . . . . . r,~==================
REAL ESTA TE INSURANCE 8erVIc.e Refer- , --:. 1.2..~.1!!:,.7...~ Z endum ~ &he !All . . 8ecretarJ AUCT IONE ER ~ IIIII!Y . . . . . • state IIIrl OrUDth ~ to ~ .... ~~ : ::..:. "============== =====~ t,n 1COI'e.the extra POint, b1 pJutn, In Ii.~'=' hIiI.~=,C
.. I ~. . . . . . . :t..... -'.=
Olive Palge va. Lucy Nelllon and McBurney 00l7l!D to Harry • Clarenc e Nel8on; pe.rt1tton. and Dither ption Pliee, $1.50 Pel' Year, Payabl e hi" AAtniace Oray; _____Subscri _~:-.. __....:..-_ __ _~7""-=_------1 . Lebano n ' - 'Mariett a Kelly to Oraeye )(. the maUa ~,~ooo ~ r..1lli~ ii ........ .1 , ;_. ihetll t.. ' ~ . , COMMON PLEAS PROCE EDING S • lot 78 in S .............. .........- 1'1). addr- a taa. . to the.ate. elt!ctol'l ~ Ie •. . - .~ ..... ItWIIoa .... I Lucy 11, R~ to Pl6tMD al Order VlOLIN S AND r,.o<lO\lllOT~ . . , ~,..;.,...,.. p. W. PrallZ vs. Lam 0eb0rD, 411'&0 of Eaclea; peri of ,ot 3'1 in LebulO n addJ ~ force or leo clerks 10 ,; • . ' 'II1II • :' . . . ·~'~e cutriX; plalnW l granted leave to Etta Orls'wlo\d to oeorp E. . MuslC and bus1n~ are both based on h8.rmo~,. They, cannot Younc ~ttOUlb' ,baD~ UJiI wadt ~ ~ pl~ed fUe reply. .. " YO. ~_ " lot In I,eI)ano o. maWIMr ... 00IIIPIeted ~ It . . CAt ~ Oil one. &tandarSl a,nd>be expecte d to advance . " , ' .. Walter Ohilder s vs. Arthur Ha~ Letha Merle Bnell to Karl E. Snell; . . , ~~e<;es wri.t ten ~or the Southla nd. such,as "Myoid Kentuc ky Home. In addJUo n to Ul GIh"~ ton; defenda nt granted leave to file tn.ct 1 In Kline abUra" "Old Black Joe". "DiXie", etc" 8a)m. more approprlil.t.e when PlaYed ~r ~ Civil ~ refena4 um. tbt .with a answer before NovSnb er 7. . OU1!ord y~1IIt ~ AddJe M. YOIt pam~. alIo onDWned the alOrtnonlca, guitar, violin, or banjo. The more sublJe musio of today P.fO needs P,ol'tJand Bllo company ~ ~ to 'Joeeph TrendIe r arm' Wett1e and COD uaumentl re1aUD8 , ~ the in be played by a modern orohestnl.. '" WAYN ESVo.L B. omo garet Tilton and Ethel Blair; case 'rrendle r' ~)ut 83.aea m Music ohange s IUld reflec:ts the times. If musl~ were restricted to B l1aIrultoD Old lie peDlltoD ~ the cer- dlBml8sed. """"" townah1 ''-''''....'''''~~''''''''''''''~ p' Baa Baud. of· 1rducaUDD IImIa4t~ sUU1dard. It w.ould not advance. . Otto M, Hayes. et ai., VB. BessIe M , E Gust:ln 'to Arthur Oll8tln; Business Is the same as music. U leaders 'in buslneM were tl.e d down menU. Ande~n, et ai,. C88e dllmllJsed. ' TII1lBB DAY-F RJDA.Y 1-3 acr;. In L~. t.o non·flexible roles: there c:ould 'be no Improvement. The spirit of advanceJames Planer1 , ~ Bl •• · to J. P. Ohio is 1I~ out ~ ~l• • ~ ment would be lacklng . ' Ncmmbel' 9 aa4 18 . PROBA TE COURT Flanery and D <B Flanery ' UIO acres are IJeDlIloD moneY wi , 1 'r,hrough the a,ge8 ~ple who haVe been grou~ down undcr a t:{rant, . d III in Warren Cl()~: • Weab1nitOn laat OC~ ,bf ~ JI'edst.rl~ggled to 6eCure ~om, And when freedom was secured. there was In the matter o( the etate of Paullna C. TerWilleger rnpld advanc ement and rls1ng llvlng standar ds. to Zetta eral Beeurtt y ~~ " . The Unled States has been the greates t exampl, e 01 this and 1 ' Waites· 11-2 acres in HamUton town c:auae "Gov. Davey'le ~~Nq • -; proof u,~~, Walter R. Van Ness, ~·one.r deceased. in" . . I VULtory approved, ".1" 'bI "1II:i!d.o ~' abJP. U~U Ulat f reedom is a.:;ynon ym for incentive nnd InsplraUon. 0..... d ~ ... BANDO LPB SCOTT , - , III the matter of the eI!It&te Or Carrie Smith to WDbur M'U.s1e demand s free expression. BusirulsS llke music. cannot Bmlth. to ntmbW 'lle O~ tlhrlve on Oney ~~.tl . • _. '; lot ... ,-)')--"t p ...... Yeaz.el, decease d; ' hearing on .. puaed b BdUae'{ a "')JI~" .,.. '" , ~I ..... B code ,of restrtot lon. " ... SA'l'UIt DAY ONLY ' In\'f'ntol'Y set for NoveDiber 13. W~ Smith. et a~.. to RdJert the No. . ._ l l I n the matter of ihe ~ . or II otbaon and. ~L. GboD; .... of PeCItet!Il~ J~I,t!U~~~ • BUCK JONE8 ' Jc.hn H. TreOn. dec:eaeed; flrllt and 311 In Pleasan t PJ&In,. ~. Some feel that our neutnl.l1ty may fln~ll account approved. ID ' Harriet AmDlOlllS to Dnm& v~"'e ~ 1III1P.'1F ~ be menace d 11 and when tlhe Brlt.l8h III the matter of the eatate oJ 108 1.2 carea In '1'UJ'tIe(!reek wbo aid ~ 4 .~~ .... and FJ:t\l'lch r~y 10000 the flood- O'e(IJP Stanley Dlebl. dec:eaaed; ablp, ' Oc~ ~ ..~ ~'t gates ot propag anda-th ey remem- ftr:.t and final accoun t approve d. OordelJa Bllabe th Marlett &. et ..... & court aDd E ;;;;;;!;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;!;;;;3 bcred how efflclently the ~ aWes rang In the matter of tbe' ~p~4lo Calmen B~erelgn: loti In Love- tb1a kind.. .. ' _ BcIIIeI! ' t.he bell with this weapon In. the last of Lester Robinso n, IIeClOr1d N,t 41VNDAY u4 MONDAY &nd fin. land Ptuit. ' stated. "Ohio Ie ' Bqpen inp That Affect the Dinner war. But it must also to ~ Noyemb er U . . . U J>e remember- al ,accoun t appJ'OVed~ --..!.... PaJlI. Dividen d CheduJ and , Tax ed that this propaga nda. a1l;d we ~ ...... ... was ruth- 1n the matter WAUA CB BEEBY the IJU&l"dlausblp BILLS 'AUO wm \be VIger alour: BIlls of Every Individ ual. Nat.lonal lessly expo6ed, , and that on., many of J, Vlr8lnl& Orlllble aild WlUJam In , I lUteina tional Problems 'lnlep. Americans feel the.t we were ,~ tJpklal of bui'eMICrI*1 taken Gribble; third and final accowit ~ RUIIlIeU T. Spimoer U UU , klndlln arable from Local Welfare. i forl rGI :8 tor a spelter's ~n:Y ride. More and proved court bouse. f7.00; Mrs. Nettle BOOl, , • .. m.or:' of us seem to think, that Eur. In matter of the estate of reDt or dice for auperlntendent Of A. • ~ ~ ~ a b i l l . Those who forecast that the frank. ope II quarrel s are Europe s business , Luella ,Jeunln p. deceue d; Ont aDd eounI;J 1DbocIIl. " ,00; Tbe Otrlce voloee !1ll1}e ~, 9P.! .... ~r antl-cUctatorshlp senUment 01 the and that. bate dictator s as we will, final acooun t ' approve d OUtfitters. 1 deIIt pad for probate , 'fINMD t ~ or ~ ~ American' people would rapuny lead we m\lSt k~ our ~ds out of thl!' Iil the ma.tter of the suardlansblp 13-00; R. E.l:.eRo!'l.1 coupon book bJ Into wu once It broke out abroad mesa. All Ih all. today. say m~n of David BerClfow. D. B- ueriooc l·a. R D. BaIley. 110.00; Dr. B. II. wn· Bureau ~... ~ ~WII' TUBS, aD4 (a,na many nlade exactly that ' fore- Whlllle bU8lD~ Is. fee~ the pubUc ¥ C?o'!~bo .. ~ applIcation of reaIID&tlOn .. N~ 1& aD4 15 uama. OOl'QDI!I "a .COIIt b~ 18.10; Dr· cast durlng the peat few years) seem pUlse. Amertca. s chances Nov. . ~ ~~ • ." oJ remain- aD ball been IICC)8JitA!cL • ,.. H. X. 'WWiUI IS COI'ODtIl "II COlt bUl, to have'baclced a 10sIng hone. Oolng lng at peace ~ very good . . . . NOT· .. indeed. In the matter of the guardla Dablp ••92; Tbe I3taDda rd OIl ~, by the best evidence avallab le. the Fum ~ ~ 1PlI'I1IW11ii -' . of VIqInI& Belle Bercaw BaD. ell al.; 110 pIkme rue! oil f9r Kemori aI B&11, martbU I5Plrlt baa not lncreas ed a 'Ibere is notblng ,of uuu.sua .llnter- Charles WW1am eBn:aw appo1nted ",00; Barret. Bnl&bl n. 2 Pada CQfwhit in . this coUntry since the war est to report from the buaInee ~ht the ~ W~.. s front. gua.r~ _,'.A_.·. . . . . . ." " , oner'lI report, ~, ";25: RemIDi- PIl1r ~ ~. beltlID. The early ''War boom" -baa abated Ia the matter of the '. estate, ~ uu ..... of ton Rand, 1M•• ~ '1IeaIlIII'oD ~ A late Fortune poll la of excep- to lICIIle ext.eDt. oPrMtg hted bualneas At(JJU!O MJUard, decease d; Grace writer far SAU '1'B18 AD. _ ~tID c ~. Should &be ~ yadt WGlld· .·...... ~,~~~~~~~~!!!!l!'!!!~ t loy allntere st. A£cording to th1s poll men are tblnttnt r less of !!!'!"!!!!!'!"!!!!!'!"!!~~!!!'!"!!~!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!~~ J]OIIIlble I4.Ilfard eppo~ admlnlstnl.tr1z. 1121.88; Lebauo n K&l n~ Ber" c:cintlD\18 tbrauIh the DId , . , . only 1.7 per cent of the people bellev_ Europe an orders. and more about C.-rlea Moore. George Oat.es and Vice, labc* on ftXIDr furnace &D4 ma WIll not ~. ~t , ed We should entet tlJe war 011 the tncreu Inl thelr busIn&l ll ·1n ~ the vut Pauline W. Rlle)' appointed appl'&ll - terlal. ~ ~. $8,3&. ml~ f slde of, the ~ ID Qc!tober. Ilt ~ ~ " .... ~ ~f tbIII CO\JDtII1 ADd Latin era. . Al10e II. AmOI4S. inValId cue. \\'orI4'. ~ . ~ 1iIIIdl" 2.3 per. t though t-we BbOuld. lD ~ca.. . ., . . In the matter of the settlem ent ~ 1Ii.00; ~:d Brpnt. lnValld the ,BeP~: .~ :oyer 10 '~ .~t ',l'I}e t1)Jtd,~ t¥JI'POI'&tlon re.. It the estate of Boyd K. HeDdeJ'8OD. 1Ii.00; IDa. BeleDl )oIllhll \U\ tbougD t we'~u1 ~ tile AlUeII Ii 'porta bare ~n dlUtlng Ohio ~tD,CIOQ 'to. __tall' , ttl In~ And, by deceaaed; lnberlta no& tu d'lt.ermlD· care, ",,00; WlDIlIe . it loolrB as Ii they WJn ge~ ~ compartaon With previous, perioda, GeIItrJ. • ~ . . tbII flU. rOIdD ed aa none. cerWk ate of traMfe r care., .7:00;· . . . Bo1!. In~ care. I'.eeda ~~ _j ~ PI.... worst· oUt. wbel'e 136 ~ c.tlnt,ap- they' ar~ ~ OroIe ,~e, .' ..,.oo~t lolAra ~ l1lvalld ~. , wttblo t.be. Itat.e." laid pro Qi"~. IlOun. ~ : ~ De~ pnif1" ~~~ IJ&icl are ordered ' · ...... co.... , cII~ In the matter or the eatat.e ,of ••00; ~. m.... i!l~ N.OO; Bricker, ,after the eaar..... w.. .8Qme, o/""'PI'nUw ¥o&ed )(. B. ,OUatm. deoeue d. c:ertUleate !'fa Nk:bolll, lnvalld care: .1.00; LIS1st spirit ob~ even th~ ac- their, ~ ~VldelJd&!n . --"--~ , leng~ traDafe r ordered. lie Snider. 1nval.id ~ to.OO; , cordlni A reaeat the .' :' " IMtL-th~-IF~::. ' , ' of the seWeal of ton Staml>er,. 110.00; Am_Jeai,. Labor -1II'P 4' ill '. . . ,84, pe!:.cen t of our peo1l1e: J!:DI- . A ~~ W8ek •suney ' BbOWB &be estate of Ada WlU18I!II!C!Ibentde· ·A f . L. a Steele, ln~ ~ twIDe .. '1IIIiD.J _ _ . ,' u. L~~;.....;.(C..A..;.:.or land tnd ~ 8lIf1' tbe1r , friends that while de~ .... ·"_'~'~ t Btc;'re .8 c:eue4; ,!00y de~ lnber- JohDnle · WD80n. ln~ care. __~!:1~___":':::9~~~,,'r,. to w~(.aIl4' only }.3 per cent ' wa,nt (~ fn4ex of ~,~ ~~ "',00. tbree yeu'lJ"~ of &be purchu . 1tauce tu ordered . ~ of state~ ~ of relief ~ and, 118r.:rru,ncta to wID lng power1 are rupnbla .2 ~ cant ,I n x.ixar. ReJaUoaa Board • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!'!"!!~~!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!"!!!!!'!"!!!!!'!"!!~!!!'!"!!! the f:D&tter of tbeaetU flllllmt of ezamln~. 125.10; ~ Ofifce !!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!=) Outfl~ (<t.he balanre replled that tbllY flLvor under 1937 levels in terma wtCir'tb e tIiree ,...,. __ of do~ e .eaiate of Ida Oleven pl'• . de- ten. pen pollnts. 1.30. '111e qreeonl& ed net'ther ~e" or d¥in't mow),. ' vqlume. they .are & lief cent &be P'ili:erl . of Uiie"W. . . . .,W.I' hlgber ceased; eutr)' determ.1n1ng lnberCo., IlItRIctural IIte.el for" wLklb' c:reat.ed. the BaiiId .'ftIt , ~he~ . aD~~~ fee1lng 11\, ~ o,f m~Jae. ~ In itance tu ord~. , bridpl ~.'15} '!VI. O. ~ o,rda. ~ ~ . . . ' seems. tq ~t' ,!'t ,~~y ., fever other ,!orqa. the IIU!>l1c is IIpeudin g In, the mM.ter ~ the ' estate of • ,121-00. ClliftGD,; . lid· ~.. ' ~ _eve} In' gQ.vemment , ~ b1!iclal '" Ut~ leu but aettlng more, due to Ste~ A. StIlwel!. deceaaed; · _Ie dlUQnal flo ~ ~;on I'" , . circles.. Men Cl~ fD 'Wasbln cton at- lower ~, ADd that meaDS the tbreI ,.... blfCIN~ more of peraona l propert y at pivate sale 1".35~ 'l'reIIIIUrer of Bt&te. '. fa~ have aald ~t when·.~ ~lrIIt bualne8ii f~ manufe.oturers l • . , ordered . ojI, T. J. ~Ib nJM. began, ~t ofriClaJa feared Steel &lid .texWes . BUP lead · 11 the In Ute matter of the estate oJ 'lbe y4lll ~ 8taDeO o" ..,.... ., ....... . (,t lID' th;at we woul~ mevltablY. be drawn mauufa otulW'a race to hlaber pro- Os:ar B. BolJl6 4eceaae d; affidav lt ' andlP' &~ . . . .; ., ln, TOday.:sai ,the ~ts, duixtlon peaU. Bo~ . enIIded unda' tile 1Dduatrles -are In lieu of accoun t Ja recorded. Y~a ~~, ,fan belt, Pl'eII4fl1l' ROoIef tIt .t~eir baa up.dersone d.ra.- elOISe to a.ctual ~um producUon. In the matter,'ar the estate ' or '.75: Smart', . 'QInIe . peo1SM., "rritic change, An lmportaDt ' &ide- ,w~ l!! ~ leas than the 'qWrle . . . . . . ..,....d ~Bmlth. "deceaaed; certlfic ate ~.Sl; Gulf ~fID1Dc 00•• Wnlme. llght..on' eent~eDt there Is found in theoretlc&l maximum. of ~f{ ordered. ~'B ~ S*,uaa . o~e. of :fa\ll , },a,lIon 'a WashinatoD ·· • _ , In ~e matter ?' the estate of "0.8'1; ,BmitI)" , d~tchea. ,dated October 27. Wrote. "ODl,y the 811m aud soUtary "MIqI~" cour- Bd~ X , Jordan. decea.sed; dJa.: ~. 11~; Ba~-;':"'IOI""_. Mr ..' ~uon : ,'-Mr. Roosevelt haS ase of eI.cb of US; the C\etermlnatlon tributlo n 1u Idnd Ordeftd. -' '/ ' ~ric&. ,......111... $I. ~l) ~,~tDg ,thef d~ i~ confabs ~ exert Our lntel1.l8mc8. our ~n the ID4tter of LuJ& ~en· , ~~i "'1l~ .1., .:v.:l~ co~en lately a~t' thla IDdlvld~ lnftuonc:e In everyaBway. tally W;. appl1ca~ 10r TaIlor, ~ \ ...,u,.. ta1~{ that be wlll get us into the WlU'. 0Ul lnsure the Pnurvatlon of peace to Da7ton State BOspttal la ordereq. I4U>D Au~ ~ ;Pd f(IIIr.I.th............ ~ celiUil _ The surprise d legislators report they fololll' COWltry-." Buslnl&l Week. In the matter ~ the ...~ ' ot ~ gaaollnet, t2i..,. ." .' ~QVC ~e~ ~n ~ , 50 aroused , • , EVa \~ dec:ea .t; .headng on ' r' ~"t ~;Ytblng. ~e Unlted States rY set for Nov~ 10. .; . : .' ,; ~ernni~i will not get Into t~e war s::!!:, bwty 15 \ e&!ISential for ln~to, In the m&t~ of the. ~t.e of Elyja at a~ tline un,der any circwnstances Whitacre, deceased; iDvent. ory!l1t" ~ !,j~ , ' . 6n~ it.Js fooll.!itl and absurd tor any_ proved. ' ~Ir ope -to auggest suoh a thing. the DOn·t be afraid of WB8tlng ., time matlier Of the _tate of " ~ . " . ~esklelit bas told at lea.st three rep- by Jeamln g 1l!lIIletblnr' you are not In 'the vWans, decll~; . we of r l'talilGllilll!,::"It ~""" .....1ItO;A:i111a....i.t . ·!ltaU.~es lndlv1dq!llly," . eqUlred to kD,ow. ~ ~ at ~~~ . . 'I I wtWamLJonPb4.~.illlltttllJulllhed: r\_1I! ". " , ic~~:::rI',~:1 ordered . ~UtllrarYlldt~ 1e-:a:;'IIIId.' b,._'_ ~•.~DI In the matter . of ' the I\¥II'dl PIJ~! IIfIW -- ~ -. --- ..- -- - - --~ - -
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Bel 8 •. IIretnef "to.J0!Ieph Glrt.oa aud ~ Girton; Iota tIS &lid .. ill South LebanoD • IIa8is8 ~, 'l'Uton. ~ ~ IIIId IAV.. - ~ II» in I..ebanaa. ' 1I'raactw lIcOIur e to ~ ¥. pnje; a __ at w....... ..
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wan.....II. Xat-., _"11. til Way_ 8DD 0I1Ir. aDd. un. Ban)' 00rne11 Pro" Id... t 01' th. '-'uance at DIIYt1l_ Oblo. , ' bond. ot {h. VOl... cit W.YD..- Sec. mL Said bplhta .a\1 ADd bJa WIfe tIDd IOIlo&DJaw, Rev, vlll.. Oblo fOr tlhe lIwpoee ot pay- upOQ tb.lr faoe the purpo.. for J,... PIorcIt - t the ~ end with JD" the Vl)I"'.·1 proportion of the 'Wblola tb.y are IWlIII4> 'Ulat tbey ar..... -. compl.tlon of CIOnltructiDa a ,ul- "'1)ed I. purallUlh ot dli. orcsln- the 00rDeUa tary .ewerl,..tem 1(1 VIII.... a.DOe and ehall ... alpe" by the _.___- - UDder tbe Wlork. Pirogre.. AdmID- 111&)'0" and! clerk and aea..led ""th the Mrs 'Allce Clark spent I.bratlon and Of the levy or a talt oorpol'at. . .al 0'1 . . 14 VIIl.... The to D"Ovlde for tbe pnYlJl,8nt tIlIereot. IDtveat COUpOIUt .attadhed fo aald DaY'ton. . Wher_lI. 11\ aocora..noe IW\Ith lell- bOllda _all bear. the tac:8lmlle .IJrDa- • Robert Slney has returned ' to his twtlltlon ..!lere1o,ore duly adovted .ind ture dII tbe Vllla,e clerk. ' ,paHed II)" tl\6 VII,Iaae Of . WaynesSec IV, Thaf'(or the purao.e of work In Dayton. after a week's illville, Ohio, laId Village, Inued \),ondl! provlc\ln .. the \IIec.... ry fUDd. to pay 10 the prmalpal eum fIIf UI.OQO.OO to, .the Inte .... t 00 tile to~elDCQD& .... u. ne66 with- the griP. provide a fund tor paYI~ lIbe VII, or bon.s. promptly wbeil .nd I I the . Richard Barger of Washlngton lage'l proP.Qll'tlon of ~nlltructlng a .ame rau due aond ablo proVide a Mr" and Mn. Roy Sbaw and"filmO. H. is now sta.Ylng at the home of ~:r.!t~J'd:" ~~ ~~~k-: ~~~g~~ ~: !:~':Is~~~e:~ ~.~~~!r~~e~~e~\1 111 of Q8U' Sprtq Valley spent his brother Ralph Barger and fa.mily m&~~~;~niti~n~clrkd ~ogre." Ad- ~x:~re I~J:!~bll,:v!..ld, o;I~~l,e '!~ 1IoDdt.J. evenIDg WIth Mrs. LUI! Uy. mlnll!tra.t lon haa been unable to WaynelWllle. Olllo. 6n addition 1'0 aU Morsan. complete ' the project wltti tibe hindi ot.heor tax", a direct tax anllually Kr aDd Mr8. Pred Marian are B. O. Rush of Anderson. Indiana. during tne periOd 8&ld bonM U'e 19 . • 18 making an' extended visit with on hlma. and. ' . hert!u", II I.. nece"alliry the ..vide un In IIIJl. amou.nt IUfflcieDl to pro- aD~ 'the birth of a IOn his nep'-w. Fred Rush and family. 'VI'IVJag" of Wayne8vllle. ,Ohlo tor to mille tund. to pay Inlereet upon .\lld "IC An addltlonClI Bum by the I_ue 0' bond. . . and when lb••arn.. tan dtIe Tbtll'llday. No~ 2 . He has bee? . Clyde Whiirton Is now busy with bOl(ld8 In 0thfocompletlna IlIRI of '2.000.0tl tor tbe 'danl dbalao to provide a fund for tbe named Ronild LeRoy Both mother his corn s' h r edder In tills community pllrpoae laid project .c ar.&'e principal of IIld bond. . ' , or Cllnl!l1r'...,Ung a .anlta,.)' lewer!.at maturlt • rwhldl tall. .hall Dot b! and . .be are dolng.flDe. .YHtem tor Bnld Village und"," the lell tihan e IntftJ'8.1 and 81nltilia ~_.o...--. BUIlDell and chlldreJl Mrs. Margaret Johns spent Thw's 'W'orka Admlnl8trntlon. fllllld tax'I)_lve required Illieven of .... ......Clara ............ . to r, ftr.otect Vour day with Mrs. Allen Emerick. of Ill( tbeSec:. COlatltDtlon, Dauibtera. Mr and Mrs ,I NOW Pr08rll'" THElIliElFOrun, be It ordalned Article by ,the CounCil Of lhe Village ot Said tax &hall bll and I. hereby , . , Mr, aDd Mrs. S. H . Burnet were l • ordered computed, certified. levied 0Iemm ZUIIaIerman, Mlae Wanda, me I eMte tal ed to dlnn t th h WayneevUIII. Slate of Ohio' Sec. I. THat It Ie deemed neeeelnry and oxtended upon the talt dupllcat~ Lee ar4t11_ _ Mr. Maude Moore of0 rlrom . D •• r n er a e ome to l88ue bond. or the Village Ilt and co\1ecttld by ·tJhe lIanie officer. ...--, • , . ' of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith In Way, WaYneavllle. Ohio In the prlnclpal In the 8&me Dlanner and ILt tbe lime IlII.Yton were IIUIJIIIIl: I1J,I!I8tB of ,Mr. Under The BalilDer or - .um of '2.000.00 m order to pro- time Ibat t.xea fo!, ~noral pu.rpolea .: .... ~ Hu 0 _ _ Sun..n . . eveThe Bed mUble-Barred CrO!lS nesV1lle Sunda.y. ey --r. M~. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn anll Vide a tuna tOl' the pUrlMl8e of pay- tor eaeh ot laid year. are certified ~ -.AD. IntII' proportion Ccn- Iebxto1lndbed land collected. Said tai nlDe' Otber daugh'ft-~ • ruethtlGnil'Vlllago·. a aantltary sewer ot syetem a It paced · betore and In prefer. . ~ were Mr' and ..... ., were Dayton v'lsltors Sa'v for .a14 Village under the WOTk. ence to .11 ot'ber Iteme an4 tor the JDa. Cb6rLey 81.: or Xenia. 100'. "Two dlstlDc'Uve cont.rlbutlons by urday a.!ternoon Pr~r e98 A~mjonlBlraUon and that I .amount fllald. d.,- __ A .......... to the Ohrls'-"~ Seal sale Mrs. Emma. .T:'CY a 'tended the BUvn bOlide .hall -be I•• ued In one .,llli I'ved trom-· ••lIbereot. ld tILl[ 'l1he levies herebv ........ • _....... and . '' et11ldren . Ohi-.... _...uao ....... lIer les. · reQuired' lIIball be' placed In a l&Par- Nevin and Veld& of ccntervUle Mr have been madle this year to the 8eo. IL 'l1hat bonal K)~ the Vlllaae ate and dllUnct tund. whlob tugebber :"_.1 fti,-.:.:...~l . 0 ' 1'"and ' . wedding and reception of her ot Waynesville. Ohio ehall lie Illued wltll all III'tarut aulleCted on be .. ... u:r.. , ~ --..n t\Q)ercuI061B C8~peJgn," said Dr, granddaughter. Miss Rea. l.6.cy to III. the principal awn of ,e.ooo.oo tor .ameb .haU be Irrevocably pledged da""h.- Pll1lUa' Charles A , DoIiIJl._ president '-of the Mr. Robert Thompson., In Dayton tho pu rpOse doreaald'. Each ot aald lor t e ",aYIIDent ot the IInterelt and -.".. "• un EUaWcIrth Smith or De.ytoD Ohio Public Health ABsoclation. ori Saturday evening. October 28. bonda a hall be ill t~e denominat.l on prlnclpal ot .. Id bond. ;when and.... ~~t~~o~:~la~h~ ~~~dd:~"o~'~I~beO: tb~~'V~ ~~~td:id bonds Ihall be"~ a fflfl dap ;"Ith ... "ROckwell Kmt, designer of this Little Nancy Baird returned home USt ana IIball bear Intereat at tno· Ill'It offered at par and .cc r Ul!4 m- iDftther lira. Ya.tUe LevI. yea.r'a Ohrlattn&s Seal. although bom Saturda h*te dI rate ur • per cent p .... annum; tne tere.t to the Truatee. ot tlbe Sinking --::l' , • • y ... r spen ng the week ,flret In8tallment - ~t Intere.t pay- 'Fund In lIbelr . attlcla.l capaCity and I Bdwarcl Cr.ew or New Bur1lnjrton 'at Tarrytown. It{•. Y. traces his an- with her uncle and aunt Mr and ::!:ua~IIII'C~'1~:~ftelr9fOonan~el~!t ~~ldo:r.~~'!~~~:e!01~~'i.o~4~ ~ spending" fe9\' days at hta home oe&torII a.cIt to .the ortglna.l lounders Mrs. Charles 0111, at pwlllpsburg. day or Sept and llarCll of ea Dot 80 taken ahall be ndvertl.ea at uer'e, of. Kent. Ohio. , Mr ....._ • yeU' until tbe principal aum II PIlld. public l&1e and 1014 In the mann".' I " ' .110 II · • and .ou ... Edwin Nutt of near Jlluol1'&tion .bow. new low-rypa provided however. that It _Id bQDd. provided by laW' under the direction Miaa Clah Da~~a wa.s a Sup.. Profeuor W. W. Charters. author Centerville and Mr and Mrs J . B H oalro\" "" ,h b n.lo.oeol .... "0are ~oll1 .bearlm8' a different rate 'of of the 'F lnanee Committee ahd clerk, day dlnneI' eueata of Mra Prank of the echool heaJ.th ' program to be J . ' 6 'dlnn • . a"hUng ~.Ie ..., Intet'oet tJlan hereinbefore .peclfled. bu.t 'not tor Ie.. tb.n th.1r PILI' value . -.-~ l: ones were unday er guests of .udh bonds ahall bear lucb rate o.t and .ccrued Imt_tI the bonet lale KelUa. uaed tbroUChout the nation during Mr. and Mrs Therle Jones' and son Intftl'etlt a& ma.y ~e provided 101" In advertllemeDt lIball atate tbat any IIl'& u......... 0 ."A .... 11, month is d1n!ctor ot t h e ' . the re.o'IUU.o1l or COIlU'lCI. ILP"ruv:lnll' ncb bonda baled uplon tJhelr bearlna aw....,.,... reene 0 f ............. -.-" ...... n woe &'.... B. , Mr and Mrs. Alfred Jones and t.ho a.ward t~ereof. Illaob "ond shall a dUrerent rate of 1In1erut thall callecl on ber mother Mrs om. bureau of eduCl:lJtlon research, Ohio da' hter f 60 th 'D''''A d 'Mr we have today,". writes the secreml\lure a. foll.ow..: One bond upon tlerelnbef...e tilled, provJded bowever U'_~ BUnda n'ft~ and· 0Ith S .... A erath ug 9 U et'IL.nLW> an S of the board of trade of Sherthe flr8t day of, September ot that wbere a tr&c,lollal Intereat rat. -~ Y eve·...oe er....." ~,7. \ Mame 61denstricker of Bellbrook each at I<ho eollo-W'llIIIr , yeai'll: ... bid, aucb fl't,.ctlon ahall bo one relatives bere uT)leae facts ..... 1rA tor more than ' . rodsvlUe to bhe Ohio department or 19ft. 1942. 1941. 19H~ lUG 1941J qu.rtM' of one per cent or multiple..... ' -orIn t"ft_"'ng them tor the U47 19f8. 1949 anil 1960. ' Sala thveof. , ! au-. and KI'I. OJarence orawf0r4 0l'd.tDary . IntereBt on the part of all were afternoon v18Itors • ,......... . d bOilldl sball be numbered from lOIle. The amount, lilt tbe certified oheck aDd .famIlj apent AlrnA,,_ with Mr ~ "otters throughout Mr'!Ill Mrs Thomas Col4n& and work done since the mlddle of Janu_ ten Inclusive. Rnd both. principal and to aocompany bids Btlall be flOO./lO ~. , Charles Collins 01 Dayton were Sun IDteren .t\al\ be paYable at othe. 'llbe prodede trOm the we of aalll UId 10'1 . , . 0r0u1r ot White Oblo." Dr 1)0611 aa1d ' - ary • " • ftMlnd. except the Pl'einlum and .ac- Oak in 00 "Mr K ., t," tatact·Dr Doa "has day a.!temoon C8J1ers at the home •
'eM' ..
It Holly
Help H
7iu erculol'·'
Fairley Hardware Store
.A_. -,-,
Q!lAU&, and PrIce Estabillhed IM9-1939
WaynlllviUe, 0 .•
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USCUlAR'-~j~~t~~J:~~';;~!J~U]1 .
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!:nr.:;W Fauher Farm Briners
Mr. aDd 113 Snlder and atVeD us Iyear's' of ::: accrued . IDterut recelv8dto~roDl .uoh Kill ,Karpret crawford Of Sprtng Seal 6 rea.lJstJ.c symbol of an angel was 0. Sunday guest of Mrs. Mar. n lIale .ball be Uandul)I'ed 'the ",okIn,.' F\Ind to be appllei1 ""the b.y-· >flel&t Ulled on Mr. and 100'8. Craw- with out.6tfetched }arm aga.lnst So brtl gal'et Johns and PaUl Johns !]Iont Of tbe _1~JPal 8IDd.til~Hut a! fant 8aDdI.Y llant blue bacltgiround. A large double . aald . bobda m die manner provided 'Mr . ' . Mr. and Mrs Hayes Leach. Miss bY~VI. The clerk ot ..ld V.ntage ..:_ .~'D~ O~ apen. ~' 8unand, ~~hCf088,t ~~'U°bercnalu1badge of Anna Horme1l and brother Lou. of .1 ber.by Illrl!cted to roMf'ar4 a cer- -.. .......... ~ of X the f.. agab___ tu osls. Is 6prlnglloro' were Sunday visit [ 't tlfled COpy IOIr thl. ordinance to U.e da)n witb Mr Lue Marray. ' prominently dJ.!.~~ The Seal de. th h f Mr 0 B a CoUDty AudltDr ' . . e ome 0 . and Mrs Chal'les Bec. vn . .In order to prevent delay algned may well 'be, mterpreted as So Mullenix In comp1eUnc: the con.trucUOh ot beriecUc'Uon, upon ihe fight which has Mr.. and • Mrs, Wlllfam Rogers and ~I~ ...,..er .jwtem lor the ~ nI liI ..e ot Warneavllle. Ohio and It D. ___ been ca.n1ect an so oS\lccOOSfu1Jy daughter M.... -t .oft! d beln, nee.~ for the tmmedlate ~ .. _f_t ......:_..1·..1.- durt tlie ' t , ... were en e.... ne preMfyaUoll of· tbe public pea.ce, ........ ."""':"............ ng pas to dinner on simday at h h~tb MId ..rety of the·vulaae. thll thll1y-t.b1'ee Y e l U ' I i . " t Mr . ......_ ome 0 • and ...... 0. PaUl Anders and ordlnaac:e .a h....by 'declared to ba an emera-opc:r ordlDaJloe and the . The thlzty-tblird sale of Ohrlstmas ch1ldren in MIamisburg eame tak.a1tu effect be to W"'''' trtp BeeJa opens In ohio December 1 (UlII Mr eDd Mrs Allen . EmrIck I fore. .aU from anet 'lte lind, paaage. ·_°1 _ . . . .on. in Ker!ta~ aevwal ~ 1ut week. con'llnuee until' 0h1'lstmas Day. com"':" with -Mr Leo n Pawled 'OctoMr 16tta~ Attelt: H~ " C.....,.. Clerlt. . ~~_ Kr and __ 0UVer Jacobs and ....DY . n . Jl. f(., · Day ..... ,.or.' . ', of Waahlngton O. H. and Mrs. .NOnmE ,OF. APPoINTIIDT Donna, were IUMte ~unda:v of Harvey Rye of WaynesvWe, vlslted ~.. fl1.enda In Dunkl:rk HardUi county. , Mrs. Leon BalW,ury at at. Anthony ,Ill. aDd~1O'I. Obu. EWe t.Dd. lIOn h~1t.al. OOlUiniJua ElundaY afterwere ~ vIalton of hIa br«ber ~ . noo and ~ . d h •..:.... ... ... ~ nlce EItate 01 ....... RaJ Dut... UMl WireIII' <and KrJt. 'DonaId Bll1a Mr. and MrB Hurley are ann oun er .....,ro ... '6 -
$85 . P~r A-e ...
h, Grove
"It. '
• ....
' bushels of com sold for 50 ~nta per bushel Livestock and mach1ner)' epId , . very high J . A, Harner pur~ tbe farm ~t the ibid of . ••• an. .IIiCN .. .. Mr. Fauber was very high In h1a _ •• _ * ... . p •......., .or the auotioneer &'. T. Martin who conducted the entlN Bale ' Well-conceived plans clear way for their execution. WhIyf shthingsOuld
one of the best sales In this seePa be en'ft tion was .Marlon u .r --.:: a i Spring Valley last Wednesday. All household BQOds. farm machinery. livestock and also his 104 acre farm , were sold for the high dollar. 100(1
ara':'~~edg 1t'ell a:.~ ....... ....... ..,
spend a ·year or two In the AIltartlo, The trouble With committee. ta that are always _ -aft. . .. _ _ what others will tblnk: they -.n h AUght ' • .,_._ to ave.... conflden:ce In _ own jUdgment.
Natk!e k . . " IlYeil that Am:vJar X l . . . . . • , • ~. ~ ti!~ of~ son ~ Tu~ lY ~ ~ ~ ~~~~z:.~o week RaJ Day aD4 .0Wl Bay Whole JiO ,. 1Il'. and Mn. lfD1vard McKay and day October 31. a the Bar.tlnger"· OJtk!j MdreIIea are R No ~ Waynea aon. DoDaId. are entertalnlng Mrs. hospital. ' : ' an~Mrs. George Gray ate Yllle. 0bI0 UMl &18 N'ordale A~.. lIcKaJ's fatber. Mr. StarbucJt. of Kra. wm CopaeY and Mrs. Earl tlng 1r daUghller. Mrs. Fred .........II!. . . . . . .~ Da.JtGa. 0bI0 ba,. been dUlY ,.p. Whi_ CllWforn1a Oonfer contributed to the pre-nup. F1sIt and te.mUy at Independence,
Sand_&: .Gravel
PQI..teG .... ~Qfthel:s-
)Ira. ~ ~ accompanled · t!al affairs for M1~ Jane Oonfer. Ky. Mts... ~ gave a famUy ~er of' ftIi'eDce __ Jaae CIl Warren '..._ _..:.... .. _ '17_ _' " 8h u_ f brlde elect or ·December. when they Sun(lay honor or Mr. Gray s 81st
. .
00Unty'. '0Jd0.
d« lJued. > DUed tbIa 'IUl ~: qt, ~,
~ DUa~
u ...... o near
Prtd8.Y, an Delaware county, ~ lin. WIlbur KeeYer. of
CClIl&est, IQ".
Attr. ,
w~e, to J9In the tlU'oDtr who entertained at a shower and lunchwlm..d the state .com hullrlng eon on Prtday at the home of Mrs
C9Pae:v. : Dorothy Weller of ~t1 was , •
_,~WirnIl ~.AIIe~= =:;.:rr.~~~cal. :n~':~:S~. a:u~paren~~· . 0euDer. 0bJ0. Kr. IbS. ... eon Mr. Mrs. am.
-= .,.
< -
00pIre7. Mr_ ~ an'f.KrB . .Ph01p Oopeey and daugb-
. • aDd J. T, """'1PDt , ~ eveaJIIs '11iUI'ItdQ p .LJnch- tel' Dorcu·v&s1ted fJl Jactaon Oounty ~ at··tIte bailie at 111'. aDd lew. on Stulda¥. ' . wbO ~. II'OUP IDa. ~ WOO ',?f"COl1Jnd)us vIs, or fiIeIldi aDd mIaU.... W1tll an Of- lted her pare~t.s ~r. and Mrs. PnLnk _ . . ., . ,, ltyne over 't ile week end; l.uctnda bav- I . Mrs. Ella Babb recently
·BarOid .....
. .
lid'" at.,
en~' ·
Having something.of a s.vnlpa'thel~c incl1nat1on toward the young Wbo baa to ~ his way tbroUgh colle8e Robert S. Belghtler. director of hlghways tried out the polley of
~!!~!!!!!=!!!!!j.~; IDa. MoadL ~.... 'JIIaDu In ~ q . ~ ~ Udi ~Ub1tf, for ~Ntdo BMIIe OJala We of Waahlng- providUfi' ~~ work for_~~ ;; ~ " man .thaD . t.hlrt!r ,..... baa liven yo~g men __ summer a.s _ .. ' .... ~
, ~ ,
--"- . Up IMIf bCIiiIit.
Mr. and Mrs" WWlam Pottoft. and an ezper1meDt. Ibiir~Iiii'IiII'" ~ -~\ ~ ~ ~.Of bIir b"~nd ~ W. famlly of War:ulen 00., were S~ The studenta were given summerlot _. • - . :, BIie " ~ '~ .. . ... 40 I*lome a BUeN of Mr. 'and Ml'8 Webb wWt- tlm.e work pe.lntlng guard ra.U which ....... (,.:' ., ~lDtbtJaaeolJler daugh- erscm. , . wa,s' much In need of being touched pa~ ~ . ' . . . <~ ~~ and Mr. Mr ~ Mrs. Ben WUlJam& Mrs. uP. the re4ult&--"good· '• says the di1.~;;;.~~ ,bI:.t&, II ~ _ _ _ ID~. : Wm Holl8,nd and. Mrs. Paul WebblteCtor: :·they w.orked consclentlously ~. . . aitJ .,... ~ed to ",ere Xenia. ~1l;l~ on Monday. and It speaka well for youn,g men abd.1Iri;. _ _ BUtman'" ~ Mr. and ]!r!':. ,J . T, v."atton Me w\ l h determ it~"'t!~n to win theIr way, of. , DIU', ~uir. spending thla ..veck in Dayto~. j "And It, did not shoot our payrolls 'ilnllldlit ADIICJUficIq Ua; ar~ ~ J . W. ~ of OQ)wnb\!ol up to the unn~, poUtlCal padt guIJet of Mrs.. J. W. ~ th at has been ~tle'ed in Ohio l.rhl'allirtl an ell!*. Pauud ~ . at waa ~ :,.,,~:,QD.... ~.~ ,Jl· . Tbe Pulkeiaon: prior to t.hls adm1n1stration." the. ~ ~ the .mqte I . , dlrector is &a:1d to have added when ,wW'" ~ ~ __ _TIle ~~t; '<If 'modeIlQg a per.>: questIoned. ~ Ja -~ i'epart,', teet world' seems lIKnulnrlY reDID,te · , .' o;.... ,I .•·~~l ~·." ••.. ~· ~ .~ ' car~ Elewn and a bBlf years of patienCe --~".,...~~\...... .,u , BandlD_1S tie ,I Q'reuon 'for-the oil ,t he. part of. Ol&ra.·.E .. oo.vner haVe &be;;Ir_. .~tI; aDd IIrI chaln atoree~ 811lCi:ea. ' , '~ rewarded wilen hlghiva.y ~ 01
L ....
.......- •• - -
.r. ..
Stay On. Your Own Side Oi~ Road, . A,T3id Accldents Safe drivers observe all road signs and drive on their own sl~e of ' the highway. A. E. MittennMt. Vice President of the Cincinnati Automobilt; Club lind Director of. the Amel'lcu Auto. . . T t mobile As,s?CI~tlOn, : told rUB ~es 01 th~ Cwc.mnat! Automo~lle Club In u.rgmg that motorists show more respect for roacl signs and tor each other. . . "Any man or-wtm1rn · wal alony, a sidewalk or ros'dwsy re!palns on the . right side-they pass each other on lhe right SIde -and th ey are courte,.ous about It. Too many au, -, mobne drivers hu~ the center 01 the road. ,efusing ,to budge an inch " per· IT'il anyone 10 pass and en a motorist becomesjI' infuriatL With th e LCl:alment ard tries ·te- f'ass hp might wind up in a ditch, The operators of truck fleets and buses have taught· road courtesy
Par ComPUllmublP
we .woU14
pref... '.a
tsianct tt8cs beaD ~ .
" - - - -....- - - - - . . . . . . , . -........- - - - - - - - - -.....'
~ for· aCtion and -that a Iood Job
on an
~ DO&bIni' to a fellow~bO ...
~ out a cWver,t In front 01 her ProPertY. Tbe lady has written .her 'th8nits and salci abe waited all those
tor Robert. S. BelIhtler's " .., ..7'I,,,,, ...,,t·1
~ • We're sate !J,-om chlDlJ 80 long as
often , Is a road. h,?g." . Today, the C:,"clnnatl AutomobIle Club With approxlmat.17 1~.~OO member~ • . 1s the lar,.' CIVIC organization in the Ohio Valley. serving memben ID Northern Ke.ntucky, Eastern Illdiana and SQuthern Ohio. TbeH divisions are aelt-go\'erniq, bay. ing their own .'o fficen, advlIOl7 a r d, ·impottant · eommlttHt and have direct r,p~eDtaUoJa '. on the Board ,f Direeton of the .~ Cincinnati Aut 0 mob 11. elu,," ~:otorist8 may , join the autamobile club in the division ID . which they live. Vice Prelidac. Mittendorf stated, uriln, all thoughtful automocile 9woen to join the cl~b for its r:ooper.U" effort in road service• . ,uti-Ia legIslation. highway •• lIatet,. and other services fot the bettermeat of the motorist.
~.~.~~~~~~~~~~=-::===~~~~~~=:s .
. "
Idividual to their drivers ••• but ·the Illautomobile driver too
wbo knew ~. ......ONTAGUE GLASS ~om~ tim\;. ~gO :beat me to ·it by givlD.r ~ubU&~ ~ evea:Y- . "Ne~er In the ' history of t~ vUto a story which Jim6Ue MontlguQ:,,the 1!01u1Ttni~tiPoot .jlCllB ~ Jlm.-ta. · · .. lap haVe we bad as fine a thorofare who for a newspaper-man' is faiJlly t:.'utht~l, d~ela!'Y' t~at t~e tht~ .. really happened out in Oregon whcl'p. he wall reared. . A prgmment citi~ of t}le .was an ar4ent'; ~1i~er J 'then': Dew Cult of 'mental-healing. p!,S:I~ol~~ ~hi8 Kllllitit!UI!1...."
Shoemaker' ~.G.A. --- ;'.
Sealed · ~. will be at the oJrlee of the clerk of the vut lagc of Wayneeville. St&te ot , Ohio, ulllU 12 o'Olock' noon of Priday De. 8T MAB;"S EPISCOPAL cember 1st, 1939 for the purchaae of (lBVIlCB bonds of the Village In the aggreRev. Il. L. lladlweU, Rector gate sum of Two Tbousa nd ($2.000,00) Dollars, . daied the lilt day of December, 1939. Said 23RD \ BUNDA,Y ~ TRINITY wW be ten In number and numbered 7:3Q a. m. }(oly communion. Bul~ from one to ten. both inclusive. Each 10 a, m. Junior Ohurch School, of saJ,d bonds wID be of the 11 ' ., . m· II(omIng PraYer ahd nation of '200.00 wW draw inter by Tb,B,t. Rev. spence Bm. est'e.t ,t he rate ot .% per annum. the BlShop.ot Ba.\U and the Dominfirst Instaument of Interest ~able ican Repool1C. March 1st, 1940 ·and seml..nnually TUESDAY ther~after on the 1st day of ,Sept.. .: :30 p. m. NUl'8ery Ohurch school and March of each year upon pre· S P. m , ~.ary Ohurch school. • ___.._IIIII!I______.._ ....-IIIIi~.--~ ser:tatlon and surrender of the inter_ FRIDAY . __~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~ est coupons to be attached to said 1 P. m. Woman's Auxiliary sew1ni
.&.:.----.------.. ..
Waynesville" Ohio
' 13c Ib, 2 .f or 2Sc Ocean fill!!t Ib' 190 Red Perch · pint · 2Sc Oysters 21b ' 29c Bologna Red Kjclne, Beans ·2 1-2 can, ,3 'for 2Sc 'Ib 10c ,Bulk Pepper Sc Flake Hominy
To tile Voters Waynesville Corporation
M Ca'r'e y
. nomer . . /'
I , ish t o express my sincere thanks for your 'loy~ l upport.
HUndreds . D1 t.bous&b4a or $lld young rpen read THE KMJ!lR. ICAlf BOY Magazine every month abd colllllde_ 'It more as a llVinr companion than as a magaZine. ''It·s as mu()h a bud4y to me aa DONAJJ>' BAILEY. Auc~ncer. my neighborhood ch~" 'wrltes one Complete auctlon service, Oltlzens hIgh' scl)Ool senIor. . "THE AMER- Bank Bldg.• ', WUmlngron · Phone WAN BOY , seems to' understand a 11292. ' . ' B28-tt bOy's problems and cons1d~s them ..,.......,...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ In sucll a sympathetic and helptUl ' FOR ~~oars : and GUts. .1. It gives advice ana entertabt.. Both bladt and ' spotted Poland lng reading every subject In China Immune Chal'les Hagemeyer . : . ' N2-9' wWch a young fellow Is Interested. It 18 partlcularlY helpfUl In sports. I made our school basketball team WD.JL PAY STRAIGHT SALARY because of playing fJps I read In $95.00 per week.man or woman with THE ,AMERIOAN BOY ' auto,. 0011 Egg Produces- to Farmers. Many famous . athletes In all Eureka Mfg. Oo~ East St. Lou1s. Ill· bonds. Anyone des1rlng to ~o 60 4 p , m. Bo)ra Olub. ' N9· spOrts ' credit. much ·ot their succesa may present a bid ' or bids for said 7:30 P. ~. Old's FrIendly GrouP. . bonds based on their bearing a dlfOreat .tara 01 today, aDd 'creat, to ,'helpful ' suggestlons ' rec~lvec. penoDallUea or yesterday. tell Ule frOm sPorts articles carried in THlC . FOR RENT--Ll.vtng quarters, ( terent rate of interest than ,l\IETBODI8T CnullCB l1eart-warmlDc .tory of the mea AMERICAN BOY Maga~ne. Vlrtu- rooms;' ailso cottage of 6 rooms «?n hel'elnalbove spec1fled, provided that Louis C .Badley, PMter Imd women wOO collCluered the ell- al1y every l.ssue offers adYice from a MaIn st.reet. J. B, Ol,laPI~, pho,n e where a fractional interest r&te Is • Certatl1meDt . world kl Darryl". . N9-16-23 , bid, such frax:t1on shall be one quar---'Zan ck'. producUOn or "Holly- famous . coaCh or player. 86. '" ter of one per cent or mUltJple there_ Ohurch SChool 9:30 & m. WOrshiP~::t Oa'f&leade,- 1ItarrI.Dc . .AlJce basketball, track~ tenn1S, in of. SaId bonds wUl be due and ~ay. service 10'40 a.. tn. 'IbJs Sunda,y 1I'&y. and Don .Ameche, wblch every, major sport Is covored in flc- ~iiiii!i~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiii' h ' a three 41.1' eDpeement at 'I nnd t t able as follows.. One bond upon t e be a. "Harveat Home" service, and bIleM Ole XeDt& Tbeater, SaDd8y, No• on -ac af tl· cI66. first day of SeptembeJ; of, each of tile paator'8 subject. w1l1 be "H&rvests -.ember lJ. . The romance of the . Teachers. llbrarlans, parenta and ,t he following years: 1941, 111U, 194~, 'nle i8S'V1ce will -be in the interest of memes bam' BathtD« B8euUee ' to , leaders ot boys clubs also 1'8Com' 1944. 1945. 1946. 19n, 1948. 1949, and the Boo'" ..1 ..... e ""-trict 1W0r.. "hotoirapl1ed Pre.er-e. la In sta.ced anew ' mend THE AMERIOAN BOY .... A·-,". . .v W,.. .. I i U,," imd thrlllm. . en. 1950. Booth Feat1vd 18 held annU&1ly un'. 'l'ecbnlcolor.t11 ttat.. poeat ,!Oth : th~astl~uy. ,Th,eY ... have to~ Sald bonds, both principol and der the auspices ot the Epworth S"tyrp..RA&..&Um. ._ . • _, , ~ _.~ that as a 8en~a1 ' rule.' regillar r~ Ulterest, sb8.u be payable .,at the Leecuea of the DIstriCt tor the pur era or THE AMERIOAN BOY L-=~~~~~~~~~~
• :
or gathering money and suppiietl f~ ne&v1lle, Ohio. our Methodist Children's Home at Bald bonds are l.ssued tor the ""'''- W......,,·..- . 0h10. 'ItIe Booth Featl-
'--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil&iiiiiiiiiiiii_oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-- Waynesville NatIonal Bank In Way·
~"_________________II!I__IIIiI_1. ' m
h Voteri 0 f W ayaeivi-II e .."0 ,t e .
..- ... _......u~ ot pay!Dg the V1llage'~ propor- val w1l1 beheld In the South
N'e'll S. eoo Of
Ch ' T B Md arts 0 e a e
tlon of the completlon or construct- Me~ Ohu!cb Da,ytoo .. O. Prlday ing I\- san1tary sewer 6Ystem tor aald . Saturday Nov.I7ithand 18th. All Dr. R. G. SecV1llage under the Works Progre811 ~ . . urged to attend the retal of the Ohio Publ1c Health AIr1 desire to express my thanks to my friends for A~tratlon and under authority ServJoe SundlIIo' morning and bring!. 6Ociatlon. ann~unCed word has their splendjd support during my candidacy for Marof ,the laws of ~Ohlo 8Ild or the with them ~~ and home canned received fro.:n the NaUona.t h~l ~d COl')8table. Ubltorm Bond Act and under and aDd dI'iIAMl1l'U1ts~ veaetab!es cUlosis A6s0cJ8tlon. Dr. I pl~dge my best efforts in the discharge of my In accordance wtth a certain ordJthe Home,. Plealle be sure to put Neurath, InternatloDaUy famo8I e duties in the offices to which I have ,b,een elected. DanCe of the aa1d v:wag of Way· name O~!l every ~kage you authority on education by means ot Dlillville. Ohio entltted , brInI· ~ YOIlDlJ people of the Ell- the visual language known 113 lsoI?rovldlng for the issuance of ~e w1!l CUlV8I9B t.bo6e Dot WPq, wlU make a new series 'of or the Village ot Waynesville, Ohio atteDdanCe 81Jn.c1aJ, __ charts for the National TUberculosis for the PunMIM of pe.yUJe the EpwOI¢h ~e MOruIay' evening Assoclatlon TbeIIe new chalts are ~_ iIi_........._!II!I__.........!!III_lIIiiIVmase'8 proportion of the COJD- 7 o'clock GroUP No, 2 wW ha.'ve to be used local JtuberC~1s and !pletton ot con s.t rue t 1 n g a chIarge of t.bI:! aervtce All young peopl health associations In the~ viSual ._iI!iIIIl!i~iiliiIII _iii.. iiIl~~~1 6ewer system for said VU- of blgh scbocll 'a p are 1JMted. education plV8riuns on tuberculosislage under the Worka Proareaa Ad- A Bub-DIstrict meeting of the ~ set of 'approximately ministration,.and of .the levy of dIatlct 1IrW tie held at the Math charts' Wru. depict ICOmmunity ' tax to provlde t~r the ~t churcb~oon ,Od Thw;ada.v from ' tuberculo8ls .a.lld th~f", pused on the 25th day or 8YenID&', Nov letb.. It w1U be a the social and econoinlo as.. '. to express' and Oct;ober, 1939. . meeting at 6:00 o'c1ock~ ,All oftlclal of ~qsla control, to my friends for their loyal support during my canSaid bonds will 1Ie.sold to tbe membere CllUl'Ch acbDOl, and . didacy for. Mayor, November 7th. bidder tor not lees than the WOl1h ~1. otr1oera are U1'gII!d to at- when earth as it on evtl dreams Pledging my best effortS in the discharge of my' ,highest tace val.ue thereot and V.rfous apeaten are OlD fAe pro Loeb back upon ber win. , ' dutieS,!tin ,t he. office to which 'I have been e,ectedi I interest. AU I:londa must sta~ ~ BuppeI' ~ 5()c. We must re- And the white, llght 9f. Ch11st out. earnestly invite the cooperation of aU citiztns of number .ot , b onds bid tor and tHe IItlIldaJRov: 1st1\. on the num. atreama • Whnesville· "., ~ amoIlDt,QI"bid .................. f!ii'oin OQJr ~ _ pastor ~or Prom the rect '~-ot ~ ~tto date of del1very, all · b1da detalJa. · B1a f1Une. who led the stormy van to be accompanied wtth a , certUIed • . Of bat~le, · well .may k:~; :.
~n, E:xecutl~e
and Wayne Townlhip_
:F~ the :Vote~. of Waynelville l~ d~sire ~y ' appr~iation tbank~
;i......,-.~.~.jI~_-.;~~_ili.~~~_.~~~~ ~
If ~qu are going to inake an A uctiop get the- man wlto get~ the most doll~~' fot,' you on Sa,le ~ay,-
'I conduct 'AuctiollB evenrwhere the year around, A ',can bril1g you buyers for .anythi~g you may h'ave to' s~'ll as I arh constantly in contact with various buyers. ~ave B~vetTal da,tes taJcen for Jan. and Feb. Gall or see .me JlarJj and sel,ect a good,date. Remember I n9t only ~ersonally. ~oriauct your auction but look after all ad' r v~rtising ,a nd"arranging' for-Uie sale. Can ,.be fqund Tuesday at Miam~sburg Auction Sales Barn. . ..
·Ca.ll or Write
Centerville, 0 ' ,28 N. Ludlow St., Dayton. O.
to VWqe WAYNBI!Ivn.U: 'ciltlBC"OF uPon condWon ~ if the CII8I8T 18 aCcepted, the bidder wW ~, and pay for such bonds as'DlAY W. C; BIIIIIb, ......&er be lsauad &II above aet torth ~y days ~rom the time of award, SUNDAY ' sald checlt to be retalned by the Vll- Bible SChool 9:30 a. m. lage If IBid co~dltlon Is not fUlfl~. Lord's 8uJlper.~O:U a. m ConncD of said Vlllaae reserves Ohrlatlan Endeavor '7:00 P. m, the right to reject any and aU bids. PieacbIDg '7:SOP.~' " H. M.. Carey Clerk WmNE8DI.~Y ., NII-18-23 ' '7:30 p. m· PnIler. meettng Come meet with us t.h1s 6unday .
But-never that
Whose vIctory W8I!
--'At the November meeting of tile MIddle 'Run PrImltwe Baptist tJiurch there were five v1aItlng ~e'n present. all preaching both morninaand 'af.ternoon. At close of the. meet-Ing th,!"e was the warm h&ndShate
SUNDAY J 9:30 a. m ~ School 1~ a m Lords ~ 11 :(10 L ~. ' 11 :30 BapUIi~ serVIce , " . There 1(6118 four DeW> membe.1'8 ad!:i ad to the cI1lurCh~~ S~y., ,
' . '.'. . MT. BO....Y M,. -.. CBUIlCB T .... Selrtr,' .......ter
HIIIDONua Scor, ,
S~d&)'. '~~eInber ~2
., '.,' .
• 9:30 a m~ -Snnda~ achOol. LeIU& ~ Gorsuch. 81llpt. ~ .,' ' " . 10:30 .a. m:~ wOI~8IlIn. 16II1OOII1W DUll_ by th8 ch1l~ •
or h1ID.
_. _ _ _ __
Gladn~ temperance and re))06e Slam the door on the 'doctAn"e DOlle \ -LoD8fel1ow
PhQne 78J AD 366'i
OSB THB MI.ulI '·OAZ1C't'r8 wah, Adl
five Preachers AI· Middle RUD Meeimg ,
and all deputed tor ,their homes with the teeUng ~t It WII6 good to be there.
F. . . T. MARTIN, Auctioneer
vanc.e more rapidly and develop Il\Qre worthwh1le . characteristics --~---PPLU.8----~ than do boys Who do n~t read it.. Trained' writers and IU'tists, Artie Shaw, Lana Turn... oua coaches aM athletes, explorers. scientists and men ·.successfUl In l. j ___"_D_a_n_.... C1..,..·n_g__C_o-_E_d-:..~_ buSlnw and Industry join with an SUN M'ON TlTES experienced sWf to produce 'In THE • • • • ('- '" • AMERIOAN BOY, the' lIOrt of readIDg matter boys like beat. THE AMERIOAN ' BOY. ~ on ~tande at · 15q 'a copy, StDIcr1pUal are $1.50 for yeu or $3,00 for t.hree years. Porelgn ~~ SOc a Y,ear extra. ~ subscribe .,slmply send your name, address and 'remittance dIrect to AAiERIOAN BOY, 7430 SeCond Blvd., Detro~t, Wchlsan. ' - - .,-,.,---...._ Every dishonest man was once honest, unt1l t.em,.ptatlon ,got the
WA~EZ _ b.TliVi8D~Y; _ __ _ _ _NOVEMBER18,' 1.939.
_---~Ai-------~ ~ Lelia Koverm&A _
" .. . . ,PIwtoD
~ November 1~ a -.fa~ litven by the ~
-""-...I i ' ~~ , the ~u. 1$e8ell ~ve, f1rat "'Ve a taUt befare the 1lMeJJ\b1 aDd JolknnId b,y y
of 'tbeW:~ in wbiICb. 118,eral ta ~~. I1'bie ~ : , e US a biett.er idea 01 "e~
_ value
of~ ~ our m1Dda ~
et)' 110m
~ actuIl clem-
The Ie!DIor oIIIas ' la In, cbaIp : of the 'I'buWIIIvq ~IJ WecbIe&cIa1 afternOon at 1.15.
Tbe W~..mapt.er of P . P. A. were invUe4 ,to . Kmt'Ow. 'l'Ueeday NovadIer 16th to I1ve them .~ GrWienh4ncl inlUadoD As IoforlOW wu j\llt ~ tbtdr'oqulaL , Uob t.bey bad no ofJlgen to tbe InlUaUoo. TweMr-Dine p-een_
bud werelnlt.l&&ed.
_ . _ ...... ___ _ The W.._ -~,,:.. .. _ .. _ _.......... sated In a ~ ..... 1V1th 0II.kWOOd GIl Th\U'8da.J eveolnI
8cb~l ~ .be ,dleml"ll"4' WIICInM-
''.. ,~~ . ~.oo..:.~~ A~._. _~ .__ ___
JeOOIlveDe OIl ~ att.iIh &be tln,Uea Of the bGI.I4a1.
-_-- D~ F.F.A. a.leceiH LKII Green Hod Dejree ' ............ ~
• . . ... . . '11lanD({1v1ng ~y falllng on the MD. J. K: 1VU a CJncln. i'IeIUlar ~~n date of" the Mi· Nltor, .~ , , . ...Ob ~ eYell1nt IoIIam1 valley ami ~tte, t.lm will come'out . " • • •-. • cba&lta' p. p. A., our IocW cmptA!r, ~ WedDeIdaT. ~ OWIll au-t.oeIt UId DaYsd l"l\J'DU put on t.be Oreen ~ ~ . at. con!llJlO"dent.a\ and O1tIers having Yialtilld w..Jne scott at IDIm1 Vaue, the lmIlDMlum. Tbe ~ bOY! newe items for ,~ issue are rehoaPlta1 in ' ~ iS~ e'lentDg In the vpcatioDal departm;L!nt ~e qUestedrtq~nd III their material one • • • . ' . • InWa.ted Into <the myater.lea of the . day earller. . . I0Il ua.rt.br. KIeinm 01 oIDClnnaU d.eIne: Hon.ce BUrDett.1lYt'On Bage ! &be week end 8u-t 01 MIsa 1Dm!I'.. ~ ~ WlU'l"lI:l . ' ,, ~ PreiItb'i1. ~. ~ , ~r. end EVefttt Of' ~tdale • • • • " . Bm1fb. c ' '. Kra. au.eu, PlabIt and lOlL v1Il~ ~ were conferred Mr8' ~.. motber lira IIartlfa lIpOD COUdt.1 ~tendent o. B. . ri ~~ BGbl ~ lb. ~ .MI'. ,James ... . • • • e \ . ,' aM Mr. CIfaftr. . ' The meDS C:1lvte Cl~ are expectClara 8a~ ' &pIIIIt. ~ ~A _~ ..,.,.,..,Ni ~tDMIed ·a.notber, JOOd. turkey dinnei' to aDd 1IAJIIda1' SD Di¥ton. the perf~. , ~v1B' Joe KerIe)' given at ~ ft1ends WhIte Br1ck IUcwt of 1Ir. aM' lira IIeit!ert Batw &Dd .. aeveral J'rjIrnbfra ~rom LebanOn meetInB botl!se ~ M'Dnciay, Novem· ta1hWde. ... · . c:MPt.er .~ ad~. 8DIl the ,prell- ber 20th at 8:30 It. m. • • • • • , dent 01 Morrow Chap_ . were fa Hoocnble Jim Carout.hel'S. Mayor Mr. uad :un. B. A IIobler and ~~ betlf.dcw • n~ of old OIeDdale, 00_, will. be the. atter cbIldJal . . . 8 _ ' dlDner aDd IIMIInl!eI:'i. J '-. speaker. ~ SUbject, will be Ia.te ofMr and lin D J Tbe foUowing o1rlcen pres1ded in Town Government." Ma.yors 0IbIe IIDCl r.mD1 0'-Welt IIDton: • _Ie: PresIdent Lowell BIn· other v1llales are also ex.. . • '. • • Vk:e PresIdent BMold. BUtharto be 'preiient to enjoy this . JIODWnsIW )IInoem_t 01' IIInco ford; Reporter, Albeit pnmmell, aDd turltery ~. Our mempie at fIbe , O-PDlm_ 1DtM.... 8ecretary 'WIWa!Jl St.rouae; nea.. ~ and we Idndly Lea,. CII'dIIw eadJ ,...1dIl ... _ a.:er WlnfJeld.scott, W6tch Albert tbat you 1mDiedi&tely ma«e din _ AIIIIfIItaot Oonductol' J;iIP; ~id.Gr Tom rJonace &Dd n* reilenatlalll" With J. R. Gibbons, • • • • • _ . Gene Brown. PranIt ·l!'ox. . 1Ir. Ud oearae St.r0u4. aDd I 11M iDa. , 8bIIrmaD • 0Irier 01 '. Dayton' , . . . dbmeI' . . . . of Mr WI~S ~ith aDd. ilia W •• 8t.roud. . l , I !.
Mayor . To Be uest Speaker
veteran: clair:
n....: . . lila:
-• , • , • •.LMria'I'!reI
AIr.l u d " ,
aDd tam
mn Harry
MAGAZINE, GOI SI " ' 'LtessTo Club lIl.EI ' -t--
_ .... 1IuDdIF ~ I\..ta oI)It
---' -~IB1;:=
HdIIL~ and
~~!I!!~_!t....!__l!.~.;h;.;";_~"'r.'a=~ f·. U*:.::a.i'~oiaI:fob;: ' D;btrtbav;;,;~;.::an~-u.1:r.d~ .., oan.II; MiI!I "'!t;NrTs IibtAlh MIa. ~r ... .~ .~~ ~ 0Q1I~ ; ... _ . WUem DoAIr, ,. ...,. . . ,
, • .•• . •• ~ I b 1. P; 1Mrkk.....
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Md'tIJa.. of New
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of b
. ', [118 ,
DurIng ~e &bcIs.l
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" ,: . -
J. W.
and a.
Local HappeoEmgs
Wayne lWp. Farmers . Club Met Thursday ";
--Wayne Township met 'Ihl1J'lidBy. November 9. o.t
• • .' • .•
• ' "
~btime I>ec:eri!er m8ettns WtU be at of ~ Iolon1mta. Bunnell Uu1 u:a.. NelUe .B wmell.
, "
meetIDc to order, and the invocation was Biyen by Itt guest. Marla Eiben. After the bua1ness meeting the program wu 0 "Put•• ~~ · pen pa.pe,r. ....06 on · the · read by Kr8. S. s. ' ~; Mrs. BraeIter of 8ljgo was the I\lL'$ the tq)Ic of her
'om ,. r.l- let
on our
marlUlt ' ~ Gn.IIP WL~. NcmIDIIel' 23,. . ~! ~ ordeI:j to
..a.:., .
~.u:rm!! ItHroulh tIie ;Weal;.,
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of Walter Clark's aDd Walter .
I':"R ~L L-"d·· V· .~ LC OJ alIIeplIII: ICtlDl. .
.... "
fhfs tile r e t a : - =and
_. r, ." ,_ •
• • • • •
Dr. Mary L. Cook and MI8s Katll: G.,bcJIla att.en~ed a . medical in Troy. laat Thursday .
atter the worshlp service. All otnc1al members we uraed to be present . at the ConIereooe. Reporia w11l be given by the various organlailoal of the church. Epworth Leaaue eveDane' at 7 o·clock. Group 3 wU1 bav. ~ of the meettn, nest -¥ft. All ~ people are invited. The Booth of the Da7t.OD Dlsb1ct w1ll be beld. At UIe SOuth Park MetbodJat. Church o.,t.aa. CIA Baturda.y of this week '!be JOWW people ' of ' the Le8aue ~ ~ mODe)' and CIUUUICl '1OOdiI fcwtlval, whlch 1a ~ held III tIM.
f. . .
h9ur. retftSh·
members and ~ea" enjoyed the 11.&• menta ,were served to twenty-one ual fine dlnper at'1lOOll. ' . members .and nwDbar of, Pesta. Preatdent W. Swar.tflell,, 1.'II.lled
number toe bOme of Mr. and MrS. L. E W. intAftBt of our MetbocUllt C.bIIdnD'I A ~~I!.~':~~~:1~~~i-~~t~~ !.\~!~~~
. . . . . . . .; . _..
• •• • , • • •• • •••• Mrs. Ethan Crane was hostess to Mrs. Jessie Hyman attended a Wed the membe!'S of the Woman1s AUldl- ding in OUlc!nnatt. Sunday. 8T MARY'S ~)BCOPAL Iary of st. Mary'5 Ohurch, FrIday • • • • • CJI.11IUlB afternoon. M1sses Doris and Ruth Ba.lIsbury Bey. R. L. lbekweD, ~ . Due to tl1e lllne6S of the pre.s i- were week. end guestl! of Mr and 24TH SUNDAY APrER TIUNJ'I'Y ' dent. Mrs. C IT '1mce Mrs "'--e Mrs .......- t Stoer of Clevelan'd ,3:300.'" m. HOly communIOn. ' , . pres1ded. at ti ,e r.,ootlng. Rev. R. L. • • • • • 10 6. m· Junior Church School. Hs.ckwell conducOOd tile devotions . . Mrs. Ethel Rauk of De..Yton Is vis· 11 a. m. Morning Pm¥er• . and a.lso 0. dedlcs.l.ton service for the iUng her pe..rent6, Mr. and Mrs. H. TUESDAY AWdliary gUts to be sent to the H. W1ll1amson. ~ P. m. Nursery Church school South Dakota. Indian MJssions, and • • • •• ' 3 1>. m. Primary Ohurtb 8Cbool, the Children's Sunday School Christ Miss Lola Bears of Cincinnati THURSDAY, 'J."HANKSQIVINO DlfIS gUts to !be' sent to the Seamen's spent the week end with her . parDAY Church In&t1tute, at ~ew Orleans Mr. and Mrs W N. Sears 106. m.. Holy Communion. and St.. Andrew's Mountain.e er FRIDAY slon at Marshall V1rg1n1a. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Branstrator 4 p . m. Boys Club. . The progmm PresenOOd by Rev. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, 7:30 P. m. Girl'8 Friendly oroup. Baekwell was e.s tollows; a. record. and Mrs. S. F. Gatch of Milford. . THANK80IVING DAY lng, "Rellgdon. a Solvent For World • • • • • All who accept Jesus as theJr 1.cJrcl Unrest" , by Rev • . Charles Sheerin. Miss Bet!-Y Ha.rt&ock of ClQcI.nnatl whether members of th1s cbun:b (]I' vice-president of the Na.tiona.1 Coun- spent Ule week end with her parenfB of aome other, are invited to the cll of the EpIscopeJ Church; another Mr. and Mrs. Bert H&rt8Oclt Holy Communion on Tbanklll'ftna recording, "An Appeel to the Ohurch • • • ..' I;)a.y. The Holy COmmunion has &01From the Field", by Bishop W, Mrs. Winlfred Mason of Xenia Is ways been the great ~ B1&1r Roberta of South Dakota.. Don vlslt1ng Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock service among Chri8tian8, Hs.wke. B member of the chW'Ch th1s week. - .- - - - - 'vestry, then spoke to the Auxlliary • • • • • METHODIST CIIlJIlCB on the benefdta of the "Every Mem· Mias Lucy R1ce of Sabina. Is a Lo Ills O. Badley. ~&or ber canvass", which will t&lce place guest at tile home of Mr. ar<\ MrII. Church 8chool9:30 a. m. W~ in the porlsh, the week preceding Lawrence Furn8s this week. service ·10.:40 0.. m. Dr. T. T, craw· Thanksgiving. . ~ • • • • ford, Superintendent of tbe Darton Retreshmenta were served during Mr. aDd Mrs. H. H. StroUd Of Dl.strlct will ~ the spetWr. The tint; the 8Odaol hour, to the members and Lebanon were SIlIIda¥ aupper guests QlWIterly conteren.ce will be beId
AuMaD. of YeIJMf .'. L T. 'QuIck II tile mainap ......',....; . . . . _I"":: 'KIll J:d.. sU.iton ell S ., UU , I • • •• '. '. ~. BUtt, BIICuidIt,J. ~ , ':"_J_. ' 4, 11& YeUow'.a..m.. • ' expJa.lnl.ng the _1u11- one ..D!t _ ..... Of -.:... ~ every ds.y life and 8 .. .' .' . , JDc.,; fted MId 0m1n ' TIJe--.... - cUnner mee.'-- of the she. real several of her own l'ac_~. "'~ ' . ._, -. I' -* Mr. aDd IiIra ~ly ,ProIresa1ve Women'. club v.raa held. proe:ram n.s closed with aca ftCatbi at at. 'l'Ile8cIa¥ evenJlDg,,'at dJe.Lutle;Inn. solos .by ~ Pauline Peters After a abal't bualnPal- _e'~ tbe New Burlington. '!be December ... enJoJed 1\ nUDlibrr ot,pIauo 8Ol6s mee_ ",..,. be held at the home of MrS. ~1Ie HIM ot. JiU'¥ Mr. and Mrs, IlL ,A, oomeU, IRq Later ua61... · . . " ' , ~ ~el¥n Kersey 'DIe .--""'-'AId ~ ..... ' RETAINING WALL FINISHED _ _ ..or tIM! Un. John. W '· Keriey ' . ~ IIW ~ wq1 . "~ a witb pictUNI ,anct a vtv14 ~on 'lbe . .b8s t ' ...
the followtng gueslB, Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. W: E, Stroud. . Weltz and aollS, Dick and Don; MrS •. • • • • James Wet.herholt and daUihter. Ohlcllen Potpie or ltaUs.n Spa· Mrs. aHrry ~ was hoStess to Ruth Ann; and Don Hawke. I!2lettl ~. 3~. -amts, Sunday. at the members or tile Happy Hour club December meeting w1ll be ~eld the Community Kitchen. her borne. ~~y alternocm. the home of the Rev. and Mrs. • • • • • A ah'*t bua1ll_ 6e8S1on opeud the Haci:well. ~ Edlth Barris and Mr. Harris meetlna •.abd a ~ef report O(-I'Be~ were cUnner guests of ' Mr. ter ProIl'am P~' was giver) by , and Mrs. Fre,d Ba.rtaock of.Pdll!Ord, Keller Mrs. Eli Purlast SWlda.y.
" ~. . _ 1IIw. - . - ~ . MIll 1IJriam .SaH"NrJ, • • , • " • • . '. f, • ~ Mr. &Del ·IIn. Leoa. BaI.\aburJ of· ~t!':: aa.t. 11& t.II8 'bame '" Mr. and ~ O. ~, and pand"lI.l1ih'1'boIt... ....... 1viiM-He ~ ' Ba8III'dq eteb!DI tel' of .1Ir. W. P ~ . ~ere: Bob Ben7, ...... MIll JIDIIID '1IoOoj. D W. or ~ ,... .• ward!Id tb1rd. CIbuta PrIa& and af ".,.. ... Alma . . . lMt .... ·in • ''DIllIn fr. 01 ~: and DI'. J:ut LlYiD8" ~ ..........ec1 b1 _. __ ... ' .t11 ~ 0: ~ ! ' . . . .. fIIIIbIoD . . . .",.... ~ eau. ~ &be ~1IIIiIDeas m~tlng the fol· . .• . ' !' • • . ...". -Ia • UdI'CI year ~ at, Ule PI'OIJ'8II1 • Presented: Reac1 1t,.1IIbI._ Art laItliute ·wmre ' Ibe la fog by Mrs. RI~ JlunnelJ, two 8e~ ..... . . IDa", tmd ~ aDd ~ ClCIII"dlaIlIIOlos t,y II1B& Paul1ne Peter ....._I.~ .. ~ -*. pU,V ..... 11..- UDdiIr ' dInc:&IoII. of MIla W1DL. eon.1'I!II.d1D8B by Betty 0gleBbee
Auxiliary Has.
Of T h .:J F ' 0.. eye, .
Wes. Th1s work is being done by veteraiu; of tlle Sligo camp In' Clinton \ county. Mr · creagor 18 the chief engineer, Any' fvmer who ~ tlle washouts should co~t the OOMervarq> .0 fllc1als at' this oam~ . • 0l&l1t & Whitaker .
,."Anr.a~ CB1JMlIIOW
~,'!.obn ~~
Paul Eio&l.On Of OOlum· W C MIn . bus,' &nd Rolla Bqltoo or )lear Perry . 'r " s.wa.. .... . at the home of ;Mr. &Dd Bible' I Do Mrs Walter Ol&rk. BundaY J , • a. m. -' ,., ' , .. 10 .. -.' send your cb1ldren, briDe tbem , Lord' Supper 1 . .' Mr. and Mrs. and 0.45 ••. JPds.ughtet. Ann, were Bunda.y guests .'C ~ealD1' 7.00 P. . . MIr. 8Ild MnI. N . ~ 1kJtIerI. of Come Join ~ with theIe 70UDI 8pr1nQboloo. , , . peqIIe and equip ~ for ~ • ~ • • . ' ,. work, Use the Lord'.~. In the' Mr rliht wa.v • and lIlrs.. Bryan Prenderpat, _fth.':'n 'I ." and chUdren f Olnclnuatt were I!I!D.. ..,., ., : -. P. ·m.. - -' 0 , moil Subject. "AArOn the Oomproo end guesf:8 of ~ ~: mJaer" . . Prendergast ~ Jeaae ~dergut. "'-'ONDAY , At· Mr. and Mrs Alton Aillen of IPdl-, ' . wo ~~ meet.1Dc atAuiI wwa ~ were over nlght guests the mbilIIters tirGUler P, R 8IDI&b. DI ....... -'t ... ,_ d ' , new VJenns. do~ tbe _ ..h',,_ ~ ....y. '? ~. U1 11ft, ' Jack ' . ....,....-.. Allen. ' ~ eveninl at "'80 AD • • • • • ' 18 e'I~ to YOU'to'CCIIM Mr. and Mi'B. Rmert Walton of and o.ttend thee aemcee. Wbet.e u. Da.Yton Vls1ted Mr. and ¥rs Bert old Jerusalem Goepel w11l be ~.
~ s!n~~:~ ~
~ R'.orera
&.-- _0<-.
Ha£tBoc~, an~ o~ reJa.tl~e.s here.
eel and
t~th ~ - - wQl be
, • • • • • •, Mr. ' and Mrs. O. L. Duke enterFEBBY CII1J8CB 0 • .,...... talned With a tamlly dinner, Sun· W. C. 8l1li..... MI....... day, honoring the eleventtl birthday Y . s.nntyersary of t.he1r son, Rlchard. 8:30 a. m. Bible 8cbooI , ,. . ~ . .• • • Commllllioa 10:'" ... ~ Mr. and Mi'B. Rw;seU Prank Uld PreaehIng 11:00 .... m. Gladness. tempe~e repose and MrS. L. A. 0ar8t were 11:30 Baptlsmal &niCe . Blam the doo1\. on the doctor's nose gueatB. of :Mr. and Mrs. M. A. let US go up to the " -Loll8fellow • FulIterson, Tuellday evenJDg. Lord. .
• • • • •
MT. BOLLlt' B. ... C{BIJaCII
T. . . Souff.JlI...... . . Sunday ~I ':80 •.
Ill• •
EVenl.DC ~1ce Pra,ver 7:30
meetlnlr WedneIda, , .'"
, ~o~.
Bntend Aa Second CI_
Ohio ·
. . 8tNe&
11-9 Matter .t Poatofftae, w~ Ohio
Flora M. Crane Editor an~ Publfaher
Subec:ri ption P.r:Iee, ,1.60 Per Year, h,..,le In AAlqaoe II
.W I,N
•ORDlJrAJfca Jlo.. lIB for tile s..ua1Ula of bolld. of tbe Vlllqe oIf Way~". .Pl1.. Oh~ (be IIIJI'PCllia of paY' ID~ tbe ,VllliILS.'. proportloll of ~the ~ oompletlon of oQonltructing a II&1II. tar)' .awllr .yat m (or laid 'VIlIa",o un~_r, lhe WTork. Prone.. Admln'I '~~r::~t\::~~:f 1~lIraUon and of tbe levy of 'll talC II .!~=~j!II~ to~vldO tor -tile, payment tlberellJ, '" . bereu. In aocorcla.nce IWlIth I". 1111. Ion heretofore duly Ildopted and " . .ad by th. VlIlasel or Wa,nea~~:-I;rr::=.r:. ville, I\&ld VUlall'6 bond. in theOb.lo. prmclpa1 iWm QIG Illued UI,OOO,OO to 1:::~~~r~:::"~':5 D provide a fund for paylns tIIIe VUlai'e' . proPOll'tlon of construlltlnl' • sanitary sewer . ,Bte Rl for aald VII., lalte Ulnder lhe Works Progre •• .\4-
mr"lstrat.LOn anti,
:All, WiDter-Which Do... Yo
Let us show 'you proof thIt' JII • save 510 a month this wIntIr wttIIl -
Wib oreaa, (b e ~ or'{t, Hrogr.eaa Ad· mlnl8tratlon has 11 n unable to cOlllplete the pt'GJecl with the funda
r---' .
w •. vn'._'.....
on hand, Iln ~ , W her ells, j t la necelBlIII'y' for
Village or WaY.Mavllle, Oblo to an a dditional 8um bf the I..ue banda "ln the lIum or ,2,000,0 tor purpole of eompletl or<,lec,,'
of c on.tr~Ung a , .Yltem for 8ald , WorJLs ~~~~~rnRlnllltrIHI().nj. NOW'J the
• Tbes;!,,,,oJ .. b ~olute facu! "Makeshift" reo frig eration m _thow are costly ~ s well IS dangcroll s, l:ur ev en in winter, temperatures are seldom w ithin th" food·safety zone of 32 to 50 deg rees, U, S. Weather Bur,eau records bear that sn.tement out, And, ""/,SI -/ood, ,,,, kept 14'llbi" Ihlll la/tty-zon" tbey spoil quickly-and that means a direct loss
0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Ie....'. D~ II, lID,oIIen
......... YNIe&7
......". ' a.ur~ .... Plod·
... '01' ....... bull III •
.............. eUler ~ . " lb. ~
of money!
By ending these losses, you can lave iii lilLY filII I . . . _ liE much as $ 10 a month with a new Frigidaire• . That'l the figure dlat present Frigidaire 5imt~: refrinndaa mec 1m . ._ . . . , owners estimated they were saviuG as proved Wbisper-qulec. by a natioDal survey of over 58,000 women, leen. Troubl.-h... So we say-by buying your new Frigidaire CUll cwreoC ~ • now-you'll lave $50 ' :l is wimer, Come :ond boD&. let UI pro... ~, to you I
, (\~
\\,.~\) \.
. . .'. ~ .luYNOw...Sllvt. SOthis"intl, : Fai,ley Hard.ar. Store Lareer Becauae of Better Quality, Se~ce, ....d P..ice EatablW}ecl 1849·1939 Wayne.ville" Ph~lle 32
Beech Grove
Slate _eajita) News
Zain ,Armitage t
AR.E 'REt),
Y\.Ol..ETS ARE BUlE', ~,..o so AllIS \VE, •
\)I~E"', 'to1J lX)~ 'REN~ ,
\ViJl 'ROgen' ~ ' StorY -.
fRff··lOUNGE CUAII··fR.ff .' With every 25 e purchase ~ tiGket, will be given, .
a1cJI:~t. -
Mr, aDd un Hl1ey Oltman ai1.d . . , . daughter Pa.ul1ne. Yt- and Mrs, Mon1s .Le Is ' w speDt ,SUJ!.daY with Mr. and Jofrs. John .Koester and daughter Velma. Mr. .1UI4 MJ'8 Benry BurgES and ~n of' Da.yton· spent Sunday Wlth Mr and Mrs' Olarence Craw" ford aU fam1ly. Mr. and Mrs. Paul ,Sanders -. &nd
I. 6. A.
Wayrleavill,e , Omo
~paplOD U,an
. •
JIUDdredI of &111M..,.,. ' of. ' " aDd JGIIII8 IDID ~ ,'I'D _ _.. I lOAN BOY lIa_ne ~ montb aDd ooa.tda- ·It IDOJe .. a Bvln8
loS .. a pwlUiDe• "U', ... much .. bu4dJ to me DONALD BAn.I:Y, Auctloa."r. BJ'.1Ian7 £Wrw,.. 'Jr. ID1 n~bOO4 Chqm" writes one Oomplete \,uction R~, ' Ol~ ~ 1CboaI . aen1or. "TO .o.o:R.. Bank BleSs., WUm1nIton, - PtiOne • - • 10AR BOy ... . . to 1ID4~ a 2282. 82B-tr problema uid oon"i'Ien tIledl - - ., .' in auch a aympathets!: aDd l14Ilpful ..;;.......;.;;.--'----. - .- - Par buyera or bUntlnl llceD8e&- On the buls or t.nliorl: cbeoted• •,. It Ilvea.&dvke aDd tntertatbPOR ~~vlnJ' quarters, ~ ~ and TUesday takc! there we ~ ~ ,r a,*,ta IDe. reac:Unc ~ [lubJect)n 1'OOI!,lIII~ abo cottage of 8' 1'QODlII on a new meaning d~ November ~ 1D~ oount.y 'eac:b day of which a younc fellow Is Interested, street. J. B . Obapuml, phone -they're the d&ya between open , , <• •' 88. N9.J6,:aa· hunting seaaons Accardlng to flIe hunttne aeaaonl It Is up to the bun~ It. II pu:Ucularly b~~ ~ ••sporte. ' " , I made our BCbool bUketuau team COnservation Dept, almost 500.000 ten to see that this game-end rMl'e be _. '-um t1Jl8 I r ad in FOR RENT~Three pleasant lMng , ' cause ~ p...., g e ' . • were In the fl!!-ld on opesd.ng too-is replaced by _ sponsor1ng TBB AMERIOAN BOY rooms over the I. O. A. store. J. W, Wed. of Jast week. The ~ proper same management practlcee . , . White. '. N16· us hOwever, ore that much ...:...arid .oblerVlng game laws. Speak,. ~ famous athletes In aU . . bags of ~ were obtained ~ of law obaerv1uloe. It Is too bad 8porta credit much of ~elr aucceu FOR RENT-I to6 rooms, furbunters on ~~ and satur- Warren 00. doesD't haVe the set up to ~ptul 'un~tIo;i1a . nIabed or \UltW'n1sbtd. Olenn Frazee day. Hunting fu Warren 00. aeema of many other oountlea with .. num. fnm lJ)Ort.I ,artlc1ea can1e4 in TO R. No. 2, W~e,. NIB . ' AllBRIOAN BOY J4a8UlDe. VlrtuI better th18 year than la.st- ber of non-ca1ar1ed deputy game . . aU "1I,d Ice troIiI POR ~·room houle, water pariJcularly f~ ~s.nts. Game prot.edlor8. Some countaes have ~ or' ~~ POo~ a.nd llghts; 2 aert!I\j ImdIIrn houlie,
M.ta. Brnestlne ~t i& on the
Co~er . ...
!ruits. cakee. ~ and aiuldwtChe&. Everybody ~e. Mr. and Ml'8. avla ' iIlcbael iLnd daughter. Do,rQtby and KIIIt PauJGillison were III.lJ)pef ' gueats ' of and Mis. P.. L. Runyon aild. Mrs
entitlil)g the holder to a chance ~t the drawi,ng on
Saturday,. December 23
Spor,u' men
There WW be an 014 get tqretber at the Itt. BollY II. 1:. Imull'Cll room Pr1day night Nov. 24 In honor or t.hoae tb&t have. J11rthda.vs this rnonUl. Ref1'eabmenta
. ._---------.--~-------. . lchllldnInOf Dayton spent .. few days ~~t. , Hendershot re- 1Da.II¥"';&O ~ :.men ~ 11m .blfketba1l .' tracIL: tennla In taCt route 73; ' 20 acres. iOOd bu1ldlng; week with Mr. and MnI. IQ.ts that Inththe fliBt 01 witbout IIIU' becUae of t.beIr inter- every in t1c- route 48; 165 BCnIB.9De of the best. Harold KeWs and tamtt:v. on e ~e ~t est in ~ of fJIIIh ~ same t10Q and f t art1cl .' 18, m1Jes i!oqUt of ~; ta.nns, all \ . . area near On!l8OD1a; Sfl hl11iters bar' ''W.l*ren 00, 1&I,0nI7 ODe Mh mAD . ~ ac •. , Idaee. W N _ _ Mr and Mrs. Ellsworth GibBon ged 73 Nllbtts and three Pbea.nta ---(Iarl ~~: OWl T~, UbrarianI.' .paren,t s andl!!!!!!!·!!!!!!!!!·!!!!!!!!!·!!!!......,..~!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""'!!!! and daughter Phyllll 6DI' MI&cI CIani. m average huntlntr tlJlDe of three BIDeII' ab4 ~ JIeDderio'iiAbcit.b ~~ of boy. clubs alIo reco~ . De.ugb~ spent TUesdaY eVenJna hours each. '!bat Jsnlb IIQPpoeed .to ot:LdJanon. ~ Che -iaIarIecl prot.:: mend:nm .up:lUOAN BOY en. Every dlahonest man ",as once , ' . th~, They have found honest, untU , tem~~t1on got the with Mr, Hll~y Gbon and. tamUy. be very good t.en1tory for birds, ~ her8 at~ ~ooday--Tue..d~y--VVednead~y Mrs. Robert Greene and daughter .. few fellowa' 80t b1tda In the " that .. a ~beral rule ~ read. better of him. . ' Leom. and Mr. W1lbur Stevenson LIon and shaker S~ area, z.at 8und&~ ~ .. .. the era 'oI ~OAN BOY . ad- _iiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SHAMPOO AND WAVE-&Oc of Dayton were supper ~eat8 c1 did hunt«s near FnUlklln, Spring scene al Ute 17th aJUlual ammt ,Val. vance JD~/~' and ~evelop Mr, and Mrs. Lue Morgan. and KJnp . 1olIlla. Bendenbot ley Amateur PWd n-t.!. 'I'be event more ' ~blle charecter1atlca Ul&t at. . . aurvey and W11n had a llu'P number of 'eiltAe. Wit.h tban "'- bo1I who do not read it. \ Mrs. 0heBter Shaw and son Bobby TUesday In Xenia. logical ~ mampment at .leut tine della' eotere4. n .... wOO TralMd~wr1ter. aDd artSata. Jam.. Permanenta, $2.00; $3.50. $5.00 • ind $7·50 • r Mr. and Mrs. Ejdward. crew of New parts of Warren 00: can be. gqQC1 by Seaview ~ & Uv.. aDd au&< coacbe8 and aPlletei. ~oren.. Phoneo$5 •. I Bllll1lillrtAm spent the week at huntIDg every year. . wbUe JDnter be1oDgInc' to Henry 1C1~U.ta aDd. men li1cceaItul In
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~••ltIhIa ·~t SPECIJtL,
to~ ~
maJ~r ~'Sa covor~
Conklin'. Beauty Sboppe
~ Mr. home and bere. Mrs. Jean Shaw of their called on Mr. and Mrs. Cbea..
. , \ __ EE of Olnclnna.tt. this column eame other figUres WhItaCre. . '' J4r. 'and Iofrs, HOWU'd ' Deweeae In ter Shaw Sa.turday e.venlng. V.&.le ' COOlPutY 'With Mr, 'and MJ8. Pru* 8Dd Mrs. Everett Bunnell and r7 \U ' Deweese 'of ~ear Yantee S~ vIata.m1ly. Mr, John Dehaven and Mrs, .__ ,I. ltA!d the' gree~. at tbe , zoo In. Addle OW spent MondaY' eventne ' \ • " - • O1ncInnata ~ &ttemooD. . with Mr. B11ey GIIIeon and famU,y. Mrs. Belle Sco~ is 1'eJ;Y m B.t tbls Mr. and KrJr. ADez1 ~ va.Mr, and Mrs Edward ~latt and time. , '. ' lted ~ 00mell ~ afts'noon !
The following grocery stores will be open Wednesday eve, November 22, and will be closed ThankS.
giving Day: •
Bert Marlatt Nd aa4.helr
dinner ReV,
Bcartr ' of
. ·f,BDI'W· Valley, lira. P.rank "DUin and MIIII oanr. Daushten,
Pat women d9D't pt mad ... eullJ .,. thin women. and they don't Jul.ve te ~ watched 81 cloaely, -
. .Elaploli yourselr-atter .you have
~ your Umlt&tlcma, •
high, . b9t
~ _._ , ot peace at home CODUlIl
it·~ better ~ ~~
:~~:tf~!;:==-~::~:::::=:=:::~Iand .~. ' ~!
~pe.1IWtT . ,Is
,urVival. , \,II
I elliletJUIl
tor •
talJi .
. f
"'t If,.n
, Some.m1ddJe-a8'1!d ~ple pursue a
same fury tba\
good tIm~ Y/ith the • 1\ dog cllB&eS a mbblt.
- - . Dft8ItaDdII at IIIC a copy. ~t.IaI1 III'k* III'e *1.110
one yeM'·or' p.QO fqr tmee Jean. ~ rates IIOc a year eKtn. '1'0
C1~ '1b~
'1~. 1'1 and ~, ,¥ at BocUt t¥ home
em and
~ JOUr Dame. and ~'taDC!e cllrect · to
aubIcrIb4 1Impl7
adclrell ~OAN BO!, 7~ Seoaad BlYil.. DetroIt ~I~n, '
• WltJI.'
~~_ . IO":-~~ •. .• •,
I., TUE --.
m. lame. ,wIlD or
lid UIe 'atonny b&We. well ~ -=-;
.mnm.. But!l'JYflt UIat . ~ ' crowns
Mr. ~ ~
KetarII* _w ,~ ~
_ - _ " ....
~ &be red 'cllac or Mm.
D¥ ' '"
WbaMI vlc.tm7 .... 1*08. .J -WldtUlr '
... ~ ..
A . . CWIftI'II ;-.....-.AdI
AIDo. 001* ' 6"':- eoDl 'near "
Twin Thri1', n~.,.r., . iwNos UP _.,.,,"
Wben·..nb ... If on evil cSJ:eaInI ' ·lAIob IIact UpcJIl . . wan. tile ~' UCbt or C1U14t 9Ut-
cde4 ~ IDa~ I . . - Ita~~
---- -
-- -
t!r' paileDtaMr
Par companionship OJl ' an I:'WId ~ drudgery of ' ~ dj~pllnee ~ ~~ Ot:v~ W}luton. 01 the ma,rrtaP of . . . . . . . .we wOuld prefer a ~n ~~ mew 111 , ,to meet the responsIbWtJee Mr. aDd ~" IIfil~D 8Iteeb~ of IIuIIton Of 'near Yellow 'Bpt1np aDd nothing to & fellow who mew every- + _.......w ' ceotervWe were SUndar d1nDer • ~~ _.... , ., .... ..._ .. -..,....,..". of Mrs \I I~ DnacIIIi ~aJt' ~ ... ...... tbiJl«. • • ele1atIOr ~ ~. • J. . ~ ~onned the We're safe rrom ch!!OS 80 Jonl the yetw.W 8prinp II. .. everybody ezpecta It. ~ Satur4ay IIIOl'Illne NOliemiIer t, aDd un. JIlarI1 lett by 1Idar Band1nea Is the big reason for the day ' for St. C1oud. 1!Ia;.
~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~.~~ 'c hain ~ ....... ea,...'_1UCC8SI __ . __ --: ~e
AMBRIOAN IIVV. the 80ft of readIDa ma_ bofa. Ute blat. . 'PHIl ~CAN BOY sella on
.fU'Ide 1D DaitC!o ~. AlIce IIDle!r ud 8IIIl ' RaJ Wa:vneafllle • ,One a1wa:v~ wonder8 llow a great Iofrs. ~d Me1lob' of ~e made a .,...... trip to _ _ linda ~ to shave. , _ 6 _ ........ _ ..iUoi h .
~ ~uatr:v
~ atlft In TlJB ..L... to produce buslneu join with an
MUteD, at hIa bDme near Peny. . ., peats of retui-ned from M!aml ' ~ . be&: and Yi'a. Edwin !futt and pltal 60 SaturcSQ And bJa condition near ~tervme'. : remal.f. . . the lime. Ifta. Mete. Ropre 81M:~t ThUJ'IIdaJ -Mr. and lIl8. B. J 0Inn0I:I7 of atternoca ~ eveDln« with Mrs. Ida Bprtngfl.efd-.,rere . ~ CheDowTth at .0000000011le, . d1noer KUe&t4 of bllary b' Dl'· ~ Mfa. ,L . '!J. &aU al Oolum-. Smith of ua and Kr. &lid Kra" Hal:J'7 .McQi!1 'apent t.be. Week ~ tWltb JIi.a nI.s of W~ were Wedneada.Y auet JOIme and .Paul.JcIbJIII. : . evening guests ,at ,tile home of Mr. ' Several:vouna people from here Mnt. waJter keIlarkk. atteodecUhe ~ at te~' ~ lira. ~ey Burnett ~ Spdll8tloro cmimb- 8QDdaJ nded the W~ To,~ ~Mira. J. B. .Jcmee aDd lira. ADen 80ll
~ W~~t'
: :-: .:-:.,:-::...:: -
A , Mille of 'bumor l,s the re.l fOUDot :youth, . _. 'I
somethin. new .nd ellf• , .' . -
~ 'fberle. ~ &lid were 'nlurada1~«
neceillUy to iJOtlila --and Paul and tbe world WW litve 7011 Jobn8'VlIp&ted Bltqrda" wttb,Mr &Del
U ~ _ ere 80mg well at ~me, wby abould ' a marrted man want to spend a year,or two ~ tile Antartlc? •
The ~ :ot modeling a per. feet world
n.e un. .IE~;;S=:;~==~~~S~;;~~;;;;;;;;;:;;;;~~· . ..
will IPetl4 ~ . . w1fJi
. "l7"
iirotber ~ funII7' 111'. UId ..... ,WIilter . . . . . . ~
Junes ~ In comp.,. yUb ~
lIeDe ,CoOn qd ~dIwgb", 1-II\1<II., IleuJU UId RIWl OOGD; IIJa:RClD and IIi'io ~ BouJb
W~ ~a deII~)tidll <' ~;<Ji .;.Vi!i<-:~
, ti1p 8uqda:y to :" 1'!OitI~ltIa, I emoute 1St to' WIBt ~1Go' UMU aUt ~ ~ 1!rIII~1 beautiful ,woodecl' ~· .aDd tnes. etc. '.Dd_.~ bJ the WIIf f!' route .~ ~ ~ ~ riter• .
•• •
• •
8T ~Y'8 UI8CO• .u. , , O~ .... It; L, . . . . .
Annual booth D1IlSt1v&l held a' folie Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker were South ParI&: Me\:.'hodlat CIlUft:b, p., • Dayton VIs1.~~ ~es.da~. tOn B&turda.Y, and were SUCCI till in wtnnJng Hrat a.ward for ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. lj. A. Garst were o~ .booth. , Dayton v1s1tors Saturday. In ~ wtln the 60th or aoldID • • • • • . annlven;ary ot the Epworth ~, Mrs. Harvey Rye and Mrs. ' J . K. their display was a huge ~ Prest.on were Ci.nclnnatl visitors Mon cross· the Epworth LeGIUe aymIIGIj ' day. outlined with bright new peqpIM- , • • • • • with the letters E, L,' also made of Mrs.. A4"tlhur Wilde of ' Plt.L!Jburgh. penn1es. 'lbe ba.cItground of tile spent the week. end with her parents, C1'068 waa a rainbow with au over Mr, and Mrs. D B. UnderWood. flowing bowl a1gnUytng 'the "RaID-
SUNDAY ~ Bl!iPoRE ADVENT '1 :30 a ••. Holy Communlon.
• - • - • Mi'8. 'If. N. Bean ~nt Friday wi'tll U a, m. Momlnc Pra.Yer, al')WD.y with Mr. and Krs. Everett Sean and '~vinIr Service tor ob11dren IlOn-of Spnn, Valley,
0XI4 adultA. All are' welcom&
.. .
·Mr. and h. Boward were ~ :30 P. .m. N~ Obureb achool Sunday eveD1ng supper BUUta of, S p, m· Primarr Ohurdl: ectiool. Mr -And lira L. A. Garst. .
'l'U~8DA~ .[<·RIDAY
4/ p . m. Boys.Club. 7:30 p. m. Girl's Pr1endlf GrouP.
.' .
Mr. and MIa A. p. MeUoh V1s1ted r.lattvee in BamJlton. Thursa&y
• • • • •
· .'.
9hurch 8chool J I:30 A, m. .Wership sezvtce, 10:40 .. m. 'lbJa ,.w . ,~. be a CC>DlinJJD1On &net ', the sacrament of .the Lord'a Supper w11l Mr. ~ lin, M. A. Pulkerson visbe adm1rl!..taed. The pastor w~ their ~ 8tanley, ~ of ~br1eny 011 "The IDevltable CinclnDaf;L e.tternooo. eros&.'~ • • Epworth Leque ~ eftDlDs 1Ir. and Mn. JOhn B. GoDs and at 7 o'clock. Our Leque receIved a daUlbter were supper guesta , - e&uWul picture 01 CbJ1at In Qetb- friaDda in Uldd1etown. Sunday. _emeDII as an award for baY1nl Ute • a • . ,. ' noet ortatna.i bootll at the DII.1Wn Mr. and .Kra IIluaon MacUwban 01 '.!trlct BoQth)'el!lt.aftol held lMt enroute-w uiamt, .Pi.a. a..Y In ·Sout.h Park MetbocUat.-ata of Mn{. W. ,8. SeiaD)" n, TUesu:ch, DaytoD, O • ••00 in moDe)' ~ \.I #u~ . ~r. IMberecl , \to be • • .• • • ' . t to the ,Uethodlat Chlldren', 11&'. aQd 1IrB. BImar Sheelian and 0 1De at WOl'tblIlgtDn, Ohio. . Mr. .00 JoIn. Walter 8heeba.n _" __.• The ~ BoIII'd, wUl meet at eel the fUDera! of a reIat.lve in Pen he cburch Pr1dQ eveDlllc 01 UlIa dletoo, Ind... Bunday.
i ..
week. at '7 :30 o~• . 'lbIa .. a very ~ meetIDI 4IDd it Ia I~ ~ ,member ~ be P!laent ,
. t>Ow
the COIIl1DI
at Wortblngton, 0 ,
Cini Cluh EDtertaa At HODle of Irs. Lelpae Dayton
• • • • •
Mrs. Ed Cook was ca.lled to 8a.Lurday because of the death of her
.a.. · ·
uncle. EZekiel "Pratt. Mrs. DaJa.v
Mrs. C&lvtn Lon&acre &lld lin. eII.teI'WJn-
Wilbert SW1Ulk gnu:1oualy Snyder and Mrs, W. S. ed the memben their
Graham .w ere Dayton vtsltors. Mon- dred OIUb on Thursda,y aftemooD day. at the home ot the former in lJtIe, . Three .tables or carda were in Mr. and Mrs. Don ~wb .were din with prl.ze& awarded Mrs. au..u ner guests 01 Mr. and Mn. Boward Cempbell and Mrs. Elmer QronI, Fogt. Monday eVening. • . Refl'ellhments were served tQ. late •,. • • • afternoon after wtl1ch Mla!Ies MIldred and Eileen 'Muon departed to meet with Mrs. ~ of Xewa. were dlnner guest&, Sunday, Pa.lmer in December. of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock .
· a. ,. ·
the '.-
Un. Wl.lter Cut aDd Mrs
Cbariea Z1mmerman vte1ted Mr. Ed.
. ". . . .
In, \VUmlna'COD. 8~ at
Mr and Mrs. Pred Conklin &ltd daugbter were guesta at a ' Thanksgiving dinner at the bome 'of Mr. and Mrs. p . R. Wlca11n Ferry
K. H. WlJU........ 're&unu!d to ' FrIday naai II1&m1 Valley lbollllililil aDd lareported to be 1m-
tbflllll'O'rinC rapkttV.'
• • • •
MI.ss Louise Storer spent Sunday with her parent& Mr. ',.nd i4rs. Monte Storer at Ma.rtInBY1lle, O.
Ifr aDd
.. •
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Collett attended years. The canned frult. d~: the funeral of Erslcl.n.e Winters, at W88 artistically arranged arouncl 'tbe , x enia.' Friday afternoon. , Witb CaPII of red and blUe. • • - i • . The caab awf truit donatlooa from Mr. and Mrs. Russell carr Leb- It.be church tOtaled t33, . whllcb will anOn s pent Sunday with Mrs. Ma ude !be llent to the Methodist Ob11dnn'.
Mr. and .lIn. A. P. MeUoh were . ~ 'nIankaIlv1ng d8.y. of iIar7 Kautrung ot Bam11ton.
•.•• 0 The Epworth LeaiW! of ~~MetbodJst Church competed in UIIt
volunteer re;ler. ll~~n~y..
Mr aDd ' 1C'a. Pred Oonll:lln
en. Beeler
The Red Cross is our national
. • • • • • The W8IJle' TQ,mahIp Iiot.ber'i Mise Bernice Sutton, JOe RIchman, club WlU -bOld ita ~ aieetmc and Charlt!!l Thompson of West Un- Prldaiaftenloon, Deceqi.,. ~, at 2p. Ion were weel&: end 1\l.t'l5t8 Or Mr, and In. M the Qz.de' bulld1nC• • ~
auh: • • EiajOy' LOCAL. UApO: E "NINGS llil..kPrSgiviDi Program . . ::=~Ir~ lovie ,Pictlres Of West IT r esented At Meetiag
·Luken:·~t~ BchA/lOl~"?~:~-:= ~e-
tended 'a card 'party, Satutda.Y tbIi meetmg. '. Join yOUI' loCal Red era. Dbapt.er . . ; , - . '., ning, a.t tile home of Ifr. and ' lira. . ' . Wilbur HaWke orLeba.n~· lOU! meaaIIenblp dOllar. ~. Prank U. LeM:a.y was hostess Mr, ~and Mrs. Charles Fister and A Thanksgtving pi-08ram ~aa pre• • • • -. . ' " ~]Einiel . • • it to ule in"bel-s of the N~w Century Mr. BDd Mrs. will WUtreSB at Day- sented at Fa.rmCl'll O~ m~. Mr and M'rs. Jamea Hawke and Mill ~ ZImIIIenDU. a atudmt M het country home, Fiida.y ton, were ,guests, Bunda.y, of. Mr. and Saturday night by a. tew members .f da.ughter G~ 01 Da7ton. were OhIo UDlnalt7 Ja apendlnl the P. L. Re&6OIl. ' st. Ma.ry's ~pe.l Ol.\un:h. . .The· Sunday even1Dg eUmta at tile bOme '1lhanbIl~ ~ wtt.b }Jao, • • • • • program was opened With remarkll of Mr. and ~ John Promm .eDta Mr. ~ ...... ~ oU~ with an AutA.unn vef6e. After Mrs. Charles Do!tln of fro!h the rector, Rev, R. L. Hack' . . • • • • " ' Eleklel Pratt, a native ' of, tbIa : the buslneIa , meetiDg,; Mrs. -lobn spen~ sunday with her mother, Mrs. weU, and he announced the followThe 111 aWe farm on the community, died IUddenly • Pl1da; • • • • • , land M2'l\. J " 'B. Crabbe Maude ' Crane. . Ing program; lA,. VocaJ sextette, ~'Llttle ville-~Ub1'GOk belongibg to 0001\ at' the Olllta, Pon~ OOmpaDJ , ~. . the tollowtDa ~: Vo- r ~ • • ,~ '. SIr Echo", sung BY Mrs. Maynard Ernest Hartaock. baa 'been IOlcl · to ~ he i bid' beeD ~ tor .aD ~ of . OUJ~. ~ Cal eolo., "Qver the ~ .... . by MrS. J. It. Pre6ton.. Mrs. ' Weltz. Mrs. R. L. IW:kweU . Mrs· Charles A.'Taylor or ft. Wayne, Ind. ;yeaJ'8, ' Sumvinlr ,.,.' ~ ~ .DIIht aDCl ~ of Helen I.eM.af:, Mrs. John Rye. Mrs. D. R.7Bm1tb' 8nd Mrs. Don }{aWke.. Mrs. Ethan Orane. Mrs. - • • a. ,. Abna,' one pepbeW aDd el8h" MIl ~., ~ ...... " ~ , aDd thm.-preaented her IIIster, H. Hartaock were. ~clnna.t1 visitors John Bol1n. and Mrs. J~es Wether Red Cro6a was the first to help .JJmmJ. ' .' . Vance ~\ WJlmJngton w~ Wedne&day. piano solo, by Ann :Weltz; reel 100,000 'v1otlma of 1looda e.nd etber . Servtcee were beld a~ tbe ReIIIDpr • • .~ . • • . ybher 8OD, ~ ,Jr., ,&how , . • - • a. " tatlQn by JimmY Weltz; ' vocal &Qlo, d.I.saeters last year. funera.l, Pu~ in ' DIQ1.9D. ~ . moVing pt;t~ of ~ trtp f.t\ey Mrs. Marla Elbon spent ' the week "Colfle Ye '1'lla.nII:fUl People Oome", a •• • ~ ~ and burt&l . . in Woad,ISi-.a., lI&ad"'ta~ MIud 1lDlver- . through ~ Wflllt the pult end. With Was 0I&ra LUe at WaaI':l~ by ,HoWl!J'd ' Fogt, anothel' selec~on. ' Mrs. Pred Braddock e.nd Mrs. W, land cemeterJ. '. 8pec1al ~ ~ interest . C."H . "Its TUlip T1rile,in Ho11and", by the "", Lukeb8 &l teudecl EUt.rn S., _~,.........;._........~ ,K aPlillQClltbey fUmed were tJie Bad lAnda, • • 'fa • . • women'~ sextette, Rev. Mr. lf4I,ckwell meet!il3 in: Wllmlniton, Mo~y eve - ~ .Bille 'ot South ~o~ _ Mr: Arthur ~veter of Qmaba. . gave a ThapkB81viDa- addre8a. nlnIi. The ' wu:renn:i!~~~~ ~,~;,~-:~.}.n M~ .~ere they 8~t a f~W . da,y~ ~ week tale prOgram r was ,COllC.uded ye,YSb)11'lf m8de. ~ ~~ nd1Dg. ~h the , and MfB. 0 " C Ridge. Mr. wi~ a ·~v1Jig.. hymn, "We WUm1nIton / ~, '~!.del.:at'tb~~tat . 08,. Yellow .Stop!! Nat:k!nal yta6 f9l11let,.c.plee ~er Plow. the Fl~ld8 and Scatter the . • • • • • . ~ ,0( ' ~ M:~tama, for Mr. Ridge wben he was located GOod Seed on th,e Ground" Mr. and Mrs. D. R. 8al18bury and ot' O~ Qlteoopal ~l ' .~ C:Ity. Utah. I and Pictures Sioux .FaJls, B. Da.II~, Announcement 1a beln8 made t.ba.t family vial~ B. A. CorDeU a. '.oUaml xenla. Iiild 'Ww oftIcIIIs. ' U !I bit . , lb. COlorado. 'Itie ~ • .• - . . - a the next Fanner's Grange VlWley bospltaL SUDdiIu' aftem pon, flnlt nat 8.mday , ~ .iDII_~ ft~~.cICXaU:lllld~ ~_ with & v~ ~ ,~uet. ."MY Sunday evening supper guests of satu,rdaY evening, December 2, w1ll and tound him to be improving tap~ :oI6. .. . , , . " ., 9~ sweethUt, " BUP,1r and Mrs •. A. Mohler and be a. ~~y bQnquet. • ld1y after UDderaotnr .. D)ajor oper C. O. Nybladb. who Is Well' boWb ~ ~ and Ru~ , ~ were Mrs. Mann 01 Dayton atJon Jaat week, baVIng COIldUoClted ~ :. ID'
's=~G~~~~lgWald and •
';i:~:::"= Le~, FrIday momlng. • • • • •
. .
~', . _ __. - . .
• " • •• Word baa been ,~~
.'" , ,.,'
m,~~~"' ,~: 1_.' ~
Ifary •.• . ClUiat QlW'dl ~, alDce
. •
.WI'"':'"""'i:\bon ;.., ..... - e ... ~
,,. . I ,'
:, .
StaIe ~ News
In the matter ct tile I!8Iate 01 r"'~ftl WWIam Moore. detleaaed: 1IChedu1e Sealed JlI'OI)OjIjIJa. wW be received Wayn_YllIe, Ohio . Main Street 01 debta lqIp'OVecl. at the omce ot Ute clerk of the VU. III _ In the blI&tter of ibe _tllltate of la(e of state or' Ohio. .A.a Beeoftd Clue lIaUlIIatter .t POitoHice, -W.menute, Ohio l ~ tnQ1tes, ~ t-~ent.ory as)- ~ ~ve made \Purcha8c6 ot tu 12 0 'clock' f Frld Deproved. goverrlment "baby booLda" totaling:me 1 • 19'>1'noonf.~ a.y Flora M. Cralle Editor and Publisher -. , $1811,366,600 alnee the SElle , was atart r s., ~ . or. .. ,e lIurCh~ or
~ £nl""
IS as plain IL8 I market. It dependa' i l cb1eflyo' on two wordS::::JDt\uatry and Frupllty, That means wn.sLe neltll6l' J Tiple nor Money. but ma,ke the II t \ use of both.-BcnJamin Franklin way
The troubl~ with COlllmit~eS Is that they are IIlways WODderl~ h~ Pdee, ,1.60 Per Year, Pa,uie in Advuace CbeatfJl'L. Wh1ta ~ ttl lone Whitwtt,ai ""'o thers will 1J$k; they scem acre; part of lot 24, In Morrow" 1at 11 t2.268.0111.825. wW be ten in n~r ~d numbered to· blwe sUght conrldem:e In thelr , ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!! Hannah E. Crenlllll to Mary A. -fro to FA" bo'''' ' __I..:., """ __ 0'· ' ~ent;. NEWS IN THE FAa NOBTB EWi; 110,0'1 acres In ua.te -tWa beer and :1qt;.:It penult 01 ::sne ,' - _ _ __ _ __ bondil . I Pred BInlfaa to H~ Taylor. holders were c:ltecl to ,~ ,before ot t2OO:oo an,d w1ll dmw ' The prIce of pence at home comes J "'_ tOo I!IeI! IIILtisfled with our surroundinlS and then 1iIon, Jot 511 and 60 iii lWainI ~,8Ubd1vJ· .-the State UqQOr COntrl)1 ~ · ~ov! t th te f 4 • .~ P1811, but It's better than snlplng . M.~ Qf us """,·."e ~ -"wnIb1p. '16 to show ca.uae why tbelr per6uts .. . e ra 0 01IV per annum. I.ue _ ·tt Is W~I40 take.- a look at what the o~her fellow 18 d?inB a tew hundred I Estell Pa»:nlth, tx» J. O. Staley; moUld nOt be revolred f~or alleged vi- first 1ns~t ot Interest payable and IiUl~~. _...,.. _ _ • or a. few thol.l6lUld mUes ..way. U833 acre In Harlan toWDSblp olat1ons 01 the sta.te lie U.Ol'B Jaws . MArch 1~, 1940 and seml-ennually . . The UW.t ed States Is served With Ule greatest nuuar and the .highest I P~ BuDdIDr. IMIl' and I . tJlereafter on the. 1st day of Sept. type of country nteW6P&P8l'S in the world--1n fact. there Is no other sa"''''''. COin to Alta Ell_th. N ~_ •• _ .......... t1 ted March of each year upon pre· "For ,.earl I .bad 0 ~.ion,1 constipation. WAY~SV1LLE, omo , .pi Wul d1atrib ted to .~..... pany .... u .' ew es rna . _",ful fIlIlI bloating, heRdaeh .. " lid ~ck P Jill. countl'y where reports on current even.., are so e n , u lot In Lebanon. to cost "2000000 wm be conatructecl and surrender of the lnter_ AdJerika olway. bd \l<oJ right nw.nv. No\~. ,1 ., ......._. ' I " , est COUpons to be 8Ittached to said ut anuSllRC ronan,., I.lt, 8n yl h' "1: 1 want• SATURDAY ONL}' .. Ie l"'UV'e, . l!lIIWud D, M\U'r'&7. deCeMed, to on t.be OhIO rifer near . ~tsmouth N.ver felt bdll' " Mr .. ]linl,'" ' cholt. ~ seems,to be a long way oft to most of us ln the States. SO It Is Ralph $, 'Murray and Edward A. and Letart. Ohio, govetn~nt engin. bonda: Any one de6lr1ng to .do so , . . . . . . No,ember 25 pretty mUM of an eye-opener to plclc up & lI-paae country weekly from Murra.y; 99.36 a.crea in Olea.rcreek ears having a1ready E~pproVed the ma.y preseJ;'lt ~ bitt or bids for said . b~_ ¥cborage. tUwa. and find It aa chock-tull of advert1a1ng, neWB and II-, ~ ' proJecta. Tb.e d,UrIIi will be slmIlar to -bonds based on their bearin¥ a dlfSOLD A'I' AJ. l. mtl'O 'l'fIlms .1ustra.t1ons lUI ~ur home town pa~r. . . I W~ey J. Beck to Grace E. Beck; the one rec:enUy complA~ted near Gal. ferent rate ot interest than that . Editor SOuthworth of Ttle Alaakari, ~~e.d 61; Anchortl4fe. Alaska, Is to 111.15 ion TUrtl _ _ ~. Upoll8. will permit the ,elI.mlnatlon of hereinabove apeclfled, provided that ~_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ ' \l1) llOJlgf!ltulated, t1~ the people of our country can be tha.nkful that they Vernon I CreSwell. deceaed, ' to 0. nUmber of exlaUng Emaller dams where 6 tractlo~ Interest ra.te III , . with enjoy the.blesstngs or B free press Bud the ~~test communlca~on. 1irBns,- Rannoah ~ Cresw.ll: 110.07 ae:l'811 In and are designed to lInprove navtga. ~ld, such fraction Ii~ be one qU¥' ·port&tJon. productJona.nd dlstrlbutJng syStems in existence. whereby . the ~ toWUlbip tl f8llll1tl ' tel' of one per cen~ or multJple there. • TIIREE MESQUITEERS .. smallest hamlet and the Jargest city get the 6BDle news and the same com- Emina:& MiSl'.l1der to Ern t C on 85. _ _ Of, Said ·bonds wUl be due and ~_ \;UNDAY Ilnd l\IONDAY TARVIA·I... I 'l'HIO TAn AND ~odIt1.es nt practJcally the same price ad; all times. Early; 1'l~.39 acre. in W-.yna :WD~ Under a plan lID\'" being worked a.ble as follows: One bond upon the Alaska bas no better advert1aement ~ 'the publlca.t.1ons that repre- BblP. out by the U S. Dept, of AgrIculture. f1rst day of September of each of ROAD OIL; EXCAVATING November 26 and 2'l' eeDt Jt. ' Ohlo farm~ w1ll be BBked to reduce the following years: 19!1. 1942. 1943. DUMP TR UCK SERVICE ~IA:GE LICEN8ES their next year's com s*ntlng bY~:: 1946, 1946, IM7, lK8. 1949, and PIT RUN, LOADED 300 YD, -10 per cent. In an elfort to avoid ac· , Ronald J:l\'ederfA. Mdlonald. . 22. cum~ 01~ additional surplusee. 8&ld bonda, both prJn.olpal and laborer. 0lnQlimM1, and I)orothy 0DlY farmers c»operating by reduc- Interest, Bhill .be payable, at; the , , with PaJ.mer. 18. Mason. . Ini thetr panting will be elJg1ble for WayneevUle ~atlonal Ba.nIt In Way· JAl\fES STEWARTLoula WenzeL 21. Iaboler. Fra.IlJilln benefit payment8 a.nd 1060'"\8 on their neav11le. OlUo. Phone. WIlyncsv1ll0 4' R 11 JEAN ARTJItJB ~ -- . , and Allee Bn1der. 20, Franklin, alll'piU8ell, " I " ~ bonda are lS8ued·tor the pur. Lebanon office JSbon e 47 :H{'JD tbe matter of the eeta.te 01 . ~ ~. of paying the V1l1age's propor_ TUES. and WED. , NEW 81J1'1!8 ~I""'ft n 01 construct. rel.98-M. Morrew Phone :'110. 3 L4Wra McOlead, deceased; appUca. • • A brOoze tablet. supeI1mpoeed upon tJon af ... .....,- com.......... November 28 aDd 29
'l'be ~ to wea1tl1
~ 1985.1'!IXll'ted the U. S. : : : .of the ;'~e ~~ aggre·The total amount (~~s: ~Jiars 0 dated 0 ~ $ a ~ ~ .I)f the -vtnp Ilood IIlld to November ot' December. 'i939 8aJcl l~~ ed in
Trea&ury reoently.
~ ;:, ~;:v:'e:;;
ta._....... ,.-.0
t".pa t e dl
===================-S'and' & Grav'",I
Zain Armttage, .
.County Court News
...........1 ... -
- - .' . .~ COm .'
." ..' iii ~ zpaUer~ ..u-ate l ot 'Can'Ie Blnltb decea.Ied' .00 cIaUn Is ~ • admJn WAf« Ja ~ to ~ ~ fO&' CIIIb U pri,.,.-ie, ' '. In ~ ~- ' ct ~ estat.e of wmtam A. .' ~. dec:!eeo'" clLltdbu· tIOIl or ~ ct &be ~ Ia made, In the ~ of ~ ~ . or W~ T, W " ~ec; .1I!d; ~Ule of ~
........ estate
- tl?
&be matter
'. .
tbe mr;u.. 01 the' eetate of Ada WIIDIamIlOT! deceallecl' achedule of debts i!Wirov~ . ' In ' t.be matter of the estate or, ~ 1'pmble. deCeased; &at fm.J ~ cU8trttJutlve ' account filed, '. In ~ ;IDIWer ct,'the eetate of ~~ BUnptaa. ,C!ecpeecl; Warrep
~berd ~~ ..smm::
d~ V!~. lI:!'Ow that...l.wl\Ole-tamilles
00IpinJ fIiom Daytonls bright
In ~ ~ of tb& aettlemeht' o( the estate of W~ Bmm; deceued
~erttanae tax detenia,InCl u
~ apace Is plentlful, and all 18 In reelSinea fOJ' the beat Clu1stmaa time ,Of our l1Ves. ·We ~xten4 & most cordial weI~ to an our oel~ and urge them
~_.~~~ . ~ ,8 ....... " ' - -:-r ,ever ...,Aore
:~ the ~ Of the ~ ~
0llAr1ee J.
Malar ot ~ OlUo
WVdII d,eoted Governor of. Ohio, IU1d WWJam SPI1a, ct J'e«man county , _ • '\WtI1 w1Dter IIIOW8 just anIUDd ~ ~. a popular hithway tmttc ...... ja "Slow Down ..t Bun Down.II • _ . TIle Ohlo DinaIop or oonsenation hie ~ ISOO ruflred .P'OU8e in AJbeJ1a. Tbe birds WIll be Placed in BUltabJe m&mLgement areaa sel«lted ~ the Dl~ and atterwards placed in ~ a.reu. , . A 8W.e ~ve . R~ Youth. WIll be held. in Columbus NoyllDher 29. In ~JUI1CItlI:in with annual c:onventlon 4[)f Qhil) Parm PederatWn. Th~ , W111 be c1rWe atudy-of rural1.outh problems. ~
lace value
and ·
cookmg. • ptltioaal .uno, shows that GUESSES · w~o DON':f KNOW aVenae • TWI~E the' ActUAL ........
. -as'· ~ost..
I. 1.'....-01•.,...
109 T.... or Feet RuIo .. end """"' olh., tarully .....1Id akin .ruptlOl\1 and thaI I, to
E. ]'. Martin
O.nterville, Ohio Phone 78J
4"I ....&0',jIiI
. No free IOVe1'bDleIlt or
the bJeaa:
the WOl'ld
~ ~b~~; :n:,~-==enc~
:::~O~~t:,::n~~ 3S, Aere fIDQ I cbu~ "..
hI.e home, baa 'a houaerILIl ·01 heaWly
~~Ul:rt~~= .: 'BY.fUBUC ;AUC1l0~1~~~~~~ -tlafactor1lJ.Y
OlUo a'!orecl In the N:at4~ dom ' ~ 1 P. K. Contest, In 'Wt1Ich more · . , than 8.000 fannel'6 In l~tatata com. ~ted S m11. North ot peted, when ,LeD WMDteIdI:e, « ~ n~. Oh1o-~n Co~ oam ~. waa cl~1d oDe of the • . ~ed wi~ 6 ·3 room , 1I'1nnera-with 138 8 bUII_ I*' acre 8OdO; ., 1OOd 'babk ' bam; ' poultry , t;o bSa credit., • hOuae; ~ ~ ,s ' ry ,OUtb\ll1dlncll.
9" ~
Eatate .of l'Iarenee 11&7, Deeeuecl
.. Notice is hereby riven that
Ha.y Day and 0&1'1 IJa.y' Wboie Pd,
0!f1oe~are~N02. Wa)'D88 VWe. OhSq ~ &at . N4U'dale AYe •.
~ ~ have beeln
duly ap.
pointed . . AdoUllJ.etrato...:lof the Eliof ~ . ,. Warren
Ja.te or
l.C<irunlov. 0b10,' deoeued '.', t.hS,I 'Ith dI., ali November, 1838. (>. ".,1>" O. Doo&Id
D11atulli. AttJo.
the best f~ 4n tbIa eectSon; mate an ideal Poultit 'Iiii'm. ~tItul ~Uon. cJoee to ~'WIl bus &rfd Dl&l.l at door. ntIrIt.....·1 to my ~ ,,~th I &a;1 ~ seU to the. h~ blddel' fatm and chattel& ,Pami will aU at 2 Ps M. ~l'Uh _ ot·' a.uctlonF ;li1Ill~4• • • balance on .de1;lVI)I'Y 01. ~. " • " I'ARM CIIA-'l"rDS " .
2 Hontea. ~1OOd ~t,~
? bead ~f:~ ~ in 01
milch: '\ iJ.
1DOd' 11"",
HalpJI B. Oarey. Judp of ~ PMbIt.e COUrt
Wamn I t
ViIlter !year, rouncs.- a If:IQd elecu1c" w..oule. :Tbta Ia ,One
,.PAUlIIIPi.BtDNTtJ\ , GoOd 1Icn:rtiie ""'tbtne. ~ _ ~. OhIo. planter Pl1~ a bdrIe aWkf ,..,. '. •
some Jlliddi~= .... ~ ..
UDie WI~ the _ _ fUiy , " "01 cbuea " 'JabIdi
b -
KraUs~ Cdn' Iniltlvatql~ 80 )tipotb ' b,arrow, !bo88 ~; fona. IO!ld '~Y fork. ~ etc. ' . ,.1 ' . ~ bu·' _ corn. ' 5 tons ~ 'CIover · ~,· 1. ~ auaUa. Do aboc*8 01 fOdder ~ .,
~2~J1Des.a alIo,w.:&er ~
&.rt, ,O~ CneJL .II1II ' _I
AR,....ua LAKE
. Auctioneer
.pply M_'~ lIM,ald 011 nl,ht end mo,... '119 and .,.op1e who •...,., from ."'" Imbar. ....1'10 Of _l9hlly Ilia ~ ... would be ..,... It.ity fI,.t.clue d"",,'tt tor •• ~I. of 10100111', Em.rold 011 ond PENNY Nt.... to .ceopt _nythl", .1... It It .och • ~~ ",I... r.tloft thet • ..,,011 lam • time end hrtlt.rmofl I'
bIdII to be With a certttIed checIt plyable to the Vtllaae for ,100.00 ~pon cond1t1oDo that . If ~e bid " . ~ tIIe ·bidder .WIll ce1ve and Jl8¥ for 8UCh bo~ tLI may be l.aaJtM " .above set torth with1D thirty dayS fro~ the time ~f aw'!U'd, M1d cbeclt to be re~ by.. the VU. lace If said con~ Ie not .fuU~e~t COunctJ ~ Mid Village the r13bt to releQt any and au H. M, C!U'ey
THURSDAY- aWAY November SO and 1 Deeem.~r 1
grosa amount 01 bid and 6OCl'Ued In·
tereat to date 01 del1Ve17.
H... ThetIHIIt ....
In~ All Ilonda mUR IItate, th~ numbet" of banda bld tor an4 the
hfs~In ,~ .~Dd~~ '",edJiesuJ, No,~
docs, Your very first cJccttfcaI. Iy c.ooked meal will prOve rbe ,.d' greaa difference. ' " . .. AJtbou&h millioQl know ahe LOW COST of electric
baa been to JWItIce•. ~eratlon. temperance: blated down In ~ Oark Mountains frugality.; and virtue. ,and by a ..fre: of Be haa- aIx f1~ 10 qlleDt recurrence to fliDdamental children. 13 bounds. Uvea on ~. pr1ac!P.J1t& ..!.Patrldt Henry bappleat man In
children' and
of the food yoU cook, but it
"0 ••
baa a deaf and dumb WIfe. and a ' mountaln. aUlJ that hIIiI DeVer been ,
~ Ito.keep t.he1I' engasement. ,,'" , " ~ _ .....n til.. ,1M. ~u. "',otlll9 011 thot h.lpa The tinlt j'''''~ _ E"'-uel 1Ih. t- thereof • pused on the 25th day 01 pro"""" ~U"' foll:to ,I•• ,Oy full .011.· . - - ..-e.... ...,.n October.11138,' ,,,dl,,. !tIL , .. '!Pur moft.. Wullll.d. tnrton of '1'rwnfIel1 ·CoIJlJlty, Return _, . =",,,= ' =""':~-",:=_ _ _:--~_ Jmathall MeJa&, 01 W~ Sald txlnda will be &Old . to tb~ COUIlt)'. both of wbol!1 Were, aftEr- hlghest bldder tor DOt less than the
miles around to Bee street.a and IIhops.
~ the mA1n h1ghwaYB are open.
0.' Y~ ~t,d , admln'etrator. ~~ ~oe 1." V~ W~ C. ~ and ...-..er
eat.ate qi ,~ Im.ek IIP,P"'ntea ap~~
~ D. shepbmL d....w; ·lIm-
Sbennan Perris appO.nted aPPraialin 0hI1atm8e
e F· ' It· he Sk ~der lery e Ing In ~rtil- '6 . ets Qulek 'ReI·Ief
Adm1n1stratlon and under authority the law. ot OlUo and 01 the toWD8h1P. Cplumblana Q)unty Onllorm Bond Act .a nd ana on stateRoute , 7. apprcllDmately two In 8cco:rdaDce with • certain muea lJOuth of the lnulrseetlon with nance of , the aald VWaae of Way· S. R- 1~, known sa the Oleveu.nd- neevWe, Ohio eDtlU~ "OrdInance PittablD'lh hlahwa.v TtI~ fllBt se.lon providing for the ~ce or bonds of tbe three-juqge ~t Waa held in of the VWage ·Of WayneaVWe. Ohl~ the aft. ." . . . of 1:', ......... - , wh 4m n._ WlCre were for the puJpOIIe of Ninar the only ten countte8 OIl th Obio' ..... An VlUap'a proportion or the com.. , e . ......... .",.... __ of t The judpa were l'eIIWled to hold............ c on~ r u 0 tin. .;. COW"t In f8ch 01 tbe counttle at aanltary -sewer syatem for laid · VJJ. leut 0IlCle': _ . __... D'l---- ot ."e lace under the WIlI'U Pro!rreaa Ad. ,- _1> ... -'-'-tra COIU!t" found It aeoe.aJry ttl turn to '......... tIon and of 'the levy of a tax tx» prov·...e ~o·r ."'_ na"..,. t
Eld4!ndlng a t1'iendly wek:ome to reaident4 of MontiOmery and sur~dIng countJes.. Oharies J, Bleil' nan. MAyor 01 Dayton. yesterday Inttl sbai'e •vlted "DayUm's oe!gbbors" ' 'the Old·FaabIoned ChrJStmM SpIrlt" cI... ..,.,. IlB1ton'a Cb.rlatmu celebration. B1IeJ' diem' r do PNotaen WUh ~IY deoOratlecl atreets, beIIna , ~ , . , · . . . ...: ........ w 0. P. Krobn . . BYa et at; In the mat.t.er 01 the estate of ..... weeIt-en D1ght the IP'IUld •. • 110..00 , ... ""'_a" . ......Inl _ v a_" c .._---~ appraIIed ....'1 • 10.......A. Bart.sock, deceaaed; be&l'- - - - - . . _... ...~ to ""...... aad JQIIe 0III0rDe ...... OIl IiCbedUle ot debts set fill' No- 'I\'ee Ltrhttng Oelellratlon will be - .. " , .' he d :", . ''150.00 then cUIItrlbuted, vember 21. cU.Itributlon of · estate 1 on the court house steps . in Walt2r CbIldenI ft,. Artbur HaUoD made. JnherUaDce tax determllled. Da;yton, '. et aLi ~ of ~ 11 made In ~ matter of the" eata.te of W. The ~ in!1~ Is as follows party delMdllnt" dlfeDdaDt depc)elted N. 'J'bompenn. ""cNsed; first. flDall TO ~ o n NEIGHBORS: t2&.OO far eoata. . _ dlltrtbutlve ~t filed, Ila.Ytoo is al1ve WI~ 0hrIatmaa I!lIItber cue, et ai" va. The InduaIn UJe matter of the tllltate of dap-the olc1 taahlooecl trW ~..... ~ ~; J"dCmNlt ~ If: We&toa, deCOlllled; certJ!1- ~ IIb'Pt that wen anxious mlawr Dr . -....ADd ap.IDat.xl cat.e of traDater.ordend, abarit with ~ ~ MII1*n. . BIlPIDent ~. &IIPellaDt to In the' IIIAtt.er of the .,.te ~ ~. ~ we'l'e )nvltma tI1pIe IIQ OIiI6. " Kfmton ,B. TbomJ,am; ~ecl; n~ahbore to vL!!lt 118 In the weeD to Uabel P. 'I'err)' 8PJI"'~ admtntatra ~~ ~ to cune 10 ~
~~ve1Jecl~tJy~a= ~:-:= ::er;~:m;:;: - - - - - - - - - - . "FIVE CAME BACK'
M Of YT alte .of Orit...lon. of the AYOn OA . ON. Ohio Supreme Court. held In Fall'· 01 11eld
iii ~ III&tteI' ot the eetete of Bo7d It. ~,deceased; 'sched-
com~ ~, Ralpb We of ~ta apPl'Oved. . Weidnet, for daIDaiee lh the II\lm of In ~ matter of the seWement of P.57.37 With)iltereet. &he eatat.of Jesaie Burkholz. deceaaeel; ently detenn1nlni th~ Inherit' ~OMMON PLEAS . PBO(lDDING~ &DICe tax to be paid ordered certlflee , -In the muter 01 the 6t.este of ...... - II v ....... -_.. Prances ' E, -~.......:: - v.... d - - - " ........ • --- .... - ....... -..-. ""......",.. Amy . Hay Ba.ves va. Beeae ADderaon et &1.. Da,y UId carl Hay ........... ted. admIn· cue dlpnred. . . ~ ~ Hoct,ett. ~ Pur'Jama 1', Iamb va, John CUt-Ua au aDd PraDt . Oook appolDted apo U&1ty 1l18Uranc,
~Jes T. Smart--w, mUth ~et- ~toN:W::' ~te will ~ INVITAnON FROM
, ~ et at; a.cuoo for puUUob,: J', Paul Albert a.nd 'lbe, Ohio eu-
..;.w...,. ,-11'-"
SHOP:.f40W F-OR ' ~HRI.c""AS
RADIOS-GIFTS" , . .Loea1e4 10 Lebanon ~. 20 N.oriIJ Broadway In.,tbe' D~tlllh Bul14lD« .. Sales and f~ Jht,-New Fri(Id~ £leckie Refrlr~rator. That Pi9miae1i To IleYOlilUonise the .lpIn&- .S1atem In ~e ' Rome aDd Do -,wa, COmpietel" With ,the Outalde Supply. The Frtrldalre Is EJIpeoIaUy Valuable In Uae Rural 8eeUons &Del ' yeany Saves the Fanner 'ThouaaDda oq)oUars. TIWiConcem l.8 'AIIIo Showln, the New Frirldalte Eleotrfc Ban;e. Water .Rr-ten. A Complete Line of Zenlth Racllos and tbe Famoll8 "ColeJDan" 0Il ,H5t.en.. Not.hlnr WID Brinr Greater Joy Than a Gift from This Store, ' ~
ce 'REAL
OIlIRISTMAS STORE FOR EVERYBODY" Is Wt:1I Known Ut People Tbrouchoot the Coullty lIB the 'Store Always Featuring the Sea!lC)D'1l Best StyleS I., Qualny MtftIlandise a, the Lowest PrI~1s One of ,the Com~ ... . " munlty'. Most Nece8!;ary Estab~en ts, Whose Lar, e Buy'!l&, Powcr and PI'ogTess1ve PoUcles -.:nabl Them Ut Offer uch Wonderful Values That Their ~ H GnJWll to Large Proportlol\S-.J\tany Ohristmas Suggt'S. UollS Can be Had Hel:e for thc Entire family, the Home a.ud the Farm.
A, Nation-Wide Illsututlon, Located In Xenia,
Real Bottle G~. For Use In Any G •• Stove
Modern housekeeping d emands Ican saye hUIldred& of dollars each tWn now and have It delivered d~ndable refrigeratlon not only year throuah the purcl1ase of a Chl'1strnas morn1ng. Mon,!-go~ery Ward & CO. Is one of now sto:ked completely with Christt~ tho tastiness in food that It pro-/ Frigidaire. . , . ' The "Coleman" oU neater brings the world s largest chain depar t- ~ merc hand.ll;e, Each department t duces, but also ~ economy it eflec~ The '000!1 Hous.elteeplng Shop 01lers clean. even heat to your home and· ment ~tore Orga~tlons. They fe~: ~ so ar~ged that C1u1stmas Gift I In preve~ fOOd spoilage , It has a. complete line of new " Zenltht' Is recognized by heating engineers ture fh at quality only In t he SEason s 16hOPplng here will be a pleasure. See The New Estate Gas Range On Displ.,. ~n left to the ,Frlgtda.1re engineers ra.d108 in many beauWuI body 'st:vt~ 8a one of the greatest 4evelo~entl; atYI~s a.t lower prloes,. P eop le !l'QJIl Gif ts fOf Lhe entire familY , th e homo At Our Store wJlo firBt brought Into u se 1oelE68 and for the utmost in rac110 In recent yt!a.rs ,J.n home heating, all over . the co,untl'y who make and 'the tlU'Ul can be liOOn and hael refrigeration to Place .on the market forrnance' you'llllke the ~e&I' tone ElImInate t.he 014 fashlon coa.l heat- ,X enia · thelr h~QUQlr~rs kn~w the lat ibis concern. Be sure to shop a t Coine In. And See This New Modern ~ •• , an electrlcal retrlgere.tor that could reception ot & " Zenith". jlere &1so is Ing s~1nsta1l a DeW "Coleman" constaIh values . offered b~ Mon t· "the Montgonlel'Y Ward & Co. . whe n be ustd in any home and because it be1ng dlspIe.yed the new Frigidaire now for rea1 heating e1llclency. The gemery . Ward & Co., In quality l in Xenia. would be wiUUn the financial reaoh elec~ ' range procil.auned by leading cost of ~ ' wlth oU is but a merchandlse , 1ncludlllg everyt.hlng To think of select.lng P Un::be.sf S CJf everyone, who has 'electricity authorities to be the rruist beautiful few cents e. daY and' prov1des urn- to be expected In the slock of a without visiting tills establi!ih ment whether from a Carm lighting System Q8 well aa Ule most econoll11ca4 elec. tarm heat to all part& of your home m6d~ department s tore, including is s implY out of the Question for tile Larger Because of Be er Quality, Service, and Price " ... . ,,_ c1ty nl~... • ... _ ' th ket .......... Bee the I " ......1 "h . ready-to-wear, yard goods, clothing people Ln a large terr itory adjacent. ,.. ';"'C , ...--, ...... ra.nse on e D).R.l' .....-y. , new ......eman w en you . , ' Elltablished 1849: 1939 Waynesville, Phone 32 With ~ Jleweat exclUSIVe FrlgldNo gUt this OIu1.stmaS woUld be are shopping In. Lebanon at the Good for th e entire tall'Jlly, IIlI.l udlng men s It Is a mode.m and up·to-date esa1re",features you are 8.6SW'ed the more or apprtrlated by Housekeeping Bhop. cloth1ng, sh.oes, hun tJng supplies and taibllshmen t.. keoping puce with the utm,ost ~ ~tr1cal refrigeration at "Mothet:" or "WJt~" than a. new · The _ Good. HoUsekeeping Shop one of the largest a uto 1U:Ccssory de- rapidly , .c~lUlglng ~~ons. the 8III&lIest 006t. When In Lebanon "Prlglda1re" electric refrigerator or which Is under 'the direction' of W' ,jpa.rtmehts In part of t he stare, The 10y Shop features hun!lee the FrIgIdaire demonstra.ted and POr years It WUl brinlt joy and J. Koch wID J)e pleased to demon- , An en<Il~C; variety of SU,gB~stlons dl'eds of' Ideas l or the ch1ldren - - - - - Jearn bow econom1cal It can be opo happinetlll not only to them but to stre.te these many appliances when can be see~. II.t this store \li hl, h will Mothers are lIl~ted to brlnlr Llle uated. 'If. you Uve on. t.he f 0 the entlr famllY Make I _ yOu atop in thelr to aid you In Giving a Gilt S ure Lo kiddie to Santa s Toy Shop and see arm y u e • Yj)UJ' se ec new II reo Please." . , all that Is new for the boy or girl. A This gives you some Idea. ot the sma.lJ de posit will hold any loy until "TilE MOST OF THE BEST FOR TJtE LEAST" tremendous prestige of their pur- DecemPel' 20th. L'l Known for "Courtesy and Service With Ellery Order'" aha abasing power, 'Dle pr ice concesslol1 ' In making this review of the busl · Furnishes the P eople 01 Thb Sec~ of Ohio With • Oomplete Senkle ID they obtaJ.n are eviden ced In the n ess Ufe of the county we aE glad 1,\11 '('hat P ertailis to a Oomplete LIne of Grain, Feeds, Coal and 8u~ , price8 quoted on ~emhandjse In this to give conunendable men tion lo ()lYice and Yards Located !'t Lytle, Ohio-A 20tb CentlD'J Concern Eqatp.. , "THE FAB.ME1t8 FRIEND" . sto.r e tot they I?;IIAS the savings on Montgomery Ward , & CO. and to r e I P cI (or Renderln&, A Most Metropolitan Service and Dealin, on. !.up Locafetl-m ~banan on South Sycamore SU:'eet' 1IU Been SlIoCCle.lfuUy and SatuafactorUy ServtDr the Fum- to their customers. fer It to all our rea<lers M 'a pannce.• , St.ale In Quality Producta Upder a P rolft9lllve Spirited Manaremeut. era and Risldenta of W~ CollDt, for Many Y.... En..,. Need for the Farmer baa Been Provided in StoCk, The Montgomery Ward & Co,. Is for merchandlsing UI of the day. ' It Is a ~ell known fBl~ t.ha.t there be hac1 by caI1Jng thJB Each InclwUnr "Farm BUl'I'!&U'; Feeds, lDnra nce, Fenutser. Fetule. Paint. aDd Fum SIIPpIIee of All Kinds.-For a Is no one institution In the com· year tihousands of dollars are paid Gift for the FamlI, May We sllr'" That You Take Advantace of the Catalor Sernee of TbJs Coneern in mun1ty that has met with greater to the fanners In t.IlJa seat.1on far Which ia F~tured 'TboWlaillb of Gin SlIIIeItIons. . . , favor with the public than tills well grains of all Idnd whlch brinp ac!dOperating on e. ~perv.tlve bosls In '" ~tIon to ~ you In' ~ most ,. apedal Christmas 1servke to known establishment . led business and Itracle act.1vttles to ~th the farmers 'you are 8118ured of competent. manner ~ wID be Farm Bureau members Is their cMa"FJo:ED8-COAI-FARI\I SUPPLJE At the outset they realized ~t a our local town. For.the JJlO8t of the the 'hlChest quality in feeds, flour, pleaaed to give ,xou complete infor- log sen1oe. Here is fea.tuTed II. comOne of Our Lara'c~t Local BUSiness Concerns Which During lis Many satlstled customer 1$ the best influ· best Cor the least-torY Evetett JIlIrl7 and oth4;r £1lPPUes at all times. If matlon In nIf&I!U'd to the pro~ plete. Une of "l'm'm Bureau" electriz Yean' III Blfiiinetl& .1bIa Jia.lned Hundreds of Patrons Throurb It's Estab- ence for mOl'e business, a.nd ttaey de-I Their ICO&l department ahOul4 at' you are not a member of th1s usocl. feeding of your ch1cItens or ' Uve W88htng maohInee, radios. cleaners, Jabed PollcY,of "FaIr and Oon_ Business Methods", ~or A Complete and t ermined to butl9- for this estll.b1lsh- tract the attent.1on of the -peopJ8 at ation atop the next time You are In ~lc. ~ yoUr reeding proble~ toaatel'8, Ughq and elec:b1ca1 fix- Satls'acto~ service ,In CoaL Feeds, Grain, Fence, ,T ile and Otber . Farm men t '" reputation that would be th e this time, Bere ~n be bad Ibe ' Lebanon Mel learn 01 the maDf a.~- to the PlUm Bw.u Co-~tive : turee and other' 81ft su~ons 'for lad BuRden Suppllan Call This Local Concern. Under the Direction of 9. envy of the \lulldJng ,material unde, h1ghe:lt quaUty coaJ. a~ reuona.b1e va.nt.aces oll'ered through the F1U'm For years ftIIIfIdenta m. rural sec- the eb.tire ,fa.m1JY YOU w1l1 receive Eo MIchener-Abo St~es and Service lor Ute Renowned "Stoko'" Stokers. That they have suCceeded is e\l; prices, Palmer&. can drive t1ietr Bureau, Itrreue the profl,ts o r your tlone have ~ their property dellvery ~ on all I girts \' , denced by the large amount of trucks or ~. to their yards &lid .fann ~b tbIa · ~. -"Farm With tile "Fum ~.. know1I)ji a8Jected plenty of time for Ofu1st- :r'hls is one of our locaJ business Mr. Michener 81ve you complete- de- I?lltttonage thlit 'they now recejve an:li be.ass. of ~opeet Wellht &ad .BW'MU" feeds are lcnown. to hun- that repreeenta one of the Ia.rgest 11188. . ' 'concerns thIIIt has aided 1I181,~·iaJ)Y tails. tl\e ~unt ot territory thnt their cou)'teoua aervJce, ' drede 01 fU'Dlela ,,110 want .the most and at.roDiIeIIt 1nIn.IraIIce ' oraanlIaIJ1 tb18 review -Ie wish to oompU. in the prOgress and deveJopmen~ The coal depar tment a.t thi6 sea.- ¥I;lvitie.s cover. W1~ e. knowledge THere are DO p10re pubUc apIrlted. profit. tnm the ~ and mopey tUms In. ~ couutry. Here III featured 'menb the manager of this con.cern of this lICCtWn of the county and h a.. son of th e year should conunand the of their business tbat a.Jw&ys breedli cltlama 1n the community than tbtt Upended PVm BUreau feeds. -.re .. complete aervIce In tnsuraDce In- upon the va.luabIe service- 'afforded been especially instrumental 111 a ttent ion of every. resident' In Way· success, they h ave purchaBed theti management of Everett 1!Iar~ Ia 1IIa4WI~ ~ to :rour own oludJDg auto, 'ute., fire and all ~er the fennet's of Wetten COunty and bringing tto , tile f~,ers a service (ICS\1 ue and vicW ty as here is lea.· su,pplles of th e best qWLllty and In ~le. and in maIdJig t.hla revtMi -of apec1al fOl'lJ1u1u abel made for 8V817 forms: It you ..... int.erellteccl ~ :the In ~ to tJlt, highest Clual that Is both re~\lle 1I;11d, cpurteol1s . tured only the highest qualltr fuel quanlties. , ' , , the onward pfognsa of ilu. ~ feed1nl PUl'POl8. Tbe,,~ and ~teat ~ o,f proteetlon for Ity feeds or 'Other ftU'Dl supplie&-:a.&k It 1& the eitceLJeW S(~ice and de- for every heating purpose. Yellow Everett EI\:l'ly 4ur1ng hIs twe~tf of the state we w1sh to oompUmmt Ueta......t tile JIUJli ~ are tbe ...,1- amount erxpended { call fOr "Piartn Burs":" " .' I ~ market afforded. by bile Way· Jacket, Elkhorn and R«ven Red one years In bu.sln.e$ has become them and to clIrect ~ at.t.eDUoa to . . • LebiaDon 315. ' ' •• ': nesvlUe Farmers ExChMge Co ' that A.sh- 'are well 1mo'wn brands th~t knoWn IA) hundreds 01 farm families tbts estal>lfabment .. one of ~ I
Own Or Rent The Equipment
Fairley I' - rd w" re Store
' I
Waynesville Farmers Exchange Co II
~~~~~~~~=~~~~=~~~==~~~~~~~==~5~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ~.~1~S~In~~~ed_~~~Ln~~01~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ . our commun1ty depend on the qual- 'cern for years and tor the tn06t h eat provided a coinplete I!el'v1ce in grain&. unity wbichr~ to ........,..:.....;; tty and service oll'erc!d.
per dollar expended you. can not do ha.y, straw, tile, teDdng, feedS and development and PI'OIP'CI8 better than to ' order your coal from coal, Daily quotatlons on gr8.!n can part of the sta.te. the WaynesvUl.e ·Fanners Exl;hang,e. If you are nvt. ~.~tLreIy sa.tlafled with •
A Obriataaa shopping of the , to..aanUllty,,nu not be aom~te Wltl'l
FEED8 ~ GRAIN - ()OAL - SUPPLU8 Distributors for a Complete Line of Feeda. AIBo Grain 01 All IdIIfII. Coal, and a Complete LIne of farm 8uplllies..... ,been oD, 01 &be . .~. !anI. Feature. or ~ ArrIealt~ 'orpnkaUon or thiI aeeta.a for ......... lellera! 'Y~ dDrID, wbtch time they 'hue beeome UowD to rar-. i_ Fair and Honest B.....,. Methods and QuaUt, Prod..,.. at au .... T_,)honE WaynesviJIe J3R2 ' . ' ' , .'
'--" .. n!'Yl
g .....
" "ExetUS.vg '~tYIlES"
... .
I) ,
. IYear
becoInlnI "
Here Ia a finn wb1ch ~ in
Beech GrOye
Your Co-operative - - lofIn.maldlili this splend1d tliJ& service they can tum it. out. th1!s re~ of the con- for right away. Bent f~ ""' c~ Who are aldlng In the agnoul· they can llUlke lOOk like aDd. .n Farm Boreau Ituml developmenla of t.hls section other features are efficiently handled organillatlon.
WlWIurn CI'etItiton
or ~
,of thouaDda of ' .".,. men read TBB AJilJIIt were Lebanon viaItora ~ay • 8at\1rc1aJ. JOI;ID8 . Mrs. Cl.Jde Whaaon CIeIlt 1Ucbud. UId JOhn UvIDpton aDd lOAN ,'BOY llaaulne every m~ day With Mr. and Mr& ~ ¥e1 VerDIIIl of n.,ton. spent ea~ &D4 coIIdclc it more u a u.sq lob at Rldpvw8. . . at the ~s bOmt beret and oompanlon thin as a ma~. Mr lJaneY Bumet attend. N.... enjoyed the daY buntlnc. "It·s .. much a buddy to ,me U , MWt Di~ JD o~ sev- lIJaiI FaYe 'Boott. aDd IC'a Kcoarne1lbbOrbood cbum" writes one DONAUl' BAILEY. Auot1OlIeer, eraJ daYs JUt week. ~ and cIauahter. of ~~ ,were blgh lChool.aentor. '~ I AllER.. Oomplete auction service. Oltlana Mn. ~ IIWlllenln. and Mn callen Of MW II&Im&h Jr.- lOAN 'BOY .teems to unclenfaucl a Bank BJda'.• ' W1lmlngton, PboM Walter ~ Wwe ' • . ~y'a problema and ,considers them 2292. • _' ' B2I-tf ner ?t"h~ dln- . "'10 ~. ........... , J. ' Lee a\Jch, a aympathetlc and be!~~W'II , __:...---.__":"---.,...:..~_~ ruests of""" ... ~ 8aJ1ee - . ,",,_~_ A_" aDd· near ~ JeMie Oemer attended It ~vea advice and enter~ FOR RlIlNT-l.1vtna ~ " M'rs E11~ha>': ""-" I ... __ • ~~ "" ......... _ ' _ readlna on every lu)JJect in q . • - , DllUth of Dayton 6 .......... ......... ___.,_ . .ter' rooma; alIIo oottase of 8 I'0OIII8 t 11 was. weel: ,~ gttf,!8t of Mn. Marfor .... J:ateUa I.otan- of w~ a JOIlIli fellow is interes~ Matn acreet. J. B. Ch8.pIlW), 'pbor''' ' garet Johna and PaUl Johns. which t.ooIt ,p lace frem t.be It Ia part1cularlY helpful in sports. 88 . Nt-lH ' Mr; and Mn WDbert SwanJt Uld funeral home' . l' IIUIde our ~ool " 'etball team • • • ' b e c a U 1 8 or PlaYtng UPS I read bl 1 Jimmie Swank were an day sunday K.Iaa ·Ncma Sbun.br returned to . , IUt!IitB of Mrs. AInes Swank aDd home here rJter a "Week's TBlI: AMlCIUOAN BOY children in Daylion. in OIDclDnMI.. ManJ famella .thl~ In Mn. Harvey !lumet spent Wednea Mr, -and , Mrs. P . O. Wella and aporta credit much of tbelJ', BUceeaa We ' ' ... CI'NID. IIIt&ticn day and Thuraday With Dr. ams famUy. ent.erta1ned trtenda over the to helpfUl IUlJiestlons . recelved have ~ed R E. Hathaway 1ft We.vneaVWe. end. tnim RamIlteo. from aporta artlclea c:arrled In TID In. our Place of bUIIIneaa fr. J.a:I. ArJeIle Jonf& Mr.. Jeeale Mrs. Kabel Terry ..... cu* Prl- AMERIOAN ]soy MaIiulDe, VIrtu- wplte M~)aln 0J,w.mery 00. ~ Longa~. lin. l!!IDma LaCy arid Mrs day of ber ~, MIlIa NOI& Beitln. allY everyjaiull offers adv1ce from a of ~ cUed 8ZId IIIOIIt NlI&bIe In Louella SwanJt attended the Home Wllml.Daton. famoua coach or player. P,ootbaU. tile country. We would BP~ Rte Demonstration m q.,tlng In Lebanoo Mn. JL'Wa Penta. 1C'a: ADn& Penis but.etball. track. tennis, in fact givlns U! a tr aI. . . Wedn~. 1lrB. Georw:e YOUIIIr. were viIi- ~ m1Jor aport Sa covOlIKl in fleCOM:MUNI'IY KITOB!lN Bom to ~. and Mrs Ra:ymODd ton to DIiv.Um TIi~. tlon Uld fact artIc1e8. 'ndd Monday N01Iembe; 20, a son Recent the ~ <Teacbera. ' ~1ana. pareIi~ aucl Walter Kelllick~ comm1aalon were: m. HanJiab JorcIaD aDd ..... at 'boP ~ &lao reaoDlJustice of the Peace In Wqne Town Jordan. ' mend TIIB AIORIOAN 'BOY en. II. t .. 'TIL IICIO , ahJp doee not expUe UIltU Jan 1. 1M2 . Several of the clli1dren atteDcUnI thiDlut1call1. They ,b a" found Is why hIa name cl1dn',t ap~ on Hanetaburw ecbool .-e UIIeut CD t.bat .. a ~ rule regular read.. AND the ticket November ~r . of the mumpa. en of~TBE AKElUOAN 'BOY ad- , 10'. Mrs. AUftl· Emerlelt VIa- School WUl, ~ W..........,.y at- ftDCe more rapldly and . c1evelOp Sa~ lted their c!auaht.. lin. Leon Sal. for tbe 'l'bInkiIIvInr ftCII more JI'OI'thwhlle cbaracterlatlC!a \ lsbury and ~ ' tn Weahtniton 0 , i than do boya.OO do not read It. '- , . ---.,.--'-"--: H. aDd found ber coD~~ nSctlY ~ writers and artlats. tam· l alnce returntnr lraDl' the hoepttalin OUI coachea and athlete., ~ 1tIeIIard Oneal • n4a ItrJGe Oolumbua .. ~ qo. acieotlmi l and men aueOeuruJ in Mr. and Mn ~ buatnt!a and lndUltl'7. join with an and Mrs. of Olmle ~ staff to produce In THJ lIEU I All A 8'l'11ANGBB Dayton Were SlmCla1 ve Don'~ f . • ~OAN BOY. the eort of readguesta of Mm. ~nt JohDa . cqet 4t1e blrtbdar party _ matter bcVa lJke beat. . Paul Job '· Pridq. N~ :K. BrlnI ·lOme TID AKERlOAN ' BOY sella on Mr A"~"_ B · ,. 1IIUldW1chee ~ come ,b ave a 1100:1 moat DI!W8Itanda at 160 a copy. ..... ....... oward Deweeee had time with ua ' '. . ~ • '. ' for ~eir d.lnner ~s. Mr and Mrs. aDd· . B\DIcrIptiOD IW1ceI are 1.110 tor Prank DeWee.e aDd Sam~ Mr. Mr!I. Norma ~ one year r. P ,OO for three years. of near YUlItee a Dewaele 8ZId fUlllY of ~nclnnatt ,pent SUD- Porelgn .tea 60c a year extra. To Mr. and Ilrs 'Walter ' 0Iert, M.Iaa dQ w1t.b Mr. aDd .Kra. .Emeat lIlItn sublcr1be simply your name. Wanda and Jr '0II.rt were eo bart IIDCl ~. . ddreas and remittance dlrect .to Cd at a turlt · dbJ.ner ' tertaln Kn. HUe7 Otbloo and .... 0Ju0a THE AMBIUOAN ·BOY, 7~ ·Second the hoIh f .Y. , 8uDda¥. at Daulbtera ~ded the tuoer.I or Blvd.• Det.rott. MlohIpn. eo Mr. Ud Mrs. _1 0lUt Mr. ft'ed 'I'Urqer Jut 'l'b~ &1- • , _ _~ _ _ _
Mr. aDd Mr..
we want to ~mpllment this Farm The Hamlin Body Shop 1& UDder B ureau In Xen1a and suggest to our th I £,'crythlnK Cor t.he Fnnn Has Been for a oomplet;e service to . e direct on of Mr. Jerome BamUn l'rovla d In tock at ' th~ Fann Bu-, your farm-to learn about • FGrnl and oft'el'll a complete servtce in the : reau 'Located on ,Hill treef. in Xenia Bureau rebuilding of wreClted and damaged and. to the Farmer Wbo wants the . cars. Their senlce covers body and 'Ulrh t (lua.Uty Feeds, Fence. PaInts fender re6p1r1ng. framt!ll and IP.f1D8 dasoUne, Kerosene .Feri.lUaer .~ , work. stops. etc. Th~Y ~ mab a Olher Fum S upplies - Ask for sspectal feature of Dueo re11n!ab. "Farm Burtau." Ing and now 1.8 tile time to haVe this work done before winter. Get ~ . Jft'tc ref1niah1ng ' F'artnei'$ for years have reaUzed ell on . . . lbe ~, .. ~" Qdvrn-"'~ of gl'OUP or "B()DY BUILDERS" 'In maIdng thls review we are UUOO'J ........ = glad to compliment The Ham1ln co-olX'rntlve buying but It was left . Bod SI In Lebanon u . t tho Farm Burea.u to make this Located iD Lebanon a t the CorDer Y lOp pon the )Il'vlcc possible Through the aid of of MaIn and Mec.haDlas Streets - valued position occupied In the buslneM world and call the exoel1ent , • 1he Fann Bureau, fanners today are Known 'ar and wide the excel· vtoe II . na.ble IIble to snve hundreds of ,dollars each len' III!f'YIee they render In repairtnr ~ the ~::a &.5/t~aso ubllc prtoca year on ruJ kinds ot farm commod· wrecked and damaced cars-~vtl a, no e p .• ' .Jties, Regardless ot wlm.t service you uCAmsiYe equipment &lid enUre serwant 3'OU can ib" assured th8It this vice UD4er the d1recUon o' JeNIIIle company will give you complete ser- HamlIn.';""Al/Io ~t!II a apecl&l~1 of vice. . Duco RellnishiDl. Complete Wrecker Wlnt.cr time Is feeding tIme Ilnd Service. Call LeballOn 89·M. ll~e m8~ be suggested tbat you learn of the many advantages of EvI1n though lD8llY indIvlduals and :Farm Bureau feeds which are bal' I0rgan1zatl0D8 are carrying on cam.anced to give all the nec~. re- pa1gns ·for more careful drIvtng the qml'cments 01 an all around feed . steady and rap1d ~ 10 the • All kin~ of l1vestQek and chlcltens number .of vehicles on the s treett; t hrive during the winter. months on and higbways makea the IioUlli e11m· Fnml Bureau feeds. tnatton of ".smashups" 1Jn.potIII1ble. , The ,1lU\lIY otl1er set'Vices of the Por ~ mUea around experienced Farm Bureau inCludes 1nsuranCe. a moOOlilatB and p.rqe men have lank wagon service direct to your learnel1 to call upon t.b1a CODCel'Jl for hom~ for "Farm B ureau" oils and service on wrecked cars. In many gasoline' and many other productt; 0IlMS they h&ve completely restored fQr -both the M Ole and fArm. U wrecIted cars wh1c:h owners had yell . want a.ll the 8d~ of QOo thought were beyond t.he aid of ex.operatlves buytng--&t.an tile New pert service. __ ,.
_ ~
~ a YiIltCll' or Mrs. Kabel and
Ai. WoI,.
'* '
.T ree rap'e ned Oranaea on aale Saturd NbS a1, ovem er 2 '
LeRoy Moran
c!auera ...
Twia TbrlII Dan
.IL Holy,
In p&,Yfhn.
ternoon M 1lI.Jt,ciIl." PI'ahceI Wbl~ eJllterta1Dec! with.• Mr. and Mre. K4inia ~
CarS' ....epeDdeDt
·'I Ir. I_J , .. alUJDber 'party Wedneada,J GIbIIOD IUlCl dalJ,bter' Paultne the folJo't\'1ng ilttJe IIUeatll: apeJlt. Sundar' .wi Ill. 1M . Lee Braddock. I BlJeenl Brown. PfJI1 UId famli, of 0ebtenWe , ~ ••Pata:y Badley. IIIrY D _ Oriene aDd IlleDoh, ~ Ibk and Judith CoIla.ec:..~ Mr. WtbIr 8~ BJ Ed Bedner, ' -1lI.I'· ' ~ 8PW ~ lOw. Mary OUmony aDd lOw. Mr. ~. Kra. LlMi ~ 1Ir. and lin. IIGrrII Ln1II. ftMq)lete lDdepeDdaoe of weatbel' 1AlIce 0Jar1t in ClOIDpIW with and ~ W, T. 0Ii!IK ,o f Dayton l1l'i, B1IiIJ 0IIIIari aDd cII&!Ib- cmt'lttona maJ..account for tbe at~ • entert.ined at d1im. SundaY at PIuaUDe IIo1eDt Wect~ .... Ioob ali ,~ t.aoei of the YOUDiblJDW) or Mr. and ..... B. J : with Mr: aDd lin. I*k IIbore ....-at.ioD ;trbeo ~ ok1~,
Of 'eather CoaailioDS .
lOt. ·1Ienri (Chuck)"~ vtsated llttl~ - . Bobby, ¥arIu. Jut Weft tier hAs deputlft for PbUIptue Ialand.a after Jo:Illtn8' the Rep hie
lar ArID)'
Mn. J~ B. Jones afit2nded the fUDJolin Tumer In ~n
eraI of
'I'Ilursdv ~. remained 011 Pl'1~ With her aIater., Mn._JobD Zimmer-
Santa is making DaytO"·lltreetI merry meie days • • . and for good feUODt too! For Daytoo '" ~tore. are -celebudng thiir grandest, most thrilling of all Christmas shoppinglealonl. • YGqt too, ahould join in the fuo ••• and what glorious CbriJcmu si:ft~ooiing fUn ~ere lal ..
toy&-WagoDS, Velocipedes. Skates, Skoot..... Bicycle•• '•• c;almoat everything imaginable. '
ligees. Housecoats ••• &esh from the Smart Style centers of, the world. 118.05D-Men'. Shirts. aa.a72-pairs of'SlipPe'" .
137,OO~Men'. ,TieL , '. For
ptest ,P>mfOtf" and coovenieace ~ early
All hi~.ys are Dow open 'Alld lr'..... e'asy drive. plenty of parkiog.lpace. ~n ~res have added tbouaodI of couneoua, helpful .~ ~ple, ,oow read)' ,t o helP-III) advise-and to make IUIe you're COIQpletely ,aads6ed with the quality. tbe tlt!le,: the gift you bavein mind, and the . price YOU ,WllDt ~ p.y. But,plan to"p ~fy-io DAYr0N -It's YOUR shopping center! \
Daytoo'••treeU ~ b~abc ,,1cb cbris~ cheer-for beaD-
ti.fuJ ~ .pa.i.otcd .u.Iet cfecbbtiGa. adOrn scOrn
o. iamp
".Dd~td.. ·Tch,ey bdD, ~ a Dew ..,arkliJI. Cbrbtma. , ~.'co,~~. OamC.ID.d ~ ~ decollciooa.
. "
lira ~ '8uDday
Din •
R&lIIb ~
eveomr Wlthllr. and
Prank BIMt
or fJpr:SJw. YaDII:
eao. teIIa bowtb81~ ac,4Dda,j't mocor ou8 w.e Ja1d ...., ~~r;~~~~~~~~ In tbe IIIlm M ~ tint ~ or ........ ...s; u ftIIIl ......... u.. toO rematn ~ UId ~ CIl' oUecl abee ...., tllrI. wn eberidoeM!d until tile reUIrn or ..pdq 09W tile wbole cw ~ keep out the
PIeD" of
people aUll1D-tbe middle dUlL . or. . the ~ 'l'hoI!Ie who to drive t.be1r ~ ~ CIM'a tbIaUIb cold 1nI&tI1er . . . jMbcl up to ,tue .... ,cu't face __ IUOh )lIoblema . . ~ In _off b aar.. , ~ JIowev«, 'lbeJ CUl• . . . UllimleJna were ~,.. M 1be .,. CII .. little ~JIII8QIl~ at, !IPIUtl!lIi' ~~ ~ UI7 btber ~d ~ ,tbeii oanJ t« ~.
ute CUl rei........ cJeadr. All
uae .,., .,.,
~.. ..net wUh ,~ tp' ... ·PJeteIt , ~ _ .....u wm ~. 'lamjJa.....-e dNIDed ~ 1'1IIlD2II8. .. ~ na*"" rI.clIdIr·eoaQ·We -
'001 of ~ for every purse and penon ' an waida. for yOu-to meet y.our every gift problem ••• to make a· loved ooe's .heart beat a little luter next OuisblW'motnin•.
14.600-lntimate feminine
- - - - :..,
man and famlb'.
. .........••.
.. _- ,- -,- • - _. ·Tu Stamps Redee•• Local Happeni 'htafs $ZU&
~- , -
SCHOOL NEWS ., . ~ ~
ftepor&er- Le . K9verman
lira. 0r&De . UCOune
week in
spent last frlew.
~ • • • • ' . J. O. Hawke wu the dinner . guest arable mention waa ~waa:de~ to: ~ Dr, and lOa. Ralph V.nce· of Helen RIMy. Marce1een Peters. and WilinJngto~. Thursday. Ma.rjory !:den. . • • • • • ·Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Banta.. ot The Wayne TowlIablp te.ehera spent the week end with held their ' monthly meeUna on Mr. and MM. John Promm. I TuHday. November twent:yrflrat at• • • • • ter scbool at the Grade bulldlnl. Mr. and MnI. J . N. RcillnIon 01 The Reverend Radley Pove ' a v«'Y DayIAln apent the week end with . interesting talk on the "OUl~ of Mr. and MrI. &: p . EarDbart.
Gene ;rtwmpao.n ... the wInDer 01 the weetlY cartoon contest Hon.
The ~ Wednesday Novem·
tIer .22 w.. in ebarae of the senSor.
Mr. and ~. ~t ~ Br.. were cuestA Bunday. of Yr. and MrII wm 'I'I1nI1ey of Muon. . • • .. • • . Rev. a~ lin. J. J. ~er of DaytAlD caUed on several of their
cluI. 'I1le prolP'Ul n. in the baildI of the (l~mmittee. 1IIUMlyOharlotte ~t&n&Il. ~ Lella KaYeI'man and Marlte ~ " '. . friends in Wapu!IIvllle. Bundl¥. · 'I1le .I01lowtn, Pl'QIP'Un W&II pre• • • • • Mnted, Sona-Come Tbou AI· JJqIl~ K1nI's Devotlon'-Imna MiI\S BeU"JIutioc~ of O1nclnnat.1 JMly;_ !3~r"",:,Rev. ~dlq; Or. spent .the week eDCl with .beI" parenta,
Old CO~'d'uroy Re.'dway FJ .Dund 6 Feet Un der, M . ain Street, W."Delville, .By WPA Worker. J
ebeIt.raUoDa; ApproprSate· Poem- ~. ~and ,UJ,'" Bert B&rteock. . AIm 0unpbe11. ,After. the pRJllr'Uri • • • • • . . IKlbool WIll clIImisaed unW llondaJ, Ohlcken or IItealt dinDa' Sunday. A Iftat ' deal of intereet was \ 3. at ~e oomm~)' a.rO\J8ed during the IIUt wt!l!k over ..- n K \(('---" -~--..._ you bMre ·...... ,- a ~very made by WPA worters wt.t the teillCbens at WlI.)'DeIYWe • • • • • on the sewer project under way did durtng the hollday.. Your Mr. and ...... J, P x.mc& ~ttend· porter . ... been IDOOpiq arouDd ~ the wedcllDa of .... Nora Howell . and by twnd out t.h8 tollowlDr and Bowud Blarp at Blue ·Alh. 0" - While diillinr-a . 14-fo:ot ditch lac"~' tbem : . Sat,...A.a .. eVllliDr. along Main street. worltera at one
.. . Mill ~ left ICboo1 a& noon ....::... to.. '1...,. ' .on •__ .w.)' w Salem. W_ VJraiDJ& bel' haIne town There Ibe utended a ~ uIDe ·~t · her 0011... team .... H~ 'vilited With trie~ _... .. in .... ""UOOIDnaw.
Mr: Brut' ..~ Puat went to , Mrs.
part ot state roote 42. The heavy .planks were in 8\ good state of preserv.tlon as wert th e I ogs across whim they wenl laid, . Engineel'6 on the job believe dirt roads and afterward paved roads were~ made abov.j! the old corduroy road. until the present highway be"'-" point' ran act088 a section or an old . ' • • • • • ' . came 8I.x leet hllCher than the orlg.. _ ..._ B J .. ,,_ to_"--" oorduroy road, bunt by pioneers ot blal thoraughflU-t! I<t Is said hunUf, .... - -• • • _ u ............. this aectkJl, ., ' a tamiIJ dimIer 'lbauIiII1vin1 _ ' . . dre4s ot mUes ~ corduroy roadway tile bome of UaeSr puenta _. : and The old road is approximately 6 WIIa ,?ullt dunn the Civil war to PraDkE. DIll ~ Dayton. tee~ undec the pneeDt cement P8III _gaM 0 er ma.rshy places • • • • • paYina of IlaIn street, wb.1ch is a otherwise lmpulabIe.
.... ItatbertDe PreIIdDp.et .peat
Be;:.~= ~0U:,PU1~ :.:~=
-=.ed~.:!= diDner CInotmIatt...... IIDme. Mr. lira. 'a: 0 : -001let.t.
The Mllk ·Fund committee an· nounces the· reoe1pt of tile tbInt 'h~k from the de. -......... - -nt. of tax· atlon In the amount ot ts·UI. milk.. Ing the total receipts to ~ fl"CllD 7 :30. lax stampe redeemed. m.88, ~ • • • • • :omm1ttee again wiShM to ezprel& Mrs. W. f'/ . Sears was a wee~ end .ts appreclatJon to the ~ta guest at the home or Mr. and Mrs. who have permitted the pJaclnl,,, AJ.bert Carver of Cincinnati. stamp boxes on their counten. • • • • • to all Indl'Vieiuals and OI'--'-UoaIi .Mr. and Mrs. R\lS8ell Holliday who have helped by ·1IIlv1.Dg tbeJr spent the holiday week end wlth stamps their parents at West Union , .0. 'I1hrO~gh the co-operation of &he . • • • • • churches and organlza.tions wh1eh • • • • • are .sponsorlng the milk ·proJect, Miss Lillian Sherwood of .Day!-On mille. is being provided lor the chilo was lhe week rnd guest 01 Mis, dren who wish to buy It, Q1d ia beSarah Conner. In& &iven .to those under,weiaht • , • • • children who can oo.t buy It. Mr. and Mrs. W· E . StroUd vlsltA\d Ail children III the school bay. Mr. and Mrs. Lee ~ of Leb&- been we' .... ed. Ilond wel;;:ht _~. non. Sunday afternoon. .... .._• • • • • tor the 9'7 under·weial1t .ch11CInil have been made. The teachers w1U , Mrs Leo Deutsch and son. BID. ot keep the ~i&ht· graphs throurhOu' S~rlngfield.. were KUeata of the form- the year. shOWing the chUdren their ers mother ••~, ~. dY . Friday. Pl'Oireae each term aDd ellCO\llM1lla Mrs. Erwin Ellis was a Dayton visitor. Monday. ." • • ~ • Oome li nd hear the little to~ at the Ohurch of Christ. Sunday night
tbem to drtnIt milk In order to in. WhUe it coUld not !be de1lnltely Wames. maple molas8ell and coun- crease their wellht. aaoertalned It is believed the oor. try sausage at the Community duroy road Is more than 100 years K'. tchen. Saturday • • • evening. • • . old as this community celebrated MIss Phoebe Miranda was In Cin· ·t he one-hWldredt h anniversary of Its clnnatl •. Friday to attend. the burial foundng In 1897 being now 142 of her oouaJn, W1I1 McClure. whose w!~:: :a~~~~.~ Ye&rl! old: death occurred In California. . , . • • • • • tin, Mr and Mrs. MDITJa RoeatJD. Wa~ was settled In 1797 of Dayton ' Mrs. Han1et MCCO and by samuel HelghWilY. a natJve of Mr. and Mra. Walter .Sheehan _ '. y . spent Tuesday With Mrs. Sheehan's erand!on,. Mr. and Mrs. Wernta. or England, and Dr Evan Banes. who , , . Sprin&field ' Dr Dudley' Keever of purebased from John Cleves Symms, father. Raymond Dunham, at K~s centervUe; ' Mr.' and YD. a tract 01 so.ooo acres on which the Mills. ••••• Kt't!ver of Dayton; and Mr and lin> village is located. J L M--01_... " Mrs. Ida Stokes and Mrs. Ada, ................ . Courtney spent 'I'hantart.ving at Mrs. Lena. HartaocJt spent. 11IanIr.
.. ... ... 1· . •••••••• Arpoot Bridge Club . =~ Local Happenings Met With Mrs. Henkle ~ ~.
of Mrs. Com BUer in WU-
:~a:Y !:'~y~:' ~"K~
Mr. .and· ·c."Runyon vts. 0 Harvey 01. , .... and A quiet and lovely weddlna took • • •• • • •• • • • ited Mrs. Runyon's mother, Mrs. edaJ at the Home. Mr, ~ entertained hJa . a, famllJ were ~.... 'I'haDD place ~ tbe Plret OhrIBt.1an Church C E AndeJ'811 I and son C~les Mrs. S. D. Henkle was hostesll E. '. A; DeLaney at Madisonville. Dr. and , ¥mw: Ward .,." 1Ibo . . home ,t or the holIdAr. Ilvtor .)' o~ Mr•..aDd " Un. Olear in 'Na1nut Bllla. 01nclnnat1. at noOn '. ~ , . to the members of the Argunot Sunday. Xenia viIIlto.... Monday. . ..• .......-c. _ . _ .... _ '. .. were Clncinr\atl 4Vlsitore. Satturday. ..... 'l'UrDer""' ·at. . 8tADfIeJd ADd DYDllt 01 DeW VItDDa. ~ ..,..,-y, ... 0 • ......,.,.· - . when Ml!a 'bridge club. aDd guests, at her home • • • • • ~. Ida Boler aDd IIr& ,0 __ _ ' ..~ ~1'It~ia~iitllIDI"'l"liin"iF" :;·::;::" . . ......~. SlImp, ~ claUlh Lebanon, Ttteisda}' afternoon. Mr: aDd Un. J:nrm . IIlWa ,-na,.tOn.-. oaUacl _ . . ..... tel' elf lira Olive p. SUmp and the Let us seqd you, a chiCke.n or steak ' A 'deUc1o\Js tWCKoUIlle Oharll!S JIIWa were t~fr aunt, ~ IUtIbii'Iae Oweaa 8QJ01ed ber ......... .... late Mr. BUmp of Hyde Park, be- dinner Sunday. from the Community was served at one o'clock after dinner lueam of Mr. and MnI, 8Io.tW'da,V. , '. ' . - - .... -.......... 'f Mr ,.......- B Ki\(:hen. • at ber home In . , ...... OhIo. ~. - - ...... " ' - 0 .~. • which bridge was enjoyed during the Frank Bela. M1aa Mary O8rolyn ,lAIkem. who . ., J'raDt ~ IIowafd, Of O1Dclnnatl. • • • • • remainder of the afternoon Prizes • • • • • the 'l'b&nIrIII1ViDC ~ ~ Maumee. 0bI0. . . ':. • • _ ~ :tRev. Warren Grafton performed Mr. Arthur Purtlebaugh and son tor high score were awa.rded to Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter lO&yer and her parents. ..... a supper IUIIIt here Mi, .MId. Mn. RobiIIi'& ~'"" Jrr the.,aiDale rlna ceremony' in ' the Fred of Vlrginila. a,nd Mrs. Nell An· George Henkle a.nd Mrs. ' D. O. Jean Audrey, of otnclnna~:~t1~~~~~-..:. ....:,~ ~, OJ.um. ..... I . . ~ oQly the ' ~te dereon. ot Kingman v1a1:ted Mr. and Ridge were S'uiiaiy evelilni-aJiiiiii' ... 01 Qladp.0U1IIb', IIDIl ~tir. nJatt. . ol the bride end Mrs. Don Hawke Monday evening. Mrs Henkle's KUests, other than of Dr. ancl Mrs. A. E. Stout. :~nJ=,v1a1,~a~,:• ~1IIdi" -feliiIDIi;JLoUlle, 'Of 0,n.itn..... 1!IUDIIaJ. .: " ' ~bride wore a dreIIa of WIne• • " • • • . reguiar members. were her <laugh• • - • .,. motlhera. IIrP. c. H. Deatherate ... • . , • ~ '. . -' ' . ~ . ~ velvet with e. bat and orchid' Mr. and Mrs. Relph 'I1homP6o~ ter, Mrs. Clinton Corwin, of near Mr. and Mrs. L. O. St. John and Mrs lAma IIattIJoct. Jut weik md. _. ADd IIIw. Jt.U.r a.k UIIII Boa - . . . . Co ~. and daughter ~. of Ola.rksvtlle. Xenia; Bnd her daughter·ln-law Barba.ra Lou Bland epmt the week Misa Katherme COlUn& Is ~ J'UrDaa ~ tbe ....... . ~ . altar deco ted with VIsited Mr. ~ Mrs. Walter CQ.8t. Mrs. George Henkle of ~anon. end wJth Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth st. to her room with An attack Or 'rbau. &be .......... "'", at . UIiIr ...... th~of -:...~ and anld Sunc:Ia,y.. and fam1ly at Hubbard O. ' , BU11da7 ...... •. -r-!- , . ~',,• ", • • • • • • • • . • •••• • . . ' ~ the brief ceremony a MlBs LouJ8e Zimmerman returned Mr. and Mrs. JIal,.y -AezliDtr, and . Mr; aDd 11ft. LewIa ' I'INI weddlalf cUnner WI eel'Ved at tlhe to Ohio Univell'ldty at Athens. 0 ., Mrs. Ir1a V108. 01 ~ were Sun, ,dllUlllia-ira, Irma aDd. DadI, . pDc home of ~ bride'S motber to the Sunday, dtenP,ll~dJng the week end day gueats of and Mrs. E. T. O. B; ' , ~ bride ~ . ~ Mr. aDd MrI. with her parenta,lIC'. and Mrs. Char The New Ford Tractor demonstra- Stroud and Mr. and Mrs. B T. Vice. 01 ~ ~ 'N. Cue aDd MiI!I Em11y lea Zimmm~. . tlon to baNe been November 20, at • • • •. •. . • ~., .tuoba. crf ~e. and Mrs. . • • .... • the ,CJa.rence Edwa.rds tann on Mr. and Mrs. Ruaae.ll OUT of Leb. FRANK aa.urDOJIf .... iliad . . . L. Bactftil Oliver 'P, f!!iinP .and MJaees .....Mr. aDd Mrs. John W· Kersey aDd Waynesvllle &nd Ferry road, anon and.Ilr.:&iid Mns. Obarles 000. :--- . . ......~ auet ~ Eleanor. Blimp of Hyde Luther lfart8(!1CIt were w~k end postponed on account ot in OlncinD&U vtaited their mother Mrs. JI'raDk BrandOn; 'l2. dIM . ., ' J. ~, " , ' gu,est6 at the h~e of Mr. and Mrs. ·Weather permitting. the demn8tra· . Maude Crane.. SuDday even1nl Monday nJlHt at her boJDe in Lela: 'to It. I(n. Howa~ ~ a graduate 01 the HoWs Enery Alild family. of Green tion' will take pl8.ce tomon'ow. FrI' • • •• • • . anon, followntr an ~ of aevwaI :t~:;;:~~~~~~~~~~~~Of~Oinc1nna.tl and aince Sprlngs, O. day, Decen;lber I. 'at 1:30 p. m. . r ,'IIle L1~ Beatnneta' claas Ule w~. · bel' b_ '.. has .been tIIDQ:IIoyed • • .. • • . Public Lilrvy Mr, and Mnl- J. p. 'Larrick enter· AUTO TAG MONEY drW Lord's Day evenIDa. at lIo'ward. son Or the late taIned at Thai:Wgiv1tlg dinner • . Mr. Come and enjoy t.he study of God's ~r-!"~';;~~~~~~~~~~-' M'on\BOmery Howard of and Mrs. Prank H~inan.: Mr. and AutomcbUe reglstr,atl 0 n lees, word with us• ., lP'&Qd·nephew of Hor- MrII. George T .. QUick. and Mlss Ruth amounting to '$9,080·03, were dJstrl- . • • • .. • ~ •.,- ....... of Wa)'ne8Y111e. is also lArr1ck 01 M;tfmJsburr. and Mr. buted from 'CountY Auditor A. M. Mr. and Mrs· Ray MaInoua and 'J!1U1ic1.te!' ./~t 1!,: o. in ~lectrloal en- Hal've Mullen. Parker'S office this week 'I1le.eon Donald spent 'l'baIlDIlvlns in ri1iDeer!.PIi · and , ~ employed with an • • • • • county road fUl}d received $2.956 and Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. a.lph ~~tioiilrig ' firm in C1nclnnati. . Mias Jane CCJ:Olt. of the University the remainder. $124.03 went to mu· Malnoua. Mr. anel Mrs. R • .G. WIJlt· ~ a aIJoJt; ' w~ trip, ' the of OinclnDatl J,fedical CoUege. and nlclpaUties. . er and .was Ayleen M&lnoua. ~J)Ie', wW.' be at home to Mila MUdred .doot. of Ohio l1nJver• • • • • t,he1r ' I~ at ,6220 MacUaon Ave: II1ty, Athena. ~pent tHe ThankBg1~lng FRIENDSHIP CLUB . . holklaJs with their auilt, Dr. Mary .' ~~C. , L, Oc¢ aDd'
bill ........
**1 .. '
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Tractor Demoostnti'OD
~.~ ~
.m. wa~. ~ clUb wID
. .'... .
£a.sum'" _
County Court N
lP"'QI'ne aDd oD. tU,ll: 8. "0D1J tile ptm ud IDIlW1 oourJODII. 8u~, ~ K~, ·... clIMb oC ... tbe ~u. eW~1 Ml0.00; Kaufman',; apN04I. print, to - ' r.ll oat IntellllflDoe. . . our . aUppen. l<ewIa &; DIUe. IJIc. .~ Sdueuce In evflrl war· ==========;===::z:::=:::!:: ' =~.:= ' ==-::J~ en.lllMb UId alt.oDlll!, fI6,25; Van Cl&Il lDIUre ,tIM preaenatioD.. of s-oe T. Vall and mllll>eth van: aboUt 7 0UDp e.Dd &; Oft... 00.. IJ't.ftl for out OOUDIIJ." BulIIWI Week. , .
m .• :
Flora M. Crane · Editor and Publisher .
acres In BMDlltGll towDlh1p. aDd aami, t7.22,· . ' John B. COD1eJ and KaI'1 O)nley ~ ~ of ~ dilclpUpea Ruby J. Pease VII LucWe ~. et to WUIOIl ~ aDd.' VIo1a Mae The trouble with ciommltteee ta ua to meet the l't!IIpoIIIlbWUes of _- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - &1.; action for putlt\oli.. R8dd1n:J; U8 . . . . In PranIdln aDd thai u.ey art alft1l WODderIDI t.oawilOW • Theodora C. YllrJatt VI. Ben Lemon~... wbat others wW t.hlnt; thlJ IIeeJ!l =~~=~~~~~~= Marlatt; &CUoa for dttome, IP'CIII IIbward II1UJ)pbre!JB to Robert tI? bave IlIab~ confideDce In . t.belr ' _ _ _!I!III__ LIGHT OF FBBEDOM . ~. . Wb1~ aDd G~ Wh1Jte; 1-4 Iiue JD own Jndjpnent. \ . .. . In Re: .J&mea PaUl Clemmoaa; Red LIon . : . ~ who used to forecast that If· a war broke oUt 'ln Europe eentl· action. hell,*" corpua. . . • It Is a thouaand . J>etter to III III .In this country would swLftly grow martial. were· apparently mla' ._ wUUam p. .BI&CIt . and ~ bav. commOll aense W'ltbout educat.ll:en . All Ule mrldence JndlC&tes tb&t 1il1s time we abaU _y out-.nd COMMON PLEAS nOODDING8 Black to CJ&rence W. Marah&ll arid Uon thaD to baTe educMadn T.A.RVlA-L1THIC TAR AND nn t h\es Europe's quarrels are not 0Ul'8 lOt 25 In KolToW' COIDIDOD . . ' .... ~~ l I t ,' 1rrespec t1 ve or our SYDl.,.._. • . ' . Thelma M&rIbaU'' : Q. JDgefton ROAD OIL mCAVATINO oertalnly there Is rea60n in tills point of View, Pol' if the war goes on O. M IUdtre w Ploreoce C Baa- Sebe.atJan K. Ir$ai to PN.oIt Kaal. ' WAYNBsvlID. 0810 lor years t.o a bltter and exhausted eI¥i. all that la best in Europe wW be tInII et al • ~ ~. and about 1 acre In . Pasteir· :. DUIIP TRUCK SERVICE 8ATUBDAY ONL"! bmerg-eO. perhaps for generatlon&.. It is here, In the Western hemla- dl8~Utlon:' • John wealej <>wenn and EUl&la Por comIMDloDEillp OD an IaIand PIT RUN. LOADED SOc YD. lilere where there has been no ma.jOI' war for three-qu.artera of a century. C P Krohn VI Eva Banta. et al' Owen to J'&Iper( Peter, 'and Vlctclrta w e : prefer a man. who ~ Deoemher I . : . • !!at Ule frUIts of c1v1llza.tlon must be and nutured and developed on of Petera: lot.a &58 tbrouf,h 660 In Deerto • . tello1r who nwr(j lin VI! many big jobG to do a.t home in theee unpredlctable UInta And made field to1rnIIl1P. • tohe blgg t of thOSe Jobs is to :;ee thatI the lliht 01 fl'eeQom; whllch has Th~ O. IIaZ'Iatt va. Be». Mar- Clement ~ :1IUel M. lIeta ;;';;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. .Phone, Waynesville U R 11 with ?<.~:-=.~ .-...9 en ext.lngu1shed in 50 much or the world. 18 kept bumIDa' here undJmmed latt; Merle B . Gray appotDted t;rua. Ift': 12-100 In T\lll'tolecnek &own Lebanon office Pbone 4n·K-· IIOYBOOD8 \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!'!!!!!!!!!"!!!!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!. tee, to plead and apgear and defend ahlP. ret.98-1I... ·M!lrr." PIlon! No. I <whether pulled. balled or tubbed) the IIILld 1nIaDe defendant In this AnDa ' BuDDen to Clara E. Treon; will Itbla ~ be required to &eCure a act.lon. fPlU't of lot 18 In PraDkUn. ~CNDAY . Pd MONDAY dealer's iIcenae for wh1dl the)' mu&t Barry McV~Y ft. M1ldred McVey; WUllam B. V~ • to Hantet O. DectIIDber I IIDII ·. pay a. flO tee. under pnMIIima f1 divorce IfUlted. Veldt; 2&,38 ac:res·1n &rian townHIghway stat1stk6 reveal that the the new Ohio Plant Peet La.w wbich Prank Mug VI. . ~ II. Ib1p. most dangerous months. for dr1vlng became elrectlve laat AUIWIt 29. M ..... et al.; cue dlarn.uec1. McBurney eoryeU to Mq Pearl are Qotober. November and Decem.- . Solmer: 0.12 acre In Lebanoa. 1Jer. In.th.1s last quarter of the year. The State Llquor Oootrol Depal't"OB"~ OOVltT Olalre II. Oray and . Wesley D. the average nlpnber. of accldent fa- ment has expoaed • r&CIEet attempt Gray to Robert li. OUver; lots 1 and . I v.................. 011..... JOBN WAYNE t.allties throughout the country is u~ prQIpeCt1ve retaU Uquor ven- In the matter at the estate of:l In Roacbester. . • ~ Is _ 1IntIa!e. yet. 1 _ _ ... ','' 'LAm- ,-.. .... .' 3.700 each montA averaae for dora bj two men c:barpcl W'1th oney Yeue!, de::eaeed, Inventory Roy L Hudson and Martha ~ud~ tile ltdt~ alid tortft If . . . . ItdIo I ... I " ... . . , _ .,. ............... -I!Y etW ... 'l' .·,r,- · .., ' . ,. , :~ L Io C ' aU other months Is 2840. The state punMt", to pzocure penbite for- a approved. . eon to Lula Breeden: I*lt f1lot 28 . ..,........: : : ' ..,. ~......... tlIat II .. Hlghv.-ay Department baa woned epec1fled UDOODt of moner. Two &1'_ In the matter of the ~te of In PranIilln. TUi:8. aaul G\ t. 0. 'pinn to rid the Ohio roada of resta blWe been made in Columbue. Iletber K. Sellen, deceued. InveDNeUle A. Pox. deceued. to I88aC ..1114 ... DeGeIDIP i ·....,' 110W and lee as expeditiously Ba pos_ tay IIPPnlved. p. Poz. et &1.; parts of Iota 6. 8 and @ble o.-c1 aga.lD rem1nda us that For the eiah~tlve term. In the matter f1 the I't'.....t cd 81t In PraDkUD., U... .;::'it........ there may be spare parte a.vaU&ble . W'1ll PrtaIdent of the eatate of lIelvWa Brlttoa. deIaaae P Pox, deceued. to Etta II. ~ I . . . I .... . . . --IIfI'II!eI for the car, but none tor the oc:- :.,O~ BaBon. Louis J. ceaaed: cUata1buUoD of eatate IJI&de. Taylor: ~ of lota 15.8 aDd 81' In ....... ..., .•• ,.• ,... ell --.t ..... .,..... ....... llilll _ .... ,.. fill ..1ft: ell ts . . inheritance tax detenn1neCL PranklIn. pan • Taber, f1 COl~ue, who baa held In IIbe matter of the aeWement of The People's Bu11d:1ne. Loan and tllCl'fl,'-'CU """ . . . . . . ~ wHh ·· -the offlce t~ 18 7eal'11, wu rHleetecl the estate of ~l& Mulford. de- 8&vInp jUIlp&DY to Edward H. ANN 8BBB1DANAtTests for viQla.tioDS of the 01110 at the annual meetIDs held at Peoria eea.aed: dIItr1butlon of estate made, Bartman: intlll &el'e8 In Turtle• , , 1 . PA'I' O'B&IEN grune inws totaled 115 during Octo- DUnois on November 20. Inheritance tax cleterm1ned &II none. ereek townabIp AiW 8eJeotea 8110ft flab...,.. ber ' There were 11' convictions with h-" AAW-_ eet . .I:n Y. . . _ _ . . .on . . .aa ....... . . . ule of ......... , u eM . . . ."';el . , ton. eleenri'; to !Ines to~g 12610. Pour Palrfteld county 11veetoek for December 5. cUatrlbutlon of WeltoD D Hu1rGr'd. et 81.; Iota 12. ' . dealers were recently coov1eted un- private property at, private aaIe or- 13. 19 20 In Muon. . DUI . . ..' • • Llbrary service was made a.vallable der the new atMe law requIrtD(r U- dered. L. II. HendenoD, c!etCNlaed. to . ' last YelLf to 1,931.782 Ohioans 1010 !BlIIIDIr 'of 11~ cIealen. Each In the matter of the estate of Martha L. Henderson. et al" 2tO~1.' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!il'!!!!!!!i! her~!ore have DOt had such eerv1ee of the otrend.et1s ... tined tlO and JI!IIIde Bw1Ibolz. deceased: Inventory acrea In l!laIt WII.YDe towMbIp and ;::; . ~/i a recent report ot the 0bJ0 COIIta. There were two COIl~ em approved. Jots 17. 18. la. as an(} st In Waynea- . State Llbl'1U'Y. M08t or the Iu:rease &imllar c:ha:ieI In Payettecounb. In the maUer of the aett.1ement of vWe. " . " \\'tIS e1!ected by e~on of exten- with the Ildded cbarIe of (a1lIJlg to the estate of .WWI&m-O. Lewis, C\& . W. L. Brown. deomaed. to Ruth · . slOn sen1ces rather tlWl- by dlrect bave .. . txm.aed weiIbmMter In oeaaec1; Inheritance tu determ1Decl d. Brown. et &1,: pa:rt of lot 425 In I wW sell at ~bUc auoUon at my service, the. reJ)Gl·t shoWing that, 81- charie of the wellbllll tacWt1ea. as '88 DODe. Prant11n.. . . realdence. 100atecl do ·.ate route 42tl).oUgh country·y.1de service wu required under U. D8'W law. In the matter of the estate of Charlea Henry, et IU., by 1herl1r. to about 2 m11ea ~~ of WapeaPhone 78J lIN ble in 193. In only six counties ...:....:~orman L. lUchmond. deceased; P'ftd AdcUa aDd SU!l1& AddIs' 108 vWe and 15 DWes Bootbwetlt OC libraries 1n 1938 were extendlng 1IflHigher mutmum aptieda f~ daJ. cerUn:&te of tranafer ordend, d»- acres . In JI&da'n tmmablp ' I SpI'iq ~a1Jey. OIl viCe to all resl4enta In 50 countlea. Ught drW1ng and lower IimIta for tributkIo JD kind alao Ol'daed. -• . while in 1& ·Qf !be other 38 cwm tt - . D1&Iht operatIOn on Obto • hlib".,.. In tile matter of Ule wW. or BILLS ALLOWED ' . lSa• h ............_L ...._ rural resldents were receiving a 11m- In an effort to reduce tramc f&t&l. Prank Schooley, dec:eMld; John L. • lted service. ItIt.B and inJuries. wtU be ftOCIID- ~ J~.• ~~ to be' ad- .JobD1e wu.aD.·1bftlld care. '7.001 M oa.&'dOek p. _ mended to the LeIIal&tUre IIIr a.,., m1tied .... W'itDell to tbe wID. SUda Clemmcma, Invalld care. U.oo-: the foUcnrlDl artIOleI to-wit: The State Department 01 AarlCUl- Ial Bea&te ,00000ttee wldcb t. at- In the J:Mtter of the estate f1 lAwrence ~ iI5eo ft. B. P. . ture operated at a Det ~ of tell! to W1IIC2'IUJlble the state ~ Mar)' Eva ProiIaaco. dec_eel: EDJ4 lumber. flB.OO: · ~rmoad Mulf~. J~n raDP, oak ~.,. I $220,592.65 ' during the first n1ne tramo 1&_. p. VaD Meter aDd IIallItt M • . 8mal1 payrolL $1'18.00; Chu. E Bradbury. bumer oU 1It.qft. OIl beater. dIIdDIr months of 1939 aa compared . wttb .' _ . appointed admiDlItratncea. Obarlee payroU. POf.20: "'~1 Hatfield, eer- ~ table. aide baud, Walnut the flrsi nlne months of 1938. ac-- Port;y-elah' states a 'lId ·twentY-()De Stewart, Charles J, Wanooer and vIcee .. mll'banln, .,'10; JObD J. Del' C\1JIIJCIU'4. kIteheD ~ cording to a. receDt 'report f1lecl 'Ir1th natlODa were repreMtllted In Ohlo Oeol'le G. PerrtDe appomted. ap- Barr, payrou. 1120.20, .JobnIon 1&)'. eben fable. IInrr table, ~t plG overnor John W. Bricker. Net re- 8t&te UDlvenlty'a 18.O1'l ~ ~ .... p&ll'OD, tl0'7.2O; B. W. Roe., antDc mMblne. oak bed aDd d\l~n in. ~ costa tot&led PQIIUI&tkIo tUt ;rear. Of the totaL In tile matter of the estate of pe.yroU. • •10: "'1'1 ~; 8III'IDIIo ~, wub stIDd. IroDlbed $112.791.06 ~h1Je revenues lncreued. 91 per cent were .drmm within the Alouo MUlard, deeeUed; hearlna V" Ii. Armltaae. payroU, P29 20; and IIIIriIIP. end taiIJe, 10 ·ataDdiI. ell;;~e;~~! n total. of. $10'1;801.63. The DlVlalon ataI&. on Inventay set for 'Novt!lQber 10. Barry IIouDt, PQrOll. tUri30; cIIJlq roam ohaJr& • . - . . . 2 old of state Pa.h led aU othen W'ith a inheritance tu determlDed Ba BODe. Woodrow-WeU-8lu..p 00.. IIUIJI)11eI ..,aft boUoal~ . . . . aDd r . net gain of $59,881.29. . BDD MASON MUU.Y O\'D In the nlat.ter of the W'W of Wal· ".18, wicht I!. IJeeker, IUppUea.~! bOOk-" ~ lb. ·nII....... , a._ ·t er Ortmtb. deceuecl; WU1 admitted 200; Kaufman's. IUIJl)11e8. ••'l6: I&- 3.ea12 r\I8Io 1!il0 lUIJ. 10& 01 IIDaJl - Tl'J.e Annual Prult school wID '!be pb.-nt and Blmprian 1Ml" t:o proll&te. Body BbDp. 1 1Iatteq, 118.00; ruaa. Jarp,m1mIr. blfd .... . . . . lle ·heltl at the Ohio State University trldae..eon cae. Clb NoVember 30 .In the matter of. the eltate of R. D. CoUett, IUllPll1ea anil IUOliDe> IaJDpI. 3 clo£b. 6 DeW ocdorie,· on De~er... 5•.8 and 'lth. 'l'llfse bUt the ~ BeUOD wW ccmtinue lIo1l1e ~ dec:e8aed; beartq on • .30; John law & Son, psollne, of bed ~ table linen, 1Ut:'B' ~ In tir}gS are« 1Dt.ere5t to aU fruit 'throUlh JaDlW}' 1. '!bole who huDt ac~~ of debt. let. !or ~ t',OO; Verne BtirK" IUOl1ne, _:10: ..... dWiIt.~. ~ cook. growers who are invited to bring OD the ttrat d&7 of the DeW" yeu 7. 1nheritaDce tu determ1necl aa Oulf Ref1n1na'. ....Une. 111.'lD; . ."~ , ~ ad m&D1 oUls' VJll'le~es of fr:uJt f~ lclenWIcatloD. however. wW be requlred to ~ none. SDl&l"ta CJarap. \888Oi1ne. UU1; uUcleS too .DumeroaI to _tIaa: also au new 80rta now being grown. a UHO bJIDUn'.... In ·the matter of the estate of Meddock'. ~.. ~, 11.46: . . . . .80A811 Alt.bouih a OC Ban1et. .JIamPhm. deceaaed; ~ W. L. Kirbf. ,MoUne, P.&2; Bow• Reputable l!eedmen aDd careful buntlnl. da&eI wu 1ID.P107ed, dUrIDI on inventory eet far November 30. ard E Ivtna. paoIIme. ''.It; A. P. farmers should be~lt ~Y UDder, NoveiWIer both on bJrd8 and n.bblt& In the matter of · the . . . . I of Me. paoIlne, ,2.811: s.tJw.w~·. the stringent pro~OIl8 of the new every daJ. eucpt~. wID .. WIlter Q~lth! ~: Charlee Teuco serv&ce. "'I~l'l, W.' B. 0UrSfooeml Seed Act whi,* becomes _. open IIe&Ql on cottOntan, during O. Blaclmv'ft aPJ)9lDted aecut«. 80Q 'l'exIIoo- Berrlee.. 1aaol1ne. ' I1U8; ~bN.: ~~ A~~,. fectlve February 5. 1940. Tbla Id is December. Oha,riea 8. IrwIn. J~ L Rc*erta, Shutt. Texaoo lile1"Vice, 8UQ1lDe. .............. V M U designed .to compel all ah1ppera of and atarle8 .1. W..rgoaer·lIIIPotnted ••3'l: . '1 ' :i-- ced sold in lnteratate .~ to The way to ~eaW1is .. plaID appraben, C?-'l Woeat, Lew &; DraU. loe •• of tipPle. < .truthfullY label .as to quality. purity. the 'ft¥ to market, It dependa. SchUlte and Roy VandegrUr aPP,)lnt $6.118; O. ~ DUaWsb, rent of )dnd of ~~ and or1gln in cue of chIefl)'. on two wordII-Induatry aDd ed separate appralaen tor Bam1Iton $20,00, &; BUJlneil. red ol~ver and &If&1fa: and to com- I'nIIIIllty. 'nat meaDI wute neither county. 3HO 1.. l'Or&haDtA., lump, .,,8:83: ply . with label1ng requirements. e&- TIme nor IIOU)', but DIKe the belt In the matter of the eat&te or . Elmer ~ J;lnrre11. ~, draw peclally '118. to n~ weeds. of the we of botb.-BenJamIn Pranltlln Eugene R. Poster. deceased; Inven- UDder Bee. ~ J\1DIbt' CSub Wort,
ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY SublcrlpdOa Prlee. ,1.60 Per Year. PQab1e Ia A4YaDee
:an, .
Sand & ' , ,.r:>.-,.- ,,
--t-..- r
.Zaml Arml-tage .
- '
State CaPI-tai News
Fiery Itching Skin "ALLEGHANY ·.' :Gets Quick Relief ~PRISING'
..... "...........
w., ..
: ,". .:cr:... .= I ~ ......:= :r"• :-&. .,·-=~~U= .... -=: ~ Jf I
&....... l'-...
-WiD. _ . .
F. T· Martin
ft ..
Centerville, Ohio
.J-" ~
_.end .....
B~ into which shlpment Is made.
. torY approved. echedu1e Of. debte ap. . The piCe of peace at borne coma proved. Ohio Olu1stmaa tree deeJ.ers who hlBb. IMlt better than . mlJiinlr ID the ~ or the. est8te ~f sen evergreens with the roots Intact and 1UlkIq. ' , l!l. 'l1lomIlIoa. ' deceued: qn Inventory Set fOr ~
• ·By OF""~'
,., trtR
ber .11. . In the ~ of the settlement of the estate of LewlB ClUront.ADdenon deceased; cUatrlbbtJoD In kind, lnhea' ltanQe tu detenD1Ded. '
.'Y"O. UIlDD8 -
DQ.toD Steadl W~ka Co., · 1 rubber &1Aunp. ".2'1; Ortewold 8er~ Btatlon. \bal~tery feeharpd. P.85 i The 00tumII1U8 Blant Boot Mfg. Co.! tOO slieet!8 form No. 939. ",60; c. ~ .D1l1atuah. atampa for pr08eCUtinr attcIrDf!7. "'60; _. Charters D. Maple. aen1ue 18 11bJWlaD of lAw UbIIary, 11()()'00 ' OlbBOD! .l new d1e da seal. fUO; • Fred Proctor Com~, !iOOO cerutlcate of tWe envelopes, _ .00; Dr. R. II. WUllams. ooronera coat bilL U.80: Cw. ~ Bater, ~ifOrm. $Kal; AI Schwarta. uDUcirm~ ....81. . Shumater A~ 81lPv.' tGiilme
Nelaon 3. BltIecIt. 29. otace dert, . ~, &lid ,Ama 'VJrIfDIa 8burta. 29, hocIkkelJl!l!lr. LebaDoln. a&nnoe .. BblpbIneaa, 11. clY1l troI: $3.U; "'l liwr., 1ibIrUr. tmlineer In BIDp IIDlI, UId ·AJ1eeaa ItamPi. .,00: RGb~ ·I t BIear••K; A.. 8twuIra, 36, ~. K1Dp D-. mecUcaL _t2'1.00~ ·3. W. IMIp MWa. ' . B&rdwve 00.,' Pl&Da ~ 'lIibt baltII' ~ dab7 baIInea ta-eO; . '. . . 1l.cIrnnr. aDd PaulIne' I~....... ,~ 00'.. IUIIItaI7 1&Undry ........ Morrow. ~ tl.~: ~ ·La" ~ " 'fJaIL Robert JIl ~ - . . ......'ne MId 011 , . ~fP ; , ,. '
·to ,I
Oed.. ·..
tor. ~ ancl ~ A. roth. :u. ,bootbepllf, I........ .
t21.8'l; 1.' ~ .~ ' . . . ".00: Allee It Iilldd .....
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1_'1.~I_. JD ' ~""""Ip.,
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•.00; 11m
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tit LIllIe 1DJdIr. , _ _ . . . .: • .11 .... III PlaJD. KewtiaD .......'/.I• .aId ~ ~ B. _--:- ._ ....,. O•••. 'to ... II.; 11M ..... JD ODIOD
BIabD." ......
It H.ny , lOw. RII.Ymaad. ~
I4h!DODo made ..
at the bome at ¥n. Adah - 'I'&lmaie and famUJ, 'l'hMhIIYInI afternoon.
, Kra. Braenon, DJll, K1'& BUr ~ IOn and lire. ~ . CraWford. IpeDt Wed"......, with Mrs, Everett Bunnell aDd fam1l7. . Mrs. Emma Gibson of Be1lbroQk. Mnt. Emma 04ba0n of Bellbrook, and Mrs, Eve'~t Bunnen and ehU'iren. were Sund&y dinner guestl , Mr. BUy Glbson and family. temoon caUera were Mr· and ' dl'll. Lue RJ,chardB and ~ughter ,Je&&1e. Mr. and ' Mrs. Mack MeNell of Dayton. ' Mr. Olyde Smith and Mrs. Jane Marlatt. MR. ArtIlut MOJ'8an s~t Mon· day with Mrs. Elvl& lWchea1. 'U'_ ~. and MI'B. Davtd LIlC88 and family spent Sunday with their son, Mr. and. Mrs. 'Raj'lllond Lucas land dAUghter Betty SUe of Well·
'1'banDi1ms VWtora at the llome
When Torch and T~wk Spread Making Jlighwa,s Safe , ' Their r error ' ' For Winter Driving
of Mr. aDd lira. Prank Sarna were: U1as GoId1e Lannier aDd MIas Rua. yan ot Middletown. Walter Brackney U1d mother, Mrs. Luclnda Brackney aDd dauabter,' Luc1lle, of Lebanon. Vernon Sarna and Harold Henry. both of 'De.yton. · ' M:r:. and Knr. WaY\U1d Jordan and lam1Jy I of Clru:1nna.tl, were Sun day d1Dner gueste of the Jordan tamly
~ Dorothy and Inez Wells en tertained Elberta and Jeanne Rlch and Ruth Bunce, saturday after-
,'J. Lee 'l'aJ.mage, Mrs. Adah ~~ llU4fe an4 Jeasie. 9arJ\U,,;were ,Sunday #.tAPhnno. ' 0. t ,Mr' ~ ,';nil ' ' ..~"U''''H ' oaUera .. , '£;>T Mrs, ~:Ilb~_Keever, ~ ~n.
' .• ':
_ ' .,
F'er r ,y
Ill'. and MI'B. He'hry Burges antI }hUdren 01 Dayton were 6llpper .;uestl;, SUnday evenng, of Mr. and MJ'8. LUe Morgan; Mrs. Robert Greene and daughter, Leona, and Wllbur Stevenson r alled on the v.oraan's in the evening, ' " Mr. and Mra, Harold ,Kellla were 'tn"'Dayton Saturday ahopp.Jng. Mils Ernestine Earnhart is sWl on the aick llst.
Beech Grove , AI))elt Lee Talmage enjoyed
his ~IVing vacatlo'n With h!a reiaUv. at "Soll~ LellatlOn. Mr, and Mrs. Olyde S8ma aDd eons were Sunday dinner guesta of ,Mr.
Biid 'MI'B. Oeorte Smith, ,gan1a. -
Mr. and Mra.
near ~
-<;:onnen 'WUsoo,
~vekUld, were guests ~1lI¥ of Mr. and ,I 0'Il. Almon Fen1B. . Ms:_and Mrs WW Myers and ,daugh
t.er. of Bethel, Mr. and Mrs. Olarelu:e
,,~8laon and' ~.
Lucy Nelaoo. all
Mr, and MI'B. Rolla Bolton celebrated their Thankaglvlng 'on Sun· day with·' the followlnr gueste:Mr. and MI'B. Oottenn:an and son and daUihter. Mra, ~Ullan MartIn of' Troy, Rev. and~· Blnitb and lamUy and Mr. Chestnut ot Green.., _ . . . Bolto ville. In ... .., evening ....e os took a plate of turkey and lee
I IROQUOIS RAIDr-BatUe actlon at a pitch of eIcltement leI40m reached on the IOreen la a hl,hll,~t of Darryl F Zanuc)['. , "DRUMS ALONG THE MOHAWK," tUme.! entirely ' ln Tech· Illoolor, ltarUn, at the Xenia Theater, December 3, .The 20th OeDtllQ'·Fo.J: plclure ltar. Claudette Colbert and Hllnry Fonda.
With the ap,proe.ch of winter. the Ohio sta~ Highway Department lS agaln making preparation and or~ ganizing itl; forces to maintain high· wa.y standards of safety especially in the matter of snow and iee removal. ' In order that thlS work may be carried.' on systematically a ffiSip 18 prepared showing priority for snow and Icc removal on the various state routes. Of course the most heavily traveled and most Important roads are taken care of first. In DlvlSlon Eight which el~ht counties in southwestern Ohio (HamIlton , Clermont. Butler , Warren, Cllnton, Preble, Montgomh ery and Greene counties) the hlg , way personnel Is so carefully se~ up and trained to sudden and treacher 'ous changes In the weather that the task of keeping the roads open and comparatively safe for travel has been reduced, to a mlnlmum, The personnel to whom th is task is assigned lS ready at any time to be Imnunoned to take to the field and remove, snow and Ice from the roads On the steeper hills and more abrupt curves, cinders or other grit are spread, and In some cases mixed with .~o l' to MUSe the ice to break up. . --. , ....
'. Outstanding 'for M~ Val.., ... SnIIp, More Conyenience Than AnyFriPlalJI II Blltonl eluM:A~ ' FR'~jDI"RE ADVANTAGES
V F•114
••. an .1 & Ad' Other ~utaten n , "antase.
cream and cake doWn to Harry Cor _ nell, wbo ,enjoyed It very mUCh. f ' ily Mi Mrs J Wlcal ,ThAnksgiving company at the Mr. and Mrs. P . R , Wlcal were am , ,and ,ames pe.rsonage were Mr. and Mns, HowSunday evening callers at the Harry ~ fenilly, and Mr. and Mrs, Ro- ard McKenzie andl daughter, Peggy comel1ll. bert B11lett. 101 Mr Miss LUla Benham was the LoU. K . : : 01 rs· :umerfle~ Ruth and Betty Wioal _were week Thanlr."lvln~ 'guest ot Mns Jennie son .. ~ F· 'H ' aSYmiteheno an uev . e,nd, guest-s of otbelr aunt and Uucle _ _ "'6 . and ....l". . . and fam y. Oharlea Baker and son. Mullen , and Mr. and .Mrs. Tom I The meetings at, the Sugar Creek ~vlng oomJm1Y at the Button and daughter. Ichurch d06ed Sunday evening with Jess Rolanda were ,Mr• .and Mra. Mr. ,and Mrs, Perry J. Thomas f1~teen new mem!>ers, They were Forrw ~t aDd d&ughter and Mr and Harry FordYce were Thanks- TY -Weller, Gene Morgan, mek Mor· and lire. Albert Ha.WM, ' giving dinner guests ot the Law· pn, James !of:orgllm. Norma Jean All the ~dren of Mr.. and Mrs. rence ThOIJl&8 ,tamily In Lebanon. and Jaclt Aldridge, Wilma Jean Pet.e Wical weft! home for ,'l'banka- · ~v, and. Mrs. Carl Smith spent Engle, Ralph FJsher, Joe Barnet giving They ~ Mr. aDd' Sunday In New Vienna ,the tormer Everett Wllllamson, Cecil Palmer , ~ , Louls WtcaI and _~, .Mr. lUling the pulP:it of his brother, F. Mr, and Mrs. Bocltoven and Mugh. and lin. Allen LUcas ~ children. H, Smith who is preaching at the tera, Anna. Mae- and Susan. Mr. ~ Mal. , ~ WelcJ,ner and W~v1lle meetlnga. USE THE MilAMI GAZETTE WANT AD OOLUMN
In Warren County there wUl be 5 snow plows and 2 motor gradern used for snow removal durIn" the winter, Tills equipment is u ...
g1U'8ged a.t a central point in county, but Is scattered through the county at the several highsub~statlons. so that 1t, Is avaU. aiJl~ upon a moment's notir..e, accord Ing to Fre.nk 1.. Raschig, Deputy Dlrector of Highways tor DiviBlon No.
not this out wa
• Compare Frigidaire" ' ,', chem all! On any ba.~is you choose. p . i. inside and out" Wlth more value. l.Ol,)re features. more savings, more .advantages than auy Frigidaire ever built! ' Come in. Get the facts about this beautiful new Frigidaire. See why it is America's No.1 re&lgerator ••• in mon, homes than any other refrigerator. Compue them all . . you'll want the "Buy of Buys" ••• a Dew Frigidaire.
' Deputy Director Raschig voiced the warning that "motorlsts in the winter should exercise more than ordinary precaution when driving Larger Becauae of Better Quality, Service, ~nd Price because it is often times lmpossible Eat.bUshed t849~t939 _ _ Waynesville, Phone 32 to get all the ~ clear of snow ii_ _iiiiiiiiiiiii"'_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiiii_;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and Ice In tlme to prevent accidents i from sldddlng, due to faSt driving." Mabel Moon vI&l~ her COUIln Mr. and Mrs. Lester· Harnett near Xenia, on Fr:IdaoY and saturdaY, 'rr============================================~= I Mrs, Homer Walton and son \ Mr, Rily Eagle left for 0lndDRoger. ond Mr. and MM, Everett I nati on TUesday after , a two weeka Sears and son attended Thanks- vacation here. ' giving dinner with Mrs , Waite-n 's II Mr. and Mrs. T M Underwood daughters In Dayton , and Mrs , Everett Hurley UI4 Marie Wihi and ~uth ShI!.pter daughter Sbirley, vI&lted, tbe famof Oolumbll8 were Tbanksgiv1n~ rues ot Walter and Chu UDderguests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank wood on Sunday , afternoon, Kyne. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Carr and sons of OSborne and Mrs. Cora . .- - - - - - - - - - " " " " ' . ... Compton spent Thank.8g!vlng da.y with Mr, ana Mrs. Max Compton - - - . /) and children. Was fortunatl~ enough to sp: nd the Mtddieto.wn Fish II.nd Game Mr, and Mrs. GranvUle Benson Thanksgiving, tile f1rs~ one thlSAssn. Warren CO. Game Manag- entertained at a. famUy dinner on ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• year with game protector Pete meIIt Agent Hendershot spoke to Thursday. relatives from Xenia By WlLL ROGERS Ramlge ot HaI:dln «:punty. With the clUb about coopera,tlon with and Dayton. ~rat quarrel I• .oDd for .. Ted EldJ:tdge, ~~our COI'l"el;pOndent WaNen Co, sportsmen and , farMr. and Mrs. Toner Underwood joke once In _ "blf.."Jut . . drove up to Ke,nton the night be- mers , . • . vl&lted relaUves In Dayton, on cause it ain't a bit funDy. DId,. fore and spent the evening spinAll Drake of Klnss M1lls reports 1'hanltsglvln, day. nlng yarns with Pete and a bunch that two big bass (over 3 Ibs) were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sims The next caught on minnows tly one fiBher- and Mrs. Kate Boyce and daughof local spot111men. morning we huf.lted with Pete's boy man at Kings MU1s 186t week . • . ters ot Dayton spent 'I'h.anksg1vBud and one of t heir well known Moat ot ~e eport6men we've 1ng with Mr, and Mrs. G , V. Sirru;; Mr and Mrs J W, FUlkerson, setters. It Wl~ a. great swing talked to are sorry road. checks lor through tine telrritory but too lo.te game have been d1sconUnued.. It and guests, Mr. and Mrs. J . W. ' In a heavlly hlllnted season tQ get belped, ellmlnate the game hog Hopkins of Oolumbus. were gueets ever lea a ),OlIDW eouple just . . . .' the cream of. hunting. We ac- that We all want to get rid Of. . on Thanksgiving of Mr. and Mrs. '''Ii' their heads off about their ~ counted tor a pheasant apiece and ,oonsti-uetion- has been s~d at Morris Fulkel'8On in Waynesville. I j' t"~lltt Nope, U\ )'ou.;:a : : . ; ~wo ~tr1dge,, ' /0" wlUch 'We. 1}nd Hebroh. Ohio, AcCording to Ohlef Mrs. Frank Kyne Jr., and MIss 0 er peop. aue • an more tblm a dOZen. and Engineer owens of the Conserva- Opal Harner are vl&ltlng relatives All)'WIIY, til": ,were mad, . . . . should have ' bad more It was one tlon Dept. the hatcherY. ,wUl con- In ' OallfornJ&. thou.ht he'd Insult hll' pod. , . , ' . "W.lI, . aDY.how~ he up, "Ta: of those days, tor yours tru1y- taln over ,250 a.cres ot . p<?nda when Mr. ",nd ~, WWJam Hartinger .Iad I JlO' lom.thli.; ner _ JOQ,' whenever our ~log pinned down a complllted. . Ohip's . conservation and daughters spent Thanksgiving That diamond ~,.u liunky I'd be o.n top ot a. fence, lac- Dept. su~pl1e~ til!! , land ~d wUl with relatives In ndlanapol8. 1Iig a boot ,o r tending to other dU- deliver the fish; ~ tla.t~hery will Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Perkins .."I ~~lt~':-- ~ ties I When ~13Y t1us.hed It w~d btl buUt, and operated by the Ped- and son vlSlted on Thursday and ~ over CD me. be on the oth~: side of our thr~- ,e lal Bureau of FIsheries. ~t is es- the week end in Kentucky, bowed WI r1wht lIOW that m,. IIftt some. ' tlmated that th1s project wl11 Mr, and Mrs. Arch Oopsey and ma~...t of, thNaamB .... An afternoon spent IDQkJng the crease by 50 per cent the artl.fici- Mr. and Mns. Carl Smith and ,am- fool:c. ,If' J'CIQ OW. ~ rounds with hJLrH worldng Protec- ally raised fl8h supply in Ohio- Uy were Th6nk.sglvng guests of Mr' (Amari.. N... ~ 1M.) tor Ramlge WfIS topped off by a which wUl be a fine thiilg for the and Mrs. Lester Ball of xeD.ia. '- - -- -'- ----r----- , fried pbeasant dinner at 'his hom!! 1nl&nd lakea, tlut th8:t kind of pond Mr. a.nd Mrs. ft'ed Osborn ot WeU-conceLved plans clear that nlgbt-nll In all, one of the raised f~ never does ~ good in 'Dayton visited Mr. and Mrs. 0 , way for their execution. most pleasant trtP6 this year. Oh the 6~ V. SImB on Sunday. yeah-that nine , pound rabbit 'broThe Cbqrln Palls 1"lah Rev. and Mns. Thompson and honest, untU temptation ther Ted brought back lS gol.llg to Game AllIIn. baa offered a reward fainuy of ' Ooalton called on 'num- Every dlsJwneat man w.. make us caJTY an elephant gun next ot $1,000 tor an'eSt and convtctlon ber 01 friends here on Fr v. better ot him. '.
Fairley Hardware Store '
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Sport:smen rCQ~ner
---_.._ ---
Will Rogers' Humorous Stor;
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ot tbieeFenWIck. ao-cal1ed Oeauga hunters 00. who,Farm shot RoI:lert About 'teri days ago a truck load Bureau Director, On b1s farm -at channel -Cl~ttlsb was received week. Thla)a another IC88e where from the , Qoiiservtlon Dept. con- real 8~n are helpng weed out signed to County, They a few punU wbo bave bOUIb& " were p1ac~ in the Little M1am1 bunting llcenses. . I near SoUth Lebanon ~ . Theaee.son, on all game , '.'M1i~" Ortatee w~ ela:~ JjJ'eS1- e~Pt ' ducks" cJoees today-dOlllt dent fot 11KO...Ilt 'the last meeting offorget It when bunUnc rabbit., , ' .
Illl'Otectlon. • year.:....ju.tit for --
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GardeD Clab Has YOUDg People's Group Home of lri EIz • Imas Party Met Monday Eveaiug ~o~!.~a!~e~
.ISSIOIUJ Meeting at
Enjoy Good MeetiDI
Mr. and Mrs boneJd L. Hawke The Wayneav Ie Utu'den club were host and hostess to the memo See "MarJode's Christmas Dln- The Wayne Townahlp' Ilothen' JolarceUne Peters wu held 1 . .... Cis ' . " Tu .>- - , ht. D b 19 t .-.... . of tAe WeeklY cartoon contest. Gene • • • • • . til mee....... annual hr . t- bers of St. Mary's Young , People's ner . es\U1y w g , ecem er . B clUb held ItI! regular meet1Ilc. ............ : I 'nlom ' mas party. TIl y afternoon, at Group. at their home Monday even- the school auditorium. afternoon. December I , ..t ,Ut. I Marjorie Eden. Ray MU· MnI. L. A. 0U'IIt and Mlaa ~ the home of Mra. ;AlVf~ ThomPson. ling • • • • • Gnwe building. ~le Cwles Price received. hon- GuatIb wer e Dayton· shoppers, After the butine~s meeting. 8 Due to the absence of the pres!- Mr. and Mrs. Dean Walton were The pr~ldent. Mrs. R&)'mond contes~m:~Joe~':e!~~ Thursday. paper entitled. "Ohrlstmas .Legend." den't. Mrs. Hawke presided. The week end guellts of Mr. and Mrs. C . Bradrock. called the meerm. to, Budin. and Marte Lamb · • • • • • ,waa read by M1'Si H. W. ca.se, Mrs. Rev, R. L. HackweU conducted the E. Glackin ot Mason. . I .~der. IIUId ~l 1Jo1ned .in ainctac. , , . lin. )Y.m ScIDJan -&Dc! 11011, Penee. C. L. Duke p.ve ~n Interesting de- devotions. and four teen members • • • • • Silent Night. Mrs. R. A. Conner 11' , were dinner aut!8ta of Rev. and Mrs, 8cr1p~n of the 1'1>wer Show. held In answered roll call. Mr. and Mrs. H : B. Earnha.rt !lnd conducted the devotions. basm, her The ~er 8 club IPODIOred . !o R. L. BM*ftU, 'DlUJ'llda.y flYening. Dayton, Novell'llbet W . 11. and 12. A prgram of study for the group famlly were Sunday dinner guests of service on portions' 01 the 18~i.nd ' Temperance IIIOVle "The' Pey-oU' • • • • • Pollowtna the .,rogram the mem- dWillg <the .COming year. was dls- Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Hough 19th chapters of the Ooepel of Sai~t. wbleb wu Iihown to the atudent Mr. aDd Mra. Carl Hawke of oa.ybers all enjoyed their usual custom cussed. a motton was made to con. • • • • • . M6tthew, after which she led tbJ body on December 4th. The f11m on ton vi8tted J. c, Hawke and fam1ly, of exchanging Christmas gIf,ts. Dur- tribute to the Xmas Seal Fu·nd. and Mr d M F k H fgroup I:n prayer. &lcohol education &,*ve .. vivid de 'n'" the -A'Al l lrru th h te . an rs ran 0 .ffiBn enM lk - Sunday, uoo , """""" r e, . e . 06 55 also to supply a ;Xma.,> basket [01' l.ertai ned the members of their fam. 1'11. M. A. Fu . erson and J,{. I , , crIIJUoD or the effect of intoXIcating • • • • • served delWoua rilfreshments. some needy family • tl t dl S nd Gilbert Frye , liccompanied a.t the be¥eraps, ·1Ir.· aDd ~ Ln'la F1rea and lamThe next oe.fI:Ien. r.:lu'b meeting After the busln~ss meeting the y a . nne: ~ .BY ~ • plano by Mrs. Frank U. LeMay. IB"~ d f 1IY . were ~Y ~r pesta of will beedin)aMa:ch. ~t.he place to be an group was entertained with moving Mr. and Mrs M A. Fulkerson at- "HThark th e ~~ald Aniels ?in g ," ter. ~- p.... are. belac ana e or Mr. ' and Mra. ....van ..... ..a, noune pIct\1J'e6 shown by Mr and Mrs . • . e m l nUKE> of t h e prev.ous mt-elo' b 8rade Joperetta, "M~JorJe" • • • • • John K~rSey of their ';Ip t hrough tended a. (oncer~ by J06eph Hel.lItz Ing were read and approved, 'lhe OhrlatmAa Dlnner." to be ."'ven TI,UIII.....Jeute AA,J..-oA and Mrs• r the West ,l.'. at Miami Unlversll.y. evenmg _ treasurer reported Ii bal"--., ..... - Decem. . au_. wuo past summer. • • • •Friday • day. December 18th. Ethan were Dayton ylalton ' , A tasty lUl'llCh was enjoyed by the ber ), of $i17U(). today. group at th close of !.he meeting Mr, and Mrs, Keller Hoak In her report for the lunch comThe OI'Cheet.ra played between · • • • • • after which ~ley adpourned to me~ fa.mlly. and Roscoe Furnas. at.tended mlttee. Mrs. J . K. Preston rtated a &eta at the, Junior clUII play Tues· lira. L. M. Hend8reOD .1II In' New· , . the second Monday In January with Quarterly Meeting a.t Richmond. be.lance of *27.35, thus tndlcatlna ,day n1aht. The orcheltra WUl alao port. Ky., thIa "Week. ~ pest of ~. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Weltz. J . C Sunday. t.hat the lunc,hes are se!'·support1nc. play a~ the Grade operetta TUesday Mr. and Mfa. AJIIeIt JtrleUDg. The you.ng niattted couples group Hawke was a guest at the meeting' • • • • • . Mrs. Chal'lell MictJener reported con. December 19. • • • • • of the Method1Bt Church, held their . Wilton &l.rtsock. was home rrom oeming t.he Inve6t.1gatlons a.nd work lIt'. and ¥no W.' A. Lultena ent«WaynesvUIe ~J'&' Grange held first meeting. Wednesday evening G~!U! MlamJ UnIversity to spend the week- of thl! temperance committee•. With t.ha.t exeltln1 rune In pro- ~ the members 01 their . "500" ' reeuJar meeting 'Saturday even. at the home of ~: and Mrs. M. A. lC.NI4J end with his paren18. Mr. aud Mrs. Alter a.djournment Mrs Ralpb " . . lut Saturday Dlabt, the b&Dcl Club Tllur8daY evmlnr at a turkeJ December 2 the Birthday party Fulkerson. Election of .offlcers was R. H, Hartaock. Hastings Introduced a d1scU8l1on or . .ve one of ita beat performances tUnner. . the e;enbili. - . ' held and resulted 118 follows : Leo .,.,. • • • • problems ar1s1~ between hOme a.nd of tNt MaBOn, 'n1e dnunmen,' be'. ., • • • • , The beautlfuUy deCOrated tablewaa OOnner, presk1enF: and . Mrs. Carl . Mrs. CC. E. Boyer of Dayton and the school. Mrs. W. A. L~ens led In. In hlIh apb1ts. opt a lively. lIt'. aDd MnI. Raymond Braddodt tor ' twenty-two mezRlers whose Stlohwelah. aecr'et.&ry·tre a 5 u r e r. The Wa.yne Township Board of Dr. and Mrs. A. E. 8,l,out and daugh- the discussion c~ncern1ng, regulal'.teady bat as ~ band tormld the aDd fa;m1lY' and lIt'. and lin. Frank birt.bdaya .ocCutred bt October, ~ov- CJ6mes aDd contbts were enjoyed Education met In their regular ses- ter W1nn1e Jo. were Cln:lnnatl vis. tty as cooflned to school .ttelul~DC." Jetter 0 In honor or CentervWe and ~ were B\Q1day ~ ~ ember and DeCember . dlJl'J.na the evenll\g, 'after which re- slon, Monday evenJng with all memo ltors, Sunday. Mrs, C. I, SatterthwaJ.te lpoke qo U1eD a Jarp W. OoDIlderlna the of 1Ir: and Un. 1!'recl Braddock. The oldest member ~t the table. B 'f~enia were ~ed. The meet· bers present. • • • • • .. the habit ot 61ckne6a:' and JIN. faet t.hat our drUIDlnenI are 10 • . ••••• . BlIllth. W1l8 .;;t.id 'to cut the birth: ina will be a. pot-lUCk supper. lilt t.he Principal ,bUSiness concerned the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satterwatte Loren Hadley talked on, 'how to pr,. 10Wl(1. We th1DIl Utey dill8erYe much IIr iaDd lin O. K. RldIe atte~ec1 day cake. AbOut 80 members and Methodist the evening of financial status of the schoois. Dis· and son Richard wer dinner gues18 pare for happy IUld normally _tie· credit. , . ' . the fUDll'al of ~t Oompton . . juYenUu' enjoYed the aupper, January 3. cusslon wns held relatlve to some Sunday. o.t Mrs NeU~ BWlnell and factory llving." These dl8cUI8icIDI '" Nn BurllnItoD, Wedn.-laf After the bUlf.neas · sesalon the. (01needed improvemen18 at the high MIss Monlmia Bunnell. were ably ~nducted. alld the· J)U'. Inclden~. If you _ven·t yet DDOD" 10wlDlr lJI'oBram was presented: ORDER EA8TlERN STAR. school building. The oBard moved • • • • • tlcipatlon of club membens lIeD the buill ~ maU a · · • • • . Preracb 'harp ael~t1On. by Mrs. Allie . ! to 1nst811 hot water tor cooldng pur- MIss Ruth Satterwalte Is visiting pr::t ':!t::W~ rpee~ effort to be at the Cu'Usle ,lit'. aDd ~ a. D. OoUett attend- Clu'lt, with plano ~mMnlment by .Miami ~t«.' No. 107 O. E, S. poses &t tile grade building. this week In the home of her sisteJ' h . . .Uft'" ....... &'*~~, tame PI1daY. Det:e~ 15. • ~ lDIWation of officers at. the }lfew • campbell' two' soi\iB and tap 1VUI meet in retJUlar se&Slon Monday ArtUlclal gas ,h as been installed at , urnoroue rea....... en.,._ ' .uuu , . ,' _ _ Bur~ But.em star meetinlf lIlII ~~LoU Bland.. her eYeDln&'. December 11. with 6, poti the high school buUdlng [or the ::u:.ames MoJT1s a.nd famUy at Be WotTl'1J:li A b ~.u t JCIbDn)"." . "• , ~ ev.ms, ' . mother, Mrs. Glenn Bland. wzcom- luck dinner at 6:~. sctence laboratories. Another 10~elJ ~L 0 LltUe Towa ft. Verl!itJ WOIl tbelr IIooDd • • • • • . reacUn,: \.tMtci ·Dust u the The Memorial and 1nat.a.llatlon of Among recent Improvements made , . • • • • Bethlehem," ".. auna by. lin• • $n!IM lame last Saturda)'...... ..... aDd lin. W. A. Lukens uul 1)1 a' dust storm ofleen wUl follow the dinner. this year are sand tables for the 1st Mrs. A. K. Day W8.'l In C1nclnnatl ~el'8On and .lIn.~. In epa~ GeIlteJ:VWe ~.. ~ fulUy were dlDner aueaIiI. Sundq. by R.oairJd Each member :~ ' asked to bring grade rooms, additional reference several days laat week. with her B1s- cluslon all Joined In IiDISDIr "0 Run... Jolt. by , . . . .. ...... Tbe of 1Ir. and lira. R. J, W_ of WU._. '. . one C<m!red • . sandWiches andlbooka tor the library. the Ohio Read- tor. Mrs~ H. p. GodbY. who 18 con· COme All Ye PalthOl." v~ aDd the Junk'ir ~n c.ma IDlnI&Cin .' .. .J• • •.' • table aerv1c& ' ' iug Circle books for pupUs A News valeeclng ~tter an extended UJpeas. Refreshments were serYed .", lIN. wtU ' pia, at ~ tcJmonoow • • ,. • ~ ... ' OII8B~~S...' " _ eaia !8ddoc:k. W M. Map of ~ Week for c~t Bventa. ~ • •. • • . ' CODner, Un, ~ . . . . Mr, aIId .... B. B. Stroud 01 ~ Minnle Fromm ~'y. and an OUtlJne Map of the U. S. Mrs. Banna.h RoIers la 8pendig ett. Mrs. Qora Rich. lin, &eab UIIIIl . . . 8uDd&r ."enIDI elenDtb ~ annl~. Bat, . tor the aoc1al s :lence department. the wlnte- at ' U. home or Bl.tterth~te, Mrs. TrUm&D W.rd~ . . _.;:._ 1.:__ II\IMtII pt lit. aIId Un. W. B.. 8Y~. when he enterta1lled FISH .\NO GAME A8S'N daughter Mrs. J. ~ CUt~ht In low. MnI. Charles Berry, )In. 0Jar~ ·1IIIIe YII B&z<0u4 _.: II'OUP or hill frieada ~ dinDeI'. w~ TO ELEcT OFFICERS MARRIED TIBRTY.FIVE YE:UtS Hyde P~k. ClncIriJiatJ.. Mendenhlt.ll, and Mn. ButI., 'm D...-L .. . .. • • • • - . were Ja1All' hl8 ' I\MIIItS 'at the- bUltet· Mr. and Mrs. John Fromm werE • • • • • - rll' . . . . . ~ J. B. W~ · and cpauahteJ' ball between WaynesVWe aDd Next 'I1h~;;ent.ng the War- pleasantly sw],rlaed. Thursday even- MrI. Edith M. Han1s '" . . Betty or DI,Jtion. and W. E. ~ 'l1lOIe who enJo~ed, the ren Co. PIAh and Game A/jSn. wUl lng, the occasion of their thirtY-fltth Barrls Miaher wer:e tUnner The Kxec1iUv~ '" &be _ YI*eIl at &be bome ",. • P. stroud, . ,Seth BoaIt, ~y ~ hold its reKUlar mcmthly meeting at wedding annivenary, when the melD Sunday. of M. and. MrslWDIUQi Scout ~ 01 met~' _ • • •• • • " "_~ DouaIIu ~enon. Jaclt ~- Memorial Ball In Lebanon at 8:00 bers tV <their family gath~ at Hawke. IPridaJ ~ _ _ tat In • . • , ' . . , '- ~.i1' .J~ PhWlpII. John Ih~ Rage po m. The annual election of offl- their home for a basket supper. ' • • • • • . ' the oIf. ·of tile ~ . PuneraJ ... Bmma ~ 1AWIa . &n4 Iiei' JiIk*.. Irons; VJtgU ~. cen will be held. after which a a· Those who enjoyed the happy cel- . ¥t. ~ ~ " A, T. Pollnalty of 'Mrs. H. P. DYe. Waa a ~ 'Rome. If _ _ baa t.Qra wblah ~~", ~ ~tblI ~ )Wb1..-cre~ . nona1~, B,rown. rtety of motion plcltUres on hunting, ebratlon \Vere: Mr, and Mrs, Melvyn Cinci~~ , ts or Mn. Pol, to .. ~ of 11er ~. '~ Membera preeent were I\ICOUt Ku- fOff ~ wJ;Ien' .. - expect IIJId .J1IJImY Bai't8oCk. -. '" f1sh1ng. raJsIng of game, etc. Will be Banta of LOveland: , Mrs. Ralph 1nskY'S, .• Jessie Hyman, a luncheon and' card ~y,, 'l'\1ei!d&1 tAlI' HoJUdaJ.......nt WeatlIerholt, ~tbe ~ .~, 8bown 'py WJlllam ISaxby of the- Con- V4!lce a.nd 6011 Ralph Jr" of WU- SatUrdaY . ~ Sunday. ' aftem,oon, at t.he Little Inn. 'IbrM RGIit ·Harteocll; IDdon II*'M R.eY. ' ... . . A" • Bel'Vlltion Dept. F ' . wUl be an· m1ngton. M1&S Doris Hawke of LeIr ." • ,,' • • • of "500" were- en,joyed by ~. ' L. O. JJaCu.y" Rev; ·~ i.. ~ 111". aDd , 1IaJPIl.1IMUriIa DOUIWed for the big fl.s)1 fry to be anon; Lee Hawke. J, C. Hawke. Mr. H . A. cora,ai'haa returned from during the af~, wi. Dr A' ~ ' ~ imd L ' /(. _ _ tIIDIItd -the ,huIenl 01 theIz'I , " held in ·January. The meeting wID and Mrs. Donald L. Hawke, Mr. and MtamJ V. ' hoSpital.. where a~d foJ' ~he hlg!) ttore ~ ~ Prank LtIIa!r' ~...... til ~. iIe folloWed by 6,' Lunch. ~d smoker. ~s. Fromm and their son Olyde. underwent a major operation sev~ llobert Davia. &Dd eIliDIbIa-, a· oaia' ftrIIIIOb .... UDIIIIe to ~•.' . • Bvery one , mtentated· Ih eral weeb .go. He loou very well • to ~. L. A. Garst. . teod. . I tion la invited to .'ttend. and uYS _ 1. feelina' t1ne. , Her guests Included. MnI. RuI8eU, MnI. D : R. was a the winner elnnatl V1altor. Monday.
. .
the . , .of. ~rillt .was held No-. vember ' 29 at the home of Mrs Alma Etz ~eia.r Middle Run church: Mr. Smlth and MrS. Helen Murphy had charge of the deyotlons. ~. ~ ~k ~ducted the le8llOn program wbleh waa in the of .. "Whol8 it?" oon.test to be answered with 'the names of mls· slonarles. . '. . An 'urient' call for home ml8s1onwork In 'famify Just OIl~lde of town. lwaa respOnded 1n by both 'Five dolJanl wa.s sent to the chrIIit.tan Resoora.tion As8oclatIon for ·e~a.ngel:l.sm. ' The next meeting will be held at the WaynesVille cihurch December 2'1
The MIss10nary Bocl.ety of
.........._._ 1___
Youg CoUpIes GrOUP Elect Officers
Artifi iaI
Installed at Hi'gh --hoo.1
It was
The' WClD&Dr. .~ I MiBIIonBoctety of the Meth06I8t obllich • ,
IIII'eec1 t!aM' tIIe _ ...... OIJIICII1UDltJ
~ertordedOlU'ilimu _~.~._............. ..
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crabbe; aulatan~ ·h~. • .
lted Mr. ad Mrs. T. C. ,Runyon day afternoon, • • .• • • Miss Betty BllI'ge68 Of Mt. Sterling, a student at Wl1In1ngton coU'ese wu the guest' of her a.unt Mrs. J,' Q. Gona and Mr. qona over tbe week· end. • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Bland a.nd daughter. aUtJara ' Lou. of Bprtncboro. &Del Mr. ,and Mrs. L. C. St. John v1aited Mr. and Mn· Bamm Bland at :Jamestown, Sunday. • .• • . , • Don·t n'I1u the operetta to be Iresented by the 8Nde IICbo?III mU81c pupils at tbe lIchool auditor1um Tuea d~y ev~ December 18. at 8 0 clock. . Adult's t1cketll 20 ~nts: Children', tlckete 15 cente. • • • • •
..... l'fMIDi . "PiImlta'! 'in
~, A':'~.." fRIENDS HO.,E' ..~. fORREST ·D. ICOMPTON
~-"'UIMCIJeJ'. "
'.. Ite(1llaroommanlcaUon or Warnes vJlle I:.odre No. 183 p. & '.A. \ k~ ' • .' ~"... called to ol'dier Tuesda,y even1n8. December 12. InMrs, Harold MilleJ' entertained P.JII8lcleDt ~.IIJ!s. '~ay: The atallatl~ of orfk:en. . a group of chUdren SaturdaY In ·CJaIlri..... IMi.,jelct. of ~ cte'fOtlorw' conduclm ' D1nn!!1' at 8 ~ 30 will precede the celebration of the ~x,th , birthday MrtJ. 'Radiey wu 'the' ''Wonctfous work. anniversary ot her son. Sonny. ..... 0 Little ToWn OI 'Se~ebem The decorations w~r~ aUg'ge6tive ~Dd Silent Nlabt :were "lIung. . .\N APPltE<JIATION ,. of the Christmas season, &lid the • -n., ..... .J)• p .. . ' JUdIe; lira. ~ Idalnty refreshments were ICe cream D . B'". ', . . IJI"~.lI"",y and 1Il'I.' It. N. · Houall I take th1.s meaiDa tQ ~xpr~ my With red Santa Claus centers and am»Otnt«l flDaDce eommtttee.. 1Il~ ttiank.s tc) my fl'iend& for small cakes. '. A letter' from Mrs Barlow was read thelr' vIslta ; and ~ny 8iPPr ecl!Ltl on, of Those Who enjoyed th,e occasion '" Mr.. , LeMay,· " . ., the lovely carda and no~8 ~t .~e . were : Bdlbf campbell or Lytle; , Pur '. the stenrdehlp Pflitrram', dur1ng the time I ~'Confine~ to l)a.rold ai1d Shirley Manning and A. It. ~ 1'ead '81l'arttcle. en.' the hosPltal. • Lee 'Edward Bnyder of Dayton; titled '~ ·· ..~erice"i I . , H. A. CCX'Dell. -llauny cra~e. JUdy Da.vJ& Jimmy .....IIl'liallo • . ~ ,.y; Btewardlhip." DYe. cather1ne Irene Mendenhall. . P.I. . . . ."....,_. .' !Ja* . BeYieW-~n · aDd . ~ITNEY SUPPER. . lBWy 'Joe Sarver. Delores and ~lIn - tile JlibWpPIbee........' , __ mar Berry, lIIary Katherine MeniIn. ,K· N~ ~ after 'l1le lAdles AId of the ~~th~ denhall. Warren Sheehan. Vera BUe'n Ooimer preaenf.e(f Ul'th W1ll serv~ a uJitne'y" su~per Sher:wooo. ·LoIa Lukens. Nancy ""'~iInI , ~: BOlO:..... an the c1\urcl1 bNJeInent. ~unday Crane, George . Mark _ ..I't- I:JQ:~' -"J.~IIiI""' .4. 8obC •.!n ,the ' AIJo~. ~, ~mb'r 1," starting" at Ann Rogers, Billy Stubbs. . ~::=:I~:~.: ' ~' A ~ stOry 5 o'clO!Ok. A. goodI menu. a penny a Rye~ ~Hiy Da.v~ Jackie James and Ii _ ........ Andenoi1: ~ ~~ ' nae' cup;' 110 everyone ~e and hel~ out Gene _~aux. IQc"'lOOl..Mb ;'or~ PhilIPPIne-.- .. bit. '
• •
T. M. So&rff of Spring
HaIlkIIay. Mla A E, Stout, KrB, 1..' ' O&nt'. Mn. Wade Turner. UN, ;
GIlber '
t;~."·;:''.~~~ .iier~~~J:'; "":I
.... "
MnI. IawntlJCe. Cook.
NIOH .ClASS PLAY . . GREAT ·SUCCESS··, three 'acts, .
A comedy .In· "In~ . duein 8Iw.n" ~tec,t a\ . .~ IIchool auditorium 4)y ~ 'J~ . class Tuesday niaht, w;.. well ~ celved by a ~ at¥l enth. .~ audience. . .. • The 'C8It ..... !~ ael~, &lUI ' under ~ ~tlOn of. )In; ,~ .• ~ted by MIiI- Hockett' ~II:'", . Pergueon. each ~ne ~ bJj .
very crecUta.blJ. " Pollo~ la 'the cUt:.. · " .
Dlak Heatberby . . : . . . .. Paaq JO~ A ~ ~~_e 1IftJ1IBIIIr ': . •. •: .•.••... Janette K~ D1cIt', 'WIfe . .
OJ.:f':.&A . .....
. "De ~ll
W&JMPille. Ohio
aBtMed Aa 8eaoad
lIaID Slnet'
rn...1IaD Il.atteJ' At Poatof.flce. \Vap••ville. Ohio
Flora M. Crane Editor and Publisber . ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY SubKrlpdoD Price, f1.60 Per Ye&1'. Payable In AdftaoI
pita) News State I''''' YI
..vera! montha American eyes have been fixed on W8lTInir Europe.
nat Ja De.turaL ' but We ml!8t not forg~ that preastna ~ internatlonal . problems may be. domestic problems cannot be overlooked· " 'DIe Pederal debt aWl rises dangerously 10 spite of uborbltant taxes The need for eqUitable labor lestalatlon becomes DlOI'e \Jl'I'I!Dt. And th~ radical phlloenphy. wh1ch to destroy private btMlnel!a, is active as ever. It Ie the duty- of Conere8IS to make us secure from 1rw&sIon. It 18 likeWiN the duty of Congress to-make us secure from the far more UUlIU1"::I'~' per1la that exlet within our own borders. We need to do mare loolUng at our' own United States and leas at naUons three t.hooand mUes a.wa,..
·000 buIheJI. reepU;lvely 1n 48 tbe 88 oountIeI, d&lrytna is tile prln--
ALL DRUG STORES income aDd apJD:Ox- !!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!II~!!!I!!!!'!!!!!!!!'~ SOLD AT
c1pal eource of lmately one<thlrd of the 6tate'S 6.836.
The PedInl Commodity Ored1t Oorpotatioa baa a of 67 cent. a b1JIhel OIl 111e 1838 'com crap, eat.lmated at '~''''A·'''''''.UUU buahe1a In the natloD.
caz:e. f101.60; Tbe DJIU1et TuIIercu· were tappJI." 1.&10,000 bube Jaj loIII a.n.~ boepIW.taID aDd care.lpeubea- I;2U.ooo ~lIj wool. 11,.....,...vu. Dr. Warren • Bradenllacb. oea.OOO poundI and bUCtwbeat; 211,medical aenkea, 10·00. 000 buabeII. O&ta . ADd • rye were
~ 10
~ reel4es ~un1t.les
cin fanna 01' and is 'eDi&i-
~ 'i .. t'
'- ,
DilL.. .
10 some com' , . ed Ul ~ed wit4 tn- I seU at public aUQtIoD at mY mercIal en~l MO . ua.te miles residence. lqcated .on state. l'Ollrte 4:1. dllltr)'. ..O b l o · 7 about 2 mDea Northeast of Wa.y,nesUDder crop quota reatrlctIona lilt of.,. 1nclud~OOO. arms, . ville and 6 Dl1\ea Bou~wesi of
up by the PedenJ A821Cultw'e ' De-
09w SOOO 0b10 tarmera and their Spl1na Valley. on
for lMO. 0bJ0 ,.",.- . . ._ntlnl M cpunt188, II'Oftl'S w1l1 be IlUbJect.ed, to a fine of • the t'tvodaJ conventlon . of 10 cent. per pound for each IIOUDd the Ohlo JIVm Bureau PederaUon ~ ta.ct:o 80Id over the quot. l1m1ta beld in OOIum!lU8 November 29 tlOn aaalanecl them.
UId 30.
Satar.y ,J_ ' 0' ecemher 9 . . ' Besinnlng at One O'c1~ p. . M. the foUoWlng articles to-wlt :
Jewell ra.nge, oak
h~tlng . 8tove,
burner oU stove, on heater, ~g room table, aide bOard, Walnut corner cupboard, k!.tcben cabinet. · kitchen table. i1brary table. uprlcht pi_ ano, sewing machine, oak bed ' and ,.onn<.. dresser, waab stand. ~ bed and 8pI'tnp., end table. 10 standi! .• c:UnJng roOm cha1r& 6 'rockers, 2 'old bottom Cba1ra. V1ctroJa Uut rec. 0I'ds.. bootoa.se. 50 lb. refr1gera.t.or. 8-9x12 rull8. IIXlO rug. lot of IIPl&lI n!IB, .large In.IriOr. bird vase.; 4 lamps, 3 c1001ca. 5: Comtofte, lot Of lied 11nen. table l1nen, aDver Ware. Ilaaa ware, ch1n& ware, d1ahea; Coot. 1ng utene1Je, crocU and mmy other IU'Ucles too numerou. to mention.
..... Sportsmen Corner
Aulo C'lll b .
01: '!A c c ide n I .s C:au'sed. "By , N~g~i'gene~
Beech Grove
Mr. and JoIr6. Mearle Te~ were bualnes& Visitors, WedDe8da.y, in IoIrI. 0bIpleI Mullenix. in comLebanon, pany with fdenda from Springfleld. Mr and Mrs, Olenn Davis and '1b~ 't1~. her sister: M1ss and 0 W. Dayjs. were Anna. Hormell~Sprtngt,oro. recent dinner gu~" ~f.Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. K,esler !.ham. Mrs. wm , E. O. Mannon, near WIlmington. Bergdall and • Ol.adn Rot;'lnBon ~~~_~~~mw~-&~-Ple~~·~~n~~~~~ vUd~rsTh~. . were bualneaa yIBltors in CIncinnati, . Mr. and Mre. W" T. C1a.rk ' of Wednesd&y: ' . ton, were sa.tur~' aftemoo~ guests '1. . __ . . of Mrs. MarY, Oarmony, . Mrs. MaCY Powell spent the weekBever&1 nwimbfJrtl from here enend With h1e~ ~ Kentuclty. Joyed We G~ birtbday dinner at · The friends of ~ Davis are W~ S&tqrday evening. pleased to learn tba.t be Is recoverMrs. ~ 'Palmer and Mrs. lng sat1a!actortly after an operat1on Alice' OI8ltr. ~ Da.yton visitors for ' the removal of his appendix Thursday. ~~ ' . Monday. lilt the B1a.1r h06pltai. MiM laura ao&.l8ile of Oincinnatl Mnt. Wllson Harvey bas .been a was & weekend lirue&t of Mr. and patient in MiAmi Va.Dey hospital, for Mrs. ~ey ~Ilet. ' 8eVWaJ daya. , Mr. and Mrs...Everett Early reRev. and Mrs. W. E. Bogan. of turned home Sunday aft era Spring Ve.l1ey, were ' Sunday after- month'a aoJourn 'In Florida. noon ~tors of Mr: 8nd MrA. Glenn ~. a~ Mrs. Harold ~taker Da~. '. and children were in I?ayton shopM1saM Allee ' Bams and Lo~ ping S&turday. , Shade. of Dayton, were Sunday Mr. and Mri. Rd>ert Slney a.nd of Mr. and Mr& Prank Bams. Ray Mlller w~ lNednesday eVening · Mr. and M1'5- Prank Sams were dinner guests , f Mrs. Margaret visitors in De.ytoo, Monday. Johns' and Pa~ ohns. Mrs. Allen EmrIck and Mrs. WalFriendship. . ~1f!u' , boo n of ter KendN:lt . • nt Thursday In Heaven, . _ Dayton shopping. The noble mind's dellght and , The Lad1es. Ald held their ~Chrlstp!"de, maa meetiJ;lg and enjoyed a covere4 To men and angels only given. dish cUnner WeMesdaY at the home To all the lower world denied. Mrs Fred Rush, with an ex· --SAMUEL yOHNsON change'Of lOc presents. Co-host.ess, tune. The roof of hJa home i8 CO\'. __ ' ea were: Mrs. Nettie EmrIck. Mrs. ered with ~, and real Tbere I,lre but two _ys of paying Le1ly& Wharton IWd Mrs. Addalee outalde his' window aua'tens with debt-1ncrease o! Industry in ra1Blng Ba.rpr. flakes ' 11noome, increase of thrift In laying Mr. and MnI. ft H. BurneJ,t and snow. out. . Mrs. Allee O~lt. lvere entertained to Santa Is reetina' here after the --<:lARLYLE dinner S~ at. the home of Mr. many months of wOrk making toys. and Mrs, Lee Malson In Mason, He Invites every l1tt1e l i iy-and girl to However, wh11e I cnLWJ upon tills- Olarence and J loel SmIth received come In and .see h1In In tus Santa planet I think myself obliged to do ward lut week of the death of their Claus borne at Rike's where be what ROOd I can in my narrow do- brother, WeWngWn Smith at Los wW be staytng untU otlNtmas. mestic sphere. to all my fellow erea- Angelea, QU1f. TI1ie funeral was held turea. and to WIsh them all tile gOOd at the residence I Frld$y and burial USE THE KIAICl OAZE'M'E I cannot_do. , was in Los Angeles. . WANT AD COLUMN --CHEEI'I'Eij.F Mr', Olyde !"ou;nts and daughters, Edith &Ii({ Oecil Of Dayton were Sun· day afternoon CII~ers at the horne : , ] \ of Mr. arid Mi'a.. Allen Emrick , -'~ \ .Mr. 8Jld Mrs. ~;Jarry Cornell have ~rl sold their fanttJ\e'lr Ferry alld hav,e II. ' purchaSed ~ DI"I Shinn property here and w1l1 mqve here soon, Mr. and Mrs. Wllliaa~ Brook8 and ChUi <iren who have bt!l!'ll living there for , , several years moved to Oorwin Monday. . ~ MIBa Melba. Gt!SUn of Waynes1lle spent Sunday ' with M1at MlrIa.m
Christmal JQY will last for yealil when yo~ choole a
"Cold-Iall1B/GIDA/1IB of
An Entirely New KinJ ·
Santa'. Home At .R ike'. ~
'Y ou Don't Have to Cover food5 .to Save them from Drying Out I
• .1
0:111 ft1&1d~Ir.
till IlIar'II., 'I.;tllt Ilfrtprlllq IItcUIIlII Eltf llilt I WIll..., ' QIIIIt. UISeII. Treet.·fret. CIltS Clmlt CIIt " till , ... 1
S.. tile "I-OY" PrMfI , .....·t ... lIC- f ... tI ..... IhII .... Do'J1ll11t I Ne", "Colcl,Wall" PriD' eh,l. clrculare. cold Ihtou:;h the ... 11. .nd .roupd rhe (oDd. No moluun,rohblo. mclteularioD , Pmcrn'lIIOlaNrc. a...or, ~olor eta,. loo.cr. 0
• It reall.y i~n't enough that a gift just last a loog time. The real joy comes when a gift continues to ' give pleasure and satisfaction year after year! This year, choose Frigidaire ... the new ''Cold-WaD'' Frigidaire! Fop: here is truly a remarkable refrigerator • • • years ahead! In the new "Cold-WaD" you don't have to cover foods, because they won't dry out . .Nourishing freshne~s, color, flavor, richness are saved days longer. And vital juices are not lost! See this unusual refrigerator ••• the only one of its kind in the world. It's the ideal gift - now and for the years to come!
Fairley Hardware .Store
(lbUdren throughout the MiamI VaUey are J)8.Ying B&nta a visit. and 'be Is receivlng them In his com•
. In Day~ori
fortable llvlng room In his bome In Rlke"B ,Toykind. Dayton. OhiO. The chUdren fln~ him before hls fire, ~ in his comfortable red leather chalr, surrounded 'by the man, toys w'hlch be baa made to gladden ~elr beert.a at ,christmas time. /to. beau.tUul Ohristmas tree, with colored Illhta••t.and4 In the leomer Of. his
Larger Because of Better Quality. Senric:e. and Price Established '1849-1939 - ' - Waynesville, Phone 32
Mrs Emma. Toland of ,near Xenia. visited ~rs. Frank KYne on Thursday • Mr. And Mrs. Ra.y K:rUg. Mr. IWd Mrs. Ralph Alexander were Thursday. evening guests of Mr. a.nd Mrs. John oasey. . . Mri. OertJ'Ude Hamer of Flat RoCk Mich.. and MJs4 Helen Hood were luncheon guests on Thursday of Mr and Mrs. RaY Krug; Nora Sollers remains on the sick list. Freddy Osborn is suferlng"wltli a • broken wrist. the result of A fall at the High St:llool last week. Mr. and Mrs. Forest GraMin vlslted her Parents, Mr. and' Mrs. J, T • Ro8ers. Walton on Thursday evening. Mi'a. &aul B&l7lor returned home Mrs. Mellle Benson of Lytle. ' was. Sunday after spending a. couple of a ~eceJlt guest of Gmnvllle Benson weeIca With Mr. alnd Mrs. Henry 88.Y- . and femlly. . lor. in Dayton. Mr. Bnd Mrs. Nate Smith enterPaUl. Johns W8iS a Lebanon visitor talned at dinner on Sunday in honor Ba~urday. of their son Kenneth. who leaves , Mrs. Emma. Lacy enJoy~ a very, tb.Ia for Hawa.U. Among the • ~t day Sunday, all ~eJ." chll- guests were Mr, and J4rs. Clement dreil ooming to Ispend .the day with Smith and daughter of Vandall&, her. A turkey dinner with all that Mr. and Mi'a George Blake and .roes with it waa aenred by her, cbU- children. Mr.' and . Mrs. TrellSiar dren. ,' Ibc6e whoo' made J)06S1bJe the Lewis ot De.yton, Mr. And Mrs . .Lee , happy occUIon ·."ere Mr. and MrS. Engle and two children of oenl.er, Wa1~ ~ and children, Mr. and vWe and Mr. and Mrs. Eslle Smith WIlbur Lacl7., Mr. and Mrs Earl and daughter. y~ and daUChter Mildred; Mr. Mr 'and Mrs. O. V. Richey of Day~ .Mrs. ~owud r.cy, Mr. and ton, ~1slted Mr. and Mrs. J. T. WalMriI. Charles Bunnell and llttJe ton on MondaY, daughter ~~; Robert ,Leey Rob- Mabel Moon spent Tuesday AI)d Young aDd R<lber:t Hlaat, and Wednesd&Y' with re1&tlves in Dayton. Jennie Gay.lor. Mrs. , Mary Kyne won a ' pfw- of blankets by bav1ilg & key to unlock the Hom Store Hope chest. It .Ii ~ Dr. Hartlriger and family were , ne JeDttaUed a.way on B&turday by the .....oIC1oo....·-: • tUtu fIUIkejitae CO"r • • • t J _L- ' death of his sister-in-law. and bus. • -Aiad CheWoJet for •... la.the The Harry OolneD fann which tmnd who were ,ld1led by the ttatn: · OIllu aD' In the' low-price _ ', ' h ~'ftW ttl . !: k ~ ~' at plJUc auction lut Wednes- w en .... .....-..s e wac , . ~e\d qua~ baa all the fine day Was punZh8~e(f, by Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. William Holland vls'·"qarfe,aturea pictured at the Olq'l Rande.l1 or near ClentervlUe. lted Mr, And MnI. Horace Shanel: on lefil ... ' . Smal" wonder, Mr. and Mi'a. COrnell haVe tloqght Sunday. . . then, ,, tbat it Is 8110 .putEarl Shlnn property In Lytle. ,. number of D. of A.'s attended sellina!,aU other. DeW cars Rev and Ml'II-",W: 0 Smlth and the' Ubion meeting in ,Xenia on . for '40. : •• Eye. It, (ry It," tWIn dauah~ \17ere otDcuma.t1 vlsl- MondaY n18ht. WI1m1n~ton, Spring 1>,1.Iy you'l1 be th91'''; - t:ora.TUeeda¥. ., Valley and . x .e nia , assisted In tbe 'ouahly cODvlDc'e d. that · ' Th~ ~ 'Gertvu'd f~ were WOrk. State ortllcers were , present ) '~Cb~et'.f~RS'r:~!"" at . ~ ~e Akro,n. oolum))US ,and OInC?in-1
,,)II' .
Refrigerator I ..,.:
"This ' One WiU Suit .Uncle Bob"
,y~~~~~~ . ~'~:~~~~~~:~~~~
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',e';-;;i.. :lt ••·fi.~, .. .t.. .' "M. ·.t . '. !,.~
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'- .. Roua B<jlton is conf~ ~ ~___~~,-=~~~~~~~ by Wneai. Mrs. Jennie !lul· brot~era pulpit Sunday. . ,caring for th,,". · Dr. Keever 18 'Mil!-On ~ oall.~ pn Harry.
I ,
h:nprovements in the Language-
By IRVIN S. COB~ :\«0 • . rrHE infusion of ,Russian and PoUsh s~ocks into New York h~8, beeli " ~ "8Ponsible for lome curious addition to the language of tHe )1: .. .., _ &ttend1ne Jih)'atcltLi1. corneu TuesdaY mornJng. hattan Coclmey: liost o,f ar~ familiar with th,; story ot the ii, i_ , ··<Cbarlea Henry and son' ot Joe. AlUe .,~e left W~~y . bobeY'~8·~:~da~r~~~e~!~a~o~~~~. he liked befl~ a~ut.)t~ are the house' . • " , "at momtng for a few dayS VIsIt in Ten-I ,fllriUi.~~~le do yOu mean, 'gozil)-tll?" a sk e'd h I' S pal'~~ t . .11. R •. ll'Ordlrw:e and P. J. 'I'1'Gql8a ~. ' • . • •"Why, ' 2 ~lh:ata 4, " gOZlnta 8, 8 gozinta 16. oi : ' ,. ( Mrs. r--'-' ----:-':;::1 ' 1!Iie W.O 'StiMth family were din- p. J. 'l'fiom&Ii and thel1: 8U!l8t Mrs. nt!l' ~ UeM,Kinse)'s' in New, Henry ~ted' the' V~dall& . ~ ~ ~,. Mr.. Smlth' fWed hla' Tu~ ~. 0;" -,11/ 4 •
Harry., P; o.rdY~ arid· d&~ghter.
,It. off.r'a 8tJti.lact,ory S.n1iee at all tim••
Autobr~lla~ Handy New Ac:ceaory •
Special Formula Vita FluH Shlllmpoo . ]"he
World'. Finest \ lham~ ~_ _
Stay, ata¥
at bODle, my heut. and
Par ti\oee that
Are full of trouble and
Iud interpreted, boiled down into 20 Inlerealbai. d~rtments - unbiased, p-~D, dependable, complete. '--ta 75"; Jeu. .
Only $2.00
Alway.. UlCful, the once pro.aic umb.rella hal become ~lCIem rubioa accetlory. with the advent of the Autobrella. Tbe iDlepiOQa aM pra«,ic:a1 article i. carrjed in it. metallhe.ath on the ri&bt lide of the driver', 'compartment, juat forward of tbe door. p,{!11 Yvonne Qillelpie aeeml pleaaecl at cIlitcoYerilla tilt· peed of ben, a. clle .te", fr om ber new Cbevrolet.
T. · M. 1Iauff........ter Sunday 8cbeo1 9:30 a. m • . Eo Earnhart. Supt. '
...;......;ioCh ___
Oolcllng-ttMr. Emmanuel, Q story of 'nn old man who
WAYNE8~ 4D11V1WB 0"
.unarmed, aga1nst the. ... h,lr.t.vl ODIEIT ' forces, of evllin the warld tQday 8nd W. C' smipa. III..... , ] 1t tells n story to which large numBible 800001 9:30 lit. m. hers of people should respon d. Lord's Table spk=e8id at 10:45 a .m · \ ' ChrIstian ~VOl' 7 :00 p. m. 'Ib1rkell- tt Brandoris." T}tJa is light !lovel written In the best Enr~ Preadllng '1:30 p. ·m. JIsh tradition. IWlE:Dlm:l,DA'Y 8c~umann-ttStrire befOre Prayer meeting \oJ :~ P. m. Amid the headlong actlon of OUr revival 8unIIa7 e'YMdlll chapter of America's early 218 Ip for the Jut.
" .way
theauthorbM~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~I~~~~~~~~~ that ~ ~urlne the ftl91val· , U there II DO eV, lIiln1 ~~ lilt
story 01 oaptatn ' Keltb and his young 'Wife, Hope.'
M'ann-"JcxlePb 6ndhJa your church. we w,elcoine , . to ttY9Utlg Joseph" "Joseph In and ~ wUb . . In two voiumes are a series or b.ooIai aome :::::-:f ' " wbich recut the great) Bible awn: FERRY ClltlBrla OF cmQsT in the Ugbt of Ita eternal values . W. C. 8mJUa. MI....... J~ph and his family are the ~ _ !oall bumanlly' arulln ..." 9 ,30 ~ .... ~.ool . story Ia the story of l1te lmelf. 10:45 6. m., ~ LlncoIn-"OWnley Inn:' 'nils II 11 '00 a. m. " ~ t~e story of the Old 9 wnley inn I!-bd , its mystery. . ' ' wh1cf.1 ia ,run or drama ~- ttWJnd , without rain," '~eu-"sti~ ichool." Anoth ' Is cona1dered .a cUsttngu,lshecl orlgln- er oolortul ~. ~.. In the PeiUllyl·. al and complete flrBt nov~ vanta · Dutch ~Ja1de. ' P1eld-"AJl this, and heaven too." lfolan-':HCIt!naUjd e;.)qt.a." This Weare proud to announce ~ we II' the 8tOrY oi t _ who went
HeIR to Pro'~c; Your ,Home' lrOm TulJe,cu/o." . :
Tbe anuual 0bJ1stma8 Beat lI8le t.be' W~, CoUnty Tubercul061s
&nd ' Healtb A.MIoClatlon goes Into f~ ~ dur1Ji& the oomtng w~.
~ wit.n mOst.of the otber ClOunt.Iea 'or ' tbtL l!iete. the ChrIst.maB
. ,nth , QED AtJTII&~ •
1IedaIYl.. .,..
Seal .wt In Warren county wUl be carded on UlJs year to a great elltent by mall '!be flnIt. part of D.eXlt DNeMwl. " '.11 . rea1d~ta of Wa.yne Townshlp ~~ a 'l etter from, .the, , , " ' .' ~ ' cbiIJrman. In which there Will ..... ' .' eMloiecI a sheet of seal&. J . . MeCn& " ~lvq othe !ettma cue &aired to ., , ....... man In tIu!lr conf.r1butloll6 or to ~ BuJeeM ofwn the aeaIa by Merchant&.
now have 6 copy of thJs very enter, with Oecqe
~ book.
presented ~ US by Mlases Prances and AdeU.ne , ' , ~&,&IBo. wWl ~ acknowl~e dona. t1On.a ot boob by the ~verend J, ,V. IAcy. Mias Heiirletta McKlnsey and Mr& Pred Oonklln.
...... m..n m.u. I:' . ...... ~ , ~ Ilblldren, ~d , OI'II8ntmtlO"n,a _ Eo,. ..... ........,. 11c-".1Ie WIll be the only 80llclted bY pencIIlAl ' .,.., • 0I1e8
, . ~ . . . ...." ••• OS .... II UIdlJ .
~""_N Of • .. ,
, .-WIiIi JIk,••
',_IW",;';\~>l"-,,,_ _
- Brock-"Preeent tor AunUe," 'It1e ~~ baa al~ ~ atory of the tndeclldotl o{ JOhn. aged ' ~ t.hoae III ~ coun~· par- atx wben he daoided to buy '6 blrtbmn4lII tben ec1 auau..l sale. It baa • ., .... 'tile' ~ .• , \daY present fOl' hili aunt, " It¢' '. MeKrmwn &nd Oleeson-"AD the , . ... tb4I ~ ~taaa; ~ the dAYil were AntonJa's," A.tory of ' ~, Il:nn~, P,OOPII W~vWe •early' OOIOJ'lldo and of 6 VlVld JOUDI
, OtUk on his pi .
... Jecl.1Q ~ " 'IIrS. ' It II well.., ~ that eo". ~-"WoOcseratt," .A' CCIIDo the IDOIII7 ~ 10 the coun~y p)ete book of woodcraft by an· out. II \IIIIIil tor: &be ~ of Ita oW at.a,ndiDi aut.bor1ty. _ . ffGlD, ~ TbJa. preyButrJOn-"1Ast 1aIiuld." A pres01 tAlI cInMId cUIeMe wiD I m~ advmtUl'e ItorJ of a .,...1 In 1___, .... .-......s .. ~ .. i Maaq, and her doe team,
~, &he 0IIrIIIaJu _
,_ ' ........;.;;...._
Btreaff1eld- HOIrcuI ....... - A
,""" full 01
CIDIarfuI . ..
-*.&be CIl'cUS -
.~ K~k..~.:,1
~ ex~ on;' '. t\ l'eIUlIIed In
OWn _ _YTY - ' AnUoAD
oounty , These ,boots of f1ctlon were ~y tbe aucceaflll aa , .'
SAlE - 1 ' Used
Range. 125.00. 1 used, ~azoo RAlnae. 120.00. R, D. Collett. Hardware, phone 89N, W&YDeS: vWe. Ohio.
Pra,yer meeuD, Wednesday evenln& '1:30
, DON~
pomplete auction aen1ce, Bank Blilar., wllrn1n&t6n, 2a82.\ , '
FOR SALJl--.<l Melody , Suapbone. Bernard Melloh, pbone .82. D'l
Evenlni ,.nIce '1 :30.
Member of tbe Board of Lectl.lrNblp Of The IIOUlM Ohurch. , ~ PlrIC ~UrCb or Obrlat, 8c~entlat, .In BOeton, Ml\_~~t.'1
".ct.-tln' Tootln'
EDtitled-Christian Science: T~ue Education , By James G. RQ-well, C. S. B. at Kanaaa Oity. MiBIourt
Twin Thrill Nights I
THURSDAY Bereullelull meeUllc '1:30 p . m. Oome 1M III ro up to the house of tbe I.ord,
CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIf?T, . DAYTON, OHIO . . 00rd1&Uy InVitee The Pubilc. To Attend A
Free Lecture' On Chri.tian Science
Stubb'. Furniture Store
run or
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LiviD&, R-oom Suite., $49.50 Up , Bedroom Suite., $59.50 Up 9x12 ~ongoleum Rug., $3.95 Up . SO Lb. Cotton Mattre••ea, $4.45 Jli.Gradelnner Spring Mattre••, $12.50 , Coil Bed Spring, $4.~5 ~ccaaional Chair. It Rocker~ $4.50 Up Kitchen Cabinet.. $19.95
Tbiiq, be tbnIe tblDII ,,~ Me tIOo ,,~ for: me. 1" four wh1eh I ImIow not.: 'lbe way of an e.,Je In &be ~; the way of a IerIM!nt qppn • rock; 01 a /Ihlp In ~ rm1dat of the sea; aI)d the of a ..-n with a maid.
wander they
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ReGel in More Tlaan Million Hom.\
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SALE-Lionel Decide Train. matIJC eJeot.rtc ~ switches, autoo mM1d ~. and 25' feet track. MUle . . ne,r, price ~b1e InQuire ' MI MIam1 Oue1.te, •
W.\YNESvn.u:. OBlO~ THURSDAY. DECE~ER 14. · 193l}.
..__ ___ ~M
_________ ",
=-- - - . .--
-_.: =:s::- -,
Local Happenings . ........ ....._._._.- -•.-..• ,.
Community Inmed Progressive Women Gnde.Jchool Operetta H,'IPY Hoar 'Cluh At Bunnell Home Visit Friends' Home toea HappeDlngs Tuesday, Deceinber 19 __ ._.f. To .Chrisbnas Cutafa - - --
at -
-- -
• I
Mrs. Nellie Bunnell and Miss Did you ever llee a turkey a Ohrlst ' Monln'\ia Bunnell were hostesses to The Friends' ·Home was the scene Charlesi SaytteuTIlhWSaJtein'ls employed The WaynesvUle Civic Club. ns .n • I on a job n e ow pr gs Iex.pre61on • I 'Jn86 tree. clock. candy, nuts, sUver- the ,members of the Happy Hour of a hlliPPY t.me.. Tuesday evening. . of Ita Christmas good Wi I ware. Chrlatme.s cards or other slm· club for the Deumber meeting, when the meinbers of tihe Progreso Howard Surface served on theltowards the community Is lPOlll9r War 8.roticles ta.\k, dance, and sing? The meeting W8.6 . calJed to order sive Women's club made a ChrLst.. federal jury in Cinclnnatl 'last week . lng a presentation of MattheWll' beau Ie you haven·t. be sure to be at the b)l the prealdetJ:t, : and a.lJ present mas visit. Tl?ey pres~nted the Home Mrs. J . O. Cartwright and Mrs. tlful cantata . "The siory of Ohr1ltHigh SchC)Ol audltorlum at 8 o'clock jalDed In Btnglng, "Silent Night" members wldl a beautiful polnsetta Hannah Rogers were In Waynesvllle mM", President carl Abaeche.-U an. Tuesday. :oecenmer 19 when the curAlter the <busll~ meet! 'the plant. and sang Christmas carols. iday. • nounced today. This concert will be taln rises, on the Orade school ope!" , ng Master Donald Lukens read a Christ given Monday evening December 18 Mr . and Mrs. C" E Anderson spent at th e Waynesvill. e Metho"",t .. ,- chunh etta entitled. ''Marjorie's Chi'lstmas following . ' group .o.r• talkS was ' ..pre- mas story . wi th a recitation. ..Twas . Dinner." " !lented. Worthw~~.e Meetings. by the Night Before Christmas." SUl1day in Columbus with their by the soloists and augmented choir 'ft __ ft.... One hundred and fifty flve pupils Mrs. Keller Boak; Methods of ProAfter their vls.It to the Home . the son, Charles. student at Ohio State of he Lebanon Presbyterian church. oedure in Program Planning" Mrs Un! slt nd the .. ,.:......, of Mr Frft~k . . club held its meeting at the home ver y. The chole director Is Miss Evelyn u er uu~on . .... Raymond BraddOl!k; "Resources In . and th Orad hool tea.the.rs. have ' . of Mrs. John W. Kersey. Don·t forget the "Ji tney" supper Wilkerson of Utlanon, a,nd the overyoo.e , . , ' bee e e 6C ha d to ma"- Prosnm PlanniD4!r". Mrs. Lawrence, During the business session it was to be served by the Ladles Aid to. tenor soloist Is Mr. RusseU Frank 01 . :Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sears of n workln g very r .., Cook. Several ll()l~el stunts and con . The men of the faculty of Waynes. . th1 and they feel sure . voted to give to the Chrlstma Seal night in the dining room at the WaynesvlHe. vill1' plan to attend the School Mas Spring Valley and Mr, and Mrs. .W. t~ a su~ j It uch tests were then cronducted by Mrs. fund and to prese.nt four Christmas IMeth~t church Mr. Abaecherll also announced •..: ._ be • . N. Bears were Dayton vialtors Friyou w en oy very m • Ell ~na& and Mrs. J . N. Hartman . bultets to needy families Mrs John ' t ha t preceding the concert. the ten 01 . .... ..... held. at Otterbein on cia . ' ha te . ' . . R d M R L H k 11 Thurada.y 'Y. The leading c rae rs are. Following the p:ro;gram, the memo Kersey. Miss Helen Hawke. Miss ev. an rs. . . ac we Olvic Olub will hold Its regular Extel1lll~e prepara.Uona In Mr. and .lIDII 1Rebert Baker Jr., Mother Olenn FAen bers enJoy-ed their usual custom of K81thryn Gibbons. and Dr. Mary L. were guests of Mr . and Mrs. Samuel monllhly dlnner. served by the f lII'e go g d da hter J t the Marjorie Gladys Rye exchanging ChriftmaS gifts. with Cook ,were Wppointed chainnen of Benedict and family of Glendnle. ladles of the Friendship club, In the orward to make the grade operetta an It ndug, ith' .'~and' .~Lo II King Turkey Jimmy Hartsock th · eir club frien·ds' ' Sunday nJ.ght and Mon :lay. ,8 a~. From what we hear it 11 wee e W, .u. ....... we .. the committees in eha;ge of arranl;! rereatlon rooms of th e Methodia' golDg to lbe very rood The oPeretta Norria and eon, of Ma.nill&. Ind. Stuffing Bobby Hastings A delicioUs lunch was served by ments for the baskets. 9halrmen of Mr. and MI'S, J. F, BGker of Flora. church; and the usual speaker 'WIll W111 be presented 00' ·"..... Aft.. ~_ .~~ __ 1 •• ~ ~_ M-."crl t Christmas Tree Aim Weltz the hostesses, after which the mem- the program commlttees for the re- IllinoLs. were here Tuesday to at- be dlspe1l5ed with, in order that· all l1IU. IIWQ . . . a. ~.'" __ eeven a - Clock DOnnie Lukens bers. adjourned t<I, meet Ftidny. De. mal.n der of the year were appointed te nd t h -"I e to attend t h e cember 19. in the hJab&----,;r,~..achool ......- tended dlnne party SUIlda e '.unernI 0 C Mr. Baker's sis- mem bers may be..., torlum a r " y The chonises include : Holly and cem.ber 29 for Ole:ir annual banquet as follows; JanUary, Mrs. Ota H1dy; ter. Mrs. Lily A:g<bert. concert. which it Is hoped will be a • 1ng at the home, of Mr and MnI. Mist] toe Cooks Knl and Forks " . The winner of the weekly ~toon George Swindle of ~w. Pia e . . N ~es nd Cand. . to be held at Orange haU. February, Miss Vlrglrtia Hardin ; Mrs. 'Jesle Hyman IJP6nt Sunday welomed innovation. In addit10n to . contest was Mane Lamb. ThClle re. .t.es. Spoons, ,u a y. - - - -March, MIss Evelyn Kersey ; April . and Sunday night at the home Oflthe ~embers of the club. and the <;elvlnJ bonoriable mention ~: Mr. and Mrs, Leo Conner and CIu1atmaa Decoratl.o ns. ChrlstDWI Mrs. Emma McClure; May. Mrs .. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Polinsky, in local church congregat1on. the enMarIe B~dln, Clw'lea Orndort. IAn daJl8h,ter, 08l'Olyn Ann. spent ' the ,CIU'ds. Christmas Dinner, and C&r. Donald Hawke. Olncinnatl. tire communlty Is cordially invited sing Bardin. Jean Bartaoclt. week end ·with Mr. and Mrs. Bern- olen. At the close of the meeting. the to attend and show their lppree!apn Dece~r 22 there w'ill be ani Melloh of/ RJdgev1Ue. The plot of the story goes llke members enjoyed a social time and Miss Cora apd Mr. Arthur Thomas tlon of the musical group for their paa,ecl the ·a nnual Al"-_& and .,_. ft .....,_. Keith Walton were this: Marjorie is W with a cold and --refreshments served by the hostess. entertained Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Idndness In so favoring our commun.. ..................\ ..... -......... dlcln ~ L. A. Ga.t:'St was hoStess to William Thomas and daughter. Bon- Ity II to j uaJ homecoming &arne. ~ Ai an addluon- dinner aueat& Sunday at the kome her mother d.o8e8 her ...~. me e tl\e newly 0 ...... n1:!ed bridge club, of ' as we as en gy an unus ..... wW un b ...nle Lou. of Mason. @ond Mr. and Mrs. treat dink In with th Iri' h IW attractIOn there wiU be a donkeyloC Mr. and lin. Ol&rmce Bm1th ot C~~~::"Day beSf y r~~~"'ft: which She Is a"member. at her home Myron Thomas .o C Dayton. of th' anChrlsteep ~___ e Ip • .basketball ga,me ~Yed ~bly by n4!&l' SprIDs v~. ............... . he pr~ ...... Tliesclay evening. Two tables of e , mas """""... Frank Hawke of the University or The program wllJ begin promptly mmnbeia of the ReServe eqUad. ~ ' . Mr aDd Mrs R H. BartIIoclt and It Marjorie will only ~ hili' medl: bridge were In, progress during the At the end o~ the &eoobd term, f a '. t Bunda with Mr and cine she Will have a turkey big evening, with award for high score Cincinnati was Inltlaoted Into Eta at 8 :30 and there wUl be no adalla82 per cent of the underweight dlll. . mJ.ijr apen . y f·1 enough to walk as well ~ ,many going to:Mrs Ruasell Holliday and Kappa. Nu. National honorary elec- slo!l charge. ,,- at ~ O~ ~d1nr are a81n- Mrs . .\ Z lI8rtBOOIt and ami Y Of ...... -+.. er ........ +"'ft_ f '""'_._._-- cl1n- consolatioo prize . , trical en,;u.eer <>1M In g f rateml t..,.. . a t th e ------uu:n ~. , 6"""' ............ or VOl ..... '..... to ' Mrs. Russe'] lJig wellht. Th1a year the teachera · , . nero Marjorie allows her ~other to Prank The frumlbers decided to How.l Alms on Wednesdar night. are ~ welabt arapba lor Mr. aDd Mrs. ~)Dald Hawke, and tuck her In Cor a J'IIrP, &;Dd dozes off hold their meetings on the !lecond The Friendship club of the MethoThe King's Heralds wlll meet . underweft~ chUdren, whether they Mrs. W. E. Cornwell ~e attWldlnIl' to sleep, wbereuJ)OD a turkey comea tqtd \a.st Tueeday of each dlst church held Its December meet- Thursday afternoon. December 28: , are drtnking m1lt. or not. hoping Ito the State Granee comentlon in Co- to We &II well as the entire Chrlat-Imonth. • Ing and ChrLstrnaa panty. Wednesday at 2 o'clock at the home 6f Miss make _tb~ weJabt · conscious, and lumbuB tbla week. maa dinner; , ~ter the card games the hostess afternoon. at the ch~ch, Ruth Helen LeMay: 1I1IItead of Monposslbli to. ~e them to drink Mr. aocl MnI. GeorIre KengJe and J f you ~ to ,show your ~p~c!a- eerved refreahlnenta to' the following The meeting was opened with de- day. riecembe~ 18. as previously anLast Saturda:, seventeen PPA ' m1I1t .1o ·~me. ~ ~xm..teJy ~ Mr. and Mrs. L: K. Oordooat~nded Uon for the eftom?f ~ stUdents ' Mrs. carmen Orane, Mrs. votio~ by Mrs. L . C . .Ra~~y. who nounced. boya topt.her with Mr era ' met bo~. Of mUt are beh'll tUen Eastern BtM. ~t101l at KomI", and teadlera. and a.lto re.celve a p. Dye. Mrs. Harold Mlller. Mrs. read, ~e 0IiliatInas Story '"and e. Word bas been received .by Mr. at ~banon with the warre~~ dally at preiaeDt. ~ WedDaIda.Y 4W~. evening ot e~nt, keep A. II. stubbs, Mnl. ~ E. Stout,.Mra. poem, The Secret Shrine. Mrs. and Mrs. H. B . WllIlamson. that Berkahlre Breilders aasoclaUon '11ie . . date-Tuesday December 19 open ll'rank. and Mrs Russell Hol- Radley then led the group in slng- their son Harold WlI11amsOn of . • • SPOBTS ' Mr. and Mm. 0U'1 Mitchell of and to " · "Mar.lO I' Christ ' . lng "0 Little Town of Bethlehem'" , event was IiIe distribution ot pure , W&.YnMYllle .. I.... -hM1' · bask t- cO\'lnIUIIl. Kv;, wwe Iueaia of Mr come . , see. res . - Ilday. • T"h ual ord f busl 11 • Day toll, shot a 185 pound deer, last bred 'glIta to theee boys to be uaed In . ._" - -:-r- s e ~ . ' mas Dinner ' e us er 0 ness fo ow_ week while on a huntln trl ' . ~ . team 1aet a cloR. bard fou:rijt ~ Mrs. Robert Baker Br.. Batur. ' . ' ed wit:4 the 'Club voting to repeat ' g p vocational projects tor the followlDlr • . II ' The price ,of admlsslon Is: . f ' I ~. ill .." I d tl through the northern part ot Penn- IIChooI year ' _ ................ft""-'- .."oel PrIAA'.. ".u - - ... ~.......- . " ..".... .....,.~. • II .. ,",ue r . ona on. as of \a.st year, to the . evenmr at Sprfnllbi:J<to. Dr ADd Mrs. A.' E. Stout and 2Oc, UlOol cbUdren 15c. "nckets . ' • Milk Fund. and to toh.e ChrlstmM sylvania, wtth 1;11s . brother, R. J. The toUoWin&' boys received pure. ihr Seals f d Do t1 '1be _ e took OIl the t of cia",;",. WlftMI- J may ~ either trorh a student WW1amson of Cleve\aJ}d: bred gillB' Jamea BoUrne. Lowell upec G --~- o, ..ere IUpper aelllng tickets or ' at the audltorlum I w'1 un . na ons of a Christ;. ' . , . ,a fOUl abootlD, conteet In.the lat. rrueata, 8undIi.v eYelllnc, of Mr. anQ . • 1 - - .-' mas ibIulltet In the communlty , and a Mrs. O. A, Hlzar of Lebanon was S~, . Wlll1e:m Strouse, Owen .s.t of t.bf ~ half Mrs. . Jun. , Noble, &ud 8ODi, r# ~y nl&ht. • Eta Kappa. ~u. qational honor&l'l:' Cbriatroas gUt. W the girl supported surprlaecf. Sunday evening, when Bart.oct, S~; Tom Plortbrowa _ &1tvded, 18 of wb1ch ~~ '; ' . " ~, The ~oor otche6tra will aaslst eleatItcial ~~'" fl'atemity. by .the clUb &t the W'Ftlhlngton her two Slaters, Mrs. Clec:lrp OIIbom enee. CUttord O..y, t'bWp Bartman, , , ..ent. to~. -, . iii aDd .... O.t. \tertbWalte ¥4 a CbrI.It.Inu mevte will &Iso be baa ~ed f~h Its Un!ver- Home were also pledged ' Plans for of Lebanon,- and Mril;-Ralp HIuIt.-' Benton Hoalt. Raymond Purka. 'Ran.The nlDe po1nta ~ In the aDd .....,.,.....: _ Mr. aDd lihown to make up II. 1arJe of ~~IJ. chapter the ele'C~ Serv~ the Civie clUb dtnner Mon- Ings, and their famllle., attlv;ed at clal Robertson, Virgil Starke, W~ ~ 18 ~ Jllilkatloa 01 ~ ,~ ¥rI' JIeDtl ~...~ otertalnmen~ . t10n of Prank r. Hawke, Waynes- day evening. December lB, were dis- her home With well Cmed baskets to LeMay. Ray Miller. Ralph DrumDell of the ..... ~ Warne. nat. . Mr. aDIllln..,.u..' , " yille. Ohio. CUII8ed. - help her celebnl.te her birthday an- ~nd, Marlon Hobllt. and James ~t ~ 'qUID,. -BIII6IM: ~; .:. . Hawke ia a fIOn· of Ronald M. After the !business meet1ng ~ nlversary. , Sherwood. t.J went into tbe IIIIIM VIl'7 BncIdoCt Pis- . and a 19S5 folloWing program was .presented by Mi'B. Lee Terrell entenalned at In addltlon to the above" there b UJIderdaI. th4!J .... In the ~ " . .,..,...uug., . ' . of Wa.yne Township high Mrs oM A PuI!tersOn· Vocal solo ... ~~ __.... ~ __ .. _ nIn 'h are Beveral other boYII ..ho haye It N JIOUIb., aDd JD 11' H ia ned t t,h .. Un! ". , , uuu..,. , .........''''''''''''y eve g onor ~ I ' , Dear t¥ eDd or .tilt ~ ~ ~ ~ *be ~ e e~ a _ ~, - "0 HOly Night." by Mrs. L. '0. Red- Ing the bU:thday annlVeraary ' Of MIlls purchuecl or are dealing for pure , IP'd 0 the extremely be&vy' bar.. .. • venlty here &II ~~ I!I'Dlor oo-operatlve ley' a. book review "Christmas in L' lU · W: lton B ta . bred gUts. They are. Billy HJaey. , '~ t.......... at ,tbe Kldd1etown iIiuIooIQ el trl-, ·...~_....,j~w t d t I 'th " ' .. uc e a . er ruea were. ~ of bee Uu'oira by ~ ~Sat.urda1.eYeIdDIi' ! \".. . ec -- en............. s u en n e Other . Countrler • Mrs.' .Russell Ml.sses Lena and Betty Angle, Mias pure bred BerkBh1re; Robert ~.. u..tter DiUkecl ilIe difference 111 " •.. . " of Engineering a.nd Oom- Prank; a tableau, "The baok Seat Inez JalDes. MIss E8.rlene Lanham. ~ Warren Ooole each with a ~.e the Iln&l ..... . IIJ'. UId ~; ~ ~ aD4 '!be Young ~ple·a. TrI'-8t.a~ C~ub ' Driver", by' MrS,' Carmen CrIU}e and Mrs. Anna. Hartsock, and the honor. bted Hampshire gilt, Myron HapMWer aDdl.~ . llUffend IOn, of 8IIr1nI ,1IIIey. lind ~ LDia ~ ~t aO,lu1atmaa drama, e\l. ' Mrs. OUbert Frye; sang, "Santa ed guest meyer. a pure bt:ed Duroc Jersey lI(Juda IIIaIre one .,.,. of ~tL WI!I'8 dIm,1er tltlW:' ''\Vbat Would jeaua Do,"? at Claus" by Bllly Stubbs; and to c l d s e ' gUt,. and Da.vid Puma.s a ' pure bAa IDIibIy ~ _ . . . . f~ -=tIon . . . . of 10'. and Mrs. Vf· N. Sear,I, JWty cb~, SllndaY 'eYen!ng, De• . ' . . the prognun the ~ntlre group jOined ' Poland China sow. th1a' week . . . . . . . wrlla1e aDd ' cember 17. at ,'1:30. in IIlngJng Chriatm8$ carols. A brJI8prtDJ IIilJer pUued a UaaMr. and Chatlea J!ldwarck Included In the cast are: ·Verdena uantly llgbt.ed OhrlstmllB tree decIll' J ....... "" _ _ ... _ " ' . "",,, of _ : \.... ...,..,;, ...... """""" "..... ..... w~.~_ of· St....... a" at ...... of . ~ aDd Ruthertord.llUffenlid • bact ~•. RQmpI;ld ~. ~nd, Jf11ce DUv~, Shlrley Mardls. ~ua· Mary!a Episcopal Church- held the. the prog.ram. "Old Santa" hlIIlllelf Miss VJrginla McCupe daughter J cu~ · on his loot ~ ' . ~ 01 ~ Qonner 'fiaUed. , Bell Llnr. .TOmtnY ,' ~ Getts, meetlng, l!'r1day afternoon paid a visit to the happy gath g of the late WUUalD and Jennie Mre. . Ida Bollier of Dayton called bro. tD . ~~we;r, ~ner. ,a t ~ 'u~v~~. lfa:i'vey ~e, Ed LIng, ,Op'llle 8th. at the home of the Rev. arid with gifts for all, .~d · candy for .the Smith McCune of Koftomo. Ind.. on lier niece, Mi8I ' Ka~le cciUlns, ford will ~ ~ to P~ th18 ~. . . . , SIN&ge. Edward LlnviUe, Bronaon R. L. BacltweU. klddles. There were also retreah- was nuirrled to Me.ynaj'cl McKay of Saturday eV~nlna. ' , . _. ~ md abel ,Whe~ . XWer wID be "'Mr, aDd;'" Bll PurDM 'aDd fam- Moore ~ Benny PUrna.S; Special Rev. Mr. Hackwell cohd\lcted the mens of pop com and ' cake and WUmlngton. November 29. The The ladles of the ~ve W~ '~lWaUable l!latUl an~~. • and Kr:l 'Uld ,IIIII;,l\bodu Bun- . 1lUDDm will 'be given. in connection . to optm the meetJng. and c~dy, !lerved .by the follOwing hCJ6.. ceremony took place ' ln the Con- men's club presented :tbe m~ , CoUld. . . . tile fact~·.~ II and '~ .~ dinner cU~ 1d.th thI, play." l' • • fourteen ~emtlel'8 answerec,l roll Mn. L . C. St. Jolin, Mrs. gregatlonallat church at Kokomo, In of the Home with a beau~(Ul po~, ~ J'4IIqDf-t . . t.be ~ ·of , Mr. &Del ,a4n. CJJu:~ EveriOIUl is invited. Oome and see call. • . , Cleve Conner, Mrs. ChBI:les Zimmer- the presence ' of a few intimate seta plant. and enteI1&lned. them "J~ Ute 1COqII~Y' _ ~ tMma; tile , ~~l;" J~. of ~- ..hat Jeeua ~uld' do In the 'modern After the reports of the secretary- man. Mrs. Carl Conard, and Miss {riends, the PMtOr of the church of- aIng1ng ChrJat:Jnaa carola, 'l;'ueaclay local ~~. ~O~ ~, 1dIb' .. . '. W'OI'ICl and Ct.tch the tl'ue Ohl'tlBtmali treasurer, and variDua ~mmlttees Orace WUllaJnson. flclaUni. ~ McKay's mother will everuni. , , , ~ by tIbe . aDd lin. 'WaiftD. Bradc:lqa IIPIdt. given the usual order of b~be remembered as the daughter ot Dr. and Mrs. Dudle)' .K~\'., 0 aupPort.er'B, mOlt of " . . (". au_ ' at . the late Hon. John Quincy Smith Oenterville 'Were dinner IUf!I~ .of. conUnued • ~t . _ an4 MrIi and Mrs Smith of oakland Mr and MlBBes Emlly and Lydia wright Bun-, Kr Gent attended a meeHM8 on Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rbgel'8' and , '. • ""'" ._~ ~ stanlJard ot schoolS at wUson daughter, ~ v~t.eU ~. and Mrs. Junior hlah school 10 Ham1lton on N. L. ~ 01 Spl'1npro, Sunday. WedIlClllday. . :Mr. and MnI. L. O. St. John were ,W~~ evenlng.-December 20. dinner guests. Sunday. of Mr. and the Benion a.re sponsOring a high Mrs. P . L. Rea8on. ~hool party in ule 1YDl. it baa 'b een'6ome time since th8 entlre high :Mr. and ,Mrs. A. p. MeUoh and ft _ l1u • ..-.ted relat1ves in Hamilton sc:hoo1 have had anybh1ng of the t ......... YIoD . • IOr.t together and we are antlclPa.t- Saturday evening. in&' the Outoom Each 18 _ Mrs L A Otust d ... Ift.. e. c_ ex ." an BOn, """"'.... u pectecl to contribute to the fund in spent ThW'8day wlth:Mrs Il'a Brown . order, to make it a lot of tun for and scm of Fran1tlin .
New Bridge' IClub Is Organized
Local Boys Recei,e Pure Bred CHts
F Ok T Hwk
Elected To Fnte....
wilen" tree
!t u.s m.•
1IOn1. .•, ~ _.~
Miss Mary Johnston Am11UJ GIIest SPeaker
p,. ....-
rece1¥ .
tA!am •
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county to~t. bOIlara.
'11ie. : ~1ll~
, .:
. McKeever. c
B. ". oom~
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. , . ' ,KnIe!I p. .R. I,. ... .. ,. ~ , f ~i, .... .. , ' ,' . J . , i 1 8. I' Co' , • ..,: ~ C! ', ••• : ..... ... . 2 ~ ~ t ' Kruer. a L. ., ........8 18 S .
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ToW W."...we· 81id1iri1f1oto, . .' 12 .....".. BuaII· JIeIIi7. • ,~
dellghtful honeymoon tour ui the south upOn their return tiley will be home to their relaUvea and trlends at the McKay r'~ldem:e in WUming-
' :Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 01. Wnrht IID4 .. son ot . Middletown, Mr. aDd lira.. ctlarlea Y . Pitta of ~ . &pd. and ~. J~ Group 'Of, 10.;, were Sunday ' atte~ v1s1tors at tile Borne. '
week at her home on the Av_ Mrs. Margaret B~ . . . '. . , . . " She had resided here many Johneon. Mlall ~e. ~j Rev. BAkWeU tntmiiu£ed' Mlaa 01 1tbe , h\te Walter J . '~er. ~~ Mr. 'Thomaa prececl1ng her 10 Adallne Alden. and DoIiaId , ."............"" ,,1.1.:.......;~.:.. , Mary JohDeton of Glendale, \1Ce- Sa.turdiLy, December 9 at. her home death & number of years ago were Lebanon vlatots, na.. , . at ........· ~ ~ ·n18bt.' ~t of th chU"-' hospl.ft' in Xenia " af~-~ ., ' .' "" ~ ,h . . .,.,......1:"" , ,e Wi'CUa..... , " . ' Nt' and Mrs McVey ve• moved .............. ooun~ .' eentces, ' . , . ;~;, bl ~tl' l who spoke to ' the ,r S~~,- are' the h~~, c~y~e Dr. ~t PJ'opeJty recentlJ . ~~ '&Del .t.lW' ~ • b~ . ., about ,tibat lnstltutlon. Her~ •. her .mother. Mrs. AQna ' by Mr. and Mrs. Elbert WILl . ~. ~ ~'~"nll . ~' were cle8crtplon ..of the · wonderful . wQR ~er and two brothers, J •.'P. Baker . . '1 I!i. ' y . . ,of ~: f:)elnI done by 't he' hospitaL not only of PIora. m..and' 91lff Bater. ~ , Robert Gordon ,- Ih M,-_i V'alley u,.. 1.. C ' St.' Jobb. _ IIdn& Bar.t ' . .' , .' , "! ...... . , '. . ~-. .. . ' . ' wi~h1n lfe , walls, but the 8OC~ ~- ~r:-ll1Uvicea were ~eld at the hNmltaJ recovefing alter an operaIP"OUP 01 W'CImeD Pl1da.r mom. toeIt Barnhart. vice work done by it& staff to .lm. Iftubiiis ~ home here, ~y ••-,. , . at the bwne of laB W ·A. ........ •..... lIaA " • h' .I<"-· ·of ......: k'-' ..... _ - - ' .......:.., . '. "",.a.m1D ;" ' 1 \ ~.... '""I'!'--'- ' . Pl'O~~ ' ~!,con_ t ......... \-~'-""':""and ......._ ..&II' lDMidtU.e . Th.eladlesqt~J~nab'S A' 7 ' " ~ YJoa; . ~ [~ dmi, ~~ :fri , the ~tal waa Ruh; ~~. tlat: Chur::h ha!J ,a ~tul . ~ ~, O. IDOI'e v1vtclly .1I.crtbeCl by DlOt19n . ... . . ' , 1Ille. ~ttirdaJ . ' ......... Un. ~, of cbUdren lJ1 the · MATI'IE MAE M1JLI'OBD , W E. 0Ir\eIb8i& is "fII'Y _.",... t , .~!i' ~ then of the homes from MM. )(&t.~ Mae' MUlt0 &it' 67, ' . 'in health for ..hich 8eIiI~ ~ COIIIIe, M1iII .JohnROn also dletht her, home early morn ,are very lI'l'L~tul. ~. • ~ tbe'IP'OUP ' with beautl~ ~ after an J1lDeII ot WllIiaID Doeter dma"'i" ~~'~ ~ ~ IIIIOY1Da J)Icture8 of her due to I., ~e of~, ~ Book Review' club Tuesday to ~. 'wbJab 8be toak tbla aumved by her b~ J'aY- DOCIP. ~. Oae IIOD Jr1r1n~ two rRpbert Want ' ia in Klamt Yall." ~t .~ bGUr ... ~ ~ ~ry aDd hOilfl~ feii' an-operMIoa. b ,durIIII wbk:b~; two brotben. , - ' - _.... tile _ JbrJe,f WIIk of Lebt.Ddrl,
" in.
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R~~~ .I •.••.••.• 0' 2 t ;. , ~. c 2
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:t.p'8. McKay are enjoying
, ~. I .~ ....(. : ... : .,•• .0 ' 1"'1 ~ .. . ...,........ 1: 8 .. .....:.. I P·,~
;.. B ~" ~ t .•. ~ .. ",", . ,I I
.' eoliA ( ..... .. ,. ....
.Mr.. Fred
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........NIeIaI ~ -~. . . . . ~ WedlDllal
g ,t.Iie - - lUD·i, _ _
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~l"~~~ _J!l!:!~ettt ---If ~ P~f&e, [= maw.. .u ....d au. iIan lI&tt8r
County Court News . . ,
Wa)'JI.mne. Oblo
Flora M. Crane Editor and Publisher
J~~~~~ :,.THWEA.'TI~NRE or
tlon tn kind. tnheI'!ltance tax deter·
m1necl. .
l88tJED IlVDY TBl1JlsDAY . S· ........- - Pri... $1.110 PI!' Year, P.~1e iD AAtnue
&be natIca. BeveIltenn etate CODven. tlons w11l be bekl bere durtna pee
FieryW1: i: Sk.in. f 'Gets Quick Relie
the IIdDI cooveoUon c1tiea in
.~ . ~__~~~~=_~....-
:::.."=~~ 'IC._we, ..
oembel' aDd twenty-one are IIChed· • .SATURDAY ONL'I u .... • ..._....... . Some of these , ..... Ie _ .\mfI1e y.t 1MuMaI.. . Wed lor - . . 16 _ . . ~ .tieI ...... ef .a-e. Iw.. ------=-------------------~- diVorce, fI"I* netJect u"". . meetlnaB re~t nat! 0 n til asDeeember . '" T_ Of . . . . . . . . . . . . . INI!Y ........ '- •. Cbartee 0Iay, 21. ~ at coa.tIonIt and &.be Columbus Oon· !":rJ"u:::: :...~ CO_ON PLEAS PaooDDING8 Golden LImb. Lebll~ and Evelyn reporta that many ot ~ .1Id ....,......."'" . , . ,IICII .",b.r. .ODDN WAIt BA8 NO l'J0T0IlS -Robenatl.22. 0I'e8'0'nia. both colored venUon Bureau bl tm-....A =,.~ ~Iht~ ~ ....... wOlild be , lilrne&t YcK1n them were 110 !aYON Y ... --... Jilit . . .., InkIIII ~Iat for I" . 8alIJe LamIa \'S, . EdWard York. 5:1, ra.Uroa.d man. wl!b COlumbus as a cooy&ntlon city GflII..1 Itott" of 1IMf.1d 011 .ReI 'l'bla ....' ....n RUOIl the United StatA!a baa. much to be thankf . ul for- ney and dle PlcW1ty and CaBualty OJ"elODla. and ' Frances 0Bb0m 21, that .... -t,,, -turn b-'" tor tbe1r.. with to .cc.pt ••1fI\I", It I. '0Kl0 • -1.....,y .. 11& .~ ..... I, ~.fIC8Id'!!j I.. 4tIe+ • ameli &Q4 theandent gnietlnr or "happy new year" ~ h&ve more tilan 01'- oompany; delendlant Il'IUlUld __ve 0J0egQbia. next ~M_'~' meetlMW. It 1& exp(,ct.ed GEORGE O'BRIEN .. ..... • tl_ .ftd If . f ...... ,.. _ .......... ~ leav to -..... til" clee. DOlNrl ...........1. . DII filet llelp. at ~~, Alone of *be IIII'fI&t powea 'o W~ wor.... we are . to ............. . . e that ovr 20.000 convention delep.te8 8erlaI-ColJledy pt....... \.MIl", '.111 to ,I•• ~II ",II lit... PII¥8~ e.Iid remote fl"OUl the bloody abAmblea of war. to tne answers ~~ ~L EBTATB ftAN8f'D8 wW be tn Oolumbus lor the Decem, ,.dletl. 6M. cell 1Ie~ ..., IIIOlItr .......Id. 'Ibat We at peace aboukll)f r!'f"iIY.Amir:kan'l passionate reso- The Schuster iJect& company - - -. ber and January meet.InaB. among tlUNDAY ana MONDAY luUon. Par., dOes more than destroy Uvea and ~. . It deetloya VII. QuentAln Oox, D. B, A. Valley Ernet Muon Ql.a.ce. deceaaed. to the more lJDpOrtant being the Amer- . December and 18 ~ u.u~ prmclpln t.be best tbat oenturIee of our forebeara Mot« compmy. aJao Tu&co cen· HoWVd l£mbert Ohate, et al.; 10an AsIIOCJaUon lor the Advancet.:.. ~ CenainlJ tbla weary pI&net should have learned by ter; $395.43 to be paid by the de- '"-12 acres tn WUTe1l county, . ment. of Science, December :n-olanuDOW there are DO v1cItora tn IDOdem ~e are onl,y lOaen. fen.da:nt, to the ·pI&lntI!f, Bare. Pw:kett to EliJIh 8. Puckett; ary 2' Ohio Educatton AIJIIOcletIOIl, ~ J.a the finelt HotIdaJ any nation In thJa war.t«n world can ~ve Int.be matter or !be 9010 Unl- SI.I poIe& of land 1l1l·.sout.h Lebanon. Jan~ 6-f: Un1t.ed Mine Workers TARVJA-L1THIC ~AR AND vemaust 000nDtI0n1 report 01 the Pem HuTIa to Maude B. Dear- of America, js.nuaQ' 22-February 6; TII8 FAIIIID lIIUST LIVE ROAD OIL: EXCAVATINO ale 01. pnmliea fA) John Barr for doff; lot 11 in Pn.nkJ1n. . Ohio Cowdl of Churches. January wllb .. of milk" becomes a poUtlcal $2.230.00 ia approved. H. M. Scott Allee ~vee IdranlJB Zecher to 26-30; Ohio Pn.stors· OonvenUon. MARX BROS DUMP TnUCK SEI\VJCE Every 80 otten the ~ high priCe tiled an appiraUon aptnat the aale Alice E. Young: Olu! acre 1n'I'urUe- January 26-30; Ohio Fanners' Week . KENNY BAKER PIT RUN, LOADED SOc .... ~t mMee an Iotcl'acttve laue. In .. 1eDIe. , ~UCh as milk 18 a of sa1d 1ftmi8ea but tile appl1catlon creek townalUp. January 29 Pebruary 2. FLORENCE RICE IlIICISfo)' we au uae, was d-1ed At tbe eame UIne. 1IIU'e8trUDecl crUIdIIm or tile COIIt of ~ IISIaIly '"""t. . Wllli8m It.. SCott. by adm1n1stra.. AIlIo 8e~ 8ho" ltubJeda . • dIJI8 tar more harm than 1OOd. ~. as the recorda abn n)1anUy prove. tbe 'Ibe ()a,kI.and Gf'!'1n & Lumber ta. to Adelaide B . Scott; 0.'15 acre Ohio Is one of the ~ IltaLflll Price Cbanps milk producer 1& 18' from aeWnc t1cb ADd farmers. l1ke 'the I'fI8t of lIS. 1COID1»J\1; conflnnatlon aDd cHstribu· and lotS 14. 16 and 18 in South Leb· which aUll do not haVe ~ and HolldaYI IOC-2Oc-ZSe Phone. Wnynsllvllle 44 R 11 III1IIi Jive. On top of tbat, the MriCUlWnll dalry marteUng co- tJon ot proceeds made. • anon. ' • . motor vehlcle accident reporting ~ wbleb are an ihcreumalY Important factor tn milk d1atribu- Herman l&wrence CWUII va. ot. AD:h!e E. Bc;ggess to Henry H. 'laWs, TUE&. ud' WO. l..ebn.non offl41 Phone o4'13-K!too, aN blt.eeted 1D ~ tile 1oter.t or ClOOjpluier .., ..ell as pro. Is H. Curtis; divm:e granted. pJa1n. B&rnlw't and Ruth It.. Barnhart; 2 -.December It and ~O rell.98·M. Morre" Pbo,!!e No. S ctuo.. .'nley Imow full t.hat expklt~ tbe colltlUDler would be a WI's malden name. Herme.n Law- acres 10 Hamilton toWJlllh1p. . Records 01 approved shipments of lIOOmaomtr. ' . . ' " ., ••.•.•• . .• renee. was restored. Outle Hobson and OeoI'ata Hob- feeder cattlle and sheep tnto Obto 4 It u.;, be that 10 IODle eectloos milk prIeee are unre&!JOIl8blY high. ClareIlCe E . C&ltIeJTy va. Nora car lIOn to Roy ElU&on Hobeoo: and Em· in recent. months ~cate Ule nu~_ _!2!!2 l'bat c.A be ~ or ~by . . . . ..:.."".te lnveet1gaklon-not by berry; former decree modJf1ed Ilving rna HobIon; 13:31 acres tn Salem ber of such an1m,&Is to be fed . and poiIt.eal ~ wbklb ..... DO . . . . 1D t.d;. cu!t.ody of m.1nOr' chUd to lather. townab1P. marttet.ed by Ohio farmera will btt with _ _ :D _ • Jamm&e Ora.vea va. . EarI C Coyle; SWl& May Good to William a new h1ab I,n lIMO, The State De- LANE SISTERS defendant II'&Ilted 30 daYS' within W1eda and Thelma W1eda; &Ut5 partment..of .A.griCulture ~t.:= JOHN GARFIELD whlob to me anner, ' . tllW'llII tn Deerfield towmhlP. IbJ mid·November tile porta Added Selected Sbort S"'~ . , • • Iecma R. Oreen VII. Bart C, OoyJe; McBurney Coryell , to PIorence lDt.o the aw.te of 396,8M .h ead of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:--_ _ REAL ESTATE defendant IranIed 30 days within Olark. Brown: 20 acre tn Lebanon. &beep and 122.136 head of cattle had INSURANCE ..h1cli to fUe answer. Bertha E. Belli ELDd Pl'allk Bees to been approved. . Deoeaalter 11 and 12 . Cheata' E, va. Ru&- Roy T. BWs and eileta E, EU1a; part AUCTIONEER ~ II-. tbeIr ~.-me qual,! . '!be qu.Idr. ~' 101utlOD to Jut. IIell O. Hail; plalnWf gmntecl leave of iota 23 and 201 11:( Wayne to~. Tbe ~age of Oreenwlch, J.luron . ~==~==========~. ~ l~ ~ wbeD kept at- the com- minute · 0IIr1atmu IIhoppln&' pl'Ob- to file fI.uther proc:eediJli on or be- Bmltb B. RucIt.~r and AIiaa ,'Lee COUDtf, - Ohio. baa est.abllabed a ' . .. . . t&t4*~ In home llvtnIleiiI8 can eu1ly be ft!IICbed In Day- fore Januuy I, lIMO, Rucker to VlrBU J ...MWa and Loutae 800cl t.lUlenab1p record 80 far unr . . . . - - 0" W. BUenWOOCl Of the taD'. ~. complete at.ona. Broot.s Adam B. campbell va. Everet MWa; 2.8'1 acres lin Deerfield to~ I equaled ~ aor other commun1ty in With
Balel SOArd
Ilv_tot Board;
d 'v .
=:r:a't'r..;1 !:t
p,...,.. ·,urtII......,.
Sand '& Gravel
Armltage .
Olen CUace
'or Qaic:k Shoppmg
0 "$10q TOUCH DOWN"
ZlIpa1meDt. 8taUoD. Bannon, eec:nItary of the Dayton Re· Jr.eIIlIDI ...... III wwm ~ &C- taU JoIercbanta' AaeoclaUon. anIIDUIUII tor .. IODd IIIIUIJ onmptalnts nounoed JWte~ . IIIIaUt &be ~ of fruit wed for "KGre 1t1an ever before. Dayton ....... raw. '1'- aftnlle room Ji alIo wanta '*0 extend a cordJa1 1nv1tatlon taD Cti'J, ud tiM apP1ea IIbrtvel. Kp. to OW' nelcbbora from other towna. . . IbDuJd be kePt 1D a cool ~ Harmon .~. We ...u..: that
, JIariiaul&ural
~ ..
and .JcIIWbaD,
earlY wb7
w1l,l attract 'many mop- leUa JoI.. t..oean. decelleed; wtJl ad· mlttecl to I)l'Oba&e. G. Ander-
t.cnmsh1ps. HaWe l!:. to ....... tnto are . eon appointed. e:uc!ukIr. B. E, Warand Ethel t« a . ."All , open to 1Md1nc 1Dtf1c .IDIIt1nc tile t.r1p . . . IIt.rrj p. RMtton Uul J. P. in WUTeI1 coUnty. DIa,yt.on
at &be 0bI0 AptcuJturaI ...... after belnir tI!XJQ8Il .... In .. I'OCIIIl with a ~ture a abort aDd • -
~ m.~ - , ~ ~ at . , IIUICb fla.ftr tbM ~ ..... ftl'J •fJ(tJIIIIt' lD~, '1bme aiDe apple.
IIad .... crtIp• .J'*" t.Dd full of wbm ~ lD b ~ IIIII&hrIn UIil 8tII,JIDaIl. J&&e W1Dter ~ ~"~ad tbe teet much bet1er -but ...,. at quamy at &be . . or a ..... .
~ . . . . . . . uout apple ~ WUl be ~ ~ both COD-
~ one." Hannon ~wlea
appolntecl appra18era, " . pOIJce fcirce 18 _ In the matter or the estate f1I. ~ fA)\'Ja1ton, aJld the wtdej.at- Clu1a Bnmner. dec uecl: bearJnK 'on tqcUve 8k'eeta ot Dalton UId...., 1nventbl'y ~ for December 11. COIlYenleDt part1na ...... . ~ ' 1~ In -the matter or the estate Of . . . ,to PI4... • '. Ruth C. lJndl. clec Md: Walter LJIf.'b IIAJOblted adm"'l ....toe. , R. ~, WUl1ama, " J&11M8 CJIenny and Eleanor O. tnlum ap~ ap..... ~ 1InIB'a. ~..... UIn t.be m&tter Of ~ esta~ Of , 1M1~ IW vp5II ftorence Hay deceuc!d' bear.&ng on
All U:.t-.,Yi ".r T.
w "--
UId 8prtna Valley
Ohio acoree epJn. It. cl8aa or iIx tudent.l ·from tbe 0bJ0 8t.ate ·UDl. "eimty were c:lecJII,red the 1rinDes: , II -28 otber .coUep teams In' the NatIonal ' OoIleilate Livestock' Judi' iDa conteat held ~ CblcaIO on De-
~. J~; 1"
.' 0I!IDber
r ~ 1:. 'I ' •
~ ...Lunto
I~publlc.llllolar7.ct or
DON'T "taU~' ,..t1a·Iuabo.. ~UC!tI to. reIIeft diIIeomfort of your
U.... -'_IIUeJaQUlCK'relIIIfbe-
=== keeplaac:=...
ea . . 1t'1;;' "J- aD ordIDIII7 _,.." Rublt'WIIlonyourldddle'.dlelt.tIIra&t
~·baet. It _~ aDd ~mutaw.1IW"
. GlIJiii I . .:. .
breatblac. ,.,. ApproN 117 aoocl
H1M. .
Phone 78J
" .
ILQ ......
arty. publlc 'employees were ~ I from the federal1nCOme 1** . , •
N Ch
ara ~~nte ' rville, Ohio, .
Ilenn¥ -.Jnd
5 -'., TISrAC"ION . r, '1 ,
Rhoda. .L . Den- PauId1nI; Oeor&e Bitler. ru.: .1 acre tn ......DIr.I1D tDwDiIhlp. lCothe: Pred Ooe. Kt. V:emon and WllUam ,W. Slhurte, Nucy J. Harold V. OJuml''IbOrMvtiJe• Shurta and· HoWalrcl I.vIna ~ Oourt- I . Dey J, 00m1Is aql 0IUla coaa: Jot I '11le U. S. IatenwJ Remwe Dept. 68 tn South I .....non. , 1& aJJw.d.Y cbeck1Dl uP,Ohio lIIta of _ Edwani WHp (0 ~ Koenig pubUc eenioe emP.JoYeee who WUl be abd Iaidor KoeDiIa; t ..o tracta in called upOn J&D~ 1.' for the first ~1eld townab1p. . tlme to P8I 1ncoole ~ under' the DavUl
'!'be lads WboJII'OUlht ihe baine, rr.met.h W. aentI IfuI& of Van Wart: WIDIIUn HoeWIlCher. StdDeJ'; am.rt Bames•
per t;ent.
~ ..., ~ recenu, '*' flam neIIfabor1nr t.owu:
tram 'JO &0 71
NImmber '1 electJon and wben the election retumli were WMI'atM. it
l,'aO,"TB COURT I' O'DoaDell &0 L. 'IlbomM Tr.1Ior .Ud .- m.Iletb Tto'lor; :lot 25 tn Pru1kl1n. In the DIIotter of the wW' of ~ John O. 8tmpIc1Da, dereaeed , ' to D. Hank'lWCln, decea&ed; Prank H. OJyd~ B . Slmptlnel; para of Iota 181 83 n j ' Love ~ the COIDthluIon to dI Le~.on &Del abou t 144 tab the deposition 'of'llarNt Cl'alI. aHeII tn Twtlecn!-. t.ownIh1p, Wltrua of the wtll. . II*Se. B. PSeraon Cui a. ranee were mentklDed &II reuons In the matter 01 the dJ or Ea- .rCDIIII; 162.70 ' acrus ~ EaIIt. Wayne
elIIibIe to vote In oreenwich,at
steUer; Dew lot. '18 tn Muon, was revealed that '&21 baUota had Mazy V. O'DoIIIl.eU and Edward p, been voted--a batt1nlJl.averaae of 100
Jl&Y the lIW,ted sum and cD&t8.
from atonp Dayton baa certa1n racUJtlea 101' late . . . IboUJd be ~ cold. The ~ whch will appeal to all our .... ~ .. ~ J.a when it ~ from oUu:vu. cl.latrtcta," t .." "......t " , -~ ' IJ&CinIe, &be, ~ --r--COmplete 1Ikldt8. 1r1th full alze .It ta to lIMp tile f1'l11t in a refriprar and color ranae-. a wide varlet)' of tar ell' 1DOIa ·0QGi IIIICe - near 82 IlfCa. aDd preRDt.a In every price
the alate. There were 621
8cbUllWCber and 8chu· ehiP. . ' macber; Judgment liven tn lavOl' BA1DIODd L. . ~ wan. JoI.. of tile pJalntlff in tale sum 01 $144.00 8chrocIt and Luella M. EMt to AJ· with tnterest ~ the defendants bert B. MOIIIteller Ud Irene O. Moe-
...... u., 8'. temoved
-, I. L. O~ ~eonett. covertne ~ top ,,)ud~ wm keep ap- • '1b8 reIleDt ~ Of Blgti.,ay 25 In in ~ 4~ff1ce. " ·00; ~e . OheeJ: upl '!be U. 8.· neuury pl.ea, mtMt ~, lD&o~ maIuta ~ eaSter 1r\m'dIaIl•.VII. Amenda A. Ilaffltt" et Offlce_ OUtf1~~ 1 s.et rubber type Iafter ,aDaIyzlng ite ~W on Decem- I'DI-'r...d. . .. , -.:...::..--~.- tban eyer t« ~ realdent.8 at.; Meryl B. Gray appointed trustee k., ~,OO; Woodrow·WeU-Btanaae t»er 1', foUnd It can ~'w 'UOO,- ~"U)I_=_-::; __ --:-. --.OID IUIJIIiY ,Y1rWaIly an that t.o 'drtle . . . . for 0brtatInas 8hop- Co defend the actIon...met It.man· 00,. 1 book reoeipt lor vendor', 11 0;00.000 UP'e before ~ tbel ...._.-----;..- ,-:. '8~==.~~ ~ IIeedI. All Ib&t III nee- 1llDa. Paul MannaD; IIIICretu'Y of cia It.; Maffitt, an 1ncom~t per- cenae aDd mv. . . . .,71; Tb8 00- IItatutOry debt llII$. WbJCb Ia • ~ • ~ let. a few mWJoo more tht8 Da.JkIa ~1Je C 1 u b. 8011, lumIx.uJ BIImIt, BooIt 1It,. Co•• • • at 14t5,()OO.ooo.OOO. •- - " . . . • polIJt.ed out " In the matter of the eatate !If sete ~a lnhel'ltance tax form. _ __ • • Wl&b dda *0 ~ fJUmlel Pox. decNeed; PNuk Pox, '1.'16; Dr. B. ~ COIUIeI'ill' '!'be &tate Depanmeot of Bub .. . . . . . . . . Btel'DlJ f~ bOW CIpeD an4 1D IOOd rePair. tbe !'dri'llnlltnJltm" amn 'flW petIIm- 008t ~, 'UP: ·GJIiIoD. 2 , ream. rePQrta tbat only 10 of the 2U , . . IMIo to . , ~ 1laUIbt)':· dltft-1o ~ bel' 8 to file IU1 ~ . . reqt,drecl .A.J1e1 bond. 'U~I J~ lA!-w & Son. banb. wbleb cJqIed 8lJM:e the' ln1. ...~ . . . . ..to';ileli to .pI'8J _ ~ ." la.." U not dane be WUC be re- 1·2 p.l. oU, Il00; ~~ J, Heer Pr1n~ ~ w~ aWl be tn· tJPGD , ~._ 1_ . . . _ ....._ f ... _ lDOVed from MId truat and 'be taxed 00.. pubUo employ.e a retirement pay.. pnJCIIIIIt of UQ~daUoD by )the ~ , . _ _ _ u ......... -~ ew mon_ · . ." , ,f .,1. . ' or -tbe ~ roads I_,U..~ tnto the .cost. of ttI.Ia JII'C)C)eeCI1ns, ....oq, OolUI)'lbll:l. Blallk Boo~ 'the lear. . .~ I!II!I 0bIiJa Ia ,maun. ~ ~ . --..... In t.be matter at tbe .tate of Mfr. Oo~ forme · j~or .....te Court. . . " -.!.. . . patleD", ~ aDd ~ 1)Qt.oa · ...v~ been. routed Uuouab RkiI.nt L. ~ dereeeed: b . . . . .,00: Dv&on Blank Book & PrInt- Pura!dt to Cll'dera J1lIceIved 7 ~ • . iIDOd .deflDltlOQ Of .1nd1v14ua1 ~ t.bJa Idtuat.Ion baa been cor- In&' on tnventory f« De!cem.,er iDe Co:. r.eb1nd1Da 1Ddea for reCorder ~ at State Ilarl ~ltll. , tbe reicted. Mr, Ackerman a&ated. 111 at 10:00, 128.18. ' . . 8ummit ~ a.rd 01 'BIeoUoDa . . . In tbe matt.er of AWl Davt4 ObAlI.ce M. Amold, invalid ClUe. !lave cUIabaraecl ~ . MeoUOn .booth ~ rest; a field ~ baa reat.ed BlMIed. 18 h.e ~ expects Jioth1na mer. mentally ill: appIb,tJOn 0l'dI!rt- tII.oo: MWard Bryant. In,,Uld care, ortkllala In Akron. followtnt' ~ Ill. a,fipount.tfUl CI'CIIh fOr he aball beyer be dJaappolnt.ed. . eel MJed far adm1t~ .to Dayton $6.00; MrII,.l.Ielen Donat"...." invalid 'Vor.e ~ in 'Uie~ IlI'eDlMtl !!!!!!~!!!,!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!~~:'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. -ovm 8IIate tx.pltal • • Ella .lIIQtf"inWud caN. ,at ·the I!ldon. November .7. In the natter of t.be este.te tII,OO; M.n. HcEllrieah. InftHd PleIder B. HarrIs. deceased; di'ltrl- t6.00; ~ ~, Invalld 16-00: When' Oovel1lOl' J~ W. BJ'k!kM' butlon in ldnd . j Llzz" snyder. tn1,alI4 ~ p.Go\ oatil of '0UIC4t as ~. J- l ' 'MANS In ~ of the- IlIItate of Newton StMtpei-, ·m-v..ikl Bucutiv, eJe1!ID .~ 1110. lie. Dlnab A. &.an.Ick. deeuecs; acbed· 00: L. B, 8tee1e. lnw.Uct . . . . ,,"00; clued: , ' . uJe 01 debt4t aPProved cert.Wed copy Eo WllaoD, "lnvalJd ''''.00: 'It . :. . , to·~ JPOQeY• .net fA) of entry determ1DInr the 1nbeIitance SUda (]lemmON, invalid care. p,_ ~' lOvSumeDt. It .1& dlIpcua . . to be paid 1& ordered _\led fA) 00; Sinart.a.~ 1IIIiiitOIIne.168'«16: to.ave;.Uld re~." , the aucUtor, • AmInI Mial.erIaIa 00, ~0-1.· '1~:": N~ .t.be end of bla ftnt , . . In 'the m&tteJ' of . Ule estate 01 Van 0Unp s&oae 00 . araveL .. . """'''II&rak1r. CIt &be -'(aka Of John O. Slmptln& deDn_; bearIDa WIib' " DecU.r. '1IdbeIIve .n~, . .... . on ~uIe 01 debt& let f« Decem~: '!'be .BJ1DIeZ'-DlUi Co.". ,~ ~ .~ 4UUIUIl ·mJOrCl'-l'~ · ber. 21~ "',8'1; 1Wn&er"~ ~, I1led,.onl~u;warr 1 and In the matter ot the ~nt P.&I"ta. ,ai2.22; B(ib Ila¥'a ~ _ • . wilt ten &be ' the eate 01 AmbroaeDeebr. Station, 1 ~ I~ l' oa.ble. ....&. , w,hAt ~ ~; 1nber1taDce ~ ' ~'a ..... b1IleBbop, ntpair' oIi ~W .~ .It la~ .~"IllP,l~.J{
tor ~ 12. ~ ~ of o. iI. RSdae.
tnvelltol7 set
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t.bJa.... ..un,
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o&ie: .,
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none. ~.75: BaDll18m·. Te'iraoo tbr.t tide ~\~ .,. ~ In tile mattes' of tile ' eatate Center. 2 CU1np; '-.00;' ~ ~ and plee;N ' AloDm MIUant. deceMed; Inv~n- CJaraae, ~, ".71: ' DaYidlcln'1 .~, ~ ' . tor')' a.pproved. ' , StaHm 1","IDe, fU.n: '!be IO~ ..... to lie lure In ~ ' !p&tteJ' of the 'es~ of Jonea Garap. .1me. " UMn 'wiIl 'be ~ or.' ~ ·HarrIet IfIImPt.on;. deceued:· 1oVeD, · . ~ m l.ad __ It ' ~ · by approved. . '.' , •What'. iood lor- ~o..an. J.a IOQd &0 tau the lMO ~ In In the matter of Ule for eweryboc;b'.:..:.e".ll 101' ,.... requJred a, "'IM!!_ Of the eatar., .oI. Anna k . _ . from ~ to _ , __ ·. . . .eCi:. cllittllNUm in ,a. ~ doll &1!i~ . yOur '*I~. oae~~ .1..- ·.... det8mtned. ' flDelIa ..... a IumbUI _ CIIftce ~ wet. In • nwttei at the . . . . '. ' , dIatrII&. _ . - • •1 ~ A. ...... _ III; . 11- 01 &be ... t 'bJ ........., , ntt
• &II
Webber' Idmm,... ..... WUJ5aIIl 0IIIIiIIa. . . . . . . Wu. CIIoI& T. YOIIIII ............
:UbIIII.mau':ii ...
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.JuA ..
Ferr v
not fonowed a
at.rai8bt UC8IlCUnIllne, but a spiral
If you can't eat. or , sleep becauae w1jb rhytb,mt of p~ and retrolit bloate you up try Adlertb • One rreuton of evolution and dlsIOlution . Mr. and Mrs. -Jess Hess were , .' eVelldose usually reUevee -.ure 0" "'''ETHE . ... .. ~ Jng.ca11era of Mr, and Mrs. Jess heen from stomach gas dUe to coo. R9Jand B&turday. . abipatlon. Adlerllta' cleans' out BOTH Whatever one de&ires for another Mrs. Tom Fordyce apent Tve.sday bowelS. ' returns upon hJmae11 • I ~ the guest" of Mrs P. J. 'nlomas. SOIp AT ALL DRUG BTORBS '· -8WENDENBORG Mr. and. Mrs. 0 E. Peterson of ~~~!!!'!!!~!'!!!!!~!!!'!!!!~~~~~!'!!!!!~'"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!~ May Hill spent Saturday night and
'1, -_O'W:;:===:I"O-OI===:::r'O"--.... .....
o "
fortable home for the holiday season and through the winter months than storm windows and storm doors.
W83'Ilesvllle. ' Mr. and Mrs. Evltrett Early spent
j:Junday wlfu the W. C. Smith frun- Thursday in Cinc1n:na:tl. Mr. Lee Mason of Mason ~l)eIlt There will be ~ 'baptll>mal service last week wt~ hla islster, Mrs. Allee 8t the Ferry ch~-h Sunday mom- Clax:k . . . ing, December 17. ' Mr. WIWWam Pence of SprlrtgThe Sugar creek Obrlstlan church boro is spendltig this week at the will give a sPecta.l program Sunday home.. of his ~fIB, Mr. and Mrs. morning under the direction of Mrs. Walter Kenrick. John Reeder at the church. Come Yl'. .Chrls Boitnott of Ttpp City Is and vlslt wIth us, . ma.ldni an extended visit with his Rev. an~ Mrs. W. C. Smith motor· sister, Mrs. Guy Rouzahn and family ed to .Constance, Ke~tu~ last Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of Dayton '11uesda.y. was a gUMt Sunday of Mrs. MarRev Smltil was pleasantly sur- garet .tohns and Paul Johns. prlsed' last Thursday. A ilOup of Mrs. S. H. Burnet. Mrs. Oalvhl friends including the Lester Ger- Longacre, Mrs, Charles MulleniX and hard, Maurice Hunter, Coy GllHam, Mrs. Mildred Surface. were Dayton and Fred Hubble fam1l1es came 10 shoppers 'nlursday. and an enjoyable evening was Mrs. William Rogers and Mrs. pa.ssed. Therle Jones attended a covered 'Ibe Trl-State club of the Ferry dWl cUnner at a class meeting Frlchu¢h will give a \Jlay entitled da.y at Mason. "What Would Jesus Do?" at' the Mr. and Mn. LeOn Sa.llsbury, Miss church Sunday evening, December Miriam and Wendell of Washington 17. EVery ODe 1& Invited to attend. O. H. were EJunday afternoon guests A free will offerlog will be t¥en of Mr. and 'Mrs. Alle.n Emrick. to send the young folks to camp J ~. Harry Gilman was brol.l8ht this next 6UIlUIlf!l'· to tler home here last ~ek from Mlaml V8il1ey hOSpltal wh«e she ha.s I:.. We trust that our lleraafy exeCu- been a number of ",eekl; with a bro- Life
Ne one thing wiil contribute more to a com' .
ICmlly is v1s1tlng at Ul8 home of her d.augh ter, Mrs. S. H. Burnl!t' and family, M~8 Geneva Rout:z ahn was a' Sunday guest ' of Mia; Wilma Ames at
! Mrs. ,----.Tba.ck.era of Lebanon.
One or more of, these would make splendid Christmas gift, one of great benefit to the entire family for many seasons. For greater Comfort, Health, and Savings in fuel, try just one and we know you wilt want them in every door and window.
O O -
Complete line of Toys, Christmas tree ' lights and Wreaths. Electrical Merchan'dise uch a Shavers, Irons, Toasters, Coffee Makers, Clocks and etc. Men's ToolR, and Appliances, , Frigidail'es, Frigidaire Ranges and May.tai Washers and Ironers.
Fairley Hardware Store Larger Because of Better Quality, Service, and Price Established 1849-1939 - - Waynesville, Phone 32
SIOCk 0Ud00k $N!taNtCtl~N~N!~N'III~M""~ By N .orris Brock COO l
or, It any, will include a footnote !ten hlp. She remalna on a fracture poinUng out tbat our married llte bed. up to 1999, anyway, was happy and Mrs. A. C. Rush of Dayton and Mrs. Bernard Me1loh of Ridgeville, With business activities belog 6US- I wasnever marred by a crOll8 word. were guests at the Ladies Aid talned a.t present high. levels, emWednesday at the home of Mrs ployment on the increase. more . RWIb. '. • commod1t1es belng cofIBumed t.han , Mr. an.d Mrs. ~J. D. Bratten of any time since 1929, the banks load_ Roxanna and Mr. J&me6 Bmtton ed wltb 'the people's, money. 10re, . and fam1JY of Da;Vton, were after- casters predlctlng Chrlst.maa trade noon guests of Mr'. and Mrs. J. B, boom that will rival pre-depression Jones a week aso Sunday. years, we are looldng Into the future "EVERYTHING FOR Bt,JILDING" If you know what you want to give, we can supply lira. Wtlbert Swank and J1mmIe with much optomiam as far 118 the PHONE 14 o Swa:nlt were Ohristmas shopping til prlce.s or Uve stock are concerned. your needs at once· If you . are wondering, come in Dayton Saturday. With almost the balance of the W A.Y.NESVILLE, OHlo. and you will find an ideal gift that will brine la~0 , Mr. and Mrs. Ther~ Jones and whole world at war, It looks like it I 80n Mllton, were Sunday 8'\1CISte ot Is, or wtll presently be up to \is to isfaction to both the giver and the receiver· Mr. and. Mrs. Edwin Nutt and fam- feed them. Just now' we are 6ell1og Uy near Cent.ervUle. and they are buying principally air, Starting December 19, our store will be op~n .evel'7 Mr.' and Mrs. ,M ilton Bheeha., of plan~ and a.mmunltlon, neither or centetvme. Mrs: Aliee Brock and which nor a.ll of v.bich wtll feed & evening until~1:====leOJ::lO , and Mrs. Wt1~ Pine have ~n single clttr.en ot warring na.tlon, see Mrs. Mary Mar8hall at ·the Ibut will mther 'cut down the producMidit1etown hospital, and report log power of thqse countries, a grea.b that she is llOIng . IIl1ce1y slnice a many of which already are on a ramajor operation. tor tumor last tlon balils. How many or us are Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early, Mrs willlng to go hungry to buy nonMrs. Ruth Palm'er', essential engines of destruction? Mrs. J. B . Jones and Mrs. Elmer Think I Groves, attende4 a banquet of the We 5&Y' to you that a hungry peoEutern Star at 'Wa~vi1le Mon- pie m~t and will be fed. Right at dAy evening. the present time our Uve \ feeders ~ra. 'being persecuted by unprecedented overProduction of 'a nd Prosperous New ~e~.-~u1try products or aU Idnds. nus Is of a seasonable nature, and we . _ are of the opinion that by the midMr. and Mrs. Elvis MlcheeJ and dle of January 1940 our consuming dAughter, Dorthia, spent Sunday pu~c ' wtll . have become surfelted with! Mr. and IDS.' Edmond Marlatt with this kind of food , and t urn and Mr. Bert Marlett. 88,,10 to the old stAUlQbys, pork. beef. Mrs. Clara. Dauighters 'was Sunday veel. etc. We look for better prices dinner gUest of the.J:. Earnhart fam for hogs especially in 19-W.. comUy ' " mencing by the middle 01' ~tter put Ohio Waynesville T. M. Scarft, Mr. 'EdmOnd of Januarr. Our ~mportatlofIB of Marlett, Mrs. Rl8a1e mblon. ·Mrs pork amounting to 0 e one mU1100 , Ada Dakin and, Mrs. Mane Shaw: pounds .weekly has been cut ot! alCIIlIed Rev. Dertton ' and wife most entirely, and while lmpor-IItN~M[eI[eI~ret of Xen1a, SllIlda>y evening. tations ~f t'8IUled beef I.s mpldly inMr. and Mrs. I\lOrrl.s Lewis spent creas1ng\ We look, for better piceI '!!!! -'!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!'!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Sunday with Mr. aDd Mrs. Jobn for our cat~ 'al!Io. ~ ,our prodUXltlon KDeater, ~ dlBL\.II8lter Velma. drt is leSs than .actual ,and potential Utica.. ' . conaump~ ~ If w~ 'can (and We-H------'-4~n:;!...~.e.. Arthur Marean ' and Earl LI1Cl88 of must). pltserve . our own _marke~ . .' Anderaon, Ind., spent the week end against cheap SoUth American beet. Sunbeam 'Automatic Toaster at their home belre. ' our producers w1l1 be well re~ld for Toasters Mr. &nd Mrs~ ~e Crawford their com and other feedS. Electric Hot Plates and famlly, Mr. and Mrs Alfred Our hogs have run out. their Uve Sunbeam Electric Iron _ Morp.n and family spent' Sunda.y year Pi').ce cycle, and we do not .thlrtk Electric , Irons with. Mr. and 1InI. Hen"ry Burges they will go as low as Bel%etary of Aluminum Roasters and family of Dayton. Agr1culture. Wallace predicts. nameEnamel Roasters (large size) Mr. and Mh. Morrts Lewjs. Mr. · ly 5 cents 'per pound on topa. , Pyrex Plates '(genuine) and Mrs. Hily Gi11l8on and daughter' Gr_ifIB of ~l kinds look h1Iher for Electric' Mixer (3 s~e(J8) Pauline, were ~pper iueata of Mi. 1940, In fact, war or no European Whistling Tea Kettles iUld Everett Bunnell and family ~ar. the out-look fo~ price ,a dvanceMixing Bowl . Set . . ment ~~ farm • products were . MoMay evening.. Gl_ Refrigerator Set (14 piece) Mrs. Etta BIa~· Of xenia, 1& spend- never better. . . , gets " of Dishes
dO ' T ree "peDe rangel f or Chnit mal. ,
LeRoy Moran .
Mt. HoDy
• • • • • • • • • •tI!lIl• • • •
Ina a few daY,1I wltli bel' brother and Mr. LUe Murray.
NORmS~~~~OMP ANY . , ,
P~O~ TRICK ~W Safety .light
. , .' Has TW8Jleams
Refrigerator Bottles . Electric COl'n Popp~r Novelty Vases . Glass Water Pitchers Eveready Flashlights Perfection Oil Heaters , Mechanical Trains • Daisy Air Rifles Dionne Quint. Dish Set ' Rolle~ : Sk&te~ '
Boys' rtTool .l(:its Major Bowe's , Game ""0 CheCKer and . Domino ,Gan\'e$ .Snow · White n ,sh Set·· . '. ' Girls' " Waen Tub and , B8ard All :Amei'ican ' Football G~me . Teitnis Racquets . . Three S~le~ T~nnis Boys' WaJoD . . , Doll and lJJaby ~rna,e Boys Sleds . t, ~ ~ . Footbadls Boy's ScooterS • Velocipedes ' . I
a. m.
~I ~"A.~
_Frid~'y -
Baptlsmal.servlce. ~ A delega.t.ion go4es to' area. meeting .:.,;-.,.;..----..;!~--..:. .at Jl&st. Dayton church .•
81' MARY'S EPISCOPAL <lRVRCH . .MT. , HOLLY 1\1, E. cHmtdR Rev'- R. L. Hac:kwell, Ree~r T. M. Soarff.' Minister .THIRD SUNDAY IN ADVENT Sunday School !1} :30 &. m. E. A. 7 ';liI a. ril. Holy Communion. ;Earnhart. Supt. 10 n.. m. Junior Church' SchooLil:-a. m. Morning Prayer and ser- Evening servl~e 'I :30. Pmyel' m eeting W dnesda.y evemon. ning 7:30 T IlJE,SDAY A welcome a.wll.lts you at these ~ : 30 Jl. m. NuJ:Se.rY CllurC}1 sch ool se~vlces; . 3 P . 1l1. Pt1illlU')' Ol\u h hoI. FRIDAY f , , ~ p. m. Woman's Auxiliary Sew1ng UTICA U. I~. CllURCD . 4 p . m. Boys ClUb. Bevis A. IIl11. Pastor '1:30 p. m. Girl's FrtenclJy Group. Sunday. Doccember 17 ~ETHODIST
CHURCH Louis C. Radley,.Pastor
Ohurch S'.:hool 9:30 a. m . Wor· s hip Service 10:40 a. m. The pastor will use a "Pre Ohristmas" subject entltled "Life's Incomple t I 0 ,n s." Thls Ohristmas season should 'see all Christian people In the worship
<J1ti4 B~
[P~OO~~~lrO©~ @O{l ~z!\[M@~ • A thousand and one funes a
Epwor th Lengue Monday evening at 7 o'clock. Group 32 will have cha rge. All young people lnvLted. The Ladles' Aid socl ty wUl meet with Mrs. C1nrcnce Rye, Wednesday, December 20. Thls will be a pot . luck dinner nnd gift exohange. and It is hoped all m mbel's wit! attend. The Sunday Schqol will give a. OhrL.,tmas entertainment Ohrlstmas EVe December 24. A good progl'Ml being prepared.
year she will be reminded
of the thoughtfulness of ihe giver-happy over ilie unusually fasl, clean and p bwAdul hero of the High-Power burneIs, inslanlly adiusted fot any degree of hero-delighted with ,
thff unequalled b a klil9 qualities of 'Us "Live-Hero" oven. . with clean. fresh heat circulation. ·· . •
An exclusive ' couvehience . fealuIe of ihia beautiful white porcelain . Range is oven burners that .Uda oui in fron! ht easy lighting, and can be lifted oui and used (with ~ Jolding stove frame, supplied at small additional cost) as tin exira 2-burner stove for laundry, canninq, and othar purposes. without inierropting the three c~oking-Iop bumers.
WA)'NESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST W. C. Smith,. Mlniste.r Bible Sc.t1ool 9 :30 0.. m. 10 :45 a. m. ,Commuruon. Preaching 7:30 p. m. The se~on w1l1 be delivered by brother Tom Blackmore. as brother Smith will be at Ferry church 'S un. day evening. W.EDNliEDAY ., ' . Prayer nJld Bible Study 7 :30 p. m,
:-:~'l e 'is a truly modem Range, for cookinQ at iJs besl~; d at low operating cost. A small down paymen! will d ,:i.'ler H for Ohrlslmas.
R. D. COLLETT' Hardware and Implements Phone 99R3 Waynesville, O. Tbe Marie oJ Ouallty
9:;10 ~ m · Bible School
8 ..
m . OOmmun1on
• .
"Return of Dr, X" With
for The Eutire family
WAYNE MORAIS H umphrey- BOOOlrt . Rose mary Lane
I ~=-:==========~:::::
ClothiDI[-Sh'G ea-Dry
Mrs. Anna Krug' entert.a.incd the iii_ _:';;;iiiiiiiiii_ _iiiiiiiii_ _;i;;;;;;_ _iiiiiiiii~_ _ _ _ _iiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiii__ "Merry Wjvcs Olub" at an .oJI da.y meeting ' on Thursny of ,the pas~ 'veck. _ :. 'Mr, an Mrs. Palll Webb mOve DONALD BAILI1:Y. Auctlonneer into tlhe Nora Houston aparLment.'> P9PPPrt4Et4El4E14Ettrt«Ett(t«PtEtt[ltEttEtt~~[It[lfl~~ Oomplete auction servioe. Oltlzens Ion Saturday. BIIJ'lI< Bldg.. ~1ImlngOOn. Phone John Kyne and Olarc.n:e Gardner 2292. S28-tf oayt.on, vlsltect MI'. and M rs, F, KYDe on Saturday . FOR SALE-Lion!!l El.ecLrlc Tra.1n. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E O. Stone matte electric tr'aCk switches auto on Ba~da.y December 9. a dn htcr . mauc coupler, and 25 feet Mother and c1111d during . well in SII.D1e as new Iprice reasonable. MIan'Ii Vo.Uey hOOpltal, Payton I Coyle's and Save . Inqutie a.t Miami Gazette. Mrs. Nell Peten;oru Mrs. Ka.to • . Eagle. Vera. pe~rson and Mrs, Where yolt'Get.Prlce and Quality Wayne Peterson were Dayton vlslPO~TION WANTED - Yo un g tom on Frtday. O~der P~ultry woman with baby wants work' In The .Adult Bi,ble class of the M. E. Loo~"~l oNa_ Hams:'Te.,d.rlzed-Shankl"s15cI~. or , near WayrleSvllle: Inqu¥e at churoh held a. business meeUng at . CALI.O~NIA ITY". :. OIlZt;ltte Office. , t he churcli on Wedlle!!iday evon1ni. ___ They enjoyed a. Christmas party Boneless Cottage Hams 24c lb. •after the meeting. 1ge lb. Tend erized 'Shankless Hams . USED TOYB WANTED Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hurley nd Sugar 'Cured Bacon 3 lb. piece 16c lb. • The' Boy Scouts lBl'e repairing toYS daughter visited relatives in'Dayton for dlstrlbutlon a.t, Christmas time. on ).Ilonday. ! ' ' Many are needed. Bend in your old Mr. and Mrs. Toddy Walton ~d ' 18e lb: Chu,ck .Roast toys to Mr. HoWcla.y at the Grode Mr. ' and Mrs" Forest Grandin of Swies' Roast Shoulder 21c lb. s:hool bulldlng. .Da¥ton vtsited their parente. on Sun-
Phone Your Want Ad. +
Buy at
Your Christmas
Prime Corn-Fed Beef
agaJnst It,
The lAulles · or the Methodist church will hold their Ohrlstmaa partyo.t the church · pnrlol- ' on Wednesday, 21. Mr. and Mrs, John Weaver lett DIl ~UDda.1 to spend the wtR~ In Flor1da. Mr: O. W. KInder IS Contined. to . his home ~use of Illne. . We are happy to report that DavJs, a PII..t1e1lt in the MIami VaJJey hosplta.l. ~ much Improved. .MJss Lenna' Swl.sher of Mecbanlcs.. burg ·was tlie week· eM & lleSt· of Mr:. and Mrs. E D. Belden. ' " ,
Oysters '
~Jrd son of Mr:. and
25e 16e lb.
f ancy Vealc_..{..':",.~".
'- -
16e lb.
Short Ribs ,to Bake Boiling .Beef 2 lb. Fresh Ground, Beef
With all their knowl~. the ex, (perts never seem able to tell u.s what we're up 068tnlt until we're ' up
-Veal Roast Veat Po~ket Veale-bops Veal Steak -,,-~---'-"~-"':-'-~~::-:-r:~
22c lb· t8e lb· 25e lb. 35c lb.
Fanc,'Young Pork Fresb Pork Fure Poik Fresh Po~k
Calies SteaK _ .PC)rk' Sausage . Ji.cSin .' Roast ' ,Side Pork,~toin Cliops
Fre~li. Ham$ :smlll'e.. Ribs'
~bole or half. ,
2 lb.
D. J. Baird w8s ope~ted' on for aIr pen5110ttls at Mialnl , Valley Bosplt.l\l on 'F riday. He remaJ.ns In a fair con
. Mr. and Mrs. Edward BurSOn of , Lebanon bave move,d' to the north end of the ,Hess duplex on
~~"""~~~~'''-'''''~~~~I''-t .....~. .
~ The'S~oot. Boys Glee Club
",e.~fler "a .-sQtisfat;tory Service
of B~llbroolt· l.i
high school .will give a uI1nStrel ·on
at all times
of the -death of Rev. · and MrS! H Latlb.am.'s daughter tit Chicago. Latham was··a former pastor in ~he PresbYterian Church, ~, "
• !t
There's a right size bulb for every r~diing lamp or fixture. Yet two out of thtee bul~ used in homes today are wr.ong ~ize.tor ellSY . seeing without eyestrain I Check your lamps a~d fixtur~ '~od.ay. Protect yOUl' family's eyesight by fOUOW~Dg , this ,bulb'sizes: ' . , .ta~le of cortect , " . ,
I.E.S. table la1llps, ~OO-or IS().watt buJb i.E.S. flQor lampS', ISO-watt bulb ' I.E.S..Hight floor ,lamps, ·IOO.2~300~y.oatt, ~llb TWQ·SO('kel lamps. [wo 6(). Q,r 7S·~att bulllS e
Three·socke.1 lamps. t,hree "O·s.~r thr~ 6Cia Kitch~n ceiling fixture. f'().wa~ bulb
Tuesday ·'evening, December J2, ,-. at n the a.uiJltorium. Friends here will .be sorry t6 ~ear
,{..,_,.,,',:._ Collett's Hardware
/' Christma"S, ari9- ~ilI be..:c.ros~d all day Christmas.
I ' .....ii~~:.....2~~l,:);j
' Specl,aI-Hol'i day Shipment Of . fresh
. The fo ll Qwing $tol'es ' \!ill be open' eve.ry even" i'ng ' beginn~~g " Tll~sda.y, D.e.cember 19 until
• DO
Come in and give us an opportunity to help yo u mak e !lom eo ne's Christmas a little ha'Ppier through your visit to our tore. .
9 :30 n. m. -Sundny school. Leslie Gorsuch. Supt. . 10 :30 a, ·m.-Ji4ol1ling wOl'sh p 7 :00 p. m -Cbrlst.1an Endeavor. Lender; Mrs.' M&t.lUe Garrlson. " , A corctlBl welcome Is extended to a.ll In the commWlllty. •. _ _
As usua l, we- ~e ready with gifts they will apprec iute, gifts they will use and enjoy.
SUN .... MON .• TUES ..
services. This Sund,ay evening at 8 o'oIQCk' our choir under the direction of Mr, Russell Frru.1k, and with M iss Helen Ha~k a.t the plano will giVe the beautiful Ohrls~mas Canlial.a "The Music ot Christmas."
~ WAYNB8V1L1& Omo,THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, ' 1939,
-------tllilW Ceotary Chait LocaI .Happenings
, paper, "Ohr18trriaa Com Mrs. LeMay, and Ul pr concluded with a aona "8n nt NI ht" sung by aU. At the conclusion ot the protnm social hour waa enjoyed durin, whicha
The principal charactel's were we Mr. and Mrs. J . Olarence SChaeffer cast 116 follows : Mother, Glen Ohap. of Dayton visited at the home of Mr . man; MarJorIe, Gladys R ye; KIng and Mrs. D. C, Ridge. Sunday. Turkey. Jimmy Hartsock ; Stuffing. • • .' • • Robert Hastings ; Christmas Tree, Miss Alice Gons of Gu1lford Col. Ann Weltz ; Olock Donnie Lukens. I II d iege. North Cru-ollne, arrived Satw'.
Refreshments of po,p..com and or.nriy were enjoyed to complete a jolly t!VI!nlng. Those presen t Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Chapman, Peggy Ann Ohapman, Glenn and Marjorie Eden,
Dnm& Lou Lewla ,JVr11a Itha\ time the hl»te18 ee".eel retrllhments to the club. members and the tollow. , ahe ad her uncle, C: B, LeWla. ple:jl.l&nUy located at Daytona Beach, InS (J.ilests, Mr&. Loren Hadley, Mra, Harvey Rye, Ha.rteock, M'ra. O. H.Mrs. Deatherage, • • • MrI. Lena H, B .
The chOruses were espec a· y goo day to spend the holidays wi t h her wIth their colorful representations of parents . Mr. and Mrs . .J. Q. Gons. knives, forks. spoons, plates. and a • • • • • variety of decorations for a ChrlstMr. and Mrs. Lee Barley of Den-'l1'l8S .."'_ dinner table. and the snappy ver, Colorado, and' their daughter. of
Mr. and Mrs. D, R. SaliSbury and famUy. Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Gra.tuun. Mrs. E1lddia Day, Mk s' Dorothy Day, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Hn.sUngs and 300 Bobby.
• •
• • . of
01nclnnat1, ltopped to
h1a relatives. Mrs. Jennie PJaDCk A, O. GrUfyand Conard. • • •MrI. • Oarl •
n&tl, Sara.
of ·Ohlo
~ sa hostess. Mrs,
ctncim ..
~ C»larl. ADdenon and Mrs. George Smith w1ll
~pecUve bclmes.
wa ,..
OlncLnlatl, were gtle6ts of W. H. AI-
An outstanding feature of the pro. lell and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bra: e,
gram was the acrobatlc act by Mar- Monday or las t week.
~ llyn Burske. e. sixth grade pupil.
Christmas,Servic:es At . " h Catholic Chorc
•••• "
GoOd music. was furniShed by the Mr . and Mrs. John Settlemyre and SenIor orchestra. and a Christmas son Billy of Oregonia. were dinner movie concluded a fine entertainat <the horne of ment. . and Mrs L. C. St. John .. Mr. Frank was iWly assisted by the '. • • • •
gue~ts S~day
Da. -HI-II......
grade teachers and all are to be con· MI&s Ruth Conner a student. at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Da.vla were aurgratulated on the decided su: ceas of Mjami University 'arrived home d S da atte h " pr.se un Y rnoon, w en a • cl&M first 01 the . cUlmer l'*te 01 Mr. aDd Honoring ilie birth of the saviour the a1falr. T.lesday -to 6)lend tbe Ohrlstmas holl group of friends gathered at their Uea to be for. the elJUl'e IiJIb MrII. Rolla PIaDGk were and Ura, Ith the bea ty f cellltury-old lit.- I C'lYS with her family. homu to help them celebrate their aehoo1. The refreshment. IirYec1 cu_ cart Pet.enoD, and daUlbt.era Bar. • Bt · catholic Ohurch,l •• • • • • tWfnty.IIHlI1 wedding anniversary, rleel out the idea, Santa aDd, .1&D11:e, Mr. and Ura, RobMriI. 0Jai'ence Rye hoIteaa to will celebrate with Mr. and , Mrs. Karl Bodenbender 'Th( y re: ejved many lovilly ruts from 01&ua made a vlalt and penon en Bowenalld Mr, PraaJt Dowera the membera of the IAadies A14 Sod· three on Christmas morling. IYlC D nnd daughter. EvelYn of Loveland their friends. who also I!rought well NaIelved a slft."'l'be of lib, aDd ety of the Iletbod1at aturch at an The masses wUI be at 8, 9 and 10 Christm" vWted {rlends n WaynesvUle, Sun- [tI!ed baskets ot goo(l things to ..&• . . . . (IOnelited of aDd BcIIIbIe 01 XeDJ&; Mr. aDd all day meetlnI, WedneIId&Y. 'I k day whIch they all enjOyed to8'ethl!l' The ...... - un. 0rvWe NIxoD tiIld'lIIIl YeJ.!ow A Qu1atmae tree and other CIu1et. oc oc . cl• • • • • who were alao guesta the ' Wt.JDe Clary: maa decwaUoDI. Uu'o\l8hout the The choir will sing Mass espe Mr. and Mrs" W. A. Lukens and wedding twenty;f1ve years ago were ' t.un cJMI worked bard for ' . • • • • .. boule. addect to the IMtive air of the ally prepared for the gr"eat feast durThe Waynesv1lle Olvlc Olub held !I\mlly and MI88 Loma Lacy vlaited es follOW's' .... and' ..._ Howar4 I th H1&b Mus at 9 o'clock There , , "'". -"D. two OIl December Mr. Ura.. .1., P. lMrIcIr. reA huge blrtbday oaIte In ng e n of the' beautl their monthly dinner meeting In the M1&s Mary Ouolyn at Earl· liurly, son aDd daughter, of' N,w 16• -&eel a PI'CIII'&IIl to_ the h1Ih ·bIrMcl bame PrIda, eveam, .fter a .boaor Mrs. Ernest,llartaock. Mrs, .wIlI e.leo be thecarols i!i glng church P.urlington; Mr. and Mrs. Karl 'Babb _.a ...... _ . WUl St·o fJ-"u _ - - - - S .. _.... ful Christmas by the children dJnInto .... room of the Methodistx.lma I hl\m COUege•Sunday • • •afternoon. • ' 1ICbool, &Aa'" .-. a - - - ten daJa' vlIlt wHb tbetr1lrolber, .0. , ...IU. . . . . .: 1 I =...&n, Monday evening with appro te y and liOn, Dean. and MIs. Allee Earnf about ''Seme.' aDd then readt.be II. 'OI.JIIeoria. lire. S, S. Ell1a. sneed cen.lo the pariah. ' 3 0 members in ai1tendance. An e1'l' Mills Jean RlahaI'daon and Robert Jlaft and daughter, Fanny, of XenIa; 1Ioerd'. Pra,er In I&t1n. A c;,boruI. WbI1It there. tbeI lOOk a ,t wo c1a)'a' tv of the b1rtbday table. A mini... In to the usual Ohrlatmas cellent dinner was served by . the Bower of - Glendale, were dinner Mr and Mra. J . N, Robltuson of Da1M!)"'aUna Of U» Ib'Is In, the eIua tAMar tbrouIh &be atate of Ion.. and ture santa Claua and hJa reindeer oc the dlurch w1ll be adOrn Friendship Club. The table decors- guests, Sunday, at the home oT Rev. lon; Mr. and Mrs. J08Iah DaVia. Mr .. (which ..... only two boya) ..... GIl their trip home they ' Yilttecl In cupAecl tbe center-ol the otber table, eel with a beautuul cdb ralJlstically t10ns were in keeping with the Yule_ and Mrs, R. 4 Hackwell. ' and Mrs A. H. Earnhart and Adelle Pkielee (Ob came All ' Ye Cb1caco 'I1l1r.tr.two IW!lta were seated at tbe depletlnr the stMle of Bet.helhem on tide seaaan. . . • • • • • Mr. and Mrs, 8.. B. l!lariu.rt and "Iihfub aDd NO& (Illem ,: ••••• IUJeI and lDjOyed. bounteous meal 'b e ftnt obrlmws day. It Is an artis· A short but Important business Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Robinson of family, Mr. and E. P. JIlarnhaJ1 Nllbt). a The foIlOwinr people un. Walter Whltalrer. tic and tollChlns remlnder of the meeting was held following the din. D&yton, Olyde Fromm. and atld Charles Blttton ' "'7 acicount of a... &be Cbr1atmu party, III'IIIdecl at the meetlna which wsa true ilPdt of CIu1sUNLII. her The ClUb heartlly approved the Earnhart were Swlday dinner guests AmUMmenta and 1Iar1i7.n by club. '1\a.u, devotions by Mrs. .L. 0 , "True Chrlatlan, Pee.c:e the OUt of effOl'Uj of the Orange to prOVide of Mr, and Mrs. E. F. Earnhart. . Wbttakw pJaJec1 a 9IaUn!lGlO, Tbe.ven1D8 at Cfral1ce Hallin Leba....... Radley. She read the Chr1stmaa 9hJ'lst" wW be the toll,1e of the ser- oIt.an wholesome amusement .for the • • • ., • ent.ertabdbi and . and MIa MkbeDer, 11." from the book 01 Matthew, and lOon preached by pastor, the young aDd old alike and moved .to Mrs. J. K. Presto and children, wu eaded bt a pIQ "A fichool BoJ'. 11ft. W' A. lin D a ··star of tJle->J!laat", The Reverend H. KJrumholtz S. T. give endorsement -to a party to be Vlrglnia and Jack, viaited Mr. and Jobn 8tuIeJ ... tile SaJiatut. then &11 Joined In D. He will be in the . cere- held in the school tD'Dl December 31). Mrs. Leo Deutsch and family at ICbool boJ &lid ... ilia Ben Bal1IoclIt . . aoa. DaYid. Butt. UIe Beralcl ADsel8 monies by: Eugene .Brown. John 'lbe sponsorah1p commIttee of SprIngfield, • the Ghoet of cae.ar, ADd 8OIIOOe Pumu. PI'IIII'Un was tIS 101- Shepherd. Cec1I.Barn1i;h Jr" Eugene Bo) Scouts urge that members make • • .. • • Iowa: Obr1atmaa carola, sung bY all Clark, John McDonald. Ronald Clark use of Boy Scouts for various chores Mrs, W. P . SalLsbury, Mrs. D. R. :;tbe CbI1ItmM PI'OIf&m on . John sear. ot O1ndJmaU 1I1IIl' the members; A Cbrtstmaa reac1lng and Donald Brown. and errands that the boys might and Miases Doris and Ruth Mr. and Mrs. M. A. COrnell · 21. iJI!IID wllob .. ..,. week end 1rl\b bIa Mr. WUlted to Write" by Mrs. All are invited to e.ttend the ChrJat hav" means of saving money for SlI.lJsbury attended a tea, Sunday eel by their daushter. lira. RuaaeD sn-n&ed bY tile cIaa eaBe IWt Ralph IIMtln8l: and a Same, "L1kea mas celebration at 9 o',clock. ThIs In- dUlld and camp, aHf'moon, given by the AmerIcan Stockstill of Dayton, entertained the Ut.1ec1 at. Barney MeW. ". ,Bean. &n4 Dl8II1ta" which ,WU played by Vtta.t1on Is extended espec1ally to , Heart)" approval was given by the Institute of Banking, at the Wa)'De . Township Fanners' , club, . Qe8..... TIle JIn'Otiona WID be 101' Budlr. wben be all. those who belona to no church. It is club for Santa C14us to make special Hallin Avondale. OlncInnaU. Thursday, December 14, at their from b , _ •. ... aHbe 'nl,e membe1'8 then to hoped that Dt1ll'lJ' will accept this In· efforts to be at . Wa.Ynesvllle • • • • • country home. An unusually large atotadotte .,oJ then - read , . 10 JUluary with Mrs. J, B. vltatlon aDd that no Ollle.!n the com- day evenJng. M. R Bourne has traded his pro- tendance of members and eeveraJ Itol'Y. of ,CbrIItmai. '!'be -; • " " Rich, Mrs. Harvey Burnett was a muntty wiU fa1l to honor the birth ot Tht ClUb moved to aooept the peTty on ThIrd St. to Mrs. F. O. Paul, guests enjoyed a fine dinner. Christ. 0. A A. Jrill bilve"tJ,.!r" "Wb.te DRaol'DfG OPDATION . , . " . Ohrlat by reli810us worship on of the Memorial Day lor her twenty-one acre farm near mas decoratiol1ll of hoUy, pine, and · Y1ce"' .. part tit !:be Ilft)II'aID. After : •. ' . day. for the Coming year. Valley, They wlU occupy their candle!! .were in evidence tIlrouabout &b1a cenmOD1 U1e wboIe 01, UIIdleJ UDc1erweDt. . . the bUSiness the clUb adhomes In the near future. the house. II'OUP of IIrIi W1l1 Join In a OI*WUoD at &be 0. jQ1Jmed to the church audItorium • • • • • The program opened with the In" caro&,.. • teopaUde halplteJ of _. I'L..:.a...... .. the choir of the and Mrs. Robert Anderson and vocation.by the Rev, R. L. H.acltwell, blnt.ed to:week, IateI& npII't of ,hiI \fW1III...a .XlYRi:e Ohurch of Lebanon rendered a of WYOmlna'" were Sunday followed by a ,W the.1r
eventns tibe 8eoAor
• • • • •
~ed ~he ~- S~l ~ven ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ en~· S~ldi aDd"'. ~ ~&arr o~
J. W. Ward be in
IDl1vu- Barnhart, and Mrs. W. A. LukeN, The January meeting will be held Un1vel'l1ty, at t.he lJtt.le Inn with Mrs. Edith M,
Loren Badleb, Roy Oroetett and Jul charge of the program. Ian Orabbe of 0b10 state, wW arrive tbIa w. .· epei\d the vacation at I:J .
W~ .
Urman 01 Puidue
al~, '~ JI1ldrecl COOk and LouIse
mee_ Jane Cook ot 'onaftnlty of
• • • OL• •NEWS
\ One of th
~ S~. LoW&. 11.0.,
route from
.-.~--- .~
The home ot Mr. ,and Mrs. W. A. l ,ui<.ens and famlly was the scene of a happy occasion Sunday evenln § wllln several neighborhood lamll1ea athered there {or a ChrlBtmas party. AJ t,er an evening pleasantly spent In games tor theohlldren and carda for the grown.ups. "Banta" arrived at bhe party With a gift for everyone.
JlankezaUlOdaUon at a
~d Thursday with his brolber Ohar les at Ohio S ta te university. most v'1cve r ntert • • • • • ments ever put on by the local Mr and Mrs John Fromm spent schools wns ~he operetta, "Marjorie's the ~eek end with Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Christmas Dinner" presented by the Hawke of Sprlllgtleid. ,p upils of bhe grade schools under lhe • • • • • direction of t he music IllStructol', Reason visitRussell E . Frank , In Ibe school audMr. and Mrs. P , L, at e:l Mr. and Mrs Harry Hur6t ltorlum. Tuesday night. Approximate Franklin, Sunday evening. ly 675 were In attendance. • • • • • 1.
The New Century club met Wed· . nesday altemoon at the home of Mni )(ar) Leah, .and' O, J, Edwarda R H Hart80ck Sprtn8fleld. VIIlted relatives and 'Tw~ntY me~bers answered roll friends here Saturday, call with ' . scripture verse, alter • • • • • which the lollowini PfOil'&m wa, Mlsa Vlralnla Ba8corn of Biddeford presented by Mrs. F , U, LeMay and ---"". s'udent at college, Mrs. J. H. Sackett; Boni by the -Ild!.he holidays with Dr t 'hi L. Cook . and' nle<:ea Ml8sea. group. "0 Llttle Ird' ...... Town Oh 0 '_M M e. ' . ' hem"; a story. B RUc.n • r w,_ and MIldred ~. 01:' rUes by MIll
_fo Maaon JUt w"'~,
Met 'WedDesda,
~, J, W. Edwarda and daUlhter,
Balrt.1Ck, cuhier 01 the WIl.Jl)lIIIVtUe NaUonalIl8nlt...... elec\ . . president 01 the Warren County
, "~
J metU115
:'Waynea~1le 11, A~u:.
~ka a~
"'7~':"""'" ' W ~ -~
¥na ~" .PI'GINID
Al~ ~
~inSa aDd.~
~. GeD~~' ~t.bw
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~. ~
addi~n ~tlOD8
a.rr. ~ W... oam.ll, Jb, ' '...d
~e ~isted
~ JIend....,....'
In. Bessie Hoel'liDs An, Dee ).J 1
barton ~ ~
Fmners' ChtlrHu Christmas Pro...
~ ~., ~Jead '~,.... ~ of~. ~
~ ~
~'CbriIIt.mu au1.~...., ~ ~
C·· CI h Sponsors as.Cantata
C~, ~ -=.. ' \'I~~ere, Presbyte~ ~amlY ~. ~ pu~Uo' 1a ~ ~ Ohrls~ r~ attend ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~OD 1I1OOd.' •. A't St. M"'' Church Ohrlstmas .cantata of unusual beauty I\IeSts 01 Mr. e.Dd Mrs. J. K, Preston Mrs. A, S, COllett, Mr8. lin 1AWill tie be1cI at,ODe o'clOiDIl ,00 ftIdat , . entb,ustastlc audience ibesldes the and familY.. • • * • ~y tead a paper on, ".'Ohiristillll~)'J,..~ , ~ ~ EWri~ R ' .... ' MH J L Mendenha~ baa recelv members of the dub had gathered Other Countries", ~wlng , ..;...~' UIiIU; bu ~ I'I~ e " ed word" 'of :ttle death December , 11,-Da S" ...- , Epis to hear the Qhrlstmas mualc which captainof theHUghCulVer H. H8I'per and son research. Mr. A. 8. COllett then Military Acad. , . C)el~ the ~ " ' - . . . . . . . . ' lLllii ii ' Of 1_' or Mrs. 8.rab B Mll1a, 1rife of Wm On Ohrlstmas y l~ry was deeply appreciated. bter Bett Harpe f an interesting account of hili recent. ........ ~,~, the 1"1a-1= . lUI L M Muia t De<ina Memorial boa- copal church will celebrate with elOY, and daug y r Western trip. A vivid word picture 01 .
F .r a n k
- ; -:
~ Il. ~ CJiIo. ~,' DIiD!IIa Ul .cuYe ~ ~
OOUI'- •
. Tfie.1IIItJk entitled ~rAP.Pi""Ia". our...... f
'~0hD IIYuIa .... wrtUieiltIJ
Ntl'rtbweatem "'lb
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, " ~ . "t'r"'-;" ~ ~·ot ~ADCt', ~ ., the'· ~ ,at ~~.l~ '''~~· ~ ~a4 " " ', b.,Jl..s21. ,.. . . . . .~~.I~_" ,Wi.o"'~
':na. _.,. .... ~l_" .
hemott~, ~.......
~tiorn late ~tn t.he,..,..~Dl; ~.
n..u PorI that reason a ~. lnvitatloo. Is extended to to worahl.p at; St. Marys On ... a .o f 0bJb . l"aUlWar caroIB for COD' SlId a member \be slngiDs willi be a t.e ature AIIoctIatlon of "tbia service. A BP4,'Cial number, . -" "B&rps of Oold" from the cantata fa euntftd by her New-born K1ns", w1ll be sung .....Bl1abetb MlllJ IW the pholr. at the tlJne of the offer B Onne Jr· of . ' w un . tory, The Rev. Mr. H.acltweU w . If y',. • ehort ad~. and t~e service
~"l'~: ~r ~ -.: • ~ .. "'. ,0.
.' .,aup.. ~ .'If, ~:of K1DI'a , iii, ... eJIct.d 18& ~
rrom our nbmin'gd", • ., - - - , ~ ,ad . bJ -lDnrr'.. oM ." ~· at a.a ~ ~ ," ""'"
~ :nd a --th~ WQilesv11le . ~~I.l 'H18b "PI"IJ'aMd 'tor .
.' festival service at ,t en o'clOCk in the University, are vlB1t1n1f this t.he Soutlhweet the the ""': ToIiaWUld&, N. Y. Her .ileath _ _ i__ N la1 Chrlstmas DbC RD OF THANKS with Mr and Mrs M A Pulk' . . due to cerebral 0 spec A d N tu' of clflc COIIlIt section. and Itle North_ , , . " . Bel"V'UlCe will be made on Sunday, euxlIl an ,e e west held the sroup's clOlie ttentlon , Ul1!... Will be by 24th. Many oburdles . Spt'lng Valley. Followjng the program, 'thoie) . older readera. sa . BeeIle g that day lnBteac1 ot on • lYe wish to express our neartfelt ~ • • • • ;;
oaai",.1ea that' J~ ~ 'whO - '~-G4,~, 2nd 'w u ~ ~~ Ia." ~ .' . .' '. . . .... cidda the, ~~ eaw-t ·~· &bM lIIIf! ...... ~~ . "'MIl e¥
~~ ell the Wt"0 0DIiD_ PIIIl~ aDd 0UIIe. Ae'D. at -
WaI- , . _.
·te.. DIll scott lormer
. .. of
... .
~ ~, ~y
: ., Of .Rion
thanks •
Chrislms '-.
At ·l~oist, --
8YD'qlathy durtna tWa time of our We Wish to tbank donors 01 ,thtI ftora! trtb ute& Rev, Robert J. Wlll8 fOr his comforting woms..aDd Mr, ~Iure for his kind and e1rlc1ent servlCe!!. R, E. Mulford ' and Famtly
laat about one hCKlr, All .tboIe . • who- have received In their hearts a~ accept H1n~ sa their J4aa tel' are invited to' recelve the Holy
~unton. -,..._-::-"
to all our _nelghbora, friends
~d relatives for their kind acts
.' ,
WUtan Hal1tBo:k a student at MI. ami University spent Sunday with hi parents, Mr. and R. H. Hartsock Mr. and Mrs. Lyman RoUsh IlI1d daughter ot were dln_ ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Ml'II.
Surface. • • • • • Mrs. Helen Grahal:!l and daugllter, of Dayton, and Mr;.nct Mrs. L. Duke, lett Bunday mornlns tor an
P:I:a-.n~ ~here they will ~ ,i . .Robert DUlte ~fo'r''Bt8f~the C~~
Join them I'.
. ,' .
• •
enjoyed the UlIU81 . ' ts ot . hJli&tinaa eXchanging C . . club then adjourned .to meet ,Januart 6t' Grange HAIL of ;. Mrs. Martha Hough. ,. . :'
preae~. :
~e. gu~
_. _
11, I", . Plaou.· l1. .
W.iYD~~Ue~ Ohio
4a26t·t6 ~ f.,
Entered Aa .8eoond Clue Mail Matteratpostoffice.Wa).lleIVllle.. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY
Sublerl", 'Price, $1.60 Per Year, Payable In AcNaflce
C~STMAS HA.PIUNESS VERSUS TRAGEDY Every hoUday season we read accounts. of aocldents wlth fire. Betore • .happy Ch."'''', ...-.~_....... '" changed to Bta I'k anyone ~n ~ a hand. IiOllteOllCS ._ ........ , --""'" . . . This ye,r do something to protect your loved ones from the special fll'e baaJ'ds 'brought 1I1to most homes for &.110 hollOOys. The National Board of !lre und~tera llUIigests. . . Anchor your Christmas tree securely. locate it away from heating and UsbtlDg fixtures and tOm it wlth non.ln1lanunable ornaments and cotton. , dndles . are dange~us. Use strings of I1\lnlature electric . ,...... LlghUd ..... ts U10.t have the approval tag ot Underwriters" I..&boratorJes. attached. Keep all IOU.l'Ce8 of flam!!S aW&Y' from decorations and tissue paper. D~ of ac· JlWllulatlona 'o( paper at.oll<le. Smokers should use constant OOIC when near \n1!ammable ma.ter1als. . In aelect4ng toyS avoldtbose requiring oJcohol. kerooone or gosoUne Ian:lp!. as ·they Up6et ~ with dlS86trous results to childrcn's cJ~ln~a:~ to the lloUSe itt1elf. If ch1ldJ'cn arc young. power tol'8 should be pc
It was .
gBliOl1ne, '11.20. line Allen's Service statton. gaso '
toot "a
e' . " he Fiery teeing
'Gets QUick
51:.~In . .
COI'lS 010 t Relief $6976' Stanley M. cured an olltlon to purchase a rao . . ...... _e. ., IJ t Iy one-half acre in H In 'the matter ot the sale ot eel" MAlUnAOE LICENSES Earnhart, stamps. $20.00; The Office of approx nn e Lhe William u....::•• DIItresa . taln real estate by the Fr~ends' ---. ' Outflttem 1000 2nd sh eets. $1.75; the s ultl-etlSt corner of ••• '111, .. b ·o••• Impl, yat Ineapa .. l.. to I, T'\ 11 . . . the ,ltchlnv ••d torture at Ecz'm', Ikh. Yetu1ly Meetlnil}Jt The Rellglaus Vernon Parker. 28. construction Lyle Blank Book CO, 1(\,000 l1Lho· and .,.e n Huffol'd farm on 6Q1 IN .ln~ TOil or het Ra,h• • nd .....y oilier ••• , . . ' CUlld ,kl. eruptlo •• -'d th.1 Ir1o' SOO1ety at . PJtends, a COIpomtton, work , r.ebanon.. and M1U'gI\l'e t Blsh graphed warmnts. $105.00: The Of- Route. No. 48 Inun edla tely north 'of. "r~1I1 Illpl. Moon", Em,,,ld 011 nloht .nd mo,•• ft_1l real tate 2' I·~b FrtUlklln . d th ' II its of Lcbrulon. Cont1ngen~ Inv 'and pHple who au"" from .uch .mb.,. l\otJon ls to """ es. op. ", wa ... """. . , . nce Outfitters. 1 ream bond for au m I'e lOl\Se to .,.ul.1I 0' '.'IlIh", .kln . b l.. would bl Virginia Cole Young vs. Tom VJiotor lJerber IhLsklns. 26. me- ltor's office. $2.25; Herschel F. Jnmefl u!)on a f ~o~'(\ble local t I Wnmm ~Ir!~ It~~y iI"'.d.~ d,.,O~Itt· f~' ,n Croucher' lor ooncellatlon of COD- chan1e, De.yton, anti Dorothy Jane 1 gal zorone $100' Treasuer or Wnr the . projC't t t\lrollghou 0,1;1..1 b4tt1, of Moo..'• .Ein.r.ld Oil •• d ' ' , . . ., ,.1... to e",pt l ..ythlnO el ... Ih It • . ,•·~uch • t.ra.ct. Hufllman. 22. Franklin. . ren COunty. envelpoel), stamps. C01 ds county, os wel 1 415 ln bh imOlcdia J.e "Ohl, co.cenl,al.d ""P4Iratloft •",,11 mbl H · I'~'t r Lebanon . It ill Lhe In· bottl. I"h • llinv tim. lind furtlt!f1i!pre If . Robert S. Gray 23, ass!!. er. ar· "0.88; v c.., .. Y 0 oceed thl. cl... po..,.rful, "....tl.II.v oil ~t hlr,' COMMON PLEAS PROOEEDIWOS veyltJurg: and F'rImces M. Ellla, 21 . Gibson 2 typewriter ribbons. $2.00 tcntion of Lilc pr moLers to PI' promole I.lIlrnv f.lI, to vlve you full , •• , I . . ' bUJ mnchlne operator. Waynesville. The ~lce Outfitters. 2 calendar wloh plans for t h e' consLruction. nnll: ·(.ctlo~. r9 ... un h..... ~1It. III!In. 'rAI~QII.d. Mary ShlUUlon vs. Luther Shan-. refills. $1.60; C. Stanl Y Earnhart. 'Instruiatlon or lobe n ecessary SI-lOC1?1 non; divorce granted. pla1ntllt reo REAL ESTATE TaANSFERS stamps 'for common. pleas, ~,OO; The equlpm nt, ot a Community COld stored to her maiden name of Mary __ . •............a.p ll storage warehouse. Tills calls tor ' Book ShoP. 1 room m .. ,"""". 1 a. building 45 by 90 feet of plCllSIng Higgins. Bam Finkelman. by sherUf. to The ~ $100' The OffiCe OutfItters. I!II The Citizens' Bulldlng. Lonn Bnd Citizens' Building. Loan and savings Vld.o; p~ and red ribbon; $1.00; nl'chltedural deslgJl lllld ' full y 1118Uy~ savlngs assoclatlon YS. sam Flnk- company; lot 13 In HlIlcrest FnrrruI., The Western Star. criminal cost bills; lated. with from 500 to 1000 Indlvld· TARVlA-LITlll0 TA.R elman. et Ill.; distribution of pro- Franklin toWnship. ".00; Wm HUlford. Jr. feeding pris- ual cold storaee 10l'kcrs eacl1 ..havlng , " ccecls ot the sale made. Edna M. Be~k, dEiCoosed; to Char- oners $388 50' The Hubinan Supply an individual apnclLy of a bout six I,W AD , on.; mJS9~"xAa,l~ 0 OlJve Paige vs. Lucy NeLson and les L. Beck. et al.; 237.68 acres Co ~ CI1S~ CI~lBer and soap flakes. cubic feet. Such nn lndivl.dunl. stol'-. DUM;P TR OJ~ flER1V',ro ~J.. Clarence Nelson: partition or real Clearcreek townsllip. . $3;:06; Genno Mfg. company. 15.gn.1. age 'u nit Is ootlmst.ed to provide! PIT RUN, LOADEn' 300 . estate ordered. Jeff ThomJl6on, E1.UlCr K. Sellers to Stanley M. drum Insectl.clde. $33.62; Robert M. for example. for the storage and reI ," • . . . - " • ,
TrHhIHt..... I......
. Une gB80 ,
Sa.Dd'& G'ra' "'.
of adults. CU1Jord Brant and George Perrine Sellers; part of out-lot I In Waynes. jair. M. D., medical, $20.00; Use safety film only In home movie projectors. appointed commlss1oners. ville. lot In Lebanon. Remove all evergreens promptly after Chrlstmtl6 before they have a chance to dry out Ben Keuter vs. Frances O. Roll. Ethel L. Oray to Walter Gray Md[ • Let·s take ~ easy steps to keep tragedy out of the hoJida~ picture. executrix of the estate O.t Wllllam Mary Anna. Stanley;.' lots 79, 80. 81 . Roll and Frances G. RoU, C86e dls- and 82 in Harveysburg. - --- -. - - .- -missed. P F penQulte to G. ~ PenqUlte; __
(r1gemtlo~ ot approxlroately 250 pounds of noy Idn~pf m~t or poul~
8~ ~
co~cU o~.the
~'r' mleta' g'.
try' or for almost any kind of pel" I f--"~t l! ' .... Jl1 ;oU ' R lShnIb e """'" u s. Phon. warOellV e, . .~ As a resUlt of nn extensive survey , L obal,1.Ot\ o"fflce ~j)oDO ,.:433... '~de ttll'oughout the various states r s.9S:M. MorrQw Phone No.3 In this cou~ttY whCl'e such plnnts are . in opcl'alon 'today. it is rellOl' tedl au. . .• • •!II~....I!II!..!III~1Iii tJhentlcaUy that savings nnyw lere ~rom $30 to $100 per year ar~ bel~g , __ ~. ~==-::----=---=effected by each farm tom y w 0 - _ _ _ _ _ _ :o;r:=="""~ conSume 6nyW~er from 800 'POunds ot meat alUlually will h is en tirely processed in the cold sl.Qrage plant. I e. , r eve da dlct.
. '' State CapitaINews
The People's Bullc1lng. Loan and 217.38 ~re6 In Clinton and Warren The so-eaJled relief crl!\s In Cleve. Savings companY VB. John Tlgges, counties, also 16U5 acres in Harlan land which resulted In polltlcai Inet al.; Judgment glven to tbe pl~' . towD.shJp. . terv~tion by Presldent Rooaevelt tift in the sum oC $9491 .48 with Ethel B. Barns to Othtl. E. Sarns; e.nd Sea-etary Ickes, a-ppee.rs to be "Tob&Cco Road", outsanding stage Waynesville, Ohio terest lIibout 24 aue& In Harlan township. succees of all theatrical history. will · Dec. 15, 1939 Elle'n Rlckarr et al ' vs Robert W. Sumner Braden to ClUforti E. ,vJrt~~;:-S::ed b~ ~::= bE; presented at the Murphy theatre, Dear Santa' . . .' • . \Turner and FannIe B 'I'utner lot 200 sug . Wilm1ri8tO ' for one perlormaD'Ce on ' RI«*ard; plvoree granted, custody . . Bricker. Mayor Burton · announced In I..ebe.1lQn. that Cleveland', needy have ~n re. . ,n, . I help IIl.Y mother. I em a good ot minor child given to pJa.lntur. W('dn~ay n1aht. January 1'7. ~ ~y. I want a bloycle an~ a type- J. Paul Albert.' e~ al.• vS. ~ph Lee~. Bone to PIorence C1ar~ s\.(?red to '·full.. I'ellef" beginning wm be Itbe farewell appearance 0 wrlter, I wan~ a cowboy sult. Welder' defendant given 20 days .ad· Brown, 1.56 acres In Lebanon. rob 15 when state funds amount , the taJmlus here and POPWith lots of love, ' time within whtch to ' f ile Atbert R . Qae.\ge I t o enge 000 and '1 050 000 'trom a war prM:e8 w1ll pi:evall tor tIle en.. 10 ~ 10 Deerfle]d towtWtlp. . • . pUeJJ/.ent. 'Ibe .noted dnUnaUo star, Gene Wetherho!t answer. . Julia W1lllams to, Da.i8y M. Hall; bond issUe became avaUable. a. plan • . In the matter of the a.pplication ot lot 368 In Pranlilln worked out some lroe ago by the Jobn Barton. heads ttie cast of the ohio. the village of Lebanon. ........_ .. W to Dora LUcas' Brioker ru:imlnlstrat1on but rejected 1IIJt!cla.l . touring rompmy . which bas Dec, 15. 1939 for ILUthorl..,y to transfer funds, .......... . , 1 t k '_'~ft" than ~50 cltles In U li h r d d tract. in Turtlecreeir. township Cleveland oft'iclals untu as wee. V_leU more . Dear santa: etc .. $2.000.00 . now In g t un an . Hall ' Discussion 0 the Cleveland situation states not lne1udlng return engage. 1n sas tund be transferred Robert Adams to Rupert s. , . , ments or from one night to seven I am in 1.he .second i!1'8de. I am to the aewer maintenance IIild oper- O.9IM acre 1n J'raDk'lID towDablp. beean several weeJr.s ago when II weeJr.s in 107 dtles. seven ·~ .Old. I ~ a Baby Jesus aUon fund. ' Howard ~ sw~y and' EBther K . chec.lr...1Jp nwealeci Ilhe number of 'fed set and a sewlna set end a game for sweeney to EdIth C)Sborne; lots 3356 eral WPA employes dropped from ap Written by Jack Kirkland and bas- the Little lAlat Pig. I"have a brother; PROBATE COURT to 9369 In Lov~ Park. proxiMately 74.000 on eleotlon day eel ontitle the by celebrat.ed novel ot "To the he wants a toy ho'r8e. eame J!Irakilne Coldwell. . COra .Rich to Ruth M , Greeley •' last year to about 30,000 n November
vice station. gasoline. 827.62; smart's of
1UlD~;:; w~nestlaY bY ~_~~~~!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!"!!!"
oflnhuttanceta.xtObepaid.lll=::. ~~o~~H~'~:n~:n ':~ ::=tru~t~t~J1nOf:~~~ln~~~~! fir;
OhiO ~ ·
Flora M. Crane Editor and Publisher
der the
County eourt .Ne,~s
Main Street
. Warehous'e C0Id Storage
~' I8IIOllne, ollne. $18.6'1; 'PIerce Service Sta.t1on, 1l.60~ James Setvlce StaU
".1 '
ne: ::n~~t~:r:!e~ t~,ese c~m~unlty .W hi I c:;:: ::~P'~l't~~~~o= f~I~1~ v .,... .J
) .0.
W N SEARS - - - .
the form to have tresh frui ts and v get.a~les at any senson of the year. JuSt WI city resldcnts tltc able to se. >_ •• _..
_ _ _ _ ,..--_ __
ba1ocO ~.. is now In Ita aevent.h Ma!y. Dora Hougb ' In the IIijltter of tbe estate . ot lots 59 and 60 in Morrow. this year. Wben it w8.s toUJ1j:l in oc, E. ColUoa. deceased; will BdChaJ'1~t~ W· ~aham. to carl R, tober that io.ooo can were owned. by year on Broadwa,.y, being the Iona WaynesvWe. OhiQ, mlt.ad to "'......... te Willard 0 COllinS .Bradstreet; . lots 63. 6l and 65 ,In reUM clients Cleveland, tlle clty "4"_ p.'''- of all time, ecl1pslng 'w ... - - . ' . • . run ,,_. ,...., Dec. 15. 1939 appointed executor, .JtIISe Mounts 6pr1n8i)oro. otfic1als s..ued dJ'aatlc order requJr ROOT FOR AND CONSICN oUT Oatt1e, bogs, sheep and cal VII the JJr!M0UII .~ of ~9S pe~orm Deaf santa: Arthur Frencb and Bert 'Banta ap: W1ll1aJn B. PortJage to Howard \Dg all those on relle.f rolls who O\vb.. to Norrlll·BTock C.... II\\e wire aad &neeII set. bY .. Able S ~.Roae. 1291 I am seven years old an4 In the pointed appialBen. Sweeney; lots 3358 and 9369 In Love· ed 'automobUes to It urn in their auto WAYNESVILLE,omo progreasive ftl'lll fl)~ the biRhut . times by I4btnln a~~ such .~ond grade. I am a good little pl. In the matter of the estate of land. . Ucell6e plates for Impounding at reo --~.~.~B'!"A~T~UR~D~A!'!!Y~O~NL~'I ~.--- \1Iarket prices and good semca.. Uni.,., Siock Y.rd,' ClaoiDnal1. '0. olIber ~~ as ., Seventh I dJ1nIt my m.11k every ~. I want a I,.aura MeOles,d.. d~; hear.ing Frank Oo~. decl~, to John Q. lief beadquarters. until the owners ' Tun.e kI on Radio Station WeK\' . Beav~. The Rat and The First doll anti a palr -ot ro~er skatea and on Inventory see for Decembef 26. Goris and Fred Gons; 299.49 acres in sbould Jea.ve ,the p~1ic r:eUel rolls. It December 23 12 :26 to 12 :80 p, nt. 'for ou~ dally Year· Tb18 record· Is au the more clothes. I Wlll leave a ' lunch aDd I In the matter of the estate of TUrUecreek townshiP. . appears that ~t W8I! the lasuance of market . . ~eporta. .rebarbable waen It Ls co~ that wisb you a merT)' merry Chrlstmaa. James E. Burke. dOOee.sed; real es-I BaITY Clark. deceased. to ·Fannle this order wtmJh preclpltated U1e ~·THREE '"n»bacco &lad" Ii; a drama. de.,ung Mary Ann Burton tate orde~p~. P. Wll- Bowman; lots 2608 and 260910 .Love- polltlcal.row. , 'With the pennlless IJhareoroppe~ or __ . lJams. James Glenny and Eleanor d~Iland. ' UJe b8.ck oountry 0( Georgta.. Outside 0 UUum apPOinted appralsers. Charlotte W. GJ'lliham to Elmore. Removal of 10 precinct eleetLon with New York It ,bas ~n presented fQl' WaynesvWe, Ohi , In the matter ot the settlementot D. O!'aha.m; lot 98 and part of 97 In otrlclals in Mahonlng countY,. and TIlItEE MESQtJ1TEER 19 weeta in Angeles, 14 weeks Dec. 16. 1939 the estate of Georgia Bral:len, de. Sp1ngboro. dtsquallflca:t.lon of thl'~ perSons for . Serlal-<lomedy a.i:h in Pbj'adelph1a and San·Fran· Dear Santa: ceased: dJ.stribuUon 1n 1t1nd, 1nheJ1tfutur~ election service. was ~rdered . . c1aco. nine ~eeka in St. Lou18, aven I am &even years old. I want a ~ tax detenn1ned .. none. B~L8 ALLOWED last week. by secre\ary of state ,~rl _~_ _ _ _.:-_ _ _ _ _--; . . . M:Ch In ~ and Chi· wagon and a sewing set for my little In the matter ot · the ~te of . Grlffl.t h 6:S a result. Q! Q.D Invl.'$tlga. ~tJNDA y a~d' MqNpAY . caco, IIlx each in, Waahlngton, D. C. Slstes'. Maria Mulford deceased' - schedule Ohio Central 'Telephone COrp,. Uon 1nto alleged irreguliultle$ at the December ZI and 25 and Clnc1imau. five eaim 1n Boston, I wish you a merry Christmas oC debts approv~. . , rent, $68.00; ' f!.eI!!& Elt!Cltr1c •Shop, l~t election. . . Butraio and Cleveland; tour each in Jack1e Sherman 'nnney In the matter of the estate of desk shade. labOr and leJnpII, 16,65; M1lwa~, ~t~, Indianapolis _ Ida H. Cline, deceased; will admlt- Warw1clt's O~y, . JIlatch4IR. 88lt Two Columbus men are now 1~ j[11) "Uh and OoI~us; ~ii three each in Waynesvwe, Ohio, ted to probate. WIlliam C." CUne, ap- and mopa fot' court howe, t2.1~; BeY- pending the lXIyment o~ 0.' !lne of, VARY GRANT- ' MlnneapoUs, Kansas City. ' Detwl~ Dec. '15; 1999 po~d executor. A. W. Dreke. A. H. bold ~ Compal'»'. 12 oottl~ ot $1500 and tosts (:aoh. for 8Ollcl,tln g CAROLE and N~ Orleans. Dear santa.:· Bhurta and W. C. Newcomb appoint- bowl cleanse, $IUli' Dr. ~lalld P. funda on the pretext they could pro..u, ..~ltuu!,~ ... __..._ _-., 21 "a" . "~ Road;' takes Q. typlcal I l1ke you very muob, I wiah you ed appraisers. Dye, serv1Ct!!l as vete.u ...... s. cure liquot' licenses, from the Sta~ • Also .Selected Short !ub·...cb ' family Of tenant farmers living 1n a 'merry Cbrlatmu. I want a ·red In the matter of the estate of t2OO.M; Wm Peter.s; IIeI'V1cm as AII- .BoBrd of Liquor Control through I'in --..--:-.....:..- - -...:-._--:TUEB. and ' WED. squalor and poverty, 19norant of wagon for CIu1atmaa. EBther· It: Bellers, deceeaed', ~....i.l. slatant ve~1. 16 days, 148-00; ftuence" they alleged to have w~th --.... 'I1reasw:e1' of .State, 1% of total employes of that depe.rtment. ThL-; December 28 and ~7 everything but sex and rellglon. and samuel Davis cate of iranster ord~ dfBtributlon sllows the humor and drama to be . In kind. Inheritance tax determined. amount due state !1Or care of lnmates Ls the f~ conviction under the new. fo\1hd 'in ~ routlhe of their da11y Wayne&VWe, Ohio, In ttle matter ot tJle settlement of ts28.50; John Barrl pa.YJ'0~ I1M.00 law whJdi cam. ~ penalty of trom Uvea. So powerful 1s this drama that Dec. 15. 1989 Ule estate of John B1n\pk1n8, de~ Joh,nSOn Myer&, J)f~, .'l1UO: E, six monthS to 'one year 1Ji ~ and a . , MIDNl.GHT'~ ceased copy of the entry cfete.rm~a W. Rca. payroll, tllM.2O; · ' fule i&ngmg from '1000 to '$2.500: . leadlng new~ throuaho}lt the DeI!r 'Banta: fCOUDtry edItorially PNm0unceci uTo.. I am 1n the second grade. I mind amount.ot inheritance ~ .to be pald J!arl ~,JIIoVIroD, 1.08.80; V. . with ......1'1 Road" to I;>e "the epic Amer!· my tea:cher and my mother and Ls ordered. ' Annltqe. pa~ 'lp.20; . ;Harry Surveys have been made by tJ:le WL REGAN-c'O~ RO$COE, ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~7!~ ean Pla.Y". Indorsed tatber' I want a 6-inch Utility truck In the matter of the estate ot Mount. PIl.YJ'Oll, $tI15.60; Village ~ State pon.servatlon Division ' for .'l'VRNJ:B '&. JEAN P~il.KER • ~InWl a180 been . . , 'i U an authentic ahd linporlan_t Amer and a trapeze set and a football. LIlUe D. Emery, deceased; 1nventory Leba.hon, .12 WDa ~:akl~ chloride'j "h_dwater" reservoirs In 'streaD'l4. ~ Aclded Seleeted Shon Subject. ~cari doc\4tllent by such .llterary ce- some sblrts· and some socks, a few approved. 1261.36; Pa.irley JIaniwa.re Stores. Pulton, Brown, Greene. Perry Ill'\d .- "t".-....... , ""'-... . ::t.1-;-:--"':':;""-i' _ - - :_ _ Jebdtles as Theddore Dreiser. George ties and 80me l?edroom sllppera I In the maltter of the estate of c:ement and supplleill; .$6:"; Blair & J{QokJ.ng·. counties. A new 6Ck1cre late J TR~Sf)AY":':FRm,,~ Jean NaUlan. Alexander Woolcott. hope you a very hlIIPpy Chrlstmas Nettie HasUngs, deceased; Raymond LeRoy, cement and sand. III.M; The baa been completed in Hancock December 28 and 20 Marc Comlelly, Stark Young, qaTl and a very ha.ppy New Year. Outtery appointed adminlatrator, LetIa.non Lumber Co.• lumber, $25.92; county. Ve4 ~'\ WW1am Allen White. . Harold Harlan Earnhart Wade Brown. Waldron GUmour and ·H . S . Conover, fIUIIPlltrs: 15.29; J . W. , , , " ~ ~ others; and . promlnimt Dave Blahop appointed apPl'&laerll. LIngo Hardware ·0Cli•• aupplles, ,_. paint Ohio is. now ranJpng near tile ~P eler~n haYe. prea:ohed sennons . In the matter of the estate of and parte, $29;37; 'iVtIbt·& ·D ecker• .of the llat'Ot northern stalie.s, ib the .. uqing ,1he!r oo~gregatlons to see the Eugene H. Poster, deceased; ' ola1m g&)lZ8. 15c;. . . I '. productlon9f gr~ouse' tllirtaiOeS. · I ' · .' . ..wl~ . , . pllI.y sa a 'JIOrtrawal of exlstlD¥ con. . against said estate is allowed All a Sbell OU ·ciP., 5(1~ ~ kerosene. One ooopera.tlv~ 88IIOOiatlon neal' FRED' MAVM1JB..A:E~ . ~tton:s. Ita p,roducUon ,led congress· val,id cla1m. . 5.00; ~tees of P1~blIc ~a.trs,l18ht Berea. OhIO is f.towsh.ipp~D8' ~.O\IQ(I ,J • ~ELEINE CARROLL ~ Kramm; of C8IlUornJa to 1ntro.' In the matter Of the estate of O. at OIU'aIIe, t1i,~; S·. at 8 Tread Bet· 35,000 eight pound baskets weekly. • . d~· a resolution into COnarees to , E1la. Brandon. deceased; wm admit. vice,. retread:ty'eIl, fIII.9l1; 'l11e Day_ _ _' . 1nv~ the coo.dlUon ·ot . the. BY \ylnifred Wlnters ted to PJ;oba.te, Prank Brandon ap. ton :AUto PIU'ta 00.. parts. $58.06; The State 'Division of $6tety and ItIareoroppera wh1le the Julius ~ With the approach of another pointed e]lecutor. lJoward W. Ivins, lI'rankl1n V:uloanlsing &: Tire Co.. ~up Hygiene reports there 'were 17;42'1 wa.ld ~ has ·set aside a sum of . the pere~ gin prob- Charles . J. Waggoner and Pred O. plies, 16.M; The Clnclnnatl on personal injury cla.1ms ttIed for, ~e money fot' a a1JD11ar investigation. laB follows the ~ or the bouse- Jomes appointed appraisers. . W~ CO" r.erone a~d. grease. 162.1~0; month of November, 0.1:1 increase of an ela!JIlPle of'niOclern reallst.lc utero bold like a persiStent shadow· that In the matter ot the estate of W&itAI&' Garage. sul~ and parts. 760 o.v er the nun\!)er rued for OctO..........IbiiI'A ·UW atpdy ,of ~ ~:' tJ8fls hun wbere\ier he goes. Fre- MollJe Aa6um, dece8sed; schedule of ~.51; • The Donnan :Automotlve ~. . • '" . . . 10 publl.abed form Js requJred '88 . ex- Quently, the decJslon on what to buy debts approved. Parte CO., ~ ,:a.ISO; The Trl.Sta~ '.. .'• ,tn~, read1na' 1n sixteen wife loonia more momentous In the matter or the estate of Ignition: Ina.. ~ .~2.~;.,Herllchel Some outstanclI!l.g. statlstl~ (tatQhr, uutv_t.&a.~~• •. ln ~n . many an Important declslon EI1zabetb A. Maple, deCee.a!edi Cha.r. ,. James, auppUea un4 parts. 't2.~; ed ~ .th.e .otflqe ot State Treasurer ~w Ut 4P&nta. ''OecqIa,~. ~ business. . . lea J. Waggoner. G. 'P . Brown apd Claude E. Wllso!:.., 'auppl1e8 and Don H. Ebright. cUvuJge there 'are in PI'IUitlln D.' ~ elt sal.d !:' "lit Ia a One of ·the fln,lt conslderatlons a Arhur Hiunllton appobl~' a.p~la- p.sollne. '~3.56; Jtogen at Simpson. a:ess of t230',OOQ,OOO,Jn O~o .co~ty; . MY 'fciz: aobei1' qUp~people Interest ~ is ll1teIy to ~ve confront him era, . , battery tuJd,QIAIqllne', $2fJ.D7,; Morrow niUJl1clPQol and. ~hOOl dlatric~ bo~ds 'f/d itt bet_.aOclaf~tIoDs. . the need tor aeIectI.ng . what be In the matter of the este.te of service ,Bt8.tIon. dU ~I:l paoline, atared in the"v41ilta. 'IlIie number john BarJtoa Will &.~e the central ~ea 18 .a "pel'llOD81" gift. F'r!l~ ~e.y S~\ler, deceaaed, ft9.~; Griawold'. Servloe ~tlon, chectB pl\1d thrOUi'h the. ol!ice role ot LB.ter, the ~dc1le. Par~,.. mbdern electr1c Chester Maple appointed admln1stra- supplies a¥ ~• . '18.22; . Bor- cli.y, aver8f't!S al;ou~ , 30 00fJ with II qed. ilbl'ewd. ~r ~ lbare . 18 an ~deal "~',t to'r;- Chlu-Ies J. WagRODet. G. 'P. den:1 Servk:e statilo~ ~ . ' aDd Plat 88 ~gh as 65.0(lq1 the ~~ • erGIJIIIr. ~~fecl. wUsta 'iDc1Ude 11ft fOr' the reaaon tbat It relieves Brown and Arthur Hanillton appoint ~lJnI!!. ,lIn2; PnmIt Sherwood 00.. 1Dr florn ·t400.ooo to *10,000.000. 4be 1rCIIIlaD of every fOOd pJieeervation t!d ·N>pra1senl, · , iu,ppllea . and ,l88011rae....l'J.H; tlve IttDd cl4tIb.!~ 8t71Wl dnita to J;ae It ill a, rut ~ will use and en- In' the seWement of estate of bam's ~: ~t.El1', tlres aDd gas- CUb balances ~ ~ total ~IWU; , ~ . .~ ~ ptq7 M ' " for yean, and b1 ~hldl she· will Edward W"ger. d~; yaluatlori ollne. f8't.83; · qttle8J Serytce on 00., tJle Btate ;~&UJ'eJ'!8 . ~ . 1pc;IiJ!IIblM ' . .... !Ie'dd'..... · ~~t ~e;.!.., _ of estate set at $587.26, lnber1tarice II"""llne, t2.l13; Thet PUre oil 00., up ari:rund"flOO:OOO,ooo• ...... . . 1fosoiar Old IIIUly" ~ wm reciIlve ~ 81ft tax ~tennlned All none. ~llne. tl,.IO; V. O. 2'arJe1 Sinclair . . ....... to ' lDMI'1 . ftlue wbeD ObrIItmas In tbe matter of the eet.ate. of ,IMOUDI, $1Js.JI, ._ ;lIIIr8~1*d_Fl:d•• ""'''''''' daJ Ml'l.... Tbdr ,. WW reflect EstellaM. ·Logan, deceuecl;: ~( 'l'oD7 Vallar1, '. • ___ ~ tM .... jll".,.,..t of &.be bun.»ds- on ~tort..lliet fDJ' · J'\ecanber 28. &DOll II.,.. fiiu. .IIMoUIIe, 1!!'!'~1tIII1Jt ~ ecaI obq&e wbo .iD"dfIe'.t t.bII modern "perIu the matteJ: of the eatate of ~ ~PlIOUtIe, ... IIDd ~' 'lt Ihed UJt &0 Plulk Gona. ~; certWeate of Dare'. Garaae, ...~..
In a
~A'TrRE THEn. I .
Personal Gift Will Be First CoasitleratioD
....... p.;.~~
~e, ~
~t1ve. :tate ~~ts
..--.....",., tift ~.
buefer ClrdeNd. IJl &be matter 01 tile the . . . 01 . . . . IIINI!S: tfth7 ~_~~_.:
. . ao&tIt. ._~~~~!~~~ &enloe ...... .iI
~ iI~~~~~~:
..."'- .
.....:..__ . , D
81. 1tII. .
Beech Grove l4r. and Mrs. Mearle Terry were recent guests .9t Mr. and, Mrs. W : M. Thom)l!!On and dallallter " •• - An <!romeda. of Oa.yton Miss Hannah, Jordan spent an eve nlng recently with Mrs. CW. Mad. (Jell. In Harvey$b~rg. Albert Lee 'Talmage and JessIe Oarrler. were visitors one evening lnat w ek oC Mrs. Mary Wlson, in Ull)nnon, ' . . R V. L A. Bradd, of ' ClarkSVille was a l' cent ca.Uer at Ilhe hOI e of Mr. and M1'II. Almon Ferris • , Scvel'llli from this VICIJUt; attendcd the annual Watren ·County Ag rlcultu1'e Club, ,a t Grange Hall, Leb : nnon, Tuesda.y evening Mr nnd Mr M I' • s, ear e Terry Mrs All ce Terry and W lk ,. . a er Terry enter ~r'_y ' Mr.. a n d ta.lned at. dinner S .........., Mrs-Dan Long, of Dayton; Mr, and Mrs. Orlnndo Brannan of Xenia Mr anti Mrs. Robe ' ., ' , rt Burkett; and little d.l\,~ghter, Mary Margaret. of Way· n ~vlUe. AIternoon callers were Mr' lind Mrs Lowlill "'-. , " . "",-, ley Imd ohlHlren Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wise nnd son: Walter. of near J M1CStown. Mr, and Mrs. Dawson LynCh and Jobl"!, were Ch is'--• r w."'" .shoppers In ClnchmaU, Saturday _ _ _ _ _....-__ .
, ••...,., "
jM&bel 01eaeon of near Let.non call· «1 on their aUJlt. Mrs. Dora. MQrlfan and uncle, ~r. Lue MUJ'l'ay, Batur.
df.y artemoon.
Mr. and Mr& Dlarence Crawford spent Sunday with Mr and .... ~ , ,,"D, Henry Burges ''''d to.mUy of Dayton ,... 1 Mr. and l\!fS. Raymond Osborn ot Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hiatt of Spring Valley called on Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson DUl and son Ralpll Sun. day evening. ?~. and Mrs. Raymond Luc;as and d~\Ignter Betty Sue' Of Wilmington, SI,ent- Saturday evening witb their PIll ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Lucas and famUy . Mrs John Shnw of Xenia '}'as ' a din Der guest of Mr. and MrS Edmond Marlatt. Sunda.y. .
¥..... .
H b aneys urg '
SPRING VALLEY' Mrs. Helen Hains Klatt of Dayton was a guest of Mrs. Henry Walton on Thursday, ( . Mr. and Mrs , John o'Donnell and Mrs S E 1'1 . . . 101l1a6 0 f CI eveland 'vislted Saturday night with their par. 0'00nnell remaiDed..h ere en•• .... ..nu S. tor a week. The D. of A .'s are giving a Christmas party on da) e\>enUlg Decem· ber 22 1n the Junior Hall. DaIsy Harris Is Ulat the home of h~ mother. Mrs. Toner Underwood, Dorothy Weller of Clnclnnllltl was a week end guest 01 her parents. Mr. an<\. Mrs.. Ray SmIth of I?ayton vS~~ld his ~ents, Mr. and Mrs. J oe uu t lover u.·.e week end. Mrs. Wm Scarff of near Cincinnati 1. 1 ' v..... ted with Mr. Scarff and pe.rents bver thn week end. Ben Ollne Jert this week to spend the winter In Florida
The date of a blrtb When Christ came 80 lave And to rule on the earth H- Is for happiness The key to my heart When joy bells e.re ringing And aU will ta.ke part
°o °
Rr-Is for the reindeer So smoothly clad
They are St. Nichola:!' helpers MalUng Uttle heart:s gIRd.
Something For The Homt-
With SDIlW and wI ~h /lleet The Spirit of mirist.rna.s Is glvlng a. treat
fortable home for t~e holid ay ReaRon ari d through the winter month s than I'tol'm windows and storm doors.
urns 94% AIr - 6% 01. P.,.
;illille 831100 c0310U (kerosene) bum.50J,oUl'l.. ' 0 smoke •• mell, Dolee or 1lrt!UU/'C. SAPBI - lind can operate.
"'111. lI'!IJtaa
Bnnr: In Your 01. Any Kind. Sort Or Condition
$100 ~~D' Allowance
from KEROSE;.E !)nve by tradlDgyourold J"mpfaf (lNcw AladdIn. va yourllcll thOllQ tonured ucryt:l add bead.ehea due to (10(11' light. Nq wond 8n'\!n mUllo" . owltcll to M1\~I4\llI 1U:ultll o-1lah t!lOt aurpo8l«l even by <.Jcc:t rldty Cor wlilt_ and stcodinrss.
No one thing will contribute more to a co m'
1- 15 tor Iceland
m?re of these would mak e a spll:!nd id Chrl tmas gIft, one of great benefit to t he entire
On Ally AL1cWInM.........
family 'for many
Come In For Demonstratlla
se~sons .
For greater Comfort, Hea lt h, a nd Saving in .fuel, tty just one and we know you wi l I wa nt
them in every door and windo w.
Mt. Holly
Compiled' By ' T. S Bardin , Chrlstnllas c--Btands f~r
S-Is for Santa Claus . A Jolly old man He Is making his visits . , . The Children and grandchildren of AI; fQSt as he can Mrs Sarah Osborn gathered a.t her ho~e on SUnday to celebrate her 1:-Ts for tomorrow . J t n d head '!lOth birthday. Th06e present were us 0 e ay a Mr and M Argus OSborn d Of the ~ht beCo1'le OhrlstmM . . rs. , an family of Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. WhUe all are in bed WUlIs Zeller Mr and Mrs Roy· th , . . ,,1-Is for e Master Stubbs, Mr. and Mrs. PaUl Wysong Who sponsors the treat d Mr Phil B M d an SOIlS, s. now, r. an The sUl18hlne and rain ~rs , Cal Cost, Mr. and, Mrs, .John Makes our harvest complete R06e of Dayton ,- Mr, an,d Mrs. Carl A- Is tor aU, who take par' St1bbs ,and chJldren at Middletown In giving and .Ml'. and Mrs. Jo.mes OSborn ana If only R smile
WOl\IAN'S CIVIC 'LEAGUE CDBISTMAS MEETING ' I The Woman's Clvlc Le88ue met at ' . the hom~ of Mrs. Sadie Rt:a-'IOn on saturday evening, As this was the ". phrlstmas meeting her home was attractlvely decorated with wreathes, _. . hoUy and a Christma.s. tree. Following the !business meeting a pro$l'8lD including the singing of Christ.lrlaS' carols reading the Christ t\l8S St.llry and a' true and false' contest was gtveh., Gifts , were- then ex. S011S. changed and refreshment..c; were .Mr. nnd Ml-s. Roy Shaw a nd fam- served. < ~ i1y or near Spring Va.lley spent Sun. The next meeting will ' be held at day With. rM. and rMs. Lue M~rJan the home of Mrs. Le'i1ra . Shldaker The ann\.W ,meeting of stockhold' ers of Waynesville National Bank of Mrs. Harold Kelles , and children January 19th. WQYIiesvWe, Ohio, will be held at were In DQy~n shQppl~ Saturday. Mr and Mrs ElUsworth Olboon and its banking house 1n Wvnesville, claug~ter ~hylllB were dinner guests MOTOR VEHICLE FEES Ohio, on the 9th da.y oC JanUary. of Hlley Olbson' and Camlly SUnday. RELEASED 1940, rat 2 o'clock p, m. Eastern ACetcrnoon ca llerS were Mr. I\nd Standard ' Time t or eIection or 01· Arnold Clark and family 01 Dayton, Approximately ts,099.28 was dis· reotors for the enaU1ng year ' and Mr. and Mr.s. Everett Bunnell and trlb utc~ last week to Warren county tJhe tl-ansacUon of such business as family of Waynesville IUId Clydle vUIRges by County AudItor A. M. may properly come before the meet. Smith. ; Parker In motor vehicle registration lng. Ross H. Ha~t8OCk. Mr. and Mrs. Carl ' RecJlnlftU' and fees received' Frlda.y from the s~te \ tamlly, M1'lt Mell~ Morgan and Ml's. Qudltor's office. • OashIer
- ,
Fairley Hardware • Store
,I° w. H. MADDEN AND 0 ' 0 0 ° COMPANY °
.Larger Bccau c of BcU Qr Sentice. Quality and Prioe
Established 1840-1939 Wayn vUle, 0., Phone 32
I .---
Then lI!e is worth Hving.
S-IS for snow on
Christmas Day, while 'All llttle ch~en Are busy at play.
°O 01====::1
The anllual Tllocrculosls Christmas S~ I Sale naturally comes to an end on Olu'lstmas Day, Those who have nOL yet returned the seals \vh l. h were sent to them thl'ough the mall 01' the money fol' the number which th ey have purchased Rrc ask-
Dealings In hJgn fiIlance were not ed last week QS COWlty Auditor A. cd to do 00 now. It hould be rernem M. Parker distributed motor trans· bered that although there has been portatlon d1strl: t reErLstratlon fees !!!!!~~~~~~~~'!!'!"~~~~~~~'!'!"!'~~~~~~~- minimum of canvassing . by personal amounting to one cent (,01) to the contact, iL Is just as eSsen tial that village of aprlngboro and two cents the seals be bought and used 115 I-!'J to Harveysblll9. Postage amounted otl1er yea.rs. , to more than the checll:s.
Oc:::l '
Phone Your Want Act.
l\f.erchants Extend Yuletide Greetings T 0 Patrons )
Ctu'isLmos Greetings . With Rapplness throughout the year.
,9hrlstmrul Cheer!
Besb Wishes· 'lor
'( '.)
Merry' Christnllas and a Happy NllW Year
Texaco Ser~ice
New, Year
New. Year.
you a Meirry Ohri&tmaa
Quick Cleaners
To wish ' you a very Christmas and 'I
We are ~UI for our 6U~ In 1939. We feel' It la but are. ~t
Wishing for YOU a Happy •
&rid' PrMperoUs New Year
um to ~nd to ~ou our ~ty gree1_ fO&' a. Happy New. Year. \
'. Wa,ne.ville F.r~er8 ,Exch••~ ,'
Year at abunqant happiness.
. ., fteot1on: of your good w,1ll and pa.troDiage, and It {lives us
R. D. Cqllett
and a Happy New Year.
,coming year.
, .,
Earl Connel', Manager
' .... ' WI,....
Greet.lngs .for
Christmas and best wishes for a
·S tatio..
tQ extend to aU are ,customers our sincere , 'wishes fo~
a Merry Ohristmas and a ...
Happiness. Prosperity. and Wealth will be yours throughOut the
, GREETINGS ' M~ c~iImas
Bowling Alleys
w. H.--MADDEN &
, We hope your New Year wlll be a happy one, and the Health , I
Wilih ' Cordial 'Greet!np for a . Mer r y Ohrlstmas and a Happy rand Pros~us New ..• Year.
"mong those to wish you th e Blessings of Ohrlstmas and t he
Way.n e'. ville Natjo.o al Banlt·
atlon of their Good WUI. We count ourselves fortunate in being '
\shed desires all through 1940.
At this season It Is fitting that we express to our friellds'apprecl·
esteem at your ~eUow man with the fulfillment of your m06t roer·
Prosperous NcW Year.
Here's P1'06pe~tty and with It health and happiness. Here's
Merry Christmas and a Happy and
To our I!IMron8 and f~ we 8llteadr.bei~· willa for a ~ CJbrIII&miIa an.cl Proeperoua New '
- -:- CDBklia'i I
PECK'S ' F., od Shop .
Store ,
Wishing you ~ M(llTY
. E. S
~~E~ ~O~~ ~I_C_hu_rc_h_el........:
aDd JOUDI men read THE ~ lOAN BOY YacutDe every
8T IlABY'8 EPISCOPAL . mnJaCB "y. R. .... HaeliweD. itect.r POURTIi SUNDAY IN' ADVENT 7::10 i.. m. Holy ~unJon.
and COiJIIder It u a UviDI companion Uia~ as a pullazlne.
"U'I ~ much a buddy to me .. my Qetahborhood chum" writes ODe a. m. Mornlntr Prayer. and eerhigh lIChool !lenior. "TIIII AMBR.. lOAN . BOY leems to understand a, "!IRlSTMJlB boy's problems and conaldera them'" DAY In such a 'Iympathetlc' and helpful 10 a. m; Festival Holy com~unIon w.ay. 'It lives advice and entertalh.. and a.ddreIis. ' Ins reading' on every .ubJect; in There lfIU ~ no meettnp or or. which a young fellow Is Intareat.e4 aantatlOIlft or church school cl~ XL Is .particularlY helpful in spore. Ohrlatmaa week. ' • I made ' our school basketball team because or play1na UPS I read In METHODIST CHURCH THE AMERIOAN OOY Lo... ~. BadleJ......r
At the recent Installation or officers or MIami ohapter. No. 107, Order of Easter Star, two daugl1tera and their rathers 811Sumed ~, lea dln" ottlc.. of the lodge. Mrs. Minnie Fronun and her fa ther J . C. Hawke. are wortby matron and worthy. 1)Iltron. J'fI8pecttvely. While Mra. RuUl Palmer and her father. Everett Early, are associate D'Ul.tron and 6SI!OCiate pQtron ~tlvelY.
••~PPPPlNNilCttc.II)~.Cleapp Jurors Are DrlWD January 18, includes OlelDent Batterthwatte, llockett, Kenneth Mrv Term Hough. Wilber Sb1daker, A. O. Grlf. For JU- 1 CHRISTMAS PARTY • fy, Vern M . Arm11aie, Hart..ock, Wa¥n~v1l1e; Reed, Alma Dare. SATURDAY NIGHt Orand jurors drawn foJ' the J~ Mrs. WhltAl:.lrer. Morrow: lIary term Warren CoUnty Oourt, Walter Ellis, KlngII Ml1ls; Karl D. Time 8 O'clock . to meet January 2 are: Nettle Weav- DU1n. E<lward Rerr1ArJt, BeII8le ADer. Carrol Warren deraon, LeIlanqn; Ralph Place, 'M cClure'. Corner Lebanon: Lyle Ivana, L, O. Ken Fred JohnIon, Ohm'1es COleman; Mrs
Anna Fnmcea
net. Mrs. Pearl Bcbwartz. Pranklln; Lloyd Ritz, Oharles Bleam. F'I'ankl1n;' W. N. Cox, Mason; 1111'8. Elmer Pen. Floyd Palmer, Prank Watk1na. Muon Fost~r ; Emma Peirce, Wa,nesvWe; Mrs. Inez Schnell, Pl.euant Plain; A1~ Holden. Oharles Carroll. Mor· Mra. Ralph widenel', SPr1~; row; lIIra. ADiela OIIboro.lIIra. ~ !illen N . bpp, south Lebianoo. HuUman. OI'etJonlal Guy Burroughl, " SJ,r1naboro· JSE THE MIAMI GAZETI'E 'Ihe p!tit Jury, scheduled to meet WANT ADS
The Wayneav1l1e .01vlc Club has made !!pec1a1 arrangementa for sa~ Olaus to v18lt Waynesville Saturday evening December 23. A OhrlBtmaa tree a t McCIurea comer OQ Main Street·WIll Ught the way for Santa, who says he wm be in town a.l\ evening to rtnd out what the boys and glrla w1ah for Christmaa. At approxl.mately 8 o'clocll: Banta wt11 be at the xmas tree to d1lI tribute Cl&1ldy to all the .6Ina11 boYS and gtr18. It ~ augseeted you do your Ohr:iatmas shopping In Waynesvllie where you am- avoid the larIe crowds, make a more ~nal ~ec tkJn of lift&. b ent.e.rtalned by Banta and . keep the home,town pro-
'lbe Da.nee of men:~ and profeA'lo.nal people members of the club are spoll8Ol1ns the a1!alr.
RoI& H. Hartsock Prank M '. PoX Peck's Pocid Shop
R. D. Collett. ' · WjP.1D8IvWe !Vroers E:lchange Dr, ~ L. Cook Kroser Orocery & Baking Co. OI'Vme J . Gray Wayneevllle Drug Store D. -R, Smith'. Gro. Myer B'1mq _LeUay_Bawlte
8m1th'a BowllDa Alley Fairley
Bard~ .
, Sb6emaker'a I .G.A. W.B.UDdenuood A. It. RQIere & SImpson BaIrd's 5c: to '1.00 Store 'n1e1ma'~ Kitcben A. H. Stubbs
oay '
We take .thIs opportunity to
Tree ripened Oranlel ,or
, (eRGY
..... ..,'....,... . ........................... ,
. . .'AIInlca
,. . . . IIs ................,. . . . .
. . . . ., . " , , . AIIF, 8ol'
.............. 1.10·,..··,..,. .............. ,........ .. ............. .......... ..........,......utfr. ...... .
........, ••
Help to Pr.otect Your Home lrom Tuh.reu/o.l.
,. .......,
"Protect Your Home Prom Tuber.
. lOY scoon Of
is the Christmas Seuoo ooce
r~~i~ded of· th~ i'Pcace on Ear!h, Good 'WiIl To~ard more: We ape
Men'" idea which was the song of the Angel,. 'Although much of the world' , not' peaceful, we are ' fha~UI for our ~
i ,.,..".... ~ ...."......'.... .
Laughing .Aro~nd
With 'IRVIN S.
of all Clfriatmas,bolidayc
Bordering on the' U,~naIlIJe .
a" IRVIN S, CoBB hero of this story ~as one of th~.~ pe..... who wha. ever happens 6S a manifestation at the tliviDe power It".. DO' tor him to question the workings of a mysterioUi Provid.ence 'u MI.sfo'I'tUne do8'~. his footsteps, yet neyer once did he :'~:u: I,s Wife ranftway WIth the l:a1l'Pd man. His .u-"ler m nejlr·do-well who deserted her; , his Bon laiaded iii. , the Jll8lliteilitilll'Ji
1.o~1) -
. use
ft 1.l1rlE. JU\:)6EMEr(,-
peace here. Let us treat all out fellow
culos1&-Buy" Christmas Seals."
" -
.... _ ............ ,.,M~
AJiD 01'lllB
. First Choice
, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8.0 High School Auditorium Sponsor.e d by Grange & Civic Club Benefit of Young Folks' G~oup Fo.ike dances, Square dances, Waltzes, One Step, Fox Tl'ota, 500, Bingo, Chinese' checkers. ' 4dnlission 25c , Children under 14 free
each Gnd' every one a Merry
, -~~_,
SUNDAY and Christmu· nay
Dr. J. E. Wltham Dr. H: E. Hathaway J . P. L&rrlclr. Community JDtcJlen
Ohrlstmas, and hope that the New Year fulfills fl.ll of yout expec-
The Mtamt GeJette
Coyle's Meat Market Qulck Oleanens C. Lee Hawke J . E. McClure Bor(ten Service' Sta. J . R. OUJlbona O. E. &n1th W. H. Madden & CO. Oulf Service 8ta. The Little Ion SmJth's Service Sta. Allen's ServJ.ce Statton Dr. A. E. Stout O. M. Robltzer M. A. Fulkerson Walter Elzey
Qhurch School at 9:30 a. m. The iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. .iiiiiii;;;;iiiiiiii wonhl~ aerv1ce WIll follow at 10:40. will b!t a apeclal Chrietmu Anthem bl tile choo- entlUed: "0 Night of Holy Uemory/ ' and the })Utor wtll apeak on "The Queat. Por the uena".:A apecl&l Invitauon • ex~ to eWll')l8ne to ablend' tills ChrIamu worab1p aemoe. In the at '1:80 &he BUnde..J School ent.ertatnment wl11 be ilven. It ww of a mtxed J)l'CIIram by the thU8la8t1cally. They bave touDd JOUDIeJ' ........... 01 &be IChooi. '01Chriltma~ that u a general rule retJ!11ar rMd.. ~~ bJ & CbrIa~ pia, !!nUtled era of THE AIO:IUOAN' BOY act- "A I!MGry of Old 1Ietblebem" laven by vance more rapidly aDd develop younler. ..,... All-.... invited. more worthwhile cbaNc&erlltict than do boy. who do IJ4)t read it. llTICA ll, •• ca--"H ..,Trained wrlters and arUsta, fun. . . ~ - . ..... OUI .coaches and atbh!_ apIGnn. ~ ~, Deoom.. 1'1 Iclenttsta and mill IUC!CeeIIUl Sa 9 :30 a . m. -Bunday IIChooL LIeU. bualneaa and industrY Join with aD Oonsucb. Supt. .ARG~IN HII, 1" 'TU" .:OO experienced .~fI ~ produce In TIm BundaJ, DMem1>er,:H AIO:IUCAN BOY, the IOn at react- 10:30.; JD.-Annual ObJ1.ltmM Friday InI matter boy. Ub '*to ProIrun. , . AND TJD: AllER.JOAN BOY ~ on Come ~ enjoy ~ to til. Saturday' most WlWlBtanda at 111e a copy. children &bel ,oun' people liVe UI a I!uIIecrtP.Uon p1eea are .1.60 f9r real 0bI1atmae ent.erta1wnent.one:rear or 13,00 tor t.lU'ee JIUS. -----.CREEN~___ Porelp! ratea 6Oc: a year estnl. TO ==.~~~~,~~~~~~_~.~3 _' LEW AVR •• aubBc:r1be atmply MInd JOur 'DUDe, _ Lion'" 8arry",ore and ~mlttance ~ to ' . , . ' In - "a.oret of- Dr, Kiiilire" THE AMERIOAN BOY,?. 8eoond BlVd.. Detrol... MtchIpD. .
"[l...... I
woo with the
~ to
!CItMl_~N. .ElltIN~N"-IN"PII"_NIlIIi.EIt.II" •••__
-----'------A Joint HOUle and senate tee of the lealalature hu to ucertatn the stAtUi of tupa.yera in the MuaklnlWn. OOnaerftncy Distriot. In vIMt governmen"s decision to take over the project, A SJM!C1a1 ,/l4!IIIlon o~ the
8pee1aJ ~tmu aemces wID be· LetJ1sIature may be. held this Sunday beginnlnr with the aolve the prd»lem.
Many famoUi athletes In all th oredlt mucb of elr IU~ to helpful suueaUona received from sport! arUcles carried In THK AMERICAN BOY Maaallne. Vlrtually every ISlue ·often advk:e from a famouS coach or player. Pootball,. basketbAll, t.l:ack' tllDniB In fact every niajor spor; lB llOvor~d in tlcLion and lallL arUcles. . Teachen, l1brartana, parentAl &Del lea4era of boy. cluba ~ ricom' meI\dTHE AMERIOAN BOY m..
an~ the ntost ,?l'OI~u{., .
of all N~ YclUj.'
-.. . .·.- .\....
,~I - I · - ·~ · -..-.I
Local Happenings
Waynesville To Have Farmers
.The CommulllLy KlL h('n wUl s rve Waynesville Farmers' Institute ' will .unches New Years Da~', be held In the high soh~Ol irYm Jan• • • • • uary 8 and 9. Miss .Be tt~y Hart.sock of Cincinnati Two outstanding speakers have spent Christmas with her parents been scheduled : ·Mrs. ·Frank D'Slutz Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hart.sock~ of Da.yton, an expert In child 'traln• • • • • lng and child psychology, anp ,Mr. Mr. and Mrs. O. M . Rid ge were H . E. Stout of HOlm~ville. OhIo dinner guests Clulstmas, at the home organizer and ror 26 years a rulal of Mr. and Ml s. D. C. Ridge. pas tor. • • • • • An elaborate corn and grain , shol". J. C. Ha wke spent Clu'LsLmns Day cxlUbl t.s In needle work and bak:nIJ wilh Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawke and J ud moLion pictures each evening III..'; be n plann ed, fam ily In Dayton. • • • • • Ins ti t ute officers are: Earl EalnMr. and Mrs . Donald L. Hawke vis- hal"t. 1~·csldcl1t . Chllrles Hoyle. v..ce lIed Mrs. Nell Ander. on of Kingman. presld nL and Harold Rutherford, ChrLstmas Eve. .!CCl'ew·y.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell HoIl'pay a nd (llIu ghter lire pending t h holidays with their parents at W e.~t Union,
Owen Hartsock Buys Registered Jersey Mr, and Mrs. H. J. Greene of Mar . • • • • •
llnsville were Chrlstmns RlII'sL" 01) Mr. lind Mrs. W . A . Lukens anti ' fa mily.
Owe n F. Hartsock 11as purchased a • • • • • registered Jersey cow Irom Heber Mr. lind rM5. Cal'men Crane and Eti ~ . According to The Anierlcan son Jimmy Were dinner guest.s Clu!~ Jersey Cattle Club of New York the iURS of Mr and Ml'S Carl Crane of animal is Y. D, F .·V. Caroline 123231 1 Lebanon. " I Lukens stock farm' s6ld two cows • • • • • Iu> HArley Coclu'ane ot , Urbena., • Mr. ana Mrs. Ed:-Edwards enl! Th e J ersey h el'd of Alexand,er & tnLned ' at dinner on Christmas Da.y .Trou t of Spring Valley, led th e War:" Mr. and Mrs. C,· E Edwards of Day l' n-G.reene-CUnton D. H. I . A, ' for ton, and Mr. and Ml·S. Clarence Ed. November, The Lukens berd WILlI Lee p . Woolley. 63, died at, his wards and daughter, ' cond and a.Jso h8 d hJ gh cow; home In Da~ tol1' Sunday, of pneu• • • • • mo"!a, ' . Mr. a nd Ml'S, Ira Brown and son DAYIS-CLARK Born In Waynesville. he was the af Franklin and Mr and Mrs Harold elder son of the late James A. and W'UUamson and, family of Dayton MiSs Delores Olark. ' daughter 01 F . Woolley, He was II- member Iwere guests Chrlstmns ' Da.y of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. CUnt A, ,clark, became the Jr, O. U. A. ~C Daughters of lind Mrs. H. H WilliaJmon, the btid ot Oharles Davis, ~ of and the Fratel'l1ru Order of • • • • • ¥r. and Mrs. Mack, Davis, Cbrlat~ En~les, Christmas guesLs at the home ot mas morning, In.' s' quiet ceremony Surviving are hls wife, OlLie. a son, Mr. and Mrs, J . K, Preston were perfotmed by Rev. L, C, Radley at Harold. a daughter, Mrs., Veda Brown Mr. and Ml'S. Leo Deutsch and son the Methodist Church parsonage. ~ o! Dayton and a br~thel' Frank ~! BUly, Fred Yates of Springfield, and Oedarvllle. Mrs . . Ota rudy. '. Services were hOld Wednesday af• • • • • ternoon at the Oruea funeral
Pneumonia Falal To . FAMILY OINNEH LOCaI._._,"' Happemngs Lee C. Woolley .. __ !' ___,_._.. "'.AT ,HAHRIS',HOME . .. I Mias ~n~. Britain of Worthington, ~""'J
Mn, Edith HarrIs and Mr. Harris and Johnny M~rn of
,:~",,,'IL lira lIoIIher, ~ 18 their usual custom. en- spent Sunday W1t~ Mr, and Mrs. MlIDaI4! Fen1a tertalned ~t a ' :ramuy . dlnner~ on Walter Britain and fnm11y. OiI~IqJII~~JIl~ IJoj.IJ, mOrnIng Ohrlstmas. at ~he old Harm .home • • • j. • MaJn street, The guests were Mr, Mm, Pred HartBdl:k, Mias MilHartsock, Mr: Obarle~ Hart~ of MUtord. Mr. a nd Mrs. RonHawke and Mr, Frank T·.. Hawke christmas tree laden with .preswu .0J;le of the mos~ enjoyable, terest.1ng features of the day,
~~~==~~I~eF~~ ~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M .:.J M H ~~ k~~~~Md~~~~~~~,~~~~~I 0, OIaa1dn. respecti!{!,ly. lal Park cemetery, Conner Dnd daughter, Carolyn were >
Mr, and Mrs, Wlll Tate and son Robert of Bellbropk. and Mr. and Mrs. , T. 0, Runi were Sunday dinner guests of . and Mrs. P. A. Run,von and Mrs, chae!. ; • • • • Mr. .and Mrs. talned at dlnnCl' hanor of the 36th 1Ne~C1Iln1r
., r. illU
rs. artsoc .
•••. .
Miss Frances EUis,
,Mr. and Mrs, T . d. RUl?Yon r eturn '*1 hqme Friday ·f rom Oh1~go . after Idlled Saturday morning In an spe~g a W ek WI,th 'their son-In aoaident;.ln Ea.st St, Lou1s, Mo. law and daughter Mr and Mrs Wa.I, huabiuld Ralph. 34, was ser- ~ callahan. Mr. and Mrs. ,R unyon louaIJ injured aDd died two . spent Christmas with rel~t1ves In · later iii a hospItal there. CinCinnati, """"--
• •
ldauatlter son.: Jerry Mr. 'andSylVia. Mrs,l and their and their . eoI}~iII!I!Pdi;'. ~te '.to ~d Chrlatmas
Weds Robert S. Gray
guests at a. family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E, Edwards In Da.yton Sunday, . • • • • •
- ,-
. . '.
Jie;-scmel Bunnl!ll. p.reSI~ent of the Wa.rl:en county board, preSided . Wtn\l' KJlUlan and BYt.On ¥dl~. Ohio Sta.~ falr offlola~5, ",ere ' ~tA • ~.p aket' of tl)e ev~nlng • . _
. . ... .
..... Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker Jr, entertained on Ch!lstmas Day, ~.
W~e, Obi\)
I'Iaq1ae 112
-.al.r.d A. ~d CJaU 'lIa8 Matter .t Postofftee, Wayn••vUle T
. ' "
Ohio I
Flora M. CraD~ Edit0t: and Publisher
811bae~ Price, U.IiO
--_e_ ..e--Sportlmen
va Quentin Cox' un.' A. I!Ine1l and John W. Snell to to m.a.ke '&n8wer or other Pleadln« Is 'flled CarroU' D. ~ and MOOge L. the court within flve day. the Smart: about ool .lb'e t.n Harveyg.. IPle~tI:1I Ww be allowecl judlPllent burl. b1s «!Ialm by default. Ethel Paul to M.. B. Bourne; W. A. Bailey, admlnllltrator at the abOUt 11 acree In. W~ ToWDlblp. estate of Frederick D. Mitchell. de· Nathan Pred to Cec1l Lamb; about ceaaed, va. George M. Woodell. et 1 1-4 acrea 'in Henpeck, al.; con!1rmaUon and dlstrlbuUOIl of . Pl'oceeda. ~ ALLOWBD
2. dlstrlbuUon In kind. lnher1tence taz d.etenn1ned. . In the matter of th8 ..tate cd K nton Jl 'I'nompIIaD. deceued; Inventory &PID'Oved. ". ... _ . ....... Chrts Brunner, deceued: 1nv~ntor)' approved. In the . matter of the stAte of Ann& D. ' HaDklnaon, c1eceaeed; wUl 8dm1tted to probate. A. E. PrancIa appointed executor. H. S. 0IIa0...; 'Gecqe p. Gates aDd R. O. Mltcbell eppolnted appra1llen. In. the matt« of the ei.tate of John T. W1lkenon. deceaned: Lenna Wllker&clll, appobded' administratrix. Prec1 AddJa, Obara J. WII8IODa' and 0l1&rJ.ea 8. Irwin, appointed ap
:!======:...:==>:;====--===-======= ==::!Jlj -derson of L«I8D01l. GAme Mana&ethe b\fteat conaregaUon rnent Agent Bill Bender8hot ot Leb-
aeeounte&ffor 1q of the blKk nuJa.. aDMI. Tbeae Jup ftocU of crowa ..... not. onlT • menace to nmaI:l aDd WIldlJfe. obut ~ aldn 'o ft all the a..u.b" bti'd foocl from more than & ~. mue eiIIrch day. Use left Oft!' from huntlna aeaaon for 8DIIle
&ben, ·~tlve ~tlDIr-1t.. we~.
. . ._ _ ,. About ~ 1Veeb 880 Ute Warren Co. JIIIIl aDd Game AIm. reque.ted ,bat no appointment be made fOl'
anon, end Deputy Game Protector Carl Pottorf of " " " _ Any vlolawra moUld be reported ti, th06e men or the aherUr's offtce _
_to ..
tn!C1."Ordlng to all reporta leveral ~s more coon have been telteo aI·
~ tb1s .aeaaon tha.n ever before, . ~porta reeulted In action by CcmBervatlon ~uncn, meeUns in , rec~Y wh1ch baa prov~ ery oonfllllin.r to llOOphunten. 'lbe ~~ ~derecs end tentativean order c10sIDI the COOD eeuon on Jan. 1st 1natead of 'the 16. Pn.Iaen. . of thIa actiOn waa ~ted by III ttae_tter of the of .newapapera-..bowever the ~ext PJortnce· Bay. deceued; Inventory the order wu not made oft~1aL , . . and the I!eUOD now stands to ClOlll In the matter of !be eatate _at the 16tb-unleaa further action Is 0neJ Yeuel, deceuecI: tIIt&te valued at 1D1CIIII. inheritance tax de*" Another important actlan by mined .. DOlle. . wu to ~Dd &he rab:- In the matter of the . .te of trapplnc ...oaram be doIIe GIl. R. O. Darrqb, CSecealecl cerutlcate JarIer Itale. and the of tranlfer In-
h~;, ~
vFY importent
(1_..________ ~. IN · II G ES' TIO' N .Sand & Gravel 146~' RaY j;~n: .. •
HUdBon. fUel. 'IUO: Dr. '
IIObe medlcal aerviceII. "00'
Ten.Year Period B.-iogs Many Startling Changes
Fuel' 00 fuel. food, Charles 0ur0lL food. IU~·oo: Dr.
S. L . Burkhardt. medical
BatJ R
t20.00; o. E. Wright. Krotrer Oro· eery. food. 123.00; L. R Brown. food, 001flnan, food 129.110; Brant's Ice &I 16.'lII; WUDd D,y Good 00.. c1othlntr, 12.15; Clbu'l.. Poppe, abeMer. 13.00:
lain Armitage PhoDe. Waynenvllla 4. R 11 . Lebanon offIce Phon. ' t'la· K- . rel.98.M. Morrew Phon_ No. S
'p'"E'.P ___________
L. W. Bmith. food. as·50; Albert. -====~==~==~ ClariI:. 8hel~, 16.00: Joe HInee. food. 16.50; C. W. 81ebert, food. 11'1.'16; ' , , . . A. .I f. RaW. fuel. f12.00: Van RIp1/'1 er'1I ·Wblte VUla food, I8'l U· W W • Shurtr. ".50; D~. john·.Z!t
IU: -
--== • .,.... . ~ = ... r':.==-= W N SEARS ~~ 1:.1. ::= ......:=: =:.~
"KONGA'; ' ,oa:~:'~~~~it The Wild St Ilion. aD' . ..n.t '::·~t·8fi:AoS:-"M
supp1iea, tohel'l Co•• food. 1i.00; P. A. IIUd8IIIl
fueL 16,110 Feed ".110; medical aervIceII Stubbe, foOd. 112.00;
~ &-Drab.
Obatlea ' p.
._~te0~~ Oouncll order VIM to eUm ~o~n~:'"RllOd!:..~;_~- ~:;~':: ~08pJ~ ~L !,.:.50~!':, ::.!.~ J=~ ~·'Oreat A . E. B. 'l'h1rk.f1e1d <Sf Soaa 00•• cloth· "p. Tea 00. food; ",00; 8lbcy' DaSry
-y•• , , - . ---,
lnIr, 110"l.16; R .8. fUchardIIon. fuel, milk. 16.'12: .
TUabeea, I. 0 , A Mmet Dr. R. K. Brewer. meclk:al
MW ...... 8~ .
Us lldr........DIIliiII~.. CH IIi I .BEn "B~A '" BES ' IN "~ AR-.S ClIIHS COLIS ~ .
' , '
6 •'·EXTRA·" H ....
fl23 •• ; ~ l"arD!a Dalry, It20.00; KroIer Orocery '" BUine . .... milk, 15.80; ~u OJ'OOel'Y, f~. 00•• food. 118UO: ~llJ!n..a oro- IIICDY .apoNBYt20.00; E. B. o~. food. 11'1.00;' eery. food. 111.00; MYer B)man I11DY 0AItLAND
= .
c.Io~. ta.OO; J •• B. JODM, 'AIIG 8eINteI IIIen IIMbJrMtn eJIDd'. ~fe -PJ eoun. .. ".26;. Dr. ~ . T. HutClblMDn, '. ~ ' ..-.:.,. ~'~u'fd.cll~ . ReiIhel appotnt.ed appra1Iera. dental aerv1oee .. 12.00: ~ Oro. I T1JBB. aDI ~. _ It'. UI~~~.. III the matter of the estate Of eery & Bak1ag Co•• food. 122.00: o. I~ J .... ·1 BabIt Wl_J'!)1JI'lddcUe'_ClMIit.tIIroa, lAUra KCIOlead. deceaaed : diatrtbuM• .RldIe. I\IIl'dlIIl .fjll' AmaDda . Uon' in ldnd ordered. ~t&nrce tax ~tt, prale rent. '12.00; aDd .... I.~ ~ de&ermIned, cert.Ukate ~ traDafer WIn. Bufford. Jr•• wllblDl for Irii I ; JIno =~pp.ov.t. b7. Goo4 caJ ca"deredJ • emera, pa.16; Orindd &moe eta;; · ;. .;;.-~ . . . .< In the ~ of the will oruan. alem1te, beater; etc.. • • • 7 . 'Jh A. Plab. c1.... ned; W1l1 admItt.e4 PUmera -~ fUel, IU.oo 'Wha.Ron ~oton. cheoIi. aDd , prob&t,e, Ol'a¥ce K. PiIh ~ Ii. • Stotea. . . . , . ~ Pum, llPte. 1Oc; The w...-n Star, . cd executor, O. W" Munaer. 0 B. uilllt, 13.00; ~.. ~ .fOO!L I.cl~ autbOdtY 1Upa. for ~..n._t~IOIIIIf-1[1~~ID~==~-=-==-t-tll;P~l'-~t.:~1!I IIocIre aDd O. _. OIwnhiasn' ara U.ao; Mrs. COra ICJray, Ibelter••.00 cb1ldren, ••00: \Jame. V. • . .icu.u LANE appWltec1 appraIaera. S~k.. ~ ~.; 1m11t. fl.,M i. . dent.l work. t2.00: Dr. a..en 8IIeft 8"~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,. In the znMt.er of th,e ..... of lId:cOetchln'a Pha1'JJ1MY, drup. .B mrer, cheat pemlpNSm, fl.lIO; - - - " - - - - - ' -........- - 0laIa L. l'Ur. c1eceuBd: WIQ adInI~ ,NkhoUa Or~, ,.., I~D.oo: 'Roo- -Dr. A. D. ~. IDIIdkaI diipen.. DftlDA'I'-I'IUD.'I' . ted to-probate. J. 8. TamnbaU,po ~ RoUt shelter. ,1q.00; Dr. a. Jo(, dent cbIldren, ".25. 1m. 1IIl'ftld ,''''''' • &ad • • PQlnttd aecutor. Allee B. Guat.1n, Brewer, medl.callemcea. N,UD: J. and Robert BlaIr. meetl""' . ".60; " . MlIte ~ and Imn Blbm Volkerd1na. fuel turniDd,113.00; ,J amee S. ~ K .. D., .'D'dbl, poln&eci apPn1llera. Sabey DaIry, lD11t.- tl.~: 8. ~. Stew. ".211; Dr. O. L. Laymon, om.!e calla. . ' IIl the of th8 IIIate cd ard, movtng. t2.00; E. L. Sch~ 12·211; , . Oharles Wellber. deeealled: Decem. fGOd, ....00; Ill. ~ . ~ . food. · 8. L. ~, M. D: meetS-I. ," " bel' 21 18 ~ date·lilt fOl' tiI,e bearlnI '-600; Dr. A. D. If.aivey, ~ ....- ,1.110; Orlawold. $erYbt .....uaa. 2 with of inYentoJ'J. . ' , tw!. t28.'16; I k~. 1MIc;.. JIlDIr BIothera 00., tnna. nNN~ lorOLftOJlf In t.b.e matter f1 the .tate of Dr . .J~ H; A:m.old. mecUc&l1er- porta~n ~ed 000 bo,.. ...'ID: MelVW& Br1&ton. decieaaecl: d1ati1bu~ Vltte. 1111.00: W. :a. ¥cBeDI7. food. Allee. M. ~, IDvaUd tare. ....oo:Aa~ ~ Uon in ktDcI. lnherltaDCe taZ deter. . . ·!!!!£S _ _~_~~~=~~~~I mined. In ~ mUter pi ~. eaf.4&e cd Nettle B~~np. decr ned: hlU'tni ~ inY'el1tlll7 . . for JI.DUII7 D. In tbe matt.tir 01 b . . . . cd Walter J. BUIr• .decnued; appUca. ttan to I"I!IDOM eucutrbl 18 d .....'wcl H . B. 1'flnI. food. 110.00: Raymond Ta~1or, ·t~. 112,100: Everett Ilarly. !\.It), 118.110, An~ OlemmODll. abelter. _0.00; • . B6mud food, . $20.00; Dr. A. B. Stout, mecllc:&l.eervt.cea. 128.00; . J. Eo Wltmm, mec!1cal ~ 115·00; Walter . . " cIoUJ1aI'. Ill. A. K. Da,J. ~,\ ",oo; W..,....
·tl.=." -"'1IIt
MD..·at Be ' .Mv Deatln-'" --.
<>mne RothWeu, ~, w..r; 0IIUale
.a Dd Lola 8mith. 21, 0U11IIe
.Ch.,-Je8·TlaIDer. u. ~ • .
I.nc1 ,,!;ilea. . . , . . H, I(Qr .
~.ud~~ ver, 16. Buv~:
i~ai!R~!~~~~~~-j-~-5~~-~1~~~l~1. :.... . . ~:a.TII·__KaY~
wide pont 1be Oon8ervaUOn.... w.., dJatr1bution of pbea8ant -.. ... &WJ!.'Uea a........- ... m uww_ Dfpt. baa requeaiecs 8UCh an exam. and 1natead supply 8PQItmeD'1I tor. 1natlon and If the 01v1l 8erv1ce P-OUPI. eB clubt etc. with _eral tor. John Maas, Br~ Lou1a Hoppe ao.nl W1ll itve It in the near future old chiclta to be raJiIed aDd BWard Profitt appoJntej! ~ u wtll be unnece.sar, to mate & lIhem to near maturity before no pnJIen" WmpoIVy 'appointment In '!be hat!chln8 renulta have In the matter of tbe estate Of · m.ntkne &h. p.me and treapass been f~ from aatJafactory · in the 0eCar A. Eaton. deceued; DaJay Ira,:, .~ law eatOJ'celnent Is being handled by P88t when ens were dJatrlbuted. ton appotntec1 adIDlnlatrator. A. . B. &cUD; Otune PrOtector Marlon Ben. . " Heldleman" Olan 'Pereley aDd ~ cxrunt)'
~ 'to ~ 1114·s.ttJ Jan. Crane, ~ ID ~ .... D. A. Dye to IIIIDa Pabn.:
811 I!, , AvaIao- &ta:bta;. 'nIr&1e-
armah II. .,..., .ad .. 0. .fall l1li7 lID "- Todor: out . Jot • III
BcibeIt a; I'l7 to WIIIIuIl
- .
_. ~ "'~-"' _ _ ·.... n ·Dd
- -
Mil'· A. " P •• IIUPpUee. WPA &ewing teL glaasell. 120.'Iii: Albert Scott, food ~ III"::'=- - . . project, 280; Lewis & Drake. fuel. 13.00; ObU'les n.Vldaon. llheiter. .~ ... :..~......... ~ _ E._ _ ~ ~ (&mIKes. and WPA ID.OO; S: S. 'nlomu food. ' 111.60; ~"JC '~"=_ &ewing project, 122.2&; Trusteea of PranltlIn Ice cSt Puel 00•• futtl. 111.00 - : : : . ..... . /,...h - .- .- c P\ti1c eiectrlolty turnlIbedWlebt" Declter. medical supplies, ....... wPA .........Jo<t. ..... , Bud '1.00, Dr. O._L.. ........ ......,.. •• . BrooU, rent rooma furn1ahed WPA aervICee. 13,00; . Ia~~ ..win, pro~ect. $20.00: Kaufman'. s. O. Alaander• . abelter, 18.00; REAL ESTATE mater1ala for ~w~ project, PlI.U; Earl Klrlt, food. 110.00: Ahuab- ' Y....'............ 0 . . . . . . . . INSURANCE Herbere ·~~. flUel f\ll'lllBhed rellef Good Drug 00.. l1UIdJea1 1I,""lea WOImI 'l'&YlHor- ·· AUCTIONEER famUlee, tlS.OO: lOr. P, W. Tetrtok I4UO; Dr. W. B. WWA&ma. - - : - -.-.;--.- - - - - - mecUcal Ie1'W:eI. SUO: : 1~7.8&; Dr. 0. ' Willard B.o1bDaD. p - Lel».non-ottlsella NatkID&l Bank mecUoal eervtcee. 12.00; BlaIr " Letnl.neport.atloD, 1150.00; Ouy OOlllDll. Roy fuel. 18'l.'I5; Dr. EdwVcl Korey, ahelter furnjebed ".00: 8ei1era L a. medlcal'nerv1oea, 116.00; J). A. Barrl· A. Store. foOd ~ reUef fam1- eon, abelter. 18.00; Oreat A. ." P Ue.s. "'00; B • .0. Bam11ton, food Tea Co.• food. I281.OD; Kropr and fueL· ~.76; ~'. Dept. Store. eery &- Balun, Co.. food. tlM.88: rent of room for aurplua ~ end Thlt Standard 011 CO. IUollne• WPA IlUPpUea. 113,20; Dale E. 8h&f- 110.00; Treaaurer of State. aemcee. fer, food furniabed, ".26; P. O. Shoe t28.26; MIamI Panna' Dairy, blllk. --~IA,.'1~·Il~JIU)~AIIIIIYIIIIIIIO~NLIIIIIIII~-.,.maker, food tumJlabed. 11411.00;; Dr. t2.80; hldera Supply 00" fuel, • .00 B. K. WlW&an& med1cal leJ'Vkes. BJalr " ' IA!Roy. coal. 16-50; Deoe_ It • .110: Dr. A. N. 'Vandeman. med1cal TUrner 01'00II'1, food , kIlO: o. . , ' Dr. S. stahl L. Layman, JJlIdal .-vices, taS.60; / . med1ca1 .mcea. ".00: Jamee T. Manha11, tue1. ".00: II. B. ~~B.~ v.... for u!~_ Blair BioI.. ~t&l, med1cal eer- Thirltf1elc1" Bona 00.. ~ ..~~. .... ~ vice8, 16'.26: Marion B. KeJ.ly. food, 133M; Claude . prj!!.. aDei COOei ........ ".50: Olan Penley, food. t12.48; • WI*h 'h•• ~ I'BBD noNa- _ _._ 11:11 to 11:10 p. 1D. to.. 001' daII, . 00.. con1, ".60; Barr ~ • aocJDU.B JI1JDION .....b& nporta. . .
was felt mucb of the eat&OO 18 ..,,000.00 lnberlt.6Dce tall 16.'16; IJJ1IO held for the poaiUon. The IClUb felt increase coulc1l;1e traced to detennlned u IW)DIJ: ; IIorroW ill tbaa -""' a man best QualU1ed dIaeued I8bblta lmported. In the matter of the estate Dr. Prank
,an be
Joe lDpeher .M. B. Boume to Ethel P&ul: lot 1
cue dl8m aaed .
R B.
Orocery. fOod. 111.00; Barr Bro. there Grocery ,food.. 11800' P A.
--_e·_ ...- __
Margaret HIpsher
· BJ'Mt aport
V81.a burr.
. OhIo 0eIR&l TeJ.ephone Corp., PROBATE COIJRT a.ervice tole, 110.116; otI!oe OUUlttera In the matter of tile ClIItate of office 1Iq)pl1.... 12.10; Lebanon Mo,. Mary E. RUey. deceased; bearlng on tor Inn, lMOllne for commod1~ disschedUle of detM Is !let for January trhtJon. . fl."; WUbur Campbell.
of crowa ever eeen in theae parta baa .beID coUect1Dr about • mllee IOUth. W1it of PrankJ1n. 1be ftoCk . Is 10 larrett18c1l.tf1culttolW!Mthe num. ~t bu been eatIma~ at befi~ 100 ~ 160 thoUllaDdI 80unda ~e, but aDfODe'who haa seen 'em wont.., eo. P\:)r a week 01 more aame Kanagement Agent ' Bender. aDd actmc Game Warden BendenIoa bay. been tu1Dr grou,* of . hun. . out each nlgbt to aboot the · crow rooH. Pour fe1Iowa In ane nlaht
..,.w ..:aac = .=..' .. S :'=':11::";:' 1'-:'5
Corner ~
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an able man. reprdJesa of clua or
come true."-Weftdell L. Wl11lde.
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. . ::113 creed. if I were asked to define It, wowd run something like this: I . believe -In America bec&use in It we are free-free to choose our lO'~ent. to apeak our minds, to observe our dUferent're11gIona; Because we Are generous with our freedom-we ahe.re our rights with UIoIe who cSJaacree with \18; ~Becalllle we' bate no people and covet no ~Je's laDd; 'BecaU8e We are blts5ed with a r:atl . I .l ,~ ..: , .. ''Because w ' act no l11n1t to " . e a 1l11l11 " 0 0 ' " , '. • . a ':.o11 art&.
Fe.lery. ItCnlna Sk. eIn 'Gets UICk ReIeIef
1-.. ..·
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Year, P.yabl. in ~dvanee
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= "Baca. .::U--::: :.=~~
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".00; CI1arles oa.t.. tael, tl";&; .MDIIrd ar,ut. invalid .....- ...00; IIUIIl GBaft , MeVe, Brothers, fOgd. I1D.IIO: Lee Mn. llelm· Dc...."....". IDYUkl tare. WIlD' AlII Vortu. food, 112.00; Harokl 0U'Da- ''100' i:ua Boll IDvdd - - ... 00' !!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!! , ~ ban, Rod. ,,8.110; l\IorrOW Peed " • ,. ' . - .... ~' ' \ ~ 00. fuel. 11.26: 0Jaude W1l- 1Ild KaJIer. 1nvaUc1 care. ta.oo •• ~ .~ . =========:=::::===z::===~===-===~=/I=iJ I . food, tit 00' D Hur" ert McElfNIb. IDvalId care. ~oo, Kftr 1:. w. L. Ravena I~d J~ Have~ ~I .~· 11:'61; W~Be; ton St&mPll'. 1nV&l1cl care. 110.00:. NBW 8mT8 ~ 'nleron L. Bonll . and M~ aero food. 120.00: . L. B : steele, Invallc1 care. ID.OO. Q. ~ Howell; 12 acree *n C~k, town· The Leader Store, cloth1Da. 14.00: John B. WIlaI. IDval1d care, ".00; Howard 0 ReU va JobrJ ,Prancea IIhJp . Dr e.,ph ~ _ ...... _, 11600 SUda Clemmona. invalid cant 15.00; . . ' . . .... ~oq ~. . ' ..... Tf .... ~.': et al; action for partlt1on. Joeephlne 8cbo1l to Alva R. 8choll u':" "" __ L ' 100 .~OO ' ~_' ~ O1rJce OUUlde.... 1 dca. acra.tdl U... m ......... ,: Martha Lee S. oem........ " VI. Ro- lata 34 and 361D .Franklin .' ucas,.f<Klde• • 1r,•. 50; ~; •Chris ~ pada. a .00' ,..,. II - IImPIe ,. :. .......... .. __ .ean &-QCU Gordon. • The "---. "'......... Br,...... ~e co ' _ ItIIIIIdI!!II .Iid ............... ItdIo C. cam~ aoUon tor dlvorce. Josepblne · Scholl .to l'{e1aon O. : Murphy ,1. O. A.. food, l'It.U: J. A. pa1nt and ~orcement steel. ~.68 ~~f!'!I.. :r~~ . n!llect. , Scholl; lot S6 in lIIranklln. I Sch11Unc 0 food III 00' Edna 'I'M MOI'I'01r Lwnber 00., cement. ~~.. . 01i~.:r'. Ruth James va. Prank o!amea; acDaVid OllJford lRldie to· Pearl Rid, StUbbs, wes~ t ,n.80; ~ MallOn Lumber Co., \:Ie. ~~ t~ Uon for aeparaoo maintenance. • 106.50 acrea in W.~ TownahJp 1110.00. W 0 Turton ~' ~O::: mm~ ~ LUJnbeJ'. ~'.40; Johnaton ,.. fit It. ~ • ,,., ell Margaret lBpBher. by t:r1enda. AI and lot 12 in Wa:vnesvWe. . • .' ' . . • a..J9hMtCI~. lumber. paint and Klaaa '""'~ ~...... 011 .. .. Ice 'Wood, va. J~ HIpsher, acUen, K. B. to Ethel ~l ; Jot ~~ ~=l ~~ :;..26. 0baJ'. "-18; Cbu. Bradbury. payroll, 11M. It dlvon:e. . 1 in W~e. ',' . W •W f~ LeoIIaI'd to; ~ MUlford. payroll. ..... c1M~~'" .~ hle- , _ •Walter an,y, et al.. to Mllton Ea- 8e~ food. 120 00" M' j klr 116'1.20; 11.1'1 If&UleJd. 116 hours all .,..,....'\:\1.. f.lr::'~:!:'ye. ~ C01\fMON PLEAS PROODDINOB kin ; Iota 'lSI, eo. B1 .-and 82 Har. food . . 00 ' L.' (, 'WaHe Tey, • mect..nlc• • .eo. • ·"ctl....... "" N'L - . !DO.
.u... .......
., - 'rife' young pEOple of LytlechUl'l'h sang Ghrl8tmas carols at various homes Sunday evening. Mrs. Ml\rG 8~et J Oh \l anrl rR I Johns lJyent ChrlatrnRS afternoon Mr and lin. Ot.ta Peat.of MldJUe. and evening a~ the home .ot Mr, and town: wer. saturday taUera at the Mrs. Amos Oook and sons near Way. ~E hbme of Mr. aDd loin. ITaDIt &&ma. nesville. .. Mr. ,Dd II1'II. Olarence ADen. of ABEA MI'. and Mrs .. Kesler Graham and Dayton' were saturday afternoon ADAPTED HYBRIDS Mr. and Mrs Robert Siney' attended oallera at the home of Mn. Alice I:, I. MIS. )[23. Iowa 13~ a family dln~er Sunday a t the home Terry and family. . 2. MIS. K23. Iowa 931,. 1[315. Sl1~ kead, ••w,CoGk of Mr. and Mrs, C . W. ~bright at Mr. ~ ..,.: Walter ~ey ' anci Iowa 939. W11. U.S. 15 ' Pekl!l. MODERN L1CRT Mr. and Mre. Ear18aDi1, of LeeIa.non A. U.S. 6S nol NCOJDJDende4 from KlEitOS&::NIE Mr. and Mrs. Walter KenrIck and were au1atmu, afterboon callers at ~. M1S iI n~t NCODUDtncled James Haines v11;1 ted relatlves, In Save by trndlll.l your old iamp!oraNewAJa4, d.ln. Sa"" youreelf thOle tortured lIervei pel who 3. K3S.,3llA. Iowa '39. W17. U.S. IS. Piqua Sunday afternoon. h••d.d,•• du~ to poor li ~ht. No wondrr _ ""Itch to Morvdo"l Aladdin IIJjbt DOt ........... _...... C14. W. 172. Dl. 384. U.S. 52 MpI. Alice Clark went to Dayton l11111110nl urpoa*" tftll by . '- "trIdty for ..b l _ baa been abient from . acbDal for A. All ue recommtnded and Iteadin"':' .• Tuesday where she will spend the re· ..veral dayl on MCOUDt of Wneaa are B. W. 112 and IlL 384 ue not He. '11111114% AIr (j~ 01. ,.". f ...... mainder of the winter In the Higgins 3lnal••alI0Ilcoaloll (ker.-ue)bW'11lSohoan. pleaaeclllo learn that he ja better now ommendtd AJpt.s. 01'1 West Fourth St. )/0 Imoke. ameli. nolll! or."...ure. SA1!EI Albert Lee, nwnan .. '1IUIina C;. All ue recommended ' hUd can operate, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Melloh of time dU11ng the hoWda,y1 with bLs Co 3nA. IO,w a 939. W17. U.S. IS. C14. BrIIt••" Yow OW ....... Messrs. Loren Routzahn ~ KInd , Sort ow CoadItIoa ImJttllIJl mOther. and arandpanmta. Mr. and m. 172. Dl. 384. U.S. 52. 1Dd. IU. Ridgeville, and· ~erman Smith were dinner , $100 ~~D. Mrs. W W Sh"- at ......th LebfoIlL 980. U.S. 44. L31. U.s. 13 guests Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. DIIA.y . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ... -A. ·L31 aDd U.S. 13 Ut DOt recom· DoD. manded Olyde Wharton and daughter, Miss t ' Mrs. Blbel Beuon and Mr. and B. IlL 384 II not HCODlIDtnded Eva. C.e I. F........II.1J1i1 "n Ia IlIl'Ialt ·to be aafe," ~I Mn WIIiur licaanen. .enterta1ned I C. All ut recommendtc:l LltlIe Jackie Furnas. who has peat.- 8uDcIq &n? Ohrlatp. 3llA. Iowa 139. W17. aDd S. Be18htler, director of the Oblo been very III with pneumonia. is reo -Bt8hway Depariment. mu Dar. 384 HI DOt recommended ported as slightly improved . "U Ia smart not to drive too fut Mr John ~ Wllaon and Mra Mary BOTTOM LANDS alollg the Oblo Mi'. and Mrs. Howard DeWeese tor road conditionS." continued Ol- Wllaon. of Lebanon. were Ohr1atmaa lor... IDcIlcatl. Rber aDd the mouth of the ' M1aml, enjOyed n famlly Christmas dinner rtelor BelghtIer. "Acclcimte are In- gueataof Mr. aD4 Mm. Almon Perr1a :. 1:-':: JUYar and put of Ibe Scioto my. a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank deed ineVitable unle811 driver. \lie Vernon 8ama 1Dd ...... MIaa AlIce 1nIdt~....oI...~~ require .pec:ial HCODlIDtndatlollL DeWeese nelll' Yankee Street, .....;... judgment III to their • . . - A . 01', were cuesta of their parente, Ib'. and JaPllda art nu-.s. . CODIalt local Agricultural Exte, aon The Ladles Aid wUl hold theIr ....... ............. ,,.- -~ ....... _. tb ... e4 by IIIe Oblo ..... A.Agenta for adaptatloDl. what Ie the same. drive always at a .... D. o,er e wee.. rlcnaBun1 l~1 January meet.lng next Wednesday apeed that Is reuonabie' and COD8Iat- e~. They returned to their duties In -:,bly-~ afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ina Larfer Beeause of Better Service, eDt With tratrie and road oondltlo1ll, Dayton 1Ionda,y eventna. , COLUKBUS. OIDO (Speclal)- _ n.e - the time of pJantlng, the time and Longacre. Asl;lstant hostesses are : Quality anil Price such I I when highways may be-lI1lpMrs. Adah Talmage, J . Lee Tal. Dr. & D.,Lewia, Ohio Alrlcultural ~-:o ~'t':-=m".:: ~ method of intended barve.t, and Mrs. Margaret Johns. Mrs. Cella Established 1849· t 939 ery from ram, now or lI1eet. mage and MIaa Jeaale Gamer, " C ~t Station. report. that :de:: ;:-..:!.O=:;..l'l:,~ Jar,.; ::,e ~~~b:::= ~:.~~~::': Graham and Mrs, Hester Ro,,;ers. It Ia emart to pay str1ct heed to v4(l'Y del.ahtlully fJnterta1ned at a u . I'IIUlt of' com performance " ..... ~lru... absolutely sure of the beat crop Mr. and Mrs. Therle Johns and Waynesl'iUe. 0 ., Phone 32 Wam1na marken, CltIed1ence dinner OhrIatmu Day. at the home .... In every MC:tlon of Ohio un- lint. aince no indication of the weather son Milton, had Cor their ChrIS~llla.~ to the hillbway warning al[!nB means of loin. Cora A. , TbomJllOn , and actual..=.n~::- ~ for the full growing season is dinner guesLS : Mr. ' and Mrs. Edwin iioiiii_ _ _iiiiiii_ _ _ _ _ _ _. . fewer .eeldenta. dauahter. II1tr/l Opal. In IlacUaoriVille . . . tor the Ohio Certifted corn TheJe' actual '811m testa have available when planting 11 done In Nutt. Miss Minnie Allen and Herman "U Is smart not to operate a cu Other lUsts were: Mr. ~· Mlw. B. ~ belt adapted to every been conducted OvetI' a period of the Spring. NuCt of near Centerville and Mr . and .'... , ,- m....... -~·-lly ·dtflclent:. A L. PalD)er of Muon...... and Nn. 6IIIl _ ........ 10 , ita location ten yean and the 1939 resulta Several new and outstanding Mrs. J. B. Jones Tht:y wele Joined ... CUI . .. . . . , . -...... from M teata are averaatd with e%peI'imental corn hybrids were drlVer 18 as sate I I hIa car. It 111 AlbeJlt Herres and daUlhtera, M1IIaea ~ nate, previous recorda ",1& ba1l for the alIo included In the teata but no (or the evening meal by Mr. and often tlltAl to delay r ptllra 01 any BDanor, Olar!a. JICIlIe Elaine aDd j co': adaptation l'8COIqIIlundatfoDl. .eed of these will be Mrs , Ear) Moran and little son of Hundreds of thousands of bun faulty mechanl8ma. Delay may mean Janie. of Dayton. . . . aDCl r.uJ.ta hued on meUed ThJa averqe 1I.relJable, accord- cJally available for several years. Waynesville. and youug men read THE , AJII!R. death. for a defecti,e CIl' when In . - . ID' adcUtkm, the maturity, ins to ~t Station 0- The foundation seed Itocks~hy. Mr. ·and Mrs. Walter _Kenrick and lOAN BOY Magazine every month opelation ill a potential killer. aJ)Wv and dlIeue rea1a- perU, 1lecau.. - . 01111 var.y ,wide- 'brtda quallfJed for Ohio C caJames Haines were guests at a fam- and conll1der It more lUI a llvlnll ·It Is smarL not ~ driVe when . the plan.. were conald- ]y. The produoUvii;r of the 1OiJ,' tion 1l1;U be available flat h Ohio .y dinner Christmas Day at the I th az1n ~-.~- ~I~ ..- •_....a 01 ....... -........ • _ e. drlnlt1nI, Par a perIOD to tret beblbd \'. WonIWR:A' _ .. -ot. .. --_ ~ ._ .Iome '0 f Mr • and Mrs. William compan on an as a mag U!e wheel of a:' car w'en under tile Haines In Dayton. , 'fIt's as much a buddy to me I I bdluence of liquor makea ' bIm a po- lin. P!o Buckle. .left lor Pitta':' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark. M1ss my nelghborhood chum" writes one kSl~ murderer. ' burr on ~ to ViIU her 100 Bow. · Whitis and 8On. Wanda and Jr. entertained to din- high school senior. "TH1! AMElL "If rle,y driver would take Into IU'Cl D.fthe aDd fam1Iy. A lo'ely Christmas SI!rv1ce was given, ner Christmas da.y. Mr. and Mrs. ICAN BOY seems to understAnd a ~t1on lobe fact that b1a woole . ~errll~, Mr. and MrI. Menat the Sugar 'Creek Chrl.stlan church Earl Clark. Mrs. Ada Dearth and boy's problems and eonll1ders them' Sunday Morning The chlll1Ch w~ Miss Mildred Davis of Dayton Bnd in such a sympathetlc and helpfUl ftnanclel ,Iuture may be · ~ Me Holton and 1(1'. ilbd loin. Don ." an &ocIdent he -woulll not; be KYana left Tbunclal of Jut Weelt 1or . darkened and a. beautifUl little pagattended a Mrs, Alice Olark. way. It gives advice ~n,;-;~;rt;d~...,.J.~. . to forpt drivlnc IIItJII two weelta I&&y ill PIorId&y. day itself was was preaented PI:tncJpe.lly by the Mrs. Mary Carmony Mr. and Mrs. Ben James of Route inlt reading on ever)' lubJect In divtdellda In the 100s ruD. MabelIlOllll apent pbriaf,mq with aDd balmy and emeUed of spring and young folb. family dinner Christmas at the 73, Mr. and Mrs. paui Anders and which a young fellow 111 Interested. ··Y. .•• -conclUded Mr BelihUer relativealn DaJt.oD.. clId not seem like Ohrilltmaa day at Mrs. P. J . Thomasi called an Mrs. home of her . grand-<laughter Mrs, family Mr and Mrs George Fox an It Is, particularly helpful in sparta. 'It 111 .man to be .fel" • Ilta. T. II. KbmIaon wb8"baa been all. today Is Ohrlstmasy as O. J, Marquardt last, Prlday after- O. W, Younce and famJly In Dayton familY' of Mlamiaburg and Mrs. I made our 'school basketball. team ' ill aenral - - with inftuenIa. 11 &II)'OIle could wlab. Snow 18 drifted noon. ' Mrs. Ruth Palmer entertained the Meta Rogers were Christmas dinner because of playing tiPS I read In A hunk ~ cbocolate Ia a Kood tUb nowllnproy1Da.· all over and ,~ry deep; the air III The play given by the Tri-Btate card chlb at her home on Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William THE AMERICAN B<>Y IIU'" ICIr .. hJIbball . - lit. aDd lira: O. V. BIma· were full of bloWln8 IDOW and it even club at the Perry church l¥i Sun\lay afternoon. Rogers and daughter. • Ohria&m.a I\aeIta of their' ,dauahter manared to lI1eet a little this morn- evenln~ was well atl;ended and very Mra. Olarence Smith Is ill with Mr and 1I4rs. George Oray were Many lamous 41thlett!s In all ii:iioiiiiiii!i. lira. Kate Bofce 111' DQton aDd are 1nc. It Ja cold but not too cold and wrll presented. Mrs. James Hartsock rheumatism at tlhJs time. Her 80n sund'ay guests of Mr and Mrs. Lea- sporta credit much of their succ!eaa ~IlCKlE ,SA'Va-........... tbt. week With relative. In tbe atocIt are feeling v~ frl8ky. So was the pr~clpal diTectOr and was Allen Smith and family of Dayton lie Gray and chll~en ~~ .,:."n4 ~o. helpful 8ugges~ona ~~~X. .. Da.vtoD, are we. _ . _ preaented with .. prdty 1lQt.ted flower VlIIited her and Mr. 8m1th Tuesday. Wilma. from 8POl'tI articles c:atr1ed In TIm ...........A:.. n~"" Mr. and Mra. Wm PetenoD and ~anQlIr.s. ROII& Bolton wer~ at the clOSe 01 the play. Mrs. Victor Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Rush of Day. Mr. and Mrs. A. ,L. Sides are both AMERIOAN BOY MagallDe. V~ ~'IY' ., ... '" da.ter retumecl to I3t. LoU1a after Ohr1atmaa Pesta of their son Dr. Olaas and Mrs. M, M. Holton were ton were week end and Chriatmas very poorly at this mtlng. ally every laaue offers advice from a lpeacUnr ama&ma. With ..... and .John Paul and fam1ly in aaal.stant Hawa1ilm gwtar guests of their son. Fred Rush and Mr. and Mrs. JValter Whitaker and famous coach or player. Pootball," ~ m lin. I. O. ~ I ' Oolumb~.~ solos were plaYed lJetween acts by family. daughter Miss Anna Martyln enjoyed basketball. track. tennJa, in f¥t tJO . And lin. PraDt KIne bad Mr. Ed Roland of Xenia spent Ivan Holton and a lovely Violin solo \ "Mr James Nash and children or' a. family ,ObJ'lstmaa-gatherjng Bt the eve ma Qr 6port is covored In fictor Xmaa. lira. 1DrIe-Wtbl· ohriatmu-day With hJa brother Jerry piayed by Miss Doria Seltz opened Ca.nfield spent the holidays with Mr home of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Mere- tion and fact/articles. OUR. Roland and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ro- the Louella and Bnd Mrs Ham Oraham and Mrs. dlth at Lima. , Teachers, llbrarlans, puente anl1 HCJMfS and ..... O'DoDDell of Olfte.ol laDd. , '. Julia Mulloy lIIng a duet. Susan Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray and leaders of boys clubs alao' recom__',h "CI'u \.1.,& ~. Mr. and l1li. D. L. PaUWn of Tbe P R Wical' tamnv celebrated Those who took part. In the play fol- Mr Duke • Trick ey M rs ...r rma children spent Christmas day with mend THE AMERIOAN BOY eD. ' ~ • JIIIIeIIto1m, John Kyue and COlleen .tbeJZo ·ObdItmaa on ~y with a low: 0rvJlle savaae. Joyce D~Vall,. ' iUoh d the Stacy ,family at tlle , home of thuslallticallY. They have lound ~ and Bl1J)' KJne'ol DQioa. famlJ7 dinner lJttle Betty Wical Ed. LInville, Rqssell Ling, Tommy Sweetman an~ famlly andChrl.s ar Mr. and Mrs. Will Null near Spring that as a general rule regu1ar read.. t mas boro. ~. ~ ~. Dab , Petenon 01 lUaered with and could not Bunter. Verdena ~:r;, Te9d Getts. Hardman of Day~n were era of THE AMERIOAN BOY ad. ~&nd ~" and lin. be praent. . Jlarvey Hole, Benn~ 'Fum~, Shirley Day , guests or Mrs. AUce TriCkey. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell ?3J~mas and vance more rapidly 'aDd develop Ptteraon ot XenIa were I1*ta on Mr and I(ra Joe Hemclts and 1IardIa. Bronson MoOre, Pa.ulJne Mrs. Alice Miller anhd soband~y· _.~ Jlaughter. Betty, entertain . ed a t a more worthwWle characterJatlca """"_h-..._ . Dero.........00 ' and Ed LIng Harry Burnett. w 0 • k dl S d ' th t 11 i ~ ... & I - v.,..... ~~ . Ruth·' aDd VD'.mIa Cornell caUed on _re_-. 1.0 b . his I t ....e .. ""'. ki Bfx ,0 woe nner un ay. e 0 ow than do ,boys Who do not read tIIJ', ADd 11ft. BUrl., aDd Cbe Harry . Comella on Ohrlstmas Stage Management, ,Jactk Mardis and lortune 1 r = v1ngeg t : :ee Ing lUests: Mr. and Mrs. P : E., Tho· Trained writers and artists, tamSblrleJ ....,"ObrIItmu with Mr.... ~ Ollnton DuVall. ago. is sl~W Y . pro . a orne mas Miss Oora Thomas, Mrs. Stella and lin. 'nmer. tJbdenrood. _. " . here. -. 'Venable, Mr. Arthur Thomas and ous 006ches and athletes. explorer-. . Mr. and 11ft. _ IJoII.Dd Vlalied Mr. ~d Mrs. ~ Cornell were Mr. Paul Johns attended the flin- Mr, Robert Thomas of WaynesvUle, 89ienUsts and men . sU~.eaalti1 in tlJlQ a.turc1i.7 nllbt artJr , Iio~ ~ dbmer IUWa of Mr. and era) of the former's great grand. Mr. &lid lIlrs. 'Matllaon Earnhart arid bUllfneas and hldustry join with III with' ..... U1cl1lD. Bonte &baDer Of Mrs. Sain Meredith familiea. I fatller John Turner, 'at Bellbrook sons JaicC1e and Tommy lII18iI experienced Sbafl to Produce In TBII IItU' W~. . lit down to a o8UD1lI tuoua Sunday afternoon. Thomas and Mr. Jo)m Robey of 'Day AMERIPAN BOY, the sort of read..... aad lin. I. JDock .pent 0hrIatmaa feaa~ at the H~ R.·, Forngmee~ A very nice Christmas pr98'ram ton and Mias Dena Davis of Xenia. iDe mat~ boys I1ke beat; ~ . ............._- In 9 - .........-1........ ---:..1·. ... d1oe. P. J. ThODiaa bouae~ Mr , .' aDd was given by the tmildren at the __ , '" "', ' ~. , ~ ~ ...........""WA~. ~.-..b c.b THE AMBRfeldf BOY selJa Il ....... , , ,,_ -Lawrence , Wilma " . Scbool bour at Lytle c If we know what we want we can most, newsata.ndA at 160 a cop,n. " Wh1. " they. alwaya aei'vtabout Tbamaa. Mr. and JIra. ErVin Thom- Parker ,S. Bookwalter o.f Sunday morning. Usually get It. pdcee are '1.60 , lor' ;},_.-a.I \ ,', Uinea .. m.alb l)JIIbe~ I I ani- aa ~ c~clren. ;Mr: and ~•. Ot~ has been appointed ,DtvlSlon EIght Mr. and Mrs, Paul Wlill8JJIS of . , " one y~or fS.OO for three yeara~ .... ,. ' one WaD.. ' Ointer daughter. 1Ir. ,and Mn. engineer by Col. Robert 8 : Belghtler, Lel».non were Ohristmas dlbh er Youn can't enjoy beautifUl scenery 'Foreign rates 600 a year extra >'1'0 Tom Mrs. IAverna Pr!IJgle Ohio depal1.ment 'of guests 01 Mrs. Belle scott Mr. and when you're hungry. subecrlbe simply, 6end your 'i i Iin(l, IOn and the boet ,. and hoStess. WIlli. Mrs: ft:Obert Palmer Bobby Mot address and direct ) I'1'lllIeIDtI were ~pd and .lalJlh- Succeeding Prank L. Raahchlg. who gan, " ' , Nobody ever lost money by paying THE AMERIOAN BOY 7430 Be "'d' ~ aOd,lOOd sPlrita ruled the day. , was named Ohio lrec:tor of pubUo Mr. and Mrs. Ralpll Barger, ~d off the mortgage on .hls house. iilVd De olt .Webl' con ' .. The 'Rev. W. C. ' Smith : and . hia works by Gov. John W. Bricker. children spent Ohrlstmas with rela.. . tor . gaD.
Farmers ASlured Of Correct Hybrids BfExperi~ent Stali'on'. New Findings.
,tb;,<;~~~c:o~ Y'_~."
&"- _. .
Fairley Hardware Store.
u.. 'd'::'~
ti-t life
~arm ~nt
~O' ~un~~!£RIME\" """,",IW'....,,,,,, ~''' JUS1' " Au..~' NM ~ ~ ~,~,~' . GOdb ~
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P..S Bookwalter
lamily are vacatlonln, in F:l~dta. They spent ,Ohrlatmu there. ' ,IThe kdlW Aid' of the'suaar Creek tCIII~ID,.met wlth" Mn , Mae WillIamlaat,ThUl'llday. PJt..ent4 were exl'clillDlll\!!i ~ter a ·~rt b~ ses~ aion and dellclbua c~ndy 'made by' the h~ c~ her, IJlstera, MIases Kate ~, OU'~ EllIott,WIII served. ~ ~ ,,~tb Kenm:aU and c:blldieIl - of Dayton , were Tuesday , dinner iueata"ol the Barry 00meIl. '0hI1atanU ·afternooD callers of ttbe 'j TbOlnalei ' were Mr and'Mrs :' ','. :' :' Ohailet HOpe"Mr and Mra. Ployd
~ 1,0.. and.~. ~ , ..---··~ht.er. , v~• • '
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Book~ter brings to the highway Uvea at Washington O. H. Great men are patient when patl- ' )SE THE MIAMI GAZETrE . ~Partment a 'l ong balekground of en- , Mr. and Mr~. Walter Kenrick call ence Is neceMary 4 ' gIneer1ng experience throughout the ed On Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O o l l l n s · , W"NT ADS state . In ~Yton. saturday afternoon an(l ~iiiiiiii-~--_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__i i i i i i ___iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _iiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. In 'a8swnJDg his dut.ies as Di,v1aIon (ound Mr. Collins Improved after be Z1,ht englnee~ for; t~ highway de. Ing .very ill last week. • partDJent. BOokwaltElr will be In Mrs. Ben Hawke receiVed word the charge of eight oountie&-Preble first of the .week 01 the death 01 her ~. ' . Montgomery, Greene, Butler , War ~elativesl Mr. and Mrs. ~h Hart.. '. With IR~ ~ .~<?~~ . Ollnton. Hainuton and Clermont sock, who we~ killed in an auto 8C\ , '.. Dlvlalon headquarters Is loCated at cldent neu East ~t. Loqls enroute to .• ~----------~~~~_~_';;""""_":"~_'!::!!I M~etown. Spring Valley for OhriatmllB. " Mr: and 'Mrs', ADen Eu)rlck had ' . ' for their ChrilltDWI dinner gueal4: In letting the p&SIIilonII rul~ us. we .Mr , "nd Ml'I Leon SaUsbury . MIlls • ,. • , • ~, pin a few· ~h moments and a MIriam arill' Wendall SaUsbury of Wu,hlnitGD; q. H. _, I . areat ~1UlY low day•• ~,
Laughing" . &0"·-'.:1
·un· carl'
.Ge.ne Bymes .
STMABl"1I ZI"18COP.U QIltJltCB . Rey. R. L.: ~, Beetor SundaY. December SI . 1939 SUNDAY AI'TIlR OHRIsTMAS '1 :30 a m. Holy COmmunion. 11 a. ~. Momiqg Prayer arid ad:
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 80 High School Auditorium Sponsored by Grange &: Civic Club Benefit of Young Folks' Group Folke dances, Square dances, Waltzes, One Step, Fox Trots, 500, Bingo, Chinese checkers~ Admission 2f)c Children under 14 fr-ee
1!!!!i!!!!I!!!li!iEa!!i!E!i!!i!!!i!!!!S=is==3 about economy. But it Joota as 1f ~y are on the ak1ttlah aide when 1~ to aeWDa' down to the facta t1guree. Benaor Taft and ThOO1· & DeweY: PrealdentaaJ uptranta . both, endorsed economy in seneral IlappenIDp Tat ·Affect. tbe DInDer . but baVe refuaed to PfOI\<lISe • I Pal... DIYltlen4 Cbeeb aDd 'bs . Pl"QIp.'am. There 1a no great BIIII of Evet'J INUvlcl..... Na&IoDIII my8tery aa to wily tb1a shoUld be 110 ..... InternaU..... Preble. . ~ about these men or ~ others with .....,)e froM Local Welfal'e. political ambltlona. Pollt1ca being ' wbat it 1a. aucce.uful candidates are U you want to malte a Congreea- usuall1 vague and cautions candl,.. qIU\ turn white, sneak up beblnd dates. Tbe electorate will applaud b1m and aboUt loudly, "What are ~nomy aa. aeneral,pinclple. But, YOU going to do about taxes'" Ttie aa. rule. it la the first to ra1ae a demand tor a concrete tax and rumpus when the euts are telt .t debt pollcy which really geta to the ~ .. botfA)m of our tangled t1acll altuatlon What all tb1a amounts to 1B that jI 'srowinlr rapidly. The pubUc, wh1cb the' c~ of anytblng bil being for aeme mon~ baa " n occuPied clone to iolve the tax and debt prowith lQlropean' afta1ra, aeema to be blemadurinr lHO are remote. Tb1a turr)1na ita attention aaatn to 0\.111 Is a aeneraJ election year. BoUt parown dOmeStlc problema The pWl1cJat UCIiJ, want a abort seaalon. and both and ~ (,o1umn1st have been po4nUn want to avoid ~avtng to place ~em out that there Ssu't much we can do Ie1ves to definitelY on record as to U)Out Europe pet that we have plen major iuUet-wlth tbe ~ escepo ty to ' keep \II bu8y at home. tion of the war luue, on wblch all There Is .. Roqd cbance that tax seem agreed that wI! must remain QU.tlotia w1I1 prettJ much hold the neutral. 80 Ute odds lavor a reJauvel l . • ~t11Iht 'dUriDi the pending COIl· Iy evulve 'poley for both Democrat.a pea. The Admln1.atratlon'a defenders and RepubUcaDII. ~ otrlcers of the and qpponehta are ~ tbelr government admit that , our ·lI.ecal artlller1. But 1t won't be a pUrely polley leta more Involve,<l daUy, all par~ fight. Por theI'l! la DO gener- admit that It must eventually be al agreement within either major fated. But few really want to face " IlUtJ aa to just what tbe ~ a general election year. IOluUon ts. White Houie op1n.1on rem&lna When the h1atoriana write the certain. The President baa at of"tbIa war. tbey ' w1P bave intimated. in rather vague tenne, a knotty ptoblem to unravel, t . .t be would be w1I1ln1 to ~t 10"" One of the moet ~t.ereatIna w11 ernment COlts In IIOme d1rectloDa in deal wito Italy·. current oUcy, Sl\e la or'der to provJde the mODe)' Deeded for our. vast 'natlonll'"defenae ~ I~ the PlnDa apIDIt At tbe Wne. It 1a .-eraUY be 1IlaI1J'I ebollOlDiC ally. R~a. At the lleved that ~ would be ' w11l1nI same time abe recen~ anDOUDCed cut lIOVernment COIIt.8 In BOIDe d1reo- that.m attn standa f1rmlJ by tile tIon in order 'to proW1e the -money Rome-Berlin uta. The only way you needed for our national defeDIe plaDa At the .aIqe time It 11 . . . . . ~ mllCb ADM out of that Is on If beUeYecs that be would.tm like to the IUPPOIIltion tbat lIu.ol1nl -_ han the ~ debt Umlt ~ from decided to uep hili eountU out of HI I'tIlimt !eYeJ of 146,000.000.000 to the war at all ooIt& wh11e cementlna
This later aervtce Is planned cWldren of ~~ pariah and t heir per eilts, and everyone Is invited. --:-:--....;.~....,....,.--;-----i FRIDAY WA'NTED-lloUl)e or two morna. A . ... '..' . " . . 4 P. m: Churcll School Party. quire at CH2ette office. SATURDA,,-- 'P'EAST OF 'I'BE EPIPHANY , PHANY~ALE-Pure Maple ayrup; . ... _10 a. m. Holy Communlon. Rhoqe Ialand Red cockerels. from . Nichols, weight ;a,bout 7 .1bs. ~ora METHOD~8T CRvaPB Berryhill. D:l8~ Louis O. Radler. ruto..
lo..:.ew. I ••ta.....
tsOoGOO,OOO,OOO at'- more, It
be . . , .deflnltely prbpase tat
AlIo In. . . . Sa
recent Br~~-
~aJ 8eJItlment· aeema ~ ., ' . M.8 .... 1IIIIioD.,' And ' PreDCb poucy toward BuaIa. Par mIaiIl tum tavorabl_ yean AWed ltateainen Went up' Otmouall MIl" nOw-U , t aeemejI a,...u nlibt. b7 the tear of .. BuBao~preaent 1ep1 Umlt JDM1..,.,d • aUt.me ~ t&1~ ~ told tile detenle~. . of ~ ~ ~tabIe . Bed ! CUDouIIJ ~ in .~ tb1I II ~ _.. ......... __ eta';" and PnDct
definitely a apend1Q-AdJD.1nJIt.raU9D. ............. ,. . the ec:onCIIIJY bloc leaden are teD.activeq, \lel~ ~. ., far eraJlJ Democrata. 8eDatoia BarrIIIOn .. II poulble. aDd have ~ thelr and . ~d ~ : PerhaPl the atroDpat .mole mOtal'Wesa~t ~,tle adyeptes.of ,eDuln'e ~ IIZ- ~UoIi. ~ .., ~enta pe.Dle reductlCll1: By and large. . &brOa4 it Joob ~ tile Alllea an' lnftuentlaJ Southern arcq, of . .. ,
it « RuIIIa
.~&nd RepresentaUyea, . DO .Jonpr ~ joIn1.QJ ef' the. DUtY dUdnr It. lea Jean; ID JDIllt.uy actIqD.. &cae auppotta them But U y,et t.be IIP'IP even.., tb&& tile AIUea ~ ,
bU· bad no really daflntte prosram come ~ .. It wouJcl ope a \0 And it na.tura111 beaitata ' to em~ ,th' head of the P!u't1. trontr-ttlu~.hII[hj~!IID!~U1!)o·
,the Prtaident
, O~ the o~e; &Ide or the fe~, putil1ean , lpoqamen taJlt a great .._'" ...._.
'I • • • • • E .
a ••
. J .e offer a '(J~.factory Servi~e at all tima
~~ftllcClure ~uneral Home
. ."-10,. . .1'·
. I.
Church School' 9:30 a. m. Worahlp a. m. ThIa Ww be Ne~ Year's 'Sunday, a.nd the puw wm 'A eurlou, IInll beawH II modern ·Amerlell lI ..d Ihe far off lun.le world speak On the aubject: "'llle Gospel of prehlalorle aire. \, ,.reeenled I.. .... Exhibit al Ihe Los A ...eln of ,D1aCOntent." · -:MLUicum of 'Nalural HI tor,.. whkh eonlain perfectl,. prne"ed The Eoworth League meeting w111 ', keletQn remait.. of uch u llnrl 'j,eriet It ma' todoll and Il\b,re-tooth be ~opped next Monday evening as ''-er.••• A phah, II practl c.lI,. indel lrucllWe ..atural eonilitutent or it Is New Year'8 day •. petroleam, ~ed thew prlllJltl .. e bonee and I, now Ihe e8.entla.t The Young Married People's .laaa "Ander and pret!e";IItr..e ' o r four tifth' of our ni~ern hl.hwa,.••- · will hold their bua1heaa . and aoclal "'UI t.rnln. to modern needl lbe .• ame ..... UtI" of. Impe,."I....~n~. I meeting at the oh'urch • Wednesday .nd cemenU". ' tr' ....h .. hleh h~ld ahe JII~Je moni aeN' ahroll.fa ; evening January 3rd at 8 P. m. A d,.thlru . I recreatlo~ .proar~ will f~ture~. iiiiiiii. .iiOiiiiI_~. ._~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;,;""ii.iiiii;;;;;;;iiiiiiii..;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii m eeting. All ~elnlters try to attend. The WOIDI!Il a Porelrn MIM1~~ I1 fI p Soctety w11l meet ,With Mrs. L . C. n.&dley. Wedneaday January 3, at 2 ( - - .. . o'clock The annual meeUng or s toclcbold. era of Waynes~l11e , National Banlc MT. HOLLY 'II It CHIJaCB · Dr. Ell Orew ot Dayton vISited at of Wayneaville. OhIo. will be held at T . . ....,; . JlUniatt the homJl ot Mr. and Mrs Robert Its b8nking bouse in -Wayneavilll\: • , r .' Orew. OhrlStmas Day. .. . • Qhlo, on the 9th day or ' Jap'Ilal'3\' . StU1~. Schoo~. ~ :30 a. m. E. ·A. . ~ . ' • • • . 11140. at 2 o'olock p. m. Eastern ~tan- Eamb&l1. . SUpt. , Mr: and u ..l.. RUB8ell Frank and dard TImes ·for ' ele~tlon of D1rect.ora Evenlng li!rvlce 7:SO. 1 ••:7'..-:' d .. _ .l holld for the ensuing year and Itheo inna:, Prayer mettinlr 'Wednesday eveIOn are v.,...--· ip,,,.g Wle aYII. · niJlg' 'l'SO ' I4nI .r Martba lParscms of . Oleveland. , etlon of such bualness as may ~ , ., . . erly come before 'h. meeting. A weloome ,,"'alta you a' thlH • • • • • -6f: I Ro~ R. Bartaock, SIIl"V ces. Mr. and Mrs. S . •J . Allen spent Cashier Ohrlstmas with thelr parents Mt and Mrs. Frank' DIll or Dayton. UTICA V. B. OHUROH
....' rvu,.. 10 :40
NOTICE--8ell your nellt ., o&n of . cream 10 the Community' kitChen. Highest prices ' ,paid at all tlinea.
r,ir, and
~~. ;. ~. ~engle
D:I8-JH1 "
801111. Dale and Oeo:rge. JD8I With Mr. aDd Mrs.
llpent ChrlltOeorge Mengle of MoU'Ow; . . .- ..~ ~ _ . _ Mr. and Mrs. WllIard Kersey of Qh1call'O. · are vls1tJng relatives In Waynesville. Orego:n1a, and i.eban~n this week, ' • • • • • Mr. and Mra E F Earnhart and' soD Chal'lea .B~ID: wer~ . l uest. 0hrlSt.maa Day 9{ ~. and Mrs. J . N. Robtnaon Qf Dal~ton. . _ -. . ' . . ' · .... M • Cleveland. ....u... er1e K ern..~ 0.· came Tuesday n1gbt to 'spend a few dayS with her pare.rt.a, Mr. J'nci Mrs. J. D. Marlatt.
lO !30
,. ,
s..tur- . ,
.Mr. 'and '
......'rll'.. 'Of Dayton.
Franlc Hotrman ..
Mi. and
8;gd '~e •
., .
';' ~ - . rklICK.';. ·. Stl.Y.s~ .,"
. >
. Mr•. ~d' lira. H. 'Emery tamJly or Green " S& JnSa/ 0., spending the holicila. 'wltli' Mr. Mrs. 'Oharles ,Hait~. Tuead~ eve nlnl. u,. and MI'i~ . "obn. W., Kerl411 were aLso ·guests at l tbe 'HartsoCk ~. /' ~ home, at a
iarnU,! , .. , .
, .
1 • • 1•
. Chester A. WIUI$ ·n'otlll!Jco.~tdl~e'l Pl.'., a f01'll)er nlInJi~ Waynesv111e Ohurl'h'" retuinlna ~ , Ohio' _ ' _..,. ..~_. New .1VenU. He evangeUatic fleld
8 • • m.-MQm1na
. ,..
With the exception of ~~~ ~n~ ships In, Wlh1t:b llpeclal' e\eCtiollll are ,. ~hedu'led tax bllla for ttre rlrst In-· Ilta14nent ot 1939 Real I'lIta" Taxe. ......... . ~ are now . -.... . . Sta~enta are beiDi malled datly and tufll may be paid at aby tbnl. The Treaaurer's ofrtce laoopen dab? from 8 :30 to.12 :00 and from 1:00 'to ' ;00 except satur~y When the oftl~ c101188 at noop. . ... . ' DlBtrlcta In which the rates art not ' yet set Will be billed as soon aa the . . ''''' - ' I b1 d 11 tl ~ ..uree ar, ~v.. a e, ·an co. ell oq in thOle «!lItricta w01 close . t the Mmt time as the rerwar collectloll. Oeo. B, Jobnaon.
Treasurer. ' .
1:30 a m. -Sun~YIC~I. . " , GOl'lluch. Supt. .
BAROAIN HR. 11C 'Til 1:00
Although vend!'rs may fUeSales ..'l:00 p . m.-ohr1afJarr' Endeavor. Tax Returns .t any ttm& during the 'End 'Ule' ,ear r1abt by attending month of January. tlhq ~rnJner's . church and the ~ New Year will 8Ohedu1e for dates, and locations to go better. ass1at vendor8 with, their t111n1f ' baa ~~~~~~~=~~~~ ~ altered this period. according to an announcement made by BIt· for J&jlU8l'Y ~ Warren COunty C?Overs ain1ner II. H. Keeler. The lCbeclule 0nI}' ~ period beIlnnina ·15th.. ~d end1Jig January Slat details or which appear below • , . Eak:h Saturday forenoon d~ .,,' January. Lebanon Court H~use. • 1Ij. WILL &00£8.' MO~daY. January 15th•• Mayor's rrREM tlood8 .... have II'fUr ORe • _ _ I _ . __ 01Jice. Muon. Ohio. . . iA -in a while II terrible ~, gettlli' 10 that It'li more 1m.; II18IS II1r1Im Jeil Plfe of Tuesday, January 16tH. ~ & ~t tn atop tlooda t.II.ua to at.op mlnaton. and Earl S; Plte of Waah- SImP60n Ganae. Waynesville. ~hIo. 1 1nrtoD. D. C. were ",l!IIta of Mr. and Wednesday. January 17th, Mayor'8, Mrs. L. H. OordoJ~ Tue;;day and Otrlee. MOI·row. Ohio; WednesdaY. ' Thurlld!lY. Janlllll'Y 18th; Court nouse, ~ebanon. Ohio. . " • • • • . . . O. E. NorrIs ,o f ~eorlo.. Ill.. ' FJ:iday; Janllar~ 19UI, Court HoUJ(! , Is .pend1njJ the <tlOladay" with her 81s Lebanon, ohio. ter. Mrs. J . P. La:aT1ck. Mr. Norrll Sa wll\ arr1v,e in wayne.v11le on turday, ~8:.30 .to 12) , ,Jan. 20th. day 10 .pend the New Year week end Court House, I.ebanon, Ohio. • • " . ' • • t Monday, January ~nd ,. U ... Mr. and Mrs. John SettlemYre and otr~e" Fr~llltlln. "Ohio. .soD. BillY. ot Orego t: )ir and Ml'II Tu~ay. Jan~ Ioolrd. L. ,C. St. John and. ~ OtJhie,PrankUn. Ohio. . J" • 1faDUn0Dd Bland, . were luesta. Wedn~ay. J~uary :H1ih, dourt Clirlltinal,'·of Mr. l' . d.Mis: Glenn HOU8e.l~banon. Ohio. . , . 1 Bland of Sprinabo . • . '. Thursday. January . 25th. Court . • • . ' ' . . . - Houae. tebanor). Ob1o, ' ~. ~ L. ' Bad~ll.. enter tamed ' F'r1'!ar· January 26~. ~'¥'~ !louse at luncheon, Tueadaj. Mra. IIa11')' Lebanon" ~blo. " Shepard 01 New york CJty, JiJ'I, J Saturday l8:SP to 12) J~1W7 R. Carrutheni,·I4ta. H. O8mlthera 27tQ. Court ~oUBe Lebanon, Ohio. and Mrs. samuel ~ ' ct ot Olen- .MondaY. "an~ 29th, ~, . . House, Leban\?n. Clt!Jo. ' dale. ;. • • • " .' Tuesday, . January 30th, Mr. al)d ~.' j . ~ -Larl1ck . ' Houae. ~banon, Ohio. / . tabied thito)JA)wiJ~ ~l!IIta at Wednesday. Jan9~" ~. bODie over ~e 'ObJrla~ :Week' ~ ~banon. Ohio•.\ J Mr. and Mra. -Geo:!'i' T. 'QUick, ot · ,•
Miapl~uri" ~~ ~~tb
Sales To RehIrDs Doe In JaD~
_ _ _ _ _ _~_....- - -
·~Frjd.Y. AND
. !2!£E WAlI'.""..u;:
Oill~ TlJJJa8D~Yi' JANUAKlI' . ; ' 19&1. \ !!! __ _ _ __ , .. _____ - _ _ Z _
• .,Ilner·.'
. -,-,-,- - - - - : - LOCAL GRANGE
Institute ·At Gym
_~~! ~app~s_
8 and 9
OharUe satterthwalte 15 employed
on a plaaterirllr lob In Lebanon,
ElabOrate and Grain ShoW Baklnr~:aJP, pies, bread Fancy nee1ll~ work
Parmers Grange entertalned Warren COunty Pomona Saturday, DeMr; a~ Mr... ,~. ~; Oha,iman, en- cember 30, ~th an all day meetinj terta1ned their 500 dinner club. and basket dinner.
• • • • •
'PoIIters ,
Good p..iJlea
pftered (or best In each exhibit.
Prtday' eveninl. The morning sewon conslllted of • • • • • a. business eSS810n and the Wlfth .s. . •' , PROGRAM Mr. and M~. W. S. Graham were gree was conferred upon two candiMonday. Jr : ty 8 - Fo.renoon 8e&S1on dinner sueats. Monda¥; ot. ,Mrs. dates. Aobut 50 sat down to a bO\JnDaisy Snyder. teoUII d1~er. Group 81111 led by ' Russell Pr-an.k • • • • • The afternoon session was firat a Addreaa-O rm , Culture am;1 Oh'ara:cter Mrs. Frank D . Slutz. Dayton Mr. and Mrs. LewLs F1r~ and fam- memorial tor ,two members who had Uy were Sunday dinner suestil of Mr. passed on during the year; a. proAfternoon Session and Mrl. El:a.~ ,,!res~ gram by the local &range and the. 'MwM .. .. . , . , . ... . , . .. ... . : .. , . . : . . ....... : . IDgh SchO!l. orchestra installation of otrlcers for the nen Addrt!lllll--1lroUr Money's Worth .. .... ... -: ., . . .. , .. ... .. , ... Mrs. 8lutz . ~. and Mrs.. Ralph Malnoua of two years. Mra. Balley and ber Dltert&lnJ:De t by Mr. and Mi·s. S. S. EWa ~trolt were New Y~ars guests of Mr slItant.s all Installing oltlcers . . and Mrs. Ray M&1noU& Oftlcers for 1940-41 are: Wart.bJ' Evenlng 8esI\Ion • • • • • Malter. oUnt Taylor; Overseer. JIld . " • Mrs. Warren Braddock unde.rweDt . ' .,, __ MuaIc ......... . . , .... ,: ... ... . .. ..... .. ...... . ... ... Boys Quartet Losh, Lecturer, Mrs Omer 80.... _• • J • Ito major o])eratlon at Miami Valley tho 0 11 . ____ • AdclretI&-' .rh~ .Amerlcan Home 19.0 Model .. .. .. .. ........ Mrs l31utJt Tb wor • hap n . Mrs. E. L. 'AI........ . ~, ~ I . . . . . . . . . . . I; • ,. : .. .. : : . :~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . " .. Bo~8. Quartet hospital ~ay,. • ~Y. · Steward ,Roscoe Furnas. Asat. Stew• Adc!reIt-'.l'hAII ObUd In the Midst ......... ... .... . . ....... R E. 8tout I_A Beth. : -i.-In'" ard. Karl COwan ; Secretary. Editb , . ' 104_ "¥ Thompeon en"",,_ ..,.. . IlntutaiJuDeht oy Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Ellis . \ Mounts; Treasurer. Will Null. G&te
, . : . t
. RobIn B1mab
'lett . WecI!D.satl
tar Purdue UDh'ttIA&7 . , . _ $be IIio1IcIalI wlttl IiII
.'... ..
.re.Ie~ '
8 , .e u i o
her .&ChOOl frl~da ,
Ne,,: Yean Eve party.
\ ,c.orouP·mnlliPI' lead byMr: JI'raDk ' . Actcire.,..,~ Cblldr~n In ~dealst " " """" " " ,
. a I1'OUp
TUeed&y. JranlW-y 9, - .PoreDQOn.
a. K~per. George Cutler; Cevee. I!eDe
• • •(Ath • • Harry fBudao
. . . •. Mn. 8lutz week end
gueJS~ o~
Harbauah. Plora, Mrs.
Afternoon Beaaion
R. M. a. few well chasen warda
:x'he retlrlng Malter. Mr. H&wke with
u:ra. Jesale. Hyman and son RobHigh School Orchestra en spent the·week end with relatives =~re:!:n:: ~;:::; . .. .•. .. : .......... . , . .... . , ... . ....... MI6s EUll!abeth Ck'addy In O1nc1nnatl t at. Barve)'llbqra Talk • ,~ t · . . . Mr. 'DaVia .Batier . • '. • • • ::~so.to • . Addrel&-Tbt!' Pertla or' Rural Ll!e ........ . .. .. ... .... : . .. 'M r, Stou,t MIIiIeIJ MarJorte ken and ~Irglnla
tlaill··.~_j.pIl:..c.._~~ipII.-~t-~~;=-·:...;·. ..:. .:~.. ~·'j!"•.....,.'~';• ' • ••••• ••• ••••• ••• ••• •• : ••••
WUbur~ ,
th Pomona. Mrs. Howard Goraudl;·. Mr ~n:-n:asMr8~ Lady Asst. Steward. Mrs. Ollnt :1'ay-
Oharles z~~. ~
.. .
,>.. ;.,... :.. ...... ........... .... ;....
Pre8t.On were dinner runts at the home of Mr. and Mn Harvey Rye.
Bvenlrllr ' 8eSs1cin
AlDuai Buqaet Of ,r..... Game Ala ·
.: .MUIIC • : .• . • ,,~ •.. . : : ......... 7........ : . .. .. .. . ......... ~rman ~d Wedneaday eVI!D~I. . Motion ' "I:~"BUabuUla are Good for- Somet.b1na." , • • • • • K\IIIc •.•.• :", . ..: ..• :", .......... .... ..•.... .. . .. ..... Oennan Band Ml'.' aod ,Mra. ·W. 1l8t",Ud attend~Actqlt Education. , .............. . . : ............. Mr. 8tbut tid a famD7 d1imer, Builday•. at the • II_ . ..... ~ .. ... : ........ ......... . . : ....... ...... .. 'GerrDan Band home of Mr, and Mn. 'walace PInal plane have been ~ , •• White of IihIon. _ .for the Warren COunt)' I'iIb UIiIl . ' • • • . • •. Game 'Mm. buIquet ,at ~
I.-.L. Reeled ,
....J Mr. , aDd~. L. V. BraQlt.ratOl' anon MemorW· Bal1 ~ 'l'bundQ' .. ~ I:U auucQ · , were ~day dinner aueata of Mr. ntrllt. 'atocordlns to Earl 0UIIttn aDd J and lin. ~ua Vandenoort and RualeU 'carr-1n cIIIilIe of UraIIp. -nt rJ VI •• UL IIIIIAI ,I:U Caintly of Wllmlnaton. ment&:' A ateaIt d1DDel' WUl be . . . . • • • • • • by the 'Ladles of ,tbe Lebanon Leeton
B f
~uxUlary ' to membe~ tbetr •
;~~~~~ .~~~~n
Tbe PI'OIJ'aD1 , will ,eoIIIiIt of taBtl bY 'A W. Bhm. cblef cd a..pe IU&
dIlIo" · ~
IfWO .
Phon. 112 ---
. Entered A. ~nd CI ... Man Matter at
Flora Jd. ·Cran!! Editor
We,n.mlle, Ohio
ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY SubacriptioD Price, $1.60
11", and Dorot~ BopidDI. 18. PraIak
a Buckeve In C(),ngre~s. ~ .• .
F. T. Martin
"IICI .-.... ..................... It a
J. laO.,. .
Year, Payable 'in Aetna,ce
-Centerville, Ohio Phon. 78J
H R 11 Lebilnon officII Phone .'ZtJ-KPhOIlIl. WBY1l4lllvIlII
Morrew Pllone No. II
-Sportsmen Co'r oer .By IIan7
---.~ '
FOR AND COltS ION , .~Hp Inct eal,.~ live wi... In. the ........ . •and I'd,. Ir:ood CI.. I__tl. O. on Radin ~tatjon 11 :10 p .' !D. for oor lIa".. rellona. .
II"'''' wen
• alrl(II
'.~ .~nu. .~. tiiiD. :-:-:-: ~lighing ' Around the World ,
. 13
' ".
~. .., • "
· .'~u...OAT
,It .'
2.'t:" "
.. ''!I-..U· . "'. U ,..~ \ .
.. . ;,
-- -'
Beech Grove
0. W. 9 avls ~penL the week dUT MTll. GeotllL . ollc1ays In the home of MY. .11 ~he past wee!' with a heart attack I and Mrs .. E. C. Mannon, Ilear WI1 !~r dau=hter, Mrs. ClaI'l& PlaIt of mllllton AbGu~ iJ1 We .so i.e,. tbt at.oek Independence, Ky' , II carmg for her I Mr. a~d MrS' Mearle Terry were all4l ..... far ~ and . . . tarrJ III. Mr. ani! Mrs. There Jones and lIOn idlnner guest's Christmas da.y of Mr. I lOIn.' ROd.: 001.1 aM try to PIP Sunday rueata of Mr. and Mrs, and Mrs Orlando Brannon of Xen'a were Sa' Uta n.l ' newa thla Edwin Nutt and family· nt~ CenterMr ~d Mrs Glenn ~VIs and '; ..-. It .. Yary ~ AI\4 ~: Ibcnftll8 'no IianI 1_ _ . I ville. I ' dllughters, MIsSes Nel\1e and MaT- , Mr. and Mrs. Rv',Jert Siney were , I n.I d-Rober t Davis entertained . Mr and Mrs.. Rolla Bolton • co <f Mr II d M rs ~e an . ...,unda.y rues..., 9 . n . with a Christmas <1Inner, Guests 1D0Ii' .,..ntly entertalDecl Sunda.V PRICI Berch In pay ton. , IWl're Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laney. at t.he ·home of MF. an4 ~ W . A. S 3 . 40 • Little Jaclcie Purnne who has been of Waynesville. and Mr. and Mrs. 'clILrIl. A aumptuous dIi\ner or' rout. 111 wltb pneumonia and is under the Maynard Hackney and daugh ter , 'IOWII and O)'8tera waS eerYec1. The care oC Dr. Stout was taken to Mi· B di erna ne. IIJ'O\IIII were the preaent from lira. tlml Vaney hospital Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Reyno)ds otark', brOther tn North DakOta. lI'r5. Edward Bunnell and Ml'8. I and fa mlly en ter tained at dinner Mr• . Tam Burton II VfItJ m apin Don Ealrd are ~ tn~t~:k Y 11Sunda y. Mrs. Reynolds moUer. Mrs. 'at .her hom.. Her motbel', Mre. Jen· Mr. a~d Mra. vere ;ar Y 0 e I FIsher. and Charles FIsher.' of PQrt )lIe Mullen 111 carini fQl' • • low Sprln es were Sunday night and WllIlam and Mr. and Mrs. George )D. tuId Kra. HalT)' CorDeU aeNpw Yeara guest!! of elBlle s cot! Sharp and daugh ter Norma Ellen . A. B. 8tU.bIa~tD C&ncIn. A 100% all mineral pro.luct that and Mrs. Robert a mer an of Wilmington . ' Mr. co at a you le as and aiv e e you naU 'l'ue8day. The 00meIla are 'pIanbener results. A money maker (or Bobby M~rgan. f Miss Marjorie Dav is spent toe n1nI to move ' to tIletr 11ft hame IJi at y a ockmen and poultrYmen. Ad; U f . '14&1, on 'Rl~. -, 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. ;aarve1 blBurSauett d - week end with Mr . Bnd Mrs ~enneth , tended the dllU)er c u ur ay L I aney MI1I. Jim Wkal lb1parUid the ReW. Mr. . nnd Mrs. May nard Hackney . evening at the 110me or Mr. and this moml~ ,hat ber moUl... Mn. 'Mrs ' J . E . ChaP1V a n at WaYI:esvl11e. were guests 8 un day a f I 1 Is paren ts ,at hrry Wade i.e .,ery ill at h8l' bome Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Bolton of near Wllmi to on 11 Fury were entel;tained ut dlnnner M ng n · H M h Larger Because of Better Quality, Service, and Price r . Bnd Mrs enry urp y enUld Mra 'I1Ioma.s Burton lUi· \ sunday at th~ hcme of Mr. and Mt·~ I tertained at di~ner Christmas Day. Established 1849-193'9 - - Waynesville, Phone 32 \Irt&1ned at 1IlX'o'clodl d.IDDIr PrtdaJ Walter Clark. ~ and Mrs. Vernon. Th Mt d ' M Cl d the lollOWln•• Mr. and Mrs, , . Ind nd Milton ' e guests were '. an r5. y e .' a Levlcy. of Harveysburg. Mr. and Mr N..:~on ot Lebanon. lid Burton Of JIn1a, Mr,. and I&n. Sheehan of Centerville ~vere after' I Ed Can. af KIn gmall . M r. an d M rs. IIU'GJd WMtUm' aDd clIPcIreD l1l'i. "Magnlficem Obsef;5lon" who wrote noon caller!!. 'If d J .d Chas. Putterbaugh . of Wilminglon, JIIIIIlI UuUG. Mr and MYs A re ones an Ihe Il llinor to ask if lhe co~plete . ' I Miss Eleanor Stegmoller . of Morrow. \ journal fr om wh ich the qUotl\ti~IlI daughter of Bou~ern HIllI, Dayt on Will Ennis of Cincinnati. and Mr. were ta ken was available. were Sunday ~er guest.s 'Of Mr, and Mrs . DaVe Morgan . ,. , and Mrs. Harry Gilman,' and Mr, Flsher~"Chlldren of God" H arper - . -;;.;-;;.;-..._ _..._ alld Mrs. Harold Steinke and family . I iii_ ..._ __;;;;;;__ pI'lze novel. A big novel m every y~. - . . . ... . .• arUlt, all' dOWIl' to - _rth IDtroduetlou. HI4 ' sm it h and I ' sense of the word. Never befoTe has ........ -" .~•• , Bomer Woodl of WU \ .... . ..' " , Mr. and Nra., Frank. NON-rFIOTION .... ..... .':'o.. ' rH ••_lobe lretter aDd lana.r. elaar. IDUmatl chata with tbe 'and .... aDCl MIs. Lawton dd I tl t tb family at tended the funeral of Mrs . St. Exupery....."Wlnd. Sand and the swry of the Mormona been so -.-~ ,.... .0" 1.,lry Am.rlcaJrJao•• aa art rudlr aD , Ier p OUIO e mal!BoJeDdV or~. MaM.. .... Aa ec1lto'l' or till latelt llirplaell of great painter., ancient Smith's mother Mrs. Jl!lmie Smith Suu s". Rem1n1scenses by a flye r of dramatically t old. llMlIm dlDDer &ueete o.lII'. and lira. wm. fD andPlodlra, are mOlt enullttalolug. In Dayton. Batl1rct&y. " fl i gh ts in Africa. Sout.h America and 'Asc h- "Nazarene·'. Asch hal! written bait HU.r, World·"a..oUJ pamt· , Thea. commenla are Indeed frank te taln d JIolJIInGJ ftidar evenlDl. . laII," .. mora dla. tOI ,,,I ttook lUld Kent Ilope. lome readull will Mles Betty Tbomas en r e Hundreds of thousands of bllya Europe, In this Ib eautlful book there a narrative of J esus which in my j ~dgmen t uniquely en riches our litJIll' aDd Wh. Amo& Men4eIaba1l ...... "" bUJldrtd r.proclueLioDa III Thursday afternoon. I.h honor of her ... un , ' --; , .... _ ...... un.. .' 4li'&lTeti al well u alree. No 11 1 ests. and young men rea d THE n.. ..... ' Is that trelllSure of pure wa ter ; p ure UId BaI'rJ Coale .... ler.'IlDt -~1I colo......t .urPri.e1np, low COlt, 10D&er, 18Y8 he, doe. tbe Americ an 9th birthday, the fo o~ ng ru . ICAN BOY Magazine every month imagina tion; and tales of adventure erature of the life of Christ. Grey-"Westem Union~' This ie an . . . for an ateDdecl""lD ,JIIOrtda h. IU~II 1lI11 K~ntl..n drljlm a public follow the dlctatea of art Bonnie satterthwaite. DRle .Linn, an cOIl&ider it more u a livine told by a ma n of feellng and always the truth and honor of the h um an h1storlcal novel based on a graphic 'Jbe no cSepart.mC1t ".. . IUIlt1. . el'ltl.. IIl1e Ibeep. They tbln\t, tbey Phyllla B ai.ley. , PranceJs Wbi .aker. compan ion .than a s magazine. 0\Il CIh a&UJ'd&,'iOl' a ore 10 the ' .. . .. Drawlnl OIU' Mo,t.,omfert• • lllIt or dllicard , as they 841. lit. Phyllis Howland. Jad ue' Aim Llmeheart at IllS mom. understanding. page In Amerl.c an history with t hl IOCIS o. .JunIata' Jodp ball. 'nIe .~1......11' 10 tt ~ "ralld•... taka Ja Ibort, the (1'lat Amulcan pub- baUih, oean Hpwland, Bobby Mol'"It·s as much a buddy to me u Roblnson-" Runner ot the Moun- .color and romance and fast action ..... and amoIIe ~ tile ~ . lop Ulsa IIOok, • aD 1 dl .. polbl, OUI'- lie hal blcome a1ncer. 1;Y art-con- ,an and hill ~ther l\Irs. RObert my na1nhborhood chum" writes one taln Tops". the life of Louis Agualz. for which he was noted . , eIII.,.. 1D the alllloat comfort. Dro- 1110111. TIl. proof? Before the . ink .... JUVENILES JD 111'. Bloch'. dr7 &ooda Itont Which cM4 to-.~I~T lind, art' No! la bardl, 41'J q~ thl. world'. lar,el t Palmer. high school senior. "THlI AMER_ Sheehan-"Not Peac!' but a Sword' • on tIM finfftOor of th' buudIDI· .Not a hit o( I~ ! Pro"ld. d.aT lIi at edltlon 01 100.000 copie., allMr. and, Mrs. Ben Hawke,. Mrs. leAN BOY seema to understand a Comment.s ot an American journal- Ledel'er- "EQgles Quest ". ROmanee .JaDe 0DIIIDs trCD Oblo Nort.bem b't04J, to ,,1M Itl" .. a t,pllal u· other enormoa. IdHlon II beln. \WIlUam Bercdall, lira. Gladys Rob- boy's problema and considers them ist .on hlstorlacl even t.s from March the glamour of an elghteeth century Ullherlltj a. ~, apeDt ·t;M .boUdaY. · ' GUJt from .... Ku,'1 trllD~I,'ud printed. IMOn. MrS. oj. ~ Jones, Mt4. NelUe In such a' sympathetlc and helpful 1938 to a.Mrch 1939 He endeavors to court and two young peQple to whom WiUl_ . . . . . baN, • Benson attended the· double funeral W~1. It gives advice and entertllUt_ estimate the result 'of Fascist poutlC11ll1fe brought dallier and hazard .
aauch eew. III ...." */5 . . . . . . ,bodJ II IJ'CIItIl up. 'Ph... ,,-It
·"'m ..'fha'
.ere -
Fairley Hardware Store
n I, AT ll'BRAOY
.r;--::::..::-: ftIrrORN~Y SENERAl
.'Dr. c.s. Huh1w4 J.dd \:~_~~e~.~:=,U:ur:~ ::1c~e:~~~n:~e=;1'J1s :;:t~r:tt! InF:~I~~~:~d Speaker .S 'IVES .OPINION. . CODleitioD ' I
~:~erFe;~~;:~An ~:~:nt a::
CI8S8 TIcket to day afternoon. . . It Is particularly helpful In sports. Heaven". Th1s book wm take you on Ique collection of Amer1can folk tal.. 1iII'. UMl'1lrlt · Iam 'BoJ)aDd 'or Mrs. MlI,rpret JohDa, Paul Johns, I made our school baaketball team a grand reading adventure in the with all the sweep and variety (\~ t.~ "IMIna ben,_ Jamee BaiDes. Mr. and Mrs. Walter because of playing tiPS I read In Elack Forest region of America. our country itself. MolldQ. ; 8cnool &upel1Dtendentt 01 Warren Kenrick. in ~mpany with ~. THE AMERICAN BOY FICTION ' CarroU-"Flight of t he Silver Eird' )Ira. .!IertbI& &lid ,..... County will hear Dr. Oharlet HUb- Martha Ho~ of near WaYne8"fille Many f~mous athletes In aU Lorlng- "AcrOl5ll the Years", Is a A sk1l1ful storyteller relates the ad..."... fIarteock Iefi OIl for [ hiIb.1¥ patrollMft cia ._at bani Judd, conaultant With the NA-' alld Mrs. ADoe , Olafk o. Dayton. s ports credit much of their succeas modern r omance tlnged with mystery ventures of two American children ... LWII. "....m _VI the rkbt at . . . - , to tibbal YOUth Adm1niBtration and were enter&alnecl at,. I,urny dinner, to helpful lIuggeations received and with present-day Wuhington as they fiy to Chma 10 a Pacific Olip _ .. - . , ...... _ oar _ tho · Val,,,,," .......t .........., ..... """' .........O,k. <arrIo. In TBB It. ......,..,... . • _ Ai<eiJ" .....to U. ~"". - . ~ , ' (arrea. or about Co be wlatad 8hi1lllP't ~a"" ad Oo<ln'1IDd da...fttwa-tbe-WIIaeII·BeI'- AMERICAN BOY Mapzlne. VlrtuHaokettr--"Queen Anne Boleyn" a M.allette-"No Vancancies" A collegl A Dumllar rela&l"',Ud ~ ~ 10 ~ .poIIM- *JIftIt CII\ the IUbJect of pro- tba. Beulah and Ruth, In Dayton. ally every lesue oltera advice from .. novel. A forceful and impressive pte- graduate, but without speclal traln_ &om xeDIa. J)aJtoD. ~ alan of 1Iuch. Attarney ~ Tbolll "11J1l1 at ~ conftll\lOD IMI\1On of the . famous coach or player. Foot~l1. ture of a periOd of ruthlellllness, po- Ing or talents, faces t he need for & lIlA," and oUMr polDta .~ as J. JIeI1)ert; rulIIt ill &11 opbalon toe Ohio Bducatlon AIIOClatton In · Co. . _ baaketbaU, track. tennia, In fact lltlcal Imbroglio and religiOUS con- job. She crea~s her own opportunity IJp\ ·daIlb-. ,..... tIf 111'. aaa''''' evl. LJDD PJack,'. hiihway pat:.o l lumbue. J&nuaJ'1 8. - -" - -_ ._--- evel'J major lport is covored in flc- nlvlng. ,.." Ja~!~~d~.:;m~a:k;es::,go~~od~'1nII""""~'1Iff':~~;;::::~~::t JtaIP . . . . . ci...... "'- .:~ -Juper1n~! ' Re .ru deUver an addre.. at a • lion and faet articles. McIntire-"Free and Glear". .. "ft\1J8llQ~ ''Tbe rIIbt or Ul ofr,lceT, enn ~th CGelblned departmental m_~ of Teacherll. llbrarlans, parente and not overlook this homelY novel 'l'bI rwa.u OJ . . . . . wt.eter- out apnea ltatUt.ar7 '.IMlUlOrltiJ ~ ObiO' IUpeT1Dtend~~ ' ..from clb. leaders of boya clubs allo recom' which Is very well titled. Itt a farm ot ~ .. ~ 8JWlDc val· IIal'Cb t.ba penon of one lawtul}J ~~ exempted VIlla.. Y11la1e and _ _ -,........... mend THE AMERICAN EOY en.. story.' a modem one. reglona of., tnt! United States. }4t, ,...18 ~ 0Il~' aDd I'D .....·riel.. found- OONIOUclat.d 5Cboo1s; at th~ Satur· .:. thuaiaaUcaUY, They have found Douglas--"Doctor Hud&on'lI Jour- Sperry_ ULost ·Lagoon".A story of '1\IJJdQ. buNt ' in .. . . . ...u., ~ bIm 'ar b) l\1e. .c:UItod1, lUCh~u da1 afternoon_Ion of the two-«U,)'_ -DO · ~· UF~ -wat as a general rule regular read- nal". This book ltema from the ques p~esent-day adventure; two Amer-~. tlt.abUllled," . COIlveatlOD. .' .,l } , 10 l.i era or THE AMERICAN BOY ad- tlon of a great many readers ot' lean boy heroes in the South Seall• .• , UIId . . . ~ Ck$IrdID'" ~ Aid, add1q "the rllbt to .' , Y~nce more rapidly and develop __ _ _ '~$. aad lin. ~ WII_ . - . 'bOld ....... aM ~.. w~. mont .0rthwhUe char.acteristlca t1m ~ .............. J. ~, ~t ~ , . . to . . .t Or ;tJ4 ill . . ~ than do boys who do not read It. ton OIl . . , . . "pe, or m enc!apPr the II... of . " . , ' ............................. Trained writers and artists, lam. the pubUc ~ not .,loJawthe pl,'OYi , ' ous coaches and athletes, explorers JSI THE MIAMI GAZETTE viIlona of tbt fed.tat, 01' .tate oonAI! ...... ClIft .... AllY loy sc:1eoUsta and ' men successful in . _ 'f ....,..-....... • lor NT .W A , ."OS . atitutlOD, bu.s1neas· and Industry join wIth an .%l~=:~=~==~=:~===-~; AnY . .pon 10 . .!Rd, If not a p,ut GeoI'Il 1(. T.r~utman, CoIUlhbUl, . . . . . . . . .011 eXP.erienced staff to produce in THB - d po , .' ~ the llTideDCe, Llln cUltoClla • Qb.ll1im&n of thl Ohio ConservatlOJl ...... ...................... ·. WERICAN BOY, the sort at read" untO t.erIIllnaUOJ1 of the 9rtmInal ac- ~laaIon and Gov. John W. Brick ,......IIIt!............-'.... ing matter boys lIlte ~t . •, &IDa be replft1ned by ~tbe er, will '" the enief ~~ .&t the ••• ,...... ... ...... ........... THE AMElUCAN BOY sella on L OWMI'. WbUi In bIa O\IItod)' ·the pa- , aDDyal ~et of the Leaaue ot ...... ai.I ••• . I ...........,.. ' . ' most new8lltanda at 15<: a copy· mUit . _ ' the • SuiIecr1ptlon pricea are $1.50 for .... '........ for Itt aafeuaPtnl'·and ~"oiL 8port.amen'. conventio~ lOheduled in . one year or f3 .00 for three years . .U............ ·- . . . . w.blCb loll · onUiwy pnldlllt man Oohambua, Sunday and ~onday, Ja. lOY scOutS 'Porelgn rates ·50c a year extra. To ~...".;elM~ .~ UII un(Iar · tImUar drown':' ,ua? :11-22. . ' • i PwtI A~ ...... " ........1'. subscribe simply send your name. :=-1~ .~ ~ '~...:.~ ':Y . 1t,.I.. A J)i'e-eOl\vention amoker .ill open address and remittance d1reet to 'lbue.beIl a bJah"ay p,&tioUlWl the_convention S&turqay nmlnl' THE AMERICAN BOY, 7430 Second . ::... .. ~ ' .... ~ .......' a -~:.,W\tat: and..".. Ja!lU&1'J 20, Round.,table d1scUUlOD , =Elvd., Detroit, ~chlgan. t.I!!.~ ,.; ~,,,, till . ".... his ·iIlotcun ~·may bot permn ,th• .0f.JlU"~OD& of . interest tI? Onlo rlllCKIE SA ys:~ ~ ~' :1.:t.-~ tun tOu. JD a damp place "bera It swrt~,en are echeduled 10r. Sunday. ~1II=t::.:W ~ill be ru1ned by~. . Monday llea11iona will present a r~:.:r-.::.~~.::.t complete p~t\1fe pf t~ conservatton ~~ Y!" .. ... ~ of V we. al...n... to , 'do at'llvltlel .of Pennaylvania whICh II . (, . ' . b6t1ar tomDlf01r -.ad we would too. rlt~~ u one, ,!If . the l-c1lDI If oaal, We ',ta~ today:..~. I tatell in the .c;ountry In ,pertAlnen'l
..,....,lDw..... - .
r.un .......
=I!:""" ,,...-... youth
A-__ ...d...
First Choice
nIICltb'' ' .
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I.arlsllie.'s·Ce.lea.. '.
Juaary 21-22
Skl-n a4 ma, f.-.erv ' Itch.-n·u. Q .-ell Re1-;;:;1. ~ uae~d... Getsu· =..:..... :n:::'I11":"t.:-r.; ..,..,."
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Corn Stalk Attains Statui Of Pedigreed Live-Stock
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.Local ~'. clubll from. thll . ·t... . WlUl eGlPl" wIIl. be repreaent.ed .. at . _thl.a ,~ . .....,. BaItC aId1 .....\e oonv.ntl~n for 1J)DI'tIID1I.l•
I~_tt. to~_ . •
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UIIW "" leamllnI(~'~ you are ,,* :[eq~ ~~. "
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COrD hJhricla with shUdl.r, Itronger Italks more leliltant t.
plant '~. aDd more PI'Ocl\ac:ti.1 are the reault of sci.ntific breed, iag Th. lam. care lequincl in controllirt9 -the parlntage 'of 'ptdi•
. gr~ U. .,atock 1& rejlUlrecl ,in produc:iDg thia new hig :lIr·yi.lcl1ll11
sed of
com hrbri,cla.
COLlThmus. OIlIO (Special) '. GOOd-.breeding counts ".S· much in , . the plant' world al in the Iivea~ "...or ld . ' according 10 ' recent . ~~etina . .inqed by t,\:I~ Depart,Ql~t 'of ,. \gronomy of ('\ '~i ~ . Univen1ty. _ \ r., '.' ~are
r,. '.IS
Complete auotion ~ce, 01t.t.n. BaDk: BldI·, .wtlJnIIIIt.Ga, Pbr?Ii. 2282, .
l'QU~ POl't iO hS)
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and al1 .month at you r Fr chtlil1g
Bank ilToo many oe.. destr~a depend .
up'an tP.e ..utornoblle dr~ver to SlOp/' Mr, Gut-
II II said. "While ( wish We could
W~Hou.se or two' ~ 'In'
qUire at Oazet", omo.. . •
';rup; alIo
cocll...1I, from Nichol!, weight abbut .7 lba, PSora
Rhode Ialaitd BerryhW.
your next ' aU or • cream to the Community ~. Highest prices paJd' at all Wall.
Phone Your Want .Ad)'
T,o The Miami Gazette
METHODIST C~UJlCR . . . . 'C• .....,; .....r chUrch J5chooI .8:90 ., m:, Worship
OffIcers .....Oed
A .Letter.,To The idito"
Services Tueselay Boy Scout ·Week For Fire Victinl Feburary 8 to 14
At 'farmers Granle
Funaral services for Mrs Cnt.hel·you would Uke February Is a great month for ine Loop. who died when fI~e destroy Th e Waynes viiI e F armers • Instl to J venUe In one of your recent lIIues I lAW u birthdays. We honor two of our most ed her home at Mason last saturday t t . h Id M d d TUesday tn the "School NoteI" tha.t I hacl arprominent presidents by celebrating were condUcted Tuesday morn In'; In ~:hwas h e 1 ~~ at an Ith ........ sc -their birthdays during that month. St. Francis de sales "Church In Leb- at'h a. ~""", ra.naed with NorthWilltern Unlvv relUlar meetlnc and installation of a ""ned ace 00 andaut woor guOOdmw spea..erll. IIIty, 1CYa1ll~, W .• to have Included oftlcera wWch Is always followed by L. Hackwell Let this notice bring. to our at- anon, Burial was In Lebanon Cerne- Earl Earnhart resided with Harold in \he uat. ot compUmentary "cop,an oYster supper. of Mr. tl'ntlon the birth Of the Boy 8eouts te~. • Rutherford as :ecretary . several troD). Lebanon were presof America. Thirty short yearsI fagOt Mrs. Loop was trapped on the sec· Mrs. F. D. Slutz of o;ywn. proved of Use "We of John ~, the H18h 80~ Alwnn1 Referenee lJent ariel MR. Pearl Bally with her I this movement was only an n an ond 1I00r of the two-story frame to be an Interesting speaker. and one bruN. In ~ I msel1 want to MCldeftt. \ assistants installed the following ofMr and Mrs \ . P. Larrlc.k visited fighting for its exlsteooe In a world building. where she and her husband well Informed on the subjects she ~ that I made Ilmllar " arraQIe- The chUd.uffered a fnICtuteG nose tlcers for the year 1940: W. A. Swart Dr E Ash ~li fllmllv at GoShen that needed It. Today with due pride operated Q restaurant. The charred presented. She talked all the followmenta tor two copies to ~ pvin to UJd arien lnjurlea to her ~t e),e. zel. worthy muter; ROOert WUson, BU~d~y ~ftem!dt. · and honor It has~ become one of the body was found near a stairway by Ing topics, "Charm, Culture and . U~ WayneavWe ~ u~. The Her erlelaht . . .. DOt deItro1ed. overseer; Mr8. Letitia Kenrick. chap • ~T. • • strongest influences on gro\ving Frank Gallimore. Mason undertaker. Character." " Your Money 's Worth" "We of John Bvana .... wr1~n by Major iI. M. Reeda1L of the U. 8. laln; Mrs. Kathryn Whitaker. leeMrs Martha~CY is spending thelyouth searching for character. Mr. Loop, detected the tire when "The tunerlcan Home-1940 . Model" Dr. 'Walter OW SCott, who recently ArIAJ ordnI.Dce cSepu1.aWn$. under urer; MJ'S. E. L. 'nlomas. ~eta.ry; wlnt~ at the e of her son WarThe local Waynesvll!e group Is he was lighti ng n stove In a rear and "The Problems of Youth" being 8ponsored by t.he Waynesville r~m on the first floor. He warned H. E. Stout ot HolmesvUJe, 0 .. Is Jetlred .. presldeDt of Northweatet:n wbam Mr. IIaI1aook WIll emploJed Ia E . L. Thomas, treasurer; Ernest ren in Dayton. , Unt.uatt.y.)t is not. .. Jarae book. It aartna tor the child aDd pI.ana to re. COok...te keeper; Herbert MeMlllan • •I . • • jClvrc club. ACtiVe backing comes h R wife. but · he was unable to reach an entertaining speaker of . tarcetul am ee.tdlJ be read In a couple Of moVe her .. IOOD .. able 'to steward; Lowell Thomas. a8ll1stant Mr and Mrs • J P Fromm and from a group or local men who form . safety. character. able to hold the attention eonntnD. 1 tbourht bt. IIIaIl1 the home of he' ma&emal &rand- steward; Kathryn Thomas, Lady as- son OIyde. and '~r'l~ Burton l!lIrn the troop committee. At the last reg- Mr. Loop rescued his mother-In- of his audience. He talked on' the fol 1JIIOIll. In the WayneavWe 'commun- panm", Mr• .ad .... Neb Copley, alatant steward; Pomona, Cerea and hart .left TUesday morning for a two uIar meeting held on January 4, the law. Mrs. Katherine Mrlampy. 82, lowing subjects ; "Enlarging the CIr1&y ~ be IIad to read.ometb1nl Iprin, Vau.,. The 'Cbud', brother, Plola, Rd»a Braddoct, Grace Swart- week's trip to "'arldla: ~osllOWlnwg tke,~tALlFLbve8 184chedUIe for an Invalid , who was on the first 1\oor cle of Good Will," "The Child in 'nle atloUt John EMIIa Wbo. by aU ocIda Jerr" 'f. who eecaped lnjury In the zel and DoI1a PIreI, • •I . • • cout ee e. - was arrang- then returned to try to save his wife. Midst" and Adult Education." He aI_ beClUDe the moet eeJebrilted UId out· aOctdent. II ncwr at the COpley bome. Mr. and Mrs. iW. A. Lukens and ed Neighbors reported seeing Mrs. Loop so addressed the high 6chool stu. Itandbllr man that the conununUy , family attended ' a family dinner February 9. at 2 :00 o'clock. a school attempt unseccessfully to escape dents in a s1Jet!lal se.~sslon on the h'" llI'odUced. IIaDy of \II recalJ the ~_.i... Sunday lriven at! the' home of Mrs. a:iSembly aITange<l by the spouts with by a wlnaow. It Is bellved .she was subject "How to Win." . lDYeDl' famlIy. IDa brother J~ Uved 1\:.._ • • D. Ella NewUn dJ Xenia. the publfc Invited. overcome by smoke or fainted when Russell E. Frank furnished the 'In WaynesvWe dUl1Dl all ilia February 11 , a community scout trying to flee down the stairs. musical entertainment,. with rroUp TIleD we ranember bill ~ and 0 Mrs. Loop, Is survived by her hus- singing, high SChOO . I orchestra. boy. M . wan 'RraddOCk Is re rted service to be held In St. Mary's EpisidltlllWque 'nepheW, ' Dave JIYana; n en "I" po copal Church at 7:30 o'c lock. band, Frank, two daughters. MrlI. quartet, and German band. Oood /IeUle well ~ vw.,e ~. ~::=:nP~:y~~: ~~~~:; February 12, "Scout Night" in the Clement Satterthwaite , Waynesville, leetlons of music were heard aa lb. John hOI bad a IIDIhIU'lY a1eri 'lbe Wayne Townshtp Mothers' h I I 'nlunda of last week form of a pot luck supper, and Mrs. John WadswOl'th. Lebanon. work of Mr. and Mra. S . S. Ellis enaNI' peDetraUDI mlDcl, After .. . ft'lbe members of tbe Prorreu1ve club met Priday afternoon. January osp ta. •• Pcb. 15. The Annual Middletown and several sisters and brothers, tertainment committee. c:e1vtd. bill inedtcal ~Uon he left Women's cllolb held thelr January 6, In the mUllc room at. the Orade Mn. R. R. Be6s0n: of Indta'napolls s~out banquet.. A gOOd poster contest wu had W.,.....uJe .ad became ODe 01 the dinner meeUni, TUeIda, evenin& at buUdlng, II vlatttnr Mr. and Mrs. W. P . SaIlsFebruary 8-14, a window d'splay with 4:l grade pupils en~rlng poe_ . - ~ renownlacl ctu.ma of · ChieaCO· the hame of Mn. IlaWSe OraDe. 1'be meeting opened with the alnr bury and other ,relD.Uves here this by the 5COUUs. . • ters and 61'i!gh school posters. - Be ... not only moet. IUCCellfUl tn After cUMer a IbGrt bUIIneII meet Inr· of "OnWVd Ohr1atlan Soldiers", weelt. • . Corr~~~~:usa: The corn and grain show a.s an Inh\a. awol_IOn bu.t W\WIe IDUlJ pI'o.- ina w.. held and tbe reruJar order follOWed with deVoUons led by Mrs. - • .,.. • terest to local farmers and F. 1". A, fflUDnal men be .... atnmely of ~foUowed. Ra1SIh HuUDp. Her theme was, Mrs. C. E. Norria of Peoria, m .. re boys, and a bilking and needle work pracUcial &0 h1a buaa- acitYit.... Un. ·Lua1e mdJ. ehalrman, aDd "Rew Yesn Gifts". . turned to her hQme Saturday af~r The annual -;eeung of the ltocIc- exhibit was well filled by local woRe . , . ~ for nunp&e, to have . . . . . Helen Lamb ~ . . . Reeder. A quartet of boys from the bilh apendlnr two weeks with Mr. and holders of the Waynesville National men. lbI proper~ ~ rwmsnt iM JlI'QInIIl committee for Jan~, acbool, 1nclUd1ne Robert Earnhart. Mrs. J . P. 1Arr:ltk. bank was held at· the banking house • A lIeneral question box brourht out to ~ &114 be.... the matn prnented.. II'OUP of conte.ta UI4 Robert. Pfeeton. 1IaJ10t'1 Smith and • . ; .. • • Tuesday afternoon. considerable discussion ·on topics ot ~ 01 &be raUroad ~ wh1cb .... tborouIhly enJoy. Alt.on 1Carnbart. sanr t.wo aelee !Olll. Dr. J. w. Wartl bn.I been &erlously No change was made In the per_ Interest to the rroup. tablSabed _WelD Port. Wayae aDd lid bJ all the meIDIIen durtnr the H- "00mf1elcl. Me1OcUes," and "Year' of III and wu taken this morning to sonnel. the old directors being reOn the evening of the last IeII10n CIlia.,. He ~ mem... of tbe mal....... 01 lobe ev........ . JubUo". 'nley were accompanied bY McClellan hospital. Xenia. where he Howard Egbert will be the guest elected 8S fol~ows: W. H. Allen, .1 movie was shown. 0blcIII0 CUJ. 00uDdl1ltnd .. an ald· TIle --Ute III cbU'le of next Mr. Ruaaell ftaDk. . will' remain tor Clll8e:rvation 8peaker when Waynesville Civic . George J. Waterhouse, L. E. Hockett. 01Ylcers elected for next year are et'IIIUI be .... ~ 01 ~ edu- aiOnt.H. ~ wW be, UIa VIrTbe Jl.lf8t. speaIfer was, Wing Kong I . • • • • • Olub meets tn their monthly dinner H . A. Cornell and Everett l!arly. as follow,; Arthur Swartzel Jr .. prel.doG The ~ .,.. ~ ehairmu; II!II Lu·~. a native Hawaiian, a student Kr and Mrs. RU8I!lell Carr of Leb- Monday evening, Jan~ 15. The Officers named are H. Allen, Ident;' Roscoe l"urnaa, vice prea1dent; *-' Of 0bIc:lq0 _ _ . , . . em. walton. aDIlDr. ~ Ooc*. ~ unlvuatt.y, He 'pve a anon: and Mrs. MaUde Crane vialted meeting will be held at the LltUe president. Georf,e J. Waterhouse. vice . rnest COOk, secretary; S. 8. EIll& &nil \&DCIrIIIDUed. Be .. naporvdNe lnteredlDa talk deecrlblng . the at the home of 'Mr. lind Mrs. E. P. Inn With dinner being served at 6:30 preeldent; Ross H . Hartaock. cashier treasurer: Mrs. L. V. Branstrator. for ~ It In~ cobeIlft• .warUb1e of Plowers. volc&noes and' batJl!n1 Stroud. SUnday eveJlllng. Mr. Egbert 18 tn the PUblicIty De- and C. H . Brace asaIstant casler. hOlltess. tarm Be . . . \he fOUDdlr ot.NorihbeacheI. In an entertaining manner. • • • • • partment'tlf the Dayton Power and Mias Mary sta08belTY and MIsa T)le follOWing Wayne TowDahip . .~ Unl......tJo. He IIoqbt aU' tbe Before oomln, to America he had Charr. ZtmmerJ1l1iO. CarlUm 8her Lllht Company and should' bring an 111ft James were reemplOYed &8 me~chants contributed prizes for the IaDcl tor ltl . .mlll'L . . . . . ttl nseen I1loW, ear muftI. wood. and W .•. StroUd at.tended address of unusUal in~rest to the clera. ' . ' corn and grain show a~ baldnr and nandal benefactGI: __ the CObaoe8---'~.' ee.iD8ton,: · . " --.. "---- ,.. n~":work: 'Fairley Hardware, Way ~ or tIM· ...... 1Il ~ ..., &Del &be aUdIence Wednesday. . .A tull ..ttendance of members Is . nesville Bowling Alley, Shoemaker I", cUect .JanUU7 I. lMO III I'CIn the ~ ..·he muatra~ • • • • • . urled. since I!C?me lniportant matters I. G. A. D. R. Smith, Waynesville Worth Tnu &be ... a IIIter ot talk with the coetumlll of hla native Mrs. Maude CraM returned home of bUSiness will be constdered. . Drug Store, J. R. Gibbons. Madde~ lbe Ia~ lin. Ke:ra JGIa. a tGr· land and played hla native lOngs. Saturd~Y nlaht after ... two week's . Lumber_ Co., TwIn Theatre. A. K. ~t ~, ~ppoIntad reatdeDt 01 Tbe bllalnlJl!l meettnr was held trip to Plorida tn COlDgany with Leb• ' , Day; Peck's l"ood Shop. Oray's BarIenlfOrIal _ . . . 01 0Dknd0 aDd IIurYlYlq are \Wo .... UlNe Pud of the PfOI1'SIl\. '!be treu- anon and ctnclnnati.l friends. A kind te sch 1 III ta t her Shop, J . B. Jones, Collett Hard&Il'.......,..... .. nd1sPC1e ..... urer reportecI a banlf. bI.lance of • • • • • --0 "" ergar n 00 w Ii r ware. Coyles Meat Market. Thelma's . ~ .... iii DiImIr paaMiid . and two . flU-QT. 'lbe lunch comm1ttee ra:. Matthew Turner (If Xenia, . n \ 1\:____ 0t'I M?ndaY, Januart,15, at the ToWn Lunch, Stanaberry Shoe Shop. M)'er ~ eaune he .... ID ~ III ported the lunch... Belf-auJJi,oruoa the week end at the home of, his ~ If 0 ship Hall In waynes~e. The 8Ch~1 Hyman, C. M. Robltf.er. Johns t. G . ......· 1Il maar ___ thte montb. It ... announced that dmother.. Mrs. JJ H. a..ckeft 'and Will be held from 12.30 P. m. to 3.30 A. Berry's Shell Station, Miami ' OaLODO , a 111 .- Ya&II8 OLD . gran. . P. m . tor five afternoons, Monday Be . . wilbect &be the IftII'&In in Pebruary woUld be fam1l1. 8t Mary's Young People held their Tu sci Wed esd Th n;d d zette. J. E. McClure. Walter Elzy, A. nN'J aDd the ~ld""'W cI preaeJlted by the fourth. fifth and • • • , • January meeting MOnd~y evening e ay, n &y, u ay. an H. Btubb..~, Everett Early. ~er8 and '-1M-. ' . I • • Prlday. each week. The school was " I lie loat . ' _ pUt III The LebaQaa Uuoa&o Lodp alxt.b 1I'ad.. Mn. t.oren Had1e7, Mr. and Mrl. John B .. 0008 and at the h m of Mr and Mrs. MayI Simpson. Campbell II Garage, Qu tk I'&IIi'oM ~ to brated it.. oa. hun4Nd aM tftDtJ· c:baIniIan ot the Temperance com· little daughter vtsU<ed Mr. and Mrs. nard we~tI ~ , . . original y p~nned and announced Cleaner, Gulf Inn. Allen's Service .... mae oIa ............. . ftftb UIJ11vwa11 Jut PrtdaJ NIb" 'm1~tee, reported that the second Roger Chambliss In Xenia, Sunday The meeting. was opened With de- In I;: ~eeks Gazetteg ~ :tarte~ Station, Hawke's Barber Shop. M. A _ .... - - ..- ___l:1::li .W--'_ - - - . --d t-yeler ..... Iec:. moYie "' • ..a been shown evenin". 0!l e ay. January . u ue Fulkerson, Jerry's Texaco Statton. A'. -..,- ... - - ........ _.......... .--..... votlona led by Rev. R. L. Hackwell. "'eath·- ondltl-~ and alckn ..... • the _M_'" tM ..... ~-. - I l w re•••_..... .... .ICbool _ ...n •. On J;......... 21. • • • • • ., .... c uu., """" 1". lI4elloh. LeMay-Hawke.. Waynes.... ~W_.., - . . . - - wuoo &HIID ..... ..-... after which followed the regular or- penlDa' of the school haa been JlO6t ....... bIa ~. bII aD~ ......... _ ..........Ie CODdl- Temperance daY. Ole commttt.ee Is Mrs. EUdta Day returned to her der of bustnell8. 0 ttl 1'.10 cia J ' 15' - vUle National Ba~, Krogers, WaY' ne., .w. d'ilO .... ~ -~__ '_ . . ... ••• _... trom .. t ......... to lave a -"er far the home Sunday from O1nclDnatt wbere PO~!d ~. nw y, anthuary . . --- --_. IN . . . . .- . ~ In place of the regular program. .... ......ynesv e mo e r 8 .'0 r l1uiVille Farmer's Exchanre. COm.' All or ._ " .......... . . . ..,bed DIU)J kIdpa In ~t'11'1IIItem Ohio 1IChOOl. . She baa been oonvalesclng trom a re- Ute f¥at In a series of discussions on W esville Interested' nl"nlty Kitchen, Evelyn's Beauty ~ ...,....... or an _ . ... JII'IIlIM,. After the meetUig had adJourned .cent. Illness at the home of her the present war. waa conducted by ~o~era near aynk ' h ha bU Balon. Uttle Inn. COnklin's Beauty n 01 reirelbment. of aaDdWlches and. coi- daurhter, Howard ........ The subject for discus. d naerra3r~ wodr 5 w a VIed c - 81l0ppe and Graham's WhIte Villa. . ' . • • . ,. . "''!lI" ren . . . , " an years 0 are • ~ .~'fQ...COLLI:Oa were aervecl by the following com. lIon 'at thll meeting WlS, "Why Keep asked to bnng them to t e owns p . . . ~ ~ .. . . _ : 1b'I.. CWmen Crane. ' Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Wllcle and IOn, 'Daniel America Out of War." Subsequent Han ror the flrllt day of schOol on LEBANON FIRE O~T ~ deD& cI ~~ 1'J'bl""", , aw.u ·1ocal 00UeP 1tudeDt. .... JlaI'oJd IlWer. II1'II. A. E. StDut, Mrs. returned to the1r home In Plttlburlb topics will be discussed at future MonCIQ, January 15, at 12:90 p. ·m . AFTER LONG FIGHT , ...... DI'•.~ I ... at abe tIaiDed ........ end to tiielr J'tIIiIee- Howard Burton. Mrs. Carl COJlA!d. Sunday after a . two weeU vIaIt with m·e etinp. nt. IlJIdergarten school Is to be eepUaa ~ . . . . ~ NICbecl. bIIft U".obooII afteI' ~ the hoU. Mh, .JaDM8 Wetherbolt. Vrs. M. A·.1Mr. and Mfa., D. ~. Underwood and At th~ close of the JOeeting re- sponsona by the WPA Recreation Lebanon . fireman after a f~ur-' .... ~ I ~ 1& WI nry apf . . . . . wlUa tbetr- faaiWeI. Pulkerson, and Mrs. Albert Bran- other .l'e~tt~es.. • • • fresbments were served by the host Projeet or Warren county Miss Edtth hour battle extinguished a IItubborn -1JI'OIII'tMe .thIt J; ~ . ADiia LOua.e Boat and hostess. and the members ad- A Brown graduate ot wUmIni- fire at the Pnink Rosell reslde~ce on . . a • • ~~ ¥ar7 ~ t.uteM retumecl . Dr. and Mrs. A. E. 8tout and daUgh journed to meet in Pebnisry With t~n college has been chosen as 'nle East ~ulberry Street Lebanon 0" while J~ a.,lbut IAIUlIe Zlmter WInn.Ie Jo. accompanied MrlI. O. Mr. and Mrs. Ethan crane. teacher. It Is hoped that quite·. num late Wedne8day . The Iblaze, was aald ~ !;fr. ~ . iaad thllt. .,;..:........... 00aIt returDeil - U--&ess E. ~er to hell:hom.e in Dayton Sun ber of children wlIl be able to attend to ha.ve resulted fro~ an overheated """'.... w ...............::.. . -:-, - - . .' • day after she had spent the put . fu and ... ·-Ing between the - - DO. _ .... _ .. . IDC!I' to 0bI0 l1DlWl'llt.Y, UIIJI RU&II Con. and that .ll mothers will be Interest mace ..... .. ,~.......'!I'D... . ...W ' week With t~. • • ed. walll was difficult to extinlJU1sh. the tern ~Y.Il'II&t ~ aDd' ' ' ' ' ' ' " , [J firemen said. Damages were eshmat..... .. . . 1'* ......... .-at . . tJra&.nttr ~ .t $1.500. t.Ioq, tor 10 ~."",,~ , .. " Mrs. Russell ~ was hostess to 81' ----~--, .S,IVia Hartaock, 6, whoee pu'en.. Mr and M Ralph Hartaock. 8\. .. _:.. & I...."f:--. ~ SP"'M& Val . .' .......... _.... .. .......1' 'Ie)' were ~ured f&taUy In an autocolUUon tn.sUt St. LouIs reCIIlU" "canUnuea ~ lmproVe tn St. MarY'. Ro.pAt.a1, mut 8\. Lo\11a. from eertoua lnjur1ell reee1ved In the
. Despite" the ex._you a .. .,me cold ., Farm - ' toHAve 11 I era,Oranp had a 1OOd1Y · number . . ~ , 06n or "-nt 8&rui'day evening at their I grange? _
or eetiIg
Hawa.. .. ."..... AI Ilh .ra' CIub Meetil·1 ''''-b
PreptIIIYe . ,••• a "..
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IAnDual Meeting Of
Bank Stockholden
Howard E,bert, Speaker AI Civic Club Dinner
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linderprteft Sclaeel To Open MonDy January 15
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Yonno P-ple's Groap W Pr bl ems
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a group ot her friends. 'nlursday.f· ter~n at II luncheon and card pas:ty. ~ur tables of "500". weie In
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Myron H. Keelor. salell tax exam-
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Ut'bt _iami .a~tttt
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:::~, ...... C1. . :'~-=~O:. . w.,.=:=~-· ~ County Court Ne~~ m...
M C E . rane ditor ,a nd Publisher
ISSUED' EVERY THURSDAY Subacription Price, $1.60 Per Year,. Payable in Advance
. . .,.. IIWII GAII'Ift Ulne amce it t ' ceptIaD .Tt.DUUJ CItAMWa 110. _ 1938. the stat acbool IWIIldJ R, .." , DlaWIct. Ho. • Want Ada ~ iD full fer the year lI88 aDd In lR,por t o( Oondluon or the W&J,addition the ICbOOl f\IJ1d d.fictt wu n..vllJ. Na.Uo"al Bank of W .. ~... - - - - redl.joecS
.,., .
"Ill' In tb, 81fte .,Ohlo, a.t til' oIQI' of bU81nui on ~mll.. 10. UU, lIubll.h~ )t:r reepo"te to call mtde by C!omptnl)Uer at th", c ur~ellCv"
IF. 'T. M artl ·.n
• -- .' , . . Etta M, Taylol'. ~t al ; to Ch~ter Alre dy It ~ ~1nI'" eaumated that :lr:t~~e:e('tlon_ ~ U, , . ~. ~.\'I.eif NEW SUITS T. Tf.ent; part .of IOUII019, 10110 and 1)()th the number of ~n and l.o,,·n. , and dl~'::'~tr:''1 n . r" . PI4 In Franltlln '. Orville W. Ccatner VS. Martha ' L. Thol1\w; P6weil and iAls Powell t.o the Lot&! amount of collect.toru for tilldlrur 178.76 0 v t\ r • tk rederal'Inco'il\e .tax In Ohio' In dratt. ,,,te. .. . : lAevIII·n. ... . ,,: ., lO4.7I(J.U '''' UC . ' . • • .-. . , I nih,,) . ! Cramer. divorce, extreme ~rueltY . Carl Judd Iil1d Modena Judd; .23 .,e 1940 will exceed by onll-th1r4 the rement 01· . ' Edwin. B. Fred , do1ng buslneas !IS acre In Washington townalllp. t.urns flIedin the atate within re,not ' .. 0 • ' l :1i7. I.u.~. Fred's Auto Sales vs curtis Barn- Frnnk E. BunJ}ell, et aL to Erneat .0.:1, .6. 0 • bart and AlIenI! Barnhart: to set Evans; abou\, 68 Mrell in Turtlecreek cent yealll. one 'ree.aon give I) t.hls Increase Is toe fact that. for • .2.7 19.~) (III1~l! W'ansfer of title to aut.o InJunc township. ."": '1 ' • Robert L. Lehman and- sarah E. first time., all ~rsons II) the lion. etc, ~ .~ U3. ) 0 Alvin H. Drlever vs, Eftle May Lehman to Robert ColUns Lerunan; coul)ty or municipal service. !.he Chief Justice of the Drlever ; dIvorce. gr ..neglect. 16.45 acres Clearcrcellt ~owmhlp. S. A. Buerkle to Welby McOaha CoUrt down t.o towD8h1p oons~bl~, eaah\. lltmlli. I". pro" .... " .. . , ~,.coll <lctlOn " .. .. 0,., ,, ' 11 2. 72 ~.~: '" Phone. COl'l1\10N PL.EAS PROCEEDINGS 811 ,' Veata McGaha ; parts of lots Inc~udlng achool teachers • hlJbway , 13110..... premlile. OWfte d ' laborers, truck dl1vere. etc.. Wfll ,be f7,600.Q.O, turlll,u~e , .. ailo 72 and 49 In South Lebanon.' called upon t.o pay the ~ederal Int1 ~ture'il t1700:IIO ' : . : :. . 9,3.00.00 Harry otis McClung vs. Jlthel come tax unnn their aalarlee.. reoetvTo~1 A.a. a lll · ..• :. :.1.:,' ... ,liOU,403.0t =====~=======:::::: lone Dudley, et al.; noUce o(hearlng BILLS ALLOWED "1. • Lue.lllTlBS . eil durtng the year 1939. It ap~ )emand OePoliu. 01 Indl~ ' ;.. , on account set lor February 5. that U S Trea.aUI"U offlAllala vidual •• , ~rllllfllll'lIhllPlt . Edith Moorman VII. Lawreme Blair & LeRoy, ~ ton coal, '3.48; . ' -f . . and· corp6ra.t1oAA . . ' :: , ' ZG 7,GH. ~ Moorman; divorce granted. care of Cl<'lumbus Blank Book Mfg. Co" sup matched the Ohio slpS-n, "~o new Time depeelu. Qf lndlvld· . ,' taxes". with. one of their parlmoer.hlp ....nd 43,0&4,1/ . ~OII'pon.Uona •• ••• . . • •• pUC!! tor clerk of court, '138,50; The minor child given t.o the plalntltl. 1Dep~lt. 01 Unltea State. Dorothy M . Miller VII. Bla.Ir MIller Book Shop, I filler. 1 box clips. ]50; "More new taxP!lyers", Governmentl (hu:lucllnll' p.o.tal IClvln ... ) •.. , ., ' : ~ 'i .6 1 TARVIA·LITHIC TAR AlI!D cllvoree granted, defendant to· pa.y ,t H. W, Brunk, no~ry fee and fwng When !.he recorda of tbe State n.,po.ltI "St ... IIIfId 'A ' ' ,,!' )' NtJ torney rees. fee. '1.60, AlIce M. Arnold, Invalld . pOlltkal·'Ot6UbdlvlllOlle . . ~ 1,131 .16' ROAD OIL',' . . I'''XCAV .,.. "f Attorney Oeneral'a oftlce for the Ot\l. e r depoelu. (".rtllfl"d R. E, LeRoy Vii Quen tin Cox; case care. ~.OO; Millard Bryant, tnvalld . ' DUMP TRUCK SERVICE ' 1939 - 1-..... •....,_ ...nd cub let'. chock8. were c~. a ree&P.~..... etc.) •• •• • . • .•• •• •..•. , , .8 .00 dismissed. c!U'e, '5.00 ; Mrs. Helen Doughman. Year tlO~ of the resulta ' obtalned durina Total Depojlt•• 872,to~.a4 : PIT RUN. LOADED 30c YD. Emma S . Wessell1)an vs. Frank E. Invalid care, $7.00; Ella Hon. Invalld OUIer ·UabIlJU .... ..... .. , 1;600.00 the tlrSt year's admfnlstnlttlon under ~. , ---~ care. $5.00; Mara MCEI!,resil . Invalid Bonnell ; ca~e dismissed. Attorney General Thoaiaa J . 11- Total .'.. . ... . . . P11 , 4Iob.~ . • ~A.V VOlJN·... ,, ; Arch Nichols VB. Florence Nlchob: care, '5.00; Ed Kal'>Elr, invalid care, bert revea1e4 !.he. rollowtDl.wry: . ol atOdl to" , divorce granted. $5.00, . .. '. In the year 1938 !.here w:ere par ,." . . . . . .' .• . : • 1.6,000.'10 Jamie Graves vs. Earl C. CoYle; Phou .. Waynesville. •• R ' ]) court , cases rued either for . , , . .. . . .... . . : . . !lS.OOO.lIu detendant granted thlrty ~ys to tlIe NOTICE OF API'OINTMENT against the ata\e. asaUust 1362 CI\IeII prutlt6 " . .. .. 2It. 8G,lJI0 Lebanon . Clfflce " Pllo" .7S -K"- . .! 1 answer. Capital Aceo:orttl .. : 1'2 G ,802.iltl rel.98.~1. · " M' or·r·....· ribOD"• 'N'0'. ". ' I : In prevIous year. I>urfna 1839. 11128 ~bIlIU'. alld C'M,p' .... r Leona R. Green vs. Earl C. Coyle; ' ., Eitat.e of Lib' M. E.tbert, Deceased casea were tried and c1oaed. A;OOOllbt. : .... : , . . ,5'00,40a.00 defendant granted thirty days t.o me Me.OIlAND... Not1ce 1s hereby given that Cldye The Department operated at more Pled.ed . .eUl: answer. :. Egbert whose Poet Office Address la than tII,OOO UDder U8 OWD budpt . (...~T~~~f ~~I=t1!,~: WaynesvWe, Ohio ha s been duly ap- and ,.pent .,0lI0 leu in ~ . year dlrlC!t , ani!' n~raa-. PROBATE COlJRT ; .! to .e· . . . t eed, pleda'ed pointed M Ac1minIatrat.or of the Ea- than ...... IPeDt bt' the preyjoue &4cure dego.ll. and ... ...' : . In the matter. of the estate ot tate of Lily M. Eg'bErllate of War- mln1IItraUon In 1113& · Olber ·.UI1 !IIU~ ·· .. .:\ . "6G,t9~ . U fI' •. Frank M. Howe. deceased; private rf!n County, OhiO, deceaaed . CollecUona for the flJ'tt 11 lDClDt.ha t Becure4 e) Tolal .. .. ... .... .. • 65.19 8. 44 lIablllUn: sale of real estate ordered. dilltrlbu· DaLed \J11s 11th dAy of January 19tO. were approximately '1.110.000 ala) Depollt. atlCl 1I red . e. . " • : : .~ tlon of proceeds ordered, Curl AbaecherU. Atty· plnat teOO.OOO In the Mme 'periOd • t~H~~·t~ r~~r~~ . .. In the matter of tlle estate .of Leb8non, Ohio tbe y~before. , " meDC6, of law . .. ... . ' , eG;U6. 7Q REAL ESTATE John C. Slmpldna, deceued; will ' RALP1~ H CAREY. The State Induatr1al OnmmlMt'ID . t'd') 'l"!otat '. " .; . , ,, .. .. ., ....O.U& :70 I·NSURANCE 'admltLed to probate, Clyde B. Simp-I Judge of the ;probate Court docket waa reduced 800.• ~ by Slate CIt ~oJ...C.'OlInl), ot Warren. lB.' AUCTIONEER I 6 . 1. Ro.. H. Hart.oak. ca.bler or tbe k1ns appointed executor, G. F . Warren County. Ohio. on y 1 employ. of ~e. .Attorney abOv6-named ' ba9. do ItOlenUlly' .= I Brown. Ha.rr1son Bevan and Ralph Gensral's ofr1ce .. aaalnat . ~ em• •w~r tb ... L t'IIo ~bove .talfllJleDt , l. ".. J ' . , , , ' I . trll" to Ihl! 'b_t or III)" )I,'howled." StW;)bs apwlnted appralaen. . p oyes on thJs work the preVIoUI and bell"': '" . ' . .:. ,' In the f th yADr Ro."lid . H- aubecrlbed Harlaocll. Cubl"r. . matte r o e es tate 0I h'Orn 14· - betor. Clifford E. Hlnell. deceased'; estate ~ me Ib!. I\J'I\_cl~y Dr Jl1n~r»:l~il~t·t • . I'elleved from admfnlsLration Arter meetlni al!,.d~. of • .. Notary Puhli".' In the matter of !.he estate or WPA,. cash. and equln-ent. in ; \ L.. Ill, Hookell ' Laura E. CollJns. deceased; Wt11lam December is' alwa;ys the buales ~ t.o keep ~ .needy ~en OIl ,the . JaY- ' . . . . . . · .~ , .. . 1i:v_II·.Jt -Eal'l)'.·. B. Collins elected t.o take under will month of the year Illi the COllaratlon rolla! LoIaD. Ohio dW ~t u " .: .,: _" . , 010. J . .~r;.'::.~~~.e of decedent.. Department of the. Secretary of quest was' turned d~ cold~by the 1 ' . , , -. • • In the matter 'of the estate of state. December .31 .and January 1 ~A. the ,only.. reaao~ liven. . . . J~E· TH£"'IAMI GAZEnE . HI Mary B. Silver. d eceased ; dlstrfbu- .are ·most slgnUlcant dates In corpor_ caUlle we do no~f~e .tO.do tbie.WOfk :; ' .:."....ANT. ADS · . .. tlon In kind ordered. aUon busineSs. thol!8. corporations In the, ~~." Tbe 80 ~.. In the matter ot the eetate of deslrlni dlsaolutlon (If their ctwters emplo)'ed ~t December. and . ~""ber Ude &lip" aDd .be. 'rwell ' . " .. . • .. :
tI oneer..· . ,· .
Wbere Is the Ilew lnd\lsl.ry that lI! supposed to 11ft us out of this depr~loll. and without Which, some say. we can't Ret back on our feet? There Is a rumor Ilfloat that previous " hard Urnes" were always dJ.speUed by the appea:ralice of some new Invent10n that swe.pt the country by storm. The only reason that BOme depressions lasted . longer than others was. so the story goes. that lnventors were not a.t alJ times equally proUfic. Anyway. back In 1865. a certain gentJem1lJl conceived the Idea. that steel ra1la 'mliht be more sultaoble than castlron ralls. True. they were very ex-penslve to make, 110 C05tly In fact that no one expected that the rallroad companies could ever be Induced to use them for new tracknge. let alone tor replacements. But one hot July day. of that year. this gentleman's e1lorta bore frult and a short section In a. main line In nUnols was devoted t.o tbe experlment. Wlthlt) a. YCBl' or two the advnn \.!\g1!l5 of tbe steel rall over the crude and breakable cast-iron rall were apparent to every railroad man. That was a ll Utat was necessary. The new industry wall assured of a future. It dId not ImmedJately become pro:.-peroU5. But thenceforth It was the goal of every rallroad to be able t.o run aU of Its trains over such modern ralls Yl'ar after year, more nnd m ore of these ralls were mude and sold . And an increasing number of employees was requlrl)<! to meet the demand for this new product, Before long this Industry was actualJy growing faster than the business It was serving. Tile le.s59n that may be dru wn from this Interesting episode Ia that an Infant Industry 1s lIeldom r ecognlzed at Its Incept.lon, or perhap for some time thereafter, There ma.y be a dozen or more about us today. some just getting started~ther.s cuttLng their eye. teeth. and some sutJerlng from Iinanoial growing pains. Tel'll years from now It wlU be easy to Identify them lind We wfll wonder a t our lnablllty t.o recognize promlse wben it fIrSt appeared. , Consider for a moment the multitude o.f people eJl8aged In the manufacture of mdlOl and In the broadcasting of <programlI. Yet as late as 1922~ advertisers had not yet turned to !.he dla18 a8 a. medium for their me8li&ge. OnCe they woke up--well that's a familiar atory. but there will be othel'll IUce It.-Imperial Maiazlne.
THE AMERICAN BOY ' HUDdreda of tbouaanda of"'... ..,. and YOIlDa meD read THE AJiIKR,. ICAN BOY Vapzlne every month and eonatder It more &II a uvlnl companion than as ~ .nl8iazfnC.,
"Ita as mucb a buddy t.o me .. ~ neJahborbood eh~", writes one blgh ~oc:il aeDIOr, '''TH!I AMER. ICAN BOY seems t.o unc1enstADd a boy" problems and considers them In such a aympathetic and , belpful w~,. It gives advice and entertalh. Ina reading on every subject In wb1cb a yOUIII 'feUoV( b Inteeated., It partlCUlarlY.' helpfUl in 8porta. I made our lChool basltetbail team beciaUae 01 playing tJpiI I read In THE AMERICAN BOT .
oua coaches aD~ athletes, explorers. aclent1sts- and men au cesatul 1 . C I) bus1neaa and induatrY Joln with an ---- .....t rod oper1e~ a...... t.o p ute In THB AMERICAN BOY, the 80rt of readlDg matter boys llke beSt. THE AMERICAN BOY sepa on moet 8uIlficrfnewaatands U I at 15c a60 copy· P on PI' CE8 are '1. for one year or t3·00 for three years. Foreign rates 60c a year extra. To subscribe almply send your name. address and remittance dlrect to THE AMERICAN BOY, 7430 second Blvd., Det,rolt. ~chJpn.
Centerville, Ohio
:~~e;e::t ma:~~DI
'Zain Am.itage
State Capi-t.al News - ,
-; .
- ' -t-;-- ~-"""'--
Laughing ~~ '~e 'W orld
~-.-.-~-~--~----~ The Long Wait At Burlington
in my list ~f.acqu&lntancell is a &,entleman who promotes sportmg events.. Ongmal~y he promoted foot'races, later he con. d ~lcted ball oon ascensIons and parachute drops at county fairs and c~. DI vals. St1l1 later, keeping abreast of the march of progress, he turned
-, :
Sand &: Gravel
REFUND DECLARED BY Oney. Yeazel, q.e ceaaed; certificate of CINCINNATI PRODUCERS transfer ordered. In the matter of the estate The of Directors of the Pro Clinton D. Corwin, deceaaecl; hearducers Co.Operat1ve com~on Ing on schedule 01 d@bta eet for Jan AIa·n .. Clnclnn&t1, recently declared uary 13. , a pa~ll8ie refund or 20% t.o mem- In t~e matter ot the Will of Frilnk l~~'----:.:1i4aiDYtiUiiiOU8a:tiiiett.1ii,ilii~~~~ on busfneu handled during the Schooley, deceased; will admitted to year 1938. Th.la me6JlII tbat !.he mem probate. received thfll livestock marketfna coIn tbe of the eatate of from Ilpo1't1 articles carried in Tm!: operat1ve wID 'recelve early In ~b- lAura McCl~ •• deceaaed; InventOfY AMERICAN BOY Mapz1ne. Vlrtu- ruary "theJr portion of the Mvlnp , _ .... .. _._ of ' t ..... ad - -' __ from a whIch amount to 20c of each dollar n e of the estate. of ally ... - .. .-..., ~.. y...., ~DI .. f w Elfzabetli A "'-ple d~..-A h famoua coach or Pla";'. Football, ........ or se ng servtces. The 1IBIIOCi• --- • ~; ear. buslneS8 shows lIOIlle inCrease .1nr 01\ tnventory set t~ January 9. baaketbaJl. track, tannis. in tact · til ' In th tte f e ma r 0 the estate of every major sport fs covered In flc: over e volume handled the prfl'll. ous year, _ Fran~ Rlley SUver, deCeased; hear· tlOn .and faot artfcles. T The annual meeting of the a8soct- Ing on inventory set for JanUlU'y 9. lea::rrJ , :~:' ~:n~~~ atlon III scheduled ~ be held oJi In the matter .of tne estate . of mend 'I:BE C Thursday, February l&th, JJNO, ' at Oeora'e E. Rhodes. deceued private thllsJastlc&l~~ ANha BO~::;; 'the Netherland Plaza hotel II) ClD- 'sale of personal property ordered, In , ey ve 0 clnn&t!. " ventory will be heard January 10. : : t : ~=~;:UJar;eac: During January and Fe~. In the matter of the estate 'Of . I"'n ' dBO elad througbout the market area Wfll be ' Francea E. Jeffel'1ea, deceased' wID van ce more . rap " ' I an d ev 01) held . ' 1 admJtted t . o ' more worth"Me ' characteristics CCJUDt7·wJde Uveat.ock comm1h, probate, Mary WlUtacre than do boys who do not read It. tee mee~ PI'Ogl'ama of llvestock I C~rder appointed executrix, W. , S. Trained wrfters and artlst8 fam inlproveJMllt and marttetbqr w11l be 1Rice. W. D. Card~r and M. P. WhItt , - leatured. appointed appraIIIera. In the ' matter of the estate of Andrew D, Shultz. deceased; WW '8d__ __________.. mttted to probate, Charlea J. Wag.. 0 n e Inted · .. r appo adniInlatrator, George WhIte. Elmer McClung . and I Wflllam Beedle 'appofnted appralBers ~ With IRVIN S.· €O88 In !.he tl}atter of the estate of ' Anna Doane, deceased; private sale of real estate ordered. In the matter Qf the estate of Charles W. Webber, deceased; lnvf!n toq a,pprOVed. . By IRV~ .S. COBB
'usually applying at the last moment, anxious that the date of dlsolut1on be of record on the last day of the year, whUe new corpOrations request that their charters be dated the flqit day of tb new Jear. Under orders from 800retary of St.ate Earl Grlftltb the Corporation Di1~lalon was kept open for business I~n bOth . 'heae hol1days, to take of t.h13 elev. en!.h ...hour busliless. The total number of corporation dl.saolutJons for DecemtJer was 288 arul 190 'new ha ' c rters were lsIIued, For the llame period In 1938 there were 365 dls' BOlutlona and j04 new chartera,
With 13.231 Itudeltlts enrolled for the autumn Quarter just completed: Ohio State Unlveralty J.s the tllth largest in UDlLed .Btutes. In tbe fl.n!t four places are the unlversltlea . of CailrornJa. Mlnneaota. Columbia and nHnola. J,.aat year Ohio state W&II sixth.
", ";
.. ".
8 are Y'ltbo~t .a jOb. th. a · . S~f of. it. truth: the tuture Is about manf~tIoD.of WPA . DOt·1n t~ ~:~ ,,~, ~t}n Rilla in LoPD. tbe 00l~1II O1tl1en~, . , .' ' -.J~ JUIIIeI'&Dd ed It, "partIan, fnaoeurate, . untaJr . " . . _ ~nd poUt1c:aJ." : '.' ' :. , :. _. ,,' . . ;. ---:.,' , It a,ppeara to tM! en~IJ , ~ that a ~ the .
' ROOt fOR AND cONSltft . "
,0dr'Cattle; bop. '.h"P~8l.I:ebt'ef' lfl ~. NOTrla-Brock .c"" II•• ,1riH provl'eulve ftr,~ ''1r ·i ,:.;. Tune In· on' -aadln BtattOD "Werr- . 12 ~6 tp. J 2 :10 p, m. tpJ:' OWl cWM' .... . ~.I'~f't ,..porta•• '..~ . '. ., :'. .i ....·.· -, .. , _ __ ''1.< • ~ . ' ' "
all" .the-=-'
CUre WDrbe
~1.·E. x·,T.' •
few weeks. IncrNae In old., &IJe _'-.1.'. . . '. 810na and .~f I;lraIllema are uled tor conalderatlon. ", A. " r.ft Either the federal adml-·-·-Uon wa_ 8tlU pe~lata ~ klckJ.na Ohio 'aroUD4 WAYllUvo.a... 0&10 . or elSe BOme Ohioan in. '.ut;bal'ltv "UND~Y ,' " ,MONDAY. Was asleep at the 'awltch "beD . • .', ", ~ ., . ' . to • higher aalailed Jaa1Iar.F IIDd 11 :m~ ~ 9b1o .by the .ll. ~.-'Vt1l~.llr'.illlf.. f ureau. Ohio, ~ey poeItlon. a!OID tII,~ ~ '1.500. 4qcb .,.... - - nd ~ SUpervlaoJ'l. have ~. t1n _ ......... edf by the Ce~UII , B~J.4 at W~_- . " ngton ",th ~t-of..tate . em~ under the plea that • , " , ¥ only • aperlenc,. .. ed employea ca.-We Or 'direct..;.U-U..;..;;... , W-~"':"'&D-: '-,,--:-: : e national ~ ~II:. Aa lID br pIe. the ~ ~, Supa:viJlJu..., 11 '&IId If
a" !~ ror, hjn'\~~lf a~~ bought an early model aeroplane with which in Ida P. Mentz, decea&ed. to Wal~ AccordlnlJ t.o a recent Statement t l,,' P~ .10~ .l~.4eIi fly,mg)yus more of a novelty than it is at p .. e~" t' he Mentz. et aI.·, .lot 12' In.,South "";'~It ' f; . I t: C:ch'lblt !ons aloft. . . ' COU' lasuid by !.he U. S. Dept. of A8rlcUt. rh~ me!rI~t!~s. of a C~tholic Congregation in • suburb of Nell' Yo rk 8ubdly!a1.0D In Lebanon. ' " , ture, seven Ohio lCDWlltlel ,acCounted <';" '. ~'II'''l: t~r!,. n{l .,t;.) raiae lundl! for . a . new rectory. . In pu r~ua"ce . Franlc M, ·Bowe to ClJ1rord P; ·for more thaD aiX Iltereent of. Jan o h' ~ a m ltlQD t ley rented an old clriying-park and rave 8 fair Howe: lot 136 In ~ Iota 8128 .liages . paid ,b", manuf·a c.......... - tnb. W : ' } jl/.!·ted f.)r . ar entire ,week. For the crowning attraction on thf 61 # V"''"IS ..., .. fl ~ a. tl'!'l' on lJJ v t dene! wus engaRd to. niake .a flight. . . aDd 28 aDd part .Of lot 6127 .in Rani ~~enti uUoU8hout · ~~ naWsn in . ~'. w, tl)" w.. at.p.t was Io.werin.. and the 'winds were ~apricious. fJt.on. • 1837. In order, they were CuyirJioaa. , . 1 .IIL' a lI "~oIJ !II Tf! luctlln.ce to ' trusting himself · aloft under such ' Cliffor~ P . HOwe and BlIther nowe .mmnt.on. sUDiDltt " Montgomery '•• \ ' of, t:lnc-:_ •. t\oll'! Ih:rf"':D~r .had recout'jle to an exlledient he hod ' ·t.o Nelle' Bowe; lot 138 In I'raIitun Lueu Yah .• • ~ c.t , I.. on: : lfU ' I. ~ ICCU. Ions In other p~, of the country. He spu r- lots 6128 aDd 6129 Ii ' . ' . ~,.. aI¥l ~ J" (''r, ."me , t ... r ln n that (f~rIme~8 'would come and so s ove him " an part of,' ~ot '. . .t ' . k'~, t ,e ,I _. lie tinkered W1t1il \tt.; engine. He fiddled with: 6121 In B&mflC9n. , Another COIICrete bit .of ,th, ('!"I"" <'1,1 , UI'l lO: :We',! th~l' bolt R.n d he tm!!wed . up that one. Henry ¥, Bunnell t.o Ftanlt E thAt Ohio'" iiowly but aiirely reduc~ d Ii' 1 • ~,,;,i ~ .~: ;~~J~: ~ic~, wash' larl!!" ~ imPllthmt 'o ver the BUDne1J1 et al.; . abOut 68 ',acres ~ ina the state 1Qij~ deticlt 11'88 .... I .~It ', r e8~ 'W 0 was 3Ctmg ' as muter of t:er~ Turtl8Cl'eek tOwnabI ' . ' . ' ., ~,I'-!I ' ':. ' ... .' j tllo'!'tl .,1":'1t up n himself to ul'(e that,',the hfred 'ente~ ' .' p. . ve&led ~ ~18 when . • t f'!1 k" t; ••", .• ' . h.is C'·. Jltract. He npproaebed the aeronaut and ' , Oeotail, A,.,ae., deeleaaed. to Allee ~ ~' :a aJrtght p.ve . . ' .,,:ina ' ' ." , : L. Rea and' Pa\!Uae Rea; 114'.51 acres tlce that ln~ ~ 1l&.1/DlelDt& , .JdH... 'u s t.ht!"" exbibit.lOD Y3U In ~eat W.yne townIbIp.' Wan 001 n:otea ~ ~ ' " • . ~paid' JOU In 4{!vauce? ~lI8 county &lid Grelbe _...... . , '-0 • . ,' VI> ~ more. lUI ~ur and :l harf for , - ....'V' .. will celie on JU 12. wbeo euil '. : UI" "' , - '. ' ~ ~ Y..... deec.Md. to DOta paymenta In OWlt '''l \ ., r..l:f til' frlIn1. "there'. a b~t:h of folka out in B1lrllll,- Y_l, 'et al.:, lat 821D Lebabcm. Diade. ',l'otal ~ on the . ,Of " , ban beea wa~ ~Oni'D eipteeD monthq for me to Grace' Jr. - IIOcbtt io Albert delict' in 1~ ,111DIOQbt.ed (4merl N ..... I'atu.u ra".) &hnaI'-D Cd UIlIul t i.........n .,.080.805. dId1GUI ~ .. . . . . . 91.81 acne JD Warren ~:' to 1111 wu I'ar t#itI
r::r~:t5~:~ke\-:r'dt, ·'t,~""f!'O"
~;·H·'.' E(De. · .',',:':; • "
R "J A ".
--~.M' T..H r: 'fR'~E .' ,"~ JII.,.. ~,....... ".' CH I ..
~U~ .
. During the weejt January 29~'eb-. ruary 2, more tba:n 12,000 Ohio farmers, their wlvesl aDd children ~~ to ~ Col\UDbUil,· .... are expected t.o atternd the ~ual comJ)l1alng 201. ~';IIIu.e.,~ ~4fld~.of IrJ:'.1.1ri~iC1nr.iii"lliiiilI1It-11~~tF. Farmer's Week at (01110 ~tate Unfver ~Alatiah I IDIt w~ ~~ "~~" , In . ' e C8DaUa 18..... -,.,--.. ! sHy. The week', prolirram Will con- h . .u!"""" '''9 .... ~. w~ ~~ of a aerlee of ,le<:tuei with dem- e 'flU placed .on the ~ -~''''''''.I onstrations. several BOclal events ilIlyrol1a ~ "~~Iton tor •• And dinners and b Sponsored co-oi:;- ot 90 day8 Juat prior to hIa eraUvely by Ohio State and the U. S,' ment B8 chIeI bolla for the ~ Dept. ot Agl1culture. · ~a, Some ten or twelVe elm1- ...~--=--~~:.....-..!...::....---.lmaJor . aPJ!OfntmeDta The State, DJv1aIon Cif ~ ~or Ohjo.~.the:mor. ·PDI~_J. t1()n WIll n~t distilbute plWJuant.s I t1eII and 1DdUII~'.~ ~eggs thlB year. I~tt!ad I!OUthern . , three-wee1l. 8Ytaalltes..Qf w.hCJl!l,~: ~' I " old phC!8B8Jlt chlcka w1l1 be dl.atrfbut• ". -. ed to .portsme~ ~ farmer 0rPhOhl ~ ; .::..-. lzaUons. . , ' , 0 . Ie, ~ 1716 P8I'IOn8 --'-'.1831. Ttle toU, tompiled _ tile
Walter p. Romobr, 21 fanner Pleasant PlaIn, and Jeanette . 19. machine opera~, PoIter. The Ohio ' Burea\& of UnemployTholDll8 Vernon 8JJnpson, ~, Ina- ment ·Compenaat1oq. 11&' plana under ch1nl.at. Morrow, and lona oay way. whfch 'will riaJae the aveNge Booth. 23, waltreu. Morrow. weekly· beDetlt. cbebka ~t out tn Oblo t.o eUif:ble untmploYed workers REAl. ESTAD T&UfSJl'EB8' from $10.25 to·,I1.fI'o. ..' ,
IIOO1ated PNoa.
.' 1Ra.caUah&l1 ' :-nI·.t;"JI...~rur.( ~hen,. 1'nI!J died·' .
han in 11138. street &04 . ~w.T ' ~DtiI. " IIi 1~•. f~~~.. . . ' +.
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<.:,: ",.t-... • .n._P~. ' l
" l :' /
.C~[)l·'."0'1'1 ~ r"** I
Or Country
In rown
Real Bottle C~s For Use In Any Gaa Stove
qwn Or Rent The Equipment
$1.13 ' ~.,.
610 ,..... ...
...,.. ~
See The New Eatate Gas ~anle On Display At Our Store
. . . ..u-e«.
Fairley Hardware Store
. . . . 01'-'order paJabt. JllIl'pb:r
auckeye W ,. 1 I n C Q~.g'·re.ss... • · .th., ~ .
. , CLAUNCa I. UO'"
~ .. "'i'_ ·fdi ... ......... . -- . Tb8 lINO IIII8IOn 6l the 00I18nII JOt und. W81 J,romptlJ at noon oa _..: J ' W~ of IUt " _.' , an~ . 3rd, with tne HOUII and 8eJ)ate roll belnl ca.Ued ~ ~ ~ pniI~ mt. and, new members ·elected.tJICI the lui..a1on belni inducteeS Into ~lGe~ BoUl bodiea \ben ,ne.11I to _ In jOint HIIiOn at two o'cIoQ bear ~ ~~t dellver in per,
em n.e of',. a-nnu.i m_I1I ...m-.t.e
··iinIon. 1'IMi Prelddent'a
. ct:1I8 ~';morti
IIta.te ad-
In tone
~ tyQ'!,Ot 'bie o&ba' UIDIaI ~ . . . io , ~. No ,dnIIMC..~-
Hi' dnat\.JM!
, . . ~ .a_~on . to
JI\Wq)eab alt.uaUon aQd ~JD
dated tila 1I1terest In the welfare the democraclell. and h1a oppmitiOll to the cUctakll'ab1Jle. at t:urope De___ ~\_::... " . •" IJIIIIJQWII a. Itronpr natlonal detenae 'hit prached., for the Drat time IIDce ltl8J, ~ in other tlel~ of IOVe11Jp1e1ltal endeaYOl'S. Aa ~ excuse f"r the con~uoua pWq up GI deft. cU ,aDd ~tal debt dui1ni his two adminlstJaUcma, he 1na1ated they were ~ beea.UIe of unwual ecoailmtc and poU~ cond!· tiona t.hi'ouIbCNt ·tbe world, aDd a\1IItIted that 00DInM levy DeW taDa to reduce the cOm1nc defldt. BUmmlnr up t.be annual ~ u • wbq1e, it .eemed apparent that tbe Preeident...u.cs b t IMO la . ·'e1ectIaD ~." ' • On ~1 o f " week "COD~ rece1ftCl t.be PnIa1dent'.-aDDual budpt ca11tDt ,000appI'opdattoDa Ule ftIcal Jeal' eDdJDr .JUDe 3Otb, lMl, 0(, toppI'OI1ma~: DlDe oDe hUDdred .mWklIl. doIIan. AocaI'd
-IM II.' . 'JII IIIIUL£.-' ' ' 1 0 " US'" fit ' . IIINER \' , tnr ,
to the tiwlptt.ttme., .t,he ~-
'c. 'I " ",.I'I1II " . , ' ernment', tncome Wlll
,......... ............. ........ ·.V........... ~.~ aM
be Jell tIiaD billion. doD&n far &be ,.... aDd ~~ !'U_~ wW be ~ Whei8 around three bIlUoIi , ~ aew .... ue~ leYied. !!be
=",-==""~~ l ~
~:..tr""'O::;~'tGrJ.... ' laiteat IlniJe item in' the bud&et wu ~~~~.,.. fOr naUoaal defeue. amoUDUDr to
" ...... .
two bUl1aD
,'1be ~ reduct.ton . . . made the aJJl)lOllrSaUOn for.. where, the amount appI'OJII'Iat.d the ....... .,.... bJ ~-.
:n .rou.~.:..~~~~-:~
A ~_ ~Ilor liabter delivery w~k , thi. new 1940 ~~evrolet penel delivery I, a lamWar elaht on city ftrect ••
M , t.j .0IIy
Frederick, Maryland, on December 19th, 1881. as a mere stripling of thirteen years. he began bis career as a. page and messenger, Studying oontlnuoua1y and working dWgently aa the yea.ra past Mr. P~e s~n became known 88 an authority on leartslatlve and congresstonal matters Clerk of the House when the RepublJcan were In control thereot, and AM18tant Clerk representing ~ ~pubUcan, under Democratic rule, DlaJI1. times Secretary Qf RepubUcan BaUobal Conventions. a veritable ot history and anecdote, ot the American Creed, fr1eDd and GOJlfidante of American atatamen for half a century. a genUeman of the old school. William Tyler Page is one ot the most popular ~ highly respected publlc officials In AmerLc& today.
:::c= !::t
Bo' and one-Ullrd or the eena... . ; : reqUlrecl to for reelecUoD. >"lIiUonal law maItera wl1l un:
.....~. ....,~~~~~~b' try to'WInd ~ their WdM • ~tIDDa.l
pollt.tcal conventoloneare held and th Pall cam-
..... uN!
, ~ ...\
er ...,..
tg:_l~:U~v~~~,~' .' v'1.o'iU(!H, ~ur' CAIoJ1" STOP -rH', , 'PAPER. ji &IT EVE)J~ ,''1 , Geeu~.~E 4,ltJT A
;.,' ·( SU.BSCR;IGE~'t ~
Al.J EV£N BETTER- 1940 , l'
1939 ACCO ~NTtN(i Slopped GraH EnJirely Ehmjnolc,~ Wasle a~ ,
(2Huced Cosl CHId . Ope'ratecll Econom ically ,
F~l)dtd Oh,o Troffic. Sorety CouncIl. Aided ·Sof.ty by New eu..ou or Trofr" and 5oI'aly
Uhhud' Frozen Primary GIld S-<1doty
WP. A. Proqrom
Improved Moinfcnoncc . '
PwWic with 011 ~ Informat,on by ~ ~ • J PId.I"~ ie/allon, ,
~bled ' Du~~ Loyinq ,
l1o;ecled 90 Grode /2<:111. or 5lreom
He 111 only anxious about the future III whom the Pl"Cllent I.s unprofltaosa-&!neca
r>uilt 61':. l2ood~id. ~h
Obloined I (,z, !\:rICers
WUA each ret~ year. higher joys. amLIer aims, a purer peace and dlv.- energy. should freshen the tJW.llUlCe ot belng.-¥ary Baker Edft.
of Way.
lnereo&fd Malntenonce Adivily.
Oro. old along with me. The ~t II! yet to be .
CrOSS ing Shuc\u,&-'
Improved Snow ~I and let. Canhol Plod\(.
Aided Plonni", B_ct ~rt~
MofOt Vehid.. More Urcc*lve,
f:2.4~ BIIi! l ~fdlar.
'OhIo~'''''''''''' \
and Mr. Bill Davis of Dayton ana Mr. and Mrs. J , S. Filer and Miss Bertha Filer attended a Watch party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S . Harloock beYond Corwin on New Mrs. Clyde Wharton visited Mr. Year's Eve. and Mrs , Bernard Melloh nt Rldrep , J. Thomas and Dick Brown ville. Thursday . hauled water this week for Chester Several from here attended jmtalPalmer. whose well and cisterns were latlon at Waynes ville Grange Sa turdry. EVCfY one I.s feelJng the lack of .ay evenlng. water. Mr. lind Mrs . Harry Cornell an Mrs. Harry Cornell and Mrs. p. J moving this week from near Ferry Thomas were Dayton shoppers Mon- to their property here whlcb day, they recently purchased of Mr. J!larl H. R. Fordy : e has' been confined Shinn. to his home and UMble to work tbis Mrs. Oeorge Orl1-Y remains quit. past week because of illness. ill. Mr. and Mrs. Tom FordYce and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre left Mrs. Thomas· Grushon of West Car- Monday moming for Detroit whert rollton called on H, R . Fordyce Bnd Mr. Longacre will have employmen' P. J . Thomases and Vern FordYce for several weelcs. Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke enterRevival meetings start at the tained at a tamily dinner Sun<\ay I. Ferry church on January 22, tor two honor of t.helr 30th wedding annlweeki; duration. verSlloTY. Rev. -and Mrs. W. C. Smith and Mr. and Mrs E: J. Carmony of , family and Mlsa Ruth Hubble return Springfield wm Sunday afternooa ed borne from Florida on Thursday and evening guests ,of the fonner's at midnight. They were glad to get mother. Mrs. Mary Oarmony. home although they got a cold reeep Mr. and Mrs. Robert Siney wert tlon as no one knew they were com- dinner gueatB Friday evening of Mr. Ing and the house was cold. 'nley and Mrs. Howard Siney In Dayton. were gu~ts of Miss Hubble's aunt. In honor ot the latter Mr. Slney'! Mrs. Edith Atchley at· Tampa. They I birthday. ate Chrfstmaa dinner. in the yard j Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rogers and and the chUdren went IIwlmmlng In ' two daUghters ot Dayton were SUnthe afternoon. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Milia Ruth Hubble has been added Rogerll and daughter. to the staff at hospital Mr. and Mrs. Walter WhItaker in Spring Valley. She started her 'and daughter and Miss Vera. Sparks duties ~t Monday. motored , to Johnsvllle SUMA-- to ......y - Sunday gUests ot Mr. and Mrs. visit Mrs. Samuel Meredith. Mlaa Ma~ Hunter were Rev. and Mrs.. Sparks remained to be with Mrs. W. C. 8m1th and famUy, Mr. ..nd Meredith. Mrs. Everett Hunter. Mla8 Bertha Mrs. Marpret Johns and Paul Kerns. Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Smith Johns entertained to dinner Sunday., and Milia Wilma. and Marton Sm1th Mr. and Mrs. Weller Halnea 'ftJ1d and Miss Hess. They enjoyed a tur- daughter IJnda L<lu, ViVian Johns. key dinner. and Mrs. Linda Haines of near BellThe H. O. Cornells are stW trying brook'. and Mr. and Mrs. R M. TUrto move but the weatherman seems ncr and son Dickey of Centerville. to ~" otber Ideas. because to da~ they have had no suitable day to move. They are hoping to get moved thls WIleR: however.
,lmp,oWed Hi~woy !\f,ol S.anciord.
l~rtOIedl Emr'oYmenJ
Waynesville, Phone 32
IrlOUIJUfOt.d $ ".700~
- ..~
TOO 1-1 10 lV1 OTOn.l ST S
\, . A,1 StAYS'ME IS "tH'
Eatahli.hed 1849-1939 -
RonaJd Lee Sbawj: Infla nt son of This morning we had a lovely Mr. and Mrs. Che8~r Shaw died at hoar frost. Practical minds will say hl.s home here Sunday Ilfcember 31 that they saw nothing lovely In It. at '7:40 p m. shortly after b1rth . Be- but must we alws)'!! be practical? If sides th~ parents two brothers. one turned to the west away from Harold Gene and Robert WIIUams the sun one saw beautiful white at home s(u.vive. Brief f'uneraJ ser- brushed trees banked against a vices wert held at'the home on Tues smoky tog. Looking to the east the day morning at 10 o'clcx:k with bur- trees and bushes In their white robes 1a1 in the Woodland cemetery Xenia were sUvered in the sun. God glve~ Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Marlatt. Mr us beauty In all seasOns If we wUl Bert Marlatt Miss Clara Daughters. but look for It. Eeven in the muddy , . were sUpper gueats Sa1;urday eve- season ot !.he spring there Is beauty nlng of Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Mlchial In the hope tor the lovelier ~pring and lam1ly. that follows. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burges and The J . S. Filers have had electricfamUy, of Dayton spent Sunday with Ity Installed In t heir new home. the Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Morgan and work being done by Jim Hartsock !amUy. and Edgar Smith of WaynesvWe. The bitter qJpOSlUon of moat farMr. and Mrs. Jacob Zimmer and Miss Bertha FUer returned to her mers to a ,continuance of the redp- .children Junior an? Richard of duties at the Cincinnati Bible BemrC)Nl ' trade . treaty program after Beavertown Mr, aDd Mrs. Kenneth Inary last Monday after a two weeks next June. when the present law ex- Boward and 80n Roger of near vacation with her parents. Mr. and pires can be readJlY understood Xenia were dinner. gu~sts of Mr. Mrs. J . 8 . Filer. when studY la itven to our foreign and Mn!. Emel'liO~ DIU and son Mr. Robert Haines and son, Dontnde In arrscwtur&l prQducte, ~ Ralph, New Year's Day. . aId were dinner guests at the J . S. co.nHna to the latest available olflc- VirgU. Charles Alvin. ~na Mar- Filers Saturday. Ial flluee. durina the tln!t ten leen Bunnell of Waynesville spent Mr. and Mrs. J. S . FUer entertainmoDUlI of 191111 tbe ' UDltect Staw Saturday with their glrandparent& ed to dinner Christmas Day their exported ~ hundred and seventy- Mr. and ,Mrs. HIley Glb80n, , children and grand children. Present five mWlon dollars leas agricultural MI811 Pauline Gibson spent the , were Mrs, Mary Cornell and chUdren product., and imported one hundred week end with Miss Dorthla Michael , Virginia. Ruth and Jack, Bill Davis and two m11llon dollars mo.... sl4~h Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Gibson of Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. (Lola products. than In the same JlefI'!:!' ~i , ~d daughter Phyllis of CentervtUe. Cornell) Joe Henricks of BrOOkville. ttme In 1138. Up to October .slat Jut, I Mr. ClYde 8m1th were ISunda·y din- Mr. and Mrs. Harold FUer and chUthe 1938 trade balance on agricul_ ner guests of Mr. a~d Mrs. HUey Glb dren Gwendolyn and Buddy. Mr. 1Uld tural products was more than three !!On. Mrs. J . S. Hartsock -and farnUy Joe, hlUldl:ed uc:t elIhty-two m1Won dolMr. Frank Kellis who su~ered B. r JimmY. DaVid. Danny. Barbara. lara 8p1nst tbe ·Ame!Ulan~. stroke at Spring Valley Friday, re- cGorge and Mary. and Miss Bertha maina in .. .aerioua coadltion .. t hla ' FIler of Clncinnati. home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. FlIer and daugh ::v~ecl" Mr. and Mrs. Morris lloewJs spen" l ter, Berth!\. ®cnt Friday and Saturent eeeaton wW laat until some Sunday evening with their parents, day with Mr. Rqbert Haines and I .. 9 __ A " ba ' I Mr and Mrs. John Koe.oster and sl.s- family and Mrs. James Haines. ...... une. ..... per PI even onaer . Wltll a' ~enU&l elec:tioD 111 ~ ter Velma of Utica. ' Mrs. Mary Cornell and 80n Jack omsw ' ~ wtfoh all MeiDber. of' the '
Larger Because of Better Quality, Service, and Price
· 11
By .G~~e Byrnes -
, It
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'I'II1JaIDAY. - !$2!- -
..--..--...lNews ·OF Reds. MICKIE ~~AYS-' lte oIfer a 'aatisfactory Seruice at all times
Watcb '
Goshen TOwnshIp School District (overlapping). $1530 ; Love· I land CorPoration (Hamllton·Malne vUle School District) , $16.77; Loveland School Dlstrlc~ , $16 ; Loveland Tax rates for 1939 In Warren county Coporatlon (Loveland School DIsaubdlvla10ns and school districts were trlct ). $17.07; Maineville Corporaannounced this week by Deputy Au- Won. $18.80; SOuth Lebilnon COI·por· dltor WUl J. Ranker. atlon. $19,80. The rates, set by the County Bud· Washington Township - Morrow get Commission, and approved by School District, $16.20 ; MassIe the State Department of Ta.xation. School District, '12.10; Lebanon are aa follows on each $1 ,000 va luation : School Dl.strlct, $15.40; Clarksvllle-
New Tai Raies For County Units
Cleorcreek Townshlp-clenrcl'eek School District, $12.40; Lebanon Village School District. $15.20; Wayne School Dlstrlct, $13.20; MJa.m1sburg City School District (overla:pplng), $16.24 ; Spring b 0 r 0 Corporation , $12.90.
lor aew leAtar••
p in g ), $14.10.
" !4iI
Hamilton TOwnah1p- HamUton Maineville School D1strict. ,15.'10; South Lebanon School Dlatr1ct, .JIII.30;, ~ M1lla School Dlatrtct, , .14,110; Korrow School DiStriCt.
_ _ _ _~_-_~:_-=::-_:_; NOTICE--8e1l your next CIUl or cream to lhe Communlt1 JDtlchen. HIIhest prlcee paid at aU tam_. DII-J... l"
-----------Found-Bunch of keys. Inquire at Underwood's pool room. _ _ _ _ _ _ _111!!1_ _ _ __
8.00D SOW8 8POTTED-POLAND8 I have the kind that producea thOle larle Utters ot top marIltt pip Hoa prices are iOlnI up. Be ready. Get a few extra Bred Bows now.
C. D. 8JDDAJf l'A1 Mile North of '73 on Route 4' liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
J. Frank Grimes, lOA presic.k dt. and Betty Roberts. housewife, meet with smiles the twin citru s· co~on surplus problem. The formet· ex-' plains that his organization plans a nation-wide campaign from Jun. 19 to Feb. 15 to move 1.000 cars of oranges and grapefniit, packed in cotton bap, into consumption. helping to reduce the country's citrull surplus a~d the South·~ cotton ove.rsupply 'in l the s ~.mf' dl'IVe. The mil. lions of bags to I" uaed are cotton products. •
The I
Ll0:v.d (WhlteI) Moore, wHo won
13 games for t~ I1Ieda last year, believes 1940 should ltIe his ~il. Be now weighs ove~ 200 POunds and
none of Jt 18 ta~ J'Ie,.walk8 to ten m1les daUY .
trom six
.The tlckleneaa,of the women i love la only equalled Py the Infernal constancy ot the women who 'Iove me.George Bernard Shaw.
~ii) ;.Rogers
t illmorou.4i Storv !.__ _ _ ---L._ __ _ _.,. 0, WILl, ROGERS "
; I wonder why Id.d' SOMETIMES' hate to 10 1:0 Sunday School. ,
22nd of
Franklln TOwnsll1p-BIUe Ball School District, $18.20 ; Carllille School Dlatrtct. $16.60; Clearcreek School District, $12,10; Franklln School ~1strtct, $12.20; Franklin COr poratlon, $15.50. Deerfield Townahlp - M ~a Q School District. ,iuo; Kinas MUIs School District. $U.90; steWart School District (overlapping). $15.40 Muon COrporation. $1'1.90. Union TownpShlp - Leba non School Dlstrkt, '16.60; Morrow,...._ _ _ _ _ _ •_ _ _ _ _ _, '16.40; Mason School Dlatrict School D1strtct. 112.80; K1n&a Wl1s School DIStrict. $14.20; South Lebanon School District, '16.30; South Lebanon Coro~tlon.. t20.40•. Turtlecreek Townah1p - Lebanon School ,D1str1ct, $15,80; Otterbein Home School Dlatr1ct" '13.40; Blue Ball School Dlatrlct, $18.90; Clear.creek Sch,pol Dlatrlet. ,12.80; Morrow School Dlstrtct, $18.40; Lemon TownslUp School District (overlapping). $1U2; Leb8non Corporation, $17.40. . s Wayne Townahtp-WaYI1e School Dlstrlet. $13.110; Musle School Oil tr1ct. '12.40; Lebanon SChool Dlatrlct. '15.70; Spring Valley School Dlstrlct (overlapping) . $14.10; Chester Township School Dliltrict (over· lapp1pg). $IUO; Sugar Creek Bchool ~c:£...~~-I;IlHI:lI:'-"'!O:m:laPl!ma • $19.10; Cor=. win COrporation; $13.70; WaY!leavllle Corporation. S20.20. Salem Townshtp.-Morrow School , D~t, $16·30; Lebanon School DIs tr1ct, ,15.59; Morrow Corporation,
= ==;;;:;;;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;"
Massie TownshIp-Massie Schoo) District. $12.40; Wayne SChool trlct. $13.'10; Chester Township School Dlatrict (overlappl~g) . $16.40; Adams Township School District (overlapping), $1'1.40; Harveysburlf Cotpora\lon, $12.40. Harlan TOwnshlp.......Harlan-BuUer ville School Dlatrict. '14.90; Hamllton-Maineville School Dlstr 1 c t , $15.80; Morrow School Dl.strict, ,16,30 We!t Woodville School District (overlapping). '10.30; Blanchester School Dlatrlct (overlapping). $16.60 Pleaaant Plain COrporation, '14 .50; Butlerville Corporation. $15.10.
Revtval !1l"Unr startiDl ~moDUt•
Vernon School District . (overlaP-
11. 1MI.
l1:00 ...
"'t " KEEP "nJIS NBVSPAP~ 1.'he wisdom ot ,the, Clnc1nnatl Rec1a GOIIol' 'FER. ,W 'lE'Alt-c:.. In paving the way for night baseball SO IF 'fER. sue;c.g\PT1 In the majortl Is proving Itself with lO),lIo.lEEDS PA'IIt.l UPI each new Installation and each , new \\I~U Av", '\0 'l ::i!J, a~ m. Holy .<~ommUD1on. success. The ,critIcS 'of yes~ryear \Vfl.4~ 'R.ECe\V13' 10 ", m. Church' SchOol and the nigbt baJJ proponents 1A;l11 •• m. Morn1na' Prayer and eer· day, and now we c(lme to • new man. At thla aefv1.ce ~K1" in 0101')" phase in its evoluticln- the dangers by Martin Shaw, an 'ant.ttem approof ovel' emphas1s. p~te'for " he aeaaon: will be sUDi by The program as It now stands pro~ the cbolr. duces a healthy c/>ndltlon; but one that very easl1y could become a.naeMIlTIIO"18T CBVaCU mle if abuSed. Seven night lame8 Leula C• .....,. PM. . are the maximum In the majora today. There have ~n rumblings of Church School 9:90 .: m. Worahlp :proposed moUOns to Increase the service 10:40 a. m. Thls Sunday number , each club may play. To pastor will pve the aecobd aermon Iii everyone of the proposals, Warren the aeries ''11le LOrd's Prayer FcIr C. Olles. genel'almanuger of ' Lhe To-day.' 1be aubJect. will be "The Reds. becomes conv'enlently deaf. DlV1ne Pul'PQoSe," pUler IlUbjectAI of "Seven night games per season are the ~riea to follow' an,: "The Divine Providence." "'!be DlvJne Mercy.'.' enough In the major leag-ues." IIIlYs' the Redleg chlef. "I have seen n.lght ~.: ..~. .J' I and ' "1be Divine !!lrDpowerment". baseball (rom Ibi Illillllcy and have ~ Eve~One lnVlted. ; . gone tlu'ough everyone or 1\.8 d~vel=~i The l.&d1es Aid ~ety w1l1 meet opment.s and belieVe I am speakingl ' with KrII, Cora Rich. next Wednea... - ex· V8E 'ntlt MLUn GAJlIlTl1t day af'''-~n from e.xperlence when 1 ~ay tunt _ . . .January . . . . . .l'1t~ . . a.• '2 Want Ada o'clock, A aOOd attendance la dealred. tension of the night baseball schedule' would be a fatal mistake." !lpwortb .League Monday evenlna The experience to which OIlCIJ at '1 o·clock. All young people invited. rerers was gained While he was head , of the Rochester Club of the InterMT. ROLL" M. E. C..paCII national League. Whlle there, 01les T. M. 8Gartf. MIDtI&er &IlW night ball llrst. played In the eas~ at Buffnlo. realized Its permanSunday SchOOl 9:90 a. m. E. A. ence, and In a couple or seasons had ~t. Supt. the 'lights Inlltalled In the Roches· Even1n8 aervlte '1 :90. ter park. Prayer mHtJDIf W~da1 eVIThe situation WAil no dll!erent in DlDa 7:30 The MlaaJonary rn.eetlna will be Rochester than in other .cities. Night held Jan. 17, 2 :90 p. m.. at the church ball was an Instantaneou8 aucceaa, with 1\ limited schedUle In efteot, A -~elcome a wai tAl you at aerVlcf'~ . Come and enjoy them waUl Oradually the schedule wa" Increasus. ed . tlMlly resulting: In an almost daUy night performance. The financial I'esults, taken In their entirety, UTICA U. B. CHURCH were 110 better than when a llmJted Bevta A. HW. PaI"r nJght s ~ hedule was played. largely because Sunday and holiday attend· 8:30 a. m· -Sunday echool. ance drop~ considerably. Oorsuch, Stipt. This caused Ii thorough InvesUga10:90 a. m.-Mornlni WO. /lhiP tlon. and the results Indicated that _ ijpec1aI'Yen's Day Service,. NERVQUS T5N_ION the caMe III nochester was the case 7:00 p. 11l.-Ou1at&aD EDd. .vor. ShOWJ III IIoth bee ... ....., Leader: Mlaa Oenevi~ve Bunnell. most places, but tl1ley al80 proved You are 1I0t ftt ~ tor · that once night baH was C!)ta'hllshed. Men wanted: Lee'. outnumber the 70urself or anyone elle When ~ ·TellSe, Nervous, "Keyed-up". women on our ,IpecIal daY. It could not -be ellmJlnated or curtaU. DOn't riIla 'out on your &hare of rood times. '!be Dot time overed. . The results of tl1t8t inveatiptlon taxed.~ mak. you W.bfu1. WAY!G8VILU CBVaCil 01' Bstl-. Irritable. try the IOOtblai were In the back ·of Olles head when effect of • CDDT be (ame I'D CIncinnati, and the COlI. , . DIL JIILBS NlBVINII w.c. ..... ......... dltlons he found In the majors made NelrvUlI .. a BIllIe Sebool 8:90 ... ·m. him realize that a. change in h1a 10:065 a. m. ,OommUnion. ideas that a l1m1tecl night schedule Chriatlan DldKvor 6:.6 P. m. alloUld be followed .Mbt be dlau.. ~ '1:10' p. m. trous. Unle.sa conftltloll3 - change. WBDNalDAY • Giles will nmaln t:lnn Ip hla belief '1:30 P. m. Prayer' meeUnr that seven nig~t' gJamea-are-enOUSh , . for any National 'Lf~gue team. I'DaY OHURCR 01' CBalIT . ResUlts In C1nc1ru~tI , on the seven • ' W. O. '8 mlUi; II1DIdti game basis. should proVIde &U1flelent prool ~hat the l1mJted 8Ch.edUle Is the besi. Too much cit even. a gOOd thing can have hannlu1 etrects.
Pboae 7
, '19.90.
LImi&ecl 8cbedule Fa,.- Nl,hl Bueball
I Churches'
McClure Funeral Home
Or maybe the~1 ~Ion't hate it. I'•• always heard tbey did. anyway, . Looks li~e Sunjb~y School ought to be a , rillht iptereatinll kind o' amuaement ot I a helpful 80rt. , tal the kid.. Butl t1bey tell ~ me kid~ haft to be tou~ht · 1'D 'em iDg eveJ'J SUIlday. ain't 80 with fill Sunday but only whet- ~l'dOJl't away cand, orrllA . lib Anyhow, thet'e, . . . ·a kid that moved Into II'" Dellhborb~ocI, and lie -~ at the age wllne he wanted · f,,1k8 tJiat ht dldll"t of the wa,
, ...
I.' ,
-, l"
Cb.wolet~wqr:Id·I , apa..t builder of ttuck.":no,, · 0 ...... new Hoe, f~ IMI ...... 1Dod... on Ill... ,wheel"'" .....' .....U' '. lIIna ·ln tt. lenNet pdc:!e ........t o' . , .: : . i,
'. £itra-Dow.rul · V""-ID.~
: U".ItrOna ~'~'.
Hypold R~' .ule. .•. ~~UfCb tru.ck 'Jn~. tbrOUP. ., ,,;' , ~ ~ ~ IlIW CbenbIiIta, ff1t'~ /Or IWW,t, W~ ',ou chooee '. ~n PelI"" Or !'~etl" ~ttj Cab-o..r·1tn1lH
.-.1. "die
. 'And Cheno"I'e ram. lIJt:c,.uJ ..... .econOmy : •• ~UI
~tJoRlI ~pendability .... ....... 1"- ., .~.,..
triIcb. ; •
mH1i1 tbat 'aU of -tJ..ai .... ml*. Iw ltli, ~ ......,' w.... II , . COIDN
to ....
and, upkeep. ".
.P.~;Ch~~OIe' trude
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, f. 1fIU tile ....tIGn.... ' ' .....test tru~ "I.uee ... tIN ....;Ia!lu~ tiNt _,-" ..Ml,~. , .11en" la the entlN'iruCk _t'" . .
. . ~:. '
8A"GAIN ."", 11. 'Til 1100
FrldiaY AND
Mrs. J. B. Golis Hostess To Woman's AUJiliary ... - J h B 0 I h -.s. 0 n . ona en~rta ned t e
. . _,_. __ ._ .-u __._a_l_ •
Local Ha Mr. and Mrs. L. V.. Branstrator vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Greene of Sabina, ' Saturday. . • • • • • Mrs. O. E . 'Boyer 01 Dayton ia viaItlng at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout. . ' • • • • • Mr, and Mrs: tra Brown aJ;ld Bon o( Franklln were Sunday guests of H. H. WlIllamson and family. • • • • •
members of the Woman'S Awdliary of St. Mary's ~pal Church; and 8 uests , at h er h orne, Frld a~ a fter noon . . The meetlilg was opened with devotlons. loHowed Iby the roll call and "uslneaa An th "o regular ord-... r of '" .nouncement W&8 made 01 the par1sh meeting to be held Monday evening, January 22, at the Little Inn. Pial'll! lor t.he all day sewing. and covered dish dinner to be held at the rectory. FrIday. January 19. were Mas~r Harlan Earnhart was the discussed guest Sunday at the home of Miss After 'the business m~tlng the fol- Mary Dora Hough. . lowing program was presented : A • • • • • tolll on t.he Seaman's Inatitu~, at Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis of DayNew York, by Mrs. Maynard Weltz; ton v~sJted Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge d reading "Women In the Ohurch.", S a t ur ay. and' uThe Work of the United Thank • • • • •
--- Wm.SVILLB,
Omo.muRsDAY. SANUARY 111. I~. _2
tin W. E. Miller Entertains Mrs. H. F. Dye' Hostess F.armers' Club Meeting .. At Grange Hall Socie T., CI~I~ lIembers . Mrs. William M1I1er Wall hosteBa to the girls and leaders of the Girl's JI'J1endl~ Society. at a party. 'Friday evening, Mrs. Miller Is a member of . the &ociety. which Is sponsored In WaynesvUle by ·the Episcopal Ohurch and i.s open to all girls, . Their regular meeting was held first. after which the glrl8 enjoyed several games. Little SOnny Miller. grandson of the hostess. entertained With a song. A tempting lunch of sandwiches. salad. cocoa. and a. beautifully ' decorated G. F. S. cake wa.s enjoYed to bring to a Cl~ a happy evening. Mrs. Mlller s guests were, Mrs. Donald L. Hawke. Mrs. R . L. Hackwell , Sonny MllIer, Peggy Ann Chap
.... .r" J. WHOU: NUMBER, ..13
_ _ _ _ . _ .. _ . _ ••
Local Happenings
n _~I_ j
_ _ . _ n _ _ a_ ••
. i . Robert Oons 1.5 spending 4\everal Mrs. H. F. Dye eJlltertalned the Mrs. Martha. Hough was hostess to weeks In Florida. members of her bridge club. Tuesday the member.~ of the Wayne Town• • • • • ev. enlng. Two tables of cards were In ship F'armel s' club. Thursday , at . Mrs. Jessie Hyman was In Olnclnprogress during the evening, Mrs. Orange Hall. _-' __ ,_ Ir natl, Wednesday. Carmen Crane. w ........ g f st prize Forty-llve members enjoyed the • • • • • and Mrs. L. A. Garst w1nn1ng coa- customary bounteous dinner at noon Mr. and Mrs. Isreal Scott and solation prize. The hostess served \ After dinner the follOwing pro1 h t I family visited relatives. In Dayt')n. re res ments at he c ose of the .eve- gram was presented: Vocal solo, Sl1nday. nlng to tM following : Mr.. Crane. ' "Bless This House", by Mrs. Frank • • • • • MIs. Garst. Mrs. Russel Holliday, U. LeMay , a :companied by Mrs. J , Miss Mary Leah Edwards of Mrs. Carl Conard. Mrs. A. E. stout. H. Sacket~; talk on "Soli Conserva- Springfield. visited relatives and Mrs. Harold MilleI', lind Mrs. Rus- t1on." by Carl Duke. who also led a II Fr k friends here over the week end. se an. ._ discussion on the subject; a talk on • • • • • the care and cultiva.tlon of OladloU. Frank LeMay Jr. student at M.iby Rev. L. 0 .. Radley. The conclud- am! university . visited home tolks Ing number was a vocal SOlO , "Gar- over the week end. den of Tc.morrow," by Mrs. LeMay. • • • • • The Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Radley ' Miss Bareara Gibbons of Edina, were guests of the club. Missouri. was the week end guest at
Howard Egbert Speaks At Civic Club Dinner II
Prize 'W iinen At Farmers lutihde Prizes for exhibits at the Farm· ers' lnstltute laat week were(a.",atd-' ed as follows: CORN, BOYS· ·OI,.AS8 ' L Open PolllnalA!d YELLOW . 1st Raymond Purks 2nd Max Hay WHITE
1st Tom FlorenCe' MEN'S CI,.A88. Open Poll1nated YELLOW 1st Earl Hockett . 2nd Earl Hockett WHITE
1st L . V. Branstrator HYBRID 1st J . Oons ..
RO'M'EN Cf-ARIAGI: I 1st Oharles Hoyl!! man. C eo Stanley, Janet Lake. - -. ' Miss Kathryn and James Gibbons WH~T " . MarUYn Tinney. Ann Weltz, Ina and The Waynesville CIvic Club met In Ofterlng". by Mfa. Ronald Hawke ; Mrs. C. H. Deatherage ~ the dln N 0 eber Barbar 1st Charles Hoyle ~ Mrs. C. R. Fraaler closed the pro- ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. orma TU • and - a crane. their mon~y dinner meeting at the Mrs. Blanche Balter at Olnclnn.l,ttl SOYBEANS (ITIU1l with an Interesting talk on. Hart.sock Sunday. . Little Inn, Monday e4~vntng where a Is y1sltlng at the home of Mr. and 1st George Peterson ··HaiU". fine dinner was enjoyed by 28 memMrs. R. H. Hartsock . 2nd Oeorge Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carver and bers. The King 's Heralds society of the • • • • • ~ALF'A A delicious luncheon 01 salad. aandwlches, and coffee. WII8 served Miss Lola Sears of Cincinnati 'spent FDlIowlng the cllnner Carl Aba.ech- Methodist Church met Thursday atEarl C. Coyle 8uffered I\. tadly 1st Owen Hart60ck by \he hostesltdurtng the social hour the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. erll pre&1ded over the business ses- ternoon at the home of MIss YvolUle scalded arm when a steam pipe CLOVER Guests at the meeting were Mrs. J . N. Bears. Warren Sheehan celebrated his slon . Significant ~Sl the fact that Stubbs. bursted at his slaughter hO\l!le 1st BllIy HIsey Q .. Gal'll!. Mrs. Fred Gam and daugh • • • • • seventh birthday anniversary. Satur just a year ago the organization of The meeting was opened With a dllY of last week. TIMOTHY ter Helen Margaret. Mrs. Maynard M d Mr J R M I day with a party to which the fol- the club began with a dinner meet- period of devotions. fQl\owed by the • • • • • 1st Be1Iton Hoak business meeUng. Mrs. A. H. Stubbs Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ander80n were 'OATS Weltz, and !Om. Dle.11:, Don, and Jim LOr. sant. J h s. 'd ~h eng eM' MI'IIB'IIowlng gueats we.r e Invited: Roy and ing at the_Little Inn.. '. 0 n. an ,.... . and rR . . S _._ Jlmm S t. ... _ Cha 'l ntrod d the rtad the lesson I'om the study book called to TOJedo Saturday >----uae ' t o•• • my. and Misses Nancy and Barbara V Smith visited the Ed P&r~ Con Ue ........118. Y wan.... Ruth A'U. pman , uce . , '~ ' 1st David F'urna8 Crane . t I CI cI lenTIl d· ' jWardIOw. Dorothy Wilson. BUly speaker of the eveniln g, Howard Ea- The Christmas offering, taken at the death ot Mrs. Anderson's sister. 2nd Robert .Shaw In.-law, Mrs. W. A. Bmlth. They reTh.e . meeting In February will be Iserva ory n• •n •nnat, • • es ay. StUbbs. Betty Lou Sattertbwatte. bert of the publicity d epartmen t a f this meeting am0 un ted to $1 .36. BARLEY at Uie home of Mrs. L. H. Gordon. D1ck-,Bro~ . tbe-.Dayton Pow.er....amllJght Co. The During the recreation IPel'lod. the turned home Monday evening. 1st Charles Hoyle Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sears and Miller. Ha,rlan Earnhart. Delores topic Qf hill talk was "Bll!Ilneas." chlldren enjoyed a fish pond, and • • • • • POP CORN Some timely rems~rkB were-Busl- the exchange of glfts. The hOstess Mr. and Mrs. Leo Osborne &I)d son 1st Benton Hoak son Ronny of Spring Valley w!!re Berry. BUly Davis, and Jack James. dinner gueata. Prlday of Mr. and The a.f'ternoon was spent In De&; is a mat~r of ]production and assisted by Miss Patsy BaIrd and of Maderla. Mr. and Mrs. Rufu~ 2nd Geor(e peterson Mrs. W. N. Sears. plaYIni g8lnes and contests. after sale. 80% of bus1nesll Is done by the BlIIy Davis served refreshments. Hockman of Branch HlII were week SWE!7I' CORN • • • • • which the ehlldren enjoyed refresh_ smgle ~nd partner t)'-pe organization. Two new members, Mary Jane end guests of Mr. and , MnI. Argus 1st Oeorge Peterson Mr. and Mru. Charles T. Ellis re- menta and a blrthdsy ~e. Wa'lTen Big businell8 la successfUl becaU4le ot Anderson .and Jack Preston. were en Osborne and sons. N • • • • • EEDLE WORK " turned home Wedneeday evenlDg. received many lovely presents from the efforts 01 the $111&11 fellow. Any ro II ed at this meeting. Richard Shee APPLIQUE QUILTf One of th, worat nights for drlv- after a month'lI honeymoon trip his frlenda. 'b uslnet!a to be suoc~;atul must. meet han wm be host for the next meetElder S. A. Angle. who has been 1 t Mrs F U . , ing th1a wtnter. 180 members, wives through Plorlda. an a.pparent need. He In.sIated that Ing to be held Thursday. February 1. JH'Cachlng In Baptist churches 1n 2~d ~. and luesta attended the warren • • • • • SUNSmNE CLUB MEETS th~ success ot our country depends Thornton. and Little RoelL Ark .• Is PIECED QUILTI!'I cou.~ty 'PIah and Oame Assn. ban· Mr, atid Mrs. Raymond LaRue . on private bus1n. and that business TEMPERANCE DAY now In Southern Kentucky where he 1st Mrs. F .. U. LeMay quet last ~ursday night at Memor- aDd dauahter Joan, of Mason. vl8itThe monthly meeting of the sun-lean solve Its own problems. J OBSERVED IN SCHOOLS will spend a week . among the BED SPRBAD! i&1 Hall In Lebanon •• Tbe capacity Il<l Mr, and Mrs. ~. c. Toml1naon, I~ club W&8 held Thursday of .The regular buslnese meeting of churches. 1st Mrs. F. U . LeMay last week at the home ot Mrs. Della the Club w1l1 be at the TABLE CQVER.!!I crowd w.. served & flite supper by Suilday. ladlea of the Legion AwdUary. After ' • • • .. • Venable. The Inciement weather Hall February 7 at 7 :30 p. In. DlrecTemperance Day wm be observed The dancing claases. sponsorer by 1st Mrs. Kurf1ll8 tile r meal guesta were welcomed. Mr. and MrI!. ' A. p. Melioh and kept several . a~y but ten ' memlJers tors wUl convene one half hour ear- In local ~hoola Prtday January 19. thO! Juvenile grange. will meet at 2nd Mrs. B. V. Smlth amolll whom were Mayors from aev- famUy apent saturda.y evening enjOYed the Wlllal fine dinner at the lier. following the suggestion lof th'e Grange hall every Thursday, cflUdCUT WORK eral Warren Co townS. prealdent of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard· )I,lloh of noon hour. 'rile aiter-noon w.. deStete of Ohio that the Friday near- rm under 12. In the afternOon at 1st Mrs. Bante the Warren CO. Agricultural Olub, Ridgeville. voted to Ohinese checkers and mUBle R8Vn'AL est t.he 16th of Ja~~ry be 80 used. 3.1r, and older ones In the evening 2nd Mrs. Bante newspaper representatives, one visl• • • • • The ~ meeting of the club The MIlk Pund committee has at 7:45. cROmu:rtNO & ltJflTI'INO tor and active con.servt,tion1at from M1II8 Helen LCiut.se Stanfield wlll be at t.he home of Mrs. Howard The Pull G08pel Church of . Har- made It possible for pamphleta on •. • • • • 1st Mrs. Banta . WIIcoDlln. and many others. Morrow «-as ·the ~eek end au'est Burton. ' ve)'Bburg will have II revival begin- temperance to be distributed to the Mlaa Clara. J. Lile has been III the 2nd Mrs. Le 'The ladles door prlIe, a five pound the home ot Mr.. and Wn. R. D. 001ning January 21 at 7:30 p. m. You grades for study. A series of POIters PIIst three weeks with grip. at her T""/t;Wll~-!-1N -Obox of c.""<\v. ".. won by Mrs. Eben lett and flUDllY. COUNTY AGENT TAKIJ(G . vlted. Brotheli' CharlM carnes have been given to the hlgh school hl'lne in Waabln&,uln C. H. Her lilt Mrs. Mendenhall ;Lear of Route No. 1. ~on. and • • • • • SPECIAL STUDY COURSE and stster Camea. levangellllts; Bro- for educational purposesfrlenda here w1l1_-pleaaed Mrs".'==K =-=urt =:= IIIII= =--- -- -- ' U1e m~n·s . dOOr prile. 6D Wuatnted Mr. ancl MR, Russell BolUday and . ther James N. Rader. pastor. Through the cooperation of the that she Is muca better and able to SILK PIl!lC!:8 book on hWlUngaridilabiIll. 01 \JWf daurbter, Judy, were Illata of Mr. Mias BUabeth Graddy. Warren Te~r;ance committee ot the be out aga~ . • ' . • • 1st Mrs. Rachel Earnhart Jteckett. Warren Co. Clerk of Courfa.1 an(! Mrs. p. L. Reason. Sunday eve- COWlty home d~onatratlon _ agent, . MIDDLE BIDif BAPTIST Mother s club an a88embly will be 2nd MISs Anna May Watklna _. Short tala by .,J08ePh Pichter, baa six months leave of IAllence and __ held in the school aUditorlu~ at Mrs. Warren BraddOCII: 11M Winners In the poster contest were 8tate Gl'1UIae Lecturer. Dol~ Long, • • • • • wtU take a special couhe of study 'lbere wtU be serrie~ at Middle 12:50 with the temperance theme brought to her home here. today, Dayton sporta Writer. a welcome to Ml·. and Mrs. Ralph Halt.ln8a UI4 COlumbia unlvera1ty. MlII8 Graddy RWl Baptlst church Saturday. Jan- .emphaalzed. The Student . CoWlcil fr?D1 MJam1 Valley h~Ita.1. where 'll; tollowr' the ladles present by Mrs. Do~ph son Bobby were l(Uesta. SWlday of been COWlty qent eight years. uary 110. a.t 2 o'clock and Sunday will present a. radio playlet entitled she sublJUtted to an operation .wo HIGH SCHOOL · Lonl, and a 1pleM14 talk on the Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Archer and MlII8 Roberta Falkenstein. · Ohio morntni at-lO:30. C1)nducted by Elder "Everybody Doesn·t with the high wteks ago. Her condition III said to lilt 8ava~ pllO~ in. the 801'lI!. 01 West AlelWldrta. State unlveralty home demonstra- C. Fuson of Hagerstown. Indiana. school girls chorus furnishing mUSic. be good and her friends and nita2nd William StroWle place Qt vatlon p1cture b)o A. W. Short, • • • • • tton agent. who for the past several The public Is cordially invited to tins wish for her •. a speedy recovery. 3ni Lowell S1ncla1r , JUNIOR HIGH Manapment Chief of Qhto'S Co~Mr. and ~. ~ Furnas enter- montba baa been in a1mllar work In AN APPRECIATION the!!e exerclses. 1st' Raylyn Crabbe ' - vation Dlvialon: ' ended. the propam talned the 'members of their "500" Greene coUnty. baa taken 0ftI', 1:be .-~---,-Redemption Of Sales Tall: 2nd Hazel Vlnt downatalrs. Adjo~1 to the ~p- club, at their home Wednesday eve- duUeaot MlII8 Graddy. ' I take th18 means to thank .my Stamp. To Be Continued . 3rd J:velyn ThomJllOn &ta1ra ball the cl'QWd. saw mov.lee pre friends and expl'NlI my appreciation GRADES sen~ by 1;1. C. Blclr1dp. Br.. Of .• • • . • • YOUNC PEOPLE'S CLASS of the lovely carda and beautifUl t 1st Mildred Bourne Pranklln. of ·hla ~p around South MET WEDNESDAY N flowers sent bi them to br1ghten the The report ~hat tl1e redem~ of , sales tax stamps Ist to be diacontlnu2nd Mary Margaret Henderson Amef1Ca. _ , hOurs I spent In the hospital. I am 3rd Ralph Bins ~11 .nd ~l ~ll!Itln. . ( . ed in Ohio W&8 re uted thia week by charle of arrangementa, stated talned the mernbera ot the newly Adra Braddock ' The Dayton Power and LIght M. HI Keelor. . earlY ThUl'ildaY. ~ reHIwatlons . • • • • • 0l'II'8I1iaed young married COUPI~ COJ!lpany has announced a. '{olun- tax examiner, New Institute Officer. ~n r,eelved ·aDd bac:l it nof . . Mrs L A ~t ~ da~ter Joan cIaes of the Methodist Ohurch, at . 'tary reduction in elec.t rlc rates for Mr. Keelor stated that .. r .._u........ ' Meet In LebanOn l!W ~ '*l ~ther aDd ~ con4l- Vl8ited~. and Mrs. Herman Plunk- their h~e. Wednesday evening. residential and commercial Ughtlng from the Department ot Tal~tionl tiona a sWlIarpr crOwd wou1cl e~ and family oCI'l'otwood. satur- During the bUIlInell8 meeting luna ' . ' purposes in WaynesvUle, The new denies the report and that the reAU newly-elec~ . farm lhatltute ~ . preaent. Oftl~'la of ~be OTIlIi'I' da~. . .. ' • • • were. di8c~ for the further or. rates for residential lighting pur· demptJon wlll continue . to be taken 01!1cers in Warren coUnty ",ere to v 1 latton have declded.· to "make ·tt· . . pntratlon of the group, poses wlll be as follows : care of the same .w ay a.s in the past. meet In Lebanon this aftemoon to I)anquet an ~ual affair, Mr. aM Mrs, Leo Conner. MilIa Refreshments 6lld a. social t.me '- P'lrst 15 K.W.Hrs. or lese or none make plana lor the 1941 lnitttutn. . Evelyn Johns, and John Bopr, were were enjoyed at the clOSe of the The Tr1 Sta~ Aviation COrpora- $1.00; Next 25 K.W. Hr8. @ $.05~ EPWORTH LEAGUE BaIley. 'county extension guests satur~J' eve~ ~t Mr . .and meeting by ~ ~wing IUesU;: tlan, ha& a.pplled for and expecta to per K.W.H.; Next 50 K. W.Hra. @ PRESENtS COMEDY agent, to ha~1!. oharie onhe meetln, Mrs. Robet't BWett of ~n~e. Rev. and Mrs. L. C, Radley. recetve a. .. Qj!rtlf~~te of PubHc C<!n••.0425 . per K.W.H.; Next 110 K.\Y. .. t otr1cers of the various insututea • • • • • RusSell Pra~ Mr. and Mrs. v1!nience and Necessity" from 'the Hrl. @ t.0215 per K..W.H·; All over are: ; Mr. an!! Mrs. Ohar~ t;)oster crane, Mr. and Mrs. Carl 91vU Aerona.utica ,~uthorlty for ~e 200 K. W.Hra. @ $.0225 per K.W.H. The Epworth ;~ague of the ~thWayD~vl1le-W. A. Swartzel. 1)I'e8 near Harveysburg• .are Mr. and Mrs. carl· Conard. aDd IJW',POIIe ot maldq a.1r mall and ex- . For residences contalnlni Indlvld- ~t ob~ sponsored the comedy 'drnt; R.oscoe Purnu. vice Pretldent the birth of a ~Ulbter. .ld Mrs . .~o MUtenllel1ler. preII8 delivery In the territory em- ual piece of equJpment. or I&pparatua , "Good ~ra.c1oua Grandma," · wbich ~t Cook, ~y; . 8.. 8. ElUa, TIle lAdIes Aid Boc1.ety · oi' . morplnr. at P4COleuan', ,h~tal .i n , . . b~ MiddletowJn and.all .towns requlri'ng 1000 watts, or more. (ex- was ~ted at the SChOol audltor- treasurer. and Mrs. L. V. BranatraKetho"lIt Ohurch 'met Wedlleaclay Xenia. ,. Within .. raiUua . or t1fteen ;1UleI. eluding bathroom heaters) · mInI- ium Tuesday night. tor, h08tea Anemoon the home of Mrs. J. ~ . • • • . • - <II • WbfCb W11l. of cOurse. 1nclude Way- mum monthly cbarge' I2,OO with 'en'nle ~ was' well re~ved by the • 'Harvey8b~i-Fred J. Hagemeyer. RIch. w1th'.Mra. Ray ~noUi and . Friends of Mr•. Blldla Day W11l neavWe: . titlemen~ In accordance with atiove larp .wuence ~nt ,and " : Herbert Carr. vice prelliMrs Rufus WaWnl -as aret to learn that abe 1JU1 be In ~vtdlng thls service automatic rates. the orlr8nizatlon II. subatanU.L 111m. dent; Maravet Stanley; treasurer; hollie., . ~ fined to her bed for .a period air 'mall pick-up ~nd delivery eq~ The . new rates lor ~mmerc1al Mrs, Alice Hough. Be<:retal'y and .nie ~. ~ 'bepn wWa month'btica.use Of Wnw. BIle ment will be lhIttalled-. at · 1JCi!lnt. lichtlng purposes : wlll be"as follnl: Mrs. Eva McKay, hostea.~. .' votlGns 'poDducted by Mrs. ed the trom wb1ch do not bi,\re landing Pint 100 @ ••OU5 per K. d BaItInP. ~ aUb~t.:..JO~ ibe cle- n,on Sqnday afternoon: Mra. ThIIi type or delivery ~ Pl'1"'en .W.H.; Next 100. K.W.Hra. @ ,.~"5 ~. I(ec~ure, vt·Ce president.; Ilaw:" vOtltnIJ _ I "PrQe~." ~ at · the Blackmore•. Mra, ' ~ highly satt.,act0a:3r and enables air- per K. W.H. : 'Next 300 K.W:Hra. - 0 '· .. ... reru;e Coate's. seeretal·y, ullf lira. coriCluslo~ ~. · Buttnp read ' heacfaDd d&\lIhw! Mr. and . to: piclt up mall and express $.0425 per K .W.H.; Next ,200 K.W, .·Dr. ~ Wt-tsb~ "and . NUll, hostess. . • poem. . . .~ - . of:Pnyer".(.. . ~llOY. aDd John l.'unr,an. ". deliver wi.t hout the plar\e land-.· Kr8. @ $,0316perK·iw'B·,; Next·lIOO Had~ were ~Yton vt:dtlOrs. Muon-Albert .8chu·~ ..wi.i.tldent~ , ';'' 'ah ' ~., ~ • • .* * •.' :. . . K W Hrs Q, $ ,.., K - .. ... 'dUo ~ /!. .._l·;;;'~ ·· '. I ) 'r~ " ...... . . ' . • ~I' .03.... per .".B.... Af . " '. <. . • -, • "'_ __ .1' ,..IAton. vice pr..s~1 .after -, _' lIrs. B. S . .B1l1a ~ 'WOton aarta6cIr.: .av.nded tbe ~ modern and eftlctent ~ OVer 800 It. W. Hrs. @'1.02'l5, Wn~ '~'. carmen Oriane.' Nft. (/. W. ~er ~ ,aecretaiy ~ "')HaL lira . . 000reace · 'Edwards 1JJnter.f~ ~~ by tale 4lpba, " of a i r . l and ellJ)re&8 tJ:aDllPOtta~ lmum Konthly Obarie: l1.od, Net , ~!i~and us.. Mam.e B~ ley Grooms. ho8teaa, .. . Ute pr~ for,the.rtefnOOn OlUOmep IOrortty of 0b10 W_azt tion ~ resUlt II1IiM!nefita to _thls ". ~e' PubUc mutti" (lonuDIiIIoD Of w~X ~~, TUesdAy mo~. . w.. If f~: a novelty· . 8a,tUrda.y n1Ibt. Be ·... ~ aD4 tb_ of ita aUolC:eIIII Ohio has" ~ted the flllnI "" 'the Ing.. " .• ! • '. :. .. • ('\vh~ ~ ' Wa eouribi' ~'\ over.aIIbt~ \of ~k wUI ~ :u~. the 'extent '()f co- lObedulea for . the' new and 1.... . IIrs, O...H~ Death. .~.;.~t, &!n· by , Nri~OUbert PrJ- and Ohio 8(:ate.-1Jnl~". ~ , "'ol operaUoa ~ . cI~ 1il~' ,~ Will ' iJecome e1IectlV't! ' ~~~~..oa ...,b· ~np; plAykt. ' 'a~ the · perfonMDCe or tbelt,i \III QI UMi aer.viCe. A campreIy In JanUWJ lNO. ~ . . ~ .n.l'li..-.; .. ...a:.:~: . . a.~ma1tt,lJlDtIIIM~rlll9;'J.:;;'J~1rW'
1· • • • •
• • • • •
King's Heralds
Birthday Party
Large Att_aDce A~ AssD. Banquet
P. U.
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Electric Rate Cuts Are ADDOU.Ced
Modem.M.U Service I Surve Being Made
Ladies Aid Socie;y ~jOJS Good PrQ......
tOllowlnl ~~torl
~Sprlnj1boro-Milo 8eckf. J,lf~I!ieD'
o\unb DorU". preHIl~
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in lD ~ ... .. t.taI~ '. . . totl!ilU 'WUIlbir are A. z. JI..nlOl;.lfandj."I;Ii:.,lr~,e.~~·_"'r.tiI ~ wt11 COlt 'l1,1a in diaIIW}t. ,· , . ~ 0JIIr1e~ . . ..... It- . . '" ~oaa .' ' - .. " . .1'be, . , ." Dr, J. W. . . . VIIIIl B. ilia ~ . UD~' you've 'tried'" iiIalai ~ ,."I,l. ,~ . 1IeC!'D'-" 1II1IIaDd I'QInl e- ..tbou$ ~. rod don't. . . . . '..... "'" ~ . . .ml .. . _ . In :01, " " . . , It. Ii. to ' - . . . , . ....
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Main Street
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Matt ;r at Pl)stoftice, 'Wayn esville, Ohio
W. Rosa. ]lilY r, II. PM.80: Barl Sa- Ia from an action of d1aIniIBa1 takeore, pay roll, ~.l08.BO. I en by a board or ·educatlon.
County Court Ne
M. Armltaae, pay roll, '100.80;
1] Harry Mount. .pay roU. t92.00; Ohar- Now comes federa l tax expertll I._._ ~================""b==-~ le8 Bradbury, pay 'roll, '168.80; RaY-I with a new proposal. This ~me It Ia
F T- Martin
Carrie O. We~ to" ClUIrlea mond MulC~, pay roll, '1'7.60;. The 1f ..tax-on-tax·· pinn to meet the 8 '8 Flora M. Crane Editor and Publisher Weltlsmann; about 126 acres In 8alOregonia Bridge 00 .. blUe prints and Prllsldent's demand for $460.000:000 NEW SUITS elll toWIUl/l'1p. r Inf. steel. ,$23.06; Clint Oorwln, ex- In new revenue to help pay the Lemuel D. Hahold and ZelIa W. ecutor. cor. pipe, $20.00; The Morrow tional derense .blli. To raise tile sum ' , Helen Fitzwater vs. Edward Fitz· u bso-iptlon 1',5 0 Per Year, Payable ' in Advauce ' water. action for d1voree. gross nea- I'amld to Frank Oharles Bradbury; Lumber 9 0., cement. $3.00 ; p. ~. Iby this method would mean an adSnyder & Son, 26 1 pounds dynamite, dltlonal 20 pel' cent, addcd to the talC 5 acres In Turfilecreek township. lect. s Harry O. Cornell and Mae Cornell ,6.00 ; A. H~pe & Co., 1 barrel C!!- on cO!'p(?ratlon and Indl.jdual InLouise Gray vs . Carl Mullenix; acto Carl E. Randall and Mary D. Ran ment, $2.45; ,Blair & LeRoy , eel comes and It would work out tills BANK " AND NEWSPAl'ER -tion, bastardy_ dall; 35.32 ac .... e~ In WaY11e township. ment and sl\rld, $14.69. way. An Individual, 01' p, corporation, Margaret Coyle vs , Cecil Swallow; Newspnp I'S and tanks have at l ell~t one U1lng 1/1 cotnlllon . In the nctlon, bastardy. Elsie Mlntke~baUgh to , Joseph W. O. Turton, cement: $9.60 ; H. S, would llgUl'e Income taxes due In Lhe Oll'utOI1 ot Ule OUl\chiln Cltlzl'tl of W s t, Mo'!lr()(', LouIsiana. Both of them Mlntkcnbaugh ; 49.88 acres In Ullion Conover, supplies, paint and parts, regular way, and when the total tax liet plonty of crtLlclsm , , U08.64; J, p . Lingo Hdwe. Co" sup- to be paid was computed, ~ flat 20 (JOMMON PLEAS PROOEEDING township. . Phone 78J , "TllC mos~ difficult ta s k thaI. we ca n t.hink of aL lrle m"ment. is to run Albert Durlg t.o Stanley V. Bran- piles, paint and parts, $168,40; Kahn percent would b added. Thlls thcl II bank 01' II new '\ OIPlll' to plense rver~'one ." saYS the CILIzell . "If the ' Motor Car. CO., dl\ffi88e to car , $16,75 I Th people's Buildi ng, Loan and denburg and ~t~e Brandenburg; individual who would be liable nortill. ' r, Is (on..~erva th'e he is chnrged with not ~in ll' helpful to the com- Savings company vs, Ad~l alde Clem- about 6 % acres In Deerfield town· Waynesville Drug Store, supplies, mally for an incomc tax payment of -::::::::::::::::==:::::~~~=:::::= r 'Il hI, ':l.·lo ('s.~ the wny he thinks It· should be run .Rod let th e crltlc-'l n~ .;~": t:':) t~· .. lain- ship, $.94 ; Franklln Vulc. & Tire Co" sup- '100, woule;! instead. und l' the tax- . . . . . . . . .111!. . . . . .... e l l !7 ," • :,~ .. U l. 01 S2 34.80, appllcaErnest to Lucy M: Ferris; plies, $28,81; Lebanon MOtol' Inn., on-tax 'plnu, pay $120. I!I It ' nld be on Intel'l, ·tlng eRpel'lmrn t If ' self-starUl1!! c.llt.: It. is· ··~~1 68 ncres In Turtlecreek townahJp. Inc. , parts and gasoline, ,24.84; GrlsI.on 10 stpone sa e overruled. mlln)t~l. II h, ' Il.'llds the depositors' Dloner too freely he L~ crltlcl7.ed when Oornellus Oornelssen to Mills W . wold Service StatlQn, supplies and The big vent of the yent· with Ruby J. Pease vs. Lucille AYers, Ihe onOwcr c:l n't repay alld tho bank closes . Th e newspa.per man who !!t a1.: sale In pal·tltlon ordered Is- Tinctl and Rose A. Tinch; 5 lots in gusollne, $33,36; Wnller Botts, gnso- the Leagtir. of Ohio SporLmen, the prlnl..s o il the neW5 regardless of willi mnke L~ is crit.lclzed and called sen TAFlVIA· I,I'rl-IlC TAR AND annual convention, is s cheduled tor Frank'lln. line, $13.28. sued . ~\\lo llnl . II 110 leIwe, it lit he Is chnrg d with being afraid to print the F..xCA VATING Ho,ace KirbY, et aI. , by adllllnistra Gul! Ref1n1ng Co., g~l1ne, $19.18 January 21-22. nt thc Southern HoIWAD OIL ; news. ' I.e lJ f.)~ j,l~, . 11' .L bEUlker or t.he newspaper man to fOllOW is to tor, to Dorothy J , Frazier ; 52,98 Kelsey's Garage, gasOline. $6,88; tel Columbus, Over 1000 lovers of ('ttOBA'fE COURT 11 MP Tltt C t< SEltV ICiC eha r~r of the no lion's l>nnk1i oml newspapers for 0 period . It·s a safe bet acres In Turtlecreek township . Smart's Garage, psollne, $21.77 ; WU hunting, fishIn g nnd conservation, that they'd ra.pldly I M il a sud 1C.'.iOIl-llI1d an equally sa fe ' bet that the Pl'r RUN, LOADED 30c YD. In Lhe matter of the setUement of The Oakland Grain & Lumber com kerson Service Station, gasoline, from every county In the state, arc pu blic whkh de pends 011 banks I. .:>llf guard its money and newspapers to Ihe estate Of W\l1 lam A Scott, de- ~ .to John H. Conley; a ~Ul1dlng $14.08; Allen service StaLlo~, gasa- expected to attend and the hlgh,:.\(' II. Ihe news of thc world , would take a terrific bentIng. Amateur bank, ensed; i11hel ila llt c t.'lX determined In ankUn township. line, $,80; Borden's Service Station, Ilght event of the convention will be Inc « nun)) nleur j, urnalL<im would h,' a far cry from t he real proCessional tIS none. Ohio unlversa":,t Convention to gasoline, $6.25,; H. Ludington service the banquet address of Governor sl;lclr' John Barr; lot 56 In ~ason. Station, gasoUne, $46,56; V. O . Har- John W. Bricker on tht' evening of I'hOIl O, Waynesvi lle 44 R 11 In the matter of the estate of Bankl:llg has given thc Aln crlcull people nnd AmerL all business unViola Lewis and Ross Lewis to IrJanuary 22nd. Estella M. Logan. deceased; mvellLebanoll office Phone 47:t'I<IH rull led scrvlce- It fu rnish ed th flnnnclni li feb lood that built LhL~ nawin D. Kelley; a tract, In HamUton vey Sinclair Service, gasoline. $11,15; tlOl) in world record time. Thc Amcric[1n newspaper g1ves the people bet- tory approved , private sale of per- t.ow~. A. B. Caudill Shell Station, gasollne, Because of its central location and Morrow Phone No. 3 leI'. more complet.e ruld more nCCUI'l!.tc covera!;e of what Is happening a sonal properLY ordered. Sue Murphy to Claude M. F olz: $11.20. unrivale'll faclllties for housing and In the matter of the adoption of tnll away or Len lhousand mll~ Ilway than thc press of any other coun1,7 acres In Deerfield township. showmanship, the OhIo state Fairtry. Thc bankers and t. he ell/urs will go Oil doing these vital jobs while ' Charles Eldon Hall; hearing on ~. Zona Bassett and George Bassell grounds has been selected as the site _!"-'~~~~~~~~~~_ ' ct' It ICIII •.. Lltlon for adoption Is set for January " t '1 lC cr It ). to Miriam B. Good; II)t In Fl'llnklln. for many lniportnnL livestock :oales , 15, Clyde C. Collins ls appointed to - z: . . . to be conducted by breeders' associ- " . - ~~ - --- - BCt as next rrlend to Oharles Eldon BILLS ALLOWED ations In Ohio In 1940. Definite saleR ~ Hall . T,here were 46,000 few!!1' CMes of dates naVe already been arranged by I' , In the matter of the estate 'o f Cllfford D. Erd, deceased; dlatrlbuThe Hubman Supply Company , 5 communicable diseases r~rted to tht' Ohio Berkshire Association, cases towels. 1 oo.&e toilet tissue. the Ohio State Health Department February 23 ; The Ohio J ersey Catt lon In kind ordered. I REAL ESTATE ' In the matter .of the estate of $19.26; ReU's EJecLrle ShOp, la.bor. In 1939 than In 1938. Cases of ~man Lie A~soc1nt1on . March 30 ; Ohio AyrI INSURANCE Walter R . Van Ness, deceased : rebed lamp, etc" $1.60; Trustee!! of Public pox. scarlet. fever. pneumonia and In· h1re Bre dC1'S Association, April 27; ule of debts approved. Affairs, Ught and gas at jaB, light at fluenza Incrca.~cd In 1939 but measle:; Ohio Aberdeen Angus Assoc.latlon, _ In the matter of the estate of court house, $84.49: E~ast End Coal dlptherln, chickenpox lind tubercu- June -10. Definite armngemrntll, but not yet datcd hav also been made by James E Burke, deceased; repor t of Co., 4,040 pounds of coal, MemQrlal Ia.-Is decreased. the Ohio Shorthorn Breeders Associappralse; s approved, private sale of Hall, $18.66; Brown & Bunnell. 4.920 ation. Ohio Hereford Breeders Asso· B,. Harry Eldricllfe, Jr. real estate ordered. pounds ot coa\. Mell1()1'1a1 Hall, $19.I::ven though the federal admlnla- elation and the Ohio Holstein Breed In the matter of the estate of 68 ; Trustees or Public Affa lrs , light Cllnton D. COrwin, deceased; testa- and gas at Memorial Hall, $6.19; Dr. traUon still refuses to pay Ohio the STATE CAPITAL NEWS _ $; . mentary guardians to be made par- Berton J. Elliott, serv:ltes as veterln- n ,'wo,ooo It has owed the State 01- ers AsSoclation. These sale.,; will as~ I I=======::",=-=====",:::--==-=-=-=-".="'===:-;-===========:i~ ties defendant wit h leave to file an- arian, $109.50; Harry :Hofer. assisting \1, ;011 of Ald tor the Aged slnce O~ - semble at the Ohio State Fairveterinarian. $37,50; Treasurer of tober, 1938, the number of Ohio old grounds as fine a display of pure As this Is written ''Buck'' Rider, aid kit llnd Buck waS ready to fl6h swer in said cause. State, support of f4~ur dependent age pensioners and the amount paid bred livestock as wlil be shown any-! ' Bssi. tall L Corrunlssloner of ,Ohio's again, which he did unW the s~n In the ·matter ,ot th e estate of chl£dren, $64.03: Columbus 13lank I,l:cm s ubstan tially Increased in 1939 whcre In the country this year. C011servaUon Dlsvlsian, lies In a closed at midnight, with never a kick once William HasUng, deceased; wul Book Mfg. Co.. 1 boollc: vendor's 1\- over the previous year, Here are the very erltl al condit;lQn in the Spr lng- about the way he felt. Ih1mJtted to probate, Lucy Ha:stlngs fj gures: The State Dlvlalon of COnservaThat Is II. Uttle picture. oC Buck appointed executrix. Lee ' W. McCOr· ce:.: ::':ter Comp:any. 1 Journa.l field hospital-the result or an auLO Pensioners Yearly grants tion reports revenues for the year 'R OOT FOR AND ("ONSIGN , accident lhnt cQst a leg and left Rider, a better man than most of 1.IS, mlck· Frteadnk Ha~~y and O. ~. H1fal' f W t.s Iss d N 13 "7 00 1938 111,736 $30,344.'169 1939 exceeded ,those of 1938 ' by your Cattle, hClgll, sheep IItld calv." appoln appra-=,rs. , 0 arran .ue , 0. , .; Norris·Brock C..., live wire and 125,699 31,956,624 $34,608.08 and expenditures lor the to olJler 1njurle. !3uck h , many and If anyone cao beat the odds, he In th e matter of the estate of Stanley Eamhart,~ p . M., stamps for 11139 proIlTe!tlllvt! fi r., f'lT he b'lgtlr t friends hl our coun ty who ~rc w;::~ can, It it Isn't In the cards-Happy' Arthur Wllliamson. deceased; per- auditor, $20 00; Marchan t Calculatyear were $182,859 less than the pre-I' market prlcell and good seme . - - ' UDif>D Stoc" 'fa rd,' CineiD.ati, 0 , Ing him w Ii 111 one of the toug s I Hunting Buck, your a. real 10 or of sonal property ordered sold a.t prl- 1118 Mach. 00., repab's to addlng An>f a ,JanU8l'y'10tll, Congress re- VIOU8 year, Tun e in n.. -111) Station W(lKY bat.tl!!S Itt long ocicls II man ever ' lhe outdoors! Vllte '!laie. ' machine, $9.47 ; The Dayton Stencil cords the highest death rate In Its 12 :26 t o 12 :80 ;;. m . for our fought. We 11.ave goOd renson to I the matter of the estate of 0 , Works Co., steel stamp, die, seals lor history, 18 me~bers of the House market r.porta. kno.r.v that his reputation for pluck .. __ .~ FJ: Brandon. deceased; inventory sealer of weightll I m d m~ures, and two Senators having PBsslld on anet !lameness was. 11 eamed. ' ~ I£ SA YSproved. $18.96: Horder's Incorporated. journ- during the session. There are two ."~==--!,,",!!~~ -!!!,,!-,!!!,! ,,-!'!! Members of the Warren, County Fish! In ~l'ie matter of the estate' of als, clips, storage, boJ!es, etc., '6.65; vacant sea~ i~ . th!l Ohio Bouse delean d Game AsSn. remember a coupl • Mary E . Riley, deceased; schedule of Barrett Brothers, 25 ClOSt bUIs. '1.45; gation, formerly occupied by Chester ~VE ,# C 0 ·" one of months ago when lie spo k e a t tlIt' $ L.l" t=oL.~$ ,-n·u:!)' , debts approved. - Col um b us BJa n k Boo".; ..DlUg. O. Bolton, or Cleveland, and W. A. group'S meeting, h e w!lS suffering A OR-TA I\~W ~ .- tn the ~tt.er ot the estate of 650-pag~ J nventorY . ELnd Appraise. Ashbrook of-Newark. • BACKACHWORENW-SJIFf.HESI from an Infected sty which had n l.A$$IGNMENr i'l-4~ ~ R. 0 , DlU'J'agh . deceased: Inventon: ment 'Record No. 88, probate court. ' 'most osed one eye. Buck left LebaiH $\,lBJ/:Cl" 0' lOPAY$ approved, $77.50; The OhIo Law Reporter Co" The State Tax oCpltftment reports l!O llibout midnight. had his eye , $t::RMO)..1~ \~ $OM'p,,,, In the matter of the estate of sub.l!crlptlon to Ohio Law ,Reporter" personal service ' cqsL of that depart... WAYNESVILLE, OHIO lanced 't he .next morning, worked it 'AT $OME OF "rOU$E Ida H , Cline, deceased; Inventory $6.00; Gibson, 1 bo.tUe Carter's InIt ment In 19390 were $251,323 less than If tim good rub biDIIB with IIOOthlng, SUNDAY ~ MONDAY half daY then with his wife, Esther, !fHOULD BE $E~PIIl1' and schepule of debts approved. eraser, '-60 ; Lyle. Blank Book MIg In 1938 and $240.646 I~ss than In 1937 warmln« M u.etel'910 don't brina you Iloriou.e relief from tho88 torturinll. m\llland brother EllI, met 'th.1s ,writer on \ \0 U$ IF '{OU "PEel' In . the matter of the esta~ ot Co. , 1 lot ot sheets, ruled, printed The annual costs (or !\uch services January 21 an~ 22 euiur IIches anll palos-due to cold-by , Mad River at noon for a last fllilg at \ 11-(1$ ' "to Millard P. Weaver, deceased; w1l1 ad an!! Punched, '~O.OO.. In these year.s were: 1939 1,209,6U all mCllI\ISl!ceyourdoctor. But MUlterol. usually DOES TIlE WORK"F·IRST LOVE' ~ !a'out-the season was to clOSe at KEEP COM 'tOll mUted to probate, Charlotte Munger' The Sookes Dairy Co" milk, $5.94: 1998-$1.460,964 'llnd '1937-$1.450,28:1.-, . MUlltcrole gives q\llck 1'('lIef beeaUM midnight. We fished ·uotll dark with , appointed executriX, Charles , W. Willlam HulJord, Jr., feeding prisonIt'a' MORE than "jUllt a IUIlve." It'. ,a .with wonderful 800thln r ·'courJ,.r-l,r'nc ver a "word from Buck about that '~ Munger, E. C . Weaver and Prank erl!, $387.75; William Hufford, Jr.. Ohio's ba.ln~ced budget, tt~ury 'Dnt" whicb penetrates the outer laY*bad eye that would have 'Put most of ,Croll appolnted appraisers. washing for prisoners, $38.29; Offmo surplus nnd pay-as-you-go polley ' DEANNA .DURBINof the akin to ltelp OWIC local rona_lOR and pnin, Used by millions for over 80 us In bed. He was just too Interesled In the matter of the estate of Manutacturlng co., 15 gal. drum continues to attract natlol'ml attenyeul'Bl 3 strenltths: Regular. ChUdnID'. In · Ush1n g to 110tlce. About nine Frank Schooley, deCeased; Laura, C. formaldehyde spray, $33.69; John tlon and draw fire. Having just dls(mUd) a nd Extra Strong, 4o¢. , Added Short SubJeela 'clook we were workl.ng Cedar Creek ::" Schooley appointed executriX, Dow" Law & 8on, gas and 011 for ·sherlff's covered that the Ohio Bureau of unwith Ilu-g white streamer flies tlce r, ! 8tewart. Wl'llam S'nell and Alonzo cars, '14.31; MUler Hardware and entf>loyment CompensatJon' h aa a 1 • • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _...;;,. on No.6 hooks, when in laying out a -~,_". '.IJ)I:Olnted appra1lerB. Furniture, 12 flUhlJght batteries and cash, surplus of some $58'~'OOO' 1 TUES. and WED. urtlcularly long' lin e, Buck's back In t 1 ' t ~ ot h e es ~a [) of' bulbs for. sher1lJ" *1.80; Stakalta ranks first In the tra.t1on In ooonomJanuary 23 llald %t '~ ~t c'!-ught him in the temple, buryNcttle Hasting, deceas d: inventory . Mfg. ,90., ',000 dog a:ppl1catlons and lcal adm1ntatra~on of ti;le unemploy. , lng the hook banb under skin and approved. , certificates ~nd cover'S, tBS.80i Ohio ntent compe~tlol'l laws, fourth ~~SEC~ETS OF a.Her Tfaall-A ~ .uatant-...tarl flesh , Without mOl'e than a cuss In the matter .of the estate ' of Pen, ·Wg. an~ sales Dlv., d og tags place In the 'nlUJlber ot job plac~- I \l'ord or two at his clums iness, 'Buck Frances E Je1!ries. deceased; hear- for 1940, ~0.50; AtIlel'lcan Surety m ~tB In SePtember ,and the 18th In I DR., KILDARE" called me over, and whllc Esther Ing on Inventory set for January 26. I Company, premium ~!l bond for dog the average ben(!nts paid to the untu r ned on the flashli ght he never In the matter of the' set tlement of warden,' t3,OO; The Pl'\\nklin ' Ohron~ employed, now co.mes Federal Securwith flinched dw'lng the n ecessary operatile estate of' Walter J. BAker, de- Icle, Inc., 5Q6O post cards for dog Ity Admlnlstry,oor Paul V. McNutt, :eased; es~ valued at t4258.73, ~arden. $74.10, who has ordered an Immedlate!n- LEW AYRESlion of breaking the h cok pblnt Ollt of the skin a ga.ln, cuLtlllg off , Lhe herltance tax determined as none. The Dayton ' Bte~U Works Co. , 1 vestlgat10n to how-rome. Evident -LiONEC BARRYMOR shank.. and ta king the whole works tlSB mE MIAMI GAZETTB In the matter of the settlement 01 I~ Ot.ary seal. 1 rubber stamp for dog lY., taxpayers' bo~ea with mellt yet .•. D~ "u""""lrer '-- Abo Selected Short 8ubjec&a out. A dab of iodine from t he first Want Ads the estate ot' Ohrla Brunner, de- ward en,. '4 ,,"; of Is~te, att.ached ,Is such a national rarity, I ;
Centerville, Ohio
Sand & Gravel
Zain Armitage
State Capital News
,_;;:.== =====:z=:======
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ceased; dlstrlbution' in k1nd orciered, support of 11 chUdren, t34'1.M ; T . F . n. real tld..t)It.1IJ to j~t1r~ an I~ed ....~,..T..U-l:1R .. , - S-»-A-Y-F-a-I-DAY Walker, services lUI .. .veterlnarlan, late a!lB1mllatlo~Land so a )iadc of inheritance tax determined. Jalluary 25 and 2G In the matter of the' ' estate of ' $207,45; Olenn, Poppe, services. 118- the ' "rlgpt · kind" of W~h1ngton I EStella M. Logan. decea~ed; sale Of/ Slating veter1nar11\Jl. .133.00; Dr, H; sleuths , have reached Ooll,1IJl~~' 'BEAU GESTE' , ' real estate, at private, ¥,Je, orderecl. F, DY~, aervlc&l all . veterinarian, wh~re they can pc loc~ted around In the matter , of ',tlfe . eat.ate ', of ,,163.60, ,carll;. Meyelr&. aerv.1ces as- the ~urplua store-hl;luse, Ucklng their ' with J Mary E: Crane deceased' Ma.rIanna,. sistlng v~lnarraD', ' ,18.00; Allce M, chops In greedy ' antiCipation. In , GARY COOPER1Noell appointed admlnJst~tt1x, Vir. Arnold, ,JnvalJd' f5.00; 1II1llard'l commentln~ '1P.Oh, the tnvesuPtlon" RAY MILL gil Russell, AI ~armon. Jr. and J. T. ~yant, InVl,lJd .. ~, ·ts.OO; , 'Mrs. , OhIo ~dmlnl.strator H. V, . AWnIon Add~ 8elee&ed Short Subject.. Crawford appointed appra1sets,' IHeleo 'PourhlDan,l', nvalld care, ~.OOj , ~ald: ThIs Is ty:p!.c~ misrepresent.&In the 'matter' of the 'estate of Wm, Pe~ aenrJtle8 ,l!UIBlstlng ve~i'- I tlon I a!Kl ~tort1on bl( a radical SATURDAY ONLl' Mary Eva Prolla:sco .c1eceaieil' b'anIJ- !na.rl4l1,. f18.00 : ', . " groupe' It Is de~tely false and .January 27 fer of certain chattel Ptope~ '91'_1' 'EllA '~ft, blv~d, \~are, ~'OC); ' . Ed none of ' the :c~I\l'f{~'"w1ll lI~d' imdered. , , ~aller"lnvaUd~, 1t5,OO;' ~ew,4Pp partial scrutJJ1y. I',.m not, the 'IIUght"Li\W' OF ~tamper; InvaUd ~,,\fl0;OO; L~T"B. est ~ed6ver " this' 'IrotesQue MARRIAGE LICENSES, '- 8teele. Invalid ' ~_.I5,OO;1 JOhn , Eo and ' ~bsurd lJ!!Iture~ ' Be POinted out THE PAMPA'SIt ---:.. , Wilson, invalid care, 1'7.00; Charles ~ that 3~ statea have'adOPted: the Olllo Everett Kainpa, 20, shoe 'Yorker, J. Waggoner, premlUf!1.. on suref'J. ~~n~~ath>n' J?I1nu.tp~es ~-that I,L , with Lebanon, and Mary AlIce Robinson, ! bo~ds. t251.25; F'ted '~r COmp- p,tan no,w _UD(ler '!iBY. wll.... Increase, Il.LI.AM BOYD20, ho~ework, t.epanon, I'J)IlDY, 1 record ~ bills ,filed, $28,50; "!le,:~..Y a vet1ge Ileneflts PaiIt in ' RUSSELL BAYDE Leonard WUloughby, 22. , laborer, A. M. Parker,. auditor, ~xpense .t-, OhlOJrO~ _10.~ ~~ .tlt.5O mat1ng1~""'~---~" Middletown, and' June Hoek1ns. 19 ' tend1ng conference,. .U.~; Standard O~I~ tal11C Jo\iith In the hatlon' III :' C:='==~~::~=:-:==:======?~~i=~:::;=.=======:::::::::::== 80utn 'Lebanon, ' 011 Com~y, 9 P). iU for coi'1imta- th~ weekly a~~ra~e ~un~ paid uj ' ~ ., . . ' . .
8lonera,.~."; ~honea
Cen~ omees.
,vir-. :in
=~. ~ J~::e~d 1:'~~~~:~~l ~~ea~ :~e~u:.~~ ~':;~
GUbert Prye to. Plorence . p!lpe;. ; co,u tt ¥use,' _.26;
' J;lectrlc
part, of out lot 1 In Wayn~e, ' j SboP. nipples. plates, Imobe, at JaU, Prank W. Southard land Sarah L - $3.45;; Sud,a...Olernmons. !tl.....vaUd care,
SOuthard to. Burnett M. Butterworth IIIJIO;
~e "JODtiII , -invalid
and' l:)ellorah Butterworth; part 9t "'.00; Earl Jots 33, M aDd 85 In Lebanon. · mechanic, lOt hour& a . O. Purkey to ,Latber Welch; Barr, pay roll, . . ..10 0,60 acre ~t In oarwln. ) JohDIOn Myers. PlY .
"N I "" IlIa-I"GI 'SI. , :F '·1,.I,l' "l.M '.I ,
Oh1o Tel. OoJ')) the eu,Ible IlI1enlP!oyed. " r I, : rent of variowl tea.OO: • : '. ,,' . Ohio centnl Tel,"Cioi-P" , tOlls ~e cI08ltijfaesstOD ot 'i~ lann~ll '
~' 6 flabUor ,t)ie . . ._un . . or. '~,bole1&.
P'oof" ICbool teacher for Ohio, ' The.:..Jlf'OPCII«l . ~D ' wauld- iii" COI1tfDuaa. em~t "
semcea as , ~ ~ ~ teaohen, WOUld
: John J. ~ UIeIil tram "UD~" MJary eats ~ fart.be:npt fllUG: .. 01. ~er to apptII tel ...... of "
•. S' ..
S.I~H '.
,'CA"'.NI BROS ' _ •
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News Of Reds
With a Buckeve In Congress~ . . ••
1940 is an /lven year, That may not mean a thing lO YOI,l, but to foi!owlll'll of the Cincinnati Reds who are Inclined to lean toward superstitions. ., CLAUNca J. a.ow.. It means a great deal. . . . . . . . . Ceq-. , .. OM. DIetrId perhaps it's just a coincidence, perhaps' there"s something deeper to by aftcr the meet,hg o.t ·the. oomm:t:ee. It than that. but whatever it Is, the e ere y. 0 t e easury, en- . This means that the Republican records s how tttal JOhnny Vander ry Morgentbau, Jr .. on January 8th N ' tI n' 0 nltt h th r Meer. the country's toast of 1938. and the national debt of' the 'United a on... oml ee as us ar , I the forgotten man of 1939. always , at tea $42096 784 03 . lout-smarted their Democratic bretha was . . . 4.74, wh ch, ren in t helrrii:ttf!iiiiiitnonOliOiiflmiiT done his best In the even y~rs. of course, is the greatest amount RePublican Conveqt1on until after His first professional 'c ontract was ever owed by the Arner.l can taxpe.y- the Democratic National Meet. The signed In an even year. the winter Irs In th e history of Amelica. Since Republloo.n leadership wUl not have. of 1932. and 1933 found him p itching July 1st. 1939 the United States govfor the Day tOil club of the Middle the time and place to decide upon ernment I1{IS gone in the red. or fur Atlantic League. There. he won 11 for their convention until afiel" aCt tiltH' In debt. by the sum of $2.148.and lost ten In the Class C circuit. Lion has been taken by the Demo7fJ6.439 .oo. according to the Trell8ury but the scouts who watched him. and praLic Committe In calling the Nareport. It such n rate oC debt Inthe manager of the team said the tlonai Convention. In all probab1l1ty creMe continues until t.he end of the fellow dldn·t have a chance ever to both conventions will be held in fiscal year June 30th. the deficit fOl' become a major leaguer. That's how Ohlcago. the year wUI be more than four bilhe managed w shift his allegiance to lion dollars. On January 8th the the Scranton team of the New York A Member of Oongress with a staUnited States Treasury had . under Pennsylvabia League. tistical mind hilS just repOl·ted to his II.:! control. most of which Is buried At Scranton in 1934. Vander ' Meer colleagues some rather interestin g hi the hlll:i of Kentucky. ,17,739.865,showed great Indlcatkns of 'PI'om1se. 427.03 In gold, a.ccordlug to Secre- flgues taken from President ROO6eHe won 11 and lost eight. Increasing velt's speech at the famous J ackson tary Mor~enUlau. In t.he past two his percentage against tougher opDay pinner in Washington Monday years our gold hoard has Increased . pOsition. He remained with the Min· evening. In his relatively short afalmost !lve billion dollars. as In Jan Larger Because of Belter Quality, Service, and Price ers In 1936, an odd year, and slipped Roosevelt UIII'Y 1938 the Treasury had l~pprox1- tel'-<lhmer address. Mr. lonslderably. He won seven and lost Established 1849-1939 - - Waynesville, Phone 32 ma lely thirteen billion dollars In had flfty..slx l'eferences to "r'-="Me" ten. and then. after hi ~ contract was And "MY". TwelVe paragraphs began Kold. The nearly eighteen bllllO~ d~ select.eii by the Boston Bees through D ... nollstroting the power developed by engine vacuum, MillS Evelyn willi the personal pronoun "I". In the medium of a working agreement. larll worth of gold held by the Unof Delroit , i. shown lifting a car by tOllching a linger tip .to the valve of a he received what looked like a tough Ited States reprcsenbs app.roxlmately the twenty-seven paragraphs of h IS Bpeciolly.constructed Iiftine device. The reeular vacuum cylmder used for the talk, the personal "I" appeared a t power geauhift baa Qeen removed ~r~m . th.e car and attached, f?r the pur~e . break. He applied to the Boston Club two t hirds of all gold in the world . of the dc:Jtlonltration, to a sUndar'- .' . t ube. ,:onnects ~V1th the enlme.. least one time In each. for treatment for a sore arm, and and the vacuum developed by tb~ . e entire worlc ,)f operabna: the The first bill to paSs the House of liftine mechanism- juat u it do,'~ ina:lears when the finl!er tip the Bees. Inlndful of his poor 1935 R{'present~t1vcs In tl1js SC6Slon of the , High Naval officials have been ap- ill applied to the ateerilll colli":" , Wood, Chevrolet ....lstan· record, and the posslbUities of his Seeretary of stale Earl Griffith an A flve:day conference on dairy 76lh Congress was the Allii-Lynch- . pearlng betore the House Committee chief ~~~~er, ia .u~, tl:c having a sore arm. Included him In nounced today that he has turned manufacturing 'problems and twoa deal with the Nashville Club. In over to the General Revenue Fund day cal1net's short course .corriprlse h'll BI1l Wh.ICh. after two days of de-1 on Naval Affairs this week, where • bate. deaplte strenous opposition by they have submitted a program callwhich the Bees obtained Tiny Chap- oC the State.' SI64.662.06. in the year the February schedule tor the Ohio lin. Of course. the Nashville Club Democratic Sou them CongJ'essmen, lng for apprOximately one blUlon was advised of his condltlon. but IU:' l;. over and above all operating StAte University agricultural short "011 by a vote of 252 to 131. The Bill. three hundred million doll11lJ'S to . Jimmy Hamilton had seen the boy e1(penses oC his del)artment. I course series. Both courses are free; · which ,Places heavy Federal penl!,ltlcs greatly enlarge the Navy. Tile re0 before, and was wllllng to gamble on GrUIlth also revealed that he conThe dairy technolOgy conference. on lhose participating In lynchings. quest Is [or so much more than exhim. sore arm or no sore arm. ducted his office during the year at February 5 to 9. will consider probnON goes to the Senate. where It Is peeted thnt the high rimklng AdFarm .women whcl are members of So. Johnny started the even 1936 a saving of $6.043.00 from the appro- lems of milk Inspectors. men in the Back from Moraine Oity, where a ~uJ'e to pass If It can be .brougllt.to a mln!.ls are ,being questloned clOsely . __ market milk field. and manuCacturfew days ago he aftended a meeting home eeonomlca councils In 56 or 60 by going to Nashv1l1e. He didn't last prlation allotted to his departm. nt ' I \·ol e. A number' of Southern Sen- as to the need Cor such huge e~ndi t Ohi . ng an d sn I es pro blems pertain In g to Introduclng ' 1940 Frigtdaire electric Ohio counties will mee t a 0 long there, being shifted optionally All Items Incurred during the year ... tte mIlk . Ice cream. ....u ntors have--nnnounced their InteJl- tures and stich IB-rge increases in' r. c heese . an d refrigerators. el.ectrlc ranges and elec State University. Moilday, January to· Durham. a. Olnclnnatl farm. about haVe been paid or nre In the process h 'd ' d I.'! t!ons to flUbullter again.'lt the , pas- Naval strength. 01 er alry pro uc. _ ' -....... d of a ment. trlc water heaters. Mr. Fairley, local 29 , to d"",uss past ex......ences an the first of June. Johnny became an p Y I The canner's short course 18 in~.«e of the Bill ln the senate. In Frigidaire appliance dealer repOrl.'! to plan extension work ' with Ohio immediat~ sensation at Durham. In the original appropriation ' to tended to be a "clearing house for the House every Ohiq vote \VIIS cast Ohio farmers will be Interested In III ravor Of the Bill. knowing that for the first ten that tills compa'ny's products tills home agents for the coming year. ' winnlng 19 and lOsing six. and fan- Ills office last year. Grlftlth took the problems of Interest to canners, their ~8. Grace Bell, Zanesv1l1e, state Ding 295 men in the 214 Innings he biggest proportionate cut of any field men, grqwers, and supply mm." months of 1939. under Adlnlnlstra· year excel any previously oftered. "The Information I learned about chairman. wlll preside at the Set!- worked, This caused the OIqc1nnatl state departmen t. yet waa able to To be held Pebruary 14 and 15. thl~ 0\ caU hIlS been issued for the Dem tlon reciprocal trade treaties, the cr;>.tlc National COmmittee to con- Importation of catUe Into this coun ~ the 1940 lines was to me conclusive ·slons. Mrs. S. S. Studebaker, MiamI Olub to purchase his contract from save 5.6% from t.he operatmg expens- course will hav~ as Its highlight a . banquet on the first night at Which "l'l1e In Washln,t.On ~ on Fe~ruafY 5th try !rpm foreign lands more than evld nce that features haVe reached county , Is secretary-treasurer of the Nashville, which recalled him from es, Mr. Fairley said. state a1isoclatio, n . Group singing for Durham. of course. The purchase Griffith stated-"The approprlatime growers who win 1939 champnew perfection." ~o UK n time and place for Jloldlng doubled. the figures standing 664.339 o f the Democratic National' conven- for this 'y ear against 530,653 ~or the "The engineers. technicians and de- the day will be led ,by Mrs. Lester price was '7.500 down and $17.500 tlon of my department for the year Ions hip awards will be honored. more If retained. The deal was con ~ 1940 Is $72.022.40. I antlclpate operliOIl. 'T he Republican National Oom- same period In 1938. Wheat Imports signers who developed the new mod- Ut.z. Crawford county. mlttee will meet It days later, on Jqmped from 2.433.000 to 9,:nO.000 els undoubtedly have outdone ~emDean john F. CUnilingham will ex summated during the uneven 1997. atlng my olllCe for this year at less Pf:bruarY'lfJtb. to arrange tor the lte buslle1s; fool from 69.810,000 to 197.- selves in incorporating improvementS tend the greetings of the Unltveraity which Willi Just as much of a nlght- than that flgure for the reason that [lubllcan National convmtlo~, which 026.000 poUnds; casein' from 317,000 that are both practical and al(rae· to the 450 women who are "xpected. I mare for the portsider as 1939. all 1939 Items of expendlt\ll'eS have under the rules of the Committee. to 6.876,000 pounds; oats from 5,258 tive. A report of the Nat ional Home DemWith the Reds In 1937 Johnny won been encumbered under last year's three and lo6t five. He then was opmust be at Je~t ~ hundred days to 2,612.000 bushels; maple "Eve.ry year I ,have a feeling that onstratlon CouneU meeting Is to be appropriation ' and we shall have no 1 b ... J 0-.& Trumbull tloned to Syracuse. where h.1s record ---from 3,798,000 to 12.136,,000 pounds; new models cannot Pooslbly be ap- g ven. y IOU.,. ean. . A=u, Lengue game -'aued o'n Januar ,v worse. !lve wins agalnst 11 Items held over Irom the previous ... , I+Ild so qn ad nauseum. On the other prec1ably Improved over the previous county, and severa'l women Wb 0 at- was even . year to · pay now. In 1939 our oper- 11 . 1940 ; S .r ingboro 36. Mason 3~ . hand during the same ten 'months ear's "nits: Butea.ch year I dlscov- tended the London, England, meet- setmacks. Mind you. his record 1n.,AA atlng expenses. less the publicity Y In 1937 waa worse than In the maJors . League games played on January .. In 1999. In comparison 'wlth resour~es Cor de- Ing of the Asiocla~ COWliry Wo- In 1939. when he .won fiVe and lost pamphlets, and an extensiVe investl- ,12. 1940: Morrow 27, Waynesville 25; velopment have Invented new ad- men of the World are ·to live br1et nine, He dld strike out 102 men In The 1939 figure lSbased on a tenta- Harveysburg 26. Oarlisle 23; Kines ~rom 1U66,000 ~ 5.087.000 bushels; vantages' lp fOOd keeplng and 'prepar resumet! of their ~lpreulons. 129 Innings last year. which shouid Live computation but Includes pUb- MHIs 36. Otterbein 16. ,t! om fro~ 137.709.000 to 25,634,000 atioll, These Improvments pe more Mrs. Avice Rousel Meigs Oounty, satisfy everybody that he still has lIcation a~d distribution of many League Standings l lydia E_ "'"kha",,·. V.;t::*':11 ,' ~_' . bUBheds; oats from 7.1t4,000 to 203;- strlking this year than ever befOt:e, will preaent her V~E:W5 of the relation plenty of stuff. . phamplets. and an extensive Investl_ January 13. 1940 HuH....... ~ 000 bushels; wheat from '77,382 ootI , F~'" ,""nltD today do no' ba ... of refinements of excl~s1ve Frigidaire I ship of land to 1'Ul'1ai life and will InDoes Bill M£Kechnle belleve that gatlon ot election matters In Pike. W L Stand. 'unCllon,,1 I,Oulll<l. M!I,ybe ;::d~ noticed to 61 .)66,000 bUShels; nay from 60,629 added usefulness vlte discussion . by the ' audience. A Vander Meer. will come back? The Jefferson. Mahonlng. Summit and Springboro 4 0 1.000 YOUH8ELP\IIltUftjI"-"'U-. .~ to 3.000 tons, etc., all of whlcp Is one features provide ch~"'tC!I)I-)'/iu.""'ktoamw: , ..,.,...3 0 1.000 Then 1,ry-1.),dla E , Plnkham!_ :vcota ble ot'the maln ' ~ns why the ·.farm- that ofters every user greater savinlJS dialogue by Mrs . .John KInder. Mi- answer- is YES. Bill believed ln Columbiana Oounties together wArn' Kings Mills COmpound to help .qUl. t uldtruJil, ~, ami County: and Mrs. John Hart, Johnny In 1938. after his terrible all other opera.tlng e~penses of the Carlisle 3 1. ,~50 relIeve monthl)' Pl\ln CeraIIIP.II, boacka_ ers ~f Ohio ~d Amerlca. are having and convenlen;ce." ~d.nhe) . nd _11 dll\l8T .",,,tiDI -P!II~ Preble county, wUI call a't tention to season In the miDQrs. If be was wlll- oftlc&Morrow 3 1 .750 making ends' due to functlunal ~!I<t... Por 0".. eo so much difficulty y .... Plnkllllm'. OOID~~1Iu belpect-bun- m~t. the responsibillty of indivIdual coun Ing to .go along with him then. cerHarveysburg 1 3 .360 . drtKla or thu ...nd8 of ,.-.; nmdon ¥I" cil members In making tbe planned talnly he Is willing to go along with Llfe Is Just perverse enough to Otterbein 1 3 .250 'yo... 1'0....~ Trv UI ; . . Last Thursda.y the Senate 'passed extension 'program eftic1ent. him now, particularly after seeing un\.SA Ulose who operate on the basis Waynesville 0 3 .000 t he JenlrlDs Bill requiTing paYJIlent H._C. Ramsower, director of Ule what the boy did In 1938. Bill be. r I ttID th tak of Mason 0 4 .000 Ohio ~rlct11tural Extenaion that as long as a fellow - Is ~~ g ,e morrow e care League games this week : January the Federal governl1lent to' Ohio the approxbnately . one 11111l1on will discUSS challlilfs In home econ- sound. he can repeat performances. • 19th. WayneSville at KIngS Mill. >-----:.---hundred thousand dollara of ,f """""""omics e~tenslon wor,k and will give He beHeves In Vander Meer, liked he his opinions of what 18 utely to hap belleved In Paul Derringer In 1938 af cep~ Ill' Investing, and the early exold age pension funds for October B1 WILL ROGERS It we know whllt we want we can I, H_. , ......, EMe. . 1 ;938. wh!.0h . had \jeen held 'Up b e- _F0L1(S are , forever tel]in' storiec pen In this field I:b ' the future. Meet ter the big felJow won only ten perlel1ce Is always costly. u.................:.ow.Ings ln the forenoon Will be held m games In 1937. Derringer has vlndl-+-<;N!!nood""=<L..1"""'LilOl.......,"'-!r..............LI..................<:,;I.:...J.l5UWJ.~~~ cau~ qf a. . abOut how smart the.r little '1 . ' 1. "". tIowDle Y.I 1,...P!ln.... '"!Iy to _ the Itchma-' and lortur' of E<1_, ItdI- e,; Stllte and the i:hildren are. But so fur as I know, ~;;;. -;;;;;.;;;.;;;;;..:;:. -.;.;; ' =;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;=;;.;;..;.;; ~.;;;;;;;;;;;;~-;.;;;;;;.;;;;;=====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I"" To,,,, o. F.." Ra..... and RICInv ol~" ••. Roasevelt NatjQnal Administration no one ever tella about the snappy OamPbell Hall QUit afternoon' meet- cated Bill's Judgement. Now we'll see 1_lIy . ~u;.d "'In .,upllon. ....d t"ot It !o Inga will Ib e In tbe King Avenue M. what V~nder Meer can do. . . answers that the parents 80me _Iy ' M_'. ' ~Id 011 nlohl. ond mom· , And, don't forget, 1940 Is an even ~ 1l1li CIIId .... Who &om ...... embcrr- at that time. Th.e iBll had 'previous,l y times make , to theIr o1fsprincs. E. Ohurch. • •"" or. !Wlghlly "oob.", "'ovid .....IM pnssed the House by a unanimous This here one haa to do with a yea~ proud dad and how he evened' up J":.. II,;,. IJII..,· Rnt-da. d.lIeIl!,t 'a' 01\ OtIgIIlClI V'lte last Bummer .f, ""Ie of Moo".', ·E..... cild 011 and ref_ ' ler . .the seore with the 'better half. oecettI an..,"'''''' ~I• . It I, ,uch a hklhly c...,· Three new marks were establshed With IRVIN S. COBB Ihol a._Ii· bolile looh o 10'" 11_ CIIId 'urtheiino.. If thlo <1_, !by the 1939 Reds. They batted In 714 ,.1 •......-.... 011 thaI hel", _",ole ..... 11"" runs, 22 more than any other Clnclnlol~ I., gI... '10" lull IOII_tion can ha-. ..,0..' _"., refunded. ' natl team In the National League. EI';te of LU,.. M. Eibert, '._:-. . ' ,!,'1 .:. , " They scored 76,7 runs, one more than . NO~~", 18 ~erebY liven ~t O~Yde _ _ the .l932 team. which held the P~Vl Egbert ·whose POst 'Oftlce Address is By IRVIN S. COBB CUB record. and they worked oppOsln Waynesv:llle. Ohio baa been duly It S81111l8 that JOhDnY ",as readpltchers for 495 bases on ,balls. The 1" 1[1:> one is, .o~ th~ vintage of ~he days between the Mexican War pointed as Administrator of t he .Es- ing the' book ot aeience and. he BaYII, previous record was held by the 1912 " ... 1 the Civil V, al' uays when the relular army was a ftlw r t·gitate of LIly M: .~ late .of War- "Say Pa, didn't Edison make tho H;rJT. s ~aLte\'ed along the frOlltier, and the state militia wa.· what ... ", r team with 479 pa.sseB. first talking machine1" . IEUEEI Ja. • r••SIfe~ .;tp••rid-LIle••t FWI . . CQunty.,Ohlo, dccea.S'ed. .nd VI ho evel' l:llleared in the field on Muster day. "No, Ion." stUd his dad. "God __ se....." . ..." ' . - . r u ;. ~" l' ti ll y was the big annual event in the lives .. f th" you ng mted this 8tq day 01 January l~O . made · tbe first one, but Ediaon . ~ 45 • ..;" 1odoy .01 a'lY. drvg ,!ore lo~ 0 Somebody Is always doing wha " 1'11 ,,( lbl: ~t :..les carved out of the Northwest territol·Y. 011 th i~ dllY 1)011)- 0' Budcl.y·, CANAl>IOL NlI"ure (lflpl. Oarl AbaeeherU, Atty, made the liTllt one that could b~ . somebody else said col;lldn't be done .hl' ""llouel-mo re "ften appOinted on account of his oratorical ,lL i lil1 adlng)-by 'or ",.lo'9et' .elll"" ~h ,.~Icln. shut off_,! .. cOoiQho due 10 eoId. or bro~1a I ItrtloilOl1l, Lebanon. Ohio . • ' _ (.A.e~CU N~'" 1M...... la..) In!!l! winlry 0In0d!>. . ' . . ~. • RALPH H. OAREY. 'Tola a.couPl- dooet.'e,e lil. aul.ltr._rul, If at tlrst you don't IUcceed. bor ~I .."..,.,11 .. ovGh ~Ihroal, tad 0110 Judge of the Probate COurt row some more money___ the poll broIIdIiOl tu ~1l .aC11 aulcl<ly-.1artt 'Jobi I" 10 Nobody ever lOst mone~ by paying 1000.n up "'I choItlng Phi ...... -"'.~ ....... Warren County~ Ohio ileians do_ llian .. !I..... I!!Q~. braathlRl1 eos)" : Gel B~I..,·. " oft the mortgage On his house. "
th~rd~' to ~~ O~ci~l repo~ I
Fairley Hardware Store
Financial Report Of Two Short Courses Given In February Secretary Of State \
Frigidaire Features Home EconomiCS eOODea T MAO SU Improving Each Year eett t . .
Warren CODnty Schools
Basket BaD League
Fiery Itching Skin Gets' Quick .Reli.f
Rogen' Humorous Story
op.. "In.uII..
-'0 _"aItd ",_"""
't'------------------------.. . .
Around the World
·· _-·_-----------------------01 Getting the Dates Mixed
'OCI* 0'
~IOL ,.,.""',. today. 0-- 10 "III!~
• .)
By ,.Gene Byrnes Iii:.; , knowledge ot military matters-'ealJed the youth o ~ the bl1~hfor a looli:ing over. Majors, captains, and Iieut~n!lnlll '\L " II . g : . l l\g out a bumper ",Uendan(.'e. SO!pe ",ere "cl'ittel'" C()IIl~ •• 1. " , Inch mOllnt 'hey 'were' mounted on their own ho rses, un}! some 'd r ~fQ t ; a-Il ~vjthout unitorms'''and none with I!omplete equ ip ment. l'd'Vnto Ne)s Gllrrett of the "Raccoon ' Bliltl .~" a compan}' i>t .t he n !: ·.\nl1 Hilles, expected a cOTpol'al"bip if thing!! tumed ollt ]·Ight. I c;\lfn~ h', . quat! tor a . m.eeting the night before at Ka.m's !;tnlhol,.,e. ,' •• ifit:<l hy ltq:e drinks of, .{{/1o.r n's ·~liJ)g.". Nel s~ squap wa!; reu lf '" . I \ .\ '1 deyilr- a~ 'tlif.'X ., ftled out ~fore diylilrht. 101: tho trude. :. !("" ~. th n ti1 11 , ,to. tfi~ ; p(,jnt ot, 1'endeSYo11{1. ' o ( !lI'an ~ll'le and ~is ared wife ' all/" hail' it in , mind tc )." 1'8 . "('I eoi,H~' . 'L'h 'Y cut acTOn the woods an~ through the tlt t'~ grave, 'lSl,1 ,,"tid "'ere' JU-'It comJnc 'ver the ",lilll all N,,\s and lti s ,lfa'rt)' hoft '''l to . 'i' 'N jn lhe uncertain Ilrrht of the: Dft'bom ",urn. '. I '"1,, tvj "lCllt!cted everybody to be at the )lOIter, but- be ~ "~'1r ·,.1)1 pr"Plll'OO "fOl' thlL Yet, if h ...... 110 lie • eorporal, h.., lnMa ta1c~ tl". i ... ;tt .. tty". ' . , '. -;-. "<;0 on back, ~ h. erietl. WlWlnIr hU anna to the bnt yl ~( gf'Ound stile,' "Go ,08 back. Tid. lie... DlUrn. 'Ii ' js the llaaooOiI ~1I..eer da,)II , •
- ..... ,
ST MARrs EI~SCOPAL CaURCD . Rev, R. L. Ibek"ell, R~'&or
McClure Funeral Home Waya••vUle
• • It· • •
• fA
.THE ,AMERICAN 80Y Hundreds of thousands of boyl nod youug men read THE AMER· ICAN BOY Magazine every month and con.s1de::, It more as a living companion iban as a maaazJne. "Ws as much a buddy to me as my neighborhOOd chum" writes one high school ~nlor. "THE AMER_ JOAN BOY seems to understand a boy's problems and constders them In such a sympathetic and helpful w y. It gives advice and entertalh.. Ing reading on every subject in which a young fellow Is lDterested· H Is particularly helpfUl in sports. I made our school baske'tbaU team because of playing Ups I read in THE AMERICAN BOY Many t amous 8 thletes In all sports credit much of then- success to helpfUl suggestions received trom sports aracles carried In THl!I AMERICAN BOY Magazine. Virtually every issue orrers advice from a fnmous coach Qr player. .Football,
It. Holly
Mr. and Mi'a. Glenn GrutlOt ~d sqn Don, o( NOrwOod spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford and tam1l,y. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shaw and tamBy of near Spring Valley spent BUnday with Mr. and Mrs, Lue Morsan. Mrs. Marie Shaw spent sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Earnh....t and famUy , . Mr and Mrs. HUey Gibson and da hte P lin Mr d MrS ug r au e, . . an . Glenn Gruhot and son Don, Mr. and M1'8. Clarence Crawford and dau,hter Mlnn1e spent Baturday wiUl Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bunnell of Waynes vUle. Mrs. Helen Crawford , Mra. RlMle .00b80n called on Mrs. Chester Shaw
Mr. IIDrace Danbey of 'Clrle1nID~"1 la 110 lead Cbe IIIDI1Ps ..t the Bervte. aobeduled to ltart at Perry January 22. Jr. BmIth baa m1aaed ate'll th1I- week trom echool on. account of 1lln... Mrs. Jennie MUllen la alsO suft'erinar from !Pip. Mr. and Mrs. Lester oer1iiu'd wen Sunday ~esta of Rev . a.ri~ Mrs. Carl Smith and famlly. H. R, Pordyce WM able to · return to war'" ea.........'. .. •... ...... The Harry COmella moved ~ LYtle last 'lburaday and rM, and Mrs. Carl Randall moved Into the house vacated by the Cornelia on Friday and Saturday. The Rand&l1a ncently purchaaed the Oornell farm at auction.
It. offer a ,ati.factory Service at all time.
basketball: track, tennls, In fact every major sport Is covored In fiction and fact articles. Teachers. llbrarians, parents and leaders of boys clubs also recom· mend THE AMERICAN BOY en. thUBlastically. They have tound that as a general rule regular read. era of THE AMERICAN BOY advance more rapidly and develop more worthwhile characteristics than do boys who do not read It. Trained writers anel artists, tam-
SEPl'UAGB8IMA SUNDAY 7:30 a, m, Holy COmfnW'llon. 10 a. m. Ch~h School 11 a. m , Morning. Prayer and sermono The sermon will be of Joseph the lad ~ho dreamed great dream&and. In sp.lte , of . ha.rdsh~W thOBe dreams come tl"Ue. MONDAY 6:30 p. m. Annual )lIU'LsI1 dinner and meeting at the I.Ittle Inn.
lor new leAtares I
Church &hooI9:30 a. m. Worsolp Mon da y aftemoon. service 10:40 a . m. The pastor wi1l Mr . Frank Kellis remaJns In a sergiVe his thlrd sermOn In the serles lous condition at hla home here. on "The Lord's Prayer For Today". The subject wlll be : "The Dlvlne Providence." . EJ>worth League Monday evening at 7 p. m . Recreation period wUl follow the devotional meet1ng. Mrs. Kesler Graham spent WedThe church wlll hold Its January nesday of last week with her mother pot luck ,upper and get-to-gether Mn;. C, W. Albritrht at Pekin. meeting at the church FrIday. Jaw Mr. and Mol. W. F. Clark of Dayuary 26. An interesting program ton called on MrlI. Mary GannoD.Y will lollow the suppeI with Rev. Geo ana Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark on Garden or Hydemb!ld Indn as the Sundll.Y. speaker. He wUl show moUon plclIr. and Mrs. Therle Jones , and tures or his work. Mrs. Margaret Johna were Dayton shoppers TbUraday, l\IT. HOLLY M. E. CHURCH Mr. and lira Paul W1lllama ot Leb T. M. Scarff, Mlniater anon were Sunday dinner lUest.. of Sunday School 9:30 a.. m. E A. Mrs, Belle Boott and lam1Jy. Miss Wanda Clark la home from Earnhart. Sup"t. ller work aa nurse at Miami Valley Evening service 7:30. t,~pltal. on account 01 a aeva-e atPrayer meeting Wednesday eve- tnt k of grip. nlng 7:30 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Xenrick vlsA welcome awaits you at these lted relatives in SpringbOro s.tur. services, Come and ImJoy them with day afternoon. us. Miss Mary ~ornbeck of Dayton,
ous coaches and athletes, explorers scientists and men successful In business and indust.rY join with an experienced staff to produce lu AMERICAN BOY, the IIOrt of ' rendo i ing matter bOYS like best.
THE AMERICAN BOY sella on most neW88tands at 15c a copy. Subscription prices are $1.50 tor -300 f three De yoor or • . or . years. Foreign rates fiOc a year extra. To subscribe simply send your name. address and remittance dJrect to
METHODIST CHU~CH Louis C. Iladle,., .... lor
THE AMERIOAN BOY, 7430 Becond Blvd .. Detroit, Michigan.
Mr, ani MrlI.
Mr, and Mrs. George Smith and famlly are plannlng to move to their new home at New Vienna aa lIOon as
AmlU'1cJ&u .:'iew. :reatUJ"••• lac.
- - ,_._ --
Miami 6azett
Pathfinder Polls'
Fano WomeD;S Chorus To Sing Farmer's Week
The trouble wllth commlttes I The . !'~t re~lar meettng will , be that they are .",..". """"...... at ·the home ~f Mrs•. Mary SFferd wbat otbIn wm thlDlt: ,til." IMDl t February 10th. . have aUiht rionnttenae ,. tibIIr _ BOOK REVIEW CIBCLE jnd.....t. . ... c. ..... Miss Grace Smart entertained the members ~;;tbe Book ,ReYlew Circle' at a l'unebeon, Tuesday noon. 'N lowing the luncheon Mrs. O. G . Ran '. dall .revIewed "Orandma 0111" it , 0Arna1" by ........ · rna Griswold was a New "BDilandei ' Amo.. 110],. or tlle ~ld school 'who f~t the twentl~th century and all ite InnovatlOllS,. The ibook la cbWin, ~ hu- ~ morous and was app~lated by 'the ' .... '., ......" ..... fw • ..,. ~ cluti members,
MIl".' .BOYS'''IJFE .................. ... ...... '.............................. '
Mr. and. Mrs, ' Oharl. Doe~ are congratulatlona upon the birth of a llttle daUgbter, Bar~.. _ Mr~. OeorJe M. De~ ~ 'II.n: Georae · Pidieon aDd little ~ter were Tuesday aftemoOri' . . . . . '. and Mrs. W. c. '1le1HrnoI:
...,.........,......... _....,........ ,................... HllHrlptI..
. ....'!.......................
H.....rtl .... · ...........*\* ..
Doman. ·6......
An , ..... Olf.,., A.y loy lend' to, ,.ar',
Ura. W. E, 'oil"" . . ..; WIl-
mtIiIton MoDda.Y ~
Ut'. and , lira. Oeorte II. IJIDa,r lett WedneeclQ . far ....... to • matn UblU &be fInt 01 ....... ~ frIeadi bere 'or . .J
Warel are
bII' Iidc-'Jl_Irt::
roR SALE-A No. 1 fte8h COW With e&lt by side. 'W&ltt:r H. Whitaker. . JIll'
The Ladies A1d meeting 01 the SUrpr Creek chUrch wbleb was to have been held on January 18 at the home of Mrl. P. J . 'lbomas hM been poatiloned UntlJ Pebruary. The p , J. 'I'bornases spent Sunday BROOD 80~8 in LeIlanon with the LAWI't'DCe SPOTl'£D-POLAJ(D1!I ThoJJl&llell. Kr. Tbomaa (tb. latter) I have the Idnd tha~ producea W&8 OveJlCOJna wth acetylene. &a' In hJlI aaraie last Prtday and la In a thOle large Jltte1'8 of top market pip 'poor c:ondiUon ... relUlt. He is 1m. HOjJ prlCftl are aolnar up. Be ready. provlnr slowly however. O.e t a lew eXt!:a Bred Bows no". (). D, SHIi:UIAN 1 % MUe North C!f 73 on RoU~ 48
First ~Cholce
------------. SALE-Player Plano and rolla III talr condition '10.00 caeh. Roaer Brown Third st. . J18'" ' _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
PUer and family of Alpha, and Mr. Will Gustin, and Mrs, Sidney FUer of CentervUle road. They all toaether presented ~he llUest of honor with a lovely Bold watch.
Robert Siney were ThW'lday evening dinner IIUee&a ot UTICA U. B. CHURCH Mr. and Mre. Keeler Graham. M1s8 Bub A. HIU, PastOr Hornbeck was an overnight IIUelr at Sunday. January 21 the 81neY8, MIas Elizabeth Graddy, Warren 9 30 n, III w ;dny school, Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jonee and eon Gorsuch. Supt. Mrs. Margaret Johna and MrlI. J , B. county home qent annou~cee the 10:30 a.. m. -Mornlng ,,'a ~ IJ p Jon-:s saw "Swanee Rlver:' at Kelths farmwomen'e chorus of 200 Iltlected from chonll groups lD 14 Special speaker: Re1r, Eust.ace Heck· Dayton SWlday evening, Mr. Harvey Burnet was laat week coWlUeawU] appear at Ohio State ert Dayton, O. 7:00 p. m.-Ohrlf;Uan Endeavor. elected prealdent of the Ohio UUk University during PaJ'lnera' Week on Producers' Federation, with head- Wedneeday, January 31. Leader: Marquedletll Wilson . rtteae llng1na ll'OuP,I were atlqted Our . special speaker deserves a quarters at Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. William Rogers and in 1934. when fann women in Warlarge audience. daughter '~led on Mr. and El- ren c:ounty decided ' that lack of mer . Durrell and cWdml and Mr money to buy commercial entertainWAYNESvn..LI: CHURCIi OF and Mrs. Charles, Hoff in M&Io~ ment mtlJht be a bleaa1nl in ~ cnlST Sunday afternoon. beCaUle:lt ~I1ed people, to UtilW. C. SmiUlI. MlDllter Mrs. Harvey Burnet, attended the lze their own talent. 'Group ain&lnIr Bible smool 9:S0 a.. m. Fanners' club Thurs$y at Wayn• .' Dot oiIJy entertaiDed the chorus Communion 10:45 a.. m. vUle rranae hall entertained by Mrs. members biirTiirnlahed wholesome Ohr1stIaD EndeaV()f 7:00 P. m. Martha H0U8h. reanat10n at rural meetiql w~ere Preachlng 7:30 p . m. ' Mr. WW1am Smlth and Mrs. ora ~e chorus appearea.-WEDNESDAY Brlckel of Xenia were SUI}(lay after~' . 'S lnce 1934, 17 counUea have Bible study 7:30 p. m, noon ~Ue1'8 at the home ~f Mr. and rural ~omen'l c:boru1h..~ with 400 .Mrs. J B Jones women iJU'Uc.lI»otinr. Local mUlL FERRY CHURCH OF CHJU8T Mrs.' c~ who has ,been car- dana have donated their time ~ ftW. C. SJbltb, MJnlater Ing for her mother, Mrs, Mary Gray hearae the Il'OUPl, ancJ, lOme of the Bible IIChool 9:90 a. m~ returned to her hOule at Indepen- county ohoruaeti have acquIred repCommunion 10:45 a. m . dence Ky, Monday, Mrs. Dr. Bmlth utaUollll eXtend1nlJ much beyond ·the ,Preaching 11:00 el. m, of DaY,t on b now st.ayll'llJ at the county, I?m'ders. MONDAY Gray home as Mrs. Gray rema1na ~re wtll be a noon l~on 1D ,. two weelts revl1~al startlna· Mon- quite m. the church and )1118 Graddy IQII day evening and rwming two' weeks, the luncheon reeervatlona with Horace Dabney of Clpclnnatl , reach her by January 20. leading the amlJins: and minIa~r W. lien are . t beateD .., tilt. _ C, Smith doing the preaching. MeetthlDp 110 much ... by ' , the ibg each evenil'llJ at 7:30 p. m. The publlc la InVited to - attend, and a WIllI. . s pecial invitation is extenclecl to the WOMEN'S CIVIC LEAGU8 churt hes of the foUowlng commun- . The Woman's Civic LeallUe met at EveryOne elIie la a ~tlal itles to come and I~rlng & deleption the home of Mrs,' ~ura ShldAker, of u.' With a specJal nUlp'b er In m~c, wi.7 Saturday eyenlng, January 13th. neevllie churches th~ flrlt even1nlt Due to weather conditions there was Tuesday. Lytle; Wednesday, Center- not a large attendance. . vUle; Thursday, Bellbrook; . Friday, ~lloWlng the buainess meeting Spring Valley; Saturday, Mt. HoU,y. the program committee took charge. To get the most out of the revival The program topiC was "Boots" and start at the very belinnJng, Mrs. Oharles Sm.... t gave a review o.f "Children of God" by Manus ' ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH F1aher, Th1/J Ia & "tory of the Mor18 very enllghten1n,. The Rev R. H, Knambolts. S. T. D., ....tor. mana Mass, Sundays ~,:OO a, m. revtel" was .well given and enjoyed . by al,l ~t.
- ,' .
....v ·
evening Preeent were Mr and Mrs ·J - - - - - - - - - - - - -
iii. Hartaock and chUdren from be- l'OR 8ALE-M, SIAl lb. Brown L4!iyond Corwin, Mr, and Mrs. Harold hom pullete. IIOme laying. GOc ."ch
'''Oh, Sadiel C'mon dyer an' See th' Wisdom Tooth the Little Sap HasJ"
BAILEY; . AuotJonneer Complete ftuctlon servlet, CltlzeRI Bank Bldg.. WUmingtAlrJ, Phon•
poIIIIib1e Mra. J . S. FIler entertained with roR SALE-PI as. Tom Burton, a. an oYlter supper In honor of Mr. R. 2, Waynesville, O. J18 FIler's OIIth birthday last 'lbursd"y.
.., . . . . ,
ortl.lt f
_ -....
Under the direction of R. E. Frank ll1uslc Instructor. the boY8 and Girls IIlee clubs of the Waynesville ll1sh school will present the operetta, "The Belle of Bagdad", In the school dlto I time In "'a_ h th au r urn, some e date to be announced .later. The scene l.8 laid In the "FaJ.. .East' nncl is a colorfUl stOry of rom.8nce and action. Mr. Frank will be aaslsted by Mrs. Howard Fogt and Miss Ruth Hock~ nt'. ~ • . :I'he cast of chtiot'acters follows. Mrs. McCllnn . . Ruth Ann Donq.hoo
Boy Scout 'Ce At St• Mary' Chorch
::!1:'~~;'~k a~:~~~:~ ftr~;,::n~~~;::~:e~n;;~::~~1 ~'n ~~;~. ~~~a~~.
of Mr. and MnI. D. B. Under-
:~:: ~~::: TUesday eventna. .
TO' HE'crIVE ~
·De~ll: ~
:= =:.:J:
P~tosrapbl, taken some.,
- .- ._ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ ._ Although a survey was . started here by a represenative of The Ohio Central Telephone corporation to _ ._, _ _ ,_ ,_ ._ .._ _ _ _ determine whether or not t~ COI1\~ munlty should have new telephone Mr J R U d" d M P s. . . p y.. e an rs. . C. equipment . the project struck a anal Ridge were- Payton vIs Itors Tuesday. this week when some membeis , of • • • • • the Civic club committee found obMiss Flossie FlIes Is s pending .his jections to certain clauses of the peweek with Mr. and Mrs. Elvan Fi re.-. titian . • • • • • The petition, which WII4 belnl presellted for signature among the buaDr. and Mrs. A. E Stout nnd d ht D ' Isl Iness men of Waynesville by W. Itaug er. were ay ton v tors Wed PI d . eper, 5peclfled that the instalJanes ay. tlon of new equipment whl.ch In• • • • • c1ud ~ a dlal system. would mean aD Mrs. Holle'l ta :::;uiton of West Un. Increase of one doUar per month for 10 11 spen t last weeK wl~n her Claugh- buslne 's telephones. but made no .le I'. M rs. Russell Holliday . refer ence to rates to be paid .by oth• '0 • • • er subscribers.' Janet and Ronald Beckett of HAI'As a result . the petition wall 1'eveys\)urg were week end guests 01 . drafted at a meeting of the Civil Martha and Ponald Lukens. .club commi ttee Wednesday afternoon • • • • • , nd R clause Inserted provldllll't.ba' rll ,.es a f eus t omers other than bwdMr . and M. I"~ , Russ~1 ~ 1 Fra nk. were ness men, would not be tncreased. S unda y eveulng supper gue.:,ls of Word of this change was tnnamitMI'. and Mrs. L. A. Uarst ted to the president of the corpora- _ • • • • • tion. C, E. Quatman, in LIma. aDd Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker Jl·.. word was expected momentartl, sa
Local Happ'enm·gs
:J.ssF'r~:I~~~ ;:;~
Wilmington visitors. Wednes-
Ing In Florl<!a~ writing to relath·es· Harris Mosher, and Donald Hawke. • • • • • say they are having a nice tJrne and The meeting was closed with an Mr d M M M.Ia . an 1'5. . A. Fulk'!rl:on are now In mJ, where the temp- addreas by the Rev. R. L. Hackwell. wer S d lng t d..-..-..! to 50 d e un ay even dinner guests era ure egrees. In wh1cp he reviewed the accomplish of Mr . and Mrs . Donald L. Hawn.e. ments of the parish during 1939 and • • • • • offered ' suggestIons for progres~ In 1HO Dr. and Mrs . W . J . Blackburn 01 ' . Dayton visited Sunday at the h ome
Mr. Henn:n Mr. Deibert All!ord of cayton, were callers 'at the home Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ma'n Wa~n OoUnw farmers parUcl~t ous Sunday aft.ernoon. ina" In tJle AcrIcUltural Adjuatment • • • • .. ' '. daeetJ of the AdmInIItraUon ~~ • -~l. . .e _''i'1OiuttrW WJClI'l~ Metilod1lt ' Cburdl wUl ...-t..'iiu..... =.~~ day afternoon, PetirUar)' 1. after has D, a on SChqol, at the qOlDe of Rlchard &bee
• • • • •
The .regular meeting of Wayne I • • • • • vice on Sunday, Pebruary 11th., at n .• h:\p Mothers' club will be "'atd Mrs. L. A. Garst, Mrs. H. F. DYe, .seven-thirty In the evening. £'he Tow.... uc; Re R L1 Hack 1 "'u11dlna Friday .f.ar_ Mrs. Harold Miller, and Mrs. Ruuell v. . oyd we I, . chaitman at the Orade . . . . . . .. .... of th W III Bo 800 t Tl noon, hbruary 2; at the usual timf'. Prank were Dayton vlsltors, Thurse aynesv e y u 'OOP The program wJl1 be furnished by day. . eommtttee, will be the host at th1s grades lour, five and siX. • • • • • serv1u to be held In St. Mary's RplsMr. and Mrs. Leo Oeborne and copal Church Each year,' duriJll Scout Week, llOh ' aDd Mr. and Mrs. Rufus 8<lrk-
Circulate Petition' For PARISH MEEllNG New Telephone System
A new furnace l.8 being In the LYtle church and .services Jo~ Tinney Is ..serioUllly 111 at next ' Sunday wUl be held In Lvtle I his ~ome ' In qorwtn., Town hall sa follows: . Going flway festivltles honoring • • • • • Preacli1Jl1 at 9:30 a. m. Mias Margie "usUn 'b egan Friday The. annual par1&h alnner and Mrs. Jessie HYman lpent the '\\leek Sunday I!Clhool at 10. everunl when rs. Roy Updyke and meeting of St. Mary 's Episcopal end with relatives In Clno1nna~l. MJas Lorna ~y entertained for her Church was held Monday, evening • • • • • after the bas~t ball game. The r.th- at the Little Inn , with thirty-one • "'~8. Ro"'-rt Werntz ot Dayton, 1a er guests wer Miss Mildred Salls- members present. ..... "'" bury, Miss ~Iyn Johns and MLss Following the dinner, the bUsiness v.al ..... her arenh, M·r . and "~s . · Joe .... ·;:.....nn •. P .... ,..... Opal Hender8Qn. meeting was held wlt~ Rev. il.. L. ... oy -Saturday nllht Miss Gustin wes Hackwell presiding, and L . H. Gor• • • • • ~ members of the local Farm- the guest of Miss. Ruth Gray. Dm-I don, as clerk. Reports of the HCt!I'I, . Mr. and Mrs. W, E . Stroud visited ers' Grange enjoyed the follow!ng ner guest.s at her home Sunday were ties of the vatious organJaUons of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Stroud or Leba- PJ'Oti'am Saturday night. after their Mrs. JeSSie GU8tln of Lebanon and the Church during t t:le past vear non Sunday afternoon. buslneaa meeting: Mrs. Edna Bni1th of Dl}yton , and were given as follows; Vestry- Hnr.' • • • • Clarinet solo by Miss Doris FIres; Sunday evenlt\g Margie and Mrs. rls Mosher; Woman 's Auxlliluy, Mrs MayMr. and Mrs. Harry Lacy llle an - vocal duet by . Betty and Bobby Jessie Hyman'L motored to Dayton Mrs. C. H . Brace; choir. . pbe cam II; and a very interesting dCand I18W Buday Rogers and his 01'nard Weltz · Girl 's Friendly society nouncing the arrival of a son Chor ~ , -Miss Ann Weltz; Boy's grouples Alvin, at their hom~ Monday, count of their Western trip , given by chestra.' Mr. arid MJ:e. John Itersey. and llOn Tue~YLevenlng she was thO! Feree Scanlan ; YOWlg People's Jan~ry 22. lustra ted with motion pix:tures tsken dinner guest 1t' Mr. IlIld Mrs. How- group--Mrs. Donald Hawke: Nur• • Miss Margie Tinney who has bt'en of var10ua ~aces of Interest which ard .......... and with them attended sery class- Mrs. R. L. Hac" lvell. they vlslted. the play "Onhd GraciOUS GrandElection of wardens and memhers U\: at her home here has recovered "'r ., A patrolotic program will be 'lre- ma" at the IIIlhool auditorium. ana of the vestl'Y was held with the fol .and has resumed her work In Ham, llton. . cnted at the meeting, February 3. on Wednesday. evening was the dill. lowing resUlt: Senior warden. W . H. ner guest of ~Mr. 'and Mrs. Henry Allen; junJor warden . F . B. HenderMr. ana Mrs. Ronald M. Hawke Satterthwalte and sons. son; vestry . E . V. Barnnal't. C. H . Mlas Gustin. left Thursday, J'lnu- Brace. E . L. Thomas , Donald Hawke. SeRI spent Sunday In Cincinnati, wlth ary 18 to enter nUJ'8eS training In Harril; Mosher, L. Y . Oordon. Rnd their son Frank. student a.t the UnIS Christ hospital, Cincinnati. E. C. Crane. . verslty of Cincinnati, • Delegates to the Diocesan Convp.n• • • • • COLd MIAMI Uon to be held In Cincinnati, In May Mrs. Ada L. RJak of Shamrock. captain laurenCe &11 ot the were elected as tallows: Mr. and Mrs , E. L. Thomas . and Mr. a.nd Mrs. L. Tex., is v1sltlng this week at the Church Army In the United states
Local GirI,To Take DINNER, ANNUAL ' , Nurses Training Installed
AU .... .... . . . ... Thomas Florence assan RO"-r' Earn art BIll ,. .. . . . . . . . . . . . Earl Mendenhall Archie . . .. ..... . . . .. .. Pa.ul Johns I. -6DI c k "'" & ..yor . .. .. ... Robert Pre3Wn
- . '- -.-- -
Anne . .,' . .. . .. ... Genevlve Hadley Elsa .. . . . . . . , . .. ..... ·Ruth COMer RoBe .. ... .... . .... . "Monllnla Hoak LilY' . . " .. . . .. . . . Marcelline Peters Henrletta .... . . Oharlotte Hartman
........... "'" •
Jewel . . . . .. . . .. . .. . Frances JUhns Zellnda . ... . .. . . . .. .. . . . Jean lIess
_d .._II.U. - _I.
~.-..- . -
'.--. .
the Rev. Mr. Radley. Parents and all re:s1denta of the community are U1'II'ed to attend this union scout service. Thls service Is one of .sevnaJ events during the week of ·Pebr.Ja!'Y Pith which the troop lommlttee Is planning to acquaint the bitt. wltal f.bac .ork..4f.....oul'
Mrl. Charles Shaw entertained with a m1acellaneous shower, Saturday atternopn a t her home near C>re8on1a in h9nor of Mrs ..M110 t~art sock, Me Martha Sha.w, a l'ecent jg!de who . t«"ved many lovely
local troop.
gifts from '
~r~. ~. ~.
her (rtImds. and'"each
guest also preaent;ed her with copy of her favorite menu ahd recipe. The boatels '8CfVed a. dellclous luncheon at the close of a pleasant afternoon to the following guests: The guest of honor, Mrs. MUo Hartsock, Mrs. Harry Shaw. Mrs. Ernest Hart.'lUclt. MrI. Herman Surface, Mrs. James Brannock. and daughter, Denna Mae, Mrs. Robe1"t Ballenger and grand daugllter, Maria_n, Mrs. WUl1am. Kersey: Mr's . Omar HolUng9worth, Mrs. C, A.. Swartzell, Sr., Mrs C. A. Swartzell, ,lr:, Mrs. T. B. Rran nock, Mrs. C~l'es Elzey and daughLer Ann. . Mrs. Oharles Bradbury, ..• . . . . . . Mrs ElIza Bradbury Miss Mary ~-~tl. Is ecaree In ttle heart of She;"'ood. and Mrs Sue Wid. VlUCUUla , . .
Mr. Pieper was sent to ' WQI•.a,: ville as the result of the Civic club', actiOn several months ago in wbleb an appeal Willi made to- the Puolte utilities commission of Ohio lor ttle acquisition of more modern equip" ment here. The ort.s wal plan of the loeal COIll
of Mr. and R:dge. • Born to Mr. and !\Iirs. PrentiC«! .........-. c-TUlI1ey, Jat\Ul\ry ll .. a son, CUUJ'lea Befqre the company, will conaidIY Evan. the Installation of the ~ew Gilbert Frye was pleasantly. sllrhere. the survey must mow &bat. all prl<;ed Thursday evening, Janll!lry • • • • • bUllinesa men are w1llJng to paJ tbe 18, ~Is 30th birthday annlversuy . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Carr of Leb- additional dollar for hI.a telepboM. when several neighbors .gathered at al)on were Sunday gueats the Rural and ' private telephones would his home to celebrate the occasion. home of their mother. Mrs. Maude n t be ff ted Th pla can. f The affalr was planned and su~cese- Crane. . 0 a eQ • e n or fully c8rrted "out by Mr;·PrYe.-Th~ - . , - • .'"" . • • ~:.: ~~:: .~....; : : present wer~ Mr.. and Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. W. C. St. John wel'e from Lebanon to WayneayWe. Shutts and tam1ly. Mr, and Mni. Sunday d1Iiner auests or Mr. and Members of 'tbe committee _, t' Herbert Mc~n. and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Glenn Bland and daughter, would 'reqUIre approx1maf.lel, eM Harry Satterthwaite and family . Barbara Lou. of Springboro. year to complete ·lnstallaUon. on.
I . -
The CbUr.eh Army. with which captain RaU..1a uaoc1ated Is soonaored by the Protestant 'EpIs.:Jpal ChtUeh. It fa composed of young __ a_" w-....- ._'-ed In eva--1 -........ ......... ....... ....... 1ca1 and ....... AI wor'" who 110 wbere ..,...... eYer they are . needed . . At Dreaent captain Hall 1a in ebarIre Of'~ mIsiton cburch In the west end of CinciDnaU, Much ' or hla work has been ,nth the boys and g1tla whom he hail pIclt~ up frOm tbe street cor n- ..J . . . _ n' _I ....O ' -. .~.. Durt ' " .. the'=:er~~-Ha~cond~ta a c&mpln ~eland ' for hJa ...t __ .. them the beneflts ot f~':
:~::~~:r ~h:~eP;:::.nould
• .• • • I"lUe ~_ mow the an;anpment Mr Sh• .....;. a>oi •• JuveMlle oII~ at tlQUII 1 •• of buDdi . ....--, ""lAW.... • • • • • cO,st has been estimated at abOu' . 9CB wvDl np. or M1diSle~"-:' and Butler countJea ENOAOEMENT IS ANNOUNC1".b .treama. dltches woods and any In. ' ""'!'.. . . Mr and M J L M nd h '36.~. ' . 'flU I\leat AIP8Ioker at the meet1q of • . rs. • . e en all endlC:~ of soli eroaton. Pleld a1zes the Way~ Tow~ t.ea.ch.f:ra. Tttes Mr . and Mrs. Homer Ramby are tertalned the members of the Fum be obt&11¥d from the ~ office da.y evenm.. The ~t.lDI was pre_ announcing the engagement of ~elr Bureau Dl.8cusslon Group, TUesday 1 ~on i'Jr f~ re)Jbrters, Sharp ceded bY • ' cov8recl dIIb dlIuuIr, daughter. Naomi Ruth, to' Mel- evening. . , which was enjoyed bY the t.eacberI bourne Lee Russell. son of Mrs. •. • • • • stated. . -, More thai) 2.tll ~ wlIl: "- aDd tbeiIt wiv. . aDC1 1Cb00l ~ Pearl Russell ot Lebanon. The c1!\te lI:m. Wilbur Swanger and ;41.ss . cetve p1ctlj1'e8 of their own ' !arms. me-......- . • "d their' --'vfor the wedding has not been set. . . f L '-lAWn from a CI;lIDpoSlt;e .. - • • • ' day thee:;:::: , t9lnlPh used by tale ~tl ' Mr and Mrs R H. HartaoCk and Mrs . .Robert Baker Jr. Fred W. Conltlln. ST. former Pori mitt.ee ~ cbeck1ng -perf~ 1il fll- ..·.. , ",.. A . . . .:.•. ; _ _ . ;• • • _ .. atthe farm prosram. . .....of ...... .-AD ........ -~ • ell WlIllamre5ldent, died of a cvear.l . The ~~. taken from _a belIht teIlded a fA!JillY dinner, 8\mdaY', Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Frown, Clyde hemorrhage at his home In Waynel.Fromm and Charles Burton · Earn~ ville, Sunday at 8:22 a. m. He was . 01It,OOO feet. will be valuable JD a~ liven &8 .. aurpdIe, 1n bOllOr of the IIlI the farmer to' decide ...~t flelda to~ ~ aimlverary of · Mr. hart returned Saturday evening af- 111 two hours. to use 'ln crop rotation. ' and Mrs. B. IlarVtt. of ~, HILABITY DINNER CLUB A gift of Charles M. Cartwrillllt. ter a pleasant two weeks trip to The son of James A. and W.f7 '; AbOut fo.rt¥ membera of the famJ4r --1 UIIIDaC Chicago Illinois to the Alumni Ref- Floria.. Oerard Conklin. he was born at Po" ...~ ~t $be , Baney Iaoine, w1~ Mr. and Mrs. ~l Hockett enter- ference llbrary 'has brought the fol• • • • • William, July 3, 1882 IlIld· .... ~r~ well tJ11ec1 ....ta aad enjoyed a talned the members of the Hilarity lowing books to 'the sch . tied to Gertrude Parks, 8e»temDer ......", time ~."""". • ' " • ~. Mary E. ·Rohrback. age '10. dlrmer club at their home Sunday. 5. Ed llopk1ns, aaughter Clara, 22. 1935. He was a member or £he --..... .-"~ . Famous Paintings. Abraham Llnd 1 . • • • • • died at 12:30 a. m. SUIIdAu', at tbe\ A sumptuous dinner Willi enjoyed at In a,n sOn, Germ, Miss Viola Campbell Port William Methodist · Church Harvey Rye "a '. home of her dauahter, 'Mrs . .Iva noon by twenty-two members and co . One Set Stories of the Opera, UI1d Ralph Smith left Waynesville He removed to Dayton less ~IHI .., ~~~'to •.M1.. ....._ . f ."a ......... Johnston,' ~Ies north of Wa~nes- the following gu,ests: Mr and Mrs. Disputed Passage. Drums Along the Sunday evening for a ten day !.rIp to had resided In Waynesville ~,~, .' .,08....... UIII 1nem...... 0 ...., ..... u · vill . ' • . Mo~wk, Forgive us OUr Trespasses. Floria&. '. -' . DO~ brtdl.e club aDd oDe guest. un. e, W. A. McCarren of Walhonding. 0., 12 delightful children's books of year. . , . 'W,lth the Payment of ' l"i!de~1 Old' W. A.. at a Cov~ cllab.dJn- ' Shf. 1a aurv1vecl ~ two daugh~.era; Mrs. Sadie Reason of Harveysburg; ract and fiction and a complete 150 • • • • • In addItion to t~e widow. he , Is Aie and Survivor's Ins~ Behe- ncr and Carcl party TUaIday &1'-- MrI. Clara M. S~e of Xenia. and Mr. aDd Mrs, P. L. Reason. BoOk Modem Library Bet. This seto! Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Hackwell at- survived by a step-daughter, RaeUa · f!~ for the fqat time &bls montna. ttT noon. PrtiIe8 for hlah ~ were ~ Mrs. Su.ea~ o,oIt of M1dLlnd,\ books housed In n attractive mel.al tendeCl a ' birthday cUnner Saturaay :w'elllngs, at home: a brother Blmer appears that -there' Is rP1;nI to be a won bj KriI. S. D. JIeDkle of Leba- Pa., three BOns, . . . .. of Bellbrook. library 60x brlrigs a wealth of l'efor- evenlna slven at the home of Mr· J., of· Dayton. and three siaterI, Iba rreat deal . of ~nfui1bn ~tween! non.' 'a~d Mrs. Balpb MWer. Charles o~ ~,and Na~ 08SERV~5' ence reading to the various grade:> and Mrs. Samuel Benedict of Glen- P, R. Wlcal near Waynesville, ~ whlt 11 how commonly .known u '. •• ' . ~ . ' ' of Dayton. ~ tWG brothers, A r t b l J l ' E on physical and SOCial science toptca. dale. .1A honor of Mrs. Hackwl:I's ElsIe Matson, Rlctunond. nId .. ami _ "0Id: ~p.· ~ena10n" a~d . the Pederal, ·:Mr.and Gilbert 'Pry,' enier- =~::U~' aDd WIl1lam Wean " Mr. Cartwrllht has been most BC- blrthda,J annlversary. Mias Lucy M ... of WI1rn1ngton. , Q~d AItI Survlyor's Insurance Bene- tamed ' t " flLDJljy cUnDer BUridaJ ,', " tlv.e In fostering and continuing toe • • • • • Puneral aerv1c~ were coDduc.tett flta, which .~ it apPears, ~e 10a a ., ' • PUneral eerv1ces were held 'l'Ile8. work of ,t ile . Alumni Refereri~e LlR0l?er t Dl!ke ilJ }n. COl\lmbus tnis by ~v. C. B. Doty at the Port WU108 to be called 0111 Ale ~on. Mr. ~d ~. B~ B~t~ day_afternoon, at Ule. home of ~1'8. -brary. .. ' week attending the a1)Du",1 Nursery llam church Tuesday at 2 p. m. J~ , , Slrice the terDi "Old Are Pe~il'; C?f J,.e~, \Mr. and KrB.. Glenn Johnston, with bUrIal .1n ~llilJ"Oolt M1sa Betty :Lou Satterthw:Jll.e, The IICh 1 Is h1ghl laU . aehool, for instruction In landacap- tennent, In charge ot B, D. E. ArIII not bl reaU~ the correct appella- Pry~ and IO~ of~toD, lit. . and cemetC)'. daughter of ·Mr.• and ~ . Harry of th1& his~ersonal g~t ~= mR~: Ing. b.e lni held at Ohio Stale Unlver ihur, WM In the Port WWlam Cfll'JleMon for ~e UuataDce sranted by Mra, EnJ.est But~, Ml'. ~nd SaUerthwaite celebrated her !eVa on the occaalo of his blrthd slty. tery. the D1v~n qf AId !Of;i the Aced Mrs. C~l ~.an: ~l~ W: Frye , enth. birthday annlversary Saturday,. n ay. • • • • • =~==~~~-:-=~~~.~.~c It 1a our. ~Uon tb(t now Sa .. • by entertalnlng with a party to AN APPRECIATION,' .' Mrs. C. E. Boyer of Dayton Dr. rood time to start "Old "It! Mrs. ~ B. StuJq wall to 1'whlch the following guests Were Inand Mrs. A. E.-Stout and daU~hter, Penalon/l" 'b y ·their pn>per Dam. a .P'OUP of her frleoda. Tb~ ~af· Mrs. Blancbe"'1laker of Clnc1Dn"tl vitecl; SUe iand 'Roy PUmas. Donna VI wish to thank Winnie Joe, Mrs, Bertie MU16 and . W~h _'1a "old ·"e .~tance" , ~ ~ft a. "1MIO'",.partj•• pieuaot was the dlnner tue*t of her 'mother, Hadley, O~raldll~e Starke: Dorothy. frieneds n'" to e...n • our _.many Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thompae;n vlsitl ' • a<':'-" " 1i8rDOOD oI 'oardI followed wUb Ie- IO'a. C H oea........:- S.......... . a u ...... e88 our ""llCN'e - . . ' '''Aid t~ the ~". ~ ', I • ,. ,1, ' . •. .' ----'" .......... MIriam. and DolUdd W~, L41s appreciation tor the 'lovei flow rs ed Mr. an,a~s. Chester Cutler. andl -, ~ an aat!cl1!otter ~1Da. Old ~~ta . ~ ~ed " the tOI- ' ~J. w, ~erton and Mja Lubns, Ann . Satterthwaite, Ruth and messages of encc!ra- ~ t family of CIWllnna~', Sunday. ' Ale lnaurance .BeneIlIia r - the! ,,~~...> ~. ~ ot~ Da~ llame Bro?me attended the par1lh and Martha W8~dk>w, Oeorl'l' Bar-.. I " t ' . . ..";'. ..en '". . . . . . . , . , " . ~-.;- , . _ II... B .:. ......":..... . . RAlpb dl--..... .. "ur ng OUr recen sorrow. . .... __ NI~ Oov.~t. ~ iii -~"r . · . ....- an.. ~ ~ !It. Marl'. bal'a aDd Mary f.lartsCOk, Janice WU, Clem nt nd Mary Dora. Kough and L"r1n .~ &'0 ·wJili:h be :~ ' ~UUed ber' 'hettnp. Kra! J,"I.!nlU. Mrs. II. ~urcb. at tile - n~ I~\ M~nda). Iterson aDd. Warren Sheehan. I! , a:ttertbW~:' HOUih were Sunday visitors at the ~u.e be baa ~ , SOCiaJ. 8ecuritJ A. PulJaIrIcIn, Un; Gilbert ~ . aJid· evening. , The chUdren enjOyed .. p1eas.mt h~" of ~. Mr!I. H. B. EarntaDi wbiCh hi: e1rect; liJIura'nce Mrs. walt:lr ~ Pr1II!Ba .... . Mr. anclll;ra- BIu1 Kinney of· Day- afternoon of..pmes and contests, af" ,hart, Mr. 'a nd Mrs. Kenneth Hough ~l_ '"*e benefit. . are ~ ~ b7 ~ .~ ~ II1'II. PI1r~ ton Vialtecl tbeII' 9Q1J111D. M1sa '!\lyra ~ whl~ Betty Lou un~ the COl. Prank Henry~ ColumbUII, won, were &.lao Supper .gUests at the Earnto ,~ .,ad worar' when be rettre. up. Roberta' , Sund&y e1'flnkll. • many 10m' lJlf!lleDbi she .. rece,ved. known Ohio horseman an~ ., State hart home.' wbeUle"r he needa the money .,r nOt. ' . Mrs. LIM BartIoct ~, a ~eIt 'from her little friend&. Eaeh boy and DemOC,.tic leader, has fixed tne, • .• • • • Tberefo;"' . . J,enen~, I m.ht ORANOI: COMPDDCB at the ~e of ~. and II1'II. B. O. Wi waall~ :a colored . balloon, probable primary <Mttinl odcla 1U &bel M1<. and ~: H. ,s. Earnhart nnd e rlib~ _ catted IPenIiona", On tile " .~ Harvey ~~, 8und&y ! at • and enjoyed' &btl de\klloua lunchllOn ',''V1nter book" on tlle -.varioUs Oem,. f~ 1"8Celftd the ,(oliowtng vlsltora .;;.----....l!!iOO oth,.i ~d, In the ~cimlnla~~ .~ . Offtcen 'of • Warrell ·. Count dlD~ ce1ebratbll~~ 40th ~• •~ b1~ __ lilat~lte, autst- ~'at1c cancUdateB for ·oo~e~r. ,B e from :Xe~. S~dlU" af~n:. ·Mr. ,Old AP ~ It ~ , y dlnc Umi\'erIU'J, . , ed ~by Mrs. £1l J!'Umaa. Mrs. 'Russell places tb~ ChaDces ,for ,nOlJ1lMu'bn' ancL·iIrs. ~~ Babb ~ aon. and tlat tJ'e aeW or $lle.appllcaDt' be ea- .. . . . . ,~ ~ _ • ccmtermcl . Mia, Marie Onna .... a XenIa WtIaon, and M1iJ; Donald ~I.." as 'foU~: J!'1ybn:-8. to .5, e&WY.,. ~ ,~uth .PU1t~. • ~ before' ~ can recelft .btI in. LebuIon IIaturdar at · 1 o~~. vla1t.or, . .~. _. .,' '.' .,- - - - - Whi~ and Da.ey~ to ~, The "'eld , • • • • " ,• • ni...... aDd the.mount or· u • .PlJDI for fU~ ...... lift. Cb&rII!I . . at. WDlTD BALE -DWry, Blplqw, Marker. jtennedy, . Un. J . It. Mengle. IIl'!I. J. K.. Pres .......... be fteelver1a balelron tbIa WU1 be _1Il!d: ~~ wtattld . . . ..... Amde_~_.... , MOlder. PQIdIon. BrUnner, ambach. ton and Mrs. Ralph IJUUDIi attend deterIIIlDaUaD 01 MIld. 'l'hlnfan,~. W~ aDd . . . in IIronI aad otber fl1eada . at. ' ·the Tab - . -.. of the Y1d-wlnter ........ &JId 1Ic8weeDe,-16 to -t: ed the- leacliera 1D88ttna. in Oo~ A'l\l4or ' tll!l Apd II ''PeDaIoD'. J;IuIlt 'tcnmIbIp. Baad1toD Ton· a-. 'l'IaIIIIaT. ' . 0IIaraD:e aile launcbecl t.od&J at 001. Hem, was IJ8I1!CID&1 ~lD tton 'with flie "WindoW IIDOI at- ..... Deed ' - . ..... 8prbIIIICRo, LIlIaNa, . . . DI1l.... UId daulbta',~....... You will find for ' fCll'lDft Qoftrnar ProJect," hel~" ~ Wed ' .,.. '.... ~ eId ... rep- On/!e. ..... fIIIbdI a' UJe ,JIomt. plna In aD oeceae WhIte aDd aened. u dQ. .' ~, 'hIIIIaJ, ' JI1N tIanbal for --.a fears. .'
Mrs. Is... E. R-L..i..
Aid ,'For 'The Aged , Not APeasit"
Alumni· R-terence Lihrar ' Y. Recelo,es New Books
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PcIIDiDIIa·Q raIIp."
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Flora M. Crane Editor and Publisher
ISSUED &VERY Subact:ipti~
MaID Stre.It
Entered As Second
W.'l' nee , ville. -Ohio
Pfice. $1.&0 Per Year, Pa)"&bl. in A.dvaoce
1 .. t
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The Genmal Truck Salea. I~., new motor In G. M. 0 ·.127&.00; The DaytDn.-<J\uto Parts 00. , parts. ,56.68. r ' ,===~====:s:=:=:===~=======:=-===--::3 R:-"E. LeRoy, anti-freeze, 65 ' galll. of Edpr 1t1rq)atrtck. an Incomoc- ;U, 157,711; Shell Ot! Co., kerosene. te t· cbeck for $301 00 ordered paid 5:l gals. oU, $27.lt; Waltes OUI\lle, . NEW SUITS : PIoreoce 'DunliuUl~ tor room ond retreads. oU and ' grease and part., board pt said Incompel4nt fo: · 43 .$88.54; The- Clnc1~tl OU Worb ~reoe uaendel vs Paul o · H8.r.n- weeks 00., gre~. $I04,P; Ooody~ar Ser~I \.tel' of 'he estate ot vice, Ure and ,tUbe, $18.211; The M· D, del; divorce, if06S neglec~. Horace Hoadly Cordes va. ;,o1lda In. le .rna __ AA IArtln Co wlplnli: rags fO 711' ROlf< to re" lst~~ 'Enulln Chambi!rl.ln. dece......... ; hear· .' , . , !> ... '" b "ers & SlmpllOn, parts and gasoline. ArmItrong StUes; al' C,. ttl. In. on .lnvenl.l)ry set for .·e ruarj., . $19.30; LaMar Body Shop, labor and Utle to land.
e t C t Ne~WI _ _._ OUD Y our
_ :z3!~
~ The Oenu1De Parta 00.. lIuppUea,
USE THB IIIAKl GAZETTE Garland Jlill, fuel. 121.50; Ro«Jert . Want Ada Roll. shelter. '10.00; Dr. Edward Bla1r. ahelter, '7.00; Ben Lucaa. ' '2.010; Sylvan .Stewart, moving rellet • • , <lao h I famlly, 12.00 Charles Davi n ", e • ter, $5,(~0; Cora Gray., shelter, $li.OO; .,.~ __•
IFT ·.· ·IMartin I Auct oneer'
1W k' 0 or, W er kD'Pr' Farmers ee ogram 5 ATIS FA eTIO N
' England with the flu. France with the troops. Labrador with Sir WI1gasollhe~ $57.87; Bob Mays Service tred Grenfell. ~ew York with the ~IARRIA~~E LICENSES Station. l'epalr tire and gasoline, TIl President ha.s submitted III bUdget for the com1na f1.scal yf'U COMMON PUAS PR~CEEDINO --book publ1shel's, and Hollylwood howlng sub.stantlal economle&: Nearly every major Item. excepting naDewey Alexande~. 34. paper maker, $14.74; Olues Service 011 Co" 8880- With the movie c~lony Is the ba okRuloh James vs PI mk James ; deUonal defense, was cut. Total aavlnp. If the budset were adhered t<', Phone 78J Frallklln, and Elsie Oentry. 31. line, $5.12. ground Alalrut whLch Edith Tallnnt. fendant to pay '12,[,0 per week I,IB _ould amount to .'875.000,000. Frnnk,11n, The Ohio 011 Co., gnsollne, ...16; Columbua mlh School teacher, will , Everybody agrees that there Ia draat1c need {or economy In &Overn· support for minor \ 1111d. as we1i as Leollara 'V&1enUne, 30: prlnter, Lflb The Pure 011 Co" ga.soUne. $2.56; paint her experiences for a ,Farmers' mento Undoubtedly e<Utx>r1al P&an!S t:om Malne to california will ring with the expenses for the qpkeep of the anon. and Fnlnces Bachelor, 19, shoe l John lAw & _ So?, gasoline, 13 .04; Week audience. Wednel!day, Janu. praise-and hope. Business men e.n4 clvlc bod1ea galore will laud the Presi- home, worker, Lebanon James Service Station, gasoline, ary 31. • Lorene Haendel vs. Paul G. BaeDdent's actlon. Women's clubs an4 chambers of commerce have been DolSY :>. • '11.38; 5mlth·s Bervlce Station, &aBOMI.sa Tallant arrived In Labrador for years resolving that. there should be economy, and damn11li tl>e del; service by publicat.!on ordered , REAL ES'J'A1'E' TRANSFERS line. ,14.13 ; Morrow service St_t\on after a rough trl,p. a part of which , spendtng politicians. They, too, are qul~k to pra·tse even the faintest 1Ilgi1 gasolme, ,9·28; Oross Service Station t h f r goat " Laverna E. Pringle vs. Lowell F . ,'lal 1ft • , ' was spen as c a·p eron or our 5 of economy. We have aU shouted that economy l.s the only alternative ~ a Prln8le; defendant to pay P n~t. . Stella to Charles E . oross , gnsollne, '21.44, Maddox Berv1ce Sta- conalgned to - t~ Grenfell Mission, national vIsit to purgatory. $3.50 per week until the final de;er- and James -L. Oross; lots 169, 1'10 Url11, gasoline. '14.45. 10 nna no place to JIve In the mill TARVIA -LITHlC TAR AND , But what do'}." It all ad(l up to? Apparently nothlngl Within a few mlnatlon Of th18 case together With and I'll In rianklln. Howard E. Ivins, gnsollne, fO.t4; W town "";here her schOol was to be 10- ROAD OIL ; EXCAVATING w~ks- tbe ro~ k:J back IH.:nc will learn that real economy 18 not Just Tor the t·he attorney fees. W A Keruiard and 'Julla Kennard H. Garrison Texaco Sta., gasoUne, cated Workers In the mUl solved n M!' TR CK SIJ:RVICE other fellow after a.1l . They will learn that the "free money" they hove Horace H08dlY COrdes VS. Mid. . . , , .....0 00' Shutt's Texaco Statl n "as· . Ralph H Stlbbs' one acre In TIlr- ' ''~' , 0 ... this problem by t.os.sIng together a PIT RUN. LOADED .30c YD. bee.n promised for manifold local projectllla not fortheom1nlr, Then the Armstrong StUea, et aI. ,; Meryl B. to t1ecreek to~OSh1P. ' 1011ne. $33.59; Conner'/j Texa~o Ser- hOU6e and an -outfit of 'hand-mnde ~tampede Will -begin to get n.oees baclt in the publkl trough. Tales of woe Gray appointed to examtne tltle. v:ce Station. gaaoline, $1.28; Hatha- furniture . '-and hardship will deliCend on WaahlngtOD in an Incre&BInI avalan.cne. In t,Jle matter of the sale of real Karl E. Snell to J. W' , Snell and , way's Texaco Bervtce, gasoline, 1 1 0 . 9 9 ' • 011." 112' All .Oettlng acquainted with Iliher. Merchants, doetors, lawyers and thieves wm form committees. The com- estate belonging to The Priends 'Osa A, Snell; one-half acre lot In D . Gara nres ge, gas ne, ...., ce h d it th Lord's mittees will have their pictures printed in tbe local paper. '!bey will be oft Boarding Home; sale of real estate Harveysburg. M . Arnold. lnvaJ1d care, f5.00; MU- I men w 0 accepte as e Phone. Wayu esvllle 44 R 11 t~ WaSh1rigton for more money. '!be rest of the follta stay at home ana ordered made to LaMar Earnhart Nlckolaa Ec:kerleln to George l~l'd Bryant, invalid eere. t5,00; Mrs, will when fish es:aped from L~e &Pelth: lots 2818 through 2822 In Helen Doughman invalid e.7 00 , hook, was an experience w~ MISS Lei>llilon O!llCil !"houe 47:1 , , cuSs the spending polltlcians. 'lbe slide to flnancla1 and economic purga- for 1300,00 Edwin E. Fred, D. B. A., PIed's Deerfield township, I " car . , ' ' . TaUant w1ahes to repeat. From her reB.tl/I·M , MQrrow Pllulle 1\0. :l tory will continue. Who w1l1 care It indlvldual .Uberty and -.vInp are left Auto Bale., VS. curtlas Barnhart. et Claude and Lorett.a H . Wilson t~ ElIQHoff, lnvaUd care, 15.00, Ed experiences she has wrlt~ three .. behind? Ttleodore M. Rels ; lot 27 In Butler- KlIlser, Invalld care, '5.00; ;Newton books, two at them already publl~h· 'T hIs Is not a pretty picture. It 18 the atate of the natlon.-Industrtal al ' cue dlsm1ased If'" .. Theodora C. M~latt vs Ben Mv- vUle. Stamper, lnvlllld care, '10.00; L. B. e4 ancl a eUra on the publlBher's ' News Review. laW divorce granted defendant to Elves Hunter. by auditor. to Char- s ~~ele, InYalid care. 15.00; oJ.o hn E. desk. !"!"'!~~~~!!!!"------. , . W Uson. InvaUa care, ,700' Su4.' ' '. 'nme In t~ movie colony was .C==~ ~~~ - ~~~~~;:-~--~ -~ pay 1S.1IO per week for the aupport Ie.; S. Baker. 0,64 acre In Ma!nvllle. , come of, 11.19'1 In 1~3II. acoordlna to Of.ud minor cb1ld.- . Green Morgan, by auditor, to Char Clemm,?os, invalid care, ".00, . at'r- spent In company with Eilrabeth Ir--" a late report of the federal Bureau Blancbe O'BrIen va. Roben J 0'- liB S. Baker; O.lB acre in Maineville. ' t1'Ude Jones, Inva11d care. ''1.00; R'.!8- Page while the latter was 'supervls- I of AgricUltural Economie&. The re- BrIen' divorce granted defend~t to Mrs. Russell Cogar to Charles S. ~t'11 Stone. services firing furnace 64 Ing the f1lmlng of the Tree of Llb, port states thIa 18 an averare of 1 2 5 9 ' • B'" , I he-urn '16.00. ' erty. AcquaintanCe with Miss PAge ' \0 pay P .50 per week for the support of her,• 0.116 a:t!re in Maineville. The . B!lcker State AdmlnJatration for , ~ of the approxlDUtely said minor cb1ld. Vincent P. Selge. deceased; to Mary , Franklin Chronicle, 21100 dodgers, began in' the hospital of a canadian REAL EST A TE ended 1939 'WIth a surplus of 13,369,-33,000,000 peI'I!Ons Uvln8 on farms In ____ Lu.vender Lane; 19 lots In I.<Iveland. f8.IIO: Gerald Mlller, service... $5,00; troop shlp'oouna for England in 1918 \1 INSURANCE ; ' ;, " ~~8 In t~ state treaaury. Staw 1''1- the United S~tea, 'J1he average fathlarJD PROBATE COl1RT WUbur M., Slocum to William Donald Jones, services, '6.00; The These two w~re the survivors or ___A_U _CTI_O.NEER ' ,- J1ance Duector R. R. Bangham baa er Income In l1U9 was 12,231 but 'Brockman; 68.65 acres In Harlan Book Shop. oftke supplies. 3Oc; The s1x women who started across as _ _ _-_ _ _ _ -= _... reportea to Gov. Bricker. Tbe total dorpped to $717 In 1932. the lowest In the D'_n tter of the estate of township. Ohio Central Telephone CorP., ~lls nurses and Y. M . C. A. hut workers. ~_' cash balance in the treaaur1 on De- In nearly 60 years. Recent yearly Alva Hill, de.eased; addltl"lnal bond Carl Hoclanuth to Christ Horton; ana rent. 'U.91 ; The Office Outfit. A ,periOd in the 1I01Nh of France trytie »et 31 was $12,7100143 and the averages were '1,244 In 111M, .1,338 given as ordered, sale of real estate lot 1573 In Loveland. ters, office IlUpplies, ,1.76; Western hig to cheer IIOldJers who were 1m. . amount ot the surplus was deter- In 1937 and tl,lM In 1998. at private sale (rdered. John King to Chrtst Horton; lot U'nIon. 8erv~e furn1ahed, 75c; Tbe patient for the return home gave mined by deducting all encumbrancIn the matter of t,h e ,eatate of 1r.74 In I.<Iveland. Standard 00 Co., mlleqe fO~ relief MisB Tallant a. tute tor sodal work I on of the resultls; of th~ new 1940 Anna D. Hanldnson, deceased; In- Betty Black and Cecil Black to R. investigations, '10.00; Keever a Oro- which haa contlnued 'since . "I 'a m very well satlsfled" ald ' federal cenaua will be the recUstrJr~- ventory IIJPl'OV I. . W. Rossman Blild Catherine S. RMa- eery, BUPpUea, SOc; Lebanon Motor _ " In the ma,: ter ot the es~te of man; lot 7911n,Pranklln. Inn, gasoline, '11.24; , sonny-say, ~, what does algtl Governor Brioker after acannIng the 1n8 of maD1 votlnB wardI In Ohio report. "Two ieatures 9f tbIa report c1tlea. Redlstrlctlng is mandatorJ dbJ1s Brunner, d8ceued; hearing' OIl Fred'1I Dept. store. rent, ' ,It.05; ment PI'9 anc;l con mean, " I . .. Jll"f! .Very ,gratlfylng. One,lB the leduc each 10 year&, atter the Secretary of schedule of debts set for January :19, BlLLiS ALLOWED TrU6teea of Public. Affairs. electrklty Il&d-Well, In)' boy, pro Is ~ur . t10n of $5,000,000 In the personal an- State hal certWed the flnd1nal of copy 9f inheritance tax to be patd WPA sewing project, ".39; Hazel. convlnclni and unallIIwerable state.:. .. .vlC'e !lnd maintenance costa and the the decenntal federal c~nsua. While ordered 1aaued to the auditor. ~eral Samtatlon Co.. 5 gallons Broolu!s, ren~ for WPA 118w1ng pro- menlo wtille the con 18 the contemp,other Is th~ sav.lngs ot 111,500,000 re-dlatt1cUng by wards Win be don~ In the matter of the guardianship cleaner, fO.21; Famous .Auto Supply Jeet. 120.00; Lebanon Lum~,: com- tlb1e drIbbl~ of the other fellow . ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN trom the appropriationS made by under the direction of the City of :Aaron 8o\amon, an 1ncompetent 00., aponae and ohamo1& 81M; PIllY, materJals for WPA. sewinl proJour Cattle, boe-, 8hl1ep, and "alv... the Legislature." The report IIhowed 00UDC1lI the warda 10 establlshed perIIOft;. Lee MUon appoInted IUU- Brown &; Bunnell, 4000 pounds of ject, $7.07; Ra1sI:h Coal &: Supply to Norris-BTOCk Ct. •• live wire and Droll'Te8llive ftl'Jll f'lr ~he bl~..t a state e'xpendl~e of ,10,000,000 In will. In be .ubdivided into pre_ dian· upon IPvlnlllutrlc1ent bond, stoker coal, '12.50; Treuurer of stat Co,,' fuel f~ed relief families. market pricell and good lema• . 1989 as ~mpared with reUef pay- cinctll b)' the Oounty )!o&rds of In the matter of the eatate' Of :a per cent of total amount due .~te 125.08; WUUam E. Blair, fOOd furnUnl",. Stock Yard.' Cincinnati, O. ments of $8,953.287 In 1938. Electlona. State law tlxes uMt deilr- ~ K. J:aberC. deceued: ClYde Eg_for ~ ottmnates. 12'/1,27; W. -0. , 'relief family, ".60; OW~ Tj1nfl kI on ~dlrr Station WCltY . 12:26 to 12:80 p. m. tor our dau, able precinct all one of 400 Yoten. bert appointed adm1n1strator, Ken- TUrton, 6180 pounds stoker coal, Oross, fuel. ~.5O; Kautuian'a clOtbmarket report.... A sUIJ?m.a ryof the work of the though a range of from '250 to 450 18 ne~ N. Hough, WUllam E. Stroud tl6.Mj Lew18.& ~e. Inc., 8910 IIIg fum~ed reUeff~Uee. ~08: Se-:'::t~~r:-rr!.:.~t"'" Ohio Supreme Court tor the calen. permitted. The Boards of Elections and Belen M BaWluLappolnted ap: pounds of sto'keI' coal, '22.58" Jeff William E. ~ foO<l tW'llJab.ed reIf tllo ant _ " Ihll pl.... n'·..." •• IInl. ThomJ)SOJ!, t U Ding t wo pIanoa. • 5.00; IIe,~ f· mi'n .IM_ ,.bl_In·, JW ,110 'UI ... and ..... .... d ar year 1989 · rcu~ts great credit have _ authority to BUbdlvlde or pndaerll. ,., y, '800 • ; 'Uft'" .......on Ke"n " " y , f ood co .. ~I.c. NUoI ".. bltn. ....... perl ......d .. n,I IM,I. ~ft 50 au Co"'-"" DIU ,. u. aDd " ' ooual.& UONEY BACK. TblJ ' ,,·t JWl.,',th, ~efr!.ou;nc:r an!1 dlllgenoe of otherwlae change precinct linea In the matter of the estate of The Standard OU CO.• .oo 'fallons fuel "",. ; UUID, a~e!ter. , I8;\IU: =~:"lb'u:::.. ~:-_tbol.~'!'~~~::·: , h1:l state·s bigheat court tribunal. lIhenever need ar1sea Within ward Me1VUla Britton. deceased; dlStribU-\ oil, ".O!I; Dr. Berton J. Elllott. lIerDr. es: E111ot~ glaues; IS.OO; C"",~!J.':-h:...t!!:In~~: ·:~a ~:,,~r:; Desplte'tli'e fact pf a croWded dock~t' Jtmitatlona.' tton in kind ordered, copy of Inherl- vices as veterinarian, $100.68; J. p . ~Vey Brothers. food. 184025; Dr, J. ==:1l·:~J'.l4~1I"F.·~·8,r::; t11 .•:':":'~ quickly relieve DISTRESS of • -slIr or Ule IlOO oeuea 'fUec1 were' dta_ tance'tax. to be paid ordered a.Uued , OUnnIngbaD:J. 'dean. draw under Bee, R ~eKlnzte, medal, $15.00;.BogIn ~ roHof. u •••• ,,"".... ~ed··of ~In the Oblo thIs)'8&1' wU1 e1~t one to the ~udltor. 9918, farmers' tnatttutea, '175.00; &; Gordon. food. 129.50; Elbert Wal- - --. ~ -J _ _ _ • - - .•• , . . ~. '": _ o.l.::-.... united Enatea senator, two ' Oon- In tbe matter of the settlement of Treasurer 'Of State: schOol inlpplie~ lace. f~, $18.00; CharleS DoIterl STATE QF 'nIE NATION
Or ,No Charge -
• Grav.IIl •
Sand &
,Siate Capital News
W... N SEAR S'
~ · are ~~t
'1~.58; ~ayn~ville.,
to " ro~gh ~tor
•.,t':ti 6 ~EXTM~ELP.S •
e:EpeCted ·to greIIIIDen-at-!arp. a Gofernor. Ike- the_estete of Walter Orttrlth, de- and Wearing; Ilpparel, t8,1'1; Th.e Or,· tuel" Panner.s' Roosevelt, ~ Or StAte, Treuurer, .AWSltor, ceaaed:_II'OSII value of the estate of flee OUtfltterll, l ' lb. rul?ber banda,. ,Exchal1¥e, f",el, $13.00; J., ..B. Janee. • t Yt.C Do~ey, a ~t. Qavernor" Attorne)' General ,78.931.68, Jean Blackmore, only sue- $1.2~; John Law & Bon,. 5 gala. Rae. food ~.50; I? R. 'Snll~h, food. ,_ ., plo,n for an Qhlo delegation to the aDd two Judlea of the SupreMe oesaor" ,tnherltance tax determined, '.90, Lebat:t911L Motor Inn Inc.. new '1,.1.110, O. M. Rob{~.' fupl, '19,110; " Dt'~ocratJ.c ~t1onal convellwon Court. , ~ addltl9n ' to theM atate of- certWcate of tu: entn':ord~j88U-1 battery. 1S.50 The Book Shqp, ,, 1 Stokes D.alry Pa~, ril1~k, .1,80; IiIII Wh.qh WuI vote for, Donahey untll f1c1ala, there WiD tie 12 dJatr1ct 'Oon- ed to aud1fm'. " grosa opens, ,1l.26; W. H. Anderson Dr. Mary L. Cook. medical. ~.7~; Do dnad tII_ H~ ' ''''''' ~ 10 h r eleases 'It, arid thereafter vote jp'eUmen, II Judgel of the',eou:rt aI In -the ~tter of. the ,e state of Company, legal blanks etc. , t'or PI'Oll- Dr. • Ji. . L. Strohmeyer. '~edIcal, .f1i~ol~\:,ula~ mo::t';:::'~ as a unit for a Democrat it thlnka Ap-'. 1& State . 8eDatAJnI 188 W~ deceued; real N- ecutlng 12.30;. Stakalta. Mfg . '10.00; Wymer oraite. trUss, 11150, CIIa7'pelIar:,..~IIJllloua;t.tt..: . mem Char1e8 . A' , attorney, ,, . • __ taoa. othei' W(IIII_ in1 THEN LJ8T&Ncan be elected. The 1aea of a lilt... ben of the Houle of ~tat1Vt!8 tate ordered IOld at jpdvate sale. Co. 5C? manUa envelopes. " ,00; Oo~ A. K. Qay clothing 11.00; Everett n -·.7JQI01III OIIotD _lilt from in.pcsed unit r Ul e has been ..... • .a Ya11C-. and ,all county, otrIqIala, ezcept • I n..... .... matter Qf th~ eatate 'of Ium.,.ua .. ,Blank ' dI8orllen. 80 ,tart .......'aacl tIh AucI,..... B90k Mf , g. Co.' onion, Enl'Iy. ' f ue,I $1300' . , Charlea Catroll, lIiaatIoaal fa_ua ~ £. Plakbam', vmbla eo.. eG to llr~ent a re~t1tlon or the Itoi' and oammlelcmer. In sddl- BUabeth A. Maple, deceased; Inven- 'slt1n and 251torms Inventory, 'US;. t~~ $11.110; I Ray ~W1gert, ,food, ::::::t":Wy:..eo , b=~;"tb::::.s.~ Ohio vote tn t:he conventloo In 11132. tIon to the Dlmllnation of t.bMe tory approved. , E. B. ~1rIt1E'.ld & Bona Co.. shoes, '18.00; L. W. Srtiltb. 'food. ,13 50; ......,111...,_ "'''' "lml\lol tbra" dlmcIIh ~,,, r.--:.~._ , r -y_ . . . . . " . D1'. H. M, William, . J . "'" D C0 trman, fOOd ,.120.110,. • cia,.. Plakb,"I1', bu ...~ aim ull8tnlllC .. uep Obi0 ~~ ..........uecl to ealldidawat the prtmary to be IH'Id matter at the estate or sox, h08&, .eI' T"'.,,8, . . v i i ud 1_ . lCatter th~.Ir· Totes for otl,lir aanj!- IIa¥ ,deJept.ee and &1ternatea to Prank RIley BUver. dec'eaaed; ~ven- coroner's ClIft bill•. '5.90; , ' " . G. E. ~t, MIT., _ food, 18'.00;, ~\;;,~~::tc:. or',;~the 16-... J1al~ atter 1t ,Waa a~t tbat the and Democratic Na- tory .apprcwld, Amet1can ,"urety CP'" e,xam. on C IH'les ,Poppe, shelte~, 13.00: Branta _ _ _ _ ' _ Rooeeyelt. ~ Dgmtn.te:d- I,t 181 t1~ ~ventl0D8 will then be eleCt In the matter 01 , the ' estate or surety l)(md'j,.'10.00; Fred Proc~r 00., Ic~ ,& F'\ler Co., ',fuel, ,..00; ~~• . ~. . " . ' - " ac~med Donahey would,- .usure t.be ed•. l'he final flUnI day for all can- 11IarJ Edna t.ne: report of euoutor one 2 column, ~ournal.I3,OC?; RObert L. Burkhardt. medlc8l' liervteea, . • :W,~ " ~ Sl~. delegatlon ' tba,t 'tie l.t :Without pre- cUdate. w11l be III.rch 111. ' approved, " AI. Blair. 'M, D., ~Icea at jan dur- 00; Olen Persley, food. fO.OO; , ,bon] oCJllventJon ' com.mtt~t.. bUt ~e In the DlItter of the estate of Ing ~, 126.00: .Woodrow- Sellers, IGA, fOOd, I5a.OO:'P. q. ~. ,~..' • 11 .' c8ndldat~. f~ , 0~ ,deleptes Win . IIIJUI Prank Black, d~: net market WeU-Stanage·Co., 1 doz.IM!pc11a.ha.'· d~n~. food" tl!2.«!.O; ~'s .lOA I ntlt be approved until after tbe)t value of estate 18 12452.50, ' lnher1- doz. art IJWD, '1.00; Johnston-&; John Market.. food, .II~; 'l)'Ioc¥'. Oro:- . I , ' hli~e committed themael,. too 'loY Wbnpue-The weather we are hav t&nce tax determ1Ded as B~n, 200 1I~kea. ".00: The Le"anon cery, tOOd: I2&.OO; ~ of ,Sta~ · V~=.T==~ .' at. B unit. '. . iDt DoW 1In't IU1Jthlna Uke that JO I In the matter of the estate , of LuDIber Co. ~li ~ ",88; ~ 1 ".31. . ',' nt.;.h..;- ....1.. WI ,..eIMn'l" way 10 B. abod., deceueel; lnV~- "U~1IUIIPI~oO~ :i' boX iIbellafor doe, ' Dr. H. M, WIl11am& med1ca1, '18.;- :;-f-.::!rT'~o:"'cl:.i0...!.~~":: , O~!o. tarmers wIlJ be (lla4 to learn , Zlmplr-Neltbar 18 It ~ ~ppro'ed. , '[Waiden, " US; Prankl1n Obronfcle. 00: , Dr. ,Jat:nllll ,H. 'Arnold, medl!'&l, Moo..' t..."!...Tr8~r·n;' -~';:;:"':: that they had, an averap net in-' WEe It ,... IIZ,DIDI1th.1 110. " In the mat!.er or K1ldred .JoJinl?ll, . Inc., enveloPl18 for auditor. $89.IIC!; ,$17,711; Dr:. !ldw~', 9' ~, Difdl- ::":"M:'~~.~I:m . . . mentally ill; appw.tlon for ' admlt-lstlUiIeY BarJlhar't, stamps, needy cal. '10.00; -'Blair l;\i'oe. Jf~ta1, ~"f''!i. ;' .i . " tance~, aeJ;lt' to euperlntendant children, ".~~, • ,_. : mecltcat 130.75: M1am1 .~rnU: ria",: , ~-: of U-~I ~:...an,':':"':'~ of ..... ~ State h ......... ' r 8 .L' Bur"I~--dt U' D . ;m"",,, · ",,_:....alton hie ..... .., h _h ,0 hl.hlV ~on· _IMLI ~.." r.'''''' .... ' ~eal~r. rdilk: t'"d (1). H " 0 .......... , f'-'" uuu . ~:::ntloft-I""I' 0 • • _11 110."" 1_ By O£N& CAaR _In t.be .matter or the adoptton of 1,1,110: WhltA!-Halnea Optlca~ ' 00,. ~md fuel. 139~00: Herbert · Hoppe, ' t:..1~"::I"" !-\'I~11f c..... o Beity Jane 1'l7; ... es Optical fuel" '19.50; , Pinner. Co~' p" '011. 10 .....i':t::J:l~ '"'II-:r:;::~ , , .• ..."klatlOD . ..,1 llassea, ".7.80; , Whlte-Bat . .,. -v _ '_ adopt eh1ld will be h~d on- January Co.. ~, $lQ.85; Whlte~Ba 1~1.r'!I39/00j Bla", &: LeRoy, ,fuel '---__ ,21, W~' O. YOWlI appolnted , to OPtlcal eO.. j81~s.Il~.00: Drs. Ed';;' ......~; 'Pedcfw - Supply· fuel, 'I In the -~, Qt Iald Betty Jane &Robt. Bla • medical; $1 :110; Dr. '120.50; , .' , : Pry. - . James H. Afl1old, Pl'I*l1'ptlOD, 12.110: Morrow Lumber 00.. fuel. '18.50; , I In the ~tt.er of the estate of.f.. D. Barvey,M. D. medlieAl, t~.tIO; J. , 8. ~~Ud&dn. fueL .1~.5O.; ' ~OUGHS " MWarc1 P. We&~er, 11eee&1e,d; hear- : S. _L. ~~~~dt. M. ' D., medical. H.>T. HUtch~, ~. ' '1.80;' " . , -'. , lnI on Inventory ~t. for January ~, '18.00;. The lBoQk Shop, 1 wire -bu- ,PaUl ,Ohr18tlanson! mijlt. y .OO; · ~or- 'J.. '. , . . ., ......-L. . . \..... -IIIIJIFI ;tn' t1!:tr DlItter of the settlement of ket, green ,jplc. man Mosey" clothing, tlI,so; '!be ~~ . ..... .we ...~" ' ......, J ' • ~e estate ~ Prank.K. Howe, de- ~umbua :B18nk ~ooIt, Ktg~ 00 " 1 lIome Stor~ c1othm,., fT.IIO: : Dr. "bo~f1U7e:~o&d",IIJ.t~<":~:, ceued: eetate valued .t 127M.18i fn- P84 monthlY budlet, ,'1:00; 'WJi1te- Raar,Jemmert, m~ flU11; Lft~dr''''.I:r. t'''lIl!11 ~ :Jl'lcine tleri~ tax detenDlned u ' ~ ~ H&In~ ep~al 00,. ,Jaaaes, '15,76:' is &D~e: Inc., fUel. '1'~: . Mel":' l=t" Wlft~ c:.:.~ dJ or INaftchIo 1~',,'Iao;n, In the ~tter of .the guardlaliihlp P. H. KIlbOwl1e, M. D.:eye examina- loh's Grocery, lood.,,10.00; RaymoDcf " •• ~~T.=-:ft'f"'LI~.:a~~ 01 Amend. A Kd1t.i, an IlI000ape- tlon, p ,OO; Smart's Garage, gasol!n~, ·Taylpr. food, '11.00; , ", ,~I hllh..... I~'- ....~~ ~r:,IC.-llortl, right In to" ten& '---..;j, , • " ' ' 10 ' VJI "',..,...1"",,,,, eel"', IOOth. (gw_. : ~. of appn1len appro..-. '13.69; Poxb;Ower Garaae, ,65 PIa. 011, H. E. ~, 100d• .,..00;' Dr. I>er- ~-.Ji&.-,.; Iwaolli':.t,-.4~tlluc:ltley·. In ~e matter ·of. the .tat~ of 1311.20; ~ 4J Drake, IDe.. coal and l'Jck Vall. medical, • .80: D. A., Bar1 y. 10 .llIon .l 10000.. ' U bmit' .
TiD ,-MIll ••"..
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DON'T "take eban!.·; with Unknown
produeta to,reIleve
d~mrort of )'Our
Muaterole livee lIuch QUIOKrelief beeauae It'. 1104 "juat an ordinary Alve."
...... ,.mIII ,circUl.tion and helpa break lip local eonteltloa and Pl\1n. Ita eootbial
.... _
.11110"" ,.maIa ,_
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F·.Ie" tch·IDn ' . 'aiD., Gets .QUick Relief
bTeathllll. 40i. Approved byvaj)ON Good Rouaebepiac BUTeaU••
"jaeOrp torr
_"1.r .:::;
---8R.'·D--:-!"'--....... .N ' 'CHI'Al
:or. , .
'.80. . ,',
AmelIa •• WJ.waia& deceUed; oItt. ce~ent. n.80: Tbe .O[eIoIi1a BJidp tlon Ia ordered 1IIUed, ,' , Oo;.l~~t1or . .tea. 'tIO.'n: '~ In the ~ter or the , estete of urer of 8ta~" p,amlllatlOl) or' ~,' , John T. WUUnon, .deceued: Inven- 'll.a; Wa"neavlUe . J'I.l'Iilers Extory approYed. ·' chanp, two 8-ln. fleld WI', . f;d: In -the Dianei' bf the ~p ~ . Arlnticlie, ..~ 'a nd' Bravel, of Lena lobnlOn. an I:ncompet,ent: Blanche IIcJqtterSclt appointed Van 0&IDp ",""0,, Sand and -~. .~ Ea......... _ ' , In &be matter of t.be _tat. , of fUll; W. 'IIUPPlies. $II~: D. ~ deeelled: Bal'l1 Wellei' 00., carbide lDd ,oxz. ~ QIIOInttd IIardWb for Ddn- . ••• P.llelIob-Ouqe..n on, "-Pb UId . . . . . Jean 001'- ....... ', I••:, DaJt,on Beater 4J ... ~ aI debta appro,ed. BoUt Qo.. P.t'l; I'amciua Auto III Ow ~_ CII _1U1'dJID,ddp 8upp!J 00.. IDd auppUea, • .11;
,boIII....... --
shelter, ...~; ,Beet's ' natrj, I::'~ .;r=:: ' ..:; ' =:=;\=~======~==~:=:::======:;:==:::;:=====~ SbAWban'S Qrua - " ' : 1 · ' - " drup, 't.O!!; Dr. Jean A. Nock. !DId10&1, 18.0", •• '0. AJexaDdet: ~, "'00; ', camm ~: ' tbod, '; tlO,,,: E. L. ~ ~. , food;.: tto",; OeQl'Ire.B.' ADbDe1. fOOd, ...~: , Andrew 'I'UrDII,r. tciocL ....: . .... ............._ • B Berpr, ' food, ~.oo: J,":A. voUrird; IftI. fuel, ttUO: Obl1a~,_ foOd. ''II-Il; .. M. ~ ".00; K. 1., 8cbnrtl, laDd, . . .; ..,... HJalri•• ·food, ...... V.....
Insit, 'U();
. .' . . .;
With, a Buckeye In Congress . •.• .'
M......· .. C-...aa;
In hia recen~ Budget Message k>r.e! favoring reduced expenditure! nnd Idellt Roosevelt challenged Cong:ess are opposing tax tncreases. Evldentto find a means of reducing govern- Iy' they ilea.rd much along this \lne mental expenditures fu~~er. Last trom their constituents durlnlt ' the t week the answer to the pl'esldcllt!al. · \ challenge WI\.Ii given by the House of I:tJcent receaa ~rod spent at nome· Representatlve.s when nInety-five So Mr. John Citizen can put It down mtllion dollars In. direct nppropnn- In his little black book that th~re l UOM were 'strlcken from the lnde- I will be no Incl'eased Federal ~axa- , pendent OffIces approprla~lon bHl tlon during this year, provldln~. of I and one hundred and ntty mllUon coutse. that America remains ft.t doUars In a uthollzatlons for expen- I peace. dltures .for which the money would have to be apPfoprlated later) were Speak.lng of peace-and war : A a1llo ellmlnated. Between two and letter lias been received from a read three mllllon dollars ' In reduct!ons er calling attention to the fact that were also made In a deflcllmcy ap- thlB column, toward the end of the proprlatlon_blll earllel' In the werk. COngreaslonal session last summer .. Thus approximately R quarter of .a predicted that a new crisis lind b1ll10n dollars hav.e already bern threat of war would develop In Eulaved the taxpayers of the United rope 600n after August 16th. The cor States ,by action of the HOUSe In re- respondent further pointed out t.h at duclng the presidential requests for war did ,b reak out on September 1st. appropriations and authorizations. I and then requested that further In-
Various efforts to reduce T. V. A. ' formlij.lon appear from time to time txpendltures, to permit savings of a In this column ·on the war sltulation. further twenty-fiVe mllllon dollars. ' While. 0'. course. It Is alwQ~s danlIer were defeated by a bare 'handful of OUS to make predictions. here Is the yotell. one amendment losing by only latest : ~traordinary efforts are bethree votes. The Republican minOr- ' ing made. under cover. right now to tty In the House voted almost solidly bring a. peacefUl settlement of Europ for the reduction. It the Senate con ean h,ostllities within the next sixty curs In the action of the Hous:! a I to I'I1nety days. Pre&!dent Roosevelt real lltep w1l1 have been taken 1.0- k.nows what is going all and, it is ward reducing gov.;rnmenlal deficits ! hinted. wlU eventually playa .leadfar the coming ftscal year. l ing part ~ the secret negothitions.. _ __ If peace does not come before President RoosevelL's Buggestlfln, Spring, there J.s an exceedingly grave .. ~ made In a recent messal{e to Con- lIkeIJhood that the war wlU spread IteM. that Federal taxes be heaVIly ' so as to I.nvo}ve aiinosi all Eu:op~ Increased this year 15 meeting with nations. and b~lrur ~bout R real Itrong opposition on Capitol Hill. danger to American pe~e and ncu., The eoonomy bloc In pongress Is trallty. rItronger than . cver. for seemln ,(ly lJIany of ' those who were mu.c h In It Adolph Sabbath. oldest ~ember favor of taxing and spending during of the House In IJlOlnt of servlce .and
tb. la.8t session ot Congre88 are now Chalnnan of , the powerful Ruts
'~ "
• 1tL'. .... .. " . .' •. ' ; .. ' i' Thia but. tpecially equi.,. . ~o Serve aa freight or pal" fit of chlldren ill . - Ilombed areal of Spain. the ·Fo.t. limier tran'port, or A S a soup !.' , chen. is the first of sevel'sl . Parents' Plall h:.s 1l0W been extended to includ~ PoH* t· which will be used in FI" lIl Cl \to oi;! rerulee children for and Finnish rei lI ~ees. Some 12.000 children are bell\. whom the FostCT Porents ' P!an for War Children is cared for in oine c'J\oll ic. ncar Biarri tz. France. Celod. . Larger Because o(lletter Quality Servic~ , ~n " ~nl' It it the gift of f;i~~~,~.~I1.::m e~ica to the refugee I the unit ·is E . p . MUl!gcridge. executive se('rcLary of to. • . .., 1. ~ , chlldr~n of the world. Or .. , , bltshed for the bene· Plan. . Elltablished 1849-'1939 ~, W;"y,!~~v~'l~" Pho " . . - ::-~'---. Committee. correctly l'efiected Pres- work In recent months. President . '. ANNUAL ~1o'INANC} t.:REROR4:;·'" .,'. ' . •~ Ident Roosevelt·s attitude toward Roosevelt hlm.self, upon one occasion the cont1nuatl~ ot the pies Com- when the Committee seized a list of Wa yne Township. wai-r~n ounty. e5hlii;" ~r tiie~al Ye : :.EnClJn, mlttee in a re: ent interview, a Teal names of governmental employees 't ' , Hundreds of thousands of 'bllya December 31. 1939. tight if; ah~ad ' In Congress over the and officials huving membership In and young men read THE A.\lKR. Populat.ion 2308. 1930 . .. 0' , '..; • ~.; ~ 1.Ji !.. .f i .. I , c~ntlnuatlon of the Committee. Mr. a supposedly communistic organizalOAN BOY Magazine every month Sabbath, ardent New Dea.ler. upon tlo.n. branded the action of the Com- and cQnslde:- It more ' as a IIvlnl Total Salaries and Wllget. PIli DU1'1uiti""ttel:~. 1!~9( J..V.V:·~ . Ta x Valua tion .. ', .. ~.~. :J.' :. ': it' . ... , ....... .. ...... .. .. . ... .. . . ~e&:vlng ,a ,p residential conference at mlttee as Nsordld". Mrs . Roosp.velt companion than as Il. mB~azlne. Tax Levy . ... ''" .. .. ',,::' .,.,' ;. .. "{..! . .... , . . ...... ,1.lM~ ' . . . ' .. .. .. .. . the White House last week Informea attended the committee hearing and ~e,spaper men that he would op- sat with membe1l'S of youth orgamza"It's as much a buddy to me lUI Waynesville. Ohio , • POse a continuation of ~he COmmlt- tlons being Inve!stlgated by the Com my neighborhood chum" writes one December 31st. 1939. \ .t • a tee for Inyestlgatlon of Un-Amerl- mlttee recently. later taking them to high school senior. ' "THE AMER_ . . .... . ~ ;:~ ~ ..:.+ fi'ri'iG. .....~ ...;t"·! · ",irov. . r. ." .. can Aotlvlties. headed .by Chairman. the White House to 'dine. Public ()[_ ICAN BOY seeM! to u~derstand a ~ .}l-hereby: ee,r'!.lct~t! · f~!lo,,:I~~~l!'l.r;'.:~ ~!.:~t. . Dle~ and b~dJy and plainly InU- ticlalB, wh.C¥ie .membershlp In. or can boy'S proble~ and cons1ders them "" ,.',' .. " ,... ~ ', -.'.. lr,..u~. r._cIotl, 'T~wnlJt.. (lltr~ . ," . .. t.~ilt..". w..... ". mated that the President was also nection with . organizations' under In In such a sympat hetic and nelpful G~~'~' ~ ~ TOWNSlnP F~"· :' '; opposed to the Conunlttee. It 15 a vestigationrI1a ve been made pLlbllc w~Y. It gives advice and entertRl11_ '. .. . . . f .well known fac;t. of course. that Inclbde Receipts and Payrilenfli i;f; AJi 'FUndi ~Eic~pt· BOnd ~r_.t Ing reading on every lubj!,ct In many high Administration offlc~a1s by the Commltt.ee. are bringing pres . ,' • •. . • . sure to bear against the contlnLla ~ which a young fellow Is Interested. and Slnldnc Funds. have been critical of the Comml ~ ..ce 8 t10n of the Commlttee's legislative It ls particularly helpful In sports. RECEiPT ·· · : . . ·.• • au~orlty. However. Ii Is predl7led Z. made our school basketball team Gener al Property. Ta.!C . .....~ . .. . ', ' . , .. . ..I .• ...... • ' . ... '.... .• .• .. . ,.. . n.28'1.211 that the life of the COmmittee will because of playing tiPS 1 read ~ Sales Tax . . . ' .' 200.00 be ~tended and an appropriation THE AMERICAN BOY for a continuation of Its work. Will be Many famous ~ thJetea In aU voted by congress soon after Mr. sports credit much of their SUCUJIII D1~, who has been ill at 'hls Texas to helpfUl 5ug'gestlons received ''1.K from sports articles carried In TUB :Isce~neous Receipts (t~) ,~ents ..an~ ReI".1!d~ , ..-: .;':~ .:~:." ~ home, returns 1to Washington. eer cense Tax ' ,: . :'. . . . ~ . . .. .. ' " . .. ..... . .. .. .. ....... . ...:~ 100.00 AMERICAN BOY MagaZIne. Virtu: Rellcf Fun.d s trom Cpunty. : . ... . . .. .. . .. . ,-'. :.:'... .... •.......• ' 1.3Ir.I.13 The Death AJlpl has again visited ally every lBsue offers advice from a Total MlscellaneoUlj: Receipts " . ..... . . . . .•.. • .: .. .. . .. :' ,1.Mo..7 the 7.6 th Congress. ~st Friday nl,aht famous coach or player. Football. Total Receipts ... . . , . . . .. .... .. .... . ... .....' ...,_ . ... . ·$13 12& 00 ... ·.~ "" "r . , .:._ . . . ..'.. . _._ .... .. ' ... ! J • William Edgar' Borah. United states basketball, . track, tennis, in fact PA.YMENTS , :- ...~ '.~./ 8enatA:lr fl'om Idaho. passed on •.as every major spar Is ' covored in resUlt or a cerE!bral.heinorrhage sUt- lion and fact articles. Oeneml'.Execlttive Sem~lls-Compensation . (){ ~e! .. . . .. . , JtCI.oo fered on . Tuesday. 8enator Bomh \.... ...1.11 . Compensation . \ . . of. :\, ~C1erk .. .' . :~ . . :f ·.J;A¥. Teachers. librarians. pa.rentl! and waa the dean IDf the Senste. having . Total'Genera'l EXecutive ServIces . .. . . . •. .. . .... .. .... '.l,30US served Ili that body since 1907. It. leaders of bOYII clubs 1Us0 recom; Poor Relief-Medical Serylces . .. . ........ ,-;":-.-.' . .. .... . .. ... . .. $ 1170.1&' RepubIJcan, thle Senator was 'the mend THE 'AMERICAN BOY en.. .other. Poor Relief .. .. '. '''<~' . ::.':!f.'' . .r;.,,,·:;.'~·~it,.~ . ~~~:- ~ . ta.M leader of independent thought in thU!lastlca\ly. They ". Have found " •~~lnroor~"lIef .. . . . . {"';;>I ' '1 ~ •• ·:.~"':.hlt.Jl;' . ;)~ ..;~~. YAn!f I.0vernmep~l ,a ffatts. Cruunpion ~f that as a. leneral l'Ule' t'egtilar read.. JUmQ1. Maldtl!nance and ~P.~~~:::r-La~ ~~.1~1;\~\lt.f X v ~r. '7.r.U~I· the 'constitutlon, he wUl long be era of THE .M.nm.iCAN· BOY adTotal HIghways .... ... . , .. , .. .. .. . . . .... . , ... .. . , . . .. ........ '7.121111 E R 11 f l ~ • . .: , ,' . ~;.. ,.. :. : o ;;":- .. '; :i,.j "' ·i .r emembered ·. for hlB ~y gallant vance 'more ' rapld}y . a~d develop mergency e . e . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~.. ..,.~.~ . . .. $1,_ ..., fights tn defellBe of that great cloc- more worthwhile char~cterls.t.lcs Generalt: '" Suppllel! ... .... ~' .. ~L:'.::: .. :' . . .. .. ~~r.. . '; ~'."'~' .. ~>J:!" '~"l" : .0: sn.lIt' I ; _" . ,. .- ~ • ~ ... :.. I • ument. IsOlationist. and a believer ,than do boys who dQ not'rea'd . I~ .," ¥emonal Dllr Expenses . " ...•,..' .. I.)', :' . \ , . ... . .'~; .:.i; . '~~ .. '. <of. , that American intereSts should alTra.lned writers and a\Llsts~. Rood MalntAniirice <oM T~) . . ' . .. . .. \ c,.. ~, .. . ... .•.•..•.•..• .j' • i ,' • ' '.;wi ' _; 2.723.4' ._ ... . ¥ • r-: .,',. ,. , .:.I ' .I , " "! . . . .. '...' ......·/"i~.. ..· .: .t "tJ.. ., .....,J , ••' • • ~',A~' , . '. ' •• I " ' " ' ' . , • . ".2S1•• ways come flrist. Senator Borah had ouis coaches and a~hletes 'explorers. Total Miscellaneous • '. .::.:,., or ..... ~ 17.;:' • ~I"' .. Total .PaYments . .... . .. : ....... ...... .. . .... . ..... ... : . . .' . , . .If,53\ na i more to do'. with the dlreetlng of SCientists and men , 8\1ccessIul .In i . .J ,,: ~••,....~/ •• "~J ' , '. ~~ ~ ; ~ ~: .,:.: MY:~; ., • . Amer1ca"lt part In foreign aff~lrs business and Industry join with. at) SUMMARY OF O-PERAT1QNS1 ~ f.U~~ ': , .... ":, ....,~.... • I· . . during thePll,6t thirty years than experlenped staff to produce In THE , any other one . Indjvldual. There are !l.MERICAN BOY. the sort 01 rel!ocJ. Balance( Ja~u~ry 1.' 1939; (elerk··6)',:;:.! :.:. !.:." . ; ,;t" .18.221.01 but few Bbralis In the lIIe-time of mg matter boYS like beSt. Receipts. I?ur.I!I~ Year . -!'. •• • ,I, .•• , , .. ..... "~ •.:; " ,..~.. .. 13.125.8 . .tv'i .tAIONS WHY You iMouto Total Recelp~. and Balance . . .. .... . ... . ' " .. . . .. ,.,~::;s f29.35a.15 any nation. Re be missed. The THE AMERICAN BOY sella on lIlT .YOUII UIID YOUR P!lym~n~ OurJ!ilg Year_ ........ ::: ..... : ... ... , . . , ':. ~ "" $lf.531.0:1 senator's de~th was the third 'In the moat newastand.s ~t 15c a copy. CNlVlOUf DlAliar Balance, December 31. i939 ' \c"Ierk'S) : ..... .. ::. : ...• ,1UiUI Senate.durlng the past ,year and the Subecrlptlon prlce8 are $1.60 for ' ,I ~ : ' .!".... ./. for:f ,,: Yoar 0II8'1'1'OIK jlaJet olf..... tweny-flrst' in th~ 76th COP&Te:lS. .., 00 ' fo three • the .elCtiOB of uoed . one · y~ or ...,. l' .. ' ~, cuiI ..... dl.,_ t You can b~.: ueed car , BUtc~W~' Ii1 the' world do you Foreign rate! 60~ 'R year · ~xtra.-='T ."O:=+_ _ _ _" r.r-'-;--'~rT:~ from 'JOur let ' dealer ... th _1Id_. let your \vUe 'go around . brag~ sublicrlbe slmply send your 'name . .: ) that She made amJll1 out . of . you? address and remlttapoo direct. · to Voar OhoYrOj.;,a- d. .1.... em" • •,• • 1'> . ' ... . . . .. r. ,· ....,. thel ..... rec:ondltloit· . .t.. ~ •.: ....... ,.~. .. <0'.'; .~\ ·'1 •• .1 " . • • Yo~ hear ~lte saying' that THE .A¥E;lUCAN BOY. ;430 Secorid Inametboele. -. ~ , . ,.~ ,;,~ ·· , r .o':rhe··Miamt ,t;:":~ sort' of thing. ' . ~lvd.~' Detroit: Mlch}gan. : ~ .' '. '. Low..i ~I"" prl.,.,. cOm-" l ~"!'",.~". ~'" aual,I9'" • ~ . ,. • ~ ' 1.' .' ...., ~ ~:,-:i:t fa. ~ 'J'~'.).:t. " 2): . AlPhonse-NO. but ' I 've often .. ... , 11 .',. a.. h$rd 'her say she tried her hard~t ,;U8~, '~: ~ . GA.Z~).~ . dIi4t£.Q!C t ; Cu YourOheYrOludealeretando 11 Ii • '. J ,. • 1Irm1,_.beblod _ ...), u.ed CIIr • "1Ie HIIe. ·. ' to dO .BO •
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t:a'ta&e of .LIIJ· M. E,bert, ~aaecl No~ce ,is h~i'eby ,given -ti1~i' Cb:de\ . Egbert whose Post Office AddrC4S is ; Waynt!svllil!!. Ohio has been dutY appointed ~ Adrntmstrator' oi the Ea~ tate of Llly M. ~ lat1 of/,warren county, 9hlo, deceased. of, Dated this 8th day of January. ~ ....\U~.,- 'u Cari 'AbaeCberU. AttY>·J ' . • ',. Lebanon. Ohio. RALPH ·R . CAREY, Judge of the ' Pl'o~te' Court ' Warren County. Ohio •
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News Of Red.
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rMkI the folJoW1DC @UJ8ta at lWiclb on 8On. MUton, spent BUDtIq afternoon KIaml Valley bOllpltal apffflrina r Memday; Yra. obB W~ch, Mrs. Oaa· and ev~ with Mr. and Mrs. at- from lDJuriea reeelved In an autoTREE RIPENED ORGANGEf5 ale Collett, YrIs: Dan · Underwood. win Nutt near eentervU1e. • mob1le accldent. She suffered frao, . . earnea I'UDI. A favorable ~ ta ¥J'L RllIk of Shamrock Texas. Mn.. Little Jact1e ~ W'U ~t tureI of the rlaht lei and riaht J~UABY 28 one ~hat 'abows fewer hlta thaD :on- Charlp Smart, '~n. Wllbur SlUdaIL- 'f rom M1&Io1 Valley hospital to bla. a nose lDjury and a eut over the 'l ett 1Dp pitched. a poeater Dumber or er. MI.u GNce s.nart and Mrs. Mltry bcale bore Wedneeday ev.eu!DI. Be eye and WUl be confined to the hos• atrtteouta than paaaes. and an earn.. Coate. ·'1 , . II Vrtrl alowly recovertne from a ae- pltal aevera1 w~ks. eel run IIW'k that ccmp&n8 tavarM1lI8 Gra~ Sauuot eD~ed the vere attack of pneumonia, . Reappolntmen~ ot O. K. Sbnlson -"--II!I~-I!I!!!III!I!I!!!!!!I!~I!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!''? IJIly to other pltchera in the aa~ Book Review Circle at ~er home on Mrs. Jermie Mullen and Mr. Tom of R. R. 1 III Oreel'te .county bee InKOTIca OF PUBLIC S40 leape. aplnIt the same type of TUesday with" .o ne o~loclt l~- Burton of Perry were Sunday after· spector fo, 1949 was anno~meed by compeUt1oD. eon, atter wblch .Mrs. C. O. Randall noon caners at the h~ ot Mr. and. county eotnJDl8sloners. Mr. Simicon ~!!'!!~~~~~~~~~~ 10 tbe pursuance ot the order of It that meana of deterJDlnlni lit reviewed Grandma C6l1a It Carnal lin. ~ Cornell. lws served as apiary Inspector ever =-: \be Probate Ooun ot Warren COun- pltcher'. effectiveness can be \lied by Bertha Damon. A mirth provok~ Mr. and Mn. Earl Olark and Mra. e1nce the position was c.reated. '. for ODe pltdler, It certainly can be Ina story, It ....,. much enjoyed by Allee Clark of Dayton vlalted .Mr.. Adam Paul or Springfield was a 'Y. Obio, I WIll oCrer for ..Ie .~ pub- UIed .. the baal.s to Judie an entire the club members. and Up. Walter Clark and . tam1ly recent iUest of Mr, and Mrs. Frllnk lie auec.IDD GO tbe 38th day of L"eb· .taft, 110 the O1nc1nnatt'Reda remlnd. 'lbe Baptiat.mtaalorwy meeting Sunday tlfternoon. . Kyne. two o'e1oc1t P. Y ., thole wbo are hasty to e~te tor January 'WU held at the home Mrs. Rred. Rush entertained the Mr and Mrs. G . V. Sims have ten&U'J, • them from. the liMO pennant of Mrs. UarylPlcl EIther Doster. De monthly card party at her hOme on turned from " weeks vlslt In UW pnmJIeI. tb.I foUowiDlJ deacr1b- acramble before ·It . starts to ta&e .. 'voUona were br Mrs. LUra HoUib. ThuradaY. Despite the eever cold all Dayton wltb Mrs . Kate Boyce lind I!!I!I!!!I-~!!I!!I!!!!!!!~~" ell nalllta&e t.o-wit: gander at the I t . marta and deter- and the ~~ was preeent.ed by membera were preeent and enloyed dauabtens. . ' mlDe the reuon 1I0KecbNe·a team lin. AU&le Houcb. the after1)OQD. 'Mrs PIo Bucklea returned from a. ". "81tuate 1D the 00uDtT of warreD wu IJlle to lin Cincinnati l~ nnt The Clvlc ~JUe bel~ their Jan- .Mr. and Mr., Paul Johneton of vl81t Penneylvanla with her son and State of 0bI0 and boUnded aDd natJonal Leape fIac lD 20 yean. uary meetIna .. the home of \Ira. Dayton and Mr. and Mrs, WlWalD Howard Dyche and famUy. . DONALD BAILEY, Auct100neer ....... , FLYING,DUCES" ~ . . foUowl: Lot Ao. SJ.xteen It waa ptcbbll that' turned the Laura 8b1dater. ToPo tor the COmplete auction servlee. Cltlzens Arnold of l'almouth KY., called OIl Revival aervlees at the M. E BIUlk Bldi·. W1lm1n;t.n, Phone (J,I) . . dlliPat.ad on tile recOlded b1ck. pltcb1nl that was far aDd DlDc .... BOob. ,After the bW.I~lllll8 Mr. aDd Mrs. Qe(qe Gray and church dOlled on SUnday evening. ~U 'pia' Of IIantI AddlUcm. IIa1rlaon aboVe the beat lD the drcu1t !'Otb meetlnlr, lira. 'Chirlea Smart review Mrs. IIlntle Smith MondaY' afterMr aDd Mrs Forest Grandin, Mr. ~2. 8quuw III \be tcnrn of w.ynesvWe in Ule matter of lDdlYidual ed "OlUdren -Ot God" by Vard1s noon. Mrs. Gray remalna quite Jll: and Toddy Walton ot DaYtOn _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ lD the at0reetJ4 oauntJ. "8a1d Lot and as a complete mound unit. They Flaher. The story. 18 an epic or the Mr. Lev! Greathouse and. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. &llph Haines of FIREWOOD to be cut on shares . lay. tlftJ (50) feet front on TIl1rd had the twO' beat hurlers in the Mormon colonts In America. Morrla Wbarton of Dayton 8peQt near Xenia vlalted on Sunday with George Henkle J25-FI -a. tJrd) Street &D4 ruDI back at rlght country in l'aul Derrtnaer and Bucky The BaptJat ~ay 8ch,oOI claas , SundaY With Mr. and ':Mrs. O~"~ Mr. and Mrs. J , T. Walton. ., 4 ! i . , AIIIJeI to aD alley and being the Waltens. Now We flnd that there meettn, waa held at the home of Wharton and ·daUib~. MIla Eva. . A larp crowd attended the Farm. ~~.-: ._-_~~~~~~~~~ I4iIDe premlaea COJlnyed to Mary B were othen on the atafr who backed 111'. and Mr& Boward CoUett in WllMr. Allen Bmlth of Dayton vlluted er'. IDstltute in Town HaU on Wf!dRet.Uld< b, deed recorded in Deed up tbII rtmUbble pair with pitch. m1Dgton on Tueaday ·n1ibt. An oy-' b1a mother Mrs. ~. Bmlth. needa.Y. ReooI'd Vol. 11. pap 3341. Warren Ina of a type that would be • more Iter aupper , waa enjoyed after the Saturday afternoon and fouDd ,her IIrI. Kate Ilagle is in Dayton, BAR t) "l IN HR , 15c: 'Til 2:00 COWaty Recorda. And alao belng the not.lCeable on a COllIS that was not PI'OlrlDl of the evenlDir. ·Several greatly 1mprOYed. belJ)lil, to tor her father-tn-law liTHE M4N THEY Frlday ..me preJJllaa conveyed bJ Hervey studded WIth the leaiue'l two 11111- from here were In attendance. Mr. aDd MrI. P'J'uI[ De'ftele aDd Mr who recently suffered a AND L. ftJe to AmaDda ~ U&ffl1t by IDler crattlmen. Robert Gordon 18 much improVed Mr. and un. Robe~ Pad of Yanof paralyels. COULD NOT HANG" deed dlated Noyember II. 1~, aDd otncttmatl hurlers worbd 1403 2-8 alnce hla recent operation at a ),)ay- kee Road were 'nwIIIdaJ. evmiDI PrImda of Mrs. CW. VenaDle . Saturday rec:cntecs ha Deed Record Yolo lB. 1Im1np 1ut year and a1lowei1 !S38 ton hoIp1ta1. ' aueat.a of Mr. aDd Mrs. Howard De- wtll be IOl1'Y to leam she Is in a. Coat pap .L of tbe WarreD County. t;1lta, which clearly ebowa a ~d of Mrs. E, B • • DtJdn is impro.1ni weeee. lumbua hoepltal. Twin Thrill Days! ........">"' ------PLUSS-----0JIIt, IJIMII ReardI." fewer blta than In.nIDp pltleheel. ateadSJy. aDd ber many friends. are Mr. and rMi. Raben ~Y eor.erMr. and Mrs. Ohae. Reynolds len....... lID line_ Dumber for 'I1ley puaed 4118 men and fanned bop.!ni *e will ~~. be able to \01D talDed. at • blrtbday dJ.DDar aatur· CeDuY ylalted relatives 1n Kent\lcl[y "Oh, JOhnnr~!!?w Vo .. Can _ '"' ~ to ~ nIhowa an advantage 1D them 1n ~ olUtiand IOCIal actl.v lue. in hOnor of ·the latWa mother. Mh Mrs, Toner underwood, Mr. and With t.U VIUIIe of WIo7- la'for of the strtteoute. They were Kra. H. E. JIaIoton 11 prep&l'Ins tor Eealer 0rabaIn. 'ftle. pata were MrL J. T. Walton b&ve been on the Tom Qrown _ Peggy Moran ~ s,~~ 1D equipment and In' and lIN. O. 'w. A1ID1rbt and 8lck l1st for a couple of weeD. - - - - - - .......- .. Ohio', aid .aecl uPOD 585 time.. of wbJch 110 stock ber. aaJe of f.PI Allen Jenkin. _ Donald Meek - - ............. - - - " I t OIl ..... . Iat __A "'--hwM .... a.te4 upoa tbe But wen earned runs. 'lb1a .... b .~~".. Jaclde BUlbI of PekIn and 10". ,..... at 'lb1rd ~ in aa1d vuiace amallelt numim of total runs aDd Tbe IClton A\kl'n family are re- I4rI. Kealer Orabam. '. .· ......AAADV ~ bet _ Chapman Street on &be earned runs charied &_alnst any modellnr tIHi home wblch ~ te- Mh. · W. O. Baln._ Mr. and Ura· ~.Dd NOrth street on ttle team in tbe c1rcUlt. And, as an IIdd- centlY p~ ~ Walter .Orey. Robert DeHaven, Mr. aDd un. 80- . ~ed pro1ah to their recorda. they 'lbe IIWQ" ~ UId. club UIOCI- ben Baln. aDd ' lOll Bobby Neal of Ikndb. hurled 88 complete g.mee, ~l of atea of 11ft. B. R. Hatton'~~. Dayton were Sunday even1q cliDner ~ SUd prem18ea were dul1 an~ rer- wbleb were turned' in by B\.IICk;J Wal aret ~er ~t remova~ . froin iUeet.a of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kf'n. lied tor the aum ot SiX- tera and 28 by PaUl Derringer. Wa1- our m1d8t. ~ IEI&DJ Je&I'I preaIcllng rick aDd Balnea. 'al,;n18.U' eMt'! ularq appr. tera; complete pme total waa the as a cordlal , dJ;d hoaP'wtire hOlt. at Mr. &Dd lin. LeaUe Gray and .Mr. ~. tee IluDdred and ~o.lOO (~800 00) beet turned In the National ~ her lovelJ f&rlll home, Crest· View, and Mra. Dearth Sheehan attended DoUan' and must be 101d for not· Ilnce Bur:Ueeh Grimes went throuIb ~Route 'lI, eut. and an ~~eated, U1e funeral ~ their ~e, WWWD • sa 1D 1_ . and eameG worker 1n all dvic IU1d 8weny at LebaDoD Saturday after• bIl two-tbIrde (2-~dI of wd recOrda notwttbllandlni. IlOClal dab'll ,abe, wtll be sreau, m1aa DOOIl. . ;' ) • I.. " wilt. apcnl8ed value, Tenna of Ale 1icKec1mle ta ac1beJ'jq to b1a . l~ eel. Hal1Dlr dd the anoeetnl .heme Mrs. AlIce MUJer and IOn RlIY .....,.. ~.,. . "eub", . eatab1llbecl poUcy of iIaYIOI nothIJlI. of.tIIe.Janta Ha~ tamn, abe will were Dayton "fII1tcin Saturday. _
'McClure Funeral Home
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or blta per lJmlDia pltehed atrUte. Out. .. aplnat tasea em b&U8, aod
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..' .' . "" tIaeIr ...., ~. DONALD ~IU'I'01!III. AUoarDq. , ' _._ "
. .
mate. ber. .1\ltun with ber daUib~ Nra. ~ ,0alIU8 ~ ~
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we.WIIh her Jiea:lth and bapplDeu. _ . " .. .~::!:~~.....u I.
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• IGY SCOUTS of AMEli O. 2 .... " .... " • . • N.", ...... N.Y.
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UIlANON ' "10
==-.-~ !21$ NDllC'iUii YBAa
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MRS. AMANOAMAFFm~·';~7::'-~- :~ ---t'~~--"-_~-- .I.-. .. VICTIM ORIFIRE- ~-~::.: _'_~_i_ -_.~io""'"
_ _ ",""",.--'W
~:.:iIIIAIMJoamsb'M~eel."ng W. H. AIl~~ "Rounds' 9ut
Athens, MondlY. • • •
·., . .
Don't forget, the Waahlnaton sponsored by the Granse. PebrUa~ 9, at the gym A lood time 1.$ assured far all. .' .
• • • • •
Dr, and Mrs. A. E. Stout end daughter. Winnie Jo, visited Dr . and Mra. Clare Stout and family of Day. tell, Sunday. • • • • •
She was the Widow of Ambro"'"
~ltt. for IJWl1 yean . : funeral dlrector In WaytlesV1lle. He died abOUt ~ years aro. . MrI. ~Jtt was a member of Miaatt Otw.ptAltNo. 10'7 O. E.S., the Methodii~ ch~ch and a former mem
ber of the NeW Century club. She __ ........... es_~ and. had mlUll' friends In thla commUDlty. • inclUde a nephew, Oeol'le IMmuton, and a niece. 'MIa. Lee Manta. ~ of.~.
w_ ._.. .,. .~ SUrvlv~
. 'DItertt 8taI' ~"fti'e fieJct at , the Stuhba funeral bome 8Unda¥ aftemoon wUn about 26 membtlra of , the ~ In ' at~~. . 'nle last rites were morning and ~I was in MSaIn1 cemetery . .
:. "'mc CLUB .~ U I 1m) ,
' JC
Bpeclal Lenten obeervancee Will be heJc1ln W"""'We chW'clles dur1Ir. and NtI. Reller Ohambltu 'It IN the.seaaon of Lent. which ~ next. WecInesde.y Febuary '1 and ends ~_ ..... _.... ~..... ......A ..... lin. John ... D. Easter Day. March 24th. Attend church regularlY d......... ..... . . Lent. Gons and daUlht.er were BUDday I~ of Mr. and M .... A. B. Behop.METHODIST OHmCR 'nh~.y!8 ler In BamUton. BeY. JA.Ia O. Ba4JeJ. pu&or . EPI8COph ,CliuacH • .• • • . ' Alb WedDelday. February 'lib R L. Mr. and lin. Herbert 8&t.t.erth'1:10 p. m .. Beilnnlng of our Len. eYe B., I"""' Rector waite aM daUlhter. Mlu MarI~ teD IIId-Semlnan on the general A.ab WedJl4fIWl 1. Feb. '1th tlnd Mr. VIDeeJ'. tbeme : ''MaIt1ng :our ReUgion Real." 10 U'...." of n.. ..... tfertb • I!tunday 8ertvces. Oburch School 7'30 a . m. nNOJ "".nmunlon. ~.. ton • , ... _ ted C"._'..... _ .... EveDln' WlUte. Bunday.. 8:30 a. In. Worabip service ~t 10:to ~ p. m, g Prayer and ad• • • • • a. m. Spec:Ja1 empbaala. Will be placed lira. J ....e entertained a on *bile dur.ln( Lent. 8ervlcea wW be; on ~ of OIDciDnaU WGIIIDat hmcb- A' ~C~'a lnItnIctlon CIaaa WIll needay evtDbIC ~' Lent at '1 :30 ~aDd' .eudI.- ...".......,_ d . MIll . . . . . . . ." of lADt-at 4- o'~ _ _ :i' _~.__ home' 01 bet ....: : - . lira, .&. ·T. p. IlL f . cIlildftn of . the grade Sunday ee~ 1IrUl be u usual: Polinllty In~CI!"" • •U. 1Cboo1 aae. 7:30 a. m. Holy 4c:ommmilon. ' " . ~ ~ of Pre-Baater ServJcea,nIl 11 a. m. ~rnIntr woniIDp anc\ ser_ . Mr. Ind .MrI. Char... I , be held P1e weet MCb. loth to 16th. ,moD. . 01 New Kt!DII$nIfOn. -.., are anDOUDC . ' 1Il0l 'the arrival or at -th 11 KenalnitOn ' 1W..:..n; BOLT WEEK
_._<- __
and~lIn. ~wrence
w , Ul
Tb~J ~
o'd oct with the I'eIUlar mec!tlnr .all ... at 7:30. ' . ate urpd 'to hGftOl' 01 the bIaihiIq.lUI1,erwry of ' ent that. all 01 IIJI. lIaMlnIa. . . " ' . may be COIMIdered. The local teIe. • • • ~ • • Phone IltuaUon ' as well .. several Mr. and lin. Walwz" O&at &Ad Mr -. • • other mattei'll, WOrbe.stven attentioo aDd lin 0barleJ ZIauD8rman a'tend M.Iaa WylodJne Kurflsa ent.el'tained . the ,funeral of ,lira. OMt'l 'COI»in SUnday afternoon with I m1acellan81RTHDAY DINNER J!ld Bec$ett. In WllmlnIton 1b\II'IdII.J eou. shower bonortna MrII. MUO . _, ' . , _ Hal1Ioct; nee Martha & re.
me~ All.mem~ ~ ~ttel'l
be' pn!Ii~. ~u.m..
W. H. ADen
Jeaa .FllruI"lI" 1. Howard
Ii'ssiIdille • .
The manlaae of
~ Barbara Jeall
PurDu and Howard J. Ylsalldlne wu quJetly eoJemnl!ed 'nlUl'lldlY
.Jan~ 2Ii."at·~e beautiful
evenlni • country bome. of the
I A though Thursday meana JUit
~. ,
~ut.omobUe ~
Union Services .be held during the week of March 18th to 28rd . naored spa bY the Yetbodlat Ohurch and the 8t; Mary's Epllcopal Church • • • • •. 8enicea wlll be held in the Methodlat Chutch from Monday through " .Mr. ancI 'lIn. . . . . ._BAatmp lind at '1 :30 P. M. and the Union. Good Pr1day semce Will be beld da\llh. tao•• _ ' " or ,! ."..,...-. a-. the J:pS.acopaI Church from 12 noon to 30·elocIt. '_ . . . • d . . ..,. .... carloe!.IIIaIttnis and dauabiet .1tIlkIr8cs 01 DaJkID . ,·U!__ dInhef ..... Of'ur: atid un:,Ratpb ; , .... 1 Ba}t!lnp. \ WeilbllldQ" "' eftD\DI tn
neaday eVen1nI, 'PebNary 7th. 1'he' of cl1n!otore wlU meet at ' .,
. ... .
-.~. ,
Charles Anderson of 0 , S, U , s pent the week end at his home here,
in ....
he~d ~h.·Wed-
• meetl. . lr In-tbe .Townah1p Hall. W. .... cu_
~ nie '~aynflsVUle Olvlo ' Club will ~ld the .J'ell11ar monthlY bualDeu
Local Happenings
• • • • •
- - -. - - - - -
stArt of a new month tor the anr.. age citizen of this commWlltJ. U.a date Is far more significant to W .... Allen , president of the Wa:ynaYUlt National bank . . IN AUTO ACCIDENT • • • • Today. Mr. Allen rOWlds ou' .. -1 Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout a ttended years employment at the local. Mrs. Harold Van PelL ot Xenia was the performance of Kay Kysel' in the last 40 of which be has &ernd .. severely Injured Sunday eventng Clnclnnatl. Wednesday evening. president. Wh en the car In which she was rld• • • • • It Is probable that Mr. ADem Sa OM Ing w1th her hU6band. and Miss Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Lukens atU'ad of the oldest acttvebaue!'ll Betty Harper. a student at MJamI ed Farmers Week at Ohio State Uni - State of Ohio or posalbly the GUn University. collided with another car versity. and Thursdav . nation. and untu the last Id' y.,., on Route '19 near Sprln8'boro Ml.ss • • • . '. when he has tleen maILIna' 'ti1i1ll to Harper had been visiting Mr'. and Reserve February II for the Wash- the banlc In an .. .. . Mrs. M. A. Pulkerson here and Mr . . Ington party at ~he gym . A prll'.e wllJ a famUlar figure o.n the &treet. 01 and Mra. Va Pelt were taking her be given for the best costume WaynesvUJe. back to .... -h001 wh en the accident oc. • • • • • His bU6lness annlvel'!l&l'1 UId'tiIrUI curred. MnI. Van Pelt was taken to Mr. and Mra. Hartley MOIlS ellter- date comes within a few c:\a,. err -.el\ the hoepltal in Middletown where It talned at dinner Sunday, Mr ana other for on February Sobe :wID eele-was learned that she had sUflered a Mrs. Beth Greely. and Mr, Ilnd Mrs brate hi6 ei8hty-fourth fractured shoulder and al1Ifit CCICl· Ray Gevedon of MalnevUle, O . • enjoys excellent health aDd ~ cuaalon of the brain. Mr. Van Pelt • • ; .~ • his enUre career h.. been· ...... IOUtKlil 'Harper s\ilfered minor ~l.8' Mr, arid Mri. J. N.-'iiObiiiSo'7t 'buIk 0IIl1 'to..........., and bru1aea. Dayton were Sunday evening illnner of IIlnesa: once In lJOB .. the ....... guests at the home of Mrs. fto 11\- of rbeumatlsm and a.-m IDUB,due CHARLES F. CREW, 'odA son's ""'rentll. Mr and Yr- E F to an operation. vo r. Q. , . . . _DIES IN DA.YTO Earnhart. One of the mOGt outatandlnl JDd. ' N • • • • • dents In' his e5 years of
-- _ .-
ur ng a ple6S1lnt social period, de • • • " • vi-." of the h were •• __enjoyed In John S . Dohme of Dayton w~ · a Ucloullrauests refreshments R """L .. Hackwell M'--I Mrs. guest Sunday at the home of - '. ·r. os""""An were . . Brown Mrs . .....".,s ••• Mame L H nGe and and Mrs. Robert Baker Jr .. Sunda.', . ., . ordon . Mrs. Ronald Hawke a nd Mrs. D. Cra~. Mr, and Mrs . Robert Baker Jr .. and Mrs. Charles Zlmmerman wer ? .. SUSTAINED IN,JURIES Wilmington visitors. Wednesda..
Mrs. Ralph HaatlnSII was I dele. gate A'.om the ' Warren County Home CouncillOR; to the State Cowu:!1 meetlna. Monday. aa pan. of tti.e , Week" protram bein,. h ..ld "Pannen at Ohio State 'Unlvera1t.y 'W'!f:t. • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Ruasell ' TreadWIY. M18ees Mae and Ami Tnadway and Mr. Joe Shaw, .ll of Dayton; Mr .. Ind MrII. were au!abJ of MI'. aDd Mrs. ne.d'JaY, lJUDday.
January ·ll. Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker are the pround
65 . Y ' ears At Local ,Bank
Bm:. ...
Miss Mary Dora HOUllh was " weell end guest of Mr, and Mrs. H , B Earnhart and famUy . " • • • • Elmer Munger of Cincinnati wa ; the guest. Sunday 01 Mr and Mrs. C. L. Duke. • . • • • " • Walter Zwick of Phoneton. 0 .. of the Bronte f"mily. by W. Bertram was the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs P L. , White ; the second. "Wuthering Reaspn . Sunday. . Heights" written ,by Emily Bronte. ' .Both Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Hough gave evidence of careful study of their bj Mr . and Mrs . W. P . Salisbury were su acts and their rendi't lons dillner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. i ~ . II e I Sl>';sbury , Sunday. w Dre exce ent and Interesting.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Braddock. Ilno Yr. and Mrs. Raymond Braddock and family were Sunday dinner !Nests of Mr. Ind Mrs: Fred dock. • • • • •
Edith M ,
to the members' of the New Century club Friday afternoon at the Little Inn. Twenty members responded to roll call with the name of a new book. The program was In charge of Mrs George J , Smith Qlld Mrs. J . W, Ward but owing to the i1lness 'of her husband. Mrs, Ward could not be present and Mrs. Kenneth Hough served In her place. Mrs. Smith gave as her part of the program. a review of Worth Smith's book, "Miracle of the Ages" a vivid deser1ptlon Of the oldest pyramid in Egypt, Mrs. Hough reviewed two books. the first. "The Miracle of Haworth" a des: ription of the h~e
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace TrelowaY and chUdren Johnny 'Lee and .)AI,.... ,,,, Rose spent Bundaywtth Mr. Mrs. George Henderson,
Friends of M.r s. Amanda Maftltt. _re shocked and ... ""'Ieved when news of her tragic death reached here last Friday, J a nuary 26. Mra. Mlftltt who was 89 years of age. died In a Dayton hospital FridaY mornlna lrom . burna. sU6t.a1ned about 6 :30 p. m. Thurlday •. when ' her clot.hing cau,ht nre while she was standing before. an open IfILl grate In the IIvina room of the rest home In Dayton where ahe had llved the put fn years.
WHOL£-~ 'iP,.'
~. "
Charles P. Crew. son o[ the late Joa1ah W. and Rachel crew born In Warren coun ~ -was tember 5 ty. Ohio. 8ep' 18'l2. arid passed away in Dayton.was Mon!1ay, January 22., 1940. Death due to spinal mentnalUs. Set:vlces were held at the Roberts f\Ulera! home In D&yton Wednesd ' January 24. and bftrtaJ was In MI aYi cemetery. am
The of members or "Booste: ·s claaa" tti e Prlends Church werr entert.med at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Ell Pumas, Sunday evening • • • • • . .. Mr ' I'nd Mrs . Donald L. HaVJkc and Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Crane were dinner guests at the' home of Re\·. and Mrs. R. L. Hockwell . Saturd. y eve.n lng.
caahler of the Ifllltltu··--. - ••. ............._ - known u a. . blnkel'll' panic . 'f!IPd throuah t he country and caUMCI.CCIIlslderable concern only to be weaUJer;. ed InMr. tineAllen shapewho by wu the only" loca"'naUtu.. Uoh. of alfe at the time Jean . • recalls tIdI .. til. worst pan1c to his knowled... His assoclatlon with the vll1& Nltional dates to &N • Mr. and Mrs . M. A. Fulk.e rson Ilt - ::antzatton of the concera wIdIQI BIRTHDAY. IS OBSf;RVED tended the funeral of an ' uncle Dr k piece On December 14. llTt. 'lb. G. F. Van Pelt. of Gordon. 0 .. following month the election of cUMrs. Walter Sh-:ehan Wa.1 hostess . urday. Burill Will in Connersvllle; rectors was held namiDir S. S . to a group of friends. 'nluraday eve· I Indo . Joel E'IIans. S. W. nlng, at an .o yster supper, In celebra-I • • • • • ney. E. A. Brown. A . .P. O'Neal UOn of Mr. Sheehan 's btrthday annl. Mi&a Ml\l'gie Gustin, who recently B. A. Stokes. These dlnJetors
... . . . .
~ers, J~ .Ja~~d tb~
.mother.)(rI. John ' W. Cast. ' 111 otnt, ~. The lin. were loveb' and .brother-in.la" andl ,al&tel'. Mr ' andlversary. I~' dl~er. OIUkaville. . _," .varied ,and each peat wrote a piece Mrs. Vl'ctor ,oarpenter., nelr ,Mlddle'nle 'evenlng was pleasantly spe.nt hospital. Cincinnati. spent the week pre8ldent; S. W. RoPl'll. fiee h~. UJ:a, 8~s. . • •• ~ • ,of ad~ for tbe,~. After .. pleaa town. In games of vlrlous klndll. MR. end wlth her parents. Mr. and Mrll . president; Joel Evans, euhier . uti 8h~. ~pb ~ w~ lin. M. A: Pu1MenOa ', tmtert&JneCljant afternoon rtbahmenbJ were The ceremony WlM performed at Ralph Hastings holding high score J!lYere~ Gustin W. H. Allen. assistant eaah1er. ' ' .:'bIr£b4arB ,~~al1 the me..,... of .... . ~iOO'. club. 'at eervect to lin. ~ Slaw. Br., Mrs. 7 o'clOCk the Rev. Clarroa.ewts, pas_ far the evening. and Mrs. W. E. • ~ ~ •• It was .9 n February 1. 11'11. her- hoIDe ."nlUNdaJ ,. eftnInr. PIrIt Emelt Barteoct. 1IIrs. Herman Sur- tor of " the MIddletown , Methodlllt Stroud wtnning the coll801atlon prize Mr d Mr the new bank ~I)ed lta .~" . 'bea~ ptiZe'" WOb bJ un. 'LOu!iTbom.... ·face. ,Mrs. Ray KlGbtz. MIas Ma11b& church. reading, the ..Ingle . ring aer- MrII. Sheehan's IfUUta were Mr d aU8 C n:' LeoMrs " Conner and business With Mr. Allen, I\t DIal,...... .d~ted hon~ 1011. and 8ecoad' bY lin 1'IIllrerIOb',' Manaue 01 Unl.On City. Ind:, ~ vice. 'nle aUendanbJ·_re Mr and and Mn. J . P. Larrick . Mr. and Mrs' eonn 6" .... ,~ !_n~ h . Raymond only 18 years of age. . . . . . . . . ., ~...... "'" . . ' ~ II:v J hns FrIIICta Kirk A R Stub . .... ........ DB.Ia Conner, and hi d . ' .' 1I.~.'the cem. ot the dinner table. .boUlIe ,,*, .and idece.,.,'UIIII-' Bett) . eyn 0 • pa .......; Mrs.· Oarpenter. .' bs and family; Mr. and Misa Mary Jean Thom • cas er an today, u preaJd~t .. ... Durin, the afternOon OhlneSe Cbee'k~. '. ' •. Ope.~ Henderson, Betty Peterson. The bpde waa lovely In a aown ...... RalPh Hastings and son. Bobby Miss R th Co pson vbl~cd the institution. he attends • .." ers an~,va~O!Jl~ iam~ were ...: ' .• . . " .. • , '. ~udre1 ~ord. IIDcIrecJ Bergan: of blue Il1Ir. uepe' with b~ accello and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud. slty. S~y, nne)' at Miami untver- board of directorS' meetln: OIl th. ,Joyed. "With , ~e Prlie-. foJ .hltrhelt ',' Mr. '&Del an. J:j, v. BniDltrator en .. Geneva RDu~ . the guest of IOrita. Mn. Carpenter wu D&'Om1n& ~. "... ' • • • • • fourth .T uesday of each mon~. score lOIn, .to'·Mrs. J. ·'. P: iMrict\ tenalMd the'''IlUIIlberaoiilh'IrIj.'; bonor;and the bOl". ly at.tlred In black. . Not onlyWal'l'~ county'a··pklaaer · ~~d cOna,ola~on to._ . A .. B. i!tUbbI4liIDer_'~&GrCiay.~.;'l'boP. MR. Mlulldlne lis an attractiv Cilarl H H Ie Di Mi' and Mrs. ·Glenn Bland and ~nlter. ,he baa probably the 10bltl' Queat4 Includec! lir. ~ .1Ira. ·A.............. Itr;'. Uii,lIl'rl. ~: .-It. '" yonn, woan&!L tile c1au,hter of Ji.r: es 01 ' tly es !I';'ahter Bt.rb&ra. Lou, of Springboro record in service years. of any ~ir R; 8~ and f~;Mr. ~ . Mn: ~_;'Uiinm:1D'DeIt-~ W .M'l .D-"UI'~ and Mra. Robert Pl:1rna8. Shearadu I .. D vi H • at ere d1nn~r auata Sunday of Mr. In Amerl~. Walter, Sheehan ~ f~; ur. aDd ftrtb. ..... _~..n. i. 8~'.w.. xz:: L"V1Ui ·MIl'" ateel from ,~a)'lleawille /hl,h I!C'bool . , ,on· ospit 1lnd Mrs. r.,.Cs,St: J~hn~ . On February 11 , 1882.·a red let~r .~. J. i!, ~ck and M1:.~, • .'__ .~ lin 'I; •• ~ .nII .1It; Ind ) FOI SCHOOL(cAFE1'SUA In, the claa or .... __ day was recorded by Yr. Allen .. W, B. '~d. MrI. Barry IIIDI*b aad IiOD. Glenn. . The ~ Ia the son of Mr. Charles H H I Mr. and.MrII. Bryan Prendergast: he was named cashier. suceeedlnt "
M.... Ralph lfaatlnp entertained at btribday " SUDdA;' " A. ". WId._ .. ,. Within the put two weeIr& _ .. A bu,e 1blrthday caIU! · (or, the ,utlts a
' 1
.~~ eeu..' ~ . ',1Iem1DarJ In '~ "
.~It WIllI .h .....,to Week.tina
, ..
__ , and.lI'rI. 0 .. 0, MIsaikIlne He a'.- . on1a W . oy e. '18, dled of pneu- dau&'hter Alma.. and son Jlmmy. Of\' Joel EVins. On March 4 1-": .• f i _ • " ~ • • M>U m • edne8Clay morn1na In at W . . -". ," -the Bible . The, Wayne 'I'owD4hlp Board of ji'aQuated from WI)'DeIVille .hIIh Elizabeth hOlpital Da ' to . Into~Iace' Cincinnati. were ,wee.k the death of lialnes. he Wla ~ted a .1IpeDt. 'the Educat10b ... anD~ ' the,· pur- 1Cboo1. in tile cIaIIa of ':16 and la a SalUe preCeded hi ~ d n. Hia wite. end, . ." o.! NIss Kather~ ~nd director and at the same Umt ap.-
wlib hie- Parenti. 1Ir:
and c.... of a .an:' ~ 'I'UlP;. for
the aucceaful plumber. employed In Day cern";' 19311 m eath In De- Jesse potnted vice pre&tdent. still ret.alDJq the ton. survivlng'are thre • • • • • position of cashier. which be tlUFor- the present the young couple WaynesVll1e W1Ula e ~~ lIlmer,of i MrII• .J. P . Fromm. Mrs. A. E. stout ed until elteted president. and • • 114 ..tt-, n :u 'exVa-!arae ·and .. wW' :lfUtI, wUl make borine 'with the brlde- John of 0 Inp yton, .)(n. &lenn Bland. and Mrs. J ; R·I Two eliciting events were, ...u... racll1t&te"tbe work the Broom'e parent.. one dau,btel'. Anna ':t Mena1e attended Eastern Star IUS; by Mr. AIl.e n ' when robben • ~~ cIlnDer'~ at , .... ,~rs echool lunch. -:~tely 1110 . IInDdchlldren t .. ~ t ' trtet· meetln, at. qreenfleJd, Prlda.Y. hte .employU, tatlna Bout'. Ul_ it . .......1. llem. .......... u. m grea lP'and. . ttl ' QIDII: t". ........ 10... ' -..-:;","at IN . ch1ldren. fiVe brothers ..nd two . . • • • • • -, fir tl' s ' and U.8OO . . ' '. . ........... r~.,- .. '"'!'~~ditloD - COtrMTY ' ten. . . i Mrs. Mart RoIers an" dau,hter. me. ThesehOldupa toot ~~. .WIUIP · wtll <the OFFICE l8tVeleI wlU be held at-til ' ' Anne. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. In the ,p ut 15 YeanI,1be . . . . . . . . .: . '. " . .' .' . " ...... to Pwettbei" - ....see . . • .' Mcolure"rUneral. bom& ber SaW: Irona and famll)' of 0 .. IClIliJlll!ed .... . .. . . . . ADn& aDd . to . . ReP?"!IoaM taken GUt day at. 2.. 1I..m. witJl bUJ1t.l Sunday. . ,.' aIld steel .. ..... · aI ....... ' . deolarationi of . . tor -War- RuD celnetel'J" &8atDIt bOMnpa. '. . ~: ~ .' ~ ren~tJ.~utor. .,,, ;" .lIr. . and. iIri J.lt: Preston·."ere " '. , dS7St. . . . . . o. Donald. ,DUiItUab, __ . by . lee ~ . . . . . ... :...:..~' ?L': a~, oar1 ~btl'll. a~. 'wtI~ WIIeD 'a .:.......R·....b . lo'L_ ¥T. and· lin., Wade 3\~ Hyde I e;.. -.-,. _ .... bit eaIlteltalite.iD jibe May pr1marleI; . ', ........... au a UlT)' WHI ' '" till'. . . . . .. BIeotIoai 0leIk VlrItJ H Bu.en _ thlDw· to dO II ret 'oUt ber P.al'k. ,Sa UIIt'...... 11& tIIe.laM '" ' . . . . an ·way. , . . .. . . . ' .
~'I ,. 'L'IIieDibim' or, ~er. ~ Un. .,. ·l.f~ • .~,aDd,Md"'~ ~ caffter:la.and.~~ ·JIconOme\';Ib; 'l'h~ .• ~;' wra. OW- 'wn' oatftt Uid~. Jea'ri 'Of lei department.
mill..000000e: Uri.'
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8a~atoga ~
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TB food. 162.211; P. O. 1llldebrant, food, $22.00; J. H. Ht!lldrlcta. food, tI4.00; Great A & P Tea Co., food , $32.00; Col1lns & Scm, 1~. $17.00; .1. H . Hendrick, foOd~ _I2" O. Wolte, tOOd, $11'.56; .Market., food. 'I~it. e, stamps, $4 ,00.
_let Without
_fami .a;ettt W~Ue. Ohio
1IIiIou. 111
InNrecl Aa SMOnd CI ... Man Matter at POltattice, W~J1lel~lle. Ohio
Crane Editor and Publisher
al F' • T• Martin
De sub~L
__ -___
HaiWct Brant or Morrow hall lumbus by the Plsh and Game Assn. apposnted temporary game protect()r yesterday tor the annual Conservator WaiTen CO. until such time aa a tion Council hearing on fish laws
~Y11 aerY1ce examination for the po~ 'W1ll ' be held. At that time &. pumanen~ appointment will be . _w&rren " mad • . The CO.. FIsh an d . Game AMD, recommended to Conser vaUon Oommlllllloner Don Waters taw Joat AMI Wed immediately in ordIr to ma1Iltaln best game, fish ";iI treapua JaWl ·enf~ment. Tbe ciub dId DOt recnmmeDd any indivldual. . . lb. Brant has a,aked tbla column .to.uPiwi bioi dea1re to coopen.te
'wtth-.1l 'IfOIlPl aDd lndlviduala SIl. atIoD ADd ""eated In eound. 0QIl.IIeI'V • • enforcement. Be fU11b8r wanUI . • . ' It UDderItOocl that tben will be ab-; aolUteI1 no -partiality ahoWn in hla lSD. 01 dUties. As Ocmservatlon ot. t ~".. ..- Brant should receive tun ~ ... ,. -... back1nc of every hUDter. flaherman, aDd fll'JDU'ln kMpIDc our aounty an . . ouf81and1na one for clean eportcnan ... His tel h t Morro 18 Ill..... ep one a w ?I-R-ll.
and regulations for 1940. Items of 'interest under discussion were a proposed ban or special llcense on trot 11 nes. cl os Ing pu bllc s t reams tor all flBhlng during the bass spawning season, strlpplng of small streams of h t b bait deal closing fis DOd Y era. Mad River and tributaries ~ all tlsh1nS except during trout season, polluUon elimlnatlon. and many other. The Counell Is meeting today ~-... th e dlac"_A'A to .....-ueJ' ...,.,..,ns and peES regulaUona for 1940 fishing.
Shumaker vs. The Village of Leba-
!! 0
R -
Monfort !!..t al., to Lydia E Mon $6.80; ZIl1n Ann1tage, grit for lee,
additional time In which to plead. Kunkle and Obse-.... S Itn y__ of . . VIvian Kunkle • '''1 uu ...... ., Th Vill ' "" Leb d r ........ Uoo. the Ohio Bankers A,asocla- 'Is.' e age 0, ' anon; e en- ..... dant ""'an'ftA15 days additional l.me tlon ill =lannlng a spec1al program •• ~ ... In 'whlch to ple"d. I or act1vItlee for the next few m<lIulwo'l .. Virgln1a OOle Young va. . Tom P. R. Peters. caab1er ot the Pall'field Oro ch' dismissed Nat.1oDal Bank, X4ncaster. and presre~r~= PaUl Clemmons ' a
~tter ~f
Felery .' IIc log . Sklo . Gets QUick -Relief
. • •
10M[I ,::'40s" CDOON'UT "Gtake~!~'~
:;-::k:i8~Vr~c:,~n~t)~o~e I~:re:~'
Union Stock Yard." Cincinnati, O.
~~:':.";"'::'''-'' l State Cap.ta'1 News ..... ....
to Ma_ ' 0 ..." " , Stoller; 75 &cres III Turtlecreek town ' . . .' . ' ship I ' I . PRO~TE .. COURT _ · e TIlls I~ Mes.lltl Ollnto~ D. C~l'Wjln, by executors. to (18 In tIle matter of t' he est'ate of Francis W. EII~tlS; 272.58 acres In 00 71011 4read ~ ~,.an .... ~ r " ~*Rro~IlD~ YOIl~n~ hol~!""..!.rOlln)iOn Jj>. Corwin, deceased; C. O. Turtlecreek towns:IllP. , . ealllldluYlpeUa7ArerI1Jeatouaolllttee-. COllins. George G. Perrine and Mor. President Roosevelt has vetoed' the ' tJou other womell 18\ TSEN LlSTEN, TheM .ymptolJll ortelll ~lIlt from f~ row Brant appolnted appraisers to BILLS ALLOWED congi-esslonal bill d1reciJng the payfIlIIdloll&l dlolord ..... So ,tart !odor l1li4 taln l " '&moUll Lydl. E. Pinkham'. Vltlllt&ble COllimake new appraisement report 01 - -.. men~ of more thap $1,300.000 to Ohio J)Olp1d. For over 80 yu.. PInkham'. Com. Schl1lIng'/t' Gt!Ocel'Y fOod -5 00' ., . pound hu belped bllndreda of tbo_DeJa of appraisers approved, private sale of . ,~ ___ •. . , .cu- In old ~ge pension tunds withheld ~teflll wo_n to 10 "IIIII11DI tb.,," dItIIcuIt raa' estate ordered len N. Rapp, fuel, $12.75; Albert by the federal administration In Ocfa. PlIIkr,m'. hal bel~ ~Dl ~oayw* the th . e : estate of Olark, shelter. $5.00; .w. W. Bhurts, tober. '1938. Although the pill pasted . Frank Schooley, deceuedj heal'ing cloth1~g, ".~; ., ltuby Van Riper, t, e Houae by an overWhelming ma- I . on Inventory set 'f or .Pebr.u~ fOod, '69J~O: . : 13. Thomas. food jorlty and was unanimously approv, ' . In the matte.r of tbe ' e8tate of 'l1.50; '·W. ~. ~ienry•...,ood, $53.60 etl hy the Seruit the President served h~ Walter.. Orl1flth, deceased j , hearing J~ H. H~dr1ck ~~, ~io.~; H. ~. ved hot!ce" in hls'vet~ mes'sage that , on schedule of debts set for Febru- Oarrtaha~: t ,~18.~, ~e Vorhls, th.e disbursement of lunds under fhe ! • _. e ary 5. .. - too<!, $12.00: . ,~.,' . . SOzial Security Art rests .solely with ' In the matter of the adoption of Dr. A. E. .. .~I ~edical, . $29.16; the Board III Washington. regardless I X Oharles Eldon Hall; adoption grant- Claude ·E. W ~' lqoo· $5.00; Mor· of any question ot meritorious iacts J . u.~= ~-:.!~ ed name or chlld,changed to Oha:les rolV Feed ~ l;y'~m))8,l'lY'. fuel' l WbiCh. might be presented. This sum ' ~'...... "''''Pie ye' I"'rn,," -v to o E.. _ . lie ... Eldon·· W '3675; IIchFiRg . 88,8. • . Ledil&rl . _. . . en:', food • ·,3000·/ . _ ' w". ..., withheld from. Ohio i n 1938 dur - I~T "" .... 0. ..t ""Rd""o"""d 0 . . on mony 01....... In the matter of the -tate of' M. J. Tayl~. t •.1t1p.OO; ''I1he K1ilg Ing a politic a I q u ar re 1 be _ ......,lIyMCOU~ ,£.. In -1d'UPO"on, ' and Ihal I. 'A ~ J.A ' ., • oan. I .....0 I .Igh. and ...om. oIa Cbarles A Webber deceased' dtstr1- Powder CO,,. . ~ , . 3.uu; Dr. Frank: tween the Washington New Dealers lao and .....,,~ who oliff.. I,.,... 'lVch .mbar· . , . , . B tach .... ~, ·'"100'··· .....' - W . .. r..... 01 UItIIO/Illv lliln trouble, would M . whe button ot the proceeds' of sale is a e. mew ' . . : ..... 0 , oUe. and former Governor Davey, whoae ' It. . . -- '. ' ., . Mgr' foOd ' 11i~" ' D~_ ' Br th ' J.... atIr on., Ant-da.. d,~.. 10. on odllinal made. . • . . ~~ ,r', ~.. . 0 era admlnlstrati'on of the Old Age nen- Ioaitle of M_'. Em.'l'Ic! 011 and ,eI_ 10 In the matter ot the estate · ot Ghroce,!,~ 010~' . ~~t,lO} ~~, Mann. slon l~ws. the President charged .vas :="'CIft~rl:' ;·:~ll ·'I.':~~ Andrew D Shultz. deceased' inven.- s oes,.... ;. ! " "permeated with discrimination and II... and frrtherOlo .. II ,hi. cleott, pow.,· tory be'heard February Oh&rlesr~H ' &t, . -I~'oo; Way- inefficIency." The conditionS com- ,:,It,:~':I":ov°~ulr::'I'=Ik.:''::~o~'''..!.": In the matter ot the estate "'ot nesY1l1e .. ~rm '~. EX~~e, fuel, .plalned ot wete rect1!1ed as soon,'as yow ;-._01_-.,.....Y_f_el_'"'_'... '--._--:-_ _ _ __
~ ~
Tune ill on bello Station WCKY S.....tiab.1 Rlllief f_ ~ . \ 12 :26 to 12 :80 p. m. for . ou~ dally , ,.I. '350' ud On. Do•• It market repol'ta. . . If l~. ftrt' doN or ,hI. pl.....Iol.nl •• IIlII' Cornell; tr,c~ <!J 1;Il}ld ~ Lftle. bl.ck l.bJet tIot.n·, brl.1 fOIl Ihe , ..,.,1 ,nd 'D." ·t " Win1!red Egan', The Klinger_Dills Co.. pneumatic ::'::f't~·u.r~I!~r lr.'uIIJ·r:Llrrio~~~~II~~lt ~i,\: . James J. . 1I!aAn -a'"Jr' ." Oell· all.. tabl.t h.1&... ttuL...w:unlch ~U nil rood. 10·A 296 alld 297 iII Franklin wheelbarrow. $1470,' H. S . Conover, k I "" . . ;:,~ -:..' '~,..r::;,,~,l;~~'~~.u~~ I~~~" h~n~~~:~ Miriam BOger-t()'Gharles c. Boger . Ilarts. '3.48; The Ludlow Battery &. burn. • kk h• • d.",. and UII' " .. Dilen •• u..., Io, ~_ IgnltJ Ir d L_ -"7 A6 :r;:"·II ·~~".·a<h· UnH~rld·o.N"l..· kDI·(ltJO\lot 1I'·.·ul_ .~~,~~ quicidy-n1l1ft1)1S1ItESS of part ot lot ~ and all of lot 42 In on, Tepa s an par..,;, ......, ~ r. ~~ . - •• '""odJ .oller. IDa ..... ."..hon. Mll1nevil1e. I East ~nd 0001 c~ .. 3760 Ibs coal, _ _ -_ _ _ ~ Thomas W. Johnson to Marga.ret $11 .75, The Standard 011 Co.. ~I\SOM. Hempstead·l lotS 31'1.4.. 3175 and line. $61.73; Toshle's Service Btat~on,
:_~.-::,';,u!! 1d~'!.t':w-,::Ia::""~ :::;:;;.~:.:!:of 31~h:~~1h
-_· z -
Phone. Wnyuesv\1le 44 R 11 Lelln noll orflce Phone 473 - 1< Monow Pbone No. 3 rea.98·M.
Zain Armitage
~ IIstapler, :~~:S;;!e6:tf:::S;. 1 Neva Cl~g ~i:; ::b:::~a:, ~~:I.~e~~\:I~~I~ $4.50; Oolumbus Blank congressional · vacancies In the 17Ul
lot in $209.57; The OregonIA Bridge ·Co. , Ohio Ba-Lers To ; defende.nt granted 15 days d fort·Alnsworth -.z>~-~1 ' 16,0'00 teet creOsoted lumber,.1 . 85 OIl dtUonal time in which w plead . .' W.ebtier . bezot E . · The Villa ' ge' of Weaver; lot 93 in Franklin. " ·~llw&~·Express ;Agenoy,: express"On . -..A ...... Bou~"ard Meet In C0Iombus Lebanon; . . . . . . . defendant granted '~ da blUe prints. The Gallon Iron 15 days Earl ShlIUl and .1\ -Shinn to Ma.e Works Co.' 8 grader blades: $116.961
Ule 'recelpt of rabbit traps for carry. AssociatIOn will be held In ColumDUS Feb a .... 12 The pr1ncIpal apeak . iDe Clut an exteDalve rabbit trapping on ru..... . . I • ~ SIl the county. The game ers wUl be OWton M. Utley, prea1" '. d nt ot the National Bank of De. , I wm be trapped off of c106C<l areas e . I luck as the State Prison Farm. Pt. trolt; and Rodney P. Lien, recently a.,.,I-•• _ .... ree..... ......• e and others for appointed state superintendent of ~~ ~ _ .', ·.diat...- butlon in 0""" ....,.. hur'itlng terri- banks. .' f ., . tGry in tbe ~ty. Hendershot. In the SprlnS a state~de con er._... . . -'II be held and a.me Protector BraDt, members ot ence of w ua. O....,....D..... . , ~.. 'Ul. Psm anel Gsme Aun. and 1~ plana are beblg made. for two reYOUth IfO\lIlI! will part1c1pate in the glonal conferences In SIlvestments 'trapplnlJ ·pioKram. In addition Hen- be held in Clev.e~ ~ C~c1nD'lt1, : derst~t advlliea ' that 264 M1uourI reapeoUvely. in cooperation with the ~ ,., ' iab))ltta will be received from tl)e loCalcl~ ~o.use aaaoclatiqns. . eoo,ervation Dept. IJi the next few In May tl;le Plf*th AIUlU&l Con· • ,da1.. ventlon wlll be held In Columbus .-\ . where the organlzaUon was founde~. '" ) . ;~n't torset to put out' teed tor AmOng the founders was Henry B. '1rlJdllre-the birds atid rabbits need ~ter8, president or the Palr!leld Na 1t whether there wu snow on the tlonal Bank. Lancaster, father of the ..... c~t prealdent of the aasoctntlon. •• ound or no.. ,~ He 18 still acUve in the banJdng busL ~presentatlves were sent to 00- neIL J
Sand & Gravel
Book fr- - c \'\ Mfg. Co., 100 monthly budget. ':.1.00; and 22nd dlstrlcw. The vacauciesi l =-.'==========;============_._-:=:!J AlIce M. Alnold, invalid care. $5.00; were occasioned' by the d~ th of Con nas. 22. WaynesvUle. MlUard Bryant, lnvalld care, $5 .00; . gressmen WUliIlm Ashbrook of the REAL ESTATE NEW SUITS Mrs. Helen Doughman, InvaJid care, 17th District and ChesLer O. Bolton \ REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS $7.00; Ella Hott, invllJlct care, 'S·OO; INSURANCE of the 22nd District. The new r.OIlTbe Standard Building & Loan .' - '- , ~d Kaiser, Invalid care, $5.00; New· AUCTIONEER company VS. Anthony Meyer. et al.; Charles A. W!!bbler. deceased. by ton Stamper Invald care. $10.00; L. Gressmen will take. their seats Immeafter the special election. dli.t.ely action ~or money and judgement. admln18trator. ~ i=~obert E. Weaver B. Ste.ele. invalid care, $6.00; ' The West Side Building & Loan and Frances Weaver; lot 93 In Fr'lDk John E. Wilson. invalid care, $7.00; company vs. Mary F . Hassett King lin. Bulla Olemmons. Invalid care, '5.00; The Ohio' Legislature at Its next and John KIn g ; for money. Caroline Johnson, deceased . to O. Gertruqe Jones, lnvalld care. $7.00 ; regular sessloil wlll be asked to pass 01 kin A. Johnson. et aI.; 'p art of lot 41 and Earl Hatfield, services as mechanic, a bill legaUzlng the "road-blocka1es" Gles, Inc., vs. Adams B, c $64.80; John J. Barr, payroll, $116.20 whic h rormerIy we.r e t h e key to th e 60n, D. B. A. Dick's Radio Shop; ~or all ot lot 42 In Malnevl11e. money only. Mary ~app. et 81.. to Oharles C. JohnSOn Myers, payroll $91.60; E. W. State COllllervatlon Commisslon's Boger; part of ip' t 41 and all of lot Ross. payroll , $338.40; Raymond law enforcement program during the Freda Flangher vs. Harold FlansMulford. payroll -13400 ' Earl Ba- open . hunting seasons. The searchh dt 0 OSS eglect 42 in Malnevllle..: , . . . ' .. I er; v rce, gr n. Mary HUe . WlllllUnson, deceasp.d, sore. payroll. $106.80; V..M. Armlt- l.ng of autos under the present Jaws PROBATE COURT to Minnie Jack! 4'1 acres in Bamll- age: payroll, $108.00; . was re :ently declared Illegal by the ton county. Harry Mount. payrolr, $88.00; W. Attorney General. Helen Collins 'IS. Paul CoUlns; . Mary Marllla lI4Ontort. . deceased, Allen , payroll. '240.00; The Oliyton -------ROOT FOR AND CONSICN h case transferred to the juvenile (.ourt to Ly4la E. ¥on!ort, et al., t~o tracts Blu~'- Prlnt Co. blue prints. etc " I , lour Cattle, bop, seep an d ca 1v• Jacob Shumaker and Flotpnce In Le~on. ... $29.43; Vernon H . Michael , gravel, .... tel Norris-Brock Ct.·, live wire lind [
Phone 78J
COUDty C, our t News
-=[ '
Centerville, Ohio
The new progl'am retains conservation policies now In force i n Ohio and other states and provides l\ new set-up of evell dLstrlcL commlt.tees. eBen cOUIILy to select two mem bers-one fanner and one spol'lman. These wlll each elect two repl'esenatlves who will meet with the state 'commission at l'egular Inter'vats to make such suggestions as will better alld expedite a more satlsfaclory fervice. All dlvl&1<?n activities will lenter around these cllslrlct headcunr. ters and the new commmlssion IJE\B been assured o~ cordial co-operation by all organlzatloJls and groups Interested in wild life conservation. Every effort w1l1 be made to take Ohio to the top of the list of states rankecl Cor accomplishment anel pro. gress in 1940.
ambUlance sPrStillwater lIanatorluni, and · care, $101.50; OleIUl ails1stlng ..veterinarlan, ts.~; Brown & Bunnell. 04.95 tons stoker .c oal. $265.97; Woodrow-Well-Standage 00.. 400 I semi-annual apportionment of taxes, : ' $10.20; BankS-Baldwin Law Pub. co. I I subscription to Baldwln's Ohio O~e , I Service. $9.80; The COlumbus Blank Book Mfg, 00.• 100 dellnquent' land i ' list sheets, $13.50; A. M. Parker. ex: pense to Columbus $7.00; Banks.1Baldwin Law Pub. Co., subscription . to Baldwln's Ohio Code Service, . 1$9 80 ; Banks-BaldwIn Law Pub. Co., UleDd bas It tbat II old Gus Groundbol lees his shadow on fo'e brunry subscrIption to Baldwin's Ohio I we're ID for six weeks more of cold weatber. Though Gus hns be r n Service $9.80; Kaufman's, 2 debunked as a reUable weather propbet be's always tbe center or nlll'II' 1I0D on tbat date. However, every ,rouudbo, still bas a rew rollo\~'~ I shoos, $4.23; Valley VIew Farm, 31 wbo believe ID hlm. .. : quarts milk, $3.41 ; Banks-Ba!dwln GovernOr John W. Bricker has IsLaw Pub. Co .. subscrlpUon,' '9.80; sued a proclamation calling for a The Johnson-Watson 00 .. penclls, special nom Ina LIng primary on Tues
~.. Jr.
bhanges occur.
laIt year fire fosa i~ thla country ran to nearly e. mlliion dollars • ·day-the tn'and total WIlS around $913.000.000. ThIs is B big country and " W1. carry tremendous debts e.nd 'losses with.o ut belng' bogged down. B.Jt ~ hundred mUll on dollars 1.s no paltry sum even here. when you tlllnk .0' ~. Uvea. JObs ' and lntanglble loss Involved. for which no Insurance can 8~Ut Three hundred m11lton dollars would pay a substanual &hare ot our ~d ~td-breUlni naval building program. It would pay for thous'uws. oteOitly a1rplanes now needed by the army. To make a more peaceful ~,it ·would lJullcllQO.OOO homes costing $3.000 eaoll. Or it would .: '. build tine bOlpltals to care for countJe56 thouse.nds of sick people, aq9 :, amtuonte. 8~tly 8utrertDs. . I II • Lut. but not, least, fs fire's destruction of Ufe. Accordlng tlf'tl~s :.. , ....., Pin1.llld lost o~ ly 268 (:Ivlllan lives by air raids In the:;tffilt' ~ , . 011... war with Russia. whereas the United States los@AI\I>m'iu:uti9 .'~~: ' 1IJ;tbe ra~es of fire alone In' an average YeaP. Of nearty iOO a waak . : ill'/ "Alfiiough tWa nation Is blessed With. poaee., .ltJ;ulJer. War~1j~ feom . --, alieoeaiY t Can control. It's Ume .lqI COl~QIWW NlI:!.pa\lIIUJ'el - Industrlal
to ~~~;~
~ .a.,Y1ew.
Tn~~~~~~~~rnt;~~~~~ being for eight years nnd plncIi tfie expliail"O'ru \) tlJat"Oll!yone
. Su'*ri....,. Price, ,1.60 Per Year, Payable in MYanee
v1s1on, usures continuity In a wellbalanced cODBervaUon program in Ohio. After having been aro poWcal foot~ I since on waa ed, tbe st&~ leg l&.tw,-~ th!l rescUe ~l Oomm.1sslon of . e "; Ile
CwitO h products to rellevv dIIeomfort of your chlld'sspaemocllc trOupy eoUCIIa c:al..cl ~r co\dJi. Uee "ChUdren's" MUIteTolel Mustarole gives sucb QUICK mief becau.e It's nol "just an ordlnlU'Y Alve." Rub It well on your kiddle's.chelt, throat and back. It IIOOthes and 8timulatil!llaurface clreulatlon and bel.. break up JocaJ t:Onaeatlon IIOOthi~ hI b hilind pain .n... Its & A.I h~ nc.B'''''' npproV.,.. '1 ood \I1Ie plDar ureau.
=. G
, ~
~Ig 'il~1
_. .... MILD
. .'
Lily M. Egbert, deceased; InventorY to be heard ~ 2. . In the matter ot 't he will of Cha~cey Ritchey, decea.sedi application to admit will to probate to be heard February 2, appllcatlon madef.:Jr a commission to lsaue. to some person to lhke deposition of Frieda B Olla. -. , tush witness to' the will as the witness' now resides at Apt. 610, Exeter Hotel Seattle Wash'lngton I ' • In the matter of the estate of Ollriton D. Corwin. deceased; dlstrlbutlon 'o f proceeds of sale ordered. In the ma.tter of the -estate 0 f MarY S. Silver, deceMed; d1Strlbution In kind ordered. ' , In the matter of the settl~ent the estate of'rJzzle NUDner, deceased distribution of estafe made, inherl1'I,rAn" .. tax determined In the ma.tter or estate of Nettle Hastings. deceased; sale . of real estate at prIvate ~ale IB ordeted. __ . IlABBlAGB LiOBNSES .. , ----Howard J. MlUlldlne. 82, plumoer, Waynesv11le, and Barbara Jl'an Fu -
111.00; ,, :Dl.la~ " edlcal. $48.00; Dr.. A~ , Har.ye~" r m;edlcal, Dr. R: _ ;.~~,,:'l!jetUca1, $69.25, Great ~ &: P Tea company food, U04.4O; lCroger. 'Grocery & BaIdng cO~' .. fo~. ,,'153.'14; McVey f ood, $11.00, J. Jj,. Bagtord, tood, '6.00; Dr. E. · A Mayer, medloaL $29 16' " . Claude E. WIlSOll, f~, $0.50; Nor man Mosey, clothing, $a.oo; Paul Christiansen, mllk. $3.00; Dr. Haarlamm t dical .2000' H '0 er ,- me ,;00.,.. Ham' Ilton, food, ' $3.00; . 'Ille Muon Lumber 00" tuel, ,13.00; W. W. Ollne, '19.00: Louis Mann, tlothinlJ, 13.98; Dr. Roy O. .A. BoCk:. medical, ,1'.00; The"King ~::lo., fuel, $6.~; Mlamt Farms my•.~k, U.80j Collins & , Bon,! tl, t17.00.; ~drew Turner.· ~ood, ·$4.00i; ~' Ice &; Fuel 00.• fuel. ".7,5; ' FIi'a~ Food Market, tood •. ~.OO; Beek's tnUk•.$2,80; Oeol'l'e H. :Ank1Uley. !end $2.00. W. E • .Humpmey, . c10tblq.
.m.:.. '.'
the present state adrninlBtratlon be.caine responsible and slilce then,' all l~deral requirements have. been met promptly. . .
pOwdE '
• •
At long last. the 8ta&e- OIii.rvatlon 'a nd Batui'al ~ Coal~..34: e~eI ,P arter.:• • ;- f~, m1sa1on bas apPl'O\'l!!d an . ~ve P2.00; . aM comprehenal.ve JlI'OIraIa 80Yerlnar Fedders' Supply' tki.• · ttJel, ".00; ~ZIIr-range.~Ule WhkIb. for Ule The Kroger & BaIdna fire' time in the billtoll' 01 that dI.
' .
STATE CAPITAL NEWS J!I"f. Few 51, ••0000-LII.i • F"'-RELI£FI Revised budget estimates !or6\last $1", __ s..iMI" federal ·spendlng a~ •.'099.263;Ml lor boSr-nd .. 5 c.n~ Iodoy 01 0'lY. d.ug 110'" fa. a Itl. Budi'~. 'MhrMe (trlpl. the 12. months ending 'July 1 1940 ~lng)-,!'Yfor. ,h-IQ:er".lI lnocou~b ".dleln. and .tIma~ that the lnoo~e for ' I~~~,;::,,:.:~;:~~d. 0. broncl!la 11111011_, that perlod ·wIll .total "'598078" "6 Tok-"coupl_ofdot~II •• ,It.qulckpow.rf.l, ..." t ,"" pv"g.,' fiIC'lon Ipr.ad " ,rough Ilhroat, head ana ., -.:... booncl!lal I.bes. II ",,1. aulckIY_.lam right In 10 , - up thick choking phleo_, .001'" raw "MSome Interesting complll'llUve at.a- ""'n .. and -~. b<eo'h::t"".1.,. G.l B..ckl..,,·, t1BUcs released by State Tteaaurer e,1'!.~~ MI.,ur. I y. a..r 10 ",lilian pon H. Ebright reveal a. big lncr~ In the ValUm!! or bu41neeea transacted by that.-department In the last decade. To~l receipt. ot all tunds 1D 1929 were 1115,550,000 &ga4nat PM,- ' r 581.000 iii 1939 'and the tote! number ot checks paid tncrea,aed from ".1,000 ' In 19~ to. 5,376.871lr\.18311. ", .
J .. .---:
. (.,.C. -., _
·. ;aa.WY
. '
Bunllreda of, an o~ men
pe~i1 hl~~~:~~tnf~r
. mental economy continued nn,.nOIO'rl ,' rAqllrl"I~t. durt"&lI lbe:' ,lliUt'" 'r«th P Ohio is concerned. was Ho.. ·,.; "'and .._ . .....Mt~ ' ellmJnatlng Roosevelt·s veto of the Jenldna Bill Proatlallttl,p~dliittJ'-t1\'e llmlWOn to reimburse the S~te of Ohio In lars more from the Bum of approxln,'ately one tntI· the Admlnlstration, Purther eutil .,re Uoh three hundred and thlrt.y-eight being made ' In committee hearlDl:8. UloliBand dollars for Social Security It is reported, and allind.lcatlona are lu .... r'_ withheld from the Q'ft'. ,,_... In to the eft'ect that. if COngfesa conOctober 1938 becaUSe at a quarrel be tues Its present· policy of reducing tween the Davey state admJnls'.....- expenditures by cUtt.1na tuture nptlon and Federal oft'1c1als. The Jen. U I ..... ~ f prop~lation b lao the e,,,.·..1 0 nflw kina Bill had previoualy passed botl} Federal taxes will not be neces!lao'. the House and the Senate by, unlUli· maUl! votes and the President's veto The Ute of the Committee for InWas unexpec t e,u. .. An a ttempt to pR88 vestlgatlon ot Un.Amerpp Actlv'th e bIII over ~as defeated in .the Itles. commonly !mOwn as the Dies h ;. H ouse. ·o Itough more than a maJor- CommJttee. was extended for one ity vote was cast In f~vQJ' of over- year by an overwhelmJnll vote of .the riding the veto, Under the Constitu- House last week. A small group or 10 ,
'frl~~I~nit,; ,s ~rl(l"
me!C1t<lall ft . . .
on Il two-thirds vote of the entire chamber ill required to ovenide. Open charges were made 011 the Floor by Congressman Jenk1n8 and other Ohioans that the veto came as a political action on the part 01 ~he Presldent, and undoubtedly more will be heard regarding the matt'lr in the comJng national campaign. ~very Republican In the HOUle. lind every Democrat from Ohio. voted to o\lerrlde the PrWdent·s veto,
called llberala gave a detenn1ned and nolay oppoeltion to . the reaolutlon, but when the roll was called the fin· al vote :stood 345 for and 21 aaalnst the commJttee investJgation of sub· verslve activities here In the Unlt.ed States. Vterans organl.zattons. patriOtlcsocleties,' and citizens lJeDerally. had"Yet Members oS Conrreas 'know that the "Home folks" were alm08t unanimous in their dea1re to see ~e work of tbe Committee continue.
The drive In Congress tor govern-
The Special House Conunlttee In· vestigatlnll the National Labor R-.ationa Board is having hear1nga each day. at which some rather 8tartllng testimOny all to the methOd In which the Board has handled labor dlsputes, has been given. One of the five members of the Investigating Committee 111 Honorable Harry N, Routzahn, Congressman from the Third OhJo District JUdge R,omt-
mhn's work. as a member of the com m.Ittee has been outiiandlng. and he is l'CCelvlng nation-wide commenaatlon for the manner In which he has brought out important testimony at the committee hearings,
The Ways and Means Committee has been holding dally meetings on the bill to extend the power at Secretary of State to enter Into l'CClprocnl trade agreements with various grandiose plan ot the New fO\'elan countr1es, now schedUle:! to
June 12th. The AdmInlatraI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I expire tioL la moat active In the figbt to
ctlntlnue the trade agreements proIlram. whUe many; manUfacturen and farm leaders are Juat &8 determined that an end be broUght to t.ne pr~nt system. Among thOle appear ing ,before the committee durlng t.he put week were Louis J . Taber of Ohio. Master Q1 the NaUonal.Grange alld & number of pottery manutac·
PUBLIC .SALE Having sold my fann I will sell at auct~n at my reaJdence l0cated 2 miles East ot WaynesvUle. 3 miles West of HarveyebW'V lin Route '73 on
tures from El,u!tern Ohio: Inasmuch has a heavy majority in the Ways and Means Committee It eeems certain that the blll will be reported out for actJon tbereon by the tull congress.
! a5 the Adminlatntion
Domeat.lc as a result ' of the AdministratJon NeutraUty BUI paued at tile special ses8lon of COnSlUt last Autumn, are being heard quite regularly these days. The ~,teat • a1rectll the c1pretrte tobacco proauc· lDir··:.tates, whOle representatives In COO(1'881 all voted to enact the measure. A few days ag", Great Britain announced that all BrItish ~ need& WOUld be filled trom Tutkey. Oleat BrItain baa been buJ1Di an ' average of one l1.un<lred miWon dollars worth of cilarette tobacco a from the United State&.. mostly f~ the. states of ~land, Vlretnia and North Carolloa. · OOnaerv~ her C88b to ,purchase inunitlons aud &Irplanea in the Unlted States, Great BrItain w11l take her tObacco from Turkey m part payment of in:tenlllt aDd prtnclpal on British Joana recently made TUrkey for diplomatlt . and mWtary reuons.
• 1-;-(JATI''''1
1 cow, one·half Jersey. one..half shorthorn. fresh May 1. carryJn,
caIt from Lukens' berd; 1 cow, one-half ~Ortborn, ~e-fourth J"t~ .~y,
one·fourth Holateln, t~ Pebruary 1; 1 Jersey, freab Febnlary 10; 1 heifer. one~fOlirth Ouernsey. three-foUrth Jeisey, her alre ·from Bree~ Hill herd. cariytng Qalt; 1 heifer, tblee-fourtm Bbortboin, 16 monlila old; 1 heifer one~foutth Shorthorn, throerOlJl'tha Jersey. from LUkens' herd. 8 montha . old; 1 heHer. flveetgbtba Guernsey. tb~-e"htha Jersey, from Preston herd. I months old, nils herd averaaed 3'70 lbI, B. P . in 8011 cia, test.· ' TB ~nd Bangs accredited herd. ~t Bangs' teat January 22, 1940.
5 ;.~laclt
Ch~ -abW8
With ~ pi,. of Duroe
FoD in mow. Ihretlded fodder. 3 toN,alfalfa, more or lea, HARN~:-3 aete work harneu. bridles and .vera! COIlara• .
LoOse ItraW
Beech Grove
, 'J,'QM8CAlB
·IJ•.;H~· · MOCKETT -
8tanley and Kocl&ler•.AUCtioneers R. D.coUett. Clerk Lunch" served .,,. .' , . by
I'almera'. Granl. .
y. w,.
• ty. Ohio, I will ~!fer for sa le at
ruary. 1940 at.
.. .
I . .... the 10 Ill' "It's as mucb a bUddy 'to me ~ ~ Sun elr way tp . my neighborhood chUm" writes one Oxford. ~... I~ Is now In Ii ed real estate to-wit: r hischOOl sen ,lor. "THE AMER. :\:dd}eto n hospItal sulIerlng . ~rS"u n: ·a' t ~n· !,'l eGCoWwlty of Warren ... _L II b 'h w tjl 11.rr d d ....... en co ar one and o. er "'jOUt1lmr'Tnlftl~Ii;OiI~~;'1~ 10 • ~'Y:JJer.:: un erstan ·a j~rfes Mld-Btate-of"OIl1CTlln<t" •
~'a problems and 'considers them In such a s~~athErt.iC and helpful w.y. It gives dvic.,. and entertaus.· Ing reading I n e'very lubJect In which a yo\lllC fe~.w Is Interes tA!4. It is par tlcular1y ...htllplul In sports. I made our scbool basketball team ._l. because ot pQVing UPS I read in THE AMERICAN BOY ... Many famoUs ~IUlllltes In all sports credit much of their success to helpful s'Uggestions received lrom spor.D artJcles f.arried in THE • "" (;1 AMERICAN BOY ~ .......-gazlne. Virtually eve"" Ift·ue of tel'S advice from a .~ ..,., famous coach or player. Football.
• Mr; . Ella Babb is in McClei n deserlbed.as...lDllGws : Lot ~~~~mli>l; hoapltal In Xen1a.'as she has been 111 U6) as 'deslgnated on f9r several weeks. Addl Mrs. Ernest Crawford (Grace E eIyn Hartsock) underwent an ope~a tlon at Miami Valley hospital Sat rda y night. She 15 reported doing ~ . "II ~ Mr. and Mrs: Ps t Holland of B ~ brook wer: Sunday guests of
and Mrs. William Holland. Miss Emma Sallsbury is' out oa51I'tM'.I~w;t..i<AY. ItEiHdi'illi;' D after being confined to her home for " ;Iffi,:~~'j!,~l'rlW~mrm-l\,~~i:i'{,~ii,11'P ~everal week.s by sickness. Mr~ Gold ' ". Ie Kreitzer and Mrs. Ruth Stingley returned home Satur· I'ecorded In Deed Record Vol. ' day after attending O. E. S. district convention Friday and Friday night. at page 81 , of the Woncn County. be6ketball, track. tennis. In fact Norma Wilkerson left for Findlay Ohio, Deed Records," every major sport Is covored In flc- on Sunday to stay with Mrs. Robt. tion and tact articles . Smith and children who have been There being no St.reet num ber 10r , visiting with Mrs Smith 's parents said premises. according to the re corded Plat of the V1llage oC ·Nay Teachers, lib arlans. parents and for several weeks: nesvllle, Warren COun l.y. Ohio , ra id leaders of boY• . clubs aiso . recom. , . premises are located UPOn the East mend THE . AMERICAN BOY en. side of Third Street In !laid V !~8e thU81a8t1cally. They have found between Chapman Street ~he that as a leneral rule regular read.. North and North Street era of THE ~ERICAN BOY ad· South. vance more rapidly and develop more worthwhile characteristics In sub-~ero weather, 7000 bahy Said premises were duly and regthan do boys who do not read it. chicks were hatched at Ohio State ularly appraised (Of the sum of Slx. Trained writers and artists, fam- University to provide their own novel " welcome chorus" tor attendants at ,teen Hundred and no. l00 ($1600 OQ) OUII · coaches and athletes, explorer4 acienUstll and men succeasful In the annual Fanner 'S Week opening Dollars, and 'must be sold Cor n ot bus1neel and indUl!tJry Join with an January 29. "I"'h_ annua I B a by Chick Sh ow is a less than two-thirds (2-3rds of said eaper1enoed staff to :produce in THE project of the Student Poultry ~i- appra.!sed value. Terms ot AMERlOAN BOY. the sort of readenee Club, "cash " IDI matter like beat, A total of 140 entries of 50 eggs THE AMERICAN BOY '"&ells on 0 , M, RIDGE. Guardian each came from Ohio hatcherlt's for ID08\ newaetanda at 1&0 a copy, this year's competition.. which Inof Amanda A, MalJl tt, an Bubecr1pt.lOl1 pr1cee are tUO tor volves not only the Judging of the Incompetent persoll. one year or ts,oo for three years. eggs but also the Judging of the C. DONALD DILATUSH. Attol'ney. Larrer BeduJe 01 lie,.... Benfee. For i ) <_ AA_ t e gn ra..... .,.,.. a year ex ra . To chJcks hatched from them. Quail', aDd ...... sub6cribe almpl, send your name. The chicks were to be on display address imd remtttilllce direct to during Farmers' Week ~t the new EstablJahed IN.-l.1t THE AKBRICAN BOY. '7430 Second Poultry buUdlng on the Univer,slty W&,nesvlUe, 0., farm. . Blvd.• Detroit. MlchJgan.
BabY Ch'Iek Show Staged By Students
Stor. ·
Studeat Employmeat Subject Of Surny
. ...:;_;:,.'..,;...,;_;,;;.;;;;,_.;;,_= = ; = =__-=..;:.. •
• First Choice A........., Mqulne.
Detectlve-Seen any mysterious strangers around th.is part ot the country lately? Unole Eli-Well. thre was a tellow here with the circus last week who took a pair of white rabbits out of m V whiskers.
... - - - - . _1ter11 . . . ........
A.........,,, ......IIY loy ...... '1.50 for year',
'I IE ••E
........ ......... ..,.. ..... .............. ............ .......................... -.craptton
r ............. IIt.- ................
lOY SCOUIS ., AMERICA 2 '-II A .._ . . . II. . . ,..... ".T.
- - _ .... _.
Scouts OhSf-l' ~e Anniversary Week.
Outside employment olIers no particular schola6t.1c handicap to the student who has the mental capacIty' for good college work, it is shown In a survey made by two OhJo Stl\te . ..,...--, p" • • University faoulty members. Mr. Charles Hoy~ ~"I.I In 'w.7 • The survey is the work of Charles :serloU8 condition at Mlaml ValIer W. Reeder, junior dean the com- hospital: merce c01lage,- anet· Sf elayton New· ' Rev: O~l Bmltnand 1Il'~ ~ man. In,structor in' sociology. Dab~ey were dinner IUest,s '01 Ml\ Reeder and Newman star led their and Mrs. Perry, ThOll\M 'l")1eeda.Y. study In 1937, uslng the l'ecords of , . ' 123 "matched pairs" of students Good croWda ,~ ..ttendlnl tIUI drawn from the freshman COmDlel'Ce Perry chura"~val services. ,...., class of 1937. are to cont4nu~tl1~SUndJ,.y. The two grouPl' of workers and Mrs, Claudia COrnell is vel"! 1D ... non-workers, matched ca;efully as her home. to higb-school records. Iiltelllgence_ test scor/!4, sex, and nationalll;y. The Rolla Bolton's are planDb\l. a ~ turned In almOst Identical perfor:n- sale on February 21. The 'ladlt!a .4Jl ' ;anc~s in scholarship over a two-year the Ferry church will serve l':lDOh. period." it Is stated. ' . Sunday dinner guest.. of Mr. Uti , "The factor of employment dtJ6s MJ'a M t111 H te nd ~ not hold the crucial position it. has . Rea , ce Mun ct la8m1't~ ........ were v. and rll. ar _~ ..., been given traditionally. Use of out- I amJl y and Mr. HoraCe n.. . . ,.. __ _... , - ,. . , . side employment as an excuse or aUbi for fallure, dismissals. ab.sences, Sunday evening ~upper ~~ ,4iI.: and requests for re-admlssion is the P. J. Thomases were lit. U'tI sheer ratlonallzation," Reeder snd Mra. Carl Whitis ana son: of ~ . . Newman assert. The ,Tom Fordyces called on ~ attern90n. . . , ImmJiratlon OlIlclal-And Rev. Smith and Mr. Ha.:ace ~ to do in the United Forrest Martin at Cente~~ll. . ImmJJrant-oh. anything to earn nesday. . . .. , ,,' , an honest liVing. Rev. and Mrs carl BnUUt · a. . Irrurugration OlIlclal - Well go twin daughters ~d Mr. Horace' J!Iilb.. ahead; I gueSs there aln·t much com ' ney were guests of Mr. ~nd un. ~ peUt.IQD In you line of business. ter Gel'hard at dinner on MC!""'. .
Mr. and Mra. 'Mearle ' Terry were SUilday vlalto~ III the home of Mr.
:I ~al'i~t · tur~ey hena,, 25 or 30 white rock ~ ~ rock he til,. •
"ffI . .
Couch. rockers. strai8ht cbalra. lome, ladder baeD. extenalull . table, small coole. 8~ve, 1 Royal Hot Blaat heater. No.•1. 1 Hermetic ....VOriteheateriNo. 16. 1 t·burner Neaco oll .tcmt, 2 burner oU s~ve .oven· kJtchen cabmet, 'ice box. ·desk. bedatead. sprlqa. ~, 1 IBpl. water mWt separator a/plOllt new.aldUeta, ~. Iriah WfAltcJl!a . about'6 b\.lehels. (
.'."fJ. ifaii)ld Van Pelt
niece w (e In
Max .Holllngnort.h. 'or .near OreIonia••&4 ..... recent ealler in this vl-
. ,
-_ . -
FAIIM Dll'LEIDNTS 1 farm waaon. gravel bed, hay rla:IDI. 8upel'lor _heat John Deere wheat binder, Evans com planter. 1 row com plow• . , . . ure sPre&4er., carrSase. hog feeder, hog troUgha. ae4!d cleaner. C'atfnd_ .atone. corn sheller, ditcb leveler, foru, CI'OIII eut • aaw. lard preMo , stirrer: ,furrowinlr outo plow, horse dra'fill Barden cUltlvatOi. 1 fi6i'Se com or ~ean drm. metal chicken coop, lard cooker.
1 brown g~ldlng. wellht 1700 lbe.; 1 sorrel mare. 4 years old. wel8ht 1380lba.; 1 bay reldinl, welllht lliOO lhe,; 1 black mara. Yleilbt 1460 Ibs.; 1 znatchecs team bay ma.... 8 years old, aVer&Re 1'l00 Ibs.; 1 matched team lI'.y mare&. 6 and 7 years old, aVeTale UIOO lba.; 1 team Perch~n colts comlDI 3 years. All hOraea are sound and all are well broken except Colts.
atf'l ftIJI· c ~ aun SlnnI
of bI.;rIi their parent.o! ·here on ~ _ D1Dv1!tlfto1!tmttn~
and conatder 1\ more as a n companion than as a megulne.
doubtful that COlllJ'eas will such a prOlJl'8oDl at thts 'ttme',"
. - -- -
. and MD. Charlet Hapmeyer and family ,near' Wa,)fDeavWe. M1aa Nona 8bo.maker 15 a guest or, friends In OlnISnatl The Pr1en~ Olub mee tin g whJeb was to haM! -been held at the home ot, MD. IaD1t Kamp ncar Spring Hlll, was 8OItponed on nco . of &he cold natller. J. Lee 'T almaee and lIOn, AJbe~ and Mill J.ae fGarner. Wf'l'e sunday aftemooo can~_ at .the bome ·of 10', &nil Mrs. Almon Peirta and of' Miaa Hanaab JOJdan and Alfred Jordaa. . , Mr. and Mrl. ~ 8ams .ud Mrs. Mary Powell, were busintiaa VII!· In Lebanon, Monday. ..,. See... u.n....... u.e uu. ar. reaewm, &belr sent oath ,Ida Mr. and Mfa. M. M. Terry were weell III • ...,uce ~ . . , Iooat ADIIlyenal')' week; 'ebnal7 'l &0 .IL. IMAmdlay evening callen at the T81- Here a deleptl.. lleatecl br Dr. lam. B. West, clalel ~lI"e ollcer If UIe YIII.. Pres'''t . . . .yelt III the Wblte . .• m8eh~e. · . . .Roane.,.
Phone Your Want Ad. To The Miami Gazette
Laughing Around the World, With IRVIN·S. COBB'
.A Peacemak'; ' Who
,. f'
" ~
Blessed .~ < '.1'
.~ ~
It. offe r CI aoti ./ad ory Senne. at all ti"...
~ua Kov~rman
Scouting Beckons
•. Reporte r .• . Mr. and Mrs. Howard P'oIt ilUIt week-end vlaitlng Mr. ' .FoIt·a " '. '. -
llpentl"'_.~;"';;';;''''_ _ _ _'''cs- -
. parents In Anna. OhiO. , S.... AUGU8TINE OHURCH, Bet B. H. Krumho ltl. 8. T. D .. plletor OF TREE RIPENED . OR· MaSs. sundaY.s 9'00 a. m. Oq Monday . . JanUary 29, '''e ,, .~. science' clAsses viewed ' a 'film on , ANGES ON SALE, "Transp ottaUon of Energy and the ST MARY' S EPI8COPAL Monecular Theory of Matter, " Thla • CHUSC O ' ' method of visual lnstruQtlon Is ~ Rev. R. ·L. BaekweU. Rector '!' In 'corinectlon with class work at vl\l'QUJNQUAGESIMA SUNDAY lous times 'dUrlng tlle ,year. . . 7 :.:\0 a. m. Holy Corrnmlllion . 10 a, m. Church School The program on Flrlgay, Februar y 11 a. Holy Communion and ser2. will be Ill' ehi rge ot. the G .A,A. mo~ . . (Girls AthleUc Associa tion.)' The deFebruar y 7, ASH WEDNEBD_AY Mrs. L1da Batton was hQllt.ess to YOU01l8 will be reaa D~ Ann Campthe Book RevIew Circle, Tuesday . at ~1'he tirst day of Lent) bell-"T he p~Yl!r ot a Sportsm an." 10 a . m. Holy Communion tile bome of Mrs. casale Collett. Re· The preside nt of the G .A.A .. Betty 7 :30 p. m , Evening Prayer lreshme nta were served at one o'clock lind adBernard. win give a short talk. A trio dress. after which the meeting was opened ~""!-i-"' made up of Ruth Anp DonohOO. IiIII_--+oII by the president. )(fa. Esther Doster. Ruth Conner. Blld Frances Johns After a lengthy buatness session, Mrs. 1\A;'l'HO DIST CnuRC t. who are membe rs of the organization Olive Hurst reviewed "Booth and the F.,... ., ..... 5 Louis C. Ra4le1. hator WI,I sing a few 'POpular ballads &CSplrtt of UncoJn." by Bernie Bab.!clllpn) ,wd' 0 11 ~e plano by Mary , Church School 9 :30 A, M. Mornin tJE JiUNC ilaAC K cock. Th1a story of the asslnllot1on g FIREWOOD to be cut on shllores. Eva Le May . Marceli ne Peters wUl Wdrshl p service 10 :40 a' m. , NOTRE D~ME" of Uncoln by John Wllkl's Booth. This George Henkle J~-Fl-8' explain how gJrls or Waynesville can 1Sunday the pastor will ~ve Booth's rught and escape from death t ne r.n , With ellrn letters and also 'how boys' and and Jut sermon In the at the hands of his pursuers. carries series on the FOR SALE- Drop heqd Binger sewgirls' baslu!d:)aU dIller. , This will be Lord'a Prayer. The subject him along through years ot travel (lIlAllL II8 LAUGOTON will be Ing machin e. LouL'Itl Smith Fl " lolioweli by R demons tration game In "The DIvine Empow erment, at home and abl'ood. living always . " , which teams ot the liitra-mW'8f girls' under numero us aliases. and his sub- . Epwort h League Mon4ay evening - - - - -- -- -- -basketball tournam ent will partIel- at 7 o'cloek. The Wilmington sequent death ,by his own hand. dlfEp_ FOR RENT -5 room modern b~n- . pate. ., el'! greatly trom the generelly 1IoCworth ~gue will be vlsltol'!. A.rec. TUII&. . . . WED. galow. garege In connection. Lee Spec~at ors at. the Harveysburg- relltlon period wlJl tollow the wor~ cepted version or hl.s esca.pe and , tebr.rJ i ... , Lemmoll~ Fl-8' WaynesviUe be&ltetball game FrIday ship servIce. death In a burning barD. ' nlght will see the ga.la pal'ade of the . Th W AB always the club thoroug hly eD••• . e omans '· Fere Ign MI"""onar marchin g band and ·'PCp-squatl." y FOR SALE- Pontiac coupe, A-I mo"1'HE tiA ~ TJlE . Joyed Mrs. Hurst·s revIew. Mrs. Che.r. ~ Is. a ' Dr ;,.. .. Is soclew· wlib meet wIth Mrs. George . tor, Also chains. cheap. Bee MI'!. BOOK IES WEPT " ,pcP ~ ....., lea T, Smut will be hOlltesa at the group ~~ Mills .Wednesday a!temoo n Februar y Keatauv er. Mt. Holly. O. PI who. under, the ,41rect10n or · Mrs. 7th It wW be Mite Box 0 n,ext meetloM. nln. FQgt. have perform ed at several of ' wi.. pe, g the games. The band aDcs . PeP- .our Lenten program wUJ -open SELL- Your cream to U6 , We pay w.... ....., Scoutl AiD.rlca celebra tes ltl .1ttb birtladaleooD squad" .' I wlil .llIunber over mty boys :Wedneaday Februar y 7th. which ~I A. S. Collett and Mr& LaW'8 ft . . . .,. F.bl'UU 1 .. of lOll !'ENNE a hi all of Uae 1,JSt~ · 1eoIdI,i ~ -:' J.he High price at nil timra. Com.... ~ and atrll. . " Sh1daker were co-hoatesBes at a pro- .. ...... WID n-cJedIeaIe u. Aah WedDeeday. A ser~ of LeJ}ten .... I.es to d.:,:::'"Ii~:'" rnunlty Kitchen . n-~-16 ' 'semlna ra will be held on the Wednes gresslve lun~heon 'lbursda y at twelve . ~ . U.e =~ :':~e to aU -IoJli-llireqla "tIa~ , .. . ' ay enve"Q,tnaa of ,L ent, on the generdl -W-AN o'clock. honorin g Mrs. Llcla Hatton. , ~==tt-~I':-:' the I!IeoIlt - T- ED-La - Un- d-r-y-, -N-\lJ'Il -'l-n-IJ~-or ..'l'roop 'aDd IPatrol. .. _ _ UaI , ~elow a~e ~J,lp . "rade and ~ them6: : ' aklhg Our RelJgion Real". hOuse . 'i1iuUD AY-FB lDAY ' . The guests assembled at Mrs., Col- I eDti .. ,Ita cJaarac ter-lall work. ReasOnable wages . ...ctDr r.~ -'or tile )h1l 0' ~":j ~hool.J:~Ol: .ron Jor!~e th~d terD): These ' Icea' wil1 be held 1n the Ethel Paul. ThIrd St. Waynesville. leU'. home "Hole-l n-the:W oods" deb e:l~ce c;.:.~~:y=~~.:;:'uu"iall y < ~ • IUId • .AL~ ~T~Hulall Earot-I't, main atfd.itOr where a deUcloUli mid-day meal was Seo.t " ' n ~Uel,... ium" and will be mioroPpo . Pl-S" . DlVil!ht ., ~ener. Danny~ S1m~ mal in ch&racter They.,w "RUL ERS OF THE SEA'" served. Later a contest of true and ill be held will be given by, the scouts after Ma.r~ .~ .~~tOll . Wilma G.ray, ~ from,7:lIO.to falae quest10na was enjoYed and the Everyone Is InvIted -==-========~~ With whleh County Superin tendent Ohar- biu'~~ , ~ Do~a Oougb, ChoIr practlce Wednes day evening group of eightee n ladles re-ente red •' 'DoUGL AS. F~ANK8 18 lea Bahl. a membe r of the Lebano n Martl:la L,*-~n&.Dbr1s W~lud , ~ following the aembuU. IIot 8:15 o'clock . the1r cars and were driven to the . trooP commIttee, wtll give some Weltz,' Mlldred , Bourne" Bla~ home of Mrs. Shldake r where desMi~ ~, ."011 lIubjeet a marks concern ing the movements. Dlckellsheeta, Nac:mu, l!:arnha2't; Bu" sert and collee completed the lunch, The _communIty Is probably aware We are invIting any • organIz ·...;..-- .-A.:.::.T-"::...&D--.;.-y-o-n-]!---· eon.. ation. bara crane/ Edwin.' Mtch'e ner. Betty WAYNE8~E CHUBOH. OF of t~e' 1ncreaslng activities of the 10· any grouP. or any' 1od.iyJd uala-who Thomas . NOrma rbnBacre. ' AI~~ Oarda and Chinese cl)eckers pro- cal 8()()uta. In the previOUl CDI8T ' • i lBaues of can and d,es1re to a.ttend to be preII- Brannbck, t:oill Feltru. ., II LUkens. SUe Fumaa, vlded enterta lnment for am oat pleaa th1a paper your Interest In W, C. 8m1&11. M ..... ter this work ent at 2:00 o'oJock. ~ tbla as a DOOatd Luten8 : ~ Ellen Bpltlei, Durq the absence of Brother ant occaalon. Mrs. Hatton was pre.. hal been encouraged and your aug- special Inyttatl~~ to you and try to Piltsy BaIrd. RaylYn Crabbe, "THE NEW FRNTIER" seDted with.a lovely and most Inter- gestlona ' ~ Smith, Bro. Tom Blackmore ill ~ accepted. come and show YCIur Interest In t.he Hardin, Jean JJartsock. Helen 01seY- the pUlpit, ~e out Sunday evenlng estlng 11ft by the hoeti8see. Tbose ~ S-14 Is set asl~.e as "Na- movem ent. . MarceUne Peters Frances Johnll. aDd hear, Bro. Blackmore. preeent were Mrs. Hat~, Mrs. Ren tlonal Scout Week", ,To start ' the 10Also' on FebrUu y 8 at 10:30 p., m. Fr\eda' E11Ja; Paul ~olina, Lella' .lORN WAYlQ Kove~ Gatnes.Mn. Oba Welch. Mn. Daniel cal observanCe of the movem ent the (E.S.T.> overth~ BI~ Network JJl8i man .. Mary Bva i.ellay. Carol 1::=:=:~~~=~:~:~IUndenrood,·Mrs. G. RandalL Mrs. Lua;. . 'EIUlY (lBUR( lB OF CHRIS T local boy scouts WIll 'take cbarae of be heud a balf bc>ur program lncluQ mgton, 'and' Anna'M ae Watldna. Ada ~ or Shamro ck. TeDa, Mrs. an assembl ' . , W. C. BlDlua. IlbWlIe r y In the hi~h School audl- tng ~e:stdent Roosevelt, Walter S. MERIT - .Roy ~ CliJl0r4, The revival • ~ ~)Ita. Jennie Graham . torlwD on!'eb~ 9 at-2tOO In spite _of the o·clock. Bead. preside nt of ~ Boy £Ieouts of Jones. ~ud1e. Lamb, ,1'_ ,- R:.L~~I.. 'Don 'Rye, weathe r baa been drawtng o;rU'WUlII Mn.1I U7 Dotter. 'Mias Orue Smart DurID& the enterta tnment the ~erlca. and ~ James West, Chief Ja...1e TInney; Gel1e 1fI'tI:..~1 "'~ . ' MIla Katherine 0Taham . Mra. 1Jl- ~ts wm illuatrate; lire by fr1ct.1on We&thethol). nuru~ fro~ 70 to 150. . Scout Executive and Editor of Boy'. Dorothy Davia. Jean Bawke. --~;;;... lian carr,.Mrs•. Charlea Eaater, MJ;B. IItgnalltng. and first aid, Ann each evellinlr at 7:.30 1Dcludlng sat.. A playlet LIfe. ' ~. Esther Watltlna. DIther Luk.. urcia), The cl~ service WIll Charlea . Gordon . M!IIII Nan Collett. ~ ens. Dorothy Conard , Jane PfeUfer~ Sunday fieD1n,~ther Dabney ---.:...._ ~ ~._~ Carr and the bosteaaea, ot · . , . Rlchard Sheeha~ George Heoder aon;lsa Yanah oa. ill leading the sintfnl. NIowt Dt .are the icores of the Milia Nettle Evans niece of the !)avid Hartaoc kl Jenney Lee Brad~ You come Once and-you wUI come dock, Eileen,Brown. Be~' Campbell, back, ~~.01 ~ Wane~ Oounty Schools late Mrs, John 'Quthcy SmI , th: of Mr. and l\aIl's. A. Z. Hartsoc k of Judith Conner, Bob Hasttn& ~ KIngma n, enter~ed' with ~, famJly lea Conard; .DonaJd . DIlk.In. s. Chu- ' Leque played on January oaklan d and the late Mrs. AIel CoIDickie .J " dinner .~rty Tuesda y evening in G h 30 Ki lett or Harvey sburg Dat Ly died in ctn J , t LIIk . ~: i~ 48. ~e ; . up NT. BOLLY M, .. CHUROH , . . - A new turnace purc~ of the honor of 'the "bWbda y 8nn1V(1 I'ft am. e nil. ane ea, 'II M. Searl' MID rsary ;of .Earl RY~. " Yvonne Stubba. AUrlyn Morrow Monday SInce t,he aeat,h of Fairley hardwu e ~pany. of Way. 'r J ' .1 ~ter • ' .. , . 28; WayneevWe 22. c~tI their mother. Mrs. Lena Hartsoc k TInney JImmle Weltz Carleto ......n_tt MIsa. Evan had resided In 'b . ~.... 30' -BarY-.....- 3& Ma- lira . . n stan Sunday School 9'80 l a m Z: ... ~ . ' " ""---. esvWe ill being ~.,-.. " ctnc10n atl With a friend Ml8II Per-h.......... th'. __I.tn:stalled In the Lytle Those who enjoJ'ed the hapPY" oc- ley Cbu'lea Orndor f , ' Helen '. • .. , Qona Earnha rt. Bupt. . ' . . . • ..1 . ' . c .... ,.. ' ... . w~ , caslon were ~ a t,: . Mr. and Mrs. Stacy '. ~GenevIe ve Ha418y. ' .. Itlns, Ml8II rerlUns Evening service 7:30. M1aa A ~y nUmber 'of peJ'IIOnB , w~ net, of TIle llIqUe Standi np on JanlltU')' Evana In deatb JUlit .apr~ed llle; Mr. · and . Mra. AOHIE VEaa:N T-Keith .LoDaa , few days ago. preaent 'at preachi ng and Sunday Hulan Centerv Harvey or Lebanon Miss . . . --d" W"~ Pra.yer meetln i WedJil!aQay eve!4Iaa Evana body was tnterred In M1- School held at Lytle " .~,! are d ' foUOWI: .' Earl PowelL Jacl Shepp ar, Hall Sunday Frances ,Peterso ....ur nlng 7 '30 'Our re I I ~ of WIlmIngton. ami cemeterJ Wedneaday aftemo on W ' n . " ' . v va , senfees atart-• ~. W L Std,. . WoollalXl. Eu1a Hoak"P bY!is Marttn, ed Sunday '" morning , '. evening with i. IIoOd a~ T. Jordan of HsfVI~Y sburg Mrs. C. H, Emma' Jean', Smith" ' Helen BpIUer, ,eeDdance: Brothel' ~ BUlI'Dl\1C II 0 1000 . •. , -, - - , IfrbiItJ,-«o The Ladles Aid w~ll have an all Deather age, nad.lI/[r. 8lld Mrs. la:SI R. H. Prances Whitak er, Walter JohnfOn, . otncbma,U' Sa ~ with . Mrs. 8arah_WrI~t had the mta· day meetlDg and covered dfah . . . . IIllla dinner Hartsoc k and t~ly. . Glennie ChaplJl!Ill. Mary Jane AJieter' II 0 ~~ ,f~ .to 'f~ ~ her l1-<tm e sundaY , next Wednes Come And 'hear hIlI wOnder- . day Februar y ,7, at the Dinner gueata . at the Bome Sun· 8C!D. Marllynl'Burilie, Lanora Lovely. 'iUl mell8p e. Plan to attend ' culWe • 2 ,.eoo, evenlnl ~r. h~ ....r1ght ~ hOme of. Mn. . Walter Ke~ ,Mrs, dttn,AY werde~~. ~~"~ !M~~t Mar- .Rutb ~ Joh'nll, ' ~r!rih~, AI- ~lcea. A welcome awaita you. __ above .the _ ... ~e WUDV lIhe ..... AlI~ Emrick hall thl} de~tlon s and an ........ 8 ..... --.. p.. ", Roe· metta Stetnke. Phylhl Rickey. Oeorie ' ''l'he ·Ia4tee ,UGrrOW • II . . joan be IIIDIIq ~er trtenda aga.In. aid Ww hOI th~Ir rell-" I_I~'" ~UII1c. Ii. WashIn gton-Un co!n debate skJ.n of Dayton : , Mengle. Ethel Reno, Evelyn 'I1looJp- war monthly meetlna at the ,,~ 2 .I .' by lira. J~ aDd. 14rB. .Baylor. , AI'oiWbem 1 • :~ 08CRBBTBA. TOBRO ADCA8 T ~~~ bo&~ are Mrs. ~th MrII. OlJve ~l O! ~Dt, 0 u .a nd 5On. ,Robert Woollard •.MarJorie Ed(!Jl, \)Vedneeday FebruarY :;"';:;';::;;;~-W~.-rtmltc~r1~1t:f:;A Mr, f,ld Mr/l. lW~ McfberaOn., of ,Jane Hartsock. Muy Jean- Rlcke,. !cJoct. "; . "', onea" Mf88 Mary Prether and ·Mrs. W~~ wer~ vfsltol'! " ' at • W1e Jeanne Baker.-Lyel FOx, Evelyn Hob. " ' . ' :W~~ 1 • .300 ' . " ._ . Suaan ~tm:. . ~, , Hom' e sun~y . aftel~. ".': '. . lit. ~lon : sintth. Reba ; Burt~ce , . . MMoa . 0 . ,' .000 . Pa;r~ta 0( W~p. . co~ty Ohio Mrs, EUzalJeth Smith of Dayton The appolnt ment:'of BetlJarnin P . Mr. and Mrs.·IA. Z, .HartsOC :. . . k and Anna MuUyn Whitak er. MIheU e . .' , , ! . " , 8t.a~ ;on1v~~r-,.stu~eD~, ~ well aa waa the wee~ end guest of Mrs. Mu- daughte r HeJ~ :Ot ~Vi Gtovel" tormerl y of Cincinn ati as ll1~ Barnett . Alton Eam~, ' Oharlot te ·; . VT~OA n .. , _ ~e. ~ pm,.; ~ ~,~ ~~8d other ~ua1C-lp\l~ o~ ~~ commu C"U~OB ' nity. garet Johns and ,aUl Jolms. state director - of 'work ,proJecta tor MI:~ Lena Hart:abck S~. " tbla week OD P'ebrUut 2 .' are: CJar· are inVited tollear a CCI8IIt-to-coast Hartma n. end Robert Preston . '~:" lie. . .; 01U;' Pastor Mr ~d Mrs Ballard Smith and N~t1OIJa1 ;Yout)l 'M qdnlatr atlon MrII. J. w..~Per'toJLWII;S&n overUell at 'K!np 1iWI· ' Mcnow at bro&dcaat of . "_ : _"_ .', " Sunday the unlveratty sym- BtU ' . Pebru.r y 4 , , 1n ' Ohlo f wU' alUlO\UtCJd ~y IJy B. ~ night v1BJtor··' tn ~Yton . .Mo~y ~ . ..... : t I ~ orcbest ra SaturdAY, Pebruar y te e IIOn .o d yton :e~t ~:da~ ~ night. : II ' ~il l1, Ill. ~Ul lpay sCh~l. Lesne ~ WeSton , state N. .y , A..,'a dmlhMr. andf~. Olaude oro, Hoover . ., a .. fJPO~T~ . " I. at 11 •• m. The orehestra. of 90 moon an even g w ~rsucb. SUpt . .,' ~~~. , e and Mr. II,Ild Mrilhl. I. Wllllam s 'JiC- LOCAL TEAM WINS . "'"81lb urv at W~eI!'f1Il8. · ., uUmber a directed by Profeasor Eu ' grandm other. Mr~. Ailce Trickery 10'30 '" . • -.' ~, Groves will. be It(" charge ot • panted , h ' ,0 ' h '. ..: ' . , and fam1J7, " , . ~D"'~'" . . , com er,,~. , er re.urn ~ trip a. m.-Mb mlDg wo rsh p work n1'ftt..cts tor the , out-or"aehool 9VER UOA J. WeJael. wUl be heard \Jver A~_AU'O 7 00 · ... v,," TUesday and v.~, fnenda ' at '. the By Argus :tile ~umb~ Bi'oadcaatlng aystem QiIbom e . : ,Po m.-obr tattan Ende.vo r. work lJI'OIfatn, as well all' the student Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burton aad Home 0 •• 'I'BI IIuMa d~ · ) 'tbe ~ 1~rlglnatlng with ' . . " ed tote b8fu Lead~r: lI1III EllIabeth Ilarahal L WBNS daughte r and Mrs. Jennie Mullen of MrII' Le ' H work protram In ~C!8ei and ' ,hlak k and MrS' W The local :OOY8 top"l 0 r ... In Oolbmbua 1 Watch tor lUrUter announc:eJlu;nts Perry were dinner guests of Mr. and A Luke na . • . • !C t , ~, on the Jatter:. oourt last Friday nJ~t 6n the play the young • J Mra. Harry Comell, SUDdaY. people are ply Eaa'te PSs·tarw~ ......e.taa.;.a.. ,~..... we by a acore of ~; ! ; : : n 7 ,'f IPVIIlIr. , ". " m. . ~"3, .,...ua ...... ev~- ..~ wu ,ttie ffrBt league. g@,le ~e ' Xc ..n-.. 1>" • • ••• ~ .worl[-ex~ence for .13.\100' . un· iDa Mrs. Robert Palmer spent 'l'Iie8d&y nq given b , :' ! "S '-'MUrll..,.-lm",and . ,u. boy. " have ' won aga. t-.oI. ...... t 0 Iir I ouea. ,', aerv1cel .-...,.". ail". ahare n yton. . .. 1o ' t"e churCh e~"InJ . ~ . ~ ~..aeh~I· ;Oil,fob ,ID MrII.,~ , . er,ofW11m1nrtOn. Roberts onled .thesco rfng with '12 ' . .r,- :. ' .. " Mr. and MlW. Harold WhitM er 10 honor of MJi Otlfol)e tween1 8 'andJ6.B ometl,1 'loo ', ,..~U9p.,ot ~ points, 'whU,e Hopple tor . Otf,1jI'~ , . • - ~. addlubb al 'l'outh lIle f'~piOYed tD and cbUdren Were ,Saturday , ev~ veyabur!t. who ~ leAve,the f1rIt ·or was next withll .p6lnts. The JUnior . , USE gueats of Mr, .~ Mrs. Therle Jones ?ebl'lW'Y. to .~!ter h~ _ worlt aPozisore.d by ·high l!Cbooli' and In.dln- high lQit by a 'large ' marlin, 29~1l. I ': . THE MIAMI GAZET TIl c:ollep niar'tfc lpaui\J tn ' the 'atl.ldent and 80D M11ton. ' clnnatl. Tbe local tem wUJ;.p1I,y' tl)eli ~b. WANT ADS OOL-uJ(N work' ~~,' ." ". Harry Cornell very night ill with 'MIas!" acute llidigeBtlon WAIl reda Suilday was a Dayton and visitor, Wednesday. bor:r1va ls"Harv ey8bulr .' on the"hom e ;. ftoor, FrIday ·nl,ht' 1MmJ.,y , ~. :".' Dr, Mary COOk was called In the ~J'!I. Ma.rgaretta Heacock h ..: . Mrs. ,.. ~. '. ' .. night. . _ Lena C. 'Hartsoc k, 'and Mr. and Mrs Waynesvtlle PO 'FT TP Mra. WWIam .Bergda u and daugh. Don Hadley and (daught er. Donna, Planoli, f. .. . . '2 ", 0 c , .. , ter. Gladya J. B.done B, vlslted .or. J. W~. Ward iJ.t' McCle,l- ~~ h!~ .· ... 5 · ~ / 12 : ," were Dayton lIhopPers Monday,. Ian's ,hospita l In ~enia. ~ednesday. ·"?Uett . f. ~ 1I41'!• .Ruth 88~8e of CCntervlUe Dr. Ward.'s condl~lo ll ~ r'eported to McKeever. c. 0 1 WILlI a dinner guest Wednes day eve. be slightly ImprO~e d. 'P uru. g; 0 nfilIr.'ot Mr. and Mrs. WJWam Rogel'! ' I , )alar, &' ~ I 0 and daughte r and KeIlJle thand Ev- "I haven't any ' z,nclney" . ~d .. to ~therr~d, g, , erett Savage. and · all atteil.deC1 q\.llet . ahlg1:1l>~Ure sal\!Sma Q. but · ' . . , . oo\J1'Ch at 1l'erl7 later: " '. ' today It Just amntes ~llm. ~uae al\ TOtal ,Mr. and Mrs. ~esler Graham were lie ' wants is yo~ ~ture to a Otterbe in sunday evenlng guesta of Mr. and \promise to .pay tu;twefi t.y-flve month ... " '. ,~"I -i.~"'~~ ' ~. O. "W. Albrl~ht at I Y Ins·Pekin. . Aopple, f.f. ........."n':'" . ' V0UD8, Mr. and Mrs. Waltel' Kennck were , . ' .-gee , ~th''''~ ')Iced at MYen. f • . caUen at the bomes'CJf Mr. and Mn. When we .som ~';& . p . . ,.,,Q. ' 'Daomaa eomna..and Mrs;""" NeWt ,199.95 ~ B1Qy ~or.ldv w)la~ 'be• .~
McClure Fu ner al Home
Wap eavW e
LeRoy M~ran
' - .-
The" _ ..""
.d. --rl-
ora.... oa tile Boy Scouts To Ha,e Charge Of Assembly
," •
WetI,aIU .• .. .1&eI.," --.
--- ---
11_... •.
~ na,~_
~t ~.
l:" ~'
and daulhtel! comes of ..,... ton, sunday af&erDoon.~. 00IUDa Why abOuld ~Y want to be . 111 slowlJ, ~ arw __ _ 'preldde nt or qm~ ."'. _."« ~ 111 tor three weeP. an,ytblng elIe. rOlf &ba
,_'*' .'... __-_ ,~
Move For N~w Teleph~ne Service At Standstill -..-,.- --,.- .......- ........ .... .Local Happenings
I MI&'! Lola Bears Of Cincinnati Charles H. Hoyle. son ot Joeeph l.s pent the week end with her parents.. and Charlotte Ann Hoyle was born Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Bears. Dec. 20, 1861. HIs boyhood days were . • • • • • ~pcnt In and near Bar.nesville. Md: . Mr. and Mrs. Lewis FIres and fam He came to Ohio when ~ut the Uy were Sunday dinner etIests of Mr. lUIe of :11 . While here he met Sallie alld Mrs. Elvan Pires. • • .. • • Hanes . at Xenia. They were married March 2, 1887. To this 'union sIX Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawke of DaychUdren were born. Elmer. John. Will t('11 visited 'J. C. Hawke and family I"l'ed. LUlie and Anna. SlIneay afternoon. Fred and L1llie preceded him In • • • • • lIeath 13 years ago and his wlle 3 Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Ha.cltwell were years ago. He was born of the Cath. ovem1lht lUeStB of relatlves In Olenollc falth. Af~r com1ng to Ohio he dale. Sunday. unlled with the Beaver Reformea • • • • • Church. later trariaferrlng to Mt. Mrs. J. K. Preston enter1.a1ned Zion Reformed Church. He was a with a family dinner, Sunday. honor hnrd working man, always havln' Inl the blrthday anniversary of Mr. the good of hiB farn1ly at heart. He Preston. was a kind friend, and nelihbor and • • • • • was loved by aU who knew him. Mr. and aara. L. A. Garst and tam' All the years »&lIed the chDdren Uy wre lUest.a lor dlnner. Sunday of olle by one lett h&lme for homes 0 Mr. and Mrs. Davfd' Brown of DayLhtlr own. 011ly Anna 'remained wlui ton. lhe parents caring for them In thelr Illst years with lovinl care. lie had been In faillnl healUt for Mill Ruth Conner. stu<lent at M1Q nwnber o. yearll but never ,I.ve up ami Unlverllty ..,mt the week end Imtll the last tew 'weekl with her parenti!. Mr. and Mrs. Ray~ .' Hili condition becam~ alarml nl mond Conner. , • • • • • laat Saturday wben he had to take . to his bed. On Tueeday momlnl he Mr. and Mrs. Donald Oreene or -: was taken to St. Elllabeth hospital/sabina. vlBlted Yr. and ~. L. V. where he paSIed away WedDeaday Branatr.tor, and Mr. and Mrll. Eli mornln.at 10:.5 o' pneumonia, Itur,-S and f.mUY 'sunday. He II survived by 3 aona and one ! • • • • • dauahter. Elmer of W&,ne.vsue. John Mr. and Mrs. Boward McCune at Saratop. N. Y .• W1U of Dayton. and dauahter ....rilyn of Pranktor\, aDd Anna•• , home; 5 brotben aDd Ohio, were lUuta of Mr. ~d Mrs. L. . :I slaten of Maryland. 15 8I'andchJJ- H. Gordon on ~ay. dren. a !Jr8&t aran.dchlld.ren • num• • • • • ber o. rel.Uvee and a halt of friends Mr. and Mrs. lAwrence COOk and He wlll be sadly mlllae4 by all who Mr. 'and Mra. J. B. Oona were Dayknew him .. he wall a true ft'lend to ton vlalt.ora TUesda¥. and JaW the aU. _ 'plctme "Oone Wltb the Wind .. . J OANNOT
That. he .ta With
a~ •
Ia Just away.
D. J
and a wave of MtllAia
.· tbe~ - ·
Mr and Mrs. Charles visited their rrandmother. Mrs. J . W. Cast, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Collins of Clarksville, Sunday.
·. ...
Mr. and Mrs. J. p " Larrick visited Mr. Estol Inskeep. of Springfield. Thursday, Mr. Inskeetp Is recovering , after a recent operation.
~old-tlme .tep and the
retlD'll.. Thtnll of him fJrlDI on
In the jove of There Here:
Ilad .
u dear
~s the 1OV~ of .
MUd and gentle. as he .... braveWhell the sweetest love of hili 11le he pve "
Thlnll of htm ·itlll u the .me, I say. Be la not dead-be Ia just awayl ,
· c~. ~p mAJfK8. Ou~mOlt ."~' •• Uon • " u~• ., • ........; ~~ '.
II extended to our trien"".nd JleI'hbora far their kindness s.h own UII In the loa of ~ cleat father. Cbu. Hoyle! We ~la1IJ thank Mev. BmJth tor hla 'tlomfoi'Ulil worda, lin LUCY Emily for .'the .Iovely 8On~ . th'!! donorll th~ bcautlfil! noral oftetlna the pallbearll tor their kind aerv1ceB and Mr. McClure for the efficient manner .In .whlch the ', funeral .u conducted. : . The ~OJle PamUy
home with Mr. ~d Mrs. Lester Ken- bold.ers or the Wa:l'lleaville Parmers rick ot Perry. was pleasantlY lur- Exchange Co., will iDe held Tuesday, prlaecf Mond.y evening, the occaslon February 13. ,atthe Oranp hall with dinner aervedbY'tbe Fanners Orange celebratinl biB slx~nth birthday an The business lIeflll10n will atart niversary which was on Suilday. He promptly at 1 :30, "'6
was comfortably settled for the eveby the Be~t _ ~ were. alIo ll\llllta of strama of "Happy Blrthday to You" lin. MUOSi o~ SUnday • • • .'. aDd "MYeral relatives 'a nd friends ftlked tD. '!be evening was spent In lIIl'. and lin. Leo CoDner UI4 IOOCl ldofaahlonecl errlm o m ent. dauahter carolyn movec1 into the ~axed popcorn and generous servLee Lemmon property, near the InteraectlJm of the LYtle road .nd fOule lop of de11cloUIIlce cream wltl'i chocolate syrup and fruit cake , gre.tly 73~ on Ilonday. " enhanced the pleasure of tho6e pres' ' " eht who were Orville's mother, Mrs. Have yoU seen 0e0rIe? Oeol'ie? Ruth Savag~. apd Mr. and Mrs. P. T . who? Oeorre Wuh1ntfon. He will MartIn of Centerville, 'hls sister. Mrs. meet you at the h1Ih ' achool um, o race callaway and tw0 SOna. Dldty Jfrlday nllht. I'ebn&arJ t,.nd wD. and Donny at Dayton, his two bra.. either play "600" or ~nce with you. thera. Kennetb and Everett. Savare. • eo • • • • ~nd Jlarvey Hole of Lytle and Mrs. M.lss Mary Jean 'l'bOInpIon was MeWe Benson pi S~g Vall~y. Pl\·asapU.y. auprIaad Saturday evenJnl KrI. Kennck . . who Is recoverl~g ' . wI1l.)1 the '~ :11 IJ.&Id ~~ft~ after a long Illness, heartily enjoyed VI'lt , ~~ en & ppy ev_ .. the fua. tclelher. ~ Jean ~d Jane lIartsock. Vlrllnla Preston, ~.vjorle
~d Charlot.te Rye. • • • • •
The annual meetlnw of the stool..
n1nt when he was aroused
~' , aJ?d )Ira. HoWard M1saUcUne, a: rfcent bride and. 8I'00ID; were Ute , honored lUata at a turkey cUnner. . evenln" liven by Mr. ' · The King's Heralda society 01 the and Mn. KeU. JIoak aDd ftoIcoe .Methodlst Church met Thursday afPuris.••. Otbet' pesta were Mr. aDd ,ternoon, after achool, at Ute home of '..... RoIIert. Purau aud aaaa. and R1~d Sheehan. Mr. ~ ·IIrl. BIt Pumu uwl'famlly, Sixteen members and thelr . leader. .Mrs. H. B. lI'.amhar~ were present. :z'be Ip4!etlna was opened with a BOng
CI 5 "H'OltH ;' . ' . [ .; KITCH[.. 'WEI' fOH BR'IDE nIEND.S 'HOlE
"Duskt r •.... Wllmlna'ton will a t w.e... noon sealon. Tbe electi f di to d ts f on. 0 Tee 1'8 an repar 0 the year's b\l8lnl!lla wUl take place as usual. All tile atocl[holders are urlleti to be present.
., . " .- - . _
Savale. who makes
a Parent-Teacher'a meetlDi at would not. be increaaed, ahould til. Mothers' Club Treasury Mlllnevllle, Thursday evenin(. " 10 tlbrough. " • - •• ,. • • (InstallaUon of BJatem eaUa H.I~ AbUa! MeetiDg .Shows Good Balm"e sonMr.of and Mn. John Be. ttiemyre and for a ,1' month for ~&il Ol"elonla, and Mr. and Ur,'. L. bualn. . telepbonea . . ln WaYllll't'We.)
. .. ..
The touch83 of hta handa haft straYed ' , All reverenui as his 11111 have praYed
:':..c:.,.~~ lin . , .
v ...._..
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roger~ and daughter . Anne. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Rogers of Sprngbora. • .• • • • ¥r. and Mrs. L- A. Oarst and Mr. al:d Mrs. Rusaell Prank attended
- .~--=- _
land. their lIOn Bcibert who baa And left us how ve17 fair Ilvbir 1ft. Hol17WoOd, , oaut.. .rrlved It llHfIa must be, Ilnoe he linlen hoaW. , ' tbere • • • • • . • ~ you,-o you, who the wUdeat Muter David Haraoc1t rialted
Farm-' lalll
Mr. aDd _ . J. B. Cbapman an Unknown pleMUltaJ IUIIIdMd I.UJIdaJ.
Aa be waadered Into
BirIWa ~~..:.. ". " .J "'!!.J.l1K
• r-~-DI"e
~ ~ ~... Sa . . cor vmue YIlt
u:ra.. B. A, u:obJer
.,ay. and I WIll DOt uy ~he
phones In Wayneav111e t.h18 week .a, at a sc.ndatul 10110Wlng charpa made by the Ohio Central Telephone Corp. oft'lclals that the Civic club COmmittee had fa1led to cooperate in a survey startecl here to determine wtlether or not re6ldents of th1lJ community wanted the new service. Tht!se charles were II1&de In a letter to the Ohio Public Utllltles COmmSaIlion Who ordered 'a survey made . of the 10C&1 situation. The charles were. denied by the Civic club commi£'" In a later letter to the CommtaIIkm statlI18 that the company repreunt&tive here to make the survC!1 <bad tailed to COoperate and Ulat a &Iu' picture of tihe situation had not been presen~ in the company's letter. The Ch1c clUb comimttee clal.Ina that. the representative llent here to make the survey failed to COOpera1e an eftOft to make re~ In the oriatnal petition. When the was lltarted the petltlon aWed that new service would 1nclWs, ' free tolls both ways on lAbulon calla, The Company representatlv, obta1nlng .. few aignaturea, the letter POinted ou~ returned with a new ' petltion explalninl that CUmpany Oft'lclaJs had taken a atand tha' the new service would Include 'tree toll aervlce on Waynesville to Lebanon calla only. The members Or the ~IV'!C Club commlt.t,ee, the letter f11r. ther stated. were wUllne to aocep' t~ . rev1a1on. but did object t4l the tact that the peUtion did DO\ COl}tain aaaurance that rates of IICJ1bers other \han tlueillela IDe1a
A move to Irutal1 new dial tele-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Collett were Dayton visitors. Saturday. • • • • • Nlorrls Southard of Dayton wall a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ba·ker Jr .. last weelr. . • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. J . Q . Gons and Mrs. D. L . Crane rere Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gons. • • • • • Mrs. Je&'!le Hyman spent Sunday with \ her daughter and family Cincinnati.
A full line of Valentlnea at, the Elzey Home Shoe Store 'h c. lc 3 ror 5C. 2 for 5c. 5c and 10 cents. • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. J . P. Larr L k enter1 I talned at a family dinner. Sunday, In honor ot the 75th blrtheay anniversary ot "Orandpa Mu\,ien. "
. ._ ._ _. _ ._ ._ _ _ .. _ _ _ _
Compan 1 Cbarae!J Club C9mml&&ee FaUed To Coopenue
The Wayne Townllhlp Mothers' club met Friday afternoon, In the music room at the Orade buUdlng. The president called t}le meeting to order and all joIned In Ingin "Brighten -the ' Corner Wher: YO~ An.".
An interesting program wa.s presented by the '})upUs of the fourth ' fllth and sixth, grades as follows: B~le reading- Norma Long&Cl'e ' piano sol!>-Mlldred Bourne ; reclt.. : t\on. "Lincoln's Declsion"-W lte Johnson : tw seJ tI . bar ' ' 0 ec OilS y the Grade school orchestra' exerclseEarl Rye Ch I c' Ii f O~ham. ' and ~~~e ~~~z; ~:a::: Ole-Glad R ' ci t .
at J~ v.-e ~~n~,,-.,~Q.Im!.~r
guests of
U ...
and Mrs.
_The Civic . Cl~, ~ttee'. ~~ . £be PUblic V~ 'QI , . '*'aD .
,.... and daUlhier of 8prlnglJoro. • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Branstrator and Mr.•nd Mrll. W. A. Lukens atteucied Farmers' Week at Ohio State University l~t Wedneaday .nd
tbIIt eftona .meet wUb thI Company reJlftllellallre, to ou' certain dUI"rencea in the peuUon ,p roved futl1e aDd that taU~ to ..range a m~ . ~ the fault ol the c:ornpan:v repreemaUft .Dd. . .
Thursday. • •
thelra. The committee's letter . . . . . . ~ the Pub11c UtWiAes
• •
Mr and Mrll Richard C Mill . . . . er ~ . and Mr. and Mrll. Edpr Smith and late lut week and by Thureda7 lID d.ughter. Sally Lou, w~e dlnner had been reeelved. ll'Uests of ¥T. and Mrs. Ralph Miller, A 'COpy of tlle letter 48ilt " by the Sunday. Ohio Central Telephone COr~•• to tbe • • • • • UtWtl83 Commislllon ' -_........ . . . . r.,...,n.... PHru~RAM The Woman's AuxU!ary of st here laat week by the CIvic Club CGID Mary's Episcopal Church will meei mlttee Thelr letter atated tht' 'iIl Friday. February. 9. at :I p. m.. at compliance with t.he order of the ~Ish"-~; S~~~:I~rY~V~::I ' .~:~ t~e Little Inn. Mrs. L. H. Gordon. Public Utilities Oommlsslon, ~ mP . [ Ann Wit . hostess. had been sent to Waynesville end • " ,. e z .. trumpet duet. "The • • • • • survey had been made which ah~Rosary -Dick Irons and Glenn Have you " &eer1 Martha? Martha ed only two llanatureS , 'out of 1'1 .bus·· Smlth An unusually g(lod croWd was Inl DeV~t1 who? Martha Washlncton. She w.u m,u phaDea bad been obtalnecl attendance at Partner's Grange meet Earl H ow: were conducted by Mrs. meet Y9u at the high school gym Fr:1- Jetter further at.ted that. m~ual Inl Saturday nJght and enjoyed the "Love"OCke t who took .for her toPiC .. day night. February 9. and will elth 1 arreement concem1na' oert&ln ·ienns follOWing p~ presented by MrS boo'" : from Henry Drummond's PllLY "lSQO" or dance lwth you. of the peUtlon could noi.be .. .. -ld .. ".1.": .... entitled. The Grea·a~. Thin a -' DOW" "~u_ker. l-:cturer. , Two se" .. """'. 0, ..,.' . · · . . as ml!mbera of the committee' wtNld JectiOna by the Orslde school band un In t~e World. The minutes of the Mrs. Harold Van Pelt of Xenia not act wlth"out the approval of der the direction of M18II ~ prevous meeting were rea~ and apo/lIlster-ln-Iaw of Mrs. M. A. Fulkel&Jn preeident' of the dub, .nd that M Hardin; a taUt on Abraham Lincol l proVed, and the treasurer s report Is ·slowly improving from Inju 1 s au could not be cont.cted ' by W.lter Kenrkk, with Inclden~~ shOWed a balance February 1, of talned In an automobile . id t ., o from his Ute by Mrs. '127.35. ' , near Springboro Saturday en ' "Anierlca" sung by .the members of During the business S~IO~1 Mrs. last week the 'JuvenUe OraDP: h1lJllGl'Oal »IW1. Ralph Hastings. chairman at the . - - - -- - let. "Who Ia That. Man?", presented program committee. announced that . by 1rIrII. Stanley BaDey and Mrs, the March program will be presented RUlleU Wilson; selection by the by the Lytle mothers under the Grade aohoOl band!. 'nie meeting was leadership of Mrs. Therle Jones. A Maaliftft ~:...-' clo8ecl wlth, the aiIlging of "The Btar motion that the Temperan<2.e comIltKIe 'lbe YOUDI People's Oroup 'QrB' Spa.nJ1ecl Banner" mittee be allowed '10 for a speaker BPtecopal Church met MoD' • ' who would spend a day In the. The IIllIslonary lIOCIety of the ita)' eYellb!lo. at the bome of Mr. and achools talkJ~g to the chUdren. was Perry 'and WayneavWe Churches o. 101: BthaD crane. EASTERN STAR NOTICE carried. Chrtat met at. the Perry church. jan-
_.10.... tile
MAG en re uests At ''''l1li6
Yoa. People's,Gro., .'
by the (l'Oup and the president, MIss S~t. L. A. Garst made an an- uary 31 TbJa meettnc was attended ,RayIyn crabbe,) led the· devotions. . Miami Ch8llter No. 107 O. ,E. S. nounoement concerning the actlvltlea by the ~en who were Invited to sixteen 'lileIn&Ien answered roll ~. Alter the b~esa meetlng a short 'fIll1 meet In regular ,seSSion Monday Of. Boy &:out Week which begins the work done by the lIOclety. maklnl1 After Imalnw meetInJ tha,dis, '. ' . ...-l:-" Mr. aem·~~t of. Miun1, PIa., prOgram was ~ted &a follows: A everun., Pebrua!'112, Vlattlntf mem- with a special assembly em ~Iday. an Qtendance of oU. , cu.loD qonCernlnc· the rela_ "'~f IIl*IeI ·RUth. • DorIa ~1I""""~,.MicJ " ~~t of ~tervll1e poem, ''The \Vorl!" came to MY bers welcome. . ~ruary 9 at 2 o'clock in the high The devotl.on&l IlI'orram was ~....uty to the present w.ar was . ente~ .\~t.h &; Idtch~, ahciwer, ~,. ~ .t~ ...~ .thelr Home Today'\ was' recited ' by M~ Mlnnj·e Fromm. W. M. . sebool auditorium. by th~'W~~v11le members. The . ~••ubJect for dlacUll&oa B,:tU.r.~ . ~. h~ . JoIn. aIa~ ~ ~ 1IaiUoclt., . . . Mary Jane And~. lira. Walter ~ Earnhart, sec'y. After the meeting had adjourned son --liven b)' the PerI7,'' t.(q,~.. . . "HoW to .~ Richard O;, ~, a recent ·bride. ~ BcIUI Or' ~ J'l1eI.Wl" Rome S~han ~ two chapters f,um the -refreBbmenta were served by the fol- women' under, the dlrectlon ~ aut,of wat'," Uut ..... .A haPIiY i~ ~. . spent by .the be1d their meitlDIr. 'I'UMcIaJ, ' study book, "WeJComf ~.'; The MASONJO NOTICE · ,I owq 'COmmittee; Mrs. Barry Smith; 4Dna ~K1IIII 'Buth Hutt. · . . .• ~Kr. Ud Un. Albert. Reacm. .nd meetinl c~ wI~. .aa," and Mrs, Keller Hoak. Mrs. Elmer Shee- Weri.. ~. b:r BrOiia, lUelta in pIaJlnl ~.~ prllee beIDa won by lira" Bert Hart- ...... PaUl Null. of 8pr1nporo. and prayer. Richard. was assIRed .in aervStated Communication of Waynes- l1an,. Mrs. Beul!Lh Wade. Mrs. Ralph Utt.Je ·. . . Dorti Brown a sock;. ~. D. ~, ~UI'l. and 1IrlJ. , .J oIn. A. m ~ villted UiBl refreIlunezita by Douglas ' an . viLe ~re No. 183 p, & A. II. TUn- Lynn, Mrs. ~nk Cook. Mrs. Mildred WIllI ~' b1 tin. 00ra Murp~ l!kliar Smith. w~h were preaeatedl~ and DI'. BmlJ7 !'rtcht, 8UDda)' Donald B~ IDa. A. k. Day day evenlna, Pebruary 13. Vlsltlng qraham. and Mrs. Alva .Thompson. lira, ~ JIlmter. 'I'M. .....,,,.... , to the bride. ~ bride alI9 received afta'DoGD. "." aDd ura. Wal~ Sheehan were·nd. sojo,\U'ninl brethren are ~1come Ughtlnl ~.. b, 12 Of tbe Perry .n array 01 lovell cUte far-her Idtch 0Jatence BeirJb1p,and daUCh Raymo.n~ Braddock, W. M. JENN~ 'B~L R4NDALL .womeb,' ~·'tbj- ~. · IIo1Irard en. from her rela~v. and ~ ter. 0Ian. *&eel..... ~ D. - . . ; •.:.... v.•. Arm1ta~. sec'y. ' ' H, !~.~~-.'l.~_~ l ter ed A Qeuct~us lunah ~as enm at the ~ Kame T, Browne, ~ af .- ' . DESSER'lt RIDGE \ ' R .~:....:y RO ' __ (JiL UB' ..' " ~ - I ", " :~~I;~I~!~=I~c101H! of the evenlnl! MCIQ. . . . . . , . ftrr UD J~nnJe BaiJ Ru!aall,'&IJ«I 'lsi. of'Day ~=~~:~,~~!~~;~ ~rGijl11U '.Inv,lted"'Iu~t. were. \dn. l!larU J)i.~ oJ. W• •,.,., who ,.hal ~. in' .," . . . ' . WILL MBET FEB. !O ton" Wife .0' OtIarIe E Randall' died II Stover. of"Mlamllburc, motlt"r of t , McOIeI1an'l ......... fOJ' th. . .Mn. J . K. l'relton was to . Wed""'!'''y !l1IJit· at the or . bride, IIn.R&)ph 1tIlIIer,...... ... pUt, Iftiral . . . Nwm~ to ~e U".c meinbe'rs of t.be ~t bl1dle The re~ aaeetlnl of th,' Happy her brother. Henri &.II,·in NOnfood . . ~he wliYli_llle , Ml!IeI'..¥n. Grace M:CUDe.1II'I. as. Home tc$l (Tbuno.J). c!,IU' ~eaday ~te~oOtl; .t- the Ut- Hour clUb 'has been ~~ aDd ~ h~r hUlbaDd ~.1s IlUl'Vlved ae.da7 An ~ IIU' Smith, MIaa Sarah 1IU1er, lira. Mr;-WunD 'I'b,sImM or ~" UP Jnft. . - .~. wSI1 be held ~ 2O~~tead or • one daUlhte:, Sara, •• t<1iOmeand . w... 00meIL lin.: iI. A. QnIU. YlIlt.Id ...... AIIDII U.. or. . eaunf, UIe &be '., at t.be If.cIme"' 0( aon 11. '" IIIWard O'''liitDali. · .',
• \
.. .
_ I111.....
u:r... aoiw.
Ill....... IItoCIrIUU ........ or __ 1IrOWIIe • .....,. . ...... __ c.,... ... &be _
....... ..."'.
After.~ ~
.. Bert. BnddOCII:. 'l'be JIu1IIQck...-' &~t..aI~ . . . . or the baIdIIs or
~e .
~.-1teba 1-
........ - - one .• u.t.
'... ' . _ . . . . u. ...... ali.... .. ................. ...,. ....ra.,_. " . CIn"d db . . . . . .., "" ~..
'. . . . .
_I'I_··. ~.~'
made' be- : PuDeral MI'Vlcee saturday after~~' _ _ a.'I1 ' ''~ 2 o'~ at the 1Ic01ure..m lie . ' ........ ,. hIIIIral 'home ~th burt,aI In IItaaa1 -M4riIt;...... ..... ~
,..cu_ !~~i:ifl
meeUnt of atock ~n ~
Pt.rmehl .
I" . .
__ •_
,.W atch For (; S. I, W Playing On . ,treets, s Waynesville, OhiD
Maln Street
r::r - -
pr.- .
",5.50; The [)ayilon Blue Print Co., prlnta. f95.33; Lyae Stewart. In the pursuance of the order of dent. dru.w under aec. 9880, $800.00; the Probate Court ot Warren Coun-
Want Ada
January was a good test Clf an.yone s 8Jl)fol't's Qarall1!, gasoline. '13.~6; Dla ~Y. Ohio, I will offer tor sale at pubtemper and driv ing Jl~.Uity" a,~c~dl~~t ~~ trlct TUbe~OIIIa H05pl~. bOlQl, of . JoseJUl Schneid er, Chll;lrmsn o\hl \: incin- -rllDa.lgeln~, ~75.oo;· The ' Eranklln 110 aucUon on the 26th dllY ot "'ebmobile Deal ers ComlT).lliee 0 . e Ohronicle, Inc .• ~ letterheads. 500 ·ruary. 1940 ';t two o~clQCk P. M., on nati Automobile Club and. PreslCle nt of {~ el t lJllll1sJloper-s. $'750' . , , . Cincinnati Economy Dru8 Compan~ . .li env opes or co . 'the premises. the following t\esorlbever with a heavy snow faU ant,cl pa ' FrIU~klln . Plumblnr CO' t tsushlng , duri~g February alid Match, due 0 I cis pollet and cleaning air valves :~. eQ [eal CI'ta\.l)( too-wIt: of moisture iri the g:fO';1nd that mu st IJ~ oour~ \lQu:le, ,S.OO; Robert J effery. " SItuate In tho Cowlty' of Warren . buiLt. up during the wmter months. MI. Isti.n V te !ntlri Il djl)' f1 8 Q9 Schneider urges all mot prists to b~w"ro. r IISS ·. g e r lln l j . . . and State or Ohio and bounded and children . playing in the snoW ~It~:r on .. described as tollows : Lot NO. Sixteen '1I1eds or 'skis, . ( 6) as designated 011 the recl) rdcd ..• ulIlIno.n t to rc8'uh.ne ~h o u ~c plat ot Harris Addition Ho.II'130n " Ch'lldrel1 on sleds are · often belo. w thet J. , Lu l ,) l kN .g 11\, Sill 01 or pOtiell' ' line o[ vision and they com~ llpee dI ~g . ~u ,1/" "t, " e"r or u.. t ux lcul ...g 0I1IUO \8 Square In the town of .WI\Y\leSVIUtI or road".. .dHiectly ID ' 1m ,.• l .•,.,,,.,, u 11\." .,. or " t"eb v'Ile, ll<hlo, t "' j 0" 1 L 0 t o t h I'll Y Stree'~ .... .. , ['tl .. IIq"l ~ <judAS whlll)1 In th e a oresald Ooun,y ..... d with automobiles," Schneider explamed, wa tl l •• O 1111 ',\llum ag,,11 Ot the per~ lay' s fifty (50 ' reet front 011 T'llrd "Even in CIncinnati where play slr ele uw' lu .WhOIIl !;u.ch \J "er a uo InlO. 1are marked pff all cbllarel'! CilDnot be ex - Ch li" 1.'IIJ pr llf'r lJe ~o ld , , (3rd) street pud rwu; bllck Pt r!Sht r Angle& ~n Iln alle o Ilnd lle\ng tno "ted to sta within the ~onlil1e~ all o f . \\ 1l'lDfiEA ,th . ,.J Uhlp ~-f I,lqutJ t.:ui.llol or ~h ,, ' Stalu t\ut I)tlS " . I'" .' ~ .. pe" the time: poys in anow ball fights are al't' nd O ~\ I-! rul ~b all , og" IIlL,Iu n6 gOY ' same pr.emlse!l conveyed to Mary E dash into tbe center of the $treel \.0 f,~{; ~'f.lt'~~~" ';,O~lj~:JF u'~ngn'ln~~8PI .; ~~: Re~luclc br deeq recorded In Dello avoid being hi t 01 a snow ball. , , "' to r ~ III g Iltill ors. auil , ~~or{t Vgl, 78. pl\ge ~Sd. WUl'fell ists should almost slow Qown whenever II 11 1!J1II~AI3, t h,· I'lpuge ()t Wuy · · , . ..'. d Is b il th they see boys throwing sno\\1 billlS. O.n n~~I" Ie. U1.1O, \I""' II'~H to CUUII"''''>'' ,O county Rec~rds. An . a 0 e,g e 0 1 the (lther hand parents f\houlcl warn theIr ~\~\~~ l~;~ r'!:'~t :;.~~ru I'IL 11 I'cl;j Ullf' lIflme premIses 'co!1veyed b~ 1t<lrvey
tntered As Seeond Clasa Mall Matter at Postofiice, Waynesville, Qhio --
Tbe V_ Cam.P StaDe
b '
Flora M. Crane Editor and PubliSher
• F.· T. Martin , --Auctioneer '
Subecription Price, '1.60 P.er Year, Payable in Advance
TOO MANY HOGS 'T'he farmers who raise the nation's pork are In a difficult posll Ion. The current crop of pigs Is estlmatec\ bY the Department of COD'l'11crCe st ~ore ~han 84.•300,000 head-13.2oo.000 above the prccedln6 year. The hCllvy production Is iargelY due to successIve ye::.rs of abnormally large corn crops -and corn must find Its way to market as live pIgs.. On. top of that. pork prices have been steadily going down. and du rlnlt December were-over $2 .00 per CWT less than t he five-year average from 1909 to 1914. J.,ast but not least. the wllr h1Ui reduced foreign demand for orpk 10 extre~~y low levels. That makes a depressing picture ut t he bright side has now apPeared. For organized retailers, led by the chaills. And with coopemlion h'oJ:lllndependenu, have met the farmers' reque.~ts for A:sistJ\nce . Thc rc'!1l~ ~ a "National Econ ,my Pork Sale" which Is to be aggressivel y carrlel1 on durin(f two periods-February 1 to 10, and February 29 to March 9. Every kind of pork and pork produe t.-lolns. ribs, side meat. lard. roasts, etc - w111 be featured The Idea Is to encoura ge the consumer to think a~u't' pork. talk IWOU~ pork. and buy pork. Newspaper advertising, hAnd, ~ ... store d!!Q)lays--all torms or promol lon will be cmployeo tJ) mnkc the sale the success it' s houd be. From the consumer point of view. the pork r;ale will aL<o serve It worthy purpose. Prices wUl be reason able· Quali ty ot meat will be of the hlghest. 'llle housewl.{e will leaf[' of new and appetizIng waYII to cook and serve pork., And the dietary standa rds ot thousands of fanillJes will be IlnproVed. Good luclc t<. l'lle va .:' -: . . I scattered t.brOUghOU~ he tn;;ea, whOGe ;>ll1· cn p s.u~ lloJ\VcT
Or 'No Charce Centerville,OhlQ Phone 78.1
sons not to throw ,now balls a t PI1SQ nJ: II .H;I: c;N:i. s uhl \'1111111' of W(L), ' L. RYe tq ~anda /1,. M"ffltL 0)' automobiles for serious accid e nts nla~ oc", n o~v II.:. hlu wldn ~1I Lu t\dOI)l o.n,1 deed dated' Noyember 18. 1929, a!1c1 "a IOlc " withi n ,~.. 11l11)III "uclt IUCI'I . , .cur.'i ~ ~. . .. .• ' ..c ._ . ru\lc u .. ~gu luUun" III! .. ·g~r" tfj I h, recorded In De d Recorq VOl. 123, Chai rman ~t1hneider ~~ged mo- dub ' at kntral ' Pa rk~ay ana c~l~!l,r:t/t~,m;'W\~~·il ~~, ~te It:~~! ~~!lt page ' p~. ftr ~he Warrell OO lnt)'. . 9 hiPr ~ ~!lCor~,I' t orisls to kE!ep t~e·r · cars und~r Race street are n o\~ be tng stud- tit" Stllto 01 ,.:j11.Oj ~""rp ro r lli control at all times and to aVOId ied, Thes{l plans .wIII Include ocliE J'I' OIl<LM.ll'l!:jJ h., lll ll OOllllj.11 ' driving during Il now .torms. Cupying the entire three slory ~~ gh~ o~' l lIl\lI" )lr II 11 >"IP~v' lIe. Slnt There being no street num~1' for Molorists are invited to join the buildini and will con taill til!.' ::;e~ llo u I. rl shall b~ un lb.wtu l tor said premises. according to the reo CinCinnati Automobile ~lub or most modern equ ipment for ser,.. tho hulp"f uf li ll y pUllnl1 18811 lL i. )· corded Plat of the Village of Way· I di :-" and llie u 1I01·tn."nl or I.;l'IIlIlr Coutru l Id the div ision in 0 hlO. n ana '(1' vlclng the more (han )6,000 puto- \,e 1Io ~ ::l I llI e of 01110. \ '0 ~·e11. or(c~' f ,d p~~le, Warren County. Ohio. Fa .. Ken tucky in which they resi .e, mobile owners who ar e no~' ~1l111 III' MUl'VC . olllt 'l' ".rd· tl y 01' 1\ . premises are locateq uoon J.he ElltSt B .... Membership ,Jll'cctl y, hj 11l5CI( or by hiM ' niP lOY I' • . . .• ' r Ed w.ar d ern a r u'd PI for members of the Clnc lnnal i AUl!)~ , r Ilg""t. · or lo !Jenrp ' III) cory. uml;· sl!1e of TIllrd Street ~n :mlcl VH1agc Ch a irman announce. ans. " ull I,,,ull (,II.! P' mls _ ur tJl p~l'Inll betll/ellll phllnm"n Qt.'cpt on t~I Q ~o~v~in~g~~i:.:n~to~th;e:";,:,n:e;;W;;,h~o;;,;m:;e~o;;;f~t;;,;h;;;e.;;;;.m$o ;;b;..i'1O;e..~EC ;;;l?U;.=b",.;;;n~:. I .u"'~ l·. b '.1')' I' ll0'1" I)ourll InlOxfelLIIt.1j' .... ,. .... t1tr re~ on thtl • , £ "c "'IUO!" tW ee nI' tJl or 1 1 North and ~North ~ \: l vc k J1 , Ill. Ulltl (; ; 3U 1\ , III; 011 u ny '" k clILY. ex~evtlll¥ Lh•• t UI,,}n .'01- South.
Zain Armitage l'h oll~. Wuyn~ a v!l l e 4~
Lellll l(OIl otfl,:c r es . (j8 · ~I.
II 413 ' 1':-
l\1ol'fllW tHI OIlO No.3
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.C Ne· WI County ourt
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Sand & Grav~1
P It 1ll1ll~4
ufduy :tuc!\ tH hi IIltL)" IH.! du n e u ,' 1)~1··1 t<) L, dIll' (ro nl lj ' 3 I/,CIQC,{
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14 QfI il!j~ 9 8'h~, ' 1 ~, Id Pf m\de.1 ~~r. duly And t'l!gshn ll 'l.le ul1 la\, (III iu!' fit h"lJL!l: " . - - ---commUD1ty in ~he land.-Indus trlal News _ Re_V~~~ Jt any r,llil .. uejl I'r 1lle ' J) pal" . ularly apprllised tor the sum ot Slx- fF=Z-=-. .----=--=~ III Il~ p l1'pl ,ll ( ~lov I>t"I' --::::::!I serve t 1110 \0 ifj ll HU/OI' HI" Hil I.. " ,. t4!en 'Rh"it. ret! An.d nq.IOO IS, l600 oq) -as-a-giiiiali.ns-t-th';'e-13ii i6i i i i iO-now [ "'tt'..,,. ,. 1lh(\/' air Ur Ii" 1t.'\J,r~.... d" In the nJt~ttel' of the eslAte of hkmHeJt or I,y h111 nt or emLJluye~': Dollars, .and mUll . t be sold tor coL • .• uny Intoxl uUn!; IlIluo,· during LhQ NEW SUITS g Op,therlne L. LooP, CleceafSeQ; :Frank hours b -l\ve n :>utunlay 1IIld.lll h t leS/! than two-thirds (2-3rds or said REAL ESTATE Because a radio truck 'followed the . and u'l}d•.L), mlejp lgll c.} lllly wet:k . Eva D(Lvlclson vs. Levi DavidSOn; W. Loop apPOinted administrator, A. It 1I11!! )) I'P ·IIJII.a wtul fOJ' Che h .;ld ~ r appraised vnlue Ter11).~ of sale INSURANCE .AlthPU8b the . date and place tor wrong Major In recent ArmY manor lilly. IJ I'rllll 13Il Uilil 'PP.' Dl!&)nrl. ' holding the presidential conventions euvers and reported: "We don't action tor alimony . B . K~ufmIl11, W. C. GlimoW' and menl ~ l'''luor· QlIlr 0 tlt~ ,StllIll "~"8hH AUCTIONEER .... ft . b tl ed I . S In at Oh iO'. to 60 11 : oHllr tor 1I~l e 'II' ..... ' P , Addie Stiner vs. Wilbert t er-; OllAlle.'l IrwIn apPOlnte{:l Jlvpralsers. $Ol"\'e, cH h.1!- dlrecLly p r Incllr MI.'. ,--=-- -" th1a year ...... not · een x , pans know where we are," the War Detor the eiection of delegates. In com- partment h no _. fll nt8II It/I I01' 1)18 ag mpj'IY v, O. M . ·RIDOE. ~ decided that "need for acUon. ali 'nooy. I~ny ' , hy 'It:~her Ir)' til IheO'rj>'l'kug ~ 'fl· pl1ance With Ohio laws, are now be- training still ex isis" In the Army. MARRIAGE- LICENSES by Lhe gllL!!iI ut l'IU"j 1\1 lit , ~O I1H ~n'I" of ~pda A. Meffltt • t .... -""acted . The eight Republican That informatiOn is "confl dential ," CO...... ION PLEAS PROOEEDINGS ' oC s'u'ch hiler IwL\,"c 01 he nl,rellll,eM oi Inn ~..~ ...... IOU" alion p!!"mll JlOlde,' 'tlle 'hPII-"! r....: omflAb'fl ,.·t ~ per.()n I Delegates-at-Large were select~d by It was so marked In the "Army sum. Louis LaQuaglla, 21, . upholsterer. or ISM'''' ~l' 1111qnllfitL IL 11 II ~:3q the State Cent ral Committee at a B tt G d H 0 "n•• · ver c')'f lock At J(' n lill"IOIlY Qr .bilt. we~'l O. DONALD DJ;LATUSH. Attorney mary for J anuary 20 1940 also with arne Ian vs . ' """'" - Dayton Bnd Mlld"e Allen 17 Leba- tit nO llrR' j}[ II II cloCk 1", !.I, ".nl1 D)eet1ni on January 31st and their . " diet rendered 1n favor of the de. ~ .' J2 m ldnlghl tl n SunduY. lIT IT • names will appe r n th pi ry a dou,ble-star notation at the botnon. , . it 8hull IJ~ unlnwtu l H.i l· 1I1 ~ h nlt: .!" . a 0 e I' ~a . to ot the page ""Hlghly conll- f~ndant. o r . Il 'fIlIIL J~"'H' \I hy . lh Illlllllr'" ballots May 14 as pledged to support m . ... Th W r Sid B Ildi & Loan • Itl Cln~ r 1 ,I~illflr ol}lro l (j'f Vllo Stule the candidacy of U . S. Senator -Rob- dentlal Anyhow. the lIew regue es. e u ng REAL t;STATE ~[JlANSFERS . ~~ hJI), to kp, P (1)011 01' Cj1.,L18 lO . company. VB. Mary F. Hassett -KUlg ·be k pt 011 U ' a'loY lll a ' i 01' pi'eml8ell ert A. Talt. I>f Ohio, for the Pres!, lations provide a. three-weeks traln01' 8uc:h ' /"'IQll ll hulder ' vj ..,,· '1I1Iclt ". ' i..." 'n~ periOd tills year lnste d f two ana J ohn King, 0 W Hornell is apEdw.ard HIll to Pu,u \ and OIf1Jo.d 1.1 ttr 01' ntoxl ullng I 'IUUI' IN kept doucy. The ' Ohio delega tion will be ..... • a 0 p(\il~ted temporary recelver of the • u,· O'trl;rc" !br.,IiUIIl lJy Ire&''')11 of lhe h~dea 'by Govem~r Bricker. the week9. as hertofore. Ohio members HIldebrant; l.o t 46' l~1 Ml1lmivlUe. IlI~U (oIli:"' 811pb Iw,.,r It or I' I'm lt" , N I I d .... " I property. tli:Mlgnn.ted In thlil I< -<!Llpn dllrl nll' pte other Delegates-at-Large being for - or the at ona Guar . w ... go nto Fred O . .rames and Arty D . J ames l.ou,'8' thnt Mill o ~.( beor a lld IntnXIROOT FOR '\I'fD CON!llGI".I mer Gov. Myers Cooper. Grove Pat- camp August 11 for three weeks' In the matter of the 5ale or cer. Ctl llng )1i1110"H ILl' p«1·o.hllJll"oI: lour Cattle. bflf'l. .taellP 8..,4 cllv., ''':An. Toledo publisher whO will de- training with the new "streamUlled" tl1lu real estate by The ' Frlends, to George R. Henkle and Lois I . Il lI fu llor y p"l'ljOr PI'1810n8 jjl! I'Moh ~'hQ ,,1.,ln(.·s ..... )' I hr· W0\, o( jllis WI! lIon to Norrill-proc~ t;... , live wire ad , te liver the Tart nomlnating speech at infantry equipment, recently' pur- Boa.r ding Home of Tbe Indiana Hen:tle; lot 41 In the J a mes-KauI- r lIlls ordlnnnc 8".a" b gl "l)' ,H D.·olrreaaive Qral f 'lr the btatl... f TIl Reli 10us So I tl 1111",1 mNU'Io r ~1I 11 UJ)(>" 'onv"'"loh market pricea and good 'IIrvtee. the Convention. State Ohairman Ed. chased. and t he endeavor to bring Y ear1y M ee tin g 0 e g - man subdlVla on. "h ~ r"')( .. hu ll Ilil tln'cr nOl I 1'& lblf B· Uai.,. Slock Yard,' Clacl...~l. Q, a_ orr ' and ... ~. Alice ~~velt, the ~~..... ........, tI ... to a' lOO-per cent ef- clety of Friends; report of sale ap- ___ "~n 1) ,,"ft~ft ...""d y ,I! clnun ., Is i.JlA1l L'>11 rl" III'U's ($I0.11!}) nor lnoore Ihu'l "'" lV.up ~ ..... u~~ . 0An"" . --...~ &I.olJap ~'ltoJJO), &l1(I ,cCl,Ila, Tune on Rtt110 S~tlon WC'K'Y D. of CinCInnati. JOlln Galvin, Lima ficlency baals. pt oved. trator, to Stanley, Doane ; about 4 1"1' vllJ,ec!, howeve r, thllt lit e ow n· 12 :26 to 12 :80 p. 111. l or ollr !tAt1, market reportl. I DaVId I' ngalls an..! Lawrence P..oraoe Hoadly Oordes vs. Mlda acrcs in Ham11to'":;- t;ownsblp, ' '1', j)(I'opr,etor pr rcilinuranl. p r80n hllvln,; ~t1I1IIl'''1> or tl hOlel, lunch, ana u PIIYne 'ot Cleveland, In addition to The "tax-on-tax" or super-tax", Armstrong S Ules, et at; ordered Mary E Smith. e,t. at. t o SIa lic! Ill' , II perso n oll'erntl ng IL nig ht Olbb cl ub In· \\ Ideh or In c(>nn tron w,,1i I . the eight Oelegates-at·Large. each ot 10- 'Per cent on in.C9mes ·'lnform., I that Lulu Thompson, Laura L s E ,Smith. and Leplnl Elmth; ,wi luh beel' or I ntn~J.!l.tltln 1l!luur Is or t het 22 congresslonal dis Hcts wlll ally" . suggested by President "'_ 80 • p.OI'miL ept 1)0, r0 fl ll"m lJ l" /Ill!,fOI' tJ eII n ilh ' er ... ' Roose- ' a"d HUldlih Starkey made parties Way~esv""'l sUCh s llall hI e!eL.'t two delegates. thus giving Ohio velt as a means ot raising addltlona.l de~endant. instead of Carey Thomp' Huldab A, Newcofl~1) to Nelae New to ,hIlV O cOl1ip ll t,d wlu, Hill f! lo!!ln'!. 0 52 votes In the national convention. income. will affect 206,299 Ohio in- SI'l). Louisa Gibbs and MorrIs S tar- c omb; lot 106 in Park Pillce. Frank- g~~.Y I18):r~l: 0 / Il~~.,:~,.- M"I· ·cl,IQ...:lt'I'JVh'I·I.',...t , . I,I, ~ The Democratic state Conimtttee come taxpayers, Oongressman Van klY ; service by publication 'Ordered. 18e8 ("ont wll l,'h >lnlel II c,· 0 " IIHllx l· , , • Z dt f P I ni told th clerk to mall copies, etc. lin. cntlfl./O WI~O! Is Ho ltl, k epL o r O'rr'lrc'd hu not yet seJected a ll8t of dele- an ,0 ennsy va a e Alva R. Br8n~ i nd Mary R . Brane ror ali i 1" U!' rll f l1 !r '108 tI to\lntl kept iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0_ _ H J 29th A •.., 0 closed and nfl h()¢~ PI' I'n ' Icltl)n\f gt.t.eII, March IS Ia lbe nn.l date.for OUBe on anuary . survey reto Lucius 0 ; MoUn ts and Helen C, IIquol'" Hold ur tlll"o\all"tI ~h""lilil I F PROBATE COURT Mounts', 34.80 arres in ........Ie--.. L11~rectt~~m'2 \ f.utng the names 01 an candidates vealed that the new tax will hit ,If n!'llt KQod rubblnp ...Ii b IIOOtl1!IlI, ....lIni111l& MiJaurol8 'donlt 'urm, 'ioQU mhose nam· "~.......-111 a - - r on th'e' '11.'755 Oolumbus reSidents, '7 ,395 of 9" nII n.v. J I".,·r 11 )1 " " reoll who ntl~ con · ADVISES 'f' townshl ' I '" "UH , ~.~. 8umes " ,. IlIluSI alorloue relief from lhoee t.orturlnc mWlo . It;y '14 primary ballot. _ whom having incomes of not more In the matter of the es~ate or P. llqUibra )!PIlI) (l1~ Vl'lllllls&!! ot I1 h y cular leh. and palnl-due to cold-by , 'th an • .5000 F' ance-oE. J effries ' decea~'• invenWalter Mentz and wnliam Mentz potmlt hol t! r I1S lid II ,·1]) III flcctlon all meansl!e!,),our doctor. But Mualerole • • Falllng wItbln the $1,000' J 01 bh ll! ordon:ul C dllli.ng Lltl' 11011 I'~ Usually DOES THE WORJ<.-.:. • The Dixie' federal -wonaae pa- to $1,500 Income group are 2680 in .' tory ap!:roved. '" ~:,., ·"1' .~'J r::{ynon. t nd Elizabeth Ra y; iliat 1I~ l fl loll I"",h J)<l·QIj I," I:II,I~nll ~11~"* 'Ctll' _ , . • ' . Ing 1I(IUOI'8!11l' /I .. a,.,.. IlrQMusterolo (rlvee quick ",lief becalllll. WI!. MO~ titan "just I .a1~" ~', radt ~nunues to 'march into Ohlo Oolumbus and falJ.1og within ~he I;: thE: !lI!!tt:· ....f ~;, C VIdea LIh reIn. sha ll 11). jfUllly ur ' Wl!tld'er'.il\"lIoo~hl ~. II;,OU",.,o.f,;(: wltJiout abatement. The latest at- $1,500 to $2.000 group are 1129 in Co- . :Ted WaltGl' OOl1kJ.I1. C~ . !:. ., atlle ine Mc- n. 'i11::eeOrr;~:I:':I'; ~~dtltl~~rIL ~~~;I~!~~:: 'Dnr' whlcb penet.rlttee the QUCer ~ ta.che to . loin , the ""me thirty or Iwnbus. · ' ., t,tc reliVed from admlnistral.icn. Lc.gh a nd .,;hhu ";CI:1tosh; lot 98 1. ,no~ tQ .. xc .. d lW" 1I 1)'- (I ,," ' d"II,•.... of Ihe akin ·to help ellll! local cona-ila,l f "" I ~~.OO), I'"d cos t... ' Tbo_ncla of ,yol1o.lirlll eote.IDI 100m· and poln. UlICd by miUioDl 'O'r over 80 · forty" other ' out-ot-.staters recently ~ In the matter 01 ttl.:! gu:u:dlanshlp UniOn towru:.hip. , S allon 3, ,~ ~hllil lie u"luw (ul tt)r aDbood bay. f01l1ld a "-a frleod" III yearsl 8 alnlngtiul: Recula!; ·Chlldreb .. }"dla E. Plllkham·. 'Veplable Com· (mlld) and Ellul Strollif. 4~ .alit.,_W>O .......... Ohio Is W· . E. Laughlin, "parlty 0r bonus paymen ts t 0 o.r Aa rOil S 0lsillan, Incomp. etent· lhe hohl er o( lUI)' Ilepm I ~ '.Julla flY -r-lh e D pnrln. nl ot 1..lrluor (;lIn4'o l "I I!lIYII!J W !Jel" them 10 ".mOllle lbrtl" f~"lh ... "oIl'M,' II ~r"tlll" 'A~IJ., and Hot , Bprlnp. Arkansas. He joined American farmers do not compen- hfarlng of appllcatlon lorr terml nllBILLS ALLOWED ~lt e lule t , ,"0. to 8 ·11. orf I' f9" Nil_ cram ... hnif..,,1I8 iNllflIa b••114 ." .. _ f C l' $~ I II :J' /le,·ve. Ith lli' din; U)"O I' In· embafru.loi raInUol·.i1a due to female . ....e l~ 0 . Q. B oomClulst. Cen- sate for burdens the Federal Govel'll tiOIl of gulirdlansWp to be heard Jllr ec Ir. ~l lf1}I!j) lt 0 1' by hili "I!'tln 0 1' functloDll11.!'!!KUIa.ltl... Jl'amoua for over alia :Supe~ for the' · Columbus , ment Is adding In the way of costs I-'ebruary 14, J. W. Lingo Hardware Co., pad- npl~>j l!, '(II' I~ WlrIlI!t th .. C\IJlIIU m,J60 y.~ WO~TH TRYINOI '. ~'ft . I k 1 \ tlon Wi upon t ho ,>J 811'\ 1:11111) ~I\ n,H' area,;.. cm: &"".....ry 1. Mr. Bloom- alJe! 'handlcapS to agriculture." L. J. In t he matter of the settlement of 00, llnges, hasP " etc:, $2;87; BchUl- mit ho der. a ny b 'r to' lOt· liy) '/In)l raon " " qu18t' came Loulslana in Decem Tab.e r. Master of the Ni\tlonal the e.".~te of Anna Doane, deceased,' lng's Food Mark'et. "aoer towels J'h· lib IIhaliyellillh bav'; aU. I1;;edr.+~~~==~~!!:!!~!!!!!~=:::;~ t • . .UII~eI!H -.. illjjll'Il@efl e. I\III:: . . bft'to d1reCt ~ 'Canalis a c.tlv1t1es in Orange told a. Farrner's Week audi- Inl}erltance tax deter nl1ned as none. $2·39 Treas urer oJ State, clothing IntoxlCutl n~ IIqudr 10, (lOt' by) lIny Oblo .... - _ ft, t t h Ohl s.-te· U I It for Inmates of Ohio ho.s pltal, ,32."3 .' ,lIel's\>lI c1I1l1ellf./t1l hAil hav e attllined ""'! ... ~ ~ encc a eo.... n vers y. In the matter of the guardianship U Vit o ng .. ()t 'IIWllJlIY · olle ?'~A ra, Terming "any program" of thls sort f Am dAM ffltt 1 • te t The Fred proctez; 00. , treasurer's Any ".It h ' .... 0 an a . a , n . ompe n , j lilt 8 . To compIY ..". h t e re-ap.,p0rtlon a makeshift . Mr. T8Iber said "It is , I t t f I tat d ' ournal, $47.00 ; Gj!o;rge B. Johnson, 8 cllQn ,?n''1P'llnt:e ment act. there w1li 6e a slight In- tlJIlt' to state boldly that the large 't.sa e 0 t:ar 0 rca es e ma e.' treasurer, 8.000 stamped envelopes. IC u illy or n m crease In the membership of the Pllrity or bonus payments going to In t he matter of the adoption of $:125.68; C. DornildjDilatush, stamps, ~~;~VI~~~: t!I:-~':!rI'm . u.:':"T=~.!L DeX\ ltate legislature. The next ag'rtcUlture do not compensate the Betty J ane Fry ; adoption granted, $11.00; Ohio State Bar association ~~~~:. tI~un curt)' t101ln.r1 I. .... MPIe yet I....,.~.... "y to Stat:e Senate. will conat.t of 36 mem- 1£11mer properly. We must give the name changed to Betty Jane Alder · 5ubrcrlptlon tp Ohio Bar. J6.00;-Xarl Section 4. I.n the Int rprc~Jl tlon of •- There tile Ifchlng and 10.1011_ of Eel_ Ik~. s . D. Dakin . premium on bond . ,25,00 ' pi lIhtlIU'IICII~rdln"',!. tht \1'01·,1 a nna I... . To •• 0' f ..l: Aa...,. and .....y 0''''' 0•• bers. as against the 35 'now in t hat farmer a chance to achieve equality Lon. ~~ "bol" •e:t1\l o~lcllti n g IIIIUOI'8" ~U\l co.ted "'In .,uplloril and lho, II 10 ~ and the House , w1I:l . h~V~ 138, of opportunity and reward. In the matter of the guardianship E. L. KIrk , 14 quarls mUk. 'uo; WU " IJeT80 n::. ::Nt\lq:' "'>!ell " .:·!'Qlpr : "re8~ i""'I~oo""'.. Em ....1d all night .ond "'Of"' . rill _ . ....0 luB.. ,,_ loch emboo. i.-iii-r"iiiiiii·ii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i_ _ __ "";'~_ _ _ _ _ MHlmellnln" 'n/ght ;~II~ y""",lly oIoln trouble. \ltoul,d ~ _ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~_. _'" flf Amanda A. Maffltt, an In"ompet- llam Hufford • J ( " qIJlarterIy expense, ~L~~~n~h ... . . ·.·allllllnn.·vl . 1 . 'l"" i ~tn!,J, ,nll Ha )no ent person; 'gua rdlan ordered to sell $53 55 as. )1118 b ' II giVen. \k) Uh "(I wunt" 8 ·Oe·N..... ·d . .' RnlT ph.rnsea by ~ tlle Llq uOl' ContJ'\';l L_t-II cnIr any ft~oCle" drYOIl!" orllll/llil 10 y ~ CARR " sal real estate at public sale 011 State Tre~surer, I C LJ",UL)" S share Aot pused by th'TUellernl Assembly ~t. of M _ I E_lalll all an ~rythl"!l. • 1... " I~ ,uch' a highly COIl· ""'T.e::::::~i::~~~~~;;;,;:;",,/,,",___~O~.AIJM~::!rt::OIUJ::';N~.~"~.~Ji~'_;=lU;"::',~ ' '''', ",.,,'" ?II FI ' , .nn ., of the state ot Ohio, a8 ,ot ·'fortb III xte nslOD. work, $1.200.00 the G~neral CO'de pI OhiO', SeCtlon8 ~,,-... Pf~IOft 'hat a ....011 bottle 101li 0 .10l1li "_ arid funhermo • If 'hll cl.... , pciw.,. \, en Star. It..OOO envelopes. aO Gf-.1. et lIeQ., and 620B et lIeQ. and 1"'1 -'1l1li all tho' h.lpi ",omole heallllll ' anY B."ld 'a ll lIu:baquent altera.tlO'n. 01".... vi .. Y'lU full 1II11"oe1l0<l you Can hOM . . ~ .· "o ~ 50; Ger trude Janca, Invalld . care a.ddlttcin& or amendmel'\t8 llherol O. • Y'lUf 10 ...... y ..... IIded. '. ,: 0.1 lI!. ~·' ''.LJ • .1' :iL L . .. . , _ _ , ~_H ' , 1J, r 700' Suda ClemmAI'. invalid care Section 6, <Al l;..~[llnllncea parte ot , • .... , v .... , . . ord~nll,nceB, re.ohttl.Pni and pllr tll or heanng on schedule ot debt6 set tor ' J ohn E. Wilson, invalid care, $ '7 .00; rCllo 1utl 9n, Inconeilltent with lilli' Ill'· February 13. Inheritance tax de ter- L. B ' SteeIe, invalid care,. "500 epel\.led.Is here. . ; d'lIance Sectionare ·8. 'hcrOb'y~ ll1i a 'Ol'IUMnco mined as none. Newton Stamper, invalid care, '10.00 by t10clllred to be- ,ah ' omerll'enc\' · . 00 " '1 Ill en8'Ul'e n&CE.URry 1'0\. the p·ublf, I n t IIe rna t1 er 0r th e es t ate 0 f Ed . K 11 Iser, Inva IId ~lIre, '5. . ' E. I!. p ence, pu bUe .. he'alt h • Ilnd Ubllc '1 Atlee 0, -Nixon, deceQed; Bernice Hoff , Inva lld cal'e, $6. 00', Mrs BaCety ..b Ilhd- IIl1\C!I'ofO i'(! ' thl' ord8.anue . Helen ..hnll cJlr(\dllvo Ilnmeclln lelv' admlnlstratrix, Doughma n. Invalid 't:lue. $7.00. tlpO'n Its usage. ' '. . ' . . Nixon Ba)polnted IPassel!: . " e.bMl!\J'Y 6. 194-0. J,' • . 01 iar Ies J . Waggoner, Dav Id B Ishop Millard Bryatit. "lbvalld care, Att~&t : H. M: Cll l'O~ C1;;rk ' and Corwin Nixon appointed ap- $5.00; AliCe M. AUlq~d. !nVal14 care. ' AI:. K. Dn.~: • •~nt~r.:. , prlllsers. . $5 00 TIl F . ' In the matter of £be wlll of .; e Snapcut 'arms c~" 9.500 .' T~e I:epor~ of the Col~\II O~ real estate ax f~; $2~.2S.' MIAmi bar ot Commerce for the . "ear o. George L. MilIcI', deceased: 8.1)pUca - Valle"J. Hospital ' hbsp • and care • .1939 P8tates ~that the Capltoi-cfty ~. ' act tlon to lldmit will to probate to be $18- 0,0 . Olark county. h~. ot . ~di· ~d 'as host to 37'7 CGnVentlons iiLlt heard February 8. gen t. $108,50.; Oulf RI3tining Co., 188 ·yr.ar. The number of del'ea-atei and In the ma tterr of the estate of pUne. $'7.52; The C1'ei't Oll Co., gas- visitors attraCted by ·th t10IIII Mlllal'd P. Weaver, deceased ; in- oline,$'l.40; Howaid jE. I~~. gallO- W~3 eS'umateCi at 172 ~5~;~ i'Z:~1F5=?z,;:=::::-~~:::=~;:======,:=,~;:::;:;;:=~:;=::::::::::::-. veutory approved. Une, $4048: Hatha.WQ"s Texac9 Ber- rallks a' mon 'th •• I 'O .' . , ' , i e convenwJ)n In the matter of the es~ate ot v.Iue, gaBO~ ine. 'I .~.l..' cities Ib !be rDa"On. · • Anna Doane. deceased; sale of real W . H. OarrtsOn '1lexaco. ' BeI'Vice, .', ~ , ·~?tate made, mortgage on property gasoline, ,U8; ~pner's TexaCo The State 'MedJcal Board ~ paid. balance of. money from .pur- S~r\'ice 8tatlQ~ r l~80J1ne. , 111.12; 116 new doctors were · Ucel'lled ' In chase price to be turned over to th.e Shutla Texaco 8etvlce. g.asoUne. JalluAry. ~~tlce 111' Obit, 1n'1t4O• . adDl~trator. ' $2.56; Mason..A,uto -aqd Ser-, " : ____ ~ '., . In the lila'ter ot t he . estate of vice. . and~, G!U0'i ~ automobile 1IceaR J~bn' ~, Thompson, deceased; $3.\11; M. D. Co.. iu.l'Pllea pl)ltea wlU _ .wblte le&tera aDd mub.. . admitted to probate. ,.- Jbalsy Pearl and parte,' ,lUI5:Bmlth,~ erala a " 'blue baelcsroUllCl; ·on. ~=",",,:~!:"'~::iUtJ:L-=::::=J.::J! IThompson. a pp. olntei.1 (j};t' ~u ·r!::. $18.20; The . 'JIrld&e '\vW 10 on I&Ie March 1 U4 Flank Wardlow. Lee McIntosh P6l1AI. I23.CK; ·The .00., m~ be dJ3pllayed 011 or befare AIi11 W. D, Conoin appointed appralletJ. 51 aallana palbt. ,118.118, 1. . .
-StaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiteiiiiiiiiiiiiCa"'iiiipiiiiit-al--N-eiiwiiiiiisii i i i i i semi i :vi i ~i i :gi i e~-,si i
.I'S •
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to .
--- -
Fiery Itching Skin Gets Quick..Relief
.. '
.eo·'lPIate,. . '
t:.. a Bu,.1_W. 1•~~ '" ~-.. ve
InC . . 0.ngr e.sSI·...· J
., CLAItUCK J. ..0..,. .
. While official Waahinston keeP6 a vider. However. when It comea to careful check on the European situ· flndlna a method and a way to exatlon and the danger of 'AmerIcan tend such a.ld without Involvinl the Involvement . therein. the Irowhlg United Statea In the European sltutenalon in the Pac1flc over the can- . atlon, or beeomJng unneutral. sercellation of the American .trade lous quesuons arise. ' FlnnIah aid treaty between Japan and the from private and industr.l&l AmeriUnl~ States Is not being overlooked can sources 15 one th1na'-but sucn In fact, many InternatiOnal obser- aid from the American . ~vemment vers belieVe there is more danger in ItseJ! Is ano~h~r. To help Plnland the Japanese situation than in wIthout becomlng too deeply InvolEuropean developments. Separate vecL and beln, called uPon to help and distinct from the commercial other invaded naUuna in the futw-e, truty with Japan. but stUl with with resultant embarrl.ll8ment. seemmost important bearing' thereon. is In81y Is a problem yet to be solved the overwhelmIng senUment In the by the American Congress. United States against the . sale of .munitions, scrap Ir.on. and other war The areateet llsla eg tlve bod y In materla13 to Japan fo.r use against the world-the Congress of the the Chinese. The crisiS In Japanese- United S~~ometimea 1el16American relations 1a expected With· lates m" pecullar manner. Last t.h "'- HoUle or .. In e next lew weeb and many weelt ,.'" .....-presen t aUvea e Washington observers beijev lh"t .pent It whole day wraniling over a the Admlnl3trn~lon "filII 6()fte" ita minor Claims BW. and had. a lona preaent "t~ltud(! ~w"rd Jllpan as It debate and .. roll call over one (lve !?I',a". thousand dollar item. Ttum the next day the same ltaWative body added The overwhelming sentiment In a conwowrslal Item calling for the Finnlsh-Rue80 war favou '~nl'l ~trty.el,ht mllllon dollars to tne lant little PInland. In {,\It. It would ApproprlaUOn B111 by a mte. "nd ~e tlftl''' ~ flnd any legtalator with a mUd voice vote. w~t,tl!\!.\ d,bate. ............ tritndly feellna toward RUSSia , Th Is ~ ~ W th t.lo I ere are many proposa Mhln8ton waa • na na cen· ConlJress for "101 rpr P1l\lantl their I ter 01 the Pfuldeot's Birthday BaU Ule In- celebration la&t week. Movie atarl
...... -=-- ,.. ...
clelcebded upon U.. capital city for the celebration. beeommr .!mOlt u plentiful as Conrr-.men aDd Sen.tori. Damlna, fOOd. and enteJ'tatn. ment. raftl'lna In prke from • lone dime to t1Venty-flVe dollan per • Io~. brourht in a total of more th&n tlfty.!lve thoWJand dollarl from WufJlngton alone to add to the amounts ralaed throughout the country to be used In the ' fI,ht against InfantiJe psialysls. _ An epidemic of. lIu and grippe. J!ot .. deadly bust moot I./! prevalent as durlnl the World War years. baa been &weeplng Washlngton ~nd the East during the put few weeks. Gov ernmen&al departments have been handicapped becauSe of the epi. demic. and eaoh roll call in ,Congle&; ahows many of the naOclllal legla1&tors confined to their homes. as a re IUlt of the inVl.lllon of the "nu bug" army.
Corner · 1
EWrl .... . . IIr.
- = :=-='~ I
.llCI Last Thw-sday Alf i:)rake at KingS palvn or antlpolutlon. This man w1l1 $ 3.40 MWs. Chas. Robttzer clf WayneSYUle, t also be available to aJd sportsmen's and yours truly IIttendled the annual ' and rural group.~ In cleaning up their public hearing on fishing laws held own locality . by the cOnservation Commission at 6. Although Rmost all of the sports. Colwnbua. One hearing annually Is men expressed satlfactlon with 1939 provided for by law before the fish bag and siZe limits on fish, (except laws are issued each year-and an. for channel catfish. which many felt ot.her about in July for .game laws. should be treated as game fish and These hearings are to give the given a size limit) the CommisSion A 100% all mineral produc t thnl sportsme~ rlJPlesentatlves from all raised the dally limit on bass and COlte you Ieee and gives YOI1 beller results. A money maker for over the state a chame to express trout. from 5 to 6 per day. took the . .tockmeDBod llouhrvmen. A ~k 1111. , The Housecont.lnued ita drive opinions abo\lt conditions and wish- 5 Inch limit off blUegl1ls~u2ced t I1e ', • 8S In their own districts These heal'- dally limit o.r crappies lIUlIl 5 to 20 . lor econ.omy last week by ' . . the number of , Ing . are just another reason for be- per day . and reduced the Aartculturad ApproprlaUon BW Ing thankful we live In democratic pllte perch (wall eyes) from , 8 to 6 Larger Because of B~tter Quality. Service, and Price ~ty-seven DUUlon dollars Qtlow the Ur.lted States where free expression per day-13 Inches . min Imum, a ther ' Established 1849-1939 - - Waynesville, Phon. 32 budget aUbmitted by the President a of Ideas Is encouraged. With scme limit!! to remain the same. Just why mon~ ",0. The bUt wa3 finally pa& 300 fishermen present last Thurday 's the bass limit was raised when the ' ii_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . ed and called for seftn hundred and mretinl the COnlll!rvation Commis supply of pass Is dwlndl1ng Is H fourteen mill ton do.lIara in dlrer.t .p. had the tough job of con.slder- mystery- any fhy the trout limit •.-..... propriaUons. Appropriations for rur- Ifill' the general trend of opinion and was raised with almost none In the ~ e1ectrlflcaUo.n an<1 for Sugar Act It with condlltions and fa- state except Mad River section Is I benellts, orlginaUy deleted by It.lea they know exL..t. We'U try to ~t1Jl more puzzling. Why any tlsher- , Appropriations COmmittee, were rethe sportsmen's opinions man want!! to keep pluegllls under I lnltatecl by the House. No attempt expreued--and th.~ rulings thaL five Inches this writer can·t see. Per- I waa made .. orlglnallY predicted to mve IlnCe been made for 1940 flsh- ha,ps the limit on wall eYe pike is all . . .. . d ' right on the streams but whyan In- ! As we ha ve sold our farm, we Will se ll by pubhc aucd million 1 ppoaI.li to dlvldual can take o;ly 6 Lake Erle iliOn all our fa rm c hatt els located 4 miles North of Wayne, pike when the commercial fisherman ville 7 mil es west of pring Valley, 5 miles southeaat of or U'II\...-. Y paymenta. I.num 1. ere W&II ceneN 0 on k •• Rooeevelt had not pro- c!(.ling all la es takea tons per day Is funny Could It Centerville. 14 miles Southeast of Da.yton, 2 North of u vtdedaDel for had sUCho.bjee~ payments bud· Illg anJ ........ lakea ....0 bee let, to In thehislncIu· - possibly be that these 6ame'commer- Lytle. on what is known as t he Waverly farm. on .Ion cit tha parity l18yment provl- aM ~everal felt Itreams could weill CI~ fishing Interests-who cannot bY , be cloeed.-.nd leveral felt streams law take bQ.65. but wlUlt all the pike a10n in the bill unleaa specla~ pro- could well be olOlied ' during ba:s they COn get hold of- bave any erceSlllnl taxes were flra.t veted. ..... C '.-lo feet on rulings effecting not only Bl'law1na!n season. lie omm..... n . to.. 1 ruled that breedinlf beds In lalces Lake Elie fishing but inland lakes .AT lOA. M. When ttl- matter of the continu- al".,d streams be clo.sed. durlnl bass and streams as well? Let's hope not! I J\lon of the Dies Committee wu "be. Th th a... I lte d1so Ha"lna IIOld my farm I wlll sell at aw:tlon at my rfJllidenu lospawning lIeI.Ilon. Thls 'wID be easy to ese were e T. . n ms uss I 2-HEAD HORSES-2 cated 2 mUea East of WaynesvUJe: 3 mUea West of ~"cylb\ll' un fore the Houae about ten daya alO· de. In l.k~ut just how can it bt ed and acted on. The meetings are Good 7 old team ROlin g'elclings-excellent workerll Route '13 011. ·RepreHo&aUve Prank Hook of Mich dune and enforced In all our sLreams always mighlng interesting. and well year 3-HEAD CATTLE-3 . _ . . nrI_ of the eo·called ilberal prob worth attending ..-- --.:; Tilll be a lem. . . 2 good cow:. 1 jer~ey heifer, ITOUP. made charres a.pinst Ohair· 3 ,There 11'&1 ttle same universal 10-- BRED BROOD SOWS--I0 lman Dlea. clal.m1na \hilt he wu in a.rma by the II,pOrtsmen Due to farrow lai't of March or 1st of April ~ lnVOlved with certain In· a,a!nat the stripping ,of flah food. 2~HEAD OF GOOD SHEEP-28 BEGINNING toT 10 :30 O'CLOO~, THE POLLOWING OKATTELa: ' clh1duala .nppct in ac· (minnow&. craytlati. hel1rramltes. etc) Allis Chalmers W. C. ateel wheel tractor only il.lt4ea. Hook placed from our streams for the private &0" 140 A. Allis Chalmers corn plow, Alii ... Chalmers .. c .... 1.....80118.8-1. I In the .con,reaa!onal ReCord pur profit of bait dealerB.. No rulings plow. Alli. Chalmers plow. Roderick Lean Tractor disc. portec1 correePQDC1enee to prove his bave yet been made on that subject. Following are 'the core.5 or the F ARM MACHI NERY _ 1 ~wn seldlnt. wtlSht l'ao lbe,; 1 aorrel mare. 4 Y!&l'a old. Horse drawn double disc, single disc, Oliver disc culti. weith' J8I01..,..; 1 bay gelding, lVellht 1500 lbe,; 1 black marC!. point. It baa now developed that the It 18 to be hoped we can at lea.';t lrag-ue ramel! played on Feb. 2. 1940: Wf1lht 1450 lba. ; 1 matched teani bay I9f& 8 yean old, aVer&RfJ eoanaponClence w.. rank totlery. Iteept he third 01 Dur streams closed C\uUale 3'1. Kings MUls. 3;J; Marveys- vator, ~teel hayrake, Oliver ridi'!g sulk.ey, 3 walking;plowl 1'lOO ibi.;-' 1 matched team gray mares. 6 and '1 yean old. ..verase charpe are 1Ie1na made o.f a to the taItin. of 2000 minnows at a bur.,: 25, WaynesvUle 22; Springboro one just new. 5 shovel plow, OhIO cultlpacker. steel roller. 0QDIpirM:y aplnst. chiirmail Olea craclr.-th &nlount allowed bait deal- 21 . Morrow 18; Mason 95, otterbein steel frame '60 tooth harrow. Black Ha)Wke manure spread1800 lba.; 1 team Percheron colts com1n, 3 years. All horaee ~ In order to deleat a continuation ot era. 27 er Hoosier corn planter. fertilizer attachment, MeCo.r. lOuncl and 4", aU - are well bro~en ~t. Colr..· uae work of Jaaa 001lUll.l&\ee. -BtnMc ' 3 Thert wer_ ...... r'eque&la that . LEAGUE STANDING mick mower, iron wheel wagon. pipe axle with top bed, 14 'J..:cATI'ut-'J and hectic debate baa taken J)laC41a "ad Nver and its t;rtbutarles be February 5, 1940 . ft. hay rigging; gravel bed: Mcqormi.ck corn binder. Deey,'Conirai rerard1ni tbo lubJect. cloled to all filhln. .~xcept durLns Te&rn W L BTDG ing wheat binder, 6 ft. cut BemiS tobacco settel!, tobacco 1 coyt, one·half Jersey, one.balf ahoJ'thorn. freah Ya,l. carrylns e Orand JI,II'J inYtltJlaUon la be1na the open aeuon on trout, rea· Sprinlboro tI 0 1.000 press 1000 lb. p.l atfOl'm scales, self fe~der, Hog waterer. calf from Lukens' herd; 1 cow. one·half ahOrthorn, OIle·to.UI'Ul .JI',r. mentIOned. and I~ Ia predicted that .on for theae raqUMtel was ~use Kinas M111s 5 1 . .833 set double ladders. 1-16 it ladder. dlsc furrow opener. • y. On:e.foW"th HOlate1n. 1reah February 1; \ Jeney. tlWt\ 1'tbfuU)' ', m uch more 1f1l1 be heard befora the these represented Ohios only Carlisle 4 2 .6417 wood frame woodsaw 26 in blade. 2 cross cut saws, lei . 10; 1 beifer. one·f~ ay~, ~ree.fourth , JfflWJ. ,her , aire UDlaVory IIUII8 ls completelY cl~.Qtcl trou~ tIIIhlnl open to public flabillg MOtTow 3 3 .500 fence stl'etc hers. cleaning mill, 4 new farm gates, 2 seed rrool' a..., -lUll' l\erd, carrySna 2nd celt; 1 ~·foUrttlJ up ~ncl since the only ~er dominant HarveYsburt S 3 500 sowers. single wire stretcher, 2 A . hog houses. steel fene, . 8hdrthom. 1'- montba old!.. l' heifer one·fourth Shortbom, thrtle• • • . , flab up there WI./! sucken, thefPeAlt· otterbein 5 :167 posts, 1 lot 42 inch fencing, lumber: forks. Rhov~ls, hO~8, rourths jersey. from Luuns' hent. ,montbl old: 1 helt,I·. fiye. . Bact '1n 1130, Brie Lonmbardl and en felt the trout .m.QU~ 'be rotecpted WaYta4Vllle 1 5 167 chains ~ingle and doubl e trees, OlIver corn cultivator. etc' eJcl1tha Guernsey. three-e1&!ttha Jmer, f~~ JOODthI Jim 'I'\.Imer. _ .... - aNlulled 0lnc1n- ~e ComnUuton ruled that no bait.. 1 6 '167 H'ARNESSS-Good set tug harness, lines, bridles. halpja1 . TbII hmt IY~wt no l1li, •• '! US~· ... taet. .n .. Qd , ~y .... could be taken from Mad IRver &nel ....WIOn , 20" t 23" h\ll'ler. plaYed aaalwIt . weh ..... bu.-riAI. but dId not c:l .... e Following are the games to be ters, 8 good leather co llars sizes o. . 84antia. accredited herd. ' LuI. Banp . teat JanUaJ7 22, Itt"!. , _~·OiDlI!I' in the Pac1f1c; QQu~ ~•. '" - "'durl ~ played this week : Peb. 7. Kingman BUTCHERING TOOLS ;-Lal'd pre ·s. ~ausage grmd· ~'o .wl*ell·no to pace the OK stre("'ha~Utt.t ~t. I~~::::. 13 ~on~ at Harveysburg; CI~rltsvUle at Mor- er. 2 iron kettles with sta nd~. , land Club. wIWe Tumer won 21 and'" C - . ~'''t-'''tlh' too row. Feb. 9 Springboro at Kingman; MISCELLANEOUS ; _ Shal'plell cream separato-r, I; black Po)and China.,.,. A 'P'P of D\U'OO ~; ' ~n·. . t a tc n1De to lead U\e Hollywood team "'£".1n'an, thMuUI b deyre in th Harveysburg at Kings Mills; Tren- c ream separa 01', cream ens, e . _ ~. ~ fee . e ton at Carlisle; Reading at Mason. FEED;-1800 bu. sOIted hand huskeq corn. clo"er. the Cillamploaah1p. Th1II 7"1' \ltV f1lst-ancl ....D be . ., . , winter and ear y 1 .....,11· - can t un· Feb. 10. Jefferson at Waynesvllle. and timothy seed, potatoes . Looee Itraw in mow. ahrec:IdecI fj)dder. 3 ~ alftlfa. molfl or leas . eh~ ".,uon, poln t Final League games to be . played HOUSEHOLD GOODS ;-South Bend malleable .~ee) HARNBB8:-3 aete work ~. obI1d1ea"'~ ~m'tl ~, 4. NumeroUi lC)eaJters ted ou Feb. 16 are: Carlisle at Morrow; range, Sentinel battery radio set. and many variou8 item.' ~.. IE S·f"'YStl>.l! fallacy or holdtng the rod and . . t Springboro at Kings Mills ; Waynes- not rnentl'oned. ..a lin!! ftaherman to three hoolta on ville at Mason; Otterbein at Har. This is truly a wonderful ~ale of farm chattels .... '" tlu'il of two poles or ilnes-and yet veysburr. I sells as we are leaving the fa~rn allowlll( Olle person to ~ 50 hoo~ . TERMS CASH on a trot lIne---.nd !let a number Qf ._, ... _" _ •. " .___ _ Unea One or two def~'nded their UIe - - -.._-+f--- -- ..... but the .eneral feelllllo( was strong that lOme chanse mluet be ' made.
, _r't'
~~~culoWi ~tand ~sa\n!~
Fairley Hardw 8re Store
~ ,lev~!..UQdred
dO~ Ing~.
s~n: f~I~ltln
"~'.:'~In .~O;uI·d
IW e dne sday , Fe bruary 21 I .
Warrea CODDly SCh00IS Basketball Leam1e
_'M, 0: . .
". . .
'First Choice
GOOD' ..,~
. CGQot\, Jl!O~, "'m~ 1011'1 ~ ~, ~UIl' ~b" . ~ ~ atove. lao,.. Hot BIU\ be,t.er. No. II, 1 HerlQtlc
~te h_ter.aO. I., i t-Inam.r fteaco oU IkIV•• I """'" oU ~ oven kitchen cabln,t, lee -bOX, ~ealc. ~~, ~ IleddJDI· 1 Ie.. ...: .water m1l1c separator almost new. ~ta! , paDa, Jr1Ih .potatOlll about. ~ buahela.. " . . . 3
~arWaase~ ~~key hens, 2i or 30 white ~k/~ ~ .l'OClll heAl.
One .peaker pointed I~ut that accord lng to law any Individual flaherman could only set ow: \lrot Une-but It had not been entorcecl. The new rullne on Vet llnel! Is as 'ollows: the number 01 hoolca aUowed reduced from eo to 30- none closer than three feet apart. Thft linea muet b~ fastened on bOth bana of a atream. They are tlanned In lakel! and immediately below ·dams. Trot liners ahCM.llcl obtal.t1 permission fro~ land I.An.lKou, on both Bides-of atream before settlnr llDee. · . &. WbUe the Oonaenatlon . Dept. baa no IIP1 rlIht to foree removal of poUuUon-lIhe fllbermen from all ~... the .tate were bot abOut It. The CommlMIoo by 110W author1aed the to employ a cb.em1cal enctneer to conault indueil'1al and muniCipal o1!k:1ala reaardlD, a' .tate wldll cam-
AIHIII 10, Ma,ulnes
F, rr· Martin , Auctioneer Centerville, ' 0. Phone 78J 203 Custer Bldg. Dayton, O. AD-3661 Bailey & Pennington, Clerks . C,hurch Has Lunch 'i, ¥$PC
............. wrtten IIIIIIl MIl...
, . . . .......... __ ......'rtl.W••
'-Phone Your Want Ad.
A. Ielea••,ft 'or Any . .y ...... '1050 for year'.
To The Miami 'Gazett. s
IUlNcrlptiOft ....... - - ' - •.. .,.ne ...
., ......... IIIIIIl ..... , _.......... .......rtkIM-.............. ..
the World (:0B8
The Blame. Goes with. .the . - Name . a,
GEORGE BARR McCUTCHEON; the author. waibel . . . . . . . . . :
bookatore-Bollton. the home of culture•. mind ~ ~' found a copy of 1dAJ own book G~ IIiHIac & ~
Scout Is
""e offer a satisfactory Service (It all times
McClure Funeral H'ome PhoDe'
LeRoy Moran
Beech Grove ~ PRISE
0 I , ' '" . till _ ' . ' .Jl· Rich of lll'ar OVER LOCAL BOYS Wellman. planned a complete sur. The H arveysb urg b ask et eers won prise on their oldest daughter. Miss . over the local team last Friday night Elberta , on Tuesday evening. Jnn uby a score of 28~2 . Chuck Collett ary 30, celebrating her 13Wl birthday' high man with 11 points. while InvltaLions were extended to her StAnley from HarveysDurg was sec- cll!ssmates in the seventh grade. of ond with 10 POints. the Harvey burg school. The . young The c:Utrel'eJ1Ce In the score was folks arrived at the home . and were due to the abWty ot the Harveysburg us hered lnto a darkened room , where boys to make their foul shots, I the y anxiously awaited Miss EISaturday nJght the team will play berta's return home from her gra ndJetferson from Clinton Countv on parents. MI. and Mrs. Cla ude Gray . .the home ftoor. whi h by t h( ~ay III Presently her arrival was an,nouncthe: last home game of the season so e'l and she was greeted by her be st11e to be present. friends who sprang from their hldWaynesvWe PO F'T PT Inl( place shouting. "HRPPY Birthday Robertson 2 1 5 to You," Planck o Contests and games wh~ch had 0 0 ,CoUett 4 3 11 bl'en carefully prepared by Mrs. A."lller 2 0 '4 Rich, afforded them much amuse McKeever 0 0 o ment Ilnd merrimen t. O.borne 1 0 2 Elberta received a number of gifts Il ':ey 0 0 o A delicious lunch was one 0 f t h e ~.IIt.berford 0 0 o pleasing features of the occasion Purta 0 0 o which will be remembered lor some
- - - - - - tlme by the gUests present, who were 9 4 22 Misses Oladys Fairch.'lri. Dorothy .po F'T PT Wells, Irma TietUleyer, J~nne Rich, 1 6 8 Donna Rae Jacobs, and Loraine II \f. 0 0 o vey, Masters Albert Lee '!'almuge 5 0 10 Billie and Ray Fairchild, Walter 1 1 3 McCarren and Johnnie carr. 1 S 5 Other JnVite~ gUests were: Mrs, 1 0 2 Nettle Oray, J. ' Lee Talmage and - - - - Raymond Rich. 9 10 28
Harveylburr Boean McKnfIbt Stanley O. Harvey
mteman IlcCarren
On Kon'day the history classes will Calvin Lo~acre lett the last of view a full length tUm on "B1atGry the week for East Dearborn, Mich, o! the World." ThIs film consists of where he Will have employment for nine reels, They are: Prelude. NeW8 P&rade of 1937, Bpmblng of U.S.B. PalIay, News Parade Of 1938 , Oerinvades Auatria, Newa 'Parade Of 1939, Visit of Queen ElIzabeth and
FIREWOOD to be Oeorge Henkle
on sharell , J~5-Fl-e ·
FOR RENT- -5 room modern bun gaiow, garage In connection. Lee Fl-e· Lemmon. SELL-Your cream W \IS. We pay the HJgh priCe at all limes. Community Kitchen. JI'1-8-16· WANTEI>-Laundry, Nur81ng 01' house work. ReatlOnable waaN. Ethel Pnul , Third St. Waynesville. Fl-S-
() Bra.". and MAINTAININO that no boy can become the ~t kind of citiI~ withou~ recognizina hi' obUaation to Ood, the Boy Sc:out. of AmenCII, iD thi. -, Nonnan Rockwell palntina, l)'11\bolizel the ,plrit and meanilll of It. ~';,,""ellth Scout La.,.,: "A Scout it reverent. He i, reverent .toward Ood. H~ I. faithful In hi, reliaioUi dutiel and reapecU the conviCtiOn. of othen I, ,matten of cu,tom and reUlio~" J SCOUT WEEK PROGRAM copal Church, 7.30 p .. m . Come out February 8-1<1 and hear him . Feb. 8th-8cout Display v'lndow a t Feb. ' 12th- Pot Luck s upper at the Fairley Hctwe. Watch fOI' IL high school cafetel'Ia-Now If you Feb. 9th-8chool assembly . Boy have a boy, you sh ouldn't miss thIs Scouts wi I present d ifferent phns· Bring sa ndwiches IIlnd a covered es of scouWn g lIS well as a playlet -..dish and join the crowd; your boy In which the scouts wlll take part. is entitled to the bl!st you can give It will pay y. 11 to attetJd. him in moral tra1nhlg. Feb. 11th- Capt Lawrence' Hall or Feb. 15th-Yearly area banquet at t ~ Church /I my in the Uni ted the ltotel Manchester, Middletown. States w:1I1 hi' the 'speaker at a 0 very lnspiratiOlital to all scout Community Church servlt:e honorworkers,Make reservations ~hrough Jng the Beouts, at St. Mary's EpisMr. Holliday. _,___ _
JI'OR SALE-Apples. Pure cider vlne861'. J . L. M~ndenhall. PU-l&'
BARGAIN HR. 150 'Til 2:00
Friday AND
, ~=-.-
K1nr Georae
I Churches I
several weeks. Mr. and ~s. Therle Jones and son had for their Sunday dinner gUests, 141'. and Mrs. Edwin Nutt of near Cen~:Ille and Mr, and Mrs, J .
to live, Or are you interested In other things. while many of the youth go without rellglous training? Rememebr 9,30 Sunda,y morning you should be In Bible 8(:hool,
to "Canada and U. S., B Jone.. " ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Christian Endeavor meets at 6:45 . , abd. Mrs. Howard Deweese lev R. H. Krumholb. S. T. D., pa8tor P. m. Spree 8cruttled were entertalned to dinner l:Iunday Preaching at 7 :30 p. m. • at the home Mr. and Mrs. E, W . 'Mass, Sundays 9 :00 a. m. Baptismal servlee 8 :45 P. m . caner In Dayton In the afternoon WEDNESDAY . ,. all took a motor trip to BrookVWe. ST MARY'S EPISCOPAL Prayer meeting at 7:30 p, tri, md. CHURCH Mrs. J. B. Jones, Mrs. Allen Em Rev. R. L. lIackwclJ, Rector FERtlY CIIURCII[ OF CHRIST r1cic. Mrs. Ma~ret Johns; ' Paul FRIDAY, February 9th., 2 P. m . W. C, SmUb" MIDlster J'r•. MinUe 8m1tb, .Who is car1ng Johns and Orville P)l1lllps spent Woman's Auxiliary at Little Inn. 8UN~Y far lira. Gray. spent lI'rlday in l)ay- Monday in Dayton. FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT Bible School 9:?0 a. m. ton. " HrB. W1Wam Coleman of Waynes7:30 a. m, Holy Communlon Communion 10:45 a. m. UldtKl'8. W. P. Clark ~d Mrs . vtlle and~. and MIs , Kenneth I 11 0., m. Morning Pra yer a'od serSermon 11 :00 ~, m . Paul of Da,vton were Bunday Laney ot Uttca spent Wednesday eVIl mono At this service !.he choir wil l The revival which continued to ~~ of Mrs. ~ ~, nlng at the llome ot Mr. and MIl>, sing the PASSION CHORALE by J . draw lal'ge crowds tllroughout the 11ft. Allen Emi4ck and Mrs. Wa!- Walter Ke.Dr1ck S. Bach. two weeks came a close Sunday ter' Kenrick were Dayton vlsltor~ Mr. and Mrs. Bflward . ~eweese 1 7'30 m. Communi y RcUglous evening with 178' present. . ThUl'lda.Y. I saw "Oone Wil,n the Wind" fI of National Doy S out We invi te you to come and " " - , p ..... M .. ~ Y;T~_·_4· T.oew's theatre in ~ayton Tuesda~ , w~ek. C~Ptn.ln Laur ence Hall of the with us. _ _ . - 4 -_ _ _ __ Mr•. s.nd Mrs. "uuRm ~oger ' La Church Army wUl be the prea ch er : n y for their Sunday 1I ••usts th :: former Capta :n Ha.l 15 in char,;e f a OI n. .• J I t\.LJ !\IT HOLLY 1\1. E. 'CHU~CH o.:,er and fam :] y 110m Len, .. 0 .. 1, I ti hur h . cnna c C. T. M, Scarff', l\llnlstcr, :.-i.;-iIil,w li.·-. .. ::Z=iiiiiiiii'III?OIiiii;C:;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'i' iiiiiiiiiiiiii"'t;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii WEDNESDAY Sunday School 9': 30 Il. Ill. E A , 7:30 p. m. Midweek Lenten Service . Earnhart, S upt., ~l'll e Rev. Alanson HigbIe, assis tant ~ . : mln1ster at the Church of t ile ActvenL E ven ing serv! .~ 7.30, Pr •.yer meeting Wednesday eveCincinnati will preach. nlng 7 :30. A wei ollle awa! 5 you at , ~ .. . theses services. Qur revival Is in its l\lEl'II0DIST CHURCII second weed, Brpther 'Burm~das o l ' Louis C. Uadl y. Pas tor 'inclnnati Is as.,lstfing with these
Of Arthur 'Williamson Property . . called off~ Property Bold at pri. vate i.le.
War III Burope. and Batt.ieabip Ora!
'Frank .C. Anderson, Adm~
Estate of Artbur WWlamJon.
ob'~rva~' e
Church School 9:30 a , m. We Rre services. Come al1d hear his wondercooperating in thc Methodist Church ' ful messages. School Advance program. Come sun-I - - ----clay nnd learn all about It. . Ul'IOA U. IB. CI,IURCH Wor ' hlp service 10 :40 a. m. This I Ul' vis A. rastnr will be the first Sun day of Lent, lInrt SUNDAY :..L..:RUARY 1-1 the pastor's ~ubj ec t will !be: "The .l"~ • n -"~ ut' ,en" school. LeslJe l-UIP se of the Gospel." ;,n '" ,L . ~ ,T . , , At 7.30 o'clock Sunday evening we I ,orsuch, Supt.
. Come any time from 9 a. m. up to 2 :45 p, m, and see complete show! l>()ors open 9 a. m, '
See it in its entirety. exac~ly the 8a&me 88 at Atlanta and Broadway
·premieres. This production
will not
shown anywhere except at adprices-at Jea.'4t until '1941,
WjJ6kd411 maUtlfleH art' COIItfttMOWa, fIOt rul!T1Jed . (JOfftt Il lw time from • to 1 :1,11 , NIght 8holl''' ' 11M StI,",", 'arotfMM ,.. " ReHm:t)f'!d . ,"""",,berl
will cooperate In the umon. Boy 10 :30 a. m.-Mornlng wOfsb·p . Scou t service at fhe Episcopal Education Day will be observed. Church, On the Wedncsdny evenings '1:00 p. m.- Christlan Endeavor . of Lent we !lrc holdlng a serjes of Leader: MIs . .Mattl(! Garrison, .. Lenten Seminal'S on the genera l s ubAttendance is J?icklng up. Come jcct "Making our R eligion Real," The a nd h elp the go04 work. s ubjec t next Wednesday will be I " Ohrlst and Spiritual Adj ustment." SERVED ELEVElll WEEKS Everyono is cordla.lly Invited. O~ FEDERAL JURY A Bible Instruction class \vlil he - ' -helcj at 4 o'icock on th~ Monday ~rHoward Surface, -local ma.n, wPo I ter~oons 01 Lent for all chlldl'en up served on the ' Fedel'1ill jury deven I to and Including the 8th grade. Ored weeks on the Arlington 'cemetery
I I will be given at the f nd of the case, s tates that the jurors were In I, period to all who meet the r equlre- the jUry room forlthl! iongest tinle.Qf
: ..
all " . .",,;.)
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. . . .: lLs : . . froat.olf8dDe tiO,. . . "af, '" . . ' ... I 1" ' - _, _y~, .,.lIj ""',CODoo . ~~1Joa .......... ~ ' ments Be ' sure to bt! present at the any on record. 'I;h.e jury's verdict I ' 'dIKle,.,..u,dlatit•• ~ ..~' ... R"o~.I" t-:,Ja.~.•-.o~::: l Ist class Monday Feb. 12th. ' J last week ended what .1s said to be '-the ~ ,ill "':" t .... ~ I The FrIendship club will meet with the longest Fedel1'l Court case op. Irw"."".,. d iu.. . , _-.-y .... ....
00.' '....,. .
'j MIs. L . C. ~dley, Wednesday aft r - Jrecord in Cinc~ti and perhaps in ' ! b_at7 a • . ~uaUI7 . . .. , " nocn Feb. 14th. A good attendance is the United States ' . . . . . . . aU . . . ... ~ , pdae ~ . ,
---'1 ~-
WAVNE VlLJ.E CII(RCil Of ' CHftlST I , . mith. Milll ler N!,xt Thursday lPlght Jl'ebrun.ry ~5 S.UNDA Y _ . the Warren COUDV' Plsh ' and Oame I Thl,l Bible School meets eaeb Lord's Asm . will alD\'I';ed-iles~torJt& ' l' DBY morning rOF-the purpose otltv~er. The meet. ,in Me- , lna people a chance Qf becom1ng bet- mor1al Hall, to heIi.r "'udae ,ter a :qualnted with the Word of Ralph sanborn . ~ ORDERs Are you sWing of your Jnftu-nee to pnetdeJlt tile 0 the Bible 'ScbOOl, by he1'plna to' spcrnmen. 1lU'I'J DlAOCiiPl'II:D the bo1I and IIrIa JD the r~t WB¥ rJdti. Jr., presldeDt. '
God. ,
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- -w",iii'i's~ OHIO. 'tBuB8DA.Y, FEBRUARY 15. 1940.
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fB ER 4018 . ~
-Local Troop Observes Rev. Bernard Spare · Dr. McKinney, Guest FrienUhip.Chab let Women's Clab Enjoys Motion Pictures ShoWn Haplpenings -----Ihl Boy Seoul Week To Be Guest Preacher Speaker At Meeting . At Parsonage GOott Program .At AuxiliaryMe~ting' .._tLocal _._U-,",-,... _D __ £¥!!22 - - --.
- - -- -
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F a_
Dr. and Mrs; A. E Stout visited The February meetLn" of the Clncinna I S d D friends In t, un ay. WaV11e Township Farmers' club was •. held . Thursday Feb. g. at the home Mr. and Mrs. GUbert Frye and son of Mr. nnd Mrs . Harvey Burnett Wf'rc Lebanon vlsi tol·S. TuA."A =--Y . Lytle. A large membership and several guests were present. • • .. • • The speaker of the aft.e1'lloOn was Mrs. Jessie Hyman Mrs. t W d and esd I Alva CI Dr McKinney of Dayton . The sub,Thompson spen E: n ay. n n- jeet of h is add ress was. ··Lincoln". natl. ••••• which he presen~ed In an unusua.l wa~. with historical facts and stories Mrs. George Bailey of Cincinnati s~ldom heard . vlsLted Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Ohapman S. S. Ellis . was in charge of the Saturday afternoon. sp~clal topic . "Reclprocal Trade • • • • • Agleements. Are They Helping or . Hurting the Country? " His Inter estMrs. Ralph H. Vance' and son . . Ing remarks brought out conslderRalph Jr .• of Wilmington. visited J . able discussion. O. Hawke and fam1ly Sunday . • • • • • Among the guests were: Dr. and
Local observa nce of " N at I on 11 I. BOY The Rev. Bernard Spare. pasLol' Scout Week" was begun last Friday of the Wilmington PresbyteTl.an nf ternoon wh en Lhe loca l Scou ts took Ohurch. '11m ,b e the guest-preacher cbarge of 1\ special assembly In lhe at St. Mary's church mid-week Lenten service next Wednesd'ay. Febru- high school auditorium. Several phases oC Scout work were HhL~ tratary 21. Throughout the naUon local Presbyterian and Episcopal clergy ed and 0 humorous plnylet was briven and congregations are seeking to In- b y '. h e boys . .." .. 011 owIng Lh on l er t·· nul crease their understanding of one ment by l he Scouts. County Superlnanother and to further all wise steps tendent Chnrle~ Bohl. a member of toward unity between the two bodies the Lebanon Troop comm iLtr't' talkcc\ . on the work of t he orgnn iz tlon . Proposa.1s looking toward organic Sunda"• evcnl n . . . . a :pet'inl comni b u on etween these lWo proleslant munl ty chu rch service was held a t d~~omlnatlons originated In 1886. at St. Mary 's Episcopal Church. at w Ich time a committee composed of which the local Boy Scouts we re honrepresentatives Crom both "roup was . . D 01 ed guests. The SCI vlce was cona.ppolnted to consider t he question . d ueled bv Rev. L. C. Rnllley a nd Rev. of unity. In OCtober. 1937. the Gen- R L H k · 11 C t I ' H II . . Be we . ap . ,nlll encc a era I Convention of the ProLestalll of the Chw'ch Arm y was t he preachMr. and Mr.5. Oharles Zimmerman Mrs . Ernest Rosnagle of London. 0 .. Episcopal Church made another pro· er, were auests of Mr. and Mrs. John Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway, Mr. j:>osal for unity. which was later ac. ..... -k..e. sunday evening. ar'Q Mrs. Oha~les Ellis, Mr : and Mrs cepted by the General Assembly of Monday eve ning. a pot luck sup· .......... J L Mendenhall Mr and Mrs Ell per was Jleld at the 111"11 sehool enre. . . . At tJle " • • .• • • FLlrnas. Mrs. Ja.mes McClure . Mrs .. tile Presbyterian Church. terln. for the S cout~ . leaders. m emThe date and place of the meeting luck supper, at the home of MIas whl.c h Bishop Hobson was a delegate Wilton HarUiock of MLaml Unlver- Peul Duke and Mrs. Walter Kenrick present time a Joint committee Is b~r s of the Troop commitlee. a nd all !n March baa not yet been decided. Evelyn Kersey In Oregonia. Four hundred and seventy delegat.es slty 8pent the week end with his The club will meet In March at working more closely together. show. their families and fr iends. F ollowing of every nation. race and culture, at- pll!'ents Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock G:-IJDge haJJ. t he guests of Mr. and lug evidence of their desire for unity the supper MI'. Don Switzer. n Scout tended this conference. representing • • • • • Mr/). Harvey Sackett. by such things 118 exchange of pul- executive of Dayton. ga ve ,~ tnlk on every brancb of the Christian C. A. Burnett of Miami. Fla.. was pits and public and private dlscus- Scouting. The evenlng's progmm con Churcb. The second group of pIc- the dinner pest of Mr. and Mrs. R. slons of the questions at Issue. cluded wUh the Troop'S demonstra tiOn of' Scout work in t he audl torlum tuna were of Dornakal. Hlahop H HartIIOCIt Monday evening. Aaal1ah's diocese. in India. These' • • • • • Tom Vcna,ble of Middle town. Scout ecenfS presented a clear pIcture of Mr. and lin. J. EI. Ohapman were - - - - - - - - - - - - - executive of the Mound Builder'S Area . and Mllow Falley of Franklin , , the Pl'OIJ'eaa by Christianity. dlnner gueets of IIIr. and Mrs. John 'nle DlOlithly dinner meetlni of ~0Il8 people wbOle lives for ~:en- Q . Gon8 Wednesday evening. Dis trict Boy Scout Commissioner . UtUe ~11111 WlDnle Jo SCooUt, the Wayneaville O1vlc Olub will be tunea have been dominated by 111'. • • • • • were pre~ e n an d each ga ve a s hort da\llhter of Dr. and Un. A. E. &wut held in the school cafeteria Ilonday norance. Htnduism. and the caste Mrs. J. O . Oarst 4)f Dayton spent The second In a series of dances talk. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH enterta1ned a IP'OUP of her frlends at even1n" Pebruary 19 at 8:30. The problems. 'nle concluding films were several days this week with Mr. and and card parties gLven by n. com. The concluding even l In Lh e week's a ValenUne party, Monday aft.er- Home Economics clallll under the dl- of the consecration of the cathedral Mrs L A Oarst and famlly. mlttee from Farmer's Grange COI11- lev R. II. Krumholh:, S. T. D .. plL.,tor wns t he Yelltly Area. Banacliv1tles noon. tn celebration of her fourth rectlon of MIss Earline Lanham wUl Cburch of the EpIphany In the 01.. . ••••• Mass, Sundays 9 :00 a. m. , posed of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mlchquet. held al t he Holel Ma nchester bjrthday umlversuy. serve the ~er. Wives of the mem- oc:ese of Domakal. on January 8, Mr. and lin. Bert Hartsock and ener and Grace Hockett was held on In Middletown this Thursda y evening 'nle children ~nt a happy after- bers are lhVlted IUests of the club 1989. . son, David, were dinner guests of Mr Friday evening at til ym MIDDLE RUN CHURel1 Those who altended. from here we~e ~ DDOIl pIa.J1q 1IUDft. Ann Satt.erth- for this meetlnl. Dellcloua refreshments were served d y . . eg . won fJnt prtae In pinn1n1 't he Entertalnment ' wUl be furnished by the bostess during the IIOClal hour and Mrs. Ronald H lilwke, Wedn~ a . Music for the evening was furServices. conducted by Elder Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Russell Holliday, Mr. tall OIl the donkey same. and In 'he through the courtesy of the Visual to members and the followtng gueats evening nlshed by the Centurlal club. Fuson. wm be held at Middle Run and Mrs. L. A. Garst. Ml·. and Mrs . ..... f h ' . • • • • • A grand march broke the Ice for church Saturday at 2 p. m . and Sun- '? H. Hartsock. Mr. and Mrs. ll":"tl'. b - . ~ candI . earts. Wilhelmina Department of Education of the Mrs. Howard Oase Mrs. JamEI. Mr. and Mrs. Ev-erett Searl> and, the ~venlng after which waltzes . Cox day at 10 :30 a. m. . ' LeMay; Dr. and I~rs. A. E . Stout. Mr. 8Ia~ .on &be . prlae. _A heart atllte of Oblo. 'lbIII '11m CODl1st of Wetherholt. Mrs.- Maynard Weltz son of Spring Valley were dinner trots, and square dances were en.. Lloyd Davis. Joe Davis. Warren Lelhaped b~)' cak~ and lee cream sound mov1ea Ihowtlllf beauUtul and 80M, and lin. Louls'nlompson. peats sunday at the home of their joyed. May and Jack Crane. ' Wft'f .yect at the end of the af- 1ICene4 and· tntseatlnr sites, blator1c '!be next meetlng wW be held at parents, Mr. and Mrs. W . N. 8ea.rs. ThIs same committee Is also giving ST MARY'S EPISCOPAL 1erIIooD. events and Jandmal'u of our state. the LltUe Inn, March 8, with Mrs. • • • • • dar ce l-~~nns CHURCH . ' ., ~ on Th ursda ys. 0 ne Inn'*' Pllts were. Joan Garst. 'nle en~rtalnment w!ll be riven in Edith M. Harris. as bostess. Rev. Alanson Higbie of CIncinnati class at 3:15 for the younger chURev. R. L. HaellweIl. Rector ObullDe 8bepud, 8&:Ddra Lee the schOol audlt«1um and the lenWall a dinner guest and an overnlgM d!en the other at 7 :45 for the older SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT 8lq1IGII, Uncia Lee ~y. Ann eral publ1c Is cordially Invited _ to COLB-DOD80N guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. children and adUlts. Beg1nn1ng on 'I :30 a. m. Holy Communion Batt.enhwai.te. DoauIa HacIley. Ruth view the fllm. wblch wtll be shown R. L. 'H ackweU, Wednesday niKht.' . Pc,bruary 22. assemblles w1l1 be held 11 a. m. Morning Prayer and ser~ WUhebnlna Braddock. Mtr at approximately 1:15 o'cIock_ NeWa has been received here of • • • • • at 8:45 for those who wish to learn n.on. lim W1JIon. IIarUYn Oona, DoIlD& All membeJ'a and their Wivea are the marriage of MIss Irla Dodson of Mr. and Mrll. Robert Baker. Jr .• sqcare dances. MONDAY Uf. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsack. were Brannock, Ruth Ann Wetherholt•. cord1a1ly ·tnv1ted aDd ~ to at- TOledo. to BurtUII Cole of P1ndl&y. were dinner pests Saturday evening .\ new class for the younger c1ill1 p. m. Lenten sewLng session. Dayton visitors Wednesday. My ~YSa. Lor1De 8allibury. Nor- tr..nd the dinner meetlni· Mrs. COle Is the granddaughter of of Mr. and Mrs. P'. E. Adal11.$ of dten will ,be formed on March 7. WEDNESDAY min ~ ~ ~ Walter KlaJer . Mrs. O. J. Marquardt of route 78. Washln(ton O. B. These 'Cla&;es are not for Grangers 2:30 p . m . Nursery Church 6chool ...........ter Jean A··.o- of Oln . . The Rev. Louis C, Radley was 1ri .asld ---~ . _5" FATHD AND SON BANQtJET and made her home here lUl.tU grad• • • • • alone but anyone at all who Is 1n2 p. m. Primary Ohurch school. oInDaU, lira J J Stout and Un C Dayton, Tuesday. . • • • • . __ _ uailnc frOID blah school. Tbe YO\mll Mrs. Bernard Melloh of Ridgeville. terest.ed. It 18 for the public. 4 P. m. Ohlldren's Lenten service OI. ~ John Stout of" . couple wlll realde ill PtndlaY. and Mrs. A. p. MeUoh were dinner A nomlnal admissiOn is charged. 1n the church. Everyone will be wel~ • • • • • 0reI0D0 Mra. oUnton Olara A •Wa.YDellv1lle LocIIe NO. Ie:& .... _ f ...Ed Gloeckler of for a U c 1asses. the proce eds of which come. Ml·s. Bessie White and dl1ughter . pC', • _ .. ""'. _ .. _.~. .M, wiD .have a fa.tber andP. lOll au-.... 0 ........ OUHI _" ....... _ .... u F~ .. ..wwY D ......... ......... R S p ..... ... ""ro, Wedn l!...... ...... y • 7 :""0 p . m. Mid -wee k Len t en ser- Miss Geraldine of Akron. were week ~nquet at thelr 'hall Prlday evenint a~IJ go Ing to fl nance t his proJect. February 23, Dinner at 6:30. John _ • • • • • vlr.e. Ouest-preacher at thJs service end guests of Mrs. Whlte's sister. Dr • ••••• •• Raer of n&yton. wID be the speaker ~. ~n.d Mrs. Earl J;lockett and Supt. and Mrs. L. A. Garst. mem- MRS. OPAL BAKER RITES W~II be the Rev . Bernard Spare. pas- Mary L. Cook. E '~ daughter. Ruth, entertained at a bera of the school board and their WERE HELD .T HURSDAY tvr of the Wl1m1ngton Presby terIan • • • .. • MASONIC NOTlCI: famUy dinner party. Monday eve- wives enjoyed dinner and the OhUrch. · The Missionary Society of the _......... , • •• • . ,' . ••• _ ..... nina. tn honor of the blrthda)' ann!- theatre In Dayton. FridayeveWng. Private funeral services were held FRIDAY Methodist Church wUl have a ..... ILUfNAB O. MoOVDfJIf 8pecial ~munlcatlon of Wayne.- vel'l&ry of their 8On-ln-lI.w. Rhodes • • " • • at Miami Cemetery. Thursday after· 4 p. m. Boys club doughnut sale at the church, SaturPA88l!lD AWAY Tt1B8DAY Vi::e Lodp No. 1ea P .· & A. Ii.. Sat- Bunnell Their gueets 1ncluded; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. IRaymond Conner noon, at one o·clock. fQr Mrs. Opal 7 :30 p. m. Olrls Friendly Group. day. February 17. begiI).nlng a t one urday. everun.. Pebruary 17. at · 7 and 1IIr1I. Rbodea Bunnell and lam- and daullbt.er Sarah, visited Mr. and Baker and .son. Jaclde. who died 1n P. m . Uy, JoIn. Ne1Ue Bunnell. MIas Mon- Mrs. O. E:. l!!dwardll of Dayton Sun- South Ber,d, Ind. , Mrs. Baker will be IUETHODIST CHURCH _ • • • • o'clock Work In Ule B. A. dqree Un. ·Htlnnah Gray. McG~' . '1S . . . J _ Prenderpat. W. lml& Bunnell, Mr. _nd 1O'a. Keller day. remembered as the daughter of Mr. dl~ at her h9qle near .RarVeJabUq, V II Annlt&le sec'Y Hoat aDd family. RoICoe Purpas • • .. • • . ant! Mrs. Oharles Oray. and sister of Louis C. Radle" Pastor Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Runyon en ter; TIIeIICIay ~."' f,Ibe bAd beOri aer. • ' • and' Charles Price. Mr. 'i.nd Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mellille 'Jolned Mrs. E. F. Earnhart. tained at supper. Wednesday eve,~ ...1'" m ••-.::... 0 .....--·- .... v 8b ' . . n d fam.U f Oe da r dI nd Church School 9:30 a. m. Worship nlng. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bw·ton """!Ill . .. , ... _. e COVNTY .uRIC I'B8T1VAL Geor(e Bunne an yo n- a 1J'0Up of frlen . or nner a a sel'vlce 10 :40 a. m. The pastor's sUb\'10': a' member of St. AUI\IatlIle .. . tervUle. Badle Reason of Bar- theatre par~Y tn Cllnclnnatl. Sunday MR. AND MRS. W. E. STROUD and daughter Mary , Ann. Mrs. Es-
was hostess to Mrll. L. 0 Radley Wall host.ess to The -lI8lve Women's I;lub Mrs. L .. H . 00 r d 0 n ~ ..... ~ th be t th Woman's AUXiI the member. or the Prlendahlp Club met TuesdaY evening, at the Little e mem rs 0 e • 1a.r f st Mary' Ohurch Friday of the Methodist Church. Wednes- Inn. with dinner before the meeting yo. - s . . ft ernoon. a t the Llttl e Inn.. day aft-moon at the """ ..... na .. e. IS usual a ~ ..... - . . . M C H B e resident open lira. Elme . r Sheehab. president. Due to the absence ot botb the ed til rs.. tin . rac , p devotlol'l8 • Rewith plulded. Mrs. Ralpn Hastlnga con- prea1dent and vice-president. Mrs. e mee g . . th-~ devotions h-r subJ-t be- John W. Ke--y presld·" . .... ·... n'" the parts of the secretary-treasurer dllc'·" oa> ~ ... ~ ....., "" uuc, • d f were b Ir • . "OJu1at a cure f~ the unrest tn buatnesa 8MIlon. the club decided to given. and the ~gular or er 0 usthe World Today." IlPOnsor a G~l Scout Troop In Way- tnesa followed. A decision was made 'nle reaular order of bU81ness fol- nesvllle. with Miss Lucille Walton In by the members to sew On garments lOWed. and durlna hia tlm'e p~ charge of arrangements. for the Ohlldren's Hospital. In Oln\Vtl'O d'-"--·" for serv'a d'--er at ..... e n ..........m for the evenln'" was clnnatl. every Monday during Lent. --"'.. ...., u, ,.. ..... .. the Prenderpat ale. Saturday. Feb-Itn charge of M1u Virginia Hardin. at the rectory. rm,ry 24. In place ot the reaular pro- MI88 Luc!lle Walton. and Dr. Mary 'nle program for the afternooll Fain. a demollltrat1on was given by Il. cook. Yrll. John W : Kersey and cOIll1sted of a series of motion plctures shown by Rev R L Hackwell a representative of a brush manu- ,II1sS VIrgtnla Hardin ~nted t w o ' . . . fluturtnll concern. plano duets, J4r1. Kenneth Hough The 'Pictures were taken by the Rt· Rev Henry W HObson Bishop of At the cloee of the meetln&'. tea. then gave a most InteresUng review.. .• &ar.dwlchea and cakea were served by or the booka. "WUtherlnK Heights" the Diocese of Southern Ohio. durthe hOiteeaee. Mrs. W. a. Graham. by EmIlY Bronte. and "'lbe Miracle Ing hJs visit to Madras. India. The ~~II .......... W>A_ra. ".-. J. B. C-"be. of Haworth". a s._' of the Bronte first reel ot pictures were or the In,..., ...... ". t.e ti I Mlsslo C II h Id - ... -"'...... Mra. B . B . Barnhart. and Mrll. Rad- family. . rna ona nary ounc . e ley. 'nle March 'meetlng wUl be a pot I a t Mad raa, I n dl a, December, 1938' to D
Ciric 'lab Dinner
Meeting February 19
I Chu'rches
Local Happenings . •
. . . .' .
·. D
I"t. .
ch,Ul'Ch. W~~. , . : -.-~ ~__meJit .baa beenm,.cte·thIIt ~abW1l'. and Ernest Edgtnaton of evenilllf. . PLEASANTLY SURPRISED Lamps:' ane'. Carolyn, H. A. cornell. Ha.rty .ea. ~ huallaad ~ ~ the 1 ~ual (€Gunt; .aWaIC MOIICOW. p. f · · · ·' • • . We InvLte You to attend the mld...lII.myed.,., an, lOlL " ,~S,.,!t f-tl-' ____ ...... b" ~'A': J.·_ . . . . _ Oapt. and Mrs. Laurence Hall of Mr. and Mrs. W. E . Stroud were week semmars on "Making OW' Re. Lizer, Mr. and Mrs. T. C . . Runyon .., ...... ..::..... ; t~ ,~th ........ .......... _A't.er\ ~. or" counti - . - . _ - - ~ - ._ , yy_...... .- f R d al1d Mrs. Marta. Michael. The oc~l.I, ..ui be beI.d . at CIVIC CL~ CO_aa &EE CInc~nnatl were lUes ... 0 ev. an pleasantly surprised. Sundlly the I1glon Real. " They are held on Wed- oasion was lhe bh·thday annlver•. ....... ~ ... "~ .a..,\ 9f a...... . .. . . . . . . . .. _ " .......1 ,..ucI1ton.PI.um. COU8CT8 8TA'tEMENT J4r1. R. L. Hackwell tor dinner and birthday anniversary of Mr. nesday evening al 7 :30 o·clock . Sub· • .aha....- _ '!' c ____ v . . . . . . ~ Inht a A_ saries of T . C. RunYon n..nd Harry _ _ . .:...., . ' AprIl .!.. , ."'I' ~~ ovem .. , un....y. Stroud. when they found a Ject next week: "Seeking and Ac~ ~~ CDDd~ ", ) The ~blo Oentral Telephone Corp; • • • • • sumptuous dinner and a group of \ ceptlng the Divine Wl1J." Llzer. I?y.. BeY .RcItiIi't . KrWnhoIta ,,~ . F&lIl ADJIII81oN'(lVT ~nts facts In ~II the Quarterly meeting was held at the friends awaiting them on thelr reRemember the Children 's Bible In• • • • • A~ . ch~ ,J!i'ldaJ. ~t..t:_ L " . CiVIc' c1u~ .commtt~ would not co- Friend's Meeting HouSe. Sunday. Dr. turn from church. Those who f~ struct10n class every Monday aflerMrs. Harold Miller was hostess to , ~ ~"wW be in IIiam1 cemet.ery JObn 00rmaD/ . . . at We ~t.e without the president of the Wlllls Hall of Wlllm1nston Conege joyed this happy occasion were: Mr. noon a.t 4 o'clock, Cor all children un- the members of her bridGe club. at '. ~. . . ' • Vf~ .County Pall' ·board · baa 'an- club anel, that he could not be con- Rave the addrees, :anc11ed a dlscus- and Mrs. J. P. Larrick. Mr. and Mrs. der high school age. We had a good her home Tuesdn.y evening. TwO J08'.~ ttDmlfl Dla .' nouDCed a 'Cutin admJIalODa to ' the .t aeted. '. slon on "Quaker lnftuence". Walter Sheehan and family. Mr. and attendance at the flrst session and ·tables of bridge were in progress ." .~. ~ w,JfG ~B Pall' • . a8pwmbel'. ~.~ The repreaentat!.ve of ' the ~le• • It • • Mrs. Ralph Hastings and son. and want to double It next Monday. during the .e venlng with prizes going ' .). .' . ~ .... pI:tce . ~ be aa ceDta .lDIt.i&cs of 31 lIh~ne COrp. avolited the president lin. Ira Brown and son of Frank- Mr. ·and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs and fam~pworth League Monday evening to Mrs. Carmen Orane and Ml·s. A. E. J...:pK ~• •~~ J ..... . or ...., cents. Chit.rPd Jut ,ear, and chll-. at the O1vle clUb and made no dort Un spent the wee1l;; end with Mr. and fly, at 7 o·clock. Stout. Refreshments were served by ~ ~; '~8&!I 'at"bIt hom. in eben ~ twelft yean will be a4-' to get m~, tIan two alper..of the Mrs. H. H. W~maon and family. "500" was enjoYed Clurlng 't he after The Ladles' Aid society wUl meet the hostess after .t he ga.mes. Guests OGntbl ..~ · artemOon foJJo~1 .mttted tn.. . . petition far ...... telephaoe aen1ce lira. Brown. J4r1. WlUlamaOn and noon. Mr. and Mrs. Stroud w1nnlng with Mrs. W. E. Stroud, W.ednesday Included Mrs. Carmen Grane. Mrs. . ' a .... and the Oorporation ref\IMd to have K* Grace. WUllaIlllOll were Dayton prizes for high scorEl, and Mrll. Baa- afternoon February 21. It wUl be anlA. E. Stout. Ml·s. H. F. Dye, Mrs. ~ ~~blI wife, HeWe; ~ 0 ...... MADS .. ~ c1aUle tn the petition ItatinI .tb.-e vta1tora. Saturd&y ~temoon. tlngs and Mr. Sheehan winning con- all day meettng. · Russell Prank. Mrs. L. A. Gf\rst, Mrs. dioUIb~•. Wil'DtI. Da.Jton . --, . woul4 be no ratae in the ntel for • • • • • lI~lation prizes. ' Russell Holllday . and Mrs. Carl Oonlila • . IAoDarcL 1Iurret. Prentice, B~~O QuaH reIkl~ ~ Mr. aDd lin. B. ' J. Oreene Of Mar. , arc! • • w~•. ".... ADd 1IbermaD: ' 21 ' ~.la., ~ WW of Mr. ~' Club ~ttee tiDsvl11e were Bwlday dlDner guests IlRS. G. D. MILLS MT. HOLLY M. E . . CHURell \ . .~~~.op,,,.t · ~••r.d .. , . tit..·: ...... "IIIPbo" , , ...... _ of ·Mr. and)Jl'is.\Y. A; LuUDaOll the EN'l'D'tAlNS SOCIETY T, M. Stlartt, Minl.ter . TRAFFIC I ' DELAYED ". , more it ~. QOJlep..... OCCMlOn or 'the ninth birthday. all.' , Sund"y SchOOl 9 :30 a . m. E. A, BY 'DlTCHED TRAPJER. . , . . ...... beI4 U1e lICOIure e1edIicl ' ' .• lO..O' QI,leeIl ". ,. , ninnary of theiJ~· IfIUldsoD, Donald '!b,e r~·1ft~ mee+in~ of. the WO.- Ear.•"k .• ~ to Supt. ..'at. ~ .... _ •. " ~ I "a..... -... ..... .. ~ ,., . C!DI, .P•. ~ " .....- W~ IIIIketbaU :' 1IlUad be.,' , ~ Lukens. ' men's Fotelgti 1Ilssl0nary socle~ of . Evening service 7:30. } dar,..ReY~.,. o. ~ the ~'" ., Ita . . . ftUl'l- . un..0Il" carl. ~ ~ 0 .. fGll'• • • • • the Methodist Ohurch was held We!! Prayer .meeUnK . Wednesday 'eve~.,... nilbt 'With USe ~ (Ky.) mar ID&t!on 01 th. , Borne, was a Mr. and Mia. IAwia PIres and fam- nesclay afternoon. at the home o.f rung. O~ .r evlval service wUI con.. . '? i ' alate ore.c:beni c o _ 1eIIn; " sueat ewer tIM Week aul. · . lly w!!re .dinner lJUeets Bunday of Mrs. Oeol'le IIWI. ·tlnue another . week. A weloome Gal fit ~tJQ~. ,/ . ; ..... ~ .fti "ttb. ~ A. Z. ~: Kenneth Yr. and' ~. O. H. Barbaaon and,' The m~tlnK \Vall opened with de,,: awaits -you at these services. ~e e. ~ lOIcl ~ cup bJ &be QUaur cot ~ ....... ! ~ JI&rtaoc:k Harold Ta,lor, of Oenten:U.'e. Mr. VOtlOlll bf Mrs. L. O. Radler. ~. ml:8S'OlWY meetlna WIll be peld at ~. . . . . ot IUII. . captalDa, WIltNr ,\V~: Lib. ~ ~ PetenOn,or near~· anct 1Il'I• .~: Taylor of Dayton, ~. K. Day was In chule of the s~w- the church WedDe&day PebtGary 21 " ......ot ' '" or .!itt- eny ~ aDcllln. LeDa IIart80ck en· aao lIU~ts at t'h~ dlnner PfOII'&Dl' and Mrll. Kenneth at 2;00 o'clock . __ .U4 aUow &o '~ aDd •~ '. , JoJId ,tbe II!boWInI of ..~ WI.t h "'lIltereeUDc· .~ ~.:Of ~~~ fevieWed several chapters .. '. _. " ~· ta ~ prln-. ~ i -,' 'th. \9bid," br.DaJtoo Iihmda, after- &be ' ~e . ~ ~ Bowl . game f~ the study boOk. "The Women . .UTlCA U. 'B~ CHUROH \ _ _ . ~ . . ~ , for _ _vea.--:- :;. ' ' ~', I . . . . .0 at n u l . . . , ' / ~. held at PUI.d~II. oaJU.. on New.aPd ~e W"y."loIrs;, J;tuf~ ~a~ BevIl A. ~" PUtot ' '" ~'IIArJ"''' ~ ~ <' ; " ,Mr. d lin, 1Id......·Ee8Y.. UId .y .... ~. 'Pl"eMIl~!, pJ"(Ip'aIJ!. 01 readl1liS ..' " I '. , •. ---. . . . ' . .' '"' ....... B\utI: or DQtoD Ylllted .a- . . • • ,. • • ~ the m,IaIlonary 'mq.une. · . SWlday. PebrU¥Y ~8 . we ...... tbe bIIbIA AIIID. .~ ~DO'II War and DDnt WI'lIlbt. IICIaiia, - ~ AJId· 8oclet, of ·t~ ''I'deIId''. '. 9: 30 a, m . .....,sunday &choo\. ~ue l'dil~eld. II. .. III "$II trIM· t.hoUIb .,.. ~um, ~ - 11 ~ '~. ;... OllJD'Ch wUl hold an aD . At. the clOI!e ' of the ~-"_ Go~uch. Supt. .:. ............ ,... ta. . .t oU... · .~ . . . . - - ' .... a Mr Uc1 ..... cum'l'aJlor or liar- .tal P*tlq WedMlday. ~ hmeri""",aervect by ·tbe hoa- ...-lG:3O a. ~ woribl)1 Traffic .......-di8dtrid ~ iIII*. ' .......... n tI. - . ""~PI Dr aDd . . . J W 11..t &bebl!lDe Of lin. W.... Stroud t . 8IIlatecl by lin RQlDGDdjOoD- 1:00 p. m.~ ~YOf. Routel 'l1J~""'" .' . .' ~ ' . ..... .. 1dI~G"pmU.. ~ ~":....:,. ' . • ~ ............. ~ . are in aer. • I IAaclu: ·IIlIa . . . OoIe. " to B &bU,, , 1lN.1IIe ~~ Jocall ....~ . . . ·b U . l1li. ItIMtba 1IouIh ...., 'l"UeIdQ JaItUU7 or I"IItI'iIU'7 will be bOIlcncl The ~ JbIIaVCll' plaDa to
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WaYIlflVine, Ohio
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Book MIa. 00.. 150 DoUoes
1':::~:::5~===1: 1heIn the p~nce of Ule of Court of Warren oounorder
phone cop».. tolla vanoUl olllces. . ~'.50 ' Ohio Central Telephone Corp ty. Ohio, I will oller tor sale at pub• . . phone rent various oIJ,cea, ".00; lie aucUan on the 26th da.y of L''eb-,/ • NEW SUITS , Flora M. Crane Editor and Publisher township. Earl Hatfield, servl'cefi All mechaJl10 . Pauline PII.st.ner va. Newton P flst- Melllll Rye. deceaB d. to John L. 125 hours at 6Oc. '75.00; W. p.. Allen, ruary. UNO, at two a clock P . ~ .• on ISS{JED EVERY THURSDAY nn . action for dlvorce--gross neg- Rye. et al. aoout 72 (lcreS In Wa\'- payrolJ.. $13120; RaymOnd Mulford. tile prem1se.s, the following deSCrib-1 Sublcription Price. ,1.50 Per ):'ear, Payable in Advance loot. ren a n d Greene c()unties and lots 2 payr.oll, $131.00; John ~. Barr. pay- ed real eltate to-wit: , .• . Olive Slye vs. R obert L. Slye, ac- IUld 4 Ill' w~esvllle. roll $1111.30; , J ohn L. ~ye to Esther M. Evans" Johnson Myers. payroll, '127~20;, "Situate In the County of Warren HOIl for divorce. et al .. land In Warren and.. Greene E. W. Ross. payroll. P57.20: Earl and State of Ohio and boWl~ed and BETTER TIMES ON THE FARM COl\DION PL EAS PRO~EEDINGS' COlUlUes and lots m Waynesvllle. Basore. payroll, $204.00; V. M. .vrn l- deacrlbed as folloW!!: Lot No. Sixteen . Es\.hel' M. Evans to John L. Rye. tage, payroll. $97.90; Harry Mount. (16) as designated on the recl)rded "Better market.lng for agriculture Is not!\. sel!lsh gool: because it will Ha zel MR<I'Y Gutlery vs. Raymond land In Warren and Green counties payroll. $100.80; The 01flce' Outflt- plat of Harrl.. Addition. Harrison help lhe producer and consumer a1Lke," said L. J . Taber, National Grange t;!ast.er. recently. ·A. Gu ttOl'Y. Meryl B. Omy appointed and lots in Waynes l\1e. ters, pencil. ribbon, dre.wing Ink, etc., Square In the town of WaynesVIlle The consuming population depends upon the farmer for a constant. r celver lor Raymond Guttery . Andrew D. Shultz. deceased . to $4.80; Stanley Earnhart, stamps, im- In the .torefilLld County. Said Lot Phone 78J never-falUIl8 supply of high quaU'u food products. More orderly . etriclent Emma L . Shultz and M,U'y B. Shultz velopes, .$6.00 .' Zaln Az..... ta"e....... lays f1fty (50) feet front on Third "CS Martha Lee S. Campbell, VS " Robu" .. • .. . marketing means a better and wider variety of foods for mi1ll0ns of homes. rl C. Campbell. di vorce gronted. loe 3.and part of lot 4 in .Tackson ad tor Ice, $2'19.46; O. . Ridge. guardl- l3rd) Street and rWlS back at right This has been Ulorough~' proven In those areas where agricultural mar- maiden 11ume of plaIntiff , Martha cUtlon to Lebanon. \Il n. garage rent, $12.00; Angles tQ. an alley and being t,he ItI~ting cooperaUon has been developed. Lee Sanderson. restored. Charles Knapp to IrwLn W. Frana Oarage.. labo;, $1.711 ' The same prem18e8 con~eyed to Mary E On top of that. the fanner 'ConstituteS' the largest single market for the Sharpe, about 97 ncres in WlUTen Kl'n .... r-DWS Co. . .. wheelb'arrow Retall1clc by deed recorded In Deed 1JII________Illi.__~ _ Florence H. Jones vs. Willard A. U'6~. 33 W roducts of our factories. Clothln"', machl:lery. automobiles. mSUTl\ nce county tra 4 rubber tired h Is __ 86 Record Vol 78. page 6. arren P o Jones. defendant to repay plalntl1J . yS. wee. ....... ; ' . The Bodi-Finn Co, parts. .Dn,tO.. County Records. And Illao being the policies. building materials. newspapers and magazines-the farmer spends tile unpaid .'l<I yments and $6.00 per "'lAltRIAGE LICENSES . . . . . . . n _ _ laA d b ~ hundreds of millions of dollars for such things each year. Increased f a r m . . . . .. Sam Smi..... rear end .000' Conner' same .............. 8 conveye y narvey week for the suppol't of said minor "'. ,...., a II ' Income UlllS means more jobs and more opportunities for business and In-, Texaco service station, gasolIne. L. RYe to Amanda A. Ma Itt D.y TARVIA-Lt'l'JJ.l.C TAR AND dustrtal 'Workers. child; d L o tis Rlell. 32. flnmer. and Edith , $20.41; Shutts Texaco service staUon deed dated November 18. 1929, and ROAD OIL; EXOA VA1'INU Better Urnes on the farm means better times everywhere. The Wes\. Side BuUdlng an oall Ma.y Deboard . 16. both of Harveys- gasonne. '10.88; Mason Auto RepAlr recorded In Deed Record Vol . 123. nUMP TR IlCK SF.RVICE company vs. Mary F, Hassett K ing. l:urg. & serviCe Co., gasol1ne. P.S6: at paae 81. of the Warren County. Ohio ~··--ds" PIT RUN. LOADED 30c YD. above entitled case dismissed. Smart·s n...-~e -~ft'ine $8 90 ' ".' ............ ~ ~'U(' • agents villi gIve detailed InstrucSI BILLS ALLOWED ...... ,a-u , . , Olive Slye vs. Rober t L. ,ye. ser__ The Standard ' OU company, 1 'nlere belng no Street number for tions upon request. vI ce by publication ordered. I&ld prem1seII di to tl WUllnm Schyler vs Franke SchJler ReU's El~ctrlc Shop electrical sUJ) coupon book. $10.00; Ruasell Stone. • &tcor ng 1e reAll retall permit holders In Ohio divorce granted. plies and labor at jaU, $2.17; Wes- 80 hours labor tiring furnace at nlaht corded Plat of the VUlage of WayPllOne. Wayncsvilic 4+ R 11 Seeretary of State Earl Griffith have been warned by State Liquor Marga re t Hipsher. by friend. Alice tern S tar. advertlsemerif. $19.80; at court hoWle. 120.00; O. B. Dalge DEllVWe. Warren County. Oh:;, ~~ has received many cOlhmendations Director Jacob B. Taylor agal)'lSt reHI h cl f d t Miller-Bryant-Plerce Co.. coupon ~ompa,ny, 36 cans Dolge Tinlt for ~ are located upon t e Lebanon · otCIce Phone 473·1<Wood, vs. Joe ps er. . e en an courb house *11.29' Johnston & aide of Third Street In said VL1lage rrom other states upon the new celvlng financial aSSistance from confLned for two days for contempt book. $9.00; East End Coal Com- J hnsto 12' I l' be '555 ' between Ohapman Street on the re8.98·1\1. Morrew hone No.9 Ohio federal. state and county of- distillers. brewers and their dl.str1bu· of court DIvorce gran ted. cus tod yo f . pa ny . 1000 lbs c-' Do p eces urn r. 1. • North' \nU. $340' . .Dr . HMo . . N th st t tl . ' ~kontas 80 tb aDd or ree on 1e f ••• W.a1 I'OS ter • j us.' rece ntly available to rs an d havIIlg s Io t mac hi nes •an d minor child given to Mr. and Mrs. Williams. coroner .s cost bIII . $5. 90;W ' C. Turton • 4140 lba , .......-' to the publlc. The 1939-1940 roster other gambling devices III their Fred J ohnson. Stanley Earnhart. p . MoO stamps. lump. ,16.56; Treasurer ot State. aup u. contains over 600 pages. not only places of business. The Director statAddle Stiver vs. Wilbert Stiver. $15.00; Dr. O. Willard Ho1fman. med- port ot 4 dependent children. $109.2'7 Bald premlse.a were duly and reglisting aU federal , state and county ed "Ignorance ot the regulations Is case clI.smiBsed. Ical. 750 ; Hatry E. Rudman. 10 ex- Treasurer of State. support of deotIh:.laLs, but Is also contains a no excuse for violations and the sale tractions, $10.00; R . F. G11by. ex- pendent .ch1ldren, $62.04; StanIey ularly appraised for the sum' of SlxPROBATE COURT tractions at ja1l, $4.00; Earnhar. p. M., stamps, 12.17:. ReU~a teen HWldred and no.100..($UlOO.OO) wealth of departmental and histor- of beer and llquor will far Tess likely laLl InfonnatiOn not heretofore as- be subjected to puollc criticism I! all C. B. Dolse company. Dalge Ban. ~:~~~p, electrical supplies and Dollan and ~\I!t be BOld for ' not 5el'Ilbled. This applles particularly to penn1t holders observe the law. Any In the matter of the estate of less discout. tor Ja1l. $7.95; Banks- a r, .' " J REAL ESTATE . the varloUli federal departments. 135 attempt to break the laws wlll be vlg Chris. Brunner. dec ~lsed ; sc1edule Baldwin Law Pub. Co.• subscnptlon leas than tWo-thirds (2-8rds of said ) INSURANCE to Baldwln's Ohio Code, $9.80; John ' S" -.,' !iiiii appra\led value. Terma · of pages being given to a complete re- orously prosecuted." of debts approved. capitulation as to the o1flclal set-ups -In the matter of the estate of Law & Son. gasoline and ,oil , '19.59; .. . . A a...'~ "cash". AUCTIONE-ER and location of all federal depart- On February 1. Ohio took over ~ts Mary S. HaJnes, deceased. service to Griswold ' Service Station, gasoline I =======~====~~~====' J mental cUvislons; this Information t hird state forest park. when the be made upon Betty Smart as a Rnd all. $29 .6T, Wharton Motors. O. M. RIDGE. ' Ouardian WW 'IOU Btune:. ·A... labor and suppl1e:;, $2.20; O. Willard heretofore not being available In any State Forestry Division assumed con minor. of Amanda A . MIlftltt. al 0RPIiR, FE2 PR'tmNEt other pubUootlon. Other states have trol and management of th!! 19.000- In the matter of the estate of Hoffman. M. D. medical. $9.85.; Dr. Incompetent. person. "'co us, 'IOU ARS "ELPI~' signIfied their intention of using the acre tract known as the Zaleski re- William Vil)ars . deceased; h earing James H. Arnold. medical . 13·25; . \16 "\t) NT OUT A C. DONALD DILA'I1JSH, At~rn\l>' Ohio roster as a model In their prep. settlement area, 10 miles northeast on schedule of deb~ set for Febru- Alice M. Arnold InvaUd care. $5.00 ; .,iER. NMPAi'ER" Millard Bryant, Invalid care. '5.00;' &ration of similar publications. of McArthur. The Ross-Hocking ary 19. Nr,t. by birth does one become an area. 'ComprisLng 14,000 acres lying In the mat!er . of the estate of Mrs. Helen Douglunan, invalid care, outcast. The federal liome Owners Loan between Ohll1lcothe and Logan. and Marvllle R. Walker, deceased. John $7.00; . No~ by birth does one become a OcrporaUon now oWns 4899 homes in the Duncan Falls area, of 4.500 acres Walker appointed administrator. Ella Ho1f. invalid care, $5.00; Ed noble. Ohio and has sold 6244. of which ten miles southeast of Zanesv11le, In the matter of the est8lte of Kaiser. invalid care, $5.00; Newton T,hrculh deeds l.t ·1& that one be38]9, were sold ' In 1939, reported fann business. All county farm Alva Hll1. deceased, distribution of Stamper. invalid care. '10.00 ; L. B. comea an outcalt. . ' Hellry G. Brunner, Ohio manager. were taken over by the state some proceeds of sale made. St.E:ele. invalid C9Jre, '5.00; John E. Through .deeda It la that one beon February 3. These ll ,~43 homes time ago. In the matter 0: t he estate • of Wilson. invalid care. 17.00; Suda -Butta ROOT ,oa' ~m),(~ONSICN were taken away from their owners Anna M. Eldridge. deceased, wlll ad- OlElmmoDs. invalid care, $5.00; ~r. comes a noble. . . tor Cattle, hore Iheep.-aDd calv. by toreclosure proceed\.ngs or com- The War Department has an- mltted to probate. Lillian T . E1d- trude Jones. invalid care, '7·00; pulllOry assignments. Nationally. the nounced that the Second AzlDY, In- ridge appol .',ed executrix, H. O. Sarah·E. Harba'Ch, services as clerical B.O.L.C. baa sold 80,112' hOJll.l:S to eluding all Regular Army, National Eldridge, Sr" W. C. Anderson, a nd assi~tant in reUeJt o1flce. .$6.00; Dardate and it still OWM 7'1.~. The Guard and Organized Reserve UnIts ! Glro,.ll HawthQrne appOinted ap- othl' Mounts. se)'V1 o..~ I) -i 1 as· TUDe III Oil- Ibdio StatlOD WeltY 12:26 to 12~80 p, m. for ·our daD, took loa.ses on t,he sal~ .ot foreclosed In tHe Fifth Oorp.; Area st: t"s r f b' ~ !: " 1. ~.~" :ri:!:. · 6.~0 ; Leah market reporta. homes had reoohed $78,000,000 on 01 ·· Wert Vlrstr·:a. Indian!> a~ci I l l~ the ma t.ter of II' e:.tr.,c of ,ual'cl, " ce... :. cle. lcul ~ taut. , s........ February 3. and eventually might Kentucky. wlll take the fIeld ftT ~x- Carl Mullen. decea~vd lJelbert MUI'1 1n rellfe office. $16.00; and On. D~. PtMeall 1f . . t ded i WI ............ d ' bl.... Ut •• tlft'. 0.::: b~..Ih!!..P~~~~~~II~ I!!!!: triple that figure the re~ied . en maneuvers n sCu"""'- ur· len appointed adIDtnl.strator. LeWis & Drakel, Inc .. use ot tlp,bol 1 th lod A t 11 to 31 thl.s =~' ~wD6'5\:d'r;o~.r& T~I: 1 The Ohio loss wa.s $4,455.800. in aa- ng e per ugus . In the matter of t he estate of pIe unloading colill tor court hOllBe, c:~~" ~~ , ~.~!t_~lb·au::":;;{~~~".· .. diCon to selling tosts of $1.561.000. year. The Ohio units which will par- WllIIam W. Sweny. deceased, com- $5.50; Haynes publishing company. _ ___ ......, ._ ._ . 1.1:' tlclpate Will be the Mtlh Cavnlary mission _~ ro. lit'll: "whit aDd u • eo on.. eau..4 tt, ......... ---- DISTRESS • f __ to take deposition of T. C. 19:;3 supplement. $4.50; Co~urnbUli :r::U"~~~"t~~8~ ~J,.:u~~ q........, nnR~ Il , State Fire Marshall Ray G. Gm Brigade of Oblo, th~ 37th Ohio DI- Patterson. Florida, given to Dewey A i.., tPH4r "UoI,' n .... . -. reports In 1938 (the 1939 report I.s In- vision and the 2nd Battalion 372nd Dye, attom""ey-at-Iaw. Bradenton , complete) there were 24.254 fires in Infantry. It 'will be the first Joint Fla. Ohio with a property damage of of ,t he 5th and 6th Corps In the matter' or the will of Adah . $9.997.181. Smokers' carelessn e s s and, together with a large contingent A. Woodruff, deceased, will a,dmitted II _ ~I YO c:nuaed the largest number (2996) of from the U. S. Army Air Corps, will to probate. ' DON'T "take ~!. wit~ ullknnftll flT~8 anc.\' defective wiring ca~se t)1e total over 65,000 men In the matter of the estate of " producta to relieve dlBcomfort, of your 8lfatest damage ($1,591 .499). In 1939 -frank Skinner. deceased. dl.strlbuHaving decided to quit farm ing,: I will sell . at public ehtld', .paamodlc croupy co,\:ba eaued there were 63 convictions on arson . Eight technicians from the Social tlon In kind ordered, Inheritance tax auction at my residence 3 miles northeast of ' Waynesville I . . . trUll~ ~~"';'~:c~"Qr;r~ic cha-es as compared with only 23 Security Board In Washlngtpn are determined, hearin" on schedule of and 4 lI1iles southwest of Spring Valley•. on State route 4Z. •- • .:................:.....a.-..& r...&...· _ 'it'. 7IOl. "jUllt lUI ordloary aa1ve." ... in C 1 b f It Co • Rub It weU.on your kiddie'. cheat. throat dW'ing the previous year. now a um us or a comp e e e.x- debts set tor February 21 . sale of on .QId....u.a.,.... - '....ul:"~~ aud beek. It IQOthee and atimulatee auI'amlnation of the Ohio Bureau of personal property ordered at private ~-=;r-.c~u. ~_ faCe eireulatlon IUId helP. b~k up local Oo~entlng that spending time Unemployment Compensation pro- sale. ,or&q'1IICIa ':,0__ " 4.. to f~ conreetlon and pain. Ita IIOOtblllJ v~ cedure In payIng unemployment fa. . . . . . . . . . . • tab ~ !'C.': .... brealhtl)C •• ~. App.rovctd by Good to WInd a ha,ndless. clock is . about benefits. anti "how come" the In the matter of the estate of . ~=V=bl~c::r~ . ll!ce opere. . Hft~ a fan'n. wi~hout a set $5tI,OOO.OOO treasury surplUli recently Lily M. Egbert• decease. d h earin g on . , -- ---' "'"'8 . .. ~ ~ ...... or - - - -' of accounts to tell whetheJ.'. the tBrpl reported by the Ohio div1slon. Inventory and appraisement Is Be..inninl' 'at 10 o'clock A; M· the foltowin, lIl<'ome la going ba'ckwnrd or fortlnued untU February 16. propen; to-'\1,it: . . dalilii.&in'l'la "'. .. of ......:.• . "'0;;;" ; _'. ward. the Ohio Agrlcu1~ _Exten.To' cultlV\\te kindness Is a valuable ' In the ~atter of the estate · of ------.-..:---....:...----~---..,,:-:.----'------- ~~=~~=~==~==-;::::s ton Dlvls10n has supplied all county part of the' business of lIfe.-8amuel James E. Burke, deceased, sale of 2-HORSE.s.:..2 MILD fann agents with tarm . account Jobnson. n'n! estate IlIPproved. B~th good. wOl'kers . Itc~l- nil .. books which have been prepared by In the ~atter of tl:le estate 0 f .. ~." . Ohio State l]~vers1ty ~rts, to be Henry Holley. deceased, W. Chester 5--CATTLE-5 . sold through the county agents at pated~ Maple appolntea executor. 1 C ow, one 'half JerseYl and .Shorthorn, 1 Jersey COW, cost. The books cost only a few cents C# ~ In the matter ot the estate 3 Guerns~y cows; all T. B. tested and to freshen soon. .-- , ....... .... and aside from the vA'ue of kno.... M~ "For y<nrs I had Dce:!sio n.! constipation. A d D Sh ltz. d ased 1 U.............-0..... w"'& Bldu11la5 bloating:, headaches and back pa in .. n rew . u ece • nven37-H0GS--37 ..... II - ....... wet -T..: " 'hlch farm en+Arpr'~~ are pro'#it Ad lerika alwaY8 be'ped ri-ht away. Now. l to d ert1f1 te t tra _ ...... ...... .......C.l to_ r __ _ .. .......... . - eat 8ausnge. bllnan" •• piet anything ., want. ry approve • c ca 0 ns~ 7 Spotted' Poland China brood sows, 4 of which ' are '" ,:: :-f:t ....... """"~ ....... Able and recording other valuable N~vu felt bettor." Mr.. Mabel Schott. fer ordered. eligible' to re~ristry. 10 fe~ders wt. around 125 IbB., 20 fah t!"_tr"""I"-~ ~ _II 10 formation, I n the matter of the estate o fpigs ' ' .. -".. .1 ....~ .............. 011 ..- ....... - .-.. . the account boob are ex. W t • aroun d 50 Ib8", . c('\lent means of teacl;ling older boys Chauncey Ritchie, deceased. will ' ..... . .........., .hI -..... IilMId ~ wtoe aud girls the Ins and outs of the SOLD AT A L DRUG STOJU2 mltted to ,probate. Ethel Ritchey apFARM .IMPLEMENTS (. t. J".!. '!;.. GIl, • . . . . : . _ _ let OIl ........, _ _ _ _ _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;o-- pointed executriX, Jim . . 2 W aigOl'I'A ~ Oliver. riding breaking ' plow; walking ~,~. "!.=-~~~::~I ::;;;:r~ Charles Oeder and Alva breaking plow; .oliver two row cultivator: single row ' cultiBy C'E Nt CARR appointed appraiSers. vator; disc cuJtivator: 5 shovel cultlvator; corn planter w\th '"'.1 ~"" oIl Il10. ......... t : w h eat uri ~ 'II Wit . h f erb'1 Izer ' ...... . ,eJI 1Ot!of.II.. roe c _-'+.TI~~--:ft In the matter of the estate of c h ec k row 'a t"'..aclUueD. attach- 1_.10 - .. - heM carklnrledSomlrdthered. ' deceased. distribution. ment; McCormkk mOWer; corn binder; steel hay rake· ~ nearly new; .c·ultipacker; drag; single disc ; tobacco setter. • in In the matter ot the estate ' of Ma.rgaret Amelia Hlldebrand, deMISCE.lJ..ANEOU~ ARTICLES . " _' " .•" , ceased, estate relieved from adm1nH~y fork, rop~ and pu]]eys, buzz . saw OUtfl.t ;, li~" lstratton . fountam; 400 egg mcubator; coal brooder. stOV~) mdk c8.'bi ' .' ' In th~ matter 'ot the 'estate of buckets forks: 8hovel~; hoes and many ot,her sIgall ,a rt,icJt l ~ • ~!.;4.r.""~.LtII'I Laura B. Collins. deecased, hearing HARNE8S:~ sides. harness, lines, co))a.rs, .s:-.4.5~~,odcw~'~_Z~·, on inventory set for February 17. halters,• etc" . ' ' . . "~..!\·t~~. ·ICA~,OL,Mr""'..· (~. • - . . - -.... '1" mt! ICIrII!II' ...,l.Imq ~ 1MIi1c'''' FEED :--500 bushels hand ·bllsked corn, abOut ·tO' tODi '.::-.;..~~CIIIIcIo IH bn>Ichicillrrl"'I....., REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS mixed ' hay. . . . . -III.oIdoMo,'_III.""Id.r-·.,.,,......
LaMar Earll1lart. sIX acres In Wayne '
A' I \ uct oneer ,<
Or No Charg-e
,Centerville, Ohio '
Sand & Gravel
State Capital News
lain Armitage r
f W. N.. SEARS '~
' O N &~~E~~:i~~:?~:: INDIGESTI 1tJII'' ' ....,...... . . . .. ."':': 6 ."EXTRA"_ ·,' "E D.S .
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Cllftord SJn1th and'Efite M. Smith . - HOUSEHOLD·GOODS . \:::,-'.~p"",~ Phl_.-"'erow .... to Jesa!e Tinch and Tenn1e TInch, Good ra!lge, circulating heater, pressure gasoline coqk . ~~idufe ih~~~~~ tract 31 In Franklin . "Gran.dvlew." stove, kitchen cabinet, porcelain top table, kitchen table, 1IottI..... ' . '" Fred Carr to Minnie Patrick 50 10 chairs. c;1ini:ng room table, b'u ffet, 6 dining :room ' chairs, =::=;,x::r::~==.~;::;:===::===7=;:~-;f#::i::==~*=;;:=== acres In Turtlecreek township. . ' hig: room~sujte, 2 beds,. ~re8Sers. 'wash stand. 2-9x12 I:UJUI; J. L. L1m1ng vs,,·M. V. 'H ammond' lamps; ·dishes, cookipg utensi1s, ·and m .anr· other. artict'ea.too and Georgella. Hammond. lots 12 . meFOUS to mention. .. " 13 !il
In j
~as~ .of' ba·d weather, saJe will be held unae~ ah~ltel". .,
to 11120, th1rty-aeven W8! spent by the r""n'''....
An ol'cllnllnt'f, \" r"i{lI lal Lh u UPb (Jr, brat Ickhl&' iii ""h, ot ur 110.".' slun or. beftr .l\' II>~oxl "th'K "'Iun'lI In Ihe VIII Il/(C or 'WII Y II "~ VlllJ\, Ohio, by rl xlllS' t hl! houl'~ durln l5 Whloh, I)mol tit mlnllllllm IIM' tJII Ilf tho III'r· Ho ns 10 wl)Om' l'll, '1\ bfl I' lI,nd lilt ](1· "HI Lng IIQuorH mny b~ lIokl. II' HI, RillA , t h 11011.1' (\ ot J.III UO I' '0 111 roJ ot thp Hllue c;t Ohio hl\.8
With: a ;Buckeye In Congress •.• • .. CLAUNCI J. ,.OW1l
.... " .c-.n-. , ...... .,...,...
IId u/ Jl .. ' .... .· lll fllti J.l"n .' gu l u.l,l uns gov" I> Hla(e Olltrol ot ~hQ dlsp"".' 11I~ 1If1,1 ~ a,<' uC tJ~H and '1lI tIlxi !nL·
" . ~
ment, Prom 1920 to mental expenditures amounted to nrty-Ilhree bUUon dollars. ~om 1933 , to 1940, covering onll' the Roosevelt Adm1n1strat1on, , Federal expend!'tures. made or obligated , wlll amount to sIXty-six bUllon dollars,
The economy 'drlVe goes on un.- Mr. John Citizen must bare all when Sea ' on' First Showi';g abl\ted In Congress. Even !.he 8en- the Oensus Enumerator comes New]94,0 ate. which has leaned much more around o,r run the chanCe of paying toward the spendlng side than bas .. heavy fine .or suffering Imprlson• the House In recent year~, seems .to ment for his l efusal to a~er the be In the mpod to save money questions ~ed. Dorothy Gerhard spent Sunday with Beulah Smith. wherever possible Taking , up the i'ic'w luuel,. .. . New De8ign8 ••• , !atl Bill for' ""':'e House kft • ..,ftDaed the RamsI O efl cIency Appropr on p~~ Bill. blanket In the Harvey' Hole is ma,l!:1ng new steps I\e w Low Operating Cost! the Army and Na'(Y a few days ago, at tile Fegy church. the Senate made ~ further cut of under CIvil service without competlD on' t miss our ga.la unveiling of the Mrs. James Hartsock Is reporled more than twelve mUilon dollars In' Uve examination. nearly .three hun. very 111 a.t her home beyond Corwin, n(" \' I ') in Frigida ire models! ' For here t il ,· h ;,1t1ei' uf u n y 1'h" ,U IL l~x\lI '4l h ,\ rrom dred thousand government employ· th o I " ' IHI r t ll lL' lll ur Li q u or CU lllr ,) . !.he appropriation as It came are the smartest reftigero f t lu- Stu.\(" of )hlt) , t tl 8 \~ 1I . ur ,e':' f tf l ' Ule House. After an hour's debate ee!i originally appOinted as poll tical Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gerhard call~Jl l tJ II" s un' ..', ell 'll ' ,', cl l l'4Ic' ll y (ll' In · atO rs ever! Jn beauty. • . specifically ed on Mr, and Mrs . Lester . Kenrick d ~'I' (' ' II )" 1I1'IIRI' It' 0 1' lI y Iii ..... rupl tJ"" 'o the House accepted the Senate re- patronage under laws tI " u~" nl. "r tn jle,' m i t ti lt: o-n 31"rI' f' · dUCtiOll, making a total s&vlng of exempting their positions from Civil Sunday a rternoon . feMmes . .. performance l ion "I tun ('ho Jl l'e ml ~ l· tj of 1h t, 1It'J"nlit Iwhlt"', lill y I.fl e .. 0 " I l1l llxlt'atiJ . g more th'all nineteen million dollars Service . . . surpassing a.nything when the governmental MI'. and Mrs. Ma cMara of Dayton UIIU'i" II HlW'1I 1H l it.· I I(Hl l ' ~ or l ' serve were created. were afternOOn guests of the Rolla you've ever kn o wn. You arc II ' ' 1IH' k fl . Ill , u. ud f) ;:to Il , Ill. o n n n y In lhls particular piece of legislation ageni:'les the9 \\f"\l k d u ,v , cXf' Pll l i lllf th ll t I1I1UI I S "l ~ alone. S'peaJdng of goverm;nental employees Boltons, cordially invited to' see ow: l.nll1 r s ud, a t' l l'! llI a y 11t1 (l o n e 0 1' Hf\r IIl it ll .t III h, ' Iluue (rUII ' 5 :30 o ' c l oc'( --an all - time high of appointees on The P. J . Tho/I1ases and Vern FIRST showing of the year's .. \ . •,1. 1III I i l th e 11011 1' o f rnl d n l g ll L 'II ~ I,all ,IJe "nln wfll l r",· Ih e.,l)!1 lder MClnbers Or Congress are not al- t he Federal payroll was reached this Fordyce sepnt Monduy evening In molt brilliant refrigeratou. "r LI " .1' 1' .... 1111 t I ~H II"II Io~' IIw 1'1(...,11 1'< - ways tl1lnking about goverlUJlental mont,h when nine hundred and Lebanon. Don'cmial .i.tJ Jll t'lIl or 1#111 00 1' ( ' onll' n l t)f til · ~la l tJ five hun!1red Sunday evening visltors at Mr. "I' \1 1110. l<J s ' \1 , !tHor rOl' HILle ~ r mattel's as they gaze about their leg- eighty-seven thousan s I',·C ~ lt h e l ' cll" cr ll l' tl r IIIOII·p ,~ .I) ' , I~latlve ·chambers. Undoubted ly and thirty-eight were' listed drawing and Mrs Rolla Bolton were Mr. and II Lln H·Ir ul' I,~' his lI!1ent or emilio)" .... l<> a ll Y InLo~l cn ll!l 1:' Ilqudl' durlnll the many of thePl are wondering who compensation from the , governmen t. Mrs. Palmer MIlurice of Waynesvllle 11II1I 1' !'4 Ou t We" l1 kn I u i'fla y IIlhln lAll t a lld SlIlIlIo y ml dll l!lll t o f li ll y ",,'~k . among their membership may be e).cluslve of those In the naval and Mr, and Mrs. P. J. Thomas and It ,,1,,111 ll e un((".-rlll f'lI' I he h"lIb r called next. Alreidy twenty-three rrJlltary service, civilian conserva- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whitis and son IIr all )' " l'IlllL ISH II tl 1,1' I li e Depu "Imenl OIr JAQuol' 'onll'oi or th SltU O Members of the 76th Congress have tion camps. portions of the A.A.A" were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. IIr Ohio, 10 He ll. ofr I' for 8111e t) dl d in th sh t f thl t Ml'rvc. Ilh ~ ,· directl y or Ind lre"t\I', e e or space 0 r e~ ana like activities. At the beginning T . R. Fordyce In West Carrolton. Larger Because of Better Quality, Service, and Price IIhns" lt UI' h~' hhi U!lunl 01' emlll ',Yee, months. The last to go was Cassius of the Roosevelt Administration In Mrs. James Wlcal Is sick we are Il il y bee r', whCLh c l' lJ ,r th e pn c kll g ~· I' r Established 1849-1939 - - Waynesville, Phone 32 hy lhe glass or permit III CoJII 81 .... ' j)· C. Dowell of Iowa, veteran of more 1~33. governmental employees total- sorry to report, but glad to say that \ lion or SIU'h tle ·r un W I! IJrllml8 es or than twenty-one years service, and ed 663,847. The New Deal has added Mrs. AI Cornell Is much improved 11 I.Hwrnlt holder h OLW(' nth' hO' II'~ or SalurilllY IIlldlllghl II l1ll &:30 the father of the Federal Aid High- 42S.691, new employees to the gov- from her recent Illness. u'clock A . M . un Suudl\}' or he'. II " 'I ttl" ho"l's 01' II o'clock I'. M . nlHt way program throughout the coun- ernmental payroll In seven years. A delegation of 22 from Ferry Harveysburg.She had been III two 12 Inlllnigh l on SlIlIdH Y. try. His death early last week came Shufe last summer. ~hen eftlclency attended on Friday evenin, the re- ' weelra. It .. h'll! I... IIl1l1lW(ul ( UI' Ih e haI L" 'JI Il " .... "Ill 1",, ', e,1 I,y Ihe OOI,ur t- after but a few days illness. . In governmet was promised If the vlvai meeting held at Mt. Holly last Word has been re , Ivcc\ h ere of 1I1{'lll of ). 1(11101' oll tre l ur lh ~llIlU power to reorganize governmental week. the death or Earl Wise former rcsi. tlf 1,.1,,10. 10 k" I' r' "11 n or ctllllt· \.0, '1. k epI Oil 'n <Lny vin ce or 1" ' e IllI R~~ When the Census Enumerator agencies was given, 101,772 new FedMrs. Lawrence Thomas .and Mrs. dent of t his communit y who a t the IJ f suc h IH'PITIlt la o lfh ·r wh o r lSu r h h I'r or nln XICllllll jf II" II UI' I~ k epl comes ·thls Spring, American house- era I jobs ,h ave been created. Thus Laverna Pringle and son called on time of his death r esided in Clncln· nr o rrer~ 11 ror !laIc U)' roag" n ur t h u h Id [I d i d ffl ul to govfirnment continues to grow. A s w e ha\'e ROld OUl' farm, w e will se ll by public au cI ~p " .ng or ~ II C h IWI'," ll I' P"I'llll lg 0 ers may n t L c t reMrs. J. J . Thomas la.st TUesday ar- natl. Burial was in the cq)ored cemII slgnllttld In this HMltlo ll IIU1'11I/l the strain their tempers. Not only will tion all our farm c hattel s locate d 4 mil es North of Waynel ternoon. etery at Harveysburg. hOI" 'Mthn.l sale () ( 1.1 er a nd In : (1 xlville, 7 miles wes t of Spring Vall e j, 5 mil es, outhea t of cllllllg 11\IIIO/'M lire ,.rohlb ltl',l, all sorts of questions be asked about The American youth 9Ongress, Rev. and Mrs. W. ID. Sm1th and Centervill e, 14 miles South e a st o f Da,yton . 2 mile s No rth ef All Y perMotl fll' p<: rHfl h wh o " 1 ,'I :tl r~ the number In the famlly, their age, two thousand strong, 18 meeting in chlldren Carl Jr. a.nd Beulah at· a ny at the l,rovlH lnns ur tills ,'cl , II • Lytl e, on what is known a s the \\ a I' e l' l y farm, 0 11 IIr Ihl. o,·tllllan'· ~ hnll I.., ""II y ·"r school at~ndanee, employment, ·ete .• Government AudJtorium in Washtended the Boy Scout ~nquet held , 1111811' Ill unor anll U P'>Il co'" I," ' " but the government will pry further 1i1~ton this week, Attorney General at the school audltodum In Waynes,h"r!'ur Hhltl l b ~ flll pd not If'8~ Lh ,.. . ~ u ,h <Iollar" I ,1 O . III~) nOlOlll<Yre I hn', Into the private Uves 01 Its citizens Jr.citsOn spoke at the opening session W. W. Tate was returned home vIDe Monday evening. nety dollnrs 1$ [,0.1)0 ). !lnd costll. than ever before. All sorts of qUflll- which was ' eJso attended by Mrs. t','o vld erl . how"",·,·, Lh"t lh o\\' nRolla Bolton 15 having an auction flam Miami Valley hosplt.al Tuesday " I'. I)rolll'l I'lor (,I' p 'rsot) hu."III,~ tlolls about tamUy Income and fam· Roosevelt. Two youths were ejected sale of h" farm chattels Feb 21 where he underwen t a major oper.Ihw!'!l'e ur " hoI cl, I' '~ tn, u l'a n l, lu n h In f " ' . . .. Ianll or a pe,'son ol",mllnll' :t "'1I11t lly debt will be asked. A h~us g cen 10m the meeting when they at- The ladles of the Ft~rry church wlll atIon. AT 10 A· M . .~~\"I~ bW~~IC:r ~~'II;)(l ci.~i~~~:?(~\I:'.l tl~ SU8 will'tte taken, with Uterall~ dpz- ,tempted 'to Introduce antl-Commun- 'serve lunch. The Boltons are planDr. Marlon Shoemaker remains In M id, ~"I)l cor ·orr.' I· ' it t or 1\1\1 tinder ens and dbRDa or questions to be fat resolutions. The work or the Dies n1ng to move . to Columbus In the a very ' critical 'C ondition at Miami 2-HEAD HORSES-2 1I1f.' h p"rml L fir IWI'mlls "h nll I,,) lield aDllwered. The .....vemment wUi want Committee was assailed at the meet· l(j ·,bu.vti oC'fIlplh'd \\'l th II ... Cloeln ,. "V near future and the Frank Fox Vel1ey hospital, Dayton, Samuel Bowles. local barber Is Good 7 yeHt' old team Roan ge ldings - xce ll e n t worker. l)rO vlHlons or \jllis H~c tl OIl whon the to know the most intimate details of Ing and demands were voiced that family wUl move to the Bolton 11111', pll\ce Or portion of /luld pr"m · 18e& from wMoh Hulel b 'er or Inl o:c l· famUy life. Including all about the C(\Hgress appropriate five hundred property now owned by Stephen Gll- cx.nflned to his home because of ilJ3-HEAD CATTLE-3 cn.llns 0 1' Is 80ld, Ii PI or ~tr red mortga·ge. whether or not the' nay- mUlion dollars for jobs and tralnntss. 2 good cows· 1 jersey heifer, , JDaIl. ' r.... 80.10111,11 Iii /I lIrel), c 108 ~ d I\n,l kep t .l'iosed Ilnd rio IIcpr OJ' I' n oox l catl " ~ menta are being VIet promptly. the Ir.s for youUlB between th~ ages of 10-- BRED BROOD SOWS-I0 Mrs. J . L. Myers entertained at liqu ors !lolel or til rnll.h ,1 rh erel., ,r ht!r home 'With the County ExlenDue to farrow l'ast of March or 1 st of April til r.. from. ' amount of Interest paid and other sixteen and ~wenty-f1ve. Both PreslSt'cllion ~. An~' per!!on I \\' h~ con· personal financial details. Then ques df.nt and. Mrs. Roosevelt are schedslon demo·nstration . to-day. . 26-HEAD OF GOOD SHEEP-26 il'::'Jo~" I~~~n h~~~ p~I' 1ll1~~OXo~l\t~~~ tlOllS wlU be aalred about the Ught- wed to address the Congress during Mrs. Clara Glasco Is much better Allis Chalmers W, C, steel wheel tractor only plowe.t Ilermit holder a8 II I rtor lh III !:Ie Lloll Ing' fIXtures the hea....... s"stem the its meeting. but she Is still confined to her bed . 140 A.. Alli. Chalmers corn plow, Allis .. Chalmers .. cora • .~.. J ' I uC 11111" nrdlnllnc u tlur lng th e hnut" !.tlill 80.Ie or MU h II (!r nnt! I li la)!' '", . !bath rQOID and how many use it, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hooper of plow. Alli. Chalmers plow. Roderick Lean Tractor disc. 111[1; lI qUMII rl) .>ra hltll te,1 I)rO' . . Harold Bogan, arid Miss Hazel "'est Union, were calling on Mrs. F ARM MACHINERY vit!t'd tllt' r In, 8111\11 Ib KU \ll ~' ur :l o~ and on ad na~. Last weel!: For the benefit of any 'Citizens still mlsd cme(,noJ' nhd U\i n eOllvl<lllOIl RepUbUcan Members of the House I interested in governmental expendl- Ftrrls accompanied !by Paul Tomlin- Maude Shoemaker. Horse drawn d'ouble disc, :ingle disc, Oliver di sc cultil ller~o r 8hull I,,, tined In 1\ 11 )' um Mr. and Mrs. Wllbur Bemungton I vator, steel hayrake, Oliver riding s ulkey, 3 w a lking plow. ot t~ e~ce!ld twe nly· ll v(! . d"lIiu's tried to eliminate from the law the turflll, attention Is called to the fact son and Miss Helen Handall motored to Dayton Sunday E!Vening and saw were caUed to HllIsboro, Sunday on 'l one just new, 5 shovel plow , Ohio c ultipa c kel', ste.el roller, (UI;.(lO) , 'and OSUI , that th Be tlOI\ 3, It ' RIII,I'U be unlll,w(ul ror provisions for the houslng census e entire cost of Federal GovUte holder of any peNnlt 11I8Ued 'JY aDd to otherwise reduce the troubles emment between 1789 and the be- L~e picture, "Gone With the Wind", a<:eount of the sickness of his sister, steel frame 60 tooth harrow, Black Ha',w k e manure preader, Hoosier corn planter, fertilizer ' attachment, MeCor:~ ("gf:{~~I?'o~ro~ 't~q~~rl, ~rr'~I~lf~: of American cltlr.ena in connectIOn g1nn1ng .of the World War In 1917. ·Mr. and Mrs. Jo)m Syferd visited Mrs Henderson. , mick mower, iron wheel wagon , pipe axle with top bed, 1. 8alo or servtl, eltho.- dlreclly 'r In· with the taking of the census, but was ·t'll(enty-elght billion dollars; dur In Leesburg TUesday. .dlr clly , ,blIllS It or ' by hra Rlfont 0,' Friends are grieved to learn of the (D~yed) ft. hay rigging; grave l bed; McCo rmick corn bindel', Deercmnl pycc,. pr to permit the COnBlI"'I" were defeated in their efforts. 80 Ing the World War period. from~917 death of Mrs. Tom McGuinn of near lion ot, upon Ute premi se" lh o p r · ing wheat binder, 6 ft . cut Bemi s tobac: eo ette r , tobacco. mi t haidet, nny beer to (PI' )IY) 1111)' Dr. M. A . .Shoemaker 18 In a very press 1000 lb, p ·l atform scales, self fee d e r , Hog waterer, Il rson unl 8S he II ha ll have nllaln d 1110 elf or elll'htef'n y n'·8. 01" an y serious condition at MIami Valley set double ladders, 1-16 ft ladd e r, dj ~(; f urrow opener, Inl O)! lcn lln g Itquor to (,or b)' ) ,lny hospital In Dayton , He Is suffering wood frame woodsaw 26 in blad e, 2 , c ro s c u t saws , let IlQrSOn unless II .. hull hlw '<llnln c,l I II~ OK" (I' ItW nt y, on ~' en. l· 6. from uremic poisoning. fence stretchers, c l e aning mill , 4 n e w farm ga t es, 2 seed Any por .on or· p ..lana "ho vlo· The Y. W. C. A. will meet aL the sowers, Ringle wir e str etc h e r , 2 A. hog h ous es . .' teel fene . ~nll'A ony or til pl'o"IAIOnJI , nf ' ~hl ROl'llolt Of thl e ol'd llln l\ e altl\\1 Iii' home or Mrs. J . L. Myers. p·osts, llot 42 inch fencing, lumb e r , forks , s h ove ls, hoell, !fullt y o( II. misdelllt'ano r p.nd · 11 1' 011 The Harry Dumford family is chains, sing le and double tree " Oliver corn c ul t ivatol', etc· l·n!l\·";tion Ih"reot . hnll he fIn ed no ;" 811 I,hllll I II "olin I'" 'UO.flO) nor quarentlned with scarlet fever Phyllis HARNESSS-Good se t tug harness, lin e.',' bridles, halIIH1r~ limo I'lIlh' dollnr. \UO.OO) and . 'OSl8. and Barbara are afflicted. ters, 8 good leathm' co ll ars sizes 20" to 23 ' . St' 'Uon 4. In thl' Interprellltion or William Tate who was operated on BUTCHERING TOOLS ;-Lard pres" S:111.' age grindI hili ortllno'lfc:e, ,1'1 " WOl'd8 "nd for stomach ulcer at Miami Valley er, 2 iron kettles with stands, Ifllra! 8 "be r", 'Intox lrn.t1 ng liquo rs' , " ,,<'r8tm " . "~ RI " "sell " "hol el" ",' e8 hospital sholts slight Improvement. IIII"·l1 nt". "llItH h. BIRnd;' It,ncl "nIgh t MISCELLANEOUS; SharpI e ' c r e Hm se parator, cln b", 111111 IIllv," ~l1e lIame III n.nLnq Mr. and Mrs. John Cramer enter- c r e am sepal'atol', cream cans, etc · ll!l hilA hI! ' n' "h'en \Jo th ellr W <l I ' rI ~ , tained the members of their card Ilnll flh rullu" " . lho LI<lIioI' C'o ntNl FEED;-1800 bu. s orted hand hu s k e d corn , clover ,\ et 11~'8R .I' h;oo I)lt' GOlleral L~ .. ml.lly club, Tuesday evening, .. r Ihe SIa Le of Ohio, all lIet eortb In and timothy seed, potatoes . Mrs. Laura Howland has returned III Oenoml C~lle Q[ OhIo, a~ctlotl. HOUSEHOLD GOO OS; SOllth B,.nd rna l!ea b1 e Iteel (;0 64 · 1 e~ 8Q'I ,: :i'nd 62 0l\ ' e,' ,I,Q • . "nil ' home after spending thc last two range, Sentinel battel'y I'adio set· and many various iteRI . " un)' I\,na a.1l s\rb8QlIllnt • ~It rations, .' :u.dd!lfo,hB ,0" ,B,lnenClII\'e tlt8 l'h reto, .' months with her son Ohmer In Day. not mentioned. ,J!;, • Sl¥;tlon PI' .;o. J1 ' ~dll\l\ncel! ' "aru or, , .:~ (ll'dV1\8.h CIi, 1'CJ\oItIUOne IUlt! paris de ton . This is truly a wondel'ful 'sa le of farm c hattels a •• ". ' · ,'e"olltlons ' l·nconllll!tent Wlttl lhls or· MIss Rosalie Harris student at the sells as we are.:.leaving the farm ,1Ina'nC\I I\r h'&re.,y ,rcl'paled, " . ' • Bible Seminary in Cincinnati, spent . $ ' ~Iot'l . G, ,'ruII" 'ord~iiinae' Is h.ero~ .' hy tdeclurel1 to be ' n.n emergenc y I the week end with her lparents. TERMS CASH - '. Ineal\ur ne.ol'ssar ror the puhll I Mr. and Mrs . Howard Powers and • l1ear&. . P\lb~ healUi and _public . · BoYd Rod tlH!'reI6r,ll lhl. nrdlna n··o II Sal' Danny of springfield were week · ;' .. hal\ becomfl ' tr live h'rimedlatel)' : 1 IIpon Its pallJ!al'e . . , . . , end guests or her parent.s Mr . and J., 1'1I8"ed: r,':e:bruary D, 1940. ' Mrs. W. H. Mondabaugh . ,\Uf)8t:-J.(, M, 1lrO)/, Clerk .~ F. T· Martin, Auctioneer ~. ~ A . K .II DR.)' . MAY '+'," 1 Centerville, O. Phone 78J 203 Custer Bldg. D a yton , O. AD-S661 Baile)' & Pennington, C lerks . Church Has Lunch 1111( II<IUors. nnd \l1J Illrl lcAf>, t h.. \ I11nge o [ Wn.y · II 'Kvl ll , Ohio, d Air 8 lO 0011 t a '." II'll.h III SI1") BIII\r,t hI Ih r !l ul u · r Illn" I h rear. Ilnd I I U:IJ EAI:l, '8ald Village 1 W:.y· 11 08\' 11 Ie. Ohio [wish es La u,lorl 1111,1 unfureu Wlthl ll Irs 111 11118 such 1"",,1 pullo\) r egu l JlUolI ~ in I' ~gl\rd lO ",,' ror'ogol n!!' RlMI'I'';, III! I~I'C I)Ol III ':OrorIlOL wllh th e gen bl'n l illlI " or • 1'1, Stro le or Ohio : th el' 1'01' , II I·: IT OI(J) .~I:-;I-:I I)\' Ih l) ool llci l "r tl> Vllln!; "r 11 11 )' ,'1 H"IJ I ' . 'tllle . ur hl o: SI·c llon I. Il ~ I"dl IH' ·l1nl u\\' 11I 1 (01'
Wh;; ;-;;
Fairley Hardware Store
Wednesday, February 21
L. '.
j .
MT. 'HOl.bY ,
Mr, and ~, HenJ'Y . Berses antt 'Children Nancy Lue and Johnnie or Dayton were Sunday dinner g\,~tS of ,Mr. a~d Mrs. RUey Gibson. I ( Mr. and Mrs. Roy §haW: of near ' Spring Valley spt'nt WedneSday with Mr. Mts,', ~ue-Morpn' l Mr, an{ Mrs Olenn Oruhot ' and ' !JOn Doli cd .~O~Ood 'a~i1t th~ week ' end wlt.h, Mr. and .. Mis. ~nce crawford and tam1lY~ ~ MJai Anna ZtinIner of Beav~tOwn . and ~ Wendell of ~pha Bundafdlnner peats.of ,Mr. \' anti ·Mrs. Emerson . ~ and SOD ~ ~lPii Aft~oon· callers were Mrs. ,~ciob zlmailer aDd ' sOns Jackie 'and . DklIde, " .' . ',' ;::,: -~~! ,. 'ffilt , MQ, uorui, Lu¢all' and ~! ' Pra . , KelUI are on the aIdt' Ult, · , ' ! Mn. '1IarJ lItumed to ~ home taeJ.e .fter ~nar\; few _ weeka with her DIeie. ' lira. Kather.- . • 1m! Welcb. oJ. XeJiIa. .. . '
, were. .. ..
Teach \II deU8ht ~ 1bD~' thJDII . And mlrtb baa DO " . aprbIIIJ PorIlveDllli free aI evil ..... And lOY" co an men. •. .th ·the .... ~~~ ,~~~~
. Will Rogers'
I Humorous Story 1 ~------------------
Laughing ArOund the World
SOMETIMES folo aend me in a story that 1 think is pretty !rOOd, 30mp. times they're Dot so ltoOO. You can be tae jud,e of this ODe. . A patieDt who complained of diltest\Ye troubles was told by a specialist that he was drIDkiD.r too much and would have to. lmock it off, '. I • "Well," aald the patiot. "what am I to tel11D7 witeT"
The Choice of YOung Cohen 'By
;p so b~ell in the
aVJN s~ c;oaB. ,: ' .
.. '
mont~ pree~ our . ~·iDto . the Great War, i thl1t m a Buburb. ot: 9hlcago a prepareda~ league waa organized. . Swept away by patnotie love fot: his adop~ eolDitry a youth namad '
E MfAM( CAZE1TE p ••
advance more l'apidly \American ·Boy Magazine ': BOY and develop more worth· characteristics than do Companion To Thousands while boys who do not read it:
•• lte offer a satisfac.fory Service all times
Ll'llo Kovcrmnn , Reporter
ftRrBIDA'I', . . . .UABS____ II. I _I
Trained writers and artists Thc tea 'n for lhe l> 1101' scllolarfrs. SII 0 Saylor spent lost week h d f famous coaches and athShip (E'S ls to be n l\' n ' n t.eb nnoii \.illl her child ren In D.ayton. Hundred of· t ousan S 0 letes, exp.lorers, scientis t 8 March 30 hm; bt'(l ll choscn: 'rhe stllThc ('oodltlon of' Mrs, ~Ien Hole, boys and young men read and men successful in busiurn(s 110 'CI\ hav!' \.IIC hIghest aver- who has been connn d to her home T~E AMERICAN BOY Ma~= ness and ind\lstry join with ngr_" 'I ll th senior do ' and have fc,1 £e\'eral months, 'has not been en- azme .every month .a!,d co . an experienced staff .to protll k(!n a va rlet,y of subjects, which' c'lurngtng for the past three we ks. s ider 1t more as a hvmg ~om- duce in THE AMERICAN Waynesvill~ rook them doubly ellglbl~. Included Mr. nnd Mrs. Elferett Early left pamon than as a magazme. BOY the sort of reading ••••-........-.~.. .................~.. ..........- - - - - - ._._...........- ._ . _ .....- - - . . . . . . 01-. thc team ar : CharloLte Hart.man . Tbll; dnv for a month's sojourn in ''It's as much 3: buddy to m'att~r boys Hke best. me as my neighborhood . Fm da Ell is, Ca rol Lud ington, 'A nna Flori da , ' ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~~~~!!!!!~¢~!!!!!~- "'Tal' Watk ins. Mary Eva LeM ay, Bob Miss LRura Rosnogle or Clncin- c hum" writes on e hi g h THE AMERICAN BOY P:l ston, and LeUR Koverman. 1:11L1 was R week .lnd guest or Mr. schooi sen ior. "THE AMERI- selJs on mo t llewsstan~s . at P(('pflIR tlons fo r the a pprOacblnq Rnd Mrs. Harvey Burnet and . Mr. CAN BOY seems to under- 20~ a copy. SUbSCrlptlO~ BARGAIN HR. 15c 'TIl 2:00 S I 5 1:; wlll begin Immcdi lltely ulldel' and Mrs, HRl'old WhItaker and s tand al boy!s problemR and pnces are ~2.0? for o~e yeal. the supe rvision of the various teach - f., mlly. c on s ider them .in such a $3 .50 fOI thl ee ye~l s. For Friday • AND el's Mrs. Mlntie Smtth Is spending a s ympathetic and helpful way elgn rates l?Oc a real extra · There nl'e tew players In the NacOl:ple of weeks with frie nds in Cin- It gives advice and entertain- To subscribe Simply send Saturday tlonw League who go about their . . d' ~ , bJ' e·t your name, addre Rand re The last basketball I:'a me of lhe c!J: natl. Mrs. Fred Fisk of Indepcn- ~ng 1 e.a mg 011 eV~1 y s u. . c _ mittance dire c t toT H E busll?ess as Quietly and emcientJy as season wlll be played Friday night cll'n e. Ky" Is now ca l'ln g rol' her 111 wh1ch a Y0l.!ng lel1~w 1S Jtl AMERICAN BOY 7430 SecIvaI Goodman. 30-year-old rlg ht- IV· ll' ll Waynesvlllc meets Mason llIothel'. Mrll. Mary Gmy. who IS tere~ted , It I P;'II'tlculal'ly . 'M ' h' --....~·i··CCREEN----__ fielder ot the Cincinnati Reck at MaBon. IC Igan. h e lpfu l in sport~. I made our ond Blvd., DetrOit, slowly ImprOVIng. , Goodr Is a si:ent operator who b ' ~V,t, .ontgomery Mrs, A. E. Whit Dnd SOil Paul. or l:ichool b a.sketball team- bf.· lIeves In physical. not ve.. bul, p r 1ft j tormal,ces, hnt. the results he vb- Tlw Hom!' Econom1cs girls \\'111 Columbus spent SUndRY afternoon cause of playing tips I read '~e Earl of Chi,c;sgy" talns Indica tes his is n good potey. Si'lve the monthly dInner mcetln g to with Mr. Rncl Mr!l, Kesler Gmham . in THE AMERICAN BOY." M!CKIE SA YS( It ,> Civic club members and their Rcvlva l meetings beg in at LyLle M any famou s athletes in L ecause of his modesty. genpml w;vcs , Mondny evenIng. church thIs Tllul'sc:lny vClllng, In all ~ports cred it much of SOMf SUBSCRIBERS ~')\ attitude, and abUlty to pIny ba ll. el' DI'r;e of the pastor . Rev. Hilda their s uec s to helpful sug; i"i-l ' IOEA,'tAAT WE MAhc. /. Goodman Is the hero of t.h e Cinelli. The bOys Who Ilre tak ing part In Snyder. as.<lsted by WlC vested choirs gestions rec e iv e d from sports SO MUCH .MO~E\i C5lJ A~~ Ilat! bleacher fans, al\ of whom b ,f: t 1\(' IIl1'ltRtlon 7th & 8th grad e lour- of Sprlng-boro and Red Uon article!; carded in T ·HE AIJ'. JOB \VOR\<., WE DOIJ'f the game from rightfield, the pru,l · nunlellt arc : Tommy Gates, Ma rlon : l:urches. AMER ICAN BOY Magazinel tlon Goodman patrols. Few of th e~ e Ilr bllt Ra ymond Isaacs, George ~A\lE i l CPL.\,E,C-r OUR-Mr. and Mrs. Leon SnllsbLu'y, MI s Virtually every isslie offers fallS who worship their hero rea,ltze Mel.gle. CnrltOIl Stanley, SI.IBSCR,\P\\OJ-l MO~E:1\ Harold Mi'lam and Wendell Salisbury oC a dvi ce f,'om a famolls coach the Reds once muffed a n opportwl - Pr!ce. Henry Schoonover. George Washington C . H. were Sunday or player. Football, basket\, AIIoJ'f 50, FO\...\<.$! ity to buy him for a very modest WieR!. Kenneth Bradl ey. a nd Johnny guests of MI'. and Mrs, Alien' Emrick bill I, tJ'ack, ten nis, in fact , ~SOI sum, then shelled out tewenty thous Pllli1ips, The Wnynesvllle t.ea m will Mr. and Mrs, J . B. J ones were six eve ry major sport is covered a.nd 'bucks for him a fcw years later, play Loveland at Maineville nt s ix o·c.lock dInner gliestS Sundny of Mr. in f iction and fact Hrticles. aftel! Goody's spectacular 1934 sea- o'clock Thursday evening. If I.he.\' m.d Mrs. StAn ley Ball y an d dfl ugh. Teachers. libraria'ns· parson w1th Rochester of the Interna- w!n that gamc they lvill play again WI' . Phyllis, at Utica,. . ents nnd le aders boy tlonall.eague. at ten o'clock, Mr. nud Mrs. Wal ter Kcn rlck and c lub:; also recommend -U'HE An added feature to the COincidences ./:: /lles Hai nes saw "Gone With the AMERICAN BOY enthusiasthat surrounded Goodman's presWind " at Loew's thentre Dayton. t ically. They have found that as a general rule regular ence on the ClnclnnaU roster Is the SUllday afternoon . fact that Warren O. GUes was on Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham cJ,l- readers of THE AMERICAN the selling end of Goodman's contertnined Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gratract at Rochester In 1934. and now hiun ant! Mr. nnd :~rs. Robert Blney ._------- - :,;. Is his general manager_at CinCinnati at dinner Friday leVenlng, 1n honor Local Methodist leaders In and of the former's birthday. GOOdy was an Immediate success near Cincinnati will join In a mas~ Mr. and Mrs. Ha:rold Whitaker nnd with the eRds. He ba tted ,269, but meeting on Februnry 16 In Clncin- hlld n. ,,&.. Ha'lI've BUI~et nnd led the league in triples wi th 1& c re .,'nS. y .. .. knocked Gut a dozen homers, and l1all as part of the Methodist Ad- Ml·S. Th er Ie J ones an d ' son a tte n ded PUBLIC sALE DATES vance, a na tIon-wide movement com the dance and Cll\'tl party at' the stole 14 !bases. The following year ll,emoraUng the wider reach of Waynesville gym Frldny evening, Feb. IlJ-..Farm.8ale, 2 mlles E, We.lt he upped his average to .284, tied for Methodism as brought nbout by the Mr. Sherman Tinney wa s called to Union. the lead in triples and had l7 homcrs recl!l'ft union of its three principal Corwin Sunday by the death of his ~~ ~~Feb. 2o-Dlxie Auction , Miamis- In 1937 his average was .273. He bios branches. father, Ml-. Joseph Tinney, burg. O. somed out as an all star member Directed by the Council of Bishops Mrs. Marga,ret Johns and Paul Feb. 2L-Rolla Bolton, 3 mlles north 1938. as a .result of his .292 batting. the Methodtst Advance will continue Johns, in compan~ wI th Mr. and Wayn~ille 30 homers , and ten triples. then untU the General' Conference at At- Mrs. R M. Turner and son of Oen. PATHFINDER pCJl1s keep mUllons ot folks eve~here ~tea . ' Feb.21-7 P. m. 1015 E, FIfth st. Day- d~llcated as an wi star member In lantlc 01"" l1ext April. Although the in advance on vital questions-war, politics, e ectionsl...farm Is b .~ terville and Misses Vlvinn Johns problems, labor, world events, An exclusive ATHFWlDER ton. 1939, h est season ~ the majors. Advance program ' \vllI be carried on and LinGa Lou Hlllnes of Bellbrook f~atUrc. Notbins:else like,it. A real news sensation. Feb. 22-2314 W. Third St, Dayton. Goody's home rull output dIminished In local churches throughout the In- saw "Gone With the WInd" at down to seven, but he increased his lad I will b i d Feb. 23-F. B. Long Auction 00. tervenlng per . t • e eature Loew's ill Dayton Saturday afterFeb 24-Adm Sal 2 miles west Tip}) triples .from ten to 16 and his doubles by rallles In 112 principal cities of _ . . e. from 27 to 37, while stepping up his ' noon, A large cro\vd was in attendance CIty• average to .323. As a result of his all whleh the Clnclnna.tI meeting 11 is one I.st : (" 2C-5 miles south Hillsboro. tar Three visiting btshops wi ass at the Ladles Aid mceting WednesBesides, PATHFINDER Is the worid's ~ farm sale' route 62, s ". game 1ujury be only plaYed In Bl.shop H Lester Smith, resident day at the home ot Mrs ' Walter I oldest and most widely-reod news 124 gamr.s . . magazine, brinsing to you in wordS Feb. ~7-Dix1e AucUon Co. M l a m i s - ' area head, in conductIng the Cincln- Kenrick . The AId voted to give and pictures every thin,. that happens. burg, o. • . In add~tlon to J:>cing II. powerful n:lti meetlnlr. They are all three of $100.00 toward t:be new furnace.: fresh from the world s news center FcD 28-Mrs. Her~t Wetdle, 2 mUes hitter, Goodman Is one of Lhe fns~t the form er Methodist Episcopal The J;darc.h' meeting will be ' In . the in Washington, World events verified ,a,nd interpreted, boiled down inlo 20 . men in the National League Iillci 'UhGich SOuth. aftel'Doon at the home of Mrs. \'lest Miamisburg, ' interesting de~rlments - unbiased. Methodist Advance meetings dur- Frank Kurtis. Fel;' 28-7 ·P. m. 1016 E. Fifth st. has one of the best thrOwing arms non-partisan. , dependllble. complete. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Deweese enDayton. ' , He's just a go06 ull around ba\) PIa; Ing the day will be at Wesley 'Chapel Costs 75% Jess. on East Filth ~treet, the luncheon tertalncd at dinner Sunday . .Mr, and Peb. 29--Ralph Burns, 1 mUe south of Miamisburg. " er. will be at the Masonic Temple. and Mrs. Spencer Bun'is and Ilttle dough the evening mass meeting will be at ter of Dayton. Peb. 29-7 !p. m. F,_S. Long. 2314 W· Third St. Dayton o . 1 Lhe Scottish RiLe Audltorl un~ In the Walter Kenrick has been appolntMarch ~Anna Hoyle. 3. mlles north i- II • Masonic Temple, Fifth and Broad- cd by A. M. Parker, cou.n ty auditor, ~Irst way. to nsslst with thll personal tax reWaynesville, O. March ~Roy FJt~rld, Registered .. Lurns. He w1l1 be at your service In sale. AmonG' Boy Magazines Goodness and phllanthrqp begin the evenings until AprU 1: If you are go1.ng to have an aucwith work lind ncver stop working.' The members Clf the Lytic 'church tlon see me for your sale dates. I Bo~. All that I.s worth reckoning Is what 'board met at the home of Kesler . personally arrange all advertising , I \J w,~ do, and the best ot everything Is GI'aham Thursdl!y evening. Paul and conducting of same. IIOt too good , but Is . economy lind Johns was hired as janlwr for the F. T. MARTIN. Auctioneer Sr."IIanl ",./lca"o" loy. rlches.-Mary Baker Eddy. cpmlng yenr. The members wish t... , centerville. O. PbVDe 18J ". ~ _ . --1_______. thank. the outsiders end -also mem. 203 Custer BlcIr., Dayton AD3661 I.. ell ...... w,.I'.....1141 artll,. bers of the church who so' generously
McClure Funeral Home
News .Of The Red
SUN. - MON. '::'1TlfE'.
Methodist Meeting In Cincinnati
athfinder Polls 01 Pubfic Opinion
Read in More Than a Million Hom.
~;HFiNr;EI Both ;::r Only $ 2.00
LI FE '0,.""
roc. ."l&otl..,. It••,." ,h.'rfl.ld••
Every man feels lnatinetlvely that 1\11 the lleautlful sentiments in the world weigh l~ tha,n a sl:llgle lovely Bctlon.~ames RusSell LoWell, Our 'grand bUainess In We is DOt to see what 'lles dimly at a distance, but to do what 11es clearly at hand. -Carlyle. I must do somethmg to keep my thoughts frt"h and growing.-J~mes A. Garfield.
An 'dea' Gift 'or Any 80y Send fl.5'0 for year'. sublcrlptlon
2 'arlc Avenue • New ,..rlc. N. y,
February 18 and 19
,1::::=:::1'01:101:'=::1' 1
,g 0
60 16R'41
Emma Mae Beauty
Beech Grove, ----....
8R 11
Emma Lou·Lewis
John J. But.ke
lUCilged "dv.n'ur••••• port. '" POD '" of plctur..... comlccartoon. • , • I'ngl•• anti ,oke •• , , In.plro· tlonal artkle ••"Scoutllttlfea,ure.
donated money l 'or the new furnace A very large c:rowd of members and a number of' guests enjoYed tlJ.e "Farmer's C~ub' : whlch was entertallied at ~he home of' Mr. and. Mrs. Hnrvey Burnet ~['bur.saay. Arter the bounteous /dlnneJ~ all were delighted· to hear the unusually Interest1ng address On Abrahllni Llncoln given b. the guest $j)Caker, .Dr: IIcKinney 0 Dayton. '
Henry Moore ~Jr. returned to ~Is LEWIS STONE-home In Iowa.· the first of the ' week. MICKEY ROONEY attera lew day~ visIt wlth- relatives here. . Added Short Subjects Mrs. Ella Ferris was a Friday visitor of Mrs. ~ WUson, of Leba. TUES. and WED. non, who -has been quite ill tor sevFebruary 20 and 21 eral weeks. Her friends ' here are pleased to learn that she Is much lrr.proved In health. "JAMAICA INN" Perry Wells and 80n OharleS were business visitOrs in Jackson, Wedwith day. Albert Lee Talmage was a. SaturCIIARLES LAVG TON-, . . day diruler guest 01 his mother and -MAUREI::N O'B~ grandparents, MI'. ,and Mrs. W, W. Also Selected Short Subjects Sh4l'ts, in South ·Id!banon . Dr. p, J. Reiner, m Oltlcln~I;l, 1 . THURSDAY-:-FRIDAY ma'de several calls in thls February 22 and 23 . Tupsday ~iht. . ," "AR~ANSAS T~VELEI!-" Mrs. Staliley 'Gray and Mrs. T. McaulilI~, near ttl~e' ,a re convaleSCing with from Illness. mueJl .to the delight of BOB BURNS -FAY BAINTER the~r friends.; .~ \ . .. ' 'Added Selected Short Subjects . Miss OJarlce ' GraY, ..qf Dayton, ae. Cotr•..,abled by aORte friends, and' Mr. SATURnAY O"lLl!· an~1 \Irs" 'J~ PennlDgi 'n. were Febraan- '24 vl&l,tors ot..the G~ fam1h6; an Well. "SOUTH O-!, TIm BORDER" with. GENE AUTREY
man. SundaY, lIIra, Adah !l'alrnap ~ J, Lee Talmage the annual meet. lng and banquet tile WQn889tUe
,. .. •••••••••••11 Parmera'
Orall" ball.
' AU 'u •• d . c ....
,DI'k*t 't oaeUfUt in :oidei- to make . ~ room fOl' man trade-In..
Buy no,,- be-
Drk:eI rI.. -aM _" the
FIREWOOD to be cut
Geolll'e Henkle
on sharts. J25-Pl-8°
SELL.-Your crea,n .., WI. 'We pay the High price at all tlmea. Com· munity Kitchen. Pl-8-16' FOR SALE-Oliver breaklnr aulltey plow, Imperial walking plow, MUbUril farm wagon. all 1n good condition. Ernest Butterworth. W.ynesvllle, R. R. 2, FU\·22-20· FOR SALE-Apples. Pure elder Vineaar. J , L. Mendenhall. Fe·15· FOR SALE-5 yearling heifers. Law\'e~e Fleldll. R. 3., Waynesville. F11i-~-21I·
FOR RENT-House wIth ~ acres of ground in LYtIc. Ohio, A. L. Klnlr. 1"15· PUBLIC SALE Sat. Feb. 24th. at 10 A. M. 3 MI. N. E. WaJ'llenlUe. On U, I laree 'arm sale and bouaehold 1OOda. ,W. M. Prende..... t W. N. Sears, Auct.
PUBLIC BALI: Moo. Feb. 28th. ai 'J P. M. The Malll" property in W.,....-
'11Ie. O. M. Rldee. Olal'dllla , W. N. Searl, Aaet ".. .. ..... .
Let WI decide honesUy "hat can do, and then do It with ' all our mlght.-Amella D. Barr.
It Is the lltUe things well done that go to ,malce 'Up a succeuful and truly loOd llfe.-Th~ore Rooae,elt
Pitas BeiDl Fonaalate•. Fir Ba~II' lealie
FEBRUARY 22. 1940.
.. _._.- - ..- ... -_. •.
Local Happenings
---- -- -
At a meettna held in the TownahIp Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bentley vislt.ed relatives at Port Ancient. Saturday ~uae lIonday even1nr. Pebl'Uary 12. th. followtna direc~ tor the local aftemoon. • • • • • buellal, cJUb Were . named: W. E. 8troud, Wm~ Peters. Vern Simpson. Mr. and Mrl!. Sam ShaUat and Carlton COok and J . R. Oibbons. IOn of Cincinnati, were guests of Mrs These In turn elected J. R. Gibbons, Jessie ~ymiln. Sunday. pl'ftlldent; Vern SImpson . .vlce prul• • • • • dent and lecretary. Carlton Ooot, Mrs. L. M. Henderson ~nt TUes-' treasurer. day with ' h~ aunt. Mrs. HerllChel W ••• 8U'oud and J. R. Olbbons Fisher, in Lebanon, were named to repreeent the local • • • • • ~lub at the leape meetblr whlch 'MIas Dorta Pires was ttie overWas held 111 Harmon Hall, .,l.ebanon. n1lht pest of M.Ias Anna Manlyn l"ebruap lfi, to organ1le clubs for a W}utaker. Saturday. Warren county leal\le. A~ tbla meet• • • • • 11l&' otrlcen were named as followa : Mrs. Ralph Hastlngll attended an J. R. OtbbOnl. WayneavUIe. preal- all day ~eetiDl ot Ho~e COImc11 dent; 01u1a Murphy Lebanon. vi~ members at Lebanon. TUesday. ~ prelddent; Quentm oox, ' Prankllh. secretary; JOt Davia. Harveyeburg. MrS. M. A. Fulkerson and daughtreuurer. ter, zana Mae. wer~ Dayton visitors. Tbe next '~""" ..... mee.'~will be PJ1day· ~.. held in Harmon Han, Lebanon, .Feb. nwt It. wh lICbedule and ruleI Mr. and Mr~. W_ A. Lukena enterlor oPfirauna amateur leape. talned their "500" club~ at dinner .and cards. Saturday evening. will be cUteu.ecl.
GEN~RAL WASHINGTON Comments on the News
• As pertinent on Feb .. 22, 1HO, his 208th birthday, as they were from 1789 to 1787, his presidential term of office, are the mes· Sa&eS of Geor&e Washington, first President, to Co.o gress.
MEETS KINGS MILLS Wlt.h Wayne.oviUe meeL1ng
Local Happenings
Xin ..
Mills lhe Warre n county high school
ba.!!ketball tournament got under way today Ilt 1 o'clock on the KIIlII Mllls cOllrt In the first of six rehedIIII'd gRmes. Miss Betty Ha rtsock of Cincinnati The tourna men t will continue the spent the week end with her p a r enl~ . afternoons and evenlngs of the :l3rd Mr. and Ml's. Bert Hart SOCk. and 24th with the f l nal~ (0 be playMl ~s Nnoml Enrll La rt \\·R.~ the ed Monday al 8 P. m. Ot.her games played Thursday week end guest of Miss Mary Dora were Mason vs. Morrow ; Ottel'beln Hough . • • • _ • vs. Harveysburg ; Carlisle vs. SpringMr, and Mrs. Conrnd Mulnolls of bol'O at 2. ·3 and 4 p . m" respectively. Hnn.ilton . were dlnnel' g ues t.~ of Mr. Rf'slll t~ of the junior high drawlnJ al1f1 Mrs. R.'lY Mainous In..,t Friday. are as follows : Otterbein vs.. Waynesvl11e. 7 p. m . Thursday; Morrow • • • • • \IS. Carlisle, 1 P. m . Friday: K1ugs Mr. and Mrs . Lawrence Cook a nll Mills vs. Harveysburg. 4 p. m . Fri· son . Jerry spent Sunday with Mrs . day: and Blueba,)1 v~. Ma son 6 p. m. Cook's pa rents Ileal' Leesburg Friday. Eight trophies wUl be awarded af Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gons cntel'· ter the finai game . Monday evenine. tained the members of t.helr "500" They are first second lind third dub at their home Wednesday eve- place for both tournament and nlng. league winners. sportsmanship clij>. • • and the foul shooting cup. The sportsmanship cup is awardlld The Klng's Heralds of the Meth" ocll~t Church will . hold Ulelr next by the county superintendent of meeting. Tuesday afternoon. Febrll- schools. his ~ssl~bmt. the eillU Jlry 27. 4 o·clock. at the home of schOol s uperintendents and the four Bllly Davis. officials to the school showinll t~. • • • .. • most sportsmanship dUl1.DJ the Mr . and ~rs . Earl Queary and t. Ul nament . Klng5 Mllls received , , daughter oC Harveysburg and Mr the award last year. Harvey;!lbuFl , N&.I'~1'. - - rapec1 f • • EOaOPE/UIi AJlJ'AlR8-Jru,op, b. . . hi rOTALITARlo\NI8M - Tb. I,,/dl 0/ .". ' and Mrs. Paul Outre and fAmily won the senior high champiolilhip NfIIl,.. • _.J , _ or...i • ." ..4" ..4, of ",ima" f"r.r.afa .. hiO/, to ... " ... nooe c'OIchm.", teods to coo.ol1d.,. tb. po..., • : f • • /lIl1e.,. It II•• /uuJr 0' • .".uion 0'" .", ,.moll H.ne • • h. must 111 on. (roo.,ome"U' 1I11",IIII."t)• .a1l fbua spent Sunday with their 1I1'snd- and Otte.r bein. junior championsh1p ' .•• " - . , , . . a.J1I,."Dt •• tlo.. ',om bo ••••••4 I" f,.qwllt CHuov."i.. . •• to cr•• whl/' ••' ,be /01. 01 lOY"'" mother. Mrs. William LIggett. of la st yenr. 1...tlClq ••• Iflllatle... · 10,.1._ I. 0fU COlIC.,.. moot. " , .. , d..potUa. , ~ . "T75-~- - -- - .. - ------- . ' - - _ .. - .- .- .. I Cincinnati.
· .... . ....
• • • • •
Ail Sotielj Hu All DI, IHlml
Mrs. Robert Baller Jr .. and daUlhter. JlUlJIe. were. Dayton vlslt.on,
• • • • •
Mr. and lira. II. A. Pulkeraon via-.: . ,ited ,Mr. and Mra., Huold Van Pelt The Lad1. AId JIOCMtJ or tal. of Xenia. Bunday evenlnj. Metbodlat church WI entert.IDed • • • • •. • a\ the home or lin. W. a . 8t.rowI, Dr. and wr.. W. J. Blackburn ot WedDelClay. at in all daY meettna. Da1'On Vlltted at 'the home ot Mr. .peorp WMblDItOD faYOft and and Mrs. D. C. ~ . .SUnday. eenterplt!Ce decorated the dlnner - - , f • • WIle. and the I!b'thdaJ tab1e at (»Iarlea and Gene Collett attended WbIob, lin. ClareDce "warda, and ibe baaketbaU ~ent at WUo
"ell"., ,."
At Fish AmI Game Group Happy Hour Club Met Whitaker Home Join State Organization With Mrs. Reba Braddock
IIrw.· V. O. Wblt.eI .. . . hciJofed Dl1DIton, SMuJdaY.· Pa~ Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hartso: k were ........... ~ decarat.ecl with a ( • • • • • • 11' guests of Mr. and Mrs. A . Z . HartbeautUul birtbday cab. MrI. CIeorIe Mr. and Mra. John Oons and little sock. Wednesday evening. at a banWhIte 01 MuOri .,., -' l\IeIt ·of tile da~ter were SUpper lUeata ot Mr. QUet given by the Clinton County . _ _. • .. .• an,4 lira. Hopr Cbambllaltn Xenia. ___ .Lamb and Fleece Improvement Asso, After a bcrwUIoUI cIlmIeI'. &be nw- PJ1dayeven1Dl. . Mias Anna ?darllyn Whitaker enAt last Thursday night·s meeting The' Happy Hour club met at the elation. at Sabina. Mrs. Ruth Hannah Crew 12, w1f. uw· tneeUnt ..i hekt the prelddeot ' • • • • • tertalned a group of her classmates. in Memorial H!lll, Lebanon. about 90 home of Mrs. Reba Braddock Tues• • • • • of Robert E. 'Urew. passed away ., 1Ira, . Walter Whitaker pl'elldIDI. Ilt. .and lira. J. Q. 00Ds were In saturday evening. at a Valentine 'members ot the Warren County day afternoon for the February Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brown and !Ion her home Wednesday afternoon. tollira. Oora RIch led ttie de.-oUoDa.I~n. Prl~ay, and saw "Gone party. Fish and Game AssIIl. unanlmou.sly meeting. of Frank.1in. were week end guesl.s of lowing a long lllneM. She waa the be." lubJect. ~ ." Jesus t.he _OUla- With .the Wind" 'a bowlnc at Loew's The young people enjoyed Valen- voted to aITiUate with the statewide After the bu.siness session the fol : Mr. and Mrs. H. H. WUllamson. Har- daughter of the late Stephen COOI& lor atar." ~ the buIlneIa II1II- theatre. . ·tlne games ' and contests. ~urlng the Lc>ngue of Ohio Sportsmen. Thls lowing program was presented : Book old Wlll1amson of Dayton. was also and had lived her ent.lre life In tbla ilion, Mra. Walter Whltaker and lira., . . ••••• . evenlDr. prilll!ll! for which were aWJU'd L('ngue Is composed ot about 150 r~view " A Man for the Ages" by. Mrs a dinner guest of his parenl.s. Sun- community. cora Rich were appotnted deleaatea lira, L. M. 'HeDdenon and lira. ed to Max .Hay, Jeanne Balter, Rob- members clubs all over the state amI. Nellie Bunnell ; _a group of old say- day. Besides her husband. she II .W'. to the convention of Northern aDd D. L. Crane Were I1IefIts of Mr. and ert Earnhart, Lyle Fox. Raymond holds two annual meetings. Judge Ings. Mrs. Raymond Wilson; a group • • • • • vlved by two brothers; Phlneaa Daak 8ontbeJ'n Ohlo Ilethod1at Ch\JJ'tlhea Mrs. Ropr Chamblta' in Xe~ . Purka and 'Bernice Marlatt Delicious Sanborn . of Columbus. former of questions and af\8wers. .by Mrs. The Wayne Township Mothers' who has made his home with her to be held at the SoUth Part Math- Sunday. refreehment& were ' served by the League president, addressed the club Rhodes Bunnell ; a short play, club wlll meet at the Grade build- since her marriage.' and Abrant oiUat church In Daytoo.· 1Iartlb 1 • . ...... • hostess to conclude this happy oc- on a state wide organization or "Who's That Man" Mrs. Ruasell ing, Friday afternoon March 1. at Oook of ' Springboro; one nephew, lin. MAud Orule aDd Mri. J;.u. 1Ir. ADd lira. A. p. MeJ10h and ouloD.. sportsmen. WUson and Mrs. Stanley Balley. two o'cloCk. The . program will be Stanley Cook. of Springboro. The peata Included: - Henrietta QUite a few guests attended the The program was concluded with furnished by the Lytle members. unFuneral servi~ W111 be beld 'a. Henderaoc. then ~ted the· tol· daUlhter IIary Ami. were' cUnner IJI'OII'&ID: ':A Tdbute to gueeta 8unda7, ot.llr. and. Mrs. Ohes Penpington, DOria Pires, .Helen M. meeting. Butler Co. Game Protector. several accordion selections by Miss del' th'e direction of Mrs. Therle the residence F1iday afternoon at 2 W~.. resd bJ . 11ft., L. O. ter Barrow 01 OiDcIJmati. Oona. Genevieve Hadley Betty Drl Beaver of Hamllton. gave a Pauline Peterson. Jones. O'clock with Rev. Carl Smith oft'iclRadley;' ~."Llfe 'of ~'. ADd ' , ....... Thom• • EVelyn 'Boblitt; , Jeanne st.ort talk a., did Warren County's Guests of the afternoon were Mrs. ating. Burial wlll be in Miami ceme¥no n. H. HartaocJt, , Mrs. D. C. Baker, Marlatt, Reba Sur- new Game Protector. Harold Brant Manley Jameson. Mrs. Gilbert Jametery . a preview of the current. motloQ pIctW'8. "Abe Uneo1n ot-l11InoSa", bJ 1Udp , aqd lin. Ethan Crane, at- face, Max H&y, R,aymond Purka. of Morrow. Fish Maitagement Agent son. Mrs. John Volkerdlng. Ml's. lin. 0Ubert PI7e. ~ ~ wu tended the theatre · In .Dayton, Prl- Billy Hl8ey, Lyle Pox, Robert 'Eani- Lowell Binkley of Springfield. Nettie Hatfleld. of Lebanon; and eaaoludIcl wlUt a epiJllnl .· ma'9b. day afternooD. ' . hart. Rmald SaUabury. Phillip Hart- Greene 00. Game Management .Mrs. Stanley Balley. MI'. Charles Volers and motller oC -.• •.I6tIIId ' 'bJ OoI'a·RIcb. . I • - . . • •• , man. Tom Plorena:e, Bernard Daley; Agent ~ank Bart of Xenia, and Harveysburg visited Dr. And Mrs. J . . ..... ~ ~. aDd ; . . IIr. apd lira. ~ L. u..e Henry Satterthwaite, Olift'ord Gray, Jack Rodebaugh. also of Ohio's Con ARGUNOT CLUB MEETS W. Ward Friday .. ~ . , . WU1 hay. cawp of wet:e 8uDdQ ~er. IU8ItI 01 Mr. Orville Savage. and Orville Phllips. servatlon Dept. were guests. Two WITH MRS, RIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martin. and the ~ far &be ~ QlMtIDt, aDd lira- Harr7 H~ of WUmin~d\~trlct men from the N. Y. A.. (Na__ Mr. and Mrs. Morris Roeskln of • the dale a d " af wblaln,1ll lie ~ 1 • COU . NTY JAIL SCORED tlonal Youth Adm1l:1Istratlon) oIT1ce Mr D. C Rid'~e . as ho te to th Dayton. and Mr. aud Mrs. J . L. Menannounl.d]a • . ' -- - • • In 'Cincinnati came to th~ meeting S . 6 W S ss e denhall were dinner guests at the The stockholders of the W.YIUI'" , ReV ' R. Ii~Haekwell wu the LenIN JURY REPORT wbere Mr. Spear, dJstrict' slIpervis- me~1Jers of the Argunot bridge club. Home. Sunday. vllle Farmers Exchange qompany , ", I _fth a Tuesday afternoon. A dessert course t LOCAL GROUP GUEsTS teD IQIIt OI"-.er at. t. -~ s W C t' tlfty 1 or oITered the help of his organlzaded th Deco . tI Mrs. LoUie Settlemyre ot Lebanon heir annual meeting In c;lranc' , b- ' ~ chUrch. , ~ 'nlW'lday arran . oun ys -year-o d t~on in supplying labor·.for any pro- prece e games. ra ODS visited at the Home Sunda hall TUesday, February 13. A. . comOF FORMEll RJlI a:.M~~. _ . . Jail waa &COred in the repor:: return- jpets the club would sponsor aiong and rerreshmenl.s for the party were Dl' Emily ::::y~·---I.mUM!e-1ft'Olm-;Pa1~n--61'IIDft'"1I!I~r---~ , '" , • • • • ~ Tu~t when e graJld Rnme management. IItream Improve- In keeping with tbe b1l:thday a n n i - · Wright and Donald dinner to about 140 members aDd A in.)\IP local . - t . . w~en- .111' ..... U ' _ ....I .. ~- DoIter and jury rec:eaaed after four days of de. versary of George Hadley were DaytOn visitors. Mon- guests. . ofl . ,.-.~ " . . - - _ ... , "~ . . . rr.~nt. lake or park creation. re, .Washington. day ~ lit tlie. bam. ~ ~. ~ IOn R.obt!I't of llarveJlbUil were sun l1be~tlon. . torestailonj etc. ThU. offer on the Mrs. Ridge s guests In addition to . Mack Sour of Leesburg gave a huM .... , 1rv1Q ~ord at ~. iSaJ 'tuedI at the IMIDe otllr. and The jail was bunt to ac~6mmodate prart ' of Mr. Spear was much aPPI'.,c- the re~lar members were Mrs. A. E. Mr. and Mrs. Kenne th Thomas morous talk which WM &'I'eat]y en8unday ev_ _, the occallon ~ c:eJe. ~ Preci Iii persons, )Jut the pre&e~t average Isu>d since it will allow the FIsh and stout. Mrs. W. E. Cornell; and Mrs. aJ'ld daughter. of Lebanon. visited j. yed by all present. bra~ tile ~tb - ~ aDDI. • . • • .. " number confined Is 20. the jurors Oe.me A&an. to create more conser: Bert Hartsock. Prizes Were awardedjMlsses Annie U . and Mame T, During the blJ8iness session the t. ve!!ia*7 Of .,.t beJi d&lJPter '~, ~ 1Ir. aM M'N. Walter cast vi8lted eaid They commended Sher1ft' Wll- vatlon projects than, has been pus~ to Mrs. Stout and Mrs. Bert Hart- Browne Sunday. ports showed another 8ucceaaful an" .&he ruth inldftII'IU'J ~ ~ the former" mo~ ·Mn. J. W. CUt lIam Hufford. Jr .. however. fo...r ex- sible in the past. sock.. }'('a ··s busIness and patronage anil dauih~ 01. 1Ir. ~1 lIn. . of ~e! abe Ie Iel'l- Isting.condJtlons despite the lack of During the bu.slness session ap. WINDOW CURTAINING stDck dIvidends were paid to pa~ W1lIoD: ~ ~ ob~, aupper oU8l1-~ . . Space and the outmoded condition proxlmately.uo dollars of license fee CIVIC CLUB MEMBERS PROJECT and stocitholders doing bualnea wtUl tile ~ . .... ~tIi IPIOt ..' . •• - - . - ' of the bulldlng. money was voted to be spent on a ENTERTAIN WIVES thp organization. p~'" ~ Oblnele chIOkIn. Dr. aDd Nn. 'A. B. 8~t and The Jurors wlll convene again game mana,ement program worked Are yOU planning new curlalns for plarence Rye Ilnd L. E. Hocket" ~ ~, . ~ .~. ...~4 lira. da\.llh~""'·8uDdaJ ~ or~. during the present term of court to out by the game mEmagement com~ A very enjoyable evening was had YOUI' windows this Spring? Would ""el'l! reelected to the board whO. R..-u ~ aDd ;:.~, .16'. AD4 • . Clare ...·atout· aDd tam11y 'CoDaider' cbarges tha~ open gambJ1ng mittee board of directors and by members of the Civic Club and you like some suggestions as to Homer Halnea. of near the RoxaDafI ali ... Nn BrOwn -"''''' IOn. 'M!' . "' , r. ttl · th -~'d ' T h ' , ~ "- ., ~. . ,of ~ . . ullta, In e county. ~y ~. ey Game Management agent Hender- their wives In the monthly dinner lnllterials and designing? If 60. plan plant. was elected to succeed Joel . • .• •. • • UIIed eltlaena anxiOUS to counteract shot. Under this plan it Is hoped meeting held in the high school tn attend the first in a series of St·oltes. Who retired ,because or 11l • aWl ~:---_~ ~. dauab-l ter, ~: : . ~ ~ IIIdaIl Betal· MIll Ranta ~ In COIJiIIU'Y ,Rambling and who have tact~a1 to materially improve hunting and cafeteria Monday evening. meetings of "The Window Curtain- health. ~ . i;" , i ;,;.,/~' I . wIt.h. ~ of ~. lef\ 8atur- knowleC!ge to submit their names ~ fJ,sh1I!g In Warren Ota. in the next Nearly 60 member and guests en Ille-, Project", being sponsored by Mrs . ~ .. .', ..' , _ " ,•. to apeDd ~"... 1ft 1IIaml, C. poDald Dllatush" Prosecutor, few yeal'&-6S well lIS helping the Joyed 'the dinner served by the J, K. Preston. and Mrs. J. R. Mengle . NOTICE C~8RA't1Q1fJJTH ' ~ WbUe· there are .plannlnc Sherltf Hufford, or the fo..~. IiO farmers In a I01l c4)Jwrvation pro- Home Economi~ class of ' the school to bl! held at the home of Mrs. Men. . . A~ERs~Y to vIIlt t.be Baha. . ·.T~_ that 'they can be called to testify. gram. Following a short bUSiness meeting gk',. Wednesday~ afternoon. February N~tlce ~ herein 8l1'en to Clyde ~ , •. -,~ --:-1. •. John Woodard of Sprlnglboro was the club retired to the school audi- 28. at two o·clock. Anyone interested · }{arvey and wife to neve ....... .LltUi JJC'-1IIdam ' ~.-_clJalb· I . . . . .. . J?aIa1 !lnJder• lin. R. L. WA YNESVIu.E ,SPHOOLS appointed chairman of the member- torium and viewed a series. of movies In this project is cordially invited to cc'me onto the place nor into the t.tr ~. _. ~. ~~ ~ ~ .~ ~. ¥dve, aDd CLOS~' F~R TOURNEY shlp contest ~commlttee. He an- depicting interesting scenes ~and at! end these meetings. home ot the underslgnec;l wbU. 'll. · ... .~ ~\. .... ~ 1a&Ur. ~ L; .R . ,~ atteadelcf a ~~ , '-noUDced prizes for tine contest whLcb events of our state. is ltving. ' · .~ ~ . . . . -.... .~~ fOrmanCe Of ,aoqe .WSth t.beJVind, LoCal lIchools clOlled at noop· today' will end with the April meeting.. The OPEN HOUSE ON Joabua Hane, *. ~ , ~. In ~ ftiday. and Priday lnlordeUhat PUptls may club voted to mate the Aprll meet- DR· ,J. E. WITHAM FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY , ./ · ~ .....~ ~JI)IJUIa ~• •. . , , '" < • ~... ~. • • • • • . attend the annual balketbaU .touma- ing a stag fish try with hunting or P~EASANTLy SURPRISED L"o~AL GRANGE H:AS IitjyUJp ad .J~ ,. . ,. .. :'RODQ" ~ the ..two·~. a bait ment at'Klng8 Milla. ~-.maru tb~ fishing 'clothes to pe worn. . • .Mr. and MrS. Joseph E. Monger of POtl"DPU:rT Otl~ ~ " '."- , ~ '.... ~r oklo- ,af 1Ir. and lira. ~- ellhth con.secutlveyear the tourney The meeting "nd.~ with a lunt;h Dr. J. E, Wtham was ' completely I Lebanon who have. lived .i n that .. ~ " : ......... ~: .~ Mq~'U~n or ~t, 8ian cJI ~.'vane;. 'II ~Iy baa been beld at thII.lCbool, . and. lmoker.' but pleasantly s urprised SUnday his I community ",II of their m~rried life 'The local 'NnDera' .Griutp ~.,. ·BrIItoJ,' ~.:Mr. MArt ~~ from. a~ ..,~ ~ lIfteu. ~ ;. . birthday_anniversary. when a grOU"'I WilI celebrate their fiftieth wedding eel ~ pound ~; lIt,t O ...... . bill. Mr. rAX PUND,S DIS.T RI8UT.£J) , " ESCAPE , of rl61ghbors gatilm;ed at his ' home februal7 26. / .,. J I ,. -iii. and lib. '. . . . .....-... for .. basket ,dinner. Busy in hIS of- Open .h ouse Will , be for broupt It. 01 ....... ~.qr :. . ..' De. ~ ~, . . .ad Mr. andllri. W• .A. Lu- , OOtmtJ AuditOr A. M.~er cUs:The Ncape of ·two , pr~tlve f1 'e with a patient, the Doctor \V1Ui ~he1r ·relatlyes and friend! frolll 2 to or Ittd\::(ar~" ;~~ .. . · .. ,.. aDd . Util v....., . . . . . , ...,.. ... In ltate tax parolees the ,Lebanon State unaware of anything unu.sl,lal until I fi p, m: at. the liome of their cl&\lIb.",.,.. ., c-=~~qt ~ dtimer ..... aiMt'JIft fUndi. Monday. The countY received, Honor Camp waa ~eported Taesd~y: going in· to his. dlnner he ound his ter ~ OOlcUe Borden In ~ d. . . . tbe .............. '. " . • t.~ iii......... fIiIIIr.' . . '10.000 lIDd-each of the eleven town- Blmer DeIODl, 2ft .)f oarton, who gllellt~ assembled the dlnJ.hg room .-me. The Monse~ . are parents of '\IIi ~ time the Dew d . " ; lot - . . . " . . • .~. . ' . 1bJpa" pftD ... ...vecl.four Ye&l'IJ of a 'burllary lIeD- and the table spread for ·a .·lftlmptuous two chlldren. Mrs. ~ a!JCi Em.- tioJa ~ ............ . . _ .~ AllIIn 0Iner ~ . . teDce would have" beaD releilaed tr.ea) Including a haDdso~e b1i'thday JDet J. Monger, WIlminItoOn. ... ~' ctDJoYe:d~........ ...,.... ' maD I, .. ~ oI4. lfIIIOD-'ia _1VOI'ih7 pur· .1Iarcb 1. Robert . JiIUler. '2~, ROI!II cake. Those who .enjoyed .thll. oc. ., ' . . obIcbra. aDd - . W If ..... ......, after pcIM.~'''''' for ~ta a'CCOm· ~I .~ tbIef aenMnceil C8!lon were U)e Dr. and Mrs. WItJ\t i deVOtion of . tboUlht '.to ~.--.,...:.._ DOGD. . ... _ .. .... . reIIIlutnea. inJllsa,,.. to be iSeptem· \ am. Dr. and Mra. H. E. Hathaway, honest A UDCIIrUea • • ................... ', ... ~ . _ 01»' dUl1cu1t1d. aDd tbeD IUCCMI. bel'1. .... ap~ded at\~. and Mrs. ~~ Munpr, Mrs., achiel'eJDeDt P""efb1e.~ ......... .,.,..., - : .1 . . Jill 1. . -PuDIhoD Watldna 101\ Rdser. I!dd1. _ . . . .. ..... .lIiIif J'(
Rites Friday For Mrs. Robert .Crew
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UCbt miami Pbone 112
Entered As ~eeond CIILBII . M~il Matter at P ostotfice. Wn>, nesville, Ohio F lora M. C rane ;Edit or and Publ~sh ¢r ISSUED EVERY TH tTRSDA'l ---'-S-u-'bIc--ri-ptlo - -u- Prl --'·c-e-.-$-1-.-60 - ·P-e-r- .-Y- e-a-r-.-P-a-y-a-b-le- j':n-A "" -dy--;"a-I \-ce---
Main Street
'Waynesville, Ohio
C9unty Mu~ic Teachers. \ I . Sponsor Festival
State Capital News
Most people are undUly disturbed by What Is called technologlcnl un· emploYPlent. It means the kind of u~employ men t that was forced on women by the lm'entton of the sewing mach ine. Before t he invention of the sewing maclllue. womcn worked from sun-up to slm-down doi ng I,helr hOllsehold chores and caring for their bRbles. When the children were In bed and asleep. they stllched 111;.ltll midnight. en slx hours they made as many stitches by hand liS they la ter wcre a~ll' La make on the sewing machine in thirty minutes. After the 1llU'oduction . of tbe sewin g mllchlne many hand-wo rkers were OUL of a job. This kind of unemployment has been with us for a hundred yea rs ana Is 5t1ll wiLll us. I n prosperous times we hear little about It becallSe men and women whose skill Is silpplnnted by machines qui kly find other work. But In hard Lln1e everybody who Is out of work imagines thnt he is t.echnologlrally unemployed. To some pe' lmlsts It seems that never agai n will tllere be enough work to keep everybody bllSY. But why shoUld we desire to work eighteen hou rs a da y If we Ciln get an equally good living from eight hours of work? The houseWIfe who toUed with bel' sewing by Inmp -lIght now ellJoy, evenlngs listening to t he radiO. playing ,bridge. 01' reading. Leisure to 1Il)prove our mInds Is the (orem o~ t gain from technological progl'e&., We now enjoy wide horlzons because ow' ma teria l needs can be so easily and qUlckly satisfied. But. It Is argued. many a man whose joll has been taken f rom him by a machine. co.n ·t even make a living: there Is no work of any kind fur hill! . Thls Is nonseMe. because with the exception of pallic ycars. employment In t he lo.st decade has been as general In t.11L~ country cvcn In pallic ~'en l's than In non-Induscrlal nations at any Ume. ns every wOl'ld -trnvelcr knows who has visited any of t he Asiatic countries Because of our progress In Invention. organization. und ma nagemen t. we a re a ble to divert a n increasing' proportion of 0111' Inbor to the production of guoc\ roads. automobiles. schools, oooks. ma gazin c.~, an d theaters. We are able to keep ollrselves cleaner and henlthler. We look beltcr . . f~el better. talk better, W e are slowly 1001'1 111{ LOward a hig h culture. We moved too fnst a nd recklessly for a f ew years, oncl came to the irr. evitable stoP. Soon we wUl be marching forward (.0 !I new ern. nnd \\'e' w ill smIle.- when we recall our present fears ~Illlpc r ial Ma gnzlIle
News Of The Reds
There 111 ..
mind. It 11 Damon Ph11UpI. Phillips Its a 2Q-year-old
-Ihortstop who was with Henderson BpI'hIIL trnlh lng serves two pur- in the East Texas .LealUe IMt year Th S .ond · Annuli! ~olo and . en- poses rOI" a major league ball club. aDd who was declared . a free agent s'mble music re tlva! of the Warr n It IS th period t he players to by ()ommtuloner Landis. Rep'or ts on county schools will b held at Mason work themselves Into pertect play- bJm say he baa the abll1ty to beOhio Tuesday Mwrch 6. The festival 'In ' condition , and it also Is' the Icome one of the' premier defens1ve wUl begin i n tile momlng aL 8:30 mens of permitting Llle managers to shortatope ot the game in a few and last n11 day. ~ook at youg ball players whose pro- \ y~. after he serV06 the necesso.ry All I1lllSlc students are Cllcournged . pt !!tive possiblllties a m t.h em an apprentlce6h1p. to Lnk pa rt and ther wl1\ be selec· 0llportunlty to go to 0. ' big league. lInn~ 1I illdlvldunL~ as weB as en- ca ll1l). ~ cmllil's. Howevcl'. no grOlH> nllmbel'Bill McKech nie of the Reds has Inl! over tw Ive will lit' allowed to hi:! own peculiar style of cond1tlon \lerform . Inrr 0. ball club. HIs theory 1n regard The feslival Is palLeI'IlI'cl 1I11 Ically lO plLcheJ's Is dlfJerent t han Ulat of nftl'r til(' Miami eli 'trieL 1Ill.L, ic fe:;t.\ - any oUler manager . for t he Deacon Ohio charitable and fraternal or· vo l helcl ellch yeiu Ilt Oxfurd . Ohio. b as his hW'lers star t the verY lirst !:rl Ilza Lton:< Rnd Individuals hllve Pupil. entering at Mnson are en- day throwing curves. He reaUI t'll paid $210.162 undel' the law coumced to also perform at Mia mi sons tha t 0. player should not pi (1vidlng for redemption of cancel - Last ~' t' nr II pproximalely ] 50 boys strengthen all muscles slmultaneousled sa les tax SLa mps at 3 per cent or and Girls entered and lhls ycar 200 ly. t hereby reducing to 0. mlnlmum Lhrl!' fn ce \'ulue, Stn lc Treasurer Lo 250 a re expcctE:d. There nrc no the posslbillty of a sore arm. 0 0 11 H. Ebri Ght rc)>orlli. TIle Inrgest prizes. InsLelld , mlings of Superior. I n past seasons. part of ' McKecha mount collected a t Anyone time, Excellent.. Good Elnd Foir al'C given ll!e'S general poTIcy has been to work S1.001.28, was paid to St. Mary's Hos.. to nil ntrles. Instrumcntal and ,vo- his prospective regulars In most ot p !lll\. Cincinnall Among yOIUmbus rnl solos and en 'mbles wlll be the exhibition games. ThIs accounts 1J.);!lJlI7Alllons which havc received judged by cornpetl!!lt music teachers, 101" the Reds winning the Grapefruit 1:1Ore tl an SIOO arc Children'S H05H ,Is expectl!'d th at thls type of pilal. $846.28 ; Oh lo Rcbekah Assem- festlvnl as sponsored by the ·Wan-en . _ __ . __ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...A--_ bl~' , SR60.39 ; the Oh iO Society for rOUllLy music teachers wltl not only ('tippled hil(lr~n . S722.33 and Co- raise the ca Hber of music In the IUlllllu~ Callcer Clinic. $698,87. schools but will eventuaJ ly creute Il hlgher sta ndard or music culture as Sl ncc U1C new law asse Ing feder- a whole. aJ income taxes fl gainst all sLate and I T iler will be no admission cha rge jJublic service employe.< went Into ef- Iand ev:ry one Is Invited to attend fect January 1. th~ rush of n ew tax- l the all day sessio n. Lun-cl1 will- be paye rs to fil e their lax returns has , served at the Mason school enfeterlo. broken all records in the Oolwnbus \ Otller county mllSlc events wUl office. Deouty Collectors have been lake place nt Springboro AprU 16 assigned .() Lile various state depar t- when an AII-'COUllty Chorus 01 130 ments to assist nployes In the prep- 'I V'O Ices will glve a. concer tun der th e aratlon of their tax rctw'ns and It is I direction of Miss Elizabeth ~aw e~tlmated that the numb er of tax- \ rence 0 f MIami unIversity • an d t payers and the total amount paid Morrow which will be host to the t his year will be increased In excess county band fest11val May 7. of 30 per cent . F or the fiscal year ending J uly 1. 1939 , Ohio pald S335.417,000 to lile federal government PRES rDE NT ROO SEVELT and received back the su m of $165.ON FIlliNG TRIP 000,000. Income tax re tu rns must be rued not later than Morell 15. Accompanied by a t housand or so
~~~'!!!.'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!' -
F" .. .J . ,- Martin '
Auctioneer '
Or No C arge Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
IT'S •
'Zain Armitage Pbon e, Waynesville 44 R 11 Lebanon orflce Phono 473 -KMorrow Pb one No.3 l C8.!l8· M.
saUors and 'three or four destroyers, AppoinLmen of a. nlne·member Presiden t RoOseVlllt left Pensacola, mil es north o f W ayn esvill e· 4 mil es. ou t h of Bell b ro ok. o n 'board to estatllsh a minimum wage Florida late last week on a fishing scale for approximately 25,000 wo- trip. scheduled to last two weeks. In th e B e llbrook a nd W ay n e v ill e roa d on men and children workers In the cos.. undesignated wat;ers. The n ewly ap- (LEGENDARY Bgure of radio la Martin Block. ihowD above. metology Industry will be made by pOinted J ustice of t he Supreme Court the State Depar tment of llldustrW fo rmer Attol11ey General Frank :r1ght"wlth tbe aenllaUonal Andrew8 SlItere (Maxine. Patti and La Relations .o.t an early da te. Three of Murph:!:. also lefit Washington for a Verne) aa radio headliners gath· the new board members will repre- southern Vacation a. fter h a vin g servered to celebrate the Brth anniverBEGINNING AT 12 O'CLOCK sent employers. t h reewUl represent ed eight days on the Supreme Court aalT of "Make Belleve Ballroom" 3-MULES-3 the genera l public. They will re- Bench, Mrs, Roosevelt Is vacatiQul.ng DOW being brought to radIo ludlcelve no compensa tion but will be \In Florida. Postmaster ~nera l FarenCN oulalde New York ,for tbe workers. ,. In til, e sou th1 an d . all d _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _All __ good ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r 1mbursed for expenses in~ urred 1ey Is a",o Ant time. when It la heard ·eb: while t ravelling on behalf of the 6-CA"""""E-6 & & a... board's m.tivltles I many 0 th ers hiEfh in F edera I 0!IIc- timel weekly. 1\10n4a, through Saturday. 4 w ith ca lves b y sid e , 2 to f res h e n in Jun e. . laidom are enjoying mid·winter vafI' "Make Believe Ballroom" and Ita cations while Mr. and Mrs. John 29--HOGS--29 Ohio Instit utions for mental nnd . brllMant.lmpreaarlo_and maater of remaln at home continuing ceremoni... Marlin Block. have 4 brood sows due to farrow l ast of March . 25 fall p igs nervous d1seasis-;- feeble-m inded, epll- their dally toll In It'n attempt to oblon, bee" outstandiag In the radio eptit:s a nd public tuberCUlOSis sanatrun th~ wh erewith al to meet their world. Though It haa been brond75 BARRED ROCK CHICKENS torlurns ar e overcrowded. a survey Federal taxes due by March 15th. conducted by Lhe Ohio a nd AmeriFARM IMPLEMENTS , can Medical Associations recently Good wagon, box bed an'd extra s ide bo a rds . f lat t o p, revealed. "Every one of the state's double disc, Oliver riding breaking plow, S yrac use w a lkmental hospitals is overcrowded." inln)low, cultipacker, McCol'mj:k Deer~ng c orn plow . onl y ,- used two seasons, s teel h a Y raKe. gard e n ' p·low, Hoo ier the r~J>OrH tates. "TIle total rate capacity of these is' 21 ,478 and the corn planter, fertilizer a t t achment in g ood condition, h a raverage census Is 25,412." row, corn. binder, drag, s led , hay fork , rope a nd pulleys , 2000 tobacco lath, furrowin g out plow spud, pos t a ugur, IJavin g dec ided to quit f a rming, I will se ll a t public single arid double trees , hoes . fork s , shovels. chains , etc. R.twort by the Citizens' Tax auction at my r esid e nce 3 miles nOl'theast Waynesville _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ I Leag ue of Ohio that "Ambulance a nd 4 mil es sou t hwest of Spring Vall e y, on State route 42.. MISCELLANEOUS ,Chasing" was being practiced before on Lawn mower, .water- cream s eparator, tree trimmet·s. the State Industrial ' CommIssion, poultry coops, hog troughs, 2 seed sowers, one new . h"~ resulted In char ges being prefer' . . . . . red against 6 attorneys by the 00HARNESS:-3 SIdes of cham harness, colla rs, hne s , bfld - IIUlllbUS Bar AssOCiation. Collection ' _ , , ,', , . ' les. good set fly nets. _ . .' . of fees. ranging as high as 50% for FEED :-300 ~u. Clarlage corn, shre~ded fodder, b a l e d prEsenting claims of injured workBeginning' at 10 o'f;:lock A. M·. the following chattel str,!w, some TImothy hay, 2 bu. sa.phni clover seed· men aDd collusion with employes property too'!it: TERMS CASH within the DepaM rtn mr;;e~ntr.A arre.nbe\iil;;;;giinn.-: r-=:::.:...-=----..:===-- 2--H - O- R - S-ES2- - - - - - - -vestlga ted. '/ B<?th good worker!'!
name on the QinClnnatl
r~ter to keep in
Oabrlel Paul
Stnte DcpRrLlllent or Educn.tlOI n'I>Ol"ts thnt luring schoo! YCIlr 1931l-40 the state of Oh io pllid OUt S6.812.418 for tM lrnri~l·tat1Qn of 299.225 school children over 237.678 miles of public hlglnvay dally.This slle' ws an average cost per pupU per y nr of $22.77 . Mot.ol'lsts lire warned uy the Hlghway's burenu of trafflc DI:d safety that. t il la w requiring all vl1: tcles, 110 111 (H\.CI· In which dlrection th y nrc lru\'~IUng, to stop I('[\.,L 10 feet away from u school bus dl ~chnrglng or laking On pnsscll g er~. \\':11 lie sU'lcUy euforce{1.
Want ~
champ1oMb1p til 1038.
= =
I w ill sell nt a, u ction all t h e fa rm c h attels , located 3
.Sa~urday, M~rch
cut from a small New York Itatton. the ahow tor the put tive yearB outstrlplled Ulany of the bta· celt IboWB on the a1r In the tt.vor . ROOT FOR AND CONSICN of metropolllllll Dud l 11('('1. It at- ,our Cattle. bop. Iheep ahd ealvN trllet8 hundreds of thou.udl of to Norris-Brock CI.o, live wire and New York Ultenerl weekiy with III pro~el!8lve f11'W1 tor the hit'i-' novel treatment of the recorded market pricel and good service. mUilc of the top bandl of the coun- UDI". Stock "lard.' ClnoSD.at!: O. try ... well .1 of the important .nd . Tune In on lbdlo Station Wu&Y 12 :26 to 12 :80 ~. m. lor our daU, new mUllc of rielDC bandl. .... Amonc celebriUea wbo ptnered market reporta. to honor Block and "Make BeUne Ballroom" on Ita tirth birthday were men Miller. Gene Krupa. Georc. Hall. Dolly .Dawll and leoree of other orcbe8tra leaden. lin,erl and leadIng ·UCht. of radio. •
Administratrix of The Estate in administrative expenses. the of Chas. Hoyle, Deceased. yea r's flna.nclal sta tement show~.
YOURSEL~' lI'ltdn. _1l... 1Dood~. oervoy-d..",...ecd !a\dy ~,.ou'workt.oOmudllo.,,*- , The" try l.~d!a E . Plnkh...•• VtI"tabie. OomllOund to ·h..lp .quiet uMtnlll, II..' ' ' ' ' rt Une monthlJ jJodn ,.......... badaLc.... ....d."... ) and .....k dIU)' 1.latln. ~
F.ierv: Itchi~g 'Sk:in~r~~~~~
'Get$ Quick ....'Rei .. ~ ~'''''_IE U~1e 5oN_~DI"""·.
.. \lHStJ '(OU BRo,me;, AtJ ·
ORPE'R, FE2 PR.1t-JTII-l(1o "CO us, 'r"OU ARE ,",Et.PI~' US 'to ~,. QUi A .
MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES " . . ' Hay fork, rope and pulleys; buzz saw outfit; h9.& fountain; 400 egg 'incubator ; coal brooder $tove; milk cabs , " ' . buckets forks; shovels; hoes and many other small articles • .J'" e ,_ i •• eMi":'llh • f ...·-~I ,
chiefRoadenllntel', Ohio ..ilh;a, Builders' AB8oclaUon,
-:=:'j~d~l~tedor:::AllIericaD aDd
l"lS:~:J~:y:of~~U~:s. Hou~ Roads Co.. mitteeat_ b~lId~,I'
_~ rE~S CASH
--,,------ ------_.
_. _I
W. N,
R. D.
Seal'l~tuctionee:r, Waynesville,
""" . . .
0·, Phone 79
Lunch b1 , FrI.!l~bip Club
SiHoIlllIr , ...... "
c.,lIloday al o'!)/. drug'.,ora '0' 0 · bOule Buckley'. CANAOIOL M"d.,. (IrIp!. CXI,ng}-!Jy far tha 'arga.. ,.JII"" COiIllh ..&dId,.. :~~~~~:,~t:~~1cII <>' btll!'Ch,IoI"lrrUa!'_" Tak.ocouple oldoseo" .. III1QUlckpowarful/, pungenr action ,pread Ihlougf, ,hroat, head ana ' IIronchlal:l.beo. It 0(11 auidlY-I...rtI rlght:ln 'a loolen up Ihlck ch<>ldng !"Ilea_, oooth. row_~ ..... n.. arid ..,k. btaalhlnq eO,ia,. Gal Buckl"'" qt.NAPIOl MIMI.,. tOder;. Ole,. 10 1111 lion
SPHd 45
· F
In case of bad .weather, sale will be held under ~helter.
OUR-l ----...· 1'"OW .
W_ \Vetlt RohilllOo Virrloia' afalld Utah, Wilbul Mr.n Soura; Carto' ~:J=r:::i Cartwright Is Road" Committee . r..... tile 48 ltatu and 36 foreip . , C
, , !
HARNESS :-4 sides harness, lines, c{)llars, bridles, ' . halte r S, etc' . FEED :-500. bushels hand hu~ked corn, "bout 10 tons mixed hay. .' , ' . , , HOUSEHOLD GOODS , 1a t·109 h ea' t er, pressure gaso l'Ine cook· . G 00 d ·range, ~lrcu s tov e , kitchen cabinet, porcelain top table~ kitchen table, 10 cha,irs, dining room table,buff~t; 6 dining room chairs,' living room suite, 2 ' beds, dressers, wash stand, 2-9x12 rugs, lamps, dishes,: copking utensils, and many other. articles,too numerous to. mention. ,
dred. III tbolllana o( _k, ruDdo"D'_ ,vo ... wo--. Tr. ~
brea king p.}ow; Oliver two row cultivator; single row culti- :t:.::t.:::."l~;':'::'',;I!'1!I!I!:.~ ".,~' vator; disc cultivator: 5 shovel cultivat. or; corn planter with 'ul, """.tta,l"" 011 that hel", promote haalllll ., • • 'alII to iii.. you ful! 1O'lslacli.... yo. con Ioca.e chec k rQw attachment; wheat drill WIth fertlhzer attach-yqw _y "'undad. . ment; McCormick mower; corn binder; steel hay rake . nea r ly new; (!ultipa'Ck~r; drag; single disc; tobacco setter, HI'~L
lEi tEA.'J.II:\vSPA\7ER,,·
to lunctloUI dlaord_ !rot <nor y ..... Pinkham'. COmpoWld .... bel ..... b~
-of road
CQI. Lynn Black, superintendent of the State H1ghway Patrol. believes there there would be fewer traffic accidents if courts would more l'eadlly revoke driving licenSes of drlnkjng moto~ists. " The drlllklng driver shOUld lose his llcense." COl. BUiCk told members 01 the Ohio Safety CounCil, suggesting more sllSpenslon , of permits for drivers convicted of I cnrlessness and l·ecklCSSDl;lss. He also I reeommended that 120 addltions.l . ' patrolmen be aSSigned to state traffic dut~. as a safety measure.
illped niM ....... 1
-. women todar. do not have ~m••1111'01 (Uhctlo'nal lr"ub e. ~.~be yl>u·.-e:llotloed
TIW. II 0';' """pI. "artrieapen,h. 37-HOGS-37 . _ .... Jtch1!to, onci '0.,.. .. ' 01 ECII"", 7 Spotted Poland China brood sows , 4 of which are IIICI TeN, '0, , .., Ratlie. and _ny other a., ,_II., co........... e,,,,,llon, ond Jhol 1. \10 eligible to registry. 10 feeders wt· around 125 lbs., 20 . fah _I., Moo",', Emlrald 011 nIgh' ana ......... 1l1li IIIWI. DMf'!!t wha II1II., ,"om luch _barThe CollP1lbus total for the Fin· pigs wt_around' 50 lbl!. ' ,~ CI( uMlglo,ly ... In wou,Id .'" wile to lIy It. . . • . n lsh Relief Fund reached $9.257.57 FARM IMPLEMENTS I J'" ... on" Rrtklo .. d......kI for on orltlillal on February 14. Moone', E_rald 011 aand ,aI_'ctin-' '0 2 W a)gons;. 01'IVer rl'd'mg . b rea'k'mg p I ow; wa lk'mg """I. __ jot aroythllll etta., I, " ,uch hltlh~
T. Martin, Auct_ Centerville, 0·, Phone. 78J 203 Custer Bldg., 'ADS661 Robert Collett, Clerk Lunch on Ground
COMPLAINTS ''''-'-.•.• v--..... c........
~, -
Saturciay Fe'b ruary 24 '40
'!'lIlY SUFfER FlnctionII \
The State Liquor DePartment S-CATTLE-5 mode $2,150.000 more in totai gen1 Cow, one half Jersey. and Shorthorn, l ' Jersey cow, e!"l'. i revenue ~ 1939 than It did lit 3 Guerns ey cows ; all T . B. tested and to fres hen soon. 1938, of whlch $866.400 was 5 avings _ _ _-:--_____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,.--_ __ _ _...;
al'Otmd alaln. IV.rs. Mellie BenllOl1, who has been Mrs. Mose Spohr a torMer resIdent eAring for Mrl;. Lester KenricK , had WhIte House wher they were told of the townllhlp dle!\ In Xenia Tues- to rpturn to h er home In Spring Vnl -
Countyour C t News =-,=_ " ~ :~e~~I~!~~:t c
Mervure~. WiI~deceaseO;Char. .les J. Waggoner. Ralph St. John LauraJn MclntAllh va Peter McIn- and W. G. Rockhill appointed aptoeh; divorce, ~ neflect. praisers, l •
Parov~lt to'~_lrdeeolen;U~~':v~ltlYat the ... .."'" " ~ ..
::~::~ ~::r~~::!sf:~bC~ h~:: a~:~t ~~yg~~~~ week .because of an
:':e : h His "lecturing" oJ the Youngsters was so ditrerent In tone and meaning trom the speeches delivered and statements given to the same group by hIs .sood wlte. Eleanor. that the Capitol haa been bualng With com· ment ever slnee. On Friday the young radicals visited congress. where they over-flowed the sallenes. cheered the speecnes-ot the so-called "Liberals" and hLased the statements made by more conservative leg1s1ators d urin g proceedin gs on th e Floo r ... •... e ra·ult that they were ad wi •"".... .... -'-h d everal times by the pre mo,,,,, e s siding officer, and Capitol policemen and doorkeepers were kept busy In attempts to keep them quiet. Thel, deinol1Btration seemingly has made do ..... ....,ly certain that but little 'COn slderation wlll be given to Ulelr reQuest for an appropriatiOn of five hundred mlllion dollars tor the Youth Program sponsored by them.
the, Bellbrook M. E. '~hurch at 2:30 p. m. Burial In Bellbrook cemetery. Mr. Ralph Hopkins ' ls V1s1ting his dllushter Mrs. Ralph Zimmerman I'n Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs . Wilbur Bennlngton spent the week end with friends nt Xl enton, OhIo. A number of frleflds from Bell brook attended the funeral of D! . M. A. Shoemaker at Pe,ebles. Ohio. SlIt · urciay afternoon.
. ~st Friday memb"rs of the Ferry chul1W and neighbors gave a farcwell party for Mr. and Mrs, . Rolla BCJ\ton at their home on Waverly f .rm. Over fifty guests were present. Gsmes were played by yO\1ng and old . and 'n eighborly talk passed CrO:11 Jlp to lip. Candy was served. We sha ll be sorry to losc these goOd ml~hbors but hope they will flnll success and happiness In their new heme. Jr. Smi th had \.0 slay home from school last Fr ida y because of an att pck of rhuematism . He Is planning to have his tonsils rcmoved a t McClrllan 's hosplt.a l II} Xenia th~ comInf! Saturday. Re v. and M rs Olin H a y of James, W\I 'n were suppei· ""ue.~ts of the W. C Smith famll y Frida y evcnlnll. Guests' at a birthday s upper for J l'. SI'lith last Tuesday evening were Mr allcl Mrs. Lee Riley and family.
. Marllaret H~psher, by Allce Wood. ' Alice ' Prior P(ltterson, et al., tl'\1Sva.. Joe Hipsher; court . I'P roves tees. to John Thomas Patterson ; ildopUon of Patricia Hlpsh·er. a min- 885.94 acreSin Wayne township. or cbtld, by her cuatodl&M. Ernest Evans, et aI., to Orner .and Anna 'Woodhouse ; 150.1/0 acres In PROBATE COURT Wayne township. James E. Burke, deceased, by adI n th e ma tter o f th e guardla . n sh1 . 11 mlnistratrlx. to Fred Kahn; lots 69 of Otto HarUelter. an Incompetent; and 70 in Lebanon . administrator to pay $6.00 per The Union Savings BuUding & month tor care of &aid Incompetent Lean company to Lawrence R. and now at veteral1B' home In Indiana. Viola Snider ; part of lots 13 and 66 Little K enneth Todd has been I n th e ma tte r o t th e es tate 0 f In MalnevUle. Quite 111 the past week. Carrie Smith, deceased;· private sale C. E. and Mary A. McIntire to Services at Lytle "church continue or personal property ordered. J'lmes H. and Frank L. McIntire ; each evening this week. In the matter of the estate of about 91 acres in Clinton and WarMrs. Harold Whitaker enter talnMary E. Crane, deceased; Inventory n 'n counties. ed the card club on Thursday atternoon. approved. C. P. Ballard to L. T. Ballard et a1. In the matter of the estate of about 100'.4 acres In Harlan, Vernon President Roosevelt's sending of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Smith and r Walter Grtmth. deceased, schedule l'nd MI!-rion townshiPS. Und ersecretary of State Sumner daughters ot Dayton spent Saturday or debts approved . Lee Lemmon to Vernon L. Slmp- Welles to EuroPe as his personal afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. ClarIn the matter of the estate at sor and Emma B!'lIe Slm}J6on; .70 emissary has brought about much ence Smith. Prank Schooley, deceased, Inventory aCl'e In Wayne township. discussion and uneasiness on CapMr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet and The Woman'S Civ ic Lell gue mc; at approved. Lorena Reynolds to Marlon F. Tay ltol HUl ' and, judging from the mall Mrs. J . B. Jones attended the co- ll.e home of Mrs. Mary Syferd on • 'I n the matter or the will ot Luella lor ; .573 acre In Union townShip. recel.ved , also among the people ot operative mUk meeting at Waynes- Saturday evening. Roll cal! was nn Thomas, deceased ; will tiled in proL . T. Ballard, et al., to H. E. Rld- the United Statea generally. Evldent- v1lle Friday afternoon. 5wel'ed by n aming f\ presid ent 0 1 Ih' bate. er : about 92' acres In Harlan.Ver- Iy the same sort ot a European visit Miss Geneva Routzahn entertain - U S .. prior to 1914 and giving h;5 made by Colonel E, M. House during ed a number of young folks at a yea rs In office. As this Is electio'l Larger Because of Better Quality, Service, and P rice I.n the matter of the estate or 1'011 and Marlon ·townshlP8Truman Casson to Altred Kindred the Wilson administration about Valentine party Thursday evenlng_ ~ f. ar and sinCe F ebruary Is a month Established 1849-1939 _ _ Waynesville, Ph o n e 32 Oharlell M. Bryan, deceased ; Alice B. Bryan appointed administratrix, S. lot 243 In Franklin. twenty-tlve years ago ha.s not been Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke were In which we honor two of OUl·· presl8 . MUIJ. Paul Brlol and Beldon Martha Jeffries to WIlliam H. forgotten. Some of the revelations Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and den ts. the program topic wa.s "Our 8auer appointed appralaers. M('fford; about 3.99 acres in Mason. that have come in memoirs and bi- Mrs. Ray Eagle 1ri Miamisbuf'g. ·Go\·ernmeni" and a round tabl e dLsIn the matter of the guardianship ographles published since that time Mrs. Allen Emrick and Mrs. Wal- c .l~slon ~as led by Mr . Syfcrci . 01 ; 01 Elmer Hooes, a minor; .guardlan as to what happened prior to the ter Kenrick called on Mrs. Alice c us s Ion In c I u ded arguments to pay f3 .50. per , week to Edward entry of the United States In the Clark In Dayton FrIday afternoon. fO I' and against a th ird presidential Hvoes and ~th Hooe8 of care last World War cause special atten. MI& Anna MarUyn Whitaker en- t·.:rm, the Hatch BUI, l.he Tennessee and support or said mlnor. tlon to be focused upon the activities tertalned the sophomore class of the Vl' lIey authority the 1940 census and . In the matter of the estate of Of Mr Welles The American people Waynesvftle mool at her home Sat- other topics of Interest pertainin g I Way nesville people wll h the "camMWard P. Weaver. deceased; dlstrl- . By CLARENCE J. BR OW f'.; to "'VUI, ....... -ae want the anv'emment to be urdayevenlng. to government and policies of the Among his many oth er accomplish ('I'll bu,,' will have a ·llIdlo program "'.IIlMr or Con.rna. 7lh Ohio Vb ,I. , e ......... buUon In kind ordered . of all possible a&istance m bringing Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and pu£ent IIdmlnlstration. The next ments. George Washington WII ~ of thei r own stanir . February 28 . In the ~tter of the estate of pea-ce in Europe; but they do not Mr. and Mrs. WUbur Foulks visited reaular meeting w111 be held a t the quite a farm er. over th e Ohio SLate University staAnna M. Eldridge. dec:eutd; Flibwant any activities on the part of Mr. and Mrs. Dolllftd Foulks and Gome of Mrs. Margare t Tucker The first presldent·s agricultural tion WOS U, ruary 20 l et ror "earlnl on Inve.n The RepubUcan National Convend hte t C d 11I S d Pl ot g al>l1\" s j1roblem.s. '~'. tlon wlll be held In PhUadelphla. be- American representatives that may aug r a e arv e , un ay. M&rch 9. 81: Livities are r evi ewed by H . E . Esl or . . ""'iI eventually lnvolve the United States Mr. and Mrs. E. J . carmony of The adult Bible class of the Jonrlarkr o m tpchlllquc., . Iypr.~ of ('amIn the matter of the estate of glnnlng June 24th ne,t. This declS"rlngfield were Sunday guests of h' R B tl h h fH win. historian on tile Mond ay Far m eras and other aspect.s of phOto'" at a meeting of the In the Old World conflict. The clti- .. a s un ap st c . ure, 0 ar veys- Nigh t progt'ams h~ rcl ov(,r WOSU. ' a s reach ~ UUJe Nunner. deceaa . ed; certUieate IIRI on wbU MIS. Mary Carmony and with her d I gm ph.1' will be ct !s _u:,scc! in the weckNational Committee in zenshlp of the Umted States Is al· bUrg met on Sun ay even ng at Ohio S tate University. CIt tranater ordered. February 27 set epu can most unanimous In insisting that attended the theatre In Dayton In ·Hole-In-the-Woods.' Devotions were Iy prograrns at 8 :45 p. 11\. each Wecl~ ...- · f BC hed"'t d ebts , d'· Eswlne says that W a~h ing tol1 was IlCSd ay. Q ties tl ons mat'1 e d I n by lis f or b_uIIO ..... 0 "'- WashlnlJton last FrIday . The Dem- this t In t e thl' afternoon. very well given by Mrs. Cath erine kind . .01--.1 . ocratlc Convention has alrelldy descoun ry rema a p ace. an extensive. laud-owner , both by 111 - t III b J 'I br ad trtb u Uon .uo or..... "". ... . Mr. and Mrs . Clyde Wharton . Miss Heston the subject being " Finances," en el'S w e ans w ret on· . le 0 In the matter of \he wlll of Allee Ignated Chicago as the meeUng Em and Morris Wharton attended Reverend Thornbury had a very ill- h erltance and by purchase. At one ! casts. 0a1n. ' deeeued; application t6 ad- place tor its convention. 'but the The natlona) pollt:eal pot conUn- thp funeral of Mad!J;on Cram at Mt. t tJ I t U' I ~ tim e 01' another he is said to have ProCessor F ranCis W. Davis, pllotof th De U N tI 1 t boU d b bbl Ith lnte est eres ng and ns rue \ e eBl on on owned almost 70.000 acres in 37 10- . . dl mit ww to probate to be heard on d a te 0 e mocra c a ona ues 0 an u e. w r Hulthy and burial at Prank.lln Sat- " Europe's War a nd Europe's Ba p - . gra pllY depart mcnL ch airman. Ls _ JIWJruary 16. Convention was not fixed by the centering on the question as to urday. Mr. Wharton was a pallbear- t lsts· .. MI' . Will Gillam had char e cations. at the 1.lm of h is rleat.l1 he n' 'ling the serlcs. In which A, Lloyd · recreation hottr and several g ' held land In 51x different slates. . ·t n en t , an d. In the matter of the estate of C0 mmlttee • powe r being· conferred wh e ther President Roosevelt will cr . The Cram ,oS were former resld ents of the ' I .-.L"'~ be r, 01. th e samc d epru Martha ciucipn, deceased; inventory upon National Chalnnan Farley to break tradition by being a candidate of Lytle. very Interesting contests were con- \ The Mt. Vernon e~tate conlo.med FrI ~1 HeimUch , WOSU proll'ram and appraisement dispensed with. set the definite date for the con- for a third term_ It Is generally conMr. and Mrs. Harry Cornell and dueted. The following members were more than 8000 acres, largely wood - dl1 eci.OI will assist. I I&1d applleaUOn Is to be fUed aa an vening of the Convention after the ceded that If he wlahes he can force Orville Phillips werl! Dayton visitors ! present : Rev. and Mrs J . P . Thom- land. and was divided Into five farms Inventory without apprallement. Republican Convention place and his own nomination by the Demo- Menday. I bury. Mr. and Mrs. Ho":"'ard Ornham. When away from . his farm es tate, \ . In the matter of the estate of date were fixed. cratlc National Convention. HowMrs. Harvey Burnet and Mrs. Mrs. C. G. Randall , Mrs. Mary Oos- Washington wrote as often as once Mary H. Ell1son, de«:eased; report of ever, Vice President Garner 1s pro- Walter Kenrick spent Priday eve- ter.-Mrs. Catherine Heston. Mr. Wlll a. week to his farm manager. and admlnlatrator approved. Reverber\\tlons from the meeting ceedlng with his campallJn for - the n'ng with Miss Edna McEwen ana Gillam and the host and hostess, Mr the farm manager was ex peeled to In the batter of the estate ' of of the American Youth Congress last presidential nomination, Postmaster brother Hadden. at Bllrlngboro and and Mrs. A. S. Collett. Guests were reply givin g complete details. WashWilmer Steffey. a minor; damqes week can still be heard about Wa&h- General James A. Parley has enter- Mr. Burnet attended a co-operative Mrs_ Wm Doster. Mrs. Herbert Oos- ington sought 1nformaUon aJbout con of t2OO.00 by O. Donald D1I&-- ington. The approximately three ed as a candidate In the Massachu- milk meeting there. ('r Miss Kathleen Graham Dorothy dltlon of the land, fences. winter su p tuab court approves settlement. thousand members of the organlza- setts presidential primary, and other Mr. and Mrs. Kellier Graham and and James Thornbury. pl1es of small gra.ln, and erosion. A selee~ed group of Ohio State UnIn'the matter of the -wm of tlon in .attendance voted down reso- conservative Democrats are taking Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slney were enThe Book Review Circle met with Th f'-t Id t d t Ivel'slty . tuden ts will take to the I barrl 0 ists f te that I I lndl te that If Mr e U o pres en owne wo , field this swul1.1cr for pmctlcnl work Geos'p L M1ller, deceased; will ad. utlo~ ng ommun . rom s PI c ear Y ca . tertalned at dinnel' on Sunday at Mrs . Charles Smart as hotess at olll1s l d b Mr hi elt ks th Presld al upera e y waLer-power. . In archaeology. mUted 1:0 probate. members p and went &0 far lIS t9 ROosev see e ency ag n the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry her home on Tuesday afternoon, the Eswille relates, In these ml11s his In the matter of the estate of eject from their meeting t~ose who his ~ndidacy will not have the un- Graham inclemency of the da.y did, not de- onTi l t d I t 1'1 Making their helldquarlers In bal"divided th lastl t f • ~ w lea .was groun no our, 1'<lC k ~ nt Fort Ancien t. Warren caunor. en us c suppor 0 Mr. and Mr5_ Elmer Groves at- tract from t.he enjoyment by all who some of which found a matket I'n the Democratic - t)" students will spend ~Ix weeks in .,"'HiI· tended the annual Be Square ban- were present, of the book, "Moment the West Indies. ex(avatlng a rchaeologica l sites. The outstandlng sOcial event In qu~t of the Mason'!! at Dayton. Bat- In eking" by Lin Yutang; reviewed While Washington was president. Th c work repr esents a joint pro.Vacuum Shilt Help. Prove 'B... Kef'.' Point. : connection with the meeting of the urday evening. ._~ by Mrs. Esther Doster whose fa.scln- h e lived mos t of the time III P hila- je,:t of the un iversity I1nd the Ohio ;.· table Sta. te M Uljeum. R1 c·11IU' d GT . MorglUl. . Rep~l1can National COnunlttee and Mr aDd Mrs Pram: Brown and M"", atlng Interpretation ot the home Ufe delphia. DUI'lng that l.l·rne 1'1..., the lJeneral gathenng of party Mildred Boitnott of Tlpp CIty wer: ot the Chinese a s applied to our own was supplied In part Crom Mt. Vcr- curator of archaeology. a nd H. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. an famil y life, its obligations and con- non. In one letter he said that Mrs. Holmes Elll s. a:slslan t curator . will d fam1l , chief tans In Washington last week Mr GRot h was the i'ecepUon given by Ohio's s. uy u za n an Y. d duct, was 1lluminaUng and interest- Washington had asked that "one be field director and a ista nt field Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones : : ing. During the social hour refresh- dozen of the best hams and hal f a director, respectively. for thc .expecll' Republican National COmmltteewoman. Katherine Kennedy Brown of son spent Sunday with Mr. and rs ments were served by the hostess . dozen of mlddltngs of bacon b e sell t 111111. Dr. Joh n P. OJllln, depn.rtment Edwin Nutt near .Oentervllle. Members of The Grange, tendered to her." of sociology is r eceiving application!> Dayton, In ~onor ot Senator and Mrs SlIanley Bailey and Mrs. J. d A Taft ", be of . a surprise patty to Mr. an Mrs. Tile state"man "'anted to have at fn o' enJ'ollment. M1'3. ................ ~n. . _em ra B. Jones saw "Gone' With the 'Wlnd" . ~ .. the Ohio Republican COngr . essional at Loew's In Dayt()ll Monday. Levi Lukel1B at their home east ot all time full information about th e According to 01'. Gillin . "the cul···1 ted Harveysburg, on Monday evening. IJerSonne o'f his (arlns. TIlat he Wl es 01 tne prelll I,ol'lc Dlound-blma 18"'1 ,U es -- S Mr and Mrs. Wlllllam 'D~rs and t -'-' 4""11~ Mr. and Mrs. Lukens wi h their knew m ' I I d I Ing peoples of Ohio ha.ve long "'-in rece IyI ng the h undr, .,.... daughter had for their Sunday din· anagemen . s ev nce none .--.... ·-.... _·Ia .. ·.. •• • .... ~ hon r r famlly will shortly remove to QtlOt a t Ion ' f rom a WI ' ,- I e tt e1' l'ecognlzed as bei ng one of the most of d ...~y '1eU gues.... pa....... 0 ner ""ests, Mr. and Mrs. George Pox a.s lmg·wn ~ Ohi G-Ato d his ood .. Fayette. Ohio where Mr. Lukens wllJ to Il is f Nortl' to .I.. WJe 0 ""'!- r an g and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Paul . ann manallcr : "Pass bY no COllll>1 'x ancl IlltCI·C t l' llg In . wIf • become manager of a large dairy America . Th ousa nds of archaeologie. Anders and two daughters of Miamis farm. faults. for overlooking one only . serves to generate another. To esta b- ca l sites OCClll' a long- the major burg and Mr. and Mrs. Ben . James Mr. and Mrs . H, C. MUUgan. Mrs. streams a nc! Ink s, Inc111~iing mounda llsh good rules and a regular system oroute n'13 , • Ch ar]es S mar t an d d aught er MI 55 , ' •, village sites, cemcteries, hilJ- top forGrace Smart Mrs. R. E. Hurst and is t he life and soul 0 1 eveJ) .kind of tlflca tlons, - alld geomeLl'ic eruthtwo daughters. Misses Margaret and btlslness," works". ~. Samuel Bowles Is confined to Mildred attended the Unal concert h~ borne with quinsy. 'of the CooPerative Artist Association .- iiii·-.-iiii-......-- - - - - - ; - .____;;.;;_ ____ _ ;;..._,;;;o...;.;___ ¥r_ Wm Tate Is reported much In Wilmington on Monday eyenlng. better. . Mrs. Sara Wright Is slowlY recovOn Thursday ev,enlns twenty-five A IOn was born to I Harold and . ., "_.!lke. ; . car ~ (rom the _mbl)' iine. Ral -i~ in' el'lng from the accident In which HaIel BUmble last saturdaY,evening from the Ferry chlllrch attended the I't\ airt.ir::ht c:Alie ifhu'been driven all, aDd leave it there for 20 years. she suffered a broken arm. AI ~ • the car it.eif ~ not ~c one iota in that period. it. val\1e will. Xenia Area meetlnll held at the East MrI. Nettle Conner, wife of OharWith IRVIN S. COBB depredate abarply. (or automotive evolutioa will be marchinl relentlessly on, Miss "Grace Smart Is spending lea COnner a former resident of .Bell. DaytOn Church of ChrlBt. I ancl ,t he featuru which'make tocIay'. new Can the very la.t word will have been some. weeks with friends In JacksonRev. Smith preached two tunerals brook 'was bur1ed In the Bellbrook oblOlet~ by new advanca, .orne or them undrecDed·oC today. C. F. Ketterinc, vice preildeot oC Geoenl MotOfi ill chu,e of n~K.rch,'. last week. The funeral of Marlon vUle and MIami Florida. cemetery last Saturday afternoon. made effective Ute oC a hypothetical cue, at the recent fete markin,' Mrs. C. G. Randall and daughter A large number of basketball tans Schumaker, veterinarian of BellCompletion of Geneni ~otora' 25·mlliionth car. In thIS photo, Mr. Keth~rin" i Miss Helen were Wllm.l ngton visitors nttended Ute Qreene CO. basketball blOOk, beld on saturday afternoon at the w~ecl or hia own new Chevrolet, ~~ it. VIICI!\IID'POW~ abift.aa saturday. typical of the c~lc. improvement rathiire4 b.F tile e!iIin~'-lmprO\'e-' and the funeral of Joseph Tlnney tournament at Xenia last Prld~ 8y , IRVIN S. COBB men~. wilicll combine to outmode the caN · 01 the _I*t. only In ,tum to bel Mr. and Mrs. Ca.rroll D. Smart held at McClure!'s funeral home and saturday eveninp. outmoded thcmael'/et 81 Pfoar- 10ft eodJe.ly 011. I YOUTH from the slum!' ; obtained fame as a prize-fig hter. From are sojourning In Whittier CaliThe vacuum· power Ihirt, uled ellt:lulivel), bi' Chevroict, bU' bcen characterMr. W. H. Bldel,l8trlclter Is report- III Waynesville on Wednesday afterbeln~ an humble ham-and contender, ~ontent to !lam a tew dQllars fornia. b~ AI one of the ,reatett automotive ilnprovemeaU ~ the .elf:.Jtarter-· ed much bet~ and Is ~le . to be noon, . by coine on in preliminary bouts, he became an aspirant for', the . w~)c~, rncider.tnlIY, wu M(. Ket...-m,.. firat _tribution to motgriJl&
L y t Ie
Fairley Hardware Store
Washington's Activities Radio Camera Clinic Starts February 28 I As Farmer Are Reviewed I
'W ith a Bucke') . .· In Congress .-..
Ohloo State Students To Exploce Mounds
-------__._._n_._._. _.
..JaUghing ArOtmd .. ...
Not Listed Among L~ding Ones Anyhow
On. A - Pr~_. -Career
championship in his class. With "prosperity and 'pl'Omitien~c;: he, ~u~ed . arrogant. He aspjred to ' more ',stylish society than be had Ilre ~o(;r 8 Iy enjoyed. . " '", " • >.' . dne day be <lpen~y snub~ed a 'c~panion of . ~ ea~lie-t: t.I~ e. snubbed one presently sent .an emissal')' to"reproacl\ h~ t or hi ' .SUu\':" bishness. ' , . , ' . . ' . \ 'J .. " ., "Jim say's you ought to b~ ia.shamCd ~of YOUMeft 'fol' ·tbrowWg ·blm down 1Vhe~ you fMo used to tie· spch gO~ _11'i . ncf".'" stated the inter~ediary. "He ,say.. ne's done you a ~hole lof Ii( {p,voii; in tIle past.'1 . ·.i' "Aw, tell him to forglt itl" glowled the pu~. «Dat·gUy et' nothin' for nolJody.~t did- he ever do for me 11 ' • ' _ "WeH, all I 1mow is be told me to ask you i( 1011'(1 f.ot'rit :.ihat botel episode in. Toledo "hen- you were' 1hete togetbe)' the UIIUI .". \h. WilIard-Damp.My ~t 1" _ . ~ . , "He's a 1iar." said ~ pucl.ist, -r'o becll\ \Vito the1 ' Hotel Episode in ToledO.
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IH.)
FOUll -
--------'------1:\ "' e offer a ract.,,.y St'u()ice ~ati.,
at alltirres
America. Be, ,Mqaziael Companion To _no!JSIDds
SCHOOL NEWS Lena Koyerman, Reporter It was decided In a s peclnl meeLLng h eld on February '20 that the Seniors tbis year wll\ we!).r caps Bnd gowns \.0 Lh e I!ve.n ts. connected with graduntlon, ' The color wlll \ devlat~ ,f1'om the proverbial regulation gl'ay to the n w blue.
Hundreds' of thousands boys and young men read THE AMERICAN BOY Mag· azine every month and consider it mote as a living com- FOR BALE-Ollver breaking .Ulkey panion than as a magazine. Phone 7 Waynesville plow. Impertll.l walking plOw, I4U"It'! &s much a buddy to burn fll.rJn wagon. all In load oon.:.. Lorna Lacy. a member of the Sen- me as my neighborhood dltton. Ernest ButtA;rworth. WayIor class. has withdrawn from t hl chum," writes on e b i- g h netlvllle, R ; R. 2. F'l&-22-~· -=iE2 \ school. She will finis h school nt school senior. "THE AMERIMR • . HARRIET MANNING WARREN COUNTY ZIHlesvllle wi1el'(" she will live with CAN BOY seems to underRITES HELD WEDNESDAY LEAGUE STANDING stand a boy's problems and FOR SALE.:.-S yearling hettel'll. LAWher parent.s. rence Fields, R. 3.• Wayneavllle. considers them in such a FI5-22-29· r.{rs. Harriet 89. died at Flnlll playcd . The S 11101' sponsoring the symyatheti<: and help-ful W!ly her home tn CentervUle. early Mon- I 16. 1940- Morrow 33 , all1~lp _4 publlcntlo of a Year Book. It will i It gives advice and entert~mn I ing reading on every be a life-lollS remlnel er of school h' h f II BubJect .. day morning. She lUIS no ImmedIate prillriboro 40. Kings MlIIs :l;I: I SALE---Jersey cow. E. W. Hopyoung e rt' ow IS survivors. MilSOn 26. W!lyncsvUlr I 9 : 11<I)'n')' 5' 1 tlvlUes and school classmates. In in W 1Cd a It ' I m' I kina. phone 69-:n . F22. . Funera l services were held at the i.Jtll'r; 43. Otterbein 24. this general book the events. of the tereste : Ist)a ICJI a~u~ Stubbs funera l home Wednesday nfFINAL LEAGUE STA. DINGS .CUlTent yea r will be SlllTllTlllrlzed. Ishce~~~~l ~~..~~~:il t~:m e be' ternoon \\'Ith burial in Centervit IE' TEAM W L S1'lJ . The sta If Is now be In g draw n uIp cause . . . of . . playing . tips I read FOR SALE-Jersey Cow; fresh . J. H. 7 0 1.000 Ild 'nenl in THE AMERICAN BOY." Sackett, R. 3, Waynoovllle. F21 cemetery. Springboro by mem bers 0 f t h e t acu ItYR. Kings Mills 5 2 .714 i.Jel's of the student coun:l\ from ~ht: I Many famous athletes in Would n·t it be ~I'eat If our Fed- CU!'Il~le 4 3 .571 1 senior class. The staft' will be ~om- all sports credit much of PUBLIC SALE eral Government WOU ld. work as I Morrow 4 3 .rl7l pofiecl of members of the junlol and their success to helpful sugh\l.rd to prevent the inheritance of H L rveysburg 4 3 .0. · -1 sCl110r ' c Iasses wILl 1 t cae IleI' a dvlsor" ' ". I gestions received from sports Mon. Feb, 16th. at I P. M. de bt as It Is now worldng t{) prev ent Ma~on 2 Ii .286 I articles carried in THE The Maftm property In Wa,nllthe In herltanle of wealth? Otlerbein 1 6 .143 Spcnc~r Tla\' und Hed" LaMarI' in "I Tnke This WOlllun' The Wayne Twp teachers monthly AMERICAN BOY Magazine vIII •. Waynesville 6 . 14 3 Ten nllng tW()-ti lllf' A aUeJllY Awaru W11111cr Slll'neel' 'I'mcy with t1~e Iy meeting was held at. the grade Virtually ever~ issue offers O. M. Rlda'e, Ouardla.n No wind makes for him that hath Springboro-I940 League Cha111- '{ ln I110111'm.s Hedy LUl11f\l'l'. "r Take Th ~ WCl I1l<lll ," CU ll11'S lO the xe.mll ! buUdlng Tuesday evenlng. Feb. 20 advice from a. famou's coach w. N. Sean, Auct•.. . ..•.•.•..•• 1~ 1 Intended port to sail In to. plan. Tlll'nLre. Sunday . Fcb. 25. for :1 t hree -day . rUII, w, n vivid -st,·)'Y ~f lllleJ LtO- I The speaker was Dr. Kllpa~'lck: or player. Football, basket-Montnlgne Kings Mills-lost Lo Springbor o poli lnn life 11l\'01,~ng the dra ma of a young dOClOr IInei II Bociet:, leau Y· I presldent,elect of Cedarvllle college. ball, track, tennis, in fact ;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; 0,1U Carlisle w . s. Van Dyke II directed . All Imaginary trip was taken to every major sport is covered Cal'llslc- 10 IS t to Harveysburg. Europe via stelUllboat and an inter- in fiction and fact articles. 8 0rlngi.Joro and Morrow -I estlng tOllr of Europe was cohducte~ Teachers, librarians, par Morrow- lost to Ottcrbeln. Kings , by Mr. KIlpatrick who has been a ents and leaders of boys Shield Ellpert Her• . A ••in Mills IllId Sprlngboru 'Ludent for sixteen months In the clubs also recommend. THE J. MEINHAIlDI • kiwtra Harveysburg- lost to Morrow. K ings llIuversltJes or Edinburgh and Basel. AMERICAN BOY enthusias- EIpert .Or Oblcalo. will penonall, be MJIIs and Springboro At the close of thls tOllr he helped tically. They have found that III o.yMD. OIUo, at tbe.MJaml· Masoll-wo~ from Otterbein and n the evaeuatlon of cllUdren from as a general ,rule regular WedDlllda1 'only, Feb. uu.. ,...... WBynesvllIe .J OSEPH 'fl:"NE\' 1', I\ VG S1'INIE CHURCH xome of the large cities of England readers of THE AMERICAN a. lB. p. m. an4' Po .... Otterbein- won from MorrolV . . (ev n. II. J fumholtz. S, T. D .• pa.~tor and came home on a. small overload- BOY .advabee more rapidly Mr. MEINHARDt 18YI: 'nul Me1n. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 1 In. S, SundllYs 9 :00 a. m. Waynesvllle-WOn fl'011l Ot LCrb'llI :;CI'.JosL' v wn. born 111 Han 'I cd Ship to America. On'- his way and develop more worth- hardl SbleJd Sa a' tl'el'Mndoua wCOLIphllt Tlnn ~' . Kentur ky. D(cemb p), 2 G. W3!! and died Pebl'lI "\' 11 1940 il l home more passengers were taken while characteristics than do provement-weU ~wn for produc. FRIDAY- ATVRDAY UTICA CHURCH CC.f\~'il1 Ohio " (Orl 7 . vt ;1);. TIl(' 'f l\iARY'S El'I SCOPAL ,on from Ii. s'bll> that had been de- boys who do not read it. inK tmmecuate results, It &toP!J thi Febrwll'Y 23 and 24 TO PRESENT PLAY . u;.timcly r1(',1~h of hi s fnth "!' pla.ced CHURCn stroyed by a mine. Trained Wl·lters and artists Rupture trom protrudllllin 1~ day. t1w rt'~pon Iblli lh S of IIfC' upon llh It~v. n. I •. lI ackwcll, Redor He arrived home' III October after famous coaches and ath· 011 the averar&-reprdl~ qt ~ or . .·ARKAN AW TRAVELER" The Christian EndeAVOr socll'ly uf sn nil frame \\'h e11 1)(' \\'I\ ~ onl. ~ix· i' ar rowly avoiding beln8 interned' in letes, explorers, scientis t s 10t:uUon or Rupture and no ma'_ w!tll the Ullca .. U. B. ch~r,ch will .~)resenlll ~~'C. ' fl bIlL the ('hl'istlan 1 eil ~'hl\11! of T lIIRD SUNDAY IN LENT EUrope tor the remainder of the war and men successful ill bUBi- ho\\o hard YOU work or Itraln. It ... the play The LOld s Acre n('x hi ' parenl.S and 11Is own Lin'less ("n 7:30 a. m . Holy Communion ~ Numerous ,pIctures were shown ness and industry join with no leg atrape or . Clumber~lI:qe ar. 80B BURNS -FAY BAINTER Sunday nigh t, February 25. at 8 el'[,Y offset Lht man y i.Jsta( les tilat 11 a . tn, Morning !Prayer and ser- and the teachers were given' a first an experienced staff to pro- rangeinents. (No Sl1l'1e fl; O~ 'rJnJec. Added Selected S_b ort Subjects o'clock at the church, Miss Eileen \ b pt him. • 11<011. hand impression of currene< tr n els duce in THE AMERICAN Lion Treatmentl uaedJ . MeinCole Is the director. The characters \ 110 DAY and thought in Europe today. BOY, the soFt of reading hardi haa "been,'eomInr ~ ftit 1& are: Clara Green. Gcorgia Gebhart. He was an honest man and kindly. 1 p. m. Auxiliary l.entcn sewing. matter boys like best. yeara. . • SVNDAY-l\IONDAY Martha Hosldns. Clara Thomas , Cal to. man of iu flnlte pest ' his drrYuhU - WEDNESDAY THE AMERICAN BOY caution: If n-Ject.eci-Rupture t0 ft., an execl lem 0 D ,le to the en ~uill g toul'nament _. February 25 and 26 Hosldns Harley Thomas; Ted Hos mol' serv"", as . 4 P. m. Children's Lenten servIce sells on most newss _ tands at may cause .wealtnl!88, a-kachlh con) ' make hi WIt mure utt ra : tIYc. Al l Pr d sC,h ool was dismissed at noon on • , ldns, Wilbur Shockey, Bet ty Hoskins, • T' l'k d him 7:30 p. m . Evening ayer an Friday 20c a copy. Subscription IltipatlOn, bervOUIllelll Itomach "IllS GIRL FRIDAY" BOnnie Jean Cole, All are cordially who knew Mr. Ullle~ 1 e I sermon by the Rev. A. L . Kenyon. Thursday a n d . prices are $2.00 for one year palpa, ete,. or Budden death from with ' well. He was a man WIIO was, or Mi' Kenyon Is ~etor of the Church or $3.50 for three Y .\rS. For': strangulation. ' invited to attend many vil'tues. exceJlent. A kind Illls- of the Ascension in Midoletown. A film on scenic Ohio was s bown. t' 5 xt ba..... '6_ Ru t bleb . ROSALIND RUSSELL D band a noble father. sympathetic Is I! I Waynes to the high school on Tuesday. Feb- elgn 1'a es c_ 4C Ut' era· Men .........." II uree w ANNOUNCED CANDIDACY While he preac 1 ng n 20 Thl I to It T-o subscribe Simply send ha\'e returned after ~ca1 Oper. CARY GRANT-and, helpful to the ~lck. a willlng as - Ill . Ml' Rackwell will be pl'ca~hing rURrY· · s mov e was rna e your name, 'address and . re- at.bna, ' or Injection Treatments are .' t. h ' ighbor ' 0. gOOd pro- v" . . one more familiar with our native Roy Maupin of Lebanon. announc- Slslant 0 IS nc ~. d In Mr. Kellyon's cbm·eh. mittance dire 'c t t o T H .E f.,l$O InVited. When aU. o~ faDed th1s week that he will be a can- videI'. a 1,.irelt % wor\-.cr. he has 1al. AMERICAN BOY, 7480 Sec- aft1dlNIIAIlDL He wU1 be pleaied THEATRE NOT OPEN' ON didate lor nomination for the office down many fine ,examples WhiCh .his T CHURCH ~SE 'I'HE MIAMI GAZETTE ond Blvd., Detroit, Michigan. to demonstrate to you private., With MJ'.:TlIOPI • ut. A".-e. (Only men tnV1tecl.) Tuetida1. Wednesday Thursday of sheriff. subject to the Repll lIcan peopl ~ ~ lid fr lenrls r. .Igh t ,well tOII 'ot)' ·'.·'U (' 1:: .:: . y. '" to: Wan~ Ada ....... pr .o> ar·, ' .., ." May. • . .. "J "- . I ';d ! Hid 0 ' t hi White onlY ___ .. .k; .lttl r."E •. I S I. O!lt!'I :' '?t' hU!llh Scl1(\!J! 9 ," 0 . m. '''' orsilip MICKIE SAYS. i markwble. sen ;ce 10:40. T!le p lor's subject ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;:; By his deparllng, Mr. Tinney lhis Sunday will bc' "Redemptive SOME SUBSeRIBERS ~()r , leaves a vacant ch air t.hat cannot 19\! Discipleship." 'HUMANS ~ I IO~"l'\-(Al' \\IE MA.'t<~ filled. bu ~ the great good he did for Epworth League Monda.y evenings 'C ollector of Internal Revenue, T. h iS fellow men will n ever be fOl- at 7 p. m. SO ML.lQ-LMOlllE'4 O~ A~S J. Connerdlu announced that "taX Chtldl'en's Instruction class . Mongotten. His great soul departed in AI-JI JOB \vOR.\(.~ WE OOi:rr payers in Warren county. will, be peace and should serve as (\. beacon (Iny afternoons of Lent at· 4 P. m. ~A\JE "('I COl.\.E..Ci OUR;. given aU ....tan:ce pouible In tlUnl for us remaini ng on earth to pW'sue You are Invited to attend our LenSu8seR.\P11o..f MQt.l~i their 19311 Income tax retuma ~ OUI' course thl'OUgh~ut this life, thnt tl'n seminars each Wednesda.y ~ve \'r Alt..rr SO, "FOl.~1 t:h&f. a deputy WW' be at the Lebanon when our maker so desires to re- nln1;' at 7:30 o'clock 011 the theme : SOl Olt~na N'aUQnaJ 1Ii1l;k- March~ I, claim the soul from the flesh it ma y "Malting Our Religion Real." abd at··the Prankliri National ~, be ready. and \\Iilll~g to l'eturn llome March t . ( to our Falllel' who al't In Heaven. . WAl'NESVILLE CHURCD .OF R.etunaa - rued atter MarCh 11, • Mr. Tinney r'eaves h is loving and CHRIST ar~ subject :to h~V,y .p'cnaJtletI. de voted wife, Nettle. who' was ever W. C. Smith, Minister At his side attending him during ·hls SUNDAY When the bell rings Sunday morn long periOd of sl c~ess; seven children L' onard. Lura Murrel. Pren- lng that Is n call WI you to come to rice, ·WUbtu·. Webste; and Shel'man ; worship. If you wanl to...pe on Ume t.wo brothel's, Elza and James; three come at 9 :30. n . m. Come brIng your sls~rs, Mrn... Corbin, Mrs Beckett children. and Mrs. Campbell; 21 grnndchil - We have a service fOr the c1i1ldren dren and one great grandchild. Sunday eveIl1ng, knl)wn ~ as the , J,!n .. ior Clu Istian Endeavor. m'ee~ lng at t 1\ SOTE OF APPRECIATION 6:45. What better place could they , -go? . . We wl~h to extend Lo our friends. The Senior Endeavor meets, ·at \ nelghl)ol' . relatives. MI'. McClurc 6:45 p. m. Rnd the leader ~ill be Ed~- ... anCl assistant our heartfelt thanks ward Ling. a nd apprec iation ' for tile sympathy Preaching at 7:30 p. ·m. and kindness tendered us during' our There we re 93 prese.nt last Sunday huurs of bereavement In the loss of evening. come .bl1n~: someone w\th ~ <it~ ct~R. nul' de:ll' husband and fa ther. Joseph you. We are working fol' a. hundred T lm'iey. tills Su nday even11;tlf. , .flr ' , . . -'-f: . The rtlmlly. "Why Dontcha Come Over an' Play /,.
McClure' Funeral Home
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L~aglte ~alllr~
Fe~. !
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Ob·ltuarv .
Ch ure h es
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"Hey' ·Do.. Y·. w,!n!.~ !~die? _.Ain·~!...~o.!.~~~c!:.l!..:s/ ..
FERRY CHUROB O~ CHRIST . W. C. Smith, Minuter . _ SUNDAY Bible Schoo) 9:30 a. m. ,
.- iiiiii_____
Pathfinder Polls 01 Public Opinion
Communion 10:.45 a. m. · Sermon 11 :00 a . m. There were 107 present last Sunuay. come help us do better .this . Sunday. " ~
BARGAIN HR . 15c 'Til 2:00
----~ .
/ . .Saturday Twin Thrill Nites!
~IT. HOLLY i'( t: CinmCH
.f. "CONGO 'MAISIE" . - . ~---. ---;. "
TUES~ , ' " ._.-
M. Scarff. Minuter . sunda; ' Sc~ool 9::30 a,. m. E A. Earnhart. Supt. , Evening service ~ :: 3.0, Prayer meeting •Wednesday evet , , nlnb 7:30· . A welcome awaites you at these ,Sff,vlce.9. . "l'
SUN •• MON•• .......
news center.
events down verlfled into 20 ]i~=~r,=~ a.deJ==~I~-'. unbiased, complete.
UTICA D. enuRc.,. Be"ls A. Ifill. Pastor S~dliy, February 25 9:30 a nt. -Sui,d,IlY SCliO 1 GorsuCh~SUPt. ' "10:30 a. ·m .-MQ1mlng '\·o ' ~h . 8:00 p. m, Play '''I~e Lord's Acre" presented ,b y the Gh:rlst1an Endeavor SOCiety. Miss Eileen Cole; l>Irec~, Oome and enJoy "lese aervtcel With us. A cordial welcome awatts )'ou.
. "','P",
. GROUP DCENTLY... .11..... ",1tn sa,Vlci , . 0' DlPLOYUI WHO ' . ,r
/(ec~,d " :WHICH WE !ARE PROUD . -,
Emp/()ylnen( OF
, Wieb the subjeCt empl~1IP!=Dt being dit- : . ,cuaecl 10 ge~erau,." may w~ p~nt our 'Company's record in this respect " .:
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" p.r........ "
,;. _ _ . . IOI~ ........... ..
,......... ........................... . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 .. .
." In brief, nlo~ ' : n e;,ae.half of Our em·' ' ploy~ ~ wictr!~ ~f'IU1y 10 yean .o~ mOJ;e. ~o~ .more tbaIr"',;400 er,nployea the cotaI represented is l"l~ yean. . '"~_of our employ~ ~~ . . .'-lengtJ! of ~i~. .'fe train!ld hi . . uacII'cion of CUStodier servke .. . . PIItS'& .
_ WHOLE NmmEIt 4018
Martha Lukens Observes CoalJ Mosie Teaellers Mrs. D. C. Ridge Hosless ' Loeal .Happenings, . , L=p Y sor FtsIiYal To New Century ·Club .. _ . __ __ 1_"___ __ .
I_ ~
local Happe~ings HARVEYSBURG' TEAM ."-'-'''- f~' '
__ '' _
' __ II '-' ''~ jl __ 't.
. . Mrs. JeM1e Hyman .spent Wednes- Mla!I IIartbr. LUkena. daUibter of I may not \mow why death should day in olncJnnati. Mr. and loin. W. A. LUkens, entercome t alned a I!'OUP 0 f ...,. ... - .'---••----..... . • • • • • To take the dear one from my home Robert Chapman spent two dayS and. teacller. at a birthday dinner But. though my eyes with tears be -a nd .... ..- W.... _ ...... y - ' - g in In Columb\lB last week. on business. _.". ......- 0:;."..... , ·dlm. • • • • • celebration of heJ' elSbth blrthdaJ The Lord knows why-I'U trust In . nl ........... ~ , b' ........ y #.11 Miss Mary Leah Edwards of an versary. _ .._8 .......... ACOO Him. Springfield was the week end suest OD 'nlul'llday. the 29th. and was the oaco_.o real "--Iversary she has cele 60 : thou,h 1 may not understand of her auntt Mrs. Emma H . McClure.....·'U ...... The leadlnp of my Fa\her's hand. ' • • • • • brated. I know to all He holds the key. ....._. "': dJe ae.""n of Harveysburg The dinner tables were decorated . . .D .... -wltbO gayly c C lored 10 ths • napJUns. ~. f Mr d He understands each mystery. Is v1s1ting at the home 0 • an and favOf'!!. A birthday cake o yes, He knows, the Lord knows Mrs. P. L. ~n; • • lighted with elgbt candles eoneluded \ why a dellcl""meal • PIaces were arrang· VUD These thin,s are ordered from on Mrs. M. J. BaUey. 01 KIngman. Cd for Mrs. John W. Kersey. Mary "'-b alster of Mrs• Cora RIcH Is v...... crit- Dora Hou ghAD"': ~o1 , nn 'vvaers. Barbara And though dark clouds may hi,te leally 111 In Miami Valley, bOllpital, Hartsock. Mary Ann Burton. Jeanne the.UD . Dayton. Hawk . ..r-n Dl-'"ensh ts .... • • ' . • va .... ee. """ th er The Lord ' mows why; His wUl be • • • Watkins. Wilma Gray, Sue Pumas. 'done. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock vis· and Dorothy Lultens and Janet I may not know the reason why It.ed their son. WUton. at Miami Un- Beckett from Harveysburg. Dark clouds so often veil the sky Ivel'8lty. Sunday Jltemoon. Arter dinner. the slrlll enjoyed a lIut thouBb my lei. be smooth or • . '. • • h&ppy evening playing games and in I'OUIh Mrs. W. P. Ballbury Is villting her patlon of the many lovely BUts aH. The Lord knowlI, and that's enouah. daughter, Mrs. R . R. Benson and 8bI.r1na In Martha's Joy and anUclfaJJ~lIY of Indianapolis. received from her frlenda. I may not know why I am led • • • . ' '" Bo often In the patba I dread ~v. R . L. Hackwell waa the LenJJlut truatina Blm( I'll preu my way. ten . guest preacber at Tr1n1ty IRRI The Lord knOws Why: I wllJ obey. Ohurch. Oolumbus, Sunday eveDlna.
, Oharles Snttcrlhwldtc b; working Mrs b . C. RIdge was hostess to th e The second annwl! 8010 and en- members of the New Century club, In Dayton. semble mUlllc festival of the Warren and lUests. at the regular meeting. • • • • • Til,·. Hal'l·f'.vshllr tv V' r.<lly teanl .. ~ " county lIClbools will be beld at MaslIn Friday afternoon at the Litt le .Inn . Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fires and i1I!Rl n l'a mp th roujt h t." \\1n t he Ohio Tuesday MArch 5. 'Ibe festival Tw fe.m1 . Iy werc Sund ay di nner g u e~!,~ ~f Ollllty tOlll'nnmpn t aftrr dcreaLi ng .will be~h in th m min t 8 '30 enly members answered roU call .. ~. e 0 g a . with th e description of Stste flags. Mr. and Mrs. Elvan Fires SprIngboro the league cJ1ampions In and last aU daY • Illh(' fInn! t:;) 1ll1' of thl' W, fliTI'll coun ty • Following a shor t business meeting All mU!lic studenlJ; are encouraged the following program was presen ted James R . Gibbons. Ioc..'ll lu mber : toul'nllment plaYNI !n ~l, Monday to take ....-rt and thle re w1U be selec . by Mrs. Edith M. Harris and Mrs. E. dealer . I ' ft, uT esda y 0 11 II trl l' to n igh t at Kings Mills b Ju a ~ro rc or tions by individuals a s well a s en- L. Thomas : California. 28-27. sembles. However. 11'0 8l'QuP number"A Tribu te to Washington a.nd • • • • • Thl' Wfll'nrsritl r- It''alll made a Ing over twelve will. be Illlowed to LIncoln ," by Mrs. Harris. "T wo great -~ . MJ' ~. L . C, /:it. Joh n \'bill'r1 h,' 1' Inl ll'h ill'llI'l' ~ lJo\\'ln ~ 111 Ill r lou rnev perform men, whose birthdays were both in daughte r. Mrs. J ohn Srottlt'll1yrr Hil d t hn n I hr,\' did in ~ n;; of lil(' lea.gue The festival is patterned basically February. and each was the pr e. l- fa mily, of Oregonia. Salurday. I! am r~ durin!! the !lrnS()n bllt we re fi.nalJy pul nut of t h e fi nnts b"J Hal"a t ter the Miami district musIc festl- dent of OUr country du ring a gn at · • • • • val held each year at Oxford, Ohio. war. Their s uccess ca ll be atl.libuted Mr . and Mrs, Karl F ranz of LelJa- veyslJlI1'~ Snlllre/ny. T hr J unior High Pup1Is entering at Mason are en- to th eir own unselfish ness. In srek - Il on. wcre Sunday gu ('.~t.s at th e home 11'. 1111 lo, l it ,, flr:.! . ""an", t r, Ottel'bein couraged to also perform at Millmi. Ing no personal praise and r eward , of Mr, and Mrs. Robl'J't Bakl'l'. J r. r 11'1 \\':l S ('lillllnnLf'd FO'iowlng are • • • • • Ill,' Itn" ~r ol'l'.' of !'nrh ~n lll e playecl Last year approxi mately 150 boys and to love ot their coun try . TIle and girls entered and this year 200 great monuments. erected to t he Mr , and Mrs. Harvey Bu n~ct eJ1- h \' IiiI' lorn l tl'n m ~ 1Il til" ord er they to 250 are expected. There are no memory of these men. ill Wa.,h illg- tcnn lnl'd the members of their "500 " I\'I'rI' played. prizes , instead. ratings of Superior. ton, should be an inspIration of loy- dinner club, Sat urday. cl'f'J1 lng, at Wny n sville FO FT PT EXcellent. Good and Pair are given al ty to thQSe who convene there to their Ilome In Lytle. C ColIl't 3 7 to all entries. Instrumental and yo· guide OUr governmen t. " • • • • • /I Hobcrt son 3 1 7 'Cal 80106 and ellllembles wUl ' be Mrs Thomas r ead a pllper on "T he Miss Lola Seal's nnd Joh n Sca,rs of Planck n o 2 Judg'ed by competent music teachers. Lite of Charles Carroll, of Carroll- Cincinnati spent U1 e wcek en cl wll h McKe vcr J 2 4 It is expected that this type of ton. Md." He was th e rtrty- sixth and theJr parents, Mr . and Mrs. W. N, C,tlpy 2 4 feaUval as sponeored by the Warren las t signer of the Declaration of I n - Sears. Rlitherford 2 4 county.muslc teachers wUl not only dependence. a very wealthy and In • • • • • raJae the caUber of music In the nuentlal ma n, w1lling to sacrifi ce Mrs. Lewis Fires und son Charles Tetal !l 8 26 1IChoo1ll but will eventually create a much for h is country. Great men of vL~lted at the home of Mr. anri Mrs. • • • • • UlllUDlUDhlaber lltandard' of mUSic culture as England and the COlonies con felTcd C. H. Harbeson and Harold -mylor KII: g.~ Mills F G FT PT Mr. and Mrs. Albert KrleUn,. of a wllo1e; with him on Important topics. His of Centervllle . Monda y_ R 'Yl1ol(l.~ 204 On tbla occaalon I feel remJnleoent Newport, Ky., were weelt end puts Th~' Young Priends met at the 'Ibere wtll be no l~dmlssJon charge home. "Carroll Manor". Is now a • • • • • Swiga rt o 0 0 .. I eee the contrut between today pf Mrs. L. M. Hendu80n ' home of Ml'. aRd ·Mre. .... very one ill In"1t,,e(L to at CaijlOl1c insUtution of grea t note. , .Mrs. Russell Prank and !ion Rich - Wi tt I 0 2 ~nd the put. \ • • • • • son. Sunday evening. Nineteen the aU day eeaslon. Lunch will be He died at the age of 96 , and w~aa.rd visited se~era ~ days Ia.~ t wcek 1"11 I: 2 1 5 In this aae of automobUea anti all , Mr. aDd lin, L. V. Branstrator member and several Prlends lnelud- served at the Mason school cafeteria 'burled at Carroll Manor. with Mrs. Fl anks mother. Mrs llur z('1 o 0 0 the hurry of Ute. when we l'UIh oft *ere In payton Tuelday and eaw a ~ Ml'. ,nd Mn. Ralpb Bo1reD of other county music events wlll The meeting adjourned and du r- Martha p ar:on.s ~f :Ie~ela nd. Mu rphy o 1 1 \0 meeUne In the mornlna and hUrry perfomumce of ~Oone With t rui Yellow Sprlngs ptbered to hear Mr talte place at Springboro AprU 16 lng the pleasant social hoW' r efresl 1\·t <: 011 II 11'1 1 3 5 home'at nlaht. I recau boW cWferent Wind~' _ and Mrs. George Roch of Orang~ when an All-COunty Cborus of 130 ments In keeping with George Wa.sh Mrs. A. E. ~tout, Mrs. Harold Mil- H f l~ dprs o ll 3 7 W&II our ~ to Quarterl, meet- • • • • • Grove Keetlng near i'aaaden& 0a1Jt voices will give a concert under the Ington .s birthday wer e served to ler. Mrs. Wilham Miller. and Mrs, lDf a decade more tWIn halt a cen- Mr d oobei1 Pry and , dlacuss the conferenCe they a;tended dlrecUon of MJ.ss EI1Zabetb Law- members and the following guests. Ru th Davis were Dayton visitors. Tf'tll t 9 6 24 tUl'1~¥o: . when our w~ fatnU) were':::m~ _ ~ of : : at Pendle Hall- near PhUadelpbla. rence, of Klaml UTIII/eratty, and a t Mrs. Roy Updike. Mrs . Cha rles Ellis. Thursday. • • • • • cb1ve 1ela\1reJY .t o warnenWe uid'~ Mra OJezm Prte and IOn or The conference was held far a Morrow wbloh will ~tle bOllt to the and Mrs. L. C. Radl~. Mo lTOIV PG FT PT abltb cia), ~ and ~ on . '. month to think over the prob- county band festival May 7: • The next meeting ot th e club will The Wayne Township Mothers' Drl Jl1 llpr 2 o 4 ~ day.-eveolna: ~ day~ aDd two o.ytoll. • • Ii ' . • him of'tbe stand Prienc1s would take I be a t the home of Mrs, G. J . Smi th,. club will sponsor a dance and card Slocum o o o IlIahtsapent vWtIq the Pr'lI!nda and if Amer1 . should ter the A IFrlday March !III Ifnl'ty Frld!lY evening, Mal'eh 8. at 8 3 2 8 a&~ mee_:- .' Mrs.. I!- A. ~. and daup. In#_~ea dlllc~n foU:r· ,EVANGE_LlSTlC CONGRESS ' . ' 10,(IOCk In th e gym. Wil son o 0' o ,I remembet 1eua t ' YIIltlS ter ZUIe Kae. Mr and KrII very......... on ,o w. • • • • •. Hinkle '_ I.. many. P n , . . • After the meeting, delicious reGARDE\\> CLUB NOTICE HArrison 7 4 18 In the nome of Stepben and J. W. PIIUperaon of 8prtng Valley. freabments of cberry pie. Ice cream. The meeUne of the Missionary soMr. a nd Mrs . 1.;eo Deutsch and SOn Layma n o o o .? Walker Cook; and &II cbUdreu In)'~. and bot chocolate were served. clety of the Cburches of Christ will Billy of Springflela were Sunday Crank 1 1 3 ~rj III)' brother. and I eat on, • • .' . • ' not be held t1ils month as the memThe Waynesville Garden club will guests of Mrs. Deutsch's mot her. Hofer . 0 o o U1elr ~b tn,-tbe 'balm)' SPriDleve- ~ ...... and card ~" Eacb M.S. A&ABBLLE DrNwmDIB bera are attendIng tobe Evangelistic hold the March meeting at the h ome Mrs. O~ H idy and Mr. and Mrs. J . Cllrter o 2 I~' :~ we · talIted With PhIDeu. table. Wlll rf!(:elve a prtIIe at the ; PASSED AWAY WEDNESDAY congres,s of the O1netnnatl BIble of Mrs. J . L. Mendenhall . Thursday. K . Pl'eston and famlly. Robinson o o o t. ~ aDd Ruth ~ . U~~' club ~ and card party. Seminary held Pebruary 26, 2'1 and March 7, at 2 P. m . • • • • • ~t w.. not cbIldJlb lUDoand lauab. March 8. Mra.. Arabelle Dlnwiddle,' age 81 28. Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Hackwell atr To Lal 14 7 35 ter.Jpr we felt very .wIIe. and At.. • • - • • YUlrl'. clled at ber bome Wednesday NNO tended the ordination of Rev. David cUlleCi .queeUonl ·arav'el.Y, as we 1M. 1Ir. aDd Mrs. L. A. Oanit and f~m- ~Yf!l)lDC after an I1lftesa of four weeks A • UNCE MARRIAGE Cochran . at Christ Church, Glendale Wa.ynesvlllc FG PT PT ~ tq the aiIIItnc of the criCkets; lly were gueatll 8tlD4ay, or JIr: ahd She waa the widoW of WOllam H. • Satw·day. The Rev.- Mr. Cochra n Is C. Collc1.t 5 2 !L ,. ap1n In the meeUDI I aee tile Mrs. Hennan Plunkett and family Dlnwlddle, who died 1n January. Mr. and Mrs. John O. Cartwright assistant rector at Christ Church. Planck , ' 0 2 2 aWee& ~ IereDe f~ f1l ~ Qoot. of Trotwood. 1112•• She was born and llved ber enannounce the marriage of their • • • • • Robertson -1 3 Ruth BanDa'a ~. , the Uttle .• • • 1# . • tL.... Ute tn Warren eountyo daughter Evelyn to Mr. Hoyes KemThe Moth ers' club dan ce w1ll be F lorence o 0 o tMmDe& of caIded iWt With the ruchMrs. Bernard UeUoh of R1dgev1l1e, She is lIurvived by CIuee daulbt.era per McGowan on Tuesday. t he h eld In the scllool a uditorium a nd McKeever 0 o iDe uoUnd tile ~&. made a beaUU. Mr aDd lira, A •.P. MeUob and .daugh Mrs. George MWII. and -Mrs. 'l'rUJban twenty·seventh of February, mne- the ca rd tables will be In the cafe- MilicI' o '0 o ...hI ~ far _ earn8.t f . . &II ter. Mary. Ann, vl,slted Mr: and' Kn. Wudlow. WayneSville, . and Mrs. The trustees havel contracted with teen hundred and forty. Cincinnati. teria. Friday evening. March 8 , Daley o 1 me ~ded With, '~t 4lintty Stanley Ella of o.yton. :Sun4a,: Ruth savage of centervUle; eleven WayneevUle corpora,tlon for free fire Ohio. • • • • • A. Osbol'll c o o o a. clerk or the Womea!a ~. . ~ Ii • • • arandchlldren and four great grandotecU&n for the entire ' Wayne At home after the f irst of Aprll Mr. and Mrs. L , C. SL John visited RlI thcl'fon l o o o With thJa ~und 'lt 4&, ~ KJ'. and Uri. , L. V. , Bl'anstntor' children. . township, comm~ncllng Karch 1: One Beecher Apartments, Lane Bem- Mrs. Ada St. J ohn of Lebanon . Sun- PUI'k s o 1 1 atranP. tba& RuUi Hanna Was al- ~t .'nlureCIaJ witb thelt _' son-lnPUneral services will be held at inary, Cincinnati. Ohio. day. MI:. St. Joh n also vL~ l ted Mr . ~IJ .. PrIebd,,.and it iI a law and dauabter. Mr. , ~nd Mrs. McClure funeral home saturxta, at- p .IT R tu FOil Vern Armitage a t Blair hosltal. Total 6 7 19 fort te know that In the da)'. of bel' Donald Greene of ~ ~moon a~ o·clock. Burial will .~ ,f~taoWna ~L e rnka I wh ere he Is r ecovc ling (rom a recent D taIJIDI ~tb .~ bad aueb loYlDa , • • • • :• in Mlam1 cemetery. VII. ra e. operation. Wal'nesvllle FG PI' PT caN I hGID ' bel' deYtIted hulaleDd. JIr.~ and Kn. Kenneth ",y • aDd . • • • • • 4 19 -'I'IWire.la a quotation wbleb ..,. daulbter, Warjol1e of DaJtao. spent AUTO LICENSE TAGS Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Eal'l1hart a nd Collett 2 , ."q . 4 ..~ ave bIoGaIed OIl ' our 8uDda.J afterDooft With III'; ~s . . ON SALI: MARCH 1 son Charles Burton, werc dinner PI,a nc~ 5 3 13 pI'ab1ea from ate to .... UIIIeeD bJ parents. Mr. and Mn. WAiter KIM)'. guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J . }I{. Robertson o o o man. .0 multttudee or Ytrtuea' bAw ,. _. • • • t J. C. Hawke. loCal ~trar, has Robinson of Dayton. Ch a rleJ; Burton MilicI' 1 b. e e a 8Clte4 oUt In ' .. ~. pIUea , ~. and lin, D. J . cable and , lOll anno,unced that auto tap W111 CC1 on On Sunday. February 25. Mr. and remained tor a few days visIt with 1 3 o. _,... _~ .Mrs, Jose:Ph Monger of Lebanon . his sister , Mrs. Robinson . ..........., no.., 01\ adrDIraUob; the - - ~ Ml'II. ~ .. ~..... 1 b ted thel ld ddl o 0' o . . . . . . . 01 bOth bU , . , Up . to,'~ W~ III1tioD; .... 8uncta, IUMta R . ~. ~~'8 ~ware ~tore, wW The Rev·: ·J. P. SJalughter. evangel- ~~ e I\a r ~o en we , ~g ~ . . • • • • • o o o Hlaven." .'. '" . .. ' of Mr. aDC1 ~"B. A. Mobler. '. be open from' a. m. to ~ P: "In. 1St will aastat In th~18 meettngs. that. versary at the home of the r so - Mr. a nd Mrs. L. A. G arst en ter . F'\I,t(:l:ce o 1 1 '!' Bo, I 'feel. far mUlUtud.: Of men ' _ , I ' •• 1 . ' • '.. • • • wll1 begin KUch HI and I continue Iln.law and daughter. Mr. and ~rs. tallied the member s of th e Waynes- Rutherford . - . : " . ~ . . ' Glenn Borden. In Waynesvllle re· . ;U! ba k t b II t I I a~ , ,.... Who·haw. ' 11"-1' ' ' ' ~ If. ·A. 1'u1teraCIIl enfertaJned B~ ' to Marcb 2•. 1i!Ve are praying for a ,. ' .... se a ea m. t1e r manager . 12 ..... 1IPrJIbu" ... MDtrDiouIIy, at IUDCheoa 'and 1II1dp;. Prtday. at IJlllf\ HOr · I tervent vICtory In•. th~ name or cel .lng around 75 rela tives a nd RuUeJl Salisbury. and thclr coach Tc,lnJ 6 30 •. WbGM, ~.ba" ...mrtieeD' ber- her bome. lin. RuueU ' B01l1daY: , C!L_ i Chrlst. WoUld you lJke to bear the I friends from 2 to 5 p. m , MIss LllIa and hi s wife. Mr . and Mrs. Wad e Olll'roeil! FG PI' PT .• ~ ~' on 01 lame: ~.~. II. Stout. and 1lrIi. · L. A. ' old-fashioned K!J6pel ~~ In a l Benham and Mrs. Ray Meyers pre- Tu~nel'. Wednesday evenin g at din 2 1 5 Ibelr wort.bJ Una do form tile Gant. ~ " " new way? slJC'd at the tea table. Mr. and Mrs. ner , A plea sa nt evening was spent af- HI i'Pl c 1 , 0 '~ ·01 . " , • • • • . .MrS. Howard MlasUdtne (nee Jean Mc,nger r~elved many lovely and ter dIn ner . in p laying game;;. M, : '(' 1',' ~ -:ea~ ~ "tbe , j 'nle folloWing 8u~.1ects wt11 be used lL~eful gifts RntUff 1 i 3 .,........ ·of their' Uvea 'haI ~ up " MIaI,IIarJ, carolyn Lultena enJor- Punlas) was ~e 'h onored suest at a In this sertes:. • • • • • Kc-nt o 0 o to' H v ," . . ed a brief vacation from . -""....- mtace1laDeoua 1Ihower; ' 'l'bundaY Joseph E. Monger and Malnle A. MIss Mary Leah Edwl\rd ~ of f; p:'illll . .. en. . ' ,, _ --.' . ' .Shall We Have a Revival Now? Dugan were married at the Dugan Hiatt 5 o 10 . WMIe, we are-A toct... ,t hat ...... CO~ to spend &be weeIt eJ)d With evening. given at the home of Mrs. S"'~Il We Take GDd at Hls Word? field enter tained Salm'da y evening , , " .... . "':';'I" "" . .... . ' .... _ ... 'home near Pekin. February 27. 1890 Young o o o 'r,~ baa ~ to that " bourne her puent., Mr. ' and Kn. W. A. Lothar. Winfield of Lebanon. "'D. Have We LOst the Power of Prayer, d 11· ed I th t It 11 f at the hom of hel' aun t. Mrs, Em· ~,AP. ,.,.~ ,: -, "., " it LUt~na' ao4 fUdJ.Y. '. .. WtDfleld waa aaata~ by Mn. Ray- Bow can We Reialn the Power of\ an v n a ConunUll . y 11 0 rna H. McClu.re. with an 1mpromp1.u 9 2 20 , .. ., . a -.ii·A ":' r " • • . :... • - , , ' ~~ ;-rr- '. ~ WUaoD and her two cltt.u,hter& . . . . their married nre. They re tired from party In ,c elebra tion of h er birthday Total .~&. tbaUtUl-, , ' • . "' .,. . \ Prarer? • tbe 'O.I--ger farm In 1931 and llave UJIII Ruth Oom. and~'" loin 'nl ' ...,.. anniversary, Her , guests were Mrs. FG PI' PT aDid ~-=:.::;:: ~-= uta BeJen.BJ>lndier.- or 1IJpd .~ ~ BIlla. ,'~yv~~,:~tlan llved in Lebanon since that tlme . Woodrow Owens of Spr ln gfle!d. Mm., Hu rveysburg ClUJ' " ' ,WIth IOOCl deeds ..., . ~:the, ~ ~ ~ The milcelJaneous BUts· were ar- ute? , ' "'-~ Mrs. Monger )lave two n. L. Hackwell. Miss 001'1.<; Salisbury BClgan ' o 2 2 "hUe we.maT. ' Ruth'a, ~" iii. aDd IDa. ~_ ttaUcaUy arranaed on a table over Bay. You a Definite Experience eb1ldren, 'ltR:- ~,en. . of a nd Mrs. Edgar Smith. SI r..n ley 2 1 5 , ' :' , " . : 1I'IoDd' hunr a wecIdIDr beU, red, Wlth CbriIt? . WaynesvUle. and Emmer J . Mong • • • • • Harvey 3 o o · ~· Rutb .~ drew )'~ wJdte, :and blue, and the ' refreshPaclne tile Truth_ a 'banker In Wilmington. Dr. and E. s tout 4 9 17 ~ ~:~ts 10 ODW~ WiUl ~ iiiIU ,be, ~t ' I!fhahment.; '.Dents a1ao ~ Iteep1ne :-ttb the Testlna the TruUI. 1alned a 'group of 1 1 0 2 , .~ ~ . , '.. . .. : , '~ Ithe DlUIIC,for the ' daDce wlll be 'O earp WUbln8toD bo~y. Tbo8e Why Stay On the Fenj:8? REV. ROBEItT DICKERSON formal patty at theil' home &i;~LYf~~:r~""'-"'i'r':"I!"""'~~--1r~~ """,:~ <~ .DOt~~ to~ : ' r~ ' Iii" ~ .'~ 01' ~t ~' lUDea and contests It Is ~p ,t o You. , LENTEN SP~AKER MARCH 6 eve~ng. Games were enjoyed o o o . ~ ' ~r~ U4 the feye.: . ;, ~i at tbe dabce ancJ~ cUd)iart)' dut1nc the e~. ~t ~ cloae ,pf Our Only Hope froom Bin. . Ing the evening. a fter wh.\c h Wtu'-~ ~ ' aDd ~ ~ ~ ' &'~ W W,yne TowIl~ &hIt festivities .... PauUne Peter- Tbe.ODl)'. Hope o~ ~ Cburch: . The Rev. Robert Dickerson wUl be hostess served a butJet lunch. 'Guests Total 32 . ',' . IIOGD ~ ~.~<,... ~ '. IIiIp Ifollien Chili. , ' , . ':, ' ion. 'entertained 'with aevUaJ accord!· .R enrend BlaUlbt;er Is a successful the rpeacber at the mid-week Lent- included Mr. and Mrs. M. ,A . Pulker. . FO Pi' PT .~. ~t~ .. ~, folJow ,' , . ' • • ' •. "'. \ ': .1.ln" . , . '. ~aDd evanaelJat. He served en everung service at St. Mary's son. Mr. ,and Mrs .. Russell H olJlda y. Waynesville " .. or. tibe~. of tile IIIeIiIid ' lin. 'a...u, I!OIJ_ eDt.ena1Ded : oueSta ~lIded lin. R4Jbert Pur- mor"than 15 years &n the cbUl"Cbea Episcopal Ch~h , next Wednesday. Mr. arid Mrs. L. A. Garst; and Mr. C. Collett l! 2 II , 'TO tbI ~~"of OUr. l'aIber &bit membeni OI : her brlda. , '. ' Planck o 2. ,; 2 , JIU' Mn. O. O. UI~Jdl~"Mrs. Pred .of tbe : W~ , VlrJ1nla . conferences. Mr.·Dlckerson, formerly' a worker ,in Russell Prank. 1'0 ~~C*'ftuaJ ~" , ~~ at ~ beme. PrI8M PiD'IIU, KrII. Keller a.Jt. . Mrs. ••fter wbleb -be hIi& served · seve,.l tbe' Church ~ Africa. Is now In \. • • • • • ~oberts?n 4 9, .: RaIpb ~ . fOr ~. ~ UId ~_~ . . , ~. 8a~walte. bom' WaJnee- ,years ...pastor ~ ~o lead11l8 Jean charge .of Triplty Eplsc~pal Church Mr. and. Mrs. J . B. ruch entertain. r\icKeevllr , . Yeuow Ohio ' : ~ ' " ~ ~ ClUe aDd ~Iy~e! :~, Rbeba.. BraddO!*. Ilnt. ~ pastor in t~o. ~ Ohio COIl- In OXford. ·O~o. A great deal of his ed the members or the "Cheerful Miller ~ , )IPd"" cart " QoUrd.; ' . ..".,...... win MI!b*l8tMQ)..... _,~ I!Dd fereDCell. He Sa nowl aerVlna N,ew Work Is. ~onK, t~e ,~Ilege students Circle" ,dinner t;lub at their home p a le.y: . naRD' TIIAJifIUI . '~ . ", tbe . . . . ~ ~ fiDel of -': "1Ila ~ of, lieba~:, ,lin ~ U. B. Cb~n:b. Rev 8lauIh- there. ' , ' :." • satur~y evening. Members of t.h"rfnl." -:""'"'r "' ' &be...... . '. . _ - . .,1IUHeI, ~. ~;', '" ~ .. ':I ~~: reapept,ed b, ,aU ~ '.' clllb .~rel Mr. and. Mni. M. A: Come1l. .' ".' . ,'/.r i. ·· ',' " ' . .. ~ .• ' .• . , • . ., ' J.~1ei0r< ""~: ...... 'WIlC! ~ , With him for .bla' radlan~ SOI~URNING IN FLORIDA Mr. and Krl, L. V: Branstmtor. Mr:'TotilJ '/' .,. ":I*'~ ~ ~ ~elt' '. Mr. aDd'1In. P.L.' -.on" aD4 au) ~ '~ .~_~ l.ou, <~~ ute an'd ,:f~ ~. ·and Mrs. ~ 'Smlth, Mr. ,"~ Kts. }l.." . UI&nIta aad ~ ~ ,uz: Mr• ..a .... Da* ....... attend- aDd ~ JcIIepIi . ~UIb R. ~ have ~~~\. ,Wlll A lI'Oup ~r former Waynesvllllans S . S . Ellls. Mr. and ,' M!B: ErneSt , " J.iinJor Blib D........ aDd fIIIDdI f . UJeIr 1dDd-. eel the IUDeral of ':~ ....... -'4z1A1rs. aDd l' _ _• JIau1IDI ~~ ~ ~ Uvea Mr. aDd _,,". James Stoops, Van Butterw~ and Mt.1lnd lira. IUab.Ol.te"~n . pP JIr PI' _ . . . ~_ ....... - , ...... 1iI'oUler, ~ A. ~ Ii Da7t!DD. PMelIiOD" If_ BurIlDlloD. TIle fOi fraIn· nfIbt to ..... 1.; . W'ert. Mn. Stoops' altlter. ~ Char- After a delicious ~ the remak. walter ~q .. ' . . . . . . . __ ~ of... ....~ 01 Jut .... 1D• •·wIII _ _ . . . . . .,.. WIll be ,))1 tilt ~ Berem&n. COlumbus. and KrII. J . der of the even1il, was spent ln piQ- ~ ,..0 . . lie ~ Jp' 1be ~amt" aDd VJrIIDla.WIDfteJd Joaal~. be ~ o. oartwrIIht. ClDClnnati. are on Inl "500"0 Prizes for blah were ~ . Ii IIIII.... .~..., . . . . . ................. iii till ~ ,~ MId ~ . Jue ...... ...., 0CIIIIe ud IIdDI 'their ,.., to PlorIda where they ex· wo~ by Mn: EWa 'aad iIrI.. . JIII_ii · l~:~ - ........ peat to spend a month more. woitb.
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THUltSDAY, nBaUABY ... I".
Owell Gross, tl.Lel. $3.25; Bertha chens, drugs, $2.15; Dr. A. E Btout. Slater, tood, $4 .00; Oharles Barbee. medical ervlces. 150.00; Dr. Frank sheller. $7.00; Batsche. medical services, 11.00; Hazel Brookes. shelter, '10.00; Dr. Ohio Central Telephone Corps.. ront lit Mu. Su..! ··- 1 s ervlcn- 'oll~ SI1 .48·, E. B. Thlrideld &. -=======:~ _.=--~ H. L. Rosencrans, d en"" ~.""' " ~ . . . = ; - :.._ .....;. - - 0 tchin d $2 00 SOns. material furnished WPA liCWEntered AI .S econd C1asa Mail Matter at Postofflce, WaYnesville! Ohio , Mab I V. WlIIlams appolnLed eXCCll- ~1. 00; Ff!lnk Me e ' .... rugs. . milk. $1.1' 1 4; Johnsonlng project, $124.38; H. C. Oeorge, NEW SUITS F lora M. Crane Editor and Publisher Ll'lx. h d t It Slit 00' H. M. Ooyne. sUlmps. IS.OO ; Leba 'n 'CI' or the pstale of &, SOllt,.ar . S Ie er, . • til til n , • S800'" & Bun non Lumber Co. ' materials. $9.41; ISSUED EVERY .THURSDAY nlvln Bell. dM ., Bell Vaull and Ol'urlc"!' H . Hoy. I , dt ased. Jo.~cph Va l'dl . sheller, . ; ..I·own . . MI t b "8' " ne·lI. fuel, $3.25', Dr. L. F. Edwards, Reif's Electric Shop. suppllCti, $11.09 ; L_ ri tl Pri • P MI.nulllcnt WOl'ks, aln R urg. . P nCIVlt Lcstel' H. Gordon and Roy . I . S u.,.c POD ' ce, .1.50 er Year, . Payable in Advance It o L e ' dcntal services, $1.00; Shird Kirby, Tl'IIs tees of Public AlTalrs. electr clly W. Unglesby ; ognov 11 . LII Ch . ~ UIJIJOlnted nPI) , misers. . . k t f .. E n ., It $8.00', Da.vld Kindred, milk, $4 .78: Hazel Broo es, ren or sew Ing .. v . \ Joanne Moore, n minor . uY I.oma In tlte matter o[ the estate of se I'. I $1 40 projec t" 120.00; Keever's Grocery , t I MOGre \ler moUter. VS . Pred H nrc 01' ; Ricll n, 'U S. K.l ng, deceased; will nd· .; ,w J.>-'"",~"""'''~'' suppHes, $2.45; Fred's Dept . Store , SU ICmE AND MAN SLA UGHTER d n tlon for mone y n~ alllngl's . Illlt ll'cl '0 Annh King . npMor y. , • "I·obate. ,.. rent 01 room for commodlly dlsll'l, Herb('rt W . GnlY VS. DOris Ann l'OiIII C'(I ' 'xetU ll'lx . Rny. Parker. Har- vIces. $1.75; Beck.'s Dairy . milk, $1.40 13 50 butlon. $13.90; The Standard 011 Co .. Just why many seeminglY4intelllgell~ drlvcl's of automobiles are COIl- (lillY; di vorce. ,, 1'051< neglcl!.t. . 1' 1.•"011 Onval1. and Kurl Cdwan a p - Sch1Uing Grocery', ' food . $ . ; ., 0<; • 200 gasoline. $10.00 ; Bogan & Gordon. tlnually attempting suicide, nnd mnnslaughter. Is beyond understanding. 'rhe Guardian BRllk. & Snvlngs Co 110II\tc(1 npprnis6rs. Food Market. food. $4 ; ed ,. food , 186.00: Dr. R. M. Brewer, m Theil' aottons any place but In an Automobile would In mo., t cases place n corporAtion. vs Adams B DlcklJl' 111 'Iw ulIl(Lel' of the estate of Garl Hill. luel, $35.25; Cora Gl'llY, • I' leal services, $42.75; Elbert Wallace. them under mental observation or in Jall. son. el a l.; ncUon for nmounL 0 r Rul 'l Lyl 'h . deceased ', certificate of she llel·. $5.00; Lucy NelSon. she .er , < lOA. rood. $22.50 ; Dr. J ohn Zettel. W. M. Je1rers. presldenl of the Union PacUic Hnilroad, announced 0 11 $196.00. trnmucr ordered, Walter Lynch $3 .00; W. C. Turton . tuel . $22:75; January 19, that from J anuary 1 to datc. there had been 13 cases whcr~ Bcrtle .MllIs vs. W. M. Prcndcr gast .. Iven $13'.-10.00 1)':1 i?nuline PILt1llan Ohm'les Davidson . sheller , $5.00 ; O . glasses. $25.50 ; • ' " Barret Brothers. 50 swnmons. $2.15 drivers had carelessly r un into the side of trains a t crossings. 0 1' s t.alled .,el.lon for mOllcy . a llel Wnl Rainey fOI: dll1l1nges In lhe shelter . $800; David Kindred , milk. Dr H M WlIIjams coroner's cost bill theIr Mrs on railrOad tracks of the Union PaclClc, at widely 'separated 10Anna Elle n YOUlllj. :1 minor . b y IlllHlnely death of his wife. court Slbcy Dairy . m ilk,. $6.1 6;. E. L . •, $7.40, Dr H MWllllams corners cost cations In scve.n states. A s talled untomoblle on a public highway crossing Tillie Belville. mo the r l1nd next approved sel.tlement. SchwarLZ. fOOd,. $22.80; Charles P. blll $390; Alice M. ArnOld', Invalid derailed a fnst mall and e"Press train, killing the engineer nnd fireman . flielld. vs. Arthur J .. Young; divorce. 1[1 the matter of t he :;ettlement of Stubbs. food . $22.2~ ; Ednll. SLUbbs. , . care. $5.00; Millard Bryant. Invalid "CllI'lessncss on the part of automobile drivers Is to blame In very In- gross ncglect. the estate of Lizzi e NUllncr . de- t(J()d . $800; Nicholas Grocery, food . cure. $5.00 ; Mrs. Helen Doughmall. stance of rohls sort." said Mr. Jeffers. "In all cases since the fir t of the ceasecl·. ClIlry ()f inhcrltlulc ' Lnx to $I~.OO ; Morton's Grocery. f ood. Invulld care. 57.00 ; Ella HoI'!. InValyear. not a single one WIlS trying to beat a train to a crossing. EverY ' one CO"'rl\ION PI."'. AS PROCEEDING. be I'al d Is order ed . $17.50; E . Humphrey. clothi ng, $4.10 . " r. Id care. 17.00: Ella Hoff, Invalid wa.s a. case or utter failu re to look both ways In approaching lhe crossing. In the ma tter of thc estate of '1'111'111'1'. foocl , $4.00; Franklin Ice & ca re. $5 .00; Ed Kaiser. Invalid care. and stopping to mal(e sure. . Howard C. Relf vs. Mnry F. !'aIl CI'S Ollallncey Ritchey, deceased,' henr- Fuel Co .. fuel. $13 .00; The Carson $5 .00; Newton Stamper. Invalid care. "The public usually tries to blame l he raUronds for causi ng ncclelents. t! .. III" all inventory set for March 6. Bil\l,ch Midland Groccry. food. Heir. tal. . pnrUlion 01' ercu . " $10.00; L. B. Steele. Invalld carc. but the cases where any blame cnn be ntLnchcd to lhe railroads nrc mrl' I . ,,f tl d'allsl1lp $ 1150 In t 10 ma.""r a Ie guar I . . 00 Olive Paige Vii Lu('y Nelson nnd mdeed. There Is little excuse for a driver- who drIves Into the s lclr "I I I tent M dl 1 ser ,So. ; &z'f.Ina." Clnrcncl' Nelson ; Clnrence Nelson, or Anron So smoll. an ncompe 01'. Edward orey, me en .John E Wilson invalid care, S7 .00 ; a(h nln lJ;lralor .· mocl(' ,Pnrly dcfl'nd- person: mo llon to tennlnnte Illlarcll- \'lcl'~;. $3.00 : Clnude Wilson, food, SuCla Cle~nmons. In"alld care, $5.00; Because of more dangerolls condiLions In winter. d rlvcrs sl10uld be ant . nnship Is overruled. $';.00; Great A. & P. Tea Co .• food. Gertrude J.qnes. Invalid care, 17.00; extra cautious. Sanity says sto". look and listen at railroad crossings '. . I n 'h tJ Lydla E. Throckmorton A.~ hton vs. • e mn .'le1' 0 f Ma n uel Jnll"'s ,~ . $5.;.40 ; Krol,(er G. rocery & Bnklng 0-. S. L. Burkhardl. medical se1'The figures given by Mr. J effel's' arc stn rtllng and a timely wru'nlnll Lo Homce Throck\l\{)rloll : demurrer mentally ill ; application for ndmlt- C,) , tood, $34.75; Edna Stubbs. fooO, vl"es $1.00' Drs Dunham. Skavlem pollce and highway patrol ol'!lcers to be on the look'-oul for pote ntlnl klll- overruled. defendlllll. j!,iVCll 20 da ys Lnnce to Dayton Stnte Hosplln l is $8.00; E. M. Morton. food . $3.00 ; ' ~ Heuslnkveld: medical services. era at railroad crossings.-Industrlnl News Hevlew. LO file nnswc r . ordered. Wrlgh l.'s Market, food . $4.00; Knuf- SIlO .OO ; Ivins- Jameson . drugs. SI.50; HnlTY Olis McClung VS. Elhel lone In t he lllal.Ler of the estate of 1~lU lj'S. correcl.l" n. $1.00 : Collins & Dr. Derrk:k Vail, medical services. 8,000 rOilS, 250 gallons of peaches. Dudley. ct a l. ; scve n th accoun t of Allcc Onln, dcceased ; will admitted Son Grocel·Y· food, $13.25; MOWlt'll $1:1.00; Stillwater Sanatorium. hosIto probate. Charles S. Irwin ap- Grocery, food, $18.00 ; pltallzntlon of tubercular. S4~.00; 300 gl\lIons of vegetables. 700 pit'. trus tee approved. Mount'S Grocery. food. S24 .00; Guod Samaritan Hospital. hospital· 525 gallons or cotIee. Vegetables. Cnlvln Bell. dbn. Bell Vault & pOinted executor. - Ell McCrea ry , pork and frull are suppUed largely Monument Works.' MIamisburg. vs. 1 Hobert E. Mooncy aild Hay'!'ond E. Mount's Grocery, food , 122.00; "Al- IZlItion of tubercular . $248.00; · 00bough Drug company, drugs. $1 .21; Ittnlbus Blank Book M fg. Co., 50 apThe time and place for holding from other state lnstllutlons. Vis itors C. W. Unglesby; IJlalnl.ilT to recov- I Weaver appointed ,lIJ>prnlsers. nnd Intercst fr01l1 de\ In thc mutter of the estate of TIle Morrow Feed & Supply Co., fuel pllcations. $2.00 ; er $1.102.05 tours (e~e pt Snturday P . M .. dally thfo national conventlons.-Repub Willia m W. Sweny. deceased; will $6.25; Miami Farms Dairy. mUlt. _ _ _ _ __ lIcans .a t Philadelphia. June 24 , Dem Sundays and holidays) are sched- fendnnt . EUlRn Lewis vs. Eva B. Lewis, et nd mltted lo IJrobate, Ann ie E. Sweny $5.80; Albaugh Good Drug Co .. oc.rats at OhIcago. July 15-having uled 9 to 12 a' m. und 1 to 3 P. lll . flnalIx been fixed by the national and adm.1sslo11 fees have been fixed at.; Waller H. Miller. Jr., appoint d appointed executrix. Cliff Brant. drugs. $2.42 ; J a mes Marshnll .... fuel, guurdlnn for R.ichart! AII (,I1 Lewis Henry Harris and John Wolf ap- S6.00 ; Wrlght·s Mar ket. lood. $12.00 coJD.m1ttees and the date for fillng at 25 cents, children 10 cents. for l his sui t. samc gua nllan nppolnt- ' pointed apprnisers. Morrow Feed & Supply Co.. fuel, all Ohio candidacies-March 15-ta.st approaching, the rush is on tor luI. The federal Civil Service Com- ~ (or Myriam Ellen Lewis. I1nrlil.lon I In the malter 01: t he estate of $12.50 ; 1 LUy M. Egbert. deceased, Invcntory W W. Ollne food. $21.00; Ban' minute information and Secretary of mission 's quota system. u nder which ordered. d . , State Earl ·GrJfflth 'is dally besieged Jacob Shumaker, el a1.. VS. l he approve . Bro.;. Grocery. food. $9.25; Johnson e!lch statc is given a quota of clvll I th tt f tl ltl t of _ ........Ul!lll•• 'for instructions and Illage of Lebanon. elc .: plaintiff n e. mn el' 0 1e se emen & Southard. shelter. $10.00; Clar..~..... ---. .., service employes based on population t l f A II E Willi d lnt......~eta••ons of the election laws. given addltionnl fifteen days 11] lhe es a .~ 0 me DL . ams, e- ellcc Thiemann, shoes. $13.56; H. E . -... w received an ofticlal jolt when Cond t al d t "'1000840 a. the'officlal head of at8.te election which to rue reply. cease ; es ate v ue n ... ' . food . S24.00; J. R. Col'!man. no grcssman Nichols mem .• Okla.) suc1st b tl I kl d d d I 1 I .m achinery, nominating p.ctltlons for cessfully sponsored an amendment Frank Southard vs. the. VlIInge of d rl u on n n or ere . nler - tood , 144.25; E. J . Johnson; food . plaintiff given addl- ta nce tax determined. $13.00; Cornett Coal & Feed Supply. . aU· state oIDces. delegates-at-large whlch requires tile commlsslon to Lebnnon,etc' .. I ·th e tt f th . t t f - to the national conventions, inltlatlonal fifteen days In whjch to ren ' t rna er 0 C es a e 0 fl!.:I. $6.25 ; L. 'vi. Nesbct Co., fuel , cease fllllng jobs by apPojntment ply William A. Ford. deceased; James H . tlve const~tutlonal proposals and leg- fro th tates I iel 1 e • $350; C. C. Brown. tood, $9.00; lalatlve referendums mUst first be mo: th:: Stheir ~~o~ n : tll la:lI J. E. KWlkie aDd ' Vivian Kunkle rOl'd a pPOinted administrator, Roy Lee Vorhls , food , $14.00; S. Haines fUed with the Secretary of State. ' va the ; Village of Lebanon, etc.; Snell. Burdette Whitacre and H . A. food, $5.00; Harold Carnahan. food. have tilled thelrallotments. More ev. I lltl I flfl Mast appOinted appraisers All county cle'ctlon boards are now ld . t5 h h .' I plaintLff given BC (ona een . $3.2.00 ; Claude WUso~ , 'food. $12.00; ence as ow Ohio as been k ck days in which to !lie reply. In the matter olr the estate of I C f I being schooled prepara to ry for the ed aro)lnd since Oov Davey swore Morlow Feed & Supp y o·. ue, state, dLStrlc~ and county primary ou~ a warTant for the arrest of n The Statida~d Building & Loan Atlee C. Nixon, de'c cased; Mnrch 9 $13.00; The Klng. .po~e.r Co.. fuel. election to ..- held May 14. In tight. _ ..\ ' 00. vs. Anthony Meyer, et al.. de- set [or hearing of Inventory. 19.75'. LebanOn Farmer's Exchange. ..., New Dew cabinet official , came to f d t 15 d l hi h In the 'matter of t he estnte of enlng up the election machinery. one l!ght when CongTessmnn Nichols sub en an grnntcd . ny n w c Cuel, $81.26; Barr Brothers oro,£t!ry. Laura B. Collins. deceased.; Inven· D H eel county election board and' 375 e1ec- mUted a table showing t ha t there to plead . food . $~3 . 00; Dr. A. . arvey. m tory a.pproved. 0 J..... 1 tton booth ollicials have been re- ar~ 1631 Ohioans holding federal ieal services, $41.0 ; M. . 4ptyor, ~ In Oleveland, one election d '/II service jobs whUe 'tht! state Is PROBATE COu'R.T food, 111.'75. , SeDaat;e...1 Relielf,.. I~ booth ·worker was convicted and tln- ent.ltled to 2686. -MARRIAGE LICENSES . R. B. GUmore &. SOn, food. $14.00' uuI On_ 11 u iho ftnt <\0.. 01 Ihlo pl....nl· I ••tl•• 11111. !tel $100 and costa on February 19 for In the matter of the estate of Leonard Schell. tood. ISo.OO; B. O. bl.<t lo b'" _n~ JOII lbe , .. _ 0Jid ..on megally taking a sheaf of ballots InOtis Rich, :12, farmer. Harveysburg Hamllton. food and fuel. .$39.70; Van b'~:ti!·u.ro~ Th state Di- I-I - [C Orem Jorda n, deceased; James Jor8011·,., labl.1 .:rDJ'M."Lml~~dBl"t.~. h.lpi lhe 1I010l<h 4"'" ";1\\: '00II, to an ante-i'oom. e v s on 0 onserva- dan appointed admlnlstratol', L. Earl a nd Edith May DeJBool·d. 16. Har- Rlper'S White Vllla, friod, $13'.30; ...... Ih . . . . . . . .10.....h ftUI,1I harml ....ad I... • tlon Is7000 liberating 25.000 d $25 .00; Pine r.~n~·~I.~··h::.\'!!~!I~~:~..l.oulO ":rl'tiD'~:~I~~r:; t in k hMissouri ts rab-d Thompson, Vernle Spaeth nnd Leslie veysburg. Raymond Ta y1or. f 00. ft' ld kl ad bi "g r gnee . p easan an -WUlianl R AlUless. 30 butler Oin W A Tur u 'I~:II'~:~u3T ,.,JDtf off,&,'= ':il'.:'~r:.. 4ftte National Youth Admlnlstra., Spaeth appointed appraisers. . , ' - Crest DalrYr milk, 53.00; .. - " , " ,' . cinnatl and Oleanoll' Stegemoller, 25, food ... 00 G E Wrlgl' Mgr .~ nllof•• n ••,,""".... tion has annoWlC ed th a t d u ring th e 2,000 hungarian partridges through- In the matter of the adoptiOn of ' . ncr. . .,s. ; . .. 1", ., current school year $722,150 will be out the state In selected areas. La.tcrl P tri I M I Hl h mJ • I Lebanon. food. S31.00; Dr. Ralph W. Young,
~bt ~!~~. o!a~tttt
C.o unt.y Court News
__. .
F; T. Martin
---------------_---=-_------,...--- . .
Or No .Charge-
Centerville, Ohio Phone 78J
Sand & Gravel 'l'AIWIA · I~ ITIIlC
[lOAD OIl.;
Zain Armitage Pb one . "V • a Ylle"ville ~ ,•• R 11 Lebanon orflce Pl1one . H:!·KrCB .98.1\! . Morrow Pl10ne No . •
F r
INDIGESTION Do._ .......
ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN fOllr Cattle, .bollo. Ibee» and cal•• to Norrt..Brock OcI., 'Hore wire and
protrreaalve firm tor til. hIIbmarket prices and. rood Mmae. U.IOD Stocll Y.rd,' Ci••l•• ad. 0. Tune III on lbdlo Sta"OD 12 :26 to 12 :80 p. m. for Ollr daU, m,rket "portl.
~nt in carrying work protP.'lUDln
State Capital News
In~ o~aapp~;c:tlO:fO~r. ad:;t~~n,e~~ Clara
.on Ohio the co~eges student ant on,' thousands 68 chicks wfll o[ be 3-week.s-old distributed. phellS- child by Fred Johnson and
6 ."EXTRA".HELP.S . quIddJ reI eve DI--~ ."...... of
lOllN -y:.tt40s" ~~'u''!~''toiake~~~eeeed.-iIIco'I,~m~O:rt~roDS.yq,':
medical services, SI9.25; O. WU.. lard Hoffman. inedlcalDr. services, , .. and unlve,sitles. The program will - .Johnson wUl be February 20. $15.00; assist 5 ~"'" tud t Serving the dual purpose of aiding Louella Paguh . dl:lCeased . to Edith E Push t d .18630 Tt c.y' • ''''1' s en s. the Ohio sugar beet industry a nd In the matter of the estate of A.. ee. 00 ,. . ; a ~ . John J . Tracy, deceased; hearing on Warrick, et al.; lot In Clenrcreek Grocery. food, $28.00; , Blair & Le. . . . TIIII_.1'tiIt .......1 cbUd'.~modiC4!roUPyeo.,.baea...t , The hone, long-tfme holder of Ii saving the state mO~ley. the State schedule of debts Slit for March 2. township. . I' Roy. fuel. $149.50; Fedde.s SUpply Do . 'dread th.... ''b7ID. ,..n." (IS to !>y eold8. Use "CblldJ'eD's" IIItAIIOItI • .~ . on Ohio farms. is Welfare Department Loulse. S Seba Id I;0 J . Th omas S e- Co.• fuel, $238.80; E. J . Rutherford , 61)1":._~oU pttla, .oo47l!ia'=;~~ _KJ.v~jua8UtcbanQoUlrdClnl!~~ )oftyTpcllllUOn . \h as In augura t - Inheritance true determined as none. NERVOUS' Do rou .... hot ..... _ ~WI8'ustel,!!~e _ on..... , _" _ . _ 8~ "'001"'8 way to motor driven ed a pollcy of using beet . sugar at In the m' atter of Constance Opal bald: 101 .09 acres in Franklin town- I rOOd, $4.00; Wayoesville . Farmer's H1altllsq.pen.? Are If'!U helou . - Rub It well on your kiddie ad_to throat ~ t!i .. ~.. I tate '_n hi 'Uo~ olher wo_a i'lL? THEN LIBTENand back. It IIOOthCII and ItinlUla_ au~ 'machlDery, says the annual report ,ar oUS s n .....tltutlons, The De- Davis alleged men tally II . appllcap. . I EXchange, fuel . $61.00; J. S. Richard TJI_ Often faee elmllatioD and helpe break up Ioeal of the lI'e:!J~-State Crop Reporting partment as Increased Its pu~hases tlon ~rdered for admlttnne~ to DayKatherln D. Butterworth to The son. luel $253.50; Dr. Mary L. Cook. t::.e:!:~Y:l:'~~~iY&~g:- =~:hf::' ~·l~;:!::c.~yVC 1!IeJMce•. Qn .JaDuary 1 there were 01 Ohio. be~t sugar from 50.. 000 t te h ' Ital Oinoinnatl mid Hmnllton County ' mccHcal ~el'YICes, $21 .00; The Office =:::2· t!:r~.:..e:u=::;;-tho~':i Hou.ekeep1na Bureau. • .... OOO h Ql'eae an d 00 Its in OhI0 •pounds In 19S8 to 300,000 pounds hu;t on a matter asp of .. the settlement of Council of Olrl SCIJuts . Inc' II. f0Id era - an d e,ar- ~. ... ·-thruI'dIJIIeIIIt CHlLD-·U o'n ty :... --.., . In the " ., 130 11 '" Outfitters. penc..... .- - ~ '. ~ dec:reaae of It.ooo head duritig last yea~ and states that It expeots to th tat t I.e L d acres In Hamilton t.owoshlp. bOn. $14.36; Kaufman' materials YL 1'IIIIdaa':;:'_ bel~ 1.::.u.~· ·year .and'8. 'dioj) 9f 10,000 'd _ use 1.500,(1)0 pounds of the Ohio pro- c.!: · Edth Warr1ck, et al.; t.Q Wilbur furnished WPA ' sewing PrOject, ., 1938. , , : _; _'. duct this year. herlta~ce tax dete~ed as ·no~e. South and argarE!t . , "" ...v '"' ~.-~--I--., '.~ .on 00 ; R' a ISCI I 1 ~ 7' ~ . • In the matter of tAe estate of OIea.rcreek townshll>. ' . Ouy . Co III119. ISh eI ter .... In"{I9~3.tthe. fIrst year of t he hunt · The Nntlona), Fore~t R eservat.lon WIlliam Villars deceased estate val- Frances B LewJS .t;o ~Izabeth Cath Coal Co., f uel. $6.50; B. A. M.cLalD, F.Oe'r y ch.on'" S "k.On · Mn.o ers ikense' !aw' In OhiO, $141,000 Commission hllB approved thc pur- tied t $8 385.12 I h Ita' ta d _ erlne Davis; part or lot 49 In Leba- shelter, $10.00 mysaea ' Smlth, board ,. wu~h cif l1ceh'sea were sold: In 1939 chase of 1,1'149 aeres In Athens, Hock- t , n er nce x e non. and Cru·e. 120.00; Lebanon Citizens , -' s' ,mo ' un ' ' .":" "to ··· ·"60.000. Ing and t.wo ......... ed matter as none. B. D. Jo1tn.son an.d Victoria John- Nat 10n..~ 1 - Ban, k .( transportatl Oll 0 f G e t s · . Rel.o~f 'llc~.""""... with 228 Perry counties, I M ~t erIn the of the settlement of acres n onrae coun y th tate f E SOil to William T. Johnson; flO.08 nnn-resident to Hershey. M.lchlgan. ~o n . I La. t to e es 0 ugene H. Foster, deI H I Y H_ T...._ I and i10 ...tres n wrence coun y, acres n ar an towru;hlp: 000 W E Blair l f~" '12.00 U--'-_LIe Sao . ........... Tne Ohio P e nlten tIary reports th e be turned over to timeberland ceased; entry detCl' mlnln~ InherltAlb H $1. ; m., ,. """, ' : ... - - -.......... principal Itel1l8 of food and amounts a nd ance tax to be paid is ordel'ed issued ert. Tun1er. dccca.sed, to Albaugh Good Drug Co., drugs. $l,:n n... I. D. . . . . .p .. y" j . . .~"" ~ Of ~ Uema served at one meal are watershed producUon. . In the matter of the settlemen't of Osle ~. Turner . pal·t of lot 207 In W. W. Cllne,.food ! $48.00; 'J . H. Hen- ~T:: :~~, Dr...:."~:. O_~~I-:"'~ • , Leballon, ,.",.;lIr ca..... oIoln _lion, Gn4 , thaI It tD 600 loaves ot bread, 2.000 pounds of the estate of C. C. Bl'ulllensch enkel. drlck , food , $9.00 j Ol~ Persley. 'food _1'1 Moone'. E_W OIl ·.,1ght aotd ....... ~!. 55 bushels of potatoel , 250 gal- vI~~mpcnse to ilO man evil for deceased' Inhel'itance tax dctermln- Wa lter Lynch to Bygln Collctt; $27.25; . · !o~ of gravy, 85 pounds of butter, e . ovlde things hones In t he ed as no~e. nbout 8 II(Cres in Warren count" LouIS Mann, s hoe.'I, 10.00; II! loy II. .. , , singht of all - R omnns12 '17 Dinah A. HartsOCk, deceased. ' . ~'I: Qrielnol ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ ' ~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~!!'._'! . In the matter of t he estllte of Charlotte Alltl'llnm Snapp; lot 5 In Lumber ·Co.; luel, $22.76; .&11_ N aotd nI_ 10 7' :tu 1"'0125 hlehly William Hastings, deCeascd; Inven- WaYllllsvlUe. Ice & ' Fuel Co., e, ... . ~;;~.ru&OO'~~u~.H.~i1~E~fi~~~~~ItO~ttte:!=~-. tory apPI'oved, schedule of debts npRuth" Lynch deceaSed to Rapp. fuel. $45.60; Joe Il REAL ES'l'ATE TRANSFERS
·_·._to ...··-'-..
i¥u,.."r =- ..~~ . ·!'I,.~ltlle"' . '_ I/"...
~~te v::t~t $~:~~. ~:
~·Ia"'a ' ..,...a~t~ .· .11·....\
:r .
. proved. . Lynch and N nl In the matter of the estato , _o~' ~_H. ~ - ~~ t; .33 acre Frances E. J~~. decPJ>5eci'''~;;:tit_ L• .1C • . ill Warren coUinty. . lIi.Me .a---t ":-;;-':-'*d ' ' d...... · . Frances E. Jeffrlles, deceased, to I " "'~ or ra ..... er 01' ere . Ma Whitner C d 37 ~ .' t' ry e ar er; acres 'in In the matter. of the esta e of Warren county ' Jes~e Burkholz, deceased ; hearing . 011 schedule of debts set for"March 5 Florenec Truax alld R. W. TI:uax In the matter of the estate of to Nettle Tinney; lot 1 in COrwin. Dinah A. Hartsock. deceascd; certif- t c~arles Richter and Walter-IRchlcute of transfer' ord~red. wer 0 Fred Cal'r;a)xJut 41 a~res In . nrren county. I~ t he matter .of the estate of George L. MUler. decea·....d·. D. E. , BILLS Atl~OWED 'Heywood appolntect exeCutor. Walter E. Chesney, Charles E. Denman and ·F.J'IInk V. Stitt appoInted appraISers. Wund Dry Goods ' 00., . dothl~. In the 'matter of the will of $7.00;. Chris Murphy, food. $140.70:
A: Maffltt, deceased ; Will !:ii~loeckler, lood, $6\00; . H~admitted to probate. ~, fO<?d and . f~e~,~3.jIo, I. ~ In the matter of the will of Lu.. :s._~~ food , $42;25: , ~WIiI ~ · · ;Dnuoe, . Inc.. fuel, $4875 ·--"er .&",omas. dec~ed; an attorney . . , ' .: !,¥"Ii e11a ...... 01 Pasadena, ·oaurornla. given com- Grocery &&Balflng.~o., r~, $nuo: missiOn. to take the :d~tl~n of G~t '~' , P: .eom~ny, f~: Mrs. Abbie E. Bigony, witness of tlie .ts71.~, 8, '0. .Alr:nl:s.nder, I ~er~. wilL ' . $8.00, ~1U'8O~ BranC~l. ¥~~. d!~In the 'matter of the l!etate of ~ f~.! • .OO:: : William Vw&rs, deceased; certl~lcate Mount'~. !3rocery. ~OO: · 1.. K1rt, food, ,10.00: Ill.' BeJ:i*. '1. 1~, of transrer ord.e red. In the matter · or the 0 $12.00: MIami Parma ~.. . ~. 'Adah A. Woodruft, ~ Char_\PJO; Co~ Groce'lt-y, .100d,tI1.&O: lea O. ShinJde. Ernest Gross and Wrlght·s Grocery, f~ ,18.00: Roy YI~ appolnted appmllers, l)'antUn Ice & Puel tl»l, 'MUG:
'or -
, food, $10.76: Charles' Doppe, shelter. ts.OO; , L. W. · Sml!J1. food, $36.75; Albet t Clark, shelter. $10.00 ; Albe)'t Scott. . ' . : .' ,. foOd . ·75' , . .' " , • , Charles Carroll, food, $38:25: ·Dr. H . T. H:utchIn80n. Bental serVices, . . $4.00; Dr; Haarlemmert •. medlcal ,serlIt" elMl-L" e ;W-II..... Vices, $16.68; Smallwood' Market, ,.~ 4':7!:;:.,:,::;,.~r-::::'loIeforo fQOd. $21.00: Budlion ~·.Co., boltl. oIS",kl..,·. CANADIOC' MhdU,._(lripi. .13.00 " Ray Bwi....ert, food. '69.00 ,cod\IIg)..,b, lar th• .I0IJlWI ....II"" covah _edlclM • 0 ~ dol. 10 col. brond\lollrrlloll_. Hillard Profitt, food, $6.76; P.' tll911L ftll)'~nodal=r.: · , I . Bh malt food . "'''''1_ "~I'li!rlll To •• a cou.... a , .. lit QUid< poworful l oe er. , ........N: - .. ""-' acllon ~ Ihrouoh throol. head and .. lk baoftc:hlat I.beo. It coclt qi,\dity-.... '" <la!I' In to IGA Store. food, $99.00: ". A. Vo er- , _ uP thick choIIltio phl_, row _•. ding, fuel_ $42.25; ' . ' ~"&~.'::1~':.t,.~~cr.~9":.1~ Mason Kroger Store,. fciocs. $29.00 ,botd. oow. .
::~~~;~~~I~~ ~
J_. F."
BJati.·BrOs. 'HOSpital, mi!d1caI ...""I....,.. I;:~=.=~;:=.;~:::-:-=======:;:;=:=::;===::;::==:;::=====::::::==:::i:== $46.51>; W. H . Mc~enry, fO!lCL ••00: Di!; ·a.ameil H. ~ld:'1neWcal ',.v ....-~ $861 00,' Mc·n" ....- Bmtftej'a, . ....,.,! . ,126.[i1: Dr.·Prank DIlat1illb..r,med!'~·l services, $~.25: Oharles "'.20: WalterE1liey, ci:lOt~*, Morrow Feed ~ Sl!pply -ob..
flOl.25; ~on ~tanrck. UP , .,00; . '. • Bvere" I!1arly, Inc., tuel, ...1101. ~' Q.. HUdebrant. rood, ".60; , ,l1li__'4" Graham. fOOd. tl4.'lS: 'J, W. man. food. 'UO: III1dred BuiPfMIitt'1 baud and QUe, tu.OO: ... Q,
I'DIttJAlty It. 1....
,. .~.
In Town Or Country
Corner B, Han', E . .' .... Jw.
Real Bottle Gall' For Use In Any Gas Stove
Just sIx weeks from next Monday Ohio's trout season opens, That used to be quite a laugh with only a fjlw hundred trout being taken during the entire season in public waters,
long, Boy was he a
Own Or' Rent The Equipment ~-
_ =:tl
See The New Estate Gas Ra ng e On Display At Ou r Store
3 or 4 pounds, When he saw us and
lit up the small stream like a greased bullet It almost split the creek In two' Binkley pOinted out another
With the Conservation Department spot severnl miles above Urbana In following the policy started under Mad River Itself where a ,big bunch former Commissioner Larry Wood· or about a thousand trout had
THE NEW CHEVROLET SPECIAl- DE LUXE CABRIOLET • The final wocd In cOllvenience, 81 well as in IXrform./ prao.,_ction. Its top i. r81 "~ and
l ower~
by a vacuum
Fairley Hardware Store'
~~~~~~~in~~a~~~~~~~;~~a~~~e=~~d~'f~~~~'~I~"~C~h~e~v~ro~1=6='.=n~~=c~_~~:r~~~k:t:.:n~o:w:_~~~_~m:~~:~h~~~i~~=o~p~u~a~~~b~y=a~~~n~t~ro~l~o~n~t~h~e=d~a:~:.=_==:I~ Mad River and its tributaries. one of brok~n up and spread ,out again . Still the lportlest kinds of fishing has another large pOol above West Llbbeen brought within an hour and a erty, where their census seIne had llalt drlve' for us fellows down here. checked 126 rainbow beauties. We Last fall without moving from one found two places in Cedar Creek place thl~ writer hooked and releas- where "the !Ish had built nests-pereo 16 trout" iWout 10 to 12 Inches fect bowl shlll))ed depressions with Ions, that couldn't seem to ' reslst a the gravel cupped out and fanned COlorado sp\.n ner . Out of quite a few clean with the nns--but no eggs In flahlnS tri ps up Ur ana way only a them. ' There's lots of mighty tine very few didn't, br ing some results. and sporty fly rod fishing waiting up The prospect for this coming season there-and we don't have to go to are Itill better. northern Mlohlgan after It. Come SpeJ}t a whole day last week end midnight next April 14th- we'll be tr.~n, along Mad River, Oedllr srelng you on Mad River. Oreek, Moores Roo and Kings Creek with lFIIh lIanagement Agent Blnk- . Thl~ column's notably short mem~ ley and Jack Rodabaugh 01 the Dlv- ory don't recall mentioning It In the lelona fish rescue crew. The boys last few weeks-but Buck Rider, Asst were makina' a stream census and Conservation COmmissioner, Is well checkln, on the breeding- I! anY-.ot on the road to recovery. The lnfecthe trout. They are the only game tlon In the leg that W88 amputated flab that breed in the winter, Their has been almost . completely healed n.taUna time 1& In January, Pebruary and Buck is hla old self again. He and March. Those guya really walk- will be In Srlngfleld hospital for a ed your decrtUllt correspondent's 'legs number of weeks yet nnd hopes that olr-thank heavena they left the his Warren County friends wUl stop census nets so we didn't have any l in for a tallt when they're up that aelnlng to do-but we saw some way. 'lIhts that would make any flsherman drool at the mouth, There waa 'Every duty brings Its peculiar deone wide pool in Cedar Creek where light, every denial Its appropriate a&loUt a thousand suckers runnlng compensation, every thought Its re. from 3 to f2 lnches had .schooled up. compense, every cross Its crown; pay In thll 8Chool ;.,ere around 200 raln- goee with the performance 88 effect bow traut--.l1lelal alIe, and some WIth cause.--(Jharlea MUdmay. around 13 or If Inches long. l~ the' , m1ddle of thJa , f~lnllOld mine waa Mercy to him that allows It, Is the one b1r brown \roUt about 25 1ncllee I rule.-Oowper
Larger Because of Better Quality, Service, and Price Established 1849-1939 - - Waynesville, Phone 32
NOTICE OF ,APPOINTMENT Administrator with the wlll annexed
W. 1- th a Buckeye
Estate of Amanda A. 1\fa ft'iU, D ~ense d
InC 0 n g res s•••
l'=oUce Is hereby given that 0, M. I best second st ring man . in till' No 2 Ridge whOSe Post O ffice Address L~ hole. Bal Iill~ for caL:'hin J:: job No.3 Waynesville. Ohio has been dUly ap- will be Bill Bak!' r, n .338 hiller at pointed as Administrator with the Indianapolis last year, and Dick Will annpxed of thc Estat of Amall - , Wes t and N!' i1 Olilford. a pall' II da A. Maffitt late of Warren Ooun· IpromLsin g youn'gs t.ers, ty , Ohio. deceased . Dat.cd this 23rd da y of Fpbnlluy In the past live yea rs Paul DerHl40, has pitched 1390 Innings and ringer Ralph H. Cnrey has walked only 230 men. an av rage Judge of Lhe Probate Court of one pass evcry 6.04 innings. Last Warren County, Ohio YI'ar he L,slled walk.~ t.o onl y 35 men C. Donald Dllatush. Atty. F29-M7-14 in 301 innings. an average of one base on balls every 8.G innings,
. , CLARllNCa J• •ROWI'I ....... ~ 'do ow. DIe...... _ . ___ •. _ _ _ Rev. W. C Smith. Mrs. J . S . FUer American aid to Finland. UU'ough Commission Is giving the concern a a nd MIsses RULh and Alina Nutt are governmental channels will come In subsIdy of three million dollars per altcn(lIn ~ the mid winter conference a round-about way , The Senate has year for (lve years; and that the of the ·Churclles o{ ChrL5t at Clnclnpassed a 'bUi Increnslng the loanln shipping line also has a remunerlIati Lhis week. powel' of the government's Export atlve contract for caHying United Rolla Bollon made a trip Lo 00' Loan Bank by a hundred million dol- States- mails. It Is possible that more lumblls Monday. The Boltons are lars with a gentleman 's understand. may be heard of this latest sale of pla nning to move next week. Ing that twenty million dollars of insurance as time ,goes on. Mrs , James Wi cal Is confined to a this .amount will be loo.ned to FinDuyLon Jl0spl tal where she underland, althought FInland is not menQuite a great deal of comment weill an opel'l\LIOn the first of the tloned by name in the bill, for the was created among the politically - week. We are unable to learn· Just purpose or purchasing American minded In the nation's capita l last MICKIE SA YSwhaL her condition Is. goods. None of the purohases can be week by the refusal oJ 8enaLor VIc The ladics o{ Ihc FelTy church direct war supplies, but the loan will Donahey of ~hlo to pE!rmlt his name Gabriel Paul cleared II round $33 dollars at the 5'A~rrA ClAUS DIDN', qlVE permit Finland to purchase needed to be used as a favorite son candlBolton sale Jas t Wednesday, Super. US HJUF F PAPE R II--! '''-l~ food and civilian suppUes with th date tor President in Ohio , or to go Those who preach the gospel 01 illLencipnt Perry Thomas announced borrowed money and use other avaU- as a delegate at large to the Demo- baseball will" tell you that averages 'T' KEEP NBVSPAI'ER III ::illlldflY school. able funds for the direct purchase of cratlc National Convention , on a are not tell-tale; that a player's GOI1.11 FER. 1"W 'lEAl<- ~ 1\0,1'8. J en ny Mullen and Mrs. Tom war materials. By the time this ar- ticket only favorable to the nomlna - a:bllity must be judged by pcrfol'll1 SO IF 'fER, sueC;OOIPTtlele appears In print the House w\11 tlon of President Roosevelt {or a ances that do not show up In the Burton attcnd d the picture, "Gon. IOf..l ~EeDS PA,{I~' UP> Wldl the W1IId " In Dayton at Leow'. probably have passed t he Ex;port third term. Several of Senator Don- Iofficial records, and that mnny times \1Jt:ItE Al..\., SEl' '(0 11 ;1 n Lrc last Thursday morning. Loan ·Bank BUI. although a deter- ahey's colleagues In the Senate toOk a team player with' a mediocre aver\V?vI-rE 'RECcIP-rS mIned elrort Is expected to be made advant~ge ot the opportunIty last age is much more valuable than an I : rs . Caverna Faul and son Ervin to reduce the total amount carried week to openly demand that Pr.esi- Ilndl vletuallst sporting a much hi gher :;j.cIIL Thu rsday morning with Mrl. In the bW, as many Congre~~men dent Roosevelt make his position in l batting mark. I' J .. Thomas. cannot understand the reason orne- the third term Issue Clear without .T here are many who cUscoun ted J;'. Smilh, II'hd had his tonsil& receas1ty for increasing the loaning delay. Others more bold ~ame out In the value of Catcher Ern ie Lombardi Illl' ,'cd last Sallll:day a t Xenia Is repower by a hundred ~lIon dollars direct opposition to the consldera- to the Olnd nnatl Reds last year be, c.)·,.'l'Ilig lIicely Ilnd expects to re. in order that FInland may be loan- tlon of F. D. R. for a third term 1calise h is averag e was .287 compared l'll't to school :;00 11 . ed twenty mUlion dollars. In other no$aUon, and openly demanded I to the League leadin g .342 of the Mrs. P . J . Thomas and Mrs. Everwords, they are wanting to know that Mr Roosevelt renoun::e any.am previoUs season. This discounting of l;l', Hunter placed theil' n'iembel'8h1p just what will be done with the ad- .blUons he mIght have .for such an ' his ability wns hnstened by the much v. ith the Ferry church Sunday momdltlonal eighty mllllon dollars pro- honor. The President. .Is In the south publicized unforuna te play In the IIllt.. Mrs.' Thomas comes from the vlded for in the bill above the t~en- seas on a fishing trip, but the debate : last inning of the last World's Series Sugar Creek Chl'lstian church ancl I will sell at ~uction. all the farm chattels. located S ty. mlUlon dollars promised Finland. goes on In every nook and corner of game, but all you have to do to get Mrs. Hunter from the Centerville miles non.. of Waynesville, 4 miles 8Quth of Bellbrook, on the capital cIty as to whether or not back on the right track is to t hink Mel.hodlst chul'ch . the Bellbrook and 'Waynesville road' on That the farmers of America are the unpredictable Chlet Executive back on the big boy's achievements J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ not satisfied with the present A.A,A, wlll endeavor to brealt tradition by since , he donned 1\ Cincinnati unl· He who wishes to secure the good prolJr~m of the Administration is at- 'belng a candidate for election to a form In 1932. of others has already secured hla tctlted to by the number of farm third term. ' tn each of those eigh t Cincinnati own.-Confuc1us ~- . seasons. Ernie has caugh t at least leaders' who are visiting Washington I .. t dI f 100 games. Only once, In 1933, did he iio~_____iiiiiiii_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _~_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii In behaU of various other plans to BEGINNING AT 12 O'CLOCK solve the agriculture problem. Quite The joint reso uwon ex en ng or fall to appear In 120 games and he "'------...:....-----3---M-U-L-ES---3:.....,·-·- - - - - - - - - a number ot the farm spokesmen are three years the. authority of tile Pres worked 107 that year. Last year, In advocating the "Cost of Production" Idez:lt to enter Into reciprocal trade the Red's first pennant year since __~__......._A_l....l_g_o_o_d_w_o_r_k_e_rs_.__________ plan for which a number of bills agreements with fOreifgn19powers un - 1919, Ernle appeared In 130 ~mes. NEW DE~LER SOUGHT HERE FOR -' der the Tariff Act 0 : 3D, passe d 8--.CATrLE-6 bave been introduced In Congress. 'd t and while his average was only .287, CAR GUARANTEED 100,000 MILES 4 with calves by side, 2 to freshen in June· Others are urging higher protective the House late last Firl ay by a Vo e his offensive value can be traced --------------'-----,-- - - -- - - - -- 1tariff on comepetitlve farm products of 216 to 168. The tinal vote came down to a point of rt'lll benefit to .' '. 29.-HOGS 29 I now being imported Into this coun- after a week's debate" and after V81·· his ball club. 4 brQOd .~w8c due to farrow last of'March. 25 fall pigs try and some are urging that some lous attempts to restl'lct the author- Down the stretch , when the going - - - - - -,7-S :.:.-.8- #IRR ' -=--E-D--R-OC~.-K-C-H-.I-C-K-E-N-S------- 1Ol'~ of an export subsldy for Ameri· Ity ot the President by amendmen ts was the toughest. Lombardi had his -------.:.:...--,-'--ap1cultural products be pro- to the resolution. An amendment to greatest\ suecess of the season, lJe . FARM IMPLEMENTS ' vlded. 'The Republican minority in require raUllcatlon by Congre: of !batted .343 during the he~tic last G~od -wagoD, box bed and extra 's ide boards, flat top, COnareu feeling that the party aU reciprocal trade Ilgreemen en- month and hls play was a deflnlte double diBc, Oliver riding breakii1~. plow. Syracuse walk- ahould bave a constructive agrlcul- tered Into by the President ",:as de- !Contribution to the great spert tha t' ina plow, cultipaeker. McConniek Deering com plow, only turaI Pl'08I'Ilm for the coming cam- feate~ on a teller vot;-117 to 157. enabled the Reds to stave otT the usecf b~o sea80QIl, steel bay rake." garden plow, aoos~er palpl, and to be put Into effect I! Another amendment 0 g~ve tec - late rush of the Cardinals. (lOlln plap~r. fe·r~ilizer atlachment:in good condition. h~r- aDd wben the Republicans gain t : :: produc~ ~~~ 5U~ ec: t x - There is another angle to consider row. cOfl\·b.nder. drag. ~Ied, bay fork, rope and pulleys, control ortlfe House. next year, c xes was e ea ed y u ne In rating the cR.pablfltles of Lom2000 tQbaecO' ·lath, furrowing out plCiw $pud, ,post augur, have act up a Special Agricultural votes. An amendment, tot~ro~ct ~g- baret\. He hns a snap throw that Is sinale ,a nd double 'trees, hoes.' forks. sho~eI8,. c"ain~, etc. Committee lOt forty-three to ana- rleUltural products fr(~m e npor ~ deeeptlve, but strong and accurate. IYze and studY the farm problem tion of competitive farm produc and many times he has pulled the , . ~ " .M~~NEOU''' .' and the various sUggested rem- untU farm prices reach parity was pitchers out of threatlng situations La.mower. water cream separator, ·tree . trlmmers~ ed1e8 for the present agricultural aiso defeated by a narrow margIn, by catching loitering runners. poultrY: COOPS, troughs, .2 seed 8pwe~, one new. as were other amendments drawn It was his throwing ab1l1ty that • ' . • for the protection of .A merlcan la.bor t hnes, bnd-helped save he day In the crucial A re:r~ ('~e nIRli\le 01 Ihe Pr". i.II'JlI· ~ .11Ift' or Will y~ ·O\lC'rlllnd l\ful"r~, In••, H , "'D~q·..;;:..a :sides of· chain harness, .. _ , r-:--"d 't fly.' Dets ' Considerable talk has been created I aDd Industry. The Administration game of the last St. LoWs series In will n•• i\l~ hC're ~OOJl In inl ..... i"w I.n.liu .,·Inli ... " 10 openin" a II"all!f.Ia'p 1ee, 800 Be h .. re Ir:r Ihe n ew WiIl YA. l.iel".",1 aho,·.·. The car i. JIll" IlIlIranteM ' " . lines held despite thl~ variou s a t. .FEED :.!....800 bu. ,Clariage com, shredd,ed fbdder, baled 1p Congress by newspaper stories re- tacks made against them and it now which the Reds clinched the pen- )00,000 miles or Ihr" c 11111 ~"lIrti • .... " . T' thv hay 2 bu sapiin a clover seed· cenUy published telling of son Ja.mes nant. Johnny Hopp. a youngster up 8 .....aW•. ~m~ U~O J ' , • , . e · Roosevelt's latest suocesa In landing appears certa.ln that the senate will from Houston, ,had touched Paul TERMS CASH a lucratiVe Insurance contract tor also adopt the resolution within a Derringer tor a double to start an . tbe company of which his mother, short time. \ Innlng, A mlnute later. Hopp was a Yl'II. Eleanor Roosevelt, is also a di' . dead pigeon, for Lombardi's quick How good and pletlSllnt a thing It throw to second trapped him off his reCtor. Tbe cOntract is for the InWith IRVIN S. COBB luruu:e of one of Aemerlca's larlest is to seek not so much thine own bag. lteamship lines operated by a cor- as another's good, to lSOW by· the wayThese thingS do not· show up in AdmiDiatratris of Th. Utat. poration In whlcb the United States side for the way-weary, and trust the averages, but they register In of Ch... Hoyt.. D~a..d. Iiovemment ls said to own ninety Love's recompense or love. Bui ·McKechnle·s mind, and provide F. T. Martin, Aud. ' percent' of the common stock. It Is -Mary Baker Eddy the background Cor BIU feeling the Centerville, 0,. Phone 78J also' alleaed that the Reconstruction Reds have the strongest ca.tchiilg By IRVIN S. COBB 208 Custer,Bldg., ADS661 , Plnance Corporation has loaned the Never has any man , plucked the staff In th e National League, ' what OME yel'rs aro, Jesse Burkett was manarin~ a team in :o ne of the Robelt~Cbilett, Clerk ,. ., . d same aIllpplnl corporation . several fruit of happiness f:rom the tree of with Lombardi In the first, hole, and lesser learues up in New Enrland. His eyes nad not forgotten it. Lunch on Graun mlllion ,dollars; tbat the M8ritlme Injustlce.-Anon. WllIard Hersh~erger, the major's cunning even thourh his legs were sti.er than they once ',were; eUci 1
News Of The RedS
Saturday, lVlarch 2
L_au_g_hi_·n_g_Ar __O_un_d_t_he_w_o_rl_d_'_-I
It Keeps You Out in the Open Air
:!.= "
frequently in an elMl'leDey lie ....t III bat fOr HIDe ......... fit Wit outfit who wu weak with ~ stick. ' . " • .one summer Barkett Jla4: a anere ~~t· .~.. umpires on the circuit. The 1IIIlpin blded ... ·tl1M, ."-r.-~ a , to ret even. Finally he pt ~ . '::"~=~'t The lame was almost ~r; ~. ..,. If beaten, ) 10 matter wW' micht _~,.... put them Whe~ the, W01IId ·. "e Nevertheless. in the DiDtII; witb
Barkett eleeted to try " ' . . . waaappro~
iedared h Dew
'nie a.pm, batter aDd
_ ....~t4ttf, ::Ci:':~=~
rrandItUd ad ~=1=~ . . ·'BlInett." · ~ 1Ie1I~;:1lI'" j i"'P"~~I.
' ..
' ~ ~~--.-~----~-----.-...---.-.-.---.~~-.-----._-------------
McClure Funeral Home
Mfl l-S, S I,l\1day ' 9 :00 a"
, 1'
10'01 RTI(
7 ,:10 11
and Mrs J , R Hileman anel M I 1\"1" Sllrl'lllf1 n T il 11 W \ ' "" '. r . flm ., s. , , 8(ln , Edgar and Omc!', were Sunday a nd f:lmlly moved SlIltil'llny from dlr.ner guests of Mr, and Mrs, RobA L K' pro perly hl'l,{,. I n 0 1" ert Baker Jr" and family of ncar I . . mg
' l J:-;U ,\ \ ' I N IJ':NT
Ill , 1101, Cu I1 l1 lUl1ion
111 .
lI oly COllllllll ll lon lIml
51' 1' -
en tllt<:11 It~I" II, L, 1I;,,'kll'l'Il. H~ ~ lflr
Beech Grove
fA KV'
01 ,
'E:')CfRA! EXT~ A ! ! il-\' I-IOME "o.v~1'AP£R\
Mrs. Lena Harts ock accomp anied s uperllL o~ of Mr, TliMler, Ule lr homo r~om h er son, A. Z. Hartsock, his wUe and daughter Louise, or Kingman to FOR SALE-Ol!vcl' breaking sulk y I Mil lcacher. The program, whic h has been ex- Cincinnati , Friday. Miss Loul8e iii plow, Imperial wnl kl n g pow. . _ tcn sll'cly p la nned . wlll bc made liP t nklJl g prell.m lnary steps to entering bul'll farm wagon, all In good contl l I wo p. 1'(, prec ed ed by elevotions Clu ls(' h os pital In Augl15t. clition , E1'Ile. t Buttcrworth. Way\vh ll'l, will be lrd by Frntl cis Jolms , Mrs , C, H. Deatherage and ~;'~ I1c's vlll , R, R. 2 F I5-22-29 . Tlt l' f ll'~ 1 pur l o f Ih(' progrnm will b e J , W , And rton both celebrated t , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ :1 .h \' '1I .e] 1111' ~('l'ollid 1)111'1 wil l be a birthday anni ve rsaries, MOnrl~~ 'p us1 h-b " u• lto n lUn ing on t ile loud , TI H'Y 1'11 joycd a birthday cake wIth FOR SALE- 5 yearling heUers , III LawI' andlps wl l h Ule o t h er mcmbers of rell 'C Fields . R. 3" Wn y nes v c, ;, pea k!'!' :<y~tl'IIl, t h e Honll'. at dlnncr, FI5-22-29 ' '~h l'
Au...-rl4' N5\VS AQOUi OUR. ·1=RIE!#.IDS , "'114 1 GOOD
• •
! I
1\' lIN DA Y
, Mrs, Mary 'Doster of Hllrvrysburg l ]l Ill , Amii 1I :l 1',\ ' 1'.,'n u' l1 ) )'\\'1111.\ , Th r rO IllI IH' I'I' inl rln ~;(':- rbltrd ti l(' ,'p' ii I Monelny \l' lIh Mrs, C , H , . , 10..111 1( 1],0 0\\'11 bllsll1 l-S ,('110(,1 on M on· FOR SAL Jersey COl\' , fr esh J , H. f) I',SO A \ , , ,. . , ' . , ' , .. ' l ' . Df',lLh :lge, , ,. Sackett, R. J, Wnynes vill£" .. P. Ill , Clllldr l'll , LI'ntlll M t liLt I d,I; , Pl'bl\lnl; _t; o ! fl'. :Inri Mrs . H. I. Wlillmn,~. MI S. 7 .:10 fJ II I. Mldwce k l.l'nlen S)'n ke, !. Th : sch 01 1s .1 :ltNI " II R oule 73,' Il nd Mrs, Mal1' Brown
11 PI'ldn,' " MIU'I'I) I t h A.~s t'Jllbly lin e Alden. who hnve b l1 VC1'Y Ill. flI'O~J'f1 ln will be In cha rge of lhe III" I'c' porl d to b Improv d .
S1', l\l G { ,:TlNE Cllt Rell H, II . Krul1lllolb, S , '1'. D" (lll tor SOp ll0 l110l'Cs unclcl'
............ ..........-.-.....---....
l+e offer a .satisfactQry Service at ail times
to. tMe••
N (,\\'~t1lnl1lrr.
11m, J I I p nul i Add rC!i..> b y lh t' Rcl', Hubcr l Uk k!' r - 111 Ml dc!1{'lowri In \\hll l \l si d tn h . l of D r", lon \' isitl'd Mrs. J. W . Aneler - MAN WANTED upply Blick Diaaynesv e , M a rga l e l 0 lIl s A\l( , ' I I III' S ur!! 'I'll!' b tlllelll1 '" II· " , mond Liniment and Householrl Rcvlvlll service.>; at'e being held Ilt J <, llnl: [lut' llCled WIC' IUllCI'll1 0 1 !lull SOil . ' 11 1' 1 '''11 1( 1' ('111 bntl l 0 11 lh l' illsid" II Jn . l\lonrl,') I I II P I'oeltl .t ." tl) nll ,ololller,H. EXI:>criellC C . C · , · · FRIDAY ' I ' , J . Mr [lll rl Mrs, Rn p 1 H owl' or ., ' ., the Oregonia U . B . c hurch , with the clllsln , RlIlh H ll nnH ,,\\ ,I " A l 'l:la \'\ !l lt'('l, 1\1\(1 I1 l1 ls idl'. Thl' c n ll n' fi r,-l fl oor ls . . ,' , Mrs MillO. Ilo t bilt helpful, Pl'oCl tRev, HalU\ of Dayton . assisting with Wn yne!w ille, Fr iday o f[1'r n" on . I 2 P. II I. WOl11l1ll , I ~, .. . . . 1\, 1101\ S pl lngs. fi nd .. I tl M· 1M ' Clll vlll Lonl7Hcr~ Ilnci in!; il nd l ood sn le II I Lil l ie I n n; M IS. 1' 1\ I' ll li p 10 tl lP b1l51111'. S SC 11001. . OI' \\'nll1;: of Xcni a \'lsitrc1 frie nd s III IIble. P leasant W ork- Permanent, t Ie mee ngs I a ne IS. . b I 'r l t ,., I t , fl'OI II W n \'I1C 51'1 11 I' bl I offe t' YOU . ' . .' " I Edltil 1l 0:,Ll'ss. 1C' S lI" C 1 S " 11 p HIl Il1 I' F ridaI' . If you a rC' am lOll S we . Mrs, Mllr), Lp[lth find clnu ghter. c h ll o ren alld MI S. J . B. JOl1 r s SP(,I L w" rr' , hO II' ll Ilow ' 0 upl'mt l' LlH' fol I I ]I.'t .. L " Luk en s and tr1llL5111l1 opportunit;'. You furnL5h Ml&s Eleanor. of Troy . and II !lumber FIIc:ayI a fl eruI oo n 111. X CIII I1, lowing I11llchl IlCS: com p toIllPl t'r. cli c- I Mr . nile . dr" l\'. , (",II' . No il lvl's Lnl('nt n eceSSli ry . L tl ' Ilurdl ' II ()D I "1' ( 111 '1'( ' 11 fa m ily 1' \Sltp .tl S a " . ·" of friends and neighbors , were S unSprv res c ao Y l ME' I !oj, I. Il Jlh Ulll' . "nk u lntol'. :\ 11(1 "[1'110I-( rnI>1 1. · · I " . Wril l' Wilillllf' l' Comp[lny, Colum- . day afternOOn ca llers In the home of I S l l·day Rev. Hlld ll' S n yde r (;, l'uslor , Sl :n d ny I'VI' n n K· lIus , Indiana. F29-M7-14 tile Gray fa mll1es , In Wellmlln. is no w assistin g al n "rrlt'" of l11e('t Ch u l'ch S~hool D' :10 a, III . W or~ hi p M i1;" M!1 I'Y Carol Yn Luk,' ns of 1 USE TIlE MIAMI GAZETTB Mr d Mrs M 1':,, "111:1 111 rol !f'J( I' VISII ('d 11f' r c rnnc1'1'. ~". I'n DII"J tOII . IT " I'n ice 10 '40 " . III . S " lJj "" I . "C'.III·I,.,' t IION OH. nOI.l, AT Thursday visitors of Mr, and Mrs . , , e a r e erry werl' Mr, [lnd Mrs . H o wor d K ('ncle ll 0:, PrAdominon t." 1 IIJCII ,S.CIIOOL III.0G , I I"oth!'r. M.I'S. 11 I1rt soek , Sa l . ' an C "y to n were SlIllday gue~ t,' of MT Cll lldrcn ', das.' Mondny a llen rrllJlls II I ti a y evtllln g . , Orlando Brannan , In Xenln . PI illl f 0[1"1011 nn" Mrs Ha rry COl'11e'li . nll tl i n the aL 4 o'cloe k, AIl - S t Hr- Pl' r lcl[l £ Ilis, C il l1l'lu t Le Mr,~ , 1"101' lice 1 p,~ [J 'J ' J Lee Ta.lmage nnd SOli , Albert Lee r\'tl'l'nOOn motored 10 til S(' C' I!1p \l'orl h Lf'o gll r MO lld a y (, I'l' lI ing H[\ rI 1110 11. Le lia Kovl' J'l1ln n , Mor y vj ,<i 1.('d 111'1' Hun t. Miss Kalie Collins . attended a MaSOnic Fathcr ami L II G ' I u·(· ovrr-hcnel bJ'I(lge lIwrc . II I 7 :30 o 'clo('k . , E Vil L Mnr , Caro l uc n g- l.On . ,"JI(' - ::" II',e :lY, Son banquet aL Hllrvey sbw'g, W ed, Mf.. Boi t not t uf T lp p Cll.\' A ""I' lL''' of Prl' -E:tstel' "pr vl I' S \1'111 vi rvr H n( II!',I', J can Hal' ls OC'k , H elen Mrs . Terry of Dayton, called . 011 nesday evening, making an cXlended vls lL wi t h IllS b(' hcld ul'g-inili ng SU I II:ty Marc il M n1'l'" lInl' Peters. M IS. J . W . And erton , S un day. MI83 Mary BrO\111 of neal' Spring sis t.er . Mrs . Guy Rou Lzallll n nd flll1l - 10t h . del a ils t tl b ' g iVl'!1 III !lexi l Ac: hlcvf' llll'nL . He lf'n FranMrs . J, W , Andel'lon, MJ's, Donl1le\ \rnlley was a Thu rsday gues t. of Miss 1Jy, week 's nnnOItIlC'£' lIll'nt. ces Mllrjol'le Ede ll . Chnrl rs Hu dh'y, and MIss Frcda Harvey , saw HannaH Jordan. Tn ul e afternoon MI'. and H owa rd DI'wf'esc a l 1'11'1', IIOLl.\' M . K f:lIU l t(, 1I I 1·lIdo r[. nUlh Ann a Johns . a nd "(jone Wi t h the Wind ," In Da yton the ladles were cllllers Il l. the home tended a ,~urprlsc iJirl h duy d inller H llylYll Crnbbe, T Uf'sdIlY. T 1\1. Sf':",ff, I\liniJil.' ,' ot Mr, IUld Mrs, Almon F'erri.s, Thur£day evenin g In 11111101' of til e · Merit - D u l'o l lly Dakill . Bob PresDr, :lnd Mrs . Dudley Keevc r or Thi& vicinity was well represented Sunday Schuo l g ::lO II . III E A, dl I former's fa t h er Mr. Frank Dewcesl' Ion . AI11I I1 Mae WaLkins, Mars<!l1e CI'ntel'ville, vlsitcd MissI Ly a Jlne Ilt the annual basketbn ll tournament Eal'l1h art, SU jJt 1 13 :1 l'Ile Lt, Alton Eal'l1ha r t. , Paul Johus IJr , Emily Wri ght, TUcs( IIY . The RED BRAN 0 8 vt'll l11 t; ,,'rvlce 7 : ~ O , at Kings M11ls, during the tlU'ee days at hl~ home nCllr Ya nkee St. Mr, and Mrs , Harvey Burnet enfence you put up now P1'II Yl' r lll ' l t I n J~ WCIIJII ' 51I a y I.' \'C- ,Jeanne Baker, Reba Surface, B ctty Ksslon, Joe Hlteman of this comm un Th(J ll1fJ ~IlJI . Alllla Marilyn Whllakl'r, ter t.alned the Dinne r chi)) at ml'cl s will stay tight, look II ln t: 7 :30 1ty in company with fOllr boyS and Saturday ('veilin g. right - for yea rs, , 'I'll£' La d l " AId wi ll nlt')'L at t h l' La ll., ln" ., liard 11 . ,Jant' Hal · t.~ O<'k . their coach, Mr, Sanborn, attended Mr and Mrs H nry S ny lol' - and Fift y years of fence , ••ldren " ,('hllreh , WI'd n" Mill \' M ur ch Ol.h ;u Vlr~l nia Pr('~ to n , Mar y J ea n Ri ck ey, , a game ot basketball, Sunday, at chi of DaYlo n wl'rr Sunlluy m aking experience . Jl'ln11. F'il'l's, , eo r ~ p M('llg)'1. Phy lll ~ Dllyton, dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Harry 2 :1)0 II Ill , a sures it, Buy /illu'· /es/eti RED BRAN D, put It up RI ' kl'Y AllIlCL t!l ,.,t,'lll ke . Evely n A welcome 1I\V'i W;~s y U . , t il se . Mr, and ·Mrs, Frnnk 3a.ms enter- Graham and Mrs Susan Snylor, T h ompson. Et h pl He no. Donald right, forget it - that 's (h yuu end the work tGlned at dinher Sunday, Mr. and Mr, and 'Mrs, Walter Kenrick and Sfl vices, WIl tkJn, Rob rt W oolhml. .ra llll'S and worry of yea rl y fence repaIr. Mr8, Frank Potak and son, Frankie, Jnmes Haines spent Sunday evening I:O qll nrl' 1111 11(,(' Assem bly fit Gmnge Sl ' lnk., 'l1 J'lt on S t.a lll ... " . UTI CJ\ I I, 8. CII1JnClr of Dayton, with Mrs, Juan Campbell and My, h n ll Thul'sday f'v l' n ln gs at, ~ : 4 (i , ncvis A, iii II , Pas tol' and Mrs . Everett Ken!'1 k u11 d son • COllW n l1d leal'll to dllll CC SCI II IlI'C 1I0NOR RO .... 1\'1' SlIlIdn,\' . MnJ'c h ,:I Bobby, at CentervUle, cl a nu's and have 11 g ood ti me, W'n1l7. U ' :!O II. II I - ::;tll iti ay ,",C; IIIK. I. Les lie G Ri\DF~ sc n oOI. nUILOTNG ('Ia:!;t.~ ' I'hurst!a y at 3 :25 li n d 7 :45 p , Mrs, WIlJJ a m Berger a11(1 Mrs, q . Campbell of W est Carrollton w('rc Cior!>uc h , SlIpt , . 111 . "The rugged se rvice of ~ED B ARCI\ IN I-f R, 15c ',!'/I 2:00 All A's- Detty Tho mas,' Enrl .R yc , 10 :30 II . Ill ,- M or llin go wOl ~ h II Monday dinner gucsts of Mr, and BRAND fence means lower cost LOllgae l'£', '{I'onnc Stubbs, Norma 7 :00 fJ m, 'hris li ll n Elldcnl'o r, Mrs . Harry Cornell, Mr . [l nd Mrs . W eb.~ tel' Tinney , of per rod IJeT year. Plenty of copFriday Earnhart , B arba ra Crane: Nnrlllll Lender : Mrs, Georg in G ebh r l.. Mrs , Margaret . Johns nnd Paul F l'anldin . anllouncc the RI'I'lval of a per in the steel to fight rust--an Prny for Ollr revil'lll whI ch s tar!.') Ann Weltz, Johns entertained Mr, EmmeL Sny' 0 11 . J[llI1es Dou gilis. Ilt the Mlddleextra lhick zinc coating put on Marllyn Tinney , All A's a nd B'sder a nd Rev, Hilda J , Snydcr of March 10 and r"IILillll CS until EIl.stCI', lown ho!;pit:ll . Thursday . Pl'bnl8 l'y Twin ThriU N ites! by the "Gal",annea!.ing" process. . JImmi e Wr lll, Don a ld Dakin, Victor 1 Spl'ingboro and Mrs. Susan Saylor, COI11I' [l11l1 bring Illl othcr is filii' llloUn 22 - -Plus-These features mean CAS H IN Lou(' lIn Sinc lair, Chnr• • • • • ThompSOlI , to :Ux o'cloCk dllmer Friday, "5 Little Pepper. A.t Home" YO U I~ POCKET in the years iI'S Conard . J ane t La kc.~, Georg, ThC're w ill be lig ht r efreshments. With . Ml'. and Mrs, WUbert SWank and l . to come, II 'nci el'son . D Ol'O t hy Con a rd, Edwin and thp ml15ic for the d ance will b e Jimmie Swank returned hom e MonEDITH FELLOWS Mlc h IICI', Dll vld Harts ock, EstJ~er furni sh cd by Swlnd let"s orch estra of day nfter spendIn g days with We hav e ev ry heigh t and Mr, and Mrs, E. B . Lon gac re at Ea.~t Luk n s, Blanche Dickensheets. M11- Xenia, at the dance and card party. weight vou need, Come in a nd rom Pac e II Dearborn, M1ch, dred Bourne , Ri~harlj Sheehan. March 8, sponsored by Wayne Townlook over. Mrs. Allee Clark Who h as been s hIp Mothers' club, Wc a rc sorry to lose Dalc Ly nn, spendIng the winter in Dnyton , Is ilOW under the Doctor's care a t the JC'll es 1 o 2 wll o has movcd to Mason. llSE TilE MIAMI GA ZETTE home of Mr, and Mrs. Milton Shee- SLockSd Ic 2 o 4 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO WANT ADS COUJMN PHONE 25 han at Centerville, Higgins o o o ____ I...., ______ , The Lltldles Aid wlll holel t h eir March meeting at thc home of Mrs, T ota l II 4 26 EdUh Kurtis next W ednesday altcr- Waynes ville FG FT PT Among Boy Mlagazines nOO11, Ass.ista nt ti ostesse.~ are Mrs . BlanCh e Graham, Mrs . Vad cn Wleal , Berry o Osborn and Mrs. Ida Wlcal, Mr, and Mrs, W . F, Clark of Day- Price . ton spent Friday afternoon with Mrs LeMIlY S'a~dard Publlca"on for All loya , Mary Carmony, ' Burll tt Mrs. George Gray is much im - Stanley III .dl'o.... wrlt.ra and a"'." proved at t h is time and able to be Gatchr.coDnl,ed .... b."'n 'h.'rft.ld~. ru-ound the house, Pummill An 'dea' Gift Far Any Boy Mr, Bnd Mrs, WlIlInm Rogers and R. Osbornc Send $1.50 for year'. I daughter s pent Sunday evening with Th 0 III pson subscription , Mr, and Mrs, J erry Rogers and famI i1y In Dayton, , -. I Totai 6 ] 2 o !luee.d adv.n'ur... , •• porta .• •• poe.' ofplctur.....ca'm .. car'oon • . . . lIne'·' and 10k..... " .. plra, tiona' arrlcl ..... Scoutin. '.a,ur•• W
nec(" ~nr'y .
o.~('(A mornln~.
~\IL{, II H"' I' tso~k
. Hi~I'y ,
--------------- ._ .. _--
Local Happen iogs
~Sat~:ay Sun., Mon.
Waynesville Farmers Exchange Co.
f irst Choice
._- --- - - --!-,':"Im~':.~~'l,,<!~ ~~~~~~~i J ! "~K,.., ~~~~~~ml\\lilll~,IIl!Jll!!.1'.1_1_1_ _IIII111!_ _. ._- -_ --, ~ I
l Park Avenu. ' Now 'Iwk. N,Y,
'I : -==~:::=~~.~~~-=.: =-
17 S. MAIN • • • DAYTON
NEW SPRING and EASTER APPAREL At S"ecial "Anniversary" Prices!
FRIDA V- sA1run))AY I\Ia.rch 1 aJlld 2 An Epic of 'rhrills
New Coats and Suits, values to $19.95. af .................. $14.75
., ~s"r DreSle., all regalarly $7.95, at . " . .. ••.•••.. ; ••.•• New Spr'"9 Straw Hats. re~ularlv $5,CO, at , ..•.•••••••••••• New Sp~'ng Shoe;, r.gularly"'14.00 valtJos, at , , .•• ~ ••••••••••. New' llousel and SkIrts. regularly $3.00 each , .••.•••.•.••.•. Patent alld
Purses, rQ9111arly 52.00 , ••••••••••••••
AI.T eRAFT · Hose. Irregularl of $1.15 'ChiHons , '•• ; ••.•• e.• '•••••
$6.75 $3.25 $3.35 $2.69 $1.69 79c
"GERONIl\'[O" with Preston Foster-Anrl;v Deville Jtalllh ~lorKI\II Added Selected Short Subjects
S.UNDA Y....:MO~Di\Y
March 3 an.tI 4 , C'mon Down arid Go HIII-BUty WIlli Us!
let's get together • • ! If you want a late model
car or truck with modern Improvement. - 'or a very small amount 01 money •••
We have what you want I. you have an older car or 'ruck to trade on a fine, late mo...del uled car •••
S REASONS WHY YOU WIll SAVE IY IUYING NOWI used ca rs SAVE All priced to sell
fast , in order to make room for more tmde-Ins,
SAVE f()re
prices rise
-and 81lVe the difference,
wInter ('onS. AVESavc dltlonlnlt expenile. on your old car.
depreciaS'AV ESave tion on,your .o ld You have cur. l)'ade up now. what we want Save coetl" re-
SAVE pairs
old ·.ear.
• SA~E 5T ARTS March 2, thru March 9 • u .. rHAI.·S CHARGI G"d UY.AWAr Servlc."
• "JEEPERS CREEPERS" Elm)' aJld Tbe Weaver Broll, Roy HoCers AlIo Selected ,Short Subjects J-
Badgley~. eb~vrolet Sales ~ SerVice ._' Sp~nl Valle" Ollia'
. . . ..,_. ___ _~~ "
Solo and Ensemble -Music: Festival
Will Purchase New Pre-Easter SeI:viCes Mrs. Edith M. Harris Happenmgs At Methll»dist Church Lunch Room Equipment Honor Guest At DinDer
WHOLE N l\1"BER 40lf)
-:'....._11_._"_._._.__. __,___.. . JJlhn M. Grierson local Happemngs Guest Speaker AI Banquet
__ 1~ 'I_"_lt_ I"-I ~'-"-'~
Charles Andel'!'on, of O. S . U , Til" a1111.la l bn t - tl F F A Tl1C Wayne Township Moth cr~' ' prill the w(' k end at hl~ homl' hl'rp , , nqu~ '" 1e . , . chlb met In I!'!;ulal' session . Fridn ~' • • • • • • nd HOlllp E ollomlc~ depa rtmen ts afternoon . ilt till' Grad£' bltlldlng. of Wa yne TOWJ1."hip schools wn~ The Ine!'llng wns conducted by Mr. and Mrs. D. R . Salisbltry wl'r(, held III thr eafett'rla Tuesda~' eyethe pre. clem . Mrs. Ra.I' J11 (,nd Brnd- g'lIestl\ at a pa rty , Saturday ('I'enillg . mn!! and pl'Oved to bl' one of the do~k . nnd WAs 'op(,lleri iJ~' sin gi ng. give n at thc hom of Mr. and Mrs. bellL The girl s of Lhp Home Econom.. AlJler!rI\ ", D(' vo LIOIl S Wf'I'C conou ct. L('p Webpr , of Cincinnn ti. JI'~ c\('pn rtment h:ld 1> 1'1' pa rr'd a fine ~ "I l' I('t' 01 tO Ill .ltO ""c ktall. "hicken ('(I by Mrs Frank V. L('May. whose Willia m Thomns of MR~ OII . was A n la Kill g. makhrli potatOes. I1l'a('h fi ub jN't 1\'a S, "All C;!"~t t'r Mc s~a tle . " ' TI,,, lolloll'in Jl Proll ntlll . IIncler Il.c 11.' ,lOr al 1IH' h01ll1' of 11b pllrenl !;. sa lad. r o IL~. bu ttt'r. jp lly. p,ckle~. Icl' direction of Mrs. The rl e Jones, wa s Mr a ncl M ,·s. E l. Thomas. SflllIl' - creu m. c(,kr fln el rO fr N' . AboUI 225 were served. prest'nted by the LytiC' lllC'mul' r., : dll .I·. 1.OWI' II SlIlc l:t II' fl S toastmastcr • • • cla rinet solo, M iss Ruth Anna John ~ l\Ir :1 11 (1 MI'>'. arJl1f'1l 'ran p and ,·nndllt·II ·tI 11'"1."'11 ill:t ('J'ediUlule a C'colllpa niccl by MIs.~ Mary EVfl LeMa y; nn Rddr ~ss " "Wh n l An! the son 1\'pl'e ~ IIt ' k t,' of Mr. a lld Mr~. 111011111('" 1'11' It('v . L(' ll ls Radley Things In Life That COl stlll l!C' Hap- RoUP,.1 ('null' of I.f'llnIlOIl TlI('s dn~ ~')I'e th' in vo"lI lioll and the welrom p wa., (::I\'pn by M ISS Earline pill('ss." by Re v. Hl1,ln Snrdt:'r of t he (,I·rnlll!;. I.H 11 11:1 III , Lytle Methodi st ChllJ'cll , Myru n H ag~lllI'Yf' r ~po k (' on the Mr. ami Mrs A , T . POlinsky all(1 TI11' I)us lJ1ess . me etln~ II' fl.~ Iwld fol "' II lJ.I'·C I " Why 1 "!lOkI' the Voca t Ion, Illtlc rin 'I !: I'I C' r of Cin,inn alJ. ~ Pl'lH lowing the progTam. TIll' trra.~ lIn' r Mrs. Russell Friu ik and son, and reported a ba lance of $84. ~8. flnti ;, t ill' 11'l'l'k I'lld wIth Mrs . Pollnsky's al Agliculturel Cou rse;" Betty ·TlnIW Y spokl' on . Why I Take Hom' Mrs. L. A. Garst and chlldl'en were 1Il0tiun was macl!' anel eaJ'I'IM t llHI J11" t lll'J'. MI';'. JI'.o;.,i8 HymRIl . F:C \l Il Ullli<'S:" "The Practical Slell' of luncheon guests or Mrs. Ira Brown 54.1 53 of thl~ nll101lnl. II'hlc h has Our Vocntlol1!ll Course" was well MI' . and Mrs. Carmen Cran a tin FI'tlnklln. Friday. bee n elll'ned by Lhc lunch committ eI.'. • • • • • aU of these services. 1his yeur. be Ilirnecl over to the t('nc\(,cl th e flln eral of J oan Well1'lck . Ilre:;cn tecl by T om Plon' nef'; MarLhn commIttee. to be lIsl'c1 III pur cl m .~I J1 g daut,:h tC'r of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Marl in tolcl of "'1'111' P I.a ~I'_~ of Home Miss Flossie FIres was the dinner F.('onomles." DrJlny P lI rn ll, and DaCharles H.Hartsock. age 70, a new equipment fo r th r kitchen lind Wl'llrick . of the Gret' nmount Counguest Sunday of her parents. Mr. vid Furnas conducted fl novel and lifelong resident of this community, lunch room. It was dl.'dcll'rl I hR t ! hI' til' d ub n('(1I' Dayton . Monelny. and Mrs . Elvan Fires. in te res tln l{ discussion 0 r qUt's Lion!'! dIed Thursday evenIng, at his home comm itteI' whIch hac! iJren appoIntand answers on "CoopeJ'f\tion Be -. Door prizes and carel prizl'S. Each ed (or tcmpl'1'Rn C'r work III t! w The Waynes TownshIp Mothers' on ratite 73, east of Waynesville, schools. be dls pens d II'ILh fl r thc re- !:Ible wiTI rccel\'e R prize at t il l' Llllel'll 0111' Horne Economics and club will sponsor a dance and card ' after an Illness of one year, mainder of the yea r. All Illm OUnel" Mothers: dub donee Ilnd c:ll'd P.l rty . Vocational Agri cul tu re Depart.ment.<;· party Prlday evening, March 8. at 8 He was II member of . Waynesville . ' Cl1a rlot~c Hartman gn VI' a good talk All Waynesvllle .grade schOOl and m cnt wa.~ made by tile chairman of MarC'il 8. Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M.. Scottish o'clock in the gym . con "The Val ue of n Home EconomRite . Dayton. a:nd Kni ght Templars. hIgh school girls who are Interested the fInanCe commIttee. Mrs. J . H. Mr. nn I Mrs. R D. Co lll'tt find lI' S Cours(''' nnel Aluert Hage meyer in orga nizing a Girls HRndlcraft SackeLt, concerning the card part y R ev. R. L. Hackwell WM the Len· WIlmIngton , famil y wcre gllests. Sunday ilL n ~" ve a coocl talk on ' Wh y We Should club or girls club Cit any kInd nre SurvIving are his wife. Cora. one and dance being s ponsored by the ten guest preacher at the Church of kC'1l roa M . at Lhe s ugar camp of HR I'e Voca Lio nal Agricu ilure In our chi r asked to meet with Miss Efllth A . sn.1 Luther, at home; two daughters Mother's club. rFiday March 8. A Asct'nslon. Middletown. Wednesday lIt'l s. Hollis G. Emery of Green Brown at the Township hOllse. Fri- committee c01l.'ilstln g of Mrs . Kf'll - Mr. ancl Mrli. LeSler Stnll!ll'ld and Schools." evening .. All ~ {\Iden ls speakers should be Springs, 0 .. and Mrs. John W. Ker- day afternoon. Mal'ch 8. at 4 o'clock ncth Hough . Mrs F U . l .eMa.\' , and fami ly of New Burllnglnn . l" ll dally compllmenled on , the ef· It is hoped that a number oC girls sev of WaynesvUle . and thre~ gra nd Mrs . Russell WilSall was appolnLed M iss Ann Guelden and Mr. Bert Dr. :lnd Mrs . A, E. Stout emer - fi cient manner In which they rewill be Interested in forming clubs as to make an inves Llgation of the ~ Bard of Troy . were dinner guests of children . LA In d Sunday evening al nn in- -,ponel ed , Earl Earnhart, past preslFuneral services were held Mon- there are a number of interesLlng terms of Lhe constltmion of Lhe orMr. and Mrs. Ethan Orane, Saturformal party and buffeL Ilinch ; Mr. rh'llL of F. F. A.. re!)ponded with things to do an d make and time can day afternoon. at the McClure Fun ' ganization, to report R rlearer inday evening. eral Home. with burial In MIami well be spen t In attending club terpretation of ILs mennlng. a nd if and Mr~ . Cnrmen Crnnc. Mr , and 11'1' 11 fittin g remRrks after which • • • • groups. Cluoo of different kinds will necessa r y make suggestIons for re- Mrs . Harold Miller. Dr, and Mrs. H. John M. Grierson of Hnts bol·o. prtnMiSS Virginia Preston was the cemetery. be organized on Friday aftemoon so visions of amendments. a t t he next F. Dye . and MI' . and Mrs. Carl Con- ('\pal .~p('nkt'r of t he even ing, gave weelt end guests ot her aunt, Mrs. an Interestin g nnd instl'Uclive talk ard. please try to meet for organiza tion . meeting. COI\!uclus lIay "Comlng events caat Leo Deutsch and tamUy in Spring- FUTURE FARMERS Oil 0111' advanc!'lllent and opportun• • • • The lunch commIttee announced their shadows betore them. " Proof Held. FURNISH PROGRAM Miss Grace BooLs of Yellot>.o It '(,1; fi nd thln!,;s that nrc carried on that a regular school lu pcheon. with of this Is found In the high school • • • • • in the world today, crime. war, etc .. t he addition of coffel'. 11'111 be sel'ved Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boden1111'1' clubs where every member Is The Farm Bureau Discussion The local Farmers Grange enthat seem to show our little apprecibt:'nder a nd claugmer Evelyn. of to members of the Mothers' club. at busy preparing for the operetta, group met Tuesday evening at the joyed a fine program Saturday eveaUon of th opportunIties we have. and Mr. Carl Ferguson Loveland. one o'clock. preceding the next I'eg"Belle of BalJ(lad," to be given March home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butter Kenneth N. Hough responded for worth. nlng, presented by J . B. Crabbe and ular meeting, Friday. April 5. for 15c. were Sunday evenIng dinner guests 111 In the high school·' auditorium. his class of F. F. A. boys. They cont he school boRrd. S. S. Ellis gave a and MI:s. L. A, Garst . of Mr. Tho> program for the next meeting s hort talk . Responses were also given • • • • • , ducted one of their legular meetings . ~~~ l:c.:~e:!:dytll. anticipate Harry H. Williamson. age 79 years. wlll be presented by tile first. second .. Mr. and Mrs. J . .P. Larrick were and gave an excellent demonstraThere will be li gh t refreshments. by the himorory members. Charles 11 months, died at his home here an('. thIrd grad es. TIckets for the The~ 6cene Is laid In the colorful dinner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. R . C. tion of parllament.ary law. ane! th e mus ic 'for the dance will be H. Bohl , county s uperintendent. Ray city of Bagdad. Pair daY in Bagdad Campbell (nee Ruth Larrick ). of The musical portion of the pro- Wednesday ni ght. after a few day~ II1Ik heon may be obtaIned from Mrs. furnished by Swindler 's orchestra of mon F. Hatfield. L. A. Garst. RayIllness. J. B. Cha.pman, Mrs. Walter SheebringS the an1val of many visitors. DaYLon,_Thursday. Xenia. flt the dance ~nd ~d~arLy mond Braddock. Russell Frank. Carl among them Mrs. J . Horace McOann • • • • • gram was under t he direction of He was a native of Warren coun ty . h~n . or Mrs. J . K . Preston . Russell Frank who presented a boys Ferguson. and Charles J ames. The meeting was closed with the Man h 8, sponsored by Wayne Town(Ruth Ann Donohoo.) the American The Mothers' club dance will be , quartet. consisting of Robert Pres - Bnd had lived the greater part of After a few rema rks from the hip MoLhers' club, his life In Waynesville. He Is su r- s;nglng of "Auld Lang Syne." counaul. with her daughter Elsa. held in the schOOl auditorium and guests. the advisers and president ot vlved by Ruth COnDer), and her da"arllte ' r's the ''''rd tables ill be I th t ton. OrvUle Savage. Robert Earnhart his wife.. Anna ; th ree _ .... w n e ca e- and Alton Earnhart. Mr. and Mrs. W. A, 1.ukf'ns. Mr. Cedar City Chapter and Morrow daughters, Mrs. Ethel Hau~ of Day- HAPPY HOUR CLUB triend Ann (Oene\1eve Hadley). Orl- terla. FrIday evening. Ma rch 8. und Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell Mr ane! chaptcr, Mr. Crabbe closed the 1940 ton. Mrs. Ira Brown of Franklin. en~l atmosphere I.s created 10 the • • • • • MEETING POSTPONED Mrs. Fred Braddock. and ' Mr . ' and U.l :~ qLlet with concludin g remllrks CLASS MEETING and Grace. at home . two SOIlS. Ra ypersons of zellnda (Jeanne Be.) , Fred Hagemey'!r. C. I . 8atterthand Invitcd all to join In singing the WEDNESDAY NIGHT mond J . Williamson. of Cleveland. The regular meeUng of the H a l>py Mrs. Keller Hoak atlendccl RcaI'd l/ ;j! !J S: hool song. an oriental ,dancer, the Caliph waite, R. H. Hart.soek , L. A. Garst. party, Saturday evening, spon.~orecl , and Harold H . Williamson , of Day(Robert Earnhart) and his ' da\1lh- Raymond Braddock and Albert Hour Club has been postponed on uy the Hnr\,eYl; burg Ea stel'l1 Stnr. The Young Married Couples class ton; five grandchildren. Betty Ann , accoun t of sickn ess Rnd will be h eld tel'S Jewel. Rolle and Lily (portrayed Oleaver attended M~nic Inspection REV. MR- DICKERSON of the Methodist church was enter- and Richard WlllIs~mson. of Dayton; Tuesday, March 26. bY Pranoee Johns. Monimia Ho~k . at Pranklln Friday evening. Thc cast a nd the chorus (If "Tilc S~EAKS TO GROUP tained by Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Jay Byron Cooper of MiamI F in., and Marcelline ePten) and 10 All • • • • • Bell e of Bagdfla " includes 100 pupils Ben Muatapha (Tom Florence) the Little MIss' Sue Furnas. daughter Crane. Wednesday evening. In the Robert WUlIamsollJ of Cleveland ; ORDER EASTERN STAR of Wa yne Township high school. St. Mary 'l\ Young People met at following the aUd George Frederick" Brown. of "~rave" chief of pol1ce. of Mr. and rM ... Eli Pumas, enter- Church ba.selTlen~ . The opere tta will be presented in the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Howard Dicit Taylor <Robert Preston ) ar- talned a few of her cla8lllnatea. Tues Wednesday ev!!nlng service. Twenty- Franklin; and two l1'eatgrandchllMiami Chapter No. 107 O. E. Swill the school auditorium March 15 a Fogt. Wednesday evenIng, foUowlng drel!. Valerie Lee and J ay Lance rlves by airplane trom Hollywood day afternoon, at a party, to cele- one members were present and enme t In regular session Monday eve- 8 p. m. the mId-week Lenten service at the witH his mechanic 806' Ballentine matlon of her seventh birthday an- JOYed games. atter wh1ch. refresh- COQpCr ot Miami Fla., ning, March 11 . at 7 :30. VisitI ng Church . The tuneral will be held Saturday ments were served. (Alton Barnhart) and BW Blake nlversary, afternoon, at two o·clock. at the members welcome. ,.--,....-_=-U ::.n :.:;:. d= clC,,·...:L!.!h.:<. e .-:d~l~rc"'c..,t:!.>lotJ.n.!._"o....f~RIJo.lJ\J"'Ss"'eJJJJ'_"E'__....LAuft er .the open i!1 g devotioJ the • • • • • lli1arl Mendenhall). They are searchMinnie Fromm . W. M . Frank . music instructor. th e ll1 u~ lc regular ,bUSiness me tlng was held . St ubbs Ftmeral Home. Buria l In MIill8 tor a beautiful native girl that Mr. and Mra. P~Larrlck visited STUDENT SPEAKER TO Mal,}, Earnha r t. Sec·.v. I ami cemetery. cass o f· Wayne Towlls,h ip hIg h Dill? 1,0 the late hour the discllsslon they laW In .. newsreel. thflr ,' daughter Ml'lI. George T. " ENTERTAIN CLUB school, will present thc operetta, to have beell cOllclucted by JaYnes '!be, comedy roles are taken by Quick of Miamisburg. FrIday. ),(ra. CIVIC CLUB MEETING TWO SPEAKERS FOR "The Belle of Bagdad " in the school We lherholt. on "Can We Keep PaUl Johns .. Lord Archie Pna Glb- Quick Is attending the Hair DressThe Frledshlp club of the MethoCOUNTY MEETING a Uditorium Friday evening. March Am erica Ou t of War?". was postbona. and · Oharlotte Hartman as er~ Convention In Ohlcago, this dist Church will meet next Wednes· The r egular meeting of the Wayn es r. ' lao at 8 o·clock. AdmisslOIl 25c and paned llntll the next meeting. Henrietta Whipat1ch aromatic spln- week. day. March 13, at 2 o'clock at the Ville Civic clUb was Jleld Wednesday Mrs, Lowell F . Hoba rt. Cincinnati. l 5c Rev . Robert Dickerson. of Trinity • • • • • ster. . Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Earnhart aur- home of Mrs. Cora Rich . A gOOd at- evenin g at the 'rownship House. will be the speaker aL the annua l • • • Rpiscopal Church. Oxford, guest ~ prlsed Mrs. J . D. Marlatt, Thursday tendance Is urged. Miss Bantos. a There was a good attendance and ac h Ievement day exercises, sponsored Mrs. J . K . Preston. a ncl !\On Rob- pre:lcl!'l' at St. Mllry'S and Mrs. W. F. M· SOCIETY AT even ing. on the occaalon of Mrs. student speaker at Miami uwversl,ty, the regular routine of businesS was by the Warren-County Home Extcn· ert. Mrs. Hal'Vey Rye and <laughter. Di kerson. were guests at the meetHOME OF MRS. RIDGE MarlaWa birthday anniversary. when and a native of the Philippines. will followed. slon grou ps in the Town Hall. Leb- Cha rlotte. Mrs. R. H . HnrL~ock and ing. The Rev. Mr. Dickerson gave an they arrived at the Marlatt home be the guest speaker ot the atterSpeaker and place for the dinner allon . March 15. AilOther speaker <laughters J ean and Jane. and Mrs. Interesti ng ta lk on the problems In The Women's Porelrn Misslonary with a basket supper which they aU noon. The subject of her address meeting wUl iIle announced later In will be Miss Alice McKinney, home Ralph Hastings and ' son. Bouby aL- connection with hL~ work with the 8otlf'ty of the MethOdIst Ohurch enjoyed together. . wUl be "ute In the PhUlpplnes." these columns. furnishing expert. OhIo State Uni- (.ended the mus ic festival or War- young ,people in college, at Oxford. mp~ Wedneaday afternoon at the • • • • • verslty , COlwnbus. A shor t play will ren County schools , at Mason TuesRefreshment.s were served by t h ~ home of lin. D. O. With Mrs. Mr•. Donald L. "Hawke, and Mr. MARRIAGE SOLEMNIZED be presentecj by Mrs . Ralph Hastings day. Robert Preston. Cha.rlotte Rye. hostess at the cl08e or the meeting. Edith M. HarrIs 88 aaaJatant hOlitess. and Mrs. Ethan Crane were guests IN CINCINNATI F. & A· M. NOTICE and a. group of Waynesville women. J ean Hartsock. a nd Bobby Hast ings The meetlna "as opened with de- of Mrs. Donald Hawke, tor d Inner The Warren County .tiomemakers· were am ong the many con testant s 'f1tCKIE SA YS"-no by ......... Regular communication of Way- c h ontS an d SlX . mem be rs f rom a slm' I'I'om Waynesville. V"......... . . . .L. .0. ---.ey. a nd S\Ulday eveninl, 'In Dayton.- ,in celeMr, and Mrs. John O. Cartwright nt.•••n member ed roll 11 . nesvllle Lodge No. 163 F . & A. M. II G . • • • • • s answer. ca . bratlon of Mr. Hawke's birthday an- have ilIIIued announcements of the ar reen County g l'OUP wUl provide e I... """ E')(."'RA~ EXTRA!! ....... rlnlJ .... b 1_. . . ~_Ion ' t · Tt~esday Evening. March 12. Sojourn I . .,.. WKO ua..._...,..... a repor nlvera&rJ. marriage of their dau"'hter. Evelyn mus C. The first in R series of meetings ~I !-lOME 'T(J.>Ji-l ?AP€R \ r the ••"" of th M thodl t .. Ing brethren welcome. (j mee ...", .e e s • • • • • to Mr. Hoyes Kemper McGowan a t on thc Window Curtaining Project." ~OMUROE~! ~OCRIMEI . h ld • th so th Par" ...·th Jesse Prendergast. W. M. women e a. e u . ..... Mr. aJ}d Mrs. Lewis Fires enter- Cincinnati February 27. With a being spored here by Mrs. J . K t--IO SCAI-JDA\...! JUS, odtAt Obutoti 10 Dayton. lut ..eek. tained at a family dinner, Sunday. simple ceremony the serVice was V. M. Armitage, Sec'y , P:eston a nd Mrs. J . L. Mengle wa~ Au, -0-\' Ne.VS A.BDU, "'as 11'- by lin. Minerva HOUIrl' · honorln, members of the family read In the Seventh Presbyterian I:eld at Mrs. Mengle's home.. WedOW~ 1==-RI EI-JDS , "l"H' f\ ~ the meetlna. Mrs. iI. ::!. whose blrtbda~ anniversaries are in Church bY' Dr. Jesse Halsey. pastor . LINDA LEE RAMBY Miss Cora Thomas. Art hur . Frank nl'sday afternoon. About twenty GOOD 01£ HOME Ra~" , Mrs. A. K. DIY" March. Their guests Included, Mr. In the presence of a few near relaENTERTAI NS FRIEN'DS and Kenneth ThomM called on women were present representing The chaptBs from the I~ book. and lin. 'Raymond StomJllS and son tlves ot the contracting parties. AJMisses Annic "rr. and Marne T. cUfferent groups In thc community, .,..O\V~ rol.Y.S "The Women and the Way", were of Miamisburg, Mr. and Mrs. C. 1I. ter ac:eptlng 'greetlngs of the guests Linda Lee Ramby. daughter of Browne recently . .1'. diSCussion was held on the selec· read by Mrs. Minerva '~ol\!lh. Mrs. Harbeson an.d son, and Harold Tay- at the home of the brlde's parent.s Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Ramby. was Mr. Albert Heston of , Sprlbgboro tlon of 'materlals for curtains. anel Edith Han1a then read a ~per en- lor f!r Centerville, and MIss Ellza- on Delta Ave. 'the n ewlY-weds left hostess at a party Saturday March visited Miss Lydia and Dr . Emily pa mples from the S tate Home Econtitled, :'Jea~ !" a Teacher," An,in· beth H~ltt. HonOJed guesta were. for a honeymOOn trip to, Nassau. On 2. In honor of her: fourth birthday.' Wright, Monday afternoon, OlUtes department were ' displayed, terUUDi paper ~ "world Peden· Harold ~Ta11or, Glenn Stom'Ps. Har- their return they Will reside in the The guest.s . included Winnie . Joe M~S. Evertt Harvey, Mrs. Alfrfd • • • • • tloo, ·or .. Methodist Women." was old Harbeson. and Dorla PIres . Beecher, Apartments, Lane Senil~ St~ut, Caroline _ Bradley" Marl'lyn Shawhan. and Mrs. Andrew ShawSeveral ' teachers Rnd studcn Ls liven by Mfa. J. B. 0rIbbe. • • • •• . n EvelY Is a native of W y es han o~ Clark.~vi1Je were dinner guest.~ from the high school attended tohe . DlU'InI .the social bour dainty re- ' Mrs. Vern Simpson 'was JIl~ntly ary. ~ . , a n - Kay ' GoDS, Sanrura Lee Simpson, of their sis.ter. Miss Freda Harvey, pel:form ance of "Twelrth Night". trealunenta w~,aerv , .ed bY, the h.O,II ~_ auJ'prlied Wedn"."-eve--, w....n VUle a~d well known , here. Mr. Mc- Judy ~~s, loall Garst. Donnie Wednesday, "lUI .n: Oowanl_ maternal ancestors .were surr ' L. \J M . d h 11 A Sat presented by , the Department of ........ ted by Mn. p. U. LeMay, to the meml)ers of her card club .... ' ot the oldest . .famUles terth""",,,It uneDo ' I'll' enHadl a, nnJ -t -----S peech. of Mlamj University. Sat·· . y...itecl Kempers, one member. and foUowtnc IU-ta; lin. her in her DeVf home. lin • . S1mp. in Cincinnati. wae. nna ey. ane l.et ·your light so shine berore men. uruay aftemoon. Those who attendOharl_.usa of~tervWe, aad ~ loll receiVed a rUt from each of her ' Doster. Katherine Ileen Mendentlall, th3t they rna.}' see your gOOd works, ed were : Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fort, Roy UpcUte. friends, and they spent the evenlDg What grander ambition , Is there Mlrl!am wu~, Sy~yja Woolard and ftnrt glorify your Father whi~h Is in ·Mr. Raymond ' Braddock, Robert The meetlDc 'ln April will be at pla.yiJIC carda. Her vlsltora were; than to maintain in youreelve8 wbM Evelyn Bl»ray boU) of Dayton. heaven . -Matthew 5:18. Preston. CharloLte Hartman Lanthe bome or-un. ~ 00Imer. Mra. I:dIar 8mUb, ' Un. LouIs J8IIUI loved. arul to know that,our- Game. were pll,y ed after which si~g Hardin, Betty ArUmr,..... Anqa 'lb~ lin. 1Iade ~. lin. epmpte. more thaD words, makes LInda Lee opened her' many lovely Much more iractous and profitable .MarilYn ~hltaker. MaruYn Hartsock Rumplt ,11 • IIIIOD u.c all . . u.rk Rapn. Un, Bradley, morail tot mankind. IIfta and later were is doctrtne by ensample, than by Jean and Owen Hartsocll, and Mrs. &SA l'Iad. --Qt.. p' . . . . Ud III'&. O. I. BI&tert.linl&e. -KaI7 Bater BddJ rule. -Spenser R. H . HartsOCk.
A large number of music pupils In Wilynes Townsh~ schools took part lli the annual solo and ensemble IIIILSlc fes tival of the Warren county schools held at Mason . Tuesday . The relltlval. sponsored by the county music teachers. began at 8:30 In the morplng and lasted all day. No Prizes were awarded; Instead ratIngs of Superior, Excellent. Good ! nnd Fair. were given to all entran ts. Following are ,the names of entrants and their ratinp: Superior Robe1'l Preston. barItone solo ; 11'ma Fires. trumpet solo; Ruth Con 1I1'1·. Genevieve Hadley Mary Eva 1.eMay . Martha M';tin, Frances Johns, Ruth Ann Donahoo, MonImla Hoak. Jean Hartsock. Charlotte Rye. girls triple trio; Ruth Conner, Martha Martin, Irma Fires. trumpet triO ; Robert Preston, Robert Eamhnl't. Orville Savage. Al ton brnhart bOl'S quarte t. Excellent Rut h Conner, J ean HarUioek. sopranos ; Prances Johns. alLo Robert Bt'nbolV. baritone; GeneVlev~ Had ley. JeRn Hartsoelt. plano; Doris Fires. Monlmla Hoak. Ruth Anna Johns. clarinet; Robert Flutin gs. lInlllL'l clarinet ensemble. octet. GOOd . F.nrl Rye. saxaphulle ; Raylyn Crabbe. trumpet;. Seth Hoak . dJ·urns. u'lImpet quartet; Fair Ell2abeth Burnett. trunlpet .
Mrs. D. C. Ridge al1:d Mrs. Harvey Rye were Dayton visitors, Thursday. • • • • • Miss ~etty Hartsock of Cincinnati spent the week. end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock . • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stephenson 0 1 Morrow were Sunday dinner guests uf Mr . and Mrs . . Ralph Hastings. • • • • • Miss Sarah Conner was the week !'1l(j guest of her cousin . MIss Mary EI:en Edwards of Dayton .
Mrs. Fred Hartsock of Milford. Mrs, Ronald Hawke and Mr. Harris Mo~her entertained at a beautifully appointed cUnner at the Uttle Inn on Sunday in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Edith Harris, Those enjoying the family party , were Mr. and Mrs. Charles J . Mosher And Miss Edna Bronstrop at Clnelnnati. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hal'lsock and son Cha r les. of Milford . Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke and son Fra nk . Mr. Harris Mosher and the guesl of honor. Mrs. Edith Harris. Mrs. • • • • • Harris receIved over seven ty blrthdllY greeting cards and letters from See "The Belle of Bagdad" at relatives and friends, many beautlschool aud ltoriu~ Friday evening , ful flowers . as well ns other lovely Marth 15. at• 8 • 0 clock. glfLs. • • •
Charles H. Hartsock Dies After A Year's Illness
· ....
A series ot P re-Kaster services will be held in the Met hodIst Church beginning Monday evening, March 11th. ServIces Will be held each evenlng except Saturdl~y . at 7 :30 o'clock They will be evang'e llstic In charncter. There will be special music and vItal topIcs relaUnl~ to personal rrIIgion will be dIscussed by th e pa .~tOr Rev . L. C, Racllry. Each scrl' lre will open with a 15 minute song service. The Methodist and Eplscopnl churches will unite in a series of Holy Week services beginning Mon day March 18th, They will be held in the MethodIst church at 7 :30 each evenin g except FrIday and Sat· ul'llay. 011 Fridny Mal'ci1 2211d , tll el'c u w~11 be a union G ood FrIday senlce In the EpIscopal church from 12 noon to 3 p . m. Details o( t hese s('rvIces wlil be give!1 next week. The p ublic Is cordially Illvited to
· ....
· .. ..
Girls Clubs To Be Organized March 8
·... .
·. .. .
of Bagdad" Cast :Inclades 100 StudeDts
Harry H. Williamson Dies At, Home Here
. ... .
... ..
· ....
• TWo
, Utbt ·.:miami Pbone 112..
Way.neaville, qhio
Main Street
E nwed As Second Class Mail Matter at Posto ffice, Waynesville; Ohio ,
. -F'!ora M. Crane Editor and Publish er _ ISSUED E VERY
Subacrlptloo Price, '1.60 P er Year, Payable in Advance
I n a news magnzi n e we read tha t "the audience n odd d and a l>Pl a u<led vlgorous 8gTeemenV' with the lecLurf' r 's statemen t th at "Hnrdsh ip Is U1l' only builder of character kn own to mankind ." We tried t.o r econ cile til ls with our own observa tion and l'cadlng . We started with President ROQ 'eve It nnd ran dow n a list t hnt Il1clll l'. Id S in clair Lewis. Thol'nton Wilder . Margnr et Mit.ch ell. Shirley T(' lI1pl t'. Chief J ustice Hughes. W tbrook Pegler . Roy Huwa rd . J o~ t'ph r.1I'll ill Paterl!on , Eleanor Roosevelt. Ellery edllwlck , !ln tl J oh n 0 R,oc kt: I eller, Jr. From wha t we k now of thcl r li ves n one of t hese n otables camp into rull flower with ou t some hardship. but certa inly Lh o h ardsh ips WI CY "VI'rcame were no more serious t han t h e h a rdshi ps tI lUL a re facpel bv 99 per cen t of Americans every da y of their li ves. frol11 lhe cradl to tll(: ll ra llc. Yet , !by an ybod y' yn l' d ~ t.Iek . tlley ll a l'r ch ul'flcte r. All h:1l't' aeh lp\'l'[1 nughtUy. The truUl Is that hardshi p Is just one of tlw I n l5 l't'tli" I1! ~ of d mr!ll' le1' and by no meal1S Ule most Importanl Ingr edIen t. Hcrllll ile . training. Iwn.1t h and energy con tribu te ( 0 cllll rn.c ter. Some cr ooks. a lthough utterly lacking in thl' k ind of r hnrn cter th a t WI like t o observe In t h e r ising generntlo n. endure hnrds hips tha t would drive th e ordlnary m an Lo suirlde.- Impel'lal Magalline.
vey Sinclair S ervi ce s tatJon. gasa· USE TilE .MIAMI GAZETTE s uc h, polnt1 ng, seltln g a nd nUng Une, $12.86 ; Hen ry Ludln g1~>n SerW ANT ADS COLUMN . ali's. $1.10 ; vice St.a.tlon. gasoline,. $43.13 : MorIn ME~n Wellef Weldin g 00.. oxygen and rQ w s erv.lce S tation, ansollne . $17.16; SUp plfllS, $fl6.a5: Smar t.~ · G arage, A: B. Oa udlll Shell station , gasoline. gas olin e, $23.04 ; LAwis & Dmke, Inc., $23,61; Aliens Sel"viQe sta tion . $8.16; coa l (or garRge,' $13':'17 : The S tnnDares Garage, " Moline, $9 .83 ;1 dard 011 Co" gasoline , $2!l.90 ; It, & -.:.~: marts Garage. gasoline. $18.66; S P . T 'R. COlll \lIlI1Y, rood. $3 .00; Sib y'S - - to ~ I .ebanon Motor Inn . Inc., a n tenna Dairy. mll1- $3 _08 ; Charle P . Stubbs. ' - - l ~· i) food . $8.00; S tokes Dn lr y. milk. $1 .54 nnd sent c vers fo r shcrlff's ca r s. .,,~ '; R~'If's :E lcl'tl'lh S h op, lamp a nd tOg- $13.80; The Olncumatl 0 11 Wot ks 00 l;rCUfe . $11.00; Griswold Ser vlce Sla ~ gle 'plnte. $3.00; Tr easurer o f Sto te, 2 "'~ total ti..)I' gasolin e and oil for sl1erl1f 's liI moun t 'due state for Cl\re of in - t':\ r:; dW'lng JanuI\J·Y. $48.20; Enrl Hatfield . services as m echa nmntes, $271.27; E linei' Landen . preslIc . $72 .00 ; John B a IT, pay 1'011. $177 d ent. ex pense Ma son Inlitltute. $16.71 GO ; Johnson Myers, pay roll. $156.40; Ed wnrd H ili. nssist1:hg veLerlna rl an , E W. Ross. pay 1'011. $386.45; Earl $48.00 ; Dr. T . F . Wa lker . serv ices as Phone 78J vetel'lnm'la n . $208.23 ; Trensurer of B D~or e. pay 1'011, $122.80 ; RaY ll10nd pay roll. $92 .00; Hnrry Mlliford, Stall'. slI pport of 9 crippled colldren. r oll . $96.80 ; En nis 231.88; Tne Dny ton S tellcll Works M(ou nt. pay T l1um pson , pay roll. $191.50; W. F . 0 .. 2 r ubber :;ta mps. $1.04; COI~Allen pay roll . $160.00 ; T h e Va n Il1 crc c Olearlng H ouse. Inc .. 10 cop ies Ca mp Stone Co .. sa nd nnd grave l. of Ohio Slock Values and Yields, $'lij:'.M; SII;.OO; Colu mbus Bla nk Book Mfg. Cincinna ti-Leba non Ex press Co .. Co.. fo rms . $14.35; The Fred Proe · fHl ght charges. $.35; The Bode-Finn TA1WI A·LITIllC TAR AND lor com pan y. on e GOp-pnge record of Compa n y, 2 wheel barrow t rays, 4 accoun ts, $47 .50 ; Barrentt Brothers , !lOAD OIL; EXCAVA1' lN() Ures and tubes on wheels. $36.00 ; fo rms. $9.90 ; n UMI' T!l I1C IC SEHYICE , Ma r ti n Bw·ke. gara ge ren t. $16.00 ; The Klin ger-Dill' > Co .. error, $.66; PIT RUN . LOADED 30c YO " ~I LaMar Body Shop. tire nn d gasolin e. $27.68; Maddox Service S ta tion, gasoline, $2.08; Meddock Gum lle. llll~O 'l WArd a n d Robcrt. Blail·. servi ces, 51.50 line, $1.76; Davidson's Fillulg Sta lion PlI o ll e, Wnynes vllle 44 R 1'1 to 110 1(i $475 00 rOI' snill 111il1Or. Th e A. D. Hnr vl'Y· M. D .. olflce call . $1.50 gn.~ olln e, $5.36; COlmer's Texnco Ser NE W smn; Ilwuey h:l l' in g hr l!n recrivt'd fro111 Dr . A D . Ha rvcy. m cc1ical serv\cc!i. Le ba non orfl co Phone 473 -Kvice Sla tlon , $2.02 ; Ha thnwa y' T exArthur D. T11 0111 a:; for inj urir s S1I 5 - $3 .00 ; Griswold Ser vice Station . 1 aco Service, gasollne, $3.58. Mo rrow Ph one No. 3 f e8.98 ·M. ga ~ b ook. $10.00 : K n ufma n 's, 1 case l-lI\ 7,e l Rid111f.( er I'S . Hcrbe r l 11 1[1- la ll1l'd hy th c min or in !I n a uto W. H. Garrison 's Texaco Station . toilet pnper. $4.50; Dale Hatrleld, lng,' !, : t1i vt)r('I'. ~ ross nl'glt't'l. • el'u.~h Ju ly 30, 1!J30. gasoline. $11 .60 ; Howard E . I vins, • • • • • • • • • • • • •1Iii $12.00; Cnrl L. Meyer s . ser In the malter o f till' ('stnte of s rvices. . Il:lsollne. $1.28 . S hut t 's T exa co SerJ oh n C . Simp kins. dl'ccMcd : cl'n ti fi- viecs, $54 .00; ( ' OI\J ,~ ION J' I. F:,\ S I'RO(,EF:DI NGS Dr H F D e sel'viccs $218 21 ' vice. gasoline. $1 2.11 : S ta nley Earn· cal of t l'a nsf ' r ord l' 'd . h ('a ri n[l on "" . ' , h nrt, P . M. . stamps for auditor, r,--- 11Ivl' nt ory Is !:.t' L fill' Mllrch 8. Alice M. Arnold. invalid care, $5.00 : $20.00; Brown Publishing Co., adElsy M adows . ad minis Lra tor of Tn t,h(> malt I' of t he clitat e of Milia I'd Brya nt. Inva lid ca re. $5,00 ; vert l~ lng, $204 .18; C. Don a ld Dlla t he r. La tc of Ulh Mcadowli, d cras - Clam L. F url'. decpnscd ; reul ('s tllle S lI(l n Clclll1l1ons. inva lid care. $5 .00 ; t u.• h . rent of office. 520.00 ; Alice M. ca. v:;. Ci ncinna ti nnd Lake Eric ordrr d sold a t pr lva lc , a le. MI'.; Helen Doug hman. Invalid care. Arnold, invalid care , $500 ; Millard \ Trn nspo r lnUo n company. a n Ohio REAL ESTATE In t he m att'r of t he p.s ~ Le o f $':' 00 ; Ella. Hoff . Invalid ca re . 5;5.00 ; Bryo. nt. invalid ca re, $5 .00 ; Sud a ('ol'pom llOn . cL nl., nCLloll n ga in ~ t. Ama nda A. Mnffitt . (Icccn sed ; O . M. GCl'tl'utle J ones. invalid care. '7 .00; INSURANCE Clemmons , Invalid care. $5.00; The sniu or pomt ion is d i s m is.~ ed . plnln - Ridll'e n ppo inted admin is Lrat.or. Elca- Ed K a iser . invalid care . 55.00; NewAUCTIONEER Snap-out Form Co., sels inheri ta nce tiff is g ra n ted leave to fill' f urt.hr r 1101' C . Uilum . Cha rlc:; J . W aggoner till. S tnm pel·. in valid $10.00 ; L. B. tax receip ts. $3 .00. l> l ell lllJ l ~ a l\ainst ,John Robinson . ami Carl Still'S ap pointe I a ppralsl'rs le£-Ie. in vnlid care. $5.00 ; Mrs. He le n Dough man . Inva lid Berti e Mills vs. W. M P rcndl'1'I; nst J ohn E. Wilson, Invalid care, $7.00; Tn t he maLLeI' of th e ('state of D oughman. Inva lid care, $7.00; Ella eou rt orders slierilT to lll'rm il sa id AI·thn r Willia mson . c!eceased ; ; pr o- G ~ rll Ci ly B ille Prin t & Supply Co" H off. In valid care, $5.00 ; Gertrude 11 l1r ln ~ cloth an d pa per . $5.98; Zaln sn ll' to continuc. '('cel il lls of sa id sale a rc a pp roved Jones. in valid care. 57.00 ; Ed Ka.lser , Eth a n Lewis vs. E Va B. Lewis . et I n I.h<' mnrtrr of the ('.,.; tate of A r ml ~age . sand a n d gravel. $177.21 ; Invalid car e, $5. 00 ; Ne wton StlUnper. nl. ; ord ered t hn L pr/, Ill is/'~ bl' snit! n I Floren l' /' Hny. d('ccnsrd; M Il' of The Va n Camp Stone Co .. sand and Inva lid care. 510.00: L. B. Steele, Innucllon by s l1l'l'i fT . pe r. ma l PI'OP .r ly ol'dcl'('(j a t pr i va t g r.we!. $49·27; Bl al ~ & LeRoy, ' gTi t v.IUd care. $5.00: John E. Wilson. In.: F . W. Fran z \Os. Lorn O~ b() r n . xc- sull'. for Ice, $36 .76 ; The L . G . Anderson \' u lid care, $7.00 ; Gross Service StaClll l'ls of th l' t'~ lat(' of C lIn!'1 s F . Tn t il e I11n t tr r of' th e est a.lc Of S n~ Co .. G . R . lumber a nd I>aln t . W ·lI m An . de_ 'ased . I'L al. ; p ·li Li on J . A. Rcbolll . decensed: h cn l'in g on $ 5~.93: Relf's Electric Shop. IIpplies lion, 8 ga.1s gM. $1.24 ; J . I . Holcomb Mfg. Co .. 5 gals liquid soap . $14.0S; al11 cnd l'CJ. ju dgmen t lo pln int iff for inventory Is set fol' Mnre h !J. Sl .65; T h o Morrow F eed & Supply Morris 5c and IOc to $1 .00 Store. 4 $7,342.71 wit h l11t r r('s at 7 ' 1 a nel 1 Tn tJlC matler of t h e settlem en t of Cu .. cemwl t a r)d lumber. $39.4.9 ; H. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN costs. dcflciency. if :\I1y. to 1)1' wai ved the es tate of Ida H. Cli ne . deceased : s. Cono vel·. G . R. ma tel'lal and parts dozen plates. $4 .80 ; Brown & Bun- , nr ll . 4100 pounds Poca. , $16.tO. four cattle hop, sbeep aDd calv., Lnvel'lln E. rlngl vs. Lowell F . eslate vnlued nt $2200.70. Inher itA nce $1:;1.10; Sam Mindlin , wat.er ta nks, Hnrold M. Fro"~. nu " il <Jr . hasp. and to No'm a-Brock Cc;" live wire and Pri ngle: d ivo rce ~I~\ ' Lcd. pl ai n ll lT's tn x d ctermlned a s none . wa ter pipe. 5103.05.; care, 559.50; District Tuberculosis ' pro!!,reaaive firll! for the hla'!eat In th e m at tet· of t he set.t1emellt of Ber t L. Da lley, Inc., lettering 3 00 . 1market price. and good aervice. for1ll1'1' n am e of Lavl'rnn E . P au l' is brush rs , $4.36; J. W. Lingo Hard- Hospital. hosp. and care. $ 00. ' I V.I". Siock Yuda' CI.cID.at!: O. r ~lo rc d. th e estatc of Frances E . J e fTr ies, deGood Samaritan Hospital. hosp . and Tune Ia OD Redia Station W\.iK'Y ceased ; cel'lIfied copy Or nw'Y de - wn rr ~o., s upplies and parts. $153.21: care, $92.00; W. pt. Franz, extr., re- ' 12:26 to 12:80 p, m. for our dalh PRORATE 'OURT d.o 90', K ee L ex ".,~ Oompany , market re,orta. t , m ining inheritance ta x to be paid Moore s .Equipment .~ . d Co..S supplies . I 1un,.... ~. ord ered. $5 .00 : FRirley Har ware tores. 0 I 1-12 doz robbonB, $.75; Stakalta W" !'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~~ In Lhe m aLter of ~h e es tate Of I II lhe mnt.ter of t h e estate of William VlIIa rs. d eceased; schedu le Louella P nugh. decea sed ; inve n tory oj de bt~ approved. aI_proved. fa ir!!. light bill. $7.97; The Oregonia tor's bond, $26.00; Standard StnUsI n Lh e maLter of th c estate o r Bridge Co .. pa r ts $7.90; The Dayton tics Co.. 1 annual dividend section, _. _ _. _ . Edwa r d A. M aye r. dec('ased; Ma r ie nEAl, ESTATE TRANSFERS Bente.r & HO~~ co. , labor. $7.42; as janitor of Memorial Hall. $25.00; BACKACHE-SORENESS STiffNESS I . Mayer appoin ted a dmi n is tratrix. The Klinger-Dills Co .. sand spreader E . L. Kirk, 14 quarts of mUk, $1 .40; ~IINS WHlla m McHenry, WlUlam Paige S3.70 ; Waites' Ga.rage, reca p tires. The Gem City Blueprint Co.. elec• a nd T homa s Bod ley appoin ted a pW illiam VlII ars. deceased . to J . labor and arts. 578.41 i tric eraser, $12.40', Smart's Garage, . . h Shell 011 company. kerosene. '3 .50; If fil'8 t good rubblDgB With e;oot lor, Ceell Vllla rs, et al.; 131 ac res In p!Ulsers. gasoline. $8.00. warming Musterole don't bnng you In the matter of t h e set tlemen t of Wlll<hJng ton towns hip. Ba n gh am's T exaco Center. kerosene glorious relief rrom th088 torturlnl mo.. t' .e estate of F rn n ces E. J effries. Alfa retta Murray, by admlnln is- and tires, $34.90 ; Franklln VUlcan1zculnr IIches and pllins-due to ('old-by aU me.1UUIDOES 9CC l our doctor. But Musterole d o ·eased . dist ribution of estate m adc t"ntor .~ . to El rn~r an d All e FIs h er; ing & 1'lre OO. o?Supp lies and gasoline usually THE WORK-
the Lives of little
F. T. Martin
r ..--
arge- -
Sand & Gravel
County Court News
~ £~;~.ff~~::~n~i;5r~:i
Zain Armitage
Brown's Boy h ad it In his mind I n do to the one who should upse t his pall of berri es. Yoo sec bdll re he ARMER Brown's Boy had lelt could fini sh th at Ihrcnl he c aur.i1 1 his paU, fllled to running over just a glim pse of someth ing m ov lll ~ lth luscious blueberries, under a behind a big bush j ust ahea d .. r Ig bush wbile be went over to a him, and at th e sam e lim e h e he ;.rd ertaln clear, bubbling spring of the clatter of ti n. rt was his pai l. whlcb he knew to eat his lunch . But He di dn't ha ve 10 b e told th at. lI e b efore he bad time to eat his lunch dldn' t have the lea st d oub t Iha l whlit be had m ost fear d had tw p· ~e bearel a noise over near his pall, IlIDd right away be suspected that pened, and tha t on e of those s tu pId pne 01 the young cattle livlJJg In the cattle had kiCked his puil over. Old Pasture had wandered that way. " HI , ther e I Get out of there!" he Now he knew that young cattl e yelled as b e sta rted to run. and his voice was shrill and angry. At the firs t sound of his voicl' things bega n to happen an d [<'a rmc r Brown' s Boy suddenly rea lized th l1 ' he had m ade a m ista ke. a vc ry great m is take. He si)ould hove made sure, absolute ly SlIre, who i was bel ore he ye lled. You kn ow it fa al ways best to make sur who you ar e ta lkin g to. F arm er Bro wn 's Boy t elt as it he could have bitten -~""'''' ls':-·t6ngue oot the ver,y ins tan t aft er he yelJ ed. lnsteo d of on e of th e yo ung cattle running away . as he had ex· pec ted, he saw the st rang est sig ht h e ever had seen In a ll his life Up from b eh ind the bushes r ose a great form . It was \<I ller th an Theil Buster Bear began to IIhake Farmer Brown' s Boy him sell. I .... bead lD an effort to shake ofT was Buster B ea r, an d over his head was the pa il th a t Farme r Brown 's that terrible thillr. Boy h ad worked so hard 10 fi ll wilh care nothing tor berries, so he wa s berri es th at m orn in g. and out of th e not afraid that they would pe ea ten . pall were coming the str an ges l. In h eri ta nCe tax determined . sm all t ra.c t In Warren county. $8.66: Lebanon Motor Inn. Inc .. tires MUllterole gives quick ",lief becauae Ernest B Hill t Wi . A HIU .. It's MORE than "just II salve." It's II But be wa s a(rald tha t the pa il sounds, ', fowls, and grunts. nnd Iil tll' In th e m atler o f the . estate of ' . . 0 nme . ; and gasoline. $4~ .07; Gross Service wonderrulsoothlnlt "wunt.,-I"Imight by accident be tipped over. squeals of both an ge r a nd fr ight Anna M . Eldl'idge, deceased; Inven - a bou t 42 a.cres In H a rl a n township . Station. prestone ~nd gas oline, tan'" which penetrlltes the outerJayer. So Farmer Brown's Boy didn' t Farmer Brown' s Boy gave a noth er t(,r y a pprovetl. J ohn a nd Caroline Burns to Do.n- . $36.16; Claude E. WlIson, supplies ~lh~lIi~nJ~e/,j e~II~~alf~:I~~ stop even long enou gh for a bite at yell. This time a y.ell of fri ght. fur I n the m atter of t h e ad op tion of iel Crisma n ; one-ha lf a cre of land a.nd gasoline $1785 ' Griswold Ser)'l!llI'1Il 3 strengths: Regular, Children', one of the th ick sandw iches he had It was all so sudden nnd unexpec led vice s tation. ' suP~lI~ and gasoline, (mild) lind Extra SIttOn" 401. 'put on a fla t stone whUe he dra nk. that It star tled him ter ribly: At tht· ?atrleln Ma rie Hipsh er; adoption of in W orrell' county. Board of Education. Hamilton· $92 .62; Trustees of Pubilc Affairs, bul sta r ted ba ck for his pall 01 bel" sound of this secon d yell the no I s , ' ~ ctlld by F r ed a nd Clara J oh nson Is r les . Now th e bushes grew high and from inside the p all gr ew loud I' grl'lIlell by t he COlll·t, name of said Maineville school district to , P eter foun t ain and s prinkling. $9 .00 : Warvery th ick and he couldn' t see fa r and mingled wi th them \V as a low ch il d Is n ow P atr ic.i a Ma rie J ohnson J . Noll ; I ' acre in Comargo and r en County Agricultural Society, baIIn any dir ection. He could tell by whine of sheer (r ight . though F a rm Tn t h e m atler of Liles will of Jo- 1~4 a ores In Hamilton township. ance due for acrhlteotural services. the sound th a t It wa s a big anim a l er Brown's Boy didn't know enough John C. Simpkins. decensed , to $129.54 ; Warren County Agricultural tha t wa s over by his pa ll, a nd as about bears to re cognize this, Then 51'1111 T in ney , dec ased ; wlll ad m iLtcd C; :;d e B . Simpkin s ; parts of lot.s 161 Society, balance due on O. H. C0I1the only big an im a ls he ever had Buster Bear b ega n to shake h is hea d to p robate. I n t h e matter or t.hc eswle of nn d 163 In L eba non . abou t 144 acres way cont ract, $459.02. seen In tile Old Pasture were tbe in an efTort to shake ofT that terrill I . youn g catlle and th e- cows he thlpg that ha d ca ught him. An G eorge L. Ml11er . decea sed; • hea ring In Un ion and TW'tIieereek townships. E. D. ThOll1;p.!;on , labor 'and repairs . th ought It WIl S one (It th ese. He cll\wed ot it with h is paws and on in ven to ry set for Ma rch 12. Lola Da lton to Hayes Da lton; lots a t jail . 516.70; Griswold Service St&was SUfe of it. Uf cou rse . why thra shed It aga in s t th e bu sh s. Hl' T1~ tl ll' ni nl.tel' of tltc c.qlo.! c of 149 a nd 150 In Franklin . t lon . lock work and 4 keys for comADVISES shouldn' t he bc '! tried to ba ck oul of il. And a ll I" " If on e of th <J s~ st u pid ca lllc u\>· time F arm er Brown's Boy st oud L(' nl1a A. Lowe. d eccn);('d, cer tificate I Ed wa rd A. Kuttlg to William Jl man pleas, $2.50 ; R elf's Electric Peters a nel Ma ria n C . P eters; about Shop. plug fuses and links, ta.43; s et lha t pail 1' 11- 1' 11-" But wha t . staring a t him with his cyes fai ri) of lmns fcl' ortl er d . he would h ave thr ea tened to do no- pa ppi nil out ot h \ 5 hcnd, too sur · I I. th e matter of til e esta le of 67 77 aCI·c.~ in Wash in gton township . Ea.~t End Coni company, 5000 Ibs, ENTERINO body will ever know . No s ir, n o· pr ised and fri ghtencd even tn I'u n. D ibert A. S nideI' to Wiilla m J . coal . $19 ,37 ; LewL~ & Drake, ·Inc., Wllll nm Va nFossen. decensed ; d lsbody wlll CVl' r kn ow what Farm er ~ T . W. Bur g ... .- WNU Ser vice . t r!hu li UII of e~ tnte ma de. i nherl ~:lIIce Mellish; loL 70 In S.outh Lebanon . . 4000 Ibs. pocahontas egg coal. '16.00 ; . , .!" • • . ,..tax determin ed J . Mil ton Ea mha,rt to J . A. Fritc h Tntstees of Public Aft'alrs. light and 'l'houanda of y'ounlf 111,10 entering .om• .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'!"'!"'~!!!~!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!~, In th e m aUe r or'th e estllte of an d Florence E. Fritch. gas, $7.58: Trustees of Public AlI'a.lrs, anhQOd hav6 found a "r•• 1 friend" In Lydia E. PInkham's V~'.table Com., P:ank S ki nner. dec:enscd ; sch ed L11e water. $2.50; Dr. Berton J . Elliott: pound to holp them .10 ".mtttn. ,btu" 0" OENE CARR re.Ue ••, moody, nervuu~ .pel.. , aCId o f debts approved . IUARRIAGE 1.1CENSES sl'l'vlces $118.81 ; C. E. Satterthwaite, reU.ve ~r."'JIII. headacbj!"badlach. aDd TI. th e I11Sltte r of the . estate of services. $6.00; Robert Jeft'ery, asembarranll\& r.lnt.lnll.pelll du. to f.mate funetionallffelUtarlU•. hmoWl for over J'.!·t hul· WllIlnmsoll . cleceased ; 1> 1Ie Of T h l/mas S. Ault. 21. farmer. Lebanon s L~tlng veterinarian, 24.00; , GO )l1IIIN. WORTH TRYING I 1 enl estate at pri vate sale Il) orlle red . and AlUm Ca th erin e Jameson, 20. Dr. Berton- J. Elliott, services, ~~~~~~~~~=~=~== In t h e matter of th e est ate of ~ h o factory worker. Leb anon. $100.05; Treasurer of State, barber- LIly M. Egbert. decc!lSl'l.I; rea l c'st a te Vernon Pate, 21 . mechanical la- Ing. pajamas. socks. underwear, etc.. ~ '* * ordered sold a t iPrlvat e sa le. boret'. Lebanon. a nd Louise Bam:.. [or 1I1dlgent, '9.17; Drs. Edward and : aelp yo~1' teeth shi.e like the stal'. Tr: the m atter o f the esta te of hilrt . 17. housework, Le banon. Rebert Bialr, examinations, $15.00; .. as. ~. ox ooth Powdel' !I.IiCi) Cai n. d r-ceascd ; h rn r in g on ill-. Columbus Blank Book Mfg. Co .. 2 I'r' I1Lory spt for March 13. UII,I.B ALLOWED p flds applications for vendors' llIn Lh e matte r of th o estate or cen~ es. $1 .80; Stakalta Mfg. company Mllny or Hollywood's brigble8~ Slllrs 1180 Culox to help :hrinl WillilUn C. VIIl1Fossl' n . d cc!)ns Nl; no Glb.~on. 1 doz. typ ewl'lle r em sers 3500 sets certificates, $52.50; "I:her ou~ Ihe nlllurr i Iu slre of Ihelr leethL ond you clln r ely on arl eli t.iOJlnI Inherlla nce Lax 011 tile for probate court, $1 .1..0; King Bl'o- Frc ;1 Procter company, 300 detailed Culox 100. Pure; wholesome, 1,lel1s0nHosling IIpprov~d by ploper ty lIesired . c(' r Li fi ca l , of tran s· 1.l1 ers Co., trans p ORt a tion of CCO sa1f'r. records. '22.50; The Browil · Good Hou8ekeeping Burellu. 'Five tested ingredienl8 blended J~ .. ·ls ord ered. boys to Da ylon. ~~9.00 ; BUfl'oughs Publishing wmpany.. 300.. rates of according 10. Ibe .£o.rmJlII1. of a fQremosl dentlll '~ulhl!rity, nI Lh e matter 'of lhe esta to of Addin g Machine 00.. new ribbon, ta Y-aUons. $3.00; The Western Star" mllke Clliox on economiul iOOlh pOII'dcr IhOl c:on'l hurm William Villars, decea.~ed. o.pplica - 45c ; The Office Ou tfitters. stamp envelopes for clerk of wuJil;, $3.00; . t?otb fenomel. Gel ealox todoy' 01 your drug store• . Five lion for allowance of extm com pen- jJad, 50c; F. J. Heel' Printing Co., The Oft'lce Outntters, .stamp pad ink 817.es, rom lOt to 11.25. . sation is permi tted , d ls t.ributIon in forms for dependent chlldl'en, $5.25. 35c; Robert Jeffery, services, $25.50; ,Copr. t9)9 McK .. "," ~ Rnbbjn~. Inc. kind order ed . J one.>: Garage, gaSOline, $15.15; W, The Western Star, Index cards lor In th e matt.ero! t hf" esla le of O. Ne wcOl~b . gasoUpe. $22 .85; Wllk- silr,l'ift'. $7.25; The Office Outfitters. -Inch scotch ~pe, '75c: Wm. .L ellnf1. A. ~owe . decenRe cl; d i ~ tl'lbu- I'SOIl Service Station, gasollne. $li.'77!. 1 roll Won in kln~1 ordered. GlIlf R efining Co., 'gMQilt'1e, .9.44; Hufford, sheriff. stamps, $3.00; Wro. Tn cite ma t ter of thc cstn t~ of ,Rogel'S & 'Simpson, 'supplles ahd Huft'ord, ·Jr .•. feedlng, pl1sonela, $391.. Id n H. Clin . deceased ; eel·tltl a te of gnsoUne, $3'7.03; . 25; E.ew;Ls & Drake, Inc... 6 'bals sal-. tl'On s fer Is ord ered . <llst r lbu tiun In The 'I'M-State IgmfUon. Inc'., parts tonic, $7.50; Robert M. Blatr, M. D" kind ordereel. ' 5.40 ; Hamlili Auto BOdy. Shop. re- medical services , 142.l1li; Wm. HufI n bte ma tter of t hl' est.nl e Qf Ilnlslt.-llood, Bay City Shovels ford J . ,-'Waslllng~ $38.46: J, W, LiOlO I ,a ul'll Weeks VIIII11's. (If'(,pa!;~d; AI-' I n c .. 1l81'tS, $49.5~ Sam Smith, ltardwlU'e Co. , 1 b8\dng pan, '1 aJufii. la ll S I11 i1 h nppointed ntlln mi."' l'ntor. mill' eqd , $3.00; Thl! Da.yton. Auto Inum kettle. $3.10; Griswold SeI'vIce In 01(1 ma tll'r o f thr estaj.<> o f Pnr ts Co. , suppHes: .at.08; - The Ore- Station, 5 gallons gll8Oline' for Iherehnrles H. H oyll'. u pccased ; h pnrln g gonlo. Bridge 00., $18.11; The ill"s car, 78c; Thll ohlo. qo compan,. 011 Invr·n tory :;(>t 101' March 13. Ludlow Battery & Won Co., parts gasoline, t42,10; The Pure OIl com\, I ,. Il I "11.1 ~ Cup 1" " 1:1 Iil "he ma LI.cI· or Ray Jlarill(1 Orl\N 53.911; George & BollS, . Inc., pany, g~Une, 113.'78; a mlnol'; Albl'1·\. ClI'II)I hi Illlilointecl trelgh~ on parts, Lester Qor,. WaJter Bott.~. I8HUne· , ..~; BarFARMER BROWN' S BOY 'S
:~~~~r;i. :~; T~;;~;~~o~u~~ra!:: ~.o:w~:O~~~~to~:::.r:·e!~·~~ ~~;~~
* * * * * * * '* * * * .. * * * .. * * * * * * * * * ..
* * * .* * *• *• •* *
* '* * * . * *
******************, **~**
-Built To. Stay Beautiful'>
With a Buckeye In Cbngr~~s••• . , CLAUNCK J, ••OWN
......... c...,...
,.a.. ........
lutlon Bm p&l!8ed the House As 1)redlcted last week thew Inmm:h changed form f rom the orcren'slng the funds of the' Export-ImIginal measure as rece1ved from t he port Bank has been passed. thus perSenate. The bill was rewritten by ~-lmU;tlrlg ,,-loan of t.wenty mUlion doltile House Committee and during lars the Finnish government tor consideration on the ][l'}oor of t he th e purchase of non-military supHouse the Mundt ame:ndment, sponplies. The bUl authOrizes the Reconsored by sportsmen's organizations, stl'1 lctlon Finance Corporation to was Included in t he blll, which now lonn the Bank one hundred m1lllon goes back to the Senate for conslder dollars. Numerous attempts were m ade from the Republican aide of ation of House amendments. Pro' t he House to reduce t.hfs amount to nounced as the mOllt forward step the actual sum to be loaned. F1nland. ever taken to end pollution of t he However. the Admi'nlstTation forces streams and rivers of t he na t ion . the held firmly and the Export-Import b1I1 provides for Federal cooperation Bank nOW has an e~tra eighty mll- W! Lh stn.t.es and . their poll (J.cnl sub lion dollars above thc amount prom- divisions . a nd Wi t h private m dustries Ised Finland, to loan as t he Admin. through t he extensi nn of fi nnncial L~trnt1on sees fit. The bill has been aid In correctin g present conditions.
Appoln t.ment of t wo· lllE'm bC'rs 01 tile Elecllon Board In ench of th 88 , ('c ur.tles in th st.nLe. one Rl:publlclln II n el one Democrnt, \vas made by Sec· rrtary of Scate Enrl , Griff ith . ctTectiv(' Ma rch 1 nnd to serve a term of 2 YC'lI1's A county Roard of Elections 15 c('mposed of four m mbers. two Rrp ltbllcans And two DemOcra!.". and appolntmen is are blade u pon the rc<'om mc'dll tlOIl of Lhe govel'l1 Ing pllrty committee in each coun ty. l'hu. yenr. S" cretary Gl'i tlit h earl y nQtlfied the (Olllll Y COIllIll tt ~ees to . exercil;e due w lltion and dL~c ri m in aUon in II ll\kulg lh 11' I'ccomlllendat.101lS as only persons of known integri ty and ability would be appoin ted. "In , lIea r ly ('V!'ry county t here h as hpcll fill!' co -ope mtloll ane\ there a re assurances th!1t the personnel of t he Oh io plC'ction mac h lll (' has a tt(l illed 11 hi gh stamlurd th is year." said Secretary Gri ff ith In commenting upon hls new appointees .
$ 3,40
YOUR FEED A 100% all mineral pro.luct that cO St 8 you l eu and giv e8 you b etter r esults. A money maker for Itock.mcn ond IJOU!tCYWCD. Aek ue_
Fairley Hardware Store
a pproved by both t he House a nd t he Senate nnd ha.~ gone to th e P resl- Whil e word h as gone a bout Ca pitol Larger Because of Better Quality, Service, and Price dent. who will Undoubtedly sign t he Hill tha t President ROosevelt has ad The U . S . Dept. of Comm!'rce revised Congressional leaders t hat h e Established 1849-1939 - - Waynesville, Phone 32 measure upon his return from h is . ports the nationnl in come in 1939 Cnrlbbean cruise. wnn ts Con gress to complete t h e presen t session by May 15t h . withou t t h e was $68.500.000.000. This is 7 ).>('1' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ consideration of any new controver - cent more tha n in 1938 nud sligh tly I ~ Beginning with March 5th. Ohio sial legtsla.tion. it Is a pl'etty safe under 1937. It fa lls fa l' below the 1920 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT on ce more will h ave her full comple- wuger that Mr. Roosevelt will nOl fi gure of $82.700,000 ,000 . Administrator with tbe will anne1ed ment ot RepresenaUves In COngress- hav.~ his way on either matter . Pot wenty-three Con!l'ressm en a nd one IItlLal wiseacres feel certa in that the T he Ohio Chamber of Commer e b Es tate of Amanda A. MllfTitt. Congresswomnn . Both new Repre- B':tual adjournment of Congress wl1l planning. t he rev ival of a bill provldDeceased !'ollc is he reby give n th at O. M, sentatives . are Republicans. Mrs, cOllle much nearel June 15th tha n Ing for a centrali zed purchasing sys, Inooks RS if old age will he a long time overtaking this Frances P. Bolton. Cleveland. elect- th'! Presidential request date, That tern In the counties of th e state. Ridge whosE' P ost Otlice Addres.~ Is Efforts Is being made by Robert 8 . cd to 1111 the vaca ncy {'aused by the Ccngress will give consideration to Such a bill ·passed the Senate. was Waynesville. O hio has been duly ap- Beight ler. director. Ohio department beautiful pair. The refrigerator i!'; General Motor:s' new 19,10 death of her husband. Chester C. drastic amendments and changes In r eponed favorably in thl' HOllse bu t pc-Inted a s Ad m ll1L~ trator with the of hlghwnys. to secure the cooperaFrigidaire Cold Wall with gl·.'aming white porcelain f' ',ish and J . Harry McGregor of nil.' National La bor Relations Board faUed to ge t o n the calpntlar for pa~ will annexed of the Estate of Ama n - lion of t ruckin g and shipping InterBolton; 8ucmented .by eyc-ap(Juling chrlJmium trim. ~ Coshocton County. chOllen In the la w. In lijllte of the Admlnlstratlon's sage a t t h is session of the legL~I (ltur!' dn A . Mntll tt late of Warren Coun - es!.~ to reduce truck load weight... temporarily during 6pring thaw• . 17th Dlst.rict as a result of the re- eltdeavor to s mother such action , ty . Ohio. deceased . Wh nt gra nder ambition Is there J et your light so shine before me)l. Dated t h is 23rd da y of F eb ruary should condi tions make it necessary. ~ n to nlalntaln In yourselves what cen t death of Congressman AshbrOok nC'w seems certain. A , special House I I I t As th e result of a n In ves tigation lh:\t they may Iiee your gOod works. tll Enforc ement of t he law wl11 be nec.....,..c a congress onnl elec Ion in the c<"n1mlttee Investigating the N. L. R. }I)40. h I b made by the S tate Welfare Depart8n1 "Iorlfy your Father which Is In Jesus loved. a nd to know that YOlU' t wo dl st r Ic •. essar.v to protect Ohio's older roada Ra lph H. Carey ..s were e d Fe ruary E. will submit re~omrnendatlons and ment one elnploye of th Sl l H heaven. - Matthew 5 :16. example, more than word·" . makes and save the state loss. ""'~!'Itlh . The Ohio delegation now con- legislatiOn for House consid eration "I ta l ' . e a e 0 05 Judge of thc P robnte Court morals for m nnklnd. sists of slx teen Republicans and wit hin the next t wo or three weeks.... for Epileptics a t Gallipolis is The stale law Imposes the responWa rren Coun ty , Oh io C now under indictme n t ch arged with - Mary Baker Eddy eigh t Democrn"S. . sibility upon t he director of hlahMuch more gracious and profitabl e '" ongressman Cox of G eorgia. leader C Donald Dllatush . Atty. of a large bloc of Independen t south- embezzling $7600 and forging signa ' . F29- M7-14 ways to protec t roads with the fol· III doctrine by ensn mple, than by JllfJthln g is so infectious as example tw'OS to state wa rranl.:;. A t horough lowing passage: -Spenser rule. -Charles Kingsley Last Friday t he Baritley Anti-Pol- ern Congressmen. an d mem ber of . . th f I ul C I II1vesligation of all s la te Institutions "When tha ws or exceslve moisture e powif' u r es omm ttee. has Is now under wa . . r ender the Improved highways of announced that If the leaders aty BELL~ROOK t his sta te or any sections of the 'tempt to block cO;Il8Ii!eratlon of The two special congresslonnl elcc.Delayed ) sa me Insufficient to bear the traftlc the legislation he will bring ttae mea t hereon. or when · such improved sure to the Floor by petition, and tlons held in the Ohio 17th and 22nd Ora. Casey suffered 1\ vcry pninful h ighways Or IIny sections of them that he already 'h AS t.lle pledge of a dlstricu; on F ebruary 2u. res ult d in sutflclent number of s ignatures to t he election of b oth R epUbli can call- Injury in an a u Lo accident recently . would be damaged or destroyed by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence LanSinger heavy traffic during the period at torce consideration of the LlLbor Act dlda tes by substan tial m ajorities. The election 1n t he 17th Dist. wu.s spent the week end In D ayton with ~ha.wlng or excessive mOisture, th. cnanges. eagerly watched by nationnl obsar- their son Pnul. ma ximum weight of vehicle and The same kind of direct action vel's as It \Vns ta lren as a n excellen t Mrs. Joseph Devores a nd two ohll- load. or the maximum speed. or both may result In .c Onnection with t he croos-section which would Indicate d"p.11 of Winchester. Ohio are spend · for motor vehicles as prescribed by Logan-Walters Bll! designed to give t he pomlcal trend as for or against ing the week with Mr. nnd Mrs. WII- law shall be reduced In the followlna' citizens the right to a ppeal to the the Roose\!elt New D eal policies. I n but Bennington. manner : courts from the rulings or decisiOns 1938 this district gave the Democrat Mr. nnd Mrs. J am es D ole of "On main mnrket roads and interof the various bureau~r. divisions and congressmnn a maj ority of 5005 bu t Springfield 15 visiting h is fat her and county highways of the state, "bIeb departments of goverllUnent now at- t he Republicllll candida te won In t h e mother, Mr. and Mrs. H an-y Dole. have been taken over by the lltate, tempting to supervise· anl'l: control speCial electiOn by a mal'gln of 4600 Specia l services are ,b eing held a t th e director of highways and public almost every phase of American life. votes. In commenting upon the Re- the Full Gosp el Mission Wednesday works shall prescribe such reductlollll Some time ago the Rules Committee publican victories, Governor Bricker and.Th.utA.dRY evenings of this week .. whiph shnll not be more than twenvoted out the measure for conalder- said : "These elections reflect Ohlo's Several farmers 0 f the Township ty-flve per cent; on Improved hlihaUon. wltpout fixing a deflnite time r esentment a t the Lr eatmen t It has h .w e opened t heir sugar camps. ways and all others roads In t.be for the bUl to come before the received at t he harids of th e New Mr. and Mrs. Glorco were visiting county . other than · main market House. Recently. It Is reported, Rules Deal." Of 'the 24 Ohio congre;;sman In Middletown , this week. roads and Inter-county highways Chairman A40lph Sabbath Informed now serving, 16 are Republicans and . taken over by the state, the oounty Inquirers that he had his "Inatruc- 8 are Demoorats. The e lectl 9n of Mrs Example is a lesson that nil men commlssloners sha.ll prescribe 8Ucb tlons" not to permit t he bill to come Frances Bolton in the 22nd District . can read. - Gilbert West reductions as the condltlon of the to a vote. His Colleagues seem al- to succeed her deceased husband. road or highway would .ju.stlfy, but most unanimous In their OPinion as gives Ohio its first wom an member In no case chal1 such ·r eduction be to the source from which the "In- of Congress. morc than fifty per cent. structlons" came. Statewide llm1tatio~ may not be nEe~ry. Action Is expected to be According to press nnd radiO reollly on specific sectionS of rou~ • Ten leading candidates for the ports. Ohio Is one of six stales being
To Protect Roads In Spring Breakup .
EHry 15 .«ond,
w." dtty. .S"m.1HH/y n." '".rlOl'# ,,1
Presldenc¥, Democra.tlc. · Republican mentioned as the objecti ve In t h e T ilt! federal Social Security Board and Socialistic. appeared before an federal justice department·s next exclusive gathering at the National campaign a gaillst political corruption has a gain ruled that the Ohio claim fo ' reimbursement of $1,338.160, old Press Club last Frldny night. where and ma jol: federal law violations. each gave an "otl'-the-record" talk Having fin ished t he "clean-up" In age pension lunds withheld durlDa on the subject of "Why I should not Loulsana and Kansas ICty , OhI1n--re-- - I - /~ • •I :---=-t-fH~lYEti'-iItlarr'el-·wllth fonner Qov. Martin L. Davey, "cannot be reconbe elected President.. •• Senator Taft poru; 011 election fra uds a t Ste uben.J. .' '', :.o---. ,- sider ed ns R board matter." of Ohio was not pre~mt because of a ville. Pike and Lawr ence counties are ~ ,/ previous out of 'town speaking en- now being s tudied a nd eal'ly action Is gagement. PostlTlllSter General Far- expected . Compulsory political conWe can do more good by bela, ley was In Florida and, of eourlie. t rlbutions by school teachers in som e gOOd . t han In any other way. President Roosevelt who mayor may Ohio counties has been likened to SAf~~\' -Rowland HUI not ·be a candidate. Is stlll on his the tactics employed .by .the convict- ~ mid-winter vacation. Cd gangsters at Kansas City and " New Orleans. G-men are r eported as Last week ~pUblican and Inde- having 'been at work under cover In pendent Members of the House made OhIo for the past several weeks. a gallant flgh.~ to reGluire the ellmlnatlon of obnoxious personal questions from census questionnaires, A game management display wlll _ With IRVIN S. COBB _ only to lose to the Adm.lnJ.stratlon (eature the outdoor exhibits at the forces by a small mnrgkl. The battle annual Home and SPQrls Show at Is now transferred to the Senate. the State Fall' Grounds. Columbus, tl) whl'e bearings Ila.ve been held the AprU 13-21 . In adclltlon to sport fenpast tew days. It the amount of ina.1l tw:es, the shoW will have exhlblu; of By IRVIN S. COBB bEing ' recelved on Capitol HUI, pro- equipment for a modern home. comHEN Sherma n after the march from Atlu.ta to the sea, turned testmg agalnst prying Into personal blning the comforts of home life hi s columns no'rthward he was temporarily halted just below ~ay afflll.r s by census tslters. Is ~ criter with outdoor recl'eation. The Division etteville North Carolina, while his enlineers tllrew a temporary bl'lddre Ion. the cOuntry generally Is pretty of COnservation estimates 100.000 across ~ swollen creek, the Confederates in ~al\ing back havinl ellconcerned about this latest In- people V{1Il be attracted to the nlneveillon of Incllvloual. rights. .clay show.
'$659 ~,..
. OttIer IIIOdeII IIlif1tly higher
r~pr ~\~.:g
• .... '
All mod.l. priced at Flin" Michigan. Transporta,;on ha.ed on rail ra'." .tate and local taxes (if any), optional equipment ana accessori.,extra. Price. suhject to change wi,hout ;'o,ice.
Badgley's €h~v~~let Sales & Serv:ice Spring
Ohio '
A Warning
troyed the only bridge which span~ the stream. The retreating Soutaern amy had left behind in Fa)I'Ctteville a population ~e \lP al~od altogether of wom.en, children. boys too young . to fight and me~ toe., old for service. f th ld ' tkenci In responSe to a call.' practically all 0 elle 0 ~ 1"eft ~ tW at t he eourthouse to discuss slICh measures as. might be t;ak~ or . 'protection of . the town in view of t~ approach df ~ · lD,V e,n the pros pect that within a few. hours. the place would be Vari-ous expedients f or s aving the. town f~m the fate . wbich Of ~ had overtaken Atlanta and ColumbIa 'we~ ·dllCUA8eCl • .!hIt ao"e =, ' . til seemed feasible. inasmucb as the eomm~ty eou~ muter 80 - . . . . I defending force. ' -- '-ii froID ... -'" Finally an aged veteran o~ -the Mpxiean.,....ar ~ . ~ and caught the e):8 of the prealdiq otfteer. "Mister Chairman." he quavere(l, "f 1I\11ltt! a motion that, ~ ......' a fund and have a lot of dOdgers Itruck ott at f.be. prfnJlll . .. clrculate<1 amongst the Yankee AnDY, wamin' \be1l1 tiaat ~ Fayette'lille at the peril of thei ... lhea."
(-'-rt.. ,..,.. FlaWftlo lu.)
.,. . ....... .
•••••••••••••••••• -
lte offer a satisfactory Service , (It all times . -'.
. Wayne.vIDe ·
. ........ . •
First Choice
Amonl Boy Magazines
Stv"cIo'" ""."natlon for "" loy. .tt "ltort. wrltor. and artl.tt reeognla'" tlto bo.tln tholrflold.,
An 'dea' Gift For Any Joy Send $1.50 for year'. lubscrlptlan lutI .... odYantur••• , .pom .,. pag .. of plcturo._cOlllkcortoo•• , , , IIn.lo. and loko •••. In.plraf1oftol ortldo_lcoutl ... "',uro.
• BOY scoun of AMERICA
Mr. and Mrs. wUUam Brooks and moved Friday from COrwin to ~he A.. L, King property here. . Several "f rom here attend~ ,' the MotherS! dub at Waynesville Prlday . uIlemoon, Rev, .Hllda Snyder of ihe PIPES, Valv,es and Plttlnp for L)rtle church gave an address. Water, 011;5 or Steam. H.a nd or Mrs, Allee Clark Is hom~ aPln at _ : Electric PUmPS for , all .purposes· tel' spending the winter In Dayt.on-:Plwnblng and -HeaU~g 8~=~--,.... Mrs. Margaret Johns has been ill LOWEST PRICES -: ~ the past week but is Improving at QUALITY at J . p, BOOKLET this time. . SUPPLY CO. XENIA. O. M7-lt-21-28 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet spent Friday with Dr, and Mrs. H. E. HaUlaway In WaynesvllJe, MAN W ANTED-Supply Black Diamond L1~lment and Household Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cornell acProduot.s to customers. EXPerience companied Mrs. 'J ennle Mullen Rnd not neccss.. ry. but help(~I, Profit,' M , and Mrs, Tom Burton to Dayable, Pleasant Work-Perman nt. ton Thursday, H you are ambitious ~e after you Miss Betty Routi.ahn was absent unusual opportunity , You furnlsll frum school severnl days on account Clll'. No ' Investment necessary. of Illness, Write Whitmer Company, Colum, Mrs, WllIlBm Long, Mrs. Kesler bus, Indiana. F29-M'J-U Graham. Miss Shlrley Mardis and Mr. Harvey Hole spent Wednesday In Cincinnati, Mrs. Amos Cook of near Waynesv!Ue vtslted Mrs . Margaret Johns BARGAIN HR • .110 'Til 1:00 Wednesday. Miss Laura Ro.magle and Dr. HBrcld Kersten of CIncinnati were six o clock dinner guests Saturday of Ur . and Mrs. Harvey Burnet, Mrs. Wilbur Swank entertained the card club at her home here -----4a~CREE"~·--- Thursday afternoon, BLONDIE ON A BUD,GBT Mrs. Therle Jones and Mrs. Har· SUNDAY-FOB Ii DAYS old WhItaker attended . an all day
· . . .. .
. r.
MI' ~ .
lifT Durn!'t
1\1 1(1
l\ 'I ~~ r:: lj 1~ll>cth "'('1'(, Dllrto n ST. AUGUSTINE CIiURCII . lev R, H, Krumholt:t, S. T . D ., pa...tOI' F!'iclay li nd Sat urday.
111 .
Mrs, Lorraine SprAY and daugh ter EvelYn of Dayto n, ~JJent t he week ' end wilh Mr£,. prny's mOLher, Mrs. or B. Bl'nllllock.
Churches Mass, Sunda ys 9 :00 a,
McClure FU'n eral Home Phone'
........ -_ ....... . Local Happenings
(iollgllt,' r \'1~ IW r~
Mrs. T . p. Scott n nd ~ Ol\ TOil) Jr.. of Lebanon, were dlllll,·1' IHIt'~ s. Sun ·
day, of Mr. anet Mrs. Wal l!'1' SlleeI.n l1, En'nl ng cailers at tile Sheeh an Itev. R, L. IInckwcll, nector h ome w,'re Mr. Ra ymond Dlllll,;un PASSION SUNDAY , 5TH IN LENT nnd Mrs Honaker. olso of Lebanoll . 7:30 a. m. Holy Commun iOn 11 a . m . MOl'11lng P rnyer a nd ~erMIs:; Ruth Bllrne tt of Dayton . mono ~ p(,IlL SUllcJlIY willi IH'r pal'cn ls MI'. WEDNESDAY :11 .11 Mrs. Cllff Burt wLl, P. m, Chlldren's Lenten sel'v irl' 7:30 p. m . Midweek Lente n Senlet' . Mr. and Mrs. Al vlll Earnhart and Addre.o;s by the R ev . WilI lll lII Gentle· falnil y IV.:r(' di ll ll"r I:IH'St.., of Mr .. man , Ail Sa ints Epl:;coplll Chllrch . :11111 Mrs. Gilber l F,·y e. FrIdaY I've· PleUSll nt Ridge , Clncinnat.i.
· ...
·.. .. ·
2 ParkA"o"uo • NOWf_k,N .Y.
.. .. .
4IiWJl:'~ S~t:':.J
Mr lI lId Mrs. Ell FUrlI ns. Mrs. W. Lllkl ns, Mrs. Rh odes Bllnuell. lind Mrs. l ,. V. Brlllls tr ulor II" 'I' Cilll'illnrrU viSito rs. Tues day. • • • , J R. Moltl .. o r Piq\l ll, wn.~ the g uest oC hls broth r, H , A. Mohler. nne! fnmlly. Sunday,
TWII TlllI1ma,
I,ouis C, Itadlcy, 1'1L'Itor Church School !l :30 II Ill . Wors hip se rvices 10:40 fl . 111, This will be COlllll1union Sunday [lnd w e \VHI ob:.el' Ve t he sacra ment oC the Lord's gathering and conference of the LecSUPPCI·. We urKe every Illem:ber LO Warren County Signs or the times in B r.Jot or B j(C - tl, , (! highway mark~s tell the story of I . turers of the two' year, IOO,OOO ·mile t ruck tcst rU Il r c ntly completed by Chevrolet. Id Granges, Wednesday at the home of clld eavor to be presen t aL this Lcn Cnn ndn, Me xico and every st ute or Ihe Union, the truck qperoted 00 nil typea Len Communion service. Members of the County Board of of highways rmd under every conccivobl wemher hOlZord, settin, a new worl~ Mrs, Omar Hollingsworth near OreTile Children 's IIISLI'u(;tlon cla.~s Education accompa nied by Coun ty nHlrk for su st ained 8nd certiticd nutomCJllve operation, under the sanction ~ gonia. officia l obsl'fvmion of til Al1lcric:nll Au:'plIlobile AS!IOCiation . The unit carried ••_ _ W~A~YNE ........S.V.IL_L.E~,... OIllH.I.O....._ .. wlJI be h eld as us ulIl MOl1uay aCter- Superintendent Cha rles H B (iiil visMrs. Allen, ,mrlck spent Monday [l4. S90 ,p li nd "fllIy·lood." An nvCf"r.c o f 15,1 miles per gallon of fuel wal main, FRIDAY-SATURDAY noon at 4 o'clock. Ited Wayne TownsbJp schools, Wedtai ne<! Ih rou ghou t th e 100.OllO mil .'s. nt no uverngc operating spced of 33,01 afternoon with Mrs. Martha Hough Our Pre-Eas ter services will begin nesday aftertloon. March 8 and 9 miles per. ho ur, Oil mile:1!:" was COfl'(,SI' IIllil\gly hi gh- I,On miles per quart. near WaynesvUle. Monday evening March IlLh . SerMr. and Mrs, Camberlain and GENE AUTREV vices 7:30 o'clock , Vital sllbject..'1 will famUy of Wellt Carrollton were in Marllyn Ka y, lILl ie cl:lllghter of MI' I>e d iscussed each night. and there and Mrs. John B, O ons Is in the Os"ROVIN' TUMBLEWEEDS" Thursday evening guests of Mr. and GONE. WITH THE WIND will be special music : Pla n to attend tcopnthic h ospital , DO.l'lon . ill 11'1 h Mrs. Howard Deweese, with Saturday Marc:b 23 one week these services and bring ~ OIllC one flu . Smiley Burnett.e-l\fary Carlisle Gabriel Paul Messors. Kenneth and Everett Sav.Seal Sale SAtan1ay M~o" 9th with you. A jaw sockln' Son, rodin' sap • • The Boolt Review Cil'cle m et [It the age and Mrs. , WlIlIam Rogers at- ' brush thriller. 'I11eJ'e's a red-faced yOlmg felll tended the funeral of the former's Mr. and Mrs. Harold A, Mohler 1I0mc of Mrs. R, E, Hurst ou Monday Ml'. IIOJ.LV 1\1, E. CIIURCH Added Selected Shorf SubJcets a re nnnoun l.ng tile bil'th or a daugh- afternoon . Chuli ge i n th e day or the l"Imnl.ng aJ'ound Plant. Field . Tampa. grandmother, Mrs. Belle Dinwiddie, tel', Janice Vee. Thursday. March 7, r gul nl' schedule was made for the Fla ., whe,e the Cincinnati Re'ds are at Waynesv~e BatlU'day afternoon, 1'. ~,. ,c'arrr, MInister SUNDAY-MONDAV Mr', Mohler Is linotype opera tor at convenlencc of t he ho.~tess, Afte r the In training, who may be what the Mr, and Mrs, Harry Cornell and l\Iarcb 10 and 1J Sunday School 9 :30 n. m. E. A' Lhe Miami ~zette, bUSiness meeting Miss H elen Randall doctor ordered for Mr , William Orvll'le Phllil . p I wpre Xenia visitors "DES TRY' RIDES AGAIN" Earnhar.t, Supt. Sat··.... ' Mr, and Mrs, Dawson Lynch and: • • • • • reviewed lhe vcry popular best seller Boyd McKechn.lc, mnnager of the ..."ay altern oon. Siarrinc Evening serv lre 7:30. Mrs, May COok oC Dayton is vlslt- of the day "Kitty F'Oyle" by Christo- Na tional League chwnpions. That · Mrs, ' HOward Deweese and Mrs. John, were calling 'o n friends""OIn~:. JAMES STEWARTPrayer m ec t.ln~ Wednesday eve- Ing in the homc of her dau ghter, pher Morley; wrlttl?n in the most fli~ry Irishman. Cyril Moran , played FrII nk D eweese were DAlton shop- clnnatl, Saturday, _ MARLENE DIETRICH nln~ 7:30. Mrs. E. C. crane and famiTy. modern strain of t he times, thIs en- flrst ):)3se for the Moskogee Reds of pers Friday and were caught In the Elbert IUch, Claude Oray. Lee ~ with A welcome awaits you at these ter tainlng story of the life nncl loves lhe Western Association last year, j am a t th e v~Ig fire th~e at 5 p. m, mage, Sherman Pen1s., Oeorge Beck Charles Winnln,er-Brian DonSfl vices. of a capable young blL~lncss woman whlr.h shouldn't cause any eyebrow at Main and Fourth streets. ett, Oecil Villars and Ross Villars. Levy, M.lsc:ba. Auer who came from ~he wrong side of ,I ling for the reason that MUiltosee Mr. and Mrs, WUbert swank and were in Bethany, Friday attending You Can't afford to miss the great UTICA ( J. B. CnURell the t racks, was clevorly po rtmycd is In a OialiS 'C. ~~gue and the Reds Jlmmle Swank were dinner guests the J. O. Wyle. auction sale. t ~t western ever. Bp.vl~ A, lilli, I'astor TO TRACTOR SALE MEN In Ule well corordinaled review pre- do not need a ftrst baseman, Sunday of Mrs. AIDes &chilli and AJSC> Selected Sltort Subjects Sunday, March 10 sented by MIss Randall. During th e ' Moran had the whole winter to Inch~eto~Marjorie ~d Bobby Swank Mr. and Mrs, orlando Brannan, of Sealed bids will be received by t.hc social h aul' deUel·ous rel'reshments thlnk about Ws future with the Reds ;;;' D;d -=. ~en1a, !fere Sunday visItors at the ' THEATRE NOT OPEN- O !) :30 0 , 1\1 . -Bund y school ; Leslie Towns hip Clerk of Wayn Townsh.lp were served by the hostess. and he realized what chance a Class . an Mrs, James Hartsock and Terry home. TueBday. Wednesday Thursday Gorsuch . Supt, Vemon Bam8 and Jew Pulkerth, Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Dargue of C rooki e would have to beat out children of near Waynesvllle were 10 :30 a. m. - Momlng wo 'sh ' p WarrCn COtmty at. the Townsqip HOllse, Waynesvlije, Ohio until eight College Hili with their two interest- Frank McCormick for the first base Sunday afternoon caUers of Mr. and of Dayton, were Sunday dinner 6:30 p, m. Christian Endeavor. 1ng small daught.ers were Sundny Job. He looked over the Redleg ros- Mrs, Harry COrnell. . guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 7:30 p, m. Revival services begin , P.M. - Monday, April 8th , 1940 dinne r guests of Mr. and Mrs, A, S, tel'. read the newspaper accounts of Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Burnet at· Mr. and Mrs. E1~rt Rich 1rere Sunday School night. For about a thirty horse power Collett at the "Hole-in-Ule-Woods'" thclr- s trength and weakness, and ' tended the banquet of the Llv~tock among the 'number who saw the buMonday, 7 :30 p . m . Utica Night. Tucliday, 7:30 P. 111. Church Night. tractor to be used for road construc- Mrs. Dargue will be 'remembered by ali of n sudde.n popped up in the Call ASSOCiation, Thursday evenm, at ket ball game played in Dayton, ' Thursday ,e vening, Wednesday, 7 :30 p . m. ''' Brlng YOUI' t10n and maintenance. Traclor mus t her many friends us Miss Alicia tornla Winter League as an outfleld- tt>e I, O. 0, p , hall at Lebanon, be eqUipped with caterplllar t.l'nC- K elly. er, _ , ' • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Siney enterFriend." The Civic League h eld their an. talned at dinner Sunday eve.n lng Mrs. D. M . Lynch and son. John, . Thursday, 7 :30 p, 111 . "Bring Your t1on. It. Is the illtentlon of the Trus. , . , . . ,: Today Cyril Morlln Is no longer a Mrs. Mlnnle Siney, Mrs 'MOdred and Mias Hannah Jordan, were retees to tradc In as part payment a nunl palty COl mellllbers and Lhah first baseman but an a plrant for a Neighbors," . ceut calle" t tI Talm h6 ~rewer, Mrs. Kat.hl'Yn Hlraoh 'and IS a Ie age me. Friday, 7:30 rp . m, Children's li nd second hand "Oaterplllar Thbty" lumllles ut tile gymnRs lum on W e d - ' Red-Ieg. outflel,d post who may prove ' children anej MIsI! VlrglnJa 81ney of tractol' as part payment, Youth Night. nesday evening . A:n Interesting pro- to 'be the year s dark horse, What North Ridge , The Trustees reserve tbe ri ght to gra m of ga mes aUd contests was makes a lark horse out of a Olaas 0 Don't miss a nlght. . , 'd d b th en te l i t Mr. and Mrs, Walter Olark alld Rev. J . P . Slaughter will be preach reject any and all blcls. Plio~1 ,e Ab ' y t e , r a ~en . com- rookie ? It is the glowJng reports by family have for their lUeata, ~1'8 r or.y pCl'Sons were scouts of Moran's terrl!lc hitting abU L. H, Gordon Ing Monday night, Come each night, III t.ee, ou . . . t ' Clark'S brother and Diece, Mr Clerk .Wayne Twp., pl csen , . tty and hi"! competitive spirit, Olass Johnnle Cloud a n ' .:;.i Warren County, Ohio. FERRY CIIUR<JU OF ClIRIST Howard Fee, husband of the form - C, Z,. X .01' the majors, the scouts· OIoUCl from Win ; MiaI Gladys Mr. and Mrs. Sam MeredIth and Mar7-14-21-28 er Olll'lstlne Kelly of Harveysburg say the' boy can hit, He's played two Mr I, orth Dakota", dauKhter, Betty and Mr. an,-a.. Mn, W, C. Smith, Minister a nd Waynes ville, died recently at 1 1)111'S of iprofesslonal baseball one at ' and Mrs, J. B, Jones" enter· Hora.;e Shaner ,ca~ed on Mr. and SUNDAY ~---,._ __ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT hls llOll1e ,in Clarks burg, Jndiana, He Rogers Ark where he b'a' tted' a cool" taJned to a birthday dl!1~er. Suoday;-Jlrs, Rolla Bolton last TUeSdaY-iVe. - Bible School begins promptly at In honor of tbeir 80 ' Th I .. , . ' " Executor ';ts. Mrn, er e, the . nlng. was stricken sudde,nly. The widow .392 and smacked 22 homers, and the,. following 9,30 a. m. and a grown daughter Harriet Ann ' oth or at Muskogee wh~re he hit .341 ' f-" J III d' '''#1ft.' and Mrs, ~IMr. and Mrs, l'aul Spitler and Like the church at Trans we have Estate of Ruth Hannah Crew, " ..," ones -an _...., Mary Jones of ...i hte • D~-'''''' and a 'married SOlll Robel'\. stu'vive, aile! collected 26 homel's, At Musko- Bout'-ft HIII_ ...- ' ...uK 1'8 were 1ll1e~ts at a supper 10 cOnullunlon every Sunday 10.45 B. m . ~ " " . udn ...... 1aI . and Mrs follen It f E . Jenn smtlhth's blrthSermon 11 :00 a . m, Notice Is h ereby given Lhat Robert MI. FC ~ s. graCondl~athell waa t.ne ro~nd- gee h e baLLed in 1~6 rims in 129· EmrIck; Mr. and Mrs. Therl~ JoneS day0no~o lid nll~a ntn Let us Uke the Wise Men of the E. Crew whos Post Office address is er 0 Clca ege n _I ca I en- game.~, while at Rogers he knocked and son Mirto ,e aYeve gat e pal'lOnEast come with our gifts nnd wor- Wnynesvll1e. Ohio hm; I)een duly ap- tucky, In 114 l'U11S In 105 games. That's not n, -. • age, ship the Lord. pOinted as Executor of thc Estate of Mrs. Lida Hatton enUlrt.alned n a bad backgr.o uM for a klcl.,r-26O W .· d ' .. - Mr. and-Mrs. Carl PummJl 01 'DayTHURSDAY 11111 11 Ha nmil1 Crew lnte of Wa rrell ~ roll p of friends from .nere with a I uns batted In during 234 ball games •. e can 0 more saud by being ton moved Into the John Orlasom Bel'ean class meetin g 7.30 p . m. County , Ohio. deceased. one o'clock luncheon m She Contln- an average of inore than ~ne per ..gOOd' ,th\Ul.in any other .way. . . proPerly recently . The Pummill pur. Can' t rot or burn. They' re ----- Oat(ld thiS fiLh day March . 1940. ental diniug rOOln of the Hotel Ncth game. ' .. ', . :-RoWland HJU cha.8ed the OrlBsom home. to\.\gh, springy rail steel --and WA\,NESVll,LE CllUitCIl 011 Ral,l h H, Ca rey, cl'lund Plazg. 011 Saturday. The ColIn the two years MiKeclUlle · has ~ The ''NI~State Club of the Fe"'"" pound for pound are the 1owIng IIIIli~s 'were 'prestln t f or tWs manage d th e Reds. a t Ieast one dark . UBE THE . MIAMI GAZm" •• , CURlS'!' JIlU lle () f Probate Court .. clluroh ' met at the Maurice Hunter strongest type of post made. W. C. Smith, Minister Warren County. Ohio: very enjoyable oce.a slon; Mrs. Obo. hOl'fe has appeared each season to WANT ,\I)B COL~ , home eV!Jnlng. Easy to drive··-·easy to attach Robert Cre w, ALL." . Welch, Mrs, Rose Carr, Mrs. Wilbur give hlm' what he needed, In 1938' '. . " , SUNDAY .Y ~ kin ' · The MlAIl.Onary meeting ' Qf the the wire. Save time and save Blble S (; 11001 9 :30 a Ill . Da y tOil . Ohio. Shidn ker. Mrs. E. :B. Da , Mrs. C, Johnny Vander Meer wn.s the man p y h h III be' I . Communlon 10:45 n, m . G, RandaJl, Mrs, Charles Smart, Mrs wbo .c ame>througb lifter having been eu c urc w he d at the money by building your next Junior Endeavor 6:45 p . Ill. Mar·7-14-21 A. S . Colle tt, Mrs, LaUl'a Shldaker. given slight cllance to make good In . 7\ __ . ,j-.I. • church neJ'~ Thursday attemooo, fence on ALt'JMINUM Cbristian Endeavor 6:45 jl . III. Mrs. Mongcr. Mrs. Carrie Shldaker, the winter ratings because of a poor W. C. Bmlth TOPS. Co,ne in and see them NI)llIin g is so Infcctious ns example .." hIPerry Thomas' and ' PreacWng at 7:30 p. m . -ChR.l:les Kingsley Mrs. Howard Graham, Mrs. LUlian 1937 record nt Syracuse. Last year e ped Lester Gerhard butcher last - test their strength- admire MONDAY Cart'. Mrs, Donald Coate. Mrs. Ren McKeChnie uncovere d Oene Thomp- . ~ week, their rich, durable fini sh, A delegatioll goes to the BowersT h,' fedcrnl SOcial Security Eoard Gaines. Miss Na.n Collett, Miss son, who CBme to him from the Olllllll ' • Mrs, ClaUdia COrnell wu able to \'11l ~ church, to attend their revi val. l1a.';' IlRrr in rulcel I.hat lhe OhIo olalm Grace Smart. Miss Helen Randall, B. Columbia team of th,.e.. Soiith At- , . . . . . . . CO..." attend -church sun<IaY. the first that WEDNESDAY fa ' r£' imburscment of $1.338160 . 01u MiSs Kathleen Graham, and the lantlc. League arid 'who was as ob-! LB-v...AOB 'she has been .able to be Gut alnce'her Prayer meeting '1 :30 p, m , age pel1slon funcl~ withheld during 110'stess, scllre as Moran until MceKchnle recent illnw" ~; Mr . and Mrs, G eorge Denny have trotted him out. I NOUII, Tbe ICuao of a lever, Mr!r. Vaden" Wica1 whp baa ~ Come worship wi th us. we !t nve 110 :1 poill.kal qunncl with form er Gov. c,,"ed but Christ. no book but the Mttrtin L, Davcy, "can not be recon" returned home nCter spe·nding sev~ Maybe Moran will be the IB40 man ', ' • • • . in the Mfaml Valley' . h ........1tal · Ia WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Within recent 7eU'll the pronun- ' . . '. . , .' ," """ l. . PHONE 25 Bible. no name but the tUvlne, . iclt-red as a board matter," eral weeks in Florida. ofM1e Ye&!" '. 'ClaUOD "LEV-er.a,e" ith th ftr 't . much" better. She 'ls to return nom~' e .)'Ilable a. in Ieyt!l ba.WpII"ed fro:" . ~ ThU1'8day of tb1s Week, BI:1~ .wu belt Ula,. and la, now lll\ed .1' operated o~ .1aBt Monday. ' . Bringing ' the. MESCAL IKE s, S. L HUNTLEY H. R. .Pordyce Vernon . Porc:tyce .ecODd ,. c:bqlca b,. mOlt American dlctionarlea. , . .. . a.n d the p, .J . Thomases were ,dInDel' - ' b te'" . no.. rei, J I, u.uO onel, . and i Ilr . "lId ' prefer ' ,the Jon, "e'~ II 10 ruests 0 , and Mrs, Tom .l1!or• .....CNJ COME ~U\.l "'ELLERS ARE I~ .ln the ftrthyllable: TIle third, ~ .In West oar'rolton S~nday,· , PLA" I r-.) . ..:te:.RE JI\Jsn::AD 01= OVER 1J1Ia~le Ibould rh),me Wlth~ : "'Jr. 8mlth·· re~ ..to 1Ich000 ' thla 11-1' BALL PARI::: ? Correct pronunc,!"tl09: LBE-...... w£ek. He underwent a tooaWectolv --
News Of The Reds
Beech .Grove
They'll Outlast
Your Fence
KMV "., WOBD".,!J. ,
U . DK
Waynesyille Farmers Exchange Co.
....e. .-
1elJe.. :'
.. . . ,"
hast SatUrday " ;' '.
(Clpltala Iildlcate .• )'n.blel to be ...,. .' . ... aC·CeDtecl.) . ' .' Bev. Smith preached the 'fUneral . QUlIlSTION:we've IImOlt com. of ~rs, Aftbelle Dfulnddfe ua• .\0' blow~ over which I II COI'~t, b~ure'. Puneral Bome last 8a~ ,"Driv. Ilow," or- "drive IIowl.1." ___
D_'.___ ·
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""_t1_ _ ...... are JDOYIna ·to ............. COlumbus Wed~ ot tb1a week:
AlftiWBR: ·Elther .. COlnct. . ~·.I . . .dverb ~ i!xcell_t We Wlab tIIIIo ..ell IDd hGpe . . . ~1'7 aupport. ~egJelre wlU ~ yery hapP1 In their DIW .....11 wrote. ''JIow alDW time ~ _I". . '
. . - . -.ua ~ .
NTNE1'IE'f li 'YEAIt
wnOLE NUMBEfti 4()~O
~~~~~~~~~~================~~~~~~------~--~~ _Took Branches of PaJm Trees-;~ M;.Aod ai;5. W.~. L~keo5 ~--,----. - ,---- Miss Margie T"nn.!l1i1---':"---'W . , Local Happenings " . " ' , ~ Entertam Fnends . .. _ Local Happenings Weds Harry Schenk Hany Hagamen Williamson \l'a .--.. _ .. _ ._ .._ ._ .._ _ _..
" ..
born . l\Prll 'l. 1860. III Warren Couri- ,- .. --'~------- , ty. Oh io . a t the family hOlnestead Potted fiowerll lor Easter. Stubhs' Jive Illill's north 9f Lebanon, on the f 'u.rnlture Store. • • Lebanon Pike. nnd dleel Wednesday. M, I'ch 6. 1940. a t his home In WayGeorge Henderson Is serlou 'lly 11_ n ·sville. Ohio, He hac! 'rea hpd W1e at rills home. ng of seventy-nine years. eleven • . '. p • months, and two days. He was one Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fires and ! :lmof n fm nliy of six born to Andl' w Uy were dinner guests, Sunday of ~,{r Huga mcn alld Matllda Boyle W!l- Etl1~ Mrs. Elvan Fires, Hamson. At th e ag!!" of sixteen. h e. with his paren ts. moved to What i$ MI'. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke we,J e • ItnolVll as Pinnacle KnOb. cast of Cor dinner guests. Sunday 01 Mrs. Edl.th win. Ohio. M. HnlTls and Hanls Mosher. On Mnr'ch 1. 1882. he was uni ted In '" ma lTla lSe to Anna P. J anney and esMI·s. Viola Carey and J esse Thomta blL~hed thereby a horne whlcll en- ns returned t hls week after spentl~n g dtlfed fOl' over fifty-el!! ht yea rs. To t.he wi n ter in Florida . this union were born $Ix children, one or whom Clled In Infancy. He Is NEW .SPRING HATS n.t. my hOIll ~ slIrvlved by h is widow. Anna. threc 11 3rd street. Please call und .s ~ ~ daughtel's: Mrs. Ethel HUlIk. Miss them . Graco L, Smith. Grace Wllliamson . a nd Mrs Ira O. Brown; two SOns. Raymond 'J.. n.nd MI' . and Mrs. Tom Bwton ot Fel'1'v Harold H., live gralldeh lldrr n and were J:: Ucst.s of MI'. and Mrs. W. E. two grcat-grandcbilcrren . He ' a I 0 leaves three slstel's, Mrs. Luella B, Stroud. Monday el'e ~1 i n g, " Ramsey . M l'.S. J . . F Caffer Ly. (md Mrs · Mary McKay. M1s.~ Emma. Lou Lewis and Mr. C. He bad been ~ IIfe- l.ong resid nt B. Lewis were Dayto n visitors, MOllo[ Warren County. having ii\led for day. • • • • r fI1'ty-tWo yeal's at his late hlltllC o~ Mr. and Mrs, L. A. Garst weri! .d i!lF(llIrth Strcet. Waynesville. ncr gu est.~- of MI', an d Mrs. HO\\aru 0", the next day much people eh4t were conu. FOllt. Saturday evening. when t laCy hear-d-fhtJ Je3U$ wa$ coming to Jenualem. CARD OF TUt\NK
Potted nowers ror Easter, Stubbs' F'r ld~y evening. March 8. a t 8 Ab.out twenty- five couples from f'ul:nltlirc Store. Waynesvl11e. Wilmin gton. and Haro·clock . the marriage of Miss Marl Ie vr '~burg. wcre guests at a dance Tinney. daughter .of Mr. and MIS. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker ,Jr ., Leonard Tinney. of Wayn 5villt!. anu ca rd party. given by Mr. and \, cre Dayton vlsllors. Tuesday. and Mr, Harry Schenk. SOn of Mr. fl . 1'.>. W. A, Lukens. Thursday eveand Mrs. Ge9rg ' Schenk or Ham!ln ing. at their larm ncar HarveysMr and Mrs. D. C. Ridge \,'cr c to n. was solemnized at the home cf burg. X( ilia Visito rs, Saturday. Lhe brlde's paren ts, In the pre~p nc e Mu.sic for square dances was furt • • • • of about .'>ixty relatives an d Crienrt1l. nJ het! hy violin alld guitar . and and Mrs. W. S. Graham s~(' Gladioli and fern with torchlrre Mr. W\(,se who did not dance enjoyed 1)01 h Vl' ry lit with t he tlu , 1I '! hling form l'd a beaullful setting pla yi ng cards. Refreshments of cof• • • • • for thQ ce remon y wh ic h was per(oron fee and sandwiches were served rv:r~ . J. B. Cilapman a nd Robt'l't cd by the Rev . Lewis Rad ley. P3 ~tOl' du ring the evening. CIlSlJll 110 n allt'nded an antiqne .. all' of the Methodist ch urch . GlIt'sL< from W a"ne ~v l Ie incllld ecj at Yellow Springs. Saturday. The brid e was given in mllrrinee Mr and Mrs Fred Braddock. '.1:-. ;, ,d by her faiher. She wore a rose grav Mrs . Rhodes Bunnell, Mr and Mrs D. M. a:..n d Mrs. M. A. Fulk erson 8:-,d 'bolero dress with white acceSl!1;0rlf'8 R. SaIL~bUl'Y. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpll daughter and Mrs Russell FranK and nnd corsage of while ga rdenias. Her Ha ' tinl:&' Mr. and Mrs. J . K. Presa"elldant El' leen Hall of Co ' son wcr Dayto n Visitors. Friday.. •• . M"ss ~ LOll . MI' . and Mrs, Harvey Rye. Mr. • • • • • lumbus. was attired In a blue :lray and Mrs , R . H. Hart.~oc k . Mr, and Mr. a nd MI's. Kal'l Bodenbe.tll1tlf gown with (lusty rose accessories n'1d Mrs. Charles Mlchenor. Mr. and corsnge of wbite gardellias And daughter of Loveland , vlsl',ed MI'l) Vern Simpson, Mr, a nd Mrs, Ell fl lf'ndl; In Wayn viUe. Sunday. Mr. R uss Russl'!! of Harr. llton FlIrna.~. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wh it• '. • • • served as best ma n for t hl' br!dl' Mr/' . May Cook af Dayton, SJ)f'll l groom. ak a . alltl Roscoe Furna. . Following the ceremony the youn g Tr.llrsday and Ft1day wUh nt!r dl\J:ghter. Mrs. Ethan Crane. ancl couple received the con ~ rnt l\,all o~5 lanl!1 y. And best wishes of the guests art!!r Fi~h Anni~ersary • • • • • which refreshmen ts were served . Mr.and Mrs. Everett Sears and The bride graduated from Wayn"s son. Ronny or Spring Valley 7It're. ville high school In the class of '37 and for some time has been emplov. The members of the Wayne;vllie Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. to th f' fetUt. Sears. ed In t he o~ice of the Unem plo\'Gurden club held the first m eeU n ~ • • • • • ment Bureau at Hamilton. The bllde Took branches of palm trcC$ and went forth to meet him, and of their ne w yea r. Thur: day after- Miss Ona Mae brubn.kel· cf N groom Is also employed in Ha lniiton MI'. and Mrs. W. A. Lukens and cricd, Hosanna: Blessed is the King o/llruel tMl.cometh in the noon. at the home of Mrs. J . L. Men- M~ I chester. Ind .. was the week pnd Mr, a nd Mrs. S= he~k will be At To our fri ends and neighbors we fluntly were Sunday gucsts of Mr . name oj the Lord. }oh',~ 12:13·14. wis h (0 express our appreciation of denhaU. gt'pst of Mr. and Mrs. L. A . (.arsr home to their friends In thel~ 6th lheir h ip and sympnthy at t he time and Mrs. Levi LUkens and famil.v lit The meetin g was called to order anrt famll y. street apartment In Hamilton . of our bereavel11ent In the death of F ayette. O. by the vice-presiden t. Mrs. H. E, • • • • • Out of town guests at the weddinc • • • • • husband aUd father. ANNUAL INSPECTION . Hathaway. After roll call and the Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Soulh~ rrt w re Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Hardin. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rose and >'U n ' . reading of the minutes. the programs and. daughter. Anne. of Dayton. wcre Mr, Betcher. Mr. C. Hughey. Mrs. The Wllllamson Family of Oak:ey. 0 .. visited at the hOme oJ ' An?Ual Inspectlonl of Wa.ynelhille for the ~6mJng year were distributed. dinner guests 01 Mr. and Mrs, Ro- Ja net and Mr. and Mrs. Murrel Mo!of Mr. and Mrs. J . P . La rrick. S U~l Lodge No. 163 F · & A. M. Wednf'.sday bert Baker Jr .. Sunday. Swain of HamUton ; r.tis. Ida J. L..I\Wevening. March 20. Work In the E. ~ . As this meetirur was the fifth anday nflemOOn. son, Mrs. C'!1!0 La:-vson' of Covl11lJton . degree. E . Harold HSLnI1ah of Mld~I .. - nlversary of the found ing of the orMrs. H. H. Williamson and dau,;h- Ky; and Mrs . Frank Reed of Wash, I • ganization , Mrs. J . L. Mendenha ll Mr. and l'.tJ's. W. E . Stroud spent town , will be inspecting olncer. tu Orace are planning to retul"l1 to gave a ,b rief reswne of the accom- Millml, Fi n.. with Mrs. Ethel lIal k Ington. D. C. Sunday with Mr. and Mr$', H. H. MIss Flot de Lys Santos, a .;ludent J esse' Prendergast. W. :.1:. Stroud of Lebanon. speaker from Miami Universltv. a.'d plishments during thn.t period. She IIl 'rl Mr. Rllymond J . Williamson. to V. M. A,n nltage. Sec'y spoke very highly of the creditable sf-P lld a few months. • • • • • a nattv Philipp ine of ~anl1l!l,. was ,Dr. L. Davey. of t he stntc DepartDr. Mary L. Cook spen t Sunday In t.he guest speaker at the meet ll1 t of work done by ilie late Mrs . Anna • • • • • ment of Hea lth.- was the g ueRt Cincinnati with her niece. Miss Jane the FrI Plldshlp club. Wednesd~y a!Gibbons In organizing the club. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings .,.ld . P aker at the mOllthtv meeting of Cook. studcnt In t he Medical colleg~ temoon .. '!be s)Jbject of Miss San An Interesting talk on "New Flow- son. Bobby, were dinner guests Frlthe Pl'ogresslve Women's club. Teus- r.iversity ot Cincinnati. to.s· address was. , "My Ma nilla " In Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ' Sater of ers of 1940" was given by Mrs Nolan ti ny evening of Mr. and Mrs. H . ; .1day evenin.g. Dr. Davey h as done eX• • • • • which she gave a viv1cJ picture of ~er Columbus visited Misses A:dallne :md Conner. Mrs. O. L. Duke spo.te ,·n. mer Hastings and daughter E.'Ueen The home ot Mr. and Mrs . Henry 0 , J . Cable and son Billy, Mr. ami native la nd. Its. chools and govrm- 'Frances Alden laSt Thursday. "The South.s Mid-winter Blooms". of near Lebanon. Satte-.. .. walte was the scene of a t l)lls I\'e work among r elief batrons, "W' Mrs. Ralph Cable of West Mllt,)I1 ment, the life and customs of r.er giving a vivid description of the , trip • • • • • pleasant surprise. Sunday. March 10, and 111 sohool- cafetci'las and lunch were Sunday guests o f Mr. and Ml s. people. and their hopes and nsplrsDr. J . ~. Ward and H. A. Cornell Mr and Mrs Leo Conner t Monday she took through t he ~Uth in De- talned" at clinner Saturday eVl'!llngEn er- the 48th anniversary mar' rooms In Greene nnel. other counties. H. A. Molller. Lions. Miss San tos Is the daught.'!r " f were Xellla visitors• . ~__ ___ of .their . _ M d •• R d ' M I cember. and of the landscal>lng and . . rlage. when their Children and gr'tnd Her .toplc for discussIon '~ " . "Ntl• • ,!.. . • the president of Manilla Unl v ~rs . t:v, r . ~n .vu;). aymon on gomI h f M d Mr H w'''' ~ ~h onkol' or H r' t an s. t barry children assembled there to celebrate Crabbe, An Interesting discussiOn was fl!'ld ery 0 f Ce n tervIII . e were dinner IDles ts the flowers In that section of the 0'; I LOI'en "adl·ey. Julian n f Mis Ann I U 'd M T country. . en ,0 amil ·on, a recen r Cle the event. The tables were 'soon tr!t!on as a Preve!1tatlve Medicine." ses e . an arne. ar:d bridegroom , Charles Anderson and Roy Crocke~t. a t the end of rIler talk at which t! m~ 0 and she gave rna~ly h eljJ(ul him .., as stu den ts nt Ohio State, will arl'lve MI'>S santos vel'Y. graciously a n iwpr- Browne saturday. The Sunshine offering was t hen • • • • • spread with 8 variety of delicious to th e PJ.'pper selection 9f foods :ln d t his week to spend the Spring- e4 many questions concerning h'!r Mr. and Mrs. WlIl Hoover, Mrs. !)s ta\ten after which the club adjourned Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mengle ente:-- food and d lSlorated with lovely ftowthe correct way ~ prepare them. ;0 vacation at tileir respective home~. cOuntry. sie Curl, an!\.. Mrs. Clint TaYI~r Qf to meet at the high school building talned a t dinner Sunday evening. at ers. Those who enjoyed the OCCAsion .best i>r~erve the .nutritive vallie. • • ' .. • The meeting held at the horne Ha rveysburg visited Dr. and Mrs, J. April 4. to hear a lecture and see their country home. Their guests 111 - were Ralph D. Tolle of Wru;hington, The m eeting was held at th e home The LncUes Aid society of th e of Mrs. Cora Rich, who was as-.;lsted W. Ward. Saturday afternoon. motion pictures on the care and eluded. Mr. a.nd' Mrs. George Swl!!. D. C,: Mrs. Ma,bel StauP. Mr. al'ti Me~bodlst Church will have a dough b ; her th ree daugh ters, Mrs. 'O ltbprt Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fogt were raising of bees, by C. F . Duth. of dell of Morrow. Mr. and Mrs. Ches - Mrs. Arthur Sumner. Mr. and ' Mra. . of Miss Evelyn Kers~y nt Ore{:o:lja. nut sale at the church, Thurboay. Frye, Mrs. Reba Bradd~k. and Mrs - the dinner guests of Miss Marie Dayton. tel' Heery of ~ebanon. and Mr. and Virgil RWlSelJ . Miss Mary Sat terthli nd was preceded by a fille ', dl\~npr. March 21. starting In the mOIIl1!1~. Hnrtley Moss . Mrs. L, C. Rad ley ."d Owens. Sunday. Refreshments were served by the Mrs. R. H. Hartsock. waite. and Miss Harriet Miller of eacb m~mber supplying a portion of Orders may be telephoned to Mrs. the devotUms. with the subject. "Tne Dr. and Mrs. J. v;r. Ward and X ..n hostess to members and 011e guest. • • • • • Lebanon : Mr. and Mrs. L. J . Satterthe meal. Jo I Stokes _or Mrs. Clarence Rye. Significance of the Cross." A ~hun neth Hough were T"ebanon vlsHors, Mrs. Alva Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jameson and thwaite. Dayton. MI'. and Mr$. During th e business session, a ~p.• • • • • business meeti ng followed. At the Friday. family ot Waverly, O . Mrs. Charles Jnme.~ Morris and family. Sabinl1: port given by MIss' Lucile. Walton . O. J . Edwards,' Mr. and Mrs. J. conclusion of Miss santos' talk. Mrs. MIs.<; Lydia Wright was the gUp.st Dooln of CinCinnati. and Mr. And i,IT . and Mrs Warren Espy 8nft cOllCernlng ·bIle progre~ made, su inr Wilson Edwards and daughter. M iss Gilber t Frye, who was In c),mfg-c of of honor at an elaborate turk p. v d ,n Mrs. ~ussell Carr of LeJ:¥l.non wei e Ot'orge Satterthwaite, Cent'erv11le: i n establishing Mle local Girl SCO\lt ,Mary Leah ot Spitngfleld. were the program, conducted a contest. ner at the Home Su:nday In celebraSunday guests of their mother. MIS J\t~s Emaa Mae Dwire. Maso!l ; Mr. Troop. ' Tile foUo.:vw g nomIllatlng gUests of Mrs. Emu1a H. McOlure at "Kiss the Blarney 8tolle," whi~h 'tlon of her 90th birthday annl"!'rMaude Orone. linE! Mrs. Harry satterthwaite ;lna committee for , n.ew officers . to bp. the Lltt(e I!ln. Saturday. pl'OVlde<;l entertainment for all . sary. w.h1ch fell-On Monday. A beaut! • • • • • famUy, Mr. and elected .at the next meeting was np:. • • • •. • The guests- were tHen given lui three tier birthdAY calte, lighted Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bland &n4 WRIte and daughter Ann, Ruth, Ropointed: Miss Eva: &ceder, cl1QI.·man. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Case li n d p2.rts ot sh amT?cks. whloh ~hev by 90 candles was baked In her honor 'I1he followlng Item taken from daughter. Barbara Lou . ot Sor;ng- bP.rt and Charles Sa~tel'thw8l te and MI~ EnUllR. Lou LeWis. and Miss daughter Dorothy. Mr. and . Mrs. IllEl lc'hed for part ners for refrp~han Arizona newspaper wlU be oC In- boro and Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Smltn the' honored couple. Miss Adallne Alden who has bee~ ' . " . Laura McKinsey. . KEl,neth Elzey and daughter- Mar- ments . T he table was gayl!: ctecol'<1ted very Jll Is slowly Improving. terest to many readers of the Ga- were guests ~t an oyster SUppe f !It _ _ _ _ __ T~e program COlJUnlttcE! ' fO~ toM jorle. of Dayton, visited Mr. and Mrs .. ii' a true St. Patrlck's Day ·plrlt. . zette:the home of Mr. and Mrs: L. C. Rt. C. M. CARTWRIGHT meeting III April. Is Mrs. ·Emma. 1'40- Walter Elzey. Sunday afterm,on. \.::t h green enndles set In not.nto '" Miss LydIa and Dr. EmJly Wright John ThUrsd.ay.ev.enl.ng.. IS GRANDFATHER . • . •• . , • .. 'color ,sch eme' W'1S were the guests of I;helr sister • Mr~ . Completely surprising their manv Clu reo ch~;.· .... nnan. M'C..,.,. Kat-,lryn B ager hOlders. Rnd the . , Dudley Keever of Centcrvllle" Mon- friends who had been ant!clpatln~ Mr. and Mr s. Geo rge 81. rou. d M r. an d 'M rs ~D onll.l'd'L ' Ha. ,' w ke. Mr. 'and Mrs. Pn.r~ , Davis :lre un-' nccf!ntuntc<.l wl~h a green salad day. A son. Levering Russell. . was bona "lounclnrr the birth of ~ dau"'htc(·. lunl:heon. an earIy sprIng wedd1ng, Miss T'\cv and Mrs. L. F. Perkins. and Mr., and' P last week to Mr. and Mrs. Level'lnc Dr. and Mrs. Dudley Keever of Clagett. channing daughter of Dr. P. Mrs. H . H. Wadsworth of Dayton Cartwright of ' Evanston. ~. ' 'Mary' Ellzabeth~ Th~sdaY: Mcll\:h 14 ~ The Apl:i1 mecLlllg will be held at • -. ' • • • th e home of Mrs. Russcl Fmnic Cente rvUle were the dinner gu~3ts of D. Clagett of the Peoria district. and were visitors a t the home ot Mr. and C t !ght durl g bi boyhood Dr: and 'Mrs. J. W. 'Ward. Sunda,)'. Mrs. E. T. Stroud and film!l.v. Sun- sr wr n s Mr. and ' Mrs. Glenn Bland o f Mrs. C. H. Deatherage, Mr. al.d Claude H. Moyer of Pheonix. quietly day aftemon. spent his surrimers in WaynesviUe Sprlngiboro and Dr. ana Mrs:" A. 'E. APPENDECTOMY Mrs. R . H. Hartsock, and son O ....en. stole away to Yuma, February 21 amI • • • • . , with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. s tout enjoyetl dlruler together In attended the services at Jonah's RUn there were united In marriage a~ the Mrs. J . K. Preston and Mrs. J . oM, S. L. Cartwright. Both parents are ,. Dayton/ .Sundayevenlng; Walter JI' .. son of Mr. and Mrs . .Ohurch, near HarVE~ysburg. SundRY Episcopal church. Chapman. members of bile lunch former members of the reportol'h l " • • • .. , • Walter Clark. was taken to Miami . committee of the Mother's clu!> were staff of the Chicago Tribune. Mrs , Once again, as ' the' year rolls before Easter-startlea. by the ehajMr. ~nd Mrs, Easson Macl&wham. Valley hospital. Tuesday. and at 8 After a brier honeymoon trip to In Dayton Monday. purchasing nc;w Cartwright as Ruth Russell grlldulbefor~ Eas~r-5fart1~d ' by the ~a- en route from Miami. Florldll., t,o o'clock 'Itesday i1lgh~. underwent the coast. they returned to their · dishes for the Orade School !uncn, ated from Northweste1'l1 University of ~ a cross pnssthg In front 0 ;' It. t r l'r 'home In ;, Detroit . MJl::hlgan an appendicitis operation. At last rancn home Sunday where the) will room school of Journalism. Mr, CartBf)JlIgerent ·n atlons may not paWle ,J:re of Mrs. S. SCanlan: accounts his condition was fnvonibre reside. , . ••••• Wright joined the Tribune after In their wa~fn.re. self-cente.red. men SundaY,-an 4' Monda,. ' , Miss Clagett attended the UnlverMrs. D. R. salisbury was. hos.ellS to 81'~duating trom Princeton UnlverR!1d .women .ma.y not interrupt. their ' . ', :... . ' the members of the' "-unot bridge alty and eventually became one of Idly ' P).lTSU . Its.. I • • " - • sl~y of Arloona where she was a club. and one guest.~.. II' r , ,,,ut t 1e churches . her mother. I ts editorial wn·t ers: He· 'Is now as-. ilt 'the1r Holy W.eek serv1ces . recall Mr. anti Mrs: Ralph ~ord Mrs. Mrs. Edith M. IJnrrls was hostess member of Gamma Phi Beta soror- Mrs. W. E . Cornell, at her home. IIlatant managing editor of the Na-' ~he world.: to the timelessness the" AlOrioo <Alltord- and 10.111. MIft'Y ' AjIto the members of the WOQ1, an's and since her re.sldence heri!. she Thursday afternO:On. The ho'lc.ep,s tlonal Underwriter of (Jhicaro and ' SIIQ;ifICe I/early 21>00 yearsilgo of one 'tQM, aU of Dayton were caUel's Rt I Auxlllary of St. Mary's Church. Fti- has been in and served a dellc10us two lunch- Cincinnati, of which 0will'. dl(ld ;the d~~ 0t..~ !lrimlllalt~ ~e..hq~. of,.¥t'. , and Mr~ Ray Main·, . dny afternoon. at the Little Inn actlvities. alSo acting In tbe capac1~y eon at one , o'clock. after which M. Cartwright is managing editor. . . Rhlnv that loye..!! the' greatest P,Ower ou.;; SlI:.turday evening. : ~ , The meeting of the · Church of The meeting was. ope ' ned ~th ·de-.. of hostess for her father at 'their at- ·brldg.I' was en. joyed ci~ aft-!rl. h ft-d rlh . • . '. • • Ct1rl ~ t Missionary society was held ul eaven .... ·en • • , ' , . ..: r:..... . , . ., • voUons conduCted by Rev. R. L . . tracti,{e ranch , h~e-,...the· sc~e' of noon. ,PrlzE! ' ~ '.h1gh· score was won MRS. GRACE SMtiH D\.lrlng :jt~Is.'. ""eek ' ~ ~fore : Eiu!te\r :.'iMrs.':'Pf!iitk:,Re~cL· ~f' •Washln~ton. W('(l~esdai. MarCh '6; . Hnckwell. The re ....Th.r orde~ of bus- many dellghtfUI. lnformal affairs. by Mrs. D. d. Ridge . and next 111l"11 IS HONOR" GU~T the Will be, setv1ces In' the Meth " ..I. ~ .. • The devUt10nai readlilg and 'pray,,,,. - - • I'll. , 'h " "h < ezrl' :f - ;.~ vds v~~t1 g'her. s1ste~ ~. ~on- er w s given by Mrs ' Ffank 'Wright Iness then fOU9wed. and ' ~be remainMr. ~oyer, son of._~r. and Mr" . . bY.¥rs,'Bei:t. H8xtsack. -- ' . o~lst, oh~e , , e!!oc , ev . ,1l!C .,rom '~~J~. t&JD111.-. Mrs: ' , Iaa.. ' \\. for the ~onth was ... der of, the D;leetlng. was ,devoted to Ro~tt A Moyer 'o f Bethlllhem, 1'8.., •• • • ~ On Sunday. .~rch 10. ¥!'. .~ '. Mcnday t!,U'ough Thursday at sev,en- LaWSOn ~ ana MIlS. Cleo Lav,rSOll ot Tile leSS!>n , ., R8di t '" .dlscussion of new '}:Ilans Qf the or.: received' h.ta educatlon . at LehlSh . • Mrs. cannan Crane. ' was hosGess, Mrs. F . H. M!Jtel)berg~r entertlWll!cI:f thlrt.y. OJ) Good F1r:Iday *here W91'b!l Govtngton;" Ky .••. ~ere ; week< enli; ,Educational Instj.1iutl.QJlS :,. an. · gaDtzation. '.' .' College. where he was ,a Kappa Sig to 'the members of her bridge club a CO!l1pany 'ot frlends ·at ;" cI1nIlV .. t.\u'ee' " ervl at st Mary'a '. cI •~ " w " • Mrs Alma Gearhatd· and Miss . '. , '. b(..... ,. . ~~P;t~h~Ch~abe&1n~lrig at '~:ts,.~ ~h:Tlnney ~ollle, .. ' Ruti! 'Nt.itt read a.rt1cle~ on the dlf- ~llow1ng· tb,e ~~~tl?g , a .foOdauc- fraternity ~"m~, later .attendi!lg 'ruesd~y,. evenlng .at her' bom~. , A given in honpr or ,~e" ~~~p',,,Itf. , " • • • • "'. - - , •• '0 (eumt schools 'and Colleges. 'Mr, tlora w~ MICI .whlCh ne~ted ,n. for the ,University of Colorado and l\lso 'pleasant evening of cards ~ en- nivCTS;llry, ,Of ~s. .p race : , ~1iI\, , ' twelve o'cloclt' noon~ ~ /these, Mrtld Mrs L v: :B trat ' " :.. r tJie Aux11laty' ·treasury. . the UniverslW of ArIzona. JoYed.:by Mrs, L. A. Qa~!it. Mrs . .0\. E. ,Those . ,wl\o . ~njoyed . ~e occut04 vices " .... .~po";""";"" ,'jrllntlv by the " . ' a . ', . , - . ~ or en- Smith explained " the pUl'JlOSe 0 " ," " , . ,' ,., ' .' liida ..._ ' . . ..'U_ ..._ C 'D .n........... ~" ........ ~",.. ,T, I ·~""· ·-ed th .. l l ............... ·_ .. -a:t "'In ' 1 '1 i~' bel ' , ' h " 11 ~ deJ1clous luncheon of chI.::bD .Following the return of the nfTStout. Mrs." Rl\lI&Cll Ho y. OW". wele __ ., and ...... • . _ _ _ · M," ':"odl.~ ~." ChUJ'C~' an·d' ·~t. ' ·lI.ft,_ '8 ' ''''-WIoIJl " . AU ......... .. ..,..... • U Johl)son co ege if ng 1,10 so 00 ,,~. ..,.. , - " . ·nei sUndaY' Mr. knd Mrs Chnrles f . . h ' ~ . ., paring salae. h~t rol18 and coffee. wu en- ·IYweda. i group ' of· friends wh:) ill\d Harold M1Jler. Mrs. ~~. P. Dye, Mrl. and Mlsa1lartha Hjlr!i.s of~. Churcb·. · - . 8t~kerj;i ~n~, daugh~rs or Y0llJlJ!: .men w ,0 l\I'e pr: , J!ll ect by the .memb(!rs durtn, the so:· beeD~ed the p1vUe", of attendiil l Conard. Mrs. M: 4\. ~lkerson n.eld: >Vr'. 'and .1II'it; .q-: C. ~. ' ,It 18 JIIln~relY:..h9ped ~that mallY. G~ and tIorothy, and Mr. . ~ for t!1e minlstry· 'tt ave' a ve ' clal-hour. . •. . ," the wed~. ~ them with a and Mrs. Crane. FlrIIt prize. w~ won con &lld ch1l.<tn:n ~ and . . . . In Wayn~tlre not only ffiember8 or .._ R.obert-8tuctert of eiartavlu'~ M~ Anna. ttU g ~ ry tl Mrs. Ronald . Hawke will be hoetesa houae-warmini at Ohe C'-"tt home by Mts. Miller. and consolaU04 1;)y LoU, of 'DaYton; Mr.. &ild ~ .... K. o. th two chUJ'Clu!i but others wUI . , ~ ' . term.tlng report ot tht;! . Clncinna ' .' . . ~__ ~_ - ... ,&_"- and _ .. . Il!;e . . -'. ' .Mr. aD,t'Yrs, Donald Greene of 8a~ . to the group at tile lLtOe Inn for MondaYeveamr. . Mrs. Conat'd.· ......p ..... re•• ~_ a _ ",_ _"r . _ ..0 . take ' the I,'dYalita;le otrer~ by- these bins. aDd 1IIr .and Mia Ell pW.i1aa -oc,nven~on. A_" the APrIl ' at whJch tlme A modt wecId1De and much pie&}' were served by .the h08~ at the aucl Mra. P, 11. , ~,....L.. .~ ..._ .... - - ",n_ into the ' " , . .._ ftM.._ L .......... _ lie •• ,.,.,. "'. go,,,,,! .oan~ .~ . aDd fam111 . TlIe,-next meetlnl wUl be M....... election of be held. featUnd the PM1r. lose ot the. eV1lll1Dl. ... ............, , _ .... devoU~ t\tmOIIpbere of th1a' ~ . ' 27 at tIle Ferry dulrcb.
. ..
. ..
· . '. . .
... .
.. ..
·.. .
or Guden Club
Dr. LDavey Speaker . .At eluh. Meeting
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· . . . ..
Celebrated Forty-Eighth Wedding Anniversary
Clagett-Moyer Nuptials Revealed
~. 80lf Week'To Be . Observed In Churches
. . ,
Church Of Chns. t Missionary Society
_,__, '
UcuJar .....
_--t . .
'f, .....
tlt!bts approved.' The Trl..sta~e ignition, lno.~ From' now. guard you,r thoughts; II'! the.. matter of the estate of '18.26; Meek,er & Meeker, insurance f~ U It la true that y~terdaY'1 Clnra L. Farr. ttec!)ased; Inventory on C1Uldren 8 BOrne and county wrong thought gives birth. to the Waynesville. Ohio PbQ n o.112 alllfi'ov d. dlstrtbutlon ~f proceeds 0'( e41tlpment. 116.38; M. D. lArk1n 00.. trials ot todity. It ~ equaOy e~1n 51110 ordered. . supplies and llIl rts , ' •. ~S; Ruby V~ that toda~'8' right thlnldng will genEntered . AI Second Chw Mail Matter Postoft'ioc,. Wllyne~vi1le, Ohio . In the nl!lt~cr ?~ th!l esta~e of R!lter. gasoline. '11.114'; West ~:Vlce erate Jo>: for the morrow. Id:\ Vlerlln'g, dece~ed; Marie CaLh- St.ALlon. gasolLne. $9.12; OIl1f, Service -Hope La Oalllenne Flora M. Crane Editor and P ublisher ' el'lnc Thfeman, admlnlstratrlx. Joe .Slntlon. gasoUne. $9.'11; I Ceeil C . ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Ft'tl ders. Omer Fedders and' Oliver H1gh~a • 1-2 doz. brpo~, .••.50; Cilambcrlain ap'polnted IlIppralsers. Chr~t hospital . orthopedic services. Subacription Price, $1.~O Per Year, Pa:9able in Advance In \.he . matter of the I!6tate of IfI.OO; R. R. Mills. expense holding WIl!l_ams~~L deceo.sed; report Furmel's' Institute a t Springboro , of ndmlnlstrator approved. 12;.00; Dr. '1'. F . Walker. services as - - ---=""--T' DOG 111 the matte.r of the estate of vr.terlnarian; '136.3. ; Nettle Hasting, deceased ; public sale Edward Hill. services asslsting .vetII~ one respe t tit least the farm I' hIlS the edge on the manufncturer. merchant or businessman of the city. Through ml\.l'kcUng co o~el'nt l ve erlnarlan. $24.00 ; Tbe Office Outo! real estate ordered. In the matter of the ClState of filters. repairs to typewriter, $1.25 ; oreantz&.tlol'\s, famlers. by group action . ean dlspose of their products Mtrvllle·R. Walker, deceased; Inven- The Office Outfitters. typewriter and quickly and at a maximum prize. A Ingle lllan)1facturer .. on tlte other ttry approved. aodlng machine ribbon. $3.75 ; The band. must ma intain his own salesmen. and t\ley must furnish them In the matter of the estate of F : fd Proctor company, 250 'form 7. tra nsportation. On thc gamble that they wll1 sell enougl.l : goods to re\mCp.fToll H. Dcath(!rQge. deceased; rc('ords of tax ~ol1ectlon. 115.00; War bU1'8e all costs and le[\ve a IIttl profit: He. must always be 011 guard B:l.!r. of rea l estate at private sale or- r~ n County News. advertising ra tes against the posslbllit.y of a competitor thinking up a .new "model " that of taxation, $203.9. ; The Ottlce Out· dered. might o"ernigh t leave him without a market for his product. Phone 78J In the matter of the (!state or fitters , 2 box flies. $1 .60; Olbson. 1 Marketing cooperatives are the modern 'Carmer's "snlesmen". The Ch e~ter Bourne. deceased; estate rp.fUl . $1.60; The Bobbs-Merrlll comfarmer does not have 00 worry about new models. Hogs are hogs. They r t:!leved from administration. trans- pp.ny, Ohio procedural fonUs for have not changed materially since the days ot Klng Tilt. Nplthcr have f'J' of property ordered, Meryl B, pl'o~ecutlng attorney. $8.50; Col. cows and the milk they give. Gray appointed commissioner to ex-. BIllnk Book Mfg. Co.. forms for pro - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II! But thtl job of "selling" which the mBI'ke t co-ops do. Is not simple jU., t el~ute Instruments of c.onveyance, b&te court, $'1.25; The Johnson-Watbe~use there ·lire no new models to contend with. Their bw;ln c!\.~ Is tu son company. 1 copy holder lamp Cor hell? the farmer maintain ready markets and stable distl'Jbulioll foJ' urn ,' Commissioner's report approved. bonored necess1 ~les of me- not nu tomoblles. tace ere'a m and luxury !ladIn the mattet' of the wl,ll of Ruth cll:rk of court. 17.88; East End Coal TAIlVIA-LITHIC TAR AND ,e.ta. but the products oC America·'s fnn ns,-Illdustrial News Review. Hannah Crew. deceased; wui flied In com~ny, 1000 lbs. coal for Ruth Wells. $3.40 probate. ROAD OIL; EXOAVATING In the matter of the guardianship DUMP TRUCK SERVIOE of TjlfJlI1as James Quayle and Mvy NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT PIT RUN, LOADED 30c YD • J ane Quayle. minors; Mary E. Admlnlatrator with the wUl annexed _ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:..:...._ _._--...,._ _ _ _ Quayle, as guardian, granted an adEstate of Ama.n da A, MamU, ditional '300.00 for the support of ~~~==========~====================~~~ Wilh IRVn~(S. COBB Deceued . said ohlldren for one year. bend of guardianship reduced from $10.000.:ottce Is hereby given that 0 .. M .. Phone, Waynesville H R 11 00 to' $6.000.00. . RI ge whOSe POI!t Office Address ls Lebanon office Phone 473-KIn the matter of the estate ni WaynesvllJe, Ohio has been duty apMorraw Phone No. I Johlt J. Tracy. deceased ; schedule pointed a8 AdmlnlStraoor with the ' rea.98·M. anr' Myrtle Smith . subdlvlslons to of debts approved. will annexed of the Estate of AmanBy IRVIN S. COBB da A. MafJltt late of Warren CounNEW SUITS ~Lrike n, b, d. f. g. and h , overruled. THE ' Latonia track once during a meet 'Riley Wilson ran into a ty, Ohio, deceased. subdivision I: .s ustalned. . rural friend of his from Tennessee and in the goodne.s s of his heart . MARRIAGE LICENSES Dated this 23rd day of February .~ Anna Mae TarvIn vs Oharles Pulgave him a tip on a horse which .he had entered for one of the events. Aetnn Laymon vs. W. H. HOlrul1040. ~ The friend excused himself IIDd went away for a few minutes, and when ton and Hattlc Homllton; action . lrm Tarvin; entry of dlsml~sa l void· Thomas Smith. 36, furnace repairhe ~turued to where Wilson sat in the Srand stand h,e confessed that he . cognovit.. Rn~Ph H. carey Cd . divorce granted. child .glven to man. Lebanon; and Marie Boggs, 26, J osephine Wallingford VB. The In- plalnLlff, defendant to p ay $5.00 per Judge of the Probate Court Lebanon, du: U'lal Commission oC Ohio : ac~ W(" \' K Cor sUpport. Warren County. Ohio \ REAL ESTATE O. Donald Dllatush, Atty. ~Io n . appeal. tydlll Throckmorton Ash ton vs. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS INSURANCE Ella Leonn Llcldll vs. Harry Rich- HCl'ace . Throckmorton; deCendant ... F29-M'I-14 AUCTIONEER a rd Liddll; divorce 011 grounds of glVl'Jl addltIonBI ten days in which to Clio answer, Arthur -WlIllamson deceased by ad . habitual drunkenes.t;. Aetn:\ Laymon vs. W . H. Hamilton mlnlstrator to Cledus Lamb; lot. In Admiral R. Mack vs., OhClStel' E, all~~ Hatt.le Hdmll.ton; judgment to Corwin. , bad\ wagered practiCally every cent he had on' Wilson's entry; which Stephenson; Cor moncy and c 1.5. p191ntlfT for $115.37 together. with E. J. Royer, deceased, to Mary TO TRACTOR SALESMEN Bdm.ission might be taken as evidence of sporting blood. inasmuch as Royer. 6.64 acres .ln Warren county. developed that he had never seen a running race before 1\1111 never COl\l1\10N PLEAS PRO CEEDJN~ In tE:rest and costs. ' .. ' before wagered money OIl one. 'fhe people's Building. Loa n and . Joseph B, Wels to Kate StringSealed bids will be received by the The gee-ceea 'Were off to a flying start. At once Wilson's horse Niles Hayes vs. Ern~t Snider ; Sovl:lg5 company VS. John TIgges, et ham; 146.80 acres in Franklin town- Township Clerk of Wayne Township and another contender took tbe lead. Together the pair of them fought Warren Oounty at the Townahip .it out all the 'WaY. the field floundering lo th!! ruck far behind them. pla intiff given pernll~slon to a mend 01.. r olll't approved sale. distribution ship. _ Neck and neck the leaders swung into' the home stretch, and neck and his potltlon. '01 proceeds made. Wllliam C. VanFossen, decea.~ed . House, Waynesville, Ohio until eight okk they thUlldered toward the goal. A scant ten 1eet from the wire And rew J . Yeazcl. S r .. vs. Villa ge Harold U . MCVE!y vs Ellen McVey; to Blanche orle~er. et al.; lots 62 p . M. UM rival. borse gave a convulsive leap and won by half a nose fro m of Lebanon. Municipal Light and dtvorce granted. and 63 In Mason, .... _on day, AprII 8th • 1940 wUaon'. colt. Em ma. Z Sch00Iey. d eccased to Fo Power Dlvl~lon , et aL; subdivisions "' 'lltel' H. Biggs vs. Oertrude Biggs b "Was it much of a shock to you?" asked Wilson , Harry Schooley; lot 7 and adjolnlilg r a out a thirty horse power FOR AND CONSIGN "Much of a shock?'1 echoed the loser. "I ain't been all over myself tp make deflnlte a nd certain . a . b. c, hr nring on mot!nn set for March R. bact In New' Columbia. trtu:tor 00 be U8ed tor road construc- ,ourROOT Cattte, hop, . beep and ealv. Jet. but as fur as I've gone bere'a what's happened to III : My wate}> .lind h oC motion flied by sam and Bertie Mills vs. W M Prende rg~ s~ tl .' . .., Frank Schooley. deceased. t·n Lau['a on and maintenance, 'I'racoor must to Nom.Broclt C"'. live wire ID' Ie stopped, both' my 8l1Bpen'ders is busted, ami my g lass ey 1. crBckco M"llIe SntlUl overru led, subdilrlslon 'no; dlsmlsse() '" .... ul It right through the center. J .'" ' . Sc1iool·e y' lot 7 and adj I~ wet"'" eq PPIld W h caterpillar trac- prollJ'eulve linn f'lr the btlheat "Yes. suh, Riley, you might sa(ely say it's bee!l oonsider'llle of c slIstalned. Howard C, Roli vs Mary Fran~es " 0 tlon. It 18 the Intention of the Trus. market prieM and Bood Mmce. Unl.,. Stock Yard.' CI.cl ••• o . 'A ndrew Yeazel, Jl'" by ,his father . Rt'lf. t I' d t i l l . 'I In New Columbia. ' ' .. shock I" (Amerlcaa .N" w.FeaL"r... [110.) a .. or er 0 se It partl t on Sterling Eckler and Dollie Eckle_ tees 00 trade In as part payment a Tune In on R8dlo ' StatlOD W"KY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And rew J. Yeazel. Sr., "S. Village or han 12 :26 to 12 :80 ,. m. for our daU, -.: Leba non; s ubdivisions to make aeto 'rOm Young and Velma Young; second d "OaterplIlar 'I1tlrty:' m....ht reporta. PRORATE COURT on(' .acre In Fram:1ln township. tracoor a.s paft'Pil,yment. CiI}it.e ar.l certain. a. b. c. pnd h Th Trustees th o\erruled .. s ubdivl!llons d, e, f and g -'~ Edna-Knapp to .George R. Henkle e ~ reserve e right 00 sustalned. oC motions filed by Sam In tIle matter of the eSl:ate of lind Lois I . Henkle; 1.01 acres In Ll'b reject any and all bids. L~ raye tte . Oraham. decel1~ed; . will ammo L. H. Gordon • . . . .~ , Clerk Wayne Twp., quickly reline DISTRESS of ao mltted to. probll~e. Cla ra , Schwartz Addle Stark Higgins to LlIlia n appointed xecutrlx. WilbUr Earn- MacNellan; part of lot 222 In LebaWarren County. Ohio. REN~I . h~rt . Charl~s. J . W~f;;goller and 0 non. · • Mar'l-I.-21-28 \ po. Brown ~PPOinl~d appraisers. Matthias: Keelel'.. et "I., to Marie . I . . Tn t he qla tter of thejsettJemept' or Ida Mayer ; 0.6'1·acre In Harlan towo NOTICE OF APPOIN~T CDU~HS ' th,) estate or Alb!!rt H . Turner, de- ship. beeator -I ceased; inheritance tax d~te rmlned Bertrand W. RUbel" to The Rubel • • \ n.> none. . . -, Ealate o( .ldh Hannab Crew, PON'T ~'take ehancee" with Wlbowil Baklng company; 141.60 acres In »em... p1'oducta to relieve Clilcomfort of JOW' In t he matter of the estate of DE'ert leld township, odie croupy 1lO1II~ha ea-.. ....... Notiee Is hereby Biven that RObert '~"nd' ;11 • ,pum Jo.sePh Tinney deceased; Netle Tin- Bessie Wright to LlOYd Wright; E, Crew whOl Poet Office address Is UI1l~e 'b~'~~QM~.r=t!:! n Ct a ppointed executrix, Ross Hart- U·ltct in Franklin township . Waynesville. Ohio has been duly an.. C811111! It', ilol "j~t an ordinary _ve," ~o r k, Will StroUd and Earl Hockett " . . .. - Rub It well on yOur kiddie'.·..... throt.t . . Evert Carter llnd.-Mary . C"rter tAl ,pojn~ed ill Executor of the Estate ot and baek. It _thee and .ti~bi. MIfo np polnted appraisers. John Heins and Katherine Heins Ruth Hannah crew late of Warren I flee elreulatlon and bel .. break up loCal In the matter of the estate of 6 ' . c;onpation Ind palo. lta_thia!r ya~ . 1.90 acrea 1~ 8a1~m oownahlp. County, Oblo, deceased. . - _ bl'l!llthl"•• fon.. Approved 6v Good l"cnnk Schooley, dereased; cerUlIG B kee -B.... "r cnt:, of transfer ordered, Bla~~~!e -:lI~:ale~'~=~I: • Dated thla 5th dllY of March. IINO. Plnca::~. In the matter Of. the tate . ot Whalef' In ltJ..mllto . RaJi!l B. Carey. lr Mrs, M. A. Smltlil. dec\!&Sed; Ohar . . ,n .•I . . n . Robert Or ; -:::::;. .111 Ics E . Smith app'o lnted admlnls~ra- "Wilbur ' H. Smith arid Hazel . Q. ~ tor. John Murray, Everett Wesley Smith to Prank P. EmVy' 66.7& acrea Da oon Ohio ___... I\I'.rJ Bl'ent J . Rains appaIIlted . ap- In WBI!hlnKiOn_ Mar.'1-1'-21 · ..ILO , . p~lllsers. Thomas L .. G,orsuch and Eva Gor- .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO In t.he ma.tter of r.a. ."'state of sU'Ch to ;Walter Apgar, and Ootil ' if. . . .
at ,
F·. T. Martin Auctioneer
Centerville, Ohio·
Sand & Gravel
. bugliing Around the World
Zain Armitage
[==C=o=u=D=t= y =C=o=u=r=t=N =e=ws
In the Nature of a Shock
Phone YOUr Want Ad.
6 "EXTRA - , HE"-IU.!
To The Miami Gazette
eHIL I a
YOU_NPAVIO ' .,;liu, willi ~. . . I ;•
~.80a- ~cre.s
tOwnab!P.' "
Hels~l. dec~i
Leroy Apggr; pert bf
IIII~~. .I.. ..~. .!·mI I ..
..:' -; .' _ .
r..tart hll
10~)37 and au.pt 'l.ot
H "L~el a ppointed adll'lllmRator, Er- t38 In Springboro. •: . '. nes~ KIrby. JQhn L. Pall.- anti EdAnna B, Oook .and· Atlftm Cook to
'. . . .' Charles An'les and Ethel Ames; '. l~t' , .'~ Relief'-lnoIp.-. \\o rd HUI appointed aPlJlll!1OOrs, In the matter of tDe .tate of 14 in ' WaynesvlUe. .....On. DoN Pr.n. It Philip Helsel. decealjecl: '-oy Helsel · George R Henkle and Lois I ,..%, ':""'I~~~b~-!I''' ......1-1..11 •• 11111. , • .. • - - . f .... IOU u.. ra .... t arid mOlt appointe!! admlnlstrator,lD'nest Klr- Henkle: to M. Russell Hom and Eve- ';'=1::.......:1: ,:uDO~KJ'f1C~8r& ~l: by John L. Palmer ,a nd ~rd ~11 'Iyn T. Hom~ lot 00 and part ot-lot ::t:a~.~.~_IIMI ~ ~.:":'.;..~~ appointed ap,pra.\l;ers. 59 In Lebanon . C"ra~!.:r~~-=:.:u ~ ~ tt· In t.h tte • ._. .......... Sul<lo lDI~11!C III ,.1' IIIOd b, e ma I' pf tne • estate. of Edmund :a. Keltner to Jell81e Mabel .'$ III .--"UIT ONB DOl/':; ':-Il ••:'~'= .• . IPHd7 ..u.,. II. "tl7WhIN Ell ' a B. Rh OIl des, d eceased; Bertha Keltner; lots 31 'a nd 42 and part of ' ., Presley and Howard Rhodes IIoPPolnt- lots 32 and 85 In MaiJon~ .
.. ...
... 1
D1IIard. S. Oreen and E1ma . R cd admln)straoors. George Perrine. Charles' Stewart IIlnd Harry Cowan- Oreene to Luel!a 'K: Pedden; 86.•
ap::I~~:d ':~i~:1.~e~~, the ~state
MASTER' 85 BUSINESS .COUPE Other models slightly higher
AU m~d~/s priced at Flint, Michigan. Transportation ~ bdsed on rail rates, sf.a le and. I,?cal. taxes (if a~yJ, '; Qptional equipment. and .. oecessories.- extra. Prices ·
su.biect to change without '. notke. ,,~.
P ot acres In Tw:tlecr_ .e_ek_.townahl .
Spring Valley, Ohio
11. I1110'1'PlM" II'U ' HI
IRV I US 11_.1 ' ,< ,', .'. . .. fOR
Rose Wilkersson, deceased ; Earl C. BI.L_L S ALLOWED'. Wilkerson appointed admlnlstralol' ~ WllIlam Hutford, Jr., C. ponald Dl1n: Allce M, Arnold, invalid oa ,ta.ilo tush and Eleanor C. 'Ullum appolnt- Millard Bryant, lo.vaud care, ..... 00.. . . . . ...... _.rflil Factli . ed appraisers. ' . Suda; CI~ IJ,1Valld care, ;; 00; ~-=~-:w.o::::'::':i In the matter of the e~t~te o.r ..Mrs. Helen Do~hmaD, 'lnVattd 'cUe. ' 0Ra0 -.If pltJ . .d,"tIIe bI_" . Harry H. Pellee, ~eceased;, will ~dqJlt ''1.00; ' ElJaBp1f,. lnvalld 85.00; Irett.al~az:-~· f."·to= ted to probate. Pence Gertrude ed e?Cecutor, . o. F. Brown •. Karl M·, Ed Ka1Ber, InvaUd' ~, II 00' New- ." E~.'. R.~~-==n::; Brown . ~~d Johp: W. Ood~art! IlP- ton' SqimPerl l~Vl\lld . ~r;, ' "10.00: . "upter.~...Ult&:.~r;;~ . u4
cAre, Jones.Jnvall~ care,'.~.oo;
po~ted ~ppralseJ'S, . .In the m~tter of _th~
"..,' ~. .. B. Steele,. 1ilv~~rcal'e, 11.00; -==F==::::~-==~=====::;;:i:;:::;:±~~F~~~~~~~;;;;;~. est!lte or , John . E. Wilson, 'lovaUd care, ''1.oo~ ', Le~ Clifford Anlierson,,' deceased;~ ~li :Harl*ch, ~ '.. cl~ rE:port of admln1straoor approved, asslstan" ··00 ' •• ~ w:ft_" . , .1 \ • \ • ~,.vl .... ~ certain ~eaJ'· estate tr6nstereCf' ~pPn Vices a.s C!1e,a1ca1 ~~t.' MilO; , th~ ta~ .4UP1!cat,&, "tlls~but1on ··In ,otby ·Mpunts. as ·~uklnd ordered. .. . Slst~nt. $8.00; The 'Van cam §~ . In the mat~ of the"';'1!state ot Co. ,~v.el. '87.'73; -~oii. P . e . WlIllam O. Vp.n]1'ossen. dcceam!di a 126 yds. atone', ·,ia'1:80· LftiI ;". ~ c~;'I~ pt entry de~rmlnlng Inherit- Dl's.ke. 'Inc~. coal ~t': .. 0:' '. IInee tAlK to .be palld is ordered, h~r- ·CllffOrd Hildebrant, BIW'd ra~· 111;; on • ~ . debta set for ' I!lG.~; W. C. TIuton, U8G .... 'March 19, . ,S,14; '!be oreionJa Ib1dae 00. 1h the matter the. estate ot bua~. etc.. 13'1.0'1; WlWama' Auto Lit z1~ ~unner, schectulet or OJIW 00., labor aad -.ail J
·0........ ,'.r" tior-
'1!8mce. an\i
·C hevrolet S~lles .& Service·
...;.u . •
11 neither tlahtellll the roda, the only thJnr left is to remove the metal tips entirely, get IIOme ferTU1e. cement (regUlar glue doesn·t .work weU) reglue and re-wlnd the Ups. and put on Your favorite lacquer or -finish. Alter that Job we'lI bet you do the same as us-keep 'em out of a warm room ·next wloterl 'If you try heating the rod ferrUles be very careful not tQ char the bamboo ends or ruin the windings and dresal.nKis. Those flsh108 days are getting close-better
Sportsmen' Corner B, Harrr EWrl.... Jr.
~ --~~~--
COlt pr1cea had no Influences or effect with -these for al· most tn every lilatance" prices paId f.ll' lard and lard sub.!:tltutes . were e"actly the same. Ree&lll1ng that not !rnll ago President ROl()sevelt per. sonally favo~ the pwrchase of Ar· entlne beef for Navy use. Congress· DlIII' Brown stated : ~'Our American sc,lelers an,d s.,U01"5 should bl! turn· Ished good American beef and gooo American lard, prOduced on Amerl · -:all farms. rather than ImpOrted beef
:I========....::::======--=::-::I=======:==;;;;;;;-;)}~~!:~~::~~~ don't forget to-grease alld lard '. substltues manufMtured :1 the reels- they get gummyl fl'cm cheap produots shipped In
Next week. March 17th to the 23rd. Is WlIdiHe RHtoration Week ov~r the UnIted States. It. 11 sponsored by the NaUonal Wildlife Pederatlon In Waah1np.on which has branch oftl~ all Over the country. 1111s ts an aaeney supported solely by the 10vers ·0I outdool'l to restore and conserve the naUona natural reaoureea. It· rece1ves It.a meome from the sale of beauWuI wUd1lfe stamps each year. 111e Warren Co. Flah and Game Aun. 11 dtstr1butlng these , .tamps tor aale throuahout Warren Co. durinll the next few weeki!. They wUl be annable at aU merchants who have cooperated so splendidly for two years 10 helplnr restore our
F eged e 1 31rec-
NEW 1940 . rl
News Of The Reds
. fl'OIll foreign shores. hlo Station; H1arveysburg-Carl PotGabriel Paul ~rf: ~aynesvUI&-c. M. Robltze~; I Ohio'/> first Congresswoman. Mrs. Red LIon-H. E. Ivins Grocery; Frances Bolton. established a record SpJ;tngboro - J 0 h n Woodward ; Tampa. Fil\: - The smile Bill Mcthe first week of her term dur1ng Pranklln - Alabaugh Good Drug Kechnie wears these days is 1\ result when she returned' to the U . S . Trea· Store, Jam~ Sohllo Station. Hays When the Cuyahoga county board of the manner In which two of his sury a '10.000 check voted to her by men ha.ve gone about their busine.<s Shell Station. of Elections met to e\.ect a 'CI~ for Congress after the death of her husthe Board. Instead of the usuai two band, Congressman Chester C.J3ol- on the trail1lng field here In Tampa. Have you checked over your fish· candidates one for each political One of them. Ernie Lombardi. Is a log tackle yet? If you've got any , . ton. When a member of Congress veteran. and the other. Mike McCort .... ba m boo caa tl ng or II y rods, party. there were four. one. for each .dies during his term of office, his mick, Is a rookie. They have been so J0 In.... try putting them togethe~ and whlp- Inl!mber nf the Boa~d. This situation widow, or family. Is voted a year's Impressive because LombardJ ~ work ping 'em a few times. Is there a loose placed the problem' In the hands of salary and heretofore. none of such Secretary of State Earl Grlftith for checks have ever been returned. In Ing like a rookie and McCormick has displayed the actions of a. veteran. ness or poplng In the rod? Your cor· . sollltion and, as election evolved two returning the che: k, Mrs. Bolton ex'respondent made that &ad dlacovery There we.re a good many skeptics a couple of weeks ago. The glue in poI'itions. Clerk, &alary t7,200 and plained that It would be "excessive who weer feeling sorry for Lombardi the ferrules had dried out and crack- DI!PU!y CIEerk $4'd2OOII' compeUtion compensation," as her own salary as and the Reds because Ernie's aver' . was .. een, very a y newspaper a member of congress began Image slumped to ,287 last year after county's Wild Ufe by aeWnr hunting ed lOOSe In each rod. It was caUSed pubUshed in Cleveland has editor. mediately after the special election hts league leading .342 In 1938. but and t1ah1nr lleenaes-and turning by keeping all winter in a roo," that lally ~ommended Secretary Griffith held on February 27. those persons failed to anticipate th e ~' feea for writing them over' to the was to dry and too w~. If yours for the .elections he has made ana PIab ud Otune Aun tor conaerva- 8r~ the same way they can &e fixed bod to be . attitude of the big fellow, nor did I . new every y appears con. Uon project.. Buy your licenses and Ihn-e ways: 1. Try dunkJng the rod t nted and happy In designating a When U. S. Senator Vic Dona· they take Into consideration his sen· I ~. atamPa from these mer- enil!; In water for several hours and r:e"Ubllcan Olerlc ~nd a Democrat hey announced March 2 that he was saUonal play during the month of chante-WI an investment In a rlch- ther. put them In a cool basement or Of\))uty Cleric, both employes of the retiring from public J.lfe and would September, when he batted .343 du ro ' er outdoor life. Here 11 the ltat: Leb- rcc'Jl for a weelc or two. 2. The sec- Bcard: Secretar dtift1th said: not be a candidate t()r any oftlce Ing the Reds' pennant winning dri ve. ' anon-Pamoua Auto Supply Co.. O'ld and surer method-Is to heat "TheM apPolnt:enta are made be- tilts year, he started something Lombardi also belted 20 home runs Western. Auto Store; MuoD-CUft the . metal ferrule untU the glue In cause- "th ese t wo men h ave h a d ex- among Ohio Democra,t s. Several re- for the Reds last year. more than Hu famous Meter.Miser Mechanism Bunnell Pur. OU StaUon; Poster&- Ulem can melt, then allow to re-set; . cept1ve candidates to succeed the during any season In h is maj or pl:I:l'nce In election matters and "Honest Vic" are. being .·mentloned" league career. He parlI: ipated In 130 • Here's the refrigerator you've been • •. l ·Piece Ail·Steel Cabinet ..• ,. hav!' established recorda with thls an" there Is unusual activity In the games. waiting fori Interior can be quickly Year Protection Plan against IClVic. . . . lUI.61. _PORT OP TIIIi: CLERK OF 'rll1lil adjusted to'accommodate cream O IOS• expense on lealed.in mechaniJm ••• Dt>partment tor promptness. accur· c1r<.ulatlon of nominating petltlons. McCormick, a .318 ,hltter at Indl· \ ' ........ 0 . Oil' OO.WIN. WAJUlBN COtlNT\'. 01110 large egg baskets, crocks or food of and many morel Now aellill8 It • nr. v and service. Their selection as· March 15 Is the dead-line for fWng . ' . . . . . . Jl't.eal r ..... e ••, .. 0-.".,.. In. 1m. anapolls last year, Is a. real looldng "OPtlLATION, Jta!8 CJCNI1l8 llG any size or shape. Helps in many history. making low price. Sec it au· . surps the dtlzellll of Cuyahoga coun- nominating petitions and the pl'1- IIIthlete. He's a six tooter, weighs CorWin, OhiO' Janllllry 8, 19.0 ways (0 increase your farm profils! day at aUf slOre! ty 11 continuation of the proper adwUI be h Id l~ Y 14 I hereby "'H'llt )' lhe tOIlG\'flnar r e port to be corroct. close to 200 pounds. but notwlth· Dlllllstration of the very Important mtry e on. a . Gn.BEIt'r BIGG!4 standing this size Is about tile fa st· V ilia are leI k Esp.... B.la ...... nlatters of electlon." Ilaa•• "e The State Conservation Commls· est man on the Redleg squad. He ..... I ........ Df'~ • . :11 tlenl'ral Flltnd . .•• ,.... . . .. .. 4~ . U ~ ~7 9 . 8S 34~ . 11 i q .• ~ f,inn h811 voted that It would be un- was a. sprinter in his school days, Auto Uuue Str et nilpalr "' und It Larger Because of Belter Quality. Service, and Price Following a farm income invesU- wL-:e to propagate detir on a state· winning the Northern California \~a.ollD" Ta" 8tr.. "t Heplllr ""'nd .. ...... ... . .. .. ~8 . 0 i 248.11 34. S 1 gatton, Congressman Clarence J. wide basis. One reason for the action l00·yard championship. He has run Establilhed 1849.1939 - - Waynelville, Phone 32 'lrand TGtal. of All }o'uAda III 10 Btown, 7th District, Ohio. recently W!L'I that provtslon woUld have t() be the 100 In 9.9 seconds. , CI.rll . .. • . . . . .•• . .• . 11.00 G28.01 oU ,81 :;;;z;; 7iFi2* 'r.reaaure r ·. CII.&h aalance . . .. U".441 114.40 r{'1ealed some very Interesting lta- rn!lde to pay damage clalJDs to farm· The fine worlc of McCOrmIck Is ao:onds. Tot DaIa.nCle. nec. n. 1958 .tlMIlARY OF REVEIPT. t1~t!cs secured from the Secretary of ers If the state should sPonsor dis· particularly encouraging to McKechSugar camps which have beeR ill if!J . ) :! t'roperty 'J'a".~enerAI to'und • •• • •. •... .. ... . . ...• . •.... . •• • • large trlbutlon of deer outside of state nle, whose chle! concern of the moTOtAl Propert, Talle. - . . ... .. . . .... . . . . . . .. .. . . . . ....... ... .. . .. . H~ . i:! Wal' which may account In a ol'eratlon the past week have tltat. MGtor V.hlcle '1'l\lI .• . , • •.• • . . .•••• • • , • . . •.•. •• ••• •• • .• • • •. 10i . l ~ n.~asure for decreased farm revenues game preserves, Alter favorably conment Is satisfactorily f1lUng a hole brought to a halt by this cold we.~~::,IIT"allT'~~ . ............. ., ................. : ..::: . ............'......................... ...... .............. HI."fI 10 :, .: t m Ohio and throughout the nation. slderlng a request-f~lm U . S. Ben· In his outfield. Much has been writ· ther tod~y. The wind sweeps aDd ~' I. II·J • .MI.O . ....... 8&le. and h."Ift'1I- I'ennaylvalhll 1, .. ilwlI)' CO' . • . . ... 1he purchase by the War Depart· ator Donahey for co-()peratlve state· ten about the Reds' outfield weak· REV . and Mrs. W. O. Smith and I cwls and rel'hlnda one that Olil :16.00 Total .Nlu.UIllf\80u. !'·e ~... , salell &Dd Chlirl'," • .. . .... : . .. ... ... , .. ~.. noiler8 fl'om Olher ) uMlt-flGad Fund . . . . . .• . . . . . . . •. . , .. . . •. 2!1.00 nlf'nt of lard . substitutes (manutac; federal M:tion to estll~bU8h a du'ck neB6es. If McCOrmick can continue twin daugh~erR visited Mrs Smlth's Man Winter has not left ua yet.j Orand Total n_lp.. . ..... . . .. .... . ...... . .. ....... , ... . .. . .. . . 628 .91 tured from Imported fJts and 0111) sanctuary at Indian lAke. the Com· to flash as he has In train1ng. much pal'e~ts in Constance, Kentucky. Mrs , Laverna Faul and son. ~In 8111111ARl' oa.: IDXPIilNDITtllt ..~8 G].OO and American lard, as oftlclally glv mission agreed tAlI purchase 31.000 OeDual OO'VUAIII.At-w..... Uve (CGUAcll) ..• . •••••••.•• • • .. •• . mOre may be written, but In a fav- MOlloay. were dinner guests of the P. J. O.a.... 1 li)"tlCUtiv. • •• •• •• • •.• • .• •. •. • •. •• . •. .•••••. • . • • . 4 ~.7:> 3.1t en far the past three year was as three.weeka·old pheasant chicks for O rable vein. Bul14ln •• tTGwn Rall •• lc.) . •.. • . . . . .... . . . .• . . . . . • . . . . . Mrs. Ethel Faul Is caring for Mrs. TIl(,mases S unday. 10::. ,':' 'l'Gtal Oener.1 Government .. . . .. ... .. . .. . ... .. .. ... . .. .. . . • ... . At Indianapolis, Mc'Connlck's rec- Jr.mes Wlcal who returned home Sunday afternoon cal1ers at the 18.01) follows: 1937. Lard, 3.361.000 lllll .• distribution throughout the state I'rotC\(lUOA 1IO per.Gn and PrGperty-PolI" " . ... . ... , ... .. . . .. ... . i.OO Lftrd -Substitutes, lo.t75.ooo lbs.; this sprinr. 'Aerbnaullcal Sip .. . .. . :-. . . . . . . .. . ... .. .. .. .... . ..... . . ord In AI> the year preceding his Crcln the Miami Valley hospital last parsonage were Mr. and Mrs. Maur26 . t.I~ TGcal ArotecUon to' Per80n and Properly ....• , •.... . . . ... . ... • . . :! .t!J 1938, Lard. 2.444.000 Ibs., Lard SubIla.nltatlGn-'O.,neral VIII ...e "'undll , •.... . .. .•. ••....•.•. .•. . • • , .. big major league Is quite slmUar to Thursday. Mrs. Wlca! Is In fine c<!n- Ice Hunter and daughter. Mrs. P. J. Toc.1 BaAltatloD .. . .. . .. . ... . ..... . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . ... . " . . . . . .,. . . . 2.011 stautes, 10.884.000; 1939, .Lard, Governor Bricker has designated the record established at Syracuse dIllon and getting well as fll~t as Tho.Dlas and Mrs. Laverna hili. ttIJrhway-oeneral Village Fund • . . . . . . . .. . . .... . . .... .. . . .. . . . . .? ~. !4.. 3.28~.. ,000 , 42... 'l'DCal Hll'bw.y. . ..... .. .. .. . .... .. . . .. • , .• ... .. . . . . . . . .. , . .... . Lard Substitutes. 9,89'1,000 Aprll 5 as Arbor Day. by Frank McCorml<:k the yea.r before pf.fslble. P. J. 1110mas purchaaed a steam 290,l lb Tran.'., to Otber a;'und •.. .. .. . ..• . .. . . .. . , . .. • , . . .. . . . .. • .. .. . . 5 84: 6: s. he made the grade with the Reds. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Martin. Mr. e~p.lne at Xenia last week and moyGr.Dd 1Iolal E"pendltur.. . . • . ... .•. . . ... .• . . . . . , .•. • ... . . , . . ... The boys have no connection, except ~1l1c1 Mr!;. ePrry Thomas and W . .C. ed It home. He Is mounting It au bt. ' that their name Is the same., but Smith attended church at Bowers- old truCk"and getll1ng ready to stan perhaps Mike Is one of thooe fellows, ",me Monday even1n~. stcomlng tobacco beds. IIlce Prank, who can go as well in Mrs. P . J . Thomaa and Mrs~Eve~,,",-====;;;;;:::::;::::·:.......___-==,== one olasslflcatlon as another. Frank ett Hunter were baptized at Ferry The objects we pursue and .. the McCormlc~'s ~ecord ; 10 fact. has Sunday. afternoon by Rev. Smith. plrit we manifest reveal our .tandbeen better In the majors than in Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hess were Sun\ A".. day afternoon callers of the Jesse polt. and sllOW what We are wlnDiIl, -Mary Baker Jrdd1
8. , M. Maag; Morrow-S.Plerce So· ' .
Just as the U. S. Internal Revenue Dept. through preas releases was estimating an Inorease of from 30 to 40 per cent In Income tax c~l\ect1ons , comes the Reconstruction Finance Corporation In a statement Issued March 1 saying that more Lhan 2000 loans made by the RFC ... represen t· Ing ,449,000.000 in princlpaJ and In· terest, are In default. Both opto· mists and pessimists are entitled to first chOice.
State Cap~al News
H,r~ware Store
F' er r y
AdministratOr with the wl\1 annexed. de bonis non. I
ANNUAl. nl::l'OIt'I' ()Io' '1'1I1il ('I, EIiK lW 'I'RF. "II,I,AC:; E fll<' WA)·NI£!!I"II.I, E, WAnltEN (,01lNT1·. "1110 I' or (he FI...,,,I Ve •• End.u" Oel...... b.,r :11. lIMI) J>OI'l l l."'·I'ION. UIaO t11ilNSllS 1197 Wllyn ~ '· III (· . O hio Un.relt 7tl1. 1940 Huln.",,, IlA>t!elp... Exp ... B.I••••• ,Ian • .J d'._F •• Dec. al. C:~ n (' r n ' r;' u n d .. .... . . ..... •. . r , j ~!I . H :1.ti I 7. 36 40 4fi .fH t,HI.a A II to J .. j cp n s (O S I r (I t I ! t.~IHu r . F llne! . ... . . .. . . .. ... . 23;;. &3 sa I.3 S .'8 . 7.30 lU.!\ UIt" GIi Il ~ T n .< S U'ce l n " llnior' F' IIolld • • ••. • • • •••• • ••. ~ 27 . G3 1.2 48.00 ;;S».if Sn n lli.r )" 'CW "I' ro nst. . . . . . . . 4,:tIl; , i" :i 2.0 00.0 0 4,'61 .12 T o t n ls Gen u l'l.1 VIlla !!, 1 ~ lI nd 8 G,'; 00.4u i.7 96.73 U08.~. \ V u ll';" " o rk s " 'ulld .... . . .. . . 869 f\7 2,895.21 1,it21.U Ii l)rI(J Clolir Mn e )1t I" u rid . ..• ,. 2, 109:1'1 ~.98 6 . 3. . 2 1 ~.2 1 ,..1 .. m en 'l! lull e mnll)' Fun d . . 1, 1I 9.5 r, 32. 6 7 1.102.2'1 t~ I'l\ lId 'f o tol a ot All F II'lI d s f ' 1 rk ) ........... .. 10,;9 .8 9 13.7 11.01 1:l.r.08.lo 11.001.71 I HllSlnndlll g W[lrrll nt M ( A tI<I . / - - - - -- - -- r r........,.....;,. U3.rt T. ' en~ u.'er'R as h Bn h\ n ~,, · .. -:. . . . .... . T Il IItI ' n8h Bolnne '. ,Dccnm lJ.e l' :n , 19:10 11.ili.4' . • . s "rMA II \' tIIi' ltEO EU"I'S J'I'OllCI' l y 'r (l" c"-(len ~ rnl l'ulld .. ..... ... .. .. . .. . . .. . . . , .......• 2,012." . Bond ReLl ... · I1l .. lIl anll Sinking Jo' und a . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .•. 2 .908.~' Ih e r 1" IIII'l s I II' Rtf· ,. nncl 1,' II'oln en' S Ind om .. lt , ) .. ... . ... . 32.'7 T Oln I Pr o p e rl y Tu xes . . . ... .. .... . ... • . . .... . .. . . .. . .. • • • • , .• ,., 4,918.74
Eltate of W. H. Dinwiddie. DeceaBed Notice Is hereby given that Ruth M. Savage who.se Post Office Address Is Waynesville, Ohio. R. F . D. has been duly appointed as Admin· Istratrlx de bonis non with the wlll annexed of the Estate of W. H. Dinwiddie la.te of Warren' County. Ohio, deceased. Dated this 7th da.y of March 1940. RALPH H. CAREY Judge of the Probate Court Warren County. Ohio C lgu, ,·e tl· Tax . . . .. . .... . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stanley & Stanley, Attys. RIMe J\1.otOI' V e hl '1 , 'ra x .... . .. . . . . .... . .... . . . . .. . . . . . .. . ,. . . . . Mar 14:21.28 O;).• Glln e Tax . . . . ... .. : .. . .. .. , . . . . ... . .. ... .. . . . .... . ..... .. .. . ..
I.H •••• ..•••
Ta x-C; e n e,'" 1 Fund ....... . .. .. . .... ........ ... .. .. l \o nd /l e LlI'I)III1' nl "" U S ink i n g 1" lIn !l~ .• . .•.. . •. . .. . . .... . T o t .. I Inh e ritllll o T n x ... . ........ . .. .... .. .. . .. . ........ .. .... .
J nh e rltnn cf'
88." lS1.?i Hu lc8 'I'll x .... .. . . . . . ....... . . .. .... . . ... . .. . . .. .. ... . •. . ... ... . 1,0"'. 4i Hla t · l\ec l' Lie ' n He "' e , · ~ . ..... .. . . .. ... .. .... .. ... .... .. .. . . .... no." I,ocal Licens es LLn d P c>rm l t H .... . ...... . .. ...... . ... . . . .. .. ... .. . 'rolnl Llc en8 Ps ,\nd Pe l'lnlt s . . . , .. . ... . ...... ..•. . . . .. • .• I •• •• " • ill • .•• "' In cs a:nd Cots ls . . . . ..... . .. . . .. .. . .... . . ... ...... ... .. . . . .. . .... 1'1 .':1 Estate of ArabeU Dinwiddie: l'ubllc Service Enl rprl ses- Wa.l ,. Hc tltn!. e U· . .. , .• . .. .• ..... .. • 2.lti. ~7 'j'o tal Puhll c Servi ce Bnte rprlse .. ... . .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . ... . . .. 2,1":21 Deceased 'I' o tnl 'Heve nu o' ... .... .. ...... . .. . .. . . , ..... .. ........ ...... , ... 1l,&1\.t3 Notice Is .hereby given that Ruth [lond 18S Il ~ " a nd Lowns -Gcn e ral Villa ge Funds .,•.. .. . . •..•. •.. .. 2.000._'
• 'I
Come ·i~ ~o.~t · T.Ii••dvantage·of thi. len.ati....1 Qff:er ~ - -lear. about our new Ion. term ' fin.nce plan
M. Savage who.se Post Office AddreSs Is WaYnesvUle, Ohio. R . F . D. hU been duly appointed as Admin· tstratrlx of the Estate of Araball Dinwiddie late' of Warren county, OhiO, deceued. Dnted ~ 7th da.y of Mar9h 1940. , RALPH H, CAREY Judge of .the Probate Court Warren Oounty, Ohio Stanley & stanley. AttyS. ~. , Mar 14-21-28
T otal B o nd I ss u ~s nnd I.ounll . ......... .. .... .. .......... .. ....... 2,OOO.U' I-" 'onllllm and l\con",,1 Inl e r~ s t-Jjond l:l41c 8 ..••. • •.. . .•... . . . ,. I •.•• 'J'I'uns tars C.. om O th e r F und s . .... ... .. . . .. • . ... .. • . . •. . , .•... . , . H ,"
t h ·",,,,1 'I.·olul H e al pts ....... . .. ... . .. ... .. ......... . ..... .. . . ... 13.;1l,'1 aUllIIIARY 0 ..'
O,e... U.. .". . lIJ"I •• e ....ee
U c n e raJ Go vel' nmc ntL egls lnt lve. (CO Il'ne il ) . ... . , •• . •
, Gen eral IUx ecuLlvc . ........... . Bulldln 8'8' (TGwn HolI, e lc.) •• ,.
New Con........., •• d E ........... et~.
6fH.7 6 l'.S!!
Tolul Genara,1 Go" e tnm ont , •. . . .. .•• . • ' 663,H J'ro(cdl on lo .P' taon nnd PI'OP CI·t )'-
..:::::::::::::: .. :.;::::::.
l'otal . P ... oto lion
to . iPll rllOn' p,nd
Propcl·t y . . . •. .. . ..
, 1,2..... ,
Sanitation · . .. .. ..•. , . .. ...... .. . HlglJIWa)'ilc-Oenoral VUla's 'e F undH ..• '
Hea lth-TGtal ....... . . ..... , ..... . . , .. . ;;;,..;nltatlQri-O c n oral . VI1Io~e ' Funds ... .
". I,..
. . ' •
• " . ' '":
1- .
TGtal Public Sell,,'\e 1!J nt~prl s'e8 . . . . . . IIliecellnneou........:(l!!tn ral ·Villag Pu nd s .
.Total MIs<leUlI.neous ... . . . ... . .... . . . . .
lnte rcat-Bond ,Ro tlr m ont Rnd mkln g Fund" . .. . . .. .. co ' Total In\or at .. . . . ... . .. .. .. . . . •. . . .. .
. Waler \Vorks .... .. .. . ••. . . . .. 2.605.18
•. ~;11i
TGtal lI1ghlwaYi\ · •. • .•• • • · ••. • • , ·· · • . ·.· }'u bllc Service Ente tprb 68"7"
'fotal ' I~ltp. &
~ , 6 0 ~.1 !!-
:\Jl.tl , 817. 2 0
~~'1.-2 0
' Outlay .'..... . .. .... . .'.. : .. 8.•• ~. ~~
g~~I~; n.~;l L~~';'~ :P&liI:':' .... .,. . . . . . . .. : .•• .
. BG~lill R etlre nle'lt MId !'lInkin g F undll ; .06 5AlO , 1'otal: B onds n:ni;! LQa.njl Paid: . . . .. . • ' .'. . .06&.Ot . ' " . TrMl lI<r r \10 Oth e r FUAds ...... . : . ',' ." . • . 46 ..{)0l 1 ' . , . .~ _ ' G III ')'o t"l 1;>elll Ot\oembc'r . 1.. 1939 ,.••• • , .... ... .~ "" " ": " . , .• • • h.\ ••. ~,. r~ ( ", . , II'O~ QtJD ))&8'" -oB &IIBlila S I . . . ~. . { , .. "',, '.""'_""-" I • ' . . '1••","II.I'IlIIilIl' , (OtlT8TANDrNG GBNBaAL ."1'COII) · .p'
- '
('P.·:r•• !..~_ br· .0....... TII. .t"~) ,\, , (V111ng A -P ortion . I • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • ~. ' '" , ' • • • ; • • , " . . . . ~,-.o on , .1 udJm cn.l & 'heU,. ~r'd . . . ... .. . .. ....... .. :..' .. ',' •• , . . • _. , • .- • ., Total O .. neral lind U tility Bonded Debt .. . .• : ••... ~ ..... ' ...... Total Bonlle d I)lIh l ...... ' .. .. .. . ... . . ... ....... . ....... " •.•• • •\ceounts PJ•."nble H lnllald .BlIle,) ........ . . ... .. ... ' .' . .••• , .••• 'I' tal FICljltlng Deht ............ ... , ....... ............... ' ... !l1 J c..ttlty 113. . " ........... ' r't1'IN'·wt'lIIdfjt.l!l 0 0'ran T 0' lal D ebt. • December' J heretiy lhe ~1ioV' .
' MARCH 1., lIMo.
E ___4_~.H'_."._.~~.__._'4'_'~....___4._._.~._____~~______ ~__-.: --~
. ~.~~~
all tim;~
H'e offer a satisfacto.ry Service
McClure Funeral Home PiPES, Vll lv~~s nnd Fittings for Wnter. Gns or St(''aID. Hand or Electric ,Pumps fOr all .purpOses, Plumbing and Hea Ing S upp es. ·- LO~ST PRlOES ·- ~tnqHEST QUALITY at J . ' P . · BOCKi:ET SUPPLY CO. XEblIA, O. M7-14-21-2A :
.-~------.~--------~-.----.-.-.-.-----'------.-------' _-.-------"~. 42 ___•
Sportsmen And ,Farmers To Meet In ~ebanon In order that thl' citizen s 01 WarI'en oounty may have more opportUll i\y or \'oklt1g their opinions on conervatlon question . a m eeting of sport.<;Jul'11' D"nd farmers of th e coun. ty wlll ,be held at t h e Court House In Lebanon on March 20. at 8 P. m. , it was announced today . AU ex isl,lng sportsmen 's organizations I\ nd farm organizations. as well as Individual sportsm('n and farmers are urged to attend and It Is expected that the attendance w1ll be large as there h as ibeen general state-wide In terest In t he recen tly announced n w program of th~ Ohio Dl vlsl n of Con ;rl'vntl~ n' and Na.tural 'Resourees ,
allof Ule actlvl les of ' t h e Dil"lsl"ll nder the rllrectlon of a dlstl'lct super,,\ or. Dl!<trltt conservation olficers. 11 1r ali ell\ployed by the Dlvi Ion . wU be placed In charge of lh e of· fices as soon as they arc esLr.bH.;IlNI Rnd all game management. fis h mana~ement law enforce ment and other activities will b e carrl d on from these offices. Anthony Pfarr. who \\'111 serve as dLs tri ct supervISor 1n Distl'lc t No. 6. of which Warren county is a . part. wUl call thc meeting Lo ord('r. turnIn~ it ov er to officers to be se lected by those attend the m eet ng. Repre ' ntatlves of the Ohio Division or Conservation and Natural Re, ources will be present to full y l'xplaln lil!' pl:111 anti to aid In every wn~' pf)s~!lI('
. Not only"wlll t he new' I S-point pro" g!'ll lII announced Conservation COInml ' loner Don Waters b e explained bllt a connty eoonrcrvaLlnn comlT'lt tee will be formed and two represent.atlves-one a f , rmer and the othrr a sportsman-will be named to rep resent Warren county on the dl.strict con~eryat1on committee. From each of the seven district conunlttees two representatives wlll be selected. it is announced to a ct as spokesmen from the dist rict nt public hearings conductCd by t he ConservaUon and Natural Resources Commission and to attend. upon In:vitation. m eeti ngs of the COmmission , acting In an advlsory capacity. Establishment of h eadquarters In the seven districts, t h e Conservation and Natural R esources Commission feels, \ylll develop n. closer contact with locul conservation programs, eliminate travel and expense of perSODS who heretorore h ave been compelled to t ravel to the central offices In Columbus. as well as co-ordinate allot the activIties of the Division.
MAN W'ANTED-Supply Black Din: mond Llnlmell t [lnd Household Prllt\u , ts to ·ustomers. El'1?el·iencc . no~ ncce~sary. bu t h Ipful. Pr.ofitaul·, Pleasa n t Work- Perm.anent. If you nrc ambit IOU/I we olIer yolt 1l1l11SlUII 'opportunity. YOll fumLsh (;:1 1' . No 11W(.'~ tlll II I. n cccs.~a ry . Wril(' Whitmer ol1lpany, Col um bus. 'Ind lnn n. F29-M7: H l' R SALE.,...R:abblts- allve or <1r!'ssed Mrs . LoUiS ' Fires 1I1J I ·
'VlVIt:N LEma To Vivien Leigh fall~ t he most coveted role In Hollywood h istory , ll1 ,.. l of Scarlet O'Hara In the f1lmi~Bt1on '\Jr Marga ret Mltchell's (amelUS FOR SALE-Homo gl'oivn Ut Ue Rr.d slory' of Lhe Old South . ~Gone with the Wind", Which opens Saturday Clover seed. Leroy A. Ellis. '];'('1. Mar('h ~3 for one week al the Xenia Theatre. Fourteen hundred oandl42Rll Way nesville. M1 1-l1 ,. ;,:: dales weJ'e Interv,lewed · and ninety girls testcd lor the part before the _ _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiii"____iii - iilGliiiiiiooiiiiiiiio? •• holce fell u~on <lark-·halred. green-eyed Miss Leigh.
Clark Onble I\.~ R.hett But!('l' In lit!' fIlml7.atlo n of Margo rrt Mi Lrll rll's Cl'lebrn( ccl no\,el. "Gone with the Wind ," opening Sa t urday M a rch 13, fo r one week nt tl,(' Xenia Theatre. ing was h eld at. Lhe 1:Jt\Llllorc (~Idl'! . 01' . Ar t.h llr E: HoIL. was Ihe sp en kcl' at
th l~
I Churches
bel' with th em. The sccond family attending aoh ni gh t ceive 50 baby cll,lcks.
' I.l\·ge~t
Born to Mr. nl1d Mr. . WUliG tn ~1Jl r eo Druoks Tuesday March 5 a son The Woma n 's Civic League me.t Mrs. 'ml!y Tltn kal'a. whu has Mr. and Mrs S. D. Henltlc of Lobat the home of Mrs. Harry Tucker a n on entenained with n famlly din - b"cn spcnding tho win Ler wlLh Ml'. l,'E!lRV c nURe ll OF CHRIST <. / ' Satu rday even.lng Marcll 9th. ner. S unday, honol'ing Lhe mem bers ami Mrs. S. H. Burnet, vlsiLed \vlth . . : . . - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . ; . W. C. Smith, Minister The meeting was opened by slngl\f!l' !ilsler, M.rs. All.e Cla rk. Friday T. AUpUSTINE CIIURCII , of their family whose blrth,day an- [\1 cI Saturday. t llV R. n. Krumholtz, S. T. D., pa.~tor SUNDA1/; ing "Beautlful Ohio " and memb~rs WAYNESVILLE. OHIO nll'ersaries 81'e In March. T llelr Mass, Sundays 9 XlO n. 111. Bible ~choOI 9 :30 a. m. r e3ponded to roll call by n a ming Mr and Mrs. Frank SmlLh and guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dukc FIlIDA Y-SATUROAY Communion 10 :45 thflr favorite radio singers. an:1 SOli Rober!. .. Mr. and Mrs. Paul fam ily moved Monday from Kesler l\larch 15 :Llld lG Sermon 11 :00 a. m. Following the business session T MARY'S EPI COPJ\I, Duke Ro d fR'mily uf WRynCS ilIe. Ornltam's place herc to thc Hess 'I'WO DIG FEATU RES Come let lIS go up to the hOlt.~e of 1111'S. Harry Tucker and Mrs. HowCnURCH flll'm on he Chenoweth road. The iUt No.1 I . .'- ' a~d Graham sang "When I Dream a l.t! Mr. and Mrs. Gorge Hcnkh! of EUlIth 's have lived in Lsis conu nunL e Lord. Rev. R. L. lI \lckweU, Rertor L('banon ., "'rnE CAT ANO ANARV" ) ot Old Erin I'm Dreaming ot You ,. PALM SUNDAY .. . U \'. en years. wUh .· . ' This was followed by In!ormal LonWAYNESVILLE CItURCII OF 7:301\. m. Holy CommuniOn Mrs. W, C. LOllg, M rs. Mildred SUI' CIVIC CI.UO NOTICE BOD nOPEyersation. x CIIRIST 11 1\. m. Morning Prayer a nd serrace. Mi s.~ Shii'ley Mardls and Mr . iAVLETTE GODD~~ Ad journed to meet AprU 13l h with W. C. Smith. Minister mono _ JUt Nq. Z ' ;',. L. Cr. Spencer. publicll y manager Harvey Hole motored to Cincinnati Mrs. Mary Tucker or Mrs. Anna SUNDAY WEpNESDAY "l\fA~f'ROM SUNDOWN Randall. exact place or meeting to for radio stalion , WHlO. Daylon Wed nesday~ 4 P. m. Children's Ijenten service Bible School 9:30 11.. m. wUl be the gu -t speaker at the. reg~ Mrs. Mary Carmony spent Sunday witb ' .: ' . J • • ••• • , be announced later , Communion 10:45 a. m. ular dlnnel' meeting of the Waynes- in Dayton at the homo of Mr . . and MONDAY THROUGH THtrn.IiDAY CHA~ES, ST~.~' Mrs. W . F. Clark. 7:30 p. m . UniOn Holy Week seI'J~nlor Endeavor 6:45 p. m. . See Duuble Yo~r~l\lot1I!Y THE BELLE OF BAGDAD ville Civic club. Monday evenlng . ViCes at Methodist church. Christian Endeavor 6 :45 p. m . March 18. The meeting wlll' b e h eld -Same Prie&- " M rs. Viola Grass\() of Piqua is FRIDAY \ , P ' hln d AT SCHOOL AUDITORIUM at the Uttle Inn di nner to be ~erved spendln!: a fcw days with Mr, and reac g at 7:3 p. m . 12 to 3 p. m. Union l.cl::,.y WEDNESDAY f' ":,' " at 6:30. All m emb rs nre reqll<;s(f'c\ Mrll. What Is this mysterious power Mr. a nd. Mrs. Wllin m Rogers service a t S t; Mary's church. Prayer ~eetlng 7:30 p . m. ~ ,,;UNiMY- l\IONOAY ' to be present. and A pre~Easter revival will s tart Wed. l\breh Ii a.nd 18 ' the Far East has ? Who is thc Belle <laugh ter were Sunday even ing nese! M h 20tJ "I TAKE THIS '·'OMAN· " of Bagdad? guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold K ellL') METHODIST CnURCII ay arc 1. meeting each Y CRANCE NOTICE Come and solve the mystery or BA"OAIN HR, 15c 'Til 2:00 and family at Mt . Holly. C. Radley, Pastor at 7:30 P. m. Come b ,ke SPENCER TRAOY ' ' the ~g lady at the Waynesville special birthday banquet will ChUl'ch School.9.30 a. JD. Worsblp part with us. An Eas ter ' program ' .vlll IlEOY LAMAtUl high school auditorium. Friday night beAh eld at the Gran; e Hall. Sa Lur - MI'. and Mrs, E . B. Longacre, who s('rv~:e 10 :40 a. m. This Is Palm be given EMter venlng by the T t'lTWO GltAND A 'TORS AN., March 15. day evening March 10 L 7 (J' I ck ar e spending sevel'lll months In East S d Stnt.e club. IN Admission prices, a.dultS ~25c;--J>tl) Th 111 I " a c o . Dearbol'U, Mlch .. where Mr Lon"'acre un ay and It will be oi:l..'Wrved as a , 0 ~ Saturday ere W )e'n s!) cml table fOl' has mployment, spel.tt week end time fol' decision to follow Christ. - _ _=,---NE GRAND PICTURE dents 150. membcrs havi ng bIrthday anniVl'I'- .th h r i d ti f d dl tI Also Selected Short ubJeeC. sarles In Janua l" Fe " U ~ WI ome 0 lis hero. Som e friends an as a me or re e ea 'lU to. The objects. we pursue and the }. b. ary. aod Irom ther accompmlled them. Him and His Divine Kingdom. The plrlt we manifest reveal stnnd_'-III-...'J'J m·tEA'l!RE-NO~EN ON HOWARD HUDSON ------SCREE:~N~--- pl1stor will speak on "Trlumph... d d ~ March , Members a re asked to in ~l'. a nd Mrs. A. E. White nJld ' polt. and show what we are winning ue " Y, .e 1\ mday Thu n day ADDRESSES BANKERS elude ro!!s III their baskets HE'S MAKING ,_ __ _ ' SOil Paul of Columbus and Mr. aud T emporary 01' Flnnl?" If you have - Mary Baker Eddy EYES AT ME" Mrs. Kcsl I' Grailluit wl!re dinner ' no Church home. you are Invit~!l tp Howard Hudson. cashier of the gue:;ts Sunday of Mr. and Rob- worship with us and to join lne Clinton county National Bank of ANNUAL ' MEETING ert Siney. . ' group who are un.ltlng with ~he F' Wilmington, was the guest speak r AND BANQUET SUN. - l\ION. - TUES. • ehlLl'ch on Easter ~unday. Spcdk to at the quarterly meeting of the War M.r . and Mrs. ' Ral.'ph Johns ,'a nd the pastor about this Impor tan t 'IT at· ren County Banker's Association. da ugh ter Ru t han na. ,;reft for Bradef\- tel' at ·~mc~. • More t ha n two h n d]'OO people Monday evening. Twenty !lve memTh e l!l..~t session of e he ohll:ireri's fill cI t he Gmnge Ha.l1 in Leuanon town . Fla." Th ursdny, a nd Mr. 'a nd bers of t he association were present lo ca pacity. Monday evening. at t he Mrs. J a mes Joh ns, Mrs. Vloln Carey 'Instruction ellU:'s will 'be held Mont o enjoy a tine dinner and program 4 o'clock. Be surP, an nual niee!.ing and ba nquet of the and J ess 'lilonms will accompan y d ay afternoon a t t he Little Inn. Warren County Farm Co-operative them homc this weeli:~ John Boger Is you hlwe al\ your m emory work driving the school blUS in Mr . John completed. Assocla tlon. absence. . 'ATTEND MEETING We hope . you will Ilelp us secI Those who ntte ndf'd from WayMI'. a nd Mrs. Harvey Burnet at- t ile . largest possible attendanOd n Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock and nesvl !1e w re ~r. and Mrs. Keller te nded t h e funeral of tllelr aunt.' the Union Holy Week -serv¥: es next Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell attend- Hoak. ROSCoe Pumas. Mr., aod Mrs. Mrs . Arwa Rosnagle at Franklin. week. These services ' wlJ\ be held ed the annual meeting of 't he Mlnmi L. V. Bl'nn s~ra L() l'. MI'. and Mrs . Monday ~Ite rnoon. u nde r ':he QUsp).ces ,or the Epls~opal Valley MUk Producers ASSOC a on Ronald Hawke. Mr. nnd Mrs, J . R. Mr, and Mrs, WUbhr Foulkl;, Mr. an~ ~ethodist Murche , and· ~I : l ~e held In Dayton, Tuesday, Luncheon Mer, gle. and J . L. Men dcnllall. USE THE MIAMI GAZETTE and Mrs. Elm er Grove. Uld son at- h eld 1J!;;OUI' church trom: ,.~P'1jJ!.Y was served at one ot . t he downtown --.---t'end ed a wedd ing din.uer Sunday at through Thursday at 7:30 p . m.;The WANT AD,S COLUMN churches. following which t he meetWest carroiUon fOIr . . . Foul)cs pastors of the two churctiea' w1U ·al-' nephew a nd bride, wIW .... married ternate In giVing the rri~t!!l. A Saturday, Union Good Friday service . wm' be 3 SHOWS DAILY Mr. and Mrs. Thol~ OOlllns' and held in the J!:pl.scopal church on Fri 10 :00 A. ~r.-2:00-8.00 P . l\f. MI'. Charles Collins ,. _ton were' day afternoon M¥Ch' 22, ' from 12 Sunday dinner guest. - ' &he home Noon to 3 o~lqclt. : l;be e¢tre • com': . UNOAY 2:00-8:00.f: M. .anrlok . munity Is 1itv.lted to .1PQrt1ctpate In of Mr . and Mr . W8,• -~'~ Mrs. WllI1am {3~ergdlll ..tslted Mr. all the services ot the week. and Mrs, Adolfus VI'- in DayNew members will be recel~ild Into one day mst weellc .... found Mrs the church on 'Easter Sunday, al1d ton - " WlI"ams In poor hel_ tl1e sacrament of Baptism will ' oe Mrs. Margaret JohJW and Paul adm1n1&tered~ . Parents ~v1ng childJohns were Sunday gUMta of Mr. r en they wish ~aptised should comThe.heavy ".G alvannealed" copper- ' and Mrs. Allen Emrick, Mr and Mrs . ~unIcnte" w1t!l the pa.~tor In l': gard . beanng steel III RED BRAND f"nce Leo n Salisbury and daughier, Miss to it. wlthstand~ fence line. strain and years of we.1lher. Deep .. I " ~ensl°San Cl'1I11PS • : • tIght knots keep wi res from spreadMiriam of Washington C. H . were I.. mg. ves you tIme and trouble. mT. 1I0J.l.Y M. E. CHURCH a.lso dinner guests Sunday 'e vening . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 'Burnet, Mrs. '1'. M . Scarff. Mlnlstcr J . B. Jones. Mrs. Wllbur Foulks and Look for the RED TOP WIRE t o be t Mr. and Mrs. Harol!:l Whitaker atSunday School 9:30 a. m. E. A, SURE you g~t the fcnce that stays good-looking, when , i .MORE THA/f a million , tended the Co-opera.t1ve Milk Meet- E.arn~art. Supt,. • ,', properly s t~t ched, for a long, long time. With its acIng and dinner in Dayton, uTesday. ' Evening service 7:30, . curate ~ pat' ng a nd perfect uniformity, RED BRAND fence gIves yo~r (arm tIEt prosperous, thrifty appearMr. !IUd Mrl', ~n H~wke enterPrayer meeting Wednesday evethe modern '. Electr,ic I.. ance. Makes It worth more to you. tn1ned with a family dinner, Sunday ninf,; 7:30. nAVlD O. SElZmCK'S ,........:. ... , In honor of the newly-weds. Mr, and A w~lcome awaits yol,1 at these MAIICAI£T 1IJTaIIU.'f Mrs: J . R. Finley (nee Cleo Hawke) SftvjceS. S....,. ... 1IIoOW . .'" of Day.ton. and Mrs. Robel' t 'S iney cnte. UTIC,A U, B. CHURCII RED BRAND. fence costs Italned ~~d.il.y evening ~ in honor Bcyls ~. IllU. 'Pastor no more than others - yet ' ~ the In tt~r'S' parents, Mr. and Mrs, ,. K~sler Graham who celebrated: their Suhday, M1ll1Ch 1'1 lasts years -lfinger. ActiIal sUver wedding annll;ersary a t' theb- ' . '9 ,:i'ri " , In -'::S UIl(.ay ·s chool. IN TECDNI~LOR ~: ~veatber t~sts ' have ':~ro~~~ (LAlit ..IIW hom.e. Those .w~~ enjoyed . , :buffet QOrsuCh .. :Supt. ~ , " , ." ~ • GABLE· BO:WAR~) Come In and 'SEE the' luncheo!! were : Mr. aild. l.Jr's; '0 W. . 10 :3~ , 8<, ~ri1.-Mointng . . w01:~!tlp OLIVIA , 'VMP Albrlglit. Mr. ~d M~~ Rillplf Stowe Palm Sunday and ~V1vd:l •iIe",Cu v~lue y·ou get. C~mpar~ ' DeBAVIIJ.AND· LEIGH and children and Jac~ Hughs of Pe- will be combineq, " .pI}ces for YQ.U!self. We ha v.e Idnr Mi. f!jld...Mrs . A. E . 'White and 6:30 'p, m ~hrL~tl an Endeavor, . all 'heigh~s, a ll ~weights, sori. Paul, of Oolwnbus. Mr: Herman ' 7:30 p. nl.'-Revrv~l services belin, styles. S1.1S Inc. Tax. fOr Sunllar Matinee Albright and 8On', <lene, Mr. nnd The meeting!! are DrQIP'eSIIIDI ~Dke:' Mrs. 'John MYer~' an.d daughter of Iy and the Interl!ll~ III' growtni, and AU Nlcht Perf~ce1I· '. Man Dltyt.on. Mr. and Harry Grahlun ~ Mr. Harold x.emm,on of' tlJe · Letn. Orden FlDed In Ordf~ Rectilvl\d Mrs. Susan saylor, Mr. and Mrs. mon'a Hatchery w1ll live 100 When A~m,.nled ~ lbeek or nobt!rt Sino)" and lind Mai thlcta $0 a ' MOM)' .01 ~ , leI' GrabaJil. . nl~' and brlD.itDltbeL:la• • I1~''' :'
Wnlte~ Ke~lck.
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En;oy ,he 'LU'XURY ~.f LOf#~ Cost '
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ELECTR 'IC W .ATER e• • ~-H ' E A , ·1 N G
c9iU Trim Looking I ' Ja, a Mighty Good ,VAL,DE,!
f'RE WIN,D'"
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~~= I.-he-~~L~~!~'I Easter S~~vices
At The'.J..r'" h .u rches
' MrI:" ~y -'yder 8PIlnt TUeaday in DaYton.
1 1_ t ~'t_I I_ .' _·'I_ I ~'''- ' I~_''- II.
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.. -
Candidates Have Fll_ lor County Uffit•
Mr. nnd Mrs . Carman Crane weru bus lnes,s vi Itor~ In Akroll . Tuesday .
ACCording to W. W. Bhurts Jr.. clerk oJ the board of elections, fifty. one candida tes have filed for War. • • • • • The Community Kitchen will county otrlces. The Commun1ty Kltc:hen will message by the Ifstor. serve dinner. Easter. from 12.30 to Republlc~n candldatea for recorder CHURCH OF CHRIST ST. AUGUSTINE'S serve dinne~, Easter, from 12,30 to At 7 o'clock al) Easter breakfast 2.30. are Clement, (Peck). Sattertbw.ate. :UO. Waynesvllle; Chester P . Hatfield, • • • • • The Tri-Btate club will have an wlll be served unlier t he auspices of the Epworth Leal ue. in which every. Thef'e will be specia l Holy Week Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsoc k of Lisle Vorhes, George A. Meloy and Mr" O. E. B4yer 01 Dayton Is EL~ter prOSTam. at the Churc~ at sfrvices at St. Augustine Qhu.·ch on Ia Invited to ,participate . one MUford were dinner guests Of Mrs. Mrs. Pearl Graham of LebaIlOD; speil(llnr thls week with her dautr h - Chl'lst Sunday evening before the Mr. Rober' Co ' Ilett ou'r Su""r- Good Friday and Easter Sunday. On • "" Good Friday the services wUl begin Ed ilh M. Harris. Wednesday ev ening Candidates for prosecutin, attorter, Mia. A. E. Stout and famUy. preachllll hour. Intendent Is workin g for a lal ge at- al 8 o'clock In the evening with the • • • • • eny are C. Donald Dilatush • • • • • - - -- - , Inc"...... tendan'~e at the Chur ~h school at beautiful service of the "Way of the R 0 ber t H yman 0 f Pur d ue univer- b en; t Car I no Ab aec h er1I . R . .HUllaru .. ST. MARY'S CHURCH Mrs. Bernard Melloh of R1dgevlll~ 9 :3(1 a. m . and has set the goal at an Cross" according to the me.thod of slty. will arr ive Saturday to spend Greenwood, Republican ; and Meryl and Mrs. A. P. Melloh vl.s1ied Mrs. Stanley Ellis of Dayton. Wednesday. St. Mary's Episcopal Church will attendance ot 200. If you are ..ot at- the famous Radio preache , the the Spring vacation with his mother, Gray. Democrat. Sam D. Henkle. Incumbent in the' cei~brate Easter Day with two ser· lending Church school somewhere. Right Rev. Monslgnlor Sheen . The Mr~ . J E's.<lp Hyman . • • • • • what better time to start than Easter sel mon entitled : "Th e Tragedy of • • • • • in ~oun t y eng eer's" oulce, ls oppoud Mr. and Mrs. :Rhodes Bunnell en- vices In the morning. A cordial in CalvarY- The Divine 8acrlllce of Mrs. F . D. Dakln and h er daugh- by Charles E. Ku nIl:er , Democrat. tertained tile members or their "500" vltatlon Is extended to all. part.lcular - SUnday? morning worship servlc.! wlll L f M .• III b ter. Mrs. Merie Denney were dln - former state highway reatdent en· club, at their home Monday evening. Jy those who haVe no other church beThe held at the reaula r hou r : 10 '40 o\'e or an w e preached by • • • • • home. to worship at St. Mary·s. The . I k Th h _l~ ill b . Lhe Reverend Ciarence Issc l1ll1an S lI~r glies W;, Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. gln eer. Keller Hoalt . Democrat. hU e c un: w be eautiful- l'. D.' Ph . D " secre t ary f tMost ' W. C . Tichellol·. at Harveysburg. flied for county comrQissloner. Re· first. a sunrise service.. will be held oc OC . or he • • • • • pubUcans seeking the nomlDMkm Mr. and MrII. Walter Cast visited In the church at slx.thlrty. There 1y decora ted and t h osc h av In g song ar,! Fred Hagemyer and Scott lIeMr. CUt'a mottle.r. Mrs. J . W. cast. will be mUSIc In order that the day birds are aske!! to bring them. Rev. Archbishop and ed itor of the Mr . and Mrs.: L. C . .St. John spent CIure. Incumbents; and Walter of Clark6viUe. 8~~ay . may be ushered lit with appropriate Special Easter music will be rendered ~eeklY Cathollic paper of Cincinnati by the choir, and the pastor wUl take rhe services wUl close . with special t he week end with their son. Ken - Hines , ot' Franklin. • • • • • hymns or praise. for his subject: "TIm Power of the veneratiQn of a l'ellc of the t.me neth St. John. and famil y M HubRepublican candidates filln, for Mr. aDd Mrs. C. H. Harbeson of At the later festival service. at Rru:l.Orrectlon." New rnemebrs will be ~~~: f~~ ; shlCh Jesus the Son of God bard. OhiO. . • • • .• Warren county c,!ntral Commtttee- · Cemervllle and Mrs. Bolender of . eleven o'clock. "By Early Morning received into the 'chul'ch and the sac. men are: Ros.s H . Hartsock. Wayne Ullyton 'lIere Sunday visitors at the Light", a traditional Easter anthem. Announcement waa made concern rament of Baptl.l!m will be adminlsEaster Sunday there wi 1 be sung Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Larrick visited township; A. L. Kennedy and Harry ina the dance 'and card party to be ho~e of Mr. and Mra. Lew18 Firea wlll be sung by the choir. The lector teredo Persons baving children they bp.autlful High Mass in honor of the Mr. and Mrs . Walter Ross Sunday. Shidaker. Masale; Zaln Armltap. • • • .• • w1JI also preach at this service. Ip,naored bY t!le Grange at the b1,h wish baptlsed should see the pastor R (.surrectlon by the choir, a compo· at their new home In Leesburg. TUrtl~reek ; Quen~n Cox and R. S. Mr. aDd Mrs. A. F . MeUoh and The Holy Communion wlU be ceJeIIChool auditoriqm. Saturday Marcb .l~ once. A special Efiister otrering wll sitton of Mantanl. The pastol' will where they recently moved from LeRoy. Franklin; Ed H. Hodiaon. 30. and al8:0 that at the flrat meet- daughter Mary Ann. were sunday brated at bOth services, and every- be taken. It will be received by two be assisted at the altar in the beauLI. Mason. Washington ; George Veldt. HarlaD; . in. in Aprtl flrat and eecoDd detree dinner lUeate of Mrs. Mary KautlWlg one Is Invltal to share in the Lord's young ladles robed In white. who wUI lui cer~monles of th e Mass by Gene • • • • • Earl J . Maag, Salem ; WUliam Kncxh Supper. work wID be liven a elasa of cinidi- of Hamilton. ptesent It kneeling at the altar to Brown. John Shephard: Donald Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allen enter· enhauer, Hamilton; J . W. KlI\I. • • • • • datea. consecrate It to Ule 'Work of the DI- Brown, Cecil Harnish, J r.. Gene talned Mr. and Mrs. Alton Allen of ' Deerfield ; R. D. Van Meter, Union; Mr. and Mrs. .Ray Bernhardt of METHODIST CHURCH vLne Kingdom 01 our Lord. Clark, Ronald Clark and John Mc- Indlanaoplis. Tuesday night. Tlmrs· and Walter N. Allen. Clearcreek. Clnc1nnati were luncheon ",eata of If you have no Cl:lurch horne. you Donald. day they en tertained their mother, Democrats: Fred Braddock, Waylle Mr. and IIrs. Ralph Halltings, Sat- -S~ Easter services will oe held are cordially Invited to worshIp with A most cordial Invitation IS ex· Mrs. Frank Dill. of Dayton. townsl}lp; Howard McGUinn. 1IlaaS. urday. • In the MethOdist church thls Sun- us On E!ster Sunday, and to unite tended by the pastor to all, both • • • • • D. W. Bishop. TUrtlecree/l; Wilbur • • • d3Y bertnrung with an early sunrise with Us in the service ot Jesus Christ CathoUc and non-Catholic to attend A~tend the dance and card party Hutt . Clearcreek; carl Beiebler, Mr. and lira. L. A. Garst and fam- ie~1ce at 6 o·cIOCk. An Interestlnr by becoming a member ot our church ~h ese serVices. at the gym, March 30. and eujoy a Franklin ; John E. Holden,' Salem; Oy were 8unda.y llIeate at the homt:! program baa been prePl'red with · The pastor wUl be glad to cODlluit care free evening. "Edgar 80th, Harlan; Loula Keller• . _ o~ Mr. aDd J4rs. David Brown of trumpetera, spec1a1 nlwsic and short with yOU on tbls impt)rtant matter. • • • • • Hamilton; Edgar Evans. and ~ . MQ. BMrarci vlqI'dlne . (bee Jean Dayton. ••••• Mr. and Mrs. Seth Thomas and Ertel, Union; 8 . M. Maa,. Deerrle1cl; .1'UrUI) .... ~ 8aturday after • ACHIEVEMENT DAY ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ two sons, of Cleveland, are parents. and D. M. Adams. Waablnrtop. ~ ~. ~ ___ .... liven for· Kr. ' and Nla, Robert Baker Jr., this week of Mr . Thoml\6' arents, her at tNt . b9me of .... Preo aDd dalllbter. Jeanne, spent the " [ Mr. and Mrs. E. L. 'I1homas her~, Purqu. ~. Mllllldbie ~ ~eek end with Mr aad lira. Bernard Home Makers' Achievement lJay and Mrn. Thomas' parents, Mr. and maD7 Uleful ~ta'" her 1d&ebeD in SOuthard and ramily of Dayton. meettna was held at Lebanon Town . __ u . . . u . . . . . . . . - - - J. T . Walton. at Spring Valley. red 'Pact flam tile IUeIta ~bo • • • .• • Hall. laat Priday. Local WOlDen in • • • • • alIo eaob' peleDted ber with &beJr Mr. aru\ lira. ThOmaa O'Keefe aDd attendance were ),frs. Walter SheeLOUIS VERN STOQPS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lamb rrived ~YClI1te recape. Llt.Ue IIiII ~ ! amlly of OOvinlton K)'. wen P.eIU han. Mrs. Elmer Sheehan. Mra. L- V. A capacity crowd of over 600 filled here last week after spending the ~da'.1 el;'1IIr." ~·tM.a.ne· _ ............, R.lleIt~tor M1II a~ ~tt. t1',~ hl8h ~ 'iludtitorium.- Prlday LewlsVern S.toop.s dlecl l~t week w1nt.el'4t. .PJIolmetto. Florlda. They.A f&mily .dinner •• aa .~ .._ , tbI ____ ...rs W C St John Mrs Gilbert a t his home In ToledO following a _ 'I'IDIIeJ, enteita1ned ~ · ~lter 8r•• 8unday. . . ' . ,. ' evenln,. to witness the performance . are moving from their fann home home of J . C. Hawu Bunday.1n boDIMUP 'lbe .........~ of . • • • • • , Prye. lira. ~h Hutlnp, and Mrs. oi, "The Belle of Baitdad." presented few days Illness of heart block. He and wlll occupy their property on Or of his BOth birthday ~YVIM)'. tile attemooo ... IJM!Pt Mr. ahd Mrs. RWileU HolUday vlslt Ell Purnaa. Mrs. BaatlDpi Mrs. Pur- by the Gle Clubs of Waynesvllle 1& survived by his wife of Toledo and ThIrd street. Places for twenty-fiVe peata were ~ oo~ after ~ • deUcilOWI ed their tamUlei at West Unlon. ove~ IUl~. and Mrs, Pl'ye toOk part in a P.igh 8ChOO~. . one son In Dayton. He was a cous• • • • • arranged at. tables-·decorated ·1Il It. et.· Pro&r:tckl. _ lUDCb ;wu eerved ~ week end. lira. HoWda,'a aIst.er, play presented on the program by The play was a fa$t moVing com- in of Mrs. C. O. RraBtlall~ of Har- Dr'-.Ell Crew of D.ayton 'spent sun.~ Patrick's Da, Colors. Mr; Hawke re'!bOle ~~ .... tile Illest M&u Be~ Sutton returned with the Waynesville 1l'0Up. ed) , full of I'OmallCf~ and color. and vJeYhaburgw. Mrsd' J . E. Wlthillam. and day with his brothers. Robert- and ce v lally-gUta and IreeUDII l w aynesv . e bonar. MIL u ....klme. lira. Robert t1,em for a week's vlalt. held the lnterest of· tta audience from 0 n 00 ar. Frank. In the afternoon the three from his famOy and frlenda, conpat. J'Umu. l1l'i. 0 o. .....fcllDe. Mfa • • • • • start to finish . MIsses Ruth Ann Funeral servlce~ ~er~ ~eld I~ ~~- visited the Mulford greenhouses at ulatlng him on thls haPPJ ~ . Jeeee iacbnl, 0&&0 Mlcbaei Do you enjot a good time? Plan to Donohoo, Ruth Conner, GenevIeve ledo Saturday. an u a was n - Lebanon. and the Irwin M. Krohn Guesta Included loll'll. Mal')' Hop. ~. M1chUj; lin. . W"~ COllIe to the· pm ....rcb 30. Dance Hadley. Jeanne Hess. Prances John&. ami cemetery. here . conservatory at Cincinnati. k.ins, Ml'. and Mrs. carl Hawte. aDd Whl,l.aUr &Ikl da~ Anna Mal'1- and ~rd party ' sponsored by the Monimla Hoak. . Marcelilne Peters, • • •. • • Ray HaWke of Daytml. Dr. ancl "". Jyn: Mn. . Berber&.! lIiredlth and Gran,e. Recent guests of Mrs. C. H. Death· Robert Preston, R<obert Earnhart. MISS EMMA SALISBURY Mr. and Mrs. HartJey Moss ellter- Ralph H. Vance and IOn Ralph Jr ,. daUtbter MatJOrle'l Mrs. Seth PUJ"' • ,. . ' . . . era,e w~re Mr. and Mra. Adolph and Paul JobDa au &eve excellent PASSED AWAY TUESDAY tained with a famUy cilnner, bunday ot Wilmington; Mr. altd Ill'll. )leI· iJI&,~ and .$ll'htel' 'aUah eotrIbe . Mias Betty Harper, . a week end Blome and Mlss Pearl Huddleston portrayal of the lending characters. honoring their mother. Mrs. Cora vyn ' Banta of Loveland; Mr. aDd )Irs. N . ·,l ttle "nnrieJ ," '. and .lrai\ddau.": aU.' ~t t1be .hOme ' Itr.. and. 110. of Da,ton. . The high light of the ahow was ille lifelong Rich, wllo ' celoora ted her birthday Mrs. John Fromm and aon CI,de. ... M. :A. ~PulIt~. was the ~unday MLss Emma Salisbury, a . tar. Annetl.e 'l'lDnel lira LeoIIud Mr. and Mrs. carl Neutzenbolzer. comedy roU enacted by Oharlo tte V anniversary Monday Their guests Lee H awke an d !On Ilean. J(1'. aDd 'ftruley ...... ~ lin neD1rlc,aupper 'I UNt of Mr. and lara 1Ir. and lira Georle L1gaber, . lira Hartman. as. "Henrl:etta Wblpstitch" resident of Spring aUey. died I at were Mrs Rheba ~ddOCk of Leba- Mrs. Maynard Weltz and lamU,. IIr. Perry ' Tbcimu. ...... Homo D • .....:· R. R. JIartIioct 'aDd . family. Later, : CUrie ~ and friend of' Da~ Equally entertalninlr in their bits of her home there Tuesday even nil' non Mr 'and Mrs GUbert Frye and and Mrs. Donald L. Hawke...... '. • . , A _ " , BIllY ·... rollowing an lllness of about ten days ' " . Etha C d th est f bAm PauUae. MrS.. u . Q. . ' ~ Ronald 8alUbury, a~ Mr. aDd ~. Allen IIlInrIt:k of Lytle co~edy were Tom Piorence. Earl Ivln Ister Miss 0c1 son Richard, and Mrs. Rich. n rane an e II'U 0 ~ IIliia ~n' Mn ow....Bartaodt aceompanled Mw Dr. Ben IIcOleUen and niece. II1as Mendenhall. and Alton Earnhart. S\l.fV g are one s , e • • • • • or. Hal1M* UlCl ' WUtoR IIartaock to MJ- Ruth IIcCJellan of Xenia were all Mias Jeanne Hess deserves special Sallsbury of Spring Valley, ' and one ...... lira p. T. Martin • . . brother. W. P, Salisbury. of Waynes- Mrs. L. V. Branstrator and Mrs. cI • !, a~. tJnJvenlty w~ere · they. alTbQth vialton or Dr. aDd Mrs. J. W. Ward menUon for her orll.ntal dance, Mu. Donald H dl tte d d I ' , ' ltUctenta: . • . 8DclaY. " . sic ' throughout 'the (!peretta was or vUle. a . ey a n ~ a s.lower - - - - ., . . .. • ' • • .. . , ' . ti I lit 'bo' th I d Puneral services will be held in the Saturday afternoon given In . honor . ' , . , ""-' H I tt ... .,,-.;"'" f A-h excep ona qua y. so os an Leila Koverman, Reporter I' .~ . , '. ... • ••L. . .......,;. 0 E Ed ..._ d ~ enr e a .~c~ .....J' 0 .lUI - h nd . '"Id f t Spring Valley MethOdist chwch of MH. ReIM!rt Bhtekert. by seveR at < U :) a.' • • wa._ an 'tabUla 0 aDd ' MrS Mary Barrla of c ortIS. a gave h ' ence a a grea . h ts ~UIbt:er .1I . of DNto were ';'eek ., . . . . deal of hard work Emd ractlce on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock and er aun . at the home of une or . ,. • ' ~ " ,.' " ... . uy _.... ~, n . Dayton,rere 8unday dinner gueets p burial will be In Spring Valley ceme- them, Mrs. Doris Harvey of near Those PlUlUs who wllb $0. ~.... . ........ '. ,. r end lUf)8t,a"of,.......... Mr.. ~ond at the bome. the part of both thle studenta and tery Sligo. Mrs. Stuckert Is a bride of two church services on PrIdq WID~ .... U COruWt ~.t~t Mrs. O. H. Deatheraie spent the their c11rector. Mr. Russell Frank. . weeks and was formerly MIss Carrie cused from their cl..... · ..~ t' ,,. , ~/ , week mel Wlth lJer . daugbter Mtsa Praise Is due Mrs. J[oward ~ and AGED CITIZEN Elma Moore of Clark6vllle. they bring a note from lb. . ,........ ,' . ' . Mr. ~ Mrs. Dam Purnu and Martha ~e . of DaYton. ~e members of the chorosea for • • • •• ~e .W~ ToW,nabiJj PIlnoera' clU~ chUdren. rJavid ,.~ J,.ne, aDd Mr, . lira LOula Settlemyre, Mrs. Mary their part ln the show. AccompanlTAKEN BY DEATH During several noon pertoda Mcb met at Granae ~u. the and lira. Jobn Burlke and family Grlst ~d two nEUe !lona of Lebanon ment o.f the entire show was played TIlomas M.. Clark, 92. well known te:in:~d a~~' r~:;: !~:!n~~:;. week fUms wlll ~ sbow~ to :ues~ ;~.; aalIt ~ ~e~ 8 a.. were SW;Iday avenin, guesta of ' Mr. called on' Dr. and Mrs. j. W. Ward. by MIas Mary Eva LeMay, who de· and .Iong time resident of th'.s .com· day evenlng 'in honor of the birthday dent body tor a amall ,.ad~laIon "U tt. A e, .~. lerVed at the .and ¥J:I. Charles Zimmerman. Monday afternoon. serves a great deal of credit for her munlty ried at 111s horne this. Thurs- anniversaries of Mrs Henry Wat. the w~ath~r does ~ permit.;olltGoor ..'\ • • • • • ' finework noon hour. ...- Le ..._...·--k -_... "' With all the talent, co- d . ml f 11 wi sh rt ill . exerc Ise. . Mr. ~ Haae~etei h'Ild ,charare· and Mra. W. A. Lulte~ and ~s. na ~"""" ..... grl\D"""n. operaUGn and bard work combined, ay mo ng 0 0 ng a 0 nellS. klns and Mrs. Charles Wakins. The 'of the a'Pecla, :. ~ .. ~ cain';" t! nluY a~ lUeIts Mill! Laura I4ntt- Owen HartaocIt vIaI~ Mn. A. Z. ''The BeUe of Bagdlld," prOVed to ,be He was the last one of his family. guest list Included Mr. and TIle teachen meetlDc baa beeQ Jbll~tte., . What . Do " . , " .IICI~ le~ . aDd IoIiII ~ Merrt,t vlaIted Hartsock. of near KlnIman, Tueaday a fine eveninll's enltertalrunent. Funeral services at the Stubbs fun- Mrs: Milo Miltenberger and daughpoatponed from"Mareh 19 10 March lIoit?" lUI talk brQuIht' obt ConaIct- the , uVe!clpai Airport at' · Vandalia. ev~. Mfa. Harteock Ia IIldrerlng eral home !3 aturda y at 2 1P. m. Burial ter. Peggy JO, of Lytle, Mr. and Mrs 26. ' , . er!lble cU.C~>. SU1!~ at~. from an attack of rheumatism. ROBERT PRESTON TO in Miami cemetery. Nelson Wa:tkil15, Mr. and ¥rs. Leo • Conner and daughter, Carolyn, Mr. On FrIda,. Uarcb 15. Mr. PI'ank 1be I!D8aker of the atterDoOD ... • • • •• REPRESENT DIVISION ANNUAL INSPECTION and Mrs. Cannan Crane and son, . J~ldp. B. H .",enne. or the probate 8~ldentlj from Miami UnlveraltY. LESTER SPENCER SPEAKS . took· to Oxford tbose who col&lt.lD Qreea couD&y. He spoke OIl ~ for the week ~were; Misa AT CLUB DINNER Ri1&se1l E. Prank. musk Instructor ~. AT HARVEYSBURG Jimmy. and Mr. and M!s. Charles the vocal contests in the mU8lc featll~~ ~ of 'JuveDue deU1iqueoq Ruth ..Conner and" her rQOllUllate, In the Wayneavme schools. took Watkins. • • • • • UVal. Our repre&eJ!tatlv~ ~ 1Il~ · ID~ that . ~nt)'f ~e . pnj'bate Wi ~ Hwroct Miaa Betty Harper The WayneuWe civic Club en- .three of his pupUs. Prances JohDII, Local Masons who attended :lnnual . Conner. '~ncls JOhna. - and Bob J\ldp la aIIo ~ of the · JliYeDue who .,~ted ber uncle a~(1 aunt, Mr. • joJed a . fine' cUnner fbno~ by a Ruth Conner and. ]~t Preaton to Inspection of Harveysburg Lodge ldr. and Mrs. Carman Crane and Preston. Iu Bob l{on at 0sfuId. hi co~.... a&reilecl pb,cInc ~ JOUul- 'J:!i lin. M., A. PUlItenon; WOton very Intereatlni apeUei Wh8n they Oxford, FrIday where ~ey took part saturday night were Jesse Prender- son and Loren Reason , wer.e lUests nOw has the honor en~ a. M ~~ in ~t . ~ ~ .~ ~ ~., I~r Prom met at the Little Inn, MOnday ~e- tn the elll'hth ann'llal So1ltbwestel'n gaat. H . .14.: COrnell, W. A. Lukens, at a. family birthday dinner 8undaJ, State eontest. . .I . t.c~ ~~~ ~lilolnl!tead ',of .. ~r'~ ,~l~ae. 11", ~ LoU.1Ie nIDII'. Marcb lJt.b. .In .. Ibort bual- muak: festival att.lllami u~venlty. Dr. A. E. Stout Charles James. Sr. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WIl.~ Ulti1 "fa ' ietCil'lUtarleI, at .1IGak,: ' " Mary ~ Lukens '. t1J:aa lt decided to ha ~ Prellton. slnil1ng a baritone L. A. Garst , Frank Braddock. Fred l1am Newton of Lebanon; given In " :D!Jt.Ware· · . '''. and' ~ ' iuIats. IOaes lIartli.a m~ AbaeC:herU ve 1010 won the rl,bt to re~nt the Braddock, Raymond rBaddoc)t, Don- honor of Mr. Carl- Crane. Other :'1Jbe ciub '· ~· J . ~ ~t arNew Y~k. aDd Llnd- ~~ a n:m.~ corqm1ttee Southwestern divialon In the state aid Hadley. O. I. S~tterthwalte. O. guests were Mr .. and Mrs. Robert talk to meet aD -'.-1 ' ~ ~ Of, ~.we.IDd. " cIra t ilat.s of 'nc1l- musti:competttlon to be he~ at .Ob- R . lJnglesbY. ~n Hawke, Guy Crane an4 daUrhter. Mr. and Mrs. 1Ira,' D':"".tA __ -k" with • • . _ ~~ afr&> :WOI~~tef' otp . - c;a erlln lome time this sprtnc. . R<..utzahn, and Carl ' AbaecberU· Carl Crane and daughter. Ruth. 01 Mr. ..... W e ' ......... __ ..._ or e Ill'UWVU 'O f Cl8rs next . . d " AmOD &be IpYl&ecl. .... Ka~OQII P,teDderpst YI;d~ moot.b. . . . .. . Because of the. laJ'le number. of They repQrt an e~llent d1n~er an Lebanon. ~ ~_ s· -....l. ~f y';'.~~ Illk' ~ with ......: and lin. a,yan '.; . . oompetiton ftObeol't'1I frtendli are a f~ne meeting. . • . • ~ •• . "-" ...... ......... 0 - _ ....................:.'.. __ .a f":-;';"i'- or _ .:. !I'be' aueat speatet Ur, ' Lester .. ' . Mra C H Bra d u_ R ~ .Ifra 'J~es,. ~~ Mt, . \UId"Ura·. ~ ton. _ ..."._ . ....... , ... ...~Of WHlO, Justly .~. O.f h,~~CCtIIIII ,and the . . . ce ~n PllS. onAa-. Thoai=:O.1. ~_ __ .. .u;" jObn P*", ~U. , SUDdAy ~ at ~ ~,~~ : honor .~towed ullOll him. . Mr. and Mrs, ·Albert Carvei-, .Miss ald Hawke "ere guests at a luncheon I - ' -! . ' - ,~. ~ "~' . toe.... ~.00Il~ utile• •t ~-. P? a .~7. ,~~ve I I . i.. !.ala .searS, an!! J9hn Seara '!( .Oin- TUeadar, given by MrII. Roger Woo,d- The Lad* , ~: ~ ~ ". L. ~tDdeni 8t., Steve . ' 'rOpia ·,CIl1ircb. lin. well II! , ~tertaInIq. .~~ ~ 1 Ule IlB.:-nEOUD PIUJDBNT' nati, and Mr · and ·Mfa. Everett sears huD, · at her l)ome In Day~n . Mrs: MethOd" 'aallll'P!i-:IiI.i~ aII~:J~~'I!l ' M[:'~~' ~ad4! 'NrDer•. Dr.,. Bryaa.~ .... '~ Of. ....,... •.membe!-l ~ '. ~ .., • cI,IIcUaInr, .. ) oi.mlt pIt40DucBRS ·A88~. apd .son, ~~ of yaUeywere 'Woodhuli, ';'ho Is the united Thank W~ ·~~_k\\~ .~ . ~ .and MrII,. JliIle of ~ ~...... r• &be ~ . ~ . te~1aIoD ~ ~~ ., . ....;.~ • .. ~mner ~~ts at 'the h~e oi their Otrering tteas~rer. of the Woman·s ~ _ ~.' '.. , • • ., ~ . ...~ of B\1l'opeU1 . " . , n~ Ai 'the aIlnual re1l11'1&niaatlon m,et- parents Mr. anCl: "rs. W, N. Sear+ ' Auxiliary to We National CouncU of .... till. ,..... " ..- . ..... A. aDd oYer - - - _. . .. ..... IIJam1 vaileJ _ ' Pro- PrIdaY -evenlJig. tlieJQlurch lJrtlie Diocele Ilf.--Ud l1l'i. , . . , ........ MrL ...... au.eu ~ ..... ', uIcl_' " &beD PlrDedtIJdQ .. ..,.UoD ~_~ ..........UOD board or dtncton all attended the weddllll of tha,: of South«n 01\10, was ~ to .......... Jr". -.,. .... ..~.._ , . *- '¢barI• .--.... '1Ir. ~ - ' ' ' ' ~ Wblcb ~, 1IIPJq' III Da,Jtoo. BarYe, M. BIiI'- nlece and couafD lOti IIarpret B~ thirty-five Thank oaerln, treaaur· III Ap1l .... , ...............,..... "d~1Il'II .ell 'IIIId . . . ; , . __ . ,.. . . Ie eIIcCed Jll'lI,ident lor bIa ~Ulhter of ,~. aM lin. .rohn E. en and ......deq or AUJdllJrl. 1111 . , at tbe _ ....~. '~I!l.' "l'be ............ II1ftUDI w1l1 Udrd CIIIDI8CUtm 8I1Dual term. BIIbt Bole of DaYton to MUtord BbIIOre' of thrO\li~out Bouthfm Oblo. MIla Bbi_a. 1& ....... ~ . ........ lie MId • tile ~ ~ Wed- ...... v.u., are repreeent- DI.JtOn, at the Cburch or the Breth· Martha Sbermad. a -''''on'Q, to ~ ed CID tile baud. teD · Oblna waa the . . . . . . . .. . Twenty-two membera of Wayne.· ville Parmers' Granre whOle birth. day annlveraarlea are' In Janual'J. February, and March. were honor lIueat. at a birthday banquet., Baturday eve~ at Gran,e HaD. The committee ~ cthuge oi the dinner arrangement. included Mr. and Mrs Erneat Butterworth. Mra. Arthur Swart.r.el a~ IOn ArthlU' Jr.. and Mrs. Joel Statea. After the dinner the cpmmlttee In chll1',e. Mr. and MI'II. Alvin Earnhart. Mrn. Hartley -M088. and Mrs. Amos Cook presented the folJowln& program: 8uaphon~ 1010, by Earl Rye; the m~ldIers then answered ro,1 call wi~ ' IrIah Jokes; a dia. lorue, "After SchOOl," by Sue and Roy Purnaa; a Procram of .tunta CClnducted by lin. Rheba Braddock; and In oo~luslon a vocal duet, Momin," by Mrs. "ReaurecUon GUbert Prye and MIas Vtrainla Hardin aCCO~nled by M18e Helen Hawke.
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creek townlihlp. .: J. A. RebOld, dece~, to )4ary part of lots 22 an4 23 1n Ml\son. , bourtney J. Combs to El18worth d Y · ft Er>al' IQt 116 ' In ' South nr.. J.J<:ona "" , . Lf:be.non. IJItt t D th Amanda ' A. a 0 oro y J . Frazier;· lot 16 In Way~esvllle.
i rs. Floyd Patiner. 24. larmel;'. Mason. • Flora 'M. In the matte!' of tll esttlte.of lind Evelyn Reitz. 18. Mason. . . ,Cra'ne Editor and Publisher Wendell ·A. Brown , 29, factory' . 'el JesSie BUI'kheul, dccensed; schedule ." . ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Tl1 Von Cnmp Sl.Qne & .G I. \ d ' wol'kel'. centervilLe. and Alpha ft,I'lno A. O(l nr : fOI' <II drbill npprove I. Cf,m pnny \'5. Il ,,~, , In t hc matter r til estllte of Blllnche Edwtlrds, 2~. Lebimon. , Subscription , Price, ,1.5Q Per ' Year, Patable in Advance 11I01l'y only 0 D C1l1IUncey R1tche l,. decellScd ; lnvenGeorge E. J effery. 18, P!lper workMnry A. Moreland v '. ' III r . lon' a pproved " . er 'Franklin, nnd Am.llda O. WUson. Moreland; dl vor e. gross lle~ le('t. . tt':' Oeor" E Llbbce Fr nklln " . . SI ' d 1'5 Roger ShcrTil the ma er 0 b' • 'I' . a . KITE TIME MII iam lCI \ 00 . . f d l Junior mcntally 1l1; nppllcnt!o n lor Marion Shearer. 21. Illiborer, Clarks .=~~~_ ~ _~~~_ ~':_::,-::~::-----::' w oel; divorce. gross neglpcl a \I y , ndl11ls.~ion to Da,{t.on Stntc Hospital ville. and Mary Wilson , 23. OlarksNOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Grnyson Lumbr r Company I'S , . • 1\$ Is a w Iconu! relief from the bit ter controversy revolving round I;; ordered . ville . Admln1st-J'a~r with tbe will annelled, I{orl Snell. et. al.; action . ClJllnO\·il. pubUc ownership 'versus private ownership of the electric Industry. lo In tile matter ot the eslnle of de bonis non, ' read An advertlse~lent disPii.Yed I:)y tile Oklahoma Gas and Electric COll1HEAL ES'fA 'fE 'l'RANSFERS W H Dinwiddie, dccen. cd; Ruth M . pany. It contnlned m?, word of cle:.tric rates, nO technical dnttl of any COl\! MON 1'1.": /\. "ltOCEEDI NGS sn'l'a~e ' nppolnled actmlnistrntrix. Phone 78J lort. boosted ' no accomplishments. promised nothing, made n o eHorl to In the matter Qf thc estate or Stanley J . and Martha I. Watkins Estate of W. U. DlnwiddJe. Deceased lel1 electrical appllhnces. It '!;howed a youngster enjoyi ng the r up turc of Notlee 15 hereby given that Ruth Homee Hoacl\ry Cordes \' 5 . Mldn lIarry H. pence: decea sed ; hearing to Turner A. Rnd Alina Carper; 148.M. Savage whose Post Oftlce AdIt! te flying. Arm s~ron g Stilcl>, I"t a!.. Harry Z. rn inV('l1tol'Y L~ set for March 28 55 ac res In Union arx1 Salem towndress Is Waynesville. Ohio. R. F . D. , .. . . . . . . . . . . . .II! Kite fly\llg within tile next few weeks wUl approe.ch the pro))Ortlons Gray nppoinled guardian ad lIlr: m In the mntter ot the estate nt sHips. or a national pastlme. High tenSion wires and kI Les are n potential sour ce for nil 1111110rs et.c. Cal.hel'lne L. Loop. d -cMk d : hcarJ ohn and Catherine ,Tigges. by hIlS tieen duly appointed as Admlnof tJ'agedy. Each year, there nre cases of electrocution from kites -entangEdward F. Roat AS nd lll inlstm tor il~ !! on inventory is se t for MArc h 21. sht'rill. to Clarence C. and Hattie H. isU'IItrlX de bonIs non with the will ling In Power 14Jes.' TIle Oklall0ll1a utlllty. In II.s advertiscment. gives of cstnlC of Flom RUIlt. deceased. v. in the mattel' of tll!' CSlAll' of Brown; 158.472 acres In Union town- annexed ot t.he Estate ot W. H· TARVIA·LITHIC TAR AND lIOund advice ori kite flyi ng. (1 ) Fiy your kltc in open fields awa y rrom Mnrlon Sn ider, liS csrellLOr of the Jnhn Chester Hill . deceased ; esltliC shiP. Dinwiddie late ot Warren County. electrlo lines. (2) Use cotton cord for string. Never use wire or ti nselll'd will of Anna M. Snider. <lecraSi'd : rf'l levcd from admlnislrntlon , ROAD OIL;. EXCAVATING Mary Olive Archdell£on to Frank Ohio, deceased. Idt~ strlng-. They ronduct electricity. \3 Never run across highways. (4) motion or plainti ffs st L~lalnl'd . cleDated this 7th day or March 1940. In the matter of the estal of J. Arclldeacon et al.; lot 7 In SpringDUMP TRUCK SERVICE RALPH H . CAREY Never climb pol.es. fcn(lant i~ grn l11 ccI thir ty dR Y~ to A. Rebold. deceAsed: crrtlficatc r boro . PIT RUN, LOADED SOc YD, But perhaps the politicians will soon be claiming that kite flyin g p:wd fuHl1er, Judge or the Probate Court t fP.ru;fe r ordered , hearing on schedDaisy Hopkins and Grant HopkIns wOuld be cheapiij: and 'safer under government owllershlp. They clail11 Warren Oounty. Ohio Til l' People's Dullcling. Loa n nnd ule of debts set for March 28. d istrl- Lo Dan Reser and Alma Reser. lots most everytblng else for their so('laUzatlon progra m to wipe Ollt Ihe pri- Sn\'lllgs COll1pn n)·. (If LL'b rmoll . VS . bution In kind. Inheritance tax cle- 75 a nd 76 In ButlerVille, Stanley & Stanley. Attys. Mar 14-21-28 vate electric Indust!'Y .- Industrlal News Review Ad a luide Clement!,. et al.; conflrm- ternuncd . Inventory nppl'oved . Harry McOlnnis to Lloyd B. Hall In the matter of th e es~ate of and Leona F. Hall; 113,88 acres In lIo n. deed a nd dlslribullol1 of pro· Phone, Waynesville 44 R 11 - -- ~ ceeds, balance due $1127.96 for which Wllll a m W. Sweliy. .decl'o st'(\; Cl'rUf- Wayne toWIlBhlp;' Lebanon otflce Phone 47S-KI1lahlLlIT prays judb'lllCIlt. l'clt'ascd, leate of transfer ordered . inheritance Maude C. Monger to Stanley McMorrew Plione No. a res.98·M. etc. '. tax detcrmlned as nonc, hearing on Klnlltiy and Lilian McKinney; 0.01 TO TRACTOR ' SALESMEN C. Ellzwbeth Maxwell vs, Wal'1'cn schedule of debts I~ se~ for March a cre In Frankll~ toW1l8hlp. N. Maxwell ; di vorce to plainUff. 15. Cl11rord Walker and Florence M. I 1 properly, etc. to plalntllI. In the malter of tile ' estate of Walker to Mil Hill; 2 acres In HamSealed bids wl\1 be received by the - -- - - -- -- - Grayson Lumbpr Company vs. ArabeU Dinwldctie. deceased ; Ruth l1t.on township. Township Olerk ot Wayne ToW118hlp I(----::S:= ~ Karl Snell. et n!.; judgment_glv n to M. Savage appointed admlnlstratrL". Edmon s~wart aJld~va I. Stewart Warren OOWlty aL the Townah1p S~ . A~'S .. plaintiff, Oakley Ridge. John Fromm and J. til Beulah Hazelwood; 36-100 acre.s In House. Waynesville. Ohio until eight . Clearcreek tOW1l8h1p. P. M. , Eth I Lykins VR. Hugh Lykins ; dl- B. Crabbe appointed npprnisers. , \orce granted. child gra n led to plain In tI~ matter of the estate of . Albert E. Haigh and JullA H1agh Monday. AprU 8th. 1940 \ REAL ESTA.TE tln . Jehn SlnlPkl,lls. deceased; Inven- I'J H'oweU puckett and Mollie ~- Por about a thirty horse J)9wer INSURANCE J OA nne Moore, 11 mlnol'. etc., vs. tory approved. eU; lot 89 In Franklin. tractor to be used tor road copstrucAUCTIONEER === be never did know Just how. Ul e hao· "" I f i an t a 11 oW ' CI 30 In t.he matter of the estate of BUSTER TD'ts FARblER ,' , ed FI a r d er t : (e cn( CUfford Smith al1d Eftle bmltll to. tlon and malnte,nancc. 'l'rIW: . tor must die of the pail slipped back over hIs BROWN'S BOY'S PAIL ears and cooght there. clAYS addlUonal time to llle answer. Oren Koebel. d,ece cd; David M· Thomas Weber and Mary Am~ ~eber be eqUipped with caterpU~r tracTbls was bad enough. but to make Shlrl~y Moore, a minor. vs. Fred Adams npplnted ndmlnlstrator. Ed lots 21. 22, .23 and 24 In Franklin. ,tlon . It UI Ule Intention ot the Trus· HE question!ia, did Buster BeBr Will Alfred Kindred and Mildred ,Kln': ttes La, trade In as ,part ~yment a steal Fa~~ BrOW)l'B Boy's motters worse just a l tha t very mill' 11lt rdert, defendnnt a llowed 30 da ys' JeffI' y, Henry Mlllm'd and pal17 To steal.1s 1,0 take something ule. he he ard a shrlU. angry voioe add itional time to fil b un~wer. Ross appointed nppralsers. d red to John Glosslp and EIlzabeloh second hand "caterp1llar 'l'hlrty" whlcb belongs ' io some ohe else. ~hout : "H i. the re! Get ou t 01 111 the matter of the estate ot Gio~p; about 2 3-8 a.eres ,ln Frank- tractor, Q.\I payment. There Is no doubt that he stole the 1hl'r r:! " He d ldn't need to be told 1'ltOB " TE ('Ot RT , " . Mrs. M. A. Smith. deceased ; hear1:1, township. _ The Trultees reserve the right to berues that were In the po 1\ when whose voice that was. It was the " , Ing In IrlVentorJ{ set tor March 22. Clifford 0 , Hlil and ISabe'U' ' Hill; rejeCt any and all bids. h.e found It; for he deliberately ate voice of Farmer Brown's Boy. In the matter of tf1e settlement of In t hc ma tte'r of thc estate of one acre in Fran\c;llrt townSHip. I •• ~ L. 'R. Oordo!,\ , them to the lost one. He knew well Right then and the re Buster Belir ~ nough that some: one' must, have nearly lia d II fit. There was that the estate of JaDles Anderson. ere- Oliver W. Morris . t1eccllSed; dIsU'ibuFrank Batsche to Ronald Shurtz Clerk Wayne TWp., plc.ked them. tor wbo ever hea rd of awful pa il fn s l ove r his head so ceased; a certified copy It the..en- tlon In kJnd ordered . certUlcate of an<.\ Ella J .' Shurtz; tract. ln Ml!,s9n: Warren County. OhIo. blueberries'tlQwilll''in lIn pa ils? So that he couldn ' t see a thing. or t ry determlnillg t he inheritance tax transfer ordered. John P. O'Grady to Chr1st Horton . Mar'1-1"-21~2~ there Is no doubt tha t when Buster cnurse th a t meant that he CHuletn'l t b II Is 01'(Iere(I Issue d t 0 th 0 In the maLtel' of t he gltardjanshlp lots. 2670 through 2674 In I.oveland. , pn c ROO ' T 'FOR a. ""D. CONSIGN , o , e lOok them he stole them. But with run away . which was the thing ot 1 ft'· of Amanda A. MaJIltt. distribution ThomllS Winter to Christ Horton; 'NOTICE -OF APPOINTMENT 100r Cattle, blip, ibeep alld eal" .. !be pail It . WJlS different. He took all things. he most wanted to do. nud tor. 1n thc matt I' of the estate of In kind niade. 10t6 2584 and 2S85' ln I.oveland, Sxeea&v to Nom..Brock C"" lI"e wlra Ind !be palJ. but he dldn't mean to take You see. bill as he Is. and stron!: _ _ , . p~uilrl!llll"e fI!'WI r"r ' tbe bl~... . In tact, he dH1n' t want tha t p:l ll as he Is. Buster Is very shy and William D. MCFadden . decea cd; dlsIt all. > ••• ~, bashlul when human being s RrE' trl butlon In kind nrdered. \ _ _ _ _ __ ,__ __ _ _ _ . ~tate of 'Bath Hannah Crew mlrket prlc.. and rood· .. n1ea. ea4 . ' . U.la. Sloe. "fard.' Cla.I••• tI..! 0. Vou see.rlt ·was ,thts, way : When around, He growled a nd whined In the maLtcl' of t he es tate of ' IlBellee.Mu_1M . ' Tune In 011 IUdlo Statio II W",1(Y auster found thal big lin pall brIm· and squea led. He tried to back William Villard. deccased; repor t of Notlce'IS herwy 'given that Rbbert \2:2& to 12 :80 p . m. for our d:a ll , . nlng full ~ del)cl.o us be.rries in the oul of the pail and ('nll ld n·\. HC' administrator is approved. _ ~, K. 'Oi'ew whoa Post Oft'1ce address Is 'market repor1l. '.; Ihade cif tb , big .bush' In the Old tr kr! In shnkr it niT our! ~o· Il(! n· l. Iil the matter of the guardianship wAyneavnie, oi'iio~, ~ W . li'aUfy apa '"-::,!!!!'!!!t!!-~'~!!"!!~~!!!!!~!!i!!~!!!!'''!'".!! Pasture ti~· '''d ido't stop to think He lned to pull It oiT. but somehow ' ",hether , or ' not· he ' had a right 10 he couldn't get hold a t it. Then of Tobias Bretney. Incompetent; At Public Auc tion ·on t he premises. 3 miles South ~ ot Waynesville, 'on ,poInted I:' ~f!Cu~ of tile Eatate' of ' memo Bu~tet · Is so ' rond 01 berrh s there was "nnther yell. If Bu ster :claim against Charles Baker settled the WA YNESVILL.E -CLARKSVJLLE ROAD, at 10:00 A."M·. on Ruth Hannah crew ~te,ot Warren • '!' -",. /I n beenso frightened humelt he lur $75.00. ' County. Ohlo,..deCeaaed'. , _
F. ,T.: Martin"'
Or No Charge
Centerville, Ohio
Sand & Grav~l
Zain Armitage
I 'W. N.
u~;t~s ~~:eo;~~~:~~~7.~:r ~:: i:e~(~~ it was.
In the matLer of the estate of You sl1e. Fa rmer Brown' s Stephen A. StOwell . deceMed; Char-
~~!r. hO~heJ:s~e ~~dc~ve~~;~ I~u~~:~ ~::! s!~::~:ce~~g:;;~~e~~ ~~~:
Wltb a ftIl.Cht). "",hoor!'.' -', 'e s t.i'rted ror tbe GrecD Furesl as fa!' t ns his legs ;C!litflct take hltn. : ., -:: '- . , th :l t, rr(l rn,.th~ "ery $~ cund th:l l hIS greedy i(tiIe eyes saw that pai lful be forgot "everytHlng bul the fenst thll l ivas waiLing tor blm right under hi s ' very: nose" He clld,n't thl~k any· thing nt!pU,t : tJJe right or wrong at he lping· him~~.I!. . There before ' him were morq. berries than he had ever seen log~\het at one time in all his IIr!.'. and nil he hnd to do was to ea t and eal. And that is just what he did de! or, course. he upset the pall, yt...he didn't m l~ d a little· thing IIkt· , th at. When he had gob. bled up 11 11 the berrIes' that bad 1'11 111'0 out he thrust his nose into th pa'r1 t","'l~ef ':i ll that were lerl In . ,J USI 'r f\:><",'h" h ".-d II II It I" noj ,,£, AS
time he had supposed it was one 01 th e YOllng c:at.t le wh n live in' lhe Olr! Pn sturE' nil summer. hut wh f'! n he ~a \V Bu st~r he was just 9 5 bfH II Y [rillhten tJ as Bus!'r himself. I,' tac!. he was too Sll l'prised and (raghl . cited (' vell ti, run , He just slolle still and stared after thaI second ycll. Busler clnwed' nl tha t Awful thing on hi~, hend more fr anticillly than ever. Suddenly it slipped ofT so that he cOllld sp,e. He gave' one fright· ened look at Farrner Brown's Boy , and thE'n with a mighty "Whnotl " he stllrtcd tor the Grc"n Forest a~ fast a~ his legs could take him . and this was very fa st ·indeed .. let m(. tell-you.-He..didn·t stop to pick Ou l a pa th. but jusl cra shed through lin bushes as i t they were nolhing a ' 1111. JUf noth ing at lI U, BlIt the rlln niest thing of all is this-he too~ that tin pail , with him! Yes, sir ; Buster Bear ran :away with the bIll tin pail ot Farmer Brown's Boy! you see when it slipped all. the handle was stili around his neckl He didn't want It, He would have given anything to get rid at it.' But he took it because he couldn't help It. And that brings us back to the question: Old Buster BE"lr steal Farmer Brown's' B nv'~ J"I" i1 ~ What do Y"" Ihink ,
cia E . Liggett Is appointed trustee of will. I n th e lIla It f th e se ttlemen t 0 r ~ er 0 Ule estate of Anna M. Franz, deceased; lnherltonce tax determined ns none. In the matt~r of tht: estate . of Edward E. Knockl'nhauer. deceased ; sale of nn Ilutomobile at priva.te sale ordered. In the matter of the estate of Or em Jo.rdan, .decensea; hearing Il\\'entory ill set for March 19. In t he matter of the estate Phillip Helsel, deceased; hearing inventory Is set for March 19. In the ma.t ter of the estate
M ',ON DAY, APRIL 1sl, 19.'I'140,. . -:."
MUSCUlAR IIIIIS CRa J"*~~~~1'~::~. ~~~ . P. ;. . .
,A ' ..
Dated this 6th day of March. 1940. BACKACHE -SOREiSSMuiffIESI . Ralph..H. Carey. -. ~
I Farm wUl sell promptly at 2 P. M. i26 acres Unproved with a goOd 9-room Robert crew. Atty. brick house willi basement; Barn; Crlb~; Oamge; POultry House ; Hog Day~n. Ohio. House; New 1I1U1 "'k House;; Delco Light In g system. Power line rea dy .... "" b e tllstA lled. 5 fireplaces In hoUse. Land slightly rolUng. has had wonderful . cal'e and soil very flood,: excellent fences. 100 acres In Alfalfa; plenty of frui t; 19 acres in wheat; ciJ.over seed Is Sowri ) no taxes until Dec .• "I940. "
J[ tlrst · r®d'
nabbiDp with ~
wvrniDI M~le don't briIIa you
Mu-1:'u'21 t10ri0Wl relief from tbole ~mlllcool . . --'-- aft'" p~l--due' to ' _ . -bl! !!'r ...... _u
' 1I1mean..Ef.urd~tor.ButMU8teJO
Ir•• .
WI MORE " 'JIIIt , ........ 'jronderful.oothlnl "Count.,.:",;· · , tonl'·"h1ch~t4Ithe,OIJ"""" of the IIdn til help eueloea\.eoadIUoG · and pain. Uaed by miUlonI fot cirir' • yearsl a ItreDIthli! Rerulll', (mild) &lid EItra 8troI!L toI...C~'.'; ;' ..
"'HATTELS TO. SELL AT 'tO A .M \. . .. 4 Hend of good horses ; 14 head of pure bred 'JersllYS, this herd el1glble-for G 0 Id Me d a I a t Ohl 0 .... """ rmers • wee k in Colurn b us 1n J !ln~ry . 80 .. me wQ.nderful cows, 47 head hogs. 150 chickens, all certified. nne sto:k. Feed-600 bU. corn. 4 tolllS mixed hay, 2 tons SOy bean hay, 3' tons shredded ·t odder,
10 tons Alfalfn ensUage. 10 bu. soy beans, 1-2 ton be.led straw. of F'8rmall Tractor In excellent condition with CUltivators', breaklni on plows. double tll~., cultlpacker, sUo !Uler. · U. 8. St.an~ard , 6 roll. coni shredder. drlv,e belt for tractor. buzz saw fgr tractor. Large ~d eomple~ of Ine farm maeblnery. Harness and lot · household goods, '
George D. Shepherd, deceased; Lee We are dissolving partDershlp: milking neccssary , to ,dIsPOse McClaln, Curtis Wade and Lehman thing to the h,l ghest blclGer without. limit or reserve. Farm .sells at, 2 P. Dye appointed appraisers. Chattels at 10:00 A. M. All Ohattels Cash. . In the matter of the estate of ,', Ruth Hann~h Crew. deceased; wUl [lcmltted to probate. Robert E, Crew appolnt'ed executor. Charles satterwe lte. Ross Hart'.soi:k and Wilbur Spars appointed a ppraisers, In the matter of the eState ot Unua A. Lowe, deceased: hearing
on schedUle of debts is'1let for 'March if , . Hle ·~ nnt· ;.'Y~' · I: ' 1\ ql! . H t- th rew 26 , ~. t. i. . ~~..t..~ d .\r:: p ~ l.."· n. ll nd sullu!11uw, ... In the matter of the estate 01 =::!:.J~:'~==~!::::=~~~=~~~~=~~=~~~~~~=~ Genevieve Rees Gerwe, de~d ; .' JOEeph p, Oerwe, admlD1strator, Mal ::.. vln R. PhUl1ps. Corwin Nixon and ~
126' ACRES FARM 'and,. CHATTElS .
,'Phone Your Want Ad.
-Mcl¥ll[~N. · , .
'1" 1
F. T . MARTIN; Auc-'203 CUSLer Bldlf., Ds.,... Ohio. ' ADams 3061 Centerville. OI1.!o, Phoae.-.1 Stnnley Bnlley '& A. B . CIIbhart. Clerks Wn ynesvil le Gliange wmarve lunch.
* 11 ~ '*
*-. )r~.a' 11 '* ,* *.'* '*~' * ~.~ *. * ~ '* * ... *:. .. *'. ,... * -I·,.,~h,~~hb'.. I.~. Ih. Ii.a... :._ 'If
: 11'•••
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• • a; ••• ,CJt;lox' T,oolh' 'owdo" ' . ," • ., *.*.. .. .;* * •.* . i1t ,1!r•• * * * .... * 11" '11-"' -"',, * ...... !it '.... '.
,.~~.~ ~f .~?~J~oOd'.'~rll:hte.t· .t,lI~ ule C.)ox 10 b~P'~~~D"
OUl~e nl!lur,!ll 1" tr'! of tI.elr I~II-.and yoI' , ail 'rely' Aln •
.',~.t;l! rlo~. ' P~~e, whoJe~D;le: plea••nl.a4ta~.., .ppio,e~ '~Y ,
~od Bou.ekeeplnl Bur",u;<Five teltedJri~lenl'-;;'leDded u :~c:~:rd!n,"" I? ·'.b.~ , lo..m~1a 01 ' a 'I~Nmj)~ '-de~~'~o~ri1,; - ',1 :,' m.• ~e ~Jox an , .eeo.nomICll~ "t~!,,)i po~~r 9¥,~ ( ain't biir• . looth , en.amel. ~t ,(;.Iox.' toda,: ~I. ) our :,drl}~ " liOn,: Five'" . ..... , :: .' , •alae., fronr JO¢.'to " 1.251" " .. , . '~
IF YOU'RE A' WOMAN-of coune 70D eaD'& ~ord It, 'but tbe h'ellh ..tla" air make. 70U dream or a DeW
a_ Bwlmmlnr J-$ • NW bat.
easemble, of
top...or ....,be
I ...
"n= .
Wit.h a Buckeye I~ C.o.t1gre~s•••
CLA.&NCI J• • •ow:" ..~ .. c:......... , .. ow. DIe ...... The Finnish-Russo peace of late la st week h as been the main top~ c • of dlscussion In Washington since . the Pact. was announ ced. The harsh • term s oC the agreement. the fa ilure ot England and France to give material aid to Finland. and the possible resllits of last week's developments, are all receiving close sorutlny and careful analysiS. Of' course. every one Is giving F inland grea~ credit for the remarkable fight that nation put up against the Russian In vaders. The courage of the Finnish people In defense oC their homeland against impoSl-ible odds wllJ \lve In history for all time. No one can criticise Finland for accepting the Inevitable after fighting to exhaus tion. In defeat Finland has the adm iration of the world.
to the smaller democrnLlc powt!rs. However, all of lhat does not save . I England from seriOlL~ criticism and even more seriOUS los.'> of prestige IUld infl uence . - - + - -
As a l'esu ll or-:;-:cse re:ent hnp- ! penlngs thc unpre.>Sion is Cast grO'I(Ing that I( peace does not come in the present European Will' quickl y. {ea, air, you·r. CllI ·•• t ~or CI luxury and thc full lury of .a hard lought. crui.e on thi. ·All·Am.riccan Cbamfar !lung and leng tlhy slruggle breaks pion. the .Iyl. and quality lead.r 01 England and Francc are In fa r more 1940. Thl. proud b.Cluty i. pol.. d Clild danger of ultimate defeat than they n•• t . •• 11C1shing color. acc.nluCiI. the were In the World War. In the stl ug- brilliant lin•• of lilt motor car atyliDg. . ~ Engla nd and France and Belgi um. the Netherlands. Russia. Haly. and fi nally the ITS PlCID United States. on their side. Today WITI they ca n depend upon help II' m FEITUIES none oC these . The Ides of March brlllg on.Y trouble for mankinj.
* *
VIVIEN LEIGH Olartr; a.ble u Rhett Butler In the Illmlzatlon of Margaret Mitchell's To Vivien Leigh falls the most coveted role in Hollywood history, t hat The end of hostiU ties between I • New . treamltned hood w i th claro . . . . cilellrat.e<t novel. "Oone with the Wind," opening Saturday March 2:1, for of Scarlet O'Hara in th e flImiza tion of Margaret Mitchell 's fa mous sto ry one week at the Xenia Theatre. Russia and Finland does not mean ,Iotod vrillo. • Slip·.lroam cbab. 9'\""~ ot the Old South. "Gone with the Wind", which opens Baturday March 23 that American aid Is no longer need - The United States hopes for- peacc • Cbromo from. IUl/l/av o carri.r bu t prepares for war National de- .uilt·in talllit. . • Slip .•troam r.ar I........ for one week at the Xenia Theatre. Fourteen hundred candidates were In· ed. In fact. the Finnish people will . , Patont.d Salot .. Park ing SIaad. local 'b oard of elections. candidates tervlewed and ninety girls tested for the part 'before the choice fell upon now need Amerlca 's help as much Cense Is being extended rapidly. Ne w D)ay withdraw any time prior to for- dark-haired, green-eyed Miss Leigh. as during the days . of the war. Her methods and means oC defense are ty days before the primary date, M~y material resources, including much ll:Jelng developed. New weapons are 14. which sets April 4 lUI the deadneed food supplies. are gone as a re- bei ng Invented. Just late last week Six-thirty p. m . March 16 was the line f9 r withdrawals. The complete w. J. Kennedy. April 5 to outlin e plrojectA for 1940-41 suit of the recent conflict. Many of an humble. plain looking citizen by Lar.:-er BecaUSe of BeUer Service, dead-Une for Illing nominating pe- list of state candidates ~ filed with LIEUT. OOVERNORr.-Republican and to set the goal for this year. her Cities and vnlagcs have been' de- the name of Barlow, a scientist workQuam, and Price tltloDII for all state, dlstrlct and Secretary of State Grlllith reYeals - Paul Herbert; Democrat--R. S . stroyed. and thousands of her peopl e Ing with Glenn Marlin. t he great Ohio wool growe:rs are becoming are homeless. Her factori es. utilities aviation designer and manuractw·er. cox, H. J . Halper. PriCe Janson, J . 'county offices, thole referring to th~ following: Established lS49-1939 nate offices being fUed with the Sec GOVERNOR--Republlcan _ John Taylor. W . H. Whetro. J. F . Coady , much concerned over the unprece- and public 'b uildings have been great appeared before th e Senate Military Pbone U N .t ary of State, diIItrlct o1lices with 'N. Bricker. A. Q . Thatcher; Demo- E. p . Bu~enmyer. J . W. Pattison, R. dented Increase In wool1mportatlons, ly damaged. The Mannerhelm Line Affau s' Comm Ittee all d presented Waynesville, 0., the county ~~d of electlolUl' I" the .crat-Martin L. Davey. H. S. Dufty. M. Winegardner. M.. E. Moore. C. D. as reported by the U. B. Customs no longer prote~' . her a nd new mll- full information and details. pictures c ollector lit Boston for the week end itary equipment '"and defenses are atndavits of tests, etc .. conceru1ng a moa" populoWl county within tbe dla James F. Flynn, James ·Marker. H. Hubbell. trict and counW offices with their F. Mosier. F. A. Dye. George WhIte, SECRnARY OF STATE--Repub- Ing March 9. Wool Imp6i'£s, backbone necessary for fu ture safety. So Ex- new bomb containlnv a recently dls\lcan- Earl Griffith. E. J . Hummell; of Boston Imports. totaled 10.466.'1M Hoover cont inues his work covered explosive. with a liquid oxyDemocrat-W. H. Kroeger, E. Ken- lb.q [01' tho week as compared with IPresident bt Int I gen ,base. so power ful that the con "~7,946 lbs. for th e same period last n 0 a ng -j..Ill:1lY.....!....J:.!.....J:IiWeeney. Matthew Steele. .... Th t t civil an aid for Finland . cusslon alonc from one of the Barinn""'l t . movement e wen y mlllloll dollar loa n from J.. J . Kennedy, J . C. Year. The wool . ....... th Untt d low bombs will destroy all llfe wi h· Dorrlngton. cL ntl nued strong the [oHowlng week, e eStates Export·Import Mr . and Mrs. Lester Gerhard an12 , Ba k tI I d in a radius of from two to four ml!es n . as au lor zt; by Congc>ss. will sllns Paul and Donald called 011 the AUDITOR OF STATE--RepubH· starting off on MfU'ch 11 when the can-J. Dunn. Fred C. Hotes. H. M . steamer Potter arrived with 2.300,000 now be used for rehlllbllItation pur - from the point of explosion. This George Smith [amily at New Vienna latest In vention is considered so imFrOSS, R. R. Bangham. L. P. Johnson lbs. of Australian wool. "The sltua- poses. Th e American people s hould Sunday afternoon . .H. Hoover. J. T . Tracy ; Qemocrat- tlon must be gettu1g serious when I not lose Interest in Finland's plight portnnt that t he Military Allalrs Mrs. Romo Riggs was a Xenia V1aJ . T . Ferguson. J . C. Cox. J . D . Boyle find my man start.tng In to shear a simply because the guns h ave ccased Committee Immediately destroyed Irm TUesday. STA~ TREASURERr-Repllblican s heep from the taU end", remarked Ilrlng. aU notes taken at the meeUng . Mrs. James Wlcal Is mucil ImDon Ebright; Democrat _ C. H. a big Ohio sheepman in dlsousslng . - -, pledged the cOl1unlttee members to l'cved and abie to be about. her bome Kniseley. the malter recently. "When I ' remonClose students of International af- secrecy. and ordered that the inven- a little. Mrs. Faul Is stUl with ber ATTORNEY GENERAL-Republi- strated. his reply was that the WOol [:lirs claim that Engla nd and France lor and his secret be closely guarded The W. C. Smith . family were vlacan-Thomas .. J. Herbert; Democrat market has becomE~ 80 bad that he bungled badly when they . failed to by Army authorities. ltors ot the Maurice Hunters' MOIl-J. L. Hefferman. K. B. Johnston . could no longer look a sheep in the come to the aid of FInland quickl y d&y evening. O. D. Nye, E. Lamb, J. C. Allen, C. face. after the Russian Invasion began. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT The nl-State Club wlU give a pro Administrator Finland and the ScansUnavlan coungram a t "'rerry Bunday mornlnlJ and cavano. U. S. SENATO~Republlcan All persons becorrung 21 years of tries have now been forced Into' at Waynesv1Jle Sunday even1n&. Try ~ Estate of Arabell Dinwiddie. t0 b l ...,aroId H . B ur Ion. Dudley White, C .. agc on or before November 5, election closer relationship with Germany e presen . t You are we come. E • .W~ton; Democrat-John Mc- dil l', may vote in tile primaries to be than ever before.. Other neutral naDeceased The ArgUS Saylor family have re.S weeney, H. Bigelow. held on May 14. llowever. such a t lon s are beginning to study the adNotice is her~y given t.hllt Ruth contly moved Into the Waldo EU1cK CONORES8MAN-AT-LA R G E _ person Is not qualliried to hold ofttcc vlsablllty of having as friendly re- M. Savage whose Post Office Ad- house On the farm on the WayneaRepubllclUl-Oeorge Bender, L. L. until actually 21 yela rs or age. lations as possible with Germany . dress Is Waynesv1l1e, OhiO , R. F. D. ville Dayton road . ' Marallall. Dale Dunlton, to . Fess; for It was German. after . all, that ha.& been duly appointed as Admin- Mrs. Lee Riley was a Dayton shopDemocrat--R. D. Myers, S. M. In February 30 a:rrests were made won the most as a result of the Fln- Istmtrlx of the Estate of ArabeJl per TUesday. Young, J. M. Sullivan, F . W. Durbin throughout Ohio o,f violators of the nlsh-Russo peace pact. Bhe no longer Dinwiddie late of Warren County, Rev. and Mrs . W. C. Smith and K: A. Buchanan, J. H . :rumer. . ' state . game laws, which resuited .in has the threat of war dlsturbance, Ohio, deceaaed. - . lamlly spent .FrIday _evening wJ\b JUDGE SUPREME COURT-Re- total fines 01 $745.t1O and.,I63.13 cost or the .threat of her own Involvel?nted this 7th day of March 1940. the former's brother, Rev. F. H. publ1can-GUbert Bettman. C D ment, on the Scandinavian peninsUla RALPH H . CAREY Smith at New Vienna· They attendBoyd, H . W. Jewell, J. D. HYnes; The State Highway Patrol operates The Reich can now get needed iron Ju~ge of the Probate Court ed church there. 'Democrat. H. F. Adams. C. Zimmer- ~~ substations throughout the state. ore and oiher- supplies from Sweden Warren County, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Carl . Whitis and r nian, W. C. Dixon. J. McBride. and Finland. With Russian armies Stanley & Stanley. Attys, son of Dayton were Tuseday ~ Mar 14-21-28 guests of the P. J. :Thomasea. A well-governed mind learns ' In no longer In the field, wheat I\nd oil The" State Mo~r Vehicle Division tim!! to lind pleas~lfe ~ nothing but from the' Soviet will soon be reachin g A new class ls being rormed a' .,WJaen there is work to' be done in the urges all owners to 8ccure their new the true and the just. -:-Aollel ~ Germany in Increasing Volume. Gerthe Ferry church, caUed thle YOUDIJ . iater.e lt of,'customer serviCe your Publ.ic auto licenses as early as possible In man technicians are planning the Married Folks class until a better order to avoid the 11th bour rush. n Isn't the man who knows the harnessing' of 'Russla's great mannamc Is found. If you mould be ~ neither ' winter nor sununerj The new tap must be· attached not most but the man that knows the power and material resources for the Mrs. Clara Glasco has purchased there we want to see you Sunday .a . :.. ' .y or ·ht.. The. above' . illustrati'on shnuno . : later than m1dnlg~t. March 31, and best.' that's wJsest. -Anon production of food and military sup- the Mary Kolker property on West morning. ... . ...,.. owners are beinC. ~ded to take plies lor the German al·mjes. The Maple St. BeUloh Smith spent Sunday wlUl type of work that: h~ to be done irrespec:alone tbe1;r biU oI ,881e and their 1939 pioture in Europe has not been The Ladles of the Presbyterian Dorothy Oerhard.
State Cap~al ' News
Fairley Hardware Store
Not · ;tlie 'F inn"'''' Front Bat
P,,·"_fe.' fl'f"t" Emp'o"ee8 ...........Ai, lVO-RK!,~ . . '
m ' • g
ba ' d weather co'ndin'ons, by emplo'yees ,~u~of .... ~
registration carda ,when applying to their ~ocal fe~t.ral'll tor new tags.
MI'ou4-a ' ~· ~x W Mak"~llp U
Shelton, Virginia and Flora AnD Harrls spent Sunday afternoon a1 ~ t~mperature does not the parsonage. \ "'nUIIR:b~Wltren---:--f-~The tr. S. mmodltY ' C~it CorRev. Smith and Douglu Barrla . ~ the icl:vice--mlh in ~ rl ., poratlon anllo ced March 9 that it attSRdsd the Xenia Al'ea meeUn, ~~C:alJ comes he' .tespondS:cheerfully. He 'will toredos" onm government at Xenia, Sunday afternoon, asa . ". . ' .Wheat loans, except fh 10"'lar w.estem Mrs. Smith spent the ifternOoD ~th~~'like .eXtrf~cbcold }Vdea~~r an~morc. statatteed .s. t0ha .n tAPr11317' 3°'6 Th'l·7e Corporation ~ ~~ . blunder to another In her conduct oC from Florida Mondaay after- wlsth Mrs · rHArrls . . ' WIa&ro e e us ut renocflI!g semce t~ s ,63 .:1 bushels 01 0/' [ol'l'lgn a~lrs since the world war. . evera l rom here attended the • wheat ~ere held as collateral for ~~ France, to a lesser degree. and as a Special services arc being held at operetta at Waynesville lait 1I!r1OW' automer-publlc is a part ·of his job I government loans and all of this, ex_~ ' ~ follower of English policies. Is also M. E. church this week. day evening and found It very ea.. , . copt 22,915,753 '"bushels stored in ~ being criticised. The first mistake Mrs. Robert Freeland of Harveys- joyable. r .. " " .. Idaho,. Minnesota . Montana. Neq /. made by the Allies It ls claimed burg was calling on Mrs. Maud P . J . Thomas spent a few dAII.I r &. ~ . . Shoemaker "Y braska, North Dakota, Oregon. SOuth was when permission was given for M f' th f C In bed last week !'S a result of &Ii any 0 e . armel's 0 Sugar tt f th "Ulilte'ta, Utah ,W ashlngto n an'd Wy' ~ ~ Germany to ·begin rearming. Next C k I h a ack 0 e grlppewhlcn ~ very '1. Ie .Ia' '0)'.01'1 dlGl Iuu ~o~~lbUled 10 ' ; omlng. will be sOld on April 30. All ~ came Germany's Invasion of Aus- ~eel townsh p ave closed their general In thls nelghb0rb0Q4. Be oar r.",,,,IIoII IU a. ""bIle .e",ll:. 'compatl1 .' government loan wheat In Ohio is .• ~ tria and Czechoslovakia. to be folap e syrup camps. started steaming tobaA:® WedDee· ·, .,.., .. "ono~ ~Ii>~ 'I ncluded in the ,foreclosure order. .. __--=;;;;;iji9' ~ lowed by the tragic capitulation at day. ~ ~ ~ ~~ Munich, and the destruction of both 0 happy Is the man who hears Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fordyce ot 'J , CzechOslovakia and Poland. England Instruction's warning voice ; West Carrolton spent the past '"" The annual Red. Cross drive for end witb home follm. HEN .abapanll your cuticle, ls being accused of vacillation, of And who celestl~l wisdom makes funds Is scheduled for APril 10-24. . Mr. and MnI. Oeorae Summer~ Dever work "8&alnlt the failure to foresee .and forestall the His early, only choice. ,ram." for that .tends to form haDC· -Michael Hruce field of Cincinnati were callen a' Inaugurated by the alumni to pro- naU.: . AlwaYI Itart In the center building ot Germany's war machine, the par86nage Sunday evenIDr. USE THE MIAMI GAZETI'E vide for speclai need8 of the Unlver· of the nail base a:nd work out toward aDd having been too slow in MnI. Lester Oerhllrd spent 'tlJ.ea~ WANT ADS COLUMN sity not provided for by ' leB1a1atlVI the tip. following tbe direcUon or strengthening the British' mlUtary ,..::;..,. ; ,;; -;..,; -;.,;; -;.,;;;;;. -;;;-;;;;; .;;,; . . .. . . -.. ; ;;.,;; ..... .;; day evening with Mrs: W. C. Bmlt.b. a.pproprlatlona. the Ohio State ' Unl- the 'nall Yo,uwon't rQughen the establ~ent to meet the German The P. J. Thomases caUed on &be cuticle that ~al" And the curve threat. England may have found it • ••v ..nH"V . Development F\md ' reports Starkes' near Ridgeville lMt_'I'bUNbe better shaped J - 1mp)s8lble at the time, to live up to contributions ot 181.0lI0 fOr the 1939- wlU .. IR.t...ed by Weale'rn Np " " !>.. per U l l f O a . J ' . day evening. _ ( ) . . her treaUes and obligations with and ,0 year. '!be fund's 'board will 'meet Today is the firs t day or· rptI'1n,t and it Is very windy AllQ It ill a' least a little warmer.
COmpany. zero
brightened by the peace tbat has ct.-urch will serve ab Easter chicken I } ' come t~ Plnland. supper at the Bell I'ook hll:h schOOl at 6 P. m. Price 2'5c B,.~ ~Vo ~ Much criticism is also being heard Lacy White and family have . . 000 00 000 0 0 • .0 0 0 0 ~ Ht-:~.> of EngUsh diplomacy and leadersHlp. moved to the J. L. Myers nroperty \ . "'-/h . It Is . argued that England , in a dip· on E. Franklin St. J~ 10maUc se~e, has moved from one Mr. John Weaver and wife arrived
.he ,inPiPYeet .
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lOY scoutS of AIIEIICA
It e oller a ,ati,Factory Service at all time.
Mllis ,Sam C(lrlnl' Ful'nll!l
!~~:n~nco1n \VholUoul aoes marCh LIBRARY no~:=~:~;W:f~-!.~ but it ,III alao a .tory or Inter-
onURCD 8m11e. esUng peOple and of unuaual altuai(\tc Ill vergjl,~' Is spenc\ln~ th tr,· n. II. KrumhllUz. S. T. D., pa....llr . BasteI' "AcatiOl} nt tile 110m of 1) r Mn!;.~, Slmdnys 9 :00 ~. m, , Scolt-John Evarus; an apprecla- tiena and 1ncIdenta. UOH Presented ' to us by Mr. C. M. -'I-~------pnrt'nt-s. Mr, unci Mr.~, Seth 1"\lrnas OJI Socl I Row. ".' MAltY'S IWJt;COPAt Cartwright. This should ,be O~ Inter- .Mrs. Ha rvey Burnet has b l'll III CIIURCII e:s to local eU.lzens rOr Mr. Evans IS PIpES. Valves and P1ttinp for w:lh U)e grippe for s vel'lll cloys. HCo'" n . L. Hackweil, Rel'tor tlle C?nly Wnynesvllle man whose blW"ter. Gas or S~m Hand or ... Mrs. E1I1..abeth Sml J1 oC Dayton EASTER DAY ography Is Included in the Dictionary '! Electric Pumps for all purposes, Sl)ent Friday [mel Satltrdny witl\ 6:30 a. m. Sunrille Festival service. of American Biography. Plumbing and 'Heatlng Supplies,Mrs. Mal'gll ret .'ohn~ and Pmll IHOly ommunlon wiLh music,) Wll&on - "Wabash" , This deols LOWEST PRICES - mOHEBT John ~ Rlicl Friday rvening !wcom11 a m Lfite festival ' ser vice. with the river that ha~ symbolized . QUALITY at J. P. BOOKLET MAIN ST. \lhuicd Ihem 10 tllr operetln at tHoly ' Co~l nUlJ1lon ' wHh muslo and t.he Middle West and Indlarta In SUPPLY 00. XENIA. o. . . sermon) . song and story for years. WnYn ....... \'iIlr. 11'1~1"-lll-26 Waynesville Mr. Ulld MI', . Carl Albright of RrgulRI' meet lllgs of ::'hurch ColJ1n- "Collector's s tOry of Our MRS. SUSAN W. SCANLAN p ... kln werl' Snturd·l. ItfICI'IH1 ,);) ~(' hool ond oLh gI'OIlp.~ will meet!l.'l American . Money". How our coinage Ullcst.~ " f MI'. ani! Mr•. Ke~kl' Gra US1HlI. system started and developed from Immediate P088fli!181on FOR SALE-R.abbit8-allve or dressham the earliest- settlers to the presellt ed Mrs. LouIs Pires M.1 S· l\U:'I'JlO f)I S 1' (;lItJJtCII day. Mr. an d Mrs. R W . C:lI'rlrr of D. ylon were Sfllurday (,vcllin~ Wessll!1'- Jndlans of , the United !\l1 l's\., of 11" nnd Mr:;. Hownrcl De1 ,llul~ C. Radley. Pastor States". The Museum of Natural tfls FOR SALE-Home grown ·Little alld w( ('sr. Thu rsday evening will be the lll!lt tory Curator p! Anthropology has Clover seed. Leroy A. Ellis. Tal. Mr. llnd Mrs. Willia m Ro)\ers not - Holy Week service h ld iJl our !lone a work on 'Four CentUl'les of 42Rll Waynesville. MU-~l · lUle!r!l a hllllCjIlPt, or til!' Whltc Ba k- I·h lli·eh. It will be a union Commun- Their HIstory and Culture" which Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Meloy. of InJ:: Co. I'lt till' Y. M. C . A. In Dayton iOIl serv ice. A lartye attendance Is we Ima.glne will be regarded as Lf.banon. were Fr!day callers In thls _liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ Monday Yrlling. desired. authoritative for many years. community. OPENING- New Cream dlation. Mr~. D on Baird lin d Mrs. J B. Till' union Oood Frldny service DerleLh-·'RestJ".ss Is The River". Mr. apd Mrs. Wayland Jordan Highest price paid at all times. JI,J;r s sP('llt Monday aflernoon in will b ... ht:ld in the EpIsco pa l church No other writer has ' succeeded so and famUy, of CincinnatI. were BatCome In and give us a trial. Mrs. Dayton. Friday afl(,l'lloon from 12 to 3 o'clock conspicuously in evoking Ule natural urday dinner guests of Miss Hannah Goldie Welcll, Corwin, Ohio. MI'. nnd M r~ . Rill'Y Saylor of Day- Ali citizens are invited 10 this ser- beauties of Wisconsin Dr In recreat- Jordan and brothers. Across [rom Grocery store on tr,1l wcre Sund llY gucsts of Mr. (I na vice. ing the lives of the early settlers of OrvUle Wilson, of Dayt.c?n. and route 73. WI Mrs Ha rry Orahnm and Mrs. Susun Early Easter Sunrise servicc at 6 Lhe region. John M. Wilson. or' Lebanon. were sllyior . The lnlt I' nC~'o tnpllnlcd o'clOck. This wlil be followed by Lhe Hendrlck-"Statesmen of the Lost Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and - - - - - - - - - - - - - tI :CIlI hOllIe for n vl~ lt . Ea~ter breakfast ut 7 o·clock. under Cause". ' Hendrick' makes these for . Mrs.. Almon Fen;Is. 0 happy Is the man who hears Mrs. Ch arl~ Mulll'n ix. MI'. and t h e au.splces of ilie Epworth League gotten statesmen the biographical Mrs. Ethel Beason and Mr, and Instruction's warnlng voIce; Mrs . Hnrvl'Y Burnet Ilnd Mrs. Cothhurch School at 9 :30 o'clock. find of the year. Individually pic. MIS. Wilbur McCarren. entertained. a number of relatives at dinner, And who celestial wlsdom makes rin Whl lnkel' al cndcel th ' flln (,1'a1 Ooal for thls Sunday. 200 In alend- turesque dlploma.t1c history. f'f theiJ' unrlc. Mr. AlfrNI !fa nel' of ance. Tucker~"Miss Susie Slagle's" The Sunday, His early, only choice. London . 0 .. at lhe hOIl1(' of Miss Worshi p service at 10:40 a. m . tIme Is the World War period-the 1Ir. and lira. Prank Sarns and -Mlchael 'Hruce AI,na Hormel Ilt. Sprlnt;,"boro Wedncs- Special musiC by the cno.ll'. and re- story of one group. hard working, Mary Ethel Barns. were vls.ltors In clAY nCLe l'l1oon, . ccptlon of Ilew members. The sacra- earnest medical students out sentl- Lebanon, Saturday. Mr. Rnd Mrs. Evcrett Clark and ment or Baptism will be admlnls- mental about MIss Susl who kept a J. Lee Talmage attended wpecSOli , Dlckp'y. Mrs. Etta Kl eppin ge r tcrcd .. The paslor's subject will be boarding house near Jo~n Hopkins tlon of the Masonic Lodge, in Barr.nd daughtcI·. Miss Edllh ot Da.y- "The Power oJ the Resllrre Lion." Ilnd mothered the students of two vf'ysburg, Saturday nJght. Many Epwor th Leagul! Monday evening generations. loages were represented and II sumpton visited Mrs. Mary Carmony SUIldllY nfternoon. . at 7 o·clock. The above books were donated to tuous dinner was suved at six thIrty Mrs. S. H. Burnett, Mrs. Mildred l\IT. nOLL Y 1\'1. E. OIlURcn us by Miss FrallCes Alden o'cloak, by the Eastern Star llldies. Surfacc and daugh ter. Wllma. Ilod T. l\f. Scarff. Minister We also wlah to 'aOknO~ledge the Mrs Adah Talmage, Jessie GarRobert BUl'l1ett vtslte(f friends In Sunday Sohool !I :30 n. m E. A. gift of a year's subscription to the . , Lee ~ ,and Albert Lee WAYNESVILLE. ~BlO ' New Vienna, Sunday. Barnhal.t, SlIPt. "Natlon's Business'" by Mr. Chas. and A.lf.'cd Jordan were Sunday .1- 1 ....__...;'_.II1II........__.1 For the first time since the inlroduct-ion of elect.ric r cfri gernl ioll . the fum kitchen now can have an electric refrigerator with equipment Mr. a nd Mrs. Willl am K ette a nd Evening service 7 :30. Michener. tunooD callerS at Ule home 01 Mrs. FRlDAY~ATV~D~Y definilely designed to solve the problem of Apace for both normal 100<\ SOn of Dayton werecallel's Sunday Prayer meeting Wednesday eveReynolds & Mann ing-ThIrty sclAnD~. PeDce aDd Cllft'Ord Pence, Mareb II aa4 IS toralfe and safekeeping of la~g~ q.uan titics (,f .eggs, cream, meat an.l at the hom oC Mr. and Mrs. Kes- nlnl: 7:30. entlst present in Simple 1&nguage near, Waynesville. olher farm items. Made by Frigidaire, this refngerator is said to have Z--UUGE DlT8-2' ,. • 'a ll baaic: features of regular models and in addiLion is fitted with a et ler Graham. A welcome awaits you at these thlrty-!1ve stOries of their respective miNo.l. of 8p«lal snelves whi(h may be adjusted in a multitude of diO'('rcnt Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Amos and se rvices. sciences. They sh~w how the light 01 ._ NOTIOE OF ~POINTMENT "HAW AIIAN' NlGHT8" combinations. One ahelf combination shown above illustrates how Jl roMr. and Mrs. John Crelg of Mason science gives meaning to the everyAdministrator vi,sion is made for storing bulky ite",,, plu8 a wide assortment of foods . wt'h '. were Sunday afternoon guests at the WAYNESV.lLL1~ CRURCII OF day things of lUe. for family needs. The basket sh~~n holds ]5. dozt'n egg . .~I~le· .the JOHNNY DOWNS· cream 'can h'as a five lallon c:apaclty. Included In Rtoralle fll clit llcs 18 n miil:IST Bchlenfeld-"you and Heredlty"Estate Ourles H. nartsOek, home oC Mr. and MI·s. Willam RogMARY CAltU8LE tlollble-wldth freezer in which meats may be kept for 19n g IleriO(ls at crs. W c. Smitlh, I\Iinlster Here lor the first time the average ' . Il\mpl'l'aturea below freezing. Other low temperatures el ('where in the m'No. Z Walter Clark Jt·.. Is Improving The pr~-Easter meetin g started reader wIll find an amazingly ' clear Notice Is ~erebY given that Luther food compartment SUPfly rO("-~~ conditions for 8tandllrd meat s torage , GEORGE O'BRiEN ! and preser vation of al oth' '!lllblee. This farm mOlh'l Frigidaire nicely at Miami Valley hospital and Wednesday night meeting eaoh eve. and absorbing account of aU that H. HarlMCk. whose Post OffICe AdIn . h.. Jl IItorage caparit, of ~. . feet. . • wUl return home UlJs weck. nlng at 7.30. leading up to Sunday science has d1sco.vered In recent dreu Is WaYDellvl1le. OhIo. R , R. No. ~IlIIBBR 8TAMPEDE" Little Jackie Furna '\ is absent. night Sunda.y evening the Trl-St.ate years about human heredity. 1 baa ~ 'appolnted as Ad- ••_ _ _ _~----...:......:........ from school with an a.ttack of ton· olub ~U give the Elister program Morgan-Pageant of Electricity." mln1sirator or the Edate of Oharles StJND"Y-MONDAY . sllitls. Sunday even Mart~h 31. John Sears, 'Here Is the whole colorful hlstory of R H~ late of Warren County. IbreIa If .... II Mr. nnd Mrs. Russell Oampbcll a. student In the Clnclmlatl Bible the development ot electrical sclence Ohlo,- deceaaed. "VlGR pi TRil 'NIGII~' and daughter and Mr. Harvey Hole SemInary will be ordained to t he from the. time when ancient. man Dated this 19th day of Mareh wWa " ~ Saturday, March 30 :lttendcd the wedding of their COllS- minIstry by this clillrch. first llO~d ' the magnetic qulilltles In 1940. ' AROLE LoMBARD-: ., In Miss Mar garet Hole Ilnd ~. MU- You' are invited , to come and WOI'- the lodestone to the preaent day RalPh H. Carey pito. 'ANNE '! tnmLE HiKh Sc:h~l Auditoriu'no-- -- -frd Elmore at t.he First Bj'etffl sll p 'with us. when the marvels ot electricity serve -RALPa H. CAREY Allo 8eleeted 8hort 8abJeeti . .11< at every turn. Judge of the Probate C::Ourt ::,l.-.:~~~===~5i'~:: Church In DaytOIl. Friday evening. Mr. a nd Mrs. TheJ:le Jones and FEURY CI[UR(JII OF CIIRIST . OuedaUa _ :Hundredth Year.'; Warren-County;- On FARMERS GRANGE son Milton entertaLned to dinner In This is the hlst,Ol Y or a sin . le year Sla, nley & Stanley, Attys. W. C. Smith. Minister _ honor oC the birthday of Mrs. Jones 1936,' the hundredth year that M21-28-At Bible school 9 :30 a. m. Round and Square Dancing " mother. Mrs. Edwin Nult. The g~ests marked tor every ~ nation the end of Communion 10 :45 a. m . were Mr. and Mr& Edwin Nutt and En t I the post-war. eft!. and the beginning - g Admiaaion 25c:-Children under 14, Free. Herman Nutt of near Centerville s er program II ven by the young r th people of tpe TrI-IState club 11 :00 Q. 0 e uneasy, unsettled present. . ~O· an d Mr. and Mrs. J . B . J ones. ' m. . Kel.t h- .'I.and Below the Wind". ", • Mrs. Ida. Stephens and Mr. and F Come a.nd meet I \vi th' us SiindaY rom a house on the . , edge of the . Mrs. Lawrence Peterson of IndlanB J !nomlng. orneo ungle comes a mOllt unusuaa:><>lJs. Ind . were SUllday callers of III book. The persona record ot an COSTS NO MQRE' THA:N THE OLI) WAY TIIREE . PIECE PLOW ~IT Mrs, Alice Clark and Mr. a ne! Mrs. AQ'ierlcan girl married to a Brit'-h '" Choose the best way of ' !lCe, and , The Ill's' ~d orllJ method ' IIDCe • '0 ·' . Will Not Be Sbown Euepl AI Ad .. p••d PrIM, AI Will UnlU 1~1 0 Wal t81' Clark and family. oIDcJal In tills farthest out~t I 01 tbe lnyenUon 0; Mrs. Katie Reeder entcrbnincd habit will soan mu.ke It plell.~ant for : SherwOOd- "Abe Lincoln ' In DIIwith a family dinner Sunday in hon- you. -Pythagoras Europe. 'a hare which DIU" 1& JlQlllbIe. .. WEEK DAY MATINEES ..,... pIoWlharea wtUaoat ....... or of the birthdays 01' , MI". and Mrs . UNRESERVED 75c inc. Tax of the ..for... ,f~ NlGflTS &: SUNDA" ' MA' 1" Ernest AI' hdellcon. The guests were sbarp f!"IkrJ ..........,. AL L EATS RES£RVED .. Mrs. ' Bessie Kenrick and daus-hter _ J:::::IOI====~ ' < $1 Miss Margaret, Mr. and M.rs. Emest . ' . maintained, . facHry Cempu a.,... Ian. New IIaare ........, Jerl_BeMrvN For Reservatlono; .13 .lne. TalC Archdeacon and son, Everett of Cen .. - -, . _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _.tIteerr,.vllle, and iSSOS- Ruth, EVil and ....... . , ....." Ethel Reeder: 01)1
McClureFuneral Home '
,P boae'1
. . .---r
Fillin. 'S't ation For' Rent
For Farm ·Kitchens
Beech Grove
the... ..
Buy An Easter Ham
• .. ...,
.INSTALLA TJ()NS Armitage. VeJ'D .Ke,n nard, W. A.
AT COYLE'S MARKET FOR EASTER DINNER GET THE HAM WHAT AM . T,endered Hams 16 to 18 lb. whole 'Or half lb. 17c Small ·t.ered hama 10·14 lb. whole or half,19c lb. !OJldeleasdCCot.tages ' Hh amka .. ....... .............. .. ..... .... .......... Lb. 20c . ',n ere a aa an lesa ' Lb 12 1 B.~on 3 lb. Pie~e or more ... ,.. .. ....... .. .. .. ...... .. .. . . -2c Cure..... ...... ....... ~~~::~::~~::::: . :. :::::::::~:::: . ::~: ..2 ~~:
- Worley Farm Equipment Company
·~::} ~~c!i~e~oR~~~t ...·. ·.: .......................... ·:·· ........ Lb. 12 1.2.c V I I'"h . .. ..... ................... .. .. .. ... ...... ... Lb. 15c
ea ,... ops ............. ..... ............. Lb 18 · V,eat Loin Chopa ...... ....... .... .... .. ........ ....................... :........:......... ::.:.. Lb. 23~ V~.J St~ .. .. .... .. ........... .... ........... ...... ..... .. ... .. ......... . Lb. 27c
I PORK F~h- Calas ... .. .... ................... ........................ .......... .. Lb. II c
'!:ol:k Steak .... .. ...... ............... .......... . Lb 15c ~"'h · Haml Whole or Half .... .............. .... ..... . F h S· . .. .... ...... ........ .. .: ............ .. Lb· 18c , P.~ J::oi!le Ii ........ ·· .... ·.... ·.... ·.... .. ·........ ·.. ·.. ·.. ·.......... ·.. Lb. 15c ai~\ oaat .... .... ,.. ... .......... ........... ... .............. .... Lb. 15c .,' F ' .."or M III Chopa ................. ...... .... , ........ .... ............ Lb. 18c F::t 'p . eaty Ribs .. .... .... .......... ..................... :.. ... : 2 Lb. 23c ...:. Feet ........ .. .... ........ .. .. ....... ;.. ..... :........ .. .. .. Each 3c Pit -ICauc: ea .. .... ...... ............. .............. .... .. .... .. ........ ..... Lb. 8c ' ., ... yY- ...'........ :............. ,... :............... .............. ... 2 Lb. 15c
i~ -, S~ •.•·,
~~"'l Dry
You've heard about this fence ' -over the radio-in , your fann paPers. Known every- , 'where for its extra long life. - _ ___ It's "Galvannealed"- a pat-
, BEEF . .. ................. ,... ; ......... .... .. ... :............ .... :.. 2 Lb. .. " ...:.: ... .... .... .............: ................. : .. ..\... Lb. ~ ...-~ ........... :.......... .. .. , ..... :.. ........ ..... , ... :.. ..... Lb· ............................ ....... .. ,......... .. .... ...:.. Lb. ••.. · ~..;·.. ·...... ·.... .... ·...... ,... ~ ........... :;.!._.2 Lb. aae.k ......................... . ... .. :...... ..... ,.... .. Lb. I:.!~; ... , ......... ,: .. ...... , ..... ........ ... .. ...... ... .. ... .. ....... Lb· Lb.
ented process that puts on an . 23c extraheavy,weather-resisting IE, . coating of zmc. It's made of 18c rust-resisting copper-bearing' 2lc steel. ''It's strongly, honestly 3Sc JDade in every ~ay .. _Come in 28C and·l6Ok over. our'stock. 25c 3&
.Waynesville Farmers Exchange Co. ', '
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO (,1" iJi:~:ii:~,= . PHONE 2S . I/o
rite IUlllUaao~ abo......... worn plqwdaafe, aDd &be _ e aIaare latter t.b e unJt .... ~n
·il"" . . ...'
.S...... .,
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_. ___----:.... ____ ----._n_ ... ~
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Rev. Frederick Fiscur Special Services At · ,"isscellaaeoas Shower Membel1Jlf t;o.lIIIltt~_~~ Passe.! Away Sat.,.!I, lOcal-Happenings For Mrs. Harry Schenk tocal HIJ~peiljngs .Episcopal Church Local Happenings Guests Of Co M. Clrtwnald .... ____ 2_. __ .~
Mr. and Mrs. Ell Purri'U were Tbe Rev. Fre<lertck P\acber. D: D. p,\($ed away at bla home in LondOn. WUminliton vlsltora MOOday. Ohio, Easter EVen, Man:b ' 33. folMr. a04 Mrs. C. E. Anderson vls-' low Ina' an elltended illness. lted relaUves In Fal.rtleld. Pr1day Dr. Fi$cher was well .nd f.vorably ·known bere, b.vln, conducted eveninll.• • • • • • • IItl'vtces in St. Mary's Episcopal Attend the dance and card party church on sever.l occaalona. ust ritea, conducted by the Rt. at the lIym. March SO. and enjoy a Ntv. HenryW. HobSon ualsted by care free evenintr. Cnllon GUbert Symons took place Mrs. Nettie Tinney. Mrs. Sherman 111 1'rlnlty Q)lScopal Ch~b. · Lo04on TiI'lIey and daughtf:r Annette. vta. Monday .rternoon. The choir for the service comprised ' members oJ· 1:,d In Parmer5vlll~. JI'rlday. • • • • • tlle clerl)'. • Mr. and lira. Clint Clark .Dd IOn Rol,ald visited re!atlves In Hillsboro KING'S HERALDS Sw,(!ay.
'. . . . .
·. . . .
Mrs. Evelyn Watkins entertalned Mary Dor. Houlh. Il£alst~d by at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Mary Jane AnderllOn. waa hOltfas R. Unll Ies'by. ' Mr ......... _A 'u_ a. M. D. to tbe members ot the KiDI" Ber- Baird and daulhter Patsy. .Ida aocleW oJ tbe Methodl .t "hurch • • • • • Monday afternoon. • Rev. and Mrs. R. L. ftacltweU' .tTtle meetiDI ... opeDeCl wltb a t"lIded tbe funeral .services for the ticl'lpture readinl by Ruth , Helen Ref. Frederick Placber London. I.e...y. Eighteen members anawered M(lr,day., • • • • . , rol!'"caU and three lUelt.. Bmeatlne Mr. and Mrs. Obarl~ Zimmerman IlIIrnbart. lIarUyn Bunke and Mn. WWard Anderson. were prNent. OUr and. son Robert were dinner sueet.a In. the buslneaa seSlion the aoc1ety of Mr. • nd Mrs. Walter Cast. 8un'd edded t~ sponaor • popcorn Ale. dry.
... -.. -... -.
James R. Gibbons has returne<1 Mrs. Harry SChenk (nee Margie TlI.ney) was the gUI!I!t of honor, at rrom a motor trip to Caurornia. a DJ,lscelianeous shower seturday afternoon given at the home of Mrs. Mrs, Estey Pringle of Lebanon 15 S . B Ellis. by Mrs, Ellis and Mrs. s~'('lIding thls week witb her parHoward Burdine. The hosteaaea were cnls Mr. and Mrs. Davis Furnas. ~Rlsted by Mrs. Ellia' two d.ughters • • • • • Mr . and Mrs. H arvey Burnet enMrs. Robert Gray of Dayton. and Mrs. Joe Wborley. The afternoon tertaJned the members of th Farm '11'11,1; spent In games and contests. , Bureau Discussion Oro a e and each ,guest presented the bride ho Tu d ni up t.. their wtlh a carefully planned menu for me es ay eve ng, (J1lf day. Mrs. Schenk then unwrap• • • • • peel the lovely gifts given her by her Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson and fnfDds and relatives. Appointments daughter spent Sunday at the home for the dainty dessert course which of Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Hopkins or foHo1l'ed were of pink and white. Columbus.
Thoae present were Mrs. Barry Bc~nk and Mra. QeoI'i~'"'Bchenk. of HamUton; Mrs, Frank Reed of Wuhington, D. C, ; Mrs. Howard MlEalldlne of Dayton; Mrs. LeonarG Tmney. Mrs. Lawrence Brown. Mrs. KU10ld Whitaker. Mrs. Murrel nnney. Mrs. Nettle nnney .nd gnmd· daughter. Annette. Mrs. Herbert Muedlth. Jlh. Robert Furnas. Mrs. Clarence Edwards. Mrs. Will Lee, Mr ~. Lyle Tinney and daugbter Patty. Mra. Leo COnner. Mrs. DaUas Bopr. Mrs. Robert Werntz. MlsBes Vlrelnla and Roma Hardin.
'~ ' f _ " _ I I _ "
• •
J . R. Mengle and son George attended a father and son banquet at Morrow. Tuesday evening. sponsored by the Morrow Business men ,
• • • • •
Three speciai post-Easter services Church; commemoration ot· the consecration on Sunday morning , chUdren's festival service Sunday afternoon. and Holy ,Communion In honor of st. Mary on Monday morning. St. Mary's church was consecratcd on the Thursday after Easter in 1881 , so the parish will celebrate on Su'nday the fULy-ninth anniversary or that occasion. It was eleven years before that when the present site was purchased. and ground broken for the church building. St. Mary 's has a long and honorable history , lIS a result or the courage and hard work 01 Its previous memilCrs. This service is held In graterul remembrance of them. sev!!ral new memor lal gilts wUl be dedicated at this servlce. will be held in St, Mary 's
" "
_ 'I _ ' _ ' '-'_ .
OI'11a Venable Is visiting reI,
f ' \ r s in D RY ton.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brace s pent Sunday with Mr. Brace's mother' ln Toledo.
· ....
Mrs. Viola Marian was a dinner gu('st at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenn eth Hou gh . Sunday. • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Russell Holliday spent the week e n~ visiting their parentR at West Union , Ohio. • • • • • Mr, and Mrs. Robert. Baker Jr , .~ pent Tuesday In Cincinnati and Latonia, Ky,
· ....
Ben Furnas was a Sunday dinner guest at the home of Perry Thomas, oC Ferry ,
The otrh:ers and membel1l of the execuUve committee oC the Waynesville High School Alumni AssocIation met this afternoon at the Little Inn to arrange for the annual ren ion which will take place durin. t he afternoon and evenlna of M.y 25. The association voted two yean ago t.hereafter to hold Itl annual gathertn gs on the last Saturday of May . Kenneth N, Houllh, the s-'esl. dent. had charge of the meeUn(. His IISsocia te ot'llcers are Charlea • . Michener. vice-president; Ines M. James. secretary. and Helen K , Hawke. treasurl!r. all or Waynesville. The executlve commlttee cons18ta ot Ross H. Hartsock. chairman; Olive Allen Brace. Seth E. Furtlll.8. ChariI'S E. Michener. Edith Mosher Hawke, Evelyn Johns, E. C. Crane. aU of Waynesvtlle ; C, M. C&rtwrl&h~ 01 Chicago. Rue Dinwiddie and Ray mond Davis of Dayton. and MtorY Leah Edwards oC Springfield. Following t he meeting all present were Mr. Cartwrlght's guests ute•.
At four o'clock Sunday afternoon Mr , Charle! Frank and son Robert • • • • • a children's Easter festival service and John ~henbaugh ot Maumee. Mr. and' Mrs. Vern S in~on and Ohio, were- week end guests or Mr. will be held In the church. Awards family spent Sunday with Mr. and will be presen~d to those chtldren and Mrs. Russell Frank. Mrs . Harry Purdy at BufOld. O. who have attended all t he Weanes• • • • • day afternoon Lenten services ror N_r&. A. '1', POlinsky and lIttl~ Mn; Virginia Pence and baby son chi·ldren. At this time a lso. the mite daullhter of Cincinnati. and Robert boxes. In whlbh the children have of Middletown were Sunday guests H)man ot Purdue University are been ~vlng for the Church 's mis- of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker, Jr. v.s ltlng their mother Mrs. JessIe sionary work. will be received. Fyman. ' Mrs, Grace McCune ha ~ ret.urned St. Mary's Church will keep MonA~'I :I II. • • • • • The prolTam cona:sted of readings Mr. and Mrs. Ell Pumas and ram- MOTHERS' CLIIB • ~-. • day as a special day set apart dur- home after a two weeks vL~lt In CII1 MJaioIw'y work KarIlJn Bl.lnlEe, lIy were dinner p~ !!und.y ., MEETS APRIL 5TH Mn;. J essie Hyman , Mrs. A. T. Po Ing the yea r to commemorate the Lima. "Murderer at Large", a one ad "ivonne ~tubbtl. Bobby Hastlnp aDd the bome of their parents. Mr. and n 'll'lry and daUghter and Robert annunciation of the angel to Mary. drama. wllJ be presented by memMr. and Mrs. Argus Osborne and RlI'hard Sheehan••nd two cbapIeris !'SrR L. V. Branstrator. The next meeting of the Wayne lI~'Inan were dln04~r guests, Monday the mother of J esus. Since the hom the atudy boo\(, "Welcome • • • • • Townahip Mothers' club, April 5. enning. of Mr. and Mrs. Saul Hur- church Is named after St. Mary. SOli', spent Sunday with Mr. and b, rs ot the Girls' Friendly Group of there will be a celebration of the l'vU'S, RulUs Hockman a t Branch HllI SL. Mary's Church on Prlmiy. Apl1l Hjollle" were re.d by Mn Klnnetb Mr .•nd Mn. Howard Pogt Ipr.n. will be • luncheon meeting. A lunch , w:t.l : or Lebanon. III lh. in Grange Hall .t eIIh* HOtlllh~ TbIt m~ wu cloae4 the _ter weet end With Mr. l'\)(ft'a eon menu tbe same as is aervedi for • '. • • • Holy COmmunion In her nonor at o'clock In the evening. ThOliI taam. Mrs. Oharlotte EVerhart of Chlc, tolth a II!DJ. p.rent.,. Mr. • d Mrs. H. Qrover the school lunch. wlll be served to O. J , Edwarcla. Mr. and Mrs. J. ten o'clock In the morning. j..al t are the . M1l>ses PeaJ Aim , Pelt of Alma. O. mothera at 1 o'clock for 150. Pleue \'/1I1'On Edwards .na daullbter Miss The public Is cordially invited I'go. was the guest ot Mr , and Mrs. Chapman, Barbara Crane. . N~ , DW1nI the lIoc1nl hllUr daintJ ae-" ---'.tlo-- and m'oney for U to Fred Evel'hart last week. Fu..c.er ,.,rUhments were served by • • • • • &aU A~.-' uory Leah. of Sp,rJngtield attended all these services. Gruber. Ina GrUber. Either LuIllILI, tIle hoateuea. The You. . Peoples Group of at. ticket.. to scbool by chlldren. The services at St. Mary's Episcopal Mr. and Mrs. Fl'Ilnk E. Thomas Janet Lakes, Cleo Stanley. 'MaI1aJn M...,'s Bpl.scopal Churcb w1ll meet program for the afternoon wUl be church. Sunday. . , NO EXTENSION OF TIJ\~E \\'el business v~~ itors In Dayton. Tlnuey, and AM Weltz. I(laa MilGARDEN CLUB TO 'Monday eventn, .~ the home of Mr ~nted by the first. second and • • .' • • dred Bourne will intrOduce tbe cbar !.1I~ 1 day. MEET APRIL ' 10 ' and Mrs. Josepb Obamberlaln. In third aradea. Owen Hartacok :a nd Jimmy Miller J . C, Hawke. local registrar , an• • • • • acters In the play. "Murderer M ~n. drove to Iltaml Univeralty Sunday . . Large" ls a mystery-comedy. 'l'be ' that alter April 1 there w1ll Do you enjoy a gooa time? Plan to nounces afternoon. and . With Mias B~tty • • • • • be nc extellslon of time for auto 11- t ome to !.he gym March 30. Dance play is directed by Mra. DoD Ba.wke MIIIe8 Ruth Burnett and Minnle HEALTH OFFICIALS TO Harper .nd Wilton Hartsock they The nexl meet1n, oJ the W.ynea. and card party sponsored by the and Mn. R. L. BackweO. TIck... MEET IN LEBANON vlsltecl IIJsa Jftry carolYn Lukens CI nse tags. Garden club baa been cbaDpd DRYII, of DlU'ton. and Mr. and Mra may be obtalned from meml)en cd Grange. -'--at Earlham COllege, Riohmond. Ind. ---------to W~adf.Y April lotb to accom,;, Ropr Brown.nd chlldien aptnt, the grouP. Buter at the bome of Mr. and Jatra. Laymen and pubuC health ottic• • • • • FAMILY DINNER modate~"". Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thompson lala Inteiested in tbebattle against Mr. and .nd MI~s. J , B. Chapman The mieUna wW be held at the CUff Burnett. A family dinner was enjoyed at were Sunday dinner ugests ot Mr. CELEBRATES SIXTH • • • • • tuberculosta from this and nelgh- and Robert Chap'm an attended a bleb .obool buIlclbil .t 1 :30. p. m. th'l home of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. '.nnd Mrs, ChesLer Outler and son ot BIRTHDAY ' and Mrl, J. :N. Robinson. Mrs borinr counUee wUl meet at tbe meetlnr at the Qillaker Church at Mr. Ur. O. •. Muth or C1Dclnnatl Bertha GraY of Dayton. IIIaa Lu- Town Hall in Lebanon on Wedne...- Mt. Auburn, Cindnnati. Sunday. S~ lIsbury . Swturday evening. when Norwoord. a IIIOYbw picture .nd talk on they entertained the following mem • • • • • Master Da. vl~I-Hla~~N~~~~~d~~_----~--~ "'lbe RaQe'y Bee." Memberl and ciUe W.lton' and Charles Buricn clay. Apm 3 to coordinate their pro- Rutua Jones a le&ider In the Quaker l'ets of thelr famtly: Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Starkey and and Mrs. Bert Hartsoclt, celebrMecl Earnh.rt wel'e_EI.' ter pats of Mr. tram. Th18 announcement is being Church .WBll the 8Ile&ker. ~ familia are InYlted• . Clark Sal1sbury, Mr, and Mrs. John Mr . and Mrs. Steve Stelne and chilhis sixth blrthday anniversary BatQnd Mrt. E. p. DrDhart. ' made by .R. Btwar~ ·Greenwood. • • • • • PrJt:c and daughter Nancy of Char- d ren of Uayton visited at the home w..': ay afternoon when he entertalD. I.RTHDA OBStRVED • • .' . • Lebanon. of tbe Warrea COunty TuMr. and Mrs. Lewls Pires and fam It~ton. W. Va.. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey . WITH'.EASTER DINNER 1Ii.•nd lira. Alton Al!en of IndI- bereulOSis .nd ,Health a\BIIc)~1atlon. lly were Sunday guests ,or" Mr. and R~' e and family and Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Branstrator. ed a group of his llttle friends at a I or evt'ning. _ ' ~ . anapolla visited __t the home oJ 8. J. who w1ll preside .t the .U-day aes- Mrs. O. H. &rbeson and Harold pal ty . The children enjoYed an .... VI. P. Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. W. " • . Allen, 8unday~ ToIether they vlalt· IloD. Wbleh WIll atart .t 10 o·clock. Taylor of Centerville. Mias Plossle ter egg hunt, and other pmM dur. p , Salisbury entertained' the same Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell. Mr. Ing the alternoon. Eacb IUM' rlIII'; and ...... P . i ~ en· e<l their father who II orttlcaUy m • .Iies belDK held throughout the Flres spent tbe day Wltb Mr, and family group at dinner. Sunday. anel Mrs. Ell Furnas and chUdren , celved a bright colored balloon aDd tu~, ~t dlrl~ •... In .boDoI' ~ Ii Clnc:lDnatl hos'pital. ltate under the dlftetlon' of the Mrs. Elvan PIrea. and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Whitaker Easter favors. After tbe a~Il'a ~1 the' b.rlbday annl,enarIea of • • • • • Ohio PubUc Health Aa8OelaUon • • .• • • tll,u ~n Itob.rt aDd .~. toweD, P. B. 'lbomaa. Mn. Dell. Oharle. G. Orela, R. U. RII1e~an. Mrs. Jessie Hyman and fllmlly at- M~S JENNIE BRADDOCK and famtly were Sunday evening festivities. tbe small host aharecl bJa HOSTESS TO CLUB supper guests of Mr. and Mrs , W. A. ,birthday cake and tee cream wfua 1·nomu.~t~ the , <lelectabJe V~le" ...... HowarCS BUI'toD and and' Benjamin p . Knepper. all from tended the reception riven by Mr. Lukells Ilnd famUy . .dlnDll' .. lUte 'b1l1hdaJ' cab Iraoed ...... WUlJam CoI~ atterlded pl'O_ COlumbus. flekl reJreeentaUvea of and Mrs. ·Abe IIlvman of Xenia. his guests Who were : carolyn Brad• . the .~r or.. the t¥1e •. TboIe w~ t:rac~ '"iMeuDr at UuCa,' ODe eve-, the Ohio P.ubUC: Health AIsociaUon. SUnday afternooll1. honoring tbeir The Mar, h meeti ng or the Happy • • • • • !flY. Joanne Grueber,. Ruth I AIm ~nJOrid &be OOCUIOD were Mr; aDd niDI la.d week. . . will be present and lead the dJscus- son and d.ughte:r-m..law. Dr, and Hour club was held Tueshay alterMiss Mtldred Salisbury spent the Wetberholt, Carol Bunnell. ' Bubana 141'1. Lowell 'I'homU aDd dlwabter · • • • .' . alon Mra. Irvin 1IYnian. who were recent noon at the home of Mrs. Jennie week end with Mi.·s. Mary Carolyn Stanley. Irwin Kellis. Dick .nd Doll 'lbe LadIea AId IOdety of the . Iy married in New York City. Ilrild~k with fOlu·teen members Lukens at' Earlham College, Rlch- Weltz. Jimmy Crane. and Mn. R. L. , ~J''' 01 LYtle: lin.. M8d11Oll lIarDHllcicwell, hart aDd IODI Jack and 'I'cIauQ. oJ Methocult Oburcb' Wlll aerve a >Jltpt ('l;f'nt. .mond. Ind. CeD~: ilia Ina ......... ~ tJ!. ne)' supper Thursday Ap1J t. Ill' Ute Mr. and lira. Lealle Case and The program tor the afternoon • • • • • ~ ~, 1JIDa Datll, .... lAalu chUlllh buement. atarttnr ·..bOut a _ daulb ter Dorotb)', I,(r. and Mrs. cc.:1f;lsted o{ two readings; "Story or Mr; and Mrs. Howard MissUdlne MiLLSAPS ~e, r ~~f.aD I, o. H:: Robert' 9·c:ock. Miss sarah Randall of Dayton Kenneth ElleY and daughter Mar- F.R~ter" by Charlotte Hartman: of Dayton .were Sunday dinner TO PRES~E·jNI""'T·I:o.IC~O"NC·ERT TbOmu .nd RIeb.rd 8a&terthwalte. . ••• ,. ' . was' a w~ end Yialtor at the Home Jorte. Mr. and Mlr&. LeRoy Peters. "The Garden ot Gods" by Atha guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fur--Mr .•nd ~ra. Pra~ Hoffman ClflMcCoy .nd Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Bertha Petens and son, Walter. F\lrnas. Game. Esther Mitchener; nas Mr and Mrs Ramo Riggs were One of the SoUtb'4 flneat choral PUTY FOR :CHIWUN ttt~ed Wlth a f.Wly dinner sun- Wemta of Spr1nane)d were Mr. Chat)es MIddleton. of Dayton. mll!'ical proverbs. ,by the club. arternoon vlslstors at the Furnas groups. the Millaapa 8lnpn, wiJl be ,~ • tlay . 'n1e1r tn-u were Mr. and lin. nftAmlOoh call- at tbe home visited Mr.It aDd Mr&. Walter Elzey <t; -- r ~". Bund During -the social pertod the host- home. • • • • • presented In a concer~ of I&OI'Id ~< ~ .who .ttend~d the ~eOl'lf! T. QuIrk or MlamllbUrl. Mr MI'II. Walter Kenrick of Lytle vtIay a ernoon. esa served dellclous refreshments music at 7:30 o·clock. ilonda.y .... Me~ l,!D~ " ~ ~ aiid R. C. OampbeU ~ '~n, Ihd Dr ••nd Mrs.J. W. Ward. 8un• • • • • to the members. and one guest. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bland and WI'" ~ a' , JIIII;'t.t, ~~_ Mr.. and Mrs. J,' ~. ~ ~ ' day ~rs. A. E. BJ.out was hostesss to Ohr.rlot~ Hartman. daughter Barbara LoU of Sprlng- nlng, April 1, In the Grace Oburcb, A .... _#t . . . .. _ _ at .......---... ..;.,_ Hane MulleD. . the members of ber bridge cltJb. at ,boro and Mr., and Mrs , John SetUe- Dayton. by tbe Dayton DIa&rlcl& ~ ~~ ' Dinner gueats .t the Home Sunpar&; wlaplanned ..Del . . . • • • • • her home. Tuesday evening. All the myre and son of Oregonia were Methodist Youth. " , by Ill' ' '. cia) were, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest reG\I!ar members were present and BIRTHDA Y SURPRISE and Composed of 43 volcea, the YWLii!:1 .<IIn• .1. aDd Mr: and ...... Morrla ,a pleasant levenlng of guests of their dinner. saps choir Is appearlot In Dayton . " ,.:t.;nd r-:--' , ButIDII " . a .. lIul)~r '!l'-' R(;ESkln of , Dayton" and . Mr. and "'ft_ Mr. and Mrs. Cectl Hlghtman Mrs, L. C. St. as part or a slx-atate tour thrOUlh Tbe' ciblIdr(~~ecl YaJ10ua ~ ~I, 1Il'I. LUJ'... ~ M J . p,....,.. were awarded to Mrs. H. p. Easter Sunday. .fJar ' .,bIch.' the1 cutloou£. ~., .ad ...... R. C. tlritcbard 'and rs . • L. Mendenhall. Dye. and Mrs. C81rmen Crane. V,Cle plea.~antJy surpr,lsed ~turday • • . , . ' . Misslsalppl. TennesHe, ' Kentucll." 'for ~nen Jor ~t& wblcb ,-danlht.er, 111'.. and 1Il'I• . Tbo~uu Mias Myra Roberts bad as her nolY on tbe club will be known as evening· when several of their Mr, and Mrs. p , L. Reason Indiana. Ohio .nd Alabam•. were tnatvldual . ~ 1uDcb1ll. ~ aDd aDd ... ~ dinner guest Bunday. Dr. Mary' L. the "Hi-Lo" Bridl,e club. Refresh- fr1end5 went in ' to 'celebrate were guests at a dinner Sunday The program wbteb opens wlab . • ......'. \' . .....•. J. ,0. Wettbil .nd' family, .ll Cock. mfnts were serve(!1 by the hosleM at Mr. Hlghtman's brthda.y annl- given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Palestrina's inspired Solll of ....... OF ~,' KS 'of N~ OhIo. Mr. and Mn. Claud Hoovan. Miss the close of the games. versary. A delclous oyster sup- Charles Fester of Dayton. ~r. and ~nd prayer. "Ador.mus Te". t.DCt . • ,. • • • Juephlne CronDlnger. and Mrs. • • • • • per was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. L. Mrs. William Watrous ot ' Dayton closes witb ~utklD'a beauUtul ..... I ........~ " . ' , . Mr. &aid' l1l'i. ~r otiamNlaa oJ A.@n~ Clendennln, oJ Dayton vIIThe CooklDs 8ehool. '~ held at J . ' purnslde. Mrs. Anna Graham. were alsQ thelr guests. edlctlon and Ame~''. contalDa aom. "_0 ... exprua ~y UlaDka ,and Xen!.·" were ~It ' end 'glMlRa of..... ited JIIra.. J. W. Anderton, Bunday the Lebanon Town Hall, Wednesday Mrs. Robert Baker Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. • • • • • of the fin~t work to De found 10 au t~UoIl ,to ,~ ~DJ ,b1endI ..... ,;Joba B. ()D' 8Ul!daJ, . aJtemoon· . Thursday and PJ1day of tbis we.e k Roy Fox. Karl Hlghtman and Mr. Miss Lola Sears and Mr. and Mrs choral Uterature. or lpedal InCtnll ~. ~I ~ ",01 . "'KlilNI ~r ~. and A. Z HartIoclt aod dalllhter Helen was attended Oil: l;lie opening day by and Mrs. James Jackson. Albert Carver of CIn'C lnnati and Mr. ~ northerners will be ~ .~ . i~ . . . . . ....... '10 IkI. Goa. ... iD'. ' aDd lain. A. Ii . oJ KtDlUWl called on Mrs. Lena the following Wayneaville people: and Mrs. Everett Sears ana son of of songs which h.ve po... OUI .. much ~"-'-n A6 :':' 1' " '.' -!J. _. ..J • R , MengIIl. Mrs. R, R ', Hart. ROBERT HOWARD PENNINGTON Spring Valley were dinner lUesta at . b 'i!' __'on ' . ' "" ~ •• , WI 'IIC~)' ,or" ' HaniQton. Katthew• Ha"'~" , - - ..... A"...,.....y. RUG. . ft the mualc of the lOuthem MII'O. ' DI1 ~,......,. . . ... TIIrDer of Xenia. ...... IIeIeD 1Iar- Mrl. O. O. BOIler, . Mrs. Wutrur sock Mrs. L. C, St. John. Mra. L. V. the home of their parents. Mr. and ' . " D.,J.I~> ~ - ia~ (JoDI 'aud lain D.'J.. Crane: ' ~oey ~nd dauahter cat:ol.Yn and Btanatrator. Mrs. Dalll6 Boger. Mrs , Robt. Ho~ard. 13 months old. son Ml'S. W. N. ~ra. \ " T,:)c " i ' .' " ~. ,; r "~' ~, ., ~t, Mrs. A1~ 8tal~ and 8, B. Ellis. Mrs. '''1. B. Rleb. lIIn. of Mr. and Mrs. Howa~d Pennington • • • • • CONSERVATION TO' B£ . rMINlSJRY" ' Mr. aDd -Jamea JacIrICII1 were little son Rolla all .of Dayton Len. Hartsock, I\C's. JIlthan Crane. ' died Tuesday afternoon after a .. Mr. and Mrs. J. P . Fromm and INCLUDED IN PLANa " '". . " dinner IUesfa. ~ oJ Mr. aDd ' Mm Kat~e 00lllba, ~day . after· . Mtsa Drllne Lanham, and her short lllneSll. Surviving are the. PI'l. son Clyde and J. C. Hawke were --- ' ~ ....... who ~ UllI Ma L. J. Bunlllde. ~ vta- nooa • Bome JkonomIca clau. ents•• and two sisters. Phyllis and pests for dinner Sunday at the The Little MUt ,CoIIae~ year ~. OlDctftMU Bable,BeIil ItGrS at Uae',Buriiilde baine, were IIIIIea AnnIe U. and Mame T . Nancy. home of Mr. and 'Mr~: Melvyn Banta District is to be . . tbM oou.r_ ' jlW)', • III '....... to ~ mID- . . .. O'_.DuafCJrd.' oC . LlbaDoa Browne aiid 1Iia. . J. W. Andfl"tOn AU I11CCeIIIful individuals have Puneral services were held tbla at of Loveland. vatlon be included ~ &be' aooca • ~. ID ..... ~urcb~ " ~ . .~pIl '~tDIaD of . ~ ' at~ the Balter aervl~ at St. aucb by ~rd work; by temol)n. ~t. the, B.t~bbS. ~un~ral home • \0 • • • trol pro~ ~t&u"b-, ..... • 'M I QlflIiIIiiIb , .. ~ II ~ ~_ ..... KJ•• 'Ud IIr. aDd Church; 8\iDdaJ. , , " proVm, moment!s ' baton ~ey pass and burlal ,~ 'b) Miami cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. ',John D. BoUn have COl' Warren OdUntJ. it II repIINI. _ _ ~ >~.. . . 'Iirl. ~". ~tman: .. ' ! , ' lira. .1. W. flnclertoD , ~ ~. lnto.ooure. and · h~ that otller ~. J ' . , IllI ved to a farm near Utica. Mr. Petitlona ukIq dlat &bit ..... 8e'UI. ' .. : . "'.' '.' ! . . .. _ • . ~ , " Len&· BartI!ock vis1~ JJl LebiaDoa, peo" , Diay~" in the' pUrsuit of BELLBROO~ CLUB and Mrs.' Elwood Reedy anleamllY " takel\ Is ~ ~~ ,~ ~"';"'--.-~"'" _ ' .Mr, aad" 11& It B. DaYi-. aDd, Tu~J. ' pleuure ·-Mary Bater' Bdcly TO SHOW PicTuREs wlli occupy the rarm vacated by Mr. : sllOl'~n by Uie . . . " .' . . . . . LEWII,JtIlO!II,l1'Y ~ • . IW7I.Gq.. . . . at ' ....._ . _ r ' . _, • ...-< .... ' • __ ~ .. . ·ond' Mrs. Bolin. ' . 'tab anaa.m, _ _ .. . . . week tOIl .... , . . . ,., ,;;w;J_S=4! '. _ . - - . ,:"",-.a, ' • . oC Mr. Abaenoe of occu. .tIGD It iiiit""Nd., loa ever)' t.bftIId orlOfd III ,JaIuThe Bellllrook Townaend clu trWI U.-" ' • • • • • , ~ '' . M D_"'~ .... ..... ." _ _ lin. D. O. A IIdncl quite vacant 18 • mlncI able. 80 II. every moment .oJ time. sUd,! pictures In &be TOwn Hall Ml'. and Mrs. 1\&y lI.lnOUa saw chalman oJ a ...,. . . . . .
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IIuoD Tuuday niabt, . . . plaJ1. 2. at ':30, . ahoWlni the' ReooVeI7 ~eah .Una well. and mfllta wm be on aaJe. AU members U'ecl. but 101\. are ~ to " .preaeot and &be pub .......uer be. alIIo Invited.
the picture "Gone With Mrs. th& WID4" -damwt&b CI Q......... ' 5 " . . .. . . .,)!:,., in Haml1ton. lII.ot week. MaIn- Of L, to.... conIer OUII' slater. l1l'i. Mattie Plan..., of , Il"non. m...... ei .... Hamtlton. accqmpaute<l tbem bOlD_ "rn1 "~I_~ (or • few weeki' vide. • to
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THEM~ICAZEI~I~I~______~____~--~----~~--------~TR--~--bA--,_Md--~--_~I~~. food, t5.OO; Ralph Johns., food. $17.· Co, lumber. t5.65; The Miami Valley Building '12UO: Gibson. 1 dOl. typewriter 00; Leader Store. clothhlng. $6.00; Lewis & Drake. In~ ., cement. ~lIe tlOI'. I Loan Association t.o otto an9 Mabl'I erasers lor prOllecu~11lII attorney. Inc .. fuel. ~.OO; Ivsewpr, "Everett EIlr)y, Hom ;!' lIol\(\lye (lrd~s v~. Mldn Marlin : 10 !'leres In Frul \;Un lOwU' 55 ; The "Olfice Outfitters. legal In-Jameso n Drug Co. , ~Icat; $6.0«1. '~.80; ~aln Armitage,-sand. La Pbon. -112 Waynesville, Ob~o' - . Maln Street ArUlSu'ong tiles, ~L 1\1.: court Clnds Ship padS and ~ape for prosecuting at- Paul Christianson. mUlCi' $6'.00; c.rl a~d gt'avel. $~.06; M. D. rkln ' , ~, parts. $304.74. Fra. nklln VuloanHora e HOlldly Oordes to be owre1' of Florence Hoy, clecc!nsed. to Alfred torney, $2.2'0; Charters D. Maple, S 1be t food ... 00" , ~. ' 't:...a.!..' t l£n\erecl AI Seeond Chasa Mail Matter at PoatoUlee, WayneavUle, Ohio' \lInets drscrlburt In petttion wlt.h ex- Hu ·. till .: 142. /5 acres ~n .EnSt s rvlces as law llbrarlim l $100.00; C. e -r r Herb HOPpi, . '1l~llne $15.13' W. Jz.mg & Tire co ., suppll IJ nnd4:IQr s, . . . . , ' ' . P311'97' rC\llloIlS. ct . WaYl1 Township. o/t Stunl'ey EIlrnhal·t . stamps for Com- L. K.lrIby, gasoline. ,4.68; R. E. l.e-, ' Flora M. ,Crane Editor and Publisher .• t')tli:ll'l'W ,J Yellzl. J r .. VB. The VIIAlina May West to Lu.elln Deal'- mon Pleas. $6.00; Colum~\1S Blanle Roy. ant1 ~ freeze. oil. 132.11; The ISSUED EVERY TBURSDA Y In g IIf L b non . et ai. : summons on ' doff : .611 a f e In Lcb non n nd 172.01 Book Mfg. Co., forms for Probate Lc:banon Lumber 00 .. supplies: stakes Sublcription Price, $U;O Per Year, Payable in' Advance 'R 'b erR . BecketL ' sl't ·a side. sum- norc's III Wa n ' 11 COlUlty. Court. $3.1;0; E. E. Clark. .. ~lo1slers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....:..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 1lI0ns on Mlllllclpni Light a nd'Power Lllll I) . Emer y. deccas d . to ~16 . G9: F dernl Laboratorlel!. 6 gren- ltimber, $23.68; L. O. Andersol) Son ~ Division Sf'L a. lde nnd held COl' P hilip Emery . et aI, lot 8 In. Le~J1on ades. Fllte Rite !>rojectiles, $138.00 ; llau gh ~ and t.hat pl alnl'!! deposi t Clara L. Fa 1'1'. dec~sed . by ElK" ... Fr~nk-R. Mann, -spotlight fln"er - ,BREAKERS AHEAD $60 .00 tiS security fo1' co.~ts. te. to J ohn a nd MYI'We A. Shl'ets: lot 9 prin t powder for IIherm. $9.00;· NOTICE OF APPO~NTMENT . Andrcw ' J . Veaz I. Sr .. vs The Vl1 - In Spri ngboro. Re lf's Electric Shop, lamps. labor AdmInistrator , It took the Unltcd States Govemmenl the first 133 years ot 113 ex\s- luge of Lebanon . eL a l. : Sllmll\OIl~ FJlIInn Lewis Lo IJllcob A. Lewis; nl jail. $1 ·55; J .' W. Lingo Hard~are Estate of Ci)llrles II. lIart ock. tCf1Iee .to Spend sixty-six bUllon ·dollars. in the course of which the exp ~ n. c on Robecca C. B ~kett set aside and 911.09 n ' I e in Wnrn,n Coun ty . Co., brushes, shells, paint for sherDeceased of five wars was defrayed . Including the Civil War and the World \Val·. Iw'd for naug ht , etc .. summons , IICI JIlSUIl Biddlecul11 lo Eldon WU- 111. $13.25 ; Robert M. Blair. M. D .. Is hereby given Ulat Luther Notice Thot was yesterday. Today It takes t he Federal government a mere eI gh t r£olmn on Munlclpnl Li gh t & Power kprHln ; I', ac res in W Il~ h i n~ l on medical services. $22.50; FamQ..us yeal'e to spend $65,628.526.692. Divis ion set a Ide (l lld held fOl' township. Auto Supply 00 .. supplies (or radio. H. Hartsock, whose Post Oftlce Address Is Waynesville, Ohio. R. R . No. The 'automobUe ls oot the only contrivance that has shawn an am"z - na ught. Illotlon to make deflni '\! N lI le W. H nkl e to Georg ' K $7.90: Lebanon Motor Inn, Inc.. ."i ing Increase In speed. Modern AmeriCan bureaucracy spends public ilion! y HIl r! certain overruled . mollon 5. Co H" nkl,' alld IAL~ I. H(' nkle: par t of qLs. Mobil 011 for sherlJI's car. $1.50; I has been duly appointed as A~ at Q rate that would ha ve been thought Inwosslble a few years ago. It cat, r.n d .1I suslalned. 11'11 days I! l'!I nled kt 120 In Lebanon. Dr. P. H. Kilbourne. examination. ntlnlstrator of the Estate of Charles aLio crente bigger detlclts wi th p; l'ealer speed than our forefathers could 11\ which \,0 plead. J ohn Ba IT nnd Hazel Barr to WU- $3.00; Dr. H. L. RosenCraIL\ treat- H. Hartsock late of Warren county. ~Phone 78J ever conceive of-$25 .. 538.000.000 111 eight years. Apparentl y our abili ty to Helen Fitzwater vs . Edwllrd F ltz- li nlll P Ooodl1lan : lot 5G In Ma on. men l. $6.50; Ohas. J. Waggoner. OhJo, deceased. Dated Ulls 19th day of March pUll 'Ul deJlclt.s ls surpassed only by our ability \,0 spend wil ter: divorce gronte:l. minoT' chllMil't Jngt'ls Lo LouL~e rllgels; .4.86 Agent. premium on bond lor W. 0 , . Unle'Ss average cltlzells. housewives . business men . professional people el ll'n given to the pi, inl lff. tlef Iy l- n!'l'cs In Turllccrl'ek t.owllshlp . Mllnning. $5.00; The Standard 011 1940. Ralph H. Carey pi to, lind workers come \,0 their senses· we will enter an era that wlIi make t ;le a l,l to pay $6.00 per wcrle for their Hllrry E . Osborn and IVIl M. Os- Co .. Ill\so\illc. $73 .92: The Pure 011 RALPH lI. CAREY "great" depression of the thlrtJes look like a pink tea . We have lOst ollr _' IIPI)Olt : born to Rober t E. Orehl; .31 a cre In Co .. gllsollne. $8.22; Judge of the Probate Court lelf; respect In a drunken s pending spree and If we don ·t wateh out IV w\:, Pauline Pfister VS . Newton Pfister Lebanon. The Ohio 0 11 Co .. gasoline. $6 .. 39: Warren coun ty, Ohio IlOOn l~ our shlrts! - Industrlal News Review. !I ' vo rce grnntcQ. plllintlfJ's m Aiden The CltI?..ens Building. Lonn onct Gulf Refining Co., gasoline. $17. 13~ Stanley & Stanley. Attys . '1'AIIVIA · I.ITHIC TAR AND -c ~ d ,·."ne. Paullne Haigh . ls restored. Sfl vi ngs Associat ion to Mary Llltle ; Wilkerson Service Station. gasol1nl'. M21 -28-M !lOAU OIl.; .BXCAVAT1N_O Lorene Haendl'l vs. Paul G. Haen- lot 13 in H!1lcrest Farms. FTnnkrn $2.33; A. B. Caudill Shell Station. ~;o .. ~y================~====~====~~~~~= de': cllvorce granted . pla lnWT's t owlIshlp. gasoline. $14.75: Toshie's Service m ' M!' l'RUCI~ SERViC\!: NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT 1Il £lden na me. Loren Armstrong. Is II chel Hur: t to J ohn C. Younq; Station. gasoline, $15.62 ; Comp ~ol1 PJ'r RUN . LOADED 30c YD. rt'.,torecl. .20 ncre In Olearcreek townshLp. Gal'~ ae, gasoline. $16.19; The Klln- Admlnl8ua&or with the will annexed. The p eo ple's Buildi ng. Loan and Louis W. Ludcleke to James York ger-DlIls Co., parts. $36.15: The D"y · de bonis non, Shl'ln!'R ompany vs. Adelaide ami Mayme York.; 3·50 aercs In tOil Auto Parts Co.. parts, $59.31; • _. l- . MarGu erite Satterthwaite vs. Hen - CIt ment.-. ('t al. ; cla im of plalntltI Hamilton township. Bill's Machine Shop. parts, 11.50; E!ltate of W. H. Dinwiddie. Deceued " NEW SlIITS ~ ,:,' . . Stanley Mullenllj: a nd Sarah MulFamous Auto SlIpply 00.. supplies Notice is hereby given that Ruth ry Satter:hwalte, et.:l1. : for mar ;holl - a&ninst Myr tle V. Holilngshend , Phone. Wuynesvllie (4. It Il I ', ~ , ' " ing of liens, sale of ,preml ,es and Dr. vld Mills Iln d Berni ce S. Ml1Is Is len Ix to Tolbert Aibner and ~ther $18.60; Karl W: Mlust. 50 Ibs. dyna- M. Savage whose Post OtJlce AdLubullolJ ol!lce l'i1ullc 4n -K-. !i.Q",ard .P1elder. dba The Franklin flllly settled . , Abnel' : 1-9 acre In Clea rcreek town- mite. $9.50; Wight & becker. toilet drf" S Is Warncsvl1l . 01110. R. F . O. equitable rl'lief. Morrow I' nne No. I . , P1uzm»ng Co)llpSny Mr a nd MIS . res .98·M . In the ma tter of Lhe estate of sh ip. paper. 600; Kaufman's paint ana has been duly appointed as AdmlnMichael Keaylt and The Franklin COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS Mlrt Ingles. deceased: estate rel lev· Stanley Mullenix and Sarah Mol- sandpaper. $3·28; W. H. MQHenry. Istra lrlx de bonis non with tlte will :B1J11~g & Loan AssoclaUon ; actlun eci from admlnistrntlon . T. C. Chris- Icnlx to Mitchell Harvey dnd Vlr- suppl.les, $3.75; Weiler Welding Co., annexed of the Estate or W. H· Is 'f~r ' nl!>ney Judgment; Lydia E. Throckmorton Ashton vs. tie appOinted commlssloncr. repOrL glr. ln Harvey; 1·9 aue In Olearcreek oxygen 'and welding rods, $12.20; Dinwiddie late or Warren County. joiu} Butt. vs Phllllp<!aJncs, et a1.; Horace Throclunorton: defendant ;s of 'C ommissioner a pproved. to\'1I1shIP. Johnston & JohllS'.on. supplies. $5.75 Ohio. deceased. aoUon to marshall liens and sale of gl'anted leave to file answer. Dated this 7th day of Marcil 1940. 11' t he mntter of ' the estate- of Cassie J. Br lnhll~er to Joe Tudor: The Oregonia Bridge Co" plates. etc property. ' Ruby J . Pease vs. Lucllle Ayers . "t Florence Hay . deceased; cerif1cate I 1-2 acres In Wa1rren county. $62.30: Alice M . Arn old. Invalid care, RALPJi H. CAREY ot l:ansfer ordered . estate va lued lit Sterling Eckler Ilnd Dollie Eckler $5.00: Millard Bryant, Invalid c·a re, Judge of the Probate Court 1 $8187.32. Inh erltallce LIIX determ ined W BrOWn L. Kindl'ed and -Elizabeth $5.00; Suda CleJ!1taOnS, In.yalld care. WlU'ren County, 01110 REAL ESTATE ; 1 . ~JNANCJA.L IIEj'OH 'r ~nr 'I ' IIE OOA.ll.) ..... Fo III ' P A,)·.,,!\, as nolle. hearing on schedul or KIndred ; one acre In Franklin \,own - $5.00; Mrs. Helen Doughman . Inval- U :. IlLY ,~ Slan:e-y. :Attys . INSURANCE • I" ~ • . For FI .....J \.,ar EadJ_ n ....ewb., .. :11"., 111:111 d rb ts. set for April O. shl]l. Id care.' $7.00; . Mar 14-21 -28 WftTol" T_o.~lp Itural !j .. b .. ul DlAU't!f. C uunl y ,,' W.rr .... I AUCTIONEE~ I . u . AddH. . ' .. ay ......v lll ...... 10 Harley Gebhart and Erilma GebElla Hoff, Invalid care. $5.00; GerD .... ~•• r .. b :::0;. 111'111 1101 t and WlIodlne Gebhart : lot 955 1.rUde Jones. lnvadld care, $7.00; ~d I " ''',-1 at), .h.. , .. II .. " ·.",,, report I .. br CO""""I. PROBATE OOURT nO!!!S II. IIA U·'·!W t:1i. In Franklin. Kalsfr, Invalid care . .'S.OO: Newton ..... V.'••tl" . (;1"1'1< of .10 .. Uuur" uf '~"u ..aJt..n Tall ...... • ... ..... , " " . ... '" ... . . ... . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . ... a,cn:I.UI" In t he matter of the estate of J&mcs Pile to W . T . and Gladys StampeJ', Invalid care. $10.00; L. B· .n_t .:.,..;, ..., . .. .. . . .. . . . . . ... .. ... .. .. .. .. . . ... , ... . .. .... ... .... . 1.1U Steele. Invalid care. $5.00 ; John E. TO TRACTOR SA~E8MEN Cuoke: lot 99 III F'ranklln. •• \tI~ .... 41~;.,~ ai~li~~;;:: Ada A. Woodruff. deceased ;. jnven - Wllilam. Adelaide lind Bert E, Wilson, Invalid cnre. $7.00: Treasur__ tory approved . ..~"nY OF C"ulll IIAL N(:E!i. 'lE(.' EU"r!'C AND U't:PE!IIO'1T IllES B ...!,I1~ 1....... E., J A OA .flY la t. 198 9 ' . I Cl lments t.o The If>eople's Building, er of SLate, 2% of total amo~nt du~ sealed bids wUl be received by the In the matter of t he slate of ~dha~~1 .~'l lII cl • . .. .• .. •• . • •..• .. .•• .• .. •. .• . .• • ••••.. • $ 4.494.1 6 .. S ' h 1 [Btlt",!,,,nt "'"ncl .... . . .. .... . ..... . . . .• ... . . ... O.~27.G; Cutrord Anderson, deceased; bank Loan and Savings CompallY: 62.73 care of Inmates In state Institution, ~wnshlp Olerk ot Wayne Towtl8hip .~_ :' ) < o~ ,lilt [' 1111'1 .. .. .. .. ............. . ... .. .. . ....... 19G ... n acres In Turtlecrec~1t township. $271.27; DIlyton Beater & Holst Co: Warren County at · the ToWlIshlp . . .r~rnl . t· lind • .• . . .. . ...... ... .. ..•. . •. • . . ........ . . .. 32:4:' to PI\Y $3·587.70 to E. H. and W. B Ca rroll H. Deatherage to WlIllam repaIrs to crank ' shaft, $4.'10'; Stan- House, Waynesville Ohio until eight REqEIP.TS:- .. .... . . . .. . .. ... .. . ... . . .. . . .... .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . $lo.n !iOy!~ Turner for legal services rendered In E and !\lIce Althaus; about 13.50 ley Pry, services, $45.00; Cui Meyers P.M. .. ' GOOCI" lr~l~ t'I''\In'q .. . '.' . • , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . .. $i 2. t4 3 .5~ M id estate. • n( .• 0 r um nl F11f1d 3 113 • ar.1·es In Massie t;o~nshlp. services, $6.00; City of Dayton. Care ·Monday. April 8th. 19.<1' ~unt C(h .f't U\d •. .•. __ ... .'.'.'.'.' .'.' :.'.'.'.'.': :.'.'.'.': .': : .':.' : .':: : 2'0 '4S In t he matter of the estate of 1 0 lil .. • • , R W . and Rhodabelle Campbell of prisoners In Work House, SOc; For abOut a 'thlrty horse power . Total U···· i ........ ..... .. .... .... ... ..... .. ... . .... " $77 ,34 6.1¥ .E.lla B Rhodes deceased' llearlng t W E d EI I Th ROOT FOR AND ~<>NS'GN . MC ~t. ~nd Dllllln ce . . . . .. •• . ..... .. . ... .. ... . '88.295.80 ' on Inv~ntory wlll be held' April 2. _ IlXPENDITUR. s e Mae Stroud; part e wester~ltar. personal prop- tractor to be uaed for road c;onsLruc- ,out Cattle. bop, sheep a •• d calv... ') . . all r ty forms . ~ .OO: The ~nklill Uon 'and maintenance. Tractor must to NorrJa.Brock Ct. .• live ",ire 'alief =I~t,:n.a!!~;. ':1,0116.2:' III the matter of the estate of o( lot 8 In Lebanon. ~ ~" I .. F'u t . F nd .. . ...... ........ - ..... ...... .. 6 6 7 .~ Q Alice Sllvers.to Osa Snell: part of Chronicle• .Iegal upbUcaUon; P3.30; i)e equipped with catel'pWar trac~' ~"o~ve ftl1l'l . r"r .the -hi",.'" .. " .r"neh nd .. . .. ..... .... .. .. .. . .. .... .. .. .. .. . .... I, l1l3.4 :1 Mary A. Scofield. oeceased; hearln" lo ~ 40 nnd part of Jot 41 and addl· Marlon Kelly food. $8 50 ' Murphy • market rrlces and ~gDod .. "~Cj••,BAJ..A"NCJ.l'l5ECiriioiUEm· iliHt: '1~'a'1I' "'''''' ''' ''''''' '''''' '''' $G&.57G. IS in schedule of debts Is set for Apr" U Itt I H b I , . '. . tlon. It III the intention of the Trus· U.I.,. Stoe. "tard,' Clneln!".tI, .0 ona rac n luveys urg. GA Store. food . $186.99. Dalsl tees to trade In as part payment a Tune In on R"dln StaUon "WCK" ~ ' . (leneral' Fund . .• .. .....• .. .. .. . ... . . ................. $13.0:1 2.4i 2 ittllerltance tax determined as ggod n etlnr"ml l~ un,1 .. . . . . .... .. . .... ..... .. . .. . . .. . ~.fi 3.U • • Charlcs O . HUdebrant and ' Eva Robertson, food. 145.00; Kaufrnan'~ second hand "C.terplllar Thirty" 12:2& to 12:1I~;I . m. lor I)ur .etatl . , . . 11001' BUll "'wd .. .. .. .. .. ............ . .... .. ........ 19U.UO none. HIldebrant to Pllul F . Hildebrant materials, $71.66; E. H . Oloeckler, U'8ctor as part payment. market reporti. , '. ~~~r .~~~ :::: ' $22.~~U~ In the matter of the estate of allcl ' Clilfonl Hildebrant; 165.43 food. $87.50; Waynesville Farmer'lI The Trustees reserve the right to . -: Total 1i1x pendttulreM atl,l Ba lnnc• ....... . .•. .. . ... .... , $ .295. 0 William Swany . deceased; Inven tOl;v acres in~nlnJROii wnSffip-and BCl- EXc nge. ue -2:'l5; P. C .. ~Ude-- - -.-- "flEVBNtr foJ- . kJl)(JEU"rs approved • . ' H;~E[8·" ,-.: · brllnt, food. $12~0.50 ; H. C. HamU- reject allY anq nIl bids. General Proller\ y Tan ~ L.oc:a1 Lev y In the matter of the estate of d ILional tra.c t. Harl'Y Schooley and D h L. H. Gordon . • Bp-nd. Inl r,·s\ and 'InKlng F\md . ................. . . $ UI~ . fi 1 .. ' :AU oth r purpoa.. ~ .... . ..... ... . . .. .... . . . . • .. . •.. .. Ut.M70.29 George L. Miller. deceased; 1nven- S( hooley Lo Laura C. Sch:leyle. :n. foodeda~dlruel, $51.50: Dr. A. E. Clcrk, .W ayne Twp.. qulcldy .....,. DISIIPS of Total Properly 'rou.. . . .. ... ... . .. .... . .. .. .. ... ... .. .. $23.4~3 . 0 tOI'Y approved. tout. m ca serv~ces. $39 .75 ; McWarren County. Ohlo. • ; .;, _. 1i:'oundallon Pro(!U'nm . . . . .... . . . ..... .... . ........ . . . . 21),780.74 lIofar7-14-21-28 • inter·..t from State on lrr ducllll e 0 hl ... . .... : .... . l71 .8 1 III the matter of tile estate of about 9 square p()les in Harlan \,own Vey Brot hers. food , $83.50; .. ' Reotal1)-om School Lnnds a nd Prop rly .. .. .. . . ... ... :I U~.~; Charles Doster. fuel. $29.25; Sma" . ' . Vocational Ed.ucallon nnd Re'hui)lIl1nLlo n ro~ Dear Rut h C. Lynch, deceased ; I.nventory shiP. Blind and crippled Ch ildre n ftoom Sluln and . S: approved. . Roy Gustin to George R. Henkle: Wood Market, food. $13.00: BoAan .& t NO'l'ICE QF AI!P.OlNntENT ' , I Government ... ... .. . ......... .. . ... . .. . .... •. ..... . 1.IKO.52 I t 97 In Avalon Helgllts, Turtle- Gordon. rood , $78·25'. Elbert Wallac!! . ' -., _" "_ ~l)t"ibUtl()f111 , ....... . ...... ............ .. ..... . .... . InG .lIS In t h e r)'lntler of the estate 0 f o • ' AdJDlnlatrac.or 11 creek township. food. $20.00; ·.S . S. Thomas; foOd. '_ WllIlam HutIortl a nd Della' Huf- $50.50; Frank SherWOOd 00" food . DON'T '!t.w. eIwaeea" with unldio_';· . : . .. :': :::::::::: : ::: ::::: :: : :::::: . . rod .~ iUIeow Estate of ArabeU Dinwiddie. NQN . lUl~i~~ nile ... . ..... ..... .. .. ~ . ... .. . . .. . .. . .. . ... U R.n1. 14 ta x.,determlned as none. hearing on ~r~ t~H~lan b ~i Campbcll and $35.00 ; Walter:.Elzey. clothing-, $8.73 ; •De~ ~Dd'.':::mJ:':roupy "y . amp e ; 4.79 acres In ~yer Hyman Co" clothing. ~i'l.23: Nottcl1 ~ hereby. .ilv~n . that Ruth eold8. Uillt "Cbild~" ,lIait.ao18l. ·· .. :; : &11' .of _Bond8, .................. ............... ..... .. ~ :1.r."O.OO Scllfodule of debts will be April 3. . " .!'Irem!um on Bond.. S!>ld , ....... ..... ..... .... ... . .. .. 2" . 00 A. R. Powell. mclylng non-restd~nt .M. savllge whose Post Otrlce Ad- ~~ ::'~::ehanQo¥~~~" , . ," Aocrued lilltUllst on BondI! Sold .....• .. . ... . . . . .. .. . . . 109. 00 In the matter or the estn.te or Lebanon. - " C'er'U'flcatca of· Sndelbtedn~'a BOld • .. ~... . ... .... ...... I G,050. 4 g Charles H . Hoyle. deceased'. II'V('n famjly to Highland county, $8.00; dress L'l WayneavUle. Ohlo. , R , P. D; , RUbltwelloll'~kiddJe.cbIit,du'oet H 4 [, .• . . IAccrued Hlter at on 'erUl'lca tell' ot Indebtctln 8 9 .. .••• BILLS .O\LLOWED : ~Iea at. Properly .: .. ... ... . . .... . ...... ... . , " ...... ' " . 425:'H, lory approved. J. B. Chapman. shelter, $12.00; Dr. has becn duly appointed aa-Admln- '~=I!t=~.::.=t'.:!i . ntn.rer \0 Bon 1 l1.e til'tIl1ICnl Fund • .... . . . ..... , . ... . 2.fiOO .00 I H. Eo Hathaway, ' dental 8ervl~~ , L~b'8trlx of the E,st8te of A!'&bell eo~rnct paiD.lta_thlNr..,.jMIft : .' " .-TotAl Non- Hi>venue ..... ....... ...... .. , .... ...... ... $ 2Q . U1 ~.:18 n the matter of the estate of Karl D. Dakln, . premlum on In- $9.00; J. B .. Jones, food. $11.50; Dln~lddie late of' Warren County =-~'~!PJlftl"edlirGood . , ·;.1 T T .... L RlilOEIJ>Ts-. .... .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . .......... . .. ... .. .... . 77.34r..:'2 Alice Oaln , deceased; Inventory apITotal Transa ·t10nll ............... ..... .. ............ $77. a I ~.r, l s urance [or treasurer's otJlce , $82.50; Dr. R. Smith, food, $493.79; Ray- Ohlo deceased. '....,~ . _ . ;.;;. _ EXP":NIlI'l'.,Il£!f proved. AD1tof'l .. I"n';iUTtON- . DeJlQl'tment ~orts Publ1sh1ng Co .. ,mond Taylor, tOOd~ 1114.00·:,Ji.iE. IV' Doted till! 7thaa; at Maich 19.0 A-l· .to 14 .111 ('. sil:ln:Moa nnd Wages AdlYl. fHCl c .....1j 1111,1 In the matter of the esw,te or .. RALPH H CAREY • Em'ployell ." ... , ... ... ... .... . . .. .......... ......... $ r.~r..on DI:Jah A. Hartsock. deceased ; l!1.s- SUbSC1'lpt\on to l )cpartment Reports. ins. r~d. $f2.00; Bellers i .O A, :Store, Total Personnl ServIce . . .. ...... . .. . . . ... . ... . .. ... . .. $ G2!i. On t b ti B.1. Orflce Suppliell . . .. . . . ...... . ; .... . . .. . . .. ... . .. . 8 4.4n rl .\I · on In kind ordered. ..-. Judge of' the Court . Total Other 'Purp,08e8 . .. .. ..... . ..... .. ... . ... .. . . . . . S4.4 0 In the 'mater of t he guardlanshljl I Warren County. Ohio Total A~mlnilltro.tloo ... ... .. .... . ... . . .......... . . . . . .. .. $ 600.46 1NST,RUC'mDNof Harry Wager, an Incompetent ,~nlel:' & B a~Je:(. A~tyl, ~!!!!!!!!::Sr:.=;:~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' . ' .-;-;\:r16 · to 29 .OC. P el'llona1 Servi ce . . ...... .. .. .. . . ... . .. $ ~~.99GAR p'!~son: guardian ordered to file cor.. . Mar 1.f~21-28 1l,·4 Text Books ; . . ... . . . '. ... . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . 436 . G ~ • B-6 Otlher Educational SII.ppll es . . . ....... ....... . ..... 2R 9 . 33 I'et:ted' ·flrst and final account. . ... · D-4 l1.eplacement ·Educatlonal Equillment ....... . . . . . I8l.fi9 ~ 11U . G4 In t he ma tter of t he estate or At Public Auctl th • . Total Other Purposes ... . ........ . . . .... . . .. . ... . . . • To.llt.l . r."atr'uct!on . . ...... . .. . ........ . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . $24.00 3.1n Lafayette Graham. deceased; hearall on e premises. 3 m1Ies South East Q! WaynesvUle. on ~ . .. .. . ,: - ,
01.; \'OllfirmaUon. dt'ed and clistrlbU-
F.~F:. :
Centerville,-Ohlo ' ..
. .
t,---: ~ounty_ Court News__
lain Armitage: .-.
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6 ','EXTRA"
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2.~tA:!:' ~~eo~~I'!~:7~r~::~~~~~e~~~~~;
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126 ACRES FARM .' a-ad CHAnE·LS . ·
Ll~ft~~~f6~hOOI LIbrary Booka .. . . . ... .. . .. ... . .. . . . ...... . • ' Total G\hw Purpolles ....... .. .. ....•. .. ....... . .• .. .Personal Service ...... .... .... ... .... .... : ..... ." ... .... : : : '. : : :'. : ' ::: :: :: : : :::: Total Transpa<rtn tion o f PUIlII H . . .. .. . .. ....... .. .... t' H[.I . ·bUN HE::>. · k-sJ. Personal S&n' lce . . . .. . . . . ... . . ..... . . . . . ... .. .. . . · ~~tt~18G~li ;~ ·.PU~rao..;".,{ . ·.'.'.·.· .' ·.' .'.' .... .' .. ::::.·:.'::...: ..::.·.·. ,.'\- 36
;~ E'-40~l'P~~~c:f;~~~0~:~I:~~~
MONDAY APRIL 1'5t '1940'
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~:2J.::e.....I.~ ~:. ~~~~~~.".1. ~.e.rv.I~~..... .'::: .': :::::::: : ::: ::
E.IO. Electricity.... .................. .. .... ... . ..... &-11. 'l'elepho,ne .... ....... ... .... .. .... .. .. .... .. ... .. 'lD-18 Haullng . ...... .. ..... . . · ... ........ .... · .. · .. · .. 1!l--·19. Otll« Contmct u.ntl Open ordet· Service . ..... . . ..
In the matter of the estate of IIlSU:lICd. 5 !Irepll;lces in house. Land slightly rolling. baa had wonderfUl , =~~~. ,!;g:~ ' ~.iii Carroll B. Deatherage, deceased: care aQd soli very Rood: excellent fences. 100 acres In Alfalfa' .plenty of .Poud "'1IIIpe411~:" ...,..... .. to 1 70.0Q fru ' t' 19 a cres In wheat· I dis ' ) , .,... \ ,11111..... _ _ lO -..uJa&""-' cIIICIIa 305.74 dIStribution of proceeds or aale or• . . , ,c ovcr SC2 sown: no tax.e s untU 'DeC' r 1940. :::~l'.:rlt;:: ~ ~. 3 4~ . O :1
0,( , ... , p' '~'T loUirN'l'-&:l!M'NCE ~OF >SCHOOL ...,.,.. ~ f:'-t • .MAterlall for lI..lnt. Bldg•• nlnd Grounds ...... ... c;:,,2. Material. for )1alrit. Equip. Ilnd Furniture.. . . .. . . 0-6. Replacement pther. Equipment . .. ........ . .... .. E -2. R epalrll 8ohool Bulldin gll •... . .. ......... . . ... . . Jil-8 .. RePlllre Other EquIpment ... .. .. . ... ... . .. .. . . . . . Total Other PurpOlea .......... ........... . .. . . . ... Total 'M.a.lnleollnce of School Plant . .. .. .. ...... . .. .. . . DEBTTSO~~vPJ~t1on ana. Mnlnte-nance ......... . . .... . : .. . tnterOJIt on BondI! , ... .. . . ....b"-a ,... . . . ... .. . .. . .. -..r ' • ,n-. ntereet b n CertIfi eD tCJl of lnde "' nelS ... . . ..... . . Total Debt 8ervl c . . , . . .. ... . ...• • •• .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . OAI."t.'IIAL OlJTLA Y_ , t ... ··New 'Building. ........... . . : .. .. . , ...... .. .. . . . . . , , !III, Otb r . .. .... _......... . .. , . " ........... . ... .... TOtal Cllplll,1 Ou,lny .. : . .. . .. . .. : . . : ......... . .. .. .. . Qer~m.cat.. of .l'ntlebt I1n<\ll8 Pilld ..• ..•.. • •......••.•. .. ... . . t'\)tal JI:.P ndltlM' t1~ • • . .• " . • ••. .... . .• : .. . .••• . . •. ...•• .•. ,' . . . 'I'r.a.uf ~lO \ ~lld J<te tlt e m llnt F'l,J nd ... . . .. .. . ... ... . . ...... . . 'I'Otal Tnu-.ctlonl . , ........... ...... .. . ................ ,' .....
Z7 .9 1
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5 .6Gg.~G
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'::'set~or ~Ch:m' ~0~dlMtd'n1 1ll
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dered. · daeeI"lrnplerldtII,.. Oiieiir ....... ..-.. In CHAT[EL$ TO SEll AT 10 A· M. , ~' ~·... toaIG.TrlIIJ· · ~ the matter of the estate or • Hea.d of gOOd horses; 14 head of pure bred .J e--ys. thla he.... -".....Ie for , ' .. ' ....... '. . . .... f' Joseph TUm d eased h •.,.. , ." on inventory Ohio wee.k . ln In JanuarY. Some won· , In the matter of th . • er u cows, 47 hlead tiegs. 150 chlclt"ns. t""'- --. - , .' ta·· ' > . all certified ,, fine ..·--" """.... :&"~ ; . , . Oh Rl . e es ,""" of b.U. cQI'O, .4 toru:; ·lrrlIX,·ed .. hay. 2 tons <:lIy "'an hay. 3 tons shreddA-a f ......der ~ . ",,' j " auncey ~hey dec d d1Itrl ..,..:- LIt: ~ II;'U uu , .. b tlo • ~; •. ~O tons AIraJ1a ellslhige. 10 bu. soy beans/-,l-2 ton ,b aled atTaw: ' . " ;';, SI Ilf 11I..... U n 1n Idn.d ordered. Fa IJ Tr ' to 1n ~ 11 t . . ' -~.1 On ... '- -..: · D;....,;;i.~1 In the te rma . a~ ~ r. c~ce en condl~~n with cultlvator&, new· breaJUnr ., • ~.~ ~. mat r of the estate of ·plows. ·double dl9!C. ctUtlpacker. ·slJo fll)er, u. S. Standard, 8 ' roU Corn J.~~J~.:t...~DIto~r":.i~II~.l.!!!!: .. Oren Koebel. deceaaed; ]ll'1ft&e lUll sh dd drl be'1 f t _ a • ..' > • . ....1.'. ,... ~.., •• 1Id~.,;;rrI. of al r~ er. ve . t C!r !'f"",toJ', bu~ saw for tractQr. Large and complete - '" " .- aI DOU8... WONIiY BJ.ClK, Thlt I property ordered. heal'- Ine farm machine17'. HArness 'and lot household goods ~ =,~;.111:...ta:. ~lbIeM:<.t. :=t'..~r:..i"l::i . nl on ventory 11 set for April. 5. · ., . f .: ' NodI ,.,.• ...t ............ 1"'" w e are qlssol · : - ,...... hiotdodll .... oft ......... b" • InV. . vlng ~~. making it Dl'CeS.sary to dllI>oIe , of every- :;:U .1.1"=~U~"w.r: ~ 1'OU .. ..r.. . II .... ""'~""ill4 .. Ilhl to.... ....~h ........... NIJat.1t ~ 1: . . .1 • ng ...e - - est iI!ICICIII' without l1rn1t Or. reserve. Farm ~ at 2 P. ,M ~ . ~ MARRIAGE LICENSES Ohattels at 10:00 A. JII. All Chattels Cash. · . ' . .~ ...:.::;=.:=~::=-:==:~:z=s:#~~~~=i:~==-==~:2::=:±==;:
Charles A. Hormel.· retired Tanner: 163.076.1. S 2.5011.00 Lebatlon, route 3, and·' Mrs. C~ L $05.5 76. 111 ~ , , '" lET!! "ND •.lAlIll.J.TIE8 . Young.-LebaDoD. ' ..:......... A. J. Hockman . 40. fanner, . 62 ··· 1·· ····· ... ...... .. ... "...... .. ........ .. . .~ 2.7)9 .20fi.:l4 field. aDd ElfIabeth Shumaker, 8& ;~~~.~I~~ 111 a~,i ·M"';lt.;..·li,I~· E~tlni~i~,i . : : ::::: :: : 1.200.00 2,5 0.00 housework, IIaecm. . 'E~~~~.:'nt~d· 118.000.(10 ) EClIlntR I(Id ...... .. .. .... ........ ... 9.0011.00 P. T , MARTIN, Aw:___ ...... .. .....; . ..................... ;. SI59.U4.86 8uL BR'&TB TB.UlSFBBS- 203 OUSter ·Bldg•. oa,... Ohlo, ADams 3661 2.000.00 centervllle. Oblo, P~ • ..1 OUver W. Morris, deceaaed "uta cllnK .. . ..r. .. ..... 18 .1J2r..!4 i:i=~~~~!~~~~.'~.~~.~~ .1100.00 to StaDley Balle)' . . GIbbart. Clerks , !., "~r.. 24 Mabel C. :Benham; part of 6t WaydeavWe I~• . . " •. . . ... .... .• . • - S1~~.41 • .(, ~ •• ••• • • • • • •••• • • • • • •• ••• <
., • •• •• 1
~' m:~~
B~lO ,JQJ'lUOI'II Suppll cs . ... . . . .... .. .. ... .... ... ....... B-l:1 Ot'be.r Supplies........ . .. . .. . .. .. .......... ... .. . ; '~ ...9. Water ...... ... . . . .. . •.. . .. .... .. . .. .... .. .... , . .
..... . :. ,. ........... -' . ....... ,. .. ... ........
.t!i .
OPE~7J,~1 ~lbJh'i'l.~n~ Wr.ANT..:. : ····· .. ·· .. ,, ······ ··· .. ···
•••• ••••• •
.·WI1.1.1...:.'.' 41.1',' "'1£"" ...i"...
i:lg 011 Inventory set for April .. the WAYNESVILLE-CLARKSVILLE ROAD. at 10:00 A. M .. on '. w, 1J1 the matter of the eatate or . 99. 9~ Arabell DInwiddie. deceasedi" bear· 6 ."~, t.liO · " on Inventory Is set for MIp'ch . ' '\ ' . " . ' . . . . . . .. ,6.05 ;.. 90 ~ . " ' ." . .. . Do~~"""""""~'-'a~~ · In the matter or the estate of _ .,. A N ; ---:,~ 255.5n Flank Schooley. deceded; ' hearlug Farm Wlll-S~ll -.pr,omptly at. 2 p . M. 126' acres' Improve<CwAh, ~ood lI: rocmj If . VQUBt DOr-a . . i:~R~::~ on certain notes against Bald estate brick house ~Ith basem~t; Barn; Cribs; Garage; Poultry 'IioU*;! 'B~ ===--=~um~ J,9:IS.~ ~ Is set for Aprll17. House ; New MUK House;; Delco Lighting system •. Power line ~~dy iO:be :~ar:&:-~ :19.9! 99. 92
·Tt:A~~rW....J:~~r6~ PUPJ~ " . ' ,. . . . . .. .. ..... . . . .. .. . ..
eo:r...0:.= .. ;
a nd Iota 1, 2 .
1Jl . Le~
Compulsory Auto
.S~outs at Both Fairs Againl
Mrs. Rdbi!l·t Green Ilf\d ' daUghter Leona, Mr, Wilbur Steven of· 08yton called on Mr. and Mrs, Lue Morgan Sunday evenj~. Mr, and Mrs, Morris Lewis spent Sunday w~bh Mr. a,nd. Mrs. John Koester and daughter Velma of ut1ta, ~~""-_L\U.-lIfI:lQ-AI~s . Glenn-Orubot or NorwOOd spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: ClarenCe Orawford nnd fnml'r. Mr, and Mrs. Haro!d R~" ers and Mrs. Emma Gibson of Bellbrook called on Mr. Hiley Gibson and tamlly Sunday arternpon. EvenJng callers were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bunnell and famlly of WaynesvUe. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shaw Rnd famIly of near Spring Valley were dinner .guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lue Morgnn. . Mrs. Mary Royer .was dinner guest Sunday of Mr . and Mrs. Lawrence Zink. Miss Pauline Gibson spent the week end With Miss E.~thet Smith.
To Start .t\.p:·il. 1 Using Cincinnati Streets Every - Car '\ Regularly Is Subject To' ~n8pcction ' .
p Cu. Ft.
FRIGI . . . ..
Residents of the Ohio Valley bile Club state. If not .. then It .t:oL are urged to have their cars test- should be eliminated. 'The ordi('d at the new Cindnna tl Safety nance in ' th e ci ly df · Cincinnati Lane where the most modern calls for compulsory Inspection equlpmenl has be4~n placed to to beg~n ~pril.l, and all cars ihat I ~st lite' aululln l,i'l's of Ci r in-l use .Cm.c mtlstt stre.e t r gularly nattan~ who will pay tifly cents are subject ~o the Inspection . every six months for Ihls serv l cc~ The q.uestt on ,f!f .iust .how far . . . the offiCials of Cmcmnat I w ill go Thts compulsory. msppctlOn 01 in citing motorists f rom outside autl\!"l~blles. acc~!'dmg to Jos~ph of Cincinnati for COrr;tpu lsol'y tnR. Ga t ri ner . P re .-.lli ent of tht' Cin spection has brought no response ctnnatt Automnb llt' Club, IS 10 - from city offi cials Judges of the tendl'd to make lhe ·motor cars municipal court befor~ whom safer. both for the mntorlst and such citations mu st be heard the pedest~lan. Cnmpulsory I~.~ mainlain a d iscree t siience. Just sp.ec~ton. It was . argued. Wtl, how many trips i,110 Cincinnati e llmm a l~ . bad brakes an~ make by an automobile will be per9ut0'!1ublltst~ more. conscIOus of missible w ithou t inspection is not kepptng theIr car~ In mechanical known . In the m eantime the shape so that they can be driven Cincinnati Automobile Club w ill • Th ey're genuin e 6cu. ft. sa fel y. The Cin cinnati inspection watch the effect of compulsory lan e . does not Inspe.ct t~ e m ):or, inspection par ticularly as it i~ Frigidaire refrigeratOrs Ign lt lorf. Nc .• devoting Its atten- applied to out-of-town vis itorl Not a "stripped" model. tlon )nly to brakes, I tghts. whee l to Cincinnati. Brand' new, every one ! alignment, windshit-ld wiper ilncf Clncinnati's dr ive f ,r a n ImTalc:e advantage of [his other safety faclnrs . provement of a safety record hal The C inc inn a I i Automobi le ' broulthL about the development grellt bargain opponunity Club opposed the compulsor,) in- of a compulsory inspection 01 without delay. spection of aUlomobiles in Cln - automobiles based on the bel tel ...... us, cinnal! both because of the add I'd th at the major ity of acc idents a re Tom Burton nnd little Bet.ty Wlcnl cost of $1 per automobile pe r caused by mechantcal defects . . 3 rt! both 111 with tonsllltis. . All THESE EXTRA·VALUE fEATURES INCLUDED Robert Howard . the year old lIOn year. as well as the belief that Thts IS a subj ect upon which the less than fifteen percent of the Cincinnati Automobile Club has AT THIS SENSATIONAL PRICE I of Mr. and Mrs. Howard ePnn:ngton automdbiJes and autumobile own - differed with city offic ials. the Famous Meter· Miser Mechanism • I-Piece AU-Steel dlp.d T'tesdny nftprno' n about onc eu ~a used the majtlrity of the Au to moblie Club calling fOI strici " Cabinet. Automatic Interior Light • Open-Shut Freezer thirty. He L~ survived by hl8 parents, accidents . . . therefore why tax regulation. added traffic officers Door • . Uni -Matic Cold Control • Automatic Reset a sister. PhyllL.~ and a two weeks old those w~o did keep their cars in to ' patrol htghw avs In ca rs pa illtDefroster. Prozen Storage Companment • Cold-Storage good shape? The benefits of the ed a d istinctive l"nlor, mort> utsister Nancy Jean. Tray • Touch . Latch Door Opener • 4 Big lee Trays The P. J. Thomases and Wilma compulsory s~fety lane are yet to tentlon to the l"nntro l III P t· t1 ~ s be learned • if lives are saved . I trian tr affi c ' sa fet y eng lneenng • Aut~m~ric Tray Release on Every Tray • Stainless Thomas were called to Lebanon the t:ompulsul'Y sa fety inspectIOn t and safety l'du t·a t ll IO. Pn'sirll'nl Porce1arn In Food Compartment. Satin-Smooth Dulux Tuesday evening. Lawrence Thomas will certainly De justIfied. offi- , Gal'dner expl ained ttl nl' 1'l't'S 01 Exte[ior • 5-Year Protection Plan Against Service ExRnd his daughter. Mrs. Lavema Faul r 'llis of the Cincinnatt Autnn'lIl- ltle A •• tnmll h ll (' (' Iu b. , • pense! ... Exclusive P-I14 Refrigerant-and many others! are both very III with pneumonia. COME IN AND sa: IT NOWI ,Rev. W. C. Smith preached at. Leb ML~s LInda Lou ana Miss Vivian anon Sunday everung. Re Is to start Johns near BellbrOOk. Sunday everevival services there In two weeks, ning. Easter Sunday wa.~ a pretty I day Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Clark had but frightfully cold and new bonnets Mrs . Mildred Surface entertained for their Easter dltmer ' guesLs : MI'. larger Because of Better Quality, Service,.a'nd Price made a brave showing over winter the Card club on Thursday atter- Ilnd Mrs. Earl Clark. Miss Mildred Established 1849-1939 - - Waynesville, Phone 32 co.. ts. _ noon. - Davis of Dayton. Mrs. AliCe Clark. A love.ly pageant. smoothly preMrs O. M. Brown ot Washin gton Miss Gllldys Cloud and Mr. JohnnIe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . ; . -_ _ __ stinted. was given at the Ferry C. H. was a week end guest of her ' Cloud. church Sunday morning under the daughter. Mrs. Ralph Barger and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kendle of dlfection ot Everett Hunter . PaUline family. Dayton were Easter dinner gl,lests of Bo)" 8~.ts\ ~rtlclpate In the New York ;Vorld's Fair and Golden RIGgs played appropriate music· Mrs. William Rogers attende'd the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cornell. OIl'~~XPOSltlon at SAn Francisco. Top view-New York World's Fair 80,,-leoa' aetyke Camp, Othen sbow Scouts at bot" expositions, ' Tp.klng part were Dorothy Hunter. funeral of Mr. Georgie James at Red Mr . and Mrs. Therle Jones and 'B etty MorUss. Joyce DuVall. Ted Lion Wednesday. son MJlton spent Sunday with Mr. Gett.'l. Luella Malloy. Helet\ Rarris. Mrs. Harvey Burnllt Is out again and Mrs. EdWin Nutt and son near OHIO POULTRY DA'J to the Experiment station. B urtha Keams, Nina LlnvWe, Hue- alter a severe attack of the grip. Oenterv11le. AT WOOSTER New experiments will be In proglah Smith. Florann Harris, Lyle Fox, and Mrs. Howard Deweese The Ladles Aid will hold the next Mr. ress. and additional experimental r\: and CUnten DuVall. wue six o'clock guests of Mr. meetin g on Wednesday. April 3 at The ' twenty~rourth annual Ohio sult& 1ric1udJng those of both chlckMr. and rMs. Howara- McKinsey ar.d Mrs. Frank Cleveland and chil- the home of Mrs. Elsie Hawke. An Pou)t';' 'Day. sponsored by the Ohio en and turkey tests. w111 be avaUable "'brl' calJers at the parsonage Sun- dren at West Carrollton. all day meeting and covered dish Agricultural Experiment station In to Poultry ;Day ylslters. A nationally day evening. Mr. and Mrs, Ever'ett Early re\Ilnner. The committee In charge cooperation with The Ohio State kown pou1try Quthority has been seGuests at a butre~ 'supper at the tl;med last week aft~r a month's Includes Mrs. Mary Bunnell . Mrs. UnJverslty. will be at the Experl- cured as one the speakers. AnLome of Mr, and Mrs. ~lJ'1n ThDmas . LeIla Snilth and Mrs . Neoma Baird. ment Station at WoOster. Friday, nouncements of other speclal attrac- In Lebanon Sundll.Y evening were solourn In Florida· Mrs. Margaret Jolhns and · Paul Mr, and Mrs.' Robert Blney had June 14. \940. Ohio Poultry Day an- . tiona will be made GS the program Mr. and Mrs. P, J. Th~mas. Wilma Johns were Saturday guests of Mr. for their Easter dinner guests: Mr nually brings several thousand poul- de,elops. Thomas. ms. Lavetna Faul and lIOn Ilnd Mrs. Amos Cook and lIOns near and Mrs. FreQ'Hursch aru! Children'. trymen and their families, both USE--T-H-E -MI-~Mr GAZETTE Ervin, Mr. and Mrs. Ohris Kllen- Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Siney anu from .Ohio and Dei2hborlng' states, WANT ADS COLUMN hen:m: Mr. and Mrs. C. L . Baird of Day- daughter, MI's. Minnie Slney and ton were Easter gue-ats of Mr. and Miss Virginia SLney of North Ridge. Mrs. Don Baird and chUdren. A large crowd attended the Easter Miss Laura RosUllgle of Cincinnati sU'vlces at Lytle church Sunday spent the week end with Mr. and morning wIth Rev. HlIda. Snyder In Mrs. Harold WhltakleJ' and family . charge, Singing by the JunIor vested The Ladles Aid Is sponsoring II. choir. a duet by Misses Eva and play entitled "People Aie Funny." Ethel Reeder. and a. solo by Mr. Emto be given at LytJoe Hall. Friday met Snyder. Four new members were admitted to memMl'!hJp. Mr. and evening AprU 5th. Walter Clark Jr., Is rapidly Im- MI·s. Harry Cornell and Mr. and Mrs proving' at hla npme after an opera· Harold Whitaker ; and four children, tlon for appencUcltts. Sue Ann FoUlks, m ckey 'a nd Patsy Mrs. Belle Scott entertained at Duke and MIldred Smith were bap· Easter dInner, Mr, and Mrs. Paul t1zed, Williams of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early of YeUow Springs, Mr Indolence 'ls a delightful but disand Mrs. Robert Pall mer and Bobby tressing state; . w'e must be doln~ MorKan. something to be happy. Action is no Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Amos ' and Jess necessary than thought to the oj Top: John O. Nichols, cent .. r. Krorer's Cincinnati braneb inea' ... . cbUdren of Trotwood were Easter. instinctive tendencies ot the human dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. WIl- frame. -Hazlett ~rat.or, explains operations of the new Kroger Tenderay beef plalat .. G. N. Edwards. Icft, braneh merchandise manacer, and L. J ; Haer~ l1am Rogers and daughter and Mrs . !camp. CinclnnaU branch manager. Overhead may be seen the Meta Rogers, tube-like sterilamll!' which form but one part of thla exeloaJve tea· HeUves long that JIves well . Rnd Mrs. Margaret Johns and Paul time misspent Is not lived, but lost. derlzlnr process. Lower lert: Harry Allmosleeher, ehlet enain_ ., Johns were dinner guests of Mr. and the plant. takes a reading at one or the air condilioninr and retrlrera--Fuller 1Ion units whllc Nichols looks on. These units , play an ' lmportant pIU1 ~II. Weller H&1nes and daughter. In the beef tenderization process. Lower rlrht: Mias, Vlrclnla .Blrr. pretty Krorer employe. Inspeets bcef in the te~derla.. tlon ~I~& ~ learns where tender steaks come from .
Fairley· Hardware Store
Plant to Tenderize Beef For Kroge-r Stores Opens
...... '.' .
I '
NUMBER ' ONE. CAR IS. THE NATION'S -NUMBER ONE CAR . . . ·1Ii Valu• •• • 111 Road Action witIt Ecanpmy , •.• III •
1, •
, •
~ ''.-;;';~~~~-~~7,~~1' · .',(ietk'rol The 'hot ion !"tiolu 'to .. M.,IOI"!!H' IetJufne
mpwr ~r~e,.hi~~ , .-
~nd convincin8 '. of 'thl. In Itbe fact~ tliat Gener·a l . Motora' . . number one car, €bevrolet fOf' ~4t. '- ~Iio tbe naCion 'a , number o,ne car In . dollar .. Iue OM hi IQlul . . • Obenolet'a a~t nat. of " !l.ualtty \,eatyre, -m.kea., . Qbevrolct' the out.tandlna . "car.. YIllue of Alid, qt, courae* It', tbe ' ~ ....~ , Iea'cler-Ior t,he,nirith ' t'm~ ". tile Ion terJ ,..",
, You w.1II
''TIl LONGEST. Of TIll lOT" ,., ........ r,.... ".... ....... ;..
.. ....,,-fw ................ __ -Chto",.... ' .. I940 ............ .. ell '.we.t-prlcetl ..,., ......... ........... ~" III ".....
We w1l1 sell I1t public auction at our residence. on the Wayne3Ville and Bellbrook pike. 3 mJles north of Waynesville. 4 miles sooltll of Bellbrook and about one ,halt. mJle sout~ of the Middle Run church on,
SATURDAY" MA·R eH 30 . Beclnnlnc ~t 1 o'clock sharp, the t91lowlDc household fOOdS lind
Copper Clad .ranite In first class condition. E. Z. five burner all · s~ve, ' clllcUlatinc heater, Em~rson, electric ~dlo 8-lubes, electrIC washer dining room table. btrlJet. 6 chalr/l. " rockers. lot odd' cilalr~. · 2 Piece' UvlDg room suite .. 3 stands. 2 Ir~n beds and springs, . dresser .. •2-9x12 fugS, sma 11 'breald~t table, porcelain top table. iQtchen · cabinet.' 2 electrtc floor lamps, 011 lamps, White sewing machine. 10l of dishes.I cooidng utena11s "nd many small articles. " •
Single ·sshovel pl9W 5 ~~vel plow. wheelbarrow, grlridAton-:. log chain, torka, aheJoYe1s; ~ ml!tny arttol~s to· nu~e~us to mention. cm~~I;.:.....t& Yo~ Wl1.Ite ~ .nd Bra~a. Hens DBMS 'CASH
H~ .~
Following the opening .of Cin- of tlt i:; plItented p~ocess, have no cinnati's first Tenderay plant. tenderiz.ing effect on the· beef; they merely I?rotect the " meal durin, ~roger stoi'es in this area now arc the process. being supplied with beef tenderThree rooms, constructed under jzed by I;l process recently discoV- Ule direction of Dr. CoUlter,' comered lind developed at Mellon In- prise the Cincinnati tenderization plant.. Each ~ns an automaticaUy 5titute of Industrial Research. The Tenderay process was de- controlled nit' ('('m!i~ionlng and reveloped by ,Dr . . M. D. CQulter of (~igeration w,lt: each is. kept 'at .8 ~ellon Institute in Pittsburgh different tempI', " tllre lind humid- , while working under a · Kroger .Ity, and two ,,~ the rooms ~aA . fellowship and in co-operation equipped with ov('rh.I'nd I batterie.' .. ;. . with scientists from Westinghouse of sterllamps. In the first rO'lm heet ' lII held ~Iectrjc and Manufacturing company and the Krogp.f Food Foun- for two to three d l.\~'l' n! 'reJat!-lIeI1 high temperature l"td :llumi~ilY, dation ~ • Study of the problem of meat' Next the beef is m"n~ fo the sectenderization was initiated six ond room for chilling aCa temper'" re~s ago by Albert H. Morrill, ature just above frcexinl! Bl ·the president of the Kroger company. timc the beet 'is thoJToughl), chilled. and preliminary study was c.a rried tendel'ization ~8!; !lean completed. , " hlrd on under ilie direction of C. ~ . Finally It is mo .ed' k.' Al'1lold, KrOger ' Food FO'lndation a nd l<lrges1 room . . db'ector. AbOut four years ago the nWllit wansler The ' l:JrI"nmRoU · i.lrdc~ll'itll& pro1;JlelT! was transferred ·to Mellon IniJtitute where '8 Kroger fel- will Kroger IQwibl., was' establlsh~. . . . Ohio: _.__.•..:_, • .:." '. Ai1explained by Dr. Coult~r, th~ ~~u~~~~~~!!t, neW' t~erization process hastenF 01lthE>8!.1tem Operated bf tram~Q Ule natural breakdown of the nor-mally toush conne~tive tissue In the new ~ll1nt beef This ts done at. relativel)' mercia I Reld 8 high··te!np41ratures ~nd humidity .In whleh Is said bf .ut:hm~Hf4" 80 atrnosp'lere Kept free trom . he most . mould spores and bact~rla by rllY~ -. the hlstdl'Y or die sterllamp developed b • rhe' K~ger' :~=~~ Westinghouse SCientists. It wa~ ,pen at leallt ttl 01l1T'" ~ h·" 'the lamps alont' ueep,llInti In \ • . ;; , 111011 '1: \ "Btu I'll es .Ujl "~,,r
' ' ,,1
... .... lJt e offer a satisfactory Service at all ti mea ..
Mother Can Play Now, Too! • _I
McClureFu.n erai '.H ome , Waynesville
~ ~ held
at th'e borne at Mrs. H. C. Milligan. "The Miracle of Haworth," '\11 Bronte study) by W. Ber tram White was reviewed by 141'11. A, - -- - S, Collett, .The story of the Bronte l' Eltlt'Y ItOll OF mmUitf lliSl rs and their 'wrttln't and pubUW. C Dllth. Mlnlslu cation of "Jane Eyre" and ':w:~therBIble schdQl 9 :30 a , m. \ng Heights" was Tascl~a.ung and ommunlol1 10 :45 0... I~, d('l\ghLCul In revealing a glimpse , \ Il\j l 'AY into the personal and iptim&te llves . . . f 'th ..tfted Bronte alaters Durlng PIPES, Valves _hd Flttlnp for •"C I'mon 11 :00 a, In , ." Sc"'uon suject, "The two cove- 0 e II" • ts Water, Oas or Steam. Hand h the liocial hour refres men were . Electric Pumps ·tor all purposes. I un ., ~ ., served by tHe bostess. Plumbing and Heating Suppll . LOWEST PRICES - mOUJ!!8T t 1'1(;)\ 1 . n. ClIlJItCll , Ill'\'is . Hill. l'Il,tor QUALITY at J, P. BOOKLET SundllY, Mn,!'ch 31 SUPPLY CO. XENIA, o. " .\ : ~ n It . 11' S1I clll~' school. Leslie
£unday. WEDNESDA'lI I'm)'!!r In etlllg 7 :30 P. m ,
. : . - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -·- - - - -·- - - -_ _ -....4
~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ .
C Ol'SI! h , Su pt.
Saturday, March 30
10 :30 a. m.-Morning worsh ' p, 7 :00 p . Ill ,' Christian Endeavor
High School Auditorium
L udel's: Margi() Cole and PhYllis Z ecl1 . Ooal for aLtendaoce Is 38 pres (n~
n. , hQwn E.c<p' A. Adv.ftce" PrI.... A. Le...
WANTED-We need more cream and we pay the hIgh price, Oome In and see ·us. Mrs. Goldie ~elch, Corwin, Ohio. Across f.rom 81'ocery sLol'e on route 73. Mnr28-A4
and Square Dancing
Let's go l,o church and show our 10yniLy Lo (Jlu'ist and His Kl.ngdom.
- "Admiaaion 25c-Children under 14, Free
. . . ' , , \ . dials Book ltevlew Circle . When cooking a full m(,lIt merely. requ ires ~c~ i':I:: t\~: I~~J' Frigidoll\l>\ele The Book Review CIrcle met with I and· tetting the mnge do the r es t, as I ~I Ihf'I~II~c . I)ossibll' . It ' D new carefree m Ol e 0 I Vlll g IS . • th I alre (' ec r~\~u~~~'urn" in the full size even-heat ovell, whil!' the home- Mrs O. O. Randall as hostess a er melkllS c,oBo~lb8ent In one modet two ovens IIrc Inoviiled for ('xtrn\ casoe home on March 12th. Mrs, H. C. rna er I . . I' I . g R 'Ire excellent eXlIlllp es r • . t f and convenience. These new. e ec .rl.c ran cd' d ,.. Mlillgan reviewed the first par 0 contributiolls to better American hvm g stan ar s. ' "The Life of Andrew Jackson" by Marquis James. This part of the bl-
-·~:Y I .
In tbe Blr Laqh Hltt l!le spirit of the book lies in the ognlhy covers Jackson's young manON A BUDGET" COIU'nge, endu rance and kindness of hood and early political career InwUh "TIlE GHOST COMES HOME" hunlan beings. ltlCling 't he history of his leadershlp PE~ 1 Leila Kove nnlln, Rellorter P kln .. ......... S~GLETON..~ SUN.-MON.-TUE8, I Yutang-" A moment III e g. us . Border Captain. Intensely inOmUR LAK ! This is a tale of t.he Chil1ese people. terl'stl n g, the club Is lot>klng forLARRY SIMMS The Wrtyne 'rwp. T eachers' meet- 'Allin" of Chine§e people as he h as 'J nJ'd to the cOIl"lj):etlon of the book Ing WII S held Tuesday, March 26. at "" .. d r th See Blondle of the IunDJee come knowil them, h e prcs~nts mo (' II Cr,\ ('ring his life as P resident of e to Ule. t he grade building, Til committee Chlnn. In flesh and blood, carrying a Uni ted S Lates. At the close of the e~~!!!-!!"!!!-~~!'!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!'!~!!!!~~ __ I in c1mrge wns Mr. Fogt, Mr. Frank review dain ty . restreshments were THEATRE NOT OPEN ON I Dnd Miss Day. Mrs. Kel:sey present_.. __ .. _ Th.anlda. served by the hoste6II. . ......,....,. W_ _, ~--------.---------~--------, cd to the group a collection of picI t ures taken all I" 1 tr 1p th rough 'he , ,. Meeting of the Circle (or Mar_ch I w est last. umlll{, on Sum \11CI' school trit I IIi: were gi ven hy 142 a cres. 3 % mil eR northeast of W <lyne~v ~I1e , :-iT. AUGl STINE e nUReD , members of Ih ' faculLy. 22 miles south-ea t of Dayton, known as the Wilham t.,v U. II . Krumholb. . T. D .. pa.\tor The high school band will play ofr P. Hay farm. 83 a cres pl'odu ' Live land, 50 a cre: Iluc Ma ~, S nll clnys 9 :00 11. m. [\ progrum fi t Harveysbu rg 011 Wedl'gass pasture. 8 room hOllHe, g nod barn and oth e r ')L1t buildings . ne dll Y eveniu!,;. API~I 3. ,'1' MAln" t' ·El'(SCO('\I. M28- A 4- Jj enURCH Friday , March 29, will mark the I: " •. It. I •. Ihu!kwl'lI. n ee'tor clat.6 of the S nlor , G. A. A. Leap ' HURT ' UNDA \' AFTER EASTER Yenr Uf\l1Ce . 7 :30 a . Ill , Holy COlllmunion. 11 a. 111 . MOming Prayer and serTtl senior schola.rship 'lests will ilion. Celobratlon, of. consecration • . • ' be given In Lebanon on Saturday, Amlivorsal'Y nnd dedication of new .. ~_.;;... '. ~_ _ _-...i_ _- - -___ Marcil 30. Those who will entor Inlo 1111'11101'1111 gl (lS, .., M,·, I -- Ii'll' f'ompetltlol) are as follows: Car4 }l , m. Children's Service Ela.'1t.er r >., ;;:. ' 01 Ludlhgton, Mary EVil LeMay, Festival service and pn'sl' ntaUon of Charlotte. Hfl.. rtman. Leila Kover- n.wn.l'cI.., for Lenten service attend, man, Anna Mao Walklns, Bob PI' - ance. ton , and Frieda Ellis. • MONDAY- An'nullelatloll of ,COSTS NO MORE THAN THE OLD WAY gin Mary. The Sohio 011 . Corporation will 10 a III Holy Com mUllion. This Is TIIREE ' PIEC~ J,>LOW UNIT The Ilrst and only method since )l"escl~t }iotul'cs or Ohio to tho stu· a special day III the Ohurch year, to the Invention of the steel plow ' dents at ]0:30 on Friday. . honor st. MIlI'y :uter whom this shAre which makes it po!I8ible church is naD1C!d work ploW!lhares wlLhout the U81' Severn l s tud ents arc n,bsf'ut from 8. I>. m. Youn g People at the home 01 the .. Iorltll . fire . . Shares stay Rchool becaUse of mUIll1)'i. Epld lIl:c of Mr. and Mrs. j , E. Chamberlain, DISCOVERED AND PBRFBCTBD , sharp longer,lactory shape always prot>ortion~ have not ye~ been reach F RIDAY . by ~ Kr~ger . Food Fouqdati~n. ,WClliac8 p. m. Girls Frlcndly Group play. roalntalned, l;wtory temper neter cd. anci is not anticlpatod. Early house and Kroger Fello~~lp at Mellon 1010'. New share plowllllt perform- diagnosis and keeping a .chlld home to be presented at Gran~e Hall, Institute. GUARANTEED TcriiIer. or !lnee Irom old shares. will h elp prevent tho spren d of this Your Money Back I Ekcstric aUoy 1111 underneath disease. lUETilODlS1' CIiUltCU point makes share maintain Its I,oul.. C. ltadley, Pastor SOLD . ONL~ 'SU~k tonrer. Chllt"~ h SchOOl 9 :30 fl., 111. Worship . T"" Wq1litaUon above sbows a worn . Cuttlnc etice and polit, made or servi e 10:40 a. , m. The childrelil who ~, and the _me share alter exu. IIlfl). carbon steel. have been attending the i.nstruction tbe unU baa been applied. . . ,' ., . clnss will rurnl~h an Jnterestlllg prol.lNREERVED 7Se inc Tax es perfonn"-m NIG fiTS . ro 2-8 p. m. AU EA Da\\y_10 a. . • • TS RF. E~\'ED $1.1:: Tax S eat NoW Reservec1 Phone GOO for Reservations las' Performance Friday ut 8 p.
'"C. m.
R R 2
I Chur'ches I
Waynelville Ohio \
---:------=__"'.: \
JUVENILE Wrlstoo- "Camping down at Hi ghgate" .-An AmerIcan family story . full of summel'-&lme dellgllts and dramatic l1lcldents. Vm'bl -"Julia Ann." The unusual blogmphy of an author and emlneot Southern educator Julin Ann Tevis. Blaoco-"Other People's Houses," Th is popular author cr ea tes a mos.L likable American herolne , a girl of limited education, who must go to work. Pense-"Hlghroad to adventure." A splendid mystery story. The scene Mexico City and beyond," Gale-"Pony named liubbln." An Intriguing pet story about a pony and the likable children 'to wbom he belonged. . LUca.&-"Where Did Your Garden Grow". An alItheolc story of how plants have been brought from the four corners at the earth to our gardens. Malkus-"SUver Llnma"-..F!:Oll) i\lT. dOLLY 1\(. E. enURCI .. the ricbness of ' ber South Amed· l' M. SCllrn. Milliliter can ' travels the author baa wrlLten Sli nd School !) :30 11. m: E, A, this beauti!ul story of a sUveT llamn Enl llhul:L, Supt. and small Cus!, to whom he belongs. Eve ll l n ~ sel'vl. e 7 :30. Hall -- "Nanaen"-Nansen. bray'! ['l'IIyel" meethig Wednesday explorer, daring sclentls~. grea t llu " nln,: 7 :30.. rranltartan is an Ideal subject. for a A welcome a.walts y()u ' at Jx,y's, blo8l:apby,' 5cl',,\ces. Buir"':'''Kobl''-A w1nn!Dg stilry of WAVNESVRLE cnURCD OF 'small Kobl at Swltze1'land, or his hEarc's deslre ~d 'ot his advenf,UJe:; . CmRIST a s he worked for it. \v. C. SlIilth. ~lInl~t!lr . peterslu!m ,- ' ';Story ~ of ~ T rNP('\Y ., Things We · Wear." , InfoI'mational ' BIble SchOol 9:30 a. m. Illook of totton.. aUk. ~ool and r~o fJ . C~mmunJon '10:45 n. m. , . FICTION Christian EIideaVOr 6:45 p. m . . ~ Huxley-"Afrlcan po1aon murde 's aDd ordillaticn service A very wortbwh11e and lllY8t1t~g mystery novet. Brojber . K~"PaUI Revere Squllre." The dailled to the j'n"JWI~1 .slary of a Vermont ~untry cousin' Ing service. who came to 'IIve ill ~ton'8 I1l1n In his e?rrect Paul Revere Square aDd awakened Ita thbablt!lnh out of ' tbttr nW!.IteeDtb oeDktr7 it."
It's EASY to drive these sturdy ~ts straig.ht and finn. No time~wasting post holes to dIg, fill and tamp. You can put up 200 or more a dayl And on'ce put up right. they']) outlast your .{ence - keep it strong for ;years longer. T,hey'U never rot, burn or split, you lqtow. Get some ALUMINUM TOPS (or that new fence or replacements, NOW. That's the way you can [or.get your fence lX>Sts! . Line wi'res will never slip up or down on ALUMINUM , TOPS. They're att,ached wit~ , patented wire -fasteners:R4,LROAD quickly, easily. Anchor plates flAIL •• for are large, fastened w.ith husky rivet. Posts are finished with &Mtln. 2 Goats of high-grade red , "• •"O'tHI enamel, bakecl on withstantl weather for years.
Ma... Like ·.
Farmerl Ex~hange Co.
f!l'allt of menlory wor~ and slngmg at this service, and the pastdr will give the child.ron their awards for attendance and work done 1n con~ nectlon with t he ' class. Come and see wbat the children learned In six class sessIons. ~ The young people of the Epy.'ortll League will atliend .tbe })errormanci! of the "MllL'5IlJl8 B1Diers" from Millsaps COliege ' at Jj cbon, Miss. to 'be held In Grate Church Dayton. 0 ., next Monday Aprtllat at '1 :30 p .. m. This wU\ tab tile place of the regular Lt~ague m.ettng. Meet at 'the parsonage at .t:. Po' m. The WQml\l\'lI Fore,.. Missionary society wJll meet- wI~ lOB. . Raymond Connor. We.d nesdaJ afternoon April '3rd at .. 21 o'clOCk. Mrs. J . W. White 15. aSlllst:apt hosteal. Those,. In ere8~ed In buying ' the "Picture Bible'" can see a copy of It at the parsonn.l~e, or at Church Sunclay morning. This Is a $7,50 Bible fnl' $1.95. Orders will be sent in n ext week.
'CORN' .
'CQUnlry ' Club
Cream Slyle .Gold. Banlam
'CoUl)lry Gen~. 'o r
No_ ,2 CaD
findy Shredded
8 Varietie!.
32 Oz.
I I '
___ !!i!- _
PLANS 'UNDERWAY (08=:"_'-'-- :'.:::·~·=-sTiiliENLsPEAKEft' ALUMII HEUNION .~~~~~II!~- · ~ODHESSEO CLUB Mrs. Lena Burris of Dayton, vislted relatives In Waynesville. Sunday. ••• • • •
......... ...
Mr and Mrs. L. C. St. John spent S\md~y with Mr. and ' Mrs. John
MEl WEDNESDAY ------,- In:i~a:;~\~s:~~L~:::aw:~~e. . . . . ..
ton. s
Is plaster'. eo Mrs. Raymond Conner and Mrs. The otJlcers and members of the Settlemyre and son 'of Oregonia. J . W. White were hos tesses to the xc utlve commi'tt of the Waynes Mr an d Mrs. Albert Kriellng of • • • • • .M r. and Mrs. A. F . MeUoh and WayneSVille will have a bftOObal1 e c ee . members ot I.he Women's Foreign ...... vlllc High School Alumni AMoc1aUon New~rt. Ky .• spent the week · end Mrs. Hugh Harper of CUlVer . nld.. Missionary society of the Methodist fa mi y visited Mr. and MI·s . •\Ibert team th is summer. a unit of an met at the LI~tle Inn. Thursday af- ~Ith Mrs. L. M. Henderson. . visited her sister. Mrs. M. A. Fulker - Ohurch. Wednesday a fternoon. a L Bnlley of Dayton. Sunday. 'elgh t-team Warren county leaaue , t f 1 t Ith PresJd t Ill'noon 0 ~ week w en" • • • • son. Th ur""a. ... Y the home of Mrs . Conner. • .. • • • scheduled to start the sea.son's play K ~nl'"'' N HouDh in charDe ....eetd erson arrIved borne " " " " " Mr. and Mrs. J. P . Larrick and Sunday. May 5. 0> ""WI . .. . . . IU. Fred B. Hen "The Word and the Way", was the Ing ..... th the alumni mem'bers W The Klng's Her ald Soclet"' pop- subject of devotions conduoted by Robert Crew visited Dr. and Mrs. O. Allnouncement of the organization WI Saturday morning afte r Spending Supt rintendent L. A. Garl\t of the the winter at Sarasota. Fla. com sale has been postponed until Mrs. Conner. Mrs. 'A. K . Day con- N. Ash of Goshen . 0 .. Sunday. of lhe local club Is being made by • • " " " AprJl13. duc ted the ' Stewardship program . - • • • " J ames R . Gibbons. who In addition • public schools. Tentative arrange• " • • • and Mrs. Kenneth Hough read from Mis" Betty Hartsock of Cincinna ti LO being active In the orga nization l'1/'nts were made tor the annual re- Mrs. Madison Ear~art and Mrs. u:lI." n on May 25. The "RaUy of the F'. E. Thomas were Dayton visitors Miss Dorothy Dunham was the the s.tudy book. "The Women and spent the week end with her parents of the team here. has theen named Old Guard" at th!! Grade achool 'l·lmrllday. dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold the Way." The following program MI'. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock. president of the county organization. gl'(\unds on the afternoon of May 211 • • • • • B. Earnhart and family. Sunday. was then presented by Mlss Helen • • • -Other officers are Quentin Cox, FrIends of MI.8s Clara J. Lile will • " • " " Hawke : Reading. "The Ideal Mis. MI'. nnd Mrs. Hanley MOss and F ra nklin. secretary and Joe DaVia, will be made a feature, the starting at 3:30. The annual banquet regret to learn that she Is 111 In McMrs. ' Leila Crumrine and Mr. AI- sionary". by Mrs. J. W. White; vocal fa mily I\ncl Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert of Ha r veysburg, treasurer. "nd meeting will be held at the high CleUan hospital. Xenia. ber t Richards of Xenia were dinner solo. Follow the Gleam." by Mrs. M. Fl Ye and son were Saturday evening The following teams will make up lIl:hool In the evening. Pres dent • • • • • gllfi'tS to oay of Mrs. Argus Osborne. A. Fulkerson, accompanied by Miss dinner g\ll'sl.~ or Mrs. Oora Rich . Lhe lea&Ue : Harveyllburg. Pranldln, 1l0Ulfb wUl act as toutmaster and be Miss Lois Mitchell 'of Wooster. Is • • • • • Hawke ; readings. "Columbus as a • • • • • Mason, South Lebanon. Morrow, 1:\ charge of I.he bualniJllS . meeting. the guest thla week, of Mr. and Mrs. Wilton HarLsock was the dinner Missionary ." by Mrs. Charles Berry ; Mrs. John Hole and son Oharles of WaynesvUle, and two teal'M trom Mn. Emma Fetter Smith, 185. will L. H. Gordon. Miss Mitchell formerguest. Sunday. of Mr. and Mrs. Jack "Missionary Work". by Mrs. Rufus DaytOn and Gus Marks of Piqua Lebanon, Murphy I . G. A· and Beel's P~f !'~de over the part of the J)I'(I8ram ly taught in Waynesville hIgh school. Jones ani daughter Miss BUlle VIr- Watkins; and "The Harvest Time" . .visited Mr., and Mrs. W. N . Sears TaxlII. (\fo'l" ted to talles by members of the • • • • • glnla. of Lebanon. by Mrs. J . B. Crabbe ; vocal solo. Bnd family Sunday. 01'. H. F. Dye, local veterinarian. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Woollard • • • ,. " ' d 'b I " • • " • wUl manage t ne local club. Dr. Dye elder cll.&'les. The fiftieth year cJass t 890 eth Me,' y Mrs.and Fu refresh kerson wlll be the cla8e 0 1 , and Lin a and family of Dayton. spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C" L D uke were ' He A Lea pleasant SOCial hour Mr. aDd Mrs. Gilbert Frye and Mr Is an ardent baseball ' fan and has W:ll\ht Burch of Fort Wayne. Inel .. at the home of Cliff Burnett and guests lor dinner Sunday at the ment s were enjoyed by the guests af- alld Mrs John W Kersey were dinner had com;ldera~le experience ae a home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gray of ter the mee ting. The May meeting guests of Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Rich. player. having be~n a pi tcher a\ hils been chosen all the clalla spok~- famlly. man and hlatorian. She will sive the • • • • • near Dayton. will be held at the home of Mrs. A. V,,'ednesdIl Y evening. Ohio State university. Mr. and Mrs. ROlla Bolton of CO• • • • • While It was first thought that ellief talk of the evening, dealing K. Day. • " • • • Mr. and Mrs. Herman Plunkett ~here would be an Ilge limit of 1'1 with Waynesville In the gay 110'8· lunlbllS. were visitors at I.he home L III W Ito d Inell TIW classes featured In the 6O-ye~r of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark one and family or Trotwood were guests Misses uc e a nan ) ears set for l)Jayers of Lhe leeal Sunday of Mr. al~d Mrs. L. A. Garst James were week end guests of Miss clUb. It WIlS later decided to llIl1end. KrouP will Include those between d Ay last week. 1885 Ill,d 189t lnolU!llve. Olive Allen • • • • • and family . Earline Lanham and her pal'ents, this rule and players of all ales may Brace, of the "clus or 191~. will give Mrs. Ray Ma.lnous entertained at • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Ardie Lanham. at tl·y out. Miss Marlanna ·Mayers of Hanover Salem W. V:. " • " • Any player wishing to tryout for a talk on "The Loat BattaUon." In- dinner last Thursday. Mrs. Frances terpreUn( thJa title appUes to the Brannock and MIss Lucy Emley. for CI Mass .. Is vialtlng friends In Wayne!the team should contact Dr. Dye. "Olua Of UU6," Which Is non-exls· the pleasure of her sister, Mrs. MatVille this week. Blbe was a supper Dr. a nd Mrs. A. E. Stout and Practice wlll start soon .:wlth thl optent. Theie wu no class In 1916. ~- . ttc Plannery of HamUton. guest or Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HastIn the presence of a congregation daugh te r Winnie Jo were guests enlng or the league season lell IIlI the only qrnIaalon from · the year • • •- • " Ings Monday evening, and dinner of tylO hundred persons at the Way- Sunday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. than a month away. The local club . the home . 0f Mr. nesvllJe Church of Christ last Sun- Walter Klayer of Bond H I II. Cine I n- will be known as I.he "M . Iamill. " 1812. when th e ·t!rst cla8a ,araduated. }:!£ber Ellis of Harveysburg, Jesse . The MIssionary society ot the gUI'sts Tuesday at FeatUrinr the 21i-year I1'OUp will be Mengle and L. W. Chandler were Waynesville and Ferry Churches of Dnd Mrs. Henry SatterthWlilte. Miss day night. John Sears. was ordained naU. Al though detlnite acUon bas not . those between 1911 and 1918 InclWl- among those In attendance at the Ohrlst met Wednesday, March 27. a~ Mayers spent thul past winter with to the mlnlstry .. W. C. Smith, d e• • • • • been taken . .lt Is probable tha.~ the lye. State Jersey 'C attle sale In ColumbWl the FelTY church. her sister., Mrs. ,Lilla Swain and livered the message on OOpreachElthe The Girls Friendly Group of St. olle. two. three system will be aelopt. lnes James. secretary -of I.he AIIUIJ- Sa.turday . ' The devotionals . were tonducted da ,lghter Ruth (If Connervllle, Ind. Word." Thomas Blackmore, an der Mary's Church wlll present a play at ed to decide the championship of the nl AIIocIatlon, wlU call ttle roll Of. -- . • • • • by Mrs. Planck and Mrs. Smith and • .• • • " trom the Lebanon Church . gave the Grange Hall. Prlday evening: April 5. league. All teams w1l1 be required to theae two poups. The ampll!ier will Mr. and Mrs . L. H. Gordon. Mr. the program was In charge of Mrs. Mrs. D. R . SmUh was hostess to, charge and D. R . Harris. an Elder "Murderer at Large." Is a mystery- wear uniforms. be uaed sO that everyone wUI be able and Mrs. J. P. Fromm. J. C. Hawke COra Murphy, Helen Murphy and the members of the Argunot Bridge from the Ferry Church . gave the c('Dlfdy. The public Is Invited. Umpires will be selected from each to Jlaten to what Is goins 00. . and Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Hartsock at- Mrs. Alma Oearhard. club, and one guest, Mrs. John B. prayer of dedication while both • • • • • although t hese otJlc:lals wU not aenr, SUperintendent Garst will give a tended the funeral of W. H . Vance "Home MissIons Radiant" were Gons, at a de6seJrt bridge. ~esday elders and the minister lay t heir Mr. and Mrs. Keller Hoek and of the towns represented in the lea,. abort tali: teWng abOut the HIgh at Morrow. Monday. , very ably given by Mrs. Me.urlce and afternoon at the Little Inn. Mrs. D. hands on the one sent forth to daughter Monlmla, and Mr. ana In their home parks: Umpires wUl be School Alumni Relerence Library, • • .• • • Miss Anna Nutt. Mrs. Mary Gillam C. Ridge received the award for high prea'C h. Mrs Fred Braddock attended the an, paid by the league. Mrs. W!llter Clark. Miss Wanda and Mr. Smith had a debate on rcor/'. Mrs. R. H. Hartsock second John, the younger son of Mr. and nual Milk Producers meeting held Howard Stanley. Jr. ball bee~ how It Is use{I, how it baa become a factor In the school aDd the classlfl- Clark and their guests, John Cloud "Home Mlsslons more Important high, and M~. Gons received guest Mrs. Wilbur N. Sears. Is a graduate at the Netherland Plaza In' Cincln- named as WaynesvUle's .otJlc1al ~Iltion or the boOts. and Miss Gladys ClOud or Win,. than Foreign." Little Doria Brown prize. of WaynesvUle high school and Is natl, Thursday evening. league umpire. PreaJdent Kenneth HOlllh will rep- North Dakota, called on Mrs. Row- sang "FIshers of Men." and Mrs. " • • • • finishing a four years course In Cin• " • •• The WaynesvUle teaiD probably resen~ t/:Ie AI~ni A.ocIaUon at ena Zartman at Xenia. Sunday. H~met Thomas rendered a plano Mrs. D. L. CrEme w:-s tendered a clnn\ltl Bible Seminary this Spring Mr. and Mrs Seth Furnas and son " 'i11 play a t the high school dlacOmmencement exercises, when he • • • • • 11010., pleasant surprlst! Sunday. when ar- WlhlCh f wl11 entitle him to the Bach- Betb . Jr.,. and Mr. and Mrs.~1 Fur- monds. wl'l carry greetlnp from the orp,n: Mr. and Mrs Prank Braddock enMrs. Ballard of DetrOit then spoke riving home from churchh she fO.1nd e or 0 Arts degree. nas and family were guests at a \Vlrlle Independent, amateur teams I2IIotlon to the communtty.. tertalned 'at dtnner SundaY.. Mr. on the gre~t Home Mission project the members or her family aSStlmbled Besides carrying on his school birthday dlnrier Sunday giVen ' ln have fI.o urlshed here In the pal.' , It Is hoped ~t at thla year's and Mrs. CIUford Winston of Day- ,being sponsored by tbe Christian there to celebrUe her birthday an- work. Mr. Sears h!UI been preaching honor or Mr. Lawrence Furnas at !lnnll town cluba. have found It dl!event some mov1~ pictures ca~, be. ·ton ; Mr. and Mra. Warren Braddock Women's League In bhat city. which nlversary. The fa,mlly dinner was en- be past year In two churches . Ler~ h is home. (k nit to keep golng recently with taken that wru be &hown at the and daughter Betty, Mr. and ~ is. teaching the Blbl" an hour each joyed by Mr. and! Mrs. Dan Wa'l ter of ado and Blanchester. • • • • • sr.1tball gaining each year In popu, Mr. and Mrs. Tom O'Keefe and In!·lty. It Is believed that a compact f atherilll Of 1941. 'ftI~ J)IoI't of the Fred Braddock. and Mr. and Mra. day after sChool closes in the school Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Roge~ Ohambuildings throulfhout the city. Theae bliss and Matthew Turner of Xenia. FAREWELL PARTY FOR chl.l dren of Latonia. Ky.. and Mr. orgll llization 111 the county with each a otlvlty w1l1 tie In chu:ae of Ethan RAymond Braddock and famlly. er.ne. ' ' . • ~ • • • lessons are conducted by the day Mr: and Mrs. A. H. Bcboeler of Bam· McMILLAN FAMILY and Mrs. Ray Hlghtman of Har- I,own stl'lvlng for the ohamploDBhlp; • In addltlon 'to th~ local peOple Harry ·Hudson of Athens, 0 ., Ia a school teachers as well as Blb~e Uton ; Fred B. Henderson, Mr. and veysburg were Sunday guests a t the wI!! . revive an Interest In TeiulaUoD p~esen~ ~t. Tbu~'11 iaeet;tng those' guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. school teachers. The ·otJerlnlf was Mrss John B. Gons and daughter A neighborhOOd farewell party home ot Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker t nsrball thl'oughout this section. frOID o,u t of town were RaymoD$1 Charles Z1mmerman this week. On sent to the Grundy Mission in VIr- Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. E. C . .orane was held at the home of Mr. and Jr. Davia Of, DaYlOn• . ~. ,K. darlwript .sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Zimmer~~. ,trua. and children. Jack. Barbara and Mrs. Dallas Boger, Friday evening. • • • • • of ChIcago and Mary Leah EdWards thelr son and ·daughter. Robert and The nellt meeting of the society Nancy. and ,t he RUest .of honor. , for Mr. and Mrs. Hemert McMUlan M rs . Donald Hadley. Mrs. Amos Of ~lfield. . LouIse, 'and Mr: ' Hudllon were al. , will be held at the Waynes~l11e' and family. Card ga mes were enjoy~ COOk. Mrs. C. I . Satterthwaite, Mrs . • i . ' dlliner 1Ue8t.a of Mr. and MH. \IVai': churCh.. MASONIC NOTICE ed during the evening, followed by A'. E, Stout. Mrs. Lena Hartsook. ' ter dut . . .' -'refreshmentfl. which wer e broutllht a nd Mrs. Carl Conard attended East '-oWIII5 Da
.• of The regular montbly meeting I.he New Century club was held Frlday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Smith. Twenty members answered roll call with bits of "Irish Wit". The program for the afternoon. presented by Mrs. J . B. Chapman and Mrs. J. Q. Gons. was as follows : Vocal solo, "Londonderry Air" by Mrs . H. B. Earnhart. accompanJed by Mrs. Kenneth Hough: Mrs. Chap man then Introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Shockey. a member of the student speaker's bureau of MIami University, who talked on "The Greatest Show In the World". a' description of t he frantic search for entertainment by the American people today, Who buy Instead of find their pleasure. The program was 'Conclu'ded with anolhe~ vocal solo by Mrs. Earnhart, "When Irish EYes Are Smlllng." The club adjourr,ed to nleet April 26 with Mrs. E. L. Thomas. During the pleasant social hour refeshmentl! were enjoYed by the members and the guests ; Mrs. L . C. Radley. Mrs. J. E. McClure. Mias Emma Lou Lewis and Miss Sarah Smith.
"~·~~~s~~W. f.
John Sears Ordained La S d N h
Met March 27 At Ferry Chorch
st un ay ig t
Chorch GrOUP Had
. >/<:';":.n:~ ....io ~"!'... ~~:...~ ••IDOE and
,,=.';:.i::.t:~:~w~:~ :1::":U~n';,bo :;.;.~~'. :: ;;d::-;~~·n H.my""'. at
Inler.....n. Meelii,.
TOe Voung ....... of St. ......
familY were ~ner .RUest. of ' Mr, day evening. April 9 Work in the P, Downey of near Wellman; Mr. and • • • • • . t cItM nome ot··Mr. an ana Mrs. Donald·L, Rawke-&mday. · M.iIllS:DoriII St.ll.IIbury;-oI Olnclnnatl, C. dl!tJl'ee. VIa1tl11g and sojourning Mrs. Harvey Sackett ; Mr. and Mrs. The Young Married Couples class Cltmclf Mes,. J.O!IePb .'Ohamberlaln In Leba:; ') Mr .'and ~. Hopldna 'and 'daughter of Mr. and Mr~. D. R . Sal- I, .. a hren w.elcome. Gilbert Frye, Mr. and Mrs. Charles of the Methodist , Church enjoyed II. non. Monday e'veninr. ,~ "': i J , da~ghter Linda of WUmlngton were ls~ury, was chairman of the commitJesse P'render,gaat. W. M; Hagemeyer and son, Mr. and Mrs. pleasant social time at the church. The meeting was opened with d .. S"eati1 ""cblldren'a w'ere ~nd$Y eve~1Dg suJilier lUesta tee in cbaige or tbe be~ef1t .brldge V. M. Armitage; sec'y. Harry Satterthwaite and family, Mr. last Wednesday evening. A pot luck votlons conducted by the Rev. R. L. I.eld at· tbe R.,thodlst 'and KpliIeopal of Mr. and Mri Hawke. glr en Salurday afternoon at the and Mrs. Dick Thompson, Mr. and supper was foUowed by an evenJng Ha'~kwell. DUring the tn.1il_ . Mi-. n . ." , . ' . • • • • Alms Doe~e auditorium. Olneinnatl I B MEETING Mrs. Harold Shutts and family. Mr. spen t In playing table " , " chur~~ Sunday,.. ~or J he cI:lUdf.e , '., - '. ~ VIV C VLU . ' tennis and !'Ion , {InaI plans were mad.,. for aerYwho..atteniled , (be ' Lenten , Church M~ Monimla H;oall: was ~. ~- 'by the Alpha Iota sOrority. and Mrs. S. S . Ellis and Mr. and shuffle board. Ing the Civic club dinner. April 11. IOl:00~" COnducted a't chUrch. ored guest at a ,c;llnner part~! SUn- . ',I'tlfte tables were occupled by The regular business meeUng of Mrs. Lyle Tinney. • • • • • Arl:angement" were also ~ade to coAt t'~ ,10:40 Wor:ah!p 'aerVtce at day, at the bO~e. C?f Kn. N~llle WaynesvUl players. who were Mrs. the Waynesville OMi: Olub was .held Funeral services tor Roger W. Gn- .operate with the Young Churchmen, tho N~thodlst 'chtlrch the Cl~dJoen' Jlunnell and KIIIII~nIm~ BUDDen, ~r Smith, MrS. ~lc:hard Miller, at the Townshlp Hall lVedDesday EASTERN STAR lam. held at Wllnilngton. Thurarlay 'by assisting Charles E. AYers In b1f fUY'Jll8hed an lnte{elUna PI'OII1'IUIl Of gl~en in honor ~'1 her fifteenth Mrs. A:'E, stout, Mrs. Lewis 'lbIm!P- evening with a quorum present. afternoon were attended by the fol· wort with the Wayside Cathedral m~mory work 'and ItIi(rlnr. Awarda blatbday ~vera&r:Y. other aueats BOD. Mrs. Harvey Rye, Mrs. D. .R. AtraDJement. were made for the Miami Chapter No. 10'1 O. E. S. lowing WayneSVille relatives; Mrs. throughout the rural districts of Wl'rl' ..ven by the ~ .tor perl~t were 1I(r. ~ peoQle BunneU Sallsbury, .Mrs. D. C. Ridge, Mrs. S· d'nner meeting April 16 at Grange wUl meet In regular session, MondaY, R. D. Ooll~tt. Mr. and Mrs. Ij:ll Pur- Southern Ohio II ilr..da~ .and .~eot .. memory'" Qf Cent~~lll~;' Iif. 'and Mrs. ,R hodes D. Henkle, Mrs. Ralph Miller, Mrs. lIall with ,the IA.dlea of St. Mary's April 8 at 7 :30 p. m. nas, Mr. and Mrs. Lawre~ce Purnas, 'I he fl n ell s c Ii salon 0 n Minnie Fromm, W. M. and son Willard. Beth Pumas, lIIrs. a group of questiOl'Ul cOncernln, keep wnrk, , anel .IecoDct awarde for" those Bunnell 'and ·f .mlly, Mr. anel MIl. R. ·H. HartsoIck, Mrs. W. E. COrnell EpIscopal Ohurch tn charge. at.tendlnl the "maJor 'part of the ·KeJJ.er Boak and ~amUy, and Roscoe and Mrs. J . R. Menlle. At this meettnr the election of ofMary Earnhart. Sec'y. Raymond Braddock. Mr. and Mrs. Ing America out of war, waa helel ., • time; .i • , , Pumas. . ' , FIS" flcers will be the special order of A. C. Tomlinson. and JOe Under,,:, , this meeting. The subjeCt for dbcUlAt tour' O'OI~k 1n the 'afternoon, a" .• • • • • business. W. A. Lukens, has been appOinted wood. slon was, "We can. Keep . Amenc. was ¥r. and , yts ... Porrut Graba'm, Warren CQunty Ohalrman of the • • • • • Out of War," 'ana was condU'Oted by l1eICI~a~ 8j." '~!~ cft~. Awarda )O's,: 1!W .C lrUwn. Mrs. Olur Burlilllil MARRIAGE IS ANNOuNCED Ohio State Livestock Disease COnMr. and Mrs. Karl Babb and son Mrs: Howam!'tl~t; 'ftI~ meetlnc thea . w . ~D~ to 38: obUdren for . n~~t, Olaude stroud, ~a1te, and 1J'01 Assoclatlon. He conducts a d.aIr1 of Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence adjourned to meet with the Rev aDd perfect.. atteltbance at the Lenten Ollarl. Burnett,·Robert. Oharles and A folder IIsUng a digest of flablni ~ftth Hoyle Waynesvll1~ and Rob- farm at HarveYllburg and has wOn Flory and son Gene ot' Dayton; Mrs. Mrs . HackweU in May. . . anjl,·. · special awatd was Sb'oUH the funeral laws corrected to March 15, 11140, are ert Downey, Hal"Veyaburg. were mar- several aw!U'ds for the excellence of F . E . Thomas, Miss COra Thomas ' at the meetlnr' wei;e MIl. ,.ven ~ Dltk Bradley for' brlDPna' Of aeoqe ,Llbbj at ~urg, Prl· now available from D1Ylalon of ,Oon- rlt!rl Tuesday at; COvlniton ~. The hla herds. and ArthUr ·Thomas apent Wednu- Chamberlain's mother; Mil.. LlUlaa ~be m~t . n"...· ~bera , to the aer-. ~, . .' ,. . 6~rv!ltlon sourCes . . Th~ are some brlde Ia a dauglilter of Mr. and Mrs. .• • " ~ • day evening with Mr. and ~ Mad- Slade, and Miss Beth MCcoy, 01 vlcu, ' The :~~'~tecl their . . ~ .• , . • • • . ... .,. f ' Elmer Hoyle. She was sraduated Mr. and Mrs. W. A: Lukens attend Ison Earnhart and sons at center- Lebanon. . . The hastesa served a .deUdoui two Inlte· bOXes 0Dn~ 'p8DDte. they ' · 1I(1Is LOla Raciley and lUest Mlu changea over laat year on . whlch from Wayne~iUe HIgh 'School In ed the OhIo State Jersey OatUe ville. aaved i-fOl'., C1Ie · C~urch'~ f mia· Bv~~e ltJtnu Or PIqua, and flshennan should check UP" PoUow- 193'1. The couple wW live in Lebanon Club banquet at the State Pair • • . • • • da'u..&..>-- course chicken sU:ppc,r duriDI &Ill , Ionarx ~ .' M.lia ....!i ~y and~, ~ Ina are trot line rulei:~ _ ___ grounds in Columbua. Friday nisht. Mrs. Rober~' Bru'tie ADd .... .~oclal hour. t ". " " .' " . J.ane Rtal'tmnit.n, a. student nurse at.' 1. One, llne to a penon. ft. uR8. C,. I. MA.R nu . AUT Bat\lrday morning ~ey attended the Lorain and Mary·Ellzabeth. of Ham- -;;:-"""("'"'"" 2. Not'more tban ~ hooks 3 ".. ~ . . ~, 8~U(lIt'_' U~B'fIoNG ~eral HoIPl~ OIDclnnafil, apeD~ .' BEBIOU8LY ~JURED State Jef8\!y catUe sale, where U llton. wtll'e weeli: end RUests of Mr. ~.. ... the .eek- end wlth ReV. and Un. 1:0. apart. " " ban f t'elld mOlltly heifers. 'soid for an aod Mrs. Ray MatnOulI and fainUy. ," . • -. . .~. \ari8 ba~ On the Joe- Pennel. C. 'RadloJ: 8u6daJ ari.emoon ~era 3 I!:Ktend from bank to . It 0 ~. C. J. Mar8'\IArdt 8~~ed a c11a aven:g~ of $10'1. th~~· belllI,10 abOVe Mr Bruce and .lOn ~ joined .~ ' '~. ne"r t Midille R~ ' ''' at the Radley IIome were Mr. and~. ' - rom bOth .land l<qted ~er . and nose frac_~, the average of last y~r. them Sunday, fOT dinner. Afte~n itruCk .., llll!e"'" abau& ,' o'cloot~. HaJae1 'Betta qf MIdd1~ t. ~ f . '. the reaUJt 01 a :rall 8&turday eV8llinc ' •• • • • c:t'l1era .were, Mr. ,~nd "m. Willie '1'il...~. ~. Tbe barn.ud Itoi' , • •. • . • . • . - . ', o.-n.,. . , '. . lu, the ~ at ;bel' home on rO'\lte 'l3 ~. ~ L. Cook and he; niece, Flannery 01 Middletown. The ""D~Qtl1re "Jl~."1P.D COIlt8Dt. Of bay, .,un aDd.fabn Im- ' . sPrini ~ atr~ect & .~ ~. Line ~W1t exte~ a~ ~~' She was taUn Immedlately to Blair M18S Mildred CooII:, who ls·. home • • • • .• ,Game. ~ .,... . ~ ~ hCllldal f~ ~ for the f~.- · from ll!I'face of 01 _ bOlpital: LebaJ:tOn. for x-ray - and ~ron'l . Q~ Unlvers1ty for the SPrtnI MIss Kt.~ Gl~ns aM Mrs W. ~ve .• &I(lIiiA'l~• •" iAI~,. J\I~ ceU" UIe ifDl11Jt.aic11: bUbe....... IDI IQca) ~ at"fa: Ruth 8. fte DaDie and . per treatment and was later returned to ~tloI1, spent Bunda)' In·OIDc~tl. O. ·st. John vtal~ Mrs. Qeorp it.~ '~ p. m. . . ~ tJa·_·;· ; ./~ ~ and 1'raDt. ~, J~.. of IOn ~1 .IUch line ~Ult be placecl ber bome whea:e &he Is laid to be 1D with MIss Jane Ooo~, a '&Uden' 1n ,Green ; cnee M~rlUerite Tboml)!lOn) ',!=_.., . .: :'_ .,a.~,".~I111!'1'~ ~ .,. '1'8unla II1aIIIJ UDI,...s4': . AlUla LcIWle, ~ bOUl en~ of line. _ .• aerio;ua eon.dltlon. a.,turday wW the Oollqe of MedlcJne, lJ~vel'lit,y at Winchester, 1'7.. ov~ the ~k so.t and ~ Oeralm DtiDII o f & 1 l d KIll DUl- mart 111'1. J~arclt~ _htleth of Oblc1nnaU. ' . end. On S~ they ~ ~~~ aDd ......... coD. .: LaGIIe ; . ..,..... lin. 'P. lJ, ~ . bIrtIlday annll~. ' Otftn's dau!rhter. June, of ~,.... • .. aDd ~ 0Dc* GtOiUo VII· ~ GIlIbODa ~ t.be aU , day Tbey are dine that Ky.: who WIll padua&. froID n..... TIcIIlIta _ 111:.:;MIIII.Il~.".: ...1....1- .....·4;)'. aad ~ . , . . at &be 'uIiIreUJc* aDd ...... Ill ' ~ erlnpudecL..wlth ~tbouIhta. tl'llJnlnJ at the OoocIBaInaItaD __ II. acIII~~~=~1 . . . - .. . . . . . . 1Il1 UCbeaHob ...... 1D .....""", Wed· ..-~~'.. air PhWp 8IdDe.F plllll, OlDClDDaU, .ib1a ....... f.GrI ... .... '
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THE MIAMI QAZE1m George Earl DUgan to Stanley J, Sta'lcalta Mfr. Company. 1 rue calf. Watkin... and Martha I. Watkins, $\40.4f1; Tbe Western Star. prlntlns. ':n .50 I\(lres In Union towll.'Ihlp. S~a.25; MUler-Sl'yant -Pler~e, 1 couOc('11 J. snider to I.-ene Lur a Snl- - pon book for clerlt ot court, $1.00; Main Way nesville, Ohi o cler, .85 acres In Hamilton township. Tn" Wes~m Star, record book aeF rt'd Carr t{) Plan Z. Meeker , part . ll 'Jc(\ tees, $46.80; F. J. Shlrchle I;t;nt llred As SlIcon (1- In!'JI Mn ll Mnller at Posto ffi ·e. W a ynesville, Ohio of lot 282 11'1 Franklin. .cam-pany, one 4-01. ' tube flngerprlnt r F lor a M. Cr Ime Cllfford O. Beckett and Rebecca ink: '1.03; Wm. Hufford, Jr., feeding , Beckett tl) J enn ie Sheets, pnrt of lob pl ~ roner;;; durin" F ebruary. $37'1.'1 5; ISSUIiJD E 141 In Lebanon, Wtn . Hltfford. Jr.. washing tor pI' Isa r, Payable i n Advance Th e Franklln Ice a nd Fuel Com- oners during February, $37.08; D. W. S ubscription P rice, ~ pa.uy to J'olin J. Ma loney, Sr.. . lots B: cOP,' soldering col~ee pot. 75c ; 115 through 123 1n Franklin. Hubtnan. Supply Company , soaP S tephen F eUer to ' Clarence E :lIlel dust mop for jail, 520.08 : Ivins. ~Phone 78J Gaskill and Ollie M . GaskUl. lots J .lf1leSOn Drug Co.' sanl~ary supplies 160. 161 all~ 162 In Mason, • fvr jaU, 95c; Beel's Park·a-way , gas Lyctla V. Vandervor t to Sue Harsh tur sht'I'Uf, $4.38; Fllmous Auto Sup bnrger. part of lot ~ 15 In Lebanon. ply, tubes, condenser, labor for sIlerThe ~n of the open rond is begin Edith a nd Slun uel Albert Harris 111'. $7.90; Walt r Botls Service Stato Clarpl1ce E. and Winnle·L. Harris, tlOll, ga soline. $8.70 ; V. C. Harvey ning to lure pleasure seeking motol'If)8.50 acres In Was hington ' town- to'llcutlr Service, ~asollne, $10.39; NEW !';(JJTR 1Sts again . TIlis InereMe In th e volship, ltel.ry Ludington Service Statton . TAllV IA·I~ITHIC TAil AND. ume Q! traffic due to th e coming of EXCAYATINO al., to Jesse r.asoline, $39.38; GroSli Service StaRO AD 011 .; Myrtlc E. Moots. et Mutua l Life fa irer and w'arm er days meRns tbat. The N ortllwestl'rn pl'(: nderg!L~ t . 1.70 a res In Wny ne L:nn. gasoline, $40.02 ; Smnrt's Gat·repeating the performnnce of other I nsurance Compan y vs, Jnmr& A.. D UMP TR UCK SEIlVIC Iil towllsh ip. nge, gasoline, $31 .5;;1; seasons, cars will crnsh :- lInd m n. Prender grnss. neWon for eO ~ ll olllt . PIT RUN, LOADED 300 YD, J ohn Adam Ritz, deceased to H. M. Coyne. stamps for rellet ofwomen and chUdren wlll suffer. Lizzie L. Knigh t. nd mlniMraLrix Ca th(' rine Ritz, ot nl.. lot 673 in flee, $9.00; The Book Shop. office The exercise of n reasonable of the ps tllt~ of GeorgI' W . Knl v.h t. Flankll n. supplies. $3.34 ; The Western Star, amount of ce.utlon will cut down tile drc('uscd. ncllon t.o Quiet lItle. etc. Garlan d HlII t o Bei,s\(! LeFever. 2000 order blanks, '12.00; The Ohio b iG'hWaY tl'atIic toll. Motorists mllst Rnymond C. Hoff nncl Gm"r .Hoff 101 , :12 In Leba non. Cent ral Tel. Corp.. services, $9.65; Ph one. Wa ynesville 44 R 11 drive more carefully. pedes trians ,·S. E. A. Short and Knti E. Short. Nettie Tinney, to Sherman Tinney The Standard 011 Co.' ga.'iOlIne. $10.more carefully. each must must walk Iv·Uon·cognovlt. . Lebanon offi ce Pbon e 47:HC:lIld Harriet Tinney , par L of lot 1 In 00; Keever's Grocery, food ,9.30; be aler t constantly-to give Ohio a Thelma G . WlIson liS, ClarCllc(, Morrow Pbone No. S r es .98' AI . CorwI n. Fred's Dept. Sto re. rent tor rooms , goOd r ecord for the prevention of WIlson. divorce. Aros.'; noglrct. $12.50; E. S . Thirkleld & Sons Co., a utbo l~es this S p!ing and Summer. Theodore Helton vs. Anna Hclton, . -That's all r ight, Watson, you don't ne~ to find 1\ cover for those HILI.S ALLOWED mllterlaIs , tI33 ,42; Trustees or PubEffo rl.~ ' to curtail the number of dlvorcc. gl·o.o:s neglect. "oodles. MillS Sherlock h as located the r('frl ger!lt~r she !tas been hlln~ 110 Mairs, light. '5,18 ; Lewis & -Gutomobl\e aca dents need t h e coElln Hoover vs. Gl cnn Hoover. dl· In g It's II .'rig idllire Cold Wall. They ally thiS IS n new refri gerllt White SllOt Serv ices, gasoiine, $4,- Droke, Inc., fuel, '32.50,' . if--==~================~'~ whlch won't dry out foods even without covers on th(! dis hes. -. _ , " operation of every motorist . Thore vo rce . exLI'CIllC crllcH.y. ___ -:::---=-:: . 03 ; F lora Motor Service, gasoline, East End Coal Company. 4100 m ust be unity of purposc. Otherwise j\l~I~men :-~;47!i.OO. Interest nnd $12.57; Morrow ServIce Stntlon. gas- pound" of coni ror Memorial Hall, the terrltlc death an d Injury toll PROHATE COURT oli ne. $18.31; Banghnm 's T exaco -16.40,' The Office Outmters, 1 bOx npprov d . taken annually by the motor car in ] 11 th c' matter of thr r stn e of ·ust.~ given to plai ntiff Cellter, gasoline, $6.05 ; Rogers &''' this state 'Will continue unabated'. In the matter of Lhe state of Willia m C. Vn liFo sse II . dec('n.~ed: REAL ESTATE Fr on F In ul,[hr vs. Harold Flaughr SlmpllOn, gn.'iOlllle. $11.96; Borden's carbon , $3.QO; ColumbUS Blan k Book \ Don't ,overlOOk the rights of th c ChrIs Koll,r , deccnscd; Harry E. schedule of deb l.~ npprovcd. INSURANCE . divorce granted . ServIce S talion . . gasollne, $11.47 ; Mfg. Co., [onns tor Probate Court. appoInted administrntor, oth er fe llow and drive In such a Koh l' 'he Ina'tel' of tte estnte or S . hi ' 25.00 ; Woodrow-Well-Stanage Co.' AUCTIONEER tn " The Guanlinn Bank Ilnd nVllIgs Dat'e's Gamge. gaSOline. $4.50; 0 0 " • manner as to provide the maximum George Uhlenbrock. R . G. Ayers and Ieln Vierling, dece:lscd : distt'lbution 'olllt!nny. t\ co l'pora LIon. vs . Ada ms Cen tl'lll Tel. Corp., tolls va rious ot~ clrgnrette receipts and pens for amount of safety to the greatest C. E. Emerick appolntcd appr!lisers kind ordered. 1 I 1 tlff t fJ $3002 Ohl 0 t I Tel C treasurer $5.61; F. J. Heer' Printing D, Dlck lnson. et n .; Jl n n 0 rcces, . ; 0 en ra . orp. Co" 50 sets classlflcaUon of charge, In the mntter of thc cstate of 111 number of drivers. In the mu tLe r of the Bltnr di ans IIIP cow' r $196.0U ancl co ~ tR. rents various offices. $68,25 ; TrusSince the a dven t ot Spring means Mary E . Griswold. deccnsccI ' distri- of Virginia BOlin Bercaw. eL a\.. tpcs of Publlc Affairs, water Court- ,1.50, Dr. Alfred E. Stout, medical, a heavy increase of traffic on the bution In kind. certlrtcate of trans- iJlmd of gUllrdiaJI r dllced. M /\IUtl /\ .G F. I.ICENSES i. )I'IlC and jail. $55.29; $4.60; , Leb:rnon-CitlZens , National hlghways-motor cars begin to fer ordercd, estnte valued nt $2780.In thc Jllf1ttel' of Lhe cs tnle of J c.hnston & Johnston . glass. sash Bank. rent safety deposit box. emerge ·trom th eir win ter hiberna - 48, Inh erita nce tax de tc nnlnod IL~ Ilnt·lc.", 0 . Hllr tsock. detensceI; LllSUbbs, renew_l. Of n Ebhir Gatlel. 24, 1,110Id N', F ran'kli n. 1'1\1 ..• putLy. $1780 . ; J . W1 LI ngo H ard $5.00 ; Elizabeth Ii tion In increasing n umbers-motor - onn e. th!'r H. Hart.~ock apPOint!'cl a dmin- anel Mnry Jon "s. 16. FrnnkHn . wore Co . la bor. 25c' The Hubman notary pub c comrnlsslon. ,1.00; ;tte In the mntter of t he esta I.e of Ists are urged In Lhe Inl.erest of traf isLrntor. Curl.ls TOll1lin~()I1 , Chol'les Lloyd Bakcr, <10, Iron worker, West S upply ' c ompany, '5 cases paper F.ltch Dustdown Co., 1 ~ paepl' John P. Griswold. doceu.sed. distl'l bu fie safety to blcrense their nlertncss D. Cook and hfl l'l l'S Gollicl' a p- Al exilndrl:l. and Marguerltc WlIson. tu wf'ls: $22.42 ; Trustees of Public towels, $3.10 ; The Fyr-Pyter 'ComIn d1rect proporlion to the Increase lion In killd ordcred . certUicate of poInted appralsl!I·s. 26. Leba n Oll . AHairs, light nnd gas, Courthouse ~any. reClIl8 for Fyr extinCUlaben. trnnsfer is ordered . in the volume of traffic. I II the mnLl I' of the 1'1> 1..'\ t(' of -Vt mOll K ing, 26. laborer. Morrow, ane' jaLl. $120.87 ; Trustees of Pub.00. I n tbe matter of the I!~tnie ot Ol'cn Koebe l. decen. cd h earing on aqd Alta Harrison. 21. Morrow . 110 AfTalrs. light and gwi . Memol1al The Book ShO&!, Ink, pads, 3 ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN He. that urges gratltude pleads MarUm Helsel. cJe~ eR.<;c<I , inventory schedule of dcbts is' set for April 9, Arl hltl. Ralph St.ultz. nu tol11obUe l~ all. $7.39; W. C. TUrton. 6060 Ibs. rings and re1ntorcements. t2-30; Jour Cattle, bop, ~her.~:~~a1:: the cause 'bot h of God a nd men. (01' approved. Tn Il t!! malt r or thc tate of 111(' ' hanle. Frnl~kJlri. nnd Lola Mae Por.a honta.~, lump, '123.48; Dale .Hat- , Alice M. Al.'n~ld, invalid care, tB.I;lO" :!o~~!!'!iv~r:~ Cf~~ the bl ...... \\Ithout it we can neither be socl In t he malleI' of lhe esfate of Amy K. Bullock. deceased. h enrlng WeHR, 18, Fran}tlin , fleld, services as helper, $48.00 ; Paul E\uda Clemmons, Invalid care, '5.00; market prices and good seme•. -Seneca Orcm J ordan, deecased. Inventory on sch edule of debts is Aprll 9, esAble nor r ellglous. K h\J'1ey. h etper in Harlan TownShip, ~. Heien Doughman, invalld care, U.l... Stocl! 'Yard." CI.cl ••a~ 0 ; tate Is valued' a t $3301.49. inheritance It E,\L ESTATE ' 'rn,\NSFERS $49.50' Treasurer or State sup......t $10.00; Ella Hoff, invalid care, tB.OO; Tune In on ~d'o Sta,\lon .WIIKU', , , "'" , 12 '26 to 12 :80 p. m. or 'lur • of 6 crippled chUdren, 1276.88; Drs, ' G e~trude Jones, ,invalid care, . $8.00; market ",porta. . .- ----..... tax dete mllned ns n on e. In the maLter of the estate of . Ruby. J . Pcase. ct al:. to Leslie E,\wnrd and Robert Blair,' eXamJna. Ed Kalser, . lnvalld care, '5.00 ; New· "!'!!!'!~!!!"!I!!!!!"~!!-'"!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!' Edward A. Mayer . deecnsed; h eal'- Gilbert, lot.~ l!! and 19 In Mas!>n . tiOl'l, $1.00; ton Stamper, invalid care, '10.00; L. .~.'7''''--In g on Illv nwry set [or April 10. Ruby J . P~ase. tal., tb Raymond 'l'leasurer of State. support of 3 B. Steele, invalld care, tB.OO; JOlul In the mlltLer of th e cstnte of H'. WikoU, 10t.,~ 13 and 20 In llMson. drpfndent cblldren, $62.99; F. J . E. WilBon , invalld care. '7.00. Laura. E. 0011 Ins, deceased . (!stntc John P . priswold. d eeeased , to Heer Printing Co., IiO certUlcntes of Gem CHy Blue Print and Sup. valued at $229207. itlher itance ~x .Mnry E. Griswold, et (1.1 .. 23,52 acres Nalc,. $13.25; Lebnnon Motor Inn, Co., 38 county mlllPS, $7·21; Ead Hatdetermlncd O!: none, h earing on III :If'ar lan townsh ip. Inc:, 11 gals. kas for sealer or. field , services as mechanic: $70.20; DIll! To-fATIGUIAND~ schedule of debts will be April 10. John Ride I' to Newton;l... Vlcre- we!ghts and measures, $1.99 ; The John J. Barr, pay roll, $196.80 JohnP ..I 11.- .,.. pI...... ..ala 'b,. r.UayJaa u... I n th e matter' of, the estate of bome. l1S.30 acres In ' Salem and O Olce. Outfit ters. adding .m~ son Myers. pay roll. $143.20; E. W. ~ . (""' ... 'atlpe Chu les' H Hartsock, deceased: prol>~ Homlltoll tOwJ1ShjP. · , 'r ibbon, -,1:25; Dayton Blank. Book lWss, pay ro~.OO ; Earl Basore, aD4 ~). J .... Nb 1 er ty ordered sold at pr ivate sale. ' Jll mes Pile and F . W. Franz to IUld Prlritlng Co., ~blndlng tor re;' pay roll. ,108.00; Raymond MultOI'd, _til' It ~ Ita ........ III the matter of t he esta~e or Roy L. and r.ifar thn· Hudson , lot .. 86 cc rder, $40,04 ; The Office Outfitters; pay roll, '131!'::; Harry Moun, pay folit "!Ilfll oIlM1P1a11 ~ that back. J'I.MaaL At all Jh doz remls, 5Se The 'W~tern star, rOll, $104.80; W. F. Allen, pay raU, Catherine L. LOOp. deceased; jn- In Franklin. dniIaiaU or . . . . JOe: Iw \'CIllory na>proyed. F . W . Fl'nnz to Roy L. nnd Mar- journal entry bl\UlkS, $10.00 Colum- '176.00; Ennis '1'''ooll)pson, pay roU, tdal .... to ~atl_1 ......." Co., 55 W. 42 .... The C inc: inn a t i Automobile in the belief that h e has the righ~ I n the matter of the estate Of tIm H4dson. lot 86 in F ranklin . ' ':Jus Blank Book Mfg. Co.. 1nhe~- $132.80. N. Y. C. Dept. x. ~l~b points out two things to ·of way and is go ing to hold on to Peh:r P. B enham, deceased ; dlsW Peaslee to William E. Davis itw}ce t.ax formS, 111.00; 'Fred Procremember to reduce accidents by tbis p rivilege ev en though h e' tl"outlon in kind or dered. and Carolyn E. DaVis, 30 acr es in ter Company, one 610-page Are we really grateful automobiles . These two things are wak es up i n 8 h oSPlta ' l or inI' In th e m a~ter" 0[lh e se t t Ioment Hamilton town ship. 2,29.00 ; Barret B.rothehs, 50 cOllt ,bills f,ood' already received? Then w'e 10 sip1ple, .,that the majority of Kingdom Come.. of the estnte of L. G. Robert~, de.. . J en nie . Bcel Sheett to CI1"ord C. $2.15,' t. 11 11 • . ' persollS -forget them. They are: "T h e Cincinna ti Automobile ' d ~ u S.8 ava ourseIVes. .o f the blC8Slnlr' , 1.' When .you drive an 8utom01" Club which ' h as divisions ot ceased; est\lte val ue at $2317.29, Beckett and Rebecca ' C Beckett" Columbus Blank Book Mfg. ' Co.• .\' e llave. and thus be flt.ted to re-·· bIle ~t!n'.l forget you will be 8 members in Northe rn K entucky chs trlbution of estate made, 1nher- 87.86 acres in. T Ul'tleereek' ,townsb1p. l() l'l)1s , ,,12.10; colUlIlbus 'Blank ;a,ook' celve more.-' , ,. tJedest~ian snmetime that same Southern Ohio and Sou th easter~ ilance tax determln~d, determlna.· Catheryn Mnurlne Dugan and Mig. Co:. 50 birth ~e&>t! ; jcates ~.OO; day . . Indiana,. holds no brier for tho t10n of Inhcrltnnce ta'x wlll b e- made 2. Wheh yuu are a pedestrian reckless, carel ess motorist and lIpon said pm·tles by publlca.t1on , 111 the matter o[ the estate of d t,'n't t n.1ge t liWl y ou will soon be believes he should be arr ested ," dl'lv l'n g a n au lomob i h~. · ~allentire continu ed , " but t he MIr:. M. A. Smith, deceased ; invCIl If f he ."pObltc ca n a ppreciate the time has co h th d re~punslblltti~s df the aU lomobile trian must ~ Ws e;har: t~~:~d , to'ry npproved . d r vel . ~s '\vpll !I~ ·lh e pedestrian saving his own life. Even "th ough .In the mnttel' of th e estatc of .th ~ n , 8t'l' ldc nts WI ll not only be the motorist is in tne wrong it is FUH)k Sklq.nel'. deceasec);. distllbur educf,'d, but almos t e liminated, beUer to step aside or wait for tim In kind ordel'cd, 'llfeu <1111 " , «I Thumas · L. Tallen- the s treet c[ossing to cl ear tha n I n the matter of t hc ' esta te of \l t . .'Chitll'll ,a n· fo' the Legislative to step out on a y ellow light and ·.Joh n Adam .R ltz, deceased ; ccr tlfl (.\)/ri n1:'t'I" .," ,'1 f' t.h, e Cincinnati· Au- be s t ruc k b y an ltutom obiJo Latc of trnnsfel' ordered. ' Iub . . "Ho ~ever this Wh ose d river . IS b reakin g t h , thm ubllt· ..I I n the mattel' of ' ll e es'~ te of wo ~ I ... ' bt' to pl a a nd no one can law," " l,U ~very automobi1 e owner ma1 Ella B. Ritz. deceased : cel'tlficntc of -')"pe t haI the human bej hg will ~ be lhll t uns ldera le 0 his fellow- jOin the Cincinnati Auto mohih LI'!ll1sIer o rder~d , hear ing on sched mon." Ch a Ir ma n Ta lJ e ntlre' ·satd. Club and become a m em ber 01 ul ~ of debts set for April 13. dis." AnIm als and fo wl ha ve learned the self-governing divisio n ill lribution In kInd order ed. in U1'e Ja n ,.,';'!) r of the aulomobl·]e. w h'IC h h e r es I'd os a nd re ceive. nil \t pl'llnnce tax determined. .c~I('kens and birds h~rry across the benefi ts tha t a re given motor, In the matter of til e estate of 'tn;j! 1'11011 and out of the 'way as Ists residing in Cin ci nn ati BC'. Clifford ciS a hurn IS' souDded _ so ~ongotlle\'y , c1ecea.~ed; .!loun , cor d'Ing to 'Ed w a rd Bernard. . Sec' do d (./;(~ a nd olh!'r a ni mal s .,...l but retary of the Cincinnati /I utomo.. Flll ymqnd MOllClrOtllCt·y aPllOI n ted I I\e, tltlm ~ n Sll un ters s lon'g secure bile Club. ... admInIstrator, Edward eKsUng, • ." . . .•..1. .' _ ._s. Ch f\.rlcs Fltt!; and Lee Lovely a p'I' poin ted aPI>l'ai sers. .' By. OENE CARR ::n the tllnt t.tcl' of t he esta t.e of o I :d ward A. MaYl'r, ell'cea sed ; widow r ;f!crl'd 10 Lake assets. eolt ri.q a ppro\'ed. pl'ivlli.e sa le of pCl'somtl prop'l'ly ordercd. In lhe macter of thc I,'lJa l·dian.~hlp of Tobias Bretncy, an lncompcten t. c ·n: nlln n ordererl 10 sUl'l'en dcr a nd (';) <.) bon d. an a ~cotln t of ·T!I'QCCCc.\S orrlt- rcd .
F. T. Martin
Quick Watson! ,The.' No~o~el!
Centerville" Ohio
'SPRING SAFETY Warren Connly Court News
Sand & Grav~l
Zain Armitage
\ W. N.. SEARS
Auto Cllih
Suo-gests. Two
Things To 'Reuee d A·d eel entsi
... _Eli4r_ . . .....
(,OMIHO],!/ I'I.EI\S rn,OCEEDINGS , Niles Hayes vs. El'llcst Snider, vcrd ict in fnvo r of th c d efenclnnt With no damnges. Horncc 'Hoadley Cordes VS. Mlda A\'m S !;J'Oll ~ Stilr,l\. et al., t itle to land regi; teWd by COllrt order . Thc Nort hw sl.ero M~tu~1 Life JIlHtl'all1' COmpllny v~. J ames .A. P cnd t>n\,ra.<s; pllllntltr t o ' recOVe~ $:l22.60 with . Int rest . [ rpm defencJ-
nnt. Glo8. IlIc .. vs Ada ms B. Dlckinon. etc.. p'11l In tiff ~' I'ecover $400:51 from clefendant. Lizzie L. K nlgbt, administratrix of the ('sLatc of GeOrge W. Knigh t. deccased. VS. Llz1ile L. Knigh t, servlel' by publication ordl'red. na~'l1ond O. Hoff and Grace Hoff va, E. A, Short olld Ka tie E, Short,
)' ou wiD eave If you foUow Ihe em""', 10 BIke'. ... Da,..oD . . during ~he .el~ven day. th~lt 87th Analvenar, 9aleo.. 89«11'1 ' .. ' deparJm~t In this Rftal 'slore oft.. .Rlke-Kumte". ......1" . ....- '" " c:'''IU~ise al .0ulst,a nding ..v.lDP~D~ .p.....S 'r~ .pparel f()r .yourMM and yopr , f~r,,,. ~eII ~ 'u,~"'u.p' home. Plan your shopp~ trip aow-d....'1 JPIM thae ...... Ann~r..ry ~afe ~P..
';'r your '
THE BI,KE.K.IJMLBB . e;O. ••.• u.
With a Bucke~e In ~ongr~~s... ......... ,.. -.... ........
Mr. and Mrs. HArry Cornell called on Lhe. Carl ~andQ;lIg Saturday aCternoon. "; .
long Is he can without Intensive wat'fare . so that he may make further economic conqupsts in the Eastern and Sout heastern portions of EuroPe. It seems to be t.h e general opinion
here thBL the AlJled blockade of Germany has not been s uccessful, Also thati ' the . overthrow of the French Minister, Daladler, has not been helpful and, tha.t the time will soon come wben the Allies will be forced to take the offensive against Germany. Such an ,,!Yensive would undoubtedly come first In the air, rather than by mass ground attacks against tM fortified German posltions. It the war Is to be fought out In the alr the latest position of the
"She lovea m~he' loves...me ' not-" It's a game Fre'd Mac· Murray and MelVyn Douglas play In Columbia's h ecUc new com· edy, "Too Many Husbands." Wesley Ruggles' tlIT'nlli!tlolI al the Xenia Tbeater, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, APRIL 7-8-9 . And Jean Arthur, who Is also starred In the Bcreen version of a W , Somerset Maugham Itage luccess, refuses to reveal tbe an, lweI's. After all, when a girl has two husbands, sbe doesn't want to offend either one bt them, now dOBi Ihe? '"
Administration relative to the sale of fighting planes to foreign governments should be ~elpful to tAle cause of England and France, Just a short time ago rumors began to reach many American citizens will know Members of Congress that our latest first hand Just what "all the shoottype fighting planes were being sold InC has been about" in Congress' In to the Allies. This was at first de- connection with the Census question Sumner Wells, Undersecretary 01 nled .in k otrlclal .clrcle, Ilnd then nalres. Administration spokesmen hi gh mUitary oftlclals, ap- claLm that the Admlnlstratlon Is tilate, who hL'! been touring Europe I ast wee as a special emissary of the Presl. pear ed before Congresslonal comde.n t. riltumed home late last week mlttees inslsting that the policy of Justified legally 'ane morally In askIlM- th I Ing dozens of queries each citizen I e atest and best American al14 WM Immediately closeted with sa..... Mr. Roosevelt. While the Welles re- designed fighting ,planes to -t.he Al- must answer, Including a number of ve"" personal and inti t port haa not bee made ublplc, it Is Ues would be most benelicla) to the .J rna e queswell understood that the Underaee. United States, permitting this toun- tlons . Congressional . opposition inl'etary arrived back In the ·Unlted . try to develop ·all aircraft industry slsts that the questions are not jus8tat.e!'! 0. much dlsUlusloned man second to none In all the world, and tUied. either morally or by law, and and that undoubtedly the ,p icture he capable of producing all the planes that tile Census Bureau Is asking presented to the President was a this country might need on short many questions not authorized or 'gloomy one. Peace in .Europe at the notice. Last year Congress appro- Intended under the law passed by present time seems to be an Impoa- prtated millions of dollars for the the Congress providing for the takslbillty, Many observers believe that building of thousands. of planes for . ing of the Census. However, even ~ next few weeks will see the J!;u- the American Army and Navy. It though .citizens may feel that the.lr ropean war b~eak out In full fury .of now becomes public that our own rights are beIRg Invaded, they must destrUctive .frl ghtfulness. OtherS, forc~ haVe received delivery 'of but answer the questions or run the risk however, believe that It Is the -H lUer. few Of. these planes: although many of incurring the pellJllties provided !Plan to keep thingS as they are aa of the same type have been shipped for Callure to answer. to EUrope. High :Administration of, - - - - - - -ftclals 'no~ claim. that .. because of " The Ohio . delegation in ' Congress the extremely rapid ex;pansion " of were guests of several hundred mem All\erican plane Induatrles as a re- bers of the Ohio Chamber of Comsult of the orders from Europe, It is merce at p. banquet at tne Hotel unnecessary to build' planes for our Mayflower last Friday evening. The defense at this tLme, and American banquet was the concludillg 'event plane production can be devoted to of the annual pUgrlmage of the supplying tQe tuieds of England and Ohio business and industrial leaders France. All of thl& is 'n ot PleasillC to to the Nation's 'C~pltol to talk over many Members of OOl)gresB, wbo be': with the "Buckeye Statesmen" In Ueve- that thelr firat dUty and re- Congrell8 the problems ' of the . day, sponsIbility Is to the people of the: and. incidentally, to get a close-up view of matters .polltlCa.ll\.nd govern Unlt~d States, mental that so vitally affect ·the bus By the thls In print 1nt!!SeS iuld industries they represent
Genuine 6 Cu. Ft.
E!ltate of Chades H " Hartsock, Deceased Notice Is bereby given that Luther H. Hartsock, whose Post Office Address ls WaynesvDle, Ohio, R. R.. No. 1 has been duly appointed as Admlnistrator of the Estate of Charles H. Hartsock late· of Wanen 'county, OhiO, deceased, Dated this 19th day of March 1940, R.~LPH H. CAREY Judge of the Probate Court Warren County, Ohio Stonley & StanlllY, Attys, M21-28-A4 Gratitude is not only the memory \Jut the homage of t he hellrt-rencered to God for HJs goodness. -Willis
, --
Our thanka shl~uld be as fervent Cor mercies received as our petitions frr mercies sought. -Charles Simmons
Beech Grove
Rev and Mrs. L . A, Bradd, of 9tarksville, were Friday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mis.
bv ThlorntonW ) c/
. . 5 .9 6 $
Ferris. Miss Nona Shoemaker has return-
~~ . ~L
ed "to her home here, after several days visit with relatives In Ashlanu
All the Ume he did a great of talking to himself ana his voice! was not at all pleasant. Not once did be sing or even try to sing, The little people who had lived in the Old Orchard for 10 long dldn'~ know just what to make ot him. If he happened to meet one ot them he just bustled right past as II hI! didn't see them at aU, He didn't 50 much as nod his head in greetlng, Of course, this was no way to make frlendl. No one else who had . come to the Old Orchar4 had acted that way, . It was very clear to ev. eryone that he didn't care whether he made friends with them or not. He acted as If he thought that Old Orchard belonged to him and aa if he Intended to do just as he . pleased:' · Of course, all thole wbo were liv. Ing 10 the Old Orchard forgot their own .altairs In watchln, thll newcomer and In talking over among themlelvel bis strange ways, "I don't like his looks," said Wei. come Robin. "He doesn't look to me al If he belonlls among us at all He looks to me like a foreigner." You know a foreigner t Is somebody ... t t f rom a .. II an . coun ry. "He certainly il very untidy and. hi. voice lan't at all pleasant," laid enUe Winsome Bluebird In hi-m loft g voice. "But perhaps he II much nicer than he appesrs. You know cannot alwaYI tell what 'people
Other "'..........lItIp h'-'-er ...
All, mode.'. pr,'..-..J at ..-,_ ",,'n"t ~ .ch., TraiJ.~,;on ' L __-J ~.. u I>V.... M on ra, I, rates, .,tii,o oncl iocol taICes (,I any), opt,'ona/ ..... '
tI . . . . . . .
".w.DIler w ll10 be Ia. UY"", ud where be come. from," salt} 8klm.
mer lIIe. SWallow,
Kentucky, and CincinnatI. Mr. and Mrs. Winston Cline are announcing the arrival of B lltUe daughter at their ' home, Friday morning . ~ Alfred Jordan and MIsS Hannah Jordan were dinner guests Thursday of their aunt, Mrs. Lucy Flshbaugh and f~ml1y nl Middletown. Frank Sams was a business visitor In Dayton, Friday. . Rev, Arthur Santmeyer, of Mat'ysville, Tennessee, was entert.alned In the home of the McKay families during the' time he held evangelistic
D\rre ever ...L!_Lt' J
really are by the way they dresi. If he is going to make his home her.. . I hope he will prove to be Dlcet than he appears." "H ' t h J e I lot e worst mannen ever bave leen," Iputtered Jenn'l w~en• " Why, be actuallOJ- tried ' t4 po e hi' head In at my door: thl. mom1o1 and .then ,ot into a ,reat
~~~edeb~uClatuaaelltlfwhaes .tohodimalllrf~'
Harveysburg, ' , A group of ladles we!'e welcomed to the home' of Mrs, Florence Ker-
sey, In oregonia, recently when she
drop in on,.r home' town . editor f'r a Iitt1e ·fne.Dd~~1 ' 1 -L_M v' ought to. it:
th~e_::.se~rvl.!.!!icli.le:1is:_«a.!t-..lt..:hlfeuFr7l!le~nlCdlSs. . :',,J:O:nhll\Jllr~chh.....1JlnL---.:'S~P:;e::c~~ ::
Fairley Hardware Store
.lOr JBedtim-.~
W,iERE he cam! from no one knew. Th,e Old Orchard .sim· ply awoke one 'lmorning to find him there. He was bustling about quite as it he Intended to stay. He wasn't the least bit b~ls hful as m()st newcomprs to the Old Orchard were, rn tact. he aC'h!d for all the world us It he always had lived there, was one of lhp old residents. He wasn\t very big . Indeed, he wall amall compared with some ot the other tolks who live lin the Old Orchard. lind he wun't at all handsome. But It WIIS very cl.ear to all that he cared nothing Ulbout how he looked ,and thnl his small size didn't trou· . ble him the lea,s t little bit, Of course, everybody hurried to look him over as soon a8 ' It was fmown that he ha'd" arrived. You ~now, It ' Is always Ulat way when. ever a Itranger cornel to any neigh. borhood, and usually It Is . a very
. rice, ""',e:ct to ....., -'--nne • ' W/',h~t notice..
.:Little Stories )
' -..-'Pp"'~. t a_ncI... ~ccesror;e'_.lCtra.
• They're genuine 6 cu. ft, Frigidaire refrigeratorsNot a "stripped" m odel. Brand new, every one! Take advantage of this great bargain opportunity without delay.
Ervin Leonllrd Faul L~ spending some time with his uncle and aunt the P. J Thomases. A large barn on the Joe Pennewitt fa rm was struck by light ning early Tues.day morning and destroyed. A calf was 1111 the stock In the barn Some machinery was also burned. . All THESE EXTRA-VALUE FEATURES INClUDED Visitors at the parsonage ThursAT THIS SENSATIONAL PlIOI day evening were Mrs, Smith's Pam. o us Meter-Miser Mechanism • I-Piece AJI-Sceel mother, Mrs. Andrew Peeno and son Cabtnct • Au~omar!c Interior Light. Open-Shut Freeur Riohard , of Constance Ky., and Mrs. Door • DIlI·Matlc Cold Control • Automatic Relet: Smith's sister, Mrs. Louis Sideholz Defroster. Frozen Storage Compartment • Cold-Scol'afJe and family of Cinclmlllti . Tray • Touch-Latcb Door Opener . . . Big Ice TraY' Rev, Smith is holding two weeks • Aut~m~ric Tray Release on Every Tray • Scainlell meeting in Lebanon and Monday Porcelam m Food Compartment. Satio-Smooch Du.hu:; night had an attendance of 57. Seth Exterior • 5-Year Protection Plan Againsc SerYice EaAdamson Is the Lebanon pastor. ~ pense! . . , Exclusive P-ll4 Refrigerant-aad odIea! Officers of the new class at the COMI: IN AND ME IT IIOWI Ferry church were elected Sunday monlng as ColIows, 'teacher. Rev Smith. assistant. Miss Anna Nutt; preSident, Mrs. Coy Gilliam, vlcepresident, Mrs. p , J , Thomas; secreLarger Because of Better Quality, Service, and Price tary-trellSurer. Mrs. Russell Camp• Eatabhahed 1849-1939 - - Wayneaville, Phone 32 bell, assistant Everett Hunter, The Berean class will meet in the .7FiF~~_=Z=iliiiiiiiiiii..r:.Iiiiiii""iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _ _ _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii church bosement Thursday eveninCland flowers are shooting I really c!.tel\,.ined the Friendship Aprll 11, believe It Is safe to say \h'at "Spring dUll. Mr. and Mrs. p . J. Thomas Rnd is here again." Df:-lic.ious refreshments were aened ErvIn Faul and Mr. and Mr s. Cfir I ~ Fnday . evening supper guests of by the hostess. Whitis dand ' Mrs Mr . ond Mrs . Almon Ferr... I. ....... Mr Mrson were supper gus e ts 0r the Coy GUlIams' were.Rev. and en •.... s, Forrest Fisher and W C. Smith and family tained at their home Sunday after. an famlly of Liberty, Sunday. . ' noon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W· ~elr tractors are starting their Rev. Seth Adamson of Lebanon and children, Edwin, Bobby UMIU and spring song again. Trees are budding was a dinner guest ot the parsonage, Ada, oC Dayton, Mrs, Mary W1lIon y Wednesda _._ _ _ _ __ and John M, Wilson, of Lebanon J. Lee Talmage and son, Albert. and Miss Jessie, L. Garner,
Mr. Gerwood Dennis and Miss Er, n esU ne Clark are visiting at the Lee Riley's. Rev, Smith cond ucted the funeral services for li ttle Robert Pennington last Thursday Ilfternoon nt Stubbs' funeral home. Rev. a nd Mrs. W. C . Smith caUed. . on Mrs. James Hortsock Friday afterlloon and found her much Improved, Miss Bertha Flier of Cincinnati Bible Seminary spent Friday and Saturday with her )lllrenls, t he J S Fliers' . , .
Mrs. Tom BurtOn Is very Ill. Little ~thel Smith has been hav Ing the grippe t his week and L':l 0 Itttle better now. Mrs. MOore and Mr. Gerwood Dennis were baptized In an outdoor service Sunday afternoon at the Riggs ' home, .
., CLAUltCI J, ••OWN
PI'I'hop!! It was the news that Income ~IlX coll~ons on March 15th y,tll- higher than expected: or it mill' have been the action ot the St'lIDte In oddlng neorly three hundred million donars to the AgrlcultllI'U\ Approprjatlon B1ll. or for some 1ll"ltllOWIl ·I·eason,. but the Ho.use at Rf l.resenl.atlves Inte last week revl'l ~e d Its poslUon In governmental economy oud for the first tLme this IM.hlOIl. possed an appropriation bill h'll!;er than the budget figures sub1lI1ued by the President, The money lil:cnders were In control when the 10mblIlaUon Labor DepartmentF.'<Ierlll Security Appropriation Blll cnme to a vote. Fifty million dollars \ '.U8 udded to the Ilppl'opr!atlon for Llle NnUonal Youth Administration. In excess of budget r~ommendatlOIlS' T h e only redu.ctlons were 1n certain aPllroprlaUons for the National Lllbor Relations Board. Attempts W IncrellSe 9ther Items In the mea~~rfl were defeated. However, the in creuses actually voted go a long wt.}· tbward nullrylng savings made by the House In)lther appropriations during the past thr~e months.
an~herEDeIl"· tmIe
your Bub.cri~- , -
u.e -
- - -- e H", R'I'ER :110, 22211
neRerve OIAt l'lct No. • Wa r nM\'lIIe NntlonalBQj~k ot w .. ~ •••• Illsh • 0 , o. III LI,,· clo.o of bu..I.,ess on MaTCh. 21 U4ft ~t'~~ r' 2rl~ s~"~O~j:eJOS~~'n~!':clO 'b)' compO'oller of CUtJ' I'eney, und.~ "", . ASSETS I.oMl ,q nnd <1lscollnls (Including $587 ol'erd,.afts) United StalcA (Jovprnl1H'nl obli gatio ns direct and' 'u';';';'" e' d' Ohl lgalion" of Slales nn4 'political Bubtllvlalons g nl ~ , 011h cr 'lIon<18, 'notell, and (lpbcntu-rCI! . . . ... . . ;.: ... ,. • :0 I' I' oOl'n10 slo k~, In cluding Block OIt' Fedor~i 'R~~e;.~~· j,'';i\k'' . ,-uR h. halancee with olher banks, In('lu<1lng rcacn ' e halamce ,. ann cnsh IlemB III pl'O('e8fl of coll ection . , . lB7,2'7l.tiO Bn nl< prOlnlsp.8 owned ".600.00. furnltuf'c Iltid' ri~t~reti · ...... .
I'lll enl';."~:;~ O!II~lo,nd~lololnl or th e
O l-l"'~! ' ~~~~?A 'rOTA[
.......................,......,...... . .,. .....,. ........,... :....,', .,.,., ......'..,', .,"
• . . . . . . .. . . ... . .••. • . , ., . , ' , . . . . . . . . . . ..
. ,,04.191.&7
Demrund d0l1(18119 oC Indlvl iJllal8, pnJl'tnel'8hlp's, and "'I -corporations · , . . . . .. . . . . , . . , . . . . ", . . " .. " ." . "" ."" .. UU,e07.02 ,m e c.J ;>noetls of Inclll'Wllals, partnerships and corporations' H ' t~"1 D""08118 or Un ited State" Oove-r>nrnenl (Including pOlltal .. ,: :,. savings) .. ...... , . . ... .. , ... . . , . . .... . . , ."9 d Oellosits of States and political sUbdivisions·· . :·,· · ·· · ·· :··· 58 Otl.e .. ,leposlts (~ertlrl~d and call hl~r' lI cnecks . t . .)...... . ..... '",tiS'u '
.. ',~11.1I ~neh Ej.j.~~~··,·. ':, ',', '. .. '. '•., ...• ', ..' .,',e . ..c.'. ',:., ...~~ ;::, :... •. ~~. ~8
'rOTAI. OflP081TS Olh I' liabilities,
c· · · ·· · ,· ··· .. . .. . .. , .... ...... .. .....
_---!!.,-7-S $S71,4,u.'a
a a without pe ec Capital Stock. API'I'''l. rlgbt to• come Into my house . ",CC IIUN'I'PI c trying ' experl«mco for a atran.er. so much aa an invitation." S' (I ) tloommo.n IIlock. ' total par .. ,., • . . . .. . , . . , .. " ..., , .... ,. , 7i.• 00~" But' It didn't leem to be for thl' ''He did the lamo thing at m1' l pr'of'lift' ; : :.: :: : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : :: : : : : :: : one. He buatled around juat al If bouse, only my door was big enoulh ' t·s".1' • '\ ' there' waa no one' about, and If' he lor bim . to put hi· TO'l'A'L/ .. :ACCQUNTS . . .. . ..... ... . .. ..'. ........ . , ... " ~ • h ea d in,anII TOTA L CAPITAl LDAlBrul'rfl!ls ANn r .. p'l'l~lr. AC . 1':11'1'8 5"11'......• ,., !law an the, ,sharp eyea wa'tehlll, b. aeemed to ,et terribly an·0'" .... v · be.' .Pl.edgll j ' ~1I~)IOlU ND"-, ' .\ Q.,iet 8: '. j ' blm, ai, of caurle, b. dId, he made cause I wal living U!ere. I worideLi _ ',~tl) nlled -8Iat"l1 Q()\'orlllnPllt ohltglltlon~, dlr~t 'a nd, trut.~ , ., no .1In. :H~ ftew from tree to .tree ~ho he II, an:yw8Y, and where he' . nnteed, pt dged to s tC lll'C clel'OAlts and other. 1~6tU.t~j.,.IIl ••".14 1nlpectlng. eac:b one carefully with come. from," ·Iald . Skimmer ttie - . . ' f" f ;"';;,:-;;:...-,;...:< .btl aba~p ey"; and In thO.plOlt bual· ,Swallow. " " , . ~cu ~:~ ~~~re-I"~ : .. . , .' .,' . . . . . , . , •...... . : . . , .. , .~ ' . , , ' • •Uk.e WI, .. . ~o pal~ partl~u1a~ , . "('m ,oln. to ftn.d I?ut:," replled " fa), llt.lJ)<l.8lt8 6"Cllr. ~d hy Jllodged !l'' 'sela p\,lll"5.uant ,· ...-~ ...... Ii.....: P:1... ,attention to el1 ery b"l! In them. Now ~enn'i Wren, In ' tho mOlt 'cleelded' . . J;l!~ntll or Ill'\< .. ' , ' ) ' ..... ... . ; ......., ... : . ',. .. .CLI . . .;.....'" 10m, of thei."' bolea were delerted Wa" And becaUie Jenny Wrea ~ . (d) (I"OT.\I, , ... : .. ,, ; .. .... ... . bQuaea and IOpie wer, oOCcupled "fOJ' Hevel ~ elolnl thlnu promp~ th. . the sunui'ler, !but "erned' to malce · lI.ow over to the old Ipple tree)D OJ) dlfterenee '~hlm. H. poked bla ·the far comer. Where tho ItraiI,,,,, 41ead in at 't he .d oorwa,., of the W&I lnIpeeUn, an olel bome at "OIIHI wber~ peoplo were Uvlnl Drummer the Woodpecker, II' U7Aut.. a. bold17 al .of bOJll" that on.t: COuld make atran.er talk " !Were anel elldn't ev. . U7 WI• .1II1II, Wren. I"B.. ., or "EIlCUM m.... _ .'1'••, ........-WNU II!InIae.
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Mr. and M il;. Edwln - Gl' gg
f\'iend of Cin clnnaLi visit d lM ls~es Lydll\ and Ern fiy W right In t w,eek. ~ M iss Malia nna. Mayers of H lln -
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De vi l \ . JlIII., P" slc,,· SlUldn . April " n m. . . jJ (h~. CI ,O II. Le lie
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over, Mass .. Visited Miss Myrn Rober ts, Monday evening . ~ 'I' M ,\ It , "S IW rSl·OI',AI . 1'4 lsses Adallne and F nmces Ald8n , (: 111 Ie 11 Mrs Lenl\ Ha r tsock ' a n d Mrs . Don, ... H. I :. I hH'kwt'\I . Redl.r ald. Hadley were Day ton \'lslU:lrs SE _OND S UNOA Y AFT. R EASTER. Wednesday a fternoon . ' :l () n. 111 . 1I0'y Comm ll nion . J 1 II , In. H o l ~' Ollullu n lon a nd ser G ood t hough ts, even U t hey nrc mon, ' for[!o tt en , do not perlsll, F f 11 )1\ Y - Publius Syrus : p. III \V ()lllan' ~ u x lh Al ~' at tilt' Li : 1k I n ll: Mr." Ronald Hawke , -------------------------~ ho " I ~ • E N·t lon of off! er~ .
, 1
r ~ ·~ · "(' t)
f"' Hj'~
n. tn .-rM llmhH'
. I
BARGAIN HR. 1!1c 'Til 2:00
' ~. Friday •
7:00 p. m . Cl'll'lsUa ll JE:rldcl\vor Leac1er MIs . Georgl n Geb.hart. A cordln l wclcome nwn ltli you.
"FREE BLONDE AND 21" Full of .Romance
R.cl\lt'mbe l' th e plllY " p cople nr e Fu nny" at ~y ll c H all th is F rld ny eve !lIng, April 5 given b~' the Lad les Ald . Mr J ~ 11)('5 Barton of Dayton vlSilrd Mr. nml M l'S, George Gray over Ill!' week nd Mr. ami Mrs. TJ ' erlf' J on s , Mrs, \ lfT Il O Ill ST C' IlI ' RCB MO l ~ a re J ohns I\ n<l Paul J ohns, l.,, " i ~ C. It atllt·y, I'n,;(or ~ pl'n l Friday In Day toll , I ( !IIII cit Sehoul 0 .30 Lt . m . Worship Mr. and Mrs. Ralp h H ommel and sel , r 10 :40 : Till' p. , 101" ), slIbjel't " lIc)IHl rci uf Dayto n visited the I" irr 's pa ren ts. MI'. nml Ml's, A, L. w ill Ill' " W hAt ChrlsL I s T o Us," l':pworth Lcnguc MondllY eveni ng S l d r~, SunelIlY. ~' l' . H ' (I!' ~ t:O!~dl Ion At 7 o·"lock. R erreaLioll pl'I'IUd fol- rl'1l1cll n s nbout Lh e MU11e. Waynesville MI' . n nu Mrs . Ba ll arcl S mi th ot lowi llg Wl e de vollon ll) n~eeti ng. 1 a ' I n , pt'lIl Slinda I' with their Bishop Rn lpll 1\ , Ward, r(, I 'rntJ~' -------------------------------------------------~ ret1.ll'n r d U:l tllL~ co untry. wHl sprn k gmnll-mo ther. Mr~ , Alk!:' Trickey l.1I 1Ill' s i I \II I i<O ll III Chin n a L t he ,\11\1 fn ntl ly. MI'. n nd Mrs. Brow lI an d chllclren Ohllll'1' Por k Ml'tllo<lis l t'lllll'c h nrxl Ml)Jlday el'en lng , Ap ril II LI\. It is a u' Dny lon 111'(' llIo vlng t ills w('l'k t o .~Ilpper IJlccllJlg RI G::I ) LJ d uck . Tlck- I, , '~ h r Grahnm " proJ) 'I' LY here . :\11':: lIe'll' lI n ell~ u nci c111ldl'l' !l I\nd I eL" 50c, Gr t you r Lic k cl ~ fro ll1 th e M l s n "by SUlir of Cille;in nalJ were pa stOl'. t1 .J III' r f,;ue:w Sund RY e ven in g of MI. 142 a cres, 3 .2 mil es nOl't hea t of \\ ~I y n syi ll c, n ml Mrs. Ca lvin Longa cre nnd fnm1\1'1', 1I00.U · M. F.. III n C II 22 mil es sout h e a . t o f Day tO il, kn ow n a s t h c Wi l li :tm lIy. T i\I. Sr!lrff, Minis ter P. Hay faml . 83 a Tefl pl·odll cti \·C land, GO acres hlu' M r . And Mrs. Harr y Cornell s pent ~\In d l\Y Sch ul !J :30 II. m . E. A. tgass -pasture. 8 room hOll!lC, good ba m nnd ot h c l' ' lul Sunday evening with Mr . a nd Mrs. E :\1 1l1 II rL, Supt buildings. , All en Emr ick. EI'C lIIfl f,; SCI' ' ice 7:30. M 28-A 4 -11 CI'CMrs. Margar et J ohn s And P aul Prayer m eeting Wed nesday J e l' llfi In com pany with . MI'S . EU7AI Ill ,: 7 :30 nl, III c bt'th Smit h of Da yton . were dinn er r\ II' iconH' awa its YO II r l , p~ t s Sunda y of .M lss Mary and Sll-! l'le 's, :"IT Y Cook In WaynesvH\e. Mn;. Mary Cannony a.ttended \V ,\ Y NE " HI.I ,E C IIUnCII OF 1)1 ·thday d inn er Sund ny for h el' CHRIST grcat grandchildren . Betty and lV. (;. S mith, Min is ter DotLY Yo unce and D ickey Clnrk a.t SU.NDAY t h r: home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F . B ible Sellool 9:30 a. m. Cln!'k ill Dayton . 1\ Il1 l1 nb I' of young follts 01 the Comlllu n ion ' 10 :45 a . m. Chris tian E ndea vor (;:45 p , m , E!1 wort ll L ngu e atlfm ded 11 skating COSTS NO MORE THAN THE OLD WAY Preach ing 7 :30 p. lll. party In Day ton Priday evening, THREE PIECE PLOW UNIT The first a nd only method s lnre BroU1el' Set h Adams on o r L ban on dlllpprollcd 'by R ev, Il ncl Mr. Snyd er . the invention of the steel plow will PI' a eh . MI'. H a r vey Burnet spent ThuflIshare which makes it possible to TUESDAY at,y III Cin cin na U. work plowshares wlthou' the use · 1\11'5. RU lh Sa vagf~ of OentervlUe of the .. forKe , rire . . Shares stay X enia Arca mectlr\g at Lebanon Spl' nt Thun day In Ly tle and was a harp longer, fadory shape always ch un h , Lets go. (l ' I1I'rr gues t of Mrs. WllHam Rogers mwntalned . r"ctory temper n ever WEDNESDAY Mrs. Glyde Whor Lon mid - father . lost. New share plowing performP rayer meeLlllg 7:30 I>. 1lI. L evi G rea thouse visited the Intter'B ance from old sh ares. - ---- brother, D an 01'eal h o se, who Is very E lectric a noy fHl underneath FERRY c n U RCH OF CHRIST ill a t his home in Lebanon. point makes share maintain Its \V. C. milh. l\Iinist('r Mr. a ll(\ Mrs . W alter KeBrlck and SlJck longer. 3UNDA Y Ja mes H ai n es rolied at the. bom~ ot "'''r. 1lI.lItration abo"e shows a worn Cutting edge nnd point made or Bible hool will be led by t he M r , ' a nd Mrs, Thomas Collins and . • I~, aDd Ule same share after extra "111'11 carbon stet'l. youn~ poo»le sta r Ung at 9 :30 , n. m , Mr . uud Mrs. W. G. H Alnes In D aytb'e unJJ has been applied . . . , . . . , Communio n 10 :45 a . Ill. toll Sunday afternooln. ' Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray and -SHllIon 11 :00 a Ill , The sermon will be d eJive :ed .by chJldren in compa ny with MI. and Bro, Seth Adamson of Leba non a.s Mrs. W , H. Null and daughter of Bro. Smith wilJ be at t h e Leban on S pri ngboro spent SllDday with MI • • a " c1 Mr!', Alber t s tacy In Dayton. ch urch conductln g a reviva l. THU RSDAY Mr ., and Mrs. Evere tt Early of YelBerefln class meeting 7 :30 p. m , F. low S p ll ng:; sp ent T hursday with H · SmHh of New Vienn a will b c one M rs. Belle Scott a nd in t h.e evening of the s peakers of the evening. Come a tten ded a grain d ealers banquet: at a nd no t only en joy the progr am but t h Gold en Lamb In Lebanon. " U1e soe ;al ti me. M r , a nd Mrs . Howa r d Dewee'se ,in Electric Welded-No Forge Fire Used " . . ... _ _ ...u.-.e ~ m pany with MI'. silld Mrs. E : W . ....------~------ Ca rrier of Dayton , vis ited Mrs. De·
B)ondes a nd Brunettesl
Ht e offer a satisfactory Service at all times
M'c Clure Funeral Home
--!.... - - -
Waynesville, Ohio
Phone 326
1·'RIDAY_ SATUKDAY AprU 5 alld 6 TWO "SWELL" lilTS UI& No.1 "TWO BRIGUT BOYS" with JACKIE COOPERntEDDIE B(Ut'l'UOLOMEW JUt No.2 NlG1I1' RIDERS" With The Three Mesqulteers , John Wayne-Max Terhune
1936 F ord Coach 1933 Chev· Coach 193~ Chev. Sedan 1932 Chrysler Sedan 1931 Chev. Coupe ' 1931 Chev. Roadster 1930 Oldsmo bile Sedan 1929 Plymouth Roadstcl'
1935 Ford Coupe, 1986 Plymouth"Coupe 1936 Chev. Truck 1936 Olda: 6 P. Coupe 1936 Ford Coach 1935 Plymouth Coupe 1934 Chev. C upe 1934 Chev· T. Sedan 1934 Ford Coach 1934 Chev. T. Sedan 1933 Plymouth Coupe 1933 Pontiac Sedan
Kahn Motor Co.
1940 Chev. Spe~. Dlx. T. Sedan 1939 Oldsmobile Sedan 1939 Buick 4 Dr' Sedan 1939 Chev, T.'Sedan 1939 Chev, Dlx. T. Sedan 1939 Ford Coup e 1939 Chev. Spt. Sedan 1938 Dodge Spt. Sedan 1937 Chev. Truck 1937 Chev. Truck 1937 Oldsmobile 8 Sedan 1937 Pontiac Coup e 1937 Dodge Tudor 1936 Ford Tudor 1936 Buick Sedan 1936 Chev. Mst. T, Sedan 1936 Chev. Dlx. T. Sedan 1936 Chev. T. Sedan 1935 Ford Tudor
NOTICE TO FARMERS 'G enuine McCormick Deering aharea have declined in price. No. 446 lolid ateelaharea No. 0554 aolid ateel aharea No. 0552 aolid .teel ..barea 14 in. ateel ca't aharea 12 in. ateel caai aharea
Ray Corrlp n
UNDAY-l\IONDAY April 7 and 8 "UROADWAY MEI.ODY OF 1940" with Fred J\Stlllrc-Eleanor Powell George Murpby A Lavish Musical Hi t!
$2.65 $2.65 $2.40 $1.55 $1.45 ·
COLLETT'S I-JARDW ARE . Headquarters for 'McCo~mick~Deering . Repairing . Waynesville. Ohio .
'l'lIEA'l'RI!: NO],' OPEN ON '\Ie duy, Wednesday Thursday
A. F. MELLOH GARAGE :-." Electric 'a nd Acetylene
~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M~un: ~~G~~~~~.~ 1
3unday. 11' I'S , MAI'b'll ret E verhart of Mfa.m1s ' \I ';. !t '~ I'pa L !l'In ~ 0 " Walie ' Clark , cell brnt(]d h er 95th Iolrthday Sunda-y. 1'8 a ul Williams entertained wit I a linen shower at h~ r home In r \I I n Thursday a i;eI'Doon , for . 1' , (1 1 ~'0 Hawke 'nnl r y of Dllyton. 11 , ~f { om h el'e w ' 0 were inVited 're' : Mrs. Ben Ha,wke, Mrs: Albert I' Ike' Mrs. Em~1e, M rs: Allen Eml ic k , M.r!i. Frnnk Km'f!s, Mrs. Eilmer v( ~. Mrs. G u y Eo ·tzahn. Mrs. r'O' cr l, Palmer, M.rs . Robert SlDey,
:g5:':~~:;:~;;:;; 'R ··:ntJNDlstEAK '. ~e.,n ~~~,;ab; j " ~ ChI'
Fl'nnk : :.: :
~l'O,OkS an~l'fl\mUy,
Avalon (Towel 'Free) ........ 2 for AVAL~N SOAP ~LAKES Tumbler Free ...... ... , .......... .. Box
'WALLPAPER Avalon ............... ..... 4Q Oz. Can
. eo.m ea from the satisfactioli of knowing t~al . many important , thinp in ~ ':he way of work can be done by ElectrIcity. There , CIOmea the smOe of satisfac~ion in observing th~t this silent, . helper is ~t work, reUeviJlg ti.. e famiJyof all man· JtItItiI.,r dtu"'~ry,' 8nch 88, women ,usc to fa~e in yea~ gone by. ' .. . . you ~ySe your 'Iamily spe"dii.g, il may .urprf,se
one .-
WANTEI)....,.We need more cream • and we pay the ·plgh price. Oome 111 a'1d ~ee u s . Mrs. (jol~je Welch, st,Ore on roui;e
1 Washdoth Free ............ 4 Bat:.
1: OR SALE - Mohair Davenpor.t. ~ll a ll cook 'stove .. Mrs. Ea Cook Third ,S t. A4 Hog. Oheat;er R. 2 WIlynes--"'" '. A4-11
.', . ..._
Peaches C~::2C;~: 29c
On~ of the pleasant experiences whic" are enjoyed in' the ~ome
10""'" tha. El-ec'ricity, lor aI' it:-does lor 1H!r', 0/ 'lour IlOlIIlfi"old ·expenle• .
.' _
.' ,..
~ ,,: \.
'~ I
RIB ROAST -J,b. 2Sc CJiUCK}~RQAS~~'- . ':111J:~ 18~c BOILING, BEEF' lb·• . 10c 8AMBURG' ER II)• 1.9c ..
Re~lbe~ .Elrooks
a nd MI. of Dayton, Mr. Robert HugHes of 91U'1Isle, Mr. .and Mrs. Russell Elurto.ce and Miss
;",111. MODERN HOME and ' ·:<, ,·.: £ OHFORTS Supplied II,,'
Louise H8.IT _.l_S.---..,.:....·
:, ,,'!. C~~t,ptl~'d. '.::·a ;·' " .' -'. . , n ~., I" Ib .~,,: ' " I!t
SI':R',' 'L',"0' IN · ' .'S'1:E 'K ' '.:
:~~~I~:Loccab~~~:;~y~ ~~~;I':~o tl:~lj:~~ sion were; MI'. and MJ's
37c 19c.' 15c 19c ~
WIIOLE NUl\mfln. . 1._ ....
I'_ l .-.~f~~~~
Leila Koverman, Reporter
Walne townah1p school offlclala are pappy to announce that the unit 01 reference bOOItB\ purchased by the Alumni Asaoclation have been In &talled. Thla unit conaJats 01 one set RICkards Toptcal Enc~lopedla made up 01 18 volumee 01 material related to the phyalcal and soclal sciences. The materlal Is written' 50 that the Junior hilh school 83 well as tJhe advanced pupil can readily understand the informa.t.ion liven. School auUwrltles take this opportunity to thank the Alumni Reterence Ubrary Commlttee coOlllstine 01 Mr. O. M. Oartwright and hili assoclates tor their sustained interest In the betterment of the school.
~ O~.
Local aappenings COMMITTEE SERVES
Mrs. R. L. Hackwell is visiting relMr, and Mrs. Robert Baker were The regular monthly dinner meet ntives In Glendale this week . Oolumbus visitors, Tuesday. The Apr1l meeting or the FrIC'ndC. F. Muth of CIncinnati gave a - • • • • ing of the Waynesville Olvlc Olub A. special luncheon was served by • • • • • Mrs. R. H. HartsClCk and son WH- members of the Wayne Township . will be held Monday. April IS. at ship club of the Methodist Church very In te restlng lecture a Dd showed Mrs. Mack Davia and Mrs. Charles 8:30 p. m . In Grange Hall with was held Wednesday afternoon at flIms. on the study of bees, before ton spen t Monday In Columbus. Mothers club. Friday, by the memDavlB were guests of Mrs. T. C. ladles of st. Mary's Eplscopal church the church with M(·W. C. St. John the member~ of the WaynesvUle • • • • • bers of the lunch ·commi.te'e Mrs. R.,unyon, Monday. Mrs. A. K . Day vlflted her sister J . K. Preston. Mrs. J . B. Ch~pman. Mrs. H. E. Hathaway. Mrs. M. A. Gn den club. and students of the In charge of the dinner. • • • • • At thill meeting the annual elec· Fulkerson, and !'lrs. R. E. Hastings [biology and agriculture classes of In Olnclnnatl, two days this wPoek. Mrs. Walter Sheeban . and Mrll. W. S. SCanlan arrived home Mon- tjon 01 officers and dlrectors will be lUI hostesaes. the high SCil001 and several guests, - • • • • Vern Armi tage. In the grade school day after having spent the winter lo held following the report of the seThe meeting was opened with de- Wednesday afternoon. The pl ~tul'es Mr. and Mrs. R. E. White . of Day- lunch ' room. preceding the reQular Miami. Florida. lection 1Jf the nomlnatlng committee votlons conducted by Mrs. L. O. were especially Interesting showing ton visited Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter El- monthly meeting. A typical school • • • • of two opposing slates of candidates Radley. Her sul,ject was "Malntaln- the work of the bees extracting ze:/ Sunday afternoon . lunch. consisting of a hot meat .Mrs. J . P. Larrick and Mrs. Ohar• • • • • This commUtee, which was appoint- Ing Sp1!:!tual Olow." The regular or- hon ·y from the pollen of blossoms. sandwich, succotash. jello vege table les Oook were ·buslness visitors In ed at the April 3rd business meeting der of business followed. and deposltln'" It In the cone. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas were salad. Iced gingerbread. with the Columbus. Monday. Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson was In Muth's family has been In the bus- Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. My- addition of coffee. was sel ved for a of the club by President Carl Abaech erll, consists of the following : charge of the program. She had ar- Iness of raising bees a nd seillng ron Thomas of Dayt.on . nominal cost or Hic. TIle comm.lttee. Dr. and Mrs. O. N. Ash of Goshen • • • • • Ross H. Hartsock. chairman ; J B. ranged an Intel'eSting series of con- honey for over 100 years. Following wi th the help or severa.l local merand Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Larrick MI s.~es Ruth .Jones and Hn1\rl chants were sltccefsfu l In clearlns Chapman. Frank Fox. Dr: E. tests which pllovlde entertainment th e films on be~r. Muth showed spent Wednesday In Dayton. and fun for all the members present se\·.ernl films of pictures of Poland. Duncan of Portsmouth . 0 .. were $12.50, to be used ID the treasury of Hathaway and Will C. St. John. • • • • • Under the club constItution. After the contests a dessert course Fmlnnd . and Ozechaslavakla, taken guests Sunday of Miss Barbara Gra, the Mothers club . . Mrs. Ola Kersey. primary teacher Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thompson and • • • • • adopted In March 1939. none of the was served at a taible. with ap- during the past winter. At the con In the WaynuvUle schoola .tor Ute Mrs. Ruasell Frank were Dayton. Following lunch the regular meetand green . elusion of his lecture. Ms. Mu th pre Mrs . J. O. Cartwright of Clnclnpolntments of yellow oftlcers except the secretary. Is. elieleven yearll has announced IIhe 1I1s1tors. Monday. Ing of the club was held III the mUll' gible to succeed himself, A lively YellOW and grl~en daft'odlls. and sen ted all Garden club members nati. vLslted her mother. Mrs. Han- Ic room. Mrs. Raymond BraddOCk. • • • • • will reme at the end of tlle current , with a pint Jar of honey. from his nah Rogers, Wednesda7. )'tar It wu revealed In the monthly Mrs. O. E. Boyer of Dayton Is contest Ia anticipated and the usual yellow candles were used. ).:resldent, presided and the meeting The time and place of the next wholesale house In Cincinnati. • • • • • good attendance is hO~d for. In Ilillcllni or the Board of ' Education, Visiting Dr. and Mr8. A. E. stout was opened with the singing of A short business se5Sloll was held Miss BllIle Virginia Janes of Lpoaddition to the election President meeting wJn be announced later. Monday evening. "Home Sweet Home". Mrs. W. A. and daUlrhter. n!tpl" the pictures. during which anon was the dinner guest of Mr. Lukens gave the devotional r eadings Abaecherll will make his annual reMrs. Kersey who haa been a hlKhly • • • • • time It was announced that Lhe and Mrs. Ros!! H. Hartsock and fam- lUling as her subject. ··Oardens." port. and Vlce-presldent James R. lucceurul teacher baa tbe best wlshMl8IIes Ma·r y Carolyn Lukens. Mil- Gibbons wW give a short talk on his meeting In May will be preceded Uy, Sunday. ts of her many friends and lormer • • • • • The program for the afternoon. dred Salisbury, and EvelYn Johns recent Western trip. with a luncheoll at the LltUe Inn . puplla'as lIbe rellnqUlahes ner teachAmong the guests present was Mrs Miss Clara Llle, who has been presented by the f1. st. second, and io. duties. The vacancy will be fWed were Cincinnati visitors, ~ursday. E. T. Fisher of Dayt.on .dlrector of In McClellan hospital. Xenia for third grades. followed. with an• • • • • lit 11 future meetllll. Garden clubs In this district. Mrs. treatment. Is reported to be con- Iloltncements made by Donald LUkMr. and Mrs: Harold Van Pelt of Other business consisted of routine The following' article cl1pped from E. C. MUier. and Mlss Perle RUey t'alesclng. ens as follows: S cripture reading: spent Sunday with Mr. and Xenla, · lunttera, dlscuasion of propOsed ec'onII.fJaml Oazette pubwere hostesses. • • • • • "T,he Twenty-Thlrrt Psalm." by a copy of the omIts and future lChooi 'ealslatlon. Mrs. M. A. PulIteraon. MIt[ llshed In De<:ember, 1878. was Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kimberlin and Palsy Hadley. who led the group in • • • • . • Onm[ broueht into the Gazette office this 60n Luther. ot Franklin. werc dln- repeating the Lord's Prayer; recltaStUdents of IWaYDe Towtiahlp Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Campbell of . week by the only remaining relative ncr gnests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray tlon. '·Orandma". Mary Ellen Spitler -."'--1- made' a fine aho"lft•... In '''e Dayton were Friday guests of their Mrs. May Carman Comell of Lytle. vocal solo. "WJ-hes Three " Bobby ..,.ouu... ioU Malnolls, Sunday. aimual selection ICholar8hlp tests l'a:'E'nts, Mr. and Mrs. J. p. Larrick. Despite a chilling ' wind "Argle" tor reprint and wUl probably be of • • • • • Hastings; recitation. "Being a Boy." held at LebanOn. Saturday morplnK, • • • • • O!'borne whipped his arm Into shape Interest to olde'r readers: Band concert and dance at Way- George Hartsock; two songa by the Aprtl 8th. 'Bcboola .were allowed two Band concert and dance at Way- ar.C! gave Waynesvtlle high schOOl Among the earliest settlers of Walter (P t ) Varner. age 66. R . R. nesvllle gym Friday. April 19 at 8 third grade. "Klioty-Dld" and "A contestants In a number of h18h nesvUle gym FrJday. AprU 19 at 8 Its first no-hit. no-run game In the Warren County. is Mrs. Jane James 3. WaynesvILle. died at !Balr 's Hos- p.' m. for the benefit of the school Young MusiCian"; recitation. "A IClbooJ subjects. Studepta who placed p. m. for the lb eneflt of the school hlstury of bhe &chool when Otter- Oarman, l1vtng near Clio. (now plUil. Lebanon Thursday night after ba nd . Admission 150. 2 for 250. Boy's Pocket." Keith Longacre; Japlirst or second WUl malte up the band. AcIm1IIIIlon 150. 2 for 250. b.'1n fell before the stellar pitching Perry) She was born In Berkley Co.. a year's h( art aliment He had been • • • • • anese play. six girls trom the first county team to participate In the • • • • • of the local mound ace at Otterbein Virginia, In 179:a, and at the age of h. the hospital four days. C. E. Michener and SODS, Edwin g'l'ade; recitation. "Why Remember," Dlatrlct State ICholarship tests at Mr. and Mrs. Rlchard MWer of Mi- FridaY. · Only two men reached 10 years accom.panll!d her father. He was born and lived his entire and Dwight were In Pittsburg over Jimmy Orane; Three selectiOns by amlsbUrg. aDd Mr. and Mrs. Edpr third base for Otterbein while Way. Wm. James who was a member of life on a farm near Harveysburg. the week end. guests of Mr. Mlch- the Rhythm Band of the ' seeon~ llUamt Uni~eraIlY, ~ay 4th. Of tne. students from Wa-eeVUle ~1th and daughter Bally Lou, were ntBy1lle bunched eleven hits, four the first leg1sla.t ure of Ohio to this Surviving are his sister. Mrs. Laurn ener's brother WUHam and ! amlly. grade under the direction of Mrs. John Kersey, "The School Bell" who ~e eGOd lIhowlnl!s ". Gene' dinner guests 0 f th elr parents, Mr. 1'/f:lks. and a Uke number of errors state. The stopped first at Clnclo- V:trner Reed with whom he made • • • • • . ,. f~r fourteen runs. . nau, but soon ~emoved to Warren his home. and a niece. Floramond Fred B . Henderson spent the week "Rain Song". and "The Elfs ~ce Thompeon, tlUrd and ' Jean lIartsoCk and Mrs. Ralph Miller. Sunday. ellh~h: in General Sclence: Lowell • • • • • Osborne's feat is 'enhanced by the County and set.tled on land .belong- Reco. end In Hamilton with his son-In-law at the Wedding." recitation. ···MB..8tcJaIr;' thlrd in Physlcli; Jane HArtThe members of the WaynesvWe ~nct that not one biU was hit out of Ing to Joshua Carman. the father Funeral services were held Mon- and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. A. H . ma's Pudding. Betty Lou SattertblOCk foUrth bi AJaebra; Genev(eve . PrOlJ't!88lve Women', club enjo'Jed a the Infield >by the usually potent of her future husband, Joshua Oar- day al!ternoon. at the McClure Schocler. walte; play, "Tom Changes His ~ef' sixth '" GeometrY.. Prleaa cUnner party ~t the Biltmore Hotel Otterbein balalnen. tourteen being man. Jr. After their marriage they Funeral home and burial was In • • • • • MInd," five cblldren from the EJIIa lat and ~ul 'J~lma -' tied tor In Dayton Tuesday evening. After rt' ~lred. by the strike-out route and occupied the sa,me cabin until 1830. M1!'-ml cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Lester' Stanfield an~ first grade; recitation. "My .Stom~n.d in American ~: ~el~ dfn~ they attended the theatre. four reaching first on walks. when the brick house In which Mrs family of New Burlington were .&ch". Dorothy W[iSOn: a.nd In con· COni, aecond In World History: • • • • • .Tne ~ooal lads displayed a brtlllant Carman has 1I11'ed ever since. was guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. clUBIO~. songs by the e~tfretlrlt MarJone aten. tth and Belen RIaey Mr. and Mrs. L. V. BRnstratcr brahd of ball. comrnlttlnlf but one built. Thus she has resided In one Collett and family. grade. "Oherrles Me Ripe." 'Who:, 6th hi BnaUah I; PranceS JOhna, entertained. With a famlly dlDner elrruo. Earnhart led the attack with spot about '76 years. When her tam• • • • • ~·-lIy--Blg-Blac Bog.......nd · llcond. and ~ve Hadley, third party. Wedneadl.y evenUig In honor two doubles In three trips to . ~he Uy settlect where her home now The Rev . R. L. Hackwel1ls attend- "Three Little Puppies," In !:tJIUah 10: ' Prlecla' mw., fifth In of the eighth birthday anfltvers&1"J plate. stands. Waynesville oontalned but Ing the College or Pre&cllers being The business session !oUowed the E.~l1ah l1;C&rol Ludhiaton tled 01 their IP'andllOn. RoJ Pumu. ThIs was Waynesville's second eight cabins. Dayton was but a vU. held this week at Washington Oa- program, during wl'llch time several • . • '. • • vl\l~ In aa many starts. In the lage. and Xenlll was not yet begun. The home of Mrs. L . R. Winfield thedral) Washington, D. O. qnportant Items of business were for first . and Sarah KIller third in . Elllllah 12; aOct Betty Thompaon Mf and Mra Donald Green. of openilll same centervllle feU before ~8. Carman is the mother of and chUdren 01 Lebanon, was the • • • • • acted upon. The treasurer reported nr. ~ Anna MartlYn WhItaker Bab~ and and Ilra. BU Pumaa the local &luggers ' wbo , 'collected eight chUdren. all of whom died scene of a happy family gathering. Mr. aDd Mrs. Oarl Stephenson of a balance of $24.46, which low u':(.nd ,In LaUD U: ' and f~I1lllY were Bunday dii\ner twenty4.hree runs from .twenty-two In youth or soon after they grew up. Sunday In honor of the seventy- Morrpw were Sunday evening su~- amount is due .to the purchase ot or . thla eroup ' waY,llesvt11e \'fill guests ai the hOme of theJr parent& ht~ tQ chase four oentervWe hurl- except one-J. W. Carman of 0110. ninth birthday anniversary of her per gue~ts of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph new equJpment for the lunch room. ~tnd th, tollol'inI to PI1ecta Mi-. 'and loin. L. V. BraDltrator. ers from the mound . .eenter.v~le ob- who with his two chlldren. represent mother. Mrs. Ella Hurley. • Hastings and son. Mrs. Alva Thompson. a member Of' I!III8, Prance. Jobna. Cilrol LudIDg• • • • • . taln~d . fO"! hits and four runs from all her llvlng descendants. The guests Included. Mr. and Mrs. • • • • • the finance 'C omm:ttee ann~unced the o1r..... ~..s of Collett Rutherford Mon,day, the 2nd of Dec., being Robert Furnas and son Ben. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. E.. J . .. Burton of , that the clUb will sponsor another. ,Thoinileon, . -"'6 • t\lD, Belen 00011. A.nDa , ~rll.Yn Wliltater pAul Mr. John Dobme of o.'Jt.c:m wu a and,.lIIUer. . . . her 88th birthday. after the fashion and Mrs. Raymond Wilson. and Elyria and Mr. anCl Mrs. Robert Bur- dance and card party In the near Jolm,' . ' Sun"ay peat at t~e hOme of BatterffJ$: WAynesville _ Osborn. Which. now prevail:B, maDY of her Mr. and Mrs. Howard Missildine of ton of Detroit. s pent the Easter hall- future, the Profits of which wllllO . .. . .. and. loin. Robert Baker, Jr., ~ 'P1ore*!Ce; Otterbeln-MQO<ly, Myers. relatives _nd IrrJends met to cele- WaynesvJlle; Mr. and Mrs. Theo~ days with their mother. Mrs. Mary Into tl)~ 'treasury . . .' '(amUy. WayneriUle's remaining lea;ue brate. the day. and succeeded 'ln at- dore McIntyre at)d son of New Bur- Burton. Robert· Allen accompanied Mrs. J. K. PrestOn then ' pve the WafDe5v.iIle hlgh ' l!lhool ,tarted . , . ' •. • . 'pmee: , lecUn&, a compllete surprlBe. TIle 00- .Hngton; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ellis his uncle and' aunt. Mr. and Mr,s. report tor the lun~h committe., til. baae"l!' aeuon ~ ~ ~table ·Mr., and ·¥l'&. Prank callen and AprIl 19-BAfYeyaburg. here casion was a 'Very enjoyable one and daughter of KIngman; ' Mr. R obert Burton, to DetrOit where be stating that during the vialt of the ra .~ ·. bf, trounc1D. CetltervuIe In . ~. and Mn. LloYd CalleD and Apfil ~ here. a!ld the old lady seemed to tlnd ~ and Mrs. Edgar Hurley. Mr. and wlll be employed. Inspector from the State Boar a Pf~Uce pme by the .~e~oI 22 daughter of Brla~er. Ky., were SUn A'p tal 2A-=Klnr. WII. ;..thel'., • •~_.JJmHulCcb pleasUre In ' It as 'any one Mrs. Irvin Smith. and two chUdren. • • • •• '--r Health two weeks·.ago, It w'D leal'l\'~ to t. ".. . . ' ,'. . .!1ay Iflleets or .~. and~. A. P. ApJ:U 3O-SPrtnabor,"here. else. She is In po86e8s10n of all her · Mr. and ' Mrs, WlIbur Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Frye and sen ed that the scboot'lunch, rOom oper': !~ uU!u flrat le.,ue , ~; played MellQh an4 ·tamlly. . 'MaY '1~atllsle: there. faculties io an. uncommon degree Mr. an!! Mrs. Edwin Maxey of of Dayton were Sunday dinner ated by the myne Townab1p "t Ot~in Pl1~, ~Apr11 II . the • • .• • • fer one of her ,age. As is usual with Xenia; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hurley guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye Mother's club Ia the only . achool bl. y~ ,won ' by 1.he ~ . of ·1 t ·to 0. " Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Rutiyon vlaI~ . SPBCI4L MEETING F. " A. M. aged persoDS. her recollections of of Spring Valley: Mr. and Mrs. Ray. and sen. Sunday' evenIng supper lunch room In the county fUrnlsblD. 1·.... - . ~ by the no M~e: Runyon's mother. loin. II. A. e\ltl'ts that occurred In early ille are HUfl)ess and Allen Gerhard of Leb- guests at the Frye home aiso Includ- lunches at the low cost of live and hit. "hUr~ OJ Ar8:Ua"oIbOrpei Way- DeLaner in Madls4)n,vlll~. and ·her ytry vivid. She can distinctly re- anon. : cd Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Butter- eight cents. The Inspector further IlI'1IV!lle:.pJt4;het.J ~~ ~ "'0'91'.- brother. Vlctor,· peLaney and i'amllY ~peclal communication ·of Way- m:lmber sermo:ns preached 75 or worth of Lebanon. stated that more food b fl,lJ'nlshed bli a bit the~ loeal f~ltcber " struck of Olnclnnati, Sunday. .. ne8vllle Lodge No. 163 P.• & A. M. nlore years agl). still !lelnl! able to free ot charge to school children' In out 14 Col , the, OtterbelD ·hltten. · ' • e' • • • Tuesday evening, April 16. Work in .retall the special train of argument Mrs. Mary Patterson of Dayton this lunch room ~han any other in . ' .and the E.A tonether wltb ... ·"e hy.. ..... cn terta'lned at dinner Sunday . . In the entire state. , \ .,...- .' Mr. and lira.. Keller Hoak . d""'ee ~... . ,. .....• . 8"n.. ~... on ~ ~y ;~,ut CoMmercial. famlly 'and ~ Puma. wei'e dInJesse Prendergast. W. M. the occasion. elle takes, among other Mrs. J . W. AndertOn spent sever- honor of the second wedding annl- Mrs. Ralph HaStingll, chairman' a! t,u ts ·were .beld. a~ .MaSon • •"nea-..ner peats or. Mr. ~~ Mn. Harry V. M. Armitage. Sec'y. papers. the Lel~anon Star. and oest al days last week \ylth Mr. and Mrs. vcrsary of her son and daughter-In- the program committee '.announced Smith and son Glenn Tu .. ·,t·ft eve ' ot all. the WI-""esvWe 0 .. ••..0 C Hoollan of Dayton law, Mr. and Mrs. J . N. Robinson. an informal PJ'0IP'tUIl for . the . meet-' " .Vl~Je' ' was.• represented .b v _..... -,,-, .' ,. ' , ~ ..,.. --._. • • . # ., - .... n1 a.1d reads them, too. Misses Laura McKinsey, a~d Eva Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Earnhart were . 1.Otllse. -V:~DI who p'~ "~J ·and . llg;. .' Teere were I)l'esent on the pleas- Reeder. and Mrs. Lena Hartsock .also guests at the dlnne.r given In Ing In Ma,. to be presented by Mrs . foella KOverman _alXtb In ihorthand . • • • . ;. " Ray Conner. • I ........ . . . ' . Mr. and Mrs. Charles' ZImmerman, ~nl occasion, Mrs. Oarman's brother Visited Miss Olara LUe at McClel- honor of their daughter. . .I i ~.......... ~ :trlio ~ tblrd Jr.. JAW. Wm. oarman .and wtfe, lan's hospital In Xenia. Monday • • • • • ,Annoulicementa were mad& that In tJ.P.lnI: Anna ,11M ~ plac- LoUlae and Robert ZIm~erinan and SrmUel Dinwiddie. wife and son, evening. Mrs. Ollle Freeze of Oregonia was school lUnches would not be served ~ ~h, ~ .~ £va ~a, ninth their; ~ouae iu~t' BarIl' ,~n of ' . EvAn Chenoweth and wife, Charles Miss Grace Hockett was able to tho ' honored guest at asurprise blrtt;l after .1I'r1day Aprtl 26 and tbe anlu ~ I. ' ,.:', Athena, were 8undaJ dinner ' gueats Hawke ,and ~m1ly, Joseph CheDo- Pc at the Home Tuesday after a day dinner Sund!lY. the occasion of nual · Ach1evem~t banquet spon'. ,.' "~:1 ". '.£.:...-" of Mr. ~ Mrs. Walter oast. . \'Ieth and family, James Ohenoweth weeks lllness. her eighty-fifth birthday anniver- .$Oted by the Mother's club given At 'AIII'tl. 11th '~L ~, The members of the Glrla ~end- rllld fam1ly, 'Mr8~ LYle and daugbter, M~s Marle OWens and Laura sary. 'l1Ios.e' present were her son-In- ~ year In honor of the me~ber. It'.tle aqcJ bl"IIhC!'il~' be tjnprelled In' MIas LoU18e ZJmm~rman and her ly aoclety of St. Mary's Ohurch, and .W. J . Cal'qlan ' and family. O. w: McK4nsey attended dinner and the law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. of the band, basket J?all . ~am. a~ . the 1 . lila" &be,w~m.. ~l . guest Barry JlUdson, of Athena. dllectors. ·Mrs. Donald L • . ~Wke S,ump. and f'ilD1lY. · J,?hn Burdsal theatre In Dayton Tuesday evening Georg~ Walton, and grandChlld,ren•.. ~ODor stqdents .will be held Pri4ay ~d ~ ~ .~t ItI' ~ annual . were' dinner ~esl4' 8at~y eve.nlnl and Mrs~ R. Ii. B",.ltwell. are : ,e- r.nd family. Mrs•. 'Vaughn, Ml. and with the Progressive Women's club. Mr. 'and Mrs. Kei~h. Waltdnand Mr. ~Prll. 26 at the high 5chOOl.cat~.ter1a1 , c:onoet& !ljl. the aame l'rIcIay ."~ :,01 Mr. abd,.IoIn. ~ Conner. celvtng congra~Ul~tlona on ' ~e1r · .Mrs. T. J. Br&~e, and others, 'per- Mr. and .Mrs. Wllliam Guthr,le of and Mrs. Dean 'Walton. ' . ~lnm1ttees to be In chArge·. of ~ '. ·.. In tbe ~ ~torlUm~ TIW .wbOle ,._ '.. ,~ , . ' ' . • .• . presentation of the mystery oomedy hllps. .whose naptes are not remem- , Dayton visited Dr. ' and Mrs. J. W. . ' • • • .' affair were aJll)Olnted .by ,.. ~~ . eY~ ~ .. ~. tWed ~ih ~,- . *. · ~d #o W. A; ~na at· : ',Murder at lArge" ~y even1nJ .~r!'eQ·. . :.. Ward, Sunday. Mrs. Frapk U. Le~Y and daugh- president, A comm1tteeto noml~ ~~ ~;. the ~ of .~nded tJle meeting of their ~e ' at Orange aaU . .\II ~ose who saw ·. The Writer. wishes 'he amiable MIas Marle Owens spent the week ter t4ary Eva, Mn. 1;}. R. Sallsbury Dew oftleers to be e1Oj:~ at t:Jle'¥al ' a "1nc .aDd a «!"~', da~n... . aub~ ilrida~eYenlnl, at .the bOlD! of the play were very .~ecl&tlv.e · ot ·Indy 'many ~lI'e 'birthdays as hap- end With .relatlves 'n Deiaware. . and da~~ter. M11~t and· MIMes meetlpr was appo!n~. AI :: fQllQwl: : .' , .Ttle concert I~ Wlll be ~Id-".Mi'. ~~dUra. W11Ua~. I Qoa~ ~ the ~ine WO~k .done by tb~ ~OIlO'Ivln1t pHy ·ceJebrate<l . lUI h~r .~t, _ and Mlsses Annl~U. '" an," Mam~ ,T. · BerYl Mered~~d ' Eth~l ' Louise Mrs.. D. R. ~Uri;YJ,¥ra:·' .RaJpli ' t , maifly 43 ·~u* leqt.b. .~ ~t'V~U1'I. r ' . . pis. Peny Ann Ohapman, Bar~". tt:· t he ~ay 1M! present ev!ll'Y time. 'Browne a!ld Mrs: O~rman Crane ' yqut)g w~re guesta at the buffet sup- H~tlngs. ~d ..,,; .'W:alter ~h~;. ' that ~ · the· 1I5 ~ iliemberl wlll - t .; ~ •• ,. • . ' ;. .' . Crane. NOJ'!II& Gl'U$er •.~ aru~ . ' visited MiSs Cla.ra Llle at the has- per given by' the Lebanon Wom~n's Tbe ~eetlng wu ~c, to' ... GlGiii ~&ertaIn~ou Wi~. :.~ f~ ~ Dorta s,J1Ibufj .~~ !-,*ena.~ J~~ ~ . ~ CONTRAC't.lS RENEWIlD Jjltal In Xenia. .'J'\1esd!'y. club, FrI~.~y evening, at . th~ ·Lebanon with the ~p; ~!'~;... ~~t 'tUnIS and ;fatOrlte. ~. weelt ebcl .wlthlllllllal'J LeMl.Bd- Stsnte" ~'rllyn~ey. and AIll1 '. _ . . '" hlgh: sehOQI building. The Women's -.....,.;;.;..'"--'--,....:;_~ I 'lb'~. ~ ~, ~ .~.4 ~ S~leldj t i aillC,.· vtai~: Welta: ' : . : . . ' , The Contract: .o~. RaYmon P:.. Hat- ' Mrs. Carl ~i¥u'4, ~as bos~M" to '~l~~Was hostess "to al,l se~ hSlll ~rt ate' kJ '!Ie , ~ . tar, .~I · IUs. -WoodroW , ~ aDIl · ~ . After the peJt~~. the ~em·- '·fle~.~. asslatant supet:In-... the .memb;erS of the ''HI~J.,o'' br.1dge ,schOOl .~la-. and th~ mothers t or .~ . . . . &0 MIId' ~ plUa pur- daUlb&et. . t.. . . , , .. , 1iera: 9f .~ cut. ~torI, IIIIi tendent of i'IIVarren cOunt.}'. rural -club and one lUest. · Mrs~ , M;. ·.A. 1'"1. Warren. county. . , ~ Glennie BElen. ~. 1). I4 erane, the icboOla, ' has been rene~ fOl! one .kerson, a~- her 'boine Tuesday eve:, ••••• 1Il'a. ~ Pi'~ eVeIIIq, ~n. _~ •• IJM,1'II, It&; . HeY. R. L.. ~ and CarltaD, ,.r,,9IWity ~upetln~eDt. eharles ~ After an evening. -lO'. 'a nd Mrs .... T ..Mat:tiii'l>i Ce~ ~:~(.,.~;r.:·t~=~1iI~l~ Ap'llllb ,oil mar cOme \Q ' tJi8 ~,IiIr'., ............. sa.... 8&aDJeJ ~ 1'JeIta ,at .. ~ R. Doh! . .. . Lnnounced, pfliea were a-ftriIecl to lira. A. E. ·tervDleare dJrectlq Ute ....... dar- ........ atldltaft ' • 1iWi,aanilf CICIIDfCIn.. aDd f.~, with .. ........... ~ liven' bJ~. ~ Onlne ~ a ~Orml!l~ of 'WaJDM- Stout, Mrs. Ruue1I . HoIUdar, . and _ "the two weeks revival of ~ aul"lDcjJll\~"~Wittir ,...IIIi'" l lDdofUDDroi WIft,.,Uid famUI of the ville and teaOIJlU' tile ala, lin. R. P. Dye. served Church of ObrJat. SuDda1 VtU . . . . i ...... ..... Ibe..... cIIDI*'.-c- 411 ·• .......... Obaf· bIrUadaJ- ~ of tiieIr bM beeD UIIlatant IUperlDtendent by tbe boIteIIeI .ended.. pleuant evenlDl they ,!ltl preeent the Ho\" burr. She '. i.......... ell ~, and . . . . IIIdIuL "tour filii, 1\OenIDr,' 0I.Ir waUl tb~ LeIaIpOIl aboIr, lei boIpA. . ~ .'
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Honor Of Mother
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-'tlCbr ;§.Miami
--r~othing Can Be Done .About It
MlIln. Street
Phone 112
" Waynesville, Ohio
h er Subscription Price, $1. 5 0 Pel' Year, Payable in Ad vnnce
The 011 \lm e.. nCE'ds :\ "bill of \'1 j; l1t .~. " Tlmt, In elfcct. wn ~ I h n(lvicc olf red in :J rcc('nt nddrcs.<; llIade by Mrll. Rudol ph M . Ri JICI (' I'. pl'C',;ldent of III New York Cll y FederalioTl of Women's lubs. Pl'olcstl11(:, ngninsL n I1(' W aile! I'c:,trlctlvc m l'chandislnA r gulal.lon ac\opled b y New York City. Mrs. Blndcl' sol d : " r wan to bc !l rree agellt In my speaki ng. III my writIng. In lil Y worshipp ing nnd III m y 1hO~1"
It Is appnrenL that the whol(' trend of ml'l'chnndl.~ln ~ l c~lslntlon In l't'Cellt YCIII's has been dla m tricnlly n\lpo.~e d to this cmlncnUy !<O UJ~d prln· clple. If u consumer L~ to be t\ fl'er IIltr nt. he must Imv(' tl1C' righ t to bllY where he r hoosell n~ well ns the ril:hL to buy what he choosrs. A law whIch Lells the cot1SlIml'l' thnt he musL not lluLl'onl7.e one kind of ~torc, may be Just lIS hInd Oil I.he! fa mily pocke ~bQ()k as a law t.ha\. wOllld tell him he must b uy ff certa in l)I'al1d of sho .~ , food or scali ng wax . nnd no other. The law, or course does not tell the consumer directly tha t he must refrain fi'om patronizing nny pal'Ucular kind of store. Bllt t ha t Is til result of , a grea t deal ~1 legislation. pendi ng and passed. The al1t1 -rhal n store laws are excellen t examples. Some of t h ese laws, 511Ch as Ihr »1'0posed Patmati Bill, al'e f rnnk l~' desigrlcd to drive the elHllns out of existence, and thus deprive thc buycr of whatevcr cconoml cs e1laln methods
There are sign s now th at the consumers have awakencel to thc dallgers of the recept legL~ la tl vc trend. and Ill'e begllmlng to do something about it. And the consumers' '\blll of rights" suggested by Mrs. Bindel' Is a fine goal for any consumer movement . If the American ho u~ ewlfe cal1nol buy what she pleases and where she plea ses, 1111(1 honest retailers of every k.lnd and character nre not permit! tI to exist and compete openly Cor bUBtne6S, we might as well delete the word "liberty" from the dl: t,1onary It's time to declare war on those restrictive laws whldh II I" til{! enemte's of the people's economic freedom a nd well belng.- Incl u51rln l News Review. To the generous mind the heayl- Be not discouraged at brokell and Is that of gra Wtude. when spilled I'c501nl.lon8; but. LO it and to It. it not In our power to repay It: it lI o"aln. _ Coleridge. -FrankllD Hp enjoys much ' who Is thankful You will find it less easy to uproot
ell~ debt
for litt.le; a grateful mllld Is both a fa than to choke them by ilillingul t.5 vjrtue,~. - K Anon
great and a happy mmd.-SeCker.
This Range WiD Start Dinner On .Time While Hou~ewife Is On Shoppiq Tour
. ?,
Alvin H. and Effie H. Drlever to Henry J . Hamburg, Jr.. 103.911 acres in Union ToWDBhip. Ella B. Rltz.-deceased, to lI,Iabel E . Ritz: lot 6'13 In Franklin. James Jordan to Laura H. Jordl/on; lots 17, 18.19 and 20 In Mason, Stella ' Ertel to The Loveland Mutual Building & Loan Company; lot 2 in .South Lebanon. ' . Orville Holllngsworth 1'0 D. R. HOlllllgswol'ui and Jane HOllingsworth ; lots In Franklin 0 , B. HOllingsworth nnel Jane Hollll1gsworth to OU.frord Callahan nnd OCtava Callnhan; lots in ' Fmnk li n. '
American Boy Ma~ Compaaiqn To ThouSlnds .
bOYs and young men read T~E AMERICAN BOY Maga.zme .~very month. a!ld . ·conslde~ It mote as a hvmg ~om pamon than as a magnzm.e. , "It's as much a buddy to me as my neighborhood chum," writes on e . h i g h school senior. "THE .AMERICAN 'BOY seems to 1,mder-
SATISFAC ....I IION . _ Or N.o Charge
Centerville, Ohio !Phone 78J •
Clifford callahan and Octava Calla stand flo boy's problems and ~-----------II! han to D . B. Hollinb'Sworth and Jane considers them in ·such a Holl!ngswo th: 4 acres In Frnnklln sympathetic and.helpful way Township. It gives advice and entertainRobert McDonald to Charles F. ing reading on every .subject TAUVIA-LJTfIlC TAR AND Hal'rtson , Jr., et .1Il.; 'AI acre In Deer in which a young fellow is in- ROAD 01 r.: EXCAVATING fi eld Township. terested· It is particularly DUMP TR UCK SERVICE Robert Horner to Maurice R. Jef- helpful in sports. I made our fer y and . Mrs. Maurice R. Jeffery; school basketball ,team bt'PIT RUN, LOADED 300 YD. lot 49 In Morrow. CaUSe of playing tips I read 1<4 "' , _ .;I(.' t I w. Irwin Frizzell and C. Hazel in THE AMERICAN BOY." ~~~..,..~~~~~~!'!'!'!'~_ _"""!"'~~~~~!!!!!!!"'!!!""-~ . Frizzell to Elthel Stogsdill; 79.41 Many famous athletes in _ ---- " -: ~ acres In Warren and Montgomery all sports credit much of Phone. Waynesville 44 R 11 r;= I' - - - ' ~ Counties their success to helpful sugLebanon orflco Phoue 473- KS. L. Simpson and Myrtle Simp- gestions received from sports son to .Smith-Blnkley and·Bertha. M. articles carried in THE res.98·M. Morrew Phone No. a __ ,. Binkley; lot 92 in .Springboro. AMERICAN BOY Magazine Helena K. Mummert to Verna Virtuall:y every issue offers -Enrl Ridings, James M. McPherson Dulle; 33.68 acres in Salem Town- advice from a. famous coach NEW SlJ('J'S and Phlilp J . Kennedy appointed Ehlp, or p.layer. Football, basket- , ' ~ appraisers. VI ·torla Ross to Ernest Ballinger ball, track, tennis, in fact ,,.. Delbert Mullen . ndmlni ·tl'alor of In th matter or 'the estate uf and Norah Ballinger; lots 201 and every major sport is covere'd ! the e.~tntc of Carl Mullen. deceased ..John J. Tracy, deceased; certlflca.te 196 In Franklln. in fiction and. fact .articles , \ ' • .• ~ n~.. ges of tra nsfer ordered. Th e Ohurch of God to Ernest BalT eac h era, I Ib rarlans. par- \ vs. CharieR C1ass ; no tl on for d "I REAL ESTATE In the matter of the estate of Ii nger and . Norah 'Balllnger; lot 201 ents an d iea d ers 0 f .. b oys for wrongful dea th. Willard A. F ux VS. Rose J eanne Wllllnm A. Ford, deceased ; Inven- In FrankUn. clubs also recommend TijE INSURANCE Fox; di vorce, grOSS neglect. t I'yapproved. AMERICAN BOY enthusiasAUCTIONEER NannJ e L. Meadows vs. E1sy J. In the matter of the estate of MARR1AGE ' LlCENSES tically. They have found that Meadows ; divorce. elrtreme cruelty. AI'abell Dinwiddie, deceased. inven__ as a general rule regular ==~========~=~ Minnie Pyle VS . Wil liam C. Carson; tory approved. William HardWick. 21, laborer. readers 'of THE AMERICAN fo l' money only, $5000.00 Rnd costs. In the matter of 'the estate of n)ld Ruby Handy, 17. Morrow. BOY advance more rapidly Charles W. Pyle VS . Wmtam c. ~da Vlepllng, deceased; iIJlventory .ap Hebron Garrler, 21, foundry work. and develop more worthCnrson; for $1500.00 1\nd costs. proved. cr, Franklin, and Al1l!ll Estes, 21. while characterIstics than do Carl Wilson vs. WIUlam Shaw ; for In the matter of the estate of Frnnklln. . . boys who do not read it. Harry H. ence, deceased; inventory T ramed . . artists $3,262.00. • writers and Loul~e WII~ol1 vs. William Shaw; approved. The glow of oDe warn'l thought 15 .famous coaches and athfor $5,000.00. In the matter or the. estate Of. to me worth more than money. letes, explore'rs, scientis t S . William H. Sweny, deceased; sched-ThOJlU18 Je"APson. and men successful in busiuJ f d bts ed .. ~ COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS eo e approv. ness and industry join with " In the mo.lter of the estate of • : an experienced staff to proROOT FOA AND CONSIGN Mary W. Rlellnger vs, Paul Rid, J. A. Rebqld, ,d eceased; schedule of ,'MICKII'l> " S I , -·V C! " -duce in THE AMERICAN ,our Cattle, boll. ,beep al. ~ ealv.. 1:0 ft I ~ . . to Nom.Brock C,,- "ve wire an' . ce tJfle 'l copy or lnger; alimony reduced to -4.50 per debts approved. r ( BO:Y, the sort of reading proaneelve firm fl)~ ' the hi"'. . week. defendant'!! hours of, vlsltapon entry determlnlng inhe-rltane? tax matter boys like best· Dlarket priee. and iood eervlce. modlIled to the hours or· 3 and 4 p. to be paid Is ordered ce:rtlfl~. oROMOT'ERS OF HA~P THE AMERICAN BOY U.iOD Stoell Yard.' elael •••tl. 0. m., on evcry Tue2day. In the matter of the slettlement or 8,, 11-.l.S N ADV . E'.hrS/Nt:) Rl!dlo Station won '1 . •sell" '" on. most newss'tands . at Tune 12 :26 kI to on 12 :80 p. m. for our' dan,. Ella Hoover vs. Glenn Hoover; case the ·&~ta l.e of 01'em Jordlln, deceased S,HE'E'TS ~..JOW f1cTTER.'~ 20c a copy. Subscription m""lcf't t'eportll. '. dismissed. ·Inherlt.allcc tax det rmlned os none. TO TlfS'r ~Etft A\.\.EG-ED prices are $2.00 'for one year ~~~~!!!~!!!'~!!!'!!!!!!~~~!!!!!~ Ruth Jam es v:t. Frank James; hearing '011 schedule of debts is se.t POPU' Aft' ~y ....., ., 01' Cl!3 5Q fo th F '" '.. N plalnllff gmnLed property , $10 .00 pcr ,fOrrdeA rePCjr.l1 18. certlflcnte of trltDsfer week alim ny nnd custody of child. o , T o subscribe slmply' se d lit
Sand ·& Grav~1
Zain Armifage
County Court Ne__w.s__
..c-_= --
- " ---
~ig~ ~ates ~oc r~~~:;rs~xt~~. IHE' IlfOl PRI IIU .,
1U ~R~ ~O;;J)N
1'1101' /\'1'1': COlllt'l'
lIIatter ofsed; Wle heRring will of Thom-' asTn M.t hCle' ark , dec/'D on ap lica tion to admit will to Probate P l\eL for A1Jrll 1. In th e mattel' of the guardianship of Stanley Wl!st. nn incompeten t : sctUemenL of said claim for $468.69 apPl'oved. Rol?l'!I't Roll IIppolnted guardial1 of estate. In t.he matter or thc estate of Edward E. Knockcnhauer, deceM d, private sale or automobile ordered. In the matter of the. estate · of r.. M, pp n ~e dpcc' sed; estat.e re!leved from admlnJstratlon: Meryl B. Gray nPPoin ted commissioner, . In the matter_.pt the . ~ late of
Hundreds of thousands of
::~"~:~,:~~!;:':'~M'In- :;'~::=+';;:::~,~~~: . :ER EM ~
No need for thia ho~emaker to hURr home to start dinner. She liinply. .plana an "oven" meal before she leaves in the morning and, as .hown in the piciture, sbe seli! the cODtrols to "st4rt" and "stop" the • cooking at tIle proper time in the aftemoon, depending upon the meal chuR~'n. Arriving home at dinner-time, i!be '\rill find a hot, ready-to.erve meal awaiting her. The range ia a newall-electric model specially deliigned to operate al a Burpriaingly low monthly COBt. It is made by .hl! makerK of the Frigidaire electric: refrigerators. Five different hcats ..n each cooking unit. a heating unit at both the top and bottom of the '"II.lIize oven, and smooth all porcelain exterior are standard equipment.
F. ,T. Martin ,___
Burch. II. minor. In th e llIatLer of the estate of Clarn' L ; Fa!'l'. deceased l report ap-
~~ii~;~~~rn;:ii.~ afOR. ' N ERVO' US. III.G . t , ond Blv.d •• Detroit, Michigan. \
..... TIIue .......-F....
'I'NDIGES'IION'=;::n~·a~"];t~·.:=~ynareOl . ,-
matter of the: estate of Joseph Tinney, deceased; Inventory approv rd . s............ 'II1II.,'..... Tn the J:llatter of the estate of --~O D It..... Ella B. Ritz, deceosed; cOllllScl fees n. 0 • • .-. . . . . It 1'r'lhe ant do .. ., Ihlt P,.....t· ...tI •• lI.ile order d pa Id. dlstrlbuUon til kind b • • k •• ~I .........., brlq ,he fUll" a.d .... .... ,.I~I. 'ellol . ,.,.".. . . .1>0,'-1 ..... boIll. ba" IU Ut and pt DOUIILI WONEY BACK. 'l'hlo ordered, certified copy determln1n$ :~~~:'':n.Ia!~i ':::.J:"';u:~'~ndf~i Inheritance tn.'! Is ordered. t .... , U,. _rlall.... r..... ,.... ..... F.r I...,,· ' ·,·Ie n l n t t c i' of 'hf'. estate of ur • • • I.k IlUdo I.. tnd .p.... 10 on. . . .Ii.... bl 111 ' " tit,,' lIom....h auld< I••k..,. "'" 1..1 ...... ad Prank Riley Sliver, deCE!Qsed; certlf- I :::.cl~:,•.r-J.~~.~~~~~ of .. p .... PI'I'" leate of transfer is ordered. '"'!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.~'!!_'!!...!!...!!!-~,_!!!!!!!!!!~!'i~~~~~~'!'!'!'!!'!!!'!''!!!!!!!_~_~r!~ In the matt I' of thl~ e' tate · of - -~~~ !$GE;:::a:z . Emma Ohamberlain, dcc.eJlsed; estate vallled at $2678.20. dlst rlbutl,on . In kind mllcle. Inheritance tax deter~ mined. tn the matter of the ' eState ot As we are n;toving away we will offer at public snJe RebC'cca J. Harner, .deceased: Oscar Doughman. Marlon Ke11y and Her- at Ollr residence on Main street ,in: .Harveysburg, on man Romohr appointed appraisers, p'I'lvRte sale of real esta,te ordered:
PUBtl~ ,
QuiverlJlt .~rvl!II CIIn mab nil ol4; haau!J. Often all"" DervOl/aD_ \a dIM to~ ' 'lIDdfonal dlallr.d..Jl"-S<Lcak,,J.mo .. Eo Pinkham'. V.....cabl. OoliipolHl4
. aim IlnatnlJll Der.,... aDcll..,a , ·'il'NllllarfU.... Por ov.r 60 yaera
NlW· llrin1P1nkh.m·.COmpoun4 .... 01 tbol/ll&Dd. 0' .randmotb ..... mot"'" 8114 . dallllnen 10 1. timl of neecl." Ttl ill '
' , ;
quicIdJ nOlye DISIRESS of
DON'T "take chancell" with UDImo,... products to relieve dlIeomfort 01 YIIUJ' cb1Id·...pa&!tlOOJc croupy COlllt. ~ .bf colds. Vee, "phildreD:." I(~I MUltllrole uves 1IIIt1l. QUIOK NlW becaU18 It'a 1IOt "jUlt aD onlilUll}' ...... Rub It- Well. OD yoUI' kiddie', cbel&~ ibroM and baCk. 'It IIOOthes wal.tbl1u1a. .,_ ..... ~---,o" faqe circulation .nd break up Ioal
eoilceetlo~ "'II pain. Its Boothl", v~
eaae breath!tig. 4Ot. .' ApprO\(ed 1!1. QOiod
AT l.P.M.
FURNITURE . Buffet, 'coal oil coolt stove, dining table. 9 chairs, 3 range, davenport. ,Morris chair, bookcase. ~ewing machine in ,good con- . dition,2 dl'l!ssers, wash stand. 3 beda and springs. " ~. ,
~ockers, kitchen table, heating siove. coal
. . 100 feet of r 'o pe, block 'and tackle, grindstone, garden tools, kit~hen utensils, lot of gtass jars and many articles too nUl)'lerous to mention. . .
Ralph , Snook, Auct· ..... ..
s , _,_, ~. , .... -
: ' """y'-
- . ... t- ~.
~ _ ... -
.- - -
__ .
••• 1
....... .
I XIClement~1. Satterthwaite I
of Waynesville
Republican. Candidate for
Warren County
Your friendly sup.port grwtefu.l1y solicited.
At History-Making
Primary May ath
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bedinger of Detroit, Mlch.l gan were week ·enl1 lueat! of Mr. and Mrs. Wllbu.r BenInltOn. . . Mr. Jobn Glasco Buffered a very painful accident last weelt, running a nall In hls foot. Mr. and Mrs, Wlll1amson of !Jelfast. HlIhland county were ...eek end ' SUMta of Mrs. Maud Bboemaker Mr. and Mrs: olarence Lana.inger have moved to the Glasco property on W. Jl'rankllD street, Dale, Lacy White and O\1arlea Cromer attended ohurch In Dayton Sunday afternoon. Mr. aDd Mrs. Clyde Bartley entertained their-card club lut Saturday eVeDinI· Tbe Y. W. O. A. met at tbe 'home of lira. Jennie MaX'f(ell last Wednea- . Clay afternoon. The BeUbrook high school held their annual roller IlkaUng party In Dayton laat Wednesday night. The eleefrlo light line west · of Bellbrook Is reported to be finished
I lj'inu~~~~e-Ups (o.:.... .,~
THE appealJDs youthtul.tJle. thIJI sealOD will call for area' dell. cacy In makeup. A mouth with too much Upltiek OD it jUit looka funn7. Keep a few u..u.. alway. In your banclbu. 10 you cap ~lot off that ueell layer of Upltlck whenever you ~alr your mllkeup durlp~ the day. • lJIeleuecS _
10 Different Interior (Il rrangement. for Farm Needa-Plru Feature. Found in Highe.t-Priced Frigidaire. !
0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 ~
For a Big 8 cu. ftIP Frigidaire!
As a feature of Its 87th Annlver. saJ'y Sale. The Rike-Kumler Company In Dayton Is POW shOwing a vf.'ry unique collection of dolls. These dolls were designed by Harry Horner, who designed the costumes ~lIr the "Raflroads on Parade." the h it attraction at the World's Pa1r 1n New York. The dolls are wearing the Identical costumes worn In this great railroad pageant. You may see these lovely ladles wearing fashions In vogue during the early railroad days, from 1826 on up through the Gay 90's, In the windows and In departments throughou e store. The Caces are very carefully modeled to portray character Pictured above are three of the dolls from the Gay 90's period. Other dolls include very amusing children and
. . . IlQUSlVI
,aQlUM.ftOwo IHIf1 On all ' -.lell 41 no el\lra COtt. Only Chevrolet hal this _".elow bdUlI.. VOCWIII' Pow... Shift ••• ou.,plylng tlO% • of ... stIIftIng .«ott aulomali· . caIr, CIftd requiting only 2(1% ........Iro'rt.
"1M LOIIIUT Of TIll 'rom fI'OIII of grille 10 rear of body (18 I indies) Chevrolet for 1940 II Ih. long .. ' o' aU IowlHf.prlced coni
"'* ... 'loYal." w"",..,.,.".., "--Adloft .
O"s-wDeloo_ _ . . . . De .......
CheVOIe"1 'anlOUl P.rfed.d tcn..Action Riding System: brlnp you rid. . resultl ne•• r b-efoN Imo-.
With cOMpl.t.1y
Ifreolllllned body-laW.
.red c...r.r ,r,a .lty without r.ductlon In
............. ~
............. u,r. lMiIa....; . . . .......
ttIIc rood·!It....... 'Y"
t_ ..... d8llgMd,
CheYrQlet'i Sales· & ' Service ~prin,,~alleJ, 9~io
.~<-;~.t:AR ..' FELtERS ~
grown-ups. Exblblt of Primitive lIowiewares Another feature attraction . which may be seen at Rike·s. Is a display of 100 kitchen utensils used long before your. grandmother's time . These are shown wltll modern utensils used for the same purpose. You will laugh at some ot them and wonder how your grandmothe; ever 'managed With such heavy Iron kettles, iron toa!!ters and other clumsy Implements. See this Interesting hibit In Rike's Housewares Department on the fourth floor. Also shown In connection with t his exhibit Is a series of original oil painting!! by the world-famous arUlit. James .Montgomery Flagg. Tu('se paintings, entitled "Cooking Around America ," shoW the prepar. nllcm of typical dishes In t:hls COuntr I-Fried Trout tor the Northwest, Old Fashioned New England Apple Pie from "Way Down East," Squaw C"rlI from the Middle West. Treasllre Isiand Salad from San Francisco Pinto Beans from the 8iouthwest, Frlf.'d Oh1cken and Buttermilk Biscuits from the South. and Fiesta Foods from Southern California And If you Uke. you may have re~ opes or. theSe tavorl·te dishes.
It took Frigidaire to design this outstanding refrigerator for farm use. Has 10 different interior arrangements ... to accommodate all kinds of farm products. .Also has famous Meter - Miser mechanism ... and many other great Frigidaire advantages that will bring new convenience and help mcrease farm income. Come in-see the new Frigidaire "Farm 8" now!
Fairley Hardware Store Larger Becaulle of Better Quality, Service. and Price Elltablished 1849-1939 - - Waynellville. Phone 32
the number who will go on an excursion to Washington D. C. leaving on Friday and rctlll'lling SJlnday. of this week. The people of this vlcinlty wer e muoh sUJ\prised when the news was circulated that Walter Varner,. of neal' Wellman had passed away at f~ve thirty o'clock, Thursday evening at Blail' Bros. hospital. where he had been taken on Tuesday. Funeral services took pl ace Monday at two o'clock p. m. a t t he McClure Funeral Home. Burial in Miami cemetery. Mr. Varner spent his en- tire life on their farm and was . never married. He was sixty seven years of age. Mrs. Adah Talmage. Miss J essie Mrs. Olaude Gray, Mrs. Imogean Garner and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse VOlpI's. of Harveysburg, and Miss Per.nlngton, spent Saturday evening
Beech Grove
Elberta Rich, were Saturday visitors of the former's sister. Mrs. Mary Leath of Troy, Mrs. l;eatlll accompanied her guests. home to spend over Saturday night ami Sunday with them. ' Jesse Pennington will ~ommence soon to remodel the bUl1dlngs on the James Olevenger tarm, on Spring H1II. Ttte land was formerly owned by the ' late Dr. Garland. of Clarksv1lIe. . Mearle Terry Was a bUSiness vlsItoI' 'In Wilmlngtpn, Frlda,y. MI H ss. annah Jordan and brothers attended the funeral of their uncle. h O as. Foley, or near Harveysburg, '1 Thursd ay morn ng. The rites took pIace a t St. Oolumbklll church, In Wllmtngto . . p .. Mr. Foley \II1as a restdent of this community many years ago, Little Miss Donna Rae Jacobs, after . a protonged Illness. rElSume!l her studies In the Harveysburg school, las.t Monday, The f am11y and frlends of Mrs. Stanley Gray are very happy to mow that she Is muc~ improved in . health. after being con!ilned to her room for 6~veral weeks. Students of the seventh grade of the Harveysburg school enjoyed & party at the gymnasium. Friday evening. Seventeen y(lung folks chaperoned by their teacher. Mr. ~urst. participated in the evening's entertainment. Sandwiches, cake. ice cream and candy: -waa a very satisfying teature of the occasion Mrs. Jas. P. Jacobs, Mr. and Lawrence Jacobs, Mrs. Imogean Volers, Mrs. Louise Jacobs and lOIs Marjorie Davis. are plalll11ng to JOin
No' Ooubt .Aboutnat
with the Gray f~mmes in Wellman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sarns entertalned at dinner Sunday, their daughter. Miss Altce, Vem on Sams and Jease Fulkereth. all of Dayton when they celebrated Alice's birth anniversary.
~------------------------------.-------.-.----.-.------._ _a_
AUCTIONS If yo u ha ve real e tate to ell, let us sell it at auc-
tion . We have so ld eig ht farms at absolute auction this f;p l'ing, every one selling to the highest bidder. all owners have been well pleased with the results. Call me and let me explain Ollr method of selling real estate; it is th e s urest way of getting the highe~t p'r ice possible; of getting an immedi ate sale; and the expense is less when selling by ·a uction. Auctions conducted every where the year round. Call or see
I 1
F. T. MARTIN, Auctioneer.
203 Custer Bldg" 28 N. Ludlow St, Dayton-AD3661 Centerville, O. Phone 7B-J _ _ _._._._._._____ • _ _ _ _ _'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:.___~
.1< ch i dren were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey and daughter at Utica. . Robert Lacy has enrolled for the CCC camp Cram Warren county . Rev. Seth Adamson of LeMnoD Messrs. Calvin Longacre. Horace who preached at Ferry Sunday morn and Ernest Foulks and Albert Hawke ing was a d inner guest at the ~were ,fIshing at s t. Mary's reservoir I;onage. Saturday. A delegation oC 17 from Ferry atMr. and Mrs. Joseph McCray and tended the Xenia Area meet1na at two daughters of Elyria, 0 .. were Lebanon Tuesday evening. Mr. Paul Johns spent Saturday In week end guests oC · Mr. and .. Mrs, Harry Cornell and Mr. and Mrs Dial phones are being install'eeI In Lehc. non. . a II J10mes h avlng phones. The DeW Lowell Thomas. Mrs. William Rogers visited Morris Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deweese and serv Ice wII 1 go Into effect on June :It . Rogers In Miami Valley hospital, Sam Deweese oC Yonkee S' . were" Dand wJlI gIve service to and from W('o ne.~day. dinner gues ls of Mr. and Mr.s• Howay~cm, Miamisburg and West Oar- . Mrs. Alice Olark and Mrs. Lena ard Deweese Thursday evening. . I 1'0 Iton throughtlie Oenterville aHIggs spent Thursday In Dayton, h Mrs. 'Emma Kovermall and family A: hUlle Cf'6wd en;eyed tlte Jllay c ange. vis!ted relatives at .Wlnchester. 0 "People are Funny" at Lytle Hall Rev. and Mrs. W. O· Smith WeD' to Sunday. .' Friday ev~ning. Peebles Friday where Rev. Smitb MI'. and Mrs. Robert Siney were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rush and Mr. prea~lled the funeral of Dr. J, M. Sunday guests of Mrs. Minnie Siney B(:n Rush of Dayton were week end Brooke. who Was their t-amlly docat North Ridge. guests of MI'. and Mrs. Fred Rush tor while they resided In the paflODand children. age there. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early of Yellow Springs were Saturday and Sun Mr. and Mrs . Harry Cornell were Mr. and Mrs. P. J . Thomas lpen, d:lY guests of Mrs. Belle Scott and dinner guests Sunday at the home Saturday night and Sunday in LebfvmJIY . ot Mrs. Jennie MUllen at Fe(ry. anon as tke guests of the LaweDce MrR. Ada Chenowet h of CeoterMr. and Mrs. Albert Hawke have ·1homases. vlll/l was a dinner guest. Wednesda y, moved from the Hall property on Urs. W. C. Smltb. has her baDda of Mrs. Meta Rogers. . route 73. to the home of his parents, full Just now and ·says thAt 1t t.h1naa MI·s. Kesler Graham. Mrs. Allen MI'. and Mrs. Ben Hawke. keep onshe wlll h.ve to open a hOiMr. and Mrs. William Rogers en- pltal. Emma Jean Is home ' from Emrick and Mrs. Walter Kenrick were Dayton Visitors Friday. Lcrtained with a bIrthday dinner school with gland trouble 1n her Mr, Paul Turner of Dayton called Sunday In ho.nor of the latter. the throat, Beu'ah has polson on hw on Mrs. Margaret Johns and Paul followin g relatives: Mr. and Mrs. leg. Ethel is Just recoverllik from a Johns Sunday. Ben James of rQute 73. Mr. and Mrs bad attaClk of the grippe, and Carl Little Bobby Morgan entertained Paul Anders and 'children, arid Mr. Jr. has a !>adly swollen ·h and as "reabout thirty Uttle friends Saturday and Mrs. George Fox and daughter suit from hard contact with a ball afternooll, celebrating his fil th birth of Miamisburg. thro.wn by one of his playmate. 'lb. day. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Kenrick en- 'lady 'has our sym-pathy, . P4r: and Mrs. Calvin Longacre and tcr-talned at dinner on Sunday. Mr. A new electric line Is belDa' pU$ to and Mrs: W. G. Haines, M~. and Mrs. the home of Carl Randall', aad to Robert 'DeHaven, Mrs. Mary . Braun· the Frank He~ farm srhwelger, Mrs. Fanny DeHavl1n. Mr. ' and . ~s, n<Jbert Haines and son. and Miss Olara Haines, of Dayton.
F.e rry
Ly tie
H91d · th'o ught steadfastly to endi.rlng. ·the . goqd, 'aM the true. al'd you 'brlng these Into your \ . experience proporUon&bly to theI!' o;:cupanl!y ~f your thoughts, -Mary 'Baker Eddy
As soon as you can say what .you a.nd not what sol11e othel' pei:~on has thought for you, you are . on th.e way to being . a remarub1e c.ap. . -J. M. Barrie
Rogers' Rangers -l\'en Who Didri't
K'e offer a"satisfactorySeruice at all times
Know the Meaning of Fear!
McClure Funeral Home , PhoDe 7
.. -_ .............----
WaYDelville .-----.~-
News Of The Reds
I Churches I·
Tl\mpa, FIll.: - TIle CUlclnnati ..L.-s,!", oT-.-A--U , -G':;U;'S-T-'1NE--C""H'I·""UR--CR"''': Reds. Champions 01 the , Nat.ional Rev. It. H. Knamholb. S T .D, putor League. are breaking camp and Mass, Bundays 9:00 a. m. l1eadlllg, Loward the openlnJ of their ~t!ilson against th~ Chicago Ouba' on ST MOY'S EPISCOPAL FOR SALE-2 or 3 toIlS of good AlApril 16. They are leaving camp In CHURCH ~~rfect playing condition. and uuRev. R. L. Haclntell, Rerthr falfa hay. Walter Whitaker, R. R. \\oltied about the forecast of a n~ THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EASTER _ 2_,_w_a~_'n_e_s_vi_lI_e_._ _ _ _ _-::-_ l:Jt:r or the experts who predict they 'f'bU BALE-Male HOI, Ohester 7 :30 a . m. Holy Oommunlon. wlll not be able to repea t their 1939 White . Frank Cook R 2 Waynea11:00 a. ro. Morning Prayer and .p l:IOl'lnanCe . ,because of outfiela vUle. AH1 sermon. \~ellimes.;es.
Bill MckecIHUe isn·t saying !Duell. l\1t:TIIODIST CUURCII \JUl. h e feds Lhll bail club is improvLouhI V. Radle1' Pastor eu . lie 10W~ pan,c'UIllr ellthu.slasm Church School 9 :30 a. m . Worship \ ' ," , ' U LlIe. pltcnlng Slat[ Is mentlOnervlce 10 :40 subject : "TIle man by 142 a res, 3'A1 mil , northeast of Waynesvill e , ~V. UIIU I ..! Is qUIte OpJllllStiC about the Side of the Road." ~2 mile southeast of Dayton, known as the Willian1 tile IlIallller In .whlch Ernie LomEpworbh League Monday evening p, Hay farm. 83 acres productive land, 50 acres blue lJa ,, \ IUl., 1;01le about his work ail at 7 o'clock. All young ,people are in rgass pastul' . 8 room hOllse, good barn and other 'Jut vlted to this youth service, buildings. 'J II ~ moulld corps :s strengthened, M28-A4 -11 The Warren Co. MethodISt Men's It:L" lI'lUKcclUlle, because ot the ad- BrotherhOOd which has just been rec u lol,,!! of Jim '1'url1<.1·, uud because ognlzed recently wUl meet at Red lo' :" ,a. II! Ult: l'OUIUes &lOW promise Lion Methodist church Monday eveu r u l: Vt:111p ing. BIt: John Hutchings, ning Aprll 16th at 6:45. Rev. W. R. liP lloi u !'cuS!lcula, bus given many Dickhaut pastor of the Epworth b l l> 11:; UI 1Jrllllallce. While Elmer RldMethodist church Dayton, wlll the 'lLe, Joe beggs and Rell BIU'l'ett have speaker. Every Methodist man anould' .. l;, " l' vcry pleasini. See thew cOI'I'Y hu ge hOli ls ovel' n mouni llill lop- crash fot' be interested in this meeting. dllYIl thrnu gh RU('kln g ~ w n lll ll" f 0 1'1ll [l human chu ln U(;rnMS It Huek1Jullc of tile mound corps. of rcl (.lI J1 1-( Lorrl'nl- wip o lll OIL TntliRIi vIllage IIr 11II1'0I'ior forces ! At CUuL'se, Ilrc Paui Denblilcl' and MT. IIOLLY M. E. CIIURQII the Xenia 'l'JI\!Ill r, 6 tl ilya IHlu'ling SundllY. April Htb. Luc ky WUILell;, winners of 62 ••_ _ _ _ _;.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ill H':J9. +fhey arc f1auked by ilUnes Gene T. M. Scarff, Min18ter Sunday School 0:30 a. m. ~, A. mel. who, for the el gh 11 consecuLive clni m for indemnity nnd obtElln pel'- l 'HUIl'I- un, laLe ",eru,aLioll oC the last Earnhart, Supt. St1"lckcn with 1\ henrt attack In Lime (16 yeArs) had C(uEllified ns 1\ ml ~sl qll to put the Insured acreage SP.ILI>OIl. und WhlLcy Moore, a 13 Evelllng liervice 7:30. ' ilLs olTlce. tile death of Secretary of cnnclidate for Sec'I'etnl'Y of Slaw, II) other use, Lallle wlnuel'. These lellows have l'myer meeting Wednesday evestate Earl Griffith on March 30 alld Humm el's nallle will. therc'fore, ... I 11' 111:1', .l:! c~g:;, Vander Meer, Shot!· - - .. nln~; 7:30. WAmSVJLLE, OHIO unexpe tedly l'emoved 'one ot Ohio's be the only naw prInted L1pon the FOLir candidnLes fol' sLate office 1IU' , HutchIngs. Barrett and Riddle The Missionary society wlll hold most grnclous officials. Serving his regular pl'imary ballots as a Repub- wi hcl rew ttli'll' nom lllnting petiLlofls LU !Jllck them up. or cour.se, oue or FRIDAY-SATURDAY first term as a state omclal. he had )Jeall candidate for Secretary of on April 4 . the deadline for flUng cwo of thc I'e rULts might have to be an all day meeting at the ehurcQ AprO 12 and 13 It ade thousands of friends Ulrough·tate. Th e R.epublicn n Stale Celllmi uc h \vlthdrnwals. Th ose wlthdraw- ,l',II, CU oUL LO geL the squad down; Wednesd~y, Apr~ 1'1. DOUBLE FE~TURE A' welcome awalb you .at these out the stll.te by his s),mpatheUc nnd Executive Oommltlees In session Ing wcrt' A. Q . Thacher. candidate uu t. Bill will have them avallable II Hit No.1 willingness to assist in Lhe solution April 2 unani mously endorsed Gov. for Go emor a nd Dale Duni!on, for Uillil he detcrmlncs where his axe services. " "TUE UNDER-PUP" of their problems and h is passing at BI'i1!keJ" s appointee, George NelInel', C ngressman-at·Lnrge. bo!.h Repub- shuuld fall. .....1 Featurin, ., WAYNESVILLE CIJURCII OF the age ot 52 marks another martyr. as the R.cpubllcan organization can- ilca ns, nnd .James Markel'. for Gov, , ~b c.lsfactloll in lhe Reds' pitching GLORIA JEAN CHRIST· dam to 11 diligent. effl 'Ient and con- dldMe fOI' Seorctary o( State and , ernor and K. B. Johns ton, Attorney !I , 'I-, in LIle expectancy !.hat the seeNew 11 year old sin,mr star scientious public service. At lhe Re- by rp.'; oll1pon, oalled upOn all Re- .General , both Democrats. T-he wUh- (':ld line of hurlers wlll be stronger W. C. Sml'lI. Minister :' ROBERl' CUMMINGSpublican sta te Convention held in pllbl iCn ll votcrs to wrI te In NeUner's dmwal or Thacher for Governor. Lllau the sccond line of 1939 It must SUNDAY ' NAN GREY Columbus, .Aprli 3, Mr. Griffith's name on their bullot when ca sting leaves Govel'llor Brickcr wlthout any be . remembered tllat up til mid-seaBible School 9:30 a. m. IUt No.2 R (JI.'ubllcall oppoolt'oll at the prlm- SOll tile Reds suIrered horriblY be-piclure. draped in black Ilu.ng ovel' their prlmary votc on May 14. Communion '10:46 a. m. ''WEST OF CARSON CITY" OL·y. caUSe of lack of a reUe! man. and the center of the stage and hnmedl6:45 P. m. Junior Endeavor. JOliN MACK BROWN now they ha ve two or. three reUows atcly Upon the convenIng of the 7:00 P. m. senior Endea"or. Increnscd salal'l~s, plu s travel albe avBLabJe for ·that caconvention, tile crowd stood for a 10\\,111 cps, gtant.erl the sta le legislawho 7:30 P. m. Prep.ching. Sermon J»y : SUNDAY-MONDAY seth Adamson of Lebanon,.. Have you ever been present at paciW . minute of silence In tribute to his ture a couple of years a go. appa.r-, April · 14 and 15 the crownIng or a king and queen' mcmory . . "THE HOUSEKE~ER'8 cutly hns made the j<)b of legislating OlncilU}atl:OIficials oC , the WEDNESDAY If nofyou surely don't want to mill DAUGHTER" much more attractive lh n it was Prayer ~eetin~ '1:30 p. m. YQUf firat , QPpqrtunlty, and if you Reds ' arc making preparatiollS for ' wltlt The nppofll t mcn t of Ceorge M. a dccade ago. Survey of the cantilthe largest exhibition crowds of ---·have, you' have a fine treat ui~ slOj.e dale); filed for tho 172 seats in the Walter Douglas Varner, t~ird son O~. pENNETT NelTner. April 2. as Secrctary of tileir bpring tra.ning wSlOry on "'ERRY CUURe.. OF CHRIST for you n.evertheleu, .. ADOLP.f fE MENJOU Stae, to lUI the vaca ncy occas Ioned Senate and House of Represenatives of Nathaniel M.. and Hettie crew and S@day. April 13 and W· C. SmUll, Mlnhl'er. When? Next Priday night, -AprU :3aturday My. Wy. AcU0n,. Lau,... l by the death or Earl Griffith, wa3 disclosed that 1002 persons want the Varnel'. was born August 2. 18'13. eUNDAY , . " 14 at Crosley Field. Opponents or 19th. Wbere? At the high ICh~1 jobs, which now pny $2,1,l00 a year IIlId depnrted thIs life April 4, 1940. TJlEATRE NOT OPEN ON ~ made by Governor BrIcker. Mr. Nertthe National League Champions on 9:30 a. m. Blble School gymnasium,· What? 'I:be h1ab echooJ rrUl!lIdlly, Wednesday Thunda, ner has been lr) charge of the Ellec- and traveling expenses. For-- the 136 at the age of 60 y ars. 8 months and thOSe two days will ,be the Detroit Communion 10:45 a. m. band is gtvtng a concert and ,dane,. 4 , • Election athnd , sstntlstle&l Divi- House seats, 823 candida tes . have 2 days. T:lge.s of the Amed an League 11:~ a. m. sermon by Bro. seth At UlJa dance & Idn, and queen He was born at the old hom!!Stead slon in e e c ret a l' y 0 c filed their nominatio n petiUons-415 Cl.alul'lng the big ' bats or AdamSon of Lebanon who is takin,J elected from 'the senior elus, wW be State's office for 14 yean, servl!?g Republicans and 408 Democrats- on Jonah's Run,- near Eiiarveysburg, Gl'eenllerg and RudY, York, two of Bro. &,n1th'~ ,place while the revival Cl'OWllt!d Who wUl be the. boy and continuously. under three Repub- and for the 36 Sennte scats, '16 Re- 'Ohl~. and his entire life was spent the premier sluggers of all baseball. is going ~m at Lebanon church. 81r1 ·80 hollOl'ed' NO one Wlli know MICKIE SAYS' lican and two Demoorat Secre~les publicans .and 103 ·Dcmocrnts have tJ:lere. 'Pl'1or to the ,saturh<>v. pond,:Bun- There has been five new members Ill' lDlW nat ' Prtday ·night. the appoln t- entered their llames . He was a ~latu1'lll fa nner . indus- day sel'les' in ..CinCinnati ....J _ t-h e' - - Re"ft relld Y a aded to t h . '.ok.. ' e -oIooIaI"'non church , .• DoJl'~ .ml88 the. fuu. Be one of the _ trious and modcstly succc~Ul carry· .... d In tI .. U:AVI~' "'A~t) 'SI\.\-S OR- ment. Govemor Bricker said that Uncle Sam ls scouting al'oun~ for Ing on for the family after the wW play t' t u'ee gaines ' til nearby ur g IDee or· f1rat to buy tickets. , his selection was "based upon hls ADVER.TISI~Et S~E:ETS ualc- wiU -b&-tui-.niah~y ~. able, efficient and conscientiom. 325 young, urunartled men on whom ' death. of his fa thcr in 1892. By na- clUes, opposing ·the . Boston Red AT "'f'01..¥-~S OOOR..S IS UTICA U. B CHURCH ~es o~. Mlaml ,University. pUblic service and his broad train- to spend $12.000 each to train them ture he was kindly, cheerfUl and Sox in Charle... tun. West Va .. ' on JEST DISTRIBUTlvll1?- ' BeYIS' A. ·Hill. Pa.,tor We have a large 8)'Dlnastum let's ing In the duties of the ollice." Un- as army air corps pilots. The class helpfUl to all who knew him. ' He Wednesday, Apl',l 10, mo,lng in ~U'"'" /11' ELSE '& \\IH I L.E. , Aprll 14 see if ' we .can !ill it tor COJ'ODa der this -appointment, secretary startcs May 15 and applican ts must strove at all times to Iiv.e in peace agalllSttbe T:loors at Portsniouth. , C!~LA-nO~ IS \VAA1" ~ NeUner will serve until acter tile be between 20 and 27 years old, un- with h'ls nelghbllrs. And even his 0 ., all 'rhurs..a~y,; Apr,l 11, th"n 9:30 a, 01, -Sunday school, Leslte .tlon. ~"OU G1T.8Y At>\'ERTlS'/tJ November election. married, pass rigid phYSicB! exam- dumb animal !dcnds WE!re treated meebing the. Tigers' again at Day- Oorsu~h. Supt. ';;..;.=--='"---,.... "THIS .... E.\VSPAPE\~ inatlons and have at lenst two years with care and Idndness. Lon on Friday, A,Jrll 12 10:30 •. m.~Momlng wo 'Ilh n The Republicans of 01110 are now In college, or be able to pass a menThe familiar name ot' Pet Varner Th Reds are llOW' accepting 6:30 P. m. 'l1te ChrIstian Endeavor fa ced with an election pecUliarity lal examination, The course includes will long be held In loving remem- mall orders lor the exulbition aames sc>clety wi!! present their play "The ~ which has not prevIously arisen in 300 bours at flying schools and at brance by l:1is family and many at Cr,?sley Field at lhelr new d~wn-' l.,ord·ii Acre" at the Middletown U. B . . the ",tate in either of the major lanst 900 hOurs on ex tended active friends. . . . ~own ?flce in tlle Un,o,l Central ch,urch. _Baltimore St.. , ¥iddleiown" parties. This situation was brought duty with combatant unlls of the Alln~x B,uilding, 307 'Vine Street. OhIo. All are cordlaUy invited to at-' a.~ t by the 'unexpected death of air corps. Ohio a-pplicants should CARD OF THANKS Advance sules 101' all ga,UI:s during tend. Secretary Eari 'GrUfith. after the reach 001. Muhlen!>erg, Ft. Hayes, the se&Wl1. wlll· be 'handled 'at th1s llitaI date, (Maroh 15) for the flung Columbus, at once for fur ther inCorWe wish to e~tend our Sincere locatilln. Which has been opened ot nomination petitions for allstate mation about Ule examinatIon to be that;lks to our many fl'iencls who as a convenienCe to the lan.!, a~d pne should watch to know whilt Off!t;CN . . l 'l\ll nominatIon of Mr. held there Aprll U. In -ndditlqn , ' to gnvc sympathy and assLstance to 'us to t¥ilita:te the liandllng of aU his ertora are;_and if this watch1nl ,Qrlffith for a second term at the the expensive training'. the, .;flylng dUI'ing our late bereavement. Llckets. ' . deIItroys hiS peace , in error, abQUld MRY 14 )Jrhnn.ry elcoLiorrwtts 0. fore- cadets w1l1 receive $'15.00 PCI' month X.wra V. Reed Under ' tills .iICW 'one watch allalQJt 'auch a resUlt? He gone conclusion, although techni- food, lodging and clothing fU1'1ll shed Floramonct Reeq mnll ol'del's can' be handled without lIhould nQ~. , ,~ry Baker caJly he was opposed by 'W~J:Hwn. . a~ly delay! and as ' seven .'. -' 1.:.' . ':-~ '~. _ , ~ourlsts answering the urge at l\foMILLAN SAI,E ticket windows can be opened to UBJ!; .'nIB " MIA~1 GAZETTE !
Waynesville, Ohio
State Capital News
\l WIN
nlllDY as
~:::::::::;:~:;::~~:;'~:_;_~_':'~~~~:~ •
spring to be travel·bound in Ohio have the opportunity next month to be the gucsts 'of' a SCOl'e of comlllunities pn or adjaccnt to U. S . Route 40 when their resIdents cclebrate a "Century of Progress of TransportaLloll on Lhe National Highway" on May 16- 17. COn1memorating completion of the naUonal route In Ohio. the celebI' l Ion will culminate in a gl'(1 nd pageant at Columb~l:; May 17. In which I:he Governors of Wesl Virginia. Indlat;la and Ohio wlll participate. wUl
The RED BRAND fence you pUl up now , will stay tight , look right - for years. Fifty years of fence making experience assures it. Buy time-tested RED BRAN!;>, put it up tight, .forget, it - that's the way you ~d · the work ~nd worry of yearly fence repair.
01116 l1as !;Iecome the leading pro-
·' .
f 0 r Ye a .,
The rugged ':servke o[ BRAND, [en~ means lowe,tfo~i per roa per year. Plenty o[ cop. h 1 fi I per In t e stee tq .lg l t rust- an' extra thick zint coat ing Pill 01)
by; lhe '.features Gal liI1UdI! p~ocess. These meanlIg" CASH IN. ,
YOUR .POcl(ET in th~
to com~..
. • We hav~ every 'height and -~ , weight you 'need. Come in · end
look them
,~_: .
.. •.'
ducers of tomatoes under glass. First sales wore at $2.50 for an 8 ld. basket and ' the · seas.on avernge will ,be around 10 cents per pound. Cleveland Is the hol: house center of Ule United , states wilh a.pp~·oximatc l~ 250 acres under producing glass. A's h tabula' with .60 .iue5, , Toledo 80. Cincinnati· 50 anp wiWl 60 acres scat tered , hi other . Y Ohio has Il.pproxlmatCly produ;:ing under' glass.
· _ ·' _ · ' _ 'I ~ I
sOf ve , the people.·who purchase their ' ;-' WANT· ADS , Llcj(ets over the ,counter. The system l~========;:~=::=~si2~~~~~~~rs$SiL: Is in charge of Harry Murdouah. 1 one of the b~t ticket men In the country. Mr. MurdoUllh is on the Job again after a serious iUncsa that In'l'P8Citated him during most ·, bf .. the-1939 season. . . . -.......;--~~"":'--~~~~~':""!~~~ ~ ~~ ,The tormer tICket pflice was 10cated in the Jlenry 'Straus Co., Sixth and Walnut Streets, ' This was dis'C ontlpued because or lack of l'oom mad~ it iffilPO/lSllble to handle the people as well as . tJle : Reds would like to have t~em Served.
... ..
' _ '~"'-"~f '~"" ' .
Loca"H .• ~ appeologs
- "_ •._ "- "- ,,--":0-'.... _ . Mrs. Ota HicQIls spmding a cout)lle of weeks with he~ daughter, Mrs Leo Deutsch and family of Spring: field . • • • • • Mr~. Lena Riggs, Mrs, Vanllhn, and · Mrs; Swadner, all of Dayton: were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,Robert Furpas, Friday afterovemcn t noon.
Work on n. ,$13'1,:'00·.· prog!am at thc 0 1110 tate. ~i1 • • . ~. ... , groLmds will be uilder way . Ilboup Mr. and M!s. Rupert M!JDg~r.. anel M ny 1. as t~IC l'C!jUJt o{rccommen~;!1- .Dr. , an~ Mrs ' •. H. ,~. Hatiba,wlly. ,were. tiona made by th\.!. State Fair I\ d:. guests at the home or I!)r. ~ Mrs. vl~ry co~ncill of 11 members 'haylrig ' J. E: Witham, <'Bullday · .ev~ning;' on bern appro ed bf 00\ ernor B1'i~ker .. the QC£.8ljion. of l4J's. ~it:ham's bJ11.h· ~' -_., day annl~~.. - ' , __ Adjustment otpWo losses oJ~ wt~l : _ . . . - ~ .. . tor whellHT1surCld under_ the' 1940 Mr, and Mrs. KflnDj!tlh E1~y and crop insurtll1t'e prO{lTam will , daughter of 'bay ton. vl.'I1ted .. El-
F.rm . · eriExcbari~g·e .C 0 . ' PHONE2S
ATTRACTS LARCGE CROWD _ One of the largest Crl)Wds of the season was in attendacI! at the Me Mllllln auction last Monday. The stock , and farm chattels brought exccpUonally I1lgh prices, the farm of 126 acrcs was sold to John. P . Oummln gs at his bid of ,60.76 per acre. TIll' auction totaled neELrly $12.000. F. T. Martin, tile Centervllle aucUOlleer advertised and cl)nduoted the ('n llre saie.
Bill McKecnle's 1940 edition of tbe OlhclnnaU ' Reds wlU staae two dreu rehearsals for their home' town fans this coming' Saturday and. Sunday, Lhen will ,,swing Into busineSS'1ierend-': IIlg their newly won National Leagu: championship " . "" ' The u'nvei~g of the lHO Reds wm Lake place in the form or a pair or. . tlxhll:ltloll games against Uie De. ' '~i~urs, generally regarded as one or the ~ost I.plproved teama in the Am~ri ban ·L eague .. Each gam. wi,l .start at 2'. 30, and ,it·s Qul' te ....... ...... ~1t,1Ll: 1.hat" Clncinnati pltchera for . llrL of the se.l'~es w.lI ,'b e "h'J..a t,..... j~~=:ai~: • - Buqlty .... · _n~j-!'itii-:;ii:~.r~ ~1.'II\~al·ts, Paul Dfr.t!llger and: Welters \ .. . }.ekt;·~esday 'the National ~ s~ !\Son· w.il open 'with the jJj" ,ng the Ohicago ' OUba 'J!be cull. I".j&U will piay 'i p an~ on Wid.' ' ' f CSI:I8Y afid Thursday wb;4 ' ~ _ill leave hoa..- . : : - -
Red.. *
t,.e.., ~js-
n begin. Farmers believing t.h~ir !"ey'R parents, Mr.&nd Mti. W'dItar- for three days 'for a VlIit to JiI&ta.; '. - in' ,ufe:« wheat ClOP has bP.en moler- ElIiB1 Saturd., Walter, ourgh. then re\am to meet tbe 8L --~ tally damaued ora "llu/JatanU", ly ~. who has been f « . . . r.Ouia ~ . tot.nl·' lu,c;s. shQuld ilL on. e fDe a tune; , . tame . ~ au.. ~
omo. THURSDAY. APRIL 18, 1940. -I --
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Boss Johnson Speaker 'Womans Auxiliary Counly Home Agent . Elects New Ofiicers Is Guest Speaker At FISh Game Banquet
Local Happenings
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f~ 4 ._ ' I _ ' I
I _ ' ..-....-u-..~
Mrs. Ada CO\l rtney \VIlS a bUSiness NeVIl officers of t he Woman 's Auxil Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy MoThe Wayne Townshlp Farmers· Boss Johnson, Well-known radio lary of St. Mary 's Church were elect visitor In DIl~' IO'n . Mond ay. ron. II son, Tuesday, April 16. Tilc Men 's elv!' Club III 1 club met Thursday afternoon. at the en tertainer and hunter. spoke to Cd Friday as follows : Pl·esldent . The followIng program win DC • • • • • GrAllgs Ha ll. Mond ny evenin g AprJl Little Inn. the guests of Mr. and three hundred men at t.he Wi\rren Mrs. O. R. Frnzler; vice-presiden t. Dr. ancl Mrs. A: E. StOll t and presented Friday night AprU 19 by O . H. Cook of Kenosha. Wiscon- Mrs. Ronald Hnwke. A la.rge mem- 00. FIsh & Game stag fish fry held Miss Katherlnc Prendergast ; secre- da.ughter visited Dr. and Mrs. Char- 15th . where tII~y were cn tertaililed WaynesvUIe school band at ~e gym. sin. spent the week end with hlB bershlp and several guest.~ enjoyed In Memorial Hall at Lebanon last. lary- irens mer. Mrs W. A. Scanlan. .cs MlIlI1l11 0 1 Lewisburg. Wednesdny by the Ladl es of the Episcopal The boy's quartet. coruisting or RobChurch and servl'd to 0110 o{ the .. Sister. Dr. Mary L. COOk. the flne dinner preceding the-meet- . Thursday nJght. Because of the bad' T!.e Auxiliary met In regUlar Segert Earnhart, Alton Earnhart. Robert spl/'ndld supp n . whioh they suppleIng. weathel' the ' club's lunch committee ~Ion. FI'iday a fl ernooll. at the Little Mrs. RobrrL Bilker .11' •. vlsltrd 11er Pre!lton. Orville Savage w11l also be Mrs. F. U. LeMay ., Mrs . J. H. Sack Pres. W. A. Swartzell called the had not counted" on such a large Inn. with M rs. Ronald Ha.wke as sLSter Mrs. F. A. Horton In Dayton. men ted wiLh court sy and dignity. reatur~. Fiftee n month . ; ago Ule Wayncs ett and Miss Helen Hawke were meeting to order and th e invoCflLlon crowel- the largest In the c1ub's hls- h osws.~. The meeting was opened Frirl ny. The FooUlfter--.Mai'ch .... Filmore ville Civic Clul) WIlS oq;anlzcd al1C1 Dayton visitors. Tuesday. an Indian with elevotions. Ml·S. C. H . Brace tory. Johnson spoke In was given by County Commissioner Mllntllla-Overtlll'c ... . . . ', Yoder • • • • • , IV is.~ Bell y H lllt!iOt k o[ Cincinnati became a gol ll ~ (·oncPl'!]. Ma ny I>plen Iwnd dress and blanket he wore pre:,idlng. Fre. d Hagemeyer. After the 1'egular My Hilro-Waltz . . .. . . . .. . . Strauss Henry satterthwaite Is very 111 at routine of business. Mrs. F . U. Le- while being adopted Into the Sioux During the busIness session ; Mrs. H' A III l he wf'ek end with her parcn ts did me c ting~ wrr!' he ld aL wh ich Drink to me Only With Thine Eyes: his home. sulTerlng from a heart at- May gave nil hlterestl ng' talk on tribe In South Dkota some years a go Ronald Hawke gave an Interesting Mr nnd Ml'S, B rt. Hnrt.'50Ck. only mn tte rs ol vilo I imporLan c to Joshua Fit De Battle or Jerico: • • • • • the welfarc f thl' vlllo gf' of theil' tack. hltro. accl'lllllL of the luncheon sh e anel Severnl vlslting guests were "Our Over,lndulged Children. " This Little David: There Is a Tavern In • • • • • r. ,! , and Mr,~ . Ral ph Hastings and choice wer e olloWl'd t·o f!l1gagc thl' duced. Including Game protector Mrs Brace attended at the home of topic brought out considerable dls The Town ... . .. .•. Boys' Quartet Mrs. May Cook or Dayton 11 cusslon. Earl Beaver of Butler Co.. Fish Mr~ . Roger Woodhull In Dayton. .;0 1' \\ erl' Su ndny dinner g11 (,St.~ or n I tCll UOI1 of thf' membe rship. Flnlandla.-Thne Poem ... 8ebellus The speaker or the atter~oon was Management Agen t Lowell Binkley g:vl.'n for Lhe United Thank Otrel'lng Mr. nncl Mrs. W. E. Stroud. Carl AbncC'ilcl' i. lill' rl'Lh'l ng presMignonett Overture . .... Bauman sp!lr:dlng a few days with he.r daugh • • • • • Idcn t rcvicWf'<l th ~ work accomEthan Crane and family. Miss Roberta Falkenstein. of Lebater. Mrs. of Springfield, Chas. Coler. ClnclnLl p.f.SUl'ers, of the dloce~e. The Kiss Me Agaln- Wllltz . . . . . Herbert • • • • • Mr lIml Mr '. W Il IIf'r Casl SPf'l1t plis hed and was VP I'.\· optimistic renOll. Warren county home agent. nati. president of The · Southern Un!ted Thank Offering envelopes Military Escor~March ..... Bennet Mrs. Harold A. Mohler and chilo She chose as her subject. "The Ohio' Coon-h\1Jlters Club. and others. \I'l'rc dlslrlbu ted to. the members Of SundRY wlrh Mrs. J . W. Cast of gardlng th e fll lUI'(' of Ihe c1 U11 a nd The names of the Band King and dren are vlsltlng her parenUJ at Wefit Home". dea ling wlth It as. III the John Woodward, SprlngtlOro. chair- the AlIxlllal'Y. th e offCl'lng to be pre Clarksville. praised til Ilwmbl'l's and the reth'Queen will be disclosed during the Milton. il1g off icers fol' lhrll' IInselflsh cowor\:',; of a boy. "The Placl!' Father man of the clubs membc'rship com- ~I . nted April 2B. dance following the concel·t. . • • • MI'. (lnd Mrs. D. R. Salisbury and oprro Ion an d drvollon to the prlnannounced wlnn, e rs of the 1111. ' secretary. Mrs. Bert HArtsock mlttee Is Proud to Support, Mother to The Rhythmalres.oi Mlaml UniMr. and Mrs. John Kennedy. nee Keep. and Friends to Visit." This membership contests. Ohlas. LaYllla~ l'l' hU a letter from Miss Frances Van f<\l11Uy were dlnll l' guests Sunday clple:; of the club. \lerslty will furn ish music fOr the Martha Hay. of OilY ton are the flne tnlk was Well recelved. T he new atTIc 1'5 eler ted to (I te rm of Mason. E;rnest . Moon of Kings Burl.'n. sup rln tendent of thc Chll· of Mr. and l'Vll's . W. E. Cornell . dancing. proud parents of a daughter, Martha • • • • • of one yea r nrc RS (allows: J . R. Among the guests were. . Mrs. MUis. and Earl Maag of Morrow drl'l1'S Hosplt.a.l. Cincinnati, t hank . Elaine. born Sunday. April 14. Mrs. Bernard Melloh of Ridgevllle GibbOllS. m'C.~ I(lc nt: Cha rlrs E Edith M. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Bert were tied for first place M duplicate !l1g St. Ma ry's Auxlllal'Y for the scv• • • • • Hartsock, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cor- prizes were awarded. Woodward elllY' fi ve gi rl's dresses. which were Rnd Mt. and Mrs. A. P. Melloh and Michener. \'1: " prcsldcnt: Loul Miss Louise Zimmerman and Bar- nel1. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller. hlrru;elf won second place . 11 ,,1 1!e a nd sent to th e hospI tal dur- da ughter visl Lcd MI'. and Mrs. J . H . P rintz, trea. 11 I'('r : C h arl e.~ Anderson. ry Hudson of Athens. accompanied Miss Helen Hawke. and Miss FalkSaturday evening, on his WLW Ill! lhe past year. Shf'ley oC HamUlon. Sunda y. secretary ; C. H. Bra('p nnd Carl tht' group of Waynesv1lle people on ensteln. radio program B06S Johnson highly Fmal an-angments were madc fol' • • • • • 'Aba ch crll. directors. the week end excursion to WashingMr. Rnymond Mulfol'd hilS nloved During tl1P past year It has been The club adjoui'i'led to meet In complimented the Warrlln Co. Fish tnt benefit card party . to be given and Game Assn. on' It's conservation b:; the Auxiliary. April 25 . at the fr0111 his resi dence on North S L.. ami the, custom of Ihe club to tlsten to May at the uFrnas·Hoa.k home. T'he scores of the local pupUs talt- ton. D. C. Is makin g his home wi th Ills son. 11'- an InformaU,·" . prll ker who was !\nd other activities, following with Ul tic Inn. Ir.a the general soholarshlp tests at MIS. Velma Dodson of Toledo a description or the mal0Y interest· The members of the Auxili ary will Viti Mulford and famIl y. known to hili J1 ·ofes.Gion a!< Il lead er l.pbanon. recently, were announced illg and historical spots 'to be found sew Friday afternoon at the home • • • • • In hj li ne of wo rk In th fi r.l (1 or last week by Assistant' County SUper- s pent the week end with her mother In our county. of Mrs. O. H. Brace. MI'. and MJ'S. Le II' Ls Fires and scif'llce . humor. pi vic wOl'kIJ r 01' trav· Intendent R. F. Hatfleld 'as follows: Mrs. C. J . Marquardt. who Is slowMaa,' Eva LeMay, score 199. ranks 1:/ rfcovering from injuJ'~es sustalnThe meeting adjourned to m eet In . fnlllil wcre dlnller l:uest6 Sunday e1er. but no t1JN'ti n ~ was more h lghAir Drake of lQngs Mills won the prize for th.e elde.lt and most unusu- Ma~' with Mrs. Bert Hartsock. Pay- or MI'. and Mrs. C. H. HarbeSOn and Iy cn Le rtaluln ~ than Lhe one recent11th jn coun'ty; Frieda M. ·Ellis. score ed in a recent fall. al outfit. In addition to his famous mE: nl of annual dues wlll be m nde rllll l'ld Taylor of Centerville. Iy held when J . R. Gibbons the new 'un rank 11th: Carol L Ludington. licore 185. rank 13th: LeUa Kover. Mrs. Helen Graham and daughter "Glorious Ohio." word and muslo fishing hat, A1f "rought the willow at this meeting. • • • • • pl'li'sldcnl gaw fI n h'(lsl n(~ descrlpA pleasant social hour was thcn Mr, and Mrs. Everett. Sears and tlon of Ilis tl'ip last montll to OaUn an. score 182, rimk .1 5th: Robert p . .Delores Jean arrived Thursday at arrangement ,by W. O. Tichenor of fishing pole and leel .with wWch h is !>ruton. score, 168; Qharlotte L. the hOlVe of her parents, Mr. and HarveySburg. was prese.n ted for the father taugbt h1m to fish many el. jd}ed. during which time refresh- SOil or Spring Valley and Mr. and f rn ia and· 1'1'1 lim. by auto, covering ' l tp rtman. score 154; Anna Mae Wat- Mrs. C. L. Dllke, after spending th~ first time a t the Lebanon high years ago. . men!s of Ice cream. cake and coffee Mrs. W. N. Sears vlsil ed Mrs. Irvi n 11101' than 7000 mlles. ItI!1 ~. score I.e. wtn1.Cr In Miami Fla .. They will re- school band concert given In Leba';/cre ,sel'ved to members . and the Miller of Arcanum . Sunday. Ml· . Glhbons spoke without notes Prom 'MassIe Township school, main for an Indeftnlte visit. .non Town Hall Tuesday night of ' last follo wing guests; ' Mrs . J. W . Ander • • • • • nnd in his . hnrncL ri!itl pa lly pleas • • • • • tOll and Mrs. Mary Johnson. Misses Barba ra Cra l1e and Su ant mannel' 11 1(1 his alldiehce~ for Bl\rbara Thornbury, score 209, rank week. Again on Tuesday night of Furnas 'werl! overnight guests at the marc th an an hOllr . relating hJs exMr. and Mrs. Edward Artfiur Hack this week at the All-County Chorus :lrd; Mat:Jorle Edith DaVis, . Bcore hallie of MI'. and Ml·S. W. A. LUkens p Clienees ami telling of tll eonJ5:1 . Earl Milton Harvey, score 138. well of Newport. N. H., arrived Festival at Springboro. "O!orlous (lnc! family We Incsclly venhlg. tacts he had made. To his credit not TUl'sday evening at the home of. 'Ohio" was sung with Mr. Tichenor tt.elr son and daughter-in-law, the directing. • • • • • a member lef L1le hall whlle. he was .... P.l V and Mrs. R . L. Hackwell, to re- . Mr. Tichenor Is well known here Mrs. Ralph Hastings visited her speakin g. sber. Mrs. George Osbotne of Leb· ma~.l'. f.or a v~t..o! sev~ ~ys. al)cl thro.uB'pou.~ ill!! I!)unty ana his Dog owners (n the county have anon . TUlisday. Mrs. Osborne 15 ser • • • • • compositIon was well received by the Several members of the local .1(," ~ly Ul. Among those who attended the large audiences present at both con- bl!en requested by Dr. Edward Blair, Little Boj)by MOs:gan proved a very opening county health , commisshllDer, to keep Eastern Star.' chalpter and Masonic between the Cincin- certs. chal'Dl1ni l,tost o'n saturday after- natl Reds and the Chicago Cubs at nil dogs confined to the premlses. Lodge attended inspections in adMr. Ilnd Mrs. Andy Klmnm at noon Aprll 8. when .hl!' entertained Orosley ' field Tuesday were J . R. One positive case of rabies has joining towns Wednesday evening. W~'omlng were Sunday visitors . at a group . of biB lltUe friends at his Gibbons. R .D. Collett. Ross H. Hart Mrs. Glenn Bland of Springboro. the hom e of Mr. and Mr~ oI. K . Pl' bee n discovered in Fran:klln and the home in celebratiOn of his fifth sock and son Owen, J . C. Hawke COf ,pera.tlon of all dog m'mers In the Mrs. L. C. St. John. Mrs . John t0n and family. =-"-"C=~-T-I-le-W -a-rren County spelling bee .birthday anruversary. Of ecmmunlty and surrounding towri- Fromm. and Mr. and Mrs . J. R and D. R. aal~ury. • • • • • will t.ake place. a t th e Lebanon h igh ; The afternoon WIllI spent In play· I sh ips Is urged hl an e1Iort to prevent Mengle attended Eastern Star inspec • • • • • MI' . and Mrs. Ber t Hartsock ann .~Cl l o01 bulJdiJlg Tuesd(l Y. April 30, at ing pmes after wbich his mother. the:. spread of the disease. Miss Helen Hawke was the week tlon at Morrow. ~on David were dinner guests Wect ~ 7 :30 p. 111 . . aaslsted 'by her sister. Mrs. Paul end guest of ,M r. ~nd loire. Preilill. Mrs. Emma J . Githens. age 66. Frank Braddock. Charles James. n esc!ily evening of Mrs . Wlnifrcd Follow lng nre ~he regulations : WI.UIaIJ\8 Of. Lebano~i ~" Everett Cole in DByton. Mr. and Mrs.P. U. dled at her home on Route 48 near FlJRMER RESIDENT Frank Hess. ~ . and Mrs. R. D. COl- MaSOn of XenJo.. En lrnms must. be enrolled In onc Early of Yellow Sprlnll8 and Mrs, LeMay and famlly ..,ere «:lb,Pler Waynesville. early Sunday morning, DRS IIIII' DAYTON lett •. J . C. Hawke, L. C. st. John, and • • • • • of thc firs t eight grnaes .of school. StanleY Balley, aerved ' ref~ts guestl! of Mr. a.l'ld Mrs. COle0ii:~! niter a week's Illness. Raymond Braddock attended MaMrs. C. E. MicJlcnel'. Mr.. ELhel EL\clt schonl sha ll select its own repto the r, ~ollowlpg r 8llefitS: ' Ba~ day, Miss Hawke retu1'DlDlr She is survived by her husband. sorue lnspeetign at New Burllngton. F a ul. Miss Grace Hockett and M . iss rcsenlatlves. ' J. satterthwaite, former M!nJi1e Barger, Earline Todd, Betty 'l'homas with them Sunday evening. Charles, one son. Lester, of WaynesF . C. Shoemaker, H. M. Carey. Frieda Harvey attended a (lIs trl ct 'Esse ntials of Spel1jng by Pearson reslufnt of Waynesv1l1e. died at her tt tl Mlltop Jon~s, i,>Ickie Whltaker, Rus• • • • • '·!lle. dne daughter. Mrs. Stella ReJtz and W. C. St. John, O. I. Sa er 1· mceW ng for 4-H club lenders a l ond Suzzn llo Is the book from which homl' In Dayton. Mondlay. AprU 15. d oakl U I lIe!hRoutmhn, Norma and 'Keith waJte, M. D. Balr . cy ng es- Lebanon. Saturday. Lhe word will be taken hl the WilrMrs. Leo Conn~ entertained at of oakwood and eleven g'r andchU· Fllileral servl es were held at the d d lImpere. ;Bobby anel 'WUmaQray, dInner Saturday evening In honor dren" Iby and Jesse Prendergast atten e • • • • • ren coun Ly sillellUlg bee. Malralyn IUI4 JaetJe Puritu, Betty uf the birthday anniversary of Mr. Funeral services were held, Wed- Mo(Clure ;Funeral Home here. this MasoniC inspection at Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. BI'(Il1strator, Webst 1" 05 unabridged dlctlonn.ry Thursday afternoon Rev. L. C. Radall~ Bobt;Iy Campbell. D&le &lid Gene COnner. Her tueats were Mr. anll' ntsr1ay afternoon, at the residence. ley oructatlng. Burlal was In Miami VI . 0 Branstrator. and Ralph Bran· wUl be t he final authority upon both ~Wlike. JimmY S~' . ~ sattercemetery. strator were Sunday cllnner guests ~peJling lmd pronuncl!t1on.. Any Mrs. Robert BUiett of Centerville, with' burial in Miami cemetery. thwaite of Wayneavnle, Phyllla BaIl- Mr ...and' Mrs . . Bernard MeU~b of _ __, ____ ' nt th e home of MI'. and Mrs. Ell . p Iling or prQnl1ncintion foun d in ey. Brucle',and Eva Lee Kennard of Rt1gevllle, MUla Evelyn Johns, and . Furnas this dictionary will be con~dered L~no!l and ~y Morgan, ;Toho BOger. · rIght , • • '. • • ' . Esther and Donal l! ·Lllkc.ns were A worci sboUld be Rronoll l1ced , by guests at a birthday par ty Sa turda y t.I1(i speller before slle spells it. Then Mr. and Mrs Howard Drummond ftnd' famny en'tertalned. at dinner ' 'Wlm .... , .. The Ladies Aid society of the afternoon . . given by Ha t'old Hough Jf sh e pronouncQs tHe wrong word. Lelia:; Koverman, Reporter Wednesday ' evening, In . celebration -- . Metliodlst Church held an all day of Harveysburg In celebrallon of s he can have th e right one proor' the birthdaY anruversarlea of Thirty-four seniors wUl be graduNine boys or the local Boy Scout W d d t th h his eleven th I;llrthday annlversary. Iloullced again . .However . If a word '. W 111 th 1 daughter Dorot"n and MJas ateci from Waynesville high school meeting. enes ay. a e ome • • • • • " I t' d b tl II . Frlday,i'. ApHI 18 the aynesv e er , ".7. troop entered the Wanen County o! Mrs. Elmer Sheehan. ;. S 110 prOIlO\llI ' e y le:we er and band Wlli 'sponsor·.' a dance at the Naomi Earnhart, Mr. and Mrs. Har- at commencement exercises May 24. SW1m Meet held at the Middletown Twenty-four members and guests Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Sf' ltl m'l'l'! Ihe wrong word Is spelled, It will be hillb ~h~l ~mnasluJrt. Music will old B. Earnhart and ramlly. Mr. and This Is oneo! the largest classes to Y. M. C. A. saturday everung. wln- en~oyed an excellent covered dish and SOll of Oregonia wel'c Bnturday cou nted [l s' m lssed. Only one trial will be permitted. 'be provJd'ed 'bY Bud LeMaY'S orches- Mrs, Timothy Smith and daughter, be graduated. In the history of the ning one first and two thirds. Irwtn d~nner at noon. The table was at- evening diJmcl' gl1c, ts of Mr. nnd tra, ' tbe Rhy.thmalres ~om Miami Loulse'.' aiuilllr. James Smlth. scllOQI. The prJSpective graduates Lewis placed first In free style and trncUvely decorated In gay Spring Mrs. L. C:" St. John. Mr, and Mrs. A word missed wlll be passed on . . ' . ' . ~ • ! /. are D.· follows : I BI d I hi r t . til UnlverlllW. , . ..., . I. • Jim Hartsock placed third in diving 0010r5. yellow predominating. The G enn an and (Rug .cr 0 0 "'I1 .11ex t cntrRll t al'\d so on un , , .'Mrs. 0 ; H. Brace was hostess to Ma:garet Bergan, Bet~y Bernard. and backBtroke. The troop as a whole crnterplece was of potted pink tu- Sprl1'lg1boro were gHest.~ of Mr .. and It 11\ IIpellcd correctly. " 'On :..Frlday the eighth grade Will the members of the Argunot bridge Bonelta Burske, Anna Oampbell. placed fourth In the meet. out of lips ..wlth small pots of bluebells at Mrs. S . John for dinner on Sunday. One a nd one~half ' percent oC the 1a~ethe I!nJlUrl elghth~de test club, and one guest, Mrs. A. E. stoUt Ruth Ann. Donohoo. Dorothy DakIn, the nine troops entered. Other Way- euch place as favors. Members • • • • • total elementary enrollment of each .,glvel} by ·the statet . rt· a dessert bridge. Tuesday after- Ma:'gle Dakin. Frieda Ellis, Helen nesvllIe Scouts who tclOk , part were whose birthday annJversnries are In The Young Friends Meeting will school.in th:e CO\jl1LY system may be • t ' I--noon at \he' Little Inn. CardS were Faul. Charlotte Hartman. Clara Hop- John Phillips•.Jack OI'l~ne, Joe Hart- Mr.rch and Aprll were honorell be h eld Sunday eveni.ng. April 21. at en tered In thJs SPelling bee (to the The ienlors. ha~e started' to' Pr8.c- played ~t three tables during th~ af- 1:lmi. Leila Koverman. Mary Eva Le" sock. Wanen LeMay. Kenneth gu('sts for dinner, and the hostesss the home of Raymond and sarah nearcst whole nUlllbel'.) WhUe ent&.Ce -ell' litlay: ';!~(t"Rot pep~rs" ·ternoo~ with W~" Kn. J, \ B. May, carol Ludington. Sarah Miller, Bradley, Ronald Clark. and Roy p!t~pared a decorated birthday cake Braddock. Entertainment committee trance is no.t ,compulsory. It is hoped Cluipman. first. and Mrs. D. C. Beryl Meredith. Irene Philllps. Mil- Peterson . .The boys were accompa- III their honor. These guests were. will be William Lukens, Elizabeth that each school will have its full whlcii is 't6 be 'i\ven Kay 1'. ., .' " _.' ~.' , ~iC:{le ~d. • dred salisbury, Wilma Thomas, Mar- nled by James Wetherholt, Russell Mrs. L. C. Radley. Mrs. Ralph Hast- Furnas. and Paulette Satterthwa.lte. quota .on haud. ·In ·.£be ' ~n1or 8chol&~p test. . , . ~ . " . , .. , caret Vlnt. Anna Mae Watkins. Mar- Holliday and Russell Frank. Inge. Mrs. W. E. Stroud. M;rs. Cora Cu!nnt events will ·be given by Any student who arrlvC5 too late .' wflfCh .. _ 81,ep 00 ~~ 30. Way- . Two ' famUy dlnn~s wae. enjoyed (lal"el Young., James Bourne, Charles ·k lch. Mrs. J . B. Rich and Mrs. A. H. Seth Furn!ls Jr. to get in on the firs t round of wordj; Stllbbs. • • • • • will not be permitted to spell . I neliYJlIO: ' ln.· 'c 6mparij9n WIth , ·other IRl!t week In' celebmtlon of the birth CO:iett, Albert Haga. RaymoJld MWer 'p:. Larrlelt. Arpue OSborne. Robert Preston. 1 Mis.Walter Whitaker presided at Mr. and Mrs. Warren Braddock An invi tnlion to parUCip!'te in the . RehoOts' lo .the. cOuntY. m&.de" a Vefy day "annlversary of . lOad ~j ~, ,,,.:~ Tur:~Y_ eve. ,~. antt"Mrs. L!U'- flarold Rutherford, Winfield' .Scott. thp. business meeting held arter entertained the members of t heir ' WHIO racll o spelling- bee s&turdRY, D d Mrs 0 dl. Keever of ql nner. Devotions were conduoted by family at dinner Sunaay, In honor ot May 11. fl'om 5 to 6 P. ~;. has been : co Yed' sUI:' p~ lD'·the counb', beinC J'ltk', were dinner gu.e ats of Mr. and Lowell Sinclair, William ' Spitler; . ~ "bnit·, p8r.,Q- l~.t ,t&ynelyWe J,lrs. Oeorlle 'T. c:aulclt 'of MIaJnl!A)urg ~J1l1!am Strause, JOe e!lderwood. ··. C ~~I . u sE,y d dinner ~1r:;. A. K. Day, who used as her the blrthda.Y anniversary of Mrs. rcceived fro m W. A. DriscOll. co'(\n-~ ~"_Atlie firit,·tin · Prtecta • Su.ndBy. Mr. and Mrs. QyIck and Mr . .. , en :h . ;ere . 1m ay t(Jplo. "The Value' of Inward' peace." Fnmk Braddock. Their ~uesls wero ty sliPerin tendent . 'Of ' MOngOm~ry ".' ... lAce( i'ltb.;O.~d' L~ ,1$tb,' ~nd Mrs, R. C:'C~pbeU ~r Dayton. . gu:~ :~d ~t~~· z., Hartsock and A report of the meeting held at the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Braddock. Mr· coun !.y schools. :rhe winner in the ' " &I:ld . Lell~ Kovetmln 115Ul . out· .l .~ \l'.!re guests tor. dlnner at, the ho~e , daughters' 'S ara LoUise and Helen South Park 'Methodlst Ohurch, Day- and Ml"5 . . ~ed Bra~dock, Mr. ana Mill/IIi Valley Fin will receive. . a ',. ' 'Of ~n vislted -the~ mother and tnn. was given by Mrs. . Whltaker. Mrs,. Raymond B~adciock nnd family b 1}1lWIul l'adlo ~t. :;r.'he Sl)hOOJ. tblS ,'. tbtr.tY·n1ne w~ ~ the teat. ' ". ~f their: ~ntl!,. Mr; and Mrs.L8r, . , rl~k. . _ L dm thO .:.- ·li Ha On It "'ho with Mrs. Cora Rich was 1\ H : .A. ,Cornell al1d Harry Prater . winner represents Will r\!Celve a set . Mr. ·~ ~:~.91 ' We" ., , .·r ~ ~ , • • '. . • ' :=da/ev:~;'''' ena r"'.'oo. delegate from the 'Soclety ' to that . .' • • • • of Worldl3ookS and all apprOprIat:e~ ..."' ........aA ... . . " I --- ' Rev .. L •. C. Radl , rt, Prank U. Le. .'" , . . . tte to M d Mr F ed B dd ,! ere ". ill cri.Qed plaq'ue ,-' .' ,' . 0 .",,,,' " ...., ;\'L: 7 ' ~ .' ;"':"'':''1 '' , Ua. " & P. Melloh Lloyd Dav1s. aild ~ . ¥arle Owens is , III at her mr.E:t1ng. A recep~lo~ comml e '. ' T. ~n . s. r rn oc" \~ . .., . {' ' .', ' erl!» ~~ o~ W.uu ......... ..., '? - . I '.' . _ ho~e In . Del~ware. '. . .\'l(;lcome new attenilants at . o~ur.~h hWlt and hostess to the member s or" . '~-l-"T' ' n lng on tiea1~ ~ ~~tIQn. M. A, J!!Ulk,.-aoz:'1 atte,n~~ the .dJn , MJsS FrIeda ,Harvey and 'MIss st'fvlces was ' appolnted as follows: t~e1r·..:~59Q" , c)l1b, w~nesday . ' DROP ~~ ~:)):)S~~~ "~ . • '-.;!'i~ ... '~",. ~~. mflml!8~lnr o~ the ~~ ,~untY ' a~ace Hockett atter:lded · the 4-R Mr. and Mrs. 'W.iE. Stroud Illld Mr. at taeli· ·home. Three tables of card.,<; --,;. ' , . . ·~Ii ~e locjl "P,rIfII'IdA ~'fD8' t.(e~odIBt. • en,. Brother'i~' .lIon.~ . . Club .btuiquet a~ Lebl,non, Saturday and MrS. RUfus Watldna. . ,,:e~e ,enjOyed durhlg the evenJri~ al - . " F'.£~. or 'unkl1own' orlitir)' ~p,etel.v , ' .. . .. etay evenmr.. beld .at &WQ LSaD; I After the buainl!$li.' meeting. an ter ~..hlch the h,ostess served refresh- ~ IIIH.yed a l)h.1clten UGIITNING ' ~ ..... . Ohidten ~n\!r ,.. Jened to ~t . ,eV:;r, ';"'d Mfa. Ernest Martin ~f . ImiJ!omptu piOp'am of~.tunta and. n1er.ts to the fO~lo~n~ members: la ' \~Jg 3()O ~aby , .. _ nl~" IJleIl; -before tbe ~ by ; Damn v1s1ted trl~dls at.-tbe Home contestS .,w as enjoyed by the mem- Mr. (Il1d Mrs. ;fohn R Ooos. Mr; I!enkle faml D,"! :a.mpJliil. tl1e .. dies ~Red LIon )IetllocIlat Sunday. _. berl.! and the (ollowtna peats: Mrs. ll.ml MJ;s. Eli F1utnas, ~. and ~ ,!nd .l'~. 1-1'al"ol<l Cbl«Ch. . ., W. A.,. J)WrhlUt. .... Frank Croll _114 lin, 'C UI 01:011 or Lawrence Oodk. Mr. and Mrs. ~ t.ftx:iay ~hi. I;I~&I".; !lJi"1Mo WI• • • ' tar or, tb8 . JIPIQnb IIeUiDdIIt PraDkUn. and Mrs• .wa McQlure 'Hoak. Robert Oons, and R~ firt' start ed fTOD! an lsI__ ~ ~ 1fU till IU8It IUU\ cbl1dteD of Oen~e, FIIl·nas. g. <t.Ulle slOV•.
· . ..
·. . ..
-_._ --Mary Eva leMay Ranks SiJth In County Tesl
· . ... .
· . ...
Composer Direcls Chorus At Music Festival
TAKE NOTICE Local People Attend
Lodge Inspection
County Spelling Bee. -Tllesday, April 30
Mrs. Charles Githeos · es Wednesd R . ay
W ..aynesviUe School Loca'l Boy Scouts: AT' ALL DAY MEETING To Gra·duate 34 . EnIS· MeeI er
SCHOQL"NEWS . . ~...
.. . · · .
mI "
brocx!et ·
~bt miami ~a;tttt , ~ w.,.",m',Ohi.
" ... 11.
.. f-~' ~-=-=-----:-'~ ~ ~ »alg~. lni ..... _" ~ County Court News II ot
huld 6n to their Jobs' whUe
Entered AI Second Clw Mail Matter «t Postoffice, Wayncsv.iJ1e, Ohio
Flora .M. Crane Editor and Publisher
. '.!'::-
.=- -
~:.~.3::-.-= ;0:"= ========== ";:'
.- -.
. Ol'en Koebel.
----==:!J Inventory
a pproved. slate ot In tile mat~er of .t he . ~ SylvJn Du ncnnson VB. J efferson L. Floft'llcc Hay. decitascd; scbedule of ( p.bts approved , Dlmcl!llSon; divOrce, 81'055 neglect. T rixie May Leach vs. Raymond Wrig ht .Leach; divorce, gross Ileylert M I\RRlAGE LICENSES Lighting Products Company vs. Aflnr;n B , DickinsOn dbn. Dick's Mark Watkins, 54 . fann er. Ul'hana Hlld 0 shop; for $400.79 and Interest Il li nois, and Ll)clncill Mlilicr. 21 , Rp lph W, Jones vs. Ruth Vetgene Franklin. J( o r ~: dIvorce. gross neglect. Georg Fl'edelick Brayton. 21, Th e Slokes Dairy Company vs , trUck driv er, Kings MllIs. and VtrChnrles F raser and Anne Fraser; gln La Louis SpIlk er, 21 , laborer, fer $121.23 o.n account with Interest, Kings Mills. NEW SUITS
ISSUED EVERY THlmSDAY Subaeription Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payable in Advance
Many persons think of bank ng as the representative of "big business," Ind say that It exists primarily t,o serve large interests and wea.lthy people, No t rltlclsm could have less justification, There are some 45,000,000 sftvlnp depositors, and the average deposit Is less than $600, More than QO per cent of all savings accowlts are Insured In full by the Fed eral DepooIt , Insurance Corporation, which means that they are accounts of 1f5,OOO or less, Tbe services of banking are therefore primarily for Ule COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS people of small and moderate means. In the field of bRlik loa ns, n sLmllnr situat ion obtnlns. There are some 169,000 :manufacturing plnnts In !!hIs country, plus 177,000 wholesnlers, Margaret Coyle vs, Cecil Swallow; 1,'100,000 Independrnt retallers, 29,000 ho tels, etc, It Is obviOUS that rela~ two doctors ordered to ' make groupUvely few of these Ibuslnesses ar~ large In any sense of the word, Th yare In:,( blood tests and report In thirty small and mlddle-slzed -nnd they are Involved In the great bulk of bnnk- d ys. Ing tran.sactions. It Is a slgnlflcanL fact that a grcat denl of present -clay The Van Camp Sand & Gravel bank advert.ll!lng and other promo Lion eHort Is nlmed at the prospective CClmpany vs. Charles A. Oeder; case smaU borrower- the man who hns a leglUmatc use for a few hundred or dismissed. a tew thouslmd doUars. Anna Eileen Young, a minor . by If banking e.xlsted just to serve big business there would be few banks ' Til lie Belvl:!e her mother and next - there aren't enough big businesses to keep ~erlca 's 15,000 banks going. fr ien d vs. Ar~h\Jr J . Young; divorce Banlt1ng Is the servant of aU the people. not the few.- Industrlal News Re - gr~ nlod. caro of minor child given Vlew. to the plalntl!!, dofrndant to pay $5.00 pOl' week alimony and tbe
F T Ma111 ~ _" ~~ •
ney, et 01.; cose dismissed.
The cWef topic of conversation dUlng the pnst week litIS been , ot course, Gennany's seizure of Den- ml'r mark and Invasion of Norwny, Rnd the air and naval battles that bave The Chetr y- Bloscoms nre out at resUlted thereft'om, Most WaShln g ~ la~ t- more than a week late. Many . ton observers belleve that the move visItors, In d udln g flvc h undred nnd against the 8cand1navlan countries fifty from Cen trnl Ohio, who cnme marks the opening 01 a general war 0 11 a n ewspaper sponsored tour, of major proportions. Some predict fClurd WashingtOn an Interesting thllot Germany wUl soon Invade Hol- p la c~ last week, bu t sa w no Oherry land and Belgium. Others tllink BloS6oms, However, other thousands that the next operations will be In vi lUng Was hington In the last few the Balkans. with England endeav- doyS hav'e 'been enjoying the unus0I1D1. to shut off Germany's supplies 11:11 sight of the lid;.! b sin frlng~d of oU and w eat. On Capitol rull with blossoms. the universal feeling Is ~me of sym- . paUly for the Scandinavian COUIlUies; but undem~ath Is 0 strong determination that the United eners spell bound at the National Statea sholl not nnd must not be- l 'rt'r~ Olub luncheon last week, come involved In the European con- Made up of the nn tion's best news fla:t, ' wrlLt'rs, high governmental and diplnmatic olflcla!s. and business lendtwo weeks of marking time rrs of the na tio n. a Press Club audl- cnet' Is perhap.s the moot Intelligent t.lon, the House Is getting down to knd ha rdest to plense that can be BerloW! work. By the 'tlme tllJs ap· found anywhere In 1I.merlca . Yet the pearl In print the Logan-Walter Bill speaker from Ohio ha d the atten~ &tvlng the right of appeal to the tlLn of all . He was Cllarles F, . Ketcourts from rulings and decisions of tel;rg. vice-president of .the General bureaW! and commissions, will be Molars Corporation In charge of reunder consideration In the House of sonlct-the Ohio fnrm boy who InRepresentatives. Next wllJ come vented the selI s larter for autornoconsideration Qf amendments to' bJ1es, the fever machine for the rethe · Wages and Hours law. Soon lief of human sulferlng and ~any thereaft~r relief appropriations. oUler great Inventions. Most of his amendments to the National Labor great work has been done in and RelaUoJlll Act, and other controver- Ileal' Dayton. For some tLme h e has IIlI legislation will be ' on the con- Pen condu~tjng special research work ITfsal,onal menu. As a result con- I., plant life at Antioch College, ,ret.slonal leaders originally predlct- Yellow Springs, Ohio. At the coniDa adjournment ~or May 15th are ciul\!on of his address at the Press no~' saytng they ~lIeve Congress -Club he was given 9'n ovatlQn, an wll , adjourn by June 15th. Some ullullual tribute by those who recogl~glalatlve veterans are ot the OP1n~ rize only abUity and accoml)llshI('n, however, that If the full fury of men . -
Auctlonee, .. ,. ~
IIiI_---" Sand & Gravel
first Choice
...........rI..... ......
State Capital News
_ ==222_
COMPl:A1NTS -·-i·..... .0....,.....
'Woolen lOl\al' dd not hawa ttl IUBetIO._1 trouble. ~. be :FOU'ft ...u.4
~,~ iOaIueli~-
dlIPl'l'!ll'lefllitely- yourwo 'l'bllll try Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vecetaw. ' ColI)po.IAd to help quiet _ _ - - . relleft Dlonthly pain j(:;,m"., . .~ _dadla) and _II raIDUat .,...
due to IInOltioraal dl.cmlera.. Por 0ftI' 10 )'MI'I I1Pham'. Compound .... Mlped 11-
tu4On 1w.11 ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ....
=~E DIINS.1ICHES · ~ II .1.,_ *"
If· tr.t CQOd rubblnp with
WII'IIlIn& MUBteroIe don't' ~-
from ~ ro':! ~~~OfH\OWf>~~~ R!VM"Jllli qli1clta ft'lietliil!iu. It'.MUltllrole KORE dian 1II1ve." "I t'. a .
' V8tl '' AEE ' --.,--.- . , C : S P we ;,II~
Saturday; Aprii20 FUR:NI"JURE
BACKACH-Eiiiii~iiiiid.o': 'i i i~:i i i~ i i i; claiUoli i i DUI:::"=.~U::= MUSCUlA ' , " "R
. --------......;;.:<:::...---:-.:....~----..::......:...:..--.-----
Phone Your Wa'n t Ads To The Miami Gazette
Huridre~8 of thousands of boys arid young men I'ead THE AMERICAN BOY Magazine eve'ry month and con~ Or No Charge sider it more as a living comF'ederal revenue from Ohio Income panion than as a .magaz1ne. .. It's as much a buddy to Centerville, Ohio la"es sonredtrom '22.566.179 paid prior to March 20 of last year, to me as my neighborhood Phone 78J ~3b , 0l9, 879 collected to the same chum," writeR on e h i g h ct. lc this year, according to a U. S, school senior. "THE AMERI. 'I'1'fu: ury report. It has not yet been CAN BOY seems to underdetermined whether this Ufcrease re stand a. boy's problems andl~---_ _ flectu better business conditions gen considers them in such a e ', II ))), or Is due to the many thous- sl'mpathetic and helpful way a:lffs lucome tax returns filed by It gives advice and entertainTARVIA-LITHIC TAR AND pnblk service employes, who paid ing reading on every subject EXCAVATING L; lis tax for the flrst Ume under th. in which a young fellow is in- ROAD OIL; terested, It is particularly I l'W federa l law. nUMP TIWCl< SERVICBl helpful in sports, I made our school basketball team b('PIT RUN, LOADED SOC YD. TI11' federal opproprlatlon for the cause of playing tips I read \'/ork of taking, compiling and. pubh Illng the 1940 census is $45,100.000 in THE AMERICAN BOY." Many famous athletes in Continuation of the Ali-Ohio Boya all sports credit much of Phoue, Wayuesvllle U R 11 B:tlld as a featured musical attrac- , their success ~o helpful sug~ tlon at the Ohio State Fair, August gestions received from sports Lebanon office Phone 473-K~ol-30. ill announced by State Fair articles carrie,d in THE r es.98·M. Morr.w Pbone No. a Ma7J ltger W. H. Kinnan. Members of AMERICAN BOY Maga zine the ,b and_are selected from the best Virtually every issue offers - - - - - - - - - - - - m usl.olans 11\ Ohio high schools. Last advice from a famous coach yeal' the bIlnd comprised 285 , boys, or player. Football, basketasst.lnbled from 117 towns and clties ball, track, tennis, in fact ,~ ] In "4 of tJle state's 88 counUes. High ' every ma10r sport is covered standards of musical ability and per in fic.tion and fact articles. " •• . fOl'mance are required for menwerTeachers, librarians, pars hip and application blanks are be- ents and leaders of boys REAL ESTATE log mailed to all Ohio high schools, clubs also recommend THE INSURANCE E c.vE, selected tor membership wlU AMERICAN BOY enthusiasAUCTIONEER be brought to Columbus a week tically. They have found that =========,=== ", prior to the opening of the fair tor as a general rule regular ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1\ wee~'s mass rehearsa18 and some rea'd ers of THE AMERICAN time during fair week they, wID pre- BOY advance more rapidly sent a nationWide radio broadcast. and develop more worthwhile characteristics than do T!le Ohio Industrial COmml.s!lon boys who do not read it. Trained writers.,and artists has awarded death claims totaling $380,000 and '112,500 In funeral ex- famous coaches and athpenses to Ule dependents of 60 vic- letes, explorers, 8cientis t 8 tims of the Willow Grove coal mine and men successful in busi- 1 disaster , near St. Clairsville, Yarch ness and industry join with ROoT FOR AND CONSIGN 16. Seventy-two men were killed in an experienced staff to prothe explosion. In 58 ca~es the Indus· duce in THE AMERICAN Jour ca~e, bop, Iheep aDd cal•• of reading to Nom.;.Broc~ Cc.., u.. 'Wire ad trial Oommlsslon awarded the mn- BOY. the 80rt matter boys like best' 111'0........" . I ... t()1' the bllbimum ~ $6,500, the other two . N muket pric:. and lood Mniee. THE . AM ERICA BOY U.I... Stoc. Yard.' Ciacl__tI. O. awards were fOr ta,ooo and '1,000. The remaining twelve claims al'e sells on 'most newsstands at rnne ill OD IUdto ~tatlOIl WOK'! pending, With , early action aSsured 20c a , copy. Subscription , 12:2& to 11:80 p. m. tor our dan, prices are $2.00 for one y'ear market NPorta. by the ColDDilsslon. or $3 .50 for three years, For !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!..!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!'!..!!..!!!..!!!..!! tlign rates 60c a year extra· - - _._-------- --WHY SUFFD·r...... To subscribe simply send j • your name, address and . remittance dire c t toT H E .AMERlCA'N Bt)Y, 1430 SecAm;...'.., Maluln~. ond Blvd" Detroit, Michigan. y~ ...... C.~ ·E II , ....... lIieM. . . . .
as none. In the ma tter of the estate Tillie Drake. deceased,; hearing Inve ntory set for April 15, In t he matter of the estate Lewis Drake, deceased; hearing -se for-ltprll 15. ' In the matter of the estate of VIE TIlE MIAMI GAZETTE Nancy E. RaUlfJ, deceased: hearing WANTAD8 on Inventory set for April 22. ==as In the matter of the settlemen t of 'PPVI L PE tile estate of Rebecca J. Hamer, de~ r ............................... cea~ed; esta.te valued at $468.75, in.~IUII::.~ . TUT AWfUL An 'd",,' Gift lor Anr lor ho~!tance tax determined as none, d!sirlbu.tlon of proceeds of sale Send 'I ~ fOr .ubacrlptloll maGe. In the matter of the estate of To secure the nomInation of Sec_. . . . . . . . . .f ... ; .~ ......... Mary A. ScOfield, deceased, schedule retary of State ,Geor'ge Neffner at .., ••••fp ............._~ ... ~:.:: ;~.:~r.= uf debts approved, the May 14 prllI)arie~l, It will be ... 1'''1'.' .1Id I....... ...",.~ . MIS ......... ). if- ..... In the matter of the estate of necessary for a majol'lty of the Retl.".,.rI~._ ~ :'-:it-=:,:1~ · Ella B. Rhoades, deceased: Inven- publicans voting In the primary to e tory al?prOved. · write In Secretary . Neffner~s riame In the matter of theset'tIemenf ot on' their "OtI1e1«l- relIot in the blank trial 1Ii~. to H.tI.....1 80Y SCOUTS of AMEIICA lill' estate of Nancy E. Ratliff. de- space left for ttiat purpose under ~ Co.. 55 'VI. 428t.. 2 ..... A••,,_ ..............y. N. Y. C. Dept. ce ll~ed; Inheritance tax determlnea the sub-heading "Fo:r Secretary of as none. State." This situation was brought _ Iu the matt~r of the . estate of about ib y the death of fOrmer SecJuhTl",Kupfer _ deceased; hearing Oll-retal'Y Griffith. whlclll oocured af, , . Inventory set tor' ~pdl 16. - Inher~ ter . the legal ' ~ate for 'h~ fWng o~ , •._. '. ,. " . ,", ' I t~nc~ tax determined as none. all p rimary candlciat(~II , tlad expired, ,_ In the matter of the estate of The remoral of, Mr. , Orlftlth's name lonl: Wyles, deceased; estate relley- leaves only one prlnte:d name on the I'd from administration. inheritance ballot as a Republican candidate for tnx ctetermIned as none. . Secretary of State,· that of E H A, we are moving away offer public sal. In t he matter of the estate of Hummel, of Clncinn:atl. who . h~ OQ . , ~uth Hannah Crew, deceased; hear been a candidate for ,thll office at at ouneBlden•• on Main .,ueet in m g on Inventory se~ for April 23. state p rimaries for the last 16' years In the matter of the estate or The- Republican Smt;e Ilnd County V\'II!!am S' , Roo~. deceased; will ad- organlza~lons and. RepubUcans genm!lt,ed to 'Probate. William B, Root erally tbrou~hout; the state have alClJlPulnted admil)lstrator, ways censlstent.lYI, OPPOSed hlI canIn the matter ot the estate ot dldacy, It has her~torfore been comAT' I P. M. D!nah A. Hartsock, deceased. pay- I:aratlvely easy to reject the HUm'ment of executor's s ervices made. mel candidacy. b~ ' Ov!!rwhe1tn~ .', '. In the matter of the estate of majorities at the polin but this' time F~orpnce Hay, deceased; private sale It will take a ' state,wlde wrlte-I~ nr personal property ordered. " campaign to nominate George NeffII' the matter of tile estate of ncr. the party's Icholce, whose reLlillr. D, Emery, deeeased; schedule cent appointment to the office Govof debts approved; enlor Bricker said was based upon Buft'e~, coal oil coo~ stove, 'diilinl' table, 9 chairs, 3 In the matter of the guardianship "his able, efficient Ilnd conaclell- rockers, kl~che~ table, heatinl' stove, eo" rAn"e, ' davenOf, Lydia M, R uddodc, Incompetent; tJous public ~I£e IlUld his broad p?~, MOrriS ,chair, boo'kt:ase, sewin~ machine,in .ood co.h farlng on appllcatlon for appolnt- training in the 'dut\les of the office." dltlon, 2 dres8~rs, wash stand. 3 beds and .prinp, n,ent of g~ardl an Is set lor ApI' I 8.. Secretary of Stat~ NeHner entered , . In tile mp.ttet of the estate . of t he state servi': e as General StilUsL. M. Pence" ~eceased; report of Uclan In tHe Secr~tar'l~ of State'. otcommlsslon~r approved. flet' In 1925 and was pl\lced In ~ole Iuthe matter of' the esYlltc of charge of the El~tlOng Division, 'a Lafayette G,~ham . de~ eased; In ven- posltl~n he has occupied contlnuoustory .a pproved. , Iy through the terms of two "RepubIn the matter of the estate of lican and two Democrat admJnistra~a K. Probasco, deceased; will ad- tions. His recent appointment a's the : , : ·:ttect to probate . . Robert M. Blair sucr-fssor of Secre~r .J:arl Griffith, lJPOlnt~d executor, Charles J, Wag- n Oos been unlve.rsa~ly" clOmmended ,1!Y ~on~r, J . Ray La.w ' and . Ha~y Co. ~l~e state press . ' t.h !~ RepuJ»Ucan Na~ apPQln t~d appraisers., \la rty IslOg'Bn IbellJDd ' the WZSt..ta \.. In the ml\tter of the .estate of campaign to 'secur~ hlls nomination " . , I Clifford ' Montgomery, . dec~; Is "Qualified by l£iXperienee~ It' ht-anng on 1nve6f,ol l' set tor Aptil is . estlma!ed . th$. approximately, 'aPlaro.ll"Uil",n,Cnu.her dramatic veraatlllty' J 0 role ot C tal ' , oan I'awtonl 19. 41l0,r.00 wrlte·~ · ba~ must be eUi of -tile Cynical and ry. Allen In "The'"Womeri" In "Stranae Carao" th a11~Uy shopworn u.te !'lnter- I . In the matter"of' the estate of to bring sucCess to\tbe venture : IIOU'" at the Xenia ri::t:r :1 dmelodrama of a 1P'0ilp- -. 'Thomas M Ol8rk dece.ased· IICbed .' '. • IHIW bit CO«a , a y l ltarttnt BIUldaJ: ute of debt. and 'b'lventory"wU,"; In compllance ~"'IIl. tial.. . . ~ III", "rawford 1fjt~ Olark G~~l~_ 1M hearing April 28. ' E I'!cklll"s 1m!wec1 In the l1U\Ltrr of the estate CIt J)lSfntsve leaw ofI:"~i
W.ith a Buckeye In Congress.-. ~'. •
AmerlcaD • Be'DIIIIUlDe .... • JCOmu~iAD 'To Thoosa-DUI ~
. lain .Armitage.
22lZ _ 2iE!2!
~ CL.UEJilCa J. 'ROWN ........ " - - , .. ow. Dt.t.t.e
for elecUve poaltlona, R. R. Bangham, State Director of 1"- ' 'nance, and J¥rbert Hoover, a n em. ployee the S~te , Department or Taxatdon, both RepUblican canaldULIlS for State Auditor, 'have , re~ .gned to devote, their full time to l ;fM campatgns and without any I:X jlf-llSe to the sta~.
lIorioua nlIef tortur\nl: cular .ela and palu-du. to eoICl-by
wond:,rful Bootblng "eount.f-'rrl'on" ",hleb ~Btea the outer layar. of the ildn to belp _ local ClOne-dOn ud palo. Uled by milllol\l for OVW 10
n uU~lla«llIl
~~ ~~';'''':i~~ OhlldnBl'._ .
...........;.." .......
Clement I. ~Satt'erthw8'ite
April 20 Last Date For Employees Discount
-- ,.
Cor.n er
of Waynesville
B~ "a"l'7 £14 .." . , Jr.
-----.:- - ..---
Republican Candidate for
~.rrea County Recorder
leI'S with a small i;PIn;lE!r. However The year'a hiih spot's for every we did "catch some on splnner files. On the way througll Springfield Primary May 14th hunter and tlaherman are the openIng days of flsblna and huntlns I\e stopped to see "B\ft!k" Rider'. as________________________...._._,_-'. season red penolled on our calenders 6 :~ rant Oonservatlon COmmissioner. The trout Beason In Ohio opened Buck has been In the hospital since . S2!25 _ _ with a bang last Monday In spite of f'.arly December from a n auto accl· almost continuoUll rain. Of course Lent whloh coat a leg. He WIIS to trout in thla atate means the Ua4 lrave Monday and was arranging l'lvl'!r area-It was almost a shock to for his brother Bm to take him up leave Warren County With Its mud- or. one of the Mad River bridges to dy lIb'eamB-ilnd find Mad River it- lruut flah that same night. There's GARAGE EQVIPMBNT AND 8TooK lielt almost clear ,In spite of rain. a 11.6 nl This trip it wasn't yours truly who The tributary creeks were clear as OWlnl to til health, I wUl lIe11 at silbllc auction. at my late place of crystal. Along with "Dry Fly" Ed look nn early swhnl John Murphy b~as on Main itreet in Waynesville, Obto, on Kreible, "Ply Rod" Bert Mliner W:. l' trylng to pull out a log, on 10 Different Interior Arrangements Johnny Murphy of the CInCinnati whlcl1 he was snagged . when It Post, yours trUly made the annual broke-and Johnny took the most lor Farm Needs-Piau Features pllrrlmage Sunday evening with the bf'outlfUl beader inLO Mad River Found in Hilrhut-Priced usual amount of tun and an unusual thot we've seen In years. Wonder if Frilridaire.! amount .of fish. After midnilht and his outdoor page In next Sunday's up to about two o'clock Monday af- post will mention It! It took Frigidaire to design this outSuch authorities MlerrUl Cook ternoon we hooked and releued One Uanley electric car holst. one electric garage cash r~la&er. one of Lebanon, A1f Drake of Kings IIIpout 75 trout in addition to our standing refrigerator for farm use. Has ,OurtJa air compl'eallOr H hOrsepower. one 'brake lining machine, one. King' tlmlt apiece . .They were mostly run- Mills and Rendell Rhoades of Wil10 different interior arrangements ... to 30 mattery charier, one 1-4 Inch electric drill, one halt Inch special Band nlng .small-about 9 to 10 lnche&- mington aU report the bass hitting D . • lect11odrll,. one Aro_arease run heavy duty, one Iprins apray, ~ther accommodate all kinds of farm prodthe ones storked last year and year un minnows and worm:;- - If yqu can areate BUM. two tranamlaIIon ,reese 'dlapenaerll with carts. two yukanlz· berore laat were not In evidence. In find clear water. 'fhe lakes-CeUna, uas. Also has famous .Meter - Miser WI h9tplatea. two Champion apark plus testers. one Rolla car jack, hy- my opinion they were not hlttlng Loramle, Dicks Dam a'nd IndJan drallc: bumper Jack, one.QIl ton Reeee jack. and other small jacka, one mechanism ... and many other great yet. and these beiDI caught were are providing wonderfUl crappie and Allen battery ,est ~t. one smaU weldin, let With ,auger two hlgb boy oU rt.Cfont sk)ekJnga' during the last bass flllhlng-much better tha'n last Frigidaire advantages that will bring tanka with pumps. 120 pl. kerosene tank With pump, Weaver tire apretder IllUhth or 110: It was a lot or s~rt. year. Oet IOlnI' and en}oy the outnew convenience and help increase ~an1ey r1m maChine, Jarae bench viae, roll top desk, stove. counters. Ibow with the favorite bait. nlgbt craw- doors. OUM. Ure ra~ks, &heIVlna. wrencbett. four 31) ft. sections 01 air hose with farm income. Come in-see the new CbucU. otber equipment too numeroua to mention. Frisidaice "Farm 8" now! The Telephone '00. hals a number 8TOCK 01 men workin, bere res.e ttlng their wlephone poles with the pr06pect of Three tlr~, large Btock .of tubes of all ailleS, alit rental batteries, radlthe road beIDa widened. Surveyor atof bOM: beater hoM, heater parts. gas and radiator caps. brake llnln" Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harris. of Henkle baa alao been bllSlly engaged Larger Because of Belter Quality, Service, and Price ~&Qp lI&k, 5 one pl. , ~ of Banla.c fly apray, car boy ,half full 'Of aeld, I.wllnon. and Mr. and MI'8. Wood- lit his part of the work. a ,pi. ..rone, HVeral' ~boxN Champion spark plup. lamp bUlbs, 30 fan Established 1849-1939 Waynesville, Phone 32 row PYle, of OlarksvUle. were Sunbelta of aU alzee. acceaeorlea of aU klndll too nllmeroua mention. da~' dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. TUII. VAlli Sherman Perrla. ,'.rs. Lucy White, or Wilmington. Mrs . Adda Burnett, Mrs. Ina Long la spendins the week with Mr. and acre and daughter. Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Barry Ollne. Mr. and KnI. Bannell utewart and Johns and Mrs. Mildred Surr ~ WiWam Lukens and J. Lee Tal- family lpent Sunday with Mr. and were Lebanon visitors ;Wednesday. mage attended Muorilc inspection. Mrs. Earnea~ Pope celebrating the Mr. and Mrs. Howard Deweese VIS Prlday evenln" at Olarlalv1Ue. birthday anniversary of Mrs. Stew- !ted the latter 's cousins, Mr. ana Mrs. Jess Roland and Mrs. Porrll\ The friends of Mrs. Allee Terry art. Mrs. p. L. Berry and famil y at Sheep shearing Is advanced Trost and daughter spent MondaY'a! W. N. 8euI, Auct. are pleased to learn that ahe la lm. Mr. lind lin. Bert Bunnllll and BrookvUle. Ind·, Sunday. . In some parts of the country. Many ternoon with Mrs. Nancy Pope and L. H. Clerk' proved in health at the present tune family entertained Mr. and Mrs. )I4r. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and gl'Owers are finding It a good praer Mrs. Waldo ' Elliott. It W88 JoIrs. lifr. and )Irs. Mearle Teuy were Vaughn Mulleil. Mr. and. Mrs. Orner James Haines saw "Abe Lincoln in tice to shear ~l1Clr ewes before they pope's birthday . •. 4!22!!Z Sunday dinner ~8ts of Wlll Baldrey and dau,llter, and Mr. and Wlnols" at Town Hall 'In Lebanon lamb, provided warm quarters are Mr. and Ml s. Carl WhItis and IOn Thompson and da\llht.er Mias ' An. Mrs. EVerett Bunnell and famUy, Sunday even1ng. availo.ble. These early shorn ewes ~ere supper guests Sunday evenin, dl'Ollleda. In Dayton, ' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E , J. oarmony of ll.I·e easier to -handle. less trouble Is of Mr, and Mrs. P. J. Thomu: Mr. and Mrs. Leslle Gorsuch and 'S prlngfleld were .sunday e.vening experienced In !Jetting lambs to Word came this momlng that the . Ifembers 0.' the Prtendship club are InVited to meet at the _me of daughter spent Sunday after- dlnnel: guests of Mrs. Mary Oar- nurse. 'and shearing Is out Qf the two year .old daughter of Mr. and Mlu Hannab Jordan, " Wednesday noon With relatives in Bethany. mony. way when the rush ot work Mrs. Glass of Bellbrook The Ladles Aid had an aU day Mr. Billy Melloh of WaynesvUle begins. ed away. All our sympathy gOes to OWin, to III health, we Witt aell at publiC! .utton. all ou~ · fann _hat- al&ernoon of th1II week p. T. Martin of ee"ntervUle. was. quUting at the home olf Mr, and was an evening dinner and overSome Mr. and Mrs. Glass. tela, .located 8 ,!Wl" .,uth of BtJrln, calliy anC\ 4 mil.,. north of Wa:'1lftcaUln, on frienda bere recently loin. WUbur Marshall, Wednesday. night guest of Mr. Paul Johns for sale, but 116 prices are not as Mr. ana Mrs. SherwOOd DIllmn- ind v1l1e OD Itate route U at 1ft. Holly on lin. Pred Nash. Mrs o:,lorell Tbe PrIendablp cl~ held their Tuesday. in honor of U1ti latter'li high as many sheep men expected. a son Richard of Oinclnna.tI were SUDNash and Uttle dau":"~r J t . monthly meeting at the ,hopu! otMr birth. day. larger than normal volume Is being day afternoon callers at the ,parlOn. .. . ane Lou. 01 Da.Y~, were Wednelday af- and Mrs " Leslie Gorsuch . . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles ' Whitaker consigned to the Ohio Wool Growers age. temoon ,*Uers at tbe Talmage hom . Miss Velma Koester spent Sun- and son of Pennsylvania. Miss Hen- Cooperatvle Association. They reAt the monthly class ' meetllll 9l Alfred .Jordan 11 drtvin, One day ~Ith Mr. and Mra. ;John Koester sley and Mr. Meredith W'7iHaker of port that there has been more In ter- ·· the Berean Olass l!lst ThursdaY BBGIN'NlNG A'11 1 P. M. PaOlIPT the nneat model macblnes of the Mr. and Mrs. Banner Stewart and Springfield• . were week end guests est on the nart of the mills during ni ght some very fine musiC was present ~e ' family e~tertalned MIra. Mildred of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker .the past week and better busineSs Is dered by the sons of Rev. an~ Mrs. .. I-IIOB8E......a MI. Ruth' Hlrt of Columbus and and Mr. Jaek Haltz of and MIss Anna Marilyn. . In prospect. It Is not expected that F. H. Smith of New Vienna. Rey. 1 Roan llare 15 YfaIJ old 'OOd' worter, ·w elaht ' about 1660; 1 Sorrel Mrs. Bowafd wUaon and i1auahtera.. Springfield. 8a~urdaY nenlng. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dove and 'son wool prices wm adVAnce rapidly as Smith himself made a .fine adp-:_ Mare, t YNJ'a old; wor~er, welli~t about 1'700 ~............. _ I , ......... _ B1_1b OImlnna. wm gu~" d~ I..' S,""'....","" wh,. " d ' w or ~tukola were Bunday dinMr Sunday. ot Mr. and Mrs. Calvin everyUllng is taken lnto considera- ,~pent despite tbe small c1"? il and
'Y our f~iendly support gratefu11y solicited·
At HiBtory;.Making
For a Big 8 cu. ft. .Frigidaire !
Beech Grove
Fairley Hardware Store-I '
B. Borden
SPI'in~ wool _lS-t\ow....be1n~er
. .1 Jerae,y
':'lWray~ old, freah In ~; 1 Belter. 1 ye~ old; 1
i mont hi old... ouvnleY bull: 1 year..
-.boa~l ~_ 5..pAp. 1 lOW 8 pip, 1 lOW t ';,.' , . FAD DlI'LUI~T8
Helfer. " ' _ of • .and lin. Me.u1.iTenj famUy. ' -Mr. !Uld Un. BrtIJ PoweU and . who haye re8lded on tbe ' Mrs. Kesler Graham and
' .
~OG~ .
Longacre and famlly . Mr. and Mrs . lion. a definite Improvement IS In ,b ad weather. It snowed very bard ' Albert Hawke and and orde1·. that night. Mrs. Margaret Johns were afterThe outlook for a satll\factory price MI'. and Mrs . Horace Shaner called noon callers. wool late,r III the season Is lavor·. ot the 'P , J. Thomases HI- .
' d~Ughter
N¥b farm. for the past two yeal'8, Ban7 Oraham were In Dayton shop. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longaore. .,.o-.J......... - -.---r1m.oWld to tl'leir new home ,ping Priday. . Mrs. J . B. Jones. Mrs. Susan Say, . " . , , . . . Worrow. on.the Esley land. Dickey ' Prance.s 'WItltaker lor and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke at. ...... ........ 10 . ,..; ...;. ....._ n . . i. 10. of _ """ . .r ..... r. ... W........n' ""'" " "... I", ..... tho ru.",,1 01 "'V. S,,,,"', .. ThIs and! eculpment la 'in that Powells have vacated. on acocunt of the mutnps. WUllam Scarff at Spring Valley "... ""'" ....... _ "' _ ........, ...... .,.". oom ...,.... ""....._"" _,... ",..... Mh, W. P, Cl"'" or Do'- ,h."", Wodn_, like new .nth cbeck row and wire, )&at 1PI'lnI. Mecarmlek aDd lin. LizIIe Perris. of M.rtins- ton were Saturday guests Mr. Kenneth Savage has resigned IDQWft ID ,ooct ,III:Cormlck com GIDder .In.1ood cioncUuon, Oliver vllle, lin. Luellle Beckett and 101'18. of Mrs. Mary oarmony. his position at the John's grocery . ..... _ ........ OIl..., _ ..... _ . _ ... ........ _ , ....1 Ohu. . W1Wun .ad "". .Id ......, ..,. ODd ......... _ , ",n apd " ,la,ln, • whll' ., 'h, hom, roUer. baJ hay rake. drar. harrow, bat plow. aiMWel olow of near OlarksvU,e. and Mr. and and daughter of Waehlngton. 0 B of his sister. Mrs. Grace Callaway In Brown waIon bid. Jow wbeel waion -with lira. s, D. Perris were . recent din- were Sunday evening callers of' Dayton. ' , kip. PabtIaDU. plaUonn acales, com ' aheller. IJI'lndatone, 101 chaine. and ncr petti of -Mr. and ' Mrs. Almon and Mrs. Allen Emrick. Mrs. Emma LaCY received word .other not mentIOned. ., ftrrla. Mrs. Emma Lacy' &pent Sunday from her grandson', Robert Lacy, , Alfred Jordan. Miss Hannah Jor- wt.t h ber sOn Boward La,c y and fam- Monday. He Is nQW in ·the Monmoth PBIW ANIHIAY:-31iO of hand bUlked .ualfa hay dan and Mrs. oarey • Shoemaker. Uy .near Springboro. . . COC Camp ' at Yel\ow Stone Park, Thb la.a clean ..Ie of farm "ere S\,\Iiday afttemoon .ts1tora In Mr. and Mrs. E. B. l:.ongaere arc Wyowing. Bernard Daley of this the home or Mra. Lucy Plshbaugb home from East Dearborn MI£ " community and Alfred Lacy of , ftIUI8 and {amUy, In Middletown. for a CQupie of weeD. . ' ;:. :' Franklin are in the same camp. Thla was visited ,. last Mrs. J . B. Jones was a. Dayton vls- . week by two sisters of a OinclDDati ltor Monday. A man should never be ashamed Seminary. wbo were taillna a C8D11W1 MrIl. Harvey Burnet and Mr. and to oWn he has been In the wrong, . . . &,..,.II;J'I for the Catholic Ohurch. Mrs. Harold 'WbJtaker ,attended the whJch la but saying, in other words, Albert Lee WAI a Visitor Parmers' club Thu1'!iday . entertain' tbat he Is wiser today than he . was Sunday afternoon of,eb!i' mother ' In cd by Mr. aDd 1iqI. RlDnald Hawke yesterday. - Pope Lell&Don. "8t the Ltttle Inn, Wayneav1Ue. P. T •.Manto, 4UC!Uoneer The Oray famW.et ~ Wellman. , Prlends are BOrry to learn 0' the None are too wise to be mis• ,,oeDtervJUe, Oblo.. Phone 'laJ ha"e reeently. th!!1r .home death of Mrs. Charles Olthena at taken. but few are so wisely jU8t as ,:1. ao3 oUatlr B~ .• AJ»IOl home on the Dayton Pike, Bun- to acknowledge and correct their mls for ',be electric Ugbta . wbleb thq hOpe aoon to have. . day. takes. and especially tpe mistakes of ,: .Qepbart & Balle)'. 01. 1&
,.~ ~.' UaCtoI',,- pIOWI. _~. ~ CODC!1tl~
e~Uan' ra~,
'" .K e'. Frank
ba~g attelr~oon
ox:almac ~
N~ _uN~, ~u1pment
plp. ammuned.
mo.' .n,.,,,,, ,,.nIn, -
I~ of ooml.fl,,"... · 'nd
goods are not burdensome. olothlng In ,,1>11'''' ·h.mI, '" =.11" than usual. and automobile production is running well ahead of the ..m, ""lad • ,.., ,go. Th" Imlu.Jam" Crowl " _Inod to ... try Is .one of our largest consumers bed with a severe COld. ot wool and' mohair. Foreign marJoseph Myers 9S ordained' as' kets have strengthened in recent leading Elder of tbe ' PresbyterlaR \V"tkS, and as a result. ollr wools are Church last Sunday evenlnB. now selling !below comparable Im-' James Turner of Sprlngflelil. made ported wools. This Is an unusual a short visit to his sister Grace cO:ldltlon and should not last. long this week . . bec-ause our domestic> production Is The teachera of the Bellbrook hilb considerably below our consumption. lIChool attended the funeral of MiaI I n 8 out of 9 years prices paid for DeLong's mother at KInSton. ObkJ. · wool are lowest dul\1ng the shearing thla week., scallon. Fully 85 per cent of the wool Mr. and Mra. Harold Rogers and pluQuced In Ohio moves out of the Mrs, Maude Sboemaker Called on, gniwers' hands during Aprll. May frlen4a af Woodb~ this week. !\nd June. This usually Is a depress~!!nds and' n~iihb9rs of Mr. and Ing factor on the market and re- 'Mrs. Victor Glass.were II riy to learn th co very does hOt often · Occur lmtll?t the de.a of their IJaby daughter. IF. Le summer. or taU. Last year . the !ere . held at FelTy . cburcb wclghted farm price for wool In' Ohio abd b\U'iai at cemeterJ was 24,5 cents. Net re.turns .' 'c'on-:- Wednesday afternoon.' .
.~~m;~~~~;~~~~~:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:p:re:j:~:d;~~~~:~~:· ~_~rr~~. ,n.... ' ~P~~~~~~I~ere Hi.~ory Repeab
andMr~. Po,d", ho~.
able. Domestic stocks . of wool are nlng. approximately 100.000,000 poul\ds be Mr. Tom Fordyce IP.8D' low the flermal carryover. Inventer Monday with the tolb at he HarrY
.... M~ '".~~~L.~~n~~·c
",nlng ....baIl ....... OlD The Ohio Wool Growers ' Cooper- elimati. .. . aUve AssOcfation laonow In Its 23rd , ~rs. EVa Myers Is' reportecli ' quite y~ar of ·contlnuous operation. Over' Slc~ . at her , ~o~e..QJl' 'W. . PI;ant11D , '.Jt!,OOO,OOO 'pounds of wool have :been streee. t . " r:>.arketed through It toJ' an ' average .< ", '. ' . , of ; 8(lOO produ~ wHo consign .~_ . 1 §b&!!.:.t1\Y to #i~.t e~~WheJl .. n~aUy, It follows a . sound program. ShO~~ ,to. ~~~ ill~'I 'Il~~r~j of me~!,-ndJalng Its wools. ,~ey , ll,e" f!~"s l~ f"h~ th~ atJalt ',ap-' I ar~ . never du.oped ,on the '''market. 'P~~.,.~ tte 'tiiIe:.~~,~.. -~ TIie ,I'e,!IUlt of thls orderly mar~eting " I;lncol~k' ~ . ." "",,; ~",:I . ' I! prograql has been an averag.e·yearly .' ., . .. ~ • ~turn to ~ its members of ' 2.6& . LarpJy . . . . ... •. .LiaP.. cents per .pound 1tlove' that 'receiVed' IMJ~I_"~ 'l1.r~;. • ~~:~~~~ by growers wbo sold ·tbeir .-001 at 10_ IS boomlDI. • home. . • 1.... .~"."(ji"I" ..-r I&eel pra'_ti8i~Il" "' __ ",,__
un TBB lIIIAIII GA:D'ftIl WANT . . .
::.. ped
mlilt . ._~
lte o~/er a satisfactory Service - ...at all times.---
McClure Funeral .Home
\ Churches
.. ------.--•...--------.. -'
SnUlin' O\arlie Says
"The Womn!l's Civic Leaguo" met at the home of Mrs. Anna Randall on Saturday evening, Aprll13th, Roll all was answered by Imming our hobbiea. FollOwing t h e business meeting. tb~ prQgram committee, Mrs. Lura Hough, Mrs. Sadie ,R eason, and Mrs. Minnie Oglesbee took charge. The program topic was "hobbles" and the cQl'tUlljttee hlld nsked members to bring samples or their hobbles and these were placed on display. Papers ' were given by the committee members on the value of a hobby, kinds of ,h obbles and unusual hobbles. S~1n1 emPhasis wt\!! plarcd on plec lug quUts and quilting IlS a hobby. ,~he next meellng will be h eld May 11, at the home of Mrs, W. E. OglesDee. Plans were made for the Leaaue members to haVe a 10c kltch ~ mower to'r Mrs. Charles Easter
B. Ill .
4TH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER 7 :30 n m . H oly omm mlon. 10 n . m. Junior hurch SChool. II :00 a. m. M0l'111ng Prayer nnd , C" I Ion . T.tTF,sDAY 2.30 p. tn. Nursery CllUrch School. :l p. rn, Primnry OhUl'eh School. W I~ )NESD AY
3:30 p. m. Confirmntlon'Imtruclie n ,
FIU DAY 4 P. m. Boys Club . . 7:30 p . tn. Girls Friendly Group,
o Dye ever think tt drop in on y'r home town edi tor f'r a little friendly chat! y'ought t'tty it: 'specially if its anywbere near·time your subscription .is due-
at that time.
.. .--
nd petit jurors for the Wyme~ Drake was in GlnclnnaU May term of ,court were drawn on on buSiness today. , WtQ1JeS<:\ny mOrnlrig 'or last wfl,ek • •. • • • - II, jl1l'Y cOl~l11ss loners. Mrs. Lewis Haynes and two dnugh Grand" Jurors to meet on Monday, LeI'S of' Port Wllliam are spendmg IL lay 20 , at 10 a. m" Include : , rew days with Mrs. Haynes' o;lster, Alidle Blrlegar" South Lebanon; Mrs. Wymer DlIlke and Mr. Drake. Hnrry ClIlle. Oregonla, Mrs. Karl. • • • • • N', ~n~ t.. Lebanon, route 1; John Mrs. C . R. Frazier nnd MI Kalh B.'rd e, Franklin; James O·DOIuleU. erlne prendergast attended the Nor· Fror:klln; Gral Morse, Mason; Olar- mnl Institute for ChUl'Ch school rnc~' Rye, Waynesville; 'Helen James workers at Chrl~t Episcopal church Lt lllmon; Cu.f{ Runyon, Lebanon, In Dayton . Saturdny II ftertloon. rlJute 2, Fred FoXbower, Ple'a snnt • • • • • Plain; Ada Kelly, Morrow; Mrs. Roe Mr. Ilnd MI'H. Rober t Bruce and Tht'tnbury and Mrs. Jeanette Pew- MI'. and Mrs. 'Clingman of Hamiltel'" ugh, Harveysbl1l'g; Walter Ohes ton, were afternoon viSitors, Sunday, Ray II y . Mason. and Mrs. Cl.n ude Heath. 'a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Malnous, P .. nnklln.
Hr ,·. It. I •. lI:t l'hwl'lI. Rc t'It,(·
Loeal - .......
I.•o ul ~ C. Radley, Pas tor Ohurch school 9:30 a . m. Worship' service 10 :40 0.. Ill . This periOd of Ul e Christian year is one of the m ost significant of the Christian year. commemomtlng liS It do s some of the most luportnnl events In the post resurrection life of Christ and the beginnings of th e Chrlslan ChlU'ch. Beginning t.hls Su nday 111e pas to r will pellch a series of three sermons on Important post r esul'l'E:ction events as follows: "The Appenrnnce of C!'Irlst to thc Disciples In Galilee." "The Ascension of Christ." a nd "The Menning of Pente cost." Epworth League Monday evelling at 7 o'clock, This Is an Important business meeting and ele tlon of offleers . Miss Inez James will lead the devotional service.
ftc ,'. I: . ... Krlllllholl7.. S T D, Pll.$tor
;lIlldn~' 9 ;()0
~~------~.; -.-.~.~
fM I1 !', :
May _Court Term
Plaone ,'
Ready for Action . . Jurors Drawn For
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • --
tlcrc Is Ed",:u ,H i p! Colllus , high school foolball st.l r or :>len-ark. N. J ., \Vho los t Ills Ic ft I,'!;" liS Ihe rt" ull of a gridiron n CitJc.oll t 1:lsI fall but is now looking torwanl to bc::int· ing a baseball ('uree r, lie I to pllW with n Ncwark sc mi·pro te'alll lite c umlug season. lie rer'ust's ttl It·; his bandlcap get him down lind h:s h l' ro is Lou Oehrig, runner "Iron 1101 " .. or Ibe Ncw York \' atlkcC'3.
- - 0- - -
News Of The Reds Gabriel Paul
t t tit jurors drawn fOr service on Tlles<;lay. May 28, at 9 a. m ., are VIo~a Whitacre. Sidney Bndertseher. J . E Saunders, Glenn Worley, and Har old Gilmore, Mon-ow; Morris Goodman anci Mabel Hollingsworth. Ore1,'Ollla ; Mrs. Henry 'Russell. Wilbur EUl'l1hart and Herbert Fogle, Leba1" n : Waller Anderson Franklln; B. n . Ball. MIlSon; Luther Hartsock, rConte 2, Katherine ~r enderg\lSt, J'Ilutr 2. Clement Stanforth, Lester Gordon and J. B. Chapmnn , Wayn(':'\'lIIc ; Be~sle Stanton. Mlainls' burg. roule 1; J ames Moore. Harveys burg; Edwnrd KeUer, J. p , Sonle and J. H. Forel. Pleaslll1t Pluln ; George Lewis, Foster and Paul Shaffer, ('~ rUsle. Addltlonal petit jurors drawn Include Howard Shambnugh, route 3. nnd Wilbur McCarren Waynesville; Mrs. Herbert Huff and Stanley Surfnce, Franklin; William Richey, Mar gnret Duke, Corrine Blair and Enid Van Meter. Lebanon, and , Perry Simpson , Morrow. --------
GOING FISInNG?--8ee Buck Men. del)halJ for your night crawlers.
FOR SALE--<:am10n Potatoes No.3, . botll seed and coUp,; al~ shire male hog , pure bred ready 'for service. 0 , Hollingsworth. Phon Lebanon 67S·L, Oregonia, O. . AI8-2S-M2·
us your neXt can of ereem. Highest prices paid at' all tllnoll, Mrs. Goldie Welch. COJ:Wln, Ohio. A18-25-Y2
- ~
£' "
... ,.,.
BARGAIN HR. 16c 'Til 2:00
John Wiukle. [\ lIlember of lhe Inter-collegiate ASSOCiation for the study of alcohol vislled the WaynesvUle schools and spoke to lhe studcnUl, Wednesday under the SIlOIL'lOr "hlp of Lhe Fl'icllus MeeLln ~ . ,
·.. . . .
Mr. and Mrs. Eld n Retlllllck, Mr. and Mrs. SLa lrley Boiley. Mr. and Mrs. RuSsell Wilson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Emil Brown. MI'. Ilnd Mrs. Ervin MUlford Ilnt! Mr. Glj!nn Hopkins SlIcllt,' Sunday evening In Clnclnnail
·. ...
Mr. lind Mrs. L. A. Garst entertalned the membel's of the 'IHi-La" bridge club and their husbands, at an Inlol'lIlol party, SUl1r1oy evening. A pleasant social time was enjoyed during the evenIng after which Jlght rerreshment~ were served by the hostess. 'fhell' jluests lncluded D '. and Mrs. A. E. S tout, Mr.· and Mrs, Russell HOlliday, Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Crane, ~'. and Mrs. Harold Mlllfr, Mr. and Mrs. Russell li'rank, Dr"and Mrs . H. F . Dye, nnd Mr. lind MI·S. Carl Conard.
ClnC lnna tl:- A more accumte ap' prnlsal of the 1~40 edlLloll of the Reds It; possible noW that the season . SPONSORED BY hns stnrted !lnd the club Is meeting the !terce t pel.lUon m- the NaLlon al League, FJrst opponent In the THURSDAY. APRIL 25, 2 P. M. 1940 battle line was Chlca"'o, which lUT. UOLLY 1\1 . 1':. CIIURCII T, 1\1. SCUI'f(, JUllIislt!r opened the season in Clncinnall , Sundny Scllool 9:30 n.' l11. E. A. then stnyed over tor games WcdncsEnrnhart, Supt, day and Thursday, Following this I shall 'try to collect errors when TICKETS 25c E\'enlng ~ervlce 7:30. set of games, the R eds were due to shown to be error s, and I shall adopt Call l\frs. Pmyel' meeting Wednesdny eve- move on to Pi ttsburgh. ' to help Lh , Emma McClure lor Reservations . new views as fast as they shall apn1J11; 7:30. greatly improved Pirates open tilelr .... . . pear to be true views, - Abrah.am A wclcome awaits you at these season Friday. Lincoln. , Return to Cincinnati will take services. ~~~I ~I ~"-"~ II_~~""" ''''''' ' _ I'''''''~ '_ 'I_ f''''''~ Twenty·three ' loC~1 h.lgl'i school place Monday. This return will pro.:. Largely because of ·European war students enjoyed the week-end ex- buying: the U. S. steel exporting bus vide one of tbe 'greatest of the early WAYNESVIl ....: CIlURCli OF senson hl gl'1!~hts, ror. the foe Mon- cursion to Washington D.O .. spon- lness Is boOlillng. From Sept.. 1, 1939. ClUtlS'!' Baltimore day In the flrst of a three game ser- sored by the . .,. . . and Ohio t Feb, 29. '1940. exports of iron and W. C. Smith. Minister Ies will !be the team that: forced the milroad. The party left Friday eve- s teel products from the Uillted S :ates Conslgnors 'to the 01110 Wool Grow~rs CoolJerntlye ,recr\ved 7 ~ ,! NDAY Reds to go so hard clown' the stretch. ning, returning Sunday mo~n1ng, af- were 2,059 ~97 gross tons, more than cents per .pounal!bove the stnte average price ' last y a.r. II you wnnt Bible School 0 :30 a . m. last year before succumbing. Refer- ter spending a 'fu ll day Saturday double the 1.002,508 gross tons ship value lor your clip. market it the Coop way. Commun)on '10:45 a. m. nce is being mace, of' course, to vlsltlng the places of Interest In t~e ped In .the pte=edlng slx months. Telephone 25 th e St. Louis Ca,rdinals', seco1;)d nation's C8IPItnl. 6 :45 p. m. Christian J!:ll~eavol' The followlng stUdents made the pln re rs 111 1939, anell cl10lce of . the 7 :30 P. m . Prenching country's experts to dislodge the trip : Jean nnd Charl es Collett, MU8:30 p. m. Baptismal service Reel!; as N!ltional Leaguechampl_ons dred and Ronald Salisbury, Roxy CornpaA.v----------H~~~-Sackett, Mary "Eva Lf!l\Iay: l''rances in 1940. Missionary meetlng '2 :00 P. m. St. LOllj~ Is the ~:re!\test batting Johns. Frieda Ellis, Mary and Ellen ..._ .. _ .. ___ ... . . ....: . _ -V II lO- KING-MI:Ht'-~trt1Otlt ~ -Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. team In the majors. and with ithe ex Moss. Ray MI~er, Benny' Pumas. ., pectancy that its young hurlers ,.Alton Earnhart, ArgUs <?~bOrne, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _ _ _ _ • w • • _ . __ _ FEnRY CII IJR II· OF CIIRI T a r nln wlll pitch as well or better CI11Iord Gray, Marsel~e Burnett, r ' ~. --- -" ..-.-- - - .---;:- -'-..THAT KING CIl£'S th an In 1039. hopes arc mI ghty iJlgh EvelYn sm,th, Davis Furnll!i. Martha W. C. Smith, !\'Ii nister in t be Cardinal camp. AU or this be . HIatt. Annn Ma~' Watkins, Bone1t.a St;TNDAY Ing taken 'I nto con:Meratlon , it looka Burske, Albert Robcrts<>n. and Rob9:~0 0.. m. Bible School like the flreworks l a're certain to 1ly crt Hiatt . They were accQ1llpnnle:d ". .' Communion 10:45 0.. m. in those tHree ' gamEl-C;. on· the trip by Miss' Edlla ¥OSt; of 11 :00 a . m. Preaching Louisville, Ky .. Misses VirgtOta Hart WEDNESDAY T llc unal ga me 'of t he series WedMissIonary meeting at Waynesville' nesday wlli be played on the first din and Helen Lnmti, Mrs. ' Vern ArmItage, and Mrs. W. C: St. John. church 2:00 p. m. ' lacHes' day of tlle 1040. season. ·c. I . SATTEBTlIWAITE llol-R3 Ladics' tickets wUl go on sale at the .lI\OTIC;:E OF APPOINTMENT EDG~~H new downtown .ficltet ofrice, 307 11"-&4 UTI CA U. n. cmmer. AIJminlstrator With the Will Vine Street, at tihe ll1a.ln enL{ance to Bevis 1\. II ill , I>astor GEORGE WALTON 144-R11 ,annexed t.he Union Central .Annex BullcUn~" Sun!L1.Y, April 21 I' .:ln n, nl -S tl ml~IY school. Leslie Satu rday mornlnq at 9. No mall or-' Estate of Luella Thomas Deceased .. des will be act.epfed tor ladles' tick, ~ 10 . OOl'sHeh: Supt. cts aitbough purcbasers of regular Notice Is herl!by given ~hat Walter 10 :30 0.. m.'-':MoJ11lng . IVO " 1\ I) ticketS may now plo.c'e matI orders · Jordan whose Post Of{~ce ' Ad l -- - - : - - -- -- 1-.-7:00 p. m.-Chrlstlnn El1deavO , for any game durin!: the &eason, As dress Is IJarv,eysbu'lr, Ohio has been leader: Miss Elizabeth Marshall. in the past,. ladleS' aamlsSlons . will duly appointed as AdminiStrator I Our chw'ch wlll grow as the membe restricted to 10,000 f/lIP any one .wl~h the wHl al.\O~ed cif , t he Es~te 1 .• ~---~----~~--~~--------- '~--------.-'----~ bers attClld and bring theil' nelgh- day. . oC Luella Th9tnas late oC Warren bol's with them. . , County. Ohio, deceased. The new ticket Oflrlce 1a equIpped . any ' proportions Dated this 15th day oC 'Aprll 1940. Nono are too wise to be mis - to handle sales RALPH H. CAREY taken. but few a re so wisely just as without . 1nconvenien,~e. . '!'he new Judge of P robate coUrt to acknowledge and cOl'rect their mis nrrangement definitely IIhould eUm' Warren County, Ohl~ takes, nnd es peCially the mistakes of Inate the Incqnvenlenees that were 'r" "I'.a~ .. .' prejediee. - Borrow caused In past se~sons lIP lack of A' ton F. Brown , Atty. room. A18-2S-M2
Waynesville Farmers Exchange ~~~~~'-t.-.I~~'~ . ~I
~ ,
,9depbone '.S.ewiee ; '-
l ./
Ah· C I Te Iep hone' entra
. '.' €orpor-atio·r
. ,,. Invl,.'d ,'o (om., ·'ia and It, "'1,"1940 '
· ElE~J,RI,C _AN. G,E, ~Ri'dl , ~
The RED BRAND fence you put up now 'will stay tight, 'Iook
April 19 and 20 "NORTlIWEST PASSAGE"
The rugged service of RED BRAND fence ,mea,ns lower cost . per rod per year. Plenty cop-, per in the steel to fight rust- an extra thick, zin<; coating put on by the "Galvannealing" process. Th,ese features mean CASH ·IN YOUR POCKET in' the years to come.
.e.iVlllle' Farmers. Exch'a~,e
Leo;s . w~rk-~ore free. time-better ' ta s tin~ food-h~.t at the flip of a switch
-rhac's what you ~ e tw .h e n you c.lu.n.ge to E:LEC. 'l'RIC cookin& And t • jr~s CHEAP. .... ~
We have every height and weight. you .need. Came in and l~k ~ over.
Pathfinder Polls
·,<Jlt8fUldfor Years
-, ....
right - for yearS. Fifty years of fence ~ making experience ' assures it. Buy time-tested RED BRAND, put it up right, forget it - that's the way you end the work and worry of yearly fence repair.
PETER LORREIAN BUNTER Two grllllt. stJU'!l n a. pldare
that's' crowdl!d with col.o rlol Adventure!
PHONED ) ; ; ; ; ;. . . . . . . .
"_'_1 ___ '_"_ ' __
anize , .Hel Airplae.CI.b . Local
-.-_. Health Otfieia
Garden Seed
Local Happenings
.eralses Work uf tlub
.----_..._------ - -----
.Lioa Wright Bure. Historian, 50 Year Cfus
At the forthcoming annual reunre nee held at the Hotel Sinton. Ion of the WaynesvUle High &:hool Ahunnl Aslioclatlon. May 25. the 00Clll(.lll natt. Thursday and Friday. yea r class wUl be featured . that be.' Mrs. D R . Salisbury and Mrs. Har Ing the elMs of 1890. Three memvel' Rye were Cincinnati visitors, bers of the class have died. Horace Jacobs. Howard M LssI.dlne ana Saturday. Marianna Chandler. The survivor. Mr. nnel ~~rs. CRrman Crane lind of the 50-year class are Laverna son vlsilrd friend s III Cincinnati, Cas key Kelly, Springfield, 0.; BII.Monlort Null of Rio Honao, Tex.; Sunday. Llns Wright Burch of Fort Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. J . P. Larrick visited Ind .; Cat.herlne ~wls Hawell. Sprlnf Mr. E . W . Clutter and family of MU - VaJley 0 .; Mary Elta Emley. DaylA)ri: 0 .; and Wlnllred Shields Belme 01 ford. Sunday. Cincinnati. It Is hoped that all the • • • Mr. nnd Mrfi. J ohn B. Gons and lJvlng members of this cla.ss ClIn ~ It! tI €. dAugh ter :;pem Sunday In present at the forthcoming reunion. Mnson. the gnests of Mr . and Mrs. Llna Wright Burc h has been appointed the spokesman and htsLorCarl Sanker. lan of ttie clas.-; al')d will deal with Miss Flossie Fires. Misses Irma Waynesville as she saw it In the and Dor l~ FlreR a ncl Charles Fires "Oay Nineties." Llna Wright came were Sundny dinner guests of Mr. from one of the oldest and bell known famillelj In Waynesville. 'nt, an d Mrs. E1van Fires. members look forward to her d1ssertaUon because of her sprightly aDd puhgent style. Emma Fet.ter Smith of '85, will ~ Mr. and Mrs, Ray Malnous and son side over that. part of the prolram Donald. Miss Lois Lukens , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ar t.h ur Hack • • • • • which dea'ls with the older cia ••• Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lukens, cele- well of NewpQJ"t. N . H.. 'who vlslled Mr. nnd Mis . A. H. stubbs and Two y.ears ago the three, members oi brated her seventh birthday anni- last week wi th Ulelr son and daugh- fnmlly. and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. her class who graduated len a vet'J versary, Thursday, with a party to ter-In- law. R ev. nna Mrs. R. L. Stroud enjoyed a motor trip to Ft. vivid impression as after a period of which ~he follo~ln g guests were In- Hackwell were honor guests nt sever Thomn s. Ky" Sunday: ·over 50 years the three were present. • • • • • vite~: Janet Beckett. Louise Doster . al social functions. the others being Minnie Sattertb-• • • • • dilll.ri t. All entries Dlust be In by and Janet Doster of Harveysburg. Mr. and MI'8. L. A. Garst and Thursday afternoon . Ml·s. R. L. Mr. and Mrs . H. H. Stroud of Lebwaite of Dayton. 0., and Anna 8ber May ~n(l. Entrants names so Jar refamily spent Sunday with Mr. and hlberta Brannock, Nancy Crane. Hackwell was hostess to the lad les nno n were Sunday evening supper wood Morgan of Xenia. Minnie ct<lyed ~e as foUows : Raymond SUe Furnas. Charlotte Burnet. Hen- of St. Mary 's and the Wilming ton guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. t ert h waite died during the' yel\l'. ~ IlIf.acs, Robert BlUS, ' Charles Welih Mrs. Ira Brown and son In Franklin, Sunday. rietta Ora ham. Dorothy and Miriam parishes . at tea. compl1mentlng her W. E. Strout!. . Smith undoubt.edly In her prellm1: ~iltk Crane. Llo)1d Jones. Charles The home ot Mr. •nd Mrs. How· Wilson. Delores Berry. Donna Had- mother-In-law. She was aSSisted by • • • • • D6ry remarks Wlll have aometblq ~ .• • ~ . • • COllett. Warren LeMay, Walter .rd H. Hawk, three miles west of ley, -Wilhelmina Braddock. Vem Mrs . James R. Carruthers of Gl enJohnson, .BUl1 Rhodes, Howard Mrs. Mitchell KartaU. of Clncln· M!". and Mrs. W. A. Swartzell en- say about her class and Ita mt~ Waynesv1l1e. was the scene of It very " 0 this year wi,l be celebJII_ B1iIII, and. ' BaITy Dlckmllheets. natl .was a guest on Sunda)1 of her pleaaant surprise Saturday when Sherwood, Betty Satterthwaite . Ann da le, Mrs. C. H : Brace. Mrs. L. H. tertalned the members of the Farm wh Bureau Dlscu.o;slon Group Tuesday 55th anniversary. . 0Cie:1II Will be Juclled 'for l'IY1ng and sister, Mrs. Walter Sheehan and their children and grandchildren Satterthwaite, Ruth Wardlow. Ruth GOl'don, and Mrs. Ethan Crane. Earnhart. Dale Dakin, Jimmy Crane family. Misses Annie tJ. aDd Mame T evening, at their home. - -- - - alIQ..~m'nehlp. abel Ill'iaes 'lfW 'assembled there and prepared a Bobby Campbell, Oeorge Hartsock. Browne ente rlalned Rev. and Mr; . • • • • • • • • • k aWarded to the first six wtnnerl. Miss Trlllena and Mlsa Margaret SUlDP,tuous dinner In 'honor of the Bobby Everhart. JacltJe James, Don- Hackwell and their guests at dinner Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Collett vlalted · ~ pUblic·· is cordially invited , to Edwards arrived home TUesdaY af- 57th birthday anniversary of Mrs. ald Hahn, &nny . Miller. Warren SatUlday evenll1g. Sunday noon. their cousln ,walter Squires at YelI>Urii meet IA) encourale the !)oys In Hawk. Those who enjoyed the oc· thlll new activit.)' . Place ot the meet ter spending the Winter at Delray casion were Bruce Hawk and Miss Sheehan. Jimmy Swank. and MISs they wore dinner glll!:'>ts of Mrs. Em- low Springs, Sunday. Mr. Squires ~as EVil Reeder. Beach. PIa. ma McClure at the Little 11m. Sun- been very UI. wtJI be anno~nced later. Libby ~lIfrum of Mt. Oreb; Mr. A happy afternoon was spent by day evening they were guests for • • • • • • . ' . • rAlss MUdred SalisbUry .D4~ Mr. and Mft. W. A. LUkena attend and Mrs. Joe Slerman and son Carl t~e children, playing games. and dinner at the hQme of Mr. and Mrs. Misses Jean and Jane Hartsock lec COllett were voted the ID1III\ of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Elton ed the meeting of their wliOQ" cllib, listening to stories told by Mrs. James R. Carruthers . in Olendale. were week end guests at the home Ullli senior girl and boy In the ~J~ Saturday e\lening at tbe home of IIr Hawk and cblldren .Jean. Patsy and Lincoln Barnes. a gu1est at the Luk- Mr. and Mrs. Hackwell and their of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Thompson and n~VUle 'hllh achoat, as 'he r . or Victor of Waynesv11le; Jack Hawk. ens home, afte.r whlc:h refreshments son , the Rev. Mr. Hackwell. were femlly. and Mrs. Georie Beckett ot HarveYI . a poll taken amolli the, .tuden . tn' Ellzabeth Hawk and Cora Bradley of ICe cre"m and cake were enjoyed. luncheon guests Monday of Mr. and • • • • • burs· UIC 6th, 7t1l. 8th gra ,.: a nd • of Buford, and George HaWk. • • • • Mrs. Samuel Benedict, of Olendale. . Miss Betty Harper of Miami Unl- hlgb school last weel(. . Mri. Hawk received many ·lovely • Tney v~lted Mrs. James R. Richard verslty s'p ent the week erul with Mr Oeorse ElJIey, 82 years old, retired Mrs. Jesse Hyman. Mrs. .~ lva ~l9ll0N)f the title ot-~ gifts. At a late hour' all departed ' on. Monday afternoon, and were and Mrs. M. ; : -FUlk~~s~n WUton queen was offlc1allybe~towed \IPQD farmer, was Injured critically aod Thompaon, Mrs, R. D. Oollett. Mrs. wlllhing her many more anniverher guests at ten. Tuesdo.y afternoon Hartsock was a dinner lij1~st at the them at the concert liyen b)' I ~ 'hili horse was .tiUed when his bug· R v ......·""k rut ".- W C. st. saries. Mr. and Mrs. Hackwell and the Rev. Fulkerson .home Sunday. IY Wb struck by a. truck on route G John attended Eastern Star inspeesrt901 band. Friday evening; ~J ~. R . L and Mrs: Hnckwell were lunch• • . '• • about 'l1ve mIie« tIOutb her; niMclay tlon at lAlbanon, Tuesday evening. high school audltorIU~. superbitJ,..·•. A. H. Schoeler of dent L. A . Oarst plaCed the rrQ1J1)I eon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donala - Mr. and • • • • • · day uiomlng. Be was taken to Blair The senior class of Massie high L. Hawke and Mr. and Mrs. Ethllll Hamilton . Mrs. Roger Chambliss upon their heads and procla&me~ It. was Mr. an-d Mrs. James Satterthwaite .Jloapltal, Lebanon, school will present \'Supei'stltlous and son Matthew Turner of Xenia, 1IICm rulers of the 8enl~r C. Crane. at the Little Inn. found be. b.ct" sufreted a pelvlll farc- of .Dayton vlalted their parents, )lr. Sll(lIe", a farce In three acts. at the Fred It Henderson and Jack Crane ture and probable Intehlal ' injuries. and ·Mrs •. HenrY Satterthwaite, BunA fine program of band mue&c w.. Harveysburg gymnasium on Thurswere dinner guests Sunday of Mrs , pn:sented by the school bancf, UII4lfJ .HarVeY·Mullen of Le~n, who 'was day. who ,are both recovering very dny May~, at 8 o'c1(lCk. D. L . Crane . riding wlt.b ElzeY. escaped Injury. slowly from tbelr Ulneu. Thea last meetblg of the season of lhe direction of RllS$eU E. ~ Sadie, the simple mountain girl, ... T)le truck driven by ' Robert • • • • • . the Young Men's Farming club was • • • • • uurlng tbe Intermission, Mr. ~ :Brunawlck , Cincinnati, overt~ h"ld ' Monday evening. April 15. blileves In about e1lery sign . that Mr. and Mrs. Fra'n k LeMay. Mr. p!t-~cnt.ed a boys quartet. COatI~ anyone can manufacture. She arPlnnln8 ~ohn ' Barr, Brunaw1ck'a asMrs. Jeue HYman entertained at wht'n officers for the ensuing year lind Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson. Mr. and o! Robert Prest~n. AllA)n EaI'Dbi.l1; rives at the Ashford home when ar· liI~t In the • • ,Be autlered. laCe' a familY dinner sunday, In honor of. were elected as , foUows: M'rs Russell E. Prank, and Miss Rtbert Eamhart, and orvW'e and head cute, and.. the birthday anniversary of her Earl Earnhart. president; Robert fr Irs are In pretty' much of a mess. H f 1en Hawke attended. a concert age In ~everal selections, wbJch :" . .Sadie with her · supe!l'stltlons Is not trom tbe wrecked truelt ,by Bruna- d.ug'~ter, Mrs. ~ PoUnaJty, of Oln- Wilson. vice president; James Brang:vl'n by the Miami Unlveralty band • well ~elved. Prticeecla from '. ~ .;(, dumb. for she cat~bes the gbost . Services for Charles M. Roberl.l/ . Sur·day evenIng. .... lck. who was not inJurect. ctnna~l. Her lU~ta tnclud~. Mr. 1I0.:\e. secretary-treasurer. concert are to be ....... fljt a--,II". e;cposes the fake SPllOlai'd. and re- 71 . former Amerlpan Rolllng Mill ~ '~ .:... and Mr.. Leonard 8b&llat and IOn. The program for the year Just " U!lit.es estranged couples. Tlrls hlla- ' Company policeman. who died Mon- Mrs. DaUas BIl'ge:f-I!I1tmalJIet"ll-a,t.-rleh;tlllterW.s....to....b~a"r..;I!1..;;n;.:le~~;lbe;;:rs.:..:.:.:n::d:..:to:.!::!!::w..._..; ;. . ~= DaoVE Iii Mn.E8 ' Barton. Mr. arid Mra. Sam 8hallat cloRlng has ~n ot more than usual riouII--ilOOledy has I1Illny entei'taln- day In a Clnclmlati hospital, were aDd lOR .Jo..,br-Ancl Mr. aRcS MR. 1 ..I". es~. III .ddltloJrtU""ttle~ n surprise party. Saturday evening. . The remainder QI the evenahl, folIng scenes and Is Jntended to offer conducted In the J . R. Baker funeral Al PolinskY and daughter MarUyn MI.nday evening classes and games h. honor of the birthday annlverlary lowing the concert and ~$lOb, an evenings enjoyme,n t well worth home Mlddletow~, Wednesday arter·A local mall .carrier reporta that all ot Cincinnati. Wl\re an education tour to Clnclnof her son. John. Her guests were was 'spent In dallclna to the ..... 01 whUe. The public Is Invited. Music noon with burial In Miami cemetery. 'spent nine hours and drove 121 • • • • • ,nnt!; pictures and talk 'on nybrld Miss Evelyn Johns, Miss Elizabeth the "Rhythmalrel" from MJ... oas: 11,1Ies In deUverlnl the mall _ hlB wUl be furnlfihed by the school un- here. Hoblitt, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conner. Mrs. Oarman crane was hostess ('om by Dr. Myres of Ohio Experlverslty. The d~ce,.. belWJ·, ~ltb .• der the direction of Miss Gaines. A son 01 the late . Adolphus and t9.~te ' ~tUrdaY, He said that. evep ami Charles FIres. to the membera of the "Hi-Lo" mellt Station, visits to the Y. M . F. CAST OF CHARACTERS Mary A. Roberts, he was born nnd grand march leet b1 thl ' DeW~ , the bad weather had Ita .d....taae. • • • • • bridp club, .Tuelda, at her home. C.'. of both Kingman and Lebanon. Iris ABhford-a charming widow crowned "King and Queen".., . spent the early .years' of his life In a~ he ' picked up onl~ i2'· ~nnlel. Harold ~. Mohler WIll the (linner In addition to tbe reRU1&r members. Tht home boys also entertained t.he · . . . . . . . . . . .. Barbara Thornbury Waynesville. He Is survived by his :" .- ----.I".---~ guest. SUnday of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Mrs. Orane pntertatlkQ Ofte gum KIngman and Lebanon young men. TO MBET IIAY •• i ' 810w wind . I'lrlnlll ~e IIhlp to table. compriSed of Mtsa Rutb crane Ot.ber special BRCakers were David Georgia May-her older daughter widow. Llda. and a daughter. Mrs . Brown. Sunday afternoon Mr.' and ..... , , , , , . • . . . . . • . .. Thelma Ross Mabel Peak. ' harbor. .J.sweectlsh. Proverb Mrs. Brown and son arid Mr ...Mohler The r~gular monthly , ~ 04 ot Lebanon, u'ra. P . C. Shoemaker, BaUey, county agriculture agent Judy-her younger daughter ., motored to Weet Milton to VIsit Mrs the Wayne ToWnah1p ~et's cllll . Mrs. . M.~. ~ereon, and .JoIn. "MIss ' Roberta Faulkensteln, acting ... . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . ... Betty Rich Mohler and -'children who have bee~ will be lield. PrlcJ.&:r af~ • . , Thc tblnp which' hurt. InstrUct. Wad.e TUrner. tables were In home demonstration agent. PaUl C.alory- her cook . Dorthy Kinnard visiting her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. 10, at tba-. Orade ~ldIb, i wbleb ' , -~. . '.' -Whltlltt. plAY during the evenltig .With prizes 'Duke talked on Farm ' Credit, Mrs. Uriah Chadd- he.r laWyer D. J. Cable. t.lme election of :oirlce.. lui: . golnl to Mrs. H : 1'. Dye, Mrs. Barold Helen Corbett on : :}{ow IA) plan bug · . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Russell Barnhart • • • • • year will be' held. : ' . .. ~_ . _ _ ._ Mliler,: and guest prllIe to Mrs. Pul- ets for t.be farm home,'" and HowMIss Lola Se.rs of Cincinnati The date~r the .~~ bM bteD lten.oD. Refreshments were'served by a rd Sharp gave a · discussion on soU Ramon de Cas tanio-her hellrt throb ... .. ....... . ... Fred Irvin spent the week end With ber parenta, changed from"tbe ieJuIar Ate. ~ tbe hoatess to ~plete the evening. «(OnSf'rvatlon. Mrs. Meecham-her neighbor The law permitting redemption 01 Mr. and Mrs. W . N. Sears. Mr. anet 3. because of the Counay t.rack _ _ 'SOcial ente.r lalnment and an Ice · ....... •.. . ... . . . Marjorie Davis used sales tax ste.mp.s at $3 pe~ $100 Mrs. Albert Carver of Cincinnati ' whici! WIll be' held on that day. . ilIum sllpp.!r was one feature of the George Quarley-her animal-Iovfrom chw'ches and other civIc organ· (lARD OF 'ftIA11fK~ were overnight guests Friday, Mr. . ~ .. . last meetlrig. Ing uncle ... ..... Milton Harvey lzatlons Is constitutional, Franklin and Mrs. Everett Sears and son ot ~ . BROADCAI'I'I'eflnlte plans are being laid to In May QuarleY-her animal-loving County Common Pleas Judge EdSpring Valley were dlnner lUelts, .' , ...::...We wlsll to .~xpress our thaw ) creue the membership for another aunt .. . ...... .. . Loraine Ba~r ward C. Turner ruled this week In Sunday, and John SeaI'8 vlslted ' bIa and aPila'ec)Ia.t~h to OUr friends and :y( ar. Sadie-a superstltloulS soul . ' dismissing the suit of. a Cleveland parents . .Monday. ' . netabbon lor , t.beU .1Jd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mary Osbol1)e Heights taxpayer to enjoin further • • • • • IYnipath~ a.t &be .• 01. oUr bereave YOUNG 1IIABBIED COup..aRance Ralson-Ge()rg1j's boypayments. , ,ment.,9i wife ancLmother,IIra.. ·JIIDCLASS MEETING ,friend . . ..... . .. J!llioer Ttetmeyer Suit was fUed against the tax com .Mr. .~d Mrs. J. B. Chapma~ ana . nia J. qlthenf., Allo the 1onl3' ~ . .Tommy Ralston-Judy's OOymission challenging the law on the floral o~erlrip; ·and to .th~ ' Rev. The Young ~~~ Couples class f.rlend. . . . . . .. Edwin McCarren ground that It permitted expenditure Wm,." Pox ills Words 01 of the )le~~t ~Ul'Ch met In "etrDirector: Lllllan S. Carr of public. money for purposes other . and to 'J. B .. IIcO~ure .and.Uliatanta ular seuion, Wednesday evenin; at . than that for Which It was levied. for their ,'etflclen' aerY1ae. I ' the Oburcb. The 'followinl members CRARLES ROSEB. SUCCUMBS . . fn granting ' Attorney General . . I • • • Thomas J., Herbert's plea ' to dismiss had llVed the latter years ot her JUe . .' . '/ ' • "" . TbePuDl1l 'eaJoled a pli!aIIUlt iodal tlnie, .f _ " ~ . ~ " "'r ter ' the short buIIneU mee~l: IIr. . C harles Roser, ,85 ye",,11 of age. the sutt Judse Turner agreed that WI.th her ~n, Dr. P. M. Stanton of Eider J' _t~lr, .::::::: ~ ~ ( we muat and lin: L. 0 : Radle" Mr. aDd lin. prominent farmer. died at home' the law IS valid. Approximately tIiOO, ·,?o., mbus where abe died last week. _ . 'With. ~ ~ ~ _I ~ner~r. a~ lin. ~l 9On - nearRlclgevllle Wellheaday. He 111 000 has . been paid religious and ~. , 7 • •. • . .'. . tlmea ~ I'~ ... ." m~ ad. ~ aa.tl children, Un. 'L eo OoDner, IjurV1Yed by two daugbiers Mrs La'. , ~ organlzatlODB for used stamiis Mrs. Ro~o Riggs.)4"rs. Rot/ei't the, ~, and not drlR, .. . lie and Mr. anci lln. oUman ciane. -. I,erl)e WJimer. Utica, and lin. Clara however, Furnas, and )(ra. RaymoDlJ' Willon .., :• • •j . --OUYer ,,~~u . ,~ta ~" eer:vecl 'b7 '~ LIndsey, Daytoo: twO tIOna Robert In a huge increase In }al~ tax co);.. er.~Yed a taffy pull at. the bqme 01 . TIle . . . 1J -~.........- . . '.___' ' '--:-• puUemen membeI'a or &be cIaII, '... ~ Kenneth Relier,: and '. brotb~ lec)tiona because c!JStomera demand Mrs. Leonard Ellis, PridQ: ~ ,.,.. ..... 'BDerIr wU1 dO aif,rtbIaa ~ . . .., were loleta In .. rileeDt coa&eit John, Roller ' Da)'ton the tax rlCle~pt. Mr. Herbert tOld ' Mft. I,Jncoln ~rnes ot AmbUsr. ~ ~7~~~M~ be ~ In tbIa 1ftIIfiI( ..... aD w.;ata. far .....,.,.nc8 at ~ 1Cijoal. JIervIoea ~ be C4;ndUC~ S.&ur" JudIe ~er. · M"IIII., enroute to ber . . . . . . . . ~ ............ dO ~ . . ............ ·su.eU JIrMk Ucl Mr. .t a.ao p...... at the ~ Wbat All 'clef"" lID&bI . bUt sJ.:~ndlng t,Jle wintel' In ~ _.~" JIn. LeIt cam. WW ·...-...m fUDeraI baaIe Sa ~...Uil bur. tioa N .' ~ ed~ stopped .t the h.ome of b~ . . . .. '. , ... . . . G ...... ... __ M U. . . . . ..... tal In lOud hae • 0&b1JIIt f1rIt step to w. ,.. LuItenI *Dct ramu,. . " . ' . . 8OmetbloJ ...... - Wendell PblWps fDr a ..eeIIa Will"
Robert Chapman spent thiee days At _a .recent meeting of managers Jack Hohne of the Dayton Dally In Columbus. lallt week. and cooks of schooi lunch rooms of News will be III Waynesville on • • • • • Warren Count~. caUell by Dr. Davey Pl'Iday. A~rIl 28th., to meet with Mr. and . Mrs. W. A. Lukens and a member of t.be StatAf board of Lbs local boys who ire Interes~ in ofianllJng a model airplane cllil. family vIBlted Mr. and Mrs. H . J . Health. the work of the Wayne Townablp Mother's Club received engaged wholly In thlB Oreene, of MartlnavUle, SundaY. Mr. HOhne high praise. To quote Dr. Davey. '"1' • • • • • ty.,e of work. and he has been In LltLie Miss Sue Furnas W1UI the am highly aslA)unded by the fine. j(l·t:at demanH throu8l10ut this section of the state. In event that a overnight guest of Nancy Crane. ' work being done by the Paynesville Mother's club In their lunch room. I club Is formed, Mr. Hohne w111 de- wednesda~ night. • • • • • don't 8fe how they ~o It." Dr. Davey vote one evening a ' month to the 10l'a ! group. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Drury of Wy~ further stated that more foOd Is beDuring recent weeks more Interest omlng. Ohio were sundaY-guests ot Ing served senool children In this haa been &hown Iby local boys In Mr . . and Mrs. J . ·K . PreslA)n and lunch room at a cheaper cost than In any lunct~ room rn the county. noVel airplane making than In al- fa~l1Y . AI;out twentY-fiVe repre~entatlves must any other town In ' Ohio. Un• • • • • from slx schoolll In the county were ~t'r the leaderahlp .hd direction or Mrs. WalLer Sheehan spent Wedr.reEent at this meeting. held in the :Mr. and Mrs. OLto F'UcllSberger of. nesday with her father, Mr. Rayoffices of County" Supt. Charles H. Co>rwln, about t1'Dfty boys bave bee~ 'm ond Dunham at South Lebanon. BoW, In Lebanon last week. Supt. C'Ill>t.ruCting planes. Most of' these • • • • • L. A. Garst. Miss Earline Lanham. uOYIl are now cadet members of t~ Mr. and Mrs .. E. L. Thomas spent NewWo Model Airplane Club, . a Sunday with their son William and Mrs George Peterson. Mrs. J . E:. PreslA)n. and Mrs. Vern Armitage Stutll-wldti orsanlzatlon; Jamll)1 . In Mason. were the representatives from Wav011 Sunday, API'ft 28th., approxl• • • • • nesvOle. Oredl~ tor the fine work n.aiely twenty boys w1ll ' go to DiyMr. and Mrs. Charlea Zimmerman "one this year in the Mother's club WII Lo attllnd an air meet there for were dlnn .. r gue.s ts Wednesday eve- luncll room goes to Mrs . J . K. Presp.s molA)r . planes. WayneavWe wJ.ll ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ton, her committee, Mrs. J . B. Chap 11m compete in this meet, since Robert Baker Jr. man. and Mrs. Walter Sheehan, and tlillre ·laave been no . motor planes • • • • • to Mrs. Vern Armitage who has constructed by the Goys yet. first . Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout and dune the cooking. WayneAIIllle wtil hold Ita IOl'ft 011 Sunday. May 6th. ThIs" III daughter, Wlnnle Jo, visited Dr. and Mn. Charlea Thompson and son of '01>1'11 to all boys who- attend Way)UlhVlUe schools or who Uve In tbl8 Wl'st Manatleld.-sundaay""~-
COl.' .
H. Ho!·t50ck attended the bond
·. .. . ·.. ·.
· ... .
Birtliilay Sarprise For
, Mrs. Howard Hawk
King, Queen Crow."
Aaed priver Hurt
Massie Seniors To ~esent Play May 2
..... _._ .a....... .
Younl Mea's Farming CI~b Meeting
. ....
Ta",Stamps Redemption Is Constitutional
.ar.iineu ~
i ·
eomtort !
~t ~
11i~ · ~Uce .has,
tMI. Goodnell and benevolence nev« ville. Ure; They maintaln themselves and Fred Qarr to Viva WWai lot 1M la others and never stop from exhaus1 ranklJn, ., I • tIOn. -Mary Baker EddY. _ ,_ ...-t Annetta - O. Reed to Wlnifrect .- "hone 112 Wayne vine, Ohio _Maln Street Reedy Ridinger; IQt 381 ;and f82 In =--..ohio ~cY," QlrlcSaI putill· cation of the Democratic party In . 1. go on with wh.a t I am about as ~ FrankllJi Entered As Seeand Class Moil Motter at P,ostof!ice, Waynesville, Ohio Ohio, commenting u~n the appoint.-' there were nothing else In the world W , H . Dll1wlrldlt·, (\P easrd , oate of Lalita A, D, Kibbey. deceued~ to NF.W ~ 11l1!. pdmOnal .prop¢ty nt pr lvale ~a)1) J . A. and Florence E. Prlttl\,; part cfr ment o{,Secret.ary .of state George for the time being. That Is the secret Flora M. Crane Editor and Publisher Neffner In 1t8 llIsue ot March 31, de- ot al\ hard-workl.n g. men. ~Klnialey. oril.ed. lot 219 In Lebanon. I SS~ED EVERY THURSDAY ELlwb ! h ORlJorn VI\. '1'lle Estate of In the mBtter of the estate of clared; C ·. _~· ....12....Th~ Standard Bulldlni & Loan '. , . And n'w D. S hulLl, ; for dumagcs In ' La urA E . 0 0 III n9, d ecelLse d : schedule "Such an apyolntment . wlll meet Company to John L. and Violet Car -suts~r1ptfon Price, ' $1.60 Per Year, Payable in Advanc:e Olp • monnt of $10.000.00. of debt.~ IIPproved. . I'lgnn; 10 acres In Hamilton TOwn- with approval, even amQng Demo.f 1 :\\11 11 LnWRo n YS. Arl y Lawson; In the matt r of the estaLe of ship. . crats, who do buslne88 ,with the ofc\1\ , ret': 1')\ I'CllW crlle Ly. Edward A. Mayer, de'.~ellsed , InvenStanley and OI, l Ie Steel~ to Oll.fford fiCe or Beerel.!ary of State. Neffner is TItAN P ORTA'l'lON OF J\1\1ERI 'A 1 (1 ;( R. Heckel. nd ml nlstratrlx at tory n!Jproved . ,~ ; ' '/ D. a,d Esther D. Hicks; 1'J.36 acrea a recognized authority In Ohio's e~ec lh t' e~l te of 'tillie Myel', deceased, In tho mflner of the estate or In Harlan Township. lIon laws and baa served a.~ aQvisor Mary L. WJ!,l1ace, deceased, Meryl B. L: T . Fisher, St" to sam Mlller; to both Republican and' Democratic Gray apolnted administrator, Myles Secretaries of State." 1.23 acres hi UnIon Township. L , Pence, Harold A. Shj!ets and Phll, Elwood Borden to Mary Borden; W'ns[t'$ and fnulls, hnL \'('lltUI'I', (1ll1l' wny did ~U(, e r1 In troll fo rming n Ip Brown atc apPOinted appraisers. State Trellllurer Don Ebl'lght repart of lot lUI In Lebanon 611!mrn!nl \\'lldprl1l',-' Int(' n i-: \'('fl t 1I1\1!(\1I. with in the ~h()rt . pace or n In the maLter o.t the guardianshIp R. B. LBYmon, deceased: to Goldie ports that the grand total of revec,' nllllY It hel ~ll . C('t'd 111 c)'ratlng a ('(\lllilll'nt · \\,ltlc ",YSLI' 1Il of trnn ~porl n ( i\L\IO:-J I'I.EA!'; PHOCEEDTNOR of Palll Edward P lummer , et aI" Laymon ; 347' aores In Clermont and 1:\\'" from sales tAly stamps for thJs t l 1I ·\'.huh cnl1'll~:- ('H'I'Y . I't of fnight. 0\' r ail dl f\I,:l.ncC's Dnd b lw en minot'S, h earing on iLpplication for year up to ·the close of business on Warren Counties. , \ nil ;antl 'Il~ . In I\ll s,':\sons a nd In :l.1l wc nlhers, al nn av I'IIgc rC\'('nue of A\\':n H. Drlevcl' v~. E!TIc May flppoilltment or Q'Ua-rdlan set for Wllsdn H. and Dorothy D. Btone to April 6 Willi $12 ,177.322.:1., or an InDill" (,I'nl 101' h~lIl1n l~ " 1011 Ollt! mile-I.h e basic, essentlnl trnnSpol'tnt.lon Phone 78J Di ll \' ('1' . divo )'co I;"l'anted, malden Aprll 16, Rase Beckman; 84.24 · acres In War· crease of 13.4% over last year's total 01 ~l\1rl'l('ll . nnmr of clofl'ndnnt. Effie May Mo'SsItt t.he matter of the estate of ren county, , tor the- same period of '10.736,607.77 . . Mnn.\l of li S 1('lId 10 (1)lnk of the railroads as empire builders )f thc Ll'llrr. r('~to\'ed. Edmund HOI'.. .. ;~. t .::'. "e-eased; p ' !-a form f IrOUp('r! II'ho.,r 1!1'l'nu'st services to Ole imlioll belong to made !l!!S ...............:.·-.'iI ' . According to EI ha n Lewis "s. Eva B. Lewis. et will ndmlLte. j . ' 0 ' a~". CENTURY .OF PROGRESS ~~S'tci-'ci ilY . Not-WI g cOllld be lIlOI P 1'11'0111'0115. If a nything. th e rnilroaOs IU!' nl.: po rl rllstributlon of the procl'eds nl the m oUe!' ... ; t ill! (;5 'ate of in the Congressional Record by Con· ~ toll n)' more n!lll ~o Ihr nntion I hlll1 111 any pr('v10us time. WlthouL them . of M Il'. FIOl'flnce Hay. dec ema~d; report of The celebration of a Century of greS8man F, S, Smith, Ohio has paid ' Ih(' lntrlca(e- indlls\,rln l l11(lchll1P which feeds and clot hes and oth ('r wl~e Hl\z.c1 Rlrllllgcr vs. HcrbeJ·t Rld- nriminlsll'ntors approve<t PH .~ rcss on the National Highway. into the U. S. Treasury In the slx- I TARVIA·l,ITHIC TAR AND ~cr\lcs lillS VIIs t IlIlld of 0 I r~, W0l11d 1)1' dcmorall7.ccl. It Is IrU(' t hat olhrr II ; " 1: (1\\'ll'ce grnnted. In the matter of ' the estate or Routc 40, will be featured at the year period from June 30, 1933 to i llrrl~i's )mvc a l)lleal"(\ , ench oIT,' III11: a millabl e If )iml t'cd serv ice. But ROAD OIL; EXCAVATING , I IlI '1 11'1'11 1' Satter thwnlte vs. Hen- Mnl'Y L. RIIsseil, deccased: estate val EtJ\le Capltol In Columbus on May July 1. 1939, the sum of $2,2.0,373,926 thp,:;(,' cn·n'crs. to t hp lhinkl ng 111 (111 . P111phn si7.e rn bhcr t han dimin ish the ] y fl1 \I· rt 1111':1 111'. elefel\(lan~; The uNI at $'1232·68, dlstrib u\lon In klnd 17 . when t he motorcades from aiOOI and the state has received back In DUMP TRUCK SERVIO~ . valli ' of the rnill'ol1t1. . T he tmp k. the nirplane. II) 'tJlp '!inc flll clo good ' \\' :l ~ II' vill e Nat 10l1nl B!\nk grunted mnde, Inheritance tax determined. the route fr6m RIchmond. Ind, . to grants, subfildl!!8, etc. ,1 ,880,074.712 . PIT RUN, LO!JlED 30c YD, jOb;;- IJut no))c of L1l1'll1 . nor nil of th l'm comblncd. can be men tion d In kr l \'C 10 fill' n n.~wer with in 20 tlays In t he sl'l tiemen t of t he (' tnt!l of Wnecllng, W. Va: wUI be welcomed In other words. Ohio has paid out or ~\c 'sa me brcath n..~ the ra ilroads whe n It comes to ext nt. cerlnlnly, rr'- ft fll11 this elate. R. D, Lllymo!). deccAsed ; I'sl'ate val- by ~le Govemots ot Ohio, Indiana. obligated .itself to hte federal govern lI(iI:ney a nd economy of trnl1fi jJortntlon scrvlce for men anel' goods. P. W. F~·a lw. v~. LOin Osborn, exeeu lied aL 58413.42. lnherital1ce tax de- and West VlrglrIa. The J!Bgeant will ment tb the extent of $860,:199,21. • . Tho ralls are our 1II0st essscnlilli f orm of Lrnnsparlnllon. The Iron ll'ix , et nl.; connrmntlon. deed and termlned, \!erUflcate of transfer or- (hlplct ten deca~es of National Road more than the state recetved back In norse brougiit clvlllzalion Into t he wllderness.....and the Iron horse 15 doIng di strib ution. derect . the 6-year -perIod. Thlrt.y of the Phone, Waynesville u · Ii 11 h:stllry from 1840 to 1940. 'mbre alld morc to keep that c!vl1!znUon going and growlng.-II1(!USL1·lal In the mnttel' of the estate of Hownrcl FI Icier, ctc .. vs. Mr. an d states lla¥e received more -than they Lebanon office Phone 1173- k':" ~ . Mrs. Mleh nl'l Ka.w.y k. rt al., der nd- Thomas M. Olark, deccased; petrtlon New5 'Revl w. . . ' have paid out and the other IB states rea.98·M. Morrew Pbone No.:.' nnL; The Mlaml Valley Build ing & for n\1owal1ee of claims will be heard MICKIE SA have recelved"let\a than they paid in. Loan Assoclntlon has leaVe to 'fIle ~ay 21. In Lhe mn tter of t: e estl.te of petlUon. AOVeR.T'SI~6- AllIIf no . I STATE OAP NEWS Mervine R. Walker . d e.nsed; dlsHOCUS pocus MA:'iC~ , The 11th annual AU-Qhlo Safety - - - --~. ..... Lri bu UOI1 In kInd ordered. l'no.u ,\ TE (,OlJR'.' \1'~ JEST FIRST (,\.A~ Conaresa. sponsored by the state - "" In th e ma tter of th e estate of Industrial: Comml88lon and directed "\ I ' Tn t hE' mat ter of Lhe gunrdlnnshlp Jo hn G. Thoml>son, deceased; hear." by Thomaa J. KearnS, Super1ntennf Lyelln M. Ruddock. nn Incompe- 1111J on Inventory Is :set for May 3. dent. of the division of safety and •• . : AL.L. 111 the matter of th e guardianship AT"iH SAM.::. i!N,e !. hyglen,e, held In Columbus lut week i .,: VI t(,111 person: Freel J. Hagemeyer uppointed gUArdIa n . of Homce P . Keyes, an incompetent, _) regtstered the largest atterRianc:a on REAL ESTATE record. In conjuncUon wllll the meet INSURANCE In Lhe mal tel' or the estlltc of ),'r~o n; appllcntlon fo r appol nt.m en is ordered heard AprU of guardian Ing., an exhibit of .. lIIlfety devices, AUCTIONEER Chnrl cs H. Hartsock. deccl' scd; hearfirst aid and PI;Ot.ectlve IndUstrial ing on Invrntory Is set for April 29, 17. In the matter of the estate of health equipment· was displayed by "::_:'_ =-:!I~~ _~~~~~~::::== .-~ . =:=' In Ihe ma tter of Ihe es tnte of J . . ,. 60 manufacturers : from 11 states. G , Wes t, decensed . estate valued at Cll Ul'les H . HartSOck. deceased; priOhld ranIu aa ' one of ,the leading 5.1869 26, Inheri tance tnx deter mi ned vate sale of hogs ordered In the matter of' the • estate of s~tes 10 the promotlon of Indulltrlal ns 110ne, ' safety. In the mn ttf'r of the estnte of Luella Thomas . deceased; wUl ad· Frnn k M. Coll ins. deceased; William mltted to probate. The . 682 federal Insured · cornCol lins appolned admin istrator. A. L . In the mattet: of the estate o.r WaLkins. Fred K'ipp and Charles H. Frank Collins. deceased, hearing on merclal 'banks 1n Ohio had resources . t i':·, ',·· Inventory Is set for April 26. of $2,793.70&,000 on January 1, 1940. Young appOin ted apprnlsers. In the matter of the estate of the Federal Deposit Insurance OorIn th e matter of t he estate of Anna M. Frnnz. ,ieceased; certificate Eva K. Probasco, deceased, hearIng poratlon reports. on Inventory set for May 3. ROOT FOR 'AND CONSIGN of trnnsfer ordere<l. your Cattle. bop, sheep -alld cal. . In t he matter of the estate of J)n1y tbose JIIbo .have' the patience In the ma tter of the Rettlemem of to Non-il.Brock Ct.., live w.ir.e.:.ADj to do simple ihInas perfectly ever nc': ornwressive ftnn the estate of Mrs. M. A. Smith de- Ella B. RItz, dec Clued ; schedule o[ the bta'he.' ceased; Inheritance _tax <leLerm:ned dtbts approved. quire ~he ~Ill to ,dO -d,Ifflcult thlnga market 'Ilrleeil .nd{,oo~ _me•. -' easily. -:8ehliler, U.I_ Stock' 'lard.' CI.el ••••I, 0. as none. Tune in $In Rltd(o Stalin #WCKY MARRIAGE LICENSES In t he matLcr of the estate of __ ,_.-._ _ _ _ _ _iiiii__..;..i.._iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiii_~iiiiiiiiiiiii 12:25 to 12 :80 ~~. m. lor "ur dall, Amy K . Bulloc)c. decnased'; schedule Spencer Lambert" 42 janitor, Midot debts approved. In the matter of the estate of dletown. and Mrs. Lucy Brown, 47. & Oren Koebel, deceased; sch eaule of chambermaid, Franklin, both colored Dotson; 21 carpenter, Leonard dbts approved. In the m atter of t h 'l estate 9f Frllnkllll, and Betty Jane Routt, 111,
s _
State Cap~aI News ,
~iami ~a~ettt
SAYISFACY'I ON Or No Charge" '.
Centerville, Ohio
Sand & 'Gravt.l
,Zain Armitage"'.
~ ;
Phone Your Want Ads To The Miami Gazette
'1~R. eus.:0ME~'3 I
~UBUC ~Al:E-· f'~"
R£ kUn. lph ,Augustus Bender, 21, la,~=~==5:====~~~~~~~~====~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..,I I FraI' borer. Germantown, and Lena AddiI
son, 21. Frankl1{l, Harry Shaffer. 33, shipping clerk, DII)o'ton. nnd Go.rMt. Glltermuth 23 Inspl'ctyr, Ma.~on, ' ,i
OWIn, to III .eola,. will "II" oil inu r......... tels, 10cl\teC\ 3 miles Soutb of Sprlns Calley and 4 mUes-l1orth of Wa"tleas.a..tiInII ....! ,- .... Wee_ vUle e n "state route .u at Mt Holly on • .... O~. .. pl~ It •• U"~ h'. a,-,< Jllh' ftrt, "" .. ofDo 'hi' .. II.H,,.I II b I, t Dan', brio. )'uu the f.tt,,, ..... ..... au.,,111.. ,tUer ~1I •• nl
Te.ts prove Che~ro- ) let'. to be the eallleat ! steedna column aear. \ IlEAL ESTATE: TRAN~FER8 BEGINNI,.,O AT • 'p, II. P~OMPT shUt to operate. Com- l pared with the two I 1-00R8£8-2 jnmfS Pile to Arthur D. and Dell car. nest In eales, i P'(,('k; lot 44 In Fra nklin. . Chevrolet requlres l I Rt an Ma !e 1& years 0 d goOd worker, W~lgtit abo~t 1650' only 2.8 ft.-lb. effort, , Cnrlo DavIdson t o George Lyncli; Mare, 9 years ~:d, I;ood warlsel', we1ght about 1700 ' . .' ' , Car B B.!!, .car C 14.8. ! 'l l 129 In South Lebanon Anna M. Franz. deceas;d, to HenI'I' Prn llz ; 17 acres In Hamilton· town 1, Jersey cow, 8 years .Old, 1'1:Cl;h In yea;' old; l' .' Hl1lfer shIp 9 months pld, 1 Guernsey .~u\l; 1 yeu.r old', Omol' onc1.- E1lmbeth E. Lewis to r.:orn. Louise Smith; Jot 4 and part 42-00G8-41 Chevrolet's lever l of Int~ !l anrl 6 In Waynesville. 15 sh rals. 1 sow 5 pigs. 1 sow 8 pigs, l 'I\OW ' . pip, lmmW?e(l. and Its travel or Frflnk Maag "to Vemon and Mer"throw" are the rel lt', li .Mlchael; tmct tp Deerfield FARM IMPLEMENTs shortest, Ilnd that Tcwllshlp. meanll the quickest 10-20 McCormick DeerIng In claas new' 14 In. The P eoplp" ~ 'l ~ ,,;. ·",o:m and shift. Length oj Tllrow: Chevrolet, . Savings Co.. ;any to S;"l. '. Vaupln; John Deere tractor plows, 'nl,-s tra.tor and ' eeUlpmfJllt is ; n excellent 4)4"; Oar B. 7~"; Car ; !l:.7:l a c,'es in T,ili'" yeo; Township condition. Jo~n Deere double disc In 'good condl~ JOml Deere com plartter llke c.heck row and wile, pew last> sprlng McCorm1ck C, IO ~· . I Gl'orge Lackens to 'Lola LackellB' mower In good contlltlon McConnlclt com binder. In..uuu ......:. ;....n&··~1ver "'V wun,..". 'lei; 828 In Franklln. ' kl Idl b r nJ ' rea ng plow. OUver d1sc_C9."l.pJ5w; alngle ,row , a bovel plow, ,s~t E ! aO~ Pa l es~lne K eroy to Will iam roller. hlly tedd()r, hay. rake drag, .·bartow bar p1~ ' ....... "A· .... l·'" 1 " '.. ' " , "" , e ... ove Qlow Kerby and LIIUan Kerby: ,17 cane Nisco manure s preader, Brown wagon !lo~ bed, low, wheel wagon With I : Fl'I1nklin. Stop and Go-Red J . Milton Earnha:rt to Robert Hayes top, Fairbanks p1atro~ scales. corn she11er: 'grlndatone, Iqs chains ' . " and and Green-HaIti n llti Elsie Hayes ; lots 7 and 8 In Leb other equipment not mentioned. Start! That's traffic. FEED AND HAY.:"-360 bushels of hand huaked earn some' au -'~alfa' y And tlla,', where Pilon. Chevrolet's easy shlft-' ,Joseph G, MUBlill1ich to Johanna L In~ Is appreciated •. Bll tk'rh~; 105.17 "cres In Deerfleld ~h!J. 1s ~ 'good ciea~ lIIllll of f'arm c~ttela. Vacuum does 80% of tllwM h!p. the work; only 20 % I_ , '1""8· 0A811 done by the driver. No , Ll.:clnda Moore to Floyd Turner tu~lnll, ~o shovlnal . ~ nd Julia TUJ l1er; lot 1028 and part , of 1,027 In Franklin, Alfred IKndteCi, to Pearl 'N. cornel~ l(or t of lot1l 1014, 1015 'a nd 1016 In Fru olklln. " . • • .."'1 Penrl N. Comellan'd Id~ M .. C~';' F. T, MarttD. ~uctloneer··' ncll to Alfred Klhdred ; . about .. 32 CentervWe, OhJo; Phone, 78J 1r'rPR In Clearcrook townah1p. 203 Custer Bldg., AD3681 I!ffie .MOIste~r . to ' AlVIn B. Gephart &tBaDey, MASI. .... 'prllJ ver; lot 11 in. M.nson IUS/NIS' COUP. Alvin H. Dr1ev.er to ~rlces ZerJ\ Oth.r ...... I . Dl'lt'ver; lot 11 In Mason. hItih.r ' All mode I • prt<ed .-' . weSley R. Bmlith ~nd ElIz8beth. at FIInl. M~hlg • ' rrOf1Spor to/ 'on ' b ' OIL Smith to Ber~b8' Bran bUrg; l~t asftC/ Jla/. a d "" on roll "",••" '125 In Franklin " ~, . n , !'1oa! 10".. iii Albert B. ':MOllsteller 'Irene opllon,,! eq';" any), ·'P/lf.", 'and' ri , Md;s~tel1eI"to Har,ry H~ and -O"'ra. .I'rir... ""::-i __ cc...or~ , . :,;.<' -/ltCi /0 ~ .QJ!Jla R. BaYFore; lot Malon ' w,/houl nolk.. . --..,. Bryan Hepdef:son and '~be Rende,r son to Malcolm Riddell a:iid Irla Mae roddell: one acre In PraDk. lin TOwnah1p. Joseph O. 'It'l~.ile
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'Chevrolet Sales & Service Sprin, Vaile)" Ohio
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.MIDDLETOWN BUSIN~S AND INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Ii . --A ·Seriea,of Short Hi.~o..i~l.nd Buaine•• -Sketch•• of PrOlr...ive Bu.ine•• ·Colicernf Serving O.u r ·Local 'Community.
~...,;,;.,;;~~--- -
Compiled by "Bill" Shane -
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gorsuch enter I.!Ilned Mr. and Mrs. 'Willa rd Taylor and fa mily of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Bunnell and fa mil y entertained Rev. and Mrs. Glen O'Dell Rnd family Rnd Mrs, Gal'llE'I' of Dayton Monday evenin g. Mi ss Katherin e Wallace Is sick with the murllps. Miss Marie Gorsncn sJ)ent Sunday cilh IMas Gladys Thomas. 11:1' Rne! Mrs. Horace Stump spent Sund ay c"ening with Mr, and Mrs. Benner Stewart and famil y. Hr . a nd Mrs. Bert BllII,I)eU and fr n,Hy entertained Mr. and Mrs. Frank' McComas and son of Norwooc\. Mr, Rnd Mrs. Levi Bunnell , and family. Mr. Buddy Gard, Mi ss I.o!'~ ne Stewa rt. Miss Andrey Craw- . riii'u Mr. a nd Mrs. Rnlph Bunnell anrl (amlly and Mr. Everett Bunnell ., Su" day.
Convenlent1y; loc.ted lor .1'W'al rl!1lldena. in Middletown .t 25 South M.ln .lreet Is one of lhe most prominent bUlllneM ln8~UuUOI1ll lin thll 8ec~ tlon o{ Ohio. Trul' one of the mUllt neceIIIIl'1 bUllnne concerns wbOie la ree buy In.. powu and pronesslve IJOllcloea enable tbem to olreIf wonderfUl values on ~ . merandl8e, M.ny depaii~nt, ......npd 10( your conve~enlle,
~ __ _
ness and stock supplies, farm truck!! a~ wQOIl8, spraying equipment, dairy and poultry supplies. Farmers can trade with confidence here and a ' l pu~chases on orde,rs of '10.00 or rJl4)l'e can be had on Sears easy payment plan.
many thousands of others. III the automobile department is fedtul'ed a complete line of Rccessories of all kinds. "All State" tires. batteries, motor oils. greases nnd everything for the motorist. In maldng this review ot the prom
Due to the tremendous buying poViel' of the Sears Roebuok &: Co, sperlal t!oncesslonll by the manutacturers make It possible for them to put before you values that you cannot aft'ord to overlOOk. The stock al· 60 Includes a complete line of men's wear, electrical supplies Rnd appllancC6, radlos. IIghUng fixtures, pnlnt.e, wallpaper, Curnlture and
inent buslnes concerns oC Middletown serving tl\e.rural trade we take this opportunity or complimenting Mr. Smith manager of the Sears d C I I d Roebuck an o. upon t Ie va ue service all'Ol'ded this territory and suggest to our readers Ifor the .ughest quality at the lowest prices to stop when you are In . Mlddletown shopping.
•____ . _ . _
H --AT-T - EN
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"En17tblnr lor the Home .nd F.rm ., Sean"
The Sean Roebuck & Co. Is one or concern hu won an enviable· record the oiaestt and largeat nationally fL'r of quallt;y ..and extent of known instltuttona fn ' the country stock that draws trade not only from • nd durlnK the tl]ne of ita business M; Jdletown but from U1e rural rec~ become kown to thousand ot rea t1011! for many miles Another 'feature idllnts throuahout the U~ted States or this atore ,is prompt delivery ser With more than 60 years .of aervice =-VIce .ft'orded rural usldent.6 and idln In th mall ' to over 50,000 ltems to chooae from th people In all walks of ute find ~ust' ose, re~ g e s er wna, what ~tillY want and a.t It. price which Rural residents w111 flnd It to their they can pay, Because ot the l1m1ta- odvantalle to VIRlt this store located Uon of llpace we will not even at- at 2'i South Main St'reet for here Ia . . tempt a brlef revlew at th1ll tlm,e but fell1ured everythm, for the tann Inmerely make the aUKgeat10n that you eluding I complete -line of Graham V1a1t~ the Searll Roebuck &: Co. In 'Bradley Tractors, Plows, harrow4 Mldttleto.wil .nd lpok over the ex- and other farm Implements and c:e~Jj&I .valutll offered In 'c!aA:h de- equipment. Fenclng 'suppllea, feeds pUtment, This naL&o1laUy known and leedel'll, farm machlnMY, har-
I~ , I'I .'
Mias Audrey Orawford took din· ner With Mr, ';'~d Ml's, Banner Stew- , art and family. ' Mrs: Eileen Young a nd baby : daugh.ter spent th·e week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Nary Belvtlle. '
!//,. <.
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1\ ~bI, 10 .ppl., 1 h•• vy ..-', n <0111n9 .f line to the wi ... 1,.vi"9 .!> 1M" Of unp,ot,ct,d .polo. In ...dillon, .11 wirl i, cOPP" I,.. ri.g (20 10 30 poi.hl
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ltd 19.in,t Ih, .Imolpherie coll4a1ont whIch .,UII 'lIIl Conti.... '.1 R.,., S.. I,d ~, incorportt .. in ,j,. .19". tIo, ... Iutl., !'IOI'''' C.~·I Sr.p 1<nol, hOi ub, C.n 1ft th. "". wi,.....III ,... long,r .nd wi" ,Ite!d It. ....p. when trect.d ever ,011i .. Of I,vel
H d ar ware Stor e
a r ey
Larler Beeause of Bl,Uer Service,
Quality and Price Eslabllshed 1R49-1939
_ _ _ _~~~~~~~~~w~a~y~n~ee ~vl~D!!!e~,!!!o~,~'~~!""'-;p..:h::o:n;e~S2~.~~ «
Ruber t E. Hadley of Wilm ington. will be guest ~ peaker at Oa esar's
!~W~~I~ A'Y.~,~~o~" ":w :.:
Creek Friend's church on Sunday. Mrs. J ennie Mullen and Naoml Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zimmer nf PI' il 28, at eleven o·clock. ,.. Burton spent Monday even In, viaMr. and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell were B!:'Hvert.own Mr . and Mrs. Raymond -D;\ ' ton visitors Sunday afternoon . Osborn of Xe~ia spent uSnda y at- lUng with the Fred Hubbies, while "Buy Your Sprlnr Cblcks ~o"" ':8iXtJ-8eeo~ AlUlIYe.~l'1" Tht. Honk fam ily played (01' a ll l(l'I1oon. \Vi lli Mr. and Mrs. Emel'- Mr. and MI S'. Tom Burton saw "Strange Careo" at. lhe Twin theatlll' , ttl S'I: DUI and' son Rnlph , . I Loeated en the Eaton pille In Mld~lIetown R.tteu Raiche..,. ruarantees en er ,a nment at Clark sville. Thu rsin Waynesvllle , Provl~. the ..me 1t~ompt .rYlee· t~ reeldenl. Ill,1na In .WaJDff'lDe dny ni gh t ' l\oti s PhyJlis Gibson '6f Centervllle ,ou prompt deliver, lel'vlce on ,our IIprinr chleU, ~ lleen one of the e!l. ' . .bd tbls .tecuo• •, Ohl. . . .hat provided In Middletown. EslabllabC41 SiX- _leon tla. f.cton In brlnrlnc Butler ClOunt, to the lront . . . le.dlne puuUr, Rnoda Bunnell spent the week end slJ ~11L two days la st week wi th her Mrs. GerwOOd Dennis made t.he con CeSSion Sund ay morning lind ••• . ',-~wo ADd dii;inr tbill time bas merited &be poIIUon the Mre center, For more prolll erder ,our chleks new. Also leatunltl a complete I' 01• .Harveysburg the guest of Mrs. Ci'Pl'd pnl'enls MI·. and Mrs. Hiley baptized In an outdoor service 811n' ....... ,.. one .• f tbe leadlnc flrlllll In thls aecUen. N.lJonally acIvena.ect "'cole Reason CHb.~Qn [\I1e1 dllllghlcr Pauline. lemce to lbe farmers of this section of Oblo In '.Jill&' live poultr, paying ... H . day afternoon. Into ·t he Ferry ~ ~f lIIerehlIDdlse will be found tbrourhout the .to;re•. the biehnt market prlce8, Telephone Middletown I omer Haines and fnml1y villi ted Mr, WtlI Knee. Mr and Mrs. Church o( Christ, at Sabina on Sunday. S( r.ksmlth. of San Francisco, Callr., Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Smlth .and It ~ A 'Well known· fact ' that · no m812ce all combined In the suites at perfect condition by the Hatten The Missionary SOCiety of t he !I1:·s , Bessie Ballentine ot Troy, Mrs. coneern in this secUon of the state thi8 store. ~lncUverieu In deatana, Poultry raiB1nK is today a bUllon dol Hatchery, IAat year this hatchery Friends church will meet wlt.h Mrs , Ka thryn Weltsel o~ ayton, Mrs. Camlly were supper cuesUs of \he 1M' industry and ranlrs third among Howard McKlnsey's In New. VI,nn. b4Ia met with greater fayor ,With the w~ and finishes that are found all allricuitural products. It has be- produced over 200.000 chicks and it I Raymond Wilson on rou te I , Wed- Alina Dakin of Waynesville spent Tuesday evening. r,I.Il1llc tha thls weD known etltab- In no other malEe. They are now come one 'o~ the most pro(1t.able Is estimated tills number wlll be in- I nesday afternoon. Friday with Mr. 'ane! Mrs. G eorge Rev, .Smlt h 's mother, MI'II. C, C showing a arge assortment in. fine . Mr. and Mrs. George Bunnen of M:u latt. u~rune~t. At the outse~ over slxtysources of Income for the fanner. creased th1s year. Smith of Virginia Is visltlnK .t ~ r·.lflliture, 1I00r coverinP. and aunMr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis spent parsonage this week. Centerville called on home folks Sun two yeara lifO, Cappel's realtied that dries for the home al14l .¥OU are ,"- You will find few bu~nesses that Not only Is the Hat ten Hatchery 1day eve. for the fine quality S:.tlJrdny evenin g "rlt h Mr. and Mrs, well known The new class of young married • eatlatiecl cUlllomer was the best In- v!tfd to v1$1t Clippe1a in Wddletown pay a more handsome prom than chlcks produced- bUt al60 fea tures It -------EII.~worCh Gibson. poultry raising and In this respect folks at Ferry has chosen "Helme nee' tor more businesa. That they Always 00' the lookout to make MI . and Mrs, Morris Lewis, Mr. Builders" as the ·mlme of the clau. bave aUceeeded · evldencl!t\ by the H'elr services corriplet.e, Cap- let W! direct your .attenan to the complete aDd satlsfacoory service In • j and Mrs. Hiley Gibson spent Friday Mrs, Henry Humphr~ya, MrI. Iarte amount of bUBlness they" re- pels liave stocked the s~ with one Hatten HatcherY wtU~h during the buying poultry of all klnds. This evenlng with Mr . and Mrs. Pete C, C. SmJth, Mary Frances Newman ceive .anti. the amount oJ . territory of the largest and most complete dis past twenty-tour years has become hatchery pays the hlghest · market and Rev . Joe Smith of ·Vll'glma , relMr. and Mrs. Clyde Sams and sons f!.unyon and Mrs. Michcal. wblch thelr-.cuvities cover. With a plays ot tine furnlture In this sec- 'mown to hundreds of farmers In prices at all times aIlld tor dally the state, atives ot W . C. Smith are visltlna ill were enter tai nOallers at the Oibsoll home Sunpoultry quotations call Middletown Donald and George, 'horoUah mowledge of the furniture t.ion of Ohio and car~ in stocJt. not . ed at dinner Sunday at the home of da'y were Mr, and Mrs. Harold Ohio. bUaineas t.hciy have purc~ furni- ollly the lamoW! "OBppel'8"· llne or . Don't depend upon the old fashiOn 5~ ,. R2. methOd ot raising baby clucks. ProAs a result ot the ·meeUnia lie TIl,; Hatten Hatchery Is well his sisler, Mrs, Mary Jane Smith R'Jgel"s, Mrs, Elllma Gibson of Be.llture 01 ~l1e hl8hes~ quality so that c},stom built furniture bUt also· Is fit by tl\e experIence of those who Lebanon 16 people Jolned with the known to many in this se,ction ann and Mr. Smith, In Miam isburg. The broClk , Mrs. Olarence' Crawford, Mrs~ ypU ar& UII~ of. yeai'll of salTsfac:· headquarters for "P'r1a1da4e", Orand gas ran\lt!8o Bigelow-Banford rup specJaillze In this business. Buy your wll1 be pleased to give you complete oco:'R;Sion was to compllment Clyde E\'erett Bunnell and daughter EctrU.. church there and be.p~ _ It DO d1J!Cfenee '.whether, It and the largest and most beauUful chlclca .Iready hatched. There 18 no lllIt:.rrnatiOn on how to raise sprlng and Mrs. SmJth on their bjJ·thday Marl('n, Mrs, Paul Spltler, Mr, and vices were held at Ferry WedneedaJ Mrs. Ellsworth Gibson and daughter evening. l~ a room you deatre ;to tutnlah thla d1!.p!ay 01 radios to ~ect from. loss, you ,get your money's' worth In chick:. successfully. PJIu:e your order allnlversary, J . Lee Talmage accompanied by and Mrs. Edmond Marlatt, , IPriDI or ·the Whole' house, yoU will Whell In need of new furniture-atop healthy thriving chicks that , are now ,by letter or -phone. frice llst gua.ranteed to be delivered to you In sent on request. NO!flGE--OF-M'POINTIIEKT Wm. Lukens, of Waynesville, and S~, eral trom- nere at;feffiredt e . lind chara~ter, personality and ro- t.. t oa ppels: I , Administrator Wl&b .... wli 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!m Harold McVey of Harveysburg, a tfln.eral services [or WUlIam Scarff it W , a~ ~. 1~' tended Masonlc Inspection at New las t Wednesday, at Spring Valley, , ( , --... 1" Burlington. 'Thursday evening. Mrs. Robert Greene. and dallr,h ter Mr, and Mrs. Mearle Terry were Leona and Mr, Wllbur Stevenson of Estate of Luella Tbomae Dee ...... N(Jtice Is hereby pen that Sunday Visitors In the home ot Mr Dayton spen"l SUnday evening with 1 T. Jordan wllose. Post O1rJce .Adan<1 Mrs, Orlando Brannan. . "Dependable !knlee" ~ " M~ioWD'. PalM R"'''~rten'' Mr. ·and Mrs. Fred Ca mpbell and Mr . ~nd Mrs. Lue Morgan . ~ 1\ r dress is Harveysburg, Ohlo baa bleD .... , . 1 MIs.~ Pa uline Gibson spent lhe duly appointed as ·AdmfnJatratol' With Oll'loea In Middletown at 1m Cent...1 Avenue B, F. Saw1er' & son WlI!lam of Harveysburg, were ". Mlddlc!lo,,,;unlllt . .~te pal~' .nd wallpaper atoN lecate4 .1 lnt Sunday afternoon railers of Mr. week end with Mr. and Mrs, Ells- with the will annexed 01 tbe ....t.e Sob oper.t" a promlnen' ·real estate oft'lce In thlll Jar' ~If Ohio "\nd In' 'C eutftt A.'~~ ~ ......,.~ta or thll IeCUon .n e:w;P,IlI1 ICrviee In 'Wn'and Mrs , Frank Sams worts Gibson a nd daugnter PllyUis ot Luella Thomas late 01 WarreD &!If ,~, a;M.r~""" :tIMIl' " .... N.lMbaII1 kilo... Haft Incl"lnr ",-ber. ~e men of wide experience, rellderinr a coW1eou aad contident.l&l ' of Cent.ervllJe. County, Ohio, deceased, M rs. Vera Rager and daugh ter, of _ni . . . thla IlIIpumnt busin~ them lor resalta In :real estate and .......Willlam... '...,.. ,-~..,ItII; WaD..,...• .,.,aetIb bIIf4I. wiIldow . . . . . Mr. aud Mrs, Earl Craw fo rd of Dated this 16th day of AprD JNO, Wellman , were recent guests of their mat\en, The Sawyer baa been eonneeteai with lhe busineSs 0... . . . . .Wb~. "'_ ~..,. to pain' lellcl the ...., 1t11bo;jlnr lI e-a r Wayncsvi lle spent Sunday eveRALPH B, OABKY aunt Mrs. EOa McGregor, of Dayton Intereit 01 AJlddJdow.n f ... the .,.., forty ·yea,... Telephone ~.,."" .J II'-m.nt ~ ,.eleph_ ,~~",,,,, m. Judll'e of PrObate Ooun .. ; ., .~ 1 oJ ' Winston CHne, has accepted a posi. rung with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ., Warren Oounty; ObJo W. lI paper .nd paID~g estabUah ' 'Une of the famoW! "Sherwln-WllWith' the continued ~e83 of market per~lt5. An'd those who wish tlon a,s salesman for a produ ct com- Cra wford and fa mJly. . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spittler Rnd Alton F . Brown, Atty. ' pany In Cincinnati. I m Itll "'r. lIe~.ryt ~~ 111 th~ Ua~" ,~ln~ Produeta. A better.1way the .,e, tl\e services of the real es- to purchase cannot do better than to fa mily were dinner gues~ nSndn y of A18-25-112 Miss Claudia Gray spent several ont"'~tIbn Ol..UlY city IUld t.bere .. to· saVII the llU'fa.:e Is ~urh~tbe tate dealers are of the utmost Im- ' have a conference wlth them lor Mr . and Mrs. Harold Kellis · and _ _ _..,/_-:.._ __ fat more effort .nd blill!bha abw~ ,. '~ - , ." they are familiar with many parcels days last week wHh Mr. and Mrs. i . ...f th...... ....lnt ........ .- "'- portance all people'- are reallzing , fall1l1~ . Afternoon callers- were ~MJ';-jI'ItEE FAIR '1'ICKETS Jesse Pennington, . 11t:r~ In &)le sUcceaafw..~UoD ...., . o ~ · .... ..... . ~,..... ~ ... , •...-& oC valuable real e~te Which can be TO'OHIO IICII Mrs F1or.ence Sams was a visitor and Mrs. Paul Sanders and family o( Ii b~"' ltn thIB~War' fletd,·w,hatever y~ur need may be-~\I m,ore eVerY,d.y that this Is the best thought to .dvantage. Dayton . ~ of otel:deavor thaA the aver.ge penon. will find • ready aoluUon at tbls, way to sell all kinds ot property as They have always eVidenced a true o[ Day.ton relaUves. Montlay. Mr. aud Mrs. Earl LUcas and fam Saturday, August .M, .openinJ'. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Beason a nd , i'.~ ~Il~. lJ'he; 4~aey ,PaSnt .ao amP, store, . ' it takea • lone time to sell anythinll Inter~t In the progresK (nit prosper' lY~.uIlUll· the demanls made upon it You are lnvlted, to vtl!Jt the Atch- by private sale and ~us the service tty of this part ot tile state and have Itbtle daughter. of Dayton, were vis- Uy spent the week end with Mr. and ot th(. 90th Ohio ~te ~, wiU be observed. as School Day .Dd bunfor merehandiBe and tor years haa ley Paint Co. where all the newest of the ,r81 estate dealer Is gaining at all times been w1l1lng and ready itors last week of Mrs. Ethel Beason Ml's. David Lucas and family. Mrs. Emerson Dill caUed on her dredll of school busses will briD. and Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur McClll'ren. rt'lldered . thll ~ • service In wall coJor 8Cheptea_~r your home .-:.a n be With tlte adv.nce in tile complex~ty to lend aid to every proposition that father Mr. Jim Soward's of near' chlld:en to t!1e lair from .11 ta . "ap!';. palnts .nit aWed l1nea, ·seen. AlIo to ~ wno want vene- of our clvUlzatton. Promlsed the betterment of the Xenia Tuesda y, Ohio. Educ.€lonal ad~.'ntalle~f .:~ Tb., Atchley Paint Co, has ' the Uan blinds ~r Ila'Ii f'lr every pUl'JlOlff The B. P . saWyer &: Son have city home community, fall' will this year be made .v.Uabl, dlatlncUOli ot being 'one ' of the belit - you can ))e..seI'Yeii,.by this reliable properUe, as well as farm p.-opertles 11l1s prominent COIncern has an SAFETY ZONE · ES1'ABLl SHf,D rvery Ohio public and parochlal fme pllil)t ,stores In But,ler countY o. • ~ eon~ern • .Palnt pow !?e tile, Whether you want to locate In the enviable record ot years ot satlstac~ s~hoo: pUpil, under a co-operaUy, for ihal reason ls In a ·~""n BUmmer aeaaon: ' . efty or some place In the country tory service to residents of . Butler The State Conservation Qommis- PI ('cram adopted by ,the 8tUe n.a.'.r·ve' y,ou:ln • moS~ e~I~~ i~~ \Vh,n-one sees the- .~un~ of they .re s~e to have aomethlng and Warren county In all matters ~ Ion has established safety zones In p!l~tment ot Agr1culture;o·Racb pupil when you consider palntlbt or rectec · varletles of papers ~rried for special that will interest , you because they pertalnlng to real estate: . every county In the state where will receiVe one free admJslllon t1cke, ol'a~' yOur "home, Youw.u. ftlld 'Ui need!j arid . p\U'pOlle4, i.t ,' ls onlY then are In constant touch with real ea'We are pleased to compliment B. l!shing . of any kind is pronlbited in IIOt transferable , -hl.ch .. , wh en coun.' I'll ~D'lnI problema' th..a~ . flJ'!t we reallze~ the nee~saity ' of a comPl'e- t.te condlUons throughout the coun P . &. wyer &: Bon on their Pl'Oil'esI' ortlons of certain streams from · t"l'F.!gned by the School SuperinteDNRnUal qualification 01 • 1JOOd,job ht:nalve.-atock t9 luit the tute and ty. sive ·and reliable dea~lngs [n the real AjJrtl 15, 1940 to f1ebruary 28, 1941. dlnt or PrlncJpal , wUl .dmlt the pu-· is 'the IflWltlbn·. ol ~ bMt · pamt 1df8s aII ....elVas the purse of the InThOllll who have , property which eatate business and ·to glve them In These safety zones are marked by J; II allY one day of the fair, excepc , a~~ )'CMl. wall. only."the beat. divlduala. who form tile large i!at.l'On the, wish to sen to adval)-tage wan this review the position their actlvred and black posters alopg each Werir esday or Thursday. St.t. DI~ , ~~ 'I_turea ';, c;Omplete a~:..o( this firm. do . well to consuit this well known lUes have merited as one of the well bank of the closed areas. \'cciClr 01 ·Educatlon, E . N, Dletrlcb . .,' ,(. .. , . ' olllet> all they 1f1l1 be able to obWn, known and reliable b14lness firms of h.\s expre&sed .the hope that "boar. for them tile h18hest price that the thls secUOn. Experience Is Victor. never the van-' uf education throughout the ltate "When .ev~ IetIna loat, DOble qulshed; and Ollt of deleat comes \,,'Ii take such measures all W,lll mak, ·tlnd thm opporiunltJi! t~e secret of Victory , I·• ...-. """'"Ibl e t o~ tho ' .. _ ' U8E' THE . MLUU GAZETTE USE TIll: ~ G~ " -LaclIi'dalre. USQn"" ot our' -'1JWANT AD8 -WANT "AD.8 . -Mary Baker Eddy dents to be _p resent on 8ch~1 D.,:'· A
Beech Grove
B. F
was• .
' I . lifE
H- e offer a satisfactory Service atoll times
" I'. ,\
McClure Funeral' Home
Waynesville '
Phone 7
U NDA n ,\R NEL1,
----~--------------------------.--.-.-.--.-.-.-.----~--~ , . t,'- I~ '·. ~_ fl _ I _ I~I""'.""~~~"-" I~""'''-''''''''~'-''''' 't~'''''' i ...
"S'r AIt Dl ' '1'" SUN .-:l\10N.-T UE '.
u I110 Wool pnld Cor wool in the stale. Decld now Lo get full value fo r your wool by pooling. ,
wayn~sville F arm~rs Exchange
Company nl~ ooe H
I ,
~~ ,-,,""" ''-''~~~ I~ CI'-''~ I ''-I ~~~''--'~~''-I '':'
~'£I.. Tough cvtI ..,
The heavy " Galvannealed " copperbearing steel in RED BRAND (ence withstands ((!flce line strain and years oj weather. Deep ten ion crimps . . . light knots keep wires from spreadlng. SavC9 you time and trouble.
News Of The Reds Clnclnnn 1I :' - AfLeJ' their tough early season ba t tle to .conquer the elements . the Reds flnall y are able to return to the Na ti onal League wars, and IlOW we find them poin ting to the1r .flrst long home stiJ.y of th e' senson. wtUch will open Saturday against t hr- grea tly Improved Pittsburgh Pirates. Single games wltn the Pirates wlll take place SaturdAY 811d Sund ay a fternoons startln!! at 2:30 an d Monday afternoon star ting a t 3. Tuesday Mternoon U1e Brooklyn Dodger s, t he first enstern team to make its IIPpearanCe a t Crosley Fi eld In 1940. will open a three-game series . We!!nesday. the second day of the series wlli ·be ,ladles d RY· Lad le~' tlck.ets for thjs ga me arc obtn lnnble fOllr dftys ,. in advance at the baH park nnel at the down. Lown tlckl't o/TlCl' at 30'/ Vine Str eet, at the main cntrance to the Union Cent ral Annex Bullding. No rna 11 orders a rc accepted for ladies tickets . bu t mail oreders can no be' placed placed for an y other <rame~ Reds play a t home. The battles 0 \10 1' this week-cnd alTainst the pjrates shOUld give the fans a line 011_ Just h ow much 101 pro~en1ent has been malie In the Corsairs since Fnmkle Frisch took over th e r eins. Frisch is a ha t.tler of
of'th3 family. This. of course. you know, but do you kno~ 'how many things electri~ity does for your home? One of·
. the'se
~v~riings supPQse y~u ask the
' '')'
wHe· 'a~out it? It
may prove ' most
revealing ,to you~ And the coJi. it will ~ ~ ...~ tftterest you to 'kno,,¥, is VERY LOW.
. ~ Worst Joke
t heard' today t'1as told to me 'by EnKlish actor. It is a Uttle illustration of
9.30 n. m. Bible School h our. 10 :45 a. 111. Oommunlon 6:4.5 ». m. Junior endeavor 7 :00 P. m. Senior endeavor 7 :30 p, m . Preaching. 8:45 p. m , Baptlsmal service,
Gabriel Palll
at the beck and ' call of every member
W. C. SmUll. l\llnlster VI 'DA Y
ment of the home. might be surprised . . if you, took th~ time to observe what ?ublic utility service does for you and for your loved ones. Electricity is always
n ' NESv n ,i ,E e n URe li OF
Kogers' , H~o~~ Story
C IIRI S ,},
find very little ttsne to study manage-
FOR SALE-Varmon Potatoes No.3. both seed and ' eattng; also Berkshire male hog. pure bred read~ for service. D. Hollingsworth. Phone Leb«non 675·L!..Qregonla, , A18-25-M2·
SELL us your next can of cream. Hlgllest prices paid at al\ times· Mrs. • Goldie Welch, Corwin, Ohio. • A1.8.26-M2
FOR' SALE-Tlvo pairs of Damask Rust drapes. Also Rust LoV~ Seat. Inquire Mrs. Harold M1l1er, .Thlrd St, . A25· FOR SALE-CARMEN (lOt.atoes No. ·3 both seed and ea.tlng. 1st grade "$1.25. 2nd grade. 85c. Ber,kBhire mille hog. pure bred ready ior aer\'Ice. D: Holllngliworlh, phone 'Lebanon 675-L, Oregonia, O . .625.-~2 SALE-FresI1
cow .
I, Amos Fairchild. R . R. 3, ' Wayne!ville.
I ;ill
Bucky ' Walters
You men who either in office or shop
' .
WAYNESVILLE. OHIO When she waR very young the I fmnlly moved to town and In the ••- - - - - - - - - - - - . FRIDAY-SATURDAY 10 al s hoal Minnie r ece l ve~ her ed-I HI"I. R. L. Jlnekw cll, !tef LI,,' ucaUon gradua ting in the cl ass 011 April 27 and 28 ROGATION SUNI;>AY '85. She taught for a. short time be~SHOWs-z. fore ta king up nursing. No.1 ' 7:30 n. m. Ho ly Communion . Tn earl y lIfc sh e beca me a memoI 10 a. III . Jun ior O l~ u rc h Scllool "TWO 'l'UOROUGIIBREDS" . 11 :00 A; Ill. MornIng P rnye~' and bel' of the M. E . church and fai th-' fully a ttended Its services until resermon. wl~h "Rogation" m eans "askl nc", nnd moving to Dayton about . 20 years JIMMV LYDONthls Sunda y' is the Church's sp 'cllli ago. placing' her membership there , dny f or lI ~kln~ Ood for ~ood crups. III the Ohmer Park church. JOliN Dn.OD~LL Minnie, Lhe 9th ot a fa mily ot 10 At the lale service t here will b.e AL 0 ole. sl n ~ ot the seeds Dnd plan tin g c.hlldren lo enter th e better world " OUTPOST 01;' TilE .., a new shrub in Lite l!hurch ya rd. leaves a n older sisLer Mrs. Prlst; llln. Compton of Dayton and 6 nieces MOUN'rJES" T HURSDAY, May ~ , fi nd 5 nephews to mourn her loss. ASC ENSION DA Y Mnny years of her lite werl,! spent wit" 10 II . tn, Holy COI, ullunlcn. I in alleviating l!!e suffering of others ()IIARLES S'tARRET'J' a ltllOll i{1l orten physically unable to ~========~=~~ METIIOlllST 4i) IIU1WII do so. A)N'i1 29 and 30 Luu ls C . Ulldlcy. Pastor We think of her as another who Chu rch School 9,30 a. m. W o r~ hlp WALLACE BERIlV Sl'r vlce lO :40 n. m.- T he pastor will hilS come up through grea t tribulaIn give the second sermon In his ~(' ries tion wo rklnij out her salvation as on "Christ from th c Resurrection best she k.new how . "THE MAN f'ROl'l DAKOTA"
Publi( Utility Servi(e Frilm the "'an's Vi~wpoint
-==. .=:.;;;t .
Mhml J ane Satter~walte was born
S'l' l\JAltY 'S t:... ( :(Wi\I, 'U Un CJl
RED BRAND fence costs no more t han ot hers - yet lasts years longer. Actual weather tests have proved it. Come in . and SEE the value you get. ompare pri . . f r your.. elf. W' have all heights, all weights, all styles.
~ ~::~1~;t~!~~~;;~;;;
IlI·v. It. II . Krumh Olh. R l ' D, l)ll slo,' ~o plies a~d Mary Satterthy.oalte at Mn II, SUl\cl!\ys 0 :00 .1. Ill . lh~ tnrm south ot .Waynesvllle.
you get the f nce that ~ tnys good·looking, properly stretched. (or II long, long timc. With its acC)lrate spacitig and perfect lI(li(ormity. RED BRAN D
., S
to Pen tecost." The s uJect this SUllllY tlay will be " Til Ascension of C1ll' L~ t with the bOy Samuel . You are invited to come and bring your baby. Epworth League MOll day eveni ng 41L 7 o·clock. This wil l be all Im port· UTICA U. n. CIIURCff lint mee ti ng. Devotional ser vIce , folBeyis A. 11111. Pastor lowed b y elcctlon ot o1Jlcers. and Sunday . April 28 clo Ing with' )'ecrentlo n and re!resh- 9 :30 a. m. - Sullday sc Hool. me nta. . Gorsuch, Supt. 10 :30 . a. m.- Mornlng wO"r,h p 1\1 .... 1l00. LY 1\1. E. CHURCH 7:00 p. m.-Cbristlan Endeavor, ICQeler: Miss PhylUs Zecil . T. · 1\1. Scarrr. i\llnislcr Sunday Schcol 9 ::30 1\ . Ill. E. A. A welcome awaits you each Suna .c:aruh urt. SUpt. day . I Evening servlre 7 : 30. Pmyer rn e ct1l1~ Weeln 'st/n y eve n ill ; 7 :30. t\ IVl'J COIl1 C! a waits you a t the e ~l' l v i es.
111. .. cYc.I SURE Trill Looking !roo~ {~rJ~e t~Efe when .
MJ~Ml cA2~!.. i a
..:-C_E_·u_r~--.'~.~~1,;a:::_'=71_0e_=I\I'=~'_:_~~~=n~ ;: ,~·~_;S:_a~. =11r.1-'~868~~T~W~' _ =I=N;::'~~-
_ SJ _
the old scbool, And the l'nnnner In which he has gone ahout hi work of
Clult Quall'y
,uno A".O" .. ~ n,. · ~...,.... '-'40... . .A ....." ' ....... .or',•••
~!!~!~!~.~~ _1~UC FLOUR
PILLSBURY ,7e 24~~ . £5c· 2~2 ·290, PEA·S COFfEE I"RE~;~:!!.AND . 21:J9c. GOLD "K~L 24 Lit • •••
COFFEE .. 3 lb. ' bac 31e
c:........ ,..,
Avondale Cre"'" St),I...
CORN. ·.3 No. Z can. ZSc Avond.le. KIDNEY BE~N$ . . .... 4
"_:" . :
oz.... lie 'I
. Ccnaa...., · 01....· n&NCH
DRESSING. 8 OL bot. lie Padi.r'. Luel. c:aEA.. I'riu
'DONU.~ · "1 S
IMII ft.at T~
·I. •.. "AYONN~ISE •• 1tt. lie i. ., ,
SAL'f. ••••••• 3P.... Oeaa*!t , m.~ .
2 I'.
CD..., a.b . . .,....,
.'.".. ~ " '-=l-IL' I.: ""
,,~ • S ' . 1iI-
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CRACkERS •• ~· .~f l4c
OIl. ..... ..~ . ,.
COUlltr, OIQ~
T ' he
. , 30
F~ItES ~ .•3
can. ' Dc CORN .' •• .~ • No~ Z cali'rSc
BREAD.3-24 oz. lv._ ZSc
OL boL Couatr7 Club~ ' TOMATO· _ JUICE .. " oz. c:aJI
War ' continued to·h O:d ·.the center of . Congressional Ire was aroused' last the stage In Wa8blng~ <tur.ng the week when it was dJiicovered that . sto'ry oegan tQ ' un- Oovernor Black ' or the' Farm Orecllt. past week. As the Admlnlstratlon and Secretary Walfold as to the actual llItPpeningS In I eee of t he Department of AgrlculNurway lit the time. &he German . ture had sent out, at government eXh l\ asion governmental ieaders be. pense. letters to tarmers having FedC.1n' e more concerned oyer the gen· eral Farm Land od- nk loans In which DH ernJ ou tlook th~n ever oefore. That It was broadly Inttmated that unleSs ttl European co~agratlon w1l1 . certain leglslation now before ConSr rPfJd to other countrIes not yet In- gress Was pe.ased, from loans of the ~o Jvr.(j seems certain . . EVery . small farmers addresSed . might ,be In dannCi.ltrn~ count ry in Eillrope Is In dlln- ger. The truth of the mat;er I'S, of F • gr; r Jowever . ~be. b.lggeat qUestion cou,rse, that regardleSs ot' whether mark In Europe tbd my Is Italy. Con- tlle legislation is passed or defeated f ir! J' tlal reports lead.. Washington ob the status of Federal. Fann Land sr,\",rel'S to believe that Italy Is pre- Bank loans now 1:0 eJfect wl11 not In' I ll:'ln g to cast her lot Wi th Germany any wa" be ·c"ftnged. ft"tlVltle's I 3 AUt .nl.e will problllbly be In the war with of the Secretary of AgrIcUlture and in the next thirty to si?'ty days. with · Governor Black Congressional leadn ibiW" th ' . . • lJOSS Ill' at e.n try may coml! ers assert; are In direct violation of 1 I • mue 1 ear ler. The only thing thltt the IIi", ·and bOth are being widely \\' 111 prevent .ItaJy·s entrance Into the censured ' ' . --
COF"K .J-I lit. __ .... .
Twl oted., and Sliced. CLOcK
Obi. DI.b1et
ALURE SOAP. 4 bar. lSc
COUIIU, Clu& '
SHORTENING . . Can 43c:
With a Buckeve In Co. . n gress ,I. .• :.
JJ Ib, un KrolJo Vqetable
with pure vanilla cream 6IUn,. Fresh Bakedl
. Last Sunday ·eveni ng for the English taet. A lady was engaging p reaching hour thel'c were 93 pres- _ .new Butler, and she impressed on ent , as this Is tile only church In each applicant the importance of . . tact. tcwn that gives YOll an oppor tunity "The great question is. have you to attend an evening service, why tact? It needs great tact to handle not come? As sun<llay Is the Lord's PlY house. We havo all kinds of lPlests " da·y. what better plSlco tCpuld. you go? "Lady, I am no ,r lor my- _ - - .- .-er.lied the applicant. . F ERRV CIIURC. II OF ()HItIST. · 'Well. will you give me -any illustration of some of your tact , .. lV. C. SmIUJ. lUlnlster "WeU, Madam. in my last place I was among various duties supSUN DAY 9:30 a . m, Ca lls us to Bible chOOI posed to clean the nickleware on the bathroom faucets. One day on 10:45 a. 111 . Th e ~ords table is entering, a bathroom. there. rlgM s pread. befo1e my very eyes. was a ' Lady . • standlnQ' just read v to enter the 11 .00 a. m. The mInister preaches tub. What did T do, . Ma'am? 1 his serDlon , and as ' this will be just sai~ , 'T beg your P3l'dOD sir cradle roll day the message will deal and w;th /'?(>w." . •
M .... ber ."
no. ""-ke.
Acel"", ~,
Modkol 1I6o<od.~ .... C_II ..
resUlTectlng the Plrnte~ has resul ted In r enewed enthusiasm [n 'the Smokey City, Frisch ha s a pall' of !i~l y looking outfield recruits in El- _~'!-_ _ _ _ _ _ __ .~ . • Hot a.nd Van Rohs]s. Elliot""aIrenJdy' ,~_ .... . ~. ~~-~-~---~~--, -"-- h us won the r egular centerfield p n&.t. ---'--:-'.~"":'"'''~---'-'''''''---~- - - .... -,_ .. BrOOKlyn. which Is m ted as i he year's dark horse, showed- some real stutr by winning t wo ' cpnsecltt.i vr. shu tout games to start ttl! : sea son. Whitlow Wyatt and Hugh '· Casey. two of t he best rlghthanders In ' the lea\iue. 11m-led the shutouts. The ~odgers have a.n entirely ' naw regular out fi eld. composed ,of VosmJk. , '. GUbert. and Cullenblile., , Followln.g t he Dodgers to Orosll!-Y Field next .Frlday and, E!a'~urday wiU • 19~~ M'at s' tlhe 3g~h. Yllai"'Ol Trl Bt~te" 8 growth anci B~rce to be t he Ph lllies, -J;hcn the ~'.Ua'nt~ ~Vl Direct 'Shlppln~ Oream Pl'od\lcer,s.;:...under same mii~emeht .Ii open a se r~a week from Bundny. sarno gunrantre of a Square:DeW .lor your cream , ~. . • •Joftrthe 1910 ~hlP D~ Butterfat ' ."'I go on with what I am about as If ~~ ~~Dd .. . . ' there \VerQ nothing else in the world Aprl124tb. Par ~ vUcai·:·· ,. for the t ime bel.ng. That 111 the secret of all hard·worldng men. - Kingsley.
II .OO•• 'S
P-!- ~.lilil."", ·1;6 .... l ' . .... .IU5" . SPICE DROPS aacl8pICe ".
~.' .
BANANAS, Golden Yellow .............. /.; ........ .,.... Sci
Navel............... :..... :.• Doz.
,CANDY' YAMS,. Deliciou....\ •., .•• I·.... ; ........ ~' LB. 190 . . •
• ",
• •
NEW CAB8A~ Critp, SOUd.:...:.............. 2 LB. ,9c,.. .
.-- -- ... ----
Local Happenings ____ AllUKENS· HOME
. '_~I~.II~ I ~' " '~'' '''' '''''''''''''
·Mrs. F. U. leMay Injured Melhodist Young PeopJe ' Receives High Rating.
_._._._._I_D_._._n_ ~
In Auto Accident
0- - --1
In. Music C.ontest ·.Loca
EI~ct NE~W Officers
• .._ .I_ II_ ".."_ .II_ .'....
I ~~~ ,t .
Robert. Preslon. son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker were Mn. Rice Snapp of ArIlola, Va., Ia Mrs. Prank U. LeMay suffered a The youn" people of the Meth- Mrs. J. K. Preston. who represented Dayton Visitors. Tuesday. The home ot Mr, and Mrs. W. A spending a few weeka here. broken ankle. Sunday night. when odist church met Monday night for the Southwestern district at the LUkens familY was the scene 01 • • • • • the car In which she was riding. their regular devotional and business St!! te Music Contests at Qberlln Charles Fires and WlIlard t'u rnas MrII. Effie Smith has been very sideswiped another car on R. '13. a meeting. The I)ewly elected . o~lcers a li&ppy family ptherlng Sunday the ratlng-of "Ex.- attended the Clndnnatt-Plttsburgh Friday. received when they entertained. compllment- II1ck the opast week at th.; home of mile and a halt west of Waynesvllle. are: Inez Jam.es. president; Robert The lid wlll be pried of!. by 1111. cellenr' second to the highest rating ball game In ClncJnnatl. Sunda y. IPa their bouse lUest. Mrs. L1ncoln ' her daughter. Mrs. F10esle Oarey. Other occuPants at the LeMay car. Groeting. 1st Vice president ; FranWaynesville Mla.rn13 or the Warof "Superior," • • • • • Bamfll of Amherst. Mau. Their • • • • ~ I MiSs Helen M. Hawke who was ces Johns. 2nd' vice p,resldent; John reu county baseball league bert Mr. and Mrs. L. C. SL. John spent The FrIends held an all day Meet- drlving. MIa. Vivlan Oonner. Ruth Boger. 3rd vice president; Argus Os- . Mrs. Pest.on accompanied her son (ueste 1Dcludec1: Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Oberlin and they remained over ,the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Sum1ay. when the lOcal club mert.· to F'rnl.klln at the high school cllllHarrla of Napertllle, m.. Mr. and Ing Bunday with a basket dinner at Helen. Mary Eva and Warren LeMay horne. 4th vire president; Betty the week end at wooster;O., to ·vlslt John SetLtemyre of Oregonia. ... mClnl Mrs. L. O. WWteraotr1)t Oinclnnatl; noon. at the Friends Meeting House. eacaped ser.ous Injury. Tbe other Braddoc~. secretary. Roxie Sackett. friends. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Frank • • • • • ' • • • ! • car was driven by Wilbur Deck at treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Wilkerson, ot PracUce has been undel' way fur and Supt. L. A. Garst also attended Mr, and Mrs, W. E Oornell were Miss Thelma Howland. of Clnc1n- Franklin Who also escaped Injury . The social progratrl for the eve· the contests and spent the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. R . Salls- sev\' ral wecks under the mana,~r. Dayton; Mrs. P. B. ·Hania of Lebanon; Mrs. Olara BarrIa of Sabina; naU. was the guest ot MIsa Barbara but the other two occupants. Miss nlng was arrahged by Bob Groetlng. with Mrs. Frank's mother. Mrs. bury and family for dinner Sunday. Dr . H . F , Dye. who hopes to put a . Cynthia Slayton 01 Franklin. and Mildred Salisbury. Betty Braddock Martha Parsons or Cleveland. SlIappy team on t.he field for the .. .. .. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. R . Murrell. Mr. and Oray. sunday: o • • • • Miss Mildred Helen Brand ot Middle and John Boger. There were 29 Mrs. 1.. R. Vandervoort -.nd daughMr. and . Mrs. J. P. Larrick were illil ug ural ~1It Sunday. We are now contracting sweet town sutrered severe lacj!ratlons and young people ~esent. ter, Pauline. Mlsaes Lulu and Anna Although manager Dye Is n~ Sunday evening dinner gllesl.s of Mr Vandervoort. Miss Blanche Hunter. corn for the 1940 pack. C)"all 119R21 bruises and were treated at the oftel decided on his starling llneup, !\nd Mrs. Frank Hoffman . .. lIr has several veierans and a hus t MIas Miriam Jean Fife. and Mrs. R. •) r see us at our ollice at the Way- f1ce of Dr. A, E. Stout. Mrs. LeMay BUSr 8EE 4-" CLUB B. Monfort of Wllmlntrton; Mrs. nesvllle plant. Roxanna Canning Co. 'was taken to the Dayton OsteopathMr. and Mrs, R. D. Collett visited u~ youngsters trying o'Jt for berths. • • • 0 0 Ic hospital where she Is resting as Inclul!e Robert 1I1nn1e VUlars or manchester; Mr. Mrs, Frank Dakin was very &gl'ee- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stanfield or The pitchers The Bllsy Bee 4-H club met FriDr. Mary L. Cook and MI'8, Char- comlorlably as can be expected. The Young. formerly of LyUe and 1l01V and Mra. Emmett Bevan', Mr. and day. "'prll 26 at Grange Hall wlLn a Jy ~ UI pris d Sunday, wht'n her Clarksville, Sunday afternoon. 01 Dayton, M'gus Osborn. arid RlIY.. Mrs. Lewla Be~n and chUrren. Mr. les Zimmerman spent "Mothers' accident occurred when the two cars Grace Hockett In charge and Naomi children and grandchildren and sev' and Mrs. EdWin Vlndervoort, Miall Weelt End." at Ohio Unlveralty. the attempted to pass, the LeMay car Ji.'arnl1art pr~dmg. Officel's were ('ral friends arrived at her ' home Mrs. George Walton and Mrs . Dean mond Perks. Betty MarilYn Hook. Mr. and Mrs. guests of M1as Mildred COok and approaching WafDesvl1le. and the rlected as ' foliows: Naomi Earnhart. nbout noon with well filled baskets Walton "Isl ted Mrs. Ollie Freeze of (,(·tchers ·a.re Beatty, of Franklin. other car gOing In the opposite dlW. L. Rosa. Mr. ihl! Mrs, Herbert Miss Louise Zimmerman. Ed Schuler and Charlel! DOllohuo. president; Jane Hartsoc~. vice pres- to help her celebra te her birthday Oregon1a. Sunday. o • • • • rectlon. The accident was Investlgat- Ident : E«Ither , Lukenll, secretary; Those enjoying the day with her RoM. Mlu Lola Ross. Mr. and Mrs. • • • .. • • Illtielders trying for the team InMr. and Mrs. William Doster and ed by State Patrolman. Max Lambert Dorothy COnard. news reporter; wel'e Mr. Frank Dakin , Mr, and Mrs. Pred Hagemeyer. Mrs. Florence We are now COil 1.1 acting sweet dude Clement "Peck" Satterthw'il'll Daugherty and MIss ...nle Vander- family of HarveySburg, and Mr. and Sarah Conner. Mary Jean Thomp- Irwin Mulford and children. Mr. and com lor the 1940 pack. Call 119R21 Tom Florence, Cilarles. James. Dic:1l Voorl ot Olarksville; 1:. M. Lukens. Mrs. Fred Braddock were Sunday ron and .Charlo,tte Rye. recreation Mrs. Milo Beal and children , Mr. 0.' see us at 0111' offi ce' at the Way- St::mley. Ralph Peters and Carl and Mr. and Mr•. Howard Oraham evening supper guests of Mr. and and Mrs . Ernest Nlx-on , Mr. and Mrs n sv.lle plant. Roxnnna Cn.n nlng Co. Ccok. committee. . i Of Harveysburg; and Mr. and Mrs. M, s. Raymond Braddock and famliy The next me"Ung '1'0'111 be held at Charley SUies and daughter. Mrs. The out field roster r:s made up .r. Lester Oordon. Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. H!\\\ Ite Grange Hall, 1'hurSdf~y , May 2. at 2 Esther Dakin and chlldren. Mr. and BlII Peters, Pat Hopkillll and RaYMr. and Mrs. W..... Lukens and Mrs. Paul Arms trong a,nd children. visited Mrs. David Anderson of Klllg o·clock. " m!ln. Sunday. mr,nd Todd. thek' iueat Mra. LInColn Barnes of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dakin and son, Doroth Conflrd. Reporter Following Is the games scheduled The regular monthly meetlng or Geraldine. Betty. Dorothy, Meb. Amherat Mass •• spent Saturday with [;0 be played. 'Sunday May i , Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Melloh. daugh. their daughter. Mary Carolyn at the Women's FOI'elgn MissIonary so· Tom, Bud and Wayne Dakin. Mr, Lelia Koverman. Reporter the remaining schedule' In full t.o Young of Lebanon. Miss Helen Faul. ter Mary Ann and son Billy vis ited be prlntep In next weeks '1uu,; Earlham College. In observance of c:Ul' or the Methodist Churen was "Parente Day". Mary carolyn Iccom held Wednesday afternoon at the 11\ Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Runyon, and relatives In Harrison. Illd.. Sunday Franklin at Waynesville; HarveysOn Monday....prIl 29. a group of panled her parents home to apend t.ome ot Mrs. .... K. Day. with Miss Miss Clara Daughters, Mr. and Mrs. burg a 10 Clarksville; r.ebanon at Mr. and Mrs. EClgllr Smith and Ut'len Hawke as assistant hostess. ItUdents from the Home £0.. F. p , .... . the week end. Carl Beal and children were afierMason; ~orrow at SOllth LeJiJ.non. Junior. and RIlior claIlI went on a • • • • • Mrs. Kennelh Hough presided over noon callers. Mrs. Dakin received daughter SallY Lou were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller, M d ... 0 TO_II_ft tile meeting In the absence of the The boys of Waynesvllle and Cor- many lovely gilts. field tr1p to Cincinnati. and vla1ted the Krorer Poundatlon there. The r. an ..... s. n . • ...... "'on en. Sunday. . tertal«ed at dinner. Sunday. Mlss I u 'lIldent, Mrs. F . U. Le"Y. win met Pi'lda, .nlgh1~ "'prll 26, and fOlloWIDJ 'mJide the, tour: Betty Ar- "'alth TOnfllhson and Lee SlaanIr: or Mrs. L. C. Radley conducted de- with the help of Jack Hohne. head OARD OF THANKS David ~rtsock , son or Mr. Rne! Ind H' __ '" ·H . - voUons. leading .the group In 'the of the Newhio Club In Dayton or.thur. IlarJOI1e Chariton. llarl.,n Pt. W ,n". ' Har,t aook. Stella Lamb, BenU.::e Mal a J _ , . ; ..-.-.-ary . es ...... ' lot Betty McKeever. Laura ....Uler MnI.. Katherine HeatOn. and Joule opening song. "It Is Well with My r llnlzed. 1lbey el~ted Raymond I w'lsh lo express my yratitude .and Mrs. Bert HartsoCk Is visiting at • UnderwOOd of HarveysbUl'l; Mr. and Soul." The topic of her devotlona .Isaacs. prea1dept; BOb BI888. vice appreciatiOn to ~he friends who so the home of Mra. Winifred Mason or . , MaJ·y Jean luckey. VIrilna sCbuler. Mrs. Pred BraddOi!It. and Paul "rom- wa.\ "The Way or Peace". 'nd af- pr~ent; Wanen LeMay. secretary kindly remembered my birthday Xenia. Betty llllDtJ. Bonelta B~ Char- lInson. ~er ·the sc;r1pture reading the period and Jack Oralie. editor. anniversary with cards and other : : Bartman. Beryl Meredith, • • • • • ut worship was closeO fiith another Jack HohN;, be. back with us tributes. Miss Lola Sears and John Sears of Mrs. MaUd Crane entertained 'wIth red BaUabury. Marpret Vlnt, .Po ~~~ Il4..Mh Cl:JaJ' t ill g. "Wondertul Peace." Wednesday. ~ 8, ,rith moving plcMrs. Frank H. Farr Cincinnati spent the week end with a , mlacell,aneous shower, Saturday AlUla Mae Waw.., ..... . IIlche ter.- ;~... • . ~ ~ ~ lIualDiaa'l" IeMIOn Mrs tures. AU 1i\eut6en aJid bOys of Way . -4- --,. their puems. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. afternoon. co... nll "'ent.ln. 14111 YC.VDI. OWen ~ David 'P ur- es ner en ......... the ebO. ' . Sears. w...... eiren ot the dan&ln~ ••• _ed H'tlOld B. Eardhart. leader of tbe nesvWe are urged to come. SPECIAL MEETING Marie Storer, whOSe marrlag. to IlIUI. Robert Sbaw. WlU'l'en Cook , , IIPClDlOr I • • • • • , by the Parmer' 0 Klnga Heralds society. gave a reThe AIrplane club 'wUl have their Earl Chenoweth. of ~man will IIenQy Purnu. WtnIleld' 'Scott, Prle . s raop. & '-'.;r port of the ' yean wark .l:oncluded by 0\Vll meet SUnday• .MIay Ii. at J. K. Speclal meeting of :Miami ChapMr. and Mrs. C. H Harbeson and take plil.ce in the near future. cia 'J:Wa, Ray 1IWer. Mary 'Bva Le- Saturday afternoon. to close the .sea- that grouP. statin, that 'every an.1 'Preston's farm. Prl.zes will be donatr ter No. 10'1 O. E. S. Friday. May SOn of Centervtlle were Sunday eve\o.~" B son untU next P a l l . I ' Invited guests were &II follows: - •• - - . - -.-....... uddy Pwn,, ' let for the year had been reached ed by J . E. McClure ()f Waynesville. 3. for Inspection and Initiation. Dln- n ng supper guests ot Mr. and Mrs. -'. '1, Ohar'Colle.. ---.. H~ga. .• • • • • . . Lew'-Fl, . Montle Storer .nd d ........ eht ..... .... ....... ...,... • Bhe also announceQl.hat Mfa. J. W, There 11'111 De six kills given as ro1- ner at 6.:30, inspection at '1:30. "'U . '" res. Robu~ PIelds. Bill Sp(tler, .and WIl. Mrs. J. R. Mena le, lira. L, 0 : st. White had very generously made lows: CeasDa. !1.25 ldt; Rearwln members are cordially invited to at • • • • • ElOise• . Mrs. Elmer Pun:el1. Un. I.iam Strouse. John. 1Ira_ JtU1e If1man. lira. R. H. the donation necess.ry to DaJn1nI a ~ster. 60c ... I k t en. d Mr. and MI'8. Earl. Davis of Day- S Harma. 01l)6on. and MI'8. Dana ... t; D enny Skyar. ~ Mrs. R. D. Oollett. Mrs. W. member Of the 8oc~ty for 11fe mem 250 kit; Vega Oull. 50c kit; Burd Minnie Fromm. W. M. ton were Saturday evening dinner t~rer of Martinsville.; Mrs. JObll C . St, John • u _ . carl '"'._--' .. and Mrs. Chenoweth and MIss Mae Oheno__ II. ............ . . . . . . berablp. and that Naomi Earnhart Model. 39c kit; Heath Mldwing. 250 M,atY Earnbart. Seo'y. guests at tIle home of ...... .vu 1bere wUl be nO IChool on Priday. A. E. Stout. Un. J. P. Promm. and hacs been chosen 6y lira. WhIte to kit. • D. C. Ridge. weth or Welllnan; Mrs. Albert OarMay I. U the ' weather u favorable Mrs. Alv. Tbompson attended &aItbecome that mftnber. Mrs. L. Througb the Idndness of Mr. JI,c• • • • • ver of Clncinnatl; Mrs. Russell CalT for the ,track meet to be beld at ern Star 1napecUOIl at Pleasant . ]I.{ 'd and Earl11Oa1'1' of L41bano'n. ...w. Radley gave an intereatlnl report or Clure do~at1ng his t:ruck. 19 boys r . an Mrs. Jal:ob Dlll and Ed Mrs. d W f 0Lebanon; t • Mra. Ridge. ".on - ·day evenNA&" daughter Virginia 'of Brookville vls- R war ay on; Mrl. _ the Dayton D1atrlct meeting of the had tbe opportunity to go to a gas••• I h Ha 00 tI ard 0 I ... - at • • • • 0 1, Women's Porelin MiBslonary IOcl- ollne powered model airplane meet Ited at the home of MI'. an :1 Mrs. s. a p s ngs, Mts. W. A. LUkens, n.... ternoqn of- AprU SO the Miss MMarc1a Baker of Lebanon, W h h d t J , "'lIen. Sunday. Mlss LUCy Emley. MI'8. KUB6elJ Beni IJlr1a' pbJlica1 edur.tton claasea held Perree Scanlan, John 'anet C&rltoh ety whlch she and others In tbe ~'Ith James .et er .olt an 0 to • • • • • ley. Mrs. ElIdla Day and daulhter a prellmlnart track ,meet. The win- Stanley. and Rev.•nd Un. R. L. group atte~ded in Miamlaburg. Fuch~rger last Sundlay. Mr. and Mrs. J . B. C,l.apman at~ Dorothy. Mrs. Robert Brown and ~ ... in ...- . arlo Tuesday afternoon. - - - -- . . d It Mr F ..... V us evente will par- Hocnell .ttended the Dayton ConMrs, Day led the Stewardablp Mrs. E. L. Thomas was hostess t.o tended the meeting ot their ";;00" aug 1 er, s. l'a~ces Brannock. ~I~jpate in tbe. track. meet at LIb- voca"- You"" Ob"-"-en --'''y b t 'h N C tury dinner club t th h Mrs. W. N. Bears, and daughter Lola .......... nail ,projp'IUII. her subject beln'" .. U .....e . neb mem ers ' 0 • Fr e ew en a Hi e orne of Mr, Mrs. W. E Stroud Mrs D 0 Rld"e anon. . a •• ......... .,....... ...... -t Ohurch. SPrID..n:.ld, ..... - , S .D . . - Sun- f Oth "Krs J W • c1u. a t h er borne. Iday afterlloon. lind Mrs . enkle of ,Lebanon ' , ' . ' ... da.,, ·a tternoon and evenlnl. or . ers. . . ' White was Saturday evening. . Mrs. Robert ' Baker and ([aughter In charge ot the prOll'llm for thl! T.venty-two regular members were .' • • • • . afternoon anel presented vieWs on present ami an&~el'ed roll call with Jeanne, Mrs. Frank Farr. Mrs. Wll· . 'Ihe Warren Oowi" ~ Bee .. ' th f Stefl Ml'S F k Fa U(dH Bradley. Miss Martha Cook, . was held ., the LebanoG'~b 1ICboo1' Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Hackwell at- "vacaUona In the eb\.\1"Cb Mrs, R. E. , The ~ppy Hour c~Ub met Tues~ names 0 La owers. . ran rr_w = h;::. o_·-'c"'e...,le"b""r ' ......JoJ-1\lh..,-.........,.....". bu!.ldJnI Tueaday APrai ••t '1:10 tended. conference tor elWIrY and Hastlngs save two readings'. , the d.IY atternoon at the 'home .ot Mrs. After the sh"o rt business ~ting fier 65th birthday anniversary. Moner-vls. Mrs. Ross Plaack; . . th day b ' .iv.rs. Walter Elzey. Mr.~ Albert Bian . f·· ni. '1boeewbo attended fri:JID e program was presented by the . was remem ered with a shower . laymen, held in Olnolnnat~, Monday. tlrst. humorous one entl"ed, "Aqn't Lloyd Dav'- with sll,teen memberli . . . . . . f tl nock. Mts, WUI COleman. Mr•. ·... nl'8vnle ~~. AlmeHa 8telDJre, 01112- SlIflltkers at the COnfer8ll(le were Ret Janr." and thr other. "Orandma's . and three visitors pre:sent. cummlttee as tollows; 0 gl'ee ngs and cards from her ..... MUlel" Mrs. Cllff Burnett and dau,D Mr sS. .D. Hen kl e. after a 'few In- many frl ends . (un .Stawey. Ruth McKMt er. Pbrl- Leslie Olenn• .and ReY. Brooks lnab- PhlloIopby." Mrs. Walter Sheehan Durlnl the buslnes.!1 session It was • • • • • iel' Elizabeth. Mrs. VI· C. Smith, Mra lla RickeY. Mary Jane Sclptt. .Dd ler, dlrec:~ in the Oburch Society then presented a reading entitled. RlIa ..... ted that those wlshl.ng to have trllrtuctory remarks. announced the Mr. an d M\'S. Lawrence Furnas en- John Walker. Mrs. George Woellard. II ~a PIres. ' for Oollege Work. "The Bzperlence of a Merchant ~a..... secret fflend aga.1n this year tl'•'e f tl1e paper to be given by ....J: W Whit tertal d W d Mrs, Ernest Woollard . Mrs. 8ar1 • 0 • • • with· the Lord as HIs He......r... To shoul.d present their' name al)d blrU,l ...uS. • • e as "AJnesne e nesday evening In hon '..... lea LU "I ' I M or or tIle blrthd I . W e are now .con.t ractlng . sweet conclude the program. Mrs. Radley date on a card at the nex~ meetln" n e. n . ler paper rs, White ay ann versary of Woollard , Ml·S. JeSSie Hyman. Mrs, h_ com d th U I tllell' 1 Will d TI and Mrs. Thomas .Blackcom for ....e 1940 pack.. oau 1118.21 read the iiOem. "The Lost Mite Box ",h1cb .will be at the regular time, pare e n ted States with sm. RI·. lelr ~sts were Ethel Faul " or see us at our. otrlce .t the 'WaY7 es." The June meeting will be held t:le second Tuesday in May. at the Eulopean countries as to prosperity. Ralph Peters. Ear1 Earnh~rt, and more. neaville plant. RoxaDlla Oanninl Co. at the home of Mrs. U. G. Whetsel. h~e of Mrs. RUSllell Wilson. educational opportunities, and so- Charles Fires. Oames. contests and 'vlalUnl fur. clal equality. ptovlng beyond a doubt • • • • • , , • • • • • A pleasant soolal bour was enjoyMr; and Mra. Pred Oona are anMrs. L. O. R&d1ty. Mra. A. K. Day, ed after the meeting, durin" whleb nlshed entertainment tor the after- that we are fortunate to be AmerWe are now contracting sweet noqncllJJ the marriage Of their lOll Mh. WUlard And~l'IOn. and Mrs. , time refreshment. were served to noon after which re'f reshments or leans. She concluded her reading rorn for the 1940 pack. Oall 119R21 . ~ to Mias Elinore Marpret· Huold B. I!larnhart .ttended the the memllers and the ' followlna sandwiches. salad and collee were with the stirring poem by Henry or see us at our office at the WayBrJaat. 'dauabter ~ . Mr. and ~. distrlct meetlnl or the,Women'. PoP guest&. Mrs. Rice Snapp ot Arcola.. s~ved by toe bosteiS. . ..J~ Van Dyke. "Amedca lor Me." nesvJlle »lant Roxanna Canning Co. ~Vki Allen' Bryant ~or BrooIdyn, elan M1u1marj 8ClC1etJ held . in the VirIln1a. and Mrs. Ch'arJea !:lIla The paper prepared by Mrs. C. • • • • • ,Kew Yon. · . Mt.tNiiJLat Oburch. TueadaY, at of OentemUe: . Lee. Hawke, who was absent because Mr. and Mrs, J. Q. Gons entertain If
·. ..
W. F. M. Society At Home tlf Mrs. A. K. Day
. ....
· . . . ..
· . .'. .
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,• •
. the memben -of ber ·'600" club. at
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ber'hom.e Prlday event.... Two tables
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"'m" Rl:H ·III,··E.. COOX· .E:'~rllrl , ~ . · : ;= . ~ ~ CHURCnE.5 0 .CHRIST sa . . ' .. ' ... lened tbe host,
After paying tribute to the mOlt Margaret. Mr. and ~n-s. Robert 00011 noon after scpool at the home of loved early Spring blossoms, she dls- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gons and daug'h- Jack Preston. Sixteen members anti AnnolUlccment has been made of "
~~t:=~~~n;:~:~I:~.= =e;~!£:Fg~:;;~e~:r2~: te:::a:~~~r: ':a~k ~arr
enter...... b I taln"" f . hart were pl·esent. ;~ fl'el~tI ~ by Mrs. L. E. Hockett c)f Waynesville ..- y a rmall from Call1ornla to "''+ a ew friends Sa~urday eve____ .\ . , . :irt.er &be '~ to the f~ The o,aeetlng ot the IJOClety WU and Mr. ' Ernest EdI:lnaton, IOn ot the Ea~, as .they are too fragUe for nlng c;ompl1mentlrig Mr. ~Uen Kibler The meetJng wall. oPtln~ .whb ,U. . .. . . _ ,,'petti: • Mn;' TIIrDer, lin; Bm1tb. held Wednesday. ,AprU 24. .t . tbe ' slower delivery. whtle the more who clebrated his Mthblrth 'annl- sln ~lng ot. "Le~ Lhe Lower ~hta _ n.. ~ or Manba sattenhnl~ ' Un. .V em Waynesville church. ,~, ,~.•nd Mrs. J. C. Edgington of hardy and stul more .expenslve or- versary. Saturday. Mr, and Mrs , W. Burning," Mrs_ ~dersoJi' F,nd.u otH 9C!'* aDd,""'. ~lea llattenbwalte · _PaoD.. IIn~·1I. A. .PuIIwIoD, II1'II. "'Ille Radiant Church evanlteUlling M~. OhIo'. ' chid can be shipped by 'expre8jl. O. ~PI\' ~d Mrs. y: R. Y1ade a~d devotions. with JaCk Preston tak1q ... '.quietly . lOlemnlNcl ' 8a~ _ 1I&rk '~ aDd'Un. Charlea Brad Cb1na andT1bet" ~as the, ' leason. ~. J:di1niton araduateci from Mrs. S, D. -HenltJe read a paper, en children were tbelr lUests ' .. ~ ~t the. pa&'ICIilap the JQ. -, '.,' . topic. The committee, Mrs• .MarJory Wayne townablp '!IChOolin the class tttled "Plowers" giving excerpts from ' . . ' ;' • ~ . 'part: During the ~ ~zltee~lnI ~ ..... _ .. Ilt6 ,- - ..... - " Pa.... _- Br th . book " 'Wh . u_ banquet was p~nned for .IUn. . . . . . . ::.., _ ........ ;r- -~ - 6' _ _ " ., ,. : • •, .. " ~~ and _.. ~ a,nDock , I834 .•nd irom.M1"ui, University In e • ere Did Your · Garden au. and ,Mrs. Ralph , Bous~on , of .'.:" ....-,-;'" ~. '. ~ ~ ,,,, ~OnDecs .t· MIll. Mnd ClUe . . ~ ~ , ~e .le· to let ~ ~ ~" the .• of 1_ BbI8 reeelve4 her Orow." by Jea~ette L~cas. E!he told ~'in' IValley entertamed at .ltlnner ~h:y~~obe:t::1ri :~e" t~o~::" 'Q'~.bJ ' ~ ~• . ~. O. ,.... ar~dIim'er..,..~gepro, -" :·theOincIiulaUBlbJe' ~ry, . . , " ,. , otmany, ~I.dom ,knownfa.cts con-SundaYJnhonoro(the84th ,Blrth- r " , ' : ~c~~, . ," ","'l~".tp ~ .~ . .the b1i~' ,. bet bJ ,~ ~uiti. . ,.. ~ \.,, ~ ~ ilWw t~e alldea Of ~t, t:ate,.;~1. B: S, ~ II:duc:aUOp fro~ WIl~ntlll~n cer,ninar favorite 1I0w~. ' . ': day annlvel'SlirY pf Mrs;, Houstollts "WO .k; . c,":" '. ,/ near NIat\ft!";: Mr. ' aDd 1IIn. ~. famWea on UUi ~. . . or her b~ V~ New.l and, ~ ,of the .mla- COlllle .n·· I~', and. ~ , . atpr~t ...t t.~e · c:o~cIUl!li041 oft~e program f!,thl!r; .~llep ,.K lbler . .Th6IIe p~sent .. ~ story ,from fh~A~~: ' J.... BndIeJ, IIi1 .,... aad ... day ~v~. xn 'dbarI. DDoln aIonarIea lta~ in Oentral Tibet'. tea~, _1W11n ~be: Wayne town '. pleasant IiOclal .t~ _waa enJoyec1 · wer~ MI': and Mrs. Oharles ' 1).y1Ql',· ~~r,y· ~eilctl :".811 . . . .., , ~:-:-"';:' . .:; , . •. &lidMI'. and KIa. Leo . . . . of c.':: " ... aDIIOU1IC4cl......t the .m eetIq Ib1p 1ICtiOOr~ :-<r"' durin. whlcb-~e h08~ Mrtid " Pt. 'Wayne, Ind .. Mr. ab¢ Mrs. ·OUy .~*,!f:.~d ,....,.~e 'U_~ ,'I'be,1IDIQIIe ~teIJ fei II. 'c1nnaU, ..,.. ~ lin. LenD..,....:4Mt ~. an1~'a JOUIIP8t broUaer 'Mr. ~ Ii a 'lhduate or tn.runente 'to m~"'rI and the f01-· 'Iqbler and f.mily.: and 1Ir: arid lira. 100. . IIbDr& ... 1QI,. tifp ~ aD Ibe$r Ne .. . ~ cblIdnn ~ W. . . . · aDd .Joeepb will lea~ lOOn Jat ,Obbla to . . " tw.... - lpwiDJ gU~"': _MIll Bmm& Lou Brnest Kibler or ,Day toll. IIIaa Ruth . . ,............ aD the Mr. UId JIlL BIIIIlII . , CII-...... tan.up m l......" ~ 'l1\e airer-, MOiIOOW ~ ~ and baa. - Lea 1IrJI. 0leIih lin. R. ~tey, Columbus. Mr.. ·and lin. ace "~Mt"I ..... lID waiib ..... 'DOIl, .aU brouIbt WIlD ftUId ......' q ..... unt to .. W_ Cb1Da ..... ed O. 11- O• .and WI1inIDIton ooIleP. B. ~, .-ad daqb_, RUth. heel Sher"OOCi of ~•.UId .M1Ii . . . . .. , . IN rml_ . . ilia . . . . . . . ... . . . ~ ~ . . . lIDIl ·ftenext,~of. &he IOCI- Beia.t.....-n& 1D000000-1IIIII 'IIII.~Bum.tDdda __ Mr. aDd IIrs. .~ ....... ~ 1CUr1eJ.: .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . Y'. . . . . . . . . • . , WID be a& Use , . " tIUIroIa. natl. tar, o.toIID. , daugb&er . . . . .eblbeet&.
1IJIe .
, ,
1OIIi1f,.:·. -';_.,
~!!~! o~a~ette ~ f~~. . : :c=o= =u=n=t:;:Y. =C=O=.u~r~t~~=.t~~~·~J ~~::.~:: ~~~:._
. The Bible ola84 of the Dayt.on branoh of ~he AnKlo-Saxon federar tlon . meets every Thursday tven1lll1 at 7:46 In ~he OilY ton Jndu.strles buildIng. Third nud LudloW ,s treets. The public Invited. Tile C)jlSlii Is studytPQ' the lulmlment . . ot BI.ble prophecy In cUlTent events. On May 2. Ford L . Proschott will speak on "eremlah In ttle potter's House."
. As Seco d Class !\loll Matter at Postoffice, l ~aYnesvillc, OhiO Entered n .
Flora M- Crane Editor and publishet
<.Irel themselves of tl)e menace . of
flood wllters, the .Reds can . contine
the 5t'lnln" A. Kepler vs.. J . H. 'lmon; -rest of \he NatloOO! League, which is ISSUED EV , lor ' J . Janl S Benlnrd Paine. 21." because 01 the strengthAdva nn 1011 $3757.50 and osts. Q some worry ,. __ ....:S~U~ba::Cri~ptioD=:.Pri::·:C:e,~$~1::.:.5~o:....:p...:e_r_Y_e_a..:.r,~p_a_Y_ab_l_e__ in===n:c: e: = 'Stnte of Ohio vs. John 5humo:kcr op t'1,\t r. Arnold . .Ncbl'lIl 'a, an aninI{ done by sev~ral clubs during Nclrl EIII'.abeth F1~'l~n, 1'7, SOuth 1 ,.,. sen .... n ~;,;~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!~~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: actIrene ' on. appent ·l Ie 0" ...,.,. Wardlow vs. Denzil Ward- Lebanon. . One Of the improved teams-the cruy Til mp all. 23. snlel>.l\on; Tll\IE CllANOE I"w'. divorce, extr eme crueItY. ,~ .. BrookiYll DOdgerS-,,'ere due to open v Mnson. n hd NolR. MUI:bmoro, :'v, e-..r ... 'a thr~e-game series' against the Reds Lrul magnificent specta 10 of UIOUSOl\Il\JON rLEi\ PROCEEnlNG 11 ortcr. Mnson. n Crosley Fjeld TUesday. Wednesday Times do eh_nnge. Witness the y t of the nation st.riving to A~ctloneer was schedUled as ladles' day. A8 in ands of merchsntS II~ virtually eve~~ I c~~sr~s the kind 01 Union tho t lIEJ\L E 1'ATE TRANSFERS 1..\,Ola E . TIlfockmorton Ashton dispose or the Sout.h s surplus cott . midst t he bitterness the past. ladles' admissions are limAbraha m Lincoln visuslized over a hnlf Ii century ago \IS. 'H ornce Throckmorton; motion Ited to 10,000 lor 'any one day. TickF . W . Frnnz to George E. Young. ets for ladies' day games are obtalnor the bloodie t clvU '\Itra r In history. C tt Is brelld and butter t.o millions oveIrulcd. O:lve Page vs. Luc), NelSOn and t til .; I \ 68 In Franklin. able four days in advan~ of the Cotton 1 the life of the South. 0 on t1 'f th country A glutted the South and olller sec ons 0 e . Nelson; confirma tion. Jam~ PUe to George E, young. et game at the downtown ticket ot!lce ot people, both In . elf of these millions Cot lon exports are Clerpnce at 307 Vlne Street. nl.: lot' In Frnnklin. cotton market Imperils ~le w 0 recotton problem m~st be foulld . In part deed and distribution. Til olutio n to t 1Ie h 1I Mnrgucrtte So.ttcrlh' nltc \' s . F W Franz to Warren O. nnd Following the Brooks lnto Crosley at dlsm.n ows. e tsh 11 is the impelling mo~lve behind t e at. I en.~t, at home, Tills. In 11 nu !!' . H nl'Y Satterthwaite. et al.; csse Ral~h W . 'Yotlng; lot 77 In Franklin, Field ror two days will be the PhlIa' ~Phone 78J James PUe to RalPh W. and War- a &lphla Phlllles, then Sunday. Moncotton "campalgn:' d dl lrlbu tlon Is being Called into Ilction . Dur- dl',mlssed. drfendanL to pay costs. Howa.rd C. Relf vs. Mary FranCCll ren O. Young; lot 74 In Ftank.l1n. dQ>. and Tuesday tile New YO~k Eve.ry resource of mo ern s u h May 25th, shoppers will sec store JuJl C. Mackey to The L. G, An- Giants will provide the opposition. . _ duc' - lind appealing posters Heif. et at.: confirmation. deed anti Ing the week from May 17th Ulro g "" b nked with cotton pro 1 sl J1bu tlon, d Joto 1014. Llkc th e Dodgers, the Glant.s, too, Hehry C(I;bot Lodge. Jr., 38-yoarder on's Sons Oompany: fronts aDd showcases n JlftSU'lg 11 cotton goods article they . ding them tha t b\' pure Dibert Mul1('\'\. admlnlstrlltor of 1015 and 1016 fiCFrllnklin . are Il strengthened team. old junior United ' Stat.es Senator :. wn South" The promotional cnmpaign mutely remID , from Massachusetts, hll8 acceyted un will be helping their neighbors do Ulan I'nerel.y 1l110Uler sales promo- lI ,1' e.state of Carl Mullen. deceased; Clifford Montgomery to Zelia Mont" K1 Cotton" is far more .. . I InvltaUon to deliver the l)l'inclpal in behalf oC ng ern In which organized co- \ S. Charles Class; defendant grn u~· gomery, et a l.; lot !l9 In Springboro. TARVIA-I,ITHIC TA.R AND eo 20 days wlthln which to fUe ansClara L . Fan. deceased. to Cn.~hcraddress lit the SLate-wide meeting tion stunt, It Is indicative r~f a~I~I::~~l~rSa;romlseS to reign suprem\)o the . EXOAVATING ine N.- Storer: 13S.S8 acres In ClearanI! rally of the League of oYuhg ROAD OIL; o~rntlon between produce Efficiency nnd serviCe at ",er. kind 01 cooperation . that benefits consumers. ' . Cicorge W. Clephane vs. Louis E . creek Township. Republlcan Ol,ubs of Ohio. to be IlCld DUMP TRt CK SERVIOE Richard L Nelson lo Clai'ence . at ' the Nell House in Columbus on mmimum cost., are its bywords. to the eye in the promotion of Gnmer; proceedings d lstontlnued. PIT RUN, LOADED 30c YD. th e is far more than appears . " Y Nelson; eight lot.s 1n Turtlecreek May 4th, It was announce<.l today by Is a powerful example of Lincoln's "more perfect Union. cottones,wee'':It .... PROBATE COURT township. , Robert L. ·.Barton. president. of the - lndustrtnl News Review . .... J . paul,Cody and I.IUlan Cody to M. ' League. Governor John W. Bricker In thc matte r of the estate of W. Horn; part of lots 23 and 24 In will serve as toastmaster at the ban~ eIln Thomas, deceased: Walter T. Lebanon. quet. and Invitations lIave been ~xPhOl;C, Wnynclwllle 44 R 11': Lu admin1stTator. David J . .Welnrelch BI to George B. tended to all Republican State ofJard an II ppoin'ed • . <.If d' 8 1 Lebllnon oWce PbOD.~ ~p-Kflclals to attend. . Adam B. Camp...."ell. Ralph E . Brooks ' Blandtord and Ann L . an or , . h 1 te Sen Morrew Pbone . No. ~ AI Kennedy appointed ap- acrcs In Clearereek Township. Lodge, a gTandson of ten _ re8.98·M. and va . Zelia Montgomery to R-nymo!1d E. ator Henry Cabot LOdge, Is servSDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Iii .. praisers. In the matter of the estate of Montgomery; lot 99 In S pr In gbo . roo his first term as a ... ...embe r of the Edward Kohl', deceased; Mary Ann , Charles Knedler and Sarah Knedsenate and already has established Kohr appointed administrator, Eliz- ler to Claude Begley an~Ellzabeth I himself as one of the most promtalnll .,. CLA....c. J. h W tt Mrs Meta Zecher lind Begley; ,92 acre In town- , young RepublicanS' In 'Congress. .. C • - nil . . . .,...... appraisers. shiP. . 1 Reservations for the banquet must Czechs. the Norwegians, and others WI matter of the estate of Wlllinm H . Hiiff~lrd to James Hen• : 'be made In advance through Mr. The stage is beln!, set for the ex- have' been coming to congressional nevleve Rees Gerwe. deceased ~ In ry 'Whltman; about 4 acres in Mason ; . _ _ . _ I Jacoby at the office of the Treasurer REAL ----'on of credit, or the maldng o~ desks. However, even congressmelL ventory Gen James The home stand w111 closeB w1thW wo of ..,...... approve. d . Prendetgnst to Myrtle E. eState d ' Miss Renole~ at the Govsi \ INSURANCE loans. t~ England and France for dumb as they may cn-may not be, .J the mntter 'of the estate of Moots, et Ill. ; 1.70 acres J..n Wayne games against the Boston . ~es, . 9 ernor's office, or through the pre _ the purch "r.. 01 Aroe.r ican goods. are not taken In"y the poorly velled n d e sed' inventory township. nesday and Thursday. May 8 and . dents of Young Republican Olubs In AUCTIONEER ...,.. U Lewis Drake, ec II • . E . ill be another , . ., vd Norma Riley Hull to George . ' The Thursday game w . the local communities: Already farm lea~ers are being told 'attempt to mlslnform and mislead the .AlUes are not making heavy tbem. ap:o the ' matter of the estate of H~I1; lot Ol6in Frnnkll~. laclles'day, :Following the . CC?J1t.eat . . A'dance wlll be held following the • ' L ': W Uace deceased; hearing Ciurord Smith nnd Jesse Tinch aga,lnst Boston the Reda will head banquet ' with a well-know". arch. . purchases of 'fOOd stuffs and raw The constltl1t1Qnal requirements Is for April 29. and Tennie TJ,ncli; lot 30 In ;'rapk, [or St. Louis . for three , week-end tra furnishing the music. materials in ,the be- for reapportlomnent at reprcsellta~ .nIn.0he ' malter thc. estTLt" . games against the oardl . n.als.1 Friday trl tU'nlted "Oash States and Oarry" ·of. . of lin. of the s c .10 Drake deceased; Inventory Jessie Tinch, arId ':fennle Tlnch will be an off da.y , but a e game provision at the present Neutrality it!"l ther TlIl . d .' to Cll.1Jord Smith and Effie M, wUl >be played 611turday and a dou\)le approve. . , . d' J. .. I .. _ . law;' The c;lalm is made tHat of ne- sen a ves 0 "'-....... ~·'I"" Enlliand and , Fra.nce must census will resul t 1n some states los- In the matter of the estate 01 smith; lot 31 in }pranklln. header Sun ay. 1 the Card ~....u -"-'6 "II '" in d ther s'"tes gaining repre- W F V"nce deceased ' report of Thelma Oarr te. CIl.1Jord WllIlams , 0n.:Mpnday, May 3, conserve and use available cash for g an a .... . . . ", 'to b M I Willi m . 2 acres In d Reds will be be.ck at Crosley •. ~."7 ! J. , the purchase of vital airplane and sentatlon. Under the law the mem- ' commlssloner approved, est~te . I ~ and kl~mt ew~; s, ;eld to play oft one of the gam~s mu'nltlon neecss. and are being forced bersh1p of the House will be held relieved from adm.ln1stratlon Ra P Fran o. '. . 1100d This will · obtain.fOOd products and raw ma- to the preseflt number of Represent- H. Vance is ncUng as commissioner. Oharles Wellmliln to J.i'. W. Franz. washed out by the sa 'both clubs "'_iiil'''~NK COLB~ :nala..frODi. countries where the ·aUves-43p . bavlng 1\' h1gh.er In the matter of the " 10 85 and 10.01) acres In Franlt1ln 1:le a one-<1aY tS::t ror the East to ROOT FOR AND COltSIGM Jour cattle,hop, Iheep .aDd ~v. ~ ume may be ,purchased on credit or percentage of popUlation In · areR of Paul Edwarq Plummer, et al., township. , ' wlll lee.ve tha, Ma 13 wOl be UI"H-"' lIU~G to Nonia-BroCk C.... live !fire 'aDd . . thr ezchanie of goods. Ac.Cord- than' the average fpr the entire Isabelle Plummer Hampton appoint.. Ida. H . Cline, deceased, to William op~ road S~ga. Y . • N"PU·TU" protrreaslve tlrm tl)r the hl~.., DlPH·THE-RI·" '.tnc high country may obtain additional Con- ed guardian of said minors. W. <?llbe; . one. aClre in Warren coun- another ladie& da.y, es are as market pricea and rood ..mce. '. • -~ ,wrI . . ..1.. a few months wUl be- gressinen whlle·. states ' where the In the matter of the estate of t y. . These early s~as~n ~amhances as Befor~ we proceed. wlU YO~: ·U.io. Stock Y.r...• CI••I._... O. " aFrr thE! team.s ,c why th~ please say these three wOI'ds aloud. Tune fD on ~dlo ' StatloD ,WOK'Y 11n. to ~te ' the lUting a'·,~ th,;.,. re - popUl a.'01' ogaIn n " been less than 01ara L. , deceased', -certlficate ' William D. Relt. et al., to Howard Important to 'tembe That's 12:215 to 12:80 ·? m. tor O~1' ~U, " atnetaons. nOt particularlY to' benefit the average may lose representation. of transfer ordered, . O. Relf; lot 100 in Lebanon. games in Sell r. c.h tougher _ lInk--"you. . . . • marke( .-.porta. \., ". · ~rie.; ~cCEng1and, but to ald the Amateur statlstlclons have it 'figured . In the matter or the estate of William D. RelJ. et al'I to Mary competition lOOks~O m~t off to th~ DId you say "DlP'.thong, NAP. · ' American farmers to dlspose of'sur~ out ' that Ohio will pro!>ably lose one Clifford Mongomert';. deceased. cer- Frances R elJ; , part of lots 69 and 70 for last ,Year no am g did this tha dip-THIR.I.a? You are ono In ' '~. However, the fact should Representative In Congress, and tlflcate of transfer . ordered. In Lebanon, flying .start that th;1 r::::Sthlrd last ten' thoulan~ It y~udid not. These t be erlooked that EnsIa;nd and possibly two. ·· In the matter of the estate of season. The. Flook n . th mispronunciations have been popu. 0"1 .. bID! ' dollars Arth Tittle deceased ; part of year. now theY've their eyes on e larlzed by constant repetition, yel onthis coun pennant needs butto a see second '\ worth of gold several and Cfedlt in Polltlcs so epnneated Relle! and bankuraccount , to be appiled to coutt.. 26 the Red!\ ' will holst Sunday. one th spelling that glance "p.h" a\ In , . SeIllllliM.1 Relie. (,... ' try. the 'PI1sebt ~e; ~at their W. P. A. on the ~936 and 1938 cam- costs. balance given to O tterbein May . th: drat syUable 01 each wurd musi and One Do•• ....... It ·... . · ~latJ~ats own sey-era! billion dollars pnlgns, and the Relief and ·W . P. A. Home, f _ __ ~ take the sound of "foo as}n pbo- , nib. nnl doH oi. Ih). pl.....I ·I ..II'" 1111'" bl,'" Ilbl.t dot,.', brl ..' ,ou lb. tlh••••d ""'.. . worti,l 'ollllt edge American seeurl- rolls were so heavUy Inoreased In ' the matter of the ' estate of 'rax Commissioner W. · S. do theIr' summer at Camp ' .t.l1'apb. " • tontJjI.,_ i rau., 1W b.... "J)1'r1.bCt"J' ~,d bOT'n1r book 10 u ........r DOVRLII WONEr. a&IIK. I t;les ·that could easily' be converted before each election, al! t{) constitute John Ku'pfer, dece~e~; Inventory ap Evatt 11IIS tuthtlll1ed restrictions on Williams ..' near Sparta,,,' W1BcOn$l. ~o.te: the second syllable of dlpb. a.II·... I.bl., Ih' lI.....b "'.... food. IUh. 'hi ..nn tlOaaarh euld. bar_"" IDd •.u 'ou ... lito 1I0'trlllll", foodi ,... . 1IOOd. ro, _". ' J·lt.1 that their nationais such national scandal that a Dem- proved. corporation' fMnchlse tax collectiOn!; A"ust 11.:'11 . The onto GuardsmeJ,l ' the,rl-." ' is "thee'I't.8 S In. theme. bom••1" .1>..111,110 .Dd UUIOU , 10 ottlD .1.10<1 b, ' alsO , • securities acrotic Congress was forced las t ' year ' be a. .unit of all state an. d'. fed e~Correct pronunc a Ions. ...... .t.lD.... IMIII lDaIIl .. ,... t ..1 10", • Dd Olm •other. blll10nS of In the matter , of t b e .es·-t ..... e of in Ohio Uto Increase state revenues .wHl DIF-lhOIll ' . ' "'rk III .,er--JV8T QNE Don: 01 8tu•• ~ ""'... IDMdlI nUll, .'a n.fJW'b.n. ~perty· In neutral countries, to provide in the appropriations for Edward A. Mayer, decease~; report and provl~e W<11' e eqUitable taxa" al troops in the 6th-6th corps Area N&F-tha I . . tlon." Evatt salel s"ame 2,000 oorpor- to BS"emble at the Wisconsin CIUl1I;' ',: dU-TBEE.~I.. Wh'ch woUld have a real market Relief and W. P. A. mat tile money of adrn1nlstratriX ilpproved. vahle In the United States. Under appropriated should be spent ~cb In the matter of the guardianship ations woul be- taxed according to for a .large-scale war maneuver. OhlO <Capitals Indicate syllables to be such c1roumstances cash can be paid month on a pro rata basis. President of Horace P. Keyes. an Incompetent thc ,book Vlrlue IJf real, esla(;e, unless llCgrO troops will drUi at Camp Perry jac~~ted.) for food stuff purchased In the Roosevelt ~st week in bfs message person; .Jqm1ly Jacobs appOinted they could j. S'ubnllt "aatisfactory June 16-30, as well ~ gotnr to WIsUll.ll.ed l!ltates. whenever needed, for to Congress on the Rell~f situation, guardinn. ' ' proof" 'that a 'county auditor's lower crlisln later. _ _ . Que.tlon: ·1s It correct to say "be QI. 80Od many years to come .. It asked that this pro rata restriction 1n the matter of tJ:le esta~.e of aPl)l'Illmtl figure should be substit~t ~"I---:; . C" ~~_ don't; tilt)' dorttt"· D. ...... . • Should also <be rem.e~bered 'that 1tb!!' taken off and that ~e be giver). Alice M Ollie, deceased; Jac!<Son ed: A collectton,.lncrelI8e of f 7 ,000 Answer: Purists frl1WII on doo't . . .... J1IIs ~.III .... 20 WIIS greatlY ' t~ough s1m1lar exten- lIuthorlty to spend .t he entire appro- Dille appoihted 'a dministrator, WUl annually Is predicted, on the bl\Sls of . ' The national debt during March aa ,a c:oUOqUlaIl8~; ' however, It ' Is Do JOU 4 .....d tb. "taUsl'."""'" (II Co AN 'i.'ou aettlnc m~lI~.:II7_~ , .slon at credit that the United States ' prlation for ~e next fiscal yeat: In Franz, Slim Masters and Walter F . 1939 cor.pom~on Pllymenta aggregat- WllS increased by SI'T5,OOO,OOO to , a wldet'y used "In Infilrmlll sp'eecll and Ol" Do 'loa rear hoL b/-new high record of $42,MO,OOO,OOO, wriUng. "They ·don't" I~ permlsal· ..NBRVOUS1 bet;ome .lnvolved in the l~t World the first eight months of the yellr. Eltzroth appointed appraisers. 111g $4.082,266. 111111 dlasy 1p"1I1T .\.. ,ou Je.lo" . ..:,.twNal' rt.s Alexander Hamllton Instl- 'ble, but never say "he don'l." for lIOH other womeD pi T~['I ,LIS.,"__";: .. war' and that the loans and crecUts s)loUld he >belieVe c 6i'lliltlons warIn the matter of the estate of ~ Tb_lI¥'ftIItolllll ol\"n • __ t rolD . _ epo . . ffi:l of the· "dOD" i. a contraction of do DO&' 'unetlonal d\jorden. So ata" """" ~dCotab , Better .ay "he does not" or "h~ famous Lydia at that tIIile to England. It, thus necessitating deficiency Frank Schooley, deceased; ' Maring A recent eirol.t to reViVe congres- tute. The debt at the e E. Pinkham'. V8Pta... than d 't pou.d. For over GO Y~I\" I'lniba.'. Co_ ... arid Prance have not been repaid but appropriations the latter part of the on schedule of delS"..s Is set for May, sional agl~tfon for construction of a month was considerably larger !985 ' oean. . poWl4 bal h.lped hundretb or t b - a IBeUJSYD~Cal_WNU !lervlce.' Jnslf:D.d have remained as obligations year, as were nece.ssary ea.rly in 1939. 8. estate valued at $438.99, Inher- cllnlll linking tbe Oh10 river with a yea1' ago, when it totale~ $39, ,- ' sratelul "ameli to III "Imillllllbna" dI8kult l 0.>---...,.. l'IlIkbam'.·tiu bet"... .... I\IMIUUIII for the American people to payoff ' President Roosevelt Insists that the 'Itance tax determined as none. Erie, brought t:he following state- 000,000. _v.. a1l4 I_II .nDoy!a1 "\!Dllie , tloul "1""'Waritie.... OIM of (bIi .... . ,... present unemployment s.ltuation In the matter of the gUardianship ment from. Cllllirman Mansfield ' (D. . WPA Commlssloner .F . 0. Barring.. USE THE MIAMI GAUTTE thlQugh taxation. ,.. "WlIlDa\l'(' \01111:10 '1'" UI ,; '.' ' ' , makes such discretionary power nec- of Ethel Borter, an Incompetent per- Texas) of the House RIvers and ton on Aprll '24 or4ered 14,000 Ohlo- , WANT ADS ' ., Many 'M~mbers of the Bouse and essary; out many of his critics in- son; henrlng on application [01' ap- HlU1bors Comrnlttee; "The eoonomy ans dropped Cram the employment northern agrl- slst that It simply opens the door polntment of. set for April wave; together" with objectiOns of roil/dn May, Total 'in the nation or' •. 6 t riate cultural states have been losing onCe more for the use of ,Relief 24. President Rpos.evelt. make It certain 'del'8d dropped In May Is 200,930 per_ lIome of ,their Interest In the Senate funds for political purposes In the . In the matter of the estate of J. tJ;at the Lake Erie-Ohio cannJ. pro- sons. ' IUn!!I)(jm~ts adding over two hun- coming campaign and will result in N. Burch. deceased. real estate or- ject w1ll no~ be revived during 'the __ dred m1ll1on' doll~s to the Agrlcul- heavy expenditures ,ust prior t~ the dered sold at private sale. present sessIOn.:of congrellS-perhaps 'Ohlolarmers WW.now race 'against turl\l Appropriation ~ll\ for parity election. As a resUlt a stU! !ight In In . the matter of the estate of hot tor yearll,'" fan frosts. If they lose the 'race.- the . pa,vments to tbe farmers as a result Congress against the Presidential Orem Jordan, deceased; schedule of i. __ less may amount to mlluona ~f dolof recent revelations. OJ!lclals of the recommendations may be expected. debts approved. The OhIo( GoOd. Roads Federation lars. says ihe' State Department or Department of Agriculture have let In the matter 01 the estate of will sponsor an Ail ..day Good Roads AgricUlture. In ., exp~ation. ,it , is It be known that, as a result of mar- • NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT W. H. Dinwiddie, deceB$ed; estate tp Oonference'ln,-l Colwi'lbus ' May 16. stated that Ohio. planting has been ket quotati~ for corn aDd .wheat Ailm1nlstrator With Ute Will be turned over to Sarah Olive Ward Three speakers of national , Jrnpor.. delaY~d at 1~ ., ,thl~' w~ . .-th~, : being near partty prices. parity payanDeud low, admlnlstrnla'lx fees and attor- tance will lie on the program; spring because of' the heavY rairut, ' mtnts , to nQrthem wheat and com ney fees ordered ' paid " , With' the .groWing ~aB()ll t\lilil wort- . 'flfrn:ers wO)lld be extremely small or Estate of Luella 'l'homas DeCeased In the mlltter of the will of MelOhio tax-supPorted PUbl1c . eried, early frosts nIP : ihe .entitely non-exIstent, and thnt most . Nl.tlce is hereby given that Walt:e r Issn De.cker, dece~sed; . hearing on , received fl00'IOOO Pl state aid, the .(!fOPs. com.. especlally would be' ~f of the, added appropriations would T , Jordan wh06e Post OffiCe Ad- . aypllcatlon .to actm1t said will to second pard' the btenn1al' appro- fected, .SIlY the ot!icials. . rlatlon. Tlie .. book 8too~ in Ohio U' ,; • Gn. to southern cotton fanners. The dress Is HarveysbUrg, OhIo has ~eD .PrObate set fOr ApI;1l 29. , leglslators from ~e northern states, ·duly. 'appointed as Adminbtrator In the 'mat~er of tbe estate of brn~les l~avc lncreased 'from 6.965,221 . USE THE MLUuG~ETTE ~lIIng. tha.t their states pay the with the w1ll annexed of the ~tate Charles H. Hoyle, dec.eased; ' estate volumes to 8,llO6,OOl , since state ald ' WANT ADS . · ·o.a'or, porlion of all taxes, are not at Luella Thomas late of :Warren valued at flf411.30, . Inheritance tax has been . __ .. anittaus to ~laa! .• heavIer bUl'den or County. OhIo, deceased. determined as none, heat1I1g on . iii • Cl~"t ~ tile ~~ulaers of th~~ own Dated this -l/ith day of AprU. 194O. schedule . of d~bts set for.' 'May '11); , :n.tere w~ '1 i>716 ' hlgh,way traffic . IJl 1939 Which f - , ,~' tor agrlc~tural appro,. RALPH H. , OAREY certificate of transfer . order~ ..,., . accidents ~. 9 hIo ~~ Which will.be· of little o.r Ju~ge of Probate C!'~t . In the m~tter .ot~!! estate '?~ suIted · in 6,10 .c;teaw" ~nd ~JUI'Y eto to, at home. . ' Ohio Cll.1Jord MoptgOmerYJ deceased, In- , 9305 OIllY 'three counties, " . AltOn F. Brown, Atty. " v~ntory approv~: H'l.l'rlsOri, H~ktnl!' ani! Pe!n'. rewrt , , ~tl,Jlens ~ve but A18-25-.M2 In the ma.tte'!' 'Ot ~ • es~te or ' nor~IUes In ' tat pway. fl:II.......... (Of ~ fntelli!!!J)t!e of _ Mary l\1Va Probasco, .,~eceased; diS--ed the l!nttre. ,.ear: durmg [fjiiDl'!altdp of the QQngrcss of All thoughts that mould the age tribution In kjnd ordered. ' l\J,\1Utli\GE t , CEN ES
them elves to worrying about
F. T. MartinSATISFACTION Or No Charge
Young Republicans , To Meet 10 Columbus
Centerville, Ohio·
Sand & Gr.avel
Zain Armitage
· h a B U ck eye W. It I n Congre.s·s. • • '.0" ~
a'b~~i ~V~tt a~polnted
", W. N. SEARS ~
~a~ve~tor~ s~t
~Ports. __. .:.,.;. . ,. .~.".d"tD-~
UII~'wSln'gH~~~ O!e:~:;
D'011-''t WORD
""' ..
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~P!'ali.f"i.~a. . ve
cam' '~nd~.
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W~en Co~ty,
IIi the matter of :Uie estate ot 'Ille state AgrI~lture De~8P£ Rowever. ~8n, begin tb1nk even . Deep . down, ,'irlthln ,the pritBlUve- Abe Prob8sco, deceased: Ralp~ yan I't:ports 4;W teSta- or ' farm aei!d .AlBll'teab leflslattve., In'- mUl. Meter appointed adm1n1stra~ ~ .Tan., I. ._ ~ t.eJUnc ' -Junes RUS!IeU .l.owell In tile matter of the guardlanshlp ap1nst TObtsa Bretney, an Inaompetent Pol... Cbe V8 TIIB IILUII GAZETTE pincm. ,~ 'l'CIdd 1IIJPOiDt.ed
. .-~... enJd!!Iltl1
'1.~==~'.~.:llIIlttecl II
• .urr ADII
":'iiiiiii~iiliiiiiiiiii!_~~ii;;;;;iiiiiiii~ ~_~~~~~~~~~~.q
l"t Voten-Nolicen!
The BOArd or Electldfts Office at the Court House wW be open each dtlY until 5:'30 p. m·, except Thursday May 9th. whrn It wlll be open until , ., 8:30 ·p. m . to receive Absent Voters' . -Political Adv. BDpllcations' to vote in tn.1I !\01lllng Primary Election, May 14th, 111,40. ~,--~-"~ --~~-- ---~---~~----AU persoqs desiring to vote an absen t 4Toters' Ballot are asked to call , a t the Board or Elections Office between these hourse and receive their applications, and upon the execution ,'ot the application may vote their bal lot tor the coming Primary EleCtlo~'1 I Persons who are away •. expect to be away on Election day, May 14th. of Waynesville 1940. at' tl distance or more than 50) mlll'l'. or those Who are not able to prfBent themselves In person may rrcelve an ApplJcation tor an Absent Voters' Ballot upon their request lin "riLing to the Board of Elections. Your friendly support gratefully solicited· After the application has been properly filled out their barrot will be Primary May 14th n·.alled to them which they can then I v.Jl.e and maH back to the Board of F.lettlons by reglstered mail. No IlPpllcations will be recelvetT . after 6:30 P. m .. On Thursliay. May 9th. and no 'ballots will be countea Vote For tr they. a,re not rrcelved In the Board of Election Office later than 12:00 PROSECUTING ATfORNEY o'(' iock Noon. Friday. May 10th. W. W. Shurts, Jr.. Clerk. Board of Elections Warren County. Ohto.
"Managers Week" -SPEOIALS-
·Tuesday, May 14, 1940
Choose Your.
IX rClement I. Satterthwaite . W.rren County Recorder
Roof Coating
Motor Oil
A truck load pu wc:hale d irect from rllCtory far '6 s tO'·.I. Rellulnr price $2.50. II gall. for ............ ,.
100% Pu re Pennsylvan ia. highest qual ity . You ordinarily pay 25c a quart. 2 g31.
SO-Ft. Carden Hose
Dickey Irons was abllent rr~m school ~he past week a _victim Qf the mumps. Trustworthy-Qualilied Mr. and Mrs. Howard Deweesr saw . the ball game ~ Cincinnati saturday -Progressiveartrrnoon , Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Hall and son Lorain. or Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGinnis or Waynesvillr c· ca!led at the homes of Mrs. Alice Clark and M'r. and Mrs. Walter KenVOTE FOR rick on Wednesday ot last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre retur/led to East Dearborn, ~Ichlgan . Sunday for a month's stay. (Widow of '''Beebee'' Graham) -, ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kimrlck and Mrs. Clyde Wharton attended the Candidate For celebration or the 125th anniversary of the Golden Lamb hotel In Lrbanon Saturday afternoon and . heard .. Your support rrapecUully &ppreclatrd Gov. John Bricker and Ex-Gov. Myers Y. Cooper s,eak. Pflmary Elrcilon Ma,y 14, 1940 Sunday evrnlng dlnnrr guests or Mr. and MrS. RObert Slney were. Mr, and Mrs. Paul WUllama or Lrbanon and Mr, and .Mrs. Robert Palmer and Bobby Moraan. Mr. and Mrs. George Gray were entertained to dinner Sunday at the home of ·Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray and children, 'in honor of the 'l7th Republican Candidate For b~thday of'Mrs. Gray . . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nutt of near Cehte"Ule and Mr. and· Mrs. J . B. Jonra were Sunday dinner guests of ., Your S~pport Respectfully Solicited Mr, and Mrs. Therle Jones and son Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham were S1nclaY eve~nlr dinner pests of Mr. and Mn. Herman Albright and fion In payton. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Brown and 'l\epublicQ'Il ~rimary: May 14, 1940 . . MisII M.Udred Boitnott of Tipp City were Sunday pests or Mr. -lind Mrs. GUY RouUatm and family and In • • t .... • \ , the afternoon all motored to Poster's Can~iqate For ' viaduct apd the SQutherQ part of Jill' county, Mrs. A'len Emrick, Mrs, Margaret > ' •• 1 Johns and Mrs. Walter Kenrick OF WARREN COUNTY ipent Thursday In Dayton. Mrs. Bernard Melloh of Ridgeville her- parents was 'a Sunday guest . Your Support Will be Appreciate?; Mr. and Mrs. CtY4e Wharton . MrS. Margarrt Johns and .P aul ...... ~ ...-- --Jrhn~ were Friday evrnlng guests or Mr. and Mrs. Walter !:laines. Vivian Johns a~d Linda Lou Haines near Bellbrook_ Mr. and Mrs, E. ' B. Longacre and Miss Audrey Cl}'awford. ~lss Mar- Mrs. J, B. Jones werr six o'clock dingaret Crawford ,ad Robert· Schneider ner guests of Mr_ and Rev. Snyor Syrlngfleld llpent Bunday with der at Springboro. Friday. Mr; and Mrs. Earl 'c rawford. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ' Smith
-.- --.---
3ge 6V2 In. blade sturdy, built for servlee.
B a I I bearing, self a djul tlng
Long Handle Shovel
8ge drnwn from one
pi ece ateel light weight a nd b~lanced.
• Recessed Baae. • O~en Thermomete r. • Bea utiful Gll a.enlno White Polr_ ce laln Flnlah .
,IDMCticide Sprayer
1·ge 1 qt. upaclty · dlacharges one quart In 16 mlnutel.
to-Inch BlIltton Pl~~ra
• 5 Wick Ius Burnera Th ele F eAtures and • Compare You Will Agree Thi s Range Deserves a Blue Ribbon • Compare the Price, You Sa ve th e Difference.
Hardwood han· d i e , polilhed finish. s turdy steel. alligator .
Window Screens 12><33 In .
Have three wlr., cutterl and flat: no.. for IIrlp , ping aII..t met.1 wire and Imalll objects. '
te. t. waterproofed cast-
inK line con.trueled of duo
MMie of elear
lumber. 5 x ' .be. lDch .part,
p$na ODe
Full weloht, 12 qt. capaCity, reInforced top and bottom-. - Large ;(::l~~iii~ ear., sa n itary S~ b all.
Silk Casting Line
Tublar Flrrel and 'upper part of tlnel flnllh. In lIold bronze. Sturdy 30 In. bent handle.
18 Ib,
For lawn or ' garden, head Ie forg~CI from one , piece of IOIld
Dairy Pail
7ge 6ge
50 yd_ Ipool
14-Tooth BQw Rake
Var ni shed, natural wood 2'6"x6'6" overalze door. Galvanl:ted w ire. regular pri ce $2.45.
Kitchen Light
Bedroom Lilrhtinlr' Fixtures
Screen Door.
Adju sta ble from 20 In . to 33 in . width . Sturdy hardwood frames ilnd 14 me. h g a lvan Ized wire cover .. Inll·
4 Tine Spadinlr Fork
ralt - proofed h a~ware. hlnced eUeIa
and eeJlter brace.
4% Ft. Ca.ting Rod Garden Plows
51.49 !'tod II of one piece loUd ateel with agatllted guldel. Die cut handle with dou. ble cork orlp.
Hardwood nandl.,.. adjuatable ate e I framea complete wit h ahove'l and II prong cUltlva~r
raille .plln .Ilk. made from 011 tempered crullbll ....1 4-13 In. tl.... 4V. root cllar ~I.ndle.
Carden Hoe
Full 16 In. cut 10Vz In. ealY roiling wheel s. crucible at eel cutting blilde.
• Staggered Burne r •• • Large I nsulated Porcelain Oven. • Large Storage Compartment.
Lawn Mowers
H e~ t treated blade w i t h shock b 3 11 d
Quickmeal Oil Range
Compreaaed Air Sprayer
reel, e,"IY
I 19c
. War~en County Recorder
nlng. close cutting .
Filter'Disks 100 pl a in 6" Johnson & Johnson dloc ..
Olt, bottle popUlar Cedar 011.
3-ply, 2·lIve rub · b e r 1·corded fabriC, complete with coupllngl and noule . A 13.25 v a lue.
PrImary ElectioP. Tuncl.T May 1&
" -Dependable--·
Furniture Polish 2~
Blue Ribbon Specl,,1
Tank Iprayer , 3-VI oal. capacity HNvy bra s s pump. lIalva n . Iud unk. 24 In. extenllon.
Ca';-didate for Republican nomination
. _.. a,_..... . ...
May 6·Through S.atur~ay, May 11'
Republican Candidate for
Galvanized Pail .
10 qt. capacity. made from heavy . . . - atee', galvan-.net after form lnll .
9 x 1 2 standard weight, ","ar1.• -new dellgnl. '
·. 170,
Our .Centrlaliaed buying in larKer' quantitie.. many times carlOad .. enables UII to olle! JOU theM unuaualy LOW PRICES.
Felt Bue
Coa.ter WaBOD
Streamline. new modern rounded tront, ltee' bed made fro,!, one piece heavy auto ' lteel , 36x17x4 In . bed. 8 In. ar1l11ary wheefl 3.. 4 In. tl ..... roller bearlngl.
Horae Collan· canvaaa face, double .!ltched, half Sweeney_
Due to the unusually LOW PRICES on specials-No J.,ay-Aways. None Sold to DeaJer.~
Always Compare The Quality and the Price-Yau S«ve the Difference
'· 141l1li Mildred Wallace spent tbe were week end guests of their son. weelt end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Banner' Allen Smith aDd ramlly In Dayton. ...... . Stewart and fBllllli. Misses Anna and Rutl\ Nutt have MI'. and Mrs:.Bert Bunnell and sold their 'ann on the Dayton Pike to 4 D"yton party and wW soon · ramily entertalned Mr. and Mrs. havr a sale and mOvr, to Centerville ----~------------~---------Am,er Baklery and daUlbter. Mr. wbere they have purchased the anet Mrs., Vaua~ Mullen, Mr. and Wood's property. ~ of West Carrollton. Games were with the church, Iiv!n!!. in Miamisburg. Ura. Perry Earnba1't and,llrl. Car- u . Ali C'A.... "ey satlbda . y ,e,Venlnl. -.s. ce ..... anu Mrs. Hester rte "ft'-"_ DOl.... Rogers are on the slolt list. It"nyed and the gucst of honor open- p . J . 'T homas finished, s~eamlng Mrs. Jennie Mullen accompanJe4 . . 1l,te ~!llea Ald · h~ . . an f.ay Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cornell Spent ...... Prl!sent were C. M. Hope, Mrs. Carl tobacco ,beds last Saturday and Is Mr. and Mrs. PaUl 'Maurice 'to Col" .' q~ltlDg: at thll'lom~~ Mrs. Wilbur TUesday hi Dayton and 'caned on --~ which lee cream antiCa~e was servcll now rea~y to start sawmlUing In umbus, where they were gue,st. , ,C)f .' ' ~ on Weilnwul.)'. '.". Mrs. Grace navla.' Miss Martha COOk ·and Mr. Char- ed the ':Uany lovely p'resents. after earnest.. He Is getting out logs for Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Bolton over' tb.. ~' _1 Ir. ~ ~ ~ Gorauc:h and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunt and les satterthwaite" were united In , Whitis and son. Mrs, Eugene Schu- the . new barn on the Joe' Pennewltt \veek epd. ' • ,; d&~b_ en~Malned Itr. ~ct Mrs• .sc:»n Warren Were dlnner 'pesis Sun man-Iage at the F'erry parsonage by' maker and chlJdteJi,. ~s. Lottie farm to replace the one recently de- - - - . - -_ _-"-.~~ ~lor ~d fam!1.y sat.urday &y of Mr. and ~WW Hunt and Rev: Smith saturday afternoo? Wit Starke, Miss Freda Starke, Mrs. E,arl stroyed by fire. " eve~ - " . family near Red Lion. nesslng the ceremony were Mr. and Shinn. Mrs. Fordyce and ,~rs: ~om A special progta'm Is bclng preparIma t KAtherine -,Wanace. ' spent .Mr. and Ilra. ,Therle Jonei and ~rs. · WIll Bradley and the bride's 5, Mrs. Louis Frcland and Mrs. W. ed 'for Mother's Day at Ferry and thought ~ {md its waY 'lqto actioa; : 8UDdu With 'Mr. and MIa. BanDer son and Mr. and Mr.. J. B. ' JODel alate!". Mrs. Sarvis: and son, ~O"bY. , ~ . •Smlth. '. , '. . ~•. ' ' all are Invited tR attend. The '8Urnd ' . " , • ,·~BO"... ' , ud' were BUndaJ e~ iueatI.of Mr. ' Mrs. W. ~. &nlth has 'been quite Mr.. and ~s., P. J. Thomas wcre "pce goa-lis ror 200. won't'yptl come . . . .Mr. aDd' c:n,..e'BuoneU ~ aDd ·1In, 0iIrl ,Ptcbrtnt and Mrs. .m wlth ',the grtp the past Week en~ sUJ}per -guests Of" the Lawrence a.~ d hl1lp uS :8chleve ,i t? -, .'. Spiritual, fQrde ;is sttopget:. ~ , ' . Mr. aDd ~, J:nJe" IllIIUMIII .Ida 'Chenoweth ~ Centeft1Ue. ~ , ~ but-Is somewhat improv~ now. 't1Iomases at Lebal\ob S\lnday .eve- , HI1~secleanlng ' with aU IVs oys, materiAl; .thoUKhts rule the, WOI'ltt , ~ .... tu. 8eDa&erlal DIIUtd ' IIr _.... lID Ralpb KrI. BUlabeth 8m1th aDa Mr, ~ - A delrgation of .7 fro1Jl Perry at-nlpg. ., - : '" and $QrrQws , Is· ~pon lI$,' b!1t in~ " .:- , , '~< , __~. . ~ IIQOr ot OXford, (I termah' JlUjiDeal ..... ~ eaUect' aD 111'. -111'1~ ~ow~ 01 Da1f.on were 'tended ClWrCh 'at Palitie~ Oeborne~*Rev, Smith preached the...1qneral , clement weat.hcr has hinderea .. , .-:. I."-'"' ' , • A lUll _ 'I epl ~ 'l1l'i. Iert Jbmnell ~d famIIJ 8aDday IfterNion aauera Of 'Mrs. cburc~. w~ Rev. eheater ,~- cr Mrs. FraDces, ;rurner at Le.,anon \'(1)"1 mue:h. Ho.wevel'the sun 1a,1J1JD, ~Ilt-tbc'lll'liltlt_ :=~~r:::.:;.:~: af . . llarlaret Jobha aDd Paul JOIlM. IOn. tOl'JJlellly of Perry III eondllCtlDI Monday aftemoo~. ' iolJ brl~htly, th~ mornlng'aDd prom,- aovereJln nD~I&t., '-; ,or ., , Ifaiiaa Ob~ ... naabed ,. , ,reYlm Itl'Y1ces. A~ the Wayneavllle . Ohurqt of !sea us a warm dar. ~ ~I woe. ......_,.... ~ 1qIIIIa .1'tIdar IIIIUfd .... ,fJabIq iii 0bI0 cIciIeCI un, J. . . a ,tort 0111'11t .Sunday evenIn, there 'were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. QWIIUId went
Lynchburg '
t.. ..' .
'I~f~'~~~:~=i~~~~~=.'; Ii
OIl AprIl •• to,I'IIIIaSD datil .... 11.
!lome btaOI'IDI
afternoon at bel" Ut ~nt BDcl Mrs•• Ed: Stanford to,housekeep1ai III TCIim JiPca'drGe &lid daaCbt*'. Bdwlna ' ~e ~e4 steat reec:nU1. 1&a
. . .-.:
METnODIST ounoa Earnhart. SUpt. Prayer meetlDa T;a p. m. Loall C• .RacIIe,.....Ior Eveninfr service ., :30; Ohuroh School 9-:30 a. m. Mornln(r.: Pra.y er meeting Wednesday eveFE~RY ORUR(lU ~F CRal1T worljhlp 10:'40 a. ro, Tllla BundAy nine 7:30, W· C. SmUb. DOu"ler wm. be Pentecost Sunday. and the at A welcome awaits }fou at tl)ese SUNDAY Hundreds of thousand of ~T, ' ' tJ' 'U,J i:\Jl'JI pastor w1l1 give th e third in the Sill' vices. 9:90 11. m. Bible School. youna bOY and young men read ItC\'. It. II. Knlmh(Iltz, • or D, pill tol' serlos of sermons on, "Ohrlst from people leading. Easter to Pentecost." The -subject THE AMERY AN BOY Ma'- Mn. ·. Slilldn. s'9 : 0 n. III . ...., wll\ be: "The Meaning of Pentecost" 10 :45 a. m.'OommunJon. WAY.lIlESVILLE onUROH OF· . azin e 'ev l'Y month and 01111:00 a. ftl. Preaching 'Phe M!'IhOdlst church Is a friendly CII,RI.S~ Waynesville THURSDAY Phone 7 ~ ider it more n. a living com'J' MAlty' EI'I~(:OPI\L rhur(\ h, and you wl\l nlways ChId a W. C. Smith. Minister . Bc5rean class meeting 7:45 P. m . _ - - - - - -........;..-.-.-.:.._._._._• ..:..~;.-._____._._.____. ~...... .. panion than a a magazin . CHlm II - corella I welcom at our ser.Vices. SUNDAY ~·It's as much a buddy to I'cv. R. I, . lIu, \\' ull, Ul' ctL~ I The Epworth Lengue will meet 9: 30 a. m. Bible School --IlD'CA-tJ~IItIBGH-"""•:.I"'-I ~.-..,...t "-"_' ~~_'~''''''~ ' ~''''''' - , _ ......~"""'-'·~"'l·:· me as my n igh borhood SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION Monday evenJng ilt 7 o'alock . . 10:45 a. 10, Lord;s Supper. . Bevis A. IIUI ~ P.",tor chum," writes on-c hi g h school eniol'. "THE AMERI- 7:30 II. m. Holy 0 nmlul1h.~I .. SUllday May 12th, Is "Mothers SundaY. May 5 ~ 7:00 p. m. Junior Chrlsllan En. . AN BOY seems to under- 10 11. III Jllnlor Cll\Irch $chOOI DIlY ." We wlll , however, III ' accord- dc:avor ' D':30 a. m. .-Sunday school, Leslie 't sta nd a boy's llrobiem s a nd 11 11. 111. ROly Commu nion nnd ' lice with Ule action of th e "Council 7.00 p . m , Senior Ohrlstlan Jl!n- Gorsuch, Supt. con id l' them in such a Echnon. . of Churches of Chr'l st ill America." deavor, p!l.ld for \\'001 In the stllte . Decid now to get full value for your 10:30 a. m .- Mornlng worship ollscrve it ns the "FesLival of the Young People'S Anniversary Day. wUl \\'0 I by pooling. j sympathetic and hei]}fui wny MONDAY be Observed. It gives advice and entertain- 8 P. III Young Ma lTlccl P opt(> at hl'lslln.n Homc," thus giving It a 7 :45 p. m. Preaahing 8:45 Baptism. 7:00 p. m.-<'hrlstlan Endeavor. ing reading on evel'Y ~ubj cct th e rectory ~ wider significance. Full de taUs will .In W h'IC h a young f'eI] ow . . , be given next week. but we want to Last Sunday night lhe~e were 114 . leader: Mrs. Mattie Garrison. IS 111 - FRIDA'lt tel;est ,d . It ig parti ularly . . ee how man y entirc famIlies we present and two additions La the Next Saturday. night. May 4. the helpful in si)Qr ts. I mad e our 2 p. Ill. Womnn '~ AuxUlary at t.he enn huve present In ~hJs service. membership of the church. Come Christian Endeavor Soclety wlll have TclC'phone 25 school }.>alSketball team I.H'- hOme of Mrs. Berl Hartsock. Othcr let Us be In the Lord's house on the a social at the home of Mr. and Birs. ..... _--.----'--.-'--'-~--'--'--'-... cau e of playing tips I read Friday nncl Tllesd IY .mcetln gs ns IIS- 1\1 'f. nOL LY 1\1. E, e nURell Lord's Day evening. The Church of Harley Thomas at '7 :30. 1', 1\1. SI'a l'U, I\tlnister in THE AMERICAN BOY ." unl. Chrt.~t affords you thnt opportunity. USE. TilE MIAMI GAZETTE :;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~~;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;; Many famous ath let ' in SundRY SchOol 9:30 a. Ill. E. A. WEDNESDAY
American Boy Magazine Co~mpaDioD To Thousands
It-e offer a satisfactory Service all times-
Churches -
McClure Funer~l ·Home .
- -.
. -
I '1~~~r~8 ~~~)r~I~~"c I~: ~!c;~~c~ ~:~~~I~:~ ~h:l~v~:~~ :r~!'
Waynesville F arm,era Exchange C~mpany
BARGAIN HR. 15c 'TII 2:00
'~Friday AND Saturday
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licaJly. Thcy 11;ol\' t! fo und hat I as .l gene ral !'ule l'egul I' ' •• 1 I S Ul ' lLE J i\ ' 'AN BUY aClvall' c 11 UI' C I'd Il d Jy :lnu d ev ' Iop more worth,vlra cha l'klctCl'i l'l ti cs l ha do I)oys w 110 do nol l' ud it . , Train d writers and arti ts fal1lou: 'oachcs and 'a th- , lete explorers, scient is t s and men l:llJC e [Ll ) in bush n sand ind ustl'Y join w,th an experienced taft' to pro- )
~s '~ ~.,.
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NEWS and COl\IEDY ~ --- -- - - - - -~
--:-?Pl~lIi::WIII• • •
... '..
ZS i:G "·1:.19.
THE A iERI CAN , ort of . l'eaciing,1 nUlttel' b lik be t· ,I Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butterworth 'l'HE AMERICAN BOY ' oJ enter lalned the members of the ells on most newsslands a t Cheeiful Olrcle eard club Lhelr 20c a copy . Subscri'p LioD' hOme Friday evening. prices are 2.UO 101' one year • • • • • or $3 .50 for three years. ·ForMrs. Walter Williams of Klng- 'ign rates 50c a yea r extra· 1man, Mrs. Loren Hadley, Mrs. C. H. '1'0 s ubscribe simply send Brace, Mrs: Klll1er Hoak, and Mrs. 'you~' name, address anci l'eJ. R. Mengle spent Tuesdny with mittauce dire C t toT H E Mrs. Rodet'lck Barden of Columbus. AMERI AN BOY, 743'0 ~ec- . . ond Blvd., Detroit, Mi~higan. • •• , • •
Frail 8,,".4 III 0..,.. 0... OHIU
GIN••B '.N••• LBS.
'SMALL COUJlTRY C~U. BlItr. Imall .
ahd .Mrs. J . R : Mengle were at . a C\!n!ler J?af!Y Sunday evening at the home, of Mr. I\nd Mrs. Ohester M. tieery of Lebanon.
MI'. and Mrs. Harry-:Brown. Mr. • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Hernran TarLiow an~ Mrs. Douglas Clark and daugll- ' and son of Dayton visited Mr~. tar, Mar1Ua J ane ot Daylon visited Helen Graham, at the home of her relatives here SundaSl. · . parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Duke. Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Thofnbe1'l'Y of Sunday. Harveysburg, visited Ml·s. C. H. • • • • • D,!'!s,therage Sundny afternoon. A large crowd enjoyed the dance. Dr: Emily nnd Miss Lyqia ,Wl'lght , SELL 'y our next can or cream. .•. mghest· prices patd at all times· sponsored by the 'G range at the Tecelveo the following visitors 011 , schoo~ gymnasium last Friday night. Sunday, and Im'l;. El)lott WI'jght • '.Mis. 'Goldie Welch, OOrwin. phlo. Music was furnished by S. S . Ellis and sOn of Detroit. MI'. and Mrs. AI- . A18-35-M2 and Morris Brown and by members fred Wright and two sons of Colum,.FOR .S~Two pairs Of Damask ot the Centurta! ClUb, Ib us and MIss Hartley of Middletown ~~Sli drapes. Also Rust Love Seat. • • • • • We are glad to report tha t Miss InqUire Mrs. Harold Miller, Third Mr. 8!:1d Mrs. Carl Crall-and chU- Marie Owens 'ls able to ·be baCk afLer . st, ' A25. dren of Franklin and Mr. and Mrs. a two weeks Ulness nt her h allie In I , ,. C. D. Sheehan and daughters of, Dela~ FOR SlUJE;-9All,Ml!lN potatoes No. Springboro were dinner guests SunMrs. W. "W. Bishop;' Mrs. Douglas l! bOth. seed and eating. 1st grade day 01 Mr, and Ml's. Walter Bh~ehan BJshop and ' sons, and Mr. Ea) I Ro, ' $1.2G.2n~1 ~ade. 85c. BerkShire ! --..... berts of Dayton' vi~lted their a un t male hog. l>ure bred ready for ser- , Mr., and Mrs. J . 'N. Robinson and MIss Katie Oolllns, Sunday. . ' vlcC'. D. ~OlJjllgSWorth , phone Leb- ~rs. Bertha G~~ . ot Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Berryhill anon G7.J-L. Orcll'onla , O. A25-M2 Mr. Charles B. Earnhart of SprIng- and daughter of Bellbrook, visited FOR. 'SALE-Fresh Jersey cow. field. 'were Sunday guests of Mr. and MJsses Annie U. and Mame T. Mrs. E. F . Earnhart. Browne. Sunday. Amos Fairchild, R. R. 3. Waynes Vi,lIe. A25' Mrs. J . B. Chapman entertained the members of the Argunot bridge Terry Pin'. Tip. on PUBLIC SALE club, at a ~essert bridge. Tuesday af, Saturday, May 18 ternoon. at tile Little Inn, Three By Anna and Ruth Nutt tables were in play during the afterFREDERIC ·A. BIRMINGHAM noon. with awnrd for high score go.. Ing to Mrs. S. D. Henkle of Lebanon FOR SALE-oarmon Polatoes No. 3. both seed and eating ; also BerIC., s11.11'e m~e -\log, 'pure bred ready .for service. D. Hollingsworth. '. Fllone Lebanon G'l5 L, Oregorua, O. , AI8-25-M2°
May 3. ~d 4 '/ 'MARINES F LY . HIGII" - : J! ':mts-:with-2 Hits · it CIIABD DJX,. . CHESTER 'MORRI LtlC,Ii.LE 'aAL~
t: ~rs
, .
CANDY DISK PRBB With e.ch 1 lb. ,urcb...
!.I DEBVIN' EGAB g~::tr~t. ':0' .' .. \'tt d
Ea. lOe
'. .
!\,ki_ T .ate&! CounlrY' Club
. ... 24 lb. bal 85c
i ll , Purpo. e AvondAle
: LOUR , .. ; 24 Ib, bal 7Sc
CORN •.. . 3 No.2 Spotlla:b t
174 Trump Dr,oom - Gc Du .~ ytib
Couotr,. Clab Soda '
CRAC,KERS",I lb. ' ptr,.
'Yu b M.de Emb... y' ·
Lb. 15~'
Z5c '
COFFEE .... 3 lb. ba, :3c .
3R, OOM ," . DUST .PAN . 3tc ~ ..
Couatr, Club G..... m
I lb. pll,. 12* c
1 lb. ~_
a.1I ,IIAOAiU)lO or '
SPAGHE'M'I ••..... ; 3 plE". Ik '.
"1 · ·
.,T·W.I N
• •
Mr. and Mrs. Gilberl Fr.ve and son, and Mrs. Hartley Moss and daughLers weJ;e Sunday dinner guests d Ut; in of Mrs. Cora RICh. BOY, the
,., '/;;';"'/#11
Mr. and Mrs. James Bler ne. Miss Mary Beirne Ilnd friend ot ClncinnaU. were Sunday guests of Mrs, AcI, A 'J)£ .H.o>die Smith.
• • • • •
Magd :d ne i. sue o,-cr. I advic · [ 1'0111 a f ,II ,. o d S I'oac h or pl aye r. 10'0 Lball , bu .• ketualt tnt 'l\, Lenn ... , in fact 'vcry majul' S 'O l t is cO\'ered in fiction and fact artic les. : ·.i <': Ul: /Jcr!', ibrarians· par ' (lllts and 1 ~ <tllCl'S ot hoys l (· llIh •• 1. 0 r 'c mrnend THE ,
Mrs. Edith HnrrIs and Mr. Bnrris Mosher were Sunday dinner g u c~ts of Mr. and Mrs. Frcd Har tsock of Millord.
~1 EHI
' il'Lually cv ry
Miss Ruth Burne tt of Dayton spent Sunday wllh Mr. nnd Mrs. Roger Brown and family.
The Friendship club oC the Me lhodist Ohurch will meeL, Wednesday· afternoon . May 8, a t the home of Mrs. Alva Thompson.
;~~it~fe~ r~~~!.r:g fl~~lm ~~~ I
Mrs. Cliff BUrnett and (Inu~t('r Elizabeth spen t Monda y in Dayton.
all sports CI' d it much of their s ucce.:s to helpful s g-
.• J. K.
~. and Ml'S~ Russell Wilson and 'chlldren had as tlle.ll· Sundny guests. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMlJIan a nd chHdren and Mr. and Mrs. Willis McMl11an and children of Wilmington; Mr. and Mrs. Mark McMiJJnn, Mldd~etown; Mr. and Mrs. DUlon McMillan 'a nd childl'en and MISS Eva M~MiIlan, Cincinnati; Mr. 'a nd Mrs ~erbert McMillan and daughter near Oregonia. Miss Eva MCMillnn remained untl\ Monday night.
Rolled Rib[.. Roast BO~U!NC BEEF, Tender~y, ...... ..... .......... ........ LB. 1,3~c'
SAVS-SALESMANSBlP is seli lng a arette lighter to a flr t!m nn ' . A '~nod :llllcsman a lways ~ miles onq agrees wit h his ,c\lSlol)'ler. U . ~s ,consld(>red ball furm . Cor iI sales. m~ln 10 give WilY. 10 h l~ natura) fee.!: Ings aoa 'n ll ~d li r '" YU1lay. ' A I;l'P llI m "n~ Sill 'Slner', ' II'C wdrking- 11'1'1r
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Ihl·.· \lg b .
cali (>g~.
, Pr(,I,o"bl.v L. ('''' He lI t (1: !lor- mE: eli. IT ;I le. r,'" ill "0.', ~'l 1ll;:IIW uJldergr'lPII'II, !l cr. " ...~ /I .,,1' hoir
tht.-'!fo, rt _. ~ 1
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" ;-,' tl
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WAYNI<:SVU.LE, OHIO;rUUR DAY, MAy 9, 1940. !
----~-r-L"'. PROGRAM·;PRESENIED ·---' Loeal Happeiling-AT .LOCAL 'GRANGE .' --.-'- "-~--~-".. At t.he meeting of the Waynesv1l1e Farmer's Grange Saturday evening, the' following program was presented and announced ~y Mrs. Harold Whitaker. Three selections were presented by the JUnior orchestra, conducted by Miss Virginia Hardin; r,if Interesting talk on the work beIng done by the locru Boy Scout 'I~'oo p was given by Russell Holliday an tlccount of the acti vltles of the new ly organi?.ed Olrl Bcout Troop WIl.8 given by MIss Lucille Walton, vocal duet. "The Market Square." by J ennie Lee and WJlhdiillna Braddock; a plano solo; ''MarchJng with .1lie IBg Brass Band," by Frances W~lltaker; llDd two seiect\ons. "Long . r.on'g Ago," and "Drink to M{l Only with Thine Eyes:' were plaYld by a brass Quartette, composed of JImmy Hartsock. Dqnald Brown. Glenn Sllll~h. and Miss Hanlin who s ubstllul j for Oeorge Henderson, absent, lieC:lluse Of Illness. After the program, refreshments from thl! pound paTty were enjoyed 'I"Th,g 'lhe social period.
MJoml Quarterly Meeting of will meet fn I1lgular session Mo~day evening May 13. Rev. L. C. Radley wlU be the speaker for the evening. Minnie Fromm. W. M, Mnry Earnhart, Sec'y. 'J
• •
• • •
a~'" ·..~s. L. H . G.ordon attend.. _-tlie.... cd annual meeting of tile WOo nooc' .
man's AUXlllary: at St. Paul's Eplsc~P61 Cburch, . CoI\jlnll$. Tusday. . .' , ~ '.... . Mr.~ and Mrs. Ernest ' t.dgington entertained the. following guests at a bliftet Sunday evenlqg: Mr. and Mrs. Howard F,ogt, Miss EarUne . Lanham and .Mr. Wlll1am S.tral1er. .
~pper •
. Mr.-' a.nd ~s, CI~ord Brace atFlsher In Cindnnatl, a·fterboOn. Mr. ,FIsher died .Sunday at his hOlne in CinCuulatl, a.j~ an Illness of two years . .He~ 15 sur'vlved by his wife. K.a thertne Allen P1Sher, one daughter and one son. ' •
• ••
Mrs: H F. Dye wlll be hostess to the. members of the' "Hi-Lo" bridge club ~t her home Tues~ay- afternoon
, ..
. ..
WllOLE NUM.8lm ~() 8
.. ........
Mayor's' Proclamation -
The COnUnunity K1tcl)en wlll serve Steps looking Loward the ol'gllnizatlon of a Wan'nn County Historical meals. Electton Day. o 0 • • • Society were Inaugurated Fdday Charles W. Sheeban of Centervllle evening at a meetlng of representnwas n ·buslness visitor In WaynesvUle tlves of a number of patriotiC organ Wednesday. I.za.tlons at the Golden Lamb, o 0 • • • The group is call1n'g another We a l'e now contracttng sweet meeting for Friday eveni ng Ma,V 17 1940 aok O'all 119R21 In Ute Tom Corwin 1'0001 at h e corn or seefor ·us U1e at our. 0!I .. ell "t a tbe Way- Golden Lamb to whb~11 nli . who .are ne 'ville lant. Roxanna Canning Co. Interested in such a soclcty ~ r.e Ins p 0 0 • • • 0 vltcd a nel urged to be pr6(lent. Two committees were ~rfir.d to Mrs. D. L. Crane was the ' dinner take st.cps toward orgllnill~on . the guests ot Mrs, Edith M. Harris and commi ttee on constltutio\t 'being MI'. Harl'is MosheY."'ldundIlY. at t.i1C composed of Charters D. Mfipl e. Little Inn. Mrs. Hazel Brooks and Mrs. J. L. • • • • • Roberts and the commi ttee to offer Mr. Bnd Mrs. ClllIol'd Brace spent nomination for officers being comIIlt.ay with Captain and Mrs. F. R. posed of Harry C. Schwar!? Rob · rt 'vi- OWl'utr at th e O· S. and S. O. H. Jones. and Mrs. Dr nn E. S tanley. fl o'"c. Xenia. Dr. Harry L. Rosencrans was asked • • • • • 10 handle publicity. Mrs. May Cook of Dayton visited The movement wns lonm: hed by aL the home of her daughter. Mrs. the Hill HJstory club when l he .or· Ethan Crane and family over the ganization named II. com mlttce comweek end. posed of Mrs. G. H . Townsley. Mrs. J . V. Mulford and Ml's. ·Dean 8lanMr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings visit· I y to call n meeting of representaed MI·s. HasUng's stster, Mrs, G eorge tive of patriotic groups to talk ot reOsborne of Lebanon. at Miami Volley 6torlng the old cemetery and formHospital , Dayton. Saturday after- Ing a historical soci ety . Mrs. Townsnoon, ley was made temporary cha irman • • • • • of the meeting nnd MI ~s DOl'ls We nrc now contracting ~t Hawke \VIIS IlIlnie CCmporRry secrecorn for Lhe 1940 paCk. Cnll 119R21 tnry. There were a score of persons or sell us at our office at the Way- present nnd much Int('rest WIlS nosville plant. Roxanna Canning Co. shown. • • • • • Henry C. Shettone, of Ohio ArcilDue to the Fl'ankUn tell.m·s fallure neologlcal and 'Hls tol'ltal sociel.y w1l1 to l'eport last Sunday the 10~1 boys be asked to be present at the meethad all Inter-squad practice ga ~n c Ing May 17 to. lend his advIce to the Howover Sunday -they will tl'8vel to Ol·ganl~.atloh of Ii county-wide. hisMorrow to meet thc Moirow team . lorieal soclety.·
Mr. and Mrs. Keller Hoak and H', sroe Furnns ente'r talned the Wayul·_vlll.e ral'mer's club Ilt their home Tile III mbers of tllo WiiyneSVIU.e Thut day. May 9. Harold V. Ma.rt7. v"l'uen club held their regular meet o. Franklin. State RepI'esen tatlve, ing and aDllua I 'Spr Ing Junc ' I1eon, WIIS the guest speaker. Tbursday artemOon at the Little 0 0 .. .. • 1011. Mrs. O.-L ,' Duke .and Mrs. J . K. Mr. nnd Mrs. RJchard ~iJIer of ~rest9n serv~ t.be ~OUlDlIttee in lIllaiilJSurg. Mr. John Hover of charge,. DaytQn ~d Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A delicious luncheon' was enjoyed Smith and daughter. Sally ;Lou, wer.~\ aL tables · gayly decomted with Sunday .diilner guests or Ur. and Spring nowers. After I~ncheon, Mr. ,Rilllsell Frank QIld hla tIof'S qulU., Mrs, R. ....O. 0Mlller, • .0 ." • I tett ' """'ed of Robert Preston ' ."* • Mr. and Mrs. Burnett ijutterworth e; com.,...., Robert Ejarnhart. Al~n .. Earnhart" of Lebanon. and Mr. and Mrs. OUk! tal n ed th e bert Frye and son. Richard. were and Orv In . e' Savage) enr I b ith 8I!veral select10ns . eu w " . Robert Sunday dlnnel' gues.ts of Mr. nnd Piestoq al"" favored with the solo h ..,.. , :. Mrs; Ernest Butterwort . J1e Sling' nt "the Btnte~ musIC constest • • Ri:.o~rlln t,wo weeks 19b. . . Mrs. R.and L, Miss Haekwell, Mrs.prende~ . Daisy I Mrs. Georgll SmJtJ) gave an Inter· Snyder. Katherine
. rll~lng paper on, "r.lowers of the Bible." . and ~ garden quiz,, "w,hat 's. My NRme.'~.was co~ducted by M!,s. J . a.' Me.1}gJe. G,uesl;B " ot th~ club were Mrs . .HerSch ell ,~nnell of ~i.Uo~,.Mts. Donald-H'artsock .o~ ~ear H"rve~u~ Mrs. eKllc:r Ho~, and MrS. O. R.-Pmtzer,'
1J~- .. -iIiCat-~
nd J' t h e ausp ices of lhe Villag of Wayne, v ill ,Th e W avnow ill e Fire · D pfll'tment, Wayn i'i \'ill i\' ic lub ,
Ro;;rc\ of Health, Waynes ill c Boy ,.y' c1n e~ d!lY: hlY 21 lWei 22, ha\ e
Rt· Rev. H,
W. Hobson, D. D.
The Rlgh Revercnd Henry W. Hobson. D. D. Bishop of the Protestant Eplscop 1 Church in Southern Ohio, will administer the rite of confirmation at St Mary's church on Monda y. May 13t h , at seVell t hirty ill the evening. 'l11ose to become c mmullicant members of th e Church through this ceremony are as follows : Mrs. Lcmis 'l110mpson , the 'Mlsscs Cleo Stanley and Mal'~la Baker ; Albert KrEiUlng. Thomas B:lk 1'. ,Jam es Baker.. William Baker.· and Carel ton Stanley. The public Is tOl diaJlv Iny\t4:d to a ttend the 5erv'ice.
Strvices. Held Monday
For MrSo E,.odd.oa Day'
Mrs. Elidddn Day nge 69 . died ea rly Sa turday morning. I t he home of her daughl.cr. Mrs. C. L . Carmack, In C1IJclnlllati. Her death wa cau.' ed by complications fro m an i1lnC!lS slle su(tered several weeks II go. She was the widow of Charles , nod was born nl~ar Blan hester. On and after May 13. ~he beauty On". shoppes of Wayncsvllle will be closed UlO daughter 'of Thomas and Eilza On Mondlly. , , Oll~rtl~~" ~ Em.!tta Ma~!>WIr~ She. "survived by. two daug'hters, Evelyn Watkins Mrs. Carm k. and Miss Dorothy M9-16 Dn)\o a teacher In the Waynesville ' . GJ'Ilde school, four brothers. WilHam VOTING PLACES " ! Osbome, of Dayton, Marlon of HarVoting places wl tl1.l n the vlUage of veYSburg. BenJamln "of Waynesville. Allen of Blanchester , one sister, Mrs. Waynesvllle a t the primary ele~tlon . J . E. Blackmorc of . Lebanon, one to be beld May 14. 1940 sl p-son LymOll Day of Waynesville. desl"nated by Counell as have. fO.llowsbeen : .. South predn/c t-North . room of , t\\.o step-daughters. . Mrs. Clara Had. away of Rochester. N: Y.,. Mrs. C. H. Mrs. Kath-n Mendenhall's resiJ Francis of n ·oY,'. and five gra!!.dqence on the East side o[ Main children . street Mlaml and Nor th l"llnero.l services were h e-ld at t he treets.between .
HA.CCAlAUREH-H-ATE:··. .:. .--SERVIC~ MAY 19 '
Tu selHY and Arrange men s h ave been comd Rig- nat ' I }If; plcted for the annual commencement acUvlLles at Wnynesvill . Tho ('I nn -up aJlel Pt\int-up days. senior class pIny "Red Hot P eppers" 'It 'is hop e d that a ll busin c~s hou ses a nel R II I'i vat will be presented orr l"l'lday evenln .; ci ti z liS w ill coo perate by di spoi'iing of all unf;ightly tm~h May 17 . On Sunday evenil1g. May 19 of l! \' e l'Y d esc ription and debl'i f; in b:l..'lem n t. 01' n eal' build- In the school auditorium lhe baccflin":, which might co n stit u te a fire ha zard. . laUl'eale service wlll be held with " Retrinning Monday . May 2 7. 1 940 . W . B. , qlllr oH, ""II'e the Reverend Jolln Sear s. of th e I' " rI class of '35 preaching t he sermon. Chi e f and hi s i1 i'i sistanis will make an in~pect.i ol1 ill a n School closes on Wednesday, May 2:! abo u t b uildill gS to detect any po s: ibl e fir e ha.zlll ·d ~. Let Uf; with the seniors havin g a breakfast make Waynesville a cl ean a nd safe town · LIl the mo mlng to b followed by th e A. K. DAY, class day exercises at 9 :00 o'clock III the school auditorium. On Mayor that same evening the seniors will hold their senior prom, music to bl' .. ·_ 'I_ "_ If __ fUl'1llllhcd ,by the Rhy chmaires. of Miami University. Thirty four seniOrs are Scheduled to l'ecelve diplomas a L the com....II.... mencement xcrclses on Friday eveGet yo ur dinner IIncl llupper at the nin g. May 24 with the Reverend W. Communi ty Kl tchcn , Election Day. Howard Lee. minister of the Fir. L For sparkling enterlainmen L don't • • • • • Pres byterian CllUI'ch Yellow Springs fa ll to see "Red Hot Peppers". As Ohio giving the ai!drcsss entitled Mr. Rnd Mrs. Olarence Gla cki n o · I he title imlJlI :; It has plenty of "Pioneers of 1940." SaturdllY with their Ml\son . spent ~plc th rough' the charactel's of The annua l alumni reunIon will Argus 0 borne as the grand Fren h nf\ugllter. Mrs. Dean Walton. follow on Sa turday May 25 with th duke. Ruth An n Donohoo In the Mr. Rnd Mrs. Melvy n Banta of nlors as guests of the Mumnl. gul. e of a youn'! and promising The list of graduates follows: sculpturess. Robert .preston as a. Loveland, spent the week end here Margaret. Berge n. Betty Bel·nal·d. wilh relatives. young medk. and Mnry Eva LeMa y J U01es Bourne, Bonelta, Burske. Ann • • • • • as the writer 0(.1l gOSSip column . CrlJ:1pbell , Charles Collett. Dorothy We al'(~ now contra cting sweet You'lI enjoy thc spectacular set Da ktn . Marjorie DnkIn. Ruth Ann t1ng of the stagc and t.he vitality of corn for the 1940 pack. Call 119R2l DUlIohoo Frieda EiUs . Helen Faul, t he (lcIOl'S unci er Lhe a ble direc ti on or s c us at Olll' office at the WayAlbHt Raga . Charlotte HartmAn. ' of our En gliJ h teacher Mrs. Edglng- nesville plan t. Roxanna Canning Co. Clarll Hopkins. Lelia Kovermall, Ion. Mr. r), EVil LeMny. Carol Ludington, Til e coinplete cast Includes In adMr. and Mrs. H. H. Stroud of Leb- EfJ yl Meredith, Ray Mmer. 'Sarah ditlon to those mentloned- Char- nnon were Sunday evening guests a ~ AJ1 D MJller. ArguS , Osborne, ' Irene ' lotte Hortmlm the parlor maid the home of their parcnts . Mr. and Phlll'I.IS. Robert Pr e~torl, Harold wi th n conU nuoUs cold . William Mrs. W. E. Sl.roud. Ru therford . J.Jl1drCd S'allsbury, WIDStrouse as the dignified butler. flfld ScotL. Lowell Bintlal,r. WIll.. Lowell 'Slnclah' as a daslllng young Mrs. Mai'Y E. Cross re~urned to her SJ,J' rler. Wm . Strouse. Wilma Thomas Amel'ican . Betty Bernard as the In- home In Waynesville Saturday night JOR~ph Underwood. Margare.t Vln t;, nocent little stster who cause:; all the nrter lipencllllg lhe wlnlel' In Engle- Anne, Mae Watkins. Ethel Louise rrouble. and Anna Mac Watkins as WOOd. Fla . Yming. the cook who likes to have someth• • • • • thing to cook. (P . S. Come to see Mr. and Mrs. G.rover Stretch, Miss "Chuck" Collett, the radio announcStella Kline, and Dick Ross of CoIng brother in his st.artllng costume) Iwnous wc:re Sllnday Visitors a.t:. the hOllle of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ridge. b een
I. _ II ~~""I ."
I _ I. -...-~ f. _~.-~
·. .. . ... .
Co E. Ayers Addresses
Annual Band Festival Held Al Morrow
• • • • •
Yaung Peoples 'Group
Mr. and Mi'~. L. V. Branstrator The Young Married Cd~ples group -. visited relatives at Milford' Sunday , of St. Mary's Ch~cll met Monday nnd al&o visited Mrs. Bess~e HIUl_eJ'-.evenlng-'it th tome of Rev. and of Morrow. MI'S, R . L. HackweU. The Rev. Mr. l{ackwell opened tho Warren county's second annual Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Mellob and meetlng with de.votlons. after ',whlch band festival , including bands of family wcre Sunday evening g u est..~ t he regular order of bustn foiawCC' ;.... . -Waynesville. Morrow,' Springboro, of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M~Jloh or During this time is was decided thnt Mason. and Carllsle schools, was Ricl g ville. the group wOll1'd sponsor ' II. younger held Tuesday evening In the high group whieh I ~ now growlng in the llchool gym-ouditorlum at Morrow. Mr. lind Mrs. Earl Davis or Dayt n CJ1Ureh. and would aid in sendlng There was no competition each Fire Blanchester Church of Christ. Mon- band playing II. short concel-t after and MI'~ . D. C. Ridge vIsited Mr. and two members of lhis group to tlle NOl th l>reC! :1ct Engine d ay rute moon, wi'l 0 1 1" ",ev. FI oy d Faus'• whb~h the massed bands played two Mrs. H. H. Davi of ManSfield . Snt - Gambler summer t:onference next house. Tyjer , strllet. ofTIc1ntJng. Burial Wos In th~ Blall- selection . a march and "The Star urday. month . Tile next meeting will be • 0 cllest.er cemetery. held Oil Tuesday, June 4 with MI'. Spangle Banner" undor the dlreeMr. and MJ·s. C. 1. SatWl·thwnlte and Mrs . Lewt~ .T hompson as host Cion of John Ru tlcdge 0C t I1e Frank and cloughtl'f. Anii . were. SundllY' and hostess. Ill; 8C110015. l\IODEL AIRPLANE CLUB The Rov. Mr. }{o ckwell then IntroDirectors of the bands are as fol- evening guests aL the home of Mr. BA8 FIRST MEET lows: WayneSville . Russ.~ 11 E. Frank and Mrs. Fred Snyd el' of MlddletoMl rn'ced Mr. Charles E. Ayers, of Cil1• 0 • einnn 1: head of the Wayside Cath- r Morrow, Edna Compton ; SpringThe Waynesville model ' airplane boro. "I:holma Kessler; Mason, EYe- . Mr. an.(\ Mrs. Maynal'd Weitz and ()c11'1l1. Mr. AyerS beg'!\n his talk by In n ceremony solemnlze.1i at 8 club held Its first meet. Sunday. a t Iyn Wilkerson; Carlisle, Vivi an famil y were Sunday guest·s at th e l/olling or the causes for ·the - plan6"elee:k ~6Ildft3' evuntngtrt;;he-Ferry LI e J . K. Preston fa r.m . E!1trles . were HlIgemeyer. I10llle of Mr . and Mrs. Fremon t ning and building c;tC the cnthedral. parsonage. W. C. Smith. mln{~ter, made in two groups: workma nship. He slated t.hat a survoy made of the Welt? of Wilmington . offlcll\tlilg. Miss Marie Storer. daugh .a nd flight. Prlzcs 1n I.he first· group State of OhIo showed that Ulera • • • • • ter 'ot Mr. and Mrs. Montie Storer were won by. 1st. Robcrt BI ~gn. 2nd. Mrs. Annn Squires of Daypor t. wore 200·000 children recelvlnr; no of M"rtlll ville, .was united In mar- \\ arren LeMay, 3rd, Raymond Long Island, was II. visitor at the reli giou s eciuca t,loll whatever. . and rlage to. Earl <;lhenoweth. son of Mrs i sr,ocs. In the second group. l11ght; home of Mr. and MI·S. R. D. Coll ett thnt the most of these children were l ~t. Biliy'Rhod s 2nd. Charles Weloh Jotln Chenoweth of Wellman. . In Southern Ohio. Tbis condition The bride Is well known Bnd has :-" .d 3rd , WArren l.eMay. One gaso. Miami" Qual'terly mecting of and farnlly. Sundn.y . 1)l'(~sC'lIted a teal problem , ~ the mally friends In Waynesville where. IIlte I llot.cr model beloilgulg to Otto Friend!! will convene at 10 A. M. Church. and it was to bring' some for the past fi~e years. she has llved F .ICflber ger WII S entel'ed and maqe a May 12. At -2:S0 P. M. Dr. Arthur The meeting of the Ha)lPY Hour club sort of visible religious serVice to In . the hOlpe of Mrs. Maude Crane .. I ccessfl~1 ftIght. Morga'n will speok on Mexico, from has been postl>oned until TueSdn these people of ~le isolated rUrRI ' Mr. and Mt·s. Chenoweth wen L which country he recently returned. n fternoon . May 21. and will be held distric ts tba t the Idell for.!t travellni Immediately to housekeeping In at U1e hom~ of Mrs. Lawrence Cook. . eh[bppJ WIlS ' first. started'. The cathe. Wellman. • • • • • dl'al was COml)leted In 1937. 'and It$ We arc now contrnctlng swceL work begall after the OeneraJ con- ' __-MOTIlER'S D A f - - - - - - - - - , corn for Lhe 1940 pack. Call 1l9R21 venLion ill that lIeat. .Tb~ staff In or see us at our Office at the Waycharge of this work also does a vast nesville plant. Roxanna Canning Co. •
Marie''Storer Weds Earl Chenoweth.
A CamBy dinner was given as a. :;urprlse tor Walter Wilson at his home. Sunday, In hOl1o~ ·of his 77th
It Comes· Orily Once a Year Now But .Wait Until lIe Grows Up!
• • • • •
Dr. and Mrs. A. E . Stan t otlend('c1 the Kentucky Derby at Louisville, Batw·day. and the Clnclnnatl-Ncw 'York ball game In C\.nclnnatJ , Bui1day.
• • • • •
·I· . .,.
, ' ~r; R'nd. M~ Leo . De~tseh And oon BUly Of. 'Sprlngfleld were guests or.Mr. and ,MIl!.~ J'. K: ·prestop. Sunday, 1\(1ss¥lrglnJa Preston sPBpt t~~ w.!ek, end . 'with MIS$ ! Mn~tha. Jgemm 'o f WPOmJllg,' 0. ' ,
.. ..
,~ - ---:; ~~~======-~==lF---==
118E TBB MIAMI GAP'M'E of NeU Shawhan, a minor: guardian- part of Iota lI01 aDd 180 In ~ WANT ADS ship tenntnai.ed, dJstrlbutlo~ _of Clayton Penny t. Omlord L. Penny; tract In ' D eerfleld 'l'ownablP stock made to Nell Shawhan. In tJle maLte~ or the estate of Edward 'OM, deceased to Mary I • ~ =!I Charles F. Wellman, deceased; cer- Anna KOM; part of 16~ 87 m Prank" En~d A. Seeond Olasa ,Mail Matter at Postoffice, Wayne.ville, Ohio lin. l'(lI\IMON I'LEA I'ltOOEEDINOS tUlcnLe of Lrlll18ter ordered.· i a. West, deceased, to Mary E. NEW SUI'l'IS ' Flora M. Crane Editor.and P~blisher MAltRIAOE LIVEN8ES' West, 01'1. acre In HarlAn Township, Sylvlu Duncanson vs. Jefferson ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY ' CUnt DI\Y VS. A. Harrison Iwd Dun an.son: de fndan t. to pay plain Hlllnrq Helt n. 21 " Morro , and Fred C. Wellner. ,J. P, : a.ctlon. In- LUT $3,00 (Jill' w ek during . pend ency Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payable in Advance Betty Peters, 18, KinKS Mills. juncllon. et . of acLlon \ defendant· tb pay attorney Harry G . N\!al.· 23, . compounder, Clifford Bruce \'s. Cat herine Bruce f • Norwood, nnd Dorothy L. Snider, 18, Clln ~ Day VS. A. Harrison alld (Delayed) neglec '•. The 011\0 Conservation Commls- di ,'orce. g r . F oster. Do 't b Cal1nava vs. S bastlan Pred C. WeUnel', J . P.; d fcndants 01 "0 110W has another splendid U sian will ho'd an open meellng In 1'0 Y are enjOined and restp\iued frarn " dl I t Mr and Mrs. Clarence. Crawtord new lake- Ka tser. Lake-located Columbus on June 11. when the Cnnnava ; vorce, gross neg . . further proceedings and .action In UEAL ESTATE 'l'RANSFERS and 'daugh~r Minnie spent the .near SL. ParIs, In Ohampaign coun1st com 000 Doris and Mullen. costs, vs. John Holt; $20,- sa id cause un til the further order of publlo may np,pcar an d reger week end with )lr. and Mrs. Glenn EllZabeL" A. Maple deceased. to ty. It contains over 300 acres · of plain ts on Inst year's hunting regu.. Phone 78J OruhotIOn Don of Norwood· Earl Mullen vs: Joh n Holt ; for th.is court. Ralph W. Jones vs. Rut.h Vergene Cora ShawhlUl, et a!. ;,lot .10 In Leba- Mr. erawford, Mrs. Henry · Berges water and 1\ purk area of around laUons ' and make suggestions for S1300 and costs. nOll. Jones. a minor ; CILSe d.ismissed. also attended the baseball gaDles ~r 8!iO acres. jmprovements. Charles H. Hoyle. deceased. to Etta LeoDa LlddU vs. Harry Richthe Cincinnati Reds, Sunday arterard LlddH; divorce granted. no order Elmer Hoyle, et al.; 71.21 acres 10 noon. regarding the chUdren. plaintiff to Warren and Greene Counties. MIas Ruth KeIUs spent Lhe week Carroll Hathaway to Ruth Hatha\.lilY costs. end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. way; 88.92 acres In Turtlecreek Fnlnk KelliB. TAHYIA: I.ITHIO TAR AND Townsillp and lots 1, 2, 97 and 88 in PIWB I\ '~'E COURT Mtsa Pauline Olbson spent Sunday ROAD OIL; mxCAVATINO Lebanon. with Miss ElIlnestlne Earnhart. MathUda W. and Bert.ha. A. Kelier DUMP TRIJOIi: SI~RYIOE 1.11 the ma t ter of t.he estate of Mr. and ~s. Morrts Lewis spent to Matthias KeUer; 190.14 acres tn , Sunday with Mr. U:Jld Mrs. EllsNa.ncy E. fiatl la, deceased; InvenPIT RUN, LOADED SOc YD. Harlan. TownshiP.. tory approve d • MattWas and Mathilda Kelier to worth Olb/lon and daughtel' Phyllis. III the matter of the estate of at Centerville. Miss Clara Daughters was dinner Elizabeth A. Maple, deceased; cer- Bertha E. Keller; 5.98 acres In HarIan TownsWp. .....-guEst Sunday of Mrs. Ado Daklli. tlflcate of transfer o:rdered, InherlPUOJl tl. Waynes vill e 44 R 11 Mr. and Mrs. Davis Lucas enterLewts Clifford Anderson, deceased, ta nce tax determined as none. In In the mutter of Ithe estnte of to Robin Thlrkleld Anderson; 2047.L oouou ol1'. <.c l'hoDO 47:1-K 20 acres. part of lot 75 and all of Iota talned with a btrthday dinner Richard L. NelsoD, deceased; hear- 84. 36 and 42 In Franklin township. honor of their son R,Ilymond. ThO/ie Tt'a.98 ·M. Monow Phone No. 3 Ing on scheduJe~ of dehts set ror May The name Davey is used here } Robin Thlrkle1d Ander n to Mary who enjoyed Lhe ~aslon were, Mr. 13 . inherltallce tu"\ determined os and Mrs. Earl Lucas and family so for brevity. It is intended to Olara OIl hters Mr and Mrs. B. Craig, et al., trustees; 2047.20 .. none. acres par~ of lot 75 and aU of lot .~ lI8',. { include all the depa rtment In the matter of t he estate of 84. 36 and 42 In .F ranklin Townshl Raymond Lucas and daughter Betty - USE TilE MJAMio .UETTF. he~ds and the legislature. Oscar A. Eston. deceased henrlng In . P. Sue of WOmlngton. WANT ADS Former Gov. Martin L. Davey Inventory set for May 13. Arabell Dinwiddie. deceased. to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Redlnger II.nd Bricker balanced his blld!(et by robbing the public Davey balanced the state budget e,,:el'y, yea~ with· In the matter of the estate of ~:~~I~lIve Wardl_ow; lot 8 in Way- lamJly, Miss MelJle Morgan, Mr. ,-==_ __ = __ ~~ school fund of $6,500,000 (whic h he PUt in his general out new taxes and without any financial Jugghng. Mary L. Wallace. deceased ; petJtlon Wilbur Hanner of near Lebanon, revenue fu nd) and by lelling people go hungry. to b~ made known to non-residents and Frank J. Harter, Jr .. to Edward called On their uncle Mr. Lue MUT_ - - - _ - - - - - V E T O E D APPROPRIATIONS - - - - - -_ _ __ by publication. Barr; part ot lot 33 In Mason. ray Sunday aft.ernoon . r Davey vetoed over 115,000,000 in unn ec~ssary appro. Did Bricker veto allY approp riations? ot ont dol· In the matter of the estate of Henry G. Strohmenger t.() Bride Mrs. Tom Runyon, Mrs. Frank \ lar. priations, in order to IIlIve money for OhiO tax p:lyers. REAl. ESTATE Alice M. DllIe. deecased; hearing on Kirker Ashlbaugh and Martha Jane Dakin were wpper l'Uests last Wed_ - - - - - - - - - - - T A X REDUCTION-----_ _ _ _ _ __ INSURANCE Inventory set for May 14. Ashbaugh; 1.31 acres In HamUton· nesday evening of Mrs. Anna Lucas Davey gave the people of Ohio 172,000,000 tax re-' Did Bricker give any tax reductions? Not one dolIn the matter of t.he estate ot TownshJp. a nA family. AUCTIONEER lar. ductions from 1935 to 1940 inclusive. He repealed the Stanley ' Beltz, decealsed; Mary C. Homer B. Johns' to Minnie L. Mrs. Robert Greene. Mrs. Leona ..:.~..==.' eal~. tax on food, cut automobile li cell ~ " i, cs $2.000,. Beltz appointed admlnlstraLrIx. CI1ar Johns ; abouL 7 acres In Harlan Town GI'eene and chUdren. Mr. Wilbur ~_~~~-=~_=========== 000 a year, cut farmers' truck iees $1 ,Ol! '1 00 . a yea~, reduced admi9sions taxes from 10'ft,to 3'}'l cut mta.nglles J. Waggoner. J . A. Schilling and ship. Stevenson of Dayton called on Mr. etc.. etc. ble taxes from 6'}1l to Charles Lucas appointed appratsers. Ensign A. Belden and Mary Eldora and Mrs. Lue Morgan Saturday eve____________________ PUBLICSCHOOLS-----____________ In the matter 'of the estate o.f Belden to Helen M. Brokaw; 85.68 nlng. 'Davey gave Ohio the gfcat l'U;,\ic GC 1001 founda· Bricker robbed the puhlic 5(;hool fun d of ..$6.500,000 Aaron Salsman, an mcolUPlltent per- BCI'es In Wnyne TowushJp. . Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Morgan and tion Ilw, which reopened tbe dosed Ichonls and saved In order to make a pretense of doing omelhing for, son; additional bond required of Sam D. Hepkle allCl Nellie W. chUdren spent Tuesday with friends the school s. the school system for this stitt•. gua l'dian, SUbmitted. Inve,ntory of es- Henkle to Mary A. ~mell; 29.6 acre In Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Hiley GIb_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_OLD AGE PENSIONS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ tate recorded. ..., in Olearcreek TO~ruJhlp. son spent Sunday afternoon ' with I>&vey increased old age pensions t"ice by exccuBd ck~ r broke all his pre-clecti n pr mises to the 1n the matter of the estate of Robin Tblrkleld Anderson to Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth GIbson ot tiV. order-the first time $10 ptr month a.nd the sec- old age pensioners. \vhkh he mad" in his campaign Ruth Hannah crew, deceased; In- MAry B: Oralg and The FIrst Amer- Oentervllle. ODd time 10%. letter. ican Ba~ & Trust Company, trus· Mr. Lue Morgan ts spl'nding a few ventory approved. ' Davoy promises to increase old age pensions in Bricker has WIC power to call the iegislature right 'ACcordance with the new federal law, and he pro mjse~ II W t9 i l1 t l'l'a ~ c olr.! nge pcn slon ~ and resklre the prepIn the matter o.f It.he estate of tees; lot Lin Franklin. dRYS with hJs daughters. Mrs. Henry ROO-t FOR AND CONSICN to retui'li all the property to the old age pensioners erty to the old folk$. Bu t will he? Not unless he is Rose Wllkerson. decel!lsed; Inventon , Mary Leah MlllS and Ruth M. Burges and Mrs. Robert Oreene 01 lour Cattle, hOil, sbeep and calver whicli the atate has taken from them. Davey makes sca red into it. to Norrll-Brock C"" live wire aDd approved. . Savage to Sarah Olive Wardlow; lot Dayton. Iood hi. promi.e •. prone..I•• ' fin'! t"r the bil'''''' In th e mat~er of tile guardianship 8 In Wa.vnesvWe. Those on 'the s1ct list this week tnarllet ~--------__------------LABORATTITUDE-----------------------Pfteea ana good aerviee. of Ethel Sortor . . an incompetent, WllIard Pumas to Ev'a Whinery. are Mr. Clarence Orawford, suffer. UDloD 5t_1i Yard.' CIDd •••ti, O. . Davey bas been a friend of Inbor for many years Bricker has la pped labor in the fac~ at .ever-y turn throuihout his long . service in Congrell and 35 Govof th e road. He eelll to be an ti-labor. His ,handling Tirzall Fatute appointed guardian McMlllah and HeriJert Thomas Mc- InS '·wlth the .grlp alld MISs Joan Tune tG on Radio StattoD WCKY :ensor of Ohio. He produced much f.vorable legisla· o f unemployment ill urallce has show /l a desirc 10 12:25 to 11:30 p. m. for ou, daUy In the mutter of ti1.e setUement 'Of MUll11; 126.61 acres In Warre~ Coun- Kellis has tile mumps. don that is 1l0W on ' the ltatute books. chisel the unemplo)'ed. . ol"fket repon.. the estate.of Abe ProballCO, deceased ty. . I ." I . • UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE _ _ _ _ _'""-______ dlstrlbutlOIl In kina ordered. William ,8 , - lIalllelton, ~t .aI., to The Oovernors of' Indiana. J1eruF 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!'!!!"'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!~ Davey .et up the unemployment insurance departBricker proceeded imilledia tely to make the Bl1reall In the ~atter of t,he estate of Floyd 9hrlSll!4 n and Leva ,Ohrisman sylvania West Vlrglnlll and . ~. , mat in Ohio and organized it on a bu.iness·basis with of Unemplo~' men t 'Ynsllrun c u politi('alfootba lL He Mary Eva. Probasco. lileoeased; cer- 80 ac;res In Turtl~eek township. ' land are expected to be on the .k~-------ODe of the lowe,t overhead colis. He left ~ver $100,discharged nHillY of the 1lI0st c:lpah le employees and tiflcate of transfer o:rdered.. Virgil Robinson and Carrie ROO. vlewtna atand In front otl the ~_ 1000,000 in .t hat fund. Unde.r his management, Ohio tacked il with his -own' h~ lI chm c ll . 1111 he l"stab lished the ' only ltate in the Union which was ready to an anti· labor policy in the admini tration or the law. In the matter of t he estate 'ot Inson to Frank West; lot 1032 aJld. ltOl with Governor Bncker when the !p.y UDemploym~t inaurance benefits as soon as ·the Lewis Clifford Andel'son, deceased; part of lot 1031 In Franklln. motorcade celebratmc the 1c1oth ,. !law permitted, . distribution In klnd ordered. Luella K. Fedders to BruCe Law- nlversary of thll. completlon or f CARE OF HIGHWAYS-_---------In the mutter of t he estate or son and Cora Lawson; 86.46 a~res In Old National Highway. Route ;-40, t . DaTe, bpt tbe highway. of Ohio cleared of snow, Bri 'ker's fake eCOnomy has- neglected tl\c highways Arallell Dinwiddie. dec~a.sed; certlf1- TurUecreek TOWnship. passes through Col~ abOut . ,..,: covered the icy placel promptly with sand or and allowe them to be piled wilh snow day after cate of transfer orderl~d. . .. . W,lll1am B . Davis to Orville B. Hul· ,Pl .• May 17. ' . a,/1e.. )cept the highways of this atate i~ fine trav- : day. The ,icy lJ\ac,e have . i1~t been ~rot c.c ted . Th.e i condition, better than the .urrouodmg states. r ~sult has been a tremendous Increase III will te r a~c lIn the mattl!r of the 'settlement of linger and Norma' I. Hulll.nger; lot The reault was a sharp decline in winter accidents. dents. He has cqnfi,!ed ,li!,!self largely to Ihe buildang the esta~ of Clara~. Parr, deceased 6 and part of lot 5 In Lebanon. USE THE MIAMI GAZE'M'E He built more mild of good roads for the same money, of the most expenswe highways and n eg l ec t~~ the estate Vlllued at '10.099.23; inherltShelto~ . J. Rose to LllJle E Ross; ,!ANT AD~ . lalld ~ept the highways' repaired. maintenance of the others.
..... '" ~fJt .~!~!! o~a~tttt ............[~ COUDt Y Court .News, '
=======-==""==========='l'- _
~I 1
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
MT .• · HOULY:
Centerville, Ohio
Sand & Gravel
BRICKER I II Convincing Parallel I
Zain Armitage
I W. N. SEARS =====- .:
CONSERVATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"" ~ I . DaveY. took Consen·ation:. o'ut of politics and made Itho Conservation Division one of the best i" the United States. He did more for Conseryation in 4 yean than 'h ad been done in the prcvious quarter of • century. He kept Corise.rv~tion out of politics, and . Ip,ointed men \yllq knew their job. He gave all : aportUlleo's fecs to Conservation, paid back the money ' pr..ioully withheld, secured' large liederal sums, and :'p,.. Ohio it. only Ilfe&t program. . . '.
. '
. Davey. put a high-class insurance m;1n 'in charge of ; the Dbiaion of In,'u rance and kept it free of politics. . Ht .....d the .tandard of that division so that it . ; raDbd with tl:!e belt in thil country. • ~
' Bricker .put the COliserYntiQn 'Divi sion "right back in politics. He appointed a Republi can politician as Conservation Commissioner: He di schargeel nearly all the competent, trained· 'profess-ional employees, and put in their places politicians who knew nothing about e.ltJle.r th e scie n c~ or philosophy of conservation. 'Bricker set Conservation back ien years. He broke all his promises to ' Ohi sp r .~men. " ,
Bricker picked a politician to run the insu'rance divi sion, and he has been playing' po!itic~ with it ever since. He discharged many of the competent employees, and pitt ine xperi~lIce d politicians . in their places. . ',. .,: .
·; ...;.------------CLOSED ~~KS---------------------
'Davey inherited closed banks with 500 million dol· Ian of deposits, and closed Building and Loans with over 100 million deposits, He made the best record of any state in the Union, returning 84'70 to the depositors. The next high state paid only 700/0. H e finiihed the work of reorganizing or liquidating all but 18 of 169 closed banks, and finished with a big , m.jority of the closed Building & Loans.
. Brickcrllad very little of the problem I~ft 1'eg~~dinK c1psed banks. But he has be~n ' plaYlOi pohUcs with them. q!lc of the most. conspicuous ~a'!1ples of this is his nitserable hanclltng of the BUlldang and. I.oalls 'in Dayton. While Bril;ker was Attorney Genrral he raided the closed b~nks with exhorbitant law)'er 'fees, that were shocking in their amounts. .•
- - - - - - - - - - - C I V I L SERV; . ATTITUDEi-...;,.--------Rricker raped the Civil Service in a more audacious Davey respected the Civil Service Laws of Ohio. •
In only a few cases did he discllarge Civil Service employeea, and only then when the employees violated .: <th. law by pernicious political activity. Davey kept nearly all the experienced personnel of the Ohio gov.emment, in order that the departments could function elfidently and economically in the public interest.
llla nner than. any Governor in Ohio's history. His record of contemptuous action against Civil Service ('mployl'cs is wOrse than all Governors of Ohio combined since .the law was passed. He discharged experienced, capable employees by the thousands. The result has been gross mdfidency and waste.
-...----------PROGRESS VE LEGISLATION ......- - - - - - - - - Davey pllued many proart ..lve and constructive law. for the benefit of the ml"u of the people. His d · th b It' 20 year. or more. 'Irecor II e I' ID
- ....----!"' r.' . UJeatf
f t" ' .....-
.~ - - --. . y redu,*,.ltat.e , Bricker bad .~.OOO.OOO. mo[e in 193t:an Davey ' bUIUMIi c:ondlt!Onl. had in 1938. ' He alltua,ly ...pent ~3,tl9D, ., . more ~an .
- - - - - I T A T I RIVINUIS - - - -
:;ai~~= bela. .4IC&1d11M ~
:~ii~a~~~!~~~~Br~. ~
"'rl'cker h"s beell gUI'lty of m"ny falsehoo' d~., e5 4' a cially ,with reference to the financi~1 affairs o~ tb. state. In fact Bricker has been runnIDg for PresideM. ever since he wa. elected Gov~rnor. b
',the budpt witboatl~ an,met . aU the Itat". l,pI l-tt. cam balanc•. In ,the
~."~1ralM4· thtp.Jof
Divey dld 'ln 1938: In SPite of bis hypoCfltlcal claims, 'Bri~kor 'pent $1,000,000 more for salaries and· wage8 ~ h. '1939 than Davey ,'lpent ·hd938. But stili Bricker i outthewaietofth~poorl.~paldem~IGyeel• . • .
. "".~"""",.........._-_---rIIATM.NT Of MiHORITIII-------,.;;.---. I
l~ilj~~i~~~~~·iFor tb.~OhiO ,oTer.nment tbe fiut time In . ·to reprele"Dtative'i.
that aU oltizenl tha, mly
~e~nb~~:'ma~ter oflihle settle~t of
the ' e~tate .of Eclwai-d:ltOhr.· d~ ,ellLate valUed at "~2.ti2, inh,erltance
tax Betermlneti as jDone, certificate 01 tro.nsfer ordere~. hearing on Invcntory set for ' May 9. hearing' on s : heciu.c of debts 18 SE!t tor May 16. ' In the matter of Ithtl· estate of Flilnk M. Colllns ' dl~eased; Inven· tory ar)provC(\. I Tn the matter of the estlJe of Thomas M.. Clark, dE!Ceased;' fnventory approved. schedwe ot debts approved . . I !p the ma tter ?f the eata.t e o~ Fronk Black, deceased; · d1stributlon In ki nd ordered. J .-
. egl~g· at
On P M ' h e.
•• a.-p. Ihe following described
property to-wit:
' ' . . ,:' .\ '·F~RM IMP~~iNTS . . Troy wagon 'Yith bc?~~J.Jf-J ,~~ ~cOormlck mower. 5'.ft. ~ut, alngle disc, steel toOt.h w.yt~,~. :~W"roller, 5 ahovet'cultlVator. ~ ~NEOUS . . Hay fort. 28. tt ~~~. w~ • .fence ~tc~ , ~ sheUer, garden plow, roll ~ tebCe, .leel, P,O!RI, 2 rolls ~ ,WIre, • rolls brace wire, ' hay ltnUe~ Itrind. .taDe, ~ ~e · and at.and, ..(!Opper kettle, '!~ ~nder. 2-10 ga); ~ · cana,. tqIlk . bucltets: copper wam bOiler I:Hlnt WOOd 'Churn Iaaa chUrn. ice f . .. ..... lb . • ': , •• ' i . ~ . reeser. "-.,,, . ~-yard, 1·2SQ Ib s~l-Yaa:d, ClOIII .cut saw 'I ft. cut, f metAl· ~ .~ leU ''7dei-. st0'fn~, ~~! forb hoes, t1.Im, ~, jaJj, and"'. othel, attlcles.too D\IIIlerous to m.entlon. " .,
,.;,.In LJ)e ; matter ,?C t:he
e.s~te ~ b!
,rop( Bricku droveofout the .tategroups, Ir0vernment all these :I' .?~~'!lre ",! imUDd Ho~atd l<eliLn~r. ~eceased; ..entatlvu tnoof.minority and .appointed M:,l\)el ·.~el~ner' a:PlXlinted' exe-. . llill'ty Splnn,,·!IIm.elf to be narrowly parusan, pr~Judlced . to tl)e," and' L. A. VoOrhls aopblnted appnusp~nt of blaotr.y, o&ld-bloodlld and hIgh-hat. : er'i. . .
Of THI ·STOR·Y. THI lIST WILL I. TOLD UTIIl " I _a·-..·_·fOI GOVIRNOR A.T THE PIIMA,Y TUISDAY, MAY 141 ".Irlctt.,-Th......;,' ,Out Of .... $tate !
H..... . eel...... ."
I n the mMter ~f Ule · estate ~ . .,."" ... ' . . H(:ilJSEHOLD GOODS ,': WlIliam D. ReI1. deceased: HO~d . OlermQIlt twp wood buJ'nlDr ~ ·. toves., BIde' 1lOIU'(l~ .:(Qn1N'''~ c . Rei appolnted. adJm1n18trator, 0'. " i~ ~ler6 ' dJiung rOom ·ClUlfrB.:I W1l1ow 'challa, other'fOcara F B J ' hn vy' , . . . ............ _ . r.Lwn, 0 .. ' . Goddard anll .•'and . .-"..... _... ...- 'Iron 'bed, dIeSBe ,'. r 'and wash .tand, leather '._ Karl M. Brown appo~lted awra1sera.• ,Jjeatei',~lJnole~ :I teath"" beds, quUta, plllOW8,' bed Un,en. ,ClIlCKlt" I.'nn.,na ~1l th~ mater .cIt t~e ' e8~te .o,f ' board, 'i ~ 'Jace c~. Ala.ddin lamp, o~er lampe. italr · ~ F.'7aK. decl~a~d;. 25 yariia Brussels·carpet. tab.,e linen, lo~ dJa6", waah~la propertyProbasco,. sold at prlnte sal per~nal 10~xl2'.4. " , ,. . .. " I .. , e; . 'Pitchers, '. COQklilI utenaUa. ' , . ,..'\ , ' , ' :.' "'. ' Ir. ~he mattet rf .,1~he ' estate .. of . .... ,." .,;'. " . .ANTIQt)E.S-' '. ,'" . .... . ' [.Jwood F~nton BO;I;~~n. deceased; es Walnut 'halr .cloth lo".'! aea.t, rOcket,irentlemeIi" &ncs chalrsltil ta,te reUeved ~ ~~t.ratlqn, first' p18as condition, ~~: ~ With g. .~ Ciw. b _. : . drop p/opeity ttan.st:rf'tO!,IarY ~en: leat ta.bJe·I ,4 ' Chal,rs, 8~, qov~r1fit. red 'and bllJe d~!" ~~ ' ~:!~~~ D. Ma~.I.· !I~P~ln~~"~- Sp~ln; wh~el: 25~'I.~; ingrain ,~, ~~.~"nd- ~Ii d'~IPl: 15' , Iil the' 01 " ater: af '{ ' th ' ta ..,, · ". ' carpet. 28 Y~" rag f~t. cberr~ ,.~o~,. y~a, dlaheti, 'and .ntllf.....h . , '. . e es ..., ~ artlcle& . " ." ,. . . '. , " J. ' G. W~P~. de<:eafled; . c,el'!1flc ate o~ . PEEo:.:...,About. 200· bu. hand hWdted co~. WOO.... . frr .l lsrcr ·?t(Jer~' .l .', .1 ',' rll'eplacewOoct. ; '. ". . ..... Ab!Jutl:il
ciA their. placet hi. own little'. cliQ.ue. ~•. has: shown . ;. trlx. Eatl ,HeywOod.
DAYIY fa IIDY...... CLUI. " ,.....................
Bricker's legislation was largely Ripper laws, intended to get political conttol of all the departm-ntl of the government. He has done nothing for ~ farmers, 1I0thing for labor, and almost nothing the for busine!!,s.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - T R U T H IN PUBLIC OFFICE I; ' D I wh en h~ was . av~ toId th e ·truth to t he pe?p' OOT~or. He did not reaort to. misrepresentatIOn or tricJq devic .. reiardllli the affalfa of tbe atate.
imce ta x determined. . . In the matter ,.c the estate of f Ada .:Wlll~n, deceaSed; ·.prlVMe sale' of personal p~perty ordered. In the matter of ihe settleinent 'of the estate of €Ufi~rd Montgomery . " qeceased ; estate v~:ed at ,3,.e9.86, Having sold out: farm. we will sell at pub~ auction. at the r_ence, Inheritance ~ determined ~s none. located 3 miles south or OentervUle. 0 .• on the D&y,ton and ~nOn pib~the estate of III the m'a tt,h · oi' l . --State Route 48-0n HIlO·Y. ~. ,QapJH;r., apdl John W. Dapper, mlnOJs; guard,lall autborlzed to
, In tIle' matEer ~f the e&'t.8te pt Adah A_ Woodrum d.e()eased: ClaUo ot Mabel V. WJU1~ms Dillowed ap~t estate• . the matter Of;.tIt!! gua;tllansblp
. CtJIOKEN$: ,.-l:1 henS. 1:1 ...;... .. ',
ctiseIra: e weeks ola:
-.,.au8 ".~ 1O".a -..,H.
- P ••I III••• t.ppln, ..., ,.Unlnl daD' ..... lkndl.A.44ue .....d ... . _ ....s e"1>Ol\lft) • .JUIt nab • 00 lOme EA ..N:o ....s Ia"Mil, It bepDa Ita ~ fuld work of beI.1 aootIae t"'t ~k. PI_L At all druUlIta or .... IOc foe . tr ... 1 .1 •• to N.tlonlil Remedy Co., SSW. "2", N, Y. C. D.p'. X. t
THE PRIMARY Tue.day, M.y·14, 1940
Choose Your ' Candidate! -Political Adv.
I X IClement I. Sattetthwaite I of Waynesville
Republican Candidate for !'Ill p.POl't
Vote for the
Mineral Feed and Plant Food
Hardware Store
Verlin L. Pulley
Absent Voters•..NoticeI!!
-TRUSTWORTHY':"- n-QUALIFIED-PRQGRESSIVEYour support Is earnestly requested. Mr. Abaecherll Is a native Ohioan. educated In the Ohio pUblic srl1ools, and trained In the Ohio laws.-a graduate ot the Unlversl~y of Cincinnati. College of Law 1928), who has earned his own 'way tromthe age of 14 as errand boy. 'ele". laborer. salesman. and high school teacher- has had considerable experience as a buslnoss elle<lutlve In addition to his legal work. has been aetlve for the past 3 yars In 'Chw-ch clvle and fraternal matters throughout Warren county.- whose friends fully believe Is capo.ble of rendering honest and efficient servlcl!-1lnd who has always been known as a SQUARE-DEALER. Republican PrImary-TUesday. May 14.
"Support your locnl Waynesville lawyer. and t1.rst Pr~ldent. WaynesvUle 'CIvlc ClUb."
·le. Donald Dllatush '
(W.dow o~- "Beebee" Graham)
{{andidate For
"".rr:en County Recorder ' ,
When You Buy Fertilizer Insist On·
D\vlght Beason. of Springfield, wI!-'> a vIsitor 9 ,er Saturday and Supday, In the Beaso'n-McCarren home. MI'/;,, Nellie Jordan Liebert and children, Miss June and Geoi'ge Jr, alld h el' little granddaughter .. Ellen GUARANTEF;D-QUALl Gath. all o( Ch1cllogo. lett h ere 68tHrduy mOl'l1ing for their home after a week's visit with the Jordan lamUy Mr. and Mrs, P erry Wells and ehB Manufadured By dren spem the week end with rela. t! ves in Kemucky. The Smith Agricultural Chemical Co· Miss Nona ShoemaKer has returnSEE US BEFORE YOU BUY ed to her home here after a visit wlLh her siste r. In At;hland . Kentucky. ' Alfred Jordan and Miss Hannah / with their gueses. the LIebert family . were visitors Wednesday in the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wayland Jordan and family. In Cinclnnatl. Larger Because of Better Service, The members of Olive Branch Quality, and Prioe Ladles' Aid, were entertained Thur Fo, day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Established 1849-1940 Harry Cline. Waynesville, Ohio Phone 32 Mr. and Mrs, Waldo Replogle and OF FOR for Jimmy and Mrs, Elizabeth Ballard . Economy all' of Day Lon. were Sunday aCterEfflcl ... cy noon callers at the home 01 MI'. and •• tt.. Oo~rll",... t Quolifi.d b, Mrs. Almon Ferris. 2nd and 4th Senatorial Dislrlct Chorocta, - E• .,..ianca - Education Vernon Sarns, of Dayton, was a Sunday dinner 'guest of his pa rents. Former Mayor of Oxlord (2 terms). WAR VnERAH Mr, and Mrs, Frank Sams. "..",IIe, America" 1••• IOft A business man with legal tra ining. Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Brannan. 0..' V.t...11 .t ,.,.1 ... Wan who understands the problems of the NATIVE OF OHIO of Xenia were guests ove r SaLur 20 r ..,. • S..t. IJlGm'"" fnrmer . A combination of ablllties day and S:i'nday of the Terry family. Mrs. Lee Mason 01 Maso n apen' hard to beat lor the.. enactmen of - - --on St.t. ,A"dItOl" D.portment Master Walter McCanen and Friday with Mrs. Alice Clark , wise laws. Republican primaries X LEO P. JOHNSON The Board of Elections Office at Johnny Carr, of Harveysburg were Mrs. Margare t Johns was a Sat w'May 14. Political Adv. the Court House will be open each Saturday afternoon callers on thc lr day g\olests of Mrs. Martha. HoU~b doy until 5:30 p, m ,. except Thursday friends In this community. near WaynesvUle, May 9th . when It wUl be open until Mrs , Florence Sams was call ing A number of members from herc 6:30 p. m . to receive Absent Voters' on friends in Harveysburg, Wednes- attended inspection at WaynesvUl. appl:catlons to vote In tne coming day. Eastern Star Friday evenin g, To: The Republican 'Voters, P rimary ElectJon. May 14th, 1940, Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Pffers and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Deweese 111 \Va rren-Gouf14r.,-Ohio, Ali persons desiring to vote an abo son Chas. Mrs Lewis Pffers nnd 'Mrs company with Mr. and Mrs. Frank For ma ny years I have had the privilege of Hervsfnt Volers' Ballo t are asked to call Judd Wilson of DayLon. Mr. nnd Mrs Cleveland and chiIdl'en of West Cara t the Board of Elections Otrice be- Orville Gray and Barbara , of Way- rollton. visited the zoo at Cincinnati ing Warren County as its Prosecuting Attorney. tween these hourse and receive thell' nesvllle. Mrs, Laura Reed and ML'<s Sunday and also enjoyed n. motor During these years I ha've tried, to the best of my applications. and upon the execution F1oramond. Mr, and Mrs. ' Elbert trip up the Ohio River. ability, to serve the interests of our County as its legal 0 1 the appllcaUon may vote their bal Rich ami children. ~r. and Mrs, Junior Clark has been absent from lot Cor the coming Primary Election. Chas, Voiers and J~an Rich. Mrs, school a victim of the mumpa. adviser, at :1 minjm,um of expense. Persons who are away. expect to Josephine Pennington and George 01', and Mrs. H . E. Hathaway or I was born and reared in this Coun't y, and out~ide be away on Election day, May 14th. Davis were Sunday afternoon vls1- WaynesvUle were Sunday guests of 1940, a t a distance of more than 50 tors Of the Gray ramilles in Well- Mr. and MI·s. Harvey Burnet. of about two years service in the army, have lived mlleE, or those who are not able to man, Mrs. Pffers. Mrs. Wilson and Rev. and Mrs'. Lois Henrick or here al\ my life. pr<sent themselves In person may their· sl~ter. Mrs, Clauae Gray and Brookville and Jack Cornell of DayDue to the unpl'E,!cedented amount of work rerl'ceive an Application for an Absent granddaughter, Elberta Rich, ac· ton were Sunday dinner guests of quired of my office, particularly during the past;. two Voters' Ballot upon their request In compan ied Mr. and Mrs . Voiers and t heir grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. \Hltmg to the Board of Elections. Jean home and were their supper Harry Cornell. months, I have been denied the pleasure of making The ,Ladies Aid had a. large numAIt~ r the appllcatlonl1as ,been prop- guests. an e~tensive campaign. Miss Mae Chenoweth spent the ber present at the MlE'y meeting. crly filled out their banot will be n'.alled to them which they can then week end In Wellman , at the home Wednesday afternoon a.t the born. Accordingly, as a nativ'e of Warren County, as voJt e and mall baek to the Board of of llefmotheY. Mrs. Eftle Chenoweth of MTS. Emma ·Koverman, ·Had a an ex-soldier, and as an attorney with experiEmce in Mrs . Stanley Gray and daughter, Mother's Day program. Mrs. JrlorF lec.tlollS by registered mall. the office of Prosecuting Attorney, I am asking the Mrs, Josephine Pennington. were ence Hopkins of Waynesville and No appllea.tions will be recelvel! Republican voters to give my canc1idacy favorable , aft,er 6:30 p. m., on Thursc.tay, May shopping In Wa yn esvllle, Monday Mrs, Eleanor Mullenix WeI'e guests. morning. Mrs. WUllam Rogers has been consideration, 9th. and no ballots will be countec1 Mrs. J . F. Jacobs and Mr-. and Mrs .9~~_ !U_.!!!!:....!!!"!;'!!!!!M!!L!~~!;y"-1!~----'----;: it they are not received in the Board RespectfuJly, ; of Election OffIce later than 12:00 mIas, Ellls Rnd son', FlOYd Layton. Ben James. of Route 73, spent last spent Sunday with the formers par- week with her. o'('iock Noon. Friday, May lOth . enta. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Coon . in Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick vls- , W . W. Shurts. Jr .. Kingman. !ted Mrs, Eva lJalnes at Memorial Clerk. Board of Elections , _________________________"'!' Warren County, Ohto, Clarian RageI' and father, Joe hospital. Piqua, Suilday afternoon. \ Rager. ot Clarksville, Walter Tibbals Mrs, Haines Is sufferlng with an inand st1n Forest, of Wellman , spent jured 11mb the r esult of a. tall lut Sunday In Dayton, with MI', Tibbals week. Mrs. Ralph Barger WB3 taken to sister. Mrs, Ernie McGregor and Mr. - , Miami Valley hospi tal Monday and McGregor. Mrs. Clarlan Rager and Dorothy Jean returned home with underwent n. major operation TUesthem alter a week 's visit with h er day. . for Mr. and MI's . J. B. Jones, Mr. and relatlv~ , Alfred Jordan nnd Miss Ff'annall, Mr/;. Thede Jones and.son MUton, were among the callers at the home attended the 25th wedding annlver, of the Murphy family, "In Middle!-own Itry ot Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jonea and all other Republican ~andidates Sunday. t.o extend sympathy 011 ac- S unday evening at tHeir home , In ('ount of the death of theIr m·o ther. Sout.llern H1IIs.
Sacco Fertilizer
Beech Grove
gl'n.tefu lIy solicited.
Prlmal'Y May 14th
I Xl
dish supper Baturdny eveat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horley Thomas.
Warren County Recorder Y0\11' fl'iCllO iy
wi'ekend with her n"",;lnll" '\fro and Mrs. Earl Crawford , Mr. and 1111'11. Lesille Gorsuch spent Sunday In Bethany ' with relaMrs. Noah Newman spent" Friday tlves. ~ In Middletown, Callers at the ,Bunnell home Sun· ¥Iss Audrey Crawrord Spellt the day were Mr. and Mrs: Ralph Bunnell and family.: and Mr. and Mrs. ;::==..:.::::;~=:::::::~::;:--:--=-==--Omer Boldrey and daughter Mr. Leon BelvUle Is, spe~dlng a 5hort vacation from the ,navy with his parents, Mr. and . Mrs. Farry J,Jelvilie. The Ladles Aid had an aU 'day -ni1W&"Ulll[ at the home of Mrs. Fred Kibby on Thursday. , MIss Velma Koester entertained a g~CJup of gl~IS at the home of her palell ts. Mr. and Mrs . John Koester celebrating her birthday on Sunday . Mr. Buddy Oard spen Sunday with Mr. Zane Gray. ,The Chris Ian Endeavor had a
Keep the.7th District Republican
Your support respectfully .wPreclated
Prlmary Election May' 14, liMO
John W. Bricker by re-electing
Ch.·r lesJ. Waggoner
Rell~blican Ca'ndidate For
Republican Primary: May 14. 1940
CHARLES J. WAGGON'ER for' Re-election to
The State Republican Committee
from the Seventh District .. . Primary, Tuesday, May 14, 1940. . '
- - -===
_____ ,
tempe~ent &n~ 'Ken~ral ,\ !l~" wlriter, wheat ha.y~ ~}l muCh' ex&g~' and .:be lerated," ,report Pys. "Qamqe ~ ~ lnatkil1 \nd that ' ls lor the lndlvld- falrand non~pazi~ In al1}its of::,..0li reatrlctecl ~ :~er.y .exposed pesl•" ' ual voter to ~IN GE9RGE. t1cla1 rullnp." .,.:' ( , . , ' tiona and. ,to illJury ff;Q~ standing • '- Georre ... N ' .~' (or-' Secretai'J/qr ,State ", .....·'lb.e cWflCul , ties .ai ,the write-4J1., water II!- lo!, places." ' m ellner . .... ..,...rn.,.... , , '.t. , • . ,. , bu ' • • • • . 'I1i ' . ~ educate ' Ohio Pal1~ ' to write-In .~y '&' majol"Jty of ; campaign are OOvIOUS,. t .the re- ..; . " . --::-- ~ " , ~ le,..cam~8Il_ the name. of' prlm~ vd~1'II wUl .' l'esUlt; 'm tl)e '$l!I~ .of Ule , eXlM.!~.t,< W1~~ ~ ~he " M~Or1a~, ~ f~ 'the '12 m~n ~~~ ~ pp tJielr 'prl- nomination' of a,\candtd~ for the finest test SmailIillJle rof.' ti)e' voting who per1shed ~ the ~lllow arove. .... ' . . ' ·1ft.a4y been itlielllience of the Ohio el~torate." ·· O. mine. ex~ WeI'e ' held In a tlon w~o : ma'W, ballota u~~er , the ' head~~ . f.all or' .ys &Jl ~torlar .1n the Qhto State- bueba~ park near the acene of Ule "Po, Seci'8~ of State.;' ..poW! r,eJec by pracU ,J 1fOU " ·JQum.al. ." .. d1pIter on 8Und,a1~ Apsil H. oovex. apaoe~-:-tbe 1,11~!e ~ork havlill .0rganlUUona of h1a ~: _, ~ ~:.; . nor Br1clet; _*' former , anDlcblpnoW're.cated the voting Ptec:tnct or· New~~~t~c: The AlrlcU1tuiaJ, BxPerlD'len~ lain. , de1ly!nd pracUcal:iY a~, pnilaUODI., Pace,d ,vlth 0DlY ODe .De~t. nier to Stataori _ _ tbt.t an 'MP""'oa tbe text of wbJob ~ .,Qnater Iqve prlateCl . ~ the ~lqt . ', a rand , Prate trtp thrQUIbOUt' the . .te , reveals, bath DO,~ \ban b . ~ 1&)'11 , eilncllcia*e ,for Sfiere.,· or state and ~E N~P~. u ,!I~~tbat ObJio wll1 tJaYe a normal wbeat. d~ bIa >Ufe for.bJa~. Johil \btl ~ldAte rijected _ ~,. ~. bJ esperleaee, ~teous. did CliOp thIa deaplt.e 'Ul.8 IIYeN ~ . PreIIcleDt of ObIo , ~ ppqNlea.:.~" , of the eQtlre &tate . . . ~e~ en quaur~ecl Winter."Rumora of . . . IDJUIJ to ~ Gr,)be UDlkrd W~ Ul
btera : of _
only one
'Yia~ ~ :a:YOldrt~ candlda~'8· nom-
~as il~ays<been abs~IUtelJ <
.!..... d;;"';
' ,..r
were Mr. and Mrs, Earl Young, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young and baby. , Mis Mildred young and friend , M1u Betty Young and friend and Trav·, etse Gyer of Dayton. ' The following frOm here a.ttendel! Grange a t SpringbOro Wednesday evenIng. Mr, and Mrs. Lowell 'n\omas and daughter, Mr. and Mn. ' Therle Jones and son. Mr. and Mri. Harold Whl l;liker and children, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Burnet. Mrs. Ruasell Campbell. Mrs. J. B. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick and Mr. and Mrs. Waller Kenrlclt.
Cincinnati :-This 1940 edition of the Cincinnati Reds Is playing a dtr· ferent type of ball game than last spring. and the result.~ are highly sa lsfaetory , The club is playing more of a defenslve game because Its fielding is mueh superior to last year. and because McKechnie now has a much better pl!lching stall to back up his two aces, Paul....Derrtnger and Bueky MICKIE SAYS'""7' Walters, He also ha811tbe kind of a relief pitcher he souitht all last year \,eAVI}.l' ~A~D BIl.. \.S OR.. That man Is Joe Betfs. ADVER..TISUJEi SHE"~TS Speed helped win two games for AT "fOL..KSes OOOR$ IS th'e Red~ over the week-end, and JESt" OISTRIBU110~; the Reds are pointing toward their ~UnWJ' ELSE--VHI\..E Eatl J . Maag, Chairman lnunediate schedule with ' tile eltpec1 tation that they wlll 'be able to 'con-', c:,RCULATlQ~ IS '~T _ ___ _ _ tlnue to 'take advant&ge of tii1s base '{OU GIT 8Y 'A()l\lER~11S't I/IJ -T1·Hs, lO~l~I~A~~,K: ball bleSSing, Friday as ail open date Introduced ·Oov~rnor Bricker a.s 'Ian In the schedule, then SaturdaY IIond outstandmg '/tho has the Bunday the Reda:wlil be rn St. Louis Intert!8~ of ; the 'miners at heal't." to play ,the Cardlna.lIi tbree ' Bam~ Approximately 4000 Persons attend- In two days. A doubleheader Is booked for sunday. ed 'the services, M d ' ,,' on ay the Reds and Cards wJlI ON HONOR RoLL retUrn ' tQ,' Cinclnnatl for a postlXined ' Contest that ~o ,will be a ladles' " .' . daj)~{mmedlateIY follOWing· this enThe, Illlme of ' Roy E. Cr.~ltett, "~a eounter the · Reds win hee.d ·for : the gIaguate of wa~esvtUe lUlh ~~l ,:East; where ~ey are IChedul~ to I, Included ~ the u.,t ~r boDor atud- , oPen a road trip 'l'UeId.,y :~ cnts In the ~ese" or Atta· ~d., SCI- the' Rainpqtllg Brooklyn ~,ers. ' eRC!!1 at 0b10 State UDlven1ty. . TIle trip wtll taJte t.hem ,rrom Brook . ' : ' . • lyn tcf Phlladelph1a, to Boston. ~ ' I!ecIre& atudI. .a.t &bouaM. Is. at- New York, and then baCk to, 0r0Ilep &er ill. Uleliallh'*' .. . .t In bwnan . "ekl for a dOUlilebeUer ~·ftlliIII...... ........ -cn."Snl OUd1nall . ... . . . . . . .~iiIW\~...
qualified by 30 ye,,\TS 01 service to the party and the public. He began his service as a precinct worker and member of t~e Party Committee in 1910. He served 4 years as Sheriff fropl 1916-1920 and as CQunty Republican Chairman for 16 years· He was elevated to the position of Cashier of The Lebanon-Citizens Bank in 1935. after 15 years as Assistant Cashier. . CHARLES J. WAGGONER has been a member of the State Republican Comlrtittee since 1936 and now seeks re-election. Vote for and Support
Candidate For
Gabriel Paul
State Celltral Committeeman
y OUt' Su ppon Respectfully Solicited
News Of The RedS
of Lebanon
~'.~":·;te ',.~';'ftita· _
Mrs. Mary K. Murphy.
~ ....... . . . . . , b'J I'IIIIIIi C ~ . . . . . .
1"'" ...
mendation of tlbe councll of Church as of Cbrlst lD Amerl~ we wiU live
Sch edu le of W
Co. Bas eb.1 l Lea gue
'a: G1 h
111'. ADd IIIW, BmIIt Kari1n of Dayton . and lira. Lena Barteock Wuyn.ellvUle MlIl:ion Clarksv llle vlalt ed A. Z. Hartsoo k and rarn1ly or · So. Lebanon ....- - - - - - - - - - - - Dr. Ben MCClellan and nlece, M1aa K ingman May 12 at at at . Sunday . ST. AUGUS TINE OHUIlC R . at I;l.uth McCleUan, of Xenfa visited Dr. Morrow Ha r\' ysblll'g Lebo.no n _ Praiiltlli;. Rev. a. n. Krumho lt.. S T D, pa tor Mlsa Myra Roberta , Dr. Mary Oook ~~.-~~----,----~~--------------- nnd Mrs. J. W. Wal'd. SundaJ . MWIII, SUnday s 9 :00 a. m. -Fl'nh klln Morrow Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Menden hall Mrs. Lena , Hartsoc k and Donal~ Lebano n ~ May 19 , a~ ~ nnd Mrs. Mlrgm tta Heacoc k were Hadley drove to Dillaboro Health ST I\IAB.Y'S EPI COPAI. Mason lal·ltsvl Il c S Ulldny guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kel- Resort. Monday. wMre M1ss ROberts _________ WaYllesvtlle CUURC II r emained tor treatme nt. I r Hook and IIlDllly. So. Leb lll lOIl la rksvillE:' Mru;oll WayuC8 vUJe 'Re V'. R. L. llaelnn ll, Rbc't(jr Miss Laura McKinsey and Mrs. May 26 a.t at at at Lena Uartsock visited Mrs. R. O. Secret study, WHITSUNDAY Leba non Frnnl<ll n aUent thought , Is. alMorrow HaJ'veysburg Har vey or Leba non. TuE!ll!ray, who is t er all 7 !30 a. m. Holy Commu nion. , the m1 gh lest a gent in human very }lnrv ysburg 111. Clarksvlllo • So. Lebano n a~airs. !\.forrow ]0 a; tn . Junior Church School. __--Oha~g May 30 at Mr. and at Mrs . I. A. Hartsoc at k of 8.10 11 a. ' m , Holy Commu nion and U b:lllon Nt marla I Day Da.yton vIsited their sister-In -law. M 011 Waynes ville OIarksville ~ e rm on. USE TlIE MIAMI GAZET TE - _.- - - -- -M Mrs. Lena Harmoek. Sunday evening - -O - .'I ---------:FI =-·n-: n-;: kli ~ nM ONDAY Leba lion Wn ynC8vl)J e Miss Marl~ Owen!l" wUl make her WANT ADS at J une 2 at at 7 :30 p. m. Conflrm atlon servIce; at home with Miss Dorothy Day dllrlng ' _-:= So. Leblllio u =====~=_~=-:_~ Hnrv!!ys bul'g _ Morrow Rt. Rev. H. W. Hobson , olJlclatl ng. Clarksv lUe the remaind er of the school year. Misses -~-- ----,---Annie U. a nd Marne T· Wa.ynesvlmle So. L banon Cla rk:svllle Muson Browne visited Miss Olara Lile at I\IETHO DI T ClIUllC II at J une 9 I\~ at at Louis C. Itadley. Pastor McClellan's h~plel\) In Xenia . WedFranklI n MorrolV Harveys burg Lcbanon nesdny. In accorda nce with the recom-~---------------Prist Round ----. Mrs. Bishop Joyce of Detroit vIs- -- - Le - b-a-n-ol-l - · -- -- -:Fr Ited her aunt. Mrs. J. W. Anderto n. :.n=n::kli;;:n- :jVlorrow Harveysburg Saturda y. at J une 16 at \ m: a.t WAYNE SVILLE , OHIO Clnl'k::lvllle Mr. a nd Mrs. W1l1 Stanton of So. t;cbanon Wny ne~""Vm e Mll.'lon Springboro. Mr. Qnd Mrs. Walter BARGA IN HR. 1150 'Til 2:00 - - - - - - -- -- - - FRiDAY- SATUR DAY Morrow F'l'nnkll n so. t:ebnno n Gr ist. and friends of Cincinn ati callMIlSon May 10 and 11 J a at Ulie t 2:! at ed on Misses Lydia nnd Em.Uy Frida y ... ~IT. IIOLLY 1\1. E. CH URCH . Harveys burg Z-mT 8-2 Lebanon Clarksville Wright. Sunday . Wa.YlIlll>vlJ,le '1'. I\J. Scarrf. I\lIniste r ''MARS IIALL OF - - -- - - -- -= C-::' la....r:-: ksv-::;i;;' l1e- - - - - - .So. Lebano n- - - ' -~ W~y nesvU9;- - -- '--Mas ~n:--- - - - Slll1dny Sl'hool 1) ;30 a . m. E A. MESA CITY" at J unc 30 at Earnhal·t. Supt. at -wlth at Morrow HBl'veysbul'!f Lebanon Frankli n GEORO E O'BRIE N Evening service 7 :30. ------~SCREENN----- ALSO Praye\, meeting Wedncs tlay eveMorrow F ranklin EDIDIE ALBER TH rveysbul'g Lebano n "LIT'l'L E ACCID ENT" nlnt; 7 :30, J uly 4 at at ROSEM ARY LANE at wlthMIlSon Clarksv ille waynesv lIJe A welcom e awnlts you at these WAYNE 1\IORR IS srr: 'Lebanon HUOH " WOO! WOO!" nERBE se rvices. in ElimIn a tion Starts lIurh "Woo! Woo!" Herbert The MIssion ary Society wUl hold -~~~"AN ANGEL FROln TEXAS" ---------~:::~~:-------~~~--- ' -'----------------------"BABY. SANDY ",m -----an all day m eeting at the church . Waynesv.,.c ---------Mason F rankl in Leba non SUN.-M ON.-TU ES. Wednesday May 15. at July 7 at -SU ND~\l' ;"d MONDAY at at FOR SALE- Lvln'g room suite. bed' So, Lebanon (;lffKsv lUe Morrow Ma, II and 13 Rarveysburg .room suite a'nd ki tchen rurnltur e, WAyNE SVILLE COURC II OF "VR.I.A GE B!lRN lJANCE " \Harvey sburg Morrow ClarksviUe Bnd odds and ends. See Mr,~. Je~ e So. Lt!t!8.non CHRIS T _ - wlthat a.t JulY 14 Malcolm . 4th Street. Waynesville. at at LULA. BELLE W. C. SmUh. l\llnbte r AND SCOTT Y Lebanon Frankli n Way nesv~ e Mason M9" m CIIARD (lROM WELL SUNDAY WaynesvllUc DORIS DAY Harveysburg Lebano n 9 :30 a. III Bible School O"ranklln FOR SALE- Oood sel~ctlon of two at See RadIo's Brlah~t Stan t J uly 21 at at 10:45 a . m. Lord's Supper. a year 0 I d perenni a l flowers. PrIces ., Mason "OONE WITH THE WIND" Morrow. Fran klln So. Lebanon 7 :00 p. m. Junior Christia n righ t. Geo. Peterso n. Bellbrook WED. MAY 15 deavor En· ------ ----- ------ ----- ----- ------ ----- --------- ----- ----------- ----- ------------ Sunday Is MotheJ"s- D ay and 7 .00 p. m. Senior Chrlstilln EnF,mLeco 1 st s unday. We .are having 1.I deavor, . Mbther 's Day program and will also ft 7:45 p. m. Preaching ceicbrat e the beginln g of t he chu rch There were 95 presen t last Sunday A pot flower wlll be given to the evening . Come on let us have our younges t mother pres n t. one to the ' Mr. and Mrs. George Stroud of oldest mo ther and one [0 the one bundred this Sunday evening. Coney I sla nd. (Jlnclnn atl. Ohio. Dayton spen t Sunday at the home having the largest- family.. Bible will open WEDNESDAY a gnl n S t W'day and SW1- of MI'. and Mrs: E. P . ~troud . WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO school will be called to 'order by Supt day. May , 11 and 12, for Its conclutl Prayer and Bible study 7 :45 p. m , Perry Thomas promptJ y at . 9 :30 a. ing palr of Pr e·Vi(~w Days. p relimMI'. and Mr&,. George Woollar d and m. Come a nd enjoy the ' mornin g Ina ry to the opening of the regular daugh ter Pauline FERRY CHURC II OF OIlRIS T ot Dayton were with Ferry Cburch . se"son on Saturday, May 18. \V. O. Smith. l\llnlste r Sunday guest ot Mr. Cliff Burnet t with SUNDAY Herbie Kay and His Orchest ra. a nd fa mily. UTICA U. B. CHURC H Clark Cable -Vivi en Leigh --Mitc hell one of the most popular dance B vis A. JllII. Pastor, • • • • • bands of ballroom . stage and radlo_ Sundat ; May 12 M I' . nnd Mrs. Will BI'adley and • wlU be the a ttract.1o n In Coney's 9 :30 8 . 1lI. - Sunday school. Leslie M l·. find Mrs . · W. N. Bears visited Moonlit e Gardens. e a Mr. li nd Mrs. Albert - Carver and 'M ATIN EE 1 :30 -EVE NINC 8:00 OOrsllch . Supt. Inclden t,a lly. K elJOY Jorden , noted M iss Lola"Se al's of Cincinn ati. Sun10 :30 a , m.- Mornin g wo r. 1I 11 foobball sta r and a t.hlet PRICE S---M AT.• 7~Eve $1.13 e. Is the neW day. ; Special Mother 's Day service. manage r ot Moollllte ' Garden s. D~ra open at 12:30 .and 6:45 7:00 p. m.-Ch rlstlan Endeav or. Owing to the tact, that the s te!, GE-T m YOUR .RESE RVAT ION NOW ! Leader: ss Matle Gorsuch. USE TnE MIAl\n GAZfiT TE er Island ~ueen Is ,away on cngngeTicke t. on aale at Twin neat Attenda nce at church Is the hlgh- ments down the Ohio a nd WANT ADS Missls- es honor -you-ctm pa y your mot , sippi Rivers, Coney can be r cnphed U possible. bring your mother with durlng its Pre-VI PhODe 7 w Days , only by Way aelv We you. &\ ~-, - ••••• •• b us or Ru tomobll e. or .by lerry from •••••• _ •••••• t Bren t. Ky. When the reJtUlar season, ..~ -...--_"" . --... ~~~ ~ ..-I...•• opens.. however . on May 18. tlie' . steamer will <be back t.o pl'ovlde pa trons with a 20- l1iie river ri de to In 18 out at the past 22 years conSignor,s to the Uhlo Wool and from COlley . Growers Coopera tive have l'ecelved more than the average pr~ce In lovng memory of our dear sons PQld for wool In the state. riecld now to get full value for and brother s. John and Carle.n RlUl- r---:~-=-.....:....:;-.: ·::.·.::;;;-..:. your -...;:;..:;; -......,.·------ I wool by pooling. yon. who went away on May 6th. » Mother 's Day a larger Signific ance by t't'lebra Ung It as "The Fe5t1vlll or the C1u1stllln Home." A SJ)eCI IlI l ellture wUJ be prest'ntt'd nt the Church Soht;lOl h Ol) r. 9 :30 8. m. In whlcb seven persoll wUl take part. T he wo,r sh lp sill' ce Is aL ~O :40 a. m. 'rhe pnstor wJll speak on " !I'M s1gnlrlc ance of the Clu'isUll n Home." We ·urge attenda l e at the service 'by entire Comllles . Sp clal recogni tion w1ll be given to t he oldest father . the oldest mother . the yoUIl8 est Cather and the younges t mot her present. Everybody Welcome. Epwort h League Monday evenIng at 7 P. m. The annual Festival of Music of th e Dayton P lstrlct will be held In Middlet own n ext Sunday aften ;oon and ' evening, The afternoon wlJl be given over t o Indlvldu a1 choirs. and In the eve ning the choirs of t he district w1l1 be massed for a special program of sacred music. Our local choir Is 'coopera ting In this fine event and everybody Is invited to the Fes· tival.
CONEY ' ICl UIn -1i 1U ftl HAPPENINGS 0Pl-: Nel1 M.:1Y 11 lOG 11
Twin Th eat re
·- . . .
It offer
One ' Day Only!
"G oll e Wi th the Wind" Sho win g Wedn~sday, ~ay IS
satis facto ry Serv ice
at all time s
" ~yn.elville Far mer s Excha~ W ge Com pan y
Firs. t ChOice•
GOD'S WAY IS BEST , . (i(1(i 's way L~ , bes t, dear ,stIllS; we " Among 80, magazines cCI.l1ot tellr apart the fu ture's pet.als We must: walt t ill He. beyond our , beartao he and deswlr. unfolds each bll,om, tHngs w~d e eac h close·ba rred gatt. -,--"h ila'" """"ca"~. forAlllo v. Go d '~ way is best; Today. we may I. . .dlto",_ wrl,.,.. ...11 ),ot know ~ollnlzed tho .... I. thelr ••ld•• The wise and loving r easons why He plannedAn Ideal Gift 'or Anv 8'0V This bleak and lonely way that we Send fl.50 ·for vear'. must go; IUblcr lplion ' But sometim e, somewh ere. wc shall aug . .d adv.tltu r. .. ...pam ••• uli derstan d. pog •• ofp'ctu ......cClI!IUIC ltrtoon. God's way Is best ; As ea rthly •. ·1"- 51 1•• atld 'cpk....... ..'rai:lthers I;nke. ,'otla' a"'cI..... I~ou.l ... , . . tu ••• At dusk. a tired child 's cherish ed ,book or toy. Some shining mol'll we. too, as t.hey BOY SCOUTS of AMERICA sha.ll wake. 2 Porlr Avenu•• N.Y. Th e nigh t forgotte n In th e new dawn's joy! . Always missed ,by Mother a nd" a. . ' Daddy nnd sister Mildred ." . 'J. 11/~ · . ' M r. and Mrs. T . C. RU~lYOI1 and '''fJIt , ~ ~e ~ daugh ter Mrs. W. A. Callaha n. . WOBD ~~
Telepho ne. 25
The RED BRAN D . fence you put up now witl stay tight, look ~ht - for years. Flfty years of .fence -' makin g expen ence . . " assures it. Buy time-tested RED BRAN D, put It up . right, forget it - that's the 'Yay you end the work and worry of yearly fence repalr. '
fqr Ye ars The rugged servic e of RED Bl ND fence means lower cost per rod per year. Plenty. of cop- ' per in' the st~l to fight rust":'-an extra thick zinc coating put on by the"'Galvanncaling'" pro<;~. These features mean CASH IN ,_ . YOUR l?OCK ET in the y~ars to CQtl1e. . We ' have e very heigh t and weight you need. Come In .and look them over. ' ." ,
,..w ....
q,.vroIe, quality'
/'MiCl<IE -SAY5~' .. _- --:;,] ,
" r-~--~----~ t '
I , I
'HO~E. F·
'a l.
" 1ovll apple," aDd was regarde d ,all a· lethal polaon. ) I' ,' . ~e 'pronunclatlou' ·.'to.MAH-to~ ' It, a Brl~cls¢, altboul b heard In parts , of the United State.. Thole who prefer to ,1111 ·'to-¥Al~-to" .hould "e conal.te nt ,eJid ..,,~! potato the lame broad ~·a." vlz., ' pll~T.AH-to," liD aftecltatton that eveD the Btitil!h would find -laugha ble. Correct. I!ronuneilltJOIl: IOe-M " " . lee.
(Capha ls Indicate syLlabI' ll 10 acceo(e d.) , llIo1IlIp dto.......WNU ' rv"*,1 m
..."..,JI... 01 priCe, nrt male" ,C".". , 'ro#et -lit pvWIc
'l'O-¥A-TO oP.oMOTERS OF HAtJD BI.L.LSN A\>VERTISINq N@D. 'RIle frUit of the viDe. SHEETS , KtJO\V BETTER!IJ " 10 1ES'·r ntEJR. AI.LSG-Et)· , it II aareleD .peech to .aay' "tum- 'I' ; POPULARIT'{ \3Y -mV/~' - AY-duh." ' 'lb. Arat and laat IYlla. 1 , bla. ' Ihould ,be ldenUca l ' with the 'TO C8ARGE MONI; :Y word "to':" '. _ . "'FER I EM , (At on~ tUrie the tomatow 8s called
farmer' .~xcb~g.e~o &-f ( L .
No otIter car; ...... ... oIprb , C'Qf\'IWH.' all lite..
, I).
·P rogram Completed ForAnnual Alumni Reunion
_Mothers' Club Holds Annual Election
Inte~;sting Seeaklers
. At F~end~;. M.eetmg
S Ul\fBElt ..02fi
Mr's'• Gra' ha··m NOr\rll·n~ te. d-----'-~ _ .. .... cl
F or County Recorder
. The n ew officers of the Wayne Mrs. Jeane tte S tetso u', secI' lnl'Y President Kenneth N. Hough ot the Waynesville High School Alumni Township Mothers' Club ele 'ted at of the American Frie nds Srrvl~' 1' AsSoclatlon has announced the program fo r the annual reunion I to be til meeting held Frirlay afte rnoon, committee, and ~I'thllr MO l'{~ an of held the afternoon and evening of May 25, Under the rul es noW tile AsSoarl" ns follolVes: Mrs. Harold Whl t- Antioch College. Iwere gues l speak· ciation holds Its annua l gathering the Illst Saturday of May. akel'. president; Mrs, Thel'le Jones, er s at the Friends' Quarter ly Mrcf· vice-president, Mrs. J . H. , Sackett, lng, Sunday , lit h e White BI'Irk There wUl be au assembly especsec! etary ; and Mrs . W. A. Lukens, CllUrch. la Uy of the' older members; resident tr~asurer, alld non-resident, at the Grade Mrs. Stetson rel?ortrd on t.h e work Mrs. P earl Grnh li'lll. wlclol\' or ' hr . lal,' sl1l'riff Willi 11)(' RI'J)lIlJlicall school grounds at 3:30 o·clock. closMrs. Raymond Braddock pres ided of h er commltLee. She s poke in rI, ' 'I h e \ , O! ...l11 ':, i\lIxllial'y oC Sl 1l01l11nalion for rpcol'c1('1' nlrl' ' k lll !'1 I Sal tl'l'l Ii 11':, II, ' alld till'l'l' "th el' Cll ll· Ing at 5:00 o'clock, To th ls assemand the meetlng was open ed with n tlIll of the work of bringing !'ciugl!CS bly are Invited any from the comsong, "Brighten tllC ComeI' Where to this eO ullLry and h elping th em to M~ry'~ Church In t't Frid ay Ilflel'- (1 1(la l(,s on Llll" 1>:1 ~I :' uf un(l1l'i 1'ln l 1'\ ' l11 n., In 'I'11! 'Mhq '.' pl ll11 :try plt'cllolL Mr, and Mrs. Lewlll FiIes and famlllunity. whether they be l11embers You Are ", Mrs. L. C. Radley con - fi nd p1:J ce~ for themselves. She ex· noon at the country hom of Mrs . J\1 IS. (inlllfl lll Iwut 011 1 lIlf' lll('al Ily were Sunday dlnuer guests of Mr. ducted devotions, using as h er ~ulJ . " - "' _ " _ '_ " _ " _ -' _ " _ ' _ '1 _ " _ " · 0 1' 1I0t. Pres ident Hough wUl l'ep Har tsock. plni nerl IhA I. refugees stTe not perf':1I lIllChl II ' h~ il llpl'O" im:lIrl\ I 0 l'eSI'n t t he Alumn I Assocllitlon a L and Mrs. E\van Fires, lect, "MotJl erhood ." milled · to bring any moncy oul Of · Thl' ncw presltlent, Mrs C, R. CIlI's Wn ll \! ' 10 \\ n .h lp rail i,'(1 1 u the hig h school eonlmencement ~x• • • • • DUloin g t he businl'ss se~qon t.h o E lI'Olle. so that it is necessnry for Frazier, pres ided and nrter a fpw tI\l' SlI l'lPOI'l f S nit prtl I\'.fllte. and II I! I'clses Lhe prev lol.L~ evenln'g and will Mr. and Mrs. Donnlll Greene of treasurer reported fI bfllal1ce . May 1. someone here 10 m 'se Lhl" prkr of op enin g remArks , l'I~nd . "An Intpr · I> Iwlil' I'I 'd Ih lll ;1 ,llu ng Pl'lInklln extend greetings lO the audience S blllD. spent Sunday with their par of $52.12. Mrs . J. K . Preston. cl1air- pn!'.';n )1e and enough money to In- pretatlon of the Woman's Amd lia ry . ,,- ,- ,,_ .. _ .._ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. - - .. . \" ,1" ~ \\ lI llg Ih" L1dl' III f,II'OI' 01 MI'~. a nd the community from his orgall - cnts, MI'. and Mrs, L. V; Branstl'Rtor man of the lunch comm ittee gave su re their support 1'01' one yea r. Devotions were conducLed by the MI' II lld l\11' ~ . p . F. Th ullll' , \ I ,l lI'd (,la h lllll l1.atlon, • • • • • the report for Lhat committe!). and FOIII' commlt.Lees are engaged In t hl fi J. ' \ '. R. L. Hllckwell. aftci' which III Dayton W" Ch H ', du~' ('\'cnillg. III t it" only ,,1 11<'1' · OIl LI'., of illlerThis 'year the Ladles' At.1 Society MI'. and Mrs. L. A. Gtlrst and stated that thi rty 8c lunches were work, t he JewISh commi ttee. the thc new secI' tary-treasurcl', Mr~ . ~.,~ III till ' ' ''lI llt .l· . no 11 11 ltl Ollllor the Me thodist Ohurch wtll surve fawlly were Sunday guests of Ml·S. J . given free of charge dally III t h e Catholic committeI'. Nat!Olllll com· W. S . Scanlan b"IIVC h ci· rcpor ts. MI'S: Ha n nnh Ro ,!crs ~ p III M'\'crnl LtIsh . Il1 tll l1\iJ(,lI ~ PI'(hl'(' lIllng nllorthe dinner. Ln.~t year there IVll t. con- O . G:lfst of Dayton. lunch room, and with other ' food mltlee, and the Am erican F riends Various commiU ce I'epoi'ts wcrc glv. cloy lasl w('(Ok tn Ll' b.lllOn, 1'1~ lli l\~ 111' :.' , was n011l11ltllld 011 til(' Repl1bthe • • • • • furni shed approxlma tcd a cost of $2 service committee. J ews have given ell a mon g wh ich was the report of relnLivcs [lnd frl !'nd.. lll':l ll lickct. d eCca ling Carl AacciI . sldera'ble conf usion owing to I' rli and R. Hllliard Orcl'nwood in Work being carried on In tile klLchMr. and Mrs . K arl Bodenb nder pel' day. A repor t of t.h e c nstituLlon $164-.000 for Christian refu gee work t h e Uniled Thank offl'r lng treafiur 1'. e n while post·prandlal exercises and daughter Evelyn of Lovelfl ncl committee composed of Mrs . Ken- ovrr nnrl sabove that whkh \olley Mrs. Rona ld' M. Hawke, who r eportMI'. a nel M r~. T. C. Ru n yon \'I., lll'd a holl y contest d racc. w~e being held . .Thls year the La- visited fTi e nd~ hcre Sunday. netJl Hough. Mrs. Frank LeMay. I1n vc given for Jewish refugees. ed $55.65, th e amount of the Sprln(t Mrs. Run yon's mol her. Mrs E. A . Complete ullofficial J' 'tu rns frolll dies' Aid tIns consented to I t the • • • • • and Mrs. Russell Wilson, resulted lI'hile Christians have given $\4 ,000 offel'lng, with every womll n In the DpLnney. I1t Mildisonvi Ie, Sl1ndn~' Wnrrell cOllnl y'" 15 prccinetlt are II, kltche work go untU atter · the busMr. U!ld Mrs, Wnltel' Kenrick of In an a m endment to Lhe consLttu- Ior this work, BO% of the r efllg'!es Pari sh contributin g. follows: Il1es.~ Im;ellng Is over. Lytle vl-.lle<1 at t.lle home of Mr, unel tlon to th e effe t thnt a wo·thlrds brOil h t ov('r so far have Ph . D tJeItEPUBL IGAN Mrs. Llllinn Slade. and h er d:1u!;h 11s~ B!'lI y Hart<o rk o f i11l'lnn;1 11 There w1l1 be n reception for the Mrs. Wal ter Cast, Sunday even Int;. vote IS ncceSl>STy to pass any motion gl'ees, Th ey do noL try to replnce tel', Mrs. Joseph Chlllllberlnin of ~ pt'nt t.h e werk plld \\'lIh h!'r )1l1l'l' nt , Prefcl'rn ce for PI' slclCllt or Unit '.! du.~s of 1940 In the high I'CI1001 aud• • • • • Aftcr a short fa r ewell address by Olll' own labor but ratlM'r to Illllke Lebn non told of t h e Intcres Li n ' ;\; 1'. Ilnel Mrs. Bert Hal'l.sock tates • • , Rol)l"rt A. TaCt, 2.835, Mr, and MI's. A, F , MeUoh ond the president. the rl/eetlng adJoul'O- jobs for some of the un employed. work they arc dol11g as mcmbcr s of ItoJ'lum at 6 o'clock , t.he members For Governor being Introduced by Superlntemlent qh.l1dren were ~unday d inner guests ed with the sing ing of "Blessed be Mrs. Stetson named se'Veml factor· t,h Church Perlodlcat club. A mo· 11'. and Mr:;. ChAI'II'~ ZIIIII Ill'1'1n:11l J ohn W. Brlckl!r, 3,378, '!! l1eRt mcet les which hllve /leen moved to this t l 11 was made and adopted that til l' nnC! son RoiJ ert \' Islled Lcst f'r 8tnle$ I ,. A, Gnrst. At 6 ~ 30 p. m, sharp the of Mr, and Mrs. Chnl'les Henkl of the. Ties That BlndR' , countl'y because tbelr ownerR li n VI' A\IKllillry would aid in Lh is il11port- of Clnrksville . Sunday. For Lie utenant Go\'erllor dinner wUl be served and It Is ex- Hamilton. Ing will be held III September. been brought here as refugees. One nlil \York. with Mrs. Slaele and Mrs. Paul M. H I·bert. 2,735. • • • • • • • • A pleasant Roclal lime was eujoypeeted that the business meeting of the pI'oblems 1s to ~ep the refu- Chamberla in as c11r·ccton. Repoi'L' wUl close nL 9:30 o'clock enabling Mrs. J. R. Mengle attended till' cd nIter th e IIl cetl~ g. playin g games Mrs. J . W. CO SL Rnel on Rrci\\'n~' Fur Secretnry of SLa t ' ges from settlJng In New York , were given by Mrs. R. L . Hackw,' 11 of Clarksvil !l'. \\'CI'I' Slllldn :; rfllllH'r Edward J . HU1l11111'1. 1,382 ; Gcorg(, I he dance to start not later than 10 meeting of t he Morrow Advance club whleh were to charge of Mrs. Ray whcm there are people from tltl'iJ' M Ls:, Ka Lh 'rlne PrenctCI'gaHt alHl o'clook or even . berore, George Saturday n.fternoon. Mrs . BW'k- COlmer. R efreshm ents were then ~ uesLs of Mr. nnd Mrs. Woll er a. t 1\11.. N n'ner , 1.a72. own country. To heJp t.he S[tl lRLion Mrs. Daisy Snyder of th e annual ;, For Auditor of tate Wattwhouse, '11 , h as been appOinted holdL was hostess, served by the committee In charge. • • • • • S r attergOOd School In Io~"a Is beIng m eeti ng of th e Woman'S Auxiliary Fred C. Hotes, 51; Lee P. Johnson . Re l'geant-ot-orllls and will have • • • , • Mr. an el Mrs. Elmer S hp.C'hn n nncl en rriecl on to ta ke carll of some 40 which they at.ll'lndcd aL Columbus Mrs . Rice SnllPP saw "Gonr Wit il 77; J oseph T . Trn 'y, 420 : Rotiert Ro, charge of '!he admls'siQn acttvltles. prl'sons at a tlnie until they can I O~ 1 week . Banghum, 1,B67; Jomc Dllnn, Jr .. 91l 'I'hls year tho priCe of the tickets ls t ilt' Wind " in L bRnon Fl'idn ~' . lea rn the language an'd cus toms or Harold M, FroS,<;, 169; Herbert Hoov75 .cents each, whkh entities a After a few closing remarks by Ihls country. lind 'c an fIInd work. cr. 416. !Jollier ,.: 'attend an the ' 1\1Illctions, I.hc pre, lei n t. tile soclcty a«(journed Mrs . Je s~ i c Hyma n a ll~1 cinu ~ h leI'. For Trcasurer or State Tn the afternoon-nfUlr the busi- to m eet In Jllne wi th MI·s. Frazier. Mrs. A. T . Po l1l1~ l: y sppn t t il " \V ek and th.lli' ncllides the· nn1luQI ques, and fa milY , . • • • • Don M. EbrighL, 2,412. n css of the QUllr ~rly Meeting. ArLInn. W. ~g~t- B.u reh. '00, will give Mrs, W, p ., Salisbury roturned During n pleasa n t social hour re- end and Mother ':; rlay with Robert. For Attorncy General t hur Morgan spoke on "Mexll'o". tbe mal!1<Oad~r~ at the dinner. 'rep- Monday after spending last week freshments wcre served by the hOllt- Hyma n al PUl'du Unlv rs lty. Thoma s' J . }Jerbel't, 2,44U. re~lltir! ~s .rsh~, will. the 50-year with her ,daughter Mrs. R, R- Benson He told of the history of MeKlco "rhe May meeting of The Wayne (;s,<; to tile members and (Ollowlng 1'01' Ullitl'd ~ t atCls Sellator ('lass, a , <therefore. Is appoln f.ed and [nmUy of Indianapolis. Ind. Mr. ancl Mrs, P Aul Dllkl' nnd ch lt'l'ownshlp Farmcrs club was h eld last which led up to tI;Ie condilions as guesls: Mrs . Lewis Thompson , Miss Harold H. Bwton. 836; Charles E . hlstOrla' and the class 'spokesman. dren , DI k lind P~ t !';y . W"rl' IHtl' !;I.~ 'T11ursd ay at the hom e of Mr. and t h ey ore today Ilnd t h en d esc ribed There are 34 members of the graduMr. anti Mrs. Donald L, Hawke Urs. KeUer Hook and Roscoe Furnas ~exico and Its ,.elatlon.s to the C~ Margar et and TrlilenR. Edwards. of Mr. and Mrs. Albert MnrlRLt of Whnrton. 300; Dudley A. White. 1,603 . ...- - .- -.-~nUn g clasS. whlcb " nll~lce8 .th . toto I were . guests Sunday at the ~ome of After tile llsual fin e dlnnCl' Russell United States, lind world affairs as Mrs. Maynard Welt,z And' sons, lind O.:.yton, nt dinner. SIiLurdny. For Repr'scntaUve to Conrress at mel11b~hlp of survivin g m eJllpers Mr. and . Mrs . Thomas Collett .of r.. Frilnk and hIS bOYIl QUartette en - h e saw them While wCH'klng there lviI'S. J . W. Anderton. 771, there bell1g Of! members who Kingman. Robert Duke s pent thc week I'nd Lurg", I' cenLly with the Fl'lelilds Service tertained with a growp of . liongs died .slnce the hlgb school was orn eill' South Bcnd . Ind" the t;tl cs · of 0 1'1( H . Beneler. 1,701; - Lowell '. hich were enjoy d by all the guests Q'nmltt ee, ganized : . Mi. s Gcrald lne MilleI'. at the homr F ess, 1,240; 1L. L. Marshall. 1,978 . 'i'he Rt. R r v. Henry W. Houson of Mrs. Ernrst F\11 i.t PI'Wor1J1 J'l'ad RlI Mcxl : o, h I' :;tated, Is populaterl hy _ _ _ _.................UUJ.J;1LoLHJJ.llte.m Cow: I 111' 1' parents. The p'I'o!traril In detail ls Il.S fol- Cil1l·u; nnLi . wa ' the cl1uller guest or hteresting bOOk l'c\'iew of "Thl' n. numbet· of vpry . differen t races t erm. Ju n. 2. 19U lows: ' Rev. and Mrs. R. L, Hnckwell, Mon- 'oun try Lawyer". State Representa- alld peoples. S0111 0 MexiclHI'; Rrf' G li b I't Bottman, 2.394. Mrs Edlth' M Mr B IIl'1'l s c! ay, eventog, Alumni. Assor iatioll ,."rorram !ive, HarOld V , Mal'tz. of F1'llllklln Spllnl&h. s01l1e- Intilan . some MonF(.r It,' prt'sc;ntuth,p to Congress MOI;I cr . \\'err S llll cla~' tlll1lw ' 1!1I "'~ I !; MaY!!!,1940 was tbe speaker of the a f moon . golia n, som EngUsfl and some are Clllfcnce J . Drown , 3,263. The m emb~ l , I'f t il t'l'ogl'cfi' ive, f Mr. nnri Mrs. Charlc's P. Mos h!'r :J ::10 114 1l1 .~ A.<SemblY. Get-togethel' lmnk H~Wke a l;tudenlat Unlver- He described th lnLrodllct' on"or var- el , .cended from otll!'r naUve t.rlbes. I· nr .hllt Ar Hf t hI' 'ourt of Appeals of E(lwlll'll ~ Road Cincinna ti . l mct' Sl1a'ke . Hands Fe.~t, Grade ~ Ity of Cincinnati sp~nt the week 10Us bills before t h e Hou' ';' and told Srl1le lire IIlJ'll'e , some dwarfish. Women's club lI'('re h c.s te~~ II to 1'J'llll rls M . lI amilton , '&,897, S 11001 GrOUnds, , :1d {md Mot h er's Or y wlt11 his pat- of the care[ul l)tudy thl'Y l'eqlllrr. l,(1 ome clean, some dirty, Ther nl'C li :; J o nf' '10k. sll lcl (,11 1 at M ecl i- "'"r Sta tl' ('I'J,'ml Committeeman . I clIls, MI'. and I\,7I'S. Rono lcl Hawke. dlsccm oo&clU'e m eanings that might,'" fI ree groups .. arid pellce loving nlntcen giI'lli oC th e SC illol' class at (,' .'tl')l p, 1l . : R I!COpL 011 to til Class of • '. • • l 1·:(lwill'rl E. n ,lI l!' r. 410; CharieB work h llrm to eeN.nill ~ roups, Mr, groups . Thel'Il arc highly Intelil):(cn t d lnl1l.' r. Tur~c1oy c\'Em ln : 01 t h c cal collrl,le. UIIII'I'l's ll .1' of I'It!innat , ~94{h-lIlgh 8cjb~1 A"~"\u !, " 11 Mrs. Harold B. Ellrnhart . :tJ~d Ma~tz furUi er slated tIlat he ihi<1s It p oplcs fUld there are some of the LI Ltle Inn . spcn t the w('('k ('11 (1 11'1 ' 11 Il l',' :1 I: .. ,J. Wu ggol1 el'. a .1RIl. 01'. Mill Y L , ook . l 'fIr ~ta l c ("I' IIlral 'nmmllteewomnn f; .:!O ,p. ill . Anrillll! Alumnl ' RlIltnlon da ughters. Rut.h and ' Naomi. and a fight all the way and urges all to .mos!' prhnlL\ve people who have n ot A(l er dinner a fin o muslcn l proiVfll l'ga l'l'L E . Bakel'. 2,713. '-High Schoo' ?n :.r..eriti Room. Mr!;. Viola Harlan were dinner guest.s l 'Se their flrlvllf' fYe of voting. Thts }', I. J' ach ed the SLOne Age. g l'fl1l1 wa. pJ·CRCIl f.cd by Miss Vir· MI'. fl ncl M ,: J nll1('.', Nohl(' uJ For tatc 'enator 7:45 p , m : Pre8jdC~l t·S AddrCf>,S., ' of Mr, and Mrs. !<:enneth Holtgh . fine, t \'QctlcSlI '1ialk was w('II 're~ elved H e to ld of th dlrt" lr nt a J(c.~ of nOIAnd I . Davis , 587: 0 , C, De · [; Itllfl T~l ck (' r, vO(,llfj ~t. und Miss Spl'lngfil.'Jel \\'I!I'e di l1l lr\' ~ 1 1I", 1~ 0 1 .' •.. . , . . . i<:elllleth N, HOll!!I., ' U ' Tuesday evening. t' I i1izlltloll ti1ut had ber u in nower ' Atr. ong tl Ie !rues s were Mr tlnd Fuss t, 7:)6 : J . Lowry Hillel': 185; ~'tc 1• • A ... . : M Mrs M tz [F1 nkll . In Mexico. The war-like Aztecs who Bnl' iIl'a BabQ, piAnist, oJ WlImillJ:(- Dr , and Mrs. A. E Siout Wr.dn"!olill .' , u~ Ic, w,OCa Sf/lo, . ElI!'1 E urL1hl\l't , Mrs, E. M, . '0 L. Pull y , 1,428. Vrl'lIn ar Q 'a n to ' ... . • Mr. and Mrs, Gilber t Frye ~nt('r -. Klsel' of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Ha~r I se . power lJy gAt ... erltrll' tnb llte ton. R('1'1,I'L ot th~ ~rclAI'y ... • '. . FI)I' R.ep~e!iCnt"ti"e to General r tRlped . a dinner !'lunday, honoring Smith. Mrs. SlIdle Reason. Mis~ fl' III the llelgh b01'1l1g' tribes. Ilnd 'J'hl.~ beln!; the final m eeti ng or . '.. . ',' . , , . .. , .Iuu M, J ilJnes. !:JS. Ass mbly MI'. alJcI Mr1; Ralph hnrk n!lcl t helr lTIother, Mrs. COl'8. ttlcb. Mr, . . h e also spoke of clvlllza ~ns breore Holl Cull of tIle Flfly Year Qroup HnTolel V. Mnrts. 2.813, and Mrs. Hartley Moss , a nd fam ily ooll11lR Bllll11e I, Mrs. Nellie Bunne I, tl1C Aztecs. Thl's pe(Jlple.5 werl! in j,he year, t he m elllberfi ndjolll'l1('c1 1.0 two clillcll' 11, Mr;; . MIl~' : i ~ S1I11<1e. For hUlI(.f' of "~ol!aCI! Court tlclli CIi',I or the 7\\lellLy ~f1vc ¥ca~ werc also guests. Mr. and Mrs, G1l!nn Mrs Fred Gor~~, Mrs,.-Robert GonSr-:-p, ' se ssioll of k\1 owled'~ e of nllm- 1J1cel. In September wit h th e n ew MI', and 1\11'~ . AI tlrtll AI.I,id S II lV[I . Group., ' .', ' H.;'llph H. Carey, 2,692 olflrrrs, MI . Evelyn K ersey, pl'esiGild Mrs. Howal'ci Bllrlon nnd el Rn gl b "s and ' astrOllomy fell' a h ra d of Frye and son. and Mrs. 'Ruby Zim- r..nd Mrs. L. E, Hadley. For C"lmty Oommis81oner PI' . erib: t1on .or I the Attendance merman oi" Dayton were evening dent, M.rs. LIIJ'le Hid\'. vlc:"-pn'::;IIl' l', MI'. nnd MI·s. Io'l'e(\ WPI'(' r, MI' . The olub will meeL In June a t, th tl' EJp'ptlllllS 1I1' Am bs of t.flut tl~lC. Fi cd Hagem eyer , 2.663; Walte\' . Cup. glICSl.~ at'tlle F1'ye ho~e. home of Mr, and Mrli. C .. L. Duke. I')ome oj' these ch'iII.~atlons died dent, Mrs. John Kersey. [I'casu!'el'. all ri MI'~ . Htllol d S II'(l l1l! n\1(1 S'1 11S . Mr~. Mnry mUh nl1(l 110111('1' ~ t. I"JI1 Il' Hill e !!, 944 : S ott H. M cClure 2.646, V'elrome ' to a'lI Membel's and a' ny bc': a \I ~ r of pe!:t1ll'oce. some und MI);s Mal'le OW('n . sec n tary. RPCnt. Sund ay with Mrs. Del la Ven I"ur J.>l'Osecllting Attorney . Gi'I!etlngs to the Neiv Clnss .. b cause of soli erosion. and some be taking charge. Cnrl Abnech crll. 1.323; C, Donald a ble , . . . . .... . " R~e , Dinwiddie, '21 c:1'Ise of th" disunity of. their goverD:I:1tuslt. 1.942: R. Hilliard GreenIIII' nt, allowing t he S pnn i!< h to piny Re.~pol1se " . , Robert Preston. '40 \\·Ilcci . 7:17. 011 \ part a gaiIlli t the o tber. MemOl'I?\:" : . . . . " John Searli, '35 For lerk of Courts 'l'he recent history of MeKieo h e . C Ul'ckctt" 2,849, .. P..epOJ t 'pr the L1lJhfry Promotion cll cl"ued aR n sHlcs Olf revolutions. For Sheriff Committee. O. M. Cartwright. '86 ellch one promisin g fil e peons, 01' WlUi ain HlIfforq, Jr" 4,384. JlI~W We "re U.sing ' ~h e High ' la Lorers. more free 10111 only to end For COJJ.IILy Re~order . S(,1hool . Alumni' Reference LIIn Lhc governmr nt simply chnnglflg P enrl GrahA IU . 1,256 1 Cb~te): P • . brary .: . " .~ . , . 'L, A.. Garst, Suph onds [ I'om olle 1l1aster _to Blloth er . HntUelrl , 841; Geor ge A. Milley, 51-4; - cl·lnt.endellt or & hool5 . en ch president tn kl ng fi ll ene money Cl em·~ nt.~ Satterth\valte, 1,083 ; J. M;Wilc ' Trombone Bolo , : .... : , po.<;slble whlle he was In power, and Lisle Vorhes. 361. ~ •• , , . , ! : :. : ' " . , " . Charles Fires tJ, . peoJl.~ obtaining lIel'y little more For County Treasurer fre'eelom. Alumni George B. J ohnson , 2,697. These iaborru-s have withstood so For County Engineer Sam D , Henkle. 2,992. m l'111Y generations of mIStreatment For 'Coroner and graft and unfulfilled promises, H . M. Williams, 3,049. that If given n - falr ohance they DEMOCRATIC . might r~pond with surprising proFor Governor . . Frank A. Dye, 7; James F. Flynn, 7 ; William J. Kcimedy, 45;, Harold G . Mosler 24 ; George Whlte. l4i ; generlltlon, because at Ma r t in L.' Davey, 738; He~rt. B, tl !'~, hnve mOI'e' Calth lin th e perCec· Ollffy, 25. . 1<1"11 of Wlelr IIberntoJ's than In them . . .. For LJeuunan~ :Gciiemor . ' /il'lvI\S. ~ith thIS state of . a.ffafrs It MArk E. MoO~e, 18; .john Pa.tt1ak would be very~~et\SY oft som e foreign c'1lmtl'y nR Gcrinally·. ()r Japan, to gain a foothold in Me,dco' and have ap .e asy entrance ,to 'ot!r , Count~'Y,
Woman's Auxiliary Has
illteresting Meeting
Local Happenings
L'oca I Happenlngs . \
:.~~:';~:;r~:::~:~:~~~~~~;· HAROLD V,' MAR1Z
.. ...
. ....
Girls Of Senior Class Guests Of Women's Clrib ,
'H ~~'ri~ a~d
.. . . .
A Proclama tion
~~~! o~a~tttt
l With a .Buckeve
- ' ~ounty Court News
"OUr policy shoUld ob! to prevent these European ''Warll If we can, and otherwise to stand aside while. hhe ~'-:;- '. _---:-- ...;J~ ')'~ 1:8UOn5 of jilurope find their own e. John Murphy t.o Robert Bl1Iu(lenlllo~d M Second OlL'18 Mail MJltter ~t PORtoWce; Wayn esville, )lio flO 'other reason than t hat one atrnni burg . . 4& arre In SOU '., ~Oll, N t :lV St IT:" .. CLAa&NC& J ••a~w.. Flora M .. Crane Ed itor a nd Pul>U her dw tlny. We must stund aside If for 1arlan Willoughby to Robert W. . ............. _ 7 * weil l ern nation- be len to preserve ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Hell'n L . Colwell \IS. Harley H . Col Br:'lntiC'llburg, lots 2!l 'and 25 tn Ihe lInmc of c ly lll ~..nUolI:·-Oharles .South L 'banol1. II' II: clilloree. grOs!; neglect Here In Washlngto~ as this ' 18 of the Northern state!!. who other- A. Lindbergh . SubacriptiOD Price, $1 .60 Per Year. Payable in Advan ce George ClIl'pen ter to Fred Oarr, All/ rt J . SQheur ~ "5. The Mol" $ written, all conversation turns on wise ~ould haVe received little or no rul\' nuninG Corporation; r r lot 130 In Franlt1ln .. tile Invasion of 'Belglum and Ule bimeflts from the appropriation. Cla renCe 1'f elson 't~ (jeorg~ . R . Fox- N~therlands, and the !lna.J breatlnc lb'99.62 with )ntere6t.. l3&Wer. 8 lots In Tuttlecreek town" BIG STUFF" Clnylon Ralll sc'l' \'5- Ruth Ra out of Intensive wartare on the WesThese are the days when young !'hl p. ~('y: divorce. gro!;S negloot. tern front. Events IU'C' moving with Ainer1ca owns the Natlon's Oapltof. George R. FOl,bow r' to Robert W. Ju ne lime will be mUk Lime this ycnr T he entir e 30 dnys will be I:tIVCl) svC'h rapidity that no one knows During the past sIIveral yp.llrs the to oooerV(lDCe of NMtonnl Dalr~' Month. . ('(\;\11 I N PI. EI\ S rltO EEDlNG Jnrnette, lot 118 In Av'alon Heigh ts. what the next few days or weeks custom haa arown up tor high school Prime purposc of the mon th is promotional-to sell mol' mUk. butte!. Anna M. Nutt and Ruth E. Nutt may brIng. That the latest develop- students. usU8illy members ot the t o Roy S. Binkley '72.75 acr es ,n chec!;c nnd otber dniry prooucLS. And . lined up solid IS 111 de rmlnntton Ma bl'l Gle-ason VS. Oharles P . lllents mean war to a finish in Eur- Senior class, to visit Wa~hlngton to make l.lle drive a s uccess, (lTe A:llc n Oll 5 i"eUli! distributors. Gleason ; divorce gran Led. d fendant Wn.::;hlngton nnd 01 IIlr creek town- cpe. seem. certain . That the United each SJllilng. Every day hundreds and Food swr.es ihroughoul lhe nalion will partirlpBl . Including thousto pay 2.60 per week ror support or ships. lates Is In more danger than ever hundreds of youngsters can be seen ands Of chnjns and Independents. And. on WI> of UlaL., still mo~e • thou~ one minor child. Cora Shawhan anel W. Chester before of becoming involved, also visIting various points of Intert!6t. ands of stores such as the great non-grocery chaills. WIll be dOIlli-! the l~ Th qdore HeIton vs Anna Helton: Maple 00 Mamie Maple. lot 10 in s ems certaLn. However. on Ca.pltol seeing and hearing much that will part to ~tJmulate IntereSI in mUk. ('() wnption of mUIt . and ·tll s of milk divo rce granted, custod y of three Lebanon. Hill Congressional leaders stlll voice be or benefit to tbem In the future. Sa.muel B. McMah:lln a nd Lelia products. . . ff"-t tl rest of minor ohlldren awarded to the plnln Ih fir de~rmlllation to k~p the well as tending ' to make them This is ''big st\llf" to tht' dairymen. And it Is "blg stu , o le ttiT, defendant to take care of 3 McMahan to WIUlam La nghorst. Jr .. United s tares out of the war If there better cltlzenll. Oroups or s tudents lIS as weU, As Wa rd Melville. Chairman of t he Board of th Institute of ~Phone 18J and Minnie Langhorst. lot 229 In months old bn by glrl. IS any honorable way to do so. from the Seventh District scheduled Dlst.ribuUou. has saJd m ar. noundI:lg the campaign : "In late spring Tilelma G. Willion 1'5', ClarenCe Mason.. to visit Washington durIng the next and early ummer. Mother Nature J.> unusually magrumlmous in her Jnm~ M. Carr to Siamuel S. SlusWlIson: divorce granted. and the State President Roosevelt two weeks are Irolll Bloomingburg. ..• • • • • • • • • • • •~ milk abundance. It Is p..sse nulll t.ha t farme rs dispose of this seasonal mUIt 'scr and Laura J. Slusser . 5 acres In Dt'pnl'tment moved promptly, follow Fayette Ooun ty ; Lawrence vUle, !! abundance al fair. re=nabl pnct'5 If they are t~ maintain theu: wages Franklin township. PItOUAn: COUltT Lng the invasion ot Belgium and the Clark Ooumy; Ros:; Township. and their pU1'cha.seS.-Tiie farmer' sensonai mil!' surplus problem-conLouis J . Bishop to Albert Miller w set new comba.te Net herla nds, Greene County ; WeRt Liberty, Logan cerns l~e utomilbe d Icl;: manufacturer of Det.roit; the steel master nlld Hel en Mlller . lot 616 In FrankUn In the ma t IeI' of t he estnte of Fair!1t 1(\ IUld Osborn, of Pennsl'lrnniJl : the mOl1e pr ducer of oaufornla; the hat sOOre, the ilie Alber t 0005 to WIlliam and Etta zones 'under the NeutraUly law; to County ; TAH\' !A· LI'I' IIIC TAR AND Charles H. H a r ~oc k . deceased; new Mack. 60 I acres In Olearcreek town, l esU1ct American shipping 00 tbe Greene COunty; and MIllcreek numl ~re, the drug SUIre the grocer. the five a nd ten.- The posslbUlty of cl1l'ROAD OIL; BXCAVATINU coun tries Involved; to sequester t,he High Schuol. Union Oounty. lailed spt-nding po'llC!' among dairy farmers represents an inlportant prob- dale for hearing of Inventory set for ship. DUMP TR IlC K RIilRVICE lem for e e1TODe I1I'ho has a job. an Investment, a stake In America and May 20. Oharles W. Tabor to Dee Tabor. flmds In t he United States belonging In the ma tter of the estate or 166.94 acres In HamUton township. 1.0 the countries Invaded; and w Unless all signs fall and lomethlng In American l1I'ealLh and indLlStry." PIT RUN, I .OADED 30c YD. L. Wallace. deceased.; Invenotherwise Ilroteet AmeriCAn Interests. Mary entirely unforseen develops. by the " DrInk more mi " Is fine. healt.hful advice for almost everyone. And. Harry H. Pence, deceased, to Noah carried out. tlo mtlilDS mo re jobs, more p~chaSing power, more oppor tun· to ry approved . and Ouba F . Powers. 43 acre:; In ne of the developments In connec- time this column appears In print In the matter of the estate of lion with lile European situation. the House wlll have passea H. R. Clearcreek township. lties throughout we nation.-Industrlal News Review Mallssn Decker , deceased; wUl adLeon HUesman 00 Ma.r ie Hltesman 'h t llIust not be overlooked. Is the 9000 prOviding for pensions for the n orrler It day 01' SO ago tOI' t he Amer- widows and orphans ot Veterans of mitted to Probate Oourt, Oharles T . lot l11 ·ln Springboro. Phalli'. WaY lleH llle H R 11 , Jolll1son, John W. Goddard and Karl Albert L. Bennett and Wilda Ben· Ican Fleet to Lake its station a t the World War. The bill has had the Leban(Jn ornce 1'11Onll 47 3- 1<~. B.-own appointed appraisers. nett 00 Stephen Felier . part of lot.~ Fearl Harbor In the Hawaiian Is· aeUve suppor·t of the American LeMorrew Phone No. :s Oharles Van Ness appoin ted execu- 64 and 65 in Mason . 1,\Ilds and to remain there until fur- gion and the LegIon AuxUiary. Veter rea.98' M. tor. Edward Hlll arid Pearl J . HID to ther noUce. It will be remelnbered ans or ForeIgn Wars. and other ex- SZE In the matter of the will of Char- Harry F. Franke and Irma Franke, I hn.t just a short Ulne ago the Uhlteu service men's organizations. les E. Penqulte. deceased; will ad- 91.42 acres In Hamm~)n townshiP. S<ates served notice on all nations =.--=- - . ~ mI tted to Probate. tha she would permit no country to Late last week the House by 11 ,- - - -selzl' the East IndIa I slands belong- Ilenvy fote rejected President RooseIn the matter of the settlement of Ing t.o the Ne tllerlands, In case of velt's Reorganization Plan No. ". t he estate of Cla ra L. Farr. de: eased c~rtl.fled copy ot inheritance tax to ~ h I country 'S Involvemell t war. which provided for the trnnsfer or be paid Is ordered certified. the Civil Aeronautles Authority to \ REAL ESTATE Ir. the matter or tbe estate of Tht' House late last week took up the Department of Commerce. If the r INSURANCE t'AIDI JoCK IUH,n:o. ·8 80Y ... !, •• I,~(\ . II ..... • _.I ~ .j IntiI.' E. B. Hill, deceased; Inheritance tax Twen ty one propooed bond Issues l'OJ1slderntion ot Senate amendments Senate concurs in the resolution. &II whistle ot cheg r lr. a' /1. ru il1ec LUNCHES ON' BERRIE , AUCTIONEER totaling $6 ,177.200 were submitted to to the AgrIcultural Approyrlatlon exopected. 0. ' A. A. wID remain as an 'tha t he had nothln. In whIch t(, r llt ctctermlned as none. In the matter of the estate, of Ohio voters for approva l at the May Bill . nnd whlle not fully completing independent agency of government. more berrIes If he pIcked them. Wb~" things 10 wronl, In .plle of you .m ue I. the bell thin . I you can do"U's woree than I thou,ht," crlect LI(la LUCas, deceased; Charters D. 14 primary. At t he same time the ~h p.l r WOI·k. did vote to accept the ·.",Ue and .a,)' '"I'm '!Ilgh!)' Ilad .. he. "Tha t bear hu c h ~D ted me (lU I . Maple. Meryl .B. Gray and C. Don- electorate In 40 COWl ties Were asked Senate amendmen t adding two .hun· y an no worse: th~y re not .0 blld I Edu<~atlon has for Its object the to adopt 82 speclnJ ta,x lev!es, and dred and twelve million dollars to HAT i. what Farmer Brown'. of that berry p ie my mother pr01l1' a id DJiatush appointed al>pralsers. In tbe matter 01 the esta te oC local option elections were held In. thn bill. 'as origInally passed by the fC'l rmatlon of character. , Boy said when be foUnd that Bua- Ised me.. .. He began 10 lA Ugh D be , --Herbert Spencer thought 01 how funny Busler Bear Emma Monroe, deceased ; wlll ad- Morgan, Oeauga and ClinOOn coun- House, Cor parity payments to be Bear had stolen the berries be had looked with the pall abollt his Enlighten the people generally d ' worked 80 bard to pick and neck, and then bec au .e. you know. mitted 00 Probate. Adam B. Morris ' ties Of th~ tax lev es voted upon, 46 figured on a one hundred percent. ell had run ott wjtb 1111 paU. You he is learning to be a phil·os-o·pher, apPolnt~ execuOOr. S. p. Monfort, were for current expenses. 21 for ri!- pall ty baSls. The amendment to re- amI tyranny and oppressions of both lee. Farmer Brown'. boy I. learnbe once more repeated. ..It might' Carl Stiles and Ed M. Johnston ap- llet and welfare and 15 lor t he sup- qu Ire payment to be made on t he mind and .body will vanISh like evU Jng to be .omethin, of a phll-os-o· have been worse, Yes, lndeed. it polr ted appra isers. port of hospitals. strel~t and oemetery hlhlctred percent parity ba.sls was w s~III'lts at the dawn of day. Pber. one of those persons who ac--Thomas Jefferson In the matter 01 t he estate of Improvements. Oentrallza.tion ot protect the ' wheat and corn farmers cept bad .thln,s cheerfully and right might have been worse. That beaf , might have tried to eat me instead , William A. Ford, deceased ; real es- schools was the elec\;lon issue In 10 aw.y see bow they are better than of the berries. I guesD 1'U go eat they ml,ht have been. When he that lunch I le1t back by the spring,' tate ordered sold at private sllle. ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN cotmt1es. Tabulation ot the results or Jour cattle. boP, deep alld Ib.d ftrst beard someone iD the and then I'll go home. J can pick In the matter of the estate of these specIal elections Is now' being to Norril-Brock Ct..., Uve ,.~ aDd ,.,u&bes wbere he.bad hidden bl. pall W1ll1a.m A. Freeland, deceased': made by Secretary of State Oeorge orollTtluive ftrm tllr ~e bll'bed of berrle. he had been very sure betrles lome other day." . Cbucklln' happily over Busteri LOUie Freeland appolnt~d admlnis-. NefIner. market prirel IUId rood ..mee. that It was one ' of the COWl or Unit •• Stock Y.rd.' Cl.ClI ••• t~ . 0. cattle who live In the Old :~;r'~~~!rl~~~kF~~:e~~~~:11 tr(!.trlx, John E. McInto~h. ciarence A ttorney Oeneral ~rhomas J Her. Tune in 00 R.dlo Statioo WuK'Y ra.ture during the s~mer. He had where he bad lett two thick iand· 1 Galbreath and George Boland ap- bert has ruled that the State Reglst2 :26 to 12:10 p. 10. for our beeD afraid that they mlgl;lt stupidly HJVlng sold our Carin, we will sell at publle auction. at the relUIIlloce,-j market-Teporta;-- ~,-_ _ --= trar of Motol' Vehlcaes mLlSt"revoke lUck over the pall and spill the ber- wlehes 00 .. nat .tone wbeo be start- pointed appralseta . ' I n the matter ot the estate Of the licenSe of motorists convicted in located 3 miles south of CentervUle, 0 ., on the Dayton and Lebanon pike nes. and . he had hurried to drive ed to save his pall of berries , -State Route 48-0n "My. but thole sandwiches will C!lnrles , W. Tabor deceased: will . !whoever It'wali ,away. It hadn't en" thou"bt he. "I'm glad ' I t d +_ ob ' • the courts of a city or village on a. taste ,ood. ~ hls bead that It could be any• f.(l m t e "" PI' ate. STATE CAP NEWS CONTD u D they are big and thick. I never, In the ma tter of tl'\e eState of body who would eat tho.e berrle•• charge of driving whlle intoxicated was. hungrier in my lite. HeUo I " : Jb . When he had yelled to . care away ThI. be exclaimed right out loud,' . 11n O . Thompson, deceased; in- or for falling to stop after a n acci~e Unwelcome villtor, and Buater for he bad just come in sight of , vhlItory approved. dent. . ' Bell,1' bad 'SUddenly apRC~red, a tru.- the flat atone where the sandwiches: In the matter of the estate or, sUng t9 ,et Ott the pal1 which had --..... ,. Beginning at One P. M. tharp. the foU9win.deacribe~ caugh\ over hi.. head, . Farmer should , have been. and they were Eva K. Probasco. decenscd; InvenOhio Farm SecurIty Adm1nlstra- property to-wit: . , not there. No, sir, there wasn't so tory approved. lion omcla\s are foreclosIng some ~rown's Boy had be~ too fright'r .•' , .... '1liiie ....l11li Fictlf much as a crumb left of thole two. In the matter of the guardlanshlp 501 FSA mortgage,; taken last year FARM IMPLEMENTS thick sandwiches. You lee, Old' of Leahdell, Strain. et al. , minors ; lIpun new farm machinery to' sUmu- Troy :wagon with box !bed, )la.y ladders, Mccormick mower. 5 ft. -eut, single ~==~::~:=L=~ Man Coyote bad found them and ~. lilt pit7 IDd ",ha bl_" gobbled them up whlle Farmer. stun of $1075 'Invested In property. late a "back to the farm" m.ovement disc. steel tooth hay rake; doUble hal'rOW, roller. 5 shovel cultivator. 0ftaD ncb urwo_ t. d ... to f..... rw.etIOIIIl 4Iaorda,.. 80 taka famow , ' . MISCELLANEOUS Brown'. Boy was away. In the matter ,of the estate of among the-unemployed. Eo PlDUam·. Veptabla eoIDp0u4 to . . But Farmer Brown's Boy didn't Charles F. Baughman. Sr., mentally -.. t .h .... ~ aad ....... f1Iaet\O Hay fork. 28 ft double ladders. whee_rrow. ence a.. eloc ers. corn .~..'Dan. ~IW 0", 10 ,..,. NIIIIknow anythinJ about Old Man Coy: 111; admission to DayOOn State Hossheller. ga rden plow. roll new fence, steel PQSts, 2 rolls !lamed Wire, ... rolla Ill"", Plnkba.'. Compollad ......... ' Th' 565.000 •. ,. '" ~Dda of pudmoUlerl, motMn .... ote. He rubbed hi' eye. aod stared pital . ' tho pay.rolls Janua 1. . 1933 have brace wire. hay knife.• grind &t<lne, Iron kettle and stand, Wile copper ~tarw "fa tI_ of -ct." 7"1/ ill everywhere, even up in the trees, , In the matter ot the estate of bc:en liteadlly icreas d untu January .s If he' thouibt those sandwiches kettle, sausage grinder. 2-10 gal. mUk cans, mllk buckets, cop••pe~r.I~·-waab;~;·t::::::~~~~~~~~~ might be hangiDg up there. Tbey Char.l es E. Penquite. deceased; , D. E. 1. 1940 t he number r,eaclled 923.0li0, 'boiler. bellt ·woodchurn. gll\4!! chJU'n. Ice Cream freer.er. 1-'15 .lb. 81 bad dilappeared al completelY as l! HeyWOOd qp}AJhl ted executor, W. E. Ilien asing reden.;! expenses one bll1-·250 ·Ib. steel-yard . cross cut saw 'l,tt. cut." metal chicken ' c.Q0P8, seU they never bad been, .nd Old Man Chesney. Frank V. S titt and George liuu 'dollors ~ nnuallt. feeder. fountains, ,shovels, forks hoes, tuba. crocks, JaTl, and many' other . . ' Coyote had taken care to leave no Spurling appointed appraisers. I a rticles too numeroUs to mentIOn. . trace 01 h1I vilit. Farmer Brown' II In the matte~ of the estate of MEMORllES . I HOUSEHOLD GOODS Soa...... R.aIe"_ I......... boy ,.ped foollahly thI. way and John McIn,to h , deceased ; estate re, ---1" . Clermont range, two w~ burning he&tinlr stoves. side board, dining .... On. Do•• It that way• . Tben instead of growinlf lIeved from a dministration, distribu. There Is a little ol~ ~)wn on the hlllan,ry a slow .mUe .tole over b1I room tahle, 6 dining room chairs. 2 wlllow chairs, other rockers Maple bed U tho ""I 110 •• of Ihh pl...."'·I.,,1twr lillie side :/ freckled face. . tlon In kind ordered, Inheritance tax . :!:-:~~bl:!It!r·~ bt~~ ' f: '~~.-:'~Dd~ , and springs, 11'on bed, ctresser and wash stand, leather davenport, coal 011 UIC>II 10 ... and ••1 DOUeLE l10NEr UCIt. Thl, With whl h no city ban compare "I 1\181' .omeooe elIe was bun- determined as none. . 2 feathe,. beds. qUllts, ... "'U ows, bed 1'1nen· cIocIuz. Ironing .. BoII· tn. Ilblol IIolp. 1110 ...... IId. 41.... 100;1. heater, llnoleurns. " .. Ih. ol<n, ...... ah lut... ramie.. ,ft<! ItQ "'l pea IOlDeoDe else was,bun· ,ry, he mutterid. '~onde~ In the matter of the estate of Por it's my own to·wn. my home C': .at Ilia uuu r.abin. lOCIdt .IOU 0Md. For burt. P'J. too." be' lDattered. ld P tur.. board. 7 Dairs lace curtains. Aladdin lamP, other lamps, .stalr runner, rug •.::.-•• l:,~':::'dta~~bdm "ftO:· -:. ~':.~ ':;::~..:I town, who it w.s? Guell thlJ ·O a. v Charles F . Wellman, deceased; In10 " x12 ~ . 25 yards BrLlSSels carpet. table Unen , lot dlsh~s, wash bowls and .1. , ,II • ..,-..IUIT ONI Do\l .. 1kIl.......... _eel to even move. Tben he had 1. DO . pla.ce for ' me today. I'll flIl herltance tax determined as none. And hallowed 'memories are there. '1I004I .. nor. u ....mob.... pitchers. cooldng utensils. ·.een pUiter tear away tbrouan the up on berrie• .and then I'n a~ In 'the matter of the esiate of ·bruah even more frightened than be home." Yes, the old town's l he best town ANTIQUES was. and right away hi. cour.,e So Farmer Brown'. B01 made hlJi l\~l\ry Ellen McInOOsh. deceased; in- The 'b est town of all, for in the Walnut nair cloth love seat, rocker, gentlemen's cl)alr and' 4 chairs In .Jaad b"un.to Clome bae1r. ' ' lun.c h on blueberrlel and then raUi. herlt;ance tax determIned as none. Winter . fll'5t claSs' condition. large book case with glass doors. old , bureau. dr(>p ~ ' ·11 he 11 10 afraid 01 Die llIlell er sheepishly he started for home td In the matter ot the guardianshIp Tbe ,snows ~ere \1eeper, In the leat table, 4 chairs, stands, coverlet red and blue deslp, cord bed, clOck, ' l ·~'t bl! afraid 01 him," 8ald be. teU of all the .tran,e thin,s that of Dennis Graham, an Incompetent Bprlns ~'l~ve JOlt my berr.les, but it II worth ball happened to him In the Old h ' I U spinning wheel, ,25 yds . Ingrain carpet, red and srcen design, 'U).yds. '1'I1i 1t'''; line:! out that he' ...frald of me. Pasture. Two or three times 88 he earmg on sa d app cation for ap- The flowers were , sweeter. In the carpet. 28 yds. 'rag carpet. cherry mUror, vases, dishes, and many other .T here are plenty more on the bUJbe. trud,ed alon, he stopped to scratch pointment of guardian set tor May Summer ar ticles. . 'aDd all rve ,ot to do 1a to -pick h1I bead thougbttully. 13. The skies were bluer and In the FEED: - About 200 ~u . hand 'husked com. WOOD.-About 12 1hem. It mf'ht be worse." . "J gue..," IBid be at last. "Ihal In the matter of the guardianship Fall. oh bes t of ail. thOSe tree-lined fireplace Wood. , He' walked over to the ~lace wiu!re_ I'm not 10 smart a8 I thought] of Lyle O. and Marjorie E. Welsh, et CHICKENS: - 12 hens, 12 chicks, 6 weeks ol~. the ,p ail had , been and thea be re· ' wa., and I've ,ot a lot to learn yet." a1.; . hearing on application tor ap- Streets all decked III gold, made It ptember,ed that when . Blister ran Which ilso shows that he Is becom polntment ot ,guard1an set for May A bit ot Heaven. TERMS' CAS", ' ,awn he hQd can:,iedthe palJ with In, .omethlng of a ' phll-os-o·pher. 11. And once again in m\!\%lory 0'" ' '''m . an"mg about. h,l. neck. 8e - T W S'u r.... WNU S.lYle. • I .... ts :. ., .:::.:: ... • .. . .. In the matter of the guardla.nshlp roaD?- '...ose ~tr~e ;10 dear .J~~~~~~~~Sii~~~~~~~~;;;;~~;;;;;;~~~ of . Harry L. Dapper and John W. Andboonlisten to the vo,lces, ~hat have , Dapper. minors.; repOrt o~ guardian t ' ford. ' approved. S Uen many a year. The Ladles Aid had an all day And as ' I wander 'through those , ~treets W. N. Sears. Auctioneer . . MARRIAGE LICENSES meeting at, the home of Mr. and Mrs There Is not a. house or barn W9.lter Kenrl~k, Clerk Stat:ley SaUey. , Hel'bel'b Stewart. 21. WPA worker. Bu t bas ' memOries tluit keep tbla old " . '. . ¥t. and Mrs. B&-t Bunnell and ·Frankl.ln . nnd ' Sarah Allen, 21, . he8.rt warm. d:\ughters entertaln~d lVlr. and ·Mr/!. Franklin. MemorIes so dear that 1; treasure, ~ 'II: .... '. '11' . '. , tb~!ll ' • ~:!:., B.lp ~O. . . \t ••t • • •~•••lk. ·~Ia••t ••• W;lth gladness, .for tltle tinge .of Sad- . ~ .. I .. L • ....... IlCSS tJlat they baa '" , ,. J ."',....:~• ••••• t. .~... . '. l.'fQac Mc'Llihe. · 'd e~ellsetl! ''to Edn'a And I h~ 'rpy dearJ~~ther ~Inging • :*' 't;• ~ .~ ~* .~ '11:: .,. ~ ~ .• . ~ ,I uvilll. ·106 ~ ',acrc~ In Turtlecreek In the home sbe lovejl eO ,w eul'" 11m, of u.~ e.t ~ ... CiiJOIlIO..he,Jp brio, l township. ' . . r" ' ' "i Ilhall be sa~ when' I oat ... .....,.. ~ ef I~ '-"-ac! you eIII .rel, • Waynesville, on' Bund8.y, : __ . Charles A, oe4~' III Carl W. Oede; IIf'HIs Calo. 100.. Pare. , wboleeo... .pla ........attn..., ...... h,. .06 no,r e in Hal1lllton t;OwllShlp. . iia.ldlit'tf. abC! .dalIghter . -. Do you wonder that ~hClqltslck CoM Be.....,... B_a. Fl... I",tid 1Dand....... blenlled . 1=::~=~~ 'Wtth Mr. aDd MJ:s. Prank Frazier Ilnd HOWard· W~.itaC}l·e· to Leo Beherrer. ~1dst the ~il and, ddte or city ~e aftONIa, to .........aIa of • 'OrelllOll ........ a.~;'. ~: ' . MLsa Catherine .JVa1laA:e entertalned ·f9Al acrt's in Salein Lo.~nshJp. the bW-alde ...... Cal~ _ ......... tcMIlh pow....... ail" ...,. ... Tor a Uttle old town Mr. and Mrs. ~kIey Ross oC olncm . Manrics Stoller to Karl Lletlen- Witb wh1ch DO ·clty AICIIIlI*e' .~ ....... ct. c.JoJ& .. . Ill' ,.._ . . . ...... I'm r.la;yer lUid Connie LletAen...,er '15 For It'llD7 O W l l " . t o n ............ 10# ,I e ~ , DaY. . aore.s In ~ to.Dah1p. ' , And ballowecl ..
..... 1lI
Mo', S. . "
I~ , C'ong,r.e~s.
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
Ce nterville, Ohio
Sand & Gravel
lain Armitage
State Capit;!1 News
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T111JI&8DAY. MAY '1" 1....
Ferr.Y ---
Saturday eventne. Mr. aDd MrI. 8i Bickle and IOna of MtdciJltown
Tnffic Safely Lesson AI Stale Fair 'Grounds 11
. '•
guest. at ttle parIOllaBe Mrs. MaIlJOi'le Drake of IndianapI'R. • nry nrmony spent Mr, and Mrs, H,rold H~th sl.o))- olis hall tleen visiting with her folu Mother's Da y \\!!l h MI'. aqd MI S. W . )ltd at the Lester Oerhards' last the Fred Qubblea the pt,lIt week end, "Ohio's 'blggest hIghway day . In . 1'. OIul'k In Dayton . unk on their way home to Delbt, Mr. and MM. Lester (}erhard and hlstory" '1s being planped by joint r,.,r. CLft.. th e cq\llllS ma n. of Mol' fainUy were dinner cuests Rev. c ooperation of t he state rair oftlclals Olltarlo. Canada. The couple have l'OW was i l l LytIc SaLu lI\tly. bee II tourln" the U. S. on theIr and Mrs. W. C. Smith and family arid the Ohio departmen't of hlghways' for Tuesday, August 27. h'r neymoon trip and were married Sunday. Mr. and MI·b. Donald Foul ks and Mrs. J. S . Filer was the guest of According to tentative pians, Tues just t.wo wceltB ago. Mrs. Heat.h was I We' d aug l' t cr m ov r rl Tucsday from thr tonner Elnlllil AndrewB. Mrs. her daughter Bertha FUer at a day wUl be oP$ned with a moblle CN!:II'V !l1C to Ih ' H ell ry 'Foulks Mother and Daughter banq~let held pagt'\mt- mlle..or so long WnlClli-W.Ul-GI'.l·llard 's sis ler. I " perl.y here. Wilma Thollll\lI. who has spent the at the Seminary in Cincinnati lut start In the South ,end of the city or M Lo;,s J anice BU rn etL IS IU wllh the PSSL winter wlLh her IlI·otlleJ·. P. J . Thursday. In the afternoon tlley at- COlumbus and move down High mumps. Thumall willie fin ishing 8('ho01 at Lended the ball i ame and saw the street pa t II l'evlewing stand' 6n Mr. IILld Mrs. H nl'l Y C.)I'I ell were W Ii Ylll'lIvllle . I·I' I.UI'III'I\ to h I'\' Ilome Redl! play and win. Mra. Filer lIaYII which Mayor Floyd F . Green will be I I'ballon "I.~I OI'S SnLII) day. a It was her first game and she liked the principal figure accompanied by ill Lebanon Ia.~ t week. Mrs. All e 'Iurk : pent l:evera. It very much . his cabinet Including Grover Clemdays this week wi~ h her b:other and A speclill PI'ogl'l1l1l was given In The P. J . Thoml(ses were supper ent. service director. \': de. M r. and Mrs. Lee Mil son at honur of Mother's day a t Ferry Sun gnf lit ll of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence After passing Mayor' Green's re, .lson. lillY. An octet Includlnl! PelTY Thom Thomas In Lebanon Bmiday evening .. vip-wing stand the palleant Is expecLMoLher 's Day was obser ved a t as. Mr. Mulloy, Eel Ling. ')'ommy The young folks class of the Ferry ed to move to the state fair grouml~ loyt Ie Sunday S hool wilt h a fin Hunter. Mrs. EvereLt Hunter Verna church are having a Prog;resslve sup- whHr Gov . John W. Bricker and his p. ogmm SlInd!.!y morning. Mr~ . AI Mae H1.111 tl'r. Pauline Rlg{l~ ~ml 'L uper Saturday evening and have In- cabinet are expected to review the \ I " Em rltk helng the oldest mother I'lla MulloY .l!lIve some "peclal Illuslc. vlted as their guests the members of speclacle from speclnl boxes In the present and Mrs. Donald Fou:ks t.he Mrll. HarrletLe Thome..~ ,\ccollll)arued the Home BuUder's c:laas. grand stand. youngest. Lhem . Everett Htlllt.er. accompanied It 18 time and then sortie to plant Win Kinnan. state fall' manager Mr. and Mrs. J ames Brown and by hili wire snng a lovely solo, Emma Miss Ladonna Sinclair of Dayton corn and with all this good Weather has Indicated that the pageant will spent Sundny with the lalter's . OilS JflUI Smith gave 11 recitation and . p l'nt SaLurday nlght"irnd Su nday the tractors are singing early and then be parked on the state fair Mr. nn.d Mrs Harry Furnas parents M IllS Anna Nutt gave un addres.& on with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Emlate. but Ulere was a good crowd at grounds where It can be viewed for In Dayton . Mother's Day. ('I'SO n Sinclair and family . the Berean class 'Peetlng at the the entire duration of the faIr. MI:. ancl MI·S. Howa rd Deweese a t Misses Dorothy Eby and Bonnie Flowers were given to Mrs Clarll church basement last Thursday eveCol. Robert S. Belght}er ~\) Invite a fn mily dinnci' SlInda y a t tended Several of our members attended Miller visited their frie nd Mary Thomas for belnK the oldeet ~other, nlng. A nice program was offered as his guests all state highway dlMr/t. Wade for being the' youngest nnd pie was served. It was decided rectors or commissions In .the coun· Miami Quarterly Meeting of Friends Louise Jones Thursday evening a f- the homc of MI' . li nd Mrs. EveretL Deweese, in hOllor oC their mo ther. 1II0Lher and to Mrs. James Hurtsock til make preparations this year to try for !- s~clal review of tbe edu- In Harveysburg Friday a nd Sat urday t er school. Frank Deweese. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sheets and for having the largest family prescnt plllnt shrubbery next spring around catlor:lal pageant on Wednesday. Mr . and Mrs. Therle Jones and famUy entertained the following as ,baby Jimmy of Kentucky, vL~ I t.ed Sunday at Ferry. Another feature of the "biggest the church. The program follows: son were Sunday dlnnci' guests of Members of the Waynesville and Address bY Mrs. COy GilHam on the highway event In Ohio history" Is dinner guests Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. h is parents a week ago Sunday. Mr. a~d Mrs. Edwin Nutt nenr Cen"erry churches of Onrlst fixed up a alms and purposell of the Home being studied by, the division of traf Horace Compton of ME!W Burlington . Mr . nlld Mrs. William Smith and terville. and Mrs. W. E. Bogan of near daughter Marilyn Sue called on relRev. Sunllhlne Basket and presented It 1.0 BuUder's cla~ : plano solo by Mrs. flc and safety of the state highway Mrs. Allen ElnI'l ck. Mrs. Margaret Spring Valley ; Weldon Wilson and aUves In Middletown Sunday, May 5. Mrs. Allie . of f I Hole who has been bedfast R usse II Camllbell; solo by Everett department under the direction Mrs. Earl T homas oml Mrs. J ohns. r near y a yrar. Her sister, Mrs. Hunter. and a quiz on Bible verses Harry E. Neal , chIef engineer of that family of near Xenia; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Conklin and Walter Kenrick wese Day tOil visitors Evan Bogan and son Robert of Daydaugh ter J a nice of near Kingman ~ter Kenrl.ck IB murh Improved, In which the entire gathering took group. The hope IB to turn the enFriday. ~ I. Oil able to walk about In the yard. part. All enjoyed themselves very t1re state fall' grounds Into some- ton: Mr.. John Wilson and son Rob- were dinner guests of Homer Halnes Mr. and Mrs . Har vey BUl'llet at: m ate. mu ch . t h lng 1n·lJhe nature of a traffic safe- ert. Afternoon and evening callers and fa mily SntUl'day evening. GET THIS ten ded t he Wayne Township Fllrmty lesson a subject In which Gover- In the Bogan home wel'e; Ma.jor and e r's Club a t ohe home of Mr . li nd nor Bricker and the state highway Mrs. J. H. Treest of S:a n FranciSCO. Mrs. Kellel' HOlik n ellr WaynesvUle TRI'LE-THICK WATERLESS • department Is vitally Interested In California ; Mrs . EmUlJII. Price. ~r. Thursday. _~nd around which all national and Mrs. C, B. Arganbright. Mrs . M r . a'l1d Ml's. Kesler Graham li nd authorities are being marshalled for Mamie Hakes: PaUl J . Price and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Siney wert: a concerted drive to reduce highway Mr and Mrs. Edward · Mar.y and Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. of Dayton ; Mr. baby Judith Ann d~l\ths and accidents. and Mrs. C. W. Albright a t Pekin AT NO EXTRA COST a rd Mrs. Luther Haines also Mr. Hund r e ds of t housa nds o f Mr. a nd Mrs. Dona ld Hadley ~nd and Mrs. William Larsh and MI ~s • We'll give you this Triple. Marjorie Bogan and Mr. Emmi t boy s and young m e n read daughter. and Mrs. Elizab eth' Sm ith Havihi' sold my property, I will sell at pubJ1c auction. at the residence Thlok· Waterle .. Aluminum THE AMERICAN BOY Mag - of WaynesvlUe wer e Sundny evening aU of Dayton. Nevin on Third atreet, Waynesv1l1e. Ohio on Set In even exohange for your azine every month and con(ell1ers of MI's. Ma rgaret Johns and The Young People held their regold gsa range - If you order i ular meetln" at the Sinclair 'home sider it more as a living c om- aul Johns. your new E.tate Gsa Range, pan ion than as a magazin e . Mrs. Allee Mahan of Greonvllle right now. oU 00 0 0 ' .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 00 0 o. SlIn(lay night. "It's as much a buddy to a mi Mrs George Fox ot Miamisburg Mr. Bert Lackey a~d Mr. Jarvis of as my neig hborhood vi.~l ted Mrs. Wlllam Rogers Sunday So huny In before thla offer I. :-::"n~ a were both ,ues!; speakers a t me , chum," writes on e hi g h Q;cnln g. Mrs. Rogers remnlns 'qul te withdrawn. See thll beautiful our church Sunday mQ,rlling. Triple -ThIoK Aluminum. S.. Mrs. Ella Haines who spent a rew school senior. "THE AMERI- 11 '. Beginning a t'. 1 P. M :, th.e following del!cribed housethe lat••t model Eatate. - the CAN BOY se e m s t o unde rMrs. Alice MUleI'. Mrs. O . BrOWll days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles hold goods and 'miscellllneous Ilrticles:Dll,).t b.autiful, mod conv•• Handman a t Cincinnati r eturned s tand a boy 's p roble ms and and Barbara and Itanda ll Barger 1I1.lItV•• range •• v.rdesigned. Davenport""and chair. lounging chair .• rockers, and other chalrs 8 homE' Monday. They were dinner c onRid e rs th e m in s u c h a v!slLed Mrs. Ralph Barger a t Miami sympathetic and help-ful way Vn::ey hospital Thill' day. The In t.est gllests of Mr. and Mrs. Horace piece Walnut dinIng room 8~lte: I ' two piece bedroom sulte, 1 three p~ Cvmpton In New BurUngton. Mon- It gives advic e and e ntertain- !'e)lor t Is that she Is dOing nicely. bedrWro 1I~lte, J old Walnut bed . . foldIng Iron cot. Walnut wardrobe. ing reading. on every subj e ct Mr. a nd Mrs. Thomas Co111ns and da y. Cberry chest of drawers' kneehole desk, lady's desk, • tables, sectional Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilson in which a young fellow is in- Charles Collins of Dayton were vlslbOOkcue, table model radio, .table tamps, ftoor lamps. JftaCU1ne rac\cs. entertained as dinner Ip.(es~ Sunday terested. It 'i~ partic ularly LOr s Sunday afternoon at the home Wb1te lewlna machine, Prima .)I'as~g macll1ne, 011 COOl' stove, drop leaf Mr. and Mrs:'" Leonard Ellis and helpful in sports. I made our of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lacy'. ~ntI daughter, Doris Jane .~f near Klng- school b8lSketball team . bE'Idtdlen tAW»le, one 12xll ft. 'Axmlrfster, two 9xl2 ft. Axmlnster ruga, one c a u s e ' of playing tips I read children. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lacy, man. 8d ft. and one . %x8 ft. r\lp: . rew seatter rup, Everett Haines and famUy visited in THE AMERICAN BOY" w~· and Mrs. Earl . 1 let 18 ft. 'exteDlllon ladders. 1 se~ 8 it extension ladders, wheelbarrbw Many famou s a thletes ' in- tcr of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs . Noah Mi'. and Mrs. Herbert carey and lawn mower. garden hose, prden l-0014. and o*':her articles. all s ports cre dit much of Newman of Peltin, Mr. and Mrs. sons of Dear New Vienna, Sunday a.!appeallDa: JOuUdul.\:7IU thlI their succes s to helpful sug- Howard Lacy, Rura l Route Lebanon ternoon. T~RMS CASH lI'[re Mo ther's Day t f ' HIlOIl will caB ear 1l'U' itlll· gestions received from s ports . gues s 0 Mrs. Mrs. Emerson Sinclair and daugh· cacJ 1D makeup. A IDO\ltb witb too mucb IIp.tlck OIl It iuit lookl fuDD.J'. tel's Louise and Louellllo called In the articles carried in THE Em ma Lacy. Klep a flw tlma.. alwa7. 1D JOI.II' Bogan home Monday evening. . AMERICAN BOY M agazine - -bandbll, 10 70U CaD blot of! tha' Mrs. Millie Terrell, Mr. PaUl Ter- Vir~ually every issu e offers 'MiCkiE ' SAYS~' . '-638 ~I" taJet' CJC lIPItIck whenevet' rell and famlly of New Vienna were adVice from a famous coach· , -...,.., 70U repair 70ur lDak~p duriP. th. guests Sunday of lIlr. and Mrs. or player. FootbalI., bas ketI daJ. .' ORQMOTERS OF ~A~D caea..... _.~ ......... u• ....) Homer Haines and fa.mlly. ball, b'ack, tennis, in fact 811.-(.1; N AOVERTIS/NCf W. N. Ieara, AucUoneer every major sport is covered • . ." ODE CARR . in fiction and fact arti c les. Larrer BecauSe 01 BeUer Se ~cl!, _ SHEET~ KtJO\V BETTER'IJ JUST HUMANS Quality and Price . Teachers, libra rians, par1'0 TES'r -rnE't~ A\.L.EGEt' 1r:I.... EitabU. hed 1849-J 939 ents and l e aders of' boy s POPUI.,ARIT'( I3Y iRVIN' Waynesville, 0., Phone 3J clubs a ls o recommend · THE 10 ~RGE MOJJEY I =~;;;;;;;;;;~;;.....:;;:,;:=. AMERICAN BOY enthusias"FER. 'EM t ic a lly. They have found t hat a s a gene~'al rule regular l'ea,ders of THE AMERICAN I . BOY advance more rapidly \ , ~" and de.velop more worthMI'. and Mrs. W: C. Tiohenor we~1 while charac teristics than do lfin]. ~l cUnner guests Sunday, at the home boys 'Yho do !lot read it. .. '1/(, or Mr. and Mrs. George Denny near Tramed writers and artIsts .' OnkJand. famous coaclies ' and ath' letes, explorers, scie nt is t s Mrs . Ch a.~ . Smart, Miss Grace and men succes sful in busiSmart. MI'S, Howard Graham and ness and industry jo'in with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tichenor were an experienced stnff to proLebanon vlsltQrs. Wednesday. duce in THE AMERICAN BOY, the sort of reading , matter boys like best· · . .: THE ' AMERICAN BOY rfJ'_":no_....;;.,...}II-........_ ·.._·_·:..fo •• '. , s ells on most newsstands at .! 20c a copy. Subsc ription With IRVIN S. COBB prices are $2.00 for one year I or $3.50 for three years . Foreign rates 50c a year extra· - To subscribe simply send your name, address and re mittance dire c t toT H E By IRVIN S. 0088 . AMERICAN BOY, 7430 Secwo typical wayfa'rers of th B ' ' . -. . their ·f eet 'half t t e owery, penndesl and tatered and with ··The Most Popular ' Guy" on~ ·t be Block. }.!is Pop L!icked a o,p ond Blvd.; Detroit, Michigan. of the crooked 8tr:~ °o/~ehiri wtreokedansboes, were IimP.i ng throu'gh ' one-· . . . . na own, e of them found '. small .vi&! were
Trade In your ol~ ' range on new
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American Boy Magazine Companion To Thousands
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Fairley ·Hardware . Store
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Warren County
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COil tinued from l'l\ge
J . o. Oox, 101; Joseph '!'. Fergu. son. 418; John D. Boyle, 78, for .T rea urer or State Olarnce H. Knisley , 451. WaynesviUe For AUorney General __ ••• _ •••• __ •••• _____________ -4 1 J os ph C, Allen. 138 ; Oharles Oavsno. 17; Joseph 1.. Heffernan. 97; Edward Lal'nb. 70; Goerge D , Nyc .
For United illtes enator John McSwen ey, 462; Herber t S. Bigelow. 271. .For Represe ntaLlve to ' Oongress nt. Large Francls W. Durbin, 170; Robert D . Myers. 121; Joseph M. Sullivan . 81; J ohn H . Turner. 118; Stephen M. Youn g. 342; Kent A. Buchanan, 84. For Judge of Supreme Court,
- - - __ ___ L _ - _ _
1_ _ _ _
~----~--,--~~T. AUGVSTINI~ CHlJRVn ·Rev. R. II. KrUmholtl!, S T D, pastor
TBUUasDAY. MAY 11. aMO. , ___ 5
I Cburches I~l~OC~Al~HA!E:;:pp:::::=EN~JN~GSS3 Choir Pitt:: Festival
'Yes, the senior class play "Red :r'!1e .choIr of b4e loCal MethoWst Hot Peppers." is to ' be presented Ohuroh took part in the annual F~' . Ma.ss, Sundnys 9 ;00 n. 11\ . Friday n1ght~ May 17. at the high t.lval of Music of the Dayton Disschool Iludjtorium.-And we do trict held at the MIodletown MethST MARY'S · EI~ISCOPAl, mean hot! FOR SALE-50 bushels Manohu Soy odlst Ohurch, Sunday afternoon _ ClIUnCII , Beans. Sam D. Hen~e. Phone 121 . Rev. n . L. llal'kwC'lI. nrrllJl' .Mr. and Ml'S. Ever tt Guslln and Rlld evenlng. Members oC the WayLebllnon, O. M10-23' TRINITY SUNDAY dnughter a ttended capping xerclseB nesvllle choir who nttenC\ed"V; wree'l'ireil:.--::=~===========~~ 7:30 a . m, Holy Communion, at Ohr.IBt .hospltal. Cin,cinnatl. last Mrs. L. O. Radley. director, Miss FOR SALE-Plallo In good conpltlon h ISh 01 Friday evening. · T hdl' daughter, Virginia Hardin. Mrs. M. A. Ftllkel'10 o. m. Junior e. \Ire 1 c . o . . Mllrgle, who LIB completed Iler precheap. C. E. Stanforth. R. 1. Way11 n. m. Hoiy .communlon and ' 1l111lnru'y training nt the hos pltnl. son. Miss Anno Marilyn Wllhok.e!·, ne&v lIlc, U. S. R. 42. MIG" ,'ermon . was capped. Miss . Lois Radley, Mtss Frances • • • • • . JOhllll , Miss Mar.v Eva LeMay, Miss FOR SAL' G t your Onl:1bllge und . METIJ01)JS'f IIVRCII Charles Anderson. son of Mr . and Helen Hawke. Rev. L. O. Rad ley, Tomato ' pIUllL~ of D. H. Hocket.t. I,,,ul~ C. R:1tIlt-y, Pas'lor Mrs. C. E. Anderson . was receJltly Frank LeMay Jr., Oharles FI.res, AlSouth Thil'd sl. Waynesville. Church School 9:30 A. M. Wor- elected to membership hI Pi Sigma ton and Earl Enmhu.rt. RI1s.~ell MI6·t! '."hip service 10:40 A. M . Subject : AJpha , naUonal l'onoraJ'Y fmt ernlty, .> Frm k . and Russell Holliday. "Walking Worthy ()r Christ,'. An- at Ohio Slate University. USF. 'filE I\11A'1\1I GAZETTE them by t he choir: "Beautiful Sav• • • • •
· ...
Cora. J. Hartsock. age 70, dled a t Ml'S. Al'gu~ 0 born Wl),S hostess hcr home Enst of Waynesville on to thl' 111 mbc)'s of t h Ladles Aid route .73 , ea rly Tuesday morning. afsocl('1 or Ih Melhodist Church. at Lc.!' an Illness of six weeks. hl'r home . Wr<lnesda~ afternoon. She wns the wl<low Of Charles Mrs. Wllrlcll Brnddock nnd Mrs. Hart.sock who prccedl'd her In death Mal.tllcw M Kinscy werc asslstnnt two and a hllif months ago. Survlv-' WANT ADS 'ferm Jan. 1 1941 tOll r"-C hrl.stensen, A twelvl'th cc nMrs. F. E. Thomas. Mrs. ' Russel1 ing are one, on, Luther. n t. home; ho«ll'sses. Charles B. Zlmme11nan . 423 . Bentley and Mrs. Della Venable visl. tury melody. Emery For Judge or Supreme (:ourt, __ t d Mr:;. Elltl Braddock nnd MI'. and DUl' to thc absence .of the presi- lWO daughters, Mrs. Wal\ll(l of Green SprLngs, and Mrs. Ola Ker Term Jan. 2 1941 EpworU1 Leaguc Monday evening . Mr~ . c..!>rl C<?nner In Dayton Tu ~sd{'n t bc('ause of llJn es.~. Mrs. Rufus sey of Waynesville ; .three brothers. 24 : Walte r A. Kerin . 130; J . Fuller nt 7 o·clock. day of last week. WaLI,."ins presided at the meeting. J . B. Rich , Wn ynesvUle ; Wil l Rich. Our First Quart erly Confercnce • • • • • Harold F. Adams. 114 : WUllam C. BARGAIN Hilt. 15c 'Til 2:00 Mrs. Ralph Hastings Jed in de\'O· Cedllr Riplds. Iowa . Ilnd Mllrs h Rich. DI 246 ' J d" MacBride 159 I Oitizens of this secllon of th e , u be " will br held on uu c HHh. aile we ML<s win Sears . John Sears ancl xon. Lions. wHh the s ubject. "Dcvelop- Be thel . 0 , ; .t wo sisters. Mrs. Hattie '' ' F r i d aAND y Fur UepresenlnUve to Congress a re asking all organizations to be Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carver of Cln- county Interested in preservin g th e ment of Oharac ter Through Wor- Shethen. Middletown; Mtss Lou Rich Geol'g-e E. Asll . 103; T . E. Dy . 167 _ I 'I I M d M E tt hlstoriCIII land mal'ks anel thG lore I - rCIlc1y wi th their .vearly rCIJlJrts by o nna • . ane r. an rs. vere shj]>." Miss Ruth Conn er then sang (If Red Lion. nnd IJlI"e grnnd chil Sa~ur«:lay Sears and son of Spring Valley spent of the ooun~y are urged to attend a Carl H. Ell!. 34: Urban R. Juergens. a solo. "Give Me Thy Hea l·t." Stir <it'ell. 24 ; Waller A. cKl'ln. 130; J. Fullcr t hat Wmc. thE' we~k end wl~h their pal·ents. Ml·. m et..lng at The Golden Lall1b .f'!'I WAS accompnnied by M"ISS Helen FUllem! sel'vic werc held al the Trump. 213. duy evening fol' the purpose of fnrm and Mrs. W. N. Sears. Hawk.e . Mrs. Elmer SII"E'llnn ' rcad a McClure fuu cral home, Thw'sday For tatc Central Committeeman 111'1'. IIOU,' :' !\T, R (' lIlm CII -----SCREEN----In g a Warrcll County HIStol'Icill Sooh racter sketch. "J-\tll1t Betty". L H k II Ray J . Norton . 271; J. Fuller "DAB.lES FOR SALE" morning. thc R v. R. . a~ 'wc T. 1\1. Sl'n1'ff. Mln ish' r ciety. wrlttcn by Kathlecn Norrts. Mrs. H. officiating. Burial was In Miami Trump. 213. Mr. and Ml'S. Glenn Blaud Ilnd with At this orll'anlzotlon llIj!rtil\g which E. Hnthllwn" rell d two poems. cemetery. For tnll' Central Committeewoman '.' SllllClay School 0:30 ll. Ill. E. A. daughter Barbara Lou or Sprln ' bol'o lUI .UF.I ,U: HUDSON ;r I • S • Is s. hedllied fOl' 8 o·Clock . plans and "The Pllth to Sprln " Ilnd "My Lllllnn Moorc. 207: Pauline Murphy. ",al'lllnr.. lip ... al1d Dr. and Mrs. A. E . Stout and obJectives for the soolety wLJ be dIS- i - '\11'01 hl'l" s Flow!'r!;" wrllten by a 280. E:vcnill t; -crvlce 7 ::30. daughter visited Dr. a\\d Mrs. Alfred CU ·ed . SUN.-l\fON,-TUE . forlller Wnynesvlllt' resid ent. Whi tFor State Senator ' Pl'IIYCI' l\1 ee tlng Wedlwsclay cveLambert of Englewoocl Sunday artel' - -.UE'r Burnett, The scenes he deHarry Hughes, 477. 111n ; 7 :30, noop. Mr .- and Mrs. Blnnd wcre SUpI'l cribl'R' in these two poems are fond Mrs. jeanette Steison of Chicago For Prosecutor t\ w~ leUl1l nwalts you at tllE'se per g uests~"at the home of Dr. and Meryl Gray. 632. servl( es. Come and e·nj01 tnI'm with Mrs: StouL Sunday evening. rccollP.<;'tinns of his former home spent,several days at tile Home last For Counly Engineer nrnr Lytle. Mr. Burnett now reslc;les week and attenaed QUllrterly Meetus. In Snymour, ¥o. Little Miss Anne tte Charles Kunker. 662. Ing Sunday. Tinney sang, "Plnymates" and reFor Commissioner Dr. A. E. Stollt wal! the delegllte Wi\"Nm,VII.U: CIl UltCIl 01" cited. "Three Little Kittens". T hl". Misses France5 and Ad nline Alden Keller Hoak. 629: Harry J . Snell. 142 Cram Warren Coun ty to th Ohio fine program wa~ In c harge ot Mrs. ana Mrs. Lillian Crane spent MonFor County Recorder elllu . "1' Medical As.~oelatlon m eeting. Tue:lM.I "' Pl100be iVl11'anrla was hO$tes.~ H. E. Hathaway. day In Dayton. Lou R.omohr ]10. \V. C. Smith. 1\lhlhto'r day. lit the Netl,erlandll-Plnza Hotel to the memb 1'5 of lhe SUllshlne 'lllb In Clnclnnn tI. F ollowIng the program a one MI'. and Mrs. Milton Sheehan of . The followin g Is a summary of Lhc ' ' NDA Y Itl: L Thursday vellillg. Those I)rt l; COU l'se sailld lunch \\ as s1!rved by Cen tervUJe viSited Misses Annie U. Wayne Township vote Cor County 0 :30 s . m. Bible School _ en t were Mrs. Chnrles Allen. Miss I the hostess. The da te and place of and Mame T. Browne. Sunday. offices: Communion 10:45 a . m. Don't miss ~ctng five " Red Hot Mmy Allen , Ml s. Flownt'l! Burton thc nex t meeLing w11l be announced Miss Laura McKinsey who has ~EPUBLICAN 6:30 P. m. Ju,nJor ChrlstJlln En- Peppers" warm up. B on hllnd for later. been a' resldent of the Home during EW SW NW NC SC the senlQr class play Friday nIght. an . da~ g hter, Mal;y Ann . Miss Lucy E:olley . Mrs. Fl"IIl1k ThOll1as. M!'S: l the winter w111 retUrn to her home For Rep. to Gen. A sembly I t'llvor I Mny 17 ~t t he h'lgh school audltorMsl'Y Smith, Mrs· RllliSllII BenUey, nRIDGE CL1JB MET at Rldgevtl1e. this week. Martz .. ... . . 63 21 44 79 48 6 :30 P. m. Senior Clll'ls L1al~ En- i 1'1' . Ml·s. DeIla Venable, Mrs. ~1'tl.l:e lh!tr.'or. Miss Trena JllmisOn. and M rs. For Judge of Prob. Court. TUESDA Y AFTERNOON .. Snlllh, and ¥rs. Maibcl FaIT, Ethel Hatfield of Lebanon, visited Carey.. . .... 61 27 45 88 53 '1:1\5 p. Ill . preaching MI'. and Mrs. J. p. Larrick cnter"'rhe JUlie me tlllg lit' the club \\oUl . S.-I Hil 1,. S... tUH' Mrs. R . H . Hart.o;ock entertained br. and Mrs. J. W. Ward Sunday. For County CommiSSioner There will no preaching service talned a. group of relatives and be at the home of MTIl. Chnr}es Allen - Slitlrs II a••• llle bllill the members of the Argunot bridge Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martln, and Hagemeyer . . 63 24 44 60 60 on account of the Bllccalaurat.e serfriends Sunday, all. a Mother's Day club. and olle gUt'st, Mrs. J . R. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Norris Roeskln of Day Hines ... . .. 12 10 ' 16 21 13 mall at the schoql Illldltol'lum. Atdinner honoring .Mrs. O. E . Morri!!, Mengle. Tuesday afternoon. Prize ton were dinner guests here Sunday McOlure . .. . 64 21 46 80 , 47 I 104. and of Peoria. IIi.. Mrs. Fronk Hoffman. lendance SUnday lllQl'" ng fOr high score was won by Mrs.. D. Miss Ruth Chandler of Cedarville Fot: Prosecuting Attorney U E TilE I\UA.1'tJl GAZETTE ,II' KAY FRANCIS and Mrs. lArrlck. C. Ridge, travelling prize by Mrs. D. spent the week enQ 'at the Hom~. Abllecherli . . 34 11 24 62 40 ror evening sel'vlce In. WANT ADS , R . Salisbury. auel Mrs. Mengle re- . Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock and Dllatush . . . . 30 21 22 42 29 'WEDNESDAY • • WAlTER PIDGEON Ileived the guest prize. Refresh- family of Kingman. 'n nd Mr. and 1 Greenwood . . 17 Mrs. Wanda Ol'lJJlth, daughter . 5 21 11 13 Prayer Ilnd Bible stu,dy 7:46 p. m. - -----" . ~- - - . '- ' . ments were 'enjoyed after the card Mrs. R. H. Hartsock and Bon Wilton I For Clerk of Courts _ _ _' _ _ ___ mlzalbeth Ann. and' SOil Jimmy of games. cP.lled at the Home Sundll.Y-a!tel:.-..!.llg~kett . . .. 66 25 48 94 56 Piqua, spent the week; e~d with _ _ _""""!'_ _ _""_ _ _ "' . - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Shcl'ifT FEnny CJIIUltCli OF ~lHtlS'I' , the.i r aunt. Mrs. Rice Sna.pp. Mrs. Snapp returned home with them c__ Hufford " 68 32 54 101 65 W. C. Smith, Mlulst er Sunday evening for a short vis it: . For Counfy Recordcl' mNDAY SECOND CHURCH F CHRIST SCIENTIST, G/'uham ... . 9 4 8 7 6 Bible School 9 :30 :a. DAYT N, OHIO Hil tfieid . . '.' 1 3 7 9 Mr and Mrs. WalLer Sheehan aud 8 Communion 10 :45 a. m. Cord aily Invites The Public To Attend A M loy .. .. . . 4 2 5 1 fa mily DUendell a family basket din 3 Sermon 11 :00 ·!r. m . SlItterthWllit c 77 32 51 105 63 l1e~ held . nt the home of Mr. and Vorhes . .. .. . 2 Baptismal service .ll :30_ a. m. Mrs. HRJ'l'Y Lolial' of Ll' bal1on . SUllFO,r County Treasllrer There were 141 present at Bible dny. • E t it! r1 -Chh!> ~ ian Science : J ohnsol1 . . .. 59 26 27 96 62 School Sunday mornIng; .come let us 'rhe L:tw of Go uJIlOIl lr: t in g Su bntancl:! :l ll d Supply For County Eng'illcer do c etter t1118' Sunday. MI'. and Mrs. H. A. Mohler nnd By Henkle .. . ... 68 28 4J 1.I11 68 rrunlly spcnt the wcek eml with ?oiIr. For Coroner JUDGE FREDERIC K G HILL, C. S. B. nnd Mrs. D. J. Oable: lind family of ~. UTICA U, U. CItUltCn Wlillnms ' ., . of Los ~ngc l es. California 59 West Milton. where a fl\mlly dinner IIcvil< · A . lilli, Pu.~tor .. Dr. Arno:d 'MCITW r of tho Dotl r.l of Lccl.u rc-:hlp of T:l Molh:!r Church. WaS held Sunday honorin g' the Sunday . . May 19 Me~. or County Centl'lll 'rhe First Church of OhI'L%. S,!ient.ist. UI Do .•Oll . N.la ~ achUsetlS fj ' :lf\ a n : -- Sullday school. Leslle mother Mrs. Cable. CommUtee IN MEM ORIAL HALL ~ orsllch . Supt. • • • Hn n sock .... 7'( :46 . 52 93 64 FIRST AND ST. OLAIR STREETS 10 :30 'n.. m.-Momlnll' \ 0 ~1, 'J DEI\IOCRi\'l'I\ , Teachers of th~ Wayne Township .' SATURDAY EVENING .• f'A 18. 1940 For County Commissioner 7:00 p. m.-Ohl-lsUan EndeavoJ:, school, their wives' and hUllbnpds ·e~. AT 8 :00 O 'CLOCK, E: S. cr . Hoak . .....-.-. - l'i- 8 21 17 14 Leader: Frimccs Zech. • joyed a basket s~P~. Monday eveRADfOCAST over staLiOll WIN G ' 108 0 k Schnell ... .. " 4 Our nttendance Is I.mprovmg. Let's ning at the high sel)qol building. A 3 1 ~I ' For Pros(wuUn1l' Attom.'.y keep up the goocl w,olrk. pleasant social time was spent during.' Gray.... .. .. H Il 24 13 . the even Lng. pl~Ylng VRl'l.0 tts .cames. 9 - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ••,i::I:s&a .. . IS"f~..: !!.l!'G~___• For COllllf;V Rl'eor.ler " Ennis. .... . . 3 _ Mrs. Viola' Harlan . Mr. and Mrs. For County Engineer Leila Koverman, Reporter Harold B. Earllhart and family" and .Runker "". 16' 6 19 12 8 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bough ~nd M.c11l . of Connty Central Tucsday, May 14 a group of jun- fnmlly '\Vere dinner guests of . Mr. CommIttee. 101'S and seniors made a tour 01 In- and Mrs. E. L. Harlan Sunday. Braddock . .. . 18 6 18 10 fj' dustrlnl Dayton, They went through • • • • •
·.. ..
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· ... .
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· . .. .
no.' ,,,,h'"
·. .
-------------------------~ I
Free Lecture on Christian Sdence
5 E E U S F 0 fl 'T HAl-
~~ , t
~~rt;u~~....,-z~ IMother's Day IJhServed fF
The RED BRAND fence you put up now '11 .. " t 'h t 1 k WI S<.qy 00 right - for tg ,years. Fifty years of fence ~ making experience . aSS1,lres it. Buy ll:mc-leslcd RED BRAND, put it up right, forget it - - that's the way you end the work and worry of yearly fence repair.
. '.~8. .' . I
.~~ ~,
,_ .
o·rYe a r 5
The. rugged service of RED BRAND fence means lower cost per rod per-year , Plenty of copper in the steel to fight rust--an cxtUl thick zinc · coating put on hy the "Galvannealin$." process.
These. r
~j.t ur IUC<1ll CASH IN YO R , rOCKET in the years . to com ' . .
. We have "Cvery height anEl
weight !.;IU ,u('-eU. Come in cmd look thrtn over.
t he Frigidaire, the :N. o. R ., and. the Journal-Hera.ld .ll,ewspaper plant They also went to tho Dayton Stock Mnlket Exchange, i Wednesday, Jl5 the same group together with .l the agriculture boY6 went to Cincinnati to view the Mother's Day was given special stock yards. the meat packing plant , si"'nlficance In the Methodist Church " the pottery, and the :zoo, : by thc celebration of "The Festival of Lhc Christian Home." . Wednesday, 'May 15 the AchleveA playlct.. ': The Christian Family ment banquet was' h.,eld in the high I Ur. ites·' was presented at the <?hurcl1 school 'gymnasium; T'he p~rpose or sch ool hour with the following mem ba t to ~ d honom I bJrs takin g part·, Mrs. Harold . ~. the . nque was ':r. ;a , r . . . t'J those, Who were, hilgh In athleUcs Enrnhart as the Christian Mother; schOlarShip. and ' musllc . . The gUest Lloyd Davis. the Ohrlstian Father; sJ)l!aker was the !a8Iil!!tant-suPer1n. I Bonelta Burske and Oharles Flres .as teJident of Dayton'schools. Mr. Nor_ Christian Youth; :H1trlan Earnhart man Wine. The' 8~hOoI and Mothers' " as the Chl'lstiall' Child: a nd Miss O.l!:!-b 'CQC?perated lIl ' Il.rranglna the • Ruth Conner. the Spirit of ChriBtl- prograni. nnlty. .' . ---.L.f
At Methodist Chur.ch
At the mO!'nln~ worship service In ,'the regular JnO;lttlly meeting Ihe pastor spoke Oil "Thc Sane-t1I;y ot tbe Waynjl 'jBoard' of Edu" , of the Christian Baine". Spe~lal cation all teaCher ~ere ie-employ- . : recognition w.as gj"~il to' -the oldC$t, )ld tor ttt~ coming y,eiu! itie ~_ca.n• ol)d YI'I)Dqr~ mot.hl'\r and f".ther, olea of Mrs Ola Ker:iley who Is reI weJ'~ pre~ ented to Josla1! Dav1ll. tlfe tlr1ni trom' teach1rig, Mr, RusoldeRt father. Mrs, J . W. \Yhlte the, sell Holiday ' who Jj leaving to &eoldest mother Rnd Mr. I\n(\ Mf. Leo' . . ' . the FrankUn ' conner. the young~ 'mother . and ~Pt a .POIU1OD il1le4 . fa:.I1Er. S' ,( entll'r fatnlUes Were pres schools. were not
Exchaiige CO: lent :t the .,*:rvic~. .
Mr. and Mrs . Howard Missildine were Sunday dinner , guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Furnas Afternoon callers at the Furnas home were Mrs.' Lena Riggs and mother Mrll. perry 'nlo~~' . _"_. _' ....:._ _ _ _ __
.. _ PHONE 21 ,
-:. ---::---
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atdtll I
liag's Herallis To Entertain Ladies
-..--'-- - ~id
The members' of t he Klng's Her· aids lIocieLy will entertain their 1Il6llthers and women of the Ladles Aid ~Iety ot the Met/locUst Chur h . aL a covl'reli dish supper at t he dUII'ch, Monday evening. May 27, Bt e o·clock. , TIll! dlKtrl('t Junior secretll!'Y, Mrs. Martin Hllrr.ls, ot Dayton wlll 'be the guest speaker. and wlU present It lire member",lp certUlcate to MIss Nlaoml Earnhart. a member ot the IOClety. All thOlle attending will plt:ase bl'lag a covered Olilt,. sandwiches, and table aervlce.
Mr. ,and Mrs. Robert Baker Jr, ' were Dayton v1aI~!,. !bursday. • • • • • Mlsa Betty ~utDbn ot 'LyLll! W88 the guest ot Miss Irma Pires. Monday and Tuesday.
Rev. Kearna Preston at Chicago anlved at the home of hili son, J . K . Preston and famUy for a week's vIsit
We are 'flOW eont~acttng sweet corn 'tor tile 1940 pack, OBII 119R21 or see 118 at our olTlc!! nt the Wayn esvlUe phuTt. Roxanna Canning ,?o.
Mr, and Mra, Walter lOayer and daugh ter Jea~ Audrey oC Olncinnati were week end guesl4 of Dr, and Mra, A. E. Stout.
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Eatnbart at Springfield. Sunday.
bAt• .wtei1 t.
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. ' .:!.-..o.--
"The lIarrIed COuples'
01"; of the
Muon . Meu.octtat .Ohurc;b 18 1JIOIlIOrIpa ali amafA!1D' 00n~ to ~ held In tbe IIaaon hIIh -8CboQI aUditor·
lum tbe eYeDinr or' June 14. . PrIzes 'wlll be' oIfered for · tbe five contestants receiylng the ~t nWuber of votea' in the amouiJtI of f', ts.
,2, 'I. '.
inl, oommunlYOI.lq or Rev.
Those interested
cate ,;ltA
Mi.'R. ,A.
Lowell W . Bupp st&tlnC &be nauh uf'tlteir aC!~: Or ~~: There Wilt be an: aucaWOn at contestanta t ' , :,01. "'~. . f -. 1..' III the Muon .blah Ieboo1 auditorIum the eveDtn; t~~:' Ple cOn~t at 8:11O' 0·cJock:.No eDttru wiil 'be receh'l!d after ·thlrUdie.
' . ~, '~~~~
.. . . .. ·
IIr and',IIra.- ~wrence Cook en· tertained' .tJ;e' .ipeIia~!'. of the "500" club. Wedneeda, evening. A new member. Mrs. Robfrt GaDa" was welcomed the club at this meet· .... .. • • • • .! In•• ·
tnto •
:o;trv:Ung sweet We are com for the IIHO pack. Call i19R2l or see us our o1Iice at the ,Way---- O&nnin At a meeting In the Golden Lamb , g Co. neaville plant. Ro.......... • • hotel 'Le"'-non plans were formu-,evening by the War • • • ... - d lated• "·onday and MnI. lIe ••s ru~ a n . . . . . , . f Mr. -'I ·"-da 0- -0 ~-ren county chapter of the American au .......... y were ..... , Y BUU ... n,a&f'-' ' __ 11 ' ,..••~ - - DAd O~· ' to launch a " ~Ive to raise old &'"J' .... ·o "'eIl..,........fJ : - - r .....- ~ ....... ' \II . ' th ... appro"'mately ... 800 as the county's ale FIres spent the '4&Y wi _r, and ... -. ' MI'II, Elvan PIres. sbare of the '10,000.000 being raised • • • • • throughout the Un1ted States to aid Mre. H, P. Dye was hostellll te' thc men, women and ch!ldren In Holmembers of the "m-Lo" bridge club land. Belgium aud war tom El.\rope. Thursday eveninB'. First prIr.e waa chairman Charles J . Waggoner- anwon by Mrs;: Carmen Crane, and nounced. consolation by Mrs. L. A. Oarst. The clr1ve w1l1 · get unoer way today and citizens are urged through• • • • • lIIrs. D. C. Rldle and Ill'll. Harvey out the county to 'respond to this Rye attended the sale held at the most worthy cause. ContrlbuUons home of Ruth and Anna Nutt ' on from nve cents llP may be lett at the p.)'tOn-IAIIanon pike Saturday any ·bank-In the cbunty or sent to afternoon: . Clyde O. treaaurer. of tRe , . • • • • county chapter at Lebanon, Receipts At the Pred . B. Henderson sale. wm be wued by the local chapter. SaturdaY. May 25. W. P. Sallllbury ownshlpS In the county have " been apportJoned , . as follows: will ' aldtchen c8b1net. two 9x12 nJI8. 0~',1nIraln..~t. rugs ~tlecreek. 'f150; FranTtlln and .and other article., .' , C1Caroreek. '850; 'Wayne. $300; • • • • • beer leJd. $200; Salem, $200; Massie. .UIO; Union" '100; Hammon. $100. W, aahinlton, '100 and. Harlan. '100. - Atte ' ndin';' the meetln a were L. ·G . D Kermett, George Gales,D E . H. Blnd'ley, and Madison Hutchinson, Frank 111'1; Walter Chesney and D. E. Hey• • • • '. WOOd. Mason; Ross Hartsock. WaySunday afternoon vlsltora at the nesvllle; Earl ilaa g, Merrow. Charhome of Mr, and IIrs. n. c. -Rld.ge les Wl\ggoner, Fleece HBrdln . Warwere Mr. and Mrs., Brooa Roberts ren C, Nelson. ~ Van Ness and H , and Mr. and Mrs. Oeor,e !llddle' I. Dally. Lebanon. stetter of Dayton. and Mrs, Jennie
__~__M_~__ ~ "____ ••
,- .
Mr. and Mrs~ Ro~rt Bater Jr.. lind, 'their dalllhter. Jeanne, entertalned at dlrmer. Sunday. Mr. an4! Mrll. Robert· Bakel' st.• JIisa ,dorothY Day. 1l11li MarIe, ow.... . aDd Mr. . Aiternl,lOn
·~tel'8OD 'of' Piqua.
'-,~.. ...
. ".
Mr. and Yn. .Jr.-Brown or PrankIIn ,and xr. and Mrs. Rusaell Frank If,pent. the week end ~ Mr. and Misses Adallne and Frances Alden lin. Karl Bodenbender of Loveland. entertained Mrs. F. J . Kelser and Mr. and, lira. .~ and Mr. and M~. Del Hogue of Colu1pbua, at 'Mrs:' PraDit celebrated their fltth . dinner Thuraday. '~:' ~[~!to,a;r~~"I":~lbU~!i!,~' wedding anluversary. Bunday. ' Mrs: Margaretta Heacock. Mrs. Dllytlm. '·.lIr; • ., . • • Donald Hadliy. ms, Ella Oook, Mrs, B{'lIl11UAllli ' IIIN, :"""'" \AI~" · H1U '" . , . 'Mr. Mrs. "Donald L. Ha';J{e Lena Hilrtsocit and Miss Frieda Har" ' - en~ ~Wlth a 1w;nlc ·,supper ,at, vy ,heard' Dr, Rufus· M. Jones of " Ii .' Saturday ..Their Philadelphia, speak. In Wilmington,
~, .~, tb~ir Ifbin~. ~~lng •J guee~ were Rev•. and lira. R. L , Sunday morning, ' ~we1l, ~. ~1fard ' Weltz and Mi-. and ' Mrs, Fra'nlt Squires of ' · ' fa: . 'anct ' .Mr., ,a~'" •.., ~ Mrs • Ethan . - Harveyllburg. . 0,r. Be' n "·cCII1 e an )t~~~;~~f=::I~~~~~~J Crane a~d ~aD,Uly. ~ and niece McClellan Wot isl lItlss0 Maudd...... 't)~l1!I• •~~.~:
Rev. John S. Altmaa ' 'AYNE SKY HAWKS and Mrs, W: P~ S~~bU~y, Memorial Day Speaker " We are now contracting sweet Warren County Leape\' STARTS THIS WEEK TO HAVE MEET :r~:o~s t~: ~=00:::'a~~~e1~~ SuncllJGim~
,Be HeItI At 1"'1
. ..
~.:w"':;~IIOYI ' :=ar~ndv:~d a~ha=' o!t:~ 'REO CR'OSS DRIVE ....
Mr. and MI'II, J ,
Local Girl Scouts
. .
.. The local boys- were hand~d their Mr. and MrS~ ,N. L. Rogers and lleeond BLI'aJght defeat last Sunday when Lebanon won by a IICore of 8 to Miss Ann Rogers of Springboro were Sunday dinner guests of Ilr. and a. \ Although tho mud k,e pt ~he boys Mrs, Mark Rogers. .. ;. buSY trying to move around so they Mr, and Mra. -~. ~ Lukens an rt would not sink It WIL'I a tough battle . until the elllhth Inning wben tour or CBmlly spent ellturday night and flve errol'll were como'l'r.ted allowing Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. J , Oreene of Martinville. three runs to lICore. • .. . _e.-.....e A. Osborne Willi on the hill for Mr. and Mrs. Dean Walton were • .Me~an WU guests at a family dinner SundBY. at the home of Mr, and Mrs. OlarnCe GlackIn In Ibson.
Investiture CerelllODffof
Mastel' Jimmy Cmne spent the Twenty-two girls, comprlslnll the week end w:th his gr and parents. Mr, local Girl Scout Troop, were form'l r! ; . I'S Cnrl l,"I!1l1e, of Lebanon. •• Iy aomltted Into the sisterhood ot the Olrl Scouts, at Ule Investiture MI'. and l\lrs. Kenneth Hough and Ceremony. held Wednesday af~er· , I' ~ Harold B, Earnhart were Day- noon, at the high schOOl buUding. E:a : h gi rl was presented. In turn , by IUn vIHItOI'S, Thursda y, Iler llntl'Ol leader, to the captain, Mrs. Mar k ROllers, Mrs. Edgar Mi ss Lucille Walta.n , and received : Illl i h an d Mrs, C. I. Satter thwaite l1er Olrl SCOUt pin, Miss Walton was aSBlst~d by Miss Inez JBI\leS and \'. (' I p Dayton visitor!;. Thursday. Miss Earline Lanham. The Waynesville Troop, which Is a W e a re now contracting sweet Lone Scout Troop, was organized co rn for t hr .940 pack. Call 119R21 two months ago under the sponsor~ee us ll L ou r office aL the WayIle, \'il lc plnm . Roxanna Canning 0.0 . ship of the Prog~S!l lv e Women's club, and the leadership or MIslI .. .. .. Wa lton . The Scout Troop committee MI'. and Ml's. Robe rt Dake r, Jr .. which Is organlZd to aid the Troop nnd rtu ugllll'l' J eallne attended funin Bny way possible, 1& comprised of eril l services for F . A. Jior ton of Mrs, Howard Fagt. chairtmln. Mra. Un.l' t on Wedllesduy afternoon , L . C. Radley. Mrs. John W. Kersey. .. . Dr. Mary L. Oook and Mrs. J . K. Mr. and Mrs. J . P . LiuTlck and PrestolT. During the Bummer months thl.'ir guest. Mrs. O. E . Norris. nnd t he Troop Wlli "Continue to meet each 1 • T, flll1k Hoffman visited relaweek under the leac:tershlp of Miss liveR at Richmond , Ind .. SundRY. Inez James. Gh~ invested at the ceremony Mr. a nd Mrs. 0 , T. SntL('r thwnite nnd daught.er , Ann. w('rp Bunda ,· Wednesday afternoon are as foUowa; evening gues ts of Mrs. Tom Israel l\illldred Bourne, MarftYb Burske and Miriam Rogers. who are patrol Illld dnu ghter Ada of Leban on . leaders; Dorothy Oonard, Raylyn .. .. Orabbe. Barbara Orane. 'Margaret Mrs, Russell Benson, of IndianHarlan , Betty Jones. Ruth Anna apOlis, came Wedne.~day to spend a few days with her parents, Mr, and Johns •. Ruth Helen "!;eMay. Bett!' Routzatm. 01adys Rye. atwlna Stan Mrs. W, P. Snllsbury . forth. Ann Weltz. Glennie Eden , Es• • • • Mr, Ilnd Mrs, tebn Salisbury and t her Lukens. Marjorie Oonner. ~ ftlmlly of Washington O. H. and Mr , othy Graham. Ernestfile EarniuU't. and Mrs, Harvey Rye and faroUy Rosemary MUlford. Yvonne Stubbs, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr •. and Mary Jane Ander!on.
• • • • •
..,Local Happenings .,.----_ . ._------,------:-
Mr, and MI's. Keith Wallon were ~lInday guestl of Mr. and Mrs, ueorge Walton,
The Rev. John S. Altman, pastor or St. Paul's M4~thodlst Ohurch In Dayton. will give the address at the ~remorlal e)(erclses at MiamI ceneteTY. The cel'emonles, which are Imder the dlr:ecU!ln of the Waynesvl11f' Civic Olub. wtll begin at two o'clock. Fallowing the opening selectlOM by the' high sChOOl band. dlr(.cted by R. E. F'fank. Troop NO. 40 of the Boy Scout,s' will form at the entrance of the cemetery near the cannon and mar<:h to the graves of John and Oarlen Runyon . where a short memorial service w1l1 take place, Immediately afterwards will come the formal service and address at the speakers' stand , The excerclses wUl conclude wtth the decorn ting of the cannon by the local n oy S«out Troop. Mrs. H. E. Hathaway fs In cbar,:re of gathering fio'wers and making wreaths. and anyone who ha~ flowers which may be used (or this purpose Is asked to notify her.
PU.RCHASEI) PROPERTY . M,r. and Mrs. Ma,r k , Rogers h ave pllrchased and moved into the M a d · den property on li'lrth street r ecentI.y occupied by Mr. and Mrs . Olenn Borden. Mr. and Mrs. Borden have moved Into the Earnhart property on North street fllld Mr. and Mrs, Howard MIssIldine wUl occupy the -
Ellis property vacated by Mr. and MJ's. Rogers.
nesvlUe plant, Roxanna Oannlnlt 00, • • • • • All boys cnterlng the Day ton Air E. T . Aylatock Mr, and Mrs, Albert Oarver. MIss meet May 30, mlL~t be at Preston 's I tl Lola and John Sears of Cine noa MASONMason baseball team defarm Sunday, May 26 , for test flights I. . "pent une week end with their par- fellted the Franklin team Bunday by Only those who make eligible flights , Be Mr I ... ~ ... " ,_'. a score of II) to 1 bell..... wac P wu\\.111 be .nken to Dayton. dUe to Me- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W , N, ara. ....• and Mrs, Everett Sears of Spring Ing of Aylsto<;k. who allowed \be morlal services at WaynesvUle, f Valley . and John Hole and son 0 Franklin team only two hits while On JULIe 2, the Wayne Sky Hawks Dayton were Sunday evening v1altors Mason' was plcldng up 17 hits witb will have 'another air meet here. • • • • • DwIre taking the batUng honor with Merllhants who wiSh to h elp the club Mr, and Mrs, Ell Furnas and fam- t wo doubles and a home rUil to bls may do so by contributing to the Uy were Sunday dinner guests ot-Mr.- credlt. The Mason team looked nice boys fund for purchasing prizes for and Mrs. W. J. Hagemeyer of Mar- in their new uniforms and We want the meet, The boys will shOW their tlnsv111e. Sunday evening they at- to thank the merchant., who made appr eciatloll by publishing In tended bhe baccalaureate service at It possible to get them. Mason plays next week's Gazette, the na es Wilmington. at which Dr. Rufus M, Morrow a t .Morrow next Sunday a" of business houses nnd pe rsol1~ who Joncs. of Philadelphia, was the 2:30 P. m , have contributed. All prizes will be speaker. HMveysburg defeated South Leb&model ki ts. • • 0 0' 0 nOll at South Lebanon. the score be", There are n Cew ·m en . who are Mrs. Joseph Chamb rlalu at Leb· ing 19 to 11; Harvey..sburg gettln, 22 _.- - - -'T"""''W much Interested In having a senior anon, Rev and lvirs , R, L, Hackwell , hits to South Lebanon's HI, Charlton Newhlo club, O Lhers Interested and Mr. a~d Mrs, E. L. Thomas at· pitching tor South Lebanon waa reI. please sec Otto Fuchsberger as soon tended the annllal Dlo~esan Conven· lived by Huddles ton who Wall relieved as posslbl,e . tlon ot the Episcopal Ohurch of by SeUbeck; Ffeeland and McKay d pl tcJllng for Ha. rveysj;)ur8 • The followin g club lllembCI'S at- Southern Ollio field at Ohrlst a 't ended the Oas Motol' meet at Co- Church , Olnclnnatl. Tuesday an South Lebapon plays Lebanon next lumbus lo st Sunday : H.aymond Wednesday, Sunday at 2:30 at Lebanon. Isaacs. Harry Dickensh eet. Robert • • 0 0 • Morrow defeated Ola:'ksvllJe IS for to Biggs, Jack Crane, Mr, and Mrs. Rev. nnd Mrs. R . L. Hackwell 8 at Clarksville. Dwlnger pltcblng Ot~ Fuchsbcrger. 'were ho, t and hostl!ss to the tollow_ ......,._... Ing guests at breakfast Sund ay mom MOllow alia Bryan pltch1n8 f(tt ClarksV1lle. 12, Morrow ~ hilaMason " and . ItECEIVED STATE AWARD Ing: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Baker an d Clarksville Marrow20pJays chUdren. Marcia, James. Thomas and ' WJlllaril, and Mrs , Joseph ;~~~I:~~a::::. Morrow the gam,! Miss Frances Johns received the Ohamberlaln of Lebanon : Mr. and Sta te award of honomble mention Mrs, Louis Thompson, Oleo and CarIn EngllAh X, Sa turday. when leton Stanley. • • . ' . • uva a wards were presented by Ray O. Master Lorin Hough , son of Mr. 1l Wood, director of 0 hi 0 BeI10IaI'shi p and Mrs. Kenneth Hough . celebrated, . 00 ' "~,_ I 'I
Phineas W.' C--L Rit·es r k' Piace .. ..
tests. at Memorial Hall. Columb~, Miss Johns was on c of the three studen t.s of Warren CounLy to recelve State a.wards ' In acad emic subje,: !.~, Mr, a nd Mrs. Raymond Braddock and Miss MBry Eva LeMay ac~ompanled Miss J Ohns, and t hey all enjoyed a sl~t-seelng tour of Columbus.
his fltth tJlrthday anniversary. WeoI , 'f ne~day. with a dinner party. at "\ SALES TAX PASSES which two of his little cousins, Ruth Pl,Ilneas Walkl!l' Cqot., '18. ~ 15 MILLION MARK Enrnhart and Suzanne Harlan. and away S~turday at the 'hqlDe" Of .baa his two grandmothers, Mrs, Viola b-:,o ther, Abram Coot, In SprlnaborO, Total sales tax revenues collected Harlarf"'a.nd Mrs, ~.1artha Hough .were where lle has, ~de'hia holll! for t~, from January], IB40 to May 4. 1940 guests. past few mo~. \ , amounted to $15,9f;3,351.27 according • • 0 • • He was th~ fjldeat or. tpe chIldrl9 to Don H. Ebright, Treasurer of Mr, and Mrs. Oarmen Ortne and of , tile la'e ,sfephen' and .u.y state. Oolleotlons for !lie week end· Mr and Mrs. Russell Holliday spent Walker Coot and liVed hla eDl1re Ing May 4 were $1 .013,184.28 compar- CLASS I\mF.TING TO th~ week end on a fishing trip to ~e, ~p to a lew mon~1l8 ~o n,~ ed to"$892,241.47 for· tlle previous DE HELD AT CIIUI{f 'P, Celina. On Sunday they were joined, 1I.nd 1n· 'Wayne.!lvlUe, HIs brother ~ week, by Dr. and Mrs, A. E, Stout IUld', a Cook, survive.
n~hew S~ey
M~n<!a;y ~,~r-
The Young Married Oouples' class their guests Mr, and Mrs. Walter Bervlces were held Mrs. Sarah O!iK>rne, of Sprlng of the Methodist Church will have Klayer of Olnclnnati. Dr. an,d Mrs. noon at the grave In .Miami cemetery 11o • . ' '" ''I F Dye• Mr Valley spent Sunnay at the home of their regular meeting at the church . and Mrs ''· ,Ru:saell' ' Argus Osborne. . ' Wednesday even1ng, 29. at Oampbell. Mr. ·ana Oolenn . <, ',: • ••• • • • , I. her son and family. . ' eight o·clock. with Mr. nnd Mrs. Rus Bland . . ' " . Xenia v ted , r, an _ ..., ..,. aDd ~: Gl.e nn . Bland anll Ward. Sunday; , ' . " ." -::' sell E. Frank and Mr. B11d Mrs. COrl . , •••• . 1~~.lter·~!I'I!I~ra Lou or ~~o . . . " WINS FIRST., PLJ1CE , IN . Conard as hosts. For the Pleaau~ .o~ , their luest nJlrl1t lUlBieof uiitir ' par. • U,8. Sara SchunCJt .~f Ban Berna~. " T~I~l!IT'ATE CONTEST ' _ 'Mra. C. E. Norris of Peoria. m" Mr. . Ml:: a~, ~! -~, C(: St. .Jo~ ' dI~; ,~. oaJl~ on M1ss1es 'AnnIe ' and lin. J .. P. Laf'l'tclt entertaIned '. . . Baturdij' ft1iibt. 'MrS,' ;JohD, MaIne T..BroYipe, '. LEWIS ' , . wltb a palty 'S aturday evening. Mrs. W. E. 0IrleUet' . ... '~and : lio6' Oi ' ~' \otaited,. 'FrleDds~fWas.~loiOP€rtsw.ho ~1Ss .~ra TIiOrnbury. daUgn- . RECE~~ PROMOTlq~ · oth~('R.uellts ~ere ~r. and Mr,s. to "the woman·a -CiYkl.'~~·: ~~ '. 1IU·.' a .n ll'lIri. Bl,Jotin,a~ af~ · is - CODva~8C1i'Ii at ; th~ Dlliaboro ter,.ot Rev, and Ml'II .. J. ~. Thornbury . . '.' ' Ralph H!l:8Un lis an!! son, Robert. Mr, ~turday eve~,. ~ .. ' • t, . ' <' . ': Health are . learn won first , l?Jace .. . Word ·has been' received .from ,Ethan and 'lin. "If. E. Stroud. Mr, and Mrs ' An 'PfOIl'UD, " " ' '. ,. .~ • . i' 'If ,,. • '. her' oonattlon·'iSl.nor&o favOr alto soloist In. a tJi-~te :~~test at Lewis, who Is stationed at the' Naval A Stubbs. 'and Mr. ,and B;'rs, Wltl ~ater,wa1s in ,N!~. and Un., R. J:I' ,~~ -en- ,-ab,e, ,_ , :' ,,' ,".. ~ '. Springfield, IIl~no~.. , laSt W~k.~M1as Elental School. a t Wutungion D. C" ~r Sh~han. Games of Ohlnese . ,Jiyen .by~. ~" '!'" • ~~I~.1d the ~~ .. ~tI " "at' . Mrs. Le~' ·HartsoCk .wail ' a .d lnner· T~brnbury\won 'the 1I~~. champion: that, In . r:ecent e'.Camlnation he was 'cheaeta Were enjoyed during the Clark;~ ' ': ' - - - - .,.... . ............. ' 9_ · " ' t " , • tl berG peHfts with ' " . f "'-h aoore _ tIbe ~ .. : "'!'6" ~ ,~. ,' ~"alleat at the· bome of bel' lOll. R. 11. shiP ,reeen y te ~m..... · Qne of bllt two ~harma~llIta lJl1It,es\ evening, wltl! prizes . or .... ~ ' ,,~",. ,Jbilt.eDCII: Of ,Dd and ,tam.Uy. :8unda1. ,_. from Inclw1a. 3r.d claas. advanced to 2nd ,c1ass- be1ng won brurs. Sheehan nnd.Mr. .. . . QIl.....,.;...!MI: . , II. ~ 01 OeDterWDe, ~~ - - "...., ,JaJilea D&fIj '_d~. -- - : " tbe ~ I'Olntr 1Dt.O ellect. May 18. Stroud. and ~n!lol,.tlon prillell by lQ,~ ..... lIN. A,'z. -af CcIbmIIIuI ,rata ' Dol'll Hawlu,. daughter oT'ilr 'Th1a pnnftoUon lIves 111'. an Mr. Hutlnp and Mrs. Stroud. The .. . .,or ....r • lit. , ...., In WQn8lVIIJe atO. Lee WIllI re- -added cll'mm. as U AIliDl;Jeue gneat of hollOr waS " .t h q.an." ar ..... . ' UIe f'IIIWal ar ........ Ooofc. j,11!Ctecl- pIIIIi1ebt lAbaDon In -aalary. maD)' frieDCla in W.,- a lovely by the . . . . A aafli..ll'lIIOeDIIaIm. ... . . . Of ......... ADDle . . . lIaIM .e,·sm. 'Women'. ilhvUle W111 be to 8bare the ant- evenlnlr WU . a ......... ,.' .' 'at the Dewaor Ida . " de)leloua two IIOIINt ...... .>:
"i;C::Ilt1~r~ml~o" , UIA'"Ii ~Jl
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Motor Service, cartM.lretor, •.8&: Farmers Auto Supply 00.. suppl1ea and parta. '157.77; ~llD Vulcan, ~llg & Tire 00.. suppWea antf parp.
-a._l JQbnaon
l-I,fU- - . ..., .
:dI ,81.114; Waynesville Farmers ExBn~ Id Seeond Clua 'Mail 'Matter at POlltof~lce. Waynellville. ohIo ' :3 - ---f • ehanae Co .. tlle. ,1,85: Dr. O. L. Lay . - -,' ., man, ' med1cal S'ervtcea. ".00; Dra. Flora M. Crane :Editpr,and Publisher NEW SIJITS Oal:ley R. and' Carrlill 1'4'. Unglesby .'Edward and Robert. Blalr. . medical . , - .-. - . .' to RIll' C. an~ Olara Belle MY~rs; services, '1.50; , , ' ISSUED EvmRY THUllSDAY " ' CIl\rCncc' Krebs vII. cnr~r. Kreb~: :ll.5j aCrC$ in wa~~~ Townah.ip. . Harry .Baysore, commander. Me. YeaI'. Payable 'in Advance dlvorcc.. wlllful nb.~ence. l ,(:na B. Henderson. deceased. to morlal Dfl:y allowan~e, t25.QO , L, N . Antonio Vl11erl vs. Edn.I\ Tuet.ln~: . :Fred B . Render·?n. et aL; part ~r Printz. treasurer. Memortal Dfly alaynesvllle" artlUon nnd snlc o[ patncrshlp In· lot 6 In 10wance. $25.~; Women's Rellef e:;z: w. H. Madden, dee~ased; ~n.dMAd. Corps. Memorial Day allowance. ierests. GATE.(JRASBERS ARE A NU1SANO~BUT! Irmn Hodges vs . Albert HOdge'S; die Madden to Mar.~: .P . an . ' ar· $25.00; H. . B. Cono'{er. 8upplles. tor alimony. gross neglect. ga.ret P. Rogers; lota ·2'1, 28, 29 and guard rail material and parts,,187.B2 Mle Southern dance-hall fire: 1n which about 200 Negroes died the Dorothy Schuyler Trovillo. n mln- 30 In Waynesville. BmlU't's Ga~ge. ·psoUne. $30.40; horrible or deathS, is simply one more. of t hose conflagrations which Mabel B. Colter , to Martha R . Follmer Bros .• clea,nlng. out ')ludtly or. by May Sohuyler. h er mother f have bi!en prevented. The fIre, I~ III reported. was started deliberately by a drunken merry- and next fr'lend , VB. Austin TrovtUo; Dupree: 54~~ neres in Turtlecrpek Creek, '100.00; The Book Shop. TownShiP. . . maker. None save the crlmlnal can be blamed for that. But , Ilad a . mini· divorce, gross neglect. to green blot.ten . ',' ~, '1.65. Perry B. and Besse Simpson mum of' toretbou~ht been used. the hazards that make for a serlolls !Ire SPhone 78J COi\IMON PLE/\S PROCEEDINGS Alma Runyan ; about 135 acres In 01lDlNANC8 NO. . . . would not have existed. lORN B1ZZ0 _ _ Warren County. (8 .. "tlon 1188, G • . c. of 0 , . '0) . The dance-hall was decorated with streamers of Spnnlsh moss-n George E. Hl\l1 t.() J . T . Rlley; .part r.TVI'No rc N!'lI1lNT OF TB'E Vl,LMiriam Sherwood vs. Roger Shermaterial which Is practically explosive when dry. On top of thnt. all wlnof lot 916 In Franklin. J.ACl'1'l TO THE TMPROVEMIDIT OF ~ows and Ilnt.rances. save for the Tuurow front door. had been b rred , In wood; divorce ~ranted, plal.n tlff·s 1·'1 ,Nr<:r,TN TU>AD UNDER THE , malelen nnme. Mlrlam Stump. reo Mnbel Genevieve M;nrtln to Ohar· !';I PIilRV1SWN OF THE DIRECorder to keep out possible gate crashers. les C. Carroll and Lqrnlne Carroll; T~:H~~~1~~~!1~i-ector Hlgh Gabriel PaUl The Inevitable result was that when the match touched Lhe moss, Hell stored. defendant to pny costs , lot 1 ang. part of lolt 2 In Bamllton \\';\,:1'8 18 cons lderln'S' bile matter ot broke lOO6e. Flames shot to the ceililll!. Vast pUJars of black smoke b\l1ow- . Eli7..abeth Osborne vs. the estn te Township. the Improvement unaer his aupef'. vi sion ot the publl() h'g.h,'wa~· ICnown Clncinnatl:-The Reds wlll take a TARVlA·LITHIC TAR AND ed oUt. In a few seconds the dance hall was an Inferno. Dancers. blinded of Andrew D. Shultz; Charles J . Hayes DaltQn to J ' o hnson Dalton; as State Hlglhwa)' No. 25 1. and furlolloh from the road wars over by smoke and choking from fumes. beat with pltlful futility agalnsl the Wnggoner. admlnlstralor. defendan t .... WREREA .• ll'rankUn Road' wlthR9An OIL; ' &XCAVATINO part of lot 149 In FTanklln. In this vlllag Ilea In w!hole or part the week-end and return to. their barred windows !!ond doors. . A 'few es<aped by the front entrance. The granted 30 days to file pleading. Hlrnm G. FlI!sl)er to Emmett L. nlong the line ot "aid IItate hl8'hhome Crosley -Aid tor tllree COIIDUMP TR UCK SERVICE wnl', .8ald Franklin Road b e~ng ...... George. B. Johmon . county treasmajority perlshed from sutfoca'tlon and flame. Voris and Helen Vo.rls; 5 acres In more part'loularly deBorl bM &8 . (0\- teBts in two days A .... lust the maul. PIT RUN. LOADED SOc YD. In thIS flre. tM simplest. most obvious tenets of rlrc prevention and urer of Warren County, vs. James lows' . ....Begln.ning e.t 0 Dolnt w.bere Ing St. Lou\.. Cardinals. 'rwo of tile control were violated. Under no circumstances should imflnnllnable mater- Pile and F. W. Fnmz. case dIsmiss. Hamilton Township._ Thelma .Carr to George C~nter; Fra nklin Rood (8. H . No. ,2111) Jnler- games wUl be played in a slnale at laUs 'be used for decoratlons.-many a disastrous flre has started trom that ed. , secta the west corpprlHlon ,lIml tt or It 8 acres· l.n Franklln TownshiP. Wa,YDesvlll • Ohio : €h nee cocntl nu \ng "ternoon, Saturday. then on Sunday C. C. Sponsler vs. New York Cen· calise Even worse Is the practice of barring windows and exits. Gate·crash LesUe G. Boxwell to Wi1Uam over nnd alonjf ·the touh <lit Inld S. H. No. 2r.l 10 Ib Interae-atlon of U. s. the same two bUter rivals will hook lng ' ~ay be \In annoyance-but It's considerably 'less annoying trol System. a corporntlon: The New Pbone. WaynllvUle H R 11 Mildred Pa- Route No. 41. Oontlnulng from th8 up In a alnale game on what .hll.ll York Centrol Railroad Company. Franklin Edwards eLnd , Intel'llection Ilt U. S. ,Route ~o . 42 .. .~ri beIng cremated aUve. Lebanon office Phone 47S -Kn,n(l In ,an eUlerly dlr~ctlon 'to t~ e been designated ,as pemllmt raisins, The country pltles the victims of this flre . But let the Qount:y learn a demurrer overruled. defendant giv- trick; lot 435 In FraJiklln. Cassius B. BrownIng and Beulah Hr draUilc lborldg . there t erml"al~l. da I' s .9S:M. Morrllw PDone No. S \¥HER-BAS. Tt Is proposed to dy. lesson 1fom thelr need.less deaths. Think first-then you won't have to be en twen ty days to file answer tend 8ald !ltat hlg'hway Improve_ I t Is very ftttlng. and It wasn't an Willard A. Fox vii. Rose Jeanne Browning to Russell'_IScott; 1.05 acres. m vainly sorry afterwards.- IndllBtrlal News Rev,lew nl Into. within or th'roligll thl8 1n D eer 11 e1<1. To wns.. P. vlllag an1i a lOng the a('Ol'Uald acdiIent. that the 1&39 pennant Fox; case dismissed. Harlan-ButlervlllE! VUlage Board Fr~~~ln~~'f,MEFOlnl " should be raJaed on the first Sunday of EdU, c atlon to,.Alfr·ed and Ina Greg Be n ' Orl;laln ed. j)y . t he P .OUIICIl of the Cardinalll play In dtnclnnatl this. PROBATE COURT ory; one acre IIi Blu-Ian Township. !~ Vlllnge or 'Wlll' nuvll le StMe or . •• IVhIO ! ' , yeal'. The 0Uda have every rlabt. to Walter S . HaWk and 'Sarah E. SEC TION 1 : TJlat It · la declo re~ to I t th k In the matter of the estate of Hawk to Harry La~'1llon and 'EdIth b In the pllbllc Interl'~ t thn.t til see w 18 e pennant looks 11 e, for • cOllaent ot "o.ld vllJagt' b" a.nd aucll themaelves Pans or this vlclnlty weI ' L~-~------:--,",:"---'='---:=======:: Arthur TIttle. deceased; repo.r t o[ L O'ymon ' 40 cpe 1'- H Ut con a nt 18 hel'eb)' g lv n. that aal d ' . ~ • a ~ s m am on F'J'ank lln Road. or 80 1011ch then.ot they came the cl06eet to winning It 1 distribution a.pproved. REAL ESTATE a9 Ie above de&erlbed ·lytltog /llong _&.that III 'I'ownshlp. In tbe matter of the estate of th e line or 8,,11'1 State Highway No. reme•.....,r grue ng struggle INSURANCE Harry Laymon and, Edith Laymon 251 may b Improved unllt'r the au down the stretch, IU'ld the spectacu. H. W. Ruddltck, deceased; estate reAUCTIONEER lieved irom administration , prop- to Erilest Pence and Mlldred Pence; ~.~'~~Ion or th :Q!r ctor ot Hlg h- lar series late In September In which erty to be delivered to surviving 12.30 acres In HamUton Township, l\n~r.;TI~~et b;hil~.~::tl I ~"'~rnl\~i ibe Reds cUnched ClnclnnaU's flrst Edna Tueting to Antonio Vallerl: th e Dlrecto " ot Hlghwll)'S and 10 pennant years. spouse. W. Chester Maple appointed the 8 001'<1 o r Cou nt y omml".lonAI'II part of lot 05 In P'esant Plain 'Commissioner. " . . ot Wllnen ollnty. 'Oh lo: n cel·tltled Ceremony 8ul'roundlng the fla" In the matter of the esta.te of A. B. K aufma n and Rosa Kaut- I'OP), gt this ,onllnnnce Immlldl a,t ely rallllng wlll lnclUde the lTIarch to the t HID II I III)0n th., t:tK In~ crrH't Lhel'~r . . . J. N. Burch, deceased: exeoutor .o r- mnn 0 . . a y, Jr.; ots 23. 24 SIilCTTON 3 : ThaI thlll Ordl;'l\nN' flagpole In which all members of the nnd 26 In Lebanon. ' shall tA.k,; ~ ff "(' 1 a nd \w Ih 'O I'C " r'f Onl n lid aft r the ' arll cet per iod Cincinnati team 'IVtlo were wttl} t.he dered to pay taxes and expenses In the sale of property. sale approvt'd. a llP.a OW_1I dd :byM~ law. club In 11139 WUl aid In carryln"It or y 17th. 1!l~O In the matter of the estate 01 BiLl,S Atl.oWEO · A. 'R. PAY, • the nar. Smlttle's MJlItary Band will llIlYOI' Charles H. Hartsock.., deceased: Att ~91: H . :'1:. ('or )', Clerk prov I de the mUSic. automobUe ordered sold Jt private Trustees of Publlo AtTalrs. 'sewer ?tlU3-'SO 'l'Fe doubleheader to be played sale. service. Jail and oCRlIrtholtse. $42.70': Saturday was necessitated by the 'In the matteJ' ot the estate of' Lebanon Lumber Co" 'plywood. brads, - . _N....;;..;;:-__...._ _-..,., pOt:tponement becauae of flood of the .; WlIIjam D. ~elf, deceased: hearing masonite. etc.. tor (:ourthouse. '1.76; I!ame scheduled April 24. . " ROOT, POll AND.~IIGII on inventory of said estate Is set Johnston & Johnst()n . labor on sash. FollOWlnr the flag raising contellt fooaN~=~~."w1n":: for May 20. private sale 01 personal courthouse. $1.13; nustees of Pub· ' . Sunday, the Reds wlll UDee ·to the plOft'tlll.. the 1aIiIIa. .. property ordered. • IIc .Affairs. lI~ht at· Jail; gas at jail, road again fc.- a short trip to· Pitts· m.....t . prle• . aDd IIO!»d aeriIe.. In the matter of the estate of light at courthoUSI!. ' ,192.94; East bul'gh and Ohicago, They '11111 meet U.... i ....·y ...... Cl-le..... 0. "E C 1 -' ' . th TaD. III OD 118"0 Statio. WeD Ollf d d Fannie B . Turner. ecease; - nq oa Co., coal for Memorla,l Hall . e pu~ ..... In a doubleheader Mon· 11:11 to 11':10 p, •• for 011' W, ford E. Turner appointed admlnls· $1.1.76; Treasurer oM State. 2%' of a" WILL ROGERS dAY and ainsi4!, gamell ~eaday and ....at ......... trator, Henry Brady., Charles Stubbs \Otal amount due sllate for care of · ~ . wa!la merda&llt iD RoIIJ. W~ay, then head tor Chlcallo, and John Gonnan appointed ap- lnmates. $271.27 ; Dlr. N. t,.. Himllton :cut :a~~=t,,~~ w':.Dt,'kt; where they are to meet th~ z;am,- ~ . !!!!!!!!~~:!!!!!!~,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! praisers. . bydrophobla. trea~Dlent. ,31.82; ~. :throu,b:1t. 8e I'UI ciu~ &lid ,rell .paglng CUbB In a twh-l-blll ~~mOl'lnl . <1lIIY RFfER F.dI.... In the matter of the estatl' of Edward and 'Robel1; Blair. eXam1na- ,for tile poUctf; udwheD Uie cop Day' afternoon. . i Emma Debold; will a dmitted to Pro tlon. '2.00;' p. J. Heer 'p;~t1ng Co., came h. -YI, '''It was OIIe ot them Return to Olnclnnatl Is sc!ledu)prt , . four or' five goIn« along tbe 8U'eet ~ bate. Ethel Debold Hensley appolnt- persol\81 property tax dupllcat.e turel" ' . for Saturdl1Y, J~e 1. with the Bo8~ I · ed executrix. W. W. Whlteker. A. J . sheets. $2~. 50; Lebanon Motor Inn, So the cut crabbed .• tciurb-look. ton Bees oppoe1ni· A doubleheader. .... Scheurer an'd Ellis Smith appolnted Inc., gasoline for sealer of weights wUJ be .played Bunaay. June 2. Thl.; I . ,' ,',: appraisers. and m!,!asures, '3.611; j ~ ' ~ be til. tlz:at ho':lle ~und ..y tWin I " r r .!, ;:"V.z::::,~1 .J •••• In t~~ m..atter· of ' the es~ate of , Stakalta. Mfs:. C()., notboob. pads : . 0• ,_1~, bWof the 1Ie1lllOD. A ladtes' day g!lim "~"_""'y'cIu'1I01 TBB TIU~ NUMBE88 Luella ' Thomas. deceased; hearing $17.30: The Western Star, govern-.. IJao Is ac:heduled against .the. n ' e" ~~I~= ,...~::=:: aen .even· tr8~eil, each hav· 011 inventory Is set for May 28. ment envelopes for Probate Judge, Honday. ,June . 3, whereUp:m' the ~~~~~~q.a '10. thr. . .pleal 10 which number~ In the . matter of the estate of $21.86; E. B. Thtrkleld & Sona ··Co., Qlan ta W11l enter CrOSley P!e'd for C-III~ to heiR qllift IIIIIb1IN . . - . f caD be 1Daer\ed. Two spaces Of Fronk Schooley. deceased; schedule 2 ~s shoes, 16.00; The Western two gtunell, ,Inciudlng tbe SCaGOn'1i .:L.\..1:~I:ti.::~ I.. . . . . . ~ of!IlOIa1 repr..en~ure: . .ob frame In already ftlled. TItEl ~~. , Star 200 certificates app;oval of tltle ing guy 18 the group that hap. first nlgbt' g~me ~ ,Wednesday. Jtlne ~~~"::-::r:~""~~-'=' problem II to ftll die empty spaces Of debts approved. In the matter of the estate or for clerk $8.50; Thu Rubman Supply to be walkiog &10118. and wu Ii. \ .. dt..... ' u( .tI!o...... wUb tbe numbel'l from I to ? sq .- ty .._ ' ~U ' . aDd. ' P""D ' him ... . ... - - 7',. W tbat, Gr.t, It. you choose any tWII Leonidas Simonton, deceased; will Company. soap flakes, wax, ~Issue , make m coo ese. "heD a sweet tramil ),OU wi\] find a number lip· admlttf'd t.o Probate. Charles S. lr- for sheriff. '35.78; Wharton Motors. girl cam" nmniDt up. In the," ' ' ' of 'maDU In' thoae of · iiiiiiiiii~~_.~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii pearlo, In both thole trames, Rnd wi n appOinted exe::utor, G . F . repair order. adjU8j~ brakes for aher"What you' beat.intr that poor n(ltu.·e 1t Is tlie ·i ntention tihlch 'IS t '. ucood. If you ehoose any pair ot Brown. Stanley M. SeHers nnd Ar· Iff. $1.00; Ivlns-JallDeson Drug Co.. 1 for '" she II&fs. ,. chiefly forth studylns; . -GoetHe.'1 number. at random,' say. 1-6. 2-4., th tlr ,Hnmllton appointed appraiSers gallon disinfectant for dog - ....en. ."Why, be eut dll. maD'lI w1Ddow.' WIWU and won't CODfeaa;" _. " aDd 10 on, there wID be a framl! In the matter of the estate of $2.00; Dr. A. D. Harvey, medi=at aer"No, you poor. pJ'UJle. I eut the "Allis of Ood Olat Is •. nd Is to Iie ~ wblcb cODtalo1 that pair. Frank Simpson. deceased: w11l ad- vices. 13.50; ' window. ' J fUllt thought you'd be And God 111 good. " Let tim Buftlce mUted to Probate, Perry SimPson Dr. Herschel M. Williams. medical bl~.'fu~Jtw~::r:o:o~o '~t.;Usa'~ Us still. aopolnted executor. Henry Grote. services, $3.75; Dr!l. ~am. Ska.v."Qh. I .a1wall teat my enpJP:e- R,stlng In ,chlidlUte .trust upo.n His' Chnrles Homan and Clem Baldwin lem & Heuslnk.veld. medical services ,pnt rlnJP:tl that nyl" ,'" will ' appointed ' appraisers. $~.OO; Good Sarna.r1t.an HospItal, IAmerleaa "~' IM.J 'Who moves to His rreat ends un. In the matter of the estate of hospltallzatlon and care, 160,15: The t USB TIIB· 1iI.uO OAZft'l'lr thwarted-bY the III .• \ A'Vin M. ~ Cook. deceased: inherit· Book Shop.·erasen;.-Pens. pencUs for WANTAD8 1 ence ta,x determined as none. recor~er, $3.55; Stllk~lta Mf~ Co. ~O -Cowper , 111 the matter of the estate of bocks duplicate rec:elpts•. ~6.00; Alice I::d'vard Kohr; case dismissed. In· M. Arnold. Invalid. care. '5.00; Suda ! yentory approved. " Clemmons. Invalld. eare, . $6.00; Ella , I II' the matter of thc estate or Hoff. invalid care. $5.00; Gertrude ANSWBB 1 j C!mrles H. Hoyle, deeclU\ed: Annn Jones, invalid care. $8.00; Hoyle appOinted ndmln1strntrlx. Ed Kaiser; ,;. lnvllJtd ' care. $5.00; I'tD eacb lpace with the .econdl In the matter of Robert SOlzman. Newton stamper. llnvalld care, $10.00 ~ number followinS the number ap-I pearlq at the top of that trame. IlIcr.tally 111 ; admittance to Dayton L. B. Steele. invalld care. '5.00; John .ooimUnil foUow!nf7. The Dum-' St&.t~ Hospital or<Jered. E. Wilson, invalld. care. '7.00; An• HbaVlna sold my ~y. I wUl sell al public au~tlon, ·~t. the reSI-lienee ben. 'dieD, In their proper order as In the matter of the eslate of drew ;Qell, invalJd care. ,7.00; China on T lrd street, WaynesvUie, Ohio on tbl7 .... to be fl1Je4 in are. 6. S. 5.1 John T . Wilkerson, deceased ; cer· Morgan. Invalid care. $8.00, Lebanon , .... 'l'Ia. ver'J nmarkable! tlftcn te of transfer ordered. hearing Motor Inn. Inc., 8~Une, $20."; w. proputle. wblcb war• . demand~ 'ft. .. wm dlen be tuJIlled. . on schedule of debts Is set for May L. KIrby, gasoline" ,5.12; V. C.' Har· Cl'llblto ~W'1fU Service.1 24. Inheritance. talC determined as vey Sinclair Servlci" gasoline, '1&'18: . J , . . !)IfU' \ .. , 0 . none. Beers Park-a-way. gasoline. '1.87; '. ~- _ ..;.;;..;.;..;....;;;;...;;,;.;;-~;;-= -.=-.---.-.-::-;.:.... . ....:.: : In the matter of the estate of Gulf Service Statlon. gasOline. i2 54; , .. ' . ' .. ' . Della E. Foster. deceased; report Walter Botts Shell Service, glUlOllne, Begmnlng at 1 P. M., the fol1owi~g d'.es'} rJbed neusenpproved. . $25.'15; Hel,U'Y' Ludington Service'Bta. hold goods an(l mis~ellaneo.us artic)e8~--.: It '. . ' .' In the matte~ .O( t4& estate of tion keros,e ne and glUlOUnei ,76!10; O!lvenport and chair. l~ l ' . ' ". ,,' s. .' Lena B. Hend,~n, deceased; Inlie.· Allen's ServiCe Station., glUlOUne, piece Walnu . .. ...., chatr. 4, ~~~rs, ~~d .o~~~ chalr~r I 1~'lPce tax de~ as none. 'lUI: Gross SerVice StaUon, SaBOt ~ room au,tt.e. ~ two pleee bedrOOD'\ ~I.e. 1 ,tlir.ee '~ In the rna~ter of the sflttlement Of .1Ine. '59.04; C~le~an Service }natlon ~~m 8U1te., ~ o~ !Valnut becI, :.tolCl~ , lion ,CO~: " ·~&1n'u{,~~u:d"~lt!4Ii~. the estat~ of WilIlan;l Weller Wikoff. gasoline, $~.43; Bs,ngham's Texaco ·· cherry c~eet O! ~wers' kneehole desk.lady·s deale, 4 tal)ll!8" .,Jie4~Uqoa1 deceased. Inheritance · ta~ deter-· Oenter..«aaoUn\: and 8upplles~.tf; bOokc8...; ~l~ 'mocIe11'8dJO; ;tati!e lariIPI : aior'lam ' mined. . Owen. Gross, palnt ' and Posts '.568 White ' " " . ' . , PS. '.m8tu(ne . In tHe matter ot the . estate of The U~~an.on Lumber . 00., ! lltate'~ " 'Q)he" ~ ~hlne•. PrUna waahlng macblne, ~. ci:lok ~tqv,; drOp. Chnrles E. Penqulte. deceased: , and lumber. t2:f.77; L. n. Anderson's IQ . n ~e... ~.,llbll D, :AlrmIn8te~.: tl\'o exi2. tt. ~~ter, J'lfai: alae hearing on Inventory III set for June 'SOns Co., ~umber, $1.13; ' JohnBt9n. ,& 6X9 ,ft . .and one 4~X8 tt. J'1fI,& a ~fe~ ~tter ,J'UiII. '. ~ - , -. 1. . l0hnston, stakes ~ ]lIDlbtir, t32.9'1: " j set' 16' tt. elYllIloD,~~ I .iet Ii t,t . ex&ensloD"butdefal wbeeJl~l'O. • '''scll!] P. Jam~.. part.(l. t24.05; .lawn "Q~er. gaYden ·bole: IIIII"den ·&PoIa. Jand other .~tCl . I' 1\1 1\lUUA,G E LICENSES. 'Donnan's O\utomatllc PutS 00., P6rt8 . ' ,,' Ii ". - ~ •. : $~.33: LudlOw BattAt~& Iinltlon.Co. ' .: . . . . . . . ICAS~ Stont.on Gerwe. 211. mechanic, Co.' ,P,ar .~ ."5.60; .Pr8d 'Kahn Motor. eo .. ..., .. _ 11Imblls, ao:!d auth Uelsberger, 21, partS, ..,.02 ; The Auto ~, ' .. Llball n. ' . ' Co., .pa1't8;' •.05: ~PIrf'n. I1'Ilder . "Emerson Pate. 18. ' dairY work~. , bladeS, Uft ~w . _g" R ' _ LetilUJon;"'ltnd M,.!rea!·r:t Fllesten. 1'7. E. . ...; • ":, LeblIDon. B. O.;'·~IIIIIIII '~IJ~
F.1:. Martin
Ce ~t.rvill., Ohio
News Of The Reds
Sand & 'Grav~1
lain Armitage
Tw. N. SEAiS~
Will Rogers' Humorous S.tory
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Mrs. Dol'othy Cooper, 01. -nat l, was a guest Wednesday or her Miss Laura Rost)agle Qf Oll11llnnatl sister. MIss Nona Sh~emaker. was a week. end guellt of Mr. lind Miss Hannah Jordan (,lIlled on ·Mrs. Harold WI)I\.akp.r and hlldren.· at. ...... ~ Mrs. Rolllh Barg r returned to 1 Mrs. Ohns. Madden, 01 Hlll'veys bUJ'g. 'l'Ufsday altern'con. . her home Friday fronl Mi ami Valley In oftclal' Waahlnaton all other IA- lpant In miUt&ry operation. iii !:Ur- : I ' 'U " . hospital and Is slowly Improving. ~u,a haVe becOme .econdary. to that ope for leeat A "ar after being GII~rt Fox; or Bouth. Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones and of cat;lonal detense. Recent nappen- drr.wn· 1nto ,the conflict. Mo.t obler- . ., atJLLy AauYU Of 'ID 10 it wal d.clde4 to walt. aad made a brief cn' l with 11'1 nds here. son MUton wel'e dlnnl"r guests , Sunh,p in Western 'Europe haVf) at laat vera beUeve that., with the lpeed OLD- O"""" "'1IIiIIiWbtlI tbq wo11lld bave oothln' Sf,LU!<'Iay. day. ot Mr. aI1(LMts~ J . B. Jo.UU!li.._ + caused America to awaken and 'dt- modem warian!, ttle war wUl be end to cSo with tbla bol:d. untidy .tran". Mrs. Emma Swindler or Dayton . Mrs. Allen Emrick, lillct Mrs . Earl rtot attentiOn .to our own state ed Inm¥ch leaa .than ' that Ume, and ' A~ the . r..' attar •• ~. Bu' if , tbey left b1m veri' ha ~ been at tllelr farm l1el'c for Thomas were Dayton vL~I.tors Wed of preparedneu-or lack thereot. th&t the acUvitles of , the : Unlted . mueb to blmaeU the1 watcbed blm days. nes.day. ') BH&Idi:lir pff)Ced.e nt. President. Roose Sta~ .hoUld .tie enurely dlrecHd ~ ill tile 014 Orchard 01 'Wlla' .arpq, and ever;, move be made MIS. Hal'vey tic,h er , 01 Lebanon. Mr. and Mts. Beth Furnas and son V It iaat Thurad . ed betore a toward t,",.e b u' Ddl ng 0 t a proper de- aup, " '1:DilIIb Sperrow bad lald wu repoJ1ecl and talked over. You hos been qui te busy taklng the cen- attended 'he " ay appear to ber . . - abe uked bJm who!w .... two or 1br.e were a Uttle allJ[~ • funeral of their rela'ive • ' ,. · Jo~ lellion of the House and Sen- tenae at home: However. thfl dOl'S WAl .... bow ba bad to14 !wr that lout becaUi. 01 that Itatement ·thd su~ In this section for the past week Mr . H. A. ;-ost at Indianapolis, Ind . ate 'and eprlOnally. delivered an of- not mean that t.He da"-er pt Amer- wtaeD b. touDd wblch boule Iulted wb. b. tOUDd a boUN to .ull him Je:ose Pennington and his work- Thursday. tidal meuale requeatlna an emerbivolvement In 'he present war be mould Wk. U . . . If be would take It. Not that the1 were men are making much Improvement. Mrs. Harvey Burnet spent . pney appropriation at eleven hun- haa been eliminated, Tbe mea ot ~eb0d7 cUd bappea to be ltYIDIlD afratd. Ob, 1D7, Dol Tb" jUlt dido" on the buildings at the farm of the day with her cousin Mrs. Edith Mac drld and eJahty a1x mlUlOh dollara the war mOllaers are beln, heaia In It. .... wu a areat d.al or IlDII7 want to bl. . a fuI. · and lIet IIll Inte C. H. Dea therage. which was Lardle. In Dayton . 74 tor national defense. Thill approprl- ever Increasinl volume. Stron, force-n &aJk. Wb. . . . . anT 01 the t.ath- mUiatcl up, and that wa. bound to' recently bo o ught by. a ""rty from S I f h Red folk bePJHllled &0 Bull;r.. bappen It he choll one 01 ttle1t' Dayton . "" evera rom ere attended the 7~ atlon Is ,in addfUon to the reaular are at woH, to brioa ·about thl~ ... aew about the 014 OrC1hard theT hoUl... But th.e day cloled without Achievemen t banquet at Waynesvll e apPropriation. of approximately two t!ounuy'a entry into the European taekI their b.. 41 "17 bt.b and pre- an1 IIIJ! from Bull, a. to where be Mrs. Florenre Sallls spl'nt T\le~- school Wednesda y evening at which to M. b1m ·at all. At proJ)Oud to lIv., and there were .ev- dny In Dayton. ana visited with her time. Mr. Paul John.s and Miss Fran bllUon doUara already before Con· auuglle. Any thin' can, or ma)', bap- MDdecl '' - - creu. Inoluded In the Prelldentlal r a pen with the world In lame -Ill It Is BuU.J 4IdD" mlDd tbla, but wb1P .ral .Iib. of thanktulnell thlt nl,ht. daullhter Miss Alice. during the da y. ces Johns were presented with gold .. QIl*8t were tundl tor equipping a today. Patl'lotlC ' Amerloan. will ' do Welcome RoblD made aD unkIDd reVel')' early the oext momlnll, very Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson .' oC medals for their excellent work. M I'. mechan1aefl and mobile ~rmy of a well to practice alld preaCh teniperearl;, Indeed. the Old Orciaard Wal Waynesville, were SUnday afternoon Joh ns also received severnl lett!'!'s ot mall ion men, strengthening ot cout &nee and tolerance .1n conald.raUon aw.keoed by I pair of hlllh.pltcbed callers of Mr. and Mrs. Almon Fer- commendation. voice. laUtln, ID ,reat excitement. Mrs. Howard Deweese left Saturdtten.se•• purchase or a larRe Il\lm- of war conditions. Everybody hurrIed out to aee whal rls. bill' o'.antlalrcratt lIuna. an ImmediIt meant. The;, were not lone in Mrs. Carey Shoemaker has re - day evening to spend a week \VII h ace Increase of both lI,hUna and The House early laat week pa8aed ftndlD,out. Mre. Bulb' had arrlvedr' turned to her home here. arter her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin · tIomb1DIr plaDea, tralnlnl or tbous- H. R. 9000, a bill provldln, for penY••, air, Mra. Bull7 had come In spending several days with her at Ga te City. VR . Her father has anda of airplane pUotl, and lhe 8iona tor the widows. orphana, and join . Bully, and It waa quite plain . daughter Mrs. WIlliam Kidder and been very ill. bu1ldiDi of n.w · ttahUna ships and d. prndent parenti ot veter.... of that he wa. teWn.: her all thai he Mr, KIdder In Ashland. Kentucky Mr. andM rs Howard Kendall o[ • D bid found out ab'out the Old O r · ' . rl'lCOIldlUonina of many old oni'l . the World War, regardle.. ot wbethchard. Sb. walD't pretty. not a bit, Mrs. Da McKay and Mrs, Edllh Dayton ca lled on Mr . and Mrs. Har . 1"",,er o~ not death was the re,ult of aerIn lact .be wal quite u untidy look- McKay. were hostesses to the mem- ry COI'ne1\ Sunday afternoon . Mr. and Mrs. Oa\'1 PI1::kerlng an(1 That the emerllency appropriation Vice cOlUleeted dlaablllties. The bill 1111 a. be and no~ oeu17 a. well bers of the Friendship Club, Weddr ... tcl, 'lbOie wbo had turned up nesday afternoon. Many ladles were Mrs. Ada Chenoweth of Centel'vlLle .tor natlogal delense w1ll be voted Is now loes to the Senate. and If tava foresone conclusion. There 18 lOme oraCle Senate action occur., then to their no.e. at Bul','. look. turned present to enjoy tile hospitality of w€fe Sunclay afternoon guesLR of . them .tiU bltlber when they law f""11l1n Conerell, however. llIalnat the PresJdent tor bil conalderatlon. Mr •. 'BuDy. And ber voice Will Ju •• the McKay home. Mrs. Wymer Mr. and Mrs, WllUam Rogers and I the erantiql o. two hUndred m111lon a. abarp and uupl-ea.ant al hll. Downey has given an Invitation to daughter. and Mr.~ . Mela Rogel·s. dollan ~ the Prealdent tor use III Late last week the HOUle began Trim. oeat. U«I. Jenny Wren uld Lhe Club to be her guest for the June Mrs. Rogers Is somewhal Improved 1;Ie ~ tit, III requested in blI mea- . cOMlderation ot the Rellef Approprl. that lira. Bu1l7 wal a dl.guce to meeting. at this time. . GET THIS ...... lIany. Members of Ooop... atlon BJU. The mea.ure came. a tothe Old Orchard, and that nobod}' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Burns, of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furnas and , ''b'. • _~ aloe ,...,., .... I • h 8~ rtcal)lna that tton:l illl to .I,M bll- tal a~prfatlon of mote ttian one ..... , ••'U like 1&, tear." Aid who took ul.udcb· lI«Ite care ~ e~ own Bucyrus. were Sunday dinner gUests son. Seth . Jr. attend ed t.he Com , '11~Lr-THICK lion dollara. hAve been approPrlated thoUiand million Clollan tor W. p. A. ..U pereon co .ver be a I ou.e· of the Terry family. mencement exercises at Houslor! , WATEILEIS . ... ,. k••per. 'lb.... w'e re othera who Mr . • . tor naUo~1 defenae' lince Mr ROOIe ' and afllllated acUvlt1«. :At the aame mark atrour.trangera 'Bullnudden. thoulht th•• ame tltllng. even thoua h . and Mrs. Henry Murphy and p~ I u.r day evening, where Miss Jean · velt became Preslde'n t. and that time the .bJll wu Itnt to the House 11 dal1ed up beblDd Welcome Robin they didn't .a1 io. But Bully and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Morgan. had KIndle was one of the graduates. · many rnIl110na 'of thll amount were for conalderation a ~ . 01 the and plucked two feathen trom the Mra. Bull, paid DO attention to any- as guests Sunday. Mr. and Mrs . Wm . She Is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. I UMd for purpoee. othit than the en- Special W. P. A. Infeltlptint .Con'l- back 01 hi. head tHdore h. realized body el.e. Tb,y acted Ju.t a. II Ennis. of Cincinnati. and Mr. and Cbll! :es Kindle. former r esidents or AT NO .XYIIA COlT there w.. no on. el.e in the Old Mrs. Chas. Puttellbau gh of WUmlng- tlll~ community. lU1lement or equipment of our ftaht mlttee wu made public, In wblch wba' wa. happenln,. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Thomas ot lnf forc... are lnllltent that .m any examples of "Ite, \ elluavaAfter tIIat the little people In tile Orchard. : ton. . • '19.'11 g~!. you thla Triple. _. Old Qrcbard were vef7 c:arelUl wba' "1t'1 a vel')' oIce place Ind ~ M COIlP'tla ai1d the. peapll ~ Riven poee. political aC:tlVl~y. and corrlipt th., laid nen Bull)' wa. oear. but think you'll 10. n, m, dear." .ald rs. Olenn Davis and daughters Middle Run were Sunday afternoon Thlok · W.t4\rI ... Alumhul. definite ....formatlon &lUI a.'l.urances prac1Jiclis were cited. The clalm Will amon, them.elvel they .ald the BuU,. "Tbere I. plent;, of room~ Nellie and MarjOrie and Miss Helen caller s of Mrs. Alice Clark. Set III eYell ...chuge for' you Mrs. Margaret Johns and Pau! tb~, the ~D&!Y, lunda apProprl~ n:Jade' by the Investl)atlnjr Commit- yet'1 wortt thln,l th.y could think of end there are .llveral verJ nlcti Starr,of Harveysburg, were TUI' Rc\ ll' old ga. rug. - Sf JOIl orcler Johns attended the tuneral of the'!' · ~ WlU be UMd 0Il1Y for ~. alreet tee that 1n the New Yor~ area many ' about blm. Some w.n e tor drlvlna bou.. l. I'U abow 't hlm to 1011 afW~ afternoon visitors In Xenia. you Ile.... l.tat. Ga. 1laIlge. right 1l0W. ' purpoel 'or'1rbkb thq are lnt.nded. Of the Relief actlvltlea Served u cen- ~ away trom tile Old Orchard at ·breald.. t. Thea we'U move rlib' Mrs. MaYl1~rd Hackney attended cousin, Phineas Cook. at Waynesc.~ ~ ai.l, ~tWlllh. tI of .partt- ters tor un-Amel'i~n Be.tlvlUta. cOn cmce. Tbey .ald that no one had ID- into the on. you like be.t." the (uneral or Mrs AlIce Biggs at vUle Monday afternoon. So hllrry m helore thl. off.r ia ~ . vlted blm to· come there, and that M Bull eel th I A large crowd attended the sale of ~ lhe Conareu wanta·· to do alderable wotlt haa already t!ltn done .. _ "-d no bu.in-I th.r a . But oth. I.em ra er era•. Franklln. Saturday atternoon. ~ . Perhapi II WAi Ii)ecau.. .he wal withdrawil. B4!- thla ~.alltif1&l oal, that ~ \.I beat tor· the ~n- to clean up eome of the abusel dJa- .ra .ald that It, would be better to tired and buntr1 afWr ber journey Miss Reba Edwards. of Waynes- the Misses AlUla and Rut h Nutt SatTriple-Thick AI_mila. s.. try . .!Ebe... pt.1t .cit patdoUam _ ruDa, covered by the committee. but mUllh Wilt until he really did IOmethin, from the city. 'An1Way. Ibe dldn" ville was a Sunday afternoon caller urday afternoon and thlng8 sold well, th.• l....t mod.1 Lt.t.. - the there being a number ot fine anhlih. Ii II-Wltb a 'ull realllatlOD of remalM to be done. tIIa. would ,Ive them In excUie for .Hm to be paylnJ mu'c b atteottoo of Nellie Davis. moat beautUlll, aoet CO_ye~ha be.YJ. rttponatbWtlea tbat . ~t drlvlD, blm out. 1d yet be had . to what Bully waa la11n., and pr-, Little . MIss Norma Ellen Sharp. of tiques. ....tvu rU9W.y... d ••~ upoll)-~m\ IlI .'re.,ruentatlvea , of the The work 01 tbe ao-caUed "PUth done notblna but talk. and talk .ntly both ftew over to Farmer. WUmlngton was a Saturday over Mrs. 's. H. Burnett Is slowly reCol - .. In wouldn't hurt them. Perhapi when Brown'l beDyard, where th. cblclt~ ........Ja,.tbat th.... ......_ ..-e em...,.. of Conlrea umn Norway, Denmarlc, Bel- they Imew him better they would en. were bellll a:iven their brealt~ nlgttt visitor of her -grandparents. covering from a hard fall at her ~.iat&etDPtlnl to!Urn JUat what lium ~and the Netbulanda, tbroulb Apd him a whole lot better than be fut. Mr. and Mrs. Btephefl Reynolds and kitchen door, several days ago. PaUl, Johns WAS the one chosen our '~ pnpaftcln. . attuUon II . whleb thOlt ~tr\e. were bearayed appeared now. .T. w. Bllr._.-WNlJ ..nice. CamUy. ~al ~ *~t Ia DtCe!IIIU'Y to best. and ltIIotaaed by enem, aliena from . MIss Nellie Davis WIIS hoSSte6s at a rl~m Waynesvllle school by the protee,:UUS .feaua'td.IAmerlea. withln, bu centered attent.lon o t miscellaneous shower given Satur- Amerlcan Legion Department of ConereuJonal leadera to tile need ot'tp . I day afternoon, May is, in honor of Ohio to attend the Buokeye Boys' ~udIoua oI1he.lDU'opean a naUonal cleanup o. allen and antl- ~ODl.. D wO Mrs. LucUle Drummond Starr a re- State at Columb.u s trom June 15 to 25. I lltuation are now ,..".. COIlvlnced ~ican actlvitlel here In the ~1Iist I! - _.. cent bride. . . • U1IUa ....·that tbe 'unuecs 8~ta hllft United State.. Tbat OOdlf... will ~Ie , 'YO The afternoon 'was spent In' eonDO paac;. In the -reteDt' &.aropean COIl- take drutlc action to l1_e America • testa which proved very Interesting. ~"t t ...,poiD&ed aua that In ~ any protecUon _lnat" IU'IY poulbll The bride received many useful gifts A conatltutlon .or ~e Warren What 18 expected to be · the leat Refreshments were served to: Mrs. eyeD' the· UnUecI State. could 'not "PU~b Column" .-,.Uoaa bere In ~. a PKea& 01' Im _ _, 1IUtIc. thlA country MeDII eertaln . county Hietorlc&l Societ.y. waa adopt- Ohlo Eru:ampmeiit 01 Veterans of Winifred Starr and Mrs. Orace . " . ed. a~ a 1IIIeUI1l' ot thoSe Interested the Civil War wUl ~ held In CoiumTo Ope~ 19tO Season Prt.... u"""y-,-.. at The Gol"en,Yamb b J 18 .- "0 D . __ A_ , Hanka or Wilmington; Mrs. Winl!!!t=!i!!!!I!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!I!!!!!!.IIi!I!!!!P-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!__.I!'!I~~ U!2!.. ......uu. oft u ua ' US, une .., . : . n.a;vr.... li.lOW freJ Predergast ot Cincinnati . Mrs. I!_ _ ~... 11....&:_.. 1 but· election o. 1oIir1, ,",, delayed that fifty percent ot the veterans at E1l2abetb Rich. Mrs. Lucius Frazier The people of the MIami Valley .,..... ...ua Ill1M' unW a., lIlemberabip 18 estabUilhed. last year's encampment have passed ' The faext meetiaa of 'the , poup at away during the l7ear. Plana ot tbe Mrs. Dora Shaw of OregOnia. Misses are antiCipating the greatest season ....... , Helell Starr. Edith Mae Brooks, In years at Ohautauqua this summer. _ Mr. OhUler'Bause .1t ' . .. - -eWhkIh ....e<Gftlcers 01 thls .new or- ,ColumbUi commltitee In charge are Mao:garet Stanley, Lavonne OSborn. The opening takes place on Thur8·ui Obrllt ..pnlraUOn wW be named ' il IChed- to have preeent ev.ery surviVing mem and Katherine Bauer. Mesdames d M 30 h .... . I In ~ta1lD..a_n.U. .ulecI be bel h ay, ay . w en w·e SW mm g Lar&,er Becaule 01 Better 8erwlee, ... . ", . ,to . d Jl'rtday e~eDlng, June bet at thia final reunton, w eUler ot Lillian Carr, Elva Freeland. B pool , dlnlng hall and all concessions Quallb and Priee tanDe . .wan and' a IP'OtlP Tta:e Am~'Nautlcal Acadeqa),: /,~ ., fte 'OoIdeD LMDb.in not. they are membera of the Orand -nnunmond of Ha rveys burg Mress will be ready to serve the public . oC' MIll ........_... . • I!;ebanon. ., Edabll.bed 11149-19" •• __ weD' t~ .....,. NiIWoDal Tr&lDlDI 8cbooi tor lIer- ' !lbe · ~ ,,, ........tterned Army ot tbe Republic. They do not Ethel Van Horn MOrt d' H . Th t t CI ta Tb8 .y...................., . .. a.... h • .t ....,_ .. . .. _ •••• "' . ret t.. .._.. ' rs. e ru e are managemeo a lau uqua ....... __ • _ _ • c _ ...... ~ cbant ~h\e otrtce.... W.aahlnlton, IO~~W... ' . . ..,. several nmplel,lent bave a reeo 0 ...leaf S... y.vors and vey. of C1arlcsylJle, Miss Mary Elea. h as made many Improvements about W.,.....,me.O.. , •~ tblr, ~ a' &be bame 01 Mi' D 'C _~ ....... _............. -v ...... ...... ,"d8YfntbJ'. Henry C. Sbeltone. d~tor trlenda and relatives 01 these ClvU nor Hawke of Y..&.oan M EdIth th dB Th D ' ini Hall hi b r ab4 ... JlOab NIWDi&D ' • .. _ ....... ..--......... _.. - .. ' ot."ttI 'OIlbAr h 1 to d ...,.,." on, rs. e groun. e ng .w c TO Dl8C'uS8 VISION , " Mr Md-Mn Bert ...:.~.' ' d ,&nci>,)'OUJlI' men ~.. \h! Mea oCt ~I.I ~ cI:eo OfIldca. an_~~IlI- ,,:~e:~:A~Qu:~e old Davis. Misses Marjorie Davis. Betty has ·been recently air-conditioned, . " " -. , ;an . ' . ~ ., pr~v ea-lo•..,....... -~....." Rich. and Bernadine Haclc d WiU all:lnl'l-m!-Und'erttnnttreC'tt1:m--ur-----;--~---"---------"-.;.,....:;::~ ! lb. '~d ,MrI, V~ua , b . l~~.:.. I~ .11 ,and 31 y~ will ~,aUowed ~ It- ~ennt ' .laIIes,~ 01 · memberilhip dlera to R. J. Williams, " 30 Eut the guest 'ot honor and 'he nheYOstaness, Miss Laverne Wright. Tennis. roller w • ~_.. . Rev. MlJlard J. F1ennei' will ..cUt............... 1~.... apen." _ _.-" eveDbli, ••Wlth." .... , . c.'u re ex.perienc:e ·o n. boanJ .a 'lralnini r..,.. .....,tJoPm< tt,lor active me-.ber- Broad st •• Columbus. geneial chair· M'-. ...., ...... ~vfs. skating. shulTleboard. boating. soft cus:; "The Vision ot Peace In Mlcab·" , .','"'v -thin the per- ship ~III for. r.,watalnlnll me. . .r- man of the encampment an" Beerellarntwt. ',. , . .hip 01, the Acaa. ~_lira.. ........ "'. :. . ball. goorey golf. bicycling and other Thursday even1nft , at '1 :016 at · +h, .U!'I ~. IlD4 Lealie ~> and loci from July I., t;, OCtober I, 1040. ship. ~t also provides for recopWon tary ot the Ohio Aasoclatlon ot Sons .... ..,. daUlbtll' and MIll RuUa Bunnell, _ for persona maklDi laree. c:ontralu- of Veterans o{the Clvll War. so that '.MICKIE "SAYS'-;' .. -.. _.. diversions are olTered for entertaln- Bible class meetlrijj of the' Daytoa .... aDd MrI. BevW' IOU, lin, '!b,e younl men mil)' remain on ~ODIteUber in ~riey or In JI'QIJIrty he mtaht contact. them to make -, ment of visitors. b~ch of the Anslo-Suon Peden~ a.Gr1la Gephart aDd ~th ,txlard ablp for the enure period or .or coUectSIIIlI: what arrangemellta ite possible to I The assembly program Is out- tlon In ,tbe ' Dayton Induatries bllQdT' MUlhall and 1Ir. Buddy Qard at- tor any IhOfter tlme they IDay wlah. . It ftI tbourht wile to 'have the have them attend this final encamp- I 0RO)AOTE'RS OF HA~" standing. featuring Mrs. Fr~nklln D. Ing. Third and Ludlow ati'eeta. ~ " tended the baeca . 1:&ureatf IIrvtce .at ho •• n~ .or· 1...... t"a~ a -........ ..mUr . e aaemberahlp to d1v1d~ .Rlel! ment. 8 U..I.~ 'N AOVE'RTISINO Roosevelt . Sunday. JUly 14; W1lI Ir-publlc 18 lIlvited. . .. '
.Tho......·t o·,...,. W.'
B rge.. a."'''7
Trade In your old ran •• .on a new
/1., 2:)~..,r.
dt., no'
, \\"'11/
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':"'00· AdOp. led
fl. . ,
. I onea
'Last ,OL: LIIcupmen r_ I· Iy OR C·": 'W ,' ar VeteralS
..' .
en:' . . 00" T''. •• :'SID
Fairley Hardware Store
_up.,. "'ITJ "'re.
. Ipr\~, 8WldaY. eVeDlDl. ' . " '; Ur. bad Mrs. Bert ~Il and
, :,
. . . . . . NI
There \.I no chara' for lQa~tIoo ·
~ II'QVI)a • In,
Wblch,. "each / JDlrht
.. '. " ,- ~ ,QJIIOI'tUnlty to follOw .the line . ' . daU,ht.... _04 )ir" aa4 Mre.Vauibl.l nor tor uyu, ,~ ~ bOard Ihip.'Of ' tJai&arlcal tnHI'IIR which Iulted · ; Mullen BundaJ ,'Wlth Mr. , aP,!;l The only reqUired Ixpe~ ,It lor , bim,molt: These would'lnclude cene;. lin. .clld~ ~('and fUnily of meals. wlUCh . , . . cen". Three oI!!IY. IbU')JnI 0.,....,.... , rator-
Mri......l.en.'WfOtd. .
· ,
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~Uip"'" ·'.. • :.A; 9rIlWf~ lpent .:' ~~~~ I*'ftlta, Mr. ' 1 ~
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~~~ ~==~::'~',:mty a~loto :~~~~II:;:: :~ ~ve~~n!:~
',t .' ....oautay .Qt ''' , ~~;.wrtt.e !'t itse. c:aa~$''''<J'Ieb:~~ca,1 maer- 8Ohool, but ahe Is bette~· now. . "'.i . ,,..;.:~ "',_.' . once ~ the Ame,r'*.llla~u.cal Acad- ~t. , I 111': and Mrs. P .. J. Thomu ca"fted '~, I ~""'~ "'plPC ~bOoH~ on the Waldo ]lIJIlIot.ta and Ray ,·cr ~··-i'! M~&~"''''' iWUbJnaShaw's sundaYalrter.noon. .... . '.' .~~D n l . '.' • '. .
._': ",:,__ ',- ,:l(
'1 0 O-lARGE MO"'fY
" a&lGo"Of point. of biatorlc:al tnterest. P«rY 'aeema rather quiet this week the . Durin, the aummer courae this ,,001.....,...,' etc:. · . GulSI evuyone 18 10 bUlY Rolll8 to .anet uear the.:.i'.. ..... ebip WID tie at.aIt. ~ plaDned to..bave a ripre..ata- commencement. and 'tItbe.r aehool .. -, , u..~, In each ftbe linen . \
'.' .... . ., ... : . wa..,
" '.
.;.~ "lIIAIUte Of a,I3'aD" ~ obat- . _ . . . . ' .' . ' . I ,1 J.,r«P" n m'-' week. '.' a..t.,. he: WOtiId· "' . ji : . of· ~~ ~ftOabIIla.llmlt .;.~ .....~~.~ loe,al.I.ty. Bue.l ah SIiC!m Will very llet Jut ~' ~;'bt, t_ GUt,' . -' '~d. &baM' ~ CO .~ ~VUl~e ~D .~~ou~' r/Wl')' part or weelt, and Will unable to al~nd .
...... . .
. 7;-
f' I~;~,l" ' II
' .! .:' ., Ii:
win, Sunday. July 28: and
Hugh S. Johnson, Sunday. August 4. He that does good for ~Oocs'a.eUe.
H. H. Lawrence, as as:;lstant toseeks neither pralle nor .rewarcl. General Manager Wade E. Miller be Is llU'e of·both In(tbit.eDd. , .. will have charge or an reservations ~WhUl1n PenD. and arrangements ror picnics, reun, Ions and group gatherings of all Rig!}t motl.)es live ' to kinds. For dates, program and fur-thought, and st~mth an.d freedo\l\ ther Information at\dress H. H. Law- to s~ .net acUoil. ' .
Chauta:q~. ~h~O... ,
-:..-:._Habr JI!IIdr
__ _
• - , II • • - - _____ ___
Latest on Lan d 'and in A,i r
Ite oFfer a .s atisFactory Service
an times
I -
McClure Fune~al ' Home" Pbone ;..•.;.._ •• _._
WaYlllesv i U e
_ _ _.. _ _ _ _ _
_ .. ,
r, - - -·_ _ __
''I WAS .\N. ADVENTURESS" with .,
FOR SALE-50 bushels Manchu· Soy Beans. Sam D; Henkle, Phoue' l21 Lebanon , O. . M16-23'
..... ,, ,
FOR. SA.LE-Garden . plants, a\it"' · flow el'S [01' Decol'fit lim . Good selcc- . lion of hardy perehWals. George ' Peterson. Bellbrook Plk . Roule 1. I ~ M23 t
SUN.- MON.....TtJES.
• . •.. I.:
The up.to.the.mlnute monoplane bCing scnicc(1 II:: the Chcvrole t truck above is ·the n ew Vultl'C Va lia nt 5 t ' a bosic troinlng airplane buill by Vnl lce Aircraft. Int'" Iwhlch also produces purs uit plll n 8 and bom ber.. }'Ia' l£~' ~ a ~-(o~t_~iDlf-sl1read, and when loaded \\ c lghs
111 ·; 1 under IwO Ion '. 11 h, '; a rruili inu rangc or 1.000 1I .. lt·.,. j ' ser lin' c('ilin r;: .. r 2L Uno fr.' I, II nti II IlInrii n ~ bVCCtl 01· 5:; mil e. /1,1 hour. 1\ <>111 pl;lnc IUl d Iruc k. of ('ourde;, hu v l vllil l!· in -lll',ul ~ "; illl' S 1,' 1' l ilt' m axilll llll' t1"' I" ' nol"~)i l il .\ , and IlOwor wInd, Ihn l lytIC or \>0 \\'('( . ~Iall l jlfl/ flI!o· / .
FOR SALE-Sweet potato plll,llts. 36c·. , .' . ... per hundred or three hundred tor · . ' .. - .. $1.00. AU Idnds aC ga rden . Illa nl. ' .' ". 1 10 cents per dozen 01' 3 dozell fOI" 26 cents. 1 Y4 mile north at: Way- .' ... ... ' ; nesvllle. Fen-y ' 'a nd ~ Lytle roads.. . I sttous Bros. R . R. No. 2. . .. , L " M23-S0-J6. 1S· ., ' . I "
Churches ~~~ ~ .. --
- ---- . ...
_._- --- -.
MnM, Bll llclay. 9 .UO
!' lIIit h ,
II lin i ~ l rr
( hl ~f1y wol'th stlldy lng.
T D, pa st or SUN DAY 9 ' 30 a. m. Bible S ch ool.
will. Who m oves 1.0 His gr at ends un t hwar ted bY. the Ill . -Cowper
Women 's MiSSionary mecLJ ng a t P IRST S UNDA Y AFTER. T R l lTY ch urch 2 :00 P . m . Come lIleet with 7 : ~O n
Jti Tough
The heavy "G alva nncaled" copperbearing s tcel in RED BRAND fence withstands fence line strain and ycars of wea t her. Deep .tension crimps . .. tight knots keep wires from spreading. Saves you t ime and lIouble.
10 n.
Ill .
H I1"'''v l'li . R r rl ...·
. mm '"l10 11.
J unior, Chllrch School
of W,e
Th e gllod you do em body gives yo u Lhe only power ob tainable. - Mar y Ba kel' Eddy
Tr ',\ U. n . CIl UIH; U lie vis ,\ . 1Ii1 I, J>" ~ t o r S\mda y. May 26
11 n. m . MOl'llln g Prayer nnd ser mon. TUESDAY 2 p. Ill. F irst. ~ ss lon mer ChU I'ch School.
~c i1
·-3 ' lld.!lS
I. l.t!slic
S um - Om·such . Sup!..
~ on; Mi~h't;h .;rVALU E! RED BRAND fence costs no more than others - yet lasts years longer. Actual weather t~sts have proved , it, Come in and SEE the val ue you get. Compare prices for yourself. We have all heights, all weights, all styles,
W"ay~esviU~ .F armers Exchange Co WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
EpworLh L eag ~ M ondny even ing a t 7 o·c lock. The Ki n g's H era llc will h Old th eir a n m1a l banq ue t Mondny evenillg MClY 27th , a t G o'clOCk at t hc church The m oth ers and the m embers o~ the Missionary SOCiety are Inv ited guests. T he Generhl Con feren ce of the MeLh odls t church h os oppoln tee\ Su nday J un e 2nd as a day of selfd enlal- fns ting a nd prayer for, a ust and lusting peace, an d is askin g cach member of tbe c hul'ch to set a side th e eqlI1valent of a.t TeaStDle cost of II. Sund a.y dinner fo r the re. lief of human suIT!'!' ln,;, COl' Chinn. FiNlan d. Poland, Norway, CzechoS lova kia, IlOIl-combnLant victims of wa r. O ffer In gs wUl be rece ived a t the church Surniay mOl'n ing Jun e 2nd. or those desiri ng 'to oopera I.e In this gr cat h umnnltflrla n cause m ay l~ln' th eir offeri ngs Lo t h c pasWI'. or to our B en evo lenc e Tr eas urer ' '\!r~. i\ (io lll MeHah . .11'1'. I/ OJ.I, Y i\J. F.. CIIURCIl '1' . i\I. :O; ' lIl'fr. i\ lill b 'Il'1' - 1. 0\., \ ·I. dloo i 0 ' 30 a . III E A. ('
j ' r 'I.I' t' \' II I ,' I i1 \ ~~ Wt'til lr's(iay
.' ,. u
W.H' NI·:S " " ,U : ( ' IIt ' It C'II ( ' JlH I S T
even half an · ey~ for .spolllng real r alue ' you'll realize tbe whopping ofer . we' re '!laking .. ~,et)' '.ire .i n. sale!1 . I a geoulne fuU.dlmetlilon GrJodrJdi411111 tire bac::ked by , Am.du'.. oldes, tire manufactUrer' ..- . ' alr. 'that'. famoUs ill I ' the low 'price iield for ill IOng.weariol I tread and full dlril~nSioa busJc:y, aiH, ' .1
...,. " ,
Dye· ever think t . drop in onhh.,i' ,. town ediwr f'r, a · .. ' . frieDdl~ dY.t! ' little . . 7' ought tt tiY $.tr
' .
ie due - -,
... ;
- --
, , .'
1 "
it ·it,.
~ywbereDear·~. ~, ' our sub.. iptiplt.
• .., I
... l'
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• •1 ,
•• •• 1
SOME SUBSeRlBER5 ~()'(' "fl.l' IDEA ~T WE MA'r\k.· 50 MUC~ "MO~E4 Ohl Ai)~
• 'i ~
F en y
hO lL~t:'
to .78-R4 . "
Mrs, Mary C. Croeg · M 'sf' T rill en;a ~dwtlrds'
16-R~ ... ,.' 123'
77 8-:&4
, '1
r J~
1 , ••'f
" :t. .. . .. '.
\'( AII-!f 50, 1FOI.\<$! IT SOl
• ".
AIJ' J.oB \v0R.\<..1 we DO"-l'1' .
Ohio .Celltral Telephone -Co~poratioD '.
. svUle,· . . Ohio.
~A\lE T' COL.\;E.C.T' OUR.SU BSeR.IPTIOIol MOt-lEi i
Mrs. Eli za b ·t.h Smith
,'. .1o f
J ! , ~ ~. , .
.. .
, '. •!
.Ma r k Rogen; - Change
;- • --.----' . --:--- - ~-'-!1 ~ ,S.ewtce ! Mi
Cincinnati, Ohio
For a n el'ening's entertainment. attend your theatre.
DON~T MISS tHESE ·VALUES I THE ~REA~EST IN 'OU~ H!S'~Y I Yes sir, at these low pri,es we're Iprac. ' tically giviog tires away aad ,'i! you'•• \
Prayer 7:45 P. 111 . Com e le t us go LO t il e Lord 's
~--- -. --~
Coml11un lon .
a l.
"lUY LITTI..E CmCKADEE" Selected. Short SubJects
7 :00 P. m J unior a nd Christlnn En (leavol' 7 :45 p m. Prcaching WEDNESDAY Mlsslo n nl'Y . m ee ting church , 2 :00 p. m.
we 'pay Your truckman
Write for cans sent on our Easy Pa y Plan
SUNDAY and MONDAY May 26· umd 27 M AE WEST-W. C. .tn;LDS .. Togcli her in - -_ _ _
i 'j\; DAY !J ::lO u . m . B lbl£' S 11OU\
a. m.
24c:' Net
:'oan BlondeU ALSO "BULLE'l'S FORRUSTLERS" - wlthCharles Starr en .
-- -
f' . -
\\' . C. Smi t h . i\ 1ill;" "'r
10 :45
", .. ,
-wlthM el vyn DouglJlS._
Join Tri State's 30th, Anniversary for a full appreciatio]l of the squal-e dea~ .that haa .earned. the steady pia~ronage of so many thousand.. fine cream producers. TRI -father, Ions and even grandsona in ST AT[ many families, BUTTER o
FRIDAY_ ATURDAY May 24 and 25 2-IDT - 2 "1'UE_ AM1\ZIN4(}
- ..
ele- t
n t t h ('~ c sel'vL t!s. COllie Il l1ll e nJOY trlCl1l with us. ,\ "' ,. lr ,.I1I.· 11\',1\1 1..
CI <;(t.';' ATI.
7 :30
II l n /: 7 :30
'l.'he House ea rly In::; t week passed 1 : . , .1 H. R. 9000, a blll providing tOI' pen SIo ns for th e widows, orph ans, and FOR SA LE- HBnd·plow. Jolm Cben- ' :4el u dent p ar n t.s of veterans or oweth. R . 2. Wnynesvllfe. · MjlS· .. ~ :.: the World ·War. r ega rdless of wheth. , ! I' or no t d eath W. IS th e r esult. se rFOR SALEg et YOU Cat)baae. '1'0-., , t·t. vice connected disabilities. The bill m &.~ a nd Sweet pota to plants Qf ." ., 1. I .. now. goes to the Senale. a nd If fa v . am ble Senate action o~curs. then to- ' ~. H. Hocke tt. Soutb Third, ~t.., . W ny n euvllle. 'I MI6-t! .-: .Lh PresJde nt for his consideration.
CO .
r':a l'lliln l'l Slll)t. F:l' r' lI irt l! : (o\'l' i
FOR RENT~Room. Boara If dt'ShelJ • . Mrs. Lee T errell. NOl'th Main at. Waynesville. . M23-90 '
It. n'.- MO l'll l ll~ 1'.'0 II 1 7:30 p. \1) . Bon ' bra:te Sem ina ry I Bacca laurea te Serv lc/' n t Firs t U. B. i\I ETJl O rn '1' (, IJ UltCIJ Church , Dayton , O . Lou ts C. Uadley, Pas tor C Ollle and n joy t h I' r.c rvlhrs Ch urch S ch ool 9 :30 11. m . Worship wi t h ll~ . ser vice 10:40 a . m. This Sunday will SURE you get the fence tliat stays good·looking, when properl y stretched, for a I ng. long ti m . \ ith its ac- be obser ved as Memoria l Sunday. curate s pa~ n g and perfect uniformit y. RED BRAND and' th e p astor will s pen k o n "1\1a n's - --;.;;;;0;;;;:;;;___;;;;.;0.;,;;;;;;;;_ __ fence gi ve your fu nn th "t pro porous. thrifty a ppear - Pere nnia l Dream".
10 30
III. 4. cYUJ Trim Looking ~~; {VrJ~e t~Eb~ .
- Goeth e.
Ill's I i ug In' c hildlike tr us\ upon Hh
10 :45 a . m . Comm unIo n. 11 :00 II . m . !;er lllon WEDNES DAY
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"Al l Is of God thnt Is n nd Is tQ b e ;' And God Is gOOd. " Le t ttrnl suffice us stllJ.
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I n the' wor ks of mall' as In those' of '1111 u rI' It is th e Inte n ~lou IVhlch is
Oil Lilt' Lord's DR Y.
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FOR SALEo-New Rpyal , typ~}'Irl tll~. . . , .' U/led about .. mont hs. Reasonabl,., , ,, , ... Mrs .• Chas Bevlngto.n , R .. R. NQ, 2 ' .. : .., . Waynesville. M2S-Sq· '. . \ ... ,
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'- - ' WA~VILI4t qBI9,TBUIlSDAY, .A1' 30. 1940. ,
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68tb,AnnllaIComm~nceme.~_ of';' W~yne ' .Twp. High SChool The ",ty-elghtb- .1;101lal commencoment exercises of Wayne Towlllhtp high school were hold Frl~y nlaht in the .lebool auditorIum. Under the direction of R E. Prank the hlah school orchestra played the proceu1ona. a. tho thtrty-,four senlors, "'earln8, caps and gowns marched In and took thelt Place,('on the ltage. , The invocation by W. O. Smith, MInister of the Ohurch of Ohrlst was follOWed by the salutatory given 10 an impressive manner by Mary . I:va LeMay: after which a selection of mUsIc was · well rend"ered by a chorus of mIXed vo1ces. _ The valedlc10ry given by Oarol Ludington was well received as were the alumni greetlnp extended by Kenneth N. HOUah. president of the alWIlll1 UIOCiaUon. The Rev. W. Howard Lee. MlnJater oj the Yellow Sprln8s Presbyterian Church, llpeaker of tbe evenm,. was then Introduced and· gave a splendid adllrell8, ualtlir aa his subject "PIa' neers 01 1""'." . , After a vocal solo by Robert Proston AIi.\a\ant Superintendent R. F. Batflelttllwarded kI Oarol LucUnaton , a aabolarahtp fi'Om Capital Unlver• Ity. Columbus, and one from Wll! mlnaton colleae, M1M t.Udlngton aIao realved .. medal"n'om Capital UnI, veralty. in reeoanttiop of her excellent work durlna her four years of blIh 1CbISol. · Tho senlora -partllll Itft to the • ~..J~eaented by the Class presl• ~ dent. Robert Preaton. 'was a screen it, for the movJ/Jtf p1cturf machine. \ . "nit. ~I ron, ~udea MariUet ,,\ ~. Betty .Joan Bernard. James .( •* BiIIJInIe, BOuelta ~ Va.. Ilurille O\nna ,{l,.» • ~ ~ :1(. . . . . . ~pbeU, ~ta OoUett. ~.~ patin. M&rate ~e Dakln lWth·Ann DonoH'iJu. Helen ,Paul AIbu& ~ Oharlotte L. Hartman. -~ uar BlUa.-Clara LucD1e Hopl1nI, Leila ~erman. Kart .Eva Le1Ia" oatoJ L. Luc1lnatob, Bel')'l 8&0Ita Meredith. RaJlnOnd ' E. 11m",. Sarah Ann MIller, ~. A. Osborne. Irene Ph1WP!'. Robert · H. Priaton. :arold . Rutherford, Mildred Balrs:. ury. Winfield Scott. Loweb Leroy
Killl's Heralds Eidertaio loada, EYeaial The girls and boys 01 the King'S Heralds ~tety entertained their mothers and tbe members of the Women~ Porelan Missionary society of the Methodist Ohurch. at 110 basket supper. Monday evening, at the church.
After a fine supper. enjoyed by 38 members and their guest&. the follow Ing program was presented; Vocal solo. "The Holy " Hour", by Ruth Helen LeMay. a.ccootPalllea by Miss Helen HaWke: recitation, "l'ne Great BIg' Dollar and the Imle Red Oent " by Mary Dora Hough; two trum~t 801os. "Old Polka at Home", and "Long Lodg Ago". by Richard Sh'eehan; vocal 1010, "GIve a Llttle WhlsUe." by Robert HastJn88 , accompanled by Mrs. Kenneth Hough ; review ot the study book for the year. ''Welcome House." by Raylyn Crabbe Mrs. Harold B. Earnhart, leader of the socIety then made the foUowlng presentattons of aWards for perfect work &bl1 perfec~ attendance: Mary J OIl,: Anderson. Raylyn Oraobe. Na· ami and Harlan Earnhart, Margaret Hal1l!r. Mary I10ra Hou,h Robert Hastlnp, Ruth Helen Leiby. Rlchard Sheehan. and :t.~t1ha Wardlow. Awards were also presen~d to thoae who attained every goa1 but attendanee ai followlI: Dorothy and Delmar Berry. Muriel. Blanche. and Joanne DlctermYreela: George and Donald Henderson, ~ Yvonne Stubbl. 'BUly Davia Jack Preston and Pau.y Batrd !ere alaopresented wlth ICI~rc'a Herald's pins . • M.J:8. Martin llama, of J.>ayton, district Junior secretary, and her daUShter were also guests of the groups. Mrs. Harris gave an Int.lrest41r talk tor ~ adUlt (lUeata' pr~t. a1Rr held t:be undlvlded attention of every child, With 'afasc1natlnl aCory. "The BlilaIfl8 PQt ~r". She presented the life membership certUlcate to the King .s Heraldll. kI Napml 1ilIrtlhart. Ie .. ppreclation of the fIne leader8inO If. WW~ BplUer. J~ Wil-' t.'up and time devoted to them dur. ~ Btrouee. W~ma LUclllI ~asj lbg the put fear. the and glrll CIe, W. UDderwoOd;"' lUi'iaNi Ann of the aocIoty presented 'M rs. Barn~ Mae WatklnlJ. Ethel Lou- bart .nth a Ioyely gift. MrS: B.rnouna. lulrt also reaiV'ei1 the beartfelt Il}). preciatk,tn 01 1.he Women's ioIiuIonal')' society for the aplendkl work ahe • ~I~ done .. The meeting wall brought to ~' close with prayer by Mrs. L. C. Radley. .
'W'Joe Sky·Hawa'.
Airleet ~y
~, SHOWER FOR RECENT BRm. BaWD aN aU aet to ~nd live bo,,, &0 the Dayton air . ~eet ThUl'lday. ~to ~hibertier "1IIre. William ,Bradley entertaJned allo enter bU· ... mOdeli. Tne ,a ~up p~ friends _turday atterclub members are ready to ~~.Jli:L noon. hoporl~!:Jler aliter. 1IIrII. Char tbelr own air Dlee~ at ,Ies 8atte~warte, whO w~ ~lven a t~Dl 1:30 Sunday atte'l'DOclta mtsoeUaneoua. shower of beautiful ""~eP\lo"'. inv"i....... . ' ' . . and ul ~Bif.tao PoIloWlDg a pleas'J si!clal Ume the 'hoiteas served ....:...._ £0.., •'oUowin&' •buaineaa houses d ant " cr:, an ualnty, refresillnent. to her ....uta perIOIJI contributed m ....~- for
'w ayne --, ......
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U _ aef
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be awarded- at the
187 At 1940 Alumm Association Reunion
--- ---..._......__._----_.._-
Although the totat ·attendanci of ,Music Lessons 181 WM slightly le68 than the pr~vI ous year, the 57th annual reUnion To Begin June 3 last Saturday of the Wayn.vlUl
high school alumni aMoclatlon w.. marked with the same enthuataam Music Lessons will begin Mond~ that has charactel'lzed ~he meetlnp . June 3. All thOse planning to take oC the last few years. lessons see Mr. Frans at the grade The reunion got under way . .,building. Registl'atlons were held urday afternoon with the aet-to. •• . - . ••" ,.-,-(."",. May 28 and 29. gether at the gra~e schOCftL'1tounda. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kreiling or speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis FIres and SOI1 Lessons will be given at Mt. Holly Old friendships were ren~"'ed at Ut1I Newport. Ky .. spent Saturday anj Ollar:es were Day ton visitors. Mon- M . E . Ohurch on Thursday after- seSSion. and the presence of J . W. Sunday wltb Mrs. L. M. Henderson. day . noons : Lytle church all day Friday White. who. with W. H. Allen com• • • • • and at the Wayne grade bulldlng, prised the firM gradua ting clue lena Mrs. Verna Kelley of SprlngCleld. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Ellis attended Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday. and color to the occas1on. was the guest of her/ aunt, Mrs. Eva the ·Reds-cardlnals ball gume In Thursday mornings. At 6 p. m. the reception to the MlIler. over the week , end. CincinnatI. Saturday aTtemoon . class of 1940 was held at the blah school auditorium. to be fonowed bJ ELECTED LIBRARIAN Miss Virginia Haraln was the the annual banquet at 6:30 o·clodr.. Mr. and Mrs. RusselI F'rank and At & party at their llome. Friday Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Garst were Cinluncheon guest of Mrs. Ralph HastAt the conClusion of the dinner. Miss Ruth ·Hopping of rOllte NO.1 . iCtnl!eth N. HOu&h. preslden\ for evening. Kr. and Mrs. R. G. Miller cinnati Visitors. Thursday. Ings and son. Roben. 'Vn6nesday. has been elected to serve as librarian announced tbe nmrrtage 01 their 1940, reviewed former meetlnllS e' for the Intematlonal Relations Club. Lhe association , brlnglDi fond memSarah Ann. to John J. daughter, Mr. Bnd Mrs. J: P. Larrick and The Fann Bureati DIscussion organization oC history students at their guest Mrs. C. E. Norris. visited Hover, son of 1IIr. and Mrs. Beryl Group met at the hom e of Mr. and Ca.pltal University. Oolwnbus, Cor ories to many graduates ot earll" Hover of 1515 Hearthstone Dr .. :'Iirs. Bert Hartsock . TUesday eveyears. Earl ~rnhart of the clan or In COlumbus. Wednesday. the school year 1940~41. Dayton. Their wedding tQOk place In '39 then rendered a vocal solo, after • • • • • ning. Ruth El a Junior In the college of Wilich the report of \be asaociatloa Dr and Mrs A. E. stout tnd daugh Marshall, ICy.. Peb. 24. Mrs. Hover • • • • • arts at Capital University and durread. ter. Winnie Jo, vlslted the Cincin- was a member of this years gradu' Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulkcrson at- Ing the past three years has been secretary, Inez M. James atlng class of Waynesville high The roll call of the 50 and 21i-),Nr nati ZOO. Sunday. tel'1ded the Spring Vaney high out..~tandlng In extra-curricular acschool. Mr. Hover Is employed by • • • • • school Alumni reunlon- 'Saturday tivities. especially so In matters per- groups followed . • The attendance cup was awarded Jack Allen 'was called to Indlan- the Orawford. McGregor & Canby evt!nlng. taining to dramatics and debate. 00., of Dayton. wbere the young the class of m17. antt was ace'IKe" apoils, Saturday. due to the Illness • • • • • couple will make tlieir home. by Pan Retn1l1ck on behalf 01 h1l oC his brother. Altqn Allon, We are Iro\v contracting sweet class. thle announcement Guests at • • • • • com for the 1940 pack. Call 1I9R2! Rue Dinwiddie. preslden' 01 the party were, Mrs. Earl Stover. Mrs. We are now contracting sweet or see us at our olIlce at the WayHewitt Soap company. of Dayton. corn for the 1.9~ pack. Oall 119R21 Richard MIller, and Mrs. Abbey Wil- nesville plailt. Roxanna Oannlng Co . gave the welcome to th. alUllUli or see 1115 at our office at the Way- son of Miamisburg, Mrs. Emma • • • • • members and the class of 1940. With ne:svWe plant. Roxanna Oannlng Co. Koverman and family of Lytle; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Harris . and the ~esponse by Robert Preston. and Mrs. D. R. Salisbury and fsm• • • • • A memorial to association memo Mrll. David Anderson of Kingman Uy. Mr, and Mrs. W. E. OornelL MIss family of Chicago. were Sunday evebel'S who had dlett Wl~nln 'be ' IN, was the overnight guest of her Ruth Ann Donahoo, Mr. and Mrs. ~ng supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Preston enyear was presented by Rev. Jobn da\lihter. Mrs. 'Donald L. Hawke, Bert Hart80ck and son. and Mrs. W. A. Lukens and famUy . tertained at their home Friday eve• • • • • Sears. of the clall8 ot '31i. Edgar Smith. Wednesday. ning the following out of town C. M. Oartwrlght, of 9hlcago"oa. • •••• Misses Anna Louise Hook and guests who were here to attend the Mary CIlrolyn Lukens were home of the alumni associatloii's IIWIIt arMr. and Mrs. J. R. Mengle were BAND CONCBIlT ~rHROUGH JUNE commencement exercises of the pesta at a dinner party. Suntlay from Earlham college to spend the graduating class of which their son dent boosters, gave the report of tlw week end with their parents. library promotion comml\tee. s~t. evenlnir at the hollie-or Mr. and Mrs • • • • • was a member : Rev. Kerns Preston Band concerts will be given George Swindell of Morrow. ' of Ohlcago; Miss VlrgIriia Senst and Ing that funda were a'ailable lor through the month of June on • Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Belew and son Joe Preston of CIncinnati; a.nd Mr. the purchase of another ne" . un" Mr. and Mrs. Lowen Thomas and Thursday nlg.hts II1t MCClure's COr- Joe of Falmllutlh. Ky., visited at the apd Mrs. Leo Deutsch and son Billy of boola! to be II,dded to ·t he UbrarJ this summer. daug.hter. Bl!tty, III's. Prank Thom- ner the high school .,and ,will com- home of Mr. and Mts. A. F . Mellohor Springfield. Mr . . Cartwrlght pointed 'ou' thA' , a.. and Mfaa PbyWa Howland of bine. with alumnll members who and famUy. )l4onday. After the commencement exer$126 In books had been placed la • • • • • West carrollton. have returned at- are Interested In playing in these clse.s. Mr. and Mrs. Preston held the library in 1939. ter a alght.aeelnl trip to New York. concerts. Rehellol'8li~ls wlll be held Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Vance and open hOUSe for Robert's te~ohers In response to thta report, 81lpel" atoppJna at Rochester ' wbere they each Wednesday . Inlght' a't 7:30, at son Ralph Jr... of Wilmington; Mr. and their wives and husbands. The tendent L. !-.Garet told 01 Ute were guests of Kr. and Mrs. Everett the high school ·bundlng. and Mrs . Oarl Hawke of Dayton and guests all enjoyed the pleasant so,benefits that the high school bad 'dl Thomas over 'the week end. .1. O. Hawke spent the week end flsb- cial time and delicious butret supper rived from the use of the boob. • • • • • Ing at Russell Point. served by the hostess. Robert Preston presented III' MIIsea Anna and Lulu VanderCartwrlg.ht with a copy at the uM vort 01 WlI.mlnirton, attended the Mrs. C. E. Norris of Peoria. Ill. class year book. which Wa. dedfoaWd alumni reunion !lnd were guests of 11 .. who has been Visiting her Sister. ~ to him In appreciation of the 1nter. Mrs. Maria Elbon over the week J. P . Larrick, wa:! summoned to Balest he had taken In the .school Uend. timore. Md.. Saturday. because of brary project. • • • • • Several memberl! of the Woman's the tIlness of her dau'ghter-In-Iaw A trombone solo by. Charita aM Mrs. Martha ' Lacy, who spent the A\lX1l1ary of Bt. Mary's Church were Mrs. O. E. Norris. closed this portion 01 the ~. winter at tbe homo of ber son War- guests ot the Wo~nan's AuX1liary oC • • • • • Emma Petter Smith, class, of '85 ren, In Dayton. · is Visiting her IOn- Chr'-t ... Ep1scopa I ('hurch in China. Mr, and Mrs. . Robert Ftrrnas and presided at the "Rally of the 'Ol~ In,law and dau8hter. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Eplsco~' C'huch X I Tu Mrs. S. D. Henkle of Lebanon was ,... , en a. es son Benjamin were Sunday dinner Guard." Lina Wrlaht· Burch. of Pori Prank COOk,; _ • • • day afternoon. Miss Martha Sher- guests at the home' ot Mr, and Mrs. hostess to the 'members ot the New man who is a mft_....r of - th Century club. Friday af.terno. on, at Wayne, Ind.. spoke tor the clau of ' ........, e L. R. Winfield and famlly of Leb1890 which was booored at ibJI"r •• Mr.•nd Mn, Oeorae Kenaaaee of .....' ....0 ...... Oh h in Ch" the Little Inn. "'- .urc ula gave anon. In the afternoon they attendDr:r Rldl8. KJ.. and Mrs. Edith a thrilling aocount of her ex- ed the Memorial services at New Nineteen members were present unl<!n. Mrs. Burch's addre81 will .. Glackin of Muon, were Tuesday perlences .in the war kI~ areas ot Burlington and ansewered roll call with a cur- tound on J)&8e '. Olive Allen Brace then preaeuua' VIsItors at the home of Mr. and ~8 . that country. She Is a teacher in a . '. • • • • rent event or .wlth the dlsplayal or the sto.oy'''ot '''The LQst BattallOQ" Belli. college which is similar to our higg Mr. and Mrs. J. K . Pre&ton and description of their most va~ued anthe class of 1915 that did DO& graou~ schools and her dlescrlptlon of the family entertained Wlth a Sunday tlque. Many rare and beautiful pos- ate. Mr.@ndl\lrs.JamesStoops.Mr.bombltlirraldsandltheforcedmov_Sesslons were displayed Including -_-:--:::_ _ _-:-_-...;.:....-_ __ evening supper PQrty at which the HollDes Stoops and family of Van lng of the school back tnto the In- following were guests: Mr. and Mrs. old . silver and jewelry, a shawl, ADotber worth,. Pl'ojee& .... W~t; Mrs. O. G. Randalll and)llsa terlor to escape the Japanese. gave HI..... Robert Anderson and children. Bible. sampler. pottery. and some in&' announced by tbe W ..... _-e en Ran.....l of Harveysburg were to those who listened a Cleater convery fine n e e d l e w o r k . # Sunday guests of Dr. and lIIrII. J. E. ceptlons of the -horron of TN.'r. On Sarah, Robert and Billy. and Mr. av~~oe_.hl'b lehoe. allUlllll a.oelWI ha A and Mrs. Andy Klemm and daugh- During the buslne~ sessIon a moW D, t m other band 1II1sa Shennan told of ' . . . .- . . .the the .great progrAOO being made In ter ~ilrtha .•Of .WY.Omln.g.. lion was made and carried that the In addHloD 10 ..... . .... ... ....,.. organizatJon would make a donation br..., JII'OIl'UD, ........... lIIrII. Jessie Hyman with Mr. apd that country thro·iioh the mcrAa.h,~ f 5 --T U d U tIe da .... -'6 We are now contracting . sweet 0 $ w the. American Red Cross. ben eYel'JWbere are ~ ... .. .-.AD.• A . • Po . nsky an t ugh tnowl....t. of_tbe Christian reU"'ftn. I - ..... . . ~. . . . ~ , J' .... com for the 1940 po.ck, Call 119R2! The report of the nominating comon the lookout , ... jeM t. _ •. ter of Cincinnati. attended a , famA pleasant SOCial hour was enjoyI .~I'" ell B nd th" or see us at our otrice at the Way- m ttee was giVen, the following list ua&ea ot the local .... ~ nner. u ay, at e ••ome 01 ed by the guests tl)Uowlng Miss S'fItr of candidates being . presented tor th . ~n. Hyma~'a slster. Mrs. Max Kohl man'a tal1c. durinl~ which time tea r.esville Pla~t. ~~fl~ .cannln g 00. election; president, Mrs. J. B. Chap WhUe e me~ ,. t- in ·...'
Local Happenings "-I~ I "- I '-'~""'
Memorial day ceremonies which are under the direction or the Waynesville Civic club will begin at Iwo o 'cillcl( at the cemetery. Rev. John S. Aultman or Day ton will be the
. ' __ ,t __ ~ .' __ •• ~ ' _ I ~I.._..~t4
Local Happenings
·... .
.. . . . .
· ... .
Auxiliary Members .lll d X . M· eo eoaa eetrnl
·... .
Walto!,.. • • •
... "_
Ai _J Ellis PI Mon1I '1.0 "dena ,U II 0)I1I1na: trucker; Howard Everhar~ F0Olda. tioI ~ Meet·......lIeu!»r shop ...... - 1'& '. • nn.. · vern, Madden RlHt·
" .
L'UJ)ber Co J E. 0.6 •, .' ames _cCluro •. Dr. A .. Stout OoUett' . , .• I ' _ ..ware, •
C3VJe·. , M~t. MIU~. OoniInupl~,
NatJ~~ r~OIIIlluon tor adva~ced meth~ of buatneaa management,
la...... .
J(lfA:bep: BYelt'n's:,. Beauty. Sbop. Emma Mae Bett-utJ I$hop. Oult Ser. adver~, and sales ~motIOl1'"1rlU vlct. !Jtat.lon•. Qj~ L1Imbe,r . 00.; . ~ gran.~ '~. number, of ."manage_ ·waJter .... ~" {'ome ~ ' ...e; ment espens" at .. meeUDI spon, Rldp Phot.Q.~&ueuo. ~ PIe..... sored ~J' the RIlIa 'Plan Jlbundatloll. KathrYn .MemJeIIbaU stubbe to . be ~~d, In New Yor,lI: this week. Puntral Home,IIIb~er's·~.B .eoorctlnl' kI ~hD W. EWI. toW1der. . . . .et, ~f.Ba. : ~- . NlDeteen bU81neu leaden from.. cq.) ~ ' .4;; . . KrOaer ~t., ~ .. coutourn, .be.. liven ~
hagan In .Jamestown. was served by the hostesses. i ' • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Baker and Mr. man; vlce-presfltent. Mrs. Irenneth We are now contra:ctliig aweet and Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain of Hough; secretary, Mrs. R. 0: Oollett.; corn for the, 1HO pack. Oall 119R21 . ANGLO-SAXON FEDERATION Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis ~~ :~poea:~r~;'th~r:~ieHe~~ockac~" or see us at our office at the WayThOll1pson.. Mrs. Vern Simpson, Rev "'" neavWe plant. Roxanna CannIng Co. . On Thursday. May 30: at 7:45 P. and Mrs. Hackwell and thirty boys cepted and 110 :unanimous vote was _ . • • • •. m. Ford L. Prescott wUl d1Icu8a and girls of St. Mary's Church cast for these officerS. Kr. and Mrs. J . Q . 001111 enter- ''They Shall No~ Hurt Nor Destroy ScJlooJ attended the Blshop's Day Mrs. Marla Elbon and Mrs . Ma~. .t alned at dJnner Tuesdar evenlnr, 41 All My Holy M4l)untaln. Salth the eervfce of ·the Dayton Convocation tha. Houg~ were In charge of the • . • • if' IDa& ~ tbe1I: abWh. III ·...a Kr a M " Jofri. J B ............. M Lord" t ttl mbl 01 . held at ·St. Paul's church. Oakwood. pr0gT6m which was preseille.d as ~1l'. !A.. It. ~ L. N PrInts. ' . , " ." ....... " _.0........_ . n . L., a e - 4e 1101!8 meeUng of Sunday afternoon. follows. Mrs. Hough read , s~veral Q~ -w':~ . ~ ~f.• ~~emen' . enatn~. Ii. 'Henderson. lira; O i L. crane; Mr. the Dayton brano:b of the Anglo• • .• • ~ sh9rt articles, one 'of whIch was of ' ~.ll ; . ·r ' " !l.:. 1 Ifl" ; ~ .• , ItJd. .' , and Mrll. Robert 001111, Pred B. Saxon Federation In the Dayton ' . '. 1 '1 __ .. ,II~. ~e. ~~ I~ ~,~ ~! ',"~ 1'be)~lll,l; P~ PoOmIltloD Ii., an. 1hndel'llOll:. Iir. a,nII 'Mrs. Joim B. Industries bUlldintr, Thlrd' and Lud- Mrs. W. O... St. ... otin entertaine~ a unusua n .... est. "Dolnl My Bit in. a.ta 'D...... ' ~ . '="I small' group 'i( dinner Tuesday, In Gehnan1." Mra. Elbon reviewed the Jf~!" ~~'.,,,,,~.~~, . _~ tI~ deWlted J&0 sCieDWle aon. and daughter IIarllyn. 10":,, stree~. The ~lubUc Is Invited. hono.r of the 83rd birthday annlver- Iboo . k. "The Dutch Ooun.try .... by Cork:if ~••-: BIII'iiU, _.... , --.~ 11 !II. dohJl \tII'"I. . "';. an,r~tes.· . . • • • ,. • . . '!IIi . . - - - - _ • . f.JarIeJy th acS1 ettlsIn ' sary of Mrs. J. wui White. Other. nellus WeY~dt. a Pe~ylvanla. Sa..-. &bop. ' , .. , ', •.•. I , ,. . ~ rou,b, I ~ea' ~. and lira. J~ 'Hole and IOn MRS•.F; V. LEMAY IID1BER guests were Mrs. Uoyd Davis. Mrs Dutcbma.n Who: for over. forty years .. ~~ ..... ~~ ; -II~I w~~, of ~ .• apn\ p~,.ton ~ted Uf. and Mr:l oW. OF oHio COIIMITTEE Homer Car , ey and Mrs. T. Jelf Smith poked around antlque 'shops. attend, ~;~.:;r ,. ':.. .' . '. ,. ~ an~ ~ AIIoCla""" ad't~ If. a.ra aDd tamny .8UD4ay after;. ...· the clUb, t.if..~-tbe ~ to .... ~ '.. the ~ ~,tdii tx-. noon. ~J eftlUlli cal..r. at' the ~ In the afternoon they called on Mrs. ed auctions and generally absorbed I . ~........ ': la ' ..... ,. ..:ft._ pqaeD& 'at tha .- . - - .... ' ,. lira. Prank U. 'LeMay; Is a mem" P. U. LeMay who Is' recovering from all the lore about these unusulPol and ,a C"ti.""'t:',.,.. . -, ":"~ .•," . ~ ,:..... ..--. I ~ .~' ,aawI homeJr. . Mr. an411ra~ To9l . . mte tlli I '....,.,! ....;~" wIII . ;:be CIIl .. 'ablbl. !.~~ . ~ ~, • . ~ . ~.; ~ and' OUIbfet; ind. ItIn.. J~ ber 01 the Ohlo Ooaun1ttee of the iqJlU'les re.ce!ve~ I~ ,a~ a~to accident. . Ar~e ~o':~~n of the nrogram . &lOIi.....:.;." -..:.....o:....i.. ••';.;.L. ,-.,:....... _ .,., , . {i/lUb, N~ I!'dIk •,&,fda ftIiII: eQ4I. DIe UqUen,.or Nth aPnual meetllnl o.f the National .. "± u _; ~ ~~,' '_' ,. .:. ;' , . 'f ..~ ... ' . ~rcu1osls ,AalctattOD wh1Ch wUl . , ~ .. S. D. Hel\1l:le was hostess to ~he meeting was adJaurn~ to 'on-. • ,' 'We '1110~ lIri ~, ,' ~ .. ~:'~A_ '" c..j r' " ,.,.... D~""d' I I " Bridge joy t~e pleasant soclat hour' and, reA ......... titf beld In OleVe1iuici.· June 3 .. .I.!:... ' , aD > ..... ' ,~ ~ . _. or Ii&iirv ,..,.... ,,,,.... _- .~_ and'r_ _ . :·v. "the . members ,of the '4l'a:.not , $~\I~.,~ &lie _~,~ , . '''li'J~., . ~• ~ '.... '~ of·.auz , . . 8.. D.. . More than 1.80Cnuberculo....pec. oIu~ at. d~rt bl'1dge, Tues~ay af. treahme,n ts. The next mee'ing ~1ll , .-&cb. ~ ,Club .&0 ~ ~"( ~ ~be ~ to. YIItied at tile boi:ae: or 1Ir;' aaci... laUat. . and bea11U1 ' W~ ~ te~n. at the Oplden IAIIIb Rotel. be beld a~ th.e home of Mrs. R . .A. .~ ~,tba, Ida ~ .... ClaUIb&er-4P- D, C. 1IIdp, . ~. MIaa 1Iaa. tbr'oUthout f.he 1:7n1ted States are Lebanonor' E. ~ was also donner. Prlday.. a!~~oon. June 21. _~ ..-".I ' ,• ' -:-W;~- ~. ",~....... KQ. whO II uiiiutan .-:'01 tspeIDted to a~teD(L tbe.~ur-cl&r a guest .¥n. ~<Tbree ~J)les -- ~ ..-c ,-iIf' ~ ,~ . ' . ~ aJIo'1rl .WIebI .1QIOi,...... ' 8oaUa ~ ..' .... to':.tt.ead ~ meetIJJa at wblcb the ~ ap- of ca~ .ere plaJed. With ~ for Kr., and Mrs. .7GM'" 8ettlem,:re .. &IInb Of • da = • . . - . . . til. ... AIIMrIcIID JII'aIIaI of Ute- ~ and metb.hlgh ICOn! Irelll& awardecllfn. D. R. and sOn of orelODia •...-nt SUdl!eJ . .~•• :~._. .I _."...~.. ~.. '. . ~. __ UI!aII7 ............. beId In Oda qf tuIIercIifoIIa -will 8tI11burY ~ .1I8CODCI blab. lin. ·D. with their parenti. Mr. ~~. J,• . . . . . . . . " '. . .. WIll:, . . pIue. O. ,I'IdIe:.. 0 st. John ·f ___ . _ . _
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thPoUoWing the bUsIness DI ltD;: e r~un1on was brought to a ~ With · Au Revoir," by J. 0, Clarl• . ) ~Igh't! of Chlfago. after whle4 lial .. presldent·s ball was h Id ._... .._ ' . , e _ .";",a_. torlwn. Irvin SW'ln1II'er's-cl'!!bea of Xenia• .furnlsh . ed thl ~u.U• . Olfl t cers or the chosen as follows: Ohlar)",;111 enor. president; of Chicago V\CI!-IJiI_~enl; Jam ' .. H kes. tJS't!~J",'rUJ~tar."rp'~' awe ~lC.!all",,~. .Iit;·
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PIlOQ 111
D£P'\"TI"'I ~T 0 .... HIGHWAY'" I,
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( .~ .. " . . 0....... 114. l!NO .I~. I~.al t :••,.· No. 40-12 •
EntMeclJca..Seeo"d-(lla.'18 M'Ilil 1tlatter o t :.Postoffice, Wa ynesville, Qhio
Flora M. Cra ne Editor and Publisher
TOWARD US WITH' will rf'ctllvN) , l"'te Rl g hWI!Y NEW SPECTACLFS nl Colnml'lUI clhlo
1) 1'01' /l~) 8
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IInll l r n 1l·"lt1rk HIIIIlIhlnl T Io II , .
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tr you wil>h Rucceaa In I1fe .. make pe~8everance
. A , M.. Ea . ! rri 1"1'1(111 )' , ,I ll n " H,
your llollOm. : r1end, ex-
perlence your wise r counsellor, oau-
tlon your elder brother. and hope Rlnl'lInl'l ImpOrt Europe's (Y'I"/PClSlIllI ' No)/:i. I to InC'lual\' !FOr New lIMO Performaneea nrl' Ilr'fpr d as onr, prC)J I' 1't R OIl - Addison your guardlan genius. IV II I I,,· t\Wlll'II('d n~ nn" (''' ntr ll t. 1 SutNcriptiOD Price. $1.50 P er Y ~ar, P a yable in Advance IJ I' O II O~I" O. I \~lIrr''' 11 ollnty. n h to. n o "'''eo tl n tts . The RJngl\ng Bros. apd Barnum I,. \" II . Sll rl n~hot b a n,l· WIl}'nes vIII ,' "r Iho F I'n nk ll n - \\rH " 'l n ~ I ' ''l & Balley ·Clrcus. wlth the world's I nll\tI . Iillnt!' Hll-rhwn.y No. 2n l Rtnl e . 110"t No , 7:;' In ·Ic" .. (' rf' ck Wa v n" larges t big top In solid blue. Im- ' /l ll ri Ma>!sit' TrH\' nl!hl pl! b v i",pl\~ln g proved air conditioning, a new opGen 1'01 J oh n A. LolJlln. as com~art·ln ~ " l!IIII m I Il O u ~ I I' '1I I mo,, 1, ' It III T. nl. • • IWIGI ma nder-in-chief of t he G ranc:l Army _ 1""" '1\'\('11 1: ""l l h 18 r e t . Lengt h enlng spectacle, "The Return at ".r, 1\4 rl' t ,I I' 1 2 . ~O III II Oil. • Marco Polo", created and costumed . of t he Republic. issued : an official , l' rooosnl No. 2 M ,01 n l ~n m Ci' ,· , ('Il\lnl'y, 0 hl o, on In France by Max Weldy; and an order that every post o( the organS"" t\OIlM II II tl d n nd PII I'I of 8 1'1' - all-new perform!uu:e, star-stUdded IzaUon should hold "suila.ble cxerIIIHI" M t h" Jl[ 1n. m l s h llr ~ - S IH· ln g ~"IJ " .\' IlClI!t1 , Rln t e Hlo.; hwny No. 8 94. clses nnd decorate the graves of SIIII,' nOll l No. 72r.. In Miami 1111(\ by a tremendollS array of 'n ew ElI• On :rJlur 5do.y people of the Unit.ed their dead comradcs wit h flolVe l's," WII ~hl n " 'otl TOW I""h!,,". I,,· " " pl\' lng ropean features. 'will eXhibit In Dnyn. hltl ll nl ll hllR tr" tHI11 f\ n t , It 111 1'-~ l . ton. Thursday' June 11th. ' S tates will honor their dead lD th e Much praise was given southern Plll''''''''''I : ,,' ''lIlt IS r "!. L.,·nglh :to, -I :! !l r l'l' t n,' 6 .7 1 m l1PR. _. Foremost amon,S the Impressive I!.eventy-~btrd annual observance or women by such men as Cha uncey PI' III ~ 11 1 No, ~ the great Alfred Depew, whe n only n few years alter Mcmorlal D6y. (II ''''' n t; eOI IlH Y. (ll Ii u. o n -. (If'' t lnn s hnportanons Is R"lIl, I'oole: I,: II nel 'F nf th(' !\flam 111_ Court, Europe's mos t famous trainer According to H . E. Esw1ne. WOSU t-he close of t he WIU' thcy sLrcwet\ a \l v I onel. Slnl I 1I1, ,,-S ""ln~ Il IJrh \\,fl ~' No, . 94, Stnl" ROll lp. Nil. with hLq three tamed mixed groups Farm Night historian. one . rCason bhe graves of both northern and 7~ " III SII A'tlr ('rl'ok tlnfl Spr ln ll' Vtll tor the~ selection. of May 30 as the sout hern soldIers wit h flowe rs as n I"y TI1wnshl'lll, I r n p lll ~' ln !l' n Iol t um - of performing wild an1mnJs-Pollll' 10 llHs IrPIlIIll (\ nt. It,'111 T ·3 1 official date for the observance is m emorial. 1'[I\" """ nl : Whllh I N 10 :10 f<'l)t bears, Himalayan bears, Bengal L(·n g t II !lfi,!HI4 rtflP. t nf fi. 0 I'nll ~s. . tigers, lions. black and spotted lepblll~t tl~ ' was the <fate on which the "More recently." said Mr, Eswinc PrOllOstll NO. 4 Io&t UbJOft vol\ln~ soldjer . of the In hIs Monday n igh t talk from t he nr"""I' CUll " !.,\,. Ohl '. nn SCNlon R oards. Slrberlan snow leopards. blJl(lk 'HI ,I part of SpC'llon S of t h , n ll\'- nnd spotted panthers. cougars, Ohio State University broadcasti ng (fiv.tl War was "mustered out.', lo" ·(,,h 111 1£00 Ih,. 1101ll1. Slnt r I\l ghOrl ~y t hc (late was set asIde station . "the soldiers who served In wn v Nf'I. 29. 1'. R Ho ut " No ~15 In pumas, Jaguars and Great . Dane N ... \\· .h. f P r n n Ll Sli ve r "' r~ek 1'o wn aU work.lits together In for t~ ·cie:cora.~lon· Of the graves of later wars have grad ually taken the il loIl"'. hy app ly I,, /\, n hlillmino u s dogs l r P li lIn fl nt. 1I m T - 3 1. brellith-taking violation of Jungle NEW S ilTS Civil War soldiers. Later t he obser- place of the blue-clad Ciy ll War PIlI'I'Il" ,nl : Wld lh 19 r~e ! I.e ng lh la w;- Never before has a trainer vance was Wid ~ned In scope to in- veterans, The familiar red poppies J essi!) Burkholz. dec nsed , to J oh n a~,9G ·! re I 0 1' o.e~ rn\J p8. TARvtA-LITIIIC TAR AND , , Pro ll o~n l Nn. ~ elude all military dead, are Mem orial D ay sym bols which P hineas W , Cook VS, Robert E. T . Hflll nnd Bnrbal'a Ha ll: 8 I'CS In II r.,en·" ·ou nl¥. Ohio. on pllrt ' of accomplished this startling mixEXCAVATINfJ ROAD OIL; Deeo,ratlqn Day was fi rst observedilll • me Into u ~e following the World Crew. executor of lhe estate of Rutb Deel'field towns hIp. !-; etlon D or Ih e J n m e~ tQ\\'n - Hlll e Ing Of. so many specfes of natural I~ oro 1101111, Int .. Highway No, 47S, ln J 868. -Early In May of tha t year§War," DUMP TR uel, S E R~ICE H a nnah Crcw. d ceased; lnlmcd. Helen L. cotner a\1d Rober t Cot - Slntt' Rout" No. 72 In Sil ver r eek enemies. This Is Court's first Aemer"\,,) ",n8h \)., by I\p pll;lng II bituminous lean appearance. $500.00 with interest. net· to GeOl'ge W. Lytle Ilnd Dorothy lr a Im nt. It m T - ~l . PIT RUN, LOADED 300 YD. The leading horsement ot EuropeEarl BO\\1nan vs. Hester Bowman ; Mae LytIc: 13.95 aeret i n Wnrr n Pa v.,,:nent: Wlelth feet. Leng th 9.~40 fee t or 1.76 mil s. Hilns Strassburger. V1I8 Concelos divorce, g1'oss neglect. count)'. No. on 0 SooHOon F: ' Mlf d All .r . ne Prollo ou nl y,Bal OhIo. ' George Cnrpenter to I or . ell II( th 'olumh ul!- IncJnna li Roael and Los ABervera.s.--awlth ' their re. COMMON PLEAS ' l'ROCEEDINGS one nCI'e In Frankl in township. . tlLte Migh way No. G. U S Route nowned troupes of dressage and libNo.4 •. In eel nrvl1ll' Tow'nShlp. by Pbone, Wayneavllle H R 11 s. A. B uerkle to Louanna. St rain IIPplyl n/\, a Illltumln ous tr a tment. erty steeds bring the Big Show's to 'Ii new high. The horse displays dm1n1 trot of It m T-31. Lebanon orflce Pbon~ 473-KElsy Meadows. II s or and J ohn W . Stram, et 1Il : pnr t of PILI' m nt : W ldtl. 18 feet, Length war and big money made their im· 13,~OO fe t or 2.6 0 miles. , estate of Ul1a Moodows, deceased. vs lot 71 In South Lebanon. rEB,9H·M. Morrew Pbone No. a . P rOpOsal No. , 1~. .John Robinson; certain .portions S. A, Buerkle t o Leahdell St rain , Wa n'en ou,nty. Ohi o, on ! ec tlon portatlon possible. as It dtd scores D struck out of p!nlnt.1/I·s a mended pe- J ohn Robert St rai n, et 01. ; part of A or t he F r anklln-Le ba nol) Roael. of other troupes and stars Who lall' Hl g h~'ay No, 21\0, tMe Route "r~ess tltlon.. . lot 50 In South Lebl:lnon. No. 12a , In :Frnnklln a na Clea,. hitherto would not budge oft the ..L ~ Eis J I' Ilk Townsh ips, by applying 1\ Continent. . .. Na nnle L . Meadows vs. Y . F ro.nces L. Urball to Berlha T . bll um lnq1l8 t reatment. Jlem T-SI . The Greatest Show on Earth, ,·r.======:======~ , ' Meadows; divorce gran ted, defend- Urban ; 4B.61 aCl'es in Harlan townPal'ement : Width 18 r et l.enath one of the t IJ a " ~ .5 12 r t or 5.4 0 mil es. . . MR. AND MRS. BULL~ GO m ver y core u y. . ne wa . ant to pay $7.50 pel' week to the slilp. P.roposal No 8 steaming toward this territory on HOUSE HUNTING Stanley C. W Uloughby to Ulysses Wn'T n County, OhIo. on Section tour long trains, with 1.600 peoPle" • . ' :' too s mall; she was sure tha llt would pla in tiff lor toe suppor t of m in or n rlr tho Frnnklln-l.e bfi,non Road not hold as much bedd ing as she too exposed. Tbe chil dren . defendant also to pay costs Gra n t S hockey a nd Myrtle Shockey ; ·lnl., H'lgl" "lll' No, 26~, Stnte Route 50 elephants, 1.{109 Ihenaaerie anl- \ REAL ESTATE BULLY the Eng Ush Spa rrow and lik es. AnoLher wns ., No . 123. In Clea r reek a nd Turtl The Village of Franklin vs. The lot 3<1 In South Leba non. Towru hlps, hy nppl ylng a. bltumln- mals and hnndreds of horses. w111 Mrs, 'Bully m ade a very good door way of another was too big ; she, open Its performances at 2;15 and INSURANCE Raymond Custer to Ma Ulda Mae ous Item T· breakfast In Farmer Brown's hen- was sure the rain would bea t 10 in Bonrd of Education 'of Franklin, ; Payt reatm menl :nt.Width 1 31.to 20 teet ,ard. Th~ little people of the Old bad wea Lher. There wa s one she, judgln en rendered a nd released, Sch midt ; pa r t of lot 3~ In Sout h Leng th 24. 10 teet or 4,70 miles. . 8:15 dally,. With doors open at 1 and AUCTIONEER ' PiToposal No. 9on Section 'j P . •M .. tor public Ill8pcirctlon of the :>rcha rd watched them a t a distance couldn· t find a ny rea l fa ult with a nd, 05tS pai". u Lebanon. Gree ne COlln ty, Ohio. and really didn't know what to make a uIIy ra th er hoped that she \Voul d' The Guarctlan Bank and Savings C~dll/'v lll (! or Ih Collll'nIbu8-Cln aln _ huge menageJ1e, tnaluding Oar. decide to take this. aut she didn't': Fred B. Henderson t-O Windle P . nn,t\ Rond. State !·n ~h!way No 6 U of them . . nOI, t" No. 42. In Cedarville Town ~ gantua the Great. and the long "OJd yo'u ever in all your Ufe' see When he asked her wh y. she an- Company. 0. corporation, vs . Adams SaJlsbul'Y; pa r t of lot 6 In Waynes- shIp, by nppl~' ln g a ,bl!umlnou· lines of performJng steeds In the 1 j u d gmen t r n- ville. 1I'<'A lm ont. Hom T-31. luch bold. Impudep.t thin '. ,r·i e ',- swer ed, " Oh , beca use." And that' B . DIo'k1 I1son. et a.; Fred Carr lind T helma Carr to Pnvt'mpn t : W ldt.,h '20-80 -40 fe'e t new horse fair tent adJoMIng it. clalmed_ Goldie :)rlc~",. "'.VhY. .. as all e could get from her. So, dered and reI ased. cos ts paid . 1.enm h 3. 096 re M 01' 0.70 mile . the, actually ta ke Ule food trom h e s Igb e d ond m o d e up hi s m 1n d Wl!lo rd P . Klaber and Pearl Klaber Tntnl ('stlmnted cost .... ,.6,135.15 n,ht under the noses of those stupid that she d idn't have any real rea] PROBATE OUltT 10 130 In Franklin. P roposnls NOI, 1. to 9 InchlRlve of NOTICB OF APPOINTMENT th is projec t to be compl eted not chickens! U they tr)' anything lilce son for not taking that house. It Herma n Grey and! Florence Grey lal ,r lha n A:ug"ua t l 6 19'1 0 AdQlInII........ de bonis non wltIl that here In the Old Orchard there was just a notion that she dldn't ' Th o min Imum wage to b ' ,'a ld to I In the matter of the Board of to Liddle Oolman ; l()t 17 in Spring- aU lallor employ ed '0" thla contract II ,o1n, to be trOUble. Here they want to live there. that was all 1 'be wiD annued. bo IIhnll b In necorda.nce with th e c me now. I wonder what they in· "Are these all the houses that, Counly Visitors, Mrs, Edgar Ludlum roo .. hed ule of Pr valling Rour Wllge tend to do." • there are,? " sbe ~sked at last in a l of Leba non. a nd Allen Thlrkleld , of J ames Pile to Harold V. and Ruth :;: ~~ t~c::.~~n~~ ~n¥nd~:m!'ilfte~ Estate 01 Rutb UallJUlb Crew . It wa. quite clear that Mrs. B~ly fretful tone of vOIce. Franklin. a ppointed members of t h e M. Martz; lot 65 in .~ranklln. lallo ns.J!!Iplfcable to tllte Hllrhway . • "fa. f4!C1htS better natured now that .' H arry H . Pence. decoosed. to N1n~ Depa'l"~nt lmpftlV mentll,Jn ac· ~ lOOT ' .. R ~ C NSI"'N "All the empty on,e s," replied· ,Bully. "There arc some very nicej Board of County Visitors of Warr n co rdance Wlth: Sjletlon" 17-~. 17-4 Notice Is herebr liven that Robert ' . ...0 ""D 0 u ..on County. Plln ce; 68 acres in O1earcreek town- 17- 4{\.. 17-6 aoo 17. 5a of the Genera' B Or h JODr ~ttI•• bop. Ibeep aDd cal".. ones which are occupied. Would " .., Coda of Ohio." . ; ew ... ose Pos~ Office Address to ~orrta-Brock Ct.•• Ii"e wire aD' like to look at those. my dear?" I I n the matter of the estate of ~h1 p. The bldele1' mil t s ubmit wltb hl~ Is 24'1 Te'~ .:-!'..• ••!,nII t I)f' ·t. ~ , J . N, Burch to MIlY Burch; about bid a certified e heck In an amount - uOrcS Avenue. Dayton. OhJb pro. Wle h'~ ......t "C.er.talDlyLDLc.ouueLYou dldn'~ Rich ard L, Nelson. deceased ; schedqUill to fiv e per cent ' ot the etltI- h8.s been , duly appointed as AdnUn- ma lit prleft and good "1Il'Vtell. we of debts approved '70 acres in Turtlecreek township. mat d COBt, but In no ev enl more Isua - U ..... Sioc. ;~t.nI.· Cl_I .... U. O. suppose I would decide on a bous unW I had leen all of them. ' d1 In th e ma tter of th~ estate of M , E. Gu.o;tln, ctee:eased , to' Blaine t.h'f,~Il!~~n !~~t1B~n~~ll~I~~~'~n~ Rre on ann to!t de, bOthnlsEsnta°n with Ule ,w11l TaD.e,11I o~ !l"dlo 'staJt.toll WC~.y you?" sna-pped Mrs, B _ , G, stln : lot in Leba1lon. . rIl o In the d pil,I'lmpnt of Irl gh,,'avH , ex 0 e te of_Ruth Han- 11: _ to .1"1..0 p. m. or our au, like one of these. whoever 15 llvln'" ,., R . Gl' Is wold , et al .. t6 May nnd t he ortl >;,~ or tit r 81d ent dlH. nah Crew late of Warren County, ,ma .... 0 0;;: - -5! '-' eorge 11'1('\ Ileputy '1fre tor. there willlimpI;, have to move out,! J a kson; 23.52 acrefl in Harlan town T he dlr~ctor r"rerv,.~ Ul right 10 Ohio, deecasec:l. tha!!1 all." ' I I'P j '1'1 fi ny Ilnli :111 bl 'ls. - Dated tills 22nd day of lIav. 1"0. Oscar A Eston deceased' Inven- shi p. Hobt. S BI.' II\'IIt\e\' ' So once more Bully Ie d th e wa... .. , " ' Sla l l' ~lI g hw ll:y Ir~·'loi:. RALPH H. c·-~ , • through the Old Orchard. HeJ ~ry npproved. Alb l't Wurth to Alber t P . Lnnd. . . . ,J.ulfte of th Pr..&...t ~y ItOPped firlt at the home of Win] weNI' ; about 84·JOO acre In WalTen NO'I",,1il 1'0 CONTRA£'TQit" uua e us.. e COurt _... In t he matter of t ile gua rdianship !'iTA'I'f1 nit· 0'''0 " Warren County', OWo some Bluebird. It just happent!Ql of Dern11s Grnh a m, a n Incompetent coun ty . HmH.WA l'II that ' no one was at home. MrsJ . f~'u ... "u •• O"~o. 2... , .... Robert B. Crew. Atty. ' , Bully not only looked to. but s~ person; Mar y Gra ham appoi nted q .. rlc ~1~'~~'~,~·C:}·~::'IR~t:0":t'1 Dayton. Ohto. - ' . .. 1IIII1.....t ...llllla..... dO went In. Sbe examined It just a guari:lla n. . ' . Dei:vou 4nia,Hhoee ..~~.. (II. to ·~~tC~,!.., th .. d"'_ h h d th In t he matter of th e (estate of RPRleel prOPOsals will he rec~lve'l U)' Me_J<!1I ....tlDa " --117 .... r: • ·0 oro.........,. as I e a e emp at the offi ce nt Ih l! Stltte Illahway ORO'!VAlWCIil NO ' NI:RVOustDOJOill•• hotlla';i;i;. . . . d haOpU!!:ecatndrlagchfetthqeruiefe . as if she ha \ WlIIlam A. Ford . deceased ; pro:I~~~tf:n Ofo~ll l\ IL}A OJ~rblll~' Ohio. (/lee"•• '1188, '0. c. ;'/::.10) :r=~=D -=n:~/Ei1tt'iMN~ te • • " •••• ( ••• ~, ceeds of Sale ordered distributed . ., el II '1'1 . . . . Ml tun . pto • .... I .... "It'l better than any ot the other~ 'LH~~ ~ r S mOl. ~'Idn I .Iun e H. (1 IVINO c;ONI'IF:NT OF THE VIr _ ruetlo:!i',W".,"'o~ ""b,/ tlle, actually take the food I .have seen, and If we can't fin I n the matte r of Lhe estate of · WoJker and . Mearle Terry were . wn'l'~~n ~~~'~l~~·~l~1~ir•. r;,~ Rt'clloM :.~~~~JHrto'MP,:,>VI!lM ENT or., 1.1DO"~;E. P1~"ba~.rtv...:~= froaf UDder, tile 1I0IIeI 01 thole ItUpld anything else I think It will do," sh Rlse WUkers on, decea.sed ; priva te business visitors ' in Lebanon, FrI- ~I i'/ t~~ ~~,~n'..hlls IJ lnolnnau Ron.l. SUPF:RV18ION .pJ~~Ji>HT~~ ~..:seg=.:.~~..:....eo.:; ",lIIe·"ens." announced. Little Chippy Spa.r row l sa le of personal property ordered, day Mtel'noon I Nu 4 ~ I~ TtlitlN ~ ' k U. S. Route TOR OF' HIGHWAYS. . paWfIll _ _ tolO·~tJIna""'" '$he bad had a good breakfast That's , . • • . k-' T r l'l' nnd Clear WUEflEA'S Th e Qlreoto r HI I PIJIk. . .•• tiM .... ,... . . . . . . . . . th ' . who happened to overbear ber. falr~ I r. t h e matter of lhe estate qr J . Lee Talmage attended the an- w~r~ to./~':,r;,,!:~~II. hy 1'etlllrraclng twaYB I. con 'Iderlng the ~1tt.,. g ~t '__ .Del '-D .....oYIDI: I..... I _ e wa, wI.~ some people. If yo. Iy gasped. I Lewis Dra ke, deceased',real estate I t1 g1 • \Vld e. ~ hI' Impl'Ovell1 l1nl unele hi ~ "IrrtPlarlu..... OM cit ....... .,.. wllnt to make them ' ....... -natured all 10Th' h ... n ua mee ng veil In honor 01 th : Pav menr 20 fP ll l Pilla ar vl~ lon of th e pllbll l' II rh " :" Pef"- "'" " " " _.... "'lib 2'rt ill ere s the orne of Drumme" a-l(.1 personal proper ty ordered sold t f ' min lI S; ROcuhvali 30 rl'ct plUII 0 ~I Slate HI h N I If war nown , , · t d I t Y""'ftll~ th Ir t h yoU ave 0 • 0 e I om- th Wood k th" Idl ' . pas masters 0 the Lebanon Mason- Ii'll hills . l.enl" 1o 2 1,46:1.0 reel or .,Or.~ WH'BltEA~ ~~!nnki'. 2fi l, nnel .' . ' . AJt'JWflY, Mrs. B~. ..fteCIO~~SO~~~y ' ;~:d ~~m- I n the m atter of t he estate of Ic Lo9"ge, Wednesday evening. ~!~~!:itLtCd r. ' t . In thl. vllhLg;' lIee In,~I~~1~10~Q~.!1~W~lt~h~-~~~E~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiii Bcbl. , Fdnny. Isn·t Bul!y , wa~ taklni a , grea.t d.ea~ , more the outside. ' but ,I haven't' had a; T j1\ll' Drake , deceased ; real estate , Mr. and Mrs. L()well Early, of ~Contrl.l t '~~bC 'ro mri1'e't Cd ~1~4[~Oi:: c;J~;g ~~lIl1nF~r~f ':I~'d tllte hlgh-' . mterest ,m "lI¥hat Bully wal tellIng chance' to Bee the Inside. I underJ orflet'ed sold. Jnmestown, were Saturday evc~lng t ~J'Cs~rl~el':i'.,f':; ~;lg'941~ hI) paid to ' ~~~: partlCClJllrl~ ele'!OI' lh~aela8 be(;I~ her at what he bad dIscovered · iii' " stand that It Is new this year.'" In t he maLleI' -o! L: ulgunrdianshlp ca llers In the, Tem' home. nlll' I'lnbhor employ eel on this contract '· Bell'lnn.lng nt a pOint' h ' . ' the"IOld Orcnard. I V We ISI1 un d Mn l'jor le E . , 8la " In ora 'ccordnnce th!! -eets l1'mnkll ' I\' ere ' , th Ilk ' th I k f t" ,' ''We 'U ,'&0 100k a t it now. " re,( u f ,L ye MI'. a nd Mrs . .AlJjnon Ferns have "l;kllp,lule p/'cvcLltlng'with "'"ollrlY th'!. nWoaul.• (S. ", n . No. 251) Inter':~ " e e 00 s 0 He pUed Mrs Bull I very d Id d ". I. • \Va 0_ n n v C!S corporation 'If, I"· of ~ ....... D_I1-f f 1_.oJ , ra er place " laid Ibe "If we can find a -• y n a ec e "t'4~ h . et a l.. minors; Na t Welsh a p-. ha d ns guests. ln the ir home for sev- mln~~ 'j-t:j."h A 1)l0rt4,ned anil Deter- WayneSVille. Ohfo; .." lK!e eo ..~:nulnt I ... ~ ~ DOod 'house j thlnk- we will stay for tonae·tanJd Itedbthfe waYth' h d po!t~ted guardlnn. 1d M M WII ' tria l' H ~t 11 e epar ment of lndJlB-' over Cl<nd along th e roule ,.f Rul I n. r ..... · • . u us e ore cy reac e I I era ays, 1'5. a~ son and Hlll' hwll:y :lO:ns tapPlicabl e to State tI . No. 2ftl 10 Ita IntflrJIOlrtlon or 8' ~i!'k ~I:n~~ bot IIti. pl....DHh t .. 11111. e '';1m mer anyway. We h~ven l Drummer's house Drummer bimse~ n t Ie matter of the estate of J ohn M. Wilson, both of L-ebanon In "ccor<l a n~:l~w",'t~ts~~t'l~~~"mf7n~e ~~}: u, ~j'ntln"lng frol11 U,e ...pl"! nil., ,..,. r~~ ~'":.:.sn4,,:::! any ..tu~~ to_ y.:a~t,e" .so. ,IUppO$e ~e a,ppcared In the doorway. Mrs. Bull>! Aiice M. Dille. deceased: inve ntory Mrs. FQl'l'is has been· U1 for the L7';~er~~-~~'el17-; ld ~)7-r.1l of' th~ SInd 1::Ca~n"~8ter'lyl;4'<l~";rnn r;.,:; t~! t.l·:~1 u',=,"~.~U~~1I ~=Ir ~~. ~. Itart' houle hunting rIgbt away. I took ,one look at 'Drummer's stou. approved. week. ' . . , 'I'he blddt;~ <:Oust ~ubmlt wltb ble H'=~~~I"rte, ...thero !Brmlnatill. &:: ·:.rnlO".::~,,':t''::"'i~IUI~ ,..~~~ believe. you laid that you have bill and then qulte suddenly changed In the mntter of the estate of S d din Ib lcl .. c rtlflea c/tec" In an am t tenel lei!' ~roPoR Pd to exm. 11'- I14adl<lIO """ UPI~" .. on.......... b, un ay n~r guests ot Mr. an(1 NIUILf to fi ve per ,e ent of the ~~r." ,,"e ntJ~to S:Il(hl hl8' way. Imp1'ove· :::::II~U~d~N~k~l':: {:I. 1CMl.... looked at mOlt of .. the bouses. Just tier mind. "Perhaps we better wa 'l" ta~!I ,me 10 the beat of ,them and we untU ther'".. I.s n' 0 one at' home." sal~u. J c.:sle Burkholz, deccased: cer tln- MI.'s. Mcarle ,lI'erry. Mrs. Alice Terry mlllt~ COllt. hill In no I v ht morc 'lllIIalre and 1l10r;,~·r ull¥IOlIgh lhl8 .......,. nutf. •11 ...".....,., u ... _ _ .... t f t ' d lllln te n thousanel cJollare I.'rwnklln Ronel Ie ato"el!alel ' . ;"'UI loon de~lde ,which one we want she: en c o ' I'ollsler or ered . a UIl son. Wa1~e,r; were- Mr. and Mrs. ;1I~lanH Ilna IIPe~lll~alloil/j nre on NOW. 'I'HlilHE>FORF: , ~!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!!!~~"!'!II'!!!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!!I!!!'!'!!!!!! and can move 1ri rlaht away." Bully's face brightened. "A very In t he ma tter of t he -'cstate of Orlando Brannan , mid Mr. and Mrs. tinil 'n eU'iitr~g:a~:mt~~t .?.f.tI~lghWAY~ th Be lit Orol~lned. hy th~ Caunell ' nf _~ toBullanYothleder InthethwaOYldfrOomhondc good idea. 1 Ulink. my dear." he an. Edwa rd A, Mayer, deccased ; Meryl Robert Burkett 'antll Mary Margaret. trl, t d ePllt~ dlrecJ,OI'. nt slie (.\J~oy!lIl!lre or .WaynPllvlII ll Slllt~ rr v.... e rc ar ' my a PPDII1 . ted _,_ . 'clillers"Wcr'" . , , The Ilny illrecand tor nil reserves "I"ht t 0 b 8E'TI' ' . swere d . "Now, suppose we look at "'nCoo G · gua rC\l an of Ed- of Xenla. , Eveinug Mr l'Bj~ct bid s '''e ~,. ~. ." hON 1: That it Ie declareel to aad &bey Inspeoted every empty the house at Skimmer the Swa !low," dAM .• . . 'R b . e n t e. public Illi eretlt thn,t, tb ilC('Ule. Mrl. B~ examined each ~T. W. BUf.e ... -WNU ServIce. wr.r. ayer, Jr .. private snle of und Mrs. Kloutz or XeQia. Stat conlent 'o [ 'lIald vlllag'l be a.lld udi JII" S. ,BellrhUer, • __ _ _ r ell ! estate ordcred. HarveYsburg 'school .clo~ Friday, • , ~ ' lway Director ·~~~e:I~nl"n::~el~ ~!venu~ ttlnt ~ald I n the rna tc r of t he guurdin l}Sh1p A dInner was enJoycd ~bV" the ' stu. Success In l1te Is , a matter bOt 110' ae "Ie above de8crlbeel 'nhl~ t':..~~~: I ~1 11
It 1" " 1 r o\" nlt! nt fl ~ n !
U. S. Memorial Day . Started ,In 1868
Centerville, Ohio !Phone 7,J
f -=c~~o~u~~n~t~y~=c=O=U=I=.~=A~~_:I=_.:-~=.l-'A=~=E=TW(='~-NS~F=ER.J
fiLe~ tfle StO~leS · . r B dt · 1m ' . .£Th ef w.) _ ,-.
Sand & Gravel
Zain Armitage
orn on . ,,.,.,; l3u
"40 S"
nE"An:I'MFlN'1' ","' 8",.
Beec h IGrove
past .
___III!"'!'1_________________________ Spring Blossoms Qut
Ii 81
Bla 1lche Wade, minor, Oharles A. ' dents, 'teaohers 'and mahY v.isll~rs m~ of talent or' opportUnity as ,of ~~:l' ~:~ ~~ '~~r:~·~e uFlnl)ghw~y ~ No. . • conceno-llon and pe • n"rvl r " I "r tue suWude a ppoin ted g uardian. . ...... , rseveranee. , ·way.~,()n , or the Olreo~o" Of Hlgll~ -W~dte SE(''TTON 2: That the Cl e~k lje I n Ule m a tter of th e Cl.'!'a te of M!t ry S. Ha ines, de:cased,' Meryl B. ...:.....- . . " . lUIt'ettd hneIrector III he eby dlr8ol1ea to utinl"li C)f HlahwAY d S G1'8y a ppoin ted gua rdian for four .. ,. UCc~S11 ~ Ufe deP,ends . upon Jl!!r-' the , Board ot County Com~I~lone~~ minot· defendnn ts. 'sl~tcn~ e1fort. upon the ~Prove.~ ~~,pr~{~~i~o~:!ttf,;a~:~oi,:m:JI~f~'~ In th e' m atter of t he estat e or " ment of moments more than ' upon' ,upon the ta&lna, eJ'teat lJJereot ' ~mOnl anY other one thing. " : . ~t!~~Ne:,:e~~:!dthl~ ?didli}!~:: MaUssa Decker, deceased; hearing on Inven tory Is set for ~une 5. ., , -llary Bater Eddy alr~e~~y a{!: . tbe ,earliest ptrlod I n the ma t ter of the estate or ' ~ ,P a, lIl!d : May 'l1th 1940 Edward A. Mayer. deceased; distrl~ '·1 I.i USE THE 'IIIAID GAZETTE". .A: ·K. QAY., u'ltton' of proceeds of sale r,ade. WANT ADS . Attest: FI. M. &te)'. Clerk ~ayoJ: s...~ ..." ...... tWAU..,. 1\12lI n'O Tn the m atter of t he estate or , i, " ,; . Wllll a'm Hns tlngs, deceased ; widow ... _ " - ' wrlNrs .......... .. ~o ta ke u nder th e will of said de-' : NC. . .~ .................. . . . . c ~l\sed . distribUtion 'i n kind ,ordered. . ~. ,. " '" ' An G~(t'r~ A.y 80,.. certificate of t.Tan sfer ordered.
First C:holce. Bo,'li.,azln..
BoW·\oJ.u '( 'F'"Ii'
Send .11.50 ~ror " ..r'.
'i\tAltnJAGE ,·i,.ICENSES
.'Ffnrry O . Hudson, 27. accountant . Athen.'l, a nd , 1,0uJse' C. Zlmmer.mitn . 20, /!tudent, WaynesVUle:-" . Georg Paul Shlmer, 36. mechanIc
e~gineer, BrOOk ~ill~, I~djan;\,
"':lUblcrll"'~ '" <:.. I
lu..... _ _ _ _ ~ • .•• ~.••• ' ,.pa••• "'pIctw......, . - _......
... p................. h ,..'.~I~
....... ........ .>
Venita Muriel Nelson. 23. $aleslady, LebanQn.
----- .
2Pw1lA....,· .............
\y ith 'a Buckeve In eongre~$.~.
................ ,. .......... Ir
,- ,
In 1890 ~here were 650 G. A. R. posts 1n Ohio willi a membership of 49,011. On MIlY 1 there were only 35 '-Ohl~j>06ts with 59 Oi"l1 Wor ve~el' ans left.
," DO... •
An oDnual average benefIt llnyIIlcnL of ,106.82 ' io Ohio unemployeC1 workers during 19~9 pu~ Ohio Into lOp POSIUOIl alllong the 48 states and 3. LC1TItorles. reports the American Al.SoclaLion for Social Security. Only 5 slates paid benefits above $100 wi~h the lowest average payment or $::h. ~8 recelv~d by SouOh Oarollna unemployed The average paymem tor the enU re coullt.!'y wns $84.24 .
naUonoJ defense.
ApproprlaUons tor national de,tense have been movllll V(lth aitoundlnll' rapidity through the leg1I11ative channels. ot ConiJ'ess Fri. day the House took up and passed the MUttary Aftalrs Bm. containing ltema and e~ergency, authorizations for the Army WI reqllested by the President. The first of next week the HoUse wlll take up the Naval Aftalrl BIU, 'as amendect by the Benate to authorize addltlooal approprllotions earlier In the IMston Undoubtedly by the time this c~lumn appears In p~lnt both bUls will have passed Congress and be (In their way to the Prellident. The t:.vo meas ures call for more than three billion dollars for defense purpoSell and carry appropriations for the year far abQve the OrlKtnal bUdget. figures and In all prooablllty wiU mate exth pe ndlturea for th•.., year e IIreatest In the peace time history of the United Statell. The Amel'lean people may as well realize now WI later that 'these expenditures do not mark the end. They wlll 110 only a small way toward giving the UnIted StatcB the national defense belieVed necessary. Other heavy expenditures must be malie It th18 country Is to approach the state of preparednees required to guarantee safety of our shores under the present world conditions. In conalderlng the present sUuation the fact should not be . overkx,ked that during tbe last eight years Conllress has appropriated approximately eight bUl10n dollars for national defenae and that a larae proportion of this amount has been spent for other than milltary pur:' poses. Also that when COlll1'esa back ill 1933 appropriated three bWlon three hundred million dollars for work relief, It wa. provided the totaJ sUfD coUld be spent on natiollld detense: but. according' to General Hugh, Jobnaon, Baoretary Ickes .influenced the Administration . to spend the money on leas' worthy and ~~8 pennanellt proJects.
MOS~ students of world nlTalrs beHeve that the United States wlll not be required to defend her shores Within the near future-but with conditiOns as they are nq one can be absolutely certain thnt such wUl not be necessary. That the United States Is not , prepared to wage war at· the -present time Is certain. Thall we must prepare for any eventuality seems most apparent. Yet we must not 'Iet our sudden awakening to conditions cause us to lose our common-sense viewpoint. We must realize that our '!ntry Into the pr~sent struggle would help no one. Our duty Is to keep calm and devote our energies and Intellects toward placing our national defense In proper shape as quickly as possible. Loud talk will do no good In this crisis. Further oppression and restriction of business and Industry can be but harmful. Waste and extravagance. hysteria and undue alarm. can but Injure. The thing that America needs most today is lells talk and more hard work. True patriotism calli for the protection of our ~wn land. Only by refusing to be dmwn Into the present European conflict and by putting our own ho~e In order and preparing our defensive mmparts can safety be 'guaranteed.
Cows will graze on the SLate House Iu Wll. 0 "queen cow" will be <hoscn. 100 kids wil l contest LO see who can drink milk fastest. nnd a 'bllM.!oUII player Will nttempt to catch a bu tler bait dropped from the top lH the A. 1. U. bulldin~ on June 12 \~hen sLatc and ' city will celebratc Ohio Dairy Day. In Columbus every t;ay about 100.000 quarts of milk are " OiCl .
OhiO lcads the notion In produclion of honey with 2j.000.000 'pounds
News Of The Reds State Capital News Gabriel Pilul
al'llua lly. valued ol: approxlm ntely ~Ol.UOO .OuO at prevailing wholesale prices. according to a statemel1L made to Congl ess recently by L. C. Gardner. pre~ ldent of the Ohio Apiaries Co-operative Associat.lon. More than 30,000 Ohioans. nearly one-third of whom derive purt or aU of Ulelr Income from honey production. are regularly engaged In the b o.I siness nud some Ind IvId ua I In vestments range to more than
'J, \.
problem most homemakers have In ('ommon Is that of keeping the 1'000 budget within reasonable limits. It·s so easy for food costs to exceed the amoun t a woman 11as elected 1\
to spend, It may Come as a lurprl•• to homemakers to learn that correct refrigeration often Is reipoRsible for savlngs of more than $lIt •• month In food and refrigeration IXpendltures.
. .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil
AMERICAN BOY enthusialtically. They have found tha' The House last ' Thursday passed Cincinnati :-The road weary Reds the W. P . A. and Reller Approprlaas a general rule regular The first four months of 1940 tlons BllI calling ftIIo more than who have played only four games readers of THE AMERICAN brought Columbus a 60 per cent In· BOY advance more rapidly eleven hundred million dollars. or on thelr home diamond since May crease in accldenlal fatalities. comand develop more worththis amount nine hundred and sev- 9. return to their own battleground pared with t he same period last. enty-tlve mUlIon c!alfars Is allocated saturday for a home stand against Hundreds of thousand of while c h a racteristics thim do year, reports the Columbus Chamber boys and young men read boys who do not l'ead it. W. P. A. to be used during tlle next the National League eastfm section. of Commerce. This Increase Is the e;ght months. An amendment by THE AMERICAN BOY MagTrained writers and artist. YOUI' hUmble reporter earmarking Flrst . opponent SatW'day afternoon ·result of 59 deaths from accidents . famous coache and athy of ali kinds as compared wlLh 37 a .zme .ever month. a~d con- letes, explorers, 8cientis t . f 125,OOO.00 of the hUgl! fund to will be the Boston Bees, who also deaths Cor the first four months of ::; lde~ 1t more as a hVlDg ~om- and men successful in bUllmatch . a like amount 'turnlshed by will appear against the Reds In a 1939. Motor veAlcle fatalities Increas pamon than as a magazine . ness a nd industry join wit. t 'lo State of Phlo to replace a con- doubleheader Sunday afternoon and ed from 16 to 26. demned aohool bulldln, at the OhIo a ladlell' day game Monday. "It's as much a buddy to an experienced staff to proSoldiers' and Ballors' Orphans' me as my neighborhood duce 10 THE AMERlcAN Tuesdny the rampaging New York Home at XenJa, defeated by the of readin,a Ohio's peach ('rop will be a "near chum," writes on e hi g h BOY, the so~ Democratic majority because of GIants. who are setting a mighty school senior. "THE AMERI- matter boys hke best· failure". reports the state co-operasupposed opPo&ltlon to earmar~. hot pace th~ days, enter the Reds' THE AMERICAN BOY tive crop reporllng service. Other CAN BOY seems to underTwo hours later ~ same majority lair, then on Wednesday night these fruit crops. however, have not been stand a boy's problems and sens on most new8stamls . d earmarkCd t5OO,OOO.OO of Relief same Giants will meet the Reds In considers them in such a 20c a copy. Subscription seriously Injured, says the report. funds for the Office of Government the first night game ot: the season. Tha' the ~ latest approprlat~ sympathetic and help.ful way prices are $2.00 for one year will carry the naUonal debt far oUr Reports , head~ b'y Mr Delano This game will mal'~( the Giants' It gives advice and entel'tain- or $3.50 for three years, For-' 'The FUth Corps Area. oomprlslng the torty·nve bllUon dOllar ~ uncle of the President. although th~ first night appearance In Clncln· Ohio. Indiana. eKnt.ucky and West ing reading on every subject eign rates 50c a year extra· lim1tat1on Wltbln the next iew same Item hlltd been rejected a few natL as heretofore. that club has Virginia. now has unlfornied re- in which a young fellow is in- 'fo stlbscribe simply IRnd mobth. ~ new .taxes are levied. weeka a,o bp a ~aJority vote of the ref\lSed to parttclplI.te In night crultlng olTlcers 111 the field In a terested. It is partic\llarly your name, address and reIa ~utel1 certain. Tbat the Dem': House, What ,can n6w be done to games. campaign to enlist eligible men , helpful in sports. I made our mittance dire c t t ·o T H ~. ocraUo . majority Iil CoDir8SS ' WIll provide for the safety and educa- . After a one day rest. the Reds aged 18 to 35, 1312 new soldiers by school basketball team bt'- AMERICAN ~OY, 7430 Sec~ 110t vote·, for the levmg 01 Uon of the orphan chlldren of war wlll enter another crucldT series, read ond Blvd., .Detroit, Michieaa, .1une 30. Of the Fifth Corps Area cause of playing tips I new toea PrIor to· the Wo- veterans a~ the' Xenia Bom& has not this one against the Brooklyn in THE AMERICAI'{ BOY.' :',_ _ _ recruits, 1000 will be sent to Ft. Dodgers. ThIs series wlll consist of .vember elections seems equally cer- been detennlned, ~. Many famous athletes in We can do anything we want to .. Knox. Ky .• to learn to drive and resingle gamell Prlday and Saturday "A lake In every Ohl,!) county" Is tain. Preal~ent Roosevelt. In his adpair scout and combat cars, motor- all sports credit much of U we stick to It lon, enolllJh. and a doubleheader Sunday. 1\40n- tile aim of the State 'Division of cycles and light tanks In mechan- their success to helpful sugdreaa to Congress requesting addi-Helen X,BIl' day. June 11, the Sjlrprislng Phlllies Conservatlon. It Is poin.ted'· out that Ized calvary units. nle remainder gestions received from sports tional funda fOl' defense gave no will play a ladles' day game against lugeatlon ' AI to. how the money ' such bomes of water would prove of will enter the medical department articles carried in THE Character IS the real foundaUoa the Reds, and will close thelr series l1loultl be taIaed. In aU' ilrobabwtJ and signal corps. AMERICAN BOY Magazine of all worthwhlle succesa. the SUite,. by helpdistinct value to action ~en to ~tae the debt - I WIll oaer at pUblic ,sale at my with II. night game on Wednesday. Virtually every issue offers -John. HaYIl Hammeu .. ' Ing to hold the water l,evel In the limitation to at least fltty bWlon. bome at the ·lnteraecUon of route 73 June 12. advice from a f a mollS coach ground to the point where It shoUia and posaibly stxty bWlon. dOllara. and Lytle road on or p ·l ayer. Football, bas ketEverybody finds out. soonir w Then after the election wID come be In the Interests of agriculture, ball. track, tennis, in fact later. that all succe~ worth haYiai USE TilE MIAMI GAZETTE and for urban recreational requlrethe new toea. w,x burden 01 Mr. and Mts. Leslie Gorsuch and every major sport is covered Is fotinded on Christian rulu el WANT ADS the people wID, be be&V1lJ Inoreued tI conduct. -Henry Martyn Pltlcl dsughter Marie and Ruth Bunnell in fiction and fact articles. The 0~n17 queetlCU! wW be how .J.UCb lIqmlD, at 1 ,po m. til.. 'oUOwln, Teachers, Jibl'ariaTls, parspent Friday In Dayton with Mr . and hoW, Before the crIaII Is over aftleJeI: · USE THE MIAMI GAZETR and Mrs. Willard Taylor and fnmllY: ents and leaders of boys many Indlvtdl,J&la. bOth In and out Pttgldalre. White sewin, mat'bWANT ADS Miss Audrey Crawford spent the clubs also recommend THE .Of QonIreu. w1U wtab that a IltUe CbIne, staDdin, bird ca.e. 2 .wash week end wIth Mr. and Mrs. Earl more ecGl)OIDY had been IlnCtIced t\a. board 30 inch round Crawford. . 1 by our IOvenunent duriDi the PIle mirror. 2 plece ltvin8 room suit blue Callers at the home of Mr. and few YCU'I. mo~r. c~kta11 , tab~e... end tables. Mrs. Bert Bunnell and daughters '~" table .lamps, " ftoor lam , lID were Mr. Bilddy Gard. Mr. and Mrs ThOUJh the · preeent apend!n, of log standi, ' Spartan radIO. leather Leslie Gorsuch and daughter. M;, mare than .thrM billion ·dQllara for haaIook, ' lIate~1el' table.' new "'ue and Mrs. Ralph Stowe and family national detense II bUt a bealnDlnb, trI3(ru,: nll!t colored chair· and 'foot and Miss Audrey Crawford. and many more ,bouOl1l WW be ex- ' stool. Wine , colored recllnlng ohair ' A group of Colks Crom here at., panded In ~he future. raIalng of tile and ottoman, corner whatnot Wur~ tended the commeflcemcnt exercises money II not the o'ni)' or -the mOlt ulzer upright plano, lot of throw PATHFINDER ~lls keep millions of folks eve~lere posted at Springboro. aerloue. proIIIem co~tlnr . ADter- .rull• .• round back stool chairs. nltw Miss Margaret Crawford and Mr. In advance on vital questions-war, politics, elecltionsJ..,fann lea today. Money ~ be approprl- ' reel maple bedrbom suite, bed, vanity p~blemsr..)abor, world events,· An exclusive PA'rHFlNDER Robert Schneider oC Springfield feature. .Nothing ebe like it, A real news sensation~ . ated for defense. and even raised bY chest. 01 drawers. and bench, pink spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. taxaUon. in a ,ery shOrt time but and blue bed lamps, black flowered ' Earl Crawford. . G , It takes months and even 1hrs . ,t o DXJ.2 rug. 2 dressers, dresslna table, . ,. Miss Mildred Wallace of Springmanufacture aeedeel mlUtary and 3' nap f~ly .',ood. bed .prlpp, 2 field spent a few days last week naVal equl~"t. Machine .too.. and e.ectrlc sweepers, one new," pairs with relatives. BeIldes, PA'mFINDER is the world'. dies milat be made before Rima and )tItchen !!urtaIna. lot of other curMrs. Earl Davidson spent Monday oldest and most widely-read news ar~t can be manufactured. In- taIna. Wearever: alumlnum /' set. IS mapzine, bringing to you in words The bicycle craze has come c!ubs believing that the operawith Mrs. Banner Stewart. .a nd pictures everytbinf that happens, back with a bang and on every tJ~\'l ot a bicycle by a boy or !llrl duatrW- plant.. ~ust IlC, ~u1pped. pleea, .dlshes ot, aD kinds. pot and' II'eJh from the world 5 news center clv1llan . mIChlnlatl aDd . wortmen pans. Do the truth you know and you road. even in remote places. you wJlI make them a better '3I1toino in Wuhinston. World events veriJled /Nm see boys and girls and men bile driver . because they 11.'11) trained. and acftdlers' arid 8&Uota 'RUS' CABR shall, learn the truth you need to and and interpreted, boiled down into 20 women riding bicycles. The know the need of safe driving. .intereStiq de~rtment. - unbiased. tau,1\t t,6" operate the latest and ' , . ' " -George Macdonald bicycle has long been a favorite know. Joseph , R. Gardner. B m('mbf'~ non-~i1isan. depeadablei" eompiete. method of exercise and enjoy- of the Executive Committee 01 a mDjIt' i~enioua creat.tona ( ot Coatj 75'10 leu, mlnd (or tbe destruction- of hla fel. ' , ~ . ~ GV~ tI Is motive alone that gives char- ment in Europe. Today. bicycle the .A.merlcs,n AutomvbJle Aul'-' .rIders are pedaling along the ciation and President ot the C:nl~wm.... 'rhua '· Clme. ~ , ~nd, VI. N. ~: ' ~tloneer I' acter to the actions of men. men are aU n~ element:a ~~ Jack Lovel; Clerk •., -Bruyere. ;highways 01 the United States 'cin~ati Aut 0"10 b i I e Club anand motorists must be careful nouneed that c:)ntracts would be ~ . ' ' . ... " 1.. , • ~. ... I .• ~ tj t· not to strike them according 'to let this month for modf':'n :7fr'1l 1 ., Judge Otis H. Hess. Trustee of the three stor~ club hous" ~.. llI r!'t ' .the Cincinnati Automobile Club is to be 'o(!cupiE'd by tile Clu ~ a'. DllCIra and M.unlcipal Judge clf CinclD~ Central P ~ r K w a ~ ·a'rtd' R "!J nBt\ Streets. Adequate guarter. with . "I would be better if 't he bl- a l(lunp,e, powder room, 'rt's '· riinm. cycle rider would , carry ,a pighl and ~ibra'ry wiJI ~e available IQr' ,h ght so that the automobile aU club mt'mb E'ra. '-It'' Ia' proba olj;" driv~r could see. the bicycle that the remodeling program I\'II~ ~Ithout de pen din g upon ' lhe not be' coriiple t~d:lbo'~rl' Dp IIm-' I smgle' reP-eCtor butfon that is on ber 1 'ot this ' All nt-or , ~'ar'"' most bicycles." Judge Hess stated. owners' rray 1tu~ i Ion· ')t ' The bicycle I:ider should realize the Cino',na Club , . th~t th~ "1~tor car operales at a. ill thf' stlltl! in 't hlgher 'rate of speed' and' shodla n"..,lvin,g to ' pull over to the side of the' road "'O'\~rd 0" ' when he nears an automobile IIP- ', w W~" .. L ..... .,_ proaching. Too many bicycle hT"'.~,,>_ •• -;, l'lder.i take chances.... by , 'the motorist cind pedaling ' ser..ne.. j. Ati ...,",.,~t1A :ly a1onl! I n the center of the. roadi to tltl!' ~".g~".', :l'hls Is esp'E'C:ially tnle if .the: au.omobile approachs from' 'lb. at " Sf'rles of rear." TlIe Clnclqnatl Auto.".,.. '}pla""o1'd ' tw :h. <:,1!1'i_".n.i..~t~lI taft. Club encour'lei bicycle mob", ':'Jub Tnbulntlon of the uMlTlClal vote cast nt tile Mny 14 primary received by mall by SeCretary of Stdte George NelTner revealed a slight Increase I.n the total vote cast, oyer that reported by telephone. but did not materlall. y change the results. except to Increase tJ1E! majorities first reported by phone for the wlnners. The lastest totals show that Governor John W. Brlciker, running without opposition for the RepublIcan nomination for governor, recelved 608.160, while Robert Tnft reo celved 509.976 Republlca:n Pre!\ldenllal Preference votes. Th,e totals also give Martin L. Davey. Democrotlc candidate for gave'rnor. 303.539 to 123.734 for George WhIte. his nearest opponent. John McSweeney polled 270.840 to the Rev. H. S. Bigelow's 169,029. for the Democratic U. S. Senator nomlnatl()n. The Republicans cast 794.307 'votes to the Democrats' 687,830. Twl~ years ago thf' vote In the Democratic primary was 240.000 grenter than that cast by the Republicans. .
American, Boy Magmn i! Companion To Thousands
---======-- -
Public Sale
Sat. ~'u'ne 1
Pathfinder Polls 01 Publlc Opinion -.s:,..,....
Watch . Out for Bicveles On RoadsAuto Club Warns'
Jam ' .e
Retul in More Tlaan Million Hom.
I;/liJiNrrd Bcdh ;=, Only $2.00
-By Gene Byrnes
... .....
lte offer q satisfactory Service at all times
.----.:-..............- .........-.................._._..............._.............__........-----...
- --Lina W~ight
RcnK'll' of ~ e\)n 110n :;pent Frldn¥ w1th I er " slstf!r, Mrs. Allc~ TI'Jt-key a no famIly . MrS. Sn.m
McClure-Funeral Home Pbone 7
The l~ nine defeated Ilarveyaburg lut Sunday by a. sCore ot'I'1·15 n.t Harveyllburtr. ... 4. Osborne and . T. Forencci led thtl hitting attack for our boys gettlng. and S hits respectively. Tletmeyer started for Hnrveysbl,lfg but was relieved In ~he seventh Inning whlle A. OSborne was slanting them tor the home town bOY~.
~, I'. IIIlCI MI':; JI'$!in ,"'1\1'" or sabilla w 'p Sunday esis cif 'Mr. and I 4r.; . Ben Rnwke Ilnd Mr. and Mrs. r Alb,'rt Hawke. t '1\1r. hnd lVI,t'.. Rayulond D avls n.na
dnulrhlE'f. of Day ton w~e dinner i. ue~ t:i S\U1day of Mr. and Mrs. Rarry Comell , M:l'. and Mrs. H. M. Burnett a t· tc n<lC'd n banqullt I\t. lhe Vu n Cleve hotel in Dayton Friday evening. BARGAIN HR. 1&0 'Tat hOG Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzah n and ,. Friday Madam President and my dear old days have lcft us long ago. l>ut in fnmBy Spell~ Sunday wI th Mr. nnd my memory I shall alwa ys ,ee ngalll Mrs. Frank Brown at Tipp City. friends: , AND "Two laughing youths In s pringMr . a nd Mrs. All n Emri!il'. Mr~ . There Is no doubt In my mind but. time, mclng down the glen." Margaret Johns and Mrs. Walter when tIle younge r generation h eard Dr Lukens wa s an Interestin g man },ccnrlclC \\'ere Leballon visitors Weelthat Llna Wright Burch was to adhe was our family physicln.n. He and nesday 11ft 1'11001.1. hood will ineet at the Mason Meth· dress this meeting have thought I ----~8CR••••----my mother would dtscuss every subMr. and Mrs. E. 13. LongaGrc rcodlst Church Monday eevnlng Jun" "FLIGHT ANGELS" surely would arrive in Il wheeled Ject under th e sun as they sat by lurned horn e Thursday. from Ea st 31'11, with Dr, 'C arrol Lewis of Middle willi chair. or at least. on crutch es. But an niling child . Mr, and Mrs. Georgc Dearborn Mich .. wh«l'e MI'. Longtown as s peaker. . VIRGINIA BRUCtJ no, my dears. suoh Is not the splrit O'Neal. were special friends. Mr. acre has had cmployment ciurlng MORRIS-It. BELLAMY · of the gay nlnetle&. We may be Sunday June 9th wUl be observed O'Neal would greet me. "Linn yo u Wle winter. WOrkll1E'1l In the Ohio depart.mellt verging on what Is called IllHiQues a s Children's Day. The program will Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mooro of of hlghwnys nrc covering the 18.000 are a daisy." And I would giggle lind SUN.-MON.-TUES. but we get about, and we deeply feel b e given In tile morning following become vpry dnisylsh Indeed. Dayton w(Ore SnLllI'day evcnlng miles of stille r(lIl(l~ painting white, it a great pleasure, not to menllon the I'eg\llar class period. A flne proachievement, on our' pa rt to be Do you remember .Jimmle Haines? guesls of Mr. and Mrs. J . B . J ones. black and -yellow stripes a ll the gram Is being prepnl'!!!1 including a A. numtlcr fro m here attended thl' pavements so \Utomoblle driver:; here tonight to celebrat e. with you. I had an autograph album in those play entitled "The Chlldl'im's Quest our solden anniversary. Often we days. and the Doctor comrlbuted Collunencement exerc Ises of WI~y n' 11111.y protec t themselves agains t. flC"What tllough the bough beneath Township high school at. the gym Ident:;, The Woman s Foreign Missionary read In the papers of couples celethee break! Remember t hou hast Friday evening. ' Whel'evcr . the yellow Sl.rlpe Is In Society w1l1 meet, with Mrs. Whel.st!l. brating their golden wedding anniMrs. Ida ChrlSlopher of Sprlng- the dr lver's lntw of .tl'1\l}l<'> • that . ,:'~~~:_Sday aft~rnooll June 5th n.t 2 versaries. Well I have thought that wings." which senUme\lt was de. . .the only .mlstake made by these c1dedly over my hend tilen--but I bora .<;pent Sunday with MI'. and d rivel' l1\\Ist not cross Into lhe oplater years . had 0 fl5ion to Mrs. Walter Kenrick nnd J nmes posIng t,raffie lellle. but where the have In persevering couples. perhaps was In Haines. Mr. and Mrs. Rober t Halne!; yellow stri pe is In th e 6pposln~ try to put It into practice. i\l'I'. IIOU.¥ lU. - E. enURCII )lavin, t1'Ielr pictures published. ., •• 1\1. Sradt, rillnlsler Don't you aU think It rather lInus- and .son of Dayton were evcnln g traffic 100lP, the drivcl' may ross It makes me think of the old sea over for the PUl'POS of pa ii.~ II\~ SlInday SchOOl 0 :30 a . III E. A captain, who was as reticent as a ual thal out of our class' ~e have dinner guests. . . Mrs. Susan Sn ylor return ed 110m I' oth!!r cars providing tratric COlldi- J·:ll ruhar t. Supl. woman about telling hl$ age. When only lost by dea tJl one girl? Evening sCl'v lt'e 7 :30. Mari anna ChancUci· the . Quaker Sunday tarer spending several t.!OllS are such t hl\L overtaking and he died ODe old friend wanted to PJ'lIycr mcetlng Wednesday evewith put In his oh1tuary,' aged 85 another maiden. She tarried here so shan n weeks with her children III Day ton . passillg may ute complete<i IIhl~: 7::10. time. bu t has lived In our hearts. all sa feLY. thought he might have been a ged 90. M rs. Elizabeth Smith of Wayncs· But an old croney saved the day by' Lhese . years, These lines I wrote in ville spent SIlI,lday evening' wi th "I'1I/ yellow st~'ip!! which Is four' ,\ welcome awai ts YOII at these inches wide is b ei ng painted a long- ~crvi ces. Come and enjoy lnem with memory of another friend but quite suggesting "aged considerably." Mrs. Margnret J ollll.s and Paul J ohns side the four incJl wide white 01' us. TIme llIe&-Ohl No. Time stays. as well, I offer them as a tribute to Mr. and Mrs. K esler Graham and our old school mate Marianna ulack centel' line, three Inches 1'CWe flY: Chandler. MI'. a ne! Mrs. Ruu rt SllIey IVcre moved_ and In the language of W,U ·NI, SVIl ....: C II UIlCIl OF In 1936 when our only nephew dinn er guests Sunday of Mr. nnd C UltiST E . Neal, chle! of the hllIhHarry Wright Hiatt graduates from West "I died last yea r ; but earth bound MJ's. A. E. Whi te a nd SOilS In Colum w. C. SmUh. I\tlnlster way department's bureau of traffic stili, Point. we sat out there against that bus. And safeLy. "Lh wise motoris t will ...(JN DAY blstorlc old back ground and watch- I glimpse the lives or thuse I lett MI'. and Mrs. Ray Miller and Mr. not cross the yello\v line wht n It is 9 : 30 a. III. Bible School ed some 200 handsome young lieubehind . and· Mrs. Marion MUler or Bellbrook on Ills side of the oenter line. be· 10:45 a. m. Communion, tenants given their diploMas and by Frail. aging, suffering, were callers Sunday ut tile home of ca\lSC he knows it h as been palnt~ 7:00 ,P. m. Junior and Seruor none other that tha t noblest old Yet loalll 1.0 Join me here, MI'. nile! Mrs. WIll lnm Rogers. Mrs, on the pavemen t for h ls ,pl'otecllo n," 'ChlistJan Endeavor soldier ot them all, General John J. Rogers Is nOw all the melld, 7 :45 p. m. Preac.h ing Pershing. Among a great many Yet here Is P ence. Lhe ultimate Is Como ·Iet us gO up to the house of The Ladles Ai d wHl bold lin Rll won. other facts he told was of having the Lord . clny meeti ng and covereo dish dingraduated' from West Point himself And Lazarus like I watch tile sun . ner next Wednesday; June 5. a t the lu~t 50 years before. I looked at him Cas! laZY s hadows on· thc""'tfrass, home of Mrs. Wilbur Foulks. Ml·. Ilnd Mrs. Hobert Kerley' and nmuy CIlUIlCI. OF emus'.' worn. with living. sattated with S~ e snowflakes fall . Mrs. Paul Will~ams of Lebanon Is chlldren of Dayton, and Mrs. Gmce bonors, and thought. how h e no FInding it curious. peaceful W. C:' Smith. I\lInlster book-keeping at the Lytle Elevator Kerley of Eugene. Oregon, vIsited doubt would give It all to be back ImmateriaL UN DAY willie MI'. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas Misses Annie U . and Mame T. there among those hopeful, forward I seem to h aVe been quite a 9:30 a . m. Bible School. are taking a vacation. Browne Sunday, Misses Kate and lOOlt1ntr lJeutenants facing the future church goer in my youth, an d ha ve 10 :45 a . m. Conununlon. MI' . and Mrs. Walter Clark and Olive Elllott and fnend of ' Ferry 'instead of looking backWard. wished that the ptesellt rector of .l unlor Clark In compaY)y with Mr . were their callers Sa"turday, 11 :00 a. m, Chlldrens Day program And so will I be honest and con- St. Mary's migh t 'ha \Te"'1ttro\'\il the 11.:20 a. m. Sermon Dr. Emily and Miss Lydia Wright fess that. I envy the clx;s of 1940. congreC"!-tion as I knew them . The a nd Mrs. Earl Clark of Da~ton were entertained to dinner Sunday at . returned to thelr' home Sprin - M:ONDAY Emma etead of here as I am remlnlsclng: Heighway. Mrs. Brown, the Aliens the home of Mr. and ~n's . Rolla Bol bora. Monday. BOard meeting '1 :45 p . m, When I read my gfllduatlng essay-. Ce.rtwrigh ts. KaUe Coleman. Ma; ton in Columbus, and also called on Miss Sarn Hansock and Ralph We give you an Invitation to come (every word of which my sister Leah Wright. Myra Baird. Miss K e zla Dr, and Mrs. .101m PaUl Bolton. Ames of WUmlngton and Mis. Lena n.nd worship wi th ·us. wrote for me)-not that I wasn' t Merritt; Ohl So many delir and InMliton Jones en tertained a IJum- Har~soc k visited Miss Myra Roberts wUUng to write my own, but i t terestlng people. all gone. bel' of his boy fri ends Saturday nf- at Dillsbo):o, Sunday. seemed to be the custom in our We had a lecture at the Woman's ternoon In honor of h is loth birthMiss Martha Pick. a teacher at -----------~-----.----~---• tamUy to write each others-Leah olub on QuakerL~m r ecently. I mt day.' Earlham College, spent the week wrote miDe, I wrote Susan's. and attentively listening wondelfng U' by Mr. Howard Deweese, and Mr end wi th Mrs. Margaretta Heacock. abe in turn would have prOdUce one any Clhance 'he would memlon the and Mrs . E. W. Carrier of Daytoi; Miss Ruth phalldler returned from .. -----.. --------_•.:...•_ _ __ for any body needing an essay. WaynesV1lle H1ckslte and Orthodox molofl'c1 to Gatc City. Va. Sat ul'da y Cedarville. MondllY. MI Res I ss emary Bentley at ClnclnDr, and Mrs. I "'. J . Keiser of C'o, Pror. Bon e many years I liter laugh- churches I new so well. He cUd not 'nnc 1 l\Kt·S . _ Dcweesc. w}10 I1a d been nati. attended the alumni relmlon lnll'ly told me that Leah turned in so I made a ' point of meeting him v1s1tlng her parents there,- I"eturned lumbus vWted Misses Adallne and here Saturday. 80 . many graduating essays for her- after the lecture and telling of the home with th(lm late ' SIUlday eve- Frances Alden , Thursdn.y. • • • • • . Mr. and Mrs. Frank SqUIres of sel! that onlY the event Itself com- two ancient meeting houses h ere on nlng. Mr, and Mrs , B. S . Howell of Jug along stopped her. Adda Thack- the hill. He seemed interested. sayMiss Sarah Corrine Furnas came Harveysburg call~!d on Dr. and Mrs. New Castle. Ind.. were call1ng on al'a, MlnnJe DodSon, Emma Fetter, Ing he would make a pOint of look-. liome from Ohio Sta.te unl\'crsity J . W. Ward, last week. friends h ere Wednesday. Oharlte Oartwright, Will . remember i~g them up some da y. tor over the weelt end attended the Mrs. Lena Gllpln. of SpringtJoro vlsthis stater of minee-so young to go. . I remember s. lnglng lustily to Mrs commencemen t exercises of the Hed Dr. EmUy and Miss Lydta • • • • • I sometimes think of those French to Mrs. WIJI Whl te's and Frank Wright, Saturday, .Chll:rles Sattertllwaite is wor_kln~ CentervlJle high school Sa. turday llr fa, Farr's pinyin" at the old Mellodlst Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burch oC F t. on a plastering Job In Lebanon this .. evening. Her brother Seth Jr, was "Without having lived she .... ,. dea" church. LIstening to Mary Smitll at Wayne, Ind., wefl~ overnight guests ,. week. '" one of t.he graduates. F1'om her hand the book has fallen the Christian church. and, of course M' d . saturday. • • • • • From· which she has nothing read ." Singing in the choir at s t. Mary'S . r. an Mrs. Harold Whitaker Mrs, Gl'Out returned to her hom~ . Miss Mary Allen, of the local post- pUT 8 menu qard In· tRlllt ~ I reme.mber her at the plnrlo In ot which and children, . 'and it hll . . ch urc h my mo. ther was a' were U. tRi cl;Jnrd h lr and Frunces. in Dayton . S u.nd ay, . 0 ffl ceo spen.t the ' week end with , man at a restaurant, our old home, pla}!lng the accom- charter member. Well I will soon gues 0 ~ e aunt, Mlss Mrs. C. H. DeatJieragc. Was a SIIP- friends at Terre Haute, Ind ere lights' on the wordl "Old·Full· paniment to songs sung by Mrs. have lived t .-. Lnl1 a Rosnngle ill Cincinnati Sa t- per guest at the home of Mr. an " • • • ,.' ·.Ioned Strawberry l;Ihortcake," .JUa away rom ""yneSville urday evening I If '"" , b I f d rt i ' Funkey, Emma. Petter. Mrs, ' Ch~les as long as I lived here But thi s is n 10nor 0 the Mrs. Will Kersey of Oregonia. SunDon' t ' f C ace 0 esae 8 automatic. Hawke, Eva Janney and even for Homel . form er's birthday . They dI ned at day. t pu your o~mal,s away .- In . What a taste-tantallalug picture the Gibson hotel Rlld nttend ed the . moth balls y.et! . Wear them to the Just· the mention or s trawberry Many of us here tonight h ave th"atre afterward . Charles M. Cartwright ot Chicago , Gmnge dance Friday, J une '1. at the sbortcake createll TradJtlon WnUam Byard Hale, w110 rater rose to prominence under the Wing of stayed our footsteps. turned back Mr, and Mrs. J , O. Gartwrlght of gym. ~ that this delsert must 'be made Woodrow Wilson. . along life's pathway and come home Mrs. Jessie Hosier, age 76 yew's. a Cincinnati, Mrs, Verna Kelley or _ •. ~ .. With a rich biscuit dougb - not It w~ the style when we graduIt Is goOd for us to do so, to visit former resident of this cOllul1unlty. Spl·lngneld. and Mrs. ~nnnah Rog-· '.cake-tor . the foundatlOJl, and tliat ated to quote from the poets then old scenes. and to look into old passed away Sunday evening at the ers visited friends at the Home Sat it should not be ~ until tbe in vogue. I borrowed generously famlilar faces. 'home of her 'daughter, Mrs. Zilla urday. me~l baa beCUD. 80 Uu~t It caD be from Ella Wheeler Wilcox, alas, now All things com e home at cven tide LeWis near Beavertown. after a - _ ,_ _ _ IMlrved JWlt u It comea from the COnsidered a museum piece t llngerlng Ulness. Funeral sel'vlce will _ _ _ _ _ _ _, __ _ _ _ _ oven. Shortcake, .. the name 1m. a rest. Aweary of their roaming. • - . pH h uld be rich -< ... b tt ' · I USA" .to walk to "A"'ool 'WIth my be at the GI'aha Fu e8, • 0 ....... u 8r ~... ow.. SJ we the remnl1~ Of the graduatm Ileral Home. other IIbortenlnc,· 1t may be Iaaked n&1ghbor girls, WlnnJe Bh1eld, Pay ing class of lonlr IIgonr !> h ere la- Dayton. Friday with bUlial in Mi· ..' tn" one lar8e· cue, or III ln41vldual and SWIle Ooote and Ella Thompson. night 11ke birds at eVening(lIni Cemetery Waynesville. . , l8rv1ngs, U dellred, 'b ut the startElla and I would qo1ITrel as to Which HOMING Miss Eva Wharton was tendered - ....... _ . - - - - - , - - - - - inc potnt ts nothlDc more tIwl • .' WAYNESVILLE, omo I, pch, IIwee\eAed llJac1llt 4oqb. . oould aIq the best. We prob.Lbly a surpri se Saturday evening In honST, AUGUSTINE CHURCR mf'ant the loudest. Rachel Elliott or of her birthday anniversary. Uev, n. II: KrumhoUz. STD. 'pastor FRIDAY-SATURDAY wns a neighbor too and May Hatha- 5555=~=====:;;;;;;:;;;;;;~ T hose present were: ML'lSes Edith Mn.~s, Sundays 9:00 a. m. ·MAY 31 and June 1
B~rch Gives
History Of 50 Year Class
Highway Department Marking Roads
FPR 8ALE-'-8weet potaw'p1ants, sSe PElr hundred or three hundred for , '1..00. AU kinds of ,garden plants
10 cents per !lozen or 3 dozen for
- 25 cents. 1'" mUe north oTWayneSvlUe: corner · of Waynesv1l1e. Ferry n.nd Lytle roads. 'Strouse Bros. R. R. No. :a M.3OJ8-13-20· FeR SALE-New ,Royal typewriter. Used 'about 4 months. Reasonable. Mrs . Ohas Bevington, R. R. No. :& WaynesvUle. 1423·30· FOR RENT-Room. Board It desll'ell . . Mrs. Lee Terrell. North Main Bt. WaynesvUle. M2S-S0 FOR SALE-Get you . Ca1>bage, ".romato and S\Teet potato plants-of D. H. Hockett, South Thlrd St.. Waynesville, M16-tr For Bale-Used Electric range. J. P. LIUTlck. . M3b~J6 Por Sale- Oliver two row corn plow, i n good condition. Ollb'ert Frye.
FOR RENT-Beven. room ~odern house on Main street, Ideal tor tour1:lts. Lee Lemmop. MSO-J6-13· FOR SALE-Used Electric ...bgNl, J, P. Larrick. 'M30-J8
LoCal IIappenmgs ·
I 'Churches I T,'TWIN HEATRE
..way 10r a time. nnd Pa uline Cram, Miss Kathryn ' . .' J had rreat atrectlon tor my , . Keeney, Mr. Henry Kattlman . and S'I' MAlty'S IBPISCOeAl, teachers,but betwee'Ji Prof. ' Sellers Mr. Lynn Brunstroup of Mt. Healthy __ A .. CHUIItCR . ....... royae... their was . a. peculiar 0., Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pfeiffer bond He bad m . - c i Mr d Mr a11d K _ Ittlll. It. JJ. 'U I,clkwcll: Red,,;' . '. , any eJl.u"""lng and , an s. Earl Shurts and son son e.n .. y of Middletown, Mr. fUIm» ' ebaracterIsUcs: QometJnies ' of Dayton were guests at. the home and Mrs. Bernard Melloh of Rldge- 2ND SUNDAY ~ TRINITY · 1u.>I'.,""'.'" . .' wtj~h . there . was a knOck ' at 'of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker. Jr" ville, Miss Veinla Smlth.· Mr Her'1 :30 a . ·m 1-Ioly ( jommunion. .&be door, ,he would rO/l.l out "Come Sunday. . lOall Smith .and Mr. Loren Ro~tzahn 11 a . m, HOlY-COri11l1~~6ii-:inra sertD"'-allghtly embarrassJng of cOurse ' • • • .•• . " . to ~. .~Ier:_ Olatenctl BerryhUl Mr. and Mrs . R, lJ. Hartsock and Red Cross. Washillgt~n . Miss Ca ther ~ TUESDAY " ~& JlJlt across' fl'Qm me" in school. Mrs. C. H·. Deatherage visited friend.~ Ine Gibbons and Mr.S. W. C. St. John . 2 p. III. Church . Scllool ~UDUner , . - .' • ~~ ma~ettiatlc:lan in Oregonia, Sunday and S411 day ' . MIDI depJot'8blY"laCklng In that evening .they were supper ,guests of were 6 o'clOCk dinner gues ts ' of. Mrs Sess.ion: Arthur Sumuel' of Leba.non, .Tuesda; , , , wou,t.~ try at , e~lnatlon Mr. and Mn;. W1U :!tersey ' . evening. .. ' . ME'fIlO1'IST . CIIURCI~' .... to ~ Clarence: so that he • • • ., • . . Louis O. ltadlli),. Pas..,r _111 lint IIUi all the correct an- 'SUnda}' gUests of Mr. ah\i Mrs, W. . Rev. aud .. Mrs. R . L . . Hackwell, . Church ~hool jI:30 Il-. ; , Worship,. ,t ~ to! sa) be was ~d- E. s~rQtld were; Mr. nnd,' Ml's. Carl ,.'.'!"-~ saw through HarlSOCjc, and.,Mr...s- Ect-Keever Qr Miss Maroia Bilker, Tom Baker, and~lce lO :401f, m. Tl~e '~~ub Carolton-Btnnley--1fttemf'ed . a con- ,Ject will be: ~fhe tTprellch of tbe '.t\.~:.;:=:~Bu~:t:.!B:award Hamilton; .Mr. and Mrs Ambrose ference for, leaders of youpa people SoUl, " . il oould 81- Sulllrall' of Day tau: Rnd: Mr. and In the Episcopal ChurClj" held at Epworth League ~ fact more Mrs, H. H . 'Stroud of Leblin6n. st. Edllfund's Schoo) In I Glen . at '1 Q'clock, . tIIaIl accul'llotc. ' ' . ••••• Saturday afternoon 'and evening. The Warren 00. ~........ III . , ICbool lilt&<; Bess Allen of the National
... . .
. .'
, "',caQD
"SING YOU 8~."
., EDen Drew ~ 8boria For aD. e'lenllll'l ·.DJo~ ell. ......maea&, .....d · ~oar AIcIo
ilhort.cu . e yo.'u.;11 bavel Whea AA_ remor e Ihortcake to . a -,tre - ~ l!Jlil with a fork leparate Into itWo layel'8. Spread with 'butt,r wb1le th ' jh -_.. ' .' e ort..-e 1& .UlI bot, and III wlth cru.bed; Iweetened Itrawbe", rlea. ,Be ceJUlroWl WlU& .U1e lalittel' and open-banded .with the berdeel Put . the two IN_ra to,eila.r, and' j.Op WI~ jP.ddiUOnal betrtee-thea lerve With thick cream or IWN"" ened "hiPPed cream. There .... . 8Clh~ls or ,tboUlht about "~ - " but tbeJ both .'seem to agree that you'D baTe', to io Ioq to . ual'" '-.:...-.. f way eq 'OM- ._.....ua..... 0 tJiat ~ OOIUInaUOD ....... bot. bro,m.c;,uate4 Uortcab ' ~ butter, aDd tberlclalaTOrot~
neatenid .......... ·'toppecLot .
.-.w.: .
I '
IfIlS NlAmi.Ruth Ramb, Weds Melbourne Russell The marriage ot Misa Na!lml Ruth Hamby. daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. Homer Ramby. .nd Melbourne Lee RusaeU. son of ¥Fa. Pearl Russell of LelIt.non. was quietly solemnized at 1 :30 o'clock, Saturday afternoon, at the parsonage 01 the Methodist. Ohurch, Oermantown. The Rev. Womes performed the sIngle ring crremony. Their only attendants were the brother-In-laW and sister ot the Orlderroom, Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Jone8 or Lebanon. The brlde'll dress was or navy blUe Aheer with white accesaor1es, and her maid or honor was drell8 ~ d In black sheer with white acceaaorles. Mr.. Russell was a graduate of Waynesville hIgh scJlool In '38, and Ur. R'UMell was graduated trom Ott-erloleln hli'h school In '39. Pollowlnr the ceremony a dinner . tor the bridal party and Immediate lamlly was held at the home of the brIde's parents. The couple left for a .hort weddfpa trIp and upon their r.turn W!11 make their home tem· porarJly wIth· Mr. and Mra. Jones a' Lebanon where Mr. Ruasell Is .mployed by the MarathOn Service
•• _ . _ . _ _ _. . . .r
J ••
Ollllo,THURSDAY. JUNE 6, 1940.
Zinimerman-Hudson Local Happenings Nuptials Event of JUDe 1
.-----------.~;~-----.-'-'-'-'-'-. Fred ~J Henderson Is spendl.ng
Mrs. J;ohn Hover and Mrs. Edgar Smith were Dayton vlsltors, Friday. •
Miss Louise Cast Zlmmumac. " l)e week with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. daughter of Mr. and Mu. CharI. hoeler in Hamlllon . IA. Zimmerman. and Hafl'Y G. Hudson. son or Mr. 'and Mrs. J . W.' MIS$ Lilla Benham entertained .fudson of Athel'lll. Ohio. wore Mrs. Jennie Mullen at the Little united In marriage, Saturday afte;Inn. Thursday. 1100n. at 2 :30 o·clOCk. In the Way• • • • • nesvllle Methodist Ohurch. The Rev. MI' . and Mrs. J . J . Munsell of Co- Wilbur H. Fowler. pastor Of the lumbtt ~ visited Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Westwood Methodist Church. (Jlnclnnatl, officiated at the double Ridge. Friday. • • • • • ring ceremony.
Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Ray Dunham of J,.ebanon visited Mr. and Mra. George Will ton. Friday evening. • • • • • Mr, and Mrs. Keith Walton spent Sunday with Mr: and M1'II. Olarence Smith of Mt. Holly . • • • • • Miss Ruth Burnett ot Dayton apent ¥em6rlal day with hel' PIU'ents. Mr. and' Mrs. Ollft Burnett. • • • • •
Mr. nnd Mr~ . Wilbur LeFeber of A program of nuptial mlL'lle " •• l .rll·pland visited MI'. and Mrs. J . P. presented by Miss Virginia Harlllil. at the organ. with two vocal IIOlQS. LaJ'fick Monday afternoon. • • • • • "011 Promise Me". and "I Love You Mr and M r s. RlIs.~elJ Hol liday Truly," by. Mrs. L.· C. Radley. VOWI spl'nl the week end with their par- were exchanged betore the al~r which was decorated with palma. enL~ at West Union. 0 ., • • • • • baskets of while Sprlni 1l0wera. a~a Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brown re- candelabra, with torchlere llibtina. turrlf?d home Mumlay after a fourAttending the bride all maid of days trip to Norris dam and the honor was Miss Edith Leyc1a, 0: Great Sm'oky mountains. Athens. whose gown was of duaty • • • • • rose lace with white accesaorul, Frank T . Hawke. who will gradThe bride who was given 10 DIUun t., from the Unlverslt.y of Clncln- rlage by her tather. wore a gown ol naU . Friday. Is spending a few days blue lace with white accessori. at his home here. Her !Jowera were a bouquet t)1 U~ • • • • • . . White chrysanthemUDlll and p1l1& We are nolV contracting _sweet rO.'e buds. The bride's only Jew.lry corn for t.he 1940 pack. Oall 119R21 was an anUQue gOld Itey brOGCb, or see Ul! at our office at the Way- which belonged to her areat-)IJ'UIdnesvllle plant. Roxanna Canning Co. n,',Iller, Sarah B. Smith..
Do you want to ofrget your cares and troubles? COme to the Orange dance and card party at the gym. Fl'lday evening. June 7.
• • • • •
Mrs. Jessie Hyman spent Memorlal day' with relatives In Cincinnati. clnnati.
'. . . . .
iU-Uon. '. • ~r.
• • • •
and Mrs. Howard
Post were
dinner. ruests of Mr.' and non.Yo., Married 'Couples aid Hawk.e. Wednesday evenlng, . · .Mitchell . .' .Kartalla of Class Mel At Chureh Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.
The Wayn~svllle Fairley Hardware store da&. host to the employees Uie F'alrley and thelrfa~illes Hardware stores o( Hillsboro, Wilmmgton, Lynchburg. Blanchester and Sabina at a bowling party WednesdllY evening of last week at the Waynesvllle bowllng alley . The organization enjoyed a .very pleas" ant evening with plenty of bowlmg and refreshments. The bowling alley ... as rented exclusively ~o the Fairley Hardware store I~om 8 P. m. to 11 p. m. and Mr. and Mtli. Harold Smith extended all courtesies to the group and furnished the best of pin boys and also boys for score keepers. Mr. Fairley announced that he was greatly pleased to learn that the Waynesville store had been successfUl In acuqlrlng the bid "nd purchase order for 6034 barrels of cement to be used tn WPA work in
Members of the oint Committee supervising the missionary program of the WaYSide Fet:lowship are. above, left to righ t, Mr. Oharle.~ E . Ayers. Episcopal Church Lay Missionary In the Diocese of Southem Ohio : the Rev. Dr. Phil Porte:r. Rector of Christ Episcopal Church. Dayl,on : the Re\, . • • • • • Dr. John Sharpe, Moderator of the Presbyterian SynOd In Ohio; the Rev . Mrs. and Mrs. John B. Gons were Anson P. Stokes. J r., Rector of Trinity Episcopal Chul'ch , Columbus; the Rev. Cannon Gllbe:rt P. Symons. member of the Southern Ohio Staff : supper guests. Sunday evenmg at Bishop Henry W. HobSon head oC the Diocese of Southern Ohio; the Rev. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dr. William Klein, h ead of the Presbyterian Church's National Department Carpenter. near Red Lion. • • • • • of EVangelism. and ~h e Rev. Dr. JeSSe H. Halsey. Pastor of the Seventh Mr. and Mrs. Oarl HaWke of DayPresbyterian Church . Cincinnati. ton and J. O. Hawke attendl'd the Cincinnati-Boston ball pme. ID Ciclnnatl, Sunday. ANNUAL MEETING
Mrs. Zimmerman. mother oS th. ulide . .wore a printed ch1Jr~n drea wHh white accessories. The briel.groom's mother wore a navy chUreo wlt.h white accessories. Pa ul Sayre of Athena atteDded kir. Hudson as best man. Robert ZImmerman, brother of the brid. and Kenneth Woo,erd of AtbGa• were IIBhers .
CIncInnati were guests of Mr. and and Mrs. Walter Sheehan and family carman Orane were hosts ,to Thurl\dllY and I"i'lday. the me,nber. of the Youna Marrfed COuP'" cJau of the . Metbodtst We are now contracting sweet ohurch, Wednesday evenlna~ at the corn for the 1940 pack. Oall 119R21 cburch. or see us at our office at the Way.utei' the bUSIness meeting the nesville plant. Roxanna Oanning qo, • • • • • foUo'lltn, . PI'OII'am was presented· Fc>Uowlng the weddtni a recep. • • • • • Mr. aud Mrs. W. A. Lukens enterA Memorial Day address by L. · ~. The annual mceing of the 1..0' lalued the members of their "500" tlon was held at the bom. of ~ Mr. ant Mfa. FAaar Smith and Oarst; vpcal ' solo, "America the daughter were Sunday dinner guests Owners of Mlami Cemetery Associa- club at a pot-luck supper, at their lJr!df.S maternal arandl*l'enta, Ur; Beautiful/" by Mr.. M. A. Pulb1'llOll at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph tlon will be held In the cllapel Mou- home. Friday everilng, and Mrs. Walter Oast. Placea . . . • • • • • day June 10. at 2 p. m. A good atplano lie ~Uom bY RWllleU II: Prank Miller. arranged for one hundred relaUv.. Carl Abaecherll, local attorney teudance is urged. The proaram was concluded with and friends at tables placed 011 the • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oloeckler of and a direc tor of the Waynesville croup .'~IIlI. Dr, and Mrs. A. E. Stout and Splngboro, were guests at the home btlautJsui lawn at the C.., hom•. Civic Club. was guest spellker at the Pollowlna the proaram a pleasant dau,hter visited 01'. and Mrs. Olare of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. MeUoh. Tues- The bride's table WAI deeoratAIcI Memorial day serv ices at Mason. social hOur of pmlll and refresh- E. Stout and fauwy at. West MUten, wIth .. bouquet of ,sweet PIU aAd day evening. under the auspices of _ the local ~enta was enjoyed by the meembers Sunday. Spring flowers and candla . .A blIP • • • • • • • • • • American Legion members. the vllIn atteDdacne who were: Mr. and thl'Cl' tiered weddlni .cak. &110 Little Miss Winnie Jo Stout was lage councll and other groups. ~r•. ~, A. PWkerson and dauihter; the overnight guest of her grand- graced the brlde's table. The vital need c.r adequate millMr. and Mrs. R. H. Hart.sock en- 'Warren county. Mr. and Ura. RuueU HoUiday and JOYed a motor. trip to Berea and mother. Mrs. Oharles E Boyer of The party adjourned at 11 :30, a_~_tary preparedness on the part of the Mrs Hudson wa, snduatlCl-fIom dauahter. 1.f.J. and Mra. RuaseU E. Lexington, Ky., rast Wednesday and expressing their appreciation of the United States for defensive purposes Dayton. Wednesday. Waynesville high schooL clulOf . . Prank . M'r. and Mrs. L. A. Oarst Thuraday. • • • • • fine entertainment. However those was the theme of 'Mr. Abaecherli s Mr~. U. G. Whetsel was hostess an,1 has spent two yean a' 0bIg.. and famUy. Rev. and Mrs. L. 0 Miss Betty Hartsock of Cincinnati University where abe majOncl. lL..... • • • • • who have had more experience In Ilddress to the members of the Women's ,-dley. Mr. and Mr•. p . C. Shoe: _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mr. and ~. E. L. Thomas have bowling wondered if there would Foreign Missionary Society of the is enjoying a weeks vacation with SoclololrY. Mr. Hudson 1a empl~ ~tJr and Mr. and Mr• . Leo Oon- returned hOme after several days not be some sore muscles the folMethodist Church. at her home her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bert as accountant by the Union MASONl(J NOTICE nt . ' visit at the home of their son Beth, .h '~ Ing day. Hartsock Wednesday afternoon. ing 00 .. a~ Athena where the youaa • • • • • and famllY .ln Clevelaild. The meeting was opened with the couple wlJl make theh' home atter CHILI!BEN'S DAY AT • • • • • W, O. GUSTIN HAS RegUlar communJcation of Way· group singing. "He Leadeth Me". The Young Mal'rled Oouples group theh' return from a week'. weddbal ~I METHODIST (JRIJIKlR • MIt.- and Mrll. Seth Thomas and LA.RGE (JATOn, SUNDAY nesvllle Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M. and Mrs. L . C. Radley leading In of St. Mary 's Ohurch enjoyed an trlp. ·to Washl11iton, D, C. .' IOIla of Cleveland viBlted relaUves TuesdllY evening, JUlIe 11 . Work In devotions. The Stewardship pro- outing and pIcniC, Tuesday evening . Out ot town guesta a' the wielThe Ohlidren'. Day prorram .au here and at Spt'tng Valley several gram wn.~ conducted by Mrs. A. K. at the N. C. R. Recreation Park In ding and reception were; Kr.· &lid the M. M. degree. W. O. Gustin, stated that on SunDayton. ~ flven. Sunday morntng June 8th. days last week. Day. Refreshments will be served af, Mrs. James M. Weidman of Det.rol$ day. his t1rst attempt at fishing, In • • • • • After a shor t business session the aft", th~ cburCh achool class period, • • • • • . MIch .; Mr. and Mr•. St4aDley BruIallseveral years, he was sudCesstul In worle. · Emil Brown, lUg us OsbOrne, 11Ie children wUI take over the varAnn 8a.tterthwalte. daughter of following program was presented by catching eighteen flsh. at Wayne Jesse Prendergast. W. M. C1~arles Collett and ' Glenn Hopkins ot Cinctnnatl; lIr. and Mr., ., • . loua offices 'of tbe IChQOI anet- wiD Mr, and Ura. O. I. Satterthwaite, Is Mrs. Kenne th Hough; Recitation, MIller of COlumbus; lIr. and ...... Park. Mr. and Mrs. Olarence Oulnn V. M. ,'rmltage. Sec·y. live a PI'OInm ~1lIia~ !If lOllIS, apendlnl hJa week wit.h Janet Mor"'The Big Sliver Dollar and the attended the nlght baseball game Harry SchenJt of Hamilton; Kr; U4 and lamlly and RIchard Stansberry recitations. dlalorue.. and a play rls, daUlJhte~ of 111:. and Mrs. <J~ell Little Red Cent" by Mary Dora between the Reds and New York shared Mr. Oustln's gOOd fortune Mrs. R. E. TholpPllOn and dalllhtli' Hough; a rending. "One in a Thous- Olantll, Wednesday even1ng. entiUlcl "'rbe Ohlldren'. Oue.t... Mo~rta of 8abJn1a. • • • • • Bal'liara of Olarksville. Mr. aDd un. til' being his guests at a fish Iry, n~PJ and' by Mrs. J . B. Crabl;>e; reading. The JunIor choir wau slnr aeveral .• • • • • Rev. and rMs. R. L. HB.-=-k-W-Cl-I-a-t-- J. M. Hudso . M1u Mary . . Bundayevenlng. · numbft-, In ~pnectlon With the Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock and "A Japanese Am~rlcan Olrl" by Hudson. and Mrs. Clarence 0eII0nl• . play. dauahter; Jean, visited Mrs. Ada Mrs. WUlard Anderson; In conelu- tended the wedding of MIss Elsa Thompson and Frank Ditmars at of Blanchester; Mr. and "'". LAwTalmap, IOn ' Lee, ail4 Mila Jeuie ~io n . MrS: J . W. White read a poem rence Drake, daughters. VlrltllJa, 11(,15. MUll BOOII:81 . .. Oarner ot Beech Orave, Tuesday entitled. "Memories". Christ Ohurch. Glendale. Friday Eleanor and Betty, and IOn ' --. The July meeting will be at the evenJng. P"1!A8~Y 8uaP~'" e~enlnir. of WIlmington: Mr. and Mrs. Dau. • • • • • • • home of Mrs. Harold B. Earnhart. lei Heinz of Jameatown' IOu borIIt We are now contracting sweet 0 11 ' with Mrs. George Mills In charge .c om for the 1940 pack Oall 119821 ..,;:ne of SteubenVille; Mr. IIIld of the program. or see us at our office' at the Ways. Harry KeUey Of Athens; Mn. D nesville Dlant. Roxanna Canning Co. ::m':.t. ~o~ ~, WILL RECEIVE DEGREE • • • '. • s. u e a ill' of IIlcUaDd, O. Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Hopkins of Mary E. Winner of Stewu1, 0 .; Oolumbua and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Miss Donna D, Tlqle of MOD~peU~ Miss Barbara Gray, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gray will re- Fulkerson of Spring Valley were 0 . ; Mrs. 'Albert Ooff of Edent.on. 0 : ceive her B. S. In EducatJon at WIl· Sunday guests at the home ot .Mr. Mrs. Lloyd Edwarc!i of LebaIwD. and Mr, aIld Mrs. Robert BlUett, 0: and Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson. mlngton . college Friday. June 7. Oenl'.ervllle. • • • • • Miss Gray Is a graduate ot WayMisses Betty Br.ctdock. Barab nesvllJe high school ciass 1936. Oonner, Mt.ry · and EUen MON. Anna Mae WatklDi Jeanne Balta'• . and' Boneita Burak. 111818tec1 &tat hostess. Mrs. (Jast. durin, the fIMr. and Mrs. Oarl· Oonard
· .'. . .
Local Attorne:, Speaker At Memorial Services
.. . .
WllbSl'nllall examlnaUon. $5.00: WllIle-U:llnl's Optical Co, rl'pa1r of 1..1 .~~f's. S3 .7!i; W, . MUJlIllng, ser"OD -' _ 112 Waynesville, ohio Main Street - Vices a dog wnrden. $37.GO: Slalll~y ~'() I II P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:-:-~-:-::'-_:_--:-::--:--::::--:;;;--__-.;;;__:~;_:: Farnha1'l : postm ter. Ml\ m~d ('\1i:n-..red AI s.cond Closa M'Oil Matter at PostoUice. Waynesville, Ohio WI. '" ... I, li.IiO : 1)1'111'1";; T'); . 0 5 1
-Utbt _iami
II'IiIi Ihnll _ _ _ _ _ _-
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:\ ..... If ·..~ ', 'U I 'U 'I'M ('TIIH!! . 'r \ ".~ (I ullill U'·: '·AIt ' ,' ~,a.:~ 'r It.' HICHI\\' " .• ''oIUllllou .. ubi .., ".,. ::.. , IINO (, Irrl< 1"rNI"a I"" 1•••• 1 ( 'up Nu•• II-J~O '" "ll_If ·Ii1 _' . I_ ·I_IN'I' "Af"l'
uughing -Aropnd the World
,, ~.\I ...l I'ropfl~ "h. will ' lIp r .. v.. .,· ••1
nt tl'e or rl 'j) lOr \lI P Htllt H'I ~ 'I\\'U )' Flora M. Cr~ne Editor and Publisher IJ n. ga aline $3.91:1 : W. H . •nrl't. 0 ,1 ,I,~rrl \':,"n~ r•• , ~~~" IA~·"I~t~: UU~II!;"~ri ......:.-.!.___~_____.:.-__ =--:-:::--'-----.------ 'TClmco Lawon gasoUn(' $2.29 : How HWn ll n,J Thn p. 1",. 1,11\)'. .June I~. ISS,UED EVERY THURSDAY ard E. I.vl.ilS. n!jl\oi'DI'. $8.22: R. D . I!'AIJ. ror hllp ro\,\·," .. ntR IJl: _' .. _________--::-:--:--::-:--:-::-:::--:::---;:--;-.--;--:;:-:;:=::-:::---• '1' lIaco SCI'vlce, • r.a~n ll ll e. $8,:.m : Ii. n. I\U . nnel Mn;. D . M . Lynrh ana, ( r ""llI.Hll le N,,<!. I t o 9 In IUi4lve By IRVIN S. COBB 1I1' ~ nrrorc,l o ~ one " ·,·oj,,,·t "n il SubacriptiOD PriCe., $1.60 Per Year, Payabie in Advance 089 I ' Cl1'Lil1ll1lti wllJ II.> n\"I\ ,'\! II . (L~ (In'' OOlll.rnCI. ) 1 -:': ,'no MI\ . )11 " 0 aile! 1111'; 011111'. $1 . . J oli n Wl' I'/' vlSI nr ~ III • . p" p snl N'l. J N ELDERLY English actor cam.e over to take hi. ~t AlIW'ieaD '. Lewis ~ Drake. Inc 15 barrels ceo 1 l1ul'sdllY. \l'IIl'I'rn (·ollnl),. Ohio. on :-',·(·11.,,,. enlaaement. Be' had never visited the country before ~ut he had J I". ' I, II , l:<llrl n ~bnrn !lncl Wa ynument, $30 _00 : T hE' aVn alllp Stone has. H nl~ c m' YN nd SOil ' lineS ,"\II" " r th ITmllklln - W4llnln g lu n strong-not to say fixed-prejudices touchinl on these U nlttd Statea , THE AMERICAN W i\ Y tI .Vkll'" vlll(!. W"I'!' bll.s~ :!:~::~. ~~~~I ~J ,I II~~I~.'~~~;. ~~c itr:';,Vnt:'~~ as compared wiUt the Britiab Isles. C .', uti and Il (avel. S305.0&; Leu r l"l .1Il11l1. "I The voyage &cross W&I a l'Ouah one and the ~viaitot'8 dispoaitloll !' 'I iii ao l nc u~1 posts. S12.,tiO: h.es", v l~It<ll'~ 'Vcc!nc!;rI IlY In this ,,"I M "",RI ,· TIIWIl!Shl')M hl' upp lylng t. I t " 1.1J1lmlr)(," ~ Ifl·tll~lIi' n' . II p l11 '1'- 31. tlId not sweeten by reason of. it. On laDdin~ he atarted fl?r aD Eqliala -"We must have not only a chance III tbe technic of 1!ovcrnmen lU a t\' :111'(' \ Mnteria ls Cn •. 011. $2;5:16 .88 ; CIII , nll1l11LY. I' u""n"'nl : Wldlh I S r,"' I. L" tl g lll change In Its spirit. We must have a Government which rega rds Its If (IS ( lf l\ Inna ll <'I.; Leba no n Express, exOrvlll(' Wilson Ilf Dn.I'\()II . Wll ~ II l~ i." · 4 (,,1'1 u,· 1 ~ . 0 rnll f'H. , Pr'of/osa l No. :! L. the se1'V1lrlt of the people. not Its master; a Gov ernment wit hou t prejudice, ; . 1~ ch Ir~es on cu ble , $.44 : The nil r III 1'1 11' 1' ' rrl" 110 IIl ~. Thllr~ dny . l\fnntlw m.;ry oUllly. Ohio. on a Government under which we can move forward 1l!:'1l111 as a united na- .\1 •• " Elecll' lc Equ ipmen t Co . pnl· . M I'~ Jas Jncobs . MrH. Louise ~I';;;~ I j~l . ~~ fI ~II?,. ~r:'~~~I~~II'Ji(°_rSp~I'~~ tl9n-men oJ confidence. men of hope. men of good- wlll."- Wendell L . ~~ : .~, B :lY CIty Silovels. [ IlC•• 1 Falr- J lI olJ~ , Mrs. Mi mile Ellis [\ull :lon. V Il II " l' l: lOU ,I. Slnl,' IIl g h\\' uy N . 9 4. HIIII,' nOli II' No. n f,. In f1 n.101 !lnll , WllIlde . It'ad :1';'0, Blbl),. $142.fiO : The T r I - 1.a yto n. wc re vIsIial's I n Le bIInon, WflA hlll g l"n or""'n"hl"". b,· upph' ln!!, 1;'hnt statement Is a timely warning to us as a llI\tion t~ l'etmn 10 t he ~ . tnlr IglllLlun Co .. »nrt..c;. SI7 .92; 'I1H' Mun ri n '. n hllll l1,ln uU H Ir l'o. ll~ c nt. ) 10 10 T ·:! 1. I'n "orn" nt : \\'Inlh 18 r,·.·t. L41 nlf lh fundamental principles of our constitutional form of government If we U ~')l' o l1in Bride 0 ., lnc .. rein! Mr. :1nd Mrr.. Fred Shell and his :lfo " I ~ I' r""1 I) " 6.7 1 mllllR, boardiq holllCl uptoWD, where he had beeD told he eou1d let Ena~ . I 1 I I I I PI·upu8f.1 l No. 3 w15h to retalin llbertY and opportunity as we have known t lcm .- Jl( li S I' a ~. ~ c~ 1. $128.49 ; Mrs. AlIlt\n da R ed . 1. lllolllI'r. Mrs. Rose Shell . of Toledo. (: " " 1' 11 " ' ·"', nl.v. Oh io. on ~ " c tlnn " food uncontamiDated by bue Yankee notio~. To keep down ~~ New.a .Review , ,,:('1' ~ank , $.fIO : Ali I' M . . -Arnold . MI' . nlld Mrs: Clln.~. EIIL~ nnd sons. 11"111,,'(,.,1• . I': n'lfl For Ih e II1lumlb' he elected to repair thither by a street car IDlltead of ualDg a cab: Iolll' g-SI rln ~ Vn ll e\' Roa" . Slut ... He emerged trom the pier laden with a hatbox, his umbl'ella. ' lto\alld cnrc. $5.00 : of SlIbina. wcre Frida y afternoon IliKhll'lIl' N il . 8 94. , IntI.' neoutll Nil. .1In H o lr. invalid enr!' . $~. OO ; Budn ('n il rs of Mrs. Alice Teny and 7 ~r,. III SIIlmr \ ·' ....·k nll<l pring yn l· his makeun tin. his grips-two in number-h1s steamer rul', . his . t4e . .. . Ii')' T" wn"h hl~. hy UPI' I), ln" n 1,ltum· caddy, hla Ovtll'coat, his f~ed pietw·e. ot the Death of N~lsOD, ~cI _ . C,t'!n-: mons. InvalLd core. $5.00; Ger- Jlll11l1y. IIl' oI';! lI· c n llll ~ lIl . 11 " 111 '1'·:11 P",·,· rn,>l1l: WIJlh IS to ..~O fpllI . other prized personal belon~ngs, and chmbed aboard a car.1Il1d r' .Jone". Invalid ca r c. $8.00: Ed MI'. nnd Mrs. Mearlc T erry wer e I.'-'ng ! II :1r. .~t '1 fl' t o,' O.SO mil 08. Just as he got fairly upon the platform the car started and' IW .1. . Propn8a l No. 4. tell through the ooen door Into the aisle. scatteMn&' his IOOda &JIiII , ~" !' r , invlllld care , $5.00; Newton b ll s illess ! v l s ltor~ in Lebn l)on. Friday. C:rNlI1Q (~"" nl )'. Oh ln. 1111 S. ctlon R chattel8 ill .very direction. ;"8 he got upon hJs knees. he rtmarked ill -=:3 ,ulIllprr, Inva lid care, $1000: L. B . Mr and Mrs . WlIllnm Pl'ock and " "" \lII,·t of S~ ('tI\HI ,. or t.he Day · " :'ll tPl e. Inva lid care. $5.00 ; John E. dau ~hlel' - In-Iaw. Mrs. Prock and '"'on · I·I.III1 N.l h., Hontl . Slute Hlgh - In a tone of (,onvlction : tty No. ~ !l. to , S . Route No, :lfl, In "There now I I knew I shouldn't like the blarsted count!')' I " -I'oon . invRlld care, $7 .00; Andrew little SAndra, attended Memorllil /,:,.\\, .1" "IH' r und Silver reck Town MAUm ,\CoF. J.lCENSF.S (A....I•• o No •• lI... t" ..... Tae.) . NEW SUITS " hlp". lo y alll'lyll1g a bituminou s Be:l. Invalid care. $7 .00: China Mor- se rvices In Cincinnati . Thursday. U ·' ·lI llll t'nr. It III T- :l l . .MJ·. and Mrs Hi!l.rry Clllle hllve as 3 4 .PU V(' n, 'nl : Wldlh 19 re t. Lenglh tI~, 4 ( tl ~ t IIr O _&~ mit es. Lydia Wl1ltt vs. Miles P Whltt- cU: Carl Mulleni x. 21 . la borer, Frlltlk- Pa [\. InvaUd ca re. $11.00: Smart 's NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT 1 ·oge. gas oline. $2 L28: Hathawa y's i! ue.~ls In theil' hOJlle. Mr. lIne's F" 'IlP08n l No. 5 ;;1 "orce. ext reme cmelty. tin, and Ma thildA Stegemollcr, 22, 'rex. co ServisI'. gll1iollne, S1.08. mOI,her. of So . Dakota , and Mrs. s ~1(.~'~'~ 1~';"~I~:' ~~~~~~8~00~"J'-~{II~~ Admlnwvator de bonIs non wltll In the matter or the transfer of Lebanon. I"nI'Y WhiLe. oC WLlmlnglon. 1:0 ,· Hoa!l. Sls I" Blghwny No. H 3, tbe will annexed. funds of t he trustees of Hamilton Roy WilHam Fitzgerald. 21. enSlut ., RflUl .. No. 72 . In SI1,..' r Cre"k John M . Wilson. oC Lebanon. was 'l'uwns hl p. by Ilppl~' lng Il bitum Inous township : action for transfer of glneer IlSSlstant. Franklin . and Es11" n hll ent . Item T -3 1. R Tuesday n f tt!fI1oon v Isltor oC Mrs. PIl"ement : Wldt-h 8 r e t. Len g th Estate of Rutb Hannab Crew, funds. ther Morris. 19. clerk, Franklin. ,BY PHYWS BELMONT Acl nh Tnlmnge and family . Mr. and 9.~ 4 U feet Ill' 1.75 I11l1 r 8. David W. Bercaw vs. Jam~ W . J ack Hancock. 24. bank teller . Prop<lelll No_ G Deceaaed Mrs. R. H. H nrtsock. Miss J ean Hart . r en.. OunlY, hlo. on Seclton Fl N tl 'n I b I U t R b l Bercaw. et nl.; for pa.rUtlon of real Lebanon. nnd Ardis Sar les. 20. teleor thl' ('0 1II 10 1I11 !!· Inclnna ll Rood 0 ce.., leIe y g vcn la 0 er ~ock ami Mrs. C. H Dea thera ge. of Stu t e HIgh wn ' NO. 6. U. S. Roule B. Crew whose .Post OtJlce Add,'ess estate and other rellef. phone operator. L banon . A project tha t Is of greAt Interest Wayncsvll ie. wl're evenin g ca llers. 1'0/ ". 4 2. In (' ed . "vlli e Town _hlp. by .George ~ . Lahman vs. John Holt : :\lHl lyln!'" II ti ll umlnllu s Ireatme nl . Is 247 Telford Avenue, Dayton. Ohio 10 t.he legal proCession. Il1i well a~ Johll Wilson aile! MIl I'y Wilson reIt III T-31. 1186 been duly appointed as AdmInfor 450.000 and costs. IlE,\L ESTATE 'I'lt,\NSFERS I1Istor11U1S, Is bein g prosecuted under IUllle" to Ihe tr hom ~ in Lebanon. Pav ement: Width 1 t ee l. Length Rob ert Lahman, a mlnor. by Il ls 1 3.~ O f '" or ~ . r.0 mlles_ lstrator de bonis non with Lhe will Ihe dIrection of Secreta ry oC Siale aturday artel' pU1>.o;j ng a week In ProjlOsal 101'0 . 7 father. vs. John Holt: Jor $5.000 and w nrr(, 11 oun t\' Ohio. on ~p cl lon allD. e xed of the Estate of Ruth HanBernice Culp to Alice O. Culp; George NeU'ner. lL is the prepam- l!l t! home of MI'. and Mrs. Almon A or Ihe ~' rtlnklln - Le bl\ non Road. nah Crew late of Warren County , costs. 11 011' of a n historical index L a all the lots 685 a nd 684 in FrRnklln. Fenls. The InLler's friends are pleas- Slat Hlg h wny No. 260. Stnte Rout .. Ruth A. RatclitJ VS. John C. Rat. :0/0. I ~3. In !·'rnnklln and leat' Ohio, deceased. S . L . Simpson and Myrtle A. Simp stathte laws of Ohio from lhe north r d to learn that s he Is much im- Cre"k 'J'nw ns htp ~ , br npply ln l(' a Uff; divorce. gross neglect of duty. Date!! t.hla 22nd day of May. 1940. son to Rolnnd Ensi gn and Margar rt wes t terrllory down to date. nrra n ged 1 _ 1~'''''u III health bituminous II alln nl. It em T·3l Edith W. ThomllS Vii.. Arlla H. 0 _ En.~l gll : small tfll et of land 1n alphabeUcally Il1i to su bject matter PH",,",ent: WI<l'h I~ .f ee t. T.en-g th RALPH H. CARET Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson U ,6 1~ reel or 5 . ~O mil B. Thomas: divorce. extreme cruelty. Judge of the Probate Court and showIng the ·ear. volumc, page PropoMI 101'0 8 Springboro. have had as a visito r In t heir home n "a ,'r n oli n t Y. 01 '0, I' on S ctlon Warren COunty. Ohlo H. H am a nd secLio ns where the enactmen ts Grace Miller to Wil lia m 101' a few days. her mother. Mrs. 0 o r lh" F'rnnkltn-Lebanon Road I'-......l_...... COI\II\JON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS IIton ; about 75 acres in Wanen a nd ca n be fou l1lL Through t l1~ usc of ·lson . of' srlrl ' llg HI' 11-. ~t Rt p Hlg h lVay Nu. 20 &. Stnte Route Robert B. Crew, Atty. J ohn WI • No. 123. In lenl' r Ilk and Turtl e Dayton. Ohio. ILL you leU m. who". III. tllis index , vu st aliiOunt vI l'rnly Clel'mont counUes. Mr. and Mrs . WUbur MCCarren T O'T n"hI1'8. h), nppl ylng a bituminou s lrPnun ent. Item T - ~l. al· MSO-J6-1S "" .room ,enuaUy .elKU lor G eorge R. Henkl c Lo A. L. Hllln es legal a nd hlston a I IIlRllcr cOI',' r ing attended the a lumnl meeting a. The VUlage of Franklin vs. The Pn\' ~ m~nl : Width 1 to 20 feetlendanu? DOQ "l)Om eve, hal" . . • L ng th 24. 16 re et Qr 4.iO mil es. he grO Wl h and del'clopl1lt'nt of t he t Board of Education of Fran.\tlin Vil - 101 97 In Lebanon_ hi. la,her lor b... muP HarveYlibw'g ~a turda y night. . P<l'opo sa l No. 9 • PUZZLED CROOM 11 ou nl Y. Ohi o on Spr ti on lage School DIstrict; judgment reJames Countryman to AI . Coun- Slllt of 0 1110 will be un col' er ed and Llttl e 01larles. William and Don- ....' Ur dll'·'·illp fl e Ih p oh.imlbu8-Cln InAnlwer-The brldel1'oom mar alit · t ryman and ATlTla Coun tryman: made i,vallnllie for p ubUc use. A aId Beckelt. of 5pr1ng Hill were n .. 1i Houd . />Ia te Hl golbwa\' NO. 6 U. ieased. an intimate friend. hla broth.r ot 'ROU I!' '0. 4 ~ . in Ceda r\:lIle TOWn. The Guardian Bank & Savings pa r t oC tract 3 a'ru\ nil of tract " In complete oulllne of th e statutor y over Friday night guests of their S_ ship, h y a ppl r lng n bltumlnolls another relaUv, to b. beI\ man. bu\ Mr. Frank Kyne returned home hl5tory of church es. roads. banks. Oompany. a corporation. vs. Ada ms "The Knolls," Frankiin township. d ts M d M S i r a tm "nt. ltu rn T ·~ I. more and more DOW we read 01 wec1gran paren, r. an r5. . D . Pnv nH'nl : Wi d! h 2'1- 3 (1- 40 feel on Wednesday from a t hree weeks cling, where the bridegroom <:hoo,,,,. Byron "Countryman to Al Coun- ciUes. departments and Ins ti tu tions Fen ls and Mr. and Mrs. B. D1cldnson. et a!.: judgment reAlmon L ng th 3.696 reet Or 0. 70 mile. . Tota l p Li ma ted ~o .. t .... $4& . 135.16 vWt with relatives In Oleveland and hi. father. Perhap. tbl. I. OD. of teased. tryman and Anna Countryman ; will be compiled . This index will be Ferr ''' . ... PI'QIIOsal s Noa. 1 l o 9 In clusl\'e or the key for opening the door oC , Ethan Lewis vs . Eva B. Lewis, et t ract 5 In "The Knolls." this Ilroje t. to b" cOfllpl e lpd nOI Deftance. His daughter M .f S. John the nlc. fe.ult. of the newer relala t er lh an Au!ru st 15. 194 0 . O 'Donneli a C( ompailled hIm home tiODI evolving between parenti anlt Harry C. Elclrldge, Sr.. to Earl kllowledge Into all the legaJ and his - 61 i\U SIC GRADUATES Ill. ; Carrie .B. WIUlams appointed TIl e minimum wage 10 b e po.hl to children. The brlde,room·,eneral17 nil lab o,' employed on this contraot to spend ~he week. end. guardian rdr'two Infant defe ndants. Maxwell Woodward and Agnes C. torical mater ia l of Ohio. early and PREPARED TO TEACI' s hall be In l\.Ooordanc(' 1V·lth the le1ecu mOlt 01 th.e Ulhera from hi. Juanita Bonhaus and Michael late . and be a valuable addition to In case, partition ordered. Woodwn.rd : part of lot 805 In Frank'R hed ule of Pre"all ing HOllrly Wa ge belt friend, of about hi, own ..... Poll to' ", Ase rtaln d a nd Detprmln .. d Wade ' who were married In Richlaw, leglsll\t1ve and historical libra• . Aetrla' Laymon V8-_ W. H. HamH- Un. bu\ If the bride hu ' brother. or 0 1110 State Un lver slL~'s depart- b y 'rh Dep a rtm nt of Tndustrlal R e. mond May 29. are at home to their • ton. et a!.; case d\im1ssed. Roy L. Hudson and Martha Hud- ries. Ohio", the firs t s(ate to a ssem ment of music this spI'lng graduates Ie lion s npl'li cab le to tate Hlg hWa, male relaUve. it I, COnildered coUr· Depa rlm ~1l1 fmprov men Is In ae- frlE'ncls; In the St. John property on teoul for the brlde,room to Include' son to W1lliam Elmer Barnes; lot 86 ble this Infonn-aMon In book form the larges t class In I,ts history, ac- cOI'dIUIC" with S!1c lions 17·a. 17-4 .at leut lome of them. However; 17 '~ lL , 1 7-fi nnei 17 - ftli .r Ih e C1en prai Pike St. and It Is expected t.o be completed PRODA1'E COUnT . tn Franklin . cording to- Professor Eugene J . oil or hlo." cm~1n Vall . ushers are needed only at • cbW'cb Jennle Grannan to William Ger- some time next year. 'I'he IJldd r mll Rl " "bmlt \nltl, hla .. ",. a; ey Alumni elected the Welg(!l. chairma n. • ~ .' • In the matter of the estate of ard Henderson: ten lots In Loveland bill 11 cerllrt" h~rk III an amount following oalcers at thc banuqet wedding when many lUel" are In, .. Sixty-one June graduates of the 'nq'llJl~l, tco"srtl,vebl,l!erln ennol eovrenlth e len 80t rle-· Saturday evenlrlg. Presldellt Carl vlted . Ch arIea H . Hartsock, d eceased; InHarriet N. HamUton . deceased, to The expand ed p Ilot training proQ U ~ v Phylila Belmont.-WNU Servlc. "ent a re quallCled · f or music than l 11 IlI oll8:1nO " "I In.rll 8 Itl I = WII . depnrtm ----'0 · . , yento ry ·approyed . W1llJam H. Hamilton and Gr-ace gram, announced by President RoosPh"" and . r' •.•.kfl •. "t l o n· ~. ar,. on mi. v ce pres.uent ton Lumpteaching lind sup,ervlslon In the ,. kl InJ the _matter of the estate of MUler; 75 acres In Warren and CIl'r- evelt. will mean an Increase In the flte In III delltH!nu' lll or hl gllwnvR fl, seeretary and treasurer Marlon - -----...! ""Ula m D . .,." ''-If d eceas: ed Inven- mont counties. ll" th e ornl'P "r or. t he r" "ln ~ nt M,,· W. Sllllth. cOI'respondlng -. - .-~ ._ Hum ber 0 f 0 h 10 students taking the pUblic schooIs--44 In vocal work, aIl'h·t ,I"!lll ly .It,·ect 15 In ins t l'tllnental, and two !n both "'I II t I Nina 'Ledford to Leroy Ledfo rd. et Civil Aerona utics Authority courses nrens. ' h ' llny I r,· anl.l ur rPf.lI·VPR l l (, right t o ern ·Peterson. tory approved. reject I' ll blrlll . · _ In the matter of the estate of al. :. 76 acres In Harlan and Marlon to about 2.500 It has been estimated. Rob!. R. Bpllf htlPl'. Mr. and Mr£. 8. E . Thomas and -:- 'Alice Glbbs, deceased; Willia;; E. townshlps. At present. 470 OhJoans a re takIng Stnt" 1-llg hwns I1lr ~" l o'·. f OIlS of Cleveland spent Decoration JUggs appoiilted administrator, 01- William A. Ford . deceased . to Anton the three montlls: training courses I (IY nnd. Friday with Mrs. Thomas' NOTleEl TO CON'rnACTOil!!l parents ah, and Mrs. J. T. Walton. \ . 1ver Chamb . . er1... n, Ed Fitzgera Id an d and Mary BfI\un; 100 acres In Har- at 20 COlleges and unIvers ities. These - ~'I''''rE I".' 01110 AU Au~tl~neer Dick Menge appointed appraisers. Ian township. . classes will gradullte this June, at OEf'ArI 'rMt.:N',· oj.· IIIGH"' AV8 Mrs. Marle Wlhl of C61umbus _(:.olu"d..... 010'0. III • .,. ::4. 1940 In the matter 01 the estate of Velma PointeI' to James D. Sher- the end of the school year. Natlonq,.rk uf II ..... ' ..."al Cop," Nu; .. 0.1:11 II~nt the week end with her father Fanple B . T,umer, deceased; hearing row; lot 56: 1 acre In Deerfield town ally. t he program will train 50.000 ( ~elayed) ( I NIT I'I~~ CONTIMf:T I I'lmk Kyne, ,on inve¥1torY i,s set tor June 3. ship. pilots n. year. Clve times lhe present Mrs. Cnrl Randall was removed to !'lr·n lptl r>"o PQ~llIl! ·wlll h e r ec Iv ~ d ' Mr. and Mrs. Evan Parsons and In the matter of the . estate of BlaIne Gustin to Wilmot Gustin ; quota . th e president st.nted. The new the Miami Valley hospltnl Tuesday ~1r·~~o:? r~~COI~I~. I~; l~~~~'~I~,:~gIOr.~J' Bon of Sprlnafietd were Sunday !4- E. austin., deceased.: estate val- lot In Lebanon. program will wheel Into nction by for nn olle ration . She Is getting along ~Ia l~n llld t~n o· 'Iook A . l\f.. F.n ~ter,; ~ .lIests of Mrs. Parsons ' parents Mr• n 'iI''' Tim.·. Inl'ldllY, .Il1n ~ 14 . ued at . ,1I1711.1S,. ,lDh~rltaru:e tax deAlva C. Stiver and Mllry Loutse July 1 al1d will conti nue on a 12 as well a s can be expected at this 1940 ;tor II]1 QI'ov<>mentR In : . 'ILlII. Mrs. John Reeves . • _..:-... _ d . . \eVa l'" n oUllt y. Ohio. on SI·el In ns 0 I ·h f Y · ""'lIUlle as none. Morgan to Martha Ann Morgan: months basIs wIthout regard for sum Lime. n .of Ih •. t ·oluml.II" -"'ln,,lnn nll nOlld, " e ·...,ev~ 0 "amestown. vIsited . . .' , . ~ . tb~ . m_atter of the estate of 135 acres in Ha_mULon townshIp . mcr vRcatlons. Three classes of stu George GlUlIand was tai<en to Slllt , Hi g hway No. Il. U. 8. Route Ills brother here on Decoration day · Nil . • 2 . In Turtle 'reck a lld leur . Jolm Connors to Parrle Connors; dents wlll be eligible for the training McClelilln hosplta.l Xenia Tues- C .. e k 1'OWIlShlpR. hy r E-8 urrolling Mrs. Oora Compton hall been in El1a ~g. deceased'. Harold E . ;;""_ .1 un Iverslty students, per- d uy f 01' a ll Orlel·IlUon. Have no word with Inr: Pav"'me;,~ onc"ot" 2(, rpet pIllS. or Onborn tile past tw 0 wee.... ,,- carI ng ....... a-ppolnted admtnis·-· ......... Ed - I0 ts 37. 38 , 39 . 40 and 41 I n Love Iand . coII ege anu WIIllh ~ ,. :~rd· ~~g, CJtarle.s Harris and lma McNeely to Thomns Marlin !'ons In civllIR n life who have hlld 011 condition. min " Ii: HO'Lllwny ao reH I)luII or for her daughter Mrs Russell Carr ~m"ll nl '!:t.. L 'nKth ~1.411[t . n reel 0 1' 4.0&3 Wll0 Is nl, • Dorothy Gerhart spent Sunday at • ·G eorge Sf!;Iens.tlck appointed ap- and Mary Marlin; part of lots 192 some flying experience a nd youn 'J .1lr!lIs .. ers, . and 194 and .Iot 193 tn Mason . men havin!! mechanloa xperience the Ila rsonage. l·." ~III'nl il <'osl ... . . . . ... S39.4r.O.OO The _ , onll'll.11t 10 h,' "olllJ)l etctl not Int er . many . Irlends of MrS. Chas . , . In ~he matter of the settlement of Lewis Drake, deceased . to Emma but who do not have college training Mrs. Lee Rlley's sister of New Ihan ~l!flt~ lllb"r Jr.. 1!J40. . .eV~le were IOlTJ ·to-lejan),'ibei :was 'the estate of 1.. G. Roberts. deceased Drake. part of lot 55 and lot 7 in 'T'IIP a ge bracket will be from 18 to 2~ York Is vIsiting her, "1~1t" ?I.:~.I~]:~~II'~Y:" ltl~~ tlohl~l>c~~ t':n~~ taken to a hospital In Dayton the , '. · copy 'Of entry. ' determining inher. South Lebanon. Cost to the govern ment In turnIng ML a nti Mrs. Hal'1'Y Cornell and ~.J\'\II li t , In 'tCCol'dun ce with th .. r.ast week and Is In a serious conTARytA·lxrH IC TAR AND s O'" 11111" or Prevailing HouriI' .. ttance tax to be paid is ordered cerTillie Drake. deceased. to Emma /llli nCAA ltl'flclilRte i~ about $290 . Wi/nUL Smith were all day guests of Wag" HIII ..s Ascertnlnl'tl nml Det dltlon. ROAn 011.: - I~""'CAVATINO Among Ohio schools offeri ng t he I he p. J . Thomases and Harry Ford. :I,~:~r"ri~Jn~~~",[):g~rf~~r: ~~ J~~~~; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Griffy and tlfled . Dra.ke; lot 7 In South Lebanon. 01 MP !fRI ICI, ~Ii:Ryi.OIl1. ; : ; . 111 'the matter of the estate of WlU1am Hasting, deceased. to C /lurses and Ihe studenLS en chl~ now dyce TueSday. . IIl Departm ent Sec ImPI'ov"mentH of Detl'olt were 'Sunday . . In gah"'Il~' 'r urllan ::e with tiunH 17-3 , ch1ldren .. PIT RUN, LOADE.D SOc '.lCP.. ; Frank Simpson. deecased; hearing- Lucy Hasting ; about ; ,53 acres In training are ; Ohio Stnle University, Herbert Meredith. Is making prep- 17-•• 17 -4". 17_5 and 17. 611. of Ihe ~uests of ,Mr. and Mrs. Roy NonIe, on inventory IS set for June 11, Warren c01,lJlty. • . . 5~: capital Uni vers ity. 10: Bowling umtlons for building an extension C ;1~~:l~I~~~:' ~~u~rl~i;'bmlt with his Paul ~Webb who has been employed In the matter of the estate ot WUllam Sims et aI., to Homer' Green. 30; Ol1io University. 30; Ohio to hI s bal'l1 . ,hi" Il. certl rled !3 heck In an amount at the Spring Valley bakel'Y h/4s &c. "J . 'Il. _ ' ~ Qllal ,to rt ve pel' cent of the e~tlted ames Mayes, mentally ill; appllca- Sims; auout 50 acres In Warren Northern. Ada. 20 ; Mal'ietta, 10 ; Las t summer we walled . "It Is so mlltod cOHI, lJUt In no Ij vent more ceRi a position In Dayton. t-Uon for admi ttance to Dayton State county. Kent State UniversIty. 40 .' Kenyon , c1 1·.V. . We will 111lve nothing." This' Ih PIllt)", UI1 ten ana tho(iaand dOlinI'll. are on Mr. and Mrs. Q.. V 81ms accomspecifIcations Phone. W;nynesvliie H It Ii . HospItal Is ordered sent. Clara E. Treon to Edwara Knorr : 10 and Wittenberg. 10yea r we are wailing. "It Is too wet. ril e ItI . lh e (Jellartmen.t of hlg,hWo.Y8 panled by Mr.. and Mrs. Wilfred .' "1 . .. · '1t111 th e ' orrlce or the rellid ent ,UII ' SI f Da to . Lebanon offlJ)(! Pb~lIe . t7;j. K.-'. I th -L. n e matter or the estate of 4.42 acres In Lemmon townshIp. ButWe will have nothing."'Wonder why trld deputy dlrecto.r.· ' . ms 0 y n motored to- ClnolnRuth H~nnah Crew, deceased: Rob- ler c~unty. For the first tIme since 1908, Ohio human beings cnn't; be content LInd reject The any dh'e.cand lor all j'eservelJ NOI'row- (Jboll. :'Ii.o•..8 bids . tlhe right to nation Sunday and sPent the day .ert B . Crew appointed administrator Anna E . Mo~teller to Leha Mc- Is likely to have In Independent can be assured that the Most High • -- Robt. S. Be lghtler, wltb -relatlves, r ' ":, ... ;de bonis non with the will annexed ' 'Mahan; lot sO In MIlSon. dldate lor Governor at the genernl knows what He Is ubout? We have State Hlfphway DIT~tor Mr. and Mrs. Roy 8tubbs of Day-I.. . .!II~.. I!I,~.• •IIi!~~ -. In the matter of the estate or M. M. Quip. decellSed; to Juanita election on November 5. Rev . Her- never starved yet. ton W4IF~ , 8unda:v lUesta .of Mrs. Stubb'lI lP1ul(f mother Mrs. Barah · Harriet N. Hamilton. decaused; cer- May WiCk,. et al.; lots 685 and 684 In bert S. Bigelow. of CinCinnati, h IlS ...!. ' • 'J · t1f1cate of transfer ordered, inller1- Franklin. . notified Secretary of State George ~. ' "t&nce tax determined as none. NeUner of his Intention to qualHy Mr. and Mrs. EMu HurleY enterIn the . matter of 'the estate of BILLS ALI,OWED as an Independent candldate for Use. 'tOUR HEAOOIGHTS· PROPERLV ~ned at a. tlWllly dinner on Sun, ' . ~uth. C. Lylicll, deceased; hearing -_ Govenlor and his petitions wm soon day, tile foilowing •. Mr. and Mr•. 'REAL ' EST ATE ., ••On schedule debts Is set for June Soft Water Landry laundering cur be In cIrculation . 25.000 signers be. Har\'y.II I~~ , Mr. arul Mrs, Everett I:>. estate vlllued at $1617.75, Inher- tains for Courthouse, $.50; C. Don-' ing t ilE' legal requirement t-O lIet his Uur ev alia, cla Ugllter· Shlrley. - Mr , ;AUCT.O~NE.ER .! Itance tax determined as none. aId Dllatush , rent of oUice tor pros- name 011 the oUlela.l ballot It is riot an~-' Ml'Ii, ' 1 ~1~d ' BUrley . ; .~... D' ~b ~at~r of the estate of ecutl ng attorney. $20.00; IWJlbur known at thIs time, whether or not da" !5h ~er of.Da'yton, ,Mr. and " .. . . -J'9.M :M.cIntosh. deceased; report of Swanger. services as janitor of Me- a fill Intlepcndent ticket. conta ining , BUl ~den. ,and , ,daughters of i / r~m~loner appi.oved. moriaJ Hall, $25.00; Treasurer of candidates for aU state offIces, will New Vienna. anil 'Mns: Todd _Walton \ . . In, ~be malter _of ' the estate or State, support six dependent crlp- be presented . Andrew F. Otte. Inde, . "~~:~~ 6 : ~ank. d~ased; certlfl- pled cl!lldren. $58.74 : COlumbus pendent candidate for Governor In a'n J . Mr. a,~(f Mell. -Pores, 0 '1'',anlilft,11 · ~"" .~ tranater. ordered. Blank Book Mfg. 00.. supplies for 1908, pol)ed but 307 votes while JudIUld .dauahtel· na.ran ... were I y. il)' ·~""'tn.~!er of the estaw Of ' prosecuting attorney. $9.55; Wrlght·s son Ha r mon , D emocrat. received ' a(£er~loon' . rue8ts of 'Mr. and i l\Uce ,,~ d'eceased: estate valued Market, food, $2 .50; Lewls & Drake 552,569. J . T. Wal_ . . \E~~~.181 Jnberlta'nee,~ deter- tHo. 5 bags 5altonlc for jail, $6.25;' Mr.. and Mrs. Bel·t Grift; ;;, Wat' • , . ~.Dr. H. M. Williams. coroner's cost NOl'th western Ohio s ugar beet ncsvlUe '~Islteci Mr:~.'~d JQltij!r of the .eDate. ot bUl, ".30; Dr. H: M. , Williams. cor. tanners are pl'OfiUng by tile state ~-logfle on ~~nday. ,. ---'--..:....-. ' dectlalledt ached'- oner's cost .blli. $4.30; O. Donald Dll- Welfare DeP!lrtment's policy of buyapp~,Ved. a~usL1. stam~ for prosecuting at7 in Ohio' products for the 23 state ·,u,ve. one.'~p_.. (lobD l 111. 11)Of the adopt,lop Of torney, $11.00; Wilson E. Hoge, seere. InsUtutions with a population of Is ~ moat. abilp~ alld Prott;llpl4 ,~- -~ ':~....... ","JI",",- ,_.-,.,. . . . . .'GII" •• i-rtce; bearing on pe- ·tary. · employer~'"'~ntrJ.butlon to-N- 37.877. SInce January 1.- the --State ccunse1 of, the 1nap1red · wrlteJ'. _ ..,._ ~.IJIil · "'~1iiIlosJt,lClIJi ts 8Ctt tor June 4. tlrement. fund, $18.53. ~has PUrchased G20.000 Ills uf Ohio . -Mall' aSker Eddy. of . the estate or KarI'D. Dakin. premium on 1nsur- beet sugar ~d expects to lise np,~;=~ . 1nDIfer :mee polley on La\V Library books. \jroxlma.tely 1,500.000 ·Ibs. dUling the 17" 'I'D IIIAIII ~ , $24080; O. WWard Ho1!man, M. D., year. The purChases of Ohio liugar . WAIn' ADa
·His Worst Fein Confinned
County Court News
What to Do
State Capital News
F. ·T. Martin
SATISFACTION Center,vllle,' Ohio.· !Phone : 71J
iai~ Armitag~': II!!..
IW ..:;N :~.sEARS
' ,:" .
Mr... Roy.
----.. _...
W • ttl., liu~ ..- . In C()~res' s•.•
Sport.lMn . Corner
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The preparedness on, apnce . Last week' the Holll08S the balance 01 the tanks mentloneu I t ed two naval bills almost ' ftS- are only "on order:' The same Is ' . " only one vote belnit ' "rue a s to 'the antiaircraft guns,. -Ilgo:nst eacll meas~e. The IlGnly a small proportion ot the num· ~ , "V[I\'y" votes came from Vito ".MIU<er mentioned by th e Pr Ide nt. are ' .~ :-.. , of the.,uallY In the h a uds of the Al'IflYcanlonlo, . representative AmCI'lcan Labor p!!,rty Industria.l toth ers are "on order ." So goes and other leaders have been called b{pry as to automatic rilles; mO into co!l!erence to furn ish irtforma - pla~Ulery; fightin g .and bombing tlon and to give Impetus to preparIlnd other needed defense edness ' plans The government navy weap American soldlel's and ·sallors car.--. yards are being placed on a three h Iv fight Wltl.l the weapons t at are-' d nd shllt, forty-eigh t hour week. I th I pally manufactUr e a n er not with those 'on order. " TIl Ith Is, our national The most Important news from defense has n sadly neglected , the ~RS hlllg ton frollt , however. con and It wlll ta . any months becerns the la lest JUlmlnl:stl'a t.ion fore Amer ican ~stry can furnish : pl ans for levyin g defense ta xes . Or- needed Implemen of warfare anG 1 1" lnnlly the Administration was op- men can be tralne· o use t hem, so posed to an y new taxes at this time; as to guaran tee our "ety. However, : but sensing the a ttitude of the peopl ' It Is bell ved by most '6ervers tha t Hardwar~ • •~ I I g" :lI'ra lly. and feeling that new bur- ![ any r eal threat Is t<.')me to the clem' of taxation would be a ccepted safety of th is count ry. ",h danger with less complaint during tbe pre. l~ months allead . May s*' \ dange r Larger 8t!cause o. Better 8ervlC', Quality and Price t ilt European crisis than later on. never come. Is the hope • every Established 1849·1940 t he decision wa s reached a few da \'s true American. In the words of II ., ,.'PlaCID. II !Igo Lo kerp Congrells In session ulliil famous Colon ial Patriot : "L , US Wl1ynetivl\le, 0 .• new defense taxes are levied and lh e pu t ollr fallh In GQd ,' but keep ur ------~------~~----- . ---prf'Se nl national debt Umltatlon Is R7"'E, HURST GOES powder dry." C:Jcky IIftt . Accord ing to well ad vised TO MT. STBRUNO Sl,lJrces, the Administration program mound corpe, for others have come '" ill bp liS follows: FIJ'st lifting the SlmpMclty, of all things. Is the R E . Hurst. for several yeara a to the tront to take up this slack. dt e t limitation from for ty· five bll hardest to be copied . - Slee·e. Ult~ber of t he HarveysburK .blif\ Any team that gete good pitching '".. I: t.J for ty-eight billion dollars and !SChool tenchlng staft hila rtJIiillcd . and baa a good defense Is a tough the Issuance of specla.! national deGabriel Paid Simplicity 01 charnctcl' Is the tQ become superintendent of thl team to .b eat. The Dodgers have fense bonds for the three billion dol- natural result of profou nd thought. M o ~oe Township school at YoWl\ been getting the pltchtng, and lar Increase In th e national debl. - H!lt Utt. Sterll 1;. Mrs. Hurst, ~upervllor of Clnclnnatl :_Thls is the mosll cru- their infield ill a crack defensive Second, the levy ing of new taxes to music In th~ Harlan-ButlervlU. anc1 ~ cial week of ~he young National unit, approximately seven hundr ed Goodness and slmplkl.ly are In - HAmllton-MalMvUle dlstncl.l, auFollowing the Dodgers Into Cros- million dollars per year , presuma bly dl ssol ubly un1ted. League season for the Cincinnati _ Matlneau. n ounee" she would assume a a1m1Reds. who were confronted with the ley Field will be the strengthened to be used toward paying 01I the lar poSitIOn at Monroe;--- ~ ... USE TilE MIAMI GAZETTE task of playing the New York Phlllles, who will OPP4Jse the Reds newly Issued oonds. Third , the forCounty. WANT ADS GIa nts and the BrooklYn Dodgers n ext UTC6day atternoo'n tn a ladles' mation of the National Defense then will perform in the Corporation. with a capital of two day eVerlt, In successive series. The set against the Glant.~ was due to open Tue8~ second nl.ght game of the season billion dollars and the power to day afternoon and conclude with a Wednesday night. Tl.c:I[ets for thla issue cOl1K>ratlon bonds for Unancnight game Wednesday. Thursday night game are now a,'allable at the Ing production of mlllta ry and naval is an open date In lJIe schedule. Reds' downtown ti~et ' offlce at 30'7 eqUipment, without having the cap but on Friday the fireworks will Ville street. Mall ordell'S wUl receive ltal or bonds of the Corpora tion renlly start. for on that day the prompt attention. considered as a part of the national Club olIlclals have announced debt, although guaranteed by the Brooklyn Dodgers start a four game • series. Single games are listed Pri- that In the future the downtown government. open day and Saturday and a douole· ticket olIlce would remain I'I'0m 9 A M. untU 5 p. M. dally, reheader Sunday, It Is rumored . that the new tax The Giants are lhe latest threat gardless of whether Ule ·team Is at home or on the road, On Sundays, program will provide for a flat 10% to the Reds' National League. supremacy. while the Dodgers have when the team Is home, the down. Increa~e, or surtax, on all Income been the sensations of the league town oftlce wUI be open from 9 A. -taxes; an Increase of 1 ! ce nts a and claim to be lhe team the Reds M. until noon, and when the team gallon in the Federal gas tax ; $ 1.00 Is on the road. the Sunday hours a barrcl Increase In the t·ax on beer. , wUl have to beat for the pennant. '750 ~nt.s a gallon increase In whisThose who wonder why the wll\ be 1 P . M. to 4 P . M . key taXC6; and Increases In the man Dodgers are so potent this year can ufacturers' tax on cigare ttes and to get their answer by looking thrOlll:'il bIlccos. It must be borne In mind. tIle box scores, which show that the however. that the tax program may F1atbush Flock has been getting exbe matterlally altered before the ceptional pitching all season: Not work pf the Ways and Means Comevening a relapse sutrered by one mtttee, which began consideration of t heir aces , Hugh Casey, was Revival meetings wUl start here enough to seriously , harm 'thelr Sunday evening June 9. Rev. Ken- or. the new defensetnxes late last week, Is· rompleted . nison of Spring Valley is the evan- gel1st. Everyone Is oordially w~e , .~, to attend the service:;. Without taldng Into consideration the hee.vy Increases In approprla- ... Mrs. Ella Haines Is confined by Uons for emergency defense purposes the regular governmental ap.,.'.~;;:;~; ~~~::s a~O:;a=lIY~er 'proprlatlons will soon carry the naREAL ESTATE Mrs. Rallegh Bogan spent last tional debt <beyond the , present llm/' '~ : ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY week with her paren'ts, Mr. .a nd ita.tlon of forty-five billion dollars, Mrs. Horace Compton in New Bur- and probably beyond the suggested lIngton. helping to ~f""e- fbr ber new llmltatlon of forty-el.ght billion father who has had a severe attack dollars. As the months pass there Is BEGINNING AT 1 P M of the grippe • a grave .likelihood that further heavy BRANSTRA TOR FARM' ACRES Mr. and Mrs. Emet:son Slncla1r expenditures will be found necessary LO CATED: ., and family entertatned friends frem . if the defense program Is to be carSpringboro lind S~lng" Valley Sun- rli!d 10rward as now planned, thus Just west ot lhe corporate limits of the VIII day ~ftemoon. . necessitating more and heavier Fed- Wayne Towns h ip, Warren County. O. age ot WllynetY111e, III
': --..---",,= -:;;==-===- -An extensive restocking program of lJoLh I1s h and 81m\\: Is being planned by the Warren County Fish und Game AssociatiOn for lIlls bummer. Last .week Game Mnnagement Agept Hendel'sh~t I1l1d 'G ame Protector Brant distributed 25 .phc!,sant. l'earlng p ens to F ,F.A. and Olub boys ulld Carm el's ove1< the- count.y, who are to raise pheasant chicks to be distributed by the club . Approximately 300 twoweek-Old phclI.SUnt chicks wlll be l·e. elved Crom the Consc.rvat.lon DepIll'llllent III the near rutw-e to be l'alsel,l untll lall In these pens, The Fish alld Gume AssoclaUon appropl'lated one hundred aDd IIrty dolli1l's Cor materials and reed. The pe~s were built by vocat.lonal agdculture and F P ,A boY~ 'under Joe Kersey, of the Lebanon High -School. These birds will be In ad·dlUon to the ones l'ecelved Cor release next fall from the Conservation Depl1 rtment and the mature . birds released several months ago. The entIre program Is In cllarge of Gallle Mallagement Agent Hellllerlihot and the clul.l"s game management committee.
clu!.>'s stream committe. No fish will be stocked In private ponds or s tretches of s tream where Ilshlng Is not nllowcd. Next. week's Sportsmen's Corner will J 'uview the game managelllent program being carried out III Warfe ll cuunty with the 'young farm and conservation groups, for which the Fish and Game CllIb recently seL nslrle $1 50 In prizes,
MiSS Audrey crawrord of Springfield spent a few crays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crawford, Mr. a nd Mrs. R ay Zech and dalllrhters spent Sunday with Mr. 1111<1 Mrs. Wilde Zecll of Miamisburg. Mr, and Mrs. Willard Taylor and sons spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gorsuch and daughter. Ca llers a t the Bunnell home Sunday were Mr nnd Mrs, Levi Bunnell and famUy, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hoover. nnd son, Mr, and Mrs. Everelt Bunnell and family , Miss Audrey Crawford', Mtss Marie Gorsuch and Miss Gladys Thomas, I The Ollea Up and Comers 4-H H rest.ocklng of rtsh lIl eanR any- met at the home or MIss Janet thing, the Fish and Game Cl ub's Stowe's with nine present. Mr. nud rMs. rFank FraZicr and pl'ogl'am this summer should mnterlal\y Improve fishing n!'xt yenr, MLo;s Kalheriue Wallace and Mrs. At their last meeling the club ap- Bmmer S tewart spent Wednesday propriated one hUndrpd dollars for with their brother, Mr. Jim White. The Young peoples class of the the . purchase of eleven hundred pOI'mds of channel catrish, Th e Utica U. B. CilUI-ch are giving lin Oon.ervaUon Depn rtllll'nL hn.s In 1- Ice crcam social Friday evening, ealed that this amount will be Junc '7 , at. the .church yard. MIss Marie Gorsuch spent 'I\lesmatch wit h nn addlUonnl truck day evening and Wednesday with load over the normal stoCking' for Warren County. Thl' club Is' also reo Ml-s Ruth Bunnell: qtlMtlng the Fetlel'Oj ' Dure.lu ol "MIss Velma Koester Is spendlng a Ji'i4heties to supply small mOlltH week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. lass, rock bass and chanll~1 rot- John Koester. f ~ h for slacking In local streams. ANGLO-SAXON FEDERATION Charles Robltzer, of Waynesville, cJlalrman of the club's stream and Rev. MIlaI'd J . Flenner and Ford water comnhttee, has ' made" avoJlL. Prescott In .. A Christian Quesab! t a, Pressure !Ish tnlek for us~ Ip dls'tl'lbuUng fish In streams over Uons an Anglo-Saxon Student" on hie ,county. In t1~e past, s tate fish Thursday evening at '7:45 at the have " been dump~d In' one Or two Bible clllSS meeting of the Dayton ~..: aUons, Iblli lU1I'"ngemenls have branch of the Anglo-Saxon Federbeen made, thanks to the lise of ation In the Dayton Industries build Charlie'S' ' trUCk, to . dlstrlbute botll illg, Third and Ludlow streets. Have II~ Ilsh and those pu~ased by you a question? Jot It down. Bring ~he club In streams over the enUre It wrtIt ybu. oounty, These restocking operations There Is a majesty In simplicity be done under j,:,rlscllctlon 01 which Is far above the quatntne&'! Oame Protector Brant and the of wit, -Pope
Fairley Store
News Of The Reds
White fur Borated Tissue
'With every 4-roll package f.r 25c, 1 extra roll will be liven for
1 cent.
, .,Ali
~=;;;;;;:;~=~=~~~~~~:;~:;:;:;=~:;;~~ Al'CTIO·'N.r •
SATURDAY, JUNE 15,1940 75
Mr. and Mrs, Wm Smith and daughter Marilyn Bue spent Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. Ho;r ace Compton Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Evan Bogan and Miss ~nn1e Mliler of Dayton and Mr ruIJ Mr .a .s. Raleigh Bogan and MI.ss Dorothy Eby , Homer Haines and fa~l1y spent the week end a week ago with friends near Adina, Ohio. Miss carOl. Bunnell spent the w!'ek end Ith M ... 1 W . rll••• e 1\e Bunnell and MI.ss Moruma Burmell. Mr. and Mr.s, Fried Braddo:ck and Mrs. Prank Braddock called on Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilson Sunday evenlna. Mr. Albert Wilson of 'TYro, Ohio, Mrs. Bevin Jenkins or Kokomo, II, Indiana. u_r Oharles !U . . . . .".-8. .. H d Ta. and an man, ylor 'Handman and daughter Annette from Olncinna,tI h were among t ose who vls1ted ' Mrs. Ella Haines last week. Mr, and ·Mrs. Bevin Jenldnll and . chlldlen, Joan and &Irl Eugen~ ot ,, Kokomo, Ind .. visited the latter's
eral taxes than those now belng con sld-.red by the Ways and Means Committee, It seelll.!i absolutely cerlaln that the American people are In for more centraUzatlon of power In Washington. for greater control by government of the acUvlties of the people, and for greatcr Indebtedness and heavier tax burdens. than ever experienced by the Amerlcan people In .the past. Allot this fits In with the declared objective of the New Dealers of nationalizing buslress. finance lind Industry, thrQugh the centralization of supreme power In the government Itl"lf.
While Congress Is giving almost unantrnous · support to the requests uf the J;>resldent for emer,ency de· fenre funds, with the exception or his "blank check" request, t.here has bee I. considerable Criticism here dutlng the past week of the FIreside C}hat of last Sunday evening. Many C()ngresslonal lead!!rs have expresli~ . father John WUson an.d her brother ed the opinion ,that the President RoI:el't. Saturday. . wa~ not entirely frank or fall' with Fourteen were . present at the the people when. tn giving 'bls' re, Prayer meeting . Benllce at the port on the condition 01 the Army church Sunday evening. and. Navy, he gave only the number
Mr. Robert Hadley of Wilmington
.was our speaker
at. Olilurch Sunday
OUr pastor, ,MisII ' Antram went to CI4 PrIenda Ob~b. It
Was an eXCha~ of pa/ltotll tllrOUah"Out the Year~ lleetllillt.
NotblDr Is more l1inp1e th«n sreatnMl; 1DAIeetl. to be a1mple II to be II'U' • -JImerson.
2-story , 7-l'Oom fram e house with b.lsement furnace . porch and large front porch. bank bam 45x65 'Ith SCJ'IIDecl-JD tlobrs and stanChions (or nllle cows. concret I~ metal root. ClOIlCI'4te bined , garage : alld other outbulld: The s 0; corn crib and Ihed aocD ... mgs . e buildings are ade.·· .. stan Ual and in good repair, Electncity In All buildln s Goo . ua .. , au .. an d springs furnl h ample water supply La d i g · d w~, date"", able and produ ctive and the balance is in n Ii s rOiling, 40 ~ are WIpasture. Plenty of J:X:us t timber Gener I f woo sand permantDt ·b.\U. . . . . FOR YOUR CONSIDERAT~ON' T;1l ;rm appeal'ances are 1IOOd. outstanding community Only 20 mU' I s arm Is IIplencUdly locayd ill M . es 11 " III Dayton and Ie. • ...~'- K hour 's drive from CincinnatI. Easy access to ('I,oots ...... .urFavol'able taxes. Joins Lhe late Robert Patterson aDd brook Farm). This farm offers to the prospj!ctlve bu til'- 1m -, ,8UIIfYImprovements, productive land , Ideal country home wit locaUOIl : ~ a ll modern conveniences, and securIty Will be h, ot highest bidder. We cordially Invite YO~ to Insp:!dt~~PU:~1c auc~n to tGl of ~ale. Sale to be held on premi.ses. Rain or Shine p pert)' bel011 dQ.. J
mar,. .
TE "
$1 ' 000 .00 cas h , bank draft or. RMS certified check to be
balance on delivery of deed. Purchaser will recel paid on day 01 ..Ie, and a bstract ' f ve Irener&! warran$ 0 title , Possession within 30 d 11 •. acres of com to go with the fa~, /9 acres. graoYwlil·n.. aalleraelllSao,~ whea" Uld'
f · · or new seeding oralf!!,ICa and wheat Is seeded to clover
Immediately after the' sale of the farm, the followtn erty wUl be sold to the highest bidder'. . ' peQoDtJ
~~ .,~~ ~.~
LIVESTOCK : 3-yea olii mare Wltb fWy colt by aide,. to •. ". Percheron geldings; 13-year old geldtng; 12-year 014 ma;e' ':. . Percheron stallion. Six dairy cows, a\1 glvln' ,Ood ftQW of ' . ':t't*";'!,7 " helters; bull ' ' Five' brCOd 10W• .to farrow " . . . of sale 2 heifer CalVC6; and'Jersey , of different defense weapons as on ' · ' , hand and on order. It is .the . "on FARMIN~ IMPLEMENTS: Ol1v~r sulky plow' '1 " IL (·'.~I"'raa.'-' hand and .on order" .phrase that is chine; corn plahter wlth attachments; two l.row ~~·.I·1~·"t~ti~l';'~~ 10 mlBleadlng. As one Leg1slator corn. PlOW:. breakl~ ))Jow; dpuble disc; Pla'ttorm ac....; r~Ir-'••~" \ I__ pointed out": "There ts a great deal ness ,' linea, collars; bridles, etc, I o~-dl1Terence be~ween having a 8!1n FBE~: P,lve tons first cutting aUaUa ~a'y, m your. hand and the .picture of a HOtl8~Oi.D GO()D8: Antlqu,e W~lnutl beclr04lml: IIWlIn a when t ; ! e c!Qmes kitchen ,cabinet; .tWO.'9X12 rugs.; iw,9 porcl1 ,Mr. Rooaevelt ta~ed or the Army~t.ol', d1ahea '!lDc(numeroWl oth!!t items. '. haVing nearly twelve huDdrec1 tanks aDd OD order." but ralled to tell the people frankly that ~y ' . •, the Arm1 ODII bM tweDty-ellbt Sale -!I4ueMII " THB BAILft -IItJU'BY (leM~r:~:=~~ ,1IDaller taDb aHc!IeIMr. aDd tbat IIeIl'eIIImIDta will be . . . . . .., ...... AId et ..
"on ~
.1U1~: ,
W flsserman examination, $6.00; In 1938 "a:; but 5(),ooo • c,'rlf'lIl "cl { 'U 'I'll f~"'iII !I'r, 'l'Iil CIIIIO \Vhlte-lTallll's 01>11 01 Co,. repair of suv.:lI' L~ 1)('111 1{ !)Ought Lft [rom :'U to nF.l· II 'I' ~,a::'\'r II'" HIC. II"''',·/II ' LlI\..<;S I'S. $3.71i; W. _ Manllllll{, s r- 30 t'l'llt,s rwr 100 I l).~. H:l\S thcm Ihe ( 'olun.bu., 1111'0, M. ~'" ....." I !"' ~k uf, !la l". 1....... 1 No. 411-1:111 .. Main Street vi l'S os do wn1'<1 ell , 3'UiO: Stauley cOhl ~ CllIl!' I\U gal'. With IRVIN S. COBB W~yn ..ville. OlUo 1 ~I r,' l'IlIC 10} C' " ·'rllA. "I' PlaoDe 111 --:-" ~- .... U'1l 1'nllU l't. E,Ostmaster, .la mped Cl1S(o(llo;l l.rO I,,::;;;-";--;-/It li p l'A,'pl\ii\,1 EDa.r.d A. Second Ol~ M$i1 Matter at ' PoatOffice, Waynesville. Ohio vet. P'I, 11,(10; 'UlIt\(' I' - 'I'CX:L,O S \. II I fl,\> rrl( ' ,If th~ . I \ p IIl g ll' II)' . ' 1,II'e(' I,,!" ut ( till', nt f'OII11l11 hU8 Ohl .... Won, 1l!i611ne $3,98 ; W , H . ,a l'r 0 11 Flora M. Crane Editor and,Publisher 1111111 1"11 • 0' It' k A . M oo 1'lllillern TexfJ.l'o ' Slallon 8[\1;OUn(' $2_9; How~ I un tlllo\d ·I'llIlI'. FI'l110)·. Jllne '·H , " , I ~ I"U I ( np I rn provcllIt' nls I,n : lSSUEQ EVERY TROllSDAY ard E, I vins, " ollne, $8.22; R . D, (I If 01 "~h l ll N....'l. I to 9 In" 11I81",, By IJtVIN S. COBB al' orr r II til< QII PI'Oj"I' t n.lill I\tJ. ancl Mr...n. M , Lynch Il1la T xaco S l'vlre, i\IISoIItH" 8.w?; ft. n . SubaerlptioD Price, $1.60 Per · Year, Payable ' in Advance Cltll'l nl1lltl. ' ,,-Ill I... , WII I'.! ,'d " $ 0 11 rO IlI.rll I. ) ' '}: I , :.ujJpll .·!> a l1d G SOIlIIC, $10 ,89. ,Juli n Wl'l'e VI ~ !I ot' ~ In N ELDERLY English actor came over to take lUi ft!'8 t AmerIeaD ' Pl'iI!Jllsn l N" . I WII\' I' 11 ('ullllI Y. h lel, 'on "'~ lI<>n" LewiS ~ Drake, Inc 15 barrels ce.- '1 ll ursday . e a ment. Be bud Dever visited the country before ~ut he had I", n. 11. S"rl n"born a nL! Wll y n ~8CIl~S. Hngelllryc r nnd SO ilS Jumes ,illl,' of LI' " Pru llklin - W",mlnglol1 flt.ron;a ~ to say fixed-prejudices touching on these Unl~~d State. men. $36.00; Till' I\VI lim p S~onc :1 IW AI' l1tl' . W, ' I'f' bUS- ' flnn ,l, :-;lnt" I " gh"'u~' ~o . , ~61, Sl lIle as compared witlt the Brltiah I sles. ' THE AMERICAN WAY Co , : 11t1 [l nd Urnvel. $305.6!i; Let: : I'f' J ( 1111 , (II t\ " "l N. , ~ :l. In 1.' 11)11 " C'rc!(· k. \YTlyne The voyaie acrolls wal a rouih one and the vWtor's diapoaitioll 'I e 'tu in :If, IO"lI st posts , $12.60: h, rs, v L~ II(ll's WerlllP:xlllY In Lhls 11 11 ,1 1\1 I11., H1<' ')'u\\" II,hl \111 by il \)pi)'llI g n hltll lll l n (' II . In·Il I'IIl.·.\(. 1I ,'m '1'- 31. did Dot sweeten by reason of it. On, landing he started for, aD Eaali& "We mWlt have not oniy a chance 1n tl1e technic of 1l0vcrnm nt. but a A"ll"'I'1 M[\ICt'la l~ Cn •. oil. $2,5:16.88 ; C',I ,1mllnlty, l'lI\''' noenl : Wldlh I r ~ et . Lllnglh !'Ville WII ~on, of Dayll\ll, W(l ~ (I (;j .;'b 4 r,' I "" 1 2 . (I lnll H, change 1n its sRirlt': We mWlt h ave a' Governmen t which regardS Itself (IS ( II ., I11nntl ," Lcllanolt Expl'ess. exI 1'0\'081\,1 No. 2 I. ' Muntgnm e.'y ou nty, hl n, n the ~ant. of the people. not I~ master ; a Oovernm nL ,vltllOllt prejudice, , . t ",: IHlI'UC5 on rnble, $.44; The , nil I' 'll till' h :r rl s IWIlH' . 'l'h\ll'sdIlY. b: M LOuise RI'('lI 118 1\ ond nnil 'pn.'t C) t Sel'· • J J a OOvernmen~ under which we' can move forward ill-m in ns a unlwd 1111- . ',l l' E,e II'1C ~qlllp lll e nt Co.. , parts, "III'S, Il!'\ aco S , rs, . Li nn" or tl", J\finml" lJul'g-Rp rill l{ t1pnr-men of confidence. men of hope. men of good-will."- Wendel1 L. J" :,:!, B y OilY Shovels, m e .. 1 Fnll'- J ll('oll~, Mrs, MlIln lc Ellis anci son. Vullt" 110,,'1, IAlp fll g .h\\'l\)' !I/ o. 114 . {Itunl a ,,,1 S ll\l" ROll I ' No, nr., In WUllde . . I l' ~HI n. ' 1I1bly, $142.50; 'rh e Trl- r.'lyto n. W('l'C visilol's 111 Ll'bllnon , WnAlll n g lun 'l'lll,' nllhms. Il\' IlPlllyl ll g n lillllrtllnuU8 tr NllnW III, h m T -3 1. Monday. ~t statement 15 a timely warning to us as R nl\l,lon to r clurn to th£' ~. tl\lf' 19niliun Co" pal' , $17.92; The L -_ _--.-...... l'II" orn nl : WldU. 1\ (,·Pt. Len",th Mr. nntl Mrs . Pred clhcll (111 11 his '~!'" I ~tl tn' l 01 ' 6 ,'7 1 m ll<lR, fundamental prinCiples of oUr constitutional form of govel'llment if wc ' Jr q' nla Bl'ld[le Co., Inc. , rel nr, f' 1'OPOSllI No. 3on S 11011 8 boardiq hOUM uptown, wbere be had ~D told he could get Eq~ wiSh to retain Uberty and opportunity as we h ave known tllel11 .-l ndllstrllll ~ !(: d , $128.49 ; Mrs, A,m anda R eed . 1 11101 lIeI'. Mrs . Rose Sheil , I1f T oledo, (Ir' " 'n 'ou nt )l. Ohio, food uncontaminated by base Yankee notio~. To keep ~OWD , ~~ Mr. nlltl Mrs, Cllns . ElIL~ nnd . ons, Hr' IIlJl'OIlI,, h " lid F Q( Ihe Mln mlH ' Ne'lt'l Jievsew \ ,,: I' Lnllk , $.50 ; All ' e M, Amold, III II'C'-SI1rlnK Vall eJ , Rond. ~ t u t e be elected to repair thither by .. street car matead of WIlD, a cab. He emerged from . the pier. laden with a hatbox, hia umbrella, of Sabi ll f.\. were Pl'lciay aflel'lIoon lI "l' l ~wl\)' No, ~9 4 . SIn.te Rnllte ' No. " , \ ulld Clll'C. $5.09 ; ~r" In SlIl'\'llr e l'O,,,k Iwd SP l ing Vn l- bis makeur\ tin, his gnp_two In number-his steamer ruc, . his .ta · " L.Iln Tloll. Invalid carc, $5.00; S udn cn li crs of M1'5. Alice T erry and 7It,y 4=~~W= ======~~==========~======~======~==:=-= Tuwnshl :)8. h y 1l11pl}' ln f; a hilum - caddy, his Clvercoat, llis framed picture of the Death of ~~18OD, ~d _, IlI'HI .. lI'('n ~nwn l, 1t ~ 1Il '1'- 31. C'!'ITIl10IlS, Invlllld care, $5,00 ; Ger- J fl ml1y, 1'1I\'(' I" tlnt : \vl fl~h 18 to 30 tt'et. other prlsed personal belonrings, and climbed aboard ncar.' Mr. nnd Mrs. Menrlc Terry were 1."lI io1' l h 9fi,9'01 ( ~ t 01' Co .fiO 11'111 8. II IIfll' ,Jones,' Inl(alld care, $8.00; Ed Just IlS h e got fait'ly upon the platform the car started and IW ,I. Propusal No. 01. I ! ~ '. er . Invalid care, $5 .00; Newton bllslnc:ls visitors in Lebanon, Friday, rell through the open door into the aisle, 9Utterin&, hill roods ... (;r"o ''1' CunniI'. Oh io. lin Section R chattels ill ",very direction, As he got upon his knees. he remarked ill Mr nnd Mrs. Willi am Prock nn d 1111.1 !,lIrl of " ..etlon S or LIle DIlYIta IIlper . invllUd care, $10 00; L . B . In,,·C'hllll('(,lh,· H OMI. Slat HI g h- In a tone of ('onvlction : II Srcplc, lnvnlld ror e, $5.00; John E. (laughter-In-In w, Mrs. f'rook nnd wILy Nn. ~9. I . S . Rout No. 3fi. In "There DOW I 1 ltDew I shouldn't like the blnrsted COUDt~ I littlc Sltlldl'R, ntte ndrd Memorial N, ' w , 1 1l>lp 'r Gild RI II' er ',. ek Town " 'I' . on . invnlid care, $7,00; Andrew l\IAllRIM1F. I.I CE NSES tAIMI'I.on No ... FIouIU",.. I"c,) NEW SUITS "lIlp8, by npp lylng 11 hllumlnoll s t l"'lllOl .."L. H o m T -:! l . Be: l. Invalid care, $7 ,00; Chlnll Mor- servi ces In CIIll·lnnnti. T h ursday. m III : WIdth 19 tH I , l.en glh Mr, nnd Mrs . Hnrry Cline have as 3 4 ,PU it" Cnrl Mullenix, 21. laborer. Fmnk- r a ,~, Invalid Clll'e. $8.00 ; Smllrt's G ~ fet' l llr 6. 62 ml\ e8. 1.Jd1a Whitt vs. Miles P Whitt"dl: NOTICE OF APPOJNTl\fENT P I'o p0 9nl No. fi ll ue,~l s In U ... l r h O lll e. Mr, Ollne's (;al'llll , gasoline. 521.28 ; Hatllllway's Un, and MathHda Slegemollel', 22 , vorce, extreme crulllty. Il r "III' ('uunly. Ohio,. ()n po.r~ of AdmlnlBlrator de bonIs non wltll mother. o r So. Dllkotn , and Mrs. :;,,('[10 11 D ot th e .11lIl1 e8 tlllw"-H I\I ~ Texaco Sel'vlse, brasoUne, $1.08, In the matter of the trllnsfer of Lebanon. h oro Hond. SUl le H Ighw ll" No, 473. the will Ilnnexed, Lucy Wil liI'. o f Wilmin gton . Roy William Fitzgerald. 21. enfundll of t he trustees of Hamilton "lU I." Hout" No. i 2, In Slh'l'r Crel'k Jolin M, Wilson . of I"elln non , was "'u lVn~hlp. b)' nppl)' llIg n bitumInou s townsbip ; a ction for transfer of gineer assistant, Franklln. and EsI nwhl, It m 'I' -3J. a Tuesdn.v afternoon visitor of MrR, I r"n Pavement : WIdth 8 t "I. Leng th ther Morris, 19, clerk, Frank11n. Estllte of Ruth lIannah Crew, funds. 8Y PHYW8 BELMONT :l. ~ 'I O fe el (I I' 1. 75 mll ~8 . AciRh Tallll(lile and family , MI'. and Jack H ancock. 24, bllnk teller. David W, Bet:caw vs , Jam~s W. Deceased P"opoelll No . G Mrs, R. H . Hnrtsook, Miss J ean Hllr t r: r p n(> ou nl )', Ohio, on Section P. Bercaw, et al .; tor partition of real Lebanon. and Ardis Sarles. 20. tele~ollce is hereby given Ulat Robert or th!' 'l ull1hlls· Inclnno.t l Rond wclt and Mrs. C. H Dealll el'l\ge, of .·lot HIg hwD r No. 6, U , S. Route 8. Crew whose , Post Office Addl'ess phone operator, Lebanon . estate ,and olJler relle!. A project that Is of grellt Interest Nc.. 2. In re dnrv lll e Town M hlp. by Way nes ville, wer e e'ienlng ca llers, ,~orge~. Lahman vs. John Holt ; " 1)"l y ln,.,. a 'hltuml nous lrelllment. Is 247 Telford Avenue. Day ton, OhIo to the 1 ga l professi on, as well ns John Wllsoll and Mary Wilson reIII T-3 1. II for $50,000 and costs, has been duly appointed a s AdmInnEAL ESTATE TR,\NSFERS historians . Is being prosecuted under tur n"d to thell' hom q In Lebnnon, I'DvP"" 111 : Wldlh 1 f I't, Le ngth Rober t Lalunan, a rnlnor. by hi 13;200 r I?t 01' 2 50 miles. lstrator de bonis non with Ule will the dlrecllon of Secre lnry of State baLUl'dllY after pas.'il ng n week In PrOpOsal No, 7 father, ,vs. John Holt; for $5,000 and Bernice Culp to AJ lce 0 , Culp ; George Nelrn el'. It Is Lile prepnm- tl1d 110lne of Mr. Rlld Mrs. Allnon' \ orr'l\ ,ou,nt\', Ohio. on Spc\lon Ilnnexed ot the Estate ot Rulh HanA of Ihe Pr anklln - Lebn noll Road. nah crew late of Warren County. ,c::osts, I IIe F ~ Uon of all h istorical index to nit Sllll e Rout e lots 685 and 684 In Frank lin. • HIgl, wll)' No. '_<.0, a el'l'ls. T he 1atter 's fr iends Il\'e plellS- SII't Rut h A. RatoUfI ·vs. John C, RatS, L , Simpson and Myrt.le A. Simp st.a.thLe laws of Ohio f rom the north n.l ucll Inl- No. 1 23, In Frll Ilk 11 II Il nll Clea" Ohio. dtecased. d to learn . t ha t sh e is '" k Tow nshi ps. l.ly al>pJ}' 11I 1f n 1111; dIvorce. gross neglect of duty, Dated chis 22nd daY of May. 1940, bl lumlllOus II' alm enl, li m T -3 1. son to Roland Ensign and Mlll'garet we 't terl'lIory down to date. a rranged \.1v.,<u III health P"I Edith W , Thqrnaa , vs. Arbll H. RALPH H, OARn O . Ensign ; s mll ll t ruct of lnnd In a lphabeUrolly as to subject matter M I'. and Mrs , Fn!d Thompson 2 8.5~~e~~~t~r ; .•~'~lle B~ee t. Length Thomas; divorce, extreme cruelty, Judge of the Probate Court Springboro. nnd showing the yca!' , volume. page have had as a visitor In their home W rr II ~~~It;,~~~ 1 o'i,~, .8 on :; ctl on Warren County. OhJo Grace MUleI' to Wlllla m R. H a m- and sections where the enactmen~~ for 11 few days, her mo tileI', Mrs. ~ta~~ Wrgh~'~lnyn~~~ -J5tlb~~~~e ~g~~~ Robert B. Crew. Atty, COI\1l\ION PLEAS PROCEEDINGS I1ton ; a bou t 75 acres In Warren nnd . can be founl1 , Through the us John Wilson. of Spring Hili, No, 123. In len r reek and Turtl 1 .....- - Dayton, Ohio. ' JI', ILL you pi. . . . .U m. whom all. Clermont counUes. this Index , a \'list amoli llt 0\ cllrly Mr . a l1d Mrs, WUbl11' McCarren To,,' , phips. hy I\ppl ylng a bltumln0119 tr ntll1ent, Hem T· 3!. I MSO-J6-13 Ir ,room ,eneraUy ,,,. ., lor hb .,. The Village of Franklin vs, The G eorge R. Henkle 0 A. L. Hnln es Irgal and hl~tort I matter cov r ill! attended the alumni meeting at Pn" PlllE'lIt : Wldlh 18 to 20 fee l . .endGllu? DOli ,h. ".oom ..,er ha._ Board of Education of Fran!tlln V U- lot 97 in Lebllnon. th e growth and development of the Harveyaburg l?aLurday night. L ngth 2 4, ~~O ~~B~I o{,o~ ·~o mil es, hi. fg,h.r for btl. mAlt? p PUZZLED CROOM lage , School D15trlct; judgment r eJames Countryman to Al Coun- State of Oh io, will be uncovered and Li ttle Oharles Wllliam an d D G ,' ell COll nt)', Ohio on Sp~ 1I n A on- Cp,l urd ll p nt th p nl tiOllbllS- In In . bli Aruwer-The brideJl'oom ma:r ad ' . ieased. aid Beckett, of Spring RL11 wel'e 1~1l11 }Iolld, Sla te HlgohlW(1)' No, 6, U , trymll n and Anna Coun trymn n; modc available fo r pu c use, an lnUmlte friend, hla brother or The Guardian iBaplc & Sllvings r>Rrt of tract 3 a'n d a.11 of tract 4 In complete outUnc ot the statutory o ve r F I'lday 11lgtl' guests of 1 I " , Rellil N o. 42 , In do.r\,l il .. T ow n• t 1e r Slt lp, by 0.1 pI ~' lll E!; 0. bltuminoull Mr. Frank Kyne returned home anoth.r relaUve to be beat,man, but Company, It. corporation, VS. Adams "Th e KnOl ls," Franklin township, 111story of churches. ronds. banks. IP'and paren ts, Mr, B,nd Ml's, S. D , Ir DI m nt. II III T - ~1. more and more now w. read 01 wecSByron "Co,untryman to AJ Couo- alUes. d epart ment,s an d Institutions P n \. ' nwn l ' W ldl h 2 .1- ~O- ~ 0 feet on Wet.lllesday frol11 11 ~ hree we Its B . Dlcldnson. et al.; Judgment redina. wber. th. brt4e.room eboOl ••_ F erris and Mr. nnd Mrs, Almon Leng t" 3.tl 6 f .. O! t or 0.70 mile. . teased. 1rymlln and Anna Countryman; will be compiled . This Index will be Ferr" , 'I'o' AI [lmllLed cos t .... "6,136.15 visit with reilltives In Cleveland and '" Pl'oposals Nos, 1 t o 9 Inclusive of Defiance. His dnll ghter Mrs. John hi, lather, Perbepi tb1. 11 one 01 ~ ' Jrutan 1.ewis VS, Evo B. LeWis. et tract 5 in "The Knolls." the nice relu1tl 01 th. Dewar relathe key for opening the door of _ __ - - - _ Ih l~ project to be o mpl e t ~ d not O 'Donnl'1I ac, ompnnled him home 110na evolvlni between parenti an! Harry C. Eldridge, Sr.. to Earl knowledge Into ' all t he lega) and hls - Gl !lru Ie GR''''VATE IUIT1r th al"IA \lKus t \ 5. 1940. .1.: Carrie B. Wllliams appointed """ '" In n mum wage 10 be I)alll 10 chUdren, The brldel1'oom '.enerallJ guardian t r "t wo Want defendon ts, Mllxwell Woodward and Agn es C, tOliclll mater ia l of Ohio. ea rly a nd PREPARED TO TEACH 1\11 la bur empl oyed on this contract to spend the week end , · s ha ll be In aC: l'ordnn wi th the lelecu mOlt at the Ulberl from bli Juanita Bonllaus and Michael 1 d l I t tn case. 'pattltlon ordered, Woodward; part of lot 805 In Frank- la te. and be a valua b e ad tOil 0 '!':rhpdule of Pr "ailing HourlY Wage belt friend, of about btl own alep law. leglslll:tive a nd historical librafl~ l ~s Ascp rtnln d a nd Dete l' mln ~ d Wade Who were married In RIch- -Aetna, Laym6n vs'. W. H. Hamil- Un, but 11 the bride b.. brothen Ohio State Univers ity's depart- b)' The Pepa rtm nt ot Tndustrlal Remond May 29 , are at home to their male relatlvel It II conalderecS coUrttln. at al,; case dum1ssed. Roy L. Hudson and MllI tha Hud- rles. Ohio .... the first srate to assem ment 0f music tills sprihg gradua tes In onst appllcnblA to Int e .Hlgh-'ay ....li ~ t r T ,... son to Wlillam Elmer Barnes ', lo t 86 ble th is lnfonna ~lon In book form v epar m II mprovemenl s In nc- fri ends: III the Sh John property on teous lor the brldel1'oom to include' the largest class In Its his tory, ac- ordll no . with S!!Cllolls 17 -3. 17-4. and It Is expected to be completed 1 7"~ a. 17-fi o. n(; 17-na or th e Oen pm\ Pike St. ~t least lome 01 them, Howevir,' in Franklin. PROBATE COURT cordin g to" Professor Eugene J . o(} or Ohio," 8prlnr: Valley Alllmni elected t he ushers are needed only at a church J ennie Grannan to WlIIlam Ger- some tim e n ext year, W I I I I 'I'lio IJld d r IIlll ltt ""hml t \YUh hlA hill a. cerllrl "lI r ll ~~ k III lin Ilnlou nt rollowing ' olIlcers at the bnnuqet weddlni when manY au,sll are Ine ce. C; la rmlln . In the matter of the estate of. ard Henderson ; ten lots In Loveland Sixty-one June graduates or the e'l'''' I to flv pe r cent (If Ole 1'8 tl -· . Charles H. HartSock, deceased; inHarriet N, Hamil ton , deceased . to The exp.anded p UOt t ra ining proIIHUe,1 cus l , bllt,. In no event more 61\t1l1'~ay evening'. -P£eslden t Carl lilted. Phyill. Belmont.-WNU "rVICI tdepartment are qua.1lfied for music Lha n l n I hous lI.ncl ,loliarK. O 4 . Smith , ~Ice pre.~lde nt Wilton Lumpvento~ .a.pprov.ed, and Grace gram. an nou nced by President Roos - teaching and superVision In "I W l.Ulam 11. Haml1t~ ~" the r l U'1! a. n(I ""","It Ira IIOl' ,' o.rA on I . se&-ebat'y-ftfld trensurer Marlon velt. wUl mean an Incrcnse In tlle til e In th e d l,n l' lnwn+-<>H.lg hw:l),9 In> the matter of the estate of MUler ; 75 acres in Wa rren and Clr r11Ubilc schools--44 In vocal work, nnd l he 0((1",' of I'll r~H).I <' nl ,11".... W. Smith, corre.~pondlt1g secr ~ tary , .WtU1am·,D. Relf, deceased ; inven- mont. counties. number of Ohio students taking the t r lr't cle pllly ,1I1'pc tor , 15 In it1stl·Ull1ental. and two ~1 both '1'1 II Vcrn Peterson. Nina Ledford to Let·oy Ledfol'Cl. et Ci vil Aeronautics Au thority courses n l'e,~ ,p ( r" " t'J f r pf'lI'v PS Ih (' r lg hl t o • • tory approved. n r j~ t IlIl Y and llll bltl:l. Mr. and Mrs , S. E. Thomns and RoM. !-!. HpI ~ htl P I', ', '- In the mtltter of the estatf of al, ;. 76 acres 1n Harlan and Marion to about 2,500 .It has been estimated. At presen t. 470 Ohioans are ta')tlng Stnlp Hig hway Plr !'CIIlI'. fOIlS of Cleveland spent Deeoratlon )- 'Alice Gibbs, deceased: William E . t ownships. ( ay nnd Friday with Mrs. Tho/llllS' Jiiaas appolilted I\dJnlnlstrntor, Ol- WUlIam ~ . Ford. deceased , to Anton the t hree months' tl'alnl n g courses NOTle:!;) 'ro ( 'ONTR,.tf''I'oil!il parents Mr, and Mrs. J. T, Walton. iver Chamberlain, Ed Fitzgerald and and Mary Bmun ; 100 acres In Har- at 20 colleges and universities. These ~'I'''''I' ''~ II ... 01110 nEI'AJI'I' IIII';I\1',' liP IUOKWA .. iII MrS, Marie Wlhl of COlumbus Dick Menge appointed appraisers . classes will gl',a duate thls June, at ,I an township. C ~I Uonlt,,,,,, flhlo. Ma,.. :;:4. 11141l In the matter of_ the est.a.te of (I .. rk uf Sale. I'''.ftl C O"", No; 40-1:11 11..11l1t the week end with her tllther Velmn Pointer to James D . Sher- the end of the school year , Na tlon(Delayed!) l lNl'r I·II 'I(;IC C ON'I'n", 11'1' J rauk Kyne. ~npl~ B. T,url}er. deceased; hearing row; lot 56; 1 acre In D eerfield town ally, the progra m will train 50,000 Mrs, Cnr! Randall was removed to !,;('(, lp,1 p"ollOHlLls 'will hll r ct' lved Mr. and Mrs. Evan ParsollS and ship. pilots a year, fl vc times the present · on ' I~V~~rY ~ set for June 3. . lit rho " rr ll'~ ut Ih p Stilt IIlg hw IlY In the maiter or the estate of Blaine Gustin to Wilmot Gusl.ln; quota , the presiden t s tated. The new the Miami Va lley hOilpll:aI Tue~day DI/,oot(,r or Oh io. Cll Colll onl.1I1I Ohio son of Springfield were Sunday t until t en o' lock A. M,, ' r.:i,. lPrl; guests at Mrs Pa .... ons par n ts Mr . ... : program wlil wheel In to action by for an opcra'l·on . Sile I" ge tting alol1g Hh\n 14- B.. ~ua~, deceased; eState val- lot In Lebanon, dn rtl T im.·. 11)r ldl'~' •. Iun , 14, . '" , e • Il.,il l Mrs. John Reeves. ued . at f21'12.13~ ~'!rltanl:e tax deAJV8. C. Stiver Ilnd Mary Louise July 1 and w1l1 contlnuc 011 n 12 all well a s can be expected a t this ' J940. d'or Impl'nvp mlm tH In : \OV IlI'ren COil 110' . Ohl.>, otl St·Cllons 0 ...~~. !IS none, Morgan to Martha Ann Morgan; mon ths basis without regard for Slim Llmc, D or tit .. r' 0I\l mhtl9-P III"lnnati 1t""U}. .Ie Reeves of Jamestown. visited Gcorge Gilliland was taiten to Stn l o , Hi ghway No. G, U. S, Route lois brother here on Decoration day. !n .tbe . Dl:!'tter of the estate of 135 acres In Hammon township. mc.r VAcations. Three classes of stu. . - ;. , .N.. , 4~; In Turtl e Cr etlk and 'Iellr Mrs, Cora Compton has been in .Jmla . ~, ~ d~ Harold E, John Connors to PllIrle Connors ; dents will be eli gible for the training MCCl ella.n hospital Xenia Tue$- 'I'opk 1'ownshlp9. hy r ' slIrfnclng ,j, tar CO n ...,tl', 0 b .... t 'lmls.: appq~~4 admln1strator, 'Ed- lots 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 In Lovelnnd. collegc a nd universi ty studen ts, per- cloy 101' a ll opemtlol1 . Have no word wlLh Wlilth : Pa".>menl 20 ( PP t pIllS or 9 orn w"e paS two Weeks cnrlng Illuli or tor her daughter Mrs, Russell Oarr mInif Y; HUlL,1w ny ~o red 1ma McNeely to Thomas Martin p on.~ In clvlllan .lIfe who . h llve had 011 condi tion . ~~ ~,Charles Harris and 1"" 11, I~~ "'nh ~, I,~oa.r, fe ! 01' • OG3 Who 1s or1tt--~--.....,c~l!iIiiiii.lIIi·iii·.'.'.'~ iii lies. ttl. ' peo~e. S1~enat1ck , appointed ap- and Mary Martin ' part of lots 192 some flying experien ce nnd youn ~ DOI'othy Gerh,a rt speht Sunday a t '111 E:H \lrnnl d (lOs t . . . , . . . . , ' S3!I,4r.O,OO Th,e many f.rl ends ' of Mrs, Ohas, " 'PraiserS, and 194 and lot 193 In Mason. m cn h a ving meohanica l experience "he l)aI'Sonage. . (lo.:t 10 bl' "mllp l \!l'd 1I0t later i :. 'I ';; tlIe matter of the settlement of LewiS Drake. d eceased , to Emma but who do not have ~ollege t l'alning Ml's, Lee Riley'S sister of Now , IhaCont" n, R"P lpmbl' l' Ir., 19~O. ' .eV~ble were IlOrry ,to·learn.ihe .waa Th ... minimum wage to Ill' f)alll to ~ . . " , .' '~~ e4tBt;e of L. ri. ~$, deceased Drake, part of lot 55 and lot 7 in 'T'lIr a /{e bracket will be from 18 t.o 25 York Is visiting h er . nil I:d lo,' empl oyed on thl" untracl takell to a hOSlliLlll In Dayton Uie h n ll he Itl ll.('.co rilo.n 'e with th" ~ast wt'ek and Is In a serious con'. copy' of entry determ1n1ng inher- South Lebanon . Cost to the govern m en t In tW'nlng MI'. nntl MI's. Harry CorneU anrl ~"Srh .TAIt,VtA-I.l'nllO TAR AND ~ dlll o( Prevailin g Hourly ' " 1timce ta. to be pe.1d ls orde1"ed cer- , Tlllie Drake. 'deceased , to Emma nut a CAA Rracillate Is about $290, Wi lm a Smith were a ll clay guests of Wage fl ,.t..." ASQ~ rlalned un,l Delel'- dltion, ROAP 011.; " I'lJI'CAVA7INO mined b)' Th .. [tepllrlm enl of IndusMr d M tl1lecC Drake; lot 7 In South Lebanon, Among OhIo schools offering t hc 1,II e p. J . Thomnses a n d Harry Ford- 11',1111 n Il\lIonll ILPlllleil ble 10 State . an r s. Lee Griffy and, 'nt lMP TR IIO K' S6:RV 'l OE ' H 'I,( h wo.y , 0 pllrttlll' lIt Improv um.. ntB ·' ch1ldren of DetrOit were Sunday " In the matter of the estate of WIl11am Hasting. deceased, . to courses a nd Ihe ~ tudents eachls now uyce Tuesday. . III u 'c ur tl a l~c with Se lIun.. 17-3 .deeca.6ed; hearing Lucy Hasting ; about, .53 acres in trnlning m'e: Ohio Stnte Uni versity. Herbert Meredith Is mak1ng prep- 17-4, 17-4,.. 17-fi un,1 17_fill o t Ilia guests of ,Mr. and Mrs. Roy NonIe PIT RUN, LOADED ~ ~,; ; , on inventory 18 set ,for June 11, Warren county, ._ . ., 5~; Capital University, 10 ; Bowling uratlolls for building al) extension C 'l!I~~Il~I~~~~ ~u !l~I~~'bmll ' W'IIII bill ,PaUl ~Webb Who ha.s been employed 'hlil u certlrl d ~ h ¢k In all Ilmount at the Spring Valley bakery h"q nc. ,', lit the 'matter of the estate of Wllllam Sims, et aI., to Homer' Green, 30; Ohio University. 30; Ohio La his ba m . (:(jllal ' lO rive p 1" .:ent of the ,est!. ... ' 'James ' Mayes, 'mentally lll; appllca- Sims; 8.00ut 50 acres in Warren Northern , Ada, 20 ; Mlll'letta, ]0; LlIst sUJnmer we walled . "It Is so nll~ t cd co~t, IH.l. In n o ev.,nt more ceJtted a position In Dayton, 'tlQn for admit tance to Dayton State county. Kent State Universi ty. 40 ; K enyon . Ul'y , We will 11a~Q nothing." This ' Ih~rlll~n tl~'!t°!~~~?fl'~~ltll~':8 are on Mr, and Mrs, G. V, Sims accomPbOllti, . W'ayneevliie 4:~ 'R' If ' 'H~ltar Is ord~red sent. Clara E. Treon to Edwal'i1 Knorr ' 10 and W1ttenberg, 10· y~li l' we a1'e wailing , "It is tao wet. ril e In th e CleilUrtmenl or hlll\hWIl.YII panled by Mr, and Mrs. W1lfrecl Lebanon ~fficc Ph~~e. ' - K~ ...... In , ~ matter of the estate ot ' 4.42 acres in Lemmon t ownship , But~ We will hllve nothlne:,:' -Wonder why ~:'I~l 't~':O'::f:I~~r~~t~~e re~ld ent dl,It- , 81ms 01 Dayton motored to Clnct~ dlt'l! 'lor res erv ell ~he right to nati on Sunday and 8""nt the da u For the fl.rst time since 1008, Ohio huma n bei ngs can't be content and I' ~Jte · HUth ,H annah Crew. deceased; Rob- ler county, ,!i8.,,'. MorroW' l:UO~"~. 'S jcct any 'and all bId s . .... J ~t B , crew appointed adrnlnlstrator Anna E. Mosstcllcr to Leha Mc- is likely to h ave In Independent ca n be assured that the Most High , Robt, S. BelghUer with relatives. :de, bonis non with the wlll annexed ' Mnh a n ; lot 60 in Mason dldate tor Governor a t the gen el'nl knows what He is about? We have Stltte' HIIJIhwl1Y DlTector Mr. and Mrs. Roy 1!Itubbs of DaY-lillll!."".J!!I!~"II!I.I!!.~"j ;-.- In the ' matter of the est.a.te or M. M. Cu lp, d eceased ;' to Juanita election 00 November 5. Re v, Her- never s tarved yet. ton we.r~ Sunday 1U8IIta of Mrs. . Harriet 'N. HamIlton. deceasl;)d; cer- Mny Wick , et ul. ; lo ts 685 and 884 in bert S, Bigelow, of ClnclJmatl. has ::::~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~ ' 8t~'8 grand mother Mrs. Sarah . \, '3 • tlflcaCe ot.. t.ranster ordered, inherl- Franklin. nottfled Secretary of State George ~. lax determ.1.iled as none_ Neftner of his IntentIon to qualify ·. lIr, .and Mrs. EMn Hurley enterUSE. 't'CUR HEAObIGHTS 'PROPERLV . In .the , matter' of 'the estate of BILLS ALI.OWED as 1111 Independent candidate for tained at ,~ , [alnlly dinner on StmRuth, C. Lyr\;ch, deceased; hearing -Governor and his petitions will soon day. tI)e fOllowiug, ' Mr, and Mra, , 'REAL' ,Oll;lC~ule. of debtS ls set for June' Soft Water Landiy laundering cur be In, cirCUlation , 25,000 s lgllers be· Harll 'Iturley. ' Mr:'and Mrs ,Ev'er~,tt.'1 :.13. etltat:4! I.VlllUed · at $1617,76, Inher- tll'ins for Oourthouse, $,50; C. Don: Ing the legal r ei}ulrement to get h is , 'Hur ey a114 'daugh~et'; Shitl~Y, Mr. IN~1:iR4N~E,: " 1tance.!taX' determined as none. a Id Dllatush , rent of office for p'r os- name on the otflclal ballot It Ie ,n ot anl! Ml'~. ~ Leol~d Ji(u.ley AUC710,~EEli,t:; ~';t " \,iI; ' ,inatter . the estate of ecutlng attorney. $20,00; 'Wilbur known at this tim e. whether or n ot dai' ~-hter of.··Daytoh, and • . ' ' , . ' .......9~ ·McIntosh. ~eceased; report or Swanger , servlces as janitor of Me- 11 f111 Independent ticket, contalnln6' BlII ~den and daughters New Vlem;a_ . . "ClCfII~n~ apProved. morlal Ha ll, $25,00 ; Treasurer of candldates 'for all sta te office's. will .: ' Ib ~e matter · cir~' the estate or State, support s ix dependent crlp- be presented . Andrew F. otte, Inde, . Mr. anil ~ra. ~d W~lton: Jr.:: \> ~II shiqlt. deceaced; certlfl- pled , t hlldren. $58 74 ; Columbus pendent cat;ldldate for Governor in anJ !4r. allli Mrs. Poreat Grandin ~ . . otd~ed. · Blank Book Mfg , co.'. supplies for 1908, polled but 397 v.otcs while Jud- . , " and daUihtel' Daralla w(!l'e Sunday to' , of the , eatl!ote or ' prosecuting attorney, $9 .55; Wright's SOil Har mon , D emocrat, r.ecelved: , I ~fternoon' guests of and Mn.o ~e!iea~I;' eatate valued ' Market, rood. $2.50 ; ' Lewis & Drake, 552,569. J , 'TI.IWalton'. , " M;'~!oIlJ"l~!~ 1ilIlertta~l.; lI~ deter- ltf( , 5 bags Saltoruc for jail, $6.25; Mr,. and Mrs, Bert Grlftr of Dr. H, 'M. WUlIams. coroner's cost Nor tihwestcl'n o.hlo sug!U' beet ,nesvllJe. viail;ed' 'Mr, and ~ of bill, . ... 30; Dr: H. M , WiI~a·m s~': cor- -farmers Ilrt! prof! t.ing by the Stat e Nog.S:1e o~ SUJu4y,. I' \'fI1. .tt.c!D-,. de~!liech. ached- oner's cast bill, $4.30;, C: Donald Dl1- We fare Dr,partmt) llt·s policy of buy--'---~atush. stamps . for prosecuting at- 'in Ohio produots for' the 23 , state .':Love.oDe ano~" (f, obD; 'JS> :tIIitjgattet-"c)l tl'le- 8,dopUon or tOrneY....6.00; Wllwn E Hoge, secre- inst.ltut:lonSw1th a popUlation of Is tbe ~t. 'atDiPIe and Pl-ID - rCl·IUDl:I,1 beartn~ · on~ . tary, employer's ,contribution to re- 37,8'77. Since Jonllary, I, t he state ccunse1 of the 1napJred Wl'lJel', ____ 11 ~ lor June" tl rement fund, $18,53, has PUI'e!uuled 620,000 Ills uf Ohio -~17 aSter BddJ, ......~__ of .&he- eatale . or ' Karl D. Datto, prem1uni on wur- beet sugar and expects to lise apiln PI"': ....,.. ance polley on LaW lJbrary books. "roxlm tilly 1,500,000 Ibs. during the USB ':nIB IIIUID'. ~ T I2UO; 0, Willard Hoffman, 101, ' D.; . year, The purchases of Ohio s).IlIar , WAft,.. · .
Beech - Glr ove
Around the World
,H is Worst Fears Confirmed
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[~.. County Court News
What to Do
State Capital News
- - --- _. -_
F. T. Martin
Centervllle,Ohlcf ~
.!Phone ·71J '.
".i' . ' S d& G
I " rav'"·.r·
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Prank sunPson.
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,Zain Armit.g~,: 473·
., \ With a bu\..~_ • In Congre$s••• •
---_a - ••____ Sport.m~n
Cotner B, Jiarry Eltlrlq". Jr.
An extensive restocking program of both fish ' ami Ka \l\o is btllng planned' by t he Warren County Fish and Game AsSoclaLlon far this ~ Umnlf'l'. Last week Game ManagelOcnt Agel'lt Hendersh'!t and GUlIle Protector Brant dIstributed 25 pheasant rearing pens to F .F .A. and . C~ub boys and fal'mel's ove/< the' county. who al'e to raise pheasant chiCks Lo be distributed by ·t he club. Appwxlnll1lely 300 twoweek-old phcasunt ohlc)Ls wUl bo HI. elved tWill the ConservatiOn Deparllllcnt ill the near rutwre to bc l'al~ed until tall In these pens. The Fish und Game Association appropriated one hundred and fifty dolIIll's for materials and leed. The pens were built by vocational aflrJculture and F .F.A boys 'under . Joe K ersey, of the Lebanon H.l1~h Schoo': These b irds wlll be In Ild·dUlon to the ones received COl' release n ext taU from tbe COIlSel'VIItloll Department and the mature birds released several months ago. The entire pl'Ogram is In charge of OaUle Mallagement Agent Hendershot and the club's game management committee.
club's stream complitte. No fLsl.. -wlil be. sto()k~!El-m--ar-l¥a,l~--Hl!Z.r 'p onds or .stretches of stream Ilshlng Is not allowed. Next week's Sportsmen's Corner will .review the ga~e management program being carried out in War. fe ll cuunty with the young . fa rm a nd conservaUon groups. for which the Fish and Game Club I'ecently set aside $150 In prizes.
UTICA Miss Audrey Crawford of Springfleld ' spent a few d'ays with her parents MI'. and Mrs. Earl Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zech and daughters spent Sunday with Mr. Rnd Mrs. Wade Zec.h of Miamisburg. Mr. and Mrs . Willard Taylor and sons spent Thursday wIth Mr. and Mrs . .Leslie Gorsuch and daughter . Oallel'$ at the' Bunnell home Sunday were Mr and Mrs. I.evl Bunnell and fa mU y. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Hoover and son, Mr. and Mrs. EveI'II Bunnell and family . Miss Audrey Orawford: Miss Marie Gorsuch and M iss Gladys Thomas: I The ' tJl lca. Up and Comers 4-H met at the home of Miss Janet Stowe's with nine pl·esent. Mr. Dud rMs . rFank FrnZier and Miss Katherinc Wallace and Mrs. Banner Stewart spent Wednesday with their brolher, Mr. Jim Whi te. The Young Peoples clnss pf the UUca rr. B. Church ar giving an Ice cream social Friday . evening. June 7, at the church yard . Miss Marie Gorsuch spent Tuesday evening and Wednesday with Miss Ruth Bunnell. ,Miss Velma Koester Is spending a week with her jJllrent.s Mr. a nd MI·S. John Koester.
If restocking of fish 111 ans anything. t he Fish and Game Club's . progl'am this summer shOUld materially ImprOVe fishing nrxt yea r. At theU' last meeting the club a pproprillted one hunC\red doUnrs for the purchase of eleven hundred pounds of chan nel catfiSh . Tho Con~,el'vatlon Department h as in 11.catPet that this amount will be ma tc h with an additlOlm.l truck road over lhe normlll stoc.k lng for Warren COUnty. Thc club Is' also reQbWlting . t hc Federal Smuu of ~hel'ics to slIpply small month lass. rock bass and chann~1 cati r'~h for stocking In lOCal streams. ANGJ.O-SAXON FEDERATION Oharles Robltl,CI" or Waynesvlll . cllalimlln of the club's stream and water committee, has ' made" avrulRev . Milard J . Flenner and Ford , c;sure fish truck tor ~e L. P rescol t n" iC abl,.. a. pre. A hr is t Ia n QuesIn dIStributing n sh In streams over Uons an Anglo-Snxon Student" on hie ,county. In the past. ~tate fish Thursday evelll~g at 7 :45 at the have' been dumped In ' one or two Bible class meeting of the Dayton ~:atJons. Ib~ awangements have . branch of the A.nglo-Saxon Federbeen made, thank.'1 to t h e ~Ise of atton In the Dayton Industries buUd Charlle'S' .truck" 1.0 distribute ,bOtll ing. Third alld Ludlow streets. Have . stale fish and those purehased by you a queSWon? Jot It down Bring It with you . the club In streams over the entire oounty. These restocking operlltlons There is a majesty In simplicity
W1l1 be done under jurisdiction of which .Is far above the Game Protector Brant and the . of wit.
quaintness - Pope
............... .,.ow.~
The preparedness pro81'am goes on aPB ~ Last week the ,House passed two naval bills almost untl~- · I '.q:l~y, only one vote being cast a!(lIlnst each measure, The lone "I'avy" votes came from Vito "Marcnntnnio, representative of t he Amer ican Labor party Indust.rIa.I, and other leaders have been called into conference to furnish informa tion 'and to give impet us to preparedness plans. The government navy yards are being placed on n th ree shU\ forty-eight hour week.
Lhe balance of the tanks mentlone.. I are only "on order." The same Is 1" 'rue ns t:o the im tlajrcraft '1.Only a small proportion of lhe num- : ',fVI f"t ber mentioned by th e Pres ident nre ' 1t..11l ~ ... actually In the hands of the Army."., l' the others are " 0 ' order ." So goes AND YOUII OlD .RON the story as to aUlomatic rilles ; mobile arUllery; fighting and bombing planl's; and other needed defense ....1 weapons American soldiers and sall · ors can only fi ght wi t h the weapons til a t are ac tually manufactured and In their hands- not with those 'on order." The truth Is. OUr na tional I defense has been sadly neglected , and It will take many mon ths before American In dustry can furni sh needed i mplemeri t~ of warfare ana men can be trained to use them . 50 as to gu~rantee our safety . However, It Is belived by most oo.~ervers that If any real threat ls to come to the s afety of t his country, slich danger Is monthS a head. May such a danger Larger Bt!caUlle of BeUer 8e"IGe. Quality and Price n ever come, Is the hoPe of every Established 1849·19441 true American. In the words of. a Pboae II fa mous Colonial Patriot: "Let us Wayne6vllle, 0.,
The m ost important news 'from I th e Wash ington front, however, con : cerns the lalest A.dmlnfstl'tlUo n : plans .for levying defense. taxes. Or\ i~ illn lly the Administration was op" ' posed to any new taxes at this time; but sensing the attitude ot the peopl ' I gr:lll'rally . and feeling that new bur.~ den.. of taxa tion would be accepted with less complaint during the pr_ , .. ,ffi.~} ~ t nt European crisis t han later on. ., 'if> i the declslon was reached a fe\V days ; " '" n l1.l f . . ~\ ~ 9 go to keep Congres~ in session unt il • > • I !. .! new defense taxes are levied and the pu t our faith 'In Go.d . but keep our - - -riii prf'sent national debt limitation Is powder dry." R~-:-"URST GOES l!t!c ky Waltt'1'5 IIf L~d . Accord ing to weB I\dviserl "TO MT. STIRLING Sl-ureel>. the AdmlnL~tratlon program mound corps, for others ha'Ve come '.1 i 11 be as follow s : First. lifting t h e R. E. Hurst. for several year. a SimpKclty. of all things. Is t he to the front to take up this slack. dte! limitation from fony-five bU- hardest to be copied . - Stee·e. member of the HarVeysburg blan AnY tep.m that gets good pitching !, .. r. to for ty-eight billion dollars and ~chool teachlns stalI has re.s!,llcd and Iuu; & good defense is Ii tough the Issuance of special national de- . Simplicity of character Is the to become superintendent of the Gabriel P.UI team to beat. The Dodgeit's have fense bonds for the three billion dol- Da t ural result of profound thOugh t . Monroe Township school at Moun\ been getting the pltcblng, and lar Increase in the national debt. - Hu lJ tt. Sterling. Mrs. Hurst, supervisor of Cinclnnatl: -Thls Is the mosb cru- their infield Is a crack defensive Second. the levying of n ew taxes to music In t he Harlan-Butlerville IItId cial week ot 'he young National unit . Good ness and simplicity are 'In- ~m1\ton-Malnevll1e dlslrlct.a, anr aise approximately seven hundred Following the Dodgers Into Cros- million dollars per year. presumably dlsso1ubly united. League .season for the Cincinnatl _ Matl.n eau. nouneed she would _\1m, a 1Unl.Reds. who were confronted with the ley Field wlll be the strengthened to be used toward paying olI the USE TilE MIAMI GAZETTE lar position at Monroe, 1Iu\\K task o( playing the New York Phillies. who will oppose the Reds newly Issued bonds. Third. the (orWANT ADS County. Grants and the Brooklyn Dodgers next uTesday afternoon In a ladles' mation of the National Defense In successive series. The set against day event. then will perform in the CO\1POration. wi th a capital of two the Giants was due to open Tues- second night game of the season billion dollars and the power to day afternoon a nd conclude wIth a Wednesday night. TIckets for thl4 Issue cOJ:poration bonds for finallcnight game Wednesday. Thursday night game are now available at the Ing production of mUitary and naval is an open date In the schedule, Reds' downtown ticket olIl,ce at 307 eqUipment. wit hout haVing the capbut on Friday the fireworks Will Vine street. Mall orders will receive ltal or bonds of the Corporation really start. for on that day the prompt attention. considered as a part of the na tional Brooklyn Dodgers start a four game OiUb oftlclnls have announced debt. although guaranteed by the series. Single games are listed Prt- that In the future the downtown government. open day and Saturday and a douule- ticket olIlce would remain fru m 9 A. M. untU 5 P. M. dally, reheader Suuday. It is rumored that t he new tax The Giants are the latest threa t gardless of whether the 'team is a t home or on the road. On Sundays. program wU! provide for a tlat 10% to the Reds' National League supremacy. while the Dodgers have when the team IS home, the down. increase. or surtax. on all Income taxes;- an Increase of 1 % cents n been the sensations of the league town ofIlce wU! be open from 9 A. gallon In the Federal gas tax: Il .OO and claim to be the team the R eds M. until noon, and when the team , Is on the road, the Sunday hours a barrel Increase In t he t·ax on .beer. wlll have to beat for t he pelU1ant. 750 enUl a gallon Increase In whiswill be 1 P. M. to 4 P . M. Those who wonder why the key taxes; and increases In the man DOdgers are so potent this year can ufacturers' tax on Cigarettes nnd to get their answer by looking thrOl1&h baccos. It must be borne In mind. the box scores. which show that the however. t hat the tax program may Flatbush . F'lock has been getting exbe matterlally altered before t he ceptlonal pitching all season. Not work pf the Ways and Means Comevenln g a reI a ps e s•...... - ere d by one mtttee, which began consideration of their aces, Hugh Casey. was Revival meetings Will s,t art here of the new defense taxes late last enough to seriously harm their Sunday evening June 9. Hev. Kenweek . Is completed. nison of Spring Valley 18 the evan... gelist. Everyone Is cordially welOOme Without taking Int.o consideration .~ , to attend the service,; . t he hee.vy Increases In approprla• ...~ . Mrs. Ella Haines 14 confined by tlons for emergency defcnse pursic.kness at the home or her son !pOSeS the regular governmental ap,,"'f' Luther Haines and famlly. proprlatlons wlll soon earry the na~ . REAL ESTATE 'I Mrs. Rrulegh Bogan sl.lOnt last .t lonal debt beYo~ the present llmAND PERSONAL PROPERTY week with her parents, Mr. and itatlon of forty-five billion dollars . Mrs. Horace Compton In New Bur- and probably beyond the suggested lington. helping to 'Pre' 1'()r her new limitation or' forty-eight blllion ....~: father who has had a severe attack dollars. As the months pass there Is BEGINNING AT 1 P. M. of the grippe. a grave llkellhood t hat further heavy BRANSTRATOR FARM 7S ACRES Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Sinclair expenditures wlll be found necessary LOCATED: " and family entertained frl,endis fl1lm 11 the defense program Is to be carSpringboro and · Spring Vlillley Sun- ried forward as now, planned , thus Just west at the corporate limits of th~ Village of Wayne.vSU.. III day afternoon. necessitating more and heavier Fed- Wayne TownshiP. Warren County, O. Mr. and Mrs. Wm SlInltb and eral taxes than those now being con~I~ ~_P;;_:RT.0:::V~E;;_l'i-l-E-N_'_::T:..:S::....:....:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ daughter Marilyn Sue spent SunC\ay sidl!red by the Ways and Means 2-stoI'Y, 7-room frame house with basement, furnace, acr'~ed-lQ ltd. with Mr. and Mrs. Horacl! Compton Comml~tee. It seems absolutely cer- porch and large front porch. bank 'barn 45x65 wi th metal root Afternoon callers were )41". and Mrs. taln that t he American people are " .oors and s tanchions tor nme cows; COllcrete sUo; corn crib and " h : : : Evan Bogan and Mias Bonnie Miller In for more centralization of power bmed ; garage ; and other ou tbWidings. The buildings are ade ... ~ of Dayton and Mr. and MJrs. Raleigh In Washington. for greater control stanllal and in good repair. Electricity in all buildings. Good we~:~ cJ~t:~ Bogan and Miss Dorothy Eby. by government of t he activities of and springs furnish ample water supply. Land Is roiling 40 . ' . tw Homer Haines and tamlly spent the people. and for great~r Indebt- able and productive. and the balance Is in WOOds and pe~ma=~b::a....; the week end a week a,o with edness and heavier tax burdens· pasture. Plenty of locust timber. General farm appearances are IOod • friends near Adina. Ohio. t han ever experienced by the A.merFOR YOUR CONSIDERATION; This farm Is splendidly located Miss Carol Bunnell flpent ttle iean people In the past. All of . this outstanding community. Only 20 miles from Dayton and 1 eh ' ,- F h ' di f • e. . .Ilatl w~elc end with Mrs. Nellie Bunnell fits In with the declared objective of our s I' ve rom Cincinna tI. Easy access to schoois church ' ft" F "I ' ea ..... marJrata,. and Miss Monima Bunnell. the New Dealers 'of nationalizing avora..... e taxes. JOins the la te Robert Patterson Estate (known a. au ~-_ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braddock buslress. finance and Industry, brook. Farm) . This farm olIers to the prospective buyer- locaUOA' Df!f and Mrs. Frank Braddock called on through the centralization of su- Improvements, productIve land . ideal country home with Plenty 01' Mr. and Mrs. RaymOnd Wilson J;rl'!me power In the government It- aU modern conveniences ..a nd security. Will be sold at public .uctJon t.o~ib. Sunday evening. 1i~lf. l1ighest bidder. We cordially invite you to Inspect thia property balOI' d• ., Mr. Albert Wilson at ".ryro, Ohio, of ~a l e. Sale to be held on premL~es . Rain or Shine. Mrs. Bevin Jenkins of Koltomo. Whlle Congress Is giving almost TERMS Indiana. Mr· alld Mrll. Chatles unanimous support to the requests $1 .000.00 cash. ·bank draft or certified check to be paid on d.y 01 HIe. Handman, Tllylor Handman and lIf the President fOr emergency de- balance on delivery of deed. Purchaser will receive general warran$ dltCl daughter Annette from Cincinnati fenr.~ funds. with the exception or and abstract of title. Possession within 30 days. 11 acres of whea' and " were among those who \11s1ted Mrs. his "blank 'check" request, there has acres of com to g'O with the fa rm. CD acres . growing alfalfa, t acrea ploWt!Cl Ella 'Halnes laat week. bee, considerable criticism here for new seeding of alta Ifa and wheat Is seeded to clover . Mr. and Mrs. Bevin Jenkins .nd dutlng the past week of the FIreside PERSONAL PROPERTY chlldlen Joan ancr Earl co.'~ene of ('hat of last Sunday evening. Many I di I mme ate y afte~ the sale of the f~rm, the followlnl ......""'~_, • I ·Kokomo. In'd., v18lted the latter's Ctlngresslonal leaders have express- el'Ly will be sold to the highest bidder: ..... father John WUson and her br~ther cd the opinion that the President LIVESTOCK 3 . Robert. Saturday. wa!l not entirely frank or fair ~th ; -year 'old mare with lilly colt' by .lde.; two ':'\feu. old Percheron geldings; 13-year old gelding; 12-year old mare'. _~ ..,, "':"'•• _---, Fourteen were present at the the people wtlen. In giving 'hla re- P It ...... - - ',11 -. erc leron s a III on. Six dairy cows, all giVing good tlow of _11 ..... II .. Prayer meeting ' . Benlcle at ' the port on the condition of the Army heifers; 2 .helfer calves; and Jersey. bull. Five brOOd IPw. ~w~r.: church ' Sunday evening. and N:avy, he gave only the number of sale. . ' '''f ~. Mr. Robert Hadley of WlImlngton of dltlerent defense weapons 'as on FARM ' hand and on ord'e·r. It Is the "on chine' 0 . ING : Oliver sulky plow; "i. IH. •0 • Oin..t ....~ ·· was our speake;.' at Chwrch Sunday la ~PI;EMENT8. te "' ...... ' morning. our pastOr. Miss Antram hand and 'on order" phrase that is. ' c rn p n r with attac~enta; t;wo 1-row corn ~~.w... went .tO CIJb& Friends IOhurch. It 10 misleading. As one Legislator com ' plow; brea"lng 'plow; doubl~ . dlsc; Platform8cal"'; lto~" ~."~_ at deal ness; lines; coll&r8 ; bridles. etc. ., . ,- < . ' '4 ' ... ~ .was an exch1l11ie of pastors throuih - POinted out'·. "There Is a ...... FEED PI to I •• .out the Yearly MeetlIlg. , . ' of c lltrerence 'between , havlpg a ~n : ve ns first cutting alfalfa hay. .' . .,," iIi your hand and the pcture of a . HOUSEHOLD ~OODS: Antique wall;~t· bedroom ~~ _ gun In a catalog when tro\j)le CO'mes .~ u1~; -kltchen cabinet; two 9x12 rugs; two porch a,v.;.T·. . . . N~th1nr II m~ · ~~Ple than Mr. Roosevelt talked of the AnnY bator; d1ahes and p.wnerolis·.other items. ,greatneu; lDCteed, to be Iimp\e II to having nearly twelve hundred · tanka be great. ~lIrneraon. "on band IUld on order," but failed , . to tell the people frank1y that today . .. the only baa twenty-ellbt Sale CDnd1IO.... ItJ 'nIB IIAILEY-IIUU'BY ~. ~....... , ". _ lID&ller tuW altOletber. aDd that 1IeIr....... will ................. AId ., ~. .
Fairley Hardware ·Store
News Of The Reds
White fur Borated Tissue
fWithevery 4-roll pack.g. f.r 25c, 1 extra roll will be ,iven for. t cent.
l. .
I· I
, ' ,
'Ill.: . .'
' . . ...V. aRANSTRATOR, 0
Local Happenings '
offer a satisfactory Service
I Churches
at all times
Mr. alld Mrs. liarvey BUrnet a~ s.... AUGU8TlNE CHURCH Mr ll.nd ' M rs. Ro 7 'J ohnBon, of tended the Dinner Club Batw'day Rev. R. fl. KrumhoU. , STD. pal lor . I'Ill';Il'l't ad\, N. Y.: Ilre ulIHouncing' ev- uillg Ilt the lIollle of Mr. a nd MI1SS, Sundays 11 :00 a. nI , t h£l birth of I\. 1i0ll ~ TIl • clH~' J lIl1f' 4. Mrs. Ho w rll Oraham n ar Harveysburg, 8 T MARY'S EPi SCOPAl. Mrs, L.ellll li , \'lS I: r~ vi II ill her Mrs. Alice Clark who has been Pboae 7 Waynesville CHURCH h . n . . Ii rvey r Le ba- quit poorly for fie vern l weeks was .... It ev. n. I •. 1l11('kwrU, H.. rillr For Sale- Oliver Lwo row corn t. ~ k 11 to th e hom e of her broth er plow. In good C9ndIUon . Ollbert • • • • J' ~n d wife. MI'. a nd Mrs. Lee Mason . THIRD SUNDAy AFTER TRTNTTY Frye. Mi~ s Ruth Salisbu ry of Ci nchm ,lti t Mason I t week . 7 :30 a. Ill. Hoi y ComnUlIlloll . enler tal ned Miss Ma rlo n K ekic of 11 a . m. Morning Prayer a nd ser- 1· 01:1. RENT- 6-room level lid, over th", wl'ek nd . Mr8. Al len' Emrick. Mrs. Ma rgaret gal a ge In conne<;tion .. , JOll ns. MI·~. S usa n Say lor, MJ·. a nd mono !..f'e LenunOn. school, Wllwn Ha r t..501.' k. El studen t at MI - Mrs. Wa ller K el1l'lck a lld Mr, and 'TUESDAY' 2 p . m . Church School Bummer 'Wayn esville sludents a t Oh io umi Unlv rslly, IS III hOlllP for l he Mrs . Cn rl Duk E' uttended t he burial FOR S ALE- Oet you Cabball!!. "roof Mrs. J ess ie Hoslel', of Dayton nt SeSSion. With t he opening senson tor 4-H Stlllc Unlvcrsity arc now III the wllh his par nls. M\'. and SUllll1\('r mata and Sweet potato planta of MH S. MARCAIlP.T ~ I ATTEHS Mia mi Cmnetel-y' Wayn esVl! le Friday FRIDAY Club aJ1(i Fu ture Fa.nners of Amer- m id st of fi nal xamlnaLions, pre- l ncorn lnJ:; I'r : 1.1 nl ur T he 1·'lrsl MI'~ . R . 11. Hnrl.~ock'. D. H. lhlckelt. S outh Thlr d St .. :l fte rnoon . hu r ch o r ' h ri sl . Sr l ' llllsl. 2 p . m . Woma n 's Auxiliar y at lhe M16-tl len IIves lock shows· a nd so les. Albert li minary 10 t.he close of the year's Way nes vUle.. [losl on. ;\lassl\c hli. ItS home of Mrs. C. R. Fra zier. H . Morrllll, preSident of t he KIo- work. 1' . !ln d Mr.~ . Fr d Brnddock enMr. ;md Mrs. Hnrvpy BlIrnl't sppnt f'(jR S Al.E-IOS!)-l l,'" 'ton Chevrole t ger GrocerY a nd Baking Co.. anOhio S tate's annual alumni col'I'l' l Allied a t di n ner' Suml y, Mr . Sunday WiU1 Mr. and Mrs. J ohn trurk . long whee lbase. .eQulpped nounced th at th e firm 's buyers are lege comes Thursday a n d Friday, I\IE'fHOUl S·.' CIIURCH allli M1'8. Lawrence Furn as. a nd Mr. Hay ner aL Westvlll with 1'11<110 , hns !leen driven pl ~nn ln g to lncrense lheir pa rticlpn- wil h Il program of speakers a nd ::I lltl MI' . Ra ymond. Braddock a nd LouL. C. Illldh>y, Pastor ~ I) 000 miles. J . D. P ennington, tion In these cven ts. round-tabies In ten ded to give Js mlly. Mr. a nd Mrs . Kesle r Grn~am wer e Wayn esville, Ohio. Phone 26-R6. Thls Sunday will be o».vrved as During 1939 luoger took pa rt In alumnl and others a grea t.er knowlS unday guests of the la tter's aun l~. Children's Dny. A fine progrum inJ6" 69 01 these shows al'd PIII'cllased ~ edge of the backgroun d a nd trend . r 1t.1 Mrs. W. B. R ussum a nd daugh ter Mi s.,es Ann ie Ilnd Mlnt:liE' Seikel' a t • An appro t roJ' ['01 01 [jlld mo re n I cludLng a play en Ut led "The Chlltotal 'of 778 anima ls ra'''ed "y"out h- of affairs In EurojJe. Adm sion 10 I I I FOR. S ALE- Good tranSplanted toL> U J ill I he olll ni]X>t 11( ' 1' of ,il<. "I '11' Miss MUJ'gn ret [lJ' (' s pendi ng' t h p S pringboro. d ren's G uest" wUI be given , The pro th .roughou t t be Mlddlea il sessions Is treE' . I I f ul tal'mars week nL I he home of Mrs. Russum's ma ta nnll cabba8e pian ts. 50 cents l!\['l' u f prl'sl' III wor ld lurl\lOI . ra Mrs. Belle S cot t. is very ill a t til l, gra m will · begin Inunedlately atter west and · Sout h . a ccordl ng to MorSa t urday Is " Al umni Day" . with l.llrl'lI 1111' llallll' I'II1 ' 01 111011.:1 11(\0; or sisle rs. Mlsses T nl le na und M lIrg!lper h undred. Good selection IIf lim e. Her son . Evcrett. En rly a n d t he lesson period and continue rill .. D uring 1938 Kroger boug ht 211 the ann uai Imer -cllies go lf Lour- hrl sLlu ll S lenlist,'; from a ll over n I Ed w!\lds. hardY lwo yl'ar old perennials. wl rr or Yell olY S prill !l ~ a rE' her e through the worship hour. A special a nimals Il.t 21. .shows. na rn e nt. a cU.nlc and luncl 1t~on Ja r the w01'ld fo J' tile OI1IHI!'ll 1l1Pp t.ing 01 • • • • • G eorge Peterson one mil, from Chlldren's Dny olTerlng wlU be taken It was announced tha t t he f1ml law graduates. cia&' re unions. d E'dl- Till! F lr!, t CIIIIl eh of Clll·I!;l. SclenMr:;. Al'lh ur Sehnllck of Sn.nt.n hr lping carl' fOl' hel·. Waynesville on Bellbrook pike. 'PI~ed to can Linu e its general cation of the llew men 'S reslll ' II ' t ' ~I t In Boslon. M~ s!'n('hllsf' 1 t,s. J lI nl' Ana. Calltornln . Mrs . Ll na Wiese of SevE'rnl from here attended t h e Next Sunday June 16th. our route 1. fourth quarterly conference wUl be Lebanon, a nd MrK Ronald Hawke, Grnnge play~ a t Lebanon Monday policy JJJ ,supporting the market by hall, SWlSet suppel' III thE' gymn l - :1 held inlmedlately after the worship FOR SALE-With every purchue bidding on runn""s-up instead of sium. a nd the a li·a lum nl dance. ... ", 'rn s Lin p,' In IIw 0I1111 I po t rne 0 f 11'<'1" dinne r guests o C Mrs. Edith evening. ot a four - roll package of White serV1ee, Dr. Crawford our District attempti ng to buy grand champions Even ts of Sunday. J Ulle 9 , fir God," sn ld Hurry ' . Brow ne. Firs t Harris . t Ihp Little In n on W~Fur "Borated " Tissue at the regSuperintendent will preach at the a nd r~s~rve c bamplons. Thls pla n baccalaurea le, at 3 p. 111 .. a nd t.he Rpatier of The Moll", !, hurci! In nesd'IY. Mr . and Mrs. R{)Ua Bolton of Co- 10 :40 hour. Reports will be expected ullll' price. 26 .cen ts. YO\l will rewas adopted a number or years ago senior class suppel' und ('lass tlay !'l cim g n Illc!,snce from T he Chrislumbus called at. t he h ome ot Mr. from nil or ganlzatlol'lB. ceive one tull s ize. roll tor 1 cent, linn S(,! nce Board of Dlrcc lors "enwh en ~~ .wl!-S obserVed that the oo p progra m at 5: 30 P. Ill. Mi ss Monlm la Hoak. Mrs. Ella a nd Mrs . Wnlter Clark Monel ay afor 6 rol ls tor 26 cen ts. The Mlaml a n imals n early alwa ys brough t pre Progrm for M onda ~', Ju nc 10. In- [lilli's O!\r thron gh d f.'!\wn sl rn tlon . to Cook . n o~coc Furnas. J . L. Men den- I.t' rnoon: Gozette. 1\11'. .IOLI, Y 1\1. E. CHfJRCII imum :PI'1c;es. WhUe rUlmer s-up clud es P resident and Mrs Howa rd .njoy Ilw rrrt'clolll of thought. res ul t- h II , Raym ond Brad dock .. and Ern'1'. 1\1. 8l'ar", l\lInlster I;Omeum~' d. belOW t he . market L. Bevis' reception fol' gradllut s i" ~~ Il'<lI lI I It ., ull rohlinl~ of the chll\'- est Cook attended White WU\'cI' Mrs. AliCe MIll!'r attended !pc FOR BALE-Bweet potato plants, 36c een disappoin tment of and th eir par Il t.s at 2)1. Ill.. !lncl HI'll'!'istics of divine Mind as xTl ress. QlI .lrlerly Meellng nt Richmond. runeral of he r cousi n, Mrs. Jessie per hundred or tbree taundred tor Sunday Scllool 9:30 a . m. E. A. youthful' oWruJ s. commencemen t at Ii P. m. In the ('(I b.v CIIl'lst J csus. Hosler, at t hc home of Mrs. Elery Earnhlut. Supt. '1,00. AU kinds of garden plant. I nd .. S und uy. Friday a t· Lewis. n ea r Beavertown, HoweVl,lr.. in sevel'al Ins'-llcCS 10 cents per dozen or 3 dozen tor tadium. I II tl s ..... "The divine M n d I:; in rca ty . 11' Evening service '1 :30. 211 een,ta. 1 % mJle north at W&y1' 1"" _ - ces Mr. am I M rs. L ' V. Bran.s'•ratar t.ernoon . and bur ial at Millml Cem ~ums ....... seemed to only powel' : theref Or notliing call wh ere :Pmyel' meeting Wednesday e veetery. nesvllJe, oorner ot WaynesvUle: nlnJ; 7 :30. warran t It. ~oger buyers did pur· rl'sl<t thr mnnifeslot.lon of rlgh tcolls - haVe pUI'ch ased the Amclla Willia m,,; Ferry and LyUe roads. Strouse chase blue ribbon ani.ma.ls, lncludnt!. s. Wi th du'c I'el-\ord for t he II " - proper ly, ul t.he corn I' of Fourth Mrs. Margaret J ohns and Pall) A welcome awai ts you a t these Bros. R. R. No. :01 M3OJ6-13-20' lng t h e grand champion ba rrow a t ('5SllTY hUll1 un fo otsteps. which our a nd Chapman S ts. The Brnnstrator Jolllls were Sunday afternoon gu est!' serv ices. Com e and enjoy tnem with t h e Inter nation al Livestock ExposL ad"r. MAry Bnkw Ed dy. says are farm will be sold at p ublic a uc tion of Mrs. Elizabe th Smit h , aL Way - WI . JUon In ClUcago, and several grand Nam es o[ persons who wm ser ve Indisppnsn.blr' in mecti ng probl ems. Sn Llll'day June 15. nesville . . .c hampion steers at other shows. 1n- on the petlt jury. at. Leba non. were ~ t is nl~o in lp Cl'n Uv' to look t.o the • • • • • UTICA U. B. CHURCH eluded in Kroger'S 1939 purchases -dra wn at the ,cour t ho use. Tuesday, d ivi ne M ind fol' g u lda n('~ and wlsMI'. and Mrs. Ira Brown and son Miss Wanda Clark Ilnd lIIr, and Bevis A. 11111. p ..dOr a t 4-H ClUb and Fu t ure Farmer s of T he pnnel Is om posed of Viola (10I1l to SlllllJl y th impetus to do G cor ~ . o[ Fmnklin. lU I' In Wa y- Mrs. WAJter Cla rk visited Mrs. Alicl' America sbows were 474' ca t tle. 192 Whitacre Sidney Bader tsc her Ha r- all t h ings in n ri ght way a nd !It the nesvllle to spend t he re mnLndel' or Clark at her brot her's In Maso n. Sunday. June 9 ~mbs and 112 hOis. Morrm sa id. old GUJh~ur. G ran t DI Lmal's: an d' right lim e." tile ,'; unun I' at Mr. . Brown's home, Monday evening a nd tound her , "" " . ::'11• . lin.v school. Leslie Gor such , Supt. Lennie Whitacre. Morrow : Mor r is ' Mr. . Ma rgnl·pt. MUnley. 'Glcnn Mi·R. H . H. Willi amso n a nd daugh- sli ghtly impl'oved. USE THE MIAMI GAZETTE GOodman. CJ.cmen t E Stanfor th Matters. C. S. B . of New YOI'k . ter Grace a rc expected home from 10 30 a. m.- Momlng wll 'sh ;p MI' . and Mrs. Har ry Ora ham and WANT ADS and 1'4o:bel H olli.llgswor th , Oregon ia; d nllghtel' of he iate Major qC I1erni Florida t he last of lh ls we ek. '1:30 P. M. The Christian EndeavMrs. Susan Saylor were enter tained Bessie S tan ton. Mia misburg : Wa l- Edwln F . Glen n. of t.he United or Society will present Its play, Mr. fi nd Mrs. Ralph Hastings and to dinner Tllw'sday by William Sav- "Th e Lord's Acre" a t the RidgeVille tel' Anderson. Fra n klin ; B . B. Ba l l. S tates Arm y. was e.lec ted President Ior a t tile Be<r1l1e Tavern In Dayton. Mason : Edwar d· Kell er. J . P . Soale, of T he Mother Chm'eh to SllCC I'd f" I: . Hullelt Mr . · nnd Mrs. Ha rold Ctrurch. Paul Soth o and J . H. F ord Pleasan t G eorge Shuw Cook. C. S B. . of Wh itaker nnd fflmify. and MI'. ami Mr. a n d Mrs. Harvey uBrnet . Mr. On ftlday nlght bere wUl be an Plain : Sam S impson , Springboro: BrOOkline. ass. ThI: chief tlu ty of Mrs. E ll P u mas and famlly enjoyed a nd Mrs. Waller Ke nr ick. Mr. and Ice cream social on th.e cllurch iawn George Lewis, Fos ter ; Wllllam H . t he P res ident Is to ~e r ve as pre. iel- U jJot-iuck sUi>i)!;!!' a t the home of Mrs . Erm er G roves, Miss Shirley "I:he church helps yoU as you help Russell , Wil bur Earnhar t. Herber t Ing officeI' a l lh c Annual Meetblg. MI'. und Mrs. W. A. LukellS and Mardi a nd Mr . Haney Hble and the church , Fogle, Rober t E . Moon ey and Mrs . Mrs. Matters spent her childhood rum Uy. T h ul·sda.y eV'e~1 In g. Dona ld ' Surface a ttended Alumni at ~ Edna Knapp. Lebanon ; Lester Gor- in various [lrmy pos ts in t.h U nit ed • • • • • Springboro, Sa tu rd ay evening, A K D Ml'. Il11d Mrs. Russell E. CI l:~~di t'h . HaW~~: S tates. Alas ka . t he Pil illppi nes, a nd SOil Rich ard, attended t he wed- Mrs. Mary Carmony. Mr. !lnd Mrs ---88CRE.E N - - Chin a, and J ap n . Shc studied ding oC Mrs Frank's sister, MLo;s Walter Whita ker and claughter Wayn esville. music ill Boston wher e she .becam e JOHN GARFIELD . Miss Anna Marlyn. m compnny with - - -- -- - - in t rested In Chr istia n Science . Ru t h Arl ine Pru:SOIlS. of f leveland , Anne Shirley Sa t.urda y, T be m at:~'iage ceremony Mr. and Mrs. W. fl. Clark ot DayLOC Al. nO'l&' S i\T'i"ENDED join d T he Mo ther Ch ur ch a nd In was per formed t ;the h ome or th~ ton . were en tertamed to qlnner FlE LIl DAY EXERCISES t.hree years latel·. S ond Ch ul'ch In ", "SATURDAY'a brlde's mOlher, Mrs, Marth a Par- Su nday at the home of .Mr. and Mn New York. She Lh en weil L a broad sons. E. J . Cannony in Sprtngfield. Twelve boys from t he Vocational CHILDREN" to continue her study of m usic, and Agrlcul turc depar t ment of WaynesMr. a nd Mrs, Walter KenrIck atwhile tll rc declclcd to give up ' h er T he reun ion of th e Harveysburg vUle schools atte nded thc annual tended the wedding of MJss Louise musical career lo devote fuU Hrne HI!! h School Alumni Association llE'ld day a nd j ud r,lng contest h eld " Zimmerman and Mr. Harry Hudto Christia n Sci ence practice. held Sa t urday eveni ng was a ttended a L O hi o St.a te Uni vcrsity las t Friday ' F ollowing Nor mal Class Ins u'uc- by th e following Wa.yn esville people son.. Saturday afternoon, at the nnd Sa turduy. They were. Vi rgil Met hodiSt church at Waynesvillp IllIn ill Chr istia n Sci en ce in t he Ml'. a nd Mtii. R. H . HartsOck Mr. St.arke. Waynr Ciary, Hcnry S at· a nd the reception afterward at the terthw:l ite. ,Tames Bourne, Ma x Boa rd of Education In Boston sh e and Mrs. Earl Hocket t, .Mr. and home of til\! bride's grandparents. Hay. Wa rren Cook. Billy Hisey. becllme An a ut horiz d teacher. The Mrs . Carl Dute, Dr. Mary L. Cook, Mr. and ¥rs. Walter Cast. ng spring fi he was t' lected and Mrs. Maria Elbon. followi Philip Hartm nn . Or ville Savage. " " • " • Mr. and Mrs. JlJlen Emrick were Rober t Ea rnha r t. Myron Hagemeyer. Second Reader of The Molher Ch urch . S he se rved as a lecturer on -MiSS Shirley Over holt ot Van d inner guests Sunday of Mr, and a nti Clifford GraY. ,! Christia n Science until July, 1938, BUI' n, 0 ., and Rona.Jd Bachman of Mrs. Leon Sallsbw-y and son .at , und s inCe then has been practicing Bowling G reen. 0 .. were united in Washl.ngton C. H . and in the afterUSE TIJE MIMn GAZETTE und teaching Chr istian Science in malTi ngI'. Monday morning, at noon called on Mr. and MIl. Ed WANT AD8 New York Clty. 11:00 o'c1ock , In the Method1~ t Caldwell, (nee Miss l,'.{lrlam Salis---Cll lll'ch , Wi th Rev. L., C, Radley of- bury,) at their apartment. ~USSIONAR SOCIETY MET ilclatillg. Miss 'Overholt was a f orAT FEERY CHUR CII m er college classmate of Miss Lois ' USE THE MIAMI GAZETTE Radley. . WANT ADS The May meNlng of the Mi!',sioll'I a ry soc leLy of tlt l' Ch lll'clies of Mrs. Wal ter S heehan was the I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Christ wa~ held at. 1,IIr F rry gues l of honor, S unday. at a dinchurch , Wedn esday a flrn 00 11. '1'h(' nl'r planned In celebratlon of her d eVOl jOll a I progl'a m W: S given by IJll' lhdll Y un nlversary. The home of R ev. W. C. Smi th tl lld Mrs. Sm ith . MI'. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud was the "T he Churc h Rad ian t In lndla " Sr rl1fl oC the cel el~ ratlon . Other ~A. ~ '.~ ' I was IlJ e s ubject of Ihe lesson pre- g lle' t,g who shared t he happy oc. ~ ' \' . ', \ The heavy "Galvil nnealed " copper- pnr'ed by Mr.q. a r!'le Fil er· a nd Mrs casion were Mr. and MrS. Ralpb . bearing steel in RED BRAND fence Ba rbanl Har tsock The l'ell1ai ndel' HnsLings a nd son, Roobert, Mr. and W~YNE8vD..LE. OHl.o ". '/1,.\ ,. . . withstands enee line strai n and Yellrs of wellther. Deep of 11\[' progl'U m cons isted of the Col - MJ·s. J. P. La rrick, Mr. and Mrs. A. ' ~. , • ! tension crimps . . . tigh t knots kee p wires from spreadi ., : ~ , \ ,.:......, FRtDAY--SATURDAY ' In ll' i n ~: ·]·I:ullljJet. and ~axap hone H. S tubbs. a nd tarnlly , and Mr Wal , ::t o . .June '1 and 8 ' . dUeL. J nmes a nd David Ha rtsOC.k ; tel' S heehan and sons. ~:.. Z-BJc HIt&-! fo r th e RE D 11 11 a n lc le on India , Mrs. J ennie " ' \ .~~ .~~ ~' .&.' ~: ~ " .. '" , '.~ TRUE MESQUITBER8 TO P W IR E to be Mtl lI l>lI: vocal solo. D annie HartsOCk . ; ."'\'~. . SURE you get the fence tha t sta ys good ·looking. ~ hen Lhe evil e/fed of t.lle Caste system , In .?:,.....~ properl y stretched, for a long, long tim '. With ita ac"ROCKY MT. RANGERS" . . , ~\.; curate ~pacing and perfect wliformit y, RED BRAND Mrs. Alma ELz: a song by Edi th and ,,~ .' ~ ":'~.... ~ ' " -wIUi- ' fence gIVes your farm that proo;perous, thrifty appear- Eth el SlIl i l.h and Anna Riley ; son g \. . - .... .\~~ ~~ "' by Ba rbaru J cun. Ma ry Frnllces an d RO~ERT ~nnNGST9N . ALSO " ' George Ma rk HartSOCk. "DISPUTED PASSAG£l' T he liexl meeti ng of the society Nt' xt Thursday,' June· 13, the Warwftia " will lie at. the Wnyn eSViiil> ch1lrch I'm COlrnty Fish a nti Game AsSociAKIM TAMIROFF_ lhe inst Wed ll e~day in J UlIC. nt: on will hold Its re gular mont hly RED BRAND fence costs JOHN 'HOWARD mcrtlng a t""MemOrlal HaU. Lebanon more than others - yet n F.NF. f'I1' I'ROGItAM A. ret.tu re. of' the m ee t4Jg wlll be re- .:~~~~~~~~=~;=:~~111 lasts years longer. Actual FOR C~ UNTV c nORUS portl 011 a gam e heating to be 'held .• SUNDAY ana MOND"',. J I'! r 11 at ColuIIiliuS by the OhiO Jane 9 and It weather .tF.sts have proved Till' Fm'mel"ll Gmll ge orgnnil'.a- · CI'!JservattOll Comm1l!lSion' to. deterJAMES 'STEWARTit. Come in and SEE the' I low; Of Wnyncs villc. LebanOn and r ir-r this year's gallne ' laW reliwat . MARGARET S11LLtyAI\f Mu s.o n ulllled fo r a ben cfl L program tlCl:1 :.. , " . iii value you get : Cempare MOl1t1ny night. .. a t . ~he Leballon The .h earing Will be ~t~a. e d by '''SHOP AR011ND .. prices for 'yo.urself. We have I L . THE. COMBlt" _ . Gr~l1ll'e Ha ll. T he prq:t'eds frOm .Eb~ 1l .Lear, Lebanon,. county tami . aU 'heights, ail weights,' all ·1he pc rfOr mallf.:C'" will" be. used for r cpresel'!ta ttve. · 'llarry Eldridge, .nb .' styles. . . WIC G I'un~'e County chonls. Tl1e 10- - Jr , F!ra nkiln coun&y sportamanu:ep. FranII MOor'IUl ' (;1\1 J'Gangc PI' sen ted a.. play. "Root- r esclD·t attve. . - , . SeleCted 8hort 8"...,. h' i4 f6 r RIl I.h " with PIU ts .plnYe<1 by Various items Interest Will be WeefdJ New. MI:;8 F I'ledn Harvey. Mrs. Theryl d l:;cUS8ed Including prcierams of the . .-=:---:----.......- : . . - - - - -. .J J mll' , Mr, and Mrs. ~Uber ~ ftye. ' club'. game and r,lSh restoclclll8 pro For an eftlliDr. eaJeJf1d"PHONE 21i I MI' and ~rs. Lowell Thomas. Law- ,,"11m . Plans. for a picnic 1D I .=:~ ~ - ~ J ~' tlce Furnas. and Ernest Coot. Jul? a re to .
McClure Funeral Home
..... ---------_._---_._--_._- _.-.__
KROGER'S TO ASSIST Year's End Activities Starling At Ohio State IN 4-H,.F. F. A, SHnWS
SCientists Hold Annual Meeting In Boston
SAYS- --- .
3 8~::~8 SUNDAY
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,:JQ ~. i~h~h G~;;.t°"VALU E!
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Have you sewed a patcH on the 'Band apron'? If not, call or . \Irs. J . B. Oha.pman.
Funeral services will be held Prl·· • • • • • day at 2:30 p. m. ·in the New. BurMr. and Mrs. A. P . Melloh tond l!nlton Methodist churcll. lor Wayne fain:Jy vlslted Mr. and Mrs. Chules O. Smith, Irl. widely Icnown hard- H(.nltle or HamUton, Sunday. ware merchant, who died Wednesday at his borne followtilg' a long UIMiss Lucille Walton of Xenlto w&s neM, Burial wlll be made In New tHe week eud guest or Miss Inez Burlington cemetery. James. Mr. Smith conducted to h&rdwt.re • • • • • etore In N!lw BurUngton !9r t1 years and was prominent In the ' affairs ot Mr. and Mrs. A. H. SChoeler at hJa comtnunlty and Greene county. Ji'aulillon and F. B. Henderson R. D. COllett. local ht.rdware mer- . spellt the week end at Indian Lake. • .• • • • Qhant. was In his employ for a perMrs. Ellen Winspear and ' <laugh· lad ot 25 years before coming to Wf-ynesvllle. Ler or Cln~lnnat1. were week end He was .presldent or the Spring vI~ILOI'S or Mrs. Emma E. Barnett. Valley natlolllU oonk. past president • • • • • at Ule Ohio Farmers' EuQlpment IUI- SkVh1l1l Gilman Ii! vl$ltlng In eoclatlon and director ot the Oreene ~t: w YOrk. aud staylug at the VIUlcounty .Agrlcultural l!Qclety, a poII-' ClI'I' UIl~ Hotel. lUOn he· has held for 32 years. • • • .• • Mr. Smith was an active Mason J. B. CI'abbe Is attending the state and member at fue Shrine and Co~f~'leuce fOI' vocational agrleulKnights Templar. ture teadler8 at Columbus th1ll week He Is survived by his Widow, Zelia; • • • • • daughter Ruby and three sons. Robert assOciated with his faUler In Miss CharlotLe Rye returned home tbe ht.rdware Ilnd lmple~ent bWll- Sunday after spending last week \Ie8S. Carlton H.. of Columbus. with her aamt. Mrs. R. R. Benson or ,teactur." at cUlemlstry IUld coach of !ndiannpollS~ • • • • Bexley high school, and.. Porest. of OOlumbua. In the insurance bll$ln ~~ ~ . Mrs. A, E. Stout entertained Mrs. He also It'tlves two sistcl'" alld lour O. I. ' BatterLhwalte. Mrs. Mark brothers; Mrs . Lena Sewell. MrS". . Rogers. and Mrs. Edgar Smith at a Walter ' Dutlee. Le811e and Leroy. at table or bridge. Saturday evening. • • • • • Dayton, Harley. New Burlington. and Wesley, of st. Pt.rls, Mr. Ilnd IVII'S. Woodrow Owens and dliu;; hter WInnie Jo of SprlngCield vlslted over th' week end wlLl1 Mr. and Mrs. Vern Armitage. ;. • • • •
... . l ..
Ralph H. Fowler, who for the last 10 years hIlS served as basketb&lJ coach at Jefferson high school, Montgomery 'county. has been employed by the local school board to serve In a similar capacity here duro Ing the coming year. He succeeds Wade Turner. who wUl continue in his position as teacher In the grade school. Although not having won a county championship In recent years. J elIerson 111gh school basketball teams, have proven formidable op· ponents under hi. regime. Mr, Fowler was graduated from Ottel'beln college In 1030. Ilnd ha ~ wken post graduate work at Ball State. Muncie, Ind " and Miami unIverslty. He Is a native of Indiana. married and a member oC the United Brethren church. ------
MHS~ CONNER HOST TO GARDEN ClUB . Mrs, Nolan Conner wall hostess 10 the members or the Waynesville Ot.rden club, at her home, Friday afternoon. Each member present answered roll call with the name of her favorlte jlCrennlal. After a short buslness meetln, the following program was presented by Mrs. J . L. Mendenhall. Mrs, 'H . ' E. Hathaway read a poem composed by Whlttler Burnett. entlUed "Morning OIorles In the Corn" to reading. "Attracting Birds", by f d Mrs. J . K. Preston; a Quiz 0 gllr en Questions, conducted by Mrs. Irvin •• u Itord . are""rt .... ..... '. 0 r the two Day tQ n Dlstr let m eetings or the Garden club whicta ahe attended was given by Miss Pearl Riley. These meetings were held In May and June at the Dayton Art Institute. The next meeting will be held Tuesday. July 2. at the bome at Mrs. ~. K. Preston, at which time hats or nowers. designed and made by the members. wlll be worn In a style ,show,
Leo Osborne. of Madeira. 0.. Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Argus Osborne, sufl'ered a nooe and skull fracture. and forehead and knee cuts. Prtdt.Y evening. when the auto in which he was riding ran Into a Olncinnat1 Street Railway Co, :Sond Hill bus. at Reading Road and Florence Ave. The driver or the car Elmer Utmer sufl'ered head . chin,. and nose cuts. They were taken to OhrL~t Hospital. Cincinnati. where Lltmer was re-
Attorney Will Address Waynesville ~ivic Cblb·
Frank Anderson. WIdely known Iltlorn ey, of Lebanon , will 11' tlle :;pcakel' Il t a Illee t Ing of th e WU,y,n _____ _•__ _ ___________ _ esvllle Civic 'Iull, Monday at 6 :30 o'clock a t Crane's T ourist home. ' . Dinner will precede th ' llusiness Dr. Ell Crew of Dayton viSited his !'e..~ lon al d program. he nrs~ t.O b I r t.her. Robert Crew. Sunday. held und er the ncwly ('Iuctcd ofTIcer.~ • • • • • At til e meeting held .June 5, til e MI'. anti Mrs. Robert Bakel' spent followin g cu mm it rccs were' n nrn 1I ·.. hu:·.• tl ay In• Dayton. • • • • to serve for the r:ontlllg yenr: Flnanct'-C , Il . Bra('I), ' . E . AnMlss Raylyn Crabbe ls s pending derson . and R. H , Hartsock. this wpck In Columbus , Audit-- C. M , HolJj t~c l' . Frank F Ol( and M. A. Fulken·llJI. Miss Loin Senrs of Clnclnnati Ab'Tlcul turll.l_ t1:lrt l<,)" Moss, K . N ,' "pent the week rnd with her paren ts Hough. and D. R. Salisbury , Mr, und Mrs, Wilbur Seill's. Busi ness St.andunl - F'rcd Orall. " t\1nn . H. E . Hathuway, Ilntl A . I!. Mr. and Mrs , Alben Carver of Stubbs. Ginclnllali will II pcnd the summer Sponsorship- R. L. Hnckwcll, Cn rl with Mr. Ilnd Mrs Wilbur Sears. F erguson 'and LlOYd Oil\" '. Laws and Relalions-C. Abaecher Mr, and ~rs. Russell E. Frnnk Ii . D, C. Ridge. and FI'unk LeMay. . spent the wcek enel with Mr . and· Public Affairs und PllblicitY- L. O. Mrs. Charles Frank or MRUlnee, 0 , Radley. R. D. Coli tt. E ldon Retallck_ .... ., Rnd .t, P. LntTlck. Membershi p and Atrendnncc-C. Mrs . Ella Hurley of Lebanon I~ 11011' making her home with Mr. a nd E. Mi chener and R. O. Collett;, MI'S, Robert Furnas. Meting and Pro;:rn lll- }{own.rd ' Case. E, V. Bal'l1 h!ll't and L. ·A. Mr . ancl Mrs . Russell Holliday Gursl. were week end visitors at thc home Reception anti Vl.~ itn tl o n-J. B. of their parents at West Union . 0 , Chapman. W, C. St J ohn anti S. H. Bailey. Have you sewed 11 patch on tile 'J3anO apron"? If not. call or see Mrs. J . B. Chapmnn.
Local Happeni!1gs
At the invitation of the oUlelal Board. a large number of the mem bers and friends of the Waynesville. Mcthodist Church called at the parsonage Tuesday evening. June llt' l '!between the houl's of 7 :30 and 9 :3) leased Saturday night but Mr. 06- P . m " to eel eb rate wIth th e pas t· 0 ,' bo rne was h e ld for trea tment un t.1l and wife 'Rev . and Mrs . L .C. Rad ' Monday ellenlng. ley, their 25th wedding anniversar.v. Dalnt.y refreshmen ts , were serve.1 to tbe guests. with the Misses LoI ~ and Erin Radley presiding at th e rerresiunent table. which was lovel y with a centerpiece of roses, and Ughted with soft candlelight. The rooms were attractive with basket , - -oC roses and peonies, which werc Mrs. Olarence Rye was hostess to sent by friends . as expressions of the members of the FI1endsfilp <:I ub congratuliltions. of the Methodist Church, WednesWith a few words of appreciation day afternoon, at her lovely country of the services of the Radley famll:; hOllle. In our church and community, Mrs, The meeting was opened with de- J . W. Whi te presented to them, In votlons conducted by Mrs, Raymond behalf of the members and fri ends. Conner. and twenty members an- a "purse of 25 silver dollars". swered roll call. The guests departed wishing for During the business session a Mr. and Mrs. Radley many addlnovel plan for Increasing the tIeas- tlonal years of happy married Jlte , ury or the organlzatllon was presented by Mrs. H. E. Hathaway and Mrs. O. R. Unglesby. and was adopted. The plan provides that one member or the group gathers up four other members or friends In her c,ar and they drive to the home ot still an· other member for blrunch. anytime oetween breakfast and lunch, and Mr. and Mrs. Chal'les Bascom of MIss Corli! Hawke was elected aCter eating are each to pay 25c tor treasurer of the newly organized Biddeford. Me.. were the guests ot their meal which money Is to be Dr. Mary ·L. Cook the past week . turned over to the club treasury, Warren county Historical Society last Friday when the grou p met 10 The plan stipUlates however that elect It first officers. Miss Mildred Cook. Il student 0 L both the vI$ltors and the hostess Charters Maple. Lebanon attor- Ohio State University. arrived home are not to know of the Visit, and are Iley , was named president of the or- last week for the summer. to not be prepared In any way ahead E'an!zatlon . which adopted a conof time. The h05te~os Is ,to serye stir.lltion three weeks ngo. Mr. alld Mrs. Romo Riggs of Feny whatever food she may have In her Other ofl'lcers named Includc Mrs. spent Sunday with Mr . and Mrs. cupboard. The plan ·progresses then. Gardner H . Townsley. vice president . Robert Furnas . with each member In turn taking a nnd Mrs . Edward Herrick secretary. crowd to the home of another memMr, Bnd· Mrs, E. J . Burton oC Trustees making up the board with ber until each has been Included. the olIlcers Include Seynour S. Tlb.- Elyria. 0 ,. are visiting thl~ week The program Cor the afternoon Inuals. Fronkli'n. former publisher or wi th John Rye of Xenia. eluded a moot Interesting talk by • • • • • The Franklin Chronicle; Dr, J . Mrs. Mary ,C. Cross. of her trip to Dean Bnbb of Xenlll I:; visiting 'at Leonard Mounts, Morrow ; Dr. EdPlorlda this put wllnter Mrs, Raywllrd Blair, Lebanon: Mrs. William the home of Mr . and Mrs. A. F. mond Conner -g&ve l'em1n1scences of M. Phllllps; Springboro;' Mrs. Paul Ra~nhll.l·t. the club. dating from 1921, which 'l'etrlck. Mason. report was enjoyed by all t.he memMr, and Mrs, Frnnk Hoffman and At the Friday meeting Dr. Earl bers. MIss Gladys Rye played two piSI,IOP-eer. Dayton. showeo 0 ' color Mr, and Mrs. J , P. Larrick s pent ano selections. "The SOng 'of India". tlIm of pictures he toalt In Lebanon the wel'k cnd ot Louisville. Ky. and "Avalanche" during the recent Golden Lamb During tht: social lI10ur which folMr, and Mrs. Kenneth Ridge ano hotel celebratlnn of Its 125th annilowed the hostess served refreshversary. and the DAR unveiling d: ' u~hter Miriam or Marion. Ind ,. ments. The place or !the next meet- program. visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ing will be announced at a later d~ D. C. Ridge, over the week end.
. .
·.... ·...
· ....
The dus ty ('ontiltion of Street was elLmlna ted Thurs· r . and Mrs. Oeorge WaterhoUSt! ctay morning when oil was 1l11l"Ced on spt nt the week end with Mr. and the s ctlon of t.he litreet tom up bY' \\frs, Robert Burton and Robert AJ~11 01 Detroit. WPA workel'S for the sewer projeCt. 1 we. Wayne8v1lle boys. both gradu• • • • • The villa ge olflcials. because ot IItea ot the aame class or the local flnnncial condltlons. were unable to Mrs. J . B. CTatibe was summonell hlSh school. received degreea rrom finance the oiling. of all the streetS' In'"tutiOllB or higher learning last to F&lIon. Nevada , last Saturday beand a number. of busineSsmen and wfC'k. CO\laC! of the serious Illness of her citizens contributed to purchase the John Set.rs WBS gradUated from IIIdher. M;s. O. y./. Coverton. all fol' Main street. Several Illt r!<ll,n!l-- -- ----, the Cincinnati Bible Seminary • • • • • on other streets 1l1s0 Ilre placing 011' 'Thursday, while on Prlday n1aht Mr. anr Mrs. Stanley Brown and In front of their homes. Frany. Hawk reeeived a .degree In daughter. of net.r LInn, Ind,. visFollowing ls a list of the doners: electrtcal englneerln, tot commence- lted Robert and Frank Crew. last Peck Satterthwaite. Waynes vUJe Nil.' plent exercbeS at the University or Wednesday . tlonnl bank. Coyle 's Ment Market;' C1no!nn&tl. • • • • • S usan Scanlan. Th e Miami Gazette; Attelld.lna the aemlnuy exercises ·Ice cream social at ,the band con. W~mel' L: Drake. D. R. SmJth. Harw.ere Rev. Sear's parents, Mr. and cert, Thursday. June 20. by the Ep_ ris Mosher. Frank M. Fox. LeMnyM)-s. WUbur Sears, Mr. and .wprth League of ' the Methodist Hawke. Fairley Hardware, I.G.A. ' Mrs. Everett Sears and lOll> Mrs. Church. Grocery. Frank Stansl>el·ry. W. B. WUllam Bradley and Mrs. Ohules • • • • • . ~ Um1erwl}od, A, K . Day. Kloger's ~tterthWa1te. Rev. Bears bas two ~JlIlIan .crabbe. son or Mr. and F l'uzlul' nnd Campb n, O. M. Ridge, char&es. pre&ehing at both Lerado Mrs. J. B. Crabbe, was gradu..ted Walter T. Elz y, R. D. Collett. Dr. and :Alanchester. trom Ohio State Un1ver~ty It.st BANKERS SECltETARY Ice cream social at the band COil· Mary L. Cook, L1bral:y, J ames 'Me- ' .-' _'~_ ,Mr. and 111'11: Ront.ld Ht.wke at- Mondt.y evening. recelvlni his B, B. cert.. T!mrsday. June 20. by the Ell- Clurc. Orville Gray, Myel' Hyma}'lADDR~SES MEETING Chlldren's Day' was observed in tended the exerclJea at which Prt.nk deiree 11) AIr~ture. worth League of the Methodist store. Russell Bentl Y, and Mrs . Ven': recelvea', his degree. Frank accom• • • . , . David N. Auch • .sceretary ot the the MethodJat church. Sunday. with Church, able. Ohio Bankers Aalsoclatlon. was Seeger, ..._~ panied by to claBSm!lte, • • • o • Mr. ~ Mrs. J. B. AWU . and ur, a s'pec1al Children'sDay program or Da.yton. left E!undtoy ' .ror Evt.ria- t.nd Mrs. W. E. CprIlell Vl81ted over and with the vulous' offices ot the speaker at the quarterly meeting of Mr, Ilnd Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson visT1'Je local ball club defeated vUle, ,'Ind.. wbere · they will ~ em- tbe. Week end With Mr: and Mrs. Bunday SChool being rUled by chil- tM Warren county Bankers' assoc1· Franklin last .Sunday by a score of Ited Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Harper and . ploYed by the Sunbeam Electrical ,MtU'nard Rich IItnd family and Mr. dren. Joe Davl.s acted as superinten- atlon held Monday nmght In the new 10-2. Waynesville collected 14 hHs family oC Culver, Ind.. several days compa~y. . ' abel Mrs.. WWtam . , MIchener and dent or the school , John Perry Sack- gymnasium a.t Morrow. whUe A, Osborne was ll110wing the lust Week . Ross H. Hartsock. cashier of the ett. as song leader, MISs Raylyn .:. family or P1tt.tllUrih. Flranklin boys 6. Although Osborne Ofabbe. pianist. and the ushers were WaynesvUle National. bank, preSiMiss Betty Hartsock enterta.lned , ' • • • • had a shutout until the ninth. he Jlick Preston. Rlcht.rd Sheehan, dent of the county &BSOClaUon. pre- weak~ned Ilnd allowed two runs. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gons Ilnd MI'. ' a11d Mrs. Lawrcnce FurnM 'Mrs. D. L. Ort.ne Is spending this DouaIas Henderson. George Brt.ek- sided at the meeting attended by Ray Todd and A. Osborne lead Frank Hawke at dinner, last Tues- and son Wlilard eh t'ertnlned at ' !l... week with her nephew. and wUe, more than 30 bankers. Nir, and rian Walter., or LeOto- ney, and Chules Conard. The olIer- Joe Orndorf. of the Citizens Bank the /llttlng tor our boys getting 4 day evening, fnmJl~' dlnnel' SLtnclay compllmenV. t ~~ , tory pl't.yer was given by Harlan B. • • • • • Ilnd 3 hits respectively. non. Mr. Walter Is NCOverlna from Earnhart. Ing thejr guest. Miss Bessie .Klrk. oiI and Trust. Hamilton, and former Mr. aDd Mrs. Donald L. Hnwke The record for the Miamis In the, Sen t LIe. Woshingl.On . The acUv!Ues of the Wa.ynesvWe a-:1 liitact 'of pneumontA. Mrs. L. C. Radley. Mrs. A. H. pr~$Ident of the group Illso spoke. league this year Is 3 won and 3 lost and J . O. Hawke left Sunday mornPb ces w re IIrrnngl'd at tables on Future FWmers of America ' w .,.'. ' Slubbs. Mrs. Harold B. Earnbut. CI1ftord H. Brace. assistant cashier Ing for & weeks trip to Washi ngton, til e lown for thclr gue's ts Who were d Mr. altd Mrs. Edward HUJ! and anc1 Mrs. RalPh Hastings were In or the local bank. also attended the for a percentage of .500putlng them D. C. , reatllred on the National Par~ In a tie tor 4-5-6 place in the league a.~ Iollows; Mr . and Mrs. John . E. Home Hour radio progr~ oya.. SOil of wUminlrton and Mrs. Edna ch81'ge of the CbIldren'8 Day pro- session. • • • • • standings. WINO Monday morning: , ~.Qf~ey8bUri 'were 8UD- IP'UIl of recJtatlon& exercises, and Mrs. ,J, J . "'Fritz nnd daughter Gillam ond <lEI lighter. Miriam. Mr~ The game coming Sunday. June and Mrs. Olin 'GlIJam . Mr. and J. B. Cr~, IiIiPervlBor-: of . t/;. day · lJUesta. at t~~ home of Mr. and ~rs. Tbe Pl'Oll't.m was concluded SHOWER IS HELD Nancy ~ Charleston. W. Va.. arc 16. will be at home agalnst Mason. Robert G11Iam al)d family. Mrs. ' wit.h to ~get.nt, !'The Children"" local organization; acted 1UI mastJ rolrs.' Robert ~er. FOR RECENT BRIDE one of the teams in the three way visiting with Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Mllry Gillam. and ,MI's s ihUlel ' GIlo,f .ceremOnies and first prj!sented • • • • • Quest" In which 'the junior cbOll SallBburll. tie. 111m of Wilmington; Mr, ' and' Mrs. Clifford Oray, sergeant-tot-anna, , Mr. Robert Baker Jr., was tak~D partlcl~ted. Mrs. Rhodes Bunn-;ll and Mrs. J . • • • • • Wllllnm Doster and fa ml1y. Mrs. w~o told ,In 'son, of the wort or , ~ to oood SUnt.rttan Hoepltal. DayB. Rich entert&lned thirty relatives Misse.. Mildred Salisbury 8l1d WaYJlesvllle group. He then Intr\>" , ton. WedJlell:dtoy where he wUI retond Irieluis at a miscellaneous CLOVER LEAF CLUB Frances Johns attended t.he Ladles Ca,therlne Heston, and -son Edwal·d·. shower Wedrlesday lltternoon, comduced the put and new prealdents, mt.1n for·a lew days for ObIerVaUon DINNER IS HELD IN ANNUAL OUTING Day ball game In Cincinnati Tues- and daughter Mary,. tUld Mrs. D. B: Underwood. of Hru-veYSbul'g; Mr. and IAweD SInclalr and Albert PUmoitII. and ~iment. ' ... FOf{ 'R~CENT BRIDE pltinenilng Mrs. Enmt ~ngton . day. • • • • • Mrs. Ell Fut'llas and family. Mi-. and who dlBcU&lCd the advlUitaKes or a ' • • • • • whose marria&'e was announced reThe members of the Clover Lear f~m ~ucaUol.l. In C9ocluslon, ' he Mrs. R. · Eo HastiniS condUcted. 'M r. 'and Mr• . P. lo.' Reason en~r- cenUy. . .club held their annunl get-together Mr . and Mrs . Bryan Prendergast ~~ Raymond Bradclo k nnd, {am: presente4 RUMeli E. Frank, director dir.toUl8ion IP'OUP. at t1\e B~ ,CouJ1- ta~ner at dinner, Sunday, ill honor The.gueats spent 8i pleasant a!- and picniC. FrIday. at the bome of and family of Winton Place. Cln. y r . an~ Mrs, Fred Braddock. lVI,r. at music In the ,Wayne ToWnahip rll DIIIt.rlct meeting: , Thuraday. hei<l of ,Mr. and Mrs. Bmeat BdglnitoD. ~rnoon playing pmles and contests Mrs.·Earnest Earnhllrt. near Frank· cll1~atl were week end guests or and Mrs, 1\. C. Tomlinsoh. and son · h ose marriage Wt.S J'eOeQtiy annou- atid presented the new 'bride with lin. Those who enjoyed the occasion M~ Katherine Bnd Jesse Prender- Paul, Joseph U~ldel'woOd, an~ . ~. ICbools. One of the Gut:aand1na rea- at the NIaml Va1leJ ObautaUllUr.' an(i Mrs. Seth Fu:nas IUld fll!nUY,; turea or the program wu the boy. n c e d . . i w a y helpful houaelJi61d hints. tond .were Mrs. D. R. SiLllsbury , Mrs. ga.-t. Quartet cocn~ 'o f Robert Preston; ' ; ..: . ' Their' gues~ were Mr. and MrB. lovely gUta. . Bert Hartsock. Mrs. R. G. Miller. • • • • • ~rt BIaI'n~t.rt; · 0",11Ie - sa.,..e. fHILQ'EN'~ flR.OGRAM . Edjlngton . . ~. and Mrs. F'nI:nk Refreshments werl! served by the Mrs. Harvey Rye. Mrs. S. S. Ellis. Mr. and· Mrs. J. L. MendenhaU, SURPRISE IS IitLD "~' I~"", &Del,i\lton E1u'htlart ~bq ~ . tlie · · Atr ,lIAP'V HOUR CL,!I:" 8qu~ea tond . ~hter, Dol't. . and hostesses at' the end of the a!ternoon Mrs. Olar/mce Rye, Mrs. D. R. Smitb Mr" Milry Cross. and Miss E.mma FOR' A. F. EARNHART -. foU0'fV1!.1. nUJpiben: "Drlnk to Me \ ; ~ ~. 'SadIe' ~o of HarveYablll'l. . Ml'/l. R: H. Hartsock. Mrs. Raymond Lou 'Lewls drove ' to the home' Mrs. ~' "'.' ~,.,. '1'JlIne 'E1es"/"J~ Pit r ,' ' . ' . , , , Mlaa , ~th 'G rah,' or LgnOll. Mr. J. R. GI,8 80MB Wn.L BE Conner. MIss Helen Hawke. Mrs. Wtt!ter Deardoft. ' neat: . Pranltlln, th'"BIttle ,01 .JeriCho", and lira. Ru&tI.!Jl ~ 0# WU and Mrs. L. •. HOckett, .~ Mr. 'and RELE!\S~. Papll H~81PITAL Pred Gons. Mrs, Robert Oons, MIsses Su.nday, to see a display of iris and '. .. ~ the ToWil." ., ' ~ ~ the memben 01 tb! ~ ~. RQodea, Bunnell and dauahtera. ___ Sarai~ Conner. Gladys Rye. and Lor- pronles. ,~, ' ,' , ' i' HOUr, club,. ~ at her home, ' Carol and Rll&Ia " , ~ James R. oibbons, ' Preatdent of ene SalisbUry, and Davtd Hartsock. e- • • , ,• • ,.( ' . '. , . "'. ·Mter a &bon bUIUleia'DiIiUDI Use ; . the wtoyne8v1De CiVIc club,. ' Is c:x' UmO. WU .....o-. .by. ,;,... il1011II to be releuecll from ' Mlam.l MASONIC NOTICIl .' ,! . ~. Gblldr~ ReoltaUGna " by . Dar· , -: ,. --...;-. ' valley .h~p1ta1 BatUrdaY, .whc:re he . '.. , . ' ~' wUeOn; MOIlIIDIIf'iBOU. .RbOda , Mrs. Wade 'l'urDer 'was ru.teu ~ us been contlned' slnce last Thurs·.. SpeCial coinmuhlcat1on of . ' lin. Bet't .r~ " eo_ _. , . B~• .JaoeU'.ll,Ke: UirlaIB 'W!1- the membeR ' 01 ' b,r "600" club M day a lec ·lnlUlY.. ,nesvllle Lodge No. 183 P. & A, II. or Mr. IUld Mr~. B:~d Whitaker. tile ~ of tale AI'IUIMIt 8tId~ !~ ~ Bu~U, Iarl~ K. 001II ber 110111e ' TUeSday "e . . ,: ,Yr.: ,GtbbopB 11M InJured· abOut Prtdtoy evemng. June 1t. Work In the • .• • • • chair M OGok;plaDo tabIei ,. of _ _ "iere wt&h ,tm-ee weete aiD wbile pfac:UCIng M. M. cfesree. and ,Mn. Roy Montgomery Mr... _ at ,bet . . . . In • . . . " . AIm ,WUbL , ..... awarded to .......... ' the buebalI teem. Betreahments wID be aerv,eeI . and son RUSleI Of Ut.ulden. Ky,l Dean 9f xeru:., lb. .,..naaa ~.. ~ lenDS' 1.-. ~, . aDd lin. O. I; Batter&bw.lte. ..... He apratned bJa leI:~t the time. a -work. . .',' we YlIltma lira. MonteomerY's II1II- ' _rMAr~~d lJOIi cd '- - . ......... Jet.< .. . . . . . . . . .'.. . .. blood clot wbleb DeJeeae Prendergast. W. II. ter, Ward and IOD Bl. Ilh<\ Mr.l..i", MrS, far Jdlb.-aajNI .... WOI1 bJ ~... ida _ _ tbe boIpIiaI V, II. A\Jm1tqe, leeT. 11004. and tamllJ• . . . . . . . . . . ..0 , . , 8 . - - - ' . . . . _ _ ..
· ....
·... .
Chotdrens 0ay HeId At Chureh
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Couple Ent~rtains At Family Diuer
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County Court
Gertrude Jones. invalld· Ed Kaiser. Inv&lld care. ttl 00.
OTI('III TO C.'OWTRAOTOR8 .'1\,,'1'£ 0 .. 01110 DIilPAH'I'MB TO .... HIGHWAY
Vo'_btu 01.'0 "uil. 8. ....0
Sllda CI"'mmono InvAlid nD"e.....00·. " •.".~.... ~" Ella Hoff, Invalid oate 15.00; 00trude Jones. lovalld care. .00; Eel
rt-~.a are~lntel'eilted
Married men bfitween the -aaea ot f ..... - nd f 25- and 50' who Ienow .' MdIng and In going lnto Ir ctQr at OhiO, a t 0lumbu8. Ohio. businesS for themselvell. No lnveetuntrt 1. n O'CIOCK A . M •• EaB l e~!I ,st:-ni duNl Tlme. SuturllllY. June 1.4 , ment. Car necessary. Por an tor(i'Topoea Irnp'l'Ovell1 tlnlll 1In :to 7 In 1\I~h'e view wrlt~ to Box 98. la N08. a"'e oft ered" em e JproJe,," and \\'111 II ' ownrd d n. onlO oontrll" !.) Name ... , . ...... . . .. . .. .... •. . . . . : 1 on . ec'Iermonl Propolla f.'ounfy.l NO. OhiO,
(,'Jerk o . . .In L ••• I C . ., No.40-1Q11 , I]v'I'" "HI('1il ONTltAl" r
all:l~~!e~rft~P~~Il.l.l:ewJ:~t~" Jfg~~:~
_.... .. ed; Inheritance tax dE~t.ermin d as Kaiser. InvaUd care, 111 00 Newton Stamper. IDval1d care. none. ' 1 dl I n the matte, of ' th!~ estate . $10.00; L. B, li3teele, Invalid care. . l8Iullb IIVUY TBU1l8DAY Raymond Hall VI!. Alma Ha I V· $5 .00,' John E. Wilson. lI)ValJd care. or e. gross neglect. ho,rles E, penqulte. deceased ; In' •--";i;;d~i:;i;J;iii;;:'i:iiOP;;;Y;;;:J~;i;i;b;-:ld;;;;;;---' Y $7 ,00; Andrew Bell. Inval1d . care. ........ hi PriM. ,1.10 Pw ..... ~-"l'e ... Advaace James E, Wilkins VS . Miami Valley ve ntory e.pproved. Aerl,e No. 1395, fr>Qtel'llal order 0 f $7.00~ Ch ina Morgan,: . lnvalJd care. tl O'nA~ ... D und La" ela ndSt01 IhHI e ~hwa" Uove- Address ... . . . . ....... . . .. . .... . .. . . II!I.!!!!I!!!I!!!!!!I!~!!!!!II!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!'!!!!!~ $8.00; The Off,lce Outfitters. rubber No. le.nd-Goshen .sa Eagles ~d trustees of sald lodge; f /\RRf l\ GE t.1CENSE. 927. Slate Road. Roule No.a t4e In 0"oe h en' $.35; Verne Bui'sk, gasbl1ne, Mla.ml Townehlpe : a nd Warren . bands, ···· · · ·· ·· · ·· ·· · · ·· · ·· · · · t·· ··· .. , relonnatlon of' lease and injunction . " II . and count y Ohio 0.1 pa rt ot Section E . wanted . , Curtis W . Harvely. 2' 1. movie pro- $25.14; s man s Garage, gaso ne. at Ill' Da'yton-Lebano n-LO\' la M o!f!tJ!!!~~~~~~~~~~i!!~'!!!! , gasoline. , Rou Road, Siale h!way No. Town 6. , ~tal Viola Leon Allen vs. Sylva n J AI- jec~lonlst. Lebanon, ar d Rurh M. 656' . • Gulf ServiCe . station '. t e NO. \48,Hlg In Hamilton ... , ' pte; the Ifll ; d,\'Orce. gross neglect. . Gray, 19, factory wOl'kll.l'. Lebanon . $11.39; Bob May s Service Station. by aw l),l"g II bll umlnou8 treatment , ..!:. "
E. C. Crane Ed . it.or and Publisher
' .
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m',. tl' t ..... 01 Ulat4ince. The ~I Gazette. like any person Hvlng
to ~l11i.
old de. bAa Hid Ita ~ and downs. Tbls week It gets eCUtor.1Yiii .. ttiU Dew;p.per has overcome handicaps In the past.
a new maybe Ii ·IlV. It' down. After having spent the last 15 years on a large city d&Il1. ~ ~ to WaynesvUle. In many waYIL will be like starting all ~ • . We..au. we will be "on the spot." It ls the Intention 01 the a.w ";.j~~l. to the highlltandard that has always character-
• -fliamt ~lCe alnce n.. toundlna 81 years ago. aDd perhaps after • UIM. ' to
~" U. read~rs
and people of t.h1s collUllunlty a better n ews·
this end . . abAU etrlve. with- the purpose of hav1ng an active p~r t In the .......kD.i~ of INamIU and llvlng conditions of the community. , •TIW fUDciloo ot'a ,community newspaper Is commul)!ty news. The ~ \~Wlpaper. and the comparatlve~ new picture-news IP . . . . . liM ua &be newl '01 the nation and world. But t he counu:y • ......,. Ml JW rel__ what theM mediums cannof,-news about the .I.&.I""",,n&IIda ~ .on and move in daUy contact . _We armlr ))elIeye the community or country newspaper h.,a a funcaDd aD' ~ One to perform. eapecl&lly in this day or blltzlO'elg's
01 the community shall be our Interef!ts. To
'uitcar. COl"";',
&DO ~" Por Jt \a in the small community that one tile tna baclqp'OUbd 01 our &reat 4.tnerican democracy, which all ,..11.. may 'be tbreatened If ebe ambltloua ot the European dJctators
nc:Kr aft rfi.Uzed.
bciPe aDd' tuturt! of America larply may depend upon the small rural commUnity. where the kids stw thlnk of George WashJngton and Abrab&m Llnoo1D sa Immortals. and the Star Spangled Banner and The atan aDd "Stl'lrles are tblDga to be revered. _.w, The II1&Dit aa,.eite haa a new editor, Its pollcy shall continue to tile ad~et and Improvement of the communlty-and toward _ aiIJ:a the cooperation of Its readerll and cltlzeIUl.
-pbl ~" ~'s .when
tub.m.n 1sDdi '"
lUckY trarY 118ht. Ught up over the Mill
big 'o ne a' the race at Wayne park... Bob Hyman ~I ~ liIbIiiII poel.••Doc Drake home from Purdue unlversltl;'. where ~ ~ ~ wben Rdpr he Is taking a course 1n . electrical
, ...tina r¥' ~· ·keaa taWnc fA) englneerlng. . . Jesse Prendergast ,- '-::T' • . '. In k ~ !fW ,' ¥ lint man up lIIMIIhea and Pred Braddock hunt g 'suc -
eI1$. a tbap ........ . . Eddie Burton. ers" tor a hearts
game. .. Verne Simpson and his curved pipe. . . hl tch-hllcera at the nortb end or Main street . . . city 'fOlks 'playing la h abo t their softllall and . ug log u aunburn at the pool •.• promptly a~ 11 a. m. Ralph Smlth, the grocer wallang home .. . says be feels bee· tel when be eats his meals regularly. 80Dle Memortes
-Mciate Bl1rta ·lQliool teacber
r;':~¢;;-'fGlliIiiIlD-Ott o~ first day Imd be
'we did the rlsbt
- -" ~~ back to w.yn~-
,! • "IIbQrtJ" UnderwOOd lun. . . bII1UIU In rroat· of MQor A,
'*... tau-
E~ .....: ~ i Wbiscnber COID\ft. ~ up and aaY1n8 th\t 1Ile paper
and iraiidt.Uter
abe could not
~Dll~t,IlalU': It..• IoblI I1nII
Georre WaterhollBe winning
of h1llcllmb in bIB Pord in the days
motorttta ~. ~ lOti . 00 . ~ 'fDd,
when such thJng8 were papular. . . they atarted at the race bridge and , .•:..:~ ...:.~. 1..."".....i~ \... 6'- _ _.... t I .-au - U¥ ~...... elided up at the top of he hJ 1. • . lIIht M 11 _ad" •• bow-loDaome-:1!ldd1e"'Woolard·. big uobsled which aud Ior. . . . _ blab cbrted sa as 20 down ecbool bt"'!'31!111 . look DOW that '.the same hW .•• not many autos in .~ It .._~. .':-irob~~~te tbOlle cfa:Y8 and they roped oft the .....,..tg. ~ .\ U 1U'1llloUr street at the banlc corner lor coastaDd be coUld at&Dd .. era.•• Webb Meelcs. h1a old horse and the mall " couple -b0IlA J.,j i ' ,1IUIN , ~ j., . _duat tunny Utt!e Wqon., bt'\.nIJ1ng .. . . '-P ~ . . . .. ~ ,. ~ from ' Corwtn of the ~ &11)., .; O. II. ~ _ _ weather..•• used a boat when tile ,. ~ " ' - ..ptIif to lIaIDt, to COD- water lot too hJih . ~-
I....., '.
, -.&T I'ae AL"1JIOrJ .&8SOOJATION MEANS · . ~\lt the eJ1lb-e countl'y. It 18
•~ltl»W~ .,1cboa1 -.UIiiDi&lbGOl: ~"UoOWlth'U . .
there cannot be found much oolor aDd tradition as that
.. .
u.n..bl the.maJor1tJ of 0""" oICbooia, are slmply social units ~~~ ~ and 10uDaer membera to a dance at commence'. ,t'.Uiii.. · .: · ''riM W&JMivllle blab aohool &IIIbc1&tIon fa d11rerent. While a dance ....'~ I'IOd. time Sa perC,of the
the tunc.tlona of the
J'I ,. ! W U • Q Q•
.W...... ',Jumna peup; ~ tbe' fCiiilibt iUld eDterp1ae· 'o f· Charles M. CartwrIght. of ~ Uw ubr.;y proJect bU ~ to such a point. that It baa .
. , I ' h h ~~auoclat1on; '. ·m. 'an. off Cel' of w Ie
.. of the oaWmaI ....."bor ·OC Mr. t'l iii . C , artwrIp
~iol!i"k;4~1 ·lI'adllll~ l;JIjill. "~~ ·doeI
' ~try I~~~ij;;~~;'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ...'!...."'ItIIi~
J~ng tran.sPortatl~ '000
dJs~utrlOa:i p~
who of ordered.' . of tbe achooIa a ch&Iiiie. .In the matter ot tbe settl!IIDent cit h"'b acIJocil' feel tortwl&&e to be the estate ot Sanlord Kelly., decas.'" p .ed. estate valUed at 111'118'115. lnhetWlUl aucll ,an CII'P""e'kID .. tile AIwDDlIllOCl- ltunce tu detctrm1Ded 'none ! .~ ~, the matter of the of -.-.<~- -
til ,.
"DAYS OF JESSE JAMES" with ROY ROGERS SUNDAY and MONDAY June 18 and 17 "REBECCA" with LAURIENCE OLIVIERJOAN FONTAINE Don't mills the beet picture ot the year. Selected Short SubJeet. WHkly New. Keep Comfortably Cool whll. you enjoy the bHt plc&1IftI available.
QJmplete flgu,res on the . receipt. from Salt's Tax Stampe tor the year to May 25th show that '18.836.840.78 has been collected. which Ia 7.8% high thafi was recorded during the same period last year when collections were "7.464.554.61. Agent. of lIhe 'I'reallurer of . StatA! sold Tax Stamps In the ,m4int of $863.392.79 for the week endJng May 26th, whJch shows ' an Increase of 13.8% the same 'week last year.
boys, $9.90.; Dorotny. -... v1ces as cleneal asslatant. $7.110; Leat-: Guard, services ~ cl~cal' aaa;,lst.ant, ''1.50; Alice M . Arnold, In"aUd $5.00; .JD.
valid care •.00; Jilll&
. J-
emmuDltlel ou~o~~:~~~rn\'\'I[J~i~\II-r~plel.
NeWI 0 f other C ..
O~del'ed th~.
~e. ~~
nI the matter of the estate of lumbllB Blank Boo!t· Mfg. Co" 1-620 ,A\ uae I'IICeDt reun1aD. Mr: reported that '125 in books liarv, A. Scofield deleased. certlfl- Warranty Deed Records for recorder ..... '..,. added to the !Chool IIIInIr1 in 18JI and tbat another new unit cate of uanster R7.50; . C. Oon4ld Dliatush; stampS. ... lIIat.c&l.led dur11l, • . '. In 'Ilie matter ot est4lte· or $10.00; ' Columb\ls Blank Book " Mfg. I • • J:eljllt ot t~1II activity. the loaallnat1tutlon ~ta a-l1biary ,that T,uf.lla Thomas, !lece.a sed; ·h earipg . ~ .. . forrns for rrobate· ID~urt • .-122.25 ., - - Ued by man a la . er on-ac,~edUI~' o·t debts Is se.t for June Col~bus Blank . Bpok:, ~fg. .do.; ...."'": y is beblr 18 , ' aaaocla : tIon. ....... _ 21 . · • • 50 No. 1,033 for Ole!rk of Court, III'QJect.' Of note ~ by the AU... · , ; • • .. ' . ~ '. '! , . " '. . In .the matter of the· estate .of, ,2.09. W. o. Mannlng • ..ml1eage as of· the loCil' lICboolll in employment. ' Kf'ntcm E. ThompsOn, deceasea' '<log. warden, $51.16; ' llros -• • not prea'iune to place of an employment p;-Jvate sale . or Ordered: Company. of
~4dI.&acm to a ~ 01 approxtmately 'l00. the local organlzIa.~ acUve. Y1tal lorce In the local schools. SIm- Inhc~ltance
• • UDlqUatD that,it
. -- Ra lph WIlson. 21, salesman, and gear and c'h assls grease. $69·12. l t~v!;;;'~nt : Wldlll 16 t ee l to ~ O teet Lewis and D rake. Inc.• coal L.&ngtll 30.6Proposa 34 reel or f"SO~ mil e... C() "'I"JON PL""AS I'ROCEEDINGS HeLtle Tarr. 21. saleslady , both 0 f rI I and 0 l No ..., .. cpment, $19,90; Armel Mate as 9.. ouno'. OhIo. on Section South Lebanon. and M T. tar. SC2 all • $1 ,06621; Blair N. 2 lind IJarl ot Secl lon' 0 or I h~ 1I~1I'. Cha rI s Hurst. 30. salesman. . tord. HllIsho,·o Road. Stille H i gh" a) Trixie May Leach vs. Raymond both and Leroy. gravel. $147.62; The No. 9 U . S, IlOllt No. 50 , 111 Jackeo" ted Elizabe th Rehse, 27 . secretary. C I I ._. and Stonellcl< TOIw'nalllp. , by opply. Wright Leac h ; dlvoce gran • no of Franklin. Logan-Long o. a um num pa..... Ing It bllUllIlnollft II' a lme nt . Hem order' ma(ll! as to !.he children. L R II 21 service $57.57; Thlrkield·s. 2 pnlrs boots. 1' -3 1. Melbourne . usse . . . Pavement : \" Id t II 18 t ee t . Lenll'tll Andrew J . Yeazel. Sr. vs. Village staLI~n attendant. and Naomi Ram- $10.00; The OregonJa Bridge Co .. 30,H8 r.,,, , 0" r•.g6 mll~~. of Lebanon ; leave !s granted to the .b . 20 . factory worker. both of LOO- posts and relnl. steel, '164.88; J . D. Cle" lDnlll l>r~~~~~~ ~~'I (;: ~p lion defendants to file answers to the y Ad nms Co.. parts. $12.75; Anna. A ot tll r Bnlnvlll . Nol'llIw .~t RonO. anon. Hi g h " u )' No. 80" HUIt t Houte amended petition. , John L. Rager. 25. ml!chanlc . West D oughmlUl . . gar age rent, '84.00,. !'lUl No. l ..~~2. In Ela tavln un,<1 Sion li ck George B Johnson vs F \'V Franz PI"l nklin Vulcan izing and Tire Co .• 'l'nwl'l..~hlps. h y appl)'lng II. bitumin. . '. . . Middletown, and Mllrjorle Ann O liN lI'en~m pllI , It'' m T. ~ 1. cas e dIsmissed. ro'. " " 22 , benuty operator. Franklin. parts . $29.68. l 'a\, ~lllenl : WIIlIII 18 ,t •.t't . Lenglh .~er t CArpenter. 53. Inborer. nnd U.~33 r" ('1 ,,,. ~ . 6 1 ",liNo.4 p,.., The Standard B u lId I ng an d Lo an Elb P"oposal C Y vs Anthony Meyer and l: 1" rmonl eo unl y Ohi o. on Section ompan . Mrs. Mary Lamberth. 48 . housework. c . or th .. B"luvlu -Clark S"lI le Road Irma Meyer. et al. ; Judgment to '~ I I' of Frnnklln . Slat e Hlghwny No. tGr.. tatp ROllte tf 535276 d ts fore ""., No. 132 , In Bntavla nnLi S't oneltck p1nlntl for $ . an cos . Ross McMillan . 35, chauffeur. ' r ()\\, hips. bl' nppl'yln ~ n bllumlnclosure ordered. . Hamilton. and Mrs. CatherIne PorI.engtll SylVla Duncanson vs. JefferSOn ter. 40, housework, Lebanon, both 2 0 ,Or. 4 re .. t or 3.80 mll ee. D divorce grnn'-d de STUDY NEW LlGHT RATE Proposo l No. r. uncanson "I [endant to ;pay -3.00 per 'Y'''''' w' eek• for- co 1ore d . v er mont Cou nt" , , Ohln, o n S""llon III .. A ot Ihe Wlillomobu .·I1'- \\'ens" " support of mInor child . FRANKLIN-Electric rote d e - Hond , Sia le Highway No. 480. Stat e UEA~ ESTATE 'l' R ,\NSFERS to 12 ROllte No. ~ 7G , In aa ta,·I". .Ia c\(son creases ra~glng from 10 per Sion ellck nnd Wllll arn~ bllr", Town rent were offered by representatives "hips. by applyJ ng a bitumInous PROBATE COUnT Dnnlel P. nnd L. Jennetta Peree Ireatment. 1t ~m T · al. Pavement : W1ldl h 16 re t. Lenlrlh to Blanche L. Combs, et a1.; 73 .62 oC t he Qlnclnnat l Gas and ElectriC COI I1P ny at a special meeting oC the 31 , 102 te t " .. 5.90 mll pB . In the m atter of the will of Phin- acres In Goshen township . Proposal No. 6 CI""mont (oll nt y, hlo. on part Of eas W. Cook. deceased; win admitTrr.vL~ Barnes to T .. W, Weber; Franklln ouncll Monday night. The :';ef'1 Ion D of the Clnclnnatl · Batavla pres en t fran chise expires J anuary 1, Roo .l, Sia l IlIghwa y No, 41 . State ted to Probate, Stanley S. Cook a.p- lo t 13 In Franklin. 1 ROllte No. 14. In 801o,' ln Tow,ns hlp polnted executor, Ellna Thompson, Frank J . Clark to T . W . Weber; 194 . by applyin g a bitum inous ~" eo t men( The proposed new rate would ItN .. T-Sl. Hugh Brunk and Ed Kessllng ap - lot 16 In Franklin. Pnn~m ~ nt : \Vldth I ~ reet. Length amount to a tlat cut or 10 per cent pointed appraisers. 13, ~O O fe et or 2.60 mllu. Jl!l1Ies PUe to T. W . Weber; lot lor domestic consumers. wbUe comProposal No. 7 In the matter -of the estate of 60 In Franklin , , Clermont Oount )', Oh io. on po rt ot merolal users would beneflt under a Sec tion F' ot the Bata"la -W\ln cheSler Mary A . Scofield, d eceased; private - Archer A. Hartsock, et aI., to Rood. State Hl.ghway No. TuwnBhlp. 125, Slal'e r 11 to 1"" per cen sale of bond ordered. rate reductIon 0 Rollte No 74 III BOln"ln [ ,e wl~ J. Burton; 2.04 acres lo WarThe proposal was tabled for at y, Iby a ppl ying :i bllll minOIl B I reO(m ~ n' , In the matter of the settlement of ren coun~y . l ,pm T· !\ol . the estate of William Weller Wikoff PI\ vem ~ nt : \\ Idth 18 reet. Lengl h Edward A. 'Mayer. deceased. to 13. 728 ,teet or 2. 60 mil s, BUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS dec,eased ; cer t1lled copy of entry de- Arthur F· Lippert; tra ct In Harlan TOlnl " 5 II IIIn , rI COMt .... . • 1 .502 .0n ProPosll ls Nos . 1 10 7 Inchlslve ot termining inheritance tax to be paid townshiP. WILMIN"'TON-More than 100 Ihls P'l'oJe"l 10 he comp leted not Is ordered certllied to the audJtor. '" latpr th an AuguSI :11 . 1940. BessIe G . Gross to George NeVille e mInImum wage to be paid 10 In the matter of the estate of and Mabel Neville; part of lots 15B s tud~ llts regIstered for the first ses- allTillabor on this "ontrn"t SIOIl of E,lIlllmer school at Wllmlng· .hall bE' employed I", acoot'dano.. with th e Thomas M. Clark.( deceased ; claim al'.d159 ·1n Lebanon. ton college Monday murnlng. Dr. O . "SchedUle or ,Prevnlling BOlll'ly of 1651." allowed against eastate, MarIe Ida Mayer to Arthur 1". WOlfe Ra Il'S ' AJocert ru ned and Deter· F , Boyd. acting president, said. mined bv 'rh e Oepartment or Indu !ordered pald. Lippert ; .57 we In Harlan townshlp trln l Relatione applicable to State In the matter of the estate oC RIg.nwa y· Depa.·tlm ent Im provem nts Bertha Brandenbur l~ t o ' Dave In nccordan-~c willi SectlolUl 17 · 3, WINNER IN ROSE SHOW EdmunQ Howard Keltner. deceased; Ha wthorne and LUlu Hawthorne; 17-4 . 17·4a, 17-5 nnd 17_60 or the General Code at Oh,o." .heatin g on Inventory Is set for June lots 124 and 125 In Franklin. bidder muot submit with hlB OENTERVILLE-Ed Decker, of bidThe 10. a c(l rtlfled check III on amou,nt Francis E. Sherwood and Elsie Centel'vllle, won the sweepstake to five per cent of Ihe esti_ equal I n the matter of the estate of Sherwood to George R . Landen; coat. bUI In no e"ent more Edward A. Mayer. deceased; report award for the best rose entered In mated than t en thouea nd do llars. 11.12 acres In Deerfield t ownship. Plana and- apecltleatlona are on the Daylon Rose soclety's eeventQ of admlnlstretr1x approved. hearing tile In the de partme nt at hlghwal'l Anton Braun and Mary Braun on schedule of debts Is set for June to An thon y Braun. Jr .. and Virginia annllual show Sunday at t he Day- nnd .. he o~(jce of Ihe rea ld enl di sdep ut y director. t on Ar t institute.. His entry was of trict 17. The d ~.rec l or re! er\'ea the rig ht to Braun ; 100 acr86 in Harlan townre,ect nll y and all blda. t he variety Editor McFarland. In the matter of t he. estate of ship. ROBT. S. B~HTI~R Sta te Hlahwa)' D)rector John B. Pence. deceased. Dean E. WIll1am R . Lewis and Inez O. Stanley, executor ot sa,.ld estate paid COLLEGE BOAR~ 'ELECTION Lewis t o James H. GlalTlson and I In' the matter of the estate o~ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Mattie Garrison ; 89JIIO acres In CEDARVILLE - Dr. W. Clyde Marie E. Wllila.ms. deceased ; Nina Clesrcreek township. AcbDtnlakaaor de bonia !lon with Howara. 0 Ohloago. was re-electecl 'be wiDlliiDesed. W1llIama appolnted adrntnlstratrlx. Thomas J. HIll John ;V. HJlI president of the Cedarvllle Oollege Fred O. Meeker, Johanna Dannody 143,73 acres lo Harlan township. trustee board and other present ofand PaUline W. RUey appointed apNellie M. Gordon and Lester It. J'\cers were retained tor the ClODdDI Ealate or Rutb Hannab Crtw, praisers. Gordon to Harland F . Dye and Mary year. at the annllnl trustees' meeting 'DecJeued In tbe matter of the estate of K. Dye; lots 3 and 4 In: Waynesvllle. at the college 18l:It week. Notice III hereby given that Robert Frank Schooley, deceased ; dlstribuA. D. Grapevine to John Goodin Other officers are W , C . Dlff. 8 . crew whose Post Office Address tlon In kind ordered. and Clara B, GoodIn; a.bout 5 acres Cedarville vIce presIdent; Dr. WU- Is 247 Telford Avenue, Dayton. Ohio In tbe matter of the estate of In Ham1lton townshJp. llam H. Tllford , 9nclnnatl. tormer hI'S been duly appointed as Admin~:!:.e~omas, deceased ; Inventory Helen Bursk, et aL to Verne Xenlan . sceretary. and J . Lloyd Con- Istrator de bon15 non With the will Bursk; part of lot 127 In Mason. ar.nexed of the Estate .o f Ruth HanlalT. CedarvUle. treasurer. In the matter of the estate of Ida J . Jenkins. et a ll.. to Nelson n a h crew late of Warren Oounty. Harry H. Pence. deceased ; private Jenkins; 87¥.. acres fin Hammon Ohio, deecased. GRADtlATES WlTJI HONORS sale ot stock ordered, a certificate of townshiP. Dated Utili 22nd day of Ma,y , 1940. stock sold to Hugh Pence. Harry L Jenkins and Mary JenRALPH H. CARIlY NEW BURf,.INGTON-M1s,s MUIn the matter of the settlement or kins to Neisen Jenklos ; 87 Y.. acres In Judge of the Probate .Court dred Cflr'r. ~ew . Burl1ngton. ·who was the estate of Emina OhalUberlaln. Hamilton township. Warren County. Ohio graduated from WUmlngton college, deecased; certified copy ot entry deFrank M. ColUns. dece8l:led, to FrIday, with the' highest academic aobert B o/crew. Atty. term1nJng InheritanCe tax ,Is ordered William Ooittns. et ai.; ~lots 7. 9 and honors of the seniOr class. already Da)rton. Ohio. certified to the audlto!:. part ot lot 10 lo Butlerville. M30-J8-1S has been awarded a scholarahlp ·t o . ' In the mattef of the estate of Garland HII1 to George MaMn the University ot Cincinnati next Frank M. Collins, deceased; certlfl- and Helen Carol .Phillips'; lot 98 In year. , ' BBId;JlBOOK FAUI SOLD , • cate of transfe,r ordered, hearlog on Lebanon. schedule of debts Is set I.or June 18. M!sS >Carr 18 a-, daUghter Mr. XENIA-Appraised at $8~ an O. J . Ryan to Hattie E. Peterson; In the matter of the estate of arid Mrs" Roy Carr. of New Burl1na- . acre. . a 117.5-a~e farm on tbe lower 24 acres In Wayne towllshlp. Josep,h Tinney, deceased; the elec~lt pike, five m1les southwept Leander nnd Lucetta Jenkins to ton. tlon or sald Widow to take under Nelson O. Jenkins, et al'.; 87¥.. acres of. Xenia, WM $Old for 160 an acre REPORTERS STABT WORK §!lIn wi!1 Is entered on journal of In Hamilton township. . at' sale Saturday to Mrs. thw court, John McCalmont. Xenia, rural route WiLlter GrIffith , decensed . to Jean FRANKLIN-Twenty-tl)ree' farm In the matter of the estate of F. G . Blackmore ; 6.36 acres In Warreporters have started checking 1.363 3. The sale was ordered 10 common Arabell DlnwlddJe. deceased; two ren county. farms In Wp.rren counw participat- plpas court p~edlngs of Clara ~. dlstributlve share of said estate palQ Clara and Walter O. Wade to. ArIng In , the 19tO farm Pl'0IJl'IUJl8. Ac- Lecl'obe . agllill8t WIlUam C. Butcher In the matter of the estate 01 thur Clark; 30.90 acres In Harlan rea of all depleting ,crops _will ..b and others. e LEonidas Simonton. deceased; ' bear- township .. checked, The '!Vorle wlll reqUlre sevIIlJ on Inventory Is set for June 19. V,S E MIAMI ' GAZETTE eral, weeks for com.ple~fon. Harold In the matter of the settlement of BILLS ALI.Ol1VED Sharp. chairman announced. WANT AD• estate 01 HalTY H. Pence. de5 c('asr.d; estate valued at $17,587.46, Relf's Electric Shop. 1 fiuorlllCen t . . . . . . CMa tax determined • ." report unit IUld for auditor's office. of executor approved. hearing on $33.60; Treasw'e ot state. clothing s('hedUle of debts Is set· for June 22, for Inmates In Day ton' State Hosplt, It! the matter of the settlement at 0.1, $277.60; Dr. N. A . .Ha.m11ton , serthe estate or Lucettat Jenkins; de- um a na 14 treatments lor rabIes. ceased; estate valued $1988.45; In- $31.82; The Otrlce Outtlttel'l!, 100 herltance tax detemuned as none. s heets carbon IUld. muc.!1age. '8.76 ; In the matter of the settlement ot P J Heel' .Printing Co. ~OO pay «'ClUB the estate valued at .'1988.45. lnher- employes retirement. Columtax determlned as none. Ib us ,Blank Book Wg: .(:lo., 50 county . In the matter ' of the -estate of recorger'S record torm, i2.50; HorFratik A. Penee, deceased; der's, Inc .. ' bands. cal'bOn: paper of debts approved. . cUps. etc•. for tr.easurer, 13.'95; Co-
F. T. Martin Auctioneer '
Centerville, Ohio Phone
Satid &"Gravel TARVlA.r~ITHIC . ~TAR AND '. ' E}lOAVATINO
lain Arniit.,e
Phone,' WaYDe'lIi tll. . . R ' 11 . Lebanon otfille Pboul 4.7~ : KrEB.98-M. MorrlW P~on. No. a
w. N. SEARS REAL ES'tATE INStJRANCE . . AuctIO' NEER . .' , . - - - ·c .l-
'l'II1JBDAY, I1JMII 110 1111.
Beech .G rove
1 At
_ 11..
M.~vUl e
Home On The Range
McCray . of near WII • wniton , was a Saturda y caller at "'~---,",!,,"---":'''';''-the Tel'1'Y home. . M.w Iona Shoema ker. of Lebano n. Ipent Wednes day here, . with her parentl!l . Mr. and Mrs. Carey Shoemaker. Mr. and Mrs . William Prock have bad as lIuesta over the week end. 'l belr Bon and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Oarl proelL of Olnclnn at l. Mrs. Cora A. Thomps on . of mnclnnntL and M.TS. Vella Palmer. of Muon. made a. brief call at the Talmale home. Tuesday . The Friends hip Club wUl hold their June meeting Wednes day of Ilext week at the home of Mrs. Wymer Downey, of Olive Br~nch. Mr.. Anna Ferrl8 attende d the Ladles Aid meeting. Thursd ay. at the home of Mrs . Oeorge Beck ett. of Spring Hili . :, 1 • • ~rv M.r s. Elbert Rich. Mrs. Cilas. Volers, Mrs. Jesse Pennington and M1M Claudia Oray attende d Bar, 'b ara Oray's Comme ncemen t at Wllinln llton College . Friday mornin g.
Checkl!l payable to the various achool (1l8trlcts of the Sta~e . repretenting the second quarterl y distribution of 1940 under the School Founda tion program. were ma ~ed out last week accordi ng to Don H. Ebright . Tren.surer of State. The total amount paid was ,11.167.2l5.48. which will be drawn from Ule general fund of the State Treasury. This Is Ibe .sixth 6ucceSllIve quarterly period that the schools have recelved their mentey from the State In full and on the due date, and there should not have tIet.n any queatJon as to Ule condltlo n at ilia ,aneral lund trom which the money foe
..... ........... ,."0'" ........... •
.. a.A.I"Ca
Indicati ons here point to more and more aid and assistan ce to the Allies from .the United Sl6tes Govenunen t. Of course , t1J4! present Neu· trallty law. enacled as an Admlni stra.Ubll mealSure, stands somewh at In lhe way. but New Deal leaders are finding that thet law may be I evaded by transfer ring ownersh ip of war materia ls from t:he governm ent . to private citizens . who then sell I This pose may be I1l1lJhtly unconventional, but the Frigida ire I such materia l to the ,'Illes. However. electric . range al80 i8 somewh at unconn ntional because its report It 18 not jU8t another "silluda rd" ranlJe. This model makera ] It Is doubtfu l that such transacUOIl8 hu two are wmplet e ovens. operate . with Ume control twitche s, cookl! mealA In any way misleading to anywhile I the homem aker aroes to the movies. can't qverhea t, won't overcoo one. All observers seem to know that k,l and iM as ellsy to opl'rate a8 a home radio. Being mtirely electric . it is \ the AdmlnL~t ration Is endeavoring to clean and faBt; and lbl. new model ia aurpria lnlly economical with furnish current . It ",aa developed by lh. auera of the all possible aid to tbe AllIel!!. Fria1da irl' electric 'e(rlrer ator. short of JOining them In the war. Only the future can dlselose what the final result may be; but the ot ibis admJnis tration each obllgal<.'naer the war conUnues the more tlon Is being met on a pay·as-you-go likelihood there Is of Americ an parbasis. t1d!)ation.
Ferr y
'FURT.II uu.s/n-
White fur Borated Tissue With every 4-roll pac kag e fer 25c , 1 extr a roU 'wili be live n for 1 ceDt. TH E MI
AM I GA ZE TT E .......___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___
Little Kennet h Summe rfield. thirteen months old. Is spendin g this week with his aunt, and uncle a t the parsona ge. Mrs . Nancy Pope is visiting with the ,Jess Rolands . Rev. W. C. Smith and daughte rs. Emma Jean, Edith and Ethel and baby Kennet h visited the Ralph EdInfleld's at Centerv ille Sunday afternoon. Mr. George Olllllan d Is recuper Il-tlng at home after his operatio n at McClellan's hospita l In Xenia about two weeks ago. Ervin Faul of Lebano n spent a few days with the P. J . ThollUlSes thls 'teek. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith and famJly, Mrs . J . S. FlIer, Mrs. James Hartsock. Mrs. R6"ger Brown. Mrs. Bradley. and the Sears famUy attended commencement exercises at the Cincinn ati Bible Semina ry Wednesday. The Smith family visited the Andrew Peenos at qonstan ce. Ky . afterwa rd.
Gen uine 6 Cu. Ft.
The Admini stration Is exerUng , very Influence toward having congres s acjjourn not later than June 22nd. Pressur e hn.s been brought on Democr ntlc Membe rs ' to have them vote for adjourn ment In spite of the fact that the country lIenerally. seems to wish the legls1at1ve branche s of governm ent to remain on the job as long as the present Interna tional sltuatlo n cQntlnues as It Is. The Republ.c an minorit y In Congres s has gone on record as being unanim ously opposed to adJournm ent at this time. AdmJnl stratlon chlettan s Insist that the votes wUl be forthcom ing to adopt the moLion for adJourr unent and that Congress wUl cease Its regular session labors as soon as ~le new Admlnl!ltraUon Tax Bill Is enacted Into law.
,. -
\yi tb 'a Bu cke v e In Co ng re·•ss••• -
.. FRIGIDAI.:.....
dustrlal lea..::ers and stut'lent s or In that Cong ress has already a.pproptl· ated about all of the money that can possibly be spent In the United States during the next year tor pro ductlon of war materia ls . even witl greatly expanded product ion facll lUes. In other words . they ctS.lJn with Industry using every facility fOI the manufa cturing of war materla lf there Is a Ilmft on the amount 0 materia ls t hat can be produced. and Ilhat that limit of product ion will bf reacped by the expendi ture of the money already appropr iated for na tlonal defense purposes. Late last ' week the House It.s strenou s disapproval ot the Na tional Labor Relation s Board and gl'eatly changed the New Deal labor laws by adoptin g the Smith Amendment to the Nationa l Labor Relations Act by a vote of 258 to 129 . The Congres s of Industr ial Organiz ations headed by John L. Lewis. had bit· terly oppOsed any changes In the law. while the American Federat ion of Labor. headed by Wlilam Green , had approved most of the Smith Amendm ents. The passage of the new law Is another serious blow at Preside nt Rooseve lt's domestic polIcles,
• They're genwne 6cu. ft. FrigidaiJe refrigerators Not a "stripp ed" m odel. Bmnd new, every one! Talte advantage of this great bargain opponu nity withou t delay.
Fam&s Meter -Miser Mechanism . , I-Piece AII·1etel Cabinet e Automaric lntcriot Light. OpcA -Shut, ..... Door • Uni . Matic Cold Cootiol • Defros ter. Frozen Storage CompauDenr • Cold...... . Tray e Touch-~[ch Door 0pe0eII • "Bit b 1'afI e' Automa tic Tray Release OIl llYcry T~ig'. s Porcela in in Food Compa rtmeot • SMiD-Smoodi Dalla Exterior e ~.ycar Protect ion PSaa ~ s.nc. ..
News Of The Reds •
GabrIel Paul
pense! .. . Exclusive F-114 Rcfri scnAl -_.., .....
COMK 1M AIID . . . If . . . . Cincinn ati :- 'fhere's no rest {Ol' the Reds. After a TUesday ladles' day game against the Philade lphia Phll -' lies and a nJght game against this Large r Becau ae of Better Servic e, same surprisi ng club Wednesday. Qualit y, and Prioe they are sc\)eduled to take to the . road for two full weeks. Their trip Eat.bl iahed 1849- -1940 Events can change conditions In opens Friday In Brooklyn. where Warne aville, Ohio Europe with a rapidity that makes sIngle ames Friday and Saturda y prolrncs ticatlon dangerous. However. and a doubleh eader Sunday are at the present Ume student.s of mlll- schedul ed against the battling FJa ~· non ~day. lary strategy . who are following bush Flock. Mr. and oMrl!l. Harry Emler atWl4. From Brooltlyn the Reds will head evt:-y develop ment 111 Europe on ed the funeral of their .1I15tr.•iIl.-lAl" Cor Philade great relief maps here . are stating lphia for a single game M!·s. Mildred Wallace of Sprlng-. Sunday at Xenia. tl'>o t at Ib.e present time the odds Monday. a l}1ght game Tuesc\ay . and field 18 spendin g. a few days with Miss Marlar et Orawfo rd aud tnvorlng Oerman y winning the war B. series finale Thursda y. New York . and Mrs . Bnnner Stewart . Robert Schneid er 0' will follow for are pproxlm atel four to 1; that the four games In three Miss Marie Oorsuch and 1141811 railed on Mr. and M.I'. IlArl probabUlty Is the Wall' will end In a days, with the doubleheader sc hedQa.... Ruth Bunnell took supper wIth Miss ford Sunday . G Oflllan victory wllLhln slxty to uled on Sunday . June 23. Three days Audrey Crawford Saturda y evenIng . Callers at the home ot Mr. ~ I mnety days; but that U the war In Boston . June 24, 25. and 26, wUl Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gorsuch and Mrs. Bert Bunnel l and cia continu es throughout: the coming close the trip, whereup on the Reds . .. . dau gh ter Marie and Mr . and' Mrs. Sunday were Mr•. Huel AiIaen winter tbe odds In favor of German y will head back to Clnclnn nti to en....Bert Bunnell all.d daughte rs spent daughte rs. Mr•.and MrI. 7re4 wlI! shorten and It will be a tossup gage the Chicago Cubs In a four...... ' , game series that will start with a Saturda y evening with Mr. and Mrs . Mr. Joe.Wo ola1dp, Mr. aDd as to which side will :finally win. LIiIt Hover and da\.liht u and ~. , ,.. nilht game on Friday. June 28. A Perry Earnha rt of Pekin. The Ladies Aid held an all day rs. Ralph Bunnel l and cbU....... Isdles' day game Is schedul ed on the One of the stories <:ornlng to Conmeeting Thursda y with Mrs. Fary Mr. MarshaJI Ollp&p and ,,.....,. next day. Saturda y, June 29. and a greSl!llonal ears from highly credit• of West Vlrg\.Dl& called OIl ~. . . doubleh eader for Sunday. June 30, Belvllle. able sources during the past week The 4-H club officers and advisors Mrs. Harry l!lIIDIey. lit. &ad ...... Is that both EnghUJid and France attende d the 4-H meeting In Leba- Bert Bunnel l and da~~, ~. would be In much better positIon today had they not delayed so long, and quibbled so much over prIces. In connect ion with placing orders for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kyne Jr. enAmeric an ~de planes, munitio ns t ertalned a group of relative s a.t and other war matell'ials. Buslne68 their country home on SWlday. Mr. REAL ESTATE leaders engaged In the manufa cture and Mrs. Frank Kyne Sr. and AND PERS ONAL PROP ERTY Marie of such war needs have Informed Wlhl were among the guests. their own Congressmen that the AlMr. and Mrs. Ralph Eagle and lies. and England especially. beld up children of Cincinn ati visited his for monthli the placulg of definite pllrents 800day evening. BEGIN NING 4T 1 P. 11. . orders, thus slowing down the ...mer- . Mr. and Mrs. J . T . Walton spen t BRANSTRATOR FARM, 75 ACRES Ican lridustrlal machin es. One pl~ the week end with tl}elr children In LOCA 'rED: manufa cturer Is said to have stated Dayton . Jus~ west of the corpora te limits of the VllJare' 01 that If Ckeat Brttaln ~ placed her Mr: and Mrs. Ray Eagle left on ' Wayne Tow1l$h!p. Warren County , O. orders for planes promptl y when the Monday for Washin gton to vIsit· rel1M PR 0 VEM ENTS : war first broke out last Septem ber atlves. They expect to 'be gone ten 2-story. 7-room frame house with baseme nt, furnace . 1CHGIfCl.1D, ...· she would today have several hun- days. porch and large front porch. bank barn 45x65 with metal l'OO( -' ~ dred addition al plane$ on the battle Mr. and Mrs, G . V. Sims are Hoors and stanchi ons for nine cows; concret e silo; com crib ~ m.d '• • line for active service. spendin g this week with thel1' blned ; garage; and other outbuUdlngs. The bulldlnlrl ai e ade."t e. . . daughte r In Dayton. stanllal and In good repair. ElectrIcity In all bUlldlnaa. Oood ~ CJa~ Here In Washin gton changes are Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomps on of and springs furnish ample water supply. Land li'mllln r, te~~JMa; coming so rapidly In connect ion Dayton, moved Into the Osle Salls- able and prOductive. and the balance Is In WOOds and permag ent . . . . . .' with the tnternatlol\8\l situatio n and bury propert y on Pike St. pasture . Plenty of locust tlmi>er. Genera llarm ~r.ncea are ped. . the nationa l defense ]program that It Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb moved FOB YOUR CONSIDERATION: This fann Is apl,naJdit . looa~ ,,1D _ Is alm~t \mpo561ble to predict wlui.t from the Nora Houston apartme nts outstan ding commu nity. Only 20 miles from Dayton and ~ . ~ lP may happen next. Already the Ways to Dayton. on Saturda y. 11:00 Means Comm1ttA~e has changed A number of relatives and friends hour 's drive from CincinnatI. EaSY acceSl!l to schoclB, churcb•• Uld..J-IM!...... Favorab lr taxes. Joins the late Robert Patterso n Estate ' (ItDoWlt .. -... Its ortgl1161 tax pr!l'ram so that It from here attende d the funeral of brook Farm ). This farm offers to the prospec:t~ve b,UY~~"" I!IOlI now appears a much heavier burden Mrs. Chas. Venable In Xenia on Improvements. productive land. Ideal country ho~e ·.~I~ iIMUl~ ~, of taxa.tlon wtll be placed upon the Sunday . all modern conveniences. and securtty . Will be sold at pUblJe ~fIG~ tel ...... people than originally planned . Last Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steele and highest bidder. We cordially tilvtte you 10 Inspect th1a ~ ~ • . ,' , week It was thought Iilie new tax bUl son o".Bellbrook. visited her parents of sale. Sale to be held on premises. Rain or Sh1Iie. - ' .. • •. ' •.1 ,:. , would provide the raising of about Mr. and Mrs. Bonhau s on Sunday . . TERMS ' . : .j : . :~ . .\ ,.. seven hoodred m1Illon dollars addl$1,000.00 cash. bank draft or certified check to . . . . .;;; ~ ~ .", tlonal each year. This week the PHEASANT CHICK S TO balance on delivery of deed. Purchas er wUl reallv, l'gCial Ways and Means Comml ttee Is , .• ~ , considering the report of a bW' to BE DISTRI BUTED SOON and abstrac t of title. Possession within . 30 ,!-~s . . 11 1ICI' 4 \I\ ~t· """'-acres ot com to go with the Carm. (9 acres ITOwln ; alfalfa. , raise well 'over a billion clollan In ror new seeding ofalfaU a and wheat Is see(1ed to clQvel" new tax,es yearly. O~e of the propos. Dl8tributlon of three weeks old . : I ed changes Is In the Income taX law• .pheasa nt chicks started June 9 and PERS ONAL 'P ROPE RTY r where It Is'plann ed tID reduce Income will be completed early In August. Immediately after the sale of the larm, thel.f:oB... · . . . .~1al tax exemptions for married ·pi,rsonS Exceptionally cold 'Sprlng delayed !r.o m ·twenty- flve hundred to two egg . pr~Uctlon to the extent that thousan d dollars per year, and 101' peUverles are necessarlly later than oomarr led ~ fr9ID one thoila- orlglnan y planned . anel to eight hwadr,td. dollars. 'thus 'OrganlzatlQns In 67 counties .have ~teria11y brOladI!ll!q the Income been grjlD.ted contrac ts for a total of . _ . .. . •. .". . ~ 'bue and ~tlnginQre t~n two 30.000 chicks. c.oope~atlng groups .. F~RMING .IMPLEMENTS: Oltv~ .~. ~.; .1: ~.(......~~~ mWlon ne~ Income 'taxpay ers In' the will hold the .bIrds until they . reach chine, corn p~n ~er wtth .a~tac~nts; two' ~,..~ ~ . ._ . _• . 'l1nited ' States. , . .. . Ltie age of eight or· ten weeks. . at ,com Plow;. breakin g 'plow; double dIIc; pla"~ ; !i.~~'.....II!JI.• •'"' .. whl<;h time they wUl be banded and ness; lines: collars; brtdles. etc: ' " M.I'. RooIIe.elt. hal aaked' for 'ail-: teleased . ' . . - FEED: Five tons flr.st cut~ 'aUa1f. 1Iar'. otber twe1ye bUDdrei1 aDd ruty mil- . . HOUSEHOLD GOODS i' ~tlqu_ ~ ~:==rl= UOn d~ tor t..be l18t:tonal defense Oh1ldren are often.e ursed by the mIte; Idt:c<hen catllne~: tWO~ blll RIP: . _ _ -IUD . WhIle be ·undoub ..... '.. ..,..- . . exceMlve amijltiona Of . their ]larenta bator; dishes and numero us other 1...... • pt. tile aPJll'Olll'll.U011 he asta" talere for ~ I!IUcceu ' and welfare. . . . . . · ~ ·II.......... CltfOoD pea •• bO • . .-' are ~ to 1a~1l • llCtle more '11le tacilWea ~Ior ptUq bno oJcMJ, ~ . of ~.. Pl:¥ldeDt for trOuble _have been vuu, lmprcm d, ' Bale . . . . . . . .., ftIa 'lIAI~lfo! ~ .cIeMii ~UoDI, ;bl. . . . wltl1 ~'_1:blDI ~_ ~.~. ~_ "
Fairley Har dwa re Stor e
8prID»..,. ura.
1937 -Ford half-to n
truck -flat. bottom racks
. 1
1936 Chevr olet
. sedan 1936 Terra plane
. 1989- -Cliev rolet four·d oor
. sport 'sedan
1987 LaSal le four-d oor se·
dan. Two ·1937 Che v r 0 I't! t Coupes ; 1939 Oldsmobile four·d oor " ~e~a~
15, 194 0"
.. _
Miss Waynesville
Weol/.r 'o aotiafocto,.y Service otGli timea
I 'V lllil . JUl1(' 2l un ; . ,- II '111 II); Twin TIl'II t!'11
w: ayaesville
-~-....;;~~~..;~~...;..;~.;...;..:;~----.-.----":,.~......- .- - - I
.. •
( - .....-- - - - : . . . . . - - -
us~ ~Jql:
W'AJIf.T ADS Ralp)) Smith re tUl'Jl«I 'T'ue.'Itla a weekend fishin g t.rlp (ll Norris dn m T enn . H e wu~ nccolllpanJed by Clifford Busick. of .Bnrdsl.ow11, Ky .. and his son. He r ports (\ splendld CIl h uf 32 mllJl n IU llU'se-11l0ULh blL~s 1lJ1r1 olle wall-cye.
Friday AND
Admi n(Strator
,"I Can't Give You Anything But Love Baby" TUES.
E la\.c of Cora IIBrlSock Del'eased NO LLe is hel:ebY' given W1!l.L Luth r II . Hll.rt.sock whose Post Olliec AddrcSl> Is Wayn esville. OhJo. R. R. No, 1 has been duly appol n Led as AdmlnisLmtor of l he Estate or Cor:! Ha rtsoc k late of Warren County, Ohio. deceased.
Mr. , Cl,lft Bak~r of Loulsv1lll), _KY., called on his grandmotb er MtS i O. , a. D eatherage, Tulladny avenin". ' n t'V. 1~ItIDi\V-JU!llE 14. _ WOlllnllS' A"~lIln .... 01 St M • Dr. and Mrs. J . W. Ward received HI, "', llntlllYs lJ :OO a. Ill , ..,. ~J • ary s 'ClIlUr('h at I.h e hom , Of Mrs , O. R . t he fol1owlnjf vl.$lWrli, Sunday; Mr. Frn zler: ', aM Mrs. Frank Squires of Harveys- For sale-Used ~Ieot,rlc rallge. J . P. 8'1' lAity·,: ,El' I /i COl' j\ l. b~l rg. ·Mr. Ilnd Mrs. WUllam Gutb- Larrick. MSO-J6 WNDAY-JVNE ),7. (II IWIt rle' of Dayton, ,Mr '. K onn eth Rid ge ___________--:-________..Waynesville Clvlc club, dinner PoI'V, It. I ;. UlI (·kwl'lI. 1( .... 1...· LI ' T antI daugl1ter ot Mllrlon , Ind., and WANTED TO. RENT- House or III 0 Jig, at runc's, ,ollrlst., H om . Mr.': Ma rtba Houghroom (lOWnsWI·l!. Guitar for sale. 'I'l'fl SU ('IOAY AFTER 'l'RIN1TY W~DNE ,D AY-JUNE 19. Mr, and ,Mrs, Alber t Mills" datlgh'. Mrs. Ollnt Ros.~, Waynesville, O. ::10 ,,' III . lI oi~' 'IIm nl1l11ioll. Ladl s Aid Soc leLy of the McLhol.eJ'. ll1)d gr·n nddaughttl.r. of . Duluth, _ ' 11 n. III. M or l1hl l~ PmYl'l' nnd SOl' . dlst Ohurch. nt t hc home oC Mrs. spen t Sunday ub th e HOJ!le. FOR RENT-6-1'~om modem house, l'own , man, Wnl lrr Whitaker, Lytle. , Miss LouIsc liarLsock a~d brother garage In connection close to TUESDAY. J oseph. of WilmlilgLon , called on school. Lee, Lemmon. . J6~lS-20· ::! p. m , Church '. ch 001 Su mmer t heir gra l1dmoth~ Mrs. Lena C. Sr lOll. IInrlsock, Sunday afternoon. FOR SALE-'-Get you Oa'lillage, '1'0ma~ and Sweet patll l.o plnnLs of Mrs . Florence Perkhlscr of Salem . FR IDAY D, H. HDckeLL, South Third at.. I p. Ill . WomA n 's AUxiliary Sew· Ind., anl1 her mother. Mrs. MarWaynesvl11e. M16-t! ,' nret Hen cock , left Wednesday for a illS . two week 's vacatloll III P ennsylvania Misses Anlli U. and MlLIlle T. FOR SALE-<:lnbbnge nnd toroato l\JIo!'I'IJOU I:;l'[' (; lflJll ( '1I A b nu Llrul legend is gOing the Browne wi t.h Rev. Rnd MI'S. ,}l. . L. plants, 50c ,per hundred. Hardy LUll \:'; C. Itutlh,y, ('astor ]'ou!lrls ill ro nservullon cll·cles. It Hackw; ll, motored to Berea, Ky ., pel'ennillls. S~rawberrles . ~eorge Chlll'ch S chool 9 :30 n. m. Wors hip has t.o do wJth the Dogwood, whose Wedllesday where t hey will remain Pcters on. one mile front Waynes'ct'v lcc 10 :40 a. m . Dt'. T . T . Cruw- lJenuLy Is 1l0W wallinll'rpr t h is year. for a few days visi t. ville, B ellbrook. pike. fu l'Ll of Do.yt.un , 0 ,. our DIsLI:lct The legl!nd . as quoled by The Ohio Mrs. Jennie Newcomer. Mrs. 'Ed- FOR SALE-1939-1 'AI ton Chevrolet SIIIH t'lnrcndcnt wil l preach. Artcr COllservntiOll BllleU n. runs 'thus : win P ai n. and Mrs. Bnlrd of Dny L9n ~ ru c k, long wheel bose, equlppea The I('ge ncl cOllies from out of U1e Lhe .~t:r vlce t.he 4lh Quar\.cl'ly Convisit.ed MI·s. J . W, And 1·l.on. Sunday wlU1 rndlo, hn.s . been driven ference will l.le 11C.lrl. H POrLS from cellLUI'les or ~h' past. Because 01 its : 1),000 miles. J . D. P ennington. MI'. alld Ml's , Perl'Y Dav is of Cart,llC vlu'lolIS depw'U)lCnls of t he hnrdncss, It is sa id t haI. t he wood Wnynesvl11e, Ohio, Phone 26-RO. 'chUc<:h , All offiCial In muers , 'e WIlS chosen fo r t he cross on which 1'011 ton , Ky .. and Mr. nnd Mrs. J6· Homer Deatherot{c and daugh ter, uJ'ged to be prese nt" n nd Lhe IJ"CIICI'- ChrisL wa.~ crucified. nl membership of t he chllrch L'I inThe dogWood wns s!\ddened to be Pern of Clncinnutl, visited Mrs. O. FOR SALE-Sweet potato plants, 35c vitcd to uLte nd . lIscd fo r s uch a purpose ,a nd t h e H, Deatherage Saturday. per hundred or tlll'ce hundred for MI'. nml Mrs . Max Whitney and EI)WIlrLil Lt'n!::u(' M I11dllY vcnl ng Sav'lor. seeing Its distress, promised: $1 00. All kinds or gar<.1en planls al 7:30· o·clock. "NeVCr ne nin shall t he dogwOQd grow duu ghter, Bnrbal'B. and friend , of 10' cents p r dozen or 3 dozen for The Ladles' Aid Society will meet .Jnl'g e enoullg h to be us d for a croas. MeNn b, Ill.. vtslted at t he Home 25 cents. 1 ~ mUe north of Waywith Mrs. Waltcr Whllaker next It. shall be ,s lender and 'b ent and Tuesd ay ev'e ning. nesville. I.-orner of .w a ~'l'lesvUle , W dnesday June 19th. This will be twisted, and Its blossoms s hall be In Ferry and Lytle roads. Strouse an all rlay meeti ng Ilnd nil members the fOl'ln or a cross W1Ul two lon g Children are of Len cursed by thEl B1'08. R. R. No, 2 M30J6 -13-20· are urgt'd to a LtcncL ami ~wo short petals. In the center excessive am bl~lons of Ihelr pnrenLs Ou.r tennis Coun I~ bpl ng Pllt In of the outer edge of each petal there for their slIccess and welInre. USE TilE MIAMI GAZETTE shap for use this SlIlllmer, and w111 sha ll be s lUall prints. bl'oWl'! with WANT ADS soon be ready. A fec of 25c wlll be rust and r esta ined with blood. The chnr{;ed for the season , Those Inter- center of the flower wUl ,b e a crown esLed see Lhe pastor or MIss I nez of f horns. All those who see it will Jnmes the pres ide nt or thc Epwort h remember It was on the dogwood ' Len gue . that I WIlS crllclfied a nd t his tree ~ J.:1I1 nOI be muUiated or d estroyed, bllt cherished a nd protecLed as a rei\ IT , 1101.1 ,), ;\1. 1:. C lltJltCll mindel' of the agony a nd death upon T . nI . . ' II ft', i\l illi ~ I"I' t h e Cl'os...... It wns jus t a legend · and S lInd ay -ch ool !l :30 a. m. E , A. II i· I nry d (le ~ not back it perhaps. bUL It Is a beau tiful way of expla1nk;[l rnl llll' t. S up l In\: the markings of t he flower. Pol' 11I1Ig' S n lc 7 :30 . U .IJS1'IN E t('lnJR(Jn II .. II. Kmroholiz.! TO, pl\slnr
1I1.:~~I' u
from I h Is (')\lIllHlll lty wjll bl! ,ohOSlln I br MI. s Wllyn~Yl1lt 1\.11(.1 will W :;"Iected for n loC I' ('II tese. Thl ., .~(' I't'(' ll LP,M will bu shown 11 ' l,l\ ,. ,.r"CI1 nt n 1ll'tt'l' llnl" II) th ' local • < " f henLt' , giving lhe 1)lIbliC n cliance lll , ,. Ille dltrl'l'l' nre h(·\.\\'een sCl'pen tdt.~ nd pp.r~0I11l 1 nPil nr I1ces. TIl!' girl who win,~ In thr slute oIJL('~t will hAV th OI)PQI'Wn llyof I llliljmllnll Itl lht:' n :\llol1nl cont.est 1\lr l iN.' Ullltt't1 S la tes. H is ,SPOII ~. ol'I'd by Olllt.ed Cincma. Pl'OduetJons. 1 n (.'ollllecLloll with the contest therc wUl be il. Junior Queen P arndl' to ~el ('1 n wiltn I' to compet.c in Lhe nn Llonnl Junior Miss Utu l;ec\ SLaLes . olli es t. Alllnt.cur a ts will b(' seclIrr,d rrOI11 Lhc cOllnty. giving sOIhe amateu r " cllnm'c I\ t Ra cllo bl'oll(ka~tlnrr nnd n trip to the slnlc clunU'lit,
ECTI N Beauty
WHITE KORNER AT RIDGEVILLE THURSDA Y, JUNE 20 Free Ref)' shm ent. between -10 p. m.
B. R. Melloh -
--- ; .-.---
FINEST PICNIC F ACII)TIESFree Parking-Picnic Tables Week Days 15c Sundays and Ro1id~ys 25c
in So.uthern Ohio Sa ve on a Season T ~cket SiDgle season' ticket $5·00 - ' F~i1y s~ason ticket-for 2-$7.00
Family season ticket -for 3- $9.00 $1.00 each for ·additional family m embers Club tickets-season-for 4 01: more, $3.75 each NERS-SANDWICl-IES-CANDY ICE CREAM' COLD DRINKS . J COME ANn INSPECT OUR POOL AND PARK
WAYNE PARK . Waynesville
.' .'
right - for years. . ~ Fifty years of fence ~ m~kiDg experience . assures it. Buy time-tested RED BRAND, put It up right; fOrget it - that's the ~y you end the work and worry of yearly fence repall'.
.~&wd for Years ,
The r~gged .service of RED BRAND fence means lower' cost pe~' per year. Plenty of.copper iiI the steel to fight rust- an extra thick zinc coating put 9 n by the "GalvaimealiIig" process .. These features mean 'CASH IN YOURtPOcKET in the. years ,
HIGH· POWER BURNERS • For those who waoe the best in 11 modern cookslove io sniall size, here's a "High. Power" Perfection bell utifully finished in wbile and black porcelain and baked enamel-roomy cooking top will hold wash boiler, pressure cooker o r portable o ven.
W dn esrlily
A IV loin ' I\wu !I,s ,you ' at these services. COllie and enloy tneni with us.
Sse this end the other baeutirul new P.rr.etlons at
UTI 'A . B. CII RCff Bc\.is /\ , II ill, I'ru. lol'
Field' Signal Battalion Veterans Hold Reunion '''l1e 30U) Field Signal
of the world war, will hol4 ' Fort Hayes V:30 n. I II - ::5., ,, ,dn)' ~cLu (l ). l ' ~'s lle r .ol cl . Coillmbus. on Oolumbus Day, .orstlch , Sup!.. c;ob r 12, It was annolinced this 10 ::10 n. nARDW.'\ R E & l iUPLEl\fENT S 7:00 p. Ill, ChrlstJan Endenvor who is cndeavorlng 1.0 get every Way nesville, O. A LtcllCla nce In creas ing and you \'eICl'Iln physically nble to attend Lo I f'sponct t~ t he invftatlon. ' should worship with lIS t.oo. The batLnllon colors arc in L!)e Oh io Stale Rousl) rotunda. In Colum W,\YNES VJl .I," C;lItJ1t II OF 1;11 ; wh rc th y bear t he decorations c urti 'm' for four dl'ives In France, InclUding \\' C. ' mith, l\Iinlster t he nrmy of occupntion In Germany. SUNDAY . Mi'm ber!l _of th o finLtnllon received 9 :30 a . ·m . Sun day Bchool. thell' 1I ch nr ge at camp Sherman In 1940 Chev. Spec. Dlx. T. 10 :45 a. m . Lorc}·s .Supper. h ~ i Icol,he. in August, 1919. 7.00 p . 111 • •JlInlol' alnd Sen101' En VN{'l'liTIS
Sqndny. June 16
R. D. Collett
t llt' l!' !Irst r union In
Sedan den.vor. 1939 Old smobil > Se dan 7 :45 p, m. PI'eacbln!! l\1EMBERS HONORED 1939 Ford oupe Come . worship with tiS If you can . BY MORROW LODGE 1939 Cll v· Spt. ed all not come Sundar morn in g come Two members ' or the Mo.r row 193'9 h ey. Dl x. 1'. Sedall Sunday night. lodge, F . & A. M . both of whom are WEDNESDAY ] 938 Dodge Spt. Sedan widely !oiown lh 'WaYneSvllle l)a\!e Prnycr and Bible St Udy 7:45 p . m . been awarded medals tor 50 l years' 1938 Ch v. Mat. Co u pe conUnuous membersI)Jp In the or1938 Chev. Mat. Dlx: , T. · ganization, . Fm m~ ' IJURml OF OIlRIST Sedan They are _ A. D. ;Haney' and B. F. W. C. Smitb, lIIinis ter 1937 Ch ev. 'l'ruck HartsOOk, Mr Haney resides in MorSUN OAY 1937 Chev. Truck row, while Mr, Hartsock, although !l :30 n. m. Bible School. 1937 Ford Conch J lvln~ ' In , this ' community has re-' 10 :45 tl . In. Lord's Supper. 193 7 LaFayette Coach , lalned ills J\le~be~hlp· lri· the Mor!'Ow lodge. 11 :00 a . m. Preaching 1937 FOl'd Tudor This being F a thers Day a prcsen t 1937 Chev· T. Sedan wil l be PI' en ted to the oldest a nd 1937 C hev. Dlx. T. Sed an YOltllffes t fnther at services Wat day. 1937 Olds 4 Dr, Sedtln Raleigh HObbs was given a f~e of . 1936 Ford T. Sedan $19 and cost.~, $5 of' which was BI\!!]936 Bui 'k Sedan pended, on a reckless driving charse 1936 h ey· M st. T . Sedan In JtlS~lee of ~eace Carmen Orl:\ne's 1936 Plymout h Sedan court lil.st week. ;.. ~ ... ,. 1936 Buick Co u'p e ------~ DRUG STORE ~ECORATED 1936 Old . . 2 Dr. Sedan Employes or Culp's cafeteria Mon· 1935 Cbev. Truck 'day Ilig ht held a picn ic at Lhe »001. The Waynesville ·4t'ug stOre hos 1935 Plymouth 'oach IlJ1dergOl'le a- complete 'renovatJna; Fish ermen registered during the 1935 aids Coup e t he pa' l J1tlng '.of the entf~e Interior In.st week Included the followin g 1935 Chev .. Mst, Spt. Sed a n towns alld cities: Columbus, Covlnll.- having been c~mpleted' this week. 1935 Dodge Cou pc ton , Ky .. Oak HlII, Midllleport. LouATTEND PICIlIlC .SUPPER 1935 Ford Coach don, Wash ington O. H ., west 'Alex- , 1935 ,.Ford Co u pe andria, ,TellersonVJ11e • .Hl1Isl;JOro and Mr.' and Mrs. W · A. LUketIB;'Mr. 1935 Chev. Sedan Lock land. and Mrs. ' C, E. Michener, '8ond 'Mr, 1934 Cllev. S da n D elivery Members oC the Dayton Millaturc .Ahel Mrs. Rh<!de~· Bunnell were guesl$ :" call1cm ~Iub 'held an .;utlng at t he at 8. plcnlc s upper and b!U'il dance 1~ 33 Pont i Sedan park Wednesrl~y evenlng. ~PC.llsored !by the Olark '00. ' Jefaef • 1933 hey. oach Cattle olub "at SprlJ18' " Day , . Pamn 1933 Chev. Coupe . The honor of landing t he largest ncar 'Springfield; Sntitrday ev~ntlle. ·' 1933 Plymouth Coach flsh 'caught at Waynes park goes t~ Malt Hollma n. of MJddlel.owll. It 1933 Chev. Coa:cl1 A1'TEND~ ~OMMENCEMBNt: weigh ed ,17 pound a nd sJx ounces . . , ". 193,2 Chev. Coup e 1931 Cadiil ac $edall Mrs. W. A, LUk:ens attended co.rt-, VISITING soN' HERE me1lcem.ent· Px~.cIB_es ·, ' at ~I~ ' 1991 Plymouth Coupe
Oqll~~, I' Mond!'y: ,H~
. Mr..;., Vidor :rllompscln Of Pleas- Ma.,y Catolyn, who is a litUilenl! at
Farmer.• Excbanl~ CO'.
·Uke Country Club .. well u or better than any other IMaDa CIt' ret another brand II'REIII
GOLD MEDAL 24 ~~I 91i: BEVERAGES' ~!~~: 4'~::.z. 25c VJNEGAR· Avon;~~~;u:le ~:: 1Sc MUSTARD Emb~~;~~~eat lDe REANUT BURER 'Emb~y 2~ 23c FLOUR
, !
. Pkg.
Wayne Park .' NewSI Notes
We h~ve every height .and weight yOU>' neect. Come in
look them over.
l1I ee~lllg
11 II l): 7 :30 ,
SWIM 250-'
The BRAND fence RED you put up now. . will stay tight, look
A New
Da ted this 11 th day 01 J une 1940. I RALPH H . CAREY Judge of Probate Oourt Warren County. Ohi o StatJey & Stanley. Attys. J13-20-27
Chureh~ EVENT:~
Will Be Selected , Frll1ny
· -.OQ
ant RJdge. OlnclnnAtl. iii visIting ~his Eatlham,' licCOmpimti!d her hoine 'for t-he sUDUnet.:':. . . ' . week at ~he home of .tIer son, Thompson; and fam[]ly. Tuesda.y" . ' . ;; rs. &Iva Thompson a' d her gUest. InteWgent. people welcome _ -..__ chanJcal J.n~tIoDa Wlicb Add to Vls~tfd Mr.: and Mhi . ....... ,the comfort and. co.n.V8DIeace Qf qhuar of London. O. ~VIDa.
Motor Co. Phone 326
Lebanon. Ohio
""~' '''J
C,hucJi . RQ81t, tenderay lb.23t SIRLOIN STEAK, Ten~et'ay .... . :.. " ~: .... ,, .. .... .. .. Lh. 32c HAMBURGER., Fresh Croupd . .... " .. ........ .... ~ ... Lb;, i&c
:Ole,o~ . " Krog~r, E~tmore
3 Lb!' 25,(
tHEE~E, 2 Lb"F.lm~li Loaf .. ~'.'..... .. :... ." ......." .. : Each 3'; '~ure Kett~e ~end.~re~ " ~""""'"'''' '''''' 4 ,Lb.' 2,5C .Lb:.Can ..... . ,.:.... ........ ..... :: ........................ ;;. $2."99
Quara~tin~ ; 'Placed
On All . flogs Of County: This Week
Waynesville War Crisis arings U'r gent S't ruck By Appeal Of Red 'C~08S ~eavy .Rain . _. ____ .___ ,___ Local iJappenings
Suffering little chlldren-malme<L hungry orphal'll! need your help wtth a need this is desperate In Its \lrgency I We have only to read the papers or to listen W reports to visualize tens 01 thousand of sick . homeless, wound. 1' 1. frightened Innocen t people In utleJ' mlseJ'y l Thousands are on the roads bound tor "somewhere". At the end or the roll. I- what? Our d ese rt~d ,
A nUiety-day quarantine on all dop of Warren county has been declared b)' Dr. Edward Blair. healtll commluloner. The quarantine. effective this Week 'was placed on the' doca follQ.wJng the dIscOvery of four rabIes cases within the confines of the COWlt.y Three of tpese are .reporled ,to be In Jl'ranll:lln and one near Blanchester. W. O. Mannlng. cqunty dog warqen. was In WaynC8vllle Tuesday. ~at1n, arrangements for th~ quar-
antlne. He explalned'that all animals mUllt be kept upon tile premises of thelr owners l1~le88 'under leash or control of the owner Or responsible per80WI. The quarantine Monday was approved 1n a resinutlon passed by the Warrep county commlasloners. Both Dr. Blair and the dog warden haVe requested all law enforcement officers of the county to assist In the enforcement at the quarantine. ",
Setb Furnas Although not widespread. a rain of the Wayne Farmer's of cloudburst proportions struck • ,- ,'- ,,_ ._ , -,- -,- - -,.., held Thursday. Waynesville late Sunday afternoon club. at the . at 'the home of . and Mrs, C. L. r esulllng In cons iderable damage a !. Mrs. Robert \Baker. Jr., s pent .-----. .- - - - Duke , on R. '7.3. officers elect- Wayne park swlmmJng pool and re o S Ullday a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr . J . P . Larrick visited Mr. and ad (or lhe year are Keller t ll1'0111 8 fa rlll work In Lh ls loe Ill y. Bernard SOuthard or Dayton , Thelr Mrs. Amos Binkley al Mrs. Mo'ny Hoak. vice-president.. and secrelary The storm struck quickly and little daughler, Anne. returned . to Cllfie 01 Oosllel1 . 0 " Wednesday af- treaSllrer, Mrs. C. t.. Duke. lewers of the village were unnble Lo Wayn svlile Sunday evening with ' ternoon . A large numbe of members and canoY off the WaLeI'. As a rl'sull. M 1'5. Bakel' fol' If'weeks Visit. president hWl :asked for several mU- • • • • !I'veral guests e oyed the usual grllveJ was washed 0111 0 Ma in s treet. Ilons. of dollars wl Lh which to bring Learn to do the "Cake Walk" at lUJundant'dloner. hlch W\lS lol1ow- and crews of wo, kille n were busy Mr. and Ml·S. Everett Smith of a portion Of mercy to tht'se people ed by the bUSlnel ..neettn presided early this week remov ing It from Los Angeles . Callr .. were FrIday visthe Band Oal'l1lval. Saturday the In war -torn EUl'ope. aver by the presl nt. W. A. Swart· . the gutters. Itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 29th at McClure's corner.. Our own Red Cro.ss chairman .11, T~ damage at Wayne park wa s L C . at. John . Cl1as. Waggoner has asked Wayn~ In troduced the heavy because of the Inability 01 Mr, Duke the Twp. totalse 300 doUars. Mr. and Mrs. J. ~. Molller and speaKer of me da~. Nelson Schlem- the sewers In the upper section of Mr . _ond Mr5.L. C.5t . John spen'• We a6\t you-1!aQh and every citidaughter, Carla Jo. of PIqua were mel' II state For :t IIgent, now 10- the vlilage to carry off the watE-I, Sunday with their son-in.law and Sunday evenini supper gueata at cate'd In ~n. He 'spoke of what Roule 42 was under water oetween daughter. Mr. and Mrs, John Set tle- zen- to blend your contributions Mr . a ..... Mrs. H. A. Mohler and (amr I large and small In helping others as .... Ohio 18 attemptlnlr In the way of Crane's garage and the comer Where myre 0 Oregon a , we would wIsh 'to be helPed In l1k~ lly, e'ncoW'al1nl farm bwners to preserve '73 runs into ~hat highway. the over . • • • • • IUld replant their ~700ds. A survey ls tlow carrying debris down Into Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Miller Wel'e circumstances. Don't watt for & soU• • • • • Mr. and Mrs. B. T . Vice of Lewls- belng made In, ~ l()WnshLp. of all Wayne park. unday gu ests of Mr. and Mr~, Ed- ItoI' to reach you. Help us rea.ob ollf Quota thIs month. Send or br~, burg. 0 " and Mr. Oeorge Btroud at woo4&. with tbl .~wners permission. A sewe~ at the entrance 01 Waynr El r SmJth. 'Dayton. O. spent the week end wJth and reeommendail~1ll8 being made park became cloggett with debrl , . • • • • • your contributions to the WaynesMr. and ,rMs. E. T. StrOUd and fam- . . to IDdlDf ~ wood yield a from an old dwnp just below rouLe Mr. and Mrs. J. K . Preston and yUle 'Bank or any bank. In tbe countly. permIIl1I!nt IncOlil . Tne state will 42, and the water rushed out Into Il mUy relatives In Washing- ty. Won't YQU dO your share? Give or They Perish. • • • • • aLao reduce ~. 'O:ne~alf. on these pool parking lot. 1.)1\. C , H. Sunday. Nina St, ' John Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Strond of acrea of w~lere conservation The rOl1d leadIng to the pool was • • • • • Wayne Twp, Rep. Lebanon were Sunday dinner ,uests Is followed . NQ Is aUowed a veritable torren t. and C. M. Ha bit. , Mr . and Mrs. J . P . La n'lck were at Mr. and Mrs. W· E. Btr",ul. thus preservtna Itle new growtn. zero proprietor. had a large lorce of Saturday evening dinner guests of • • • • • Thla talk brou,b out. a &Teat deal ment at work early this week placln:; Mr. and Mrs. Georile T. QUlck ot Miss Jeanne Baker spent the we.ek of dlsCuaaUln. ~jvlng that many gravel on tbe road where It bad Mtam1sburg. end with Mrs. S . A. Horton ot Day. are Interested In lite project. washed away and repall ing ot.her • • • • • Mrs. (Ruth damage. Miss Jeane Hutt and Miss Frantoll. • • • • • HOCkett) . a CiUlJi on hls. Mr. Robltzer reponed that In ad- ces Coates of Ridgeville are spend. topics. tbe dltlon to dama"'e !Olr. and Hrs. Ohatles Zimmerman Wrlcal .............n...1)lUcal ~ __,. • to ·the parking 10 1ng several days with Mr. and Mrs. I~t the week end with their son- men compeH~~ ..... _'''' Illnst the women. and picnic grounds surroundinl the Will St. John. • • • • • in-law and dauihter• Mr. and Mrs. The score 'IfU' dlCldely In favor of pool. the. water put a mowr out of Ed the women. comml5ll10n, flooded an annex of the Misses Ma.r g~ret Ilnd Trlllena . _ ; _.1 llnrry .Hudson of Athena. O. wards vlslted their brother. Oscar El1minatlon 0" frJllj a~" the ' • • • • • The club ~Ied to meet In mw. bU1ldlni and filled In a section ..... 'M dR . 0 ' JUly a' the ~.of Mr. and . Mrs. of tbe race, that had be~n dredge<l. Edwards of Springfield . Monday turn' to American M1saes IItIry Be ass Bl1 'Pumaa, tile j&l!Sts oi Mr. and Farm. e rs In the immediate vlclnlty and Tuesday. and found h1s condi- namely the ,o,renuju!JU, yn Olr Os- uri. L. Y. . , Iltor. or WaynesvWe were delayed In th.eJ.r tlon not very favorable . ' and churcb. was . a oetl g. Argusna Id _ . oJ eel Amonc taw' papflts were 'Dr. and work for several days by the heavy • • • • • Prank. Anderson. Lebanon borne. and v ..... ...., e C1f I(n, Bp.ll of COlumbWl; rain, Mr, and Mrs. Geol'ie Bohrer ot In an addreaa before a dlnher. meetan at Coney Ialancl, PrIday . . . cun. .... Tate and Mrs. H. Brownstown, 0 ., Mrs. Lewis Sch\.ti- Ing of the Waynesville CiVic ,clUb, eVenIni· ---....... •• MA.. W1llBtan.man, Bard1n1&, .0" &D4 UoDd&y "'1IWatI .. ,. . • ....00- • • • . • 8pr1ug_ III. Mrs. lIon1s Raper were bCme. 11ft, ,a u Mr.. Bamld. Van Pelt. boro; Mr. IUld Mn,.. ' John -Promm. Sunday guesta of Mr. and lin. The IIIIlOD, autnde<f by .8 pu_ Sprlna ValleJ weu. 8uDday et/eniDg and..llt. ·aDd. Mra. .IJ •• ·McClure. W. O . Raper. SODS, Wall presided Qver"b)"
. .. . .
StrolJds Observe 66th Weddi..g Anniversary " . , Mr. and Yrs. E T . .stroud of Lytle Mr. Btroud at the time of his road Dear WayneavWe. celebrated marriage wu a stage coach driver • their Nth weddlDi ~veraary June from YlUilart1l!town to Cincinnati. drtvln, . four hor&ell and would 10th. 18tO. Mr. StroUd waa !Ibm ·Sept. 26th, cl'lange telUM at each end of route. " oiut a" willtamatown, . 'lei. , Mrs. The driver on the ltage coach sat '" ~d . bef~. bel' ;. m~a,e w~ out' In front at the top of the cab, .. iiiij;. OhUea. . She was bom , After four yeara of stage cO!lch drlv8th, 18SU;"it OOfarth, Ky . Ing moved to Olnclnnatl and 'lbq r~efe united In marrlaae at he wa. conductor on street clln also b bride bqllle June 10. 18'1., by the dra~ bY hOl'llea. after' tlUa tbe~ IUIv. Au Tomliii, Ba~t miJUster. moved to Pendleton Co. Ky .• where . they bUllt their bome and -reared &even ch1ldreD. In II10t they moved to'1'h Ob1o.b -"'''dr Mr B ave seven........ s. . .... _.. ....- Hen.B Wad~ T •V~.fIY t,e . th ke, W wt.....'ourr. auD. " ... I1to <leor,e at wor . es arro 11. , Dayton. Clau!le. Mrs. Irene Bender-
son, Mr•. Maltde orane, and W. E. StroJld all of The IS grandchUdren, leven &Teat ii'andchlldren. two great great grandcbJldren. • Mr. and Mra. 8troud are iD 'apparent....OOd be be1nI 81 and
~ re~. ' . _ ". !'Im,,*,~, bitH" .dlnp't Wu.._dl',_ eaJat- ~ altar wIddl tbe afuftluaJ
- , .......... ~~
th ~
Er~t ~drtngton ~d D~"
· ia,hty-t.hree h of CbU. . . .' IIuia Sambart pth...:. eel BIUIIIN.' the counttY bome of . )It. pd lin. c1areDCe Rye. ior thl
~ o~ b~ ~cll:ett. ~~nasRooe; .:~~
~~~~l;l _~'7.11 a~l'DIIJ',
~B, ~ ~~_ ' af
~ ~
of ~yton
itiIIDaD .' 1IIeJlt. !oil JUlbrlFlq, abd ... IOOIl ·Uma. , ' . ,be oceulon 6 .. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C&llamn 01 ' G1bbona, lIl'ealdent. WhO' were ill' aDd'''' Lee aDd Chicago. Ill.. are re.Joiclng over the is convale.eolni from a lea Injury 111 0.; lin. Ada . .L..; ,. Mr. and Mrs. Roy ROllI of Eaton blrtb or & 8Oh. born June 15. Mrs. Miami Valley boIpital, Dayton.' • )Oa IIabIl LacU¥. Ralpb., . were Sunday auests of Ml:. !Uld. The Women'lt" Mlxil1ary ot . 8t. Cajjahan. betol'e her man1lie was Mr. Anderson's address..,... fUll 01' i air• UI4 ...... Davia W.1lde Members ot the• . W&¥DuvtUe W. A. LUkena. . _ aDtedotes. He told. 'of wu I .....; Mary·s Church. met . FrIday after- M1as Mildred Runyon, daughter of Intere..... and Mr. aDd Uri. Homer Parm.e r's Orange wbOse bJi1hd&ys • • • • • noon at the home or the presIdent, ¥r. and Mrs. T . C. RunYon of Way- havin, taken part In tbe WIik1e ,net tam11y or Mlddlekltm; wra. H. H. W1utamaon &lid daughMrs. O. R., Frazier. tor tlte last nesville. R. R. I. at 'a civic OJ'lJan1za~lon here , maDI ' Mr ' , ' -.M" ~-. V-.' M . " aDd fam- are .lD t' -AprU. were ter. lIIu Grll!'e. arrived home Sat· Funeral servlees were n~id Ttmrs- meetlng befpre the .summer vaca• • • • •,. years .aft _ .. •- ....lIe .... .:. ' May J. t ...ar··_'..J\II1I! ·t birthday _~ """8 ... ' ~n o~• W..:_-;. ___.... .._ ,•.' Mr. ancUlra. Catl 8Qb1Wri1 IUdlnnes.. at the urday. after Spendlni &evenl weeka day afternoon at '2 p. m . at the Mc- tlon. .! .Mrs. Frank DJU of D,ayton was IDa talk waa hIIffiy' enterqllD1Dc ff.milJ. Mr. and Kr8. Robert qray. er. y eve ,. In Miami, Clure hmeral home for Emerson A. The opening sertl1ce was conduct-- the Sunday illest 'Of her daughter. and lnstruOtlve and the ' memtiera - lir aDd Yra. Albert Stacy, of Day· Grang. b'all. aces were • • • • • Frazer. '75. who died at his de by Mrs. JI'I'oazler and members of Mrs. Viola Allen. iave him a rlsl~ vote at tbaDP at ' . '. '.' _"A t for twMlty i)oDorl!d IIUIIIta at thl . , bom In Barv81vsburg Monday Ub iQD j ab. lira. J:meet ~.....t . .~ Ie tile · Yr. Harold WUllamaon . and SOD. e . . the society responded to roll ca y • • • • • the !=onclusibn ' of his addrei8. , f m1l1 ot Clarlllla' Yr Clarence blrtbdiy ta . " B d . afternoon follOWing an Ulness of six rePeating bible verses. Dr. Mary L. Cook and nlece. MUAnnouncement made of, .tba a .' . ._ . After! dIDDer the follClWSn& pro- Rtchard of .DaytGll were un ay Weelta Burial was made In Ttl I t f th 1 t tl dred. attende' d commenc' eme' n' 8xer. , 1111&11 a~ .cbUdl'en of QeJ'lpaIl ...wn, . aram -... presented 'by the commlt- dlnne.r i\l8Bts. of Mrs. H . H. WIlUame m nu es 0 e as mee ng " regular buslnesss meetJng of _. -';_111...,._,.;.:..."""". 1 · aIr. a nd Mrs 84 8:-1,,& Mr aDd·' ,,cemetery. were read by the secretary. Mrs. W. clses a't Earlham Oollege. Monday Wednesday, ' Jwi 3• • t .the toWDlb4l. " , : ._.f"':' :. d tee lw.h1cb Yra. 8 . H .. Bailey . wal son and, ramUy. Be was widely Imown In this com- .B. Scanlan ' who gave a concise re- June 10. ·~I. W WW-Nun ' Taand,)Qrf'am~IY ofYr ,S'p' raoa ~ ChAlot _.:'.' plano ·-'0.' .... lass , . °tla· •• .' ".vtn bee ..... . d t house. ............ Hadley; -r:- Talk. -- "The "7 Plah- . MJ'.. and Mr~ n _n an spen po ' rt of ....... nut activities. This was fol• • • • • ~ ' 14n. . . I , - . OeDe¥lve ve RQ!8 and fam- munSty... r WOl air, aDd Un. Buall BUrnett . '. b M1aa"y 01 RidgeVUle entertained Bunday approximate,y 50 .years of ~ life In lOwed by 'a )ength), disol1S5lon of Jitney and plate ~upper served' at 'aDd r~, ~ Mr. and lira. Deartb ermen ~ 01 ~lou. . y ... Ml', and Mrs. WUbur Hutt. and fllm- the UtJca nelJhbclChiooq. plans tor luture work: the e Hall, 5:00 to '1:30. Sat-...bAD aDd f~' qt RldIevmej ~l-~u ~WS8, a ~e act play, ' Mr . Mrs Will H it nd Survt\'tnJ are hla "'tte. DoWe, one The meeting was then turned over urdayGran~ evenlng.....Jyne 29,' preceding Mr and 'Kri ....lIe· Oray of ~Ue ' "aooWii' tor Ru~" was tpl'U8Ilted lly. . Pra' 0 ~ ~ eon; Harold. ot HarVeysburg, one to the Rev R L Hackwell who ~.' iand Yr~ .... ~t·"· ":. ' b'~.tb......me cas* ~ho~y· M C te nces of oaRteds, Ul ' brother Prank, of Utica" &n~ one' spoke Inter~stUtgl~ on "The . Other the Band Carnival. -. roul¥ the . lav when It was preaente4 on Lawrence oa s a u gev e. h Mr Re 1 "'_ of naw' , · ~ ¥ta 'WilbUr Barnbart and' fam- . P..,.. .' d Mr d if Will st J bn daug ter, s. '1& ~_n. ~ .. Side of the Auxiliary ", after which JOE WADDLE NEW Misses LeUa KoVennan aDd Ruth ,' f JJy, IIIIU!a1le ' We tor .tbe of an . an • • . , . ' o. ton. Beven grandchUdren also aur- the society adjourned to meet the JEFFERSON COACH Ann Donahoo enterta1ned '\ & Mr. 'Joe Whor- the Orlm,e chOrus in ,L ebanon. two 00 you know what the future vlve him. \ lecona Friday In September at the miscellaneous showYit: Saturday afiey, Oharles IIlIrDb..r~~.. Mr. and Mrs. WeeD ~o. holda far you? Bee Madame Pltl at Little Inn with Miss Emma Lou ternooll. at the home ~f. Mrs. ~w1a , . . Le wIs as. h os t ess. Joe Waddle. for the last three Koverman. Lytl e, ftlt-en -IIUold 'Sweney 'md ' ~.-nuY.1 ... _r. and , the BaIrd CartUval. Saturday night, ~om_ . . oll ...... MrS, OIat• •'. D\JIan: 'and FAMILY June 29. and leam the truth. During the pleasant social period years athletic coach at Spring. Val· Mrs. John Hover. whOSe marrtaa1.ir....Obarles Sellars, Mr. ani1 Yrs. . _ IS .ENTERTAINED . • • • • • S' the hostess. assisted by Mrs. Joseph ley high school. has tc ac- was recently annouDned. Raipb ~hart and J. 14· ~t J " - -' . Mrs. Roderick Baraeri !lnd llttle . "Ohamberlain. and Miss Marcia Baker cept a slJnJlar posltlon at ;Jefferson Many lovely presen.tl were rect!1vOf Le~ori; Mr· aDd IIrs. S. S, BUll ~d Mrs. ,Artbur , ~artman .dauahter 'of OoluuUlua epent Tuea-' served ' 'd ainty refreshments. high school, Mongomery county. eel by the bride; fr~ her trtehd.s; and fam'ily .aDd Mr. and Mrs., ~lar- .were;'Jic1lat:s to··the HaWkins l"amlly day and Wednesday at the bome or Eztenitve preparations are under SpeCial guests at the meeting were Mr. Waddle succeeds Ralph H. lind a pleasant afternoon of pmeli Dee RYe aDd..fatmlf· . COnD,ecUo . _ n, SundaY ... . 'June 18. ThOR her mO"ler, . Mrs: Ruth Janney. Mrs. J . L. Baker and daughter Mar- Fowler. who quit at Jeffersoll to be lind contests. io, UO~~d,;,bY '.~~_ . W way for"the band, clU'l11V~ and stunt. Cia and Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain of co'ole coach a' t Wa ynesv Ule. ' 'T he IM1 reUDlon' wlU, be beld at, IIIbd atten~ " .ere': Mr. and lira. A. • • • ' 0 • •. ment was enJ~~..... .,' . ..,:.' ., -.,. show to' be beld s.,turday. June ' 29 W ddl f ,.,• .oft_ ill UL, • the bornl ";',Ml'. &nd Mra, J,eal~ B. Terrill; 'Mr. "'and ' Ml's. Warren Mr. aDd ' a«s. Lee Earn~rt and Lebanon; MISlies Margaret and TrI1- . a e, onner _-.v e 00 1:, II IlIvlted gU~Jts ,w ere as ,ollows. the .s'arnbart of t.eballQll. Tem,U'uchtaUgbters Rose , ~ and famU" nf Norwalk spent the week at McC~'a corner'. . 'lena Edwards and Master DavId basketbalJ star. produced county guest of hOnot. ' Mrs.. H~er.. of,.~' t: 001'0 , 1•....... ~ "u" -~ .........,' Yr. a.... • ...;. l.aw- end with J ,.. Thereand will . 8tuiltil be . many ch~mPionshlp .... ...... Mr. and Mrs. Clarence boothS In interesting connection HartSOCk. 1 ' t ' basketball teams In ton. Miss Ellerl uUler' ~ . ' f . ~.~ .. . A1TE"D t.rry,; Rye and famU),. ' With tHe carnivaL procHds of'" . his ast b : at the Oreene Misses BettY,Braddock. Mildred Bal. ' ,'" ANItIUAt OUTING . ~ ~,~se~~e." ' ~~. eon DaVid ~ • • • • wblch wW be _ for tb. benefit at MIAMI~ BEATEN BY county BC • tsbury, Mary Eva LeMay, ~e. ' " . ' . . au ~pear R~w. V1enna, ¥r. , aDd Mrs. D. ,R. SaU.!ibury spent several theWA)'neaVtue llichool band. MORROW 15 TO 6 . He.saj ~ Johns, DorJs, 1I'r~:_ . . . ~ ot ,. the iecoDcl ~DlO Yr~~. O~les; ~nd, !Uld cbUdren,. days In Cincinnat.I this week vlsitA "Jitney" anet ,llAte s,qpper will • LODGE MEMBERS Clara BoPkins Betty :Bemard;)'ApD: DiiWICt ,aJa4~lr famWea ~d ~&r, ~ ,\fbu .,1Ui\1 ,Ke~etb: ~barlotte lnJ her daughters ldISRa Jllith and be IUVed lit :tbe!:g1range ball pre_ With rain halting . the ~eed1ng ; A 'lTEND MEETING. camJ:il:ell. Do~thy DakIn lind ~ar~ · . aDnu&1 OIiUol' UId p[cnlo : aDCl ¥n. , Rodney Doria Ballsbury: . cedina the camlvAl A band cow:ert In the seventh inning. the Waynes_ Jorle DaJtln; Mrs. Edgat 8mith•. Mri. '. thI u. HaWkins. wW be KiVell bet1\'tell 8:1S . and 9 .tI1lle lost to A district meeting of the ' JUDlor., R : G. Wiler, aO<1 · 'YalleJ. of · ••. :;: TES FROM o·clock. Morrow team SundllY by the Order ot Amertcan Mechanics ' . • a1Ml Cbllr 1 &. &.<!.... 'CEDARVIIJ..E COLL'EGE In cue of rain. event w1l1 be of Iii to 6: . ,. . was beld at Mlamsburg. SatUrday GARSTS A . . . ( • lIf. aDQ' ¥ia. Cbarles and, un. NaJiDle , held a' 'the blah ,.chaol bUIlding. The local team made many e.r rors Delegates from Waynesville. CHURCH .. u ., ..: BrI.dT .... While the league-leading Morrow 8prlngfleid; ,J:)iy,ton, Osborne, _ _ ,'.. ',' '.' Clack. Mrs. DOli, •. 4bCk lOll .Y r. and lira. .'Donald son or Mr. and · VI81T WITlil, PARENT8 boys had lIttle' trouble in solving non. MIddletown. atid Piqua . took Mr. and Mrs. L. ';t.. oarit lire. .. Mr• • Oil. "'" :W1lburP9u1ka R.R. ..' slants of A. OsbOrne. . , part in the ev8li1Da. 'And ..... Aim ~. ~, BOa 141... Ib.t~ of N~ ~llDI· . 2. "U padl:l&ted .from Cedarv1l1e Dr. and Uia. A. Jj:: Sr.out and thel\' \ ~ext 8unda~ the ~tamls entertain Ing.' Work 01. 1tUUatlon was put on epJQyil.le a ten- ~y. to · Qoak. us- ........ MarY, \ . • .May 31; wtU1'lllJh· jp'ad e.,,: daUShter. Wlnnl.. Jo elljoYed the .c;lay Mason team at·the high school by a of ,Richmond. Ind .. ,GrOve., N. 'at,I_:tetI Rp, '.',' . ,,'. ,. . 1 " I He waa Gn,e: or Styldaf ......; and· diamonds. . MemtM!rs of the .local chapter obUrch _.""" _,, ... IIdIb . . qcJD&l4 .... . " , l "'AT 'O_VO - ' . . ua_,or tiU . . . &01 ........ O. It BOyer' 'ills. J . J. " '. ' attended the were ' LJman ........,, -.-..._ I ..' 1 '. JOa 0: the . D! Mrs. 8tANt, ATTEND MEETING Day, Cbarles 1lQ. *'1 Ooyle. ' tta woaTln' IlATaOIf8.· " . , \',~ '. team for all tour ,...... ID.~. \er. and mothet, atteDded. concert .:-.., _ . ,_ LynCh; ) . P . 14U'l1ck, ~e8 ' _ . ' .• J .. "He __ q'arl Smith; and 8cb+. '. >
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May" &rvlce Station, 8uollne. ...os Bnr.almm·s 'I\>xaco station, 8~lIn. $1'3 .15; Walter 'Bot.ts Shell Station. lawJlne. $l2.28; Rogers ok Simpson, hOD. 111 Waynesville, Ohio Main Street gasollne, $13.95; Frank Sherwood Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Clark of Day ~-"eer Entered Aa s.eolld Clua Mail .Matter at Postol fioe, Waynesville, Ohio gur.22. Frnnklrll. 0 0.. supplies and gaSOline. $17.68:- ton were Ss:(urday guests of Mrl. NM 'Y S 11 8 .)ohn ZeLtel, Jr.. 22, studl'l1L. Leb- Beel's Park-a-way, gasoline, $4.20: Mary Carmony . E . C. C r a n e Edit or a nd Pub lisher Mr d MrB E. W. Carler of Day. anon. lind Relcll\ 1'I1nl'5 _0, steno- Maddox Bervlce Sta tion. gasoUne. . $177 ' . an Rut.h Doering \' . Otto H. !}(>Ill' - I g 'fl l:lhel'. J.ebanoll. . , ton were Saturday eve~8 dinner ISSUED EVERY THUBSDAY ° In8; IIc~lon for d vorc . gross 1\ g" eza CO)(. 21. Inbora . Prunl:Un, .gr wold's Ser vice Statloh. parts. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard De-":--S-u-bee --rl-p-tioD--.-Pri -·c-~-'-'-1-.-5-0-P-e-r-.-Y:-e-a-r-,-:P::-a-y-a:-~:-Ie--:'i-n-A -:-:dv a{l-o-e--- I ct; C. DoflaJd Oil tusl'l, atlc.nley. and Edlth Carparl !?r.· 18. I' nklln. gasoline. etc, $225.44 ; The Luding· weese. . Edna L . Willis vs. Scott WI~lIs : ton Service StatIO~ . 'kerOGene and Mr. and Mrs . Harry CorneJl spen o divorce. grQ.s.$ neglect ; J . T. Riley. OhiO gasolJne, $61 .2t ; Lebanon Motor Inn. Wednesday and ThUrsday In Dayton atlorney. Inc.; supplies and gasoline. '108.68; MrB. Allee Clark hasn't been so Phone 78J eOorge Benham vs. Edwin E. L d~ Ollvllll an A. E. Duvall to Morrow Service Station. supplies well and 15 being cared for at the MahBDl ; action for damages In the An l llollY Von Holle: 106 '. acres in and gasotine. $50.76 ; Coleman Ser- home of brother and WICe. Mr. . sum of $15.000 and_ costs ; Oarl T . rIle reek to\\·I1l>hlp. of the vice Center. battery and gasotine. and Mrs. Lee Mason. at Mason. Aun he.rll, aLtotney. Fmmll Lew ' La Eva Prances Lew· $9.46; Franklin Vulcanizing station. Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Danta of Editor An na Hoyle vs. Ellller Hoyle. et Is ; 107 50 cr ::. 1II CII nr reeok lown- suppiles and gasoline, $23.03 ;- Herb Loveland spent Thursllay and Frl!-__...;.___.;..___________-:-_______..:. at. ; B tion for pnrUuon; Howard W . ship. Hoppe, suppllfl6 and i lUiOllne , ,SUt day with the former's parents. Mr. Ivins. attorney, James M . c.l·i· 10 Delbert O. Earl Ha·tfleld, services as mechanic. and Mrs. Peter Banta. TARVIA-LITHIO TAR AND SOME THINGS FOR WHICH TO BE THANKFUL 1. I: 5 lid EvelYJI Lal;e,; 5 ncr s In $72.60; John J. Barr. PI1oYIoll. $146.40 Mrs. Margaret John& spent SunROAD OIL; EplOA.YATING J ohnson Myers. payrool. $178.30; day with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick. e 01\tl\lON Pl,EI\ S PROCEEDI NGS Franklin township. need Hazelwood to (" 1'1 Hazel- E. W. Ross. pa.yroll, $527.90: Earl Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet were DUMP TRUCK SERVICE F r a n ce ca pitu lates I N azis sco re new gain ! R efugeea Earl Bowman vs. Hestel' Bow- wood ; J a.:re In l"urtlecreek toW11- Basore, payroll $257.20; Raymond Sunday evening guests oj Mr. and PIT RUN, LOADED SOc YD. mall ; 90 dnys to fIle answer granlm achine-g unned ! ~hlp Mulford. payroll. $208,40 ; Harry Mrs. S. D. Henkle III Leball Jn. Thus is t h e ten or of the n e w ~ that ha s be n driven ed to defendant. George Hall to Andr w J Bakel'; MOIIOL, payroll. ,117:20 : .W. F . AIMr. and Mrs. Robert Sl n ~y pJcViola Leon Aile. V.'l. Sylvan J . AI · 1m 42 In fo'ran kiJn . len. pay roll , $202.00 : Ennis Thomp- nJ.ced with friends In Da.yton Sunhome to peo p le o f democratic United tates in b ll:lzing len : defendRllt 1.0 pay pl ll lntlf~ $60 l l. W Meekt'r 1.0 F"pd 0 Meeoker; son . payroll. $150.60 ; Lebanon day, headlin es a n d o ver the ai l' wav es du r in g t h e pas t w ee k. lor n.1lmohy due. Pbone. Way;oen :1lle U R .11 lot 488 In Frllnklln . Farmers' Coop. Co., 19 barrels eMr. and Mrs. Frank Deweese and E ver yw h e r e o n e g oes , World War II is t h e ch i f topi l' Sta nley A. KepJeI' vs. J . H. TiItCor~l L. Da n to harle.~ W. Con - III nt. $45.60 ; W . C. Turton. 10 bar- son of Yankee Street were Father's Lebanon offi ce , "Pbolle 473- K o f c onve r s ation , Even th e g lad t idi n gs of tjle Re d s w ill ni ng 0 11 ; pialntlt1' to l'eC(lVer S3757.50 nnd cion: lot I"B In Pranklln. rels cement. $24.00 ; A. Hoppe & 00 .• Day gue.ets Sunday of Mr. and Mr.e rea.98·M. Morrew Phone No. S a d oubl e - h ea d e r f r om the B r ook ly n D odg 1'8 h a s been ('0 ts fl'om defendant. F . W. Frail? to O~ "n\' J. La Pol e cemenl. ".90; Howard DeWCf!lle . Virgini a Pearl Culbertson vs. f orc ed to t ak e a b aCk seat. and Emma ·R. LuPo:e : 11.0" f!.l'res The Trl-Slatc Ignltton. Inc .. parts. Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Carmony of Ch rles Eugene CulherLsoll ; dl l'orce In Frnnklln towl1!;.hlp. $16.lll; O(l·)Uyear Service. lIres and Springfield were Sunday evenlnJ E ach n ew s u ccess of the tota litarian di ·t ato'l's b ring s ex. ranted. d fe ndallt to apy plaintiff Kenton E 'I'11I)11l \llion. deceased. tulles. $45.29; Wa lles Garage, parts. d lnner guests 01 Mrs. Mary Carmony cl amations of con cern from peop le ever yw h e J' e . W e a r e S'3.00 pel' week for support of said Mr. \nd Mrs. Guy Routza hn and t 10 I:l!'SSIe Plymire ; G!HI a re~ In War SBO.65 ; WeJch & Dakin. supplies. 90c becoming more con cious a s eac h d ay passe t h at p.e rh aps nil liar chlld. I'cn county . Wa lter L. Fol~mer . cleaning dlt.ch chlJdren. Betty and Russell spent National Guamntee and FInance our democrat ic governm e n t, a n d t h e many pl' ivi l ges t h at Frrmcls Bundy anti El17.nbpth on road 13, $19B.00; Wl&ht ok Decker the week ena fishing at St. Mary's Company VS. RoberL C. Bratten ; Tholllas to C. E . Linden ; 85.36 acres Pharmacy. supplies. 7'~; LeMay- ReserVOir. it brings, is not as sec lll'e as it o n ce was . exemption granted , sheriff ordered In Deerf eld towllEohlp. REAL ESTATE Hawke Agency. Insurance on Court- . Mril. VJola Gra&Sle of Piqua and It is well t h at we h ark,en t o the d a n ger s t h at confro nt t c release Buick· seuan. Mnl'sha ll to George L~bel house and contents. $54.30; ThompMrs. A. J . King. Mrs. Gen e Pilcher. Mal·tlla INSURANCE us. We' should prep a r e an d n ot be ca u g h t napping a s h ave Albert J. Scheu,rer vs. The Mor Ullcl Mary Jane Isbfll; lot 994 In son's J anitor Supply Co .. 1 brush. and son Kenneth of St. Petersburg. AUCTIONEER the de~ocratic co untries of Eu r op e . row Canning Corporation; plnJn- Prnnk.lln" blo_k cover and handle, etc .. ,1 • .00;,. Fla .• called at the home of Mr. and 'I T h e s tory of t h e wa r th at h ilS u nfo lded it s e lf s o' r apid- tiff to recover $1.774.10 and costs . R. Eugene King and Harriet SlI lart.-i Garnge. ga.sollne, $B.OO; C. MnI. Walter Kenrick, Wednesday. snle of reoal estate rrom defendant. ly during t h e last f ew day n ot on ly b r in g s Oll Cel'll fOl' t. he BlRnche Carman to nJanche Gries- Stanley Earnhart. stamp3 for audMr. and Mrs. Therle Jonea and f uture, but s h o uld m a k e u s mOl'e a pprec iat ive of t h e b l ess - rrctered If necessnry. Iller ; lots fl2 nlld G3 III Mason. itOI'. $25.(4). 50n entertained to dinner Sunday. Samh A. perrine, dec ased. to W· R . E. LeRoy. kel·osene. all. grease. Father··s Day, Mr. and ·Mrs. Edwin ings t hat are OU I1l. I'ROI\i\TE CO UllT C. ValiFossen ami Blanche Grles- gasoline. $57.00 ; H. B. Oonover. sup· Nutt of near Centervl.l1e and Mr. j . ' In Way n esvill e a nd t h e M iam i Va ll ey t h ese b l essi n gs mer lots 71 and 72 III Mason. plies. and pal'ts, , 56.00 ; Treasurer C!f and Mra. J . B. Jones. are many. ! n the matter of the estlite of Mwanl N. B ael)1 I', (lccca:.C'd. to or Slate. 2% of amount due sta~e Mr. and Mrs. Donald Irons and For wh e re in th e e ntire n a tion ca n t h e s ce n e r y S UI'- Anna B . Robison. decMsecl ; will nd- Mary Ellen Ben..:hlcl'. et nl. . nbout for care of Inmates, June. " 271.00; chUdren of near Lebanon were dlnNettle Bohl·. rent of office tor super- ner guestl; Sunday of Mr. nnd .Mrl. rounds this c ommunity be 's m :p assed'! W he J'e 3 n t h ere b e ml~Led to Probn.te, Lllthrr T. Rob- B7'~ a res In Franklin LOlIlVshlp. JI'll M. Benehlel·.. ct al. . to Mo.l'y . ill tcndent of sch~ls. $25.00; Ohio Oharles Mwlenlx and Dickey trans. found bette r schools, w ith a b etter teac hin g corps , o r as ac- Inson appointed exerutor. FI'ed Robison. Chnrl s Wadsworth and J:;lIell 'Beachler ; IlI IJ0u t 7 acres In Central Telephone Corp.. rents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker tive an alumni a sso c iat ion ta.ki~ g s uc h a li ve inte l'est in Wl.!tel' Frailer nppointed nppralsers . F'rllnk.lln township. . $64.25-; Ohio Cen tral Telephonl! and daughter Mr. and Mrs. . Seth t he welfare of its s tude nts '! ROOT rOR' ANP,' C;ON5IGN In the ma tter of t)le e.'lta.t~ ~or . WlIliam S. Grabllln 1.0 Leo S. !lnd Corps .. tolls. t31.00 ; Johnston & Furnas and daughter and Mrs. HarWe also c an b e t h a nkful f or a prog r ess ive c iv ic cluo, Mary I.. Wallnce. dec~n" ecl; PI'lvIlW Sara h Frnnces Oonn r; lot 8 In J ol ll lon. sruJh cab!e. labor, $2.50; vey Burnet attended the Wayne lOU)' Cattle. bo";'.b~'p DIAd caiv .. to Norri.. BrOek &;, H•• wire aoel .. WaYllesvllle. J oh nston' '& ' Johnston. galvanized Townshlp Parmer's Clu~ Thursday pi·.Jue8IJvl II'It;l lltr the '·hia4lut modem stores a~d a c ti ve m e r c h a nts, Wayn e p a J'k p ool , a t · ~n le ot renl estate orpered. II the matter ' of the estale of wire. sprlng. labor at Jall. $3.64 ; at the country bome of Mr. and Mrs. market prices and 'codtl ..rvlee, ___ _ tr4'e ting. p eople from a ll sections o f outh e rn O hi o, s ubs t a n U.IItD Stock y ...cI.' ChlCl••• U, O. J ~ na{' F . Fox. decensed; schedule Of BILLS ALI:OWED Vlr glJ R. Ol'olles. 2 buzzers oJ, jaU. C. L. Duke. "- ~.,BiIld fa r mers , a s olid b a nk, a g ood lib r al'Y , a c o mTune in on B,td\o Statton WOK'Y de bts approved. . . . -' $3.20: Federal SanJtation Comyany. Mr, and Mrs. Oharles Wade of )2 :26 ' to ] 2 :80 'Pt m. lI~r daO, munity of beautiful homes, a bus lin e, l'aill'ml d . go od I'oa d s. I n the maher of the estate 01 Lella miri Motor 1nn. Tnc.. gnsoline I llc .. 5 gallons pine cleaner. fB.?5 ; . Wa.Yne.svllle 1mve purcbaaed ' the m""ket report.; ~8Y ' access to Dayton, C in c in na ti , a nd ot h e r large c e~ters , Funk M/' Colllns. deceased: estate, for dejlltty ' sealeI'. $1.40; Barrett Thompson's Janitor Supply Co., 2 grocery store of Ralph Johns and and other conv en \j;!n c e s th at w e s om etim es o ver)ool va:ued at $6.962.96. , Inheritance tax B!,otlle;'s. · tol"~s ·C6r ·Pi'o·pate. $7.20;' ehumlos. ~ case ~~I cleaner 'for too.1t poastaa1on Tuesday mbmipg. IJSE THE MIAMI OAZ.TTIt Columbus BIIlJ1k BOQK Mfg. Co .. Ct. urthouse. $6.96; Wolte Chel}.licill._ • Mr. Paul Joh.ns~left ~tor columbus d!,teltllined as none. WANT ADB ~."'_';";;~~~lt1fsle they are so. co mmonpfac e. , . . ;, In the matter of the gU!l rdl lU1Sl)IP . fo m ll! Cor PI'obute, $8.50 ; E. L, & Supply Co" one 5-gallon drum "Saturday wbere he . will .spend ten . The war in EuroPe in deed sho-qld m ake . . . ~" . _ u S ' more ap- or William ftendrl ck Hartzell • . 1I. · Sch w61'lZ fOOd, $2.00: Fred's' De- 'Bellmax, 'US: TrUstees of PUblic lIayS at the Buckeye Boys State .preciaiive ·of tbe free land in w h i ch we- liv e. . ~O'l'iclil TO' ~N.mc,.OR. mlr,or ; p~lva~e sale oC p~rsonal partmen ~ S to~: bajanlas and· house. Aft airs. light and g88 a~ . Memorial. camp. Be ~as the 'one ~s~' from p!l)peny ol dered . "'" Hall. ·".98 ; 0l1i. Edward and Robert .. " nesville schOOl and · ona ot tell .•" ..,."".B.Oil1"'O...6 . • .. 'f J~ .' .' .· . r slippers for' . J .Ivef"u le court • · $1 ;"oJ. ,... , . • ~ ' . ,DIilPAR'fllBNT ~J' B'!iBWArl In th.e matte~ of . the esl:a~ ~ 'The Office' OUtfitters. 2 reams ·bond. Blair. ~8tlon' of ch~dren, '7.00 boya flODII Warren ~ounty to r cei : '. ' " ·"t::ol .........j'o,,~ .~ ... a. llHO . M~STLY A~OUT PEOPLE AND THINGS J(~~l'ph Tinney. deceased : cerl1!l~at'l type ' !Yl'lter ..t6r ·clerk. $1l0.8'I'; : Fred .Orville K . Brown. insurance•.$176:38 thl.s .bonor. ' . , . __ . CI wk ~~:'~I~"'~~O~~I''''l'' ot tranfer ordered. inheritance tax ProCtor OolhJiQ'rsy: 300Q sets certui- H. G. FJtzpatrick, premium oJl, lh-· Mia. Katie Reeder and;daught~rs " '. c. , _~ . at w raJpping a nd marking a dt'lcrmined. . " cates ot title "fOf ClerK $1800; The suran;ee,p06.33: . " MiMes Ruth ~aJD.d Ethelln' tom: --ntS~~e~JI~~p~1atAtd:~~ jf::~:: ' a1·t ·I'nb -'- th e bu' n ch of ho e and s hove l IT' the matter of the adoptl°~ . C!f . OftIt e' OUt ntt'erii i dOz' 'peedls .for .. . . pany With Mrs Besale Kenrick. 1lnd,. plr e cl or. Of ..Qblo,:.at:JOol".liul, Qhlo, the postofI'l'C' e' -IrW a ·6 Is P I Id In' leg . . . . '. " . unl ll. ten o'clock 4- M., ~ern ijtallh" HE-len Lou e t ee ; sa m or - sherlff. · ' l.'OO·;' ·Wm. Huiford. Jr... .. ' Mrs. Cora Archde&i;,on .of Center- ' dar/! -TIm e. Saturday, -:r~ ! U i jo. . , · anival of the mornin g !llail .• . h a ndl es t a t ",)ust c ame ill. .. alll' adopted by Dnvld A . . stamps for sherlff, R, F. TURNI·NG :BAC K . VIlle. With. ' Mrs. ' 1_ .Inctual.. ' kicks about t he ' mess the oil Bob s a.ys he learn e d his cost- Ehmche Price. . GlJby extract'toru' $300 ' THE LOC K . Ralph Shade &lid Mrs Rlehard ane , uUertld_ul' one lI~eet' and will M '- " s t ree t" . rna'k es a· I m a r k'mg s y s t e m froTY> r the e e stat ofThe ' Hubmap "Supply . • Company. . 'at , Wi',at . - OuToliton. . .. a~ 1101 conJ.[ad) on . am .,. Wayne . I :l '" h e rna tte r a __ . . 'Dryl1eli' .. L e awa • rded "PrbllO.~1 .NO. 1 . ' • .... h ·o·· ucrh. all are thank f ul th'e . Smit h, New 'Burlington h a rd- Elbert P. Snider. deceased ; J ennJe 15 ga'~ fly sp-ky $22 59' J W Tlnl70 .. TE~ n:.ARS ~GO Ml and Mrs Lowell ThQm"a \ ~·"''' I P~a'BIIl\l!ll . O.UDt)l . Pb~ . on Sec." .. . "" I ' · · · ·· ........ , . ;. , . . , j i 30 .. .. , . .. . "'" I OI)l a,nd LoveJana ot . tbe LIIv... dust ,has i}een ··.. ·e li minate·d ... w a re a nd implement mer- L Snider appoInted admJnlstratrtx" -Hardware Co" axe. I1gh t bwbj; anti : . . J~ne< ~ 9 , dauahterBettyaccompanJed .bY 'Mrs: 1~-Go.heh· ~0&4. 1ft'''' '' Hlf.~way • tile Fuel1sberg~rs;~hey'i'e the_ cb a nt who 'died last we e k ••• I FR 8C J . Irons .. ~ay c .' Witte an? A· . spo,?ns !on~r1ff,, $8.15 ; w~. Hut!. , ~ . _. 'h~nr. E. nlOnuU ' &nd .Mrs. ~~erl~' ::d·9lJa~r~ ~~~~p~~. ~'t~w:~~:: }o" • • • • • ' • • .' • C. Murrell appomted appraisers. . orC£ Jr 'washing for prisoners Mrs Anna CadwaIlatler and . Mis, • 'one3 'anci-''BOn 'MIlton attended tbe ,Crollntl';. 9~0, on pan 0," SeCtiOD m. • . motive force behind the "Sk~ t h e constan t parade of ki. d s . I th t ter f the estate 0 f " • . • 0 tile uaytoD-l.eb.UIOIt..Lov.laD4 . '" . ' . . .. ' -. n e ma o. . $25.36; Dr. RQbert M. Blair. m~dlJ:$.l · Olara , LUe were ·dlnn~r . hoste5ses at. Po~ Annual ~ce ~'yur! iiven:· no~cI. State· HI!.b'WaY·Ncf';'1I4, 8t..t~ V 111 e s and · olds.ters too, up Elizabeth· Ji;. Lewis, deceased . servlces.at.jal . $lI5.00:' W!'ll' H1,Iftord the of Mrs. MaUd 'to·, tJy "JUst1n Staebler' at.' ::; mod~1 aIrplane ' cI1:lb, bus y down M a m s treet 'on .band . 'l:~te sale, o( person_a l <property or Jr. reeding. Pf~lrIersl"$251 75' ;ijeel'll- Mr and Mrs. Roy RodkweU anel 80na Art. Institute .last FridAy eWiilng Itj,1n 'll.U. W '. '.' . ;;. as the air. meet held c oncert nigh ts ... L ee L e m- dered. I . pa;'k aWny. ,&fOUne and Co1orado, Mr. ·!Uld.Mrs. and Of "wbtch Betty was one M hla .. tHt ". h h' , In the matter of the estate or "1313 ~b . 0 ··d hUdre Mt6 All Gods -Jl.l}Pll8 • • • . . , ~ . >l; ' . • PrOD.Q4al ict'ci' a .. on - the Prest on· farm-.. ·.t 1e, mon and , IS .Ice c r ea m c on es M L R 11 d d h In cars, • . ; anon Motor Inn, OIlS an c n, c:e . f). ....~ . .. ' ~ . ._ . , " ..:; "." ' r ler'inont L-QUntY•.•ob.lo. pn SectiOD . F "Ott , . h d l'ttl l..·t Ilry . . 4SSe . ecease . ear g Inc . change Jadjust' braluis ' lpbrl- anl. Mi'.' John 'oous" . ' /1IU'. Jack BaWQ ' n I a 8untiy ~- 2~nd. pal't 6~ Seetklnll .dttb. l(l\_ .~.).'-"..AiI>-~'bll;Ys all call Mr· " ... h e on ce · a a l e WJll e on schewe of ·debts set for June 27. ' • f'. · • • • : _. }" ,. _ ~ ."_H''''~ _. u_ ,_.:. ... .#~ f_ ' l.;_.J't!~.rcl-J;lllJab.d ro Rod,: 8t,a~ Bleb",..,. h h d th ' t U' ... . ca.tion; f4,.50;. WlllL1'Wn Motol8•• re- • . ,. . . ' - --,--- . . ._, - .~...n.u.. ~ ... . ............. E . ThoDUIII .... 0. 9 U, So Route No. liO.tn Jack.ou . , , ,. . ' . '''L :<11" E d and hIs WIf e . UCI e ..... og e s are e m WI I n the matter ,a! t he ' estate or palrin Dr k s d .....r ""... ~ nob "--':W..lo ...,· .t ' · · · ·m aild-llra . ' 1:' lbOma. enter a ncl ~tClD.flck 4lowaabJp.,. by apply. h k f t' d t . Q A '1 d . g a e, vu 'lit/llug . s._.... oL e --... QD .pen · a vet'1 -en.. .' " . . . - Ing a bltumlnou. treatmeDt Item ..D~:rnh~rt, book eeper ~r c orn get Jng a g oo "s a rt .lD .... nrah .' Perr ne. eceased; ' cer- $1.60; Oriswol < SI~1ce Station. gas-. joyajlle weekeiid '-at' .IndlIUi ... .iab:-'~ ·.to ,. i. f~ ~n JUmter' T-~~. Ie .~ ''i-'' ' , ~"''':'' nsfer the M~dd~n. Lumb~r Com." th e "bot t o m s" b e tw e en here tlflcnte ot. tl"'t ordered. hear- C!llile and oil :r ld'ler1.ffls cars. U7.14 Tltose who enjoy,ed the til~\':-were 81lDd&f, !olt~.·Kac:Uaon EUnhart~~ 30.88l ¥::ft~ r.if~ll:.~~t.. Leneth ~.ny. ' ~ushin'g ;' ~me '! f o r a fl:d C Ol·win .. :R e v. L . C. R a d- ~U~1(l°~7~hedule ~t debts. se~ f~r ~r~y Z. Or , servlces .as .· secr«:tary .Mr. a~·...!4rs. ~~s)hU~Deu; '~. :' ';!S'!Ja'i:k.aoo~. oI'~Jl~e . '.b l~n':to~\.~~':;~ ~i~'AA ~ n nI the mn tter of the .settlemen t of of . Soldiers ·Roelie~ •. ~~lon. ·a:ld .. Mrs; EU Fu~s. Mr. ~ ' [.Kra; .~ I~~omaa qf n,f,~ ~- , tta~ ~r :~lt;.rfoJl~.;::: ~4,--, lunch and back'" to work ley ; Ma y or D a y a nd Fra~k again Ed' Ramby Bill ~chu- · LeM ay, discu ssing the war 'iN . the estate of Eva K. , Probasco de- $90.01); .CWf ant... sen:I.~.~ a.s , ~em-'Alierman, Surface,.~. ~.ncr ~. ·RUa:,·~·ert~~~I · ~' and.' ;~s. "Lowe!1 'ii/o. 'im . ~aJ~via . ~d ~ 8~one~rc: .. : ' ) .....". . .' ber of Soldle ' l~U ~ . e6lJU1l1s,<ilon. ell WIlson. -J4ls6ea NeUte Graliam"· .~maa and' daughter It t!ettf' . and •Y;l'o~,_hlp •.• 'by ' a1lP1,.lnc . a" bJtumln.Jer, Roy EUja ..and Ea. ' 'Eom beM a y -Hawk e 1nsurance ceased : es.tate valued at $22.926.9.1r. 120;OO; ..Fred hinsoil, seTvic!!8 as Ruth Q",bam '.' ...., . .Lencth and "Dutch". Burton sitting" company 'offic cL ,Letters of Inheri tance tax determined. member of Sdldiers Reilef Conunjs. Mr. ct\ul.... Jifuter . ': -, L. :, ~'.' 1I " ' : ' ·:i. ' " ,t' 1" ~ .··.1 .)~~jI ' U C1J:.: Ul mIl... , .,~ . ;. ~'l' . b th 1rt t he matter of the - estate of . .. . ' . ' , yv~. .' t ' ,_. '. " ,.. ' '.J,'i'lJI1g,1al..No" 4 ··' infront. of " the drug ' store en ceuragement f rom 0 - El dN B' h1 d ' d ' sl~q' $.20.90;~swaldFuneraIHome. . ."i ' ~ '. .~. ' ' . ) •• 1,F::.4 .'-.c .... let~ont' oount,.L ohlo• .ob ,8ectloQ .; ". • C war . eac er . ecease ;' cer- .. ...• . . ., . • . • _, I, .. ... . .0 Batavla-QI.. r)c~v.u. Roa/! talking about 'the days of the Ch~rles ·and John Cart- tl.flcate of tra~fer ·ordered. esta.te>'lfurljll••. $lOO.OO ~0I111 . ~}'ant. s.erylces . Lawrenc~ ~ardJn .o! .ne,iU'. :~e; .. ': " '... .• - , ' . _:'" " ._. _~tat. 'Hll1hw&y No', ~fjG',S~~~Rout. ·old Miamis baseball teams ... wright, of Chicago ... t wo of valued at $12,24B.99. LnJlerltan~e- t~x · as mlmember 0 Soldiers BUJ;laJ Com- sustRlned· pa~w In.!~s ~ut..:the r' I,: .'; . ~. : . ~~~~ :;t::~~"i::~,: \~\~~:l~~ ," C B ,. t t W . '11· • Hee. , 1.00 ; rDr . 8'. M W~Ula.ms . . head in a~mptrng to move a mower .: ... ou. tT.eatrn~nt... ltem T'-~ ~ " remembering , When ~ , t h e grea ea aynes vl e determined as none. . serves as m"mbe '. of S ' Idl B . , d " P . J'" ,.~ . ~he young ,peoples class ~t · tbe . 2",Pavement: WI"'l[. ll to'it, Leneth nl tI Ie ~a tt er Q f t".,e se t tJ ement 0 f lal .QOI)1D\ltt~ OO , r tu'-. 'On 11 ,gra e. " ~ ka" " . v.Oft. or a so-••miles' . " Red" Jones, now t h e suc- boo.s t ers· we kn . ow. ' T .$1:00 ' Dr0"1'.era H ·K1f. " . ' .. ';' ~ ~-:"f • UsJc&.0Chureh . •..... a surprlsll,. , party . reet . .Pr4Po 1 ~o: "5...," . 1 C "R • . .. the esl.&te of Joseph Tinney deceas- 'J:li-:! " k " ;- • •. t . ' , • .. ,'; '. ~ tore"", WIlbur Boekey TuesdQ eve Clermont Cou~tJl' Oblo on 'Seetloll c.essfu) Natlona a8~, . ~gJS~ ed ' en try determlnln ' rnherl~ce ollme, profe. lonai serv: es. $3.0~; • TWENTY nUs AOCr -.' nln ";bo 1a e I " : •• - ':< ~o of tbe Wi\Uant"'lIrli~.p.vJU. t e r company . rep.resenta.ti~e .. : SOtdE MEMORIES ta~ to be paid Is or! ered .certifled· T~~ tOII~C~ , .-ttitters. J 6enbusctr. " " . ' ... J~··l8, It2~.· .", we'toor _ou! ':~:r!°~n!h'Jlen:~ Ro~t~ ~:.t ~l:.I'~~.r:ia~1~.4!~ac:'~~~ • D 11 'T h . led oUlillt. $2.75 ; ;Or, A. D. ~rve'y . t . , . . _ _ " . . .', , ~' n Stonellok ana 'WJIllamitburt Town' •..lD . a as, exas. , ~r ',' ',/ ' . . to the audltor. / rof I . . ': : ' . .:' .. . • . . ' ,._: ., ., Wllf,n, Parle and llpent the eyenlng. . hlps. by appl~ \.& ~.'b~umlDoq. ' shutout over the star Leba~~ 'oJJ J . E . Janney s dJ u g StOl e In the matter of the settlement of p ess onal Sill vice s '. • 5 , 00 ., J: .At Wte .~aptr&t. parsonage In:-J1al' t hGIII! pre""nt we,. Mio d treatment . . Item T-Sl' • li nd Robert BI I '" ey.b".... Wednislia . J D~_ ' l.I>siie • r. • ,n . Mf.e. Pa v~teet m.DtIlr : 'W;1dtb-' ilt -reet . L.~tb ' . h m e r e h an- the estate of Lafayette . 'n'on team then me..... be1'8 of : loade d d own Wit Graham.. de-" Drs ' Edward . . ' a .l'. " ":- ~' . y. une . g"• ~ GorsUlb: and daUghter ~ 31.15.2 5, ,0 mlle/l. '. \. , ..~ .. . • .. f ' II k ' d . CI' t ' ' . . medlcal ··servlces. $2.25; Dr. O. L. H. ~ HartJlock and. Lllllan , .Edna .. 1 ' . . " Prollo'a} No. i . , the' fast K I · 0 league: 'and dis~ o .a , lD S a t lrIS - ceased. e.s tate valued at $1l.'i65.~8 LaYIlI 11 ' tn dl I 1C " '7 uw. '." .,_. • . " ,,' ~nd . Mrs. Noah Newman, 'Mr. and Clermont .C~uJlty. 0Jtt,l •.P.n part ot . .., '~'tn ~ 0 R inheritance tax determined Clara a. e ca -serves. _ 00. : "D~-l>~r&Be wll1'e '''P'ttd m Pl~e" 'Miii .Barley 'l'hGIII&B M e6 Section 0 ot tlJe~ Clnclnnatl-B':tavJa couM not win a game " after !Oa~ - l~ _ .e... .range aper . ' WIU Le-Ha]lles' Optical Co: ~es. -..Theyt.;,;," ere: "atrerided: iw;-'. M&rtba ~ . ' . ' ''1'' ,ra. a 1'II1a noad. State. IlIB,",~y No. H I Stat. . ~. k ...J It> 11' d . t d Schwartz. niece. only successor. .. .. , . ~ . f' ~ 'f' .' . Qeplhart alld ci8urhter Mlsa Mar Route No. ,., III BataVia Tow'Nlhlp tha t Jim McClure sitting in wO~, .e~, r 1m an pam e . __ . . $a.90; Dr. James H. 'Arnold, medical JDeatneqige~ sJiter tlf the l1fide 'Imd' Jorl Retal1ck 1I1aa .' - by "p~Yln"' II.. bltumlhtl .... .treat.ment' evening in front coml\Ii\RRIAGE . services, $3,25; . Mr. .. lelth 8 teet . . t he' th e fune al home .•• he always ing- ·.... b~Jcetl)alI ga mes ... the .. -- '- . . . " s l.amj).~.. $~.oo ; . A.l:lce. ~: }rnOld, In- mollY th~~ le~t !or Lo~!~V.W~;.~ JtY.' hOllo,lell ' guest Mr. IlbUr: a:!::~ l Uil O .r ~e~ . 7' d f old swimming hol e up the Dale J ackson . 20. t ruck drlvilr: va lid care.' $5.00, SUdtL :ClenuoDnS: Bnd wllJ 1f1' : d Mrs. ' _.l..!. Y. .' has a cheery wor or every . Fra.nklln Imd ' J eanettp Dearth IB lllyalid .care, ·$O.OIl··:.£Jla - Hoff, :cln- ,thelr ;tr.lends 'at ter' June' UI, ' ,... , '" ,~, . :'~- ~~, .,.....' ~t':,~ · kid ' that pQ8l!8 ...·he knows · mill .race fr.o m what 1~ n.o,~ Fmllklln. . . vlll1d .,care, :$5.00;" ~~ru~~ ,~.cJQJl"";~~ . ~.~.; . .... c .. !·('- i. .'.:.., ..... - <, ~·;·:: ~JJ~f~iI Walla~. C"~ri~~ , vi(atl~.~ all the kids and "all the kids Wayne park, .. all the eXCIte K II L LI .... IB f . jllVfllld :oore." '8.00;·:Ed.. Kaiser. InRobert Oarlnllli DIr~. son of. Mr .. (&nd . B~dd~ 0jlrd spe~t SU~day ,Wlt" .. h' b II 1 'ft 1 enne 1 . nu.~ey. , al mer, . . ': . " Mr." and Mrs Oakley Rosa r 0'know him ... the rurafcarriers ment w en a a oon ( 1'1 e~ Frnnklln , and Dolo M. Wi11lams. 18. valid calC, $5.001 N~~~h~ .~tam~r, and Mrs. ~. ~. Da~ls" or ~~~' ilJ\~tt. '. " ' . 9 . .... I load e d down with mail and over town .. .t hey u sed t o hav e Leba.non. '. II1valld . c:are, .$ O.OO!" '. _ . we~, .f~~ pr~ .r!!) ' ~ J~ .!9.".l8 \ .' r .t : . • .. ' . • T f til t' t t rt rac e s t'he b a.lloons s tarting Shelby A. Ooffman 21 .' factory L. B. ~teelc,1 lnvallc! ("ro. $~;OO' !"onth ~,i'~'; o~ ~~ h~lI;lth Cf!~~ . ~ . an~. Mrs . .Jlert .Bunnell , and wal ,!ng or .. e . •lml~le. 'Lo, .8k a 'n ' the middlewes t an' d worker . and Iona El~oth. 21. fac- John E,. Wlls?n. In.v'dlld . 'ca~e. :'7'.00:; held 'ln~mmUnJty !iii!. . _" ~. ' , dauIJh.t,er ~~th 8~t . ~un4P In , their routes ... B 1 u_ ens , 1 ' . ." . lory worker. baUl of Lebanon. , A[\~J'.e w. \Ben.~ 1t,JVoalld ' ' 'elttl!, '7.00; - . ' .' . '):. .....~~velan~. . " ~;.. '.' .. . ' II , ~ats a Hershey bar ...~very. somet~mes . dllftJ~g a s far Rober t Otay. "21 .' sn.lesman. Cla~ks- ' Chl~d Mo.. gan" lnV~d .care ~.~.OOi~ ;M{'8,.V,lola Harla~~~ son. ~~ .•Ml.u" ~u~rey craWford 'sPirit &h~":,~c:h'e ~IU1$ · morning ...Bob Collett;·.· u~· east· a~ the . Atlantl c s eaboard ville. ano Juanlla :Prlce, 19~ Clarlts- nell 8 Electric. ~hOI?: repalrlng ~6h,tb"~' ~u8hter. M1ss -~osept;ineIA .....e. -~!:,e,lteliQ W1~ Jlef p!'ft~ta .~. and '~1~A:.1~;'~~1:~~~~ - '.. ~,-- -.:-,.. - - - .-INJUURED . ~ - - - - IN- - - - - ville ' and 18 Cuurthouse. ,~ .~.7g· M~nQtng.IlOIIlmeac!.ment --l ~II. Eatl Crawford. . ' Dt' TWO- , MEN . . lamps. .,. ~ · ., ' •" . ' exe..... ._ •. . <' E HELD TOO 111GB ,. lII~SON T.RUCK CRASH .John Art h )ll" Gordon. 24 . s'tllp- Wilbur N. S~s, age~.t. pre~uqI_;.?~ n~ ~laYiare , thlso week·; MIIII KIn- The .U~~a Up. and Comers ClUb' . , ---.. . ,...:...ping . clerk. Dayton, nnd PhyllIs InSl\ln~c!!. J6'1·.361 J.esse ~'A:-:, M~t; ~"'~'~Jan.¥ ,Qtl6'oU~ 1rr'aduat.ea. lDe~ ·t!1,. ~pme. at ' P.e!ty Ischan ,.,....In. qh1o-The City CoU~ll . I. h. J ean Brinker. '21. Leb&non ' ~ . . hll!!ntl Pl'emlull'\ oIH nsurll1\ce. ":56 . ~·,,I~,, i: .. 1.... _ , JJ~ .'i ., 'l'Ue8d&y WSUl D1li"~t'> . ,Wl"" a ~lt1zens' 'ommltt~e TUes, 'fWo me~ Viele ln~ured severe", . . G Cll 'lII lU1> 1I1sur~nct';' ~en'C~:' r' .'_ :··Mr. ' "nd Mrk Emm . ~, . ' •. ~ ,"... " .• .. ller 'to' 'Cb.cua.s 1.h late Tueaday when a large tr't ll. ..~ J. 'f ' ~'!)& . " . 01" Ba""" IW:l IIiIIIJ aenevl~e BiUIDeU is Charles , ChamberlnJ n. 25. farmer. vI ed =0 .... th e C:: '~ ..n.tpoGwa erS '-uck lett' Ro'uto 42 1n M8S0'n ~d Franklin. and Martha ' Burton ·' '22. :1! 1l OIL ' m;f's a .~ ., ~7i24'; ': Mp,sr~r.,~s ~~el.a:t41nn~. IUeaU SU&1csay, Mr. in MJddJet.....;. .' ' . ' Ui , .; n_ .....- - WI e ...c........ " ' '''' • L ' T ;I>W1ancs . 9Y ' i)f"eJfil . , J And a i' lI!Un. BJIUIl!h8...... "'.. , . \ . """"'." • -.t'.IJC!~(,,(~~" ny and ..... 8 .....I'oup crashed agatnst a tree. . telephone orper~tor. CArlisle. r . .' . , • . Il~ ~ ... ~J ,~.; ...ra" .~ ~-~.~ ua ~- .. "lb6 tttlAA t" .... _ .oi.4.t · :·ld • , ... "..... ,. SLl r OI1'. e ' ..1074"··' - - .~- .,,--...:~J" ~- ~-.,,_ au. HIII~.....-.t· te was 'un P8U'OlJlUtn .MarUI) Cooo.ver. of ~ Willi am ""'h ...... uma.ch err 23. laborer. . ~ ·, . 1". . .... \..:.. . "•. -,.{'.-r.o . .r.. .... !'W', ~--...... .~',~ •.: -:6oI8ItI. - " - diIJr,. ~ W~ . .. or.~t....I ...;.. . Ma.90n: .... Id the men were Henry Maso!l. Ilnd Erica Turncr. lli KlnjJs .b.,S. ~h ..":~ . I»tn:~ 011 8~.. ':I 8~~ ft;, 1I.IiH~: W. JIId-'-haiae·or'..,.. ..,., "'YUle b o ~ -..... ..- 0 . O'Shea ' both ot Mills , g M'. llle. $13.48 ) TIle Pur~ W4. ..eo:.. ~ aDd claQb., ~,....,, __. , ':' ~ . . ..... dllle\1aaed and Miller and t!Ol'8e , . . . ' . ._ . .....!~...J.::KIll R1aill ~ _~ . : ~==:Sl:::'~~:'~'. ott.lc\ah ' at LoulI. Both were taQn to &. Oin· Ellis Shepherd. ;12. s~el \'\IoJlker, CIl'>OlIne. t 1.24,t... V.· Q. " ~ ". and Nn. I. ~....... ~ ~~ wit.bU-. ~",~- . :;W!d- :~ ,~ ~t1 ~ ' . Middletown. and Mrs. GI~_8ee- " c.al.r station'. . i~~e~ ~. . t~: ~ .~.:: Ai _" ,'.' , , --: _ ~~~ " • .. ~.... •• • , .. '.:: A- a' . ' 0.. C"' • '. • .. .
C'o unty Court News
F. T. Martin I
SAT. FACTION Or: No Charge
Sand & .Gravel
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.==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~--~~~~~ members.' 0Une Au'., ball reQUIted speclal sldered, nor tboee Of several . Ap · ted Speaking Lhe college situation, I trom the Conservation De. other recollunendw. that e pO10· President MJohener said , " Many of • SPORTSMEN'S GORNER aetention partment lD stream the qatem 01 bunting be wtU
· t Gr a dua ten o A SSIS
atock1ng tbla atanered Warren Count; wu a mighty 1XlOr With a supply or flab. It Is untor- kept. It WOUld live the. fellow livIng place lor' tlabel'lrian to open the tunate however that Turtle O~ ek outside bird territory sel/eral weekbus aeason lallt Bunday. Outside of at;ill sefffia to be carrying a large,,-ends In which to hunt. Tile (ollow-' a tew unaU ponda and .flhe upper amount 01 all trom lIome source. II .Il\lf r.u llngs are not final, and any Ind ot Olear, Creek. the streams thill 'is cleaned up. the stream wtll hunter or farmer who hall objectioN , were muddy and ' hllh. A few ba.8s ' not only become more a source of to them mJght write to the Conser· and lots of carp were taken Irom ' t!Jh1nl UI4 aw2mmIDI ren&UoD, I/atlon Commlsslo~er Don Waters. Olear Creek,and the rest of Ill! but cia.n be used apln for stock wat- state Office Bldl" Columbus, Ohio. will have to walt for less rain to get erwi, lite., Anyone Uvtng long the The proposed seasons, bag Umlts.
more fishilli, althOUgh most of the state hasn't been much better off, eveD the lakes at our present ~tInl are ' plenty muddy. . We have often ' wond1red j ust wpat fish were in oU.r. larget streams around th1.a neck at the wOOds. TWo wteka &.&0 the F1eh Manage.m ent Branch 01 the Couaervatlon Dlvt.~~ 'I4tioned a telt ne, crew at Ft. Ancient in the Little M1aml. an:! a.Ccordlng 0 Rendell Rhoades. distrl()~ t1sh maliaiement agent; here S!! the result of fish taken In their test ·neta;. .-T hey ranged all the way from a 7" rock basi to a 31" shonlne>ld cB1itlah. No. Type Size 22 SUver Mullets '1-20~!, " 13 Kentucky BaM 8 ~ · 1~" 8 Blunt·noeed Carp-suckers 11-14" River Carp-sucllerll 11 - I~ 'h" S' ~ 8hovelhead Catfish 8-31" • QulHbeck '1 %-14 ~'" 3 Ohannel Catfish '1 'At -20 ~ " l , Black Oropple n~ -7 Y.. ·' ~ Bm,all-mouthl!l1 BBis 8-9" :: Golden Mulll?t 'I 'h- 14 ~" :J Blunt-nOlled Redhorse 11 % -19 *" 1 Yellow Bul1head 8 ~ Rock Ba.8a 'I" Total 37.1 % games IIpeclt',s of flah . I
In the belief tha t ~rt\e Oreek belo",! ~bano~ should be a non-polIl1tA1Ci .&ream through the efficient operation 01 the Leqi&non Disposal Plant; the Warren dbimty FI!h &Od
(. ur m em~rs are gl'adua tes o( co1- . -leges all over the country. Some ~of our YOl!nger members. are under -v . ~ hey can bring them Into Conta L radu ates In coUeges.' Our thought is The afternoon .followlng the all- with those tha.t may be seeldl. , I at when graduates of the high nual reunion of the . Waynesville young people to leam a b'u slness .' :.01\001 .dcRlre to enter .college It High School Alumni ASsocla.tlon , profession . would be at' real benefit to them to officers' and some of the mempers "We real12e tha t t Is sometime, I ave tile way pav'ld by some alumo! the executive com mittee had a dltrlcult for young men and womt I 1 US by letters sent to the facUlty or contere e to discuss ways and to me~t the righ t klnd of people I I • Jllleone aSSOCiated ·wlth .t be c.olleie. . creek ·1s reque.sted to reports its con· etc ., are as lollows: means of Incre.a slng the ' service ttielr quest for employmeht. ~Or 10 .· \ el'y orten an a ltlmnus . can palm ditton to Eben Leaf, of R . No. l. RABBITS-November 15 to ·Janu- the association ·migh.t offer t he cal contact com.mJttee, theefore. wlll ( Ut the way to college en trants, can Lebanon. chaJ.rman of the Fish and ary 1. dally limit • • four in posses- school and community, Now that act in an advisory and' consulUv' rstabllsh contacts or-value and lend Game Olub's stream and, Water sian after flr'- day. the a.lumnl reference JUbrary In the caPlWity, and belng in touch wltll ' &. iland III oth er ways. We want to . Oominlttee. Turtle Creek with its PHEASANTS-November 15 to 30. high school h been establlshed our alumnl members the countT i do Ihis very thing for our younl!: originally fertlle vegetation and dally bag limit. 2 COlk pheasants, • and Is being f urther develor;ed. It over, they can use their good office , mcbers entertlng higher schools of sl~w rurining water shoUld make a was aareed tha t some other line ' of In seeking their inftuenae and as ' learning. In possession after first day. flne IItream for large-mouth base. sistance. Therefore , we hope that HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGE - endeavor should be pursued . crapple., etc.. and certa1nl.y would . our members will take advantage of November '15 to SO. daily bag Ilmlt 4, It was decided. therefore. that the thls ~.. , b. a real addltion to our county mcwum t h at we h ave es tabl1sh with" in possession alti!r 1st day. first objectlve would be to offer the 'ed. W e find th a t empI ayers i n a II fishing waters. GROUSE-November 15 to 30. fa cUities of the association member- lines of actI Vity are lnterested III dally ball limit 2. with four allowed s hip to those newer members who I f I young' peop e comlni rom rurs The Brannan family of Xenia After last week 's public iame In possession after first day. d sire to form contacls In coll eges. itl d ted In hi \Iel ~ . F riday night visitors of Mrs. hearing. at Columbus, the Oonsereducational Inst:l tutlons. or to oohmmlunllkes. e uca h a g .1 SQUIRREL-Spetember :15 to Oc- olher . sc 00 e ours. Wh a ave had .1 I JI " Teny a'lId famil y. vatlon Co(nm1s!Ilon has tentatively d d kn tober 10.4. wIth B In possession after be advised as La proper ways to fol- ood f am II ...- k 1.!ts~ed the folloWing se8.\lOn ·s. bag low in order to get located In blls, gil to ow Mrs. Ell a BarlOW. of Dayton, spen t Yk ua.C Igrloun ani I'Irst day. f ow war ane . n f a ct, lave tu : evel'al days last week wlth Mis l limits. etc., for next fall', huntlng RACCOON- December I to Janu- n ess. work to get along. Youn g peopl.! Hann ah Jordan . season. It looks all Ihough the forPresident Charlp,~ E. Mlclll'ner must be given assistance In getUn l!' J . Lee 1'1llmage and ion. Albert gotten sportsmen In Southweslem ary 15. 2 bag IImi[, 2 In possession annou ncps that h e has 8)lp.lln led es tablished . After that ' their future I .ee. viSited the Clncili nati ZOO. Oh10 are going to lose one of the a I tel' Ih'st day . 8S t he local ( onta(·t commllLfe. Ross is up to them. It is our duty . . we : ,unda y. first hunting breaks we have had In - RED FOX- not decldfd. or H. Hansack. cha irman : Ol ive Allen feel, to give a hand In getting the m Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Sal OS were pRAY FOXno bag Umlt ~ long tlme- th. at&g.ered system . BI ace. Raymond Bl'Il ddork alid E. established. That is Ule sel'vice noVi husiness visitors In Dayton, SaturAccordlni to Oommlssloner Waters ~ea50n. SKUNK. O'POSSUM. MINK and V. Bal'llh al . Explaining the pur- that We are offering to our younger uay. some oC the firmers In Central Ohio Mearle Terry was a Wilmington MUSKRAT-December 1 to o1anu- pose of the cOll1l111 tee. Presid ent objected to the s~on opening last MI hener ay/;: business vlsltor , Monday . year before November 15th, which a ry 15 In Inland trapping district "We fee l that the Alumni A.~so cla Mrs . Marie K10utz and son . . and was tbe I'eason for doing away with and December 15 to March 15 In l.on · can be of great value to our J Irs . Mary Burke tt and daughter. or LaKe ErIe trapping district. comfbI! stanered aystem. Both the g'taduat.es In formi ng Dayton. were recent vl.,ltors of the sportsmen and caimer represenaUves prised of Lucas Ottawa. Sandusky. younger Well's family . In Distrlct. Six, ot whIch Warren Erie, Lorain, Cuyahoga , Lake. and thei r comBcts If they desh'e to ' pur sue t heir stuclies In some higher inDonald 8ams has I'etumed to his County is a part, r~cOlllmended that AIIhtabula Counties. Ilome here. after several months ~he staggered sys tem be retained. Rabbit and bird s hooting wtll b. stitution or If they wish to engage In -CAR L1ST: tay In Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs . but not opened until November 15tn permitted . according to the tenta- some \lne· of busIness. It so happens that we haye members l<?Cated all tive order frolll 7 :30 a. m. to 5 p. m ., Hurus Roberts . of Mason . and run a week lnto December, thus Mr. and Mrs.' George Plymlre. of aY'Oldlng any Interference with soy- Eastern Standard time . except on over the country. man y of whum are 1940 Ch ev Spec. Dlx. T. ; teBI Clark.sv1lle. were MOll!1ay evebean harves.t . It looks however as t~le openlna day. when the season In the posltlon of emp·oyer. They have signified their wUlIns ness ' to ling callers of Mr. and Mrs. Frank though our district's reccommenda- will come In at 12 noon. Sedan jJams. A separa te trapper's license wlll lend a helpJng hand t.J graduates . If tlon (representing the 14 Southwes they have nothing to olIer themse.lMrs. Mary Burkett and daughter . tern Ohio counties) wID not be con- be required. 19.39 Oldsmobile S dan and Marie Kloutz and son of Day.ton were recent visitors of the Wells 1939 Ford Coupe family. Mr. and Mrs. George Beckett of 1939 Chev . Spt. Sedan Spring Hili, en~tained 'fhUl...day. June 14, With a birthday dinner for 1939 Chev. Dlx. T. Sedan the pleasure of Mrs. Beckett's grandmother. Mrs. Almon Ferris. . Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ferris 1938 Dodge Spt. Sedan Mr. and Mrs. S . D . Ferris. John M . Wilson. Mrs. Mary W ilson . both of 1938 Chev. Mst. Coupe Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs . 'Beckett and
Beech Grove
rans. -on a n.w
,\\' "'1/
1938 Chev.
!7: ~:e":~r~llarles
1937. Chev. Truck
.. -
1937 Chev. Truck
1937 Ford Coach 1937 LaFayette Coach 1937 Ford Tudor 1937 Chev. Dlx, T. Sedan 1937 Olds. 4 Dr. Sedan 1937 Chev. Coach
• W.'ll Viv.
yOIl tAs. Td.... Tllick -Wat.rl ... Ahaci_. . Set III .Y.1l uohaav. b FOU old 'I" r..'1. - lJ 1ov.;;~ YOIlf ...w lat.t. au . . .rivht 1l0W'. · ,.,
So huny. la beIo•• daM . . is
WUl'am and Don-
Sed·a n
'19• 85.
withdraw... 8M tIite ....dIaI Trlpl.·Thlolt .Alwtalaua. ... the latat ...ocI.llllllelt-.....,··..---"-coet b.alltiflll, "'Olt 00.... · aa-t ... lUgM . . co· .ct.......
Our revival meetings closed Sunday night. Mrs. Nellie Bunnell. Miss MonImJa Bunnell and Carol and RhOda Bunnell were victims of ptomalne poIsoning Thurs&.y n~ght . They. are better at this time. Mrs. ElJa Halne.s Is still confIDed by U1ness at the home at her IIOIl Luther Halne.~ and family. Little Doris Jean ElIIa daught~r of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ellis of near ~lngman sepnt the week-end her maternal grandparents. Mr. an 1
Fairley Hardw....
~~~o~~ ~~~ .~~~'~~::::~~~~~~:M~~~~~~::~
1936 Ford T. Sedan 1936
S!!dan ....
1936 Buick Coupe 1936 Oids 2 Dr. Sedan 1935 Chev. Truck 1935 Plymouth Coach
1935 Oldsmobile Coupe 1935 Chev. Mst. Spt. Sedan .1934 Chev. Sedan Delivery • 1935 Dodge Coupe 1935 Ford Coach
1935 Chev. Sedan 19S5 Chev .. Sedan 1935 Che\'. Coacb
u ........... ......... ·... _. ,... . l1li ._
.............. .
.......... QIU ...... W. 11M . ., ...... CIIIIII. . . . .
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o...a-. ................. ..
--' . ..... ..........;......... ~
.............t • • • • • • • • • •
1933 Pontiac Sed!ln 1933 Chev. Coach 1933 Chev. Coupe
,' 1933 Plymouth Coach' 1933 Ohev. 'Coach
t931 .C adillac Sedan
Miss Margaret Hartman of Dayton spent Friday and Saturday With LarPr Bee..... her parents lIIr. and Mrs. J .' A. .Quallty lUla ..... Hartman and famUy . ect 1_ _ __ ..._ MI.ss Bonrue MWer of Dayton w -._1,0.. --- • s~ent the week end with her foster parents, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Rallegh Bo. The W . O. T . U. met TueId&7 at.. . gan and famlly. Miss Dorothy Eby, ternoon at the annt& lD Hew ... who hM lIyed a t the Bogan home . for the past several months, left . I~=ton. Bouquet. Win Diade for th. Tuesday for her wage-home ip o.y- s c .
::~~J;:. ~~~r~~~~~. ~:MISS WAYNESV1LLE ' TO BE SEt'.fU t""lEO
Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. RaUegh Bogan and family entertalne,d to dinner Sunday Bonnie Wilier of Dayton and ·Mr. and MrlL . Horace Compton of New Burlington. Afternoon caUers were Mr, and Mrs. Eval. Bogan of Dayton ~d MIJIt Mary Louise Jones and Mr. Charles Williams. Mr. and MrS. George Bunnell and son Larl'l' of CentervlUe were Sunday gueat.s at Mrs. NelUe Bunnell and 1l0n1m1a Bunnell. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Chenoweth and famUy entertalnea guests Sun· day.
Miss Waynesville WW be ' cIIG.ea. at the Twin Th~tr. ~1 . rilaht. In addltlon to Ii lICl'een &eat. wbiCla wUl be. shown back OIl the acr.- a~ a later daie, ~)ie local ctrl .eJect.lcl In tlle c~ten, wm have a c:lIaDce to compete for.te honan. The contest , is • ~ _ United Cinema ' PtOd~. ~ . a'isO wID be aeleotecl-tlcll. wD," ', one abow dur1ng tile ev~. ~, at 8:30 p. m.'
~T ~GE
WAYNESVILLE'S Most Attractive Girls; Competinlr for Screen Test and trip to ~.,cOll~at . "MISS OHIO .1940" '. Screen Teat to be shown back at ...later clate. \ 'J. . AlSo Selected Amateur.,• • ' .... '~ SPEC.IAL-:-.-W.y.naville'. cr.ut. little '1;:_ ;. . ,f.·je2--A•• 10 ,! ~
-Motor.. Co• .Lebaaoa Ohi.
2!L! _ _ _ EL
Qtbr miami hOb 111
Waynaville. Ohio ,
Mays Service Stat.lon, aaaollfte. ,UI B" oglUlm'S Texaco Station, luollne $"1.75 ; Walter Botts Shell Station, alU o1lne. $12.28; Roser.\! ok SimpsOn.
Main StNet
County Cour t Ne
F. T. Martin
gn80ltne. $13»5; Frank Sherwoo!l Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Clark ot Day"I' Co .. supplies and gasoline. '17.68; ton were ..... turday guests of Ml'a. 'U ll'S !:lar, 22. Fran", ..... ,John Ze\.teJ. .n. Jr-, 22. sllldenL. Leb- B eel's P ar k -a-wiley. ga.soline, '4.20: Mary Carmony. . . J E. O. Crane Editpr and Publisher -'-. nnon. and Hllid a Hin s. 20. 8t n01' Maddox Service Station. · ga~lIne. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Carler of Day· $1.77; dtnnltul II 10 oer Ing . VB . O'to " fI' Deel'- to'!· pher. l,.ebanOll_ ton were satur day eve"I"g I~' ~. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY In8: artlon for d vor e . gr ncg1\ za Cox.. 21. lauol'o.' r . Frnnklln. ,grlswold)S rvLce Station. parts, guests of Mr. and Mrs,. Howard DeI ct: C. OOn ld Dilillush. al.tc.rney . Ilnd EdJtu ClU'pIIl'ter. 18. F ranklin. gasol1ne. etc.., $225.« ; T~e Ludtng- weese. '. Su~"pUoD Price. $1.60 Per. Year, Payable in Actv.nce ton. Service Statton. ker06ene and Mr. and Mrs. HarrY Cornell spent Edna L. Willis vs. Scott Willis; ""!!!!!'!!!!!"'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!'!'!'!'!!!~~!!!!"'!'!!'!'!!'!!'!'!!'!!'!'!!'!!'!'!!'!!'!'!!'!!'!'!~!'!!'!'!~~~~~!'!!'!'!~~~ divorce. gross negloo ;' J . T. Riley. IlJo:i\L " T /\Tm T n /\N FERS ga'sollne, 561.21; Lebanon Motor Inn. Wednesday and Thursday In Dayton -:: - 22. IItlorney. • I nc .. supplies 'and gasoline. $108.58'; Mn. Allee Clark hasn't been so Phone 78J eGorge Benham \'5. Edwin E . l.d n Dm'nll :mcl A. E- Duvall to Morrow Service Station. supplies well and Is being cared for at the Maham; a tlon for damages In the Al II hony Von HoHe: 106 ' . cres 111 and gasoline, $50.76; Coleman Ser- home of her brother !,nd wife. Mr. vice Center" bil.ttery and gasoline. and Mrs. Lee Mason. at Mason. sum of ·SI5.000 and_ costs;. Carl T , 111c~c l'eek lowru.lllp. 'of the Abaecherll . attorney. Fmma Lew\' La Bv:! Frances Lew· $9.46 ; Franklin Vulcanlzlng Station. Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Banta of Editor Anna Hoyle vs: E\J~er HOyle. et IS; 107 50 acre~ in Clr.H I' ek town- supplies and gasoline. $23.03;_ Herb Loveland spent ThUl'6<iaY Bnd Frlal. ; a tlon for par tition ; Howard W. ~hlp.. Hoppe. suppllee and gasollne. $91.'14 day with the former's parents. Mr. Ivins. attorney. James M. Carr (0 Delbert O. Earl Hatiieid. serv ices as mechanic. and Mrs. Peter Banta. TARV1A-LITHIC TAR AND SOME THINGS FOR WHICH TO BE THANKFUL Lake" and .ve l ~-l1 La l;es; 5 acres In $72.60 j John J . Barr, payroll, '146.40 Mrs. Margaret Johns spent SunFfXCAYATINO COMl\U)N PLEAS PROCEEDI NGS Franklin township. Johnson Myers. payrool. $17~30; day with Mr. and Mrs. Allen EmrLck. Ro.AD OIL; Ttet'd Hazelwoorl (0 (' 1'1 HazelE . W. Ross, payroll. $52'1.90; Earl Mr. and Mrs- Harvey Burnet were DUMP TRUCK SERVIOE France capitulates! Nazis score n ew gains! R efugeei Earl Bowman vs. Hester Bow- wood ; I a"c re in Tunl 'creek toWl1- Basore. payroll $257.20; Raymond Sunday evening guests 01 Mr. and PIT RUN. LOADED SOc YD, machine-gunned! manj 90 days to file answer grant· ~hlp Mulford. payroll. $208.40; . Harry Mrs, S. D. Henk.le in Lebanm. Thus is the tenor 'of the n eWf that haM bee n dri ve n d to defendant. G or~e Ball lO An<.irrw J Baker; Monll~. payroll. '11720; W. P . AIMr. ana Mrs. Robert Sin ~y plChome to people of democt'atic Un ite d S t a tes in bl Hzing Viola Leon Aile. vs. Sylvan J. AI- lot 42 In Frank lin . len. payroll, $202.00; Ennis Thomp- nlced with friends In Dayton Sund tl' d ' th t I len ; defenc\anl t.o pay pi Inurf $60 II . W Meek" I' w Fred O . Mpekerj son. payroll.. ~150.60; Lebanon day. d) ' hea mes an over l e all' waves Ul'ln g e pas wee C for alimony due. lot 488 III Frnnkli.., . Farmers' Coop. 00:. 19 barrels ceMr. and Mrs. Frank Deweese and Phone, Waynes~me U R 11 Everywhere one g oe. , ' ''m'ld W a r II L the c hi ef topi Stanley A. Kel1lrr VI\- J . H. T ill- Cora L _ DaVIS lo Chnrlpli W . Con- menLo 545.60 ; W. C. Tw·lon . 10 bar- son or Yankee Street were FIlt.her·s Lebanon offlce" Pbobe 413-Kof conversation . E ve n t h g lad tid i ngs of tlt e R eds :winning 01': plnlntll'r to recover $3757.50 and don: lot HiB III I'mnklln. rels cement. $24.00; A. Hoppe & Co .. Day guests Sunday of Mr. Ilnd Mra re8.98.M. Morrew Phonl No. B a double-head e r from th e Broo kl y n Dod ge r s ha s been ros ts from dpf.mdant. .F. W. Frail? t o O"cn r J . LaPo11' cement. 54.90; Howard Dewee6e. forced to take a back seat. Virginia Penrl Cnlbf'rtMn · v~. and Eml'na ·R. LllPO~ : 11.05 acr s The Trl-Slate Ignition. Inc .. parts.. Mr. and Mrs. E . J . Carmony of ., Each new success of th tota li ta.ri a n di ctator s brin gs ex- Charles Eugene Culbcl'Lson : divorce in Fl'lInklln lOWI~;hlp . $16.28; Ooodyear Service. tires and Springfield were Sunday evenlnJ 'rallled . derendan~ t.o upy plaintiff Kt'l1lon E. Thompson. dec~ased . lUbes. ~45. 29; Waites Garage, parts. dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Carmony c1a'mations of c on cern from people eve rywh e r e. W e a r e fl .OO per week for support of sa1d (0 Ht's::;le Plymll e: 0_58 acres In War 5BO.65; Welch & Dakin. suppltes. 90c Mr. ~nd Mra. Ouy Routzahn Il nd I becoming more conscious a, each da y passe s th a t perhaps ll11nOr chlld. reI! ounty. WalLer L. Follmer. cleaning ditch children. Betty and Russell _ spent our democratic government, and the man y privileges tha t t-'ntlonal Gual'!\nlee and FInance Frnncls Bundy and EII7.Ilbeth 011 road 13. $198.00; Wlaht & Decker the week ena fishing Ilt St. Mary's . · ·t Cumpany vs. RoberL 0 _ Bralten ; Thol11!lS (0 C . E . Linden; !I5.36 acres Pharmacy. supplies. 7'il; LeMay- ReServoir. b it rmgs, 18 not as sec ure as I onc.e was. I h Iff dered Ha"'''e Agency. Insul'ance on CourtREAL ESTATE ]1 t h t h k t th d th t f t eAemptlol1 grantee . 5 err or In Deerllelc( towru hlp. "" MI'II. Viola Orasste of PIqua and It . 18 we a we aT _e n 0 e angel'S a con 1'0n t e release Buick-sedn.n. Mnl'L ll a Marslllll1 to George illbel house and contents. $54.30; Thomp- Mrs- A. J. King. Mrs. Gene Pilcher. INSURANCE US. We ~1iould pre pare and not b e caught n appin g a s h ave Albert J . Scheqrer VB- The Mor- alld Mary Jan lsh I; IOL 994 111 son's J anitor Supply Co .. I brush, and son Kenneth of St. Petersburg. AUCTIONEER the d~mocratic countries .of Europ e . row CannIng Corporallon; plaln- Pl'I1nklln. blO.k covel' and handle. etc .. $14.00; Fla .. called at the home of Mr. and · The .story of th e war that h as unfo ld ~d itse lf s o r ap id- tilT to recov r $1.774.70 anei' costs R. h:ugene Kin!.: nncl Harriet !:)nllll'ts Garage. gasOline, $8.00; C. MrS. Walter Kenrick. Wednesday. Mr. and ' Mrs. Therle Jone:; and Iy during the last few day s not only brings c oncern f o!' t h e rrom llefencl'an t. sale or rt'al estate Blanch Carman to Illanch Grie.'!- Stanley Earnhart. stamps tor aud· 0 f th e bl eSB' rrrler d lr necessary_ 111 r; lots 62 II IIII 63 In Mil, on. itoI'. $25.00. son entertained to dlIiller Sunday, . t Ive future, but shoul d ma k e u s more appI'eCIa R. E . lleRoy. kerosene, 011. grease, Pather's Day, Mr. and ·Mrs. Edwin Sarah A. Perrine, deoeased. to W ings that are ours. 1'1l0JlATE COVltT C. 'VonFossen nml Blanche arles- gasoline. $57.00 ; H. S. Conover. sup· Nutt of near Centervllle and Mr. l , .' In Way nesvill e and the Miami Valley these blessings mer Iota 71 and 72 In Mason. pill'S. and parts, $56.00; Trell3urer of and Mrs. J. B. ·Jones. are many. ! n the malLeI' of t h e estale or 'l!.clw ard N. B lI.chiLr. decca'.ed. to of State. 2% 'ot \amollnt due sta~e Mr. and Mrs. Donald Irons and For where· in the e ntire nation ca n the sce n e ry a s SUI'- Ann B. Robison. deccnsPCI; will nd - Mary Ellen Be ·hler. el al. . about for CIll'e ot Inmates. June, '$271.00; Cillidren of near Lebanon wpre dinrounds this community be 's urpa sse d '! Where ca n th ere b e milled to Probate. Luther T . Rob- 87 ' · nCI'es In Pt'nJlkli n lonwshlp. NelLie Bohl. rent ot office for super- ner guests Suntlay ot Mr. lind .Mr•. Inson appointed execulor. Fred ll'n M. Benchl r. N nl.. to Mary . Int t'lldent ot schOO.ls. $26.00-; .Ohlo Charles Mullenix Bnd Dickey IrOI15. found better schools, with a better teac hin g corps. or as ac- Robison. Charles W_ ndsworth and Ellcn -Bcn~h l e r : n IJOU I. 7 acres In Central Telephone Corp.. rentll. .... "'•. and Mrs. Walter Will.taker tive an alumni association taking s uch a liv e inte l'est in Wl.!tcr Fran r aPl10lmed appraisers. F'rnnklln towD.6hlp. $64.25 ; Ohio Central Telepho!,8 and daughter Mr. and IoIrs. Seth ROOT POR' AND.' CONSIGN Tn the matter of t)1e eS.l ate ,or William S. Graham lo Leo S Bnd Corps.. tolls. $31 .00 ; Johnston ok Furnas and daughter and Mrs. 'Hart,he welfare of its students '/ Cattle, bo.... lli8!jJ ' ...d calv .. We also can be thankful for a ' progressive c iv ic c lub, M:u'Y L. ~nlla ce. clec~a~ed ; p!l vl1-~ ~al'll h Frances Gonner; lot 8 . 1n Jollll"ton. sas h cable. labor, 12·50; vey Burnet attended the Wayne lour to Norti ..BrOek e...~ By'; wire and modem stores and active merchants. W ay ne park pool, at- SEl ie of ren l estate ol·(le~ed . . WaynesvUle. JOhnston' &: Johnston. .galvanlzeel Township Farmer's Clu~ Thursday p.\lllressive 8~ ttl, the hla'but II the malter of lhe estate of . wire. spring, lalbor at Ja1l. tao.; at the cOWltry bome of Mr, and Mrs. market prien alid ,odd ....vIee ·'. trac~ng people from all sections of s outhern Ohio, s ubstan - J~na<, F. Fox. deceased; schedule ot BILL!) ALI,O'WED Vlrgll R. 01'CWe5. 2 buzzers at. Jall. Ulllnll StacIE Yard.' CI.cl ••• t!: O. 'til on ~dlo ' S"tlon W\iK'Y ~q)md farmers, a s olid bank. a good library, a c om- debts approved . . _, $3.20; 'Federal Sarutatlon comyany, C.~~.~, Mrs. Charles Wade ot Tune J2 !26 ' to 12 :80.'p. m.. roy lIur !taU, m.unity of beautiful homes, a bus lin e, -l'ailroaa . good l'oad s; III the matter of t he estate of t.e~arm'n Motor 1nn. Inc.. gnsollne Inc.. 5 galloD.6 pine cieaner. $8. 5; . Wayne.wWe lUlve purchased ' the mllrket reports. easy access to Dayton, Cincinnati, and oth e r large centers, F1'a~k M. collins. dcce:lsed ; eslate for deputy '-sewer, $1.40 ; Barrett ThOmpson's Janitor Supply Co ., ,2 grocery . store of Ralph Johns and va boA at "·6.962.90. Inhei'ltnnce ta. x Brothers • ... forms '-('OJ' Flro),late. - $7.20;- cI 111m10s. 1 bowl . morning. USE -THE MIAMI GAZBTT£ and other conveniences tpat we s ometimes o v e r l o:tled ok . C...,.. _'. cleaner 'for . too.k. possess Ion· Tuesday h ' n <.i !:tl'l mlned ns Ilone. Columous Blank ' BO~k Mfg. Co.. Cc.urthol1l!e, 18.96; Wolfe Oh~!;l)lca l_. Mr, ~ul Johna left ' for Columbus WANT AD8 .::1I"~~"';;;;4JRittl[8e t ey are so corp.m9 place. . · t In the matter of the guardla.n~I~lp form s for ProbBte. $8.50; E. L. & Supply 00., one 5-sallon drum _SatUrclay where he . Wlll spend ten 'the war in Europe indeed should make u s ' more ap- of WUllam Hen~rlck Hartzell, _II. . Schwru'tz fOod . :52.00; Fred's' De- Ber.max. ·~.13: Trustees 'of Publlc tl&Ya at the B\1eJr,eye Boys State ., , ,_ • -' the land in we' live. mIMl'; prlva:e of j)Qjalllas and. hoUse Mtalrs. llght and gas at Mentorlal.. camp. He was the ·one .chosen- from NO'I'icE · , ~ . . pillpertyordered. · slippers tor' jilvelule court · $100 ' Hall. fS.99; Dm. EdwarQ and. Robert· ' !lYllemUe school abd ' one 0 ten ...:.-: .. ,I'MTB or;-lIBio • ~ ~. ~ .. . . .. . ..- .r . . . I n' th.e· i1'!aH,e.~ of.- th~ estat:e ,?l 'The OfJlce·· (}uUltters. 2 re~s 'ob(jnd: BI~Ir. exa$ation''O' ' c~~~, $1.00 ~ya from Warren CO~y to r eel.- _ . DIilP:~·~~l.f-g~Jr.:::~~l.e " .M,OS~y A~~UT PEOP~E. AND THINGS . 'Jo~eph Tinney, ·deceased ;. cert-l!i~lI.tl! typ~ Wrlte~.!~r_ -CJI~rk. ,110.8'7';' Fred -orville K. Browrr. lns~nce. ,-.1'16:38 thla _~nor. _ . .• . CI rk ~~~l~.R~':::;~{~~T""l" ". , ; 01 tranfer ordered. lnhel Ltance LaX Proctor 'OOll'lpany; 3000 sets certul- H. O . F'1~tr1c1t, premtnm onl lh-· Mi'8: ~tie Reeder and: daqghters: '. , . . _ --.... . . lL$18.00; ,. ..., . , in' \!cm. nt Sealed pro)po.al~ rleelv.1I , . . 06-. ', -..Peopl~ .. con~egntmg a t Wralppmg an d m~rk'mg a d Clerm ined . . clI.tes qf __,.'tltle.'. f!?T. Cler The surQn~e, t-...__ . MJ.saes Ruth !J1a-oll11d:.Ethel the offlco ot \ h8"Jl~" •. Sta\. HI.bway • the postoffice awaiting ' the 'bun ch of hoe and shovel In the matter or. the adoP+lol?- . 'If . OfIlce' OUtf1t~rs~ 1 dOz-. 'pencils -for .. . . . - .. . pany with Mrs. Besale Kermck-<aDd" ;?~~rlc~~~. ~c"~~o.;.~ ~co~~~~~ tP~~: · . . .] h d' ] h.a. t . Hf'len Louise Prlce. said minor I~g- sher11I ~ $l':OO" 'Wm Huftord. Jr _.' Mrs Cora Mch~on of Oenter- ' daM /DIme Sll'tur(\a)' .J(ihI!c-21F.'1 9.iJ1..arrival ofthemornmgmal , .. .. an es t ( Jus came m ... all~ adopted by Da.vld A. Price and . . . " ' - "h ' - ' . ... TURN,a..'G SAC J< ' ''.,. to.r 1Ill»l;Ov'eme~$a 10.: : 1 ' • · b "'b" t'h 'I B b h I d h' t . - 'stamps for the s er1fI, '3.00, R. F. ".... VWe- spen~ ThpraiJayo with· . Mrs. (Pl'dpoaaI8 No •. f to 7 Inclu.lye ' lucks a .oqt t E:'. mes!! e 01 0 s ays e earne IS cos - Dlanche Price. , Gilb ' tr $300 ' THE LOC K Ralph ..... A.. aft" u ·_ R1 h d aile <lftered~ .. ono 'P~et!r and will '. ,s treet rna k es I mar k'mg sys t em f rom W ayne. . I;l the matter of the e stll.te of y. ex IW ons.. . , , . ~e .... s. .' I! ar._ - be awarded all ne COIIU on, Mam The Hubmah Supply Company Dryden'at. . ..~ Oan'oliton. • __ P.rbtoelll Nif: -~ .t.> • ...:._ _ _ _ _
ElItend Ai 8eeond Clasa Mailllatteri(t P08toffiee, Waynesville, Ohio
SAT. SFACT. 0 N Or No Charge
Cente.rville, Ohio
OBSERVATIONS !.----------------------------..
Sand & .Gravel e ,
lain Arm:itage
w. N. SE~ARS
.';re~i~tive 'of
p~~sonal partmen~ Sto~'-
T~' Qq~~&.o-;'.
Ellwbeth· ~.
a ,,-. ' .
~ •
a.. thouft'h all , are thankful the Smith
New 'Burlinn+on hard- Elbert P. Snider. deceased; Jennie 15 g~lg' fly s;.J;;" -2259 ' J W t .nao' "J::EN n:.ARS MiO Mr: And Mrs Lowell Thom"S"and I' 1.iJmo!,l 0.lUfty• .obkl; ; on Sec• . . ' IS· Ix . ~-l-- ' '' ' '' .. ..... ' •. -. . " J - . 18, 1990 ,.... .. lope B a,nd Loveland ot lb. Lov.dust' has 'be~nJ -·eliminate·d ... ware and implement mer- L Snider appointed adm1n1stratr . ·Hardware Co.. axe. light bUlbs .. aM : . . . ~ne, .. ' . daugbter Betty accompanled .bi'Mrs: ka.na9igo~hen· Road. Btt:t€· HI.bway • I • .-'. • haac J . Irons Ray C.' Witte and A. . . . _ .' rilnk E TIl" 'j . o. • tate Jl,olll" .NQ ..:4UIl Go.hen tbe FtieDsbergers··they·re the chant who dIed last week... ' . , spoons for' ~rlfr. ,$8.15 ; Wm . Huff· . - ; !. ... , , J ' . ~as ..:oJ au.. ~rs. l' ler1e' and' Mlarnl T -'\l neMp. ; and- Warren !.'lfiot·v ·>t()rc~ ·beh;nd th~ " 'Sky: .fihe· c~nstant parade of kids. C. Murrell appomted a.pp~a1sers . . f ord; Jr.. -\VBsh1ng for prisoners. Mrs. Anna Cadwallader aDd . Mia! .. -one, 'and 'son '¥!lton attcndeii the ··;run:?ie 9~rl~'Y~:n~t.eJt~~::f~~:la:ci 1 e , r· .. . · , .. . • In the matter of. the estate 0 $25.36; Dr. RObert M. Blair. med1J:(/ot C\ar~ - LUe were 'dlnnll1" h06tessea at Pourtll Annual Dance Revue riven " Road. 'State' HI.h'9.-aY"~d."".. state Ilawb," Wayne s v I I ) e . sand -- oldsters too, up and LeWis, deceased; prl- se(vices at. jill $'i5 00'. W the of Mn MaUd Crane, ·to· -by ·.Justin StaChler- at · the PllYcon: mod';l/ (\irpfa.~e ' . club, busy down MaiJl str et on .b_arid . 'l:l\ te. sale. o( pe11SOn.al ,property ·or- Jr. feedin"" :n~rs.; $25i75 ' 'aDel'a Mr aud Mrs. Roy 'RO~ell 'and aons Art .'InsUtute lasf f'hctay' A";:;';I~g It~~'1:;J~. a bItU';DI~OJ.!..,~.. tr.ent, • • • ...., ' . . . " • " . ' . • " .~" OC , .. : . • " "'\r~u.&.U ravement: Width 1~ - e" to 0 t .It as bees at the au: meet · held concert mghts ... Le e L e m- dered. P.t\l'kawo.y. (!' line and 011. Bher1fJ's-. of C01Of&d0, Mr. ' a~ Mrs. ; , ,,.· .q ,:~a~ Of 'which Betty wa one .M lila Lenalb 30.62. telit at ' .si1''''ril II 0 ' f . , . th d h' . In the .matter of the estate or $131 b t G ' d hUdren • .Al1Ge Gods ll11PIIa . , . -. . ~. '-' . Propo ... l, 0 a .• on' the · Preston ' arm .. ·. e. mon an . . r IS .Ic e cream cones M . L R 11 d n d h rin cars, . ~; anon Mo or Inn. ons ~n c." , • , " ~ . . - , "_ ~ .: : ,. ·.Clermont County. Ohl\l,. pn Section .,.,: ", 11 11 'M F "Ott' " h h d I'ttl h't my. ussc . ec ease , ea g Inc.. change- n adJl16t-brakes 4lbrl- arel .Mr..- John GODs. :. , lIr: .Jack Ha..tte 1ra:a a SUpaty J'o{~2 and"PlIlI't ot 8I!()t~1l1l -dt the KIIL!'....;........""!-".......~ DOY's a ea r··, ". e once a a l e w I e oll .scheule of.debts set for June '27. ' . <~ L _ ~ ~_ . - _ _ . , " \ • •, ,~"-'to~ __ .... ~.:. ....._ :-. . , ,~to.rd-Hm.b.l1r9 Road ; S~t. Hichway. " "1" E d h h d th ·tt.< .' . cation 14.50, Wbuton ~top, _re,.. ' ,, ' _. -.., - - r - - ' ' . - : ...... A ~ . . . .- ...... .01. p . E. Thomaa No. II U. S. l<oute No. 6'0, In J&c!k.oll an lllS WI·fe , "L'UCII e...., og e are em Will... In the .ll.Iatter 0.( ~he · estate or palrlng Drakes "'100 ' r w"'nn<r ,},_.. ....h ,J . b"i~':'lra . t- _ ~ , . ·ur iUul-1ba _p ,.): 'Ibi)mas 'enter and 4talieltek .'l!OWoaeIilp••• by apply·v on .... · b kk f ' tt' d t t ..: P I d '. " .. ..' s JWo.lll. .~ e ·1ta."WQII ~n a ve17·u ... . , . .. . • . . .. - Ing a blturt)lnou. lreatDieDt It .'.,,, .D~rn h Il,.,..-, 00 eeper Qr c orn ~e mg a goo s ar m ~Rrah A.· errne. eceaseai cer- $l.60;· Orl,swol :Servlee Sratlon. gas- joyal:lle Weekenit"ai" -1nWaJr ~ ' iaU: .,t~ ~to:a'. fried chlcten Jl1nner T-n.' . " : ."H' . ' . 1m t~e Ma'dd@o LU_IOb~r 9,dm~ · the "bottoms" between here t11lcate of ~nsfer ordere~. hear;. 'lilpe and 011 "'r sherlJl's cars. ,3'1.14 Those wtto Ii'nJ!)Yed . the trip.' 'r~ 18~~: ~~diaOrl, ~~ and 30.~;~'!!(,::r~~ r.W~II!.:-e~~ L.~cth n!~ny, .rushin·g..;..·~ hOme · · for and Corwin ... Rev. L. C.' Rad- ~Ig ~~thedule 0[. debts ~et . f~ ' H(L-r.rY Z. Or , , ~lrV1(ies Ils 'secrt:tAlry M I'. ~n<t .,IIrs. abodell :~ Mr.~iona'tJaclt and ~ _OF~pterv~e bl~rmontl'.Jr~:~~·~i· "'· S luncn and back" to work ley, Mayor Day and Frank unI(: th· ,: 'f th tt' l n f of . Soldiers. - Relief . 001nn!jMl.on. ·a!Jd .- Mrs.' Ell Fuma~. Mrr ma·""Mra.. ~ ~'l~omas of~ ~ytoh; ~_ ' SAt or 'tHbilf ~.gVla-~!l\:!ft ~::.. . • . " ' . - 11 e ma".er 0 e se eme 0 $900P' t,. ' Ie ' . m.an Surfacer" . . ~n~... ~. .;.,. If 'No.a..'122. , ~,..w~.y .N\>. aOI}.,8Q.t. ltout. again ••• Ed Ramby BJ)I ~c;l}.u-.• LeMay. dlscussmg the war 1)1) the estate 'of Evil. K - Probasco. de.. , . Cl1fJ ~ se~ _ I!~ as ~ _ ...lier, Mi'., ~ua; : .ert!TijQDlMI ' _ , Mr. 'a nd ' Mrs'" ..1.0.we_ In BatavIa and ~toneilck: ' ~ ~ .. . ' . ber of Soldle · :ll1elief ' Oomm~ol);. sel' Wilson."}IlJB&e8 NeUie Oraham .;t'bomas and daUghter . Bettf and .. 7oWinalilp••, by aSIPlYln. -"'- bitumllller, Ellis .. and Ed, . T,om . the beMay-Ha wke Insurance ceased; estate valu!!d at 522.926.91r. $20'00 ' Fred - blnson sirvtces as Ru'th' 0 k ..... ~thl . ri' :ham' ._: iasS-Dena.DIlVJa· . . . .. , , •°V>at.::!Ilm.~!,~IIt..em. T-3l, 'f' · 'B ·rt' ·t"'· '. . fr' L f lnh rltan til detennlned - . •. _L ,. . .' . 00 ,Ali een .... ra • .... .. . " 8 . n . 'Y'J! ulb 18 . (fell .Lensth - . and "l1utcJi" u o.n SI "mg" company '0 Ice ... etters 0 e oe x . member 01 t!OJdllirs ReJ:e! COmmill- Mr Chules &\ater' : " .' .; .' ·,·t::' : l A$~ :r~t ClJ"_ I.6-l:.m,l6ll . • _,' . ). d . f In the mat ter of the - estate of . '., .. ' ,, " "'" . :: ~ ...J _ . . • , • • ., '~Gpoial-lllo. 4 . . •' ~-lD . front. of I, ~~he rug store enceuragement rom both ' Ed d N B hi d d" sign. $.20.00; ~swald Funeral Home. . ' . r , ~. > r. -"." _ _ l 1 .j ;.,). ~ c Qlermonl' Oount)' OhiO, OD SeolioD - '. ., . wa.r . el),c er . ecease' cer- , . ' . .. " Of the Batavla-( lIa rk.vtU R d t~lking about 'th~ ~ays of tpe Ch~rles ane! John Cart- tUicate of tralls!t:r ordered. ~state •.'burlal. $100.00 <Cl~ ~ran~, ~ryices Lawren~ ~dtn .of .~ear, ·l::>Y.tJe•.,·< ,', .•-,'. -•. , :_. , ".J . ~ate 1!1&'bway ~o. 2(;5; litf::"~~t. dId MiamiS baseball tear,ns ... wright, of Chicago ... two of valued at $12.24899. Inherltance --tax - as member 0 SoldJers BUI:I~ -Com- sustained· ""lnful ·1nJ,ur1.es ~u~~ ':. r.. ,. _ ._ . ' ~~~~. :ar.t:~~til::d... /'ttlC:Un:!I~~ · .. b ' b 1':' . 'B t h . . - t t W - .]]. d te • mHtee. 1111.00; l Or. H. M. WlUlama. cbead In attempting to move a mower Th l' ou. treatnrcn ;"ttw- r-ar. . remem ertng ·. W en v. . . e grea ea _aynesvi e ermined as none. sel'vices as ml!'mber of SoldLe~6 Bur-. -'On a - . &de." "" ~ ,~ ... e YOWli ,peoples cl,ae s 9f ' tbe 21o~:ement : WldtQ: 1 feet. x..ncth nI t he matter of the settlement of lal \Q~'pn\.ltiea"$I.:oo ; Or;~. H. 'K1I:'- .. ' ~ .. '.. " ~..- :. . . Uu.:..,.church had . a sutprLsi party . . feet c;,.~p~~a'f.IJ1:..r:6: "Red" Jones, now the suc- l?oo.sters we know. cessful National Casli Regis- .. .t~e es~te o~ =se~lnnteYh d~:as- t?~urne':' prci;e'tlo~~1 ~~rv.ces. $l.OOj TWENTY-' nAils AGO , ... ~~ Mr'hW1~bur 8ocll:ey Tuesd~y~e_v~-< A C~1~~nt ~'I~~:~~:~~~!e~;:~: ter company . :'. . SOME MEMORIES or!ere: I SenbUSCh> : -' . l.me 18. '. We g t:;'o. .n:vy. .• in .Dallas 'Texas hurled s · '. -k,' th audJto outfit. $2.75; pro A. D. IiAry!l, ' ' . <. \ ' • - > • • .... Wifmloe' -...... d " t .en to S~rnellck ana 'Wllllam.&bur, -Town: .' • Leba'" ': d' r. of the settlement : . Ices . . -5' 00 ft .._ J" . • •• '," .""A an ..~ the evenlnr pa. br Item appIY~ . & . bltumlDoul • .the. 'star shutout over 'v.' J . E . J anney 'slug s t ore In ethe matter of professional selV .:!,' ,~. ~ t til e <Qapt .... par~n'ge In;-Har- thGisi!' pre,sent 'were MJo d . •treatment. 1'-81. ~ I 'th h . . Drs Edwurd and Robert BI l1' ,.ey ......... WednesCi J 9' n_ • . ,n . Mrs.. Pavem.nt· WidtW' HI teet Lencth' d d d non team then members ·of" qa e own WI m e r c an- the estate of Lafayette Graham. de-" _ .. a. . 'TU~~ , ay. u~e .' .._ 'LI'sile ' QjjtsUlh~ind' daUghter l4r 31.152 feet ur 5;~0 DIlle.. . . , , ' . :.IJ ' . ~ . II k' d Ch . t · Jnedlcal : servltes. $2.25; Dr. O. L. H. " Hart.flOCIr 'anel LlWau .Edna .. ' t .. •. - . ProJ)oial No ; " , the fast K. L O. lea~ue', and u.JS~ Or .a . In S at rIS - ceased . estate valued .at $11.765.~1I. Laylnan: lnedlcal 'services ··75c. _ ..D u... r .<_.0_ . ' -, _. ~n~ Mrs. Noah Newman, 'Mr. and (;lermont.CJ)unty. Qhkt. 9.b part or -~" 'me Orange Raper Inllerltnnce ~a" determined Olara . ., ' ea_t;.,.~e were WULC.!! If1 ~~... Mn. Barley Thomas Ilr 0"" S,O lion 0 of the OIDClnnaU-Batavla · . . . c~"uld not WIn a ga.me after ma~ . »~ . , '" , . • Whlle-Halnes· ()ptlcal Cd: gijlS6es....'l'heY'c~jere< ~atr.nded · by' Martha . . '-r • S. ""rgla r.oad. State OIgnlV,..y No U stat. I ' . < ' . k ~ ·h · · d . t d Schwartz. niece. only successor. . ' " '"t! .• . ' ' Oepblut aDd ""ughter Mlsa!llar Route No if In Satavla' To hi : tba~ Jim McClure Bitting in wo~ .e~.rur.- 1m an pam e __ - . $5.90; Ji)r. James H. ·Aniold:",m'er.Uca1 ,DeailfJer-4"gef sl8feT Or· the. lSflde ' aDd Jorl RetalIck. ~.__ .' - by appll<lntr.":, bltuml~ue tr.:"":en~' ~ ".. . .. II ~t.. . -nn ' 0 n . g c . services $825' ' :It ' I . ' ia h t Mr Mbe .rL...= . . ~. I ' ..~,;-; e --- GeneVieve Bun- !tom T-3J ' the' early evening ' in front of ~ ~le.s~snB .!i u . cm omI\fARRIAGE LICENSES ' . . , ' ~~ ey. __, f-I1 ar ! . ' r~. ,-"",U1&~: IUt~ ",,~ .cere. nell. MI8'a IlllZabth MarahaU Pal' .ment : Width 18 teet. LenCtll the funeral home he alw.ays ing ', basketball games."the . -. SLnmps. $~.oo; AlIcc" M: . ~rnold. in· mony they lett for LoU.lSVIl~e~ t'~ )t1 .. honpiea~gl1est Mr Wilbur a1'd kthe 1S.000 teet 2.~ 0 .mll:.' ··· h 'd" f ' . ~Id swimming hole up the DaJe J ac-kson. 20 truck drive'r' "wid clll·e.. $5:00; Si/do. - ·CleIlUllDWI. -and -POint.,; 'll'tiey"wUl b~'"auiome, W. ... ,. :~ ..._ . . ..' ~oc ey. Clermont ~~:7~1 '~ia~ on part or b .. as a C eery wor or every . . iJlvalid ('lire -~ (J(I'. -Ell" - H ff · in ' .... elr ·""1 "-H_ ;,ter ' J ' . t·. .. . . - ..... - - ....... Frank Prazlg, lib Sectton F' ot !..be DataYI !WI' h ill f om what is now Franklin and J eane ttp Dearlh . 18. ' "" . . _~-. _.a . 0 " - .1"",. .••:-e...... aT . une- u: . -: . .• MlIdNil wall ' . "- J •• I. ' • -Roall: Shi.te ' WlBtfw& nc •• ter · kid·,that ..pases ... h.e knows , m .ra~e r . . _ Franklin. . v.alld .care. · 55.00;' ·,~~ru~.~ i.J.OJleJI; -~~ ' :'-... . .. .,.. . ~ :,:.,J." ' , . "; ~ ;." ace. ~at.~er~e ~alla.ce Route .N.o. ,H.Iii,B'J'" ..o::..~n~ha~~ all the kids and 'all the kids Wayne pll-rk ... all the eXCIte I" th L LI cis . lB ' f ' lnvalld Clue; '8·60~ :E(i ' Kaiser, In· Robert Carmen ' ~VtS. son or. Mr•. and BlfddY Q~rd spent SU!1!lny wIth tte~P~~~iag :l bituml~o,u... ~~eatment, . h b 11 d 'ft d "enne . . n cy, . armer . ; . . .. - . . Mr · and Mrs OakIe" Rosa . , know him .•. ~he"ru~a1 carriers ment en a a ?on 1'1 e_ Franklin . Rnd Dolo M. WllIlams. 18. Valid care. '$5.00; N.~w.~t1~ .Stamper. and Mrs. ~. E.Da),ls;' ot ~Y.~: e111~t1. •. I - , • Qr (UIl- 13.~~:~'l::F~~ V.~g~~l:.~e!!,t- ~n&'~b . loaded down .with mail and over to~n ••. they used to hav e Lebanon. . IIIvBlld care, $}~.1II0" .. . ' . WR,f.1 .fl.a;s~ pr~ J~" · 1he. ~ la . ~ .. .1~' ;~ I . .' • TO:;~::I~a~&d cfi.~. '...;);_ .18.1>02.00 " ·t· f tii t' t tart races tIle ba.lloons starting · Shelby A. Coffman ' 21: factory L. B. Steele'j Invalid (.tre. $5.OQ· mOI'l~h cIIlSB. -of ~!l& Qealth c~8t. .. .aJid Mrs. .pert Bunnl'l l and "'18 P<'oJ~O~ a ,~~ toc~~~l~.'v~ ot wa~ mg or . e .lI1~e () B. • ' the middlewest and worker. and Iona E1~oth. 21. rac- John E" Wilson. invalid c~l:e. :''1.,00; 1 held 'ln:lq(,mmUrtltY h&!I.' ., .' -; .daUgh~r. R~th ,,~nt . ~un4~ In la~:; tnan A\lcu~.t 8~, 1S.• ~ . n?' then" routes".B I I 1 Lukens I.n . • f" Ab 'I Andrew. ·Ben;. lilvaUd '''caf'e, -'100' ' . ·Lov~18tld. '. .1 .. I,.; , 1111 laebolJlrlnel.mn~lm w:darre- ~I?, be . paId .to . . , . t' d ,'ft' s f tory ·workn" .,.. b0 th 0....., anon. , .• . " L ' • 1, '. ' '.' /." •• , . . . oye on-lnlJl(-contract a18 a ,Hers~ey bar ~very. . some Imes . IIlg a ar Robert Oray 2[ ' salns'nlan Clarks- . Chlnd M~rgall. Il1Ivalld care ,$.!I.OO·,. J ·.M~8. ,V40la Harlan' an8 BOn. RPftia~ '. MIas_~wlrey Crawrofel - """";t the ' ~hs~~le'~Uel' I~ I" !'- ccpordan<l4l .~Ith,. the . t th Atl t' b d ' . ~ , "R If' . l r, ~:~. _ "" J_' . .......... "'. u II 01 revalling ~ HourI ~ an IC sea oar vUl e. and Juanita Price, 19. Clal;)(s- e s EJect~I(l.· Sp()p; repairing :Jt~~ ...9ft. ~ughter. MW·.JO$eI)blne ·, "ar~ ",-w~.,\kenel yAth ~ef ~Illlts AIr. and :"ll1ge n~t.e,. HA.eertalned;iUMl Det,r~ ' morning .:.Bob Collett, -un- eas · a~ '. ' ~'- . -"- ' -~--- - - . .- - - UK - - E'D'- IN- - --' vlJle ' and 18 lamps. Courthouse. ·_fa.76·" ; l\tteDQlng oomm~ntent '~ei'C18e1 'Mrs. Earl Q1'aWford. • ., trj~rdR!fa~~! Do,Ptr1tm...'!,ilt. or l'ntdua" .Q~EBELDTOOBIGR · 1:WOMENINJU . Wllbur-'N ' Sel ' o'''''nt remt ·· " '1' ' , ... . HI~h\V :n .... a .. pl,caulll· · t'o Stat. ". ,- . - . ' MASON TRUCK CRASH John Arthur- Oordan. 24. shlp~ . ' ·nrll, ! 'O~ ,.. P , UI!'. i1~ nt;.7~ ~;Nare this. ·we.lt:~ Ml,y Illn- The U~lea Up and Comers 4-ft ctuJi ' ,n '~c~r'dati .~~'lWen.lB~lfYelDentl - -... ,,~ 0"::-':: tty Co 11 . .. ' - '- I " ping clerk. Dayton and Plly])ls h1Sl'l'a,nce. ~~·.36; . Jesse ',,: :.. ,~!V~ 'lAArlan iI!),ne,~'the ;,raduate,. at Ul~: ~e, or. JletIiY lachan 1.7.-~. _~Z~li ra~d : ,,;,c~~~i l.tb'~~ ....-.~ Auv-" ..e ~ , unc J B I k 21 ' . ftge nt. pre mhll'1'\ on InSurance .. . . _ ,< ......-,..,....t.,. ; ~~' . _ 'I'Ueaa4 \Vllli '-I ,\~. enernl Co~e or- OhIO." · • . . WI&b . ' CltJZen$· 'onunltte Tues· Two men were JnJured severely can r n er. . Lebanon. . 'G ' - . .11- ' . ; .' ., . ... , .' . , . : -' , . ~. ,. ! . ' ,...~e pre.,n The b"'der ''mll.t itubmlt' with hll .i•• >'" A'':...__ •.~ r v"s"" e ""wer lat :': Tuesday when a' ~"'e . trailer Charles Chambe"rlaln. 25. farmer ... , ()J'man· InsUl·tinC'~ .Agt;l1Cy. . .. :' _-M.r.l ~ ~.'. ~or · BaueF-· hat:\ . ~ Gene~v'e. B....~.i, 'n "'....lrift_ !'!~a~ ~eO.~trJlt~~~..~.e ~_ ttt:'altri amou-nt ItO w, "" . "" .... , " • . 1'1111 011 ' 83'1'24" thl!lrt d1 ' ........... .......... .... _.l;'-~._ . ..-..... ... .. «lenf _or the .ltI - _. . ..... the OIM•.., .... " ' Gas truck lett ~oute 42 In. Mason and Franklin. and Martha ,Burton '22. ... . ' '- . . ·"-fo· ,nJlet: .~"' ,.~F) ~... In -~WD, '... ~at.~ . ~~;. ut In . no ' Ivent mor; '"l"'UJ ~~, , ' ·tel" I t C" II I TI"-l)W 1lI1S:O ~l!rfilum: Ill'll Ill"'. lilanlifuOw.. 0 i)t __i.e' . '. _ ". • . an ten thoblaDd dollar. '
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• MASOn, the 'men ·were Henry -' b~tb of ,... ~IicU8lled antf M.llJer al)Ci Oeorge O'Shea" ~==~'::""_'Ity'a otIlclal$ St. Louis. Botb were taken to '" Cin_ ... clnnatUlOSpltal.
...~~~. -
Mason. and Erica Turner, 16 Kin gs ,'- ,S~ ~~e QU 'MIIIs · gaM'J ne. Ti~e . .Pur~ ... . . Ellis Shepherd. 32. steel wor~er, ItD~OIlI1~. , V:: 9· ~.. Middletown. and Mrs. Oladys" see- c.alr I!I aUon , ~ollDe.
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Oame All'.. baa requested spee1al IIldered. nor WiD t.base of several
·..·-e Appointed 1·0 Assist Graduater.
.....ntJon from the Oonaervatlon De- o$her d1atrlcta recommend1llg that partment in atocldng tbls stream the atanered BYltem of hunting be 'funn County was a mighty poor . with a supply ot Usb. It 11 untor- kept. It would live the tellow. Uvlng place for tlahemian to open the tonate however that Turtle Creek outside bird territory several weeK- pag aeaaon last Bunday. Outside ot 8tl1~ to be carrying a ...- large ends In which to buqt. The foUowves they can bring them Into contll ~ a few smaU ponda and the upper amount of aU from some solll'ee. U IIlIl rulings are not final, and any With lhose thaL may be Beekll.. .. .... h t f h h obJ ti The aftel'noon tollo'wlng the anI aDd at, 0 ear Cree.. ..<Ie streams th1a Is cleaned up; the stream will un er or armer W 0 as ec ona were muddy and high. A. few bass not only become more a source' of to them mlg'ht write to the Oonser· nual reunton of the Waynesville young people lo learn a business ,,' and l,?ts of C&l'p were taken from tlahJna 'aD4 I5WSImDID8 rt[IIIN&Uon; vation Commissioner Don Waters. High School Alumni AssOCiation . profession. " We realize tha.t It ' Is somethnn Clear Creek. and the rest of Us but can be used again for stock wat- .State Ollice Bldg.. COlumbus •. Ohio. officers and some of the memb rs dltTicult for young men and WOOlf 1 will have to walt for less· rain to get erlng. etc. Anyone l1V1ng long tbe The proposed seasons. bag limits. of the executive commi ttee had a to meet the right kind or people I I . ' confere e tQ dlScuSIS ways and more fishing. although most of the creek Is requested to reports lts con· etc .. are as toUows : their quesL for employment. uQr 10· state hasn·t been much better 011. dltlon to Eben Leaf. of R. No. • means of Increasing the service ~ . RABBIT~Nov erhtler 15 to Janu- the &5SoclalJon might offer lhe cal contact cbnunittee. theefore. wil l eveD the lakea at our present Writ- Lebanon. chalrman of the FIsh and ary 1. dally-limit f . four In possesschool and community. Now that act In an advisory and consultlv' Game Olub's Stream anq Water slon after flra day . Ina are plenty muddy. the alumni reference library In the capacity, and being In touch wlt il Committee. Turtle Creek with Its PHEASANTS-November 15 to 90. high school h been establ1shed our alumni members the countr We hav, otten wonde,ed just originally fertile vegetation and dally bag limit, 2 ca.k pheasants. 4 and Is being further developed. It over. they can use their good office what fish were In our lariel' streams slow runnlrig water should make a In possession aCter flrst day. was agreed that £Ome other line oC In seeking their ln1luence and as· around th1a neck of the woods. TWo Une stream for large-mouth bass. slstance. Therefore. we hope that HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGE - endeavor should' be pursued. weeD Ilia the F'1IIb Management crappie,. etc.. and certainly woUld our members will take advant.age of It was decided. thereCore. that t he Branch of the Conservation Din- bl a real addition to our county November 15 to 30. dally bag limit 4. this medium that we have establishwith 4 In possession after 1st day . firs t objecf!ve would be to offer the alon atattoned a teat ne, crew at flsbtn::: waters. ed. We find that employers In all GROUSE-Nove mber 15 to 30 . fa~lIIties of the asso.:iallon memberAnolent in the Little Miami. anj llni!!l of activity are Interested In dally bai hmit 2. with four allowed s hip to th06e Ilewer member~ who a.ccordlna 0 ReDdell Rhoades, dis~·our.;; · people ('oming from rura l After' last week's public iame In possession arter flrst day. desire to form contac ts In colleges. trict flllh m.anaaement agent. bere hearing, at Oolumbus. the ConseroommunlUes. educated In a hlg.1 Ls the reeult of fish taken In their SQUIRREL--Spetember 25 to oc- other educa tional Inst:l tutlons. or to school like ours. who have had .1 vation COmm1aalon has tentatively test ·neta.: They ranged all the way issl,led the following season's, bag tober 10.4 . with 8 ill I>os'iess ion after lie ad vL~('d as to prOper ways to fol - good fa mily background and kn ow low In order to get lora ted In b I L~· from a 7" rock basi toa 31 " shovel- limits. etc .. for next fall's hun ting Ill'st day . how to work and. In fact. have toJ f DeAd catfllh. . RACCOONDece mber 1 to Janun ess. work to geL along. Youn g people season . It looks as though the rorPresident Chnrll'~ E. Mlc hrne r mus t be given assistance In geltin g Type Size gotten sportsmen In Soutbwestern ary 15. 2 bag limit . 2 In possession No. an llOUnCE'S Lhot ile 11. 5 aJlP li llled es tablisHed . After that their tutu!" '1-20 l ~ " OhIo are going to lose one of Sliver Mullets :l2 the a fi e!' lInt da y. u ~ Ihe local ~ ontR{ t co mmi ttee . Rns.s Is up to them. It Is ow' duty, W I! Kentuclty Bas! 8 \HO" 19 first huntlng breaks we have had In - RED FOX- no t decided . 8 Blunt-nosed Carp-Iuckers 11-14" a long Wme- the stag,ered sys tem . GRAY FOX- 1I0 bag l1mlt or H . lI ol tsock. cila ll'man : Olivp All en feel. to give a hand In getting them H , ac e. Haymonu Brnddork a nd E . :) River Carp-suckerll 1l-10 Y,, ·· According to CommlslllclIler Wat ers season . established. ThaL IS Lhe serv ice no\'/ 5 8hovelhead Catfish 8-31 " some of the farmers In Central Ohio SKUNK. O·POSSUM. MINK and V. Bal'llhsl l. Expla ll1lllg the pur- that We are offering to oW' yowlgcl' • QuUlb&ck 7 % -If ~~" objected to the seMon opening last MUSKRAT- December 1 to Janu- p.lse of the COIllII ,1L ee. Presldf nt 3 Obannel Cattleh 7 'k -20 ~ " year before November 15th. which a ry 15 In . Inland trapping dl5trlct i\fI hener s ay~: ~. Black Cropple 7 -7 ':i! " WIlS the reason for domg away with and De-ember 16 to Marcil 15 In "We fee l lhat th" Alumni Associa:.! Sm,all·mouthed Baes 8-0" Che IItalJiered system. Both the LaKe Ene trappmg dJ.strlct. com- llOIl Cllll be of great valu e to ow' gradu at('s In forming ~ Golden Mullet 7 Y.t -1.~" sportsmen and farmer represenatlves prised of Lucas Ottawa. Sandusky. yo unger :2 Blunt-nOlled Redhorse 11 % -lOW' Distnct Six. of whIch Warren Erie. LoraIn , Ouyahoga . Lake. and their contacts .I f til£'Y desire to pursUe their studies In some hi gher In1 Y,llow Bullhead 8 Y.t County IS a part. r~l;o mmended that Ashtabula Counties . Rock BaM 'I" the staggered system be retained. Rabbit and bird shooting wlll bll s titution or If they wish to engage In -CAR LlSTTotlll 3'1.1 % games epecll's or fish . but not opened until November 15th permitted . according to the tenta- some \lne of business. It so happens that we have members lC?Ca ted all and run a week Into December. thus tive order trom 7 :30 a . m. to 5 p . m .• In the belief that Turtle Creek be· Qvoldlni any Interference wi th soy- Eastern Standard time . except on over the country. many of whum are 1940 Chev Spec . Dlx. T. lOW Lebanon should be a non-pol- bean harvest. It looks however as the opening day. when the season In the position of emp'oyer. They have signified their wlllln! ness ' to luted stream through lllil efficient though our distrIct's reccommenda- Will come In' at 12 noon. Sedan A separa!.e trapper's license will lend a helping hand to graduates. If operation of the ~.non Dlspo6&l tion (representing the 14 SouLhwesthey have nothing to otTer themselPlunt , 'the Warren dOunty FIsh and trm Ohio ~untles) wLU not be con- be required. . ,
members.' J:)peaklng of the coUege situation. \ I President Michener said. "Many at ur members Bre graduates 01 col- ! leges all over the country. Some of our Younger members are under . : rll{\ua tes In colleges. Our thought IS . l hat when gradUates of the high ' :.chool desire to enter ( allege U would be 01 . real benefit to t h m to j ave th way PIWed by some alumI Us by I ttel'5 sent to the faculty or ! lIneane aSlioclatrd With the colleae, \ ery OlLen an alumnus ca n poin t ut the way to colle ge entrants. can r slabllsh contacts of value and lelld " I. a nd m other ways. We want to do th is vcry thing for our youn ~ mebe rs entertlng rugher schools or learnmg .
Beech Grove
1 he Brannan family or Xenia \,'el ,! f 'rlda y nil! ltL vl slLOr ~ of Mrs. (,11( ,' 1 fl'lY and famil y. Mrs Ella Barlow. of Da yton . spent : ,!ven.J days last week with Mis ; J [ann ah J orda n. J . Lee Talm age and ion . A1b!'rl J .ce. viSited the Clncil, n at! Zoo. : unday. Mr. aud Mrs . F"ank Salus were lJusln ss visitors in Dayton. Saturtlay. Me.a rle Terry was a WUmlngtcn business vis!tor. Monday . Mrs. Marie Kloutz and son. and , [1" . Mary BurketL and daughter. of day toll. were r ecent vl5itors of the Well'S family . Donald Sam s has r eturned to his 1:ome here . after sevel al momhs : tay In the home of Mr. and Mrs. l{ urU.~ Roberts. at Mason . Mr. and M!·s. George Plymlre. of " ear Clar ksville. were Monday eve:ililg callers of Mr. and Mrs . Frank
19.39 Oldsmobile Seda n
$11Z.S0 New 6 Cu. Ft. Crosley
1939 FOl'd Coupe 1939 Chev . Spt. Seda n 1939 Chev. Dlx. T. Seda n
." ',.
1938 Dodge Spt. Sedan 1938 Chev. Mst. Coupe 1938 Chev.
Trade In your old ranKe on a new
:Jams. Mrs. Mary Burkett and· daughter. and Marie Kloutz and son of Day[on were recent VISitors of the Wells family . Mr . and Mrs. George Beckett. of SprIng Hill. ent'rtalned Thursday . June 14. \Vtt!l a birthday dinner for the pleasure at Mrs . Beckett·s grandmother. Mrs. Almon Ferris. Ouests were Mr . and Mrs. Ferris Mr. aod Mrs. S . D. Ferris. John M . Wll5on. Mrs. Mary W,lson. both of ' Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs . Beckett and
.... I
$19 85 •.
• W.·ll glv. yo" tJUe TIS".. Thick· Wat.d ... AlulDtali. Set In .V.A . .chug. b " ' " old gu rug. - Sf y_ ~~ your IlAW I.tate right AOW. . ' ~- - ....
au .....
So hun)' III before tlaIe oHar te wtthdUWD. See tIUe bM"ttJal Triple·Thlck Alwalaua. ... tb.letut mod. . . . . . . . IDO.t b.a"tUIll. IDO.t
~:~~r~barles Wll\ 'am and Don-
atatgu -1J. . ~.d"",,,
Sedan 1937, Chev. Truck
1937 Chev. Truck 1937 1937
-...- .
1937 1937 1937 1937 _
.- r!JS I 1936 1936 ! •
1936 1936 1935 "
1935 1935
1935 1934 '.
1935 1935
Start AUCJust Ie,
R........r this II. 1M iii • Cr.. S....,..... wHIl • tI. tit' Food st.np - wHh Exit. S....,.. II 1M loor
Even .t iii Hrular price of 1112.50, ahla II a mOlt , ClLU' AND lUlL TID8 courON . outlt.ndin, rtfri,erator .valu.e. · But .at" the pment u ..... POit un»>ellevabl. reduction, it ' rep,reHltII a value h.rtorore unprecedented. But 'hili I. not aU-ln addl· ........... aw ...... ()o., U tlo... pu~r I,tl a ,f,.t .b i. luppl, of the fln..t W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110. . . . ,. ...-laUn WIll tall ... atft quallt, f~·· .t Rot 011. palmY .dr. eoet. Remem~r, ,.. _ _ _ -.0. ...., 'Ilia Ie 'a I, " or e,'en 15 cubic foot alae, but th~ &I', • 1I000eI' with cubic feet of food .tor.re " Ipa.. Ii.... 76 ~ cubU .t ODe fret.m,. and b.. 1M "ra _.... Ia tla. door-a aOlt .I.portaat It...........'••••••••••••••••••••• .- r..t~KduaIVi with Createy:. ;"Ie bl,;· h••~. ":;UI... 01 pradi!caUyuy..... f."IIT. Ben ludr.:cap'adty. "peDd- . Alt. 1 .......~ ............. . _~\ ~YK 1Iefe....· ·JOUIb... ber. no ~q ...,. tile '.....,. . ._ ~,... .. ~t .tm ImtU Aupat 10. .-ri_ _'!"_ _ _"
u·,.._ .........
.. f"."'*.ieII. •.,..,'" ........ ..-rat ..........
............ .
.,........ ...., ....
0.. '.
Our revi val meetings closed Sunday nIght. Ford Coach Mrs. Nellie Bunnell. Miss Mon- . Imla Bunnell and Carol and Rhoda LaFayette Coach Bunnell were victims of ptomaine poisoning ThurStray nlght-They-are better at this time. Ford Tudor Mrs. Ella Haines Is stU! confined by Illness at the home of her 50n Chev. Dlx. T. Sedan Luther Haines and family. IJttle Doris Jean Ellis daughter of Olds. 4 Dr. Sedan Mr. and Mrs. Leonarti Ellis of near LUngman sepnt the week-end \ . Chev. Coach hel' maternal grandparents. Mr. an:! _ _ _~--~..,._____ M~ F,avmoTloi 3 t1snn s. " . • __mdiikYv.. .--..-. Buick Sedan Miss Margaret Hartman of D&y-"'tI1l111rl~o!i'U~rj' ton spent Friday and Saturday with Larrer Beca.... ~~m~!!!~ ~~: Ford T. Sedan her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. QaaUtf I"rtce Hartman and family. Elllabu.he4 lag;~ Mi.ss BOnnie Miller of Dayton WaynenUle, 0.. ...... • Buick Sedan .. . . s~ent the week end with her foster parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ral1egh BoBuick Coupe The W. C. T. U. 'met 'I'll1!lda7 &rgan and family . Miss D rothy Eby. ternoon at the IUlDIIX in Nn 8u&'ho 11all lived at Lhe BOiaD borne ilrigton. Bouquetawera iDidi ror Uii Olds 2 Dr. Sedan for the past several months. left slclt. Tuesday for her wage-home in DayChey. Truck ton. Mr. John Wilson and son Robert Plymouth Coach visited Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Bogan Sunday afternoon. Mr. aDd Mrs. Rallegh Boga n and Oldsmobile Coupe I'amlly entertained to dinner Sunday Chey. Mst. Spt. Sedan Bonnie Miller of Dayton and Mr. Miss Waynesville wW be cbQMA and Mra. Horace compton of New at the Twin Theatre Pridal Dipt, Chev. Sedan Delivery Burlington. Afternoon callers were In addition to a screen test. 'wbIcA Mr. and Mrs . EvaQ Bogan of Dayton. • will be. shown back on ·Ute acrec at ~d Milia Mary Louise Jones and a later date, -the local i1r1' .elect..4 Dodge Coupe Mr. Obarles WUllAms. In the cont,est. wUl bave a ~ Mr. and Mrs. George Bunnell and to compete tor .tate bonoi'll. Ford Coach son Larn of Centerville were SunThe contest Is ' ~ bY day gueats of Mrs. Nellle Bunnell United Cinema Ploduc.tlons. 'DlG. Chev. Sedan and Mon1m.\a Bunnell. also wU1 be aellotec1 aci.t, . wI&Ia _ Mr. and Mrs. Francis Chenoweth one abow during the ev~. that and famUy entertained guests Sun· Chev. Sedan at 8:90 p. m. day.
Fairley Hardw.e.
1935 1935 Chev. Coacb
1933 Pontiac Sedan 1933 Chey. Coach 1933 Chey. Coupe
1933 Plymouth Coach 1933 e hev. Coach 1931 Cadillac Sedan
Motor' Co~ Ph.... 326
.. .......,."
·L.hailoa Ohio
WAYNESVILLE!S .Most Attractive Girls Competina for Screen Test and trip to Stale Colll'-.'~1
"MISS OHIO 1940"
"fer a satisfactory Service
I Church.es I~~~~~~
tll }' \)\g at I I,.' .nome 'U !.-_______,____-.: Wednesday evening compllmelllolDg k ' lav., ~ Rev . alld MrS. It. C. Radley and:. fl1I5 ",,,.'k willi .. Mrs. Ill' co<' 1. , Gl t ','I NE l'ltl.lR(' U TUESDAY-JUNE 25. , ~T . ,\. Isc I t I 1I,Ie' itPI' Va(,IIL on , . , Farm Bill' a\1 0 uss on group, a Bnll Mrs . A. F . MeJlob WhO ce.e ,. lI' and Mrs J'oll Mar nn and SOD II I'\'. R. II. Krulllholl", S 1 D, p tl tor L1l llome of Mr. anc\ Mrs. Ronald ecl tlle!.r wedding a nniversaries on 01 DaY I 11 cnl\Pd on' Dr, n.l1d Mr: . J ~II. S, Sltnda ys fI : Q fl . ttl. Hawke. Wedn esday of las ~ week and thl'! ov • Other ""Iests at the C\1DW ednesd'" W. Ward , Sfl Llu·c1ay. , - __ - -'---WEIDNli:""iDAY- JUNE 26. D ' FOR RENT"':'5-rooD\ modern bOlllle. , ~ W cUa of . ner were Mr. and Mrs . JosIah DaVls. Mr. ~I nd Mrs. U"; a.r w " 'I' I\IAIU" S EPIS(,OP ,\I , YOung Man'led Couples class of 1 garage In connection cl08e to - Waynesville I M 0 cl '" ML. l':lb rind j\lrr. : 1.111 I'R "ftn ( ' lnJl l( ' 1I tile MetnodlsL Ohurcll , GBJ'den Mrs. J . W. White, Mlsses . Efla and school, Le. Lemmon. J6-13-20· (I f il L: Innall c lied a ll Mrs. Lena Party, at t,lle home '01 Mr. and Mrs. Lois Radley. and Mary Ann Menoh: II 'v · II . I •. " ,II Ckw4·II , 110-. h,,' ~--~--~--------,---------------------'-----.-~~ . t {:ul ' 0 k . Sunda r n flf'rlloon. M. A.' Fulkerson, Rev . and Mrs. L . O. !"OR SAI..il-8weet 'POtato plantl 360 Ml' lind Mrs. Ed MeT-'arl, n aha 5TH SUNDAY AF'1'hR TRtNT'l' Y Radley also hOSlB. 7:30 p . m . SCOUT8 TO USE TRACT , ' per hundr!ld or three ..undred· for --~-Mr. and Mrs. IYli e N uLz IIholzl'l' 7:30 II Ill. Holy, omnlllllion . THURSDAY- JUNE 27. Morrow- The Morrow Boy Scout '1 .00. Allltlnda of sarden' plant, (II Dayton called on Dr, and Mrs. J II d AI'''., llnOL Bridge club. a~ the home tl'OOP h~ been given the usef of 10 10 cents per dOleD or S dozen for 11 a . 111 . Morlling Pr !l~e r n Sf' rS W Ward . Sund y, ' 01, ~1rs . Ronald Hawke acres or la nd on the farm 0 an- 25 oenta. 1 ~ mUe nortb Of WayMr 811 d Mrs. Cll nL T aylor or H al" man . FRIDAY- JUNE 28, ford Bergholt ' near here. Bergholt, nesvlUe, Comer of ' Waynesville. vf'ysblll'g alld Dr. a nd Mr~. J . W . .TUES DAY , I b l h I of 1\ cosmetlc manllfacturer. is a troop Ferry and Lytle roads. Strouse I :'Ic:hool S umm er N ' w Century r u . a t e lome Wnr d Wl'rf.' In Lel>anon. Tupsci.lY nf? p. m. Ch\ll"C1 C committeeman. Bros . .R. R . No. :I M80J6-1S-20. Mrs. R: A. anneI', trmoon, Se~.slon . SATURDAY~UNE 29. FOR BALFr-Oet your cabbase, toM.!·. and Mrs. J . t" Bnker of LI'I>;I- - - -- - - i 1l 1ll0lHl Orunge. MlI111cv llle. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING n Oll visll.ecl Misses Anni e U. (lnd mato. mangoe, pimento, ct,uU~ I\1E'l'UOUI S'I' ~ : II Ul{c.: 1I ON THE ANNUA.L BUDGET Mnlnl' '1'. Brow ne Tn 'itl ay ('vrnlnl{. f1ower.and sweet potato planta of Luu b C. It a dl .. y. I'astor D. R. SALISBURY BUYS Mrs. Ollve Curl and Mrs. TownD. H. Hockett. Bouth Third St.. NOLlce Is hereby given lhat Oil the hurch School 9':30 n. III Wur;,hlp BRANSTRATOR FARM l,'it day of Juty, 1940. lit eight o'clock .~('l1d of Or ient. 0 .. callell h pr c I:lst Waynesville. . M16-U ~ C I vice 1U :40 II . I ll . Tile pi lor'ti sullTllUrxdny ll, Ill. hearing on the Budget pre- FOR SALE-Wheat binder. horae Mrs. Jt'ct will be : " The DL', ill ' HeeOllcilU . R. SnllsllllJ'Y pllrah nsecl the L. M r 5. lI arrit' l MI'Cny . Rllel dl'l1wn . Oheap. Lester Kenrlclt. pared ,by the Wayne Township wl'rr ' IIlLion ." oY u will nlwuys find a cor- V , IJranSlrn Lol' lann of 75 acres BdFrank Wrrl:r. of S prlll ll lll'ld waynesville. R. 2. at Perry. TrusLees of Warren County. Ohio. dinner guests here Sunday. Mrll. dlul \ I' It'UI Ill' !l ~ II ,,' Mc lhmlls l Joining lite corporation limits. at for the nex t succeeding rlseal year. FOR S ALE-White FaCed Bull' Oalpullli c sale Saturday. Tile purchase Wertz relllll illed for the w('C'k lin d Church. ending December 31 . 1941. ves. old enough tor servlce . Would pri ce wus $77 per a ~ r e. 01' a Lotal of gpwort h Leulo:" Muudny (' veilin g Mrs. McCoy will spend thl' SlIllIner Such hearing wUl be held at the ~I'ade for 11'fSh cow. Lee Lemmon. at ' :3u o \; lo~ k. All ;()Il1l l1 Pt'O\J,l' Ml' $5 .775 , here. Township House. Wa ynesvl!le, Ohio J20-St· Til e sale. onduclecl by Ule Balley.VI I" Newcomer 01 Dayton l~ IIiVllul. L, H . GORDON . . company. of Wilmington, Murplly s pendin g a f IV wl'cks hC're. There will Il l! nit 11.I ' 1, ltu ~c Ra lly Olerk 01 Wayne Township W ANTED- A glrl or woman to Mr unci Mrs. Woor! lind Mr:\ neXl S umlu y afLl'rtH)OIl J lIlle 2~rd , IILLracted u 1l1rgc crowd . Personal J20-2'l help wit h housework arut ch1ldren. Kenneth Fater and two children 0 1 aL lIl C ChnlllallfI li rI Mrolllills , Fn ulI( - property also wns sold during the Room and board and Bnlall pay dpy, and lunc h was served by the Colult1bu s visited the Misses Adnllnc 111\. bCIl IJ111J1I1l flL ~ : ~tU p. 1\1 . Pep Do~ble given . Inqulre at theMlami Oaand Frances AJdf n . Wednesday af- Singi ng TOllrs of the Ill'OlIIllL. , PIC ' Lauies Aid societe of the Melhodlst zette. ternoon. nic SUPP ' I' lind VeslJcl's, Air young church . . FOR BALE-Cabbage pla.nta 250 per p ople welcolile ; t hOM! pl:umluM to bundred- Oeo. PeierlOn 1 mile go to 10.;11111 1' ar ' t'~; j1eL· .nll y urgeJ FRIENDS ENTERTAINED ' N o tice T o 00& Owners Of AT INFORMAL PARTY from Waynesvllle on Bellbrook to anend, Warren C o upty, Ohio Pike. j' MIs,s Emma Mae Dwyre enl.erlalnIt belt1, t he Judgment of the M'L 1101 .1.\' ,II. E. CJlUll(;lI ed a gnlUp of frlends at an ln10nnal Board of H ealth of Warren County. '1' , 1\1. S I'al'fI • .uilll~tcr card party, SBturday evening. Two Ohio that Rabies 18 prevBlent In tables of "500" were enjoyed during Warrell COunty. OhlD; B general Ma ry Alice Read y entcnaln d the !:oundu,)' ::;cltool 9 ; ~0 U . III. l!: 1\. Ille evening. folloWed by retresh· quarantine of all dDg!l In Warren ----_._- _ . , - - - - - - - I g htl~ grllde of St. Ursula aca<;lentY ~ L:'l luilal L. ::;upt ments. Her guests were Mrs. A. E . COunty Ohio 01 ClJlclnna Ll , llere lasL week. Is hereby aeMarried men between th, aces of !. f 't.' II.lll o .:.ltl l l C 'f::iO. ::;wut, Mrs, L. A. oarst , ·Mrs. R . E . clared under authority or Section 25 and 60 who know fe · IUiCl teedi"ra y r "Ieell,,!: , WCdll':Slluy • e eF'ral1k. Mrs. Wade Turner. Mrs. C. I . 5652 -16 of th e General Code ' of Ohio. 1118 and are Interested In i~lllIinto Mrs. Elsl1 Curl!!ss enterlIDned her I II ••. '/ :3U. STOP--LOOK-READ Satterthwaite, Mrs. M. A. Fulker¥>D, This quarantine shall conslst 01 'bualne6s f~r tllemselves. No InvestSunda y school class from Indlan Hi!! ,I w<!ICOIIIC awaits you uL lht:.:oe and Mrs. Edgar Smith. Week End Special's of Quality Home Dressed Beef, La a pi cnic a nd SWU11ITfin g a t Wayn e the confinement of 'dog or dop ment. CJ'ar neceasaq. For ,an Inter· ser vices . Come and enJoy Lfiem with f ork', Veal. Th e very best at the very poss ible lowe st pw'k Friday. on the -p;eml&es of tile owner, pro- vlew write t.o Box 98, us. , pricel. Large ,Jar Bone less Pickled Pigs Feet, Jar , 18c ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATED vlded 'a dOl may be'" ,p erm1tted ·to Name .......... ..•. ...... . ... . . .. . c, M. Murphy. of the Murphy store . leave he' ptemJses of tbe Owner U . Home Rend e r ed Pure Lard , 2 lb. 15c: 50 lb. can net, can, of WU mingwn. gave an outlng (or TWA U. B, CIIUIlCH Mr. and Mrs. Chester Outler and under leash or under control of the Address . .. . . . .. . .. . ..... " ....... . . . ileus i\. 11111, I'astol' ~~~I~$;..3.;",~5_~O. qIs employes a~ the park F rida y. son Francls. and Miss eBtty Oramer owner or other respona1b1e perao~. ..... ....... ... ......... .... ... ..... ~, PHONE 66-R2 of Nor wood, 0 " and Mr. and Mrs. Th1a quaranttDe has been approved Sunaay, J une 23 Willard Linch and p Jrly, of DayLwls Thompson were guests at din- by tbe Board of county CommlsalODPORK BEEF V. :.l O a. h I f::I .... . \,.H.A ~ !)l. 1,uv l J._t!~lie Lon. caugh t a . nine-pound and an ner o Sunday, of Mrs. Bertie Mills, ~ ers of Warren County, Ohio, by RII- ' Spare Ribs .. ..... ..... 2 lb . 18c GorSLIch . SUPL, (Ig hl- pound ca Ltish Friday. Don .Boiling Beef .. .. .. .. ... ~ lb 12 l1a c celebration of the blrthday annlver- olutlon 41llY passed on June 17. iHO, Fres h Callies, ...... .. .. .. lb. 11 c Fisher. o( Middletown pulled In n lU .3\J ll. 1lI.- Mol'ulns \va ": ,1 sarles of Mrs. Butler a~d Mrs. wherein the dog warden waa direciecl "R~ast .... .. 2 l b. 27c NOTICE OF APl'qlNTDNT 7 :00 p. m . Christian :E nqea vol'. RePork Ste ak ..... .... , ...... lb. 15c 13-pound cat at the park Wednesday Thompson, and the police otfJcerl of WarNn ifoalt ....... .. , .. 19c ~ri elbra k.e Leaderpor ts !Tom tile evening. Fresh ~Il Pork Sausage oounty requatedAO UIIat in .the •• Swisa ~eak ShouldeT lb. 22c ship TrBllllng School will ,be given . \ , G.UE8TS AT PABTY .... .. .. ........ . .. ........ ... .. lb. 10c tc.rcement ot tb1s quarantine. •. Fresh <::round Beef 2 lb. 35c SOCIETY MEETS Remember sunday, June 30, 18 Bltate of Cora U.....oell. '. . . . . . . . Rib or Loin Pork. Chops by Edward ~ Ohlldren's Day Serv.lCes in our Tendel' Juicy Steak .. lb. 23c Mrs. JoPn W. Kersey , ,Mrs. Ita NOt.l~ ill hereby 81v.n that Luther AT LYTLE HOME chw.cb. ~~ .. .......... .......... :..... 2 Ib , 37t: Brown, Mrs . A. H. B~ubbs. Mrs. Loren Home Made Jig'g' s Fresh H . HarUock Whwe ~ 0fbQe AdFresh H a m s, Whole or Hadley and Mrs. Howard ~ were The home of Mrs. Walter Whlt • C.orn Beef to Cook.. lb . 20c dress II WaYJlQvllle. 01110, K. K .. No. guests at a deasert brtdge. Thursday Half ............... .. ... .... lb 19c aker of Lytle was the scene of an W/\YNt:SVILl.lf CliUItClI 0'" 1 .bal IMen dUly appointeeS as AdQ~ality Round or Loin Loin Roast ..... ...... .. ... lb. 15c all day meeting of the Ladies Aid (;1I115'j: _~~~~~~~~~=~~!HJl -III"fIU'UN mlDlstrator of the Bltak of COra " Steak ........ , .... .. ..... I~, 3 0c Pork biver :-:-: ..... .. : .. ... 16, IOc Soclety of the Methodist Chutch. W, C. !;mit I , i\linistcr F °d aartloct late of ' Wai-ren Oount,. " f l ay VEAL Ohio. ~ Fresh P ig Feet "" , ... eac'h 3c W)edneSday. A bounteous basket ::'UNDAY ~ . I AND '~{' a .. m "HI-LO" CLUB ENTERTAINED v.: Bible -~ -.r.;-- -- ..".rn:."-'"t""F::-fldiJme)"-\\'lts-ell'joyed- by-twenty-five ~ hool 9 .J'~ Dated thll 11th day or Jun~ 1ato. . · Ve.a l Chops .. : .... .. ...... . tr.1 c ig Knuckle s .. ........ 216. 15c members at noon . Lord's Supper I ' :-~5 a . om. • ' . , ' Saturday RALPH~, c$Y , . , . . Full Line of Schmidts .. Mont Mrs. Russell Holliday entertain d Thr' OJ N0 ' Veal Roa·s ts ... ~.... , ..... lb. 1 trose Lunch ' Meats A ahor t uusiness meeting was held J ,' 10rEndeavoJ'. lealder Mrs. Edna the memoel'S oi the "HI-Lo" brid31l Twin • lies JUdge ot ~te Court SMOKED M EATS fOllowing the dillner. which was Smith, time 7:00 p. m . .club at her home Tuesday evel\iDg. PLU88' --Warren county. Ohio Bologna .. ........ ..... ... 2 lb, 25c opened with devotions by Mrs, Rufus 'penior Endeavor I Boer Miss Nlna The regu ar mem b'e rs and Mrs. M. A. Girls of tbet Road S'!6ar Cured 'Bacon 3 lb. Franks ... : ...... , .. , ...... 2 lb. 28c Wat.k.lns. LmvlJle, time 7~ 00 ;P!ln. . Fulkerson were present and enjoyed WITH J1S-20-:11 (.\ :\11&10\ (' 1' ,!l'r
at all times
. .cClure Funeral Home'
·-.- ----------
Peck's Food Shop .i
The Opening of A New
Soda Fountain
Sodas· Sundaes - Malted Milks Mel-O-rol -
Dip Cones
Pint Package - Bars - Popsicles
Wayne Park
Good Food
News Notes
,Coy' es Quality Meats
pief:e or more .... . .Ib. 1 2 2C hicken Loaf ''' ''' ''''' ' lb. 23c A muslcaJ of plano solos Preaching 7:45 p, m. ts bbYprogram ., . Jowl Bacon ...... ,,, ... 2 lb• .15c mbination Loaf ... .. Ib, 28c and ddueR As.nurfllaBCM ell.rl~ynpWro~~n~kd! !:oe.. mol1 SUbje~. Wi tn esses , d S k N L f Ib 25 er an e a w.. s ~~.e the Son of Go!! · Ten ered han less Smo. · . oa " .. : .... ..... . " ~: . ~_ c o' . ...d: '. '-~~.I.I»-«...:r cl4!l.._'~:-"""'~1fii"·""'..Jw • 'C ' II -e! _ a V..., .. ~ .a..q,Q""'D"""'" ...~ JJ. .~II,~ I· Li te bU S)" ..:, ule • ••. _.. .,. ~ ..~W"W.L.. . U :0- ":" . -,a I 5 .... . ... .. .. .f . 15c LlVe~ Cheese Loaf .. .. lb. 25c thell adJolirned to the frollt lawn . H l'lm .......... lb. 23c where a numbel' of gUlli es nnd conBible study an Praye r meeting Oottag~ Ham L aver Pudding .... .. .. 2 lb. 2Sc tC$ts concluded t he days activities. 7:45 p. m. PreSS"ed 'Ham .......... " lb. 29c The meetlng In July ",111 be held LaSt Sunday Lh,e re were 82, prelllor tbe mornlllg worship and In T e n d ered H ams, W b 0 Ie or " Dutch Loaf ... .... , .. " .. ". lb, 25~ at the home or Miss Sally Smith. ' ent. spite of the rain evening there Half, .. ....... .. .'. .... ..... Ib, 20c \ Souse .. " .. .. ''' .... .. ..... .. lb. 18c CE LEBRATE ANNIVERS~Y were 103 present \for the evening . . service. The chur~ 18 much strong--'..:....;.--'.----- . - Poll. fllid Mis P. L , Reason wwe el today mall ie I as ~Ieen j'or.vears . BlI es t.~ at a dlnnel' Sunday, at the In U1e last' five ye rs I;hel'e hilS been , home of Mr. and , Mr~. William I'€cetved inLo Lhe Iel1owsh1p of the WatrOll!; o( Da'"yLon . The dinner wa~ church sevenLy lune. n ew m em~ers. gl\'cn In hOllOr 01 th e 30th wedding In apPl'etJatloll oC, Lile work done by an nlve rsnry of Mrs, Rea ~on 's ~.. IIl~JI. ~Lt:.· his sjl lUry, a t the last Ino l hcr-Ill- law nnd sister, Mr. [lnd' board mee ting wa.q raised ten dollal's Mr.~ . Oharles Fester, 11150 of Dayton. on the mon th. In t his, day of uncernnd L11 e hll·t.hdny ann lversary.of Mrs. La.lnLy we Invite y u to COme. and Ilrepllre your soul f or cnLcmlty. You who have no evening service aL your church we Invite ou to come a~d worship with \Ia. I
~tw~~o~~~:ta~b:l~~es :£o,t::car:;ds;~d~ur~.~n~i~t~h~e~ll:v~e~h~~~~~~r.~L~.;pL~aFln~e~~_ _!!~~ ~JNE~~- . _ nlng. Prizes were won
r '
- - --
....mltl' t llUllJ U OF CURl!;','
\V. C. 81111&11. Minister
Billie Sc hool 9:30 11. 111 , LOl'd's Sup per 1 :45 a . m .
I. At: REL nnd liARD\, in
"A Cm JMP AT OXFORD', also '.RIDERS OF BLA CK' RIVER" ( :harles · tILI' r c l~l ris l\ferideth
RED BRAND fence costs no more than others - yet lasts years longer. Actual weather tfsts I),av.e proved . it . . Come in and SEE the value , YoU ge.t . Compare' prices for yourself. We ·hav:e ' all ' heights,' all weights, all styles.
F · ~n ers. Exchange.Co.
S UNDAY Ilnd MONDAY J~ne 23 and 24 Bing' Crosby in . "THE STAn. I\fAlmR" Louise Cambell-Linda Ware It's fJlng a ~ 'hill "Best The Twin TheBtre is tlte cool, est spot in' Town
Don't Miss The Selection of MiSs WaYnesville F·rlda1. eVe. June
AT MlAMI' UNlVERSITY " . , ,' M ~ L9ls Radley ente ed Miami UnIverslty, l3unday fOr the swnmer term. Monday Miss ~IB RadleY"WIlII enrolled fqr the sUmmer te,n n at" Bowling a 'r een University . Rev, iwts Mfs. L O. Radley accompanied their daughters to their schools. r' REVIEW HBLD , Miss Bar.b Wa Lou Blal\d. daughter o( Mr .. and Mrf\. Glenn Bland ' Qt Bprlng/)Ol'o, :\Jok ~art ' In th .. d .. hC!l review presented by the Vera p.~ dancing school, at the Dayton... Art Institute, Tu~a,y evening.
. efillOIl 11 :00 a . n .
fRIDAV _ SATURDA1' June 21 and 22 2-IIUGE nIT8-2
Holliday's guests planned a stOrk shower al) a surprise. tor their hostess. and presented .her wJth many lovely &lIt8, Mrs. L. A. Oarst will be hostess to t he club In two weeks:
'l'UF.sDAY Til e TJ'I-State Olub will s PQllSor all Ice Crea m soclal bere on tile church lawil 'begbl~llng at 7;45 p. m. The WaynesvlUe Band wUl lurnlsh lhe 11\11' Ie. The public Is Invi ted to aLtend . Rc-decora tlng oC· the FI!l'l'Y church was started , Wedr';esday by. MI'. Roy Black or" Bellbrook. Bel'vlces wlll be held Sunday In thJ down stair audltorlum. . . , ."
Miss Bally Ross or Eaton. who was the guest or Miss &tber .LUkens' lalit w.eek , was the honored guest at a plonlc /iupper given by a group ot EStI~er's' glr~ h1en~ at Wayne Park. last ThursdaY' afternoon and eve · nill g . The gl~1s Wh~ ~nJoyed the out\JIg were MISses Bally ROss, Esther .L'u kens •. , i;'arbara cr~e, ' ¥ar'Jor"te , Cormer, Dorot!))' Conard. Pl!ggy Ann Chapan/m; Glennie Eden, ~nd Naomi Earnhart. ' ' :,.' ,. ,
_..~41L C,A IlBIER8 The Spring, n:leetJng of the 'Rutal Mall Calrler'f\ AssoclauOn,' of War- . Ii ren County was held Wedne~ay ,!ve~. preceded With a ~dinner at Mrs. Ella. Kent (»t DE!laware. Mrs. the LltUe Inn, 'Representatives ti'om stel)a .E vans apd ~ughter, . lIeierh PtankuD. LetIaDcm. lluabj . . of Dayton, and M:ri :-Hillrvey Hi'! letC' ~aynesV1lfe wer:e in a~. D~aYton Bunday mt nIn1r tor 'a tbte.! D, Donahoo'" oreltonsa. mall ~ weeks trl.p to Los, Anir~, Oallf.,.-- was re~ preJddent. aDd O. wbel>e they wID vlatt Mt~-Kept's 1Gb J)JItet; of PraJikUn, 18Cl_IJ-t~.-, and wUe. Mr, and JEem, ww. ' A ,frlendly welc me lI.waits you. , '" , ." TRIP TO ' CALIFORNIA '
M1ss ~nrl~~ta (M . ~y arrived in Waynesyille, Wednwla evenin, and ~U be ber ~htU ~e ~ of JJJlY. .on tbiat dAte " abe and the MlUee' Rutb ~. JIl1iat)e&b Chandler wtll aftenll the 1'tat.lonal Education ",t MUVt!Uu., aDd
- .- -WAYNISVD:.U. Oaio,"· TRURSDAY. JUNE 27;- 1940.- - 5
Da..age Heavy, Here WARREN COUNTY Waynesville Men Knew Candidate Willkie coum lED FrOID Severe' \vlad MAY PRIMARY · When ,H e Served In Army In World War CReSS TO 'AID WAI I~FUGEES A..., Eleetrieal Stonn COST IS $3 279 - - ,
Another severe w1ncl anet eleetncal ato"nn .WUck WaynesvWe and violO. ity Sunday afternoon, dlarul)UDl 11Iht.nd telephone &erviee. uproot1DI UNa aDd caualnl damqe to a DUIIIbw 01 tarm bullc11np. The ltorm came JUit a week later. almost to the hour. tban the deillie Gf BundaY. June' 16, which .lao c:aUHd com1derabl. damare 10 th1l commUDlty. Lllht.nlDl .truck on several farma DtV bere. whUe ~e WIDIl. 10 add!-
the Worley store after the water reThe May primary election cost ceded. Wayne townah1p 1200.88.and tbe VUPMm1nr operations have been lage of Waynesville 1137.19. accordITeatly lmpeded by .xcees of ratntl\ll. Inl to aIlllOU!lcement this week of Hay-maklnr especially has been re- W. W, Shuns. Jr., clerk of the tarded whlle many farmerl have county board of elections. been unable to plow com for the The cost In th ir e enl e county was tlrlt time due td the exceaaive ra1Iu. t3,279. Whet.t harveat1D8 also 11 belni held lladt by the ralDa. Largut Item listed &mone the expendltures waa '2,31'1 tor ballots Jud,es , and clerkJ, Other Items were:
.. -.-.-.- ~ -.-.-,- - , -,-,. ,"7 ; poll booItJ, 1224; rent. 11i1. erectalon and .torbli equlpmmt. Cion to felUq larlle tren. damaied 184.18. and publlcatlona, f34.22.
, ~buUdSnp. . ·:A'. DWDI!er. of
' ap·peo·logs Lo"a " IH
tnee Wft'l blown
' ~ .DIIII' tIv"en\ranee of the Lee • . _._._ , _.- - _.- - lMNnon ,III'OPUW IOUth of Waynea.
Mr. and MR. O. L. Dulce were host
, ville. Some dam'a. also wu repo~ and boIteu 'to 26 members of the on the old Cadwallader farm on the ·Olear 0reU CoUntry clUb at a bas.. _ I n1
lAbanon pike. and other farms
10 _t pc
.tb1I vtdnlty.
Approxlmat.ely 16 telephones on U. WayneavWe exchanl. were out of ouaunluIon, and una workmen from Lebanon early thla week were aaq repairtnl the Unes. In the ~h Grove nellbborhood. I11btnlna at:rW:k th. boule on the Oharlet Bwindl.. tarm. where Mr. and lira. Penn1DltOn rea1de. Beveral w1Ddow JIUlel weJe broken, ~ propertlel reported to have lUIIered A"-"-e _ _ Include the Lamb
dUmer Sunday. • • • • • Mrs, Rheba Braddock retW'llw to Lebanon. Prtday evenlnr. after .pen~ a three weeu' vacation with her mother. Mrs. Cora Rich. Q
Mr. and Mrs; lauc Stout of Calltom1a are vlllttna with Mr• . Yal1a Elban. • • • • • llr. and Mn. L. O. S,. John V1Ilted Mr. and Mrs. J . C, Adams of WUm1nrlon, Sunday,
In other townsbl~ and towns tbe cost waa listed as follows: Olearcreek Township, 1130.U; 8pr1naboro Village, 178.22; Deerfield Townsblp, 1224.68; Maaon Village. 1143.0i; Pranltl1n TownshiP. 1240~; Franklln VUlare. ~ .4i; Ham1lton Township, Ilfll.4i; M.lneville Village, '114,37; Harlan Township. '148.66; Pleasant Plain VUlage. _61 ; Musle Township. 187.05; __ • 8b •u.... ey urg Village. 171.63; Salem Townat11p, '70.80; Morrow vWa~, t141 .88; Tunlecreek Township, 1~.'10; Lebanon Village. 1456.05; Union Township, 167.14; South Lebanon Villaie. ,86.811; Washington Townsh1p. ~ .98,
July 4 coming on Th d ura ay, the regular publication day of The Miami Gazette, t h i 8 newspaper \vill be pub. lished Wednesday. July 3 t k ' nex wee " Correspondents and contr~butors are asked to submit matel'ial earHer in order that the Gazette can ,go to press W d
with his , men during recreaUon hOlil's, and that "r. request from WlI lkle was just the same as a command from the general." All say that when he wanted .nything done he did not pass on the order to a subordinate, but went out and dld It h1msel!. He also 15 remembered lIS one of the best-liked otr1cers in the outfit, his popularity sometimes creatm.r Just a little bit of jealousy on the part of h15 superiors. The local group also had W1llk1e for their first lleutenant In Prance.
Book Review Circle Meets At Harveysburg
Harveysburg-The Book Review CIrcle met Tuesday with Miss Helen Randall as hostess at her home. Durl,ng the business ses,<;lon. eleeUon of officers for tile ensuing year h was .. eId • wI'" t .. re·electlon of all the present Incumbents. Mrs. Esther Do5~er, President. Miss Helen Rand.ll vice president. and Mrs. Harriet Smart. Secretary·Treasurer, Following tbe buslness meeting. ' Mrs. OUve Hurst gave most delightful presentation of the old and
Waynesville rellldentl warned this week by Mayor At K D . ay and Manhal Chari.. Jey not to Ihoot off flnworb within the corporation unUl Thlll'ldaY, July t. Sale of flreworU In WayneavIDe wID be confined to oDe day. ThUl'lday. and alUloqh banned enUrelJ 10 many WwIIII and olU.. In thilleCtion, flr1nI them win be permlUcd here fOt' olle day, 'l'b1U'l4la1.
nes ay.
Lo"aJ Happenm·as'
Mrs. Wendel ~U. Morrow. chw-man of productloo work of the Warren County chapter of the Red Cross, pres1ded a' the tlrat organl.Zatlon meettnr We d n e ada y morning at the Golden lamb hotel. Lebanon. Miss Campbell waa recently ~ppolnted by Oharln J. Wacgoner. Red Cross cha1rm&n of Warren County. The followlnl chairmen were appointed to assist In fClr1Jl1ni an or· lIanlzation for the work of helplJl8 refulees, wounded soldlera, and a1Ck
, and aged of war tom Europe: Kn. Oharles WagiOner, Lebanon, aetnacry cha1rman; Mrs, i:lmer Durrell. Muon. ,ecretary and .....&aDt chairm.n; M1aa Ainu R.ne. l"ranltl1n. orlan1zatlon chairman; Mr,. Howard Koslman, Morrow• purchu1Jli and loventory oba1rm.ul; I4rs. Ed Blair. Lebanon. rece1vb1a and InJpectlon cbalnnan; Mrs. John PaULson. Morrow. PIKI'1kity cbaIrman; l4las Oarmen Gana. LebaDoD, co-chairman of pubUclty; MrI. Az· thur Sumner. Lebanon, traDIportatlon chairman; Miu Dorta BaWD. Lebanon, leneral ac,c0untu:Jc cba1r. man; and Mra. Nina E. lit. lohJ:i. WaynesvW• • waYI and meana cba1rman. Mr• . Oampbell and ~ UI1I~ta are aDXlQ\Ja to enlarle to. preeen,
newer composers of music. Begin~~countlty0n. .!!ey~~~O?..~~ n1na with Jolln Sebastian Bach, ,, It .....,~" _____ _ ' who was born in 1885. Mrs. Hurst wUll to 1 Di live tlme or eDel'lJ. pt ID led up with Handel. Mozart, Hay: touch wtth any of the cbaJr. • • • • • den and Beethoven. composers and Mrs . R . D. Oollett attended the man or Oharles J W Mr. and Mrs. Robert ..• .. ·r Sr. anoner. Bed The mIlSters o.• t b e grea t opera's and meeting of the "Merry wlv.s" club Cross chairman of. Warren lpent the week end with Mr. and ' marrla~ of Miss Wilma Luoratorios of the 17th and 18th cen- at the bome of Mrs. Albert McKay. The It of .... •• ... eWe Th""""a. f'"_r. an d of New BurUnaton. Friday after-- ' w.or ~ ....::""' oraan'.t'oa •.. rs. Will Tun ney. o.• ... _aaon. . - -, da"~"ter _. 0 turles. ... . ......,.., • • • • • Mrds.Paul Laynence Thomas. o.f Lebanoo, ' Final arra . h"~nts have been ~uen co of maldDa c:Ia&bII, an WU1'aHo .... -.,Following she presented many of nllon. and lmittlll8 aweaters. lIl1&tena. aJI4 Mn. E. It.. DeLaney of Madlson-.. UKh. aon or Mra completed for the !:land carnival to the cOIUp05ers or Chamber music • • . '. • lOCka. ' vlUe, III vW'lnll her IOn·ln-law and, BemJce ~g a.. . .".cMr and Mrs, J . P . LarrIck wue lied .......Bo~h, -o.fl WlUI qUletly solemn- be held Saturday eve~' ..... . and the lighter operllB. GivinS a 'Ibe n meettq of the qrpu,Ia_ CU'.I'Y ,""'" daushter. Mr. aDd Mrs. T. O. Runyon ........ -.- afternoon. at 2:30 Clure'!! corner. shol't sketch of the ure of each 8unday guests of Yr. and Mrs. »Ito1 tlon wUl be held MOndaf ~. • • • • • o'clock, Re gardl eas of the weather, the composer. she also played upon the , In~keep of 8prln·· .. eld . R1cbm at the parson... of the New II" July 1.10 o·clock.1n the Tom Oonr1Q · Mr '&lid Mrs. Rufue Boclunan; ot ond Oh~h. Rev. O. E. event wUl be held, Rain or ah1ne. plano a brief excerpt from one or • • • • • rOClm oS the Golden Lamb b!Ml. .. r v-. \.... ll _ ..... - ;" ba;":"1o '.t the slllKle theGr"::."""eball coatnctherte. two of the mQSt fllmous a nd best Dr. EU Orew aHd IOn of lAbenop. _, _ _ _ w_ _ -.... _.. .-_.... 1m9wn of each composer'a work". Dayton vlalted their brother aDd b.r Q. at. RDeIt,-,. IJI'OIII1ecor of borne ' aD4IDD1. Mr. aDd un. Robert Alderman ~ It the weather preventa holding the Our American composerR were untie. Robert Crew, 8unday. , _a"""" _ . ___ 1ft . . . _........ • • • • • • Oakley, OlndnnaU. broCher-1o-law carn1val outa1c1e. . the afralr wUi shown to have been greatly Influ ....... _ ~ ..--.. • •• • • a,..,. aD4\.Ii* WI nee .111'1 to haul Mras B. B. Wllllamson and fam1ly and.ter of the I1'OOID were their move to the blah achool bulldlnK, enced ,by tbe background and IndlMr. and Mrs. WWard Xeraey or M9anl lDGft. lo&dI Sbia week t.o reo ~nteJ'ta1ned at IlJt o'cloc:lt d1nDer Jaat auenctanla. Both &be bride and her with danc1nc to be held later in the vlduallty of composition whieh CblCe.gO are v1s1tlng relativM In Pair the dame. WednMday evenUl8. oompJlme..Unr e1I&a'·lD-law were attired 10 navy audJtor1um. these earlier writers of great mUSic eugonta and WaynesVille. •• ' 1 '. ~.. ~. Under the dlrec. Mr. and Mn. A. P . Meooh. wbo c8l1ir ' blue IOWI1& with white aoceuor1es. "aMU left to posterity. Mrs, Hurst 's "'0• • • • • t.LoIl 01 _~.. -...... ..... u ,..... p. ....... wnw. ..... -brated their twemy-,flfth weddJna WoIlow1q the wedl11nll oeremolll'. -....., booths and special attractions .... Mr . an d nul> u ·_ W A Lulc o_ __ f&lDlb' d.InD have been arranKed and an 1Oter- 8l&Dl was one of tbe mast cultural . • . en.t!l an d or Intereat to IJl4WY local ~ week were bUIld1na a ,ret.alIl1ni wall anntverary Ulat day. Mr. and lin., a er WU held at the esttng and entertallning evening Is as well as entertaining. of any In fl'.mlly attended tbe weddm.r of III the ~eat · thU: ~ CIO keep the ....r ·fr\IDl ftoodinr tile Me!loh 'and their dauabter. Mary ~ of the 1If0000'S mother. Guesta In stare. the history of the organization. Miss Helen Newlln and Ehl1l TIn- Smythe H. Undaay. aSdiit to IIIIbap ....... ' ~ and a& the lame Ann. were their IrUlata. were the 6r1d. and (J1'OOID. their attl!ll of Xenia at the Xenia Friends Henry W.·- -"'"-- -an 1. .'•• n I __ ,line a._ dirt fJ'ClDl ......, .. e • • • • ..ndanta I\nd Mr. and Mrs. Poreet During the SOCial hour Mrs. Hurst -- A ........... _ . ..__ ..... __ .a ~_ • JIouih and famo.. t D.A_ W was tendered with a handkerchief Church, Tuesday afternoon. «linnnatal. September 1. &0, • ..,.... aWay tniID I'QUSe a. .............1. L. B . Gordon ' spent . .. 0 ._"v e. sb'" b t • • • • • rector ot "..,. .. 1.., 'IlftI _ _ _ 1 _ ...0-': It ... ubdeI- ...._. ' •.:.. .._._ the ·..MIt eml wlth Mr. and Mn. The bride 11 a IP'I&duate ot Wayower y ' he members of the club. ...,.. ... - - - - ....- .... _ .. - - H ward IkOun P'rankfj neavme bJih lIClbool laas f 1940 as abe _is rem'ovlng With her husMrs. A, F. Melloh and daullhter 1n PJorence. Ala. ' • tqhwa, departmeDt .. coaatderlDa 'J e. o I O r t,- O. • co. band and their t 1 I Mary Ann spent Thurlday with Mr. Rev ...t .... _u t . 11 _~..... ~_ ..... _ of _ .....: ....... _, p _ e • • • • ADd the 11'0001 WU rrac:luated from wo ove y young . " " we to ...... _ _ ...._ ......_ _. W da" a hte to Mt St II h ond Mrs. Bernard Melloh of Rldae- m--"-- ot .............. ",",,_h' .... __ In thia vlcln1t;;J III order to better Edna Mae, Preddte, and Bobble ayneevWe 10 18se. The YOWII -- rs . er ng, were '·l!.\e ~.. .... -... - . . . . , _._ d ......... _.,.." _ .... Moore or BellbrooIl, lpent from 8un- couple wm make their born. With Mr. Hurst has accepted a prinCipal• • • • • Inr served here on ..v.ral occaeIOu. control the The WaynesvWe Miamis deteated sblp In tb h Is d Mr H t ..... &lid keep it from -overa-lDi tile . , unU! W..,n.....:v. with Mr. and "'.. I1'OOID'. mother In WaynNVWe. ' e 6C 00 an s. urs lItrs. EdIth M. Harris and Harrla , ~ .... yoUDi clerlJDUlDbu . . . hJa4way. -:'~ 'Kra x.wrmce OooI!: 'and IOn. Jerry. wher. Mr. BouIrh 11 employed by W. Mason on the home lot last fjunday. WIll be Identified with the music Mooher entertained Rev. and Mn. editor of'lbe ilVaDpUl& aDd the J;M8beeban'., the ICIUtbem' linc. Ml'I. s.aat. L. Ooqk. B. Squlres. contractol:. 8-3, behind tbe f1vl~o<blt pitching of departntent there .. The club deeply J . J , Schaeffer of Dayton. and ocesan MelHlIPI'. alIO baa ~ • • • • • Araus Osborne, regrets the 1058 of Mrs. Hurst u the dioceaan .m1IBlODalj. and wulD aecttoD of ..,... ' _ . ....... on a' M 'f~ es Annie U. and Mame T. The -me started out as a p'tch one U Its mfto+ v-'ued members. " cha-e at p ...... _.- aft_ ""-'__1.-...:. u, .. ~ onto Route 42. _lin. James WeUJel'laolt aDd chUBrpwne at dinner. Tllurllday, at the -. ............. ....., - - - ,.~ UId laa .... tile Worley farm ADd .dren. ~th AIm ~ J~. are ~ters' duel between tbe M1am1s hurler cbarter member. she w1l1 retain an Little Inn. motlou, He 11 married aDd lmpIemen' MIDIIIIQy. , A depoaIt of Ibi reIIIU"1I Sh CJ&I~ 0. and Alystock. but tri, the fUth 1nn1ng honorary membership. • • • • • children.' e e • e :. mHhr wtth two on and two out Osborne Mrs. Llda Hatton of Cincinnati Mrs. D. L. Orane Is v15ltlnr her -----'mud . . . . . ~. A..... ,wu lift III :- . . ....... , . ~ lin. Alva L1IcI1DItCm &lid .1_' URK, ~nneCted _ ''.''_ the •• _... wttJl a triple to clean was welcomed at the meeting as a nlect. Mre . A. H. SChoeler. at Bam· tera Ka·_..... .. .-._-...... _'. -_~.a _".ble. ...' - -, former member. Dainty refresh- l\ton. this week. ...,...,.. d ....- Ra were entertalDec:l WedDelday after. .... an -.A... ymond ~dock The!41am1s were In the le.cl dur- ments were served by the hostess at • • • • • DOOIl M a .... "'ven b"............ ~-. Je-~'. " and famUy entertained at dinner InI the remaloder of the .~ ....... the close of one of the most out- . .. ..._... Um J. O. Hawke spent Sunday with .f · • PIa"Dck. It. .n~ ... or ......... t-"'_. a_y, com~enUnr Mr. and acorlnl three more runs '10 the standing meetlnKs of the club. ....._ ......... _~ "'._ y_ .. ~ B __ .. . his daughter. Mrs. ~lph H. Vance t_ ... ••_ ...:...nnn, ..... ....... &mer ..... ,lana. fto elihth. Todd led the locals'the _-_ &&____ " ' Rnd famUy of w:llm1nitOn: e e e .. • are new r..ldenta In their nelahbor- bl,t column aettm.r, j,wo for three. • • • • • Plana for future acUn*,- of ~ ,) • • • ~ : > bood. oed Friends Ohurch were 111Ic1qaecl ' G ~. L. O. ~ ~ ~PDCllntecl , Mr.I. IGa ..... otl'errJ. Vialtec:l A IWDptij.olu QaaIlet dinner".. Thursday, JulY 4. the MIaIn1s meet Uog OUp Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coleman the meeun, of YOUDI 'Prtenda. MOD~tGr ~ ..... c;b* oC the DaJWD Mr•• aot.n l'Un:Iu,' ~. eerved bUftet style in the . dIIl1ng HarveYePuri on the blah school dtaIUld son, Andrew, of Norwooc1. were l1ay evenlni. ' ~ ~ - ~ . J,nIUtute .,e • • • • IOCIID, and placu tor the foUowina mond, 'while on ~Wlday the l~l dlnner guests of Mr. and Mrl. Pr "'ft_ • • to. tie heki at tile II1am1 Valley . 111'. ~ iJIn, RaIIert Gana. a re- peat. were __ .. -.. t ' tabl .club wlll journey .to Lebanon. Ethan Crane and family. Wednesepara_ tor th~ Qape u,.r . cent IItSde Uldl~ were boaored _ . _ .... a ea on ('.ay eveni na . . . meeUna. J~ 8 to JUIt 11; .... ..... CJbautalaeU ~~. AUf. 11th &0 , • • the lawn: 111'. and MR, Emerson At the1'egular monthly meeUog 1nI of Youn .. --_... at .... - m- y .... AU, 11tb Plana Were tormulated with a aurpn,. 4bo'nr. at the IIIU- ~ ... ~ " , Jar meeUDi ~ their "000" club held aher aDd'lOIl, Donald of New Vl- Sill· _aL. B!..&LJ.. of the Young Married Couples class Dinner gUest! Friday· of Mr. and OM camp in Ind!ena; aDd &be Y"'b' ~"* at a 81md1¥, WedD..-r J,eD1JlI ,the ~ of eDna; 1Il". ADd l1li. Raymond LaRue eeWU UUIUIY of the Methodist Church. held Mrs. B. A. "'ohler and fa_l1u were eetlni to bt helcll1l W~ w................ .... ~ ~' at ,C hautauqua. : e, •a of 1Iucm; Mr. and II1'II. WWlam ed Wednesday eve"·"", the name 'H1m ........ A.....•.. , ..... of .... "'-:....... Mr aJUl Mra. BI1 PurDu oe Mr. Mohler's , father and Wife. :Mr. - _ ...... to 14th, were IUbJq ~_~ ~~~~e _. '. > •••••• DoI&er and sen. and M1Ie Belen ' -I and Ber" or "H and H", was cba&en d bl tor ~ BetJ'elhmMlt,a . . . . - - ~- w~ ~ , were · ur..' Arthur Wllde.aad 1Gb DanIel ~lIdall or BarveyabUl'lJ; 1l11li Palth by the members to apply to the ~hlO~S' O. A. Mo er of OovlDitOn, served by. M1uea PJ'eJda Baney ad ~..;1Iary Jean w"~ .....;, ..... .... " ' _ ..........: ~UnlOn of Pt. .Warne. .. .... Betty ThOlllJl6On, dallihter of club In the future , Barah 00DDaI' Butli ..., _~ ................ _H_ .......... .a6D. 1Dd' "'._ and d ufr1md . T. _.__ . . . . . . , • • • • • Grace Bockett, after the meetiDc. BII80 LdIaJ ~"~ ' aD4 D. B. 17Ilderwood. baV. IOD8 to I(r " -..~ ... 1. ~wrence ......... Mr. and Mre. Alva ThOlDpllOll. cele- The meeting was planned as a Mr. and Mrs. EmIl Brown .nd son ~tber metttlnlw111beJle14l1aDJoe ,D .. ftej,w..' ~t'" Clevelawt, where tlwy w111 . . ' N . and . -:r~' famUy. and brat~ 'her sixteenth' birthday annt- gtlrden party at the home of Mr. D1ckey. accompanied by Mr. and day eVenlni. JuJ;y , of YOUDI _~. ADd __ ~ and Lloyil theIr ' home. II1Ia Muy B ..ton ac- ancy Crane. . and llrs.. Warren veraary. Pr14ay, With a party to and Mrs. M . A. Fulkerson, with the Mrs. H. A. Mohler and fam1lY mo- Pr1enda. at the MeetlJll BouIe, ' W1t,b D.ViI . companSed thim tor a Vialt. Braddock . and daUihter Betty. Mr., wlltch .the rollowtng' rroup of younK Rev. and Mrs. L. O. Radley as u- tored to Pt. Ancient Sunday and en- Mr. and Mrs. Loren IJ&dleJ .. bGMa. • . . . ~ . ••• and ~. _Fred Bra4docJt, 111'. ~ j:;~OPIP were InVited: slstant hasta. but due to the uhfav. . air PtanIt _,.,..,..,... d"'JOfed • plcruc dlIUler th.re. • • , J ,. • ~t.rt '~- and IOn, Da- ' .' . - - - . an ... , and Anna M&r1lyn Whitaker. Benrle,t ta olable weather the meetlnl was • • MifcePanV'U ~ V1d, .a pimt,'Ibunday wlth Mila 1Ir.. Lawrence 00Qk and son Jerry. Pe~ton. Rhebll~ Surface. Rita held Indoors. Fifteen members and Mr. and Mrs. Roacoe ' Beal anel .~. _";.' , ., t'." . ~ ~ of(XClJa. , ' . _ , conner, <;lenevieve Hadley. Evelyn two guests. Mr. and Mrs, Ira Brown. famUy. of Jameatown were SUnday lr4rs, Homer ~ ,_ . , . . . . e :e · ~ . • e SURPRISE P~RTY > Hoblit. Helen Maraaret Gone; Doria were present. Another plcnlc Is be •. guest. of Mr . ..nd Robert Fur· Ramby were Pelta ~t a m1IcelJu- . , .. ~, , • . . . ......ab, BW. of Clnc1JmaU. . , liELD F.OR COUPLE PIres. Vlrilnla Colubs. Betty Davia, log pl.nned for the meetlngnext nas. eoua 8ho~ ~ < ~ ( . j , --;..,.. .' ," :,~iaIa_ , BaIiaock ' at ~e " --=':'::" ' . ., BIll~y,Ol11!ordGray.Qene~ol. month,wtthacommittee,composed • • • • • gIVenat,.~~ofID'LK""""' . ~_.~' , ~ awlend a hoIqe Gf ... ~.... Mr. ~ Mh. Mr. aDd MrI. Blmer Sheeban were lett, <hoe Brown. Tom "orence. of the oftlcers, In charge. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. W~orth Jones of 1..0.• .00' .b1 ~~ &bI!Ir . U'ID ~. UIIIIIiIal JJert , ~~. . the ,bODOred II\lM&a a.t . a , ' 1IUql11ae Lyle Pox, OryWe Bav~ge. -, Alton A program or games alfd contests r.nd Mr.•nd Mlw. LUther Peltina. or ,d lurhter ~ efater-lIl..J,aw,·.~ '. . . . " " , tn' X8Dla. a6e became eIl-, ' . ' • e e e ' '. ,c pU1;y pven III celebration of their Earnhart. Robert Earnhart. Benton plarm~ by Mrs. Radley furnished West Oarrollton. were V1Iltar,l at tIbe MeIbounae ~ a ~iIItIIt. . , ~ ·tD WIre ~ oil tile ~ l1li. ~ 1ftIIoD.1Ir.. 'lbeo.. tab ,-ecIdlJis aniuvenaJ')'. Th\il'ldaJ. Boat • and Ronald Ball8bury. " the evenlng's eniertalnrilent. hOlXle or~. and Mia. W . .m. Suoud, "'~, or a . ~ . tbl&trt. I~. ~ 1IcIDt;;JN &IId .. . . ,~! aDd .J1u1it 110. " ,," 'lbe evenlni was' ~nt lo ' ~Y1nr A p,lcnlc lunch wasse.rved. by the Tuesday eVmlll8. , • ', bnKiDI ... 11ft. ' " a' the diow. ~ ~ Fa.. . '. . __ 'nJe f~ ~ of .the1r Tabl.e tennla. ~roq'uet. Ohlneie hc.steases at 'the close ot the meet· • • • • • ,_ )~ . .... . to IIcCIellaD _~ l1III&oPI .... vtdt.ora G the ___ of fam1lJ ptbered at' their home .clleckera. aDd 10 datIClI1I. Refresh· Ing. ' 111'. &D4 ~. ~ PaIrchUd are ,Mr. and .': ~'-'_..~ . . . . ~. ...,_. ReeveI, 111'. aDd ~ 'Robert ...... wed- 'Ib1U'lldaJ eveD1ns. ~ refreeh- ~ta 01 Ice cnaDl aDd cUe were announclnr the blrtb of a ~t.tir• •~ ., a ' XeDIa PII*'. tbeD retQrucl to 'bar 0.....,. - mea... ~ IDe cre'am aDd Cab: Mr, euJoy~ a' the CloIIt ~f the party. Mr. a¥ld ¥rs. Gl!llIl. . . Prye a~d son PrtI1aY. June l.r ~t Blair's ~ _ '~ ~==;III~ lI9ane beN, ,..... ~ e • __ and-lln;.IIUa~~ and . fUllUJ. " __ or ~ytoJH.Ve~ weelt end VisltOl'l of Lebanon. .. MIl ~ . . . . &be ucIdIIlt. ' -Mr• .ad ..... aua.u CUr. or LIb- 111'. aDd IDa. Dearth 1lan UId KJ\ and ~. PnICl Q.-Goi1j"" and Mr. aDd Mrs. G!lbert Prye. "nley • • • • e .... . , IIDII' M-, s · aDGD. IDa. IIauIf~aDd .. .. . ~ aDd Mr. and ~ a,-- dMIIbt.er, Belen ~rpret. ~t Way- were honored guests .t a steak try Dr. It.. .. 8tou, aDd' fImIIr· WIll ~- ..... ,....... • ..... ~ . . . . . Jr. . . J...- . . . .IOG IIPIDt _ _ db . . 0I'GcbU; of ~ 8prbtItMn: IIIIVWe 8aCurday.~ a trip to Leth- saturday eve~ at Pt. AacJent. at. leave W~o ....".,• .J1IDe': .... ...... ....... ... _ _ VII:- 111'. J(n. . . T • ..,., ~ aDd ,~. and lin. Waller ............... ~da. 11' ,re CbeJ WW Vialt wblcb Mr. and 1Il'I. Burnett BuUer- lar a . . . . ...tt9n, rdarDIaI ..... .,. . . ...,.,..,.. ... ad 1IaQr. ~ . . . .·111... Ro1 ~. i wortb: LebIDon . . . aIIO - - . MOIId"; f&nn 8OUtb- of Wayneav1lle. the W. L. ..ten p-operty, of Utica. MrI. Dally 8n,yder. the Oeorie Walerllouae farm ~ of Wayneivllle and the 41vlo Eamhu1 iWopeny. " - COWlty • .. ........,. .._ _4_ .... y ........... ... _ In the 800 telephonea were out of 8UVlce for a .bart tlml. otrlc1ala esumate. ~~ the atorm a 11'_" pr_". AI d .... -_ --. "TO ou:., the parldna ~ at Wayne park w.. tIooded. W-'w"'.·1. ---s _ ....... ... _- _ ..... , coUld DOt over RDute a b . . . . . . . . . . . 01 ....:..n ........ __ • .. ..... ft _w.~ the' llV11l1 quartera of the
."'*"QI _. _... '" __
Mrs. 01ellll X nI e a,
• • • • Lan1ck visited MrI, BUlhe.s and IOn Jerry ot .. d _on ay. J . P.
this 'coun try and France dUl'lng World War I. and knew Wm well . 'rhey were William A, Lukens. Ross H. Hartsock. E.m est Earnha rt. Marshall "Spud" Haines. Harry Gra ham , of Lylle, Bryan Prendergast. and Paul Kahn, formerl y of Lebanon and now of Franklin , The loca l men first served under Wlllkle. who had the ranking of llrst ileut.enant , at Camp Knox. now known as Fort Knox. Kentucky. where the natlon's gold 15 stored. They remember him as an , abl e officer who mingled on even terms
The one-man campaIgn launchell tb!! we.k 10 Phlladelphla by Wendel L. W1llkle. dYnamic: Indiana utUltles offtclal. to capture tbe RepubUcan nomination for , presIdent of the United States, has Ibeen much in the news apot11cht, but tbe meteoric rise of W1lltie has far greater slgnUicance for several Waynesvllle and Wl\rfen county men than the averale c.lt1zen. For these men Ii~~rved under Candld a te Wlllk1e u me rnbe rs 0 f the 325th Pleld ArtlUery unit both ln
:homas· Hough
W edd·In g H eld FamaI Plans I 'Ide For Bud Cami,aI
::.r:;U~o=-~~n;,: ::."!u:..~lcJated
Lin~l ; ~ .
Gets New POlt
w_. .....
M·lamlS . De fea t Mason Team
w__ ___'" .-'
. ,11
"MP'' ' t.... ........ _.
New Resideats Of C. . Feted
· -
""'. . .
Heads Ep~orth Institut~ Choir
By Y..., Fne.ls
Mam C Ies
Class Holds MeetiD"g
a_ -
Anmenan • Ohserv
_i. _
In. Fauk ,.....4 Wers '1 rIi- ,,- . ....:
a ....
abe-" nIDI...... ...
- .
oMIt.. .
Waynesville, Ohio'
Main Street
Entered A~ Second CIII:-'18 M'ail Matter a~ Postoffjce, WaynesVille, Ohio NEW SUITS
ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY . Ad vance SublCription Price, ,1.60 P er Year, Payable ln
~;!. ~'-:""'-':':':";;"""-":"----------------------
El1~en Rose, a. lronor by Tillie Perrl.n . hel' next friend. VS.I Earl J 'R,CJs ; dlvQrce, Xlrl;lme crlle ty; . T . Riley. a t,tOl'ney. The Ohio Farmers Insurance and T he Ohio Farm ers Indemnity ' Company vs. The Pioneer Mutual Casua lty Company of Ohio, Art.hur You ng. J r. a nd Edwin E. Mahan. fol' 'deCla La ry Jurlg ment; Maple & Mnpl . nnd O· Donald Dilatush , attorneys. Ril y Hilliard vs . Industrial Commission of Ohio: section for appeal ; Pa ul L. Blrt. a ttorney, Frede rIck Robl LZer vs. Flor nee Roma ine Robltzer of New York : divorce. gross neglect. Carl Abaecher II . a ttorn y.
the Editor
L.-:.,:;.....;..__..;..____________~--------KEEP THE CIVIC CLUB ALIVE
. An
or gul'! _t· 0 11 that s hou ld h ave the s up port of every IJlH' , '" lotll •• l1 - n el c h ild is t he Waynesv ill e Civic cl u ~. Al t.h o u gh i 1'\:1' T OU s hav e blo s omed out h ere .111 the past, onh to f a ll uy th e wayside due t o l ac k o f tn-
terest, t h e present c lub is olle of the st rongest and best-or- CO Mi\lON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS ganized,in tlle long his tory of Waynesville: . In s mall c ommuni tie lik e Way n esvi ll e, it i som e Ethan Lewis vs. Eva B. Lewis. @t times hard to ke ep in teres t to t h e poin,t that m e mb e r s wi ll al. : plI bl lc auatlon of real estate attend 'meetings regularly . The plan the civic c lub ha s ordered. ' A dl' nn. e r meet - Olive Slye vs. Robert L. Slye: deI\dopted tends to overcome th IS h an d Icap. · 1. 'ing:is held once a month at which a~outstaad mg speal\e r fendant allowed to takl' minors out of t he state gf Oblo it returned appears, whiJe the business .?~ the organizatioJl i~ transact- within 35 days. ed at a separa. te m eeting h e ld b y 0 ff leers an d d Il'e c 1xl l'S on Bmre C. FIsher V6. ,Jann le Bell · O
a different dat e . Similar in larger tow n s and dti es , s li ch lI S . chambers of c omm e r ce, are k e pt a li ve b y paid s t a ffs w h o devote all their t im e to the orga ni zation. . This of cours e is impossibl e h e r e . Officers and t hos e who things mo vi n g, re'cei v e no recompen s e. an d t h e members who k ee p their s hould ers to t h e whe e l s hould · and must have the wholehearte d eoopera t Ion an d SUp p011:
I Mrs. Lemon and niece Basel Quy Taken 'rom &be Miami Gaaee&te ft~ passed th~ )ast week With Ml"!:" Lem. John PraLL Ecslt' s, 23, long dis lance Iruck r . Cincinnati. nnd Mllroh's slster.lWrs. Olara ,l!:ngle. ' TEN I'EARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Rice Lartml'r ot rlla Ann Morgan . 21. Foster. Harry B e n ~hlell , '12. trackman, Mrs. J . O. HaWke~ Mrs. J . p , ·Sprlngfleld were recent &\lests or Plen.sal'lt· Plain. and Bertha E. Kell r Fromm. Mrs. Vern Armitage. Mr. Mrs. Lizzie West. ., N~ and Mrs. Emerson Earnhart a ttend - Mr. and Mrs . Walter .Dels and 3~. school teacher. Pleasa nt Plain. Rlc hard Ha~n tcin. 25, SI.eel worker ed lr,spectton of Sunbeam Ohap~r. daughter of Oentervllle. vlslted their MIddletown . and Reba McDaniel. 23. O. E. S. held at the Masoni9 temple uncle Frank Kyne on Th~sday eveIn Dayton Saturday nlght. nlng. lacLory worker, Kings Mlllll . Leon H. Mun ger. 23, sheet metal -Mrs. Margaret Barley who Is atPhone ' 78J " . . . tending summer school at_ Miami. III peetor. Spl'ingfiE~ l d . and Kenneth ," Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burton and OXford. 0 ; was Q week end '&\lest of Mclampy, 22. shoe worker. Sp~lng I\1r. and Mrs. William Drake spent her <parents, Mr. and Mrs. perry -.• • • • • •~• • • • •~ bo ro. nallard C. SulHvan, 22. pail}ter. Saturday evening at Coney 1.5land. Weller and her two sons who are ' I!!! F'nrn'ersvllle, and Helen Marie Ble~ colng by way. of Olnclnnati on one spending tbe summer.. with their of the fastest speedboats on the grand-parents. ~l e ll. 17. Franklin. Ohio river. Mrs: .Cora. Queary and son have Edward FItzwa ter . 35. ement finTA'R VIA-LiTHIC 'I.:AR AND moved Into the Ella Babb propetty. Isher. Lebanon. and Edllh Kleinhenn Uards are out. announcl. n g the Chas. and Wm. Evans have pur. ROAD OIL;. mxOAVATING 2 1. house work. Leoanon. marriage' of Miss LaVonne Burton chased the Armentrout propetty In DUMP TRUCK SERvtdm . lind Mr, George J. Waterhouse. Fri- Ooopervllle. ItE /\lJ ESTATE TRANSFERS PIT RUN • .WADED SOc YD. day June 20, 1930. . Mr. and Mrs . At an auction sale on Bat urday at "I'lterhouse are enjoying a. trip Grel!ne Opunty cou,,", house. Ohas. Walter Comer D.nd LlUle Comer , Hal .. to J ospeh Rosselot a nd Helen through Canada and will be at hom& Barley purohased the Barley home on the hUl and Bernie Kyne purRosselot ; 109 acres In Tul'llecreek after July 15. . chased the bulldJngs QJ'l Pike ·St. octownship. Phone: Wnyne'svllle U R 11 J ames C. Patlel'son to Mal'Y PatTWEN'rY 'YEARfi AGO cupled by P05t 9!I1ce and barber 4 e i>anoD 'offlce Phone 473-Kshop. _ Jwae 30, 1920 terson ; lotHollingsworth 7 In Lebanon. a nd Jane D. B. Mr. ana JIIlrs. Pled Zlmmennan rel.98·M. Morrew Phon_ :No•• HolIlng.sworth to Alfred KIndred; 4 A .meet!na Will! held Fr1cl&y attef'- and three daUlbtera of Ltbanon . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . acres In Franklin township . noon and an .orpn1zat.k>n effected were Blmday vilIlton of Mrt. Homer ed to - - - - - - - - - - -__ Anne MarIe Gl1lham, de<'.eas . called the Civic Leque of Wayne6- Walton. had as &\lests ,t;:============~~ Mrs. Neme Peterson LydLn P. Gl1lham. et al: 56 .78 acres vUle; The first busln@ss was the elN:on Sunday . Mr, and Mrs. Wayne In Turtlecreek township. . tion of officers as follows ; J . T. Ellis . Mana E. WiUla n <. to president; J . W. White. v1ce-presl- Peterson of Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. Nina W!IIla ms : lot 548 In dent; 'Wal,ter Mc.Clure. secretary and Donald Peterson 01 Middletown and ' : ~: . 1-3 Interes t In 56.78 acres III Turtle- treasure.r; committee Mesdames Em- MI' and· Mrs. Wm. Trout and grandREAL ESTATE creek towns hip. mor Batiey. Ernest Butterworth and Ion of Springfield. INSURANCE Mr. and Mrs. Norman ~eeves of ' Ada Williamson. de<:eased. to Owen Burnett. AUCTIO~E~R Jamesl4wn. visited his parents Mr. Jessie WIlliamson : part of 10 55 In and Mrs. Johfi Reeves on SliMilY. Mas on. I T i d N t Misses Clara t.'le. Ht!nrletta Me. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hurley and _ _iiiiiiiii_ _ _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii J osep 1 IIlney. (ecea e , to e - K ' Ell zab eth an d R ut h Chand. . lOsey. daughter Shirley spent FrIday night t II Tlnne,y : part of lot 1 In Oorwln; I d h S t d nI er returne orne a ur ay eve ng 147 .83 acres In Wayne township. from Cendar POint nnd Put-In-Bay. aM saturday wl!ft Mr. and Mrs. Geol'ge R. Henkle and Lois I. Paul Webb In Dayton. Henkle to Jerred Winans nnd Ma r- They report a very good meeting 0'1 Sherman Reeves Is In Springfield ga ret L. WlnUIIS; part of lot 120 In l.Iu' state teacher's aSSOCiation. hospital suffering from Injuries reLebanon. ceived In lin automobile a.ccldent Ha ttie L. Mengle: H. V. Crumley Dr. and Mrs, H E. Ha thaway Friday ni ght. Mrs. Donald Smith and son of nnd G wllym E. J ones 10 John E. spent the week-end wit h relBl.lves In Holderfield and EIE'anor Holdel'field . Lonrlon. O. Xenia were guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. James Osborn on Mon9'1 .96 acres in Sruem township.
Auct ioneer
E. C. C rane EditQr and Publis h er ,
.' ,
F. T. Martin"
FI her ; divorce gTa nted , plalntlrt RWo(J rded custody of st'ven ·year old son. defendant to keep 5 year old son , plalntlll to pay defendant $2.50 per week ror .,uppor t of younger child. . ' Frank Southard vs. The Village LeOnnon. et a t. : court fin ds In tavor of defendants ' temporary Judgement set aside. Jacob Shuma ker and Flore[lce L Snumnkel' v.~ . The V!!lagl' ot Lebanon. et [II.; perpetual In juncUon granted. J . E. Kunkle and Vivian Kunkle vs. The VLl lage ~(Lebanon , et al.; perpetual injunction granted: 01
of others. Keep. the civic club afive. MOSTLY ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS Meetin g Stanl ey B m'I ey s to n e , into th e wR1.e l· .. .'·O!" Davis I' c~l llill g t'h e o ld d ays and his green d e li ver y t ru ck 011 t h e " s e tion" of th e Pennon the Lytle I'oad ...t l'll l<s sy lva ni a l'a i\i'ond .. ,"OI" RaY R double parkin g on Sat u rday the railroad h a uls loI s of afternoon along Main s tJ'eet fr e ig ht but not a s many pa ss -
'C . t ' Ille ' Ohio en erv ,
lain A~mitage
rlecea~pd. .
Excursion trajn.~ both to Columbus Mr. and Mrs. O. V, Richey of Day- four Cattle. hop, sbeep a D~ calver nnd OinCinnati wpre crowde<l Sun- ton VIsited Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wal- to Norria-Brock C"" live WU'e and prollressive firm for tbe h~ut day and both trains were heavy ones. ton on Monday. market price. alld arood ael'Vlce. Qnin n Stoe]. Yard. ' Cincinnati, O. TUlle III on Radio Station WCKY 12 :26 to 12 :80 p. ' m. tor our da n, market reportl.
e n g e l'S through OI'\\'i11 a s Tn thp matter of the estate 'or ~.n';";i'~~I ~!~,~~III?In"Al'S th n ... H a I.'I'Y Prat r wond e r - FTank Simpson, rlecl'asl!d ; inventory oluaubua. OhIo. Jun .. 24. IlHu l~rk U~1'l' u f S llIe. , 1..."I,.:.. 1(,0 "' OI' Y o. ~40-~07 -jng ho,." th fi s h a r e· bitillg opproved. 1' 111 . ' J'rU.L'T Tn the ma tter of the esta te of Ofrt rllli "'roj"", .~ 1'. 11:,. · L I t d ~t IndIa n a ( .. . u.s 0 la ll 1\' . I' . ."'- S o . s:r-~Ol1. ,,::- ..13 k Rose WIlk erson, deceased: hearing _ __ ""alp,1 pI'olI'" pa l. wi ll b r c p!\. d ' held up·.•. How ..... beautiful is A Ib e rt lea v e l' W.Ol· tng on 01 schedule of debt,~ 31'L for July 2, . f t h e.lawn a t the hi g h s ho ol a t 11 ~ o l fl e or lIw Slll t Hlghwa )" WayneSVille from th e top 0 . c " re port 01 ac1mlnPstratol' approved u r"cl.". or Uhlo. at 'OI UlllJbu • • Ohio. By Gabriel Paul By contlnUal1y. 100k.lng upwards. .I. tl nt il OI I 'dn '\'lIn o' '10. II A. Ea st rn Frank SIIJI'IB visited with h is par- our nllnct.S wlll th9mse1ves grow upthe hill on Route 7 3 b ey on d bUlldmg ... h k e p s It SplC InherHance tax detE'l'l1llned as none. SIAnJ Jo'l'lduy. J. r.. ul)' 12. 1940. in early evening .. . an d . s pan .. -: 'P ec,k " S atteron J) n l'l or Cinctnl1lltl-The Reds return to ems, Mr. ant! Mrs. Barns at Blan- wt.lds. -Dr. Amoll;! ll'gh"-dot the heavily wood- t h wmte lookn.lg h.ke .a real ye eceaEe • en Y lil ct lo n Fra nklll> 01 th Inclnnntl_ thBU' home 'lbase Prtaay. Wllen tbey chester. Wednesday. b tti b de!ermlning inheritance tax Is or- lJaYton Road. 131 iIIway 'No. 19 . engage the Chicago OUbs In a l\{r. and Mrs. George Beckett' and T hl' man who ~.Oe s not look up ed hillside with a church or erpu. n g In IS n ew (Iel'ed c rtliled to the auditorc rught game. On t he foijowlng day. sons. of Spring HIli. were Friday will look down • .and the spirit whioh house roof protruding here soda fountam. In ihe mMter of the estate of 13 m nt con cz-ote Saturday. the same Cubs wW meet dJnner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Almon does not dare to soar Is dest.lned to grovel. . -Lord Beaconsfield and tbere... Mrs. J. K. Pres Adq Williamson , deceased ; certlfl, In~1~ ~W~a~~,~'a j':" ~~tf~\ fa~~ rivnRdrl~b'i- r.he Reds In a ladies' day engage- Fe1Tl8. ' ton :and Mr. Fratik DUsy as SOME MEMOR I ES ca.te of transfer ordered. bond ordlil'- L ngth i,35~ ( e t O"Jl'..:i.a~.~~..!I!! niJ·I~;r.-;~.!!m~e.mn~t.c..lllJtllLJlltLfmtl.da¥r-JYlnQlI!Hta9&;."'"tlt:thte@~;:,M,:",:IS~Q,:"Do~rKo~thY-Wel!L!a a. ruitor-tn Though t must 'be made better. 'and eel old at private BIlle. E~t1 l11 atrntt'at co . . . el . .d ,not ao. lilt ~ o.o oI' RedJ; and GrlzzlJes will clash In a' the home of lJ.er si&t.er, Mrs, Rufus h'umlln I fe more fmitful, for . the ---...z.ttl·ng non 10 Stb .. ompl 6" In the matter of the 66ta~e of tha ll No\' mb r 1&, 1940 . doubleheader. ~oberts. at Mason. . , ready for. the band carnival The days when Matt eana. E. Wililams. deceased ; hearing After this series wUl come a paUse Mr. Mrs" Mearle Terry were d1vln.e energy La move it onwam.and_ " 'Eddy -.....Mary Baker ... Standiford and his fish- Parshall was janitor at th e OD schedule of debl5 Is set for July 3. shall b in a cOl'lla nc w ith the In the- club's home activities while to D.yt9n. FrldaYi' on account upward. th "Scbed ule or Pr va liing Hourly ina•.,·pol.e . .. hungry members -grade school building ... he estate vakled at $11.062.27. Nina. Wage Rate s Ascert ai ned a nd Deter- the Reds make a two-day ' irlp t4 of e s,erloua Wness of their uncle The .QUnple heart that freely asks ' h e1r "'bl' Th e D'epartm enl of "n wh 0 ...... _..er_ .,0 of.f,he Waynesville civic club did everthing from reo Will'lRlllB, daught er, ",o.e ..., min II'IaledRelallon5 applicable to IndusState St. Louis, The RecI8 then wW return WIn ' M. 'l'hom . .... ....... a In·love''·oOtalns. - Whittier , I Hlghwav . DepM'tmellt lmpro\'emen'' ; paralytlo stroke. • ,g"':mg after those good Ken- stitching worn out baseballs "aid ~. -ax deter In accorde.nce With Secti ons 17-3. to ........... for an &f'.m .., con "'!"II I1t'ned. 17·4 , 17-4n. 1 7- 0 a nd li- on of the doUbleheader against the Pltts- , l and sister; .lII1ss' tueib'-style- biscuits at their to sewing ' buttons on the In the matter of the estate of General Code, Of Ohio:' b"-'on J "'- . .. an'd ' a Hannah , " The bJdder m uat submit 'WIth his .... It'-' ~ ~._ ..... .". Sher~ meeti'n g. at Crane's Inn ... kids' trouse.r s ... Matt was Alms Roblson, deceased; ce.-tII1cat.e b i d a certified che.clt I·n an a mount lawes' day sazne the follOwing F'en1a, ""'!1t Sunday atternoazi gro.ups of JisteJJers quite a fisherman ... he kept of transfer ordered estate valued at ternoon. also apulst Pittsburgh: callers at the home of Mrs.. Lucy .\ around radios of local stores a boat tied up on the race $1366 •.inherltance tax determined as th::'~a~~n ::;gu~~~~f1~~~7~~'s a re on Two more days on the these Flshbaugh, :'P Mid~etQwn. o. , . :'::ltear " the and kne.w . where the big bass none. flt OhJ.c&.go. will foUpw. whereupon A large attendance of th.e m em, f ' lot l C I ~ C k h . I k d th d h J 1:11 the matter of Mary Scott trJ ct depu ty dlt' ctor·. there w1ll ' be a' three-day lull for th6 bers of ·th~ "P,rtendlh1P ., club was avmg ur e ... e ay ·w en ames Ti)wner. mentally m; application for The direc tor th e right to aU star game, and then ' ihe con': entertalned 'Wedne Ig4 ... ar e,on 00 WAY~8V1LLE. 0 810 . ;: his;hand.g ful.} with -his young M, Cox made a campai'gn aemlttance t.o Dayton State Hospital r ejeC t uny and •. Bergh tler. tinulrtlon of the home stand afternoon the h9Dle Of 'Mn stlay . Wy~ SOD"; John, watching fisher- speech at the gt'ade school State Hlgh'Yay Di rector . Thursday, JUly' 11. Tbls contest w1ll mer Downey and family. Dell FRIDAI'''''::''SATURDAY ~ &1: ·W ayne Pa:l' k .••young· g;'ounds ... people came from In the matter of the estate at be plaYed at nlght 'aialnst our old refreshments were serve<1 'by dous J~. 28 .ucl !9 the John ins ist ed on , throwing miles around to'hear him. Edmond etewa.rt. deceased; Eva enemies, th~ Brookiyii' ~glU"S''' and 1l0lt~ DOtJai,E l;'EA'I'URE It I ' Ir ne Stewart appointed executrix, , will mark the' first Of 12 contests Mr. a~ ~._Jtolleft. W1Ison, and tv ~T' DiSNEi"B FROM O THER VA~LEY NEW SPAP E R S Charles J . Waggoner . 0 , K. Brown - '-' -. the.. e~~ten;' ~mS win 'play at Oros- cb!loren and omIIe Wllaon.-of n. .,;:- , .~!' ". ! ' aM O. F. Brown appointed appralsMiss Margaret Cra,wford and Mr. ley Field: ' . .' . ~n"J. M. W1lson, Mrs IMaT)' W1Iso I; . Feature LeDi1h f' R.obert Schneider at Springfield f T~ 'U'I.. V .. ...:M ... . .. ann~.. th f? ~non..; ' ___ :,"~', Jord The news .columns of' paper do not tel l' all . the ers "'l>INOCCBIO" In the matter ' of t he iState of spent e week mth Mr. and Nus. Miss Je\lllle Garper, J. -Lee :T almq, .. _ news: A. spe cil1' " ','t of ;;~ws Iii c ontafned in the news- Allee Biggs. deceased; Inv811tory ap- Ea.rl Orawford. e, ~ and Albert Lee were .Sunday ..MulUPiane ~()Ojw , p~Jjer'R adve , ,:!,'" ·vc t ions. Here you l eal'll ,¥hat has hap- provea, The Ladles A1d had an all day . ' :noo,n .call~ at the home atafter- ~ also • Mr .• anC! Mra~ Aimon ~s, . "periecf in h e stor ":-'. w ha t kinds of goods are oeing sold, In the matter of the estate ' of mfe tlng Weanesday with Mr. aM "GHOST VALLEY RAIDERS" Mr. and ......... ~_ . ........, '-__ '0-.-....."" ~nn'_"'_ • what the styles and f a s hi o ns are, and w~at new and mod- Mana E, Williams, deceased certlfl· Mrs. FaT)' Belvllle_ Donald Barr,. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Balmer Stewart call- ' Rev. and W. O. Bmlth ' 8lUi and ~ CIautfJa Gray were 'a n ern improvements are being made and offered. The c'lassi- tate of transfer ordered. m ana , In the matter of the estate of ed on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and famuy 'are spending thh ' weef . in the ~; who' ~01ed' a , fied ads tell what p'eople want, what they have to sell, SIlNDAY u ..f'MONDAy Cora. Ha~k, deceased; Luther H . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frazier Sunday. Virginia mth the former's fOlks. Jo- Sund!l1, at WaYne PulL -whichplcDlc what they want to buy. J~ 30 UMl I.., 1 Mr. Bnd Mrs. Oaklley Ross spent seph Smlth,' Younger brother of Rev. ' given to c~mP1lment Miss ' Ba Hsrtsock appointed adlninistra~ . Or ltlata . MICKEI' ROONEY • These ad\!ertisin'g columns are a very intimate r e f~ec tor. Charles D. Oook, Charles Collier the week end witH :Mr. and Mrs, Smith Is getting married 'and they ay o'0f, 'Yayne!>vme, an .her b ' .. : lD '. . dl'-! anniversFY, tiori ·of the nfe of the people, The fo l ks who fail to read and Curtis Tomlinson appointed ap- F1:ank Frazier and Oatherlne Wal- ar~ at~endlrtg' t he wedding, ..lrth- . ; "YO.UNG !9M' .E DISON" iace. . M1's. P . J . ThQPl8s ca.lIed on Mrs. _ _ _-.:._-.:.__ the.se c'olumns carefully m iss an opportunity to come close - Pllllsel'8. Mr. an~ ~s. Bert Bunnell and . . G~ .Reynolds - VIqinia , In the matter of t he estate or Carl RahdaU ~ursday ' af,ternoon ' ,Nothing in lite Is more won ly in tQ'u ch with modern life. They overlook good chances ~iidIer -:'Fay BaInter, • Llly M. Egbert. deceased; real 'estate daughters entertalned·. Mr. and Mrs. and ~ound that . lady ' recuperating ' than fai~h:--the one 'it'eat. mder1U1 to buy and sell, and miss many opportunities of enjoyment Weekly NeWll Seliected Short. . ordered sold at prlvabe. sale. Ralph Bunnell and famUy . Mr. and very nicely after her recent. ,. opera- "orce which we can neither OV1ni ~hey might have.-The Miamisburg News In &he matt!!r of the estate at Mrs. Vaughn Mullen, Mr. ' and Mrs. t1on. , . In the balance nor test 'n t he we1g~ ... : ISll ac S Irons d d dJ 't Ib U Omer Boldrey and daughter.. M . r. MI W >'< -. WATeR FOa ss 11ma . Th9l1l11,S and Patil. clble. -Harvey Cuspru" II k d . d . .d ecease; s r u on and Mrs. Everett Bunnell and lam~~msoN THE ~. !Uni . ~ to or ere .Hough were qnl~d !p marriage at !l Kingman. visited Dr. a nd Mrs. J . W. In the matter of the guardianship lly a.nd Mr. and l'4rs. Levi Bunnell New R1Clunond last Saturday .."' Ward. Friday @verung. of Blanche Wade, a minor; Charles and, fa mily at a surprise for Mr. lng. Tbeir, attendants were Mr. MIss Louise lIartsock. of Klngroa n. A WaOe appoin ted guardian. Ber. Bunnell Sunday. . ' Hougl),s s~~r, and 11er husband Of . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martin. of called on her grandmother, Mrs. In the matter of the estate of Mr. and Mrs. Lesll,e 'Gorsuch and OlnciJ:lliatl. .T he , COUple ,are maklnB ' . called on friends here. Sun- Lena Hartsock. FrIday. Anns. D. Hankinson. deceased; claim daugh ter entertained relatives from their home "lIl WA';"'.: V'U! . ~......... . , . . ~'.!l"":t;S e, services . <118 afternoon. ' . Dr. J . W. Ward who has .been COD- ol'dered sold at private sale attomey Bethany Su \l day. . Sunday-schOOl:and church . Mra. Martha Bough vislted Dr. tined. to the house for several weeks and executor fees paid. Mrs. Mary Pence alnd the Misses were held In tqe. ~ept: at Ferri ' '. 'and Mn. J. W. Ward Monday after- 'Is stlll unable to get OUt. In 'vhe matter of the estate · of Margie and Janice. Cole spent Sun- last Sunday. Mr. Black 'of .BeUbrQok ~ noon, MisSes Annie U. and Mame T. YL8 ry L. Russell, deceased : bearing day WIth Mr. and Mrs .. Ray Zech Is redecorating the church. Miss Frelda Harvey visIted hp' Browne. Mrs. J . W, White . and Mrs. on Inventory set for June 28, a ~ d tam,!!Y. , . ".... Mrs. H. H. WiHiamson r''''-.1n-law, Mrs. Everett Harvey, Nlnl ~t . John amve to Ft. Anele~, Ml ~s. Paty Freeze ' Is spending. a?oJ ' , ' : . " . ~ .' • 5 u ... ...a l\fARR fplV d DYS WIth Mr. and Mrs. Robert OTIOE PUBLIC REAR~G , Stony Bro~k Farm ' . at tlUl Jewlsh hospital. Clnclnna'tl. Utica. and Leba.non . on a ;!ghtseelng . ~i\GE LICENSES Ito,,.. . ONOF THE ~AL B~~ET :71· . SUD,day. t~. Monday.. . Lester' Gord o n GaRB Mias RUby James spent Satur!1aY Mr. and Mrs. Herbert un~ of NevlD Wlliiam JOhnSTon. 2~, laborPhylliJ; Zech,' Marerle Cole and . e.ven11li in Germantown with fnends Darion. ~ted Dr. !H)d Mrs. W!lrd. er , Mlaml!fourg. La Ka thryn Marla 'Lojs Her.~hey ca lled em Ru th BunNotice Is nereOy given that on the ' Mr. rrank· Werntz of SPI'lngflelU Stnurda1 evening. . :Trn.cy. 22. f)1 !J8 o~rntol', .Franklln. 11 ..11 Sunday . " 1st day of JWY. iS40. at eight.o'clock ' ''',. , .. . . .& dintll~r gUest here Sunday. H 8 MI's. Walter Cam'P~1l a'n~ . Miss l..eoDlll'd MUlleh, 2~ , s~rvICt: ~t.a t!on .- ">"'_ _ _ , ' 112 Miami Gazette to ," "1l2R2 -0. u.......natued 1l1m hom a ri er Ruth Weller' of Day.toll ;· }\1;,'. Wllbul' ()~rll<to!. Middletown. ~nd A'l'mfl' Prayer I the utUl.2;atlon of the 1;1. m. hearing o~ the ,~Udget pre- .. pared· by the Wayne Township Trus- . 118 E. Cran~ ' spendlnt .... - . .a.. ~ at t he Home. Kelsey and ' . Mr~ . ·Ollu·ence . Nutt of t II 1 ne ~·..,me "'"" l'. 2A'l ' F ranI\, "Ii n. b:Oth co) . Jove wherewlth He lov:es us. . 112R3, of County: Ohio; for the tees U !4R21 irvin ·M.ulford to Mame T. BroWn!! \'Va a Ol!nt~1'V1!)e call d .1n Mrs. · Elmer ored. -Mary Baker Eddy. 88~31 next succeeding f!seal y~. ending t1ai~! ~ond.l'" K~lsey, TuI'_'Jd,JY. Leo J . Burney. 33 . ell~l)eer. j;:TsnkHe pr!IYetb ~est Who Joveth best;' December 31. 1941. :Boot~u .spen": thp ~1 8se~ Al'!n e .0.- an,9.. Ma me""" T . ·Un. and Mary B. Sellner, 30. teacher _-Coleridge. Suet, healing will be he14 at tbe Ws*b her 'QDcle. Mr. Ed Br~wne were. illune.,· gueSls of Mrs. Frank.\ln, In prarer it ls better have a _llI:lntl~··af ONiDnatt, Edith M. Hams. anti Harrla 'Mosher Phillip Bettles. 24 . porter, Lebanon beart without words. than WOrd! Township House. Wa~Yille. Obt'o. L. H. Gordon. _11.1111~~ MeMIQon. ·of a.~ thl! L1:~tl@~. Thursday; and Thelma Sims. 24, roald, Lebanon without a heart, -Bunyan, ~ O 'I'I (,F: '1'11 f' O N'I'IM
getting dirty' l ooks f rom motorl'sts on Rout... 42 .. .t h eY·l'e pro abl-y J'U t <:; out driving, ' but l't )·rrl· tate t h e m to b e
u:;: t!~~ I~~(--_II. ~:~~ d~il
Beech Grove ·
~d~ate :t to~\,I~~~~I'~~~e~lt~~ ~~CI.
Sta~e ' ~i'l1ri 11\~l.I \/~o~~w. ~nct\l~g " ~ln~:I~:
nl~It':b:ll1I~l~\~\ ,,~a~II t ~'I~ec~~:~a t~
E~ ~ ~
es'~te inherltan~L .....
ci'owdj~g L~uis-C;odoy
TO il !!
.News ,Of The Reds
at~ m~.
AU~ed,~Ella JOJ'~ Perr1a, ~ ,
~~Ut~ tgo;~~~~:ril~e;~~ o~vet::: ~~~; !:~~ Wlet~eft1:~n~~n:.:~~t r~~I~!~~"d~~~
Fo_e;rry ' MrS:
. . . . . . . . .ftM.
~' lNST~LLArioNS · CHANG~· .
to .
Ollio"'C••tral T.Iep~on~
t H'EATRE::' .
'Sand &.Gravel
Cleric Of WMne ~
C.rpera tioa
ZI'1UlllH·mrul. MrR. Mnud Moore and Mr. , nd~rs. ruchdrJ Moore 01 Dayton , to dinner Saturday evening ........ The Ladles AId W III meet with Mrs .Therle Jones n~)tt Wednesda y Bllndlts teal AutO nfternoon July 3rd. Mrs. Mnrgaret Huke. Mrs . Eva yqung f.nd Mrs. LeballOn- Thll n.mo . of Robert Anna. BunneU are t h4~ committee in Mount. of Mason. hken by t.wo ch rge. men at the point of a gu n a t 2 a. m , S unday. was recover d several hours later by RamllLen police . Sheriff WilHa m Hufford sru d . Mount who wa s walking down a Mason street. Hufford said . was robbed of 50 centS by two men who cam e up fl'om behind a nd placed a revol ver ST. AUGUSTINE: CHURCH against h is lJack~ Hev. R. H . Krumholtz. S T D, pa8tor Noocin g an suto key in Mount·s Mass,. Sunda ys 9 :00 a. IU . pocket. Ihe two bandits forced Mount La 8et the cal'. When they S'f MARY'S EP I SCOPAL nea r ed the WLW u·ansmltrer. so uth CHURC II of Mason. Mount was forced from his car. Hufford sa id . It I: v .. It. L. Jlu ck weU. Ueet" ..
With a Buckeye
New. of other C.mmunities
In Congress•••
_ a
' ,?~2?~_"~.~
Ml" . Mnrgl\n'~ Johns s pel)L Thursclay with Ii!'r sisLer Mrs. EI zfl beth S mith In Wl\yne~ ville. . .~ CLARENCE J •••OWN ....... ., ~ , .. ow. IMaIl'tft 1\11'5. J n nl Mhllpl1 find Mrs. LellB . Wggs ot Ferry spe nt 'I)hursday with AS this Is written Congress Is pre- on Ule International s ituation are Mrs. Alice Clark. who l'eLurn d to paring to te~ ~s onl! week for the not r presentaLtv of Lhe . collective h el' home Crol1l Mason 1ft' we k . . Republican National Convention at thought of th e Republl nn pal·ly. In s lig htl y illlprov d . MJ·s. Robert S in y Is tuklng twO Pb1ladelphia. Thls action means fact. ·the IB~e st fact. the la t t Pres weeks vile tion frolll hel' work at Idential appointments. as we ll a s thai.t the Adminl,stratlon a.ttempt to other recent h a ppenings. point more Wr.f lu, Fi eld. i~t Congre,58 to adjourn and go MI'. and . Mrs . Cha ri s Wa de h ave and mOl e to the DempcrnU c p arty hqmt during the present emergency becoming the WRI' party and h e moved to the rooms ndjolnlng .th hall been . defeated. and that th Republican p arty becomin g the gro cery. Congress will stay in session . with Peace p arty In the coming camMnl. B II SCOIL is c:onvalcsc lIlH fr oll1 .. c.' nt s v r e ilin ss. the eXceptJon at recesses tor the pa go . A large nwnber of our Itlzens at party conventions . Lhroughout the tel lU d Ih e OPening of th e M~lloh crisis. Of course. J the occasion d eGrocery a t Rid !! vi ll e Thllrbday evemand.s . Congress can be almos t lmIIln g. mcdiatelr reassembled durin g either Mrs. Mimi Smith I' tlll'lled to h er of the ,planned recesses. The decihOUl !! in OaY lol1 Suneh. ,. after 6TH SUNDA.Y AFT.ER TRINITY sion of Congress to rema in in sesVeteran M. D . To Retire ~ p ndlll ll three we e k~ aL tht: h om es 7 :30 u . m. Holy Communion . sion comes as a resUl t of messages of Mr. und Mrs. Le,he Gray and Mr. , rec~lved from the folks back home • They're genuine 6 cu. ft. an d Mrs . George Gray . II a . m. Morning Prayer and serWUmlngton- After 50 yea.rs as a demanding tha.t their national legmon. Frigidaire refrigerators'The forty-l'oUrLh s eu:;oll of Llw Mrs. EdIL h MllcL rdle. o f Da yton ' p ra.cticing phYSh:ian. Dr. A . C . Robislators stay on the job, and from Not a "stripped" modd. ertS. 78. Will retire Jul y 1 . haVin g the caucus of the Republican Mem- Miami Valley Chautauqua Is well . \'l> illll l! with h I' cou ~ il li , M,·. I1d 'rUESDAY under way and hu ndr~d s nre pl:ln- Mrs. ll urvey Bul'I1ct. 2 p. m. Church S chool Bwnmer leased 1'1 15 home and office to Dr. J . Brand new, every one! ber~ 'the House held on June 3rd. nUlg Fourth of Jul y picnics at t.he Mr. untl Mrs, .Leon Salisbury alld SeSSIon. Take advantage of this Debold . Dr. and Mrs. Roberts A. at wh1~h time the minority party popular resort. ~on a ud Mr. and Mrs . Edward Cald: ''RlDAY plan to move to Loveland and great bargain opponunity ·wez;at .on recorc1 aa unanlmoualy o})rE'si.:!e with a daughter, Mrs, H . H. The park was never m or e beauU- we ll or Wa shulgton C. H . were Sun7 :30 p. m . Girls Frlerupy Group. wUbout delay. poNd t() the adjournment move. Dunn. Dr. Roberts estimated he tul and the JJlany recrea.Uonal fea.- dill' eve njng gues tli of Mr. and Mrs. , delivered bewteen 2.000 and 3.000 Recent actions of President tures are greatly a ppreciated by tile All en Elrulck . METIIODfS')' CII URCII ba bIes In Harveysburg, Morrow. Roosevelt Indicale Ulore strongly crowds that hflve been comlng to F rill CI! ' Whllaker had her ton 'Us All THESE EXTRA-VALUE FUTURES INQUDED . Louis C . Itudl"y. I)a~tor a l d Wllmjn gton. tha!1 eVe!' h is deSires un d lut Iltlon ~ Chautau qu a ev I'Y nay fin d pVl' nl ng. r 1Il0VI'd by 0 1'. Mes;, llIgel' III X I In AT THIS SENSATIONAL PlICE I Ch urch sch OOl 9 :30 a . m . Wr ha ve toward intel'venllon In the presen t. The sa nit ary swimming pool, \\, Ith 'T'u sday. Famous MCler·Miser Mechaniml • l-Piece All -Seed el es for a ll agps . Wors hip s rvlce E\u'opean conru t. Late last 'week Its efficie nt life gua rds' Bnd attendMr. Puu l Johl , g:IIlCISOIl of Mrs. Baby Ph easants Received Cabinet • Au~omat.ic Interior Lt'ght • O~·Shut Freezer 10 :40 II. m . The p Lor's subject wUl the President threw a bODlb-sheU ' E1ntS. affords EI saf clean p lace to M R:· ~ &.rt't J ohn ~. rplIll'Il d home Door • Um· Mauc Cold Conuol • Automatic Raet be: "Can A Man Be Pro flWlol e T o j.nto the national scene when he SWlm . Tuesda y. all I' a tlell ~ htfu l and ed uDefroster. Frozen Storage Compartment • Cold-Sroap eent to the Senate his appointmen t The openin g attra cLlo n a ll t he catlo nll i Len days SP~1ll at. the Buck - God? " Everyone IS invited . Leba non- Warren ounty FIITmy • Touch . Latch Door Opener • Ia Tap of Henry L. Stimson of New York ' lg40 Assem bly program Is Mrs . eye B oys StaLe c mp al Col umbus. Epworth League Monda y evenin g ture Farmers o! America last week • Automatic Tray Release 00 Every Ta~. Sujol_ as Secretary at War. and Colon el FrankLIn D . R ooseve lL. wh o will M r. and Mrs. Howard Deweese In at 7 :30 o'clock. Devotional meeting rece iVe<! 570 baby pheasa nts, Game Porcelain in Food Compartment • Suin-Smoocb DuJuz Exterior • , . Yeat Protection Plan .Apimt Scnicc &_ Frank Knox of Chlcs\lo as Secre- pl's k at 3 :15 p . m . on S unday. J uly <'ompsi y with Mr. and Mrs. 'alman fo ilowed by the Illonthly business Proltelor Ha.rold Bra nt said today . b Al l. yo un g peop Ie Tile bOys Will feed the birds for • palSC! .,. Exclusive F-1l4Refrigaaot-aaoclIDlD1 ~ _1a1,'Y of the Navy. Both men have 14 . TI1e Iarge au ditor I11m" mak es nn Ba ni of Moraine Clty, vl!,Hed Ir ien ds an d socia I m ee t 111" . · i vir...... eight weeks or more after whlell Ide I I to h ~n outspoken in suppor t of the a pace eru' an d see Lhe Firs t I"n Cleveland S lInd y a nti a Uend ed OTe n cu. COllI: ." AND . . . 11' "OWl . Presldent's In l plgn policies and In Lad Y Of LI Ie I an d . T a accol11mod ate b!l1l ga me Ll1el·l! . Choir prac tice Frld ll Y I'ven lng at they will be brallded . They were proVided b" the state ConservaLloll ~half of thp heory that the United th ose w h 0 cannot geL therp I'llI'll' a Mr. IIl1u M rs . E l'e rpl.I. Early of 7 :~ 0 o'rlo.::k . J . . D pa rtmem. states sholl I. , la ke an active part n I' SpJ'V d secUOI1 hn . bf'el1 Sl't l1.' idl'. f ellOW S prlll g!l I 1v(' IJlII'l'l1asl'cl Mrs . The Woman s Fm'p lr,-n M,s.o,lonnry European E1ftalrs. Both h s\'p hp.pn TheRe resen 'pcI sp at,~ nre now I\1i P. lark 's p ro ppr ll ami 1\ '11 1ll0l'P :1oc. tr Will Ill PPt w,th Mr:, . H a rold Larger Because of Better Service, I lgh ly honored In tile I>\lst by t h e on snle At the Chnll lilll'ltlR otTlc(' aL 111 Ill s t of Aug u ~ t In m ake tllPi r F.:tn h rL Wed. a llernoon Jul y 3rd lIomemak er~ To S ing Republica'! party; Stit:nson Sec- $1.00. M I orde rs 11' 11 b fill d wh en hom e h ere. 0. 1 :.! .30 o'c tock. Quallty, and Price reLary of War and Secretnry of lie ompamf'd by'rt' mill ul1c('. In 1111' MISS Ona IVP l lI o f Wilmington Established 18.4 9-1940 L.,.1lonon- The Warren Co~ntr t;ltate, and Knox a s Vice ' PI' sid n- orde r In whlrh re I'I\,pd il'll pi I Co))pge waS :1 11 over ni ght gtl E.'st Homtmaker ~' Chon~ will sin g at Wayneaville, Ohio Phone 32 .~1n1 nominee 11 \936. 'Reactlon on ad missiO I1 I fifty e nt.~ . Thur:,clay ,. her omill . Mrs . H o 1\1:1' . 1I 0 ....y 1\1. It n uu II Ihl' coun ly home here Wedn day Capitol Hill to til appolnlment s Iher ollt{;landlng feMltres on ' wa rd Dew~E.'sf.' . :l'. 1\1 . Scarff. Minister and at th e Ohlo Sla te F air August . ------------------------.---~ has been that. while both men arc t ill' pro 'a m ore WIJI 11''1'1 11 . Amer · Mr . a nd Mrs. n roJrl Whit aker Su nd ay School 9 :30"a . III E . A. 21. ENTERTAINS (,UB Mrs. Carmen Crane and Mrs. A. J . . . capable and outs talld ng nd v duals, ca 's Bel' rpporte l·. on S und oy. .Tuly o lld c hil dren we I' Sill da~' even ing Ea rnlHlI'I. SlIpt. Stout. '1 ~ the pu blic p mOllS t hey have i ak n 20. at 3 :15 p . m. pn ra l H ug h . S. dmnPI' gu s ts of Mr . and Mrs. R alplJ !':\,ell lllg sen ' lce 7 :30. BI!I..!lt At Bridge Works Mrs. L . A. Garst enlertalned the Mrs. H nrold MUleI' will ,be p ostes8 Jolm son. "Old 11'011 P :l n ." fo rl11 l'l' ·Hast n BS at W Byn 5\'1111' . Prn'ye r lII eetlng W ed ne~dny veN .R.A. adml ms trator. an d wid ly Mrs . MargaI t J o hm spent l'Iun- Illnl: 7 :3U. m embers of the " HI-Lo" bridge club. to the club. Tuesday evening. July 9. Ll'na non_ An uIlt' xplalned e~ plos WILL ATTEND lI AVARD r ad I1'eWSP ppr column st. . VlIll clay and Mond. y at thp country A ' \V l om e awa its yOU at Lhese I'JIl damfl ged th(' upper parr. of the and one ·8 \lest. Mrs. Ira Brown , at s peak fit 3 :15 p. m. on S und y. hom of Mr. a ncl Mr,;. Alnos 001: s~ rvlc s. Come and enjoy tn em ''11 t h Oi·egonla. Bridge Company factol'y her home 'T'ue day ~venill g. Two Now falLh III the SUbstance of Jsmes W . Andrews. son · of Mrs . AU f! ust 4 . n eal' Waynesvlllp. . u s. 1:(:1'1' Ins t Frida y. Nonp of th p SIX tables of hridge were enjoyed during things hoped tor. the evidence or Chau uqu a IS presp.ntlng t.he EvelYn Ii.'Unkey Andrews. fOrInel' MI'. and MJ·s. Young nd fS Ol Iy mpn In the plant wan Injured. L. M. the evening. \Vim prizes awarded to things not seen. -Hebrews 11 :1' Waynesville resldenL. was a r ant (v pl of the M a mi Valley one Of ruld Mr . and MJ . B hm of Mason \Yhlte . S UperlrueI)dent. said. u'n A U. B. C nURCH progJ'BmS in n.tl lis long were Bund y gu es ts of Mr. nd Mrs. graduate. from De Pauw university. Ihp 'b Bevis A. IIi II. Pn ' tor where be majored in economl . He h istory. Th pa rk Is open to th WLlluun R()gers and daugh ter. Budget Hearing July 1. was awarded a scholarship at Har- publlo a t all Urnes With no admfBMrs. Elme r Grov s entertained the S unda y. June 30 vard and wlll spend th e n ext school slon fpe to the grounds and fre Ca rd lub o n ThtU' ay aftel'lloon . 9 ' 30 a. n, - 1I1lliay c hool . Leslie MORROW-The MOlTow Board P' 'l 'km g space. year at that unlve rslty. M J'. and Mrs. J . B . .101 es e mer- Gors uch. SUPL. 01 Educa LIon WIU conduct a. hear-
Genuine 6 Cu. Ft.
Roosevelt At Chautauqua Sunday, July 14
..... .,
Fairley Hardware Store
10.30 a . m . h lldl'en 's Day service. IIl g 011' ItS 1941 budget at Ule school T I Iii is un anlJua l VP Il[ wllJch !' nou ld )J:J\lse July I , H. F- Wmfl eld , Clerk. m ean mu h to th e church . snDounceed today. 7.00 p. Ill . ChI' Uan End eavor. Eiection of officers Vvi il be held. Dr. Parrett Indorsed Come a nd enjoy tl1ese ser Vlcel\ with u s. Wilmington-Dr. J . L . Parrett. ot S abina.. recently reeieeted Chal.rman of the Clinton County ReMIDDLE RUN BAPTIiST CHURCH pubilcan ExecuUve Oommlttee: Saturday afternoon. June 2~ . 2 W_l~ lndorsed by the committee for o'ciock-E. .1\. Huchlson of Hnmllton . a ppointment to s;.;cceed the late 6unC\a ~' senices forenoon and afColon ei Charies R. F isher as a. rernoon . June 30. Ea rl Balley of IT.rmber of the CHnton County Indla n apol' . Ind .. and other min. Bcard of e1ect:on5. iHer s. Basket dinner at nooll .
i.-OCAL BOY SCOUTS TO A TTEND C MP I:leyen Waynes \,jie Ot,y scouts thIs :lmmer wiii ar,end Camp HOOk. Ill' r M.ddierown. off;c:lIl c ,r.lp tor ~ C OiJ s at r.h e MOll ,d 2i.illders area . T ile ioeal ~"'Olip ·,,"\.Ii · ie,i re S unda"J , JI 'ly 7. the mRJomy of the boys s:n~l mg for one week. Those registered for the camping PUI"d are as follows : Bill KeWs. R onald Clark. Ronald Rush. Carl Smith. Jr .. Kenneth Bradley . Jack Q! .me. Lallsing Hardm . Warren LeM ay. Jim and Joe Hartsock and ~'''in Lewi s. "
The Master 85
•Town Sed.an, $699*
Takes New PosWon Wnrren Braddock has taken a position with the Raisch Coal and Supply company. of Miamisburg. dealers in J , 1. Case farm machinen·. He will be connected In . t he sa les and s ervice depanmem, and will ccint nue his residence In Waynesville.
Chevrolet for '40 outI mlClSUl'tS all other lowestpriced cars from front of igrille to rear of.body (1~1inchll) ••• and it also outAIls all other makes 'of an, ,reganliesi of pricel
~ It'. the
"',eelt packaae
\of ftlue In tbe bUlllest I price ranae; and, of couree, lU. uti'll lenath and estra ,"'&htmean e'stNwortbto )'OIl. the "u~r ~ in all ways. . Thill'. why people are -ytnt, "Why pay more'?
WhY .Jtcept lenf". Th~t'i .. why tbey'fe buytne mot e
.<:bnrole" than any other ~ cu, for t~ nlntb '~ in
the laic t ... yeanl , ~ __
..... •
Badgley's Chevrolet Sale~ & Service ..' ' .
Estate of Cora Har~k Deceased
SpriDI V.lley, Oblo
. --
at your HOUSE
MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS . B:,' J ack Cra ne J ack Hahne w:lI v;s;t · our club . Tue"da y E',·pn:n~ . Ju;r 16. v.'!t h mov. 10 9 p.c urI's ·Ali members <Ire • ged I.!.elld I his' mrt'[ing 8 evera i OOP E a re ...oriUng OIl ga~ motor kits. They are Raymond Isaacs. Robert Biggs. ruchard Irons. and Gerald Blggs. August 4th t he Wayne SkS' Hawks w1l1 have a joint meet with the Flylng Arrow club of Dayton . .There shoUld b~many entries for tlti s meet due to the large members hip of the Dayt.on Club. .
O tto Fuchsberger attained recognition for his entry In the gas model airplane meet· h eld Sunday at Hamilton . from Jack Hahne. director of the Newhlo Model Airplane club. Dayton . His pla ne m a d e a. fli g ht of 1 m inute. 10 s econds. "ott" wUl enter models In the Greenvllle and Union City. Ind .. meets. RIchard Irons. a Wayne Sky Hawk member. will also enter a gas model at the Greenville meet. 'His plane ls a class "A" Musketeer. with an Ohlson motor .
ENTERT~S GROUP O F , FRIENDS AT HOl\lE Oth.r_II.IIIII.htl" hl,her Notl.: e is hereby glveL1 t hat Luther *AII model. priced 01 ',inl; Mlth. Tran •• ·1 H , Ha.rts oci( Wllose P OSit Otfl~e .-\dparlalion ba,eeI on rail rale. alaI. and I ' drt:ss IS \Vayn esv1 lie. Ohlo. R, R. No. . Mrs. Edgar Smith was h ostess ·to r , ' la!",1 10••• (if onxl, opllono/ - ~qulp,!,.nl 1 has been duly appointed as Ad- Q group of fnends a.t bel' home Bat, und « ... or u .- ak lroJ Pr'r.. ubj ' I I.. mlnistrator ot the Esuate of COra ur<tay evenfng. Two tables of "600" hall.," wUha/-1 ·nollc. . HartsoCk late of W 1'~'efJ all t y. werp played during the evenlng, at· Ohio. d eaSed, te which a salad courSE: was served Dated th 11th day )1 June 1940. b thll hostess . MrS. smith 's guests wert: Mrs. A. RAtPH H, CAREY E. B~ut. Mis. RI. E.FrIUUC:'iirS, M::" --~,Judge' of ~te Court A. FUJlterson , l\Irs. Lewlli ThompWarren cqumy, Ohio oon."'MI'I!. C. I. Sattent)walte. Mrs. Startley & Stanley, Attya. Mark Rogers, and lCsa Emma. Mae , J13-20-27 Dwyer, I
Who's the -QUEEN
~ - --
You can live a life Of ease and .comfort that a medieval queen would have envied ••• with the help of modern utility service. Every day, in dozens of ways, you will find that your utility service from The D~yton Power and Light Company gives you more i:omfon and more time for leiswe, and thus contributes to your enjoyment of life. 'W ho's the queen at yow. house? The lady of the f~y, of.cQurse! And every, mem~r gf the .family shares with her the ,royal gifts of modem' ~tllity. SC:O'icel' ,,
IND rlG'OT\ vOIr
, I
~--------------------------~offer a .ati.factory .S ervice
-McClure Funeral Home
at ali times
WaynesvllJe •
·Wayae Park
New. Note's
Paye Lewis, da.ugh ter
Of Un. 'Ibelma LeWts, wu acclaim-
ed '''''''' Waynesville."
as winner of .... beauty -.mtest, apo.m ored by t he Twtn Theatl'e on their stage, Friday eYenm,. Y1aa LeWIs was chosen, out 01 five .contestants. for a sereen test SO be made. In Olnclnnatl, Wlwln the out two ~1c!I. These pictures will lie fIbown in Waynesville at a Inter daw.. Little I41aa JudY Davis, dn ugh ter or Mr••nd Mrs. Robert DnJ;Is, was ~n .. tbl ~test ot the tiniest tbta. and Mia8 Phyllis Martin , "~ter at Mr. and Mrs. Russell lI&J1,IQ. .... Judged the pret tiest girl cia. ten :rear olel group.
Da n SlarlsllIlln amI .10:1 11 Fto~ hec . of Ten a ce Park [\ I.Ilellc club entel'talned with a swlmm ll1g and rtmner party last week. The young people of tl1P Ma riemon t community chUl'ch held an aJl -day outing with R picnic and swimming last TI)ursday. A group of 80 employes of t he Hutchinson Bros. Leather company. of OlnclnnaU, enjoyed an outing B t Lhe park last week. J . W. MRyer and son , of Sweetwater. Texas, stopped off for a day's fishing. They caugh t 15 p OlUicis. Thir ty children from the Cillclnnad Play school. under the direction of W. "Red" Woodward . enjoyed a day's outing here Saturday. Mary Jane P etel'l!on enterta ined the young friends group from J elfel'son, 0 ., Tuesday. To say nothing of Its holiness or authority, the Bible conta in!! more specimens of genius and taste thRn, any other volwne In existence. - Landor.
_ The month 'of JUly 1a the period
"500" Dinner. ,club, Ilt "The Hole in tile Woods", home of Mr. and MI's. A : S, COllett. Pamonll Or~n8e, Ma.lnevUle. MONDAY-JULY 1, Young Friends meeting, at the Wh lt:e Brli!k Meeting House, and Mrs. Loren Hadley , bosts . Mr. WEDNmDAY- JULY S. Women's Foreign M\ss1oIl8J')' Boclety, or the Methodlst Ohurch, at the h ome or Mrs . HarQld B. Earnhart. Waynesville Oi~c club buslnesa meellng, a t the Township House.
during which' venderl tile salta tax returna covering the nrat halt CIt the yea~ liMo. Atter July 31 a penalty for . late fIllng or on& ~ollar day will be-lmposed tor eacb day any re- FOR s~eraey cow. trMh. T . W. strOUd, R ,R , 2_.W.ynesvWa. J30·Jt tumremalna delinquent. The schec1U1e shows dates and 10~ FOR SALE-White Paced Bull 0&1ves, old enouah for aerv1ce. WoUld catJons where vendors may obtal~ trade tor treah cow. Lee Lemmon. the aaaistance of an. examiner in' J1Q i 3tfiling returns, Each Saturday FOrenoon during FOR SALE-Oabbale plante 26c per July-Lebanon Oourt House.' bWldr~,~tenoD Belm.~.! from on ........... .July 16th, Waynesville, Pard Iara&e. Pike. THURBDAY-JULY 4. JUly 16th, Morrow, mayor's office. The whole hope or human proWaynesvlJle Garden club, at the July 17th, Muon, mayor's o1flce. gress 1a a~ct on the e\'lr-iJ'Owhome of Mrs. J . K . Preston. JUly 18th .nd 19th, PrankUn, may- Ing 1n1iuence or the Blble, or '" oJllce. -~Wam B. Seward. ENTERTAINS GROUP July 20th, Lebanon. court house. AT PICNIC SUPPER Jllly 22nd to JUly 31, Lebanon 118£ TBB IrILUII GAZaTI'E . Cl>urthouse. WANT ADB Mr . and Mrs. R . O. MUler enterVivien Leigh, whose eleclrltylng success as SCElrlelt O' Hara tained a group of relatives and ~------------------------- was 0110 of , t he yoor's major ac ting- triumphs. now <comes to the friends at Il. picnic supper Bunday licre n toomed with Robert Tay lor lu "Wat 1'100 Brl d l~e:' polgnaul, evening. Their guests Included, Mr. , modern romance of two peopl living B lifetime of love telesco p~ and Mrs. Earl Stover, and Mr. anel Into 4S IJr l'ath leS8 hou rs. Th e n w pi ctur e. hailed as oae 0 t Mrs. Richard MUleI' of Miamisburg; M-tJ .M 'iI gr atest hits, opens a tbroe·day engag ement Sundar . ... Mr. and Mrs . John Hover or Dayton; th o Xenia Th eater. Mr. a nd Mrs. Bert Hartsock., dauahGuests At ~la inoU6 Home ENTERTAIN FOR ter BetW and guest from O1nclnnatJ. BRIDE AND GROOM a nd son David. and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Edgar Mainous, of Vincent, Edgar Smith and daughter. Ky .. was a guest In t,he home of Mr. MI'. and Mrs. Ervin Thomas, of And MrS. Ray MaiJnous over the Guests at Rldp Bom. Lebanon , emertlltned a L a linen week end. Mr. and Mrs. Hershel shower. Tu esday evening. compll- Mr:\n ous and two chil dren, Bettle Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Ridge received menllng their sister nlld lJrother- ln- Lou and Randall, and MI' . and Mrs. t he following visitors at their hOme law, Mr. and Mrs. PaUl HOUgh, a Leslrr Dav1s, all of Nor wood. wer e lasL week; Mr. and Mrs. J . J . Mun· r ecent lJride and groom. c\s(J dinner guests, Bu nday, of Mr. sell and Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Miller The evening wns spl'nl In vn rious tlnd Mrs .. Ray Mnlnous. lIf Oolumbus on Tuesday afternoon ; ga mes alld cont sts, atler whic h the Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Johnson of brIde a nd groom were presen ted Aurora, Ind., on Thursday, and Mr. Sunday Dlnmll' Guellts With man lovely linen glft.s. Relilld Mrs. Earl D~vls of Dayton were frcshm nt.s concluded tile evenlng'S MI' . and Mrs. Olark StarT, chlldren Lhcir dlnner guests a~ the Llttle Inn, lestlvltles. .I:I';bb ~ and Patty, 'of Xenia : !'ir. and Sa Lurday evening. Guests Included : Mr. anrt Mrs. Mrs. Carl Pete rson Ilnd da ughters, Walte r Thonl!lS of West Carrollton: of Spri ngfield; P auline Starr, of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shaw , and Mrs. Dayton. and Mrs. R ussell Mar tin ~se Pope of Centerville. Mr. and a ll(! da ughter , PhylJl!l. were . S unday Mrs. Martha Parsons, of . OleveMrs. C. B. 1{1eJ nil en, Mrs. Nancy filn ner gues ts 'of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ross land, Is visiting this week with her Pope. and MI'. and Mrs. Lawrence Planck. daughter. Mrs . R. E. Frank and Thomas of Lebanon : and Woodard family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank and son ." of Springboro. And Mrs. Parsons will leav~ SundAy for a six weeks stay in Njlw York Ol ~y, where Mr, A'ank w11l be enrollWI NNElt IN ON'f E, T ed nt Columbla UnIversity.
Agricultural Gypsuin or
Land Plaster
.for .,liminalion and control of Bu,.
and other pelt. on melona, . cuccumberl
etc., in your ,arden or truck patch at-
w. H. Madden '& .Co.
W.ynelviU., O. .
Phone 14
CORWlfIl. OHIO Model Supplies
Available. . Headquarters
"E verythin, for BuD...,"
M I'. WnltCl' W. Kl'Uel' o[ WuYnesville, Ohio was awarded n $5.00 prize on his flv SOW!! which werll enterc<.1 live sows which were en L.'red 1J1in th 1n the Semi-Solid Pig Fnrl'owing CC,llt "st, It Wl\!I 1'f'ccnLly ' :lnllOUIl'cd by the Oonsolldated Pl'odl ts Co . . He wo n In -direct 'onlpeUtlun with !mlllO o( the foremost hog Dl'Cec.1ers In lC Middle The Semi-Solid Pig Farrowing Con Lest was open to all hog raisers bree(iln g five 01' more sows for spring farrow . More Ula ll fiCtecn Middle Wester n SLates wer e repres nted nnd ensh Ill'!,zes tOLaHng $2.000,00 were dlsb.rIlHlU'd to tlo 200 h,): m. n I als lilll the heaviest litters of pigs f rom five sows ~wo weeks after fn rl'owlng.
and have them hand. Sharp, new _tiPne cut better in toullh. rank
Dies In Cedar Baplc1a
(nee ~Ian) died at her, home ~t. Oedar Raplda, Iowa, Thursday, June 20. Burlal waa mad!' there. Mr. and Mrs, Rich wID be remembered by several havq 10remrly JIved on a farm near Way- .
Here are the Ie. tel~B of the all1habet, connected togel:her like beadll .on a string. They lI're not, however. 'In their regular ord.2r. , The string Is (0 be cut in two .places. But It should be done In n eSv1l1e. = _--:..= == =: - - -. ----'-- -,suc a wny that you cOll.ld picku p :one ot the pieces IIInd, beginning HI,bwa)' Men Med ~ with A. name off and touch each ! leller ot the alphapet until those on HJghway -problema were dlaC\LUCId ' the piece you cbose. were all gO.Iie., !then pick up the" ot.her piece and by more than ~ highway maintainfini sh In the same way. ence engineers from dlstrklt eliht meeting in Lebanon Wednesc1a)'. Road 'men trom ·Preble. HAmlltGn. Butler, MClntgomery. Oreene, ounton, Olermont aDd Warren countlea a.ttended th.e s~n.
fOur own coatainer
Rako Binder Twine
110m. and make a ligbter load for yoUr tractor or honea.
~------------~--------------------------. ------~
-'-Mrs. Florence Rich
Sta rting J uly 1, Thelma 's Kitchen • wUJ serve bJ'i!akfast da lly (includin g L.._ _......-;:;..s.~I~ _ _ _ _ _.J Sunday) beglJUung at 7:00 a . m ., AN8\VEJ!. and dinner at noob each SundaiY. I . It can be done 1ri three ways. but two of them ere r ~ ther trivial. You ......MRs. RIDGE TO...ltET lRE could cut on b(5t!fS es of e 'alone, then take the A piece ' and' name the first letter. then take the. After more than 13 years of em- 'other piece and fin ish. Or you could ploymEmt in til e Chicago olfice ·of cu t both s Ides of th.e Z alone and t he National Underwriter COmpany, work it Similarly. Mrs. Annie. Sweet Ridge, a native of , But there is a way to cut so that WaynesVille, will t ake voluntary r e- yo'u have pieces ot ,somewhat nearly , • ·tlrement June 29. Last Thursday 'equa l size. .•__-..,-..,._ _ _ _ _ _....:..,______ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ h er woman associates in the ·organ- \ Cut between ' Band W. also between J and N. . lza tiOIl. tendered h er a farewelJ ~ -;..--"!""------~------------. '" luncheon at the Picca dllly restaur-' nut. 0 .. her return to the office a(Greatly begin! Though thou have ter the luncheon Mrs. Ridge was tilDe )Jl'esented wi th a ha.nd bag, a travelBut for a line. be t hat sublimeling ba g, and a wrist watch . Not fallure, but low aim Is crime. USE TIIB MlA,Ml GAZETTE -Jam.•es Russel Lowell. WAlft ADS
Repair work on the Wanen coun-' ty courthouse, which wu d&maged In a recent tire, wp resumed thla week, llfter • shutdown of the pr0ject because of • reported d1aqreement between state and COunty officials.
Trust in Him whose love ,enfolds -Mary Baker Eddy
FaIth anti works like the lIIbt and heat' or a cand.le; tlley ' cann~ be separated,
The Bible Is the onq source or aQ OlU1stJan truth- .the only rule r« the ChrIstian lIfe;-the only boOk that )1Dfolda t9 U8 , the realltlea of eternJty. -8Ir Matthew Bale
-m' BOSS 16
Se'A'IN' iHEU, LOO~It.l' A'1 ASTAe.<. Ot= '8'~S
'~e .
~_ . "In BORATID' .
F£R. PA~, I"'''t 1"IPe~N ~lt.IQ~J~ lH'
ALL • ~RO.P. ~ H~~••t.r .....
"ft)LKS ' \WQ "",E ~'M WOUt.C>. ~Y UP, ~U:
White fur Borated TIssue "ola Of N~w Pieces
package f~r-. 25c, .1 .~xtra toll' will be ,iv-jln for ' 1 ·cent. ...-'. -every
Awaiting Word .From State' O. Street BaVIDC
-- -~ - -.-----------~
Another Independence day is hel'E~, and we in The United States should pause and i'ive thanks that we have not been drawn into the war that is tearing Europe a part. . AlthouO'h that troubled continent is in the ml'dst «0 of one of the most violent ' upheavals jn j", hl·story. we ~ should be grateful for the Declaration (If Independel,lce, which has set us apart from the domination of European whims and struggles. '
Eva Reeder Res_gns
As G __aCle Prine=..l.--p-a---;....--'--~ Wade Turner Named
Miss O\1ve Kackley. who speaks Monday, July 15 before the Waynes. 'rne resignation ot Miss Bva vUle CIVic club under 'he auspices of ... ----~ , 'Reeder, who lor several y-villare counc11 W1l1be beld MondaY . ~-" . ...... evenlna, July 16, for a fI..,m, on the Miami Gazette comes to Waynesserved as prlnclpal at the ara"e . Ville as a good will ambassador for school bUilding, Monday night was the budiet for the not tileal yeu, radio statlon WCKY, Olncinnati. accepted by the WaYlle township it wu a~unced Monday ni,ht a' _ .. Loal'd ot education. The dinner meeting will be held at . ,,- ,,- - - - - , . - ,he nptar monthly meettna ot the Wayne park. Mr. and Mrs. H. R . Guatin and Miss Reeder. who has made a mU1UGSpal Ixlard. Miss Kackley' ls a noted authority daughter, ot· Oleveland, and Mr. 5plendld record here, leaves to .cMayo]' Day reported thd no.ord 011 Shakespeare and his works, but and Mrs. Ja.ck Gustin of Mariemont, tept a position In the Dorothy Lane had ~n received ftom th. st&te WI her primary Interest Is In helping Olnclnnatl. were Sunday vlsitors at school, In Oakwood, blrhway department relative to a lile we are safe today. ahead there ie a new folks rind' lhemselves. Her life ha.~ the home MIsses Margaret and The new princiPIi I ot r,he arade propoeal to repave Main Itreet trom struggle to maintain that independence and manner been devoted 100 this work. From Trlllena Edwarda. bullding will be Wade Turner, wbo c~~Uon 11Jw to corporation line. of living that ~e hold so dear. Confronted with the Dhautauqua platforms, Crom lecture 0 0 0 • 0 formerly taught al the h~h school Tbe It&tt prev10ualy has made a HIVE OF BEES prospect of a Europe dominated by German totalitarpodiums and from beh1nd the tOOLMr. a.nd Mrs . Everett Wo1Utam and buUding in addition to his coachini propoaittOl1 to auume ·the coat or !STRANDED HERE ian philosophy, we find we Jhust face thE! problem of llKhts of the stage, Ollve Kackley son. Bobby, ot Columbua, vlstted duties of high school athletic telUDll. this pavtna', w1tb tile COIDlCU paylna . has brought a message of help and their uncle, Dr. J . E . Wtham, Sun- Mas Reedet has taught in the 10tor bookupa to the .ewer and water We au have our troubles and acqUIring economic independnce of the Old World. inspiration to Americans the length day evening. cal iiChool 12 years, being prlJ1clpal -r.tem, in Ql'der to auarantee tbe think the otber feUow'. job II We must build a Western Hemisphere solidarity and width of the comlnent. • • 0 • • of the arade bulldtna for the Jut 6 p.vtna would not be torn up for live the ea.de8t, but coDalder the or face the threat of serious Nazi inrOada on our ecoShe has been responslble for flnd Mrs. R. G. Miller, Mr. IUld Mrs. years. . Ye&l'I. . predicament of Postma.tel' nomic life. Ing and developing successfUl per- Edgar Smith and daughter. and Mlaa The board deferred the seclecUon de........... ent was inE'-_" M • Fo• • Th e path ' ahead is not ea~y. It will cost money The • _.Oa -"'" ....... &,0sona litl, es In pracli.:a Jy every walk Leil& Koverroan vltlted Mr. and of teachers for the arade vacanc1ea fanned that the vUlqe would uMr Fo. thea day. II ..Ia,lD, of life. Among naUonally-known Mrs. John Hover of Dayton, Satur- until a later meettna. and will require sacrifices, but if the procnoam sucP u,b" awne the COlt. and earlY this week bane _Id &0 a hive 01 beeI, e' people who came under h... magnetic d ay. MI ss Koverman remained for a ..c h earI nK on th e aunua 1 the cou:ncll had not y~t, received a wbJcb were ' IhJpped from 'ceeds and we win this new fight for independence, guidance are David Ll.lenthal of t he week end visit. budj'et w1ll' (Ie held at the board reply from otHcials a~ Middletown. Georrta thrvu,b • maU order the cost will not have been too great. TVA ; Carl and Alfalfa Sweitzer of • • • • • offices In the high schoo.! bullcl1D&', OouDcU decided b'a vote of 3 to 2 boue &0 • penon wbo CIUUlot Hal Roach comedies ; Jeff MachamMrs. Edgar Smith and Mrs. C. I. Moaday, July 15, at 8 p. m. to rePair a section of a autter on . be IoaaWd by tbe Wa,DelYIUe SHOWER IS HELD er, famous newspaper cartoonist ~3tterthwalte were Dayton v1!lltors, Several school bUS mlftlutacturlni Dortb iIatn .treet that had recently peIIIofll4le. who draws "Gags and Galls" and Ftlday. compe.nles drove new vehiclea her. FOR RECENT BRIDE many others. • • • • • t or th 111'. Fo:s baa been carryln, . e meet in g Monday ni8bt. but I1Yen way. Obarlet P. Joy• .treet oommlaalon- on oorrespoDdeoce with both Mrs. J . R. Wa' de was hostess to In her talk.s, she has an easy InMrs . Helen Donovan of Dayton 15 none were Interviewed by the board. er .... author1led to "".fta ta and the _ .~.- h ...... nd .... e . ..- r _ _ ... UII llibout fifty relatiVeti and friends at f ormal ma nner. an intimacy with now employed as cook at Peck's The local SCI100l oflldala are facta an"el ~ tile Kethodlat hlll welt or Georrta apalr,y. IIIId ID the the audience and a wealth of home- Food Shop. with a serlous tr&n.lportatioll-prGb___ 1I~"t....... Jo,Ju a_'a....... .o-a • • 0 • • lam for the comtn•a YeaI' ......u ,_ •• _.1.',..... _ wwuuo;; _ _ . . . _ _~ 1DIIIUl_. cleIpile hIa eiron &0 The cbanie In t he 11neup 0 t th e a mJacellaneoua Ihower, Thursday Iy phUosophy and humor. When ...... that it was rene.a...... - p'a_ tar OIl It .... I I ball b Dr no. afternoon, oompilim en t 1 n Ii' her I.. Mrs. Mabel Staup Is seriously III as the state department 1nII1ate thaL --- ,., "" ....... eep :-,ID aUve by leedID, the DCa team y manarer . e da""bter-in.la-, I"MS .• '''0 Wade. spea... nli' on Shakespeare, she tak.es tbJa .weet ~_ .. _a ra'_a -.-hed .............. _-.a -.o-r........ have - Pl'OI1'am of .. ....ZU' buses now in operatlon an too lLilu· ............. IUD .._ _ _ _ ...... _ was of no ava U wh en ... \A.e bOn "a played A -es DfU.I and conta.ts t h e Bard of Avon out of the popu- 11 '. her home In Lebanon. travel 'Placed there down onto Main ....... . their second Kame with Murphy's I_a ....u ~ iarly conceived realm of dry-atl• . '. • • quated and threatea to withdraw fl· treei Behind th compr....,d the afternoon diversion. " MI' . Frank LOOP, of Lebanon , vlB- nanclal aid Cor transportation unIea& Lebanon Sunday. e after which tho. new ,bride wa!l dust, high-brow "artiness" and ......or A K. n.. ........... aA t hl I .hl.... f Pat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " Ited Mr. and Mrs. C. I . Batterth- more modem buses are secured: ' ' se\'en t p tf,'....... 0 - -... showered : :with li1fts. contained in makes him and his works human . . . - - .~-...,.. wo apand mo,re lIkebale. Members of her waltl! and daughter, Wednesday The board can meet the etate repllcatlona had been received by per- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ they were handed their second de,.... to --ure J___ .... a_ f eat by _h'_'~ '~.i a huge umbrella suspended trom audlel1.L es who held preconcelved evt:rdng. qulremente ... O...-a II _._......... .. _.... __ _ tratw .... ..,..m. wIth th e r"'li~u ...., two me-hods. 0 a the ceUlna. the rental of new bUseS, or the ou\_ ..... f 10 uu .....,rl, but no actton .... taken. pltcher, Osborne playlni third baSe Ref ft"'__ Ideas that Shaiteap.Jare Is boresome M . I! al14 DIcit Stanley being shifted tI) re",,,u.,nts o't Ice cream, lem- Invariably ask for "more Shaker : and Mrs. O. V . Rogers ot rlght purchase of !lve new-v~, PouIbWty Sbat voten of WayneevIDe Ww be iaked tD contlDue a onea ••_ ..._.':"'......_ _ _......._._............_ flrat, Lebanon med a run In the onade, and cake Iliere sewed to the speare, please MIsS Kackley." Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Robert Matzby Uruler ~he old .yatem, the ' boatel mW Ie." for cun:ent expenaee In Nothird frame, thl'ee 1n the (ourth, many guests to con.clude the ft!lltlvlL. B. Wl.son, WCKY's owner and and daughter of Richmond, Va.. owned the bodie.s whOe Ute drinn veaar WU INn when Olerk Bomer o~~':t ~ and two In the seventh, to make ties. general maDaKer , made the services and Mr. and 14rs. N. L. Rogers of furniahed the chaula and motan, Carey informed member. or oounc1l 1I'telc elld With .... J the acore 6-2. of M1ss Kackley availa.ble for Way- ,Springboro were Sunday dinner aDd were paid by tba mne 'tor tile . b t tba lleue uplree ~ year. ana and _ RcIbm ~ eae ~ Bopltlna and Tommy Plorenee led nesVllie as another phase ot the auests of Mr~ a~ ~:. ~ark Rosen. trt.n6portat1.on of 'Wdente. llll4 lin. ... tbe Mlamla in hlttlni, with a double ~t the expaue. lDcuned in pre- PoJlak, &lao f' DV community public services offered 01!Ic1a4 point out that If the _Dtlq the measure at the election SunCay ~ nDaU. were for each of tbem. The Lebanon I by the lltation. Because Mr. Wilson Mlsa Alma Pl'endergaa\ and state. had not l1W5ted that the INMI ' mUit be aonaidered 10 Ute new bud~ ISUJlPer auesta ot pitchers held' the boys to four hits. . .-.a I _ U teels thl£ newspaper and his radio brother. Jlm. of Winton Place, Cln- be moderniEd, contracts woUld have . • ' '. Mta. u,JDaIL.. ....Both or- the MlamJa runs weft • k _ " _i.-: ' , atation are striVing toward the same Cinnatl are :mawn; theb' aunt and been reaewed Cor the:-,~ ';iii' It wu upIalDId that the Ie." has • • • • • IICOred in the IIIventh frame. Hate of the moat unluqe and or- goal ot serVice to the publiC, he uncle, M1!Is Katherine and JM!le under tbe old plan. .... in farce or the last 10 yean, Mr. aDd lin. !larold Wnuameon 'lburadaJ, July 4, Ute local team tatnal design were dJJiplayed Ina asked the Miami Gazette to spon- Prendergast. Board officials aa yet· an UDd8aa4 that ~ vot4i on It in tl}e Nonm- and daUihtel', Betty, and M .... abeJ wt11 play BarveylibUlK on the local at y I e mow. TlIe8day afternoon, sor her visit here. ; • • • • • cld" on the course of actI.cm tbeJ. lfauJr. of Dayton were Sunday dIn- diamond. The firet pme played be- when the members of the WaynesMr. and Mrs. M. A. F'lilkerson and will pursue, but muat modernlD in ner auellte or loin. B. B. WJlIIaJDaon EWeeI1 these two teams was won by VUle Garden clUb met at tbe. home BRIDGE PARTY HELD daughter. Zana Mae. epent Sunday order to ret t~nc1al. aid t:t=om~'!!!!!'----;---'-:"':"'::-7 and family, Mr. and Iob'I. J. B Cat- the Miamla, and 110 a ioad pme Is of Mrs. J. K. Pre!lton. Each me~ FOR CmCAGO VISITOR eventng With Mr. and Mrs. J. W. state. ',·rty . and family ot Pnntlln' were expeoted. ~ wW be back on wore a hat made j~ flowers which Fulkerson ot Spring Valley. SunC1ay eventna vlaltors at .the! Wll- the DlOIind ThW'Bday, and the for- she made heneU, and many lovely Mrs, John W. Kersey entertained • • • • • lllUDlOn home. mer lineup resumed. creations w~ shown. a &roup ot friends at a dessert Mr. and Mrs. H. H . Harper and • • • • • Sunday the bOY. Win 10 to SOUth Twelve members were present for bridie, Friday afternoon, compU- daughter, Mary Kathryn, of Culver. Mr. and 1lQ. J. ClareJlCe Shaeffer Lellanon for a twin bill, with one the meetlrli· Durinlr the businss ae.s- menti~ Mrs. Willard Kersey, ot Ind .. were v1s1tors at· the home of , A«lOrdIIl. to Ule report at Ruaaell of Dayton were Sunday vlaltora at pme belni the llr~t of the el1m- sIon plana were made for fw:ther Oh~, who Is visiting at her Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson, £ , Prank. head of the' muatc depart- the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. mation series. and the Ilecond a beautlfY!na the road-tlanll: on Route home. Tuesday evening. mfnt of tHe sOc.llCbOOlI, ' $118 was Ridp. 73' """""te ' Tourist Home. • • •. ! • postponed Dame. ........... Ora ntt. Guests I~Aluded Mrs. Hal'ry Shaw llrs. R .. Conner ..... a "A_.~_ to ow Clet!oled frcim ~. band carnival held • • • • • . ~. bY planting tUlip bulbs In the Fall. ... Mr. aDd Mrs. LeWis Fires and . no ,..- ..... 8Gt.. ...4 .. u .. , ....t _. ".&1'11 • _ ...... 1 win Jr., Mrs. Harold Bone. and Mrs. t m.U S the members o~ the New 0entW7 ure. _ ..er. John 8eara spent the week end ....... 0 g the buainess meeting Joe Kersey of Lebanon ' Miss Eve- a y were IDlday guests ot Mr. clUb. at her bome. FrIday af_Mr. PraillI; makes 'the foUowinr with Mr and ..._ B Mrs. J. L . Mendenhall. program Iyn Kersey ,of oregOnla: Mrs Wade and Mrs. C. H. Harbeson and Harold n Nin .WlLemelU: "I wtab to my Padea aty, W-:-;~, yron Carver. ot . ' . chairman, present/ed Mrs. R. D. Col- Turner, Mrs. John TIl~er, a~d Mrs. Taylor, of Centerv1lle. I'=n~ W::'~:::~~o,~werld a1~re tbanU and appreclaUon to lett, who read an In\eJ'esting paper Lewis Thompson. • • • • • . . Mn. W. E. Cornell and 1lrI. · K. the band paren~ memben or' the •. • • • • . on Luther Burbank. MISs Genevieve Seventeen members of Waynes"aDd. and au 0 ' " fI1eDda wbO 10 _ Billy Hadley a guest 0 t th e cu. I b p Iayed a MONTHLY MEETING OF vlUe 50P1lomore WCW\D A'ft_f terijoyed ' N. Houghafter ~nted t.h~ to~ t thel)eutacb. of BJar1nItteld. a program th buatntaa will', Worked 'Ia ,~~- ,the. band .....n week end with hla COUllDl. plano Selection and th p 8k.atlng na_ty at "Sk tela d' in e m..... : ~V'--'' MONDAY·· nn Y 8 ' e I'081'Bm FRIENDS HELD SUNDAY . ... an' Plano 1010•. by Mat" Dora v .... ~....., . CAmivl .. _ , " , ........, Jact and ~rt Pr.ton. was concluded with a quiz of iuden Dayton. ThUlli!day evening. Vocal aelo, by Mta. ~ "We iIpIc"'U, WIIb to·thank o. P. Mr., and Mrs. Leo Deut.lch were Miaml Ohapter -No. 107 O. E. B., questions, conducted by Mrs. George "",....:·-=·=..:·~.:::..·~·,...,.-:---:=-....ll..JI!laJ:nb~;,..1I881~PIII. .:lTt:w-1lIIr...:..-:....;.+.~ Joy, .tate bJlbway .-troI, alld boy Sunday -j'UeIta-"""$be-fIreaton hamll. lDltliUOD and Pl'leDdship nl.i1l. Peterson. An all day Monthly Meeting 01 Mr. :' Mayer (TaCY 1COU$6 for' CSOIl-1"'''- _H1c,T, J. B. '&6_' . • • • • • ......."....,. .. Y" ' W'nTy II In 1 f IIh ~"B_ ' .... n Frlends was held Sunday at the Cla.....ett) of Peoria, Ariz., v'~lted at Hough.: Mrs. cornell then ~ .' - - ,.-... nd Mrs AU _ _ v... pace 0 ere........ mee ..... a WhIte Brick 'Meeting House. A bas... '" her granddaUChter.1IiII Rlltb'a.baa ' MoClure aD4 bIa: . . " for tbe1r f . a . . L. A. Oarat and "Bl-Ld BrIdie dub at the home ptcnic wUl ' be held at Wayne Park, the home oC Mr. and Mrs. Robert ' • •dId --"tltIa., Kr.1JrUe and UD1ly were SUbday IUClIte of Kr' or ........ 'Oa_'" .......er. Thursday,. Au~'" 1. ket dinner was enjoy.ed at noon ,bY 00 Frida bury, who Is employed 10 a. 01DcJD~ """""'••.::-r aDd Mrs Da ....... Ii-V fifty members and their famUies. os. y ,evening, enroute to natl bank and she -ve, an '--~" MI\ PbIWpI for ' Of tbelr 11", v t d Browrl ot Dayton. W _""';"Ie T .... _ N 163 F' Pennsylvania. ........_ ... ........ ~ .fGr' . . Gttlielr ' • • • • • and i-;~ ~or;;'~o~r.n.' . CLUB BBEAll[FA8T BELD After dinner the reKUiar busine.ss • • • • • log talk entitled; "What I , KDMr ·· ...... n . . . . . " ..... a ~ Mr...... a ........ .:.. R .._ _a11 . meeting was held followed by ' a d1s......... ._..... ' a..tte aDd -"D. _ E. Prank ~"""":Y un"" 11 Mr nil Mrs Robert Gray (Fran About Banklnlr." In ber ia.ut, IDia . • and lob' aDd ..._ ADUnDIo·... ..... ~ cuSBion aroup. The subject for dls' . - Ballsbury brouaht ou~ ,D:I&nY valmerc!Iu1ta tor ad. , ' ~IAn . ...~. M. A. Pulkeraon SuDBhl1V! club at the bome of Mrs. The tirst In a series ot brealttaste ces Ellis), of Dayton, will occupy the bl b .... , _ ,' __ ...... .a_ W" _ _ ha 1Vere cIIDner ..." ••• bet d b .:usslon was the pamphlet, "Who ua e its ~ informa.tlon to _ . .... _ _.. _ _ _. _ . -. . . . . . ~' .... D A' tan .......;.~er nK sponsore i y the Pr1endahip part of the Charles Ellis property • • ...-.0';''''':' , _ '... ' .10' puer_ L. 'A. "'--., aw eveniq. us "'..... , - the Comm·· . .. ·ty Are These ' Friends," written by on Route 73 v'aeated h .. J as epositon. sucb u ' the .... ':"'. ' ...--........,..' -."" ..-............. ___ club, was atarted ..iat .-l.... . __..... ' ~ , . ..... WllI'ft- Hubben. '... ameli portanee of the .... _ .. _r to._ tile .,~. . . II! • • • ... • II1II& .....,.; T".C...... a Kttonen, last ThW'Bday momtng, ...... Lovely aDd famUy. Mr. and Mrs. keeping ot valuable ua.. oa 1*PIIi'8.~, ----.' tor , lit. ' , .,......._ . ......... _ a_ ' for ~~ , 'u ~ ,COUld Miia lIe&ty 'ftuPnpeon II vtaltl .. .When Mrs. A. B. Stubbs. driver, ' aild , Gray are both emplOYed at the Th . _.... ~~..... -la . GUEST OOMPLIMt;NTED . etc. e prOlP'&lp ~, tben :CQIIClud , . , ..... _~- , ",, ' ..... ~ ~Cb Ilia ~ Coombe, ' Thne DeW .f1&chers have been 1lrI. Walter Sheehan, Mrs. Bvelyn Frigidaire plant, Dayton . . ~ Ja ~& 01, fuDda or ~t RIdp. OtncInnaU. bU'ed to &each In the 8pl'iDiboro Watlt1ns. Mrs. H. E. Hathaway. and ' Mrs. J. R. Updyke entertained a · · ,. • • ~~:hlBa:.=~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lDdtttdual .bootba: , . . . • • •. schools, eouDt1 ' SUperintendent Mrs. L. O. Radley v1alted Mrs. C. A. group of glrlll, Friday evening com. Mr. and Mrs. R . C. Campbell of Earnhar ~. . . .: :~. ,ub: ~ ~. ~ BIIIerJ,.:aD4I 'cbQdren. Obu'lee B. ' Bobl annollDCfid. The Abd8l'lOJl and purchased thl!lr pllmentlng MI8:S Lorna Lacy, of Darton were supper gullSts of Mr. Thla ~lng ftnal ' meeUq fQr erNpi, .' " ~: ,p op oarn. or. Onen 8.PI'ft!II', ~......' ViatUnl naw lDItructon~,' are WUlla Yore, brealtfaat Zanesville, wbo 15 a guest at her and Mrs. J. P . Larrick., Thursday t.he present Omcerll,'the new • • ~~ . .;~ . . . . ..110; w1t.b 10'. and 1iIl'I. Jobli W. Kerley. W"~ MWon, -matbem&tk:a; Belen home. eveninl. were lnItaned by ,the prealden&, Mri. ~'b,J1:- f~~ [tilber. fl.'lI: • ••• ' . Leichty. New ",~, . Lattn and CLUB 18 BNftaTAIHD .Mrs. Updyke. Misses Lacy, MIl• • • • • H. E. Batha.way. Sbe presented' tIIe • pat» _,> ,tLIO:"wa .aproa. *U.8II: Mr....... 0 . . - J. R. ...e....1e ani .... 8"_h, and Marvin""", SIdney, dred Salisbury, Mary Carolyn LukMr. and Mrs. Ralph Bastings and 1 to ."a ~.... ~ - .... ... _ . ........- new pr",ldent. v_ '. J • •' ~._.... ,. . ; • .10.eo; ... .·· _, " __ . _ --Do a......a....... _a. _. __ ._ 'art. . ... ..., IDembera ()t t h e "Cheerful ens .and Ruth Conner, enjoyed a son, Robert. vlslted friends and pve -~ tiiOlooiia . ....... ~ ........... U& CI cl" I b B . . Cbapnan, who ~ ., -_ . . _ .anD ._tuo: \ an.,. JRd, ~, ~_........ _.... ...... ".a__ ' ~ e c u wer.e entertained at the picnic , supper at "Old River" par _ k relatives in and near Lebanon, Bun- CtIIted, and after appolnttna bel' ...... -.... Dale .......... _ _a of ...... • ('AI. . "" I"O'W. G1JE8T8 OF PAB.l\NTI llc:.me of Mr. and lira. M. A. Cornell. in Dayton. day. ' Pl1day evenina. . Three tables of • • • • • ecutlve committee. adJouni4cl tilt ' . r 'i.' . • • • . ,. "600" were In JIlti¥ durtng th BRIDGE C'LUB OUTING Mr Cl Mn· meettna unW next 8ep4;e~~ '1IIa. :, "'-'-"'r , 0 WJ~ · SUnday IUIIta of Mr. and Un. B. Mr. and 1lrI. Kennet.b Bt.John •niDI, after whlcll refreshmen~ev:; • an . Howard MIsslId1ne R. A. Conner and'l4ra. W. B. oarMu , MMI'n"£B M~. ' A. Kohler and famflJ - were lira. and da~hter, of Hubbard, 0.. are home--". Jce cr.... - and ftft"'a were The members ot the "HI-Lo" wlt'e Sunday dinner peats of Mr. comprise Mrs. OhapmAn's ~ " < ......., ...... -aDd Mrs. Jtobert P\lmaa. tee. . .. • . .>. ~ I*nUtB', Mr. aDd lira. D. J. V1sI~ Ihe1r pueDta. Mr. and MrI. enJoJed. Bridge club, their husbands, Mr. • • • • • . ~ or .~ or, &bit ClatJ~e aDd ~ of Welt 1IIKOIa. J,.. O. 8$. ~Obn over the 4th, SIDldar, . and Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson, and Mr. John OarSt 'f Carllaf' A. pleasant aioctal hour · &D4, re. wort Ot tIM, 'Warren " •.. • • • • Mr. ' and Mia . . Glenn' Bland and - '- - - - - - - - - - - - - and Mrs. Ira Brown enjoyed an out0 ,e and L. A. fruhments were enJoyed ·a fter t.be <. ' __•..-- ..... __ . . , . , " . Garst enjoyed a flablna trip to' Cet' ........."a · . . . """lIlY _ of Uwr Reel ~ .,.••dltb It;' IIab1a and Barril daUlhter.. or ~o, were &lao tnlr and pic.nll!, Prlday evening, near i~: Tuesday. . m~ .... '........ ~ and: .... IIODnd .CII'IM!~ mei&- MCIIbIr . . .. dIDDer ~ $UDCIq. cUnner aueata a' the Bt. John home. Lymart' Day's sugar camp. The at-, ' ' foilollllM ~: ~. B. .B.......~ I r JIi!li~', ~<at ~ ~ or· Mr• Ronald M. BaWb. In the afternoon they all drove to ~ fair: waa arranged In honol: of Mr. • • • '~. • hart;Wa. ~~ Bcir'da, ¥ri- !f. #6t .....~•.tM-l.m t_,**. · '. . • • • ~, . ' ~. wbeN Sbey vtalted 'IIr. .. ,,' --:-and Ma. Russell ~ who ' lett · , Mr. a~ Mn. ~. 8atterth~a1te. L~ '~'. 1.. ~ .wtDdeD campbell, or Kor· . '. ' 0 ' D'a . '. ' A_t...~ Ud! MrI. John Settlemyre and eon. , AltbOUlla ..' forIII&l eeleIMpISunday for a .siX weeki stay tn New .~d dau~ter,. Ruth"MIu lAlla' _ .. ,D' B. ~11,~\ . " , •• ~ ~ !at. ~. iI•.. • _wu and ~ ....h. . . · ". tIeD "m be '....... Wa~ :Yor~. Rlcllard Sattel'tlnValte. , and ~ ~ . ~"~ ~ and JIlL," .... . . . . . . 1Ira, . La~ or I(ft.l:ialpb 1J, .~~.or ,~t4n. . ·A'I'Him 8'rA& D8ftcTlON hip. . . . . . u.I!I wID Up Saherth~te ~t , ;~_ W1th ,Janna;,~, iD. . . . . . . . 1 ~"'''''';Ud: 1Ira. ~~• .ftOaaSD ~~, oJ- P. I'roIDIa. 4!AAJItd - a. ' ~.:. Ill. . for.""'.", TliIll'ld&1. IlASONlC NOTiCE MI'. al!d Mra. Jamb' MmTt. and 8? IUIIta at . . " . ' " CIl.~ u..... ,of , ...- .- '9iID at ~ !Me. . '. I Jramlly of Sabtna. ~. to dO . , lira. .J. , R. Mena1e. lira. Alva " 1111" , '. . ''".""'i:--~~"'!!'''~ fCIr the UDlt ~ WlUftn . ",. • • • TbOlDplOn lin. a ' ~. JIUtaocIt . ...... ,.... .-... opID H~guIar communtcation of ,Way. . • • .. ' • . • .~ ....... ' , . ___ . "'"' B!rV. R. L. ..,mlqlet.ered lin . JoM.' PrGIDm. 'a d ...... til ..... u ..... 'ftuInIIa7. A nemDe 183, P.' aDd A. M. ,. miht ' bloomlng cereua ' . , . . . . ~ . . . . .tIog ...... aiftat. .... BUs- ~ .riGded Kutern stU ' In- .......... , up ...... a& Tuellday · even1n8. July 9. Work...--m belonc1h. t./) lair; aDd Kra. , O. K. or tb8 . . to ,...........: far , . . . .. ....... ~ ..........'IInIIbtIr GlIIr. uicL aPea&IaD at BlaDcbllter, Monday ..... .,... JUk Wttaa ..., .-r-. the Pellow-orart~. RIdie. ~okIecL lte nrg' bJoam. ....., flI' ... . .~. ._ . . . . . . bI·t.aiIOb _ lin.. ~ ........ of CJIend~. Tbta ,~ 11 .... PreniIIrIIut. W. II; SUtIdaJ DiIbt· 'JIt1e taloom ....... _ . ' -. ~.~. ' v_Ai'mlt.ae.aeo. 8~ ~~.. .
elecW9n will not. mean an Inc--in taJles. unth '''.. , the mUnlcl""'l.I~. 'Inanclal condlUon as It lB, fall~ of 1he levy -to pass, mlKht mean .~ne L curtailment of some present servk5eI . It was Intimated that even w1th the continuance of this one mllllevy, tUt!lI of WaynesVille reSidents would not be increued aDd perhaps be I~s next year.
Local Happen·logs ot
MI·.ml·' Play
Here July 4
• .
Local Hanpeamls •
Style S.L -w I.
$118 CI,ear.d A t · I a.aDd ea"mlva
New Century CI.
Officers IastaIlM
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Plant. w=~~
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..... 11. W.,~U'. Ohio • .u ....d Clau MaU Matter at P08~oftice,
Main. Street
~:'50..H; :'. =~~=~=~ John Barr. PQJ'01l,
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Johnson Myem. payroll. 111. Wayneaville, Ohio ' - - - . . . . . : . - - - - - - - - -... U'-Lb-U-IJO-n...;.~=~~r-~-:---' ,VI- Rosa. payio~. pao.oo:,IIJUO; Bail BU- Mra. 1M Muon ol Muon ,lpeDL . u~ 0 " B. C. Crane Editor and Publis he r ore. 1187.201 Ra)'lJio nd MuI- l&IIt week with Un. Alice c~ark: NEWSU)T8 In Lhe ,of :qle estate of ford,payroll. . payroll. ,M3.20; H&rrY Mount, MlaI .Elo1ae DaVia of Dayton J'e- " ~...... LeonidAS Slmon~on, dllceBsed ; !nveu. payrQl) 'llt.tO . , lSSUEQ EVERY THURSDAY turned rhome ThUnd ai after .~d. .Ftu'sl ~ Ness Cotnp l1l VS. E. E . t~y apProvec1. t . . " w . '~: Allen , payroll: _.tO~ 1ni a week wIlli 8~ Priee, $1,50 Per Year, Payable in PJerson . .nd, eL 1.: M rll. for ,330.51 with [n. Tn tl?-e l11atter 0 . iJ1e e_~ 0 li:nn16 Thoq1pson•. PII-Yf011. ~1,20; Advance Harry OorneU . . teresi; Maple . Maple. at.torney s. I a.belle Nixon, dece ed ; hearing • on Frank Wlllt1ns. :I piece. :I It. OJW. Owens ot WLlmlniton . Opal L . Oray VS. Roll1nli W. OFlly; .. IJlventory Is set to~ J uly 10. . gl~ed tUe, $9,00; Armel · Materi&la college was a' iUelt over sunda)' or dlVLl' '('. gru n Ille.c~; C, Donllid In the ma'tter or the IStat~ of Co .• r.,.. T. ~ar aad oU. 11119.2i; her coUalna ' Mr. ·and . Mrl. Hqward 'usll. at~orlle y . .Edmon Stewa~t• . deceased; .hearlng Dlla • n · ~hlo . ••':'. 'R •Nt. : oent ',1'6 'B9 lIuJ99a.rp 'Wt{a.zg Dewe....... A. E. FrancIs, as exej:ulor or the on Inve~tor r set for .July 11 . t t [t1Ud ::lSz. 'a.IJ1 .Il11dal 'ah.nJO II al'8(I Phon e 78J Mr. and Mrs. Sperry BOltno~ t and wHl of Anna D. HankJnson, deIn the Il}att.r or [.he esta e 0 Madden & <;:0., suppUea . ,38.60; H. of the M1lI6 Betty BoltnDtt or Troy were cllased. vs. Lydia Earnhart. , et a1.; Harry H. Pence. dec:eD~5ed; cerUncate C. HutohlnS Edito r Drug IStor~ ' luppUee. week ' end iUll\lta of Mr. • nd IoIrs. . . . .•• for construction of w1ll: Stanley & 01 Lraru;ler •.~'.IIiII'.~. ordered . · _.·.';·.'.'· ~1.65; Herschel H. James. pan., Ouy Routzah n and familY. !II S nlcy. attomey e s. Estate of Charles E. Penqulte, .d - ta.12 ; James SerVice StatiOn, 8&10' - -....- - - - - ; . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A lB.l'le number of persona trom - Henry Buchanan vs Ethel Buch- ceased ; lnheritance tI~x d~termi J.: ' hed Jlne, 111.17. , ' here attended the 'band concert and 119011 ; for divorce. gross neglect of all none. A NEW ERA OF REPU BLICA NISM ? The Standard Oil Co.. kerosen dULy; Arthur Br,ant, attol'1ley. St.a.te of OhIo V&. Charle. F . and gasoline, '81.32; Claude E- .Wil-e carnival at Waynesville SatUrdaY evenilli. TARVIA·LiTHIC TAR"4ND Rachel M. Pearson VS. H. Fred Baughman, Sr.. dl!~B.l'ged from son, gasoline, '1'.60; Smar~'s Garage, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Peterso Does the nomin ation of W e nd e ll "Villk ie in Philad el· Pearson n ROAD OIL; ; for divorce; wilful absence Dayton State ~oaJ'>ltal as teentally gasoline IDXCAVATING , $7.68; McCarren's ~l'Vloe and Mrs. Ida Stephens 01 Ind1anapphia, in one Qf the mo~t c olorfu l conve ntions ev r 11l~ ld DUMP TRUOK SERVIOJD by and gross negle. t of duty; Robert sound. Station. gasoline. '2.48; H. Gar- oils. Indiana. wefe Thursday IUMta the party, mean a new el'R of R ep ubH cani m? We be li eve W. Brown, altomcy. . Estate of Oharles E. penqulte. de- rison Texaco Station,W. gasoline , .of Mrs, Allee' Clark. PIT ~UN. LOADE D SOc YD. Charles A, Hall vs. Ada Hall ; for ceased; certificate o't transfer or- . $10.08: Wilbur it does. Swanger. services as Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenric& .nd divorce, extreme cruelty; Arthur dered. . Ever since the New D eal ha bee n in pow e r, the janltor of Memorial Hall, ) month James Halnea. callM on Mrs. Belle ty Bryont, attorney . Es~a te 01 Chauneey Ritchey , de-· ending 11-30, $25.00; Earl Hatfield of the G.O.P: has been," n ew blood, youn ger m e n, and . Fordyce and Mr. and Mrs. Charles ceased; InherItance tnx determined. l5ervlGes 'as mechanic, 178.60; The Harvey more progre ssive ' leader s. " Much h as been ·aid . but with and SOl1ll at ClarksvWe SunCOM tON JH,EAS PltOCI3EDlNG S Estil le of Frank Simpson , decellied Oregonia Bridge Co.. Phone, Waynesville 44 R .11 the excep tion of a move to intere st young R ep uB"lic a ns reinforc e .• day afternoo n. in private sale of persona l prQPCrty orLebanoD ment and parts. $2.561.8:1; I)llnd reoffice Phon. 47S-K,.-. the aftair s of the party, nothin g mu ch done to jV' c om))\is Mrs. WUbert Swank a'nd Jlmmle , . , h Anna Eileen YOLUlg. a mInor, by dered. llet for July, $257 .00; -.Sanco ProTIllie SWhtlK Belville Morrew spent . her Monday Pbone 1110iher In No. '. and Dayton. next Ditate of Harry H . Pence, ~cease d ; ~cWl Co .• 2 casel> roll paper 'his end. towel.l Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet at- rel.98·M. Wend; motion or plnlntltf to be 5Chedule of debts approved " for ' Oourthouse, $7.12; The Book tended the 600 Dinner Club BaturToday that party has nomin ated a man , \vho in th e ill- hell . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I'd June 24. Shop, I qt. Ink tor Courthpusc. '1.25; day .venlng at the home of Mr. credib le .hort space of a few weeks. has captu re d th e imand Dorthy Cannav a vs. Sebastian MAnRlAGE LlCENSEil C. Donald D11atush, rent of office Mrs. A. S. CoUett at Harveya aginat ion of young and old alike. bUJ'i. Cannava; motion of defendant for ,P1'osecuting attoml5'. month Mr. EVerett Clark and son of withdra wn, dIvorce . tc., 1.0 plalntUT . Paul WIlU ...n Hough. 19. truck I'ndlng 6-30: 820.00 ; The DI.!!trl.ct Dayton . As one 'Usten ed to the broad cas ts from Philad elphia , Irene called on hla grandmother, it was eviden t that WilIki e had the galler ies (th. c ommo n E1lvorce Wardlow VS. Denzit WanUow drIvel', WaYllesvllle. nnd Wilma T:;terculOila Hospital, hospltallza- Mrs. Mary Carmony and alao Mrs. granted . Lm:lIle Thon""s, 17. Lebanon. IIoR of Indigent 'tubereular patlents,. Alice ClarL. peop~e) behind him. The mere mentio n of , a few votes George M . Lahman VI!. John Holt ; Frank ~el}.J\eth SmiLh. 21 . l1o.rdREAL ESTATE $1811.00; CI,ty of Day l.on , board. from a small delega tion like Arizo na , broug ht lo Mrs. William RoIerll and dauahud defendant 'granted 30 days more. ware retailer, Mlam\$bllrg. and Vera $27 .70 ; The J . T. Barlow Compan INSUR ANCE chee1'8 from the galler ies. y. ter Miss Miriam Ilpe~ Thursday at ' Robert Lahman , mInor, by next B.· ther Willl.uns, 19, society editor. clothing ,. $23.25; Karl . D. AUCT Daldn. JONEER intbe . h ome of Mr. and Yl's. Bay YUWiIlk ie has indeed "ca'ug ht on," and with e a h pa s- frlelld, vs. John Holt·. defenda nt LEllUI10I1. ' ura nce on bu1ldlngs owned by ler at Bellbroo · . k and also v1slted Yr. grlmLed 30 days more. l.\;;== ========;:;;;;;;'V ElI!'1 Gentry, 22. farmeI, Lebanon, ~county, $519.08 ; The Brown ~bint 'diy, it becom es more eviden t that I'egal'd l e s of whom ~ _ _iii__iiiiiiii Jerry Rqters at Mlaml V.alley lUiI- _ iiiiiiii iiii alUI Cora Welsenbergel', 19, Lebanon. lIshlng Company, IPl'lnt1ng. "UII; tl)e Detno crats nomin ate, a better choi , pital Dayton on Sunday : c ould not hav e· PltOBA'fE COUll'!' Edgar Kennetb PuIs. 21 , factory Woodrow-Well-Stanage Co., ven- 1\(J'a. beeD made by' the Repub licans . Taft a na D ewey, both ab Katie Reecler,- and daUlbters. l w!;l'ker. Germantown. and Es~ber dor's . license receipts. '1.60; 'lbe meD, lack the "spark le" that is Wlllki e's. Misses Ruth Eva and Ethel were Esta te ot John Adam Ritz, de- Loullie DeardofJ, 20. Fl'lanklln. OffJ.ce OUUltters, repairing band Sunday dinner iUelta of Mr. and Altho ugh head of a big utility compa n y, Willk ie iH ceased ; first llJ1d final aCCflUnt Cl~d . Eryon Wade Nelson. 27, che\lUcBI stamp, '1 .82. The Omce Outfitters, Mrs: Howard FaLrchU Eslatc 01 Mary A . Sco!1eld, de- • glneer, Dnyton , Imd Clarisse d IUId IOn at . 1 rf>am Hlf~made' (Ind' ~nderstands the comm on m a n. .bond lor auditor 's olla . Osborn. .;. cea~ed : second and lInnl aCQount SHaffer. 211, teacher. Carlisle. S~5; Stakalta Mfg. Company, S500 Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Clw'leton . Bette r stilt" he t$kes up the Repub lican banne r wit h - rued. }'lelvln Lnmb. 18, .farmer, Ore- pre!lmlnary 8IIIessment certUleat.es out the b,urde n of promi ses and traditi ons'. H e went t.o t h e Eestale of Una and cbll4ren and Yr. Emery CharleBaxter. deceased ; gO llla . and Lu Ve'rna Bo.llard , 17, lor auditor . ,62.50; co..v~nti,on "unbo ssed" and it is our belief that , ton attended the Charleton reunion h e will 1'e- second and !Inn I account. flied. Clarksville. . The OHlce OuUltters, repMl1ng at Hannon Park, LebAnon on SunEsmte of Luella THomas . deFloyd Huddleaon, main unbos sed io the comin g month R of the ca mpaig n. factory t~pt'wrlteT lor auditor •. $2.00; The day. . ceased; .schedul e of debts approved. worker, Sou t.h Lebanon,22. : Ildtn' POll AND CONSI GN and MarIe Ohio Law Reporter Company.. IUb!f.be ne'Jnin al.ion of Wende ]) Willki e indica tes a n ew Yr. aDd.llolr!l . .• walD Beradal l ,Olll' CaUl•• bO~"P aDd Estate or Wo.lter R. VanNess. de- Nrwman . 21 fa tory vrorker, ~u~ calv.. scription to OhIo Law Reporter for and dauahter M~ Gladys Robin: era for the Repub lican party. F ceased; transfer of renl ,estate ordel'- L bunon. ~ fO~· U:: .~ ' pro~ecuting attorney to 1-1-41 .....00; ed. t ~. . .nd rood ..rne.. LOI en Minnick. 23, service station The OffIce Out! ttera. 1 calle Scott eon left. by motor MondaY mOrn1ni ' to v1slt relattves .t Romney, Va., .... S.... Yanla' Claclau tl.,;R: MOS ny ~BOUT P~OPLE AND THIN GS EMnte 01 I7ank S mp5on. ccr tlfled al trr.dallt, Frank IIn, a.nd .AUc~ ,,, 1 ream bond , 2. d -n_ . b t",. \le, ~A le or Tull. oz. , . ID. OD pen"":", Badlo r w ere .... Statloll .......- y will ape .... wedaUJ ... of Inherltllnee tax Ot l 11:11 11:'0 p. lID. Chumberlaln , 20, Franlilln. for Gar tor .prosecutlll(! attorney; 111.80; The weeD. Mr. E- ~. BerKdaall coup of Dayton DlU'Ut meo "Uh auditor. nporta . . aara~n Beeds in brigh t fourth Mond ay in t h e mont Ofi1ce OUtfitters, J;Jlolsten'e r. ·dater accompaWed .them, h , Estate of Chaunccy. Ritchey, deUEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ribbon, etc., tor Probate (lourt. lUI; u.ue paekal(~s in 'fr9ilt of gives one quite a . Willi Eva and Ethel Reeder via. .. thl'ill ... it ceased; trtlnsfer or ~cal estatt or-. . MllIer...Bryant-Pleree. 100 abeet. lted YlIII Eleanor Homer in DaySmlt_'. groe.ry·,.~Emma Mae sUre makes an 'ee'r ie sound ... dCl'ed. C .J . Pierce to Michal,! M. A~. blue pe}loll carbOn. $3.411; statilt ~~ on t he ' Mason Joe Thomps~'s b lack a ton ~ur~ay. , dog is Estnte or Chl1o).lDCIIf Rluh~ , de- CL al.; part or ,lot GS'JUn .' . . " Prankll n. Mfg; pompan,v. l ,flle case for clerk . Yr. 1Uld_~ ~blrt B1ney " . hi . ceaset! ; July and 12 s ·" f ill' hearing on Milford Aile to ~1l t E1a . :;s 01 court, '135.00; ' P~.ne b8~ ,When t~t t~a~ ~~-. a~ msep~\l~.., e. ompam Qn, Shield Exper t Herel A,aiD . nt Record Mr. •nd Mrs. Kesler , ~ na s 8c11edule ·o( de\>ts. n i l i ' m . Gorpbr Wayne BVllle ••• radlos h e makes hIS round s a s auon, mlcrofll J. MElNJ WU)(, _ _.. ~ ; ~ mlnir 66,000 , turned Sunday eveninl from. trip Estate of Chauncey Ritchey, de- aore In Fraqklln tOWDJlbip, he,a rd ~H over town nightw atchm a n ... Doc Stout ceased ~ph JohDs and .Atll~a Johns to pages. 1990.00. Prea O. James, food thr9Uih KentucQ'. TeDJIeaaee and Expert 01 CbJcqo , wtU PerIoaa UJ lie ; distributIon In kind ordered . ~la.nc he Wade; 0.22 acre In West for l.te- Thursday night during in a big hurry to wind up Estate Impounded. dogs, '2.85; Chlna part of.NOI'ib Carollna. ''lbey v1a1ted In oa,1oa, OhiO, '" 'bl M1amJ ae-" of Myron Willard Tucker. Wayne township. . Korgan , invaUd. ca:•. •.001 · the . Repub lican conve ntion pdd tmd ·'ends 'in ord er- k1 decellse Ownberland Gep, NQlT1a!lam and lei, MOnda,. aDd . .tulJ -... . d; settlement of dutb pOlntEmel'so n Harper and Mary Barp· . ' in d W d tpe ~~y Uti. I t :" h' , t' . h F' . . ' dcd tua. admlnls IftIID 1 tral.or. Po t a t - , JiO~ ate · ... Po m. ... e ' r to George ~n; e s .ah - ~A-per and Elva IS vaca IOn .•. n~ El;late r$ Myron WLbl'd Tucker , ~. atld Mrs. Haney Burnet vll-. " " - to 8 p; .... - . £> . now WilJld e•••)Ve velltu re : most .alre em plQyea , andAhe-l'e c; lted ,loIr. arid Mrs:" EvertoD Bayne!' are <recell e ; s etnent of death claim ' Harper : 18 acres In Warren . De~()CratiJ would rat her lots of them aroun d Wayn near Bprl n~ Sunday .fterDOO lL MR. esMl!!INl ot:dered . lAlWI sa y I; · Th • cou nty. , have seen most anyop e ' else vi I Ie, ta lk ing Q er pros pects 'IIl the l'Ilattel' of the estate of E,sle F. Franz alld Kenneth f· UelDbarc1.l ShIeld Is • , tremendoua By (]abrl!1 Papi . 'i, ' • lmpri;vemen~ lIPOWD · G. Hetzler; tract In , f b pro-. 8llEabe Smith, deoease d; dlstr1~- Franz to Lottie '~OTI(JE OF PUBLIC IlUBlN G dUcIM as e Repub lican stand . ' ard ~ tmm...... -te re a ' oulta. It ....._ . usy summ er .. :some- tlon In th kind ordered OF TIlE. . WA'VWS ' TOWNSHIP Hamllton townshIp. . I."'-..o.l.-.~I0t8 · ·, of ,farme rs in .times there is a s lump at this .... RuaAL ~'i'. OiSTiJ CT -.... 10 10 dAys OD the : .ver~elVdHarry' J. and Rose Stauverman to . Cinclnnat1: - Theae are trytq In the mi\tter of the estate 01 Erwi ~w. I.a st ~~e,k 'Yith work season of the , year ... , ' P d 'Selm' lesa or a1Ie or'loc.t1w of nmtu re_ C .... 1. days for toe Reds, ,t h e Frllnk Simpson, deceased; certlflc a" whose. tt'em ... • BVOG ,. . 11" n . an • ' om....,; ...ots , I. h~ld b ae k b .:.t:!: , " T 1'."".. . k ' t b I ~ of transfer ordered . Intll;ritance tax 1802, 1801 an .:..-1:-. '.., • no :matter bow h&ri1 yOU' won-I t b&e . ecause 0 f pre tty l'ttl 1 e Nar 4, 1805 'in Loveland. JUs e OV to w10 their second stralih t N.tlon~Tnest N-"~ L. 11 Harlan h.-by ..tve,n ,to Everett P. al LeallUe pennant are 1belJ:li ctlalo~n" ..... no hun r~8, .•trucks un]oad - the old power house. ~t~PI 'or cllJlltlen _ Ome. .,.:. .,....., ~'" •• ~ U,-t ~_ determined. W' . • Harlan; 85 acres In I Wayne town. lenged by l5everal clubs who. bave , . . :no _ -:t.go'"l .at the l'ocal' Kro' g er 15th day of UIIa' " JUlY. In lHO tile matter of tile estat~ of U at 8 o'ola ranaem~Dta.. (No . S~1')' or ._ • • pubUe he&I'1ni wW be held tlon 'l'reat.IIii!Dr:a UItd., . ~. 1liJtCElla KGBllng. deceased; Inventory lihlp. ~17, .''Store in 'the Ideas of their own on, ~ . • pen. p. '.m., wee tumSOMI I'MEM OJUES th b .. _.. , .... by ... , hard '.baa , been _ I.... he"', 'or ,on . • u_v. ...--. ...... ... Norman L. Richmond, deceased. nant race should . - , - - • .' \. II approved. r:-t. ' years to Jessie H. ruC~OPd, 13.357 acres . .'Ilte Cha1le~gbe·l'UD. hoon ·of· ; the m'orn inJ.'.. 'I " .• teams are in the : Board ot ~\IOIltl In the o'n' ma~ter ot the of Wayne till " estate ...... u· .,__ of . in _.... H~iltot :i to~. . .. .' . 'w.&~nnelons ' in the 'stores ... . Th~ old covere d bridge mIddie .of a ' Natlo~f League , 'new ~P ~ School D:at.rlct at of staruey .~....... Beltz, . ..u "'i1~~~~. deceased, ~ventory Frank Slmn.on · 'N. b 1ong until . . we can C deceased to deal" whose Plan'k " la ",, " ....eat... WurmOOUDty. Ohlo, · h' h h d t ' d wea',~ ' for 'be Dext ~! cause wealtneaa. ~I!cb', COD~. orWlD , W IC '. a .... . I · . ' .' 0 glVe awrove . . • II' 9 _.---'11 _- fiscal,. , Perry B. Simpson anli :Mattle Veldt; • ~' oUr .~eeth into some way to a moder n steel' .atlpatlon, · nervO\LlDes8 . t\Gm b " 'strengthened second ~,valon, wb1cb . . yea, and encl1na De-', pains, etC., In the matter .of ~~ the ' or ludd e~tate . 8f 150.58 acres.in Havlp.ii towmb!p. . makes It pretty Wugh .for ·aD1 club ~ Il, lMO. .oDcJ'..old . c~oJl -the-cob .•• a . concre te span ... hundr ed s of Edward A. Mayer, deceased; ached.. • ..l . ,, __ . en . ea '. . Bucb b...._ e WID be bald .t ... :. .. ariIul · .. . . -!\1o~ Stiles to Eqna, E. SWes' to tatten up wb1le " ' &contend1ni rtwJa " ~ '. --.- . . , ~ ';of .Lytl~ f~~rS 'con- initial s ,cut in its. vener able ule of debts approved. 52.13 aQres In Warren count ', ....... . . . . ' . . 'are . batt""; ' cam-other. tn the matter of the estate ot 0~ .O;f tbe...Board or~ Bd~t1oD . ln · ~)'IDpr 1.~e &Yi!-,,~ c ~ .... ~ '" . ISh B' 11"~~ y& Loa 0 f..... th . ;ub IT,,,a lll( In ·tuet oifi~e at. wal 1sand joisLs. .. lemer nber ' · tba... __ ' . ... the u'''b School bUll........ W."".II·- ba,e, retume 'M~e Mlalll ... urg 11 (...... n ne 0 e w d after S~ an.n.;. . Susanna 8 ....... . l'4ceker, C9JDe •" decease ,... c . d; hearing lIfs- tat! ," . ' ....... h t ·.;... · .. !...-'. ,, ' " ' Em th fr t • I , , , . ,~7 . 11' 'f" : ......:.. ' V~, Ohio. . 'ER!w,.MlllittWH: ~t'Jf!s elevat or ... ow i~ rum b'led wh en an t r ' J Jy 8 oc . Q.n· 0. "" _~ncer ". ; , i " , tI_ and ,or lnJeotio e n Treatment. on ~ .. , spa er 9 · c on...,....e r.a' _ scln . ' otr . u ' tt' f ~ tl~' . ttl . " t f .110 u,. II JDvlted C. Colema b Wli' n; 10ts .31 aad 32 In hopes U· P1ttsburrll,. ,w"hsoh Im~ ,. ~....... ...qn he ~a er 0 le se .emen 0 . c e y a OUt au t 0 or h eavy t rue k passe d ~ . . JIABTSOOK. ' ••.•::~-'_lCJ.:....~LenHe , . .' the ... o~~ . ~", ,. Franklin. r ~ . 1 ' -' . q1_10 IItullmgs out., pf. the ,BrOPkl -....ul'< IIIASIJ · JO cro~ _aDcl ~"e Europ e.an :wa~. th~ough It ... sa le bllls and the estate of Marla E. WUIJatnB, de..1....... .. "'........ ..:..t ':.t~}1:. " " ' ·; W' be ' . ~ ,; . " ceased; entry determining Inherit'" Mae. YI~I~ to .. , IIIIIIlODI a'&UI to l'O\l . l'IPI E. Boyden; 21 Dodgers- a ' 1;Jt~e: ~Ver' a,.~ ., ... . ,~.~.e·Ve Ileard severa l 'pe9pJ e Pll!o,c,~rdll ' naile~ on eithello ance tax to be e wtu.Gtu~. '(Onl1 ~~- . ~ ;. paid Is ordered eerU- acreli In Karl~ to~ll!lp. . havi oted the'i ,Demo'. end !for .travel ers to read ... ~l~ fled to the auditor. and who whiPped ~fI G~~~, a \\:bi' -&DJ,.' -' " ~'" . !1~) Mae Wll11~ to l.o~etta, H. WIls.on; doublehead~rpn til• . ~uud&)'- l1l'iI r. ; . . • I ~h tte t t h t a t . 'f : ~ ....q 'I. . ~'. " .~.' . 5~acre sinH8r lan townapl . • ~; p. '~Ue .tidtet In,t,lle: ~!~~. ~~y Bo ~i>atent medic ine ads ... the Tlll~e D~a:e: d:Ce~sed;e ceding ' ttieJr mHtlnlf -wtth tli. : .~;': ." ', ' , , ~,~ ~trll;: '.. tI:n Jacol? Enz to PIi9Ip, ~ . . Em: 39.32 Dooien e : _. tlieX!r I . 1~r' W.ill.ki~ ...~ntil board. floors ~ore out , every • ~-' .~!WW.~'ft:=~ In the . matter of ih. esa'tte of acres in Haria? tolY~p. " 7,OIl ..et \lied ~o it, the siren once In a w}i11~, and . TJlese .s~ trQ).lbl~e ~ ~~ It was Lewis Drake, ~,:,Tam.,~~.t~ "'~h blows. :for ~he meeti ng quitQ an oc~asion when new of proCeed . deceased; dl.strlbutlon Nellte H?pper to '\1al ter R, F1t~, wlU iJlvade the ~),~~t tor an af,. cJea.w -.,....,.... ~~ ..... ' s of lillie ordered , lot 349 in Franklin. I. . te~oqn d~lel'lead~ ptl.;..':1!~"' " t'f ' ~d of pro~eeds '~f sale ordered, ~""..:f.o~.:J;Z > . .. ~~org~ .;8; JOhnaon ! ~ Maude B.. Jutr ~. ~ ,WID .• lao, ~ ~ ,. ~~~ ' v~ . , s~ co~ ,an d. ~:mes ~ere, I al'd • !D ~ . Tn the ma.tter. of tha estate of Johnson; part of IQt ~ In ~banon. ~ ' • )~ ~ '~.,. " , T <;r l+ " • > ' toW,Jl ..'tAJ_~, t~ ~ in ,& ladl.; I'.."', '.'f"'qM ' . . .;u-;::o , :. ,1. OTH' ER VAll EY NEWS PAPE RS VI W Sliurtil '. . Sr .' to ,. BOlli Red' da' y event .... lilmel'J Lee Lindsey ~t-o.."" . deCeaQei " ,. ~ 1; ,~ report . . ~Y1IIU t • ~ " , 'OIllO, " .' '. I .. ' . f ~/3ea·.d ',' ProPoaa " ', la ' wUl be' re·c.lvecl , ,. ;"tfe:._·f'I.~ ;. "'~"'r'.!l' 1.6 dm1nl8t·ra trlx d. ~;.p'~ dick ' ~' and IJe.. Redd.ck l' Iota 1. ' and <Ftldax ~uJi 0 . • 1. th. · oM~1 of atulfove · .. be S'-te . HI.bwa 5 .. . ·~' ".....' ' .,.' ~" , "· . " ". . . , ", . .. . , , ' ' . . , , 'f Dlnoto ~ .otO~l~o! f , that In the matter of the settlement of ' po In. ~u~ Le~l~. QillQ.' tU /.t.n uiltU .b·ol.......:at.AColl1l1\1) K. l1" EUtani . .• sd.10C)) .and COllege gradu ates ~!:le)!r ook~ ~ .' " ;JtiIY. '~I; . ~' who believ e the IlIItateoof EI1zabetb 0 .. Packer, Ma.ry, f1.. : ~flel.d " ~~e~, '8~~ :Tlm.i r,tlda:1, 'l llh,. 1!.,., .... by m~1:k edUcat ioJi., is the. only requil :emen t for seeuri ng a job face ~WlllI .i?'. ... 12.P,Dl.~; , ...,:~r6:~'-l:iIO liD. art GIl " deceased; inheritance tu · deter- wW t{) Mary Estella POUlns, et al.; leg ~~me si!l~~, !\IJ8:~t tJ1e lequl~. a.,_b Riq.·'aceol'd ing. to a l'ecen t survey by In:ves tors mined.. ~~ ~nJ(Y.~ 'otd!i. :caJ'ADatt. ,part of ,I!)t 37 .In .~. ' . ' eastern cl.ub'8~ '~e gam~ wU1 ..~:ab....:.: : f u "· • I'· 'Ie d In the matter of the estate of Cora SchnelL ~ccea&ep. by alfld~• ~i.W!U le:~o. ~~. t ':\&-'~ru.;. 1:J 8j~g...., (» ;&I'dnn~~po IS, Wh'lC h h as d'IscoV'ere'd t h a t iea played Iig:UflSt BrooklyJi anCI , NeW . vlt to. WUll~.m . Scbnelt ; J,00.58 acre~ York. \iO,c,i1'IPl.lotnl::::'·.r..!I.~~ID~ "':lla , ·bI,t.. ~":': ~ '.'~."..\l' ..,. .;tlD, ,e m,.p.loyer~ in mos.t states survey s a"re , lookin g- Louis C. Kalbe. t\Vo,.i JiQlea jP.!!J.I~ ' Boitton; '. Ji''vem.~C,?'' . " 1II.~t con~t.t • . , '!" , decease d.; wlll ad- In Harlal} township. I ' . and . f,,"r" gbmeS~ agalnst"tile phiwe. ' , . ~, ""'~r, .bove · a'l e~se. ThiS has been true f~)J' g.en~ra mltted to Probate; Louis H. Kalbl . ," , . ~ ~ WI .~tRb .. P.~Jve~~n1t- • . teet aDd Val'_ . • . . . - appointed executor. Enoch Cham. , " ~ el.. f"4wa, ~illll\Ill ~cbnel1 tD' PI:allk Simp- Doubleheader~ are pcb~u1i!4 .. ~ ~".t llad varlabl • . ut ·more stress i8 b~ing placed· upon th~ impor tance lbe~laln . W1lHam ~ t(Eeffm" " a&~'''~:or:t...a....IDII'' .l' ' F.rguson and so~ ; same. ~ " . . SIW,da}' . JulY' I4-; an" . ~ ~ ' Jul1' f1f II:b'a racter today than 'e ver ,before , the survey s howed . MattIe and. George Veldt to Perry 21.' '... ·,c.:::r:~H:1l i~idli.te:ct ~a:i'::i: • Oeorge Uhlenbrock appo Int • d Btt- . , c , ." , ' ." , -.;~'-*t."o-I • ben l1t:i'iiiI.. ' ; , . . ,''J: Tbia not new, but merel y a reaifir ma·tio.n of wh~t in- pral3ers ~ ,! • . T.. ~ a.laUID w ... fo h paid to . ~~ allldHBe~9le $:~n ; 6i1<l ~- . ~" " d.:........ ',UuI.bu aiJieu exn-ec ts· of .ew blood. It is as a 'jJplic- In the. 'mat~el' .1. ':~l."'::::i~: '!:'~~~4t~Q~I\I·wY:.r'T. of tile eatate of _... WI . It: ¥ " '.',NO!,ICI: 0 ,1" 8PEC~ ~~ ,_ .n ·. . Emma Debold, deceas_ed; Invento -. s n ar \Ill -..,"~I~~ 8I!1I1dIil li of ,~P.r.\'aljln. . ~oUrI~ . tAr.the A9n-g iad·u ate as ~.he~gradu~te, fol' one ca n , by -. f' 'tiLf:,AGE OF""WAYNEI01VIJd.E t;t .n~r'-lne4 ,Dd D.t-r:- . .~ BILL$, ALl.O~'~D , '. ". " ""'J" ANNUAl. lj1iJjO ';' . ~ I " .. ~....u ' ti I th ' d t bTt f th tl approve d. ' ~II ...... ..ca .on"eq ua,'. , ~rll! ! 'Rer"tlo :' ~p~~!!,~~t ,~~,~.t:~ e{l ~;p . a 11. YO . . e o le1' . ..In ' the: ma.tter.ocr the estate of . '! , ~ ,:,,' ,' . . . ' • • ,j '~. ', " '. , : HI_"'&7 Departl a....r; t~4!"'D~ WttliOutebatai~t, ,bowe:ve"f:,. a",,;pt~bility a~d educa tion, l\lrank M' Col!tn,s. lfIm~e",.~ , B.Gt,~ U .... '. deec~sed ; scheilulc Andrew Bell, I~V!lycl '~!l.r'e, ,:'.00; '" NbtlU Is,hell!by 'r1vell' l •.....1. . . -11A th&t:OD . ' sti14 . ..,uch tQ ije do~e !11 America. ;.~ ~ JQbs ~r'debts approved: .~;a. ~~!:~I;Q~\'J""~& o~ , ~e : ;, John 1r. WIJson~; ~~va.lld .~, '7'~i· ~ (kay, of .Jul~; , 1iNl :.t .".lll.t»Je f~r :those of charlJo cter ' ',those who are ' In th!l IMtter of tht .,.... bll· ~ ·c~rtf :-ldme':~:e~lIWJtb~' estate , 11& L. B. Ste~I~, . lfi.Y~lld . "'~" ~:OO; ..Od . ~ . !!c!lt 1', -Ill" a ,P.,PltUo,~dearJDii will . , 'f "'.' E1vJs .Wh1taker..deocased; Viola Hay- Newton S~amper ''eCiual to Ilv.~~n 1'I(~dllil~"':tlP'p:lx'~eDisE~¥e8' ~ndwol'~.no !'f~ . or . tb:~=" . . I~Vafta care, be ~eld.'on . the llUtlget JDpai'e cl, by t by',the .clock .but,·nJe appointed ~dmlhlstrator. · ~eot.r& ~' ~Ia."~D 1DOft · . '10.00; , Ed ~laer: , N ld car.e; ';the :qo, U IIC1i oI 'Pur Vlllage orW., . ·, .~h~r.n.' The.rt:SIlI~ ~t . thls S,u.rvey Til the 'mlltter , ot tl\e estat'jl of '5.iKI; ' tPiaa. ~D: .Pedtlc at.::. are ' ~ ' «;JertrUCie .f~nee. " alld 'care, :neavtp f ; W.ap-en ·.coWt.ty.. ,~, 1P't .'~• • YOllltll,A 8earch ot W.o .' .k ~o ;.take . s tock . of ' MYI'~8'. Le".ls, tb:d:~== hl.~= .decelllled; Vlo.la Haynie '$8.00 ; Allee ,M. Arnold,· lnvalid :ci.re. the J}e:rt •. :> _. .. ' . aUoceed lwi-IU.~ l1ac.l) eq '.ad.~ 00 XIIl'UI,n a of· .~tiatcater .can l earn any bus,i. I \. '.' . .:;!. 1e.IIU"'t- dINCItol'. - .~-t " n.ppolnlll!d , adqtlnlstrata:.IX, Or. a n' t. ""' ' • , ; Ella. H~. ·1n'll1l1l . ~Ial~". t5,OO; 1ng • ..... ' Inc or r~l"", n.:e~ 81.. ~ " rtablc to : . . .'uu ...... those of supe.l'b-~edt~eati()n· w rro.HoJl .Jeet a~ all bl... ldn.ii" He~ Grole qA~ ~~~ Sll()a_.qlem. mo~! . m~ue~.t6~; .' ." ~d bea~.1 .flllJa tllI .. ..--1.ft bTt ""b t b i !»1 be &ejja at tile 'lJ . SII)IL}\ appo~te d appraisers. .. , :~t. -Y&k:':.t,~ P. H. ~~~, re~on. '5.00; ,'" office of·~e. Villq'e ~. w..n~t a lh lI y" . .U &be u~ lleiS . WI f It'I the matter 01" the es~te of • I.jlit ']1' Dr. Jean A" k 1f~; . 1IftTownah I .j1~1U".a.., 1p Houae. y 0 e 1> Wl IIIa' wor ~rs. 0 LJly.M" J!:gbelt. deceased; Bale.f " •. -..6a- 1_ h .... . . . 'n ' . , • 'ftIe .... Ji~~~~~~~;; real Vice•. $8.00; P. J. 'B:Hr .... _ ........ WIll • • • _ ..- . ... 'K ,~,., O~ VIgge~ kViJle Star. ,~~ God 1fiI1 ~ .;;;~-I"'i' , 115~~te:appro"ec1 and coDt1rmed; ells ,3 jlaija vJ,e1tQr., w-1bf( a, etI. . . A. Ii ai, __ . ,.;I....U,. ~ ·tIIe . ~.'
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copies .-----, of the UUlual cat.lOiUI! listing premluma 'and rqulatf ons tor the 1018t annual Greene CO\lJlty Fair have been dlltrlbu ted,. It waSI announ ced SaturdaY l!Y' Mra, J . Robert Bryson Secretary of the tair boli{d. Th1a year's fair WU1 be held July 30.81. aJ1d Auaust , and 2. and will ap.tn be .. day and; Iliiht exposlt1on. . P. O. Work To S......
-" , velt adell- . ..... _uca ~, lIAn7 '. Mlaa1ldlne ~Lon mee'tlnI at PblladeJphla. con- UOD&l _PIJI'OIJriation of an \ approld - .and eon. of Widuta . KIln .. are vlaltlta'lIbOra ta*: Prlday mately ftve bWton cloUara tor .n- ... tile 'ClnDer', brother O. O. M1as: .terqoon With the . oamInatlon or larlJ1nl ~e Nationa l , Defenae pro-.. ~lne. WeDdeD ¥- WlWtlI. 011 IJld1ana an4 pam; haa ,b rolllhl . a ratber' \ ~ mlad : N.w Yolk. ' for PreIldent. and r.ac~ OIl Capital BlII, It 1 ~/ ~ .. beIni DoD D,llatuah. ~oaecutLna .attor~ tInttec1 eta_ Senator O~l.. L. palnted out by lOme of the J ~ N.t1oaal pey . ~ ~&rren . county. WJU ~ tbe __ M Nary iii OftIOn. tor V~ PreIl- leaden that Consre u bU ~ apeak,!, ~_ at the Oraqe meet.lnf next \ __ Robeti I •.' Taft, of apprOp 1ated i'nore ttYe_ bl1UoD nlaht. Oldo, Wu the ItrODIe I t con ~ delJarI. tor dlrec:t ,N ational Defenae .1; . ( tender' apbiIt ..... WUlk1e tor; the PurPo- and baa 'l'be New Cent\1ry club FrIday Ylam1t bw..-Pr eUmlna rY work ~Identtal ·nomtDatlon. ' DurIng prtatlon l ot tOW' on bllUou dOllara ad- at the b~e at Mn. Ruth Janney. the conatru.c .t1on 9t Miamis burg's 'ce'l>a'" lti.- Of th. ballotlnc the dtt10nal tor the eniarae meDt .41~ Ir . .~1 I ~ of ·the 22 member s respond ing ~!he roll new. nnat office bu1lding will start ..... . nomlna tlon. -. aI senator Taft ap- Navy .. a part of the Nattona l Pe- call th th beln "Who' Wh...... • e erne RESTO RE slleen and luster g s o." aaoD. accordi nr to .word received by .1""J"Io p"ared likely. However. when 141ch- tensep rolr&m . Aleo that .I to drab-Ioo klnll balr. try a reconthe Po6tma ater lian and Pelmlf. lvanla thl'!w their a~ounta already appropr iated WlWam Alexander. dltlonLn8 lreatm~t befora a .ham. aJ¥1 C, M. Robltle r will open hllawlm - Wednes day. warli to 'WllUde on the alxtb bal- authorllel1 are' u ·much aa can lie mlna POOl to 5100 . Mix one tablespoonlul each or the public Prl(jay. July : t the' fi8ht wu over: t.n4 .Qover- spent withlq th. next year odories l castor oll. olive oU and and a • . ThIJ Is the mO!lt up-to-d ate pool New ParIdn& 81a'na n' or' Bridiir... bead. of the Oblo batt to two y~•• ~ that Ilycerin to8etber In a tin cup and any &4- In Ohio. II.nd will be patroniz ed exheat. Part fbe baLr In section . and d~lfIl"t1onl moved to malle.th e ngm- dltlonal appropr iation made at th1s tellS1ve'3'" b Y peopie . rrom n e&Ji)y LeOan0 n-.9tree t OommlllSloner Ollft .pply thi, mixture with your aniertJps. lnation at Wendell L. W1llkle un- time could not be expende d for Na- cUIea and toWlll. Hifar reporte d that ninety- minute IR.le.."d by Weltern anlmou s: Senator Taft Immedlately tll:nal nefenae purpoees for Newlpap er Uruoo., - parldni atiJlll wm be erected on ' teltPhon~ Mr. W\ll1de. eKtex).ded ~ months to come without wastemany 0 anu TWEN: ry YEARS AGO Broadway and Mulberry .treets c:onara tulaUona. and pledpd h1a extravagan~: That this 'Wl ai Prt IIIlJ 7. 1820 about the middle 01 July. l~al aupport In tht - coJiUna cam- denti&l requelt. It it Ie made. for Paten· ~.Uie apprOprIations wm be ItUdied Th. Ml8se1! Ann1e and . Mame Farm Groupe To M.e et ...... leJUUy .....t~- ".AIO~ ••' __ a1 "ft Browne will --nd their 8UDUIl8 l va.... "" ...... ....,....~.,.,...,- -. ~- ' , ~.-h' ...... N. t10n II taken. ·lI certaln. cation with relatln s Ih OentervWe. PI w..Nn lwn. w ere Comblne.s ore starLing their year~.. Lebano n-Warr en counUana rep- ly whine. a few binders are Dtalera and Democrat.s· abo~ . 1t .. starting reaentlnB the oraanlZed IllgflcuJt \be pneral ~1l-c:enaUi at , 4pln1on MIllS Kathan ne Prender gast Is en- Il·,ttrest s of the coUnty wUl ural "nd hay Is still Ln the making. The meet sun Is shining bri ghtly: Wondlll' talat ~ nomIna tlon .or .Wendell L' Joylnl a villt at Cleveland. Niagara PrLda,y evenLne. Ju~e 28. ,at 8 o·cLock. why no one ever conunen ts 011 tllat? WWIde for; Prealde nt on the Rtpub- . and week. in the county lklaD UcPt means that the comInl office at the We growl enough about t he roln. Courtho use. County Ailent David The oC&IJlPIIJIrn w\u be a beated one. with Mr . and Mrs. Thomas Fordy~e lab ~~ Har.e~ and Mable SalB. BaUey aald to·-day. Items . 'o.f now of West Carrolt on Ule final rlllUlt In doubt. W11Ude II are al~~<na uet ." an !~ne= J : Inte=est to rural people 01 tile county nouncl nl the birth • ~er. forceful 'c:am~r. with ST. AUGU STIN. CRuaC R of a son. Doug.-~ . ne .. and ..._e Whlt wtll be d1ac\We d. laa Rusaell. at Miami Valley I'a>a• charm aDd ptrsona llty that pI.na .• Y. a. R. Kru,mbol&l. II T D, pu&or :~:: Oxford. spent the Fourth at pita! June 23. who weighed elK blm ·the .frlend.lh1p and IUpport of MaaI' Bunday . 8:00 a. m. omea. Named Membe r of Board pounds and th1rteen ounce.'!. Mr•. tb.clM with· wbom be oomee III COIl, Mr. carl Prye was man1ed to MIla ; Fordyce has reurned to her home tact, A bard bltter an4. • pbrueGlenna Coot. at CenterviUe. &tLebano n-R, HiWard Oreenwood. now and Is belne cared for maqr.. It Ja' c1alnJed b" DYIQY ·that ST by her EPISCOPAL urday. by Rev. J. A. Pine. Mr. Prye Lebano n attolDeY. has bl!en named mother. Mrs. Tom Orusho n. Both WJ!lkIe 1Pll prove . to be a more CRVaC K is a prosperous t the a member of the board o.f the OhlA) moth.e r and son are doing well. c::olorfUI than RooIeveU. aev. a. L.• IIadlwe U, BeeAw IOn of Charles Prye Publlc Health aS8OC)II.t1on foUowlng '~" Mr. and Mrs . P. J . Thomas W4lrtl mate. Obarlea ,L. ._ til da hte of". nd u _ .... a 8lll~ meetl.ns held r(~cently at present at a n-... R bl'MIDNFJ 01 -_..... dinner given by Mr. e ua r _r. f.IIP'L _n '1TH St1NDAY API'ER 'llRINIT Y .., a -..c. ...... . u_ ft_" ,...~ Cook. 01 near Perry. To.edo Wh1ch ........ 't' .uS. Greea- and Mrs, Lawrence Thomas of Lab lAadil' of the Senate .ll¥ laD& ' 1:30 a. m. Holy commu nlon. . at\.end. . 1ll10n Buday In honor of Mr. and Uown for b1I poUtI.cal • 11 a, m , Holy Oommunlon and Mrs. Paul Hough (WUma Thoma .) q '~. He Ii Just the type aermon. Orqonl a ~ IDJaI;ed 01 who were Tecently nIlrrlt't! . Alao IndlvtdU al to belt In .. a : TUl!:BDAY mate to WlUkie. on a politica l team. '.I .p. m. Ohurch 8cbool present were MI'. and Mre. lirvln BUmmer lAbaIlon - V. R. Retall1ck. 36, Thomas . and famLly. Mr, and ' Mrs. SeeIioD. QreiOllla. autrered a severely ' cut otto Ginter and daUghter .~ldnl· OII Rc>!IMve1t: Wb1le the ftuDAY of MSMiss Irene Shade. of Day~. rlibt hAnd when' he was caUgbt 1n amlsburg. Mr.. and Mrs, Walter fIrmlY con- '1 :80 p. m. G1iJa Prtelldly Group. lpent the week end with Mr. and a mower kJl1fe at hla farm. AkinI. Mr. Lupton Melttln of Day~ that PreIIIden~ 8ooIevel& will lira. Prank Bams. . . . . ....DOmin&tIon uad a tblrd taD. Mr. M.Uton Ooooe of Deerlodg• . ·U r. and Ur•. Mearle Terry were Nn Teube n AppolDtecI .. PreaIiIent. there are a nWDTennes see, Mrs. Laverna Faul and MI:TIIODIIiT cnac u. vWton III Darton . Prlday. at st. son, Mr: ond'Mr s. PB.ul Hough. Ar. IIIl' 01 &be " 'oId poUiical beada IAedt C......,..... . El1Iabeth hoepita l to lee WID Lebanb n-Char les H. B\)hl. Opun- thur' ThollW!. H. R. JI'ordyce lD W~ wJI.o' are ftrmIJ 000- , . and • ThODlPlOD. who auJrered "paraly t1c tl Bul4'ln tendent . annourll Ced ,the the boat anll b~teIIe. • vliIcec1 that. the Democrat1c Itroke. several daJ. "10. employ ment 01 two Dew teachel'll at . The decorat ing of the audltor ~ . oonYlnUOD meet. OIl the Jeo&...wm lwa SUpreme ~ lira. CI1ne of So. Dakota . Who Yuon and Kings Mllls. Ruth ~Ing done at the Ferr, church. w1lJ 1Mb 01 July, Ur. BooIeV elt WUl Ie. ,.." .. " . - . tJeen a ruut for severa! weeks Blabo re. HUllboro. will teach the 'be flnlshed 111 time tor the .congre tiM uMt IIGIIdDaUOll, ID tact; 1'UII1Oi10 the home of ber aon Harry Ollne th1rd and fourth grades I,t Muon. gaUon to hold 'services there next Ja PDA alnad¥ ilond&J evenmr lnvlted and Wite. left laet week tor Pauld- and James Baker. Kenton, wUl BUP- 8wHlay . Jt wu announ ced lMt Sun'WOI1I ifd .me of hla' CODtIdantes' at '1.30, AU YouDir peopa. . J.na Oo~.,. where abe 'W11l vWt elv!l!e muslc at Klnli:s MUIII .cboola. day, Services have ~ held in the tbat b. WUl ' DQt accept ..·ndmln awith relaUves. before returnln lr to baseme nt ror the Jut two Sunday ., uon. but wUl. lDitead tbrow hJa Mr. IIOLLY II ..; eBtJaC S' her home. Anuual BelUllon In Aq1DI 1Il1.......t. ~- t,g 1Iec:n'' W. C. SmJth and faanny reMlmI d BWl. -''-' I 01 state • l I........ . ... II. ' Mr. and I(ra, Waylan d Jan:tan _r bome from Vlrg1n1a safely. Joaepb The ~Dt" ~)CU: DOt matancl, ,~ , 30bn aDd RUtb, of Ialanon ":Amlu al reUn10n of the Smlth younge r !brother ot aoii ~t of .h1I p1uMI a' 8,UDdaJ Scbool l:30 a. m. .. . A.. OJnclnn BeY. aU, were .Thursd ay dinner old Nationa l NQl'Dl&l 'Unlver dty wiU 8Jnlth was married and Intends to W. 1m. .. aid fA) be baNd ~ tile KarDbari. ~,"' rueata of tbe JCIl'dan tamJly. lie conduct ed bere Auguat 18. Mrs. Ball for China as. a mission cleuCac:Y of the aDternatioDal altua- ..entnr IInlee 1:30. ary lOOn. J . Lee 'l'almaI e WAI In Olnc1n naU.,Ev a McIUy. Secreta ry. announ tlDn. 8CIme poJlUcal ..... tr.ely In- , Prayer:. meetlDa W"'ud ced, The Berean Class meeting will be ay eve- PrLday. havtna been called to .ve ·otrIcera ot the reuuJon aI'e R . E. held In the ' church baseme nt July cUdt ...t Bull ~t del_ wuWe: t nlnl; .':10. on a ,apeclal Hukm ot the United Slnunon ds. C1ncInnati attorne y. 11. VlsttOrB are welcome. ~-, u.., ~ a.OmlnaUaD 01 A welcome awaits you at these Slate. 1ury. . Prealde nt; Dean E. Btanlt!y. LebaJDaJ'~ ~•. ~ . ':D .lU'Vieea Come\~ enJ01 Ulem With Mr. anet lira. Prank sa~ were in non attorney . Vice PJ"esLdent; W. C. ~ bta JD1114' ~ nin tor;. tb1r4 . \lao Dayton . PI1day and saturda y. mak- Turton. Lebanon. TreUUl -er. and . . .~ 'niat·Mr-. ~ dliaIaaiion 10& tlnal arranae menta for movlna Mrs. lIcKay. - the ' Rap ....".n oOnVlIDt.ion • will '. ~ tJ: .~ C~JU?B to . tbt~~ new '. home. w~ they ~ . __ , to be. • ' 1InfI A. ........ .... rec:en.tl1.. are Jet.vBecove dna ':"Mra. Robert ,$0 nm. c6niiot be . . Greene and Mr. Ray, . ; ,. Jill th1a ~up1ty Monday. after -~~ mond eteven, pf Dayton spent Mon' 1IundQ•. .fWJ- 1· · '. realcUoc bere for the put tw~ y~. .xen1&-Rel~ from 'a Daytop dAy evening With Mrs. Lue Morgan. ' \' - . 8:.30' m· --8U11day ICbtIGL LIllIe Mr: aDd Mrs. oeora~ , Pl)'Dilre . of.boeP ,ltal af~ trea\me nt. ~ n.~ ltalMlcJra IIDD; . GoraUcba.. SUp'. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Morris Lewis spen, .,' near Ol&rkavUle. ,have boUIbt ~ B1ne.2 6. II recov~r at IlilGeoqe home the d&)': and', 1ku ~ in .1fIIIkIil week end w~th Mr, and Mrs. 10:110 a. m. MarilD l WonhlP . 'lbe littl.. farm w,h1Cb ...... t~l1 from severe burna op the left lWld. Ellawortll Gibson. of near untU JUI1 ~ or 1.Ul 'Wben ad-' Univeraall.lt Cb_ ~ center. 0 ... owneid IW the tatf,lII'. and Mrs. ~ Eo arm and face. auIIez:ed when a coal , vIDe, , Jo~ ..i~ ,. . . ..taaD , (~ '" the wm ~ . ' ~ ~ .~ ThomDl OD, , . _ 0}1 beatlb& atove 4!lIPloded In bIB . Mrs, Tom Runyon weeIt: of \be ~ "t Ha~ tb1a tiOur;! . Mrs. Delaney. .' " Altr~ ~ordan and Albert Lee 1'&1 meat market at Bellbrook. resultin ·cOnyeDu.Ob. ~ 1~.,lath'i ~'~ ';.00 p. IlL g anc~ Mrs. Frank DaIrln. spent lut WI'•• mqe and ~ other persona fram In a fire which cau,sed fllltimat ed Wednesday With Mr. and Mrs . .. re~ GaIii$ ~' Buo)NIII1; iIeetoIon or ~1!IU bI!~ ". ~~, ac~1Ided tile plc&Ure '1.000 cSamqe to tile oUlld1ni and Ernest Earnha rt and family. UIer ~. . poJitl.cal $C$lvl$U!l 01 , C10IIW and ~ ,. . "! ~' IIhow Saturdt .f evenbJa In Harveri- contenta. . ~ Mr. and ,Mrs. HUey Gibson and QoyIl1J~ . ;~ CllDtrIbG- theM "utuu l ~ill.".. I ~ bUl'l. , ' .' ~ . daughte r. Pauline called on Mr. •.. IIld· andatMraw,' U, G'luWbeteel ... IIOQD be brouIbt lIP tor . , ~te 1n &be .; ' • t ~. . and Mrs. Jess B!Illth. of near cam." _ .. ~ ~ : ",n~ IOn. , ~yneev e. were ...... . ' d.n, /lunday Boule. TIle IIUab IWl , pallid. \be IIIDDL & amrr ~'~luDii Iit . . a daJo llf~c~:I" oaUera ot Uri. AlIce MII.Ii Prelda Harvey and Donald Mr. and , 111M" ...... ,aUaUIa • • but bas Mrs, Cltarley Crawfo rd 'fUiJ . Hadley met Mra. Marpre tta Hea- of CIncinn ati. and . Miss beeIl 't !aId lD tbIt Audrey ..... lin. Mearle 'l'erry , 1tere cock a' 8t. OialravWe. Prlday. on Crawfo rd. of near Waynesv1lle. . ...::: =m" .... ;,. < . Vlaltorl 'I'ueIIda1 , . at Ba- ber, , L June ao ,trip bome. -" .. tavta• a two lij)j!nt the we. end with Mr. and ~ . , ''''DU , ' both ~.. .tarnIIaI . .._ _.. after " ~,-;-~ __1_." 'Jiid" -and' tiler mlDIn " weeD vaca...".. IIlltieei . . . .to ~ the bUHo Jnd'anl lP,". vee . Mrs. elarenc e Crawford. . ... 0 '- y rftlml)'lY&n1a. M:lse Dena Lucu and Jdlss M1nn1e tie vOced.·UP!JIl. '! at noon ' .~ _. '.; ' - - - . ., Mr. Up: &. Z. llartaoc t. Crawfo rd are spendl.n g a week ' In daOibter. ~. and Jon. MUo. of Olnclnn atl. Tbe KinaInan. ' vWted Mrs. -Lena Hart' " Mrs. Raymon d Lucas and .Yr. an4I1r a:..JJann et ~ and lOCk. S~day. daullhte r. Betty Sue. ot W11mIna11ft. : Mrs. R. I. W1Wulla' . 0( Dayton . ton, &pent the week end with their Yr. aDd' Mrs. Hairy lonJa" Ur: and c:a1led on Mfa. J , W. Andert-on. Bun- parents . Mr. and' Mrs. David Lucas PrUler and cathari ne day, '. .' . and tamlly. , ,,"~, ..... and ~. A~ ~-~.pr. .Kelaer. of OQlIlJllbU, . Mr. and Mrs: lIldmond M:arlatt. bam and _IIl'.1 caJled ~. ~ MaUne .aJf\t!, Prali· abet Mr. Hel'ber t Marlatt spent l!3unbl~ d1nDet. ; '. ,.. cn, ~. . . day with ·Mr. Elw. ~• . Ur: apd lira. ~ Gonuc h and l4r. and Monday lira. Prf.nIr. W.,ltz aDd · da~ Made 'oan.cl oil Mr. WU- Mr. and - .. .r.. E, 'OJark at ~_ \ :. . 1afiI~1or WedDIIday· . ·. ·· Dar· J1eld1 ~ MrI. IfcCJoY. Sunday . PAIIONA oa~.J: D :"",,, ,. ".' '. Mr. and 11ft. Pr,cS 'Shenro od and ' Ar 1fAlNBVQ..... . : Ur: and. Mh. Bert Blm ne1l apeD' Mfs. ~t6~. of.... ~ . , 'W1tb ~ Balel AbDw aM: Harver mwg. c:aJ1ecf ~' II1a" AnnIe W.arren county Palnona , Granae D.II1lln·.' il. .,,' . , " , u. aod ·'u.me T. Browne', , SuQday .~t atYatne~11le' Saturday n1Ied~t.At · . . ~ •BuDuU iii \pendln lt .'atternoan\ 1 '~"''''':'. bOWl~ua , supper was ~rv '- . WIth aDd,W.. Va\Wbn . KrI. of o'cloek ·to •. .lIuIIII'i·~ ~. " ... '.' . ·, ~ . to. h.. ~~ art." a tw~ Po1kiw tnathe Nular bual~ ' :.-, ~: o,.nt lIPID' ~' ''' . ~ I&&J here. ' . . .' l8IIlou , the , tuth deane .-~rk W&II ead~1D "'''''nll eU. · I ' .........'uru. ~• . at . OreaO»,-. put~. and: ten oanllld&tes .-the,. . . . . . . . . . . . and . . . ~ v1altld at UIe Ramel 8UJIdaJ .. ; .uIiI,-OD Mr.. . . . . ~ .Mh. JIerDuUi .........of ' ',Qaytoo. ~. An e~t mualCal. ~ ,t oUand . corDi!OIed of 18v. vocal .&nil. ~ '1IIOadai nwDIJII inca IIIOUaer; ....... n - - '1Iaerce n\lJp!lerl. ~ two aelect.lDna from . ,,' ::......:.. ~~~~ • - ......• the Warren eoub\1 araure ~ lIIII:'Ve Jma KIIeIW ....... ....... oalIed em lin. ~ Ir$•• Sun.. '''L1We Man" WUIi a.r lia*ca; ..... aD!1 "awe,t . "'01
'd~t. ~
~}I~.et .~-
~ ~r
C"E=; /J
Fer r y
' Churches' I
cam~ ru!uUna
Beech Gr~ve
An lnatltut e rally waa held by tM Eltworth t.eague of the M:ethodlst Ohurch . Monday evell1na. at thlU; regular SOCial meeting. In the ' c:hw-cll basement. . Tile rlllly was held to create an l.nterest In .t he Ln. , .mute t-o be held 'at. Ohauta.uqua. II~xt month. . The regular meeting was COlldulc~-I-~~ ed by Gerie Collett. with the program gLven over to. a mock Institut e. Institut e olflcers were, DeanAl'gus Oeborne; Dean of Women Inez Jame.s; Manager--:-Rev . L. C. Radley; Studen t OouncU _ JOhn a.&er. Robert Groetln g. and Mrs. L. C. Radley; Rell1st rar-Oen e ool: le Lt ; Song Leader -Boxy Sackett ; a nd Teache rs- Mary Eva LeMay and Joe J~. were served
Misses Glennie Eden and PeRy Obopm an •. were lb oth present ld 111 viano recitals . Ity the ~r School of Music. Dayton . thla w4N!k. Miss Glennle 's recital was present ed at the West M!n1ster Ohurch . Dayton Sunday even.nn ~ and MIM P eggy • •II . ...... · at t he C· onserva t«)' DayTu nln • ton . esclay eM g. t Aim
Sco ut. Elec t New Off icer .
Grill. Of barbec u" whole c.hiclte n .. balDi, r~.t.. Giv. . that delicio \l8pille d flavor. AdcSe an uti-a oven to your. lIUlIe. COMI IN I ID-AU -'n .
ES.,,,•• . THaN IW
M.mbe rs of lOCAl troop -t{). Boy Scouts. of America . held their las' meeting un~ after the clt.mp le,,oron. Wedneeday. June U. and electad & troop acrlbe .and. •. • 'fIIenII EatdI Joe Hartsoc k waa named troop .MedI en...... ... Icrlbe ond Lansing Hardln treas-. .8rld- All urer. C 111 • Au....... . LIIIIIIR . >_ d 1_": ert cates 0r tea"')lU lle a-. .nd ......' ........ were atven aU 8COutl attendi ni .camp In Order they may 'Jl1'GII'ess wi.th require ments there. WhUe at Camp Hook the bo,. and allO the camp oJrlc1ala will welcome Yilita from JlM"ents. P"~t- Laqer . . . . . 01 . . . . . ...... lve 8cOUta and o~rs, A c:ordla llnQuaIlt ran4 . . .. vttatlon Ia ext.lde d to vlalt thl .....1Iabe4 IID-lM I ump and eee membe rs of the loall W~ .· o.. troop tn aoUan. .. ...... .
~ ............~ .. ..
'.Ir '.y Hardwtlre Stor e
; .,.,'
OI .~. ~th ~
Alt .· C'ROP
Ha rve ste r Own·era ..
theH Uen
.L ET US CHE Ck YOU R .HARVESTER Repla ce w:orn p.rt. a,nd ·m.ke .....tm....
Have your machi ne 'in .00II .hape for
tIoDI .to . loU~~-tUnda.'
~urc:.~. 8::'&.~or=
~ u..i
C~tIofaal ~.
U~_ _ _'-
EXPERT SERVICE 'ON ANY .AU TUC tO.· , , . ". " ". .... .~ i ';, ~
\VA YNES~ILLE. O ...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ..oa.' Phone 49 Plaoae - ."'~~-.---:--::-7,~\j
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,q-. " ".....
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8a~ ~0I1IUDl1ton W~. ~ ~ O~~:-JII.~~ ~~,· . btr!an~· t: it.l!tv··:Ii:..i,;.; ~:!aaG ~ ', ~ ~.......
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6Se per I .a l
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Brin g you r own C••t~D.r,
~, and
~ wa,uace IIlte~ .tDi;., ,,,,..
c:.u.- -. .. ',..
R.'k o Binder TWIne: .'
Eac h bal_ gua rant eed l.ti sf'c t6'r '
JennI., lfew~: Dayton~ "~30
tIbout-e~ty~ too:",
..... .....
: ".DI.. . ...... ..... . ~ lItE 41", ....
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..... MIll ~. Of 0II1l~. lin. Allot' CIIIrkt t4 ,a.&IJt. .. .. LIe
1iuoD. . . . . . . ~ ,...
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McClure-Funeral Home Waynesville . ..__.._____.-. • ________________ ~
...... 7
. ....
Cour Bolluns o( c ll~ ohn r 1ro lll tractor In the bnrn . Thry cliU not u s~ tht' R n~o)jne (0 SII\I L lhe fir£', but hnllll'd it OWlly in Ih.~ lr II I. hllll' aft£.! llght' n g the hay . nt'cMllln\J I') t he con fe. Ion .
Alter the firc stlll·ted
th '
dl'ove away. the confession s tall·d . Charaed With &l'llOn. tWO Warren The theory t hat t h e bnm tlrll II'U-'> Q)lihty men pleaded guilty beforl' of incendiary origin was strengt h~uIre Wade S. Brown In Lebanon . en ed whl'n officers fount! the loosTUa.da)r. and were ordered h eld for ened gas La nk cap on t he tractor af tbe arand Jury under $1.600 bonds. ter the blaze , H ufford a ld. The suspects. Bernard 8l'ebert. 21 Sherlg Hufford pla.ceu det!\ Iners old a ~:llnst Siebert a nd Conger ns lhey years • zoar. and Roy Conger, 24. were servi ng tim e i n the CHilton South Lebanon. were accused in the Coun ty jail fOr corn stealing. in t>urnJng March 6 of a barn owned ord er tha t h e migh t question th em a bout the rtre. by CharJes oeder 01 ne ar MQrTow. Siebert. acording to Sher ilf Wll. The confess ion was signed' after a length y grilling by th e Sheri!! Ham Hufford, siilled 11 confession. a nd depu bies. Huffol'd said . admJtttnr that he set ftre to t he The barn. i mplements. t he lractor. barn because 'of a "grudge"' agains t hay. grubl. and a numbe r of hogs Oeder. by whom he was once em - were destroycd In the fire. Lo...s IVU , ployed. Blebert lmplielllt.ed Conger estima ted a t $2.600. in his confeaslon. IJl ' hla oodfesslon. Siebert said he E I\ STERN STAR dropped a Ilgbted match In a pUe Mia mi Cha p le l' No. 107 O. E. S. o. bay near a horse manger in t he will mee t In spe:.ial session . Mon&lAm. while Conger remained some day. J uly 8. a t 7:30 p. m . In itlatlon distance Irom U1e structure a ctin g a nd Friendship nigh t for H nrveysas a lookout. burg visitors. Bf.fore the fire was started. SieMinnie Fromm. W. M. bert eald; he and Conger .siphoned Mary Earnhar t. Sec.
OUR HOUSE Saturday, JUly 6 From S to 4 o'clock in the aftern<?on And 8 to 9 in the. e~eJiina. . Home Cooked Fooda-Baked Goods
B.A NO··BANG An Explo-
.slon of Real Me~t Values I
For Week of July 4th .
,·S al'" 8ize 10·14 lb. tendered sugar cured
Ham'. Deliciou. Flavored just right to Bake ., l~_ ~our. Fourth Pic~ic
whole or half Ib. ·21c ~ IL~.....uoitment of quality lunch meats. Jowl Raoen .... ... .... . 2 lb. 17c
. ••1...... ~. , .....: ........ 2 lb. 25c Tendered Smoked Callies .......... ...... ....... .. ... lb. 15 J, c
F-............ ,.: ......... 2 lb. 2& . ~~
Millced H.m ............ lb. 23c Tendered Boneles. Cottage Hams .. .. .. ....... .. ..... .. lb 22c .......... Ham . ........:.• Ib. 30e ..
' Ham aad Cheeae .. lb. 30e Veal Pocket Roast .... lb. 15c
.':.... Ib•.25c Veal Shoulder Roast lb. 18c a._eft -Loaf"·~ ...•.. Hut ~ ~........~"..~: ...
lb. 2& Veal Chops ... .. ...... . :. lb. 18c Dutch Loaf ... _..... : ...... lb. 29c: Veal Loin Chops ...... lb. 23c If.
\i.- "
~. . Ham .............. lb. 4& Veal Cutlets ... .. ....... .. lb. 28c
Ill... Cb.... Loaf .... lb. 25c
~........... ::...........: _!.
Short Ria.. to 'Bake 2
lb. 2le Fresh Callies .. ...... lb. 12 * c
Fresh Meaty Spare Ribs .. .. lb. 27c' .
.... ........ ... ,.. .. ... ..... 2 Ib, 18c
~... ' J~i~Y' Steak!. lb. 23c Freah p ig Knuckles 2 lb. 15e eliuck Ro.;.t-i........... lb. 19c Fresh Pig Feel .... ..·.. each 3c S~ ~teak lb. 22e Freah Hams Whole or : '1 ••• tn1 • . c.t _ Half ..... .... . ;.. .. .. .. .. . lb. 18c ...;~-' . . .
F .... JQroaad Beef 2 lb. 33c Tender Juicy Pork Steaks
..~ ~•.•...•••..••.: ............ ;. 2 lb. 2&c
Pure Pork Sausage Bulk .... ... ... : ......... Lb.
Mary's and Rev. J oseph ,Seluu.der. or Oinclnnatl. entertained th.e s um· mer religiOUS school ' ·wlth a ball FOR S~ersey cow. fresh: T. VI. game. plon lo a nd swlmmlng•. Stroud. R.R . 2~ WaynesvUle • .130-14
- ,-
The Metropoli tan Life Insurance compan y. of Daylon , held an outing a t t he PIlrk . last week with 69 Ilttending .
PaR BALE-White fac)ed Bull 00-: ves. old enough for ~1ce . WoUld
trade for fresh oow . . Lee
f'OR BALE-Cabbaae plaht.a 250 per hundred-Oeo. 'P eterson 1 mile Ot her ou UngB h eld at Wayne from Waynesville on' BeUbrook 'park durin g t he past week Included Pike. • th e 'I)"it-Stute III'I11Uon company of Olnclnnati. with a n attenda nce of 70 , Twenty Grand. of Cincinnati. FOR SALE-Three good . bUlldq I ~ts. For~n t two houses. J . B. with 90 anti t he Bellbrook 4-H clUb. Chapman. Approx.lma tely 600 4- H club WAYNESVILLE CBl1RCB OF m elJ1bers representlng 32 Warren VBBIST count y clubs. t heir . fam1l1es and W. V. SmUb. MlnII&er friends are ' expected to attend a picnic a t Wayne Park. Thursday. ...iUNDAY Bible ~hool 9 :30 a . m . July 11. PrIzes ,will be awarded. t he Lord's Supper 10:.6 a . m . club with the largest attende.nce of Junior and Senior Endeavor ' 7:00 of members and guests. p: m. .
Serre ry of S lnl(' George NpfT· n er I'eporl s lotnl l'''r('j pl ~ 11)1' IIII' t'II'sl HI!r bert .1. P ute. e(I Ho r of the (friend or edltor's) In fron t : ci"... III OLI I" 0 f tl liS yenr Lu I}flVP (omitted by request.) . IJel'n S1 17.291. A. compared with .J r bll ~ lnll C:l1Iu. L~ ('npilul - DemocrnL Preach1na' 'l :46 p . m. Semebody wUl prosecute ohe case NATIONAL BANK $!O-I .G4ij frol1l UII.' s lll1e p riod I!l st .. T I,;I.ulI. lngo. 1:11 VI' his readers a ll Come hear t he .New Te4tament Ic,ounty attor ney h nve campaign y€'or- o gain of $12.643 101' the De- 1:1'1, I a 1011 of wh rl ~ lie 1.'spapel' sLoCALL IS ISSUED doctrtne preached. If you cannot l ies >1'011111 bc like If a n cclltor con - placards printed h ere) before Judge iJRrtment ot Statl.'. oome Sunday moriUnr. come Sun&ldl:red every angl of a story too Wlermlssion for use of h1B name not The comptroller of currency day eveDlni. . given ) sometLme soon (da te can not The Sta te Divis ion of Con sel'va· Ihol'Oll[; llly bcf.Or e priming it. says Tuesday issued a call f or tbe conWEDNESDAY 11011 has lea.sed . ITe=til'e J uly I. on IIl' tlclc in 11 I'I~CC llt lssue of the be named . They don·t want a bunch dition of all national bants as of of clUzens Uttering up the court Junt' 29. aocording to word received 1'1('\'f'n new lake!i. 366 mit s of pub- S oon er State Press . Bible Study and prayer 7:.5 p . .m . Ilouse ). licly-owned shoreline Ilnd 16,000 Unde r the hea chng, "suppose by officials of t he Waynesville NaFuneral services for friend of ed- tit'nai bank. ncres of wate r, from the MlL, kin g- H eads Were LB'c This: SOME· FERRY CHURCH OF CIoIIST um Conservancy I?ls lrlc l. Surround- BODY DlD SOMETHl NG ." Pa te Itol" s ) were 'expected to be held at ~ployes 01 the local ~ank thla W. C. 8mUh• .oallter ing the Inkes are 45.000 a cres of lA nd p rinted the fOljlYVlng story June 6: th e - - e h urch (editor doesn't week . w1ll enjoy a day and a half SUNDAY like preacher. S o narrt.e· omitted .) and forest areas. which wlll be ide nl If stories wete written on t he ba holiday; closing Wednesday at noon Bible School 9:30 a . m . YoUng BlIl'la l wlU be held In Ilhe- (reportfor h un ti ng 11l1cl other outdoor rec- sis of the effect on a newspaper In and rema_ closed until Prlday people In charte. • er didn't h ave time t.o c heck) ceme. reallon p\lrposes. All shorellnps will its many phases : Lord's Supper 10:45 &. m . mlJwing. due to t h e Fourtb of JUly tery with bhe (don 't want any more be protected 100 feet back from th e , Preachl.nr 11:00 a. m . ho:iday. (Edit<Jr's Note :-Any actual rewntel'lIne for public park ar ea , semblance of this s tory to a nybody. oharlJ<y funerals) mortuary . in THtJ'RSDAY alo ng the sh orelines. These 11 new t he rea der knows Is a str an ge COin- charge.-Written by somebody who GUERNSEY 18 SOLD .. Berean clau meeting 7:.5 p. m. lakes will acid a pproxlma tely 50 '~, cidence as It was just written to dJdn·t want to be connected with It . TO C. D. COOK The Tri8tate clUb met a t tbe -P ublisher 's Auxiliary. to Oh io's Inland lake capaCity . Ferry chunm, 'rUeld&y. with 16 flll up s pace.) Waynesville. 0h10 - The AlDerl- prestnt. Bro. John Beara was the Charges were Hied today again st .:an Guernsey - Oat tle Olub. Peter- main apeaUr of the evenlDa. IVOD A rece nt che:k of the records of a long- tim suoocriber before Judge borough. N. H. reportB t he sale 01 a . Holto\, and a couple of hla boy. t he State P urcha sing Dlvb lon I'e- (lve ca n '~ men tion h is name be· registered Guernsey bull by Helen fl1ends. of XenIa ....v~ UI HyeraI veals tha t Ohio sa ved more t ha n ca\1Se he Is ha vin g job prInting B . Preston to C. D . Cook 01 WQDes- biunbera Or . 1na~ muaiC. $800,000 in 1939 by InSis ting on free done I on a compla in t t h t he had at~ vllle. 0h10. Thla animal Ia Helena - Ther\! wer ~ 10unr 'people refcom peti tive biddin g unci Ilnllnatlng ', !,licked Mr. - -- (name deleted , Esq\jtre Laddie 2'l49O'l. istA!red lor camp. Oamp atar.. 'J\1ly t he potlUcal II1ldcll e-llUln. Examples (l .emJ of L1le ellllor·s.) 16th. MrlS. C. Honaker and Raymona cited or tb\! $123 PCI' mU lion pa iel Mr . t the :11111'11: l ong-~Im e subscrlb. The church whlch was reCleoorA prayer in Its simplest dellnltlon (01' sales ~ax :.;LalllJ),q In Hl:I8 u<; er I Is a llegcu Lo have wielded n Dunham or Lebanon were Sunday agn ll t the $84 111'1' million now be - (type of weapoll cn n't be named. eve ning caUers at the . home of Mr. Is merely a wtsh · turned God-ward. . ..,ted by Roy Black Was flllilbld '- PhWIPS BrooU Monday. Ing paid- the nnll ual sa vi ng of this hannl'tll to 6alel:l) In th e repor ted as- a nd Mrs. W. L . Sheehan and sons. • • • Item alone be ng $78.000. In 1938 th saUlt . st.atl) pa id $194 I l' mill ion COl' ol gTiH! very tl'lvlll l ' lnclden t occu rred Mrs. Julia Hen derson spen~ tbe last nret tll.X stamps an cl 110W they nre In frun l, of tile (mall requ4ed h is week visitin g h er son . Donald Henpll rchased fO I' $105 pel' milli on . ml place o r buslnesss be omm ltLea .) derson. and f amily . of Dayton . • • • • i thp ~ IlI.t" Srl V~ the differ nce. In '['hI! man. h ur t sligh tly . ~Ied for a dopti ng 0 "Buy ' Ohio Products " som ~ .'\ l'R ugr r lilian In the (harmC. H . Bra~e spent the Fourth of policy. lh e stlll,e. so t UI' t h is yenr, fu l public ity (01' Illstlt ullon) hospital. J uly holiday with his mother . Mrs. l iAs purchased 770,000 pount!s of Th e doc tor said that although the Mary Brace. of Toledo. Ohio beet ~u g nr .. as a gains t 50.000 mall rollrci off Llle bed a nd fractured • • • • • 1!>S of t he OhIo pmdllct. purchnsed h L~ skull. 111\1:; cnusl ng 1111nle<1laLe Mr. a nd Mrs. Charles LeMay enby tile formel' 1IIIII'ItR isirntion In death a nd pprmanen t injury. he ter tained as their guests .or dJnner • 1938. DlU'lng thl' la Rt ycn l' of th p \Vo ultl ru the r not be meiltloncd II.S Monday evening. Mlsi Lois BodJker DIl vey Admln ls ll' ILIon. n c o r I \. trl'.nllllg hllll . ·"You Imow how t hose of DaytO':l. a nd Mr. Earl Parsons, of 2.000.000 l bs. of ca ll sugar . (,'rOW;l Wlillgs lire. p :ople j ust will dmw Lhe Tipp Olty. a bride and .sroom. elect ou ts ide thc s tate. was pUI·chasel1 . wI'ong conclusio ns." o( JlIly 3rd . The st!\le. this Yf'ai·. hn s hou gh I An nttorn ey ( name of h L~ ci ty not 80,000 11 '. of lard from Oh io fo rm - given. mIght be a ha l'lllful clue) said VISIT WJTH PARENTS ers. Prev ious ly. th sl.n I.e bough t. hc would ra ther nobody k new he vegetable sh ol'ten lng ex luslvcly, 11 :\.'\ de f ndl ng the mnn. MI'. and Mrs. Clark 8aJJsbury and produced ou ts ide the state. ~l(l '·Oon·(. lllcnl10p t his In the paper .. records of th e Slntc Purchasing sn.ld t he chnl'ge't! ma n , "nnt! don ·t John Fritz of Charles ton, W. Va .. DlvL'li oll ar c ope n to til e public nnd Ill entiun my name. Yon know how Silen t t he week end wl~h their par_ til e figures het·c cited cnn be enslly long I'vc been taki ng t he paper. I en ts. Mr. and. Mrs. W. :P . Salisbury. l'vl:rs. John . FrilJl a nd daUghter. ve rlrted at any time. wan t. yon to co-uperale wllJl me Na ncy. who have been vlsJtlng here I eheck liP, rlrc ulnttioll dept. How Car reLurned home wit h , them Bun.d ay MOI'c than $2.000.000 wor t h of bl'hlltd1 Oh , jllst a yea r. Well . guess evening. l'a rll1l n ~ machinory wiil be displ ayed we ought to SUpp,'(!SS Ill ." 011 t he 15·a cre machinery f ield al RED" BRAND COItti . Attorney t IU1 U) C deleted. possible the 90111 Ohio Sto.~ Fa ir. 'AugUSl 111U'lnIIlI NIcct 9'11 civil Clients) who MRS. RONALD HAWKE • than HOSTt;88 'EO' ARGUNOT VllUB 24-30. according to S La te Fnlr Ma n - made . n ~ CI'l s ul i o na l address 011 t he .j' 'lasts Actual ageI' Will H . Kinnan . The displays frecdol,!1 of tilt' III·(,.•~ n few uays ago ~ M ~. R.onal~ M. ·if&wke entertained " will include ' eyerl' type or m O"RQR $atd;-"Lea,'e ' llJ1SOmor you'll get wea er , have proved .\ the . members of . the AJtunot ical equipment used ' on Lhe farm. no mO\'e leg If. fr olll 1IlP. If. I have to Come in and SEE the : Bridge, 'club. Thursday a.ternoon. at Bookings of f ree -enterla lnmen l neve r file a not he'!' case." . her ' country hom". Mrs. W. A. 'y o,t i let. s tu nts are tlow bein g ma ue dally - -I- tname omittecl . He ran a Lukens' and Mrs. J . R. MeDIIII' were , a nd . alrea dy. 22 of I he finest. a nd youraelf. have' one-co ullln by wo-Inch ad four . a lso guests of Mrs, HaW~. . . .' mos L sensation a l clrcli S n nd v8 ucl e. y a l's ago and dec i.ded adver tlslng Four tables of cards we I '~ all heii!lts; .all 'aD vill e acta ct>ta ina lJ le hnve been con· would I~t I.lay 011 the basis of Itf: r e- during tbe afte~oon.~: atyl~ ~ \ ': I·.b ' . tracted for. The nightly gra ndstand ults) was charged j,ointly wit h - being wan by Mrs. ·S. D. Henkie of show th~s year wUl be "Wake up Ilong-LLme subscrlbf!r). . Lebanon. Mrs. 'C : B . Brace and Mra and Ch eel'." More th all 100 of t he flx2 adnirtlser' four yef1,rli ago) J. R. Mengle. . .... • .' , len d ing a eria lists. t umblers and blllmed (long-time subscriber ) with A salad COllnie and UDdW1clles specialty a ctors in America nre In handling t he (na me of weapon were served by the hoatesa· alter tb " ~ .."' ' • _•. the cast. ha m1ful to sales) In the attack on games. '., e WAYNESVlu.E, OHIO ··,I-; · PH~N&.
no more
fence otheia.-1et
it. value. prices for
Compare We
years tonga:. tests
. .!
W·ayn••ville ·F.rmer. ExcllMle CO. ,
Mr . And Mrs. Joh n Q . GollS en· I' MLCI(IE YS~ ter la lned at dinner T qesday evening. Theil' guests were Cha rles Hendricks. of Hi gh POint. N. C.. Earl OUTSIDe PRU.sT\~G Powler, a studen t at Earlha m ColICOt.laERNS SPEt.JD '-10 rge. Ml's. Nellie B unnell. Miss Mon- I MO)JEV HERE '", PA'i Imla Bunnell. Miss Rhodn Bunnell. NO TA~E$~ LEi US 00 Mr . a nd Mrs. R obej·t Gons . a nd Mr. 'YOUR. PRI ....TI~G J09S I an d Mrs . .Joh n B. G OllS a nd daugh t(' r, Marilyn .
I - - - -•..,...-
2 lb. 33c AIvn. Ludington . tenAnt farmer on
. Rev. RoIIerh Krumholh!. of St.
Ho\v Story Would Read If Editor 'Co nsidered A'II Angles' Before Printing
O n .. of t,he outsont1 lng fenLuros of th" R 'pubUI'l\n Na IOMl onvcnUOIl Ul Phlitlct~lf}hht 1 'II Wl'o k wns ,Lh' loynlty I\l ld I'llecti vell SS with .whioh .ovtlrnor Dri kl' l' supporl<'t\ lhe· "1' ".1 clur.l· or SI'nl1 lor 1'11 f1 ro.r Prl'slell'llry. :"Ithn\l '~h Ul' 'c d delegates from manY stAtes to beer'll' ~ ('p I.d da l " on O . vlll'ni boom· I. , 'rc . tOl'lrd In h i!; \) half. Oov"I'I,n,· Bl'lckrr :ll 1111 tlilll's rl'(lI~('(1 to . Il~ 11 P:lrty In ony sll . h IO m·r.m£,l;t/;. ~ I fill firml y nnd 10 [ll~' h ' Senal or TAlt :llHl did l1111ch ITt' li ve work 101' IIi' frll nw Ohioan . hn II \)r forc nne) CllIrl nl: ti lt' ronvl'n li on Plnu lly II I'~II ('alleUdate Wi llk 1(' lind rl't'l'lvf' tl ~,04 VOIl's . . flO I b"IIl . lI~r r .~ lIry to nOllllllu L(') It was Gov('rnor Brkk,·r ·,. llluLIOIl whlrll mnll Wlllkle 1I0minuliOil lI11fll1 1ll 01l~•. 1'afL', hi gh vnl,' was 377. Yes. Ollio wa~ very IIlllc h In ,' I'llIt' nce nl thl' Republlca n N tlolla i Convelltion .
Local Happenings
Op... for B.,.ainNa Thuraday, July 4 You .... invited to .ttend our Op~ House
. '
Wa,... Park New. N.t••
State Capital News
W.oIl.r CI .ali.fado", Service at all time.
t he Clara' Llle farm . nor th of Way-' nes'vllle, reported a loss of approxitOe . mately $~OO , when two of h is short horn cows were struck by lightning, duri ng an electrical stornl, Friday mor ni ng. Th e " Ioss was partially covered by Insura nce. I'W NW SlJPP ER, liEl .D A picn ic suppel' {lIven by th e Pas t Matl'ons a nd Pa trons' of the 21s t I!)lst~lc t of the Eas tern s tor. heid ·a t. F t An~nt, . Sunday evening. was __ !l. 1.I.e n d ~u by ~'. Ilnd MrR. Glenn Bland and daughter . .. Ba rba' a ' Lou of Springboro, and Mr. an d Mrs. W. ·A. Lukens and family.
- . ..-
_ _ _ _....... '
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ --,---- '
__ '" L . . _
d .. .....
,Ladles Night 'Wil~ .__ SPRINGBORO GRANGE GUESTS Be Celebrated By Local Civic . Club OF WAYNESVILLE Prepal'lltions are b ing mach! for a I.urge II llelll.\1II1c at th e next meetIng of Lb e Waynesvl1\p Olvl dub , Ln tie held Monday . •1111'1 15, at Wayn park. T hls wUl beJadles nigh t. th e wives of members aecompan yln g ui III to the din ner and speaking program th at follows. . The hlghllgh t of the program will be tile appea ra nce of l fi:~ Olive KackJy, liS Good ' Will Am bassador of radio . t.aUon , WC1 '~ V , Cincinn ati . Miss Kackley Is a noted aliLltr rity on Sh akespeare an d h wor , bu t , b el' primary iutel'est Is In heiplnl:! folks flnd themselves . From 011au!.aUqlla pliufol'ms.. from lecturj podiums and fro m behind ta e foo tligh ts of the s tage, 011 ve Kackley has brought a Illessage 0 1 h elp and Inspiration to Americans the length and width of the conti nenL,
. ~ FAtfrufBDSV-'"\us ~~:~~~~!¥~~1--: P-ROGRESfiADE
. St71eD Truck-I;·
WITH WHEAT '" ~,;:::~.:,~: '~:~n:~:.~':; BY WARREN CO. HARVEST HERE btJ~ RED CROSS UNIT
RecOfered Bere
Members ot Lhe Sprlnaboro o r~,nt:e were guests ot the local O ra n ~e , Saturday evenlng , at the ret,: ular meeting. Springboro officers filled aU Lhe chalrs, with the exception ot secretary a nd treasurer , and also provided the prOQram for ' the evening, wWch was as follows. Song, "America ", by tbe gToup; a play, :'The Path to the Left" With the cast Including ; M1s/lis Eva Reeder , Olara Orockett, Ethel Reeder, t.oUlSe Beck, and Irene Haroaugh Curtis Beck and Leonard Harbaugh; two vocal solos , "Jeannie with the Llgh t.,!irown Hall''', and "God Bless America", by MIss Ba.rba.ra. Lou Bland; Talk. bY Rev, HIlda Snyder; two tap dances by Barbara Lou Bland; and tile program was concluded witil the entire group s~, "The Star 'Spangled Banner." Representatives from five other Grange organizations In Ilddltlon to the twenty ~lgbt guests from Bprjngporo , combined with the local members present, tilled the Grange I all to capacity.
A plckup motor tru ck stolen by 1\ negro at Morristown , Indiana., was recovered here 8a.tuJ:day nlgl1 by MllJ'Shall Oharles P . JOY and Justice of Pe..Ace Garmen Cra.ne . The truck was lhl! property of Olen W. Myers of lI4orrlstown , and was deserted by the negro wilen he ran out of gasoline near the Hilltop cSibins, on Route 42 , between Waynesville and Mt. liiolly . Th'e owner was noWied by t.he local offIcers and darne here for the trUCk SUnday .
hool and a uto ch assis II'w.n u .. fa ci lI'ers at the hl8h sch ool buildin g. Til" local board Is being asked by th e sLaLe department to eith er buy OJ' lellse new buses before t.he start 0 1 lhe coming term. Th e stale contl "Lied Lhe old b ISes were out moded , nud lhat new equipmen t must be ar qulred. No ac tion has been taken by me br rd .
prospects for an ave rage yield and guallty, wheat harvest Is getLlng under way In earnest In the Wayn esville IIr a . The har vest is app roxJ ma tely 10 days later than la ~ t yenr, which produced one of tile sh ortest and poorest crops In hlstory. Farmers in this section fo rsee a. fairly good crop' thIs year if th e weather continues to stay dry. Both the WaYfl!svUl e Farmers Exchange and Everett Eal'ly at Lytle are prepared to receive the crop . In some seotlons of the ,,'Ounty traces of smut conLa mination hllve been found, although tWs Is not expeeled to seriously damage whea t in thIs locality . .
. '
Th e reports made by chairmen of the production unit of the Red Qroas In Lebanon Monday morning indIcated splendJd cooperation from aU parts of Warren COunty . Mrs. Arthur Sumne.r , LebaIlOll, transpoctation chairman. UIDOlUIUd that the (ollowlng wlll function a,a a committee to transport pegpIe to and from headqharterll, dellver materal to helpers, and pick up ftDiahed garments; Mrs, G . P.· Leydorr. Mrs. H. I . Dally, M16B Betty LOu Blair. of Lebanon, Miss Anne Browning Edwards IIJld Mrs, WUUalIl Deutetneler, of Franklin. Mr.. V1ck Tompkins and Mrs. Bert GI:eIlCt~ of Mason. AnYone requlrlng such &I!I'vice should communicate with any memlber of th1a cornmtttee. Mrs. Wendell S , Campbell. KorlOW, chalnnan of the Warren eounty production unit. announced tbac they had accepted the Iluota JUI$ ..signed by National Headquaderl. Though some wool has been NCe1ftd ' here, Mrs. campbell said that ~ Is a shortage in Wa.shIngton and asked that If any volunteer 'caQa 1~ wool ror knitt ing and 1a not imJDeIllately supplied, tbat Ille retum again In the near future. . .
Mrs. H. B. Earnhart was hostess 23 members and guests of the The average p ~: ce has been from Women's Foreign Missionary SocIety 69 to 70 cents per bUShel, which Is of t he Methodis t Ohurch , WednesAfter pleadtng iulUy to a petty apprOXimately 6 to 7 cents higher ChY af ternoon . OLIVE KACKLEY _. IarceQ,y charfe. three of four Warthan last year, The meeting was opened with ren county youths WI!re given fines With wheat goh1g to $ 1 per bushel I IIIUp singing, a rrer which Mrs. L. C . . " - " _ 'I _J ~_ U--'-'~_ fI and senten~ by Justice of Peace la st winter on war developm en ts , It Radley conducted devotions , on the Carmen C"alle he.re Bte.turdIlY. Is likely that prices on the current slIbJect, "The Ways of God". T he MJois Kaokl!'y ' has been called by They were ohllrl8c1 with having crop wlll go h1gh ~I' In case war drvGlIOI ul period waR closed with "BLUboal'd ," tltea4'lca l ,.trade paper. t!LiteJl approXImately '~lMO from the activity Increases on the other 51d ~ the singing of "America". "The most· remarlcable ' " woman m • ._ "- "_ ._ ,,- ,,- ,- ,,- -,,- ,,- ,,. Ice house at Wayne Park. operated of th.e Atlantic, T il stewards hip program was America In h.~ l. i ne of work ." Sile Refreshments ot Ice cream. cake ~ .r. and Mrs. Oharles Henkle. ot d tt by 0 , M. Roblw.er, c, nducLed by Mrs. A . K . Day. ra tes space in "WllO'S Who, Wom n H Am11 ton , spent the 4th of July hOI- an I co ee, were enjoyed during Ule I of ( he N..... .. .. on .. and "TI\e lnterna- Iday with Mr. and Mre. A. F. Melloh socAna ' hour after the ProsrMII· Haro . '-'ld De~rd. 20.... 01 Har vT,. ys-, ) .' ~: J Mrs. George Mi1ls, proK1'&m cbatrtiona} Blue ,Book." A whole chapter C I) i family. noun.cement Is belnlr made COll- bUrJ: 4WJd ley Price, ~O. of ----....;..;.;...-.-.----.-._•._ - man, then presented the following There Is need for two .ewiDa In "100 Kansas Women " Is devoted • • • • • cernjnjr tt\e children'S prOgflUIl , Waynesvllle, were fUrled nO and progTam : A readlna. "Ba.c·k Door machines to be used. at the MW to MIss Kackley and sh e Is constan t. which wUl be held, Saturday. July cost. C(l ~ed to 30 clays in the Folks" , by Mrs. Raymond Conner. a J eanette and Joseph Davis . of 20. headquarters in Hannon ~ bJ vocil.l solo, " 0 Rest In the Lord". by Jy quoted ' in theatrical, Ohau tauqua Philadelphia . ~ Warren county JaU. . , Penna., are spe~" ' ~" and educa4,onal journals. ~ V1rg1l Schoonver. Uf, of Waynes· - - --- - - - - - - - - - Mrs. Radley ; " poem reading, "Just .hose volunteers WSah1na to .... OIl . the summer with their grandparents, Mondays and Prieta,., from 10:00 At the .r egular W l lness meeting of Mr. and Mrs. Oaver Da.vis of " vnw.- was fined $10 and costs. and Robert Hastings Is visiting wIth Folks". by Mrs. Mary CrOllS; and in A. M. to 3:00 P . M. when ~_' conclusion. another ~em; "Oour~ ttie cl\iQ Monday ' IMgb t. ' presided Waynesville. OUp ~ Georse Burx:e. 16, of Harveysburg, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bernhardt of Clnte5Y", was read by Mrs. Walter tera will be open. Mrs. ' N~ " over by Aa.ba~er1i. three new • • • • • was sentenced to 16 days in the clnnatl. Coyne wt1l be at headq\l&l'terl _ g Sheehan . names were admltted..to membership. W detention room Of the w.hen • • • • • A pleasant SOCial hour and re- these daya to aasIst as lmltunl . • Tiley were Joe Worley, clemimt Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oampbell county J&11 by Judse (Jharles B , DeSeth Furnas Sr. atte nded a CO[l Satterth Waite a nd E. C. Crane. . . and Mr. and Mrs . Charles Oampbell, Ia chant. ference of Friend s at Earlha m Col- flt'shments was enjoyed after t~e structor. The ·marr ge of MIss Emma ...... _ u."'ted b De lege" Richmond , Ind ., July 3rd ano meeting 'by the guests. . oJ Dayton, were Sunday visitors at AnnoWlCell)ent wu mtde· " Plans wel'e made at the meetlng the home of Mr. a nd Mrs. D . C . DwLre, of Mason , and Robert Linton h ..' uc were lU'll'e& 'I P- 4th , The conference was called to The Society will be entertained in gUt! t.o thJ.s orpnlratlon. The , _ Sh yo "'f....n..~~'d CO d a~A • to increllse th e membership of the R id ge. SatterthwaltQr son of Mr, and Mrs, Uv, " en . ...... ad- consider Tlhe stand F,len ds should August at t he home of Mrs. Rufus LiQio He.tctware C~pany aDd TbJ mltta"L~e'f4~"" taIP,.... f " • • " • flenry SatterthW@lte. wasQuletlYhld' '''''' ~Ili ....e money rom .. take In the presen t crisis. club, wlijl s pecial empha~1s on lnterWstl!lns. Le~on BUllnesa & Ptof.IIIkIIIal R , H , H prtsock Ilfld O. H. Brace solem~'zed 'e evenl~n In .h.. Ulg p..ce at t be 1I::e house. ' ' f ' ..... ~~ \4 "14"', Hte, VII " • " • • • Women·s. Olub cont.rOlut.ed ,I ' esting farmers of the community In the a ffairs or the organlzaLlon. are guests of the Central 'l'rust Co" parsonage of the Methodist Ohurch , MiSll Doris Salisbury was a dele· eacil, The club a lso lnt.ends J o t ake steP/l of ClnclnnaU, at the ·Oi.ne1nDAtl· OQvlnif.On. Ky.• wtth thO Rev. gate from Clncln~atl to the s:onvenThe next meeVq Or the ~ . • L to ll'1lerest new bU$less flrms .and BrOOklyn ball gllPle being pla.ye4 in u.m aRDWlaw. ~~. • UU UIIfi Uon 01 the Alpha Iota sorority. an (;1&0 . will bE! heid Monda:v. July 16. ~ Industries In com1n1J to Waynesville. OlnclJmatl topigh t Thursday). The bride lB' II graduate or. Mason honorary buainess SOrOrity, held last the headqulLl'W's ~ Harmon BaIL A • , • • • high school, claes of '37, and the IlJ U . BurS week In Ohlcago. luncheon at The Goldm ~ will Mrs. R. L. Hackwell Is vlsltlng at groom graduated from Waynesville • • • • • follpw. t he home of her brother, Thomas high school, In '37. ~. satt.erth· The progrPJ'P for utle annual 4-H Mr. and Mr, . R. D. Collett and A delJghtful y was en 0 'h i d · . ers an d (mil a y. o.' G Iendale. waite Is emploYed in the restaurant Recl'e&tion Day. was beld at Warn ! ramUy attend ed a p cnJc t upper at ay. July 7, when members. relatives C arru • • • • •• owned by his brother, O. r, Battertb- Park, Thursda.Y July U , 8pecial at- Wayne Park, Sunday evening, glvel.l and friend s, of the Bopn . faDdy BENEFICIARIES OF Mr. a nd Mrs, Glenn Bland lind waIte, and Mrs. satterthwaite oper- ~ct1(>DS ~uded a p~ic lunch, by the Merry WIves olub of lIiew met at the hom!! of Mr. and Mr8. . ESTATE ARE N~D ~ daughter, of Springboro. spent sat- ates a. beauty shop hi the WlIl1am- 1Iw1nun.lng• . "OrUiY" tr1lCk meet ,&rid Burllng'~n "" , Of , wht Ch Mris . Collett Is 01 ~nn Davis and farnilJr tor their ron apartment, wher.e ~, bfId,e ..... a ml-" a~ al ' . a variety of If'Dles and stunte. UlU.... . annu reunion. Two SODa and three · dauabteFJ " ul'd y n lgilt with Mr . and Mrs. L. O. Tl1e M,~ amls lpst ,the fi rs gam~ or St. Jollq. 8l"QOJll Will r~~l~e t\fter AUB\lSt I. Awarda were liven to tile clubs ha'v.. • • • • • A basket dinner was enjoyed .t were named benefldar1el 01 &be _ . a doubleheader ta&t Sunday by ~ " • • • • 1ni tn, laraeat iKtendance or mem- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor of San t he noon hour by the lollcnrfne tate of the late Barry B. wnj.aDW'D, score at ~2-7 , 'to the sll,lg~ g ~ ber" ""ci In,."ts ft_A . • ') clubs .'''_~" Franc~. arrlved here .Saturday guests : Mr. and Mrs. Weldon W-n accar"I"_ 'to ...- wW ~..,... :.J!.", E th LehAn . t u ' . dl - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hougq and ' ~- numbe~ of point6 In night to spend the summer with and Geral.d , of Xenia. Rev. and BDU ..... a f ou _ Ion a · le tormers V In the hlghut Mrs, filed _ Jli .the court of, "..wu .... alnClno. Pi'll; Jtomp'kJn8 w~ on lJ1e fa mily, Mrs, Viola ~rl!\n, lll¥I '\ h tr .. Mrs,. Taylor's mother, Mrs. Edith M. W E D~an of Bp"ft~ ..._" .....: Ralph H ' 1'l10 1l1'lC\ for the local boys wt th ,Todd Er nes t Harlan enJ~Yed a motor trip t e a t . meet. I Harris, . ' ''''''& ''''6 ......ey. .-.. • 0are7 JI.nndq~ '.: .1 , b~h'pq hhe plate. Tbe gnml) Slarted ' ~lIndllY ~h ougll Adllms, rughland, ApproXimately 500 boys and girls • • • • • and Mrs, Evan Bogan and chUdren, The sons. Raymond J. and ~ , out I[ bile Ioca.ls were aolJ\g to and Pike coun~es. and thelr parents w&re in attend· Robert and MarJorie, of Dayton. Mr. . H . WnUam""o. are D&med. ~ . .... .. t th tin Mr. al)d Mrs. Glenn BlaM and Keller Hoak and daughters Anna of a "8ene~ fund" to be CUa....... ·...:;.~ wlilk a.way Wltll. the glim getting l • • • • • Another positive case of rabies, e mee g. dau6'hter. Bat1barll Lou, of Sprlng- Loul se an d Eul a . Mr,and Mrs, prorata amana thems81vea.&D4' ..--- -. , . ~ b 1 I~'" the .~hl in W unt ance a run In tlle v~ry rlJ'st Inning. bll~ the Warren Sheehan visited Harlan r n B__ ~ arren ~ 'I ,boro, and Mra. D, L. Orane were R aleJgh Bogan, Miss Monimia. Bun- slstea Ethel ft_ .... . __ A ~ - - : . ' • Soul!) ~lJanon boys had no trouble Ir.ll·l~hlU·t Wednesday and Thursday to e j ght since May 26, was reported na ............... - ,_ - guests of Mr. and Mrs. John :a. nell , Mrs . Nellie 'B unnell, Mr. and IJamaon aft .. Loue"b_~ solving the dellve.r1es of .J1;opklns. of last week. Mr, and Mrs, Walter k> tile bOard of Oons, Sunday. Mr s, W. E. Smith an,d MarUyn Bue•.', mated valulI'of' .... a •• ,,- .......... >.; • . bealth office In LeIl."e.· Mt.DiUW", 'lhls 'was n postponed game which Sbcehnn and son Richard were dln- anon. thlB week, • • • -.-- -~ Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell. Oarol ot wh1ch '12.000 .... 18 reU Bl&&W. ~ w SClteduled for. ~emol1&.l DaY'but II p.r gu ests of Mr . and Mrs, H. " B, CommissIoner Edward BI§lr W~ 00 . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings and and Rhoda ponnle .(ean wiler lind ' " ~ I wlfs rained out. ' ., Ea.rnhart, ThursdaY, evening. advised br smtt P'l!&lfll omclP tJtt,t son , Robert visl~d " Mr, and Mrs, Dorothy Loulse llIly, all or Waynesappointed !JarOId IL T he second game was S),Ipposed to ~., , ft ro~: ~Wll~ hY WIlltacre. or Funeral services wer e held at the Oarl Stephenson of near Morrow. ville, Mrs. Olara Dunn Mrand Mrll . •dm1n1atratar:of ~ ~, hpvc 'peen the tlr8~ ' ~nme' 'pt , ttie ' Mrs. fT6W!lr~ McC"n~and dllUgh. Morrow. 1'ea'qted positively to a ~Iday. Oarleton Dunn , and c'hll~en WlI~ tate · BOndln°rted'l7.0~IO was rued: 'I'M 11 in I I b r Fr rabies teRt. The head . of the animal McClure funeral home Monday • • • • • I • . court appo ·Roes· B. ~ e ~n !'~ on se" ~ ' ut Was Ith~ ter . 0 Ilnktort. 0 ., were week end afternoon ror Frank H. Shlciaker, lam. OorJ.s and .Rlc ard. Mr. and George J . WaterhOUlB. aDd ~ forfeited to the Mtamls or Will have vlslt~rs of Mr, and Mrs. L, H . Oor- was sent to Oolumbus, ,,!ter tbe dOl 79, widely known retired live stock Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bwbb, of Xenia , Mrs , John Bogan. Mr. and . Mrs. Earnhart as a IIera ' ttl Ill' play~d,ll.t ilIatel' d~tt!, dP-n. 7 died. W, O. Mannlng. county dog and Mr. and ~s. Howard Drum- Walker Kra.tzer an~ Ruth. Miss ppra. "'h f th • • • • • war(len rt!pol'ted, dealer, who died at hili home near ' mond and children were O~t Aa n LoUise Dunn Mr. Leon Irons, of . ~ e reason Of e prot.est \VIIS Harveysburg Friday morning. . -- ur......,. ...... ha t during ~e, first game th~ vlBlMrs. Viola Harlan was a guest at Anothr.: dOl which bit PhUlIp . He was ~n in Olin n coun e.venlng dinner guests 01 Mr, . and Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs , Geo.rtfe BlUltors used tWO-bails that were almost th e home of Mr and MTS. H. B. Reed. a Washington township youth, and lived near Harv~ ~ Mrs. Harold B . Earnhart and family, nell and Larry. of Centervllle, Mrs. worn out, .T he Ideal ball club ' Earll'hart, sa~da.y night. h~ ~en , tted u~ for observation. ac- entire lifetime. • • • • " SadJe Reason , Mr. and Mrs. Willard t hought that. .as long the second • • • • • cording to Warden Mannina· He Is s~y@d RY hl,s mte. L1II1e Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Bogan. Mary Belle an d Betty. J. H . M1'Il. D. o. Rldie attud :;_ galhe was tJie tm, that co~nted"tbey . Mrs. Ernest Harlan and daughters Harry I(ast, of Harlan Township., L . , allQ two ebtlclren, Harry. reatd- Mrs. H. A. Mohler and famll'y were Bogan. Geo.rtfe W . Da.vJ.s. Robert John Weller ~.: would ' play , with' tp.,ose ',balls but In arrived home ~esday after a Vlslt Blanobest.er. R. 2, ~as f\lled U5 ,1\<1 1ftC.at home, and Freda or Llver- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Byers and Davis. MJ.sses NelUe and Marjorie Sunday. at the hom, ~ Mr. }Uid the second gay.e· (hey'·Would bave to wit h Mrs"Harlans parents, ~~- cOl~S. C!cI\!>~ two cbVges, Monday more. cal. TwograndchUdren. daughter. Mrs. Artie Meredlth or Dalvs. Mr. and Mrs, GlelUl Davis, all Mrs, Stanley Balle,:, of u_ '~ throw In ~r I:!a Is . because of tl!e ton, 14, NBh~ \I' tne court of F. C? Wellner, Wayne , of Wilmington, aud Mra. Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn of Huveyeburg. memberll of the f~ ~,J " l ~po~ 0 the g!,me. Whet) ~hl: . '" t , . J~~~~_o.r ,Peace ,!f ~lan Township. ~.~ Dtce. of Xenla, and two Flatter and .~dr;n ~f ~Iohmond. b&slttt picnic at ~ .. . ~ secOJl~ Ji:l)"bflgan they threw !n . Mrs. Ralph. Vance at Wl.Inllngton He was {o~ !Plllty of ,harboriuw in great grandchildren, IUsO aurvtve: SALE EVENT QPENS t.he af&ernoon. an int.ei'estlDC ',~ PILlis that were no better tf\Bn the and her fa~her, J . O. HaWke. spent unlicensed dOl. and "Uowlni • dog' servsces bere' were In charie ot Mr, and Mrs. Robert Walton and AT LOCAL STORE gram of moVIDI plcmrea .,...aboWa ~ onea used .in th~ , firllt same: .the week end at ·nIdlan ~. to r1.l1l ., \,,~e dunn, quarantine. Rev. J. P. 'lbombury, of Harveys- ~on. of Dayton, visited relatives 10 by Earl Reeder. or 1laYto.. _ " • • • • • Waynesville! Bunday. prior to leav. . 'llle game' proceded untU ,the fou.rth . bura. and burial was ms.de in Ml&m1 In f Thursday. July 11 marks the open· during' a recent Wllltem ltrip. inMIe ; Inning when one ot t p'e b..alls was .Mi', and Mrs. Mayna-rd Weltz an ;! LOCAl.. FRIENDS cemetery. ' th~ ;:s~, two months trIp through , Ing of a IS-day sale te be inaUlUl'- were'- picturea Qf the caD.dt.n . BOclk'~q· .:~ out, aDd wheq asked to throw In a chUdre!l vlslted Saturday at ' the AT CONFER~NCE • • • • • ated by the Myer Hyman store. In lea, Yellow &&one Park.· tbe :'~ I ·new one, SoUth ' Lebanon, could not ho~e of Mr. and Mrs. Premont PICNIC SU.PPER ....... and Mr E J B .~ WaynesvUle. and Hyman 'anq Biocb, Canyon. and the :8an PiaDciIa provide ·It. .tJ'ter much il.f:guIDent the Weitz, of Wilmington, uu . s . , . urwn. of t SJ)l1ne , W l' " umpire called the ......... e. • • • • • ';en membera of the Wayn~vU11J HELD FOR GUESTS Elyria , 0 ., who htve been VisIting ~ . . Valley. ' or d s Fair. GaDWJ were '!, ~ , .-' e-' . Friends u_ttflg, Ire In ,,(tendN\Oe reiatives here and In XenJa wUl New · and up..to-bbe minute mer- by the children. S!1Ild .",.!l,". ' JU,I¥ 14, tbe, locaJ "I' ~~m MfS·~Dth l-ur~ Dennis q.nd ~a!18t!ter, ......'( Gen~ Ootlf~. Mr, atid Mrs. Mark~ Rogers and leave Thursday for a trip to Yellow . will be a if.ered b'I these two . , .' t ~-'" Mias f N th"'d 0 ,"n" at the J'11eNlB ' chandlBe f1rms ----.~, .. WlU f~ce C1!U'kii"ill\l at Mm . I! ."" tIlll ~ ' ",," .. @!',9 . or "1' ge, a"~i" .., of whom ar tn..... ~~ LYTLE LADIES ' .JI. In { . ~ vtalte'il at the h'o me oJ'Mr aDd v- beinll ,held at Oape MaY. ~ . .I.• thi8 daUibter ,Anne • . Illtertained at a Stone Park. . resen·' t . ' _ .e :, , -~ , BecOW ot ~he e1!mlp,.tton .. . . ' ..,."' It. Tll t4l'B W A Tuklna pi Ie • • • • • p . s ocka to ·tnake way for new IS £ .....t!>DTA.'· .. I!o·... lost ~ .ota.i-~- o. Le~ Hawke, 8~. wee ey ~' " . . ... ., "'T' . en supper, ·the evenlna of the fa'll aild winter . . " . A • 50ft ....... _ ' ""t.hUW:WH "l, . • •• .• . " . • d~~~ter • •~4!r, and son. PGiIald. ~Urth. to whlch the follOwing Dr. and Mrs. A, E. Stout · and SUbatantial mercliand1se. _ et' me~ ~!Oft· ~ ~ "",a.pl. bf ' nlltrolt. ~~d .W ases .Mon1JD1a HOak aQd Gn.oe!Ple5&a were' 1DV1~: JIIr. and ' Mrs, daughter. Winnie Jo, ~ed Sun- duiina thJ.s bls ~~ ~ ~ered A Jarae DWIltJI1. of ...,..._ . ms J:I10UIQr.)lra JI.l11,. Beraan; oyer HOCke~t, J. Ii, ,MendenhaU• .Seth o. V. ~ of BaltUnare; Mra, day night after a weeks visit at uncler way t Ii ev~t. w aot ~verallUilta ~ ·'teDd..s' ELD lihe' week ' ei:\d. , ' , .!m'naI 'Jr., WUtclll and Owen Bart- Robert MalIIby' &D4 cla\llh~.· ot In.c'! an.Lake aDd Astiland, O. mornlng . a . ~' , m. ~uraday ' . I . a ,' ~_ _ ",IoJI""_ . FOURTH BIRTHDAY • • • .' , sock. aDd ~tb Hoak. ftlcbmond. Va,; 1&e Ellen MoOoy • • • • " " AId meetiDl. W~ __._., ' "" ' . Mr.' and ' Mrs, RoP.r Ob~bJlu . of :'-· . . : ,. and 0 , W. · ;Roiera ~ . eo1t of Mr. and Mrs. HarOld FlUet. 80n VISIT " at ~ . ',..ot Mn. ......~~, "-..,. . Joan' Oar,st• . Xenia and p, D, ·1Ju-W'. Imt.i Mr,. 1Iartan . Buddy, an!l daughter, Owenolyn, .of . . " , '.' ·.of Mr. '~' Mrs, L. A. GarIt• . cele- to their l\Omes Monday !'!te11lQGq . . . ' 14fI. Barrr ~, aDd Mr. ' aDd. ~ .Xenla. ~nt Sunday 'with Mr. Mr. and Mra, ~ond 'WalUr lira. II. Prated tter (0\U'tJl ti1rth~Y ~\(er- after a v. .~~ of aivwal ~ JQ Tbe mf'1Pben or",e " 81:'Lo" bridle ·Ha - :.T,tInu ad., ~t.er of and MrI. T. o ..~ , ~ daugh~r" Bubara Jo. and Mill reaiPl4.........' ~. ~cmda¥. :;ntb a p&rtf to w~ the Smo!Ut)l IIW. .ClUb, werl entertaSned TUIIdaJ '"" M1ddlltriD; aDd ~. ,1IDd lib. N. L. . • .. • • • , Vera 'lbl.en. all of DRivlt, ':;d.:~I~~ the foUQW1nJ little .~esta"were m- ~ _.- • • • • ~. at. the bome of , ..... JIaI:gkI"""""RoPn . and _~1*, ~ of MrB, L. V. spent Bun; week enel ~ orMr. ~ .. , vited';": Squlrea. W1Dn1e .16 Mrs. Ilniat. RoblDlOD of ~ 1IlUer.. lira. II. A. PulJt!non.was • 'spriD&lboro. . ~ clay with her dauglUer• .Mrs. Donald Ray u.IDoua aad famUJ. Mr. aDd _t.~t: ·etOiit. '1rIIIr11Yi1. 00'iia:;-rmene Balla- Mr. and Mn. Georp Beaqi eel !Plat oUlle club. Two' ~Jee or carda .. Greene, of ~ Un. Walker 11ft KOI1da.V f~ a aid ' WIIl*miliia ' BradcIocS. Linda 1I4lIIII BI1fabetb RkIIe.of OJnC:tnDMu, were pIap4. IIDd were WaD bJ Mr, and lin. l:nIiID ·.DlIa lOG ' .• • • • • , weeb·· vJa1t to W~ D. 0, AII4 _ . .~. 8andra ' Lea Btmpson, and Mr, t,bd lin. H. O. COleman of ·Un. H. P.1JJe aDd lira. 1.. A. au.. ~ph Bm1t.b ,.tuf~L~ IrOQl ~ R. D, OoU~ MrIt. D. O. New 'Ten 011r: lila TIl' b aDd _ t......fi,.• Jii amutt. NabcJ Bubore lfanOoci. vIa1ted friends and reJa- ~ta of p\ IDI _ _ _ • ItIIdDI ~ 01. - , . . dQa at JUdIe and Mra. R. 'B. IfartaoQIt were ~ .To Will 1'IIUbl" ~,
· Loca I Happeologs
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P k TL day
Held 'Sunday
Miamis Lose One, Protest Another
Aoothllr Rab"les
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I ' vl!tL CoW't $12.bO, Columbus Blank. Book lyn Whitaker. Mr and Mra, Amos COOk and aona. R [Jllblh:uu ticket Mi Ern~~ and Wartlln. luld Mrs . Elizapetl', STruth, or WnynesvUle, wen mermLned ~o . cllIll.er Sunday ~t the ~me of i s. Nillr@artlt' Johns and Pal Johns . .·WWIa ito !!Til an daughter Mrrram and Mr. a d· rll H ameU spe d g t Is elt the lonnel'~ Uncle 1 d um . d .'b . h 5. JOljlll1to aL Andel'1 be l . J ex- son, rlld ., Mrs RoSer. ttlo)c. , them ~t1!o~n~ c - -- - ----=--== • 11 d sp m Suncta.Y there. Bam . ' Mr. and Mrs. ' Ubwa·rd Deweese Allen's Ser- sp t au .d y with the I tle,"s O\lSs!Vir no Mrs. Owe a d fa mih' a L Wave IY 10 Pike Cou t"t . tv
F. T• .Martin' I
SATISFACrIONOr No ' Charae Centerville, Ohlo ·___ Phone 78J
Sand &. Gravel 'r~RVIA·LI'rHIO
- Th'el'e is indeed food f T t1lOu g ht in th del'l SI011 of Dl Arthur E. MOl'gan , forn l' P ' s id nt of Anno ' 1 co il ' and ' ex-chairman of TVA , to lO V hi S b u in ss linel :ot "' from Dayton to Yello, IJring ' , i 1 ord er to s t lldy Iii pl'o L, lem of developin g and ke p ing le a d Tsh ip j sn < ii Lommunities. Dr, Morgan believes th a t th e -' n it e d St at ~. for It s O -"''' j~ good. must "stop s kimmin g off the l'e:J.m from sma ll town s and ~iJ}ages and leavillg them he lpl . s to onlribute to th t; country' · pt:0gress." "Thesl! -potential lea ders go to the cities, take F'0od jobs' and leave behind them communiti es lacking t he insplr' ation and inta'r est they might ha ve gi ' e n ," D r . Monsan says. ~~~hey don 't ha y enough C' h i ldl'en to t itke th ir plac s when they di e, and th e ir p ial' :) ill lhe b ig organizations can be kept filJed only by 'kimmin g t h e cr eam. ' ':l'o a very iarge d e gl' e the population of h e nitecl State~ origii\ates on th farm s a nd s m a ll L'omll1unit ie:; and then ,moves to the citi s. In a f e w g ne l' ut io llS till:' ci ty fam ily has' died out. ."In tile long run the quality of. lh e t:itiL'~ wi ll dl' P ·nu on the tural distri c ts and ommul1iti es. ]f th ' l' r 11 11 is onstantJy being ' kimmed, then th quality I 'ft bt llind [0 s t standards there will becom low e r a n I low e r and that change will be r eflect e d bac k in t h e c it ies. I'Tittus. ·t he only way to rai se the quality o f l ife in America' is to I'aise the quality in the small communiti es." ·TJie qt:ialibe of I ad I' ' hip and prog r essiveness, or rath~r the jack of it, ofte n fail s to distu rb residents and business men of a small community fik~ Wa y nesviile . Ton often <we· are' unconcemed with the probl ems of riends or other bijj;lltless men, as long a s we are getting a1on g. --'~'~'bE!f6'r'e young leaders can be induced t o st ay in eQmlm~initie~s, thete mus t be a cooperati ve spirit shoJtll' tiy e~ery, r~sident and busi ne ss man of t hat particu -
Zain Armitage Phone. Wayne ~ vl1le 4f R 11 Lebanon ort! e Phone 4n-Kl\1orrew Phone No. a
Harry J . Eaker. S,. truck drl . . . er j a ob A Scott e, !l1 vs. D Y. Spring VOIiiej', Mabei Gle850n. '33. Cun:pbell ei ai : Il CCOlli-11 app.o'.-eci facto:"; ;:or~e:. Lebar.on Geo;'~e i'\coe.t~. , 1. i"OOre: . na Wagner y~ '['; erect 'Wag;1e:. Spring-co;-o. . :1:la i'\oi:Je:l~. 61. d ,"orce g-:ame:;i. ~~ Sprin;;:tbo;o. ~ Lorraine B. Spray ', 5. v:im. 1'f . CarJ Norris. 25. st<;de:lr teieg;raph SpTn' hl'lITlng 'set for 10 a m .. Sat l/ , d fl ), .
operator. Fr'i,-tkHn. p o. Qtny Pa tte1.·' SOl)., 21 , at,enogTapher, Frankiin , R R.
"1l0nA'!' E COlllt '!'
Willis Burgess. 24, lDolder. Hamll,uardianship of Phy lJjs Roll . min· tun . Ti llie Hlmter. 19 Lebanon. Vincent , aher, 23. pain ter . Inor. first account filed . c nna ti. Mary Crain, 28, Lebanon. Guardianship of Mabel R Wenzel r,1I ( cd st'<ond h l. al a CC<lunt, filed . R . R. 4 Lee R . Smltn. 44, steam shovel E l~[(, of Sarah J . Murray, deoperatp . mcinna ti. Ada. C;-a.in l oon ceased. first, and final account flied. 41 , L banoI) , R . .R. 4.. m. July 28. Earl Smith, 26. employed at FlBnk Simpson. decen.sed , inven Kmgs Cartridge 00.. re6iiient in tory appraisement corrected. Mary L . 'Wallace. deceased; Inber- South Lebanon. Clani Abe;le, 32. ~ '~ ont:;:omer"' . ltance taX determined. as nothing. LV. ~ " 10 ""'~rr Geor.ge E Rliey. dece:13ed r edac.... . Be-chie , 3,., steei wor '. r 'Pranklin Ri.i~h Marshall, 35, e TIon of bond ordereli. . Guardianship of Dorothy Louj~ e Pranklln. Dw.yer, et al . hear n g set for 10 a , R. A . Z mmerer, 22 ,.eie'graPhet Lebanon. CiQ iiendrick.s, 26, m. June 28, Estate of Clara L Fnrr, deceased, teacher Lebano . fHSI and final accour.t approved. lar com,rpUjlity.· • " ' __ Ruth Hannah Orew, decease .. t .. ., QIB!'-n' ~ tjle~!'Y ' presents a c halleng e ,_ not n.t ;;nci tln"l ;;C. OW1t ·apP;o·ied. only' : ;\ltur~ generaiJiQl1s , but ~o present i ea 'ers of tile Oih'er vv. Mo..:;. cieceased mil .io:;eph -. lind Moia.. E. Reece to B V Sonci Mru y Eiien " Parker ; 50. and fina i accOunt appro'rea. '!DaU ~o~muri1ty a s we.1L 'two. , Nettie . Shank. deecase<i, ,fU:S I a re-in Ha rl£m :ro"mship. , and final CC'Ount IiPprond Ivillton Dra ke to Clara.- Prather MOSTLY ABOUT PEOPLE ANI;> THiNGS 'j\!j<lM1 A Hollowa'·. deceasEd sixth 53 ill Bout.r. _ _ --'~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'l<J.li _ Lj ___ "-".........:1l-J.I.ll.-I.ll-Ul -l,l. . ........u_~_bJ3!_"'-9_L...i_~.!!.....I..=.<L.lill:U:..J:l.illl.....::Jl....J~....i!>L...lli..-.!:~ a 'dum approved o· N' 1' 101 5 D I B. R1 t Z. decea 5e~· 11 S[ Jim Gibbons back on the age of som four b U1 ld j g is i iaTY . Keeve t job after : a long hospital .. .lots of them top th n ' fil al Ii. count app o.ed • and El l ,be th Brewster; pa t of Trus t of Will am BuTt eeeased iot 1'1 in Mason Beige with a bum 1eg ... Jim tury m ark .. . W n lt el' Williams i u.,t account approved May Burch to Mary Ellen Stroup; ~
!!~u=:;::laio~~:e~!~~~ ~~~ne~l'~~ 't i~~!~~~at~E~:; ce:b~~tfil~:l I~~~e:~:al ~:~our:~
iVLorg$n, bl.'llllid care. sa.OO; Newton STa per, invalid care 10.00; *L B. Steele, invalid eare. "5 .00; John E . W' son. i:rJalfd care, ,7.00.
Miss Minnie Orawford returned home Sunday aftem on, aft&' Ronald Rush left Sunday for spending a week in ctncinnatJ . camp Hook near Middletown, to Mrs. Ernest Earnhart and ohUspend a week with thk Boy Scouts. dren. David and Ernestine, were Mrs. Margaret Johns a.nd Paul John s spent Thursday with Mrs. dmner guests of Mrs. HIley Gibson . and daughter, Pauline, Sunday. Elizaoeth Smith n Waynesville. and Mis. Marris Lewis spent Mrs. Alice Olark Is spending thIs ROoor FOR AND CONSIGN Sunday afternoon with Mr. aDd Mrs. week w\lth her brother and wife, Mr: Joui Cattle, hop, sheep .D~_~ John Koester, of utica.. and Mrs. Lee Mason at Mason, to Norris-Brock C"", live w .... aDi Mrl;. Etta Blair, of Xenia, ls prolmlllive Iirm for the bla'l-~ iV'll'. and Mrs. Howard De';l"eese at. spendin g a few da.ys ;vith her 1Darket price. and lood eemc •• tended the call g;;me L, Cincinnati. brother, ·Mr. Lue Murray. . ODloD Stock Yard,' CiDclaDa'!t O. 'i"nul'Sday. In on S.dlo Stati011' WliKY Mr. and lI/irs. Paul Sanders and Tune MUton Jones spent· several days chUdren of Dayton, spent Sunday 12 :26 to 12 :80 p. rD. for our ~, market rep orb. last week. with his grand -paren~. with Mr. and Mrs. Haroid Ke1lls and Mr. and Wus. Edwin Nutt, near Oen· family. rerville. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lucas and BODDY Swank received a bad CUt daughter, Beny Sue, and Mr. Ernest c 1$ lip from a fall from his bi- LUCas, of Wilmington, called on yck Saturday eventng. . .. . _ t ... . Mr. ano Mrs. Dayld I:iucas. ::lunda"• Ml ss Lawa.Ed;;na . gle of Oincln evem'nC' Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Sm1th and. nati and N'liss 'S arah Burnet, of East Mrs.".RoDen Greene. Mrs. Leona fam Iy were Monday evening callers L ter ...... n..~h ard family. Palestine, 0. , are visttin& at the Thlrkie and ohlldt:@. and Mr. Wilbur 0 f 'h • e es home of WU' . and M~. Harvey Bur- Steven'~, pf Dayton . called on Mr. The funera,l or Mrs. Ro6le RiftS net. a un d a.LJU.Ji1.=-,==~"'i'C';;-==-n::-::-= of Dayton was held at Ferry last iVa . aD:d Mrs. Raymond Todd and an d "''''-C ., Lue Morgan, .. ning atur ay . e wall. Inli1&terof children spent . r.he Fourth and the . Mrs. Frank Wrlaht. eell end with the lat ter's parents, , Mrs. EMa Blair of Xenla spend. , near West Milton. tng a few days with Mr. Lue Murray. Mr. an'd Mr~. ~ee Riley spent the Mr, a d Mrs. Edmond Marlatt. Mr. 4th of July In West Virginia. El\VCIod Gryu;.sJ and Billy Hennesey. E ert Marlatt, and MlSIi Pauline albThe TrI State Clu.b .met U Ferry ,
, Mr.
AY. .
d;: ov;u~~ a~~f~c~:u::~~nec~l:tY'DO ~~0.~:~:~~I:::r!::~::m::: ~~. ;:' 5'::~
d::~h~:: :~=t. ~~d::~v;i!~e:::
_. :lue: nd of undev'., his morning in t h n' brigh t iy- pr ved. . otltY Ke.:,-tler; 15.60 licres n Hamil. t . .. .r_ d Mr Dorthia·. last Wednesday. Eleven young folb recisteftd fol' ' - kin o·&~ _e ea', f ·-t · t.oll 'to' ...~on · I·p. . son, m company w tn .... . an s'. cam!p from thJs ., nel<t" ................. ·Tri·'esk .. inf, ·ar~~l"to res t th e ail painted tru ck that adverLeenOEr..len 6 . a 5 U C .,,'g ., ....... UUUU d e J'. " ~ • a • Edwin Nutt, ~. '4C · ht d' d fl 1 . 'v1mB ",";' o an"'s to iii,in of near Of'mervLUe. R""'URN ' F ROM C"~ Yo;"'ORNI" . E' tnte Damp Will De held at Ohau·au· . tl·.. es pupe-bred r "t en na account approvea. ,", u " " " " ~ ... • . , , ':'a .......... .. ... b i nr limb •• :a.,g l'e SIgn lD IVe., oc .. : . ank Schooley, deceased first b ugh, 21 acre in IJebanon. · spent tbe Fourth ~t ,the ~ves lD , ' qua nedt wen_ .. front of l'Our House" , BeBs ) e hea r fh at Elliott Wr ' g ht an fi I accoun t suspe ded_ lad'ya ook to O . .willard and E Hocking cCi1.i11"'tY. .'Columb". , • Mrs. Ella Kent. of Deleware. Mrs . John BecoU Pought Perry ' 111~. ,And~r8on'8 new ~ating pIa l!, • is 011 of th " big hots " in Waiter r1fIitn. deceased, . m s t lVjlln 1 ude Hoilman ; .21f>.aore in Frank - w::~ ove~' s=~~ ;!est 0 .... Slella Evans and daugltter . Helen, a SfS thres~i'". ()Uf:f1t and Will oPeron -Maih 's triet...Wayne ville ~he -United States Rubb.e and f n61 account pproved. d Mr K I G ha of Dayton, and Mrs. Hnrvey Rye re- ate It In this 'neighborhOOd, Perry. kids m~t~,ve ~a'T ed their . ompany . in D etroit .. ,he's Elii.a.beth Smith, deceased, lirst E nest Reynolds to Plift'ord L, IUld nMr . ~~rv:~ e~~aet :~ SP~dlng .turned Monday ~venlng , after a nesplte ,h is oft repeated statement, moq " Ilc.e Ghl'jstmli'S lDor" . been with t hem many yea rs andflnal ·acounta.pproved , 11 . M{Ql1.itw ; l.l.~i.cres nDeer, th s .weekatLanslng, Mlch.,lattend' three weeks trip to Lqs Angeles, "1 there's tllreetlundJee of wheat In . Mana E Williams, deceased, field township. Ing a Co-op. "''''ilk Oonvent~ -n. CaIU., wbere mey Visited M1'8. K~~ta Greene Oounty, I'm -going to tbreah' der.tO J elebrate the Fourth .. , and is a n a O1'n y now e~...tOry IlP'proveo· . Chaun~ey t·~~ E toeil RI' tehes''', 18B Mrs. Wiliiam ••• ,W d .....f ore of them "'lla d ..~·l.la" to "'t U . " Rogers entertained son a~, ' ... e. Mr. and ' ~s : george ' . ' s ......."" the bo~ba~.nt started at EYa K. i';1l\;aeGIl. . QIl~IUilIl8Q . erc3 III HRl'Al'..tan ts twentY-five is;;Ues , to a st.a nley Ken.t . . , of hiS ~hteiPl1!'e6' exce'pt §I~\ng ~h rsda~) and lp.sted schegule. of debts approye~. E1i~n C TO Mlcha,~ J. ~ne; lots Bnuih Co. denio~Qt'ion on ~iday .. ' aDd tubacco bed 's~eamlni and con' 1.:8 t,.n .•jtl~lgH ..\'16\8 0 ' night. , . Myrt.a Lewis, ~eceaaed, ' b:~r1ng, ' 1'i~~ an,d 1462 In Dele.Tfi eld toi'in.shlp. Where true fortitu~e dwells; loy"' ~et.:trate on these' i",o. ~ '. fireworks"I. ~~" too., ,they · The day w\te n the h ard- ' n_mventory set ,10 . 10 a.m: JUl~ 9 jlarry H. to Hug Pence, 88.46 ;;:;~~~~r:~o~~et~e M!:~~tr~~ alty ,. bounty, frlemlshLp. and fldelMr. and Mrs , !JrvJ.n :t'h6mas wer.e , <t , . ' 4 ,' . ' _. . . ' d . oi t b' '_ John Bergen, oecessed, nearmg acre. in Cle:&1creek t~wnship. Ily may be found: gue!'ts of honor at a SurjlJ1.&e birth.. w .ere .ve • ~, ~ ..,r,?m ~a~ wa re a n . lmp emen . USI 0 lnventory set for 10 a , m . of.' Lily M. E en by administrator to t on. -Sir Thoma:; Browne nay picnic held ·at HartnOli' park in tare' poiriU . ..,on. . tie hIll. .. ness was In th e h ands of A. Juiy ,l6. Robert Lamp; pan of jOts 2 and 3' i\4lsses Wilma. and Beatrice StanCourage Is, on all hands. consider- Lebanon SUi;lday. ,~esent ' 'Were Mr• . B . S 1' d es an d t h e C ross B ro field, of New Vienna, spent, la'st week .. • &aide 'from- ·a , few burned r.en KQ€bei, deceased, saie of in Waynesville. ed as an esst!ntlal of hiih .character. and Mrs. Thomas . and ch1ldren Mr: . ..• '" .. ;;:ltb their cousin, il l ~s Anna Mari "} fingerS :, Jio '·.cast.rtllties w~re . t hers ... A , B .'s place of busi' perSGn i proper~ approved ; inher~ Estate of COllrles E. Penqulte, de-F'roude. aDd Mrs. ~~en.:.e:!,h~ . Mrs. P. repo~a...lle~~ .. ~eavy traffic ness was in the building now itance t ax determined as nothing . ceased, Jots 13 and 21 in Deerfleici ...,------~- --- - -- - - _ _ ~ J.. 'l'homas, '!.~. ~v~Pa¥l.-.nQ . .... ~ d b G'b ' Harry K. Spen e, deceased, nrH township, part of 10i. 26B in lwason, . CHARTER. NO, zm S,?Q, ~,t4is:1 Gtace tKtJampie aD4 t.hrotig}l, '.~'ay'~esville during owne y J ames ~ 1 bo ns aTIc:Vfinai acco-ut suspended. to Anna E . Penquiw, .1l t ai. .e s erh Dist rict No. • Mr. a~ Mrs" Qhrls KIlrdbaam. the' :r~') w..eeke~d ... council a,nd the Cross B r other s r. e reMaiissa Decker. cieceasedh~arin; RaiP..nvv. andwl~h.. .m o. Xoi.in.5 ...;;epo.nOfthecon!lItiOn o~ th e. Wa j.nesvUl~· Nalio~lBani:ot.wll;.nes_ J(. Sm1t~ J~ ' ~ .nin ~ t.....;.~~8 " k·... n o --. • . . 'f ' O . . : .lI e ,n t ne State of 011101 at tn e c,ose <)f busi.nesll' on June 2g 1940 pub· '" ""':'t!l~_'a ~ 'I "', III . em",l!iY' ~~~ lug a ' p e~"sonal lo'cated l'n. the s tore'''oom " W on scheciule 0. oeoos :set- o. l « .10 . to Ben Mor~n ,and Edj'~ he Cie.en- JI.l! n~ 1I~ r!l$ p? ~e to <.'li},rnade b y 'cornptrolier <l'f the ounency under seo- are Sr"~ : ........ :week at,Boy"acout in8~~ .,1)~ Main street ... o c cupied by t h e ,Krog er s tore Juiy 17. ge:.-: jot 7 4 1:1 n ani;.ii."l. ~lO:J o ~t" i.i. S. Revlseo Statl,l tes. A6 fiE'i'S . . ' , camp 'beiq ~t Oamp :Book. M1dcl1enl.m .~ty·~ :ilt.i-c.ks ' 'heard 'last ... Cross es had a w arehou se iI\ Will qfJ ames M . V~:;de;-;o.t, de· Harrj' O. iidridS;El, , 5;-., .0 Ear; :0'~~s an~Q. .<iiscoun,~ (!nciud.l!lS t6.G:i o"enirai e) ..... . .... : ... ,178.0<79lls town. , ' ' !' ,. , '.. . .. , f" ' .. 'A C _. , . . un ..ed S.;hC:; GO"ernment ou&l6'ationll, direct and gull.r;lnteed l"~ 668'26 The W ,.., Smith f .' ,.w.e,.k;~ ' W ._)"., ", .:: t . e p .e nny ,t/:IX the big y e1ioW' barn back of ce:aseo, 7; 'H ilea. Ma7.7<'eu aM ~.e:, . ". ooo....,aro ; . o~,, : ,£a~l{) n~~ of s:ates and. I?olltlcal 6ubdl.1&lons . . .... ..... . :: U;662:00 ~ .. : ~' , amily.,.nt tba . ~.~t> ~ ~ ate of Tillie ' D.ai;e, cieceased. pa. i of lot cOe in F~llki.!n. ~"ne. oonoe, n.o.e~( and oeoent"ret . . . . ....... ... . .... . ..... . 41.937.00 4th jlt the Homer Powell hoIII8 Jzi weI.'( p,o ' cigar ts-... Dick Stan- t he Willi a ms on apartment first and fL.-i ai account S'uspendeci. Charles ana ili~a Shinkie to g~~~~t:ati~~~~,:.;:~n~;~~I~ta~~;,t<j~~l.~~~~~~~,~:r;:i:n~~ ,. ~.2 0a.oo PC'eblea. t Jey' striking out twice in the building full of farm maEsta te of I.ene M . Weiton, de · Da isy . M. ii<lii ; pan or io, :; 35. m .. . ar. cj c!ish ,tQ m~ 1:1 p~ess of coilectlon ... .. ... ..... :.. .. 9U67.20 Mr. :.~d Mrs. JOM . ·Reeder ........ a . . • .. -CIoa:-; ,.; r~r.':'; ::es o7; n t::d i7 ,'11 00.Jf'J.nit'i;1te and -f!Atures '1.400. ... . 8900 00 rn;-l:;,... WlOAtc~ Miamis game with Harveys" chinery of ali kinds ... t hey ceased. appiication for re::iuction c f F.ankiln, " . " with th~ f": J . Thqn'la-es ~e8day &1burg. , bec·aJi~ he. was in a k pt wire f e n ce in t he lot bond dismissed. Roy !IA. ana :inez :E. Champney to . 7OT~ A.SlmTS .... .. ' ~iAaiLiTfii:5 ' " '''' ' ''''''''' '' $GOMes..52 ~r!'?~I) . . · , Guardian of o tto iiartfelrer , Frank and Ei:hei &:hoile ; aOout iss !2~m:;u'.{i 'k ~osas 0{ Ipd l:-'I oua.!:;' ·parnershlplI. at:.\d corporatlc:ms . $274,U9.78 Mr 'Il. pd, Mrs; Lester KeIir1clt " ., Plh urry . to get h. orne. .. Ch at· I es w es t 0 .f tl1e M asoruc temp'l e . .. .me oel>os:ts of ~n<l,''1 o q aI5, partn ershlp:5, abd corporations . . 46,662.90 • "'I . • . jfllard.ian's compensation ail owed. acres in Har~a n to·;;nship. .i1cPo M13 of U nltlla States GO,'ernrnent (Incluol.ng postal . , . m . " ge, and Mrs"~,.nscin . -t Jam~ with an oversized jaw that wa s a great p lace to . t; i\V' n-s) ' 1 ct , ~ Estate of. ~ary L. R.usseli . deceas- -- \ D eposits ~t"~tat~~ ·"rid··p~iltic.ai 'su bdivISlon's' '... : .. .... ~ ~ '.'. '. ':'. '. '. '.. . 59,m:U aatt. l"ri., ay evenlni With the after:. having t w 'o teeth }Jlay hide 'n see k .. '. Mr: Siiles ed. schedule ,.of debtls -apprOved. n~;:,i.S ALii,QiYi:i> Otr.er <.ie;,o~ ts (cer.tltled ana ca.SiIler'a checks, etc.) ..... . . . ' : , 1,796.00 ' p.rnara S. . ., ' looking a lso had lots of 1be nc e~ out"'., I"d e Ge·ne.ieve··... R~es Ge:.-we, 5Checlul,e !I<!~f',L DEp?6TS ... '. .. ......... .. .", :........... " , ... ~~s1.71.0,i9 .' RICnilld .n<U ~"'odea of '~I!'W York. .• pulled ...u" strangel'_ , O.h\'lr It::; ,l,l •.,es .;" .. ......... .. ...... ., .. :" .... " . . 1600.00 . over -the old, Miami GQ, zette , his . stOl·e .. . John Hawke of deats approved . Dr. O. W'liiiaro jtiQffman, rab1es ""'0-\- '-~ ' ~""' ::'TI""" ,, ' . fiance, of M18s Verna 14M BuDtel'· · , ." sarah A. Perr.lne, dec.eased, sched- I'accine Ilnd adrninistI!atiOD, $31.82 ', ; . '.- ~ J.J L ' L.u.~ ........l OAPiTA:> ~ 'c'c' o"t1';"'T' S'" • I ...' . . ,.... : . S363.,210.19 c tbe ·~urth at·' the' ~"a.;~~ lUes and v~lil1g at ' the work e d fOl' A. B. t h en. ., .... . '0 .. .... n , --" . ~ .. . UJe of debts approved. . Dr. D : Williard HOff~!ln, rabies VlIC ~ I.:ap t;,.~ ~~t e~~mo~ s toc . lOta.) ~a!l' .' ......... .. .. .. . : ...... .. . : . , 76,Q·0~. 0() ·:~ter h0b}8. . ' , ',' . . . ',' •• . " Horace W. RuddIck, de()ease~ . cine and administration, $31.82; Dr. Surplllli' ... . . .. .. .. ... .. .. . . ........... .. ......... .. .I .... . . . ..-. ' : 26.000.00 · Last.,Saturday night at. ten-o'cloek . FROM o-rn~' ,V.ALLEY NEWSPAPERS .hearing on schedu le of debts. 5j!t fo r O. Williard Hoffman. rabi,es vacc1ne, ~ndlvtded Pf°rt~s : ., . ........ .. : .. ~ .': ..: .... . . ........ ,.. . ... . ~6.986.aa ~e dial phones' went'into 8ervJ.ct in . 10 a. m. July 18. nnd administration $36.32 ' Dr O. . 'l:'(J]'l\fJ o~ PIT:.Ai, _A:CC QU~TS .. , . .. , . . .. .. • . , .... . ..... 1125,986.aa the F&rry ne''''''borhOod • '"'~ __ . ...... b ·. " . . - " . ', . " . . TOT.A!u ciAai.ul'l':oES AND CAPlrrM. ·\A.CCOUNTS .. .. . . , 50918662 · ' . .... I ' ."".J - .. -. count¥~ n.~pU hcans aI' £! grctttly uleas 0 . Lily M. Egbe~t \ dectulSed. hearlng Wllliard iioffman. rabies vaccine : MlilHORllNDA. . ,r. , . ' . mUCh more convenient tliaii the old pt.the nationa'K' on-ventI on Phil ~ld Iphin' on lichedul e of d ebts set for .lO a. m . al~ administration, $111,82 ; Dr. o' I Pleclg~(~t~~Y(eQ ~ ates ~vernrne1it ~bllgatiOns. ilire~ :a~it uar" ; ' " P~9nesJand: llve .us. a :wide l1Uli' of -,.-:;c~. .. ·", ... ... wlth new cJ)n'f~aence Jook forward I.e) vjcto'~'Y July 18i inherltan::c tax det~mlned W iJield Hoffman, rabl~s vacolne apd .. •. . l\~a~(J. IJ,I~ ~ed t~ uecure 4er~lts and (ltl1er lIab~ufill4 '66 .• 32"~ ' toU free Calla; . . • . ." ", . . W m~l·e they ex pe~ tp . bl'jng- at? en d a nothin g, admUllstr~~ion, ~:n.!I2; Treasurer o~ :>ecure~e ;: <r~f{i~ :.. . " :'.. ".. . I , ... . . ., . . " . . . , . . . . . , . . . . .,: . . .., " '~" "6~~a2,~ . ' The PI ~. 'lb0Jnaaea w~ eD4 i ew 'Deal. . .. ' . Lt wls Dtfll!:e, deo,easedl .inheritance Sta t~. Cl~~g .for .~n:a~e5 .of Has I (a) ,~P9Slts' sefured ,b,' pledged. tlssets p,ur~u.a.l\t , to . luesta of tbe 'La1t'll8JlC8 .'I'hGm • .., ip ta ... dEtermined as .nothing . . r ' pltal t or llipiJeptlC6, ~;30;/2 , 'Treasurer rllllul'remt'r"a of IIl/iv " • ••• • .. - , . • .• , ••• •.• ; • • . : , . • . '61,3U.0.9 LebaIlon. ' I brings a fres'h n e _ to ~ c!lm~'ahm t,~at prom- TIlJ1f! Draj{e, deceaseg, inl1erHanc;e of. State, support o,f ;) dep81ldent (~) TOTAL . . ...... , .... .. . .. _ ... . .. , .. : . •..... , . . ... _, 61 8lli.o~·. 'The BoDie .Sunder's ~ aDd the . ,Ulle.,V1 the' g}Dijt interes ting in him,l'lry.and at. tbe IQx ·dete.rnUl;led as nothing. cW.ld~en, S52.61·; 'f;E:aSUrer of state, -< State of Ohio. County of-WaITeD;' . : . ' Orusacler'. ~ or"~""";" " ~ W I . .' , - . .. .1. ROlSS H. HarUock, caab{er of lobe abov,-named baDk · ' .._ .., . . . . IOel1lentou8 as the g1'eat 'ampaign of 1860 ~'1r a E. II iams, deceasea, fi.rst tl.-pport of 'i !IlepenQent·cr1ppled ·ch!h 410 solemnly s,,"eal' tb.a t til\e above lltatement Ie tJ'ue Obwch of ~ ptcmlMed at ~ . t ence. nd_ finl\l account sU9pended. qren, $148.99' the beat of my knowle4~ and br.llef_ f em W,.,...· ........-.;- ...;L was f''''ht' .. mg f or 1't8 exlS . . ' Dayton Btenci.i "Works .. RoilS H. Hartaock, Oubler. ,~ _ • U...,n •~I1[11t1~1",r:' ib·,fillle:nce, or,. th W·llk·· :. . d . W . Burch, den aS1!O, fJ:n;t and repair . to COllllIlissioners' and a\idi~~orn to and luRrlbe\i. bet!)... ~e thle·6th day of.Jul3', . --:-'_ _ _ _ __ ~ u. any, e 1 leltes ~n tIle gal- nal arcount suspend€d, tor's daters. $2.L'a; Wataon .9~O, it D -- ..-'- bapdwago:n movement that nom" iUchard~. NeIson. 4eceasEd, fU'<; t Oo;n~rr 1 deed . . :i~~lir-Pu!~b~l~IO it was matched by the .t!L~j final acco;ont 1f.....~l:Icie:i. . Columbus Blank " ll1Mt''Itntet fromo~e end the l no to AWJ L. E,oasell, de~ .moe:-
be k. e~p8 a
( box
: wp .
f ewa 0
I Churches
Prt'IlChln g '7 :45 P. m .
., PI~::~Ls~~~nyp~!~:~lt~:~l' I~er;O:!
C'h\l\'('11 ha G not a.n ev nlng service , Mr. and 141'8. Wm . Peterson and : . . . - - - - - - - - -.....- - . . : \\h nflt come and wors hip wIth us. chUdren of St. Louis, ilre spen~lng '1'11 Lord's Day should be a day~ of ST. AlJGU S'J'INE ' IIURC" ~beir vacat.lqn with Yr. and Mrs. I . Taxinl Biltnb Received worship. • Rev. R. H . Krumholt:i. l' 0 , pastor O. Peter&On ilnd other relaUves. Lebanon-Taxins districts In War- M u I Sundays 9 :00 a. m . Mi. and Mr~ . Loren Krug and son. FEURY Out]Rcn OF CIIRlST _ . of Michlpn, were iUests of his par- ren county have received 1941 budW. _ Sm ith . Minister Tlle- in~ttoilal ittuaUon 11 tak- Weir IlBt of places they wish to visit ents Mr. and Mrs. Ray Krug the last geL blanks to be filled OUt and re· IJNDA Y s·.' l\IAHY 'S ~P I SCOPAL Ina second place In Waablncton d1a- • while In the Nation's capitol. HOW- weell. turned to the. office of OQunty AudBible SChool 9:30 a. m. CQUR 11 Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thompson en- Itor A.' M. Parker on or before July cusalon, tbla week. The Question that .ever, tblA,- su.mmer they are doomed p. ople In charge. lie\,. U . L. II U(' " W ell. Itcc tt. r _ma to be upPennost In tbe minda to disappointment. a s the Wbtte- tertalned relatives from Oinclnnatl, 20. he announced. I Commun on 10 :45 a. m . of national let1Slators and othere I. HOWle was CIOBed to visitors on July on the"fl'ourth The blanks were sent to the vilSermon 11 :00 a. m. 8TH S UNDAY A.F'I'ER. TRINITY ~ wbetber PranklJn Delano Roosevelt 1st . ·It is announced tnat beciluse of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eagle have re- lages. tO~hlps . school d trlcls, ll Bro. W. R . Walker of Columbus. 7:30 a m. Holy Communion. "'r.;i w1ll acc:ept a .third term nomin.a tlon ,epaln; and alternatiOns that are to turned from 3 weeks visit wlth'rela- braries and miscellaneous boarde. 0 11 0 will spea k. ea h evening next II a . m . Morrung Prayer a nd "1' from the DemOcratic National Con- be made. the historic home of Prelll- Uves lri' the state . of Wa shington . Budgets for next year must be week. at TTl-State camp at ,Ch UlIlUMr. and Mrs. Joe OilSey. of Day- adopted by councUs 01' other leglsla- man . venUon meet1Di 1n Ohlcaao next dents wtll not be open to the vlsltlllg qua . Ohio, Many peqple who are unweelt. 'these is no Questlim but that public before October 1st. However, ton. vlslte~ Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Rey- t ve bodi es prIor w ttl s date. Two TUESDAY nbl to go. to Ilmp can come for the LUI'!; ' r Because or BeUer Servlce, 2 p . m. hurch Sc hool Summer copies must be return.ed to the th' nomination will be prol'fered MI'. tourists wUl. have the opportunity of noids on Saturday evening. Quauty and prtce evening ser vice which starts at 7:30 Session. Mrs. Cora Compton 1 ft for cOUnty audltor's oftice . Ro'lz.evelt, perhaps by the ~anl- seelnl the rather unusual sight of Esta bUshed 1849.lHO p. m FRIDAY moUi vote o~ \he Oonventlon. The oonrreSll,. at 1ts labors aurtng the .Sprlngfleld on Sunday, tor a visit Wayn es\iUe. 0 .. PhODII aa real question 1.5 w~her he will ac- torrid summer months ahead. witlh Mr. and Mrs . PaUl Compton. Passes Zonln, Ordinance· 7 :30 p , Ill , Oil'b I'l enql), roup. Cl'pt. Durlni. the past few weeks Mrs. Laura McLaughUn. of DayLeilanon-CouncU has passed a ther, have been many indications OO~esl transacted but l1ttlc un- ton. was a guest the last week of her NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEMUNQ i\IE'l'llOIH S'I' C II Um ': lI Zoning ordinance . restr1.::tlng the opthat P. D. R . would t be a cancl!- portant business lilSt week. Early 1n nel.ce , Mrs. Kate Eagle. ON THE I\IASSIE RURAL L'O ub C. lt utllcy ••'as tor ~.~ I'S. Ella Fenis and Mrs . AWla ute for " tihird term, but would tpe week the Senate devoted con- Mr. and Mrs. Webb Wilkerson and demlal areas. SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET The ordinance makes Il 1I1ega! to [ ' <: ri ~ at tended - th e Olive Brancn des~" Secretary of State Oordell slderable t.ime to hearings before daualnu Norma visited Ooney Ishurch School 9,:30 a . Ill. Worship U Olt S' Aid meeting Thursday ar .....r' ' Hull as hlB su£cessor. New Deal poU- the MUlwy lLffa:1rs and Naval AI- land, on the Faurtn. operate a factory. theatre. pIcture IocrV I e 10 ' 40 . m . Tile jJa,:, LOr '~ sub I.., Notlce Is hereby given that on the tl.coa were whlaperiD8 IlU h reports fa~. Oommlttee as to the quallflcaMr . and Mr~. FTed Carter, of hause . theatrl(ll!.1 performance. j Cl "'til 0 .' "SO 1~ t. Oll al t he home of Mrs. Wymer 26th day of July . 1940. at 8 o'clock p. n r ht ~a l~ a l lol\ ,' m . a public hearln..a wUl be held on to their frieilda, statina 'that the tlons of Henry L . StimsOn and Beaver.town. visited Ben Cline on a ahce hall or night club in reS!- here l..5 10 III r ('01111 rr ble pIa " Downey . President was maldni no pubUc Colonel Prank Fox. Pre~dentlal des- Friday evening . dential dlstricw without the written In hOl wll<\lh r 1I.",n I II . lllll e! . YO,I Ml'. and Mrs. Orvl Ue Gray and the Budget, prepared by the Boanl ,statement at this t1me as to his In- ianates 115 SecretarY .' of War. and Mrs. Paul ' Wysong and daughter }jernmSlon llf 90 per cent of [he pro. I'e II1vl ted to II' r ~ lllj) \l lIh u , anJ .1 ugnler. Mls~ Barbara. of Wa ynes- of Education of t·he Massie Rural teDWma becaUR ot the dell.cate In- secretary of the Navy. Both Com- Mrll. Roy Stubbs .. at DaYtOn. Vls!t~d perty owners wlthln a rEldlus of 500 come dressed for comful't . vl!l e. were Sunday dinner guests of Shoal District of Warren County, feet of the proposed pfOlject. I rle Gray famllies. In Wellman . OhIo. for the next Bucceedlng nllCal ternatlonal situation. However. since mittels reportea favorably on the Mrs. sarah Osborne on Friday. Epworth Lfa ~lI e MOilda y e \'ellin ~ 1', sll'd Mrs. Clarence Allen, or 31 • In'l the DOmination of Wendell Wllllde nominees and it is predl.c~d~ both Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trout and Mary IH 7:30. All young people arc iJ1\1ted. year endlnae DanAOlber ~~ ~ . Dayton. we re callin g on the Tal Such hearll18 will be held at the by tbe RepublicaN many of the po- will tle confirmed by the senate Alexander. of Bprinifleld, visited Two New Teadlus IDred I.Olr pr a. ll CC I lO a:; t\'P' .Ing at 8 . o'clock. mage and T erry families Sunday af- oflice of the Board of EducatlOll. In Mtically wl.5e are betI1Dn1ng to pre- wlthlll a short t1}ne~ The Senate also Mrs. Nellie Peterson and other rela. dict that Mr. Rooeevelt will be passed the House bill authorlz1ni dves on Sunday. . Lf,banon-Two teachers have been the High SChool BUilding. Harvey.[emoon. Mr. and Mr . Erneot Mannon . of our. Ohio. Daisy Harris. of Lebanon. spent hired at the Massie TGwnshlp School forced to accept the nomlll.atlon and futur~ expenditures of four bUlion , MARY SYFEJU:). Clerk Wlinungton. and MISS Ethel Manthat IJecretary 01. State Bull w1ll be dollars t'lr the expansJ,on of the Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T . B . Un- til Harveysburg. Rayman F . Hatfield. 'i ln. lIOLL\' !\I_ E. C lIUllCIi no n. of Tippeca noe . were Wedn esday the Vice Pre61dentlal nominee. Navy tbrouah the construction of derwood. Assistant County' Superintendent. T. ill . Scarff, i\linis ter \'eumg caller s of the Davis famly. appr~a.telY two bundred new Mrs. Sarah Osborne had ~ guests announced . They are Ruth Copper . , .'1, S uuday School !l ;3 0 11. III E Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Hackney AmeriCan taxp&yers are b~ wlU'8blp. of· vu.1ou.s tjpes. In ' the on Sat.urday evening, Mr. and Mrs. smillh, Ada. :Rho will cond.uct comEurnha I't. SlIpt nnd Bernadine. had as their Sunda y to feel the addltlonal cost of the de- HOUle only minor leaWation. mostly ArillS Osborne. of Waynesville, and merclal and science cla~e;. .Lnd Evcn ,1l1) 'crvLc 7 :3U. gt!csts. Mr. and Mrs. Welton Hlzar . tlDle procram. On· July 1st new t6x of the .piivate bW nature, recelved Mr, and Mrs. WllIis Zeiler of Dayton.' Marvin Fa&t. Sidney wino wlli :~~ad Pruycl' meeting Wednesday eve- and daughters. Wanda and Hel en . levies' becam.e effective on many c01l.llcterat1on. CoDireU w1l1 recess Mr. aDd Mrs. Harold RJttenhouse the musIc department . P'ogt v.ill also lI inl: 7 :30. Mr. and Mrs. Edward HJzar . of LebItems CODDeCted with everyday Ute. over nUt week- whlle the Demo- and chlidren. o~ Xenia. visited Mr. teach art at sprinibOro. The Mlss!onary meetin g wUl be unon. and Mr. and Mrs. Hackney. of 1UCh' .. psollne, mo~ 00, tires, cratl.c Convention 18 be1na held In and Mrs. Granv1lle Benson on SunDOG QUA.RANTINE UEI\fOVED held Wed'n esd y afternoon Jul y 17. WlImmgton. autolnobllee, rad101J refrlaeratore, Ohlcaao. " day . at Ih church . Mr. Bnd Mrs. Raymond Morgan an4 UQUOl',. club dUell, and Mrs. Flora MilSOn , of Dayton . was WilmlngtOn-Dr. R . W . DeOrow. A welcome awa ll;; y ~u at ll1e e ~ p nt th e we8k end with friends In theatrt admlafJ.~. Heavy inCreases DR. MORGAN WILL a JUest the last week of Mr. and Ollnton COunty Hea1t:h OOmm1sservices. Come and enJoy tneln wlth Ctncmnatl. til IIlCOmIt tueI!, whUe ~pPlIcable to ADDRESS SOCIETY Mrs.. Ed Hi1r~ock. Mr. and Mrs. Henr y Murphy ~c lKO lDcomes, will not beatn to really Mrs. EmIna Simison Is sutferlni sloner. last wee announced thaL us. companied Mr. and Mrs. Chas. imr,.:ell the Amerk:an cltJzeJl&h1p • Dr. Artbur. Morgan, former prea- with a t;lroken hlp received In a filii the dog quarantine ha s been remov d In Wllmlni;'lon and ClinlDn ia to tlie &eventy unW the beI1n- ldent ot Antioch Oollete at Yelow on Monday. Puterbaugh . of Wilmington. on a ( "fiCA U. n. CHURCH recreational trip last week to PymII,Ing of IM1, ~ID auch ~ _ be- Bprinal. and vAdely known lecturer Nancy Benson had her tonsils re- Oounty. but urged owners to keep ' Ot'vis A. Hi1l, PlIS tor atlJ uing Lake. In Pennsylvania. came paYable. JIoth tile Pftlldept and traveler, wtU be the . prl.nclpiri moved in Xenia. on TUesday mom- their dogs under c1o...~ obser vation. and the Oobll'flll are cIoetfjrmlnecl speaker when the Warren county Ina. where the y enjoyed a few days fishSunda: . Ju'y 14 ing and camping. that there mUit be new crop or ~tura.l BocIety meets TUee\I ,,0 ". I I. -.::.llt day ~c hool Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pennington war mUlionatree as a result of the day evenq, July 23, County Alent entertain ed Sunday at "Sunny Side" def,nse prQlJ'am, ,a nd a h_vy DQvld BaUey t.nnounced. The meet.spring Valley-~t.arles Menden- Oorsuc;h. Supt. 10.30 a . tn , MorninS Worship. Farm. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nash. Mrs. lCbtc1ule ofexceia profits taxe.I W1ll 1nJ will tile at the Lebanon hall, New Burllngton. was elected 7.00 p. m. Chrlstlan End aVllr . , Curtis Nash and Janet LoU . Mr. and be wr tten lllto the revenue laws Grance Hall beatnnlni at '1 :30 p. m. president of the board of directors The church needs ; ou an '; 'au ' Mrs. W. E . Althans. all -of Dayton. witihln tbe next few ' montmi and . Keller Hoak, chatrman of the By Gabriel Paul of Spring Va.lley National Bank at a Mr . and Mrs. Bruc.e Carr and J ohnmad, nt.roactlve and -appUcl.bIe to Wayne Township &rOup, Is in chll'ii! epeclal meeting of thE' .board. He need the ohurch. ny and Linda Hopkins, of, Harveysthis yeu", ~8. • of the.;FOIl'&m. A capadty crowe! .· Oln.Clnnatl.:-rtow that the ..11 star succeeds the late W. o . Smith of • 1.5 exped'-d to an~nd tbIa meetlni to game and Its attendant excitement New Burlington . who sl!rved as presW;\YNESV II,I,E c lluncn 01" burg. CllnL T Mr. and Mrs . Jas. Clevenger. of VIaIiorI . to Wasblniton aiways hear Dr. MOI'pn who Is widelY Is histqry, the Reds can return to Ident nearly twenty-five years. W. C. Smith. :\lillL, tcr near ClarksvUle. spent Sunday with have the WhIte House at the top ot la:own In tbIa coun." . , . normalcy apd ~ettle down to II very Arch Oopsey. Spring Valley , memMr . and Mrs. George Plymire. importani home stal;ld. JU!!, haw im- ober of ihe boara . was named to the SUNDAY - T Bible t1chool 9 :30 a. m . Mr. and Mrs. Orlando BraWlan. of portant is this' 12~me stretCh at vice presidency to fill the vacancy Communion 10 ;46 a . m . Xel1la . spent t he week end With the Crosley Field can t.e appreciated by created by Mi. Mendenhall's adlook at th,e schedule, which shOWS vancemem. Mr. Metldenh~I1 ' had Junior Endeavor 7:00 p. m . Lea del' Terry family. The Talmage family were Wedtw.t We stay will be opened with II served as vice president for many Wilma Paul three-game series against tlhe ram- years under Mr. Smith. Senjor Endeavor 7:00 p. m. Leader n rsday evening callers of ~'''''~'''''''-'''''''''Q.-''''''~~'''-'===-~,,",, "-_ __ M l'&. Jas. Jawbs In Welhnan. paaln, Brooklyn Dodaers. The four remaining d irt( tors are 01 nton DuVaU'Three single games are lIst-ed T . W. Van Pelt. Spring Valley ; agalns' the Flilllbush contenders. James Orowl. BeJlbrook; W. E. starting with a nJght game ThurB- Crites. Spring Valley; and Weldon day and contiAu'ng with afternoon' McKay. New Burl1ngtolrl. . pmes Priday and Saturday. On . Bunday the Phlllies. who have been more successful against the Reds TURNING SAC K th&n ~ny other club, invade the THE CLOCK Red's stronghold for a aoubleheader. remaining over for slngle games on Monday and TUesday. . Taken from .he MiamI GazeeUe files The Boston Bees. another pesky YoUr TEN YEARS AGO outflt to the Re~s , w1ll appear tor a July 9, 19<10 nlaht P,DI~ on Wednesday , July' 17. ~ ,. then wW closa their' .. stay with Ii . .... '1'... laqtea' day event Friday. July ' 19. Budl!et or '6.000 of wmch ' 1.000 I The Bees will be followed by our old comprises ihe smllllig fund and · friends from the Bronx. tlie Oiants, $5.000 general operating fllJ1ci was w~o wW playa single game on Sat- preHentecl to couDcli as ~he amount urday. July 20, and a doubleheader ' rEquired by the vlllag.l of Waynesthe followtng day. Sunday. Jull' 21 . ville during the cemlng year by Rayman Hatfield, clerk.
Fairley Hardware Store
Beech Grove
News Of.Theel Rd
I'.'.".. 'w_.,.rl .edam lJdU17
FISH ~ND GAME Aware that their presence In the GROUP TO ·MEET V/l'.ynesvllle Motor company had been dlscllvered by Milton ThompAnthony Pfarr. of Marysv1l1e, new son on his return from Dayton conServation division district six where he Is employed in a bakery. luperv180r will be the speaker at to- three thuas early Monday morning ~ta meeiiDi of the Warren Coun- made their escape after an unSucif Plah and Game Protective Assn., 'cessfui attempt to crack the ~e• . In Memorial Hall . . Lebanon. Mr: ." Pfarr Is In chaqe of all COllservaWith the current lack of rainfall ~n • DeIl'l1.m ent act1vittl!6 In the reaching tne proPClrtl~ns of & fourteen Olstrtct six coun~es, of drOUiht. farmers in. this v1cln1t~' are which- .Warren IB .o ne. He 'was 00- ' apprehensl~ as t-o t he outcome of ~ by 9lub president Harry EJd- corn Rnd other c rops unless a good ridPetQ cUscuss local huntlni, fish- soakini rain comes WUhin the next la,w enforcement, and conserv&- few days. UOD problems_ It. dele!,atlon from the MldcUelOWll Plsh.and O&me Assn. is 1'::68 Olive Allen left FrIday for exs*ted' to attend. .. New Yore to take a' ~:pec1al course at It. reP,Ol'i wU1 be alven by Eben 'COlt mbia university. Le&f.. c:ha1rman ot the club's stream TWENTY YBAB8 AGO and '~wafer committee on meetJuly .4, 11920 ' '111, cot hIa cOmmittee With directors .~ Plah Manapment wnt Rhoades ~t week. The' report wtll William Henry Venable. who was ~WJ;le .Plans ,tor flab re-stocldDg born In Waynesville .lD 1836, historana· itream wOnt. Ian, novelist and ~Icator .. dled after Game ~. Brent Game lo lung Wn'e6a at his home in ~nt Bu~or 'Hend~ nl.ltl, TliesdaY~. '. tePQI't on the 6fIO ~t Olyde · Ever~. Ilt corwIn. ~8 . . . ~.~ ra14ed ov~ t.be county, st.oot~, iroUnd boIia Konday eve4 , 1b. IIlIet1Dc ~. eDes a luncb ' n1~ and __ mIlItau shot hlm~lf ul. aDd 1IDOIutr; ~' 11 opeD. to .au in- the foot. ~e is 1'ICO'VlIJ'tng from ~ . teftned ~ wbetbel- ~ woUDd.. ··
You Cl.D have ....
.au. w..r. .. . ~'~ .....,if .;ou tutD ~fC of ~ bouliboJ4 cuka ovU io iDodem bomC appW&ncesl :,Up'~· ~ "" 'M;~ 'f2.~L'" I'
· " bI~ bomeI ·.... . ~. --~.PJ pf • . Job"':"~ acI~ 1D ~ houn fqr ~ . ," , .
hi ~ iiiqps.... .~ .' ~ ~~ CO openie - , . ,
· You'll Ii... ..1:....d , ~r-· applJn-~ •.•
Aa!4. ~1l ...... daaii pa.u,.ct .Wicb d:- ~ ~
,.WiD~~.-"''''''~~(lJQI' .- 10," up ,. . ,._6p4 «*'o~ ""i.~~
_ . . . ; .... '... ~ . . . . . snud ......... ·
or pot.
'~~~~~~~~~~~______~~~~__~~:::::1::M~'~AMI~~U~E~n~I~~~_~~~~~~~~~-:==~~~___;~~~ SHOWE~~i ~ERr:. HOUGH HISTORICAL GROUP Family Picnic . COM I NG Classified Ad•••• W.Jfer a .ali.factory S~rvice FJ·yers. Olift Burnett. H~ld On Fo~nh EVENTS Mrs. Rouel'L AI ermun" of Oakley. SEEKS NEW IMEMBERS at all times FOR B AL
hl ·I\1 I\I1I I. 1111d Mrs.
P/ll'e.~ l
Hougll, mls'ellUIle<lUli IIllowel' , Sa turday aUer-
of R iehl 'YIlIt', "lIter tntn tI nl
Waynesvllie ••••••
• • @i . . . . . . . . . .
The gen ealogical cllvls on of
. - - - . ". Iii. _. __ A number of so lal nft'BJrs were ' 'M O""DAY-JUly " ~hf nrmnged In honor 01 Mr. and. MrA Civic Ol)ib dinner me ti ns Wayne -
~~C:,~~:l:a.I~~1 ::UI~~, ~\.Ir\ ~t:;~; :u~rl' 1:I(~o\~n ~~'Pe~il~~r~r~an~1~C:I~~ :~~ ~~:~!~;S:~t o~e~~ Y;~:~d"t:~r ~ PArk . ~diea.. Nlgllt
0"" , a. n "il . WF.DN DA r - a1l1)' 17 Thl! homl' of Mr3. W. :S. Sqllh·tl. m fling Fl'lrlny !'ven lng, I II "'I I 'r IlLJI Illothl'r , MI' . H. IT, WIIII"I1\ ,. ,1 M 'h :I I . I' \,!III III" . LlI .. lelJ N {\ I ;1f't.,y , o( U) . I' ~" ~{ L~ , '" ill>~ I\ tl I~) about t l Ir ~y gUIIIIIJI, ol'wln \'oorn of 1J1 e ,old 1\ 1.. IUI1.1 J f I S 11 .. A r rnll~' )'IICI1 I.' Wnll enjoyed Ch ljl'ch , a t th h om 0 M !IS )' \~hO enJoved a plf'R n t aftel'noon of hoi pl . I. lJilllOlI . to whJc h oil p r SOJl s Smith . \j(Ul l C'; . :,.1 l:l\II11..'i. Tilt' brldr l' - nt'fl l ., tNI tn t. he l;!lbjPcl of gP \lCIl.- I II " 'FolIl't h " I. t he b n lltlt ul slIm-
' .
. '
J In",' home. of Mrs. Rtfl 1 Hauk, 6( STEt''' FRY liElD .-CAR LlSTct'iV!'f1 many IIM' fli l glf ls. of whl 'l) . Iop ra JnvlU' Io. !;Iw Waf. "l'ry proud . ) ,f f' ["~ Dollds. 'oj Lebll nOI1 . who h a ; Day Lon . by I.he honol'ed guests, :M.r. AT PICNIC GROVE Dllrlnl! the . Inl 1m refr~R h- br. n nppoill Led n.~ chnlrlllll n of 1I11~. nnd Mrl>. H nroleJ WIIIlIlIl1SQI) and m enl~; of snl:)(I. ('. ke . a nd Iced Ien dl\' I.'ion . Is :\ mcm bt)r of The I ns ll- fallll ly, of Dnyton. Mr . a llli Mrs. I ra (,ha pman's Plri'nlc ' grove Wils the dan ld Rmobil . . li ll ., 01' AIII"'I'ic "'" 11 ,pnf'alo"y. 01 II 1'0wI1 lind SOil, Mrs. H. H. Wllllam - ~C eIl Q of 11 11IlPPY 4th or Jlll y cele- 1939 W Il' bf'rvt'd . a flel' whlr h Lhf' gil I'. c ., Wa ynesville. Q reccnll " award d son. and Miss O ra e William son. cil' )J:lrlpd wishIng M I~~. Houg I1 a long C I I ·I ,~ngo . lId W~~, bJa lloll wh en til · fo llowI IlC' f.. len d fi 193 9 Fon l C oup e Following Is a llfo t of l'IlI!'R for till' ami happy life . In oonnectloJ) with ' the appeara ('f'l'li fi caU' of meri t for h is work ill Mrs. H. H . Wil lia mson , Jr .. of Day - Iwd th eh' fn m lll p.~ weI' th e gupsLs ance in WaynesvUle Monday , J uly con test: ('0111 \)111 11 ' RI' nC'n lo(Jir:11 rreOl'd:; o f h l ~ tlln , was hosLess a t a IUllchelill1 of MI. and Mrs. J . B. Chapma n at 19a!J C h ev . Dl x. 'l'. 'Se dan 1. All poems subm lll d mll!;1 bp or_ wi ll de- ,br ill ' I' . SnLII I·dny. a t the Rike-Kum I M 16. of M\.SS OUve Kackley. or WCKY , O\VII nllli allied flllll ill ,n •.,•• ~re , II fi l. nk fry. T hlll'sl!UY e l'n nil' ; r. 1\1i\ !'ONIC Non F. ,, 1'1' II \' ( } Ik on "Syst. f 'm ntl . n r searr'h Ipr s tore, Dnyton . compllm cnLi n ~ d W E C I M M as speaker at the O1v1c club meeting. Iginal and II npub l L~h ed e l s~ wl ll're. 11 ] !}!19 C h e v. Dlx. T. S "d a n Mr~. Williamson. of Clev· lnnd . Mrs. an Mrs. . ". 01'11 1:' 1 . 1' . and rs 1.he radio station imd The Miami 2. Poems will be judged for ori gin II I PlI lllll y Re<'orcl:;." Bt r t Hllr tsock. and sll n. DaV id . Mr. . prel I rOllllll lllllclI lIon of W lly n e~ OUette w1ll oller:l. cash pr1Ze Of ality of th ough t ll nd expression :lIl cl 1 n vlnlioll Is bl llg ex lr nded to nil 11II BI'OWII lm d the honorlld gu s t a nd Mr.. D . R. Sail 'bury and fa mily. 193 8 D o dge Sp t. Se dan ,,11/0> I.olli:r. 'No. IG3 1". and A. M. a tLl'nded Crom Wayn esville. on the basis of .acce pted ru leR of f5,OO fOr the best orlgbla1 poem subMI'. and Mrs. Rona ld Hawke . Mr . Wa n n cOli n y rf'sltl l'n lr. 10 becoml' PI iCl U) PVl'lIi llll'. .J uly 12. Work hi Ill p mltteQ ~ a reader of this news- rhy me and rlly Wlln . They may ('UII l\1 ('ml) 1'5 of lhe socie t y. T h ere a re Anolh er fa mily ga therIng was en- n,ld Mrs. J . K. Presto n and f m:Jly. 1938 h e\- . Mst. T. S e d a n F'I ~l'l' Ptl Apprr nLice degr e. cern any subj ct. paper. I Ulir classes of memb I'sh lps: n li ve , joyed on, S unday, when the enti re Mr. and Mrs. R . O . Miller and son . .J essl' Prendel'gasL , W. M . 3. Decisions of Miss Kackley uOtl fL '!be conteat 18 open to anyone $1.00 pel' y ar ; contrlbu llng. $~ .OO Ja mUy were dinner guests at Ul e J imm y. and MI'. und Mrs . J . R. 1938 D ui c k 'C oup e w1shII:Ii to Stmmit a poem on an y local judge. Superln lendclll L of Vel'll Al'lll ilagr . c. pel' yen r ; slls ta lnl ng. $50 \leI' yea r; halli e of their mother . Mrs. H. H . Mengle. A (\ play of firework! con t Wil liamson. Mr. and Mrs . R. J . WUsubjeCt, .whether they are s ub- schools L. A. Ga rs t. will be final. nncl life mernb rsl1lp. $.500 . eluded lhe ven lng's festivities. 1938 Bui c k e d a n OTICF. O F AI'r'OI NT IF.NT scribers to the Waml Gazette Or not. 4. EWry entry must be nccom· Township sec r e tn rlp ~ have b en Hamson IcI't (or thelr home In CleveMlaa Kackley w1ll read the wl,n - panled by tile coupon pllbl i.~ 11 tl \)1' - A.hlllnl. ll'l),tn r wlLh lh e will tlllnl'xed . appol nl tl and hav .. l?!ank member- llI nel. Tu esd !l~ 1937 h ev. Truck DA YTON CO. TO ning poem Qn ber WCKY program low , and musl be lr\ ·. lIe Way n s vllle shIp cards III their po .e~ loll . rCIlOY at 11:35 p. m. EST, on July 21 , the postoft'lce by 4 p. m . Monday. Jul y HOLD OUTING HERE 1937 Ch e v. Truc k lO pl'esent. Wa rre n coumy resi den ts STANLEY BAIL'EY F.stnh· or II . II . Willia mson . also Sunday following her a.ppearance In 16. on pay men l of th t' f e . Mrs. Frank ATTENDS MEETING known ,u, UAI'r U . Willia mson 1937. La Fa y tie Coac h L May Is sec reta ry for Wayne lownDeceased 'fh(' Me ~~\1olll.t\n Clo~hln g ComStapley UaUey. manalJ!< ot the lo- p ny, Ludlow. at FOlU·th . Dayton . 1937 Ford Tudor NoWee I her by given tha t Harold Shi p . POETRY CONTEST COUPON ca l Fairley Hardware store Tuesday O hio will clO/;e Its doors i/romptly a t H. Williamson. whose POSt Offlc Here is my- entry in the Miami G a 7.ette -W C K Y nigh t attended a meeting of Frlgld- 1 :00 p. m. Wednesday Jul y 17th to 1937 h e y. oup e Addrelj:i is 121 Ma l'son Ave" Dayton . poetry contest. I guarante e that it i s e n t ire ly o l'ig ina l alre dealers at the Gel)era l Denver faclUtnte Its employees MeLropoUt.illl 193'1 Oh Io Ims bccn dltlY ap~o lnLed as h ey , T. S e dan hotel In WUm1ngton. Mr. Balley was Club Picnic. Mote t1JllP 150 e~ ~ . . Administr ato r wIth the wI ll annexed apd the product of my own indivi du a l l a b <?~ a n d reof the Esta te of H . ]:i . WUllam.son. r.hlrd In a con Lest conducted In the ployees wUI jourpey to Wlloynesvllle . -193'7 Chev .. D1x::I\ .Sedi~ search. I hereby grant permissibn t o t h e M ia mi Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Irons and six F'I4Tley stor~ for FJigldlPre ~Ri41~ as W[lyne PJ-rk has been chosen tor .also known as Ha rry ll . Williamson Gazette and 'WCKY to publish and r e ad over the a ir late of Warren qounty. Ohio. de- daughter oi Wes t Ch est er. 0 ., were during May and June . . the slte ·of the festivi ties. Mr. Ralph 1936' Buic k oupe my poem regardless of whether i t wins a p ri z . I SundllY gues ts at the home of Mr. For Ws eiJort h e. was awa rded 0. Ha rlow, MetroPoli ta n Club President cCfise!l . "" a nd Mrs. Mark Rogers. agree to abide by the rules of the con t e st. new .sunbeam electric \ron.. OthlUS $a ld : "We sincerely appreciate the 1936 · Olds 2 1;>1'. Sedan Dated this 8111 day of J uly 1940 . RALPH H. OAREY . . '~ITLE ......... . ..... .. .. ... . ... .... ,. By . ... ....... . . . . . .. .. . Mr. and Mrs, Eli ]"urnas and fam - winning awards In the Fairley 0011- h~ar ty cooperation we h~ve received . '. Sedan J~ ge ot the Probllte Court Il y. and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence test were Israel Scott, of the locl\.l trom the executives of the Metro- 1936 Chev. M s t . T. DATE ..... _. . .. ...... ...... Address . . ...... .. .. .. .. .... . Warren Ooun ty. Ohio Fjlrpfls a nd son, were Sunda y din- s tore who recelveq an electric clock, PQlttan. Mt report sholYs ·t hat _the .1936 Dooge Coupe Cooper & . Lunsford. AttY8. . n er g'\l e~ ts of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. 'FTep and Virgil Dome, who was aw~ded t urn-out will be 100% ' " Il hair dryer. 210-14 L. T . Cooper Bldg., Furnas. 1936 blds'mobile SedaIi a sllver al weeks trip through the Dayton. OhIo WA YNESVILi.E CHURCH . Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Owens and West. Mrs. 'Elmer Itelsey, wllo bas IS MISSIONARY HOST '193' 6 : Olds T. Sedan Jll-18-25 daugh te r , of Sprlngtle'ld , spent the .,.. been staying a t the Home durin g week end with Mr. I\nd Mrs. V~rn 1986 Terraplane Coupe lhell' absence. return ed home with The June meetlDg of the MlsArmitage. PreJda Harvey, In company with Ute m. slonary E!octettes of the Ohurchea Of 193.5 Che.v. T. Sedan her slaten, ~a and Ruth Sha.wMr. and Mrs . Cha.rles Wa ggoner . Mr . and Mrs. John Hover, of 06YChrist was heid last Wednesdoy at ban, oand three brothers, of Clarks- of U>banon, visited Mrs. Corwin and ton . a nd Mr. and Mrs. R . O. Miller the wnnYe3Vme Ohur.oo. 1935 Chev.. Truc~ Ville. attended a. reunioq. ' at the Miss Audrey Oraw/orc:\. of Spring- were Sunda y di nner guests of Mr. The Girl's Friendly Society of St. Mrs. Henthorn, Tuesda y evening. Mrs. B9.11bam. Hartsqck. and Mrs. Knight.a' of ~ Home, Sprlng- Harry M1ss1Jdine. or Wichita, fi eld. spen t th e week with h er par- ano Mrs. Edgar' SmJ.tb . Mary's EPiscopal Church enjoYed 'a Eva Burnett 'had ~rge ot the de- 1935 Plymouth Coach field .. on tbJ Fourth. 1 I . - . . . If. ' Corwin and Mrs. Kan., visited Misses Annie U. and ents. Mr . and Mrs. Earl Cra.wford . MISII Mary Leah EdWards Illld swimming party Friday eVening. votona ~ogram. ' . ,' - ,_ ' 1935 Old s mobile Coupe Tile Ladies Aid hlld i helr monthl y . Marne T . Browne. Tuesday. Frnn,lt ~arrett . of S prlngfleld . were MemJ>CJ's present were: Barbara. Mrs. Mary Gillam gave the lesson ~_--.--Gb&irJiilieIltii:Orll, . of Blandbester, Mrs. Amelis. Wlute, Mrs. Ruth meeting a ~ th e home of M1ss Irma. dinner gu~ts of ~:rs. Emma. Me- Crane, Esther Lukens, Peggy AJUl which W8l! "Mi$Slons in the ..stp.tes.'! -1935 . Dodge Coupe . wID speDd a few weeks a.t the Home. Janney, Mrs . Georgia Mendenhall, and Reva Stump. Mrs. JenJ'I1e Bradley gave the re., Ohapman, 'Dorothy Conard, Marjorie Clure. Friday evening. canera at the Home on Sunday Mrs. Anna. ,W'llHamson, . and Mrs. The ' Christian Endeavor had a Conner. Cleo '~nley. Ann Wel~, port of the A1aslql MiSBlon. lLod W e. 1935 Te..-aplane Sedan A group of girls or the local G11'\ were .. foUo.wa: Mrs. Anna Randall, Callie Cross enjoyed dinner and a wejn r roast Monday ellenlng, a t the J!lnet Lake, Marilyn Tinney, and Alm\\ Oejlrnl\ord g~ve !\ report on ~e ~ .. .', ' '. aDd daqhter, . Belen, and Mrs. social time here Friday. home of Mr . a nd Mrs . George Cole Scout Troop enj~d a.n outing and Beulah Britton. 'nle girls were ~- Louisiana work. The report on ' tl)e-: 4 . th ev. T. Sedal'\ Emelt.p»Wer of lW'Veysburg. Mr.plcnio supPer, Wedllesday afternoon a nd family. companied by th~1r l~adel'8, Mrs. R. O1nciDnati Seminary 'was given . and lira. Walter' ~1J. Mr. and ' Little . Miss Joyce Bunnell spent and evening, at the country home of L. Hack:WeJl a d Mrs. Don!lld L . Rev. W. C. SmJtt\. . ~ _1934 Chev. Coulle Mrs. Cbarlea campbell. Mr. and WAY'ftESVILLE GETS Wed.n esday evenin g and Thursday Gladys Rye. Hawke. The ollering as sent .. ~ , · . 1933 Chev. Coach KrII. Ji'd McParland. Mr. and ' Mrs. $51 CIGARET TAX with h er grnnc\>aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. ae.o rge Smith took - -Ita Mlsslon. The next ~,-un - CUI Neutaeubolzer, and W. H. Tel. ~e~f Bunnell. a trip to Smoky M,l;s. last week and Mr. and Mrs: Harry Caneln of h eld the home or' Mrs-. ford. of .~ Mr. and Mrs. A 'clgtiret tax d trlbution for Mr. Harold Bogan . of Harveys- \-Islted theu' daugh ter and son-In- ChllV1ot, 0 ., and Mr. and Mrs. Oas- Gla ss, oJ BellbJ'ook. cbarlea lIeDdenban, ot Burllngton. July 1940. totaling $3,601 .4.5 wall burg. spen ~ Thursdny with MIss I \Y Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lang, at per Thaxton of Olnclnnatl, spent 1933 Chev. Sedan lira. Cl&reDce BerryblU and dau!Ihter' made La townships a nd viUages b y one day fishing last week. K noxville, Te)'Ul.' Clarenee B.rryh1ll an~ daughter. Depu ~y Auditor William Rank er . "LIGHT' BEARERS" 1933 Dodge Coach ARGUNOT CLUB J\IEETS . Harry Mlsslldln e. who nas been Olan, of BeUbrook, and Mr. a.nd Sharing In the d 1Strlbu~lon llwlud Till! Tjln ~ho Sigma boys club bf ENJOY _ OUTLNC - vlsltlng his broU\er , O. O . Ml$Sildlne, Kn. AJb!ia1 Nanna of Blanchester. eJ the following townshIps: ~ ear 1933 hev. T. Sedan Hartwell. Cincinnati. enjoyed a pte, , ...... . . _pnum ~aped ser~ creek. f31.B7; Franklin, $62.34 ; Un- Mrs. R. G . Miller was h o~te!S to left ·thLs morning ·.f,o r his home In nlc (l!nJler and sWimmipg party,. BatThe "LIght Bear~l's" , a prlm!U'Y 1932 Chey . <1Qa~h Iou,- 1QIui7. Pt1~Y. when she lell Ion. $36.35; Wayne, $20.29; Ham11- I h e Ar Bu not bridge club, TUesday Wichita, . Kansas. urda),. misBloD!U'y soc iety 01 the Mj!thod1llt ,. den till ....,. to tbe cellar. t.on. $26 ; salem, $12.38; Washington . n.fLernoon, at h er country home. Mrs. Mable Wooley and children 01 Phurc~, and' tIle primary. class, ell~93 PlYtr}.P. ~ ~~ $ed~~ " Mr. aDd I(q. Oouch, of Los An- $6.19; Massie, $7..34; . CorPorations: R gu lar members of th e 'club 'com- Crys tal Lakes werel dInner ,guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Walomlln , Mr. Joyed an ou Jng and picnic at W~ynll r,. ~, ,_, aDd llater. ~ Myra Lehanon, $199.13; riank:lln. $184.28 ; pl'lsed l.hl'ee ta bles, Ilnd after the a£- Mr. nnd Mrs . 'A . Mohler and famand Mrs. K . M. Carnies, and Mr.:al'lcl Park Tuesda¥ ~fternoo!1. Mrs: ~;. :tt. 1932 FQrp. ·V:8 $pdQl' lel'nOou 's play. a wards wcre given to 'lIy I;oday IThursday,) : '~ ot Lebanon, calied here Hatlieysburg, $012.37; MIlSOn , $63.89 ; Mr/i. Ft'llok , i\d~ of Dayton ' were tubbs lender , an'a Miss ·AnP/l M!U'J- ' . ,.. ' PtiOQ.. • .' • ~ Morrow. $60.38; WaynesvlUe, $51.64 ; Mrs. S . D. Henkle of Lebanon. and tpnong the picnickers here the Iyn Whllaker, prlmary 'lteacher. were ' 1932 G~ev: Sedan Ml's. J . B. Oha pman . 1 Mr. ~ 11ft. I4uII: ",,"man, 'ot, Soutl'l Lebanon, '$18.56 ; Pleasar.t Fourth. SUNDAY DlN~R GUESTS In ?harge, and mothers .of th,e chU- 1931 Cgdill1C Sed~n Arter the ga mes, Mrs. Mlller's IIld~ ~ \at. ~ .Home Plain. $12.37 ; Ma in eville, $6.19; aren, were Invited guests. · • • tbe ,.~ of ~ ,reek, ~Ute S, lng'bol·o. $18.81 ; .state. $1 ,782.79, gue ts enjoyed a picnic lunch out.. . MRS. RIGGS BURIED 1981 Ohev. Sedan ot:-(Ioors. Mrs. Sadie Conn rr was ho.stess, at 1.0 CbeIt . . . . In NlfId1etowu .rtet and county $927.27. NEW ELECTRIO FANS dinner, Sunday, to the following HERE ON SATURDA guests ; Mr. and M·r ~. Herbert Doster --nnd family. and M)"II: Ruth SllerFuneral services were held Baturwood. at Harveysburg ; Mr . and Mrs. d~)' ~t 2:90 p. ·Ill. Ilt th!! F'!!rry chUl:ch .Fred Leon:l'd and daughter. ot for Mrs. Rosa ~Iggs. 64.. 'V1lf) ttij]d Kings Mill ; Mrs. l!:d1th Kersey of Th,urllday at ner hOll\e In P~yton. Dayton; IlncJ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. ¥,.rs. Riggs, a. former resident of this Fl'azler. Thl'ee of the guests, Miss ' commtlnity. operat~d 1\ restaurant at Dostel'. Mrs. Leonard. a nd Mrs. Ker- 148 East SecOnd street. " She is survived by one daughter. . sey . boer Lile name.' "Edith" , and arc all namesak s of Mrs . Frazier. Nellie E. RIggs , of Dayton; thnle sons: Jam'es, of Oentervllle, and 01'Courage Is that virtue which v!Ue a~d R. C. bo~h of Dayton; ano
Cash. Prize Is Offered In LO'cal Poetry Contest
Local Happenings
Wayne Park News Notes
14 and' 15 BURNS
~OB "aOBJN1'~
"The _
s.ftClwicbea and reJular meal. GOOD FOODS GO TO SMITH '5
BazookJ Jxperi" In ' I,
"I'M FROM MISS~VRI" w1Ut - .
GIa4b8 dl!Ol'l'8
.. ,,,Fourth' of 'JUly outing and pIc.Jlt" ,;AQ1)lel'lt ·was enjoyed ' by A.•Fulkerson .and Mr. and Mrs. and daughter or I Mf· aJJd Mrs. J. W. .H1~1n.s,i;Rflid' Bra41oi'd of 00.
;~~lar.;~'ii~; Mrs. , W. ' M.
'Bar,,-- .
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ~ Stoneburner, ot ePr.lpg Valley; ahd T. W . . Vm . Pf'l ... , ,; ,
.Whea~!.est Is H4t~
~. CA~L. US W
TO, S.,l; L.
CAREFUL AND "CCV:R~T~ Tf:~1: ~ . .. , " .., , ' . ". . ., ~ ~ .. , , Goye,nnumt Loall. wheat will be ' g,v,~'o "qqr ~afe-
\ ': "'J
fuLa~~tion.: ·Y our (t.
loan ·
wh~at -will "
.n,e t
money when 'snipped'tlir6ugh your local •
~~ 'Jean and JlUle~ ~ were the f\le.6U Of. ~8S Loma Lacy and Mrs. J. R. UpclyJce; 'at 'a tbeatre ·
'party in' D.,um, Fita.., ·aitemoon.· ' ~ Leey, who has ,been the boUle of Mis. Updy~ lor tbe lew .lest for ' her home .I n !.,.za~e31ntle, T!Joaday. ~ Mllilrecl ~Dted her a
peat weeu.
: :;
. : ; , t ,.
.. '"
' you • more "
~levatoi''' •
.New Seh~ol' • .uses ACCIDENT NEAR' , Lease'd By Board HERE FATAL TO For ~oQllnK Year' CINCINNATI' MAN The Way~ township board of ed- I under consideration by the board. . Friday night leased five new MIM Furnas,- the daughter of Mr. buses which will replace the old ones and Mrs. Davis Furnas, Is a graduat,.. qurlng the comlDg school y~ . _ of fbe local h1gh schools, and II.L111e bUlle", leased tom the Buihes- tended Wllmington college. . Whtte company, of Dayton, are cOmThe bOard Monday night held .. a prlsed of fOur Fords and one White. publlc hearing on a budget of The loclil firm at Rogers and Simp- $25.180 sought to operate the local IICIl1 will fumlsh the four Fora schools for the year starting Januchasels. . ary I, ~ 941. The terms of the contract with This sum Includes that necessary the Hughes-Whtte company IlUllude tor the operation and maintenance an option to buy the vehtcles at the of the public tilrary here. end of the .three-year lease period. 'J'Ihree or the .new bw;es, medern 10 every det&1l, will have Superior and two' HlCD bodies. '1'l16 leaaIbI' lut Fl1day wa.s completed 8.fter .. 10Di 6esslon by the echool bpaI'd. Since It became knoW)) Mr. nnd Mrs. J . B. Chapman and that the state would require the family spent Friday with their son, boart! to obtain new bUses or lose RObert. In Columbus. Robert acalate funds. many bus companlel companied his parents home f9r 11 have shown thr;l vehicles here. week enB visit. The competltlOn for the local bUB· • • • • iness has been keen With approxlBilly Deutsch. of Sprlngtleld, Ii m,at.ely 13 school bus maputacturers spending this week with Mr. and @d .auto·..,d.ealers represented at the Mrs. J . K. Preston and family .
A ClncllmaU lIlan WIl.S Injured fa~ tally Dnd a slx-yeM-old boy hUrt in 11.. series of traffiC accidents In. and . Wayneso.rllle during the past week. Har~y D. Martin died Friday In Christ hospltil i. CllIClnnatl, (rom Injuries suffered in an a . cldent "Rear t.he Lee Lemmo~ property , on Routc 42 south of WaynesvUle last Thurs-
MYSTERIOUS PLANE OVER WAYNESVILLE The Ideotlty ~It It myst.erlollll plane O'f6l' Wa)'lne9vlUe on two nil'hta earl, tbu. week ha& had people pesdne. The plane ttylne810wly. and . repol1ediJ wiUaout Iilrhts. was heard t,,~ b, 101,'411 residents, each Unle. between 10 p. m. and mlclnlJht: Many tb.eories have been heard. one 01 the most interesUDe belnej tha~ lrovemmenL authorities were Investigating poseIble sUes lor the new ....30.OM.~ IDUJiltloDS plant to be located .. southern Ohio.
t~~ ~~ .C!F., ~32 ·r~'~~9N.$ L~~r~p IN '~Ei.ORTS ...... FROM CENSUS SUPERVISOR; CO~WlN . .. . . . ...... .. .'AL.SO·SHO'\YS INCREA:s f . .. ........
1 h e pn ;lilbliOIl '01 irayile~vllt'e' i; as' ~a'd~ 'a' g~i. ~n35 ~ . th~ ~t en yral'l>. according t o f1 ~'1 lres released this week by J .• Eldon SUles, distrlct slI pel'vlsor oj , en ~us. Iii springfield . <1&y. . fl'. SI I'es I'E'POJ'lS th aL the 'pr~'sent pojlula.Uon Is ii:l2':p~n~' ~ar~ Completel y apliva tin g II I' aud l· 1':;l h ti!l7 r pon ed JI1 1930. .... . . . . . , .. , ... . , . Mr. MartLn. who was med ical ad· ence . Miss Olive Kac kley. good-wlll visor tor the Pollack Steel corporTh e village of CorwIn IIkewlse made a gain dur10g the last 10 .Years of ambassador from I'lldio station atton . of Cincinnati . suft'e.rect shock, WCKY, held members of the 25 persons: Ut~ · l~~.' ,f~~~: ~ ~ and tnctured htp and collar bone Waynesvi lle Civic club a nd their given as 163 as against 130 .for 1Il10. , when the automobile he was driving wives in rapt atlentlon 1'0 1' nearly Harveysburg Showed a lOS.; for the siddded on the pavement, throwing an hour during their dinner meet~ame petled. the ' populatlon In ,; ttUt him and two other occupants out In g at Wayne park Monday night . 1940 censUs report being 154, agatnat 01 the car. The auto Is sa1d to have 361 In the 1930 enumeration. ThIs was the annual ladl s nigh t turned over several ,t1mes. _ prcgl'am of the cl ub . 53 members ~----Morrow gamed In the late&t cenHe was accompanied by hls. aaug'h· MI' . and Mrs. J . J . Whitacre, Mr. JUS. The 1940 "lport lor that vlllqe and thell' wives being in Il ttenda nce tar. Betty Martin and Raben Von \ A Il O Mrs. K nneth. Daw.ey and chilIng 835. as· against 738 In lisa. Holle , both of whom were iqjured - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Miss Kackle~ 's program was di- I'. n. Il ncl MI'. and Mrs. Fred Gray, Ma ineville has a population of 277 vided Into two parts , tJhe first belng slightly . In the form of an address. In which nil of Dayton were Sunday vi " t.or~ In t.he recent tabulation. as com'Illie Injured man was removed to she emphasized that life. as ShakE)- , ~ w e home 01' Mr. Ilnu Mrs. ·C. L. ,Jared with 304 In 1930. ButlervlU. Christ hospltal In a McClure ambushow a. gain with- 93 In 1940 and' 88 speare saJd was just a stage. and u llke. lance. In 1930. Lllil t all oC us. th players. were drsThe party was enroute from CinmaUe even In OlU' dally rouLine. MI' . and Mrs . Lew II; Fires and According to p~~ . lm1nary figures P!ti1ay ,ne~ • • • • • clnnatl to Marlon, when the acclnnd Mr. am} Mrs. c. H. HarI'eleased by Mr. Stlles office WaahShe rela ted in Interes ting mllnner. I'nrnily. ,;·Tlle::.D~W b~9 will contain aU Mr. nnd Mrs. George Henkle. at dent OCCUJTed. her experi ences In Chautauqua and b ~~n and son, oC Centerville vlsltea Ington C. H., Hillsboro and W1lm.lDrUP~date "fea.tUMs, Including heat- Lebanon. are annoUJlCJng the birth play production work._lJ ut tlle s tory Cllllrles Fires at Vandalia , Sunday. ton all' showed gatns. 'Wllm1nston era, de.flo&tea,- first aid kits, tire axe, of t' son, Jack Engersol , at St. Anne's On Sunday evening. Lee Snyder. 6,. son of Mr .. and Mrs. Paul Snyder. of • • • • • now hall' Q. populatlon of 6,951 a~ Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Branstrator en- of how she discovered Allnlrn Swl t.', aU-sLeeI bcidtes aH3 tire extlngu1sh- hospital, July 4th . Day.ton, and a grandson of Mr. ana tel'lalned the members of the Wayne zer, or Hal ROllch come<lY fame In era. Fifteen members or this years increase of 8.9 per cent over the • • • • • Mrs. W. E. Mlller. was InJuri!d when Townshtp ~r's clul), Thursday, an obscure Ullnols town , won partlc- 50j.lllol1101'e clll.SS of WaynesvUl~ · htgh IoSO fliUl'e; Hll1!borO With ".712 Under the new iuTangement the Mr. and Mrs. J . K . Preston ana 1 school enjoyed an outing and picnic made a gain of 672; whlle W~· board WW h1l'e tbe drivers: whereas family were dinner guests. Sunda,. struck by an auto driven by a party at the home of the'i r son-In-law and u.1ar admll'lltlon of her audience. '1'1 e second part of the program supper at ·Chautauqua. Tuesday eve- ton C. H. wlth ·a population 01 1.r.dEr the old plan the board owned pr Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Harvey Rye and of Tennessee motorists on Main daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ell FumllS. street. has increased 979. ' A large number of .members and was the Intensely int&'estlng presen- nl g. the . bod1es Uld C-9ntracted with the t'amUy. He was treated tor minor injuries guests were preaeliit. At the noon tatton of the well known morality • • • • • Other preliminary figurea Ibow driverll by the year lor the chassis • • • • • In the offices of Dr. Mary L. Cook hour, dinner was served In the play, . "The P llSSlng of the Third Dnd thelt eerv1CeJl. Dr. and Mr/!. A. E. stout and that Franklin 'now has 4.li03 radMiss Marjorie Sowash of Mans- and later released . The driver of the large, cool. basement of the Furnas loor Back." daughter . Winnie Jo.. visIted Mr. dentB. vihlch "representa a pJn or The board , has emploYed Jane field, 0 .• IB spending thlB week With auto was not blamed. h.ome. , . Miss Kackley exp'o.lned that she and !l4rs. O. E . Boyer, of Dayton. only 12 over 1930, . Furnas aa eleml!ntary teacher tor Mi'. and MI'1l. D. 9. RIdge. The afternoon Plrogram was .one 01 would announce the winner of the WednesdllY evet\ ng. 'l'he popula.tlE)n sf LebanQn dlll'lDa the coming year .to fill one 01 two unusual Interest'. Irhe main address poetry contest conducted by the MI• • • • • the ten .year .pel1qd recorclecl a pm vacanQI!!. The second vacancY IB stll~ MI'. and Mrs. R . O. Miller enterVfBII given by Arthlu r E. ·Roberts, Boy ami Gazette and WCKY. during her Mr. aDd Mrs. R. C. Ca.mpbell, at of: .671, accotdt'?8: too Mr. BWe'.OItained Mr. and Mrs. RIchard Miller. SCout Chief Execlltlve. of Cincinnatl, broadcast, known as t.he FrOlogue, Dayton. and Mr. and Mrs. J . ures. The. 1940 figure waa ",parted as of Miamisburg, at dinner Sunday. A wldley traveled .~. ¥r. Roberts over the Cincinnati Station at 11 : 15 Larrick attendeu the a.1r show lot 3,893 against 3,2'2:1 fOr 193O. .., '. • • • • • gave an~a~~Of .own perl50llil E . ~. '1'. Bunday. July 28. The dial Vltldalla, Sunday. \" An ihci~ ' '. ~ .' .~ , . _ ~ ila IIOCIcl Ml. ape ences In -,Jtu&sla, Gemwiy. numiber is H90. • • • • • Warren (!O toy! as a whole d--*...... . 'c'au~ter, . Martlyn. of C1nc1nnat1. Turkey, France. tJle Holy Land. etc. _ Many fine poems were submltted Mrs. WllUam Strong. of Charles· the lUtl0·· yeant!~ 1930 the popuwel'f' week end vlaltors of Mrs. Jesal.e T. W. McCaw. chief of the State Following thlsa.tldresa, Miss Perle r:ty man and son, ~ D'Vlliton of AJd for the Aged, an- RIley read & C/arelully prepared by readers of The Gazette, and Mis, ton. W. Va .• and ~!!B Allee Burske, Iatlon was 27,34& compared to a.-I Kackley took. all of the-m to Cia- of Los Ang~ les. visited at the home tot; 1940. , .. _., . . • • • r.punced that as a result of the · re- paper entlUed. "Pt~q1e (lardellB." clnnatl. on her return. The writer at f Mr. alld Mrs. J. ' J. 15urske. tbe \tr. and Mrs. J . B. Ohapman were cent action of the Ohio Geneml AsSUes reported, a popUlation pill of Mr. .Branstrator then ' Introduced The ~am1s an! aWl In tbelr los- dinut'.r guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. stmbly in appropriating add.1t1onal the Winning poem ",,11\ rece.lve a $.1 first part of ~he week _.__ 5~ percent In ' countles In tbe SevIna streak loatng to Clarltsvt1le on lienltle, of 'Lebanon. sat!D'day eve- fur d for Aid tor the Aged payments, Mr. A . D. Cook. o:f tpe State HIlI'h- award, follOwing her broadcll.St of el)th D.lstric~: representing an" iraway Patrol, ~ho tol~ ot w~at the Sunday. July • . the bome diamond last Sunday by a rung Mrs. Merle Kerns nnd daughter. brease' of '15.824' i*'sOns: t11e rolls in WiLrren County, el!ectlve State Is accomplJ!.hlDjr by Its three 8COJe of 6 to ... The locals were play• • • •• • a total of 48 new caees were adaed to The Civic cUub voted Miss Kack- Joanne. of Cleveland. spent last E. procram-Educatkin. EngIneering, inr aood ball unw the elIhth InnMr. and Mrs. lJ. A. Garst and fam- With July payments. ,. 1 • • :ey, WCKY, and its owner L . B.OWn- w ek wIth Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Marand Enforcement. The State Patrol la·tt. lna-when twoerrorll ~blned with-. fly attended the Eversole tamUy reThis action br1ngs the total numson. a rising vote of thanks for Is sadly hampered by a too small hit or two allowed two ruDII to CI'OaI ,",1m, Sunday. held at Miller's ber of Aid tor the ~d reclplents In number of men to take care of the making her appearance here possible. Mr. and Mrs . Lowell Thomas an:t the plate. after .be~ ahead 3 to-:!. 'Olove D&iton. ';\'ar\'en County to 798, ~ Increase highly tl'livelled. dll.ngerous, sectlons. dp.ughter, Betty. Mrs. MadlsoJl t,:amfrom 758 In June of this year, Mr. In the nlntb ttu.ti wu • • • • . .. The number of a(:cldents has been .\.. .... . r h Clrt and sons7 Jack and Tommy. Ml8I!e8 Annie U. and Marne T. McCaw said. Total Aid payments In started by the 1Oc&i. boys after Ol~ lP'eatly ,'reduCed III places where a , , ..)-.. 4,>-:.. , were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Browne were. dinner guesta. BundaY Wonen County July will be sot on after a two ~ error. thtell patrolman Is on' duty at all times . MI,'. Ilnd Mrs.. J . J. BUl"IIke ~e,o al\U Mrs. F. E. Thomas. ot Mr. and Mrs. J. B . Orabbe and 16.564.04' aa cOmpared w1th '15.630.55 was c:a.uabt fOlDg to tblrd OIl a The clUb then a.dJourned to meet .hOsts I,(f the .~'emJ)ers of 'the C!illrlall~ June. or an Increll.se of 1933.49 & , ground ,l»aU.· C~l ' Cook lOt on but family. at Ft. Ancient in August, for a joint an HOme Bu1lders cia$_ol the NM-. Mrs. Jessie Robltzer, . of DIl'lton. • • • • • month. 1 ,~ was ~ at third __ by ~ old meeting wlllh the three county "ood· Christian . Oh~h. (at . ~etr . spent the week end With her par(mt.S: h!d~en bUl trIc!k. whicb PQt no one L: A. Garst ~ Dr.·H. F. Dye at- The averqe award paid to reclpl- Parmer's clubs. cou~try bome ••;~day. ·108 meul.btiI~...... M~. and Mrs. J . B. Marlatt. on With two oue and Btarkey ~ tended the double header baseball puts for Aid to die Aged in Warren Among the gues,t.'3 were Mr. Robof the , cl~ busbands. wiVlli,' &ad An Injunction order was granted garnr between tile ~tl "Reds" COIll.ty in July will be '19.50. I througb with 'a htt. '1'he.next. D,IIl1. erts. of Clnclnnatl, Mrs. Walter Wilby Judge Charles B. Dechant In Mr. and IDs. Joe Brown, of N:)r- theu ramliles e!lJo),ed an all "-y ". ~,. and ·the Brootlyn "Dodgers". BaturMl'. McCaw sa.ki the total or 46 liams and daughter. of Kingman, cvnmon' pleas court Wednesdp.y, . a s \H od, were week end gues ts t}1 Mr. outing, pJqnlc cilnner and SUPPll'. R 'chel', wu qut on a. ~ to day afternoon, In CincinnatI: .ddlUonal new reclplentB represente<t Mr. and Mrs . TOEn Welch, of Harshort. ~ • • • • • with ' ,ames of 'baaeb&1l, ' croU.lI~: all Warren COllnty applications veysburg. Rev. and Mrs. L . C. RIUI- result of a controversey over har- s nd Mrs. J.J....Bul"~lI.e and Iomlly. horse shoe pltclUng. apd 'lIwiInmlIII on a Wayne vesting a whea t . crop AIthoulb OIiborne was !!lilY ' In Mr, 6nd 'i41's. Ollbeit Frye and whlrh have recelved tlna~. approval • • tro~e 1n: ttui tbU'd ~ 1d1eD ~n, 'and Mrs. Oora- BlCh attended up to thl' present time but tbat he Jey. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pumas township farm. Mi ss EHza.oetb Hawke, or ML. providing a full , round of: ...-t'v1~ .1' Dr. Charles Johnson. a. ~cber at tour of the six ~tat were :'CO\I~~ the Jln.dstn!et lalnu)' reunion held expected another large group or and son. MI&s Laura Rosnagle, of C'lIfl.ord Trovlllo, Warren County , () "ab. visited Mrs. F. E. Thomo.s. ov.r t he UnIversity' of ClnclnDatt. ·and , for ~ t.otal at, two ,runs. tbe ~oc:al at Hannon Park. Le~~ . Sunday. Warren COUnty cases will have been Clnelnnatl. and Mi. and Mrs. ulcu naming Lulu C. ·Asbury , Ralph Lhe week end . Harold Whitacre. teacher of t he class. walS arno. . ttl. be,'! OC?~ not WU away from ' the' • • • • • E. Ausbury, Ashland Kennard, and aJiPoved and certlfled in time for "I guests, and conduotAct . the' n.UJar Mr. and M rs . Charles Doo v;sl~ bec:,&uae ot 't he flne pltchlnr .. Mrs. L. S. Pr1~ard. of Norwood, AU~'1l8t Pl'vments. Holly Kennard as defendants. of TaY]QI" who aU9Wed MV8D hUll Is 'spendlng th1s week With her Clnclnnat1. and Mrs. Maud C rar,~ class meetltlg. Mr. and Mrs. B~ J\loge Charles B. Dechant, visited several days last weelt witn were bOth members 01 the c1a8I • • over the entlre dlataDce. daughter, Mrs. Alva Thompson, and the restraining order, prevent1n' 5 REV: DIIlERT AND Mr. and Mrs. SChyller MatthE:w~, ,{ fore moving to Waynesvtlle. · Sunday the boys .wlll travel . to family. ' \ the defendants from harvesting a f' AMity VISITORS Satterthwaite p , ttsburgh. M~n . f~ •a qGqbleheader; one . ' . • :0. . \~ !'If e t orop and from stopping Tro. game being a proteated pme and . Mr: and Mrs. Dean Walton spent . vlllo's doing so. RUNYAN FAMILY .BUNlON the' other the thkd ' of the ' the ' weltk end with MR. Walton's ' Rev. and Mrs. O. C. plbert and Miss Ma1'llyn Burske Is spemhng , pme . 0 " t th On Thursday ev,entng. July 11 , Mr. AccordJng to Trovlllo's petltllon, et:mtnatlon"jleries: The lo,cala ' ave sister. ¥ra. Henly.Branner arid ram· ~:r' 0; . ...more,. ., spell e tb.111 week. with Miss Mary Uerwt)'l.. The co'untry !lome of. Mr. and Mra. lost. one irame in the . et'umaattoh lly. of l'Qstera, O. . ' week end mlt,ln g fr.erids In Wayn~- aDd Mrs. Hcnry IS atterthwaite and he contracted to plant 32 acres of (l~ Norwood. Ell Furnas and taJDUy, waa tile whtle the one at South LebanOn 'wW ~ ..' • • • "I • , ville. Thf famlly were ovemlliht daughter; Ruth. e'ntert!'lned severa whf'at on Shares on a Wayne town· , 4. ..' h~ve td be ~d over at a ' later Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hartsoclt and guests at th.e home .of Mr. ~ Mrs. kinds and reelatlv·es. a~ a mlscellan- SillP farm owned by Mrs. Asbury . Mr. and Mrs. ~orie Mengle, of scene of ttbe Runyan f~'~ . Mrl:. Asbury and 'the other dedate: 1;be pmea Bunday wtu be part fa~lly, and M'!: .and Mrs. R. D . ~_ Walter W~taker. ot · LYUe. sa~lU'day eoua shower. OOlllpllmeD!'lng their Morrow •.and their !!On. J . R. Mengle, Sunday. Twenty-eiaht meiDbera of the homecomin. ,at Muon. ~tt. and famIlY attended ' an ~tlq .nlght. Su~day night. Rev. and'14rs. daugilter-In-law. Mrs. Robert L. Sat- ft ·.ll' "ntS. according to TrovUllo, hatt are enjoying a vacatlon trip tlll'ougll the family enJoyed a (ull ot . .: ahd plc.nic· at Sb~n Woods. Sun- Dlbett. were guests of Mr. and Mrs . terthwalte, a recent bride. . dLn lid hIm acess to the pre~ the ~Uth . eating, recreation. and re!pl n1 . ' I ' , '" Late in the evening -the shower and had torbldden him to harvest , . :"_y. ' " A. ·K . Day, Miss Wilma and Clalre • • • • 'OF BABBS ... ....~ts "NINTH .. CASE . -=-• • • • '" were gues~ of Mr. and Mrs. Frank"were opened, and a delicIous the crop. Trovll.lo said th~ defendMr. and Mrs. Clarence Cnddo::k L1~le Ann satterthwaite, da_ _ . . " . ' '. . U. LeMar and flUnlly, Mias Martha lunch was served by the hostess ants declared the contract canceled. of DaYton, SUnday pesta at ·of Mr. and Mrs. O.'·J. s..ttert.b-.u.. 'rhl'.' tarm 1ovolved In the lult Is The .state ,hfl9U~ d~rtmeDt · Jn B\~_O~~. ,oBlanclt 8prln~ d&U •. ,.~~' 'the guellL qf Mr . .and Mrs. E. R. after which the gu . ests . departe.!!. the bome of Mr. :a nd . Mrs. K T . ·undlrWent a tonsil operatl~·''' '~:. CQI~ ~ w~ ~ . the ......... , &JOIW • • --,:0 .aiD .... Be Wlshlilg the hap'py ou I I:'e former' Cadwal)ader l>rOPllrty 'on Stroud. ..... of r-.... ..i. .\.~ ...... . ,In' ' .... .Bt.; and l4is. t A. E. stOut ntley, and ·Cha17les· lhe gues,t of . . ·C P e many " anon, ~t Wednesd~. . '" 'l' " ," • ninth Route '42 south of WaynesvIlle. " ~ ~ - - - UlIII ,,: y: 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter sheehan and ·years ot .we<lded bliss. . Warren ~ty. .; ~ Da~n ~~rs; P'rtdv. .ramlly. . ' . . \ . Those In attend:ance "ere ~. and 'They returned to thelt hom&Mcm- Mrs. . w. C. Dwtr.e. ot l\Iason; Mr . day.mornlng. ' J' J!oPd 'Mrs .•Ja.m!!S iMo~ and famUY'. lniured Traffi'c .of aetna, Mia r..uJa Bye'•. Of Wub~. '. . . , . ~ ' . MEMBERS OF "'500" lngiOn, C. H. ~ ,M r. and Mrs. Warren Near CLUB ENTERTAINED Espy 'and ~~rg~l Sat~rtbwalte. ot , Ii.~ '" __ .,.: ' . , oentervWe. Mr.:and Mrr. .Arthur .' I . ,. ~. ... . - ,- . . ~mner. ~. Alabel Bta.up·,~Mr. aDd' Tw 1 f W k ....,,....,.:--..,..~~~~~~ , .,-,:" '. ' i . ~ MI'a. ",bl,U'lll!! ~ey ~ hostess Mrs. V1rgIJ R1U8fill and MIss' Mary o,emp Dyes 0 ayne par were l 1.~IIDCI*"'~ CeIIl&8 ' ~ to t.ihe ~~~ . ~ ~ ''Il00'' cl~, Satterthwaite. 'of, t.ebanod,. , ~_ . a.;,.... reported 'l!1Jured near Fostoria early. ~:;~~=:~~:=~~:=~l~~:~'~-A . . . _ , .... '_8 VI .... .and one ·.M~' ...•...... ".- C"_··- ,......... Mrs. Harry sat~~~te, " ........ ' ~' ._' -" .and R I cThursday h - . . ' .momlng, while ,-turnl"'O!~, aDd ...... anjJ UI'1I~ c:'.tecRP _~ htr home, :Wedneaday ~. .AId S,atterthwaUtI. ' . . . . h~~e With a l~d of'f". , " ..ton,. Mr, ~ MrIII Keith Walton, ,Two tab•• C?f ca. were ' ~~ --"- • . CharleS, PriCe wu reported, to have Mr. and 1II'II. ·DeaD Walton. of dllt1qthe ~th ~. CHILD il~ 1M11JUD been the mOlit seriously Injured and ,- .... ~ ~ JD. . ' _ 1 ,. ~ a~ to Un. l1li. . Smith. aPd ' ___._ , • waS' in_P.ostorliP. MSPltal su,rre.rtng I'Ih;II'I..., da\llb&lr CII Mr. · aDd • Un. ane Black and' al. Dan, of 1IrB. Mark RAlpn. . "'f1J~ playmates accidently slam- from ahock.. Bdiar Bm1th w8'J aatd _ .aDd UftCl there waUl bel' ~, IIDCl Mr. .aII4 :IIJL TaID ~ tbe ~ a -deIIeI't med an automobu. ~ aD her rJa'bt to have escaped wltb minor IDJurleI. ~... .tbIIf dIatb.~· 1IeI'fIU. CII ~~ at, a. coune ... lined by tbe! bolteD. . tOf)'. ~ Kary Dta .~tt. ., da\llb- Detail ~ tbe aooldent cguJd not De 'd en __ WID& to A pICadc. wm be eajo,lCl·bl AuIUA ,- ~ au.eu of ~- learned .... o. II. Rob1tDr. JII'DPl1~ !I cumn& eq1eDle ............·.'1bIIt . . . .to ' II1II bJ tile clUb.... plue of tile NpIar tlUlIi. the be 01 etAIr of Wayae p&rt. left ",11' be ·voted at· the -~~II~~U~~:;!;Il1 .-.n... JaIIW.• ._ amd~. a ' lIoe.: . '1'b1II'IdaJ ......'111 _ I'aItarIa. 1N~ i. 'l'IdI ... II
Local Happenings
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Local Happenings
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Shower Is Hel d At
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V:":·lll·iage Asks $1·.O;4!IJI%~ Fostoria. Budget For'Year ",U
cept d- the news of his nomination at .. elp~ia. "I am \ 'ery happy, v ry hu mille and very,Proud, h e sa Id • M1'$. Willkie cern d to po sess the e ~a me ~ hnrncter~ WQ'HITiUe, Oblo MaiD Street i stie . . !"ollowing t he nominntion. s he remarked III h et· un........ A.. IeeoDd GluIMaU.JIatter -' Po. toUlee. Wayne.vUle, Ohio uff t u wuy:"W fir \ orl1 ollt~ but hap py a nd g r atefu l . , to OUI' f ri nd ~." E. C. Crane Editor and. Publisher As t h publi c uec o m s hett I' acquainted wi.t h ~en ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY d e ll Willk'ie it wi ll b com e apparent thnt h e . sac rIflc~s ' ~ -M~ ,1.60 Per Year. Payable in Advanee M il of h i figh ti n g sp irit w .h n h exe mplifie the humil "'iliiidl -C:: l~ 1 ~ & ! ity w h ioo ri g lit )1Pop le ad mire . ~hil e. fundam nt,a ll y . humbl e h e know ' d e finit Ill' wh r e h e I gOlll'lg . om e one .ha s ca ll e d Willki a "J1l'actiica l idw!alist." a ... t I'm w h ic h we accept a a good d fin it ion iof a r ea lis t . No OIW w h o h a s S 'e n W Ild e ll Willki e! in action ca n of the t hink of h im a s a pu 'syfoote t' or s t l·addl e l'. T hose w.ho h~ve Editor wat h e d him eith e r in pe r s on or t hrou gh the. p ubli c pl'l nts ,. know h e is a forthright ca mpaign er , a man who says exa tiy what h e m ea n ' , without hedging. Thnt is one of ThE POPLUATION OF WAYNESVILLE . t h e many t hin g s the public ndmires s o mu ch in the RepubA nnounc e m ent t hat the population of Way nesv ille , lican presid ntia l candidate. -Ohio R ep ublican N w S. h'as incretu~ed 136 during th e last 10 years s hould be welcome news to merc h a nts and others who li ve a nd h ave inve8tments h er e. Whil e there h as b ee n a d ecided trend toward the rur-
~fJt ;fIiami ~a~t.ttt
•________________.;;..___j.j-, .-, -
Wit h .a B u c k 'e Ve ., InC 0 n gr e~ s. . • r
;::,.::~:::~~~.f~~e~h:,I~:!lId~:'~~y~''!~~II:~igh boring vil-! The growth 0 f W ay n cRv l'11 e ma y b e nIt'b rJ Uted large Iy to an increa~e in the n um ber of hom es during th e last · 1 h ere. f In ' dfew years, Many Dayton WOI' k' er~ h ave I oca t'eu h . jng ·Jiving conditions c h ea per and more pleasa nt t an III the crowded city. This increase in population is a healthy sign, but . . db' should. provide food for thought for offiCials an us mess L
We .There
is no town in Warren county as a mirably sit'u ated for a small factory as Waynesvi,le. We have t h e 10. d cation, a railroad. good highway!!!, abundant land, a n people willing to work. _ It is our belief that a concentrated- mo.ve to attract lome industry to Waynesville would bring res ult ~ . It at least presents a challenge to our leaders, th e Civic club and-public spirited citizens .
. Y II 'W Sch 0
0 1 bus e s .. 0 eVf!I'YWhere last wee~ ...they came from far and WIde to »ar.de their ware8 bef~re the icbool board ... motorlstff . ..,lao drive to Dayton are ple8aed' t 'h at repairs .are bemade on that rou h •
~ J Bti'etcb of road throug~ Cente.rftHe...the. road is
change .. . Rob ert Crew a nd . . • hiS Ford of a nc Ie nt v1Otage... it still runs and looks a lot better than 'many later modl' t k d . 10 e s ... more au os par e
being r,epav.ed and widened ••• it WD.~ be }onl until the candid tea who come up for '11 be a , eldoD in fall WI arouncl... Am08 Mend~nhall and h18 ama lP'an elaug-ht.r m&JdDa' their way cautibUll, ~cJ'088 Main street ... a ~-' th " h th t unVe MUg e coun ~y i'emina ODe ~hat summer IS /. arettina' aIODI...tbreshing acSOME MEMORIES tlvity and com t .h at has " .vo;wn knee high or higher... The Miami Gazette in the billa and placards decorat- days before the linotype maiy Hyman'8 .lItore for the t:hine ... all the type was set ., mid..aummer sale ••. ~eoutmas- up by hand ...Lucy Emily; '.~ . Ruaaell Holhda~ and now of the postoffice. and ....-.-~~.. .. Wetherhol~ round1Og up. Kathryn Prendergast were the '!llL)'nesville sco~t tro~p typesetters ... also Tom ni y for Its annual c;ampmg trip Pierce. who was a rabid Mito ~amp Hook ...Surve ora amt ' rooter and wrot,e up all bu 11 y on the Lebanon- the baseball games .. .in those Waynesville pike ...the ro.ugh days tramp printers were lItretch nearest Lebanon IS. to numerous .. stopping off every • et . a ·n e., top ... Oscar SmIth day or so ...they would put in pftinl' a late shave at Lee a days work for a meal and Hawke's barber 8hop ...farm- a half dollar ... Jim McClure ent bringing in sacks of once served as a printer's wheat for tests at the. devil before he joined his WaynNville Farmers Ex- father in the funeral home.
II, CLAUffCE J . BROWN ......... c:.-. YO ow. Dtalriot. _ , Congress is not In session thls \ not accept the Presidential call then week, having adjourned last Thu.rs- Secretary of State Cordell HuII , 0 f day until Monday, July 22nd. In or- I Tennessee Is rather certain to be der tha t the Democratic Memberll ' the nominee. may attend the Democratic Natlonn1 being held In Last Wednesday President Roose. al Conve on now ' Chicago. velt sent to the Congress his message requesting adldJtlonal approprlBy the time this appelU's In pr I nt aUons of approximately five bUlion the general public should be reeelv- doUars for National Defense. The Ing the answer as to whether or not reques t was roul~hly divided Into FTIlnklln Delano Roosevelt Is to be one hundred rnlUlon doUars for a candidate for a third tenn. Even Naval purpose; find four hundred liS the Convention openl ng ap- mlUlon dollars for Army explUlilon. proached, political wtseacres In Much of the money will go to folWashington were stJ lI undecided as lowing up the Alir Force and In obto what the President's flnnl verdict taI ning vital raw 1naterlals for use would be. One thing and has been In manufacturing wilt needs. In the certain; he can have the nomina- message the President pledged the tion handed him 'on a silver platter, Congress that he wos no preparing In fact, he wlll Ilave to say "No" In for an offensive WIIJ'. but only to dea loud and deHnl te tone to keep fend the United States and the from being the candidate. for Western Hemisphere against aggreseverything. Is all set to nnme Mr. slon. According to the latest plans of Roooevelt on the fl rst ,bal lot. J ust to the Adm inistration the sta~ng go out on ihe end of a 11mb : this army of the United States will evencolumn Is . now predicting that Mr. tu ally consist of 1,200.000 men. with Roosevelt will Rccept the call and 800,000 additional Reserves available be a candidate. ~~e~mmedlate mobll!zatlon at any
Waynesville Saturday than for s everal weeks past... F k LeMay walking his I' raIn . d i M ' , Itt e gra.n son a ong am street .. ·. a.sence <?r dogs on the s treets now tha~ t~e Warren county quarantine IS in full force ... Bill Gustin and his Forel coupe with a dog . b k h t pe~ched up I.n the ac ... t a gUilty feeling when we sneaked ·off to the ball ga m e the other day. -
Just who the candidate {OI' Vice President on the Democratic ticket . Wendell WlUkle. Republican Pres will ,be is entirely In the lap of the Identlal nominee. made a nylng gods provldlng Mr. Roosevelt does visit to Washington the first part of not ~dvlse thc Chicago COnvention last week at whlclll t1J11e he a.ttended who he wa.nts as his running mate. a Congressional <!inner In his honor, Of course. If Roosevelt does not run RepUblican member~ of Congress he will undoubtedly d!ctale his heir ' met with Mr. Wlllkle for t he dIsas the Prestdential candidate. as cusslon of campaign pla.ns a~ well well as the Vice Presldentln.1 nom- BS to get better acquainted with Inee. However. H the choice of a him. At a meeting of the National Vice foresldent 1, left to the COI\ - Committee the next morning. Reventlon. look for Speaker of the Rubllcan Floor Leader of th~ House. House Wm. B. Bankhead. Floor Joseph :f. Martin. Jr.. was na.med Leader Sam RIIyburn or Texas, or as Chairman of the Republican Na Senator Burton K. Wheeler of Mon- tlona.l Committee and General Mantana. to be chosen, I r' Roosevelt da.s ager of the c()mlng campaign. Former National ,Oommlttee Chairman, John Ham!lt.on, was named as Executive Assistant to Mr. Martin .
New 'Vorlt-&!vent1-rour per cent of Ohlo's commercial banlts m&l2e more than 1.365,000 loans totaUn, ov(?r '1 .957.000.000 to busln_ firma and Individuals throughout the state during the year 1939, accord~ m g to the second semi-annual sllrvey of bank lendihg activity of the Al11ci!can Banters A!Boclatlon. The survey. Which was particlpall'd 1n by 624 banks or 74 per cenL of th e 701 commerolal banks of the ~ tatc. showed a deflnlte b~ine~ expanslon of bank credit In the field of new loans. The number of new loaT.s made between July 31 and De«'mber 31 was 32,491 greater or 11 per cent greater. and the dollar vohune of new loana made durina this periOd was '138.193.98:1 cu 38 per cent greater than reported by an equlvalent number of banks for the previous six months. Th. 52. banks reported ~hat dur-
~--------------~ ST. AUGUSTINE CHURC" a. Q. Krumbolb. S
Auctlon•• r
T OJ panor
Ma.sa, Sundays 9:00 a, m.
Or No Char••
ST MARyiS EPISCOPAL . : CHURCH Rev. R. ·L. Hackwell, Rector
C • ntervill., Ohio .. Phone 78J
SUNDAY AFTER 'I1UNITY 7:30 a . m. Holy Communion. 11 a. m. MOrning Prayer and ser: mono 4 P. m. Cb1ldreit'a Service. The public Is cordially invited to attend this special service for chUdren. MembeJ:s of the ChUrch School will conduct the worshlp. and awards w1ll be liven for work done In the summer seulon. Several chUdren wlll be baptized at th1s service. 11TH
lain Armitage
In:';'~thoy,,:'" ..... - . Ch':::;"'7:~":::"""",
leaden. Should we be satisfied t o let the matter e nd t here? What can we do to further attract not only the right kind of citizens, but new industry and business as
Ch'u rches
- ~
F~ 'T. 'M artln
Beech Grove
Phone. Waynesville 44 R 11 Lebanon office Phone 418-Kservice 10:40 A. M. This will be a rea.98·M. Morrew Phone No.• communJon service. and the aacra- _ • • • • • • •_ • •_ ment of the 8hLord's d .$Upper WIll .be: PropheUc a OWB.Monday ' Epworth League evening ,,';,===========!~ at 7:30 o'c1oclr.. Those who have poII_ tel'll for the lna~itute contest bnng
$911.182.7'17; renewals 01 loans totallng729.285 973,884,697; . 23.109 mortgage loans to l1Dg .'19,936,454; total loans. 1.355.64'1; total amount, $1 ,957.993.928. ° 'J1he survey revea.la that bualneaa firms in . the state are wM~ only about one-third. of the "open Unes of credit" maintained for tJle1r \lie them to thls .meettng. Choir practice and business meeton the books of tJle banks. Ina Friday everun, at 8 o'clock _ . .
New. of other Communities
MT. ROLLY M. E. CHURCH T. M. Bcartl, Mlnlater
Sunday: School 9:30 a. m. E . A. Earnhart. Supt. EVenlni service 7:30, Fes&lnl July 18. Prayer meetlili Wednelday evenln,: 7:30. Springboro-The 8l1IlUII.l summer A welcome awaits you at testlval. sponsored by the SprlnS- servkes. Oome and enjoy tnern with boro Mot.her's Club, Will tle con- us, ducted on the lawn of the bSih school the night of July 18. UTICA U. B. CIIURCB ROoT POR AND- CONSIGN Epwortb Leape MeetlDc . BnU A. HIU. Pulor Jonr Cattle, bop, IbHP aDd cal... . to Norrla-Broe~ (A.., Un win .aD Franklln-Members of the Ep_ Sunday. July 21 prolrNlllve anD 'or the blah_ worth league of the Methodist 9 ' 30 a. m , -Sunday school, LaUe lW'ket prlc:. aDd ,ood aerilee.o. U.I_ S .... Yarda' CJ_I...II. 0. ('hurch are raising lunds to aid In Gorsuch. Supt. Tune lD OD a.dlo StatloD won sendlng delegates to t~e Miami Val11:11 to 11 1110 p. Ill. 'or onr daO, lo.s0 a. m. Morntng Worsbtp. ley Methodist Youth lruttltute at &ormon tlUe: , "'Ihe RelaUonshlp ..rllet reportl. Chautaltqua, AUguat 14-21. "Explor- Bf:tween Chrlst and Va." h LI W" wiU .... ...... Ing t e vlng ay ... ....e '1.00 p. m. ObJ1auan Bndeavar. "I s.n Th. Earth" themf' of this year's lnatltute. with l.et·s,.,end these summer BundaY8 a program lnoludtng rellglous and In ohurch. S<JcJal stUdies. athletl.ca, craft.. E~ ~rnmu., mlll,e and counciUnl. The Rev. Harold P. KeUcw 01 Dayt,cm, WAYNESVlLI.E CHURCH OF . CnRI8T dean and his staff have aroused the w. C. Smltb. Mlnbler I'llerest In this year's pJ'Oll'&lD _ . amc.ni the youns-people of the Ml-. SUNDAY School 9:30 a. m. Bible Farma " Specialty Am! valley. Communion 10:t5 a. m. JulilO1' Endeavor 7.00 P. M. Auction At Morrow Pboile SPRING VALLIIY. O. Bentor Endeavor '1:00 P. M , PreachlDr '1:t5 p. m, Lebanon-William Hufford. BherInaCead of Prayer meeting we wUl la. said the real eelate 'and equlp- hear .Bro. laUe Wolfe of the ,PhilC~UDJon . l0 : t5 •. m. mf nt of the Morrow' CAnning Com- lIpptne hlanUa apeak on h18 mIaIIOn- Sermon 1l!GO • . m. Pt'.IIY. at Morrow. would be sold at ary work. He has been tn . · ~ WEDNlBDAY auction August 12. The sale 'oUOW!! ,work .33' Yp.:' ~ will abo1f pIcMtaal .. ~. t "".--.... a sUIt rIled against the cannq turft> of h18 )VOl'k aa he deIcrIbes it. onlry i a _ ..... t1nn, a packer of 'dtQs· food; by J. A. The. pubUo 11 Jnvited tIo bear .tb1a' !,I~ . Mr., Victor Glass. t Scheurer, wbo sold the ...... at 7:.11 ·IHlo ..... ·..~Y ~.t to the m. 88£OnAry. 8erv1ce bIIIUUdDi . , J~ plE~nt owners, tor mane; be Cla1me " m. . .. . ,Bnt:.. ,Wolfe et Ute PblUPaWle &,?wed him. An 'P~l lilt. '.~ _ lands ~ I/Ilftk Ud show pictUAI ~lro.~.pt~5r. ty at .1.200 and equ1pment 'at nRRY CII1JIlCH OF CBRIj1T of hl~ work in the PbW......-. 'Ybu
Albert Lee Talmage Is spending a TURNING; BAC K part ot his vacation with his grand- THE CLOCK parents. Mr. and . Mrs. w. W. .. ~ , w. c. TWENTY 1~AR8 AGO Shurt.i; and other relatives, at "I~AY ' are Invited ·to cmne.and hear blm. JUly 21. 1920 SOuth Lebanon. Bible achool 8:80 a. m. 'rie meetlili Is called for 8:00 p. ID. Mr. and Mrs. Mearle Terry werll v1s1tors In Dayton, Sunday, at the The Warren County Normal wUl , Richmond-Mambel'8-Of the rel1I,-I-- - -'---- home of Mr. Will Thompson and open at Wayne'S vUle nen- Beptem- lous Society ' of Pr\e.nds. Q\I8k....., . Miss Andromeda. They report that ber, proba.bly on Tuesday ~he 7th, aSSfintiled hi H1chmpad ' and' l'JPN" Mr. 'lbompson is.. some Improved In but formal announcement of the senttng 22 yearlY rneetlnp tram. Ihealth. day wID be sen't out about two coast to ~ On the AmerleaD 00II. "i ... Mr. and Mrs D. M. Lynch and. weeks before the ogening. Tbere 11 ·tlnent. tMmrm~thelr convict1oq Having diSRo8ed of o~~farin" lhd ar~ movi~g to tQ1fD • . w:e wm sell at' p~b1ie sale-~t the..r~idenee. Qbe mile weat of son, John. have returned trow a no tuition to paY. the only expense "that war 1& WfODlr." pleasant trip to Washington, Indl-, being the text books needed and the Lytle ,.nd on~ inmf east D~Ytop aD4 Leb_non pike (S~t. ana, where they were guests of Mrs. \ supplies for class ~ork. M.1ss , Edna Dead Hop E_mIDed 'route 48) on The" Lytle Road. on "". . . "" . Lynch's mother. \ Howland. who for five years bas Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Jordan been In charge of the CQUDty normal -' ~ --: f . SATt.JRpAY, JULY ~t; 'd ~~E ,P • .M. ~ . and children. of ClnciJmaU, were at West Union wUl be the director. Mason ......~lin Bal!ar...:s.'dar~ ~~ The followm. d~beiI P~ 'to-witl ' .\ t f th J d f ~.,.. near here...... eves DIN> 0 . l' hi " 1 " l " _ , dinner gues S 0 e or an a.. ..." . -- bitten ftv, hogs, ca~ ~e- del,th ne ?W Iron w. ee wai'~n.w!. ! at toP? 60 tooth har. Thursday. private cit- of two and leaVlni three others In- ''OW, walklDg 'break;tng plow, ,5 ""-"" sliov81 Mr and Mrs George Plymlre I Clarence arri h ' . • . .:lI_ ' cultivator• 8inlle . MUSINGS OF AN IDLER . .. . ze'" ved ome saturday from fected. Dr. T J. Walar. Muon vet- tobacco press, lot sawed tobacco ~is sand acre-en pla~ have as a guest In tolelr home ollis Norfol~ Va "Buck" ha~ received r1nirJa tlla"",oeed th . iii! 1" I ' . .. " ." 1s':,:L ' , . ', . ' mother, Mrs .. Plymlre. of Blanches- his ho~orabie dlsclharge from the ::"'bl~ :::d ~~ of .lorm sea e8, COI'~ ~" Iter. b~e.(;,~b~r f~~e stretchers, , j~, i8 rumored ' t~at the New York Yankees navy. He was on 1:he U. 8 . Okla- • dead bop was takm to LebaboD 1S8ck ·f odder o .. e 'drill, grind ~emoeratic with two stalwarts, Jim Farley and will go ter. JiJ:llmie j. Lee TalmaO' e , Mrs. Adah Talhoma during his entire enUstment. I and sent' on to ' Columbus to . t he sycle grinder, one man cro~ dlt 8aw,\82 ft. double ladders. Co][·in control. mage, and Jessie Gamer were VIs· _ _ Istate health depal'tment for exambarn door track. 2 blocks ~nd tacTrl.\..ga~den plow. buck ltors at Miami Valley Chautauqua, "'!!t'5' Man ia the only animal that has conquered the turtle. at Franklln. Sunday. to hear Mrs. Bor:n-~To Mr. and Mrs. Jesselln~t1Ol1. saw, post auger, long handled d.j.tehing spade; 2 short ~ - ~,~.-, ' ~ilDdled d~tching' spades, .8COOp~~~'t,, 8t.1)le shovel. ' axe, Once upon a time W aynesv,ill~ had three dry goods Frankllri D. Roosevelt. who held the Mengle. of Morroow, Monpay, JulY, rapt attention of the audience 12, a son. Mrs. MelRgle Is the former NOTICE OF APPOIN'I'IIIBNT 110es; rake8. small )wagon~ wheel bmOw,,Jard .-press. la}.tone, two men's clothing stores, and one shoe store in full which packed the vast auditorium Mildred Sm1th. I AdmiDJa....tor wHh ~ wID aDII4IUII. \'!aDizild water tank, 260 egg incubiij'or, oil chick bro.oder, ', ~'p~rati~i1. for more than an bour and a halt. ~~ . -hOI hook. ) og chain, other chains, hames88, 5 eaeks of: ni-:- Middletown Senior High School TEN YEARS AGO Estate 01 H. '8 . wmiam..... &lao ks ' 80m, girls 'play tennis for exercise and pleas ure; The band entertained the crowd for two IDIcIWft ...Barr; B. Wlw.,.MD trate-8oda, ' ·eac hOI :minera1., .io 'e .!lurnb~J' and POD ' other, ... ~n . excuse to don shorts. I}ours before her arrival. July 111. 1930 Dee.... double' and:- 8ingJe. .:q,~· , and .l. numerous fUther '.• rticl.~ .: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Drake and The population - I)f :waren County , HENS:"~ . " . '; . . " .'~ ',,;" • .•. .'" ': '. Aatronomers predict that the sup will disintegrate in Is 27,928. according to announceNotice Is hereby sinn that Harold . .. A . ..,. ' '-...;.:'-1:,:" , . . ~. " children of Springfield. were Friday mem made by ,W' . H. Storey, or H. whose : Poet, otIl.ce ..._.' ,. \. :" r. ' . r' ,;., ' •.; tenmlllion years. Let the younger .generation worry .. " . ' l , night of Mr. aJ¥l Mrs. SUJ)llll'l11tendeln:t at Address 11 121. MarSOD Ave .. Daytoa. I . ' Jeitic. ,_ ki.tehen . rcu,p.boa , rd, . rulrd HaCkney. . .,. _. Miss ~eLlle Davis was a $unday r.ensus . .This repres~ts a gain of Oh1? has been, d:~ ap~~ as !arelrobe. .~dsJ: g*~ltP.e r'lI}p,,~ ~ "l.,mp8# lo~ TAKEN FRO", OTHER N~WSPAPERS oil guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Starr. . 1602 over the ~920 figure. AdmlniatratQr Wi~ ttle ~ '4pn~ ,'o ther JampB~ 'c ream. ean~ wIt b ' . ~ .• :1 _ ~ . . .~ 4 'iat , . Mr, and Mrs . .Stephen Reynolds of the-F.atl..te of H. H. Wlluam .... jJlJ!8 lots crocks Itlass cans "irQJl Imn ' eot visited relatives in Port WlUlam. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Filer, of al~ known &8 Harry H. WIWamIo~ ll' h' .. d . ~ te .... '.' . ~.:r ' '~, ~ ' dl " .Ferry. entertained .S\1Ilday after- late o'f'.Warren County O'hto de- ,IS ,e8 a~. coo Dg u ~81 s!_. .~ ~ ._ ....-., can • ' .Mrs. Oeo.rge Plymlre and noon In honor ot Itlelr taued. . . • • , . what-not. a'i)d '."-idea to . the!! maUler. were among the n\lm- clanghter . G\yond.oly?'s sev~nth . Of .tw, lHO, ' taon; _. _ . .. Dated tbIa 8th .dJt . " , " . ;,. . ,, • ..... " ' '" "RALPRvB . OARBY _ . I ,~; • • T. . . . ~ , ber of guests who helped Sunday ~ 'birthday. 'J1hose prl!sen.t. ln addition " .celebrate the birthday annIversary to the little hosteSs arid her brother. . ~ or tbit ~te aourt " . . .. ..j , ." ...... Wlllide i8 an Americ~'n 'who seems to radiate of Mrs. Dewey Smith, ne~r Clark5.- Harold Curt~, (Buddy) Aler. were. . . . Wamm OOUDtJ. Obl~ 1,;~ 4II• •_lamatmer worthY 'of emulation' by ot.h~rs· in · VIIMrle.. ·-and Ruth Cornell .. Paulilne ~I~. ~er Qooper ~ LuDd~· -!otqa. ;.:... ;, ,., ,. ~ .. Ms. Maynad Hackney Thomas. JellD PejQ1'ltnrtX>n. L. T. Cooper BIdr.. , . ,,;. . . . ' were SUnd"y dJnner gue~ of Mr. ()thy Preston, Erina ADen and Da~ 0Id0 ,. ,. Y • •II)' liked tbe way in which Mr. Willkie ac- and lira. Walter B1Si8. \T.Irglnta Comell. _ ,.n\"1NI W. N, Seatl', ':AU~.
&..... .....
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May~ 13~ngtl~ld.
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~~~8DI'!~,U;h~S:. r~)lle:, ~te'hea~" cJat:d. •
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A ' L "01 - es -;e.'liaf..'.0. S:RI
Bmenon and Mary Harper to Stlele, invalid Oeorae 2. and Elva Harper; 2 tract.. Treuurer, COlDlty one over 41 and another 18 % acre.. Ing &I1'lcultural l~xtena1on werk, In Harlan townablp. $1200.00; J. W. LIn@fo Hardware Co., Harold A. stroop to John Harold ciock for recorder, 111.25; aneJ Dorot.hy Allee KeUIs; 56.19 acres Banks-·B aldwln lAW Pub. Co., flrat- &tid toal acooun~ approved. NEwaUin &ltate of M. B. Ouatln, deceased, In Montgomery county and 2.62 acres Bllldwln'll Ollio Civil PracLice Mall:' In Warren coupt.y. ulli Cor prosecuting attorney, ,17 first and tlnal account aj)pJ"oved. BeU,. Barry . VI, Warren Barry; Mary Jane Qlark to Treva Powell; ColumoUll Blank Book 'Mfg, Co., 4 . QlW~P of WIlliam Addllon divorce, babltual drUDkeneu; Roblpads Certificates of Title for Clerk, OlU'ey, minor; ,Ir.t account approved part of lot 14 in Oregonia . ers W. Brown, aUorney, . f3.00; The Office Outfitters, 1 Car· EstatAt of WUllam Haat1np, deKatherille Carter to James " M. !tor:i.s ink eraser , clerk, 35c ; Wm. COIlllON PLEAS PROCEBDIN08 ceased; first and final account ap- Susan Carter; 1-3 acre In Deerflel!1 Huf[ord, Jr., washing for prisoners, proved. Jun~, PO.50; Wm. rIufford , Jr., Owdianshlp of Esther E. I.ee, townsllip. MUdred .B randert:lura, a minor, . Ray SWigert to Vlrgll B. Scott; feeding prisoners,. June, $199.00 ; a.coount . . Je naette rayne, her mother et al., ~ra; first part of 3 lots in Morrow. Soft Water Laundry, cleaning sea . approvecs. and next fri!!nd. vs. Ralph Bran Charley Pl'1.e st to George D. Oar- cOvers, $1.00; Warrlm County News, Estate . cif Rose WUkerson, dedenburi, a m1nor; divorce granted; rett; part of lot 36 In Franklin. one 400-page foreign summons docceased; aclaedUle of debts approved . . Ruth Ver,me Jones, a minor, by Ge~eVleve W . Malsbary to Ed and ket tor sherlft', $40.00; Western UnAndrew 1;>. Shultz, deceased; Howard L. Swank. her father and Dora Wallace; part of IQt , 209 In lon, telegram for sheriff, 11.78; Wm. schedule of debts approved. pext friend, vs. Ralph W. Jones; Lebanon. Hufford, Jr. , slamps tor sheriff, Prank C. Anderson. executor of dlvwce iJ'&Dted. JOieph H . and Susan _Z. Reynolds 5300; Wlgh! & Decker. Pharmacy , tile estate of· Estella M. Logan, VIS. o..vid W. Bercaw VI! . James W. Plorenae Tolle. et a1.~ public lIale of to William R . and Inez C. Lewis; p h'Jwllash bulbs fol' sherl1'f, $2.80; et a1.; Natham Fred ap47.02 acres In Clearcreek. r.lcOetchln 's Pharmacy, fllms and real estate ontered. pointed IJU&l'd1an for minor deWliford Woods and Hetman Cart- bulbs tor sherUr, 58.25; Beel 's ParkMarpret Edith LlddUl, a118ied W fendant. be feeble-m1nded; hear~ on afrida- Wllflht to Reginald and Elale Dunn' £\ way, gasollne andl 011 for sherlff's Oarl Preudenbera vs. Inter-State .06 ncre In Turtlecreek wwnshlp. ' car~, ,8.23; Oris wold Service Station vit set for July 2 at 1 :30 p. m . Uotor Preliht IDe.; case d1am1&aC'ralg Reynolds to C. C. CoUina; gr.5011ne and 011 for sherltr's cars, Eatate of 'Richard S. de$ol-l.45 ; Standard 011 Company, iaB ceased; heaa-tn, on schedule of debta .05 acre In Turtlecreek wwmllip. Darla Mullen vs. Jolm Holt; P . A. Kemper to Wm. E. and ('lin~ for sheriff, $3 .49; J . W. Lingo set for July 17 a~ 10 a . m.; certificate lJIanWf liven two days ~ tne of transfer of real estate ordered , O~Rdys O. Courtney; loU; 25 and 26 H:'rdware Co., 5 boxes shells for dog amended petition. wnrclen, '5.50; Fred O. James. dog and Inbqltance tax determined as In Franklin. illarl ,.UlIen VII, JOhn HoUr, L( uls W, Luedeke to Raymond b(JlleE for lmpounded dogs, '?40; not.b1Di. plan"'f "ven two day. to fUe AlJce BliP, deceased; schedule of and Virginia Campbell; 5.19 acres Earl Powell, m1lk furn.1shed relief ~ed petlUon. In HamUton township. family, 11.00; Mary L. Cook, medical debts approved. W . W. Shurts , Sr .. to Louis and s el'Vl(~es, $5 .50; The Western star, Ma.r1& E. WUllaffill, deceased; PROBATE COURT GladyS Walker; lot" 123 and 124 in 2('0 subpoenas for clerk, $5 .50; A. D . schedule of debt!; approved. 801Jtb Lebanon. Harvey, M. D., medical services , ~a V\\llara, cMceaaed; I l;Uen WIi~, deceaaed; executrix Wm. E, Riddell to Speed and Ella f i•.50; ~I "~ft" _.. suspend e. d ' and atwrney II fees allowed, compro...... ·account ol..... .. e.~ Riddelll; 18.32 acres In Franklin Columbus Blank Book Mfg . Co., __M A ....ft d----'" , mise of notes authorizec1 . ..... -,. . _yer, ~" AU Ca1n d tol"I.sllip. 5000 sets certlflca.te of title, clerk, fIrn and flu.l account ordered lUice ,ecea.sed; copy of entry Speed and Ella. RJddell to Ollie M. $125 .00; Olenn Banta, shelving for peoded. on Inheritance tax ordered certified C(IIJ),ett; about 10 acres in ranklln PI'obate Court, $1 .20 ; Drs. Edward EmIm. Hodies, de~; hear- w auditor. r,nd Robert Blair, examination, Anna B . RobISOn, deceased; Inven- tcwl!Shlp. ~ on Inventory Bet for July 22 at tory approved. J( hn H. and Mary Conley to Paul 51.00; Columbus Blank Book Mfg. 10' am.' and cerWlcate of traDfer Edward Me~er; 1 acre ill rF'anklln Co .. 1 pencil sharpener, $1.45; The Qf real state ordered. W1ll of H , H. WWlamson, also \'\. ~tern Star, letl;erheads , $5.50; known !If Harry H. W1lllamllOD, de- township. Oharles E. Penqult,e d~; ceased; admitted W Probate In EDrl HatHeld , services as mechanic, "ectlon of WIdow, Anna Penqulte, record. BILLS ALl.OWED J69.60; John J . Barr. payroll 1J1ed. 1208.80; Johnson Myers, payroll, Ttraah Patute, parcUan of Etbel . Oblo Central Telephone Corp., 1240.00; E . W. Roos. payroll, $521.00; MARRIAGE UCEN8E8 8CJrtor VI. Ethel Sartor, tit a1.; apo tolls VarloUll offices, ' $52.35; Ohio Earl Basore , payroll , $168.00; praiael1·. for real estate appointed. Central Telephone Corp., rents var" Harry Mount, ~lIlyro1i , 1180.40; DaIsY Eaton, a4minlatratrlx of W. W. Shurts, Jr., 30, aaslstant lous offices, '64.25; E. D . Thompson, Raymond Mulford, payroll, '304.00; ~ estate of Oscar A. Eaton. de- clerk. South Lebanon, Elizabetb Lucy M. and Clint Cleaver to Elva W. F. Allen, payroll, $201.60 ; Ennis cet.Ied, VI. DaIoIJ 1IItOD, ec a1.; Booth, 27. lltenoer&pher. Leban~m, Rudduck; 2 tracts, 65.44 acres In Thompson, payroll, 1211t.00; A. O. Donald Dllatuah appointed parArthur J . H1ll, a1vU eJ1i1neer. Leb- Massie township. Hoppe & Co., cement, $190.49; Lebanon, C&n1e B. WUllams, deputy cl1aD. Wma Haggard to Ed Davis; part anon Lumber Co., 200 stakes, $5 .00; Quard1ansb1p of Carl L . YoUnc, rertstrar, Lebanon, of lot 287 tn LeOanol!l. Blair & LeRDy , sand and gravel, confined in Dayton State Hospital; John OrbaIl, 21, laborer, Oleveland, gas heater, laundry tray, etc., for 116.40; Frank Seller,s, stone, 1138.00; lUlfeder of tnaurance polley author- Katherine M, Wade, 21, Lebanon. jail, .sg,40; TrUll tees of Public Af- L. G . Anderson's Sons Co" lumber , lad. Paul A. AUlUn, 25. radio service fairs, light, courthouse and Jail, '1.52; Jl:late of Geoqe E. Rhodes, de- man, OolumbUll, Helen III, Palczer. 1120.14; TrUstees of Public Mairs , H. S. Conover, sUIPPlles and parts , light and gaa at 'Memorial , Hall , $92.66; J . W . Unio Hardware Co:, . ceued; hearlna on schedule ot 21, K1np M1llI. d .... set for July :12 at. 10 a. m. John Ohuteen, :12, laborer. Frank- '2.39; Jeff Thompoon, tuning 2 pi- s upplies and parts, $70,79; Franklin Bertha Presley and Howard Un, Opal Stewart, 21, Franltlln, anOll, ,s.00; E, D. Balley, ~anspor Vulcanizing & ~ire Co., parts, tatlob'. 114.00; Drs. Dunham, Bkav $11 .00; FaIrley Hardware Stores, Rhoadea u adm!!.tiAtnton of the lem, Heuainkveld, medical "servlces, supplies, $12.79; R . Hayes Service .&ate of .Ella B. Rhoades. deceued REAL E8TATE TRAN8FEK8 t61i.00; Allee M. Arnok'l, Invalid Station. tires and ' gasoline, $130.02; VI. Wilbur JIlarnban. et al.; aerv1ce care, ts.oo; Andrew Bell. invalid Claude- E. Wllsim. supplies and gubJ publioat.1Go autboNecl. Louella PaUlh.. deceased; flnit B1ancbe Ort.eamer to Olltrord J. care, $7.00; . oline, '16.17; ' Griswold's supplies ~d flDAl account approved. . Bunnell; lot ,12, part of lot 63 In Mabel Blade, Invalid care, 15.00; and gasoline, 1146.o:a; Beel's Parle-aSuda Olemmons, Invalid care, $~.OO; way, gasoline, 114.511; Van Nes.s SerJobn B, ' Peace, deCeased; ninth M~n. aDd ftnal account approved. Helen Wood to Wilbert McOalla; Ella - Horr, tnvalld care, 16.00; Ger- vice Station, gasoline, 1:1.10; OrO/lB trude Jon~s, Invalid care, $8.00; Ilkt SerVice Station, ga.!lollne, 151.85; OuardianlhlP of ~tb Janel'l acre In Olearcreek ul1mahJp. Sloan. ~r; tlrat and final account Wllllam COWna, et aI., to Clltrorcl K&laer, Invalid care, 15,00; Cllina L. S. Shawhan J·ure 011 Co .. gasand catherine Veldt; lot 8 and ~ Morgan, Inr.alid care. $8.00; Newton oline, 19,77; Tosllie's Service Sta· apeJl'Oved. Stamper, in~aud care. '10.00; L. II. tion, gasoltne, 117.53; Pterce Service Be&ate of U, E. OWttln, deceued; of lot 10 in' Butlerv1lJe. Statlol;l, gasoline, 12.02; 'Henry LudIcgwn Service Station, gasoline, $33.89; CbaB. Berry Gulf Station , ga!oO!me, 18,97; Joe Liston Gulf Station, gasoline, $8.84; Harvey's Sin claIr Service Station, gasoline, $6.15; WhllA: Spot Service, lIa~oUne, '3.41; Hardert's Orocery, I~asollne, ".32; Berraw's Oarage, gaSOline, $15.36; Pogers & Simpson, gasoline, $8.85; Sanl/ham's Texaco Center, gasoline, 110.'13; rank Sherwood Co., gasoline, $18.41;
CO\lD" Court
News 1
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""'O'y '0, :' 6'o""CubIc ••t "tIc. 'OD,
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. , . No""
112.75 Com. in •.• S•• the bast buy we'v. offered In yeorsl Thll low price Include. all the •• gr.at flatur •• :
Meter- Mioer, never need. OIli UIi • • Bill J c~ TrIlY. with AutoUJ,,'; c Tray Heleale Frigidaire uper-Freezer . Erc1 ulive F-l14 Refrillerllnt • Large Frozen Storage Co mpartment . ,~u Lomuu e ID terlor Liahl' Automlltie Reset Defroster . Stninleas Porcelain in F ood Co mpllrtme ut . SHtin-SmoOlh Ou1uI Estcrior. 'and mony otber FrigidBire fcotures.
M"II"'VI, In Frlg/da/,.
how our Midsummer Magic Demonstrotions take the myst.ry out of refrigerator buying
Fairley Hardware Store Larger Because of Better Service, Quality, and Pri~e Established 1849-1940 Waynesville, Ohio Phone 32
Vkllillll Lhelr parenLs. Mr. and Mrs. walter Whitaker and daughter: ... . Mr. Bnd Mrs. Ralpl~ John.. have Mr. PrBnk Kync and dBlIghll'1' a..raded their pl'openy here to Mr. Marie, were Sunday guests or Mr . Miss LaUrB Rosna gle is spenclin g nnd Mrs. A. L. Sides for their farm and Mrs. D. L. Pau1lln ot James town a lew clays with friends, aL Buckeye west of town. They will exchanae Mr. and Mrs . . Harry Hurley, Mr . Lake . places the middle of AUiust. . and Mrs. Leonard Hurley and Mrs. Stan ley BnLley entertained Mr. and -Mrs, Rolla Bolton, of Codaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hurley the 500 card club, at a covered dish Jumbu5, were Saturday aftlll'noon and cllildren and Mr. nnd Mrs . dinner, at h er home, near Ut1~a , ~allers aL Idle home of Mr. and lIIl'I. Everett Hurley and daughter al- Wednesday. Walter Clark.. tend the Brad street reunion In Leb· Mrs. Allen Emc1ck , Mrs. Walter' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet and anon on Sunday. Kenrick, ElWOOd Grassl and BUly Mas Laura RosnaJ:le, in company Mr. and Mrs . Joshua Inwood and Hennessey spent Tbursday In Day. with Dr, and l\4rs. H, E. Hathawa,y, son of Middletown , visited Mrs. Nelle ton. of Waynesville. visited thel:r Uud. Peterson and family on Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Johns entertained and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Hay-~ Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Graff of near twenty ladies at ' a Stanley Brush nero at Westville. 6undat!'),frs, Ha3'- ' Bellbrook visited Mr. and MI·S. J . T. demonstl'atlon, on Friday afternoon. ner Is 1n very poor health. Walton on Sunday. Rev. Hllda Snyder , Mr. Snyder, The Meredith·Whltaker rel1lon WU· 1\ number from here BLtended the nnd son were calling In Lytle Friday beld at the country home of Mr. and Moooe picnic at Klikare Park on evening. Mrs. Walter Whitaker and daughter, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. MlILon Sheehan. at Sunday. Mrs. Dell DaVis wno suffered a Centerv11le, Wert Sunday dinner Mr.' and 14r5. calv1n Lotlgacre paralyt1c stroke the past week at the guest.!; of Mrs . Alloe Clark. and famlly, Mrs. Mildred Surface ' home of her sister Mrs.. Flora Little Bobbr Morgan spent last &.nd. daUihtel' and LaWl'mlce-Roone)':' Bucltles, was removed to Il Dayton week wltb Ilis uncle and aunt, Mr. picnicked Sunday at Terry MOore hospital Sunday, and Mrs. Paul W1Ulams In Lebanon. Springs near New Burlington. Mr. J . L. Tr4man of Columbus, Ii Mr. and MI·s. Harvey Burnet and Mrs. Mary Carmony, In c~y tonner resJdent here was crlUcally Mrs. LnLlra Rosnagle were calling ~n with Mr. and Mr,s. E . J. OarmODy, of njured In an automoblle accident, Springboro f'flends Friday nfternoon Spr1ngfield, attended tile CarmOQ,)' :10 saturday . His daug.hter a nd ber Mr. and Mrs . Therle ones and reW'lion t- Miller's 6rove-north-;of son. Mrs. Palter H. Dove, 29, and sons were Sunday dinner guests of Dayton, Sunday. Truman Dove, 7. both of Piqua es- Mrs. EI.lzabeth Smltb, Waynesville, Mr. and Mrs. Robert S10ey had fot caped with less serious Injuries. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Cbarles Mullenix tbelr Sunday evnirtg dinner ~ M.,wlon "Compton subm itted to a and Dickey Irons spent the day Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Howard S1ney mlY-or operation In Stouder Memor- day In Greenville . daughter, of Beverley, Mr. and Un. , lal hoopitnl In Troy, Sundny. Mr. Q,nd Mrs. ~re.st Graham made l<~red HJrsch and ' ch1JdriIIt, ~.lIof1nMr, and Mrs. Volcha Holland , ot several trips to Dayton last Sund~1 nle Siney and daugihter VIrJ1n1a. at ' Bellbrook, ar~ a~nounclng the birth to visit their s on-In-law, fWy Smltl'l Dayton . . of a' son, WlIllani Arthur, who Is very Ill. . Mr. and Mrs. ~es 'Brown ~ Mrs. Oaddls entertalned 'a group Mr. and Mrs. William BergdaU Ed announcing the birth of a daUlhter, of ladles at the home of her Berg da.11 and Mrll . Oladys ROb~n Barbara Ann, July 18, at the ~ Roy, on Saturday. , returned home Friday after a de- of the latter's mottler• . Mrs. H&rl7. The D . of '1\ , lodge h eld installa- Ilghtful motor trip to Washington D Furnas, in Dayton, . lion of officers :friday evening, C .• Norfolk and other places of In~ ~, and Mr8. Bert Gr&bain. . M4 Mr. and Mrs. Waye Alexander of terest and also visited relatives In grand!Jo~ Allen Jenkins, at a..D4 KnoxvUle Tenn., will arrive from Vlrglanla. . Riplda. Mich., spent Thuradal lrttb Canada this week for a v1.sIt with Ml': and "Mrs . Oeorge Gray have hJs brother and wite, Mr. ~ Un. Mrs. Mary AleXl\nder. been staYing' at tne home of Mr . and K~er Orabam. Mr. and 1\11$: BUT)' Mr. and Mrs. ~dd Walton Jr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray on accqunt of Ulra am were alSO dinner aUee ~,...,--=----:-:-- -'Mr .. and Mrs .. F'ocest ,Grandin and IlI!11S of tile former Mrs. dray. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Taylor arut. daughter, Daranna, of Dayton, vis..... and ' Mr S. "I d 0 eweese ' . . .... • I owar DINNER PU.T Y DELD s,?I'lIi, of Dayton, _. !~~t Saturday Ited Mr. and Mrs. J . T . Walton on entertained . Miss Ona O~s, of evening and Sunday .~Ith .Mr. Bnlt l!Iunl;lay. ' ,. Waverly, over the week end . Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. R , O. M1Uer enterMrs, Leslll Oors\lc:h and daUghter, Mrs . E. W. Carrier. of Dayton, were taJned at a dinner par.y, Beturday 111185 Margaret craWiord, and Mr. aJl!O their dinner guests Saturday night. their home. Their gueet... . Robert Schneider of SprIngfield, evening. were Mr. and Mrs. ~ussell 8tockIUU Mr, and Mrs, Charles Whitaker and daughter, Sue Anne, and Mr. '?;pent Bunday e'vellini witll Mr. ind Mrs. Earl CraWford and dauihter. , __ a04 llttle !On, of King.ton, Pa., are and Mrs. John Hover, of DaytQQ, Mr. and Mt,f. Levi Sunnell' &nci I ,. '; \ and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cornell. family, and Mr. and Mr~. Vau8bn .Rev. W . Q: S th Is spending tills Mullen spent. Sunday With Mr. and ' week at Chautauqua. He Is teaching --,~--Mrs ..:Bert Bunnell ~ntl c;1aughters. tw~ cl~ agail) tbls year and has t I Relatives from Balbina called, on charge of a gJ'OIUl of boys. I Banner Stewart anell family Thurs- Piqua. ThW:s,~Y at th~ parsonage, J <lay. .. -, The Trl-hte memoers are spendI Several trom: here attended tbe illg tll1s wee.!t at camp at Chautau4-H PiCniC, at Wayne 'W k , 'ThUlIl'M1'. an!! Mrll. David Dunn, Piqua , day. -' .. . • s~nt Thursday at th& par50~age. CALL US WHEN READY TO SELL, tI1ss Margie Col~ ~t the week Mr, and. Mrs. Paul Hough called FULL MARKET PRICE. end with Misa Loti .i\..rshey: ?n tile P . J. Thomases Friday eve-
Fe,-r y .
Wheat Harvest .I s Here
Mrs. Joe C~l1Ua.."bad 1M 1ll1s. hlntrz : fortune of brealdbg her eolla.r Mr. al\d Mrs. Wolfe, returned misMiss Velma Koester spent Satur~ 8fon~_ i~om pllina, Will sp~ak Bt day evening and SllUlday with ~ .. ·WayneavWe Churcb of Ohrlst next and Mrs. Jo~ Koes,t er. . W:ednesday eV~nlng and at FeTTY on Le-Ift 00 JThUrsday evening. Pictures will be 11IU. ""' !'Sueh 11! q u1te improved' · . ;rom his recent UJneo.&6. · ~own UlUlltratlDg his lectures. . . Dorothy Oerhard Is the guest of I Buelah Smith this week, 66S6 .SCHOOL OIIILDREN i Dorothy Moxham , of Cleveland lapent Sunday night at the parsonr Number ot chUdren of mool age age and 15 attending . alautauqua. In 'warren 'CountY "1Vas estimated a t this week. . 1,536, in ttle annual sChool enumerMr. and Mrs. ~eas Hess, of Dayton. atiOn filed ~th the lS&ate DlreCt.or·or ~ent 'Momiay evening with· Mr. and I!lducatlo~ recently Il»y ule ' Co\iliiy Mrs. Jeas' RolIpld. ~Udlwr'l oince In L.sanon. Tbe re--'-----STARTS VAOATION TaIP port coven iroupI flUU 6 to 18 years old, Deputy AUdI&or WID J. RaDIter eaid. JIJII1:Ice of Peace Carmen Crane, Wite and lOll, 'left 'l'hurad8y on a The bra.. are tbe tendereat,t.wo-weet V'&c&UoIl &bat w1ll ~e Tbe _ _ are Ibe t.bem to BoatoIL aDd other pointe of 'l'alb'. III Ibe But.
-bOne- '.
CAREFUL AND ACCURATE TEST. Government Loan wheat will be given our careful ~ttention . .Your loan ~heat will net
money when shipped th'roui'h your local elevator. HOIl prices
are up!
Supplement p~ice i. down I
w. offer a .ati_factory Service
Birt.day Party For Marillyn Kay Gons
at all tima
rIere's The SnowbaU.1n Hades!
Little Miss MarUyn Kay Ilona. 19. daughter of Mr. uhd Mrs. J olm B. Oheerful Olrcl club at t ile hOme Gons. celebl:'aied he r fourth bi~thday of Mr; and Mrs. J . B. RIch, Bnu lversary. Wednesday afternoon . SATURDAY-JUly 20 wltl, a birthday Plmy . \.0 whloh the Farmers Grange meeting, chU. r0110wlng Httle girls weI' 111vlted: a a a a a • a . ' .1 clr n's program. Carol and Rhoda Bun II, WUhelmyen all' ~ver the County. Tills was. TUESDAY-July 23. Ina Br addock, Sandra Lee Simpson. g! . Argunot Bridge club . pot luck dJn- Wlculle J oe Stout , Ann Sntterth, again evidenced by the aMounce- l\er, a t the home of Mrs. J . K . pres - waite, Sally Lou Bm th, June Menment of several new units. assIstants . ton. den hall. Miriam Hnd Dorothy WIl and two more gifts. q'he WBynesvllle " HI-Lo" Bridge lub at the home SOli . J a net DostE:r . Sue F ur,nas. Lodge 163 F . & A . M., and the Miami of Mrs. A. E. SLom. DOlma Hadley, Na ncy 'n Ull.', LOI'ene . r.Hm Bureau D UsslOIl Croup. Salisbury. Naomi Burton , Lit da Lee Chapter of O. E. S . 10'1, WaynesvUle. nt the home of Mr . and Mrs. C. P . Ramby, and J oann e Garst. each cont.rlbuted ten dollars. Elli s. Centerville. The afternoon was spenL In playMrs. Nina St. John , Waynesville, FhIDAY-July 26. In g games OllL-of-d oors lif te r which "500" Dinner club, at the home or the tittle guests s hll l'ed Marilyn's The work for which the Jr(lduo- chairman of Wa ys and Means. has Uoa unit of the' Warren County Mrs. Lawrence Chawhan . Franl<.lln , Mr. and Mrs. Hal'vey Burnett , LyLle. JOY In open ing the man y prelly gills she r elved . Ohapter of the Red Cr~ wa.s re- as a new a.&.slstant. Mrs. Mosiman's The girls were I~ II then st!ated at assistants for purchasing two new ~Dt11 orpn1led. -got under way lilbi es. decorated with guyly colored and Inventory work are: Mrs. MOIlday at the headquarters In Lebfa·vol's. paper ha ts. a nd LIllY baskets Schuck Simpson a nd Mrs. Loui> aDQIL . ~ the cuttlng. sew- Kennett. bOth of FrBllkl1n. f llled with candles. A large birthday Mrs. rake li gh ted wi t h four ca lldles was ..... Imlttlbr, and dbtrtbutlon or Harold Gilmore, Morrow . aren t halrplaced before Ihe tin y gllest of hon . a&erlak, ... a bualnl!S8 meeting. man; a nnounced new units organThe Ladles Aid 6Q: lety of th e 0 1'. nnd a fter ~he had mllde her wi sh , lzed by the foUowlng groups and foJlowed bJ' a luncheon., M I'~hodJs t Chu rch met Wedllesdny and blown out the candl es, It was Kra. liar! Coburn, Lebanon, Mrs. chalrme.n : LR.eUE!T Corps. Morrow . aft moon at the home oC Miss Sar- . CI;t nnd ~erved with Ice cream. Jobn Proaun, WaynesVille, and Mrs. Mrs. Kenneth Williams, PreSident; ah S mith . I Other guests at the party were OIUlert J&meIOD. Lebanon. asalsted Mrs. Grace Veldt; Levell Community Twe nty members and one gues t, Mrs. John Q . GoIlS . Mrs. J1.obert ClUb. Plea.sant Plain, ·Mrs. Charles . . YoIUIlteer cuttera. Mrs. Norman Mrs. Charl es Whlt3ker. of Kin gston ., Gons. Mrs. D. L. Cm ne. Mrs. D. R. 0b7Da. woo aupery-1Bed the knitting, Day President. Smi th , Mrs. Thomas Burton , Mrs. Following the directors' meeting Pa " werc presen t . Ibou14 be Called by thOle Warren The progl'am cons is ted or a read- Ed8nr Smith, JffId Mrs. E . O. Cran e. MDnday at 10 :00 A. M., July 22nd , at . Counttana dee1rlng help by joining Ing by Mrs . Elm er S llcelra n . and t w o . __ Ule II'OllPdolnf 1M!W!ng tOld knitting Harman Hall. more mnterlal wl\l be contests conduct <1 by Mrs . U . G . BANGS DISEASE TO In tbe eYeJliD.J at Hannon Hall. Mrs. cut and made nvall nble. Whetzel a nd Mrs. Charles Ames. 'RTDAY~uIY
FOT<, BALE-Buckwheat, Ralph . L , Hurley, Spring Valley, Phone SOIU-
Route 1:
LADY INTEREsTED In buslnesa or her own In a large sales orllantu.U(,I1 . Box. 96. J18"
Aid Society Meets Wednesday Afternoon
anDOunced · that whlle dlrecava1lable tor knitting of lNxMaee and caps. there Js no yam . &be aab that anyone having white, tIlue or plDt yarn please bring It to headquarters Wb1c:h will continue to open 1I01lda1s aDd PrtdayS, 10:00 A. I(. 10'3:00 p . m. Ttie CII"pIIJa~on Is encouraged by tbe lDtereat mown and cooperation ~
. FAMILY DINNER HELD Mrs ~ H . H . Wllllal'\'lOOn. ML'>S Grnce Williamson, Mr. and Mrs . 1ra Brown. and son. and Mr . a nd Mrs. Hllrold H. Williamson and Crunl.y. of Dayton , elljoyed a frunJly dinner at the summer home of Mrs. Et hel H ank, Sunday.
After t h e progl'llm , [\ pleusnnt socinl hour was enjoyed. during which tlllle re freshments were served by the hostess. nllSisled by Mrs. Mary Cross, Mrs. Maude Crane, and Mrs. Al va Hnrtsock. T he f ocletJy t hen ndjourn d tet meet Ilt the home of Mrs. Lloyd Dnvls, In Augus t fol' . an nil dny meeting.
Dr. A. "J. DeF osso·t . In.~pectol· In Charlle of the U. S . D. A. Burenu of Anhnnl Industry In 01110 , Is scheduleJl. jar Monday evening, July 22. at 8 :00 P . M., In Memorial Hall, Leoonon, to discuss a Bang's disease eoradlcatlon program tor Warren County. Much Interest hils been expres.~ed ;11 an urea Bnng's testing program. The Wnrren Count.y Livestock association , under Chall'mllll Ronald Hawke, and the O:tUo Livestock 01MUo. Hnrtsock, of Kingman, spen t !:etlse Prevention association, repS unday with hl~ grandmo ther. Mrs \' en ted locally by William Lukens , Lenn Hartsock. n ra helping the ex!~n on service to . Mlsse~ AnnJe U . and Mnme T . spOIlSOr this mee~ln g. Browne were dJnner guests of Miss MonlmJa Bunnell and ramlly, Thur5- DR. EMILY WRIGHT
" 'Don~t W;'ITY durin. thia hot weather where to aell T-" Th.e ..fe, cool way i. -"SHIP DIRECT TO Tal STATE." Eajo~ '- Careful - Courl';ua Service, -wiIh ~our Satisfaction Guaranteed
8~AT NET-We' pay ,JaI~ 17th C your tnacker At ill. 'Old Reliable Creamet'Y your Falla... Palalaised.
STr. Tf !<UTH8
\ : '; I ,',.; \ ~
of real meat
day. Sun<;\ll! callers were Mr. and Mrs. William Guthrie , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest MarU n. or Dnyton; and MI. and Mrs. Ed Andcrson . of Blancheste r . Misses Annie U. and Marne T . Browne spent Stmday at_ th eir old 'home, lIS gUests of Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Crabbe and famUy. . Mrs. Margaretta !lea~ock, Miss Annie U . Browne, Miss Adallne Alden , Mrs. ' J . W . Ward, and Donaid Hadley were callers at the Wrigh t home In Springboro, Sunday: Mrs. J . L . Mendenhall was a dlnner guest here Stmda};. Mr, and Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock and family , . of Kingman, entertained Mrs . Margaretta Heacock and Mlsse; Annie U. a nd Mame T . Browne at dlnne.r. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lew R iley, of Blan, chester. and Mrs. Dr. Halnl!s and daugh ter Grace, of Cincinnati. visIted Dr . and Mrs . J . W. Ward, Tuesdny.
News' Of The BABY BEEF CUTS Young Tender Pig:Bbort Ribs ...... ~ ..... 2 lb. 28c , Liv.er .................. 2 lb. ~' for ~ Pure Pork Sausage 2 lb. BOiljng Beef .......... lb. 10c Built . Tender Juioy Steak. lb. 23c P ork St ea k ............ 2 Ib . QnICk Pure Pork Lard our S!.-~ Ste.&k ............ , lb. 22c own render ...... .: 2 lb. ·_
...... eu....
By Gabriel Paul
17c 25c 33c 15c
Clauek Boast ............ . lb. 19c VEAL Fretlh 'GrounCl Beef 2 lb. 31'e -Veal Pocket Roast .... lb. 140 . ,8ound LOin .steak .. lb. 33c Veal .chops .. .. .. .. .. .. .... lb. 19c . I ~.". Veal Roast -:"............... lb. 18c , WNOH MEATS Veal Cutlets ............. Ib.28c 11010111&- .............. lb. 12%c Ground Veal ... ......... lb. 19c "'" " . .... l. > . ~". ' • V.~~1 Liver ...... .......... lb. 40c ~ .. ;0. ; ............. 2 lb. 28c V'e41 Hearts .. ....... lb. 12 %c . • "'d Ib 25c SMOKED MEATS 'fJDumto Loaf ............ lb. 270 Dry Sugar Cured Bacon .' Chieken Loaf .~ .......... lb. 27c .... ......................... 2 lb. 27c D..tch Loaf .............. lb. 29c 2 lb. piece or more ;Liv~l' Cheese ....... ..... lb. 25c Shankless Tender 'Callies ~,qmmer Sausage ...... lb. 27~ ............................ lb. 15 1hc CoiribllaatieD Loaf .... lb. 300 ·FI.n e for baking ~ Ha~ ....... :.... l.b. 30c Bean Bacon' ............ 2 lb. 15c W ...era;................ 2 lb. 46c Tendered Sugar Cured Hams Pudding ........ 2 lb. 26c Whol~ or Half ..... lb. 22c 89.- ....... :............. . 2 Ib .. 31c Boneless tender .Cottage Hams, 2 to 5 lb. avg, lb 2.5c \ . P()RK CUTS ~ Rlba ............ 2 lb. 18c Sliced Fancy Dry Cured .....·C..llies' .... :....lb. 12%0 Bacon Y.a lb. Package 10c' . . .. ~ __ Dry Salt Pork ........ S .lb. 25c
JUm .......... .
Funeral services were 'held Monday nt the residence In' Springboro tor Dr. Emily Wright. 80. who dJed last. " aturday morning. . S h e was a member .[of a wldely known Springboro family , and a slater of the late lDr. A. T . Wright, who practiced medU.c lne in Wayneaville for many yea'rs. Miss Surviving art .t,vo slsters. Lydia WI;ight, of Bprin~ro, and Mrs. Dudley Keevj~r, of Oenterville, and five nephews. She practiced in -Rock Island. Dl., !before she retired to return to her home In Spr1n8boro. ASSOCIATION MEMBE'Bs ENTERTAlINED AT nOME
TWI" 'IiR~:·Im..·!
ENJOY MOTOR TRIP Mr. And Mrs. Howa1'd Drummond and children. and Mrs . H. B. Enrnhart and daughter. Naomi, enjoyerl n motor tMp, Sunday. to Adll'ns Oounty und the Sunfish Hills. They also visited relntlves at Bainbridge Nobody e~!r outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepenR with our years. -Spurgeon .
w~ wiJ] serve dinn er for .thres~ers. Phone reservations to 8R2 bet~een 7 and 8 A. M.
8un. - Mow. - TaM.
Wayne p,.rk News Notes One hundred nnd ten employes. a nd offlcals of The Metropolitan Clot hing com~y, of DaytOn, . held t h eir ann ual outing at Wayne park Wednesday. The Oayton stOre was olO6ed dur Ing the nrternoon , whic h . was enJoyed In SWimming. H:.h ing and base ball. Dinner was served at 6 o'clock with (lrework.s nt nigh t.
" Mrs. Martha
Mrs. ~ on ne th Hough, Hough, Mrs. A. K. DIlY, Ilnd Mrs. D. C. Ridge attended a . m eeting of the Missionary Society of t he Oentervllle OhUl·ch. Thursday afternoon. The meeting was held at the home 01 Mr~. Emory Bradstreet. Mrs. Kenneth Hough took part III the program giVing a review of the atu<ly book. "The Women and the Way."
VISITORS IN WAYNESVILLE - -. Walter Sherwood, and friend . Ed The BrYant Motor Salell company. Anderson . of Douglas, Ariz., stopped' of Xenia. h eld Iln outil'1g' at t he park at the home of hlB niece. Mrs. Raymon", Conner, and funny for a week Wednesday . end vlslt. on their way home from a Members of St. Auguatlne parish , trip to Oonnectlcut. headed by Rev. Robert Krumboltz, SUNDAY VISITORS HEBE en joyed an outing Sunday, Auto Transit company of Norwood and I Dr. and Mrs. Gille E. Russum, The Fann EqUlpment company. al, o daughters, A1ke Jane and 'lvalu, held outings at t he park. Mrs. W. B. Russum and dauahter, . Nancy Trumbel, of Middletown, Margaret. of..nt.yton were S\lIldIy caught a ll,pound and 6-pound cat- visitors at the home of Mlssea Marfish, getting high 6core tor USnday. garet and Trlllena Edwards. .
N~. . ~&ed
Loe.a1· Happenings .
Vlrgl.n1a LelJerson. of pon.mouth. dltit hter of o harles LelJenon and g . • Sl\lrley Ban~. of Dayton, dauahter of Mra. WWlam H8ncocJt. are ..spending ' tb1s :wed" With Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Waterhouse.
...'.. . . . .... . .
MJss Ann ElzeY. of Oregonia, visIted MIss Naomi Earnhart Jut week. Miaa aura~n: , lfarran· Is VSI1UDg thls 'week Wltl,t MIss Ruth lIlirnbart. : Miaa Naomi Eamhart 1.s epeniUDI the week with MJai M~.t...1tarlan.
July' Meeting Herd By Sunshine' Club - -'-
Hot flame seems po erledS to aired this 300 de,ree below lero "snowbll ll", In fact, glistening white frost will collect on it b'en wilen it is s u.> pended In fire. The e two pretty yount( vi8itors at the Frl,ld. .i,e t'Xh ' bii in the General Motofll building at the New York World'. Fuir. ~ ;,el' e the "s now in flame" performanre l;. staged. exprellect amazement aL scientifir proof th.t a "snowJt.tr call be 110 (old.
The July meeting of bhe.. 8un.shlne club was held 'nluraday, a~ ttie. • Mrs. Alva: Thom:pson w¥ hostess m. . . w thirty-five members of the Hamil- ~0~P'Y bome of Mrs: Austin Conton Coun~y P aSt Chiefs Association, ner'. pythian Sisters, of CinCinnati, Wed· ''"'TaellcIOUS dinner was enjoyed at nesday . at her home. noon ~y the t~ve gUests prese!lt, The vlalting guests a'mved from and the afternoon Was spent In Clnclnnlltl In. a specially chartered. pleasant cODversation. '. ' bus. and enjoyed a pl?t luck dJnner . .. Tb06e presen~ were; Howo~d at· the noon hour. 'I'he afternoon was BlJlton: and dauahter. Mai-y Ann, spen n In playing C8X'd6 and games. Mrs. Arthur Atkinson. lIn's.. Della VenaPle, ~. ~ A.Y;lert, MiG. WAYNE TWP': .G ETS $Uj) . Each of tile 11 tomhiPS ' fn "war- Charles 'Allen, Mrs.. Russell BehUe~'; ' . ren county IncludJng ', Wayne, re- Mrs. 11'. , E. Thomu, MJSs Lucy F.mily, ceived $450 In a d1sltri~utlon pf $4,950 MIss Phoebe MIranda, and M!~s In state gasoilne tax . funds, t.lre Mary I.;ee. OOnDer.
~ .
ClnclnnaU:-LlIe Is just one tough series after another tor the Reds these days. Hovl.n g just completed a torrid series against the Brooklyn Dodgers. they 'n ow face a two-game set aa.glnst the Bees which Includes county auditor announced this Wfe~. Mrs. JeSsie Hymalj. was ho.stesa'· tq a ladies' day gaine Friday , and t hen a gTOUP. of her {nenda, at luncheon, a three-game series against the threatenJn! New York Gian ts. A WednesdaJ'. at the Redmond Inn' l O1nclnnatl. Single game against · BUI Ter ry's . , I!IARGAIN ~ ... '1~' 'Til 2:00 m a uiers will be played Saturday, with a doubleheader listed for Sun' . ",', /';' Friday day. A'I'D . S~nday's twin blll against the . -'Saturday ' . ", ""'G iants will mark the clORe of the Red's bome stand. On next Tuesday, the Reds will be In Brooklyn for a . . SCREENN";""-doubleheader against the Dodgers, "Captain Ill' a ladY" and will wind up their s tay In Flatwit;li" . bush with a single game next WedOhas. Coburn -' Billie Burke m~$day .
. J18-2S'
FLIT ................;......... :.tl ......,:.. :.~ ..... ,:.:.. : ..,:.... "':,, .. Pt. 29c DR. HESS FLY KILI,ER, a Dew p~uct- .. ,,(.. Pt.'3~ BLACK FMG INSECT SPRAy ........·... ,,;........ Pt. 21p C:ENOL M011l-PRoOF, ......~ kiD moth. ..................... •......'., .. W! ........ ·Pt. 8SI!\ ~ $1.31 APEX, DI-CHORlCIDE, ODO.REX.~EXrELLO, ~~ ..CRYSTALS " ....,'1 , , I ' \ DR. HESS. STOcK- FLY SPRAy ........49 for fi.~ .....
.,' j
. " , '
:'_2 J
,... wnou:' N~a. 4039
THlffl ))4" JULl' 25. 1940.
NINf.Tl'-rffi T YEoU\
Win ning 'P~e-m-" Wi II Be Read
Local Teache~ 'Q uits PROGRESS IS To Take Xenia. Post MADE IN RED CROSS WORK' I.
Over WCKY On Sund~y Nigh ,
' '1 Th e winneI' of I I > . W .KY-.\'ri:l llli ~:1;~"U po etr y conI ~ l s lag"d in nnection wilh the al 1 p ll J'u n ce of Mi" O li n :! Ka ' kh~y u f o r e lh > \V 1.1 y n ' :wi ll 'i vi~ lu b. will b ;ln nonnc d OV61' h I' pl'()g'l'an1 S lln[ u. 1 a y . J u Iy 28 , a t I] ; 15 I' .1\'. Mi s~ ] 'I ·J I .y 'l; 1) I'O"r' m is kno w n a .. 1h n " J ' I' _ 'logu e." Th~ winn in g poem wi ll II r ea d uy Mi ~:i Kll ' II ('Y at that lime and publi!;h ed ill Th ' i\riClmi Gazette, Thu rsday, AUg'ust 1. The wi llner wi ll I't;!c iVt;! a $5 award.
J . F.. Frllzler.- :·the firm of .,'1hZ 1\ Il'!' ilnd Cllll1pbell. who for many . lei nLlted wllh the Ylal'~; hns I) cn , The Wayne towns hip board ot . lAva more tlrtchers for the grades . linlling anti roofing bUbine:;.s In Wade T urner w!1\ return to t he education fa Ges the ' problem of seWaynesville. has reLll'cd from activ(· curing anothel' grade school teacher Il( rli dp bUlld!llg as principal w l~ en the /'''''It . Mr. 1~l'Il ~.1 I' ha s been In Warren County Is to be commendn \1 [erm stnr . wIth Halllh Fowler. So sp lendid Ila ~ been til count,ypaJ·tnershlp wit h Richard CRmpbel. d betore the sta rt of t he n ew term. whu has .I'onch d bas ket.hull a L ,J f101' the I t 11 year s. ' fOI' having a la rge percentage in foUowin . g the resl lal1011 of Mls ~ wltle cooperaLion given I he producfrl!'On hi h r hool In Mont!(omcry a Llt:ndance at th~ Conference on Ray Morga lJ , son-in-law of Mr ..d ~auo ll , at Madison. Wisconsin, LucJlle Walton. l ul.Il lly for tlu' b!~ t 10 yellJ's, tal:ln,! lion unit of tilt' W. rr rn ounty Ca.lllpbell, hfl u tllke n MI' . Frazier's ,rording to reports from those who Miss Walwn, .who hils taus ht here over Ih e coachin G duti e:; in addl tloll Chapter of th Red Cr s. thaI It place In th e finn . which will now attended. for the InEt two year~. Is quit !.!rIP. t., [· 0 t chilla III th hlgll <cllool. Iws a Irea d y q.llli d Id rup e It ~ a ~ s .l g lle d /I accept a position In th e Xenl lJe known a~ Morgall and Campbell . The FIrth Am ual Conference in " chools. She ta ught the third gra de quolD . Elementsl } Education was heid at here. CANNIN~ Mrs. Wend Ii B. Campbell. Morhc Unive,sity of Wisconsin. MadiThe board now has two vac ' llcles LJ I'O\\' , chairman. In makin g Ihl> 6nson , Wls .. July 6-19 . 11lls conference b fiji at lhe grade build ng. Mls~ I'ouncemellt Rt Ihe director's meetis sponsorcd by the Natioaal De- ; Ill! Montiay mOl nlll& at headqua rEV9 R eeder, fann er principal. rep3rtment. o~ Elementary School t rs ill H3rmon Hall . pxplained that H"ned two weeks a"o. Principals. Among the 543 principals thi ~ Sllc~ e~s hilS been llossibl P rt'v10us I' slgn atlm wu' t'1 "f and supervisors which r epresented til rough work such as Is being don MI'. and Mrs. W. A. Lukens anel Mrs. ubert Fuinas a nd Mrs. Ella Mrs. J . W. Kersey , .wno WUI:!IIL tilt! JIl ~tate5. , 8 of these heads were from h'I I hI' fl)lh.lwlng ph'al Hurley were gues'ts SU·lday. of MI' . famil y wel'e Sunday dinl1 I' gUt S' l'cond grade for severa I yeaJ·s. T he .', "rren CI unty. Mr. and' Mrs. Van :mel groHIl:;; and Mrs. Romo R\gg~ a{lcl daughter. uf MI'. and Mrs. R. J . Wes , of WiIboard at ILs Iqst meeting employed I Mr. Reta!l!ck 'ls principal IIPtaUlck. llndp)' l\1)' ~ Hnrold Gilmore, Mol' l1li IlgtOIl. P~tparat!olls 01' Ilncter way hp r~ aullne. ,lane Furnas. but stili mwt. f WI''; Wh al and corn parlly check of Norwootl school); Helen 'Ql~ , rnw , H I pn, C' h a ll'lnnn . the fol1nw tn ~ '" • '" '" • • • • • • / ror til e op n ng about AU ' USL 25. or - -- - Ll1e Waynesvil le IIlInlng ~OlnpRny 1 1111 . hpld on .J1Jly 10th . th" flr' it 01 MI'. and Mrs. J ohn Hover . of Day.! Mr. and' Mrs. Howard Mlsslldln amOllnl.ln · LO $11 ,67721 nr' rpad' . ,'n('l )1a l In CleVeland) . and Cora lllPlr meeting,s Lo be h Id ench Tues- [on. are spending II two weeks va- were s upper gLle~l~ of MI'. anel Mr6 (or dis trIbution to ( rmefs here . Ke rsey (principal In Oleveland) 1;>lanl. Harold Shill·p, ChaI rman of the \', ~r e all formerl y from Lebanon; dny al I ;30 III th p' old ~Yllllla~llIm \ I,ill~. 1iull with Mr. aJ1d Mrs. R. O. MU- I Robert P~u'na B, S~I.da)l Ap).lroxlmately 300 persOl;s wl\ l he In Morrow : Prfshyl~r1911 ehlll'ch . IeI'. Warren County Agricultural Consel'- RLlth Rob nson tprlnclpal In Cleve'l1lployed lor a period of rOllr 01' and Women's Relief Corps. Th Mr. and Mrs. L. A G "< and vatlon Assoclatoll, anllounced, Wed - land) formerly from Franklin; Ruth Itve weeks. nesday. "_:Iar.dle r (: ritic teacher. Cedarville H03rhes tel' Community OhUl'ch . .•. . . unJl I Richard Benson., () f 1II dlana polis famil y left Tuesday mOllllng rOI' a Accordtll(I to official . R norm al hrld Its IIl Sharp sa id 191 COI'l1 check.'! foJ" CoJleee); Elizabeth Chan :Uer , (As-. . t I egulal Tu dB} m et- rnd .. Is vlsltlng th1:i week with his ten day visit with Mrs. OaJ'il '~ crop Is nnllcl pa ed nlt.hough bolll Ine: 011 til sam tlay at the home 01 . gr ndparems. Mr. III d Mrs. W. P , paren , Mr. and Mrs . I . J . Br ubaker $3,963.90, and 254 wheat checks for slstant Prof. of ~ducatlon at H!l m~ sw L corn and field com III Lhl!; sec- Mrs. L nnle Whit cre. chalrmclI1 . of Virden III S7,713.3 1 represented the first pay - toll I nstitute Va .); and H~nr'eth MI'~. WillIa m Deu temeler, Pranklln ~ 11 SbUI·Y. • • . • ' . • • _ tion Is badly In ne d of rain. ment under the 1940 Federal farm McKinsey, (Elementary IlllpervlSOr of Ashland1.CltY Schools) . are . all In addI tion to the locnl plant sev- orp3 sch Blrmal1 and Mrs. Law rence PulJl\c Sale of furniture . Harveys- program . A b~d t of $194,,300 was approved eral hundred more will he employpd '11llwhan announc d t haL the Frank- I Mr and Mrs. R . D. ColleLL were rro l aynesvlJle, O. buru, 01110. In Mason ic Bllll dlng Nearly $qO,OOO Is (0 be .passed au by Warren count y rl)'nmlsslonerll t,hrollghoul. the county at. I he Miami lin unl . are ready, to make · forty I S unday guesLs at the home of Mr. The genera l th me of tl11s con- · next 0 10. A. Store, Saturday, J ul hAre for parUclpalion In the 194G at thei r Mondo 'l I e tlng, tor oper- ,Cann ing Camp ny nnd t.he Tom a rm nls monthly. and UUit th y anti Mrs. Ashley l llll'ood. of New 27, 1;30 p. m. f reliCS was " Enriching the El emen ~ program, aecol'dlng to Sharp. &1in expe till 'Ing th yeaI' )941. \ Corwin Cilnlling company . flou h wj ll hold an organlzatlc.n me ng on 1:!.1I rlin gton. . • • • • lal y ~ hool Cur!culum ," 125 dUferMonday, July 29 at Legion Hall. The ent speaJcers took part on the pro: a,mount request d, AuditaI' A. ~ L banon. MI S Ml.nnle Dnvj~ visited home 1t185 Susan E. Brown. or Lebanon , g Bm . Many well known educators· M. P rker Ga ld, Is $9,300 less than The CW'I'enL week will see t,h end L i:anon Business alld' Professional ro;1t5, Sunday a nd Monday. from Columbia UnJversity, New Ih budgo't r gure for I t yea r , when of p'ract cally all wheat bary'e stlng Women's club un it, under Mrs . Ruth al d Miss Mlnni.e SatL P l'thwalt.e. or York. and Chicago flew by plane to al'llvlty In th Wayn vUJe area. A Sil I'wood, held its meetl.ng at Har- D t)IOn, were SUJ:lday . aft moon -, 1.600 was required. Mr, aud Mrs. C. 1. Satterthwaite ar&aret a nd lake part In the Oonference. Parker snld tlie l'edUct\on was due (ail' crop Is ren rted with the price IIH II Hall on Tuesd y ev ning . oal.ers 'of Misse.i a d daughter. and Mr. and Mrs. tl) onomJ etfe; ted In di visions holding just .below the 70 eent mark. Olher vQlullteer workers a.lso met at Trl I na Edwards. The principals and supervisors Vel'll Simpson and family enjOYed the me lime a .hese Lebanon were housed In eight new donnttorics uno offl ot the county. an outing and picnic supper , along headquarters which wUi be open MI'. and Mrs. J ol1t1 B . GQI s were the ri ver Monday evening. on the shore of beauliful Mendota It ' elCpected tha.t$158,000 will b The Ladl~ of the Lytle ev I'y 'ru day evening from 7 to 9, 110. L and hostess to the memb [5 of Lake. l'ect!ved 'from taxe , wllh the church w!1~a ca.rnival on t he as w 11 as on Monda ys and Fridays. th II' "500" club , thell' home. It:alndel' La b mad e up from Mr. and Mrs. Harry Milt n bpl'rrer , chw'dl lawn . th'ls Saturday evenJng , 10:00 a. m. to 3 p. m . when other MO llday "evenlng. tll.tI miscellaneous rl!l::elp Gl.d Ml bs Bertha Miltenberger of MI- July 27 . The Wayne Township \'clunte rs, Instructors Ilnd chalr• • ~ alllI flburg; alld Mrs. A. A. Miller . of school ba.nd will fU\'l1lsh t he muslr' m n. work so etflclenUy. Miss Anne G Illdlng and Bert ' ovlngton, 0 .. visltetl MrR. Elmer und er Lhe direction of Oharles LeDespite Ihe gen rOU5 donations of B!Iol'd, of Troy, were guestS of Mr. Sheehan. Saturday afternoon. May, in Lhe absence of M!'. Frank:. The Mlamls split. n. double-header wlol rccelved from M!·s. Henry Reed a nd Mrs. E.'than Orane a nd familY " • • • _. • .~_" There WID "e home-nllide at. M on Sunday, by the scores of 'akman and Mrs. Jack Banta, there at a plcnJ.c suppm-, '". uaturdllY eve- I Mis. Fran 1.. Taylor , of San F rl n - cream , cake and candy for sale. IS stm··n eed for more -yarn a'nd 11·9 and 8-1. n1ng. !clsco, Mrs. Edith M. Harris. and Har- Also sandwlohes , salRd. and coffee. additional sewlng 'maechine for ~e a,t rls Mosher were Thursday guests of Mrs. E. B. Longacre ls presi(:l~t Several hundred farmers trom .T he third elin)lna\!on game, ~he . eo dquarl.e.!·s, , '!':lxteell membeJ'S of the class of Mr. and Mrs . Charles F . Mosh er, of of the Aid and Invites you to come Warren , Bu Ller, Preble and Hamilfir st. of the twin bill, was pltch~d M.J: ~. Campbell asks that all swea,tThe summer church school sessiof) '39. enjoyed a p\wlc supp ~ r and Cincinnati. aod greet 0Id f rl ends and enjoy an to n counties a re expected to atccnducted for the Pllst eight weeks by Richey with Osborne comlllg on crs and 'other gann ents be' completed outing,. at Le Sourdsvllle Lakc, las' special district fa' m program ' - • • • even1ng in L'YtJ . lit St. Mary's Churcll. was hrougllt In the 8th. The Mlam 's started of( all .! returned by August 25th. to Tuesday evening. ·D r. and Mrs. A. E. Sto ut and Heads of the committees are . Mrs plo nnll}g macUn g, to be held all day to a conclw;!on, with a special chl)- wit h a t hree-run lead III the first locc.1 h ea,oquartel'S .where they wl!1 daughter . Winnie Jo. were guest.s of Paul Duke. ice cream; Mrs . Jame:J Monday, July 29, at the Hamllkln dren's service, Sunday ftftem ooq.. two lnnlngs, bUy Ma,son cnme back ba. Inspected. packed a ,ld sluppeC1 Mr. and Mrs. E . O. Orane and Mr. and M!'S. Glenn Bland ana Johns, lunch; Mrs. Frank KurtlSs, YoW.C.A.. In Ham l Lon, it was ~n l(. llaUonal headquarters. All matet'family were Sunday evening &UP- daughter, of SPI' ngboro. Sunday af- , cand y, ~.. Ftfiy-two child en. In all . . were . in rhe th1Pd LO go ahead with fOllr ..~..S . Car I Duk e, ca k es,' M rs noun" ed today by Ben Van Gorden. Ic,l not used should be returned. ~ per ~ u ests or Rev . a nd Mr~. R. L. Lernoon a nd evening. enrolled for. the term, w~th a n. av runs. The '10 als tie;' it . up in the I Harold Whitaker , music; Mrs. W&l- of Hamilton , trustee for the four rhe usual directors' meellng . w111 ~age a~te.ndallce ot fort)c, wltll fourth. b~ t again Mason went ahead, HackweU, tel' KenrIck, publicity and Mrs. loca I counties of the state board of )lre f'de the regular 1V0rk on MOllMr. Bud Mrs. To.l1l O'Kee fe a na Sta nJey Balley, games. twelve adU1Ls 1'S81stlni. scoring one fun In the fifth. the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation. nay. July 29, at 10:00 at R armoI\ Dr. Mary 1>. Cook. and niece, Mil- family, and1\!rs. Louella Richardson, The. meeting Is one ot 22 liuch The olll,e r pays at tlie ch llJ'cl) . Again Waynesville ame back to nali, . dred are spending latls week witt) of Latonia. Ky .. ~ pent Sunday with meetings scheduled to be held in . lichool, .ll8SilSted by t.he rector, Rev. tie It up In the sixth, bui ·Mason r . and Mrs. Robert Baker Jr. Mrs. B. C. White, of Akron . They t l' e state during the last Week of' R. L. Hackwell. conducted the opell- scored two more 'runs In the last of will return to Waynesville. Sat,urdaY July and the second and third Ing ~erv1ce. Tilose taking p~t were : the seventh and 'vere n ever headed . ' 01' Sunday. weeks of A\1gust under t he a.sup1ces · IiI the second iam~ Osborne J " ck crime. :K::e~n~th Bradley,. Fer ~ EOI'I Horl eet has pur _hased t.h e of the board oJ trustees of the Ohio . ,. •. nlan, ·Oareltoll. Stabley, Jalll@s plklled .1l £.firee-hlt glUlle t<f win by , • • ., • L e Lemmon ,,1'01 J't~·. on Fourth Farm Burea u In coope:&tlon with ' Ba ke .... jl..n"d TtlOInIl,S B~ker. B scot e of 8-l..Thls ge.me ·was.. played M I ~s Emma Loll Llewls and C. B. St.rtlet, no\\' 0 cupied by Karl Stlchthe afflllated county farm bureaus. Le,vls are enjoying 8 1 weeks vaca- well , and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D!lIlng . btle service, .'awardS lor as the resUlt of a proteSt' launc:hed p rleet attenQli.n:: e at aU eight by MPSOll, after they w~re b~aten Edgington, daughter and son-tn-law Descendants of J ohn and EUza- 'fhe lac I meeting will bel!'in at \6 A't the meeting or the WayneRvU1e tion at Itiggil1S Lake , Mich. ml!et:ngs of ' the sess on, w~re . 1)"0:- here 11-3 J:l,!C4!r\ , ' alld the game . • • • • • of MI'. HOt kett, wlU ma ke thelr home beth Lintol) SatCerthwal te held o'c:lcck, In the morning. ' " Gtange h!'d -Slitu'rday Mr. and Mrs. Albei t Carver al? d there In the near future . their !ltLn ll11nual.famUy reunion, s nted t-o 16 ohlldren, and fQur III stoppeil. before iVIlS dtscO.vered 9~ly Farmer's SU;ndIlY, I1t the Frien Meet!n-g-+----~-Le tea.chert. . el , ht Innings ",ere p layed. .) night, th chUdren furnUlhed the MiSs E~hel Myers, of Cincmnat1. are visiting tltls week. with Mr. and House grollnds. 'Two o"ler' awards, one ' to the .~attertHwialte anlt' OSbo'm e 'l.1~th rollowlng program : Illlst f~lthful cl\Wi. llll j O.le to tt.!l got . three' .jllts In ttl!! 'flr~t game. ~la no ·solo. :'OoO:J , NI~lt Song'· .Mrs . Wilbur. Be.ars~ • • F lfty members of the ramily enclass Whose pl'~je()t w~.'~udB"ed. bes~," H~pklns ; PlaYed ~ shOrts'l«ip . . In ,the by Wilhelmina Braddock ; vocal joyed a sumpt uous picnic runner, al J ames Lovely. of Al berquerque. N. noon. at tables arra nged on the w ·re gl~ert to Mrs. R. L. Hac~welts place 'o f 1-ommy F1oren~. ;'''' .' shad ed lawn . --' liursery CJ~8S. I\l?d the ' c~ass taught OJarksv.llU; ynil' play ·{h e "Miamis solo, and accompanJlllent, "My Mexioo, was In Wayn~sv llle, thls Set.h Furnas was the main s peaker Mrs. Al' gu~ Osborne was pleasantly by Mrs. OLto Fu~ el'. chtldten h ere Sunday at the hlgb sohool Puppy", by Sue Furnas; puma solo, past week end , vls lt!ng f,iends. "Tales of HoHIll n." by Olenn • • • • • Several yo ung member. of th e on Lhe afterlloon's ·)lrogram , and Burprl5ed on ·t he occasion 9f her \, t.ween 11)' and 12. . diamond.:. . Smith ; Two PI no Solos," by Mrs . Carl SankeJ' li nd little son, Friends Meeting, are attendin g a gave a n interes~lng s ketch of hi\!; blnllday an ni versary, Friday , wtten After the c.hlldren's· servl.ce . th~ . SChllllUlIl. J ennie Lee Braddock ; of Mason, spent Saturday nl~h t ,'Ith meeting of Young FriendS. being grandmoLher, Jane SatterthWaite a~n- 'THOMAS FAMILY WILL L [e of Holy .Baptlsm·. a group of friends and relatives 81'I held at Ca mp III-Ind-D, Dewart F'u rnas. The remainder or the proUered to , the fo~owtt. g chUdren: GO TO MINNEAPOLIS Cornet solo, ,"The Dancer". by MU- MI'. and Mrs. O. R . Uug. · uy. ton Jon e.~; Illa'no Solo, "The Sol• • • • • L ke , Ind., this week. gram included music and reCitation:; rlve~ at he r home, in celebration or K aneth Bradley, Riohard Bradley, di l·S". by Frances Wh ltaker; song Dr. F . O. Wright slld son. Victor eth Furnas drove Mi sses Mon1mla by the chlldren. the eve nt . .Tames Fuchsberger , Sandra Lee Mr. and Mrs. Seth Thomas and and tap dance, "Meet the Sun Hl\.lf- 'of Mlaml~ Fla .. visited several days Hoak, Genevieve Haciley, a nd !2al' h Out.-oi-town guests at the reun'" The guests came with well filled E'lmpson, Bal'jJara StanJey, an.~ . . "" prov Id ed a sump t uous ' family , o· r Clevela ~d, are spending . I"ay," b), Betty 1'homas. last week with MI', and Mrs. M. A. onlne Furnas, a nd Seth Furnas Ion were from Columbus, . Dayton, bR 5ket;S, IV hl Cll Harold Stanley. this week with relatives In Sprln ao noon meal n d l t d . T.tle next meetin g. August 3. will Fulkerson. .lr ., to the Camp. Sun day; Mr. a nd and Lebanon . , .. n a so presm e th e CIVIC' 'L EAGUE WILL ' VRlley and Waynesville. be a plcnic meeting, 'at the park of • • • • • Mrs. R. H. Hartsock accompanied honored guest with many gUts. The Thom'ases wlIl- nlove !3eptem- Mr. a.nd Mrs. H ~n'Y Smith. MemMiss Be tty Hartsock, of Clncin- their two daughters. M e Jean 4-H CLUB CAMP TO Those who enjOyed the day with HOLD ANNt,JAL PICNIC bel' 1, to Minneapolis. where Mr. bers 'are ked to bring weiner," nnd natl, spent the week end with her 'and Jane, and Marjo. le Eden. l., Mrs . Osborne were: Mrs. Burgess Hnrvel(sbu~g-"The Woman's OIVIc- Thomas !II assume cl~arge of the buns fOI ~helr own ro.mpy. A "sh!?rt .. BE HELD IN AUGUST Crumr In e and daughters. Betty and paren ts, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock th e Camp, Sunday. and r emained Lt:aglie" met at the home of ' Mrs. branch of The United Motor Ser- me tIng w!\l be h eld at the GI angt! • • • • • overnight; M1sses Mary Carolyn anet, Ml'S.' Charles' Atkln~on , Rnd Ho v"rd f Orah.am, Saturday . after- vi"'" ' I,-H boys and girls In Warrell daughters M An n . Do1'.... '11'c , .. !J? t.ha·t cl'y " . Hall . at II o'olq cl~, fOll owlt:lg the pic': MISS He Icn S pIn dI er , 0 f As)1V III e. Lu k ens an d J ahe F lInlas, and D !IV Id • , Vivian ,!lry 1' 01)11. . Ro~ 6/1. .1 ,,!as . answeted by Unlt.ed 1',(otor Service I;; a suru Idl- nle. 0 " Is v l sltin ~ this week with Miss Furnas left Waynesville. Monda~' County are looking forward to their othy. and son. Charles, Mrs. Oscar ~ n'lng favol'lte movie stars. FoHow- ary or General Motors corporntloll Ruth Conner. morning for the mecLln g. aTI'.1Ua l 4-H Club Camp which wUl Pidgeon, Mrs. EdIVaI'd Coy, Mrs. ·Roins the busilleSlj meetlng ' an Inter- servicin g mo tors and equlpmmt of • • • Ile held at ~mp Hook, August 14- bert DOrmall. Miss Dorothy AnderMI'. alld Mrs. Russe;1 Hol\lday and UONORED GUEST AT 16. Their program of activities wl\J '~n and Robert Richards all of c·j IJ.nF progl'!pl1. about "Movies", w~s all Qeneral Motors products: M,f, W A,TCH REDS PI.AY, g~\'en by ~!l' Lawrence Hough. . Thojllas, has been Idimtifled wttll the THEN ENJOY PICNIC MI'. and Mrs. Ira.Brown were dinner BIRTHDAY DINNER Inr.ludt! handlcralfLs, mll8lo, swlm- ·ie~la. ' Plans , were made fOI' the annu\U cl Veland bt'llJlcll' for 8~vel'll,l years. guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Garst. mlng, recreational leadership. vesper piClII(. for league members and theJr I . J.o hn Baugh and Claude L1chliter , ·Thui'sday evenJng. · and campfire programs. nature COUNTY ORPHANAC~ h~,: h' 'l d.' . t th Oe "~~... Mrs. F . H. t 11 m 111•es. to ""F e .' a ,!".uooI Sl11'lng!leld . Lawrence . PeLerson and ' • • • • ~. , Miltenberger was ' the study, dramatics. d Jul 31 I h PROBE DOG BITE CASE honored guest a t a birthday dinner. SllIIting With a swimming ' party TRUSTEE APPOINTED , ~.1'<"UIl So. Y ,W t a program Dr. ,Pavey of. Xenia , and D. R . Sal- , Ml', aJld Mrs. C. I. BatterthwsJte Sunday a' the home of Mr and .'Irs . &l ad,lng at 4 o'clock. . " . .' . .. •• . and.supper on Wednesday, ca~p wUI' Another OII.Se is belng inues't1gatec1' I bUry attended the loR dS" gnme In and Dr. and Mrs. A: E Stout enjoye.d C D Osborne of Sprlnrofleld ..... , . The n-... •meeting will ,be,he.III .. t ' t .Oth , ,•• " " '11 . d continue through dinner on Sundny. Mrs. Margaret Sykes. 'Lebano~. ""'" .. by Warr ' en 'Oou,n ty U · ea'"h off' "la' ~ Clhcltltu~ I. Batur$y afternoon. ci llnel' and Ule' t eatre jn D·ayton, a . · f.Mr· '_1 B ' .. S' • ... . . er gues"" were I. SS l'sce CVbTl,' 00':' ·~d 'girl wbose 4-fl' pro' _ was appOinted Monday by Co-man ' th e h ome 0 .' s .......... e oug,., ep- .. f'-- a _... Id was bitten by dog Upon their return they joined the Wednesday evening S I..... d F H Milt be f J ...... . be r ' '1.0.,.t 8 p. m.' ... ..,.' d ...,. a. ', 1 members .' • • •. • • m w, an " n rger , a ject work is In good or'Her Is Invited. Pleas Judge Char.lea B: Dechant to t r.m · I , o( the!r f~mWes tor a plc~ Satllt ay at Fl'ankl n. . .. . Waynesville. a nd MI'. and Mrs. C. C. 1'0 attend this camll' the Board of Trustees' ,of the War,', ' The"dog was repOrted dead, Mon~ .n lc supper at Wayne Park. . Mr. and Mrs, O. P. Ellis. of Ceh- Archdeacon . daugh ter , Betty Lou, ren County Orplulnage tor slx:')'ears. OU~ING' IS ENJOYED day nlgbt, an!! the head was sent to . ter-vllle, entertained tile f \lowlhg anll son. Rooert: of DaytOn. G.'ESTS AT WEDD"'G FARMER. IS INJURED S he succeeds .Mrs. Carrle L. Jack. A-T LAK,£ SIDE PARK oolumbll8 for examJnatlon. " .... guests QIi Sunpay dinner·;· Mrs. Ruth '", : MI's. CatTle 'La.~, Lebanan. ' w.. - - '. -' - -'Janney; MIss Louella Janney, Mr. AT 'TRI-STATE C~MP Fred FaltC~ll1d, 'Of near Wayn'es- reappoh~ted toz: 6 simi .... Mi'. and Mr.. Ralph Hastings, VlsrrOR IN WAYNESVILLE ,Mrs. Marll\ Elbon and· h er gur$tll . and Mrs. Roy Ellis and son. and Mr. -ville. was injured severely; Wedn~s- which A1,lgu.sQ 1 [I d son U _ _,· 'Mr ann Mrs A H Mr, and 'Mrs. lsaa.': Stout,_retlH'ned and Mrs. Er\V1n EWs. Mr. and Mrs. Tom I;llaokrnore day, when struck on head by a AUgu8t . l-i .... ~, other DlIa. . .. n , .... .esda· y night from Roc' hester. _., • • , " • ...." fftubtie and fam1ly, Mr. an~ ·Mis. J. Leonard WJlson. a rormel' employe &... ... and family, Roger Brown and (amIly, fragment ot a farm. machlne. He re o, the bQlu'd are W. N. - P Larrick, en.loy~ An outlDg ~t of the Miami Gazet~e, a nd lIlother. where they attended the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Jamtla Snyder,. of and W. N. Bears and family ported to hospital at~nc:la.Dt.s'~_ln dent, K.InIs 1IfllI;' Itonr Lakt81de Part. DIIfton., wedneaday M~. Maude WUson. of YeraaUles; Saturday. of Mrlj. Elban's nephew, a Dayton, and Dr. an: ,loIrs. A. . E. tended the clo.slng 1II!Ml0n-ot the Ttl- Lebanan-;-he was ridlDg on a tractor SprlDaborq;, :WWIUI ~'I=I~ evenlns. Vlalt to ~e Part waS stopPed at . Mrs: ¥aude O~e'B. for lOll of Mr. and Mrs. StouL The; Stout and Ifaughter .. plc- State ' Oamp held at Ohautauqua, wben & part became tuaJodpd. and Blu. BaU; __ .Joba • ptec:eded by a p1ciUc IUpper In the a VS81t, ~. eDMute to WaabiDI· ~ Ii)' the way o.t BUffalo and Die supper at W&YDe Tuesday SunClny, MIa8e8 Dorothy Day aDd, atrack hJm. SeYfral stitches were 1'8- lIforloow.' 0, JWej ~~'d~iiiJijll Sold1er'. HolDe groundI.~ t.cm, D. d. . !Iiapra Palla. ev", 1ilIIaI:Iet.h BurDett aIIo a~. quJred ·cloIe ~ WOUDJl , . is 0laIt. . '"
$11.677.21 READY
fOR Ul5lR18lJllON
Il8 I
. . · . ,
' .'. . .
Awards Made
At Services
---. .
. ....
. . . ., .
.. ...
Program Hel~
Fifth Annual Reunion Held
.B.y .'Child~en
Surprise Party Held On Birth Anoiv.ersary ,
Local Group Attends Young Friends Camp
--1"""., . : ; . , .
re- I
Wendell WiIlkie became a Republican by viction . He \'oted that year fol' the Republican candidat nominated in C leveland. Wendell WiIlkie does his own thinking a nd hoM III Wayneavlll •• Obio l(am Street today he b e lie\ 6S in the Republican party. With him are -""d Olau MoaU Matte.. at ro.tQtllol!. W~fllesVjll•• Ohio millions of voter who habitually w a\' ,n il gian e t9 'n ith l' PSl'ty' the huge, s hifting balan e- fop W J' velte Crane mdi~or ~na Publi~her « > who 1'8\' th bl sing of fr dom · Th'ey will \' t £01' ISSUED EVER¥ THURSDAY Willki in Novemb e r. Th R publican part y jlj ,no long r Subscription Price. $1.60 Per Year, Payable in Advance L'UIl on. 'th basis of s niol'i 6'. Thi i o n e of th ' riou s monl nt in Am '1'i a ll hi s tory. · It wa s th p op]e, not th o r ganization R publica li S, who ll omi n at d W ill ki .' H w ill Jl ev r nJo~' lif a h e h as, e nj y d. it in the a st. The scars of the fight that li es a.h ad of him wi ll be with him fo l' vel'. of the '-, -Th e Franldin hronicie
.I."n4 ••
.Ib, tt
phea~~ 9b1c~
fllltlnf 1»'0,
~!\lll {lpol~Qr@4 p) .! Wt~1l QUll~Y ~b AM @ 11)1 A ~a~lon ~hl'ollghout the ounw III fast c6ni· Ibg LQ Ii sUce ssful close, Til! organ-
F. T. Martin Auctioneer
willi to lJle sever\ty bt the drolliht and the possibIlity of need109 a. ,large supply of watoer shoula we have ~ tire, we deem It aavlsable 1.0 urge the conswners to be as savIng of same as 'Is possible. By .order, WATER WORKS.
ization supplled pens and food tor the two weela! old chickS Which were Supplied b:,. the Conservation Depanmem. Tiley have be n placed with 4-H and FFA boys, Boy Scout groups, FIsh and Game ' members Phone '78J and other Interested wild lICe conservations a ll over the 'COllllty and The veteran horselnan, steve.PhllEditor ~ nre l&rge enough for release. Mem~---L-____________________________ pasSedto t.hroug~ town where Mon .. . bel ot ehe club 's game management U1>s: day, 88, enroute Wilmington, !' . . committee wUl meet Friday with /le will c1r1 ve his horse. Frederick Gflme Protector Harold Bran t and MlcKinney, In \.he racea at the WilTHE BEAUTIFUL MIAMI VALLEY Cum e Management Agent Frank mington fair. HUJ't of Xenia, who has been 1lSTARVIA·LITHIC TAR AND To compare our sce n ery with that of more famou s Signed to Warren COWlty to replace ROAD OIL; EXCA\'ATINO Fire ,swept four house:I, a garage BlII Hendershot. They wlll plan the spots in Ohio 01' the United S t a t es, may bring a 'l 'gu-ments DUMP TRUCIC SERVICE ~ t(jc kln g of birds this week Oil ter- bullding, palnt shop and vacant store II, CLAItENCE J. IIROWN from citizens of oth er sections of t h e country, b Ul one can PIT RUN , LOADED aoc YD. M ....ber .. c:...n ... ,tit 01... Oil'''''' ti ()J'y whlc:h Game Supervisor Hen- room, In Mason Saturday afternoon t'ravel far without finding cou ntryside as beautiful as that dershot has fOUlld Is suitable hab- damagini and de.stroylng property surrounding W aynesville. ~ Up 0;1 Capitol fUll , and throughout : aL~o bPI;l g- pointed out thnt English llaL, lind on which hWlt1ng Is al- to the amollllt of nearly $50.000, The rolling hills, left by a g lacier that once . passed official life genprnlly; the long ~ hlp~ are reachlne America n purts lowed with .land owners permission. over the s outhern section of the state, and the many fi n e awa it ed . t.atel11l'l1 t of p reSident ', almost dnlly 10 oblam nepded wal' No birds will be put on areas clQRd TWENTY YEARS AGO Roosevelt relati ve to a third tirOl, as supplle,·, and Lhat ~ IICI , ships can to huntlng, Phone, Waynesvllle H R 11 July 28. 1920 trees and pi ctures(i u e roads , proviae a picture of g nuine Issued at t1i e Demo rnU c Natlonal j bring English ~hllclupn . sCl'k lnr. )J!L'l!!Ac. orc.llng to Game Protector Lebanon office Phone 473-Kbeauty that leaves an ifrl)l'e . ion o n a ll w h o vigit Ollr com- Convention la. L wprk through Sen- nge to Ame rl"a. w II .tl' UlE' llect'GS· BranL. nt leasL 400 or 1150 chicks reo The Jolly Matrons and their hua- res.98·M. Morrow Phone No. S munity. nLor Bnrklpy . CRm!' as a decided Ity of sending Am, wall ,Jdps nver., c lved are In flne sha~nd wllJl bands were entertained lit the coimThen too, the Little Miami Ri ver w h ose saurce is at anLl-climax , The Pl'esidcn'!.s Sf'C l'et- seus uncl pluclng r.lli' Uni tp(l 'Slates the additional Consel'Vatlon Departtry home of Mr . and Mrs. W. E. O'C lif ton. winding itself lik e A. g r eat s n ake, t h oughout t h e Iveness during Ul pust few Illonths In dange r of In.,.o'vemenL In tile ment rell'ase not to mention nat- - - _._ - --;--.rf'gardlng his plans brought all sorts pre~E' nt conflict. ,J ust rece nt ly a rul- ural propagation, we should have 0. Neall , Monday everung, length of the Vall ey, -emptying into t h e Ohio Rbove Cincir'!of COI1J ctu res lind wild guesses liS InS' was made peri tl'lle the entry or fine sllu·t ot birds In pal'ts or the nati. . to what he would finall y say 01' rio En1:llsh refugee children Into the oUllty sultnble for them . Misses Tacy Cla3ett, Ma«'8al'et and Whatever elISe we lack, we do h ave s cenery. Then, when It was announ ced (rom Unltt>cJ Stat.es liS " v l~lto r s" for the Mildred Clark, Marlllta Dea\.herage. the White House that Senator Bark- Quru Ion of the War without regard W. B. "BllJ " Hendershot, tor the Gladys Harlan. Ethel end Anna Satley would Issue a ~, tatement from Lo the present Immi gration quotas. paBt year asslgned to Warren COWl- terthwait.e, and Messrs. Seth ThomM.o snY ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS REAL ESTATE President Roosevelt to the Demoty by the OhJo Consevatlon Depart- as, Earl Clark, Vlrgll Retal1Jck, Bert INSURANCE crat1c Oonventlon , aJ! the politically The die has been a t; preceden l ment as game management agent, OOO<lard, Owen Harris, Bruce Carr AUCTIONE~R The good old lumms t he wonderful outdoor cam p minded cltl7.ens of the country, both has been . broken ; and Frnllkl1n De. li ltS been trans ferred f!'Om Lebanon and, Ethan Crane enjoyed a picnic time bas arrived- and bow ... and picnic g round s J .. B, D mo I'llts and Republicans waited lano Roosevelt Is il candidate on the to Vnndalla, as district six game supper at Fort Ancient Sunday eve- -, Wayne park had one of tbe C hapman built ne a l' his lense ly to Sf' wltA.t the :lI1nounce- Df mOCl'lItic ticket for a third term lIlanagement s upervisor. These are ninB, Ij.rgeet crowda of the season hom e ... Bob is s leeping out ment would be , Pl'IIctlnally a li ex- all President. His nomination . as 11 w positions created with Plttman1 . ' h I pe _ted It to be a plai n, definite state- pnctlcted 111 this column many times. Robinson funds derived from tax on la8t Sunday· ..the poo ~as there 111 a tent t es~ (ay s: .. ment , one WilY or the 'oU1er. The was a foregone conclUSion, unless he sheUs and guns. and run for five Tlcket.S for the Chautauqua Augcrowded during tbe entIre Raymond Is aac s makmg hI S' counLry was noC jJ repared to receive himself r efused to accept the nom- years. Hendershot Will have aharge u ~ t 17-21. will be on sale at Janney's day .. ,Rev. and Mrs, Radley rounds ,w i t h Sho e m~ er's the sly. evasive words I.la t were ut· Inatlon and to be a candldatf'. Of of IlU game manll8eOlent activities in Drug Storll. Waynesvllle National taki n g an early-morning handbills .. .we h eard Bo m e to'ed and , despite the ra ~t thaI. Ihe course. Mr. Roosevel t did not refuSf U1e 1-1 counties under him, and since bilnk and sears and Cartwrtght's look at their garden ... Rachel laments abo ut p.}ayers of t h e Cc nVl'nlioll procel'ded to nominate and so thE' fight I l on between Warren is one.of lJlem he W1Jlapend off1oe. Davia and Bert Griffey busy loca l b a ll team goin g to see Mr. Roosevelt according to schedule Roosevelt and WIUk 'e. That the qulte a bit of his time here in tbe fuNOTICE OF APPOINTMENT the r action In the Oon ventlon and campaign will be hard fou ght. spec- ture. His record during the past year getting ready for the fall the R eds p lay S und ay in- over the country generally W!l3 not tacul Ell' , and lnten'st:ng every foot ~f lof fanner-sportsmen relations. youth pack at the Waynesvill e stead of fo llowing t h eir beneficial to the President, Whjle In the way seems cerLaln. onservatiol1 work, wlldlile educaROOT FOR 'AND CONSIGN Canning company ...the bell team . .. D 0 n Co ll ett busy h 's sta temen t tbe President said he tion and surveys nla,kes him weI ' Estate or H. B. WflIlalDlOD, allo ,our Cattle, hop, sheep and cal•• known as Han"J B. WilJIalDlOD tcr Nom.Brock and at the Friends borne that an- loading and unloading g ro- had nOL been seeking renomination, fitted for the Dew position, and Deceued prollTeSllve Inn 0",., ftJ'r lin the wil'f,! hf&t!-' missed in Warren COUl\ty. market pri~" and rood lervice. nounces a ll meals' . .it rings ceries in R a lph Smith's de- and was not a candidate therefor, that all the delegates to the ConHendershot's work wUl be carried Notice Is hereby given that Harold 0.1_ Stock Yarda' Clnelanatl, O. twic~, once as a warning livery truck ·.. "Si" Thomas ventlon were free to vote as they -ion 1n the county by capable Frank H. WilllamsoD, WhOlie Post Office Tune In on IUdlo Station WCKY and the second time that the of C leve land, here on v aca- pleased, the ra : t remains that by his Miss Norma Wilkerson and Miss Hart, game management agent in Address is 121 Marson Ave., Dayton, !~~~~ttor!:~:' m. for oar daD, meal is to start ...tbe yellow tion, s p e nding a busy morn- very fallure to() definitely 6tate h e caUlerlne LunJ>·h,eart entertained Greene Oounty for the last three ~::ra:;nwi~~~p~in=eJt: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.-.:-----. airplane that flew ove r ing along Main street, shak- was not a candidate and would not at a miscellaneous shoV.ler at the years, who was asslgned to both of the Estate of B. H. Wllllainson, WaYnesville Sunday pre>- ing hands with old . ac- accept that no~lnat1o n ~ in fact, home of MIss WlJ:kerson In honor at counties wt week. Prank is well also known as Harry H. WUl1amson ·1 Sell Th. Earth" told the Convention he wou~ d ac- Mrs. Ohas. O1lrgtllve (Edna Ward) known to many local sportsmen, I te of W: C OhI d vided qui~ a show for the quaintances. cept the nomination. Such a state- on Thursday evening Invited guests havlng attenped 'meetings of the ~ arren ounty, 0: ecrowds at the pool and ment. when considered in connec- were Mrs, Ohas. GIlrgave Sr. Day- WarreD-. hty P18h ~ Game ' townspec,ple as well ...farmSOME MEMORIES Lion with the actions of Sicretary of ton . Mrs. Edith. Cpmpton. Rhea AssociaUon. Oflme PJ'oteetor Brant Dated thls 8th day of J)Jly litO, era who take chairs from Commerce Hopkins, who 15 the Pres- Jeanette Blair , Mlldred oarr, He- has assured hill fUll cooperation with RALPH H. OAREY . Bob ollett's store.--place -q'-he days when watering Ident's closest friend who l1ves In lbecca and Rutlh Esther ' My.ers,. what looks l1Ite a fine coII!ervatlon Jqdre of the Probale Oourt Licensed Real Estate Broker the White House with him. In at- Helen Mendenhall, Frances MClure program In the future. '!be moet 1mWinen Oounty. Ohio tbem on the sidewalk and troughs were an important tending the Convention and heading of New 'Burlinijil;on. Dena Davis, portant thing in ma1n~ It.1a to Cooper & Lun&for~B. Farms a Spec:ia1tJr. talk over the weather, part of this community, .. the the drtYe to "draft Roosevelt" proves Waynesville, Eleanor Fosset, Xenia, make the 'f anner land owner YCIIUf 210-14 L. T . .Cooper BId&'., ' etc., on Saturday ·nights ... highly ornamental trough in beyond question that Mr. Roosevelt P ullne Matthews, Joan and Nancy friend and observe the hunting and Dayton, Ohio tbe weather and the Reds front of the Waynesville Na- dlq seek the third term nomination Bal linger and E&tber WI;kerson . fishing laws. J11 ; 18-211 Phone 4'-4 SPRING VALLEY, O. successes bave taken our tiona1 bank., .there were and used the smartest posslble Mr, and Mrs. MelTll Scarff atmethods to obtain it. tended burial services of J. L. Tru~ m'inds' off Hitler. politics and pretty 1ittle goldfish in it .. , man In WUmingt on Saturda.y. Mr. our troubles this past week. ·, s outh of town between here While Conga-ess Is ba "k In session , Truman died m Columbus wllere we are not so old-fashioned and the Three Bridges there [ol1owjng the recess of the Demo· his funeral was h~ld . that we do not believe was a trough",then of course cl'atic Convention, but little leg1s1a The Grange held a festival and women should wear pant~ the though that still stands tlve work Is being done this week. A band c.,cert at the Community (particularly shorts) if they at cold springs on what · is number of Important COmmittees. room on Saturda:~ evening. A large however. are In se£sloll giving con- crowd attended. want to, but lots of tourists now Lee Lemmons. p,roperty sideration to major legislation that Mr. F. Kyne and daughter Marie, and others would look much ... a watering trough and Will soon come before Congrll6s for ' Mrs. Mary Kyne and daughter, Mrs. better in skirts ... well, they're pump at C.rwin ... we re- action , Ralph Alexander attend8d the tuncomfortable anyhow .. ,chil- member another one in front eral of a cousin' It) Toledo on TuesThere has been considerable agita- day of last week, 'dren make good US'Q of tbe of the Will Cornell home betion over sending American ship, I.lIcllle Walton has accepted a playground equipment at tween here and Mt. _Holly ... into the war ?-One to r emove refugees the grade school...it's a pop- another trough on the Lytle ' pFolally Englis h children, The pCtlltlon In Xen l a~ > schooI5 for next l'eal' lifter teacb n,g th.e last two ular place tb.e hot summer roald along the Craude se nding of United Statrs ships ilcros.q ytars In WaynesvUle. aftemoom and evenings ... "Buck" Stroud farm· .. rows Lhe seas for such a purpose w~Uld Mr, and Mrs. tll!-lp Thompson .had George "Peeler" P r . a t t of iron hitching posts alol:lg be a direct violation of thl! Neu tral gu.~t... from Clnc1nnati .on Saturday Ity Act and the proclamation ot the nl"1\t ana Sunday, balppy after the New York Main and s ide streets, and Preildent Issued thereunder. It Is Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Thomas and Giants lost to the Reds Sat- the familiar rtng of the anvil SOlli, and Mrs. Jo1m O'Donnell lliovday and a double-header from' Waynesville's s evera.l tored here from Cleveland on SunSunday ...the discovery of blacksmith shops , d...,\' for a visit with Mr, F. Kyne !lnG Mr. and Mrs, Todd Walton. i I M ISS J anice Pennewlt has been' MUSINGS OF AN IDLER confined to 'her home the Past week Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whitis and fion, rfC:v\'eli ng from an operation , hav· • The time of year apPlloaches when the Michigan va- of Dayton, were supper 'guests of Mr. Ing had her toruslls removed. , , cationist returns with the tall tale of t h e big one and Mrs. P. J . Thomas Sundny eve. that got away. IIlng: Lllter tbey all went to visit Mr. : .Truck buyers un d Mrs. Tom Fordyce and son In 'are careful buythe happy days gone by we s pent S und ay morning West Carrollton. ers-they thormorning washing the buggy, cleaning the harness, and Lesl,le -Wol fe returned from the oughly analyze Bargatn 111'. l6c Till 2:00 currnng th~ horse pre paratuy to taking HER a drive down Ph ilippines lind will spen k at. the ::. 1 and cOD\Par~ all ' Ferry church, Thursday evening. at the ri¥~r raad and over the Caes~rs creek hill s in the afterFriday types of truckeight o'cloc k. He will show pictures :' AND noon. Ing equipment 1.0 111Ustl'Bte his lecture. Tl'y to come. . ' . . . Saturday It wlll be wort.h your tIme. -they want to With tbe passing of the district sc hool s p-e lling Mt·. Ilnd Mrs. M, M.. Holton, of, ! make certain that they'll get the·make .and type of Twin Thlrill Niles1 ma~h81 have gone out of vogue. In their bey-day Walter Spring Valley, and MJ:. und Mrs. truck beat sulted ·to their business requirements. George Smith and daughter, . Wllma, "Jimmie" Clark was one of the stars, SCREEN of New Vienna, were dlt:ll1er guests ! It 18 Ii slgnlficant fact that more truck users . A few weeks hence and home gl'own m e lons will b e in at the parsonage SundllY. In the afchoose Chevrolet than any oth~ make of ~uck their prime , From the first dandelion greens in the s pring temoon they . attended Chautauqua.. ••• 'b~u8e Chevrolet truc,b could not have. uDtU t~e last pumpkin is rought from the_field nature is Vel'll Fordyce has obtain ed emestablished their recor~ of Ie8denhlp in' 1940 an~ ploymen ~ with the 0 1110 Motor Exlavf;lh with her gifts, malDtalne4 it for sil: out of the last -eight yean, cl,ange in Dayton. ' Iuid ' it not beep . that Chevrolet trucks deliver The P. J . Thomases called n the ' ' How 'bave the mighty fallen"; Jolattny Vander Mee r , mo~e dollar-for~d'ol1ar value than any other make. aDd Diz~Y I?ean relegated to the' minors at th e ir o ~n l:e- Liwrenco 'l'homasf\'S, In Lehanon, $I.\ nday afternoon . ., , . Mrs. J . S. Filer a¥- daughter, Miss All models and 'types of Cbevroh~t trucks'~y: Bertha, were callers of Mrs. fred etUl be purchased at tooay's 'low' price levels. 80 it FROM OTHER VALLEY NEWSPAPERS Hul)ble last Sunday afternoon. , would be wlse to 'consider replaclna. some of your Of the four Who made confession equipment with new_. "Chevrolets We heard a hide-bound" rock-ribbed Republica~ at Ohautauqua Tn-state camp last ' week was WUliam Bell of ' the Ferry '~.~==~ at the moutb the other night pecause Wendell ,hurch , Mr. Bell expecjS to give hls .': was once a Democ rat. Is the .Republican party a whole ilie ~ Christ. as did some six' ·;1'1. . . . PJOntioD?Do you have to be born in it? In 1936 others in tile camp.
With a Buckeye , In Congress... •
Or No Charge
Ce nterville, Ohio
Sand & Gravel
Zain Armitage
1'811 KIIOW "11'·LaDER' 'II TRIJCK MIJST, BE TH~ LE"pi __ '111 .'TRIJI" "AiDE
·to "
B.adgley'8 Chevrolet 'Sales.& .Service
Spring V.lIe,~9~
'ULaID, uIaDIbtl_, BeUr. foOd. ...60: 8. A.lle- food;".OO; tlO,Oo; CoUIne, ".80: 1I00000" O~
Countj Court News
food, 1&,75;
1behIr, ".GIl; . NortIl J:Dd , food , .12.00; VadJper·. Wblt. Vm." food, "'2.10; Oharl- P. BhIbbI, lfood. 1111.110 1 Or, J. ~, fU'l l ,10AO: J, ~. R. J'. QUbJ. ~~II 1f,1lQ; M\ll'PtlJ l , __Wtl, ,10.00' Dr, A. I , "~H T, Q. It" *11111 .
'*. '.J , 1 m,,' OGit.", m~, " , ftl 1'1mlcUoaI, '~U6, Dr, A'. p, Harvey, Mlam'. Va_ .Blft , ~ J.pall Pr6llilJnl Vatmte P&tk.U. DO, 1\, a, 2, medical, Helen b, .fabk- ilhelter, alo,OOI Dr, d 11l,
__ ichtl iM Ilindmal1 Vi. ldaar i. Prankun. mDM.n foz: .divorce, tiOII nepect; 4& YO\lDl, ..~krneYi. R1chard Poorman. R. R : 5, Dayton.
p.39; )}to.
BallQl'e ,
~.39: Dr. Belen LY. Jack. m.dlcil, " .00: Blair & 'LeRoy, iu~l, medical, NS.50 ; Dr. Frank Dita- '2.00: Gteel1 rub DilJrY, . mnlt ; .3.00 : tuah, medical, 13.00 ; Albert Olark Leonard's Grocery, food, sa.oO; Pine
GrooerJ. food,
shelter, ,5.00; Orl!$t bilry Co., milk. $3.00; The VI. JObD Walker, as admlnIatrator of OIUe M . Connett to Speed and Boaali 4& Gordon, food .. • 1.25; '0 . Leader store. clothing, $3.67. the ·. tate of ¥ervWe R. WalUr, ~- illla JU4deU; 81M acres in Harlan . Smillh, fopd. $66.26; Dr. Warren ceued,' fOl' moDe)' onlY; Frank W . towDabip. . C. Breidenbach. medical, 140.00; Lee KreWel and Alton Brown, attorSpeed and 111& R.l4del to Dewey Lemon, ahelter, $8.00; Everett Early;' ney.. and Heater }Jarker; about 2.35 acres fuel. 12.00; Kesler Graham. food, Dr. Marton W . Oo~, Dayton, 1n Pranklln townahlp. $14.50; Shumaker's I . . O. A'., food , VI. A. Gordon lIacIntyn, Pr&llkllD. Anna Lona to RoOert E. Wblw; 16. 58; Dr. Peter A. Bogan. medical. to&' money ODly; 'lbaIDaa B. WIck. 4 1-3 Acree tJl Hamllton townahlp. f14.00; Seller's I . O. A., food , $46.40 ; Road Project &pprO'\1ed att«Dey. Juper Peten to 8ylveater Hickey; OIoecltler's Grocery. food , $8.00 ; -_ loti 3153, 3154, 3155. 3158 and 3167 In l'taymond Taylor, food , $11.25 ; W. W . WllmingtGn--<lllnton County ComCOIIMON PLE&B paOCE£DING~ Deerfield townahlp. _ Cline, food , $32.50 ; L. C. Wolfe, Mgr., m issioners approved an estLmate 01 Rldlard S . KIna, deceased, to food, ,14.00; Schell Market, food, $'1,538 by CountY E:nglneer Herbert The CiDdDnatI OIl WorD. Co.• va. Anna K1J1i, WIdow; 66.67 acres in $15.00; Plne Hill Dairy , mUk, $1.53 ; G . Haynes for black topping t hree ~ Ball, et " .; appUcetkJD Union townabJp. M. J . ~aylor, food , $8.50; Herbert alld one-fourth miles of County tor reVival of JudlDlent. EdWIn JuterboCk, et a\., to John Hoppe, food, '14 .00 ; Road No. 6, ,betwe,e n Port William t:ditJl W . 'I'1\Omaa '-II. Mba H. M....; .22 acre In Hamilton townBarr Bros. Grocery, food, $19.90 ; find Lumberton to a w1dth of 16 feet. Thamu; cl1vorce araatecl. IhJp. FedIWr's Supply Co., fuel . '3.25 ; Theodore·unl.-, ""'. n...lla Wlt.~-.. Pred O. and Arty James to Harley Carson Branch. food , $12.00; O. WIl· ~_If ' ... uouo. . . . uoo; ........ I d Hoff \\'IU Repair Gran!lstand cue cUamiMed. T . Peck, Jr ~ lot 43 1n Lebanon. ar man, medical . $55 .00; J . T . Da~ W. Ber~w Vs. JalDtll W . Allee BlllIs, decee.sed. to WUlIam Leonarp's Grocery, food , $2.00 ; AnLcbenon- Repalrl ng the grandBen:a", et at; parUtlon ordered. E. Biggs, son; lot 1029 In Franklin. I drew Turner food. 13.00; Dr. N. A. E~ arlcl at the fan'grounds here will £thaD Lew VI. Da B. x.wta..t Rlchard A. SkInner. deceased, to, Humllton, medical. , • .00 ; . al.; additional distribution ordered. Laura BJt1nnl!S', et ale; 80.82 acres 10 Dr. W. L. Regan, autop6y, $20.00; br- d(>ne before the opening of the ~. . Ohlo Pannen InBuranu Co. aDd Harlan townshIp. Albert H . Human, services in con- exposition September '17, John OorOhio Panniers Indem1., 00. YI. 'lbe Lew A. Skinner. deceased, to , nectlon with plans fc.r Courthouse man, Secretary of the Warren Coun· PIonetr Mutua} Cuualty Co., CkorIe Laura Sltlnnor. et &1.; same. '8:!.50; Johnston de Johnston. w1n~ ty FaIr Board, announced. Rec· • Heavily ·In!<ula ted Air · Flow Oven Benham made pan;y defeDdallt. Laura Sldnner, deceased, to dow ventilators and la·bar. $6.00; o III til endattoIl6 for repairs were maae. Mary It Moreland vs. Omer D. Fnnlt eltlnner, deceased; same. LewIs de Dralr.e, Inc.. 1000 pound~ by Harley Brunk, Mason, supervisor • Show.Wi ndow in Oven Door 1IGrelUId; ~uae dlam'llfd. Prank BIt1nner, decased, to range coal. 13.26; The District Tu· of the State Division of Factory • ThormEalate Ova n H eat Georp J . Btwm, et al., VI. Charlet . Laura B. Sldnner. Wldow;8O.82 &cr. bercuJosl.s Hoopltal . hospItalization lind Bu1lding Inspection, Gorman Control • . LeU..". et a1.; C&5e dlaml'sed: in Harlan Townsh1p and part of lot 1180.00; Hamllton Co. TubErcul~l ; Eald RepJace~ent of a sewer 1.s also • Drewer.Typ e B,oilor Zoe Harv.y ~. KIDDIe Harvey; 7 In Morrow. H~ltal. hospItalization. 145.00 ; schtduled. • F9= Sp ee d ex Cookin.,· c.- djun1~. WIlliam T. KaOr1ff to James A. Ahce M. Arnold, 1valld care, 15.00; rop Burners I'ale LaDkfOhl VI. Anhur L&Dk- Douiherty; 20.00 acres in Ham1lton Anclrew Bell. invalid care. $7.00; National Normal tuunlon • Automel\c Top Lighting ford; cue dlamlMed. towDabip. M!lbel Blade, Invalid care, '5.00; • Two Folding T op Covers OrvIlle W ;' Cramu va. Martha L. WalteT R. and Amanda E. Mer- Suda Clemmons, Invalid Care. $5.00; "'11 ... ---.... Lod Ella Hoff inva' ld '500 r._ Lebanon.-More tillan 1.'150 ' grad· • Two Ulen sl l Comp arl· cramer; cue dtam!M"1. •• ... n . . - - - . der; 1111.52 " care. . ; .....,rmenta acre In HamIlton townabip. tiuce Jones, invalid care. ".00; lild uates alld former students of the old Larger Because of .Better Service, • Semi-Ped•• ,.l Bue Grace A. Lewis to Marsena S. Kaiser, 1nVallCl care. tII.oo; Ohlna Nntlonal Nonnal Un1verslty w1U reQuality. and Price PJIOUft CO11M' LeWIa;- i-rt of lot 38 In Turtlecreek Morpn, Invalid care, " .00; Newton celve InvitatIons this 'week fOr the • Built In Spring WOI: Interval Timer -townahl.p. Stamper, invaUd care, '10.00 ; L . 8 . sixteenth annual reunion here AugEstabl ished 1849-194'0 "o oking·Top Lam p ltentoo 1:. Thompson, c1ecettMd;. mva WhlnIl'Y and Herbert Tbom- St~ele, invalid care, '6.00; Treasurer ust 16-US. Phone 32 Waynesville, Ohio - ·.a) Inheritame caz determ1nec1 .. DOlle. as McIIIllan GO John P. Ctllnmlnp; ot State. support of 3 dependent ~rs. Eva McKay, Lebanon , SecreH. H. WllltalJllon, also Ialwon .as 128'.10 acres aDd a second tract ot 61' chlldren, ":U9; Woodrow-Well- tary of the Reunion AssocIation, IIarir B. Wllllemeon, deceued; Bar- acre iii' J!aat WaYl1e towDeblp, . 8\&lJlI(t! Co. 200 cash journ&l sheets. said the notices are being ma1:ed to FElUtl' CUl m It OF IIRIST '. hu ll b In accoldance with the oC i"l'P\'lI.l1lng Hourl)' "\\'"ugh dule old B . Wl1Hamson appoJDted adIJI1n. Charles Biller to Prank D . Cart- &'1.18; Stanley Earnhart, stamJ]6 for all parts of the COWltry . . \v. C. Smith, Minister Rat 8 J\,cenalned and DeterI ' T NDAY I mIn ed br The Departme It or ) ndu,.. ·latratar ancl &IIIlhSIera AoJII)OInted. wrlIht; 115 acre. In TUrtlecreek audItor. 120.00; The Bro~ PubllshPlans are be1ng supervled by R . E . I ~ ri n l R lotion s aPlJ lI able to State ..aDDi 11"-, deceued; 111- towDIblp, alIo over 86 acre. ancl an- Ina 00., 1000 tax statements, $6.50; . Bmu:,ondB. Jr., Cincinnati. Presld.nt, Unified service be glnnLng promptly I HI S'h,wa ), Department Imp-ovement. "",tory 1illllNVed. otber tract at aaiout 'It.A jWftS In The Ohio r..w Reponer ~., sub~ and Dean E. SUmley, Lebanon. at 9 :30 a. m . liL~~~;:;I~(~~~ cle7.t~~ le7~~~nsOf l~i~. UWe D. J:merey, deceued: flnt the l&IIIe towDabJp. scr1ptton to Ohio Law Reporter, Vice President of the reunion group. Lord's Supper 10 :45 a . m . ()en ral ode o.r Ohio." ST . AUGUSTINE enURCII The bldded mUBt Bubmlt with Ill. "el mon 11 :00 a . m. and ~ acoo\lI1t aPSJI'QV1Cl. IIaJ'y E. to J:dmollo D. '5.88; R. D. Collett. axe for dog war,bid a cu.·tltled ch eck In an am.lInt Rev. R. H. Krumbollz, S T D, past.or Qual to five ~ er cent 01 the eatl. 8araI;l A. PIntDe, deceuecl; Ilrat 'l'bGmPlOD; Iota land 10 In lAbanan.. den. f1.50; Dr. O. L. Layman, med- 1161,000 AAA Payau,1lta A welcome awaits you . n utted cost. ltut in 110 pvc nt more Mil ·s, Sundays 9 :00 a. m. tllon t n tholl Rnn,1 dollat·s. &Del ~ &OCOUIIot 'approved. WIIUam B . II&tDUton to PJoyd aDd teal, $3.00; Drs. Edw. 4& Robt. Blair. FRIDAY I '-In H ~ a lid t;pt· " trl c·n.llnt18 n.1'O on • ~. N. ....cbJer, dIceuId: Ruth K1lbum~ elVer 15 ac:rea JD.Bar- ml:dkal, ".25; Dr. James B. Arnold. Leballon-WatnD County farmers Trl-Statc club meetin g 7 :45 p. m . \ ·rn, · In Che <\"1 nl'tnw nl oH hl ghwaYI and l lh e " fr i"t· or th e. n :!oIi ricnl dJaant u.t t!Dal ac:couat approved. Ian WnIhSp. mfdlc1ne. $2..110; Zain Armitage. Eand wID recelve 116'1,000 In 1940 AAA S'f MARV'S EPISCOPAl. • trh' l tl"IItll V dtl'llc lOI'. • Thp t il ri';" o"?" 1' 0;01:" 1'\' (',8 I he right to R,oIe WUbI'IOD. dlClUed; ftnt Ella Oummlnp, deceuect. to· and IraveJ, 1531.80; Van Camp Btona payments, Harold Sharp, Ohalrman cinmclI l'fOTICE TO CON 'I'IIAl"I'01C8 '·I·h·c l a"l' " "II 11 11 hi d... and t1I!Ial .accoun\ .ppcotid. JOhn P. OnmmIDp; abou\ 4'1 acres CO., &and and &ravel. 1338.86; Lewis of the AJricultural Conservatk)n S'I' '1'.E OF OH IO HOI:~T S. BEIOHTI .ER. n e". It. L. lIuckwell, R cctt,,' DEP"n 'l' ~.I!l.N'I' OF JUGIlWA1'8 Slale HlghwUo¥ Director WWtam O. Vaa PoueD, deoa.aed; In Eaat WQIIoe towubip. &5; Drake. IDe.. 8 barrala cement, offige annoUD~ : The sum repreColumbll •. Ohio . Jul,· 1.11. 1040 flrg and .fJm.l aI:cOUDt ",*,,*Oved. Raymcmd' OQttery too. UUO; The Morrow Lumber Co.. sents tptal allotments and pjlrlty 10TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY " ' rk U~ or Sill..., I .•· .ml oPY N n. 40-241 I'GLORIOU5 OHIO" IS I 'I' I'I" C I~ f' H~'l'lt J\ C' I' PraDk 8chooley, dec8ued; Iettle- Bopk1Da; acrea ~ a .«:oDd lumber. cement and supplles.135U4; payments, the first of which wW be 7 :30 a . m. Hoiy Communion. · .' o·der,,1 ,\ I .. ~ .. ",,,.. h1ty l'rllje e l PLAYED ON PROGRAM 1\'0. ~6-" (I j ZUlli. ~cJaIIaa. , tract.ot 4 acres tJl1'1utie:areek town- ~e lAIbaDon Palmers ~p. Co.. received tor distribut1.on here this 11 a. m. MornJng Prayer and sel" JOJt6~, ~; Inventory 1bSp. cemdlt, "UO; autumn, ShaJ1P sald. Mr. and Mrs. W . C. Tichenor were f:ieu l d Jl ro ~' sa l. 11' 111 b~ r"c.' h'f'a mono n t Iha orr\ee of Iho 'ta t · Hi g hway' ..... otld. ' 1'1".. Muon LuiDbflr CO' I lumber, St. Mary's Church Will be clcsed II.,· elor or (\hl o, nt C'lIllm bus, (hlo, In Wilmington Sunday a!ternooll, un til-te n 0' loc i< ,~~:;- "O:5t I'n ·tn,, · DaII1 ~ admlDistratdz of the: BILLS ALJ.oWEU pa:r.t and cement, fl111.'16; Waite.' FllUh BoUar In TOIIJ&&o during the month of August, and no 111 1'<1 Tlmr, Frill ,,'y. AU f; usr 9. 1 940 , where Mr. Tichenor conducted the eaiUe Of Olear ,A. .DtOn. deceued; . Gf'BP. pUts, f113.02 ; Weller WeltiWilmington high s ~hool band tJl ' !;ervices Will be held until the first ( r ,. Impro\·t.l '" onl 6 In : \Tarren ount y hl o. on pan or playing his song "Glorious Ohio". prttUe ~ ~ .. . .. 1Itat.e Grder!dDr. R . M. Brewer, znecikaJ. t20.60; InJ ~., elee. b~lder. and oxY(t!n~ Lebanon-If there's "gold In them Sunday in September. ' . re tlon H of th F-rn nkllll.,Vllmlng. ~o n ROad . State Hlg hwny No. 26 1, The audience wa,s of fair sIZe not~ P. Bamlltollo, cleCeued; In- .Blair Brotheta Hospltal, med.k:al. PUO, Kaufman ! supplles, $13.10; thar hllla," there Is also sliver in the :-l Illie R ou ce No. 73 , III (' I a l' ' r 1< vtMor; corncted. ' ....25; Eo B. 'I'h1n.leld" 8cma 00•• Wilbt 4& Declter,supplles, ' .89; tomatoes on the farm of Olarence T.o wns hIJl , lo y g'radlll «'. con ' r" clin g wlthstandlng t he Intense beat. The I\IETIIOUIST C nURCH a COM' ' l ', «VOl bf'ld .,.e \\' Ith eon - concert was the third of the sum<:IIrsa KoIm,' deceuedj InberltaDce cloth1nI. 1'1.88; Ik. Ariour P. Lip_ I'ranklln . V~1z1ng 4& Tire Co., Eyler. Port Ancient Road. .·t eli' ab Ull1'llllL B ' SlfIJl n 4 3.71; rat Louis C. Radley. Pas lor 1'Ond,,,,u), ~ 4 f" ~ t I Ilrldg,' No. \V A-73'- mel' lind held beneath the big shad, tu ~ .. DGpI. "Pert, mecllcal, ".00; WlWam 00JlJDI IUPplJea, '11.48, Olncinnati de Leba- . Eyler's fourteen-year-old Iilm. nVP ,· 1I1·u.n c h or l eur ,. ei<, und raatleu. ~ deceuecl; tnftn. "SoQa, foed . ....00; A. B. P\Isbee, non llIpreaa, frelaht on parts, 1.35; Thomas, was eating a tomato when Ohurch school 9:30 a . m. Wor - ra9 ving with btu'race I " '~a t d 8tablJ. tJees of the East End School. lu t! m.. t ,·Ia ls. tory aiJpOfed. " food. '1111.&0; PraDItlIn Food 1fUQt, Penna It. R . .co., dem.urrage on as· he bit something luLl'd. t hl p service 10:40 a m . Subject : Wid th : Pal' III ' nt ~o r"" l ; Rona. AT LANGUAGE SOHooL II'n)' 36 ,r" .. t. 8aaiueJ 1UcIw'd. deceaRd; cUatton food, 1'1.00; B. M. Buah, fodd. 13,00; pbal~, 140.70, Oa'r rolls Stqre, sup- Investigating, the youth found a "fleeking God's Face." I..cngl li ~ i,U fee t \ ' r U. I i 9 11111 u . iIIued, for idmhllllzatojr, 8it11::J'. DiW7. mWt, p.oa: plJea, ".06; The Gallon Iron Works slIver dollar imbedd.ed In the heart E't.ep hen Gilma n, Waynes\111e, ro; ",hn ll l IL cos t ......... $ 2~. 1 5 0 . 00 Epworth League Monday evenIng n uu' a I ti l IH: ulllp i c i':I d rl Ol l a t ja r ~W 01 IIaI'tba 'I\1De V~ deKropr Grocery 4& BH1Da 00., -¥, ~. 00., 1 motor .,srader, of the vegetable. Ohio , Is partlclpat1ng In a sllt weeD at 7 :30 o'clock . . li lan .J u l y a I , J 941 . ~; ~ ' OG applIcaUGD far food. t21.oo; BIck'. DUly. mWt; 16,1t3.oo, '. , _ Farm experts herEl looked askance Th p hlo ~tn t, · I': rnpl or ll lf~ nt S r .. program lit th ~ Middlebury. VerThe Woman's Forei gn Missionary ·lce. 'V. A . BC IBr: ho l" Mnnll !fe,' H 3-H admittance to ProbiaJe, 10:80 a. m., $3.00; . lIaunt.. GfOCUY. food, fI.OQ; Th. Bqde-lnn ~.. new mower, at the "cart wheel". in the tomato. Society wUl meet with Mrs . Rufus 1NO' lh 'I'hlrd I<u '(' I. HUIlIII o~. Ohio, rr,ont College LanJ ua:se Schools. daJw.y b. lHO. Wrtgl1t'. llarbt food IIJIO' W H. parta Il!ld IUpplles, 1808.5&; Chas. but young Eyler Insls~ Its true, and will furn' .. h Ih ~ u ' ijU rU I bifid r un Signed to better Internat'onal reWatklns Wednesda y 'afternoon, emp loYlne ll l IhlC r" "", \\',hl Ch nll II:DIa .......... cr.c.sed: 'PrtvMe Berter.lood, • ~b'. ~ Mount,l tire and tube. '77.00; Pam- as proof was show;ng the fruit con· August 7th. unllrl ed IInlll<1 1I I ht bu' R s I S 'OClI • • / llitlonShIPS through lanl\1&ie atudY. "'e 01 peI'IQDAl property .ordered. tOOd p.oo' PIDe BU1 DaIry mtiJt' 0U8 Auto, Supply Co.• t~, Bl.!pp!116 talnlng the dollar to · friends here. tt l n\~a~~J:~l: shall b Se l(CLPd ror Mr. Gn~an l.s '" student In tbe Th e nltl'nllOIl of ,lJ lld r" Is <l1I·ect· Span.ls!,\ school, All tile 'atudenta at ~ 01 ~,_ealed; ... J. Hendr1Cb, '10.00; and parts, 1211.96; A...,P . Mellob, cd lo lh sp'lela l 11'0 • lo na ,·o .' \,r ln g , hcariDa OIl 1ImrIltor)' ~t lor l' a . Ill! Barr Bro&hera Grocery food 121.2&' plIea and paollne, ,13.10; ~. D. Col- Dr. Townsend to Speak IIh letlln p; 0 1' n >! 1/l' nln L\ the cnnrrnCI the schools, have pledged tbemselvl6 1\1 .... 1I0U,\' M. F.. (; 11 I e u e 0 f Olll f) s li IIl nl ' rlu ls. 8 e l ~c · ' to speak read and write O.. ,~ .... July at: lHO. · .1., O. Wolf., 1Qr., ·food.' '11.110; lett, .auPPIJes,and ,allOl1ne, 1'2.90; R. 'I'; 1\1. Scarff. l\'l\lIisf,cr lion or lab,)r Ilour ~ of e , Il l("' m nt n'HI cOll dllion s or l' '"rl o)' rncnt: I, ngua ge In whloh th ~ y are specialOitD ~l, deceaaec1; -f1raf; ...:i FJne Crest DaIry Co., mJlk, E.~. oil and arease.~. Xenia - Dr. Frllne1a T0W1lSend 'fh e minilllll111 wa g (l l O b e p 1l ld t o . . fInal acount ~. ~~ p&rD&ban'. · Grocery, food. 114.11; Morrow Service St~ tlon; founder of the old nge pension bear. SI IIHIII Y Schocll !l :3n n. m E. A. .. II labor cn'r.lo)'ed O il thi s cunlra c. Izlng. .' Prank ~er, clIiceued; bearlnJ Morton'. GroCery. food, •.75; RoM parts and p,sol1nl. '13.68; Co eman ing his nllrne will appear In Xenia on 1~lll'llhnrt. Supt on iDYeDkIry _ tor 10 a. Il10., AUiUR Schwan. abelter 1'1". Dr J ' Serviee oenter, tire repairs and ps- AUiUSt 6. under auspices of the Evelllnl: sel'vl ~ e 7:30. , H. IJI~, ,,';'; .~ =~ olIDe. 17~; . Xenia Townsend' club. addressing an Prnyer lIIeetin g Wedn esday eve1, lIMO. , 'l1nab Pai\lte.•_~ of Bthel HDIpltal, medical. .,.11; MlaIJI1 . ltIJchael~ Gange, plSOUne. $51.83; evening meeting, open to the publlc. nlnl: 7:30. . Va. Ethel. _ _, R al.; laP- JI'ahDa IJatrJ milt ".00' Onen HJll Connera l'Uaco Service Station. In the East Third Street Tabernacle. We !lave been having some won· pra~lDeDt apYed. I DatrJ.1DIIk. ":10;" I3Ji'; W. H. Garrison Texaco StaTownsend club! in the ~_ derful prayer meetings. A welcome BdIilan 1Itnart, dlCel~ Inven-. PraDtIIil Pru1t Market, food. 18.110' lolon, PIG"ue. ".49; Shutts Texaco ty seventh congressional .dlstrict awa1ts you at these services, come t«Y &IIIi'owd,. WWIam 00IlIDI &: Bon. fcod, $8.00; Service•. paollne, ,U4; Rub~ Van nave been inVited ' to attend the . nnd enjoy theM With us: Alb ..... >~ed; tnaulter of P. O. H1ldet1rUlt, food, 121.00; The Rlper, luollne, 119.11; &nUhs ~r- meeting. .1t&1 _tate~. '. . OrMt A.' &: P. Tea Co., f.c od. $8.25; vice 8taUOll, $21.50; Walter Botta unCA U. n. CII1JRC(f . HCII'aCIIt T. Buqeu, ~; wW I ~ Groc:ay and . OO~ Shell Bervtae, llIOllne, 16.67; Tbe 8wed CarnIval PlaIIlDed Dcvis A. 11111. I'astor adn,lI~ to ~.. ancl IeI'fk!.e by I f~. ".00; IIorrow Lumber Co.. ore~ ~dp .co .• rew.. st.eeJ and ~t&oD ordIred. lfuel. 13.25;Barr Bros. Orooery. foOd, part.s" 1:Ia1.21; W. B . McHenry. food Franltlln-Plans will be made Sunday, Jul y 28 ... . Gu&rchalllblp 01 au. Al1IIDIl, f ... . 115.00· IIaeoo Lumber Co fuel furniahed rellet famWes durq JUDe Thursday night by the FrankUn !l ' ~ 11 n 1\, - SlIlIdoy ~ c l1o... 1 Les llp allowed ·' for IQIIIICII't ward. tuG: •PIne creat DaIry Co.:" mWt: 140.00; Llons O~ tof'}' s!l'eet carnival hare (lorslIl'h . Supt. '1IJI'On WllIard 'I'UcIrer;- lIeCeIlId; 18.00: • WlIUam 8chDe11, tOOd, 111.00; H. B. August . 12 to 17 tor benefit of the 1'0.30 a . m. Morning Worship. ¥'tH P. Tucter admlnlWWlam CoIemen, food, • .00; ~rnahan, tOOd, 11~.50; IImallWOOC1's PlainView Manor Playground . Loyalty Sunday wll1 be observed. . ' . . . . , ~ LwQ.ber OO., tuel. 118,26; ~_ Matke~, food, 18.00, .Mrs. ~e Clay• trator. 7.00 p. m . Christian Endeavor. Mart LIe Taw. decea8ld; wm _- tral Telt!phCllll OOrp., aervIcea, 111.10; bouah, she!ter, $8,~. Dr. A. B , Mar- Company Truck Burns . Oome and let's m ake "Loya lty .. Tbe OffJce . otrJce SUp- t1n, medical, AI).oo. Claude WllsoD, IDlttecl to~le. Sunday" a succes.s. Oha~J ~" d~ce~"d;, ~ 1lI~; ~ ~ Co., food, ~.20; J. R. Cotrman. tOOd: Dayton-Two trailers and a truck K~1dule of ~ ~. CCMIpOD ~ I . teUef JDyeaUptlOll. "1.70. Ray B,wiiert. tood, . I8U~, OWnfd by the Holtlllaus Transporta~!I1te. dlClalld; 11,0.00; B.II. Coyne, IWnps rellef of. ,:~e lIomeStore. clOt.hlng.- I3~; _ Uon ·company.: ~8Don. were delV /\VNESVII,U; ClumeH Of' ~~ pi dIbta apIJI'OVid. ' ace. '12.00: TreuUnr of state ...- Dr. Leonard ¥OW1ts. medIcal, Etroyed by a fire at a building leased CIIRIST R~ auUerJ. 'dmln~&of Vlc:eaali relief .~: 113.1'; II. ".00: Bran~'a lee aDd PIleI. fuel, by the Security Cartag Com y-mya' w_ C; Smith, l\lil1lster de boDIa.DOIl WlCh wW AD~ " Mer. IIlpPu_ fOl" OCMDiDod- ta.50 ••G . E. WI1abt, u.r., food, 341-343 SOuth JeffeE~n Street, Tuea- SUNDAY Mle ~ of IMUe. '. . . .,• • It, cUArlbuUoD. f;Jo; ' 121.00. Loveland lIutual Bldr· 1'It day. Bible ::SChool 9:30 a. m . ceUec1, ~ Barah ~. aL; Pred .. ~ rmt 01 ~ 00" abelter .....oo; L. W. Smith Lord's Supper 10 :45 a. m. : . . of,..enau ~YId aDd COIl· room. for . ~. of~ . ;food.. 115,75; 0haI'1ea Poppe. shel... Ohrl.stlan Endeavor.s both JunIor fJrmId. . . ' 1JMId1_; 'It.aO: A. Kenv,..ip.. ":00. a.artea ~ tOOd~ I1UO; and Senior 7:00 p . .m . . 'CllhaUDc!Y RltcbeJ'. 'dllltllld: ·OOPI pilei. ior· ·~ ' ~~. B. ... RudlJlan, ~, flI.oo; . PreachIng .7:45 p, m . ' Of . . , qD '~ tU . . . . f!J.; . ..., ~: 1MoI!.... ~,O;B. · ~ ~•.;IIJIO; Why not s~nct the Lord's Ds.y a.b ~ to ...... . . ,.'11; BUll 'OO;A, .Wllt DId .OrOcery. lood, PM; Dr. the Lord's bOdse? ' . , _ _ . B. KaUfIDAD tit 'Cp. JDUIrIal,'tIIO.61~ "'~ B. ~ 1Dfdlcal, '1~;
Tke Illest mt)~ol- jus.1 introduced .by th', maker - now on ~sl~l~e~-~.~ t ~~=;'l.~--~ this Imazing pri;e
News of other
95 !~ ~ ·~~ ·-~-· ·~"~ " === . _. ====::;==~
,~;~ ~, \ij{ /
t :,/.
Fairley Hardware Store
03; B.
SlJP- i
Prices will be much higher in the next 3Q·to 60 days.
at APPom'-'
Char_ ..,
T~'ere' h~ve been slight advancei
.inee laat winter and another ril. du~ before fall. '. '
-.an .
M.~_ ~
...du. __
A .REAL.. B·ARGAIN aroou.Ihelt-. .. Size 8 u·.t!!Ci General '1'be~ ohM A." P. Tea eo., · ·f~. ~:::'1MlfIIr ...oo: ~B.~; ~ Electric ReIFri·g~rator.
. ~ an..: MeV., IIraUIIn, food, ".00 "'- , • • ..... )I. wuBan1 ~ ....... ~ 0I'. .JabD . . ..,--. . . .: .. O. ISaIDI. JIIId!a'~' "'.-;~.
GIda ........ ~ . . . . . . JIMd.............; ~. 1DIIical I1QIPIIII. ....'16; 0IenIIae.. .....• II, -_ . ~GI ... , .... eta.oo .............. 1IUIott.IQidkal food, .... ; Dr. " • ,. " . • a.Ipb W y~ 113.00' IIIIUtIIl ~ . ftIIDI& AIDInI. II. ~b. fOOd; .,.~. 0. ' BUds- ain ~.' ibe1ter• Dr. _ : . . . i¢e.. , ....... ~ .a" __. abIlw• ..,.00; ClllrllllIuIIee. ~ .. _.-rt, . . . iIIIIIIr. IbeI&er . . .' ........._ " -
.......1[1. _ _ ~ . ...
food. ....-:
...., ...
Coal Now
Stock Winter
i. ,
• ...-
. It·_I. . d'·t· omp e. ea.)' reCOD ! I· ODed .wlth lIew ·umt. 1IP.1,.a, H.rdw · ar.e r"
WEDI'fESDAY Blbl~ s~udy
aDd prayer 7:45 p. m.
There were 85 In Sunday -ech~l and 80 for the evmlnS service last Sunday, did you help ' make that number? Come let us do betler thJe
Rem ember the ell ml val t Lytl ~ SlIt lJI'q Y v ru ng July 27, gll!en by Ih - Lad les AJd. P aul J ohn s wa a Lebanon visit or Satu rday , . M ~ Lau ra' R osna 1e ent rllJ'lnc(.1, fl'Ien d8 from Incl nM tl TIlu n3ay • . " . . . . , ev nlng .
f08 RECENT 8R'0£
W ay ne Park' New, Notes
Beech G ro ve
Mrs J ame s F . J acob , of WellnuiI One hun dred n1~ mbers of Leb abo l, n was a ru lLOr"Wed nesd ay. In Day ton. G rang e held an outi ng at the park al the Vete rans Hos pita l, Mrs. WOllam BI "ho~. of Mason. to see .hel l:iun d y . Oub a Sun cfay school . a lso, und e Fred Coon , who m she was Ilost'ess to a grou p of fif ty repo rt..s held a picniC Sun day. i~ Impr oving. !lI .uds and l·e!li tive,s. at a misc .. ellSODAS·':COKES allf OUS show er, 1 s~ Tllll r$day J , R. Mftr lno. of OaytQ/1 , anel Mr. and eVII ~ Mrs . Dwi ght Bea son , or 10 1;1\ , ompUr/len~IJl h~.r niec _ . • •• • gues t:a pen t ~h~ day IIwtn unlna ,' a nd SPl lngf leld , were i u'ests over e, MrO , MALTED MI LK S· : al t· R,' bert L. Slltt en hw Ite a. rece 1'l hlllg S und ay . Ul'dtly a nd S und ay, of W s. Eth nt el Mr. and Mrs . A. L, SIde s had a I.)l ' de.. Bish op , Mn . Dudl ey slIl of Bea son nn,d Mr. and · M;rs . Wilb . farm ' tmplem em s Satu rday ur Pe ck' ! Sp eci al Su nd ae' The Dan show Ben ja min , of N I \llIl'a Fall s . IIfcC er was held 0 1\ ttl Illwn and Mr s. C S. R l lne- lind Wi arr en . ll move to Lvt e the last of of thl,' ho me of Mrs . Fr lrl R obet' . of Da yton , L. wee Ices Dlr ton. N, Y" s t;>en t the d y Hahi ng Slllldlly , . ' Mr . and Mr for "Week-end -- JOe k. s. E . C. Mamtoll an d ' 1a' on. A mln la t.lLre whi te how S5 Ka tie 0 11 11 , Sun da y e, a nd ~he S teele fam ily reun ion . with <\a, {l .Ie r MI·s . Ru th Iwoo d Gra sM and Billy Hen ness ey S nide r, or 50 pres ent f rom Wil min gton surr o unded with a wllit e pick , E . T eill ord l' turn ed [) l' t urne was V/1 .m lngtOn, wer e rece nt et d to Wei r hom es. in PiqUa . fenc calle rs a t held a t the , was park the setl lng for the fe ttvI D y ton . Tue sday , a fter . Ihe hom e of M rs. Alice TelTY Friday , af ter a .vlsl t with Mr. . a nd a nd Ill es. A brlgh i. c()lol PcI rai nbow . stay !It llw Hom e. fo n lIy. Mrs. Wal t er 1I.en rlck . I a dIlle .t<. a "po t of gold :' dlsc rles Hen t hol'l\ and Mrs. lo_ed th e AN NU AL WO ME Mel1 00ws . •,, " _.. N'S CA MP M'I'S. Ha nna h J orda m allY lov ly ·glf1! s ll rollglt by 'wln relu med 10 n a nd brotheI r t he Mr . and Mrs. W . T . Clar k . of D SCHEDULE;D AU G. 11- 14 thel W. War d. T\lesdll Y aft moo n . IW g u ~sts. MISS . A ~rred atle nded th plr cllurc h nu,, , ... _ Janclle tEl' , Wed nesd B t ty Ion . we re Sun day even ing dinn uli Ullin gs. of ay. Mrs . Har riet M __ er _ .. y WIlS In Sprl l1g plI'Jl ic a t WaY11e Park . Waynesv MI'. and M r . . Fra nk Wer n tz. Mtl 5011 , a llfe- Iong 5<'1 1c.ol ille. COIU P nlon , of g U" S I S ot Mrs . Mar v Cn field , Mon dny . and h ,. frien ds. War ren Cou n ty h ome ma kers who rmo ny. Mrs. Spd ni lleld WBl'e Sup per 0 1 til e brid e. bot h AI Su nday . •. . Mason sc hool wnn t to eKch anae gue.i ls a t Mee ks an d La wre.n ce tJoppess Mr. and Mrs. Rober t P alm er nnd day s of bookin g. ac. t he Rom ~. Sun day evem ng. MI', and Mrs , Edgql' ~a!, l'l ~ a !lml Ul Bea uty C,u [lIre ~J, oo', In dls hwa sh lng, und d nd complltnied her hom e, Tuesday, MI'. a nd Mrs. Rob ert Sine y atte Us ting. for day s IltLl p. son, Way nded a nd Clnc lnna ll . asslstted Mrs . Sa tter l h " n e. und th eir .nl ece -of rest . Cun, .a nd rela xa t ion . ate were dinn er gues ts h ere. a clas s reun ion, Bun da, a l Le J.n- M ls .~ Ai1 nab elle Har ris al.1 mll te In open ing tlle gi fts . A PRO PER T\r SELLS FOR $340 pC 9!lry, larg e vlte d to a tten d the Amr ual SOllr dsvllle Lak e Mar Middletown Dr. J . W. Wa rd Is nolV enollgh Im "omlin's I nd ia na, who , were' . lImbr lie and Il s pClll lUl ng can hlln ~ 11d tbrs of rel prov ed from ' his recent Il lnes s to ;J Ca Mrs mp . Ha to rold Whit ake r ente rta Ined ove r be held C mp Hook , 9 t1ve~ In Day be t Ed H kl -hea d also add ton I ed , from to j tl the Fl'ld app r al; WIll I aln - AUIs I l 11 .. 4. a ble to be out driVing. a ou mber of l!1dl e.~ T ue<d a y ofl er- men t of Lhe ace, I n. !3undny, very plea sa ntly s urPJ Is d FOR SALE - Na t ona l Pres op ns P LU'C lose e 11' orm er 1100 sure ' e n a t, a Bta nlev Brush dem onS und ay dinn e.r gues ts wer e Mr . al1d T he protl ra m will open wit h :125 a Ihe Talm age ~n m ll !3un day The glles ts wer e till asse lnbled J s Lewis prop erty adJo ining InlilOr his l~Dt on . n swllJ Mrs. Ern est Ma rtin a n j Mr. 1 mln Coo g ller pa . r ty Iln d picn ic supp er Illg whe C. E. Ml ohe nor: ' a nd Ilom e. at sher lff'S s!t !e a l fi de n th t e hey fe nce ca lled !lfou At nd .t helr t t he he hom e. War sma ll for th e cam t;>ers a nd thei MI' a nd Mrs . Tlnl ev of Day Mrs. Roesldn . of Day ton , a nd H. r fa mlll e ; ton ll ome , :l nd ther e A. I'en Cou nty cour t 'IlU te, I.fte r u brie f ex<;h ange of .rem 1110Y d a n eve- on Sun day Mund ay , ' pen l t he we ek end wllh - FOR SAL E- Haulin g Tra iler Cornell . afte rlloo n a nd close t he laltl 'r·s I. lu ng of va rious gam . stee l wlth inj~'; f-n.c es of th 4' boyhood Sale pric e was $340 es and cont e ts break1as t 011 Wed daYl i !.he pal' n " Mr. 3.nd Mrs . Ben . body-:,. Alva T hom pson . 24.R2. nesd ay. Ha wke , Pl'l ~ s were a WfI.l'decl fam ily w,as IIwl t od for La l'Elch , and acco mpa n y I1nd orot h r. Albe r t' Haw he Rml wer e In tll1'11 pres I1 lPd to t hem fOl' a drlv e. will h led the bride , f~ ll1-lIr . to VIS IT IN IND IAN A. I T he hnppy venl ng WfiS brou gh t t o F oste rs ann Kl np.s Mi lls, wh re Mr. F01( SAl. .E-B uckwh ea t . MI). and Mrs . J . P . La\'f lck Mr. nncl Mrs . Hownl'Cl K indl e nnn .Ralp h L . an d 'Har R clo~ e. with a rlnlnl Y ris had sp nt me yea r whe n (\pss eI'L cour se , Rober t Crew Rll rley . Spg ng Vall ey . p!,)o ne :\OK dnag h ter, of Dny ton were week vls lte,1 Mrs . d .1I qu ite youn g In t he emp loy 2 end of hear t- ce nte'r . brid e II-e of the crenm , I' sna Il. a nd Mrs. Eva RullLe 1. r Ut st,·. of Mr. Gnd Mrs . HalT Y Cor - ~nke. Il n(1 onl ngcl G J18rel 25" t , or Kill Pow der om pnny. l lif'. \11"11 . MI'. a nd Mrs . Sam N IV Cas tl e, I ncl., Sun day. Mer edit h , or ' . The ; . ,1 sts fr om WAyne: viII I'. Inclu ded His mot her Mrs. Ann a Sc- hllll ngp.r ' . , IV re both form er reS iden ts of M:n dle Run , were nlso Sun day ,. . dln- ,t.he gues t of h OllOI' . M1'3. Way - mad e th e trl ~' with th m R. L . So.t- nesvllle. dtl ugh te l's to Day ton , FOR S ALE - Ga ner guests. of ~o me Pressure the late MI'. but did not com e on to t rl hwa lte. Mrs. Hen ry Sa ttert Be h Grove h - II n,1 Mrs . J ohn Edw ards. Mr . (md Mrs . Ho ward Deweese s rove. Tnb leto p model, A-1 sh ape In \ 'a' le, Mrs . C. I . Sa ttfr thw , whe re !.hey were l't's1d ents a lte an d some very r easo nabl . liny Coru com pany with MI'. and Mrs . Frlln lel'. yea rs ago'. ' k dC\ \Igh ter . Ann e , nnd Mrs. har les W a d e LG .A . Groce ry A. E. LU CI ~ DA E. EDWARD Way nesville, Ohi o. Duwpe e and Sam Deweese . spen J 4!fi- Al -S· S 76R 2 t Sr out. un da y afte rnoo n wI th rela tive s DIE Lyt ie, Oh io S A'r IIAR VEl 'SB URG In M'r. and Mrs . Robert Sa tert hwa o G UESTS· ARE ENT ERT AIN EO lt Bla ncl1 est.e r . Lllclndu K Edw ards . a'fe 77 , died 1 REN T will be n L hom e til their frien ds. A REM IN GTO N Por tabl e l\Jrs . Mar ga ret John s and P nf · at h er hom e n eal' Ha rveysbur g I uu] tel' Aug us t I, In the Rob Typ writer. $,1.00 pel" ilion th . ,Kee rt Lam b Wi'dll sdo y Ilf t.el'll OO J onn.' were S unda y ufte m oon p II. (\fl~ r nil ex · , and prop erty on Thi rd Stre et. Mr. nn d Mrs. D . B; Und erwood liP you r pmcUce . Wlly nesv el'l'l11ng gues ts of Mr . and Mrs tplld ilhi l:d IIIl1e ss. S he was the widow of en terta Ined . AI Dnl g Stor e. the followin g gliests at ' J 25-A I J ph ll W. EdwaJ'ds, who prec eded len -Em eri ck . h er di nne r. Sun day ; Mr . nnd ·Mrs . Wa lMr . nnd Mrs. Will iam Ber gdal In dea th in Sep tem ber . 1939. l t r \ Wild e a nd on Pete r, of IVprc called to Dny ton . Sun day, SIll' was born Itl La wren ce Cou n '1 ' . r ~ew by ty. Orle ans; Mr . nn d Mrs t1e.l p Wan ted- Fem ale ' . J nme5 Rob 0 1110 . 1111J uu llveJ n ~a r 11 1116 serlo llS Illness of the , r!,'y;, er tson , of H illsboro ; and ASS IST MANAO ER -A mos t formers T he Frl ends h lp elas:; lInd t hetr unMrs. Cath · bu rg for th e ~)asl 35 yf ars. brot her. Ed Ber gdall . w~o su1fered ual opp ortu nity f or lady with erin e Hes lon ,· of Ifar veysbur g.. a m ont hly meeUng lil t the hom e of s t roke Satu rday , good personal ity ' and abili Sh e I.s survived by six da ugh ters ty to M .., ; '"s Mar jorIe He"IUtck . .. Mrs. Gll rnet H allm an . of Sab Mr. and Mrs . E. B. Lon gacr e and h a ndle people In seUm g capa city. in a; RET URN FRO l\11'Rl.P TO Mr s. Mild red WAl lace has a :cep ted Mrs . Car men Moore, of gran dson, Bob by Swank and Hor No ex t;>erlence necessary as Mon roe; ace a position at the eR d Cro BLU E RID GE l\10UN.TAlNS we ss sboe M ,s. Ruth. . S hel'w and Em esL F'ou lks . r etur ned S und tra in you. No tnve stme nt requ ired ood, of o re- I ay fact or y at Norwood . ' . J . E. Fra zier , hav ing r etir ed fro m even ing afte r a mot or tri p to I! n ia : Mr . He:en R ober tson . Hou rs 9 to 4, n ve days a wee th fir m of , of' T enMr. and . Mrs ~ Le:sUe Gorsuch an Mr . and Mrs. St:.m ley Bail ey and k. d Ha.r veysburg ; Mrs. Esth er La. nes.~ee . Nor th Oaro llnn , , For pen ona l , ln terv lew writ e . Fra zie r and Cam pbe ll , Ray Mo and t he dau gh ter spen t S und n tln g, dau gh ter . a nd Mr . al) Box ay In Mas on. Mrs . Eldon r gan and Ri ch a rd S moky Mou ntai lls. and Mrs . Mal'y Cast le of Day 96. Wa ynes ville , Oh ii. ton ; Reta il k retu rned S und J 25" Miss Betty Zech st;>en t the wee ay· from a ' . k olle son J . E . Edw ards, of Cam pbe ll h ave ' f orm ed a n'ew Mr. and Mrs . Har vey Bur net ana .. Mld dle- vaca tlon trip to th ~ wi th h ef' gran dpar en ts. Mr. par tn ers hip and are Blue Ridg e Miss Lau ra Rosna:>, le wer e. sun and town ; seve ra l gran dch ildr ". ' " day Mrs. W~de Zech o,f Mia misb en and MoUnt~ I~. ~r. Bal!ey :pre par ed t o -do roo fin g, . ) utin was. back ,at urg. guest-s of Mr. nnd Mrs . O. W. grea t gra~ ach1 1dre n. g, and fu r nace wo rk Law h\4 J~ 1lII. m~nage r of the Ji'alr Mr. and . Mrs . Ber t Bun nell and ley: r ence In Day ton, and i n the even F urer al serv ices wlll be h eld Sat. . . .. : . . ; . ing dau ghte rs and gran dda ugh Hartlwa r!! stor e Mon dal', but Mr h of all ki.nds. ' t i ter at- Jrda y mor ning, JO 0 ' ".:Rl , t ey en t:erta, in ed them f.. JEW Et. ER ..and . E~GR n 10 k. at t h e laUi ckl m ana ger a d ner m t ende d the Bun AVER 'Of .t he 10ca) ·KrD""p "n ell r.e unlo n, .at h1l:Clure Fun I Greenville. ' . , , .:' l b eral Hom e, with ' 1 Springb oro, Sun day. Rev. sto re, Is taki ng ano ther wee . ,,12 yea ra' . k's vll'CBMoore otJlclaUn g. Bur ial a t Sou Mrs . Emm a Lacy ente rtain ed at . , : : .. In , . e ano n th tkn . a \ Mr. and Mrs . Stamler Batl ey' and .Cnn rlesron. In CarJ.~ ..-Jew elr y Sho p' I plcn ~ dmn er Sun day even ing, her da ugh ter : are tald nl!1 a vaca tion trip .' ., chil dren . gran dch ildr en , a nd grea . , t- this week, to Wes t Vlrgi nla . gran dchi ldren , from .Day ton" ENJ OY FIS HIN G TRI P and The utic a' Lad les aid are hav ing Leb ano n, The re were 41 pres ent. Mrs . Len a Rig gs, Mr. a nd Mrs . dn 'Ice crea m soci a Friday even lDi P e.r ry Tho mas and g ,and chll :lren , a t the chu rch, all 11re cord ially In- Dor is and Alice Thon as, an ,.ite d, d J: sse Mills spen t Frid ay ·aft-ernoon at Call ers at . he Bun nell hom e SatTar ry Mor e Spr mgs , n ear ' New ul'da y were Mr. a nd Mrs. WIl liam Bur llng i(ln, on a flsb \n,g. trip . Brin kme yer . Mr. and Mrs . Har ry Local Red Cross cha pter has been , M Itenberg er, M iss Ber tha Mllt a ppea led' to for service from enthe berg er and Mrs. An:na Mill er. ladl es to mak e eme rgency supp lies Mr. and ,Mrs. Oak ley Ross. of CInfor, the refu gees . clr.n atl, ,spen t the wlle kend wit h Mr. Mr. and Mrs . Fred She rwo od . left &nd Mrs. Fran k Framer and MIss FI¥D AY- ,JuJ ,y 26 Frid ay for t he. lake s, whe re t hey Cl't herl ne Wal lace . "500 " Din ner club. at the hom wlU enjoy a two weeks' vaca tion e of . ' ~ ....and Mrs . 'I!ar ve» Bur nett Cha rles Pric e, who expe rien ced , ,. , Lytl e'. . a BAN GS DIS EAS E TOP IC WE DNE SDA Y--J u!y 31 bad wreck in the 1I0r them ' part AT COUN'I\Y l\lEE TIN G t.be s tate WhUe ret'4Tnlng With of I You ng M.r rled Oouples C Il s· • o~ _ _ • the Meth oc:t\ st Chu rch, tjure rUck outl hg and hEJr~08 d. load of fish , esca ped unln . Plan s for a Ban g's (l isea se erad THU lenle RSP . PDIARCye .nAo~,~~~ltn11te,. a~ yet. . . t· __ Tom Tucker and dau ght er, Mrs . Ice~ ' . caMon prog ram In ~a:rren \J Will Lawson. of Day ton , were coun ty ~ ~ay nesville Gar den club, outi ng In were dlsc usst! d Mon day nigh t In Leb - a nd picn ic, ai Way ne town Satu rday and atte nded Par k. Mem the ano n by Dr. A. J .. DeF osse . . t, Inspec- 'bers to orln g cov erei ,funeral of an old acqu ai ntan ce, ~~ dl5h and, sand . Tom tor from the Bur eau of An1rnal In- 'wlche s, 'l o'clock: qt" ! lg erator ·B~ttle~ '. Ellis. of Xen ia, Is the . " Live stoc k as: MO THE R OF MA hOll seguest of Mrs. Clyde LblC YOR DAY Y. soclatlo n, und er cha trm an Ron ald Mr. and ~rs . Cec il Ktrk , of HOll ' IS BUR IED IN LEBANON S- HaWk, and t he Ohi o LI~estoc • ton , TeKaSj was a rece n t gues k . DIs.. F'un era l serv ices were hell ! a. t of ease Preventi on assOCiati t Mll... on, ' repr e- ford , Mon day afte his brot her , Wilb ur Kirk , and rnoo n, for Mra. fam · se nted locally by Wil liam Luk ens . Jan e Day , mot her of May Uy. . .' or ,A. coop erated In spon sori ng the n leet - Da y, who died satu rday G lenn Snell, of Blan ches ter, was even ing, at a , In g. . t he .home of her '&rand son , I' Sa turd a y gues t of hls pare n ¥ Guy - . Mr . , • " ....;.. --'and Mrs, J . W. Sne ll. Lyk ins, of Mill OI'd. Mrs . Da,y ' had \ ' . ) ~., been conf ined to .her bed . Se~e ral from here at tend ed sinc e i""'-...;~~----~ an auct ion sale of gene ral mer chan -~-.----~--ChrlsUDas. She Is also surv ived dise by at Alle nsbu rg Thu rsda y even Ing. ano ther son, S . J . Day , of 6' .nea r .' Mr s. Earl M!l ~s. of nea r Kin gma Eminence, Ky. n, was t he gues t of h er dau ghter, Mrs . HOS TES S TO MEl \lBE RS Max McElwer and husb and , Fri day. Dr. and Mrs . Ea rl Fros t and son OF HI-L O BRI DGE CI.U . ' Mrs. A. E. Stou t was host ess to B Mny na rd. motored to Cincinna the ti WAYNESVILLE, OHI O Sun day Glid saw the ball ga me mei nber s Of 'the "m': Lo" Brld ge,c be1ub, 'J ues:d ay even ing, at t.wee n New York Gia nt s and I:ter hom e. OlnFRI D,·V .• _ .S ATl I'ftn.A Th ree tables ...., '"a clnn atl . R eds. of brid ge. com pris ed July 26 ~d 2.7, Mr. and Mrs . Ba sil Dal ley , of New of the two tabl es of regu lar mem TW O BIG FEA TUR ES . . . ' .... Alltioch . WE're S und ay gues ts .of bers , and one gues t table. , wer! . ·~· r Mrs. "DR ! in . KIL DAR ES 'Dalley\>! Ulren ts. ·Mr . a nd, rlay dlll'lug the even in l1' T110se play Mrs . Fran k McVey. Illg a t the gues t ta.ble wer e Mrs STR ANG E. CAS E" . M. Mr. HHd ebrecht, of Lon don, spen , I A ..Pulkl!rsoh, M;rs. C . I. Satt t ertb with Sun da y wtlh bls ~on . Her shel 1 waHe, Mrs :'Ira ~rown . and Mrs. Ed., and LEW AYR ram ll y: ES , . I gnr 8 lnl th. PJ'izes . we,r e ' won by Mrs. a Iso R. H . Will iam s, of Oolumbus, was L · A., Gar st, Mrs: Russell Hol llda y, GENE AU TR¥ a busi ness ca ller here Thu rsda an! Mrs . Satt erth wai te . . y. in .. ' M~ . an d Mrs. Nor ris, 01. Da ton. "RA NCH O GRA NDE '," .---.-- -~ were Sun da y gues ts of Mrs . Sara BIU DGE CLUB MEE TS h A BIG HIT ! : Wrl gl} t. ~T PRE STO N Ho m Ml·. und Mrs . Ducry and dau gh t~r, . SUNDAY and l\IONDAY Ti,e mel)lbers Of the Ars1inot Was hing ton O. H .. were SundQY Bl'la u-e club wer e pIc asan tly ente ~uly . 28 and 29 caile rs on Mrs , Duc ry's aun t, rMrs. tll 'm.rI , Tue sday, Ilt the coun try "I~OUSE AC~OS8 Mar y Sytel'd. . hom e Of M rs, J . .,K, Pres ton. Miss Mar gare t S ta rr spen t ~el'p ra ' THI~ BAY " . L A vaJlled' and tem) Jttng Jd~ days In Day ton and retu rned lu~t with here [dln neL was enjo yed at the noon Sun day . GEO RGE RA FT- ' __ 'ra rtel wbi ch tbe aft .rno on MIss F.dlth Surf ace. of Colu mbu _ .rOAN BEN NET T spent s, .1. t'a tds. Priz es were awa rded WI!O h as been conj ined In :"'a LJ'.O to hJjb YD NOLANI· rest ...~~~~.:o.._ _- _.::...:.;.,..:..:; < ClEo a~ ea.:h tabl e. Mrs. J,~ U's cool ai t.he T1rID , ~~ea&re. ..-;::-:':-:-'.:.-....:.,=--- _.:...._ - _ •....,.._..:...._ ' hom e ' for several weeks, 18 co'n valdyke wu. 1\110 the IUeitI or " Up"1 esCIIl Ii at her hpm e here , ...
H om e
Pe ck 's Fount-ain
-- '
~s.ewtU l INS r A LL A TI O N S
. O hi o Ce nt ra l Te le ph on e Co rp or at io n
M o rg a n & C am p b el l
C o m e ' In' and .In sp ec t
H as n' t yo ur tra ct or ea rn ed a . go od ch ec ku p or valve gr in d? W e ar e pr ep ar ed to pu t it in ,g oo d co nd iti on fo r th e ·f al l w or k.
Ph on e 49
ill e, O.
N. L.
C O M I N'G E v''E N T S
S EI ". F p.ctrlC: · an's ' Sp ec ial' $1 .79 .
Ju. gs ' an d _Bot t Ies ........ re am, Fr ee'z "r·.' . F· h· "' T ' 'kl . IS In g ,e . SPECIAL:'2 Re f.. ·14 c
d~~: {:;a~:'county
R D,'~. Gollett
H ar dw ' .a' r'e & linplementS.
Le ba no n, O.
K., Ph on e 99R~
Ph on e 81
. Wetltinghouse El ec tri c Re fri ge rat or .
-- I
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.W ay ne .v ll' .,. 0./ "
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R E 'L O . ' '.I'i'N" ,., , ',. r:
T h r·e e·. Q ua·r te r .Inc~.
Waynesvilfe, ' 0-'
f:~sl-OD. ·
J ' ,
la Mostly J\bout--
Extended Heat· Wa-ve Couple United . And Lack Of Rainfall In ~Iartiage A.re Damaging Crops
. WUOU: NUMBER 4040.
F M. Fox-Quits As Postmaster •
Another charming weddln't took place on July 25th at 10 :'30 A. M. at Chester meelJng house . when Flilth Tomlinson and Leland Shnnk were united In matl1age using the Friends' ceremony. Mrs. JelU1Y 9arey OFFICIAL'S RESIGNA T!ON TO BE EFFECTIVE offl.clated In the p,r esence of the atAUGUST 15; FRED BRADDOCK SLATED tendants, Mary Heston and Paul Tomlinson. Iwmt!dlately fo!lowin: TO BE HIS SUCCES..,OR . the wedding the tlrldal party mo ' tored to the home of the brlde'.i oming' a s a complete : . rp ri se t o thi co mmunity, the parents. near WaynesVille, where a re~ i g nati o n of Fl'ank M. 1"0., who h as ~e l' v d as Waynesmotion picture of their arri va l wa ~ made by the bride's s·5tel'. Mrs. Rayvill e's pOlitmastel' for t he last five y 'a . s , wa s announced mond LaRue. this weck. The bride was lovely In a whit~ The nnnouncement first came fran) John 10:. Holden. Morrow, chalrcotton formal adorned by a corsage of carnations and rosebuds. The .man of the WIIJ"I'en County DCIllO( I L.,; Execllti /c commJttce, who . Monbridesma1d wore cri£p blue and tlay told newspapermcn LrlaL Mr. Fox's rcslgn.lUon was asked and obDefeat white dimity, while the groom and t(lll1Cd by the postoff1ce c1epartl1l('l f o aUeged failure \.0 answer official best 'm an both were dressed In white. The group proceeded the dln('ommunlcations and neglect \.0 tak ~ cxamlnatlons. room where a wedding. breakfast was Mr. Fox was out of town from Saturday until Wednesday, but on hl& enjoyed by -the bride's paren ts, Mr. snd Mrs. A. O. Tomlinson. the bride retur n Wednesday momlng, confll'r led the report that his resignation had The Mlamls came from behind In and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Leland the eighth 1ilning to w~p ov~r Shank,'Mr. I41d Mrlj. Fred Braddock, been 'em to Washington, effecuve August 15. ClarksvUle ' op ~e h~me d111Jl10f1.d Mary Bes~n, ~aul Tom14qso\'l, Mrs. He explained to a representaW. e of The Mia!!:! GazetLe t;hat on July Sunday .by a l?ilO~ of Hi· Raymond L4\Rue 9.Jld daughter, Joan . 25. Ite had rece~ved a letter from J. The vJst~fl! ~o~ ~1f to po 800Q 8~ Alter 1\ ~Iellila\'lt hour , the bride and M . Donaldson. a.cbing first assistant getting fQur rUlls In the f\r:it .four gr om lett tor an unknown destlnapostllla...tel' ge neral In Washington. Innlng/l while t~e locals were getting tion amid a shower of r:~e and old DOllaJdson exp.ained, Mr. Fox one, but in ~h' seveneth the Mtaml8 shoes. sta :ed . that a non-competitive elvU tp.i~@'@ gb@@J'V@q ~t th~ PQijI·" EdW4'r~ ,~tr, "lot one to m~e It· .~ an<t then Mrs. Shank Is the daughter of Mr. Ler i ~e examination haj been ar~r{!. J@88@ HfmaQ l~ttjHg Dr. ~~ mmed "lIthers, .hQW- . went ahead \fl the e\g-hth by, a 8core Ilnd Mrs. A. O. Toml\nscn , or Waylalll;ed for 11im on June 7 and June ill fjl!h 1!~@1\1 h~r 'bait thQn ever. to stay oqt ot I~OW and of 0-4. The vtnltorl were able to get nesv1lle. She 1.5 a graduate of Ohio • ._ ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,- -,- "- - 21, and tJla~ he had failed to take ·~ fi l. ... . h B~~ 41Z~, po~tlnr (lilt thJt back In ~he bt.11 lame b~ &Coring two state University ~nd has done gradMni. Roy Ell1.5 and Mrs. Erwin tile Lest required under the IlP.W u . bJamln, tb@ I!,' ",@~au@~ I ~ ak:\il.«~ JIliih, resUlt fNJIllUOll runs In the tQp ot the ninta to tie uate work at Chlcago University. FRANK !'ti, WlI; Elllls were Dayton sl1oppers, Satw:- . S. Regulations governing postmas~@",lg p,@\ hOlillt tb@D} .. plr: P~"P4!f, the ,amo up at 8-0, but in the ninth She haa be,en employed as a SOCial ___ _ dl4'. ters. pnt@ llit@Plptjn~ to ,et thow Harle; helJ, of near LeMnon, re- Inning the Miamis got 2 hits one by case worker by the Family Welfare • • • • • This being tile case. Donaldson'. key -to PUtt a~~oclat1on, ot Dayton, and, at@l1"HClubCampMr.andMrs.w.A. Lukensand l ltersta.ted.ltwoulr be nec~ kjdtt out of the water in timo POrted 1nItrume'nts on b\s farm Osborne and one bYj sta.r to ~et home for a good measured only .63 of an Inch ral.n - acr06& one run to w n b y a s~re 0 time was supervis.)r of rellef in War- 5ffamily a~tended a se i1oo\ reunion for him to submit. hIS resignation, W night's sleep•.• Chester Snook, tall during JulY ae compared to ~~68tarkey led the hitting for our ren COunty. At 'Present she Is em-. picnic a~ Martinsville, Simday. be subject ·to remgval. Mr. Fox said f th S k i f &eVen Inches in the same month last . ploYed by 'the Family Welfare assopens ug. · • • • • • he then sent. his resignation to one 0 e . noo c an orm- YEar. lboys getting 3 hits~ln 5 trips to the clatlon of Ft. Wayne. Ind~%. wo,s. .. lngton. He pointed out that' be' erly living in Waynesville, p1a.te. ~. Shank form'lll~ r!3~deg ""'~t} Mr. and Mrs. Garl Sanker and w n"ilu'e the ex9.ll11nation would amping on Ceas . ar's Creek' . The batteries tor . thts game wae his parents ... t. th"l~ h, omA I~' AnIN\I" . little son. Carl Wemer, of Mason, C t ClarltsvWe Oeborne plt"nl .. " II.tld .., t ,,'to ~t .. 'n ,,Wholesome development or the w r e Sunday gruests Mr. and .M1 s . Ile necess ry but did not take 1t bewith his family ... he lives in or~.,-- l r l Indiana. ~ il'BliulI:~4 from Trl'.. . uu~" he did not wlsh to continue Banes n..tcl-oinlr fOt the ~~ head , neBll't, band and health is the John B. Gons and daughter. •• • • • • Middletown and has been at I t tTm'~' \ a" .SlAtu 1Q1J!neeling ,eou~ge and . at aim of every 4-H .club boy and girl • • • • • m the job. th ,. ~_ folUIl.~ . m, p.q~Df I n. 1I1lB ~ IP.~ .log 1l~ p.4ellt 14 a plann,ng engineer with In Warren County and their camp V. hlle he has not re:eived otriClal l @aij@¥ l'\mAP,f . the bOys wW Electrlc company , In Ft. program, wh1ch hM been plannet\ J ::. f~milrl ef1l4!at fl.@~an8nl .~-'~~'P"."."'- p:,y apln "t the horne d1amo:ld The bride anell gr-oom expect to for Au~tVlt1es 14th to 1Stl., will inolu~e Camp's patents. Mr. and Mrs. How - CI[ltiC committeeman, will reedve a "".r" ~ ... ' Mor"''' Ii'''l Mr, ADd _. Sean aDIl meeting the Improved team {-fOm make their home' in Ft Wayne mhanydac I deslgntd to promote ard Case. . tt l. ' lor ry ap,,,,'nttnent witbID . the ,-", ... t.J' .,. ..II .... .,.,.".t~.·" no ,/ ~ , Pran""~, whll:b will mean one team " t Is eve opment. .. • ......Of· ' I p be daUJhter. Lola, v1slted Mr. anc1 Mn. ........ . • • • • • n ex ~ few dll¥s. Be will· fill ~e poet k ereOft COU Id ·.nOt It ee · - Allen Hole, ot ~t1e, Sunday. eveD1Dg wnl be drOpped from the elbnm_taon On Wednesday afternoon the . caU8e of the heat lallt we~ • • • • • becaUse both have loat two S&Dle3. ANNUAL FAMILY cllmpers will arrive at Gamp Hool; III MIss Alice Bryant, of Spencer,' un tll such time as an exam1natlQll =n-...... - n= l e-,·Iss· can be lleld· and a new appointmiiit Mass ., v"",""" he came in to the ,G azette . __,' , , REUN1Q~ tI,ELD tl me f or a swj m . before supper an j .... , Ln • s "Rutna Robert Duke was a luest at a wUl stlly until Ule following Sunday ElIzabeth Chandler. last week. made. office, bought a lot of card sorority dance, .Saturday night, at .1 -, . afteruool\ . Ea9h day in camp wl11 bp • • • • • . Mr. Fox has been Waynesville
Although parllal rellet bom the intense heat wave came here Wed_ _ _ _ _ _~--__- - _ _ nesday in the form of cloudy skies, unless a good rain fallS' within the next few days crops I.n thls section H. A. (H a d) Cornell wll surrer conslderable daJna8e. Further relief came Wednesday helped out with threshing night: whe~ cool breezes seqt · the la.t Friday .. ·he aaid it was mercury t'umbllDg, although the forecast tor ' Thursday and, Friday the first time in 13 years and failed to give promise 0; rain. to think he had to pick out a Th~ heat and drought which has prevailed In the WaynesvUle area day with the temper.uu re for the last two weeks . has done near tbe 100 degree mark ... the greatest damage to the corn Mrs. Harris, Harris Mosher crop. Farmers report corn bUrnt.ng up tor lack of moisture. and unleSll and Mrs. Frank L. Taylor, of showers come soon, the yield will be San Fr~ncisco, enjoying the gTea!Jy reduced. . morning under the beautiful ' The same Is true tor sweet corn, • berries, fruits. and late gat;den truck, shade tree on the well-kept all of which have Buffered by the lawn back of the Harris prolonged dry s1etre. G d T I The water In wells and streams Is h orne. .• ar ner owns ey, rllMlng low and some fanners ~ editor of TIe Western Star, reported fA) hauling water dUly di~H'!PHtinl the Wat'f~n ·to their Uvea~~ . county fair boo~ .in .tg~ . Reporta were cfreul~ted In t.!!e lJl@~ ·W-f!e~· W~ t!op@ h~!§ coun\y dUr!B§ ~e week ~~t there k' ~ had ~n · ~'~It~ ·lllac!d on sWlJrun4lg rl,}l~ .*bey~ b"@JllelM' lllc In Iltrep1!1: hu~ this W~ dentod y-p ~tmt fall···~Qrne ~mu@~Leb~PIl by Health OOU\mtSlltQM1'
Last week brought an end to the whell:t harvest in this' vlclnlty . ,.T he crop. white not quite as large aa. lISual due to government acreage restriation. was good In quality. averaging about 2() bushels to the acre here. Oonslderable wheat is reported to have been sold under . the government loab plan. While the price ranged between 68 and 70 cents durIng the threshing and combining !lea. the price thJs week went to 72 cents .. being Influenced by the extremely dry weath'er throughout th~ country.
CIar kSVI-IIe, 7-6
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LocaI Happemogs .
P.l~Jll ~~f:.;w'mmef
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A 14
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board and wrapping paper. ihe Miami Hotel, D&yton. I1I1II11 ef~ i'lle annuaJ Underwood fl\Ql1ly l'«l as' handicrafts, nature study, and Mlss Benrletta. McKinsey len postmaster sioce the retlremen~ or and hooked up an (ingen-: • • • • • 'AL~~ QU,L.. union w,s qel~ SqnQay ~t the home fl'led wibh Intere.<;tlng activities such Waynesville. Sunday, for her home Ross H . H!U·tsoclt on August 15, iou~~) c,. on,.trl)v!-n<;~ too bl. ~w. ~. p ' .v,.,j •.., 4.,' K.• . $tout ~ , ~'P. IIf Mr. ~~ct ~s. A. C. Tomlinson .. recreatlon. Chief a.mong the ·a.dvan- in Ashtabula. 19:.15. His IIrst fITllr-year term exx~ . ~ ~d th -:1' ier: T~H J'lfty JIleJllPefs ' IQf the family en- tages of this annual Ilaeation Is the • • • • • plr d Augus t 16, 1939, but undei nf/w t ,IF alit 4P. t .~ ~ da~h .', ' ~we ~lLY &~~t.s ~ ~. AU/m!1 ~~ms- National Admtll" joyed a delicious. basket dinner at <lllPO~unlty. to develope new friend- MIss Irma Ellis, of Lebanon. lawli he w~u.d have been required to t!ooID. ) , RIP . intn,.',h . ~ ,roo . m . ... ~nd , . ' O~~ s~ut, ~I W~~ ~': ist""'~ ' f NYA ~ .' th.O~ """ . " ....." n.. on .... ..c~ef <IInIler a '!lu<>&ca n' I pro- !.Ips as outsnndlng boys and girls spent Thw'ay sd . n:c l t"'" .... • 0 -:1 .,.... Mn 1 _ .."?'" O 't' "_, ........... witb Iler sister, Mr ~ . Lal.e a clv.! service exam1natlon to .• ~n ~91!~@t !!"b~r,p~p Wh~I~ . : . , t • NY~ ~gto~1 C\!llter fo~ lOellhan- IInrtn, lunnaed by Mrs. . Mary Bes- Crom every town.~hlp In tile ' county Charles Hagemeyer. hold WI! oH'lce . dUl'ing his litetime. .' p@rt@a l'@IH~Niql tw@ )fi~m. · I~I v"fnID, for fOuth from OhiO, ton, of Harve~sb' ul'g, was presentea , will attend. • • • • ~ L I' un II SH. h time that a cbaDge in ~8Z@U@J laftt w~~lt Ind r~Mr. and f4f,. ~. l!.. DUM were ' it Is armouneed by Thomas E. Bpeel'. with plano selections by Misses JenReserva tions for the eamp nlust be Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Tolle. 0; lell ·la.tlon undbl' another adm1n1- -' . . '1\ 6 8Wlc1i¥ 1Il'\t'lt of Mr· al\d • WU- aria 8Upervllqr, Clnc\nna.tl. ule Lee and Wilhelmina Braddock, made at the County Extension Otflce Washington, D. 0 ., are v£Sltlng rela - slraLion m~ht have altered the ex.t\U!nJD¥~ Qf tom ...W lJam' Mqer. of ~u. .;. AlPPl1cJ,tlona . are being' taken for Wanda Glllam,. BInd Mrs. Heston. in the Countr Bouse In Lebanon not ti~es Ih Waynesville. I~LlIlg regu:lltlOns. ttt":" Qf IP,c\llatt~n • • • •• _ Warren COunty youth a.t the Area latc]" than Friday, A~t 9th. • • • • • r. Fox said that while h1II Plana ,tho. . ~ay. ablut .who . will ' Mlsse8 Et.hel and Eva Reeder left Otrlce, Hazen bUIlding. 9th and IIa.tn FlSBING IN MICHIGAN Miss Jean McClure, daughter of fol' the luture are Indefinite, be .and will not: be included in oayion sunday evenlni by bUB, for Streets. The 65 ~e citizens be· ENTE~TAIN AT ¥rs. c . S. MdJlure, of Dayton, Is xpccl,s to taKe a long vacation tHe new draft · law8 ... aeide 'a two -weeU trip to the' Weat cout.. twten 18 and 26 year~ of age who are Mr. !l~d Mr~. (llenn Frye, ot I?nyCOUNTRY HOME visiting this ,week with Miss Jean when he leaves the loCal olllce, 'from occasional 8mall to a lk • • • • • aheccepted ble repre~nta.t.l~e.. Rf tnn Mr Ilil" ."" S. Burnett ButterBess. August 15. , • ' . ' . , " ,t . mOlt ~ OWl qb\O ~q\\.., M~ r M fqll • • • ,. • Because of In health, q~l. - abo~t the pr~id!n~.~! , ~l'Si J~~ "'~tc?R '1B1~ ~ ~ cordlnl to ~o-WlA' ~W;!.- WOl th, of Lebal1ion. and ~r. and ·M.r· Ilnd Mrs. 'Eli Furnas and famMrs. Frank Thomas, and Mr. and Madden n.lso quits as post.maat.er of tiSR,' mMcn plil}ltls!1 gaB.: ·BlIi'! p,el.l~n! gt §~rtqgfl~, lMt tl 1I~ W~toll. Youth retere<t to Mrs. Ollbert Fry,e are ell.oylng a lIy entertained at a {r led ~h ickcn Mrs. E. R. BenUey. visited Mr. H [ll' veys~urg during the past week, stP- ~~@!! .f;t!," .. ,t~@1!! ~r@ ~9t wee~. .. • the eentel' Will be ' alngle, out of weeks vacation lilnd fishing trfp at snpp(!r Sunday cvenh11 at their Bentley's sister, Mrs. Cliff Anderson, IlJI(\ was sllcceeded by Mias Paye m-AIlU {:1~Qsq ' iD Wa,rOQ .' • • ~ • school and wn~ ·to devote at least lak~ Ann, MIchigan. country Mme. Place were la id .for of Ft. Ancient, WednesculY a.fter- Kelly as act,ing p03tma.s~er. , 'Itr;:o "L~, . • • slx t:h8 to the hanJcal atWa the following guests, at tables ar- noon. lis ill the case of ~ Wayoeav1l1e ,ountJ', ;J>a1t W~ vtntgr., ao· John Rot;wt hlJner, Of Ctnc1nnatl, q4 mOIl mec ranged in the cool ba~ement of tl1l'ir oIJI· c~.~ I'"0i" c.vpe"ted th~t ••• _- Kelly aeare ""0 spendiDa tlUI week ~BJUd In the center. Main work SUNDAY DINNER GUESTS n ~ , - tivity WIll llic!, 'Up before at lMte James Camp, In Indlan~,' experJeoee 1& in airplane mech~nlC8, home; Mr. and Mr6. Ra..lph Hastings. BIRTHDAY DINNER ~vil serve untIl a ciVU ~i-ytce exam,.many .more .welke palSlS, ..Ed • • • • • ni'a.chlnl · shop practice, auto and son. RoQort. Mr. aod Mrs. H~rFOR MRS HAGEMEYER Ina, u,n ann be held from the l\a~ Of 'f t \0 -.. ~t Mr. and M~s. D. R. Sa:l~bllry and old Whl~kel' nnd family. MI'. and • Payne, l 1 esaver a ayne u-s .. "'''ft... SmIth aft-.--lDed tbe' mechaDlcs, radio construct n·, ...""" . ~, ,1l, lules. .... _ ....- f..mIly were Sunday diuller I!qes"l Mrs. n . A. Lukens a nd family. and park. sports . a coat of · tan foUo\lnnr peats at rldie Saturday · metal 'IIDrleatlng, drafting, wood- at the hom .,.e. nf. thllir p..rentlS, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Rllodes Bunnell and Chas. Hag~eyer 1\11(1 sons entertnat is a coat· of tan ...Roxie evenine: Mts~ Wade TU.m4r, Mn. C. work, . warehouse stoelting; and dert: fnmlly . mined the folloy/lng relatives at din- HOMEMAKERS T,O ' '/ u. ........ leal WOR. IIn~ Mfa. w. ~: Cornell. LltUe Miss ner Sunday, ' honoring Mrs. HageATT ' EN ' .D •. cJ~~p Sackett. . pedaIling a b'Icye 1e I. ~tt'.frthwa1te, and ... 11. J.lIUU~ . ~ , . 1ll' Hoi ' -, Lorene' Sallsliury spen . Ii last week Fr\MtJ.)' OATJlERINO AT meyer's birthday; at ~~g~ ~~~~d . a~~~~ f~~l~ . .., ~: ....: emmet IN WlSCQN81N with her grandparenUi, '1 I0ME OF J. C, HAWKE Mr. and Mrs . Chas. E. Ellis, ancl " atreef . . ' • • '. _----...... ~"'" ""u_.. -=, I sons, Cha8. Edwin and James Homem,,!ters, wbo jp'e J?lannlnll to , • c",. fIf· ~ ~. Leq ~er mo~~d MtIIIIeB MarJoI'1e ancJ O~~ . The home of J . O. Hawke was the Franklin, of "'-blna'. Mr. and Mrs. IlLtend ~he Annual Vacation - .~t9 ~ ~fW l\ome o~ JIIo~th . I • oa Wolnen:s Oamp ca~p BooII:, 8.,Mft ,;tEMP~~ stree~' laat ~ . . Eden, ,qc1 P-t!!BY Ann Chapman '11111' ~~:n;re ~n~appy :am~lt ~:~~e~. Frank Tietmeyer and son Gene. August 11th ~o. August 14th are ... .. . " . , _, . , , I~vtt ntfif-ll fer a two weeks VIltC4v 19. w (' 11 . U' ow ng daughter Irma Hel(ln, of Hal'VCYs, . .,. - . t';':'" '~ 'No·rt·..,·m..:....., .... __ .Ift. relatives enjoyed a plcnfc supper' b ,,_<-King fOllvard to a real rest. A ........r Af .. c~n ....v -"Ilt) ...- A"" U ... Ir II ....... "........ "'"' .. """"'" .... -...._ , • urg; Mr. and Mrs . . Eldred Tlet. , . .. ...- to n• ·R " \l !If fI.. '" to _ , ttl'.. !!" e -.. .. -t!It . rot,,· " .. - ........ - f t ...... __ uarJorla ..... '''en lM,ve for Mr. and Mrs. Ca rl Hnwke of Dayand ' gl'eeze, a dip in the pool, and ~ . ..t. ld D T. d FI IlrARd t ~be It ...... wi." u. ...... -1 no..... ... ,........ .. • meyer · Uttle daugbter. l'11r lam. .." 1:'1'0.0. ' . y. J'ft ':f!t . spen ' . . ,", . , ~.... "tt _8, "'''~ Los A~eies, 10 jOin tw.. mothor. t!>l1; Dr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Vallce, of IPngmim ' ~r and Mrs Chas lake life easy will be their l~~ lsltlD8 Wli An .import~nt m~UlD~ of Hauk. tt hOI' ,ummer .hOme tn Dtf~ ~., cll",e. Qhaprl16n. tor. visit. . of Wilmington; Mr. and Mrs. Mel- Vll~rs and 'dau~.l1tCl' Elc~'nor of 1\ alnst the lVeattte~ man. ....... tiOn •.• there wae a ton. · • SATURDAY-Au. g ust S vyn Banta. of Loveland:' Mr. and Ola k ill' · ' • with old friends and ma~~ ". " tranepo ntt • • _ • • OraIljl'e meeting, 8 o'~lock, followed . r sv e, Mr. and Ml·S. J, H. I from.' Bettini ' ill'l'apl. operator and -ta TWIN 'SONS lIGaN Mrs . J. P. Fromm, Mr. and Mrs. O. W"'g< h t of nn,; ...... M'~ I Ellis Olles will keep t lem , tete.~ ., ( ..,!.. Mr. .and Mrs. L. V. Br&nIIt.rato~ Mi'a Prank TUtti t by a picnic at tlhe plcnlc ,grounds of Lee Hawke. Glyde Fromm, and Mr. "d ·t ' · ~""liUn, . ..., rma homesick, wrhlle handioratts:. ~ture tion agent at Lytle. alSo 'a were p_tII, Sunday, of Mr. aDd ' Mr. and ' . e, 0 Mr. and Mrs. RutTy Smith. a!ld Mrs . Donald t. all.wkQ. an rlend of I:.ebailon. :study. IIlUlilc, and ~\c8 ' will w-Aithlg.'st'ation .at Ildg&wood, W. J. Rqemeyer. of Marttns- ~~::r;-:!rln MONDAY-Augl.lst 5 In the eve~ refreshmentB of·Ice tn!.lke their time sp~rit ' lJi c&mp th t cks n 'ow ' crou' vWe len tea, pop co~, cake and candy were worth while. '... h ' were e ra ' . • • '. . . . . _ . ; 31. TIle maternal ....andparen·~ of Jr.pworth Lea.~e inee~l~g, M~~·g~ VISIT DEWART LAK.E dAte ' , serve . r a pleasant day of conWomen who wish to ..trend &bIs ". I i J rout.e 7S.•:.W.a . y n e s V · e ......_:. .... ...... dlst Oh~c\l •. ?:~g: . . ·1 th -~_.... WlBpins her lCamp are asked to maJte' r~ .... .. "J~.w"', -.~-iT of O"--l-.~~ .... _...... W. the twiN are Mr. , and Mrs•.' ~ ~ .h ~ versa~on, .· ey ·d e..... peo~le ar0.J~h bonfee +...and Va., 'ov~l\t, ~, It S,:, COleman. of ~~clnP.ttl: !fUESP4:V-~Uf{UBt 0 dr~:~' :~=~ r:::ke~~n~~::' man,y JIlore happy ~1J¢bda.y1l. wllh MIss E1121lbeth Q~, BDme Deinonstratlon -sent, before 'Yed- ; ~ bu~p'•• W , aall er rr.eg~ , tIbe liame of his ~nt.s, 1If; '~d Nfl.!tl..~ Ilf ldte club , entert!llned day night: wbere their granct'daugh~ 'r"" ~h'm . liP fAr ~tl, w. ~. '~~, ~ Ie 8LtJIIBm& "~'fl "'W by Mfa, D. C. ':U(lge abd Mrs. Harvey ter Miss Marjol'le Eden was attend- YOUNG PEOPLE HOME nesday, AUgust 7th, da;' w'hift; ·+1i@F 'rOd@ ~ll~: ' ' ..... Ml,I V~a ~ .WM ~OSt- Rye. ing eamp last weelt. They remained , ' FROM INDIAN~ CAMP . ,., ~f.l'~' r; t: " . •. . .' "", tq " mv ¥ondllY ftlgta ,at . "BI-Lo" Brldife club. at the home ~~!B :~f:t , . D-m~' ~el»~nOA ~ J>IJ'I!, . f.!niI .~ 1M ~ 8lumber ~tr, ooinpUmentlq of Mra, carl C(J1Wd. . over nlgbt 'atll,! MI8!l6S Jean ~ . . --.. . SAUSBUf'YS. MOVE· , .~~ .eint1i.M . atlw t " .., U ,....._, I" . _ ...., _ .._ _ ....." MIsa .MarJort'e tlIMQ, . . .. ·1Id.e n wW WEOllESDAY-'--A,,-...t 7 Jane· Hartsock &11d NlIU'Jorie .re- ~ gTOUp Qt· young people ' trom ' IN!fO NEW NO_ !ff .lI~"''' ~ ...,..".! ....... . - .~ ... ...,..., ~ ~ wltb b I C ' - turned home W,lth tl1em Monday Waynesvtlle, who ' attehded the . ' , p"'~@a- A "f.av~, Mut'Mf, e. . . ., Pf Mr. awd ..... ~, lea.., D8ID W.)'IIMVtlle-C~rin club bU81.n ess morning. ' Young F,r1~nds Meeting at Oamp Dl-' lJ,ytoB flQOd.,.lt W_s ~• .8t.c11Df1ft fIf ...t.m~._ ""'" ... 10 : meetlnlr, 7:30. at the Township · , , . Jnd~. De_t ~. Ind" 'laat week • onl,. ...Uro.d .naplUI lDto QlIrJ81. of V~, a!JD'".. ,. tor thewmter;. House. . , _ ~ ENTEaTAINED AT DINNEIt returned ~ .Ulelr ·b omei Sunday. Inw.tb!tr~. OOU_l~"'" cUt; with IUP- peat. , . women's J'on!Ign 'MJaQonary Boct- -. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. St. John enter- and report a week lUll qf cnjoymen-.. urdll1, i~ ~..... the ·:...-acken 1tW"~ ••~ • • • • • ' ... of .. _ ............ Cb'-" • . .........Ift.... ._... and Mra .&0. Yo. '.• . the name D L. and C. &T ~ LAD e~.. , t"", _e .. ............" a" tained Mr. aDd Mrs. B. V. Smith 'at were ~ in d\ac_on . -' . pl . ...... • • Dr. ab4 11ft. B. P. ~. aDd--falD- Mr. 1IrL-R. O. oampbtU, of tbe ~cme of Ruf\1e waWus, 'six o'-:tock dinner PrldaY evening. srouJII. laftarDoclDl ~ .h . . . .,.It,· Braoatra&on (~ lonl a-collliDa) •..:~ Dr. Jeri ~ 'l'burIIdQ. fell' DQtiaD. ~ Ilk UId IIrL J • PiteDdabiP p10mc .upper. at compl1meDt1De Mrs. 8m1tb "110 cele- nrtmm1ns _ _ . ~. l1ew J1!lIIIM.t~!'; "" . N...__ • trip to 1JUGa. If. Y...... . , . . . . . . . ~ _ _ _ _ W.,. PIR. . . . . . brtns b' ated' ber aevmtr-fourt.b, bI$daf '1Dp 1ll:=~~~~r~=, ~~~ ~:,a~" _A"_~ IIIc* ' - " " ' .... M" "'1iII!iII. ••• comed dlab. own wale MnioL aDDlvenur tIIM . , . JOIIDI
, (. .
::8, =::J:
' ... ;
· tit.
~a;ttte .M~ Strt~
~t Middle R~n on the Xenia pike. the toll 1~ou8e on the
a roo
01 '
on bot h. '
of the EditoT
IAaIlOD, &Del two daulbtera. I&n. Olaron 8uplDpr, LeblDOQ, aDd Krt. to D. J'rank Pepper, COlumbus. fS
' t
N vel' \Va ' a bett r piece 01' adYlce b'lVe rno Ort Lhan: "Wutch th 'ca r behind thtJ on in frort~_of YOU •.:._ _
'l I
County Cour t Ne'NS
---~~~--~~~~~' of Phineas W. Cook . Springboro, NEW SUITS
agalns t Robert E. crew, executor of lh e estllLll of Ruth HJlmah Crew In
_ , ._,
wif ha Prl'ce, $1.60 Per Year, Payable in Advanc e
l&st site stilll:ltand., L. V. and Ltd. B~ When the lip stick fad Ub ides s'orne of 1~he we(lther- a; ~bW7., 'flU . . . Jp wayM . beaten btl1:ns may get a fresh coat of re9 pp.lnt ~, W, ", B~'I ~ w.~~ ~nQ W" • Th l'e Are two fdel'i to vel'Y arg um ent and usually the .bor~thy "udell 501\, lot lilllh sO~tl1 ~bi11on""'''1u
ATI 'ACTION Or No Cb.r.t
e.nt.~lIIe, Ohio Ro' Hd _ ftlkeli t.e\)anoll. , . b . '. . stein, C01~UBI has UBen appointed PHONE 7J8 Delmal' Bai lum !.o Elihu. !lctntc.b, home demonlltratlon agent of War. lots 96-9'1 In South Lebanon. - r en County, succedlng Miss E1lzabett:\ ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "117.'I! Ralph Johns to ·A. L ...and otella Gradtly, .resigned, Miss Polkenstein, Slqes, lot 2 In Wayne twp. . fo rmer acting home agent here. wlll Gr~vel ' A. L . and Olela Sid es eo Ralph MSume her duties September 10. She Johns, 25 aeres in CleaD.:~eek twp. is the nfth person to be appointed <to TARVIA· LITHIC TAR AND Mary Elsie Snook to William and ' the post In the county In the last 16 mxCA¥ATINO HO<'D OIL; Violet Hay, parts of lots In years. Lebanoll. • DUMP 'rnucl~ SERVICE J esse Applegate to Wlliard L. PIT RUN, LOADED SOC YD. Hlldebran t, plot. In Maineville. , Michael Hanifen to Walter Rabens tt'kl . lots 82-91 In Deerfield twp.
Sand &
Beech Grove
Zain Armitage
Ruth C. I\daDis charges cruelty In whi ~h r cov ry of $500 on a promlsStanley Beltz. deceased, to Arth~ Mr . . and Mrs. V\.rg~ Plymlt'e, af h r \lIt for divorce from J ames G. 5 11' not Is sought. Beltz et aI. , part of lots 304-305 jn near Clarksville. spent from ThursPbone. Wuyt:lesvllIe (4 R 11 .. ' ·, " '1 prlt" W ha/ Ilt ill k illg _·1 1111"/'/./'(/1/ r JtU('I1 I.udlIlI IS r hOI . . "lll'd. wtl l /\(lal1l5. Lebanon. day until Sunday, with their ~ts, J~eballou office Phoue 473-KH i/IN'; .~1.lfCC:;S' ·:! hal'l' UII el /l,. 'W(IY 0/ lilli'llg alld tra nsue/lllg /1fI .~ /llCS.~,? Ed . M. and Myron Jo~nson. "UOIIATE COURT _ Stanley C. Willoughby to Bertha Mr . and Mrs. George, Plymlt·e. res.98-M. Morrow Plloue No. a In 0"" op i nion tJlt' uCl'om pany ill g ditorial, " A s I 1 il'w Th e 'f'hll/(I' , Lebanon. doin, bulsness as Jo mson -Hines, lots 41-44 ill SOl1~h Lebanon. Mrs . Ella Ferris was a Saturday , T h e following acc!lwl!.s h~e ' been Fannle B. Turner, deceased, ~ vl ·itor of Johu Wllson. of Lebanon. _ ._ _.II!I• •___II!I... lIIrittl' ll/JY (1/11 ']'u ck('/', cO /ltlll1l'illl (II the D calli I' I'W PfI}JCI.·S, J 111'. , al/ ' ~ and Johnson !lamcd Mitchel F . and Mary Evelyn Wyatt d ' fendants In 11 fl lt·d : R. E. Bullo: k. administrator Clifford Turnel' et aI. Inla'est In 10t5 Mrs. Mabel Terry was a Friday _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " ' - pllbl ished in Ille lJ calll r Herald . iii (In ' 0/ til(' 1110:;1 . fll1dHI ..alld d,'UI cognofit action filed by their attarof rslate Amy K. Bullock. first and' 201) 243-244 In Lebanon. caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. di CllIlSiu/l.$ (I) th e 'iiuat ioll we h lUlC rIm across, atl d III r prmtcd !tCI/' neys. Maple a nd Maple . linal account : Clifford Turner . adC. J. Fish, deceased, to Earl Wag- Lyle Robertson. III Harveysburg. wilh Jill' r ailers 0/ Th e ill iam i Gazelie. lora Cummins charges wlHul ab- mlnisLraLor estate Fanny B. Turner, ner, 1.96 ac res In Lovela lld. Mr. and Mrs. GUray of Adrlsenee In her petitl n for a di vorce do : Ciydt S ·b ert. admlnJstrator of Goldie Whltacre. 3.53 a~res In Har- an. Michigan. Mrs. Grace Cain, of fr om Ra ymond Cummins. the estate' Lily M. Egbert, WeynesLennie Whitacre to Howard and Elkhart, Indiana . Mr. and Ml'I. As I View the Thing Maxine Blevins seeks a divorce ville. do: third and final account of Ian twp. Chas. Jones, of Blanchester, Mrs. REAL ESTATE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ By Sam Tucker decree In h I' ult against T homas the estate of Jonathan M, Oook; first Mary VUlars and children Richard INSURANCE Blevins. and fi nal account of est . te of Richand Irma, were callers the ' latter AUCTIONEER IT HAS BEEN SO HARD for most Am ricans to rea liz thllt this Isreal Sa t tel'l hwaite , execl1t or of ard S . King : first and f inai accoUnt part of the week of Mr. and Mrs. war is not the last waf. Th comi ng s ttlernent will not be the 80rt of the estate of Lydia Mae Sattert.h- If estate of Chris Kohr. twelfth and George Plymire. settlement that was made in 191 8, nor like th one of 187 1. The defeat waite , seeks the recovery of $500 and flnal account ot estate of Edward Orvllle Wilson. of Dayton. and . 75'. J . M. Wilson, ot Lebanon were Sunof France this time is a much more grave matter tha n would have been illt re t from Lloyd and Josiah Conover. the defeat of France by the Kaiser's armies ill 1914 ; more grave for Davis on a promL<;ory note. The court set August 9 to h ear the day callers at tbe Talmage home: France ' and for all the world . AUeen McQuown seeks' a divorce schedule of debts of the estate of Population of District Mr. alld Mrs. Dave Winner and This time we have no such simpl thing as a c ntest b ween. two com~ from Herbert McQuown whom she Fannie B. Turner. daughter. Mae, or'Daytcn , were 81\npetinr empires; a war for power and for more favorab.le boundrtes,.wduge :.tates she married May 29, 193'1. Oharles E a nd Milo Beck, Sp IngSpringfleld-Greene County Is the 1iay afternoon callers- at the homes TI ' t ' e we have a 'grlm contest to eterj I f ur . . I by two capita istic countrIes. liS 1m . d r TheY have a son . M ~hae , 0 lJrro named to execute the will of s cond largest In populaUon ·in tho of Mr. and Mrs. Almon Ferris and mine whether capitalism shall sur vive, anywher~ In the wo~~~ ;:~n ~8;~t . months. She clalUl5 fhe had to move thel; father, George Beck. A. O . Har- evenLh congressional district. It Wu.s Miss Hannah Jo!dan and brothers'. of France means not a mere multer of reparatIon und p '61' tio~ with her par n ts as sh e rec~lvea La ugh. P . A . Easton Dnd Ra lph Vall reveaied recently wi th almoun",,- Mi. and Mrs. Fred Thompson were This time it means tbe utter . destructIOn of France, and 0 Iteru very IItU e money [rilll1 her husband. Meter were named appraisers. ment of 1940 census figures for the lliitors Sunday, of friends at So~th forever more. . . ' hi Lon'lne Holland, Franklln, a mJnor Ros H and Eugene F'. 5ettiemYI'c nine counties in th,e distriot. Ct"rk Lebanon, fate 19. by Jack Trent. charges J esse have named to adm.lnLst'!r the COWlty, with Sprln$field as county Mr. and Mrs. George Plymire and ROOT P()R AND .f'OMSIGI'o This th gr ' he will put his plan into effect. Hoiland . Mlddlet,own, wlbh not sup- estate of their mother. Lucy S . Hast- seat, is the largest. . . , Mr. and Mra. Virgil ,were , hIS mtenbons, an aVlng e powe ' . porting her In her 5uI~ for dIvorce. . The totals for each .::aunty , with aD'\ong the guests who were enter~ l).'o«1'lllllliv. 6rwl f"t the hilrtIellt the 1940 figures first, and 1930 fli- talned at dlnner Sunday. at the lnaJ'kfl r r\ j!O:! Bnd 10011 ''''''Il'~. Hitler has declared exactly what he will do. "Total war" m~Bt end in Sh e seeks restoration of her malden Ings. William Collins. nd mlnlstrator of ures second. tollow. home of Mr~ and Mra. Jas. ·Clevenger. (Jni". St .. ":"ud.' Cll\r.lnnatl. 0 "total destruction". No slightest possibility will be left for :a revl:al .of t~e name. ili seeks a ' decr _ ee from the estaLe of Frank M. co\l;ns, or d er· . 25 249 24193' O' 'k Tun. In on RIorilti Station WCKY H Corolla defeated . All of the northern half of France, down t o and In cludl~ g ParIS, I t Champaign, , - , , al, near ClarksvlUe. at a reunion 'wlth 12 :21i to 12:80 p . m. for l'Iur ofall. will be incorporated into t he new Germany. By ruthless oppreSSIon, such WlIlLam Hill charging neglect. She ed to sell certain persona proper l 95.'116-90,936 ; Cllnton , 23,632-21,- the latter's two sl.sters, Mrs. OUray ,1\ IIfhfll rep 1'1.11 as that inflicted upon the J ews. the French occupan ts will be killed orr, asks restoration of her malden IncJ udlng .five shares of stock In the 547; Fayette, 21,366-20,755; Greene, }lay and Mrs. Grace Oaln~ ' First National _Bank, Morrow, f 35,86~3,259; LOgan, 29,5'12-28,981; starved, prohibited from earning Ii living, forced to migrate ..German colon- name, Snider. Her husband spent his, earoings ' .The executor and bondsmel1 or Mad.lson, 22.828-20,253; Unlon, 19890 ' . " ._ ists will be moved in. Only the German language will b tolerated; ollly 'I Sell The E.rth" German schools will be open ; the land wili be mad e German by every g,- mbilng, Lhus forcing h ' r to obtain the estate of John. B. Pence were QT- - 19,192; and Warren. 29,9Ih-2'1.348.. employment for the support of berdered released. device of power and ingenuity. , . Ac. ounts approved were schedUle Shorts Are Given O. K. MUB80lini will be allowed whatever he wishes to take of the MedIter- seU and two children . J ane G. Sturtfl By Jack Crane ranean coas~, because Hitler does not consider the warm south rn re glo~s tated In her petition for divorce of debts for the restate of Lily M . Lebanon- If women wts~ to wear WaynesvUle was well represented Buited to his race of of Nordic super-men. In between, th~ survl~m from George Sturm, Detroit, ' Mloo- Egbert: same for estate of RlcharO French will be crowded; disarmed, deprived or iron and coa.1 mdustrles, She also asks for Interest In Sturm's S. King: same for estate of Mellsa& short5 on Lebanon street, . they may at the rubber and gas meet held at IJcensecl Real Estate Broker incapable of arming themselves again - privileged only to live on as a real estate In Deerfleld toWllShtp. DeCker first accotmt of guar~ansblp do 60 wLthout fear 'of ollicial Inter- Unlon City, Ind., Sunday. Mr. and l~ttle subject people in poverty, under a puppet rul The Cincinnati F ederal Savings of Eddie Allison. ference. Mayor Waldron O. 01ln'lour MIS. Otto Fuchsberger and famUy, Farms a Spet:ialty and LOan Association is "plaintIff in AC1:oun filed Incwde t.ne eighth Indicated, Get aid Biggs. Bob Biggs, Joe .Tames. How rnay know this1 Very simply; because Hi~ler has announced his two suits. It asks recovery or $3,133'-1 account of guardianship of Betty The Mayor made the statement Harry Dickensheets, and Richard .I plan, and put the cpmplete set of S)'Iecifications into print for all the 6'1 from Adanl5 and' MLldred D1ckin- Lee; eighth' account for guardianshlp tOllowmi a report · publlshed in & ' Irons attended. All the boYs. but one. Phone 47-4 SPRING VALLEY; 0_ wprld to'iead. The execution has waited only t.he d.a~whell he .would have son , Nfuson. amount claimed stUl due at B~nJamln F. l..ee; sixth and final Middletown newspaper- that he r.ald had entrIes In the meet, and Gerald f power \ 0 carry out the plan. He · is equally speCIfic a~o.ut ~IS plans. I . r on a promissory note.' W. Roy and acc:ount of ~uardianshlp 'of Dennis t~e wearing or shorts would not be BI,Jgs: pl~~d f11th in rubber power. Eilalan. e , does not intend to incorporate the BritIsh I s lan~ s In , 0 Ethel W~'ntt, Mason . are defendants Grallllm; first and final account ot penn1tted on the streets and that RlCh~d irons haatwo entries in the tor Waynesvllle. The flel!1 is avapGermany as a permanent possession, perhaps because he fears E'1ghshm ~n In the other sul~ In which $~.515 . 17 estate of Emma Gba.mberlaln: tenth tbe brief attire would only be a1- gas models. .: able, prIzes provided. a.n d a crowd mliht ~ too troublesome a morsel in the stomach. 15 sought on a prom ls ,;ory net ~. w:count of estate of W. H. Dinwiddie loWed on gOlf and tennis courts. a ssured., All that. is left to ~. 1& WUl1am Smead seeks a_ divorce firs t and ftnal account of estate of Mayor Gilmour ~aid ·I.e had Lsued The next meet wUl be for rubber Com "'letion of Hitler's Nat ionai Socialist revolution will. .brin g the from Bonalee smead; charging she Irene M . Welton. no such order. ~ and gas power planes. held at Ch11li- the necessary bactln,and intereat. .. of capitalism and free commerce in Europe. Addl tlO na I f 00 d l~t home with their daughter, . R osaextinction Certificate .of transfer au tbOT'_A'" u..;u . cothe. AUavsi 11 . Any boy des1rlng to ·be supplled by 60me 1~ ~_ aupplies must be had from the New World -a nd that is where we lee, 4. and has not made a: honte for Issued . to Frank LooP, adrnlnlstlator ·· Double Funt':ral Benire to attend th.1s IJli!et, please get in lzatlon. him since. They were married August ot the estat~ of Catherine L. Loop tou: h with Mr. PucbsberJrer, ' come 'ntO the picture. . ~rlne L. Loop. Lebanon-DOUble funeral s'ervlces --.-AU I ha~e seen teaches me -to Wakened only in recent years, we have been making a mi.g hty e.rr~rt 23. 1935. to win' friends. in South America . South America, however, IS realistIC, - '- The will of - Eml'y Wright·, were to be conduoted Thursday at :l trw the 0 to f I ha t ea r or ~ ve .not as President Vargas of llrazil tool( occasion to tell the wor Id t he ot her ()Ol\IMON I'LEAS PROOEEDINGS Springboro. ad,"Ltted to probate. o.'clock for Pr. Leonard Blllings, 69, There are rumors [ oLng around • f hoga, - Chloe, 66, who. died about the possibllty of an air meet seen. day. South America produceM grent surpluses 0 f w h ea t ,corn, be e, Lee F . .Vorhls appointed admlttis- and his wtIe -Emerson cotton. South America must sell that produce in Europe. Heaven klioWS Five cases pending were ordered trator of estate ot Martha Trine within six hours of each 'o ther at. _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.--_ _ _....!:._ _ _ _ _..:...._ _ . we 'c an't buy it, when we are already drowni ng in our own surpluses of dismissed. They are as follows: Leslie Vorhls, Harlan t ownlihlp, and Roy O ~terbeln .Home, west of here. The . , aRricultural products. . ' . A. Pll.yne vs . Mae Payne; Lizzie Schriell, Huse Ford' and Roy Jacltson serVices, are being held p t the home . . "sOuth America would rather be friends with UB, and .hel p ~aintatn n Helzer vs. MoHle Branham et al.; were selected as appralsers . BJll1ngs dled !It. 1- o'clock 8Mcapitalistic system in this hemisphere, but South America ~Ill ' have ~o .MabeU K . Burger VS. Paul Holthaus, 'J1he following aocounts ,wei'e or- urday afternoon and her husband ~ choice. Like it or not, the Argentine and Brazil mus t enter mto. treatIes Lebanon; Sarah Reed VB. Ben Reed ; dered approved: firs t and final, of expired at 7 o'clock that I1lght. Both with Hitler's Europe. There, Bud only there, cau t~ey sell theIr goods and Annabelle WOl'kman Vs. Elwood Nettle Tinney , executrix. of the ""ere admltted' to the home March , . and obtain the means to live. Workman. tstate of Joseph Tinney; di of Flor- ]0 from Toledo. Dr. Billings W88 a Under thr Nazi system they will not receive money in payment; they Pialntlll give,n Judgment .,()r e'llCe L. Lindsey;' admlnl _tra~lx of native of WoodvlIle, Ohio His will receive German-made plows, tractors, combines, separators, cameras, $2,244.11 on 'C ognovit action of Eel M : the estate of Emery Lee Llndsey; .do was born at EI~ore, Ohio:' Burial ~ ---. ;adi08- all toe products or Germah industry. produced by slave labor. Johnson et al vs. MItchell F . and of Catherine Ritz: executrix of . the Thu8 two SImultaneous blows will fall upon the economic system .,of the ft'1ll ))e In ot~ln Home Cemetery. Mary E. Wyano estate of John Adam Ritz; second f f Plaintiff, Hamilton-M a I n v III e and final of D. :E. executor GOOd Businesa Volume , Cotton acreage in Brazil will be steadily enlurged; s h are croppers .111 Board of Education. ordered to pay of the estate o~ Lin Buter; second . the United States wili be increasingly unemployed. (We can't accept Lizzie L: Hopkins $200 for quit claim and final of Ed Wenzel , guardian or New C&rllale-over a quarter llf a. German plows for cotton, because Moline would object, nor can we take deed to property III Hamilton town- MlIJbel R. Wenzell. first and final of million dollars worth of bus1neas has unlimited numbers of German cameras all d put a II 0 f R o~ hes te r on ' 1111). '''''' Laura J . Smith administratrix of .been· 'd on-e 'by New oa.... A'e 'm errelief.) Ours will be Itn isolated island of old-fashioned capitalistic organ iThe case or Louis Oray vs Carl estate of Ellza.beth ~th; flrst of chnnl.$ since May 1. Ben Bowers, MulleniX dismissed as 15 that of Frances Roll, guardian of PhylUs seCretary of the Merchants Commitzation in a world gone. bolshevik. Dorothy S . Trovillo vS. Austin Tro- Ro'l. first and pnal of Raymond tee In charge or New C&rllsle Day, ' Artj:!r the· pressure of the economic revolution begins to he felt here villo. Cenner, executor of the estate of estimated this week, basing hia figin growing severity-and probably only then-Hitler's Fifth Column will Judgment of $350.86 plus Interest Sarah J. MurralV. ures on the amount ot New CarllsIe i:)eco~e really eff~ctive among us. Nazis will not Bail up to New York George S. 'W1illams, Lebanon, Money u~.... given Schuster ElectriC Company, "" .by the merchants . 1I'l 'harbor next week with guns in their hands ; nothing as crude as that. Cincinnati, against Quinton Cox. named admln~itrator of estate of that period. . They will merely let us stew in our own misery until. our unemployed Erma R WlLllallDS, valued at $13,000. MeIthants are gIving out the New The court named Howard W. Ivins . begin teo say, ~hispering at first under the prompting of the Fifth colum~: and what they deliver in their merchandiSe, are lata, "We might Ill! well have Hitler for a boss as starve ill freedom . Lebanon , to serve on committee for George Perrine, Grant I3hafter and Cnrllsle Money a~ the rate of more WUlIam Carson appolrited apthan $20,000 per week, Mr. aowers Then, fellow Americans, will come our test. We are going to face construction of fire-proof vault at i.ig.h t ther~ for all to .see. praisers. ~Id. ThIS does not represent tbe problems biager than the military problem of repelling I.In invader. What courthouse. The trustees of Ham1lton township total sales of loc8l ~ boW- · can we do about it? . - _ If 'they deliver what they promise, .they. make i\IARIUA.G E LICENSES ever, -sInce no coupo:ns. are given for . . Our first step of course is decided U·POIl. Very late, we are beginning to granted authority to -transfer 14,500 (dends and ~teady custo~e~, .. If not they inlalCe saI~s or· less than 25c, merchant6 and create a grea~ defense force. The billions expended for this purpose from general funs to road fund . Leland R. Shank. 28, Ft. Wayne. their employees are :not el1gible to will disauise, for a year or two, the steady loss of our over-seas markets. mlnn L. Wills granted a divorce enenii~s, I~se patto~age ~~ finally g~ ,ou.t 0,£, Ind., engIneer, f,~d Faith M. Tomlin- receive the c~upon8, an~ for a varWe m~y think, even, that we are enjoying a boom. That can not last from' ~ott Wills. son, 31, Wayne.anne, Social worker. iety of realOos merchantS sometimes forever and e entually ,w~ shall he compelled to make a. most radical change Clifford Bruce gr3nted a divorce bus~ness, .. .. in our' national eCOnomy. In short, tragic as it is to contemplate, we [rom Cat.herJne Bruce and ordered . Richard ·Nlcbiols •. 21. laborer, &nd ' fRiJ to award the' ~~ .hall be 'compelled to' adppt something very like the economic system of Hitler. to pay $3.50 per week for support at Margaret L. Mortis, 19, both of Leb- given away · to purchasers on New Those are _tile c~ld reasons w~y ho~tr. We shall be Compe~led to give up the growing of surplus wlleat and daughter, Evelyn Jeane. anon. Cllrll\lle Day. . co~ ' that we can not eat ourselves-meaning about half our wheat, and is the best policy-espetially-·in aave~g. Peter A ~ . Cmlg, 24, grain dealer, -----Furtller 'dlstrlbutlon of proceeds -. a fOlJrth . of our co~ri. Our industries must scale down their Ilctivjties and Virglnlllll Dean Sydeostrlcker Papu. ·PIaD Beunlo~ But the teat fact is bt advertiM:n as a claII to the extent of domestic demapd. The enormous number of unemploy~d ordered In case of Ethan Lewis vs. both or'inanchester. ~ed to our burden must be put into · armies or carried permanently .on Eva B. L&~, et ai, Lebanm - Annual reunlon of htunanly jealous Frllnk D. Cartwnght. having pur- , E.verett Harilln, 39, Waynesvllle, former pupils of the' $weny-Pek1n IIQI1Iething like WPA. We 'shall all be .compelled to tighten our belts, aiw' up luxuries ' formerly enjoyed, :. ljve within. the high walla erected ,.hased property of Oharles N: Big- 'farmer, and .. Virglnta W1ll1ams, ' 20, a11d Merrtttsio..m ~oolS near here trade-ma~ of, manufaa~n and the,puhIisbeCI , . .uo~ our own' land. If thill iSri't- a cheerful. prospect, don 't blame me; ler. named 'plalnUc to replace him Oorwln. wlli be ' lleld- Auguat 4 .at' tb8 JO~ , '.'" ~ ,. polD~ four HOlien at Hitler and Stalin .. in. suit against bOard of· County com\yal~er Eltzt~itfl ;' 23·.. Lebllno hos- RoOser. Park, four miles north of Lebrecommendations . o~ nie:rthanrs ' ate only • '. ' mlsslpners. . , ~. pHal attendalJ.~ and BerniFe Brq.. ' an~' on.Da)l.toD Ab. ..,. : corded produ,cts CaA .offet MotiOl1 for new trw] denl~d In eaS~ Chers. 20, ~orr()w: ·· .. ..,;..._._ _ _..,.;... M\J~INGS OF AN IDLER of Schuester E1~trlc Company Herbert Rid1tlg~ 42, laborer; 'and wi~ confidence' and pride. against Quinton C,ox. M~s . Hazel Roeedy, 33, ~tb ·of _ . __ . . Defendant dId not j'eply to suit or FI anklln. ~on-Charl" t . Himr. 83. reYou can trust ihe .fta to lead to .-Cincinnati Oil Work·s . Company . and Wlllial1l F. _E dwards. il4. funeral ·tlred fanner and wqon maar, dled . valun. . latter was granted Jud lI1en~ of director and Mlidred Patrie", 2&, at hia borne east Or bere, Moaday. 1650.48 as!llnst' RaytrOnd H~I p.t a1. both of PrBnklIIn. -Be qa a native of wanen COlmty, timers may remember wnen there was a -toll gate Two exceptions of the dBfendaW Robert L. ' 28, ...........nt. Be letrfea h1a widow. B-n.; twtIlIOIJII_
Edil (,r',~
tllI-Tltt· q/lt 'll/ ioll p l'l'do lll il/ oi<' ill /141' 1II 1" d ul l/II' C/l11'rct!!"
News---of ot hel" Communities
~~, t~e overtakin~ F:a:ceH~~~r \~:8f~!:~~~~t~~ ~~P;:~:ri~: ~re~t Brl~m, ~s ~h~ fa~e o~hCa
wife _
~:~~d a~~t!~ :~ ~: ;~u~~e :~':~iC:~ !~:~:a~o;n:::~(ac~:r:;~o~~:~
of: th~ g~ ~~~ ~
to "
; one at the top of cemetery hill, and ov W rruJed Auauatand 19 to defendant fde answer granted in unIlUit
and llanlJln. Bem1c6.
bo&h . Of OlJIfGrd comm,¥,ooer, A. mar, ••
~....w..... . . .BIIar~ . . ~ =.:=:;~~:;:;~;;~~ii;;;~$.~i.i~~~i~a •
IHld Mrs . f{oWArp Dewees6
, pent Sunday III Ol.llclnnatl. Mrs. Mllry Oarmony Wnli R dh\ntlt est, SUllday of Mr. and Ml'S, W . C. C!ark. In Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet en-
Ident are too great. ODe legislator In Washington polltlcal .observers are spite of hIs bellef In the p Inclpal'of tutalned the. 500 club al a covered dish dinner Friday evening. almost unanimous In their ioplnlon compulsory mWtary traln.lng. sta.ted. . that the Roosevelt-Wllllace ticket "There is' no necessity for the United Geraldine Roger s. of Miamisburg. baa ·a real fight ahead. Crltlclam of States training and .con.9~rlptlng is spending a couple of \\eelts with. lihe President's actions In connec- such a g~eat army at this time. Eng- Mr. and Mrs . William Bergdall and tion with the Democratic National land with her all France defeat- qaughter. Convention can be heard on every 'ith th e '"'y. al'}ll Ies. pl'fP!U'1& ed ; w u-.::rman Miss Martha Thompson. of Dayhand. Opposition ~ a third te.r m In~ for an attempted Invasion; 'with ton, spent la.% week wUh her cousins genulna and Is seemingly Increasing cities and towns beln bombed al- DoroLhy and Dickey Graham. In volume. One of the amazing deg . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and VI ts Is th d rtlo f th most continuously. only last week e ese n 0 e ordered the conscription of men nle; e. of T lpp Clly. were Sunday e opmen . President by numerous Washington thirty-'two years of age. It Is not guests of Mr . and Mrs. Guy Routn-;.wspaper columnists, who during man power that America needs a't zahn and family . the past eight years have been con- t"l .....~ tlme so muc h lIS m od em mec h Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ma. on . of Mason sl.stently slngtpg the praises of F. O . anlzect fl htln ul ment." s pent Tuesday with Mrs. Allee Clark. R . That a hot campaign , In whloh g g eq p Misses Eva and Ethel Reeder lea domestic lssUes will play Just. as JmThere has been much talk about a Sunday evenlng. by bus. on a con~rtant a part as the tnternattl!nal Navy for the United ducted tour to California :and plat es tw{)-ooean situation, ill tn the offing. The next States. In fBICt, the p'ans have all of Interest em'oute t here. rew months will be Interesting ones. 'been made and approved by ConMrs. Forest Graham spen t last ·gress. approp'rlatlons authorized and week witb hCI' daughter Mrs. MII Defenee experts point out ~hat. many of them made. The bulldlIl3 of dred Smith, In Dayton . wh1le Congress 18 appropriating and Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones anel Buch a Navy wlJl take seven years. .authorlzlng. a total of fourteen bllaccording to high naval officials. son spent Sunday with Ml·. and M.rs. 110n dollars for national defense purConirll()ts have recently been let tor Edwin Nu tt and JamUy , nellr Cenposes for the present fiscal l'ear. tile (:onstruct!on of ninety-two s hips tel'vllle. the .- amount of cash that wUl actual- at a total cost of one billion one Mrs. Alice Clark was enterLalned ly be spent durlqg that pel"lod of hundred and forty ' million dollars. . time far defense purposes WUI prob- Tn.cluded are two battleships, four to drnner Sunday at the · counLl'y ably not exceed five billion dollars. aircraft carriers. fifteen uUlsers. home of Mr. and Mrs. Waller Clarl,: It 1a olaimed that the 'l atter amount thlrty-elght destroyers and twenty- and family . 18 all that can be spent under pres- eight submarines. At the present Mrs. John Zimmerman and daughent ~ondlt1OD11t • and with present tIme the U. S : Navy has one hun- ter. Mr~. Maud Moore. of Dayton . facUlties. Totfi expenditures for the dred and thirty-eight fighting ships ' were week end guests of Mr. and Federal governmen' for the flacal un~er construction, and tbree hun- Mrs. J . B. Jones. . year will approximate thirteen .bU- dred and thirty-five combat ships A number of relatives from h ere llon dollani and' the cash deficit will afloat and presumable ready tor ac- attended the funera l of Kelllleth be nearly s1x billion dollars under tlon. Smith In Dayton 8alurd ay af .erexl.stlng tax laws. noon . Mr : SmJth was a son -In- law Of Mr. and Mrs . Forest Graham.
NeWS Of The Red5
As this Is wrltt -n the CODil"esslonal commJt~s are hard at work . glV1nr conatderatlon to the Wad6- ' worth:-Burke Conscription Act. ThIs propoaed .law would make all male Clnclnnatli-Tuesday, August 6, oJUzens between the age of eighteen the Reds wIl open a sJK~ay home aDd sixty-five aubJect. to registration stand at. Crosley Field. Thelr flrst and COJWCrlptlon, With those between opponents will I?e the ' Chtcago 'CUbs forty-fiYe and sixty-five belq &11- In a alogle' game Tuesday. The Cubs ,signed to "'home defense" work. also will be the Red's opponents on Many OoncreaaIonal leaders are op~ th~ two following days. Wednesday, posed to the enactment of the lel1l- August '1, w1ll be ladles' day. Jetton becauae of .their feellnc that On Prlday, August 9. t~e St. Loula It 1a not needed at the present time; Cardinals, whl) ha.ve been play1ng that the Aot Includes too 'areat r the best ball of anY team I.n the portion of the·.populatlon; that tbe league the past .few weeks, with the Cost would be prohibitive; and that exception of the Reds. will appear the poWers 'cOnferred upon the Prea- at Crosley. P1eld lb a night game.
-- -
rJf)$UAlAlFR MAGI,! DE"'O,!S~Ar/~NS yStf~~ 'l Out of
e ."agerator uying!
Fairley Hardware Store Larg er Because Of Bett r r Service, Quality, l nd Price Establi~hed ·1849 1940 !'hone 32 Waynpsville, Ohio T URN I N G SAC K THE
Tllken from the Miami GBzettc fi! es
T ddy Minn s. of 0:\ \'11111 . l'p" 11 L1 " III I wl'rk wiLl1 hi ': Il' nllrl lll ol her . MJnnic Hal nrs nnd oLhrr I'elllllves . Kale Borcl'. of D ~y l (lll . ' pl'lll I.h· JULY 1930 we k-rncl wit h her parcn s. Mr. and A[t r several months droug ht in Mrs. G . V. Sims. this vicinity, rain [II Saturday Mr ... 11 IIi' Bpn! 011 .~ pl'nl 8nl l1rd:1\' night and Sunday bringing r lief from t h extrcm heaL and b.. np- n igh l nnd SlIndny with Mr. nnd Mr'; fitting t he erop's. A m ile- ide t w'sl r Grnll vlUe Benson and chl 'dren. sLruck sections o[ Mo~tgomery 111\ I '!-tllth Schaptcr . of Columbus Is t~ Greene coullty. g lll's~ of Mari e Wlhl.
.II nda nrietl 1\I he Roay Mnlnol.ls. They all Mn.lnuus laillily reun1'5 .
MillS Margar t Crawford nnd·Mr. Tto\)l'rt Schneider of S pl'i ll ;:flc 'oj !' pen l SUlltiny \\11111 Mr. and Mr ~ . Earl Crawford. Mr. a nd Mrs. U'$l!c G orsu ; h n 11 I dauf!hlrr ~ pt'nl Slinday in B~t h8n ' \\Ith relatives. MI'. and Mrs. BC'rt BlInnell a n I (n\ I1~ hl e rl< . Mr. nnct Mr!i. Va ugh .1 Mullen s pcnl Stlllriay wl Lh Mr an I MI S. S y lvr ~ lc r Wn l lkcr . Mr. 'lllri Mrs. Hom'c Slu mp spen t Snblll"dny evell ing wllJI MI' . lind Mr .. Bflnlll'r SlCII'Il l' t nnd fall1l1y . Mi:;s Marjorl Rt'ta llick. pellt th e week end wl Lh frlp ll L~ In Franklin. Miss Marie Abncr spent Lhe wee k wit h Miss Ruth BUlUlell. ~r. and Mrs . I tl'ord F ox of Erl ". Pa " weI' the Bursts of Miss s Re v I and Irma Stump on Wcdnesday.
1011 . at Bl al' Track Pa rk . COIIIlLY, K y" Sunday.
FRIENDS HOME Inm. Murphy and Nettle T rim ble. of Dayto n. hnd d.nner w~th MI.s.~ s An n ie U. : nd Mallie T . Browllc. SnLUl'dllY. I i"S. Charles Clark, of LyUe. has lie n up her I'esldcpce at the Home. Ghc " loved h ere on Tuesday. M I [.~ EIl.l11a Raphun lIpent last \\ ['k wlL h MI'. and Mrs. J. L. Mel tI nhall . Her condition ls report d lo be Improved. - - - -- AT'I'EN D D. P. L. OUTING
Mrs. J . ln wood and SOil . of MldclleMiss Audry Atkinson and Mr. H owlOIl'Il. wer,C gllesLs lhe Ins t wcek or ard F. Burton wl~re marr i~11 al Covi ngton , Ky., W dn OOay, Jul y 2;]. MI'~ . Nellie ePlersoll (mel oth r rda Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early. of Following th ce remony the young 11\' 4.>5 . Yellow Springs, spent the first ef coupl e left for a llIo,i or tri p th r u~~ MI". and Mrs. Argus Osbol'De. of the week wltll Mrs . Belle Scott and Wa yn esville. \'Islled Mrs. Sarah 0 5Kentucky . famlly. bom . Salurday cv nlnl!. Mrs. Edith M . H a rris with Mr. Rev . and Mrs. Jesse Kline and Mr. anti 1> [1'5 . H enry K rscy n !l ci harles F . MOBh r, o[ Rev. Joseph Florlck , of Detroit, alld Mrs . Mr . n nd Mi·s . J ."'P. Larrick. and c hildren of Xenia . vis ited MI' . nnd Cin ci nna ti, and Mips Mildr d HarLMicll .. have been guests the past em I Miller attended t h e twentyMI S. G . Benson . S atul'day evening. week of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cornell. Bock, ' of Milford, wi ll loav Friday l Il hlh llnnual picniC a.nd outing ,\ '1 ' t :NU FA.M 1LY ItEUN ION MI'. a nd Mrs. Ch 1; ;- Br itman and for an Francisco, wher th y wi ll They. left Monday for thelr 'nom" " d\ by 1 h Day-toll Power and be t he guests of {l.llr8.: H arris' Sull- Mr. !lnd Mrs. Ludpndl . ..of Clnclnaev. Kllne fUled the pulpit at Lytle Mr . and Mrs. 11)11 Mnlnous. 01 LlghL company at Recreation Park, natl. · were guests la-t II' ck of Mr. in-law and daugh ter, Mr. aurl Mrs . church SUnday morning. Dl'Iroit. wert· week nd guesLs or t.>_ ;o lon. Saturday. and Mrs. Bloch . Frank Taylor. A large crOwd attended the carniMarjorie Bretney . of SOllth Lebval at Lytle chwxh Sa Lurday eveonnn . , [I S a, ~\ i es t la t week o( hel' UGUST 4, 1920 nlng but. were disappointed a , I h ~ R I Il1 s. Mrs . Will Harlh Cr and M.r s, ' band didn't play on account of the The 54th annual Coli tt.- M K.ay Fodnor Hood. absenCe of the temporary leader. '. I ' 11 b h Id S d' f Mr. and Mrs . WlIlml'r C o IJln~ al1l\ pl cn WI " a l u r d )', \U;':(' IlJd r n mo d from GI :.'~on SOl1 'l'~ Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furnas m'ot red ust 14. to Camp-Ill-Ind-O. , at Dewart Lake. ' prrprrty to enla la st week. J ane Misses LoU/'ll a and J aneUI' J an Iud .. Sunday. Their daughter and n y. Mabel and Ha.z I Sa li:! bury a nd Collin s hns a ccep ted n pO:>lIlon In s on. Miss Sarah Corrtne and Seth Eug Ilia W hltak"r ....h ave relurn ·d th e! oITin: of ALtorn r y McAllI slt'r . TJle D. of A. Lod ue 0\'0 n 'nl ~Jr .. returned home. with t nem alter home fr om sUlnml!r seh (1.ol at M iarni ' ellaneous shower In I.h elr spending a week at the Young Univers ity, Oxford. r rllmds meeting there. d!lY ev nlnft In honor of J J. . Me 0 ha~ Jhlrchas d the rl" - Jensen a blide-to-be. Mrs. Allee Clark having sold her taurnnt operated III re for the laut Mr$, Nell Randa ll n n d moth!'I', property to Everett Early and dl,ofour yO~lrs by .Ed S~arlil1g. M r, Mrs. Huff. Mr. and Mr,~ . Bn Colli ns Tbe biggest FUN DAY of the rearposed of her household goods left Starling is retiring [rom bus ill ':13 sprnt Sunday In Columbll.s with MI'. Coca-Cola DIIY 4t Coney Is landl 40,000 'lllesday evening to make her home FRE~ RIDE TICKETS. F ree trip Oil the because of ill hea llh. . II;nd Mrs. Weaver RWI b:tby (.Jean palntlal Isla nd Queen and ·admission to at the 'Frlends nome, in Waynesville. Coney. Get free Coca-Cola admission The annual pi cnic of St . Mary 's Huff. Friends here regret her leaving a fter tjckets from your neighborhood denier. church and Sunda.y school will be Mr. and Mrs. Ever lL Hurley !tnd living here tJllrty five years. ~'"IE COCA·CO LA BOTTLI NG WOR ;(S CO Mr. and Mts. E. B. Longacre and held Augu st 6, at. Schan tz Grov daU l;lh ter spen t SUIICIny ni ght Rnd Cincinnati. Ohio , onday WItJl friends in DI1 ~· l'o n . grandchildren, Margie and Dickey Mr. a nd Mrs . J . T . Walton pn."Sed s~ank, spent Monday In Clnclllllati. ~un day tn Dayton l\ uests of Mr. a nd Mr. and Mrs. C. H . Baird moved Mrs. ForesL Grnndin. from Dayton Monday In part oC the DUke property. with their s on. Don Severnl local citizens attentled the CA It.D OF TIIANJ{ S B6lrd and family . funeral of Mrs. John Edwards SatHeber Smith or Germantown is urday 1lI0mlllg al McClure funeral t: I ARLYI GET AHEAD Of THE CROWDI SPECIAL BOAT AT 8:lOA-Mo I T wa tlt to take th opport.nltl Ly o r C . Otl, r b Ilts al 11 A.M , ~ nd li t 2:30, 5 :30,8:00 P.M. 4 I I vlslUng his brother . Herman Smith. home. Waynesville. with bJ.lrlal In th anking nll host' :;o 1-ln(.!ly remem Miss Paullne Friend, of ne~r South Chnrleston cemetery . Mrs . Ed- bering me aft er my fl dllcnt. Also fOl' Johnsville . was a week-end . guest of WR I ds has been confined 00 her bed the beautlru l cards 1 1'('CClvCll. Miss WUodlne Kurflss and also vll- for several years , J en nie Bmddock ited lrer fatller. Robert Friend. Mrs . Charles Gordon Is the guest Mrs. WUbert Swank and Jimmie i\"n"' I~ ' I ~ Tn ( ' ll~ ' I ' Jt \( l'I'HUS of hcr ' husoand and sister , Mr: . W . 1'1 '1' 0\ '1"1 '1 ui.' (111111 Swank were In Oa.yton shopping nUI'AII 'I 'l IE"I' ul" 1111111\\',\" 1'1 P. McCa rren and famil y of Wal('ol .. n,h .. l4. Hh14 • •In" IU, IU" , Monday. hounding, where Mr. Gordon Is em- ( ·' .... rk ftl ~ lIh~ "" 1••' Iot.I' 'url) Nu, ~u.-:: , •• Miss Velma Smith left Monday 111\ 1'1' l ' III1 ' I ~ I"II:\TB \ t OO l ' ' l' edrr,, 1 At III ~t·(·un"nf' ,' J·r".lt·.-·. tor an Indefinite stay at the home ployed . . N il. r.n-.o\ (II Mr and Mrs. Max McEliver were of her cousin In St. Louis. 1'40. 1)I'''pvHII I. \\" III I,, · " ~" ..j \ , ., 'Ibe AUb'\.lSt rrteetlng C1f the Ladles Friday evenin g gil sts of 11 'r, ' a'lnt. ul St·,II,'d th u o UI,' " o r I II,' S I : llt , I l h~ l ,w,lY' AJd wUl be held next Wednesda.y, MISl> Elizacth McEliver of Wilmlng- 1l1 .. ~ ' 1,..,. " f JII,i". " I , '. III ,,,,,,," "hili. until I f't n 0', , ) .. (')\ 1\, 1\1 , 10' 11 I I rn SI dl the '1th, at the home of Miss MarY ton. (1IIr,l "l'1m f', " ' l'id ,I Y. , \ d !-; II Ht :1 , I~)IO , fr , l ' 1Il1prn \'!J 1Ht' hlf4 In : Plather with an 11.11 day meeting and John Syferd Is tnklng a course o( \\~ :*, I ' ~'(, II ( :'(,u H t y , ' tl lI 'I, (dl 1"1" jt f covered dish dinner. Those on the tralnlng In Sllrlngflcld preparatory S ~, (' t lnlt II flf' 'h i" J " l l' lIl~ l llJ w \\ i1l1 l1 i, t:' ' ('I n It oaci, ~lnj" 1f1 J.-' JI \\ :, y ' 0 . " rd, commlttefl assisting the hostess are. to accepUng a gas stn tlon position . ~lfl.t o. HollI e Nt) , I::, i ll I I I ·t\ l · I ' f ' "k I UWIlHohl l. , IJ Y I-fI'a dtl1 ", • "U o,I l llU'I l n g . Mrs. M~ttie Creighton. Mr{;. 'Ina Walter 'K earns of Lcesburg was a II (lOll r ete' h, " 0 ' 1"';,1 " I' ll "" " ~ 'r ~ t nhllt l n '" l~ (!oI II ) 1 11 ,1::7/: J' l' t Longacr(' and Ml·s. Adda Burnett. business <aller here Saturday. I·Qad.w ,, }, ~ 1 r ~" lI 1\ " <1 ,, ... ' 0 . \ \ ' A. i ::: Harold Ha.rris of Lebanon ca lled ~ :I d",·,· hranei, or ('1 , " '" (',·",,1, . 11 11 ,1
"~,; ~,~ -~ ' ~-~ .-
"VO {: .1'
IN II '.
Plan to aU the fruits an~ vegetables ynu 'want to this year•.. '. and don', worry .ab~: Ul
a hQl kitchen or spoiled foods! With a modern electric range. y~ur k~ld I n . rem~ns ~ool and conito~ta~le ' . , bCi:lIuse your up-to-date (ange. doesn't ov~ .. ht!al (he kitchen. You can wQrk 'better, fJStet, lonn er ' •• '. with tbe be~p of your 1940 electric range: ·Your canned fQods taste be,,~•.too . ' .• ~uae modem el~c ~8es en" man)' of the ~USC! of spoilage - COQ~g ~oo fas~ or _too 'slow, vuying t~.,ranues," and ~r " ' Wo"~ . CI_onibg anel more enjoyable CiOOIdD" tum to • mOdem elearic range!
'Por .....
Stock Winter Coal Now
on friends Mr. and 5;On BlUle. afternoon
here Friday. Mrs. Roscoe Simpson and of Dayton were Sunday call.ers, of relatives here.
wllh fni"f ;I ' I' 1I' ,,!, t, 01 ~' ln l ' l1 IU ' d I1 H\ l (!I'in JR. \"l<.llh : I n \' \~ I1I ' III :' 0 " ' c l : l :Hil dw~y 36 (ee l. L n g l II ~) r, o .C"l' t , ,. () I i'l ndl n
I~ H th"'\'1 ell CO ~ t .. . . . . ... , 2;. i MU'O COIlLra cI tn I. ,· \ 11 11 '1' 1••" .,1 not· hIt " " Ilran .Iuly :1.1. 1f1·11. Miss Lucille Tucker returned Frl'I 'h~ Oh l, SII II " 1';11\ 11 1"\" " "0 1 l'l r "Ic •• \\" . '\. ''' 1. ~~ h e .· . ? I,.II . J.(' I ' . 11 :1 17 day from 1\ visit with her broth.er. , ")lth 'Ch inl f-'U ',· · l. I I11 1101 i'I 01 ' l)lr lo ", 111 fl1'rnl flih Ih ~ llt-p" SsrHI Idd ~lf'l' ",.; Mr. and Mrs. Hnny Tucker of neal' O'I.lny,n,·nt IIs l " "111 \\".111.:11 all ZanesvUle.· QIJ81 HI d """ kill ,I In l1. I' " " I A ,,"':11 1.\' "\':\II :u~ I" . I< hll11 Ill' ~, I , CI"<1 rnr Miss Henrietta McKinsey, teacher I h i ~ III'OJcC.t. '1' 111; fi, l(t:l1tIOIl ur hif1<1(1" :-1 is c1ll'ef"t0.1 Ashtabula schon . n.r.r olllpo nl9(\ bY .1 to th o ~ I '" iu l p l'o " I ~ "," ~ ,'11 ,· ,I " r\" the Misses Ohandler of Way.nesvlllc , ""blt,tlllI J.( 0" a~~ I f-,rnln .t 11 11' " (> 11 I 1"11 '·l. 1110: 11 110 of 01 0 1)1 ,~ tl<' malHl1Ils. R~ l e" were .Frlday afternoon guests of tiO Il of luiJ",·, hOll,·s .;r ." ' 1, IIl Y'" " lIt ~ ., tl lt,c1 II"tlH ir'n s of (1 II tlll o~': Ttlt,!f\1. .1.ends and relatives. fh e III III I111 II 'If "", ;:-" l u II ' > ,' I II I" . '.,. . all la.B Or t' utl.l lo y t" tI 1111 lh l~ , ' ull lr ll C I. Mr.1 and 'Mrs. Fred Irwin enter-' .- h n ll h(· In Iwco, ilan l''' wil li Iii " ta1ned at a. birthday party Sundny "< elr e,IUIO ,I I '" \'a illn g " '\l rl '" 1 \ ) a s·... H u h~ H .-' !:,f;'tJ ,· t : \ ln ~~ 1J un.) J) t " ttl revening for their daughter. Anna 1IIIII Uti 10.1' ',I.'h e 1) "IlIlI' II II!: 01 or 1 111"'~ , ... ilL! Ii loUe-os ClI}P11 a l,1 to SIu.I I· ..aej h onor Ing h e'r fl , tee I1th. ann I- tr HI ~I1\"nr 1) 11"1'1"",,, \. 111\1' e"'"nrr',,. R versary. Several olr hel" close. friendS. 'I! flc co..!·dllIH·,'!. wl' II · !S ~ ,· u 11. 17 ·3. , I I-~. J,-4 ,. t, -f. fin d I ;.fin of t1,e boys and . girls enjoyed the evenin~. (je n ral '0 I>r Qill lJ."
Frank McVey was a New VlelUla caller Prlday. Dnru.rt Bogan. I.s spending sOme ..-"" ~ time In Monteray, the gue!\l Qf hls • !lter, Mrs. Violet Bogan. and famUy. MrS. Emma Elll!i' of Xen·"~ who has friends- here, re-.
'Phl' lI 1'd,I 'f! ""'~ I 1' "I ~ 1ll1t with hIe
hid u. C rUfJ<:d eh ' ck III all amount 411 ul to rh" '1) J" ,-nl of th" "al t_ ,nillfrJ cost. I'"l In no t \" '1" l1,r-~J·u than l 'lIl-lIl lIe"nd dolin . Pl l~ "" lnld 1!I}'·\. · ir l ~l\t1 ' t8 n I'll 011 tn" III the ~lelllul l1l1 . lIt f ,1\1 /fIiWttY Dnd the Ilrfh" of t h.' I"l'~! 'l II I LIlt•• 11'11 t d'·I.ut)' tl.!1·\' 'tor. Til ,' 111I'tJ': ~I)r "0". 1' \ "II 11'11 ,. lgll In I·.d \' ~t 811Y nnd al l fdd~ . . 1.1 11 1:1'. Iii f 1.: 11111 '11,,, dtat
l:LI&,hl'. O )'
Prices will be much h_gher in the next 30 to 60 day~ ..
There ,have be en sti'ght adv.ances .ince last winter and a nother rise due b.fore fall:
Can ' Supply Needs NOW. .JUlt reciev~d •
a: ,f res h Car-of' .'
Por-tla'o d Cement ,·
,. .ryl , .~ 0 linty . ¥
uP llb~~ Atchl~. ' or
, Tdrt1pd. FlorJdd,
• . ill visiting with til Fl-ed Hubble!!. , Mrs. VJctor GlasS bf . Bellbrook entertained the JUly meetlJ;1g ot the The OClltlaloglc:1I1 cUvlsl n of The ;Ibie to ,locate the 'connectlons of Donalli, only run yeats old. came up , Ohurches ot Ohrlst' fast Wednesda.y Warren County 'Historical SOciety ny Individual and wUI 'nabl many on he bus by himself. Mrs. Mo.rJorie afternoon. " has perf cted pillns to I:lysl maUcally fa milies to make the r . records mare Drake and' son. Bobble, of Indlana.pWayne.vlI.l e PIa.ne 7 Mrs. J ennie BracUey had the devo- preserVe the family t.rees of the de- compl teo Many people will be !llls, nre also visiting t..Jle HubbIes. FOR SALE - Gaso' lue PreBSU1C lIonal program which was conclud- sccndents of Warr ri County plonecr nmazed and dellg hLed at the Inter-' Mrs . Pnul Hough Was lin. all day stove. Tabletop model. A.'-l shape, ...--------..- -.. - - - - - - - - - - - -,- .- - d wlLh nLence prayers. . fnmllies . Several family lineages nave rjlaLlonshlp wIth other tamllies guest of Mrs. P . J . Thom , last Frlvery \ r asonable. Ray 00BB8I;.· Inst.ead of the regular lesson, Les- ah 'nd}' been received and more hav/' ~hlch these Tccords wUl disclose. day. . Waynesville, Ohio. J25-Al-8lie Wolfe . on ftlrlou h from the be n promised at the next meeting oJ SLandard forms wi I be Il{;)opted . so Rev . and Mrs. CB..\·I Smith and Philippines, gave a n account of the thl' society. that all records will be uniform. family were s uppel' guests of Mr. work of the churches Ulere .. Such Th His torical So I ty hopes to TI ese for ms wl1\ be nl'nllablc soon and Mrs. Vicwr Glass. 1.11 Bellbrook. RENT A RE¥INGTON Portable Typewriter. $3.00 per mo.nth. Keep rePorts make the members fe el I1ke ,. nLually have a, compl te record of and family groups arc reques ted to Friday t:1 venJng. up your practice. Waynesville LIleb' support Is not In v~. Ther, e al1 pioneer fRmlllCJ and to this end lISC Wlem where ever possible . Send MT. and Mrs. Harry Gephnrt were (Chorus) Drug Store. • J26-Al WI'1'1' 26 members and 5 visitors pres- nquesl.s nIl reslden s of \Jle county YOUr rocords In to Lee L. Dodds, 203 Tuesday evening ca Uers or th LesW. O. Tichenor's poem "Dreams-ot cnt. to turn In all the In rormation they E. Warren St .. Lebanon . chairma n a! Ler Gerhard family. Childhood" was aW&rded first prize There the bees swarm In the 01'The ofTerln81 of $7 was given to mav ha ve nva Uablp 01' their an- the genealogical division. .Rev . Smith preached a funeral at ' FOR SALE- TWO IOO -pound. sldeor *5 In the contest held In connec- . chard Mr. Wol!e. c and or th It· descendan ts. In Peebles Sunday afternoon. He lett Icer Ice boxes. cheap. Collett.s tlon with the recent appe&rance Midst the blooming apple trees; The August meeting will be at compilin g t.hls Information. please Ml's. Smith and the children In :New Hardware Store. here of Mls!I Olive Kackley, Good And t.he merriest. joy of living lhe Waynesv\l1e hurch August 28. endeavor to Include nil birth . dellith Vienna. a.t the home of h is bl'otber Will AmbalSador of radio station That the eye of childhOOd sees. an d marriage dates. Several fam ilies Rev. F . H. Smlth and fnmlly. WCKY. There the garden and the Clowerhave already publ ish ed t.helr genea Bueltloll Smith Is visi ting Dorothy LOST-Ji1orty dollars. Three ten d d The poem, which was rea ur in .' logles and it Is requested that. a copy Gerhard this week. I · Dollar bUls and two fives. Lost beds MIM Kacldey's program on WOKY That we ehUdren usell to tend. of each of these be , donat.ed or Albout 70 folks heard Leslle Wolfe either between Mrs. Sadie ConSunday night, follows: Oh, the pleasure In the memories loaned to the soc'iety. Members of lhe editorial depart- give his lecture . Ilt F erry . Thursday nors nnd Fairley's Store In That their scents and fragrance ..... , Waynesvllle. or at State Hl4rhway ( ILDDOOD These records WIll be fLIed In fam- ment of The Dayton Journal and even ing. DREAM8 OF CD send. Compulsory military llr:l lnln '\ Is lly groups In such n man ner as to 1. l1e iJ!' fllll1lUes el)joyed a n outing at FrIday afte rnoon 48 from the Garnt: e In Lebanon. Reward . No _ CoPJlilbl lMO by W. C. Ttcbf'nor Idl R reallty In I th If" Donald Whitaker at MrI5 . Sadie (Chorus ) moving rap y nearer rt' adlly a cc essible. Tlte vlLaI stallstlcs t.he park Saturday. MI'. ·and Mrs. Perry church went throug 1 e > Wa. : rDelflJle, Ohio. the U . S. Senate where the mlUtary of each Individual will be transcribed Woodw[U'd chaperoned a IJ'roup of 40 Dayton Baking oompllny bakery. In Connors. Wilen soft &lumber steals upon me There the fire-flies I!ght the . ommlttee h as apprvve<i n bill for on l,lel1ll rflJ Index cards and rued small children from the Clndnnlltl Dayton. And I gentlJ tall aeletp, meadow rsglstratlon at 42.000.000 men. of alphabetically , tIO that It wUl be pes- Play 5c110'01. The W. O. Smith fan1l.Iy weI'll Poodest V1&1ODa then come o'er me, And the locust choir sings loud; whom 1.500.000 would be drafted In supper guests of MI'. and Mra . L!!(IThoUjht.s of home I love to ~eep . And the tree-frog joins the chorus the first year. DetaUe remain to be tel' Gerhard and tamlly. Tuesday . Then the picture of t.he homestead With his raucous vol e eclowed. wOI'ked uUL, but ill the maLn . tlle A new Dodge to uok hns been pur- evening. JEWELER and ENGRAVER Where my chlldhood hours were Then the ground-mole digs his tun- blll calls tor : ch as d by O. M. Robltzer to he used Wllllnm Bell. of the U. B. church nel epent I-Regis tration of all males beIn transporting fish from Lake Erie In Miamisburg. . and Benjamin 12 years in Lebanon 'Neath the grass. SCIl!' e out of sight. Are unfolded clear before mef tween 18 and 64. and Conada. Th e truck formerly Kearns. of the B. a pllst ('hurch In And the bat !lies round above us. ~uties angela must have eent. In Cary's Jewelry Shop 2-Actual conscription of 1.500.00 lIsed for this purpo~e and damaged Centevllle. joined with Ferry church SUedt passing In his tllJght. . (Ohorus) men between 21 and 30 during the In a recent acc.l dent at fostor~, Sund~y mOl'llmg . GUA.RDIAN APPOINTED (Chorus) first year, starting October 1. 1940. Funeral services were helel SaLur- \\'1\1 be repalr~, ~Ild n. lso used ~o The W. O. Smith family call~ qn There the p1cturee chlldhood pon3-A t n' J e lad of one yeal' d :fternoon Irl Dayton tor Ken bring f""h to the p&rk . .• 1'..... 0 ng p r a y a . . . -." tIle Coy 0I,~a.P¥l Mond!!oy eve~~. dered, Then our mother's tond caressing lor those Selected. neth J. Smith, 31 . SOQ-In-Ia.w of Mr. p.,t!v:-~m1tn palled pn Ohafl~ WIJ- Lee Ma.spn. pI ~flSoP. h~_ ~~n 'lbere the l1'ac1oua cheer we Ialew, As she tucks her bairns In bed, 4--Base pay to S~8rt at $21 II and' Mrs. Por 't Graham. of the TIle folloWlng groups WCl'e rl)gtssgn, ~~ Ml!lll').l V!llley 110splt!ll. Sun- appoln~ed gu~l'dlan for ~e~OH Then the warmth ot fond I!.ffection With her tender, deepest blessLng month . . Lytle road . Burilll was made 1n t.!red at Wayne park Sunda.y: Ii!r~le dllr. Mr. W~lsol'}. of Bellbrook w~t Mpson, aCj:ordlng ~o a CCjml~p~JllC! That our hearts t.otetb drew. As she strokes each tousled head. f).-Later draftees to be chosen Memorial park clemetery. reunlW1 with 50 In attendance at a liP to the hospUal . ll'rlqa¥. fQr ogser.- tlon to Frank ~ . Fp~ , W~rnl!§vlU@ There the ' quaint old.faahloned · Now we know how much she loved from 21 to 45 age groups. B sides his Widow. LIle former MU- basket piCnic; Wnlnut Hl11s Fellow- vaUon and returned Monday. postmaster ffom frllnk {lnders9!1. mADteJ, us; In explalnJng the measure, Brig. c' ;' ed Graham. he Is survlvea br J:)is ship club. with 60 enjorlng swlmLeba non attorney. There the books upon the shelves. WoUld that hour fO.rever bel Gen. W. E. Shedd. Assistant Chief parents. Ml·. and Mrs. Elmer SmJ~I'I. mlng allq djm!er ; T~e OiLs ~toker 'lbere the wann1ne cbeer of tlre- But its memory still will linger of Statl'. said that. Ihe men would be of Dayton. and &\1':> sisters. Mrs. ,. mpn ny. of Xt'p la wfth 9Q 8'I~ . t§; WEEKEND VlSITOJlS placeMrs. RaJplJ Ji. Vance, 9f WPUII",With us thru eternity. clas ~ lIIed tor exemptions by local Frank Su1l and Mrs Roben Sclllnd- nnd the Kiugman 4-H ~JuQ gr04J), All became partA of ourselves. boo.rds. similar to the World W&r ler. both of Dayton. t91l. l)nJ! p. !f&wke afe sPCfl d1ng It (Chorus) Mr§. E. A. DeL!U}ey . C)f fvIlld~n- few d!ll'!, at Indian ~e, (I&~ : Draft Boards. Men wllll families he (Ohorua) v!lJe. r4, IIl}d Mrs. T. p. RijnYOJ!, 9.1d. or men employed In national 'ft~o, 'Ibere the olca..aqulft-8J'1Uld P..... ' Sweet memories of Chlldhood; detense work would be placed In de- ' LETTER RECEIVED I\~ MJ'G. Attn' Dakl.n visited Mr. ~ Mr.' and Mrs. p , J. Cat1le IllId ~ Now those days I see Tho "Un-panny", d~ to me, MI\!. Runyon's sOIl-\f1-~W and [erred groups. FROM H. S. W ARWIC~ Billy Of West Mllton were 8unday .\Dd the IOIl.P we sang abwt it, daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. CallaWhen In softest slumber _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ban and baby son. Pat. of Ohicago. guests 01 Mr. a.nd Mra. H. A. Mohler PIJll of eweetest melody. They come back to me. and famJly. 'Oh""8 fur yield last . winter w~s III ~ frlerld ly lette.r to The Miami Tbo Wltutorecl was our atnatng. over the week end. WOUld th&t they 'mlght linger $1.316.000 on 1,437.617 pelts, reports Gazette froOl Herllert So Warwick, ST. AUGUS'flNE CHURCH IIICh One II8D& h1a chosen pe.rt; the Ohio Wlldll!e Research Station. WaynesvllJe Ngh scnool ~U~~ Kev. R. H. Krumholtz. S T D, pastor But " _ b i UlOle 8OI\iS are .ring- Midst. ~e toU and strife. WILLIAM LOVITT DIES Ohio and Loulstana.. accordl~ to now 6ervtnlJ I1S secrCfld"y ot The Ph!o . ' Softening all the harshness M ' Ii, ~ l!,)dflYS 9:Op ~. I~. the U. S . Dilpartment of the Inter- ManUfacturer5 association. tel4 pt _ In ~~. ~ heart. In the turmoU of our ute. . tor, are thl'two high-ranking fur- recent meeting 1n Clevelao<l Wl~ll ~Pll~ Lev!tF, 1~, e8~~. ?I~ ~t productlli states In the nation. . Harry "Ootton" Hamilton. IlnoLhllf iU l>l'"OI,IST (l1,URCIJ the !logle ~r ~w ~~sh l!l Hrer:;successful WaynC/;vllle boy now prea· I,O IlIs C, Jl~dle,. r"stQr . b4l'g, We!!nes ar. at .§O p. ~. He Ident of lbe Hamilton steel ~ comhad b~e!1 ~II fpr lbi'et} ye~5: The state legislature at Its next pany . located In t;hat city. 'Ohuroh School 9: 30 a. In W I;)rFuneral service ' will Qe ll~Jd F'JIregular sesslk>n In January ",1I' be W.u'Nt:SVIL"t:. QDIO s hip seryl'e ' 10:40 a . m. Subject. liay.at 2 p. m., at the home of Lew Mr. Warwick aJso writes. "I want asked tor authority to add J70 IJl.!!n to eil:pr ~s my alPprecla.tlon of ,t he "Tfi e Finding .of We." . . Wash wIth burial In Miami cemetary to the State Highway Patrol, stILted EIIWOI'th League Monday eve.)llng , FBJDAY-8ATUIlDAY Hlghway Director Rob rt Deli htler splendid supllOFP t~e Gazette !Ives In a t 7:30 o·clo:k. All young pcople In-' ~urusl- ~aD4 3 .. l: onnecUop with ~e anrpal 'hlgb recently. The additional men will be TOWNSEND IN XENIA tending t<l ' attend Institute are urgTWO BIG FEATURE8 placed on the highway patrol in ,. schoo} "lump). r,e uplops ami tp ~ h~ eel ~o be present. "SLlOHTY HONOR.t.BU" drive to reduce the num~r of traf- library projec~:' Il'h~ ·WOlll pr :~ ~oreJgn Missionary Dr. Francis E. Townsend will fie IWClldents. with ~ccle~y w~ll mee with Mis. ·R~ sjAlak II~ the Xe~a tabernacle Tues. PAT O' B~I~ WII~kl,nsl 'WtldlleSd!ly ·afteni90~. _.: ~ FAMILY PICNIC HELD dill', AU~~ ~ ~t f~Q O;(·. ~: ~e DUring the state talr. August . EDW.um ~NOLD AT SABINA HOME p~M.1Q Is !nvl~d ~ at~n~ lP.Ja S!!§24-30, tlve rad~ stations will broad§Ion· The home or Mr. and Mrs. Jame!! casto-speCial features each day from .. ~'J1Pl'ANG~" ~!'I Morris and family. of Sabina. was IUT. nOLI,), ~f. E. enURCIl their own stations on the falr IFEKASII ~ . . .... .. I .... M. Scarff. 1\IIIIIster 'l'. t grounds. tJ1 e /lcene of a. ge:t toge her a nd pI.0 All I l1a ve aeen ~eaches me ~p Wllb ntc, by the members of their fa mllv. day S~ll!!OI 9 :30 -u. 111. ' E . A. t.rUlt the Oreat.or tor jlli 1 bav~ "gt CHAfl.LEfj lijT,\R-.t;.TT There guesta Win'" Mr. and Mrs. R . t!:U1'l1hn ~' SlIrft. . ' . . EDUCATIONAL TRIP !iOBNA 6~Y D . Tolle. of Washington. D. C" l\lr' E:venll1/: .··"lre 7 ::10. , .seen. ~Iilmerson QUALITY BEEF Country Smoked Saus~~~~..~ ; "::::,.:!"!!. .( . i __ . TAKEN BY GROUP and . Mrs. Warren ESpy and Oeor,. PI''' 01' 1iIec ~11l1l Wedn s'-!uy eve- chw'ch 8:00 p. m . Boilin& Beef ..... lb. 12%e age ................ lb. 23c S~D"V 80 M~NP-\Y Slltterthwalte, of Centerville; ·M r. nlll: : 7 :90. ,.: THURSDAY Auptlt .. aD4I 8 Sh rt R·b 'D f 2 lb '7 Harveysburg-The Book RevIew Berean class meeting 8.00 p, m. o I 8 +->ee ••• • :.. C PORK Cirole observed theli annual eduoa- and Mrs. Al'~b\U' Sumner, MISs , The Ladles ,Aid WW meet WcQp'~"IN OLD I\nssoUlU" Roast .......... Jb. Loin or Rib Chops. 2 lb. S5e tional trip by' an all-day tour, wh10h Mary · Satterthwaite. Mfs, ,...abel day afternoon Aug. 7, at' the church. · Two young men took membe~p , ,, ~'. with A TV ,Iconie a"Ya1~ you at these with the churc.h J~! ~U~dil'}'mo~ SWl88 Steak .......... lb . ... O~ P k St ~ 1. l.ncluded points of Interest, art and Smup, and P . J. Thom.as, of ~~ELVIRY and_ "\._ 8boulder cut or ea.\. . .......... . lb. 15c beauty In aWl about Olnc1nnnati .. non; Mr. 8nQ Mr:s. Jlenry Batte~h- services, c!,m! aPd ~nJ!' tP.e~ ~~h Ing. They were Wllljam ~e'l1 .t~Qt Tbe Wea"~r 81'01. ., waite, Mr. and MIl " . 0, l· Satter tn,:.s. , ~P . UflIled B,..et~rrn qhurcb MIFresh. qround. Beef lb. 16c Fresh Bulk All Pork starting 'With "Olovernook" fainous _ SeJ~t~" 8h?rt- su,~ waite and daugliU!r, Mls,s ~\lttl l5"t~ !lID.r:$fJUf~. ¥.~ . B eltJaPlip ~erW' fro~ Tender Juicy Steak Jb . 201! Sausa.ge ........... 2 lb. 25c Home for Blind Women. at the his(t's 'COOI at the' 'I1Win TlUiab'e. ,ttJe Baptist eh!ll'e!l in Pe1'!t.er\1lI~: ,! I Olwclt . torlc old ho~e of Alice and Ph~ terthwalte. and . 'O harles 6atterth~ UTICA U. B. CIIVIU)" .' ~9m~ feCfl u~n th!l bread ~f l!t~. Bo~el~88 Rolled Prime· Spare Ribs .............. )b. 10c Oarey. Later the club v~lted St. waite, of Wa.ynesvlll1e. ncvl ~ A. 11111, l'a~tc:1' Rib Road ......... lb. 2fir Fresh Callies . . . . . . lb. 12c Mary' Cathedral In COVington. a SURPRISE GIVEN
WI!"nn.-ng Poem Read O'v er Statl-on WCKY
Wayne Park News N .:>tes
State Capt-tuI N ' ews b~
Kenneth 1. Smith dID Burie n ayton
Chu'r ches
-hook -Read
TWI'N' ,
' ~he.e weekend. specials
at -.. IRoner ' saving prices for · the ....t "quality of home . dressed
.!'" ~
...... SMOKED M~ATS .
Dry'Sug~rCured ,
.. . , Fresh Hams, Whole or
Half ...... : ..... .. lb. 1ge
replica of Notre Dame Cathedral In
Mrs. O. E. Edwards• .of Daywn, sister of Mrs. R/tympnd COnner, .was Bacon .......... ... : .. 2 lb. 29c Pork Liver ........... 2 lb. 15c thousand dollars. One ·of the great tendered 8. pleasant
surp~. Su~-
~:: ~~:I::OWS ~he Jarg~t 1~
or More 2 lb 7 Fresh Side ........ ..... 2 lb. 28c Is J '3 lbl' OW a ,on . • . ..... • J c .. e n a t e s an secqnd arges Tendered Hams Whole Pure Lard Our Own RenIn the world. The beautiful oak pulpit was hand' carved by the famous or Half .. ............ lb. 22c dered ... ... ... 2 lb. 15c Tendered Shankless CHOICE VEAL wood carvers of Belgium. The eXQUIslte pictures of Blbtcal history whlen ' '. Sino. CaUies 4-6 lb. Veal Pocket Roast lb. 12%c are portrayed In the IIUlli:Ile moslao's Tendered Boneless Cottage which SWTound the gree.t Il-udlHains ...... .. .. .... .... lb. 28c Veal Chops ............ lb. 20e torium are marvels of art as weB a., Dry Salt Pork .... . . 2 lb. l8c Veal Shoulder Roast . lb. lac the murals a.nd paintings which ~~: . c1nnatt's own Frank Duveneck ,...., Fancy $li<:ed Bacon .. lb 20c Veal Stea~ .. .. . ... ...... lb. 29c given to his belOVed cbW'ch.
Sunday. August 4
School, LealIe
10.30 a . .m . Morning Worl/h!p.
day, on the QCcaslclll of h er I::erp)on title. "Spend and Be Spent!· anniversary. when. the members Qf 7.00 .p. m. tlt}rlstlRon El')deavor. ., Let's attend Il.hufch !Ivery ~uncl&y her famUy all enjoyed an outing and picnic at Madden P8l'k, Dayton. in August. Those who ~rl;lclpated In the ...... d . f ti It I . Mr and Mrs 0 Mr. \V AYN.E SVII,U.:. CII URCII O'V Mrs. H. L. and fllmlly, Mrs. CIIRIST Margaret Ranall Bnd son. Mr. and \V. C. Smith. Minister ldrs Howard 'SheI:Wood and ' family, SUNDAY aU of PJlyton; Mr . an,!- Mrs. Leo Bible School 9:90 a. m. I:'UU.U"''' OF SCHMIDTS Conner and d"ygbte'r , and Mr. and Lord's Supper 10:45 a . m. ~ ....co MONTROSE PRAND LUNCH Other points vlsJted were the Un- Mrs. Raymond C9!~~r ",~d family . Junior and Senior Endeayor 7:00 ~"EATS: _ Ion Terminal building. st. Peter'S p . m. ' 1-... • 2 lb 28 P' t L f Ib Cathedl'8l, In Ollfton, .and 6h. FranBo IUP. . . . . . . . . . . c Imen 0 oa ........ • 25e cis' De Bales church In Walnut Hills. HAOKWELLS LEJ.lVE FOR Prellchlng 7:46 p. m. lb. 16c Nut Loaf .................. lb. 25c A to Mariemont to vlew the VACATION IN EA8T Serm on ~Ilbj . ~. "The New Testa.' men t phl1fcl), , Welnen •.••••. •••... 2 lb. 48c C t· L f f H old English church there, and the Kev. and Mrs. R . L.HackweU left 0 , .. ma Ion oa 0 am Carr1lon Tower completed a IJlO3t \ . FDNESDAY ••• ... b Loaf .... . ......... •Ib ..... • 28c d Ch lb 30 Interesting day for the clUb. Mrs. Monday momln·g. [or a ' mon.th·s va-, Prayer meetltl~ 7.4:1 p. m . .... eese . . . . . . . • C cation. They will visit a week with ~1dCken\ Loaf . . .' . . • lb'. 26c an '. Ida Hattori and daughter Mr. 'Ren n and M Har I.~ _ft'" f . You arEi welcome to come and Li- ...•.Pudd.l·nlIl • lb. l",c ~iver Cheese Loaf .. lb. 25cGa.1nes joined the party .at Olover- ev . rs. r..,..,n .~ey. a wor~ hlp with us. ...... . U Glendale, at their summeJ: ' home at JlIU:aroni " Cheese Mineed Ham ........... lb . 25c nook. .Eta~lton,. New York. and wUl spend lNt .................. lb. 28c Souse ................. ? lb. 35c PICNIC HELD BY. the remainder of ,their vacation .a t f'lmarv c m j ltCll Of' CHRI8T ! . • tbelr cabin, near N'ew~rt, N. H. W· 'P. SinUh, .M lnJl'er
~b .................. . b.
E~y~:r~ ::e~=Ugh~er, EdW~ds
-_ _-
.E.NrJRTMNBD otT SUPPER Ten girls, belongtn'" to the Girl's Frlendly Society. at at.' Mary's Mr. and Mrs. ij. I;J. Mlller were Church, enjoYed _.!l picnic ' supper-'It lJo,sts t-o t he folloWing ("\leGts at ..-~.......Oh apmans Grove, Frlday evenin«. oWl~ - evening supper: Mr. and The p,la were accompanied by their l4rs. Earl Sfuver and ftunlly, aDd lesders. Mrs: R. L. HackweU . · and l-Il'. and Mrs. John Hover, Of Dayton, lira. Donald L. Hawke. Meetings of r.'r. and Mrs. RICh~'i'd Mll'er. o( MI. the Sodety will bl: 8JSpended w.ti; l!,nlsburg; lira. Bmlth . and Sep&emtier. c.aUlbter, a.u, ' t
9:30 a. m. Bible ~QhQOl: Dev~onal service In charge ot young peQple, 10 '45 a. m. Elders ui charp of com~nIon~ _ __ 00-- _ _ 11:00. a:-m. 'Sennon 8 , ......, & . . . . .COp.scJO~i ~ Sln." ,
Board Meetaaa 8:00 p.... 10ESlJAY
l:IJame.taaUra . . .
I00 Feel Crollla..r QakFJQoring .
\ ~ 'i
Of1 .' rrUE .C~lIA1i 9,OM'PA;rn'.
TOu,.y,6r " .
~W. H. ·MADDEN 1& CD.' -"EVERYTHIN~ FOR BUILDINC" .r ffONE ·14. ' . ~ILLE, O.
Mostly About-·. PEOPLE and THINGS
Xi $' -
? 3
WAYNBSVtLLB. 01110. THURSD,U. _ . "'"_. . .! _
Kings' Miils Blast· K~ns Three Men
Question Again Before Civ'i c Club
Three Inen Wf!re kUled . Wednesday, In an explosion a t th e K.lng Powder company. a:t K in gs Mills. The \blast ooourred a about 7 :30
8, ig(o. t
Two New Teachers
Complete Grade Staff
LONG OAOUGHT·------------------
Vacancies In the reachJ ng statr at th d Although :.lIght . r eller from' th e e gra e build ing. were filled, Mon___ a. iles m ., away. and the shock could be fe lL 15 extreme temperal ures of last week day evening when two n ew teachers "CLEAN UP - PAINT UP" m were :hired at the meeting of the h b f OAl\IPAlON PROPOSED T "''' e dead were Identified as three Iaved deen elt here. due to parUy • • Wayne townshJp 'bOOfd or education. "Whitey" Anderson and employes of a powder press mJU. c ou e s kies, Ilnd til ligh t rain 1">1 h f II I .... Mr. and M~s. Ralph Hastln"'s aDo Miss B llroora Gray, II. g-raduate of • Charles Reslbols, 28; Hobart Oomps, I'.' c e 1ere . IlI'sday morning, " his '29 Ford, "Betsy" patrol1 I Is f son, Rober t, spent the week end n L \ ,' ay n svllle High School. 'and or Consideration was given to a re- 36; and William Reed , 41; all of th e Iong d ry spe 11 . \\'>' .. C 1 now 0 ove r f or t y d ays d ura ti on, still con - Bucke"e Lake. W limington College, will .CUI one of ling Main street all hours of Ml"II. Edgar Smith and Mrs. A. E. newed proposal of the Ohio Cen tral n gs Mills. ~' the' Vacan cies. Llnues. ' • • • • • Stout were Dayton vlsl.tors, TueJ",ay. Telephone company, for Installation Ki the day and night ... "Betsy" of dtal type phone equipment, tn The cause of the blas t could not Mi'>S R u t h RUeh le, . of Milltown. According to David B. Bal" f;lY, Mr . and Mrs. C. M. Brown and has l.!. new coat pf paint ... we Mrs. Ida Parshall Is vlsUlng her Waynesville, at the regular business be determined. ~s t here were no eye Cou nty Agen t. crops have been Dick WUll1unson. of Dayton. Is In d .. a gl adua te of Oakland City dalTla::;ed seriously, and thc milk vWUng Mrs. n . H. WlllLamson an :! College. I nd .• will complete the elerelated last week about Mor- sister, Mrs. Emma Surface, this meeting of the Waynesvllle Civic witnesses. club. Wednesday night. supply may be affected unlClis ra in famUy. mentary teachJng staff. MIss Ritchie ris 'Fulkerson's home-made week. c . E. Quatman, president of the TAKES JOB WITH fall s soon. Pasture lands have been • " " " " also studi ed at InlHana Central and • • • • • air-conditioning equipment:.. ..... _ Phyllis Stoltz, of n.. ... ~n, Is Ohio central Telephone company. MISSOURI G. 0; P. burn ed badly. and IIla ny farmel's b Indiana State 'Teache'r's College, ----.rwas In Waynesville the last week in Mr. and Mrs, Cllff Evans, of Le - nd h as had 8 years 'of tea.chlng exwe understand it was so vlfl1t1ng this week with her cousin f h "Ita I are a lready feedi ng th eir lives tock anon , were visitors of Mrs. Ma rk perlence In the elemeQtary tlel.d . M1S8 Ann Rosers. July and told J . R . Gibbons. preslE . O . Orane, editor 0 T e ..,' m on win te r silage. Although the sup- Ro Ftld y windy in the Fulk~rson bed• • • " • dent ot the Civic club that the mat- Gazette, left Sunday for St. Louis. ply hilS not been a ffected mater lap y gers, .a .• • • • These n ew teachers will f1l1 the th~t Mrs. F. was forced ter was now in tile hands of the Mo., where he w1l1 be located for It is bf ing threa tened by the len gthy places left vacant t hr<ij18h the rel'1groom • . . th Miss Doris Flires 15 visiting for two club. If the club wants the' new sy- several weeks. dry siege. Miss Betty Hartsock. of Cincinnati, nations of Miss Eva Reeder I to seep lD apo er room ... week.s. with her grandfather, Harold otem. Is .w1lllng to either spo.... ~r d s pent the week en d wi t h her par- frs. John Kersey. Mr. Dane has a ccepte a tempore Although unable to eStimate the Cecil Davis chew,llg up tax Taylor , of Centex:vt11e. solicitation of the 28 blUllness phone a ; y position as D irector of Publicity lll~ne t.ary loss to OI'OllS, Baliey said ents , Mr. and Mrs, Ber t Hartsock. I n all. four new teachers bave t ut' h' • • • " • sub6: rlbers. or do the soliCiting for the Missouri SLate Republican t he drought was "serio us." COrn a nd • • .' • '. been hired by the school board B amps someone P In. . 1S . Terrel M""y, ot Detrolt., vl.lted themselves. and Is succeutul In ob1 'ft f th I d f th - - -"'001 il t I ..,. .,., Comm t "",e, or e per 0 0 e vegeta bles have been most a ffected . j immy Lefferson, of Williamsburg, since the close of last y~ .. """ h otd og at th ~ n ... 00 .. .po i lca wt week with his 5lIIter, Mrs. Bert Lalnlg 90 % of th~e subscrlber6, the coming canl"""-. 0 ., Is the guest of his unc.le. G . J . term. Ralph Fowler. who w1I1 take _>6" Local Carmers estimate the com activity has started in the Harteock and tam,U,y. teiellhone company ls willlng to go ('rop wUI 'be red uced hy ralf , nnrl Waterhouse~ • • • • over th e coach1ng duties in IIdd1tion countY.:.w......e. seen several . . • • • • • ahead wltb tb. nogotiatiom. tha L the extreme heat ha d caused to teaching In the high school and of _t~e oounty bigwigs in Dr. a~ Mrs. A. E. Stout and The new system will include dial the grain to become bumcd at RayfOlld Dunham. of K ings Mil~, Miss J ane Furnas. who, with the Wayn"e8vill~ within the ,last daU8'hter _pent Sunday In Dayton. phones. with an Increase ot $1 per tassels . l he was the S unda y guest of Mr. anti two teachers hired Monday n1ght ·t wo ' n't be long They were IUPper guest6 of Mr. and month on all bU&ln~ rates, but no Mrs. Walter Sheehan. will flU out the teaching staff at few days ... l .. Mrs. C. E. Boyer. In~e for other 8~rtber8, and • • " • • the grade bUJJdl.ng. Wade Turner, now until the scho&1 children • • • • • will a180 Include free toll serll1ce to Mr. a nd Mrs. Cat'ol Brown , of DIlY ' for mer coach a t the high school. will will be seen on the streets... Mr. and MnI. Paul Duke and Lebanon. Mr. QJld Mrs. J . l!. MCClUre re ton. were guests, Sunday evening. o[ replace Miss Reeder as prlnclpa or Mayor A. K. Day carrying their two children enJo:ted an outing A representative from the tele- turned to WaynesvUle, Thursday Mr. a nd Ml: . ~ . ?r ~a m . the elementary building. his coat to and from his store at Old Man'a Cave. Sunday, with a phone company was sent here last evening, after enJoYing a five weekS ~l While 11 11 teaching va:ancles have ~ on a coat hanger even during group of friends ttom Springboro. February to soUclt the business 8ub- trip to Onlifornia , and pla.ces of 1.0Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burnharctt, I)f been filled by t he board, a com. • • • • • scrlbera, but due to a m1sunder- ter est throughout the WC$t. Cincinnati, V l'e S aturday luncheo~ 1 plete 8sslgnment.of grades has not the hotte& daY8 of the recent . standing between the representative Their firs-t , Qbjectlve was Callfomguests .of Mr. ans Mrs. Ralph Hast- b en decided upon as yet. ThIs anheat wave Wymer Drake Mts. C. I. &l.tterthwaUe, Mrs. Ed- n d th Ci 1 I b nun1ttee hi h ta, where they toured ' the Western Ings. nouncement wUI be forthcoming in . 'd'" . cream gar SmlIih,ts and Mrs. A. E. stout· f e !.::':.u 1~".~. W tCh • • • • • flagglDg . own t h e Ice f brld f .,_ .... k arose 'over ......... 0 ....., con .. ac t , e coast, v.lsltlng Mlr. MCClure's cousin. a no ther week. Supt. L . A. Garst reguell ge,o .... 11.....ar mat tel' ,was 1e ft a t asta-.. K Mr, and Mrs. Oharles Zimmer- ported. ' man by plaajng a blank piece were Reg Bat or da¥nIng · ......·tlU . enne th Ohidlow, 0 r CI arm ont . . and Final payments on accounts, per. ' era, ur eve . All dUlICultle, as to tenna seem to fri end!! of Mrs. McClure's, Mr. and talnlng to cost of sewage System. ma n a nd SOil. Robert, were Sunda,v Applications for other positions in of cardbQe,rd on \ the hght • • • • • have been ironed out . and the quest- Mrs. S cott McHemy , at Santa Mon- were voted ' at the meeting of .dJnnel' ~uests of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- tho sohool were also considered and IXlle in front of his store... Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brown aDd son tlon now Is in the bands of the lea. Waynesville village counCil, Monday ter Cas . • dec ided upo~ at the meeting. MonJim Weatherholt giving local llpent the week end with Mr, 01vtc club. As a 'quorum ~f members They visited sequoia National Payment of $191 to t he Chicago • • ... • day night. ' people a~ignments in boy Brown's parente, Mr. and Mrll. M, J. was not present at the meeting Park, and Yosemite Park and San Pump Co .., and $193 to the Finn Mr . n Od Mrs. R . D. Collett and Mrs. George Peterson was again t . k th y' e SUp- Brown, of Veraa1I1es. Wednesday night to take a vore, the Francisco. and t;hrough the RM- Equipment Co. for eQulpmen~ used sons spent Sunday at Chautauqua. hi red US cook for the high IICbool a.. on at the next woods t-o Arcacj~~ Their next visit . SCOU wor. .. ' e r • • • • • Issue will be vo...... tl for '... ft y Init Rewers. the guests of Mr . and Mrs. G. J . ca ret ria. Three former school ..... ~ d . . III eXC8va ng ...... t d pose . 0 "IoU Y up on vanous Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brenner. aa<1 dinner meet' ... ~' A"ue.wo d"et 19. , with wi th anot:her cOusin , Lester comp-=: "'ted a110\:)'1 ti to d ae, t 0 f Nickerson, at their home. dlivers wei'e re-hired ·. Geo""e . ....... . '1 ga 01'18 , • • summer • • _. Hencrafts, then teach~ them to 4augbters. Anba and BernIce. of Consideration was also given to Ohldlow, of Gold! Run. t he village sewage work. • dCl'son . Ralph Johns, and ' Howard the scouts ... dl.d you ·ev~r no- Foeter were Sunday, guests of Mr. means and methods of securing new On their re~n, journey. ' they_ Counell decl~ed to clplRY nil 1'0 - M r . ~nd. Mrs. Ralph D. Tolle left Burton. As 'L oren Reason aiId n...._ W'a). ....-. . . . · u Ind P ar k .,an dBpear 1"""1 tice how many cars are and ... --... ....... atrlee for' " ....fIU!SV111e. "" I , a . Da k." wh e.f i'l Pairing of village stree L~ , until re- Waynesville Sundav'. for tlleir homo Ad 0 Ip h Jmdebre ell t were noto apPl1• • • • • It was ~ th a t th e.~ cl"'- prtd e s >d'.01' a V! I sIt to. Y e11ow Stone pall'S on Route 73 are completed , a 10 s Washln ....ton. D . C. after a three .. ants I or t h e J0 b this, 'leal'. Ohar). Third ~eet ""ppe " 'lona parked a • eLl tIng rf f ttl weeks visit ZI lnmerml\n . S d' '. f th Mr. aOO Mra. Alton Allen. of InclI- of the community .needs' stlmula they witnessed a. pe ormance 0 . e continued trucking of hravy gravel "wi th • relatives • • • here. and Glenn Borden were on . un . ays ... m~re 0 em apolle. spent the.w~k end with Mrs. and a 'Olean Up-PaInt' Up campajp Passion Play. The flnal days of tllelr over t-own 'streets would destroy l'ehired In their place. The Board will there than ·along Main street Viola Allen. and with relatives In was propoSed to dress· up the town trjp took them 1to .Rapid City, B. paIfs. . . Mr. and Mrs: L. F . Poland and . consider applications for substUute .....Shorty" Scanlan wearing Oregorua. and make. tt mo~e attractive. It was Da.k., and througih the Black ~Is of fanlU~, of Da ,ton, v151tf.!1 ~ drivers a t a ' later da.te. ( L_ Mayor A. K . Day reported that a s Till d Margaret Edwards es while waiting on • • • • • suggested .wat the use of a flY!' ,a1.- that state. _ rena an . Sup t. Garst announces the opensun gla.... DO _ yet no reply bad beef) r eceived from Sunday t d i the filling station.... Julian Cra~ attended hI.$ former 10~ of palDt. ~y on the store Mr. McClure spoke en~h~StlcallY the state highwa y depart ment con'. • • • • Ing dnte ot the sctJool term, TUeIIra e a , • on te Robert La tzen and bUSInCB6 fronts on Main street at the fine trip they enJoyed/ coverday, Sept. 3. when pupils w1Jl reF. B. Henderson, retired.mall " ege ~mma • u ~ would do wonders toward Uftlng the Ing a total of 8300 miles. coming the paving of Main street. Mrs. D. L. Crane and F . B. Hen:- port for asslgmnent to their n. . f f II t helser. sa best man a.t his wedding. ' d S d I .... Carrt~r, amclous orl~ a 0 Wednesday, 1n Oh'~afto. apirtt and morale 01 the comoiU:fUty. ._ - erson were un ay even ng supper clllsses. for a half-day session. · tr k t •...,.. .. _.. Uld _1M _~1. guests of Mr. atrd Mrs. John B. Gons come f or h IS annua e o . '. • • • B...... lmPI'Ovements wo ....,., ~e EASTERN STAR NOTIOE Florida .. ;says time hangs th~ town in,ore attractive to visitors and daugl1u:r. " • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crabbe. daugh- and those- ~lng through on the Miami Chapter No. 107 O~ E . s .. heavy on his hands up here ... ter Raylyn aDd lIOn JuHan. were highway ' f' Mr d Mr W V Th . , . .All property owners are w1ll meet In regull ar session, Monday, I/aTO an s . . . omas an d Pete Stanley and Bob James Sunday guests 01 Mrs. Belle Blaine. asked to cooperate in this effort. daughter, of Ma.<;()n. visited Mr. and 1 n....o." 0 Aug. 12, at 7:30 1~ 'c1ock, Mr Tl at the Xenia fair taking care 0 ~...." • . Minnie Fromm , W . M. . and Mrs. E , L. lOmas and Mr. of Bob Furnas,- Jr.'! ctiildren • • • • • Mary Earnhart, Bec. The home of Mr. nnll MrR. Rhodes and Mrs. Harry Burnett ana famJly . .. .lo.cal r-adio fans 'gettl g dis- ~ aDd Mrf. Donala L . Hawke f1 Bunnell was the scene of 1\ pny Monday n! ternoon ~nd evening. were Bunday evening dJnner peets 6 party Friday afternoon. when • • • • • The MJnmJs de't eated I'rankHn gusted with the Reds ... it all of MI'. and Mrs. Carl Hawke. of LlJ,NGHEON GUESTS twenty-five lit tle friends. of Carol Misses AUce Jane and Ivalu Rus- Sl1nday by a score of 6-3 on the started when Bucky Walters Dayton. FROM DAYIl'ON Bunnell , rame to help her ceJebrate sum . of Dayton. and George Herne. IlI'lme diamond to s tay 1n'the eUmlost tl)at. nig·h t ga~e in the " • • • • !ler 6th birthday anniversary. of Detroit •. visited at the home of InaLlon ,whiJe droppIng F'rankl1n. last · half, of the ninth with Mr. and Mra~ . A. Fulkerson. and Indiana YeaTly ~eeung of Mrs. Ollver Bnughan , M1sa Kath- Various gnmes were ' Indulged In Misses Margaret and Trlllena. Ed- FtankUn sco~ed three runs ui .the two out,..th~Y say ,some of daUghter. vlaitt:c1 a few days this Prlends. General COnference, will ryn Baughan, and Mrs. Frederick for .a time, t hen th e little llOl=IS-='-=~'-=""'--"-'-'==--...!1rst. two Innings but J~U~ 'to _ • • • • • another J'\Ul [n the, next seven. , '. . ' • week with Mr aOd Mrs EdWin convene 1h Its annual se88lon. Bat- Howell, of Dayt,(ln. were luncheon unwrapped her gl ft5. The guelit'l . the, best ~orn lD th~s se.~tion Ran4all. of Cl~ve~. . ' urday. 'August 10, 10 :30 a. m .• 'at the ~ests of Mrs. J .. R. Updyke, Friday. were then Invited to the screened Mrs. Howard Drummond and The MLamIs after lo8lna ' tWo is to be found on , the bot. ••••• . White Brick Meeting House, . porch where. a t II. gayly decorated daughter Dorothy, visited relatives straig ht games In tbe e~Uoo ' toms" between here and CorWayhesvllJe. and will last through NOTICE table. nn the een'tpr of which was in Bainbridge and ChllIecothe. last have flOW won two stra'ght, and . . Dean Hawk, who Is employed In Wedne...... y. the l~th . • week: Ralph Drulnmond spent the . win. . SprlJiglfte1d. Ili II. weelU' va.. a beautifully de('oratpc\ birt hday dropped Lwo teams from 'the elimSOME MEMORiEs Q&tton with b18 parenta, Mr, . and A number. of vlsltor- from the The annual Cleaver, Carr and cake) , refreshmEmts of Ice cream. lVeek wit h Roy Smith. inp.tion. . ...- 0 Lee -_ . ..Eastern Yearly Meetings, and IlU- Rich Reunion \IIrm be held Sundll.Y grape juice IlJld cake were served. • • • • • The locals after being behind, 3-0 ..... .,.. :-:~'.. nola Mf!f!tlnga are expected to be -August 11. at Fort Ancient. . with candy and toy baloon'l as Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Weltz and <:alllc bllrough with 'one in ih& In the old days when go. . In at~nda~. Pres. Jack a.tch favors . family were Sunday dinner gu ests of fiJ til a nd then weot ahead in the ing to tlie Xenia. Wilming- Fz:alUt a,wke. who Is empIOY~ at 4t 2.3(1 p. m., 011 .F irst-day., the Sec. Sarah Hartsock ' - The guest IJs t Ind ud pd ; J immy Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Hawke and farnventh, gett;jng 3 more i-una, . ana' • . • EvanavWe. Ind., Is llpending a weeks Meeting . w1l1 be addreasedby WIl. Dye, Ca.rolYn Bradley , 'Ann aatter- Uy In celebration 01 the birthday a,n- adding 2 more In the el"~: ton, Leb8~0~. or Dayton faIr vacation with h1II. ~nts, Mr. and llam H~. o~ the' topic. "Modern thwalte. Judy Davis. Winnie Jo nlversary of their daughter, Anne. Osborne was on the .b11i ior the was 80methlng to look for- Mrs. RoDald 'B&1rQ. Man In lfearcb 01 a Falth." ThOle a,tout, pon Weltz, Donnll Hadley, • • • • • locals W (~h Ed Schul~ anc1, RaJ. ward ,maQY months in ad• • • _. • . Interested a~'. ooriliallY invited to be David Hartsock. Janet Do.ster, FredMr. and Mrs. W. A. Lukens enter- T?dd behind the plate. ' P8ck Bittervanee.;.Waynesville . people Mr, land Mrs. WID ou~. ' of present. Servl«:e!> wm be. held die WILlI, Sue Furnas, Mary Frances talned Mr. qnd Mrs. C. C. LUkens, Lhwa ite \vas back at lW regular ~ . u8u~llY drove in buggies ' or Payton, &lld Mrs. ~ Houab,. In the IIvenJng. en the Meetlnlf .. Hartsock, .Ula Hoak. Jerry Cook, of Ohlcago, at 81 plcnLc supper and sitton at first base With Ray Todd ,. . ( ":'_1. • I di will leave Thurad!lY .f9s' .II. week end House mwn. MarilYn Kay Gons. Mary and swim. at Wa.yne Park. Wednesday playing the outfl~ for seven 1Jin- ' carrlagelJ"'\)_,eta mc u . ng with re1&tlves In Indiana, .' '. Mamha Bunnell . Nancy Crane. IJols' evening. lngs . .Ch8.rles James was at ' secmrd• fried .chiek~n and two lor ' • • • .•, . ' " VAO&TIONIST8 RETURN The regular monthly meeting of and Martha Lukens, Janet Mltch• • • • • Tom Florence at short, Dlck· Staille)' three kinCts of cake would be l41IIe Grace Vandebrecht. of Lebthe WBynesvltle Garden club wa.~ ener, ' Wilhelmina Braddock. Larry Mr. and Mrs. _WUlIam Weltz and at tl\ll'd, Lowell Sta.r keyln centerpacked tOr th~ no,on day anon, and Walter owb-e, of Muen. IJwnmer ' vacatl~ts who have '1'e- held at Wayne Park, Thursday Aug- Bunnell. a.nd Rhoda and Carol Bun- daughter , .Joan. of San Antonio. field and Forrest In rllbtmeaJ ...it was a full , day ... were a.~y evenlnl ~~ of Mr. turned to their homes durinK ·t he.ust I, and was preced~ with a baS- nel. Mrs. Lawrence Cook, MM. Texas, who .have been vL~lt1ng rela- field. . starting Ihortly after dawn and Mrs. Robert Satterthwette. past week ~ Mr. and Mrs. Carmen ket picniC dinner:.. at o~e o·doclt. ,Ell F'11!n8s" Mrs. John Oons. .Ml'8. ItlveS" here for the past month. were . '. . ' . '. " • • . •• • • . 9rane aDd sop who enjoyed. a two Eleven membEirs ~wet~ roU call lterseheL Bunnell, Mrs. SMle Rea- dInner guests of Mr. ~d Mrs. Mayand, b~ck ,ho~e some~me af- Mr. ~ Mrs. Albert Carver spent weeka trip to Boston ~and E8atem ~~ d~crlbing &I~e D!>velty dn f1ow- . son. Mrs. Earl Hockett. Mrs. Ernest .pard Weltz, B¥urday evening. . ter qark,isome ,of ~~, .8'ood S~W in 9IlI1DIfield, ~ of Mr. pointe•.and Mr, aOO Mrs. L. A. ~t ers. Mrs. Margl~retta Heacock read Edgington, Mrs. Cha·s . Doster. Miss' . ""... citizen. who had faat horses ~ Mrs. A:·D. QarVer. alid Mr. and and family who have been, visiting an article on bhe mlgraU"'n of but- Monlmlll Bunnell, Mrs. . George . Mr_ and Mrs. O. E. ~wa.rds, 'would sag e ~promp.tu.'~ H, 14. ~. ~ With Mrll: OUst's parenf:6. Mr. and terfllee, and Mrs. Ben SmIth oon- Bunnell. ' Mrs Nellie _Bunnell I were' daughter. Mary. and , grandsons, races .l~ng ibe road .•.the · ' . • • • • • Mre. R·. J . BruebaJter of Virden, m ~ dueted the qu1:~ of questions on also guests of Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell. Bobby IUJ.d Oharles l\anaW. of Day': , • . . IIIIIae HarrIet Bar-_ flower culture. Interesting and In~, spent Sunday with Mr. and ,Mrs. dust waa I~ thick you could nice aDd' 'Jealmett. 8beI!tit.n. of' OALIFORNIA' VISITOR' • structlve cl1pp;lng,s on gardening Ed. Edw&.rds. taste it f~r several days ~f- ~ 'are IP.I""'tnlr the _ _ with· ' were (ead. l>y Mrs. J. L . Menllenhall, NORMA LOVELY ~IES • . •' • ' . • terwa,rd. lone usually ~ol~ tbelr ~ ~. aDd Mh.' . ~: Dan ~ver, ¢ Los An3eles, ·M~II. Irvin MulJrord, and Mrs, ,C. L. ENROUTE HERE Mr. anl\ ~Mn . &, H. Ha.iUoCk and __ .Iected at. fre, yar~stick' .a ~ SheebaD. ' Oallf., returned from Alblon. m., nuke.. , . daugbtel'8.. Jean " and Jane. wf1l'e FI.r e. bl)lJeved of spontaDeou..alisack-tuU( I, cheap white ' ." . ' . ; " . . .• "'1tb '.MR. 0 : H. :&nee" on her~- 'Dbe qlembfll'll ~ the club were.lad Word ~as received here Wednea- Suliday dinner ' guE!llf6 of Mr.. anc;l gillf tJurned ~ the cii '. ... , 'b i h th al.' Mr.. ~ Mrs. W. A., LukenF-were cent VSIIIt lib.... &!ld -Is spending a to .welcome back Mrs. Ed Longacre. ; day. of the ,dea~ . or Miss No~ ~:A. ~" HartsOok. and ~~y. ot a. sto,ck.mom -at ttle 'P,lIDIrHII tauY ..0 ,. . c e p.ap,er . . ~ of Mr. aDd Mh. &roJd few daJa wt~ tier atet.er. . after an ~ru:e of four moot.hil, Lov,ely ,: daughter of Mr. M·1'II. . ~. • ... ways itucJt, and an arm load ~_ of DMI' Han~. tor a . during Which 'Ullle she W6S In Deh'ole ) James LovelY. wblch qcctirred Tues.. . of advertising pamphlets picnic .1IJid "lOCi". ~ DINND GUDTS fIIONDAY 'Jt)e nen regWar meeting will ~ day' evenlrig wlqle enroute. here for NOTIOE t u'odredS of bales of~"'IIIIID<.'I.1!I& about th. latest ,fan:n ma- DIIbL Mrs,Kltcbell KarJ,' l, of ButJer. held ~ SeptellJj)er. at. the bame of a .Vislt. Mr. and MI'8. Lovely lnd ~ " tbePe. .hinef7. .hd hOUithOld ap- - .•• ' . •. • . . PI., ..PDt ·the 'week enc1 witb ~ lira. Georp ~. tbe1r famlly lett Wayneavtlle . earl:V:;::::::;~. Robe~ ~ 8a~b.~aItE-aD . -C , . '1 Mr:-'bd lin. 'I'Iaom¥ Bardln en-_ aDd 1IiiI:-wllCer BNebM. Yr. aDd .:;:;:-tIda 1IUJDJDel', ~ the1r home 10 WIlIbes to an_nee to ber1 ~ ~, abOUt pUoc.....Thund.yl were a - t.enalDed Yr. UId Un. 8 ..8. OoDrad, lira. DaD ~ &110 of BuUer, who lin. cUI wl11 be boetHs Albuquerque. becaUse of tait ~ tbat the BIDma ~.~= "a1s the 'Iavorite d~ , be- of oneceDt Kr.. .s &bar v1IIltecl JIl DQ1oD, ftre aIao diDDa" to &be of tb, "H1-LO~ or ibetr ClaUIJhter. PIlneraI llel"lfoes tin in QPU6U01i" • .DIW . . . . . . Lcnb " uuae it ..... the. the but two dauIbIeh. _ _ Ud 'LcIa'aiDe. 1U8IIa.at tile .......... bamI. Ilol1- bI1dp club. bel' bodle, rru.dIIr wiU be Ile1d Batuntar atten:Idoat. In 10 reeldeDGe , CD .'~I
._4_._"_.... _._..
• _. .
Loea'I Happeol·ngs
Local Happenings .....
• ..,..
McClures Return Frem 'California Trip
I" .
Dirt"hday Party For
1 BunneII
Yearty. Meetin
Opens Sa tu rd aY'
CI ub M .· leets At "V\t'ayne .p a rk
v........... '. :..
at dIIIDIr, . . .
., .....
convenience tpemselves for you because they know that you wtll 800n be out of the way, Th e trick is, therefore, to
let a few people know in advance that you wa nt to see them, making firm el}Pgements with yoUrse!.!..!!8 th~ ]:wst, ~ In_nci AI ..... 4 OIUI Matl .Katter at POltoftiCI, WaJtlllvtlllj Ohio If your time i!:l limited, the other dars will ta k ~ cal' of th.em elves. But yo u must Atl'lctly limit your timll and leave E. C. Crane l1ditol' and Publisher when yo u say you intend to leave.--Imperi a l l\bga~in e W&fHI'rillI, Ohio
....... 111 ..
---• • lItreet
----------~------------~------~~--- -
~ S! ! !Uba! ! !C! ! !ri! ! !PdO! !·! ! !D!, ! P',ri~,! ! !e'~$! ! !I.~5~0~p~er~Ye~a! !r,! !p! !a! ! !ya! ! !b! ! !le, ! ! i! ! !n!,!A!, ! dv~a~oe!,'e! ~__ (
·OBSER.VATIONS : I---;....---------W -I -S p::~:::ScrueltY Cf~~~~~n~~~r:~~~~=~~=~
-n- fr-O-madt -nIn-js-t.r'-a-tIo-n. -.._,....,
J uani ta
Auctlon..r IATfSf;ACTION 'Or No Char.e
• Coun ty Cour t N~ws
Pred carr to Robert Sr.l'I'bon. prevloUe. r.dm1nlltntioil, Iract In Prankl1n twp. The r~ alao shows that- the , ~e Lemmon to 1.. EJ. Hockett, plot present administration placed~ .2'lt8 in Wright luldltlOh to. Wayne,rvllle, ~ pjPODi on the pellliDJ) roll. F. W. PrJ~ to Ott1rUd~ Rober", duHn, Its first U n~onthB th-an the lot 2 In PllJnvltw M~j', Jl'J'anlClln, prevlQu. 1l~I1lInI)ltratlon did !1~rtM OhR~ ell 1. Beller to Harry ahd ' the pr.l!Qeedln 1ft monthS. . lJenrletta Schtel)k, 90 aores In Union 'rhls record of achievement ' bnt. twp. b en aCcomplJJ;hed und r t he cll recCeDtervlJ~e, John H. cOnI Y lit' Ql" to Jobii Lion and supervision of .Capt, Toni PHONE 7021 a nd L .nOI' DakJn. olle acro 111 MeOaw. In charge Qf tilP Slate DIFrallklfn twp, vision of Ai!1 for the Aged. Notwlth- , .. .' • Anthony J . Meyer to Standard standing the Increased pension bill.'- !II~-~~~-IIiI!!---~~ BlIl\dll1~ and LoI,U1 Company, 0In- dE'll . pensions have bee Ii pald when ~ clnnatl. 110 acres In Harlan twp. due, w l'ena under the preceding Hall), Cook to Elizabeth Black- administration delays were so fre1'ARVI ,\ ·l.I 1'I-IIC 1'.o\H AND ford . lot 986 In Fl1Inkl1n. quent lhat pension rf1l: ipi n ts never HOAO Oil,; IllXLJA VA1'TN O Clnrence E . Nel n , to Martha S . knew when to expect thelr checks. Bailey, plot In Avalon Heights. T ul'- capt. McCinv was formerly State f)t1MP TROCK SERVICE tJecreck twp. Commander ot t he American LePIT RUN, LOADED 30e YO. Clara Herrington. to Alice Larrick, gion . tract In Warren county. Ollver a nd Al berta HunUey to The mOISt Impol1t.ant political tnGrovel' and ' Edna Jones. 6 acres in cldent to happen so fur durl f!g t he Ha,rltln t:wp . I'i.J UIIIl, Waynesville 44 R 11 FLoyd and Myrtle Lemmons to prcsldentlal campnlgn was the pubLebanon otflca Phone 473-KLaura B. Skinner part of lols 73-74 lic statement l~sued Jllly 30 by Cormer Governor George Whi te. deIn Lebanon . r 8.98·1\1 . Morro\v Pbolle No. a claring h is Intention to support
San"d & Gravel
bel t Hoppe, J ohn Mau lt and Edward Hoppe Ilppolnted appralsers. Two proceedl nlls of I.h p I'slate of Mary Ann Le Ve~ by John Magin. Charles F. Th lrklelcl, Franklin. IlPKaty did! ~aty didn't! She did-Sh edid-Shedid. seeks a divorce from Wward LeVeck, proved. Sa.le of s tock In Egry ReglsShe didn't! Shedid! From t he willow tree to the r as pberry cjlllrglng gross neglect. tcr Company ordered. Gross negleot Is charged by Maurbus h and bnc k. again .a ll t hroug h t he Augu t night it will Ice Barnhart seek.lng a divorce Crom The estate of Fred Eyler. Lebl,U1~n, ordered I'clleved from Ildmjnlstratlon. go 011. Katy did-She didn't-shedid! Vlrglrua Barnhart. . Earl Coburn , C. J . Waggoner IWd This dfternoon I liste ned to the r a dio. from all over George Meloy named to appraise t he e United States it came, and from now until ne).1; elec- COMMON PLEA S PItO ' n ': Ul NG S real estate belonging to estate of tion it will come in increasing volunie. From convention, Myron Wlllard Tucker. Inventory of Wendell Will k.I e. the Republican - - - - - - - - - - - -. . nOmlnee for President. Mr. WIll te's _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ from pulpit and cha utauqua platform, from the pre sand Attorney fees of $25 allowed In R.ob rl Tucker. adm.l nistrator, to .be · statement reads as follows: . suit of Lorraine Hol1an~ agalnst hcnl'd August 10. TllI~ schedule of fro m radio. Katy did! Katy didn't-Shedid! Lead ers of "Ill 1932 1 believed In Mr. Roose- r~====~~======' J esse Holland . deb ts. claims and lia:blU Lies wlll be Olll' great parties spea k. IGenera l. Pershing f>ounds the The case ot Hownrd O'Donnell hea rd August 26. Receipt of $2,500 velt and w.holeheartedly s upport,ed alarm. The Lone Eagle sounds a less popular note. ~he against Ma ry O'Donnell dismissed approvecl on cla im and ordered ct.Ls~ Mr. und Mrs. Harvey Burnet and him. ' • • "As Governor of Ohio I actively didn't !Peace. War. Preparedness. Conscription. Third term. tor want of pl'06ecution. trlbuted. Miss Laura Rosnagle spent Thursday REAL ESTATE co-operated with President RooseThe description of real estate menCertlrtoate of trailsfel' orderecl tor In Clnclnuallt. Katy didn't! Shedid! \'elt and th e New Deal on an emerINSURANCE' Uon ed In suit of John PaUl against R uth Van Ness. admlr.llstratrlx ot the MI'. and Mrs. Allen Emrick were Out of ~lll this, Public Opinion is bOl·n. It is the Amergency basts. Df.'lJll. Snider ordered correcte.d. eSLate ot Walter R. Van Ness. . Dayton visltors Thursday. AUCTIONEER ican way. If we use our sound American common sense and Sale of real estate approved and "In 1996 I supported and voted Mr. a nd Mrs. Edwin P eterson, of judgment, it i a go~d way but if w e add' our voices to the distribution of proceeds ordered in President fol' a second tenn for 1\.,\ltIlIAGE UCENSES Ohlcago, and Mr. and Mrs. W. T . with'the mental reserva.tlons. tearing he ~_ _ _ _""_ _ _ _oiiiiiiii_ _ side that katydids t he loud est there is danger of being s ult of Ethan Lewis alla.lnst Eva B. Olark , of Oakwood , were Thursday swept whichever way some noisy minority want us to go. Lewis et a] . Pet r A. Craig, 24. grain dealer, evening guests of Mrs : Mary Car- would make ,the emergen'cy permanent. . We all hout Katydid or Katydidn't more or less ac- , DIl.ver Belden awarded confessed Blanch s ter , and Virginia Dean Sy- mony. "Bu't now, !loS an American, bejudgment of $198.16 against Archie dfnstricker, 27, teacher, near BlanMr. and Mrs. H!?ward Deweese and cording to the party fate and our fathers threw us into and and Ellzabeth Penny. chester . . ·Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deweese spent lIevjng In a tree democracy, I CIWin the end go to the polls and vote the ticket of our fathers. The suit of Mary Anne LeVeck Virgil Huter , 20, student, man- Wednesday at the Xen ia Fall'. not bring .m yse~t to vote for Pres l~ Even so our opinions do count, for within each ~party the against Edward LeVeck dismlsse on chester , and Betty Wl1lltaere, student, Mr. a nd Mrs: Therle Jones and son d ~ nt Roosev It for a third term. " N; a J efferson Democrat I .c an near Blanchester. were Dayton visitors Friday. ieaders are waiting with t heir ears to the ground 'to catch petition of plalJltur. and votle tor Wendell WWkle. the m'u rmur, under the shrill cries of Katydid and Katy- Defendant given ao additional days Herbert Wa lker, 25 , farmer , and ~. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick "It,will In so dolng.·I am Inconsistent didn't, of the real opinions of the American people, to fill to tUe pleadf.ng III suit of W. E. BlatI' Ver a Fetter, / 3, maid, both of near h cnrd Gov. John W. Bricker speak with the vote of the Ohio delegation against Glaity.s MaJatt. Lo\'''land. at Hamtlton Fair growld, last WedROOT FOR AND rONSIGJIj in those blanks that they 0 wisely left in tneir party plat- The' caSe ot Irma HOdges against . Wlndrlte Thompoon, 19. laborer, nesday evening. In the Chicago oonventlan. I can iour Cattle. he'll", ~ hptlp AI,d cal only say • that I hold consclence forms. Albert Hodges dismissed . aud Bertha Robinson., 16, both ot A number of members Crom here to Nl'r!' i!l-Brock 0 <-., liv .. "irf' lind Olarence Kreb.s was granted R dl- F'J;ankUn. njo)'o;1 tihe Grange weiner roast at above consistency, especially after p .·t)ll re~8 i\l e flnn f'lF t he hlgtre,,' market pricefl and w;onr1 '''r\'jl' vor.-:~ from Carrie Krebs on llIs R obel't· Prickett, 26, laborer, and Smlth's Grove near WaynesVUle, the manner In which the third-tenD On'"n ' Rtrclr '! ardi" Cinr.innati, 0 FROM A FARM DIARY nomination was put over, and many charge of wllfUJ. absence. ~eJen Beck. 23, bot h of SprIngboro. Saturday evening. Tune III ub RIIdln StatiuD WCKY Oourt set All ust 1'1 tor hearing on MIss Ona Ol1lens, of Willnington o: her deleglloW6 feel the same way I 12 :26.to 12 :80 :>. m. tor our lIal1." do." AUK. 4 Still no rain 1 Showers to North of us. Showers contempt charge against defentlant m il rltf't "eDom. 1m"., I~ " l'A'l'E '1·It I\N~ FEll S college was a weekend guest_Of Mr. Mr c White served several terms as to east of us, but no rain on Dry ·R,idge. It is a 's trange thing In suit, of Sadie Adams a.galnst WUand Mrs. Howard o,eweese~ '. that this patch of land a few miles square should be drier lIam E. Adams. VlrgU B. Scott to Hay Swigart, Mr. and Ml·s. WIIltllr Olark . ano a member of Congress, was perno'\ Sell The Earth" son spent Sunday evenLng with Miss crat National Ch:a.irman In 1920 and by aCtual record than the rest of the Miami Valley. Per- Frederick Robltzer. Waynesville 1)lot In Morrow. GOvernor of Ohio two terms, 1931-haps we should not consider ourselves Miami Valley for granted a divorce from Floren~ Ro~ Frank A. Dliatus h and carl D. Martha Wilson and brother Charles. 1935, and his administration as Govmain Robltzer on his charge of g1'068 Stiles to John Paul, 2.85 acres In : n ar Bellbrook . . we are Dry Ridge and the hot red sun says no rain tomor- neglect. Ohio won for him' ~any Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cornell 1n ernor TurU«:creek i wp. friends In both parties. . . row. Rag weed is about the only green thipg left in the Obarles Roser to. Lll\Verne Winner " company wi th Mr. and Mrs. Sam l'Il0nATE COURT pasture. The corn looks sic.Jr, too much rain early, delayed 15 a.:-res In OlC8rcreelt twp. Meredith . -lett Sunday morning t01' Licensed Real Estate Broker Adah Woodruff, deceased, to Von- a moter t rip thrOUgh Tenne~ and Oldest governmental agency of Its planting and dry July have been hard on it. The garden is the I?mok~y Mo~taJns. . kind In the Unlted States, the Ohio drying up arid I haven't got that irrigating cistern that I Lee Mason. Mason, named as nJe Rhoades, plot In Lebanon, guardian of Emrson Mason WayneaJohn Tlm.me~mnn . deceased, to Miss Laura' Rosnagle lett here Sat- State Employment SerVice last week Farms a Speci~lty have always intended to dig. J am like the man from Ar- Ville, an tncompetent, and bond Olemma Claybaugl!, 3 acres In Bar- urday to JQln a party pf frlend~, In otserved Its 50Ul a.Imlversary with a kaD888 who never- mended his roof. When it rained, he Qf $50,000 prOVided. Ian twp. . Clnclnnatl. to spend three weeks proclamation from Governor Brtcker Pl)one, 47-4 SPRING VA~Y, O. G ross value of the. esta te of Emma couldn't and when it didn't, he didn't need to. Cl\.IJ:Jer·lne Loop, deceased, to 'touring Mexico. ijamlng It ' "Oftl&-State Emplo)'lllent Mr. and MI·s. Edc!le Oaldwell, of Service Week." • . AUK. 5 I have just finished reading "Wind, Sand and HOdges set at $12.331:64 of which Fronk W. Loop, toW" plots In ~_ $2.600 Is real estate. Distribution of I!on Ilnd one In Mason. Wn "hlngt >1l O. R ., were week-end Back In 1890, the Ohio Gen. e ral <census, the state may- be entitled to ,Sta.,,". It is a wonderful book that carries you far beyond assets to five IlUccessors ordered. ' AUce Cla rk to Ev~rett Early, lots guests of ' M r. a~d Mrs. A~en Einrlck. Assembly Pll&Sed a ' 1aw creat.lng an addi tional seat In ; the commonplace into the world of the aviator, a world The first and flna.l account for the 5-6 in addition to Rnysv11!e. (Lytle.) I\IfJ '. =utl Mrs. Leon SalIsbury were "Cree public ' employment 'ofJices" pongrll66, , stripped of e:vefything but life itself, always facing the estate of Harry H. Pence, Clearcreek W. B. Reed, deceased, ,to Emma also. Sunday dinner guests. and ever sl~ce the state has oper~ bringing the number of Ohio mem,.-daDger of the loss of even that life. This changes men. tWp. approved. Reed et 01.. 1 acre In Harlan twp. • Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Wa lter K pllrlClt I~ ated tohe agencies to help jts people ' bel'S ot Ule House or Re~ntatlves George P. Gateq has been named and 8 acres in Marlon .twp., OUnton company with Mrs. Belle Coon and find the jobs they want. The 'first . to ~6. If -the census shows Ohio en-_ 'Never again can they quite fit in or.see eye to eye with the executor ot the estate , of Emily county. also same to same, 131 acres dQ\l~hters. of payton , 'spent Sunday Columbus o1f~ce , was opened August ti led to 1Uwther .co~gressman, he ~ ,~.t of us. Sunday I listened to Lindberg~ speak. I heard Wright, Springboro. Howard Con- In Har lan twp, and Wayne twp;. artern on and evening ,at Chautau- 1) . 1890. a.:cording to records. In the s1~e ~11 be elected In 1942 a.nd, unhim applauded 'and later quoted and mlsquoted a dozen over, Ed Kessllng and E. M. Beck Clermont vounty . qua and heard Gen. Hl!$h S. John- first balf-yelU' of their existence the I '05 the Ohio legislRJture red1strlota '. tiJpea. As came to the end of the book and let it soak in a were appointed appraisers. WlIllam and Ru t h Dechant to .s ton speak. • five employment offices In Ohi~ I'e- the state {or congressional repl'e4en.' little. I thought of Lindbergh and his futile efforts to make The tlrst and final accounts . of Otho and Ruth Phlhlps, 3.40 aores Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schau~thels of ported .20,136 pet'8OIlS registered tor tallQn-.somethlpg It has CaUed to do ' Dnyf:on, Ky., spent several days last employment and 8982 securing situ- cO.r mOTe than 25 y.ea.r~he ot she :Us see and' understand, and I knew why he would always Bessie Mlllel'. executrix of the es- In Franklin twp. f Till h ,~ ta ._, ..,., 0 Ie Drake and Lewis LaVerne Winner, Clara Lindsey week w1'" \Il l t . e ...tter'$ parents. Mr. a II ons thro ugh til e1r offices. -In the I wI' 11 be elected from Uie state ~t < , he- . misunderStQod. Re'a d "Wind, Sand and Stars" and you f'· • Drake, approved. and Robe,t Roser to Kenneth Roser and Mrs. Walt?1' Clark anrl hmll.~ first hal! ot this year, 83,163 Jobs 0. ge . Ohio n~w has 22 district con..lVlll see. . . ' 0 W-':'''' . Mr...and' Mrs. ~ were f ound ' . The eleventh acco~t of Dorothy 112.82 acres In C l ear~,reek twp. ~ n o:;uuesday evening tor workers. and 313.221 gressmen and · two elected at large. , .', AUK. 6. Hold your l)reath and cross your fingers! Is Burgemelr, guardian o( Carl nn(l James and Helen :Bevan to James Olark and_.!"ests wer~ dlnner gue< pe~l!Ons were r~gJsteted through 4'!... th4t rain or is it only the wind. in the poplar tree fooling Lawrenoe Leo Zwick approVed. and Beatrice Jobnson, plot at Cold of Ml' i Dnd Mrs. ~alph LewIS, n ear unemployment security centers 10COUETT-MCJt,\Y PICNIC · Mlaiii1sburg, and . Thursday evening cated In prlnplpa.l· cttles thJ'oug·houb us? ' It sounds like rain. It smells like .rain! but is it RAIN .. The court 6et August 20 to bear Springs. Turtlecreek twP. .' , or only a sprinkle'! We do not . ha ve to g() to the desert to the schedule ot d alms, debts and 11- Elmer and Gettll1de Edmon to were enter-talned to dinner at 'the \ the state; 13 limited funcfion offices The 74th annua'I' Oollett-McKay value w.ater theM days for the de's ert has come to us. ·This abUltles of the. es.t ate of A:llce M. Olarenee Nelson, lot. 162 in Avalon home.ot Mr. and M~s. Earl Clark, in and 52 itinerant, "'-tt-t1me o11lces. picniC · ~ll be held at ~ ~ij.le. Value ot estate ' fUed at Heights, TurtLeccreellt twp. Dayton. 18 Dry Ridge and I can only hope . .1s their anything . mOI:e , g rounds near New . Burlington . on As a TCSl!lt of Ohio's indicated $1,135.95 .. ' . Jolm H. Barnes to J. H. and ; wonderful than a summer rain after a long hot dry spell? The court approved the adoption Rhoda Oook, lot in Barnes SUbdlv1~ population 'IJicrejl&El tipder the 1940 Saturday Au~t .1), ' No wonder that the Bible is so full of Teferences to rain of Ralph Waldo Whitapre by Marcus sion, Franklin. and springs or water, yet in an ordinary season we accept and Nancy Houston, Morrow, and John H. Barnes to VV. T. and Gladys Cook, lot tn Barnes SUbdivision , it without thought or thank.fulness.- We almost had a rain, change of his name to Houston. The mortagage of t . E. Hockett, Franklin. ' didn't we? says Paul. Waynesvllle, against the estate Of ' Some 'Compara.t1ve ·statlstlcs covFlorence Hay ordered reJ~'-". Wil\iarrt and .S~rUda Henry . to er,lng the admlnistration Of' ·the -=u George and Oarrie Kees. 106.5 acres tate 01'''-1 '!'he wtll ot Smith .BInkley ad- In Wa.yne twp. S VJb on ot . Aid for the Aged MUSINGS OF AN IDLER m1tted to probn. teo Bertha Binkley, under Governor Bricker lind former Fra Mae Miller ~o ~Iward Woolard, QQvemor : Davey ~ere recently re. leased for publlcatton' ft_" . they reSome shirts displayed in men's shop windows would' nklln, named executrix. Milo plot In Waynesville. . Beck, Ralph OcClure and Sam S B M Mall to - ... m,ke a peacock hide his head in shame. Masters named appraisers. • . c an F. ~M . and R. E . . veal some very In.t erestlng facts. The State ot Ohio under the presBowyer, plot-·in Maaon The first and -final accounts of Ed dW I -. , .60. year$ ago there were four flour mills oper~ting on the followiJ:!g estates . approved. Inter::: In pl~t ~\~a.::V1~OOlard, ent admlnlstration is paying penthe Little Miami within a scope of six miles; Marlatt's at Maria Williams, Nina WilliamS, ad- . George Rober~ tc. John and' Mae eSlvOlelSbetco morlneltaghlsed persons thlU1 .' m1nist trIx J N . , r ' ore s tory and at the Mt . .Holly" Wright's; Sidwel,l Taylor's, and Telegraph. . t P ra , . . Buroh, O. D. D1la- Dunway, 2 acres In Clear-creek twp. same time cos~ of o~r t1ng th . so~ .~~:':inc~I~~rd N~- ' Clemma OlllybaUgp. to Oharles ·penslon dl~1610n have ·,~ .O nce· upon .a t~me men paid good money to see girls ml~jstrator: Laura Week: o;ll :rs- ~nd Cecile Flnley, 8 ~es In' Harlan $267,860 annually. ReCorps show that' dance in tights. Washington twp Ai Sml h . ' wp. , . Ohio spent $1 ,676,411 to operate tne mirustmtor and . ~~ A t adHelen Sims to AIIdrew and La\lt:a division In 1938. last year of t.he . · . , . yer, Mae Clark, lots 57-511, parts lots·69-60 preVious adminI&trati ' and P leasant Pla1n, Marte I. Ma"er, ad- in Harve b - remar . k a bl e ho w gAntleman on foot )'s mlnistratrlx. . on". thl!,. . ' It IS · a perfect . '" · ys urg. e st for 1939. first year of the BrJ~ktransformed into a demon behind the steering wheel of an The will .... Evelyn Wya~t to Arch and Io~ er ad ministration was -13085'5'l '. 0, &emorah ·Snook Wharton I W · . , ~'" aut9. South Lebanon, admitted to probate' t"", ' one acre n a8h1ngton The l':ta te Is now pay~ penstnm i; . • ,- . to 126760 ed Jaspeh Snook na'lDed executor and Delmas- and Clare: Dalton to John wi I '. ag .persons as comp!\rect . . . . If the level headed .represenatlves of agriculture, cap- John Hardlng, W. W. ·Sburts, sr. and and Viola Depew lot 640 In Frank.- ~ 1 1.~183 Who ~ere on, the rl?:Us ital ~nd. labor. would get together at ·s, conference table and ' Ha~ Harding w~re appointed ap- lin. '. w ;~der Iveglmlo~N.B~cker took . office. - -" ' . .. . . praiSers. ' . /) II a ll'O~ enacted at the de~e a feaSIble· plan to put 'm. en.to_.w ork there wou-ld be ~e~t Masterson to Lyle Liddell, recent special session or ·the. Generh· . The Inven~ry of LoUie Freeland, I ts 359 363 I DQ-farm problem. . admlnlstratrlx of the ' estate of W'Il- ,0 ' neluslve in ~rs nl ~embJy, the presen~ $30 maid-- Park, Deer!leld,twp:' . i\:"NEW 1Iam Freeland. approved. ' . , mum penstoil .. will be IncreiLsed to. '. IF YOU ARE Rutll6 Reed and Le Is ,. HOW~d S~w 'to Eva Abt, lots $40 after January 1-:SEE~NG' BUSY PEOPLE OR REMOQEL_ XOUR ' l>RES~NT ' ONE,' FHONE US' • }IV K1phart 1108-1109 In Lovelalrld Park ' Deer Tl " . ,. named executors of the estate ot field twp ' . ~. lere ar~ now 792 persons on' the .AND ' FIND OUT flOW YOU C~J)t PROFIT BY THIs I 11 . aoDJeth.ilig. to remember when tr8,ve~ing.' You can do James Vandervoort. 0: H. ¥oung, o. Oharle~ ~Ior to Amanda. B~ dO!l ·th~h E>1v1B1on of AId ,lor GFJ.~EROUS OF;F.ER TIlE' 0ROMAR COMPANY. . ' . M t I J . Waggoner and Arthur Ham1I.'.: ge . n. e closJ,ng days ()f tlbe much in a week as you can lD a year. os peop e ' ap'''''ln ted . . ' ..... nett, 3 acres In Washington twp. plevlollS ' reglme th'e . CONTACT US TODAY!. • • • :yv appraisers JEd ' re were 1012 -.-.ol'tb ee,i)lg. are busy, &,».d Will put you off a~ng WIll ot Anna Mil••....:. Fr . . , an Lena Y~lrk to~h1rd ~ !Uld. persons on the, na.vrnlL __ __"' h ' 'II' --+ b t - 3, .l'nIt11n, ad- Jennle-Xirby lot 24 TlbbaIs add! Whil . .,;;.J'" ~-'~"'Rlll." CAn. _ beeause t . ey are unWl lDlS ~o ~e~ ~ou U mllted to probate. William H. Mur- fi on to FranJcilli.' . e ~yrolls have bt!errred\ll~ed, t.] ...~... other thmg~ to do. However, It.ls,today ray appointed executor and Allen ':nne and Gertrude :Ie amount actually spent for ~"EVERYTHING FOR Bl)ILDING" see you today;' or if the cl6 hes will not lAlyCOCk, Charles Beam aDd John Fred Carr, 1012 In Manor B : bas been i11Cteased. -under the """. " ~.I' ari ready by Wednesday. they will Bharts aPPl'a18ers. ' ranklln. • now er adm1nlBu.tlon. The stal<! k PHONE 14 • w.,~' ~,~~. 1ItIII....,~:ll.four time is limited, people will in- Court let Auaust 10 to hear appU- Walter R. p!tta 60Ii e~endIng an aYera!C Of Pons;cation to J'elItwe estate at Goebel lot 8'11 ill PADdD. . mOlith aa CCIDlJlal'ed an averap 01 fl.tMMa UDder ~----------.;...---.,...---------~ her suit against Ralph Pine for
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The Wo.dswo~th-Burite Bill to con!Oript 1\11 men between eight en and sixtv-flve for mll1tary, or "behind the It.nes'' traJnlng and work, fQr a period of at least one year, has been having tough sleddln1 In Congress durlng the past ten days. The Senate MJlltary Affairs Commlttee has 8lready reduced the group affected to men lb etween twentyone and thlrty-one years of age. Amendments have aJSCI betlll written blto the bill by the Committee to protect' !.hose objootlng to military service on religious grounds, In spite of the elimJnation of some of the more drastic provisionS of the bill, Congressional oppos:\tlon to the 'IITloosure appears to be mounting. Those opposing the measure claim it conlers too muoh power upon the President and that eoru'crtption Is not n~ed at this' time. They point out that volunteer enllBtmpnt q'Jot'! ~ are belng more than ClUed at the present even though no real attemJJ1. or drlye to obtain volunteer army enlistments has ·b een made, ILls also contended that the bill provides tor the conscripting of a hug" IlID1Y before proper facilities or equipment can be fumlshed for the use ther of. Leaders of the OppositlOll are Inslstlng that if then: Is any great unknown and I~AlBite danger to the lIilfety of the UnJted Sta tes the PreEldent ~hould immediately give complete Information rnardlng the same to the Congress and ' to the people, Speaking of t onscrlptlon Ule United States Navy has never had any d11flculty in obta1nll'18 all the volunteer enUstments <Deed~_d to 00taln a full complemen~ ot men. DIlrIng the World W4U' a few draftees wU'e lnduc1(ecl Into the\ N.VY, not because they were neoe9l!l8l'Y but because volunteer ellstments hOO <bum curt.&Ued,"Wh1le appropriations have ~ m~ (' "" work begun on a two-ocean Na.vy, wIDcn 111 uUS almOtlt doubling the !!lze of the present Navy, no plans liBve been announced for cons.nptln$' men for
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Just ~ .. ",ma"", Of .In!OI'tUtton......,-t "he July BOth lI~tement. 9 t.lle If.. v' ••ill •• POMt Unit d Bta~ ~eallul'Y ahQllli ~h"'t . _ ' on t.hllt da~ the Ttet.sury oWned WUmingtol1=Oollection of rea.1 $20,460,471 .396.32 worth of gold, m6~t. estate taxes for Ilhe s econd hall of of which Is burled In the ground aL . Irnat eIy ' 19(19 to...." on Iy approx Ft. Knox , Kentucky . On the same 14 0000 I t · th . as agnn s e c h arge 0 ! da.te !.he TreasUry ,oWJled $1 ,858,124,- 'I _ 739.33 worth of sUver which Is In $~24,078,43 for the period. J. Ray , mond Gray , Clinton County Treasvaults at West Point, New York, The urer, repor ted . H e warne d th a·.... th e b 10 , gross public debt of the United tax b' 00ks wtil cIose ,,<.~ p"",m er States on July 30th was .$43,749,859.674.35 A year ago .on he sume day the debt was $40.661 .254.822,47. Since Cunnlllgham To Spea.l. July l~urlng the past 30 daysLebanon-:-Dr. Holly E. Cunningthe public debt ot the United states has b€en In :reased by $782,328.636,37, ham, fonn er President . of Holbrook The pubUrl debt figures. of course. College, Manchester, Ohio , Is scheddo not Include secondary I\gencles u ed to speak on the final day of the tha.t have been created and are be- annunl reunion of National NormaJ Ing supoprted by government credit, Unlvel sUy here August 15 and 16.
serViCe In the Navy. When the various authorlzaUons and upproprlatlons for the bulldlng of a national defense were presented to OongreBs. nearly half of the amount was for doub:tng the st.rength of the Navy and the rest was for planes, aud for mechanl"' n'! und equlppl.ng an enlarged Regular Army and National Guard. Nothing wa.s said aDout 1\ conscripted Armv. Congress was first told tha.t an Arm y of five hundred thousand men, plus the, National GUllid . would be sufficient for defense purposes., Then the flgures were rapldIy raised to seven hundred and f1fty thousand; to one million; to twelve hundred thousand; to one m lilon and a halt ; now the talk Is about an Army of 'two million men , Congress Is beginning to hope that Army officials' w11l 500n come to some definlte conclusion as to the actual need of the United States for defense purposes,
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'''111 -
P H I' tllll·l1l . }\ Uf t Ill Jll tt . ., ! i. ht · ,\ tl t ,,· Congressional committees are now Three 1'eachers Hired. l1ult ic 1t(' ~eL nf'( rn!s"'r. ~'; 1 1I 1 ~''' :1 I 'ult'",lui ll holdlng hearings on tpe request of I II I )ql uJ. J:'.\ \j ' llf'tr . the president for power to call out Wllmlngt'o n-Three new teachen the National Guard for one Ye81r'4; have been hired' at the New Vienna training and service. While there Is and MM't1nsv\l1e schools. Carl H . conslderable opposltlon to the re- Shanks, Superintendelllt of Clinton ee how our Midsummer Magic Demonstrations guest It Is being predIcted that the County Schools. announced , Martake the mystery out of ref t, _ : r,,: .. 1 Quying same will be granted. Announce- sh all Greene. or Catawba, was emment has been made as. tb !.he differ- ployed to teach · the ~ Ixth grade at ent Guard units !.hat WIll be called New Vienna and Miss Josephine out for training immediately after Beaver. of Raln~ro, was hired to the passage of the Bill. The Oh1o telll:,h ,the fourth grade there, MIss Larger Because of Better Service, Last week Congress passed, over National Gue.rd Is not one of the M}'l·tle Edwards, cf London. for Quality, and Price ccnslderabe opposition. a bUl auth- Unlti> scheduled to be called imme- seven years a teacher In Madison Established 1849-1940 or'zlng the construction of another dlately, County, was employed to teach the Waynesv ;' lle, Ohio Phone 32 T, V. A, dam, the total cost of which third g:ro.de at MartlnsvlUe, BUCwlll run more than sixty-five mlUlon ceding Miss Esther Lazenby, who dollnts, The Admln1stmtlon conresigned to accept a position In !.he The nnllunl Cl!.fter reunion was tended the dam was needed asa·n TURNING BAC K Osborn School. hf'1d al the Carter farm Saturday emergency defense measure to furnTHE CLOCK Ish power to manufactur~ aluminum. Little Bobt>y Jean Beason. ot Too Drastic, Is View on Parkin, nnrl a vr ry large crowd. a tte nded . Taken from the Minmi Ga7.eHe fi les from which ,to build war p'anes, The Dayton. has been spending the past til l'S, Voi('rs Sr., who has been III TEN YEAUS AGO dam cannot be constructed and week, at the home of hls 8'rBndLebanon - Sentime.nt favoring Mrs, Ma ry Surfnce who f 11 willie [ fI1' s!'l'cl'lll month s. Is mu:h worse. Aug-ust 6, 1930 l1Et\dy to furnish powet1 In iesB than mother , Mrs. Ethel B eason. and Mr. changing the hours during which 1!1 h rr llome lasio Sunda y received no Mi s!; J('nn Qlligley sr:ent a few two years. Admlnlstratlon forces de- -nnd ",M rs. Wilbur McCarren. nJnety-mlnute parkln :~ Is In effrc t lin ngerol.lS injuries. da ys In s! week wi th he ~ grandThe mcmllers ' of tlw Clover Len [ feated an amendment provldlng for Mr . and Mrs, Roy Taylor and S01'\ her was voiced at Council meeting Mb;,~ Rob er!..'! and Mnd ge Ann club hcld Ulelr annual pi cnic Ins!. mo t her, Mrs. W, M, Kirk. the erectlon of a steam power plant of Ha~VeYsburg, and Mr. and Mrs, TUesday, CoLnN'. of WLlmingto n. grandd a.ughto furnish twice as much power at Chas . Jones, of Blanchester. were CouncUmen heard representatives Wf dnesday at tile pl c!lsan L eounlry I rs of Mrs . Cnrl'ol Sma.rt, enterto ML~5 Cl eo Ki r k has returned lees <.ost and to be completed withln callers Tuesday evening of Mr. ·and of several groups. Including Charles h· me of Mrs. F:'cd Gons. IncludhlR tained a group of chtld ren at a 11 I' nun t's Mrs. R . H. Jefflns to rea: year; as weU as an amendment to Mrs. George ~ymire and Mrs. Emma J. Wagoner and John Paul of the the chUdren , about forty were pres- ~ uprlsc blrLhduy pa.rty, [or Phyll is limit the expenditure of the funds Plymlre, Chamber of Commerce, Charles H , en t to enjoy tile sumptuous dinner Shldak 1'. of Harvcysb w·~. Monday. 1I1a III for l,he rest of the summer. Mr, DlId Mrs. J . H. Bogan spent appropriated nnd the use of · the Mr. and Mrs. Cone tJam and Mr. Young building and loan assoclat!on and the social time whlch followeu. Mrs, Oharles Thompson who has dam and power created, for defense and ·MI·s. Scott Day and ch1ldren, head, and J , A, Collins of the Leb~ unda}r with their daughter, neili Mr. und Mrs. Wa lter Sheehan and b en 111 for several months lia s purposes- only. The b1l1 was passed were visitors at the Clnclnnati Zoo, anon Grange suggest that 10 n, rn. t •· 'I h t 0 come ' ew Vlem}[l , I despite the fact tha.t Congressmen Monday. 10 p. m. be changed tl) 10 11.. m . to 6 Mr, and Mrs. Ellis McClure were ga n (I s w·eng.l enoug downstairs to meet h er many among the large number of Warren from the NOlitl'lwest called attention Mr, and Mrs, Perry Wells ha.ve had p , m., Sunday and hoilidays excepted. friends. to the gTel1>t volume of unused power as a guest In their home the past Councllmen o,greed tha.t the CountLans, who enjoyed the auto Mr . a nd Mrs , Sherwood returned Lour to OI.nc1n.nat1 and Coney Island and vast deposits of aluminum ore week, her moOher who lives In Cin- change would be advisable, fearing from a trip to t.h South , Saturday. available In their terrlto~ for the oinnatl. Sunday the Wells farrlly that bu8\ness might ~iUffer 8.5 a re- today. August 3. manufaoturer of aluminum at .p~ enterta.1ned It. numt)er of ~betr ~_ suIt of the long pertacl during which Friday and G eorge Edwards. Mls£es O. J . Mrs. Bevans. who underwent an t4ves at a tlUlilly reunion. the I1mit \s In force. AND Margaret. TrUlenR , and Mary Leah operation a few' weeks ago. Is reMr. and Mrs. WUllam Proclc ~VO - - - - -- - - Saturday Edwards arrived hom e thl: morning ported to be Improving nicely, had as visitors In thelr home for Final Oon()ort Thunday from Denver Col.. waere they vis ted several days, their daughter atilt Mr . Fren Dakin . who ha s the misTwin Thrill Niles 1 husband, . of Cincinnati, Franklin - The l~anklln HJgh Herbert Edwards and famU y, fortune of knowing Lhat he will soon Screen .Mr. and Mrs, D , M. Lyn':h and sOn School Band will present Its final lose h is eyesl'hL, .Is 1.0 move Into thc George Brent Mr, and Mrs. Car'l Frye. Mrs, building recentl y vacated by Ralph John: enjoyed the one hundred and concert of tile summ l~r Ilt the HarVirginia Bruce Mnbel Staup. and J esse Thomas, left -sixth Dividend Day outing whtch mon Playground Thursday night, Snook and Ills st'Cond hancl store. In TuesdllY for an auto trip throu gh was I!'1ven Saturday, at Coney Island, when Oerald Ml11er, l~anklin tenor. Ev ryone in Harveysburg has wel"The Man Who by the Proctor and Gamble Co. tor 'wlll be featured ' as guest s oloist. K entucky. comed t h e new postmistress. MIs.,> Talked Too Much" thetr employees .00 their famWes John RutJedge. director of the band Fay K elly , who will take complete TWENTY YEARS AGO and friends. announced, Miss Ann Edwards., charge shol·t!y, August II, 1920 Mr. and M&'s. Carey Shoemaker Franklin. wlll accompany MllIer on Mr, R. E . Hurst foml er teaehcr have bad as v1sIlionI for aevet'81 days, the plano and the soloist's brother. here, ano nls fanuly Jeft Saturhay. Born to Mr, and Mrs. Ra vmond August 3. to make Lh~r home io their dalighter and two ~clren, of Pat Miller, will play tile accordion , Conner. Saturday. August 6, 1920, a. Mount Sterling, which Is just a CInclnnati. daughte.r. Perry Wells was on a bus1nese trip National Honor Won shor t distance from his school. to Oeorgia last week. on hL!i retUI'T\, -The annual Civic League picnic The Misses Minervt\ nd J oseph in was held I.n the lichool yard Wedhe brought a load of watermelons, , Lebanon - IDgih ratings made Mr. and Mni. E, C. Murrfsh and by their cattle have won naUonal Hnrlno a nd Messrs , Haro'd, Erne.st, nesdny evening, A Inr ge crowd ntson ,Everett, of Xenia. Clark A1 en. honors for flye Warren County nnd Madison Eal'llhRrL motored to tended. Cincin na ti Sunday where they dined of MarysvUle, Mrs.· Ella Ferrt8, Mr. dairymen, Bll1y Lovett, n very prominent coland Mu, Dawson Lynch and Jolin, Charics HllI . Presldmt of the Na- with fri ends. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ored man of Harveysburg. was taken were recent callers ot the Talmage tlonal DaJry Association , h03 pre- Jones and niece. Miss Cora. F etzer, III death. Wednesday, Jul y 31 , after family. . sented dIplomas to WilHam Doster, In the ilfLernoon all of thl'm vL~ 1 led IIlQrc than 0. years 1I1ness. WaynesvWe ; Wllllam Lukens and the Zoo, and la ter motol'ed about Walter Ellis and ~n , Harveysburg; the city visiting 'mll.ny points of 111terest. and S, W. and H. A. The l'alns of Monday a nd TuesThe .warM. It w:a s ~nnounced, day were worth a lot of money to were granted farmer.s whose cows this community as vegetation a.nd prodUced more than 350 pounds of CInc1nnatl-Atter t.wo torrid weeks crops had cOl1unenc ~ d to bUJ'1l lip . on' f~i11 $Oil, !.he Reds returned to butterfat. Corn throughout the cOllnty was betheir own ball yard for a week'8 my ginning to look bad and was firing dur1ps which the toUsh 6Omperapidly , The Io,te potatoes, cabbage tttlon ot .CtUcalO and Bt. Louis pre· and tomatoes are a.lready lookin g vente<! them fl'O_m takh)g the time uP .. and ,t he tobacco Is looldng 0. to relax. Miss Audrey Crawford I~ spending whole lot 'better too. On 1'lluraday the at Louis Cuds the week with her purents, Mr. and ~illl!~ will ' enter for a four game sertes. Mrs. Ea.rl Crawford. ' ''' . '" .,,.~ • • 'l1hJB set ot games apnlst the Cards, • Miss Ruth Bunnell spent .the w~k ~ YTLE CLUB PICNICS .' who currently are the hottest team In Dayton with he·r slster, Mrs, AT SHARON WOODS
Fairley Hardware Store
Beech Grove
News Of The Reds
Stock Winter Coal Now
Prices will be much
I· I I
L..ca.~I ' . ' '. the"y
~ tne leQlJe, will start with a night Omer Boldrey. game ftiday, whlch haa been. d.ea1gMr. and Mrs. Frank Frazier, The "500" card club and their n&t8d as KentuE:1ty Night, Flf,~n Oatherlne Wallf!.Ce, IYld Mr, Buddy f!lmllles had a pi.< nlc supper at hundred Kentl,lClklans, guestl! of the Oarch attended a. ptcnlc supj:er "'horon Woods, Sharonville. Sunda.y . Clnclnnat.t Ohainber at Commerce, Sunday evening, at C1ncInnat1. evening. Those who cn jol cd Lh ocChevrolet trucks lead In aal4!!l wtll' be In !.he stands, In add1Uon to Mr, and Mrs, Leslile Gorsuch and caston were: Mr. and' Mrs. Therle becauSe they have the m«,)8t desirable \>alance of power, nutmerous dlgnUBrles, alao invited daughter, Marte, spent Sunday in JODl~S nnd son . Mr. and Mrs. Harold d d 'bill by the Onunber of Commerce. Ttie Bebha.ny, · Whitaker and children . Mr, and Mrs, economy an theuta ty- emblem of 'tale Commonwealth of The utica La.1dles Aid held their Stanley BaUey and daughter, Rev. power to do job well, economy do the job lo~ Kentlidty will tie featured In the . business meeting at the home · of and Mrs. Snydel' and son, Mr. and and durablllty to stay on pre-game fireworks d1spIay, and the Mrs. Irene Ne\Vnum. ¥rs , Wllbl!lt Swank, Mr. &nd MrS. the job. That all adds up to Highland Band at Port Thom&s w1l1 The Utica Up and comers 4-H Fred Rush and' children, Mr, and ' ·~lue-:",:e.ceptional value that play' K,entuckY tUlle3.· . Clu,b met at the h()me of Phyllis Mrs, Willinm Rafters, daughter and h'a,keptChevrolettrucksout . The OJ1'dII will aleo play an after- DaJley. , Miss ·Gustln . Mr, and Mrs. DOllald ' In fl'Qftt III _._-Ieadlna noon game, Baiurday, which wUl- be Mr. and Mrs .. Everett Bunnell and 'Foul~, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groves a..in In ....., a' theyhave,led Irnotbole daY, then w1l1 ellPie the famUv, and Mr. a.nd Mrs. Harry an~ , son.""Messrs. R~ll prunpbell y..r . after ,ear. 'Conalder Reda In • . aeries' clOslDi dotiba,e bill Meket and !\UIlily called on Mr, nnd an<;l Rober.t uPrnas ahd Everett Sa.vm~lJla "lOme of ' Y9ur BUDda)'. ~r ihla twin bill, '14,000 un- Mrs. Bert Bunnell and daughter. "age. and Marjorie and . Jimmie t11JC1Wa. equipment :, no,,_ ~ _til wUl be' beld. for the , Mr, aDd' Mrs. '~aITy Ball. on,ove- ,Swank . .... mqclil. aad tJ~ of Chev· ~. ,admtaMp patrons ~d wUl, ~, spent ThUrsdI1>Y With Mr. and , rolet truc:kaarestllla"aOable , DQt be reIeaaed until the ~s open -un"JIril . GarI1san. '. CO, E TO IJOLD REUNION a~ ' Wda)"~ lOW price l C!v-el. ' at the park BlIpday IDDl'IliII& at 11::~. Mrs. MIldred W!Lllace, of eincin- ' , ' -Poli in8 .SUnday'a twip blUr, u'ie na.t1, spent the _!~ end with rela- , Members of Co, E. 147 !n!.. 'of the. ~ wW vla1. PitltBbWB, · ChlCflO tlvea. . . . 8?th Division, will .hol<\ their second , aDd '~ (m: a;.'eett of ro8d , Mr. aD¢.~ Mcnts LnwlB. of Mt, annual picnic and reunion for mem.. warfare. - - -. --JiO:uy spent Sunda,y afternoon with bera and· thelrliim1l1es at the WaiTen _ _ _ _ _--Mr., aDd lin. Jobn Koester. County ' Fair groqnds, Sunday. Alii.
.Iea..:il' In '. con ' omy, a ,., . .
· . ' daL:.'IIlty · and value. .d .p n .... '
'Bope Ja
llD tbe
a& Dllbt:
ebeN 1a DO oomer . ,dart ~t that.
Buman hope and
Join lD nature's
a paw. h. en..tn· dI8aoftr • UId. If aIII'.
mould barmoT'Y,
Keep your face to the SUI)Ih1ne.
lUte mualo and 'OU caDDOt lee tile lhadow. -i1lrar7 . . . aIQ -B~_ Keller.
OIl mlDor
ftIdIIet 1ia tile J:IeU't,
·h igher · ,i n the neKt 30 to 60 days. ,
There have be~n slight advan~e. ,.ince last winter and another t:',.e dlle b.f ore fall.
We Ca'n Supply Needs NOW.
UOtJ8'l' .. " .
.. __ ._~_
History Of Grange - ATRIBUTE Wayne Park To Be Broadcalt New. -Notes
oHer • ..U,f.ctor, Service '
at.n tim••
Bun~y , lira. R, O1'Qliby anl\ ten
dJl~\Or arid
WL1m\lla~ n
~nday, the C~lntorl County Farm Bureau h eld their. monthly meeting at ·the Park . After dinner t hey played ball a na had a swim . Art Haverland ls the lea der. ThIl F . F . A. boys, of Finlay. Illso stopped at the pool, Monday . for n swim . with their lender, Rob er t Kibby.
Mr. S. S. JCllls 11 0 , D , (lrock.t~ Will glv~ a QIIlD~IISIOJl of tllll ear)), hi tory of Ute arang over t I :30 It, I'll. Mon(HIY, AUguU , 12t Mr. Crockett 111 Warren, coutity gra.n ge c\epuW and Is well posted on questions of ,interest reQardlng tbe grange . Mr, Ellis being [l grand on of S . H . Ellis who was l ru'~eIY re spo ns lble for tiu! foundin g .of the gron ge III Ohio. Is well qualltled 10r lhut asslBnmen t , The discussion ~vlll be both Interesting a nd InstrucUve li n d a ll who are InLet· t.ed Sllould d in l 1380 on next MOoday. August 121h a t 11 :30 a , m .
L _-
WQI'8 An Iluto or Il whioll -fWoi,~rod ·Ro~te·~ •. -mUf July 211. and Lhe bustneas Frldl\}' "Ignt, e8ult~ in lI'Rnsfl!rr,ed to MIsS Faye Kelly 'u Sbuth or w aynesville,
ooat office book,
Wh n I
close~ on
Ibng serious injuries ~ t\lree Persons. BALE ' - ~QJtne J;treasUJ'~ colorful career for hatles Madden. Those burt w re Denver BarloW, slave. Tabletop model. A-I sha,pe. _..__....__.._......_~,_ .....,.....~,,.,,"' ..._...---~.-'-~ _ ,...____... For over fifty yents h · has servea 29. driver of one of the cars, ' and Ills Very ' reasonable. Ray .COruler, tho public. firs t. IlS (\ dnlgclst . , Ihen ~l\lpa nlon , G etrude Hoyle. 28; bot h =WaynesviUe. Ohio. J25-Al 'as a groceryma ll. nnd tor the last 01 Lebunon. a nd HOWlll'ti M . Barbee fourl ell and on halt yelc\r as of Columbus. H,.oslli lal attaches S!\ld postmaster . I Bar1)ee sliIJered possible lntel'l1al Always a brillill n t ~· cho ll\l' . n good Injuries. a rib fracture a na cuts, Mr, and Mrs . E . 6 . Burtqn . of scribe, IUld cn)lQ'ble or. making aI- Burlow \Vas t reated for eye, ann, JEWELER and ENGRA ElyrIa . and John Rye. of X enia. remO$t perf t fl gllres. he kept his a nd hand cuts. a nd knee Injuries. Fishermen from Oolumbus. In12 yean in Lebanon The country home. of Mr. and turned Thursday . froln a two weeks d nnatl. Dayton . Wilm in gton. Washbooks III a. sh ape that h e had a Miss Hoyle suffered a probable nos e M I'6. Franle B.r addock was the scene 'trip t hrough the West. ri ght to be proud of them . Ington , C. Hllsboro, a nd Sl rln ey fractllre a nd scalp li nd face cuts, In Cary'a Jewelry Shop , of a gathering of relatives and He sen-cd the pllbllc w(' II , often They visited the Bad Lnnds and a ll had flne catch es last week. Th ~ a ccident occtJ.rred when Barfriends, Sunday , when they eneoyed t h e 131a.ck Hills, of Sollth Da kota, . C. M. Robltzel' Is all (I bus ill ess too ge nel'ous fol' h.ls olYn goo I, so b e's cal' struck a gU!ll'll ra.il. III all honest all d upright Il lmsclf that he a basket picnic dinner together. where they wi tn essed a colorful trip In the northel'll part of Mlchlatte mpt to avoid hlWng l\ truck, . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Guests Included Mr. and 1w{rs. pagean t . pre.!lented by t he Sioux Ba n 'this week. could not rcall:t.e that h is fellow Illen then swerved back onto the hlghJames McIntyre. Mr. and Mrs . Indians. They also vi sited Yellow were not or the same cnllber. He al- WilY. hitting Ba.rlo",·s automobile. Theodore McIntyre and' son . Walter Stone P a rk, and Salt Lake CUy, wnys had the Imerest ' of Lhe comThe Missionary sOciety of the munity a heart nnd took an a ctive WUson. Mr . . and Mrs. Raymond where th ey reported 'temperatur(!s N01'I Ii) '1'0 COS " '''" 'l'O It S Melhodlst church meL Wednesday part in politi cs . He h eld the respect WIlBon . Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ellis around 110 degrees. Thelr visit to 8"'.'\'1'£ OF' OHIO afternoon \vlth Mrs. Rufus Wa tkinG. of both pl\.l'Liel; for h l3 loyalLy. 1I IilI'AII'I·lUI.:lN'I· (110' IIIGIIW"" ' !! and cblldren. John Wilson, Robert the Rocky Mountain National Park C;Olllltlb ..., Uhlu, -'\ uJiCtl_t u. u ...o Wilson.. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peterson was a lillIe more pleasant as far ..!.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In t ile absence) of t he president. He hns had finan cial reverses . C l~rk .. r ..8 nl"4 1,.-11'81 l 'uln' N... <to-::!!1 N('I' 1· ltI ..·. ) t ,.,.N·I· II AC' I· and fam11y . Mr. and Mrs. Fred as t.emperature was con cerned. howMrs . A. K. Day presided. Mrs. L . C. Ickn ess, nnd family troubl es that 1,." lernl" Id "r.· ..... I.p-y l' r llJ e~ C Nu. :ill-A (') Braddock. Mr. and Mrs . Warren ever. as they told of 1111!.klng snowST. i\UGUS'rtNE C HuatCIt Radley conduc ted tile devoLions . us· II' re worse than dent h . but he met Braddock and 1iaughter. Mr. and balls and pIcking flowers at the I t ~ \· . It. II. K rumho\tz. S T D, pastor Ing Mat,thew, 28 :19-20 for the scrIp- I:hem (Ill with (I rtrm convl tlon that Sen1 d 1>1'01' sn ls will Il l> " !>C I v d nl lh orfl " or 'ho ~ 'Ill e II I(fIo\\'lI)/ Mrs. Raymond Braddock. all of, or same time. Mr. and Mrs . Burton be , will be." ture readIng. "Tihe Stewardship of " What Is nil' clor ut hlo. Ilt l ' II WnllJ \I~. nlllo. M,ns, SIIJl(l n),s 9 UO ~ , III. near Waynesville ; Mr. and Mrs. M. ,brought back motion Pictures of all Woman11ood" wlas give n by Mrs. MI'. adden was forced to r esign IHU It t en.o·cluck A. M .. 1':...., l"1' 11 S""' ~ dUl'd LIlli e. F,·IIIllI. uM " " t 23 . I ~ ~O . O. R-eeves, lIIr. and Mrs : C. E. Pat- t he places of In terest which the~ on acoc un t of 1Il h ealth and a ll hope ((11" IntJ...· u \· t" l u I\t s In : Day. Will' " n ( 11111 )' 1\10, 0 11 purl of METIIOJ)lS'l' C IIUllCIl teraon and family, Dawson La Umer. visited. being relieved of the respont hat Mrs. Harold Il:arnh art presented S~L l lon H of lh o j"run klln - \\' II'lI lnll'Misa Helen Fudge. Mr. and Mrs. C. Louis C. !ladle,. I'llslor t he following program; Solo. "Trees", si bilities of otTlce, he will r ega in his Lon nOI,d. SlOl D IIlg hw u)/ No. ~5 1 , SIR I Rou l No. n . III ('I l'" f"' c"k A. Strobridge and son , and Mr. and stren gth 'B nd have ~ ev 1'a,J years of 'f uw lI s hlp , b ' g rullln l!, "o n ~ t l' u c Lin g SATTERTHWAITE HORSE Church School 9 :30 a. m. Wor- by Miss WIlliamson. of Centerville; u C nc.· H' l> ~Olm hl'l d e \\' ll. h COI\ Mrs. L. C. Reeves and daughter. all good hea lth . <:,. -til Id)\.llll ' n tH IS IM n 4 3 . • 6 feol. ENTERED AT FAIRS sh ip service 10 :40 a . m. Subject. r ea.d1ng. "Bibles In China". by Mr~. SODAS - SUNDAES I know Mr. Madden wants to ron ll,wl\ ' ~ 4 f el l \111t1gc ;.; . \\'A· 73'of Xenia.. "' The Word Made Flesh ." George Henderson; "Two Notes ' U oV r bra noh t lea,' r ok. tLnd from O verseas". by Mrs. Martha ~ha nk Mr . Jord an and Mr. Hurs t ,,""' Ing wl lh li ur fuc Ih' nl l'd p Lnhl! . only d mn lerln ls. FORMER PASTOR VISITS ,H ERE Hough a nd Mrs. Charles ElliS; solo. for ~hejr faithful service.' and hls I~ Width Mr. and Mrs. Henry satterthwaite, : p"v emc llt ~ O r~e t ; ROII O"God's ClllJlng." by Mrs. Radley : an wish Is that U1ey will help his suc- wur 06 It et. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Satterthwai te. Length 350 (e I <-.. 0.173 mil e. 1\1'1'. 1I01.l.Y 1\1. '" C IIUn CIi Rev . and Mrs. H. H. Lafferty. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Swnner . book reviews by Mrs . Raymond Con- cessOl's who ever they lOay be. for I<:sthna lod (lOSl . .... .. . U1 ,160.00 1'. M. SCllrlf, l\ulllstcr t hey will need It. ;hat they mny ontra t to bo ~O llll) 1 l d not IUl.-r daughter Mirlam. and son John, 01 at Lebanon. a.tte nded the Plnln City. n ero A poem "Look Up ". by Ml·;. ~s a • l hll " July 31. 194 1. carry on Lills work as well as he did. R1chmondale, 0 ., and Mrs. George Fair last Thursday. where " Ida SU. DELICIOUS-COOLING SlIllrlllY .' 'hoClI 0:30 II . III . g A belle Drummond. concluded the 'fIl e Ohio ttll Em,,1 Yin 111 S r · Mr . Madden will btl mISsed In " Ice. W. ;\. B Ischel'. l\fn " "lf ro ,·. 1-1 3- 47 Houck and son, at sprtngboro. were a pacer owned by Henry Satterth- J'll l'llhal'l. SlIpt Smooth, Velvety, program. North 'ThlrO ..U·c t. Hnmil lon. (J hl o. but it ls hoped that the will tu'rnl s h thc s uccossru l bidder n il business gUests of lIIr, and Mrs. C. L . Duke, waite. won 3rd place, In harness g\'elllll ~ service 7 : ~n . lee Cream A group tram fuhe Centerville mls" ml, loy m nt li st fr om ,,,-hleh ull pubUc loss wUl be his gain. Tuesday evening. Rev. La1ferty was r!lclng. f'l'II yer lIlet!lIl1l: WedlwsnllY qu"ll/l ed' ull sklll d Inb r I' II.s I ~ looul .irnary society w'er e p resen t. and Iy U\'nlllllble, shalt I)e sp l,' Clcd t or Glt! nn W. Fealy. former pastor of the Springboro and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sumner, of Ill",; 7:3U _ this Ill"OJect. 1 RES!i FRUIT FLAVORS LYtle Churohes. Harveysburg. Ohio Th o u(lc llLi on of Ibld a ~ r,! 18 dlrectLebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry SatA welcome awaits you at· these d lo til 9pco lnl r> ro \' 1 8 . on~ ov ring tenhwa.ite and C. I . Satterthwaite serVices. come and enjoy them with ~TOP IN TOO AY s ub l"t.U ng' Or n-" 8 1~I"n g lh (l()1ltrnCl. FOURTH OLASS the use ot dom sUc mnt rll\18. eel cFAJt.MBB'S GRANGE attended the fah' at Richwood . 0 .• us. , POS'"'MASTER EXAMINATION Llo!, of lahnr. hours or -rllploym n[ BAS WEINER ROAST .. and condl(\on8 or IlIploytn ellt. Wednesdny, where Mr. SatterthMiss Frieda H llTvey has returned The minimum wuse to b pl\.l d to waite's horse was also en~ In ~e ~ • . all Ia.J>o.r m"lo )'ed on lllis COIlU'tlCt to the Home art,er a two weeks vaBy invitation from lIIr. and Mrs. Receipt of applications to close M il I)e In a 01 (I. nee wlt ll Ih U'I 'teA U. B. cmm 'If raclng. cation. Aug. 23, IHO . h dule ' of ,Pf ' \'ulli ng Hour ly Harry SmJth, the Farmet'1> Gr~e, "Wage Ral II A8 ~e rtnln Ii tlnd D le r11c"js 1\. Ifill. I'ns tr.r Miss Clara Llle. of ' Washlngton, a.f ter a ,brief buslness -BeSSion, SaturThe date for ~embJlng of oom- mill d U)' 'rhe Oopilrl rn e ,.t t IndllsSunday , August 11 C. H ., visited htlfe over the week petltors w1ll be s tated in the adm's- lI'lnl .Re latlons nplIlI abl to Slat day night spent. the evening at their SISTER HONORED HI8'h"\'a y Oepnnm ent Imr l o\l01ll 0nt8 ENTERTA N CLUB 9 :30 n. m. Sunday School. Leslie end. sian cards whlch will be malledto lnR ecordan e · wlth <: tIOD..!l17-3. camp whe.r e t hey enjoYed a weiner AT 'BiRTHDAY 'PARTY 17-4. 17- .n. 17·5 'uM 17.6 .. /)f the AT WILMINGTON HOTEL roast. There were about seventy-nve Gorsuch . Supt. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sheehan, ,9f applicants after the close of receipt 'on"ral od Ott Ohio," Air All . 'I'h bldd I' mUHI I!I1U1Illt wllh hi m~ and their fam1lles present. Mrs. WIlUam DI'ake: of Indianapolis, 10.30 a. m . Morning WorshIp. CentervUI e. ca II e d on s. ce of applJcat\ons. hid 11 oenlrt d ~ h e 'k 111 nn amount 7.00 p . m . Ohrlstian Endeavor. Ollll'k . Sund!ry a:fternoon. The Ul;1lted States CIvil Service IIl e(lUua.1 fi veI,ut \let' e M 1 th stl. M rs. D .0! Rid ge an d Mrs . Harv ey ted toost. In flO "v olll llI o~e and M.IsB Ruth Hubble. o[ Bellbrook, jOint hostesses at a dlIUler nRrty Leader : Mrs. Mattie Garrison. Mr. and' Mrs , Lee MaSon. of MommlsslQn h as' nnnounced a.n ex- '- Lhllll len th ousnnd dolln le. . 1 h W~.e ~ ..t i d ni II nmin t1 n ult f h1"h I' Is Pl l\ ns and sper lt cntJons nl'o on RYe were Joint hostesses at a unc a t the Little Inn. Monday evening. Wat, h for an announce men n Mason. were Mon ay mar ng ca . a 0 • ns a res . ow. . !lin 111 til flep/l.l·ll11 III ot Ihlghway" eon and bridge, TUesday, aftemoob. The d1nner Was given in honor at the near future concern ng our ne~ ers. expected to make cert1flcatlon to fID and \ihe off! ' ot the I' $\denl (II. · >6d "aoancy In theposl' 'll'iTil <:t d""u,ty !!Ireo[or, . Denver hotel, in WUthe birthday anniversary , of their play. Mrs. Lena HtlJrtsock, the Ml.sses a can t emp 1a.,.. e cHt:ecto7re rv ea lhe .rIght t o a't the General ' -_ .. Fr ,~n6. Alden and \Jon of ·fourth class postm.. ~ter a. roject any u.lI.d nil bids. mlngton. Adall . sister, Mrs. Rex Blue. of Xenia. ne ......... . !_.""" - , ...,,, R Fro S. BE IOIiT !.'EH. The guest of honor received many Mrs. Donald ·Ha.d ley and daughter. · Harveysburg, hOio and other vacani::I~ate HIgh way DlrcoloJ' , Their guests were the members of lovely gifts from her friends ' and WAYNESVIl,i ,E CIIUnml Of" Donna. vislted 1I4r. and ~s . A. Z. cles as they may occur at tlla om· e. the Argunot 'Bridge club, Mrs. Dan MASONIC NOTICE WA'l'NBBVILLE,Omo relaUves. ,and af.ter dinner the group cnnt s')' Hartsock nnd fllmUy. of Kingman, unless It Bha.1I ,be decided 10 the 10Deavet·, of ~s. an~. ~. R. \Y. C. SlnHh. !\Iilll 1,·\· Saturday, Mrs. Hartsock remained terest of the sei-vlce to fill any va- Regular communloatlon of Waynes" R, Benson . of Ipdlanapolls. enjoYed a swim at Wayne Park. FBmDAY~AT~AY Invit.ed guests included Mrs. Fted SUNDAY for a vlslt . UntU Sunday evening. {a.noy 'bY retnstatemenl. The exam- ville '! lodge No. 16B F. abd A. M., After 0. dellcloUJi luncheon, aDd a AIIIUl 9 and 10 HulHlle and Mrs. Earl Hubble, of 9 :30 a . m. Sunday Sabool Mrs. Ida Boslt~r and family of Illation wlll be held at WUmlngton, tIle Fellow-Orait- degree. dellght.ful afternoon of cards, prizes TWO BIG )'E'ATURES Bellbrook; Miss Katherine Potts, of 10 :45 n. m . Communion. D ayton . called on Miss Katie Col- Oulo. The compensailon or the !pOstwere aw~ to Mrs. ~. K . Preston, ' ''S~ Jesse PI·endergast. W. M. X enia ; Mrs. Harvey Hough. .of 6:15 p. m . Young people meet at liDS" Sa turday evening. master at this ofrlce was for Mid ~Iss Mar8~et Edwards. . . Vern Armitage, Sec. Boo&b ~'. Hilarious the last tlscal ~"ea r. . Spring Valley; Miss Pauline Rae, of Ferr for endeavor.. , 8'-101 YOIIDC Lovel' . 7 00 J _. End ENTERTAIN AT DINNER , Applicants must have reached Wilmington; Mrs. ,Erwin Ellis, and : p. m . uJUor eavor. wUb Mrs. Albert Carver. 7 :45 p. m . preaching . their twenty-first birthday but , . . . eoo... ·5 p . m. Ba pwom •• - a.l serv . Iceo Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, Fires enter-' no t their slxty-Htth birthday on 8 : .. Bettie FIeld 'Frere were 93 present last Sunday talned at dinner ~ursday evening. the da ,e of the close ot receipt or O&toErQer ENTERTAIN AT everting with one confession. Can- the following guests; lIIr. and Mrs. appllcatlons. To Sol e World's PrOblems SUNDAY DINNER not you be with us this Sunday eve- C . H. Harbeson 1I0d Hal old T a ylor, Applicants must reside witwn the ' .JE$USsa.1d t hat J;Ie would return to the earth as a "8aD&a Fe Marahar' ning? . of Centerv1lle; lI4r. and Mrs. ~y- te~r1tory supplled by the post oHlce "th eI .I n the nlght"-that Is, u~9t:ce,,· and :unwlill Mr. and Mrs. L. J . Burnsides enmond Stomps and son, of Mlanils- for which the examlnlltJo Is a:-t- known to the w~rld-and that rus presence would William 8014 tertained a group at friends . and burg : and lIIr. and Mrs. Leslie Tay- nounced. :Ill' revealed in the cloUds of trouble accompanying Ii-u~ relat[ves at dinner Sunday. Their lor, of Dayton. The exalnlno.t1on Is OPell to ' aU the 'collapse or all etlorts to restor.e PEace In a '\\ arl' EIlItY CuilltCIl OF CURIST guests were MIs& Elsie Hightsman, ci: lzen,s of ~he United States . who tOrn 'and crurnbUng world. The str1\~ge events Of \V. C. Sml&h, Minister A........ 11 and 12 and Ralph H1ghtsman of Mornlni r UNDAY enn comply with the requ ·rements. our day denote that the · ihelet-l\ke<'lIresen~ , at VISIT RELATIVES SPENCER TRACY View. Ky .; ~ Guylda Dwnford App' lca tJon j)lanks. Form 9, and eart.l)'s new Kin g hlis already b :guu; and that soon a. m. Sunday School 9:30 ill and Mr. and .Mrs. James Jackson of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bland and fuJ\ . info~matlQn concerning the' re- all mankind, Jew and OentU~, Wlll recO~n1ze 'Him . 10 :45 a. m. Communion "EDISON' THE MAN" Lebanon ; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fox, daughter, of Springboro, were over- qllirements.' of the examination can and obey 11Is rlghteoualll.WS. H6ar Le plophetlc ev11 Ii. m . Sermon wit.. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker Sr., Mr. night gUests of their Parents, Mr. be secufed' from t he" po: tmaster at Idence on .t hls point cilscussed by .' 6115 p. m. ChriStian endeavor on RIJ'A JOBNSON. and MJ's. C. E. Higbtsman. anti Mr. lawn ()f church. and Mrs. L. C. St. John, . Saturday. the Place of vacancy or from tobe NORMAN WOODWORTH, Editor and Interna&lonal LYNNE OVERMAN and '"Mrs. Robert Baker Jr.. and There were 25 present Tues ;:ay Sunday they Iill v1sl.ted Mr. and Mrs. United States · Oivil Service .COm- Lectllftr OBABLE8 COBURN daughter, Jeanne. ADMISSION FREE NO OOLLEVTlON evening for the Homebuilder's class John Settlemyre and son, of Ore- mission, Washington,' D. C. . Apj:J1icat\ons must be properlY ex • •' (Turn otT'Route 2. at MlaDl18burg or FranklIn) _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _~__- -- - - - - - - _ - - - - - - -. social. ThIs Is a ' new class. recently gonla. started composed of young married ecuted and, on file with thepommlssion at Washington. D.O., prior to ~~------------------------. .~ people. The minister ls the teach,er. FORMER RESD)ENT STOPS BE~E the hour of closing businesS on the --date specified at (Ihe . h\lad at this Not AIIocia&ed with tbe 8o-eauecl ....ebovab·s W~, CASE POSTPONED Mr. and Mrs. James T . . Fram~ annOUIllement. , . \ ." . The case , at Robert Baker Jl' ~: vS. and da)J ghter, of Chlcago. stop~ VACATION IN lLLINOtS Harry Dickenshee ts, to have been In • Waynesville, ' Sunda.y. to visit . . heard In Justice of the P eace Car- with friends. lIIr. F'Mme formerly Mrs. Kenneth Hough and two man Crane's cour t, Monday night. lived with his parents W11llanl an4 Harlan , ' August 5. was postponed until Aug- Mary Frame, all , the farm where children, and Mrs. Viola lust 19. The defendant·s Ilttorney was Frank LeMay and his family now lef t. WaynesvJUe Monday momlng live. , not present. for a two weeks vl'>1t with relatives vt.s1t with . Mrs. In Illlnols. They Baker Is suelng for $50. which he SUNDAY Sm~PER GUESTS Hough's Sister, Mr5: O . L. Swartz, in claims Is owing to him on ~he sale of Chicago; and other relatives in LOn~:~;S~!f.1)~~I"'hls farm to DIckensheets. Mra. Jesse Hymlll.n entertaJaett the .doll MJlls and Galesburir. following guest& at Sunda.y evening 2ti:~-:::;::f.t'-t~'I'I1ItIri. Itt.! ENTERTAIN OUT·OF-TOWN supper; Mr. aDd Mrs. Irwln Hyman, GUESTS AT PICNIC and Mr. alid Mm. Abe , H:vman, of OUTING AT LAKE Mr. and Mr,. Walter Sheehan and Xenia ; ,Mrs. Het,lJry Llpotsky and MI'. a nd Mis . George T . Quick, of, family . and guests, Mrs. Mitchell son, MarVin; of Barrington, in., and Kartall. of ,Butler. Pa .. Ra.y mond Mr. aUd Mrs: A. T. Poltnsky and Mlanlis>bllrg; . Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Campbell a.n d Mr. and MrS. C1yde . Dunham. of Kings MJlls. Mr. ' arid daughter, MarUyn, of' C1nc1nnati. Campbell, 01 Springboro; Mr. ' and Mrs. Deartli ·Sheehan. and chlldren, FANULY DniNER HELD ' Mrs . .1, P . Larrick, and carl M11ler Mr. and Mrs, Ellis McClUre and chl.!enjoyed an outing aM picnlc supper ren, of Dayton. and Mr. and Mrs. ElFAIR tilDe . . .1 Eahlblb. ~.ce., ciiapl.y., free Mrs. R. R. Be~lIon , of ~nd.lanapo. at L eSOurdsvllle Lake; . Wednesday mer Sheehan enjoyed a Plcluc sup. . . . cont..... ~ua'c••"t.rlai"~.ntl Fun. frolic and '. per at Wayne Park, Sunday ,evening: lis. Is visiting with her parents 'Mr. evenlng, iDfonaatloa Io~ ·tow"a• • " and fume" alib, ~d ·Mrs. W, P. Slalisbury. She and .' ~ piuO' truly baa. right to .tiok out hi. pJ.•• t ·over ~er SOn RIchard, have been viaG UESTS FOR PJ(JNJC :SUPPBR PICNIC SuPPER FOR. '. . . HARVEYSBURG FRIENDS iUng here. Mr. and Mrs. I:Jarvey. Bye ..... 7eU'. tau. B'.ie~! lu1i1htu :and !tnd fampy ' were SuDday dinner !dr, and Mrs. James Snyder, at).d ..... ' tlaaa ."e~. 110.. e"Jrie., f1ne~, Mi, ';and Mrs. H. C: MI Ilgjlll. MI'. guests of Mr. and Mrs. D . R . Salls- S OI1 , and ~. J . J. s~ut, o!-Day..... , ••• lI,Y~ tbrUl.-a -...us-t -r'. a~~rs. parI MQOre. andramUy. o~ 1Ul'Y. -ton; Dr. "nd Mrs. ~1li:ii Stout, -....-p~ogr•.••. Briq .... · ~rveYEburg. and' Mr. and Mrs . W . . , . and, filmlly. of Wes~ MIlton; aDd Dr. 'I'_i~l"'''''~' _ ' Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thompson are and Mrs. A. E. stout and daurbter A: L~kens and family gave a ,plcnic . .'100 .................... siJpper, .Thursday evenlrig at Chap~ enjoying a w~ vacaUon tr1p- vis.. )- ad a picnic supper qether, ' &&" man's «:;lrove, compllmentln!f anrt lUng pIa.c,es ' of ln~~ the .... . Wilrne Part, Ttllll'lda¥ evenm,. Mr. Mrs. R. E. HW'!t. The ·HW'IIts are lind Mrs. Oeoqro Walta of Dayt!ln. leaVillr Harve)'5burg Ul1a Pan to VSI TtQ.lWUMl 0AZETTB oa11at.a a &be SINUf. make 'Ule1r hDlDe In II~ Sterllq. "&if1 bc4De.
'ho•• '
RETORN FRUM WEST PicDlc Held ,For Friends .And Relatives
a.c~lng ~tmlstl'ellS It olosed
W. F. M. S. Meets
With Mrs. Watkins
I .Churches
Ice Cream
10 cts
MIAMI VALLEY, CHAUTAUQUA AU'O Saturday, Aug. 10 , 8:00 P. M. L
' 10.. . TAl
Come ' l~" a~CI .Inspect·
"W'''V'''II.U~ - AUG. 14 to .30 -1940
...a ..
. . .....:
Ml's slng Warren
Mostly About·~ PEOPLE and THINGS
Found .D ead
Smith's d e li very truc k hal.! a n e w pilot this w e ek, John Sears, who always put in a n appeara n ce a round v acation · t lme. .. H e s eem e d a I I'ttl e f usse d th IS morning w h e n an empty milk bott le roll e d off his basket and onto t h e pavement. .. wonde l" if it w as th . k I h . d e mc e e was worne ...about ... Oakley Rid ge f a ithfulJy watering the youn g O
Henry H. KJslnger , 'age 69 , of. Waynesville Rural Route 2, who had been reported m1sBlng from hlS home, seven mUes north or Lebanon on bhe Dayton-Lebanon pike, slnce Monday morning, was found dead, Tsesday afternoon a hollow the woods back of hls 1nhome. H1S inbody was discovered by a searchlng party of Ilelghbors who had been looking tor Illni since Monday . Coroner H . M. Williams reported bhat death was d ue to a cerebra l h emorrhage. Mr. KlSslnger was a retired farmer. and had lived hls entire life In Warren County.
tree a nd p e tunias in front o f .He lS survived by his wtre, M1lUlle, his photographic s hop e v e ryone son. Fred, of Newport, Ky., and eve ning during th e dry s p e ll aile brot her, J . W. KJssinger, of Ok... kee p s t he g roc ers busy lahoma City, Okla. th d Funeral services will be held . Friets e a Y s cOl~ntidng tho~e day, 2, p. m., at the residence. with wa erme I OIW me up 111 bW'ial In Mtami cemetery. frontof t}ae ir tores ... they c laim they always know e x actly how many al~ the re ... but I wond e r .. ,Pa ul Picking high up on a ladder givi ng the J . G. Gibbons C o ., a new white front ... ome of those Waynesville Miamis were eliminwho are alw a y s k jcking ated from t he Warren Coun 'y a bout ho w dirty it is on M a in League. Sunday, In a thrilling eleven s tre et ought to give a little Inning game whlch ended In a 9-8 c redit to those faithful res i- ~ core , In Lebanon's favor. A f~r maintaining a 7-0 lead for dents and e mployes who get ont in the wee hours of t he fiVe Innings of play, Lebanon tied the score In the ni nth . 8·S. In t he morning wit h t h e ir Qroo m s, eleventh Inning H. RUS!el got on dust pans,. and hose . .. the big tl1rOU8h an error, stole second. and s hade tree 'in front of Mrs, when Gray got a single to center, Edit h Harris' home affords a scored the.. winning run. Dakin. l'he secolld "Pepper Marfi n e p1a ce to rest on these was the clown of the game. He hot day!? .. t he wate r truc k s had fi ve hits out of six tInles UP. loading wat er at Wayne and stole all Lebanon had but the Park for farm e r s whose win. welJs are dry ..... Whit" with his young son, " Fre ddie "
Announcement was made here Tuesday that plans Bre stU! belDg made for the open ing of the - - - - WaynesvUle canning compan y plan t, , ..- ,,- ..- ,- ,,- ..- -,,- . - .. -,-,~ about AUgust ~5 . In spite or the dry weather which has seriously . damaged the corn ·crol>. tile plant wUl open to can W~lat.~ver ,:orn lS ava il. ..-" -"-"~ ,,-,,- .. _ ._ ,,_ .. __ ~ . a,ble. ' Rober t Hyman spen t Wednesday The Tom Cor wlln Cannin g com and Th ur sd ay. las.' w:e, k m' ' of Sou th' .....,."anon y ...... . begao pa,ck..... th pany Charles Burton Earn har t. of Sprlng- Ig corn on TuesdlI.y , and the Miami 'Cannlng comnnny opcnen iLl; se son field. last week. ...,. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis and Mr and Mr& . D. R . Salisbury attended It lS esti mated th nt unless rai n lIle 'nlght Dall game In CIncinnati, fa lls within the next rt ve or si x day.~ the damage to the corn cr p will Fr iday evening. MlSsf S MUdred SallS- have easily reached t he Ufty par bury and Mary Carolyn Lukens, Don cent mark. and Charles Collett also attended . Several times during the past week overcast skies have bouycd the hopes .Mr. and Mrs. Warren Braddpck of farmers ror ;'r aln that would para nd daughter , Betty. were SUnda y tia lly r evive 'parched crops. But d inner gu ests 01 ¥r. a nd Mrs. D, R with the exc~ptl on of very )j '~ ht SalJsbury and fa mlly. showers Tuesday and Wedn esday afte rnoon . the l!ldel~ .cleared, and no Mrs. J essie Hyman vLslted relative rain fell. a nd friends In Xenia. last Wedn€sday , Thursday a nd Friday. LOCAL TEACHER WEDS
Loe aI Happ eOlo . gS
Business Lecturer To Address Civic Club . - ---
F red Braddock , Wayne Township democratic commlttceman, wlll take over the duties of Wayncsv We pootmaster , Friday , August 16, and will fUl the post until such Lime as an examination can l>c he.ld and a new apJ:olmr.lcnt made. Mr. Braddo k Iccelved olTiclnl nOllfication or his tr mporary appointmcnt August 5. This nCLirlcatlon rollowed a few d ays a.I' tel' t10 lres ignat ton or Fra nk M . Pox was asked and obtained bu , Lite post oU lce depa r wllent. Mr. Fox had been WaynesvUle IlOstma.stcr f:lncc Aug ust 16, 1935 .
Wilhelmina Braddock Ce'ehrales Birthday
LocaI Happeologs •
- - - - - - - - - - - - --
~----- _ . . --Mr. nn d Mrs. A. F . Melloh and
dnu t;hter spent Friday evening a t the home or Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bailcy, of Dayton , • • • • • Mr. lind Mrs. J ohn Settlcmyre IIn(1 _I..n, of Orc~ onla , visited with th cll' parents. Mr . and Mrs. L. C, St. J ohn , Sunday. • • • • • Miss Mary Lou Sowash of Mnnsfield Is enjoying a two ~el!'k.s visit with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge.
• • • • •
O. ·W. Sully. noted business lecture.r. of Dayton. wUl speak before tile meeting of .the WIlYllesvllle C1 ~ lc I ' Lb. MondllY ntght. ' 'rhc m~ t ln t: will be held at it)£! " liule In till' Woods," bome or M r . [111 11 Mrs. 1\ . S. Collett near Harvel'8thll g, !tOll wi ll IJI) pwccdec! by a p l.c SUP\lI:I' , (It () :;)0 o·clock. T his wlll [1,50 be Hl, others ladies night, the 11ves or It .ends of the members be.itt; gues\'!' for the dinncr and ' pro-
Il .,
Mr. Sully has been conll~ted with the Nation al Cash R egister company I'or the pas t twenty five yoors. In the capacity of buslnC8S lecturer. He , ~ widely traveled and ho,s lectured to retail salesmen Illi over the country.
Mrs. A. F. Melloh Ilnd da ughter , Mary Ann , arc spe ndlllg thL~ week at Little Miss WlLhclmlna Braddock , Ridgeville, whUe MI', and Mrs: Bcrdaughtcr of Mr. and . Mrs. Ray- nard MeHoh arc away on vacaLion. mond Brnddock . celebrated hcr Sixth birthday anniversary . Thursday. with a party to which the folMr. and Mrs. Russell Ciarr , of Leblowing small gurs ts wcre Invited : anon. spent Sunday with Mrs . Maudc Crane. Sue and Roy Furnas, Martha IIlld ., Lois Lukens. B tty Sat.Ll'nh wal!c , • • • • • Mrs, William Berg n ane! son. EIllEighteen mom bel's of the Epwor th YELLOW SPRINGS GIRL Donna Hadley. J a net Doster. How Mrs. Hartley Moss, Mrs. GUbert mett. or Xen la, vJslted frlcnds 1n Lcague of the Method ·t Church a re a rd and Robert Do.~ t r . Carol and Waynesville. Suuday. Frye and son. Richard. and Mrs. The m arrl~ge of Miss Grace a Ltcnulnl: the Epwort h 'Leaglie InRhoda Bun nell . Jcrr~' Cook, Marilyn Cora Rich were dJ nner gueste of Mrs, Boots. of Yellpw SPrings, and Ca rl stiLu LC. at Miami Vn tle ChautauGOIlS . BW'barn, Mary Frances, anfl Twenty-clght melllber$ or th p \ll,a Lhls week . Harry Hurley. of Sprtng Valley. B. Ferguson, Of Xenia , was quietly George Mark Hartsock , Wlllnll' Jo Thursday. ApPl oximatcly 500 young peo;>le per formed in :Xen Ia, last Friday ar- Stout, J oanne Gnrst. Mary Dora and Friendship club. and their !amUies • • lernoon . Mr . Fer guson lS teacher of Loren Hough. Harlan and Ru th enjoyed ari outing and picnic supper [ 1'0: I plSL J'(;d for CJUl'ses 1n r~lig Mr, and Mrs. Vern Simpson and hIstory and mathematics in the Earnhart. Edith RJ ld Ethel Smith at Wayne Park. last Wednesday eve - \ (' US ll1strucUotl under tlte superfalnlly spent Sunday with Mr. and Waynesville High school. nU1g. vbloll or the 11. .'00 ...11.1 Epworth An n Satterthwaite, Donald Harner, Mrs. Harry Purdy. of Buford. O. Lt;aliue and MethodJst Youth ConThe bride and IlTOOm left afler \\- arren Sheehan. Jimm y Crane. • • • • • their weddJng for a weeks trip Helen and J ean Charles Howard . Tommy Shaup attended a picnic 1. ( ", 11 ·e. T hose attendIng represen t given by the Sunday School class or illtl:thodlst chlll'o_hes from tbe CIn'Mrs. Harold MUler and "Sonny" ~hrQu gh lIle Smokey mounWns. Wade 'Tu rn~r J r., LaDonna Bral1returned to WaynesvUle, Friday eve- Upon ~hel.r return they wUl make the New Reformed church. Spring- moati . Dayton, and Wilmington I~ ock , Alberta BrarUlock. J udy DaVis . ll ing after a mon th 's visit \vlth lela- their home on Folll'th street, In tb e Iboro. at Sharon Woods. Thursday u ' w.lcts, and DiCky Brown. lives In P·h oenlx. Ariz. evening. Clarence Rye proper'ty. • • • • • A weU outllncd p'ros ram ' for the The small hostess r ' eivcd man y Miss Bett J P t f week. was arrnnn ll. Including study nice presents from her guests, which Mr . ana Mrs. R. D. Collett and ' eanne e crson . 0 groHps. Untl proJe. t rou ell OVERNIGIfiT GUESTS they aU enjoyed watching ther un- SprIngfield ,ycntertnlned famUy attended the annua r con ~t tR 'n'oup of g ps, o,s . w " :IS recreuLlon. Monday nil th wrap. Games and play rrovlded the friends. Wednesdn~1 evening, at I he eve Ig e. McKay reunion .. and picnic, a t New Mr. and Mrs. D. J . Cable and son, a lter noon's entertainment, after •• uyn .svlllc grv IP prt)senLed a cllcns Burlington , Satu rday. IIome 0 f h or parents. Mr. and Mrs. ' Billy. of West MlIl;on. wer e overnigh t whJch refreshmen ts or b irthday cake as L11CU' ... Olol l'lImuon to lhe original • • • • • G eorge P e t erson. guests Saturday of their da ughter 'and Ice cream were served. :.LUl1LS, l'equlI cd 1rom each group 5t_ • • . ' . Miss Anna LoUise HoRk and Mlrs and fa mily . Mr. and Mrs. ·H. A. Ie ndil1g, _ VJrg1nia Watts, botb student nurses Mohler. AddltfoDllI SUnday din ner WUlIam Uppincott has been COllfined to bls home for over a year Those attcIoJ",~ 110m bel'll are as VISIT AT WILLI AMSON IIOME lilt Reid Memorial Hospital. Rich- guests at the Mohler home were b -a use or IllneljS. 1011 11'8 : Inez James, Earline Lanmond, spent the week' end with Mr. Mr. Russel Wackier and Mrs. Grace • • • • • IIU lII, MI'S. L , C. Radley. Roxy Cat·oand Mrs . Keller Hoak and famn y. Ma ny friends and relatives vlsl.ted s topping in at Gray's barber Siegwald and son, of Dayton. Billy Mrs. Al va Hartsock nntl daughters , l~ n " llckClt. IIllrlotte Rye, ·Sarah s hop for a (much-needed) • • • • • Cable remained with his sister for at the home of Mrs. H. H . WilJiamand Mrs. R. H. Hartsock a nd daughOUller. Mary J ean Thompson, Mary son and family last week. Mrs . LouMr. and Mrs. Harry Glackin and a weeks visit. s have ••. who wouldn't like -a perform Rnce l!.·ya - May , EUcn Moss, Virginia. ella B. Ramby. of Cincinnati, spen t tel's, a en ed John Turner's job, that of famil y. of CovJngton. KY., and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gla,ck1n, of Mathree days with her brother's famJ ly. of the opera. "Carmen". at tile Cin- PI" LOll , HAlbert Benha m, CJecil RETURN TO CALIFORNIA taking Ed Payne's place a s son, were guests. Friday. ot Mr. and iJa l·is. ArJ;ll S Osbome. Joe J ames, Miss Mary S~h1ck edantz. of Thel- cinnatl Zoo. Wedncsday n igh t. life-guard at the pool a ' The WaYnesville M et h 0 dlst Mrs, Dean Walton. • • • • • Ted SIlYtlel , 0 n e 1il0mpson, Mat Mr. and Mrs. Isaac stout lett ma . 0 ., a former 1'00111 mate of Mrs. couple of days t his week ... Ohurch will sponsor an lee ct:eam • • • • • U yOU like good hOlne made I}ie lhew Turner , Herbie Col.et, Rober t WaynesvJUe Sunday for their bome Ira Brown's called at the WIUlamsoll ' festlval, a t MCClure'S corner, satMr. and Mrs. W. E. S troud and Mr. or cake. you can get It at the Meth-, Liruetllltf unLi U (m Osborne. II h In California, aftl!r viSIting friends ' llome one day la st week and rewe ere s a comfortillg urday, AUgW,t 17, trom 5 to 9 p. m. . · and Mrs. RalPh Hastings were and relatives In tills part. of the turned Wednesday for a few days od Lst Ice Craam FestJval, Saturday Mlsl> Lanhnm S cooking for the Home m~de Ice cream. cake, pte, .th oug ht,anyway f or t h ose .guests of Mr. and Mrs. J . P . Larrick, country for the past severnl weeks, ·vlslt. Thursday ,t hey' re elved the 101- nlgbt. gl llUIJ, Mlss James Is actmg counj h ay ever sne ezers . .. 1 r e ad candy, pop corn, and lemonade w1l1 Thursday eve_rung • • • • • s~Jor. and Argus OSborne represents They were guests of Mrs. Ma rla El- lowing visitors from Dayton ; Mrs. some'w here that those who be sold. Phone orders will be taken • • • • _ Mr. a nd Mrs. Ra lph Hastings and Ulle group on t h e s ut.le :1 t . COU.ltll. ban . whUe In Waynesville. Ma ry McKAy. Mrs. Edga r Sherk a nd are affected are usually per- at the LeMay-Ha.wke ~urance Mr. .and Mrs. Lester Stanfield and fa mily. Mrs. Ha rold Wl' lIamson. and son. and Mr. a nd Mrs. Wa lter Shee- lVII'S. Radley Is dJrecl,ng toe IllSLltute . , etc. f Jl f N Agency for bulk ice cream han and famUy spen t the week: cnd choir. sons of intellectual developam y. 0 ew Burllngton, were Mrs. Ethel Hauk. YEARLY MEETING GUEST S at Indian Lake. . ENTERTAIN SORORITY Sunday vlSltol's at the home of Mr. ' ment ... lt seem~ tq go with a • • • • • well developed nervous temand Mrs. R. D. CQllett anct family. Mr. and Mrs . Lewis Foley, of nOSTESS A'l' DINNER PARTY MIss Helen Louise Stanfield re• Miss Ellzobeth Burnett visited 0 erametlt ... watch t he ex presMrs. John Settlemyre, of oregonia , Camden, 0 .. spen t Saturday nigh t frlends in Dayton last week. P " malned for a weeks ylSlt. Mjss Emma Lou LeWIS was hOoStess their faces when you a nd p"Jrs. Gilbert FrYe were joint • • • • • _with Mr. and Mm. W. A. Luk ns s ions • • • • • and famUy. MlSses Wanda Freeman to a gro up of friends at dinner, Frihos ' -~~-- Thursdny a ftErnoon wilen Dr: and Mrs. A. E . Stout and d"1 h ' ~ Mr. Newman Powell. of Athens, 0 .. t Jl th b : ,e I e oys an K;lr s t a t It they entertained their sorority sIs- was ltIe week imd guest of Dr. Mary and Ru th Stelndc'rf, of Richmond, .daugh ter visited Mr . and Mrs. WaI- day evenlJlg, Hel' guests were Mrs. IS on y two more wee~s till ters at luncheon at the home Of L. Cook. and Miss M:ldred Cook. were guests In t he Lukens home The ~xtcnded drouth, Whlell ha s ter Klayer and daughter, of Cincin- Mary C. Cross. Mrs. H . ~. W~ s chool starts ••• Fred BradFrye. ' _. .• • • • • . during the remainder of Yearly ~on, Mrs. Ruth E . .J anney. MJss Loubl'Ou ht a great deal of . worry to nat!. Wednesday evening. - ella Jarmey. and Mlss. s Mart-aret dock, our new postmaster, The1r guests were ; .Miss S~rah Delicious, refreshing. home made Meeting, ..~ I a rmers and Is t he main topic of • - • • • and 'Trill ella Edwards. looking. over the sit uat ion Conwell, of Piqua. Miss Mildred Ice cream. at tile MethodlSt Ice r on versntlon at all ·gath erlngs. does Donald Henderson, of Dayton , was BIRTIIDAV DINNER and le~r)'ling the ropes, for Schlaser, of Cleveland; MIss Ruth ,Cream Festival, Saturday , at Mchav~ Its advanta 3cs, however small. In Waynesville on business, Monday J ANE II AUTSO (; K WINS his 'new J'obo O'~eal. of Spr1ngfie1d; Mrs. Fred Clure's corner, According to reports this is the and was t he lunch eon guest of h lS Mr . a nd Mrs. ,v1ayna rd Weltz a nd Rentz. of Uma. ; and Mrs. Donald • • I N 4-11 STYLE BE~ family enterta ined at dinner Sunday first year. In several. that any farm'.. mother . Mrs. Julia Henderson. Greene, or sabina.. Mr. Strp.et Lamb and daugbters, • • • • • er In this section has bee n able to ev~nln g In honor oJ t he blrthda,v anML<;s Jane Har tsock, da.ughter oi were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. SOME 'MEMORIES Mrs. Etlhan Orane and ch ildren ha rvest alfa lfa seed. It Is being h nr niversaries of their dau ~ ht er and ENTERTAIN GUESTS George W_lton. were Saturday even ing supper Mr . and Mrs. R. H . Ha rtsock, was on the Alvin Earnhart farm vested son.. Ann al)d Don . Their guests gue.'Jts of Mr. and Mrs. Donald L , OIlC of Ule rOUl' winners in' the Warwere Miss DorLs HELwke, of Lebanon. by Elbert Rich. How many of the aa~ette· Mrs. Fred Hartsock and ' daughter J • • • •• rOil County 4-H sty le revue held at Ha.wke. '' . . . Wilson Emvards was a b usiness rea d e~ rememb~r th~ thrills MUdred, of MIlford ; Miss Jerry Le- vlsJtor In WaynesvUle last week. Our- Mrs: Ida Parshal l. Mr. and Mrs . C, It Is also r eported that this w lll • • • • • Memoria) HaU in Lebanon. MlSs Lee Hawke. J . C. Hav.:ke. Mr. be the second year out of tile past experIenced ~urmg the week vine of Lynchburg, Virginia. and 1ng h1a stay here he was the guest 0 ' John Henry Hagemeyer Is visiting' Hllrtsock won In t he complete cosand Mrs. Donald Hawke. and Dean three that the SCElSOn has a llowed a ...of August . 6, 1906, when Mrs. _Ronald Ha.wke. were dinner hls auntll, Miss Mtfgllret and TrIllhis ul}ole WllllalJ.l Hagemeyer and W Ill C clllss. Winners will compete In clover crop, In t his locality. famUy, at Martinsville. this wee.k. .he Ollio State fair contests In late . former res idents from all guests of Mrs. J!ld1th Harr1S and Mrs. ena Edwards. Hawke. • Frank Taylor, at the Little Inn on • • • • • - - -- - '. • • • • Au"ust. parts 01 the cOl;1ntry returned 'Wedn8sday of last. week. Wilbur N. Sears was a business Ch.a rles Sa tterthwaite lS plastering to take part in Waynesville's . . Miss Jesse Clarke of Mariemont, visitor 'i n Cincinna ti, Friday. In Lebanon. Miss Monlmla Hoak was h ostess to Clnc1nnati. lS spending a few weeks fif teen girls a't a slumber par ty, Sun- FAIt1\IER'S CLUBS l\JEET Home Coming. YOUNG FRIENDS ENJOY S~ 1n Wayneav11le. - - - - - .- - -- - ---day night, Her guests were all vlsltAT FORT .>\NOlENT The idea of the Home -'- - . • • • • • . Ing Young Friends who were here for was originated by C. A group of twenty local and viSltMr. and Mrs. Lewis Fire" and Miss Yearly Meeting, nnnuul union meeting of Ill&' Young Friends enjoyed a swim- "I~"' ""S d dl ' • •. • • • Wa' ..... c To I. Le.b . ' . nner . J " wns lip, anon, a nd M " Ca...rtwrlght of Chlcago~ minlf party at Wayne Park, TueSday'" """,e .... ea were I,ln ay .• 1 . guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvan Fires Mr. aild Mrs. Dale Carver , Mr. and Flanklln Farmer's clubs was held a t , wb 0 propose d th a t specla even , mg, followed later by a wa.ter• • .- • • Ft A . .Mrs. H,o ward Carver, Mr . and Mrs. '. ncicnL, t.aday, Tilurscl,ay.
·... .
·. ..
· ....
· ..
·. .. .
Dro Ut h P17
vIe s
Seed Harvest'
100 Visito'rs Attend . Yea,r ly Meet.-ng H e re
effort bf: made 'to bring back melon least ~t ~e home of Mr. and Kenneth Lukens, of OhJcago, has " ¥ ead and scin. Bobby. of Sprlnglleld, Tlle.oc ill hal ge of al'rllngements as many members of the ~rs. ~. Y . Hartaoclt. . been ~t1ng .bhe last two weeks with ' . a'lld MiSs Lola sears of Cincinnati \\'1'1'(' KcUc r Honk ; P. A. Easfoo. High Schoo" Alumni Associ- . . .Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. A. LUke,ris and fam T he Indiana YE!arly Meet~g of F t. Wayne. Ind.; Herbert Weir. Who . were 'Sunday ,guests ~f Mr. n.nd Mrs: "prinl;bo ro ; 'and Mrs.. Henry Harris. ~tiQn fro.m a distance as' w .s ~ENNESSEE VISITQR ~ uy. 1· rltnds eOllvened Sa.turday, August was camp 'Counsellor at C~p , nt- w . N. Sears an<ff&mUy. d Lebanon. . p088,ibie,... and. to ~Qcourage .. ·.· " HON0I!-ED AT DINN ., ER • • • • • 10, at 10:30 a . m·. and remained in Ind-O ; and Arthur 1yIorgan, former • • • • • . Mr. and Mrs, ErwIn El1Ja: were session untU Wedn esday afternoon, president of Antioch College, . ·Mr. and Mrs, H. H . Stroud. of Leb - II1 RS. CQNARD HOSTESS _ local: me~b~rs ~ho .)lad ,..n ot , Harveysburg. ' fn honor of guesta of Mr. and Mrs, Howard Mta- A.. gust 14. V~r services were held each anon. Mr. and-'Mrs. W . E . Stroud, TO "l1I -LO" BRIpGE CL11B .been "ttending ·to I?e \prese~t. & Collier, of Nuhvtlle, Tenn., Mrs. slldlne I't four o'clock dinner, Sun- It ~as lhe onsensUs 01 opinl')n evening, arter the day had been arid Mr. and Mrs. E. T . Strouna vlsLater it : a . decided Wm·. M. Sbtdaker enter~liUid with day. that thiS was an 11lnUSUll~ly Inte rC'st- spent In dev,Qt.lon. and bUSiness ses- lted Mr. and Mrs. B\ T. ·v ice. of DayM lUlltt'rll of bhe "W-W", Btl4Ke ~'roaden the . pian.. and , in- . Ii ' covered-dlab ' dinner, ' 'lbUradAy, . • • • • • Ing conference. Mlmy noted s peakers slons. After lIle evening sessions ton, Sllllday. ·Mrs. E. T . St roud re- ' plul>. nut! t.hree · guests, Mrs. D. R. dude fotmer lz'esidents in , August 8th. 'G uests at tile party inMJsses ,Patricia ' Southerland, orand vJs1tors ,werc 'In attendance, In- many parties were enjoyed by the mained a t the VJce hom e i rf a' we ks • lilith, -Mrs. Ira Browp-. and Mrs. M. I He' " , cluded Mrs. Oeo. Denny, Mrs. Oeo. M~a.b, m ., aDd Sarah Farltly, of eluding WUUam Ilubben. who . w~ yd~ people. vlSIt. . A Fu.)jwl' n, were enter~ ' bY. . a genera !>~e onung. " Pidaeon. Mrs, ' 0l1nt Sherman, MSss .George ~bool, Pa" were house tie.a<lQULSter of thl~ schools of ~One hunclred vla1tors were re'. • .. • • Mrs. CIU'~ Oonard, at her iloiDe, _ For the entlre week tbe Lavonne SheimaD. Mrs ' Berman guests of Mr. aDd Mrs. R. B. Hart- many W'i18n B1t.lel· came into power. ported Ill. attendance ~ Saturday Mrs. Carl Conard and 'chlldren TIt -day evening. . town ,!as t~onged w~th vis- BrQwlJ., ~ Nan 00IIftt. Mrs. Ed- ~ and -family durtnc ~~Jy Meet- He was dJsm1&sed Jln 19.34, and ~ nOw and Sunda,. in addition to abo~t 10) sPent last ' w~ln Detl oit, .vlsltln!t . vo t.a.bles, ar ClBTds ~ itol'l: and friends Who bad ~~ Mrs, PIuIr. Barrta, ini. -:; a pro~r in ~!Or.ge School, ~I Friends, with a large number Mr.Il1idMrs. I.ee QrtJly. ___ during tbe whb DOt met for yean chlsped Mrs. A. 8 .• CoUett, lire. Howard ~ . • • • ,. Others were 'Hanll a.n d Anna Prey of the VJaltor~ remaining for the en.• • • • • beln/r WOII 'd q~, Mrs. WDbur Sb"talrer; loin., Mr, aDd Kr8; Georae O. Ooverston. from . Vienna; Austria; Artbur Jact· t.lre MeeUni. Mr. and Mrs. M11ton Sheehan, of ' pl'lzes bY lIIrS. A. B. -...,-.. ..,,,, h dII and reea Ue the ~ 00&., lira. O. G. RaDda1l of 8alOD, Ney.. were vtatton at tile tUlll, ehaJrman or tile PrieDds 0.- . A full acount of the Yearly Meet- Centerv11le. were Sunday dlnner H. P . Dye, happy days Auld Lang and tbe baDarecl. pest,. loin, J. .. home o(tbeIr . ., lira. J. B . eral Conference 01' cape ~ 8ber. '1nI wiJ1 be publiabed in nat week's guelte of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin EatnA deJfcJou.s ~ ,ayne. QIDIao. 0nIIbe aad famDi tbIa ftet.. man PreI81er, of ac1eace III IIIam1 au. tte. ' baft UId tamaIJ. 1'o1'ed at &bO .... ~'.~-'!1111 , . .
14n: J:
...... 11.
will make him more susceptible to colds inr~ction.. Toothache and ear aelie are danger sign_a Us. Take care of them now.
W~lI., Ohio
ED.... -'- ....d 01... Mail llattel' at Poatoftlce. WaJllenille, Ohio E.
c~~:::eE~::~ ::::::~~her
' I
l'___c_o.;..-u_' .
Ernest L. Oounts seeks a
Auctioneer SATISFACTION Or' No Charle _Centerville" Ohio I .
AUG 'I. Still_no rain but It is so~ewhat cooler. The gt'ass (t'uuchcs BS....... the cows walk by. This morning they came to r -measw-c our corn . This __ withe the A. A. A. The following s tory ooncernin@ .. --, year we sign Q for our three 8IOall f!U'ms Cor the WllIlam E. Sinltil's work on planer wOOd Avenue .. Leba.non. Frank W . Loop, Mildred Wads- first time and such a time! The hi- tory ' of PQtta,wlltomle county, small airplane pictures that are KansBS. was clipped tram thc W~Ul worth Md MIriam Satterthwaite Wllbw' and Melva Bogan. plot on used as maPs did not show the f .C\ds ego Times, Wamego, Kansas. and IVIl as they are now, and. none at the be of Interest to local readers of the Main street, 'MllISOn. mtle D. Thompson to Louise S . allotment.'! lltted any of the a.vall- Gazette to whom Mr. Bmlth Is well able fields. Farm No. 1 ~as allotted known. SLiles. plot In LE!banon . . thrce and slx-tenths ncrcs of corn "Th ' Spanish War Veterans In but we only planted two and three their l'ecent State Encampment tenths. so that had to b measured . vat d to erect an Oregon Tmll Farm No. 2 was allotted nine and mar~er Md ·t he committee to choose seven-tenUts but we had to use part a lo,catlon have about decided on St. of a six and sL'(-tenths acre field . Marys as the sujtable location. Secret.a.ry of State George Neffner part of a twelve Rl.: re field lind one This a tion would be In harmony has 1I0tlfled the 88 county elcction marked on the map two ncres . So with the opinjon of WlIllam E. boards In Ohio to lnake preliminary arrangmellts for reglstmtlon oC men tllllt had to be measured. Farm No. Smith of Wamego. who years ago subJ ct to call when the mllitary 3. was a llotted eight al"I'IlS bu t t h£' devoted time and money \.() tnl- ~Ilg eight the cause oC ~he Orcgon Tmll \I IlIlng act hns pns-<;ed congre.:;s. Ho Ilval htble field was marked advised the boorcls thfl t It was PI'ob- and nine-tenths acres so Ule part through Pottawntomlc County. and able th y would have to designate that we dldnt plant had to be mea- who has more cOlllplete knolVledg two r glstrars for ea ch voting pre- sured. It was It scorching day bu~ of It.s course lind the events of those incL whose services would be "I;a- the committeeman and hLs helper early days tllan any oth I' person In tl'lotlcally" volunteered. as nO 0010- plodded patiently ~round untU they Kansas. had It all figured up. According to pensation has . as yet. b een prov.lded . tile figures we were well within our MI'. Smlth's idea Is It marker Forms for use In registration would ~hould be placed at each end of the a Uotmenu.. This morning he apbe supplied by the Adjutant General peared again. Something was wrong. county to mnrk Its course through "It Is a pl'Q.Ctlco.1 cerloalnty thllit the thl3 coun ty. Bud the St. Mary 's elertion llIa.c.hln.!!l'y· of Ohio will be Farm No.2 must be measured again. marker to sel've for the east end. _0 mensurc we did . Again t he figures used in this contempla.ted registraAlso, that one be placed threc sho\\(ed us within the limits but will tion ." Secretary Neffner said. miles enst of Wnmego ' to mark Ute It go through this Lime or must we first campi ng Plnce. and. Indian cemOhio is includ.ed In one of flvc· measure again. Granted that the et.e!'y which lies two miles north of tcntatlve areas set up by the Will' farmer needs help (It he does) are HI hway 40 at that point. department for the location of new ~e on the right track? I wonder. Is, This ls the plll(:C of the fifty munitions plants, according to a re- OI~r:U:;~n~=~;.edjWnd between deaths from cholera In 1849. A o. cent new release! by the U S Ord. ce an manage- that a' marker should be placed at ua'nce DepartmEmt. One tl;e 110- ment by tIle go~erment, HlUer style. the point of the second camping Plant only what you are told to portant faotors (:onsldel'ed In setting J t h . place in thls county at the Rock up the aJ' eas was to locate plants a.t p an were you are told to plant it. Creek bl·ldge. jus t south of Westlell5t 200 to 25(1 nilles inland "00 H~w mu h go ernment manage-. moreland. . ment can we stand? minimize the hazard of attack from ' M tb a.I.r " 001 H K Ii th AUG. 8. Today we have been strugr . Smith's contribUtion to Kan. '" u erford, DI- gllng with the mower. It Is an 1895 sas hlst{)ry of the Oregon Tra I Is tor of the plal:uung branch of ~e Model Giant Deeri ng and thanks to all Important pa.rt of the Kansas Ord nance Departml nt. said he " bel! d ber a new ItIllM. a n w s yole new Sta te Histor Ical SocJety's records. eve a num of communities had guards, new plates. a new ' knUe The Society Issued 'a .thlrty~ge amUIllti distorted \ant Idea. ot the value of a h d to ea ,an d a f ew nuts and. bolts, it pamphlet a few YClU'S ago contain. ons p the community. \Vas going fine cutting dry bl Ing his aooount of the history be "S~~ a ~~t,,, he ~id, "pr~ably grass that we 'were salvaging ' : bad 6earched out. emp oy large nwnbers of make up somewhat for the scanty In )t Is the tmgio story of May, wo d eople ~or 9. while, then be shut' second cutting of alfalfa when it be- 1849. tar a c:omparatively brief gan to clog up and had t-o be gone WIlliam E . SmJ.th I a former ne and be pla(ced on the reserve all Civer again. This time we got It Waynesvil11an aDd attended Wayneslist. That )dnd of thing is no real I 1 .. wi . hel go) ng aga n . th a . shortened ville high school. His mother VIas p to a cO~.unlty!' tongue ' behind the. tractor. Our Mrs. Irene PhillipS Smith who Sil tl --Model B . Allls-()}l&lmers Is a handy taught In Wayne Townsh.l.p many Ice Ie United States entered a little machine that I wouldn't ':-ade years ago. He Is now an~ attome. ystate of " l i m i t e d " ,., . emergency and for thc best big one on the market at-law at Wamego. Kansas. In a started marshalilng Its national de- for our small fanus. letter to the editor of the . Gazette tenses, a numbe:r of members of the AUG. 9. The bays are putting in the dated August 3, Mr. Smith says I~ Ohio ·Natlonal (;Iuard have resigned. hay ·tlley. cut yesterday. OUr nelgh- part : ~
PHONE .7021 ~
tram Lorena J. Oounta, c,harging
----~------~~------------------------~' , ------------
Sabecriptioa Priee. ,1.60 Per Year, Payable in Advance
is also charged by Edna Bowling in her suit Jor a dlvorce from James Bowlin g.
Sand ~&
State ,Capital News
In this day of radio newscasts and flowing printers Edna Simison was granted a dlink just what is the place of the small local newspaper'! vorce from Wilbur Simison and reWhy do you take it? What do you expect of it? It carrie stored to her malden name of Olth no foreign war news. It is not large enough .to use for shelf ens. paper. Do you take it because your mother did, Ot' because The Lighting Products Company you like the Cranes, or out of some vague feelin$ of loyalty was awarded a jud gment or $421.79 Adams Dickinson. Mason. to th'e town, or do you read it, use the want ads and enjoy against Charles A. Hall was granted. a dit1)e comings and goings of your neighbors and the account vorce from Ada Hall. of the last family reunion. All the city newspapers carry Henry Buohana~ was awarded a news of the small towns. Does that take 'the place of OUI- c1Ivorce decree from Ethel Buchanown paper? Or is there something that this paper can do, an. Defendant awarded custody of .. heir two daughters and $5 weekly that no one else can? I believe there is. for t.heir s upport. We live in a time of change and unrest. Many of our The s ult of Raymond Hall against young people go to the city just as soon as they leave Alma Hall tor divorce was ordered school. More and more people are moving to the country transfered to the Butler county and email towns from the cities. In almost every city there {ourt. are fewer children entering the first grade and many 1'ltOIlATE COUIl'I' empty school rooms. There are people moving in who work in DaYton or Moraine. Are they to remain a group apart The court set August 91 to h ear or are they going to fit · in and become a part of our com- the application of Arthur and LiImtinity.life? Change alway~ means hardship to some. It is lIan Field to adopt Rut b SChleehaut. Harry Mount. Franklin , was of hard .t o transplant a full grown tree and the newly paved named to administer the estate of street always means disturbed roots and dead branches on Anna MOWlt. Louls Moore. John the shild.e trees that have grown there for years. But Gharst and Oharles Mount were apchanges will come, and changes' hkve come to Waynesville. pointed appraisers. The Inventories of Howard Mc. ·One thing our paper can do is act as a clearing house Guinn. admlnistlator of the estate for.ideas and local information. If you are .new here, read of Hannah McGUinn and Louis H. our ads and try our local stores. It is much easier to park Kolbe, executor of the estate of here and many things can De bought here just as well as Louis O. Kolbe will be heard by the in Dayton. Our merchants are obliging and pt"ogressive court August 20. and .will gladly meet the demand. ' If there is . something The Iventorles ot Adam B. Morris, executor of the estate ot Emma that you would like to see done here, write or talk to ' the Monroe, Lebanon, and Jennle L. editor. Air your grievances if you have any. Snider, administratrix of the estQlte This is. election year when local issues are' overshad- 01 Elbert P . Snider. Lebanon, will owed by the national elections. Many 9f us can tell you all be heard August 21. . The Instruments of conveyance of .about the national candidates, who do not even know what. Charters Maple, commJssloner of ~ocal offices are to be filled this November. Our constitu- th~ estate 01 Elwood F:enton Borden, non was built on the foundation of intelligent local self Lebanon. approved. ,government. The Town Meeting and the House .of Bu~- Certltlcate of transfer approved aeuea set the pattern. If we are ignorant of our local af- for Louis H . Kolbe, executor of the • estate ot 1.OUl£ O. Kolbe, · fain we fail in our first duty to ,the democratic form of W. Chester Maple. admlnistrator government that is in 80 much 'danger today. Our own of the estate of E1.z~beth A. Maple, ~UChtoresignations are principally age rather than voca.t1on. Of paper is the· place to learn what ,is being done. Leb6non, filed hJs first .and final ac- ue the National Gua.t'd officers, 42 of. .' 'Many proi)lems are local in their fma administration. count. Olltrord Turner, administrator 01 the 745 reslgned, 31 of them since W. P. A. Relief. Agricultural Adjustment. Old Age Pen- the estate of Fannie Turner, filed a June 1. Besides these 42, several sion_ TQ,es. These tbings touch you or your neighbor vital- schedUie ot claims, debts and llabll other officers ruLve had themselves transfer~ed ~ the 1na.ct1ve list, acI ly everyday. Many of you have ideas as to how things lUes wh1c.h was IIIPProved. cording to Adj. Gen. Light. Proceeds of the sale of real estate could be bettered. Tell us your ideas so that we can use them aa a :basis for 'future discussion, Make this pap.er your ordered distributEd In the matter of The tabulations of the 1940 censUs . thOl~ commUnI'ty 10 . th ese d'IS t ur b'ed Frank C. Anderson, executor of the Indicate that pr'a ctically all "'''' .... ty paper ~n d h e Ip 1't Berve - .... estate of Estella Logan a gainst offlc1a.l.s , In Ohio wW receive' sa'Q~' times ot .... A"ange. F1orence T a II e, et aI . -., Increases rang1nj~ from '50 to $400
1I1P TR l}CI( Sl!lRVlOE
Zain Armitage Phonl!, Wuynesville U R 11 . Lebanon orflce Phone t73-KI' 8,9 '·1\1.
Morrow· Phone No.
ROOT fOR AND CONSIGN your Cattle . hC1RS, tbeep alld calv. to N(\ rritl-flrock Ct.., live wire end n.,)Il1'elleive fir.1 r'lr tbe blCbeat mark et orieee and good 8ervice. Onin" ~'(\e" ., .rd.· C;:illl!illlla'i. '0 . Tune in on fbdln Station WOKY l2 :26 to 12 .S0 ,. m. lor our dall, lIark t reports
'I Sell The Earth"
.BEN E. CLINE Licensed Real Estate Broker·
Farm. a Specialty
bar Is hurrying to get · In his S J Y"I jllSt recelved the Gazette of Phone 4'1-4 SPJUNG VALLEY, O. bt an ha~. He says when a. certain August 1st. I was glad to see your sprin g on his place goes dry It al- write up on ,the weather. We have ",'I l '5 rains, and It 'IS dry today. I had t: % IncheS of ra.ln during . the NO"'. II: TO CONTRAOTORS 8'r"''1'1j) OF 01110 hope .be Is right but this is Dry month of July. Our corn is 'abo o .l Ill'.... n!l·lIuO!N'I·~ ..' ,nORWAY. Ridge and all signs Df raln faU In all burned. The temperature for Colu.""., (llllo. ~ .. l~ o. S.leM 1..... 1 00)' No.....2 l' dry weather.- It Is cloudy. It f~els most of July was around and above lerk tlNI'r 1'llICE CONTR ... CT . '" de ...' Aid lI"eo ••• r)' ,oroJeet 111t{ rain but will It rain HERE. 100 deg:rees, This morning It · has ' Nu.G6-... ( 1) AUG. 10. Saturday. 'They say the been rainIng and Is much cooler. I . S al d propoeaHI will b roo IveCl sun a 1ways shines on Saturday. At am hoping that tbe hot weather and ut lit otrlc ot Ih& Stale Highway least it ~ill show . Its face before dry spell Is over. I have taken the ' Olr clor or hlo, al olulubue, Ohio, IIntli t n o'clock A:. 1\t.. E .... lern Slannight As far as I have ever remem- Gazette for years and I always lOOk dard lime, F'rlt3oy. A gUilt n, 19.0, be.red to. ch ' ec It on It ,It Is true but it over care fUll y!Uld wonder what torWarr Im\lrO velll nle In: 1\ ou nt}" hlo. on pllrt cif Value of the estate of Harry H. fl.lmuaJ.1y . County SlUartes at'e based ~ome of its appearences were very !dnd 01 weath!ll' you are hating. S · tlon A. oC th e i"ranklin-WllmlngWll1lamson. Waynesville Is '8.749.39 •. upon popUl8Jtion. MUSINGS OF AN IDLER I t l(ln Roo.d. Stllte Highway No. 261, Slor . I have no sclentUlc proof but We had a fine wheat crop. It ::iIAl., HOUl .. No. 73. In I ar reek &eeording to an Inventory and 1IIpIt Is a nice Idea anyway. . brought about 60 cts pel' bUShel and '1'owo&hll), by gl·adt n/;,. oll!ltr ucUng pralsement tiled with PrObate Judge August 7 "'(as the dead-line for a conoret IJ WIll bl·ld.!le With conWe ~re sorry ·that we laughed at Chinese foot wear; Ralph H. Carey. AUG. 12. Just home from a Sunday made up to 50 bushels per acre. rllt o.~Ulm nl8 (s,olln 43 .76 feet. amendments to the st:.a.te spent at St. Andrnw'$ MissIon In October ot last year "._ Sooth rond-way 24 .teet) Btlllg No. W A-73" QuaUlytng we did not know that we would attempt to' copy them so nstlt tJo 1 . ~ .... 0 over b"fin c h or Cleo r br ek, and co u n. A though several petl- Addyston. Ohio a little town on the visited his reliUlves Frank Braddock PQ"lng wllh s urface lor .Hed staulIMARlUAGE UCENSt:S lOon. ,tlons bad started clrclli9Jf.lon in a n ' ' Iz(' d mat rials. rover west of Olncinnatl that grew and family and Mrs. Viola Harlan ' WllIth: Pew m nt ~O feet · Road. , ~ftort to secure the' 244.000 slgna.' . way 36 ( t ' Mike Wh1~tamore, 21 ; farmer, and tures ntlCeS5ary to place such pro- up !lJ'Ound a foundry 9 f the Arnerl- and famUy and Is planning .~o ·come I.ength 9 ~O f et r 0.119 mile. can Pipe and Pump 00. The people again about the OOddle of October Els~ hnllted coeL . .... . . . U'o,160.CJO Believe it or not. there was a time when ther~ were Lucy Edna W~clson. 21, both of osaJ P s on the stElte ballot, no tpet1- Worked In the found d th Chis year . , hContru t to be ompleted not latel" tion ·tll d . ry an e tan .IUly 31. 19U. . balf as ' many bl~cksmith shopS' in town as there are now ,Waynesville. S were , e with the Secretary ~mpany pwned the town A tew' '1'he Ohio Slate Employment. SCI". Ponald Lambert, 22. laborer, filling stations. · ~~~i:t~vT:lr~"~~~~(I[,· !:~~ft'!;~ Whit; Hamilton, and Esther Prows, 21, R . of' State, Thus. tor ,the 1irst time tn- Years ago the foundry ~ c1OS~ many years. Obit!)" voters wl1l not be "m.t the peoPle 'stayed d I ........ ~LD w!ll fUII'nl ah the s't,.cc serul blader an ,, R. 4, Lebanon. called upon t-o p ' . Ith , on 0 ng ....... emploY'ment . li st fl'<lm "vlbl~h all . . ISS upon e er pr~- jolls and waiting for the founcbW to qual~rled un tiklUed lab. r 01 III localIn the horse and buggy days a good roadster made Roy Barlet~, Jr. 26, clerk. and . posa,\s to ametl$i the state constltu- operl Now w P A d II 1 . .. I ava llalble, ~h81J ' be seleoted tor the trip, to Lebanon in an hour and a half. Now if it takes Mary E. Stanlter, 21 , both of Franktlon or referendlllm;l on state legislaport of the' I/:h: 'ot Ibldder8 Ie triore. than 15 minu~s there is something wrong with tho 11~ . tlon. Among the proposals dro........ . ed to the speCial provisions covering P...... mlttee that is making & survey 01 . su bletting Or asslglling the ooatract Russell Scott. 38, school ' bUs oper- . cabull. Blgelow for .... e US8 ~omel!Uc lelec~ ator, and OUie Compton. 31 . book- were plan the nd " ' ftkolil-e:ge pension unused factory snace ..~ .,ationaI tLIll011 ot of lab-Ilr hours materials. of employment ~ one w"'''" woUid provide Defense work could re-open places "I~d condi tlQn's ot employment. keeper, both of Mason. for a re-a.pportlonrnent of tihe state 11k . fhe minimum woge to be' paid to More color in men's wear is' commendable; wben a e this, It would be real national a ll labor mj)loy d on thll contract legl I tI dlstrl Ii a ve cts. defense against one of our most Im~I S ulhHdbel In ~oConl.ance with the ilEAL ESTATE T"ANSFEKS Dian h"s on a check suit and red tie he holds his head high. Remember when the hel ht f u e of Provalllllir Hourly mlnent dangers,Jdle people on overg a Wa"o Rates A8ce~tAined and Diltere~ an,d' his shoulders straighter. Ohio's armed torces. the 37th dlvl. d { something or other for every young mined by The Department of l.ndue. Scott Balon to Myrtle I. Rogers, slo t! I ' I , crow Cd rei ef rolls. . swain was to take "his ....1" out for l'!'lal Relations applicable to state 61 aCres In Franklin twp. ' n. na one.. .. glla~d lett sa.t urday Thanks to a hose and plenty of e" Hlgoh1VILY Department Impro"ementl . . . a ride' in a pia.no box buggy, that In (lccol'dance Wllh Sectlon.s 11-8, 'Discarding prohibition did not cure all of the ills con- Edward and Robert Blair to Jos- for Wisconsin WIld' three weeks of water the s~dy g1,\rden b~ ot ·the t 17-4, 17-4a, 17-5 and It·6a ot the vehicle being chosen In pre- General od Ott Ohio'" bected with liquor. If all of the illicit alcohol manufac- eph and Flora Shutts, plot on Oak- "war" With a ·stl'~th of 10,732 men 101 0::!10'n was lilte a green oasis after fs yle of to th · The bidder must submit with hla wood avenue, Lebanon. and 800 ofl'1cers, the Ohio troops beour"Tmrohed brown pastures. erence e more roomy phaeton? bid a oertlfled check In, an amolPl-t in ,t he U. S. during the first six months of 1940 h.:td gan three weekstralnlng on AugUst AUG 13 A b . Or thc regal occasion wbe-n the Qual to IVe per ~&Jlt of the eatl.' . usy day. The cow has entire famlly was tr rted 1I100Ied .cost. I,ut III no event more paid the tax the government would have been $1,000,000,- Harlan and Ruby Campbell to 13 at Camp Wlillams. Harold Shlnaberry and WI 11 am Ela nice new heifer calt the dog h&s anspo Into thltn ten t110ul!lLnd dollars.' About 4500 pel'SOns are takIng the ' t : e a l m s of joy If not VCI'y distant Plans and BPe ItlcaUone' are on ,000 ricber. mer. Bailey. 2.25 acres in Turtlecreek national defense voc ' atlonal tr-'-.... seven pups. but we have no rain.' fields by beln:" l~"'ed ~ rtId Inh ~he tdePllrtme/lt of !l.Ilghwaye ......_ ' .... "'"' dJl' a ride in an v e ot Ice ot the resident CUItwp. (Shaker Hill school.) J. c . Staley to SIdney ~. Brant, courses in public schOOls 111 Ohio, an- N. YjA. · APPLICATIONS the surrey. a somewhat roomy, open tl·!rI~ec'l~~r~'ito.!}J-~~~rve. · the rlgbt to THREE WEEKS TI~ ~CH()OL nounces State Director of Eduea"~ IlIld therefore breezy mode ot r Jeel alJY and all bids. . 118 acres In Harlan twp., Warren "'VII SENT 0 •S•U• STU " ...-ROIn' s BEIGHTLDR, E. N. Dietrich. Columbus schools . . DENTS portatlon with a broad-beamed Stale l'ilgbway' DIrector . .~ T·wo years ago a hopeful six-year-old mounted the : : : : a~ <fOBhen twp., Olermont h~ve a class 'or 61., Zanesville has 102 . . . , heav1ly fringed t4?P of stnUgbt and . school tius .and started for his first year of school. He was Blance P. Grlll6lller to Alice Mc~ Springfield 19, VVashlnSton O. H . 5~ Formal apPlication blanks are now splruijy llnes to keep out the sun? and Ohauncey, Athens cO,unty, 21. In ; he malls tor Warren county ' '11 YOU ' dO~'t recall lAlem or faUed been ~'sPeedy" In lIODle '.thinga but ·j~ ." little cr.o ss-eyed bu.t no one paid . any attention to 1 ~=. lot 7,1 alld part ?f lot 72 In . __ , _ young people who have InqUired to live In the era or their predoml- DOt .In Its modes 01 transportation. · that:~ (8e'e~ed so full . Of. life and mischief and there was' 'iIlcreuing trouble with the teacher. She stood him in the J06eph. and JlI'ora Reece 00 '1Babell Ohl~'s AdjutanU General, Ma.J. about National 'yout.h Adminlstra- nance, you'll have a ch'a nce to renew AIOOording to a8.JPh O. If'alnes, ~ A. 'Meyer, tract .In Salem, ' Wash ing- Gen . O . D. Light, ha.s f-onDaJly· con- don. asSignments at O~o State 'UnI- llICquaintance 'or shake hands tar the Secretary, the Parade' Ww & ~ol'l1er' 'a n'd punished hini this way and that, but still he fanned the seleotion of Toledo as verslty the comlng .Y.ear. first time with what a precPli. t..... wide variety Of ~ ton . and Harlan twps. excepting two Ohl ' Sam 1300 t d -~ means. 'Ibere will be automobUes of ,. di4n't 'learn to read like the others. No on'e asked him what tracts previgusly sold 9ft It. a s first and Ollly ch111ce for the e s II ents w1ll be generation used to "get about in" thOll8 worda' looked like .. The end of the year came . and Ruth James to .Luella Williamson site of a pro~ . National Guard Jlloye? in campUs offices part time, when tbe M¢ent Vehicle Parade' J.s a vintage almo&t 'fOrsot;teD.. . · 'Failed to ,P88S" was the v.e rdict. He had wasted a 'year in ~rown. lot 11 in 'Plainvie~ Manor ail' base. This ' Strategic 'location their· compensa:tl~~ a.ve~gtng .$15 h~ld at 2i!1O P . M. on Tu~, Sept. Tha.t entrants ~y be IIUltabJy re-' '. m.ak~ it ~he ideal place fpr a Pursult pel' mo~th ...coming . from federal 3rd, at the Montgom~ County warded for their noubltt t.bIrieen ••. tint 'fI'ade. a year 'of 'nis- l~fe, a year ~f ·the teachers adQltion to · Pranklin. Mary E. Wt;st to Harold J . Wilson or bomb!U'(frne~t : ~~on and. wUl funds. Asslgmnents WIll go to stu- Fair, DaytOn, Ohio. . cash p~ have been set fOl' the ' enei-gy- an.d .. year of -the tax payers money juat IQts 21-24 and 49 fu BUtlerville and oommand one 01 the buslest indus- dents shoWing' financial ~eed antra This the' fair managm.e t winners., ranging lrorn tao.DO do,m. W4.~, .-on.e asked.him thequeation and had 8l\8we·r. one ~e in Harlan ~ ,torlal areQS in. tile' nation: hl~h £c r~rd &lvlng promwe of I~ fs '~n1Y one 01 the in~, = . A~ will be baaed ., ~ ap of~e . "JUBt 'a blur". Fiti~d with glilsses' he m~de the Henry 0 : Hl\milton to Norman - 't <;,0 ege SUCCl!fis. ' feature/l for this ' DlQde O! tranapor:tatton ~, , Under ~w ~lan now In etr-mt, anJ)~aI col.tnty eXbibltlon, appropriate 01 r1dera, '=i:;l~'but whole year h~d ' been wasted. CAN ~d LlltIe Taylor,. lot 5 In Mary El- F'or age ulOP\JOltllU'llty, rio less ~n addltlon, South Lebanon. Than youth Jtaelt, ihOUih}n aIdbw applications are being . .J!@elVed ' by . ~ Day,' Mo~. &;Pt. 2nd;.l nd of the ~t lad the ';1 SUCLEA~L~? ' ~ _ JOhn and' .Emma Barnes to WU-~; - -;. the Student Employment Ofl'1ce in- cOnttn\l!iig • thrO h 'lb . and a~venea-6f the - ............ time to talEe your child to the doctor, the I1am aDd Alma Lee RoIIerts: lot il And as the eveDtllg ,twilights 1&des S~d of the University Examiner. that w~. . ug . uraday of eldlJbit. . . . e)'e..,ecialiat. Don't wait till school b~gins In J. H. Barnes addltJon, Ptankl.n.·way • . . . The Ancient Verk\1e Parade Sa a • '. , ". ~jcclllated ' and his topsils eJt~mined. · 1f he . Jildward and RCiIbert BJa1J' to War- The sky. Is 'Wild stall lnvlst Ie ,All the good of Wh1~h humanity I, new feature tblI ,..,. aDd fa ~ , Perfect · GODtCll'lllMf to the Of ~-. ...,..•._. they may need changing. Bad teeth reD and MJiiInclfi.... JIll _ oitby ~, caPl\bhlJa CGmptiaed in tAIed1ence. Jated to ~ II'IaIIr noete'.... Ood II &be . . .."........ aDd. . ._ -iCl'lJfellaw -.John iJtuan~. lneIIUIl1eI of aD *Ie ' &bit .-. ~ p1eCe UobeItJ.
, • aDd
- ~ .~..,.
hocll a
-:-D'Aa...... ·
th. BnIl1ah
~ by oontinUOUl atr--bombblp, rather t.han to r18k a dil'ect .attack. In tile meaDt1lne EnilaacHa Pl'ePllrlog ft!Pidly lor 'anything that may be ahead and Wle ,'tlght Ilttle Isle" is raet beoom.lng a heavily anned fortress that Germany may find exoeedblgly barll to conquer.
. --.
1'lr. William Hartinger and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Alexander left on . Sunday, !Qi'_ a f1shl.ng trip In Canada. Mrs. Nunamaker. of Qolumbus, W!1S a guest from Wednesday until Friday of Marie WlhI. ' Mrs. T . M. Underwood is confined to her home by U1ness. Ed Simison moved from the coun----~-..~.~.~----try on Tuesday to an apartment in ======:..=c===:===_::-::==:::=========~==E===#JR.eV':lana Mra. W. O. Smlth and the Nora. Houston apaI't ments , " Mrs. Ella ·eF1rr1s wa.s a visitor SatMr. and Mrs. Pennln~ ton (DorBigS-eat summer event, (outside of County Fish ~nd Game Assn. or one ramUy lett Monday morning tor a .. , ul'day of Mra. Mary WUson, In Labothy SoUers) and children of Daytrl!? through Maryland and to Vlra vacation flshlpg trip), for Ohio from the Conservation Dept. will g1nla. They will be gone two weeks. anon . ton passed the week end wl bh her sportsmen Is U!e ~umnier convention transfer them to better water. Help AU Jordan and sister. Miss Hanparents Mr. and Mrs. C , Sollers. Mrs. Everett Hunter gave a showof .the Lee.gue 01 Ohio . Sportsmen. maintaIn our stream lite by reportMr. and Mrs . J . T . Walton wIth er at her home In Centerville, Woo- nah, spent Thursday with Mrs. Lucy This year tile meetlna' wlll be held Ing such 'c onditlons promptly.' nesday, In honor of h er sister-in- Fishbaugh and family, In Mlddle- Mr. and Mrs. Forest Grandin, of at Indian Lake, August 1'Jth and Dayton. motored to Cleveland on law. MIlls Verna Mae Hunter, who town . 18th. Saturday and Sunday. Several Mrs. Adilh Talmllge and Miss Friday lind spe nt the week end wIth Mark WllLtaker of Rt. 3 Lebanon, Is to become the bride of Richard thousand sportsmen, farmers. conservation dept. members and wives and Robed Lewis of Fosters will re- Rhoades. of -New York. on August J essie Garner, were ca.Uers Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Seth Thomas . The Bngford reunion was held at are expected to enjoy the casting tUrn home Friday after spending 24th. Present were all the ladles or day evening a.t the nome of Mr. and the Ferry church and several spec- Mrs. J . B . Schmidt. In WUmlngton . Bryn n PfHk on Sunday. and archery conteats, coon dog trials. this week at Ohio's Conservation Ial friends. Games were played with Mr. and Mrs. Geo'rge PlymJre and Mr. and Mrs. William Trout. of dog show, trapsboots, tours, fishing, Camp near Newark, Ohio. The camp much fun for everyone. A huge table Mrs. Emma P.1yml1~~, Mr and Mrs. Spl·lngfleld . call d on rela tives here , boat rides. novelty contest6, etc. The Is operated by the Ohio Division of was opened and It was plied high Chas. Jones of Blancheste.r , an.1 11 Sunday. main event wUl be the annual sumConservation and Is open to two with presents which Miss Hunter number of other members of the Mrs. Kate Eagle visited her son mer banuqet ·t o be held SatUrday boys from each county. In addition opened, amid admiring remarks Plymire . families. assen'lbl.:d Sunday Ralph and fa.mlly . i n CinCinnati. on evening at the Beatley Hotel, Russell to a fine outing the boys are taught from her audience. Ice cre&nl and a.~ the home of Mr. and Mrs. R 3 Saturday. Point. Speakers wiU Inelude M. V. the basic principles of wildlife and cake was served ud the guests deMr. and Mrs. F . D. Osborn . of V1L1ars and his paren ts." Mr. and Loudenback. League preSident, COnwater conservation . combatlng _ 5011 parted Wishing' the guest of honor Mrs. Cecil VUIars, where tihey en- Dllyton, were dinner guests, of MI' . servation 00mmIss19ner Don Wa.ters, erosion, human conservation , refor- a long Ille and a happy one. joyed a most pleasan t day tn a re · and Mrs . G. V . Sims. Thursday eveCOnservation COuncil cha.lrman estation, conservation famllng, etc . Dinner gueats of H. R. Fordyce union with their relatives number- nin g. George Trautman, and Walter Fye, 'Both Whitaker and Lewis are The Walton famll y h eld their anand Mr. and Mrs. P. J . Thomas, Ing twenty-six ,persons. Grandma. president of the OhIo 18aao WaHen presidents of their 4-H clubs, and nual reu!1lon In Shawnee Park. In Plymlre was photographed in severSunday. were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lell8Ue. On Sunday morning an exwere seleoted for their interest In Fordyce, at Nelsonville. Mr. and al groups of the Children and gran d- X enia . Sunday. ecutive meeting of the League will conservation projects. Their exMr. and Mrs. Treese and son Robbe held open to the public. Mrs. Lorain Ford, 01 Cambridge, Mr. children. during the day's activities pensl!6 are being patd by the Warof St. Louis. Mrs. Walker and ert, and pleasures. and Mrs. Carl Whrtls and son, of ren County Fish and Game Ass'n. Mrs. Spahr, of Xenla~ were cn\1ers. Dayton, Mr. and Mrs . Tom Fordyce Mr. and Mrs. E . P . Barr, of EdenThe long ary spell ~ dropped and son, of West Carrolton, Vern ton , Mr. and Mrs Oh rles Ha e- Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs . Lew Hartatream levels to a dangerously low Word has just been receiVed by Fordyce, stanley Mitchell and the meyer and son, James , a T Wayncs- sock and Mr. and Mrs. Arch Copsey. YOU GET A •• riGa'. mark for ' .dd aquatic Uk The the Warren COunty FISh and Game Mr. and Mrs. Jnme.q Sears. of hosts and hostess. No. I Hom. H..t.J- vUle, and Mr and Mrs. Henry Carsmall streauu; are completely pooled Assn. that the Conservafl on DlvlDayton, were Sundny evening gu est'; 1101 • ch •• p imit.tion. Mr. Slanley Mitchell , of Lebanori, penter. of Dayton. were Sunday Th.r. I. mora ••mae up and the large ones In a murky lion Is to loan them' display ftsh of Mr. and Mrs . G . V. Sims. ond mora a&tid.ctlon acapted a ~ob from ·P . J . Thomas ca.llers at the home: of Mrs. Adah st.ate. In this condition even small tanks and wildute display cases tor Mrs. WUllnm Harti nger and in Ih. g.nuln. Ealate Talmage and famll y. last week. He Is living in tbe little H •• lrol... arnolint6 of pollution will kill all life their exhibit a~ the Warren County daughters. Joan ann Nan cy 11 l1d house by the sawmill. The Hagemeyers and Carpenters in ~em an(1 . mUlit be guarded fair next month. These cases conMrs. Hartinger'S mo ther , Mrs . Gco. asalnat. Members of the Warren slst of mounted animals and birds Several couples enjoyed the social were also callers at Lhe home of Mrs. S noole, of South Lebanon. slal·ted County Fish and Game A 8IiI. all over in their natural habitat, and are-held-by-the-Home Builder's class at Alice Terry apd sons, th e latter, re- on Sunday, 011 a molar trl.p to Deli the county are checldni atreamsto electrically Ughted 88 are the tanks the Ferry church lawn last Tuesday mained .until Monday, for a more ver. Colorado. to visit MI'. and Mrs. report any fish that need rescuing- of Uve local fish. evening. Croquet and badminton lengthy visit with tJle Terry famUy . Joe Walton, Georgla Snook). and to aalst Game Protector Brant were played, and l:e cream and George Moore a nd his brother, The Bible class of the Methodist YOU GET .11 til. fa. mou., .xclua.,. _ .. in the lltopplng of any Uiegal seining. Distribution was completed Mon- cookies were served.William, and Russell Lamb, of near I: hwch held their annual picnic at m....lng. fu.l.i.wi ... ~ermen interested in having day, of 1'15 twelve week old pheasThe Berean class meeting was. Waynesville, were blddilng their {'ryan Park. near Ye)]ow Sprin gs. H ....ola hahlrea tIlet mM1\ _ oo1!licm In any flahlng in coming years can help ant chk:ks received frQm the Con- held at the church in the basement, friends gOOd bye .T uesday before Wednesday. ,our h_a, 111_ .... a lot. bY reporting any fJah coming servation Dept. and -aBO nine week Thursday evening. leavLng for a training camp, in Ft. M.r . a.nd Mrs. Walter Dels nnd Ing. In your poabt. to the surface In streams without old chicks ra-~d locally by youth Knox, Ky. daughter and Mrs. Charles Kyne, of J'UJlIllng water. Report these condi- conserva.tlon groups . Fish and ~e A company 'of relatives and Centerville, visited Mr. F . K Ylle and tlOIl8 or 'law viola.tlona to ' Game Club members and others. A.ll • friends were ente:rtained Sunday. daughter, Sunday evening. Protector Harold Bl'8.I.lt at Morrow. pheasants were released In ten'itory • at dl.n ner. at the home or Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. TIlomas Walton , of Such repol'ta should Ge telephoned best suited for them as determined Mrs. I . A. LaOFrge and famUy,- nenr Providence. R . I .. are visiting Mr. collect immediately. Mr. BJ"ant Is by Game Management Supervisor YOU GET FIID: COAL and Mrs. Joe Smith and otber relMr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson and Oregonia. !>.7 r... roriJlg four authol1&ed to ~t the marges. Bill lienderabot. and were put on Guests were; Mt·. and Mrs. Lorn !lllves. H.ahola no.,,.. a.II1 daughter, Pauline, of near BeD7 Where fi8h ~e ; dying for lack of fanils where hunting is 'aJ:owed by brook. spent Bunda] with Mr. and Anderson and son. David, Mr. and ... ura IouraaU tIlet Mrs . Web . Wllkerson and daughyou an .,OUI faaU., water a rescue truck 01 the Warren penn1a&1on. 0 ters attended the fun eral of her Mrs. Everett BunneU and family. Mrs. Wm. Chipley and Miss R'lxle. f"ther. Mr. Reeder. at Morrow fun•wanlllllahwl....~. ~::=::~~::::::;:::;:::;;;;;;;::~~~~Mr d MJ' M rrls Le is t Mrs .. WUlah Anderson . Mr. Art AnI - --sund~;n with ~. :Od ~ Ol:r derson and Miss lil1nnie Stone. all eral parlors., Monday. ~ - t of Troy, Mr. and l~ . Jason Moon , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Plclteral , of 8ha w aI)d son, ......... ~r . S of Wilmington , MI'. and Mrs. aln- Lawrenceburg, Indiana . are spendMr. G~orge Marlatt ret.urned u~l La Forge arid Junior, liar. and Ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. home atter spending a few day~ Mrs. Wm Hiles, aU of Clarksvllle, Bloch. with his daughter. Mrs. Bruse and Mr. James LaForge. of BlanWord was rerelved here of the Helpman, of Dayton. chester: . death of Oscar Grooms a former Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morgan, of near News of the deat;h or W1lliam M. resident here , ·. . . . . . . . C _ _ '*oM. ......... Lebanon, spent Sunday with Mr. Thompson, at his home In Dayton, Lewis Murray. Saturday, was received h ere by his Lut week closed and tWa week such a tran&fer of A.mer1can vessels Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Smlth and relatives and friends. opened on a real fight in COngrel!l to Great Britain at this time would famllY spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. Thompson spent several years ' ovez the ' Wadawortlh-Burke COn- be an overt act of war ag~ Ger- Mrs. Roy Newland and family, near Ln this neighborhoOd . where he was IICI'1ptlDn -\Ct. Alrea~y the Senate m~ny and mia'ht Involve the United Wayne6vWe~ born and reared. Later t)e went to Cincinnati : - T hese are Wl10.L h-.s drasticallY amended the mea- States directly In the con1Uct, They Mr . . and Mrs.' Wayne Smith, of Dayton , and became the owner Qf a sure. but the oppOsition to the BIU al80 tnsi8t that 'If ,the urlited States near Spring VaUey, apent Monday store known as the ThomJ)6on Book basebaU people refer to as dog days DON"T WAIT I Take advanfor pennant contending teaUls. TIle rontlnues. There Is. a stro~ leellng Ia in danger of almD6t immecHa.te With Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Smith and Shoppe. Is on , and trhe race 'takes ta94! of this sensational oHer. pressure that there ahquid be no conacrlP- lnvaalon, as contended by Secretary family. For years he ha s been ably astJo~ measure d'!r1ng ~ time un- of War /ilt1maon .imd Benaror Shep. ~ slS!.ed In hla work iby his daughter on a crucial atmospherc. The Reds leas there Is &> definlte and lmmedi- pard recently, fatrness to the A.merMrs. Ellsworth Smith and family are on a very Imporlant western ate danger to the ..fety of this lean people demands that such &hips of D,ayWn are spending a few days ::n~:n::;~' o~rh: =o!ee~:; junket right now. meeting t.he Pl ttscountry grilater than is now known be retained in the United states with rMB. Mattie Levi and WeIl1ng- with ail her duties In the home. burgh Pirates In two ga mes, the Larger: Because of Better· Service, to OOD8l"8II. 'llloIIe back1DI the Cpn- Novy for the defenae of this country. ton. Mr. Thompson lay In state among Ohlcago Cubs In three. nnd the St. Quality, and Price hI8 books with . Which he was 80 Louis CardlnaL~ III tlll'~ more be-. 8Cr1pt1on A.ct.1nIIIst lihat Ii. ~iclent . Established 1849-1940 . nUmber of ~n for milttary eerv1ce As predicted IIOme time ago. the famlUar, until his buriai day, Tues, · fore returning to their home lot w Way.nesv:Ue. Ohio ~ be ~ta1ned except by ,~atlOnal Defe~ is IMIt day ' at 2:00 p. m. ;lI.t Miami Cerna- open theIr last long home stand of Phone 32' , , draf~. Ra~~ pec~ly, b.Oweve.r , making the .progress the country tery, Funeral servi:es wer~ held at the liC8Son against the New York all volunteer enlistment quotas for .was lead to expect. The rea.soDll Mr: and Mrs. 'Y~lbur MarshaU and the gra-ve. Giants on 'Monday, Aug. 19. - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - ------.... . .- t a....... .~- .. Mr. an d Mrs. This home. stand wUi be a very Fa t Wllmlngt army servIce are bein . I more th an therefor are: ' flrst. of ' aU gov~- d au ghter en"",r 0 ' rmer t cae h er a l )n . met at ·th18 time. There Is .. IItrong mentel fed tage and Interference; Inhoff ~ M.lss Mildred Long, of decisive fl!-~tor In the Reds' o.ttempt.s allti dean of Wllittier College, ~b1tmovement on f~~ to . 1n.crea8e the the preeent tax Ia.ws are not condu- Mlddl~wn, la8t Sunday. for a second straight National tier, Calif., Dr. Watson 8.S&umed the . -~"·ted men # t wenty - elve to manufactUJl1ng pl~ expanLeague pennant. They a rc to meet 0• pay of 'CUU<> KVII' Mr. a.n d Mrs. Earl Crawford enterprrs I"II ncy Jui y 22 . '_lAAI~~ ............. 06 Dr • • one dollars per ·inonth ~ thirty dol- ilion for defenae or other PurpoIIeS; talned tbe foJlowtr18 guests, Marevery team In the loogue. taking on F . Boyd . Vice President, wbb bad . I}('en • tlng P res Id e nt ~, ~~-- .... lars per month, aDd to r ed..... nee ....e and restri.cUve labor and other leg- garet and Audrey Crawford, Robert The Wayne Sky Ha'Vk b O"S I\t- the Giants for three gam es Monday. Illscuss Stock TesL'! . "......, ...e realength of tlme of army . ~tment.s Watlon also a.re having a detrt- Sebneldflr, Dorothy Floyd. Dortha tended Ute meet at . ChIlUcothe, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 11S a. iBnatlon of Dr. Walter L ..GoWns, ~ ' tile greate6t and Bill Mounts, Leall . and John S un day. Th e b oys·:.r1 ........Iti f . flom ~ years ~ one year, in '''...., mentN etJeet. Ho"ver, " y In g m adeIs did starter. Monday will be ladles' day . Lebanon-Area. ' testing fol' na..l~·5 1" bI'unry t a aceept th ear-on -_.. f 11 II D1 ky T ._ ..... _ A 'l'be ~ l'l ky BO.·l nn Bees, who did d f 1 di 1.1 • tns'-'tl wUI bel1et'that sw.h ac on "-.oe 'r euan for slow progrees Is ,the tall- Guard, 01 Lebanon, 'Yednesday eve- ary we . . c ..,.ons'v....... disease was discussed nit t\ mc tlng lI·ccl.o1' a tle v""on .:. .-.. ,~-t quite a job em Ule Reds In Boston r ~- or officers and commiLtee chairmell t i on. 011 I0 DcpaI' · tID ent 0 f"'" .. , c:onecrlptlon wmecesaary, ..... ure of AnIIy . omctala to decide nlng, at Wayne Park, for a picnic M··-'-'unAAe tee l' tl ew 1 m in u te , 9" 711 ,.,...u.oa:won. thJ8 .time .ws undu present condt- upon just what Is ,needed and to' supper. set onds. Raymond Isaacs· Class B <:en tly, follow In for n girls' dny of the wan'en COunty .LIvestock AS. ' Place ~ers therefor. Late la.st week Mt_ Rev'a and Irma Stump bad Mus ke.eer I h a d an uno" "I clal 111g ht. g~ me on Thursday , 11. knot ho]o socl~t1on . . tiorus. . at tho agricultum) ext.~\l- Itcll nioll or Ora'dua'~ ..,. ;,~ . Lucille Fuchsberger came in with same on Friday, and 11 series' clostt' W88 reported that out of the new as ttlelr v1s1-tora on Thursday, Miss in" single enga "gement n ext Balm- sian office here Monday nlgl1t. fl.on . Last \1f~ General Pershlni, ln a. defense funds voted by Don&rtS not .:rennie Copeland, of Williamsport, a Class B. Zipper. taking 11th place '" aId Hawke, WaynesvUle. Presu'lellt Lebanon---Scorel! of graduaLesand na·tIDnal' broadCMt, tIrough.t out tn a single new comb81t plane bais been Ind., Mrs. Cora Miars of Spring with time of 4 minutes, 56 seConds. da~,wo stralgh.t . doubleheaders are of the Uevstock group . was in charge fOl'm · 1' \'luplls of bhe old Na.t1onal -"'''''''iaD that. baa been contraoted .or; ~ that - - ' tI Prizes-were awarded to the nine scheduied ag'ainst the Phlllies on NormAl University ga,therec1 .!).ere . the.......,.· -~ a "..... gun ¥"UUuo on Yalley, and Mrs. Willard Anderson 80tne on for lOme little time to get and. uWlery orders are amall; that and daughter, Mary Jane of wa,De.:;_ highest wltb honorable mention lor Canning Season Opens '1IhuI'sday and Frlday.for the .8UlCongri!ulonal 'approYal foc ~e llilJe only a few tanks are being ordered; ville. the o~ers . Sunday , i\ugust 25, an d Monday. teenth annuR<! l'eunlon of the old. .' August 211, then 11 single game on I I Of at. leaIIt ftfty United statea dea~d that · other _ ·............-t ,. Lebanon tle COI'1) cannln" SC1'sc 100 . ' . ' ... .~........... PIOns . Rev. and Mrs. Bevls Htll and Mrs.. the 27th, The latter two days. wi' l be " • -aLroYfll'll to tile Brl~ Navy. unUke ,are moving slowly. How~r, in the lJncoin, of WI!#iteryU1e; took dinner INCREASE EXHIBITS AT knot hOle days. 'SOll in Wart:en CounLy was OPIJ.lcU W ~RREN COUNTY FAIR Brooklyn, the Reds' clOSll8t con Tl'\ursda~ with the start of. op~r ,tile tranafer and IfJe 01 ~ ~vy-walch . 1& ' really America'a Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gar~ to ~JJCe and lIInIJland abortJy. · Urat lIn-; of det~the 81tuation Ie rl8oo. · · -tender, enters the crosley are~ on" tlons at ~e Miami C lln l1mg. Com'before the l'lench:'_II~. It ~ br1gbtfir. A Il1I,D1beI' of new Ilgqtlng . Warren County public school ex- Wednesday, August 28, for two pony p\~t here. ~ to obqI.ln .OO~ 8blpa h1ive been Contracted lor IUld . Mr and ,~. Earl Crawford and hlblts · at t~e W4I.~lren County Falr single ' games. The seCond and n~l ArthU,r Hamllton, hend, of the Ilrm. c~nsent lot the ~ of tla'hUDa ab1p5 ' AmeI1can shiP yards are wcrIt1ng at WdaalUgte' terThen rtained :fMr· and ~rs. tP!R year will greatly elOceed th06e of ' g~e or' the series on the ·29th . " will said. n.lthou,!h the drought would ............ of a law _ ...... In 1917 pro- f.'" -w...A . • r . 001&8 and .a.mll y of West t tl -'- t .. ,-. I' -, ... u,..,..... . 1'01 met "easons under a new program !be a ladles' day ev.ent. These twO. ou 1e ~11 "";,,,l1 "' o . wee",;. • hIb~ 1IUCh ' sale of naval rzalt. -QarroUton, Mr. ~ Fl,scies and arinounced by Superintendent Char- tilts rObabl WIll attract the largest was eXJKlCled that 126 .p ersons WallIe! a nd others. TblIlaw . . . used some tlme &10 by . ' A~ to mWtaly experta 'it la grandson. of Mt. OI"ab, Bill Mounts, les H. Bohl's ollice. p y t ~be- employed !1ot the plMlt fol' apClass clinners were ~ .... '-..:.~ , _ la ~ .... 01 ... "'-_d.. ' ,, . of Lebanon, Robert Schneider and . week day crowds of tbe season 0. .' . .A' C..... ..-..· .... a u :w'" .-.-.... about an even mOlleY bet as ~ , . The augmented Jll'08l'l'om, Ray~n ' ,. pr,!~inately flve w~eks . · ~Thllrsday 0.1. the Golj3en ~~ Nayal Jdfaira qommlttee to ,b1ocII: whether or DOt Hltler wW a"'-p't ~garet o.rawfordl ,of, Sprlnfleld, F. Hatfield ' assis,t ant 8Upetlnten- O~osley Field. Other plan~ here are. (lXP ~c:J t Gelle.rA.l exe~c~!ies wln be.~~ ' . ' . ' ........ and Ruth Bunnell 8UDday .. t .. ,._ - • Uw ...... of a ~ of ne,v Ama--. to tnvaIde 'England thts~ SUmmer. It . ", ' dent, said, wlll · pel~t· pupUs. in. the Life affords no 'higher pleasure' begin corn eanrllng soon. ' Friday m01'llLng. Elect.lon ·of. ~ ..lean ~' boate to the .. Engl:ilb tlli ln~n COIIleII it will ·be wttblrl Mr. , ~. lin. ~e ~ucli .and fQurteen -eletnentalty and elght high th~~that of surmounting- difflculLlea. wlll .be held FrIdaY' ~. ~ gOv~t. Thole , lKIOneorinI tile ~ nat twO' Or three . . - , ' ~ daUl~r ' apent. ~edneilday with Mr. schools to exhibit sri, home eoon, -Anon Colle!l'e To. 1;,stAJI Wu.t.s~)J~ d:tr wlU . . . r, '. pI:OIIO/I8d ~eI', o{ the . ~tr,oYEl'l probabJ,y wlt~ .the .nextf~ · 9&", and Mrs. WUlard ~y.lOr and 1i01is.,. • .omlcs rilanu&i..'trallnlnc, Iuld oth~ , . ~ , . ' R. E. .,.. , co~ tIia~ the acqulaWon of ~ .&5 It 1&. at t.bi8 aeuon; 01 ~~ Je¥ . Mr.~· Mra~ ' ~ Bunnell and projeCts. E;xhIbltlj ' beret.of~ ~ve He that wrestillS' with I,lS ' sb'eng- . WIl.min~n-"lll.. S. 1\. Wl\);sou wl.l ~. ~dent tala
Sportsmens Corner
Fe.r ry
Mra. Sam Johnso'n and OrvUle Johnson, of Spring Hill. Mr. and i¥ts: JlUnI!6 Cleven8ter and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Villars and ohUdren, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George PlY mire and his mother recently. Mrs. Mabel' Tel'ry was called to Dayton, Saturda.y. on account of the death of her relative, Will Thompson,
h!';.=. 0:::::1
News ' Of 'The Rd e s'
Fairley Hardware Store
News f ot her Commun,'t,'es
0... . .°-
.Ib1pa WOul4 pehnit Bnalaqd to better pMrol UIe DIIllib 0hamIel and h/Ilp . . the QermIIIl ID~ of tile JaIID4 K1JI8dDI1l. and inIIIt Ula~ ~ GI' . , . fGI' D\IlNld ~ JIQIIIblJ depeIId ~ &be aoUclD ..... tn tile 1DU&er. TbOIe~ .• __ «If ......... ~ oat ibM
and coDdlttcma are t.be , beet lor aucb . aD .&tempt. M.aIll DiWtary atra~ bell.. u.t BlUer, ........ &bat Mtel'iij)ted 1Dvuon oIlCDtJ1aDd woW:t be a maR cWD.wK IlDCl COIt.ly .-.r, will at-
en~ Mr.·~ ~rs. ~fen reetrlct.ed to rlJap .q.ra.~ and~ then our nerves, and ~~ our ,be ~Ued as President ~t . Wll- r,- ~ Il'n tf)l{ 1frt:~~'~.~M=).I~P:i~!! pt.lnJl1lU11bip, Batflel4 eKpIalned.· 'akUI. . O~gonist Is our- helper. mington Coll~e at tIle Wilril1ngt.on "Us. Rev. .
daugbtera Levi B~ll aDd tamlly, 1Ir, aDd Mrs. ~ Hoover IUIClIJauIbtet..and Mr. and lin. Vaughn Mullen, Satu,rday ADd SUDdar. Mr. and 1In. .Bt.DDer and .&ImIIt k» stant out IIntrIaMI by family ~ 111'. - -.ad Ml'I. lakdade _ CO·. . . . b IIlIIII'aIeGr~ LeWiI, 8uJIdasr eVlDbll.
. ~Yarly Meetlng ' of F'rienM" at the of . /he Padt college Sathrday arternoon. c)'erJJon, lnd thE' It is the temper Of . toe h1cbeIIt' . Dr, Tb<!mas E. Jones,. NMhvWc, de\(OUOllallr.· It a I 22 IJCbonla hearts to atnve ID06t upwudl 'who Tenn.• 'Presldeht of PiSlt Unlye...-sI.ty, -...;..,.....;~~ liSt Wlli total tbe7.are IDOIt burdebed. . ' '!''ill d,eijger IPl ~ and ~U/J..: lila llU'o ' . -Sir PhWp 81dDq wtllbe·eapplI.ed Watudtmfa.
All articleS exhibited must llave been produced by PUPll8 as a.part their regular schoOl work 81nce
close of tile last ezb1bIt, the '
,160, compared .
• •
w: Offer-;~:;:~:::rY ;:-.;ce - -"\ ~::~:n ~eij'Y
IAt Wayne Park -
At With ita·
Chure hes
FOR SALE - Two fOOd beatlJli . IltoVt)B wOOd or coal b1ll'!1lni. in exceUen't QOndl~lon. !l)l'Jced reasonably. A. SchnaUman. R. R. 1 Waynesville, former Dan HocketL farm.' Ai6·
Funeral servl. ~ w I'e held Friday afternoon. at. the h.ome .of Mrs. F. E. R1'. Atl0YSTJNE CHURVII Ohem~weth. Wellman. for ' John tw\,. R. II. Krumholt•• S l' D. pastor Walker. age 51. of GoshI'll,. who clIed PI" ~ early morning of 'SaLurday, July 27th at the home of his daughter, Mu. ~, Sllllclll),S 9:00 n. m . Monday at the Government · HosW UI A reunion of the Gustin famiUes Mrs. Karl Robertson. nnd Mr. Robpital. In, Ohillicothe arts a year':! of Warren, Clinton,. Montgomery ertson at 129 N. Hillside. Wlohlta. ATTEND SERVICES F OR . ' IUETIfODlST CnURCH Ulness . • ,_ . _ , _ _• - - - - - - - - . . - . - -.- , . and Miami counties was held at Mr. Thompson had a heat1. ailment NORM~ LOVE,-V SATURDA.Y Loub C. RadillY, Pastor MI'. and Mrs: Walker for~erly l re Wayne Park . WaynesvUle, SUllday, and had not been well f r ~wo y ars . . Ided on ChS'lowcth Lane. l1e.:"---'--~- -;---.--=-,.--;--=-..,......,~ FAMILY VISITORS ' Au~t .1.1. Ji.e had hoped' to ],eturn to Nemaha Churoh school 9.30 a. m. There Waynesv111e. · .A gTOUp of : twentyllve c~ma~ Thla WIlS the annual reunion o.r county and toliQW a fa.vorite pas_ ~111 b~ no worship service t he next He Is 'survlved by his wlfe, Ma»el. and frIend/! attend~ funeral Ile~ Mrs. Ray Mt.1nous had lIB her .t he Guatlns Wh~ known ancest,ol'll tlm~. that ot f)lIhJl1g. but he was not two Su,ndays as the 'pastor will be his mother Ml·S. Sarall Walker of vIces for Miss ~o~a. LovelY" : held JEWELER and ENGRAVER guests last week; her brother and nave been traced back to the Middle pllY5lrally able, HI! ' wa.s 76 July 7th. 0 11 vacation . " • . at Middletown SatUrda.y a.tternoon. Goshen. two b1'O'thcl's. ~l1d }I\'o small Misses Marthd MlU'tlll and Roxie famUy . Mr. and Mrs. T . C. Braden- Ages lllld who have had prominent Mr. Tbompson was born In War1~ yeara in Lebanon e I te6 sons. Burial was In MY 1'3 Cemetery, C I S it tt f burg and daught:er. Norma JelUl. of pans In affairS since before Amer- ren county. Ohio, July 7th. 1864, Goshen. ll.1'O yo nc e , qrm r c asama. In Cary's Jewelry Shop F rdsvllle. Ky.; a sister. Mrs. Mar- lea was c.oloQlzed. Members of the during ·the ClvU War . tbe ' son of 1\1'1'. lJOU .Y 1\1. F.. CHllRCn of MIss Lovely, were pallbea·r ers. g[lret Odell and a niece. Miss Nadine family were am~ng the first . pU- Samuel lind ~artha J. Thomp!iOn. T. M. S "ref. I\UlIlstcr Bralldet~urg, of Cinc1nnat.l ; and grlms In the easLern states In all He cam e to Nemaha county In 1879. 811 111111Y S hool 9:30 (I. Ill'. E. A. GRANGE NOTICE Mrs. James Griffy and daughter. the colonies and territories and He a~tended the' seneca public J '~lrllhul't.. Supt. . · en;tyville. Ky. were In the ranks of every pioneer school one winter . stnylng at the 1':\' ' III Ill: ~ I'vl c ~ 7 :30. An apple. pie cOntest will, feature J ean . of B ... move to the westward . 116m of his sister. Mrs. R . M . Emery t'ral' 'I' meeLluG' Wednesday evethe meetlng of the Farmer's Grange. -The first of the JOcal GustlllS, on R. nd Judge Emery . 1n 188.1. he moved II' 1'II,: 7 :30 ItONOR ROLL AT O. S. U. saturdl!Y night,' August . 17. Each Jeremia h. settled , with his tamlly t,o Hla.watha and betome a member The MisSionary meeting will be woman member of the Grangc Is the ohw'ch Wednesday, Aug. asked to enter a pi;) In the contest. Roy E . Crockett Is among the list at Red Lion , Ohio, In 1798. having of the stan pUblillhlng t he Hlawa- held The winner of this contest will be of students tn Otrlo State Unlver- I: ome down the Ohio river in a fiat- lha SL.a ndard. r emaintng there ulltil 21. at 2: p . m: 1935 Che rolet T. edan $95 .00 A welcome awaits you at these Elltered In the County contest w be slty's Co~ge of Arts and Sciences, boat from New J erF.ey, landing at 1883.. He was married on December J erett Station. Ix miles norLh ot 30th. 1886, to Lydia M . Johnson. 1937 Ford Tudol' $29-5.00 who made lihe hono~ roll tor the services. come and enjoy them with held at th~ next Pamona Grange. The descendents of J er- 'l1hereafter he tool,<; up t' le study of us. Cincinnati. $195.00 1937,' LaFayette edan Judging for the contest wlll be Spring Qua rte.r. as announced by . under the direction of Mrs: W. E. HQward Haml1ton. secretary of the emln.h a.re knoWn Lo' b.e In every I.aw with Judge R. M . Emery and 1937 Ford Tudor $24.5.00 slole .1n the Union. was admitted to l:he bor In March, college. cornell. '1936 ChevI'olet T. Sedan $27 ,00 Approximately 75 meinbers of the 1887. He oontin ued the practice of lJ'fl A U. U. CIlU ItCII 1936 h vl'olet Std. T. Sedan $245.00 family a55embl d at midday tor a law with Judge )Il:mery until 1890 . . U Ills ~. 11111. "aster 1936 Ch \11'olet BpoJ't Sedan $235.0'0 tlaskeL dinner, one of the grandest During nine monl,hs of this time he of all reunion CUnners. William Gus- edited the Senec~ Oouner-DemoSunday. August 18 1936 D.odge S d;m $295.00 tin. 8&. Lebanon, was the oldeet crllt. In 1890. he went to Denver Ilnd 9 :30 a . m l Sunday School. LesUe. 1985 Ford Tudor $125.00 one present. A(ter dinner a short worked at the printers' trade In ~()I'~nc h , Supt. 1985 P lymouth oach $175.00 buslness IlCSSloll was held at er Denver and COloI'ado Springs. Then 10.30 11. m. Morning Worship. 1935 Che rolet 1.M. T. Cha sis & Cab $125.00 which the program was enjoyed. he rcLUrnetj to ToPeka and served as 7.00 p. m. CJ\ristlan EnCleavor. 1935 Oldsmobile Coupe $175.00 The principal address was given legtslatlve olerk of the state assem- Leader :-Mtss ElIzabeth Marshall. by Julia Oustln 'CllUk of COvington. bly at Topeka. Thereafter he settled During these swnmer m~mths it 18 1934 Chevrolet T. Seda n $14500 Ky., a daughter of James Madison on the fll;Tm north of Seneca where as cool In the chUl'ell as lsewhel'e. 1934 Ford oach $95.00 Gustin . Will O. Gust.n of Waynes- lIe lived until aItter the death of his 1938 hevl'olet. Coach $85.00 vLi)e. gave an address explaining the wife, Mrs. Lydia ~rhompson on April 1934 Dodge oa h $95.00 BROTHER-IN-LAW INJ~ED different branches of the desc nd- 11, 1933. 1932 Plymouth Sedan $125.00 ents of the Red Lion Gustlns. He To Mr. and Mlrs. Thompson were then Introduced Miss Eileen Me- born two chlldreu. Rlcbll1'd, a veter- Mr .. and Mrs . .John W. Kersey re1931 Chevrolet Seda.n . $95.00 regardl~lIlI. o~. . e e of Waynesville. who ~ng. un ot ttlE!' World .'War, wbo died July celved word' Saturday thllit thel'r Du1l l'4a.ny Qthers lJriced accordingly. _ 11 ~' , of t wo songs and read the . luuowiDg 21, 1936 and Mrs. In ez Robertson of brotheT-i~-IAw. """ ' Hollis "'~". -....,..~ p~m she had composed and deCU- Wlotrlta. There Ilrl' two grandcb1l- Green Springs. h ad suffered a ated to tlle Gustlns: . dren, Mrs. BeryJ Putman, . Des broken leg, Q.S the result .of an acelOllce again we are gathered to- Moines aDd r <;}larles Raymond dent which QCcurred while he was gether to talk and think 01 t he past. Thompson, Bremer'ton. Wnsh .; · two at work .. Let us all be Jolly and happy as sisters. Mrs. M. WIl Emery and M~. Mr. and Mrs. eK1'sey and Luther long as all of .uS shall la"st. Caroline Mathews' oC Bencea. . Hartsock drove w O leen Springs on LEBANON F·RANKLlNWhen we all get to reading these Howard Thompson; a versatile Sunday. and Mrs. Kersey remained messages oUr hearts wander back American, serveql his time ' as a w(th her_sister and famlty for the yeal'S and years " journaJlst; lawym' farmer and Il' week. . WMn we think of the tath.e rs' ana st.o(lkman. He ' came from eal'lY . ( mothers how they 10V!ld us aDd. w Ametiean lind ~l~Ush stOOk. On his ~NTERTAIN FOR' D~UGHTER us were SO dear: mother's side, he ' descended from Mr. and Mrs. J. P . La' r ick ente~ When we look at the pictures ot General Bra.d4oc:k WJ10 fQugh t wlt.ti talned at a. surprise dinner. Monday these boy!! and girls with doll babies the English 1n tbe French and Indlevening. honoring the :bIrthday anyes and pet lambs an wars. He had! a keen mind, conn brings back sweet' memories of versed clearly and took a great in- niversary of their daughter. M.r s.- R . our C'b ildhood days when 1I'e were terest in nat1ona] Qna iocal haPJ)tn- C. CamPbeU, of springboro, Their guest.<; were Mr. and Mrs. R C. • ___~~___~_~~;;';""'..,;;j,,;,;.~~;.,;,o;--__~-~~~..I &6 happy as them. ' . Ings. in r atent Yllars he .hos received -, When we see the hotel in this ·the loving attentllon of Mr. and Mrs. Campj)ell and Mr. and Mrs. ' OJyde aml;ibe11, of Sp~lngboro. and ~. ' picture It reminds us of one hapPY' ~rtson and tlbey wUJ miss him and Mrs. George T: QuICk. of !ViIday, greatly. The fUJ~e1'ill service was Wh.e n two hear.ts we,e united and held at 2 :00 o'clO/:k this a:tternoon in amlsburg.
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~-. for several long years did stay. the Lauer funel'nl home and was When ' we see' that surrey In . the conducted by the Rev. Oharles A. old back yard the Gustlns used a Rlchal'd. The pellbearers we~e Mrs. A_ E. Stout was-hostesS to.a long time ago nephews: Oeo. S,I.elnmelr. R. M. Emgroup of friendS, Saturday evening, And then w :the picture of that ery. Jr .• Ned Mathews. Oharles M. 'uice young lady makes us ~ln'k of. Vorhees. Olenn' ,JI9l}nson and, Claude at an lilfQrmal Ibtldge party. The a Gustin we know. \ Johnson. Burl.a1 w~s In the faml)y evening was spent lri playing ·carcls. Sometimes we are fiUed with sor- plot In the . clty cemetery. Relatives ",fter which 'the hostess served a .. ( row. when we. r:ead where a Gustin ill attendance Inc:luded Mr. and Mrs. de!jSert GOIirse. has died. K&rl ~rtaon, Mh. John . Emery. Quests -included },frs. .Woc;>drow It sure brings Iback . wonderfUl Mrs. KathrYn AI11\ Andr~. F . O. OWllos,' .ot ;3p~tn ;!neld'. ,Mrs. C. I . memories of their U!e and the 'way Zimlnerman. Wlt~h1ta'; .Mr. and Mrs. Satterthwaite. Mrs. Roj:)ert L . sat- · that they tried. Eugene Putman . .Des MOines. Iowa' terbhwBlte . Mrs. Ita Brown, Mrs. 1.{, ' When we know they were ready' Mr. and·) \(I'II. Earl' F . oOoonch 1'0- A. Fulkerson. Mrs. Edgal' Smith. QOALITY FRESH PORK :with tha..t big Gustin smUe, when peJc,a.-The Ooutier-'rrtbune, ' Ser.e~ l1nd Mrs. L: A : Ge.r~: , somebody knocked at their door, ca., Kansas. . Chucl~ Rout ...... ,.... lb. 18c Spare Riba ...... .. ...... ~ lb. 25c They gave them kJnd words and a . Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Antrim, or T Short Ri.... to Bake 2 lb. 27c .Pork ·Liver .............. 2 lb. 18c big helRJng hand especially to the Wichita ~1I8,. Texas and Mr. and • • ' ~ . ' needy and POOl'. ." , creation .. Mrs. George Denny were Monday B~t~~g B~f...............,2 Ib ..23c Fr~ab Callae......... lb. 13.~ c , Now turn' some more ot the old ,... When I,leop) e ~dld' all their , ow~ 'c&llm :at' the' home of Mr. aF MI'II. Sw... Steak ........ ,... :.... lb. 21e Pure Pork Sauaage . Gustin pages and you wlll see where c.ookJng on ~ !1r1W 1ar.:Je just like this W. C. Tlchenor. 8hould~r cut. Bulk ... ,..... .'.......... 2 lb. "25t' two peoplli look ha.ppy' o~e of GustlnS " ,,'. ' ..-;.':...,....-'-~-F....h Ground Beef 2 lb . .33c . d ' Binging and playln'g on an old Ate meal ¥teJ~ meal . a~d were Mr: and , ~. ~ . Estelle. ' or Tender J~iey Steak .. lb. 23c Pure Lar: , our own pipe Olgan Is somebody's . mother h~ppy from the ItHggest one down Dayton • .Mr.',JOh~ ·DennY. and Miss ' F . D :2 ' L' renderlnl\ ............ 2 lb. 15c and pappy. . . to the least .one . ;. ', . Franc.es Durham ·were Sunday afteraney n.ounu or . om Ib 28<: Pork Steak . ............ 2 lb. 3'1.; You can tell from the pictures In An d . las t ' b'ut nut .... J • . I~ast are the noon and evening callers at the , . ' ... , ..... ' .... . ~.. • this old Ousllln album some o.n e llke borses, the ~arde~t thing worked on hO/lle of. Mr: and Ml:s. ·W. O. ,lI'lche:" Young Tender Bee.. VEAL Mrs . Weaver loved dolls a farm. . . nor. . " ; ' . '. '., " ..Liver .'...;'............ .. . 2 lb. 35c Pocket Roaat ......... . 21b. CoLe They won't go arou~d so . she They're 8f{ s~~t /lO ~nd and so . ..... . " I Beef, Heart. ....... p . lb. 12 ~ e V· I S'h Id R Ib 19 keeps them herself and she holds ,gentle gOOd tarim81's WOUld not do ~. Id9;,KelEey. of ClarltsvUle, 'If. D ' e a... . "...... .. .. Ib . 13e ea ou er out .. • c. t he best 'of tb.em aU. th~m ha:m. ' ' Va., : Is v!sUlnlr Mrs. Emma H. • Me..... ee' tonp. "'I • ~ 'f 2 Ib 25e VEAL CHOPS ...... .... lb. 21e It would be hard for n Gusln ' to But times , m fhls old world keep . OJure at the Little Inh .e . " " . w:a1n....... .. ..... : • . Veal Steak ..... ........... lb. 30e: do t~1s for toe try w love all of ohanglng trom vone generation to ' ,.l!':;'"'-...:.i~':·_·.:;:C:::-.': :;"",--""_ _::-;;::-:-:-:-:7;": . • .,LUNCH MEATS V ea1 wee S t Brea d II 21b,2c '. ,t hem alike ' . the o~er. ' .''(' . . • ' ~. Wheth.e r they're playing ' -doll So we pray "R$, ~e. years . glide onSchllll.d ta MODtro~~ BraDd SMOKED MEATS iba:bles or riding an old Oustln bike. \V1U'd that some Gustin will keeP M~ Ham ......~ ..... lb. 26c When we see the dates on these t~k.lng our P1e.e.,. ~raDk'. ' Ib.- l5c Tendered Ham... ...... lb. ?1c ,pictures and readin~s whether Jt be' And keep a.lIi: these' books as a '" Bolo... ..:.... ............. lb. 16c Whol~ o~ mill n , friends or relation record for ,the YdUng generai.ions to w ...in·'_. . ........ : ........ .. 2 lb. 43c Ba~on Piece .: ........ .. 2 lb. ~. iC OUr minds wander back as far as . face. '" ._ . ~:;...:-.~~"Loaf lb ' 29.:. Sbll!Jkleaa tendered they can and that'~ w the wQrlds old 'Tll t he Gusttns all meet ~~ in 'glory II ' andOb '. .... '. Callie.' .................. .. lb. hic _ _ ~_.~____ \\lhere there. we ., never more i ~t.. . ( . am eese . Tendered Boneles. Cot,. We WI~ a~1 be <o~~ .blg ~ppy fa~DUtch Loaf ..: .. ... "' ....... Ib7. 28c .d···' C lIy wl tb 'everyOljl6- dplng hJs. part,• .:' '-.- • --f••.... ,-.. ,..... Ib. 2 DC; .... - T~n ered .Boneleaa ottage.. And ; now .""_,.,)~ il l ),Qt th-e -, . G usUDB " . • • Cb t<caen _ Pimeato Loal ...... ...... lb. ~am., 1 lb. to 3 ·Ib. Aver, BARGAf.NHtt. 150 'T1.1. 2:00 tqat live In .til} i laM ~ar .wd fI! ~_ • ' .• 2 'l b 33C ale ......................... lb. 25c . . . . Friday We extend, a ' ~06.t: COrd1al .we)~.
" Ii . B' .
2& .
~.......... ::........ :~. . • F';"cy SliCed Bacon UYer"PudalD,Ir .......... lb. tse . lb' P k h 10 , Ntat ·L oa' ................... lb. 25c ~ . j' ~ac k~lea .. ;a~b 1~ s..-el' Sauaage' ...... lb. 26c Dry. Sa t or "........ . ' .. .. ;. . . .sa:lam1 . . Jowl BaC;~ ;.. .. '....... 2Ib.·19c I
. '
'AND ' t~ a:ttend 'Gust~ 'reunJ01! next year. . S 'tunl . MIss · McDu1!ee :was tendeted . a '. a ay . ~ote of t1Uulks. . a collection:
TW. TlR"" lItES'. .
"DEAD" .Efrro In ' KIDS"
01llcel'S ~--.,...'"Jennie .........,..... ~ ....'-., Ident of B:!8ilIChl~~
0 .;,9 :U/Jtiri,
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Ie so perfechlCl thae ;. ,.., d..t . occaionaI diIil. ef. ScoItoI ·1ho CUb fOUl' fUel
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