atdte . ,iiirr WAYNESVJLLR, .
Sept' Meeting Plan Evangelistic One"!Third Mark 27th Reunion Of Of ,armara CtU~¥lAletings-Sool\ At Passed Here In Earnhart Family'l1lle twenty seventh annual relUlChurch Of Christ and Mrs. J . K. Preston .:nWar Bond Drive ant8 Jon or the Jacob Earnllart deacenl1was held Sunday at the Barry tertalned the Wayne Town::ihlp
Mothers Club Is Org~ized
Civic Club To Meet Monday
Tile Mol.l1ers ClUb lleld their J1rs ~ of ule year a.t 1I11e Grad e school bulldlug Fl"lday altel'nOOll , The new oftl ers for tile presem school yelir w~re ill cllarge a!ld are u S joil uw~: President, MIs. TrWlUlD Wardlow; Secretary, Mrs . Gllben F'rye; 1'roosurer, Mrs. );tussel WUson . About 35 members were present and plans we re maue to CIllI vegetBlbles d urlng the coming week . The president I18dlled the chl1..rmen of conuulttees as lQllows : .... -ance Mrs . La u..;., . ,-T urner; ..... " "'- Ing, Mrs . H CI O,"'J " F D ye; P rogrlllll. Mrs . H . B . Ea rn h arL; M emb ers hi p, iMr5. Ell .Furnas ; Milk Fund, Mrs . Rhodes Bunnell. Devot.lons 01 the aCternoon w~re cOl1dUC~ed by Mrs. L . C. Rallley and MIss Hardin, princIpal of the gfade building, gave Iln '.!xcellent t.e.lk on the school, stating that 303 puplJs were encoiled at the grade b u lldln g. S uper In tenden t R. W ' Bradl10ck also gave a. splendid talk a.1'ter which a "get lIAXlualnted" stunt was given. A bea utlCui [lowL!' box arrsnged by Mrs , Ray Conner, will be enjoyed by MIss BeekInlln'b and Miss McKinsey'S rooms. The club 6djourned WltU OCL. 7 when a night meeting will lJe held I1t the gymnasium a.s 11 reception for the teachers and the mothers Ilnd ·! athers afe Invited . EaCll, faroJly Is requested ~ bring cookies.
The Septembel' mee ting of th~ Waynesville Civic club will be h ela Monday eveulng at 7 :00 o'clock a~ Cold Springs T avern . "Elmer, the MlIlliclan" will tv> thc guest of the evening and Iln Inter · esting m cetl ng Is promised. '" Elme r" Is Mr . Elmer Lenel, of Svrlngfleld. a teac her In t he schools there Ilud 1\ magician of wide rcp uLalion .
'u p untU WednesQay noon Wayne township seemed well on Ita way to meeting the quota of f100,OOO, tccor~g to Ross H. HattBock, cha.1rman of the local drive. He teP,Orted at that tlme tha~ $38,263.50 worth of bonds had been sold by local bondadiers. ' ' M':r. HarUlook warned, however, that unless .a more concerted arlve Is made by some ot the workers, and that every ,fa:mlly in the township ls contacted, the quota will not be met . The flrgt $50,000 ls by far the eeslest," he stated. One bondadler, who Incidentally has sold over fS.OOO worth ,)f bonds himself and Is worldng e~~uY at his job, had the following to "ay: "The 3rd War Loon Drive quota will be met or ex£eeded In this township only In ,proportion ~ t.he thorough and systematic work of the ·Oollaadlers.' '\Everyone should be vIslt~. We shoUld not pre-judge the prospect's ' capacity to lnvest. Ta.lte for ~ ample, MIss Lanora Lovely, a. Waynesville Ilcllool girl, who purchased a $1,000 bond. Mrs. George Miller wttlhdrew tne savings of , her son, George F., Jr., lI4le 21 montha, and purchased a $100 bond tor blm : "Many otlier chlldren, bo~.h In school and ,~ pre-achool ai l; are havlbg their .savings inveskd to make sure our way of Ufe alUll not ,p erish from the earth. The safest investment 10 the world. to-U.S. War Boods." ~ports from Lebanon lndlcate that the sale or bonds ls goIng well In ~t other parts of Warren county. '
8mlth plcn10 grounds, with an attendance of about fifty friends and relaUves. After a delicious plcnlc dinner- a. stmrt business sessIon iW68 conducted by the presilieut, E . F . Earnhart. QUIcen; elected for the comlng year were: PresIdent, E . F. Earn'.bart; secretary, FannIe Earnhart, and treasurer, Ernest Earnbart, :with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart and Mrs. Lou1.sa Lemmon as the committee to plan for tbe 28th reunion. The names of eleven members ~ho are serving on the anned forces were given places of honor. J. MUton Earnhart of Lebanon, gave a very interestlng talk and recited some of hiS popular poems . 01.1 adjournment an expreea10n of gratitude was given to Mr.· ane. !MrS; Smllb for the U&e of their lovely little park .
"Open Souse" At ComeUHome
Grade School News The enrollment at the grade building ~ 18 greater than it baa been for many years. There are QUite a few now faces besldP.s the first grade children. Enrollment by g'rades ls as follow: . I41as Beellman, first grade, 11 boys, 12 girls; Miss Blackburn, first grade, 19 boy", 15 girls; Miss Strider, second grade, ~7 boYs, 19 girls; Mrs. Propst, second grade, 7 boys. 111 girls; Mrs. Propst, third grade, 7 boys, 3 girla; Mt.sa Hardin, third grade, 22 boys, 13 girls; Miss Mc~, fourth grade, 19 boys, i1 girls; Mrs. Sheehan, fourth 'grade, 1 boys, 10 girls; Mrs. Sheehan, fifth lrade, • boys, 8 girls; MI.ss Day. JIlfth grade, 18 boys, 17 gUla; Mrs •. Elzey, sixth gra.de, 71 boYs, H glrla; total, 1M boys, 139 girls.
Farmers club Thursaay of last week at Cold Springs Tavern. Members assembled around the co7<Y fire In the dining room. At 12 :30 B delicIous dinner wa.s served. Kellar Hoak, president, called the, meeting tv ol'der at 2:30. ~Ineteen families rClipondod to the roll call. The minutes of the prevl.ous meeting were read and ,accepted . The secretary' ree.d a ' card or thanks from the LeMay family. Mrs, J . H . Sackett read a memorIal for Helen M. Hawke. The club unanlmoWily acc~pted the names of Mr. and Mrs . Charles ElIJs ,as members of the olub. The secretarY' was lnStl-ucted to In!vrm them of this action. A blll Cor $5.15 was allowed and orl1erC{l paid. Slnce the treasury Wa5 10 need of funds, each flUllUy was a.sked to contributt one dollar. Nlneteen dollars was collected . Harvey Burnett d1sc\l&'leo. the spe'clal topic, "Synthetic Rubber." fie told of the historY , of the researc:h tha:t resUlted 10 file dIscOvery of the compounds that are today used 10 the manufacture or synthetlc rubber. iRe described the methocls used 10 I~ manufacture and compared the synthetic product With the nntural. e usse' e posIltbUlty of producing rubber It this hemisphere . Mr. Burnett feels that ls Is possible to relieve the pres sltuatlop 'by the synthetic product. but he feels that a.fter the war we will return to the less expeJUllve n!l>tuTl product. The guest spea.ker having faUed to arrive, the clUb ~emberS enjoy.e d a pleasant SOCial hour before they adjourned to meet in October at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fr~ Hagemeyer.
• • .
"Open House" was held by Mr. Ilnd~. M. A. cornell 00 SUD4aY when bhey, assisted by the1r .da,Ulh-, ter, Mrs. RWiBell StockstW, ot Day'" ' ton, celebrated their golden weddl.ilg annlven;ary. During the hours of two o'clock until fout and seven until· nine, abOut one hundred ,f riends and relatives were ' received by tbla happy couple . ¥any bee.uWul slfts ILnd flowers ·were received and on dlspll\Y. . " MIisIi Betty Braddock and MIldred Salisbury served fruit punch , a.nd oookies from a table"iuch waa very attractive with Bolden oondelabra and a centerpIece ' oi' yellOw roses. . IilNTEMA1N SOUI'll' WAYNE · ADVISORY COUNCIL
The Grade school
is quite proud
of its ' achievements of last yea.r. 'l1heY' 8014 stamps one day every iwll.ek, bea-tnn1n& in Nov~r. I>w1ns the remainder of the year the Children purchased over $600.00 !Wo,r th of 8tampI. Th.Ia activity will be continued aga.ln this year. Also. 'a turkey supper was glV'.ln IUld 'W'aste paper was ~ected. and sold. A $100 bond was pucrba.sfid by the lIIChool. A scrap book . !Was tOOde telling of our actil1Ues and sent to W1llih1ngUm, D. C'. We have Just received, a cert1ftcate, stinett by Henry M:oraentbau, Jr . , telling iha.t our servk:ee 'to our country have been very worIibwhlle.We have bo.!en tDIcl that we are the only SChool in Warren county to receive such a.n award. ,Both Chudren and teachers Mr. and Mn. Ralph . Albury en- ..... to be............ . tulated on their ef_ _ _ .w terta.lned the Sou1lli Vf.yne Advis- fOlltB. . qry Council for their september • • • meeting. '!be 81'&de school is quite a d1r'Two members did not answer to ferent looldni place his year. The the roll ' call. Three guests. Mrs. ~alla, ceWnaa, and woodwork a.l1
EdwIn Payne, R. W.
and Henry Ba.ttertbwa1te,· 'Were pruent. ' The minutes were re8cl anc1 ap-' ,p roved. After a brief blJ!!~t1114 Sian, Mr. Braddock took charse of the d1scUtlllon period. !Henry ' SattertbWalte gave a splendid rePQ!'t of the Pa.nB BUteau Youth' Conference a.t Bowllns dreen. ClareDCe H6'e was named a delegate to ,attend the ~und tAIlble discussion coMucted by 'J4r. Martz, to be held a.t 8:30 , p. m., Sept. :N, In the court bOUse aUd1torlum, Lebanon. .'DetlclOUS refreshments were -served by tlbe hostesa.
FBIEND8JUP CLUB MEETS AT HOME OF MB"~: BILL 'The FrIendshIp club held tlleir tl!8ll meeting Wecmeaday ,at t.he lar .... ..;.."e of Mrs. K. R. Bill. 'l1wen " W ' ...."
,members wer. e ,present and 'the ,p rogiam, following the regular ~1leIII, _ f t "'ven to read1nlJ " I and ron ,. tea .' ta. ...... "'. Dellcloua l'8fl'e8hlneD1is were &Cl'Ved
p , . Club rogresslve Adds Seventeen Naw Members f4rs. Lura HJ4y entertained the iProg!resslve Women's Club at <.;olcl Springs 'l;'av.ern Tuesd8IY eveJ1lng, Sept. 1. when the club h.eld its first meeting of, the year: 38 guests were present. 17 new members being added to the 21 ' holduver m~r8. Miss Ethel "Beekman, president. wa.s in charse. Several suggestions Cor cornmunity serv.lce were ofler.ed and also tentative plans for finahcing them . Group si.ng1ng, led by M~ ' VlrgInla Hardin, fOllOWed the DIlSlnCSS meeting. A very ,1merestlnB ,Chalk Talk" was given by Mrs. Max a&ndall, who aketched t.wo beaut.1ful 1• acen.., PIctures for the enjOl'ment of the club members.
.!Following the program and soCial hour, dellclous r~reshrnents were served by lihe hostess. The club
lAllt; LIng
Two weeks frem ~londay the three weeks fall evangelistic caIt\palgn gets under way at the 10001 Church of Ohrlst. Tuis will be by far the greatest effort undertaken by the local church as m 'lre preparatory calling has 'b een done, more advertising has been used, and more money has been spent that the meeUng might be a buge sucCI:Ss, than ever before. The church lU\-S every reason to hmpe Cvr good l·esU.ts from tibls meetmg <IS It has called one of the Ohurch of Christ's most power,foul and eHiclent and well known evangel.l.!.-ts 10 the enThere will be a meeting of the tire United states to hold this lWal'ren County Home Servlc~ commeeting. Dr. S. S . ILa.ppln Is a mittee on Saturday, September 25 current writer .in the lending church at the Golden Lamb in Lebanon, paper of the Churehes "f Christ alld Mrs. W. H. Deutemeler, chalrmlin Is Internationally known as an o! the group, has announced. author, editor, and preach· )~. He Guests at the meeting will be Mrs , has long been rec<l€niz,ed as one of Cella Deschion, Ileld representative the outstanding leaders In the tor Home Service from Elast.eru churoh. He Is a $Cholar, and has Area he'adquarters. Mrs. De.o;chioll unlimited energy and passion for works in the southern part o,I Ohio, soUls. ElsIil Roth Lapplln, Mr. LQ'p und also in Cleveland Ilnd Toledo, pin's wt!e, Is also welllmown in the and h~ had long experience ill soChurches of Chrlit. She hilS bun clal work. Al.so a guest will be J4.rs. one at: Uhe leading song eVllOgellsts Helen R . Hlll, hood of the Warren of the chun:h for years. County Welfare Bureau. .Again this yenr as lust, the local • • • chlU"Ch has called MI'. Murl Nolder, lAnyone wlshlng to give 11 pint of to play the Hammond cJrgan for IUv.! blood when the MobUe Unit visit., ~eetlng. ThIs comn.unlty Imows Warren county in November may Mr. Nolder and ,will eIli~oy I)Is play- register on .Friday evenir4l', Sept. 'tne once aga~. He Wi.l be here for 17, at bhe Red cross station wagon the entire three wee.. ;; ., eIther before or aCter the ~rt:moni 5 [n order that tlhe m eeting- might dedicating the Frankl~' Cle!lrcreek get ofrf to a ~ stlll~ th.e church Township Honor Roll. Regist:stlons has set Oct. 3 as Rall~ Day. The may of course, be made at any time att:en~ g108J has been set at two at Red Cross headquarters In Lebhundred. For the morning program anon or Franklin, but it is hoped. to the church ls planning to have Mr. be able to sign up a large group at Noider and his Hll.mrnond organ, the time of dedication.' s~ talent from the Clnclnnatl Red Oross volunteers are Ilsked to Bible Seminary, Mr. Randall deUv- llake part In the ,p arade, and to be ering the sennon, and, as I ~ spedal in uniform . The dedicatIon cerefeature, a half hour broadcast of, monles will be featured by an' au.· the services over WHIO, Dl1yton. dress by .Doo:n Stanley, Lebanon aLThe entire community Is invltel1 to \Iottend thls and the fClllowing 5erv~
Red Cross Notes
Band Mothers Club OrganizedA-------",-
The band Mothers' club met at the hJgh scll001 Wednesday , Much enth usla.Sll1 was dl.sp)ayed over the plans for new unUorms. Every attempt will be made to outfit the band with the unliormB thla year. , A concert and dance Is being planned for the mIddle of October. Arl'8ngement8 are not quIte complete but anouncementa will be made in the near future. The following officers were elect~d: Mrs. Hl1rold Whitaker, presiden t ; Mrs. WIlUam 'liukens, vice presldtmt; Mrs . Irvin Multord, secretal'Y. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey, treasurer , The next meeting will be held at th e h :gh school on Tuesday, art'. 5 ' at 8:00 p , m . FInal al rangemenlis {or the concert ane: dance will be made at that t1!n e . U Is hoped that all of t he musically lnterested mothill'S will be present . A Bant! UnU~rm Fund has been .:st.ablJshed and contrlbutloJUI will be gratefully accepted . Make checlt8 payable to Band Uniform Pund . Mall to elLher Mrs. IrvIn M\Jltord Jr, E . W. Scofield.
The Wnlren Cou uLy Cha pte r, American Red C l'os.~. an d the Fra nklin EAranch will l urn lsh free of charge carLons In which t o mllll Chri.swUIS presen ts to the men and women of the armed forces SCl"vlnl overseas . C'ar Lons will alw be f u!' , nlshed to send gJlI.:; La prlsolle rs 01 war. AnonWlcement of this service La resIdents of WaITcu coun ty Wa.\, "lade by Cha rles J , Wa"'Joner. "" chairman, Warren oounty chap ter , ana S . if>. Mayer, cl ••llrman, Franklin Branch. These cartons will' IY. avaU9Jble l.mmedlltely a t the Red Cross off ices In Franklin Ilud Leb· an011. Anyone wishing to obtain olle Is asued to bring to t he office a s liJ. LEBANON n.YER o! pnper bearing t he name And adt, drCliS of the service person to whoI)'. Ensign Bryon CUnnIngham of Uhe cartoon will be sent, This In- Lebanon, "was one of four lUlled formation wUl facilitate the work 01 d6Lurda y when a Navy training the staff Ilssistants. plane crashed near "May,po~, Fla., ..\ccordlng to Ule Wo.r department. EARL CONNER PROMOTED Mrs. Ea.rl Conner has receIved word that her husband has been promoted to the rnnk or corporal . He was recently sent ove.r seas. His new address Is: Cpl. Earl W. Conner 35794887. 419Lh Engr . CO. D. T " A .IP .O. NO . 4834, care of Pootmaster. Now York, N. Y. DICK OSBORNE COMPLETER IDS BOOT TRAINING ---"Richard W . Osborne, SOn of Mr . and Mrs . Alrgus Osborne Thlru s treet, has l'ecelved his boot traln1ng In he Naval Tralnlng school at Great Lakes, Illinois, and has now entered the service school I,here . His addre&:> Is : Richard W. Osborne, 5-20, Se.:1:lon 89-3. Ba.rra.cks 607. u. S. Servlce School, Great lAlkes, nUnols.
$1,146 IN SHEEP .~IAIMS .
A total of $1 /146 for a sheep ..:.lalmli has been allOWed by the .;aWlty cOmmissioners, A. M. ParkJr, county auditor, has announced. I1IIs Is believed 'by county 0!f1c1ala La be the larsest amount paid in vne quarter durlng the last decade. IS PROMOTED Owen HartsOCk, son of Mr . and. Mrs. R,OSS H. Hartoock, has been promoted to the rank. of corporal. His present ,address Is: Cpl. ~en Hartsock, A .A,. F.T.S., CIaaa No. II, State Fair ·Grounds. IndiinapoUe, Lnd.
( -4
BIRTH OF SON Mr.~ ~I~U~~lUW~~~~~~~
are announcing the birth of" a 5 lb. 8 oz . son Wednesday morning at the -McClellan hospital Ln Xenia. The now arrIval has been named William P .. Jr. The mo~her Ia a. Mr . and Mrs . Fred Braddock former teacher 10 the local high enterllalned on Sunday a 'number of school. guests whQ wlexpectedly arrlved and reminded Mr. Braddock tha~ It OHAS. BURTON IN ENGLAND ' was his birthday anniversary . Those present were: Mr . and Mrs. Raymond Wilson, Walter Wilson, EnOCh Wilson, Mr , and Mrs. Ted IMCIntu'e and ~lIdren, Mrs . Ella Wilson, John Wilson, Robert Wilson. Mr . and Mrs . Leonard Ellis and
Surprise Honors Fred Braddock
been.~~~tWTii'illVin'Mtrsem.:mlibl-teJli!agatOtR!lnna,tICto°~ld~'~8~p~rl~n~gs;'_!-lCleS .' :. ;:':'~_-======-
over tbe "nldla; Aa¥e We wish to ~ our aWreclaa tlon for th1s wonderful Improve- meeting' at 1:00 p. m . lA1G1es, remen~ to our School boa.rd and to serve this date on your social calendarl Ur. HopIt1ns, who did the work. MRS. J. P. IARRICK TO JOIN ~ttle MarilYn Polinsky c'.!lebrated ENKOLLS AT omo 8TATE BUSBAND IN ALASKA her fourth ill1r!thday F'rlday and in ColUD1bus, ~4. - With the, hl!l" honor her mother. MrS. A. T. ,C!f Freshman WCf!k at MI's . J. P. Larrick is leaving the Polinsky, entertained a group of Ohio State unIvera1ty whlch lltarts Wit of lihe week for Anchorage, Marilyn's friends . The 8IfternOon Sept. ~, hundreds of addltJonal Alaska, to joln her husband wllo has WQs spent in the very tUiPPY mann':!r young people are oompleUng their ~n employed there as a. cIvilIan of playmg games and opening and registrations at 0bI0 State Untvers- 'WOrker by the U. S. government admt'ring the many lovely gifts relty for the nl'W school year. Not all (or' the past eight months.. celved by the llttle hostess. Birth. . I . . . ~ In the ' _...... ._-.... .......... ""'''' c....... ex;pec t to Mrs. Larrick plans to dIIIve as eM d ay ca ke and Ice cream wet"'! serv ed go , str&t8ht throU&b to graduation, 68 Seattle, Washington lind leavE' by to. t~e little guests. many Or the boys 'plan.n1ns o»ly a boa.t from that cit~. Her cat will ' Those wro were invited were: qUarter or flwo of, college work 10 be shipped on tlie , Bame boat. She Oarcl Kay Turner, Mary .Javls, prepa.n.Uon for mWtUy service. bas aooepted employment in the Ja.net Da.vls, Joan Kiersey, Esther Recent ~IOns, in addlUon to <post orf1ce a.t Anchorage. Until Mr. Elalne Satterllh'Walte, Shirley F~e, those prevJou.aly reported, include: and Mrs. lAuirck return wlch they Sue Anne 'Foulks, Carolyn Ann 0e0I1fe M:. Mangle, R. R. 1, who is iPlan ,t o do when the war ends Conner, SeJ}yI Lou Smith, Sue Ann enroUed In the eng1neertDg college. their tourist home here will be i~ Ramby, Ruth Anna l~ler, Peggy .J Miltenbe Za. M'a Pulk vovTB nu;oW8BIP TO charge of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frye . ' 0 . rger. ns~ e er'" u..M-., .... 'I Y . .... Le.. ' . BE OB&NIZED AT TIlE Mr. Prye ill the local station ~nt. son, ~ ..~ UIUI er, UIIJ\IJO e _organ, June lMendeilhaU, Barbara Mis IIBTBODIST canv"B 1\ _ Il0l...... .. MOVES' L&W OFnCE s1ld1ne, Charles Ke1'sey. Charles
.P arty In,Honor Of'4-th Birthdlay
PrIda,y evenlDg, Sept, 17, a Youth
'bt the baIte&8 ~1sted bJ MrI. o. Petlowahtp wlll be orpniBed at 'the ~ttomey Cll,rl AbaecherlJ. 'wbo has ft, ,~, and Mia. Alva 1'bomP- IYetIJlOd18t cburcb . .'l11la ~Uon mnin~' a l&1f atlbln Wa.tnesson. Ia for Joune people at bIgb .cbool V1lle fOl' the Put fIve Yeim, has fI'llATE BlOBWAY EMPUlD8 8Dd.J'UDl0l' bIIrh eCbool ,ap. , 1DICM!d bill I.nt.o the rea.t: of the ABSI8'I'ING AT oAN}QDt1E8 A JlI'CIIIr&m at worahlp, relll10ua bUUdlnlr occuPIed ~ the , Fairley • '-aotlvtttea a&id '&ood tlmes 'will be B&r,dWV,e ,Co. It WU' formerly In wof.kera , on the W!IIJ'8n and , carr1ed ~~ Tbe tint meetmc wiD be ~ ~ Office 68 the' Warnesv11le Qlnt;on i:o\inty tnncbes of the daY ~ IOCiIal P,tberiDg In the recreational lD.sIiraIIICe AseDCY. '.. bJlbway depart.meJlt have X"CpCJnecl I'OOIDII or ,the CIhumh. ~ ~ be ·Mr. AbaecberU waa one of the M tile WlfDenWe and Rou~ ....., pep 1OIJ8!I,. ate., . ~ p~ ~ of. the Jocal Olrie cl~ . and ..."niDl tactort.ee to illJat ·wI. the' WIll eM! ~ 't or the fall a1ld winter ,... It. flrat pre8icleJlt. ~ was whOa . .iper 0CII'Il crop IleIDc I**ed alYltiel. YCIUDI people IDI tbIa ace .. ,... t.be bead of tile oi1rintaaUon 'l'bII II UDe Witls tIIe.tate IfOUP aN UIPd to aame aDd. bdIII ,.. tile oM» waa lnatrumeD~ In ~ dt~=:'PoI$OJ ftIIIId Wi... them. _ _ _ aa.vlnc tile new t.elephoae aratem bel .. will __ M IIIItIiDed ....
--------~--~----------WHOLE NUMBD UJ5
Ell1s, 1'!.redd1e LeMay, Jerry Woo1a.rd, JlmrlJS' FraSure, George Brown and
Kept TUrner:
PBOMINENT· ' ~~ BANKER P&88ES AVfiAY AT BOME 8ervlce.s ror ~JI J. KennedYI ,", aecret&Ty at the l/>eopJe's BUIldhlc and aa.v1Dp comPany In Xenia for the laIIt od,.... anll4irector of tbe tlrlD alnce 18118, were hB1d Wedn~ at b tealdeDce w\tAl bUr-
fWoodland Oemet.er, -?" 1Ir. KamedJ unapectedlJ .,..,., mamIDIr at bam'! foI• oeNbraI ial In
Iflces on Malo street, Mrs. Vlrgll Bos well, chairman of the Nutrition Corps has lannounced. The new clllSS which wID last for ten wP.eks, wUl begin sometlme 10 september.
SEVERAL CONTESTS IN WARREN COUNTY ,IN FALL ELECTlON Several oOntest8 are scheduled for the November 3 election in several parts of Warren county. In Lebanon Mayor Arthur Hamilton will be oppoSed by -stewart Bogen. Oharles Van' RIper Ia OPPOsed for rll-electlon 118 mayor a.t 'South Lebanon by David NUllS and Frank Bowyer Jr. Earl B. Fuller and Everett WW1ams are seeking the post at Morrow. IK&therlne Trainer Is s~k1ng the clel'1t's post. Kenneth WillIams, who baa served since- 1936, ls not ~('ek1ng
reel~OD, Plve t;oWDsh1ps, have trustee coI!,-
.-ta and W t. __ ...,.. one, a.yne, ,...., two seeking the posltLon of clerk, Maynard Weltz, incumbent a.nd Joseph Thompson. only one trustee Is to ~ elected 'in the ~PS .. WIH)\~r Hutt and S. L. SImpson a.re runnln81n Clearcreek; Hooter HUes and Pred 8n1der in Hamilton; J. H: ~an and ,B., P. Shutts in MWle. DaVid B.oJmes ,~d J, A. White 10 ~, and Clarence Schul and ' WUllam lJadrman In Union. Tbe majortt, of the atfJces w be fDJed ue 1lJIDPPOI8d.
iMr. and Mrs . Everett Ke~ entertained to dinner on Sunday evening Sergeant Glenn Hook1tus of NEW OENTVRY CLUB TO HOLD Panama, Lt. and M1's. A , A.. Starke FIRST MEETING OF NEW YEAR of Ft. Smit'h, Alrkansas, Mrs. Ar- ' . thur Hoplrlna, Mr. and Mrs. stanThe New Ce ntury club wlll meet ley Bailey and da.ugbter and Mr. with Mrs. Harold B. Earnha rt aL Ilnd Mrs. Ed Hopklna. the home of Mrs . K. N. Hough on DUKE FAILM BBlNGS $18,000 ' Frlaay, Sept . 24, Bit 2:00 p , m . for the first meeting of their new year. , Aooord1ng ~venue stamps A committee composed of Mrs , attached to the transfer of' recorda Georgia. Mendenhall, Mrs. J. W . in the county recorder'8 office at • Wa.rd Ilnd Mrs. Margaret Webb wtll Lebanon, the 'Oarl L . . Duke .farm furnish the program which will ¢oeal on Route 73 which ccotalns 140 with Canada. acres, WaB Sold to 0e0l'Ke F . stanOUicers. are: President, Mrs . J. ley of Dayton, for $18;000. B. CraPbe; vice president, Mrs. L. M .- Henderson; secretary, MJss AlIce WARREN P~ IN MD, Oons; treasurer, Mrs. Harold B . Warren L. Pummill who recently Earnhart. Mrs. Glenn Borden and Mrs. R. H. HalI'tsOOk comprise the completed hiS boot traIning. a.t Grea~ Lakes Nayal Tralnlna StatiOJl. Ia -, executIve committee. now In Maryland. Hi8 addre~ ill: Warren L. PUmm11l, 82-9, Bartacka BIRTHDAYS HONORED X, U. J;I. N. M:. W, T. 8 .. 8Qk)." , Mr. and Mrs. Ray Malnous were mons, Maryland. . entertained to dinner Sunday by a niece on Park avenue, Hamilton, In mRTBDAY MEETING AT honor elf their blrbhday anniversarGRANGE ,SAT.UB.DAY; NIGHT Ies wblch 'Call on the sllme date. 1'\umers Grange No. 13 will meet Other guests were sisters of Mrs;. Mainous, Mrs. Edpa CccU. Bluefield; SaturdaY- ~eninB, I;Jept. 13.. at Use rw. V:a., Ilnd Mrs. MattIe Flanery, Grange hall. The blithday supper boIIada8 Ham1lton. t4lme 'whole blrthday8 are ,In _ . ENTERTAINS BBlDOE CLlJB
served at
8ePteIIIber wID "
~ Un. H&r.vey 'L . Rye1!Dtertained . Uted W brlIIa a -.at ~~. .(~ the meamera of her brldae club 00; tame aervtce IUd btead. Tuesday afternoon. '!bree tables, An ID&e1'feUII8 PI'CII'" were In pJa-y dUl'lDc the arterilooD. tlftD.
1II"' b .at . ' A "'" t -,Jflldamt wa~ttte
.Aro~iJ\g men lroJIl
, ~n1dens
1 01'1 Il
OT R 1NO 1'0
o! MlnmiWUllt, a nd a num~r of FUNERAL WEDNE D A~ FOB obher relatives and frie nds. H e ~YIl ~ WILBUR R. ZELLERS TO ('ROW BIT DOGS FROM employed by the A. H . pUll'h P rlOt· '1'ltESPAS lNG , RUN!'iING_ AT LARQE. AS» TO P RE VENT T HE Funeral serVices for Wilbur ~ . ing company In Oluotunatl for 38 ANNOl'AN E OF BI\RK1NG Zellars. Wa.~l\esvllle native. notl!;" of years a nd WIl:S a. member of !.he J llfl" AND n OWLI NG OF DOGS. IN. whooe d th In Olncinnati tlppea l'ed lor Order and a, Mason . He WIl:S c nTIlE VlLLA,GE OF WAYNESIII lost we!k's Gazette, were held at nooted with the Waynesville Ent 'tVILLE. OlUO. 2 p . m. , Wcdn cia and bu{lal was prise many years II€'O. WliEREAS, much pubJic annoy· In Laurel C9ffi t.ery In MadlsollvUL. "!He d ied of a hear t at!fck Sal.ul' ance, jnCOtlvenience and damage reo He leaves IUs widOw. Grace. a dny, Sept. 4 In CincinnatI. s ul ~ to elle people ot tile VU lullC or Waynesville by reason oI the run- step·son, Stuart JlWkson of ':'hlr.agQ, n i n g a t I n r g e 0 1 dog s. six gTl\.lIdchlllren, one sister. Mrs. !Pvt. Benton Hook a! Louisville, es peci ally in re ga rd to Margaret Hammon, and OwO neph- 'Ky., was tbe week-end guest. of his damage by them to local ViCtory ews, Howard IUld William Hammon pareJlts, Mr . and Mrs . KeUar Hoak. Gardens, and In order ·thA t such annOY:lllce be dJ.sc.ouras ed and minimized, NO W THERlElFORE B E; IT ~ ORDAINED by the Coullct'l of 'the Village of WaynesvUle, State of Ohio: SElCTION 1 . It shall be unlawfUl for any person who ow,ns, parbors, has charge of. or control of a dog. E WAS PRESH OUT OF lO permiL IL to run at lal';),'.) In any OHIO STATE the day he street. alley . lane, public plnce, upon came in to see us about' a job. ullenclo:;ed groW1d; or to pennlt the His face read that he had same to go upon the grounds spunk . • • aDd "git-up" ••• 0 r another, 0 I' or property aDd faith. We had an idea he'd Lo damage 0 r des troy the fit into the SOHIO family. garden or yard 01 anoth!.!I·, or We were right. In oo1y a get into or dump over and spill any Ilion time, he was given a gnrbnge, 01' in allY way to da mage promotion in the pipe-line deor dc<>tl'oy the pr oper~y of a nother . partment. The funae looked SECTION 2 . It shall be unla wful bright for youngTom Weaver. for any p,erson who owns. harbors. has chnrge oI. or cont1:ol of a dog. Just about then, war clouds to sufler or permit the same t.o bark, Itarted to rumble. The Navy yelp 01' howl so as to dis turb any Issued a call for fliers. And nclghbor or neighbors . young 'Ibm came ill to "1 SECT[ON 3. It shall be unhwrful goodbye. <for anY llCr:.On who OWllS, harbors, We wished him good luck. hIlS ohar&e of, or control of a dog, Gave him a rousing send-off LO surfer 01' p I'InlL the snmc to run -tUld the promise of a job the rest of UI IDIIJ bep OD t rer or ba.\ k at any vehicle or per~ enjoying a ~ ~ after the war. SOn on ~h e s treets, .alleys, la.ne, exuteoee. That was aU we oou1d do p\tb:lc places or public grounds What tIIOH caD we do f« for him-4b ... wlt.hin the corpJrat.e limils of the thae mea? The Navy teat 'Ibm down VilIt:ge o!-Way nesvHle, Ohio. Well, when we at Standard to the great flying base at SEO'lllQN 4, WIloever. being a Pemacola. The day hit mothu Oil think of 'Ibm W~ pemon who owns, harbol'S, h~ s wblll went doWD to 'Yitit him should wi I:ru rge of. or cOlltrol of. a dog, shaL have been a very happy one. fII()f'tI " ' . un dol ADd it's die violate any of the prOVisions of th1.~ It' wasn't. Shordy before she I#1U1 we caD do ••• ordinance. upon conviction thereof, BUY MORB BONDSI arrived, young 'Ibm Weaver • 1[\11 be gUilty of a m15 emeanol had crashed to his death. • ~'s all dig a liule deeper, md s hall be fined In a sum not to put aside a little mOI;c, set xceed twenty · n ve ($25 .00) dolla rs 1U1d .cOl1ts. W hll# Cd W_ do lor Tom along with a little ~ andbuy an extra BondI SElOTION o. All or d inances ' Qr JI:I6o........ 10iUy! part ordinances in conflict with For the money dull's ill oat Tom Weaver is not the only th is ordlnan 0 hie h I'e,by rep.o.: ed SOHIOAN to have laid 'down pockets DOW • • • and the ~o the exten t \)f :.:lY 5U -h ' ont.lct. his lire in this war. But he was money we have laved u~ SECTION G. ',Ws brdinance sha lt the fint-and 10 it a I)'DlboJ can help save the precious Ute take eHect and be in fOl'ce fro m of all 'of SOH 10', . mea DOW of some young 'Ibm Weaver and alter t he earliest period allowed in the fighting forces. in the armed fOrces. by law. And what more caJI we set Those men are aiaJdng lives Passed Sept, 6, 11;143 and limbs and futures 10 that for our money thaD tbat? O. H . BRAC E. ,Mayor, Attest: CHARLEs J AMES. Olerk .
F1X'1~RE . I~ID' J\T
fl'om th U' \' uW Whereus, it hn;-ll en brollght' t slcep . H.e hunts Cor worms ~ith Ill'lhl !lml tho tLention of t he Colin il or th o mage of Wayne, vj,lIe, Oh.io, thnt. nught. , \' 1 1\3.' &ecolld Ol.ll.SS MaU Ma tter at P06t.ofrtce. Waynesville• . Ohio A";d flndin. .D.one wi 'WJ h h.uge d~li ., . ,. .Bh (, from \.Ime to tlm c sOllie of llle fIcers and employ OS or the Boal'd of Walter W. Wiseman, Editor a nd P ublisher To wbet his h nrum's nllP Lite, Trus tec'\' or P ublic Amars ha vc b( 'Ill _~_ _ _ __ _ _=-==::::-:-=-:======~=----------. lHe calls his wives wl~h trill and roflts d (mitta.'!1ce, 01' hnv'.) been LSSUED EVERY THURSDAY hwn, U1u'easonnbly lei red ' In bLah1.lng Thcn - h.umor great but 111 1\n~r5 admi~Lallce to the prenuscs of som ' of lht' us~ rs or rc nt rs or t.hc waleI' Su.bscrll>tlon PriCe. $1.50 Per Year. Payable in Advance bUIl\facilities furn l,hed lJy t he village, so Bc eats It u» before t.hey com~ I t hnt in orne cases. It has been WlNow. wheth cr Red or P .ymouth (,uly dlfUclilt Rnd expcnslve fully .. '01 Rock. I nnd properly to manage a~d protect me portion~ or the vJl tage wal er One 11al1 of all t.he flock, work In the sn fe, economica l a nd 11 It!. 1043 . - Wherc Is our '..>ought with your money, use t hem And chickens mostly ! .l val' d c' effic ient manner wh1ch the In lerClit:. mh"l II tu III w ther t.hat us- carefullY'. About too high pay for In qualities both g'ltld and bad. of th is v III '{le and of 1t ~ cltlz ns r ·. ,1m. wI h lhe first. week of u llSkllled work, 81bout tbe waste of But when t h e ha t.clling cn.'Soru, ov ~ r quire; NOW TBERElFORE, BE IT ~.' \\0 have had LO have Circ time On government jobs, the gov- We must resLraiu t.his gallant rover, ORDAINED b y the COl!nc I of ~he I.. tI c· Ul'tl8(,C a lrclldy but so tar ernment. Itself is guilty of that . Must shu t him up ln 10llely .>t., lc Village of Waynesvl'llc. State of OhIo: ':iI Il):: j I o:;l .houg h 1 h a.vc heard Holler abou t t.he waste of foo<! anrl And · keep the In ycrs celiba tc . SEanON I . T11t1t thc members or ,ht f,,):,t in some places. 1'hlr- materials in army camps.,u you a re Their cggs will thus rep y 0111' loll he Board of Trustees or Public a soldier r emember your Iamlly Is Whcn f('rWe ones would qulclt ~' Affatrs of the Vllla ge or Waynes· • l.\~ dl'g rec'''; Is the lowest I have I Jlortcd . We always hope being taxed to pay for those things. !>1J01l . ville, Ohio. and ,~nch and every onf' , ,I: 'f we L~ln g('t. by this first cold Don't compIaln about ta xes but let. The man who'd be a fr e h CIlg of It officialS, ,~ rflcc rs or employ· ees, Includlng its s\l;Jcrlnw nd'!nt, be, bhe taxpayers wake up a nd be a ,I \II hvul fl'o:;t Uml It may be booster nnd they arc hereby named and " " f the lu ky years . Last year llntlon -'Wide committee of the whole Must segregate .that old he-rooster . nl)poln led as Iw;pectors, tlJld as sllch III' 01.(' 'old me t.hat the first to see that ·t h e money is spent. wise-"Bob" Ac!alll~, lire gra.nted full power and author· • t • II u"t \\'n.~ on September 18, ly and that mat.erIaIs are used Ity \.0 cnter in Lo or upon all prem I cs In or adjacent to said village In II Ilrst. onc I have recorded carefully . PUBLIC ALE all cases where such jJr e m l~es nre sept . 13 . Eleven, nlne, ell.lht, 5i):, Ii,,' 251h and T can't flnd any We will sell at Public Auc Uoll supplied with wa.ter from the wa c. "I lhe firs! frost In ulneteen live . Five little pigS are all thnt arc in the room formerlY o; cu- works of said vlURge, or In all CII _5 • , . -UIl£'. The National Live Stock lett out o! a litter of eleven IILtle where BUch premises arc ent.cr d by , 1'( , 'I<'. r ays, "Ma~'be it won't fl'08t pigs . That Is why many hog raiser. pled by Stubb's Furnilure SLOre. Rervice pipes from said water works, Main street, Waynesvllle, on or any portion thereof. ror the pur · " "llI 'he corn until late In No- dhoose a rather long legged sow as SATURDAY, SElPT. 18. 1943, pose ot asccr talnlng the location " "IIJo' r liS 111 1931 or until early No- a brOOd sow. these short legged on<:s and condition of all hydr onts. me " Begllmlnll' at. One P . M .. E. W. are too clumsy . It Is also 1111 argu\ I b~r as in 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, ers or other wa ter fl,Xtures, and reo J ,.",~ nlld 1940. U so, have you stor· men t in favor of breeding from T .• t he following household goods: porting to said 'Tru.<wcs In wr lLtn \ Ooal range, oU hea ting sLove, 3 all neglect or abuses resullLng from proven sows rather than from gUts . ~ »pIlCe?" 9x12 rugs, Slpunons beds and lVaste '01' lmpl'oPE'r use of w,\ter s p . reported But how can you get your :Jroven La tt-'r . Killing frost plled from said water works; andior springs. dresser. wash sLands, Cllest 9t1W .1f you don 't try some g1!ts? :Mollday near Youngstown an ~ 1n tor . the purpose of reading m ·1 r . nort hern par ts of the state. B old 'I1hroughDu t the whole ammel king- of driliwers. oak desk tll'ble, book turning water on or off, Ins pe(,\,jn s ~ Ill' finge rs crossed until we get t he dom there are good mothers and case, " cupboards. 6 cane seat chars, or examinlng pipes, meters, cisterns. poor . There Is such a difference in 6 leather seat chars. 3 ohars, 2 tanks, bibbs, or other apparatus for crop. aU In. E\'l' ryone is tax conscious tbis hens . Some w1I1 hover and cluck I'ockers, 4 electric LaIble lamps. 1 ascertaining the quallty of water cOllSUlJ)ed or suppUcd, or for thc d,. P ' ople who seemed to think over their chieks until they ace fully noor lamp, sewing Lable. 4 trunks, placin g. replacing. remo vill~ , repair, bat.h t.ub, large clothes box. dress 11.:\1 the gover.nment h ad a (..at torn- weath ered an d Q1most f ull grown Ing and mam tRin ing of any meters, h !rock or money that t h ey rould and some Leg·h orn expect a chick form, Quilting frames, Ice box, pipes, fittings or othcr eqllipnn.'nt or radiO, our~in strp.tchers. stool, attachments belmlglng to the Vl11ai:e ~"t. Iheir congressman to vote some 'Without even wing .feathe rs to fly kind of new government payment or u p on the roost. Suzey is a calm wash boiler, iron dlnner pot, lot of Wny,nesvil1e, SElCTION 2 . SaId Ins pecto l'(s ), as serVice [\1'e beglnnlng to flnd out ~uslness like m other. sh e spends as dishes, oooking utensils. C!LUS nnd set for bh a nd deSignated In S ection ,\'here that government money little time as posslble with the pups many articles too numerous to men- 1 hereof. may enter i'n to or upon eB!ly but s he tion . . 10 ,; from. ,b ut will It do any I!'ood? and weans tlhem sucb premises either at. such re,;u a .. ulSpection or metel} readlnl! p eriods we. a ll wanL to win the Wil r a nd we brings t hem in, a bit of rabbit or Terms: Oasb . E1LSIE OA:R1 WRIGHT as ma.y be designated by the VUlnge cun'l (\0 it wlthollt money. Every some thin g every day. Yesterday i t Board o! Tl'ustee.5 or Publlo . MCulrs, MRS. E . C . O'R.AN E r.o\ln r pnlc1 Out for ta/Ces will save was a red squiITel. tAnd so with or at any other time whon tn tile sows. some of t hem have gond sense W. N . sea.rs. Auctioneer Just tlUlt much more later , lnterest. discret;ion of saic1 Board. the econ· about t heir pigs and others hardly St. John and Reason, Cler ks. ('Q Icrl1ons, eto, . so the hlgher the omical and elnclent mana gtmen and protection Clf the village wat.er tnxc.<; now the better. BUying .bonds know th ey ar e there . After th is 111sORDINANCE NO. 175 works. or any por tion t h ere!)•• ap is good and -is necP.SSary but ta xes sertion on mothers h er e is a bit TO PREVENT UN'WARRANTED pears to require such entrance, in.· from sCrBP book on fath ers, nt least NOTICE OF APPOIN'rnIENT ore better for every dollar of bond lNTER.FERENCE WITU OFFlC- spectlon, other 1Q.C1,lon as h ereinbe· Admtnistr'atelr with the WUl man y must be edeemed with a one kind : tore deSignated 1[>0 the part of such "'JIhe Rooster" ERS AND EMPLOYEES OF TilE 1J1spector (s) ; or at' any other tlDltl or Annexed dollnr Qf tax money and Ir terest THB STANDARD OIL COMPANY (OHIO) BOABD OF TRUSTEES OF PUBsome' day. Doil:t holler about pay- The rooster 15 a lusty bird; LIC AFFAIRS O F T HE VILLAGE interval in the eVI~t of an eJIlergency. A. 0Iti0 Co..,.., . •• S#rW.,~OIIIo P,.,h OF WAYNESVILLE. 0 1[(0 . IN and said ent.rl\I1lce shall, except in EsLate of lMary O. Cross, ')cceascd ing taxes but do holler and h oller I n all t he la nd bls voice Is heard. Notice is hereby given thaL L. C . THE PER.FORI\-tANCE OF 'l'BE1R cases ot emerge·ney, be marle ;mly ll'rO It will do some good about A proUd a,!ld haUhty bird. by heck. DUTIES. IN THE ECONOMICAL durin g reasonable h ours. to wit St . J ohn . whose Post Office Address · unnect'SSa ry government spending. Who flapS h is wings and curves hl.s AND EFFICIENT l\lANAGEl\lENT 'Crom 8:00 o'clock. A. M . to 5:00 Is Waynesville. Ohio, haa be6.. duly about. Lbe millions spent trylng to AND PROTEeTJ ON OF 'IUE o'clock P. M ., standa rd village appointed as Adm1n1stmtor Wit·h the neck . f.:l\'C the . consumer two cents, about From East to West, from perch to VIILLAGE WATER WORKS AND t~~CmION '3 . ][t $hall be Utl;a~f~l will ann exec. of the 'Estate IIf Mary the W(lSte of governmen t supplies. pole, AI.L PORTIONS THEREOF, IN- for ' any · person. whether he lJe the O. oross, late of Warren Count.y, -. CLUDING WAT.ER PIPES, ATOhio. deceased. . a.nd. material those things we.re HIs morning bugle echoes roll, TACIIMEN.T S TlIERETO. on 'ro owner, occupant or be otherwise ....:...j.Q!'em1ses sough,t to entered of by lhe an Dated tllis 28th day of AUI~~._---1Vbol.~ao'I.M~'asiteulri~~ed Dairy Products Inspector 00' the lBOar.d of Trust.~es of PubUc Affa.irs of t he Village of 1943. Past~urized .Milk For Your Protection RALPH H , CM.REY. Waynesville liS )l,rovlded and fot tIle Phone ~537 . Waynesville, Ohio~ purpose s) set forth in tile preced· Judge o.r the Proba l'! Court, r ing sections ~ler~eof, ar blbrarliy or Warren County. O hio . .;... ; « '( . . ~ ... ~v!th9ut just. cause. to refuse, ' seek to pr vent or preve~t his entrance Stanley & Stanley, Attys. Save Tires and Ga, ..• Direct Bus Une County Seat ' Imo or upon such premises; 01 to Stores Open at 8:00 A. II. IUld Close at 6:00 P. Mo, Sa'urdays 10 P. M. Close Wednesdays at Nopn Interfere with, Ilbtempt, to Interfp. re I.,.;.~~=======~========~~~=~===~~====~===~_~_:-=~==~ wit h, preven.t or a t t e m p t to prevent said inspector from per. 'B ROWN and BROWN THE FASHION SHOPPE CARY'S Ifonning any of tt.he d uties or '.IctlOns men t10ned in th,e preceding Sl!ctions LadlC8 Beady to W~ WOMEN'S '" MISSES APPAREL .JEwELRY SHOP hereof; or to ob!ltruct or in any way A GOOD PMCE TO a.ttempt. to obSt1'Uct Buell In ~pec lor in For :u Years Lebanon's Leading DlRE~T 'BUS ROUTE.FR ·OM WAYNESVlLLE - SAVE TIRES AND GAS Phone 17 . KNOW bhe performa.nce at bis lawful d uties Store. CIos& 'Week Day. at 11:10,. Saturday at 10:00, 01_ Wednesday alternooae. StyUs\ A GOOD PLACE TO GO In carrying out, or pcrforjlling the Bank BIde. SlDce 1890 economical and effic ient operation , management or protection of the TIFFANY JEWELRY ADAIR'S IVI NS-JAMESON DRUG village water wOt·ks or any portion FRED'S DEPT. STORE STORE KARL D. D~KIN thereof, or in carrying out or, seekl· COMPANY ' HANDLTON, LONGINB8, AND FUBN1TURE BUGS We Outfit the Entire Famll,Y Lng to carry out a ny of the B~ · La.w s, T HE REXALL STORE . Truck, Car and Tractor GRUEN WATOIIEi INSURANCE R ules. andl or Regulations . whloh and H~me Make Our Store YOIII' DIAMONDS have bcen h eretofore or which may STOVES R,eplaeement Parts II Eo Main st. Ph __ &H Headquarien Lebanon 11creaIter be adopted by the Vlllag.e Phone 153 Since 1885 , . _L!. Shop Work P hon e 11C LebanoD for the operabion, managemllnt or FAMOUS Cracked Blocks ~epaired protection af the vUlage water works, ALlCE RINCK'S EGER'S THE PEOPLE'S EARL B. DAVIDSON or any por tion t:hereof. .AUTO SUPPLY Ford V-8 Motor Exchange _ HAT SHOP " BUILDING, LOAN AND SEJC'I1ION 4. 'W11DeVer shall VlOt . JEWELRY - GIF1'S Bacllo and Bicycle Bepalrlna JEWELER ate any of lhe provisions of t his Stelre Hrs. 8:00 to O:SO DaDy SAVING CO. Ela'ht Wellt MaID st. WOBK CLOTBING o din nee, u). vn conVictio n ther..o!, Phone 230K :u N. Broa dwllY Lebanon FOB REAL ESTATE LOANS Phone 1100 Xenla, Ohio be guilty of a m isdemeanor, and 108 E. Main rh. 288 87 W. MaID PhoDelU R Phone 32'7 M 4 outh Broadwa y , shaH be fl l.ed not le.. s t.han ten LeblUloa ~on, Ohio ($10.00) c ollars n r mo' e than flft.y ($50. (,0; t:,)1 a:'5 and costs . . .FRED F~ GRAHAM CO. THE XENIA NATIONAL ISALY'S SPIEGEL'S SHOE STORE BANK SEC'nON [L All ordinances, rcso. WAL~ PAPER, PAINTS, GLASS , Shoes for the Family l8S5·1N1 lutlo~.s of the VUlage OOuncU or By. LUNCHES .. ICE- CDAM PAINTER'S SUP~LlES l ,aws :mcl R gul a tlons of the ViUage XRAY FITTING CAiPITAL '" SURPLUS '440.000 A Good Placle &0 1iIa& ' Bonru cf '1'1 us t<. es q£ p (;!I)lIc AffalJ s, 17.. '" 19 So. Whiteman St. \ Complete Stock to Choos" From Stron~ - Frlenctq which may .conilict with t.hls ordillj: P hone 382 M JWlable AcloommodatlDc XeDIa, OJdo 1"110... '1M Phone Mala S ance. a re hereby repealed to the extent of any suoh conflict. SPIEGEL'S MEN'S SECTION 6. This ordinance shall CO~S STORE CHENOWE1'H MOTOR take eff ct anel be In full force C. A. DADE aDd IONS To ~eYe 00nceIU0D B,all &be A Complete Stock 01 f rom and after the earliest p eriod COMPANY SELLING TH E BEST IN Clothlnr and llaberdaahery Thro&&, aDCl Back wUh a llowed by law. .Your' ~-ne.n... 30 NEW OABS PlIsscd Sep t . 6, 1943 AT LOW PRICES . QuIck AcUoc 60 USED CUS C. H . BRACE" Mayor. Phone 8 L H u M ' o' PhGae 1_ ue W..... Ii. Attest: l'tbone ZO XeDIa. 0. WayaeniUe J)rq Store OHiARJLES JAM:ES, Clerk , SPIEGEL'S STYLE
2J 43
WaYUesvUle, Ohio
A Farm Diary-- Dry Ridg~
1k leasJ we can do for TOM WEAVER H
.,.r, 111_"
• •••
'Bob's Dairy
_____________________._______-=-____-=-=-___. -:.__
Where To Shop In Lebanon' to
Xenia Shopping Guide
Xenia Standard Parts
..,........, ...... .
CENTER Reacly To Wear and l\Ulhnery Phone 382 L
RE;CORDS Phone 399
"Your Famfly &&ore" CG6meUcs ~. Gifts - Mapdaes PRESCBIP'l'IONS ,Phon, 281 J.ebUoa
P.JIQDe 118L
mva "AJIIIL~
ladles' &: ChUdren's
~hone t6
All SpJegcl's stores Rema.l•• Open UnW 9:00 p. m. Every Monday
MORRIS S _nd 10e TO $1.00 STORE Complete Un" of FIrst QUALITY 'MEROIIANDISE For Everyone
NO. 174
AN ()RDlNAN~TO FIX 1'IIE S~LARY OF' THE ·CH.IKF OF POUCE IN THE 'VILLAGE OF ":AYNESVD.1LE. om~. BE IT ORiDAINED by bhe Oouncil of the ' Village of 'WaynesvUle, s tate of Ohio : . ' SectLon I . That tlhe compensation of the Chief of Pattce 18 hereby ftxed at th e sum of FOUR HUNDRED mGtH'IlY DQl1i..Ans ($4a0) ' p er annUllt. payable m.on thly . Section m. That au Ordinances or parts of Ordinilinees in conllict hP.rewith. be IU}d tlI'l e same are hereby repealed. S ection III , 1!rls Ordinance shall be in force
THE MI,AMI G -AZ -:-:::::-:::E:-:-T-=T=-=-;-~UJ'Il'OJlOInL1rslJP1PJjIES"-'-iflt~llei1~~;~'!a.1JOWed E .by law. BIc1e1e and Radio ltepatn PIIoae 68L 32 S. Broadway
Passed Sept. 6. 1943 O. H. BRACE, Mayor.
THE CR.TERION Xenia, Ohio " ~
,T HE FAMOUS CHEAP STORE We Do ~ EverJthlDl none 179 a E.. lII.aID at. MO~ It
. 8ToD
G I,B N E Y' S 9 W. MaID SL'
. . .__ el. 4II ......
sberwt,..~-·PalDt --"'
Cor. MaID' .. DeQaH •• ' ~ 8
Obi.', . . . CGm)IIIIU DIIpIaJ • "!. . . . _
E1eHMAN'S . '. , BIectabI SIIpipUM ............. .
II ........·
Along The Way
!It wasn't raln!ng nJee 8tr~hb orderly rain drops, It was rainln" in bucketfulla and sheetB and i1lankt!tB . On top gt tJhat the night was a~ dark as dark. It wasn·t late yet but the Ifeeble llght .o f the lantern on the sto.ge wt¥I as a pinprIck 01 light to the two people huddled on the back seut at the ' stage, it \\'11.<; an eternity since they hac started from Emmett on their journey . ~hey were tendei1eet in the stric test sense of >bhe word and had no more idea or what tliey were about to undertake Ihnn the Uve weeki; old baby they had so carefully wrapPed in a pair or wool blankets. They W!t(' I)n their way to their homesteilu and life was an adventure and' they were you~. The stage dl'lver W,,3 no more than a boy himseU and he Ihadn't been married very Ifl:1I(. He had a new hat for his wife and he cherished it as though it VI!!rt: as much guld. He carried Ulemal! and the stage was no more than E, hcavy open mouuta,l n buggy wlfh high wheels and pulled by a .. pan of mules. The buggy went up In the air over a bump and down III a ' hollow under the mud in which the mules strained a most to their bellies sometimes . The driver pe req through the !D~t an sighted a stretch of mud that looked firmer than the rest of !.he road and h e pulled off into It . Down thqy went and there they, stuck. The Qriver pushed his hat back and turned to his passengers, Ql'Owned ducks that they were. "Well, I guess you wnl have to walk the rest of Ule way, folks," he dralwlcn ." The mules can't pull out of thlB and t he mail wilt have to go on through . Ohases live J14st over bhe hlH there I\.lld 'you ca ll make it In an hour," OllccrrUI. news, indeed, but wlul.t iW'IIS one to do obout It? The driver ' ga thered up his mall and hls wife's hat and departed on. the mUles. The man and ",oman, with t he baby struck off over the hill. My mother, for it was ahe, wore hJ8Ih 'heelS n.nd they both were dressed for -traveling, n ot for h1Jting . The rain slacked some but did not stop . In Idaho,1n the spting, it nUns and then stops and does not rain until the middle of the summer when it rains again tor about two <weeks .' TlUln-it doesn't rain any more unt1l the taU rains herald t he a.pproach of Winter, This was In Gem county and bhe month Wll.'l March. There should have been some provision made for educating people as green as my paren~ werl' ~ lore turning them lOO6e In a strang~
country. But this was bhe yeor 1912 strong yet and he was concerned and the rue and ory in 'bile cast WIlB for her and all in all he had had tl "00 w!!,St, you1l8 lJ1,an . " or course hectic night. Along abo t rour In ,they caught ·tbe, fever . Every red the morning the sky bAgan to bloOded American did and Amorlca 'lighten and tbey knew that day was was built by people like my i':.tlll'r cammg. They sighted a light away and mother. The West 'speiled Ro- o~f and made for It , It wos R ush mance and many learned to their Ohases (this was the actual name sorrow that there was mor,e than of tbe people) a nd fleve r were two romance It . If the governmenl people so glad to reach their destho.d supplied these homesteaders tinatlon. They staYed with Chases wttb some knowledge of the coun- untU their home was reody for try that theY' were about to 5t:GtJe them . But that Is another §tory. in, here would have not been so. iMr. and Mrs. Ohase made them many faUures and henrt Drt!a~· s. welcome and got them dry I1r.d put Well, dad and mothtr stumbled t hem to .bed and so began their life around on toot lim all night. They in Idaho, Gem county. tmveled In circles ! guess nnel got NOW SGT, ELLI S no where. They had lett the:: baggage on t he stage and dad carried me, As I have sa:id, It rained and Relatives and friends here have the wool blankets soaKed up more receiVed word that Charles Ellis is more water until poor father now Q sergeant. His address ts: felt like he was cim'ying a ton of Sgt . Ohas. F; . EI;is, 194th C .M. L . bricks Instead of a little five wt!eks Depot Co ., 2nd Regt., U. T. C ., old baby . Mother wasn't any tooCamp Sibert , Alabama.
Miami Gazette
(Sept. 19 1928)
Ernest Hartsock and famIly h ve moved to Dayton. Mrs. Ella Michener has retul'ued IWter n visit to Cleve land and Plttsburgh. A. COrRussell Salisbury .and .lH. neU were on a Ibusiness trip to West Virginia. last week. I ft Mrs . Sarah Zimmerman ro...Jlf I 'Iluesday morning · for v ,," orn a where she will ,make hP-r home with her son, 'L. ' A . Zimmerman and
·H enry 'Woolard l !t Satu r(hy til spend a ' f6W mon t.hs ;n Ha~c~ tO\1IJ.l , Indiana. Mtss Ada Mich ncr ha r 1Ulec her work as teacher In a h 'Jol nt:ar Cleveland . Mr. and Mrs. William MleMnel' and son, of PittlJburgh, Ilre ·,.1 iLing relatives here . Ml'. and Mrs . Eliott Wrl rilL of [)etrolt, are the gues:s of Dr. a n:! Mrs . A. T . Wright . 'l'he ashcs of Chas. A. Browll 01 Euge ne, Oregon, a form er l rsldcn t of Waynes ville, were Interred In MiamI cemetery last week. I
family. -Mr . and Mrs . H. C. Colema.n of NOrrwoocI, h a ve returned to their lM!l's. Emma -Eg'be~t and grandhome after severol days' vi~ \t wi~h daug hter, Aloha Graham, of KOllsu!> Oity, Mo., and Miss Lillie N<!dlY are Mrs . Kate Coleman. The enrollment at the high school Visiting Mrs. Alice McKinsey. Is as follows: Freshmcn 15, SOphO- , James Vrllldervort died at the State hosplt.a.1 in Dayton, Friday. mores 26, Juniors 3~, Seniors Hi .
__~-----------------------4. TBt1RSD&Y, 8EPTEMB1D 18, lMa
'Mrs. N. A . King of K~ llgll tstown, I nd., Is visiting Mr . and l'y{l's. Waiter Elze~. Miss WlIl iFra lll 1 It Tu day lor alifomla to spend t he win ter 'WI tll her brot h 1', Will Frruu:!, anll wife . Dr . W\ ~ Lk in~ alld ....,ife Ie t loday for th Ir new home In Lima. A. F . Melloh and rnollly and E. Stloud lind fumi y had a plens. :mt tri p througI) Kentucky SUllday. M Elsie Miller, 'daug h ter of Mr. Hlld tM.1'. Ju 'cph L M. son r Mr. lind Mrs . Elbon Leaf , of Leba non. were q uie tly III rt'lt'd . ll\!. 28 at LawrCllcebu l'\:, I n<1.
(Sept 8, 19111) ~rs. Ha ITj" Cooper of Chicago, Is visill ng her motileI', Mrs . Hlstel' Robinson. Miss Rulh Miller i!l s!l('nc.ing a short time with her moth er. Mrs . Eva Miller . Misses Mabel Salis bury and Hazel
NO lOllS •
Phone Wayn'elville 2804
Notice ts hereby given that the .m d rSill ned, Ohar les J. Waggoner, ~eccivor or W . H . Madden a.n d Compa.ny, a partllershlp, has been arfered the swn of $3,500.00 cash, for the remalnlng assets of H, Madden and Company, a pe,rtnerShip, now In the custody, control and possession of the undersigned as such &ceivor, as of the datA of Scptem1ber 7, 1943, exclusive of the cash funds belonging to said partnershil>, and III the _ possessioll of said Re::elVor on scptember 7, 1943. amounting to $22,729.06. The remaining lWSets of said Recelvorship, for which said oIrer has 'been made, InclUde in . part, all the romalnlng mercha.ndise, lIlater1al8, ~ tock In trade, of·lice equipment, motor truck, lease hold rights, book accounts, gOOd will thereof, etc., as .,f September 7, 1943. All interested persons are hereby further notified that bhey ma.y make inq!l1rY flnd examination of the remalnJng assets of said. company, Including boolt accounts thereof, as of September 7. 1943, during all bUSiness hours, either at the oinu of W. ·H. 'Madden and Company at Co1lWin, Ohio, or of the underalgned at Mbanon, Ohio, and fw1lher, that the. question Of the private sale or all the remaining assetB ot aalcl PflJ'tnershlp, as !Wove described and as of September 7, 1043, now In the possession of the undersigned, as such Receivor, will be on tor hearlhg before the . Hon~rable Ralph H. Carey, Probate Ju~ W6IT'eQ-- -- , COunty, O1rlo, a.t the office of the Pl'ob1\te .court, Oourt House, ~b anlln, Ohio, on MOlldaIY, September 27, 1943 at 10 :00 o'clock A. lIoJ. ~ J . WAGGONER, . Recelvor, 01 W. H. Madden and Company, a Partnership.C . DONIALD DILATUSH, Attorney for Recelvor .
Rece lvorsblp of W. II. lUadden &. Compny, 11 ParLnersbip.
FERTlUZER COMPANY pay - $2.00 for oead Horaes, ' $1.00 for Cow~ Sheep, HOIfI, Calvel and Colta
e~ter Miaml college at Oxford. A man whO won't buy war bon dS Is the K a iser '.!i friend . Mil". and Mrs . Bteptlnn Burnett have received word that their son, 'Russell, has 'arrlved safely' in England. Mr. and Mrs . E. V. Barnhart an. rived home !Friday evenIng Clam .'~rtlnsvllle, Ind. Mrs. B" rnhart Is very much improVed. Mr . and Mrs, R. G. Cross, Mr. and Mrs. WaiLer ~oClure, Mr . and Mrs. J ames J ohns, Mrs . Viola Oarey, 'Mrs. OMS. Rye and J C&ie Thomas left Saturday for a ten-day outing at Russeil's Point. Miss Olive .Allen It:1t Tuesday lor Mt. Holy-hoke college, Mass . Elliott Wrl g~t left Sunday lor George school In Pennsylvania. J . C. Hawke has received word . hat his son, Ray, has arrlvec. sarely 'overseas ... The Oberly homestead WIl8 BOld S&tw'dny afternoon, Mrs. L. KIng of ncnr Harveysburg, being the buyer. The property brought ,1,025. Mrs. F . W . Hathalway died Tue&, day evening . John LtJwls died at his h ome near LTUcll Monday evening.
'RlIeyo left Tuesday to
CAESARS CREEK .lIr... "'lIl1uIII lIllIl·tlo, C u n _••••• Otts Pramer of Xenia. was ilIeat . speaker here Sunday . He Rlld hla wLte were dlnner guests of Donald and Alice Haines . with generous interest. That War Bonds are big drive is·on t As the DorobhY .Smlth and AlIce Haines ' the safest investment in the world. That they tempo of the war increases attended . the W .C .T.U . OUnton help secure your futuro ••• hasten Victory• • • • 8S our fighting forces go allcounty oonventlon at Wllm.Ington So now-today-back the attack-with War out for INVASION, we folks back Tuesday, Bonds. ' . home must mobilize in their ·support. Mrs. Charles LaIrd of Ce.mden, A nd that's l'Dhat the 3rd War Loan Dr;vlI Safest Investments in the World 6h1o, spent several days recently is fori with her daI18hter, Edith. Haines • Un ired Scates War Savings Bonds Series "E"; gives you back'" for every $3 when the bond matures. Interest 2.9'JC> To reach our national qJlota everyone who and famUf, a year, compounded seminnnuaU)', if held to motur i!}'. possibly can must invest in at least one BXTRA Mrs . Ella Hurley, Walter En08, Denominationl: SlS, '50, $100, $500, $1,000. Redemp$100 War Bond during the drive. AT LEAST tion: Anytime 60 days afeer i ssue datc. Price: 75% of John and Rdbert Wilson and Mr. maluril,. yalue. $100. M or" if you can. That's in addition to and Mrs. Raymond Wilson attended 2wx, Treasury Bonds of 1964-1969; ren ll ily marketable, your regular 'War Bond subscription. Invest a family dinner at the houw of acceptable as bank collateral. Redeemab le .ar par aod out of your income. , • invest out of accumuaccrued Inlerest for the purp6se of satisfyin): Federal estalO Fred Braddock and family. t axc~. Dated September I S, 1943: due December 15, 1969 • • lated funds. Invest every dollar you can, Mr, and Mrs . Evan BQgan and DenominOlions: $ 500. $ 1,000, $ 5,000, $ 10,000, $ LOO,OOO This is total w ar and everyone must do bis aDd $1,000,000, Price: pat and accrued i mcresl. Tech. Sgt. Rdben Bogan .or Ft. 15 BILLION DOLLARS full share! 01ber lecurities: Series "C" S.vinlts Nnte s; %% Ccnl/i· Knox, Ky. , called ~ the Bogan . (NON-BANKING QUOTAt catel of Indebtedness; 2% Treasury Bonds of 1951·1953; You know all 'about Wor Bonds. You home a week agu Sunday , UoitedSrates Savings Donduerju"F", UoitedScaee·. SayingJ know that every Penny comea back to you Bond, Series "G". Miss Esther Jean Haines, daughter or Everett and Ruth Haines, ~ . returned to Penn College at OtIkaloose., Iowa, for her senior MiI'. and Ml'S, Luther Ha4nes and PAID FOR BY THE FOLLOWING PA'T RIOTIC WAYNESVILLE BlJSINESS CON CERNS IN FURTHERANCE Mr . and Mrs . Donald Haines called OF THE WAR EFFORT AT THE REQUEST OF THE U. S. TREASURY DEPT. at the home at Mr.a Ild Mrs. R0bert Hadley due to the death of the latter's moth!!l', Lucy Oompton Is, spending eeveral days with her daUBhter, Mrs . Evan ~gan, and famlly, til Dayton. Mr. and Wm, Bmlth and daughter, .M1U1Jyn, VIalted Mr, and M'l'S. Charles .Stanley and d.auahter, carolyn, Sunday evening, .
The only FerUllRr Plant ba
Wanen Count, '
""We, hop, Ilbeep
to Norris-Bract 00.. nVe wire . aDd progreu1ve firm ' for the hlIheaf market prtcea and ,1JdOd aervtoe. Union s&oekYardl;' ClllolJma6l, 0, TUne ui on Radio s~Uoa WOKY, 1.3:25 to 12:90 p. m, for · out' da1l1 ~et repol'tl.
QUICK SE~VICE For Dead Stock
cows, CALVES, SHEEP; ETC•• " Removed Promptlf
XENIA i='ERTILIZER . . . . . ,. , . . . . CIIarItI
......... x......o.
W8yne~ l~e
Gulf' Service Station Coyle"s Quality: Meats Smith's Meat Marke't . .' Waynesville. Drug Store '
_Roger- &'Simp~on Garage-
A. H. Stubbs Funeral -Home
Sohio Fairley Hardware _- D.' R. Smith , Grocery .Wayriesvill~ Floral Co. Texaco Service Station McClure Funeral Home The Waynesville Natl. Bank Wayne•• Farmers Exchange
1Mi-. , Robert
baa k1Ddlt
consented 'to be 'our part .time putor ' . i n tl11s cburch year.
lRaleiDl Bop,n and famll3: t were • ·, I
amohg those attended t.be Bapn ' reunion held at tIbe nome ' 01. . . . . 8.nd Monlmia Bunnell. ~. W1Ward Balnes, wbo baa bee st.&t.Ioned at a o~ 0, .camp at a.- _ shooton, and his wife 01 _ _
WUb ''''._.1.
spent t.bII "..~ here. Mr. . . . . . . . _ _
I I ~--~~-----T--~~~~~-------'---~----~~--'~--~--------~--~--------~~~--~--~ ~--. \
The 10110 Ing let r wall wr Ltl n E. Osborne by Emerson Snider. (I , nl\.tive of Of Third street, were Sunday dl.ruler FI'BDklln, to his nunt., Ml . J. R.. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W;llls Wadc . He Is well kllowu In Wa,yn s ~ ZI bIer of Rldgevllle. vLUe. • • • Emerson enlisted In Nc adu noorly 'M rs. Cora ~Icll W8.S 0. Sunday guest of Mr . and Mrs . Gilbert Frye. three years agl" He served aL F t. Ord, Oallf .• and Ft.. LcwL. W h .. Mrs . W . P. Sallsbury Is spending before going overseas. landed In sever14 days wltll her ,daughter, Mrs. Alfrlca at Casllblallc fr!J1lI Lh Hugh MrB. RlI&'iell Benson. of Indlana.p- L. Scott which was uomlJed Imd olls. sunk. ' He Is now In SIcily and writes • • • . Opl. Darrell Dak.In has retur~ that It. 18 a rU8'l! ed mountainous 00 hIa duties In the med1caJ corps o.t country bup every Inch almost 'Is Camp Davis, N. 0 ., alter spending farmed . Gboct crop:l, too, corn, several' days with h1s parents, Mr . when.t, grapes (for wine). plums, pea hes. lemons, oranges lind most and Mrs. 'Frank Dakin. of tlle frui t L<; ripe now. J uly 3~ he • • Mr. and Mrs , L. C. St. John states be bought 3,1>OlUlds of peaches were Sunday guests of Mr. and and \,wo pounds or plums for 6c. Mrs. Gleim Blo.rul, when their Lemons are 2 for lc . granddaughter, Barbara Lou, celeHow I spent' Chrlstmll or 19'12 brated. her birthday anniversary. In Africa • • • The day bcIore Christmas a Mrs. Ralph Ames and son of near ~cQnur2 French mechanic Invited me to clin. Wi1lnIna1lon has been the [lW'..st of ncr so I said O. K . or wee . My !her grandmother. Mrs. Lena HllrlFrench was very bad at that tilllC . sock, and Is spencIJng this week wiLlI Well they <the old mlln, wlf .) and Dial 2111 - Wayne.vlDe Mr. and. Mrs. 'Ro.ss H . Hartsock, nine Children) had so much fun at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frosure and me trying to speak Frencn find getchlldren, Mr. and Mrs . WtIllam t ing all mixed up that every S.JndllY \l;;;= = = = =======;;;i)lfBtrader and Mlrs. ~ Bode were for four months I had dinnllr there Saturday evening c1Jnner gue,<ts of and lots of 1)Igbts through the week. Mr. and Mrs'. Ralph Fowler In Day- At the last I could talk to thom qui te a bll. NOW the m eal. (·hat 'Willi ton. ' the main event . We sat dOwn to the • • • Mm- . wd Mrs . Gilbert F'rye had table at 15:15. All French meals are as their Saturdeq ' eve.n ing dinner in courses and strut wIth SOUD made guests: Mr. and Mrs. Wade Turner !Tom the ,ibroth O! the moot of the and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hartsock, meal. I may as well tell YO,l now • • • that I ' left the table at 4 :33 Did Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Mainous and YOU ever eat for four hours ant!)8 little son, Allan Ray, of Detroit, Waqt t\d5, Carda of Thanb .and spent last week with thelr parent.s, minutes? I guess some of the Mine was spent In tolklng and waiting be Obituaries are Cl~ for at the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Malnous . tlWeen courses but you know me at ....te ·of one ,ceni woN. mlDianuD • • • • charp tk. A Want Ad lMert.ecl (or Sadie Conner has been spending mealtime and I don't do pluc!} talx Ing .. . ~ Umes Is cJiua'tld Id to a wont. a few doys with Mr. and Mrs. Fred is how'the meal went . Well, bhls Hemd at 1Kngs MllIs . FOR BALE - Watldna Product. at Soup, hot home made bread, b'n a • • • is N. Broe.¢Way, ldI&ncm. Open ¥r. and Mn . James Lovely were substitute 10r wheat, no bl.\tter (or evenIngs for Y'Out OOIlveDieDoe. called ·to Mt . Sterltbg, K.Y ., bV the three years. (T took some oonned OHm LIntner. PboDe 83 L. dea.th of Mr. !lovely's uncle, Allen 'b utter next day) . He did ral1c pigs, l.Oveb', recently. so we had loin cb oP$ and ' '1 J'oast F'OR: SA.I.l&--eomplete Une of Sta• • • baked In wine. Next came more tlone.ry IfQf sale at the ·OUette OffleO. ,PI'lcecl from 25c to '3.00 . Miss Ruth Burnett of Dayton meat, wild boar. just more pig . spen~ the week-end with bome ~ollcs , Onion toPS I.n wine . Three quarters PaR' SNLE - 200 bushela of clean of thclr .meaol Is In wine. Tb er ~ were se~d wl;leat. ~ce Coot. R. Try tho Miami Oazette Want Ads' 8IPout fUteen other things an I home R. ,1, Waynesvtlle. 16 _---------~__, . ~ cake ., ~gh school boy to learn Now from good to ·bad. Aiter '~he Printing trade at tbe Ga~ette oc~ meal each person goes to his hiding fJoe. ." Every worker place and brings out the preslll1ts moUld increase the they have MAID·E . Money Is gone ~ BAWE-LlV1ng room suite, amoUDt of bonda he almost and al1-presen a re made In and in good (lOnn.·ltlon. . snore. time alone. 01' I h e i 8 buytng.....~ Also clreulatlng heater and other TOYS for the chudren, Dolls, 10ur ~ellaneous artlclea. Milo Beat, of them·, were made b.y mom out ot a~ ~ fanner LeJpmops Hatcheli', --:...::.....-'-------,------ rags . Georgette, age 6. crlee. when iR9Ute· '73. 23 · . . . . . . . . . . .II!I• •~ abo' opened a brown paper bag and
.'We Offer
·. .
At All
NO, BUNl'lRO PosTER.s---For sale
Christmas In Aftica
~ . A.rg\.IS
Mr. and
p'alnts . ·F or SaIe
~Ur. ,
U"'FIt" to .... "' hunilh • t;urr:••
LYTLE "ft.
M r , _Smltoll 01 Ul Chncinna 1 Bible . nunal'Y, preacl ~d In P~fI'y Sun,. JuS I illll;lg U III lhe 0 !)sence of Hel'bert r II. nI, rcgu. I' minister, who is In Kentucky h lding a two weeks 1'!! .va l ~r Ice . TI c eny ladl~ s had !.be Ml-Ie of lJle lunch a he Charlie M uri~ sale 'U ,
0)' .
It Is rumored eha t Mr , and Ml'S , Le ' ter K eurlck lllU'e purcha sed the liarvey Cook property In 'Lytle and p an to move there soon. le well whlcll Is being dug a t the P,BI'S01l ge bas come to a ' !it'lncbtlll, the men having. dug 25 feet and (ound no wa.ter. TheY plan to hire someone to finish it. The SUglll' Creek CI'lrlstlan Con.· J rcgatlonal church will hold its nnnual Homeoomlng Sunday, Sept . 10, with an all day meeting. Plan to Gome. Brlnl/: a well m led basket alld enjoy the renewal ' at old frlcndshl ps und the forming of new ones. George Gilliland spent part of IIlSt week VIsiting rrlencls In Tolc'do. He returned home gundlty: Mr. and Mrs . MUte Bockoven and son.. Earl , visited with the P . J. Thomases Sunday evening. Tbe J ess Hess fnrm has been tlOld recently to Mr . Nichols of ,;}aslon. The h&usc Is now occupied by Mr . and Mrs. Obarles LeMay 'llld Cl1IL· dren . Mr. and Mrs . Guy McMlcbael and children of Onyton and PIc, Ralph Shiverdecke r of Tr.n n d.e were Sunday guests of Mr , and Mrs Oeorg-e MCMIchael and sou. The Ferry Church of Ohrlst will hold their annual Homecoming Sun day, Sept. 23 . COm.e and stay all day and visit with IOld friends a nd new. There Is somethlng soul satil tying a.bout coming back to visit the church yoU attended when a child. Bring a basket lunch, It wlU b served In ,the social rooms, . Mrs. Lester , Gerhard recalvp.d '" card from Mrs. HCl1bert Grah<>m a t Mount Eden, Ky. . this week . She 5I1Y8 they -are preaching to a rull house every nJ!!'ht ~U1d arc looking forward to · Homecoming Sunday <when lJley' will be home. and they hope 10r ·8. fUll hO'llSe that day 1.00, I took a walk today. Perhaps that Isn't news. ' but It was a.n unusual walk. ~t was not me1lnt for mall or woman to live to thicrnselveR. That Isn't original but It 'ls: true . It makes one feel like a new perSOIl to hear volo of [rlend:! and neighbors. We get in a rut ~ntl t,hfiIlk t.1ilit we have not the time to vUilt. 'But lile Is short and We can make th;. work
found a rag doll. Slic came an -' we have new wanted me to hold 1t..'Ro nice wrap- memories to rellve . .. It we do not IW. MIami. Gazette office, 6c e&ch: ping ""Tl<!r or rlbboD, '\1St an .Qlli-- v)sl1: and .excllange our thoughts for 6 for 1a5c. DID YOU KNOW THAT 'WHEN .......' . J t ea box from ,1933 that must be given those of some one (,~e I\ve g~t slale W.AN'l"EI).....ers to ' Moraine City, IN 'N.lilEQ OF ~. VARN- back to mom for next year . Most and soon we are Jiving fil the past *:30 P. M, to 2:00 A. ~,shUt . =~OU~ANW~ present.s came in an old broW!l paPer alia some at us get, .bltter . r have InqUlr'e 6t Gazette office. ,., t>ag. They all gave me a gold Cath- thought all summer ·that I would g t =ER~ FlOR ollc cross to help C8Irry me on safely. O\.It and walk and 5()e my nelgh FOR. ~'Whlte porcelaoln tabla. , It really Is nice. One boy got a tlu bors, but until today I have not . TQ . tQp kerosene ranse. Mfs. Em.est SPECIAL - MURAL TONE (cOndensed milk that the U. S . mOl'rpw I.he work w.U1 fly because I H.a.rtsoclt" Wa.ynesvtlle. ' Phone WALL PAINT, a casein paint in Anny threw a.waY') on a ' stick so 'will be' tl]inklng of all the things I ~16. • 23 ~ form for interior surfaees that when he pushed It, it would have heard today . And by 'hat I do W:ANTED TO BOY _ Any amount aDd waif · paper - $2.50 Gallon. roll. Age 'l stUl had ~t when we left not meim crommon gossip, I mean "'When Picking Paint, Pick {our months later. the opinions of otihel's 'on ne 'N boob up to 11 bushel of red j)eets aru;t . . ......_ , PIcIdng~' l' ~ved all my candy ration for a and llowers and r~lpes and !.he cute 08_..: MrB. P. J. Tlumaa. week ' and asked Lt. Du,ley tr, give thl.ngs bhat..bhe b3b1es saY: and do WaYoesvWe, RoUte 1. ............ :-=-:-:r-:---=:.-.....:;--- - - . " me mine for a month in advt. nce. and all thE) mAny thIngs. little ;FOR SALE .... Ladles Coat, wine WayntWvlUe Phone !lU fte dldtl't want to but. when I tpld things, that_ go ~~ ake u our why, he dJd. It wa& the first cand~ ' every daY' lives a.u!: make us rloher colored, !ur tJ!ImIned, practically n~. l"rlce.reaao.nabie; Call 2844. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - two of the children had ev~r eaten In bhe' passing, Try it'; go VIsit a wa~ea~. ' 23· ' ......_.....__• _______•• - .__."".- -- _ _ and the other seven hadn't bad any neighbor that you ' lr1aven:t Feen fo~ for three and omH'lolf years . 'l'hat -a- whfur-and-SCe-if--) ou dOll·t- feel iF'OR SAlLE--lPryers. :n\Iw1n Mlchlll1bhrlsbmas I'll never forget if I live better an.d bappler. The walk alone e,; 'W&:y.nesvUIe Route 2. Phone. to be a hundred and fl1 ~y . I cou:d will rest your body .If YOU do not ~. SO· write ten more pa ges abou t It but f oree YOUl'se If . had better close now. Our Form Diary lody osked last FOR ~e Chef ~nge, c11Lots of love, week ·wha t. was ~he result of I.he vld~' toP, :llke new. Equipped with EMERSON needle and cork ex,p erlment·. Well 1~1\Iga.s, (~). PrIced to sell. It Is a long amI hi art-brea 'lna ~tury. E. ~. Weaver, 412% N. West st., 1l1E'l'liOD1S'l' UII'VUCII But I w!1l try to mDlte It short. Fil'.!;t ~nIa . Ohio.. 30 EYES EXAMINED Loub eJ. Ul\dlcy ... astor 'the h <. n that chose 1;0 be the mother • , rFO~ BAiI:lE j Hot Blast Heating • of th~ b".tbles cou!c1.Il:t mnke up her Church .school 9 :30 a. n1 GLASSES FITTED Stbve, Reasonable. Waynesvllle Worship "erv1ce 10:30 6 . m. mind If S 10 \vanted to set In the Insurtlnce 4gency, Rogers and The pastor will give the third ,ser- leed Plal'g r tr on 'the floor ,.~ (' that . Simplon Ga~e. Phone '-661. man In thc series on "The Bible For wa.s gc.:·.e up In s m.oke. Now there These Timet; . .. · 'T he sub ' o;J 'c this nre several little clhlckens a few iL06T___Eng1lsh Setter. white, black Sunday will be. "The Bible and The days ohl running about that nrc the ..tan an~ tick. Last seen near result of Experiment 11wo. But. arid BarveYtjllurg. Reward. Notify il'ndivldual. " FridaY' evenln :r, ..sept . 17, ot 7 :30 here is the sad ' tale" they gf)t mixed '; Henry carter, Wa.ynesvl1le ·R . 3. o'clock, bhe young peop e wl11 II ld a up YIlt'll !1nothel" hen's chicks and FO~ SAL~About 400 bushels of social t:o organize a Y01,lth Fellow- now 1Iobody knows Just whit'll Are . ear (lOrn . Ernest Evans, Lebanon. shIp. Poung people of hi gh and .fr. whloll. But. one Ilblngs will tell, If '··!Phone 306K. SO' ther,e nre m~tly roosters 'In the; two 'schOOI age are Invited. I :buncltp.s. ~he necIUe and cork test 26 S. Detroit Street GRUBER INDUCTED Is a uoc e~3, because tbe eg-gs wer'c EUgene Gruber of ' neal' Waynes- chOsen for roosters. I . win report on XENIA, OHIO vUle, has been Inducted in £o the' <that Inter alld tet you know . ' I, my,. 0 atmy by Seleotlve ScI'Vice Board self, did not set the! eRR. Mrs . Jess No.2. Roland ,-dId. I was merely the In~--------------....:...------------ . terestcd bystanc!er. ' Next year I am . t;b trY .lt myself. Thanks tor a.~ICin8' Rbout It, I hope you ·o.re~'t dlsal>J>olnte<\ .
PIC au ' PI c kl"ng
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
Optometric Eye Specialist
FO ·R A~'y m~ke
or model Fr.,d Kahn Motor Car Co.
""U .. lt·..... C urr•• '."D..""
!UrN. " ' nllt·r
P( . Paw' 10lms bas arrived well' ov<:r cas aacol'ding- to a ca d from
the gov rnment ,received saturday by his grtlndmotl!er, Mrs . Margaret Johns. M'r . and Mrs. Therle Jon"~ and son and Mr . and ~s. EdW1l Nutt of Centel'vllle, spent Thursday evenIng at t.lle Montgomery County l' all', Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet and Mr. and Mrs . Beth F'urnru, attP.nd· ed the Farmer's cluQ Thursday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. J. K, Preston at Waynesville. Mr. Iwd Mrs . Walter .Kenrlck were E'l'lday evenIng dilUler guests of Mr . and Mrs. 'l'homas CoUlns itl OUyton . Mr, and Mrs . Obarle:; MuUenix at tended the Hllyner reunion Sundill' fl I. bhe home of Mr. and Mrs . Salce Magl'U(ler ncal' Sprlngbol·o. Mr. and Mrs . Leon Salisbury o( Washington C . 1:1 .. w['ro Sunilay evellitlg callers uf Mr . and Mrs . Allen Emrick . Mrs . Robert Burnet or Centerville and Mrs. Margaret Johns were Sunday v1sitors of Mr. and Mrs . Calvin Longacre and famlly . Bobby Morgan Is now staying nt the home of Mr . Ilnd Mrs. Everett Early and attending Waynesville school, Mr. I\lId' Mrs. Marlon Whitaker and son of Onyotn were Sunday dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs . Baro,ld Whitaker and children. . Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick. Mr : a nd Mrs. J. B. Jones and Mr. Bnd Mrs . Wa.Iter Kenrick attended the county Orange. plcnic at the Lebanon farlground Sunday. . Mrs. Calv1n Longa.c re and Mrs. Ma.rgaret Johns were Pmnklln vlsitors Monday ~rnoon. 'Mrs. Ben Harwke or Columbus. ~ nt sllveral dr s last 'week at the !homes at Mr . ' and Mrs . Guy Routzahn and Mr . and Mrs. Frank Kurfls and called on LYt.le lrlends. . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet p.ntl)rtalned to dinner Sunday the latter 's brother_ and wile, Dr. and lMrs. Ernest Ro6nagle and -ohlldrcn of London, Ohio. Mr . and Mrs. Frank M'ilt.enberger In company with Mr, and Mrs . OllIford Archdeacon spent Sunday with the tormer's brother, Ml'. Ed Miltenberger. and wife, at Eaton . Mr . and Mrs. Therle 'Jones attended II. famlly dinner Sunday c.t the borne 'of Mr. and Mrs. EoWln Nutt near Oentervllle In honor of Pvt. Herman Nutt of Colorlldo, who Is home on a 'slck .leave after havlng received a knee Injury some time ago. t I ~ Mr . and Mrs. Obester Btllrd or' Dayton were dinner guests ~,f ' Mr. and' Mrs . Don Baird and children. 1n honor of their grandd(lUgUter, Nancy Baird's. ninth btrthrl:l.y Mr. and Mrs. Harvey aurnett, Mrs. J . B. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick attended a reception Suriday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs . U . A . Cornell In Wayne~ville cele!),·&tll\J..t their gQld~n anniversary. l.Qtle Sunday school win h.avt' 11 dedlootion serv1ce next BunQ~y at the preaching ' hour, of the new American a'lld Christian fhE:3 reo ctntly PIll'C'i1ased by the W(',man '", soctcty . Everyone invited 11,)' Miss Ethel Reeder. supt. ' Mr. and Mrs . ElVere'tt Ke'1rlC'lc entertained Sunday evening ~gt. Glenn Hopkins of Panam~, Mr. and Mrs. Ed HopkIns, Mrs. 'Lowell S tarke, Mrs. James Hopkins and Mr . and Mrs. Stanley Balle! and daughter, Phyllis, of 'Waynesvlllu. Those' from hete who !lt1emlec. the MothreS ' olub of Waynesville ~ool Friday were: Mesdames C0.1vin Longace, ' !tu~ell Campbell, George CUstenborder, Guy Rou~zahn, Paul Shipley ,and Harold Steinke.
UEECHGROVE lUI .. " Ju .. a"
(Jorr".pon .....n
, !Mr. and Mrs. orlando Brannon of Xenia, spent the weela·end at the Terry borne. ~s. George PlymJre was a visitor Th'u rsday of hElr mother, Mrll . Nora Clevenger, near Clarksville. We are pleased to report the news that Hcnry Murphy' has sufficiently re<!Overed from an auto aeel4ent weeJt$ ago, to be returned to his home In Wellman, a.C~r 'having been ootJIined In a h!lSplta!' in 'ctnclnoatl. MEs. Mur,p hy Is still a ,patient In tPe hospital'. '. Mrs. Mae Tltu a.nd IMrs. Alta 8A!AE-Charmln ·Tollet TJasue. , FoW' 'rolls 26c. Gazette office, ' Jane 'Bostick or ao~th ~banon, were' Thursday e~ening callers ' -at the Talmage home. SUndq callers AUCTIONEERI'NG ' lWeJ'e: Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy EWs of Harveysburg, WUl .Mullen ()f Dear Stanley and Kooaler Mason, and and -Mrs. Orlancfo. Por Datea. Phone . .; Waynea- IW~~on, of xeaJt.. ' vWe, 0h10. Chargea ~rs. Mabel 'l'fl11'7 of Dayton spent BBOKEIIS the weekend at ber home. bere. Mr. IlIId KrII. Le'RoJ'" ~ttea4..
the Allen reunion al Cold Sprlngg Sunday. J. Lee ThlmalJe WI 0. bl,llilness visitor In Clarksv1lle Wednesday . Miss ~ora ShUmaker of Doyton Is sPlll1d~ several W«:cks with her parents" iMr . lIod Mrs . OnJ'ey Shumaker.
.m~e ;IIaUlus&ille Grltur~~ @f
FIUENDS HOME 11.IIei Mill. HU&h V nCt! 01 m,ar iial'veYl>bw'g, called 011 Mnl. tala Doyle weant!l>day . M1'.:i. J eull1e Mullen, MrlI. Tom .Burton and J1 tLJe daugh ter d Ferry \\ere guesLS ot Mrs. Allee Ciark edn~uay aItel'llooll. Mrs , italJ,lh An.l.s U l U. lltl.le son 01 near WUlII.1ngton visited n 'lend.:; 11 ' e Wednesday. 'Mr . an<1 l\Iln>. Da vId W tlIJb or BrldgeporL, Cunn. , who' were I\U,o<.ts n1 the tunner's mother, Mrs. Margaret Webb, :;evel'ul days lllst week, Iel:t Sunuay to vlsiL l'ela UvlS aL P.ne Mountain, Ky. Mrs. Urlando BaLtin and Miss Mabel Wilson pf Selma, ou:l Mrs. i&lStman or Springfield, called on Mrs. Margaretta Heacock Wc'dnesday a:f:ternoon. Mr. and Mrs . Raymond Monlgomery of OentervlUe, visited Ml:is s Annie aUd Mame Browne, SUllduy. . Mrs . OSC81' McClelland of Mlanlisburg, spent the week-end wit.h nel' mobher, ,Mrs. Effie Thompson . Mrs. Albert Deafenbnugh of Bethesda, OhiO, and Paul Dealellbaugh 01 Washington, D . C. , lmvc <qeen guests of the Mlssws Bruwllc, arrlvlng Monday night and Il'avilig WW'lI!5t\aJy morning, Misses Annie and Mamc Bl'owne and their guests, Mrs . A, Deal'mbaugh and Paul DeaJ'entilugll' were supper guestS of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parks Tuesday evening. Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall Is expected back this week after spen Ing 6CvCl'al weeks with relatives uud f riends in Richmond, Ind.
----- ..- - -
MI' .
.... _--
.. - ...
- -'- -
MAX W. RANDALL, Miniater Phone 2993 ~ '_ I ~U'_ _ ' - "'
' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
. ~ .~
Superintendent 01 State HI hwaj's <for Wnrren county thc 11I'ojects com pleted or wldcr contmct, and bU\!ervlsed by W1lliam S~mwhall, M~lll tl: nance E!l;''ioeer, are a.s follows: S . R . 741 from U. S . It ~ I,l.e 142 north for a dis tance of 5.47 uu'le;: a drag treamncnL. S. R. . 123, R~ d Lion Lo Lebanon. a dls:tsnce o( 5 miles ; n I.!eal treat. ment , S . R. 73, from Stn.le Roulc 48 to Waynesville. a. distance 01 4 .6 miles; n drag tl'eaLment. S . R.. 73, from Waynesylllf' to Harveysburg, a distance )f 4.33 mlles; a seal treat.ment. S. 123, In Morrow and nurth lor a dlstance of 3.2 mlles; a drag treatment . In the vlllage of Lebanon, along S. R. 63 and B. R. 123, and U. S. lRoute 42, for- a d1staJlce of 2.1 ' miles; a dMg treatment. Under the superVision of ebas . Bachmann. construction f'.ngineer. are two projects, one on S. R. 73 trom Sprln~ro east to the interseotlon of S. R . 73 and S. R. 48, a distance of 3 . 721 miles: a road
MT.HOLLY air •• Hlle,. Glh ...... V..rre.poad.:at
Mt. Holly iro~ming will be Lhc first Sunday In' October. Everybody : welcome. Mr. and Mrs . Clarence Newland lind dri.ughteT of XeIj.la, spent Sunday" with Mr. and Mrs. Lue MorlIun . . . .Mr. and Mrs. Raymon~ Osb9rn o Xenia spent the week-end with of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson DI'I ana mix job. ' son, RAlph. Mrs. Harold Carter and clilld~en U . S. 42 in the village of Mason, Of Xenia spent · the week-elht lith a distance of .19 mlles; a plant milt lMr. and Mrs. Dav1d Lucas a.ld jab. C84Dily, Mr. and Mis-:- Morris Lewis and son, Jenie Lee, epent Sunday wlth 1Mr. and Mrs', John Koes~er ot ~ ---
Greatest Show Aids Bond Drive
IMrs ; Frallik IDtte of Spring Valley, called on Mrs. Emei'llon Dill Friday alternoon. 1MriI. Hiley Gibson IlPDnt Sature, .y evening wit'll Mrs. George Bratten Or (Roxanna. ' Miss Irma ~rOwn of Xenia, spent the week-end with MIss Pauline ,. Glb&on. : Mrs, Morris L6wIs and son, Jerry, spent Tuesday of ,l ast week ·w lth and Mrs. lfarold , Rogers and ~.l!lmma Gibson Q[ BellbrOOK. iMrIl. Ellsworlih Smith of Dayton spent tale weekend with her motber, 'Mrs. MatUe Levi: . !Miss Clara Daughters spent ~turda.y with Mrs , George Bratten at Roxanna. .!Mrs . .Morr19 LeWis, Miss Pauline Olbson, Mrs. Clarence Orawford anll Minnie Crawford were abopping in Xenia Frld~. Mrs. ElvIS Mkihlal of Xenia, 'spent Monda.y witJ:1 Mr. aM' Mrs. Eddie MMlatt and Mr. Ber~ Mar-
laU. Mr. I\lldMrs. Pe.te Runyan oC Wayne~vU1e have bought the Ev~n
IParker S. Bookwalter. Deput,y Director,. Division 8, stat~s that Warren county> in the yeu 1943, wlll have an approxImate total 01 30 r¢1es of· Sta,te Highways re~urfaced. ·T he resUJ!!aclng consists of either 'or seal treatmlll1t cit bit_ou tp.a~1al a)ld aggregate, ' and plant milt: Accord1ng tQ Charles B~bury,
. . WaJIISvIJJe OIf1eeBo. . ~:I8-I:·•••••
1Uied. SUG~tamp No . 14 11004 tor 5 pounds thfough 'Nov: " 1. . Stamp Nos, 15 and, are ~ tllroUllh October 31 for 6 POUnd8 each for
~a:t lnIpecuOOs , ~ue: A
and COgJl8ell~r" announces the removal of his 'Wayneln1l1e office to the rear of' ~I... ooOQ_ pled by &be Fairley liard,","
GA80LINE-~ book
No. '1 goOd for three gallons each. must laSt through sept. 21. B and o stamps which bear words "MUe· age Ration" 800d for 3 gaU~ untll
Oempany. ··
'WIth Robert AUbrey and Mra. Oharles Ringling, owners, ill harness and running In person the rungling Bros. and Barnum & Batley Oircus, which wtn exhibit In Dayton at the fafrgro;l1lds Thursday and Frida.y, Sept. 30 and OcL. 1, the cooperation they initiated with the U . 8. Treasury Deparlment and the oDT last winter Is CUCkl1'1g daUy. FoUowing ,tile New York and Boston engagements' opening n.tghts when only purchasers of war bonds were admitted, the RinglJngs have set asIde an honor seotton at atLer~ noon and nJ~bt perfonnancea In every stand for bond buyers, a '11'1'0. cedure planned with Troosury De. part,ment representatives In Febrllary. .At the same tlme the Rlng~ fllllJJ1iy arranged ~ me~t all t.he ~e qulrwlents of the ODT, which then approved' tile 1943 railroad tour; sUbject. of course, to t1"oop and war suPPly movements. To date, the Bti Show has mOved on st'hedUle, for the Rlnglings have extended the 'length ·of engagements In almost ' all ' cities In Order ' to stay oft the rallway Unea as m'llCh as p0ssible. Performances wID be given at 2:tl5 and 8:16 p. m., with doors open M 1 and '1.
bOok vehicles "" Sept.~ ; B's by Ootpbe't 31: ~O'" by Nov . 30; COIJIi· men:ia1 vehiClea eVerJ CI montha or eVflrY' 5,000 miles whlc~ver Is firat. MIilAT, m'C.-Red Stamps X and Y and Z aood' now., Br~ A Book, I ~. Sept. 12; '3 Sept. 1'9. All aplre 00kIbsr 2; _
~ROO.S • • D .JOOnB-Blue T 'fI,U4"t,brou1b SIIIt.
1....__ II, 8,
._ . _.. V, aDd W . Iaoil ...pt. 1
.... C:- _. _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ __
-l,,:;:- --
Wa rren COtu:lty Ove r The Top In Bon d Dri ve
Two Impo rtant Even ts At The Meth odis t Chu rch
Life As ar s C B TI S. true Hk Y ram e~e
Miss i'o nary At Chu rch Of Chri st Sun~y E~lTening
BASK ETBA LL SCHEDULE FOR 1943·1 944 SEASON l'ollowing Is the sehc ' u e for the Warren County H)gh school lefltl'\le bask.etbaJl !ieo.son as present ed by a conunlt tee compos ed of R. A. Young, W. W. Catle a.nd R . W . Braddo ck: Dec . 3-Carll sle at Morrow, Kines MIlls at Mason, Waynesville at Har-
194~ 1944
Paul Smit h Is .Wed' At Osbo rn
Civ ic Clu b Is Ent erta ined By Ma gici an
Annouu ce mel~ been made 'of "World ;Wlde CommUDlon 3unday " the man-Iage of Oorp. Paul Sm llh. ~" Charles F. Cretors , age 64, ot Warren COWlty went "over the son at Mr . and Mrs. Pru:lk A. .top" in the Third War Loan e&m- . '!be Method lst cbun:h wID Join in Waynesville Route 3, was killed inSmith, who Is now home On a 1&. The Waynesville Civic club met at pa.Ign Motlday to become the tlrst the observa nce of "World .Wide stantly 11bursday evening, Sept. 16; day furlough from his camp at Cold SpringS Tavern Monde.y evencounty in the Cincinn ati areil, which Commu nion Sunday " on October 3, when 4l. car he was- dl1vlug Was Palm Sprin gs, Ca lif . He was mar- log for bhe regular Septem ber meet.. 18 colIllPrised of 22 Soutber n Ohio under the ausp'1ce8 or the ''COunc il struck by a Pennsyl vania R. R . rted iWednes day, S ept. 15 at th" ing . !Mayor C. H. Brace, preslc1ent. countie s. TIle quota was $1,250,000. oS alurCh ea of Christ in Americ a." passeng er train at' a crossing abvLlt Mary Help or Chrlsllal1S chupel at being a:bsent, WlII St . John, vice veysbu ~ . Ohrlstia n people of all' de nomlna - a mlle below Corwin . Mr, Oretors. . HOWard H . Banker, area offlcl,al O:Iborn with the ptu;tor, Rev. Ber- presiden t, preside d. Dec. 10.~Waynesvllle at carlisle. tlons are UI'ied to present theman at War FLnance headqua rters, ~. employe of the Clarenc e Rye In~d (P . O\RelIly , oI.j'~lntlng, to Two new mCIIlbers, Walter FrazlerSplingb oro at Kings Mlll.s, Morrow nounced that sales or '1,252,000 In solves In lIbelr re5J)eCtlve PlacP..a · ot (arm. bad been plok1ng corn and as Miss Rose E . Dam cr, of Osborne . 1llld A . .oR . Stubb.~, iWere adImtt edjo at Harvey/iburg . the COWl ty up to MondayJllftemo on 'worshlP on this lm.porta nt day, and he was leaving the fleld he drove Anne and Tom Darner. sister a nd mem'bership. A proposa l to Jan. have the 7.-Harv eysbur e Qpirit .... Ohr'-tia n g at Spllngth put the COWlly over the quota, with unite in th u Ul '" boro, Kings Mills at Morrow. Mason bl'other of the bride, were th e all· club sponsor a Hallow een carniva l up on e crossing, apparen tly IaU. 10 days still reDllllnhis in the drive. brotber1bood in the simulta neous ob.. 1ng to .obIlerve the approac hing tendant s. Only t he inunedla te fam· in Wnynesvllle this year was tabled. at Waynesville . Oharles B. Irwin, Lebanon, ooun- serval1iCe or ~e Bacram ent 01 the train. The car was dragged sevt:r&l Ules were present ~or the ceremony . Althoug'h adrnlttl ng . that such Jan . 14.~Mason at Carlisle, Mor.. 8 Lord's Supper , hundre d teet by the locomotive .and ty chall1Inan, said thaL despite the 'I1he bride wore an oli ve green ' project would be deSirabl e here, raw at Sprlngb Bevoro, Harveys burg a t The p"""""" ot ..... _ .._~..... atta.lrun ent of the quota. that all ... united ob- demolis hed. The dress ~th n corsage of whi te aste eral member" ma.intal ned t.lmt the was rlnned Kings MIlls. .... servanc e Is to strengt hen the bond in the 'wreckage . body and pink roses. Mte,r the ceremon) time was Loo short to plan SOliCitors .would continu e . their Jan a carnl. 28 .-,K:1n~ _M1l1s at carlisle. <it Chrlst1 an brother hood among the Survivo rs Include the widow, Seahous~· to-hOuse canVlUtieS for sales. Springb oro at WaYXlesville, Harvess - the party adjourn ed 1.0 the hom! val for this year. The purc11ase of 5200,000 In'bond s followera of Jesua throU8h 6ut the ale. and several ohildre n. of the bride for the wedding break. A motion was mad~ to hiHp the burg at Mason. Funera l serv~es were conduct ed by tlle ReInIng.t on AI1Il8 ordnanc e IWorld, that.we may present a unltP.d fast . Progress ive Woman 's club establlBh fFeb. 4.---Carllsle at Springb oro plant at Kings M11l.is MoDday Was front against the evila or our day Sundll3 at 2:00 p. m. at the MeThe happy couple Intend to rnakl a public rest room in Waynes Waynes ville ville. at Kings Mills, Mason . a big boost In a.ttainin g the quota. and undergi rd the sp1r1tual forces Olure FlUluiral Home, with Rev. L. their tempora ry home in C<l1i!'om la After s~me dLscusslon the proposa l at Morrow . on wh1ch depend the formUlation of C. Radley or, the Method WaJDe Townsh ip ~ Short ist chllrch MR. S . S. LAPJ'!liN Feb. 18.-CarU sle at Harvf:'ysbw'g, AGED ATTO RNEY was referred to the commit tee of. a just and lasting ,peace, and tYle oKlc1ating. Burial 'was in the Fell. 01 Quo'Sunday immlng Mr. F . G. H . Springb oro at Mason, Morrow public affalrs. The club was aL ~r. Every- ... ._, hi p cemeter DIES [N FLOR llJA to help the IRed cross ladies asked Wayne township, with a quota of basta of a better world o.... Cook, m1.sslonary !rom New York Waynesville. l...., "s y near Leoono n, ralae one ~ invited, $106,000 was tar short or Its quota OI~y, wUl apeak at; tll.e Waynesvllle 'W. S. Hardin, 90, of Miami,' Fla . funds for kit bags tor soldiers - -.- - - Ra1I1 : The Da1, October 10 Church of Christ. Mr. Cook: Is well SEWING GROUP TO MEET Tuesday evening wher! R, H, Hartdied In that city Sept . 1-'7 . A ronnel quota lor Wayne townshi p this year Rally Day wlll be observed for Juror~ sock, chairma n, announ ced that Mawn' ln the OhuJr'Ches of Christ, captain In . the Spanish Amer\{:ru . Is 100 bags. AT McCLURE HOME both the churc:b and the church $561126.00 in bonds- had been IJOld. and IndIan ·w ars, he was well kn own having traveled o'ver much of the Max Randal l, pas1m' of the local The Victory Sewing Oroup will In Waynesville and COr.....In. He wru, . Church The drive Is set to end Sept. SO, achool Octd>er 10. It wID also be United States prese~ntJng his work to of Christ, extende d an It\!.. Promot ion Day when 8Cholars will . C, O. Beckett , clerk of courts, bas the churpbe ad with only a Week to go, $50,000 s. Mr. Ra.ndal l became hold their meeting on Thursd ay a cousin of Mrs . NetLle Tln!ley . H( vltntion to membe rs of the club to more In bonds mU8t be BOld in order be advance d In their claases accord. announ ced the drlllW1ng Of .5 grand aoqoo1nted with 141'. Cook whl1P. Mr. evening with Mrs. J. E . McClure . practice d law for 23 years In Cynth- attend revival services w·h1ch win g to their ages and grlldes in jurors' names and those of to attain the goo.l locally. :Yr , 28 for Cook was on a speakin g tOllr . in The last meeting was held at the lana, Ky. begin October 4 at the church. ' 8C~1. Awards wUl be present ed to. po881h1e petit jury service. '!'he Minnes ota _ Hartsoc k said ma.ny persons are Funeral servIces were held Mon· , He Is an Illble ~peaker, home. of Mrs. Leo Conner with MIss At the conclus ion ot the buslneaa anxious to buy bonds and are await- thoSe who have been perfect In at- gmnd jlU\' which will convene Oct. Is tull of zeal, and has a sLnc ~ 'e and Virginia CB1nckburn, Mesdam es F. day at OOvington, Ky. Those at- meeting Rev. ' Radley, program ing! a call {Tom a volunteer Banda- tendaoo e. ThIs wlll be a united • wW-tace a small docket, according ardent desire to preach the slmple U. LeMo,y, J . E . McClure, K. R. tending the funeral from here were: chairma n introdu ced "Elmer , t1\e &ervice and Prof. 'Wade Miller ot to indlca.tlons &t present, Hlll, Walter Frasure , William Saw- Mrs. Nettle Tinney, Mr. and Ml's . Magician" In the dier. He also reported. that salea In as only gospel of OhrIat. perSon of Elmer many I'ural sections of. the townaW p IPr&nklin will be the speaker . Spec. three oases are l1s~ to date. A ,,:eek from Sunday , Oct . 3, Is yer, Robert Gray, William Strader , !Leonard TInney. Two daughte rs, Well, of Springf ield . "Elmer" provtal mualc IW11l be lU1'nJ8bed by the Orand Jurors: loin., Z. L. MOOl!iy, Rally DBy at the C.hurch of are being neglecte d. Ohrlst. Carl F'ergUSOll, and Max D . Hart· IMl's. BeaLrlce Wilson and ·Mrs . ed to \be one of the most enterta biJunior cholr. Mark the day on your Randal l Ivins, Mrs. OeorlJe Perrine As was announ ced last week, the at- sock present Jor the evening of Vooa ~dQ.ms reside in Miami . lTlg' IlDd Interest ing guests ever aPcaIenda r.end plan to be presP.nt. sewing' and knitting a:fter which reand Sylvan Po~tt, LEt>anon; WIl- tendf,UlCe goal has been pearing before the club. Ke begUt set at tlWo llam OOrigan and lA.u:y B61c1wln, bundred and a tine BOOST ER NIGHT SEPT, 30 progTam has treshment.s were served. by making a half dollar 'dlSapp ear Sup per WOMA,N'S AtJXIL LUtY HOLDS Morrow; Mrs. Lucille .Plymlre AT Mi\SSIE TWP. GRANGE Crom !.he pocket ot Rev. Ralph , ore. 'been plal)ned for the day . ,M r. w. S. C. S, MEETS AT CHUBCH Fanner s Orange No. 13 beld their . FIB8~ MEETING OF YEAB 8OD1a; Ollfford Hines .and Harold Parks. It was later tound In a Murl Nolder from r..yncbburg, Ohio, FOR A LUNOHEON MEETI NG The Ha rveysburg '4/ H girls And Tucker, Harveysbur~; Wlillam H. will play Ilbe Hammo nd organ, Mr. sealed tobaoeo packag e . .Atty .• Cat-I .q uarter annual tldrthday aupper ~tThe .t lrst meeUntP since the sum. Deutem eler, Prankll n; :Mrs. boys. directed by Luella Mlalga'1 Chester iRa:ndall will brlng the message, Abaech erll assisted 'WIth rope ' trlckii. urdc1y. night ~t the local h&1l. Elev- mer vacaUon or .the ,W oman's The WOman 's Society of Christand Enesttn e Moore, present ert the Aux- Sawyer and' Mrs. WUda Benn'e tt, there will be spe<:lal talent from Ian Serv~ held their October Stanley BaUey was trartsto rmed inen member s sat at the Jtlrtbda y Ulary of St. iMArY"s Epaloopal. church Mason; :Mrs. Wilbur Burger, Loveprogram Monday evening at Orange Cincinn ati Bible to semina IL gorilla, Howard case into Old ry, table and which meeting was decorat with a ed IWlcheo by ' n at the by exhibiti ng and discusslns; their ' p. beautlf1,1l birthda y cake. 'IIlie 'dlnJng was be1'd Be •. .10 at.."e -of land, a nd Gl n..,~ ~~ ... Mrs.~. abo .. . l'ome • all, there will be h It h enn ...... King OOle and Rev. Radley -mto v'" ........ Method ist church Thursda y with work. A teacher ve a a Mrs. ,Mayna rd F. Weltz~ Plans E. Hatha.way, our, 's recep tIon Is Waynesville. transcri bed broadca st over WlUO, an attenda nce of 16 member Mother Goose. A new tie worn tiy room and hall -were deoorat ed with for the annual tJuaar to s. iplanned tor Sept . 27 . be held Petit Jurors: Mrs, Edward HerDaYton . The ~Joyable feature of WUl gnJ'den St, John was . slllppp,d Into Ilowera. lFolloWl ng the luncheo n the presMter the meeting Qwzz qUeJItiol1ll November 27, were dlscuase Massie 'I1wIp : Grange rs are lookd. J1cIt, MrII. J. R. Oatman . C. O . tHe 'b1'08dbaSt several pieces to his great dismay, Ident, Mrs. Ray Codner, called the Ing iforward to Booster tliiit the on correct Gralli procedu re caUBed church A questlo nnalre., !lKnow Your Tbtmpt nn, John Wolife, Sara'h Night Sept. and he complal noo so much mt Tot;· 'Will be able to OOke part In the meeting to order and the devotion e an Interest ing disCWsa s 30, when a "Victory T eo,m" from lon. Old time Diocese," was led by Mrs. Ralph ten, Altbur BaUBm1 the th and magicia Cllftbrd n restored it · to ita program and then were go home and llsin cbarge or Mrs. Irene Baird. Montgomery coun ty will direct PaI'k.s IRunyan , Lebano n; James Guiam ten to it &II it Is 'folk odglnal conditio played over l .he air Mrs. Oora Rich read (Iddler's mUSic by Morils . Brawn. n. Dr. 'S. E, a ...... ·very Inter- dancing and squar,e dancing . Serv~ in· t 'I re tr .... h... ents were served and ___ HatllalWaY and R. E. Hartsoc k IIB~mpanied by S, S. Ellts, turn-. during the social hour by the host- burg;Mrs. Oharles. Doster, Harve'l s- ' in tihe Mterno on trom one - thirty esting article taken from the Ing oll supper Jess Prender gast aud Mrs. Wltll w\1) stru·t ~t 5:30. slsted in card tricks. The entire commu nity Is ' ~ethodlst Woman " a,fter Jshed enterta1om~ • . which Come and get a good chicken sup_ es&. Mrs. Susan SCanlon wID be Hartley Moss, oregoni a; Mrs. -The next meetfilg of the clUb 18 Olar. invlted to this service. A linen towel ' was auction ed off bostess to the Club at the contests were enjoyed . 11be SOCiety Octoblir e WOlf, Mrs:- Hilrrlet Wal'ter and per. On the evening sched1,1led for Monday evening, Oct. of October 3rd, adjoUlned to meet with Mrs . Ray lor the benefit of the home eccnom,. meeting wb~h wID be held at ''OUr Olem BoWyer, Mason. Mr. Nolder wlll pllll.y Ics commit tee . At ·the close or the II1UUDC: a 20-mlnu DONAL 18.' te D II. OSBOR N AT Conner on Thursda y afternoo n, Oc' n _ . __ . " . ~. Clifford Brace, Mrs. Leroy concert on the Hammo nd organ be- .tober 21, program the GREAT Ilowers LAKES were ,athere , ILLINO d IS t;ogetiher in a basket to be' pn'sent ed Moran, Mrs. Henry Murphy , 'Mrs. fore the evenlng service begins. He to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Braddo ck !. RIMMER SURFACR ON LEAVE ENTEB TAINS IN HONOR J . B. 'OhaplOOn and Howard Mq· will begin playing at 7:30 , Great wires, m., Sept. 21.-A o'clock. IIVho are celEilratlng their - aolden . ~ .. OF BIRTH DAY SUNDAY new recruit at the U. S. ' Naval • Quinn, Waynt!BV1lle; Walter Poos, \ esum e The, Ch\ll'Ch of O:hr!st h1l6 one ee 8lt8n1Aii 1'1l'St 0liitB B1me1 It. Mrs. Oarl Bangha m, MUo Beck and great Tralnln g Station , Great Lakes, illl.. reason tor put;tlng . so much Wedding. anniver sary this wet"k. A Ibeautltul faU altemo on-Tue e. 8urf1IIbe of tile u. 8'. Navy s1>.mt'. ' P.raI* Q(16S, Frankli Mrs. Lena Hartsoc k entertai ned 18 Donald H. Osborn, 18, son n; ' George ~phe.81s on Rally Day this year. of Mr. day, Sept . 12, fouild the membel 'l NURSES GUBST S' AT ~ee* eDC!. leave, ~t.b h1a perenta !U1d ~, Grant Hopkin s, Alva to dinner at the home of Mrs. U. an Mts. H. E . Osborn, Main McThe rea.aon Is street, of the Happy Ho1,U' club wendlD8 that (Ill the following B.&KEB HOME 8UNIJAY ,slater, Mr. a~ Mra. Lawren ce SlUlLaughli n, Aiber,t Huster and Nell eve$tr, the fall eVI,ngeHst\c O. Whetse l on Sunday In hOllor ot Waynesville, Ohio. meet. their wo,y to tho home of Adria face and RA!ba of 'Wllmln gton. El- WW1amB, Morrow. ing begins. Mr. and Mrs . S. s. the birthday, anniver sary of H. O. !Now undergo ing '\boot" training, Braddo ck for their regular Mr. and Wa~ R. Baker. .na4 ·mer comPleted hJa bOot tra!n1ng at meeting ,h e Is being indoctr inated Into Navy a!ter a two'"1llonths vacatio ilAIppIn, natlonaJ.J.y knOWn Nangel7 Harvey of Ld)an<ll D. ..,., as their g:uests on S\lIldaY evening Great Lakes Jw;t n. Mrs . 3 and a!ter hI,r U81G~S l"OSIT ION AS VICE Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. H; life, and is being instruct ed In sea- Jennie Braddo i8ts from the Ohurcll of Ohrl~t, will their dapgbte r, MilIa Jeanne Baker, nln~ daY'leave, was sent to ck 'was the h08tesa. Oulfpor t, O. Harvey of Lebal\on, Mr. l1nd mansh.lp, mIlItal), drill, and ~ OF RED CROSS be the speaker . The commu nity will naval The preside nt, Atha Furnas. opened anl her classma tes of the l'furses KIss ." for additlon al tr61nIng Mrs. Harry Brown in of Dayt.on, Mr. procedu re . Soon, he will be glW:lD a the meeting advanta ge of these _.... _ H e ,_ Iby reaaInifa beaUt1fU Tralnin g school at St. EUzabe~s ,A_ ;.:;.....,.-l 1MrB . .W1llI",m H. Deutem "ler, want• to take """--· .........ed 0 u ... "". ... naw sta tI oned d are and Mrs. ' Oscar 'Wade of Miamls - series of apti tude tests to ... .servlce • N s an . invl~ed ~eterml to ne do poem so , Frankli n, has reSigned her . post a8 ~-.. on "Old hospita l who were cele~tlni the a. ewport !Newa, Vlrglnla Friends and .New," ' . His ad. vice burg, Mr. and Mrs. Stacey Burnett wheath er he will be seLected . cha1rm an Of the Frankli n .,.....i to at· This was followed by the club r~· birthda ys ol two IDIUIbers ol the dreai 18: Elmer _,_night of the thJree week;' cam· of Oenterv ille R. Surface , BloC, and Mr. and Mrs. tend one of the Navy's service peatlng ' Branch , . Warren county chapl.eJ', _ .. , their creed 1D--Ulll.Iilf)D.~-A-...,....--=-"'-:-::-=I class and that nne year alO they U. 6. NaVal Armed Guard Center, \ AB-the ~ from Eastern W·, r Ernest Butte11worth. Mr : and Mrs. schools, or 'NUl ,be assigned to active · short bdslnes s session followed. entered the Nurses Tralntn n Red 0r0IIIs, In order to de- Tim i.. A 63Dd street and IPlrat Ave., South IAmerca . . e to Eastern Standa rd Tbne A. Z. Hartsoc k and daughtp,r Helen, duty at sea. vote more beautifu l birthdaY oaJte and an an.! Brootly n, . of her time to the steadNinetee n membe rs were present New York. Upon complet ion of his recruit and the ho6tes.s bad as her tak~ .place the third of October, were e.fternoon guests. nlver~ ' caire witb one can~e gUests 11y lnc:re&81ng work of. the Home beg1nnJ.ne the mornin g 01 training he will be cranLed a nine· Mrs. !Harvey Sackett , Mrs the third Berv1ce were. the centerpi ece of the lovely Departm . Frank ent, of whlch she' 1& BBEax s &RIll day leave. for__ e .111 ery servlcE~ following, the ENTER TAIN TEACH ERS Dakin and IMl's, carlton Cook and the bead, in Warren county ,M rs. and ". dinner tables wUh oaveJ:S lU'1'8.Daed TO SVNDAY DINNE R wors......... . be set one hour later, daughte r. 'I1be prog;rnm commit tee ior Misses Phy1ll8 Borten, Juanita Bulan Earnha rt, SOn at Mr, and Qeutem eler's rll6lgnatlon Is alt,o in WARREN COtJNTY FAIR or at 9:30 a. m, Eastern present ed tlWo book reports, Betty " ' . Standar -D! B , ... d 6tayroo k, Vlrglnla EIber.ts, Belen aua.~. _:... .. _... b ,me with the ~ _ _ ', had t e mls. or . osS polley, Time f or th BOARD IIOLDS ELEf:T10N !Mr. and Mrs. 'Luther Hartsoc k e momlIllg services and Oglesbee giving a very Interest ing Oelere, Pegg)' Kearns. Geneva Pel- fortune to· fall 'from his bicycle on dumg war, of a volunte er holding 7:45 p. m. Eastern I~tandard Time enterta1 ned' to Sunday . dinner the John (]Qmum was elecl.cd tn the a£OOunt of Wendell! Wll1k1e' s' "One only one position witb the organ- f ton, iRosalle Blommel. Wana Barn- ThUl'ldaY and break h1a til assoctat e teacherlS or Mrs. Hartsoc k left arm. or e evening servlc:es. Fair Board Wednes day afLemoon at World," and Al1~ Oons reported . IZatlon. MI'II, Deutem eler's resIgna hlser. Mary EUas, Julla Pl106O, Joan during la8t year. . the annual meetlTlg' of Ute Warren on Eve CUrie's "Journe y Among IPlatt, Erma Allen and .,eaDne Bati. YOUNG p~ MEET ~on was announ ced this week by S. Those who were the guest.s werll: A CORBE C'nON County AgrIcul tural SocieliY. He has Warrio rs." \Mayer, chalrme.n, Fr'\nkin er, !MISSes Dats)' Hammo nd, Vinnie '!'be Young PiUiilera held their ~raneh, 'Who sald that a succeSsor served as 5ecreta ry of Lhe Fair Each ,membe r then wrote. " "News lIn iast 'week's oazet~e It was stat.. Davis, Ann ,. Ecki, Florenc e Stock.· Board three yoors. QQrman u:places Letter" to Anna Ho6k, one of our GUESTS AT SUNDAY DINNE R meetID I laat week with Mr. and will be appoint ed soon. . ed that the Carl Duke farm and leln, Gertrud e Horlach er, Marie RaLPh McClure, whose 1!4rB. Leo Conner at tbflir home 'on I The work Of the Home Bervlce p9cb orchard was sold for $18,000. able ' to term t.xplred . member s who has not Fricke, Esther Stahl; Wild!!. Scbafer , Others Mr. and /Mrs. Ed Hopldp s en- ~urtb street. Alfter an ' evening of Departm ent ta increasi ng so ro.plc\l3l Since tben we have l ~arned I be with Il8 for reelecl.c some time. d are :After Thomas disE. that Amelia Ha:facker, Do otby WJ1son, IBarnhart, Elbert tertalr\e d to dinner on BUnday: Mr. ~ on 'dlffere nt IlUbJect.a,. re~ .that three new member s werl' Irons and Harold tributio n of the gift baSket the hOI!.. reo that figure 'Was incolTect and that Rhea Miller, Lucille Shively, Sh8.r.p. Lyle Stewn.rt Is presiden t and Mrs. Everett Kenrick and chll- Ii'88hmenta were aerved by the bost cently added to ,the commit tee. or tess served a moSt delectab le lunch. A the sale amount ed to several thous- Mildred Wadsw orth, Grova Peters, ~ Fair Board. dren, Sit. Olenn HopkIn s. Mrs. and her clawne tell of the Nunes meet1na Of this committee 'I1he clUb willi meet with ' Eva Davis and dollara more. win be Gladys Tittle, Anna Bell Dean, IArthur Hopkins, Mr', and lira. nu, RdMlrt W1laon, William M~, held Saturda y a!terno on in October . at &he 6&ra~ COChran and Amand a EdelStanley Bailey and daU&'hter. J. B , crabbe.l!Iarl.l!l arnbart , Bmes~ Golden Lamb, In Lebanon. and all IN COMMA NDO TRAIN ING BIRTH OF SON I . man. HOME COMI NG SUND AY Oook and HoDald S&lI.IaM1ry. member a are requeste d to be present HOBT. EARNHART' OM 1ChQ1'lcs Price, S 2-C, who has 'as pllotures WIll be· taken at, that "Mr. and 141'11, ' Boyes Kemper AT FER)t Y CHVR CH SVNDAY GUEST S .FVRW UGH FROM ALAB U CAN 150 QUMT S MciOowan, (Evelyn Oartwrl ght) 3080 been in training at Great Lak.es, Is time. . Observa tory avenue, OInclnn ati 8, All the frlenda at the .Perry Mr. and ·Mrs. J. B. Wadsw orth now taking Marine training w!UCh OF VBGET &BLE8 PerIIoIl8 IIVI8h1ng to mall chr.l&tm as iPvt : Hobert Earnha rt who' has Ohio, are announ cing the birth of 'of West carrollt alter iour montlu; will make him Church 'of Christ are inVited on, Mrs. Maude' to atpactace s to ·service ~oPie overseas been In Alaska for the put aeveral '11M! Motber a-:-ciub committee a oonunand<;l to serve either in tHe. tend the annu8l ~In their second child, a 8On, Andrew crane and Mr~. l Ier\'RuSlleU Carr and are·· 1D'Ked to get their bOxeS at the months . Is enjoyinlr a .1~ day , fUr- ~o veptabl ee !orth e Navy or Marine . His present ad- wes this Sunday . yOu are Cartwri ght, at @b.rI8t hOSPital Sep- e.nd son of Lebano iDvttP.d n, Mr . and Mrs . Red 0r0II& afflce tD Frankll n and lqug4h ' with his parents , ' Mr. aDd rl'IIode 8'clJOo1. luldl rocm JUt week, IA!bano dreBI:I Is: Charles E. Price, S a·c, to bring. a basket dinner· tember 16. ~ies n aoOn, 'Dooln ' aDd of Cincinn .re-. . ati, were Mrs: E. A. Earilba rt •. ~J;t.t 2IiO q~ In aD were C&DIled Btmday guesla of the Olaqde Lion 4, Division X, U. S.'N . A.~. main {or thtf aftenlOon. ~ • . W~ COUNTY IrAJIM R., 8e.n Bruno, Calif. au:&d dDIIatecl to the. ~tlon. Chester WUllamllC. ' , fCl.'lller mIDIIQ~ CLUB '1'0 Stroude ltamllY. ,CRJ.I!! lJB&ft 11Ji~ B~U TO MBET PBlDAY tater here. wID be ~ .~, NSoa BALLO WUN 'WEnD ING &N~&BY LT. u''l'II8 .D BOGia "A'J"PM l"TED ROBBERY A,T U!l&vEs FOR 8. 0 ... ON ' . ~MJhVAL OCT. J9 QUJETLY ON S~AY " IlARVE YSBUB G POSTO FFICE DINNE R: IN .HONO a 0" , &UIVB 8 onas Us ~ RUNTI !iG TRIP ~ ~ . .: Tbe~ W.,nenUltt Motbel' l club 18IIoDlimed dWLY MABBI BD OOlJl'U l: . Mr. and Mrs. Pnlnk B~~ u. Kat.1U7o J;IoPr, ' A,N.O. , ~ aaaIn IIPODaOl' & HaUoween Warren County Sheriff ' William ~ U\elr nft1etb weddlna ~ ~ 1Ir, and .1 Ira. Da1al&. llImlva l' here WI JeIII'. The featlHufford ' aimoun ced Wednes day he Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Marlatt enannlVer aary quietly SWldaJ . Tbe1 (if ~. bas ftl. aD ~ df~. WIIB ill Investlg atlne e.n attempt ed rob- terta1ned tQ cUnner Dol held .on Monday eve. bad M their .c:UpDer • 'aue.t&t )11'. -"f o,erla.. IIIDOOI'dIDa to lut· fau, dUe to owar CODCll~ but bery at the ~rveysOurg poatoftloe:l DlnI ~boaor . of 't:;b~el~r~ U4 lira. WamQ . 8I1Adock aDd ward recel!«d'''' bel pU'eDM. I~ If due; ~~a_-;;~~ to popular cSema~ abe cItib . . He stated that the roIIbel'll appar- Oorp. awoles A.l da.UIIlter. lMt'/, Ur. and M1'II. Pred tlbahbe II bi KcJrth.Afrlc&. 'decided to.aaalD ...,r the event, ~ were friabtened away before bride wbo married durlDa IIII'Iddoat ADd 1011. Mr. aD4 lin. IddfW II: 118 StaUaD ~ ft iWIlllle belli \bIa,ea t' OIl PrIdQ. theJ could p.In enttaDc e to iIle ~ ...... ~ Bra~ aDd .&.1'.0; .,.., care at '~ •• watch Uda" ,*, pCIIItOIIIflae. MIai Paye KelleJ Is tile .. ___ "ftiW, • 'r.
Are Draw n For Octo ber Term
Local Gran . g8 Hold s
A Birth day
Hap py Hou r Club R M ·ti
r ..
, . . . di1iIti.
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WaybesvWe. OhiQ .
Ente- '
~a~tttt W~nesv1lle.
Second c liSa Ma1l Matt.cr at Postofnoe. .....
~ ublisher
Walte.r W. Wise.man. Editor and IssUED EVERY THURSDAY
SUhscrfpUon Pr1ee, $1.50 Per Ye6I', Payable In Adva nce
From A Farm Diary--Dry Ridge FrIday, Sept . 17, 194.3 . Which is ,vorse? A ga. t.e left open when It Ilould b shu\. or a gn.te shu t that you ~houll'ht' s open . H was t he shu t ga te t.hat caused the t rouble t.hls nloming . I opened t he barn yal'd 8a tel Cl\.lled Ule cows and s~arted them toward t.h e upper pas· 1\4.00e ahead of me but when t.hey came to the pasl\lJ"c gate they didn't t.urn In as usual uut, ,w ent on up Ule
lane . I hUr ried a n d found that some one had carefully shut the go.te and un1 llStened It. I tried to get a h ead 01 t he cows IIlld turn 'I hem back but when I hurried so
did lh e cows. When I ron so did t hey. On up the !nne they went and Into the first open gat.e, th e soy bean fi eld. By ,t.hIs tim e t hey were feeling guy like chUdren jlL,t 1P.t out of school. Sedate Lena began to' - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - . . . . . ; . - - - - - - - - - -
Bob's Dairy Wholesome PasteurIzed Dairy Products
Pasuurized Milk For ' Your Protection Phone 2537
j unlP up' and down, rockt;i ! Ilke a 'rocking hon.e . lei. spot ran round gral,)1;Jlng n bite of soy 'benDS }lere a lld ther ' then ntlll'iing on., Th y WOllt clea r rOIUld lihe fleld and bll k '\.0 h e gnLC again but J coludll' et \il;eJ' fast Cnouj,fh 1.0 h~M hem <back so they t un1(~d t ho wl'ong \l'lIY and tarted for th highwa y. At. Joost some of th ~m did while t h e Test tum d I n to lunch on PuPs C0111 . ~ mun II a r uck . lopped and hended them back Co r me . (What would w do wit hou t the truck drl 'ers who ItOp and ge us out of dUiCculUes. '1'1 is W1l n' ~ t he first one who has h elped m e 'and r Ih-ank them oill . Whl'n h:lt bun It was started down t he lane I '\\cn t t hrough th e corn nnd got P ~~ nnc! Lulubelle but while r was doln/! ~ha~ Lena I d til r ('sl. Into the wheat sl ubble field and Lh ey w nt clear to t he end of t.hat. bef or [ could t.unl hem. Out. of that gllle and stlfl'gh t f or the garden f Ilce and over It where It ,was broken down . Out of t h ere again and Into t he old truck potoh where there was a little ~at.c cor n but Inst d of comIng back In.. to t he lane the went out On the other side past the Marquardt blArn, t hrough the mtle tObareo pa'.ch and the !nte sweet corn Int.o the orchard
DOI't, "asle Siraw · .. Sell it for Cash ... *
'Mr. FU'IMI': -YOUI' 1Rp'" .. ALL of it ... is needed to help the War Effort, aa a aubstitute for wood pulp and vital meta1a and plaatioe In the manufacture of speo1al containers for fooda, munitions•.• tc.
SAVE YOUR STRAW for tlU~ important use instead of ualng it for bedding or plowing back as humus. I
CI&8 .... nJP ,1IItJa to, IU.£ 01 rttlU' ft'BA W_
BELP ••••
it••" RJ:LP! IIi1L OIY. aa all tJa. tim. JrCIG
aM IIu1 .. _
..... _ ......_
........, . . . . . . . . . __tll-. ....... w. will"., " III well
Where Tc> Shop In
Save Tires and Gas .•• Direct Bus Line to County Seat' StoreS Open at 8:00
and CIo8e d 6:00 P. M.; Baturdays l0 P. M. Close Wednesdays a t Noon ,
BROWN and BROWN Ladtes Bea4y to Wear A GOOD PLAC~ TO ' KNOW A GOOD' PLACE T9 00 ,
For 24 YCllors Leba non's Leading
, .
Sinee 1890
Bank 81d,.
'THE REx.u.L STORE Make Oar 8tore' Your HeacJ.qual1en Phone Ut Leb&DOD
Phone 230K
~ '
« South, Broadway ,
We Oullil the EnUre Fa mily INSURANCB
Phone 153
a n d }lome
24 N. Broadway
SPIEGEL'S SHOE STORE Shoes lor the Fa mily XRAY FITTING Co mplete S t oc:k to ChaosI' From Phone 382 M
Stock of Clothing and Uaberdalibery AT LOW PRICES Phone 6 L
ladles' '" CbJldren's Ready To Wear and Millinery • - Phone 382 L
McGETCHiN'l ' fHA~MACY " Yoar FamU;r ,Drq &&ore" CoIIIneUea - GUt. - M .....IAea
All Spiegcl's Storcs ReDIa l••' Open Until 9:00 p; m_ Every ~onday
'L ebanon
MORRIS 5 apcJ 10~ 'TO $1.00 STORE ~
HARDWARE Phone til
, .I"IlO:Iae
CQIIlPlete JJne 01 FIrst QUALITY MEBOIIAN'ImiE For Everyone
P&88CB1P1!10NS PllIme 181 UbaDoD
~ anon
Phone 321 M
Phone 399
Phone 360
Since 1881l
W a1Dl!I\'I1Ie
Pe t, u Ull1lJllll ,,1,- ol -.. I..
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Lhere \\'I1Su (. ... 1. > \!lLLtl ...o 0:: Will I Hud to lUKe WltlUI out t llTougn tile uum so \\l! Ill. und ~ne t 0 oJ u;, C1.1Wl t 1m\' lIucn iII'ou)ne gm~lllg lJl"m \.luCk: Wilt!l't! &11 Y
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Al l b _ lJluUg JlL was
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.h u.-.. unllogs over 'W1C malo t _ uigm . 11 It cornl!S' It WUI llIcall Il oJ!;"L lu:.:. OJ' lUOU. l"rOll1 Llle lool> .J.I illY bUL-.u.:" t !{j l.> s tili ,8 1:r10U~ 4ul.~ . 01 101' the COUll.Il1f wIer ill "Pl~ 01 LlIe n iCe slI'l!et .cOl'll todder LfICY Just put In. Wha.t we ba c is ,. ood, I?I:LLer than we hnd last yea\'. '1 he hay Ila~ no1. beell m illed on, LHe LUlLothy w•• s c u ~ YOUllg anti greoll wid ' tht: sweet C01'll Wdder waS well cwed but \.here !ml·t enough of It and tht!re Isn 't enough legume I y, ! ' l'OOOlll Ie <Is are scat c,o t llis year . an d over th e place where the fence 'l 'he win ter klllln g 01 tiO O1uc.h alwas 'down Int.o lhe pasture !Jack o[ Jal:Ca is be1ng ! rJt n ow. All the farm papel's sLress th e lact that fcedlJ ' the Mnrquo.rdL barn. Thtlt Is all of Jractlce,s will have to be mo<.tU leu.
Wayneaville, Ohio
'AUTOMOBILE SUPPJ.lES Bie)'t!le and Badlo &epal,. . 3Z S. Broa4way Phone 69L
lime neceSbary t hroughout the year. ~y t.heory I belo)llf tu the old ~ch o ol though»y pra I e I foIl Vi t he n ew school but t h la year if l ha d a. good h elper I woud llke to stal·t at the top I,lJld go ri~h t lhrough to t he celiac . But unl ss \ve get. SOllle wat.er to wash bla nkets, ele., I will have lA? con tJJ ~l l e 1.0 do a little Ilt a time and send th e blllnkets to th e , lCl undry . Th man came th e other d ll-Y wit h the conl but a ll my h etPc:r were ~ay and 110 W1u.n·t allOWed to m ove the coal ihM wa& In t h e bin so Lhe new oml went III 011 top oi t he old Ulat I ha d hoped to ~ !lrst MUso It .goes . They ca.m.e and fix ed the furnace pipe SO the olOOn1ng that tl II t .. ~ we gave Ie ce ar wo wee"" ago has to be a ll dOlle over but until we ha ve WllitCI' in the cl.stern I can·t do more t han brush It up a li ttle . Oh well. Lhls weath er ~ too nice to stay In and clean t he cellar IIllYway so 1 wlll do something nice like p ick Ing tile .rest of the butter beans or cleaning out th e flowe r beds ready
In the Matter 01 the }' RecelvorsbJp ' 01 W. H. nl adden & Com~ puy, 110 PIIoI'L uershlp.
L EGA L NOT ICE NO. 1053 ,
Not1ce Is h ereby glV 11 th a~ the undersigned, Charles J . Waggoner . 'R eceivor ' 01 W . H . Madden nnd COmpan y, a pa,rtn el'sh1p, has been offered the sum '01 $3,500.00, C1lS11, for th e rema ining ass ts of W . 'H . Madden and OOmpllllY, a pal·tner s hip, now I~ th e custody, con trol llnd possession of the undersigned as s uch Recelvor, as of t r c daLA of Sep tember 7, 1943, exclusive of the oosh funds belonging to said part nerShip. and 1.11 the possession of snld Recelvor · On September 7, 1943. amounting to $22,729 .06 . The remain ing asscts of aald Receivorslrlp. tor which said of(el' has C. DONALD D1!LATUSH, At.torncy fo\' ReceiveI' . boen ,made, include In part, al l t h e
__ 't"
\ ....~, .
,.., ' : .' I. '
.. Your tires are in j!on~1 ",h(l1c. lId r,p. .. . ougi l l to last .,you a t I ;HI <.n()! : l~" !i,OCO mi.," '" "I've been very (,ClI"'I " II ,I' 01 1, .,,, n. '.;, " I learQed howTnl1ch In :.: fL· . ~lI m· 01 n' .c.l!l rubber. Only drive ~ Iren 1 h~! ve I) .. . "P her under 35 an hl.lur a:.vl j" ve j ;:c ; IIl 'switche.d around l"V rv ). Y l ·jr ,. ·
Say, i3 it true, J udge. thatthebeverage I t.I ing industry ha a part in producing it?" .. Y S, a very irnJ rtan t part , Jim. That indll try's facilities for producing grain al~ c. hoi make it po ible to include 200,000 t m:; f rul1ber from grain in th e gov~ent·s " I rlJ O-ton synth et ic rubber program: rrc l lY important contribution to our war effort, 'isn't it J im?" ,-=.~_.--:::: .. :C..It~certainIY is, Judge. Wonder how many • peep e really realize it?" W)'1n.
------------------~----~~----------~~----~~--~T.--------------------·#F -~ ~~ , e <ll,/n ,me< of A/COIloIi. s...rQ~'lltll'..,,(... 1.. _-r & -. -- -~ : -
,SW1day. Pattern fol' a pleasan t Sunday . Chu1'C.l r In the morhlng (to b e sure the building was a ULt.le coldl>ut we will have to wear e xtra coats until the furnace grates get h ere . 10 our oh urch, as tbe little boy Illlld, " We did get up and we did ' sit dow,n" r.o IlIfter a ll It wMn'L ,too uncomf ortable ) . ~, rter ohuroh. a' chat 'w ith ,acqualnternccs In t he sunshine on th church steps . A ram ble outdoors ll11' t he a.fternoon to get some wood Ifor the fire place, company for s upper and a talk by the fire In the give thank:! . !Mor day , My helper h a~ a t last found fI ,r th!l.t will :I'un, tha.t he can PAy> for. 50 we wen t to look at It ag : 1 K,ld after putLlng in a coil f1'om ::mot. er old onr with a piece oli ba,l!1 g 'ire h e startcd it up and d rov.() j t ' hom e. It rUI n ow a lld I h?pe Lh ~ moans 11e ca n kc.op It r unnlJ1{; .so that he wlll boo In d,,· ~( b. de\ ,t 0 Lire school bus. It comeb so drell clf Illy 1'1rly, a f ull h our and a hallf bQfore c Jnss~ b4~gln a nd yet school 1<; un cosy ten minute drive {from here. If be c'a n keep It run. ning I will 110t have to far m out I1I ly I'. l r) IT! cow. , Lor the wInter . T his pleasa'nt !llll weather makes me thi nk of h ouse' cleaning, the old 'fashk llcd kind, where every nook and corner of .t h e h<?use Is turn¥ out and cleaned and pol1shed and sUlllmer th ings are,.washed ,nnd aircd and 'pu t alway and a 'b it of paint. Ing Is done here and th4ert! until t he !whole house Is clean and shlnl~g at the sam e tim e and has that house'cleaned smel~.. The USE! of modern cle~mlhg applia nceS has cr~te4 'two schools of thOllll'ht 011 the house oleaning Quest10n _ There are thOse who believe in the old fashioned towlce a ~ee.r cleaning done , In a week or two of' concent,r ated effort and the more modern 'OIIlCS 'who believe t hat It Is not Ilccessary' to clean the whole house '&1; one'! when bh e vacutut} cleaner Is wled J'@Q!1ililJ'V'fll and fresh oll.l!talna put, U and paint and wan paper cleaned room at a
.remaini ng merchandise, m a ter1nls, stock III Ll'Ilde, office eq11ipment, m olor' l.l'llck. lease hold righ W" 'ocok ~ un ts, good will thereof, etC., a of September 7, 1943. All Interested persl>llS are her by . 'lw·t her notifi ed that bheY,mllY mnk u inquiry ODd examination of t h e remalnl11g us.sets of ~d cQmpany, Inc!udUlg book acCOlLOU. thereot, a s of September 7, 11143. during al l bUSiness hours, eit her a t t h e oUice of W . H . Madden and COmpany a . Col1wiu, OhIo. or of 't he unders l~ lV;: j a t Lebanon, OhiO, a nd further, tho t th e ,question or the pl'ivaLe sale ot, all t he remaining assets ot salJ pal·t n ersh lp, as above described a nd ru; 01 September 7, 1943, now in the possessIon of tee uodet·slgned. , as Buch Recdvol', w11l be on for henrIng before the Hon~l'able Ra.ipil. 11. Ca rey, Probnte Judge 01 We.n en Coun ty, Ohio. at the otilee of the P robate Cow,t. Court Ho Use, Lebanon, Ohio, on Monday, S eptembor 27. 1943 at 10 :00 o'clock A . M . CHAiRLES J . WAGGONER. Recelva r. of W. H. Maddll!1 and Compa ny . .1\. Par t nershill.
WlleJl th O last ordel' of aymg 1\1 ' 11 I'omc il'om Lhe mill, 't.heJre wns 0. lil l )J it.h It saying Ul uL tallkoagc lluu bUllll ~UbsHuted l or- meaL SCI'UI) lu lU !ll ound wh eaL l or tnldtlllll!l~ a nd oran. Unfortunately I call not Leu haL lobe t¥'fect was on egg produc.. Ion lJocause m any hens had bll~Wl o moult and lclyill8 lIrut ):)pen dis· u.r1J d by t he wL'ek spent. cleaning the ch icken house. Fms,L n ow WOuld gt t R 10L of soy beans. (By the way, nave you t11t:d t ha.t DEIW soy bean pancake I our yet ·, ) The're are stlll a lOt oJ t.omat.oes to rlpell and I\. lat!! planting of beans nnd sweet corn that will be relld,y in ahout a wl!ek: 'Dhe p umpk:1ns lleecl ome ,m ore uu~ sWne, too . Some a re ripe but I SuW Olle big one that looked just. hke a ~vatel'llleion it was so bll~ and smoot h und so very gl'~ . Well, hold' your fingel'S crossed, perhaps the 'WIud wUl blow the frost nwny_ Saturday . No frost last n ig ht . The tomatoes ace Still fill r igh t and so are t he beans even 01ver on Town shU> Roa d where they gE!t more [l'Ost thiLn 'we do. We need rain but as I~ as .we do not h &.ve I rost we Will be thankful and not complain Wlleo we have to ca.rry water f r;>m t.he pump bet:ause the cLstem is emp ty. A rain migh t be ' !olloowed by a
bu t no more mushrooms u ntil there l.s allother rain. Squirrel hunters al'e out but n o one has brought me Eli bite or .sqUlrr el ye~ and I haven '~ h eard or an y belJlg k1JUed on this
to plant some new tulip bulba. or m ndlng lence. ~L is much p leas· an Ler any way . Merry ehr trollS 1.0 a IL the boys over seas . Mayall t he pa.c~es being mailed now get t here saIely .
Xenia·· Shopping Guide DIRECT BUS ROUTE FR'OM 'WAYNESVILLE - SAVE TIRES AND GAS , Stofte Close Week nay. at 5Iit., Sa&llnlay a& 10:00, , CI_Wednesday afternoons. ,
Xenia Standard Parts
r-R ~ S
Car and Replacement
Machine Shop Work
Ford 'V-8 Motor Exchange Store Hrs. 8:00 to , 6:30 DiLDy
108 E. Main
Xenia, Oblo
RadIo and Bloy. Bepalrln, WORK CLOTJllNG 3'J W. MaIn Phone 1100
18Ba-lN! CAPITAL", SURPLUS '"0,000 , Strong, - Friendly BeIiaIIIe AcOODllDCHlatinc
COLDS ,To RelIeve 00aceaU0Il Rub Ule ' Throat, ()bI!It and IIM!k with
QuIek ActInr 0.
TilE CR.TERION Xenia, ,Ohio KtJPP~~8
HuMo Drae 8tore
Phone ttl R
ISALY'S LUNCHES '" ICE CREAM . A Good Placle \0 ,ll'at
to Soulh Detroit C~
Phone '1M
MaIn 8t.
Xenia, OhIo
l'Ihone 20
MoCcIImldl·DeerIDr j
J.09 W: IIhm' 8t. ·
Phone 1066
. EICHMAN'S BIectricaI fjiJppuea _ ........
sa W.
MaID 8f.
PlllDt ' ~. ~
.We Do Sell Bftryt1Unr Phone 1'19 a B. MaIn 8&.
9 W. M.ahqJt. I
Oblo's ....,
Comple&e DIspIa,
GEO. 'DODDS ~nd SONs'"- ,
IIeiI*IDr of II B. II.arb&
Plaoae 1111
Gne.a ·S.....
11..... WIIU.,r I' •• rl~k. C"rre.po •• _.
M:r. Ewing Stumm. of Route 73 Is in New York' City on a bU6mess
Nlddletown honor of their little daUihter's first 4Jlrthday. Mrs. Singer of Kansas Oity, Mo" an1ved Monqay for 'an exten'd d visit With her mother and sister, Mrs.· Jane iNlghtengale and Ml'S. iElwlog stumm and famlly 01 Route 73 . Pvt. Morrls Wharton of Ft. L&wls, Tacoma, Washington, 4.s home on a . ten-dny rurlough, vlslt~g his WIfe and parents, Mr, and !Mrs . Clyde Wharton, who emertained to a tami y nner Sun y n his honor. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs, Loren Routzahn of Franklln, Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Melloh of Waynesville, Mr . Levi Greathouse and Pvt. and Mrs .. Morris Wharton.
(Mrs. Harold Whitaker entertaJ.nl. ed Ilbe Lytle Card club a.t her home Wednesday afternoon. . A f ew friends from h ere spent iFrlday' evening wl.th Mr. and Mrs, Oarl Duke as they wlll soon leave tor a JleW home in Texas . T~e dedication service of the new f lngs at Lytle church Sun<\ay 'moming was very impressive and' a good sized audience present . Friends llere are sorry to Jell-rn of the serious illnes" or 14rs. Meta Rogers, who is now at th e 110me of her niece, Mrs . Eva May Pennewlt, near Sprlng Valley. . Mr: Bud (Mrs . Bartlett Mottce spent last week wIth their children , IlJr., lIarlette I". ·....0 ....... ()orre"'''Dt Mr . nnd Mrs. SUman Stewart and Mr . and ~ . Earl Hubble ilnd son.swere host and hostess to a welfam1ly, near Lebanon . !Mr , a.nd Mrs . Allen Smith and coming party last Sunday (l'lven in do.ughte~s of Dayton were d1nner • guests Sunday evening of their par~ .......,..~ ents, iMr. and Mrs . Clarence Smltl •• Mr. and Mrs.. Wilbur Dlar1l: en.. tertalned to a famlly dinner on Sutldny in honor at the blr Lh days of Mrs . Cou~ous Younce and Mrs. lPaul Flory aDd Mrs . Everett Clark . I Mr. und iMrs . Walter Kenrick and James Haines nttended the Iwedd\ng and reception of their niece, Mrs . Viola Grassle and Mr. IBenJamln Round Saturday ' ~\'P.n1ng at their new home in Daymn. . ...Mr. and Mrs . Therle Jones and BOll entertained to dinner Saturday evening In honor oC the latter's ~other, .Pfc . Hennan N'u tt, home on a. furlough from Colorado. Those pr sent were: The honor guest and Mrs. Herman Nutt at lDayto:l, Mr . and iMrs. Edwin' Nutt of near DentervUle, Mr . and Mrs . Eart Moran an(1 son Garry, of Wa¥nesv11le. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Campbell and chlldren were Saturday lJUests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Furnas 1rt
honor or Corporal GeoI'ge Ryne of camp carson, Colo. Opl . Ryne was home on a t.cnl·{}ny f1,1rlough. Those present were: Opl. and Mrs. George Ryne, Mr. and Mrs . Antl1ony Krelge and daughter, Mr . DU\! Mrs. Ray Terhaas and c~dr en, Mr, Jos ph Zwlshes, Mlss ~rl:ery McKenzie, Mr . Bill Finlayscn, Mrs . AlJce lianes and son, Miss Tress 'Ryne, Mr. Bob Herman and Miss '!EveIYn Brechtel. Mr . Flallk M. Fop has 'Ilccepted a position as seven th and e hth ,g rade teacher at Hollansburg thls year , Mr . and Mrs. Charles Maurice plan to move soon to their \lew home, purchased frem Roy Ellis In ,Wa.ynesvllle . The Bereon .: Itt,<;.s of the Fefl'y. church realized around $65 from the sale ot lunch a t the Ma.urice chatUe sale . Harry Fordyce imd J Oe Filer are pa.intlng the Fer.ry church ~h l·.. .week. They hope to get it done in
time lor the Homecoming next SunDon't for.get to at,t end . OpJ. qnd Mrs . Grorge Ryne were trucst,s of the Earl Hubbells dllrlng Jlls recent furlough. ' , Mrs. ;Harvey Stoub ,of Frererlck, Maryland, hns been a guest o[ her ooUSins, Mr, and Mrs . Alben Cook and Mr . Edgar ' Oook tile past week. Edgar Oook accompanlt,d h er home rfor a visit . Mr. and Mrs, Tom Fordyce ti nd [) uglas Dnd Mr . 9,nd Ml·S. Rw e ll fW! son an ye en wer e V· Hors of th e P . J . Thomases and H . R . Fordyce Monqay evening. Old you ever hear of a "\vobble?" it Is a 1\ w v gelable that has been bred In R USSia and Is 11 cross be . twccn a. ca r" pt and a beet . It looks Ilk (l blooe:!' r d cnrrot, they say. Wouldn't you like to ~te one : They have not been grown In th is country yet, but we will b!' seeing them, I suspect, becallse they arc very high in Vltamip C . d~y.
, There Is a new wrinkle 1rt catsup J Ohlg the rounds. It sounds plausIble, I haven 't tried, I't, bu t go ' il)g to . Cook YOUI' torrril.t.oes as you ' alwa.ys 'do to makt: catsup, Lh'!ll Ict them set for "three days and ' l r . me1l t. On the thll'd d iY, mll ke You'!' catsup ru; you alwliys haV e ond Lhe claim Is that the CRump won't s poil as sO much home made catsU I) docs, but will keep as long as th()re's a Ib lt In th e bottle .
UTICA Mrs. Bert BUllnell, Correspontlt'lIt
The homeeoming Rt the Utica church will be h elel S un dRj', Sept . 26 . Dinner !\Viii b e served at high noon IlL the school house. Everyon e luterested Is invited to attend . Mr , nnd Mrs . P elTY Earnha r L sl~e nt Sat urday evening with Mr . and Mrs. S ert Bunne)) and cnugh ter, Ruth . Mrs . Banner Stewart 1>pent Sun-
,TBUBSDAY, 8iiP1'8MJ!11a . . IMI,'
. day with relatives. MIss Audrey Crawiord spent SUIlI, da y wit.h h om 101k.~ . . oM!' . and Mrs. Morl' s L ewis alle1 '0 11, J erry, spellt S unday wi th Mr. an d Ml"s . J ohn KU('I;ter. CO)J(lfS lit til' n Unll (>,1l h ome SU llday were M r . !U\c1 Ml·" . Vaul;l,in I ullen and son, Mr. and: M rs . W al Ler 'Pfeiffer IUld daughter, Mr. am.l. Mrs; Everett BUl1ncll and family. Mill ard BnlJ and ML' . Dn d Mrs . Don. P I 'lster nnd dallght.c r .
wbeat to be plante<! thla fall In Ohio, Jt Is recognized tlhat. the fanner needs all the aSlflstanee and information he can obtw.D on whea~ in order that the Ohio farmer may lbe able to plant a normal acreage at soft winter wheat this fall. At a meeting or the O hio '80ft Winter Wheat Production c~mlfl. t;e'e in Coumbus recently, Dr . .0. A. Lamb, Agronomlst for t he OhiO ,Agricultural Experiment Station at ' wooster, OhiO, made the foLlowin8' ---"';....;.,,~.'t~ statements: (1 ) "The Ohio ·Elcper1men·t Station points out that soft winter wheat tWill produce more anJm.a l reed or human food than any other :.mall grain . Although in this war period the total acreage of small groins may go down someWhat, the Ohio Experiment station urges farmers to plant as much soft w1Jl.. ter wheat as It is possible for them ~o sow . " (2) "Soft winter wheat Should be planted as soon as possible alter the fly free date. unless tall w.eather Is unusually poor for growth." Emer F. Kruse, head of the Ohio DepnJ'l.m ent of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, told the delegates that aJI previous restr~ct lions a nel quotas on soft w~ter whea t n.creB,ge in Ohio ha.e now becn removed a nd that Ohio farmers !)lay pant as much soft wlnte:wheat as they are able' to sow ar I desire to plant.
T tu!re Is 111 . nCli tc hortage of sort winte r wheaL . In WHr times, whea t has p.lways been and is 1U1 ~mport am anp essential sourc e or fOOd for humnn consu mp ti on and feed for Uvestock , With unSeasonable w!!ath or this year, a shorLngc of farm labor, o nd some uncC l' lain ~y li S to the wneut acrea ge p~ogra m' for
We 'w ish to express our thanka lind appreciation to the many friends and relatives !Who remembered us 'with girts and cards on the occasion of our fiftieth wedding aD:tllversary . • Mr . and Mrs. Frank Braddock '
A Cold Saves Life Of Sgt. Robt. Lovely
Dayton. lWss Saroh Oorrine Furnas left Sunday for Phlladelp~ where s he will teach In Lbe schools there the coming year. Mr . and IMrS. Walter ~ck and James Haines attended a flU11iJly d1nner Sunday at the home or Mr. and Mrs . James Kaser I
I AUCTIONEERING Stanley and Koolfler F'6r Dates, Phone 2894, Waynesville, Ol¥o, Reverse Charges BROKEBS
FERTIUZER COMPANr HARVEYSBURG, OHIO Wili . pay $2.00 for Dead Horaea, $1.00. for Cowa. Sheep; HOIf,.. Cal-.ea , and Colt. . REMOVED PBOMPTLY
Phone Wayneavill-: 2804
Some day, ·if God is with him. he'll come home. And when he does, you'll get the biggest thrill of your life if you can look him squarely in the 'eye and say, "I couldn't help you fight-but I did everything in my .power to help you win I"
Today's pUti~lar job fo.~ you is to scrape together every dollar you Cllll-1lnd buy an extra $100 worth of War Bonds! That's your job in the 3rd War Loan! It's not enough to buy yOUl' regular amount 'ofBonds: It bas to be more. It has to be an extra
buy.-a little more pressure for the shoulder that's against the wheel. REMEMBER THIS-you aren't gIVing your money. You're lending it to the government (or a while. Aod you 're ma~ing the best investment in the world.
There's only one way you can say that ... hon· esdy say it. And that is to help' him 'win 110W .... when he needs au the help you can give him .
The onl, FertWaer ....., Ill.
'Wanen CouIIt,
$15,000,000,000 DOn~banking quota
~RD ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN Qattle,- bop,' lhe4lP ' and eat:NI to NorrIII-Brock 11'0_ DVe wire aM ~ve firm for t.be hllbelt ~tet prices and gOOd aen1oe. '
U,Dfon 8,took YudS, ClnC!~ O.
$ 5,000, $ 10,000, $100.000 nnd $ 1,000,000. Pcice: p ar and nccrucd irll cresr.
Other securilies: Seri es " C ' Savi ngs NotCll; %% CCr[ific.tcs o fJ ndcbt cJnes,; 2% Trc .. ury Bond. of 19 51·195 3 ; Un ited States Saving. Honds series "P"; Uniled Stntes Savings Dond. series "Go"
BACK THE ATTACK .. ~WITH WAR BO , Wa.yne~ ·lce Plant 'C ..lf, Service Station
l.~vely's Cafe
Coyle's:' Quality ·Meat. Smith's Meat Market' Wayne.ville Drug Sto;re Roger e &S~plon ~ragei A •. H. Sbibb~ Funeral Home,
United State. War Saving. Donds Series "B" ; give. you back $4 for every $3 when t he bond m~tures. Interest: 2.9% 8 year, corupounded--++------------8mr:---;~;:;;f'--rr:: semiannually, if hold to mnlUrity. Dcnominn· , tions: $25, $5 0 , $ 100. $500, $1,00 0, RedempMETHODIST CHURCH tion: AnydOlc 60 dpys ofter issue date. Price: Louis C. Radley, Pastor 75 % of maturi ty vo lue. . 2~% Treasury Donds of 1964· 1969; read· Church school 9 :30 a. m . ily marketable, acceptable as bnnk coll.teral. Worship service 10:30 a . m. Redee mable at 1'3r and actru et! in rcrest for Topic : "The Bible and Sin." ThIs Is tbe purpose of satisfyin g f ed eral estate taxeS. Dated September 15, 194 3: uue December the fourth sermon in the serles on 15,1969. Denomipati o ns: $500, $ 1,000 ,
-rune in on Radio SWOI4 WOKY, ,11:25 to 12:30 p. ni. for our. dallY martet repoI'ta. .
IfU cost you an.extra $100 Bond to·look him in the eye! Hrs AN AM.ERICAN SOLDIER.
MIss Lanora LOYei y, daUghter or Mr . an d !Mrs. James Lovely, r,o. celveu the f ollowing letter from .b er COUSin, Sgt. Robert Lovely, ~ecent1y. 'The acciden t referred to in the leter was th e crash or t.wo Fly1ng Fortresses in mid-air over the Gulf of Mexico about two weeks ago and in which the crew member or both planes perishea. The letter Is all follows: Hello, NOOa : Got your letter and pictures a few days ago but have been so busy lately that 1 didn't have time to .1l1swer right II.'W&'Y.[ guflllS you heard Jlbout our bad luck down here. Two of our planes crashed into the G~. They ran together Is midl air. My crew in one of the planes and all were killed . f lh ad a cold and couldn 't ulLtbALday .o:orLlT.-WwooU'lllCcl~·_-'-===~~ have been with them . It was the first flight I had missed in my, four mont hs or (]ying . I guess I'm the luckiest guy In the world, but it sure makes me feel bad to see the empty lleds where my crew 4lept. They were all like brothers to me. We ate Logethcr, new together, slept togeLher, . and run around together. The naVigator, cO;pllot and' me are the only ones left In our crew. We have a new 'Crew now. We will have to !forget the past and .thlnk Or the 1uLure. How is everybody getting along? ' O . K ., I hope . Well, I can't think of much to say, so write m~ &OIDe time.
Sohio Fairley Hardwa~e D. R. Smith Grocery Waynesville 'floral Co. Tp,xaco Service Station ·McClure.' Funeral H()~e The Wayne,sville N~tl. Bank aynea. Farmers Exchange
"The Bible for These Times." Youth Fellowship Wednesday !lVe. nlng at 7 :30. Young people of high school and Jr. high are invited .
A TIMELY REMINDER!I! CHECK YOUR FIRE INS UR A 'N C E POLICYII The cominlf of , cold weather mean a the atarting of heeline ' ayat~.~ and the danger of ~ is greatly ~cre• .ed. Make aure your Fire 'Insurance P~licie. .re ·in . "world.g order" too. ' " ~' Consult your .gent!.
' INSYRANCE AGENCY C. B. JeIWiDa, Pro.,. ~"I.dIa7 , .""",
wAuatlLUl, Oaro
Lo cal Ne ws
MJ: .
od Mrs . E .
m il It
rl' nONOR
.-.. _._ 1_... . _._0_____ _. .
nylon h osiery to the local collection DEATH OF INFANT spent Tuesd'l), 111 Sllringfie.ki. 'ON FUltLOUGJI MONDAY 'ntltrS sO th e.~e m ill" be collected by Funeral :;ervte; ;;!or the 1nfant YpU ARE INVIT ED TO Mrs. RaJph.A meS and son of Mr . and Mrs. J e '0 Thomu~ e11t" MP . nnd Mr;.-:E.- A . Earnha rt October 1 . son of Mr , and Mrs . CCQU Lamb ot Wllmin gton sjJCnt several d(lYs last te rtn.ln d to din n I' 'rue"" \Y -~\'Clllllg nt r talned on MOllldoy ATTE ND ,T HE C\'CJllng ill ARAlt FURNA TO TEACU ffil rveysburg, were held Sa.turdaY week willi Mr . and Mrs. n.. H, W . anll Mrl!. VlrgU R~el f Ldl- honor of their son, Pvt . Robcr·t . ni PHILA DELPW A afterno on at the stubbs Funera l Hartsoc k . anon and Mr . a nd Mrs . !io wll rd Enl'llhnr t. who has been static )llt'd 1Jl Home' with burial in Miami cemeMl;;scldln and dnulfhler. Ba I'I)(U'a . Alaska for t he pus.t few • • • monw . Mrs . Roberb DUke was the guest Miss Sara O. Furnas, dau&h ter of tery. • • • Pv ~ . Earnha rt will report at Fort of her aunts, Mrs. R . H. and Mrs . Mr. and Mr::. . Seth ~. Furnas, left G!ltutt~ M.r. and Ml' . Ken ne Lh Elzey and 'Lawto n, WBshtn gLoo, Qt~rist in a L~w days. J . D . Jackson in Tippeca noe City daughte r, Marjorie ml MISS Do Those who enjoyed the e\'etilng Satllrda,y for Phllade lphla where IIABOL D ANDERSON IN ARK. SUND A Y. SEPT. 26 on Tuooday . she has accepted 0. poSition as a thy Case, n!l of Dayton, wore Sun-. to '~thcr were : Mr. and Mrs . Kal'l teacher Harold S . .Anderso n, 50n of Mr . • • • at ' the Friends Select day school isilors il t the home of Mr . Babb of Xenia. J . M . Earnha rt Olld Mr . and Mrs . Mort Lang and Elzey's paren ts, Mr . a :ld Mr:; . WaL. in that Pennsy lvania met ropolis. and Mrs. Oharles Anderson, Is now !Mrs. Paulllle Lang were Sunday MOaNI NG' SERVICE fa mily of Beavert own, IMr . Ilnd Mrs. Miss Fum~ t.cr ElZey . gra·dua.ted from ohio loca:ted' ln Arkansa s. His addrCSi Is: dum r guests or Mr . a.nd Mrs. H . B. Earnha r t and 'Children, Mr . Statc Pvt. Harold S . Al1derson,. C Batry., lUllverslty In June. 11:00 'A, M. iWsl er ~isem.an and Iamlly . Henlj" & LLenhw Itt' retu rned a nd Mrl>, A. H . Earnha rt, Mr. 559th F . A. Bn., Camp Robinson , home Monday fro111 a vlsit to Wash . AlLan Earnha rt. l\ILl' . and Mrs . • • • 'WHY THE CHUR t.:H Of Arkans as. NDERG OES OPERATION q Mr . a.nd !Mrs. L . O. St. John had ington. D . C . at the 'horn!! of h is Lloyd Davis and SOIlS. Mrs . J osiah as their Saturda.y evening guests, son. CHRI ST SHOU LD HAVE Peck Sa tterthw ulte. Peck w Davis, Mr . ond M rs. Earl Earnha rt Mrs . Evelyn Eakin, proprle lor or YOUTH FELLOWSHIP Mr . add Mrs. Glenn Bland and ser'lolisly in jured . beveral w cks ago ttli'd son and. Mr . and Mrs . E. F .. Evelyn's Beauty IS ORGANIZED A REVIV AL THIS YEAR ' da ughter . Shoppc here, unwhen he fell from a ludd ' r whUe Earnha rt . • der""en t an opem Lion for ' tht' re:o • • • -~ - - .Mrs. Sadie Reason oJ Harvey s. pain ting his house . On Wednes day evening. Sep t. 15, l1lovn! of her appendi x Tu e~dny at SALVA GE PROGR Al\1 EVENIN G SERVIC E TO t.he Miami Valley hospita l. Her 22 youths of, high &lid jurllor b urg spent the week-en d with Mr . Mrs . Anna Ha rtsock and brother high END. ON SEPT. 30 l:ond1tlon ls n.od Mrs . P. L . Roosan . fair accordi ng lo the school age met a.t Lhe recreati on of Daylon . l\'er \'lsIUng In Wayn es8:00 O'()lock • • Is spendin rooms o! tile MetJlodlst CllUl'ch and Mrs. F. U . • LeMay T he Silk and Nylon H.osiery Sal- la tes t word from the hospita l. g ville Wcdncs dllY. ..".,11 sl i MR, F. G. H. COOK . misOrganized bhe Youth ".,..OW · l p. I t vage Program 'wlll be enrt'XI on ~c(!Ilure ~Ulteral several days with h er a unt , M!·s. Mr. and Mrs " J oe Penncw ltt and W /\RREN COUNTY nOME !Was decided to meet on Wedncsday sionar y from New York Sept. SO. Prob8lbly tIlls ac~ioll Is Lucy Lawrence, at Westerville, Ohlo. Miss Lucy Emley were dinner guests COUNCIL MEETI NG TODAY evenings a.t '1 :30' o'clock. Some of being taken beea use thc supply Is • • • City, will speak . the meeting s will be held In the Misses Jean and Jane Hartsoc k, of Mr . a nd Mrs . J oe Sa un de rs ' of decreas ing. The ' S· a lvage chair· ncar BellbrOOk. SWlday . The annual Fall meettng ot the homes ot members. The tollowin g Dial 2111 Wayn eaviU e )wbo bave begun their studies a L woman and her volunteer work~ rs of Miami Unlversiby, were Sunda; Warren Oounty Home Cou~cu Is officers were elected: Preside n t, Wa.rren coun ty appr'eciate the exFATAL ACCIDENT NEJut MAX W. RAND ALL. · guests of tllelr' parents, Mr. amI being held today in Memorl al Hall, DoUglas Hender son: commissloners, LEBANON WEDNESDAY cellent coopera tion t.hey have reM iniste r 'Mrs .. R. H. Hartsock. MJss Helen cclved from the women in this Lebano n. ElecLions of officers , 184l. R6yion crabbe, Ruth Helen LeMay, ~.;;============:J1C , HIsey. daughte r RlcnaTd Frank Sheeha Hlnysch 44 n, Joe program la, James; Jr .. of and "Norwoo secAcnlevemcnt Day d, coun ty . of Mr. (.Ind Mrs. Phone 2993 J . C . Hisey, has also enrolled at was killed in a freak auto aCCiden t During the last wee]{ of th is Cllm.. Iwlll be Iaken up in the afternoon's r etail» treasure r, Marilyn Burske. uhe univers ity . Aifter the business meetlng a proon Route 42, one mile south of Lt:b - palgn. every woman Is urged lo take business session . gram anon. of games pr~red by Joe Wednes • day. • • Edward B lcl"lch, her worn-out, discarded silk lind Dr. and Mrs. A . E . Stout lind driver James was enjoyed and l'efresll- ments conslstl ng ot Ice cream of the car in which Hlnyschla 'Dry th " Miami Cll\.l'.e tto Want Ails ' and daughte r were Sunday evenl;lg <lincookies were served . was riding,. said the accldP.nt ocner guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn CUlTed when the hood of the car Bland at Springb oro. In Iront ot them blew oU IlIld • • • ~. and Mrs. Howard Misse!cllne slamme d Into the wlndshl eld 01 their Mrs . Mat.t.le SlIllth ancl MI' . Carl and daugnte r, Barbara , were Sun.· car . He seld he applied the brakes SmlUl of Spring Valley, were guests but nis 'car skidded lOLa a c:m cr~te day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs . of Mrs. Anna Oglesbee F'tl<lay af- . 81bulllDent . Hlnysch la suffered a W:wt A,"" CanIs Tlumb and Ada~ Hoffma n in Da.yton. tcrnoon . ObltuariCs are chal'~ 'or at Use crecked neck a.nd died ' almost In, · • • • Mr. and Mrs . Obarles James abd ~ t.ant1y. Coroner H . M. WiWl\lll Mrs. E1'lIe Tl"lompSOn spent Sunl'aW of one cent a word, minimu m S, day with hcr t1rotlleJl·ln-law and charge 25c.. A Want Ad lmerted tor sons, Mrs . Robert Olark and Mr. said. Driver of the .other car WIl5 8u;tar, iMr . and Mrs . Oharles CoIthree times hi cbar,ed at !o • word. and Mrs. Max D. Hartsoc k were J ohn Jam ason , 23, of Xenia . Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Itcr of Harveys burg. 'fORI BALE - Watk1na ProductA I at Mrs. Lester James Mr. and Mrs. Ellott Wright and ' and family in TAX DELINQUENCY LOW 23 N. Broodway, Lebano n, ()pen Blanche ster. IN GREENE COUNTY IltUe son of Debrolt, Visited their evenings tor your oonvenJeDce. • • • aunt, -MIss Lydia. Wright, SIl.ndoy 'Real Estate tax delinqu ~ncy ·In Glen LIntner . Phone 83 L. Mr. and Mrs . Ohester Cutler of Greene county is afwl'lIo on . now at the low t NorwOOd were Sunday guesta of Mrs. IMargaret W ebb and Mrs. · pelot FOR SAL'E- Oomple te Une of Sta- Mrs . ' Bertie Mills slnce 1917 as 1\ resu lt of an . I I tlls tlonery <for sale at the G1uette Georgia Menden hall were In Xenia • • • "ex:cepLlop"l" col l ci on 1 yea r on office. Prl.ced from 200 to $3.00 . Tuesday morning and cal;p.d at Mr. and Mrs . Dan Aultma n and the 1942 charge, County T t'asurer MCClell an hosplta l to see Dr : and children of Xenia were Sunday eve- Har'old J , Fa-wccl t r epor ts. FOR SALE- Living suite, Mra. Ward. Dr. Ward, Who lias modern and in good conditio n . ning callers of Mr. and Mrs. Max ' ESOAPES FROM THE been seriously III ror the past seven Also circulat ing heater and other D . Hartsoc k . LEBANON Pit I ON FARM weeks, Is thought to be a. little bet• • • miscella neous articles . Milo Beal, ·M r. Dean. HaWke and Mr . Art ter . Wilmin gton, Sept. 22. - V rl,IOU at the former Lemmo ns Hatcher y, CalVert or COlumbus, spent Sumlay Alter a month's visit to r~latlvcs Sheley; 45 years old, forl ncl',y of .JWute' l3. 23 with Mr. Hawke' s paren ts, Mr. in Wilmington IUld BellCountalne, ' New Burllng toll, who was ol,vlcted Ilnd IMrs . O. Lee Hawke. Mrs. Evalyn O. Peterso n wlll ra · NO HlmTIN O POaTE RB-Fo r sale in Clinlon coun ty for the theft of • • tum to the Home this week . at Miami Gazette office, 6C each: , Mr . and Mrs . W . •E. poultry, wru; one of two 10 11 who Stroud were Mrs. ~ther Soubhgate and Miss . 6 for 25c . escaped from the Lebano amOng' the guCl;ts at a illrthda y n PrlScn Martha· Welch of· Morrow, called on , WANT ED--Rlders to Moraine City, dinner given by Mr . and Mrs . Eu- Farm last. night. Mrs. Georgia Menden hall l'U!!tiday NOW Somet hing is being, DONE about install ing · a Food Locke r Plant 4 :30 P. M . to 2:00 A. M. shirt . gene Whlte in honor of their daugh . FORl\lE R RESIDE NT INDUC'l'ED a.fiernoon .• for you. You'v e WANT ED a Food Locke r . . ter, Lois Jean, at their home in Inquire at Gazette office . . now you can geUtl Mason .on Sunday . Todd Edwin n;mTIas, eldest son of , VISITS HOME TOWN , ~OR SAlIlE- Whlte porcela4n table.. W e nre meetin g all govern m ent requir ement s to secure priorit • • • ies and we have Mrs . Clifford Crain and grand- MlrUlea polis, Mlnn.. former top kerosen e range. Mrs. Ei"n1!St A. 1M. Zell at Erie, Pa., native at resibeen assure d that, after rental r eserva tions are in, we will be Hartsoc k, . Wa.ynesville . Phone daughter. OathYI W,1mmers, of Mad- den ts he re, was Inducte d into the able to go ahead : Wa.ynesvllle, spent- a-'few-houl'lrllere 2915. 23 Isonville, are Visiting W. and Mrs. 'N a val Alr corps Sept . 7. HP. Is a Monday renewin g old friendsh ips. Ii yo u want a Locke r for rp.eats this winter , and fruits and Mack Davis. vegeta bles graduat next ' M e r. zell left Wa.ynesville in 1913 . of sumRooseve lt high scl1oo1 WANTE D TO 'B UY - AnY amount mer .. . our advice is to secur e yours NOW I • • • cil Minnea He polis Is In the Insuran ce busincss QIld In a cl~ of 426 . up to a bushel of red beets and Mrs. Carl Fry and ohlldren have He passed WM on his wa.y .trom ~uston, Texas his Army cXOil1llnatlons, eabbage . Mrs. P. J . Thomas , returne d from a. visit with l~latlves one of tbree out of a ' class Locke rs w.ill contai n appro ximat ely 6 ~ cu. ft. inside to ~1s home. Despite his long abo of 87. -; large enoug h for a Waynesville, Route 1. 10 Indiana . "Ted" Is La king nls Lralning at sence, Nr. zen still malnlal ns .a qu'art er of beef and consid erable fruita, vegeta bles, etc. • • • FOR SALE - Ladles COOt, wine great interest in his home town. Mr . and Mrs . O . B . Marlatl were Oorpus Ohristie, Texas. HIs address colored, fur trimme d, practica lly lWeekl end guests of their son, Mr . Is: S2-o V5 U . S . N. R ., Recruit Both Dra"v- er and -Door- Type 'Locke rs contai n the same cubic ar~a. Drawe rnew. Price reasOnable . Can 2844. Albert Marlatt and wile of Midway . Division . Compa y 21, U . S. ~ . A.type is more conve nient. WaynesvUle. Te, Corpus Ohrlstie, Texas. 23 NOTICE • • • CARL A&\EC BEBu ' Attorne y 1Mr . and Mrs . Howard MlSseldine iFOR SALE-- ;Fryers. Ed<wI.n Michen - had as their Saturda '.,lMeata , Vel~etables. Fruits , F b h and Game' may all y eVening WARREN COUNTY HONOR be put togeth er ,in the . and CoqnseUor, anuoun ces t.1!e . er , Weynesv1lle Route 2. Phone guests Mr . and Mrs . Sherma n Rosame locker . ROLL HAS 1200 NAMES remova l 01 b.Ia WayneeviIJe office 2926. 30· ,berta, Sgt. Glenn Hopkin s and Mr . to &he rear ~ t.be MUdl.. , ocCuThe new hono.r roll _ for FOR B.A!LE- -Mag1c Ohet Range, di- and Mrs. Jess Thomas . Provis ions will be made for comp lete proces sing pied . by &be FalrIeJ Hardware of all foods at nomin al county opposite the town hall, Lebvided top, like new. Equipped with Compan y. , pric es.p prov ed by the War Food Admin istrati anon, on. has ou t.g ro~ Its original tRealgas (~). Priced to sell. WayntlS ylUe Office Bol1l'ii 000..- - · - - - - - - -...-..- ,space. o.l11'lcla.l.s of the Americ an E. L. Weaver , .12* iN . West st., Plant will be open at regula r shop pinll hours. or Legion post, sponsor ing tllc project, othe... ·hours to meet the Xenia, Ohio . 30 W.~C?""lU!. Phone Uti needs of plant patron s. announ ce . FOR SALE - Hot Blast Heating J.ebanon otflce- -U N. Broadw a,. The board bas IlIpproxlmately 1" Stove. Reason able. Waynesville Pbone Z9! Renta ls do not start until the day the plant is open 200 names already placed upon it for operat iQn. Insumn ce Agency , Rogers and with nearly 700 more lo be added. The follow ing servic es will Simpso n Garage . Phone ?661 . availa ble at alight extra charg e: The board, designe d by Oharles E . ---------~--------~-----. Kunker of Slaug the Legion, hterin was g. , • Butch ering ••• Curin g of Meab ••• Rende r'') set up F10R SALE- About· 400 bushels of that addltlon s could be made withear corn. Ernest Evans, Lebano n. in g: • •• Blanc hing (pre.c ookin g) ••• Shelli ng Green EYES EXAM INED Peas and out losing the origina l design . iPnone 305K. 30 Lima lIeans . Variou s types of contai ners Efforts are belng made to learn if will be on hand for DID YOU 1Q{OW 1&AT WBJIlN FOR SALE--1938 Nash Coupe, exGLAS SES FITIE D the name!> of all s ~ rvlcemen in the storin g' foods. IN 'NEED OF 'IPIAINTS, .yARoNcellen t condition, good tires . Also COWlty have been obtaine d . I I8l&I, ~m) VVAloL llmall size electric wasner. W . PAIPER , ETO., 'YOU .CAt{ GET SERIAL NUl\IDE RS OF SOLDIE JlJdgar SmlLh . Phone 2151 . RS BWI'E R QUM.4 TY PnR .Ll!SS When the first n t: mbcr of a sol · ~R SAILE- 3 Yr. Old Shropsh ire FftOM· ~? dler's serial number ls el Lher 1 . :J 0 .' Rani from register ed stock. Phone SPECIA L ~ MURA L TONE 3. the 1 stands (or ellUs tment, 2 i nWaynesvlUe 29111. WALL I'!.UNT, a caaeln paln' IB 'I dicates a membe r of tl'le State Nn · JIIU!te Interior .18'faees FOR SADE---Poroelatn top Kitchen tlonal Guard and 3 mea ns inliucted aliI! wau paper - _ Gallon. .Cabine t in eXcellent conditio n. under the Selective Service Act . "When PIddng Paint, PiCk Inquire M.Il;s Opal Lewis, Waynes The second of the ser in! number s i. nESE RVAT IONS MAY BE MADE AT KLEC , KNER 'S CONF ECTIO NERY , ' 22 ~" ville, evening s. indicate s tile number Qof tile Service H MAIN STRE ET. 26 S. Detro it Street CENTE ~VILL E. PLAN S Comma nd. Thus, Il ~he first tW O THE PLAN T ARE :ON IFOR SAl.JE-30 bUllhels of DISPL AY FOR YOU TO SEE,. letters of a serial munber were 37. cleaned seed wheat . Lawren ce Wayne mue , \~ 1112 XENI ". OHIO the man tn question would be a · " Whlte. Phone WMDesvllle 2822 . selectee 1n the Seventh Service .\ .~~..-.. ~~ t~ Comma nd ~. .~ ~ve Burner Kerosen e
.. .
We QHe r
~Ute _uwus&iUe
Satis facto ry
Serv ices
·. .
At All
Time s
·.. ·..
----- --- -
Frozen Food L o c k e r P la n t
G om in g To Ce nt er vi lle !
Bu ild ing Has .e en Secured! Pl an s have,been Pr ep ar ed l
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
Door-type Locker-s
. Optometric Eye Specialist
-Drawer-type Locker
.orm .or
-----------I1111------I1!1-----.. . .......
~. lit;ove, side overi,' :Also 30qO stove gOOd board condltlm 1. II~ Mrs. R. ill" Kler at junction of Route '13
!!II!• •
and Lytle rc;>nd.
PVt. Ha.rold L'. Smlth retulne d on Polk.. La., after H-dq furloug h here hili de UMI parenla, Mr. and
SUnda1 to . ClIlq)
1P""iS',. ..
C AS H '
FOR SALE - BerkShire Hog, about iIlx mon ths old . Can be register ed . Do~d Watkins . WayneavUle R :' On lloute 73.
PHON E 326
N()~DEtAYl .. "'
Sand.&:·Gr·avel TARva~ '
Any ma ke or' 'm ode l 'FreA -Ka hti- Mo tor Car Co.
Paul C. Pick ing
R1W>Y lux OOROR.E'J'B .
P • .0. BOX 231
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To Vote On Levies Here In November
Band Mothers To SponSor Dances
Read ts of Waynesville . will vote on two peclal tax levies and those 01 W~ne Rural school district on one at the general election to be held Tuesday, Nov. 2. . IA two and one-hal! mill IAvy extending over a pertod of five years is needed In Wa.ynesville to continue Vital services such as trash collection, street clean!ng, etc. The Covy has been In effect but expires thls year . The tax amounts to ~5C . for each on~ hundred dollars ot valuation. A three mill levy is proposed ior Wa yne Rural school dist.r1ct to ~eet current expenses. It also will run {or tive years and o.mount to thirty cents for etWh one hundred dollars valuation.
Local Soldiel' Is Married In Ma.s. The following artlcle appeared in the Dally Hampshire Gazette. of Northampton, Mass., on September 7t "At a ceremom- held In the home of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Boudo of 345 Prospect street, Mls.s Elizabeth Boudo WIIB married 8aturday evemng to Pfc.' Robert L . Britain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter IH. Britain 0( Wa.ynesville, Ohio. Rev. PaUl T. MoOlurkln, pastor of Edwards Congregational church, . performed the service. ''.Ml.s.'! AnnettA! Q.rdlnal Of this city was maid of honor and OPI. Orvis Q . Fuller of North Dakota. was !best- man. The bride WOfl!! a w,htte CI'cp.c de ,chine gown with a' gardenIa. corsage and crown to match. M1ss Cardinal was attired in flowered taffeta with a coronet and corsage ot wlld r~ and 8tep, hanotls . ''MlsB Baudo waa bom In thL9 cIty and a.ttended the local schools. The bridegroom, a native 01 Wa.vneay.1lle, Is stationed at Gro~n, Ct."
r. .
There will be a meeting of the Band Mothers club at the high ",chool next Tuesday, October 5, at 8:00 p. m. The Band Mothers are behind the (lew dance band which has been started. The band Is in rehear6al now aDd .will be ready to "swing out' in the not too dlstAult luture. All soon as bhe band 1s readY, it 111 planned to start a ser1e.s 01 dliuCP,lI r.o be held at. the high school. The proceeds ot these dances wl'l go to we Band Uniform. fund. Samples . from several unlIorm companies w111 be allawn at the Oct<lber 6 meeting. Plana for the com· U. band concert .,,111 be ~u.ssed. Th1s 'WUl be the final JDel!tIng be. fore the concert and all members ~ tho8e interested in beco~ members Should be present. This Is a n important meeting I
WayaeaviUe wlU murn to War Tim e · !!IUDday mo~ _, 2:00 .. m, In CODformAt, with _ resolaUoa puee4 bJ &be vUJace councU at _ meetOD lune L Other nearb, placew, InDludlna' DaYton, w1U revert to <:eD&ral War Tim e 8undaJ momln&'. CIDclnnatl cbanrecl to ''slow t.lmc" lui weU-elfol. Cen&ral
Local Hatchery Wins National Laying Contest Dunham's Hatchery of Waynesville and Lebanon, has won .the nationa~ egg-laying c.hlmlplonshlp, It bas been revealed with word 1rom Storrs, Conn" that ii,s pen of P White Rooks produced 3,142 eggs IWith a total of 3,296 points in a period of 51 weeks. The mark was wlthl.n 60 points of t'he all - time world's White Rock record, 'l1he local halx:hery Is located on the Waynesville - Ridgeville road near here, Earl Dunham, operator of the hatchery, who started raising chlC~ 13 years ago as a. hobby, announced t.he sale of this pen to a Missouri hatchery' at a price at $750 Ior the 13 birds, Thls hlitchery has purchased these reco~-breaking p ens for use in their breeding prosram, The second a.nd fourth illgh White iRocIt pens also haU trom Dunham's Breeding Farm a.t Waynesville, '~ makes a record of having first, second and fth hig~t pens out of better than 100 pens enttred in all 'U , S . contests and Is believed to be the most outstanding superior showmg ever made by one breOOer.
Sunday School At St Mary's .C hurch
LINE Up · BROTHER I --.-------.----~-
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Church Of Christ Broadcasts S,:,nday
. . . . n ... . , . . . .
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Wayne ·T wp's. Quota In Bond Drive Still Shon EnterLlllg bhe final three de.ys of Lhe Third War Loon. campalgD, Wayne township n eeds 425,150.25 to , each Its Il.'!:9!b'1led. quota of $106,000, according to Ross. H. Hartsock. ' . hnlnnan. Wednesde.y evening sal.1!s d Id reached $80,849.75 and witb j ut three days remaining Mr. H9.rtllck Is urging workers to supreme , [forts in order that this 'I(lcallty ' illy reach . Its assigned quota. Two bondadlers, RObert Lamb • .nd Mrs. K. R . ,Hill have together \lId over · $33,000.00 '!V0r~h of bonda ince the drive started, more than third of the total sold up to Wedesday evening .
Local News
Mrs . Henry Hudson and son have "tW'llAld to their home In Oo1umbUB (ter ,being called here on account World-Wide Comnll'.lIlon Sunilay r the Uiness 01 her mo~el'. Mrs. This Sunday the Methodis L ,harles ZImmerman. chlll'l$ will Join with others • • • throughout the world In thr. annual Mr. and Mrs. W . E. Stroud were observance of Worl<l:·Wide Com- ,inner gu8.\its Sunday of th~ ClarImunion Sunday. The P\1l1.>O$'! Is to ;nce Stroud famlly. • Afternoon strengthen the bond of Christian uests were Mrs . IrIs Vice of Day. To the Peop'. broth erhOOd and to strengthen t he ~on, and Mrs. Ruth Williamson of of this Community: spIri tual forces ~ our llI"Uoo. . ;e!lbrook . A specllll offering will be taken ARE YOU REALLY AT WABt Pvt. Richard I, campbeU of which wlll go tq help our boys in What does being at war mean 10 you? Less gasoline for your the service a nd aid the ·s tarvlng Camp Gront. lll .. spent the ' weekauto? Less sugar in your coftee? populations of the world. The pas- nd here at Ute home of hla parenta. Higher prlcell for your food and • • • tor ",Ill preach on "The Bible and clothes ? Separation from your H. A, "Hap" ~ohier, a former Redemption," the fifth in the serIes, husband? ..,mploye of The Miami Gazette, who 'The Bible for These TJ.mes:" Sure, it has I ow lives In Dayton, was hex-e Monmeant all County Brotberboo~ thoBe thing., Monday evening, the Warren .ay, !.aka his blood teat . lome serloue • • • County Methodist BrotherhOOd wlll and some really trivial for a pelFIlty Ohristmaa cards with name meet' a t the local church. The. riod when 'your actual safety 11 unprinled for $1.00. AlIio box carda .' Brotherhood supper will be served at stake. .md wrapping '(laper . Emma . But hal tbe war meant by the ladies of tpe church at '1 :00 cw.per. BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS p . m. Following' the supper there • • • to you? In many Instances YES. wll1' be a progrrun of music, rOUlldMr. and Mrs. Joe Yenger of Da)'The first stage of invasion hal twble discussIons, etc. All moJn are .on, were week-end guests of Mr. aiready pushed ow:. casualtle. Invited to enjoy this with us. over the 100.000 mark. md Mrs. Robert Wemtz. Rally Day The gold stars which decorate • • thousands of our homel toda, BundO:y, Oct. 10, will be observed Mr . and Mra . RoIlS H. Hartsock. are a challenge to the vast rna· as Rally DRy and Q cordial Invl~. :4rs. W1lt~m Har~It, Ml.sses l4ar~ jorlty of us to do our best in the tlon Is extended to aU to com ~ and .ha Deatherage, Marion Brown IUJd Third War Loan. No good Amer. hear Prot. Wade Mlller, p~ioolpal ~ry Jean Thompson viSited YiII8e8 lean wants to see one more gold of the Middletown high school, who iea.n and Jane Hartsoc;lt at Oxtord slar added to the firmament of glory. We educale o!U' youth for will bring the Rally Day message. life, not for death. If they die, Scholars will be nr"m,~t~n-Ir\~~I----~====~.~~ . ~.--~~--~_~c~~~~~. they die so that we might live. cllWScs and the Junior choir wlll .Mrs. William 8trader and infant Every extra War Bond you buy furn~ special music. ,on, WlWam, ' Jr :, a,rrived home on today will back the invasion so ';:;aturday morning from McClellan . that the war will .be ehortened .1ospltal. The ·m aternal iP'arid~ and so that there wlll be le88 FAMILY D~NER HONORS ' blood. sweat and tears tor you SAILOR ON FURLOUGH mother, Mrs. A. D. Uutham of ~ and your friends. Salem, W. Va ., Is spending several THE EDITOR Mr, and Mrs. F .' U. LeMay en,· JIloYs wi t.h Mr. and Mm. Strader tertalm;d wlt.h It family dinner on nd son. 8\mday In honor of bhelr son, WarFor thc .new Fall S~yles in Puhren LeMay S ~-C , of G reat Lakes Nava.ITralnlng school who Is en.· on Frocks see Emma L. Raper. joying a ten-day leave. Those, In 1Mr. and Mrs. H. B. ~ 'Dwo Waynesville youths' wp.re addition to the honor gu~st, present and children and Mr. and lira. " among registrants who were Lnduct- were : Mr. and Mrs. Wm . Shrader Earl Earnhart and son were 8und&7 ed Into the anned forces Monday, of High AcreS, .Lebanon, Mra . evening dinner gu~sts ot Mr : ~ September 20 by Warren County Frank lLeM.ay, Jr., of Dayton, Miss Mrs. A. H. Earnhart. Mr. and :Qog.rd No. 2 at Lebanon. They arc: Helen HiseY and Mr. and Mrs . Mrs. Milton Sheehe.I} of Centerville Thomas Hardin, by the Navy and Oharles LeMay nnd children. afternoon j1Iests. Ralph Biggs; Jr. , by the Army. • • • IIIROTIlERS LEAVE FOR Others BCCel?ted at the same Ume THE ARMED SERVICES Mr. Lloyd l:)a,vls spe~t the weelt~ 'Were SkYler Blevins, Jr., of Morrow, end wIth his son, Lt . Cecu M. Daby the Al'm¥ and WilHam Ly.t1e, or Ronald and Thomas Lansing VIS, at Greenville , Pa. Pleasant Plain. by the NavY. Hardin, son of MI' . and Mrs . T. B. • • • Hardin. left over ' the week-ena to Mrs, M. A. Fulkerson, daughter, enter t'he a.nned services. Ronald Zana 'Mae, and Mr, T. W. VanPelt entered the aIr corps a.nd IS sta- have returned Softer spencling a 'few tioned at J efJerson Barracks, Mo . d&yS with · Mrs. Fulkerson', sister 1Auu;ing en tered tbe Na.Y)' and is and brothell·in-laW, Mr. and Mrs. The New Century club held Its stationed at Great Lak.es Naval H. H, Harper of Culver, Ind , • • • 1lrs~ meeting of the new season TraInIng Station at Great Lakes, Mr. end MnI. · Lewis Fl.t'es and !Friday, Sept. 24, at the home of Dllnols. daughter, Irma, attended a birthMrs . Kimneth Hough with Mrs . Their remaining son, Tressler. day dinner on .8und!'Y at the Mme . !Harold B. Earn'h art a.s hostess. ll&9 been stationed in Afrlca for of Mr: and Mrs ~ RaYJllOnd Stomps The group sang, "America, the sev~ral months, in MiamJaburg..·· . Beautiful." Mrs . Margaret Webb , told of her girlhood experiences in Mr. and Mrs. Harold Van 'Pelt ot HOME ON FURLOUGH Oanada and Showed views of the Spring Valley were .surida.y diJmer Pvt. Gerald Coyle of Gowen Fldd , guests of Mr, and Mrs., M. A, scenes in which these experiences took place., Mrs. Raymond Conner lBoise, Idaho, Is enjoying a 15·qay Fulkerson. read a paper that Mrs. Georgia IfUrlough here with his parents, Mr . Lovely gUt peckagea of Avon [Mendenhall had prepared entlUed, and Mrs. Earl Coyle. for .sale by Emma Raper. ''Our National Herbarum." She told 'Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert 'F rye and 01 the many specimens to be found Mrs. EloiBe lAJl8 or O1nolnnaU, SOIns wcre Sunday evening supper there, bheli uaetu1ness, and or the gU~8ts or IMr , and Mrs . Earl Earn- spent the , p!!Bt week' wlth Mrs. J. dlftlcUltles enoountered. In securing E. MOOlure. qui. them. i' • • . : Mrs. Morris Fulkerson slIini, "The Mrs . . Edwin Ramby and Mrs . DEA'fII OF ·FoBMD· MA\.ple Leat Forever." Earl Conner and Infant son were LEBANON "8OIIOOL TBAcIlBB ___ _ DelicIous refreshments 'Were . serv- rrhursday Dayton visitors . •. . , . lf1lmera:l ~ for ~. JeanetM ed during the SOCial hour. Guests Mr . and Mrs . L. C. st. John ~eis, '29, who dJed'I'ueeda7 nlCb& at bhe hOlltess included .Mfs. , L. C. were SUnday guests or 'M r. and Mrs. at Blalr Brothers h~ In LebRadley. Mrs. Charles Dlls. Mrs. John S~ttletJ.1Yfe near Lebat,lon. anon, will be conducteb Prs.y at . ~ IWWard Anderson, Mrs. Erne.~t N:1ss Irene Terry of Ooluml)us was :I p. m. at :tbe 0Irnld fUneral home Harlan" 1MriI. MaJ:flla Houg~ Mrs . the guedt, at Mta8 Grace M. lIoCkett there. lMrs. Allen Em- over the wes-end. Viola Harlan ~. Browers, the widow of Am~ • • • ~ BaiwenI, wu a. (ormer . . . . rk.k. .lAn inv1taUon hal been received teacher. She sa,utYlYed tir .., The ' next meetincr w1l1 be held here by thtfPut·Matrons and Pa- ~ Kn. Belen O. '1IOaIaM '" Ootober 22 at tile home of Mrs. B . troDa of 'MIuDl Cllapter. to attend X...... UI4 aDa. AliDa __ .. L. '1'bcDIU and the. subject. for dis;- be repJar meet1n&,. of their UIao1: ~ "au be
----- ' ... ~ '"
Activities At Local Methodist Church'
m. '
The annual InspccLlol1 of Fal111C1's urange No . 13 wUl bl! made by \.,o umy DepuLy Deilol" War ey, l>~ bIDn lng at 9:00 p. m . Sa LurdllY eveni.ng at the hall. ALter Lhe meeUng the following j,rogram will be given: TrumpeL Solo-"Blue Bells of ::;cot.land1- Dorls Fires . 'Play- "A New Dress For School" --charac Lers, Mrs . Green, Mrs . J. 'I J. JO l1e.~. Mr. G reen , MI' . J . B . ,-,"I'abbe, Ella Brook, Eileen Brown, Ja ll~ Brook.>, B et~y Thomas, Allen Brooks and Mllton Jones . Talk - ':Report of the Nation al COop alwe Milk Producers Ass'n !Mce llt~~ ," given by Haney Burnet. Trumpet SOlo-"A Perfect Dny "~I()ris Fires. 'Everyone, is Invited to a.tl.end the
'" Mum. t){,OLDER . . egt. Warren 000It 0( 08mp K1I:. Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Pine Ilnd The enbire commwllty is fed mar,. New' Jeney, was the wet'k-end family entertainer to a six o'clock guest ot Mrs. 00«* and 0( h1a ' pa- dinner SWldaY' evening In honor of to Usten to the hal! hour broadcast u. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE rents, Mr. and Mrs, Amls Cook, PIG. John Broun of Jackson, MIss. of the morning Ra.llli D:ty services of the Waynesville 011'1:. - b of Ohrlst. PLACES I,IM .IN ~UGUST Mis& Janet Doster, Mr. and Mrs. Those present were the guest of The program, one Ill,! f hou r "In Don Badley and daUCbter were e180 honor, 1Mr. and Mrs. We.lter Brown !Pla.cementos made by the United length, will be broa.dCE'< .:IV!!!' WHIO 8unday dinner guea~ of Mr. and and two daughters, Helen and Dorstates Dnployment Service tor the diytolt, from 1 :30 to 2:00, E .S .T . , ot.by of Franklin and"Mr . and Mrs . Ham1lton Area and Warren county Mrs. Amos 01.><*. 8unday, ~r 3rd . -:-'--~............:..Reid Brown and two Sf)nB, Larry and total l,~ for the month of Auguat. IN COMMUNICATION DEPT. All who can are invit ed to a.ttend Garry q! SOCial RoW Rood, Mr . I These placements include 882 male the services on . Sunday mO~nlng, Fort Knox, KY .-(8cl.) .-Intent Richard Brown and Mr. ,R oger Atworkers and 522 female ,w orkers . ot Rally Day. a.t the church. The upon mastering the . mysterlea of kinson, evening callers. ~ total placements, 20 wer! vetbroadcast program will ' be transoperating a radio ~t from rumb· 1s being planned. Ea<:Jl famlly is erans and 9 were ha dlcapp?d. cribed at that time to ,be put on the PlacemenU! by occu ·pa tional ling, rolllng tanka and half racks, a the Pine 'fnmUy before entering the air in the af·tA!rnoo~. ,All who attend grouping 'We~ as follows: Profes- new c\&ss at enllated men had re- anDY' last NOVember .. He spent the W1ll have the advanl;age of both 8ional and managerial, 3; clerical ported today to the Annored School weell/-end with home folks. leaving 'seelng and hearing tlne prQg"am as and sal~, 43; serVice, 2'1; sItllled; 58; ~un1catl9n Dept . , upon orders for JacIc.son early iM.onda~ ljlornlI!g. It Is transcribed andl .then goln'g sam. sk1l1ed, 1117: unaltWed and of N&j. Qen. Alvan 0, atllem, Jr., BBCEPTION FOR TEACHERS home and 11stening, to It as it is others, 1,1166, About 9B per cent of chief 0( the Armored Oommend. AT MOTBEBS CLUB MEETING broadCast. Among the soJdier studenta were these placementa were in war induaThe Mothers clUb will paId theiz.: ·The attendance goal for Rally IPfc. Tbomas W. Thomp&01l, son tries. . I or Mr. a.Ucl Mrs. Walter Thom"""n, _ ..... ~ tobe I t th Day is 200 . Max Ralldall, mlnJster, ..... __..lIe, Oblo, ....-. ._....... Oc r meet Dg a e feels that with the fine ' progrnm ~ HOSPITAL ot "_.. _~.... High School audlt'orium on Thurs . ' the ohurch has to offer, all who a tMr . and Mrs . A. ·H. Earnhart The 8chool traine annually the day night, October '1, at 8.:30. ThL~ tend-wU) defln1tA!ly enjoy> the servreceived a call on Saturday from tbouamd.s at ·ortk:ers and ea.llt!ted meeting will be a reception fOf all .lees. The program will c:onsiBt of Murl their lion, 8taf1f Berge&nt LI' iMarr' officers and en11sted ~1c1ans for teQcbers a.nd an interestIng program lEJamhart, who was 'in the receIving 1I1e divlslona and aepara~ tank ba.t Is being planned. Each amUy Is Nolder and . his Hammond organ, special talent from 'the Clncl.n.naU hospital at San Franclsco attn taI1On8 tbat make up the . mobile, requested to bring cookies". serving overseas ior 'the past &'!veral power(ul Armored Command. Com· VISIT AT HOME OF Bl¥e Seminary. the sermon- by Mr . months. mandmimt d. the sChool Is ~rlg. . FOaMER SUPERINTENDENT Randall, and the baU hour brOll.dHe stated that tie was be,... ..... re- Gen. J. IA. HoU,y. The Communlt , I cas. moved to the Jiannon General bois- cations Department Is one of e ght Mrs. H. K . Dye; Mrs. Lillian or defInite 1mportance to the dny pltal at Longview, Texaa. No deta.1ls 10 the·8ClhOo1. Crane, MnI . A. E. Stout, Mrs. D . Is the Ume change. On this sunday Q9 to his Injuries or conditIon were .ENJOY BAMBVBGEB FRY R. &nltb, Mrs. John Turner, Mrs. 'We change from 8t.ster,n War TIme ___ K. R. Hill and Mrs. WlUred to 8t.stern standard Time. The given. Last Wedneeday eVen!n8 - ,roup Squires 'were Prlday evening guests lBible school begins Ilt 9:30 A. M . BlBTB OF SON enjoyed blmblll1rer fry and picnic lit the home of Mr. and Mrs; L. i!lastern Standard tlnle. On SundAy the ~ Park ",t Cold A. Garst, near Dayton. lMr. Garst evenin8: an e:lOCCptioliai service is Mr. and Mrs . .Walter Johnson Cold Sprinp ~vern. lit the former superintendent ot planned with Murl Nolder Dlaying a of Water street are annunclng the The tfl'OUp included: RAlv. and 'W&ynesvUte schools. short concert on the Hammond orbirth of a son, bOrn TUesday mornMrs,.J. P. ThOrnbury and PorowY, SEWING CLUB MEETS gan. He w1ll begin Jl~ylng at '1 :40 ing, September 28. Mr, and Mrs. T. W. Welcb and AT McCLURE HOME E.B.T. BIRTHDAY DINNEB Paul of Harv8J'llbW'l, 1IIl'. and Mrs. ___ Of importa.nce for the community ..... - V01un teer f or Victory c1ub to remember It the reason 'for this Mr. and Mrs, Howard Bradeen Oectl P. UDkoua d. Lrbanon and · 'UC gave a b1I'thda¥ dinner Septemi,er Mr. and llra. J6mea ~ury met at tile home 0( , Mrs. J. E. extra eUort and .plallnIng. Monday 28 in .honor of Mrs. Ida lAwson or and 'I'oIDIDJ 'of iWayueav11le. . MoOlure on ThursdaY' for the regl' evl!Il1ng, Oct . • , the trall evangellstic Covington, Ky" . ~ present were lOINS SORORITY ular eV!l111n8 of aew1ng and working meeting begtns. 'l'h1I;, IWiil be by far . ...~ and ' ........ ...- . on meet'Mrs. Ida Le.W!IOn, .... --,-. " avments for refugee Wants. the -lest ... .. ~ the Ob\U'Ch of Leonard Tln.ney. MnI. 'MarI!e ~ PreIItoIl, .Par BWa Parm, '1boee preaent were: ' iMr: Eloise 0hrIat haa evel!..attellnl>ted. Dr. and SChank and daughter, oarlyil. ,", sa ODe d. 1• .womten atu4ent,s en- lAnI ,Dl ,Cincinnati and M«:sdames lMrs. B. 8 . llo.p'pmfro~ Bedford. ~ ' UDlV8r8itcr. Oran~ K. R. BUl t Leo ,~Conner, W111lam Ind.!, will be the e'V8tl1e1i1rlB and DINNER HON~R8 NBWl3WBDS' to b8'PJedpd·t.9 natldhal aOi'~ s..~, lfoward Mlsseldine, '. C~l Mr. Nadel' will play,tneorpn .. The Mr. and Mrs7iimer lAmb laVl! Orttle. ~~; She Ii ·affUJated ~ ~ ~n, Charles community is invitA!d to CI\Ch ' of a dinner Sunday 'for Mr. aud lira. Wltb ~ Kappa .Oaiuma. Van Orer, Welter Prasure, Robert bhese aervlcils. __ ......... . . . _ ~D""'O " Gra.Y, J. H. 'Ba$ett, Welde Turner. . -~--Henry Moor WbO were ....... ..- reAa a . . . .,.....- .... . • . . FORMER LEBANON centdy, There were 80 guests ...... . ~. U. LeIIa,.Y, Thelma Elzey, ~P.d " HAasIlAl.i~.PA8, SE8 AW u AY d"-'" lira. 4JoaIab, Da~· IIt • .and ,Mrs. BooIr. ~lee BWa·aDd MisS vlr~t. to· an .-... A. B. IDambart, 111' • .Al~ Bam- ~. BJukbuin. . --- . happy martIed ute. ' ........ '''_. TJlwid _ _ .... _ ..... "";".. ServiCeS for·· GTaJlt; Shater, '10, "tired marablal rll.' Letil8non were con, ODL OFFICBB VISITING . . . . aa.....uDeaad Maamll!'ari.li· "BN'la.TAlJifS BlUDGI] ~IJB" ,dUDted Wednesday at the Oswald ~ . ~ 1Il'. aDd JIll. Drl JIarnbaIi. un. .lobo Kerley entertained the lunet'a1 ~. ablller Cited late Becond Lle\iteDa.nt Sue1la Bar- lin. J ••. . ~ 111'. Paul BtoteI '1Ir!dIe CJlj) on 'ftllnd9 nJPt With 8UIlday. nard e'f t.be_l"W'II!I AIr OoJP...-JI!aa .... Mr. and~ .•••• I!ambat" W1Uard KeraeJ 8lcI lira. I,t.O)' survtvOl'l ·ue the widow, been enJ~ a ~ turloNb aMiDded tile ftI7 loveJ.1 ~ JIlII. .., 8\HIIt.. ~. tllbJes 1IIr8 In twO 110M, ptc. &bater and .nth bGme . . . belen. belli. taus- JIIa1IrIrwI - weddIIIe at tile· JIetbo.. . . , tIbe neaIIW, Don DIll Sbater; dauabters, fern4 frOID lIUI'MIII, . . . . . . . . ., ZIDta .. . . . . ....,.. .GaD lIaWa and Ballel ad lira. • ~ ad ' 4. · DrMe _ _•
, ;
, Tbe winter sess10n or' the ~day SEBViCES FBlDAY FOB . echool Of st. Mary 's Episcopal MRS, MYRON IlEHMlNGSON churdh will open on Sunday mornPuneral services will be held Pri- lhg. October 3, 'at 9:45 8 . m . AU old day In Lebanon <for Mrs. Myron pUpUs are urged to attend, and allY Hemmlnson (Doris Wllkerson) whc! young people who would like to ali· died at her home in Washlngton D. te~ tbe 8unda.y school are .nvited O. to be present and enroll at Iih1s opMrs. Hemmingson 'Was well ening session. Transporation will be known in this vicinIty. She _was a prOVided where possible tor children daughter of Mr. Albert Wllkerson, llving out ot the v1llage. a brother of Mrs .•Lester Gordon. [Morning prlWer and sermon w1l1 Burial will be in Lemnon ceme· be held at 11 :00 a. tA!ry • . DINNER ~ HONOR OF HOMB OVER ,WEEK-END Pri. JOHN BROUN SUNDAY
Grange Inspection Saturday Evening
Two Waynesville Men Are Indu'c ted
New Century Club Meets Sept. 24
·.. •
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WlU 1:Mt 1tJIeIdcO."
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Gtbe jliami @a?ette Waynesville. Ohio
From ,A Farm Diary--Dry Ridge ~
Sept, 17, 1943 . No f'l'OIlt yet. We IWere ad'rald that. Ulere mLght be a . . . . . . Aa eeOcma 0lUI II&ll Natter " at PoIItoff1ce. wayneiIV1l1e.~ ,freeze last, night but· the clouds 'merclCully crune up and covered us Walter W. Wiseman, Editor and Publisher and today we have another day o( good weather. We need rain but , ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY wh the weather 15 a.s good as this ~ PI1ce, '1.50 ~ Year, Payable j.D Advance we cannot oomplaLn . Yesterday we SQId the two calves and got Just 8il)out what we would hav got a month ago, so all the feed that wen Into them was wasted. I knew It Ne.tlon8J. NeWSJlQper 1Week. Is to by American newspapers was m cre- 'would be that way but we, had troube ob6erVed this year during the atlng and holding public. mOlllle. ble gettlng any one to haul them. week 'or Oc~ 1 to 8 . Tolle rollow- Dly by day, ,week by week, through- [ hope we can get our trailer fixed iog editorIal by Wright A. Patterson out the year, editors have promoted so tbat we can do our own short tn The Publisher's Auxiliary outlines not aJone the ~eed of tangible , ha\lls. Toda.y Daisy has acted lUte the aCcomPlishments of the Amer!". things but with those. truth In the orazy, The other heifer b~haved can newspapers during th1s war- American cause and the assurance sel13lbly but DaisY bawled and went ttme' period !or the good of our or eventuai vlct.ory, The' unUonn round and round the barn . She country: support or that cause and the unl- wouldn't go In to b e mllked and The passing or another year, ,form assurance or vlctory have When I did PUt her In the barn she bWelve montl:J.o; of the stress, the made aU other thlngS })068lbl.o;\, broke out through the big door and ,t rlals, the hardships occasioned by In <the armed services of the na- I'Jroke It. it took me most of the day war, has brought u.s W aulother Nil,. tion, to the extent or thousands, lU'e ,to mend it but It was fiuoh a tl<¥1aJ Newspaper Week. to be found newspaper publlshers, pleasant day that I was glad to ThrOUgh a perlOd of seven days editors. advertisIDg and subscription , have a job up on the hll! where I the American PeoPle '!n every City, salesmen, printers, pressmen, r~- could look oft across'the country. I town and vlUage In which newa- resentatlves from every departmen t never cag understand the people papers are published, wlll pay trl- of newspaper production. who never look out of the wmdows bute to the aocompllshments of a With it all with radically clP.plct- nor ra15e their eyes to look at the ,free and Indepent1ent press. TbP.y ed personnel, the press has carried changing picture spread out before will accord recognition ;not alone to on through extra exertions and long them. One day I admired a certain what 'the newspa..per means to them bows on the part of those whose view to the woman who could look under normal condition, Its place In jO)' ~ been to keep the , at It and rest her eyes a dozen times our oAmerlcan way of 11Ie, but also home fires burning, that the Amer- a day and she ~aid, "Yes, I buppoie what the press has accoompllabed 1n Jice. their asocLa.tes and mIlllo~ of It is pretty, I never. notice it much." furthering the lAmerican war effort others are fighting .for may be the ]) never drive m my lane but I e.and <War program. , Amer1ca to which they will return JOY the view of,f across the country. To keep the "steel furnaces going, when the day of unconditional bur-. Each of ~ windows Is a frame for metal8 were needed and a render or the enemy in Europe and a picture that I look at dozens of fallure to 'meet this need. confron~d Asia. has arrived. . . times a day, a picture -tha.t changes e government. It was at that Thro~hout the past 12 months with the llght and with the seasons. pollit the neMIpa.pers took over thebhe &llencan ncw$PILpers h~ve per- When the leaves tall there will be problem. '1nd1vldualiy and collect- formed ... a vallant servlce for tho a different set of pictures. SomeIvely they agitated the demand for cause of freedom. '11hey have given times the hills are a deep blue and scrap. Thousands ' of newsPapers, mttlh under difficult cirCUmstances. the fields yellow, sometimes It 15 all large and small, dally and weekly, 'nle observance of National News- grayish brown against a brldht blue orgah1lied community scrap driveS paper Week Is a tlttlng recognition sky; somettmes the log blots out all In teIpOnse to these the metal at the accomplishments of the the details and makes each tJ'ee aUld ,poured in, the furnaces qontinued to, AIDerlca.n preu. ridge look like ' a paper r,'I' '.lut, I • • ope,r ate and steel for ahlPS. guM, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT alwBys like to drive west on 73 up tanks and planes 'WY ¢ade ~lble, , Bsec!ator the hill tm you get to the lOp j!.l8t The metal IIIIrap drlve was but ,E state Qt Helen 'M. H&wke, In front or Reeders and there the one or ~ny tacked 8\JCiCe88f.uIlY by Deceased whole valley spreads out before you, the DevJBpapers, Advert1a1ng (.onNotice is ,hereby given tha t sometimes so clear that every d~tall ~Uted or underwritten by the Oharles vt'. LeMay whose Po~t Of- shows for mUes, sometimes groy a.nd .papers PU~ over the sale of war lice alddresa 1s Waynesville, 'Ohlo, misty and sometimes at sunset. the bands end ataan'PS; f~ the has 'b een duly appointed as Exeeu- shadOws are deep pUl'ple :md the ~ Ooea and the 1J8O; secmred the tor of ,the Estate of Hel9n 1M. sky gold. It Is Uke owning u. gallery peeded blood donora that ,t he Uves of 'Hawke, late of Warren County, ot fine pictures on whIch the lights 'IrOWldeG IIOld1era m1aht be savel!; ohio deCeased, and colors are alWIlYS changing, and eDcouraged and proDl9~ the or' ... _ .... " - d.... " ~~.. Dated th1a ~rd day of September, \Ve t some peopI e cover th eIr wJn dows iKaD1Ia.....,... ... uu.ue ~eDIIe, ~ 11M3 with curtains and ne.ver look outCrou 8Ctlyl~lea; the productlcm and ' side or their four w~l1s. , aAIJPH H. OARlEY, cooaervatlon 01 food and other pro.J'udp or the Probate Cuurt Sunday, Another beautlCul day. Warren -Oounty, Ohio I found some business reasons 'for Ject. tOr wbJob JUPPOrt wu needed. bemg m Clnictruiatl tomorrow so I But the greatest .ervtce rendered OARL AIBAEOHERLI, Atty .
National Newspaper Week
. scraP
wen t today. Sights along. tile way ; hea,ps of pumpldQ.s plied a j .llnst II. barn, (tb.Js 15 n gOOd pumpkJll year ) a corn lleld opened up with a row of shOc~, golden rod and bright purple ast.ers,'llelds ready fOr plall1,lug wheat, II. roadside stand wJth baskets of pa.W·lp8IWS, fields of fr 'h green alfalfa, brilliant flame colored mapes, a plcnlc party having dinner a.t.-~ wayside table, OI~M a.tl went back to slow ttme today "N~.'ct Sunday, my time will be your tirue agam. I never chllIlged my time to fast time and I am more convinced than ever that slow time Is nearer to t.he nprmal IIchedule tho:l fast time, that there 15 really nothing to be gained by pu~hlng he Whole days work ahead, an, hour. Howe'/cr on the east coast last summer I found that war-time there is jus ~ a:bt.lu t the same as our slow time here whloh goes to show that what may be gOOd tor them Is not 'n~~e...sarl;y gOOd for us. Tuesday. There are sales and many of us like: to go to them but when the sale mellIls the ' loss of good neighbors II,hat It Is a horse of another ..color . 'roday was, thr , Carl Duke sale and we hated to see It come, for In the twelve years we have llved here they ' have proved themselves nlee nelgllbors more th!ln once, Many thlngs like the trnctor IlIId the truc~ went with Ule farIll to the new owners but many things like Ule (lorn planter and l:ayr ake ,were old friends tha t had made more than one trip to our place . They say that Ce.rl Duke's grand· father bought the farm whe re I live and moved there with his famlly about 1840 , At that time thiE house was about twenlty years old. -When Dr , Hemmn bought this place and rePaired the house they tore out the old fireplace I}nd cupbQards that were at tbe west end, of the IIvln J room so there Is not much 01 h e old house leit 'but the staircase whioh bw15ts up ,o ut of tile corne~ of the llvlng room, Then Oarl Duke's lather bO~ht the farm where tht'y have lived tor !dxty - three years. That 1s a long time as Ullngs go nowdays, An edltorlal m the News one day suggested that· the time would cotn.e 'When we could trade m our old houses on new ones every few ,years as we' do our cars or a t least as we did before the war but here Is someth.IJllg that many of us like about old bouscs. And' we are sorry to see olel ne1ghbors move away but we wish them God l>'Pf!ed and as they say nowdays, "Happy Le.ndmg." JOhnny Richards the other ':lay bay-
Along The Way
My raUl r had 0. mille red ba ked now book when they were In the, west and mother appropriated It for her recipe. book, lwouldn't talce any amount of money for that book. I loye to look thrOUgh It and read the t.hlngs written bhere. I find lit part of my mother thete, for he wrote many othr 'things than recl))ea therein, I am copying a poem that I found there-; 5he cut It out of a "- por.tland, Oregon, P<\i)er wllUe they were In Portland,The ~ ,will give ~u, I think, a true picture of the old cowboy, the cowboy whose era 15 dead There was no · tttle on the poem, nor did It have IlIIY author's nlUlle . [ like It, We're t.he cb1ldren of the open and we hate Ule haun ts of DIe tl, But we had , to come to towll to get the mail, And we're riding home at day beak, for the air Is cooler then: All 'cept one Qf us that stopt behind in jaiL Shoty's nose won't !bear paradln', 'Bill's off eye Is darkly fadm', All our toilet's show a touch of disarray, For we found ~hat city lICe Is a constant round of strife, And we ain't the Ib reed for shying {rom a fray: Chant youf war whoop, parlner dear, while the east tur 15 pal~ with fear And the chaparral Is trembling all around, For we're 'WIcked to the marrer, We're a midnight dream of telror, Wfien we're rIding up the rocky tra'! from town . Since the day when Lot and Aqram split the Jordon range m halves Just to Clx It SO their punchers wouldn't tight, ",111~ r, old J acob :,kinned his clad-I,nlarw of six years crop of calves, And then' hit the tl'aH, for oimnan In the night ' There 'has been a taste for batt:.. ~ mongst bhe men Who lI:ollow cattle And a 10vJ) for doing thing., that. s wUd and strange. A.nd the warmth of Loban' ~ world, when he miSSed his speckled herds Still Is useful in tbe Iandwldge of the range.
Any make or model Fred Kahn Motor . Car Co. '
PHONE 326 ,
A Letter From A Country. Hick Editor Qf Miami Gllzcbte Dear Walt: I seed by yore po per tile past couple weeks as to how the Waynesville Church of Ohr15t Is agoln to have a big meetln startln next weak. J: was a. tallQn to Max HandaU and he tells me, sez he" we Is a hopln t l1a.ve 200 In Bible school next Sun<hi;- mornIn. Well, scz I, you kin II YOu try hl\l'd enough. He sez they Is also g{)ner broadcast over ~he air <from 1 :30 to 2:00 1> , 01, whic11 wi I be fine . ,You no, Walt, I dqn't believe tha t folks realize the value of the chlHch In the community' or more of 'em would go. ' Our farms. our homes, our schoats. bhe hole she-bang ~u1dll't amouut to a nickel if it I weren't for the church. So I hope that ~nd~ 1I will have his 200 and thcn some next ,Sunday m~rnln ond wh 1 ~he big meetm starts they will not be able to hold the crOWds, I .ought to be a preacher, I guess, a ' e I CAn think of a lot of things at times witch WUd do folks good And then theirs lots wOllrse preachers th'all Randall, 00 let'/i b:l .. liP th home by goln to cburch aud ual k up the boys In servin by buyi 'War iBonds. ' our t10ys wUl be comln home soon, and JuSt how soon de,pends on us, and then they wUl exexpect the Chtlroh , to be doln It part. So let's not faU 'em. Walt, let:s you and I lead the parade to church next Sunday momln . Yore friend.
features and
~--~~------~--~----~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4Q~s~~rrU~~' our repUblkaD. ~"Miami; Fla. tlons are denved from the teachIngs
&Del OIof...l at
.:00 P. Mo, Satarc'laJ.10
p, M.
a - WedneadaJS
al Noon
MNS-JAMESON QRUG , COMPANY 'rBII 8TOBB lIMe . o.r store 'l'0ur ~
For Z4 Yea", Lebanoni'. Leadlnc
Pboae 17 .
SIDee 1190
I'baae JIOIt
We Oaln,
,be EnUre FamlIJ
alII! Home Pbone 380
Slnoe l885
. . . . . .OD
1B1RI&'I' - GIJIT8
Z4 N. Broadway
PhODe 327
,Shoe. for 'the FIIImUy . XRAY FITTING Complete StGck to ChOose Fr!IID Pbone 382 M
SPIEGEL'S MEN'S STORE A Complete 8tock
Phone 6 L
ladJea' & CbUdren's Ready To Wear and MWIDUY
Plume 38Z ,
Lebanon McGETCHIN'S·
..... 11&
AIl 8p1ece1's Stores Remal.. Open UnW ,9:00 p. m. Every Mona),
Com~ Un~
, PboDe til ,
of Flnt
IlABDW~ .. ~BNT8
MORRIS '6 and tOe TO $1:00 , STORE ,
J. W. UNGO '
CIo'hinC and ~rdaahery AT LOW PRICES
,PHARMACY "Y..... ~,'Dn. ......
(Essential HYl'crtcn~ i 1\ ) is usuaIJ1 arked by dl stressini: symptoms uch as dizziness, lhl' .)bing head, cncs, sle~p lesallel\S n l\~ nervous, rtess. If di sregard ed, n us may lea.1 to Heart Trouble, Stl'O" I ParalYSis, Hardenin~ of th A r : mes or Kld1 ey Trouble. l?illt1l onex discover),\ f a hea!'t speCIalist, lq (1esigned t" ulckly aid in tho r~lid of thesl !stressing symptoms. .. A Chicago r 'sidCllt Sf )I S: "I aufi ,ered from High Blooll l'ressure fo~ leveral yenrs wi th increaalngl~ ' evere thro bing hoadache., diui . ess and ahol'Ll!ess of breath. howed tho Diamonex formula t y docto!' o'!\d, on hIs udv;ce, trie he trcatmcn.t for two weeks untIe: ' dentical conditions as previou eatment8. Within only three day I y bad hcudnches nnd uizzy lIpelll ere gone. My high blood prcseUla was reduced and I Illeep tine." ' I Dlamonex goes directly to werli In three different ways to aid il~ the relief of these dangerous lIt'!lp\ iamB. Results arc speedy-within as IIhort a time as two weeks aufJ ferers often f!nd that Diamonex ha~ aceomplishCll 750/0 of the total rei duction possible with this fonn~ It you suffer trom High B1 lPressure fOU rna)' try DIAMON without risking a penny. To in Cluce thia wonderful treatment a million new aufferen thb Ii trial offer II mad. tOl' • 1bDl time only. ' • Send only $1.50 to ... IMam Company 318-A NonJa IIleIbJP. Ave;t . ChrtJlfO, Dllnola tOl' • TWl.1"weekl l1l~of . .Ib ' ", DlAMONEX, P U. Monex accordlria' tilt ..... reetlona for onJ, two .....-1(, the end of that ted period JOII not delighted wltJa renHa mone)' will be ' rtflJDdlCl .......501 ately on requnt. "I'bIn .... atrlnga or eondltlou-M Oft 1& youl'llelt to make thIJ ..'1Jo ,t eat at onCe, Write tiOJ!Ir:II
f: ~
offer it.. f\llJJ pua.IUG
Advertise JudiCIously AdvertlsIDg Shows Energy .OIlZ H e Want Ada Bring Reault8l.
,B ob's Dairy P••teurized Dairy Products .
Pasuurized Milk J!1or Phone 2537
Wllvl:le.'viIIIIJ':a-:-rTI===-"' · - ~-
tire lnl;peotion r'ec<!rd with the car. T.~'=========~================~========~~===~ , Such a ttme as my young ht'.lper hili had trying to glet a gasoUne ratton because the rru~n from whom he bought the car lost hlstlr~ lnspec,. ~on record IlIId had done nothmg DIRECT BUS' ROUTE FR 'OM WAYNESVlliE ...:. SAVE TIRES AND GAS to get Q. new one. As tQl wanted to St.onIia C1011e Week Day. a& silO, sa.....)' at 10:00; Cloee 'Weclnesday afternoons. put the tires .f rom his old 'Model T on the new car" he 10~ "that al. . TIFFANY JEWEt.Ry ADA-lR, rS thoUgh he had ~ever drive n the STORE old Ford and ha!.d no llcense for it HAMILTON, LONGIN£8, . .AND _; EUBNIT~E - ,RUQS he had to get uie tire rec:>rd transTruck, Cai'&ild GKUEl'f WATCIIBS ' ferred before he could use the tires DlAMOND8 ~eplacement Part. 8TO~S and have the tlJre 1nspectlon rllcord 5 E, Maln sa. PhOne ~ f or ,t he tires he Is discardmg before .. Such Is , FAMO~S ' Cracked Block. Repaired life In war time ~nd we tblnks it Is ALlCE RINCK'S AUTO SUPPLY hard but Sunday night . I heard, a Ford'V-8 Motor Exchange HAT SHOP Radio &Del Bicyclc Repalrlnc mo.n tell how ra,ther than leave his Store ifni. 8:00 to '6:30< Dally ' < In Ja,pHIC!ie occupied tenL· E\rht Weet MaIn 8&. WOKit' CLOTIilNd tory, he Bnd his wife and ~even Phone 1100 Xenia, Oblo . 108"E. MaJ~ - ~. Ph. ',2 88 S'J W ;"Ma1n ' Phone 161 B clllldl'e:1, the ycungest' only a year old, Illlt! bis ten year old hal't-slster FRED ' F. GRAffAM CO. • THE XENIA NATIONAL · ,walk<.d from , rianklng Int.o Free, ISALY'S BANK WALL PAPER, PAINTS. GLASS West Ch:lla, a distance of over three 'lsIs-isa . , LUNCHES .. 10E OBEAM PAINTER'8 SUPPLIES ' , tbOu£alld miles. It too)t ~(.m three CAPITAL & 8URPLUS, '«0,1100 A Good Place &0 Eat hundred and dlHy some days . About 17 ' & 19 80. Whl~ 8'"" stronc - ' Friendl), bwo we eks after I;hey arrived at their Phone MaID S XeDlaJ ObJo BAIUabIe AocnmlJlO4atiac' Pbone 7H destmatlon , their eighflh son Willi born, 'l"o get to this country where COLDS CHENOWETH MOTOR' he was sent Ib~ I,he Chinese governC. A. DABE ,and gQNS To BelIeve VoDIe&UOD H·ub Ule 'COMPANY J ,;' ment to sludy work. with y~ung p,e~, Your MoCorm1dc-D~ , Thioai, cheat 'and BacJJ with SO NEW CABS . pie he flew across the mountains . QuIck AClUnc . and (ceans, nero Lndla and North Im~ent DeaI.ei , 60 USED CAB.S . ' H .~ ' M 0 , Africa to South .ADterlca !1nd North P\hoDe 20 PbODe 1068 109 W. l!!IaID 8''WaJD88Yllle J)~ 8tore to the United, St.at.es, stopping and v!l,1tlng with our soldie.r s Who are the best taken care of in tlfe world, THE 'CR.TERIO~ CORNER :tHARWfACY' EICHMAN'S , . sq he say». He liBYS he lOst tUreen , Xe~ia, Ohio B1~ Sapph ' _ BepaIrlq , BBXALL DBUG ' pounds on his 10118 trek but that he siva Is 'gamtng it back in this countryItUf!PEN1IEIMBB CLOTIIBS SberwID-WIIUa.miI PalDt and ' we ,talk of tile hardships 'of raS&eUoD Bat. Q W, ~ ~t. PhoDe III tioning .. ,
~e Ilia , St~..dar~
Xeq ia
Shopping .Gaide
~ ~
(lOVElY FOR HIGH'~ BLOOD PRESSbR~ - - . -- -- ., Dangerous High L od Pressu ro
'lWarnlng to those who I\r~ buying of Scrlpture..--Everett. old cars, make sure that you get the
Save r ..... and Ga'. _ •• Direct BIU Line to County Seat
st.. 'OileD at 1:00 A....
Sing ber out, mY' oold cQyotes, Leather fist and leather ,throats I \For we !\Vear the brand of Ishrn'el like a crown. We're the sons of desola.tlon, We're the outJa.ws of crea.tlon, !1 oo-owl a rldln' up the rocky ~ AU the distInotlve
, For _YM'10De
WESTERN AUTO STORES AUTOMOBILE 8~~J.u8 BleJ. &Dc1 Radio 8epUn PIIoDe ttL • S. BroadwaJ
. The Warren county draft boards '~ve begun !Ul lDlventofy of all d,ra.tt registiants to provl~ state and DIl'tiona! headcruartiEtrs With accurate OW'l'ellit 1h~01lDlatl,on on which to base 'futJU'e calls. , The boards ha'v,e lndJcated tbe.t Ulere w1ll be no need to draft fathers In ~helr area In flll1Dg ' their antlcipatiid October quota. 'rr¥ ,the lllami O.~•• ttt. "'aat A4.r
8~OP ' FIB8T ~T "
''fHE FAMOUS CHEAp , STORE ' ' 'We DO sen BrirJUtID& Jlhone Ilfs
B. IbID ,.
" ..
~iles '
' Cr'BNEY'S ' ,
I ..
MOMUIIENTS .. MAIUDtR8 . ' Oblo'. _ _ C-.... Dlaplay
_ ..........
Blicks FarDilai'e 8Iore
, IMonday's election: , ~ ToWnsh1p-.JuStlce of the p e\lCfe, J. W. Keys; Trustees, E. A . Brown, . IMrs. <JlOffOrd Ridge, of O~lcago, EVail ChenoWeth, DaVis Furnas; is spending the week 'wIth IflloodB Treasurer, Jonas JBJlney ; Oler/( J os. here e~ G. Keys; Constable, John Bal'n ~iEl'II0D1S'f CIIUltCU. , Mr~. A . White of Los Angeles, hart. LIlUls C. Uadlle1, Pastor. Canr . , Is visiting her sister, Mrs , Corporat1on~a.yor, T. T. DodChurch' ..sc'hool 9 :31~ a. m . R . G . Cross. son; Recorder, Gorden J. Wright; Worsl,tlp service aot 10:30 a . m . Mrs. lA, K. D8y returned Satur- Tre&.\lUrer, Samuel McCwle; Trus-' service . day after a three week'S visit WJth tees,!E . A . Rogers, J oel Bvans, Wrn . World-i\Wde Communion relatIves in Kentucky. Jones, J. O. Hopldils,·C. '1'. Crane; Subject, "The B.lble and R~d e mpt1on . " Mr-. and Mrs. MIred Wright leit IMarsbal Caleb Small. SW1day ' morning tor their new Harveysburg has voted to t ulld 0. , WQJ'ren county Br'oLherhood meet home in Uwer ArliJ:l8tOn. . Township House. And still we are ing Monday, October 4. Supper at 7 o loclt followed by program BOyd Henderson, who undel'Went without. youth Fellowshlp WectncsdaJ eve. a minor operaUon at McClella'l hO/)~ Larg~st niug 7:30 o'clock . pltal, Is rapidly recovering. Oholr reh earsal Thursday evening Harry 'J'\Jrner is e.t the hom!: of
From I 'he MiamiGazette Files
"t '
TW.f;NTy-nVE YEABS AGO (September 26. 1928) At a special meeting ofWayuesville Lodge F . a nd A. 1M. la.st 1''1'1day night, a larlje n~ber. of the membership was present and wltnessed the 'Work })ut on by Charles W. Bradb\U'Y of Nantwioh, Cheslre, England, paStmaster of KLngs IFrlend .L?dge, No . 193 . Mr . - Brad. 'bury Is t,he 'fatl er at Ctuiries Bradbury, master at the local lodge . . Perry Hartsock~as returned home a.1 ter <i visi t of several "reeks with his .son and 'f amlly at lAdtron. Mr. and Mrs . Wal ter McClure re. turned home la:lt Friday wIter a d~. l1ghtful visit with relatives in Duluth, Minn . 1Mr . and Mrs. Oharles And.~son and sons, and Mr , C. J . Mu,rray wlll leave t!)morrow morning for a ten , days' vlsLt wi th relatives at Rogers, Ark. MIss ,L uella WWlam.son left tor ([)ela.ware SatW'day to take tip ner school 'Work at. Ohio Wesleyan. She r eports a large attendance. Operations have been started lor a .ll e~ sidewalk on Tyle; s treet which rwu; by ilie wa ter tower. The 1M0thers club will serve a watne and sausage su~r at the Grange ball Saturday. Mrs . J . V. Hartsock of Akron, :was called h ere 011 account of the m ne of h er grandmot.h er, Mr~. 0, H. Sherwood. There will be a caml>aign rally and mass meeting Friday, September 28 In the Methodist chureh. Frank Thomns sustained a broken bone and torn ligaments of his ankle 'When he fe ll ", h Ue ensaged In hangLng tobacco IMn l< lay evening, Saturday aftenlcUIl , Sept. 22, a ~ the home of t he bride's parents, Mr. a nd Mrs. IH . G. Oreene oC MartlnsvUlP., the marriage of Miss Edith Greene and Mr . WLlllam Lukens of Harveyoourg, waa solemnized, ~v , Emma S . Townsend, pastor of the Martinsville f'rlends ohurch, per. lomting the ceremony . The bdc\.o! ,ls a graduate of Martinsville High school and completed 'her education at Wilmington college . !Mr. LUkellB Is a gradua Lo ' at Way:nesvllle High sohool a nn a t tended Ohio State universlty. l\Jap'18tte llcense--hullWm . Gustin, redlo engLneer, Waynesville, and Mlss Lola Doughman , Lebanon. (October 3, 1928) A machine gOing west <m Fra~. Un rood, driven by a woman whOle name WIIS not learned, skidded and ran Into the nor thwest corner of Frank Cook's house, breaking the cor:ner strip. No one was hurt,
his mother, Mrll. Harvey 6IlCkl!~t, where 'he is convalescing ailer an appendicitis qperatlon O. N . Berryhill sold his proptlrty last weele to LeUa Albrl~ht ot Ileal' Springboro. A large audLence assembled III he gym SW1day to hear Judge Florence Alien who Iij)Oke on "The One Trink the World Needs Most." Mrs. J. W . Clarle died at her home 'in iHal'Veysburg saurday. The barn. and tobacco sh,':1 :md some farm implements belongln~ to Ja(lob Scott of IM1ddle Run, wer" destroyed <by ,fire 8a.turday. Mr. and Mrs. iLa.urence Bl'/)wn 0. Route 5, are !Lnounclng the blrtll of a 80n 8a:turda.y, Sept. ~ . Mahlon Ridge 18 ·spending a couple or weeks with his BOIl and witc, Mr. and Mrs, D. 0 Ridge, ot lnduulr I1'pol18. • • • TWENT~IVE YEABS AGO (September 25, 1918) Ohester Snook of the U. S. S . Charleston, 18 enJoyJ"ft a f"plough .... ... here with home folks, Miss Clara LUe wrenched her k1 hft an e .....dly and 18 walking on crutches. u'ord •"'ft .. ft.~r·'Aft" that. B"""'" ...., -....,.. .,,~ ''n f'rende.r gast, iErnest Earnhart Marshall 'B&1n.... ."'ftrry ..... and Ira S'ft~ ....""'" have arrived wely overseas. Messrs. carr Sarvis and Homer Oarey started to work at Wright Field last "Week. Mr. and !Mrs. J. E. MCClure and Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Vance left Monday lor the reservoir . Wriuam H : Albright died Sept. 19 at his home, aged 83. . At a Kensington iollowed by a beautifully appointed four-courSe dinner given bY J4I8a Helen Marlatt on Baturday atterDOOl1, Sept. 21 th'! engagement .o f tM1IIs Ruth Walton ot I/he Air Service of the Unlted States Army or Waah1ngton, D. C., WIIS announced. ' p.bOebe 8~ 'H athaway, daugh.
PrUlile"frJ(lll'ltlit~ t'olfel' SlIII'e"
Over two blllion people walk dully on the ea rth. Probably 75% of thcm neyc r do any broad thinking., They k e p so busy trying _to ea rn tood, lathing and shelter that va gue no· tions abou t socra~, sclentinc and gov. ernmcnlal progr ess seem hopelessly high and rarelled. Ot course these lJ ne ralities don't apply to the United States. We do things better In th is country. Realiz ing what a big share ot the at 7:45. hllllln n ra ce struggles da ily tor a ll:lri! existence, one may ask.,..Why lJARGEBT OIROUS e,-K .Lt,. avrh ST. MARY'S E:PISCOPAL don' t thei r governments do some. ( With Its star-studded and exciting performance enlarged a nd preCIIUBCH th ing about it? . The .hameful ansented In three rlugs and 011 two sIVe r is that they do. Government Ralph Parks. I\linI!lter in Charge restri ctions are themselVeS respon. stages under the 1W0rld 's lar~est big Ohurch school at 19: 45 a . m. sible for most of the poverty and top, again a s ix-pole spread, the Morn Lng prayer a nd sermlJll 11 :00 ignorance in the world. Freedom a& Work R1ng1ing Bros. and Barnwn & BalGood Ideas put into execution ley CIrcus wlll exhiblt 111 Dayton aL a. m . the Fair Grounds Thursday an d bellt'llt a grcn t many people. Henry . ·EURl' ClnlltCIl OF OllRIST Ford ha d a good idea , for example. IFrlday, Sept. 30 and Oct . 1, bringHerbert. GraIuuJD. Mlnhll.er It cnriched him; it bencllted thou. lng to that city 1.600 people; 50 elesands who helped him execute it phants, hundreds of r a re wild aniand made broader horizons for mil· 9 :30 a.• m., DDlble 8Ch 00L ma.ls and blue bloodel horses, and 10.41l a , m.-CoDlllllunion , lions of others. But if a man with IMr. and Mrs. Gargantua the Great, 11:00 a. m.--8erlJllOn. ti n idca can' t do nnything about it 'World renowned gorUla couple. lnot huvi ng enough lea rning or 8:00 p. m.~reacltll.ng. cnough cupi tal or enough freedom> , Vast and colorful spectacles, everybody loses, nobody benefits. staged !by John Murray Anderson , FBIENIDt> The more liberty people have to solve their own problems, plan their New york thea tre genius; La.lage, interna.tionally ·frunect girl aerial FIrst Day school, 9 :80 a. m. own WO I II nnd determ ine their own Meeting tor Woralillp, I ') :30 , m . d U I h star, Torrence and Victoria, midair cs n CS, 1 e more abundant lives they lead. sensatlonallsts; the great AUred IUT. , 1I0Ul' M. E. CUVRCII China, where I spent 20% of a Court's 1943 displays of performing normal lifetima, Is a much governed wlld animals ; the astowldlng ReyT. M. Sc ...II, Minister country, For centuries, literally, nolds and Donegan Pyramid SkatSunday School 9:30 a. m. E. A. ChLnese war·lords consumed the fat Ing Girls; the Lopez, Wolthlng and Earnhart, Supt. ot the land Dnd managed to keep Brannock troupes of aerlal novelty Evenlng 8erv1ce, 7 :30 p . ... the masses poor. groping In Igno· PlIQyer MeeUng Wednesday eve- rance. Coolies toil trom sun to sun gyI1UlII8ts; the world renowned high Ith d rung, 7:30 po m. w cru e tools, live on hall rations wire Wa l1endas; Elly Ardelty, aerial and earn less in a month Ulan a star; the three flying Concello Detro. it welder draws in two hours. ST. AUGUSTINIE ClIURCH troupes; the OsteIllllRleJ::...a.na~UlI:l......j F~KrUJDIM~6Living standa rds in any two coun. yot equestrian troupes; the Nalttos, tries difrer as thei r measure of tree~ Mnoo Sunday 9'00 R m dom dilTers. Chinese w1zarqa of the tight wire;....... ... the two Diego comedy bar trou.De;;: Fruita of 'Llberty vw " " .. (~UUR"II OF ' .. AYNE8 Individual liberty in' America has the great Truzzi; the world famous '. ,,~ v b CBJlJ,S,T een greatest; governmental super· lLoyal-'Repensky family of bareback vision the sma.lIest evcr known since riding stars . . . these are '\ tew of the history ot nations has been reo Max KandalI. Mlnisl.er corded. And what has been the reo the new and outstanding ~.eatured SUNDAY suit? Living standards in America pertonners among the 800 noted arBible SchOOl 9.30 a . m. reached a much higher plane in ten tl ts Ih Communion 10:45 a. m genera tions than they attained in s · w L The Greatest Show on •. ·Chinn in forty centuries. Americans Eart.h. Prea.:bing, 11 a. IIl. are a 1I tree 10 hn ve ideas and devel. Junior Endeavor, '7:15 p . m. op them, so our gain trom ~n5truc. 'Perfonnances Will be given at . w Senior Enlleavor. '1:15 p. m. live lliinking and working has been 2:15 and 8:15 p . m., with doors Communion and Ipreach1ng, 8:00 enormous. Already Amerfca is rich open at 1 and 7. p. m . and Oriental countries are still poor: You are invIted to come and worThere Is more to good living, of course, than simply being at liberty Advertising -Keeps Old CUStomers Ihlp with us. to live well. Prosperity such as America has (such as no other COUll-
Circus Is To Play In Dayton
try ever had) Is a direct result of
volume production which Is characteristic of America. The hod car-' rier drives a car and the tarmer's wife. for from the city's noise and ter 'o f John and .Jane StJbbB, 'Was soot, has an e.lectric refrigerator and txmn Ili'ebl'Ulll')' 21, lIM&, near Morrow, washing machine. The fact that and paued ' ....8y last week. mokes our country marveloul la (0CIt.0...- !, 1.11) that most peop~ ean aflord such IMlami Valley 0QuDcJl No . 103, Jr. things, that retail prices are within the.!r reach. And It is volume proO.U.A.iIoI., had ·... big time· last ducllon that keeps prices down, Friday. evtll1Dc, when a eIass o.t is along with the competition afforded new members were ln1t1ated. by Free Enterprise. HARVEY~BURG, OHIO MI'B. Mary Seal, woo has been Our Wealthy Poor maldn8 her home 'iWlth Mrs, Esher It hi also volume prodUction' that Will pay $2.00 for Dead Stout, .~or IIOIIle ~, had a slight \ keeps ' wages blgb and working Horael, $1.00 for COWl. , stroke of paralylla Friday. people prosperous. The Chinese iF.red Ua"'--k attended th' . Napeasant produces little and therefore Sheep, Hogl, Calves u.ou """" earns little, working a. hard as he tiona! 2 .a nkera' Aaa'n at Chicago can and using all the knowledge be and Colla last. week. ' possesses, which i. not much. The REMOVED PROMPTLY Chester snook, woo has been American worker can master one , ~n a f\lrlough, left MO"d8y skill and draw $1 an hour for the Phone Wayne.ville ror the .........10'- h18 .." . ... , Cannln" without rules is like driving in a .Itrange CO"lDt~ without a obvioul reaBon that he produces' ... re... p. .. • much and actually earns $1 an bour,' 2804 Rabbl na-'d ,. -- i'" 111 ad road map--one is likely to «0 in tbe wrong direction. The wro g direction n ........ow .... , w - in canning leads to spolled lood-loss of canned food through spoilage Is cle. nor does be hurt hlmself working. The only FerUliIIIr Plant In dress , the Men o.t Wayncsvl!lo! at . plorable and unnecessary in time of peace, and inexcusable In time of war. ~ Amerlcan workers know more the Masonic ,-Templa-Wednr.MlIli'~lii~~~~~~~~~~~f:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+~th~a~n~CFo~olies beca,use they are per· Warren Count,. evening 00' "RUEla and the War ,~, gives the following sure-fire rule for ® mltted to know more, not because , Van RetalHclt almost lost the llt. successful home-cannJng: 10. Leave ample head space and . they bave better brains. AmerJean 1. Use jars intended lor borne- plenty of room for liqluld-to cLrculate workers produce morebeca,use they tle finger on his right hand ITld.. v canning. livery one of themna. a between pieces of tGlod when .ruling ·have better toohl. Plant ownerl who name letLered on th.e side, jars for processing. 2, Examine every jar to make . 11, Tighten metal bands on two. provide the job. are interested In While he 'WlI& cutting com with a macb1ne. .. sure that it Is In good condition. piece metal vacuum Ileal caps be- production, 10 they al.so provide the o lB. tHartaock, while cranking Give special attention to the top fore processing. po not Ughten toolll at an average Investment of his statlon 8J'¥ enlrtne at his home edge. of Mason jars. Most of them again. \ $6,000 per Job. Some industries, raU· must be sealed with glass top seal 12. Partly seal for processing, all roads, for example, invest as much 00 the Harveysburg plIte, was hit closures or two-piece metal ,vacuum Jars on which. jill' rubber ia used. as $25,000 In equipment per one.man .on the 'w rist by the cra~k and' su!- leals, becauie the zinc that used to 13. Place jars In th,e canner 1m me- job. It Is no aCCident that an Ainera"";" b...... · go Lnto .the' one-piece Mason caps dlately after packln,g and process I krn od thr f........... •...en ,arm. bas gone to the battle front. The the time called for Ln the recipe. can wor an pr uces ee Urnes 'IsaaIc ILona Frye passed away glass toP. and vacuum ileals can take Remember, time guessing haa no al much a8 a German and six time. 'at the bome ot his 8011, Ohs.rlle W., the zinc cap'. place on the home place In canning. al much os a Japanese. Freedom front only when used on jan with If. Take . jars out of canner as of prol1'ell doel l~Pr1vate Enternear W&311eavW~ Sept. 20. perfect top edges. promptly at possible after the proc- prlle. BOOT FOR AND OO~ION M'ra_ Miu1an C8IJIpbeU, nee Annie 3, Do not atreteb tubbers to test. easing time Is up and complete the Freedom &0 ThInk , your. e&ttle, hop, lIbeep .114 cal", Belghway, died a.t her home In 4. Wasb and rinse jars, lid. and seal on aU that arE! partly lealed The rulini cia .. In China does not to - Norrla-Bl'ock Go... DVe wJre aDIt Sard1n1a Tuesday Dlibt. rutiben. Then cover jars, zinc caps, for processing (uce Rule 12). have a monopoly on the nation's ................ firm to tbe .....band glas. lids with lukewarm water, 15. Set hot jars a. far apan as brow, Some war·lords are pretty ........ _ve r .... .... • • • heat to boiling. and keep hot, Jars possible 10 they will cool qulcltJ.y, stupid', just .mart enough to destroy I'OUB _aDS AGO and lids to be u.ed for old·fashioned but do not plaee In ~I draft, market ..... cas a_.I ........ _ . . . . .IHn-..a&· &open-kettle. canning .must be boiled 16. Be lure every jar of ·c anned other men'. opportunitie., In tact Union 8&ock Y.rda. Claebula6l.' O. (AJdl 'I. JII8) .20 to 30 , minutes. Wash .rubber. tood Is .sealed before It is put away. DO small .et of people anywhere can· TUne in OD ' RAdio 8tatfoa WOKY; 'lbo Bev. E. UOBu&h baa re- and vacuum'leallidl, drop into bolla, Take ~e bandll 011 glal• . ~p do a whole nation's tIllnklng without 12:25 , to 12:30 p. m. for our !!all1 turned home. water, and keep hot until needed seals after the jllrs have stood over retardlna progres., destroying opmarket reporta. . I!Iias !Addle ICe.... , 18 •• A""' .. 8 if to be used for'procelsLng (cOOking· .nlght and test the Ileal by pulllng portunlUel, cutting of! sourcel of - . foO(iin jars). They must be boiled to gently on lld with finger Ups. Don't .... t Ith d, In d i 1 ldiool at Red 0Iak""V " put the band. back on the jara. ._ea an living loong, . owerina wea everlbody'. standard . I ter i lzel .~or open·k e ttl e cannin g. ~!111~"'~11!!1....... .We leun ·t hat KIaa Lue A. Heniey fore 15. Get canner. and Jar.. ready be~. Remove band. «om v.cuum '!be Ublted Statu i.· .Wl a lona .tarting to"prepare vegetaI11e.. seal. 12 or Iii ,hourll after canning of t.h1a ~ 18 }law BC?~tng In . 6. ,UN vegetablel that are . fr~ and test the seal· by prel.lng On the way abead of . China but American ~. ," . from 'the gkl'den. Th'e ·aUen enemlea, ijd with the I1nger. 11 tightly .ealed, llvina standard. will go apprecla.bly .14i.aa 'Ray LUdna .baa taten Chanre moul4,yellsi and bllclerl~, ltand there _will be no "give" to, the lid. lower· if a handfUl of: people Inlist· tale 8Cbool near New BtII'im... rea~,. to .abota·ge _any"and· all vege- PClIl't put ¢e bandl. back on , the upon doing the naUon's eommerclal , ....... , tablel left sthntllng over 'nlght or' jail. ' , '. . and industrial thinking after the S. -rem and eon have . NDlove4 taU through a lana, hot mO~i. C. One-i?lece zinc ,c aps are. drlwn ,war. War work to be co-orciI• . stocert in~ tb~ '~ owu.: 7. Be, sure that Iave~~1 to ,be d9wn flatwhenleah!!i of .Do 'n ot turn nated; it must bt). But manag'lna . . cal1ned II ' at the right .taie for Ma.on· Jars upside down-thla ' rule .. by Jonatban BaInes OIl upPer canning, Sbelled beBDI."'andP!'al . applie. ,When ~.lni glall ~p .eal., abl(lwteb' . everything JI too big a ~ atreet.. iIlriI. ' Beadiem takes .hould be young and tei1derLa tew vaCuum. leals, and IIInC cap.. job for ,a ny. m~dD,Jle fe)\'. It results tih'8 storeroom vacated by t!!e abov~ over-size or 'oveNnafui'e one• .can ' d. !l',.t "Uabbling'!' Jarl after the)'· In rationing lug~rbe)'!lnd necess.1ty paule. the '1085 of the wliole batCh. are cold b,.. holding the.m uplide and lettin, . frui~ wortli many for- · . PDt1aDan· The pod. of .ulna )ieani ~~d' be down and·exatl)JntiJll.for leaka. tunea tot on the Iround"for want of and crisp · an4 meaty~om In' .fuU mJlk' 1'7. Be lbiCky wheD,. It ' com.. to 'cannin, .ugar. But w!l1,o into all . The d-.tb ·or that Widell' ..-eel JadJ, ~..ret IItag-.and lOlnatoel ~.ripe, 1lrmt cleanlhie••• . Get riel Of ho~" fUu. that l)aainT : ' IBaID., wIll.-use • deep aadDeIIS to and iound, Wash all fruits and vepo Kem.mber, food to foot , In America, u In ·China, ~e rule _ _ ....., 'Il beaii. tIlblel before bre• • • ~ .1dlW tUD for foot wallhin.lr. inI ' '018.. h~. no monoPob' on ~-. 8. !tot PlI!clt IIU vege~bl.. e.~ 18. Dqn't au ~, equipment. Dell7i1i1l people lID. A. A. DaIJp, • very Imelll- tomatoes. , Ho~ pick means to coot to c~ . She ma, .IoA r'''bt to ·.aA -- be.t . th.... can -L~ , the food a rew .mlnute., the ~ It ' date u abe thlDb ........... ..., . - . • • reoelftCl • 1'OI:ea at Bat. Into hOt jara ~or· proce..lag;~" better · to with what-tbe7 have U ~t relUla....... OIl JIOi,ldQ. far JuaUae 01 _Iso the beat Wa710 CQI -ott trultl. and toUow dmldJllJIjis' tiOD; it la rutralnt; lila. ~-and . ....., t. I'UI DO aaore Jan a' • tban M pod • CIIIe chain on the 8Qkle at a natiaa,; .
. . . . . ""'" -y-.
GASOLINE-"A " book (;oupo~ No. 8 gOOd tQt three gallons tlMh, must last through Nov, 21. B and C ' tamps good 8.') no ted on ·buo ... SUGAR-5la lufl No. 14. goon lor 5 pounds throu ~lt Nov. l. S ~alllP' Nos . 15 and 16 are good t.hrough October 31 lor 5 p OWlCls each · for home canning; 15 POunds maximum addltlon.al may be used for home cnnn lllg ; apply aL 1 t on bOaI'd as lleeq arises. TIRES-Next. InsPettiOlls due: A book vehicles by- Sept . ~O; B's by OcLobel' 31 ; C's by Nov. 30; com.· · lJ.lcrclal ve hicle;; every 6 months or I!very 5,000 miles whldilever Is flrs t. MEAT, ETC .-,Red stamPs X, Y, and Z and brown A and B from Book NO . 3 are now val1d . All expire Oct. 2 . PROP ES·SED FOOPS- Hlue stamps U, V and W good through Oct. 20. llUElL OIL - Period Ii (;0 up·Jn8 valid III a ll zoues through Sept. 30. Period 1 coupon In new rn i.lons are goOa, t~Ugh December. . 6HOES-SLamp No. 18 II palr) 11 good Uldefinltely. S'l'OVES-Collswnel' · purcliases ot rat.iollcd stOVtS m us t be mude WILh ,L certlflcate obtained at. locul IVar 1>1'ice and ratiolling boards S harp point- valUe iucrca",es , fr011l c:tcb, we1'e announced Tuesday f01' six types pf Va!Uled fruits In' th " new ta bl,: of processed f ood poln L vd lues I::;:, ueu oy Lhe OPA to take elfect next Sunday. PolnL reductions were ordered, however, for the t wo most I}Up ular LYPes of canned corn and for green or wax b~ allS. :Ih addition dried .frui ts a.nd lell LUs were made raUon-n'ee, upon recommendation of the War F ood Ad· ministration . The ne w crop of Ll1e~ e Items Is th.e greatest on record , Wlf1A reports. iRed sour cherries Ln the ccmmoll No . 2 can, were jumped from 14 polnts a can to 25 ·All other type.. of cherries, exCept mar~. hlno, Wtr~ Increascd. nine points t.o 1\ n ew value of 23, Canned t,'Tapefrui t went up eigh t pOints to a l1 ()W val'le of 18, Fur thu No . 2 1-2 can, apricot point va lues ,were advancp.d nine [)(lInts to a ~le w v lue of 36; fi gs, eigb t .poln ts to 21, and p, lims 01' prunes, eight points to 15. The decea,:;es In canned corn covc:r a ll va.rleties except corn on the c~b, Vacuum-packed whole kernel corn in the 1~.ou.nce can dropped f rom 114 points Lo 10, and other types frcm 16 · points to 13 for the No, 2 siZe can . Green or wax beans dP.Cllned from 10 points to eight for each No . 2.:an, The OI11Y increases In canned vegete.bles a.Cfect.ed BSparagus, wbioh was hlked four poLnts t o a total or 18 for a No . 2 can, and mushrooms advanoed from three to five points for a tow:-ounce can : The polnt values of a quart ot grape juice was advanced from three to six. Butter will be raised fTOm 12 to 16 pointa beg1nnLtlg Sunday and some cuts of pork Will be raised sllghtly. • elghL [,0 eleven polm s
• • •
War Ration Book Four, wh1ch wlll last approxlmately two years, will ~
AUCTIONEERING Staniey and Koogler For Dates, Phone 2894, Waynesville: Ohio: Reverse 01!arges : BROK.EB8 1.I(JEN8E .
com CJDI7 a dime.
Jour c6er will bot4.
Consumers will have grt:a ter soap supplies wit hin a few weeks. The War Food AdmlnistratLon has announced a program to provide e. 28 per cent increase In soap production for civillan use. WFA emphasized that th~re will sUB be no excess and urged soap-saving Ib y every possible method .
ft.. ..
__ ... '*"".at
The new shoe stamp, No . 1 on the' "Airplane" ~eet in War Ration Book Three, - which becomes valld November 1, prob8lbly, will ha ve to last six months, OPA has announced. At the same time OPA loald that st.amp 18, originally scheduied to expire October 3ol, is extended IndefLnlte~y and will overlap the ncxL stamp . OM'S prescnt pla.n 'Is t.J eliminate expiration dates on shoe stGmps and to ma ke new stamps valid OS 800n as supplies warra n' . This enables a person to save shce stamps until .shoes ~re , needed.
Lssued tomor.e than 120 mJJI[oo persons t hrough scboolhoWie 'dfs"rL. butlons during t:he ll18t 10 dtll' ot · October, 0PiA has all110Ut\Cl::q , The book combines ., point and WItt , s ~ . It has elgpt pages contaln- -, , Ing 384 stamps, printed In blue, red ;: reeJl' a.nd black. • • • \Announced casualties of the ' , !Jntted sta tes AImed Forces from .he oubbreak of the war to' date ·· (whose next of kin have been notified) LoW 105,205, accordLng to War and! 'Navy Department reports . This total includes:· dead, 20,104; wounded, 28,226; . .mJssl.ng, 32,1105; pr isoners ot war, 23,970,
FRIENDS HOME Miss Maine Browne was a Xenia , isitor Thursday afternoon. Mr . a. nd Mrs . A1fred Jones of uayLon visited their aunt. Mrs. Eta Doyle, Friday morning. Mrs. Est.el Hllgemeyer and Mr. ,Ohll Hagemeyer of Oregonia, called ·n Mrs . EvalYll A. Peterson Satull. day evening. Mr. an d Mrs, Muton Sheellan of qen tervllle, were g uests of Mrs. ,-\lIce Clark, Sunday. \ Mr . and Mrs. Gurney \Vright.· 'v1r. and Mrs. E . T. Rannells ane! IIllss Hanna Greene ot WUmlngtOD. ;alled on Mrs . Evalyn Peterson and ,Mrs. Ella Doyle Sunday atternoon. Mrs. Robert Furnas and IJttle MIS6 Bamara' Mlsseld1ne visited '41'S. Anna Oglesbee and other rlends here Tuesday. Mrs . Charles Colller of HarveyaIUrg, was the guest of her sister, \1rs. Elffle Thompson, Saturday.
FERRY The Herbert Grahams returned as t Wednesday Irom a ·successfUl .wo weeks' revival service at Mount
Eden, Ky. Mr. and Mrs . Gene ·Oronk and .nmUy were Sunday evening callers If Mr . and Mrs. George McMJcbael and son. Mr . Ed Roland of Jamestown' l8 '. ~est at the home of Mr. and J4ta, Jess Roland this week. Sunday visitors . of the P. J. I'homases and H. R. Fordyce 'were Mr . Harold Shaw, the QeOrge Mo· Miohaels, Mr. and Mrs. Forrut Fisher and son, Joh~, and Mr . a.nd Mrs . Oharles Hope. Around 200 folks enJOY~ the Ferry Homecoming last sunday. A JOUnt1ful dinner was sPread in the social rooms. Chester WtlU~, . former minister, was the afternoon, . speaker . Mr. Graham spoke in the morning. .
A TIMELY REMI'NDER!!I ~""""'~"""";tto""""'-""''''
CHECK YOUR FIRE INSURANCE POLICYI1 ' . The coming of cold weather. meana ing of" laeating .Yltem., and the danger of fire ia greatly increaled. Make • aure your Fire Inlur~nce Policies. are in "workihg order" too. -- --.;;..;01-- --'--,.,...",.: Conlult your agent I
WAY:N ESYILLE INSURANCE AGENCY C. B. Jenkin., prop. ' SUCllellllOr to LeMa, " 8,,,lI:e WAYNESVILLE, OHIO , Telepbbae.
Sand & Gravel !
. _
'l'.AB ANI)
ROAD OIL; EXOAVATIito ..... , .
We Offer
Satisfactory Services
At Ail
Among recent real estate transfers a.t the' court· house were the following : OOllrad Purkey to Boyd Jones, lot In Col'Win. 'N athan Nesbitt Murrey, ~t al., to Elmer LRmh, 101 .77 seres in Wayne
Elsie R . HOckett and J ean H. Bunnell to Ruth H . Edgington, lot in Wright's addition to Waynesvllle, . !Frank L . and Helen M . Burk!bead to Leander S . Arthur, .46 aores in Olearcreek twp. ~tel and Sue Williams to SherIIl8.\l1 o.nd Ida Powell. 48 acres in Washln~n twp . . Vlrgll L . and Zola Peele to H . J. B~, 74.64 acres In Clearcreek
twp. B. D. and LoUise L . Mastefs to Henry We and Leora Martha King, 110,71 acres in MalISle twp. C&l.lle E. madden, SO.ts acres In Washing);on 11ivp. , Fannie I . Van Horn, by admln1Btrator; to Ruth Smith, 35.60 aores Of M. stokes by executrix to Henrietta ,B. Dawson, 285.79 acres " in Wayne tvm. ' 1;oulse temm<>n, Irma IIartsook and Ethel Dunham to Henrietta B. ~:--:--,,-~ !DI¥WBOb. 286, 79 acrelj in Wayne
Dr. C. E. Wh Optometric Eye Specialist 26 S. Detroit Street -XENI~,
Ky ., and Cella Belle Young, 16, drill press operator. ,FronkUn. Clarence !Wilson, 28, mill worker, Bnd Bertha Johnson, 18. bnth of Franklin. !Marvin W. Sherron, 24, army. MIddletown, and Margaret J . Ward, 23, stenographer. Franklln , Robert B. Meyers, 20, sallor, and Heten L, Bunnell, 17, both of Frank lin. Charles Johnson, ,19. sold\e.r . of Orono. Maine, and Morllyn Cooke, 21 , sten agrapher, of Lebanon , . . otis R. ChlIt<ln, ,23, soldier, of 'Ilwenty Mlie Stand, and e:J ean o~ Bennett, 19, tylplst, also of Twenty Mile Stand. Oharles R . Scheidt, 23, solclier, Centerville, and Katherine Glenn, 23, stenographer, wayne.:;v1lle . Edward Washington" 66. jallitor. and Henrietta Oreen. 57. dolT' estle, both of Fra.nklln. James Henry Dalley, 25, soldier, Watklna Olenn. N. Y. , and , Liley Abrams, 23, mall clerk, Franklin. Gi:orge Jdhnson, 33, grinder, and Louise Moore, 24, laborer. both 0
,to Speed Riddell: &mall tract In Cle~eek ' twP. Olar,k South Agnes Griffee, .M ~ 1np!ee:ror~k twp. ' ,Sherman ,a nd Ida Pdwell to Arco and 'Mabel &tea,:' 2 .17 acres and 4 In W~n tWp. ' bY' C , 'aDd Olara: ,Belle Myers to • Roland Bevan, 8.55 liUes in Wa.yne
twp. ,AlI:Jert
, mite
Grlyun1t ®f
1---ooY ~f'ui\er
SCbnaltman. , IU 067 acres in Wayne
twp •. Walter Morrl8 to Q¢noy A. and In Wayne twp. ' :m>onald O . Zeigler al, to LouIs J. ~n, ' lot 70 ,in Springboro . I!ft.*.:.!....--~--,"""'~...-n, ~etgler, et ai, to Louis
~::!~~~~e~~::~:~~:~ =.M:hC;:~
CONSERYE ,ELECTRIC'l n to conserve COAL-manpower-transportatloll
It takes a pound of coal to manufacture a How you can
l<i1o,..au hour of electricity. A ,hundred-wall
lamp lighted len hours consumcs a kilowati
hour. Conversely, a hundred.watt lamp turne,d
rllfn off li~h'5 when 1101 in u Sc. and when le llvill~ home or r)l1it'li
OFF lot ten hours SAVES a kilowatt hour
I)on ', turn on the lOas'· er or the iroll beFore YOII nrc' rCllll y III use II . 1 "'n il when not if', use
Turt~ ,
,," ' Ihc , radio ... hl'n nd tine ' is lis l~ niD41
and saves the, pound of coal. ,If ever)' one ot our more than' 120,000. cUstomers ' will save . just , that ~uch"
tons of coal will be con·
,se,rved for wllr pUrposes. Use pleriry ol,lighl
which to read
~d' 5~w ' apd
work, 'b iu
cljmi~ate all uri needed lighting:' Wosta In Wor t. '. ~r''''., Do Not Wolf., ~'.e#,/clt.y l ,u ll ••c.u •• " II No' •• t/o ..cI. ,
, 'f- 15 - -0 A V T"'O"- POW 1-. III D LI G .3 ' COMPANY
so lIN!.
~_"'_ _, !,,n_ _ _,_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __
--' Ft. Lewis, Tacoma, Y/Ilsh., Sunday. ttftcr !\ shotL furlough with home YOU ARE INVITED TO l olk,s . O!,! Wedllesday ,he al~·s . --A TrEND THE WbortQn visited Mr .· · and Mrs . Jame.ll lteeny at Independence. Ky . ~ttU1te5fri~ On Thursday evening they were din. n er guellt.s J)f Mr. and I,l)drs . 4Jren a.t~ri5t Routzahn at Frankiin and Sat Ul'day SUNDAY, OCTOBER S wilh MI' . RALLY DAY Mrs . , Bernard Melloh at Waynesville . MORNING SERVICE Ttle Woman'S Society of Ly ~ 11:00 A. M. church wlll meet WednesdllY alLerResidents of the WaynesvWe noon. Octo1;ler 6, at lhe home of vicin ity are Invited· to attend the Mrs. J anet ' Rush. AssistinG the Dlornjng services and paorUdpate hostess are: M.r". Eva Graham, in the radio- transcrlpUon to I'e Mrs. Ina Longacre a nd Mrs. m" de of , this service and which Blanche Graham , We have some will be broadcast over WWO. comforts to knot at this meeting so t , Da.yton, from 1:30 unto 2:00. Sound photo - From a balcony of t he blrns- n ee<\le and t h1mble. government house in Buenos Aires, ~. - - - •. Mr . aud Mrs , J. B , Jo~ c s wcrc Gell. Arturo Rawson, saluting, and EVENING SERVICE entertained t<l dinner Sun:iuy eveGen. Pedro Ramirez, foreground, 8:00 O'Clock 'greet enthusiastic population. They nl1lg aL the home of Mr. and Mrs . are the new leaders who took over Carl P1ckerio'A' I\Ild Mrs, Ada Chell. Mr Murl Nolder wUI play a 'after the successful one-day revolt in concert 011 t,he llanulu,nd Orran oweth at Centerville and afterward Argentina.. enjoyed a theatre party at the Vic- .preceding .the evening service at ory In iDa.yton and saw the pIny , 7:40. Come and hear tbis beauti(ul music and stay (or tbe even"Watch on the Rhine ." UrN. \\' uIf4'r I(rll r h-k. (Oo rrr",.olu,,,,,, 1Mr, and Mrs, Harold Steinke and ing service. Mrs. Allen Emrick was a gue:;t of - - - - - - --'the New Century club at the h.ome chUdrCIl entertained to dinner SlInMAX W. RANDALL, near day evenin g in honor of the wed , of Mrs. Kennetl~ Hough ding anniversElry of the latter Ii MinietEor Waynesville, Friday nJ'te1'll0on . Phone 2993 Mrs. J. B. Jones was a Dayton parents, Mr. and Mrs. H . E . Gil , man and alS9 the !Irst blrthd ny of visitor Thursday. Mrs . Arthur Hopkins of Waynes- thetr Uttle da ughter , Judy. The vUle, was a weeld ,end guest of Mr. guests were: Mr. BJld Mrs. C . E. - .- - - - - - -- - -- - -and' Mrs. Everett' Kenrick and chll- Vennllya of Englewood, Mr. and came 'home with lhc.m r I' a visit. Mrs. Forest Ferree and Mrs. Oora Mr. Walter W.l1sull of neal' N ~w dren . Mr. 'and Mrs. Milton SMehan of- Feree of Dayton and Mr . Thom ~ s !Burlington, was a roller Sunda.y at FOR e~o bushels at bearded bhe Tulmage homo allli also of MI'. Centervllle, were Sundny afternr. on Feree of Greet),vll1e . oleaned seed wheat. Lawrence callers at th e h ome Mr . and Mrs, and Mrs . Ed Clark, Iloor Ore g 611l,. White. Phone Waynesvllle 2822. MI' . and Ml·S. Dwight Bt!l1Son of ,Walter Clark. Springfield, were Sunday night Harvey Burnet is s~pndLng this F'OR SALE---d"lve ]Burner K erosene ~ II ". Jc",de GnrAcr. Cu" e",..... '!.:'" ~ests of h b moth Cl', M"s. Etb ;l stove, side oven, gOOd condition . week i n Washington ]J , C., In the Mr . and 'M rs . carl Cleaver a Beason and McCarrells. Also , 30x30 stove board Mrs. R. interet of ths Cooperative MilK AsNew York OIty, and son, Joh!}, who Mr . and Mrs. Orlando Branna n H ! Kler at junc'tion at Route 73 sociation. II. furlough from Caurvrllia, of XenIa, were Sunday vlsliors of is on Mrs . Alice Trickey has returned and Lytle road. 7 home ruter spending several weeks and the fOl'mer's mother, Mrs . El· the Terry family. FOR SALE - Nice 6 room house. with her daughter. 'M rs. I rma mer Schrader of Lebanon, made a We are very happy to report Albel't water, lights, fl~rnac.e, possest;lon Sweetman In Dayton where sh e 'n ad brief call on several II'lends In tills Lee Tn.Iinnge Is Improving from 11 In 30 days ; been very 111 , She is somewhat Imr violnity MOllday . All were glad to serlt. us i1ln~ and at present is r!i18-Room House, m~.dern , two baths, proved . see Oarl after several y ai'S absence, cuperatillg , at South Lebanon wi h stoker, nearly 2 acres or .ground . Mrs. Vera. ' T'tbbals Rol;er and his mother and grandparents, Mr . Mrs. Russell Campbell a'ld ,ohil150 Acres level, nl,:e 8 room house, dren 'Were shopplnQ' in 'Dayton Sat- daughter 01 W iknlL!l, are spencting and Mrs. W. W. Shurts and other elecbrlcity, n6W fur,nace, water urday. several 'Weeks in Clnrksville ~Ith her relatives . Pr. Edward Blair is the under pressure, barn 45x60, 16 cow attending physicia.!l. !Mrs. Minty Smith of 'Dayton h usband, who 1..; employed there. stanchiOllS, new one car garage, sPent Sund ~ and Monday with Mr. MIss Ma.ry EJ1za.beth SmUh has CommllDity Picnic .' mllk hOUse, $90 Jper acre. Sunday. Sept. 26 , broogbt to a aud Mrs. Leslie Gray and children . returned to her home bere a1tCl' Properties and farllns s hown by ap'Mr. nnd'Mrs. Allen Emrick oalled a several days' viS1t ill Lexington culmination the p1cnl1?5 and family pointment only•. Wilbur N . Sears, on Mrs. May Cornell at the Warren Welmore, Kentu~ky. She &lud reunions which ha.ve ,been e~j oyed Inslll'9tnce and Real Estate, Ooun ty Home Sunday afternoon. her father, Alvin D. Smith, had as by many 1n this vlolnly during the iWayn~ville; Ohl<o. 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilbur Clark were visitors Sunda.y in their hamil, Iona past sllIJlmer. Invitations had been , I\Ild dinner guests Sunday at 'the home Belle Smith and Lewis C . Snlith. of given by Mr. I\Ild Mrs. , Jas. ,F . mSURAlNCE - For your Fire of Mr, and Mrs. Everett Clark III .near Harveysburg . The latter Is JacobS of Wellinan, to Lbelr nelgh.,. Auto Insurance see the Ridge home on a t urough. Dayton. bars, Ilriends and relatJve.s, to spend ·Agency. We relPre~ent tbe best 'Mrs. Howard Drummond or Har- the day at the "Jacobs Park," to The , Woman's Society of Lytle and strongest eo'ffillanles. o. M. church served lunch at the sale of ;ye~urg in compimy ' with h er whloh. more tbon one hundred perRidge, MaIn street, Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs . C . L. DUke TUesday. daughter, Mrs. John V. S tarr, and SOIlS responded'. The slight chm of Mrs : Kesler Graham entertjlinec1 !baby, or near Oregonia, were busl· the autwDn day only added to the FOR S~ ewes and one buck:.' Mrs . Nettle Titmey, \V6ynesvUle at dinner Wedn esd~ in honor of ne.ss vlsitors In Lebanon, 6a~urday zest of the oocaa1on, especially when the birthday RIoute 3. Phone 2875 . aU surrounded the festa board to mother. Mrs, Carl partake of' the sumptuous dinner in , , Lebanon, the ,screened dlnJDe. hall . . ~ _ The men imjoyed pinyin!! croquet SelkeI' of SprIngboro and Mrs. Wal- were SUnday - Visitors at the heme ter Selker of .nell,r Ridgeville. of Lee Talmage and Je&&le ~ost of ..the day, n.ud we nre of ,the , Mr . and Mrs. Harvey Burnet atMr. and Mn. Raymond Morgan oplnlon ,that George W. Davis was FOR SMJE - ,193'7 Ohe;rolet Town tended their Dinner cl b Saturday and HenrY Murphy were Sunday the chamJ)ioh player of bunoh . The company wei. compollfd of Sedan . Heater , In good condition evenIng, entertained 'b y Mrs . Cl\ssle visitors at Mrs. Murphy who Ja aWl ~t her home near Harvey&. Ohrlst hoIIpltal. Olnclnnatl. Mr. and Mrs. Olair Kapp, Miss Collette with five tires. <Phone !!991. 8 ~urg. Wymer S, D<mney was a v1s1t<lr Virginia Martin, Dal~ Hines. Lima ; FOR SA>LE--Seven young open wool Mr. and ' M.rs. E. B . LoI;lJacre Sunday of Rudolph St. John, m a Helen M . cooil and sons, ~o. ewes . Morris BI:own, Spring Val- had 'for their Sund~y dlnper guests. OinclnnaU hOBpital, ' ber~, Larry and Wlllard of Spl'lngley Rout-e One . Phone Oenterville Mr, and Mrs. 'George. Davis an~ Mrs. Ethel Beason and Mrs. WU- field, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Artz, 7020. 8 Mr , and Mrs. Edga~ Patton of CIn- \bur MoC'8.tTen were Sunday guest" Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Howard , of . Mr. and Mfa . Cecil B<.!ason Conn, KinglJlQn; ' Mr . imd Mrs. roR SAllE - Kelvlnator Electric dnnatL Pvt . Morris Whprton reLm'n ed. to Middletown. Little BobI:Iy BeaSon 'James S. Rader, daughters Marcia Range, table toP,' all white. Also , , ' and Rut.h. Oeorie W. Davlst ~ J. A. coal and wood range; butchering Snell, Mr. and Mrs : Thom.lS Rich, tools, Baby Gua,rd high chair and Mr . aud Mrs. ChaI'les Collier, Mr . ,and Mrs . Stanley Gray, Mr. and :1 Mrs. Laurenoe 'H ough, Mr. and miles ""-""'-'e....=•......,o=;".".:=..:...._ _ _ -\-_ _ _ _ Mrs. Roy DrUmmond, Mr. an~ WlANTED TO BUY-Vent ilator fan Mrs. Claud~ Gray, Mr. and Mrs . ,w ith or without: motor. Size 12 to J. H. Bogan. Mr . and Mrs. Elbert 24 Inches, Yellow Springs News . RiCh and children, , M~ . an~ Mrs. I'Ihone Yellow Bprings 373. 1 Glenn Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver ' I«In and daughter, Mr. dnd Jacobs, !FOR s ..~: .E--9wuet Potatoes . J. O. MrlI. >Laurence Jacobs and daughter, Hollvke" Waynesville . Mni. Edna nteDia.n and Omer, Mr . and Mrs. Rayaio)1d Morgan, RelU'Y, I,OS' r! - REWARm Mur,phy, ~ . and Mr~ . Jesse: PenBEECLE HOUND : Black with white ~" and sOit,.,Mi-. aDCi'Mra : J. and ts n . Answrrs to ~ame ' of P . 3aatM, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fritz. Notify }Ubert Cook, Route Davis, Lebanon ; Robert Crew, Frallk 2, Wa3':~ ;v U:e, Ilnd roceive reward , , Olaud1a. Brandenburg, Lab,. Wi,ANl'L)::;- H :g'1 S::hoot Boy lo anon; ~ EliZabeth Gray, J. Lee Washing ttle separator in ttl. Thorough washing of sepawod after school and on Satul''I'altnatJi!; J. W. Goddard, Mrs. iotor 'oth morning' and evedays wn'J wou (\ like to lea\'n the morning and merely rinSing if Imojene! Voien, Mr. and Mra . .nlng by the ~.w "wtlling prlntlr. ;: trade. ApPly at the Ga- ,after the evening separation ~ Stair. M'aegene and Matusua!l~ takes abautqgent" met.had tab, lust..; MINUTES MINUTES ' zette offlee. taret>King,' &fold Houib, Nellie ' One of the least-liked farm cbores The full lmportance of , the new D&vt8; 'Fannll; Mtt, Henry GenW/oiNTED-Ma n or woman' to oper- II aU bl.\t eliminated as the result method can be appreciated only 11 'ate c'rearo station. U interested, of the development by Prof. A. W. it 18 realized' tltat a dirty separator 'tr¥, j8rrty-. Donald, lJInda, Janet and see 'Mrs. M.oK,eever a.t CUdahay Rudnick, of Iowa State College, of a Is the principal source of poor LIlllan Ellii, Elberta, Jean and and Earl new method which makes It possible 'cream. Becnuse Ileparator clea'n! ng Cream statton. MaLn street, Wayfor the rural homemaker to ' wasb as carried out on the average (arm nesvllle. ' ber 'lIeparator In only two minutelslow and bothersome, It ii, o1tim -, four minute's a day. The best sep- 1m'prcIPe,rl,y ,done,,, In' all WO mally OPA, SLASHES "AI.UE OF ' arator .c leaning method used u~' to ~ases, ~e , separator belore long be· B AND C GAS COUPONS now takes ,at least IIx times as ,16ng. comeilo'breeding place for m'old and 1 'm a sudden 'move Thursday, the to 8ay nOUllng : of the drudgery In· bacterla. A likely ' resuit is ~ low, volved. ' . " grade ' cream Cor ' which tll ~tarmer Ootflce ' of 'Prl(le Administration The new method makes use nel- recel,v u a lo~ :Pl'lce; a lot of grief slashed the value, of B and 0 gaSp- ther of sOaP nor WI\ShlDg powder. ~or the · creamery which purch ases I llna coup.qns froni bhree gaijons to ' Iristead, it utilizeS a "wetting agent' It, and p~Uer whIch ,no 'consumer VIllI bq· 'particularly ,anxio\ls to!!a t , tWo galJons.. Spokesmen ' sald 'the .' ~ompound 01 the 'v ariety 'that . IJlOVe was neeeSS8,r y to cplU\Crv~ our ,n,ere Is 'golng to be' litUe excuse become so, popular tecenUl for. 8Qy \ of: till. now' that' ,a f eaUy dwindUng ga.soinEl suppues.hPule~vel ,for 1n,!111! 'li:ltch,en bathroom cbores. The wetting ' ef!eo~ve wllihirig metllod Ilos beeD The valu.e of A coupQns . remains com~und-and ther!! are any IIUQ1- devised· ~hlcb require. a , 'lot leu tnree gl!>llons; bet 9n the marltet...,.not oilJ,Y radical· time to wasb the separalor Iwlce' Iy cuts 'doWn the time requireil to dall1 ~an .. rc(/uired' to do It once clelln the leparator but allo ,(Joel 0 a d81 by. ' the U8ual methcid, , fol· Ptan1t11n. ; much better, lob Of clean~ . than lowe<L, 2'1, maohltn~ bu · ~ableved:;hfre,to1ore. ' The ,"uli lnlormllf;lon aoncemtlJR Ibe "lIlItllij:t!lla ' - ~ ne. wubln, ..,roc:edlJl'e can. for DO new method snd complete dlretilcma special equipment, ad i'equil'8l lor .t ~a.\l be hod 'roln lb. one pall of ...no lIOIu~oa
Martha E, and William Cj.I·lghJ. Burton, IQt 70 In Springboro. (J, L. and EMI O . Duke ~o OcO. tor to, Ernest a.nd J ennie Loqy, \, P. ~tnJlley; lO~.67 ncres in Clelll'- 5.04 ncres In Way.ue twp . ,VlvlBJl Lea and Evelyn . Lillian creek twp. IFarrln T. Griest to Raym{\rtcl M. F!:ye to Emma E. Pl'lck tt, .30 and L!wone COnley, Jr . , 87 .'l~ acres acres in Cl()( rcl'cek twp . New Suits In Massie t'WP . Charles ,prlokett vs . H el n Prick. , Stanley and Amy Balley t<> Howard and Elsie -Surface,' 49 .46 acres ett, divorce; gross Il glect, of dUlY· Freda Garrett, vs. J. !B. G'a rrett, Want Ad's. Cards ,of Thanks and in Clearcreek: twp. Obituaries are chalrgcd for at the A. B. and Hattie Wood t.> D. C. divorce; gross neglect of dut y'. rat.e of one bent 'Il word. minimum Maxine Bat)' vs. Leonard H . Bllty, and Gladys McClanaban, .21 acres charge 25c. A Want A d Inserted for divorce; extreme cruelty . In Ciearcreek twp. three Umes ill charg'lld at Zc a word. Mabel Rasnic vs. Evel'cLt ltasnlc, B . D . Arthur to Edith AJ·thur, extreme cruelt)',. small traet in Washington twp. FoR. SALE - Watkins Produots at Grnoe Hedrlc VB , Ralph Hectrie, 23 'N . Broadway, Lebanon . Open Otho M. Harlan, et ai, to VIOla divorce, extreme cr uelty. evenIngs , for your convenience. E. Harlall , lac 3 In Oorwin. Common Pleas G :en Lintner. Phone 63 L. Louis I. and Edna Park: to Melvin Edward Blair, et a!" vs . Nellie E. and Earetta aaker, 209 Olr.res ill Drlnk'rllan Thompson. et a1., judg- FOR SAlJE-Complete lloe of StaWashington twp. U,o nery "tor sale at the GazeLLe Elsie a.. Hockett et a i, t o Ca!'l c\nd ment n.gal.llSt defendant to plninUtf office. Priced from 250 t.o $3.00 . Jane Camps, lots 69 lind 70 in Un\, In sum of $856,01 and to DiviSIOn of Aid for the Aged, deparllment of vel'6lty Heights Subdivision in LebFOR sAI...ID-<Fryers .. Edwin MicltenPublic, Welfare In the sum of anon . er, Waynesville Ftoute 2. Phone !Maurice Stoller to Matilda Chis- $2,095. 17. 2926. 30" Theodore Helton vs . Anna Helton, en~l1, 2.10 acres ill Wayne I1Wp. Jacob G . and Clara Kindle to forme r decree' modified, custody of FOR SALE-"Maglc Che,f Range, di~ca.tlure vided toP, like new. Equipped with RObert O . and Nora M. Luc'l, 69.64 ull chlldren to defendant; · plaintiff RLalgas (tank). Priced to sell. to pay defendant sum of $5 .00 per nores in OJea.rcreek bwp. ~ome E. L. Weaver, 4l:2'h N . West St., D . Frank Deardoff to Roland O . week . XenIa, Ohio. SO Martha M. Hopkins vs . James lAIond1s, 54 .88 acres In Clearercek Dial 2111 - Waynesville Hopkins, this cause c!sm1.,,;ed at FOR SALE-About 400 bUilhels of bVi'P. Ervin W. QIld 'Mnry Smith to P e· cost of plaintM>l, ear corn . Ernest Evans, LeblWlon. Charlie Watkins vs. Cannan and ,tar A. Runyon , .50 acres in Mt. Phone 305K. 30 'L illian Crane, judgment to p!alnt iH \!; .. Holly. In the sum of $511 .32, 'WIth interest. FOR SALE-3 Yr. Old Shropshire Fred C . Gavc to Inez Black. 37. 55 Ram trom registe.red stock. Phone MarrJace Llcenses a.cres in Massie twp , Waynesville 2910. 7 Vincent Webb, 24, soldier, Duluth,
:. Court News
'mtJllSDAl', SE~B
NEW METImO CLEANS SEP~RATOR TWICE DAilY IN 45~~NUTES , =------=----- ----.. . ,..-
~ ,
15 ,
, cwbJc:b.u .... alii
uaecl~ , ~~=~ ~~
• o
-- . ~-------------------:--------------::~--------~------------~~~~~~~~~~rr;~~;.;-n~~;;~~~-------Jma.ry-FOUltTB YEAB WAYNBSVJI.LB. OBIQ TBURSI>AY, OCTOBtm. 1. 1M3.
·Na:tionU·War F1pld QUOtas Set"
To Meet Here Thurs., Oct. 14
Aged Lady Dies
--~------------------------------ -:---'-_________ WROLENUMB£B~ -"--_ __
Lumber Co. Sold To Fred Grauman
Wayne Twp. TopslJ3ond. Driv~ Quota
Announcement has been maW. a the puchase of the I' mal.nln~ asse l of the W . H. Madden and CompBIl. m . l·'x:lday a t her rhome in Harvey:;Announcemen t W1lS made Satur10CQ.l lumber dealers. by Mt' . Fre, . The Fall lru;titute or thll Warren bUrg followinS a s troke the previous dny by Ross H. Har.tsock, chalnDan, Grauman on September 27 . T~ County Teachers' Association will Baturday . sale wns made by Oharl es J . Wag · that Wayne towmWp had exceeded be held In the achool auditorium at She Is survived bY' two daughters, Its quota 10 the TWrd Ward Bond goner, receival' . Purchasc prlce .w WaynesvUle Thursda.y, October 1•. Mrs. Minnie Col11er ot Madison, Drive by $16,'722.25 . Due to the tact , :;ald to have been $3.500.00. The aIternoon session, to begin Tenn.. and Mrs. i4Ssa curl, who , The Madden company 'W1l.S own l that lIB late as last Thursday at 2:45, wlll consist ot the followlng Uved with her mother; two grlltldtownship was stIll OV'lr $20,000 ~ol't' by !.he Madden est.c.\ te and wus pI program: children and one brother, Dr. J. W. o! its quota , the announceme:lt came Into receivor hlp In ordci' to lIqui· Invocation 'by 'Rev , Ralph Parka, 'Ward OIl WaynesvUle. ~ a plellBant surprise. Total sales date the ussets . ..... pa.stor ot the Wa.YIIlesville St. :F1UneraJ. services were held Moo,· Mr. Grauman, who Is now cn. amounted .to $J..2,2,722.25 whlle the Marys Episeopal church, who 1& 1lDldey at the home in Harveysburg , p layed at the National C h Re..'il quota. IlOIllgned h ere was $108,000. ployed part-time as a teacher in the under the direction of the MoCllure Robert Lamb was adjudged the tel' company b Day ton, was m, I'll local high school; double quartet by F1uneral Home. Interment 'was in champion bond sale.9man with sales ger of the lumber com P'I ny f( Massie school ; addresa by Rev. M48.Inl cEmetc'ry. of over $25,000 to his credlt. mnny years prior to being Induete Floyd FOust of OOlumbU.s; . triPle L. E.~.~. Warren county elCcee<led lLs quota In to tho ar my about (l YCI\r agl , trio lI>y Clean:reek SClbool; ~dreB8 RENDOVA FIEL,D SOLOMONS (Soundphoto) - This lOundphdto The National War Fund campsign by $4U3.oo0 aooording tpthe offlCtal lHe su'b::;cquently rece ived an honol shows wreckage .of lin army field headquarters kitchel'\. left when by Mr. A. D. St. Olair. field asent, 18 designed to 1'a1ae runds tor tp.e announcement .' Bonds ·were to wble d lscllal'ge from lelle army all the Jap. Ca me o,ver Rendova Island, during the preparation of a DlvlBlon of School Finance, State Of 1'1 rellef and welifare agencies which thc value of $1,713.000 while the meal. One man was killed when the enemy scored a direct hit in accepted d efense work nt \..he N .C Ohio, ' Department of Education: make up the National War Jl'\.uld. Everyone Is ~ to, attend the the recent raid. R . He states that ,n o ()hanges al quota Wll.'$ $<1,250.000 , There ' were clarinet solo lI>y Sue Furnas. Wa,yneS These agenciea are as tollowlI: . Rally Day servIce sunday at the , contemplated at prescnt In regaT 4,360 indIvidual Investors. vUle school. U. S. O. lWaynesvllle Methodist church !tnd Mrs. LeOn Salisbury of Washmgto operation of the company. LOCAL SOLD~ PiJUBEO ,D inner at. 5:30 p. m. to be served United Seaman's ServIce hear Prof . Wade M.Iller or the Mid'C . H . and Mr, Barve Ta.ylor of ton IN AUTO-TBUCK (l8A8R bY' the Home Economic~i cla.ss of War Prisoners Aid dletown schools. Mr. iMUler Is Ii Dayton. Waynesvllle high school. Sergeant Glen . 23. Belgtan War Rellef Society noted pwUc Bpealter and an interMr. and Mrs . Earl Earnhart and " Mrs . Reba Bt'ndThe ,program for the evenIng 8I!SMrs. Cora IRIcn. iBriU8h War Be11ef SooietJ., estlng talli. 1& promised . Waynesv11le, and M1s8 Lena Mount.. son, Mr. and Mrs . A, H . Earnhart slon, to begin at 7:00 o'clock 1& lUI French Bellef Fund Sunday will also be IPromot."n and Mr. Alton Earnhart were Frl- dock. Mrs. U. G . Wbetzel .!\lld Mrs . Mrs. Ross Planck accompanied b: joy~ 21, Lebanon. su!fel'ect cuts and follows: ll'r1eJIdB of Luxembourg lOay &t the churoh and scholars will ~ evening supPl~ guests of Mr. i.ena Har.t&lCk were WUthlngton bel' granddaugll~, Mrs . ' Arelli bru1ses early Tui!8day wben an auBand concert by the Waynesville Oreek Wu Rel1ef AaIIOclat:Oll be advanced in their cla.s6es accordMrs. H. B. Earnha.rt e,.nd fam- visitor on Sunday. Hildebrant of LebanoD, atte ndel r~()m'ob[Je driven by Bo~ crubed 6Chool bond under tJhe direction of " • 0 Norweslan Re11et 1nig to age and grade in school. the rear ' of a truck o.r.\ite Of IMrs. Frank Thomas. MI.ss Cora the Very impressive groduatlon ex Into E . W. Scofield; bu.s1neu aeas1on; Polish War Rellef The servIce will begin .at 8:30 a. " 0 • ercD;es at Selma, Ala bama, on Oc 42 between Lebanon and ~Mm. Mr. and Mrs. lLee Terrell were Thomas and Mrs . Russell Bentley Qddress. ~ 'CUrrent ~'...." Mr....4. ,United Ch1na Reller m. Claases:wtll be held 88 usual with rhey were thrown ag&l.nst the ..~rlnd 6un~ay lUests of Mr. and Mrs. were Springboro vl.s1tors during last ,tcJber 1, when her son. 2nd Lt D . Bt. Ola1r; trumpet 8010 by Irma United OIeohoslovalt Reller the progrem followlDs. The ,J unior :Robert L. Planck received his ~ings shield by the lmpoot and wc!re pVl- ' Fires of Wa~e school; addre8a. Wllllam Brose in Lynchburg. week . Queen WWleJm1lla Fund Ghoir wW furnish speiclal music. Lt. Planck Is now home and aftCI en emergency treatment by a Pb.1Io " • Rev. Floyd Foustj adjournment. . LOvely gut pa.ckages of Avon a 'few days wlll return to his duti ' lc1an. The truck was driven . b)' !RUssian War Rellef MemtJers Ue urgect<ta1Je p!esent Mrs. Henderson, MrS. trene W. W'. Cade, Morrow IIlq)ertnUnited Y1J4l'OI!1av I;leUef Fund and bring a friend with them. Grace Vice and M:r . Rnd Mrs. Wtl- Products tor sale by Emma Rnper. a.t TnIl1Ulassee Fla . The awarding O. Willl8.m 8llrader, 56, i.4'an&1leld. · tendent, Is president of the aaaoc1aRefugee Rellef Truateea -the wings a.nd commission cal e nC. Sgt. Hopld.ns, ' a son of Mr. aDd StToud spent Sunday In Dayton tlon, Oharles James, Wa.yneBVll1e. 1& U. S. OOInm1~e for oare or ter the neW flying officer had com. Mrs. Ed, Hopltlns, is home on ' ilck at tl,le borne of Mr . and Mrs: Sher,v1<le president. and Mrs. MInerva JJlUropean Cl\Udren. pleted his ad vanced flight tralnlnl leave from hJa dUties 14 'Panub&. ml!Jl Ce.rter. Hough, Waynesville, 1& tempol'al'J Local cltizens are belDs Urged to .As the resuJ.t 01 an aptItude test, ,. at the advanced fl ying sch ool. Our. secretary. Mrs. LW1an C&rr, Masale, Pvt. 'LOuis Thompson or Cnm~} support this worthy CjlmpaJin to the various candidates. the tollowThere will be a band conOel·t an Ing the many mon ths of training hI and Ralph l41lla. ClearCreek, ootnPerry, spent the weekend h ere a L best at their ahWt)' . 1ng pupUa were chosen on the s tal! dance all Friday, October 15, nt tIle h8.ct ,to Undergo before he mountec. prise the ex.ecutlve committee. il. his home. high school gumnaslum under the the stand I.Q receive his wings nn< BlB1'BD DINNY at the school paper: AJmetta AY O. IM.Ul1ga.P, ~Ie, Mrs. Bertha P. , \" ., Steinke. editor in cWef; RayIyn auspices of the Band Mothprs club , certHica.te, he was given all types ' The Warren county Ketb~t . Mr. and Mrs . ,p'. H . Miltenberger OOns~le. Ha.rlan-lBuUeMlle. M1sa Cora Th-;;n; entertaIned til oo-ed1tor, and Robert wete-guestB 01 Mrs . Grace Uncoln The ooncert 'Will be played by the Instucrtion. He was toughened Brotherhood met a~ the .local Meth.. Abert O. David&on, South Lebanon, dinner 'on 8UJUla.y 1n honor ot ~he Sernard, bw;l.ness manager; . Roy Smith, on Sunday. Waynesville Sob.ool Band ond th e mentally and physically and learnel odist churcp MondVoy evening wlUl ~orm bhe nominating committee " , bIrthday> anniversary of her brother, Bitzow, Martha Jane Early. Irma School Mixed Chorus and w11l begin <to .drill, just' as any soldier . He wa' an attendance of 59 men. A ,fellow• I' • Mi$ Ellen Moss of the Nurses at 8:30 p . m. At the conclusion of given every phnse of combat ~1l ' sWp supper was served by the iadle.I ' 141'. Arthur Tboma.e. , The vei-y love- Pires, RObert FIsher, Wilma Fowl, J.v dinner tal)le W8B arransed wIth James Hart, . Lanna Hildebrand. Tre.1nlng school, General hospita l, the concert a.t 9 :ll0 the dancing be- structlon, including fi gh ter forma of the churoh~b1ch wall followed." placea for Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ruth Ann!P. Johns, Ruth Ht'len Le- ClbclnDatl, and loliss Mary Moss or gins and 'will continue untli 11 :30 . t loo. ground and aerial gunnery, the busluess s!!SS1on. and ~a'm P.f EarDbart and 8OD.8, Jack and Tom- May, JulIet M'.CCo.Y, W1ll1am PhIl11ps, Middletown, where she is too 'tnlrd The newly organized dance bend .n lght f~g and hIgh altltude mls special music atrd PI!Jlel dl.Scu&IIl~ Nearly 100 were in at.tendance at JUS of Beaveltown;lIr. and Mrs. Bonnie Peters, Phyllls Rickey, Mil- grade teacher OIl ~~aple Park school, composed ot members of the school slons' wWch equip him 1:.9 become n' on "Ohr\stlan StewardilUp." t he ' annual tnspecUon ell Farmers Prank Thomas, ·Mr. Arthur Thomaa dred 8m1th, J ames $tein.ke, ·" lluel spent the - week-end with their band, will play for the dancing . vital mem'ber of the Ul'!lted St<ltes: . Officers 10r ·t.1le comlng J"IU' wen Grange No. IS Saturda.y livening. parents. Mr. and Mrs . H. R . Moss. This wUl be the flrst pUbl1c appear. st1ll rIlJpidly Lncreaslng atr ann elected as (ollows :Presldent, R. A. and the ho6ta8. Vini and Donald Wa.tkinB. The inspection was m'ade by COWlty WEST WAYiU It.DVlSOB.Y :Mrs. O. H. Brace Is the faculty P1f.ty Christmas cards with nlUDp. ance of the dance band Yihlch has !Which dally is carrying t.he war YolUlS, Mason; vice' 'pnisldPllt,.It: Deputy Dell08 Worley. across tihe wn ters to the vcry hearl E. AUgSberger, FrankltD i secrl,!tar)r, COUNCIL ,JpETS OCT. 1 advisor. . imPrinted for $U)O . Al so box cards created much interest. Mr . Harvey Bumett.. presIdent of COrwin NiXon, Lebanon; treastlNlr;---'7-~. ~ Orpnbe of our enemies' strongh cIds. and wrapping papcr , See. EmmR !.he Miami Valley MIlk Produoters' , ,Weist Wa.yne ~~ pouncU~ met The ,classes have organIzed Jor the Raper. 1Mr. and N{rs. 'Ross Planck entcr- Walter iWbita.ker, Wa.ynesville. cooperative ' a8sOc1tlon, gave a reIPrlday evening. ~r 1, at tbIl year with the election of the toltalncd to dinner Cor their son on+---'--=.,.."",.............9=7"""''''-_-~.::...,..d~~. • port on the natIonal meeting of the Mr . and Mrs . Howard Fogt and home ·of Mr. and Ni'a . .AI PollDItY, iawlng offIcers: Sunday wIth covers .nrranged for B~~AY DINNEB. . associat ion which was held last week The namee of Mr. aDd M.rB. G~ei't Seniol'll: President, Charles Rye: 1IWo ch,lldren of Ileal' Centerville, IMonday evening,' o.::tober 11, hBS Lt . Pa.nck IWd Mr. and Mrs: Archl~ in Wasl)1ri1rton, D. O. .\He atatM Fry !Were added to tb'e enroUm~t, VICe ' president. Edward Shaw; were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. been set as the. date ,tor tbe local HIldej)mnt or LeblUlon, Mr. and ~ , and ~rs. H , iB. EarnharteD~ . . that 1113 'delegates, repre8'!nting 41 mat1n8 tile oouncU cons1at ot eleven ~.secre't.arY. Betty Routzahn, treasurer, and Mrs. Don Hawke. Clvl.c club to attend the evangellstlc Mrs. Carl Peterson and daugbtCl' 01 ~ertalned to· dinner· on Suuda,y for states rwith!.he president or' the " f~. .hillet McCoy: reporter. Helen Vlnt, Mrs. Paul McBee a nd daughter, servioos at the Waynesville Church Sprln~l eld , Mr . and Mrs. Ro~erl Lhcir soo; Barlan, Who was ceJebrt.tN~lone.l Farm Bureau and the ~wreDI::e Brown gave a report on Juniors: President, Robert HerLinda, of Da.yIton, are spending the of Ohrist in answer to an I:nvitatlon Powers and IlIOn o~ sprIngfield Mt . log his blrth~y ~iv~ . U>:S •. master of the Na.tional Orange. In(!t &:be ~ beld , 1n ,Leb~ .sept. nard: vice president. Kenneth Bradwl:bh Mrs. Robert Duke . by Max Randall. pastor, a member and IDs ; Wayne Planck nlld chilo Viola Hal'lnn, Mary-nOra HoUgh with 150 congressmen and through;' aI r , I ley'j aecretary. Ruth Anna Johns; " " " of the club . All members are urged dren of D&~n, Mr . and Mrs . Loren Hough were ·~l!8ts • . chosen spokesman made It pl.aln Severai .~ W'I!I'e ' ~ted by ,t reasurer. Joe Davis; reporter, Bon- 1\lrS . Lester Gordon and Mrs. to attend. Clark Starr and chlldren of OIJborn, .f that the farmers were flot in favor Mr. ilKIah aDd & dlsOus~ !lie Peters; business mgr.. M~rtha 'DaIsy< snyder were 'F riday a.tternoon Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Howard of Mid- OOl\fPLETES 'PRE-FLIGHT The sBI"{1ces have been attracting ' of a f&ir price of sub6ldlea In 8iOi1 of tbem follOwed. He eapecl&11y Jane I!larly. ' guests of Mrs. Eimma McClure at a good attendance each nlg'ht . Mr. dletown, Mr . and Mrs. ,RllL<;scll. MarT~GDr~ and that they did not the atlreIMd ·the lnaurance 'bill. ; Sophomores: Pces1dent, Set h Franklin. Murl Nolder gives a fUtccn-minute tin and daU8bter, Phyuul. of asIWlg tmt the grocery -lM'ter ~ dt.lu.saiOO)ln. Po11nsky Haak.· vlee president, Do~ " • • AvlC Willlam ~h. e~ of concert at the . Hammond organ PROQRESsIv.E WOMEN'S C1.U B bills accumulate when the people \Mrs . Margie Schenk has returfl ed served del1c1ou:a refreshments to tne Brawn; aecretal-y, Ruth AllIburgy; Mr. and' ,Mrs. A. ' P '. Melloh. each night at '1:30 o'clock wUh 'the are better able to pay ,now' than ev,P.r ~rom a few days v1B1t with her hus• TO MEET AT COLD SPRIl\/d S ~ and'ber auesta, Ml'6 JF..88Ie service under the direction of Dr, his pre-!lI8bt t~ ~t completed treasUrer, Norma Adams; news band, IP.vt. Harry E. SChenk. a.t Fort before and that s\lb81dIes were not ~~ and U . Rdlert.~. reporter, John Sackett. The ProgresslVeWomen s club wll Sen AntonIo, Texas and baa ~ , 6 . S . La>ppln beginnIng at 7:45 . a relief to the -farmer but a rellef EVeryone who Is oble Is urged to at. meet: a.t Cold Sprin gs Tavern Oll prImary school in 0klaih0Ina" to coIJSUmel'8. BIBTB OF .. ..aNn·d' C.,M'n"L._°.1!!!!!" PlnUrord tend. October 12 at '1 :00 'p . m. tor a dhll' , resent address Is: After the very interesting p-oBorn to Mr . and Mrs. Oral Seltz, Bl'Bdley, secretary, BObby Campncr meeLing. All mEmbers are ursed Melloh, 315th AAFi"m, Rally I)n,y at the church proved to gram. refresbine~ we~e served. of WayneevWe, a daugbter. P08IY lIell; treasurer, Jean W1J5On; reo be a huge suocess. The goal had to be present as an enjoyable time tract P,tlot &:b001 (primary) Kay. Saturday, Sept. :u; at. Blair porter, lRlcbard Whitaker . , bOx Flcld, Muskogee, C?kl&. been set at 200 persons and there 15 pomlsed . GUESTS NBAB. XENIA Tho.<;e plannlng to attend W1l1 • ' . bosp1talin Lebanon Eight-I: President, Gene Steinke; " " • were 2t6 In Jl,tl.endance at SundRY 1Mr., and Mrs. Joseph' Yenger of " vJce president, Milton Jones; secre~ ,; 8Ohool and 251 at the church hour . please make their reServa.tlons with EAST W.AYNE IADVISORY Mr . and Mrs. III. B. Earnhart, BNTE&TAlNS GUESTS tary. Betty ,Thomas; treasurJr. Leah were Sunday guests or Mr . The church services were transcrib- !M:rs. Lura IH1dy (phone 2841 or COtJNCIL HOLDS MBBTDIG Mr. and Mrs. A. H . Earnhart. Mr. , ~,' ~t an~ 1\lrS . Robert Werntz. ed and later broadcast over statIon 2984 ) not Inter than Monda.y moJ'OY1ss Grace HocItett very plea&- Thompson. .' • " " !Alton Earnhart, Mr . and:Mrs. Lloyd !lib", m.et Wayne A.d'flaorr ~, Elghlf-U: ~esident. Vlctol' Thomp Mr. and WSI. Walter Wiseman WIBlO, De.yton. lng, OctOber 11. na:vIs and sons, Mrs. JOSiah Davis, &nUl ,mtertatned on Sunda,ylast met Friday,. October 1 at the son; secretal'Y. Patsy Baird; trea:;urand chil~en. Polly Lou and BII ,y, !Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Eambart and the tollow1nS iUests: Mr. and Mrs . ,PI'M'SBUIt.GlI Pl'fCDER FniED of Mr'. and Mrs , Harry Sattertll· urer. Charles capard. rwere visIting relatives in Hamilton ST. AUQtJSTlNE MEMBERS John Bk,)b, ' i Ir: and 1IrII. Rhodes fomUy, Mr. and MnI. E. P. Earn· Seven-l: Presidenlt,' DwIght Bat:·. SundllN. RECEIVING VOIOE ,TRAINING Truett (Rip) of PlaIn City, waIte: ~" hart were among ,t he guests when BunDe1l and 'dauihter. Oarol, Krs. The aim and future policies of • 0 • Florida, star pitcher for the PittsMr. and MrS. Karl Babb entertain- l!m'l Bpcketlt, Wa,ynesvUIe, Mr. aond nebt; vtce president, iKehne~h Tinney; secretary. Eula Hoak; tre~. For 'otdle new F'all styles in FasWon John A. ' Fehring. archd~ocesan burgh Pirates, WIlS Cined $15 and Farm Bureau ' WU the sub.lect for M.nI. Obarlee y~ of Lebf,nonand ed at home near Xenia on Monday Urer, Robert Hastings; news repor- ProIcks see ~"L: Raper . directOr of music of Clnclnna.tI, Is costs bY' Justice Roy Lawrence lof flhe·· eveD1ne,;' Naitl meeting wll1 be ntght for their son, PVt. Dean L. Mr. Qbarlee RaInea of 1Ion'oW. ter. Donald t.uJtens. ,1Mr. and Mrs. W. P. SaI1abury giving 8peclaJ. eocleslastlca.l voice Wllmln ~ton Sunday night !lifter he at the bome ' of Mr. ' and Mrs. J~ Babb, who has been staUoned at ; LT. B.OB&BT II. inMAN 'Seven-n: PresIdent, Norm'!. PImI+86 their gu,~t.s for Sunday din- tra.In1ng, to the members of the par- was o.rreeted for speeding by Wi!- B. ~. Ruttier's University; Nft Jeraey. BOP10N J'VB.LOUGB mJl1; vice prea1dent, Leroy Bingham; ner, Mr. and Mrs . H. L. Rye a.nd ish of st. Augustlne's chur~h every minw.on .state highway patrolmel1'. PLANS PROGRESSING FOR 8ecODd Lt. ~ I. Byme.n Is secretary, Rl)tllls Martin; treasqrer, Son. Afternoon guest8 were Mr . and Monday evening. EASTERN SftB. MEETING HOME DESTROYED BY' apend'lDs ,few da,ya With hla Betty (!am1ibe;1l. ~ • -/- "... ~~ ~~aNIV.L ' FIRE NEAR B~OOK Mia.m1 Chapter un. Order of Eut- er !In. JeIII1e~, alter com. Cafeteria 'lIDproveDll'JDls . AUTOMOBILBlfTO LJl¥.BOAT8 The otf1ce1'8 and various comm1tern Star, will meet in regular Ie.- Pl~tlng a course JJa.~ard .and ' tA. fam1l,lar figure at the school ,T he two, story frame dwelling of sion on Monday ev!!nlng and plans MSes8MUsetta lnaUtute ~ Technol- 1& Geortre Smith. a janltor th~re Mr. and Mrs , J. Walton ROgel' a t tf;~r()flthi ..Irot.hen club ue melltDtr for atten.ding Gum,d Chapter . will ' 011- Lt. Hyman w1U return to'camp lor manY years, who Is 'helplng the . the edge of Bellbrook was destroyed great plana, for: the Halloween oal\. !be dlechr-aed. G."and. chapter' session Murphy at West. 'Palm Beach, Fla. janItor, Will stansberry, by fire Fri.day arternoon'. ~~rll!li nLval and bazaar to be held at the ,w1l1 <beheld at Columbus on'Oct. 2., . : in varloua Improvements lnthe Adams, Spring Valley, discov.o:lnd h Igh school audItorium Thursday :Is. Booths wnL be ,; nnd a number ~e" pl;l~ (to at- " ON mu,oUGR ' oeJeterla.. !New, cu~ds and · a t he blaze In the absence of the 'o wn- nIght. . arransed for thlt e' ~ dUferent are belng bunt. tend. . stit . ; Jam.ea 'i:-:<Pat) ~op~Dli of storage ers. 'Mrs. Roger.s ~ rec'overln,g fi'OIll articles, Go 'liIaated ~ ,V(11l tate j surgery at Miami Valley .hosp!tal EILAL HEBE FOB tudunonCl, Va., Is spendlng .a ten LEAVE FOB. TEXAS FUN and her h usband is emp loye? j>y th~ place,' Pmlea 'Will be Cften r and ~-' f\lrlOUlh wKb hls' de and.iIa' , be the ~ef diversion. 'FOBMEB. LOOAL ' BES~.~ renw. SIt. and MrS. Bopktn:a 'filII ., .M r. 'a nd' Mrs .. 08rl.Dulte l~ .on Natlonol . cash ~eglster 0 0. Sparks ing will l f f " '.; tfrom a ' fireplace ,flue wel'l) billme,fl • --, return to ' IUcbmond . om week Mond!Y morr$g f9I"an lndeflni!-C IN) 1IAMJI..'I!())If .AOOIDBNT Funeral .ser~es were beld here ~ Hopt1D,s w1U ~te fte- .stay: 'filial their ~. Palll Duke" , LOlls <WRs' eStImated at $6000 . ' r~ntly at the ~ of her ooUIID,. boIIie cIUJ1DIr SIt. JIOpklDa' 1taJ. . and. familY. In ,Houston, Texas. ~. IN PRE-FLIGHT ·TRAINING Ml'S. Obiarles Ari!Seraon.· ~ ReV. ' Robert Duke amompa.nled--hJs P.L- , cadet Robert Osj>()rn. who has Alr L . O. Radley oKlclat\nt. Jor lin, 'niQ:ND8BIP a.~ renta but will return at once. lbee~ located at ' Nashv1lle. :renn .• .Jeme& Beirne (nee W1DD1e Sblel4s) '!'be ~ meeUDs or the IU8ONI~ NoTIC£ hils beel'\ trlUlsf~rred to Maxw~ll 01 ClDc1DD&tl. Mra. ~ was PrIeDdiIdp 4W» 1JD1 be:..lIe1cl at the lField. AJ.il. ., ·r~ h Is' pre.fi1ght train: born aDd reared, in w~e. IUIIDe 01 MIl. . . . . NbJrJ op Bt.. The ~ 4lOIDII1unJcaUon 01 in8. H1s o.ddrc89 \a A-C Robert E .. eearai8 t.he ~ abe II 1Ul'- . . 80Uih 01 towIl GIl WeotDIIdar, w.,...we ItIdIe No. III, P. -and O8bom, 15375228. SIlct;'"B-l~hfl. 'rived'" • IIOD. ,JameI, aDd a dauIb- 0DfI0bIr 11. . . . . . . are rem!....... A. II. WIll lit 1ltIi1~ &veniJI8, • A.A.P.P.P..8., C18&s 4D'. <PIlot) W, 1IU7. BUIa1 WII In IIIaml to ............ ,~ . . . . wm ~ 12. Wwk X. deIree. MaXWell n&ld, Ale:. tie ,.".IJed " . . a.FI.., -8anald., ~ w.•. Quota for Warren county 1!l tlie National War Fund Drive to take ,place dur1n8 October ha.a been aet at ~,OOO.OO. Harlan Stevens, county chalrinan, manager of the Ohio Central Telephone company oUice at Lebanon, has been. tra.nsferred to another d1strlct and will le&ve JV!xt week. D. B. ' Ba1Iey. county agent, co--dhalmlan of the drive, w1ll men take charge. The Wayne townsbip guota has !been set. at $1.'150 and George Waterhouse has been named the local obairman. Massie rownshlp quota Is t860 and ,Clel\l"Cr.eek at $1500 with
. Mrs. Anna Van Doren, 9., widow of Amos Van Doren, died at '1 :.b a.
Rally Day Sunday At Methodist.Church
LdcalN.e ws
Local Resident Receives Wings
School News·
Band Concert And Dance ,October 15
County Brotherhood. At Methodist CliurRP
Annual Inspection Of Local Grange
. . ..
Civic Club To Attend' Services
ana '
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Gtbe _tami
' WQnelvUle, Ohio ~
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_ Maln StNet ' ,Ohio
From It F~ Diary-- Dry Ridge October 1. lIK3. OCtober's brlgbt gOOd as ~pacao as It is slow In tlCbOle 'Weather. What better descriP- tion and 1lhe eHects last too long. tion could we have of the weatJher we having now. It has been lW8mler this week than any otlher in Sept.eldler ano no one complains. True, we need rain, but even If asklne do any goOd how many or ' \18 -would ask for min when the loVl!&ther Is 80 beautlf·ul, !When ~ sk;y Is 80 blue, lihe air so warm and the ' colors ao brilliant. even it the clatern is empty. Each day brings mor~ oo1or Into the woods. Here &nd there a maple has turned to
A tincture of the .berries has beell
a. allan to 'see some IOVl y \J.ts 01 color reflected In bile stitl watel', Oh the 11ill there was Olle maple tlll'ee ul.'iitha(1 tUl'Ded a de p blazlIlY red while all t,lle trees arollnd it y, ere sUll green, ,I 'believe the ()oors oQCtl lovelier t.llls year than lnsL in sp.te, of the dead brown locust<. , Monda.y , ,W htat planL1Ilg starts todar, the ofIlclnl fiy free c\ate. (Hessian fUel; 1l0L house Illes, ill case YOU don't know,) We wt:Ce aU set and ready to go and when they brought out the drW something stuck and then broke and hn.Q to be taken to Lebanon to be welded, and It took t.he re.st of th,e day to 11x It , And the meat of that is, get your tools ready ahead of tJ..me, The sixteen point butter ration has caused a great conunoUo.'l so radio commentators say. One 01 the chlef complaints Is thaL It cuts down tIhe meat ration, as they both tlrke red points, just as there Is more beef comlng on !.be market, and wlll hurt ~he producers , Many advocate the Engllsh System which h83 a separate butter ration, not included with tlhe moot. Ln man:y ways that Seen18 better, our sy tern makes Us choose between butter or gravy for our bread. Man:Y of our regula.tions conflict. Farmers are urged to sell more buttel' but country butter not made from ,p asturized cream may not be sold In many of our cities. This rullng recently put many out of b\il!lneSs who had sold butter to the
Wled ~or rhewnatlsm and a salve made from the powdered root and lard ,\has been used with SllCCeSl> in various skin ,diseases. The young shoots Ula'ke deliciOUS !!Teens, so they sQ, but the berries are cIllngerOlI8 If eaten In more than lUed1clnal quantities. My tenant bays he has seen poke root used with success In the cure of garget In cows'. I orten look up the uses of :>11r herbs And plants In the old book but so~ Oame or gold anll now the ~a far I haven't tried any of them , fraa shades Ifrom l1ght flame color Many or our modern remedies COlllt to dark: red and deep purole. The from coal tar and coal tLIr comes runny thing about the war a. sassa- from cOa;l, the concentrated remains fru tree tUJ1IlS is that bhe . , leaves or plant life dlstWed under pr~ure that baDg down below the stem and heat deep In bhe earth In nachange color nut while those that tuse's laboratory, just another tW'n stand lIP above the branch stW or the 'Wheel. 'B brJQtbt' l1gh~ greeq. The pig-weed Nature has taken a han~ thls yea! In JniY garden that ~ould hav~ been in rationing our favorite faU tODd, cut and wasn't, Is a brWlant mag- apples. This is not an apple year in ' same customers in' Dayton lor years, enta led now. Ny poke weed Is still thl.s part of the country and those benct.jccne thOUgh something broke of Us 'Who like to have a. bushel or Just \\t a time when It 'Wll8' needed most. No doubt consumers who ouy part; 01. It and apollCti its aymmetri-: two and plenty of elder will have In the storea where 'the products _JlI"~lDlIpe. .According to my 8l'and- to go easy. We had planned to make pass ~ough many hands should be l'&tnM"A ~, The United Sta~ some real apple butter thl.s year but D~tOry; poke weed; both the 'WIthout cider we are lJke th man protected, but where they buy from root aDd tlie berr14l1, bas medicinal In the old story who when they had the producer I believe that people quallt1... ~ ,~ emetic It Ia no~ u no food said, " Well, if we had the should be allowed to be their. own ham we might have 80me ham and judges as to whether or not ' the eggs, ' if we had the egsa. · If you sanitary standard is high enough to have , any Jonathona to COOk or to sUl~ them. If people are wU1In'g to Can try them thi8 Wa-Y. out them In visit me and eat my butter at .niy blte-siJled pI~ea with the skins on tllble ,w hy shouldn't they b<! allowed an4 codt In enough water to cover <to ,b uy It . and ha.ve It dellv red at them. Add the sugar before they their houses. Are !We going to take ,~H~VE~~URC. OHIO are quite tender and cook them until ' all ,responslblllty from people and ~ill pay $2.00 for D_d the 8kln8 are c1e&n and bright. They put It on government lnspectors? By bbelr color well and add flavor, H---. $1".00 Cow.. hold IJ;t makes a n1ee change from plam the way not much more time to Sheep; Ho... Cal... ' send those Chr~tmas present4J ~ over, applesauce and savea the SundJI,y'. Another, lovely d.y and seu. aDd ~ta '~till nO grates In the church furBBIIO'YBD' .aGMPrLW ~e. Most of \18 wore eXtra coats and were fairly comfortable -as it P...., W.peeville . iWaBn't very cold. It was the kind of ~ o rig ina II y w~ day when we used to start out and TIle __ FeriOIMr !'Iult Ia asked for 10 percent ride for mUes. , N ow they need gas.' in bonds; DOW we WMI'f!D 00aDt7 oUne for bombers more than we need 'considerably ( ,~. do. We had enough for a couple of ·"'-I more. , .......lIiiIiIII!!II~. . . . .,;. mues down the river whlc~ gave-us~ - a.::!!!~~;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;J
FDR 4tuJ4:
"Where ~o Shop In Lehanon s..... T ......Dd Gu ••• Direct Bua Uae to County Seat
~~ _ _ _ _ .. II" A. . . aIi4 'CIOM .. 1:00 p, 11., SMarda,..IO P. M.
BROWN. BROWN . '. and ,' ,
Ioa4IM ~ to W.... A 0000 PLAca TO DOW
, I'
.'1IaIIi '0. .... W... ,'
t,. . . . .
, J.ebanoa
Wednf8c1ays at Noo~
, JEWEltBy ~OP
For U Years "",banon's
PbOae 1'1
TO 00
smee 11191
StyUa, .
FRED'S DEPT. STORE We oJltm the EnUre FamIlJ
anll Home
PIMnIe 111
Phone 380
., EGER'S DWu.ay -, GIlTS ,. ·......' 110)[
..· f , ~
LeIIaiao. ,
~oa, OhIo
Phone 32'7 1\1
'. ~ l!-l.NT ' ~ WALLPAPER -- ~WINDOW '
tOJ.' the
XRAY FITTING ' Complete StGek to Choose From Phone S82 1\1
SPIEGEL'S MEN'S . STORE A o.-pIeie ,, 8tool 01 CIoUlinr 'and llabuclaahery
AT LOW PRICES P~De, . 1 ,L ,'
IadItw' ,. Children's'
To Wear and MlDUJery
' !'bone
882 L "" "
, LebaDon
PIioae t8 IMPJ.,~S
"MORRIS 5 aDd uk ' TO ,1.00 $TORE
Remal.! o,.,n
,Ad 'Spited'1 Stores UnW 9:00 p. m. EVery MODcIIly
cOmplete !hut 01 PIn& Q:VALITY. MEBCllANDISB Fur Bi.,ODe
.-d"'" ....... ......... IIIqJIIe
I()OKlNfI' ~rr.AJ) -
IV GEOR~3E 5, BENSON I'Tellile'ittrJ{IlNfill, Collepd StuU'ry. .AzkJil/SIII
Bureaucratiic Blight
TnUBSDAY, Q9TOBER '7, 1943.
C ·A ,S .H
IUra. '''nICer 1 'Ulrick. VUrre.pu......
Mr . and Mrs ; Everett Ke!u·lck · ana chlluren attended e. frunlly dlnner at tmc home of Mr. and Mra.
FOR Any make or model Fred' Kahn Motor Car Co.
Stunley Balley at Waynesville OLl Tuesday ev e llln~ or last week. Mrs, J . B, . Jones spent Wedesd y nl8il ~ and Tl1usday wllh her "IsLCr, Mrs . John Zimmerm an, In Dayton , Mrs . Webb Squires of WaynelSvlUe PHONE 326 LEBANON, OHio was a guest o! Mrs. Allen Emrick Wednesday afternoon. r.,--------------------------~ Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert Monee and little son moved from Dayton Sat- Grange, Waynesv1lle, Snturday .eve- Hlllwke, lnte of Warren County. urday to' t.be house on the Lewis ning. 01110, deceased. fnrm aL the old elm tree. Dated this 23rd day o! Septemb r, Mr. and Ml's. 'Carl DUke called on Mr, and Mrs. WUbur Clark spent tile ilormer's sister, f!4rs. Allee 1943. Friday In Dayeon. RAI.JP.H H. CARJl!Y , Trickey, and family, Sunday even1B0bb)' Morgan spent the week- ing e'er t.b~1r departure Monday 'Judge of the ProbaLe Cuurt end wltb his unCle n.nd aunt, Mr . ·for their new home In Houston, Tex. Warren COunty, Oilio Bnd iMIs . Paul Williams, in LebThe 'Wood shed at the hom'e of CARL ABAEOHERU, Atty. anon . . and Mrs. Ellis Back, formerly Mrs. Clara Stacy ofSprln8'boro Is bhe Bergdall farm, burned to the now staying at the home oC Mr. ground Sunday evening. CombusBnd Mrs. LeSlie Gray and children. tion Is thought to have stal'ted the LyLle Methodist church obl;el' v~d fire. ~ World - Wide communion serv>1ce Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kerukk SWlday momlng. Rev, 0, E. Vice, 4nd children with other relatives the pastor, was lu charge. were enterta.lned Thursday evenulg Mr . and Mrs. Martin Aldridge by Mr . and Mrs. Frank Hess and moved from here to DaytOn Frld,ny. . Emma Grubbs aL the Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick were home In Dayton. n60T FOR AND CONSIGN Lebanon 'visitors Saturday afterMr.. ~rge -Gray left by bus your CattJe. hogs, sheep and calvel 1100n . Tuesday morning to spend several to Norris-Brock Co,. liVe wire and Members of the .l q.tle Ctlt'd club weeks with his daughter, Mcs. Fred progress1ve flrm Cor the bighee' Mld their Ifrunilies enjoYed a wlenel' FIsk, BInd family, at Independence, market prices and gOod semoa, roast Sunday. evening at the ca.bln Ky. Union StO,ck I'IUcJS, Clncllln3t.l, O. of Mr. and Mrs . Harry SmlLh, near Mrs.- Prank Miltenberger was a TUne In on Radio StatlO1, WCRY, Waynesville. weekend guest of her 'slater, Mrs . 12 :25 to 12 :30 p, m , for uur dally Mr. and Mrs. Charles Null of Grace &nUh, In Waynesville and market roports. Ye.nkee street are' moving bhis week attended Christian church 'servlc!'s. to the Stanley farm, recently pur- Mr. MUtenberser joined them for chnsed of Mr. and:Mrs, Carl Duke . Sunday dinner. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. B. JOIlP-S atMrs. Kes!er Graham Q.!Id Mrs'. tended the homecoming at Mt. Hol- Robert SlneY' onJJed on Mrs. WUly M. E . church Sunday afternoon. lianl Dyke and Jamlly ilear Union Mrs. Harry' Graham spent Tu~ F1rIday afternoon, HORSES,' COWS, HOGS, ~ay of last week with her mother, 'Mr. and Mrs . Leslie Gray entel'- I CALVES, SHEEP, ETC., Mrs. SUsan Saylor, In Dayton. talned to dinner Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs . . George Custen- Mr , and Mfs. Wllliam Arilold of Removed Promptl" border and femily are moving this Falmouth, Ky., and Mr , and Mrs. Call week <to the Eads property which E . A. Arnold of Dayton. they recently purchased. NOTICE OF AP.POINTMENT A nwnber of members from 1'!ere ElI:eeutor, attended Inspectlon at Farmers' Estate or Helen, M. Hawke,
Early in December 1942 this col· umn offered a pointed protest to a federal la w call1ng for tilt? ren~olln lion of war contract~. What I wrole at tbat time .nrouse<! a deal of criticism. My article WIIS 'frankly a (orecast, saying what was likely to result from trying to enforce the Re· negotilltlon Law. I am DO prophet. I only wish I had been able to toresee the worst. Thl~ law is a year old now and a Senate committee has learned and told part at the sud story. , Dlscllssing the needlessly rapid grow'th of government bureaus, I wrote: "The law governing the reo nc.::otlation of war contracts will (by itself) create four boards, many br:lnch offices and possibly 200,000 jobs for auditors, investigators, etc." In thIs same connection I mentioned t ha t an estimated 100,000 married men had been nee,d ed to fill the Novem ber droIt quota ; I.e:, every man of draft age who tOClk a soft governmcnt job exposed one 'more husband and father to military servtcfl. Figures Disputed Atter the 'article was pubUshed. an 'adminlstratlon man wbom I admire, D man of unquestioned competence and patriotism, ass\Ilred me with empJ!asls tbat only a !lmall fraction of the 200.000 jobs I had suggested would actually be created by the Renegotiation law. I do not know how many men finally were assigned to this job of figbtlng windmills but the pace set during the tirst ten months indlcates that between SOO and 400 years will be required for Its completion. This is true If the report of the Senate committee headed by Harry S. Truman of M.issouri can be trusted, and I think It can. Hearing that an unnecessary government bureau (co,mposed of tewer 'men than was first feared) is hopelessly swamped willi de'tails, would be too small a matter to worry anybody, except for t1he fact that tile very existence of the law hinders the war efIort. It keeps contractors in a quandary that slows down production, of mUitary necessities; postpone. victory. The Actual Figure. The Renegotiation Law authorizes , Deceased Reverse Telephone Cbar,. and directs the Secretary of War, Notice ' is ~reby" given t hat the Secretary of thl~ Navy, the SecCharles W . LeMay y.rhose Po~t Of)Jain eM, Xenia, 0, retary of the Trlaasury and the flee address is Waynesville, Ohio, Chairman of the Maritime CommisB. G. Buchdeb, '110. sion, whenever In. hjs opinion exceshas ~ d~ appointed Execu-' TARWA-UTHiIO TAR AND sive profits have been reali:zed, or tor of ,the Estate , of Helen 1M. are llkely to be realized, from any ROAD OIL. EXCAVATING war contract, to recover such excess DUMP TRUCK SERNICE protits and revise the contract price. RlEADY MIX OONORJ!:I'l!: Ignoring what, to one who is not a lawyer, looks lJke IIJl unconstitutlonal assignment' 0:1 judicial author· Ity to executh(e QltIlutl, ,-~l!L~""-l;W~""It&"""'-INI. .-~.......~~IiIt+i__-~----'="'-:--=--:: made 80me 85,00.0 Eleparate contracPhone W8IynesvUle 2911 tors Bubject to Its provisions. At last courit,-203.-of these had been , Morrow Phone No. 3 obHged to do·over 1their government Lebanon: Office Phone .73X contracts; too matly, but less than 'I. of 1% of the 85,000. Progressing R&ldence 98 M at this rate they will get through lome time before the middle of the next millennium unlesl, as I suggested In December, they build up an To(;'=========~=~==========~===~========~~~==~ enormous bureaucracy.
Sand &Gravel
Not Wortb Dolne
Careful study of 1thil renegotiation work proves the law worthless as a revenue measurel. , Take the War Department as an example: Its auditors have refigured,contractl totalIng 8.6 b1lll0n dollars and claim to -have recovered for Uncle Sam lloo million dollars. This looks big on-ute deceiving face of It," but~actu· ally 80% to 90% at this revenu~ ' would have come In qulte automat.. Ically through the excess profitl tax that was working sftt-istactorily when the federal "Relllig Law" wal passed. Net recov,!ry therefore bas been 80 milUon dollar. or 7/10 011% of the amoupti InvI)lved. . . The worst teat'u re of the ill· concelvcd affair is that manufacturel'S have to turn ilielr attention. from production ot military essentials and let our fighting men walt Whilc they palaver with government auditors. Que manu1acturef of five. I Inch gun mounts for steamships said recently, addressing the American Legion convention, "We sbut down .our p!nn1s two weelts to take a fiscal Inven tory essential to a formal audit. The historic c;ilsp1i1Y prepared for the Price A.JSustment Board blacked out our drafting ro()m for more than \en d~ys." · A Tra,lc EDdID, He went on: '''!'he time wasted by management In renegotiating has resulted In a ,loss of at least 100 fiveInoh',Merchant ·mounts which Secretary Knox lays ar·e the tinest antiaircraft weapon, in, the world: These 100 gun mounts which ' were not produ,c ed . because of ,renegotiation' would have adequaltely protecte~ 100 Merchant Shlplfll'Om enemy airplanes, and ' submulnes, And, I guess, that at lealst forty mora of these cargo 'Shill.'· would have reached Murmansk inatead of belng sunk if they had been"protected b;Y thele tive·lJich guns." , . A lOll of 40 merchant ship. whIch ·the speaker sold cost 'at. lea.a t one 'blllion dolllar. with' ~elr cargo-, would certainly dwarl the centemporaf'7 efrort of l1ullletrprdof bureaucrats to 'glean 60 n:lilllon· doll8ra the tediG\D wa7 from bUildel'l of war materiala. A .mall IncreaBe ID ,the corpora.u~ tax l'illte would ..ailed the money Without Dlonkey·wrench ID the ADd now there ....;~L......."''''''
IDclvWaD draft age
~~~~~~&e~~~~~~~~~~. .r.~~ ' ~~· 'bU
Xenia ShoPRitlg :(!juide . DIRECT BUS ROUTE FR ·OM WAYNESVILLE - , SAVE TIRES AND GAS " s~~ Cl_ Wt;*,Da,.. at II:", &tUrclay. at 10:00; CI~ WedDelclay aiternOOll5.
Xeoi, Standard 'Parts
Truck, Car,and Tractor Replacement Parts.
Machine Shop Work , Cracked BlOcks Repaired . , . ,, ' . , Ford V-8 Motor Eschan.e. Store Hrs. 8:00 &0' 6:S0 DaU,
108 E. Maiq
, PAINTER'S BlJPPLlES ' ., 17 & 19 So. Whiteman Bi.
Phone MaIn S
Radio and Bicycle Repalrlnc , WORK. ,CwmING 3'7 W. MaIn PhoDe ~OO
El«ht Wed Main St. XenIa," OhIo
. THE XENIA NA110NAL . BANK 18S5-19U ! " "bAPITAL .. suiPtus fWl,CIOO , 'B~Onc ~ . FrIendly , aeuable 'AOOommodathi; I ' .•
1'Ih0ne~ 1O
A GOOd Place to
Yo... MoCormlcIt-DeIrlq "
, H.' ~ Mo ... . Wa1DenfPe ,Droc 8to"
Bleot.rIeaa SappUea , ~' BeJaIr.... ,'. " n· . .I ~herwlD-WIIUama PIibI&
.:' , ','sroKEI . .'
DBUG' "", ,
, ~: MaIn ,,. DeUelt " . . .~ ,I
108 ·W.~' 8L
, KUPPEN*nnfn. ~8
C. 'A . DAB~ and~ SONS
Qalck , Ac~
40 SODtti DetroU
'J'bI'oat,. CJ\est and BacJI 'w!ih
Xenia, 0.
:THE CR~rERION . Xftla, Qhio , \
Phone lU R
weDo" SeJi~ 'I. l"JIone: 178 ' a B. Ibm .8t. 1I0IfIJIIEHTS ,. IlAUDS , O~o'• •~....
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G ,I 'B N E:Y "S "
~OY ,V.
. . . .G IVI'PtdU
...... "AD~. --
Blacks F~ailure'
--~F~----------~~r~h~~M~.~~~~----------~~------------ir~:~-----------------------~~T~H~E~M~~~~I~GA%~~E~I~I~E~___________~» ~,::~~~~~ ~~ ::::D:A~:'~OC:~:~:8:.~7~':1~= , rom e lami Gazette Fil. EYES ON SICILY ,t\ND ~ALY· RATION BEMlNDE. ·- R ~e::~b ~n Tuesday. the 2nd dll,y 1 'purposes tor' wh1eh eJee~lclty IA .now • . , 1043. quest on of be ..... ~F1FTEEN
Y SAGO (Ootober 10, 19Z8) MIss Nell1e ,w i&tts, Warren county .horne demoostration agent, has restgned to accep L a similar poslt loll In Fl'a nlilln county . Mrs. Edith M. IHlll1ker wtll t ake h er place . Mrs. Earl Marlat t wa.s a grElP..ably surprised rwhen a number Of her 'l rlends assembled at h er home In Mt. Holly Tuesday evening, that beIng the eve of h er depIU'Lure for Detroit twh ere sh e will spend the win-
\;cr. Kenneth fildge and family of De,trolt a re spending a few daytS with l'eia tives. Mr. and Mrs. .Lorain Taylor 01 . West Lafayet te, were week-ena guests of Dr. and Mi'/; . L. B. BalL IA partY' compo.sed of Mr. and Mrs. carl ,Frye, Mr . a nd M I S . Mark iRogers, 1dcssrs . ChuB .. GIl!nn and Gilbert Fryc spent the week - end at Indian Lake. Mr . IIllld Mrs . JtIlm S ears or Rossbwl!', a nd IMr . and Mrs . 1 . W. IMlller and children 0'1 Greenvill~ spent the week-end with W . N : Sears a nd family . . H . M. Shelwood sustained ~ !broken wrist r ecently when cranking a motor at the Spencer grllvel p it where .he Is employed. J . M. Cook underwent an operat ion at MoOleliand hospital Wednesday of last week. Mrs . Rebecca 'Prendergast, wife O'f t he late James Prendergast, passed away Sunday evening at ,h er home 80Uth of town. Mrs . Oharles Cook died TUe.sclay at the home of her sister, Mrs . H. A . Tdwes. In Hartwell, Cinclnnatl. Mahlon Ridge has returned after . a vlslt -with bls sou and wile at Indianapolls . Mr. tUld Mrs. 'W. E. Stroud 'arid 80n and Mr. a od Mrs. Durward . Vice spent Sunday at Williamstown
G,ASOLINE-"A" bOOk " couporus No. 8 good for three gaUons each must IDat thfough Nov. '21. B arid o s tamps good for two gallons 118 itlDted In book , SUGAR-Sta mp No. 14 good for 5 pounds through Nov . 1. S tamp Nos. 15 and' 16 are good t,h rough October 31 for 5 pounds each for h ome canning; 15 POunds maximum a<ld lL1on al mo.y be used fo r home cann ing; a pply at ra tlo!} board need aJ·lses. -MEAT. ETC. - Brown stamps C aD d D good through Oot. 30 . Brown stamp E becomes good October 10 and r ema.ins g-ood t1hrough Oct. 30 PROOES' S ED FOO D S-Hlu e s tamp.g U, V and W good throUgh Oct. 20 . Blue stamPs x , Y and Z are gOOd t hrough Nov . 20 . 'F1UElL Ollr-lPerlod 1 coupons gOOd t hrough J a nua ry 3 . BHOES-8tamp No. 18 (1 palr) lJ; good Indefinitely . STOVES-Consumel' p u rc haSl: ~ 01 rationed stOVtS must be m ade wit b a cerUllcnte obtained at local IVaI' priCe and ra t10nlng boards
Q1lthered at his bome In honor of his 43rd birthday. The f our-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. IRichard Oampbell met with a most dist.J:esslng accident !4on<1ay mOrning, when he feli Into a tub oj hot water. ' The chUd's body wu badly scalded.
• • •
(OCl~er 9, 1918) Mrs. Saddle ZeU is ~~1ld1ng tl e week -with relativCB in XenIa. J . ft . Hls~y, who·has been spending several 'Weeks here with relatives, lett T4esda.}' mornlng for Ev· eretL, Wash . , wnere be will ~nd ' the 'Winter. Mrs. 'W alter Kilbon bas taken the IKohlhagen agency f-or Waynesville . Mr. and Mrs , OrlliWtora have res~ their positlona at .the telepholle excllarl8e and the creamery StatIOD. They are moving to Mason ~ Health OIf lcer Ellis bas closed thc SChOOls and all plactS of publlc . gat.herlngs until further notice on account or 't.O.e epidemiC of intluenza. Tbe plct\1fe house will not oe open untll f urther notice, and oltlzeDS are WIUUl:d .not to gather in Cl'OWUS and to ~void visiting town.. that are badly IIIftected. F . B. H"ender801l and daughters, Kathryn and 'Louise, are on the siclr. list, '
Tbe tour Franks, Frank Zell, Pranlr. 'LeMay, Frank Elbon and ~Ir• • \Vllilaw Saallll, (Jou., .. puaornl Rank Snoolr. attended the talr' ~t (lDelayed) HamIlton 'IburBday. Little Charles and Jimmie McInCars driven by VlrgU Retalllck tire were guesta one day last week tUld Edward Rlclts came together on METHODIST CHunCII of their gmncimother', Mrs . Glenna Third s treet·· Monday night. Bert Loula C. ItlulleJ, Pastor Wilson. Goddard 'W8S bIlrown through the 'l'b1s Sunday Is RIllly Day A Unit. . Mrs . Hatt;le O'Nea,1l Surface of windshield and waa badly cut . ed servjee beginning at 9 :30 a . m . !Marion, 01110, Mrs . I..ouJse Warwick On ThuradaY' a.ftemoon, OCt. 3, with Mr. Wad e Miller as speak.ti&-.-f.Qt...Q:llumbtJs-.a.nEl- Mm .. ~ry Boga · Mrs. IR. E. Davis entertained At Youth F ellO'wship WedilesdaY' eve- of near Xenia were guests Of R.alher bome in Dayton for Ml4s Ruth elgh Bogan &lid famlily ,p art of last Hartsoclr. IWbo6e 1Jl&f1'iage to Lt . n1Dg at 7 :30. Choir rehearsal Thursday ~ venic g week . R. S. Walton bas been set lor Oct. at 7 :45 . .!Mr. and Mrs . Luther Haines. Mr. K3. ' 19. The. Friendship club w1l1 meet a.nd Mrs . William Smith and WO'rd bas been freceived h ere of Mr. Homer Ramby was very .tIle death of Warren Edwar ds at IWtth Mrs. RalpIi ~ ury Wednesday, daughter , MarUyn, Sue, Mr . and pleasantly surprised Sunday . by Oct. 13 at 2 p . m. Mrs. Donald Haines, Mr. and Mrs. Arcadia, Cal., 0'1 ,~eumon1a. members of his tamlly, when they Melvin Hollingsworth and Mr . and Dwight Bunnell. well *'nown here, ST. MARY'S EPiSCOPAL Mrs . !Ra1eigh Bogan took dinner at of SPriD&bmo, dled Saturday at CnURCH the home of M . Thomas White QDd CWnp Taylm, Ky. Mrs. Pb~ Ami 1Mills, of Spring Ralpb Parks, ft1inlster in Charge d a ught er 'WiYoma a t J amestown, Sunday. Ohurcb school at 9:45 a . m. ,Valley" Iiiother ext Mrs. G. D. Mills Mr . and Mrs . Ra,ymond Wilson Morning prayer and sermon 11 :00 of ,this place, dJed lMonda.v. ••• !Warren Miller 'Who was in the a . m. called on Frank Braddock an'! wUe last Monclay ·t o help tlelebra t(! I,helr lNavy, died Sunday at Oh1CagO' of FERRY OJIIlllOll OF OHRIST golden w~diDg anniv'ersary. pneumoola. CHECK YOUR Herben Graham, MiDiater Mrs. Ella Raines spent part of , Notice baa eame that .the 00l'Wln FIRE INSl]RANCE last week iWlth heir Sister, Lucy postoWce 'W1ll be dJ8contlnued after 9:80 a. m .. BJbIe school POLICY" compton, of New Burlington. Oot.ober 15. IMias Dora Stiles IS p...;tW.4fi a. av-Communion. !Mrs . Donald Jones called on Mrs. ml/ltrees. . The coming of cold 11:00 a. m.--8el'moq. Dorothy Smith and Ma.r1a.nna Boweather means the start8:00 p. Di.-P-\,eaching, SEVENTY YE&BS AGO gan Tuesday IIIfternoon. • ing of heating systems, (1_11&1'7 I, 18'13) Errol Dean Rain e!; Is attending ~s Christmas in WaynesvWe passed and the danger of fire schOOl at Barnesville Oblo P1I'8t ~ school, 9:80 m. , otl without mucb publJc demonstraOlNeall Wa~lck' ~ r ' C; vIDgton. is greatly mcreased. Make MeetIng for Worship, J? : ~D a. m. tion outldde dle usual cburch 8()tlvKy., was an early caller of 'hls sure your Fire Insurance ltles. cousin, &leigh Bogan . Monday MT. 1I0LLY M. E. CnUROl1 Policies are in ."working ~ Ridge vJa1ted Dunkirk, Inel. . morning to SO hunting. order" too. ' . ~ Lola Zell ·paased Cllr1stm.as Mrs. !Donald Hames very pleasT. M. Belarlf, MInIster In Olnc1nnatJ. E.A. antly entertained t he molasionary Sunday 8ohoo1 9:30 a. m. Cona~1t your agent I !Prof. J . O. Rldie of Cincinnati, D.rnb&rt, Supt. SOCiety- a t her home Wednesday. A pot-luck dinner was enjoyed. The EveDlJlg 8ervlce, 7:30 p. ~ "'"''''''''''',....''''''''''''''''' ill vlait10g Ifriends here. MrB. Wm. ~ lell on the ice Player :MeetlIig Wednesday eve- follOWing guests wer" present : Mrs. and dialoc:a.ted ~er an1r.le the other rung; 7 :30 p. m. Florence Watson, our new yearly INSURANCE AGENCY day • meeting president, Rebecca Parkers, C. B. Jenkins, Prop. ST. AUGUSTINE OH(J8CH W. P. ftaper 18 aick with chills ~essle . Ha.'Worth, Catherine LundY Fatber KnlJDbeIta, Priest SuOCleMOr to LeMa,. .II u...wlle b¥t til aradUlLUy BhakJDs tbem ott. Rdlerta. Cook, 'R uth ~nyder and WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Maas Sunday9:00a . m . '!!be Rev·. ftttbeI' Anderson bolds daughter. TelePhODe Z64!l Naaa m the chapcl at nine o'clock tb,Ia 1JlOl'Il1qr. _ WAYNESVILLE COUROH OF Adven.1se JudiCIOusly CHRIST 'Mr., ~ &wke baa bought one of Mrs. lAbcbem's boraes on Third Mas BaDcIalt. Minister Advertlslng Sbowll Energy
. . ,-
- .."
Dangeroull H,igh Blood Prea~UI'41 (l:ssentlal Hyt>ertension) ii ulua1l1 . ~rked by dlstressi"g, lIymptome , uqh aa dizziness, throbblnr head c,h el, sleeplessness and nervou~ ~eas. If disregarded, this may lead to Heart Trouble; Stroke, p~ys~ JJardenlng of the Artenes or Kid ey Trouble. I?ia."Ionexl di8CO~e f a heart specIalist, .Is <leSlgned~ uickly aid in the relief of th Iitrellling symptoms, .,.. . l ' A Chicago resident saYII: from High Blood Pre8lure fo leveral yean with Increaalnrl eN throbbing headachel, db els and shortne8l ' of breath. howed the Diamonex formula Y doctor and, on hi. advice. tri treatment for two weeu and dentlcal conditlonl as previciu tments. Within only thr'ee cia , Y bad headaches ·..nd dillY I .... eone. Myhi.ihblood~ reduced and 1 .lleep fine," Dlamonex goes dlreetly to an ' three, different ways to the relief of thele .toms. Relults are .. ahort a faten
ie: wa. \
streeli tor ~ •
. Oeo. R. · Duke baa sold to Harry D. 6,1de8 part ext out ~ NO'. 1 in WayneavWe (or ".30.
•.• scm ' very . Di'. Jaa. Ba1nea la home after an ex;tended tour tbrouih the 8OUtb-
1II'I i m.
<J'HAmJEB JtAMES, Clerk,
~endant .
divorce to piaintlIf, children to plain tUf, alimony to plainttrf . New Suits GladYs Snider vs . Bernard Bnider, divorce, gross neglect of dut.y . Geneva. Paotton. mlnor, by ,her f&ther and n ext friend, Marvin Ro man vs . Edgar Patton, divorce. gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty. Lois R.. Pottorf vs. William G. Pottor! divorce, gross neglect.
SECTION I : ThIlt, subject to tbe The Warren ~y gra d J ._ ,t erms and condition!! herC'lf T h h n Wl'Dayton Power a.nd Ligh t Co~pany :yed~led to,make ita report 1'r1dQ' its SUCCessors a nd assigns. Is granted ' casesm~ at 10 o'clock. 'l'wn the right and privilege, for .he ~ . Ii' - 0 . . - uisn~r ~nsldera.tlan. O. lod f ' ...... v .. " .... e .. oretnan ' 0 seven ( 7 ) yea;s commencing . r on the effective date or this ordin: Is ance to do, canyon, and transact withIn th e said Village of Waynes· Dabll:. ville, Ohio, t h e bUSiness of supply~ Your Bo., GIro • 100 per cull . lug electrlcltY' to sa.1d Village anr;! Ho .. about YOIII' its inhabitants for ligh t" h eat and bond buying? . NOTIOE OF ELEcTJON ON TAX power PUl'))06e6 and for any ~ther LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN MILL LIMITATION I
NOTICE Is hereby given that in ipUI'S'lUUlce ot a. 'ResolutIon of the Wa.Yne R.ural School Dlstrlct of the County of 'W6rren, State of OhIo, pas,sed on the :and day of August, 1943. there 'Will be submltted to a vote of t he people 'of 6Ilid Wayne Ruml School DIstrict at the NOVEMBER. ELEX::lTION to be beld in School Dlatr1ct, Warren Oounty, Ohio, at tile regular places of voting
invasion Costly
-- f:;,
Cftll2m iit '
HOu. .~-
IB28. til. Zenith ·oFourHllribin. UJ"WJl1iess IENCOU~EO ElY. GOVERN ~
Mr. ftWp Bartleaon and lady, of SbarpeSv1lle, Pa., have been vlaltMr, Ricb&rd Ha1nea.
U~&, Elll& and Juon Mendenball bave opened a new JIlflat mar.ket in Jooatban Balnea' bu1l·"~.
..... ~At the home of the
bride'l parent. In WayriesvWe, pn WednllBdaY
'tiveiuDi, Dec,
2" 1872, ...
by the Rev. W. O. Bmltb aulated bY' the Rev. J . .PleJ'8Ol), M&:. 'nlom. J "';'.n • ..t U • -..-.'" ~ 8pri~eld, and us. ~est ~th, daurhter of off~tlJig ~ter •. On CbrilItk - Rev. , J. Pearaon. at the ...., -'011 ...... taU ,ate, Ilr. John ' W. OlemeBtAi ~ 'Ki18 lbale Bone.
, •
IpeIlcnnl; '
P~t f:Qut s •• l0.8_ laID w:ar bona. fIVer,
"~I? QlnAT $QUAR&-AIOOfOSllll'S1IIIOUGIrT ,eo ntfS~, .,,"Q"~ ~NO~ND PRODUC.ts.
FDR~ ,
AUCTIONEERING Jte.~"'Koq'" . oat... lIbaDe . . WIt,7DIF diet CIllO. ..... 0bMIII
Don't worry if you:re too young, for the WMCS or' WAVES. There'li ,a nother important Job tor you. Save aU .t he Qua veget"blei from your VlctorJ Garden by home·cannlng. A few Jan a day take little time and add up to well·Blled sbelvel by tbe end .o f the leason. Food costs ore blp iii the ltores aDd may be hleh. er. but lood crown at home lUll costa .-tiw-c:mta·,. Jar. 'l'ber~.. a deep satisfaction In Jl'OWID' alld Cllnnin, ,0Uf_OWn food: Walt and l ee. You'll tal e 1nvontnl7
CI& IOUf ....... ..oil
\'Ht-l H
80ld :n hoes. ayCl'8g1ng 433 pounds eacb. Eddie Mlcbener bad 12, averatrthg H5 'Dr W B Ander is 'W
east '
The following renl estdc lram,tu;, ha ve been recorded reccntly: AI,bert F . Frederick to Male and Elra ShaiHer, lots 69 and 70 III Springb oro. S tella B rown to Wilbur R . 1l.!1d Florence Thcresa Oleaver .. 37 acrc/, III Clearcreek 1lWp . iRlcha.rd A. Wertz to KII t hleen C . Wertz, 4 .64 acres In Clearcree k t wp. Marriage LicensEs William J . King. 54, carpen ter and Ollie F . King, 57, housework. Lebanon . lFrantk IA. Winkler , 20, seama.n, u . S . Coast Guards, Boothbay BaTtlor . Maine . and Mildred Reta S mith. 18, Lebanon . Otis SmIth, 49, cook, and Mary Blythe, 47. general housewo rk, both of Franklin . Common Pleas J ames ShUts vs. Lee and R4n· dolph Wallace. accoun t and report confirmed and approved, r eceiver relieved from f.urther duty. 'Ida. Blackbw'll vs. Thomas Black_ burn , case dismissed at cost of de·
levying ~ tax ill exce of the ten , or may used herea.1lte~ : and 10 m11l InnltaiJnn lor ~l1e ben ell ~ 0 t t ~Dd to enter-upon, J.P.·..nd uae Wayne R ural School DIStrict t(lr tM a nd oocupy the streeter-'Ilv" nuea ~~dP0Scsehol "CW'lent l!:xpenscs of lan es, alleys and pul;lIJc ; waYIl of ' 001 DIl.U'ict·, at a 11 e n ot a exceeding three nulls 1 ' sa Id VI Uage, ~ maln t!l,ln, use. erect, 1_ vr ola~ H uue repnJ.t· 0 I I 'l\Jl~r ,,. vailll.tLvu, "-J1. ~Ul"llntl:; • r re p ace po es. to'o\ erll, \,() lJurty ~n t.s 101' ~llCh one hun- s tructu res, guys , ancllol's. braces and U I'OO dCiUnrs or va uatIO!1, 101' a pe- all other necessary a nd proper der I0<1 01 ye.l rs " 1944 1IJ...... AC ' 194'1, 1 ~8flve . 1946, vwes and ap~l1catlons l or transmit. 'l'h e Polls for ~lIld Elec tion will be t~ng and s upplying electric.l ty to 'sal'd open IH tl :30 o'c.o':k r.. 1M. una re o Village and Its In.haJbltan Ui fo r Such 0 : 11 . PCI U II Lu \) : J O ~ocll.. ck P. M . purposes . l SU:11I ::;L.woaICl TUt C} vi sa lu This gran t s'hall apply to 0.\1 such dny . polcs. tower6, structures , guys. an~ by order of the Boul d of Ele<;tlons chors, bra.ces. and all othe r devices 0 1 Warren Counly 01110, . V. H . R L:S::;ELL C crk and a ppliances used or usefUl for 'Da ted August 25 ~h, 1943. . . the !\Iforesald purpooes wl-Ich ' are now owned by sa id The Dayton NOTICE OF EL ~C'l'J ON O N 'CA. Powe r and Light Company ;.n sa.id LEVY IN EX CESS 01" 'I'll"; 'fEN Village and to such as hereal'ter MILL Lll\U l 'A'I'lO N may be placed or erected therein by 1CE Is I~y given that h ; It or Its successors and assigns. purSUllI ce of a ResoluL on 01 tl SECTION II: That. upon the reVlll ge COUncil of Way.nevIlle, wru'~ ren Coun ty, Ohio, pnssed on Lhe Oll, moval or relocation of any pole, d~y 0 1 S l:pw mbcr, 1 94~ . thcr' W l. tower, structure, guy. anchor, brace, I.rl; ~U l)lJl lt Ll!cI t.o a VOLe of Llll! peop., or Elny othel' device or appliance, 01 ".l1U WUY ll e Vil,e Vl.la l;c IL ~ l the surfa ce of each street. or publrc NOV l!:MB l!l!(. 1!JLl!: 1'1UN La lJe he;' way, which may bave been dlstul'bed In WaYILC<;HlIC' Vlli ag~ , OlllO, at tI . or broken shall Ibe replacpd In a ~'c gLJ lar pla\:(,b 01 votlllg l., I em. o. l:U~llay, Lhe 2ud 91lY or Nv ~ mb e . gOOd and workman like copditlon by l!J4;j, Lll~ ljue"Llon U1 h.I'Ylllll a La ' said The Dayton ,P ower an d Ligbt 1!1 I;xcess of the ten UlIlL luniLallO . Company. Its successors or n .- slgns. 101' th e liJellclI L of Wuy nesv1l1e VII Se ' Llon ill : That, nothing In tbl8 lage. Warren Oounty, 0 1110. fol' tI. purpose 01 "Ourt'en t Exvelll,cl> l ordinance shall be construed as Ilnlu Village. " aL a lat.e llot exceeo· granting to The Da.yton· PO·.ver and Lng \(WO' and one-hal! Dll ils ful' cae. Light COmpan y; Its successors or "ne dollal' ot valuatloll, whlct assigns, any exclusive privllege '·or all10Ul1\'s \,() ~YJe,l1ty - 1.ve cents fc,. ' each one hundred clollllrs of alua rIght. SEOO'ION IV. That, t his ordinUon. ,for a period (,1 Jive years 11!4'. .1945, 1946, 1947, .tl948 . ance shall be accepted by' ~Id 'J'lle 'l'h e PolIS for sale.. Sketlon wlU h Dayton Power a nd ~ght Coi'lpa.nJ, 0pc.n at 6 :30 o'clOCk A. 1M . and re: Olalll open untU 6 :30 o'clock P . M . In writing. on or before tlwenty (2Q> (Eastern Standard Time) of sal, days ~te r Its ef~ectlve !l'!-te. o!'uob da.v . acceptance' s'hall 'be filed with the liy order Of the Board of Elections Village Clerk and th ereupon tqJa of Warren County, Ohio. ordInan ce shall be tUld CODs'itute ' .. V. H . RUSSELL, Clerk contract bebween the VUlage and Dated Sept . 17, 1943 . saId Coml1any, Its successor6 atld ~ Signs, for th e uses and p~ OIIDIN AN OE NO. 177 he rein provided . ' ,' SEO'ITON V . That , this ordlmmee AN ORDINANCE GR ANTING T THE DATION POWIER ANL shall ta ke eEfectand be In 'force lJIG'HT COMPANY, ITS SUOCES ' from and aJoter the earllest period SORS .AlND ASSrGNS, AN ELEC . allowed by la.w. <Possed by ttle Coun~u of the VllTRlrC FRACHlSE IN 'l'BE VIL· lage of Waynesville" state of Obl9. 'U GE OF WAYNElSVIlJLE, STATE O,}o~ OHIO. F'OR A PER.IOD 01 th is 4th day of Octooer. 1943. C . H. BRAOE, Mayor, SE VEN 7) NlARS OOMMENCING Village of Waynesville, 0bJ0 ON THE l'lFFEC'l'IVE oOATE OJ Attest : THlIS ORIOINANCE.
whicb vegetablel lite. r ight for the table and ~ow many extras there are to put in glllSS jarl. Make it iI. point eacb tIay to' gather everything at its prime, and make It a ~int of honor ' to get the extral IJito ' ,lalll Jars before they lose freshnesi. Tbat's the big le.c ret of deUclou4, nutritious, home ' - canned foodifreshneas. Home - frown. bom. caDDed foodl often bav.
ltore, .beeause tIw7
vitamins -wh_ 7011Olen ' aeY . '
\0 ... cllllDiDl~
. I
Freedom Of_The___ Pre:~s
P'a.rmel's In Warren county whO received thelr Federal Land Bank WeOH~ loons prior to Jwl~ 24·, 1935, are ~. sured continu ed Jow Interest mte of four per cenI. In a move Dwde by the Federal Land Bania! which will save the Federal tr~ury approxl matelf $20,000.000 a year, announ ces Lester J. Lane, 'secreta ry-treas W'er of the Warren County .National Fo.ml Loan Assocla.tlon. ·lPrtor to June, 1935, the Int.erest rate at which Federal Land Bank loans were written was as high as 6 per cent. The BCt10n taken by the Federal Land B6nk.s Will substitu te a " per cent Interest rate for these bigher rates. ThIs will make it un.necease..ry for the Federal Treasur y to subsidiz e the sYstem to tha extent of 120,000,000 a year, whiCh represents the difference In the contrac t rate of these older loe.ns and the stb;ld1z ed rate set by Congress from year to year." S61d Mr. Lane. "The 00ll't1'BlCt ra.te on all Federal Land Bank L98nS closed since June, will not b e Dial 2111 - Wayne aYlIIe 1935, Is 4 per cent, andreducing th ~ o.ctlon ad'fected by ,the rate on older' IQ8.DB. LIkewise, the interest rate on pre - ~mpartmen t made pursuan t to Section 25B ~==========:::;='~TI wUl continu e at 4 11-4 per cent and the rate on direct loa.ns at 4 1-2 per cent. The lower rate on I.he old loans IWill become effective on June 30, llK4, upon expirati on or current Interest reductIo n legislation. The a.cUon means that Q third of a mlll,lon nationa l farm loan association membe rs IWill be assured thM theIr Interest rate through out .the Ufe of their loans wUl not elroCed 4 per Wua' .... 0IrdI ' 01 '1'baDb au4 cent, the lowest tate a which fann~ are llhIIqtd f • •$ Uae ers generally ever have been ablo: to . . . . . . . . . ceDi. word. ~um long-te nn mortgage credit," obeJn ...... uo. A WIlDt A4 IDaened for Becretary.-Tre~er Lane Balif. ~ ~ .. cIIIIqed U 10 a word.
lps Pe rs er ve He ,
Satis facto ry
8ALJC.-..3 Yr; Old &rOpsh 1re Ram fl'OOl restatered stock. Phone 7 WaynesyWe auO.
. (!()ft
. ~ BA.1&- 30 bUIbels of bearded ; cleaI1ed , Mild , wheat.
White. PboDe WQDe8VWe
,poa BAil,,. ' Plve l$W'Der Kerosen e atove, . 1Ide Oven, gOOd conditio n. B. AlIIo 1101:30 !Iwve bOaM 73 Route of 8. ~ at JunCtion 7 road.
Newspap~r terred from a camp In OaliIom la to Ft. Knox, Ky. , where he "'Ill be tor several weeks, taking (1 i ,',\lnlng . course In radio. Middleof gh Fishtlau Lucy IMrs. town, has been a vlslt.or In the Jordan home ior 'several days . 1Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen and sonny, of near Mason, were l:Iun.d ay dinner guests of his parents , Mr. and ,M rs. 'Delbert MUllen, an·t famUy.
W ee k Oct. 1 to 8 ,
Mr. an~ Mrs. Gene J ef!!ery, Ken. nebh ond Miss Elizabe th Jeffery Smith. were entertai ned a.t dlnner Sunday In the hOlne of Mr. and MI'!!. Will1s Jeffery In Dayton , . Mrs. Ella Shumak er has been passt.ng several dB.l~s at the home or' 'h er daughte r, In Oleveland. Her daughte r, !Miss Nona, left. here FrIday ror Jhat point, and will' 8.Coompany her mother bome, the first of the week.
Mrs. 'Robert Ontch and family have located· in Xenia for the pres ent while -they b8ve emjlloyment 111 Dayton . Mr. cruch also 1$ employed In Day,ton, thol.\gh he spends part ,of his time on the farm. Mr. and Mra • .Delbert Parker and chlldren , of Oregonia., were callers here, Monday . Mrs . LIllian' Oarr, of Ha.rveysburg, Iw6S a recent caller CYf Albert Lee Talmag e.
Dr.. C. E. Wilkin
8 to
Optometric Eye
d by The Wa yne
Set of used an ",r." gaB-
erutdlea. Alao, LOIst, ollne rattoD book. Fanny
.nw .J'
corn plO)V8 . Good condition. aJO cash. PaUl PropIIt, Route I, Wa)'IDeSVWe.
CBtJB()H C';LEB ItATIN G l8Ot.b ANNIVBII.8A&Y , '!be PInt Baptist church of ~ Ii obeervlns Ita cma hun4Iredtb anniver sary this week With a
See Us For Any of the FoUowl Dr:
~~;6a""1e a& . . . . . . . . .
,Mo ther '. Clu
sj--:-,-u_m_,~_ G!mn!t_ , .
_ _ .r _ .
, PRI2E S -. . BHffl Q -
Paint over paper same as "plaster' walls, while it lasts ohly $%.50 raL FLAT-8E~ GLOSS . ENAME L IDiIide Pain& f~r Woodw' ork and waUa. ' .
... Oa&ober Sale On WA L L"P A P , E R
.....~ Mali. by Bell 11.e.I.IAlii'''li ud Hi. '0rehe wtN:
GRAN m,r,... )
• .po
MAJlCH AT 'S:OO P. M. ...
'1I~'f:..-~ -.li !J. ;:;f..... ·1r'~l · 7JIt~ · I .
. . ... . .. . . , .•.. , •....... .... Model CJeia~1l!S PATRI OTIC-$ I.30 Dry Cleanin r O~der .. . . .. , .. .. . .. ........ ~ ....... Waynesvl~ J'lorai oom~ily ALlTY- ,Pot.ted PIaD~ ... ..... .. : : .. ..... . ... ....... . ... ...... . ........ . : McKeever's . c~,., ... ...... . . . .. ... , ORiGIN AL-Ca ke ... . ... : ....•• . . . ... : . . .. ... .. ... . . . ..... Gray'W ~ber Shop ... .. .... ... . . . . . . ... . . . ... . .... .. ,.. IIIHOBO--5Oc: Jenis BaJr 011 .. ... . .. ... .... . .. .. . . . ..... .. : ... .. Smith', Becl'e!l tlbn 111\ll'I'I'CJlI_l Quart. Ice Crea.n .... . ...... . •. . .. .. . . . . ... . ....... ... ... . ... ..... Ebrey's Home ' Shoe store GHOST --5oc Box StaUon ery .. , .. . : ..... ... . ... ... .... ... . ........ . . \ .. . , . . . . . . Emma MAe ~y ShoP,e , ...... ........ OLD-FA SHION ED GmL-S bampo o-Fing er Wa.ve ........ .... , .... 'l'~'1 ....... .. ........ .... ...... Pop Bot.UIlII Illc:Ol\U C STRIP CHARA CIER-- 12 .... . ........ ......... . .. ;.... : . .., ...... ,. Oar MOTHE R GOOSE CBARACT~Z Qts. Ice ... . . . .. . .. • '... . . . . . . . .. WayDesviUe Farme r. b~ha."e BEST ANIMA L-25 Lbs. Flour .... .- . .. .. ........ ...... ........ :,' BIIUDa Raper
111\J~J.,r;~I'J. MASKED PERSO N-I ,
bOll: Xmtt.'l
Cards ... .- ........ ........ ........ ....... , ......
.. . ... . .... . ..' ... '. .. : .. Myel' Ryman MERCH ANDIS E OIWER ........ ........ •.• " .. :; .... . .. .. • .. , : . • • . • .. Ev,ereU EIII'I7 Fe,ed ,ct .. , ••••.••. ' ... .. . . ~ • •..•.... : .•• I 'M ERQIlA NDISE OIW~ ... .. •.•• WaJDisvlUe Farm~s EliI:4lhan;4!JII ' LB8. FLOUR . ',' .. , . , ',' ... .. \ . . . ... \ ........ •.. ".'- . , ... " ......... '9l;'O:;er j .-. . . • .. . • • .. . .. ...... .... .00 MERCIIANDISE ODDER .... . .. ~ . ... ........ ....... ...... Grocer , 8mlth· & D. .. . . • . . . . • . . '. ...•.... ....••• ...•••. ' .. . $2.00 MERCH ANDISE OB.Dm . .. ...... . ... . ... Gue~ ~r!II ... ........ ..... .. ........ ) YRS. SUBSC RIPTIO N TO MIAMI GAZE1 TE . " ....... :......
.....•.. •.•.. " Fa,lrley~ Barawa re S&Ore MERCHANDISE OB1)ER .. . • : .•.• . .•...... . " '.....••• ..•..... , ........ .. W"'Des vPIe Dru.r Stof' ........ ........ " MERCBANnlS~ · ORDER ....... . ........ .... : ..... s
,QUART CREAM ........ ...' .... . ......... ........ . I
.. SPECIA.bS!!t ~
ing , Oc tob er 28 ·. Tb uF sd ay 'Ev en .••• _,. _.a •• /.J'1t .•• .. ",
: ,"*,:~pron front sink, 2Ox60 , SURE YOU HAVE IT ON ~fF ' ~aln, good conditio n. i small A6> 130. , Included - USE IT TO RUST~ obUe and Baker Upr1eht plano, WATER PROOF AND ~ tuning, $60. ~les Terrell, " ;' Ma1n street. Phone 2171. Illf'oullln W~Winr TI'Ourba, Live,It '"W...t4M.tD" Tl'ourbs, Buckets , :, JI'~ON FIROCK B - I am a rep. Storace Tanks, Metal Farm rtsentat lve for Fashion , Proclal. Cribs, iW1l1 b«l apprecJa.te. Gre.ce 1III!lulldlrillll, Brooder lIoll5es, m Far Roofs, Metal , Feedent ~ Smith, Waynesv1le, 0bl0. Implements. . SUos, CIsterns .. Roof GOUen , Garbag e Cans, Boat ~eater . W1dtles s, good as new. auda, Bar,M, Water R.eserv oln, .C . P1oking, . Waynesv1l1e. Water Towers, Shte~ 'Metal or ' SUeL ., fIiOae 3182.
. ...da.1 ,
. () I
lle . The W aYl!~elvi ...(.,. "
Carnival an d ' Bazaa~
26 S. Detro it Street
·at )v,~ ~'IO
The Berean class meeting will be iMendenhall Saturda y evening . Mrs. Alice Clark, spent Bunday at held in the s ~i al rooms 01 the Perbile home of Mrs. Jennie T homas on ry · cllul'ell Tllursd ay evening, oetoSOCial Row. lber 14. "Please oome. F. H. G. Cook 'Mr. and Mrs . ,Louis M l ~ (' I New York CIty mission worker, will Dayton , came to the Home Sunday . be the I!peaker . Mrs. Magee will spend a few week.i l ' W&NTY -ONE Bm.'1:IIS IN here but. Mr. Magee, who Is Q teachCOUNT Y LAST MDNTH er In the D~1l schools, r turned by the Warren county epor,t r A . to tha.t city Sunday evening reveals . that there Board Mrs. Estel Hag meyer of near Hcalth the counLy during in births 21 were Oregonia, called on her aunt, Mrs. and eleven gIrls. 'boys ten ber, Septem , Evalyn Peterso n, Saturda y evening 19. ed Deat hs number Mrs. D . L. Clane WB.S'ln Dayton ~lrths listed In ~h1s area were as . Monday follows: a dlnnl'r Mra . Alice Clark Ann, Mr. and ,M rs. Albert guest or Mr. and Mrs. Ea.rl Burnet' Carol O. Haowke, Wayne5vUlei DorlJthY on Wednesday . Jane, Mr. and Mrs : Hubert E, Waller, Route 3, Waynesville; Bonnie Glee, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon J. ,' Harvey sburgi R4clu\rd AI.. V , Stewart ~Ir_. U •• I.,Ue 1'\ ,,'humll_ and Mrs. Curtis . All~n Mr. lell, r, mIniste Herber t Graho~. Ferry a.; Virginia. 1\ cne, Mt. Oregoni Wa<te, afthe at. r 'speake YiIll be the guest . ternoon servIce of the Xenia Ohurch and lMrB. Ru.ssell Bennet t, Harv~~ ' burg. of Christ Homecoming next Sunday . Shirley G1ll1am Is very W wlUi ._-- hror..ch1a.l pneymo,nta at ~ n.ome of h~r paren~ Mr. ~~. Ooy 011lIam. Sit. and Mrs, iRussell LIng of Rock 18la.nd.A.raenal, Ill., w"ei-e hOm; on furloug h over the lW~k·end. '!bey were lilt the hoaie of Mr. and . URD. . . I . .L NlTES Mrs. Walter LIng. -SCR EEN Mr ; and Mrs. Barry Boland were ~ers at flh,? Jess Ro1!md . home ,"DANGEROUS SUnday even1n8'. BLONDES" '!be HooW, Builder s claas of the , with the bome 01. 'F erry, chui-ch met .d LoWe' . Ed ' WedMrs. Nina I.b.vUle Ben last KeJe a E..,.. 3nt.' l prf'$' many with neaday evening
--- --
JI10R BAlLE- 6even youDg open woo) ewes. Mon1a Brown, SprIng Valley Route OJle. PbODe' Centerv1J)e
ehurch will hl,I-ve. IIhtl :;ale of the Anna Oglesbee, last week. Mrs. Ohns. Hagemeyer of Route lunch nt thc Carrie IDJlrntll t sale 3, was a guest of Mrs. Oeo1'8la llea.t' Belfurook.
n;e r the land of the WJ ree and the home of the brave."
8A.L!J-..«"aper Pl&tes, Cups, ind otanie and b184: crape paper for that Hallow een party at the oaRtte o'Wce. •
--- --- ---
Yon are invited to aUeno' the t:vangel1slJo SCl'Vioes whIch are now in progress at this church. . 'rills is by far tbe grual.C8l meqin, Ute WaY~C$vi11e Cburch of Christ baa ever attempt ed. Dr. and Mrs. !:i. S. Lappin of Bedford,
They wel'e ntldrCl;Scd. \Jy 1" . H. G. En.l.1gn Marion 'Wesley Smith. s tn- Cooki of Now York. rnlssloll' worke :, tlone~ a.t M1a.mI, Fla., witb hls who told of hi.> w ... l'k ill lh' grellt grandm other, Mrs. Mattie Smith ot city . 'I1he Ladles AId of tho c' ug I' Ore II: Spring Valley, visited his aunt, Mrs.
0 ...... ee_p e•• __
my Thompson, who has
®f G!4n9t
at near W&:ynesvllle, were vP.ry hapFOR SAl !»-Oompl~te Une of etapy to have with them over Saturda y . tlonery ~0J.' aale a.t the OUette night and Sunday , their SOD, Tomoffice . . ~ from 25c to $3.00. been tra.n.s-
at the homeco ming at Mt. Holly. 'Mr. and Mrs. Bonner Stewart :lpent Sunday evening with Mr . and Mrs. Frank .Frazier . Mr. andMr a. Bert BUu!lcl1 and Mr. and Mra. Walter prel! or and daughte r, Jalle, spent Sunday at Ind., are tbe evaJl«cl lsts ~ Mlllord , guests of the fo rmer's . charge 01 the me Ung. , niece, Mrs. .Ma.c Agln. Scrvkes begin each eveniDl' at M1Iis Ruth Bunnell and Mr. Mil7 :30 with a muska prelude by lard Ball spent Sunday In Dayton, Mr. lUurl Noldcr at "lie Hamguests of the fOl'mer's sister, Mrs. . Vauglm MUllen Diona' OrgruL The mccUn, proper .Miss MarIe Gorsuch< spell't SaLur.be(lns at 7:4.5. day- evening with her pa.rents, Mr. . .Why not bring tbe flJJl1Uy and and Mrs. Leslle Gersuc h. attend everyo ne of these interMr. and iMrs. Ralph Bunnell esU11g service' 'f called at the home of Mr. and !Mrs. Bert Bunnel l. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bunnell MAX W. RANDALL, and famllyo and Mr. ffilorge Malott Minis ter spent Sunday evening with Mr. 2993 Phone l. ' and Mrs. Bert !Bunnel
Tim es
1Mr. and Mrs. W&lton Thomps on
Wqe ':mnU~~9flille
Mrs. Ber& BunDell, Corresp ondent Mrs. JohJ1 Koester spent Sunday
At All
. ,.. "_Ie
Serv ices
lIOR &ALB _ sWaUdna Produca. at as N. BI'oIIIItWa;v, LellanQll. Open even1D p loe JOUr COIlvenieDoe. Olen LIntner . Ph0b8 as L.
o~~~-A-~; ~N~I;~-~~I
Mrs . Ellen Powell ,01 near Ore, gonia was a LeibanO ll visitor, SlI tUl'"' , . day.:.-- ' --:- J. P. CUmmi ngS ot neaT"'Wayne ville, was a Ibusines visitor ' In Lebanon, Monday .
. :.. ..... .. : . . .. . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . .-. .
, IIoutul m , Garqe , .JOIIdt Grooery, . CASH DONATIONs--Graba~'s ' ,Grocery, . Cam,PbeU" G.,...e W. B. SpIies ,, Dr.... E. I Home. Panera 'Stubbs I~tatlon, set-vlce Gull " Fulkers on'. Service Statiou , Famaa .". . ·FaDera I Dome. Hawke Lovely's ReCl'Mtl~n Parlor, SmaU_ ild' 'l'hrlftl-E Market, ~ t1IIe Coal ~ Ice Co., WaJlJer , MarIcet Meat IIiBarb u Sbop, RldJ'e ~. . 'Ten CeD.$ stole, OJ E. Smith SJiD....n . . . . . '. DaIry. ...... ', 1'aoIon . . CanDI 111l'rJladden Lumber Co.. L. L. Carrier GI'CJCeI'.1, .....1l1li 8&oItI, Dr: 111..,. UOO'If~ III E A. Dr. BID, b Keaoe& Alent. I~ B. -CJ. Apney-: ce 11I(llanlP. Wayue mUe IDsIIran Cold 8prbtp ,'I'Mea, Dr. A. ... ."., Mr. and 111~1Iph SmI&h Benke St.atMn, Bob SarvIs 8enlee SIa .... 1Ie!J.. O. liMIer, lila ......, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. C. ~lIIn UlUa·~.
, orcler 'Nowl Z GALS~ ALUMINUM PAfflT • . LINSEED - OIL "When P1c1dng .PaIirt, Pick
.~a~~ C.Plc~ing" : ; Wayn~ "
.f .
. .. .
- ...
~7~tni.ni!:·!~ 'The :Xe~a ' Suntlay
• ~------~FO--UR--TB---YEA----K-----------------------------------~----
Meeting Of Mothers Stanley Hamilton Club Attracts 276 · T~ Be At ~eeting The lI40thers ClUb held their Octobf;l" mectlnl{ ThUl'~UY night a.t the high school auclltorlum Wlth an attendance est1Jna.ted at 275. Rev. L. O . Radley conduoted tbe dovotJons and the president. Mrs. Truman Wa.rdlow, prelilded over the brief bUBlness session which was followed by singing, "Slar Spangled Brumer" and "God Pless America" with E. W, Scofield, music instructor, at tbe piano . Mrs . James Hartstock welcomed the teacher!) IIond Mrs. Tbelma Elzey gave the response. ... ~ A program of songs, dances. reeltatlons, dances and solOs. both vocal anc;i Instrumental. was given by the !l-tth and sixth gradea. The receptlOD committee conducted II. march In which every one Look part and became acquainted with each other. Cookies and iced tea. were served . The November meeting 'W1l1 be heltl at the Grade bullding' FrIday aJternoon, Nov. 5. The club 14 maItin~ great plans lor their Halloween Carnival which w1ll be held Th\1fllday night. OCtober 28.
Party In Honor Of • Twelfth Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastin88 entertained a.t their home on 8a.turday evening In honor or their ISDn, Bob. 'Who was celebrating hla lIWellth birthday anniversary. 'Many interesting games and contests were enjoyed a.1·ter which the many love!)' giRl; were opened and admill!d. DeliciOUS refreshments wlttl dainty favors. all in keeping :with the Halloween seMOn, were &erved and each one received a POJltion of the beautifUlly decorated birthday cake . Those pre~nt were: Betity Oampbell. Mary Ann lMellan. Judy COn.ner. Phyllis Martln. Eileen. Brown. Eula. Hoe.k, Mantha Wardlow. Nonna Pummill. Rutq BitZow, Francis Whltalter. Wanda Tinney. Jennie ~ Braddock; Bpbert Bunter. Dwight Barnett. Don Wallace Bendemson.Earl Pet.elll~enneth T\.ru'I.'!y. Donald ' Lukens, K eith. [A)ntacre and WUbur Woolard iU1d the iuest of honor. !, ._L.
A Sub~~tute for Hell
There wW be~n meeting on the subject of "Rural LIf~ - Its Problems and Oppor~wUt1e8;' at the loool Friends Meeting Bouse on thla FridaY' eve.nh:ltl. October 16. at 8:30. Stanley Hamllton, EXecutive SeQ. retary of Rura.llLl1e. assoc1l11ted with headquarters at Quaker Bill, RIchmond, Indi&na, IWW be present. The public 18 invited and urged to take part in the d1BcUSll1on.
Fillal plans have bee n completed or Lhe Band "Concert, llnd Dluicp un Friday. Oct.obm· 15 olld all i.ndica,· Lions pOint. Lo an excit.lng even ing. lhe concert will begin at. 8:30 p. m. to be followed 'by dancing at ap,.,roxma t.cly 9 :30. The Concert Band will play sel'.!cLions ranging from OVCrLures to tll j.lOPUISl· service marches. Only lou. ound members weI'e lost. by j{randu.I Lion last ,pring and tilelr placeb have been hlke!l by t he oncoming .;tudenLs. The oond reh ears').> t.hree tlmes weekly now us compared ta wo fonnerly. Margaret Isaacs Is we.! pr~\JI. r ed LO handle the vocals fOI Lhe dancl oand. She l'UtS been prnc tlcl:l1 r~g · ularly wIth t.he band uud' her S ln~ ,ug is very enjoYlllble . Tickets may be obtained from any OOl1d m embl r or ut. the do,,;' on FridAy eveu\)lg. .der. dO'll! nnuLs and popcorn will b e sold ~: . tht dance .
SOUTH WAYNE M)VlSORY OOUNCIL MEETS AT ERNEST HABTSOCK DOME Mr. and Mrs. Er.nest Hartsock were ,host and h06tess Thursday, Oct . 7, to the SouUl Wayne Advis'cry COuncil. Tile meeting came to order With the president in charge. ~ roll call revealed three members absent. The minutes were read and approved. Mr. Clarence RYe gave an. excel, lent report ot the round table discussion held in the court huuse auditorium, Lebanon. Ohio. The president <then turned t.be mc.etlnc over to the d1scUS8lon leader wbo appointed Mrs. Jozef MCcoy as leader for this meeting. Bhe chose for her subject. "The vast ma.. cll1neiy of cooperMlves in the occupied countries of Europen after .an unpara1.le1ed opportunity lor efficient and effective no~prom dIstrjbution 01 rellaf materla.l8 and an Important democratic pattern tbr rellabilltaUon in the post - war world. .. Dellc10us refreshments we r e &ened by the hostess. c The meeting was adjourned to meet wlth Mr. and 'Mrs . ' W . E . StroUd Nov, 6. 11143.
Band Concert-Dance Grange To' Have Friday..Evening 'rk" Halloween Party
TROOP IUOVElWEN1' JOB EQUt\L~ 21 WORLD TRIPS FOit EVERl PERSON IN WARREN COUNTl' Somewhere In New Guinea these wounded loldiers await evacuation. Flat on their backs. In the steaming heat of the juncle, where mosquitoes plague the air and ants and mosquitoes torment weary bodies they dream of bome ••• of clean lthite sheets and the touch of cool. comforting haDds. - - ' --_ ,~ --~~ .- _ • • .- ' __ .IW ",,- , " : : .. , " ~ .-......- ......... ,..~ ""I
Progressive Club In Dinner Meeting
will houses the last week In October' In order to "blain War Ration Book No.4. lL baa been annolln.ced, Exact dates and. hours have not as yet been determ!ned tor Wayne Twp. citizens, but will be announcecl in next 1lveek'~ paper: Persons reciaterlng must bave a war raUon book tJuee for each penon for whOm they are ob~ talnlng book four. Stamps label- . ed "coffee" ,In book four were printed before coffee raUonlq was dlacontlnued. Any rumOIll 'ha,"1t 15 to be reawned are unfo~ OPA' says.
' • •
_ . . ........ .. -
Wedding Shower For Newlyweds
Taklng all of 'Warren county't 29.894 people around the wor ld II', sleeping cars more than 21 time.\. would be a ti'emelldous \Uldel'taking yej. that Is actually about \ he siZ!. of the troop movement job reporteL by t.he Pullman compuny . .sInce Pearl Hurbor, Pullma n h9,: carried aibout 14,000.000 tr:>ops a dlsto.nce o.r more than 15 bllllo Pa-sscnger mlles in Its slel'Pinz cars t he company reports . These lIguret are said La cover mass mllitlUJl movemenlll ruone. and do DC; InclUde the heavy travel of furl. ugbed men and otbers.
Farmers Grange No . 13. Is plana Halloween party at the ocal hail SaLurduy night, following ,he reguru' business meeting. Everyme Is Invited to come and bring lther a.pples or doughnuts. The Juvenile Ora ge Is also planling a Halloween party the same "venlng during their regular meeting ,lOur ...Anyone who comes to the a.tter ')larty and not in costume will, -Ie fined five cents. M t~e close of .he lecture hour of the Subordinate Jrange the Juveniles will stage a. ;'rand march . The Juvenile Matron. 11rs . Mnbel Wilson, and her ~ ~n L. Mrs . Mildred campbell. urre Ilut all members be present. ling
Ask For 100 Blood Doners In County Mn;. Lucille Berry. Chairman, an10unCes that 1000 blood donora 11 .he quota for Warren county wheD, ..he Red Cross Moblle Unit comes to Lebanon November 2. 3, ., 5. 6. E. W. ScOfield has been ap~t ed Wayne township chairman vards have been sent to all pel'llOOa who part\<:lpe.ted In the blood donor' .service in Alprll. These cards are to be filled out and returned promptlJ ill order that the connlttee W1ll .{now how many persons s,re planning to part1c~pate and to a.rraple ~he sche d~e . Anyone who did not ~oi.ve blOOd In April may ~ up at the Red Cross headqua.rle1:s ,In 'L ab.UlOn or drop a card signUy!ni h.\a or . ncr willingnoos to do sO or contact Mr. SCofield.
The !following persons were entertained at a' wedding shower recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Si; Lamb In honor of Mr. and Mrs. 'H enry Moore, Jr .• who were recently wed . The ,b ride was the former Miss Att,ndan~e Bessie ILa.mIb of COrwin . The groom left for Ft. Thoma.s for induction into the army Saturday. Tbe evangelistic meetlnp at the 'Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hopkins, t:THAN LEWIS AT DUTCH ChUrch 01 ' Christ a.re enjoyIDg a Mr. and Mrs. James L . M . HopHARBOR, ALASKA good a~tendance nightly . SOme <;Jt klns, Mlddletown; Mr. and Mrs . Clarence Cba.rlton. Day.t.on; Mr. ' ElUlan: Lewis Is now stationed a l Lhe best 8e1'mons ever heard here and Mrs . Preston Jones, Corwin; Dutch Harbor. a.ccOl'dlng La worL are b~1ng given eaeh night by Dr. !Mr. and Mrs. Roy· E'ltes, Oregonia: received here. His address Is: Etban S. S. Lappin with , Mrs. Lappbi Monday . evenln" Octd)er 18 at FOUR INDICTMENTS Mr . and Mrs. Roscoe Hendricks. J. Lewis, Ph . M ltC, u. S. N .. U .. ~ad1ng~he~g1ng.~.~urIN~ "OUr lJouae" at 1.00 p. m. ' sharp, BY OCTOBER GRAND JURY S. Submarine Base; Dutch Harbor. cr. organist. presides at the conaole Franklln. aooord.1n4r to Bev. L. C. Radley, Alaska.. 01 the Hammond organ. Be ·aU..... Mr. and Mrs. Elmer La.mO, Mr . ~ ohalmlan., ' ~ur lndIctmenta were returned by 0. 16 minute concert ' eacb even.1Da, and Mrs . Noah Moore. Henry Moore. Harold V. Martz, of FraDklin, the October tenn gra.nd jury, Friday .,siARDtlN CLUB MEETS AT DINNER HONORS OFFICER beg1n.n1ng at '1:45. Warrelr county representative in 'to Judge Alton F. Brown, in LebHOME OF MRS. WHETSEL Sr .• Mr . and Mrs. Russell Osbornc, The meetlng 'is scheduled to conMr . . and Mrs. O. R. ·Morgan. Mr. Dinner was served Sunday ~ the ------:.-~ . . Ohio les1s1ature. is to be tbe gUest.. anon. SOHOOL "DUS 1N82ECTIONti Mrs . Lena Hartsock 1V\1S hostess .and Mrs. I\£y Ltunb. Mr. and Mrs . home of Mr . and Mrs. Arch Hllder- tinue until the end o.r next week. lI~er • • .JI!h06e against Who!p. indictments were returned were Elnest Schoell- Thursday to the ,Qal'den club at the VlrgU Wilkerson, Grace Reynolds. tn anL In Lebanon honoring second The publl~ Is Invited to attend. The ~m\l61 Sc:.hool Bus ln8pectlon INSPECTION NIGHT AT home of Mrs . U. G _ Whetsel. with HeroCrt Lamb. !Earl Thompson. Lt. Robert L . Planck. . ~IE TWP. GRANGE man, ;fallw'e to obeY' a stop sign; eleven members pre}ent. (eocept passenger cars) by the '& ate Oenice Willterson, Joe Lamb. Mrs . 'C overs were laid for Mr. Ilnd Mrs. W. S. C. So TO MEET TDUBSDAY iFran.k Bowyer, driving whil!! iutugiHighway Patrol wW be conducted at ' B. V. Smith read a.. splencUd Morris Hopkins. J\Ullth Morllan. !Mrs. iWss Planck . Mr. and MIIi . Russell n ............., -as aiven cated·. Carl Middleton. nonsupport, The •.#oll-"~ The Woman's SOcet.y 01 Chi1st1an Wayneevllle Bilgh SChool Wedne.tld~. ... ...... .--..' - " .. paper on, "Houseplants. their '10.- Mrs . Ell ' Reynolds. Paul Hopkins. Martin and Phyllis, Mr . and Mrs. ... ·--·e ........ .n-::lge on Inspec and James Norvell. auto ·theft. at Service will meet at the home of October 20 at 1:30 p. m. for Wayne - - ...... 'I.R_ tion night, Monday. OctOOer 101: They will be arraigned soon for riellY. Ca.re and Use. " Mrs. Margaret Everebt Lamb, Nancy Parson. Wll- Oarl Peterson and daughters. Jallie Mrs . Ray Oonner o~ Thursday ale and Massie Rural school d18tr1A:ts: . Wet)lb and Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall bur Lamb, Mrs . Oddus Hobbs. Stella and Barbara of Springfield, Mr . Other' Warren county 1ns~lons .Bong by all....~er1ca. the !Seau-- pleadllng. also gave some lruterestlng articles . ,Lamb, Emma Jeane MorgM, Earl ·a nd Mrs. Clark Starr dnd chlldren. emoOlI. October 21, at 2 :00 p_ m. Mrs. George &n1~h will have a wlll 'b e as follows: At Franklln H18b , Uful; ft~ltatlon. Barbara Doster; ' Ce,ses Jgllored were S. P. Steele, A dlspl8.y of housepllants and bulbs LamIb. Marie Lamb, Ella Mae WoodJoe. Patty, and Jane, Osbol'll. and paper on: "The VolWlteer Woman school Monday.~t. 18' a~ 8:30 for ~d1nI. \'1 Am a ,CltIzen." LoueLa shooting witlh intent to kill. iHa.rold. 'I'(8S greatly enJoyed.. son, Mr . and Mrs. Ermine Whltta- the host and bostess and friend. Franldlb Exempted Village. OGdisle MUUgan; plano so~o. ~Ty Lou Klrlg)8.tr\ck. cr1m1nal attack; E. ' L. and her Ohurch ." Otbel' rea~p RefreShments' were, served and the more, Ivallne Refnolds, BUly Mar- Miss 'Elln Lo1.se . Rural I\Jld Blue Ball R~l; at lMoore; ' Paper, D~wa.rd McGuinn; ·B enedict. defrauding an Innkeeper. and music wUl make up an 1n~r dub a4Journed to meet in Novem- gan, Oharles MoTgan. Raymond estlng .program. SprInQiboro I81gh school Monday, readiill •. ,AlIce HoUsh; plano BOlo. and WIl11a.m Glli!illan. same charge. her with the preSident. Mrs. Eliza- 1I..oamb, Elmer Jones. 'Ralph Lamb, DINNER GUESTS OCt. 18. at 1 :30 p. m . for Clearcreek JIAJ.let Doster; *.It...~ the Oe.bbage Tbe jury considered a report 01 beth 'Sim1th and the s4bjeet for dls- Janice Lamb, Norman Lamb, RosMr. and Mrs. Ernest Edglngtoll HALLOWEEN PAB.TY AT , Rural; at Morrow Tuesda¥. Oct. 19. IPi.tcb;·/ talk, 0bar1e4 ~; clos. shops in t.he county• . but cusslon will be. "Shrubs Desirable cae Hopkins. Faris Burns, Wanda entertained to dinner on Sunday, METHODIST CIItIBCB . 8:30 a. m. tor Morrow VJllaie.. 1I!tr ~. found no 'situatlon existing In the for this Locallty." Jones, MIldred 'Parsons, Stella Mae Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Edgington. ~toQ-lMalnevuie V .• and Har1an 'lIr. Dell06 Worley judged t,he Bu- couny. Work in t he jail and t!Je jail The youth Fellowship 01 the BIRTHDAY pINNER 1La.m6. Gladys Fuye Lamb. Herbert daughter. Betty. and son, Tommy; MethOdlBt church will hold a Hal-. BUtlervill~ V.; at Kings Mills Jij,h ~range. and Mrs. Worley kitchen recommended by the May 4 Lamb, Glendon Morgan. DE'1ll11., Olld 1Mrs. J . E. Edgtngt.on. all 01 ~'een """ ..t i th schooi Tueedar, oct. 19.11:30 p. ~ .• ~ JUVenile . · Questa were Mr. and gmnd jury IWlIS found to be under~.. .._ y n e recrea.>1on rooma Mr . and Mrs. l\V&J.ter Rhoads and 1M0rgan, Opal Hobbs, Joe Woods. of the chuicb Friday, ck~ New Richmond, Ohio . for Klnsa Mills R~. ~son V~- ~. ~e Mounta '8Dd Mrs' Franols w~. fa.m lly entertained at a birthd ay Joe Wells. Elzle _ Parsons, Sundru cruLl SUPPER AT RICII nOME liIge and South Lebanon V.; at LeI)- ~. 78 INDUCTED BY BOAR)) ONE dinner ,Sunday. It bel.ng Mr. R.boa<'s' Hopkins. Donald Estes . . . IIOME FROM ALASKA an~n tHigh school WedJ;lesciay. Oc~" !Mrs .. Cora Rich 's home was .J;he WAYNESVILLE MAN ATTAINS Thirty-four registrants a.J·e sehed- birthday . ENTERTAINS RELATIVES 20,. at 8:30 a . . m. for Leba.non Ex. HABKMANSBIP RIFLE RATING uled to be sent from Franklin and '!'hose present were!: Mr . und Mrs. PIlC. carl Green, who has been in scene of a neighborhood gathering atlas B. Hodge and (iaughter. Mary:. AT BASKET DINNER VWage; otterbein Home Rural . on Saturday night when Mrs . Wal· the U. S. aimy> for over two years . ---44 wtll .leave from Lebanon Ootobe.r rBermucla. Sept. 2'l.-(Delayed)- 18, ~or Induction Into t be armed Ann, CIncinnati. Mr. and Mrs ; elifMrs. Jennie Thomas cntertalned ter Wh.itaker. Miss Anna Ma.rUyn and has &pent U months In .Al&Ika. • 1 -tlves a:t her home on SOCial Row 0000 ATTENDANCE AT ftc. -Henry R. Sahoonover. USMC. f«ces from Warren county dl'alL .ford Whllalker. Mrs . Sarah Smith, Mrs . Is home on a ~ weeks furlough wblCh ' lRhoa.d!i and family. Mr. and r""" EASTERN STU Ml:ETING of R. R.I •. Waynesville. Ohio, bas board one at Frank11n ~ Mrs. Hatley Rhoo.ds of Jefferson- Sunday to a basket dinner. RaY' OOnner and Mrs . Reba Brad- he is spenc1io.r 1ritb. hla parenta. Mr. Miami Cha~er' I07. O. E. S, ., met ~~e · . ~ a MarItIman rifle rating Barnett C. Rose and Paul Robert ,vUle. MIss Dora Hockman. ClnclllThose prti.:7ent 'Were: Mr. and Mrs. dook celebrated their birthday an. and Mis. ·Ear} Oreen at Spr~boro. , Wlrl natl. and Miss Melva Doclcma.n. of Albe t II:. pkln Mr d M Al luversarles with a ohlll 'u pper. a.nd other -relatIves and friends. Mr. on Monday night 'WItb a good abe Be &ftil. .....1 Karch Ii 1M2 t GIthens. both of Waynesville. are r ·urn · • . an rs. and Mrs. Green en.tertalned S\UldaJ ---. , a llsted among the 78 . COlumbus . Ibert McKay and family or ~e~ tendOnce. After a brlef business in his honor • • session, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jenk- ~yton: OhIo, end l.s the son of Mr. . . Burllngton. Mr . and Mrs. Lois Mc- CLINTON COUNTY PROPER'I 'Y VALUES TO BE INCREASED lna of Washington. 0 .• were ~_ and Mi'II. Einery 8ehoono!e>: 01 FLOOD BOND DEBT PAID SPRING VALLEY FLYER Kay and daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. " WiavnesvWe IS DECORATED TWICE .- Mi ' 11_ Mr d Fr d troduced and each gave a mOst in,• Ollar""" IJO.d · . Mr an Mrs. e 11m Oct 0 All field l' ...... non .....,.Tlle last of an issue of d Mr W lngton. . 1 .terestlng talk OIq!lastem Star work SKOND PIP~ TO B B " " " " " ~vlng completed 50 air missions Va.ntr~s an son, . an s. men engaged In the reappraisement Charles Fires. a son of Mr. and In W~. Each member prea. FlNI8BBD BY IAN. 1 $240.000 in 1003 flQlX1 bonds was paid In the Tunisian. Slcll1lun and Italian Ramo IRIggs, Mr . e.nd Mrs. Leon of Ol1nton county real estate have Mrs. LoUis PIres. Is now stationed I . 01 this week-. according I~a FIrs t Lt. . Goo rge R . Mills Mrs ---'''.. .., ..... ...ven a souve....- bv , ........ -.. ... dlto AMP k I ttoeCounty t t campa........ . and son, . Paulln!! Harris turned in their reports. The county by ·'uh e Navy a - . KeyW e st, ... "'....... ent ~~ J~; a piece of the orlrinal ., lWublngton· O. B •• oct. l~.-The AU r " . ar er. n res a Smltb. Spring Valley. was awarded or centerville, Mr . Jesse MWs of Board or Revislon Is to meet this iH1s address Is , Charla JC. ~. --..&.le' ,'-_. W-_"'n eeoond. tll ·pipeline beinr _buUt ac;rosa 6 per cent pBld ' on the bond.~. the DIstinguished p'lying Cross and Xenia and the hos'' ess , 'Mrs ~ Box. 0-5. PAW-~. ft , "'--u. ._ . . ...VU& ~....to ... .....,.. . Jennie week to go over the new figures, A.R .T. .C.' .... ~O. ment. Reireshments .of doughnuts the to move oU from Texas amoUDted to .186,210.60, almost as AIr Medal, with nine clusters; by Thomas . A ve~ delightful da.y was Whleh made all Increase 12 to 14 NlAS. Key Weat, J'Ial1da. to tbe 'eaat cout, fill be complt!ted " . Qen . VIIoI" ...... ... A • .~..... in Nor th spent by all persent . . ..'. .were .... .,.. . . much as the lssue itself. Parker saldj M&j. ""'.. cent J.n all' valuaD. Alfted OSborn and elder . . . Jan. 1. Under ......... nt ~Iaft •• and IMost of Warren county's bridges >"'" ~, • ORVILLE SAVAG- ·T .. ,- ..rG . -~ .... . MJ1ca, his mother. Mrs . George .... FREEZES t dlto aid .. AA&n CALIFOBNIA. V1BI'I'OB '20-1ncb m61Ji.w1li carry gasoline ·were swept , sym.y in ' the 1913 flood omo p AP.,.. coun Y au r.s . PRIMARY FLIGHT T&ApiUfG , ~ ,,' 'or orude o1llUCh 6&' 1& and the ~nd iBeue ,Was .necessary at Smtth, ' S~g Vall4'Y. ~ been In8UB8()B.IPTIONs TO DATE eel . the 1M 1Dah l1b ' already in · that time to rep1Jax:e he structures. fOl1J)ed. •. BlRTlIDAY DINNER IN. Word. hal! tX,~Ved that or. MrS. Be'rt~' Ol'&Y ~1Ved h~e,.on ~ from- CoronadO. (:1alUolma,' mov . 'n '. e . . , . '. .. .... v DA'V AT IllARVEYSBURG , lAncaster. Ohio, Oct. 11 .. - R. 1l0No.R OF BIRTHDAYS ville 8a.vace is now "-"I .... prl.... _ , • . with h -_.... operatlan. ' .' .......-..& .& Ke th K bll h f Ih -, to ,send a 8h01'.t tlme , , ' er """"l' ~, o. S. P,onnui Co .• wblch lIu MRS. EDGINGTON ENTERTAINS . ' nne , err.. pu s er 0 e '. --tralnlni &9 a pilot in the 11. S. arm, In-Ia'!' andda~hter• .Mi .. and ~ contraot for b1Ufd1na' lOCI m11~ , 8~G GROUP ~URSDAY • The annual .d&y of ' the Lan~r Eagle-GlI,zette, said tod ay . Mrs . .Howl;\rd Sll1'face entertained' at San Antono. Teai BIll addlW ' E". P •. ,~ . or tile PiPe 1fcIPl near MiddletoWn Harveyaburg MetbodlBt chu.reh wlll .the ' papel"S sublttiptlon list . would wl\.tl a Iblrthday cUnner on Sundg Is: A-o OrvUlel........ AU8'l5O'l3, . ' 'lIrII. 'Ernest' was host- be held Sunday. BpechL services wlll be frozen eHective Nov. 1. due to October 10, in honor of ber hwibaDd, Group Q. _~ ,u . . · AnmsVIID MEN I'INED ribttbeut or lAU1CtIer• .baa ·co . mplet' ' '" - - ~ .... .W ed the line -.nward .. tar .. ClII8 to the' VictOrY- S8w418 group on. be ht!ld at 9:30 ani 10:30 a . m. and wartime sea.rclty .of !newsprltlt and ~eder. AiAli1Pe (1') SAAOO. Ban COUDty; and wBl more ro,"IIIIU"" . evening. Wh~ thay met will ~ f~ bf "'a n~ dinner. 'o ther .rest,pctton.s . Mr~. F. M. Osborn and Mrs. John Texas. ' ' , The Women's Progressive olUb held a dinner meeting Tuesday evendng. October 12, at Oold Spnngs Tavern . Twenty-seven members en joyed a ve.q delicious meal a.1ter which the business meeting w~ s oonducted by the prcstdent, Miss Ethel Beekman . Several projects for civic Improvements were dlsoussed. Mrs . Braufmo.n of Lebanon, a home service work.e r lor the Red Cross, gave a very interesting and The Ocliobel of the ~nl1ghtening talk about the work of WayneavWe <?1V1c cl\ID will be held wtlich she Is a part .
Civic Club To Meet,Monday
Good At ' Revival Meetings '
I ' I ; . . . . , . . . .. . ' .
S ' q. . . .
•. . . .
to tiI90 miles dIJJJ. 'ObJ:oplt!tInI_E:::-_:th::elr resular ~ . on ga.r-., GB..u)uA~S FROM . " FORMER GREENE COuNTY' Reeder. , ' . Jab t;t ~ N~. , for refUP,e Jnfant.. , G~iNEa.y JWDOOL SUPT. IS PROMOTED Guestswbo were pre.se~t at the "
Thole ~ were:. M1u V1rJr1n1a Blacll:burn. Meedamea P. U. Le¥aY. CIIl&rlee Van ~rr MaX D. BartIt. R. BW, Walter Frasure. J. WIle, WUlIam SaWJer. ~ ~ JIDak; J • •: KcCsure. ,""....- . . . W.:p. strader and ~.
PIv • .Roy K . .PW:~. Who recently (ll'aduated at ~ll"lilld, ..... 1!oD4 received the alIver ~ . mp. . . . . 8UDcIQ frleDCfa and reatt~. ,to KeDqr l!'IeJd,where he II to be
. dinner were: ¥T. and Mrs . P. M. 'qsborn and Es~he~ OIIbom of Bar1& on' leave a.8 'Green: county SOhr>ol veysb~, Mr. Gild MnI. John Reet1-, FIrIIt Lt.
!lIarTYB. PIck.erlng. who
superintendent and stationed a t Air SerVice ComplaDd. Middletown, Pa., . . . raised to the rank tL..cEptaln In t8DPOl'at'Y promotions l\nnOU1l ~ed Urat of t.bt. week.
er of Centerville. Mr. George 0Wl- Cecil 0&.11. h&I been uot Oft. . . . I!nd nlwin Surface. !O', ' . Boward IDa new ~ .s.: .urr~ and the Ilost.ea. KrI. J:veJ1. DaYlll, N;;:::~ e~ Smith of Mount- Bolly. called bt '11M. ~ "I
- . Yen.
C(\-n to put It ,In and lasL I h 0.1;0, Ii. had. reached school saJcly. Nltts are important thIS y ' r (or Jhey are Q good source of prot.ein. fat ,~Il~. Vitamins. Here Is a recipe for hick . . . . . M , 8eooOd ~ ~ Matter at Poet.otrlcO, WQMavWe, 0bI.0 ory riut cake that depend8 uPon' the .nuts lor part of the shortening. One Walter W. Wiseman, Editor and Publiiher cup sugar, o\1e small tlliblespoou!ul of 'bu btel' or lard, tlWO eggs,' three, . I88UED EVERY THURSDAY 'f our.ths of a cup of sweet mUk, two ~ Prict. '1.60 Per Year, Payable In Advance cups fiour . .two'teaspoonsful of baking powder, three fourth cup of chopped hickory nuts. Itake In two layers and lee (If you have enough sugar). October 7, 1943. Dry Ridge Is dry weather with a ·1o.I;e sprlng. 'rhe lMonday. Government regulations but so Is every place else in this ' t end of t"A .. a gain. We mus t ~ron or h"'''' ~.... .... woolly have us ell tied ul' part of the country just now. ThIs 'Worm was dark almoS~ to Its middle, produce as much feod as we ca.n but Is a real drought, not Just a little then there was a I1ght 'b rown 'part' 'When we have something to be ' spell of tall dry weather. Drought with iii small patch of Iblack on the eanne'd and the canlle.ry can't send weo.ther Is usually pleasant in fall stern end. Last ye.a r there was only for It and we have no, truck. how like west.ern mountain weather and a small dark patch e.t each end oan 'We get Lt there ? Truckers who unless It hangs on too long, doesn't with a proport;lonately large llght haul stock are no~ allowed to. haul do so mUCh harm. We need rain tor in the middle, indlca~on of a iong farm produce In their spare time the wbeat and the pastures are get- WiJ+ter, wbich we certainly had. and all the truckers around here ting all dried up In ' a year when we It has been the fasbion for some h aul stock, so whaot? Unless the need. to save' every wisp of feed. years to make fun of tbe folk ways cannery gets a new truck driver our 'l1he . cows' are beglnnllli to drop of 10lli range forecasting but now pUmpkins, a heap as high as your ' back in their milk. The sprlng Is that the scientists have found ways head, ca.l'I't go to t h e cannery and low but It hasn't stopped running of prognost1ea.tLng the weather ro somebody won't get anI' pumpkin yet . Although th15 a Dry Ridge and far in advance for use 1n lWar, s how- pie. They saY' pumpkinS are good doesn't get all the min that neigb· 1ng that the forces that will pro.- cow feed but how do you get the bOring parts of the county do, Ulere . duce 'Certain weather at a certain cows to eat them? Ours snUf at is a good veiD of Undergro';Uld water t.ime are already at work and tha t them curl up ,t heir noses and pass and our wel.l$ have never gone dry. next year's weather Is already made, on~right Into the nearest corn 1 met my ~1rst wooly 'WOrm or the could it be that these same forces \ field unless I get there first. The season toda.y. It came humpmg do produce changes mat llhow in. pastures a.re so dry that I can hardacross my path and I looIted it over . h t carefuliy to see what it saId about ~ny common things and t a some Iy blames them tor gettlng th.eInof, the weather folk lore has a basis selves a. olt of Juicy g~eel} corn winter 'Weather to come, NOW that Ln fact ? when they can . ThIs morning I weather forecasts are pennitted, I Sunday. Peace . What could be 11.xed the hole In the fence where can repqrt my findlnga. Unleaa con. larther alWay f rom war's tumult ,t hey got out yesterday b4t when I tradicted by later ~UoD8, mUd than -"" ~ t Sun th t th our Wuuuo on an au wnn - took them up to e pas ure ey weather wW ,continue untn late this , day alternoon? No sooner than I got went on by their gate and into the year, perilapa into December " There home tbIa afternoon than ~he chU- com ~y way 'ot the ga.te . As I had 18-DO~ OD It to tell when the dern were over here with ::acks ell Just mended the hole In the fence first ldI:Ung troet wm come. N. far ready to hold me to my promise to II coUldn't get them out through the take them h1olcory nutting. It was hole and had to take them back the 88 I kno\y tbeD there w1ll ~ cold than bl wann arid the sky looked uer long way, the way t hey got in. Now ever baoIt at the golden trees, The they are shut in to finish eating a ~".!II" ~'" air W88 spicy with dried pennyroyal little' pa.tch o! soy ~ans and I hOPe l.m" and walnut hulls . There were plenty 'I find them there when I go out , 'U~ of DUts though moot of them are October twelfth . Columbus Day ' lWal: ,.,N for a freeme to bring them and no one w-"'" have even thought
DA't'J.I;)N .\:'()W~ AN.u OOMlt'IANY, l'1'S SUCuES· .r SO~ ~D ASS1GNS, ~ l!.LEc.... GEORGE· S. UNSON 'l-Ru.'U FMOlUSE IN THE LLPrm((e~rt;lftmt;'iti (Ollt:fll LAuE OF WA'YNESVILLE~ STATE ' . $e(l'rey, ,ArNflllltl' OF omo. FOR A PERIOD OF SEVEN (7) ~ OOMMENOLNO Just T'axes T here was one policeman In the ON THE EJF.F'Ec'I'IVE DATE OF town where my father's family went 'nHlLS ORIDINANOE. shopping in my boyhood days. 1 can LEBANeN, OHI PijO~E 326 still see his silver badge of authorBE IT ORDAJ!NJ!lD BY ' liE Ily, .his white oak club and leather OOUNOllL OF 'I'BiE VllJLA\lE OF hol.tered gun. H,ow distinctly I W1A>YNS3VlliLE, STATE OF OlUO : or broken shall .pe r ePlaCPd in a purpose of "Ourrent Expenses of remembe r my dl,sappointment In SElOTION I: That, subject to the good and workmanlike condition by Said School District" 'at a. rate not t,h is important personage at take seeinga ,terlIlS and cA~d.Itlons hereh!. 'I'he him one Saturday morning uu ., ~I said The Dayton 'P ower a nd Llght exx:eedin8 three mills for each ' one gElI N ous handful of raw peanuts Dayton Power !loud Light Company, Company. 116 successors or Ill'signs. dollar or valuation, wblob amounts {rom a wire basket at the grocer's Its successors and assigns; Is granted Scotlon m: That, nothing in tWs to Thirty Oents for each one hUlldred dollars of valuatiQn, for a pe~tore-tront. the right a nd privilege, for ,;lUI~. ordinance shall be construed as riod or five years, 1944, 1945, 1946, He did n't ask thle grocer's leave. · 1'lod of seven (7 ) years commencing gl'a.nt.lng to The Dayton Power ,!nd 1947, 1948. He d idn't even look to see if the on the effective dlllte of tl)ls.. ordin- Light Oomnony Its successoI:s or The Polls for said Election wID be ...' , gruce.r was n'!8r enough to be tha nked. He j\lst took the treat and &llCe to do, carry on, and trb.ru;ac~ assigns, any exclusive privilege or open at 6:30 o'olock A . 1M. and remain Opell until 6:30 o'cloclA P. M. wu lkcd awa y. To my youthlul eyes, within the said Village of Waynes- rlgil~. (Eastern Standard Tiine) . of said iI luokcd very wrong. 'I'he strong vUle, Ohio, t he business of supplYl' SECTION IV . That, thls ordin- day. ur/)J ot the law had taken something ing electlicity to said Village and ance shall be accepted by' said 'rhe By order of the Board of Elections, tll''' l did m)t belon~: to himl U the Its In'habltants for -light" h eat and D to Power and 'L ight Co.Ylpa.ny, or Warren Oounty Ohio. gn)(: er protesteJ , he would surely . ~ n . . V. H. RUSSELL, OIerk . lose the officer' s friendship whic!) power P\ll'POISes a nd fo r allY other in writing. on or before twenty ( 20) Dated AUC'4St 25Lh, 1943. wo s WOI·th more than peanuta. purposes for w~cb electric1ty Is now days alter Its effective dii.w . !:luch 1\, Lillie Thing or Illfly be used hereaM;er; and to acceptance shall be -!lied with the NOTICE OF ELECTION ON T A.X LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN W.hut \Vos it, ~,eft, robbery, ex- tha.t end to enter upon, In and use Vlllige Clerk and thereupon this MILL LIMITATION tortlon, brlb~taklllg? I was n,ot and occupy the streets, awmues, d.1 I a ll be (llld cons' ltule a able to classify thl! ollense, neither , or llance s 1 NOTIOE 15 ' hereby given that In could I justity It because It was lanes, alleys and public ways of colltract betlween the VUlage and plainly immoral Uri principle bow- said Village, to maintain, use. erect, said Company, its successol's and ~. pursuance at a Resol ut: n of the ever trivia l ' in nallure. Since that r epair, or repl8A:e poles, to~ers, signs for the uses' and purposes VWage Oouncll of Way.neville. Warren COWlty, Ohio, passed on the 6th time I have acquiI:ed more .worldly structures. guys, anchors, braces and herel~ provided. day of 'S ePt,ember, ,1943, thcre will exporicnce ' but I aim st!1l convln~ed all other necessary and ptoper deSWnoN V That this ordinanCI.J be SUbmitted to a vote at the people . th at this Is Amerlc:a's national sm: . ., . In our prospel'lty, we americans vices and appl1cations t or transmit- shall take ef1fect and be in force of said Waynesv 1.e VI k.gc at t.he have a bad habm of Ignoring 01- tLng and s upplying electriCity to said from and after the earliest period NOVEMBER 1!lLEOTI0N to be hlld In WaynesvUlo Vii. age, 'Ohio, at the fenses that ore trivial In nature al· Village and Iw inhalbltants !or such allowed by law. regular places of voting therein, .on though they may be yery :-v rong In purposes. .. . <PMsed by the Council of the VII- TUosday, the 2nd day of Novomb ··r, pr.lnclple. " Thls grant shall apply to all such- lage of Waynesvlll'! State of OhIo, 1943, the quesblon of levying a tax Precisely this li8 what's wrong . , Ln excess of the tell mill liml tatloD with our system ~,f taxation In the poles, tnv,rers, structures, guys, . an this 4th day. of October, 1943. United States. espl~clally right now. chors, braces, and all other devices C . H . BRACE, M~yor, for the 'benefit of W ynesville VIlIt Is wrong in princ:Jple. In the pas~ and appl1ances used or usefUl for VUlage of Waynesville, Ohio hige, Warren Ooupty. O~o, for the purp~e of ''Current Expenses ,of nobody cared because tax was "pea· the llIfor.esald purposes wl'lch are Atteet : . said Village." ~t a rate not exceednuts." Outwardly there seems ~ now owned by sold The Dayton C'HA:RiLES JiMo4ES, Olerk . ing two and .one-haIf mlllS for each be great variety among tax laws In ,Power and Light Compe,ny .n sald one dollar ' of valuation, wh1ch america but in ODl! respect they are . much too nearly wlitorm: Mos t tax Village and to such as h ereaft.er NOTICE OF ELE~ON ON TAX amounts to tlwanty - five centa for bills are born wearing false faces. may be placed or erected therein by LEVY IN EXOESS OF THE TEN each one bundrcd dollars or valuation, Jor a period of .five ye81's 194&; I\!1LL LIMITATION Each one seems 'to have been drawn It or its SUCCB ;Sq'S and assigns. 1945, 1946, 1947, tUK8, " up to achieve some popUlar a l.m ~ON II: That, upon the re- ,f>fOTIOE Is 'l;Icrr,by .given that In The 'Polls for said Election will be but actually its real purpose was moVQl or relocation of a ny pole !PurSuance of a. Resolution of the 'open at 6:30 o'clock A. M, and resom.ething else. 'T he ta.x laws of ' WayaJe Rural School District of the maln open untll 6:30 o'clOck P. M., UV ...... VW4.I this free and prosperous country are OO",er, guy, anchor. brace, Lt.r. 1ll1. doWn, When We had gathere~ all about it l;f they hadn't found tl':e full of deception. ' or any other de~ce or a ppliance, County of IWarren, State oJ Ohio, (Eastern Standard ' Time) pf ·sald passed on the 2nd day of August, ~ we COUld l md we sat down and bank closed . Look Behind The.m the surface of each street,.$)r public 1943, there wID 'b e sUQmltt,ed to a By order at the Board of E1ections~ sampled them and studied the life' ---'~---:-;-----:;f'--Everybody who can multiply un- way, whlch may bave been dlstui-bed vote of the people of said ' Wa)'~e of Warran CO\lllty, Ohio . . Wiil pay ' f2.00 for Deacl b1atDry or the DUt worm'. What does ~"."• • • • •IIIIi._~ derstands (or can figure. ouq . that" . Rural 'SChool District at t,he NOV, 'H . RUSSELL. Clerk. H-".l---· , t1',iOO ' ~r COw.. the flJ look like whose larva they VOTE FOR our government (:an't run without - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - : \TEMBER ELECTION ' to be held in Dated Sept. 17, 1943. .,...... ,,are? High up In a. tree one of the taxing poor people. There a.r e not said School Dlstrict, Warren Ooun~y , Ohlo, at 't he regular places of voting Sheep, ,H ...; Cal.... boys snnbted a -long legged green enough rlcl! ones to pa Y thire cost, Advertise Jud.1c1ouslJ " I'" even if we taxed away th e every therein, on TUesday. the 2nd day of ~d praying mantis , and nothing would penny. Betore IUle present war Advertising Shows EDerl)' November, 1943" the ,:question of Bmovm-~y . do but that be must climb the tree America's poorest famWes were levying a tax in excess of ~he ten Advertising Keeps ~Ici ouatomen and get it to take to school. So he for paying $1 of hiddE!n taxes out of $5 mID Umita~on '1or the benefit of . Ph.... Wa)'lUlaviUe ' shinned up the tree and cam~ dvwn ERK eamed; only they didn't know it. 'JafDe 'Rur~8ch.ool District for the . ADVERT,SE IN TBB r GAZBTTB RO~ OIL, EXOAVA'rmO with hiS vlotlm: carefully l'ield so as WAYNE .TWP. CL . Import duty is paid by consumer. 3104 j' Elect'lon N ov. 2 , 1943 at home, not by foreign manufacDUMP TRUOK. SERVIOB not to hurt it for the praying man.. ' turers. Even the "ancient land tax. READY MIX CONOR.ETE 0lIl7 ,rWtWii.r bI tiS· Is one of our insect friends 801Your Support Will Be once was 'p ointed ELt a few, but-lI.nalW........ ~ though it Is a weird creature that Appreciated. ly bad to .be borne by many. Gasolooks lIB thO\Jlh ·it might have coine -Pol. Adv. line taxes were pOlPular In 1922 when ~. , over with superm ' an. They· found a automobiles were Ilcarce, not in 1942 when everybody hnd a car. Now look ., . , Whol~ PM&eur~zed Dairy" froduct. what the Income lax. 'a rmed at War pruiils ba~k in :1920, ia bringIng Morrow Phone No, 3 Pasuunzed Milk ~or home to us all this: year-a finanCial Leb~on: . ' Off1C~ Phone t731t Phone 2537 , Wa:yQe.ville, Ohio,. ,burden and a muthematical bead· Re&ldence 98 M ,ache. A Growlnll' Menace In years gone by, revenue bllls • i. , Say.· ..... ana Direct Bu. 'LlDe to County 'Seat did not arouse mUlch popUl'a r ' prolest ·...s. . . OpeD a& 8:00 A.'a aDd ~ a& 8:00 P. II., WQrda"'IO P. M. CIoee Wednesdars at Noon because rates wer'e low. The average easy-going American'lI annual taxes amounted tu so IltUe that he BROWN abd BROWN THE FASHION SHOPPE CARY'S looked upon thlJm ' 8S trivial items, to WOMEN'S ~ MISSES APPAREL bur this sltualio,n haa ch,anged. ~Y8IiOP A OOOI"PraCB .'1'0 Taxes' are ,high nc'w. Taxing methFor 24 Y~ Lebanon'. Leadlq Phone 1'7 , IDIOW ' ods that are wrong · Iri pl'inciple (which ,formerly " made no dlfter.· A GooD TO ' GO Strllat . SInce 1810 &nIr BldI. ecce" because the'y didn1t hurt) are beginning to cause' pain at unexpect, " TIFFANY , JEWELRY ADAIR'S IVIN5.JAMESON DRUG ed piaces, Act.ua,i motives behind ,FRED'S PEPT,' STORE STQRE KARL D. DAKIN taxes are comlng I~o light. A change '. COMPANY . \ 1L\MJL'l'ON. LONQLlIf£8, ~ I, in process; we may as ' ~ ell lOok We Outfit tbe EnUre FIunUi FURNITURE RUGS . , DiII '~m.,i; Truck, Car and ·Tractor GRUEN WATCRS facts In the face. , INSURANCE ....:.ot. ....... ~oar and Home With taxes high, and likely to stay D~ONDS Replace~ent Pam high, they must oj~ necessity be fap' ,~ LebanoD Phone 151 5, Eo Main St. ~P~D,ne-W "'fIC' _ __ Sln~ 1885 Phone 860 or cause trouble. .... long aa "the , ~, IH LlilJanon Machine Shop Work la WOO Is content with peanuts, no:. body squawks if he makes oft with FA~OUS ALlCE RIN.CIQS·.1 Cracked ' Block.' Repaired THE PEOPLE'S EARL B~ DAVIDSON six from a small mercbant and two AUTO SUPPLY . Ford V-8, Motor Ezchange ! BUILDING, LOAN AND , , from a lnrge one. ' Bu~ ' when govHAT .S HOP· ' BWBta'l' - ' GIlTS Bac1.h» aiI4 1IIeJde' BepjaIrIq , IEWELER ernm ent's fingers reach the casb Store IIl'L 8:00 to 8:31)·.DaUy " SAVING CO, Eicb' MaIn st. i" . . . . . . ' 1101[ WOO' 'OLOTBING' drawer and begin fumbling with the U N; Broad_, Lebanon I'OBUAL 8STATE ·LOAN8 i~.. (.. " : .,. iolding money, "take." ought to be 37 W!. ~ Pllone UOO 108 E. Main Ph. 288 PhoneUI B Pbone 327 M ........on, OhIo in proportion ' to spmethfug; some- ~" ~~.." thing simple th a l~ makes sense to '; THt .XEiil~ NATIPNA~ FRED F~ GRAHAM bo dy~ Colle'ge graduates are , . CO; tSALY'S SPIEGEL"S SHOE STORE · .very bavlng trouble wiith this year'. in· '~'~~ "" WALL PAPER, PAlNT8, GlAS8 Shoe. t.be PamUy come tax rules. LUNCHES " ICE caBAM PAINTEB'8 SUPPLIES • XRAY FITTING .~. " \ CAPITAL .. 8tJBPJ,US '«0,000 . One SUIJgestloD A Good " iAoe' &0 au , .: ~." ~ . strQiai - ~..., CompJe~ Stock to Cboose From It is my sincerE! and studied con1'7 " 19 So~ Wblteman St. , viction th"t most; of todlly's comto 8otl&b De&ftll& PhOile 7M ~. ": ~&~ Phone 181 '. plicated tax meehanll!m ought to be junked and repla'c,ed with an honest SPIEGEL'S MEN'S StORE . sales tar., Ie r one main reason : The CHENOWETH "T &be' '. c~· A. 'DADE aDd fa irness of a sales' tax 18 so obvious, . A Complete 8~ 01 SELLING TH E BEST IN COMPANY 0 ,.' ; " , '. ' . Paying a salea tax, everyboify ' Your MoOoimtck.ne.rtDi ClotbiDr and IIaberdaahery ~ NEW cABs TJIroat, Chest' aDd' wt&b knows.' Is In prop,ortion" to. the tax. , Qldck .Mtiq AT LOW PRICES JmpIenen$ u.Ia!r ., payer' s ,spending.. He can lower 80 USED" CABS , Phone 8 L '. : i H .. u ,M ~ , , his ta xes by sav'lng .. money. .r ats, Phone 10M ' lII ·W. BalD It.. Phone 20 Xenia, (). them by fooliSh spending, Sale.' W~ Da:a" 8~ . SPIEGEL'S StyLE taxes hove many a~vantage. and CENTER bere are five of them:' " CR.TERION 1AdJea' " ChUdren's 1.-8"ale8 taxes are ' DOt hidden 1 : ' taxes. They are not drawn up to fool ~ To Weal' aD!! MWlDerr X.....,Ohio " . . 'Ph~ 3Iiz L . anybody. We CBlrl. aU see how ~ b).g ! , t they . are ~n!i .wbo pays, them, In I[UPPENJIBIMBIl CLOTIIBS All Splecel's stores ReJnat.~ ,oPen short, they' are out in 'the open; · Lebanon .UnW 9:00 p. m. EftrT Monur ~ falae face, 2.-'Belng out In the' opeD. in Plain view· o! every vot!!!', certll;ln features ~ MO~IS 5 aDd lOe can be abollsbe~1 when ' no lODger J. W. UNGO l. needed.. Sales ~axel. a~ easiest; of TO $1.00 STORE "'Y... ......,~ . . . . , HARDWARE all revenue meal,ures'to'. repeal coiDPIeie LIne OIP1rd U._lIItI . ._. - <Wte ._ M . .. . . . 3.-8ale8. taxes I~elllst' InOa tloO: ' Pboae 4t; . QUALITY MEBOIIANDI8B 'Dation Ii not niysl~erlous. It Iii, BETTER AT· Jllla:ClllPnONS ' - lng but spending lIower that people ~ Everycme ' ~, III ' I.eIIMIaD IURDWAaB &I IMPLBM~ ' have, over and al~ove th9 avaUable IUPPIt of t~ buy. 4.-Salel' I mdirec~ buttd. WESTERN AUTO JOB PBINTINGOF .u.'~ 1UND8 , RUEPP.EL'S ITUDIO . cash reserves. ' 1Iieome .. . . . 11& STORES to 1. it draft a ••lel a& taz throWi a ~ . - A.1JTOM:OBlU!: S11PPJdB& thll-War wUl need THE MlAMl -GAZETTE BlaJcIe IUI4 . . . IIepaIn lavfngs; 10 _-=""'...__ 1!litiJdl. ...., Ufto1 W.,.,...... ftaDe ~ 1.:-..\ salel 'ou·.o iUlr89lR .G lI?I!I".
ui:: <'H~'l1ll.IO TO
Any make or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.
From A Farm Diary-- Dry Ridge
I .
l." YE·YSB' G ' ,:W
FERn"'''''R COIP'·
Sand & ·Gravel ,
You,' ·Protecti01f.-="",
Where ToGU '.•.Shop-In L.ebanon.
1.die....a7 w..
Xenia' Standard, Paris
........... EGER'S
. 4.
::: '. McG&1CHIN'S' ,pHARMACT
~ ':. ~
saNS '
From 'The Miami Gazette Files FIFTEEN
AGO (OotoIIer 17, 19Z8) Mr. and Mrs. James McOture were dinner gueslllJ of Mr. tuld Mrs. Burch ' Arthur, at Wllmlngt~n, 1Fr1day night. Boyd Henderson has returned home from tMc01ellao hosplt9J. Mr. and !Mrs. George Hartsock are vlsit1ng r"l1at.1v8.11n Indiana. Mr. and 'Mrs. Keller Hoak are ~noounclng the blllth 01 a son, sat. .urday, October 13. . Mr. and Mrs. Dllvlls FurnBII, Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. E. Stroud' lind soo, spent Sunday with Dr. arid Mrs. A. S. Watkins in Lima. ·R<bca EWs 'WaS ta,ken '1.0 the hospl~ MolxlaY to be opirated on fOl' appendiCitis. Richard Adams 'broke hls arm wnen -he fell olt a seesaw Monday at school. Mrs. lRay lMalnous lert Bunday for a visit with a Sister In Bluelleld, W. Va. IMr and Mrs . 8 . S. Howell and 1Mr. and Mrs. Dean iHowell leave this 'Week for their winter home in
TWBNTY;.FIVB DABS AGO (0CtAIber 18, 1918) Boin-To Mr. and Uri. Pur.Jcs, Xenia, a 1OIIl.
baa been vis1t1ng Mr. W. C. Corl1el1. The ~o Mis8e8 McQuire 01 New Carlisle, are gueSts Of the Rev . ..-!-
MIaa Jennie Hall ot Crawtordavllle !Ind., 18 a ~est at Mrs. R3eVe HiL. Sam-To Mr; and Mrs. Obarlea land. Woolla:d, 8awrd8.y; Oat. 12, 1918, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. LIkins of MeadVille, Pa., have been guests 01 a aon. 1Mr• .and M:rB. J : ill. oor.ema.n have EsquJre Man1ncton. returned -home alter 0. six - weekli Mr. Charles Ha.wke last T hursday visit In NoJ'lWOOd. ,performed the astonishing feat of ·M r . and Mrs. lilmest Rogers will - tmsklng nine hundred and one bUsh move to Dayton in the I!ext two els of corn : weeb W'here they 1W1l1 I mate their Messrs. Gibbs and ~n1nes have home. !removed their cabluet' and under.. Mr . a.nd Mrs. B . S . BotreU lett Caking wareroom to Wharton's build MonCa), morning for their ranch On ing on East North street. iM~lle (Bay, where they W1ll spend We are glad to record the conthe winter.. . valescence of f'ur old friends, Mr. !Word has been recelv~ here that and Mrs. Samuel ComelJ,· from long' ~Ph PenCe has arrived safely an.d crlMeal attacks of typhoid fever . oversees. Messrs: Steven Burnett, E. A. J. C. Ha.wIre 'has been called on Brown and Ed E . Janney have been the U. 8. grand Jury, and will re- serving on the Jury. p:or.t In Oinclnnat4 Tuesday. 'Little May Wright had a pleasant W. O. Raper who baa been sick oompanyl of her young !rlends Bat· ,for some time, Is again at work at urday on her 'blrthday anniversary. Jaonney's Drua store. \Fratik W1lllam.son is In Dodd City Mrs. Sadie zen arrived home Bat- Kansas, where It costs 75 cents to urday' after spending t.he week with get a Shirt 'Wt\shed, 75 cents to be COlumbUs relatlves. shoved, and where buffabes anq ~. The body of Mrs . , Evil. Hayzlll wolves room at their oW.n sweet will. Mrs. D. E. Standiford v1s1ted Barger arrived here Thursday from Mr. EllIs A. Stokes has retur~ed friends 1Ji 'Mason last week. "The Ka~1d" oonarege.ted at C~ W'here she bad been mak- from Columbus. Yesterday morning 'We are pained the home of Grace Hockett, for a Ing her home With reatlves. She s1x o'clock dinner saturday. 11hoae died last 'W ednesday a.fter -along to record, Rue Mullen, at Oor wln , , 'Wbile attempting to couple two present 'Were: Kathleen . Graham, Illnes8. Mrs. Harry Batterthwalte died or' freight cars, had· his arm 'caught Nell1e Graham, Evalyn Tucker, ani m06tofearfully lacerated between Elizabeth BraDStrato'r , . Catherine t yphoid lever Thl1l'8day. <Ilas. sutton, who formerly llved the bumpers . ~rarwt:ra'tor, Thelma Hartsook, Ruth a.t HarveysbUl'tl, died in Oal1ornia 'Ilbe funeral 01 Mrs . Prudence Cook and HeRnan Surface. last week. Small ,took place at the M. E. A deal 'WIIS completed last week George iBrUnk died of pneumonia church . last Thursday morning. by rw. 'I f Sears whereby, the last 01 !Rev. J. Pierson 'Was In· charge and t he Van Tress 1anns was sold to at 08mp TaY~r last Prlday. 'I'he body ot Warren Edwards ar- - Rev. John HaWke assisted. lWbert. Patterson, 01 Dayton. 1Iarvey !Rye has sold hls farm riVed here Saturday from Callfom· containing lOS acret; and known as 1& and waa taJten to ,t be residence the DeaB:l farm.. to a . Mt. Henry of of his 1l8ftnts. The funeral held Monday alternoon at 2 o'clock. Germantown. Mrs. Percy Reason dellghtfully On account of the 1ntluenza. chairs ~nte~ect tne H&ppy Hour club were placed in t4le yard and the Dear Editor: services conducted !rom the POrch. I see 'bY ~re paper ' as bow the Tuesday at her home with t.he 'r:rhe funeral 01 Warren · M 1lIer WIIS Band ¥others club Is a ~nsorlng Ident, Mrs. J06ephine Oona,. again present atter a vacation in C8.nada. held at the home ot his father FrI- dances now In or(j.er to buy new M1s& Ellzaibeth Bra1lBtrat.or o1 ·WU. day. The caaket was draped in the unlfonns for the band. cOlors. Six of bIB &Il8Oclate:; i was Jist a wonderin Why tis that mtngton college, spent t.he week-end national of the achool acted as pa.llbearers. when 'We want sometbln like thaL, with 'her parents here. ' The Apanlsh Influenza has hit 1Ilat we always has to throw a Mrs. Kate Coleman, 'Misses AlJce Wayne 'towJiablp hard. The doctors dance or have a bingo party? Why 0am~1l and Esther Henderson all &8 lbUIly as tpey can bil can't we raise money the way it cwere' dinner gueste 'of Mr. and Mrll. Whole tamWea are almcted , ' ought to be raised? l! likes to see a IRoas .iIarU;ock 'l1bursday eveJi41g. Rev . ~. N. Jolly.D . D ., pastor good band dre&sed allll'J> pretty and !Leon Salisbury of ClevelfWd, Is in at tale M. E. Church,. baa just reo 1wud tie glad to :help buy ' them nu a hospital 'at Fremont, Ohlo, with t'elved word that his son, Sgt. Jesse unlforms but I can't support such Jolly, has arrtved safelY over- .Schemes as that. It. seems ,to m~ Injuries sw;ta.lned in an auto ac&eBB. .thmn mollhens.18 overlookln the most cident. Howard Burton eame vuy nearly important tb1nt!s in Ute. Instead of 'Mo.n1age License ':'" George W . lO61ng a couple of fln8ers lut week te8iehln the boys and girls to dance ~i larmer, Xenia, and Miss ",bile cutting corn on -the Frank and .play bingo, they' ought ter be 1bomaa place. .. .tee.chIn them',the t.hlnp that build DaisY' Taylor of WayDesvllle. 1Mn. S. IL . cammgbl;. who fell , Character !Instead. Our homes ain't dOwnSWJn laIt "week, .Is Improving. 'What they used ter be . NOWl·a-days I • • • . the mothers are Interested in clubs or ma.ybe thcy: Is workin in .d efense t 8BVaNTE-ONE .YE4Jr08 AGO · (NOftIIIJM!r t, .l8U,· plantB when their not clUbbIn I1nd 114r.. Mablon R1d8e. 'haying p~- the boys and girls are a 80in to ·the the Shewalter property, has devil. Its Mt much ·wonder that ;eng8g8(Nn altering and fItting dellnquency has Inrteased over 100 .,,"""""""""'"'''''''''''' JP a: biutJer shop In the.room f()l1)lo. per .cent, Is It? It these mothers and CHECK YOUR el'lyI occupied as· '" Jewelry- ibop . .' fathers were as much. Interp.sted in FIRE INSURANCE Elder C. K. Robertson made a the church. wudn't it Ibe fine? Then POLICYII brl", VIsit here li.st week ,nd ~,ld ~eY~4 teach ~he boys and girls to a meeUng in the Chrlatian ohurch. be honest, truthful, pure and clean. The cominc of cold Leander TbOmaB died in MaI!ale, No,;vou ean'tblame the you~ peoweather meanl the Itart- Ohio, OOtober 19. aged '10 years. ple if tibey 1'0 to the devil,you1l have inc of heatinc IYltellY, , lIl' . Joseph Brdwne returned to tar blame ~e mOthers and da~ . and the dancer of fire his dnigs in Gree!levWe last week. Get the Parents. to live right and Mr. 8av~fY' Adams is buUd1ni a )'0\1 ·w on't have much trouble wlbh i. ereatty ~crea.. d. Make new· fence 'ln freint of his house ;' !be kids. lure your Fire Insurance 1Mr. P'lank Mol·f eit oI! Centerville, . :Well, Whit, here I has been
was A Letter From
A CountrY Hic]t
I, :'
'YonHOW..JliE TAX.. AND BOND-DO~AR GOVERNMENT SPENDS' IT ' . CFidt Hall of 1943» .
~ i. lI I
11 I,,
7t I, , ,
Friday, October
.,It =.c- .»»»)10,
: o.-r ardu_ A"'~-
. . N.¥y
W. H. 5. BAtND
• the
DANCE BAND Children lOc
LYTLE ~Ir ...
preatlhln a regular sermon
lS·8~3' O p.m.
Adults 25c
. .Mac!-Wl....."
the 2nd time ~hey have heard from him In ete'ht months. He Is well and likes his work on the shlp.
\\' .... rr l(t"lJrh.'k. (; urre.PODb ....
Mr . and Mrs. Harvey BU11let at.· te!lded Lhe Discussion Group at the I home of MI' . and MIs . Elne,l BU Ltel'Worll1 near WayuesvUle W ed "c~. The Iollow.!ngmru.l'lage llcenses duy eVt!lllng . -Were Issued rece nt~v: f.'lank Tibbals, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrlcl{ visited 40. checker. and Editll Leyes, 46, Mrs. Claudia Cornell a ~Jd ramil iboth of WaynesVIlle'; Courtney P Cl'l. near Ferry SWlday aHel'noon . rey, f.!4, target shooter, and KathMr. and Mrs. Raben YO~llg an I locn Little. 16, both of Franklin; .son of Dayton, spent Sunday wit., , James D. Tolson, 35, defense work!Mr. and Mrs. Ear.l Young. cr. Dayton. and Nora. B. Elliott, 38, Mrs. Mal10n Bradword of Center I assembler worker, Franklin. ville vlslt.cd her cousin, Ml'S. Therl New divorce suits recently filed Jonen, Monday afternoon. arc : Marvin Carr vs. Marie carr, 1Mr. Bnd ·Mrs. Joseph Rachle 1m, gross neglect of. duty. and George family of Dayton, werc Sunda. HRl'PCr vs. Nora Jane Harper, em= g uests of Mr . aud Mrs. Er.n~ I ~reme cruelty. LacY. : Virginia Eltzroth was gfanted a tMl'. and \Mrs. CalVin . Longacr dlvorce from Harrel Eltzroth and 1. nd s hlldrcn Clnd .'41'5. Margan t Was I'cstored to her malden name. JOhns were Lebanon vlsltol'S Satur ' In the case of Jesse Mentz VB. Alday. thur H. and Ethel Stultz proceed. , Mr . and Mrs. Marlon Wilitak Ing. were dismissed at the cost of and son ot Dayton wel'e week - en, : Wle plaintiff. I:uests of Mr. and Mrs. HarolL The following were among rece~Whitaker and 11I1I1I.]]Y . r eal cstate transfers filed at the Mr.;. Morris Wharton Is visltinL court house: Sara.h E. Wright to h er parents, Mr. and Mrs. J am C. D . Cook, lots 55, 56, 61 and 62 In. 'Keeny, at Independence, Ky. HQrveysburg; Mary M. Stokes by Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rout.whn IIIIL exeC'Utrix to Elsie R. Hockett, Iota · . family visLed Mr. and ' l·S. Frllnl • In Waynesville. Brown at Tlpp City, Sunday. 'Mr~ . R usseltl Campbell and chll Lt. Robert L. Panct has left for dren 'were In Dayton shopplng Sat Taln.h.assee. Fla. He graduaJ.ed Oct. urday. ' 1 In Selma., Ala., and received his A number of famlUes fr om her, sliver ~s and gunnery badle. aLtended Lhe Mother's club meetlllL and I' pi-Ion of teachers at thl Il'YDl a t Wnynesville Thw's ay eve· nlng. Mesda mes Earl Young, Chark ' Bwwell and Ernest Lacy IIttendel ~ . the tfwleral ()f a friend. Mrs MaUL Dangerous High Blood Presllurq (Ellsential Hypertension) is u811a1l1 Geyel·. in Dayton, Friday. by distressing !FrIends here receiVE: leLLers fron ! as dizziness, throbbi ['tec, -Paul Johns. He Is in the much sleeplessness and 11 thii talkettof region of the world, Nor tL tMl'lca. He bad a. so.fe journey uve! and is well and had visited TWlI~ and! :8lzerte. Mr. and Mrs. Wplter Kenrick anti James Haln8.\! spent Friday at tl e
.Court News
.J!st can't help it. I'd like to sre
Churches 1
community a !better place to l' N~r our boys and girls and you can't better It. through dancing and bingo. - -t' The onlY' way we can better the i\IETIIODlST CIIURCII th1ng is for us Lo live right and LouiJI C. Itudlc1. Pastur make our hOQles. · schools and chWllhes what they ought to be. Church school at 9 :30 a . m. 80 W8.lt, 'When thE~y get ready to 'Worsh~ service at 10 :30 A. M. raise moneY' the right way, tell 'em Topic, ''The Bible o.nd Repentance." I ruive a little for 'em. Youth Fellowship Wednesday eveTHE OOUN'I1RY mCK. ning at 7:30 o·clock . W. S . C . S. Thursday, <?ct. 21 Ilt RATION REMINDER 2 :00 p. m . at the home of Mrs. PROOESSED :roODS--l:llue !Ray COnner. sLamps U, V and W good through Oct. 20. Blue stamps X, Y and Z ST. ~IARY'S EPISCOPAL rue good thrOl,l gh Nov . 20. CIIURCD MEAT, ETC. - B:owO stamps C D, E good nOW; F , Oct. 17 ; all exRalph Parks, Minister In. Charge pire Oct. 30. . Chw;ch school at 9:45 a. m . SUG.AR-Stamp No . 14 good for Morning prayer Clnd sermon 11 :00 5 pounds through Nov. 1. Stamp Il. . m , Nos. ' 15 and 16 are good t.nrough October 31 for 5 pounds each for nmltl' CIU1ltCU OF CIIIUST home canning; 15 p<mnds ma.xlmum II 'rbert GrahlUD. l\1Jnlster additional may <be used Cor home ~annlng; apply at ratfon board as 9:30 a. m ., Bible sc·hool. need arises. 10.45 a. m.-Communlon. BHOES-Btamp No. 18 (1 pair) Is 11 :00 a. m.-Bermon. f!OOd indefinitely. 1\10. t "nlrplane" 8:00 p. m.-Preaclting. stamp in Blok 3 g<llOd for 1. pair Nov. 1 and until Iwother no!.lce , FRIENDS GASOLINE-nAn book roupons FIrst Day school. 9:80 ' a. Ill. No . 8 good for three gallons each, Meet.lng to, Worship, 1,):30 a. m. must l$8t through Nov. 31. Band o stamps good for two gallons as ST. AUGUSTINE CDUBVD In book. Fathv ~Imhelb,. PrIest ·'J"IiRlEB-oNext illSJPE:ofIons due: A book vebl.Cles by Mal' h 31 ; B's by Mass Sunday 9:00 a. m . Oct 91; C's by Nov. 30: col"UJlerclal vehicleS ev~ six mod hs or every WAl'NE8V1LLE .CB1JBCB OJ: 5,000 mlles, whichever is first. CUBIST IJ!1UELi ~erlod 1 coupons gOOd through January 3. MalE Bandel', MblIa&er BTO~o1lBumer purchoSoes of You are Invited ~ come and worrationed stoves must be made with UtIp with us. a certUlcate obtained at local war pr~ce and rationing ~ards . Gazette .Want A'd• .Brlng R es ults!.
Process' 1,100 Acre Bean Crop
Conlult your acent l
home of ·Mr. and ROherLt~~Mi~~~~~~~~~iit~!....:..-~-+~ Haines and children In ' DIlY t Oil . Little Bobby> Haines acoompanie,,' !them home and r(lmalued until Sunday·.
Mr. and Mrs . Clyde Wharton entertalned to dinner Sunday. Mr . and Mrs. Herbert PI.elffer and sons of Middletown, Mr . and Mrs. Loren Routzah.n of Franklin and Mr . and Mrs. Bernard Melloh of Way . nesvllle. , Mr . ·and Mrs, Earl Young, Mrs . Charles Bunnell and daughters, Bobby Young and Mrs. Emma Laoy spent Sunday at the Zoo JJl Cillclnnn.t1 . Judge . and Mrs . John J . Jenkins of Washington , D . C .. spent Monday and Tucsda,y-w!th Mr . and Mrs. EVerett Early and all attended Eastern Star a.t Waynesville Mo~day evening. The niece MaUd Moore and Mr . Henry W . Finche were married In Daytol Sl\'turday evenJng. Mrs. Jones at,t ended the reception at the brlde' ~ home Qlfter the marriage at the parsonage . Mrs. Louella SWank and nepht1Ws . Bobby and Jimmie Swank, of Day· on, spent .the 'week!· end with h er parents, Mr . and Mrs. E . B. Longacre . Mrs . Agnes SWank and daughter, Marjorie, ot Dayton, also Joined them ·for Sunday dinner . Mr. and Mr.s . Ernest ucy receiv·ed word last week from their son, 'R obert Lacy, who has been on the oceana somewhere since February. He '1o'as In 'POrt when he wrote, o.nly
I IPr'~"AI~1'A
INSURANCE AGENCY ·C. B.' Jenkin'l , Prop.
8ucoe.or to LeMa7 "
AllcnONEERING Stanley and KooCler Por Dates, Phone . ., Wa.JDu. vW', Obio, Re~ Ob..... . BaOKDS LlCENSB I
, Po«l'D8
nn.... " ·
1'08'1' cAps
, ~ .
lioB1NU8 .0DDI . ~GCdDI .
IdIftLOI'U .
U1:GAL.1lJAlllK1l JDiLJ'i'1iiJDTS
,....,.,.0.... "onI
.~I " ,
.' ,
~ ;.
. am.m
1'01IM8 .8A.L& ......
XUp YOU,. "Pti'j'kr" .Dolla:r. At· Home!.-
"MISS" LAKE JIlILLS of 1943, S3·year-old Mrs. Augusta Gi!O~ with one great-grandson • anil thrH grandsdbs in the Navy. b ' typical of.. Lake Mills, Wise. .commllllity of 2,(lIOO citlzena who · left. their howsework, dosed · shopa, J,.U and lbank and wellt to work in the Ubb)' cannel)' to ,help barveat and -p-r0cea8 onethird 01 WiaeoDliin a production of Uma beans.
SBORTS·CLAp Barbara Green· wOCM,!, senior Lake Mills Wiacon. aiD nigh School girl, ta one of the many students who volun· teered to he]p process UOO acre CI'OP of lima beanL Barbara fa .orting beans in the pickinc room of the Libby e&IIneJ')'.
n~ '
I . . . . . .'"
• IllUBnI
D»)81ge -I""
Policiea are in uworkinC order" too. , "
TeleItIlOllCl 1881
Band Concert-Dance
FDR~: Curtail spending. Put your savings ' into \~ar bondll every payday.
not anoney ate])' on
.bdngaOr~l~~~~~::Z:~ yourself to teat at once. OUtr ... fuUr .......
a60T Foil
your Qattle" bOP: and cal. . to NOrrill-lkocIt 000.. llve ,win 'ul progreai1V8 firm ' fOZ'tIae bliblll lmarke~ pltcea aDd '1OOd ...... PhlOD stoCk Yards, aa.,buIa", O• TUne in on Radio staUcn. WcK¥. l2:26 ,to 12:90 p . an: ' for our daUr market I'!'PDIf&
. ~.
~ .)
p ;. .19 .
.~------------~c---== -
Farm In Family "Good Hunting" 100' Years Writes Jilm Gibbons For, Over--=-We Offer Satisfactory Services
At All
Mrs. WUllam Sawyer enlerta.1ned coming at Olive Bluncl'l Ol~ Sunday toO dinner SWldny, Seatn.ll.n Jack Qfternoon. ' • . •Ira.• Brow '1 and SII/wier of the n, S. Merchant. 1Mr. and Mrs .M1Irlne, Mrs. Jeanetta SalWyer and SOIlS 'Were week-end guests ,1>. Mr.s daughter S~rma and Mr. , WWiam ' Anna and Miss Grace WtlllahlSoll. Fra.uenknecht, all 0If Merrew. • • • • • The big event of the yearl Th~ Mr. and Mrs. W. P. SalIsbul1' Halloween Camival at the high hli.d as their guests for the past few school Thursday. 0 wber 28 . • • • dayS their daughters, Mrs. a. R. Bebson o[ Ind1&ne.poUs an<\.. Mr , Mr . and Mrs . Robel't Billett a.nd John Fritz and daughter of Charles- 'Children of Centerv1lle, w ~( '! SaLton, W . Va " and their son, Mr , urday evening guests of Mr . ' and Clark saIls'bW'Y. also of CMrleston .. Mrs. Leo Conner.
· . ..
• • •
Plan to attend the Halloween Robert Duke has returned [rom Oamival and Bazaar at t~e high Houston, Texns, after ~omi'anying school Thursday, OCt. 28. his parents to the home of Mr. , Paul DUke and famlly. Mr. and Mrs" Carl Ferguson were week-end gues~ o[ Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harry Schenck and daughter Helbert Harner of Xenia. were Friday night guests o{ Mr, and Mrs. Leo CorUler. .' ~lure ~uneral 'M r, and IMrs. Earl Marlatt of Mt. Holly. were Sunday dinner Mrs . Nancy SCofield e.n tertaJned gu,¥,~ of Mrs. Flora Henderson. lier bridge club at her home on • • • North street Wednesday livenin g, Dial 2111 - Wayneavllle !Mr. and MTS. a. C. Olingman Two tables lWere ln play. and Nr. and Mrs. Roberti Bruce of Hamuton. were dinner guests of Mr, Ot!orge K1rlcpatrLck of the Navy and Mrs. Ray Mainous, Sunday. and Dick Cnmpbell of the Army are • • • spending turlougbs wlth ~ome folks, Rev. and Mrs . L. C. Radley at· tended the fall conference of the Mrs, . E. Hoqkett is moving into Dayton Dlstrlct of the Methodist !.he beautiful home on Main streP.t church at st. Paul's in Do.yton whlch she recently purchased from Tuesday. Rev. Radley is s?<lretary the Stok~ estate. of the' conference, , HOME ON FURLOUGH • • • on sUndaY Mr., and Mrs. ~harles 'S gt. Joe Hend;r-;On Is spending Il D. Payne brought June and Eddie to the home of her parents, Mr. ten-day furlough with his mether and Mrs. Davis Furnas. They and brother" Mrs, Flora Henderson W. ., AdIr,. eu.t. ThanIIa ancl stayed 'over Monday, vlslting Every- , and Raymond. Joe ls statIoned at ~ are ' eIIArIed for .1 &be body's Fa.nn dur10g their broadcast- Vaki06a, Georgia. rate ." . . word, ~um log e,t Mason. IS PROMOTED . . . . . JIIc. A W . .t Act IDIertecl for • • • Mrs, Ralph Wise of RidgevWe, Une Umea II cJaaqed &I Ie • word. Camp Polk, La., (Speclal)-Pvt. ~d,. arrived here on Saturday to POIR 8ALID - Watklni Producta a~ spend several days with her ..on and 1st CI. Fmncls a. Brown has been 23 If. ,BroadwIQ', LebanOlD~, ~ daughtenn-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. promoted to corrporal, lt was aneveDlDp fOl' 'JOUr CQDven1aDce. L. Wise and ' cb1ldren. nOWlced today by h1s comnanding OlaD Ulltner. PboDe 83 L. O1fice, Major Merrls Labess. Cpl. 1Mr. and Mrs. Truman Wardlow Brewn Is a member of ~edkal DePOR 8AlJID--Oompiete Une of 8ta- and ~dren attended the Home- ~ent, 36th Amlored Regiment, tIooery Ifor aale at the OUette 8th Armored Div.lsion, North Comp otfice. PrJcecl t.rom. 25c to 13.00. tOr _ _ _ , __ _ !Polk, La. He is the son of Mr. an'! Mrs. !!NB'DRAINOS - 1I'or your P1re and ,L . E. Brown, Route No . 2, W!l ynes~ Aqt.p lnauraIJce " ~ 't be Rldge ville: Ohio . ~. res.eaent the beat and '8trp~eat ~ea. O. M. ~. MaIn .~, W~e. IS TRANSFERRED . ,
·. .
·.. ·. .
· .. .. . .
oeD' •
·.. .
IPOR ~per, Plates, Cups, aDd orazJp &Dd bla« crepe Paper for tb&t ~fteJi PartY at the GUe~ ciUIce • .
l'OR,BAL1II ~ ydwJc open wool ewell. Morrla ~" 8pr1ns ' Val18:r ROute ODe. PbOne eeoteJ.v1iIe '10'.10, ' . 8
SAP'aIl &nal! ,a1Ie upright . plano. ObM'lllI Tezrell, N. MaIn , street, W.~. "
l'OR 8AUc--Heating stove. Al80 3 It~. 011 ciaDs and 56 gal barrel 'With loc* faucet. 1MrB. Jessle Tdpp,
2M2. Wlll 0u8t1n, ·Wa.YDeIVSlIe, 0, 28
Walnut d1ri1ng room 1IU1~ '~em 'With moba'r chatt back and aea.ta, ,Aleo Bed Bite sl:mm<ma studio couch, practlcally
," new'
lled: A.curta1ns, T.
Dr. C. E: Wilkin Optometric Eye Specialist
R1d8e~e Road.
~ ~10 8()rea, 6 room mod~------ ern ~, p.rage, 3 room pJ'8I'e apaxtment, iitorage house, Ill'OOder bOuse, hen hoUS'.!, rabbit hc}uIe, ' PDSSBjlllloD 'Dqw; ShOwn , by •eppolntmeDt. hOWie, In elllCellent condition, nP&r~ JOOd~; posse8810n , now, IA UII ~ JOU thJa home. wtibur Seats, Real Esta.te, In\ • 1 ___ 0><111 ~, Auct1oDeer. Wayn""y,,"e.
PboDe '38&1.
&. Detr~it $treet XEN~,
_._a_u_p___ r_4
Are,You Puzzled OVer Whal To
Give for Chrislm~s This Year ? GIFT BUYI,NG will be a problem ,this )tear, but you . can lolve your gift problem very eaaily by leaving an order for Station-. ery or Calling Cards with us •.• both make ideal gifts. /'
35 Whlte ~ pulleta. ~ 8tDck. Just beginning to " .' ~. T.Oberry, Rldgeville
POR ' SAoLE ...;.. 'Between ~ and 300 bUIibeIs at h)'brld yellow old com. O . W&lton. Boote 42, 1 1·2 nOrth of WaynesvWe.
, Dean moe.
'1IQR '8AiL&-GrocerY store and fW~ .t&Uon and 6 room house, 10 ~, ~. Large , gar4en. fruit . . . ....tar 1rieide. Evel'!tt ,Bun_ W~eav1l1e Route' 1. ' ,28 WOIIAN lULLED IN AV'1'O AOOmENT NEAB LEBANON
Pret!IllaD, 80uttiwest
. . . . . - . t1DIon county, Ohib, WU fdW 'l'UeIday morninc when tbe . wtdcb abe wU ,rkllng ItnJck al-UIe. lot of llatibm I4W
Her alster,
A • .JobDIIoa. •• Who was
. . . .· lDJured.
STATIONERY' 200 Sheet . 100 Envelopes $1.50
~ ~UB
~; Wayneav1lle ROIIte 2;
. ..
' .
!WANn!lD:4'O" BUY - Trumpet. in . aooct _dltton. Must be flrllt line. otaIer mWdcall.n8truments.~. Ka1n street, WaqneavWe. PbaDe 111.'11.
. . .' Louella
5th Annual Sale 'R EGISTERED DUROCS 50--Boars and Gilta-50 Friday, October 22 at ],:15 p. m. ED KIEL STOCK FARM Wilmington, ,0. Free Catalogu~ Farm on S~ate Route 73 between ' Wilmington and Harveysburg
~t and rur-
BoUle 2,
l1"Ot7umy ' W~e
Ft. Benjamin Harrison. Ind, . Oct, 8.--'Pvt. Ronald J . Hardin, son of Mr ; and Mrs, T. S . Hardin of Waynesv111e, OhiO', has been traIlS · .rerred AAiF.. BTO No, I, Jeflerson Bks, Mo. , for basic training.
9 1-2 x 6,
not printed.
Black and oranl'!e' 'crepe paper, plain napkins, paper platea ad' cupa suit.ble ~or hot or cold d,rinks.
I AM OPPOSED TO BINGO BECAUSE IT IS OPENLY ADMITTED TO BE A FORM OF GAM8L1NG. IT MAKES LITTLE DIFFERENCE WHETHER THE PRIZE IS $2.00 IN CASH OR A '1;2.00 CASH ORDER AT A STORE. If the community muat offer the moral-corruptIng dance and bingo game to raise money to feed its Jlchool child~n. if it must offer a means of destroy:ng the souls of its youngl people in o~der that their bodies might be fed, then some acbon should be taken to do t.."vIlY with the school lunches, aa thE\' price demanded is far too great. I am not in favor of the latter but certainly feel that some honorable means of raising money. other than that which l'al been suggelted. could be used. Signed- MAX W. RANDALL, Minister, Church of Christ.
- --~ ,#
CAESARS CREEK ,l IrN. Wlllhuu !lwllla. Corr""\' ... ,, .. nl
, Mr, Horner o1i Spring Valley. was our guest speaker Sunday, Lucy compton of New Burlington, spent several days l.st ,week with h I' daughter. Mrs. R ll l e l ~ h Began. and famlly. Mrs. Bogan n I. tle better at this writing. Mistress c.arolyn Elle!l S tanleY has been 0'\1 the sick list . 'Mr. and' Mrs , Luther Hames spent enc day r ecllntly with hP.r pa.. rents, Mr. and Mrs . ah ules Laird of CQmdcn. Ohio . Mr . JWalter Wllson visit d Mr, Walter Lackey of New Burlington who has been a patient at ChrIst hospital In Cincinnati. MI~ Freda Hill of XenIa spent , the week-end 'Wlth Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ha1oes, 'Mrs. Pearl Slnt:iair and chUdren, ~uella Bnd La Verne, visited Mr. Qnd Mrs. Charles Sl.anley and daugh ~r . Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Everett Haines VISited the latter's father. Mr, Benjamin Carey of Highland, a week ago Sunday. Mr. John Wllson and son, Robert, vislLed Mrs. Mary Bogan and Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Wilson near Xenia. lClSt Sunday. MiS. Nellie 'Bunnell-and ~ MonI.m1a Bunnell and &oda 'Bunnell called in the Bogan bome recently. Mr5. Ervin .Barner was called to her home in · Whittier; Callf.. because of, the seriooa 1llneaa of her mother, Mr. and 1MrB. OharJes Stanley and daughter visited their ~d motber, Mrs. MSry S1oclair. !:5und6Y. Mrs. Lawrence' Alexander called on Mar1anna 808M laSt Frlda.y afternoon. Mr . and ·Mrs .' Amos Compton and son, Walter ' Pea.n, called Sunday evening In , ilie Bogan home. We are sorry ' to hoor Mrr.-Ethel' Chenoweth has been en the slck list .
is "
sponc.orinlt. a WASTE PAPER DR1VE in Waynes- -', v:J c. Vl&ste paper is badly needed in the war e(fort~ Please ta!<~ your paper to the bam of Mrs. Alva T h om 1l8on lOr (.811 Mrs. A. Polinsky or Mrs. W. H., M; Jdc n if you hav~ waste paper and wish to have ;t coiIected. Please tie 'all paper in 'bundlea, and aep~ratc newspapers. brown paper and mal~ziDeS. ,
, SUNDAY~'MON ...,] ;UES.
J <.1m Starr, and family. Albert Lee Talmage re tLI'ned ' to his home here last , week after a pleasant visit with his 1'1ln';lves in South Lebanon. He and the J . Lee 'l'abnage ['''11. Il)" wish to extend ,theh' sincere i.han'ks to all of their friends for the kIndly UltCrc l.o t they took ln his wetfare by !bell' visUs. carc1s and many othcl' kindly acts. Our ,thanks too. ,to Dr . Edward BIa.1.r, for his falth.· ful attendance.
FERRY , .'
,,,,,.. IInrh·U,· It'. 'l""UIUUH. ';.urrelll·.....
F. H. Gr~, father
of the erry minister, Hertlert GI'a.ham, spen t last weelt frem 'I\lesday untU Friday wIth his SOil and faCl"Jly. ' Thirty'~Ilve del~ates from Ferry church atte.nded services at Way.nes .. v111e OllW'th of Oll1'lBt MondaY ,.evenlng. The Bereau class meeting 'WW. be held Thursda-y> evening in the social rooms of the Ferry church, Bring sandwlches and pie . F , H . G . Cook (')! New York Oity will be the speaker. George 'MoMichael sufCered a sev,e re·gash on his wrist Sunday mCJrII.. Ing when a chisel he was using slipped and severed an artery. He was rushed to the off1oe 1'1 Dr. Slagle at Centerville wh;n'e the wOWld was s titched )lp . H~. u~ alble to go to his work Monday. Herbert' oi'8liam had 'c harge of the muslc at the Franklin county Ohr1stlan l!:ndeavor conventIon held at Columbus last 'Ibllrsday, Friday and Saturday. BRUSH 1-'IRE IN CORWIN The Waynesv ille fire department was called out WednesdaY' a,[~oon at 4:00 o'clock 0 exL10guish & brush fire whlch had gllined consl.1erabl ~ headway opposite the 'Roxamla C1onlng company. The W'e resulted In some' damnge to 1enculg. ' MOVING
- - e -_
J. C , Ha.wke, 10Cla'1 driverOi l1cens J regU.1.rar, annOWlCCIi that a.fter this lui •• "-=,,"1,, Gllrncr, Corn.poD.h,., week he will move h1s o[(lce from Mrs. Lllli~ V1lIars and Mr.s. ·Uary t11e Ford Garage to his home. and V1lla.rs entetta.1ned the Olive ilranch may be contacted there. ~lea ,:A1d ~ursdl\rY_ afternoon. Nrs. Ella' Terris returned to her DEPRIVED OF RIGHT TG SELL home here Thursday after a 'week'S GASOLINE, FOR mmTY DAYS
v1s1t 10 Lebanon w~th Mrs. Mary Walter" Botts. LePanon, lost his Wilson and John M'. WilBon. right to '\bUY, sell ordeiu 10' gasoline Mearle Terry spent Sunday in , Dayton wlth'"hls wife, Mrs , Mabel for 30 days," as a result of a hearintr •"',.,rn.... ~ O!l1QiaIs in Cinclnna~l • Terry. .. ~ ch~~,' wlb1l Sell1ng 810 i!U'We extend congratulatlolls lons of gaselne for wh1ch, he p'revery good 'Wish to Mr, and ' Mrs. Forrest TIbbals; ' bOtaJ. of Wellman, sented no mtion coupons .
nia.lrtect J recently.
MISS OlBB9NS TO SPEAK. , 1Mrs. iFIetnh Huftman of D'\yton , spent the , week:'e.ild 'WIth' Nlr.k and , Mls& KathrYn atiM>Ds, of Waynes Wuren COWlty nurse, Is to Harry Huffman and MIsa Anna. Attltisey .ot Olive Ba:nc,l,l. ~d. attJ!Dd- spea.k to the Prankl1tl. Woman's club ed the hom~oming tbere SlPlday. Monday ~t 10 ' the c:omm~ltY Mrs., ~na Tef.fis" ,¥rI,. ..",J,.4llle uW"WJ"~' . Miss Adp,'M11ler,Franklln, Is to ~&1de, ' VilJafs ~d 1Mrs. .Map> "Yillars, jlt- . tend~ the funeral of , ~rs., .Anna Van Poren, Monday. '1n BJrveys.· ~,,_..........::.._ _~_.:...-..;....~_ _ _..., burg. 1Mrs. Charles Shaw and, 141's. JpllD V. Starr and- little daughter, ~e vl,sl.!;ors"·ln Lebanon '.'l!h~a.y. P.~~ vin.p' is
., .
FbR~,~: ·,
- 1M1'. ~d Mrs. JJaror tlUne ~~ 1n : Spl;ing vaiJey and. Leb-
anon, Thursday.
Tbe Miami Gazette -'
1. Danci'qg i6 aSlociated with other evils suC?h as drinkini\ gambling. vice. etc. etc. 2. The high school dance almost invariably leads to the night club and the road-houlle cia~ce. 3. More of cur boys and girls are ruined morally lUi a ~ult ,of thti dance than from any otber cause.
PHQNE 2143
A DeI'lIIle Theab-e
all imprinted with your name and addree..
'the farm on Rou te 42. now ocoll(. pled by Clll),.rl ~ Bradley' an d kno,w n
to older I'csldel'lts as the Nat nan JOlles fa.t1n, has I>eell in tha same famil y for 110 years. The present owner has Lhe gr.nnt of lund ISSUed Ul lSl2 !.o ASl1ur li nd Mary Brown. In 1833 lt was s old to Na.~ha li Jones Sr. Herr ~hey rnised a family of 10 children , During the Oivil War and several years atter, Nahan Jones, J. '. ana hlS wife. Mary Jane Cal'twllght Jones, llved on the part of the farm contnlnlng the "tenant hOIJ.li-e," as It Is fllllllllarly tailed . Upon the death et Mr. Jones. 81'. . they comple tely remodeled the large homestooct and, together with their family, mov~d lo lo It . The Jones' moved from the l'linn to Waynesvllle 'ln 1903. In 1907 the homestead was completely destroy.oo <by fire. Upon Mr. Jones' Jea,t h In 1918. Mrs , Law'a Jones Zell became Wle OWJlel'. ~t her death, In 1932. her niece. Mrs. E~helYll Jenes ,b e. came t.he owner . In 1937 the present home was bullt upon Wle same location as that · Of the old home, The 'last oh11d Iborn at th1s homes tead, tbefore J erry Bradley, small son of the Oharles Bradiey':>, wus Eenjam10 F . Jones. youngest child of the orlglnal famlly, in 1846 . He Sincerely, JIM emmoNS , was later a Olvil War veteran. The clipping referred to In the letter reads as .ollows: South Dakota gam!!' birds, well Wldel' siege after Saturday's openlng Mrs. Leo Shank and Mt·s. Rosie b6rrage, were In tul1 retreat Sun- 51ms of Kingman, called op Mrs . day before a phalanx of hunter ~nna Oglesbee Wednesday of last whose wa~wo:rd was, "sllve the week. ammunition" and wohose ga.'Ile pock. Mrs. Allce Clark spen~ Friday In ets and stringers were due to fill Deyton. rapidly as they [partook of the 1943 Mrs. Evalyn Peterson was cailed season's second day of shooting. to Wllmington last week because of Practically no one reported ellf'(!- the delllt.h of a 1'. latlve. culty Sat.urday in getting birds. Mr , and Mrs. Homer Wilde ..nd par,t1oula.rly pheasants, A few. un- Mr. Louis Magl.!e of Dayton. visited able to gllt out untu after working Mrs. Magee Slll'\day evening. hours, fOWld It necessary only to Mr , and Mrs. Lee Mason of Ma.t ra.verse a side road 'or tlWo before son. called on Mrs. Alice ' CI,u'k Sunone of two things happened; they day afternoon. got their lImlt 'or ran out of shells. MI'. and Mrs. H. C. Coleman and Hunters agree-d, upon ' returning grandson, An~ew, of Norwood, 'vis.. from bile first dllY 0[ hunting, that Ited frlends here Tuesday. the game crop lis unexcelled. Were The Home gardens under the capthere plenty 6! runmunltlon and able management of Carl Sm th, gasoline, the harvest weuld top ali h ave furnished a bountiful supply previous records. of fresh vegetables Cor the table COld storage plants began to fill durIng the summer and fall. The rapldly Saturday' aa ' the season's last sweet corn at the season was first fruits were turned'in tor freez. enjoyed by the ,boarders last Satur~ Ing. The Dake'ta Wa.rf$qU&e and day. Also large quantities of corn, Cold Storage company saId ducks beans. tomatoes, sweet potatoes, onbegan aMivlng In m1d-mem1og and ions, pickle and jellY' h~ve been. p'ut that full l1m1ts 'were being presented ~nr-oogh the wlnter. tor storage 'belore noon. Nor was ~he bag ,<:OIl1flned to ducks, sev,pral NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT """', ..........,.- offered, among them at Executor least two Canadlan "honkers," king Estate 01 Helen M. Hawke, of watel'towl. Deceased There was no doubt. however, Notice lB hereby given th a t that volume of l\uuters was below Charles W. LeMay wbose Post, Ofthat of other years. Gasoline. am- flee address is WaynesvUle, OhiO, munition and sell'Vlce in 'the anned , has been dul3' appolnted as Execuforces were Comllining to ~ut. d~p tor of ,the Estate of Helen 1M. into totals which In past seasons HaiWKe, late of Warren County, made eastern SOuth Daketa. a mecca Ohio, d~eased . . for thousands IlIpon thousands of Dated th1s 23rd day of Septe.'!lber, nimrods. local and' outside . Gener.: 1943. aiIy, ammun~tlon was sca.roe. Some R.AIiPIB H, CAREY, were going 8!leld wIth just enough JUdge of the Probate Court to f111 one pocket. Some b,ad even ' Warren OountI,.-Qhjo less, Th06'e who hau- ammWlltlon OARL 'A:BAEOHElR4.I, Atty. and could sell It could command . '1'ry th e Miami Gazette Want Ads! almost any price .
--- - - "-
IN GIFT BOXES Priced $2,50 and $3.5,0, Also 25c boxed
When J. R. c'iibb(;ns left bere fOI' Sou th Dakota em a 'hunting trip recently. be was asked by the Miam i Oaz~tt~ to wrllA. a letter tell1ng of huntln~ condltiClIls t.here , His letter foUows: Faulkton, S , D. , Oct . 6, 1943 Hello, Edltor: Enclosed is a clipping from the .Aberdeen News. There is no elUlggCl'atlon in stories ot hunt.ing birds out here. .AilmI:lSt every,body hunts along Idle highways from a car. On e man ,drlves to two bumers sit on the front fenders, Tbere is no trouble to f10d phelilsant, but they rUIl much more than In Ohl0, lind wIth heavy cover are hard to get wi thout. a dog and even I~n often get aWIlY, The wea.tJler here Is fine, almost too wann for hunting . Duck and goose bunting wW be better wi!b colder lWea!ber. Farmers are SLU! cutting prairle hay , Tbere II. one S ~Ck west ef town with 600 toilS, Lots of fat ca.ttIe. lAst week I saw a drove of 535 shipped to Sioux Olty. The check wItS Jar more than $70 .. 000.00. Looks lIS if there should be no shortage of meat and lea-ther. I-f you know of anyone interested In S. D. hW1Ung. tell t.hem of
, Lee ~lmaie and,son, ANlert, and ;Jessie ' Garner, were Sunday afterDooD. callers in the hQJne 'of .1In . PJCreDee Orlm, in Dayton • The b1encla here of W. ADdroTh~n '.Or~; JU" p. ry t.o learn b t abe Is m in p, bOl-
tIiere. '_
0111' ~test' 'ID~e.
fa,ctodia Pl'Q tectiD 8 OUtselTe8
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Dates Set For Ration B09k.Four Registration Here
Farmers Club Meets Near Clarkaville. The
members 1>f
Harold Vo Martz Addresses Civic Club M.eeting
.. ~
the : Wayne
'1'oWinsh1p Fanners club meL OCtOOer
Friendship Clnb . Holds qct. Meeting Mrs, W. E. St.roud, o.",s1sted by M.rs. H . E . Hathaway, Mrs. E. W . clOOfield and Mrs . R. E. ASbury enlierta1ned the ¥ricndship club IasL Wednesday afternoon With an att.endance of about forty members, JJevo!Jons for the aftel\l1oon were in .:11a.rge of Mrs. L. C. Radley and dter the brief bw.iness session, Ml·S. ;3CQrteld oonducted a cont.est and l~S . L . V , Branst.rator gave an mtel'l~stq rea.d.lng. Each member received a lovely gYt. from her 'secret sister" or the past yeal a.na .1.1e names were also made known. Refreshment.s were sel"Ved to LhP. members and two guests, Mrs . .Wph WUle of RJ.cIgevUle. Ind., and Mrs. J. L, Wise. -
Local Chall?lian Appeala For-Fund• in N.W.F. Drive
'l'l1e October met!~mg of the The United w;;;Fund Campai,n Way,nesvllie Civic club met Monday .5 on in Warren county and appeale ev~n1llg at "our HOuse." With ap.1"e being made for donatlona to t.bI. pn,lclmatl:iy fony membt:1'S present. . orthy caUlle. The United will' 'l'n e mee~mg was opelied with liOngs !:und campadgn Ia for the 'pur~ led by E. W. Scofield and Rev. If raising money for 16 orean.H.a.IPll FazM. During the bWliness J ations. Instead 01. 17 different sesslon. 1n clllU'ge of the president, nmpalgnB or driVes there Is to IMt lilly one. In fact the Unit.>.d Waz C. U. Brace, an appeal was made . und ·takes in every esaentlal war tor blood donors for the Warren .rganIzatJon save he Red 01'0611. county blOOd 'bank which Is being Every Warren county famlly .. held Bit Lebanon Nov. 2 to 8. by E . x.peectd to contribute to tb1s comW. SCOfield, local chairman. .iUs , algn. Loyalty to the youna men reme.rks were suppleillent ed by Carl .tho are :t1ghtlng ' the battles of our Aibat:eherU, ountry requires th&t this ~ 'W~mer L, Drake, Wa.yne township Wm.H.~.oom~ pr~ e generously supported. . cha.1nnan for t-he Natlon~1 War bet10n offlcer, as the guest speaker. Wymer L . Drake, lqca4 chaJrmaD, ~d Drive. also asked suoport of She gave a most Interesting acI1S issued the followlq appeal: the club in th1a worthy proJcc~ count of ,t he 'Work belna done by the "You will give, won't ~ dO which 18 now under way. Juvenile court. She descrJbed three ~ generoUllly.....to help the U. ~. O. Two new m.embers. Emerson OB8es that had been brpught before avide a 'home away kom )lome' Earnhart and w1llla.in Stra.d.!r. were b CO\.lIt 1aat weelr. and 6qJia1ned accepted for ~rabip. Rev. , The members of t.l1e Ha.Pi>Y Bour or our own fighting men. tbroUIb.. Lydia M. Ruddiiclc, 81e 66. died the way in /Which' these caaee bad IParks. the secretary, announ.:eQ the. club were welCQmed to the nome of Jut the United States and from Friday nltJht at ,the Carr Nuralni been handled. She spoke of the Mrs. Eva. Davis on Main l:itreet on .1aska. to Br1%U, from NewfouncUan4 68 members aze .now carried.on tht: HOOle In Lebl.non Or pu-alysla after need for homea Where pre delin·luesday. OCtober 12 . The presldLn , o KawaU; with camp ahawa eveJ'fcljj) roster. an Wneas ,of six years. quent young people can 1M! placed. Mrs. Mba Furnas, called the me';!t- .\fhere? 'It helps make Bre Uveable Hev. L. O. Radley and Carl· She leaves one IOn, CbarHe. of Ol\ten at thla atale, normal home Abe.echerll, members of the pro- ing to .order. ~ter reading of the :or the boYB on the fllhtlnC fronll. Clark8cville. five sranc1ch1Jiren and ute is all ,t hat Is needed to c:heck the creed the regular bUlliness ensued In '[ our boy and your n"eiihbora' ~ STarn CWIDIILttee, then introduced three grea.t granddhldren. delinQuency 01 the averap oh1ld . which the report o! the nomlnat.lng .vill benefit. Will herp'~,qet b~ckt: o it the guest speaker. Harold V. Martz. serviCes were held 'lUesday ~ter!Rev. and Mrs. Nk:kolson or' committee IW88 read and a:.dopt.ed. "Tho Natlonal War Fund Is colof Fn.ntJ1n, Warren county repro:a~ 110011: at 2 o'clock at the McClure aartcav1lle, gave a prop-am of acMiss Alice Gans waa chosen .$ pres- 'ccting for the U. S. O. and, ill _ J entative in the OhIo legislature Funeral Home In Waynesville with oordian and vOC&l n\aDtlera. ident for the com1ng year with :lddiUon, tor 16 other 'w.,. nUll "Who spoke on tPe topic. "The Post burial In M.I.am.l cemetery. iM:r. and MR. ,.w,ert Parker, Mr. Betty Oglesbee as vice president and ,lgeIlc:les ee1Ch of 'rhk:h baa _ War World." Mr. Martz explained ~nd Mrs. Soott M.oOlure. iii. &1ba Braddock as secretary ·trees. fICOIin1zed by the Prea1cSent·. War HONORS FRIEDA ELLIS how the e.4IIplane bad cha.n"ed the Mrs. NliCItolllon and BOO. and Mrs. m-er: 1/. S. 1"flruury D,p.r'.~' RaHef dontrol ~d as haTq • world outlook on bounda.r:les and Deutem1er were sueBt.s for the meet.It · was BUftested that the club practlcal program to relleve .i1UuMrs. D. B •. Carter, Mrs. Wm. stated that this country could no ing. take up some coIl8tructlve w.u work . ng and to improve morale 011 tb8 lilcton, !Mrs. Oharles Weaver. Jr .• longer sit SlDugly back, sp.cure in '!be club w1ll meet November 11 this .year . The Idea met wltl} the pert of our ,f ighting TO ova SUBSOI~lBERSI and Ml'8. Henry 0aI'ter combined and GIll' Its ocean bIu1rIers. He Bald that at the bOOle of Mr. and Mrs. S. S . approval of the club'. Our boys who illles. Thla wID helP 'win the War hoeplt&llUes recenlJy and enterLainthe United States in the future Two weella &&,0 we sent .out EWB. ed 'WIth a m1acel h1 neoua ab09fer at would have to malntaJn powerful are In service a.r\ 't o be remembered ~uIclter with less 10158 qi ute." statements to oW' subscrIbers with Chrlsldnas greetLngs thh year. ¢.he latter'a bCime in honor or· J4Ias YoW' oontribut.1on wlll helpMIs. Mary CtiBe, age 80, died a.t armles aond navies for its own pr0whoee sahserlpt.lons, have exA program in keeping witJl the lFrtedta E1l1a. who 'Was marrted satl. Provide U. B. O. centers enfJ a rest in Cincinnati at 1:45 tection and an esploll84le system pired or '"'"' abouil to expire. lIeason of the year was ,pres~ntiXl by where. urday to Paul R. wller of DayLOn. f'rtday evening after a long illness. th&t would forewarn us of lruJ;endAlU1O. .Ji a 8ublcrip,tlon to tbe So.ra Braddock . Wilhellillna BradFriede was sbowered wlt,~ lovely 2 . Provide rest Iltmles and ~ MrB. case maintained her residence lng danger ,f rom other awr'JS8Ors of Miaml GIIIIet&e Is ' reprded .. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Ell1s &re angifts. ,A dellcloua luncb 'W&8 aervtJ(1 escent centers for merc~t aau&. the future . He said he was not endock recited "Orphan AnnIe." and bere untl:l some weeks ago when an open &OOO\IIIt, we, cannot afnowio1D8 the lIW'I'laie of their to about to relatives and frienda.. tlrely satisfied with lend _ lease, Carol Bunn~ a .poem on "Septem- who carry men and lnunttionl'. abe entered the C1n¢nna,tl home. ford t4 c&rr1 tboeo 1I,bo U'e 'COIl<laughter, Pr1ec:la 1D.e, to Paul R. ber. '; Then Mlas Braddock o.nd M1ss 3. Provide educa.tiona.l, She 18 survived oy one son, Howard. whJch amlS other nations at. our slderabl.r In &rft&l'I. lUll lonpr MABDIS-BA'l'IIAWAY WEDDING ~,do:Day.t.Qn, Sa.tun1&y evenl.J::Ii, Bunnell sang a duet en;ttled "HaI- and recreatioha.l serviCe fqr war of Waynesville. two brother and two elQP6IlSe, He predicted other wars UDder ...... t eondUJona. We do 'I1AKE8 PLACE .sUNDAY NIGHT October 16. a1stera. as long as h&te and envy amOng loween ." lMa.bel Wilson read a poem prlaonerB , no&. wtah to drop any subecrlber A very lmIIreulve double 1'1ng appropriate to Oolwnbus Day. "On .. Provide fOOd ~, mecuc.t oAnoouncement la belnC made of lAtter her deat;h the body was repeoples are prevalent In the worl\l.. ' " - 0111' IW, but 0''''111 w the CqeIJlony was read byo Rev . . C. W. Sall On . " Betty Oglesbee suppUes. clothing, ambuJeDce ~ moved to the Stubbs Funeral HOOle. jbe' . . . . .1& 0I . . . . . ~. Vma& W~ The next meeting of the club, as IIICIUIIed ~' ,or IIDbllebillC a Iaom of' 8etbil BapUIt . chw'c:h in "Whittier's Com Song" and Bernice Ma.rdls of Sprlngboro ~d iii . Funeral services were held at the We 6aU ... ol!tJpd QnDounced 'bY' Rev. Radley, program Hartma.n recited James WhlklOmb aDd other .needed iervlces tor c:IIir , the BetbelIJU'lOllloie. Attendants of mm.aDd our 6lllea the 'tiIIorI4 , Halley :P. Hatbwway of Lebanon at Met.hodlat churc:h in 006hen. Ohio. w clbIeoDUDae &bon w~o have chairman. will be held Mond~ even Rlley's 'When the Frost Is Con the Warren COunty'lI quota for .... Lhe ,presbyterian CbUJ'c:b Sunday the cqupJe4 ~e: ~ ,~ brother and interment W&8 in Oosh.-m cemlng, November 16. ' pr(f)ably at . the shOWn DO dl.poal.UClIl to settle of the tJrlde, and Mrs. Elva SulIPumpkln and the Fodder.'~ III the Natlon8l War ' FUnd Is ~,ooo" . . ·, '. evenIng at 6:15. \Rev. John C. )(cetery. Methodist church. Dr. Samuel S. IIiooe . , mailed out the state.1inpr, aver,- cloee trt.end. MiM EllIa Shock," t.aklng her aUdience baclt to Wayne townah!p'& quota Ia f1'l•• Coj perlormed the doi.lb1e rtns ~';ft . _ta. AQoonIInr to p 'llItal laws Sontag of the Febl's Foundation, their school daiys. Groups wc!re then Your help . .dua~ '. from • the Waynesville needed to ~t mOney with only Uie lmUIed1ate ~TAIN GUESTS AnUOCh ooUege, Yel.low Springs, wlli &II !I1IbscriptlOIlll mllll t be paid In Blgh ac:hOOt in the .clau of 1Mo.1I.Dd fonned and news and lnIormation l~. _...~·~~~~_=~~~~~ ta.mlliea present. AT SUNDAY DINNER adl'lUlCe. I)e the gue.s t speaker. of the' club were ·written to Anna while men. in unJfOnn are ~ . from BernJcfa 8chobl of 0lI!Ibeu,1..... d ..._ LV ' ,_ 'l1be couple was at.teDlec1 by lIoIr; "'"' "" .n.... .tQn in .... -,.- of 1M1. Hoak, an absent member. d Mrs Jade. B "",nt da h of -.. v~ ~ . ...... ......, .-&'. ;,no -'-D, , • ,Bl'IUlII .. a""r years ~ p,e, m~ ute It8elft an . r"r-' ug Ulr '&be bubeen t.aIIOciatect W1~h the entertal.ned with a te.mJly dinner on The hostess had as her guests Mrs. tl'Ie SX'Oom. and Mrs. Betty )(t!6S-' Just A Mere Beauty cUn1c !ur the SUnday. Oovers were arran,:ed at Wilbur Bears. Mrs. Oh&rles Ander- SHOWER IN HONOR OF ·Mas. BALPB pAiIU more and ~ey K. Hole. dQughter put two S'ean. .t he attractlve table for 1Mrs. Ellza.son and Mrs. Wade 08 her guest.ll. , and son In law of the br1t!e. Mr. Killer Is a graduate of.Almo beth RDb1nson of oFt. Wayne, Ind .• A most refreshing lunch was served. Mrs, ' Charles' TeF.ell entert..llMd After a short triP. Mr. and ilrf.' H1ih SChool, Almo. Ky., and Alcolu The revival meetllig which haa Bet.ty Ogl~ee wW be the Novem- a.t her ' home on M81n · a~ _ . Response Is reported slow in WarHathaway will be at ho~e ,to thep- unlveaalb, AlCorn, M1aa. Ire Is 1i. : : !:;d ~'18t:::,~~ been in progre68 at tbe Wavnesville Thursday, evenln8 With"a mower _ ' many friends <in b1s :faI1ii, a;)\JUt or m = ' + a • _. & ....\l.... .a....;:.. Al~ .. :. Church 01. Christ wUll close Sunday ren COWlW to the appeal for blood ber hostess. ~l U& aid Green of Babina, M:r. and Mrs. 4h'~~ t th I f h Mrs. Ralph Parka. ~ a ftI'J' . ev~ ....'6 a e COIDp etion· 0 t e donora for the blood bank to be held Lebanon. , .... te-, ... - ' I .........:..., ~_ ._ now __ u . . . . . . ., ... .....,... .. ...,.. ..... Will · Hagemeyer of Mar~v1lJe. pleasant eVening of ~ aDd . i_yed -lth ...........~ ..a.ee "'....,..... _ tbli'd 'Week. Three s(~rv1celi are ar- at the ,L ebanon Methodiat chm-ch PARfl'Y IN HONOR OF PMJ IOURTH BlBTBDAY tests mUCh tlDie WBB spent in adaIk'. 1 • __ .11••"....'" '.. ...., . . ......... ""'0_" . and Mrs. Ell Putnas and chU. • the I ' ' NEW SCOUT COJlllollU'&-uwa. tIon In' ~ wbere they I\I'I! at ranged .or c oslng day. on Novenj>er 3, 3, .. 6. 6. Although M!:MMas RAMBO home 'to .thelr"lrtencla at .38 S, dren. Dr. S. 1.&ppln · of Bedford, Wayne township Is sbowlng up ~t.Mrs. Kat.trz,yn Foulk6 was hostes& Ing the many 'lOVely lltUe ~ C£I.BJ!IIiATES ~OUl BIRTHDAY ' ind.. WW prea.oh a.t the mornlng ter tha.n many other sec~lons of the to & group of ohildren at her heirne which the hOnor ruestreCelted.. ', .' Del1cloua rerreahllienbs yere MfE. H. Bindley. ~ of the 6ervice f01lowtng th(~ Bible school county. It; Is yet far from Its quota aM;urday in .bonor of the · fourth Scout Advancement and Oourt or SPELL,lNO CONTEST AT Mls6 Orace BritiWl celebrated whieh ' beglnB a.t 9:30, H1s topic of 100 whicq must be r~hed In birthday at ber !1a.ughter, Sue Ann. ad to: Mlaae6 NarY T. iirOn. 9Ir. MASSIE Bu&\L S(,H(101 10th .............t th h f h will be, "h There LU'e BI!lyond?" order to do Its part in this """ent Games and refresh.mentB were the g1n!a ~um, · KathrYn~. ; iHonor foc the Franldln dist.r1cr. or the Mound BuIldm' Area lJounc11, . • ............l' a e ome 0 cr At '2 3 . ~. -" gut and MeedlUJlP8 RonAld . . . . . ,randlJiotber and aunt, Mr . Carrie in : 0 p . m., Mr. Murll'loJder cawe. The county goal Is 1000 blood chief diversions. h8B a.nnoUIlllled ,the appointmeut 9f Each alx wept" a $elllng ~~~:;thtI:'PIrIllOlt;t-IPllHlauight;er;-Era;--t'e4wJIl.oJ~:.JLmlm~ of must:: on the donora. The invited guest. _...!ded: Ou'- E. L. Tbom&a, C. ,Lee 'Hawke, Da ; Hammond electric organ . Numbers ThOBe who feel t.llat they can help olYrt Ommer. Janet OOnn'lr, Ronald new members 01 the comml~tee for 18 held In the M~ Rural ~chool the com1ne year: at HarveyllbW1r to determ1n'! th'! Tbe foll~ guests' were preSent: requested by the audJence will be aze urged to get In touch witlt E. and Ch.arlene Edenfield, Pranzle Dalton. L. R, Oorcion, o. It: Pa- . The new committee members are: best speUera. 'Dle winnei'll .o f the Mary K. and J~ Mendenha4l, played along with church hylIUl8. W. Scot1eld. loqal chairman, who M1chlel, J1mm1e Frazier, LInda Lee zler, Rice snapp, .E. O. Orane; Di.1q , C. H. Brace.1DIi.yor or Waynesville; contest held 0ct0ber '15 were. first i.nrtlUn, :!..IMietta. and M'a.r.Dyn YOl1ng People's Ohrlstlan Endea- can be reached by oa.J.I1ng 2991 or by and Sue Ann Hamby, Freddie F1Bher. Snyder. Maynard Wel~ VanMIIl vn esv1lle place. .JimmY Reynolds; . seCond johnaon, Wanda Mdteever, Bonnie vor .at 6:45.p. m. lUv. i.. C. Radley, Wa,,dropping a card to Red Orosa head- F1reddle LeMa.y. ~r11yn Polinsky. Simpson; K. R . Hlu and ihe I'*' Method1.lt ohurch; H. T . Johnaon. place. Nary. Lou Moore; third place. S1&'r8. and Nary SChoonover. Broth 1.& h4h will b in h · er p.,ou e c arge quarters, Lebanon, OhIo . . carol Ka.te Turner, Jerry Dye. C1l bonor. supt. ot ac:hoolil. Sprln&bol'O; R. S. Betty Bopn. Reriuhments of ice cream, ca'ke, or the elos1ng service' of the reviva.l , The need for bloOd plaama is Bruce Hunter. Danny and c,intb:ta ENTBBTAlHS 'WOIIAJI'8 Augupu~, supt. ~ sChoola, PranltWinnei'll CJl flrat. second aud ~rd &nd apple candy ,,?ere served. All wh1ch bei1ns at 1:30. HlB topic will greater than ever and w11l become Grove, Oarol LonP.cre, carolyn AUXD;IABY AT "Ova _Vir . Warren Younl{. attom~y, !'.rank d be ~le to ent'!r 'the enjoyed a nice time and MlB8 Ora.ce be, "Is Rel1g1on & Man-Size Job?" tp."e8Iter atW as casualties mount.po OIImWe11, :samara Lee Berger. Zana lin; Dr. Fred ZechmlI.n. C&rlla1e. f1nal ~ held , at~ end of tho feoeiftlll many nice presehts. . The pUblio Is sincerely urged to ·not walt-we must not f&1l In this Mae Fulkerson and Donna Kay Tbe "'0IDIaD·~ 01 •• Blndley's oommlttee will be year. OertWlcatel are awarded for &ttend and enjoy thl!se services . service to our boJtJ. ThOlie who h&ve 1IWlka. Jolarlte cbUrcb .... ouwtelnlCl ~ sponsllble for the hald1n8 or quarter- etICh· cbDte8t and a medal "ill be BUY HOME IN TEXAS CIII'WJ are urtred to alan th~rn &nd cebtly at ' 'Our Bouae· tar ... ly Courts of Bonor for the leootinl- "van at the ebd of the JMI'. OUTBUILDINGS DIE8TBOYED send ·them to Red croaa hP.adquar- MRB. NOJL.\BELL BLAm (Jaw SUSan. ecaDkJn '" P~ES AWAY IN MlHHE80T~ membeni' aDd .one ,.....t..IlH. _ _ tlon of Scouts attainlns advance- WAYNBSVILLIC 1U!lCE1VB8 Prl~ here have received word BY FIBE MONDAY AFTERNOON te¥a in LetIaIloD· at once. pret l!lItwaid8,- viire' pruent. D\enbl In Beaut J'Ullt. '11he1 aJ.eo Will . ~ IN CUB TAX MONEY lIr. and M'ra. 0&tIl Duke that It hal been announced tnat those Funeral serv1ces for Mrs. Norabell "'.-- 0 :D ........ _ ...• \ IoDCl .__ personally examSne Scouta '.Vbfl are 1 are now finnly estabiilJhed as The WaynesvWe l~e Dept. waa who brlna a car oarry1n8 blood donBlair Orew, lIS, w11e of Dr. E. R. Rona14 &wke were in 01 . eiirtbIe fOJ""t.be raub 01 sW- 00lUmbu8 <SlleCla1)-«Me 'AUdltcr loud that they have bought tlalled MOnday aetemoon to ualat 0111 will be liven extra gas to cover Crew, superintendent of , M1a.m1 the pr:08rUD pTe verr escellllit Ute and _Ie. .' .roeeph T. !lI'erpIon UJIlouncs a prOperty in Houaton. . .. ..... on ' the trip. Ion lllhtlnr · a fire o:n tbl;! fatln o f '."e " mUValley hospltatl in Dayton for . 28 pa.PerB on "¥JIaJoU" and rel)Ol1a .0Il 'J.1hJ.s new acivancment prOtp'8m Is atate warreot for t338, repreaent1n8 in line with the new Booutlnl -ad:' W'&ynenWe'a 8ll&re 1110 the dl8trlbUT.AKB JiAiy INTo HOME RalpbMuter. near Mt, HOIiy. Bev. LOQ,w MINISTER UNDERGOES years, died in Wnnea.polls, Wnn., the leaeral CODYeDt.1i11l lIe1d ID Sa.t........ -o...- a l 6·.- a. m. a> the "-e . , . ~ ..... ,J:' . . ,. ~ uu "UVI.. OleveJand." DU1n1 tbe eOclal .bour. v~ent .pbl1Cy aeveloped II), the tion 'of the QJ8Q1lne 11u11ae Tax Mr. and Mrs; L&.wrence Furnas ~1 outbUidings ~,ete desuoy.e d, ~ EMERGENCY OP~ATION of .ber da~hter. Mrs. Melvin p. dainty rer~ta. were aervecl.r10C8l council duI1ntJ the pan;Jear l"IIDC118 now .lD tbe mallI. ThIa .w bi.Vi tiileii Ii three months old 1nclU<l1D8 a barn and corn crib. to give addtt1anal . 'e"')lWa ele to the the time thla year Waynem.ue ",.:&2.; into m_._ ~ fire was said to baNe started. VAX Randall, !Dinlat.er . of th.e Burt. She ·was a . a1stu I)f ' Drs. ter!Wbiah .\be dilb adjourned to ._ fe.otol'8· lliYo1~ed.· in baa shand'In a I'dmDar P,8 .t&i: 'd1a- oJ1)hao. ~¥ . 1lI.IInl" hdme , The iWa,ynesv11ie ObW'cb. or ChrlIlt, was a.nd lMward Blalr .ot Leban- meet with 111'8. ·e. 1:. I"ruiei- in ' . c:h1ld ~ not yet been 1)aDled. from burning leavea .. rUIhecl .to tbe B1a4r Brothers boa- on. Dr. Crew ·1s a riative do Wayne NovaDber. · . , . tra1nlnc' and tel a u ' clUIeInblp. tdIutIan. piW in LebanQn Se.t~ morru.ng, townahlp and " brother of lU>I"", ..lt ·1 ' ........ ..:....,,~ ......... ~..~OJlr 'J.be total 0aaCIIllDe ~ .TUI~~!!i!i!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~;\ BlBTH 01' DAllGIrna ' l"Iuav........ v r _ ~ .' tO the YI.r1oua munlc:l- I.' where be undfrWeot an emergency and Prank Crew, well known local opera~ ifor appendIcitla. Lateat olt1zens . . · . ~ ~teci I*l1tiea In·tbe.-te for oUIAI .perlolla Yr. ·and. J(ra. B~ :4I( WITH ARC'E from tho hop1~1 Indicates his ~ra1 aerv1c~ . were held at th~ tlYeB~ to .tbe fIIfI"eot thM &Dd .iIi bued CIl , the...tM1 Leba.nc;D are ~ tile - . OOIidlUon. is aoOd and he Is rapidly, res~ezme of a son,Robert~. Orew~ ?f. a .kmiy c1a~, ~ Pa." ~ . ~,itU. S•• ~WiN, TREASURER, l.E8"~NO.N. 0, Tinney> CJl Da.yton ' urideI1went an mot« car .~ .. 'Ctirt1hed' recoyjriq. Bla Wness especialDaYton, Tueeda.y and bur1a.l waa Wedn~,' ~. d. ' " operatlOQ for ~dlclt1a mll ,.u he State' AudltGr bj t.be BUreau N~TION"AL FUND WARREN COUNTY 17.uDtortunate gue to the revival in In Lebanon. bladder t.rowle. at the K1aIil1 'fI. KokIr .~ebIde8. 'l'bJa ~ '.. . ~ ~ . ED~ -'...:."--,-,~. progreas at pJa ·ch~ .at the pres~ , --.~--.. . _~ . in ~ jiJaNrd8.Y morn~' 18 made 'CID '' ' ' ' ' ot p.OO per lit ~d.r.ticm the _~ .readered to' OW' ent time. 'OLINTON SHORT OF QUOTA tJIIr. . .autolDObUe. ," force•• Da lo our AI... b~ ~e U. S. O. aDd '. , w....., · =~~.~~~...,.u. . ~ lIIASONIC NOTICE' C1nton oounty f&1lt!Ci to reach All........... apaciee, I, hereb,. _blCribe ............. : quota .,.38'l.000 In -the Thlrd ~ CXJllUliunlcation or .the Loan drive by ..,1.848. th COUDt., ~~ ~. ~oWDShip .............. .. W~ Lodp No. lea. P. & A. war PlnaDce ~ttee baa repan.. ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SoIlCitol- •••••••: ••••••••• ,••.••• II. Bt.turday aveninC, October 21. at ed as tile ~wo wedt'. dteDaIGIl of 6;10 p. m. Work in M. l\I. dwree. the drive ~ed 8aW~. 'nIe lIalta Charla {ta,able t:b Charles S.lrwin, TrltUtl1'8r DbID. meeUDI. . tift tMIadIa purcbued durIaI UW
.t'1ab6 ale gOil1K (ol'lWard locally for .t he distribution of waz raUon book No. ~ through the public schoola during a three dey period, Monday, 'l'ut!6deYl and Wednesday. October tlI5, 26, ~'l betWeen the hourI! of 2:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. m. Reglallratlon will be at the hiIh IIchOol bulldiIl8. One IliPplic&tlon blank Is all that 111 needed for a sqle family unit and any member of the family may apply tor book ,f our for the entire i!~ group. Boot three must be ,p resented along with the name. address and age of each appllcant ' at the time the appllcatJon la made. Local teachers will be in charge o( the I.s6lJ&ll(:e of the booIUI.
at the pl.eaaant country !lome of l!4r. and Mrs. Fred Hagemeyer, ne~ Clarksvllle. oAIfter the dellc;1ous fried ch1cken dinner, Kellar Hoa.k. presl1ent, called the meeting to order. Five J'amllles 'Were ab6ent. MeUll>ers of tJle club were sorry to receive the res1gna.tJ.an of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Carl Duke, who h&ve recently .moved to TeUII. Mr. and Mrs. Duke, who were charter members of the club. were elect.eci honorary membeD. Mr. Ha.g~r Introduced Mrs,
Happy Hour Club Meets October 12
Funeral Here Tues. . For Lydia.RuclduckJ
I~e Got a Horne. too
Mister! Ever'lertrd BOND you bUt/ through the Payroll savi~ Plan Flqure It out
Rites Sunday For Mrs_ Mary Case
Ellis-Miller Nuptials Oct. 16
sPutUilJ. '
4>_ __ _
Local Revival To Close Sunday
w::!n:: .:r'.
tIIII.. '
Response Slow In Blood Donor Appeal In CountY
BnIadw.,. '
_t.u. ,-.ei,.
_D. . _....
_v . . . . .
SEND nns CdoPON .1'0 wAR
waS '
...........:j ...,.................
fJie• •=.~~~~~~"'~~~~1
Bal'bId B.
~ W. II.
*'" t.ataled. ti,lll.8H.
o TJlUB.8DAY, OCTO'DEB 11, 1M3.
our well behaved young peOIJlc be deprived of. the chance to have a ,proper good Ume because of the W&YDeIV1Ue, Ohio MaiD ·8tt'eet 'few whose pa:rent.s w111 not or can not keep them within bou~tili? No . . . .Iid ,M ~ 0luI Mall Matt.eI" ..t Post.omce. WaynesvWe. QIb10 doUbt. \he critics' ot high sChool ..;....~.-:..-W-a-l.:...t-er-W-.-W-ls-e-m-a-n-,-E-d-i-t-or-a-n-d-P-u-b-l-i-sh-e-r---- dances EUld aU danCing, 'because of
_-'______-===-===-======:-=-------1SIStJli:D EVERY THURSDAY .
_ _-"-8IDrJt __. _1pt.iOD ....._Prl_Ml8-:-._'I_.50_PeI' __Y_e&r' __ , _Pa1_II._b_le_in __ A_dV_IUlOe _____
From A Farm Diary.-Dry Ridge did not shut them in !Oy garden sooner while the weeds 'Were greener and more JUiCy', but green or dry they have eaten them up. Sunday. Colder, but there was a pleasant surprise 'When I stepped inside the church. It was nice and 'iI'lll'm. The new grates haven't come yet but they had fixed up the old onea so t.bat they wlll do unW the new ones come. Mr . ~all·1.\ advertls<>..ment agaiJi.st hl8h school dances has ce.used a good deal of comment. Many of us leel that the only tlnic that bJgh school dances lead to drink and destructlon by way 01 the roaJ house and the rowdy public dance halb Is when there are noL enough or them. The responslbllltj' does llt' with the parents. I agree with that but when through force of ciroumstances the 'p aren' s lose control 011 the situation aDd the cammun1t~ has to help, wholesome . recreatlon Is one answer. Mlillons of us have found danclng a wholesome recreation. It Is often blamed for trouble when the truth 1s.1.lu!.t the troWle started before the danc-
October 15; 1M3. Rain at last. All dAy tbe clouds were gathering and the haze grew thicker and 1.hIs eveniDv the raJ.n came, a gOOd pourinC ialn t.bat ought to Pllt some 'W..ter In the cistern If It last.s Jona enoUih. I hope It w1l1 rain all nigbt . tor I~ Is very dry. We nee<' It fOr the 'paStures and the wbeat. The wooly worms continuc to be brown 'e.nd blade In about the SIIIm~ ~oport1ons though th.e later ones IU'e DO~ qUite as encouraglng as the firat. I sAW. IDQ6t of them have more black OIl the head end than on the and all of tbem bave more .blad[ on than last yemo. We bave already bad more warm weather tbJa {all.than last year but l/Ull omy an amateur in 'WOOly worm wea.tber predJct10p 80' I can not tell YOU juat hoW'muCh wann weather · we CIID oount 011. Th1s re.1n will probablY be t~ by Ubat freeze we bave a.1l been ~. about . ::rhIs pleasant 'Wee.tber 'baa 'been a Joy &nd somethin, ·to ·be tbanIriw. tor. Saturcla.1. The r8In Ja ' oVer but It Ja etlll ooid and' cloudy and the wind u · It cle!Va w~ Will have that. - trost. '!'be old ItC1fI III now abut up in ' the bam w~ waS the only ·place 't' ~ that wouk1 bold her. Sbe 13' ~ want. nmb1er we ever did have abe ~ways oomes home to eat. I uwaya tbought that pig weed w.. a ~e Wie 60 many othen. that lII, with no particular sig~. but hOw the .pIp really do !In fact h088 are tine weed "k1llera aDd I /lIJrrY that I
bld9is :
lng. Dancing with Its stress on 1oomI.ng good manners and proper social
behavior as well as !.he latest dance steps Is a help in curbing rowdy behavior for many Urnes trouble sta.rts because !.he young people do not know how to have fun properly. Old faShIoned square danclni Is especlally Bood because Its swUt movement &lid Intrtcate figUres keep the IP"OUP moving and having fun. or COUJ'Ie all groups or young people neecl protection and supervision whether,it Is .. bJgh &Choal dance or a , camp meeting . GaBo11ne raUonInK may help tllem to go hoJ:M d.lr~ after ~ at a reasonable hour. 'l'biat ord.lDar1ly Is the parents job but with parente warking on night ehIf,ts aome one else will have to..do theJt job. YoUng people need ~ and laUlhter, much and ' each other'a ~ and if they can get tbem .t .. bJgh school PArty they ~ not look farther. Should
* '
_ .tbesD. '. ,'"
IXl Jos. Thompsonl "
' EleCtioia ·No• ." 2, 1943 .V~ SuPPort Will Be "t • • ,
, ~'....
~p.,~te.a; . ' ~ -Pol. Adv.
rthe~ beliefs have ever tak
p::rt. SO see only the possible evils nnd do not see the nillllons of happy. W"ellba.lallCed citizens who have enjoyed dancing at home and in their schools for generation ruLer generatlDn. 'Monda.y. The frost caine ~ t n18ht. In a way it Is 11 reller ror ~ e {ear of it Is ~ o longer hangtng over our heads. There wasn 't much left to hurt an'y!way . The sheep got in and ate the late beans and we had picked m06t of the green tomatoes, the cabbage can stand It and Lhe patch of late sweet. com Is ready to eat and wasn ·t hurt. The w,ln d brought down most of the leaves. but bere and there are stU! pe.tches of bright. color. Perhaps this was Squaw winter and now we can have Indian summer.
MT.HOLLY Mr•• HUe), Glb.oB. (lOrftOlpOad_C
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond O3born, and Mrs. I.6ey Cl'CIIlt of Xenia,
spent Sunday evenlng 'WIth !41' • and Mrs. Emerson Dill and son, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bunnell and lamdJy called on Mr. and Mrs . W. Brekmye:r of Middletown, Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewts and sbn, Jerry {,ee, spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Joho Koester of Utlca. Mrs. Eal'IDest Earnha.rt, Mrs. O. !II. Kelsinger, MIl;fi Clara Daughters were in Xenia shopping Saturday. Mrs. David Lucas spent a few dAys lluit. week with her daughter, \Mrs. Harold carter and t~lly of
Xenia. Mrs . Ernest Earnhart and son, DaVid, Mrs. O. H. Kelsinger were ahoppUlg!.n Dayton Tuesday . Mrs. Elvis MJcb1alaod Mrs. Dale IFaJ.r and daughter of Xenia, spent Tuesday tWith Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Marlatt. Mr. Oarl 8mJth of Waynesville ~nt Sunda.y. with Mr. Lue Murray •
The ()fI1c~ of Defense TraDSport10n Sunday ordered retaU m1lk deUverles In this area. cut to eve1l' other day.
----_ .
Advertlslng Shows EneJ'gy Advl!!'tllling Keeps Old CUstomers ADVBBTlSE IN THE GAZET'l'E
r~~~,E,i , !!EE===S~=====:i:==========:!E=======:E:====~
_ .•
To Shop In ' Lebanon
·W 'h ere
.-. ~
8. . .
Safe ~ UuI Gas ••• DIrect Bua LIne to County Seat
Opaa a& I:ot
aad aoM at 8110 P .... lWarday.l1 P. M.
". .., lAiaI.. D"';'.': --,~ .........
.,' ' .,,0. ' A GOOD ~~ TO
PboDe 17
and Dome
IAIIadoD, OhIo
.. .
UN. Broad. .,
Phone 327 M
" 'LEBANON 1." ~
We OaUit &he
SJooe l885
·~I..- OUTS
For U Yean Lebanon'_ Leadlnr
•. , ·EGER'S
£ '~~
' ..... .... o.r ....
ao.e , ~edneH&,.. at
. ..
ror. UJe ~IlY XR.o\Y FITTI~G Oomplete. S~ to C"OOSf' From . Phone"'18Z Iti
. A QJmplete Stook 01
CIot.hiDr and aaber1taahery ' AT LOW PRICES " . PlUltluS8 L
IAdka' & <;hI1dJ:eJi'1I ~, To Wear and .MJIIIJleJ')" Phone 3&Z L
Pboae ~
........ . BAaDWAII& .. DIP.LDIENT8
All Spieceh Stores Bemal.... Opm VnW ~:OO p. iii. BftI7 Monda,
. MORRIS 5 ~d tOe TO $1.00· STORE' ~" Un8 of fb:it QUALITY .MEBCIIANDIBB . For EYetyODe
aDd . . . .......
Letters To The Editor .No·I.e.-Letten--':;;-Uite Editor are we100me aDd wUl ~ :prlnt.ed, II of publiCI lnterest, but. liMy .do , not ~ reRect the opinion of tWsnewspaper.
. hes I.l'ij.-======--=--=]l ure Ch .
11 l\IE'l' 1I0DJST CUVRCII Louis C. lta~e,. PN,tot:
Oa.mp Robio:son, Arkansas Chureh school at 9:30 a. in. OCtober 18, 1943 . Dear Editor: Worshlp service at 10:30 A. M. Please, may I of!ler a rebuttal t o Topic, "The Bible and ELernal Li re." the st8.tements appearing In the Youth FellowShip Wednesday evc"Gazette" 01 last week? nlng at 7:30 o'clock.
How can certain pt!ople use the clooJt of rellgl.on, or thut of pretendcd 19noraooe as a. "!ront" for their unethical essays? lJl!itead of maJdng general statel ments, why don't they' obtain some specific data? Those Ill'guments that I am referring to are of a general na.ture-they do not p4maln directly to the problem In. Wdynesvllle. n ' seems to me that t.hese I . philO6Ophem" should mll.ke a more thoroUgh Investigation of the problem. and get some pertinent facta !before they make a noise. It is a ~errlble note when the people ' of Waynesville allow a '<POSt office phllosopher" to guide them on wht\t they (the phl106Ophers) think: Is rlgbt wUbout demandlJ.1g sOme sort of a logical reasoo . How many, times ha.ve they ctt.ended the higb school danceS or bUlge. parties? How many times have: they been to a night club:Since 1929 or 30? . Do they know
Cboir rehearsal Thursday evening at 7:30. The Youth ~lIowship will hold a Halloween party In tht recreation eHOES--Stamp No. 18 (1 pair) b rOOD'l!! of Lbe church Friday evening, good Indefinitely. No . 1 "airplane" October 22 at '1:30 o'clock.. stamp In Book 3 good for 1 pair Nov. 1 and untU further no~l ce . ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL OABOLINE-"A" book coupom CHURCH No. 8 good for three gallons each, Ralph Parks. l\Unlster in Charle must last through Nov. 21. Band Church school at 9:45 a . m. o stamps good for two gullons as Morning prayer and sermon 11 :00 noted In book. a. m. TIiRES-Next inspections due: A
w.here the majoriby 'of the boys and girls go? Wben did they stap thoir zest for entertainment, of the 60r\,? ' Of ' COurse' danc1n8 can become an evil . ~ Wlth people having a resent-
ment for Such,'Putimles,
could beccme e.n evU. Would these drtlunkers please enumerate the evils that have arJ.sen In Wayn csv1lle a result of th.e high school dli.nces? . From what source did they ob·taln· the fact-If it U;i a fact-tha t "More of our Pays B.nd grls are ruined morally as a result of the danc~ than from other cause? " If it Is true, do;es It sli>CClfica1ly apply ·to Waynesville? When does da1lclnC, or any sport tor that matter, fan to contribute to the maturaUon or IIll 1nd1vldual? 'What sort of a chau.cter are they aSk:l.ng f~? Would they be content wltb an ignorant, egoCentric arid and Immature lnc11Vdiw as cn example' Of cbara.ct.er? . Some people ~e naturally omitted
OQt 31; C's bY by Nov, 30, oorunerelal IL&TION Rft'l'I1JDER t)ook vehIcles Marcb 31; B's by PROOESSJ!:D POOl S:-lilue vehilllet! e very alx montba or every ~. x:...y ~d Z good now; eX - 5,000 mUes, . whiqhever iii tira. , pfie Novetnber 20. . . IF1U1!IL OJl.,-@erlod 1 .COUpollB gO<'d ' MEAT, ETC. -:- Br~wn st&mps 0 through January 3 . p, 'E , and ,· -; good now; a.1l expire 8TOVEJS--.,Ool'l8UD1cr purchasl>.a of October 30. 0 good OCtober 24. ex- rationed stovE8 mU8t be made wlt!l pires December 4. a certJflcate obtalned 1101. local war SUGARr.-Btamp .No. 14 good for 'prJ e and' rationing boo.rds • 5 pounds through Nov. 1. Slrunp ..INOTE: Registration for Book No. Nos. 15 ~d 16 .a re good through 4 will take place Ootober 25 :.16 a.nd OCtober 31 .for 5 'pound:! each for 27 at oll public schoollJ in the ~un home cannlng; 15 pounds maxImum ty; time 2:00 p. m. until 8 :00 p . m •• additional may be used .lor home .all thoso In the bUilding o.t 8;00 canning; apply at rotton bolU'd 11$ need arises. o'cock wlll be taken care Qf.
FERRY ClltlllCH OF cnRls,.
Herbea1 Graham, Mlnlaler
9 :30 a. m .. Bible acb.ool
10.45 a. m.-Communion . 11 :00 11.. m .-8ermon. 8 ;00 p. m ......,Pr~.
HARVEYSBURG, OHIO Will pay $2.00 for Dead Horae_, $t.OO for COWl. Shee'p , HOIr" Calve. and Colo
Fli's1. Day school, 9:30 a. m. Meeting for worahlp, JI) :30 a. m. ST. AUGlJSTINE CHURCH FaUJer X,umbeltI. Prtea&
CHECK YOUR FIRE. INSURANCE POLICYII The coming of cold weather meane the .tarting of heating ayateme, and the danger of fire js greatly increased. Make
sure your· F ire Insurance, Policies are in "workin, order" too.
Consult your agent I
Ph'!fte Waynee"ille
Mass Sunday 9:00 a. m.
Succe....sor lo LeMay & U""ke WAYNESVILLE,OmO
only FerUliser Plant In WarreD Coanty
TcleWlone * 1
Mas BandaU. M.lDIster
Bible 8cbOO1 9.30 ... Ill. Communion 10:45 a.. m. P rea...hing, 11 a. m. Junior Endca or, 7:15 p . m. Senior End~avo r, 7;15 P. m. Oommunlon and preach1ni, 8:00 p. m. You are invited to come and, worihip with Us.
T. M. Searff. Minister
a. m. B. A
Eamhar\. Supt. Evening eervioe. 7:80 p.
.iL eve-
PJayer Meeting ning, 7:30 po m.
Any blake' or model . . . '· Freil ·Kahn Motor Car Co.
Sunday School 8:30
functions pf committees Try the Miami Guelte Want Ada!
and clubs becauae thtey are 1IicapBIble of 'such a partlcipatlon. So,,our "PhllosoPher~': take this minority to
~--;.~~~;:.'.!;;m~~~;-~-:!!~~, 1MrB.
George Editmat.on,l..II~0:...! the 'very JU'e aonounclng the birth of a
Wholeao1De-Pa.t~ized Dairy Produco
p~uu";'zed Milk F(),. Your Protectum c " root of our fonn of gc,vcmment. daughter In t.heir home on . M.aln No lJ1O~"tl1eFWllnntlrely neglect .t he stTeet 'Monday evening, October 18. Phone 2537 Wayneeville, Ohio weM'are or her chlldrt!n I Of course ,!.here .a re a fin! parents who are so Want to Sell HousehOld aooda? : . ;,. \t;&:" " . negUgent, but they 'are. of the miAdveri1ae Judlo1oualy nOrity a.nd they are not of prime - - -- - ; . . , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- . ----:;:,-. importance fu this Issue. When a "Hayseed Ph1106Opber'' debunkl; the 1ntegrIty e.nd intelllgence . of our parentB. then be shOuld stop and think alolli other chalnnels. DIRECT BUS ·R OUTE·.VR ·OM WAYNESVILLE' - SAVE TIRES AND You "Phllosophers" should spend S~ (lIose Week ·Day. at 151" Batarda, M 10:00; Cloae We4neIday af~ a lltUe more .time in learning the sPecific racts, and L'l knowil!a the true s1t~tion. Afte·r you halve learned all of the aS5(lts and .llabUItles, and have cOmposed them, HAMILTON, LONGINBS, AND r.uaNJTURE - RUGS '. ,i hen you ~ould .make your state-' rruck, Car alid Tractor GRUEN WATCIIU menu. .DLUlONDS STOVES ·. Replacement 15 Eo Main St.. . _ ,...,.,..........if-,....- Please I I Oive us a chance to Machine Shop Work shdw ourselves before you start· to CTY on everyone's shoulder. FXMOUS Cracked Blodu Repaired AUCE RINCK'S SlImerely, ~ AUTO SUPPLY Ford V-8 Motor Esch....e Harold S . Andel'6on HAT SHOP BadIo aDd Blbyde ~ Store BrI. 8:10 .. 811t DUI7 Deat Editor: El,ht weat MaID Sl. W~BB: CLOTDIN.~ '" II noted 111 rcndlng last wj!ek's is.3'J W. MaiD Phone·lioo 108 E. Mala . Ph. 188 Xenia. Ohio ~nelU~ sue of your worthy' pllipe.r that sev., eral m1l'1h;ters In the Waynesville ,
. Xenia ·Shopping Guide
Ttc1n1ty are . strOngly o~ to high School' dJinclng Bind bLngo. To ~ with. I am not oondeinn1ng any nlinlster or preauher ror ' h!s stand Lbe question - e\'erybody haa a rliht to 'hili' ovm opinion even your hUlnble servant. . ¥!rBt, l' would Uke to: talte up the question of bingo,. &8 it will be played at, the ~oween: ("r'n!val... to be held OCtober 28 at thll ~b school. : game, as It wiU ~~ .p1a.)"~ then, l! no gamble, it Is merlely a donatdan to a · worthy cause of a ni*el 'or. a dime and anY'! priZeS given are' incldental. . No money prizes . are to be· ,given'. Even If' this ha.nDless pule 18 a gaplbli! it III much 1_ 10 than atpret.cher taltes every time he un.dertates the, sa~ air a' 10111. ·We. 1~lf Ja I tl!e greatest gNmle of ·all . Whenever a ,COngrelr.l.tlon unde,- · ~ to. build a new church .and dJpen~ on iutltl'e (!ol~tribuMon.l ·to ~y for I~ It' is gambll~, p,mbUnc for a 'worthy caUse. Some lose . .U a mlniat.er objects to gambltnc• tliere are ~nng evlb, mu<$ sreater th@.n a b&!:ml_ IICbOol bingo game for him to crusade
11 .. 19 So. ~ '8t. Phone MaID S • Xealal 0bI0 .,
,eo·USBD 'CABS "
ftone 10 .'
THE C~TERlON' ", .~.ma. O~IO.,. '. ,.
. swe.ua....
Anew ~ ~
BelIeve CeD,esuop R.ab , tbe'
. 'Throat, Cllll~ t abd .8aOII with Qalci Act.lnc
H u M·o
A Good Plaee to Eat
40 SoaUJ De~1&
, Phone 7M
1 ,
Wa7De\svIIIe D.~ store
!C. A. ! DADE and SONS "I I"
. ,101 W. Kala
&TO" "
"In • DiltioJt .• " .i
·Cor. j '
JIbODe '
We 'D.SeD "~ Pbo~ I'll ., " a & :BalD 8t.. 'i
Stronr - ,Frlendl,y .
tor danc:1n&'-3chool d!Uicmtr, properlJ cbaperoned, To me the tlux:inI 11
oa.oTsu .
.s. ......., CIJDtl""'"A*kJn of 1I~~........................----~--~.....,1 Ca~u~on
IIOIImIBIft'B AlIA. . . . . ~ . ~ 0IIIIt'Ii . . . 0 -..... DIIJIQ.
.......all. . ~.
Bhach ' FlUmlar, . \ St.. '
Miami Gazette ~"'i1es
It b 'amOunts to twenty - ttV!! cents tOJ: the .Blair Bros, ospital in Le a.non each one hundred dQllli:rs of valuaafter having been a / patien~ there tlon,lfor a perIod.of .tivle y~rs 1944, , . s1nce iMa.reh. ' " 945, 1946 1947, .1948. - FlFD:EN YEARS AGO ,~ ': suQJ~~ed to' O!f~nslve remadts ' ' The,:'( uneral services took place The 'P olU' for IIiold EleBtion will be ~ (October ,u , 1928, '.' ~ idiotIC 'laughter. Pr1<l&Y, attemoon at 2:30 at the Os- op!!n ab.6:30 ,o'clock f.. iM .. arid re-" The , next meeting of the y. iF'. '!bere was some !lne cof'Btlng last 'W&ld l'lunel'llil' . Hom.e 'With . Rev., ~~tera~:~.30~;~)tor !id (M'. , wW be held next Bundayat tb~ , Prtday. From ,the hood of North .Qhlles, Mcith,odiS,t miniSter, offlclt-, day. ' , . heme of iMDton Keys with Ruth and street' some aleds rn.n ,to n-:arly in" . Burial/Was in Rose H;ill '~e~y or~r of ~e BoiIrd ot ,ElectlOl1B, ·. Ml!>l'garet 000It as hostesses. half-way betWeen the llttle anil big tery fu Mason. . of :Warren County, Ohic). . >iute ,LadJea 'Ald of the MethodiBtbr1dgeB. : . . 'Mr .. and iMrB. Earl Thompson of V. R. RUSSIELL, Clerk. church Will hold a market and baBunci&y morning was We coldest DIl,y ton. Mr. and' Mrs. Jack Rey- Dated Sept. 1'1. 1943·. zaar Dec: 6,7,8. In 't he church base~ ~ the season, It being between 18 n Ids and daughter, of, ~umbus, -:-... m~l1t. . ' and 22 degrees below zero. " ",;d 'iMr. and Mrs. Fred E ,. 'f~omp- ~ '. Dr. Julius M, Wolff of Hamilton 1Mr. John W. Marlatt ha$ bought son were In attendance The threll A (Uvo~e has been granted to is cOIWalesclng a.t the ' W~ne Villa. !the flTlst mill and ctlsUllel'Y' !ormerl~ m~ are nephews of Mrs. Oleav.er. !Mr. snd , Mrs. D. C. ~dge of awned by E. H. Pen~ and will here and her nearest relQ,tlves, excepting Roqerta OIlannel , fr'l)m Bennie iIndlanapOlts 8jlellt SlUlday with a.fter conduct the same. ber SOh, Walter Cleaver. Obannel and she was relstored to her their father, iMahlon &ldge. Mrs. Dr. W1lllamson 18 enterta1oThose attenling the services from malden name. !Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Gobs, Miss tng guests from St. Louis. bere IWere: Mrs. Ethel Reas(\ n, ~. EDward (Babe) Con.n er b'IB enterGoIlB and Mrs. Fred Oons atMessrs. George Ham1lton and Soott Day, Mrs . . /Mary McCarre~, ed suit for dlrorce from Elizabeth C. Conner, charglng-neJ~loot of duty ,t ended a ,wedding at 'Richmond, In- Joseph Hisey, Jr., sold 40 hogs, av- Loo Talmage and Jessie Gamer, diana. eaturday. eragllig 425 pounds e~h. The largand exreme cruelty. .. ~ =" _.. W el-ed 760 ! punds NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX' A marriage li cense h all be en iss u(' d ..., ....".... ... O. ·Mr. and !Mrs . G . D . Mll'.. LEVY IN EXOESS OF THE TElIf and !Mrs. J08lah Davis, Lloyd Davis Mr. 0harle6 E. Merritt of CinMILL LIMITATION to John Edlward Lelwis, 18, la.porer, and ifemily,!LeMar Earnhart and clrinatl, is spend1Jlg ChrLstmas at his and Helen Louise Mces, 23, 'both of J. O. Mu~ 'Were Sunday visitors Waynesville home. NOO'lOE is hereby given that in Waynesville. ""M ~..... g~ h as l-'t of a Resolution of the • at. Vbe I.O.O.F. bome at Sprlng......... ..,.. A""Ijers .... ,' h e c It'y pursuance A"'ong reoetlvly real testate transWa:vne Rural School ,District o.~ ,the ~. field. and again become a resident of County of !Warren, State ' 01 qhlo, ifers are the following: Wilson FlshC.o mpUmentary tickets to 'he toot- Dee1':fleld. passed on the 2nd da.y of August, 'e rto iLouie iN. BettleJtm'er, 100 .75 ball lame between Wltteooerg colSanty Allen is home from Dayton, 1943, there 'Will 'be submitted to a acres in JMe.ssle twp. vote of the people of said Wayne Emma. Schneider 1;0 Gertrude lege anc;l Marshall college ot Hunt- spending the holidays. l3orn,....J . Rural SCbool District ,t o,atbethe NOl.tl8Wn, W . ,V a., on Saturday, Oct. To tlle wUe of .Mayor T. VEMBER ELElC'I!ION held in Nauroth, 1.11 acres in Olearcrtck 15 were g1\>en to tbe ~ school T. Dodson, Dec. 23, a son. said School District, Warren County, bwp. pupUs. 'J.1be follOWing attended: Anna WbcheU, 10, daughter of Ohio, at \.he regular·. places Of. voUng Louisa !Lemmon, et all, to Elsie R. l!Jthan !LeWis, 'J.1bomas Sheet", Goo. Mrs. E1.eklel Wrtgbt, died yesterday there1h, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of Hockett, lots 3 and·. 10 WaYllcsv.!ie. November, 1943, 'the question of Rd)ert Le.mb to JOhl1 S. Tur: l'r, iMlller, Donald Gustin, Bailard Wal- ~ ~o1d tever. levying a tax in excess of the ten W:e. MUo Miltenberger, , EvelYn mill llmita.tlon for the beneUt of part Of outlot 3 In WalmesvUle. Wayne !Rural School 'District for the Walter Un dellWOOd tl) John B. Carbwrlg'ht, Donald Hawke, Ke'm~eth St. John, George ,B unnell, Erwin purpose of "Ourrent Expenses of and Rosa Lee Turner, lot In Wayne. Ellis, Bernice H:Ymlln. Louise Ben- Ill,.. ".,..1., Garner, (lone~PDD"c.Y ~Id School DistrlcL" at Ii. rate llllt, vUle. emeedlng three mills for each one derson, 'Bea trice Robltzer, Erma Mrs. lW&y,!and Jordan and chll - . dollar of 'Valuation, which amounts Sears. EdIfar Srnltll, Gilbert Frye. lren, o! 'CIncinnati, were Sunday to ThIrty Cents for eaoh one hun': Lola.' Sears, Boyd Henderson, Ra'Y~ guesf4 of the Jordan family. dred dollo"s of valuation, for a pe.... 'Mrs. EvolY'n Peterson returned to mond IA-Rson, MerlYn Banta. 060. Mrs. Howard' lMk:Kay ' was c8.1led nod of five years, 1944.. 1945, 1~6, the Home TJlUrsday afternoon atfter Henkle, Kenpehb Fromm, George to WhIttier, Calif., some dsQs ago, 1947, 1948. , t a v1s1t of several da~, to relatives CoQIt. Ouy lHockett, MUla , Tomer, on acCount of the Wness of her The Polls for 101l:id Elec Ion wUl be open at 6:30 o'clock A . M . ando rc- In 'Wdlmington • . Charles O'lN'eall, Mr. anti Mrs. sister In laiW, Mrs. Starbuck. ' main open until 6:30 o'clock P. M . Bal Mr Mr. and Mrs. RAtpelr es, . George Henderson. ' . Albel1t Lee Talmage be8an ~ (Eastern Btan~rd Time) , of said IWd QI.!n;. Leo BoJes and daughter Rhea Ellis Is recoverltlg from an 0011001 work last week at Barveys- day. , By order of the Board of ElectiOns, Of Ja.mestown 'Were gu'ests of Mrs. operatiQn for appendicitis last week. burg, 'for ·,the · first of this Y4'or. The . Loyal TemperimiCe Legion NrB. LUCY' Flshbaugh returned .t o of ,Warrf;l1 CoWlty Ohio. Ella Doyle, Friday. Mrs. G. . . . It • . V . H. RUSSELL, Clerk. Stanley Hamilton o:f RIchmond, twin meet a't' Ithe home"" ... her home in Middletown last wee Dated August 25th,.1943. Ind., executive secreta.ry of Rural O. Mllls Saturday. alftel1 'severflll days' vislt fu the Jor. , We lAssoclation, was Ii guest here Mn. Sarah Macey .Lukens, 90, dan helme. NOTIOE OF ELECTIO~ ON 1'AX Friday nlght and saturday, Mr . Mrs. Pl , etan H~ . n of Doyton, LEVY IN EXCESS OF THE TEN dted at the home of her daughter, · 'L · 'IMI","ATJON !Hamilton conducted a. discussion on MIL 'M rs. Jl'nl.nlt , BOugh, near Midland who was eo guest in the home ~ the LI .L CltT, IMonday. Hoffman brothem and MIlls.Ann NOTIOE Is hereby given that ' ln· pro1?lems and opportwultles of rural Mrs. Margaret ShArwood dled a~ Attlesey of Ollre Branch, accom- 'p ursuance of a Resolu~ion of the life at z:'!'iends Meetin~r House Frlher 1llame waynesv~e ,TUesday PaIlJed by them. were aallers Mon- V11lage CouncU Qf Way;neville, War- day night. on the 6th iMrS'. Elimbetb SmIth was a day at the Talmage home and of ren county, Oh~o, n·"'~"d ~ morning. Mlss Ola Ha1'tsock Is attending Mrs. EI1a. !Ferris. ' :~::~~:\~~~f :~r~o~ dinner gu89t of !Mrs. Allce Clark ................ ' ""'""'''''''.. Star meetlng at "Cleveland. , J et58i e oam~ was a caller Thurs - of ' said W&ynesvUle Village a t th e Sunday. · carl Smlth 0( Spring Velley. During her absence ,M rs. Maynard da.y of Mrs. El1m Wlth'Ull, in NOVEMBER ELECTION to be held :weltz 1!1 't eaching her School ~t lAlba.non. in W~ynesvU1e Village, OhiO, at the 'called on his aunt, Mrs. Anna Dantel Lewis, a fonDer resident regulll.r places S>f voting therein, on Ogl~, Sunda,y evening. Snrh""""ro. ,.., ...'r.Uesday, the 2nd day of November IMlas ,&lna Mary Nulll o! SprlngiMl'S. Olenn Borden of Frank11n here, p&8Bed away last week at bls 1943,the questlon of levying a tax oofo, and I. D. DOyle of Harnllton, In eJree8S of the ten mill llmitatlon vlslted W~vUle friends last home lnBoWersVWe,' week.' ' IMta. J&.nha Cleay~s: lor the benefit of Wa.ynesville \,I'tl- Wdted Mr. Doyle's mother. Mrs. Walter JohnsOn underwent an 1Mra. ua.zt.ha. Cleaver" who has . lage, Warren County, OhiO, for t1'\e E!lIi. Qoyle, Bunday. . p"rnn."", of ','Current, ,Expenses of A , group of wOmen cnet at the o.... ratian at a Dayton hosptte:l.8a\obeen a resident of this· 1mmedIa~ - ...~ .... said Village," at a rate not ,exceed- Home 'llUesday IlIftern()(ln to sew for urday. vicinity :for a nUDilJer of >,eai's. pass- 1ngI two and one-hal1 mllls lor eaoh tbe ¥rieDda, Service committee. • '., • ed a'VB>Y Tuesday 0( last weck: at one. dollar of , valuatlon, w~~ TWENTY-FIVI1l DABS A~ ~, A. M. McKay cl: Dayton and ir-~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~:;:=~==~==~~~~~ daughter, Mrs. Jack winCh and lit. (00Wber~, 1918)
\.,;ourl ,. -, ,Njews
Mary A. day night
n1ed w.etdn:; ~erw~ pneumodt.a
~::~~ was in town TUesday ' to
NUrsnryI'ater·I'·al'SALE FOR, ':: =' ~;=:=~ :!'! \I
'" .
, ' ','
WedJ;lIlllda)' afternoon. .Gazette Wa1'\t Ada B'i llng ReBult.!.
lo01rlng for men and 'Women 80 to, K.lngs M1lla. He ~ed In We . are sellin. out our ' Compl~te St~k of getUng 18 names 01lI hl.a list'. '; NURSERY M~TERlAL at Barraln . Price.. All I, ,AUCTIONEERING Saturda.y night or SIW~ay mor~EVERGREENS, SHRUBS. SHADE rREES. ETC., tng a 't hief cut the ,lock of! the'gasmu.t 'be di'pOw:l of by December :1: '. .', St~ey and ~,oo.ler ollne tank of the Kllpatrlclt. French Po~ Dates" Phone .14, WayneatOok several o! , . vine. Ohl , 0 , Rever8ll Char . . On:State Route 73. 1-,2 Mile E..t of Route 48 gaiIollne. . " . I ' B&oKElts U(!ENSIII ~. Jefl Smith arid his daUghter . W~)'Jle.ville, Obi~ R. R. 2 '· , Phone,'2533 . , i I.~_~===~~_;;==;;;;;;;:;;o;;;:," were ooming-lrom Bpl;1llg Vl\l1ey last' , ~~;;;;;;=====;;;;i;;;=-====~==-:-==-:-o~~=;oi;;;;;;;;') ~
~~' ,~d
w~esday, a big t~ loaCiecs W.ith ~~=::=~;;;;;;;,s~~~~==;:~~~;;:~~===::::::==========:~==, houSehold goods ran ,into them ' art4 . a~ost demO~ed
his new Frank-
.. smead, nee , J~e ,JonM,.p~~ ~~, ,a
lOll. -:.
r ••
~. lUcia ZeU~, 0reI0p, ~ the .
.' ~t '~ .t ~ ·,
Mr., ~d', ~. !9bn ~11 ~': I'
, ~: vi: 0, ~p6 ,~;bo w~:op" er,a~ on at a ~n hc:iePltal ,f or .~ncer.. ciIm,' ~ome ~w:aday.~ ." .
~ P!en:et wbb 'bas , been >wOddng at -the Gazetie off~, is
. nci.r 'Working ·10, iIOraIne citi,'. \
f $~-f)N:B ~ ~OO
(Dedliaber-P, 1861) ~ '~I at~OD ,01 thll Mar.!ih&1 18 ~illPecirully ·~'
mote Dr•. 1'P.!lll~ a:IiIIemblhC on 'be
.berGrDtDJ IDOfp
and pnliIDe1l
Contraued from Page 2 moresWy than the objection \.0 bingo. What do p reachers eXlJElOt othe 'young people to do, go to SChOol, and attend church. Are 'they to have no 1un and recreation at all In l1!e? 15 that the way God Intended us to live, worship a11d' work? I don't believe so and thank 000 ~he majorlty of the people do not beUI!ve so. 'A life devoid of at least some [Wl and recreation 1.::; not worth l1Vlng. This is especially true of children, i for one, have not fOl'gotten that I was oooe a chlJd ; I maintain, as do others, t!lat QI[_ fairs at this sort are wholt!some,m ay we have manY' JDDre. Inst.ead of an evU influence they !.E'lp to kee'p children out of greater evils, suoh as beer joint dancins, auw petting a.nd even Halloween rowdyism. such as the people of Way,n esville are undergolno .." now. When a youngster is with his parents he I.i, not at a beer p&rlor, pettlng In all auto on some country road, or even stealing somebody '5 gate. 80 far as the ' crltlcWllg prr:!uchers are concerned, we'U bet (that's gambling) that none of , the peachera wbo are critlcaJ, ever learned to dance or even attended OM. Ii there is ha.nn in dancing. there Is haJ1l11 in a bOy and girl of ado!escent years sttt.1ng n ext to each :>ther in a public gathering, even In chur , h It seems to me that if our sp.riluaI leaders wish to crlttcWl, tiler are evlls In Warren cOWlty, rooUy evils, that merit their attention in a muoh greater degree than a school dance and bingo party put on by a worthy orgn.nlzatlon for a worthy cause. A READER.
Th W e ay
A shack: is not wha.t you -thlnlt It is. The one my ifather and mother called home was a building with no fowldntloll, 18X!1!2, and It would have made a fine woodshed tor most &ny of ~he homes around here. 1(ou wontler why people lived in a home Uke thlllt. They hsd no materia1.s to work with. Everything had to be hauled b'" • wagon 20 to 40 tnlles a1ld through the sandll111S around Boise. Money vi.as a thing to be talked f , not handled. Mother told me once tlhat she nearlY forgot. how a nickel look~. Barter and trade was the mediwn of exchange. (Do you IItlll wont to homeatead?) The folks, I migbt say we, ,arrlvP.d In Idaho In March and movll'd to our own home' ln May. From May until Oo~r my mother, a city bred glrl. dld not get of! the place. our place,
a claim that hadtotleen by the goyernment mt.nereserved for gold, as '/Whad
~O:d!:~~~P~~~O :.:;.~: .. " ..
Eggs)iOa Dozen Are you getting in on this:price'?' Are your hens on a strikeZ" If so, do Cl3 thousands are-doing. Give-the.....o·K.-- . --'--"--'--":-::---""T HESS' PANAM1N and mll:ke , them produce those eggs, so you can cash in on this high market. In 5 Ib:, IS lb., 25 lb. and~ 50 lb. 'packairea
P}.one 2121
Wayneaville, Q.
a.. . . . . . . . . . . ._ m. . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ Iannlng . :louse. They paid not the least at- . AF. to moLher, she worked harde ' Cen Uoll to mother, Just waUtea in ' than she had ever worked befor~ il , ,uld sa t down in a lea.ther· rocker ! her ilie, She had to bake 11U he; and rocked soumuuy.. :z'hCf, bow}ced ~ breau aud use just whaL they lUll Ul) and down In the chair, taking l an the .place, and n oLlllng more, t< L~lS. Then' they , lOO1!:ed at each ,I cook, BUt' like many plOnec1' women o.t.her and nodded thelr heads. bet ore her, she, managed. One In.' Yes, sir." said one, "I.t's got cldent about. hel' learning to bake. sprlngs. Nervy said It had." i happened wbile we wer" sl().ying a ~ Then they took theU' departure, !Itill , Chases waiLing for ow' home to b, without a. word to my mother. A . ready. Mrs. Chase was a sisler 0 water pitcher to . a tollet set sat on • Mrs. lBean, whom I have told yOlo the step and mother heard one of or before, and Mrs. Chase w~n 'L thep1 say as they !Went a.way, very well . Her one son, Henry, we "What a Iblg t;nllk pitchtlfl What do the brea(i ',ilakel' of the lamUy I1,nl. you s'J>o,se they want with auch' a he undertook: to t'Ja.ch mother tl big m11k: p~OOher 1", bake 'b read. He w"'s a' boy In h b The little tPl'ls left mother teel-; t een and very SerlOLlS about It ali ing sad ~d fu ll 'Of laughter-.,t0;9. Illlghtly honored I Imagine . to bl thlnJc ,th&t to children' a. rocker with teachlng the "easterner" to bake. sprlnlfjJ 'Was such &, ,novelty:. ~ He mixed up a batch of sO\ll'dougL Slime children had only boxee-at and It was a wet, sticky mess, ant. home and a home made table ~cS. told her to "dive In. '' It had to bl! elept on the floor. Their parente mixed by hand. -had a bed but that was all. Wb~ "Oh, Henry;' wailed QloLhcr, but Ohey rocked the babies, Wh1ch she did as she was told fl,nd daL there wei'e many, they sat on' one .q( f said once that sbe baked the llght.est the <boxes and r.ocked back and and: finest white bread he had evel I I ·.rth and SIlng. tasted. But she couldn't ib'lke alter Ne~ weck, if you were ' able to they came back east. DUference In stay with me thus .rar, I'll tell you the o.1t1tu(:!e, she so.id. sonle more. The first winter they lived in the shack as 'Was. One side of the board was tqe oU1::llde of the house an the other side twas , the Inside. In I the summer It gets L06 In the shade and In the win ter It gets /.1.9 cold III 20 below. III ~h e sUlnmer one has tu have woolen blankets because of the coLd . air IrOin. the snow cap ped mOWlLalns, This winter I urn talk· In&' of It snowed and -banked up aroWld the house as high as , 0 man's head and Dad sh ~ veled n tunnel frllm the house t.. thli Iiarn . I Imagtne they would have frozen to death that wLnter It it had nof been for the snow. As It was they nad Pwo hea.tlng stoves set up, one at each end of the room a.nd the flocr ~._~~!'r.-..!!.!!~.La. was so cold that 1 learned to walk on, the bed. When spring came 1 tried to walk on the floor and shucks I the floor wouldn,'t give lIkc the bed, so I had to learn tq walk all over again. Phone 2878 They got th.r ough that· winter somehdW and the next summer WA YNESV(LLE; bHIO' mother rebelled. She 'told my fath- . er that 1( he dldn't:flx the house. ~• • •~. . . . . . . . ." !for he.r he would come home somc
for· Sale At
Canning Co.
house t\1at my motber named syringa Spring because of the &YrInga bUShes surrounding it. There /Was a huge pile of' rock down over the blll from the house that she named oastle Rock. Six Mlle Gulch ran along one end and hanging over and find )jvlng in the I Jlhe gulCh was. "The Butte" that I daY' barn. 'I1he- barn waS a t"\'Vo - stOry 1 '1 Ihave told 'you about before. There II4lfair lined Inside upstairs with Was nothtne m~ fA) the p1!lce but l~r aDd mother ',h ad It all' hUls and' gulches and It would have p1a.nned how she could make a home made fine grazing land, but as I tor us in the granary as the DIf'W have sa.1d before. my folks were was called. 80 Dad killed \1J1d dressgr~oms of tfie worst kind. Dad ed a hog and hauled It to ...o"..... hacr been raised. on a farm 10 east- mill and traded it for lumbcr and ern Ohio and his father raised 'built two more rooOlS on the house. Removed Prompt~ " Morgan borses and sheep. was . Call ' 'd, I 'f,', To begin with !pOther hii~ six and Is a wonderful hors,e man. with roams of furniture and It" 'Bll the elOOeptloo of riding. ~ be tried in that little 12xlB. The ,to raise hogs and 'oorn llk:e they iUd oha.12'S were hung on the wall and 'Ibadt home" and thereby faUed. barrels a.nd »oxes were piled all over He secured an old team of ~r~, Th~Y Just had pa.ths to get around ' .. ;, Nanee arid Maud, and fanned as m. Malybe It was a good thing I had .ReVIIne "T~ODe Cb~~ . beet he oouid. But that ,was dry the Ibed to walk on. But the Inside . . , .' , land and not suited ,to eastern oftb~ house stlll lOoked like a shed. lIfII:ID .... X.... .9SO O1other took items of the oLher E. ·G. ~lt;' ..... . women around. They were all itt the same, kind of homes" but some of •. them had ,papered walls. . This 1s 1-rr:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;~$:;;;;:;;;;!!3!J=.§:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;=!==m how they did It. They bought 1i . " cheesecloth and sewild It together 1:1 'd' .• 'G ' . '. ,,' I sheets to cover the walls. Then they stTeoohed It and tacked It all TARw;A~ TAR 'AND " , ,,.. ....,et 01 .,.,.,.,,,,,,, . over the walls and papered over it . .. ' .-!.:,; . Don't ask me where mother got the ROAD OU;; ~~AVA~NG Ode ~f the moat eensa~on8Ildentific dis money to do It with but ahe did. DUMP .mt7olt ,S.VJCB . Coverics "f modem times Is an imt1-~nu lWe had a little blitter furniture READY ~ ~oREi, . hair, ..maltn tbat re, than the most of the 101ks around atone natural; nor· malc:oiorto ....y ·ball he~ with the exception of Beans . 1.0 ,",hue'. m,n MID)! and ChaSes and some more of the SaIeiItlCic investigat.ion bette.r educl'-ted people. And . folks , II;U reve81ecl that gray , ~jinDiany~,"?ay visited 'aro\ll1d 'there too; even If , ):Ie aue .to • •Itqmln ' ~ey had to walk 'mU,e8 or#de 'miles '. . ' dl!6dency. ,~"l8u • Itave alao dllooftred tbeiMrtJcular y ~ I ·h{'rs~~bo.(lk ,to db it. There WlS not-Ii'tanilntbatl.O~IOl'i!etoi'e~)1 In' g e'!se' to'':dO "n~ . y',:,One da u two
lU't. "'.
Rev. Jobn Pe&rson, pastor ~ tlie M: E. idhun:h ~f.6. In 18'12.73, dted at! Cincinnati ,W.edn~.y. Jos. Can'oll of Harveysburg, dted. Thursday ilfter a lo~ illness: , ' MisS lMary Sh~ dfed 'a,t 01,nCinn.a tl Wednesday' llofter a short illn~ Of, lnfluenBB. · . . 'Ilwo-bitB buys a Thrl!t stamp. , Buy it nf1W ,. " , . Lt. ' Robert Samuel. Waltnn and M1BS Ruth Hartaoct were IJl!U'ri~ , oCt. 19 at' the home f!l'" the bride. . . Warren ~unty!lS usual; went OVer . the top quite considerably fC~ the Four.th UbertY' Loan. e The !epldemiC situation In . ~p 1s '1Jnpl'OVtng ~lng to Health Offlcer Ellis, vm,.o,s&ra there 'Iibout 1'75 ;' cases , bere • . ~ b,ave ~~ no , deabhB. , '. ' , ~' ~ To ~. ,tmd Kra. ,J,P(.mk
SaD . ex, t ,: rave
".11_ .r,'""err' ..'.H.... F.,.."'Ioti.
' ~to
tbe hair.in lucb·ca-. Reports
, ,. ests mnCJei DelICate I'einat~b'e reaul ' , , " l/ot"d~t"Hnt-notadrul-t1t?.. , riNdl~llt". ~ua1ile food 11\ , . >lemilat.lf)'oU are among-the mm ,,', 111~le who fihd " themselves haM · a~ In bualnessor eoda1Iy, 1?ctaU5<' • ~ bait. mill! c:oupon below (or Writ, booklet about this nfutve1\1l '~
1~"tamIDda.covel7:. T,b«eisIlOC 'I' Db....don.,80 IIIIICI
Tol;eot-V1.amhtPi-Od.9W.WUh~~ . \
:I!I...vo III
4"1'! 5' S.rnlII'JlBIr DOQlI"l.,tI'1 <e
.. '1"" " g1tis, ne!.bbors/ ~, e .~ the rI!lE~~:;;;;:;;;;~jE!~~~Iiti!!!Iiili~II.
Coming To The Xenia Sunday.
w. Offer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dulte were ' Mr . and Mrs. Wm .. Doster and weeIt-6ld guests . of relatlves In chlldren. Mrs . Ada. Risk. Mrs. WUlielm1na. Underwood, and little Dan i Dayton. 1el Wilde were gues\.S of Mr. and • • • Mr . and Mrs. Robert · MWlger Mrs. Fred Braddock on Sunday . spent several days last week in Miss Naomi Earnhart WI\S the Jamestown, v1s1tlng tlle~ san, Rolly, week-erid guest ot Mr . and Mrs. and fam1ly . • • • K. N. Hough and famlly . !Mr. and Mrs. Mort Lang, Mrs. • • . PaUline Le.ng, Mt's . 11da ntompson Mrs . U . G . Whetsel was In Coand Mrs . OoldJe !Parrett, all of lwnbus during t he past week where Hamilton, were dinner guests Sun- ahe was called on accOWlt of the day at lI{r. and Mrs. Walter death of her lnlant great grandWiseman and fa~ . chUd, Joyce Jean . Jorda.n .
Satisfactory . .
·. -
At All
• • •Of
Nni. RQss Bode wa.s the week-end Clllveland, spent several days 'Wlth his mother, guest Of Miss Kat hleen Oraham \ Caro:t La:1 ·I~. (C:lal Romero and Sonjm Hrnlt .Ppnrln8 ill • Kent from Vema ,IW'i .. 1Ma.rdla, of Bpr1ngburo. near iHarveysburg . . -~""! w~Jeck 0IWe1Dd Woody 1WmaD _ ~ ~ • • • He left Wedn~ by plane for :Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hart and Florida. daughter, Janice, and Mr. and Mrs. evening at the home or Mr . and • Jack Brown of. Richmond, Ind . , Mr. Mrs. Joseph. Chapman at WaYDes1Mr. and Mrs. S . D. Henkle 01 Leba:.lon and 1Lr. and Mrs. Ha!vey and Mrs. George Stroud of Dayton. .Ur•• W .. Uer ((earlC'k, Corft• .,oad... , ville . . Mr. and !Mrs. Seth Furna.s and Mr. and Mrs. 'WIlbur Clnrk wer"! Burnett of lQitle were llnoner guests 1Mr. and M.~. W. E . StrouJ ~were of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cha.pman Sunday dinner guests of the Claud Mrs . Harvey Burnet attended the Sunday evening dinner gu.J3ts at Stroud te.mJly. Farmer's club Thursday at the home the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Culous on Saturday evening. • • • of Mr . and Mrs. Fred Ha.gemyer, Younce 4Illd daughters In Dayton. • • • iMr . 8.Ild Mrs. Wm. Strader IUld near Spring !HIll. Mrs. LoI'en. J8mJson and chlldren M.rs. J . W. 'S inger and son reinfant son were Saturdai evening Mrs . Leslie Oray and Mrs. Frank turned to their ~e In Kansas of WaverlY, Ohio, !In. Oharl~ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph KUJitIs returned bORne Sunday e.v e- City. Mo ., after an extended" vtslt Doom of O1ncinnati, fMrs. Maude Fowler a.nd daug'hter In Dayton. nlng after spending severe.l 'days with Mr. and Mrs . Ewing Stumm Crane and Mrs. Russell 0II.r1' ~d • • • with Mr. and Mrs . Ben Hawke In and children and Mrs. Jane Nightaon of Lebanan were Thursday cUnMr . and Mrs . F. E. Thomas were ner gueets or Ml's . lreDe HenderllOn, SUnday guests of ~eir son 'I n la.w Columbus. Ingale on Route 73. !Mesdames Ina Lotlg8Cre, Addalce Judge and Mrs . John J : Jenkins MnI, Grace Vice and 1Lr. Claude and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J . M . stroud. Earnhart and sons in Beavertown. Barger, Margaret Johns, tA.lJt'e Breck returned to Washington D . C . , • • Mr. Earnhart is quite ill at his and Mary Marshall spent Wednes- Friday atfter being entertained la.st 'lbe bllr event of the year I Tlv3 home. day In 'Dayton. week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Halloween 0e.m1val at the b1«h Mrs. La.wrence Elliott and son Everett marly. • • • acbool Thurada.y. October 28. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest ButtP.r- of Centerville a.nd Mrs. Everett IM1sses Carolyn Campbell. Barbara • • • worth 'Were sunday dlnner guests 01 Kenrick and chlldren, were Lebanon Barger and .carrol Longacre were Mrs. ILurle indY Ia spendlng sev- Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'He66 In Day- visitors Saturruw. among the guests at a birthday eral days In Olnclnnati vIsltIna 'ton. Miss Roberta Faiklmsteln of Leb- par~ Saturday at' the home . ot relatives. • • • anon. will demonstrate the maldng MTs. Kate ¥oU1ks in WaynesvUle • .. • Plan to a.ttend the Halloween of yeast bread and rolls ext Wed- for her llttle daughter. Sue Ann . Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Eckert Oa.mlval and Bazaar a.t the high nesday a:f~emoon, O ct . 27 lit the Mrs. Walter &1ker of near were BUndaF evenIng ca.11ers of Mr. sahool Th\1l'llday, Oct. 28. home of Mrs. TherlE~ Jones. Ridgeville and MIas Anna Selker of and. 14tB. Oharlea Terrell. . Mrs . aeo.....e· W~~r and baby Mr . and Mrs. O. J. Farrls of Springboro, were Friday guests of • • • -g daughter of Ialanoll were Sunday Oakwood were Sunday evening their niece, IMr!>: . Kesler Graham. Yr. and Ml8. John W. Kersey 'Mr. and Mrs. AThln Emrick had and 8011. Char1es, were IIIlWrlC those guests at Mr . and Mrs. D. R. gueatB · of Mr. and Mrs . Kesler Oraham. for their sunday dinner glle.:;ts, Mr. JlI'e88Dt at a family cUnner at the S&l.I.sbury • • • IPfc. Melvin Banta who has been and !Mrs. Leon SaltsbUry and ' son. home Cit 10'. and Mrs. Joe Kersey Mrs. Howard Sheeter and daughat Camp Lee. Va .• is now at~.endlng ~endell, of Wa.shlngton O . H. , e'er In Ld)allcm. ter of Clnclnna.ti. are guests of M1l1tary school at Washintrton, Pa. the departure of the .l atter who enMrs. U . O. WhetBel. Mr. and MrcI. Amos Cook 01 near ters the army next Tuesday. 1Lr. and 1Mrs. J. N. R.oblnson and Waynesville called on Mrs. M.arMr . and Mrs. Therie Jones enterson of Dayton, were Sut:\day guests garet Johns Suhda.y afternoon. ~lncd to cUnner Sunday the followMr. and Mrs. Thoma.s Collins of Mr. and Mrs. E. F . Earnhart. • • • and Charles 'Collins 01 Day to ,were Ing relatives: Mr. and ' Mrs. !:twIn lI(r . W. H. Allen fell at his Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Nutt of n~ CentervUle, Mr, and heme Thursday. mornlng and has Mrs. Walter Kenr1ck. Mrs. Earl Momn and son, Garry, of beer! confined to his bed since ·that Mr. and 1Mrs. Harvey Burnet Waynesville• and Mr . "and Mrs . J. time. • • • were entertained to dinner Saturday B. Jones: ' Mrs. LllUan cmBne ot MBdUon- .------------------------~------~~--~----~~~-EYES EXAMINED Mr. BasU Mardlll
~ome WapM",'e
• •
~e ~unera1 Dial 2111 -
Rln. ,,11l11.iIl
~ ~
.. 'l'IIuIat UI4
. . . . . . . '. . ebupl f • •, &be ...... _ . . . . ' ...... ~am ...... Ilea. A W.' A4 ta.ertea f . a...._II~ .. te.wOnL
I'Oa IIAUI - w.&tmI PI'OchIII* ., K. ~. LdluOD. OpeD
....... 'or Ole
JOUr OODVens.aoe.
PbDoe II L.
lOB 8AUJ..:-.00mpJete Une t1l etaUdDer7' tor ·. . .M' me Guette CJtfice, Prloecl irom Uc to ta.OO.
~ ~, Paper P~
, iuI4 0I'UIIp 8Dd ~ ~ paper ~ t.ba& HalIrieen pe.rt,y at the Gaeta oIIIce.,
a .....
8 A1 1I. i1Ie uprigbt PaDo. CIaIr_ Temtll, N. MaUl ,Geel. WQDeniDe.
QuItm.· Wa,JDeIv1De, O.
~ 6 room mocS•en hmplmr. IIII'IIP, 3 room
. . BAl '_ _lO
canp. ,~ .~e broocIIr I ~. beD bOUle.
,bOUle. pnrmkD
}louse,' rabbit
Dow: Ibown bJ
bQuIe. In acelleDt ooudltlon, · ~ 'J bodem. J)(llaeuJoD nOw. ;I.eIa. dB aIiow ~ ' tbla home. N: ~ Beal Dtat.e, In-
C ,~. MaCUooeer. YI&yneaVWe·. ·~_l. ~ TO BUY. Pcl·~dWoD.
Trumpet. in
lIust tie flrIt .l lile.
· Otber m'-k:a.l 1nItrumeDtI.. Obaa. ~ Ma1n atreet, WlipeavUle.
. 1_1. _____._._r
Dr. C. E. Wilkin Oiitoniebic Eye Specialist I
" 4. R. Wade; W8Jll~e. I!IEJIR BAUI ...... 18S'J five passenger '~ . (Dn:penaUSedan. In ~~- ~~.oo: ' Phone WaYnes'I'IWe 87. f
~ ~tructlon 10.I
.. . . . . and • sk1lled mechanica, I' ~ at '!be Bed10rd HIlla Oon-
.. ~ .00000raUon, R. R. fio. .. 'liIiIIKl_ ~, OlUO, or Third . . . ElLtenIiIoo, Hl3bway No, " , . . . Com AIr Serv10e Command
...... a mUea
Mr. and M1'6. K . C . RJdge of Marton. Ind., viSited · witb ~e (olks here la.st· Saturday anj ~ day.
• • •
Col. and Mm. Lewla E. Llnibert of Camp Braw, N. C., were guests of Mr. and Mrs .. gyerett To:.l1'ly a.t their home In IQtJe Monda.v even:" lng. .'
and addrea .. ,
FOR H:A:LL()WEEN. . .~ t'
Black ~d oran. cr,epe paper, · p'l am napkin.; paper plates:and CUP'.• •u~table f~, boi or cold. drink.. " . ' .', ~
last month, this '100-pound pile . ~~
furn 011 lights When 001 in use, and wbID .leaviog bome olr '
AIIG ·2 5c hozed stationery, not pr~Dted.
withyour . ~e .
If you used a hundled kilowatt ho~!
Don'llurn 01\ the (()Qter or' the iroa befpre yo.u are. rHd)r~to' \1M! it. Tum it ' ofl~'wbeol 001 in use; ' ."
Turn off tb~ radJ9I when DO ooe is .' !~ning. .
coal representS what it took to mak~ "
it: :.Coai·is. sc~c~: .~d y~Ut goyern. ment ""an~ y'~u ~~- ~nseive· i~. Save coal~sa.velmaD~wer-··'save tta~.:" portat~0!l ~. by ~~ving efe~tticit;t 'I
. I
Dr. S. S. Lappin wID be In charre
or Ute Sund:ay Service. MORNING SERVICE 11:00 A. M. "IS TlI.ERE LIFE B'EYOND?" ~-- --
.. ---
Even1nr Service . 8:00' O'Clock
CONCERT SVNDAY-Z:30 Mr, Murl Nolder wi1J live a Concert on the llammoncs 01'10.11 Sunday afwnoon at Z:80, You are lnvited!
MAX W. RANDALL, Minister Phone 2993
Is abroad in the land . It hIlS be .n all summer and many of you kn'Jw
. IP,~. I· G.
Mr . Mrs. 'Petry J. ThomJ!oS and SOD. Bob and H. R. Fordyce ate ·d1Mefwiih1&-. e.Dd Mrs. Wll"..· Uam O,~ and chlidren, Sun-
How you can '
make a kilo~att hOllf of elettri~ity:
9 1:2 x 6,
QI~urdr @f QI~rist.
"Yes, it takes a pound of co~i' · tCJ
m~~ _lt~lUS&Ult '
1 ..
evenJns In spite Of the .bltlna wind and ganies were enjoyed In the house. ~uta a.nd coHee were served at ·;"la.te ~oUr 'by ~ hoa~. IPreSeD.t were ~. and' , lI(r~" Carl Whitis and oblldren. Mrs. Forreat ~er· and ~tera. 1A>r~ aDd MartJlai aU at Dayton; . Mr. and Mrs, Tun iPor~ and SOil Douglas abd the -hosts and host.e,sa . WB. GeOrge MOMlchael ' entel'tained In honor of ,t he birthday ~ huaband ThUl'8day 'I1he pesta. Were l4r, lind Mrs. parf1el~ .Nerabti and' Mr. '8lld 'Mrs., Paul !Peterson and of
G~FT .BUYING will be • problem this tear, b~ you can solve your gift problem very ea.ily by· leaving an order for Stationery or Callin, C.rd. with us ••• both make ideal tifts. . -
&an and H. R. "rdyce entertalnect - - - - - - ----::-rtr-'. .~"7"......,~~-----'-:'_--_I.5UIf1G1lY evenlnc--in-honor of the \ib1rtbdl" of Mrs, Julla, PordY')e; A JW18net' rout waa featUre of i.be
Mr. lB. 4. Cornell \Ulderwent an operation at MOCleUan bospltal on.. Monday mol'lllna and !WW be con1lned there ~or several ~.
It an~ have taken precau.tlons, but oror those of you who <lid not know of the danger, better Uhmune now. One owner told me that they were hauling out &bout $150 a day of dead hogs. It Is not only heartbrentkJng, bU~ cholera. is' the _greatest I\I ..~. u .. rleUc I I', '1 QIIU.... Cur.'"", "ont F. ft. O. COok. misSlonary 01· New 6abateur of t.bem all. York. deJ1vered a %IlQSC m :;.,>testIng ta1Jr.. at the Berean cllU!8 meeting la.st Thursday evening at the Ferry churcb. The coull(;Uon, a little ovel' . Mrs. Bert BunneU. Correspond en' $35 pius $25 frOIll ~he olass trea.:;ury, . Mr. and Mrs. MorriS Lewis a.nd WQS, given . to Mr. Cook to carryon son, Jerry, pent Sunday with Mr, .hif; good work 11l Wle clLy 01 New and 1Mrs. John Koeste.r. York . Bebween 65 and 70 folks wer~ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pfel!fer and present and :landwlohes and pie a.nd daughter, Jane, spent Sunday w1th coffee lWere aerYOO. Duets by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Het1l'l Pfeiffer. Maurice H\Ulter and Mrs. Cllnton Mr . and Mrs. Banner, St.ewa.rt DuVall and Mr. M. M. Holton and spent S\Uldayl with relaUves . -Mr . Floyd HUghes were mucll enMr. and M1'6. Bert BUJUlell and Joyed: . daughter, Ruth, and 'Mr. MiUard Misses AlIce Mae and ~rah Ma.r- BiLl1 spent sunday wlhh relatives at . garet Ansley ~d Verdena Titus of Loveland. COlumbus. -were weekend , guests at Oallers at the Bunnell how\! over \lhe parBOll8ie. M.lS.se8 Sa.rah Ana- the rweek-end ' were 'Mr. ,and Mrs. . ley and Ver4ena TttuS Sang a dl,1et Omer Boldrey and daugbter, Mr. at church services sunday morning. and Mrs . Levi Bunnell and fam1ly, iMr. Carl ThOlDaB and. daughters. Mr. a.nd iM'rs. Walter Pfelff~ "",d Allce and Doria &nd their 1t1end, d8ug'hter, Jane. Ellen Shaw ot xenla, were Sunday dlnner iiJedta at J4ra. Jennie
'l'lI.oulU •
.2 00 Sheetl . l00 Envelopes $1..50
t;.. rn..,oa."a'
Mr . a.nd Mra .. Theodoro L\1clIl~lre and sons, Charles and "JImmY RaY" of ne~ New Burlington and Mr. and Mrs. i.cOnard EWs and oh11lren, Doris Jane. 5\JSQn Gayle a.nd Larl'y of K.Inim&n and Mr. Walter Wllaon 'wue guests at Mr. and· Mrs" ·Ra.ymond Wilson, . Sun(lay . Mi-. and Mrs. Dale MIller and son of near Grcenvl11c, spent the weekend with 'Mr. (uld Mrs. DonBid Halnes. Mr. and Mrs. Rnymo~d Wilson had as their guests Sunday evening, October '10, M1'. and Mrs. FraAlK Braddock and Mr . and Mrs. WII1'ren Braddock. Mr . and Mrs . O'Neall Warwick ot. Latoni(\, called on Ra1f>..1gh Bogan Sunday mor.n1ng. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hames were gue"ts of ROOert MoMillan and wife or WUmlngion, SUnday evenIni. Mrs. Glenna WllsGn, Mrs. Jeannette Ellls and children r.allcd in the Bogan and Smith bome one evening laSt week. 'Mrs. Ella Hames and A1ice Haines ool1ed one afternoon. IMrs. Olenna Wilson vilJIL.id Ella. Wl1IIOn In New ' BurllDgton f'riday nigbt_ iRalelgih Bogan and wUe took dlnn er with LucY! Compton Sunday. We are glad to iwow that Mrs. ErvIn ~er'~ mother, Mrs. Maw'ke Staltluck of WlUtt;ler. Cal ., is Improving alter a serious illneSs.
~~.~----~ ·------------~·-'nr~,~~p,
Are You Puzzled Over Wbat To 'Give for Christmas'Tbis Year ?
all imprinted.
.... ..._ . . . . . WOItY. . . . . OR dIDr
.J '\
• • •
Priced $2.50 anel $3.50
)ala. 0bJ0. ·
home 011 Mr. and Mrs. Mack. Davia.
26 S. Detroit Street ·
~ SAl B -4Q~ OIhlnet, used bo ~tb8. POrce1a1n. top. Mrs.
_ I",. ____ 11.-0
lWas ~ over~1ght
at: the panonage
Tbursda~ :
~~ ..~ spent)aat.k visltln,.
dster, 1Ml'8' . Jen.h1e .TJiomas Or I; " • SOic1&1 ROIW Ro6d. I " iIl'. P. J .. ~ attended thl! miletJ.nlt Of .the BelIbniok . Wel(ar~' club, at ~ , ~ool 'I'hl11'Sd.ay afternoOn • .The ·~t·, and second grad~ ~t,ai1 ~e I:'~' I ~, club pla.~ a ' ~een !.~ catnlva:1' I.ThUl'lldat ~; . Clibtcl6er 28, 1Jl ·the auditorIum. ACOUDtry 4tore fiab ponti WIil be ~ ;. t.he features of·fered iU!tt 'lUJiob Will 'be rierved 1n the ~fe ~. Prlzee w1l1 ~ ' glven. Thlt ~ey. raJBed is ,t o ,buy .new 1JOok.l tor the· ecnOolllbtary . . . " ~ Iflft funiace 18 being ·,tn8ta.necl'
In. the~e.
Hog .ral.se.-a iat~ 1 war~t .Ch.Olel(4
"FOodtght Glamour" . '
1:1'1. '.ITED STA1!s .WAR 80NDS
lHN~k=I='2~-PO~UB==TB~~YEA=~ · ~B------------------------~---
Light Vote Is . Two Local Men Expected Here' Inducted Friday Two men are ' among these Next Tuesday ~ inducted into the a.rmed services by
Massie Rural Honor ~ame Roll Is Announced
Solicitors ' For Natl. War Funci Drive Here --
The band concert beld . at the I 11igh achool gymruiBiwn rp.ctmt.ly l~ H . O . 'MIlligan, superlntc':ldent c.l -1-> raise money for un!. a nLS M IS Massie ·Rural school at Harv !Jsbur. ~ el'y sllXXle&lful IlIld b _u lit in . has relell<ied Lhc follOWing h ~no r rei Tuellday, November 2, the voters Seledlve Service Board No . 2 a t sev eIlty ~lve dollar.... T he c .. lll;el'L f Th ~ following solioitors anU toM ~on, Friday, OctWeI· 2:1. They the first sLx-weeks perlt>J : for of Waynesville and 'Way.ne township good mU:SiC under the dire~ t!OIl of territOries assigned to them for the ! tF'IRlST GRADE - Daniel Wlld National War Fund Drive in Wayne w1ll ap.ln ba'Ve the opportunity ct are: Olrl Oook, who will go into t1:e Mr . .SOOIleld was enjoy.e d by a large .Teanette Spray, J ames Mi llard, AlseJ.eotlng the men who w1ll conduc J)$~ and Joseph Hartsock, who is to n~r of .people. At the da:lce fol·township have been announced by bert Wa lker . Jerry Henderson, Mat" the pUbUc offices tn tbe1r respective enter the army . lOWing the concert. lihe n ..-w dB.~I (.e Wymer L. Drake, chairman ot the others indicted were as follows : Ellwlbeth S a nders, Charles Lamb. comDlW'llUes . local drive . band mode its d~ut and pJ'()lltises Lo I SElOOND GRiADE-M'lr iet~1l Bel.Oharles- James, village Cl erk. an- L. Bealford Conner and Roy Wal- be very popular with the dancers . Everett Early- Lytle and I'ioinity . nett, Marilee' Boga n, Billy E'oJCl. nounces that voting preclnctll for lace, botll ()f M()rI'OW, by the mar drum majorettes we e Tryouts for Wllllam Stroud - Ri~evllle road . Shirley Ann Plyml re, Guy S teffy. and Stokes road. , WaynesVille will ' be located at th · ines; Ralph Ford, Owe.nvWe; Ralph held laat WEek, and by popular NW Oha.rlton Morrow, and Marvin carr, 'J I8lI:RJD GRADE-Shirley ' VoleI'. usual places In Waynesville . 'All the following were chOlle!'l : Jane Kenneth HW-.From corporation lPatty Kin g, Nlnll Hobbs, B ~ tty BL' Une south on 42 to township lrne . voters Uving north of North street Olarbv11le, 11)' the na~; &Il(l Bert Wilson, I30nnie Peters. a nd Hazc. D. HarrIaon, Deer Pa-rk; James A. ' gall. Edl'· lhe May R ich , Jail t Doster -will cast their ballots M the flrl} J ess 'Prenderg&!;t - All- territory Cook and Ohrlatopher Btb!rt, Mor- ;Yint. FOURTH GRADE-Louise Man u enrtne house e.nd those south 0 ' near his home . School will ' be dismJssed Friday. row; WIWam Vaughn, ClncinnaU; 8her, III Morgan, D:lllas Boga n, .Ma! North street at the home of ol.r. and Howard Bradeen and !.conard OlUford Veldt, Madisonville, Nelson October 27, so tltat the teachers may l ion Osborn, Bobby Gentry, ~icha1' Ti nney - All of old Hard-SCrabb:e Mrs . Emerson Earnhart . King, Hillsboro, and Russell Am- a~tend the meeting of the South, Villars. An extremely llg'ht ·vote ts expectwestern Ohio Teachers Association school district. bUrgy, Fosters. by the army . FIJFIT1H. GRJADEJ.--Mowa rd Doote ed due to the absence of contests . a t Cincinna ti Friday and S..: t urday. l{e lIer Hoo,.k':" The road upon Jimmy Bogan. All incumbents of v1lJ!l4re offices M1cELi••UflWU8 SHOWER .Oct . 29-30 , wh ich h e resides to ~ute '13 and SEX."I"H GRlADE-.Jamcs Wisema , th~ nce to COI'WIn. are candJdates for reelection but wlll HONO&S NEWLYWEDS oAppllca.ilons for War RatiO'l Book Mary Belle Bogan, Pauline Moor ,' have no opposition . Rdbert Furnas 4 were · tilluln at the hlgb school Oct. Allee . GoM-;lUver Road from 'lfor Wa.y.ne t..ownship trusLee, .KenOn IFrlda,y evening, Octnber 22. M~t King, Donna Rae Jl' r l'b Corwin .to township llne. :l5.'26; '¥I from 2:00 to 8 :00 p . ITALY-The rotula!ready cleared of minell, Allied IIOldiara jam along Man Jo RIch, Dorothy DeFoart neth lHough and 'K eller Hoak tor 1MnI. Je8IIe Malcolm a.nd Miss The pupils have enjoyed half holi- , column of jeep' that head for the fiehtlng lI(1el. Thil party wee one Mrs . -VwgU Wlikerson - Corwin members of the school board. and 'P auline Reedy entertained with a or the lint ~ enp,' enem)' troo,pl in the battle on the Italian Betty :Bogan, Mnrt~ !l Lukens, Glad~ and Patterson Canna. days on lbeae da.ys : matn1and. - _.- . --Charles Joy for constable, all In- .ml.ilcellaleous shower honoring Sgt. Kerns, lP~lJs Kerns, EthP.I Gentr: The first edition of the school 'P o A. Runyan~~. Holl,y . ' aumbenw, have no ............ lil'C)D. The and Mrs. Daniel Mayne, the tormer Kenneth Wilson, M ~J'Y Ann Carne:: ,Ronald iHalwke - !Route 42 north ~........ Mias AUce Reedy. at the hoine of paper, Waycehan. was on sale FrlSEVEN'I1H G~a.rilyn Con from corporation line to Mt. Rolly. only ooDtest Is between Maynard da.J, Octotler 22. The 150 mimeo- &lTES roR WAYNESVILLE FORMER MISSIONARY Welts and J08. Tbompeon tor her I)U'eDUI, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood . ley, Dougla.s Reynqlds. NATIVE ' WEDNESDA Y S~ MARY'S CHURCH Mra. Fred Furna.s - Belibroolt Reedy, at near W~esvWe. gnpbed copies sold In a very shorb EJl9IH"lIH GRADE-wUma HOBle. pike. !After games and retreahments the I time and there was demand tor Wayne tawnshtp clerk. Services were oonducted Wt dnesOn Sunday morning. October 31 , Ernest (MOOre. Frieda Belle WUlIam . Clarence Ed.war~P'eI1y to- 1lCII'Two tax leVies are to be voted ~ppy couple opened tbelr many 75 more. Wl'Ien the next l.ssue comes day at the Neeld funeral home In will be a celebration of the son, Eugene Weng, Betty DarIv'.B. there upon, both ha.Vlng been In eftect for and useful gtfta, Tbose present to en out' Nov " 5 the s......,.,t-,· hl'....... to k poratlon line. ma e Xenia. tor Alfred Warner Hay, 26, Holly communion at 11:00 at St. NINI1H GiRlWE - Owen McClir . Laurence Brawn-WaynesvWr to eorne l)'eafs, but which expire aoon. joyo the. evening were Mr. and Mrs. enough copies to meet the dE'tna'!ld. Cridersville. Bal.Umore anll Ohio M8.l'Y"s Episcopal church. re.n, Thomas Reynolds, Colleen WU - Lytle. The fin>t Is a three nUll levy on be· A four y-~ in :07_ Eco Henry Watkins and fn~" .. , Mr. and -- course _ !o.ume n- braltem&n, who was killed In a raU: The Rev. Warren A. Seager. asllamson. half at the local seboo18 and the Mrs. Leo Conner and - - -daughters, ... ........ - 1....., Ml'8. Olive Brace .- High school ....., ... now u., ered',so that . any road accident fat O ttawa. 0., Sun- sociate mlnlster of St. Jolm's TENTH GlRArDE - Doro thy Mc- teachers , IiecOn<t a levy of two and ·one-haU pupils 'Who desires may obtain four day . A native of Waynesv1l1e, he church, Roanoke. Va .. 'Rill be the Grath, Mary Lou MooJ'c, Jack Rey mUla tor ' loo6J vWage purpoaea. Mrs. !Leo Oonner anQ daughters. credits Ip this subject. . Vlrgl.nIo. Hardin - Grade &Chool in Xeniawith an uncle, George celebrant and guest prea'Cher. The nolds. Irma Helen Tietmeyer, Jell! llved BoUt ~ levies ahould" be p&IP.d and M'rs • . HenrJ K&uch. Mr. and OUr f1:r&t basketball game is teachers . Rev. Mr. Seager is e. former rots- Rloh. m order to maI.ntain the hs,h atand-. Mft. Paul Puis and sons. Mr. and lICheduled for November 5 with W&rner . Ka.thryn G1bbon&--;ltoute 73 from stonary in China, and his sermon EJUEV(E]NT.H GRIADE _ Doroth) 11.1s wtfe; a SO il, Sul'vlvors Include ard Qf .our sOhoola and extra acUv- Kn. Buml'tt ·1Alcaa, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Morrow bJeh school. 'nle game will Waynesville to township road. . such .sa uaah George &:hubert and soD, Mr. and be held at Morrow and lWill begin at George Warner; ' hls fa ther, Marvin will be lIIbout bhe Chinese and our Lamb, Elberta Rich . ttlell of the Harry Shruw - Wa.yne townahlp BaY' of near Troy; two brothers, missions in 0llI.n&. collection, street cIean'"-, etc. Nrs • .Adam LUcas, Mr. and Mrs. TWEI.JFTH GRlAIDE-Ruth RuncC! near Oregonia. . .... ;t>_ y .~- ft".I da,,_hte .... d 7:30 p. m. ;......1'. ~ -... _ , r. au. an Btart Sgt . Robel'!. Hay . of Camp Gladys FnirchUd, Walter McCarren , Lamb - Main and water RoIJert BuketbaU ScheclaJe Mira. Beber :wca. and 1IOIl. Mr. and ~recke.nridge, .K iy . • and Pvt. Ma x DINNER PARTlY IN OBSERV,u,CE Addie Pollitt, Mary Marga~et Ro- str~et.olln co/:,poratlon • INTEBESTING PItOGBAII .... ~ P .... an d:NOV. S-NolTOW ... . .. .. . . ... Away e~, lUI . - rs·· . ... _ - ...... ........ Hay at Oamp EQwards. Mass. ; a OF BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARIES\ bertson, James <Reynolds., PROMIS~ AT MEETING OF Mary l!la.rnhart - ~ Mrs. Mrs. Rd»ert Reedy and famUy. a4r. Nov . l~pr1ng -Valley . . .. . . Here mSTOBIClAL 80ClIETY and MD. Homer Reedy and tamUy, Nov. 12-Bem,rook . .• •• ...• Away et.epsLste.r, . Mrs . lMarorle - HAlc ·f In commemoration of the birth street. 7 q.,oulbvllle, ICy " and a halfstster , days of Mr . and Mra . M. A'. Fulw . c. St. John-.Four.th, street. Readers of the iMJ8m1 Gaae~ and Mr, and Ilnt. 0UrtIa Reedy and sOn, Nov. 2O-Qem.el'vllle . .... . ... Here Donna Lou Hay. 01: near Troy. kerson, Mrs. Robert Lamb and A . Amy BoUey--lJi'l.tth street aDd reothers are inVlted .t o attend the bl- Nt , &Dd Mrs. Kenneth ~d1 and Nov. ~- .. .. . ..... Here H . Stubbs, birthday dinner wns mainder ot corporation to IQItle NEW BUSINESS OPENS monthly. meeting of the Warren daUlbter, and Mr . and Mrs. Bert Dec. 3-Harveysburg ....... A'fI&Y IN WAYNESVIltLE held Tuesday evening Ilt the home The Woman's Society of Chrls.11ln road. . , County' HlatorJcal Boclety at the Sheehan; mflJ!damea Hartley ' Banta, Dec. &-Pa1rmont . .... . . .. Awa1 Serv.lce held their regular monthly Glenn F'ry&-<From h1a home to Golden IAUDb in Lebanon neJrt Moil- MIlo II11tenberpr and tunny. LlI- Dec. 1'7--o8prJngboro • . ...... Away Stanford Bogen, who former:y ot Mr. and Mrs. A. H . Stubbs . Those in 8Ittendance were Mr. and meeting on Thurroay afternoon at Race bridge... day evenln4t ~. 8 p. m. , Uan Qane aDCf laD. Robert Frl.end, Dec. 23--Iaanon .... .. : .... Here conducted .. sign painting 'business Mra. )Tettle TInn.e y-Qorwbl. · Due tq t.be populartty 01 \lie pro.. Ira K~, . JAacene . KMIlng and .o:'an. 7~ ..... . . : .. ....1. ~...re, In Lebe.nCIh, basmc)ved Ute buslnesl Mrs . ~ Lamb, Mrs . :Mary Ivins,. the horne of Mrs, ~l! ,~er .. :y.!1tl SoUCiton/ are IDOtlfil!d" t'*"t gram Oil; the Shakers given on: July .dauahter, . imd Miall Cora 'I'hoIQaa, Jan. 8--al'rank:11n •...... . ..• . 'Away to WaynesvUle an~ now occupIP.s the Mr. and MrS . M. A. Pulkerson and Mrs. A. E. Osborn, Mrs. Waite: 15 and the 'fact that many were pre- Mr . and Mrs. Elwood Reedy and Jan. 14- •.•. .• . .. .. . .. .. ~ . . Open room recently vacated by the daughber. Zana Mae. Mr . and Mrs. Whitaker a.nd Mrs . L. V. ' Bran - necessari bla.nks and I!t1cla!ra zDa7 vented IfrOm ' ..ttenc:Ung by inclement -daughter. the honored ruests and Ja.n. 21......Harve~.urg ..•..... Here Waynesville Insuralnce Agency, near Wa.shlngton 0ra.IJ8e . Raper, Mr. stra.tor as assistant hostesses ;'" De- be procured at .tre Waj;oMvm8 Ve.n Pelt, Mr. afId Mrs. Webb votions q! .the a.ftemoon WNe I . Drug store. weather, the pr~Comm1ttee ba. tbe bosteaaee, Jan. 28-8prlngt>oro ...... . .. Here the pc:i6t otf1ce . SqUires, Mrs. BernJce Hough, Mr. charge of Mrs. Mert Baird and th t!. Mr . makes the faUowlDg arranged to' conUnue Utls prOl1'am. ~. 4--'K1ngs M1lls .... . ... Away Mr. Bogen lS a : andidste for and Mrs. A. H. Stulltla and chU- character study ·for thla IMetln g statA:menta: C. H . Young, Lebanon, 'w bo rea4 QUA&-TERL~ MB~TlNG OF Peb. U......IOarlJale .. . , . . . .... Away mayor of Lanon at t he elec~lon to dren. Yvonne and Bllb. was very ably given by Mrs. RUSSell "The grim bua)ness Of war Ie to a paper at the JUlY 5 meet.ln8. baa POMONA GRANGE Feb. 18-Morrow . . .. . . . ..• ... Here be held next Tuesdny . Ever:ltt WllWtlson on the livea of "Mary an take Ute . ' • " with guM, ta.nU, COllected addJtlonal data and will llama, a candlda.te for mayor at 'llIe quarterly m~ of the War- 'LOCAL MDRSTBB TO SLUMBER P~'lU8 AT LYTLE ''Martha,'' Ifollowed by Mrs. B _ bo.mbers, battJeahl~: present it. wU1 be inVited ren County Almone. Grange ~ll be LEAVB HOSPITAL SOON Morrow, moved to Clarksville two Earnha.rt 8inglng in hllr lovely man. 'The hUJll1Utltartan busIness 01 to' recount ~rsonal recollectlo~ ~f Thursday evening at. Sprlngweeka ago. As ·the ballots are printJanice and PhyWs Burnett were ner, "Beautiful Garden of Prayer. " democratic clvWana Ie to salvap the She ers who resided wbere the -p receded by a basket dinner a.t IM'ax Rand&ll. minister of the ed, both men's ,n ames 'Will appear hostesses to their annual slumber Mrs. George Smith took for he Ufe and hOPe • . . With fOOda, clothpresent Otterbein home Is located. 7.00 p. m. on them at the New . 2 election. ,WaynC!llvWe Cburoh of 'ChriSt, who pa.rtles tor their school chums on s\l)J~t. "The Volunteez: 'Woman anc' Ing. medical suppUes. tndnlng Dlor. · 'Rev. J. R. OvenD1lJer. ' supertn Detrree work wll1 be c:ooflo>..r:red by 1a cootlned in Blair hospital at . lIn locating at 'VIfayneavllle, Mr. Wednesday and Thunda.y night at Her Church" and gave a paper ale, advice, and · flnanlClal ~allce. tendent of ot!;erbeln. ~ present ~e a~. Pomona d~ee teem lli t;.ebanon convalescing from au op- Bogen states bls business will be theu: boole 'I n Lytle . A delicIous which ~ grea.tly enjoyed by ellety"Paradoxlaally, . uhd~ ,ocwer of ,~ pictures of th\! Home which lJil!lud. p're~t1o~ 'f or the state Granp 'eratloD tor append1c1tls, is to b~ re- more centraUzed. fried chicken supper a~d a gab fest one. Durlng. the bUiliness session. greatest war the ' world baa ever a numtMlr of !the t~ Bhd~ .meetl.ns In OIhoinnat,1 December 14- turnfid t.o h18. home. bere the latter that lasted weU into the night were much time WQs ' given to discuStllnt known, the gre9b!st s'llvage attemp.. bulldln8a. FA!OR TOBA(lClO QUOTAS 16. . part of the week, according to word moot enjoyable to the girls each plana for serving lunch at the Fre are belIig made, Unitedly. bY ~DJ 'Ibe sept.-Oct. ~e of the Bocl. IA DUIDber 01. tnembers of Pa :me~ from the ,boIIplt&1. Greene ooun-ty-burJer td:Iacco night . Furnas sale. toreea tor good. organJled Into the ~'s m1meosraphed bulletin be On Wednesday, JlUllce entertained Orange Iw1ll &t~d' the meeblne. Mr. Randan'8 !>rot.her; joe ,R an;' gt'1JW'e1'S tavored marketing quotas m The meeting adjourned ~ meel NaUonaI War Fund. And if we are .:naUed · upon request to anyone InOft1cera ,tor INt-'5 will be elected dall, a 8liu4ent at the CIncinnati a referendum vote taken there So.t- IfJazel VIDt, Bon.nle Peters, Raylyn with 'Mrs. L. C. ,R adley ~ Novem- -fi)ifflf1.he pesce, It Is' esae.nt1al that wested. Address your request to durlns the bualnea aeaa1on. B~le 8em1nary, w1ll preach at··both urday. Ten of the 19 ellgtble grow- Orabbe, IAnna 'Hlldebrecht, IRuth her at which tlme Mrs . Raymon we continue t1t1s salvage of th~ vICMarlon Sy,ndet:, Editor, 433 Ward momlng and evenlng ser-v\ces Bun- ers voted. 6n d e Igbt 0 f these were in lH . LeMay. Ina Gruber. Martha Conner will review the 'book, "Tlv. tIms at war, starvation, disPosseslon; SP&lNG VALLEY WOtiAN SUIW avenue, ~on, Ohlo. Wilma Bw1'ace nnd Ruth A. _ _ _t"""'.......-....... onfusion. . FOB AI.DN.\TDJQ 'QECTIOMlT:day==·a=~,=-tb=-=e:;:-':;::b . =urc:h====.====-___-r~~or . ~t ma'lic.et 'luotas for three Early, Robe ." Johns. "This Is , t he task of t,he Natlo~ ENTEBTAiN FRIENDS AT . years. The other two oPPOlled q\,lo V~ s SBWlNG Gaoup MEETS Dellolous gingerbread with wh1~ The .guests of Phy1lls on Thursda) Lovey RuUt -BlckCl' of D:.y(on. BALOOwBEN PARTY AT IIN&TSOOK. HQME tor IIhree years but favored a qu ,t a Ped cream and coffee was serv.e d t o War ~d. born of war .and related ~es abe ball been deprived f __. _ '" tor the' 1944 cro;p. Twenty- -fl ve 'Alere: Patsy Ba.lrd. Nonna Gruber, aIbout forty members and , friends . to the peace by· ertectlve wocl.Pony .IA:iu. and Billy Wiseman en- the love aDd affeCtion of her hustion with local home agencies ti.Mrs . Max D. Ha uook Ojl~ n(.4 I: r ;l.:) .:; In G r::ene couu Ly are plan • Polly La. Wiseman, Yvonne Stubbs, tEl'tained a. group of , their friends baqd. Earl, 'whom ~he m.:uTled In 'lovdy new h<mie on Main stref't on to b urley toba.~ enoh year, pr.u- Norma Longacre' and Phylll& Balley IWIARREN COUNTY M~ f)IES health, welfare and recreation; to and schoolmates . at a , HalloWeen fW~n C. H. June I, lIU9, In 'Ilbursday evening for the Volunteer '2 ~pally in Spring Valley and BugoarIN AIRPLANE CRASH stimulate tho raising of a4!lqllate TlIREELOVAL STUDENTS party at their home on Main street 'a 'sult ·,10,000 dalDll4te.:l med in tor :Vkltory group. They s~nt the creek townships . lfunda to Serve I;he needs on three ENROLLED AT omo STATE iPl'lday evening. PrIzes f~ the beet .~ 'Pleas court In Xt:nla evl!nJng in the usual manner of Lt. John W. Zlnk, 22, son of Mr . fronts. the Innttary, the UnIted Na~ COlitumes were ·· ..wInded to BJJl7 patf&UUli RosIe Bonhmts, Sprlng"Val- sowing and t:nJttInc. XENIA STORES TO REMAIN Ohio 8t&te Unlvermty·s autumn and Mrs. Joseph Zlnk. R. R. 2, Uona, and 1lhe A~rican home. StWbs and Warren Sheehan . During the social time d e l!,~ ~ \1. "The National War Pun:t cam.. . OPEN ON WED'. AFl'ERNooNS quarter student body, numbering Franklin. wa.s killed Sunday in an ReC4'eshments were ' aervec:l to the refreahmen~ were served tG Mias nearly '1000 young people from all airplane· craSh two m1le8 northwest palgn will lot 'under full headway ID UTUBN8 TO ClAMP lfolJowlntr: ~ BurDett, PhylUa VllV1nIa Biacllburn, Mes(!am.!s J!lrn. Xoeni& retail !;tores which hGve 88 counties and most of the 48 states at Concord, CaUl., Army Ai>: Base . Warr~1i eG'¥lty and ill Wayne townBailey, Patsy Ba\td, Yvonne Stubba, est EdIrlnaton. Oarl 'Ferguson, J. L. been closing on Wednesday artei'- includes lIhree Waynesville students. A telegram from officials cd the ship In putlcular by the lMt of t.hle ' H avinw enjoyed . a _-day furlough ~onna Longa.cre, Wuren Sheehati, W1llIam Sawyer, RObert Gray, noons announced Monday a declillon They are: Oh&rles A. Anderson, M. COncord base said Lt. Zlnat wa.s week and the aoHc1tons will be ca\l'With bJa ·PlP'eIlts. Mr. and' Mrs;' 'BWy Davls,- Billy Btuib Bobby Howard PsormCe, . AviatIOn ' Cadet B . W. 8cot1eld. F. ·U. LeMay, Ralph' to remain open evell')' day In the fu- Margaret, ·Hoak and GeorgI! M. pllotlng a single 6IlIine fighter on ine upo~ y~ t~ ~ con~lbuuan 0IImipbe1~ 'Jacltle Harold ture, beginning t1uJs week. . Mengle : a ~i1tln!l night when the .mlsha.p tor thla snat ~-Ume C&u.ee. l1 by , -I 'n.DUIi)- 'ftlI'enOe left f~r. · N&sbYiue, Parka and Bernard. Melloli . Stanley and the bQllt and hoate88, OOilurred. Zink received h\5 com- lIllY' ch&Dce JOu are not ·aoltclted bJ Tennessee, early .. SUnd&.)' morning. NEW VBNTyaY OLUB 'MEETS mission and wlnp two w~ks ago a. 'WOrker, Wlll , you Please g\.ve your. FAMILY GA~~ IN T«mni ba.-; been elaaa1fJed ': aa , a """A-Y ~BNOON llfter more than a year's training . oontt:Jbution to YOI.II' r\U'!ll mall car. HONOR -OF B~TBDAY pllot aDd apeot.a to ,let.ve NaahvWe, rler or leave it at the local bank at __ I,vhere b8 Ie now atattoned, for Max'ibe New Century club ' enjoyed with ~e O( .~ aoUclion. The .• .at Mr. and Mr,:'l' R. H. 'ftU PleId.:Ne'wnA. for pre-Wgbt. their Qltd)er meetfilg a~ the ho~e I DINNER BONO&S BIRTHDAY meet Ita fOr ~ ~ cause. Hartaock was the acene (jf a happy & WIlli ·beI.t pre-8leht nine WC!l. ks 01 lira. B. L '.- ThomaS on Frl":ay Mr . e.nd Mrs. J . P. Thomas en- townahtp 110 1f,1lI ~ ~ give ... fami).y 'ptbU!ng on 'sUncia.y when, tben '~ OIl intG ' prImarJ Mrs. Ha~ry Burnett: was ter.UUried to ·dlnner Saturday even- much as P,OuIblet · .M you :knO'f(, Mr. Hartsock ~leb~ted h1I birth- ~ : 'IQDm)' Ukel tho oAnn1 the.,. of tile .afternooo : · . ing hc:>Doring the birthday annlvers- Wayne ~ ~' q~t: falled 'to . daf anluveraary . . ' . . \tery D*lh' aDd' ooDaidera the '&if' .. Por the "IM Cli1~o' v,,~s Ii.ry at ',thelr daug.hter, Mrs. Virgil F. un; Tim Hurley, 'nlst. ancs.', · ThOSe pre$8n·t <WC!l'I!: ~. cOttI. .. '"tOPi. "" ".' taken .for ~e subjeCt· with .. very Russell, of Lebanon , ~ the past , 1IAt!1 ~ 9 tb"; soOcl and J.l.ne Bartsoct· at QXf~ paper' Biven"by '" Mrs. a. The guests wer~ Mr. and I'4rs , ~rd tor ,the ~ 0( OW' ,bofal" \ Owen·HartsoC~ Of Incl.\anapolla. · Mr. H , Sdett.oo sl~ of many b>!au. , .. ~u8seli. Mrs. Merle Gray, inci Mrs. IA. Z. ~. ep4I I1h. , Olarenoe B\U'cfI~er at ~n. tiM _08 were 'l!hOwiJ, tiy '· Mrs·. Mary Satterthwaite and Mr. HOT LUNCIQDJ 'l'O"D( AT ~ :Ames and son of, ~, .. eoJd. Ill-acre larm in .w.m-" RcIICOe ,PumaS. 'These wu~ tnk n . GRADB B~o, IiONDA"i' Stlbbs, all of Lebanon. Tney u:r~ -and Mrs. H., O. BarveJ; Mr. ~ ~, to lJOuIa :P. Schiu--' bJ' MIll; ~ when ~e · . vl"'~ed . the evening playing 5110.. aDd MrS. Alvtij . :aaney. au,! ahil- eter. uf,. Qo1cUe :., YOUDr.< ha, MaIco aDd .a , very Interesbing Ce· ) Idreo, Mr • .and'· Ml'a. 'lIarV\n HOIhIr farm In .• 8ee&Ib .CIrcm ~ 01. ~ oae ' w.l5 if. lIell ·l:.y GtlEST 8PEAKEIt8 " ~d of ~,J(rtj. ' WUJDn IbuIe ~" .li)_ her. ' Dalnty refr~e.L ~ IOIIi'Betty Davta,ana Kn, RUth LIndIe7 01 ' ~ ." the ·1 Qteas . . "
W. S. C. S. Meets At Conner Home
James. -
'». .........
~~ !
~ 8ObuboIa baa I01d a. 1011 . . . DflU' IbiOw to .. . Dr.mtt. 1obIl" 8. " "·M preiaMd •• 'lI .... -lieu- M_~ ......... . 1IiiI
. ,
"1.4~I, GAZIE TI'£
mVII8DAY. 00T0~ 18, 19U.
'; "- .- GtlJe .-iami C!9a;tttt " . . . . ... .
WaJDlIIv111e. Ohio .- . ,
, 1Mr- ~ ~ney an,!, M I' . Bntl ,'=~====~;;;;;;;;==;;;;;fJ"I' MqJ· 'JiIerber~ ~cMilIah . Of Ollve Bt;am:g, entertained a com~y 'or ME'fH~IST ~HVllCIJ t.belr relatives at 'their home Sun ..ouls c.: lla4J~. :Putor day, f~, t.he, pleasure -of the ' omier 's son, Robeft "Downey , who Is h ere Oil a turlOllglh rrOm Colorado . " T . IR. S tephens of OUerneyville, was a busLn ~, vlslt.Or in t.bls communit y ~t .k~ · SCA.BJ.;E,'I\ t'I!lVEacA8t:S The hom of 1i4r, and Mrs, WUIeThere lire twO .ml8C8 of scarlet man Is Q\larant1ped on acc~UJ1t of a fever ui Wayne township and one case of sce.r~et fever, ln Masslo, I accorc;UIig to RUIldell , Frank Jordan, who hils ooen emBentley, 'deputy' healt h or/leer . . m . ployM in the Waynesville canning .factorY' for several weeks, ~eturi1ed to hls home here, recently, ' ST. ARY'~ EPISCOPAL enUBCH 'M! . and Mrs. Kone E1am and bwfn da ughters, of ~.arveysbl l1'g, who &:.Jph PlItt l\llnlstu . in Charge were fan ner residents b era, wer e Lebanon vlstiors, Thurday. _ hun:h .:;chool at 9 :45 1\ . m . Lee Tnlmage and,J essIe L . ,Oru'ner IUUlUnl \-11 :00 fl. m , were visitors In Wllmlngton, one day 'CHECK YOUR FIRE INSURANCE last week . 'Ell RY CHtnlC11 OF CHRIS'r H u beri . raham, Minbter P 0 L '~ C Y II
W. W18eman, Editor and Publisher t,• ~.1~ . , lBSOBD.llVERY ~Y
. . . . . . . l,"rIDI. ,1.80 Pel' Ye6f, Pa.}'able in Advance
.\' ,
Fro~·.. r~ 'Fatrlt' p,iary•• ·I )ij ~dge ~ 23: ~ ~ OctQber~ went ,to work. and buU~ a We' "
pa:l ,
. ;TWa ..ta, ~ A topsy turvJ year. Yes, today we tbreabed our little: jag , 01 apriDB wru.t and oat. t.ba.t have been st.dted since July. It was a qUeedon whether let would \)!l worth Wblle . or nat but $'a.w at twenty doIlaia atond.ecidedthequesUonfor us. 'lbe aprmg wheat. the b:l'rt at It where it Was fel't1llzed. ma de about fitteen bUlSbela to the acre QU.! the rest much less. . U la oooler and more comf:lrtable to cook a thre!Iher's dinner no" &tid With ' the w!leat 1n the atack it took fewer men ~ It would ha~e \'~'n a1l
bunted all over 101' materhis Ilod had to get a shorter piece of lron .tiban be wanted bUt be t1nally t.OO!t what he coukl get and bunt t.be Dan . That meant tba.t t bey bad to shortten the turn~ and tha.t took ~he best pert of two days. But at lasL everytbing was ready alld abou L noon they ,began to grind. By three 0'el0Clt t.he last of the JuJc:e was ln the pan and beg1nnJ.ng to steum . As .the clouds of steam began to roU lIP. clouds ot anoke ')egan to pour out of every crack an.:! , there waa great nmmng around and sLopWore noon l! vie had not been pu. boles and cracks , Finallv lJIey able to bave the atr8>w b&led that 'PUShed the ~ire furtlher back in the a1tenloon, It Wall a lOvelv dllY an j furnace &.nd it began to draw again . . by bad 'it , ali sa!eJy In. the barn Four o'Clock, the Juice began to boU Wore it bePn to 8pr1nkle. . and we began to ~. Five o'clock J; had a nJce retter train a J'eader it waa still bolling anp we were stW teJJ1De how she cfeeds lJI.lIllPIon to skJmm1ng fllld .tt was still juice and &r con, She cuu .lt 1Jl tbln ptece!, not ~ea. The clouds bung low'Iialu. it, and IP~ it W1~ their er and the .drizzly rain conlJ.Dut!<1 . 1I'OUDd' feed ana IlOOQ ~y llke d WE( saw that we were. 1n tor a long well enoIIJIb to eat it, P1li.1n, I thank aeaalo~ ~ I went ho~ for , the her and,'I .am 10lDe' to '. try it. ,Jao~ ~d a 'few sandwiches and . TueIda.J. More adven~ in aor.. h~ed baa,' S~ waa pouring stwm ~. Lut year · w~Q Til' out through the cracks in llie ,root .' . - ~ the, old eo,rs:hUlll pUll, 'n and amoIte lrom the ehimncyand ~ t.be 'evapOra.tor ~ cam:! with 1nslde it. was alread.J duk except it but ~ WIa . .tterecl and detlt!!d 1at: the .ligbt from 4lbe cracks around .aDd '1rouJdn-t'iIian4lo,e1 eo t.!lat. we the furnace doors. ~1x o'clocll:. it was 8Dorched ~ ,"Ui other bat.cb 8tW bolling and we were atw. sklmoi '1IIOJuB. All t.Iie tmie 'we Yo'ere ml.nir and waa aWl Juice, not mo~ IDY ~t kept arumb~, ' laaae8. It was .' '''reete.r now b~t sttp "l'f' rwe ~'y had a p8.n, a bf( f1~t bad that green ra.w ~te . Beven . pui, -we oouIid make !1n.l mo- o'clock, it was aWl boning and we . . .: .. SQ . th1II. year 1nBt~·.1 of were stlll ~1ntr. I t bad boned cJeentDl up b , old evapor~tot, he 'd own about ba1t now , We coUld hear the Wind: in the trees outside , ,.' and tJte On1lb.e roof. . It was bArd to see tIlioudl the clouds of .~ by the dun lantern l1~ht , but the juice kept" on bolling and we kept on s1dJmJi1ng. Eight o'clock an4 it was almart. dawn . to a ~ aDd
still ~ molUae6.,
The clOuds Of steaIn were blmml\bout by' '(uat.8 of wind 'and every once in ,. iwob1te
IWbiJe the fire smoked ega1n. o'clock &.nd &:u of a sudden thlnga becan' to It beip.n to' boU With • creamy' whlte foam though .t here 'WaiJ aWl ' a little Ileen to be cif.f. ~ 'It ~an to ~tl ,aksmmed . ,
.ru.:ppen. '.
CA I(Y ~ S •
f. • .
ftoue '17
and steam. soruer,hlng 01. t1 ve joy at ~ tllld ~lCe::!iSUl1ig sometblng of your &:l make our 0iI1l tDQltasses better i.han '/.he best f t tJle stores. P . S, One pa:ragnpb laSt
should have read. - Dand., with Its stress on leu:DinI manners and proper ,socW beba well as the lateSt 6~ .Is a help In c wtllng rowdY bella . " DaDelng l~U . to . my mind. is neilbe£ gOOd .nor bad but it takes its color tbe surroundlngs, tbecbaraeter· and tboughl.!; of the people tat:ing put . Teach ch1ldren \0 ~ 3'OUll8 ln proper envlromnent and whell are adoleScent will enJoy 1 in a proper and wholesome manner ..
a. m.. Blble &Choot lMS a. m.-Communlon. 9:
PhoDe ~~
! ,"
. ~.
e A1hemao v.:hleh dled • roe of m recent
,&: . (lomplete StOClt ", I , 'Olothfn, and Baberdaabery
, '
I~T,'.•• 'WAL~~AP.R ..~ , WINDOW '"ADES ' ~ Vler_,OLA 'I ,
, '
. "RE~O.DS
. A'l' LOW PRICES phone ' 8 .L ·
. l
tor the pubUc'S inditfer,cnce , when coal mille ope.r ators. oU producers or meat packers drld ·themselves Rlallcuvered into. an unte:Dable posi-' .~lon · , ~Y lIome Uroup with more I .Go'v,~tnm~nt fqrc!.ng ·prcldul:eFB ure in II enlola~year ,bia:mo for "that. f.-csh" ..1£.;....' ...' 1,. las it'Has ~~. ',."I" U
o~:piJ·~es .~~~ttEiC:t ;" ,pallq~elr.
a ,record .m eat 1ri " al)UDcf8J~ce
,. -r-
~EST~'" AUTO ~
' -'
_ .. f
.... F
Will, pay $2 00 for Dead Hortes, $1.00 for COWl. Sheep. Ho.s, Calves and Colta
ST. &UGUSTINE (lH1JBCH Fa ther ~ts. Pliest
SundaY 9:00 a , m.
coming of cold we~ther' means the .tart. ing of lieating systems, and the danger of fire is greatly increased. Make lure your Fire Insurance Policies are in "working order" too. Consult your agent I
INSURANCE AGENCY C. B. Je!,kin8" Prop.
Suooes.sor to LeMay ~a:wlle WAl'NESVILLE, OHIO TelePhone 2861
The only FertillKr Planf In
Max ~daU, Minister a. m. Communlon 10:65 a. m.
Phone , W aYnesvill~
Co~ty ,
Bible 8cbool 9.30
Preacl11ng, 11 a. m. .,Junior End~vor.7:15 p , m. Senior En ·e.1 vor, 'I :15 P. In. . .Communion and preaching. 8:00 '
Flrsf. Day school. 11:3" a. m. Aleet.lng for Worsh1p. J ):80 a. m .
er Adolt Hi er, .r tunJst.. n i s tb ibelore the present war he used sUb confusion to aeeo.mplish astoundlllg ~. Once when he V.ClIlted t!) take ano~ cherished Uberty ~IWay from the German people. aDd teared trollhle doing It, he seiDt orators ti)roughout the em~ire CIS go\'emNOTICE TO TAXPAYERS m ent representatlvn to lorag about the value of the very pdvilege he Notice la bereby given. in; oompU- pla nned to abolish. Their! when he &.nee with Bectlon 5606. c " tl.llt a bruptly: took ' it away, 'the p~ple '-be tal: returns of Warren County, were too stUnned ' to resent it or lor the year 194,3, have been zevlSed know who was to blame .. and the valuations Completed and Our Own l'roublles are open tor public lnapectlGn at t h(: , ' Nearer home, clrcumsltance. are of.flc'e of the county auditor in the developing gradually wnilch certaincOlll't liouse, Lebanon, Ohio .. ly threaten ,Amerlca as. "'The Land , Complaints a&9tna~ ~r valullt10n of , the' Free. " Quietly tllte freedom or lLSfes8l1lent, excep t the valua tions p( Private E,n terprlse is bellig pa ra· fixed az1id aaaessments m ade by th e lyzed; the American way of lite entax ' rrmmlllioner of Ohio, Will be dimgered. Choking Private Enter. heard by, the count y board of rev la100, at its oKlce In the court house, prise looks less serious tban if. say. (ctJarion, Ohio. on or alter Novem- electloM had been abolished and the press gagged. It would seem worse ber 5, llK3. coinplaint s must . be m ade in 11 the right of assembly were withWl'lWl8, on blank!; furnished by the 'draWn and th~ . prlvUege 'of worship county auditor and flled 1il Wa .ottice dwell. n would only .eem worse, on or before the time llmited lor beJng more drastic. Actually. a -threat to elither of the paym~ of tax~ lor the flrst half year, or at. any time during which other , freedoms would blring much taXe8 are received by the . county . QuIcker: . an~ more vlgoro'l1II oppositreasurer. without penalty for the tion. UnfortunatelY the public . lei· ftrIIt half year. . " dom recognizes the sertousness ' of .A. M . PARKER, an attack on bustrles!I. 'blut th.e filet Auditor of Wari'en bount y : remains that 'Pl' i~ate 'Enterprlse II ODe of the four corner, posts of bu. man lIb~ rlY; pillars that will stand " or J ail together: , . . Tbe Four PiUl&l~. l.-Popull\r Vote: 'thEi rlgllt of every man to 'a voice in the, govern. ment Ul'lder which be lives, 2....,.Free Speecli: · man'. ,inallenabl~ rignt to hav~ thooghts and ex. presl! them to other people. ' a.-Free Enterprise: man's right THE FASHION SHOPP,E to work, earn, s,a ve. ' buy •. own prop. . erty.' trade and ge~ gain. WOMEN'~' eli m8SES" APPAREt, ~ . ' .. 4, - Worship: lh~ rlght .celt every In. ' For U ' Y,ean ~anoD'1 ~I telllgent being to worsnip God as , , . his ~n.cIGDCe dij:tntel. .' '. AssaulUng one 01 theae ca'r dlnai r ights 'Is to 'attack thetn' ~11L A shot • f ' ;0 fir~d at , the balibt;p(>lt 181 DO .worse FRED'S DEFT. STORE 'th"n a thrust. at . tree : ~c)mpetitlon. As · certainly as Pri~llte Enterprise We Oatil' the Eriure FamUy falls the baJlot-liox will t.6siPle with . apd Home It, for they are ' all one structure• UnfortUnately Ole drst siege Is on Since 1885 Phone 360 'P rivate Enterprise. , which . many people consider the' least. sacred of our liberties. ObserVe bo~v little dis. tui-bed :(110 ' col~uminlf JPublic haa EARL B. DAVIDSON bcon" about conaitlons" til the coal JEWELER industry, ' Is " pathy T'oo 'i'hls 2t N. Broadway .~banon Big bu s;: . c~8 ha s been obliged to , stand for a lot at unfair bemeaning Phone 321 1\1 since . ~he , rel a ~ ~el~ mild adminls. tra tl Jn 01 a t Ql1IIer Roosevelt. the SPIEGEL'S SHOE STORE 1 "Trust Buster.'" ,Villlficatlon' of big Shoes for the Famliy business was recogniz~cI as good vote,getting ballyhoo as 10Qg ago as XRAY FITTING 1910. and c fice-seeJcers' hnve Itarted ~plete StOck to (lhoosfi From new cp:de m ics o( ,lt every __......._..... . Phone ~ ~ year since. This" I bellev,e. accOUl'lti I
11 :00 a. m.~ermon . 8:00 p. m .- Preacb1ug.
p. m. You are 1nV1ted to come and wor~p wi th \la.
MT. liOLLY 1\1. E. (lUVR(l1i 't'. iL Searll. alh~lster . sunday Bcbool 9:30 a. In. E. A Earnhart, suPt.·· , EVening 8erv1ce, 7:30 p. 111. Pal8yer Meeting Wednesday eve. ~, 7 ~30 p. m.
Eet.a&e 01 Morne G, (lase, D~d ' Notice Is herej;)YI given that. Howard W. case, whose Post Office Address Is Waynesville, Oh;i~Llias been duly appointed Q8 IJ\dmlIlllitrator ot the Estate of MoIlle G. Case. late of Warren Oount:v, Onlo. decea.aed. IDated thlB 2.2nd day at October! 1943.
Bob"11 Dairy
~~ieaol'" p.,.teut.ized
' aAlJPH H. OAREY'. '
Dairy Products - --~" ~r
. .fa6~~";'z¢, . ¥il~.JFor Your' Protection
Judge of th,e Probate Court .,Ph• • ·2537 ·, . , , WayneaviUe, Ohio Warren County, Ohio. '. OA!RiL AiB'~ Atty. ' st-ll ." ,.. , ~ '" Try,, ~e. MlllmJ C?azo~~.!.,!,-W ~.~Il.:.:n..:.t...:.A;;,;d;.,:II_!.:...--,-_ _ _ _ _~--..,...-~--------------_ '.
;'6.h9ppittgGuiile ·.
.J( e nla
" ~IIM~~~~?~.?!'?~U~din'
MaJn St.ree\
Mr . a nd Mr. , Oaroy Shwnakel' ha.ve nnn<?1ilioCc1 t he marrjoge Of tholr ctaugh t;er . MlBII f Non~ . ShUmaker, or Ws oom.munlty and Day. ton, t o 'Ed Fred, .0, t.ebabon , T I e wCddlng, w.hic.h took place in July• . hl1(i been. k p~ a aeClret , untU 111 It week . They left l8at week on 9 ~ll p to Florida where they IWill IJlI lie! same time . B eBt wiahes 01 trlellflS are extended.
, .. ,
S~ClOie Week
TIRES AND GAS , Dan _t5:1O,, ' 8_'urda~ -atSAVE 10:~ ,
Xenia·, 'Standard-~ PartS I
i ,: -f
Truc~, ~ar ~d T~.ctor')· . Replacement' Pam " ~
, -,'
~ ., ;~~8 ,' .. t.
II Eo MaID S*,
MachiDe Shop Wbrk , l
, S~I'II Drs. 8:!lO to 6:10, ~y '
]'08 E. 'M.in " . Ph~ '2 M .. '
I !
FRED F. G~HAM CO. WALL PAPER, 'PAlNTB,SIQWS ' PAINTER'S 8uPP1.lES i 17 ,. 19 -so; WJiI~ 'St. '~, I
~ ,
r..., ~ •, . ."/ ,',. ',
Phone ~ S .,; ~, . ~, 9blo ,
"FAMOUS AUTO SUPPLY Baci10 aDd Bicycle Bepab-Iq ; W.OBK:;C~T~G , 37 ..y!. MaIn,'
C~E'C?~~T;I;I~~itj9~' . .,' " . ·.~O~'4 .. ' . 30 NEW (lABS '
'80 ..
U8.~ u~~ ·:~. , ; , "'Xeaa.. '0, "
~~, ~
. Elrbt West\,." MaIn ,
-;;ho?,e 1100
XonIa"Pblo. " ,
'J " (
, ;,
1, ' t"
~ ,, '
""'. ".
'." , " COLD'S ",
.. ,f~ . .. '...
..~ .• ~'
. 1
;':" "
'. T~t. Vhe.s' ~d ~II ,,,.l~ , , ; ./ : Q~~k .Ac'tInr ' U
,M'" o
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; . . ""iia."11J4! ·P~r:St.Ore ·· .i
Phone 1t1 B
• LUNCHES -&t. 'I(lE (lREAM . . A GoOd' P~ to Eat •
<10 89ath
Phone ·.1 M
' '. \
TO ', BelIeve (loJl&'eStion Rab thc : _ ,' o,l .. .. ..... . ~,
',". ". H
(lAPl'l:AL' & SU~LVS ,440,000 ,... ", ' Stronl - ' Friendly .' Beliable 'AOCOlnlilCH!atilll .' •
ftloDe 10 ,
..>I ~~,
Cracked , Blocks Repaired I Ford V-8 Moto17 hchaDl~
. GBtJEN' ~ATc:iIU .
; '~\' , ) J;'
c. A'-DABE
an" SQNS
Your McOorDlLJt,;~ " ". ( ' . " " to..~ · , -:' Imp.eme~~· ~ . I..
Ehlll;le 1068 .
__ It..
lC!9 w~ ~ 8~
~::~ __::~~~__~~~__~~__. -___~________~~~T~H~E~M~~~I~~~~~~~E~I!r£~________~ .
,F rom "fhe Miami G~zette Files.
Edwwd . Brasber Rogers was born \ near Ferry In 1862 and passed aWay at "his home in Leba.non, <>ct.1ber ~ . Eacb AmeI'ican IIOIc11er oVl!rseas ha& received [r,om. hI8 commanding o1lflcer one OhrlBtmas Parcel Label ,w hich he .wlll mall home ·to be placed on a Christmas Packe.ge for him. Owing to ·the death of CODUnias i~er Rogers. the' Republ1ean Cen"\iral OOmmlttee of Warren count y was called 'toget.her Thur.,;day evenIng to ·ta.ke actLOn in regar j to a iIlame on the ticket to his place. J. O. Ha.wke of Wa.Y'De townshiP. !Was elected. !n ·the meantime. some one ~vered that the election o[ Mr. udlke was illegal., as Mr. Hawke was a member 01 the COmmittee. Aocordln81y the coxiunl ~tee met Frld"y evening and elected Dan J. Miller of Frs. klln township iMIBs Georgia Hadden is critically
y ..... DS .. .t'1I>. ... _ . . __" ......- ~
cA:PiTAi: ACCOUNTS.. .... ·...... .
(October 31, 1928) MIM IHazel Dakln. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. nank Dakin and Mr. Ernest Nixon. of Greenville. were married &\turday, Oc..........: 20, Rev. ....,.,. . BaUln8al'<lner pertOl1ll1na' bbe cere~ In the p&.J'8OJlq:e of bile M . 'E : . C\}1Irch at OOvlngton. Ky. The yoUJll oouple owns accompanied bytbe bride's ,m other. and brother in Ja;w ~ arid .sister, Mr. a.nd !Mrs. Irvin MW!ord. The couple will rea1de In Dayton where both are emplOYed at the Deklo plant. rs. J. 0. , Cartwright entel1ta1ned the Joll .. Matrons ..... _"_y. 'Y ~....,.... IMrs. L. M . Henderson waa hostess to the members df the Clover Leaf dub and a fU - friends '-.-t ThUl'!l"....
IR. 0 : Younx:e and Ethan Crane owere busl~esa Visitors to Eaton last ThUI'llda.y. M~. end 'Mrs. F. B. &nderson and daughtera and M1sl9 Ruth Alcam 'were ILeba.non ' visitors Saturday . The tm:luenza epidemic hll.'J not abated ·to anY' great extent since last week. several new cases hal/e been reported. and the doctors are wurking hard to relieve the situaUon. Wm. O. Dodd of Lebanon. has bought the Jack Keever tann on Cincinnati .pike. and Hallle HathaWfJlY' and family will move on It about rthe first of the year. lMary Belle Denlel. oldest child of 1W1lllam 8.nd Loulsla Daniel. died of .the eUects or Spantsn InflUeJl2l8 October 23. J05eph Welter Smith died October :016, at the age of 30 years . .las. O . Peterson 01 Spring Valley. a . . . . . "ed .... ~.. __........ ";I' lAUe cars 8a.tW'da.y. W BJs d aughter In <law. Mrs. Frank Peterson. a bride of only a short time. callaP&ed when hearlni 01 the d1aaster from ~hlch shock .ahe never recovered and she died Suhde.y momtng . The first death from th.e effects of lnfluenrn occured In th1s vlr1n1ty ...... ft h .. ,_ a.l Th _ y w. en .... ". W tar BmiUl. died. Her husband alao stricken. died Sun.cl&y.
not all come every Sunday. "We inigbt give them thf!lr dinners," said Mrs. Bean, "tor we will nave aU ds\Y meelling anYWIlY. atra !feet f:ree "ea.ta" have on 'the most of dinners much . " SO the .1W0rd went out tmnt "Iree eats" 'Would be served on the Sunday that the preacher from 'l:'!lunder Mountalri would preach. or course the good ladles o! ,t he Church p8{:\ced bountiful baskets and bolled lard cans of coffee. b ,!t even they coulcL not realize t he erifect 'llree ee.ts" have on the most of us. Came the day and the p,reacher got up t o preach . He lool,ed aU around the room and. a plea~ smile Ut. up his face . . 'My. I did not realize that there lWere so many folks tucked m around these hUls,".he said. and proceded to de11ver his sermon. The J.ad.1es respon sible look\ d around them too, 'but with worried Joo]is as they mentally divided Ll.e
'''l1be preacher from 'I1.b.under Fred !Mountain will be here two weeks Ifram today,'" said Mrs . Bean to my • • • mother ' \>ne Sunday morning a.t SEVENTY Y&\RS AGO Sunday sobool."and 1 a.m llifraid bhat (January Z2, 1873 there won't be many here to hear J. Banda and Drew Sweet, ed1toJll bim. " · . and publ1sheJll. '''VWia.t wU! 'v,:e do?" murmured my Eddie Ohandler Is teaching a mother. She 'Was young a.nd not one SChool In his neighborhoOd. who took the lead, although w11ling Mr. Jamea Pierce at W11m1ngton. to belp. is vislt1ntr Dr. WUlamson . ~. Bean shook her head, as Mrs . R . F . Howard of Xenia. Vlsabe looked around her at the ~ew Itled Mrs. Dr. Adama on Saturday. gathered together to worship In the We regTet to hear of the serIous name at the Lord. illness 01 Mr . Willlam O'Neall. Sunday school was held in t he We are sorry to learn that Seth Liberty schoolhouse and was COIl'F urnas Is badly af1lJrcted with asthducted by the Beans. with Mrs.. ma. Bean as superlntenden·t. They had !Mrs. ElJzabeth Strlokelman of no mlDlBter because they couId not Red ldon, this county. died the ol.hsecure one and only once In a wnile er dB,iy qed 1105 years. 'Were they lucky enough to have a James A. Kearney and his sister, proo.ch1ng service . only a tew famMrs. W. P. ~. left here ' this 1l1es attended the Sundn.y school : morning for their bome In Lewisthe 'F igarts, the Chambers. the burg, Arkansas . . ' Ohases, the Beans. 'Mlslngel·s. the food In their baskets. The l"Ol'm Mr. Jacob K . Anderson loot 42 ift:4ullenax famUy. parents and a IWIl8 as full as it could be with 1.1'. 0 hOllB by the cholera. thiB season . The 'l amps ,are put up at ~he big few more; and these of conrse did people .sitting at each reak alIld 11.111 d bridge, one at each end, and' are an excellent arrangement . WaynellVllle, CIIARTElt NO. 2220 In this reapect. a t least. is f.a r ahead R.eserve District No. 4 Report of condition of t.he Waynesvllle N8It10nai Bank of Wa )IIlPsv!l e of other villages of its size and preIn the St1ttc of 0h10. at -;he: <'lose of bUSiness on October 18. 1943. publls; • d tens101lB. In responae to call made by Comptroller ot the Currency. under Bec' ! n WhY ,h ave the tavern bella cea.:sed 5211. U. S. Revised Statu ~s . their oheery ringing? • ~S~S 180m to the wUe of lWbert F. LoaD,<' aue d19counots (1nc\u r! lng $59. 22 overdra.fts) . . . .. ....... $g!ll.1l3 .98 Unj ted S\.6.tes Oi>venumnt c.bllgatlons, direct aud guara.nteed . 500.746 .70 Flurnas, a. lIOn January 19. 1873 . Obllga,t1()Il.:: of States a nd pol1t1cal subdivisions . .. . .... . . . . . ~ . .. 1Ei6.633 . 50 Mrs. I. B. Harris died of pul. Other boudB•. notes a nd debentures .. . ... . . .. .... ..... .. ... .. 410.354 .00 monary consumption 10 Jacksonv1lle, Corporate stocks (including! $3400 .00 stock at Federal Rl'SelYC bank ) .... . . ..., .. ... .. .. .. .. ... . .. . .... ...... ..... 3,400 .00 Plorlda Jan~ 111. 18'13 . The tuneral was held Tuesday 'With Rev. Cash, balsnces 'WIth oth ~r banks. 1noluding reserve balance. and Gash items In Pl'oct:sc of collection .. .. ...... ... . ...... 400 .438.44 John HalW'ke of'f iclatlng . IBurlal was Bauk prunises owned $64i)0 .00. Ifurnlture and fbd;ures $400 .00 0.800 .00 In Mlam1. cemetery. Pall bearers OLh er a&~ets . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. ....... .. . . .. . ... ..... .. .. ..... 309 .86 'Were Messrs . J. A. Hadden. A. D . TOTAL ASSETS ........ .... .. ..... ............... ...... $1.2()6,791i .48 Cv.d.walla.der. Jacob Randall, WIJLIABILITIES IIam Jonll6, Gorden J. Wright and Demand deposits of individuals. partnershipll Joel Evans. ana cOI1)lOnlitlons .... .... . .. ... ...... ... : .. .. ...... ....... $ 8S3;576.95 Mr. Thornton F. Zell of Dayton. TUne deposits of Individuals. partnerships a O. H. & D. brakeman, was Idlled a'ld corporations ... . . ... .. . . .. . . . ... .. . .. . ...... . ... . ... '10,194 .76 SUnday while at work. Deposits of Unlted States Government (lnoluding Mrs . "'ftH_"ft T ...;.OAh W'--ton died J)lJStaI se.v1ngS· .•••. . •.. . •• • ..... •••• • . •••••••• •• • •.•• •... • 149,159.00 ~ .A.I,1 '. .... &W> at her .bome In this plac F th 'lUI'AL DEPOSTI'S . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . .. $1.119.548 .2'1 da en1ng e on our DeP"Slts of States and political subdivisions.. . .... .... ... ... . 45.659.89 y ev , the 16th of First MD. . Other Deposl·t s (CCl'tltl~ and cashler's checkS. eoo.) . .. ... . . 957 .00 18'13. aged 75. Her funerm wa..; held Other il!ul-Wtles .. ...... . . ..... . ...... .. ... ... . . ... .... .. ...... 52 . 53 on Sixth day afternoon. the rell,.uus exercises blilng condwted by Friends TOTAL LIABlLI'I1IES $1 ,U9,600.80 Hannah Arnett. Rachel iHopkins and Capital Stock: ~amea Ilia1nes. Common stock. total par $75,000.00 ... ... .. . ... ~........ .$ 75,000.00 MrB. Martha O'Neall died on Bat- SurPlUS . . .. ... . .. ... . . ... .. . . ... . .......... . .. . .. .. ....... ... :18.000 .00 urday Jan 18 18'13 at .... ft ."re of U'ndlv1de<! profits . . . .. .. .... ...... : ......... .... .......... .... :14,195.68 ' .• .."'" ..., , . 81:~ "Uft.... . TOIIAL OAfPlTAL ACCUUNTS .. .. . . ..... . ..... .. .. .. . . .$ 147.195 .68 :vn .-.wA~utter, lb. :a;c; lard. lb. lOe; ens. dozen 200; iCYI'AlL UABIl.II'I'IE8 AND OAPITAL AOOOUNTS .....•1,266.796 .48 dried peach lb 120 chlclt doz MEMORANDA . es.. ; he8lt ens. . Pledged ·sase.., ._ $3 00 flo .. 00 (and securities loaned) (book value): . ; JU' • ; w : $1.50; (a) United States government obUga.tlona, dJrect and rye 6Oc, com 3Oc; oats 25c. !lax seed guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other t1.36. barley 50 at SOc, hop. cwt. lIabillties ........ ...... .. . ;: . : :-.... ..:;-.. :-: ......... 2AlO.OUI .25 13.75. S.b) O1.her &BSets pJel4;ed to secure deposits and other h&bWt1es (tnclud'.l1g notes a.nd .bills red.Isoounted ar.d securities oold under repurohase agreem~nt) .... 5.005.00 N~~O-;X~~~NT~ T::X MILL LDIITATION u_Aur ''!ed~hW't'1es'':.' ....... .. . .......................'... .. . ... .$ 211J5.0:n .1l5 '""'" -iNOO'WE is hereby glven that 10 (a) DeposIta secured by pledged QllSeta pursuant to .... ___ .. _ of 10--1 tl of th reqUIrements or la~ Wa7ne~ ~ ~':tct of th: ............................. .. .. 184,841.:n OClunty of fWwren. State of Ohio. TOTAL ............................... , ................ .. I 184.841.22 passed on the 3nd da,y or August. state of Ol1-lo. County of Warren, u: leu. there 'WIll ~ submitted to a I. Rosa H . Hartsock. cashier 01 the above-named bank. do vote of the """""Ie f -'eI W solemnly swear that the aoove ata.tement 18 true to Ute bee\ or ......... 0 -ayne my knowledge and bellet. Rural School District toatbethe NOVElJIIBBR, ELBO'I'ION beld 10 • ROSS H. 'BArRTSOOK, Casbler. · aa1d School District. Waiien County, ~·orn to and subscribed be,f'ore me th.I.s 23rd daY or October. 11143 . ob.1o, a.t tbe regular placea votlns . 'W YMER L. D&AKE, Notary Publlc. therein. on 'I'Uelda.v. da", of lSlIlAL)' ColTect--Attest: .. the ....... UU November. 11M3. Ule question of OEe>; J. WATERHOUBB levyq a ~ In acess Of the ten ~ a!lARLY mill l\mltat1oo lor .t he benefit of ' . Bl!mH E. !FIUH.NiAS Wayne Rural School District for tb1! DIrectors.
Merle KernS Sch'Wart.z.
. (OCltober 30. 1918)
Along The Way
Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett, Mrs. ned M. Cole and Mrs. A. K.
-~ ________~--------------------~~'~~~S~D~A~Y~,~~~=O=B=~~.:I~~~::
up all around the wall and the back 01 the room by, the door was solId wl\.h 10]lts w.ho came to hear the preacher. . Well, the preacher was h4pPY as he preached to a large crowd and who am I to say that his words did not fall on 1ertUe ground? B.u t aIter dinner /WaS over they sUpped 8IWay one rb y one and the aIlP.rIIoon sel1Vice was presented to a vel)" small olowd and t he worst of It W .l~. none o! the strangers here that day t:ver came lback again. If tha.t 'lreacher is still o.live. I wonder l! he silll thinks that there were "so many people tucked in those hiUs" c.r if he put ~wo and bWo together and was In any wa.y grateful to ~he women who so ga.llantdy conducted that Sunday school a.way 'b ack In the hiIL9'/
LYTLE .U'N. " 'Ultl"
I(rurh' k.
c.:urre.&tu.u~ .. ,
Mrs. Robert Hunt Is ma.king an extended visit with her son. Dr. MorrisLon Hunt, and f.ruly at Boaz. Ala . Mrs. Alice Clark of Waynesville. was In Lyl\Je Thursda.y and accompanied Mr. and !Mrs. Evere~t Earl~ on a <business U:lp to Sprlngrielu. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray, son and daughter. l;J)ent Swlday W'l tll Mr. a nd Mrs. Fred FIsk and family near Independence. Ky. The lormer's father, M.r . George 0\·6Y. acoompanled them home aIter an extended Visit there. Mr. and Mrs . Wllllam Bcrgdal . 'Were entert.a Ined to dinner ::;UllLlay at the home pf the lormer's brother and wife. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwal d Bergrall, in Dayton. .I Mrs . E . B. Longacre spent Thursday and Friday with her mothers cousin. Mrs" Hollingsworth. OIiar Oregonia. Mrs . Harry Groham spent Friday witb her mot.her, Mrs. Susan Saylor. In Dayton. r ....,... . 1 . .....,., Jan ce Burnet entertain ed a number of girl friends to a slumber party last Wednesday nl8'ht. :Mrs . C . T. Miller and Mrs. Kes'ler Graham spent last Thursday In Dayton . M.r. and Mrs . Earl Young had 8.s their week- end guestS. Mr . and Mrs. Albert Young. oI Qallfomll1. C alYin 'Longacre was 5evpre:y burned last Thursday at the K1l~ore Manufacturing c'ompany at VandalIa h his ft' thin ht f ' • w en ",,0 · g caug Ire from Ignited """"der. The fire wal >""~ extinguished by his co-worker. Ralph Barger . 'Mr. a.nd Mr3. Walter Kenrick and James Haines. aocomp&n1~d their nephew and niece. Mr . and Mrs . Ben Round of Dayton, to St. Marys Lalte at Cel1n& and spent the weekend at ,their cottage there. Mr d...... W1lb lark . an ..... s . ur C I In oompany with Mr . and Mrs. MUton Sheehan of CentervWe, and Mrs. ' Alice Clark 01 Waynesville. were entel'talned .t o dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggs i n Do.yton. Mr . and Mrs . Therle Jones and son. Milton. 'Were dinner guestg Sunday of Mr. a.nd 1Mrs. J . B . Jones . In the aIternoon vlslted Mrs. M-ame Sidenstricker In Beavertown. 1Mrs. Therle Jones entertained the
D&r attendea ·t he M.
E. conference j)UJ'I)0e8 01 ''Current Eapenaea ot ... at New Rlcl.lmond. Ohio. last week. ' Sald. 8chool Dlatrict" at a rate not ----', __ .....~ mll'- 'f h IAlnches are now be1ng served at - ....... WI or eac one the h ...... -"'001. The "",,",,'h"' ,_ UD- dollar or 'Valuation. whith anlIJunLs ....... ....... ~ ... to Tb1rty Oenta 1or' eaCh one hunder the direction of Mrs. Josla.b c1red dollars at valuatloo. for a peDavis. . r10d of five years. 1944. IH5. 1946. The M1am1 v~e1c1 Trials 1947, 1948. aasbc1ation held its sixth a.nnual The Polla for said Election wUl be open at 6:30 o'clock A. 1M. and r cfield meet on the Collett ·f a·m, near main open unLU 6:30 0 clock P . M . Harve~rg. last Friday. ,(Eastern Standard TIme) of said Mrs. O . iM. Robltzer, IMrs. J. D . day. 'Marlatt, 'Mrs: ' Fred Cole and M1'&. By order of the Board of Elections, Walte~ McOlure are spending .a few 10f Warren . County Ohlq. . ' . V. H : RUSSELL, Clerk. dB!' in O?lumbus, the guests of Mr" . Dated A~st 25th. 1.943. '
• ••
""00.1... .
NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX LEV': IN EXCESS OF TilE TEN ' MILL LUIITATlON NOTICE ; Is herel,ly given thnt Iii pursuance of a Resolut on of the Vj.llage CouncU of ,WQ.y;nevUle. War~ ren Coun ty, Ohio. passed on tl1e 6tll . day 01 September, 1943. there will be SUbmitted to a vote of the people . of said 'Waynesville Village at the NOVEMBER ElLEOTION to be held in Waynesvllle VUlage, Oblo. at the regular places of voting therein, op Tuesday, the 2nd day of November • 1943. the Question of levying a tax Ln excess' at the 'ten mlll limitation tor !.he , benefit of Waynesvllle VUlage. Warren County. Ohio. for the purpose of "CUrrent Expenses of saki Village," at a rate not exceedtngo Ilwo. and one-haH mills for each one dollar ot valuation. which &.mounts to bWenty - five cents for eaoh one hundred dollars of valua" tlon• .tor a period ot .five years 11144, 1945, 1946. 1947, 11948 . > The Polls for said Election will be open remaln at n 6' :30 o'clock til A 30A.'ft'1M.k and P M .,.pen un ~ 1' : q ..... oo . '. (Eaatern ..standard Time) of sal day. By order of the Board of Elections,
for Salt At . Jhe-RoxanDl' Canning CI. Phone 2878 ' ,
QUICK 'SERVICE For .Dead St••k ·
of' Warren Coun'ty, Ohio.
XE:NIA FERTILIZER Reverse Telephone ChlU',e!I !\lain 4M. XeniW: O.
E. O. Buohsleb, . . .
4ii...ture· ...... :............................. Township ............ :~.:. A
Addre............. ~ .............. :..... Solicitor .:., .. :........ :...... ;..
Ma)(e' checks pa).ab1oe t~ Charles S ;' IrWi'Il, Treasurer,' ! ,
a.t waYl1 esv1lle. Ollio fOl' t lle year of :1943 . I St&te of Ohio, County of Warren, .S:; . Before me. a ' Notary P Ll'bllc III al d for the S tate and COUilty afore, alu . personally a'Ppearoo J e:ll1le Wiseman. who, huVing been du,y swot'll , according to la w, dep"sct; alld say tha.t she Is tlle Bru;lness Mandger of the Miami GazeLLe a.nd tha.L t: :p (ollowing Is to the best of her kn ow': lec41e a :ld be-ljef. a true stattm l nt of the ownership. ·m .• nallcm.ent. etc . ILl! the aforesuld p ubllu'.otlon for m e date shown in the o,bove caption. required by ~he Act ot August 24. 1912. as omer.ded ,by the Act dt Mal'Ch 3. 1933. embodlecd. ln section 5a7. ):,Gs, al Lllows and Re~ulatlons. prlt'lted ci~. iii <the reverse side of tbls form. ' to-wlL, I. That t he names and addresse$' c~ t h e pub,isher, eoltoT, ma nag nit £ditor! and business m" nager,; are ' Pub Isher, Wa I t e r . , Wiseman. iWlIoynesvtlle. Ohio ; editOr. WalterWiseman. Way,nesville. OhiO!' managing editor. Wad.ter W seman ; Waynesville. Ohto; busIness man Ilfler. Jt:nnle WIBeman. ~ynesvll1e .t Ohio. . .. ' • '2. '11hat the owrIer Walt~ Wiseman. WaYtnesvWe, • 3. That · the mortgagees, andknown otlier ~~~f,,01~~1~ ers awning or' holdlnlr 01 ·total '
.It-.er member "genciei, I hereby aublCribe $ .. .... .... ..
. ·Mrs. Henry Burges and ot11lc1re~ ~ Bellmoli·t . sP&ht Sa,turday with 'her parents. Mr. MId Mra. Lue MO~. . MJ.ols M1nn1e OraIW1ord of Dayton • spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. ·Claren.ee 'Crawford. 1Mr. and Mrs. ~erett BuMen and f6l11l1y spent Sunday aftern:oon with Mr . and Mrs. Bert ~unneU. of near Utica. • .Mrs. ])a vld Lucas is spendlns a ' If!SW days with her son, Raymond Lucas. and family, of Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. 'E rnest Earnhart and .fam ily were dinner guests Sunday of Mr . a.nd Mrs. Carl Dabb of Xenia . Mr . and Mrs. Morris Lewis and I son. J erry Lee. spent Sunday with I Mr. and Mrs. John K~r of utica. 'Ml' . . a,nd Mrs . Morris ~wlB and ~rs . Hiley G1:bson were shopping 10 Dayton. Friday.
Of The 1MIam1 Gazette, pubUshed
10 con.idl'rati~~ of the .ervic:ea rendered to our fighting fo,rce. pnd to our Allie. by the U. S. O~ and
4 .
. ~ , Mr •. IllIe,. OlbiluD. aon......... .
RATION RE~1lNDER . PROCESSEDFoODS-HIU t: stamps. X. Y and Z good now; ex. plre November 20 . Book 4 greel l stamps A: B and C valid Nov. ! through Dec. 20. MEAT. ETC . - Brown stamps C D. E, and F good now ; al1, expire October 30 . G good October 24, expires Dec. 4. Brown stamp H good Oct . 31 th roug h IDee . 1 . SUGAR-Stamp No. 14 good fa, 5 pounds through Nov. 1. S tam] Nos. 15 and 16 are gcod 1.r.roug1 October 31 for 5 p ounds each to home canning; 15 pounds max1mun' addlUonal may be used for hom. cannblg; apply at ration board II!. • n eed arises. Book 4 stamp 29 be- I _ ROOT FbB AND CON810M comes valid Nov . 1, good for nv'e pounds through Jan. 15. 1944. your Qa.ttla. hop, sheep· ~. r.alwtt* SHOES-Stamp)li . 18 (1 pair) I.!. to Norris-Brock Co.• Dve " ~ . . . good Indefinitely . 1"0. 1 "alrplane' progressive '" tlnii . f~·· tIIIe,' ~~ ; stamp In Book 3 g OOd for 1 pall m~~e& ~l1cea a.ncl ~. Nov . 1 and until further n?:Ice. Union Sto:c' Yards, <1tn~ O. GASOLINFr-"A" book ('ouperu Tune: l? ' on Radio S~t1~ ~~,. .' 8 good lor three gallons eaCh, 12 :25 to 12 :?0 p. m. tor bllr! .' ~ . must lruit t hrough Nov. 21. B and market reporta. C sto.mps good tor two gallolls G, - -- -- - - - - : - - - - - -f. I. noted In book . AUCTI.ONE~RI~G TlRES-Next Inspections due : A book veilicies .by March 31; B's bl' Stanley and Oct 31; C's by Nov. 30; coMmel'Cla ' F or Dates . Phone . . .. W..ynesvehlcle3 eyery six ma,nths or everlt vllle. Ollip. Reverse Charcea 5,000 mUes. whichever Is fi rst . . BROK.E RS LICENSE . ~ O~eriod 1 coupons gOC'd ? ., through J anuary 3 . STOVljlS'-<:onsumer PU(Che&el; 01 rationed s toves must be mllde with . ~_ _ _ _ _. ._ _ _. . . .~ a cerUflcate obtaIned at . ocal wa; ' price and rationing bOards . • :r
3. 1933.
LYtle Card club at her home Thursday afternoon. Tho.>e present were : Madames Harold Whitaker, Calvin wngao.rc, Fred RUSh ,:Russell Campbell. Tom Burton, . Emery Grow s. LoweU Thomas, K6t e Foulks, Stanley &I1I:Y. James 'W lcal and Ralph Barger. . The Woman'/) Society of Lytl, church will hold their November meeLlng neKt Wednesday afternooL at the hOllle ot Mrs . Walter K en rick . .Asslstlng hostesses are: Mrs . ~rvcy Burnet. Mrs. Allen . Emrlc:'. and Mrs. Guy Routza hn. Paper "11hanksgivulg-My Greatest Blessing." illy Mrs . Hnrold WhItaker.
Sand &'·Cra·\iel · .... 1"
"'" '~~'+j.. . • .~tJ'CliIt . ~VIC.
• .'
Phone W1I/Pn8IJv1l1e to
"t . {,...:
.u ,.
r ~
Morrow. PliOrlle No.
Joe fa one' fine fellow 'and the Army
h e's
in is tile belt ~pIiDed. beat behaved ip
,ur · hi~, Juat " .aIP* I ~. . reading r.n artldi tbat· ~.· ......... by ft-ve """"",• • tJii ,.., . . . wW Joe is . , . ~ 1· ......... "tbIi aact WIdch,... ......... _ _ ~ :tIiII PclIte~ ADd .......... Jbat·8 . IUlp afttr _p'd Oter th~ COUIIIII'r.'AIId U CadaIDI would IDte to report,' I'D drop. It off at the ,f n 'Mn ...·..". " ..
Leba.n.Cf.i . ,~f1ce ~e 6~K . ' " b~!l:-'" 1_ ' . _ ,,, ~, / . ~de~ 88..M '
FUIENDS HOME Mrs . Allce Cldrk ;as lhe guest of
We· Offer
Friends here have been advlsed by Mrs. IMargaret W . Edwards th&t she ls established a.t the Franklln -~rida h' h "were s e House In Deland. & " " ill th wtnte . 'II spend e • • ~. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. ria.y are v1sltlng thla week with relatives In 0inc1nnat.1 and 'M lltord. • • • Mr. and Mrs. , M. A. Fulkerson were among those who on Saturday evening enJo~ the Don Cossaok chorus With Berge, Oerof.t as conductor at Memortal Ball In Dayton . _ _ • Mrs. Lucy Murrel or New York OIty, was the guest of Mr . and Mrs .
Satisfactory Services
At All Times
L . H. Oordon.fO~ ~e past week. 'Mr. and Mrs . Harold Van Pelt of Spr1Dilr Valley were guests of Mr . and Mrs. 'M. A. Fulkerson on SundaJ.
Mr. and Mrs. E'I'erett 'Eal'1y of Lo.vl:.1e last Thursday and ac('ompanled them on a. motor trip Lo Sidney. Wardlow and family . MnI. George Rossman of Franklin • • • ML<;s Doris Hwwke, Mrs . Card1e was here Thursday to see Mrs . Cardwell. .M!'. Dean Hawke and Mr . Ella Doyle and other frtends . Art calvert. all of Clncin:1a tl. were Mr . and 'Mrs. Frank Hawke ot Sunday guests of Mr . and Mrs. C . Evansville. lnd ., e.aJ.led on friends Lee Hawke. Thursday tllflternoon. Mrs. J . N. GTeene and grandson, Mr. and Mrs . Ray MalnoLll> and Jack1e, of Xenia. a nd Mrs , Green's son. Donald, and Mrs . Woodrow ~. Lt. RoderiCk Greene. of Moga'Brandenlburg vts1ted relatives in Grove City, Ohio. last Thursda~. ' dore. Ohio. were gUCl>1.s of Mrs . Evalyn O. Peterson Thursday, • • • Op]. 'Willlam E. Bunce was the They also called I on Mrs. Ella Thursday and Friday guest of h is Doyle. aunt. Mrs. Delbert COnger, and Mrs . Oscar McClelland 01 MtnmL~ family . He h$.s just returnP.d to this burg. spent the week-end wlt1\ her country BItter 29 months In .Panama. mother, .M rs . Elfie Thompson. Mrs . Amanda Hartman, ' ormerly .!Mr. and Mrs-. ~lc~Brd s taniey of of ~nnQ.ntown. has taken a room Lebanon. spent Thursday evening at and boord here. She Is the mother the home of Mr . and 'Mrs. Howard of A. H. Stubbs . Stanley. Mrs . 'Mar:garel. Webl?, Mrs .
'AIr. and. Mrs. HoWard Mlsseldlne Mrs. Wade TUrner had as hcr entertained to dinner on Monday guests on Thursday, Mr . j\lbert ~l It WapeaYilI. evenlDg. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cook Schnattma.n, Mrs . •EU Furnas, Mrs , and baby daughter. Mr. Cook will J. L. Wise Mrs. Charles VanOver, enter mWts.ry service Friday. Mrs. Georae Henderson and Mrs . Mrs. Walter Mays, Mrs. Ralph Oharles 6chm1dt. The day was Palmer, M18a Ma'rgaret Mays and spent In sewing 'lor the bazaar Ml.ss ~ 'Miller. all 'of Dayton. which Is to be held at the Mother's were Sunday evenLn8 guests of club Halloween Carnival toqht. Lloyd DaVIa and famlly. SUNDAY GUESTS Mr. ,and Mrs. H.B . Earnhart Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye and and children and Mr . and Mis. E. sons h1l.d as tbelr sunday guests Mr . , A. Earnhart and fam1ly were Sunand Mrs . Burnett Butterworth and day dinner guests of Mr . and Mrs. 60n of Lebanon. Mr , and Mrs. ErnKarl BBb of near Xenia . est Butterworth. Mrs . Robert Thomas and daughter, and Mr. MlJI. jennie Mullin was the Sun0Ih1I 01 TIIarIb aD4 dayo fJUest of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Charles Frye.
..... a-.
~ lire ehllrred for a' &be .... III _ ,0IIII' .. word. mlDlmam
lOR 8AI..&-Oomp1ete line of etaL1oDeI'Y for .wJe at Ute OUette ottice. PrIced from 2&c ~ $3.00.
These Nationally Known lines of Men's Wear are Dot strangers ~o you.
8ALB--Small alze uprigbt pIaDO. Cbaorl.. Terrell, N. JIA1n
I'OUlJI'BY W~ 2M2, 'W1ll Gust1n. W8,)'JlesVWe, O. WIMfl1ED 'IQ BOY -
TrUmpet, in aopc1 concl1t1oD. Must be flrllt line.
other m~ !.nBtrumenta. Chaa. Terrell, Main .atr;et, Wayneav1lle. ~~'11.
lDI _~ and 6 room bouae in 1ft. 1tilY. lMge ga,rdeb, ' trult 'treM. watez lMkle. Ev~tt· BUDDeB, Wapeav1lle Route 1. 28
NO BUNrl'ING P08TI!lR&-For &ale at K1am1 Gue~ O«1ce, 50 each;
. JlJ!UI WlMf.l'ED--OCIaBtrucUon la-
aDCl akWed mecbaDica.
AppJy ~. The
Bedford BIlla 'Oon, BIn!ctJon, ~, ~. R . No,. 8; iBOlt . . roa,ton, Ohio, Ill' Thlrd Street El,ceMkm. H1gbWay No. "acn.a Can Air,s : \1ce Command
BkIe., 3
mrlea aouUtwe8t
01 Os-
lxDI. obio. · , !at. aAIl..1f:--.:Ooe Poland Ohina arid ODe Spotted P,oland Ohlna Boar. IAl80 50 bead fLDe wool sheep. C . E. M1c:hener'. Phone 2926 .
A . B.nd Emma E. Prlekett, ~res In Cleal'creek t.wp. \
.John S . Turner to Edna E. ,Ridge. .. 126 acral; In WaYne twp . Clllience Ii'. and OlD.dYIi 1J. Buel"gel'meler to Louls F. Schlueter, 113 acres In Wnshlngton twp . William H. Simpson to J ames W . SImpson, lots 1 and 2 In Ca.1TS South addition to Springboro . Willlam B. Slmpson to S tella 1". Simpson, lots 13 and .14 in Springooro.
Wilbur and Florence Shlcl aker to P. 'M . Cho.mPlin. part of Jot 45 In Ha.rveySburg. Oharles C. and Ro~ E . Bauer to Irma IHartsock, part · of lot 1 In !Waynesville. Afton R . Hen.dley to Luther Schock. 165.70 acres in Washington twp.
Elvll Rudduck to Florence B . Shldnrkcr, 1.48 acreS In MllS3le tWp. Ollnt and Lucy Cleaver to Elva Rudduck •. 81 acres In Mnssle twp. 67 BIRTHS IN COUNTY DUltING SEPTEI\IIsER
:lI.p's . Ernestine Oook, clerk of the Warren county health board, announces that there ,were e7 births repor ted In the county during Betember. a new high, as agalrut 32 deaths, four accidental, Anlong the births listed are the following: 'DaVid LeRoy to f-fr . and Mrs . Stanley Freel n, W ayn ~s vWe: L6rry Dean to Mr. and Mrs . Roy Olark, WB}\nesvllle; S nra Ellz bet' t.o Mr. nnd Mrs . ~lI.m 'lr Monn, Corwin : -Martha Jane to Mr. anj Mrs. Amos Williams, Oregunla; Ronald Elda.n to Mr. 'and Mrs . Orval Morgun, Or88on1a. ENTERTAIN 500 DINNER CLUB
Dr. and "Mrs. H. E : Hal,hawuy opened their home on Main street and enterte.lned the members of the Inao?1 Oourt NEWS 500 Dinner club on Saturday ' ven!Marriage license have been 1ssue~ lng , 'Decoration.; f91" the home and to sam Henry sebasUan, 121. truck all appolntmellts for the dinner driver. 'Middletown and Katherine table :were In keeping wllh the Mae Well, 17. factory worker, Frank- Halloween season I lin; Tim Hurley, 29. machlnst tind --'Is GJtEAT' O~FATHER E11zatJeth Burt. 18, both of Franklin; Hallyo F . HaUUl>way. 55, farmer. Word has been receIved here that Lebanon, and Venia W . .Mardis, 52, O. E;. iRandall, fonner Waynesville ~nkUn; Floyd Sl~rt, 21, facwry merchant, Is now a , gr.ea.t grandworker, and Alice Coyle. 16. both of tather. Mr. Randal1, who vIsited his ~kl1n; CamiDell Lewis. 21 ; fanner, and Mabel Jesmnette Campbell. home town this swmner. now resides lli Wa.9h1ngton. D . O . rJ( son was 17, bottt at Lebanon; Robert Frankborn ,to R.ober.t H. Randall and wife lin Hhoads. 34, (aotary 'Worker and E1sle Moore, '19. both of Way,nesvWe; !n Washington OCtober 24 . tl4r • Charles Stlbbs. 37, guard, Lebanon, Randall, .J r •• ls lIbe Son at Robert H. RAndall, Br., wl10 Is the son of G. and Gertrude Orav.en. 28, . M~. E. Randall. Helen Gephart bBB entered suit for dIvorce from . otho Gephart. ATTENDING GRAND OHAPTEB . c:hargin8' gross neglect of duty, ,as has Dora C0Ihb3from Eugene' Mrs. L . O. St. John, J!,ort,hy-Jnat~on of the local Eastern stllr chapComhs, cblU'ging exreme 9ruelty. Among recenUy real estate t rans- t.er. and Mrs . John Fromm left 011 Tuesday to attend Grand Chapter ·fers nre the following: Ooldle A. Young to Florence L. which ls held on Oolumbus during and Ruth LIndsey, 51.20 !\Cres In, thJs 'W~k. A number ol other mem~ bers will o.lso attend a part of the WllBhlngton and Massie tw:os. . Henl')' and Cora Flo Fry to Clyde session.
Court News
...... I k A. Wui .8.4' lnMrted for &bIea .......II ehaqed ai Ze • word. JI'OfRI SALE - Watkina ProdUct. ~t • If. Broeidw&J, LlhDem. Open ..,8II1Dp tar JQUr OODven1eDCe. 0_ LIntner. Pbooe IS L • .
Georgia Mendenhall and Mrs . Margaretta Heacock were dinner guests Sunday of Mr . and Mrs . Ra.ymond , Blraddock and dalll~hters. -Mrs, Alice Olar), w~ a ,'lnner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Olaude Riggs In Dayton. sun.day. After a ple~t thrl'le weeks slay at the"'Hmne Mrs. Louis Magee rcurned to her homt: In Day ton Sunda.Y afternoon. Mrs . Marga~t Webb was most pleasantly surprise' Tuesday mornIng 'When her son. WilUam. arrived for a short visit wlt,h her . Mr. Wet b Is director of Pine Mountain school. Harlan oounty, Ky. 'Mr . a.nd M.rs. Edward Keever o. Day;ton, visited their aunt. Miss LydJa Wri8ht, Sunday.
TIIt1BSDAY, OC'1'OBEB. II, 1918.
bJa brother. ~. Jos. Randall, will be in char~e of t.he HUVIe. . Sunby. Otltober 31. You are
invited to hear thilt 10UIII
.. - ..---
11:00 A. M.
Evenln.. Service 8:00 O'Clock
--- -_ ...- --
Mrs. Pearl Sinelalr visited hu daU8'hter. Mrs. Oharles St.:l111ey, and family. Thursda.y nJght. , Mrs . Donald Haines accompan l. d her parents !rom Xenia and v L~ited ' . re:atlves at Wapakoneta, Sund ay. Mr. and Mrs. wm. Smltll nnd d ughter. ~arllyn, were gueets of tJ1e former's parents In Dayton, Satw·dayevenlng. Mrs . Ella ~Ines spent Monday with her sister, lJucy compton. In Now Burlington. Mrs. Mary Bogan and Raleigh ~ and fam11y visited Mrs. An na OINeaU Sunday ; also, Mr. and Mrs. Leon IIrollS and son, Ronny! uear Lebanon. Ml'. and Mrs. Luther IHalnea were guests Sunday of t he laotter's porents, Mr. and Mrs . Oharles Laird, of Camden, Ohio. 'Miss' 'Emlly HaInes, a a~ud en t a t Earlham college, spent the weck-end 'Wlbh her 'parents, M.r. and ~. 'Homer Haines. Her friend, Miss 'Bonnie Clevenger, was her guest. guest. lMr. a.nd 'Mrs. George King and son. Keith. apent Thursday evening In .the BOgan home. I.R.elatlves . have learned 01 the' ma.rrlage of Miss Marcella Apple and iPYt. ROOert C. BaSan which took pla<le Saturday night In Dayton. Mter a short trip the couple wlli vlB1t. his parents before leaving for camp. ~. Bogan ls the son of !Mr. and 'M rs . Eva.n . Boga'n ' (Ina ldae Pompton) .of Dayton.
MAX W. RANDALL, Mini&ter Phone 2993 ._,, _ _ _ ._ , _._ ,_ \)
F~RRY II ..". 1111,1""" I·'••, ." .....,, " . ( ;u .. , ...·.....
Mr. and Mrs. OeorGe ':t.toMJ.chacl
Butch. spent S unday wllh Gartlc.ld Pc!.t!rson above Xenia. Mr. and Mrs . lAwrence Thomas were Sunday evening supper guests of H. R Fordy ~-e.and Mr. and Mrs. P . J. Thomas and son. Herbert Omham, Ferry mln1&t.et', left Monday n!temoon for Arllngwn, Incl1nna, where he w1ll condllot ~he Singing and asslat Ba'other 11'cank Buck \.n a x:ev1v&1 service of lIwo week's duration. Mrs. Graham and ' hlldl'en did not accompany him. Mr. Paul LIndamood and Mlas IIrma Evelyn. White 'Were united In marrJcge at the parso~e Satwuay evening by nrother Herbert Ora· SO:l,
Mr. and Mrs .
ham. '
The Ladles Aid soc~ty of the Sugu Creek Chrlatlan cbu1'Ch m~t at t:Jle home of Mrs. Lester Ul'IIChell with an aJ1 day meeting laat Wednesday. Corporal aDd Mra. Donald Dumford. of Galeabwv, Ind . , spent the week end with home folka. • Mrs. Frank Poll has been quite U1 with a. eold 't he past two we~,. 'M l's. MarvIn J. Pox left la3~ w'Jek enct Ifor TeXas with 'her dallghter • ATl'BND CONVBNTION tbel'tl. Melinda. to join her The Pbx f8lnl1y are Mr. Harolc,J B. Ea.mha.rt and Mr. Oarl Conard lira. Lester Gerbard is. very IIlck Wedne&day and 'Ibursday ~ lest at berbQme here. week attendIn(J .the l:Mth Annual Pi-cJm the "Lookout" In the "Fun OOInmunk:at.1on of the_ M: W. Lodge of 0b20. P. and A. M. Poundl'y" laat Sunday''P'arm product.. cost mOl'e tnan whlch 'WBa held at the Masonic th8Y' used to . " t.empJeln the capital ,city • "Yes," replied thf3 tWer cl tbe eoU, )lASONS ENJOY nSB DIN~R ''Wben 8.- farmer Is supROSed toO know A..del1clollS fish dinner, prepa~d the botanIcal name of What be's by the Iac:Ues Of the ~ern Star; ral81ng a.nd the zoolotfejal name of I\Vaa enjoYed by the, members ot · the tlbe inseCt that eats It and the chemMAso!Ue lodge on Saturday evening. Ical name of IWba.t will kill it. fClIIle· lMany guests from cl1Clerent. cities ~6 1'911 to pay."
A new recruit at the u .. S . Nav! I ~tlon. Great Lakel, W .,
3, Waynesv!Jle, aoco~~ to from lit. <lomdr. Roger Q . WhIte.
.He 18 noW un~rgolng , "bOCtt" tratrung and .upon ~pletlon he wlll be graoted a nlne~day leave.
'1X 1Mayna.-d We.'~z· 1 TO A FULL TERM AS
Wayne Township Clerk YOUR SUPPORT SINCERELY APPRECIATED Election November 2, 1 ~~
Optometric Eye 8Pecia6st
SUNDAY. S._ VlCES Due to t.he Illness of the putor.
In Oenterville on Wednesday . even. "6":" H k f ng. - ~., . a,w ·[: and Mrs. FulkerSOIl were celeO.t;a.t lng their birthday anniversaries .
Dr. C.E. WiIkiD
aLl,urt4 <m ·Q!4rist
m. and ' Mrs. 00_::n:pn.Hnarnwfikr6en=;a~nq~lI....::~~~~IfaI~~~~~~bL~;': joYed dinner at the "WtBhing Well'" and .MT8. Thomas S. Hardin.
ij:t4e ~aut"sfriUe
.bouse. extra good. possesaion
8 roam duplell, 2 baths, bot water beat. 8t<*er, 7 lots. t6760 . R. Bears, Waynesville. Ph, 2651.
The WUm1n~il ColI~e Oospel' team, led bY' Dr. Howgate, condu~ ed o}U' servIces Sunday morning. The members of the team are: Gen,clve H8d1ey, Wilmington; Mary: Lou Orozler, Ch1lllco~he; Kathryn Walls, London, Ohio; Audrey Ooodiri, Jamestown; and Mrgaret Hanger. Clar~urg, W. Va . Mrs. Mar Bogan Is visiting her sOil'/- Raletgh Bogan, and fnmlly. Mrs . WlIIaord' Haines Gf Dayton. spent a ,few dllYS l'eC2ntly with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haines. Mr. and Mrs. JJevan- Jenkins and ·family of Kokomo, Iud .. Ilpen t part of last week with the lotter's father and brot:Jler, John Wilson and Robert. SWlday afternoon co ll'lrs in the Wilson home were Mr. and Mrs . Weldon Wilson , near Denla. Pvt. IRObert C . Bogan, F t , Knox. Ky., Mrs. Evan Bogan, Mrs. Em~ met Nevin Ilnd son Denny and MlilS Marcella Apple, all of Dayton, were d1:mer guests In the Bogan home
M):. and Mrs. M. Ii.
160 acres. level, goed II'OOd bu1ld1np, $75 per acre . 10 acres, .I . room modern, garage, out bulldiDsa. ,7500. 160 - - . JenI. extra a'OOC1 bU1Jdfnp • I'OOIIl
CAESARS CREEK IU r .. '''lIlla ... S ..IlIo. COII.e."o ....
were also present.
lIOR aA1.E -
tao per acre.
• __ .• _u______ ._n
.. -Pol. Adv.
Ameritan manufacturing ingenuity tau apln helped to break a bottle-neck which w.. . holdine up dellverY of .tital boatl to' our' vast flghtlne fro:nta. Through de~ velopment of a lpeelal &'1PIWIl product"ea1led Hydroltone, by.the United· States Gyplum Company, the . fa~tol7 in which ,.t he ailqYe p'hoto wai taken 'bu multiplied Its -production of propellen by being able to duplicate extltlne pattern ,equipment e..lly and at low coat.' The ·plcture Ibow. the two men at the left finilbtn. a new , Hytlro~ltone pattern and, at I the rigHt. the ",rorkman ts preparing .o ne for ua.e In making sand 'molds 'for casting. Location of the factory cannlot be &'iven bocause of war tb!:le reltrletions.
GYPI~ II ' helping 'Ipeed .JUan, other ' vital . war jobs. One of these is ita ' uae .. a mold for bune~-proof 'Pe tanka. It'l also beinc uae4 for mock-uPI in the ~eslcn of ~1ane winga. In' olle of !D'P8um'l more com. . mon form. for buUdinc, bundreds of miUlolll of fee~ of fireproof . DPaum boards have been delivered .to · laUitarl camp.. barrac:b, h~pltal .. air . baaes ,and other war conltructlo_nJ wbere it ~ 'biFiu,ed fire auety 'wbile ~1Minc 'or unavailable 11I1J.lbel':' SlIlee ' tills ' modem ma-' . terlal for. -Collltruction' com.. In •large, uniform ' boards. I~ uvea, ·labor. rellev1nw·· the manpower shortage;" It I. , allO Widely uaecl 'for home repair jobL
Lt. and .Mrs. Roy crockett of Bondo, ¥leld, Texas, who ha ve been enjoying a 'few daya furlough here with frlcnds and relfttives, . left to spend the Iwcek-end, enroute home. with Pvt. and Mrs. Harold Anderson of' 08mp Roblnaon. Arkansas. 'llhe;v we~e a'ccompanled by Mr . and !Mrs. Charles Anderson who also spent the week-end with their and daughter In law •
Mrs. Sherman Wilson enterta1ned With a six o'clock dinner In honor of her h~and'8 btrthd&J. recent,q . The : ~ were:·'. I4!'. ·: and MnI. · Russell Bentley; liz. and Mrs. '[)e]l. bert ' Oonaer f~, Mr. Dale C8bW, . WUmlngfun, ud Milia Ka.y '
Wa1br,· ~.
Relatives here have received word
-. • .. - .. . of tile btrt.h: at a dau8hier to 1Ir. A.Ib~ Natives til and Un. IIlatl lIeDdeDball em WhIte Nel1'oel and Neare.lel <al• . it. Mr ," JIendenbal1 Sa .a ~ of the' U. Navy :a.t 0re8.t.~,
S. ,
IUlnoJe. ,
Ai ~
• ,
for Lt.. .Jobn\ &Del KrI • .
~. 8OD" 01 ~.
~. 0, opper ' 8priqboro ~11110 ...._ ~ . 1D a, tialn.\nc~
• . .N 'QTIOE! . ~_ E. Main Street
Miur.wY., i'IJNPAL J"O& . W :- ZSDt*.
We"have a'. pleritifiJl supply ()f' Anti-Freeze' on: hand to--p rotect yoUr motor ~s Winter, aCt nowl
." I
c::ruh 1D OIDfaml& BIIIld&1; " at 2 p. m. at lI'nI.nldtlD"""'WIaD church, wlth .
BUrIdi..v t.be ReV.. WIIliaIB Pox aDd. tbe' ~y
Pla:~d for
W. J. &rMl\8ll oft~. Burial wl1l be In woodIdll cemeteI7. " • bOId:r • ~ to Arrive' at
~~~I1~~..~tt~r.~. I~_!.~'~~~ Ill.
PrIdaJ and ~
Local Woman Is
Ml.s6 Estella MiUUn, 77, suUered third dE!4!ree 'burna abOut. lier face, handS and hips about 5 :3D Monday evening when a kerOsene stove !Which ~e was a~tempt1ng to llght in preparo.tlon for the evening meal, exploded . She was reacu.ed from the burnlng klbchen of her residence by her BlBter, Mlss Addle Martin, 16, with whom she made her home and. who sU:ffered minor 'b urns on h er hands . Miss Estella Ma.rt1n was ruehed to Miami Valley hospital, where she sl1'OCUDllbed at 9:30 TUcscla.y morning. The house, 0. four-room, trame, which 'WlUl located on the Waynesvtlle-oIamsvtlle rood, about a. roUe and a half from We.ynesville near the Miami cemetery, ~ totally destroyed along with all ·the furnlshloBII.~ local fire department was called but by t he time it reached the lJCCDe, the 'fire had gai!led such hee.dwa.y toot all the iire~en could do waa tlO sa.ve the outllulldlngs. About 25 yea.ri; ago a house on the BBJne location, occupied by the Martlo sillters, waa destroyed. in a aimIlar manner. FIurleraJ .services will be held at the Stutlba iFUneral home saturday at 2:00 p . m. with burial lo M.lsm1 cemetery. ·H er sister Is her only ' clOllC survivlDl relative.
zaar which was aponaored by the local Mother's club l'IL18e ·funda tor grade achoolluncbee, ynas ... huge success, aooordlng to the committee in charge. OVer 600 persons were In Mtenda.nce and aIxlut $375 profit 'WaS real1II8d as CQIDPaI'ed With &boUt $200 "hl.ch 'W8& the higheat amount netted 'rom a.ny previOus cam1val.
Waater Kenrick, master of Farmers Grange No. ,13, of Wa ynesville, rwns elected overseer of the Wa rren COunty Pomona Gr ange a t Its meeting a t Springboro last Sa turday evening. Mrs . Thel'le Jones was named piB.Dlst anet S . S . 'E llis was named to !.he nominating committee . The ~mona Ora nge voted to meet every ot.her m onth Instead ot qW!.rt.crly, star.Ling lo January when It w1ll convene at Way nesville. A committee was named to consider a pooaible memorial to t he late Seth EI:lls, 'founder of Farmers Orang~, f irst master of !.he Warren cOunty Pomona Grange and the firat maater of the Ohio S ta te Grange. Robert Orew of> WaynesVille, w1ll serve QJl this commltA.&e .
ent.erl&lned a group of relatives at her home Sunday at 8. rnl8oellan.eous shower, honoring Aer sister Mrs. Hally Hathaway. Mrs . Hathaway was the recipient of many lovely a.nd useful gifts . Includ.e d In thls party were: Mrs . Fred /WadSworth, Mr. and Mr8 . Wilbur Bpringer and lIOn, Mr. and !Mrs. John Wadsworth and daughter, 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wadaworttb. and daughter, Lebanon; Mr . and Mrs. Earl Walton, Dayton; NrB. Wm. Corwin and daughter of Wllin1ngltDn ; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hole and dall8hter of Sprlogboro; Yr. and tMra. Hally . Hathaway. El1rabeth and Harley Warwick and Mr. and'M:r8 . Jos. Oenwe of 'Lebanon. MrII . Joe Geliva
Mr. and:Mrs. F . U. LeMay 'h ave 'WOl'd from their lIOn, Warren ,' who had been stationed at Oree.t Laltes Na.val Training school tha t he PIl88ed all emminatlon and Is now s tudyIng at the University of IWnols. He S81YS that he Is very busy and would like h ear from h1a friends, giving his address as: Warren LeMay F 3-c COmpany B. Sec~ion 2 U. S .'N .T .S . (D iesel) . University of IWnols, Urbana. DllnOIs.
Mr. and Mrs. Oharlcs' B. Moore
F\)urteen members of the 20 - 30 club of st. Marys Episcopal church
of Bethesda, Md . , are leaving Dec . ~
Beach, Piorlda, and met Monday
t.helr daughter Marpretta and her b1l8band .. Lieut. Allan P. Vogt, N .R.S. at Jacbonv1lJe Naval Base . !Ml' • .and Mrs . Moore fonnerl.y lived In WayneavUle, ahe beln'g the former 14188 U&Iy R.OOerts. Both gradQlllted Ifrom the high school and ofENTEILTAIN FlUBND8 AT BIB'l'8DAY D~ ten return to reunions of the alumni aIIIIOCIatiOll. u:r. MoOre ill an . ~.and~. P. E . Th~~attorney at Be~, lid. tertalned 'With a b1rtbday dinner on Sunday honortng Miss Cora Thomas. COUNCIL RENEWS CONTRACT Jadde Dl.rn:hart and Mrs. olarence ~DAYTON W~OUSE Short. 4t the regular monthly meeting of . Those who enjoyed the day ~ gebher were ~. and MI'8. Clarence Waynesvm8 vWage councU held Short and daughters Jaabel and Vir Monday evening the contract with gtn!a. of Bldney, Mr. and Mrs. John the ~n worlmouse for th~ care Robey of Dayton, ~ . and Mra. J . an4 teed1ns of v1lJage tp risoners, lWas M: EBrnhart and .80ns, Jack ' and reoewed. Other business ·1ncluded I), report 'I'<lmIn,y Of Beaver~, Mr. and MnI. Lowell 'lbOID8ll and da.ughter, of the street committee of the reMlsa Cora. Th~ !Mrs. 'R obert cent work cOmpleted on , v1ll&ge 'I1homa.s. and daughter and Mr . streets. A d1acusalOll! was held conthe condttlon· of Soutb Artaiur ThOOl88. str~ and suuested lmprovement6. A'1'TBND WEDDING
on Sat~ alfternoOn. Mr. Harry Meredith and tamDy and iMr. Harold Meredith and (am1l¥, all of LIma, spent the week-p.nd here with the Whitaker and Mered.1th famllles And a.lso alltended the wedding.
CountY Auditor A. M. Parker has announced appraIse.J Of Warren county rea1 estare has been com-' pleted. There Is an Increase of ap.prox1mately 10 to 15 per cent on all property . Real estate a.ppralsals are conducted every six yM . complaints against an::." valuation of asaessment 'W111 be hCQI'd by the county boe.rd of reVIsion in the court house on or alter Nov . 5. WAYNESVILLE NATIVE DIES IN XENIA
Servicea v.we held Wednesday In Xenia lor .'l1bomas Comford, 72. who cUed Monday morning at the home of a 6On, · ~ur. BurIal was lo Miami cemetery, OOIlWUl. Mr. Comford was bo~ in WaynesVUJe,
EcI9m1a sta.Dtortlb was pleasantly surpr1sed .at Jler home MOJluay
evening fr iends honored her on the occas1on of blrthcla6' anniversary. ~es and danC;I.ng "ere the cbIct diversiona of the evening. Delicious refreshments were serveel to the following: Martoo. Early, Ruth Anna Johns, Rayolyn Crabbe, Ruth E. LeMay, Oladys Rye, Rosemn~ 'Mulford, Veda. COok. Wanda Propst, MarUyn Bur.&P., M~ Jane And8l'llOll, Em~tIne Pla.mhart, J~k .00000e, John Ludington, Joe DaVIs, Ralph .lOill, Jack Preston. Beth ~~n Brown, Kenneth Bradley, Bqb lBema.rd, Johnny Pb1Wpa, Jim
. 1Klam1 ohaP;;.o. E. B., w1ll meet in ~ ie.loD on MoDdaJ evening for eleot1on of Oftlcera and p&¥meIlt of annual dues. PU. for thU year haVe beeJi ftmed by the Grand oha.pter at 'UO; A pot lu~ Supper .Will be enjqf«i ' at seven o'cloCk. !/lVe~ ill ~ ~ proVide their dwn table aemce; wltb coVereci, diab and ~••
'I1he many ·f rlends of Oharles Pri~ who entered naval serv1ce during the summer months will be glad to learn that his present address is : Oharles Prloe S. 2-0, Acorn 16, care of Postmaster, San f'rancisco , CaUf. MBB. LABRlCK IN ALASKA Mr. and Mrs. carl H ~ Pry have received word from Mrs . J . P . LBrrlclt from Anohorage, Alaska . She 1e!t Seattle, Wash... October 16 on ~ 8. 8 . Aleutian and a.rrIved In Anchoraae on sunday, October 24 . She found Mr. La.rrick well. Both lit . and Mrs. Larrick said tr. tell their f·r Iends hello. Mrs . Larrick atates ahe hacl a wondeIilul trip.
l4nI . 0Jarmce ~ wUl entertain the member8 of the Fr1endahip clUj) of the ~ church 'at htr iloUDtfy bOule' Wednesday, NOVtlrn-
EaJIDhart, at the Harmon General h'osplta1. have notified relatives here that Sgt. IDunhart Is very slowly improving.
Spirit of Northwest
10. tJND~BS OnB&TlON
Willi ........L3
Interesting' Letter
From Local Soldier The foUawlng letter was written by P¥ot., Richard ("DIck") Campbell to hls :tamUy here : Dear iMom and Fmm1ly : I arrived lni Ft. Lewis, Washington. TueslaY morning. It Is sure a
Many people from dis· tant lan ds live at peace here in America rna king it a bett er place to live. Read for yourself what N a2iism hu "leant for Norway, Denmark, Hoi. land, Greece.
School News
Local News .
lMr. and Mrs. Glenn
Kalamazoo, Mich. , have ret urned to
their hltne !lif ter s pending sevllral days with Mr . and Mrs . Eimer Sheehan .
• • •
Mrs. C. Lee HalWke and Mr", . place. !Maynard Weltz were Cinclnnatl We Just ha.d a lecture today lot.ro- VIsitors during la5t week . ducing us to our 'r>tf1cers . Vie were • • • 'Mr. and Mrs. IRalph DUke wer, alao loterviewed for 'the purpose of determining tIhe branch of the com- guests a.t a party given by' friend!; pany we will be p ut in . Our training in Dayton on Friday evenlog. • • iWill' ~ about 12 weekB long . T his Ma.ynard Weltz will sell you you r !:amp has a mixture of branches , hunting lJcense. ll&II).ely. the Medical Supply, ' Air Mr . and 'Mrs. Don 1:Ia.wke and Corps, tnfantTy, Cosst Artillery, etc . They say ·tt rains about four days Mr. and"Mrs. O . Lee Hawke visi ted Mr. Dean Halwke In Cincinnati o n o\Jt Of seven out here. On OW1 way up here there W&.l a S unday. . I... train wreck in Or~on . I don·t kllow Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye 6l1d but I ·t hink tihe J.'811 "1l8 broken. s ons entertained to dinner on SatthUS the train Will!! 'dera.lled. No one urday evening Mr. and Mfa. Louis W88 hurt. We de toured around It . iFIres, M18s Inna. Fll'es, Mr . and I dan't know blCJW far we came, Mrs . Howard Shutts and chUdl.;en. but It took hours to get here. • • • I salw a lot of Oe{I.utlful CQuntry Mr. e.nd Mrs. Arthur Wilson and on t he trip . We went t hrough Boise, Mr. and Mrs . Orv1l1e Wllron of Idaho, also iPortliand, Oregon . All Day·ton were Sunday gue:;ts of i\4r . yOU blow. 'botth of ·the..<'e cities are and Mrs. Russell W1laon·. their capItals. Mrs. D . O . IRIdge, ~ . L. O . lI'lie land , here Is ' on Iy good for 8t . JOhn, Mrs . John Fromm, Mrs . cattle raising. On Ule t rip I saw qUite a few Wild horse.') a nd two Stanley Bailey and Mrs. R . H. coyotes which WillS II. treat to me Hartsook atoonded Orand chapter of the Order of Eastern Star 1n since I had nevel' seen On&. Columbus last week . '!be country ha'e Is all mount ains. • • • There was one time In laabo, that Mr .. a.nd Mrs. R . E. White, Mr . we had to put another engine on . and !Mra. oK. L . Elzey and daughW~ were as high" as 6,()80 ft . above ter, lI4arjorie, and Dorothy case, of sea level. Dayton, vls1ted Mr . and MrlI . WalJ: saw an Dldla.n vpIage wher>e they ter Elzey Sunday . bad t~eir IndJQ,n god. It was sit• • • Robert HastIngs 8pent Sunday ting out In the QJ:.an so I got a good with Don 'Wallace Henderson and look at it. We a.lso S81W'the Indiana I'-pearlog helped, him celebrate his birthday ·f lab on the Columbia river. We also e.nnl~ •
ue .15
lot of salm,o n factories w,h ere taley can t hem. fl'ell Pop thls 111 swell' countJ'IY tor hO' e, we "ould look out the windOW and ¥e from 5 to 10 p heasants and wild duoka at III Ume . 'I1here Is also a lot of ~oxes In ihis (lOunty . Whlle I think of It, Mother, h a ve them to send me my MJami Gazet te 8.S I really like to receive It. Ob, I almost forgot to tell you our trip was very cIoJrnlortllble . We. had sleepers on the train. They also brought out food to us . 'We ilad ~ tables ot our own . Well. Mother, [ think this is all I have to sey for now, so I will close 'With love and Idaaes to all . Your BOD, DICK . tp. B. Have tlhe fellows to write to me. My adde68 18: Pvt. RIcllard I. Campbell 36804918 i8th Med. Depot Co. A. S. F. : Ft . 'Lewis, WaalJilngtOn . 8.
. ResuJar
In. Ruth ~~ ~ lUeSt
TOK~8&OW .trrBII.NoON .
~ -;;"thly meetiq or
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t:lvlIrJVlDII" to
GDOt.IeI CII' ftult.
· '. .
c..• aDd as,
·'. .
BALLOWDN ,PABTI" Jf:RJf4 M~ 'WIllI presented lo a oet,.our HUnting L1cenae from 'SONOBS BIRTHDAY lecture SUndar evening, October , 31. Mayne.n:t Weltz', c:I. bODDf on eftIdDI..,. .... lfAltberil club will tie beld P'rt. b7 the baJtoo·:&aba'S uaembly. He • • • ·1Ir• .,nd~. 'WUllUIl ~_ dar a' 2:00 p. m. at the pade . 1IaIr'. and MJW, ~ey ' Puhr hon- 8treIIIed the lmpottaace or closer Pvt. Harold 8mlth. who 18 sta" - .- - neM' I 1ObOCII. 'l'be..oDd aDd UW'd If&dea ored tile CIClIIMion OIl, thetr son, Bob's, race aDd world unity. t!ODed. in IDu1siana. Is spending a taIDed In bOla' bar 14Mib Wtu· fIIrDWl . tbe 1JlC!II'IID. " TIle . , . . ........ kIUlIe ~_ . ma. ~~ .amdveriaQI Saturday rur~ bere with re1at.tvet. , ~ at tbeIr bIiine OIl, BouI:J 13, IATUlWAY • • • Jell f1l III-. RaUl 1bleD • • ......... wUIl &I;l oldolubloaed bam daDo8 No ' 11 wUl meet Mr. MId Mm. 0leDi' .KGYl"f of tile baDOI' pit, lIZ. 1IIiJJGw.- padr. A IMp man- SMurdII. at 8:00 'p . m. Tbe ...'. ...." MIch •• were CUtIlIta or V. 111'. PU1Ir t-H"CbIb tWIll ~~mb tbe~. 111'. U14 KJI. BIaIet' 8Ileeban Mon-
a ta1r amount of money for the band unllorms. The operetta wW e.!1ord an opportunity for the whole SChool to participate in brlnglog lo some' money for the uniforms . There are some fonner members of the band who still have b~nd uniforms In their possession and II Is requested that anyone who has. one or knows of anyone who has. one • • • Hunting Ucense.s lor sal.e. Maynard to notify any o~ lthe ' Band Mother's clUb members or bring the nnifQrma Weltz. to the school. • • • iMr . and Mrs. Harvey K . Hole Buketball Schedule and dau!!,htcr, Shirley J6Ul, enterWAYNESVJLLE mOH SCHOOL tained as thelr Sunday evening 1943-1944 guests Mr. Bull Mardls and MIss VJ IPat Brown of Ci8l'eland, Mrs. Ver- Nov. !)-.Morrow- A VR na Hatha.'Yay of Lebanan and Mrs. Nov. l().-Sprlng Valley-;H VR Nov . 12-Bellbrook- A Betty Messmore at ~n. VR Nov. 2()-.<)entervUle-H Mr. and Mrs. Lester Shaffer and Nov. 23-Kingman~H VR baby son were Sa.turdaY' evening VJ Dec . 3--Harveysburg--Ao dinner g:ue&t8 of Mr. and Mrs. VR Dec. 7-.Fa1rmont.-A Maclt Davia. VJ Dec. 17--Bprtngboro--A I • • • VR Dec . 23-Lebanon-H Mr. and .'Mrs. 1P. L . Reuon bad VJ as their SUnday guesta Ithe latter's Jan. 7~n~H· VR silltcr and husband, Mr . and Ml'a. Jan. 8-;Franklln-4. Jan. 14-Opein Cbal'le6 Fester of Dayton. VJ Jan. 21-Harveysburg-oH • • • Mr. and Mra. Leon 8alIabury.and Jan. 28--Sprlngbo~· VJ eon, Wenclall, who Is entering mll- Feb. 4!-KIngs Mills--A· VJ Italy serviX:le, from Waeh.lDston O. Feb . U-<Qa.rllsJe-A· VJ ~, W'I!l'e Sunday guests of Mr . and Feb. l~-lIi· VJ Ioks. W. P. SaUSbury. ~League V-Varsity Game H . A. Cornell, who recently un- J-.Junlor -High Game H-Home denent an operat;1on_at McClellan ~Reserve Game A--Away bOapt~ is recupera.ttnr at hill h<me c~ OF THANKS on 'lblnl street.
oomDlunlcat1on of WayPIBOGU8SlVE WOMEN'S neeVlUe Lod8e No. i63, P. and A. ~ MeUoh Was taken CLms MEETING TUESDAY • • • M . 'l1uesday, N(]/V . 9, at 1:00 p. in. to iI1am1 .Valley boiI9ital lD Dayton Mr . aDd Mrs. Warren Braddock, The Pr~lve Women's club Election 'of ofIfl!c:era and payment of M1I8 Be!tY Braddock and Mr. and 8a~, w1:Wre abe uilderwent a meet at "Our House" Tuo,'~ay . dues . m&Jar operation "OIl: Monda"," KnI. Glenn Borden 'were Sund!loY . ' " ,. Harold B: Eatnhart, "fl. M. dInQ.er guest. Of Mr. and . Mrs. • " at 7:30 p. 1tl. Light retrcshEN'Jli1aTADI' IN H~NOB ctms MUTING . ,. '8 JX'tDNTII BlBTBDAY menta Will be·serVed. ~1!l1N DAYTON Walter Benge of Pranlilln.
or '.
respected citizens, died Tuesday eve- " OHOOL BOAlUJ AND VILLAGE LEVIES C~Y IN EASY FASHION . her age. In an eleotlon which t eatl1red onlr She Is survived by one daug hter, .:ne contest, Maynard Weltz, locumMrs. Fran k L . Taylor, S tancl!ord, .Jem. was e l~ted Weyne Taw.nshlp Connecticut; one sister, Mrs . Martha Harla.n. 'Mt . Gilead, Ohio ; a J lerk over J os. Thompson .t 'uesday brother, Samuel F . Mosher. Oarding- .tov. 2. Weltz received 262 votes ton, Ohlo, and 5Cveral Il ler~s and oIhlle T hompson got 136 . Mr . Weltz nas been deputy township cY>.rk since' nephews. 'Funerol serviCes will be h eld Fri- ~l Conner was inducted into the day at 2:00 p . m . at the res idence limy several mont hs ago. The three mill school levy carried with 'b urlal In· Miami ceme t~ry. vi!.h 11 vot.e 01 238 for to, 108 ata.lD.lt. .'he v1llage levy received a favorable :ote, 14a voters t avor!ni' the protOSaol to 60 against. Both levies are T h e cheerleaders for t he basket- o run Cor nve yC!U'S and have been ball season t his yoor were chosen n effect prevtoualY'. They botb reby popular vote by th~ studen t body IUired a 65 per cent favonW1e vote. in the assem bly held IRBt Thursday , . VlUap O(floea' . Pour cheerleaders were chosen The vooo ,tor v1lla.ge offlcera, noae two for senior high and two fOI If .the incuml:lentll 'h avlntr oppQI1t1OD, junior high. The s e .lor high cheer· ,vas as f ollows: Mayor. O. B. Brace, leaders lUe !Rosemary Mulford ~no 189; cl~1'k, Charles James, 188: i 'Hazel Vlot . The junior high art -reasurer , W. T. Elzey, 187. Member3 of Councl1~H. M. SbeI'Jean Wilson Ilnd Barbara Orane. wood, 165; ·Warren K . BradSlor:t. The ~lrst basketlOOll game of tht 175; ~d Case, 150; J. CuI eonseason will ,be Friday night. Nov . .u-d , 172; Ads.m Melloh, 169; ~. N . 5 at Morrow. Both the junlo~ high sears, 158. Write-ins Included: Waland senior h l!!,h 'teams will play. The ter Sheehan, I; Stanley Bailey, 1. f1mt, game startlog a t 7:30 fl . m. Board of Trustees of Publlc 41.Wed.I\csday nigh t, November 10. (alrs.-O. R : Unglesbee, 157; 1.: O. the team will meet their Spring Griffy, 161; O . M. Welge, 181. Valley opponents in th e reserve IIond Write-Lns : WeJter UnderwOod, I; sen ior hlgn games a\t home. Max Randall, I; Ralph Parka, 1; L. • In t he rationing held last week a t O. Radley, 1. Township Trustee-Robert l"UmU, the high school bUlldJng 2,466 ration tbooks were Issu.ed to the frun - 312. Justice of ·the Peace-C. K . Brace, Illes or Wayne township . 11; C. P . Joy, 2; ;Howard HardlD, 1; • • Over 250 copies of the second is- Albert DaVIs, 1; James Lovel1, .f; sue of lihe Waycehan (school paper ) RAllph Parka, 3; Walter Kerirtck, I: 'Wlll Ibe on sale Friday noon at the Rober.t Lamb, 1; DaviE Pumas, I: high scbool buUdIng. Jerry OEbome. I; Joe. Thompson, 'I; Ma terial h as arrived for the E. W. Scofield, 1; ~rles Andereighth grade home economics class- son, 1; A ,' K . Day, I; 'Oamlim esWhloh started Wednesday und~r Omne, 2 . .All were write-In votes. ,0 0000table-O. P . Joy. 1M; 'Wl'Uethe dIl'ectioll of Mrs. Lukens. Ins. WaJter Undellwood, &; JIIDMIII ~d Brothers Club Lovely, 1: Robert ~b, 2 . The Band Mother's club met County Board of Education - O. Tucsd8iY, November 2. 1943 at the W!!'h school. Plana were dlscU8S'.!d D. crockett. 236; J . W . Kln«, 111: (or e. dance to ' be) h eld on· Wedncs- write-in, ao. Hartsock; 1. • Boord of Educatloocbly, December 29 . U there are n o _Wa~ con-fllc ts the dance will be held on Keller Hoalt, 302; Kenneth HolWb; 282. that date . Conrtn It was also decided to go ahead lMayor-GlI>ert Biggll, 14.; ~ with plans for an operetta In JanWU'IY'. T.hese two eventa should raise nolds, 12; Lamb, [: Thomas HardIn, ning at h er h ome a fter 0. short illness, of Complication , incident t o
Beep . .
Mr . and Mrs. A. iII. Earnhart saw
WEDDING .tNNIVEB8.tBY Mr. and ur;:-G1enn Bland and daughtl>..r, BIUtl6ra Lou, and ~. and Mrs. 'L. C . st. John were Sunday ~ of Mr. and Mni. John Settlemayre and lon, Billy, when they entertained In honor or their ,wed- H~ . an4 the ·hos~.
dlnI anniversary.
at lihe home of
slon was h eld concemlog the national convention held recently in Cleveland and also a. dl.scusslon of the club's part in the church .
Mr. and Mrs . Walter WhItaker and de.U&bter, M1sa Anna Narll¥n Whitaker, iMrB. Samuel MeredIth, 8r., and Mias Anna E. lMeredith attended the weddlntl Mlaa'MarJorle Meredith and Enslgn HAlbert Huston . at the Bellbrook Methodist .church
'WIll spend the winter there where Mr. an'!! Mrs. Vem e Simpson. Mthey have a cottage. They wtll vls1t ter the business meeting a. dlsous-
At Green Bay'. oldest settlement in Wisconain, there is 31 heroic ata~e dePicting an Indian, a mil.ionary and an explorer. Nicolet, Perrot. Marqu'ette, Joliet and Black Bird. a Saull: Chief, are aU remembered.
Services Friday MaynarcLWeltz ~~ For Mrs. Harris Elected ,W ayne Mrs. ~lis, 90, onb ~! Township Clerk WnYlnesvllle's oldest and most highly
* * *
1 tor
Overseer Of Grange
Mrs. MInn1e B. Fromm who a.ttended Orand . Chapter meeting of the Order of Eastern Iftar lo Columbus last week, received the appolotment as Deputy Grand Matron of thill 21st district or Orand Ohapter of OlUo . iMrs. Fromm is a. past Ma tron of Miami chapter, has filled ' ~veral chairs 'ln the order, served as secretary for twelve years and Is treasurer at present. Bhe is to be congraL1l1ated upon her apyolntmcnt and everyone wishes, for ·h er,. a very happy coming year. ,
HALLOWEEN BAZAAR A DUGE 8UCCESS The Halloween cvntval anq
Local Man Elected
Named Officer InE.StarLodge
Olerk---&chael De.vts, 18; Moran 1; Biggs, 1. Treasurer--lBogan. 14.; DaVlll, 4Oouncll~d eraOD ,
14; JIlQns, IS: 16: EVana, 11; Adams, 11; Hardin, 3 ; 'Moratlj 3; Bogan, 1. MJlls.
a; Beckett.
I'-'IUENDS ·HOME Harley Smlth--;;tNew Bur1lnl\on. visited Mrs . Anna Oglesbee Jut
MIs& Marie Owens, formerly a ' teacher In WaynesvlU'e achoo18 but now at OentervliIe, called on frlenda here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. AlIce Cla rk ;was the guest of Mr. i.nd Mrs. Robert FU.rnaa SUItday evening. . 'Ml'8. iI!lValyn pet:Alrson entertained Bunday MrII. 'H orace MdM11la'l, Mr, a.nd Mrs. carl MoMIllan. of WUm1ngton, and M1ae Nelle M.cKay ol Xenia.. Miss ~e Browne ·has been ClOnfined to ber room several Jays • ' cause of . Illness. . We regret the removal at two of our boardera .. ·I4rs. Ella Doyle and Mrs . .Anna otrl~. Y:n. Do1le al!ter havltll. beeti a member of the Home for thrl!6 years, baa taken uP her ~ lo Prankl1n! and~ : OVleabee, a temporal'1. guest for several montba is now
located In J~.
'I1he quarterl1 meetlDi of the Ibrie ~d of ~ WU' beld
._ . I wish to ~ my sincere here Wednesdat. . 1Mnt. Evelyn ~~.aPel1taf"' , . tho.nks a.nd apprecl!!otlon for the many cards. ~lowera, and ' kind da-ya tbta 'ftek In ' ~ the ptd w18hcS which I recel~ed dqrtng my o~ her brOther ~ · ldIter-lo-....; ' . aIII\l~ . J'. " II . ~ OneIle • . . reCent Illness. . Mrs. Eme 1:b6mpem. Ul ~ . H. A. CorneD.
ttbe Bome' .u, _
lOon Osbom~. A-6, whO has been S&turdaY tc) mate b8r ' boDIe ,. lD VIsiting here at the hoIile or .hIs WllJn1n&otan •. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold ' OsCMID '--or--"-;'l'IWfU;"' born. while on leave, left SaturdV tor hill base at t11e' Oreat 1.akes Nava.l 'I'l'alnInir 8tatl~._
..". .
olOolumbua~ a former Joaa1 veteriJ1aJ7. . . a prom-
Dr. L. B. BaD
JDebI W~ ~
- 'i 'U URl:iI>.AY, NOVEMBER ~. 1943,
~be Pbooe 2143 ---.,:....-~-
~a?ett £
_ianli Wllyne.i
- - .---
~ Churches
l\l I M tLer .• L PosloOtl1ce, W l,ly,nesvllle,
lH F;'l'1I0 DI S'!' C llUJ'l II
alter ~ . , ise uuUI, EJilol' lid Publish er
L U ll
• A
,lJll ' ~tl:t·
I ~ u 11 €'\\ . lt ill:' ~ "I
U() ;1;1
Ch uJ(;h .>chuul al 9 :30 , 1tI. Farm Income Worship SC I' ice OL 10 :30 A. F ;Jt'[nch In the U nUed States autJaarlptlon PrL 0, $1.50 P~I' -:icm', PI\Yllble in Advance ad l'(i LO IL. it l, a ~t',cll II PIli t never 1\3 ve been a ble to collec t fu ir Stl jc 'I. " lmpo I' Li~lg ~h pay (vr their work. When I suy God~. " lit ti. ~ ~ ·\· l ~ ,\H. "f"i r pa y" 1 mea ll as much r ewIIl'd Yout h P 11 wllhl p I (UI' hOlies t, efTectiv o eLrort as othe r Da):, Itlo. c Lo,lu), \ ]1 ' II LIlt: JIll.; ,II u'ldu y 7 :00 p . III. III ' n Q! similar skill ge t for \Vh t The F I (.tltls.hij.J cht lJ 1\ I I ll~lve g L thl'1I1 pu t b ck !Jut Lhey t h e d lSL nOlS ,II'': so lL l,l'. Lhl t;e l, Ihey do. The neares t they e\'l' r No\' I 1, J943 . MllSIU'()C}lll \\' ~ .I1her. \\cr~ so fu ll of old no l1s t.l1a t 1 uld gr ell hllU !:IOlll V~\ I IN: , ' \J Clime gc llln~ equitable return fot wlth MJ· . Neltie Ity' Wal' nnd dllmp und Ul lS 1lI01'lli!l t 2 p . III. 111'1- wh ; t they did was b ack In 19 17 I gat.hel'ed clIoUgh to Ct\:'! amI'. nOL do a~lythlllg wlt,h t.ltem . Appar- paLChr oj culor. tlle rc .t., \\'hen lhe IIverage !:lrm \\' orkl! ~' J Wllen I wo." [,0\:' !nc the o.: ow.:; to t.he enlly no one evcn toook a 'lall ou t weds of plctlln's a" l l1vcly II. ., IlY cunled 84 per cent us much 0 1 tllC ST . . I,\N. Y'S EPls 01',\1, In Ihe 111 11), lim es tho e boards ev r ul Oil l:fllllll s:. lo) 0111' l: l ea \ ~.; , u\'c rage in du s t rla r m pltl)' t!e. pn.~(,Ure I . \\ :>UlIIcthln\: whlte 1\ Gill n CII ila I /. b e n u.~efi . 1 h od to ho \"e some artois . W l' call 11 tall pail t ple ;\1 ny fumous ups and downs hav e roull d Hi llw lli. t.lill'e llml "ure gln&\I'S to ,\\,ork ill s o 1 100Kpd LU I' t'S but. wl' call Il'.l 11I to ,l'C Lh' l\I occllrred since t l!l but t he el1rn lll~ S tlouCh lhe e \\'.~ u liue 11 'l\' Cl~ P ot fa rm work<.'rs expe rienced t he R :Jl j.h I) ilrk~ , lI l j ll j,l,'r ill Ch 'g' t" of mu.5hl'ooms . I broke ill Y gl 55lS through the IIlOllY p air ' of ')I(t 01 ' ull d plIJOY thc m . rough ~ t ride of 1111. [ n 193 2 rn l m CIIlIll' h " il uo l u L 9 .'1" a . Ill. thllt had t cum ulated an d found an TlIe!;dn), . \\0" do lO Ot I. ed t I 1:)' 0 yes\.erd y but this W, "o1l1l!lhll1~ 1 £lobI' od to fi llel propl\' I'll pftble of aeW! wn ges \\'ore Illy 23 per C(,l1t of In · • IUIII ,I 'I: Pl'll:i,)r " JIll ... t1 11 1J11 II :UO could do WI UIOUt 1I11'1l1. 'I 't'M' I ,t, old pail' of m y f nt.hc rs thot 1 cou ld du s trial wages, on Ihe {lI/crage. and U. Jil . lIlushrooms hid th\' I1l~lh c.~ dUl'p III see through very well. They were: as 111 an .1:' I il ll.':!l· wh ich o ur tn t' - In 1942 lu rm plly averaged 60 per cent of m dustr ia l pay. In other Lhe g r a ndfllW le r s oC t h e m odel'll b l. mi('':; a rc COI1l' lctcd. YJ'.~terdo'y tIl a ~h e gT al d arc harder to tin d word s. farm workers li r e In a beli"' I' n : n lt y ' 1ItIll (; 1I 0 1" C llltl ST uu t by w'alk ill g .wcr til' ll"l"\ lire I foca l , inst ad of bein g r ound or men crunc to ~11(' hous Qf lilY olu n ' lali\' c pusitiun 1l0W tha n they were II .-rbt' rt G ra h a lll, Mi n is ter fo und qui te 101. It \\ a'; Cl gllO{1 oval they we r e j us t ha l! 1l 1t1 &.es, yuu iJ llnd n i!: hbOl' a nd stud LhlY W!'I'I tell ),l'a I'S ngo b ut their pay still looked th oug h t h em fql' renci illg . l!' sLo \'o I'l'p:dl' 111' 11 and u.<k· d to bce !ia nc LO 101lk lit" post ure ovt'r cared ll(' ~ not 1Il1Pl'nximllte tnrt or y p a y 9 :30 a . 111 . , Bible school. f Ully lIml sec whl!tlwl' ther !! wa ~ :l.IlY ..... Ol'k nnd ove r them fo'!' d lll n t t ile lr 1>LOVC. Whell lhry lookrli a L !Ind there is lio jus lificatlon for th e 10.45 a . III.-Conunun io n . difference. As this column has sold I'lslon. 'not uncomIortab le bu~ amu , _ It. I hl'Y l'xl'iaJm ed .1\011 ' bud It. wus grass . It Is at,en dow n prc +.w :,hor 11 .00 a . 1l1.- Sermoll . I lt. wo s not 1011 & ngo thaL Illp slove bet re, fnl'lning ' is a s kJUed occ upa· but thl.s wea lher lU\~ sLBl'Led i ~ lng to look a t . tion <llId !l h a rd one. 8:uJ p . III .- Prcnclll llg . I /Som etim es h eal' SOIl1COlle say, h a.d beell mellded and p ut It. ill growing so that here (Iud there Bl'C A Ra y of Jlop" nice green )ltltch s.· By pu tu:g the '.W hat ls tlte lise of Le" c lling n ' t ,afe condi tion I h ow d angcrull.& a nd It was a 10llg s tride In the r igh t ' FRIENDs caWs In anoLhcr ~llMl l pastu re [n the sch ools, m y chi ldre n wlllllc\ _ c on vlnceel thun Lhllt t h e h ousc d irect ion when th e Presi dent of the Cl' be p ain ters, wh y 1101. :;Lick 10 m i;;hl burn d 01l'11 If t!ll'Y d le! not' I ~ t United Stut s bega n last Ma rch 30 whCl'e it Is qui e good W1l' Ilra. ~ 111>1)' First 'Dny school, 9 :aO a . m. ha ve a chan 'to grow a IIIUe if w SOmet hing t h ey w ill use?" Th,! n ns - them m en I it 1'1 ;il l UII':I)' . Oh , ~IO, to ca U lende rs at the t our prl nclpu l M eell n g f or W l's h lp, 11 :30 a. m . tar m organizations Into confer ence. we r to that Is t hat nothIng tJwy It \hll ld n·t (,,,.,t tlJ'lch . t hey \I' llll iu h a ve nnother min , Many f;lrmers lh ink og ri c ultw'a l ' T , j\ UGU STINE CHURCIJ My p igs mus t be t.lle uo,:al dLs- Ien.m In school will gi ve ~ht!· morc do it cl .I i> SO wIry .v I k, d au IL p ro bl em~ h a ve been p retty b adly I,'n h er KrulIlholh:, Pries t plcllsurt Ilnd be of In ure use to 'th em II fe v 11 lllal':li llJ lh,(' 11 dOIl,1lld. li endents of the t hrce little plgq th a t muddl ed. They th ink fa rm expel'lS bw ' ,.y d 11, I . T o · Cal I'! O"WII t:> should have been c a lled much e a r· went to .seek their !ortuu . lor mine lh t'ou glt Ii! Lha!l a w II plnn noo art eigh ,tLI ; :lJ ke p t afl.er her 30n, In- lie r to hel p set up a better farm Mas:. Sund y 9: 00 Ii, 111 . are alway s ektng 50111 t hing E.'ve n cours , noL (I, dub of w -awing ancJ t imiclo lIl\g h im u n tJl h e got t he program, a nd t hey hepe no w th ai a rings in bheJ'r noses h v n't help . d painting but 11 /,rQOd course In t h e series ot regula r d iscussions has be· WAYNES VILLE C HURC Il O f' much . t no sooner get all' piace ill \)O.~ lc laws o f de.o;!g11, com pQs lt lon m on ey a nd . gl1vc it to Utetn. It. , iS "un a nd will nol end un ti l the m os t not of t Cl1 th at th ey k eep Ilny m oney CHR'S'),' the le~.e m en ded a n t\. t il y flncJ nil· a n d color. Even It hog house is b ntserious tangle.s in tile n illlon' s food in l h e hOllsc bu t t.hls was th er e beo t her. Th afternoon was ,,0 w.lI·m tel' for h . vlng goo d propor tions. A problem have be e n s tra ightene d aut. cause !.hey were go ing to pay t h e i\la. Itandall, J\l inb ler Albel·t S. Goss, Gran g.a ; E dward ancl lov Iy tl1tlt I w nt d own to lmowlecige ot ·oluj· a!l d color COIl1Bible S chOO l 9 .30 a . 01, mend the old hog h ouse . I got t he blnation s helps beau LlIy our homes. gl'ocery blll With it. They said Il t t h c A. O'Nea l. F ar m Bureau ; Ja mes G . sh eriffs offlc Lhat t h ey cOuld' d o .P atton , Far mers Union, and E zra Comm un loll 10 :46 a. IU. boards tom oU on side and I would clot h es and e ven our gll rdens, a u d very litt le obecl\use t hey h a d not. T . Be n so n, Cooperative s, all alle nd· P I'!:Ilo. ll ln g, 11 tl. Ill. agr eed On a price b fOl'e t h ey let cd the IIl's t conle l'ence and the sec· J UllJor End uvor , 7 : J5 p . m . ond an April 7, expres sing themtJ1e m c n IV rk on Lbe sLave but Lbnt. se lves freely to Mr. Roos evelt. In· Sen iOI' En dc ur , 7 : 15 P. Ill. Lhey would llk l.l to fin d th e men tere sted lis tene rs i nc lude d the t ood . C011llll U1110l1 .. ,t! pre a l,;lling, 8 :00 who worked s u c h a uml< TIpllble cza r s, Ches ler C. D av is a nd Claude p. m . trl k, Lhllt o n e b fo c thu l r " kt, t R. Wi cka rd. It Is my impression You are 11lV i t d to oome an d wortha t lUlU l then, men with p r actic a l h a d be n worked thl'oll,'l h Lilt' cU .mfarm ing knowll,dge h ad bee n c en- Ih lp \ !t IlliS, t.y so it anyone knl '~ 01 oJ '.1 ' on e sulted l a r too lilUe in formln g n aDIRECT BUS LINE FROM WAY NESVI LLE-SAVE Ise wh o saw thcl>f' Jll ~1l pleas" rl''': tiona l fa rm policies. ;\1'1' 1I01.L\' ' . E. C IlUlWH . TIRES AN D GAS pOt t It to t he s h eJifrs o ell e. Oet '1' . M. Sradf, l\lill is ter The First F ru,lia Lh It· llCCllH! n umber 01' 11:1 '1! san d America' s big Cood p roblem con S Ullda y School 9 : 30 a. m . E . A fu ll d ~ scl'i pi 1011 if p ' . ~ ' bl , . Tl e ne t be se t r ight in a Ce l,v hou rs by TIFFA NY J EWELRY T HE XENIA NATIONAL . any se t at coni &ecs, but tilese ve.r y Earnhart, Sup t. azi pl'lnulplc u. lhllt t hp \\'{,Ilk lwe n . . , STORE BANK firs t m eetin gs Il.ceompli:shed muc h EI'~ JlJ I)g IS r vlee, 7 : 30 p . • 1. t h e right ful pI' 'Y of I.h Su·ol:g. Are BAl\lll.TON, LONGINES, AND 1835·1943 to\vard buildin g moral courag e. The P ~ ly e r Mee tI.ng Wed n es d a y eve · we goin g to fight a \\'0 1' to sto p t.h a t CAPITAL & SU RPLUS U40,UOII G~UEN WATCRM Carme rs I ~ n olV need a grea t m any a b rOA d a~l d JeL SI ' ndll:I" an d rack- things, such as he lp, m a chinery lin d tun g. 7 :30 p. m . DJAl\fQNDS Slronr ~ Friendly , aL .e1'5 geL IWIl Y wi~h It. h~rc at ferti li zer, but the s luff they needed /I ~. ' I\[aln t. P h On e 525 Reliable Ac ommodatinr NOTICE 1'0 1' AXr.J\l' ER 8 most, early in lhe year, was hope. hom e? Now, to say the lea s t, they are m ore C. A . DABE and SONS el1cour ngeu. Notice is he reby give.n , in om pll . ALlCE'R1NCK'S p u n !.1 ' ~ A LE Although lhe s pokes men for agr l- ance wlt.h Seet.lon 56011. . C . , Lha t Your McCormi k-Deer ln r HAT SHOP cultU re were not in cOll'iplele ag ~'ce- the tax ret urn s of W, 're n JU lL)·. A q we n e 11 oving to lown I me nt on method s their obj ec tives lor ule yeru' 19'13, h ;,\v be II r 'od Implemen t Dealer EJght W C!fit Main St. ;ell a t pu b1i ~ auction llw {ullowillg were the same ;J nd they took a and t h e vlllu a tJons ool1Jp leled alld ch a t.Lel., I\L our fll rm locn ll(i lou\" rtJI lcJIlal anillia\! I ,wu rd t.he q ,lcstion are open [01' public It\.~ pect.1on a t t h e . Xenia, Ohio Phone 141 R ['hon e 10GG 109 W. Ma in St. miles N . W . of W aynesville. t.wo of fOl'nl 111' iCI.'S. \Jne of 1:11 m , E 7. ra ofUce oC t he cOlmty a uditor In th e miles N . E . or' L) ti c, Ihree mrc~ E _'I-'=="-"-=:'===.!O..!=!.._~!..!.>."-'!.~ cour t. hou se , Lebanon , O h io. no 10 11 , r ,'111 i ~s' le', e \'Cfl prl'ce (as l---ecomttl1rlln~s aKlrlnst any valua tion EI CHMA N'S 'CORNER P HARMACY · oC Rou te 41.\ on Socia l R ow J o:Jd at an IH,J in its Ill' ' is not an is lie. or ass essm en ., ' excepL t h e va Iua.>i on s F erTY, 011 fixed and assessmen t.s made by the Elect r ical S uppU e.~ _ RepaJrlng REXALL DRUG 'I' ESDA'l' , NOV I!:MBEIt lG "The big objective," he :!aid , "I s to La X comlnissioner of Ohio, will b e g t t UQd pr,odl,lclion , ;lnd llr lco is only heard b y the cou n t y board oC revis S h erwin- WIWIl,MS P a int STORE at 10::10 a. m .: a me ons to lh is cnd." T h os e ward s lon , at Its office in Lb e eour t h o e, Phone 652 Cor. Main & Del.rolt . . P hone G 52 W. Main t. 2-JJOn - ES-Z bespeak rcal p:lldolis m. Lebanon, Ohio , o n o r aIter No vt!ll1T wo head Of go od work IH) I'S~S , Se'e11S i' rac tiout I\I cn ber 5, 1943 . both exeellen L work IS. The Offi ce of \V a l' Info r mation h;JS Complnln'!.~ mll~,L be made in L ADI ES' R EA])Y TO W EAR l\IONU!tJENT & MARKERS . 5IIEAD CATTLE:; estimated th at 6% less food be wr i tin g, all b lt\n ks fU I'll lsh ed by the f . grown on AI11c r ican farm s thi s year cou n Ly a Udi tor ond f iled in Ills ottice Aeoes.'ll)rlcs ,,?hlo'~ MOs t Compl~t e 'D lsplay F ive h ead of ca tLle, 2 good mUk tha n las t. I u ,lieve the aclua l de. on or befori! t he ' t im e limI ted for c?ws" both III good flow Of mi lk; 2 cline w ill Nceed 6 ~t , but that cloud paym ent of tax ~s lar the fir st huH GIBNEY'S G EO, DODDS and SONS >, ca lves, 1 m a le G uel'll, I!y, 16 mon U get. a ~ilvc l' llnillg (I'orn the fact renr, 01' nt any t ime dll tjng whir h 9 W, I\tai n St • I'hone 78 .. !nee 1,8M" old . that uu( Pre idell t, in tbis extremity, taxe... 'aTl' rec~lved by the .COWlLy T h ree brood sow . cu lled cxperienced fan Ti xperts in to treas urer, without. penalty for !.he , cuunsel, '/l ot clussroom expe r ts full first half year, FAMOUS FARM Jl\IPl,El\IlE:-I 'l 'S of unproved th eori es. 1£ th,e same A . M. PARKER, ~~E , CR~TERION Low wag oll, f1a ~ top a nd pr inc iple .is a ppl ied In oliler. impor. Auditor of Warren Oounty. ' AUTO SUPPLY Xen ia, Ohio oonl'C!Jl; mower , h ay leddcr . when t IHIIt fi elds it Wi ll in cl'CtlSe confiden ce Radio aud B ioycle Repalrlnr drill, fCl'til iz J' aLLaC llIl ltl t. m an ul'e ill 1110 llY qll:lr t c J' ~. KUPPENIIEIlUER CLOTHES W ORK CL01' JUNG s pl'eaclCI' , co I'll )l ia b le I' , I LIlf [ ill.' pcuple ill Amer ica d epend If----.......JI-!'~!:!!!!.!... Hats Arrow Shi r ts 3T W. M a in P I onc 11'10 til .", !l; double disc J oh n ""'''"''',.......,.......+'..!.!.!..!...!i..!..!..L...!.!L....llJIlliJ::£J.:.l..I,l;....lJll....llL£,L:I.,CJ;LllIJLIJ!-l-I~ fu r inc" mc . AI1_d Il S a fa rme r l iving Uva:o r ; O !ivet' rl ~ l i t1 g b J'c"k! ll '~ )). (1 '.1' In a f;lI"I lI ing com m unity , I u nd e rdou bl ' sh e vel p luw ; l'o!:"r i 1-.o1'1 011' , s tand why fa rm prices shou ld not . ISA LY'S CAFET ERIA ROY V. HULL tlobucco se~tcr; tvooeco 'p1'~r,., ; pha· II IV be increased e nough 10 equal LUNOllE & ICE C RE AJII Sewing Machine Suppl ies forlll sc les; cur)) ~lIcll cl': \\ I1 dn llil ; Ila g\ ci ' " ",,'Y wUl·l,ors. 'I'oday' s . A Good P lace to i:at I Ford all 0111 bill: . 1917 Illude l; clJ'.,g; flol'~n pI' "" li' :l"I"~ ;. 1'0 IIl1 doubtedly .-.-....Repairing of All Ma keF . (;Juit y III til " '" re la lion 10 foo d proI Lug scl1u w ; 110": 1,,0.'; I .~ -tt . p ': Ill: duc t k n. liS we ll us 10 fut ory wages. 40 Sou th Detroit Pho ne 734 22 E . J\l arket Phone 1216 h.. .> lrOllgi l ; l1- ft \ r ,111gll; s Ollie sm all J us t II le s:l me , the n ation's entire o n es. se IJ. II)ed IS; 1 3 -4 Jh,l' c pu ,v( r WUI·· t in C p r ice s lructure I.s ba sed on JJQP· .FIRST AT Fal rbankJ' (.ta.~ r n gi ll c : P:IUItI'Y 'clt loday 's fa r m pJ"ices . I f You Have T rouble Btolng : T HE F AMOUS CHEAP f eed er; (',d c l' p re.~; (; h :1 I1IS : s \. 'll lc Au Uuc qua l Burden Fitt ed Wit h Shoes-Try , STORE F a l'l ncrs beu r th e bn Ult at wll r s a nd dOu ble \.l!)Il. ; 1OI'k.;, sl!. ','?h. all d dell r ssions. the sa me 8S ot RICHARDS . We Sell ti"L'1'y l h iJi!:' h oe~ . ctl' .; ;1 :, ,,I e~ hlll'tl r , ; ; ('·1 ," .~ . floods lI nu (ol'l1odoes. In to rme r li:1es ami bllr~les : b lock a l1 n L,c " Il' : lim es t hey how e [l ls o taken the hard. Xenia 43 E. lIbin S L 7 N . Main 100 fl'e\' ro r~; W .::i . re: .. l1 .,l'IJ;ll'· e!; t r a p ill p os t· wa r a d justments. tor ; Il aLlI' e, a I'll , u l'; 1J·.il~· h, I ' 11:. This 1.1 :£[ m e nt iollcd calamity c a n E YE CAR E Ollr G h " l~tma Gi fts Are In! t ools; 2 ketLl e:;; 2 IHrd il l 'J'''~ , nlld ShOl.:J be nvoided. Am c r lca' s .,. 1'hrOugh 'Properly Fill e.1 Eye C I·}·s t.n 1 Potte r y a nd Wooll w:l r pla ns a rc al l'ea dy m :lde a nd it s a ililage grinder ; lu r d , lil'l'l'r; 2 ' . Gla l!5--{}ur S llcciu It y No\'eities-Costume ,Jewelry \ 'Olli rl b e u b oom era n g blclw to aYr i. hed ge elld post::.; burrei., Uu", ,. ic, . cullu l'c 10 C hilli !!!! tbe m now. Higher " DR. ·J.:. A. WAG NER J e wd r y a n d Compacts Of chicken coops . (;mY! pr ices would c a ll im m ed iately . ,' . Phone 7G7W E. B. CURTIS F E~ l) for l,i ,;;l1 e l· . w nges to offse l loftier '4-4 E. l\fal n st. X enia, O. 17 E. Mai n s treet Five , lons Rlf alfa h .,y; 5(1 0 b ' 51 .1,' 1.. li ving costs for lnd us lrial wo rke r s , good corn . s and I lieN wo uld be' no end .. P ER S ONAL STATlONERY It is eve~ y A m c rlca n 's duty no lV GALLO W AY 200 Sheets .- 109 Ellveyo)Jes with H O U" Efl Ol_D <; 000, to I11 ll ke price ce ilin gs hold, to g uard and Living r oom fi ui le. (illl ing J Ol n against Inflation a nd stsll1d r eady your na m o a lld a d dress fOr CHERRY ~ u ile . II bl'!\ ry ta ble. lh ",k. k t . ht;~ when peace COn)e' lo ke.ep m en work· 1.5O-Se1l1l liS ,Your ord er ' RO U E Vl.mNJ RING S 'up board, bed 10um s\ii . ro.'k ,!I !: in g an d tal'm markets b OIJzhing, '. It THE MIAMI GAZETTE W. Ma in cbalrs, couc11 s win g. 1-<1 H . P . m o- c e ilings fa ll t e hold, tile r una way Phon e ~ 1 43 Wayn esville ' .tor, 32 Vai L De lco s wee p 1' . price balloon will be out and g one.. with the sky tor a limit. Just as Tel'u~s : GM h. ~j5 wa r is more cosily U10 l1 the Phone 2878 ' LESTER KENRIOK , Owuer . oU,el' Wo rl d War , SII u price· nl gh t M l1 r L!.!l ill1 d R lesnu . A uctione!lIS n ~w woulll p o w ikle I' Wain t hat ot YNESV.LLE, Cen t;e rville , Oh io . P hon 7021 1919 a Dd the ille iwl:le ~'I':\ sh wor s e : BETTEIl. AT st. JOllll a nd ReRson , CI r ks . th a n the one t,h a l r uined so m a ny \' [armel's in the 1920's. L lUl c:h on gl'ounds. T ruck, Car an d Tr actot A PI'os p!1r ous fsrJT) m arke t is e s" Replacem ent Payb sential to genuine prosperity in uny I':!!.~~~::=~;r.;==:::==~)l Th. Axis s'ops nortt/l,agric ultura l cQunlry. ln A merica 's ~; postwar crisis It. will be. v.i tal It Don" s'op 101., would be all act: at leng·rang e wis. Machine Shop Work . Sta~le,. and Koo,.er dom on the. part ot e v e~y patriot ic For Dates, PhaDe 288., WaynN,-" citizen. worker a nd lnd " vtne, Ohio, ReVWae .Charps Phone 4154 108 E. Main, well a s larmer, to hia ut· Ph. 288 U1lll
\ 1l'l"~\Ili:l1llt']lt
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" lll J'~
From A F arm Diary-- Dry R idge
CoIl> oU,
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llu d Ml ' ..RG) mO,e d OSbornI.', l", La 'f..'Y Ct'(I!g or Xcn n, M.I. l\nd t'S, 1"1' Ilk Hie tt of spl:in g .llIlY, , 1..1'. lU'l u M.rs. Lor 11 K l';\ Illl!I', lIl'l~ llUd Sturley Kromer oj U ) 1011 Iu d ::;gt. I uer t Iy I'S OJ :::; \ hll tl I, Geor gIa., w re suud uy ~ \(.' l' lll B MI~.
MI'. <l nd
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H.uY11l0tHl Smtth or Day tOil \\ode ., uppel' "Ltl!M.::. Silt ds) of ,\11 . ,1IId '" 1'.>.
}i!ley G ibsOl .
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SIl1I ~ h
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M I' . al cl M J's. EII I' I emllior I .ll \Va y u l:'!> vllk lind ;\'/ 1.,. 'l1 al':l,.'
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ll'lt\\·r u l'~1
of C!IlLiIlJluli. .>II( ; It Oll ll ·
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Crawforci . Mr . IUld , 1.1' , Alf red
lUl c'll"
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P RoO CESSEDFOO I) '" B it t!.' X , Y \IIe1 Z good III II ; px. pirl' No elJ1 ber 20. Bvoi; q :'' l'l'{'ll s Lllmps A . B li n d C va Ud Nov. I 11 I'Ollg l1 D ec, 20 . MEAT. £'1' - Bro \\ n sl nlJ1j lS Ilu d H ill Book 3 guu l " OW; J , Nt' v. 7; K. Nov. 14; u.1l (' )(pIJ'e D ec. 4 . , UGAH.-St.nm p 29 In Booit 4 g uti for 5 pounds thrall h J a n , 15 . SHOES Slu lIlP No . 18 \ 1 pair ) Is flood IIllIt·fi11 Itcl.I' . Nil . 1 "airplane" , La m p in B llok 3 gO~l rol' 1 11;"r No\' . 1 uncI 11,1 1\1 1 f ur Lhf' 1 1l'l: ll'e . G /\.S O L I N l!: - '1\ " btl ,( ('OUl'O!lS No. H 11(1(1(\ for thl't?P ga llo1l3 - c lell , IlIIISt In.::;t t.l1I·(1\1g l1 <I V, 21 : B tl.lld ~ll\l n ps .
W, Yilt:.' 111(',.
Uo!1 l\u· . Wll :\1.
IH I ~
:-;'''I lla ShOPPl:l 'S Sa Lmelll)' .
M iss C lua DIIUg illl.' l'b I " , ill·Il .lillj few day" wlt.h her s l tCI', ~· lJ . 1111 I 1\.1". {'orge Bralf clI of X ':I ' IU. Mrs. RIley G ibson calleJ on i\lr . IIlld M I':l. Even 'l t M\\l'I ~ tt 11 'l d on u i~ h lcr li n d Mr. nd MI':;' O . 13. Mu l'la tl 01 W ayn sllilc ;\1 ) nd<' .1 ~ " mlll g Barb a r a J eBll M OIl\Bll , (hlIl JIlI ' I' d • r . and Mrs. Al fred Morgall , h ,d her tonsils rem oved M O!ldnl' :lI ,!mII ~ a t B la ir hosplta l und Is &'~t ; il1 ;': ..lIon g vcry n icely at h e!' ho m~ IlI'l'e. M rs . H elen Ora,M ord, Mr T um RunYllll . MI' . and' Mrs , E rtl e ': Earnhart \Ven t to Leban oll T lI,MIa\' to give, blood to t he Red C oos . ' Mr ', El1lerSOll DIU tlu lc(1 I II Mn.. Ned Rurt h fo rcl of b., noll 'I'll . !lay mornin g. Mr . n lld M rs. Hil e~ Gill';", II' X nln R\ oppel'S Sat urd ay. MI'. lid Mr3. Everct t Bu n 'I'll ~I'ld rutlllly cnlled On M r , lInd M I"1. I'r II
stam p., good. un til 1L~rd . T ll n,, '- ,; P)' In P l ojUI \ d ue : A 1100 v. II " I l'~; b lIlal'. h ;:> l ; B 's hy F b. 29; C 's by No\'. 30; <;r'll'I mercl ll I't·hide., \1'11' six m Oll th ur e vc 'y 5,000 tlI11\;, IVII1ch cvll' L 1. 1 ~ 1. ]" UE L 0 1 Ppriod 1 Cflll» OlIl.!l go, d thnu..: h J auulu'Y :J. STOVI!S -COIl.~ imcr pur. I I\' .scs I,r r ;li llllcll ." t I'd; 1II 11~ t bt! 1I1! 'llc ",Hit 1\ (c r : lfi III e oll n ln 1Jel :~t hJC I wlIr ]1rj' l: lid t':~' ,",>1' 1 iJon rcl ;
ML~s JOIl1J Sit w en tcr\.aincd n group 01 rnrnds at a H Ilowecn L' 1'LY ilL ~ . h omo Frldn.)' c VClll , g , Hl't l·eslU1 H'lIt '· W l' set'ved to . Ult: foll oWl tlll' gu s \.s • .J u and J l,y t e 611 !th. B Clll1Y, Jimm ie , Ch r Io t! P\ll'tcrba ll, .Dork; n d Nettle Oro I\:, l~lIcJ ll'g I I1Jld Chal'l p.8 B Ulll' I 11 lt~:d I he hostess . Mr ~. H Uey O ibso~l , Mrs . Clm'e ne ,' C 1'II\\'Io~' d , a n cl Mr . Lu ~ M\II' ray "' ('II' diJU l tr gu e t,o; of MI' . a n d Mrs . Ll. l' Mo rga n l'ecently .
Ad I'crllse Ju dicllJusly Alll PI·th lng
S hows E n T:''Y
Adl'ertls ing K ~ps O ld Customers
.Any .make or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. PHONE 326
Bob's 'Dairy .Whole.olnt> Pasteuriz ed Dairy Produ c[js~--"t--~[
Pasteurized M illi ' For Yo u r ]'J'ote 'lion Phone 2537
Waynesville , Ohio
-- - -- -- - -
for Sale At '
IheRoxanna Cunning eo.
. wit..
Standard Parts •
Blacks FuroitlJre Store
Int :ng ++*
,Keep Yow' "Paper" Dollars .!l.t H ome!
The '. Miami, Gazette . . .. '
W, A Y N E S V,I L L E.
0 H 19
fI' fI'
~1Ie!r:~'" -Buy Mor.
War Bonds
lntluence to
tural parity atter ~e
.-BOKBaS 1.10888
Letters To The Editor
From 'fhe Miami Ga~ette Files FIFTEEN YEAR AGO (Nuvembc;r 7. 19l!8) Herbert Hoo\! I' has ,bee l~ ' I eted preside nt or tIlt! Oni~ed Stutes by )\)1 o\'erwhelmlng lancl.1ld , even oorryiug several st&tCs In th e fOl'mer solld SOuth , ~rs. Edlth Hart's, Mrs . KIl Le uleman ' ancl Miss Ka tllcl'ln.: P re lld ·1'l! Mt. ' n.LLl'nd~ d a ll1 Lctll1J!: 01 Lh e Woman's AlIxlllnry of illl' "Outhcl'll Ohio DL 'e:.c 1I~ G I't!cIlVUle (odl!). Mr, Hnd MI' • J . r. Mlllfo ru CIItl'r,a llCU 1:l'Idl1l' eV"Il. III ~! I hOl lOl' of MI'. lIllel Ml'l!. El'nes l. NII('ll1 . ne ~ HfL:.: ' 1 Dakin . AlJl.luL r.o 1l1 1 C.~~ \V ('re pH'sent.
UOI'll,; Wilde Il'ILVe a H LlIowccl1 pnl'_ t) r.:J" ht' r home on Wednesnay , '1i!!1: IflL1low ' '1\ al :lIvul uf Lhe MOLhe!" s club II \±ctl ~ 42 ,94 , Kallu'Yn Bog J' w n.~ op 'wl tI 011 J 01' IIppelldlclti.:l in..~L \1' ' k . Th ' W. . T. lJ. hdtl II c1evotllll1ttl in Lhe }"l'ie nc1l;hlp 1'00ms of tile 1\1 . E , ehurcll Monday Jrom 1 to 4 II. m . 'rile leade.rs wcr\! R ev. BClln ett, Mrs , Wll llamtlon anj Mrl). Adamll. Ada Furnas Is president. The N6W Ctllll,ury club m~L Ilt. tile Ilome of Mr . E . 11... Thom :; Uct . 2(J wlLh 24 members present. G uests WIJle Mrs. Oharles Ellis, Mrs, Will Corn 11, Mrs , J . O. Car t.\~Tigbt , Mrs, Alvin Ennl.hart IUlll Mrs , IJ,.rI'Y llurne ~t.
WUI Goodhlll pas.~ed U\ lIy at t.h c h ome at h duuKhter III Dayton Nov, 5 . He was ~hlJ brol,hcl' of Mrs. ,P cr!'y K enrick . W. N . SeRfS COll1pl k d
sa ~ e
MondllY for Ml'Ii . Golul~ GrIU1s . She sold h I!!' Iarm Lo Dr. Cltarles J , ] ~ an of DnyLall. MaJ1'iage LicenM _ Wilbur L , WoolJahl, loboter, Illtd M rs, ElJflc S cott, both of Wnyncsvl1le.
ET INTO A BUSINE S E ENTlAL IN THt WAR EFFORT T hree VI1CIlllcl open a.n opporw nlty for you La com eet witll large !e d COtn»JI1Y supplymg farmel's w tit s pecial liv tock I l ee$. We wunt 111 11 who can act as our Local Deaicrs. Outsl ~. III tc.r ·t111g. sales, ervlce work wlt.ll good pay oppOrtunity. You will ,b trained b y our F lelll Manl1~eJ'. Oar nece,sl;a.ry, Farm, sales . perlcncc helpful. D not anI;we ' it ye u are ai r ldy enga ged to lullcst cll.1.cnt o:f a bll1ly In Wlir work . Ad I'G.S: Box 96, care f l it newspop i' , L'1l1 in tcresll!d, \'Vo " ld like to h rIVe personal illt.erv iew , Nume ,. , ., . .. , . . ,. " .. . " . . , .. ,.
Mdt'eIlS .. . , .. ,' .. . , . . . . . .. , .. . .
HARVEYSBURG I FERTILIZER -COMPANY HARVEYSBURG, OHIO W ill pay $2.00 for Dead ~orl~I, "$1.00 fo~ COWl. Sheep, Hogs, Calves and Colta REMOVED PROMPTLY
------------Phone Vt( ayneiville 2804 ; 'l'he ollly Fertilizer Plant.., in Warren Ooun'y
ARMITKGE & SON Phone Way r;tesvUle 2911 Morrow Phone NO. 3 Leba.non: OHice Phone 473 K Residence 98 M
QU'CK SERV'I CE . .For Dead Stock ,
\ '
' .
~emov~d (lromptl~
FERTI'~I~ER Benne Te1eph'pe Chups
.. I
Ule worJj) the love of tho Fa.ther· Is'
lIot In tLlm,"
ernon, Illdlnl1~ , It should C'lve the OllllltUllity or W Yll~~l1lc Itl11t;h food lor thought. a n sholud g1v' lUe t~e to suHlc elltl ~t.;;Uh, II} IItrongLiI s that I tou 1\11 say ';LIII tiling mol' , Ilnd 1 do ' 111~": S(,1lI Lhing lIlut e t il C;..l~' . ' You rs '~llIeur' y, MAX W. RANDAL ' .p. S. Some oC the members 0 1 t •. e Wa}'nesv m e Church of Christ should Lill -peclal nOLe 01 this.am) I Il uwJ I., a rLicles:
'll1c root of the thlllg U s In our r"'~~"'!!:===:---'=~"",,,,,,,,,,,,, Iughu' 1llSLl ll111rmll of IWjnulJ " IV 1 'h II \e a W'IIlJ)tl!d lu I1J ,kc d,UlC lIig ~h e main can lfoli:, IIcll'lII,)'. 1 ,11 : k itt th ' md I~$ II h 'I Ilft'..;t:l1Ul t II Yn~ n, .1 II ,,{A' IUi. ('&lA.IIl-
Letters to thtl Editor Ill' invll d FOr all thllt. Is In the world, the 'l' WEN'CY-F1VE YEAR AGO' but mlL~ t lJeur 'tll . weiler ~\a'm , Just of the fles h , til d tllf!' lust r tht: (November Ii, 1918) not neet:!;Sarily tor PllbUca Uou, l'yes nUQ Lhe pride of lICe, 111 1101 ' of the rUler, but 111 or Lhc INorld. O. B , Bentley WIlS 1\ bUSI~ess v'isItoI' in Pl blsburgh a coulli of d ~ys Editor of the .1IZette: And Lllo world ,PIIS eLh a wn)',' ~lId 1' ,1,\ LIlIIl;; , last week.. , AL Lhe lal.i official board 1llet:!t.1Ug the lust the]' of, but h e that do.' LI! \IL 100i ~1l !lll UII} til It,; d,~,' t It; , In 11 recent leUer to h is father, of tI c ML Hoily M , E. ohurch it Lhe will of God Q'b ldeth !efeve" IWL of tl" whole lllln!! b foun d 'in John ILeonard , Hnl'l'Y Leonard stntes was Ie unanhnollS opin ion of th In:-the light of this scrip Lure how th e 1111 uf doti 11.{ pal CI1Ls Wlo 11 'e me of YOII IlS profes5ing IlI l:.IIlUS Lllnt their ('h llli:t'e' l d on 't '.hat h e ilM b een severely wounded . ' boo l d tllEtt we should Indlll'. e tll,e ('a n C nmissioner Wm . COl"Wln. PrOl;~ art ul e which oppeared , 11\ yo It Ghlistlans endor LI ' 1II{){\~ l'U tilln, e Il ! ~\ nnytJllnt. a', lhaL thE) a re ecutlng Attorney Dean S tanley ano p p el' recently by Lhe Rev M" .. ,l. ll Y Ul' bingo pertl es? " j Jl~ J\I!>t a.' 1I1,lJ',l .11.1l",h,llll II JLlhL Ralph Carey of Le banon, were bUill- W, Randrul in which h mOhL ~:lll Did YOU ever ren d the bOCI:' , "F'i'om . ': lIt.;)I) l. cll lIl::;, :l h d .11l' J',,:v n~ stly OPI)OS~~ d c1ntlclll \:' 'In Wi at "j ould, ChrhLla,, 's tllLl lude ,) "p ~II ~II' CIl; LII,' I" I g l1lJ)r '~ "il .l U lllI, ness v I~ 11.01'S h ere S LUI·c1ay . Lh e I:\,lll-ltoon-i t.O ricll," WI' Ltcll by l und blll aO ""'''cs "d d'In"i1\"? Ma y I IJOinL , L (:CIllC" Il'ulII P,'l'cIlL" 1\.:0 {,Ie \\'d lF Tunc Is C 0 IallIIn and Kellison "Qc h r~ ~ b .. ~.. , lit I ( x-daB f' ina:<tel' whose d illl; 1) 0 l"\lo v <.U '~I> Condon, of Norwood, visited Mr , Since m os t ()f th chlldr : t 1:1 t ,le :;.iSt I', l'UlilCtl II 1'0 11!l'1I lhe da!1ce, uu t I1I Y o ppwuch by tc illllJ; y~U of .Ilg' thnt 111'11' C lJlu 'c n C1")~ n":I , l.I.nd Mrs . J . H . 'Coleman Sunday l)ommuniLy Which nllY chul' h. _~el'v s "h'ad with h11l1. LO eXpose the dall!;- All incJden t III ., Al1ce In Wonder- Ill' tllnUs ul 111,' too I,'PI, I). UIlI} a fternoon , They made th e trip Oil Iltt('nd the Wl1ynesvl1J' SdlUUI w" ('l'S'oC I.h l,l1odLI'I1 MJ1l:0? EVl)ry jlli-' lund." AI; Alice wlllldel's Illm l~ss) 0 timl InLer t hat t, ".,' b Ct.. llIu II 1.1Lh e!r bicycles. feel w hav 11 vlLILI In r ·,t III Lhls ll' utlJlIghi 1.0 r tld It. a,uout In th~ cryt;tal hal1~'a,y s, shl J US(~ a ll d. dl!Slloll<icllL 1)OI:U e tilere lo Chn-Ire cat ll11d greelS ,Ire 110 1Il0rc r.lu·lIls to t xperlen ce , Th e car to OllS f ot' tJ1e soldl I' boys Ilro"l " eln . Yc.u say, "W" wUl s upervise these [II e "" IIIC . ~ " Iln Ac'" 17 L II elllll) al l" 1"'1 1 \ICI'6P Illt. l l "vl' ll t,hl,s ques tion, " Cheslre I)ver scns CI11' 'villas CIUl be had at. ...., , U u. clam S Ulill parties with C1U'lstian '. v " Yes, I.ho rian rc!tll rooted ,!.Sell so BIlrnhart's Shoe store. we re. d, "Now wittle P ul IV iLcd ltllil.e nctB and th 1'e will bc .. t, Puss ' would ' you tell me, plc .. - !), , nol'OlIgh ly il1l.o tile · hL'11't.~ 01 both MI'II: ElhL Miehenel' and so ns, lor them nt AI.hcns, h15 s pirit was 1Ia l1.1. Plt!ft.Se II:;Lenl .You can't de- whloh wlt,y I ought to walk Iron .a lll~ lind ,.,.ll1l1cr alike WHIt lO up has. and wni .. a nd daullhwr. Ml~s s tirred In him, wh n he saw the 1.1'0.11 the bite of a r attlesllake !Jy here '!" The L'at rc pJied that It d L- , l ose it l>ce l1l.~ ",11l'<:'1' lOUll 'h ,l .." lUIlJ Ada, a.n d MI'. a nd Mrs. O . M. ciLy 'Wholly given to Idolatr ." We Ilaln Ling his skin a beautifUl white . pended vcry much Oll the WilY she I ct Ulere :II" ~c \' I'al (I I inl :c ailS' rl.ldge m otored to Camp S hel mall feel we k!1oW exactly how Paul fe lt TJ1 1'1: Is no better way to further wanted to go. Alice said uh e dldll I. Ne ll> 10 Il e que tlulI , "W hy Hul tiundny lind s pent lhe cI y wlth P vt. for as a pa5t01' we ha ve been f1ghl- Ihe Devll's progr am t lllLn to get the much care as long as s he go t SOlll" - Jance?" Kenn eth Ridge. ing 1'or ha lf 11 ceulUry 'thO e things c hurch behind it. whe re. And til c.1t sngeiy lema rk1'1l'.$~ a nti p' 111:1.1", i:s Lhe I~ It ;'ion.' Mrs . Sudie R easOn was the f irSt t.hat are rulnlll g our young people A ratUcsna.ke is more dangerous ed lJ1a t I~ didl1 't maLleI' t.hell which , ens on , Diln ing I:; ou t or hal llvU) person in Massie township to r eceive t.oday. Splendid young peopie or lying wlder a sOOL In CllUl'ch Wlllll way she walked . ith t:hrist1:Ul iLY al d Wllh Lhl;' l'on- I the Chris tmas package coupun n ee - whom 'We m ight. I'cll be proua If In a black!beJ'1l"y. ,p~toh. K eeping In mind the .tact Lllat. a ..;eclllted life Whic h all Chi istlllll ' U'l' \ essa.ry to send the package ,to OUl' ~h ey could: b savcd from th o.'ii!· In 'WIlY? Because I! t here were rat.- C1uisUun has a definite objecLive hi .;uPPoMxl to 11.:.lve (lS , Il11WCl, 'I'll , ,boys 'over there. " It WIIS sent to nuences that Sl\tan is ll..i ng t.o ties n kes In Llle conununlt.y it would mind, QJld thaI. I1C s hould know muee Is rli ll lJy n ponion of lilt' I her !by h er son, Sgt. Paul V . Reason dmg them d0W11 to lni>el'Y " n d h e n thing strange If one ""u!'! 10111,U where h e Is wlllklllt;, let. u.., d l ~l l:;, ..vo rl cl lor profit.. 11, t.hrows olle 1. 1t(, who Is stationed a t Va ru1es Morbl- sham e. Ow' s pirit. Is cel'lnlnly 5t. !Ted In a blackberry patch, so YOU..,.,. OI : t he problem . COW;lllllt n,'is(){' i ll llo'~IS wILli the \wtld , wlthill us when we se c fathers and cerLel.nly 'be on yoW' 81lard, but. 1/).. T h e s ucce.o;.o;ful tl't,' llU~IlL of III und cO II~~ qll enl1y It. dull!> 011(':' H, 11.han, France. Tile people of Wayne township mothers, many of who nt Ilre pro- wQl.lld expect a. ratt.lesnakc tll u~ disease requires Lhllt tilt ca e 01 . t.u:d II,HUl e, It lI11tke,\ the wing. will be oa.lled upon to contribute fesslng 'Chrlsllnns lllmost whoUy under'a seat. 111 church . root of t.hc dlsc:l!;e be wOlllld !tllli he , s~c:; not l>U bu" lL IIlllkes It l> rumost $4,000 LO the Uni ted War give n over to the Devil's prog ra!l1, TIle secreta!'y vI as.ocla t 011 fCl' eliml:lIILed. The IS me k. true uf this :Jllrlslian pl'lnell>le:; [: IIIed It enWork Fund ~he wee k of Nov , ll-W. an d the sadde.~ L th ing of Ills th ot t he advalleement. of Atheism in problCI11. Wh~rein Is It.s root, ,:llldLl'S a t.o lcm.n·o l or evil which The e pldl'l1llc of 1nfluenza th~y. are sp lJ'ltuully blind , ()vldently &:etl a was asked, "What ugen cles It L, nOL III the youn g pce pll I ~ Insi dious . Tho,t) \ 10 dan L III y are doL'1g th e most to h elp )Ollr Lhemsclves, On the co n lt' 1'.11 It. I" ontlnue Lo go to lllc ehu ' eil Lut s{lemed to have spent Its force in thln klng t-hey are 1.IOl11g goud, Wayne towru;hlp a s the doc tors h«ve !Listen. friends ! What. did J~ us cause?" H is r eply was "T he pulpits sc;>methlng that Is Lhrow n In to ~hc l r Ih eir henrts ar nO L III it . T h t!y not repol'I.ed 11 new case for severol m(au when he said, " If the bl1n d of t he 'c hurc h es and OUI' laps and somethll !: whlt'h tlley fin d lIlay 1:(1 h c. lise of l),l rcnLal ,Insl!.clays . HCHlth Offl l' Ellis h ns rills d lead the blind, IJoth shall f nll Into lJChools," very xcit lllg i.:ld ed , ' ~el1l'c or !Jccn use ' p ,blie opl nll II rethe ban on t ile towns hip a nd the the pit. 'lOle fillse 'PI' achel' In t,lle The 1'001. of the dUI 'Ing CI az(: Is qllirf's that tit y be . L'e'l t lll'I" u'BOllrd of Edu atton a t a. meeting tA mother In Dayton su!:l to us catches the ea r of so many peo ple I il'lllly 1mbeddHI In society. II I" ·n..~lol1a U y. lJuI Lhey fire I\:ll'lll: LhCl'e ~ollday evening, decided to reope.n 111 ow yea rs ago, "You. know I'tn glv- because he Is regunled as th e socia ll y a cccpt.ed nncl demnnd. dIal' olVll e rsh ip . TIl churc h membrr school n ext !Monday, Ing ID1¥ dau gh ter da !lcing lessons, J,;um·dla.n, of the truth an d yuun with 110 quC's tions IIs k ' d ill I/lUSt who cbul c"s L~ clolng Ih e c hllil'h ~Cl) iMo.rgnret, t he 2 yenr old daugh t er beca use a girl cant. get qnywilere ""ople drlllk-Jn-n, n false thltl"s Quarters , 'rh President's bll'tllda.. IiLI1I' aood by h is In llu Iwe , Hr' I!I'I I ty I d 1 I" ~ ....... " 01 'MI'. ftJld Mrs . AI Simp 1'1\. di ed n :soc e t 1 se a ys lI U c~ s l' taught In various ways by Liur b.aU Is Ull hldlcn t ion o f Its J1res~! l i ta ln ly is nul. h ed ing the sCl'lp tll nl late Wednesdny evening of PMU- knows how to dance," ~11001s 'bool\!u.<;e unsu.~\Jc ci1l1g t1 L1S t- hi gh IICccptIJ.llce . It Is (Lll11ost su lciul' Injllll LIon to "le t your light IInl monln, Now, mothers, let 's .face tile LruLn . ful youth can 't gl'!l.Sp the- possi bi!- t o back :'II}' Lhing pU!Jllc o pln i Jn befor 1l1 (,1I," H will l\P V1.1' I ad • • • w alich is more I.mportnl t? To get It.II <It th 1r b elng sem LO 5('11001 La SUPPOII-;. Vt L d efenders'll any a n yune to hrist at 1\ dancc . FORTY-EIGHT YEARS AGO your daugh ter into soclet.y O( lIl to drink poison, caliS nll!.'> t. do It . The dance ruins Ih LII ~Le for , (Jan , 28, 1895) Hea.ven . You SJY my dn hter wll .In closing let us call your a l t enA lion's sha re of the root lies In ,quieter II I d cleaner cnJIl)'1l!:nt "" new sC h 00 I b ulid Ing at Bell - !be graceful bu t s h Is ahnost cel't' 1 tiOIl to this lJC ri llLu le ,.2nd iorlnth- the churches themselves. Both Once t Il e b ug IlQl> b Il t ell , not hJ ng ,ule • . ') 1' 11 I' l 0 cl will sn llsfy the victil1l's 1'1511'1' brook will be dedlcat.ed With 11ppro- to be GRlACELESS too and wIthout i[l,l , l Uh Chap . vel'ses 1,3 t.o 15- pren.c Ilc r~ an( I cJlU rcl lCS 1'1 prlaLe exe rcises SII!t.urtlay. G<>d's grace sh e I I I'll' ed . ".FOI' such a re false apostle, workers be "up-to-dlLte" It.·w e . go ne out 0 for lljo~' ln(,llt but a dallc(: :lI1d it iDr , W . E , Og:es bee att.encled' the The IrlshllUll1 had th e ri ~ht Id 11. transforming t h emselvl's iJltO th l! t.helr way 10 gil'e p ople whll t they IccumjJa:lying 'kcltcl11cnL. a r('convention of the S taLe Board of .He rui b eing sollclted to sign a p t l- I1postles of Clu-isL. wallt . Th e 'lI\cs:;a gc 1.1 ey I'rcacl, L~ ul PRj'li cs !Lnd youlig peopl,,'o lOAnd 110 wonder, fol' Satan hlmsclf satiny and swceL , 'Tht) l:\o.~(JC1 th ey 1.11'11.1 ~ hecome inslp d und bool'l.~ 1 R a lth at Columbus Thun day and Lion t o bring baek Lhe lIaloon Int.o Friday, his tawll. TIle soHcllor ar~ll ed that Is 'transfOl1ned Into a ll nile I c.r pr oclaim C(l IL~ f I' church a tLI'ncllll1 , l' ":Jlosc who clancr seldom pray ; the Mt's . 1. H. Hnrrls WEI.'! cl\lJed to th y should bring - the saloon baek light. Therefore It Is no gl' Nt Lhln g o nce a week, the good l1fe, a so rt. I r say tlll' ll' prn~'c l', ut. l1eir h eurtR C<irdin gton Saturduy by a telegram and get the tax from it to !l Ip the If bls mjjllsWrs also be tl'llllsfortned moral uprightness, and 11 llO )l\JY- t;O- do !lOt. c ry out 11ft I' I' God, T htr , '" I\pp II el\ tl 0 11 0 f 'h Ilnnoullel.ng tl1 deat.h of her broth- ochool . Th'e rrMlrllan kn cw 1he ali !the ministers o r rl g h Le ou s llCS~ IUC~j " C 1;0 I"u. Il rU , l' . hn c: 11a! If a ny Ir::tcrcsl In 1>1'11.11)', Will. She was Ii 'CO~IIXll\led by curSe of drlnk from his own expel'- wltoo end s hall b according to Most. churches pl'escnt. Lhl' nt5l!! es OS (' I' n)('rllng,~ or Clu'lsUl1n En dnvo l' Ot· m U ll In lh llol'Wed clubs. With !lll 0 Ill' \' : 11- I he Sllnday :,rltl)(lI. :11~ (I n.1' SL II( ,Ill her broWl!'I', h(L~, F' , Mosher, of Icnce and looking lh th ir 'Works . " Oll1cinnatL ey , he said, " I'd rnl l1er h a ve my \Jea l thnn thnl. dancin g I:; nec 'SMLl Y : en tit l'r . R T . M, SCA RF'F, ·, AB C' I n ~ v, A. T. r>-"vglll nn cn " d 111r boy IelIm II.S s 11 envl'n La hold intcl'cst. " r.r some ' hurdle (Colltlnl! d ' n ext lYe 'k) ."" \AI. ". U PasLor ML, Holly M. E , chu rch irlol of R ev, W . R,. D lIdley, chnrged than read In' LOl) In Hl·II." ure In fa 01' of dancing, Lhell wl'a l. wit.h Ibuyll'ig gOOds ~wlL.l1out a pl'obllNow pllJ'Cnts, listen! Sooncl' or could be wrong with It 1" Is th e cry. Community Hospitals later tills truth will comc h ome to 'Max W . it"'l 'I11at some chu rchl'S pel'mU dOllci lig 1b11ity of , paying for thelll _~t -:,'= -h:I1mn-- - -- - - Illness is no respl)cler ot pe rsons; MLnisw r, 01111 I It of hl'ist Is 110 argument. In its f VOl' , Th RC F irst M. E, church, X enla .. Tu~sd ay . it strikes the country or suburban . Waynesville, u.Ii J . The society of' Heaven will II far sam e churches a lso permi t and pro- home as readily as It does the cily Wa lter 'K1lbo.n has shipped fiv e Editor of Lhe Mlam l 1 .." Ltc: mote cnrd-play illg, dr1l1ktnl£, glimb- home and 0 U too often d wellers In oar loads of baled hoy to' ClllcanlJ n t1 bette!' for your child than the god' The pros and COilS of Lile p rob- ling, and divorce , The fact I' mal less society of th world, nnd y our suburban a nd country bomes hove t.h.l.s w.eek, daughter had better be a li l,Lle awk- lem at , dancin g ha ve I ot yp.l been that the s pl.ti t.ually-mindcd in all no hosplla ls to which they mllY turn • Mrs. Enoch. Haines :fell Wednessufrlclently aired. A.~ my h ealth 1<; churches a.rl! definitely opposed to tor needed care or sur ge ry . 'l'he day striking' het· hand. all n I1l.,t,y ward In H eaven thall gl'llc ful in lack ot hospital facilities has a rur· not yet good enough lo pcr mlt. m e HelJ! It.' One m ore th ing. churches hn vc ther unIO'I·tuna tc effect in that It na.U causing a painful wound. rw. E . Kenrick, ex-s heriff of MIl.y I ask y()U to rend tlIL~ SCI'l p- 1\.0 take up lJle pen again in opposi- ,n' l gt VCll t he black eye to dan cing, keeps m any competent doctors lrom ture: I John 2-15 1.0 17, ".,ave IUlt tion to dancing, I send you thL:; locating In rurgl communities , UlereOlllllton county, now of ClnohUl atl, the world, neither the Ulings (hal tl'ootL<;e on the subject written by It. got It i " If from f1ssoc.:inLing Loo by rende ring even mofe lUltortunale was II. guest Ih el'e Sunday. the lot of thOse o verlaken by ill. am in the world. U any mlln love Mr, M4l.I'k 'M a xey ilOW of North clo.<;ely with sin, Oharley Cartwright wants t.o kno.w ness In such communiti es. The lend. if there are any girls in Wb.ynesvllle ency of doctors to congr g,llc in cilies ma.l<cs It desirable for a coun, who would be wlltLng to' live in Chitry area to I!mploy m ' IHlS of at~o : Wonder what. he IJle611S? tract ing them , and hospita ls ha ve Pi.ople of New Burlington and v1been recom mended cinJty are making e:ftort to send a car load of food and clo!,hi ng to t he drouth sufferers In Nebraska, Warren county farm land SOld-last @"" .... !" .. i~~, '!.o'li "; year at an, average of ~3:t.24 au ncre, -t) on Increase or 46 cenh over the ,.11 cDHn r,~r"n I Igh 1:\1 \10,( [' n · ' ,,, ".1 violls year, (Essen tia l II )lr"rL('II~:IlIl ) is u 'd ill1~ nrkCd I y li l,,1 "~ :':; illl! ~y;l1P :JIlll A double wedding occ urred at - tit!' uch as chl.Zi!ll!Js , 1hroiobing head. booie or t '\e brlde's mothel', Mrs. cfies, lllec plt'G5Iw·.> !ln t! l1 C! t'VIlU!;: ShcI1wood, ot neal' Oregonia, 6 :30 lless. If d b rC'1(:lJ'(! ··d. I hi !; may lead , to Hca rt 'fl'olll.Jlc, Strok:! , Pal'llI YSis o'olock Wednesday evening at· which. Harcl ellin g of th e AI le rics 01' Kid, Rov , COwgill joined ill holy mll trlney Trolli)lc, Dia moJ1 l.v , dis oven,i m ony; Mr. Eugel1e J e!'frcy and Mis:; , t II hcart spec ialise, is dl):;igned tc\ ~ickly . aid in t he l'cli l'f · of th es~ Addie , BhrCiwood, nnd Nil' . Wm . _ Istrc&sl ng sympto ms. ,.. Bntley a.nct MI :s.~ Laura SherlYood. A ChicagO' l'esidcJ1t SIl}'S : " I suf~ Th,e noLlee that appllcn.tlon !las lered from Hig h Blood Pressure fo~ several years with .increasingl1. been made- to the commls.~lon ers to evere throbb ing headaches, dizzi. Ol'!;anJze a municipal corpora tion for , eSB and shortness of breath, ~ the hamlet of Corwin has now been howed the Dia monex formula y doctor and, on his advice, trie publ1s11ed the !\111 1egal term lind the he treatment for two weeks unde\1 pe1ltlon 'Will be up for hellring be'dentical conditions a s previou~ ~ore the collllllJ&;ioncrs n ext Satur~l'eDtments. Within only three days )ny bad hendacht:s Ilnd dizzy spells da-yo.~. 2. were.gone. My high blood pressure .-' Or. R. Vf' $m1th of SPl'i11g Valwas reduced IlTid I sleep fine." , Diamonex goes directly to worl( ley, 'w as in town Tuesday , In three different ways to aid i~ ,M rs" Richard Haines died this tho relicf of these dange rous llymp~' toms, Results nre speedy-withl~ m e-ming at 4 o 'clock after an 11lness as short a time as two weeks sufferers often find thllt Dillmon,ex has of only, a day or 1Jwo of pneumonIa , . " ' accomplished 75'70 ,of the total re. 'duction possible with this formulu. , , If you suffer from High B100 jPressure you may try DJAMONE without 'r isking a penny. To i1itr~_1 .dtice this wonderful ,treatment W' 'CelUlllr' ~>.'culator " ' . , " a miilion new sufferers this liberal By throwing' a ', patch of' Uaht on a . 1 ff j d" 11 I cloud at night It III pos~lble ' to eal, trIa p er s ~ • •01', . m . If ' . time only, ', " • ' Send o'n ly $lJiO to &he mamo . eutAte the be gbt 0 the " celliDll" over :alrpoJlts; aeeOl'dln; to the Bet, ,an~' CompanYr 31IJ.A, Norih Kiehl ier JV,1a1on 'In.Uiu\~, RecenUy a d,e-.~ A. ve" Oh ~IO, mlnola .for ,. vic. baa beeD developed in the UD.ltTWQ-'weekl lappl, Of , leD 4.. .. S.-t f d' d 11 bt DIAlrIONEX. ' pl't]l&lcL tJ. - ea or u.e uriDI: ay a . monex accordl"- to the "'_';. A . rotatIDI · .ector disc 11 placed L.':' I'! 'be.-. It Ullht beam; therebv form. 0 ~n , .OV. ' ,. reetions fO'r only two weeki. .... " the ena of that teet perlocl JOa 1111 • hsblng patch of Ullht on the -w;l , • nO't deli~hted with naultl cloud lU1face, 'l.'hJI patel] II I ~ ~ne ' money will be nfunclad bmIIe6)
Sand & Gravel
-Your Portrait For
RUPPEL 'STUDIO 'Ib ' . W 'Mu I2 Lb ,e
~~ th:.,hb';'a'!ney~:~J:.~
'l'bladayllllrtmeU1od;l&lIrepon,d. aCGunie result, up 10 '.GOO
~ ";;~;~~IJ;~
err y
n'" 'Oh"10
N" pICLureS t, a k..... f rom" N 15 to Jan 1 Malte our ppOlntm'ent.'N ow· Ph lI8L
A. M.· 5:30 p, M~ TUDnAY_7:00., 9:30P. M.
yourself to malee tld.
.~ teat ,at~, Write ~-. 111~~~~~I!~~~~~~~,~~~~~~....~....~~·qDU ,~~
ave Tirt'. , :~nrl On " . D1r ct Bus J.in e 10 County S al
WO"IEN'" •. 1\[18 E' \nrAREI .. , '" '" 'i • ; " For 2<1
Lebanon's ,Leadh l, tyll~ '
McGETCHIN'S PHARMACY "Your FI\II1i1y C rug l'lllre" Cos metics - .iUs - Maga:dnp.s PIU;SCRlPTIONS l'hol1 281 Lebanon
BROWN and BROWN I.,uli.!s Ready to Wear OOon PLACE TO KN OW A (;OOH I' LACE TO GO r\
KARL D. DAKIN I N' Ulti\N E Lebanon
Lcbauon, Obio
IV INS-JAMESON DRUG COMPANY ' T il E REXALJ, STORE 1\.lIlke Our tOI'C Your IIc:ltlqual'tcrs I'hollo 114 - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
EGER'S ,II':WF.I,RY - GIFTS Phone 230K
'E\'cr}'lh ing for Farm and Home'
Phone 23
MORRIS 5 and lOe TO $1.00 STORE omplcte LIne of First. QUALITY ~lERCDANDlSE for Everyone
FRE'D'S DEPT. STORE We Outfit the Entire F~mI1Y and Home Phone 360
Since 1885
24 N, Broadw..), Phone 327 ~l
CARY'S JEWELRY SHOt' Phone 1'7 SinCe 1890
Banlt Bldg,
We Offer
Satisfactory . Services
At All Times
Dial 2111 -
. . . .... 0IIIet II u.ala &114 an 2 _ _ ~ ... pG f . . . t.be .... " ._ . . . . . . . . mbdmam . . . . . Ik " WU& Ad tuerted
.... _
.. ~ ..
Ic . awo~
Pomona GrAnge (It Sprlngj:lor,o Sat. ar day evening. Mr . and Mrs. Will Ro~ and dDoUlfhter 111'1:" mo.vlng thl:; week from the !'KelSey farm to t he SCott p ' ( erty here, which has r eCently bec' p~rchased by . Mrs . Helen Williams, of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. WIll1am Null and daughter Miss r..av1tlIl. were S unda y evening guestS of Mr. and Mrs. LeslJe Gray and fa.ml\y. Mrs . E. B. Longacre visited her daughter. Mrs. Louella Swauk. at MJaml Valley hospital Wednesday. Mrs. Swank had her tonsils removed and is reooverlng nicely. Mrs. Therle Jones and mother, Mrs. Eldwin Nutt. Mrs. Allen 1!:mrick and Mrs : Walter Kenrick spent Friday in Dayton. , 'Mrs. Guy Routzhan and bOn.Rus~. have both been sick the Pl st two weeka, but. are somewhat Improved. Russell Is stU! unable t.o return to I'IChool. 'Mr. and Mrs . Leslie (jray and ch1ldren were Sunday arternoo callers at the home of Mrs. Ada Lackey near West Middletown . Mrs Clara stacy r eturned with them after spending last week with her sister. Mrs. Lackey, and other ,rel attves. Me. and 'Mrs. Leon Salisbury oC W8.8hington C . H . and, Pvt. Wendell Sal1sbw:y of Ft. Hayes, Columbus, lWere Sunday a.fternoon guests of Mr. and Mra . Allen Emrick. Bunday aIternoon guests of Mr. and !Mrs. Walter Kenrick were : Mla8es Anna and Ruth Nutt of Centervllie Mra. Emma PhiWP!I. Mrs . Fann.Ie KJncade, Mr. and 'Mrs . Thomaa Colllns and Ohll.rles Collins of Da.yton and Mr. Walter Cast of lWayneavllle. iMrII. IOnle &ndallis now staying with her parents, Mr . and Mrs. IP'rank Kmd'18 8.8 her husband left a couple of weeks 'agO for overseas. Krs. 'Randall was the guest of the Y.W.O.A. girls of Dayton Monday erenIng at 'a dinner at the "Blue
IIOB B&UI- ~ Produot. a~ ' BIroId1fq, r..non. OpeD • .mDp I« ruur ~. alto LIDtDer. HIIDba 81 L. Moon." A large crowd attended the h og sale on Tuesday of last week at the fann of Dearth Sheehan on Roule 48 and lq't1e ·rood. The hogs sold NO BOINIl'UlQ P08'l'ER&-For s&le <Well. Ladies of the Methodist church at II1Mn1 ,Guette omce, fie each; 'of Sprirlsboro l:iel'Ved the lunch. II for aIIio. \MrS. Clyde WhartOn spent Monda)1 e.t MiarD1 Valley hospital in BBlJP ~t.lon la~ 8.8 her daughter. Mrs ~ Ber· borere aDd IIdlIed ,mecban1ca. at 'nIe Bedford Hllla Oon· ~ Oorpon.tton, ' R. R. fio. B, BaIt . . ~ Oh1o, or Third .8t.reet J!:D.enIIIm, B.lihWay No. 4. ~ C'CIiD Air Service OOIDmaIld a 8OUth'Weet 01. 08-
'bQiD, Obio.
fa\ AM¥--4ne PolaDcl 0h1na ana ClUe ~ Po1aDd 0b1na
Boar. iAIIo,,1O head 'tine wool sheep. O. •• 'Jllebener. Phone 2Q28. ' 1IIC8 BAUIl- Window ¢r1ierator, , Iu'Ie 1dJIe. ill aood condition. lira. . Bd Ooot,~WayneevtUc. Ohio,
THRILL NITES t .....acltZ&N-
"OKLAHOMA KID" willa J .... ,C.....y,
Hu.plare, BOlari
fIOR .~
ai:res, 'I J'OODl house, DeW h8Jl houae, elrc· - ~,~ fttef'. 'I acres of 'barD
~t'laoo.oo. ~
',180 Mn!I; ~ aU ~. 8 J'O(lID house, 2 IlarDI, ~: WIlbur H. Beare, Real E&te.te. Inaur·
..,6.0., Per
- (
Bal:ionen carn1val,lady'1 add pin with niI.~ emblem pendant.: ~ . oftered Itor. ita tum ~, 1IIMDs oUette Otnee.
BIDJ!lRB :wIAH'l'ID - To Moraine QtJ on _ ilhtft. 7:00 a. m , to 4:30 p. m. ~ Brown. Third street, Wa,rDeBYWe.
~ · SALE
, B;
- !Fox Terrier Puppies. R. 110.. Phone 2M7. '
Middle aged couple, no for Jackson count y BYmy.t.hIng furnished. oOod ~UoD . References required. otis P. lake, Dayton B, Ohio. 11
W\Al'fl'II) -
vfBlS 18 TJ,iE
..,on.ored by ' the American Legion
a. 8 :30 ,P. II.
THUR$., NOV. Ii. Rej erv.d ....., $5.sp top.
Coming To The XeBia 'Th1e ater r
Mrs. Loraine Tamrutller of ~iadletown an~ Mrs. Ethel Chenoweth of New ;aurlln8ton Ilt Mln.m.l valley hospital;' -Dayton, las t Thursday a.fLernoon. John' Wilson and Robert Wllso.n ca.lIcd on Ra¥mond Wllsoll ·Sundn.y
Mrs. Mary Siotial.!' wn.s calling on her .granddaught r. Mrs. Chlul s 6ta:lley, Monday.
. . . ....... u.~t.b'~ .l lit. uui lID: .Jolm.lI)fera OIlBel-. ~ .....' ~ evlllllDlr iilnDer ....... aI ¥r. aDd lira. Keller Ora·
I aincerely wi.h to thank all those who "I&ve me their aupport in the recent election. In 'r eturn I .promiae to cOi\duct the office of Wayne T w p. Clerk to the b.,.t of iny abiJit~~
Nursery Material s~~~
,OptQmetric ". .EJ~ Specialist . 26 S. · D.troit Stnet XEN~ OHIO -
:" . , In con.iaeor&!io~ of the ,..m~ reodeNci to oU, r, " 1· . " fighting. for4cea p' n d. to , o ur Allie. by the·1:J. s.. O. and ; 1 . .' . . _
, Jther mem~er nl'eaciea, . 'hereby· _bledbe .....~ ..... ,. •
fJipa~ :.. ~
.... .,..........•.............•.•• rowaahip ..... ~ ..•••••. ~ .
~, • . -I:.-- " ~ ..................:...................... '..
Sol' •
ICitol- ••••••••• ! ••••u
....•.......•..•..• I
These Nationally ,K~OWD lines of Men"s We~r are .Dot str~Dgers to you.
On ~t~te' .Route ,73" 1~2 ~il. ; E"t of ,Rout. '4 8 , Wayne.villlll, OMo"R. ·R. ,2 . . " Phon. 2533 ,
. lb. and 'MD·. '1Uobard Kibler and ~tera 'W1ll mo~e. thIa Vleek t9 0IIl-.m. ~ W1IUNIIIO!\ prop.
We . are aellin. out ~ur COmplete Stock of , NURSERY MATERIAL at Baraain Prices. All , EVERGRE:ENS, SliRUBS, SHA.PE TREES, ETC., mUllt be dial)Oa..,d of .bY December ~. .
..... W.I.• lOr H ....... Cl.rn.H _ _ '
. ',' • '~on ~ea~ evenltlg of 1aS~ • week.' " A Dumber oil ladleil were at' the, and , rolla demonatratton by .. . ~l!D5teln'~ Wedn~y ' after· __ 'at the home of Mra. Ther1e
Uprlght plano; white '~c:.oe.l range . Also SIlO 1Wb1te Leghorn pullets . ,Ernest ~. Waynesvllie R. R. 2. ftone Q!l16. 18
~. aDd Mrs . BYerett Early .~ '
Mr. Carl Miller, from this community, and now a ItudeQt of the Ci"einnati Bible S e min a r y, will preach both Sunday moming and evening e,t the Church of Chriat because of Mr. Randall's iIIneaa.
ftlR BAILoE -
~ tile drain Dealers' meetuig
Sunday. Edgar HJteman had tJl m ortune to !all when he was playing -foottso.ll and '!:Woke the bone III his elbow 'trom which he has bee:\, sui:Cering for several days. J. Lee Talmage and son. Albert, Mr . and Mrs . Fred ThomPSJ I1. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Scott DalY and ohl!drerJ and J essie GareeI' saw the shr w. "Gone With the Wind," at lh~ Lebanon Town hall Tuesday evaI1i1 lb'. Mrs. Laura 'Varner Reed 'h llS been quite ill for some time . Her friends hol,lC lor he,· speedy ' recovery. The auction sale TUesday at the {a.rm 01' Mr . and !Mrs. Hugh Vllnce near HaJ'Veysburg attracted <Iultu a crowd of p~ple . They h ave rented tl1elr farm to Mr. GUllion,. ('f Harveysburg. and twill visit frlendu In a number of towns lJefore they are located In another home. Mr . and Mrs . Allen McI{~.y of near Xenia, were Sunday 8'11 P~ ts of his parents. Mr . Ilnd Mrs . . Hu old McKay.
nard MeJloh of Waynesyllie, under. went a major operation, Mr . and Mrs. Elvel'ett Clark and ~Ir... '''IIU.w IIwRlb. (Jone.J/....... Mter. our regu]n,r Sunday mornlllJ son and Mrs . Lily Palmer of Dayservice some of our members atton and Mr . E . J . Oarmony tended the homecomillg' at the Springfield were Sunda.y guests of FrIends church In New Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark . Mrs. Margaret Wltchner and daughter, F1orenoe. were hostesses Jor the October m eeting or thp. New r, Burllzmton and Cile.s an Creek m's1'1,,,_ "",(pUe I", IJlbu ..... ,., C;urrt',,· .. nt slonary society which was held last The Berean ClMS meeting will be Wednespay alfternoon . held Thurscla.y evening, Novemoor 11 Miss MarilYn Sue Smith was a in the social rooms at the Ferry member Of the - t,oy band which church. played at the Junior class play a t Hert>ert Graham, minister ot the Spring Valley hlgh school Friday ~ church, has been in :ndlana night. , , for the past two weeks h elping Mr. and 'Mrs. Theodore MOlntlre Frank Buok hold revival services . and sons called on Mr. and Mrs . weather meanl the atartiHe came home and preached Irom Raymond WilSon Monda.y evening. ing of heating .yatema, his pulpit Sunday and a.t the BunMr. and Mrs. Evan Bogan 'of and the danger of fire dlIy evening services, Mr. Smith Dayton visited in the Bogan home the Cincinpatl .BIble Semln<lry ia greatly increaaed. Make one evening last lWeek . preached . Mr. Smith will preach a.t aure your Fire Inau~ance I Friends are sorr;y to heaf _of the both moming and evening servlce~ death of Mr. Is9~ ' P eterson in Policies are in "working next Sunday. Spring Vallcy . order" too. ' SUrida.y guests of the P. J . Thom1Mr. and. Mrs. Raymond Wilson Conault your agent I were Xenia shoppers ~t Monday and Mrs. Tom Fordyce and ~on M r. and oalled on Mi·f~ . Wll.)~m ' ' ' moth.a nd Mrs. Delbert IPlfoutz, Q:ld ,M\' . er, Mrs. Ella Burley, at the home Joe FIler. of. Harry Hurley lln d wife. Mrs. Simon Lighter anj . ber INSURANCE AGENCY Mr. and IDs. Everett. Haines daughter, Miss Ruth Lighter. called C. B. Jenk~nl, Prop. very pleasantly ~mterta.lned S unday on Mrs. ? J . Thomas MondR,' afIn honor of Mrs. H'aines' faUler's . Suooessor to LeMay & H~wlte ternoon. mrr.nr1<lv, the following guests: WAYNESVILLE, omo Benjamin Cdrey of HIII'illand, Mr. ' TeleP;lone 266~ ani Mrs . Howard Pisher and IaJ1111Y of near New Vienna, Mr. and Mrs. l\lrs. Bed Bu.lmeU, Correspondent GeOJ'g~ Justice and son of Sunbury, ,B ob Sclineider of Sprhgfleld. I ' and Mr. and Mrs . Hellber~ ~dley , home on · ~ !furlough visiting with Olarksville R. D. , and Mr. an.d his' w1f~ and SQnand Mr r lind Mrs. Mrs. W. carey of New Vienna . Mrs. Olenna. Wilson. Mrs. Ma ry Earl C1'lIIWford. 'M r . and _Mrs. Banner 8wII'arl lKabhry:n Mclhtlre and sons, Mrs. spent Sunday' evening with I'eia- Leonard Ellls and chlldl'en att.ended tlvea. a POt luck dlnn~r at the home of , !Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Pfeiffer and 'Mrs, Veda 'Beal .of the Mt. Tabor daughter, Jane, spent Sun day af- neighborh'ood ll!-St :rhur,sday. Mrs. Dorothy' Smith and daugh-" . RO-Ot Fd1t AND '''ON8IGN ' . ternoon with the former's brother, Earl {Pfeiffer. tel', Mrs. Mary Bogan, and Mrs. your Ca~e, hogs. &beep &lid caine Miss Ruth BulUlell had II wiene ~' Marianna. Bogan were in Day,ton Norris-Brock ' c:lo.. nV, wire &DO rOJU.-t at her home last . Thursday 'o ne aifternoon I~,t week. progressive firm for the ' bifbest evening. Those present were Mr. Mr. ,Albert · W'llson arid sons of market priCes and gOod ........ ~Uard Ball, Mr. Edward Davies, Tlto, OhJo, called on his 11lther, Union Stock Yu4l, CinclJiuaM, O. l\flss Marian Bla~k and Mr. a nd John Wilson, an!! Robert Sunday Tune in on ~dlo B_trOD lY'oltY, Mrs. 'Marlon Musselman ot Dayton. morning. 12:25 to 12:30 p. m. for our da11J Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis and Mrs. Raleigh 'Pogan called ' on m~rket reportll. ·· , son, J erry, spent Sunday with Mr. ..' Qnd John Ko~ter. I .rr~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
OpenS Sunday, Nov. 7 (At ............... >
lnitgl of Lebanon. over Saturday and
Frank Sh~Us of I1cu r Hill' ey.J[)l,rg caUing on frlen Is hero, Thursday. MI5s Vernn (Downey of Lebanon. I:; MORNING SERVICE a vlslt.or a t 'th e home of Mr. n nd 11:00 .A. M. Mrs . Cliff 'Beckett this week . 'Mrs. Mabel Terry of Dayton, spent Eveninr Service the week-eud at her home h ero. 8:00 O'Clock Mr. and Mrs. Rllirold Mui{oy IIttended the funeral of Mrs. Mary .YOU ARE PInun. at Lee.':lbu.rg. Thursday. S \e ALWAYS WELCOME was a minister of the F,'lend's AT THE church, and a sister of 'M rs . Ruth WAYNESVILLE Murray. who was a former resident, CHURCH OF OHRIST PUBLIC SALE here. Mrs. Maude Cline !'pent Thursday Having rented my property, I will MAX W. RANDALL, iWith Miss HalUlah Jordan. sell Il't 'publlc ,auction at my tarm, M.1ss J essie Garner called WednesMini.ter three mllE:s north of W&ynesvU!e day at the home of Mr . a.nd Mrs . Phone 2993 and four mlles south ot Spring ValR . O. Boulware in Clarksville . ley, on lRoute 42, on Mrs. Ella Shumaker was a vlsltor SATURDAY, NOVEMBER ?O, 19'3 last week of Mr. and Mrs. Will at 10:30 a. m., cross cut S81W , cJilID cr beU. 4 slc'e!I Downey, In Lebanon. the follOwing farm ~attels. to-w t: Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles SWlndlCl' or harness, 00 la.1s, lLncs, bTldles. Uy , 2-HORSES-2 nets, sickle grinder. [layton, spent the week-end at tht ir Team ot sorr~l geldings, 10 and 11 FEED "fill'm here. and a long with ma.ny years old, weight 3500 pounds. !FIve hundTed bush els good com. other p rsons wttended the Hoil 'W4-<:ATI'LE-4 26 bales straw. ee.n festivities at IHnrveysburg Sat'JIWo mUch. cows, to be fresh 1n ,u,o numerous oth~r items too urday evening. December; two Hereford h eifers to tedious to mention. Alit Jordan «Dd !MIss Hannah acfreshen in December. W. E. CORNELL companied M rs. Lucy Flshbbugh, to 59-BOaS-59 Stanley & Koogler. Auotloneera. h er home In Mlddletow.n. Tuesday. Nine brood ~, ane male hog, Sh1daker & H~tsock, elerka Mrs. Claudla Oray Brandenbur:g six spring pigs, 43 fall pigs. Lunch by G1'IUI4Je and the Gray familles, of W ~llman . IMPLEMENTS entertained 'Miss Frances Branaen1F-20 ~l tractor, power llft NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT AdmlnlsU'&Wa' cultivators, traotqr bf~klng pbw, double disC spring tOOth hCU' row, Eatate 01 "Mowe G. Cue, Deceued OUver 'b reaklng plow. .ol1ve.r walking Notice is hereby! given that How' plow, Deering mower, two , oorn ard W . Osse, whose Post Office AdIs Waynesvllle. 9h,1~L hal been planters, h ay rake, hay tedder, w.ag dress duly appointed as <AOJIllJUistrator of ha.rrow, ThO(OM wheat drlll, fertil- the D>tate of MoIlle O. oase. late at Warren Oount)!. OhIO, deceased. Izer. eultlpacker. one-row com plOW, Dated this :z.2na day of October. '1943. ' CHECK YOUR two double shovel pl~, stl\lk c~t , RAlJPH H. OAREY, ter, roller. bob aled, f~nce stl'etchers, FIRE INSURANCE· Judge ot thfl J>robate (J()urt Warren County Ohio. hogshead, ladder. platfoml scales. OA!RJL ABA!EOlIERLI. POLICY '!! ltty.. St-l1 log ohains. toI'ks. shovels, dOUble The coming of cold tI:eea, straw knife, sleigh and bells, Try the Miami aasetto Want · Ade! WIlS
JOAN UilLiI wI... a pofnt alld ooqwirea Q huab(]nd in Warner Itro•• Technicolor vtl1lon of IrvIng BarM,,'s "This fa The Army.:' The oforel'l\ent1oned hi,bond I, Lt. RoneVd Rea go". who playa a private. land who P!lts Oft Oft arMy thow. The. argument J()on wins ~ th,~ 'old Olte':;" to MOttY. Of ftol to MOr.ry In war time. she lOy. yes :~~ ICIV!'~ : ~_~~ ~ eomp~",lse- CJnd get
••••• ~~ •. ·
checks pa)aWe to Charles S.IrwID, Treasurer.
War Fund Drive Lagging Locally
OmQ muB8DAY, NOVEM"Rl 11,
Eastern ,S tar Elects Officers
Edith Mooher ~rla was bom near Cardlngotoo, Morrow county, Wymer I.. lOmke, clu\l.J1Dlan of the .Miami-Oha pter 107, order of EastUhio, on F w ruary 28, IB!)3. She 'was NOItional War Fund dr1ve (or Wayne ern star• .met 'for thelr regular sesme t bJrd of the -tell ' ch1idrell of toW1U>hip, annOWlces tha t th ~ drive &1onon Monday night and> enjoyed a' a tban and &u-ah Bovey Mosher Is produc.lng 1ar below expelltacovered dish supper at seven o·clock. and her grandparents, 'Robert a.nd Uons here. During' 131e regular meeting, Mrll. ~th Mo6her, were among \.be ear. The quota for Wayne tn tbe curtiest settlers of that part. ' of Ohio, Mlnnle B . Fromsn, Deputy Grand .r.ent campa1&n is '$1750. Mr. Dr.ake Matron. was lntroduced and , preWihan EcUth MIl6her was still 110 small , a~ .to tbe people who have sented with a lovely '.Caseo! nowers. ch1ld, t he famUy 'DlIOved to Iowa \..: t · already ~n sollclted by !l Off!lcers tor the comlng year were which was then real froDtler country eled.ed as follows: . iWorker to lea.ve their donaUona at und tn le,ter yee.rs. Mrs. &rris had the Waynesville NaLional De nk or 'Mrs. D. O. Ridge, !Worthy Ma.tron; IlIllIlY uHere.s ~mg a.t.or1es to tell 01 give them to one o( ·t hose connected Mr. Everett Ear ly , Worthy Patron; .hose early years. The iather of t.ne with the drive. H e says, "Lt:t's no~ Mrs. Ross.;H. Hartsock. Associate lam1lY: Nathan Mo6ner. enlisted tn let this matter slip our minds ~ Ma.tron; Mr. Ross H. Hartsock, Aslbe V nion army early in the Civil longer pleeae (or the BOYS' sakel" sociate Patron; Mm. E. F . Earnhart. Woz and ,the f amily later returned Secretary; Mnl. 'Verne Armitage, .to ohio, finally sett11tlg on a farm Tr~urer; IMrs . Ross Rowland. Connear waynetivWe and leiter living In ductress; Mrs. Evere tt Early. Asso,the village It6elf. elate Conductress ; Mrs. H. B. EBI nOn December 31, .1874, Edith hart, Trustee. LAE NEW GU~NEA·-When Allied forces moved Into Lae ' vital The Miami Quarterly meeting or Mosher was married 00 l:!rael Hop8up p hell hod to move ill rig ht a! ~I'r them. Here na tives carry one of lFrlends !Will be h eld at the Whlte klona Han1a and from that Ume unthe most.needed UppliE:II, "blood for transfu sion." The precioua fluid 115 loaded into Ia ang l?argM ::tIl j brought to the front. 1Brldc. FrIends meetlngl house Sun- til her dee.th on November 2, 1943, Wayn~ she ·llved ~ the old Harr1s 'homecay, Nov. 1t. the corner of 1N0rth e nd FIrat day school will be at 9:30 'lIIud stead the meeting for 'Worshtp at 10:30. .Main stree~. Two chtldren were_ West Wayne Advlllory cOuncil met A Wltet dinner will be held at noon born of this marria.ge, a .wn who llI'rld:ay evening, Jlj'ov. 5 at th~ home '!WIth the bualn.ess meeting scheduled died at blJ'Lb and e, daughter, ~ of Mr. and 1Mrs, Ross Hartsock. dred • . now Mrs . .Frank Taylor, whO The Progre&81ve Wornen 's club /Waynesvllle's &:ruor e.1l<1 Junl"l' f or the atternoon, Aft er a shont business ' session, Mr. Ba.rllln presented tWo topiCs for diS- 'held tt.beir November meetlng a t t he HIgh school teruru; ca.me \.hrouoh William M.&::kensen, field seaetary tlurvlves her motber. Mr. H&rr1.s. who 'Was 'Well k.nown. OUIlIilon, namely, "Co-operattve Med- llome of Mrs. Oha!lea A:nderson on with vlct.<lrl8.:1 over Morrow on F!lof Friend& of the Middle West, will tie present for this meetLng. Every- n ot only as a prornlllent banket. but Iclne," a.nd "Short OOW'1!e6 or Spec- Tue.:lda.yevening. About 35 mlllIl.Ml's day n1g ht, ~their lust gllJlles o! the wllason. '!lIe games were played ao. as 0. st.uc1ent of geolog:y and of the lallBt Tralning." No declslon waa and guests 'Were present. one b tnvlted. history and relics of the preh1llto~e reached by the group but all felt Dw1.ns the business me.eUng, Mrs. Morrow. RED 01,1088 BOXES Indian races. died 1111 1897, and at that great advances would p robably 1.. wa.v reported that a recentscl'ap The JUnior Hlg.h tboYs chalked up AVAn..AuLE AT LlBBi&RX that .tIme 'M r. laura. H. Mosher, h1a be made In the ~ext tew years 1.n paper drive which WlIB s ponsored by a 34-5 victory with Vel,), little tr ouDle. TlDWUGH JR. RED . CROSS 'WldOWecI daughter by a prev10ua both. tFor the Senior High. the Victory .t he club, proved very suocessfUl. . tA:riJwunceme~been made to 1IIIU'ria&e, . ~ with her three chUlAtter an .tnterest1ne qUiz present- P1aWl are balD&' made COr a bus sta - ,wus a hard s truggle, tbe ViCtol' not the effeCt that Red cross boxes, dren to ~ the fam1ly home. ed by the hoot.. delicious refresh- tion and publlc rest rooms In oelng dt;t ermlned unill the linal suitable for malllDs gUts to members 'I1he ~rrlage of . . . Haqi8' <laugh- ments were served by the hostess Waynesville and several cont rlbu- whlsLle. A t Lhe balf Morrow IN with a. 22-1'1 ..core. In the third pua.rter. of ~ . armed fo.rces, are avaUable ier, Klldred. of Mrs. Mosher's two and the club ad10urned to meet for Uona have been received. local reeld~ta at oOhe Wa.yoe Town- da.ughters, Oarolyn ~ Edith, and a covered dish dlnner at the GrlLnge The ladies were f avored with ac- however, WaynesvWe ca\liht them ship Publlc ~ra.ry. The bOxee are the death of !4ra. Mosher in 1934, hall the first Thursday even1l% tn e<mllan IllUIik by MIss 'M1U"tha Early and the scofe '.was tied at 23 all. The ' fourth quarter found the Spartans tree but are,lJm1ted .oo tour per per_: left tn tobe old home,onlY Mrs. Ba.n1a December. after WbJch games were played. and her nepbew, I .. H . Mo6her, who The ~r meetlnE: will be In pulling out ahead, and the f inal liOn. _ tne form of a ~uck 8upper to be score tWas WG.y nesvllle 32. Morrow. . OIatrlbutlon of the ~xee lOcally ~ baa <been' Wlf6ll1ne Jon hlS canl and held at the home of Mrs. Alva 29. made poes1ble by the JuntJl' Red devotlon. The interest., of Mrs. Barrla were 'l'bomPllOD. WaYn£svill&-32 G. F. T. Orosa 'Who W1ll have an attendant Bradley .. ... . .. . . . . . . . .6 1 13 present at ·~he librarY to d\lttrlbute wide and varied. She was a devoted ADd loyal cb~WIOm8n, lion acUve The Womans Society of OhrIBtIan COMMnTEE NAMED TO Sackett .... . ............ 1 2 0 the baxeI. member Otthe N~w century club, a Service of lqtle chUrch was enteflNTBRE8T LOCAL GIRLS A member~ ~ye Ia now ·t&t1INl Bernard . . .. . , . . . ... .. .. . 1 3 member Of .tbe 1IlI8tem' Star and of ta1Ded at the home ,of I&n!. Walter ~ ~',s ABM1t' CORPS place among children of acboOl ace Ph1ll1ps .. . . .. . . •..• . . • . .6 1 11 Author1Ues' lntere:>ter In the pro- ILUdingWn ... ... .. .... .. 1 1 by the Junior Red crou, Th1a or:- \I.le Parmera' Qranse. 8be waa deep- Kenrick on W~nesday ~temoon. A 3 ly lDtereeted 1IIi all local affa.1nr and program foUOWe,ddte bustneae BU. • . pqnr.l¢l~ · Sa _~d~ 'alo!lC the .tD ~ .Idcb· coacemed ~ ihe .a1oD. . The aecretary, Mrs. Tberle ~ 01 ~ Women s .Anny Corps of the NattOnal Red ~ bettennent of tile community. She JO~1 reed .. letter to the aootety ha..ve appotntea MriI. J. l~, ObapinaJi Tott.ls ' .... ..... .. . 14 4 3i2 prog>re.m which these' yOung ~erMorrow-29 O. F. T. '''' to . II tram · .... c ..... ul Johns In NOl1th MttA> ~e 88 cha1rman of. a cornm.lt'I'a8 a cenerous contrlb.-.r . a .tn, • ...... • • 10lllnS have urulertaken~d com- _ ......... ~_ d . '1 5 . d' ' .... nca. in answer to GI chatn letter tee Ito aSci the orp.n1azt,Joo iD wee .. ... ... ... . .... .. .. 2 an no .one .1_ ... sent b1m at the September meeting. '''6-_ ..1,". Lee .... . . . . .. ... ..... .. . il pleted-durlng th&' past yeaT Is Il106\ .........1OIMJ!e. causes 2 0 _ .1~ to h 1..._ n ..¥uan....., trouble ever ap~ . e..... v....., ' ,Whitaker " ...&1IU1I. ,.:... IOhapman an d h e ( commit Imposing: Their PI&ns for the ~~ 0 2 Mrs. Barold gave an In. t ee Whltaere . ....... . . " .. . 1 ald. It was onlY during the last "'av bee .... -.:., . ... d I 1 llte 't . la d 3 year are even more lDipreastve for 3 9 three years 01 her llfe tha.t taUlnl' tereattns sketch of the life of Mad- .. e n .......""'.e w . \ . ra ure o noog n . . .. . .. ... . ... . . c1- seem lust as certain .o f ac- pbyB1ca1 atreJllth forced her to ~ve am aua.ngKae"Bhek. 1 9 Wbich would b e of l~tE:l'est: to any Southem ... .. ........ . . 4 complishment, 0 2 • t of ....~ aCtlve intereet& " IYrI. WW1am Deutemeler of .y~ woman who wc ,u ti ill.e to be- O'Brien .. . .. .. ..... . .... l . up D¥!B . . ...... '. . . . came a W</tIJ. Her ltD! illness, due to a suddenly 1I'raI*iI1D, an officer of the ,livenlle ... ~ . ... . . .. .. . .. 12 5 29 W. S. (). S. TO MEET AT court and alOO chaiml8n. or Red p&B80NAGE NOV. 18 ~velop~ heart condittOll, we velJ ~SIE . TWP. GRANGE ADDS !Waynesville 'Was hoot >to Spring ELEVEN NEW MEI\IBEJI.8 , brief and her death was a shock to Croas lRome Service committee . o.f Valley last night lilt the . local gym, The W. S. C. S.' will hold thl!lr her famlly .nd·to the a-.ny fr1ettds :Warren co., w8a present and rave regular monthly meeting with Mrs. tQ her lOot and busy 9.Dd use_a ap1epdJd talk on youth dellnEleven new members ~ the f irst 'W hile Bellbook will be met Friday I.. C. Radley as hostess ' at the par- tul llfe had brotigbt conatant help quency and the wortt of the Home ~d second degree at a meeting re- evening at Bellbrook. . lIOllB8e ThursdlLY afternoon. 'tiav~ and ~on. · Service commlt.t.ee, both of wDtch cently of Massie Towilllhlp Grange. SCHOOL NEWS ~8. A bOOk· rcview or ''The ~ .. ""ill IJ4'rB. ~ Is survived by one e~e present enjoy~ Seven ~ the new membef/> had for At present the Juntor Red CrOM be given by ~. RaYmond Conner, d&ugbter. MD. !"rank , L. ~vlor, of 'lbe ma.rlmba. a.nd plano music ~ me.rly< been members of the Juvenlle 'MUSical, numbel8 and .(tleotlon of 0(- Btamtonl. OOWleOttcut; by her Mrs. 'Russell Campbell and d.a.\Ich- Gre.IICC. New members are : Edna campaign Is belng held at the high fivers fOIl' the oomlnc-year w1ll com- 'nephew, '· I. IH. ~er; two nlece.;. tar, II1as Be,tt)'. was well rendered, Brooks. H.old· Hou@r~ Frances school buillting. Many of the stuplete tbe Pl'Oli'nm: . Mrs. ·! Fred llAUltaock and Mrs. RoD8ld and much appreetated. . . Reaver, Mary Heston. Phyllla Shl- dents are contributing to this drIve Hawke; bY ,ODe broth'er, Samuel ·P . Pum~ pie and coffee were 'lIerv- daker, ' Dther Lukens. Maty 1,()u which w1ll oontlnue unt il November 18 PROMOTED MoSber at OIltnUQlIOn; a ~ter;. ~, ed by !the ~Istant· ho8tessea, Mrs. Moore, J~lliea Reyoolwl, Jack ~y- 16. .Mr. and Mrs. Mack. 1D6y1s' 'have ' M&rtba. ' ~. of lilt. Gllead, and ' Hu:vey Bume~, Mrs . Allen Emrlck nolds, Thomas Reynokls an'.l Mrs. TUe5day, Nov. 10, Mr. Orabbe by a. number of other nieces an M:'nI. GUf · RoutsiLhn. I.pla Reptolds. received word that t heir eoD., Oh&s. . . . Tbe next meeUne w1l1 be the A degree team ![rom Lebanon Wil demonstratl'tl the proper mt'thod of J. D8.v1B. has been promoted to ship'a ne(Ql~wa!1VlDc at ·a dlBt!lo~"::Il'Ohr1s\maa meeUng to be hnld Sat glve ' tl;lese new members the t hird eaI'vlnil a side ' of beel to the Home coot. r.md class, at the Gre&t ~es Tbe ~ se . rv1ce IW1UI conducted- h->dY eve-IDecen"iIU "'er ' II I\~t' and f ourth degree on We d1"~sday Economic and .AgricUlture cla&les. ....... ..... The meat IW1ll be served [or the high Naval Tralnin8 Station, Great Lakes, by tlJe· Bev. Ralph Parks ?' St. iL'''le hall ......hen· the famnias O·f ....all _t_~ N 2 IIill1MIs . 1(an:tJ cburdl. at the family reel3" . . ,.. . ev~, ov. 4. . school lunches. • denee and 'burlal was In Mlaint members 'will be iDvlted, BtSbUolf of offl~ers resulted In the ENTBaT~ TO Diiuma ClEIJletery. RclaUves a.ttendJng flODl B1mIe master, sccr:etllry, t reosurer, An assembly was held Wednesday a distance, ot;ber ihan the l,mmediPROMOTED lecturer. cllaplaln and overseer, held a fternoon !!it the high school buildMr, and Mrs . . Delbert Oo~ and atefHmu" . 'Were J4ra Oharles Moshby the following members : WilJ.io.rd ing tn honor of ArmIstice 1')ay, The familY ent.ertAtned .to dinner on . oe.uw ~ .. Ala.--The tllcent Ttl.ylor, !Luella. Milligan. Howard tp,us1c department WIIB in charge of . Wednesday evenIng the f 0 II.!JW1ng er of ctnc1n~U, Mr. Samuel F. ~tt..l on "" OIlarIes E . Ell'_.'3 pres- ,Gra.ham, Irma Ta,ylor JcnnLe Gra- the program, The band played many . . . Mosber, M:r; and Mrs. Foster M'o&hert fUeSts : 'MIa8 Kathryn W9Jker. Dayently tn the IlKtb Ohemlc)'l cur." h.l!Ul fl/!ld Robert Oollett. Jaclc Hey- ntmjbers Ullder the directiOn of Mr. . • . carl MoSher, Yr. '8lld Mrs. I:.es.' bl, S 1-c PerTy E. B!mton, Corp. .., . .. ,,_ '.p any. Chemical. Warfare servtce, to ' nol~, asslatant stewart; Mary Lou Soof1eld and several student dlrec.1. ._Todd lie J~. Mr. Pra.nk Jeckaon,....... .. ... e of ...~.. -·c·I·an ·th' Grede, . William· E. B enca and MrlI , . Ralph IKcIher and MJB8 'RUth AlDia .... A _ ........... ~ R Moore. lady ass·t steward; gate- tors. FollOWInIr th1a, the cheer leadiBUnChe, of Waynesville. Corp. Bunce Mosher, all of MOmJw county, aDd baa been &nnO\JtlCed by h is com- keeper, James Reynolds; steward, ers led the student body In a ~p has been on a 30-day·furlough from ~d1n8 omcer. Harold HoUgh; pianist, Minnie seeaion, Pa~ina. 'Where ~ been for the' =. ~a.::=hter, Mrs, T-tth· Ellla was: a.dvanced in rank j Welch; Juvenile mntron , Allee • • • iA llteam table tor the ca!et.erta was put r» montihB il.nd Seaman .Benton because of hts a.ttenti')n to duty and Hough, ~er Lukens, Phyllia 8h1delivered to the high BCbool building was on Ii 5-ooy leave. Both bOys .for dlspla.ylJlClsoldierly qual1tl~ bE- daker, Frances Re.ever. Wednesday mornlng. It w1l1 be In have returned to th.eir statlo~. . fl~ .htii rank. " . "Born In .W~neavWe, Ohl,>, .he a~- P&SSE8 EXAluNATl4()N opm:&Uon In a few days• ; , I __ ~ tended the ~~vme, . Ohio. ' AT U. 8. NAVAL HOSPITAL . NOW APPRENTICE SEAMAN School was dLsmlased all "day toMra, oarl L. '~ . haa ,' r~v~ f'>r ,t he tint ttme iD • illUmb~ of i.Oarmmar .achooI; and IIhe wOrd has been received. here to ,daoy (A.Imlst1ce Day). wont' tba.t her h~~ Is ~ oe.rt WQ1lesv1lle 'W~ liave a ~": vllle h1~ ~o.ol. ~nr to hl'J . ;ntl'Y the effect that Gene 214.. JI'hompson II. Q4)0k, It... S .• Oom~ti¥. 1m, u. ~tY.' ~_ aemce tbla Into the .~ . forces on A!)til lit, hIl8 IUOce6atuuy pIlsaed hts e~nuna- IlrAPPY HOUR CLUB BOLDS 8. lIfaval Training Station. Great year, tt :baI .been. announced. 19.9, ~ ~ ~oyed as ~ Jub. It~- ltiem lilt the U: S. NaiVILl.' hil6pltal lilt . NOVEMBBB MEETING . Lake&, nunols. The Church of qIirlat, DWIcoP.al, tar by . the Koril~e ProductJr. DaY- AlUIapollll, Md., for a six ' montha ' " . ; aDd ~ di~ are to m,eet ~n:lIUo, HIa WIfe, Mrs. :Graca' ~ tra.1D1nim opcratlnc tec:hniQue. The iB&ppy, HOUrcluti held its IIIIRTH OP SON . tWa 111 1IlJa. NtIIde..aIt B. B. NO,,2, W6YMl- ~e graduated frO!lQ Waynesvme lNovember meetlne Tuesday afterWediillldl., I vme. ~ , ,:'' ' " . Hllh8rihool iD 14&f, ll9t2. tWld alro noim, November .9 at the home of completed. a semester Iil.t Nlaml' unl~ Bettie~. k feature of the vera1tY ;;'t OZford :pi~-medlca M . aftlerooOn waa a /IhOWer lor t..he new ,. , , ' aame time.. . 80D 01 Mrs. Atha Furnas. IA deliCiOUS 0I4td \~ ; Pit.-.rs, lOll; of Mr. '. . lunch ./W88 served- to the members ~ ilia ....,. Peters .: 01 Ul"D NOOn .J\ule ~ he ,enllsted in the NRVy . I, ~e•. l'eOI!DttIy npqj.ted" ~ ~ to .Grealt tak-.s N.a val ~ .gUe8tI. . ......_ __ IPBIMG V~· ••,11 . '. QTeeuwood AJIDY,Air Pleld al a .tu-: Traintne atatlcm: tor ~ tra1n1ng. BOMB ON .F URLOUGH ___ , '. ,R eWiv. Iiere hav. noeIYecl ~ . . ID lIMio ·iuabt~, Be.... On eompl~ be ~ered tlle medOpl. Joh"n Stanley, a 80D of Mi. :JIi ....... ~ at the ~ ~ Oeorp KIr~ thU be .radua_ fIoIp' Wape blab l~ corps ~ '1Wu IfIIduated on , Wed"""" . eveDIq ~ . . . / ". . . to . . u... 8. MIbDa1 . . . I» ~ baaeball, Sept. 38 from tbat place to tate up and Y:ra. ' B~ stanJer, wlSO Sa .~ at Bot. SprlDp, Ark., ar_ _rIDe. ~ ~ ··defea~. . . Be waIcl_to bW ~ ..~ ~ III tNct: fIdler tnb.1tnI' at ADDapoUa. rtRc! here'I'IIeId&J evenl1IIr to spend YU'IIt1"1t. III • • . . IIddI-. Aad.ll; lilt. wU·... dUe of Ida Gene win" sJact bear from hta Bemt....... CIene II. II .~ lit tile baDe orbIs ~1"iDIIiIlMi. _ k, Raft) BOI- ena Ire Ja ........Dled by bJa brI::e of • ,.., maaUli.
Quarterly Meeting Of Friends Sunday
Advisory Council Meets
;Progressive Club Waynesville High Meets ·Tuelda)T Eve. Defeats Morrow
Lytle W.S.C.S. Meets At Kenrick Home ,
·.. ·..
,Union Services
. Thanksgi'Vin'
JIIo11IaIIIited "
Mothers Club Holds 'M eetingOf S. Wayne Interesting Meeting . .i.\.dvisory Council The Mothers ~- met on F rlda.y nl ternoon at t.he Grade building ,vil;h an attendancc or a bout flfty, Ive members. DevOtions were con"a cted by Mrs. Sarah Braddock. and ..4 very enterta1n.1ng program of reel.IlLlons, songs and dances wns given " y Ule second and third grades. Dulng t he bu,<,!ness mce Ung the WIcll committee reported that the 6T8de lunch roo m had provld lld 1160 iWIeh.es during tne pa st week The !December meeting of the .llub will be held a e the high school ~ud itol'lu m 011 Friday evcnl:.g, Dec. .1. Mrs. Truma n Wardluw, I.he presid e~t, · Is urging all parents to attend.
On IFr1da~. November 5, Mr. an d M rs. W. 1. Stroud opened their n os-
ltabel' homc to the members of the Way.ne Adv isory Cowlcll. Pour members were absent due to S outh
l ~ lness.
A uniqUe manner of holding the discUSSion period was followed. The men held a closed session With Mr. ~a l ph Asbury as dl.scuBs1on leader. "1.1'8 . Stanforth lWas the leader ·f or he lalties. Many subjcc1.5 and probf ms were dlscussed\ Wh!l the men emerged from t heir sslon. Mr. S troud quite graciously I'f ered h is home to the councll for turkey dinner to be held some Ume ear Thanksgiving. Mrs. StrOUd ser ved quite a palo.tFIRE IN NEW BURLING TON ,bie hmch , aft er IWhlen the councll Mrs. George Phlilips of New Bur- (]jaunted to meet with Mrs. John d gh trut, l;uICcrlng ner vous shock, was :w'Sk.e on IDecember Il. WIder Ule care of a phYSician last Thursday, following n nre of und etelmined origin which dwnaged Lhe upper part of h r resldence In .~he . vllll4re. Mrs. Phillips, who husThe home of Mr. and Mrs. wuband died recently, llnd who has red Squires wa>s the scJl.ene of a been staylng at tbe home of Mr. \ ery lovely party on Saturday &. m. nd Mrs. Janles Fish er of New Burhen Mrs. Squires . entertained 111. lington, 'W8.S at ller OWIl home when h onor of her little daUg'hter. ~he blaze was discovered by a neighllyn Alone, I9fho celebated. her H. .-___ . __ •_ __ bor. The blaze was not cxMnll u1shed. cnth birthday anniversary. WILlI Lbe arrival Qf the Spring ValThe a.ftemoon was spent In playley fire department and a hose and lJ ,g gomes, opening ' and . adrn1r1ng chemlcal engine ·f rom Kingman. th e many lovely, ttlfts atter which a . Wa.ter was pumped from Anderson's bea.uUlully decorated birthday cake 1Fork, a short d.lst.6nce t rom the wtth candles, lce cream and candy proper~y, to subdue the flames, '!he were aerved by Mrs. 8qu1nJe, auIsted property was Insured. by MI'II. Eugene ,W itham. of , Lepn_ on and IMrs. It.. E. Stout. , PLA()ED ON PROBATJOIoi Those IWM SPBDt the afternoon with
,? arty In Honor Of 3eventh Birthday
'John 'R ose; who pleacted guilty In Greerte couuty oommon ploos court Sat urday to grand larceny. was plac ed on probation by th e court Monday upon good behavior and b.Ia promise to rcpa.y t910 he ililegedly stole from J ohn Hurley. B ~I!l)rOOkSpring Valley road. DEATH OF
MarilYn were Wlnnle '.10 StOut, I 'Donna Harley.. DorIa Brown. sandra Lee Simpson, Marilyn 00118, Bita ., Fay ' Vanover, Marilyn ~ren. ZMI& i Ma,e Fulkerson, Naomi Jaoe l3w1on. I Janet . Hammond, Lorene SauatJw,., carolyn Collwn. 'Allan W1~. Joe Smallwood. Bobby O'Banlaa. and Wade Turner.
Frank: Kyne. '15, Spring Valley farmer. died at his hOlM there Saturdtly night, RequJem mass was intoned at 10 a. m. Tuesday at St. Brigld C61thoUe churcll iD Xenia, with burial in St. Bl'lgld cemetery. Mr. ~e 'W6S a 1lf ~long resident of the Spnng Va lley commWIity. He leaves a son. JOh.n WllUam Kyne of the army; two daughters Mrs. Frank ,o'Neill. at home, and Mrs, John McDonnell or :Chlcago and dwo brothers. William of Xenia, and Charles of OentelTV1lle.
IAlt.boueb the plan baa. IIe8n 111 operatlon for more than a montb, I\() requests ior paymentS under ~ mJUt-subsJelY program have been matte at tbe office of the OUDt.aa-+ coUnty &M commlttee tn w)1.mlDI- l t9n. Tbe P871Dents amount ~t..iO_aa_~_ cents a hunc1rec1 pounds for "boIe m.lHt and four cents a pound f.,~ butter fat. L
Friends here have l'~Ved word to the ef.fect thM Lewla ., fhompson hils been tarnsferred tp New OREGONIA R£SIDENTS HURT Y~k City. 'His address Sa PIc. Lewla Serious Injuries were suffered by E . Thompson 35'l99!M3, ,3371 \ Ord. WUI~r E , tWggs, ~3, and hts lIOn , Bue Depot 00.. AP.O. No, .'173. can ' W1ll1am Blggs, 40, or Ol'egonl.l, when of P'G&tmaster, New York, N. Y. a cal' driven ,b y Guy Grant, Jr., 26, ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT of InltianapollB, coll1ded with their Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Qmger are truck Denr Washington O. H. Friday . Walter Biggs sUatalned a fractured aDonUl1lClng' the engagement 01 their hlp, ja.w, cuts and bruises a..... d pos- nJece; M1ss !Kathryn Wa.lker; to S-Ic sible l!l1temal lnjurles While his son Perry 1111. Benton. No deflnlte date received rib fraotures, a ibrolten knee h!a !been set for tbe weddi!lg. Miss cap and cuts and 'bruise6. Both are Walker .graduated from the 1acai I ' hi&'h scHool In· the cl~ of '.1. in ,~am i Va llcy h ospital, Day ton . Grant died of lnjurles In a OolumRETURNS TO FLIGHT TRtUNlNG bus hospital. WWJam Mellob, aviation cadet, SPRING VALLEY TO nOLD has MUl'XWd' to his primary flight SPECIAL ELE()TJON DEC. 7 tralnlna at ~ogee, Oklahoma. Sprtng VaJ1e~ Village counc1J, in after enjoying 'a tell,:"day furlOUlh a. meeting Baturda.y nlght,authorIzed Widt· hta ~ts, 141'. a.nd 'M rs, It.. P. submission of a 3-mill extra. tax levy ~elloh and other ; relatives • aDd for street I1ghtlng and ot.her vWage friends.
expenses ad; a specjal election Tuesday, Dec. 7. The levy failed by a margin at seven votes to receive the requi.red 65 'per cent ma.Jortty vote at last Tuesday's election. Ofllclals said a mlsunderstandlng of the levy by Vlllage residents was responsible for Its defeet. They cited & m1I!takP..n bellef ,t he pr.oposal wa.s an additlonal 'lssue, whereiLs in fact It Is merely ~ ' extension of a levy in eUect In recent yean• GARDEN ()LUB MEETS AT SMITH ROME
Il'he Oe.rden club met on, Thurliday! a.ftemoon at the home of Mrs. ElUlabeLb SInlth. Mrs; Lawrence
FlU'nas gave &1'1-; exeellcJ).t pa.per o~ "Evergreens" and Mrs. Jessle .Long8.c1'e told of ahrubbej;y sUitable for local planting. • ' AT FLIGHT SVIIOOL ' Aviation Oadet .WUlIam 8a.wyer waa very happy to Inform ~. S;aw, dW'blc the ~\ weeIr, that he 18 DOW at..p~ pl'!!-.1lIirilt acbooi • O!JenIan 1"1eld. 'l'eai. .
LI()ENSED TO WED Among matrtace Ucen8es isSued in Greene county Jut week was following: ~rt Ollfford Huston. \ Bellbrook, enalpr.. ;D8NB, and Marjorie Jean Merecuili. Ii. R.. i, Waynee
IN ·dMY.B08m.u. . t . ,
, . --... ,
Mr. and lin. Walter · Brlltt.atll have receiVed won! f~ ihe war depe.I¢ment ' ataUnI that 7thelr aon. Edgar. Is an lnt:Date oC U1e U. ·S. . A%m,y h~' ln AtlaDta. Ga. No detaUa as 00' hta .tOndiUon were elyen. iPvt. .B rltWIt ~ JOe 1181' 'WJth the· ~ III tile 8outb. Pactac area wben be ... ' ftUIIIt_ . s.utfered I!oIl a~ 01 m.iaIta. .
'nut theet or a 1. . model
.... ~ ataIID ·lIare ...., Dllbt to' IIarIbal O. P. 'JfJJI *-t.-ta ~aJ KNtrer...... ~ . . . I 1a.!IM . . .
1Itbr jliami I1U
the best you cn n do" Ii\.(! I 11 pOJT penaallt' Cl'ust of urend? Ckl l>.:ick a.nd sj,aY' unUl you have done IIOme-
WayneavWtr, O,b1o
MIijn street
........ ,M ~ ,, . Claal M&1l !4a~ at PoetomCe, Waynesv11le, Ohio
Wal't er W. Wiseman, Editor and Publisher
PrJce. 'UO Per year. payable
1n Advance
From A Farm Diary--Dry Ridge .
November P. 1943. The flrl;t snow of the &e6S011. Cold. gny and damp. I 'must be getting old. I do not teel such a thrill at the flrst snow or any snow lUI I used "to. The pigs know where Sto 18 com!ortable. I found tlhem all &!lug and wann In the bam .tn1a mor.n1ng but there Lsn·t room for them bere so We will h8ve to see what we can do to make them more comfolltable In Uleir own quarters. !My regular chores now are to t.Jle the cows to their pasture and . put the pigs back In thelr5: ' :Acoonllng ,to ~ people we will have nine snow storms th1s <winter beca.use the first one came the Dlnth of Ule month. Nine Isn't such a blg number. perhaps I -can remember to couDt them. Most of us are Intereabed In Jong-ra.nge . predJction. '11bere 18 an1oteresa1ng a.rt1cle 1n the laat Country OenUeman about one of our DlOIIt succea;tul long-~ we.ther forecutem, Dr. Mosely of BoWllng 0reeJ:l University. He usee old n!IOO1'd8 ,w here tb"f are aftllable and 'Wbere tbere are no 'WI'ltten records he uses tboie apt by nature In the rtnas·ot the tree trunU. narrow cme8 (01' <by yearS and wide on~ ~ ~ ,the yeara ~en moisture was abundant. comparatlve ~tudy tor thouSands 01 years bau bas aboWn: thes"e 18 a oycle lor each , "
region that repeats Itself every 90.4 years. He predicts for this region heavier rainfall ·than usual during the growing season of 19-K atter two or three months of dry 111teather at the beglnn1ng ot the year. That sounds more relIable than the woolly worm System but how well would we use it If we really mew !What kind of w~ather to ellpect. W.ouId we be like the pasant In Tolsol"s gable, "How the Little Devil Earned His Cl1.I6t of Bree.d.?" Satan sent one or his little devlls to earth on~ day to see what mischief he could do. He wandered along the road untU he s&w a peasant. He was ea.ting a crust of bread hlJlliTily but when he bad finlahed hftJl of it. he stopped and hid the ~el' half and began his work. The li~Ue devll 8ald to blmself, "I will steal b1s crust of bread and eat It, then stay and see wha,t he says when he finds that It 18 gone." 80 he ate the crust of bread and 'hid himself to wali. When ' n!>On came the peasant stopped his work and came look (or his bread. He found It gone. "Bomone ha.s taken it," he said, "May it be to his good health," and went on with hls work. When tne litUe devU went bock to Satan and told hiln what he had d~e, Satan wu V6l1Y' angry. "Is that
thing 'WPrtlhy of me. unW you Ilnv earned' your cruSt of bread:' ' The little devil wtnt back t. el1rlh aud ""ben he found th pea, lit, llC talked Ito him and :;.bowed him a low pia e and told him to plant h crop there. That yeru- it W80S very dJ y but there was moisture in the low ground a.nd the peasant·s croP . w the !.Inest he had ever had. The ne~t year the little devll had him plaut It on hlgh ground and the floods came and destroyed Ule 'crops on the low ground and again he had a wond.el'ful crop. After 1\ few years the peasant had so much gra.ln th8t he hardly knew what to do with It so the little devil showed b l m how to make It into strollg liq'lor. The peasant was rich now and he invited aU the town to a great feast. When theY' had all gathered he called his wife to bring in the wonderfUl new drink that the llttle devll bad showed him how to make. As she urought It In she stumbled and spilled a few drops. When the peasant saw the spilled dropS he flew Into a terrible mge and beat and abused her. The Uttlle devU smlled and 'w ent . ~Ck. to Satan a.l'ld told him of the poor peasant. He seid, "May l.t be to his goI¥i health when I stole his ' crust or bread. but now he beat liis wife for spllUng only two drops ot llquor." "Well done." said 'Satan, "YOU have earned your .crust or bread." . Would we usc the benefits aoy more 'Wisely 11 'We leamed. to tortell the weather·?
Chur~~es _ ~ 'If
C lurch ch001 at 9:30 $_ t1L ship ervlce at 10:30 A. SUbject, "In Q u t of Ood:'
Youth 110 Ip SWlru y' at. 7:3(1 p. m. The yOlUlg people o:r the YOUUl ~ 1l0WShip will parUclpa{e UI til\' sub-district Booth FestlVllI to be held 8t Franklin Sat\u:day. Nov,ember 20. Money ~d supplies will be sollclted .cor our Oll1ldreu' Home at WorU11Il8'ton. Bring your offering of money or canned good ~ the chulch this Sunday .
.. . STaRE
.......'l'ON, LONGIN"~A!m o&1JmI W&TQD8 'DIAIIOIO). ...' .... St.', ~ODe IH
Stroll&' - FrIeDdb' BeUabie AoclommctdatiJll'
Ralph Parks, M1n1stu In Charge h TrOW, Thomns wheat drill, .tert I- He Is slowly. Inlprovlns Church school at 9 :45 a . m. Mr. and Mrs. Wilb tr Clar-t !;pent ' Morning prayer Qnd sermon 11 :00 izer, .cuILlpacker, one-row corn PlOW. sl\lk cutPrlday In Dayton. two double shovel plows, a. m.
•'ERRY CIIVaCD OF £IIRIST Herbert Graham. :MiDuter
9:30 a. m .. Bible school. 10.45 a.. m.-Commwnion. 1'1 :00 a. m.-8ermon. 8:00 p. m.-Prea.ch11ilg.
FRIENDS ~ Day school. 9:11(\ a. m. Meeting for Worship, 10 :30 a. m.
• • •
ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH (Has anyone seen or, heard anyFaUaer KnmhelUl, PrIest thing more about the stoV2 men that swindled myoId bUnd neighMass Sunday 9:00 a. m. bor? I heard they were In the'coWlty, l~ 8&turday, but I still haven't WAYNESVILLE CH'URCa OF names or Ilcense numbers. The CHRIST Better Business Bureau or Dayton says that racket has Peen worked in Mas: Randall. M1n1ster this region before and warrus people SchOOl 9.30 a. Dl. Bible dea.l only with rellable poople • Oommunion 10:45 a.. ID. that 'they< know. Check thelr priCes Prea.clling. 11 a. m. carefully. It mlgbt be that th~y ate Julllor Endeavor, '1:15 p. m. violating price ceUlngs or s tepping Senior Endeavor, '1 :1:5 P. m. over the Une' of sai!el,y Into someCommunion and preach.lng, &:00 thing for which the ]a.w can reach them. At any rate !We can give them p. m. You are invited to co:me and worso 1I1i1ile business that ~ C1ln run thlp with us. ' them out or the country alld all the others like them. .ftIT. DOLLY M. E. COURCH' PUBLIC SALE T. ~ &iadf, Minuter
C. A.
Your H.oConoIek-DeeaiD, . ImpiemeM Dealer , .
..~ 1088
___ 109 W, lIIaIA-St.
EICHMAN'S ' ~8appUea_""'"
8berwIn-'WIlIIaIU PalDt ~W,~ St.
G'I B N E Y' S . Phone 78 W. Mala 8t.
., . -'tHE CRn'ERiON J
Badlo ~ BloJcIe Bepalrlq
Arnw ShIn. ' 37 W. MAID ;
iSAJ,..Y'S .CAFETERIA UJNoaES it 10& CaE.w
ROY V. HULL Sewin. Machine Supplies
A Good Place &0 Eat PhODe 71'
.. &..ua
BepaIriJII' 01 AU Maka
; .
8IlOl' ftBST AT
We BeU Everyihlu,
PbaDe ''' ;~
B. lIrIahI 8t.
'. B'Y E CAR E
~Il Propet"b' Fitted Eye
'DR. .. '
Our Specialty
L A. WAGNER Phone 767W
" B. lfaln St.
Xenia, O.
H You Rave Trouble '.Belne Fitted WUh
Oar Chrtatmas 'G1fta Are 101 Crystal Pottery and Wood Noveltie.-Costume Jewelry Jewelry and Compacta B~ CURnS .17 E. Main Stftet
PERSONAL STATIONERY 2tO Sbeeta - 100 EnveY0Jlell with your Dame and ' ad!btu ror
si~ ' as your order
. Phone ~143
XeQia Standard Parts T.~ck,
Car and Tractor Replacement Part~ .
Machine Shop Work
, ...... u .. 108 E. Main
Ph. 288
.As we are moving to town I will sell at publlc aucUQtl the following chattels at our farm locat a lour miles N. W . ot Waynesville, two miles N. E. of !QUe. thr,e e ml'c!\ E. of Route 48 on Social .&ow road at Ferry, on TUESDAY, OVEMBER' 16 at 10:30 a. m.: Z-HORSE8---2 'Ilwo head of good work horses, both excellent workers. . 5-HEAD CA'1TLE-5 Five head of cattle, 2 good milk cows. botb In good flow of m1lk. j 2 calves, 1 male Guernsey, 16 months old. Three broQ<i sows. FARM IMPLEMENTS. Low wagon, flat top and side boards; mower, hay tedder, wheat dr1ll, fertilizer abtocllment, manure spreader. cor n planter, ,h orse drawn; double disc John D'lere cultivator; Oliver rltling bl'cl1kln~ p low' double shovel plow; roller harrow; tobacco sIMer; tob6cco press; platfonn .scales; corn sheller; windmill; Ford 8:utolnoblle, 1917 model; drag; Log schute; hog box; 14-ft . plank hog trough; 8-lt Lr()U~; some smail ones, self .feeders; 1 3-4 horse po IVtT Fairbanks gas engine; poultry sell feeder; cider press ; chains; slll gl6 and double tl'ees; forks. ' shovels, hoes. etc. ; 3 sides' hl!orness; cullars. lines Rnd bridles; block and t~ckle ; 100 feet rope; W. 8. cream sepaNtor; water separator; butchering tools; 2 ket tl~; .2 lard ,pres"'!Iij sausage grinder; lard stirrer; 23 hedge end posts; barl·els. br. xe,:;, IP ~ of chicken coops . FEED Five tons aJ.falfa hay; 500 bl1snels good corn. Ii HOUSEHOLD GOODS Li~ room suite, el ,1.ng ro m suite. llbrary table, desk, kltch el. cupboard, bed ro c>m ' sui~e , ro~ k .!l(l' chaiTs. couch &wlng, 1-4 H. P. Jllotor, 32 volt Delco sweeper. Teims: Cash. LESTER KENRICK, O\Vl!er ", Martin and Rlesau, AuctioneE!l'S QentervU!e, Ohio. Ph<l!1e !7021 st. John and Reason. Clerks. Lunch on grounds . .
ter, roJler. bob sled, f..;nce stretchers.' h ogshead. ladder, pi tfol'm Scales, oUblc log chains, forks, shovels, trers, stra.w knUe. sl igh and bells, ero cut SQlW. dinner bell, 4 sid.es ~arlless. collars. Ilnes, bridles, fly ne w, sickle grinder .
Mrs. Calvin Longacre ent'lrtulued
Mnl. Margaret John to d1.nner Monday evening, III honor or tilr: .,t-
ters !birthday 1l11n1ver"uv. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baln i and' daughters have closed · thelr hulL';;! and will spend the wtnter i.u Dayton FEE~ with the tatters fatller, Mi'. <-hilrleS ¥ Ive hundl'ed busbels good C:lrll, DUl. Mr. and Mrs. B6lrd both have 25 bales straw. E:lllp!oyment In Day t;oll , ~o numerous other It~m loo 'Mrs. E. B. Longacre abtend l~rt 9 t.edlous to m nUon. conference Tuesday at st. P aul"l M. W. E. CORNELL E. church In !Dayton. Stanley & Koogler. Auc~lonee rs. Mrs. Fred Rush aud Mrs R111jlh Shldaker & Hartsock. clerk,s Hammond. leadcrs"accompa nled Iohe Lunch by Grange 4-H girls from here to WaYi~o5 vlUre Grange Saturday evcning wherc they took part In the prog.om
children of Dayton. were S ...tur'd!:IY evening callers of Mrs. ·· Ella Ferrl~ , ",Mr. and Mrs. H~ Va.nc left last ' Suhda)' on a pleasure trip ro~ :ill . 1n(\~r1nlte· time. , . Mr. and 'M rs, Delbert Mullen and fllimJly moved last WeeK from ' th J . farm of the Ia.te Mr. nod MrS. Albert Ta.lmage. to the farm, forlllell:; owned by D. M. Lyrlch. which. Wtl i rECeutly bought 'by a !Mr. ISaACS. (1 Middletow;n. Miss Frances Brnodenberg (.t Lebanon ahd .Mrs. Robert BraudenbW"lf. were oyer nllfht guests Saturday of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Jesse Pennlngtan and 1'amUy, In Harveysblu g . · SundBy dinner guests or the Gray families in Wellman. 'were: Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wilson, Mrs. ["cwls Peffers, Mr. and Mrs. Vernle Perfers IIJld family, Frtl.nces Branden\.,urg nod little Rose Rich. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dale Lucas nnd chIldren of Leb8non. were, SUnday visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Mullen, and f~mlly. !Mr. and Mrs. Oecll L::>mb and sons. fonnerly of ~Wellma.n, hnve recently bOught the 'f ann owned by ¥rs. Ruth Sherwood, of O/',~n1a, and are nOw pleasantly located there. Mr. and ~s. Ed Fred. :the fonner Nona. Shumaker, arc spending the1r honeymoon In Miami Bach, Fla., and en,j oylng the delight ful climate an d many interestlng slg'h ts of the Southland. J . Lee Talmage and 'Miss J essie Gerner were among the I . unense (!.rowd who attended he publ!c auction o~ the farm OWlled bY Mr. and Mrs. Fred Furnns, near Bellbrook. Wednesday. Advertise JUdiciOusly
.UrH . \\'ulh'r H.",..'h' k.
Advertising Shows Energy Advertising Keeps Old CUstomers
•.. r'''.I.ua~''h'
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ~urnet , attended the Dls' u.ision Group, whlch
was entertain I b)' Mrs. Georgia. Men enhalJ . '-our HO\:lse" In Waynesville Wednesday epening. Mr. and Mrs. T~erle Jones and san spent Sunday afternoon and even1.ng at the . home of Mr. and Mrs. EdlwIn Nutt. near Centerville. Mr, and !Mrs. Ralph Hammond and cbllct.ren were SUlldaY" ening
guests of the former's uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil' O'Banlon, In 'Dayton: . ' 'Mrs. !Margaret ,)'ohns and Mrs. 'H arvey Burnet spen~ Friday In 'Day-
.tlhu. J. "'lil t: (!nr " .·r,
'4U·.·~,.. ••u .. I1<.n
Mrs. Ella FerrtS, OUI' Oldb _t rddent of this communIty. was nt thl! electlon In Harveysburg Tuesday, to cast ber ballot along with mnny other ladY voters. • Mrs. Lucy Murrell of New York City"was a gUest lut , woilek ot Mr. and .lMr~. E. C. JefIery and Rob,;rt, of Olive Bra.nch, Mr. Murrell lived ' in thalt ylc nity some Years agCl. Mr, and Mrs. Allen McKay of xenia, were recent v1B1tors of hiQ parents. Mr. and Mrs. !Mrs: Harold MklK&y. .
HARVEYSBURG,, OHIO Will pay $2.00 for Dead Horsel. $1.00 . for COWl. Sheep, ,HOira, Calve. and Colt.
RplOVED PROMPTLY Sunda.y School 9 :30 & . m. E.A. Earn.ba.rt, . Bupt. ton. Mrs. Joe H1temnn of Norwoo:i w~s Phone Waynelville ·Mr. and Mrs. Ben James ~ ha ve a. saturday visltor of lIfr. anJ Mil;', Evening l5erv1ce. '1 :30 p. ~. sold tbelr farm south of here and . 2804 Player Meetlng Wednesday eveJ . R. 'HJten}an and sons. Mr.;. IiIteto the 'RIdge .property In ma.n::; family and friends a.re I'~oased will move The only FerUI1aer Plant In niDg. '1:30 p. m. • Lytle SOOn. . to know that ahe 18 recovering a.fter Warren Cowlty . !Mrs. Willla.m Bergtla!l 4PCl'lt the a several weelc.a serIOus U1n~. PUB L I C S ,l' L E week-.end with he1::-. · ~~~!L..:!!!I:!:!:..I-J~.-a:ncf.yrs.-R<lbe:rt -wilSon and Having 'r ented my prl)per ty, I will Edmond Milllj6r - ._ _.,..-_--,-..;,.,,;"--_ _ _ _ _-=:-_-:-_~_.!:...:~~;:;.-:...---Sell lilt publlc auct1qn ,a t my Ia'rnl; ton. three mUes north of Waynesville' \Mr, and Mrs. DeaI1Lh Sheehaq' and a.nd tour miles south of Sp~ing Val- daughters attended IIJl Ohio sta~ ley, on lRoute' 42, on 8nd Show sale of 'S potted Poland SATURDAY, NOV~ER ?II. 1943 China hogs in Columbus Wednesday. a~ 10:30 a. m.. , 1-1r. and Mrs, P. N. QOfl:ell and the following faMl chattels, Lo-wlt : ' M rs. Clyde Wharton . vlsited Mrs. 2-HORSEs.;.-% Team of sorrel geldln,ilS, 10 and,11 May Cor-nell at, Lebanon Sundn.y &1ternoon. years old. weight ~ ,p ounds . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kenrick and t-CATTLE--4 'Ilwo mUoh cows,! to ' be fresh In chUdren' were 'F riday evenlllJ dfuDecember; t",o Hereford h~Uers to ner guest.s of t he latter's parents• Mr. I\Jld Mrs. Ed Hopl.'fus Ln, Wl\yn~ freahen In December . Ville': ' . ." ~HOG8-59 Nine brood saws, lane male hog. Mlsses Anna and Ruth Nll~ ~ of six spring pigs.' 43 fall pigs. Centerville, and Mrs. Emma. Plilldpe IMPLEMEN1:'S and oMrs. iF'anpIe Kincade 01 Day'fi'-20 Farma.U ttactqr, po-.... er 11ft ton called on Mis. !Margaret Jobns culUvators, tractor brel"klng pb w. last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. GUy Routza.~.J and double disc spring,' tocrth harrow. Oliver breaking plow. Oliver walking .ciOIl\ !Russell, ~ ~ln Dayton MOIl;'. . 'lVhole.o,"" Palteurized DairY P':oducla , plow, Deering ,mower. two corn day n;fternoon, where the laltt>: unplanters. h ay rake, hay 't edder, drag derW6l1it a minor . operaUon of hJ8 P'astelpized' Milk For Your' Protection
nook at the office
Of Dr. Allbman.
Vi.-)'Deaville; . Ohio
fhon., 2537 •
for- Salle
~' . ~
• t'
~Fri".Y - , And · . - - '1.,...;1."
-ac~EN- '
,At .The-Roxanna ....
.How~s, it ", Back-'Hoin'e7-
Canning Co. Phone 2878
AdJnJnistrator Batate ~~olUe ' G.
due. Decea8ed Notice Is herebY! Jtlvcn that How'am,W. case, who.se P08t Office Ad- ",,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~=~!!!!!!!~~ dress Is Wa~esvnlel Ohl0!s ' bas been ~UCTIONEERING. <'.uly al';JOlJited as \Admin trator of ,t he Estate of MOille O. CllBe. lat.) Stanley aDd K~'.ler or~~ oo~~ OhiO, deceaeed. 11M3.ted tl1Is 22~ da, of Oo~. Por Datei, I'boIIe 38M. WQDflIVWe, Ohio, Rove.... 0barIeI -RA.IJPH H. OARiBIY'. .Judge ot the Probate Coul't
'~"'~---------------------.J OA:RL AIBMImJIlRLI. Warren County,AtliJ. Oblo • ..-11 ._
• to
.Open. !uaday Ai The Xeuia
:h1m:a real sUoe 0t. , hO~~:, W9Ug.; maJ:or
.' ',the USO--OD_ ot tilt I! war. . rel~et' ",lDolt! ~:n beDdtd to,:, ' .setUl-, ,.1tJl ~OWD fO......Dt~., . .e~: '.. 01 •• ,W . nu'_t.o aliter. morate . '; aiad-811•• .dilf..' ••. OD .t he bat.'\le
~'.:fl'Ollt.: •..
of war __ oOfl\dbll\loD
~~ ~CI'iyu.iaIl ylot.1II8 ~): at. ,lao...
Jut. ODe
~. 7..... 'ii.lpa ' lake it b1S. lake"
From 'The Miami Gazette Files
ftFI'Ef,N YEARS AGO (November 14, 1928) The W~a.n·s Auxiliary or St. Mary's church met on Friday afternOOll I1t tHe ~e ·of /Mrs. W . H. .... Allen. Mfa. Allen and Miss May Wright were hostesses , High school junlors, pa.rt.lclpat1ng In the Armistice-lDay program were: Virginia Hardin, M(y>, a iPenCll, LouIse Henderson, ~ Rich, Miss Sq!lier And "Dutsy" M1l1er of Wilmington. The following offioers were elected Tuesday nlght bY' the MlItSOlIB: !Earl 'l1homas, W. M , ; Fred iM. Cole. . S. W., R. IH. Hartsock, J. W.; F. B. !Henderson. secretary; Walter !McClure, treasurer; P\lul Boorman, ~. _ D.; Unrold Earnhart, J. D.; ,1harlea Bradbury. tyler; E. L. .Thomas, trustee for three yr.ars. Word has !been received here of the birth 01 a son to MI'. and M'rs. James iOavis of Boston, MAss., and of a daughter to !Mr. and !Mrs Raymond Davis, ol Dayton. MIss Eva !Mq4I.Uan was hostess to a !lew !lrle~ &aturday at which tUne 'th.e enge.gement of Miss Irma Shutts and Mr . Harold 'Bedcett. of Spring ,H ill; rwas announced , Mrs . .Anna Cadwallader and Mills Clara LUe WIll spend the winter at the IFrlends IHome. Mr . . and Mrs. Clarence Simpson havegoI,le to housekeeping 1h Ralpb Millers propertY' on Main streel.. Mr; a.nd Mrs. Pa·uJ Duke are announc1ng the arriVal of an e!.shtpoWld san at MIami Valley b06J)ital November 12. Waynesville Grange of.ficers Ib:ave been elected as follows : Master, J. B. eraa:.be; Overseer, Raymond Braddock; Steward, Roscoe 'F urnas; Ass't steward, James Brannock; LIldy Asr!'t steward, Marg8ret cOOk; Troosurer, 'M . A. Cornell; SecretarY, VIrg1nla. 'Hardin; Lecturer, Leona Hall; Chaplain, Mrs. T. B. Brannock;, G. K., P. L. Reason: Oerea, Inna RJch; Pomona, Florence Day; Flom, !Mary Katherine 'WUson; T.rust.ee, J . B. lUch.
teok ·p&ee at lUo1Unond, I:rtd., Sept. 16, " The Y. F . M:. met at the plea,aant
M'llOlure. local·
er, SUU'ered a stroke this a.fternoon whJ1e in attendance at a meeting of 32nd degree lMa&ons I/ot Dayton. 'JI4'I&s CI~ Lile, ' principal at the Grade bUIlding, ' 1s con'f1ned \.() her room on acount of Illnesa . . (M'I.sa Esther !Heooeraqn was unable ·t o tea$ili for several da.)'II last week on &OOOunt or illness. M1'S. Ohas. Anderson substttuted for her,.
.. .
TWENTY-nVE YEARs AGO . (November 13, 1918) Emperor WUl1am JI. ill now plain "BlU" Hohenzollern, and is taldn,g a vacat1<m in ;nolland. He was made emperor 20 years &gU, and this vain, arrogant destroyer ol womep, children and men, had a Vision of world wldedom1natlon which made him' mad with a lust never before heard of in the annala of history. The anntsti.ce terms were signed Monday and although drlU;tic, are not more 80 tlhan they ought to be. . Henry Woolard arrived bome Thursday evening alter a visit of several monthlf in .Indlana. 'l'pe ·Wa.yne TownBb1p schools opened iM.onda-y after a four week's ,vacation due to the Span1.sb lnlluenza epidemic. . Word has been rece1vedbere that Abe Dak1n, Q. former Waynesville boy; was aUghtly wounded In act10n Bept. 22. A rtew weeks 880 WaynesvUle- clt1zeria iWer.e called out (if their beds at two o'olock in the rbornlna' by the ringing or.bells to celebrate the ClasInig of the War. They bad a fine celebratl~ too, but It was proven to be a talBe alann. IleBt week all the surrounding towna had Go big celebratIon on Ule ilauu! account, but it, also !proved a hoax. On. .Monday. however. the news came so authentic that everyone had to hu.rrah. The kaiser was carried over ~wn and 'VIae given bIa f1rBt .taste of fire wben the square. waa reached. The old ,town Was turned In6lde out . The chllrehes were open 'Sunday, ~e rtlrst Ume in four 'iweeks. . iBom - To Mr. and 1Mi-s. W. ~. OlNeall, Prl~, .Nov: 8, a son. 'Mise Jesa1e Clark of Ca.U!omJ&, Is v1B1t1ni' Miss Emma Helgtiway.
. . ..
FOBTI'-ElGBT YEABs AGO (Oct.eber lZ, 1885) 'I1le ladles of the OhtIstlan churc.'h w:m serve c:U'DIler and supper 9D
CH,ECK YOUR ' FIR E INS U RAN C E' ·e~da¥. The 8PrIni'!that furnlahes water ror OLICY II the tro\.llb~lotf toWn . ' , The coming of cold moat dlW ~ ~' , Dave Mason weather mean I the ltart- sprlng Is l'UIlDing very law. Mila oWe 'I'ucker, da.uahter of ing of heating IYlteml, SuDuel 'I.lUCMer Of near Barveyaburg, and . the danger of fire 'died Of t1JJbold fever and waa bllril veatly increased. Make . 'ied in tl:1e,Miami cemetery Wednes:lure your Fire Inlurance, day. O. D. 'WOoley waa & del.te to Policiel ~re in uworkint the .JUd1c1.al convention held in order" too. CODlu~t
INSURANCE AGENCY C. B. Jenkin., Prop. 8uoces.or t.o LeMa.y " B,wke .W AYNESVlLLE, omo TeleJlltioDII 266l
.Xenia yestefday. 1We.ter ·wtll aaon be aa ar.ar~ an'
your a ..ent l
, """~~'¥IIt'-"""''''''''''''''''''''~';~
·art.lcle m. Wayoeaville 8B an lOOMis': Is op the s8hara desert . IIt'ls getting to be e.larmlng &Dd' It the doe~r '~c;>t provide means \for
Morrow ' Pb~e No. a Lebanon: I 01f1~ Phone '73 Jt Residence 98 M
pubUc !Water for the c; mlng winter by puWng down wella; WayneaVllle , peop~e 'Will be compelled .to us':. stag~t r1~r !Water for d):~g and: cooldtlSl purpoaea. ' .. ' 'M1'. ~ James of near. and 'Ml'B. Oa.ther1ne ~th of M idcne Run, twins, aged 80, came t~, ~ yesk~ to hav~ their pic,,: :tures taken &,t Liddy's gallery. !Lee BIlinea was able ~ be l'eIDOV-, ed to b1a home Saturday, Nn. OWe Cornell iii B1ow~ Im-. provq lrom a severe Illneu. 'WOrk of ImP~V~ sld_alks on Nortb I~e~ 1a nOW' in full bl:aat. ReV. J. Q, Tolbert, the l>Vangel~
.:~w~~ Phone' Waynesville .2811,
new home 01 Mr. and Mr/I. RtiOdes Bunnell Sunda)" evenJng.
Krs. Raymond WIlSon and Mrs. Walter W1Json Iw~re the hostesses to the Happy Hour club Nov. 13. !efr. and Mrs . Everett 'I1lomas are anouncllig thel~ marr1atre which
NOVA SCOTIA-Pa~sed by Canad·
Ian - Censor - Threatened rwith an
acute shortage of coal. die Canadian Government recently issued a aecree requiring all former coal miners, re~ardless or their present wartime' Jobs, to return to the mines. Photo mows: nearly five miles under the sea ill Nova Scolia Pvt. J. C. McDonalcf~"()n a three months' "coal furlough," is back at his old mining iob. The main shaft of this large bituminous mine is on the mainland, but the lodes 'extend from three to five miles ~ut under the rwater. •
ohanged bands. Mr. Haywood taKes the place of the lormer landlord, IM'%'. Miller. Mr. !Haywood has d1iposed ol b1s1nterests in the grocery. and meat business to iMr. MCGrew of Millord' to whom we extend a hearty 'WeIC'OlDe. Bom"-To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harner, aJ da.ughter, Oct. 2. IM1ss Artae Llpplncott has been seriously III 'the past three weeks. MIss i\1a.ry Roberts bos accepted ~ position 1n C1nc1nna.ti. ·wm·. .:serJ&l1ls· employed In KIngs MWs.
Rev. 00wIill ottlcla,ted at the funeral of an lIifant child of Mr. al. ud Mrs. !BaIley of near .Oregonia. 'Monday. R&TION REMINDER PROCESSED FOOnS-Hlue stamps, ~ Y and Z good now; expire November 20. Book. ' grt:en BtamPl' LA, B and C vaUd' through D,ec.30, !MEAT, m'O.- .Brown stam))5 Q H and J are now vaUd. SUOMt--etamp 29 In Book • good for 5 pOlinds through Jan·. 15. SHOES-Stamp No. 18 U palr) ls good 1ndef1n1tely. No. 1 "airplane" stamp in Book 3 goOd for 1 pair Nov.' 1 and until further I,1o~lce . QABOLINE-"A" . book '(!oupona 8 good lor three gallons each, laat through Nov. 21. Band stamps good until wed. 'I'IRE8-Next InspecUollB due: A book vehicles by March 31; ' B's by F.eb. 29; C's by Nov. SO; commercial vehicl~ every six months 9r every 5,000 miles, whichever Is first. IF'UEL ~erlod 1 couponS g<X'd through Jan!Jary 3 • 8TO\?lS-Consumer purchU9S of rattoned stoves ,must be mu.de with " certificate obtaihed at loclll war Prtce and rationing boards
. '
" oJ__ ~~e~O( ,
Ief\ 1wiiS,' when
:auDbar.t .ad
"Tnere ate other thtrigs worse than daJlcl n~." Right.( There IUP. lots 0.1. Climes W l ',;e L).lap l'(ibb ry also, yeL robbery ls still wpmg...and I-Uus~ be 'prohibHed as uch. '.. hew ,8 liO €."tun~ arolmd ~!. ~ [""t ~IU ' ~I:l, . ~i.':lg nIlS i s u W' . llli e l l liaiJ.tr lc hllllJ l! 1 LIIe "ms of the wOJld . "But It gives grace and rhythm, you say." Yes, but there are ' sports J.11d exercises which will do it mudl better, quicker. nd h':lnitl1ler. Few people will Uiagi'ee "hat one. of t.he greatest. evils oJ the ;>resent da.y dance Is the ass OCiation'! connected with It, and the enviJ:onml'nt It t.hrows the dancer into. (J am pW1>Oliely leaving ou t the rex ques,Ion . 'because the practice Of n ecking end pett.lng In cars Is a. much more serious threat along thIs Hne, and offers a problem all to itself.) The mushIoom growt h tl1'? last decade of ta verns a'ld beer parlo1'!, with th eI r "nlckelodian s" and nlnc by nine dance Ooors on t he cross roads and out- or~wIlY plac".s of tit.\! oountry is a deplorable t.hlngs. It. has brought together all lile trU5b of :ne oountryslde. 'I t has 1Th1d ~ dlink and drunkenness too handy. It has provided tawdry places of Il IllUSement to ·w hlch young people fInd rcudy admittance. And It Is these places that yOUD8 dance along rwlth those who nut onl) have 110 Ideals, but are filled 'with corrupt moUves, and h ove the habIts of drlnkln~ and smoking whicll are easily passed 01.' under the clr. cumstances . Most danCe hnlls are llttle morE than dl~es. Certnlnly tJlelr .....hIsIce) drInki,!'1g, beer guzzling, clgnrettc smold.ng interiors nre not fit plaCeb for h ealthy young mInds and lb odle to be, I took a look at s.ome oC them the other nlght and I C8nsaf\,lysa) Jthat ,they are rottan to the ·cure. No self-respecting person would bt seen In them. "But," you come back, "this Is 'Just the thing We are tr.ylng to get away from. Therefore let the 9cb()l)\d hold dances of their own wi t h the prope. SOl·t of atmosphere and chapmon-
that which he woUld not. Is and c.tetr1mental : 3, Although school author t1e.!# ,..n do their beet to keep.:them · ilnde?r control, they will be unable to curb the !lrlnklng imd the golns to the countryside joints, 'tarter the all ill over." 4. Young folks that ,n ever ,before thought of going to these plat'es will law gofor Ilhe sake of dancing. It 81 Is' a vicious circle. !Do you ·thlnk that t.hese sore-spots would exist if It were not for attendance of reapectable young people? And many of these young folks who dance and 3l"C degra.ted t~ ~ jolnbs staJted out With so-called 'nice" school dances and private proms, 1111 ·the t ime promising that thcy WOliid stay away frpm the "joints." 5. SChool dances still provide no answer to .the problem of those out of hJgh school. who are numerically 'n the majority. They stl11 must find muecment some place. (To be concluded next wee'k)
SHOP IN LE.BA NON Save Tires and Gas • • • Direct Bus.Une to Seat'
MeGETClUN'1 PHARMACY "YoUr FamIly Drur store" Cosmetle. - .Uf.t - Ma....... PRESCRIPTIONS " U ...... Phone 281
BROWN and BROWN Ladles Bead,. &0 Wear A GOOD PlACE TO
There' are several reasons wh)' this Is not a. soluatJon to the prob-
hun. '1. The schools can't ihoid dances orten enough to satisfy the Jrmand. Those ·that dance /WOn't be contenl
with one dal'llCe a mOUoth, therefore they 'W1ll go to th06e places n.nyhow. 2. Those ,that dance wlll insist t hat those thllt don't dan-: ~ learn how or be ~ert out ~f the social swim. IWhI.c h Is a bitter p1ll ior any young person to swallow. Anythlng which "forces" an Individual to do
Phone 11& YQUR PBO'l'OG~ (
·~·lau"'iI". l :u;'r .. ~ .. nt Mr.' and Mrs. Maurice Hunter and daughter' 'Were ca-ll1n8 at the Sunday afternoon. · . Mr. and Mrs: Earl ~hlnn o~ Route 7Sj ~ H. R. Pordyce an.d Mrs. . Perry J. Thomas Sat\1 f day morn-
Make oar 8SON YOIII' Headquarter. Phone 114
Phone Z301[
'M r. al'Id Mrs . .aug MdM1chael and ch1ldren spent SUnday as the guests of ,Mi. and Mrs. Oeor.ge MeMichael &Dd eon. ' The P . J. 'I1lomases 'were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr and 'Tom PordYce and son at West OarrolltOn.
War- ' ...,....... of .
R&Iidan •
place else In pollte soolety. [> b like playing with' lire. Somebody a lWIlYs LeUen t.o . tbe Editor are Invlkld gets hUl't. And for every on~ wlto bu& mus& bear &!i" wrt~rs ' name;, has gone to th& da.nces uud· uas not neoeuaril.Y for pubUca~ion. . come' out unharmed without loss 0: vlr.tue, sel -respect, splritua ity. or EdItor of the Qazette: who has h<lt, conLractl>d the h"ul ~ or . The recent argumentive lett. r.. sm<lldng or drlnklng, thlre will be ~r1nted In the !MIami Gazette. in Iegard ·to the school da;nces dr.d es- found one ,or more who has be~ h detln tely harmed by I·t . Check on H peCially the latest one pointing out yourselves. Therefole the ieglLlulItc the terrible evils thereof, must be ljuesUan Is, "Can I rightfully engage qi.tl.te a. shock to 11 qul~~t tc~ectabl c (,) oO.'ltethLng which wUl be hann!u1 oommunity such as 1 ha:ve always to either mc or my nel ~hbor?" known Wayne ville . to bc. I call 'lIne tendtll 'y or the dance Is t o thln~ of, no surer way' to drive the e ~ce.s.:; . Those who lllduige spend ;young peOple out of the church than many hours either In attendal1ce or tor the church or its leaders· to conin thinking wout going. Even If the tlm'allY' lind ,f ault with .t>helr innodance were accep ted as a permiscent acta of diversion. s ible enjoyment, Its ve·ry nQtu~e car : "Evil Is 'he who evil thinks." My rles wlt.h It the Idea of exr.eIlS, ano doubting friends. what do YOU know the Golden !Rule of enjoyment is t c. ol the evil sensations ot dancing? avoid a ll 'excess. This may spem Have you ever experilmced them? hard lor young people, all oC whom With their fathers and mother:'! watching or enjoying their spor t have an abundance of life, hnd yet with them, with bright lights over Ute sober CltperlCllce of mankind them so e.ll the world caJl SCP. , how proves that enjoyable lIvin~ lleve. can they sin, The root of 'evil "grows has nor nev~r will spring from exIn darkness and branc,h es out In ccsses OJ' enjoyment: The dance beda.I'k a.nlt devious ways , There Is n J gins at an unreasona ble h·o..o- and J!ly! In sinful ways. Only God spon- ends at a more Ullreasonable one. sors happlilesa. It Is not. uncommon for t l'tm to Dancing is a ,n.atunLI e"presslo 1 last all night, thus .·ruinlng t,h ~ next ol Iouth and of the joy of IIvlht'. t.wo duys to come because of the My children grew up In the chur ' . nlght's dissipations. They also learned to dance . 1 <:What·s Iwrong with dancing? 11 cause they danced, theJ' did not f 1" nothing, then why do so many ask? get their church or their Ood or Shall I dance? Like Alice In Wontheir fellowmen; nor do imyo.tv.! derland, Where do you want to go? else's, chlldren who an! brought u~ To EI life where pleasure domlntltes In Ohristlan homes. , your thought and action, wher~ ThInkIng evil is a good way to' hllarlous living pulls you down t create evtl and thls unjust crltclsm a lower level; or on to a llfe Wht l·t; of .Ohrlstia.n mothers and fathers Is pleasures are constructive and sure· to dO more harm than good. healthful. This to.w.n is ~ home, .t he place of The dance has gathered ebout I ~ my birth. Ny mother grew to wo- suoha rottep. name; such an unmanhOOd lrere; It was tOe home of forgivable record; such a. history dc'my ' grandfGother and my great- vbld of any good; such corrupt asgrandfather. It is a OOOD town of soclations, ;that Its participation Is OOOD people. The f!Q<Jd has always Iforever out of the realm' of thOse prevailed here and, with the help Individuals who desire to Uve condt oUr Heavenly Fat her who has secrated Christian Uves. ever Icept a owatclrful eye upon our But you say, "The old tlme"s native hills. It J1ll remain so . danced nnd nothJ.ng much came oC S~~ly yours, It." Yes, and you know lIB .wdl as I . ANNE'PI1E J. CASE. that. neither the da.oolng nor the • • • music Is what. It used to be . Very The "follow~ Is continullotlon of fl!W lonnaUtJes and lIttlll distallCC an article I;ubmltted .by Ma.~ Ran- ls · kept III comparison. With the da11,. pastw ol the WaynesVille dances' growth In pgpularlty, it has Church of Christ, and whlr:'l ' \Va s deterIorated, and become more sewritten by Mr. Mark: Me. xe;. oC ductlve and Immoral. North Vernon, Ind : "What about all Lhe good people The tendency or the dan<:c I.. that do It?" 'l admit tha.t Is a tough down. It .stands 101: sensuality. question. But notice that ,t hese good It promotes a 1000bless of sts.nci':l.l'cia peoPle are not consecrated Christon the part of young people which Js Jans, nor do they make any pretense dellnitely doubtful. Itbrea.k.; d 'J WIl of being. They are content to be ,~eSty. It encourageS the tCllcien- nOD)..lnal churob-members whenever oy 'o f youth ,to· go the llm1t , n 1l1- it happens to be convenient. We are I~B ,p rivileges which ll.r~ allnwed no told, "Follow a multitude .to do evil."
.\1 r" •• h,rleU" I".
• SoUlh · ~dw.y
n1BNlTURE .tor .~ID and B\I'lDe'
"~~.I~in afraid there's nO'denyiri' it, Judge
far more ••. It must provide the base (or such •.. Jeeps and trlllcks and other kinds of motor. indispensable products as synthetic rubber, iZed equipment ~ave taken the place of Uie shatterproof gla88, lacquers, plastics and ~ old horse' in' modem warfare." many other of our.requirements 80 essential , "It's true ~f lots· of tbu.,ln, tbia war, . to victory. E~~. Every day we hear.of new tactica and It AI a result hundreds of millions of gal~ul~ments and'new-uaes of prdiuc:ts. For lons are required every year ... half of which tns~ ~ UIe a)ml:loll that is uaed for . i,a being produced by the Qeverage distilling war purposes•. In .:~orld War I, this vitally · In~uatry. Bet you didn't know that, Eben." needed pn)dUct'Wll8 ulleiCl mostly in 'making .. AI a matter of fact, I didn't, Judge: smokel~~wd~, cb.~ioal .warCare materiThat's a mighty important war contribution ~s and med.t all supphes. "roday it m~~t do ' . that had escape<j' rne C6mplE'te~Y. "
., Wcbael'l. I~ .' . MrB. Lester. Get;~d Is . scrioti81J U1 at l)er bome . h~" '. ~_~~-=-.,...:-:::...;::,...."..-,...,-_
t.o ~ .
Phoae 13
MORRIS 6 . .d lOe TO $1.00 StQRE
......, -,
Comple&e ·UDe ·oI Ikat
FRED~S '0&1\1. STORE . 1''' We Outfit '&be bUN WUtIIJ
• ' . h
We BII7 and ~1l New and Used
Graham; bali an-
·0 hU. Jlemy Is movln1i from Og- .nounced tha,t revival services wlll be dell' ~ -week Into the Hlgh~ay' beld at Ferry Ohuroh elf 'Christ beproperty west· of toim. '. ~ January ~O, ' Prabt P.an .... In I4orow Sunday ~ D~ Mra Paul Pete d loOIWic after the mterests, of rson an lIOn, Bobby, Xenta, 'W e.re the COUJ!.tJ SUnd8.y lCbool work. : ~ Ball ~ , Clnclona.t.l, ~ weelt-el!d tl'UesUI Qf ,the ' aeorge Me~r~ ~ ~y, w~, pestof' bJa idatel'" Kra. 0..
To The Editor
a.~dl- : : Br~~r He~
by " large
uu. • unfair
-----~~~~~----~~--------~ rlll~ .....~ "",..,,14 by C.:O"ir"'''' q} Al<uhlll" an...... 1I.41Ulr1U, I,.
I:atl~ded ,\be ~ fair
'SOH1·0 •
8~oe 1885:' . " .. •\ '
J " , '
. ,...
, ~<.
Local News
Services \.
At All Times
Blrthda.y ll'a.r1.y
In honor of her s(!v e.nth birthday.
MnrllYn Sue Smith enLel'ta1.ned tne follOWing guests S a turday afternoon: Her great gmn dmotJler, Lucy Oomj:~ton : school teacller, Marjorie Hill ; Carol and Rhoda ' Bunllcll , Donald Hl\rner, Lou.e lla and LaVem e SlnclaJ1t; Cs.roly.11 Stanley , ,P eggy and Barbara Burclcn, Rona ld Haysllp, Pauline. Donlla a nd Alice Oarter, Roger Beam, Walter Dean Oompton, Roger and Ruby Matthews, Jo and Billy Ooe, Mrs . Pearl S1nclalr, Mrs. Oharles Stanley, Mrs. Raleigh Bogan and Mrs. Wm . Smith. After playing gruJl(-'"S ,t he gUe!>t.s were Invit ed to the <linln3 room where relreslunents of ice cream and cake were served. The table was decorated In plnk and wllJte and centered with a blrthday ca ke.
~ome Dial 2111 -
\\ ' lllI&1UI !Unllb.,
Charles it.
·.. ·.. ·.. ·..
$atillfactory ,
01 nua W.ilson was shopplng In Wilm1n\: ton, MO:ldall. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hn.llies ca ll1ld ou their on-in-lww a nd du ugh ter . Mr. nd Ml'S, ' Melvi!'1 Holl jJgswOJ'th, b unda.Y. af ternoon. Miss ollimia. BUJUl 11 !lnd Mrs. R a.Y!l'IOnd Wll:Jon a ttended t he Hu,p py Hour club at ,t h e llome of BeLty le;bee, Tuesday af ternoon . Miss Marllyn Sue Smith appeared on the program both evenings at the recital 01 Mrs, J . Els ie Hutclle:;on,'s ola.ss in selma.' The recital WIlS glv,e n at the- MCK1nley school audlLol'lum. Miss Beatrice Pe,t ers on, granddaugh\,er of Walter WllsOIl, also appeared on the progrrun both nlg11ts.
!Mr. Horner of Spring Va lley, was Bateman of lq1l1ohburg,Ohi~, SJ>C!I the week-end our guest 'spenk lff SWlday. '¥r. and Mrs. Ra1elll h Bogan Il Lat the home of ~. and Ml·s. Ma4 tended EVangcl19tJc serviceS at Lhe IO&v15. Lake Stre t Missioll in X ellja . Mrs. 'N,llllnm Sawyer wa.s a SunSunday evening Il nd then calk'CI on ~ gueSt 'Of Mrs. Juamta Sa.wyer Se.rah Leam inll aud son, a 0 In tJl nL and 16l11iJy, 1llI Morow. clty. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Dona ld Hullies at.Get your lHuntlng License from Lended Fr1ends m CLlng X enia Maynard Weltz. Sunday morning and w I"e dinner P vt. Jack W. 'Mardis arrlved home guests of the laLter 's paren ts, Mr . Wednesda.y on a IS-day furiough. and Mrs. Whetstone. He is sLatloned at ['ubbock.. Texas, 'Ml'l!. Mary Boga.n ~·ho .went sev Mrs. Ga.rl Frye, wtIe of the local eral days with her so~, Rnlelgh 130station agent, spent the latter part gan, and family, has returned to the home of h er daughter , Mrs, Weldon of the ,week in lndia.na. ,Wilson, near Xenia. Turkey Dinners wW be served at MasLer Bobby Hadley, SOD of Mr. "our Howe" Thanksgiving Day and Mrs. Robert Hadl ey of WUmlngbetween 12 :00 IWd 2:30 p. m. by LOn, entertAined recently In honor l'e3Crvation only. Phone 2'1113 and of his mUl b1rthday. make your reservation now. Mr, Ga.rey Leigh Haines entertalned the membel'l! of bhe' Chester E. W. sco!1eld, mu.slc 1nstruct.or in Young P eople's m ee Llng at his home t he Waynesville schools, spent the Sunday evening. week-end hi Colwnbus, visiting reiMr. and Mrs. EVan Bogan of Dayu.tlves. ton, Mr, and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan Mrs. Oharles Hlligemeyer h as re- were Sunday dinner .gUests of Lucy turned a.Cter spending a few days OOmpton in New Burlington . with her father, Mr. Ollarles Ellis, Homer Haines and frunlly visited 1Mrs. Baine's mother, Millie Terrell, at Sabina. near New Vielma, Su.!lday afternoon. Mm. Wlllla.m Sawyer wa.s the dillSome of our membel'l! atl.en'd cd ner guest of Mrs. Russell Carr in the funeral of Isaac Peterson In Leba.non on Friday even1ng. sPring ValJey lust Wedllesday afte rHuntillg licenses lor sale. Maynard noon; also the funera l or· Mrs. LeLtie MoCra& In New Burll.!l6ton, SatWeltz. urday oltLernoon . Mr. a.nd Mrs. Paul Fumy and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ellis and daughter, JudY, ,w ere Fr~daY even- fomlly of near Kingman, Vtslted ing '/)'Upper euests of Mr. ond Mrs, Mr. a nd Mrs. Raymond WUson Sunc6rl, ~on. ' day a.f'temoon. Theodore McIntire oMrs. Bernard MelJoh is convales- and tam1ly calJed in thv Wilson cing from her recent operation at home SUnday evenJng. !Mrs. Nellie Bunnell and MonJmia me home of Mr, Melloh's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Mellon. ~unnell called in the Bogan home .Miss Grace :ti~et~ a.nd Mrs. Earl one afternoon last week.
We Offer
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TbaDb aaa • .,... .,. ea.rN tor .t . the .... " ... _ , • "orcS. minimum
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Wt.UdnI Producta at II ". ~. Lebanon. Open Hockett spent Sunday in Cinclnllati, tweDliip tot ~ convenience. guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. Ed YoWli. pleD UntIle!'. Phcoe 83 L. • • • Mrs. Ethel smith, of Oolumb~ , SAUD--OoIiIplete Une of S~ spent ,l ast Iweek here aL the home of tJo~ tor eale at the Gazette her daughter and IOn-tn-law, Mr. ofiJa\. Priced 1roID 250 to ~.OO. and Mrs. E, W. Scofield. t • • ~th:lv;ay of NO HtlN'IlNo P06TERB-For sale Mr. and MrII.• Hally at MlaQI.1 ' oazette off1ce, 50 eacb; Lebanon enter.tained at a tamllY fOr a. dinner sunday in honor of t.he latFOR 8All.&E-Ooe PolaDd 0h1na a.nd ter's son, 1PYt. Jack W, Mardis. • • <me f3pottecl ~ '0h1n& Boar. Call 2'193 now• and make YO.tr res-
·iAlao ~ bea«l fiDe w09l sheep. o. 'fa, VlclJener. Phone 2NB.
ervation for your Thanksgivlni\ l'Urkey dixmer. Dinners be
New Subdhdsion Near Waynesville The ,following 15 sl.lbmitLed by H. ,L, Va.n Tress of Montgomery. Ohio : "The select portions of the Va n Tress .f arm, known 118 'lJllll Top," above ,t he old Teleg:raph MUI on Horse Shoe !Bend of t he Little Miami, two mUllS below Waynesville. will be offered to the public ln town lots and one and two acre garden plots. The subdiVision will be known as G9rdentcn. The properties I.•e betlween Highway 42 and ,the Waynes ville-Oregonia S'Ill'fa.ced road. For camp sites along the Little Miami there 15 a straight river frontage of alm08t half a mile, ·jln addition to the horse she bend, 'Which ,wminates at the iron highway bridge II.Cl'08S the river, above the mouth of caesar's creek. "The upper portion of HIll 'rop
F.r. Marlin &.C.E. Riesau AUCTIONEERS Your Auctions AppreCiated 702 Commercial Bldg. Dayton Ad 3661 Centerville, O. Ph. 7021
fann will be mllde a.ccesalb l~ direct from Highway 42 by a n ew road to be open d, cro&lng the Ilew crosscol1t~n n.t pipe lines anQ approaching . tile I fVC>I' level tlu:ough a beautlfu] ,y wooded ravine. "springs abound on the rl'ler hUlside.. Omvel,'suD!1 tllld stone availble in abundance. "From the high ridges, most Wulldel' ul views of the river valley, up, down ruld ac ross, are ·to be had . Deep ravines on elWler side of the hill top residence are plctw'esque. The ravine III the l't!ar bas a natural mnphltheatre and a water wall, " It is anticlpated tha t the new subdivision will soon become a villag e-really a new type of a village. "The n ecessity 101' the AmerIC8.n people to get back to the land Is recQgllled by us all. A nation, t h e same as an £I rm.Y , as $OOn as It !lets Il>way irom Its b.l se of supplies is lost, and we hllve been getUng away from the a U all 100 101lg. What has became of the kitchen garden that our fathers ha~ a.!ld Ulnt ga ve ('om , beQJlS, cubbage, onions and lettuce to Tommy, J immy , Marie and B Hie, who oLherwise might have gone hungry on many OCcasions. We are facin J lean years, as never before k.nown in' this country,"
. ..
a meetin g of Group 2 of Wayne Advisory OouncU held at 'OUr House" Wednesday nJght of last week. Miss Delpha Pc lle and. h er aunt of Bellefontaine, called ' on their COUSin, M.rs. EValyn G. Peterso.n , Monday· morning. Mrs. J. W , Ward, who 15 with h er hUSband at McClellan h06pltal. Xenia, I>opent Monaa.y nJght and T.ues~y morning here, ~e said the dOCtor's condition 18 critical and no hope Is held for his recovery. Wllllam Mackensen, field secretary of Friends of t h e Middle West, l.!! I:Pl nding the we'ek here.
. '..
Word has bee~ecelved here of the arrival . of Pte, Loren Scott In New Yory Olty. He formerly w~ located in Waycross, Oa. Loren Is very busY' and ~oe& not !find time to , wr.lte qluc~, but" ~oul<J.. be - glad t? ' hetu,' from hLs ,f dends. ~ le.ddress Is Pre. 'Loren' 'P. . scott; A. S. No. 3671SO'IQ , 46lBt -Service sqUadron, 32&11 ~'mee d~PI A.P.q ' .8~3: POetDlliater. NeW YOTk. N:.Y.
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Doa't cum OD the IOUl " or rbe iron bCfou JO'! are radv to uie ~ Tam it oil WbGI DOtID~
'Tura off e,b"racllo "baa DO OM " -0.. teaiD..
today ,~ g~e.dy ov~a~ed-_~.~ more labor to trIDIpOft Ie I!IIII IIoload .~ Every, of coal .. precIGNI. P~~, laos,~ .... war ~ IIIN -"'rkiI, to $AVE OOAL· pottatioo
,'SAV. :ILlCT.ICI,T ' 1,a'Yia. home
vital ~ - plua die ~ ••nt Jabor to mine ,it 1OCI' lold k- pl. die .-..
Ways In which you 'can
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SERVICES SUNDAY November 14, 1943 BIBLE SCHOOL 9:30 A. M.
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MAX W. RANDALL, Minieter Phone 2993
'I wish to 'express /my
tha'ni~ . ~nd appr.eeiatio,~ th~
large ~ompliment vote which receiyed Village Clerk in the re-
cent election ana
to merit': YOJU" c'orifidence by d'iligent'a'tteiltion '~ Jn7
By Woman's Auxiliary of St. Mary's Church SATURDA Y, NOVEMBER 28' 8e>gjjnning at 10:30 A. M. AT GRANGE HAu.. . The following articles will IH4 on iale: Dressed Chickens, RoUi ,ana Pies Donuta, Bilked Goods, "olads, Baked ,Beans, Aprona, Crocheted Articlea, , Novelties and White Elephant Table.
,A uctions Ihun., Nov. U-D,ain,er's Nuraery, Route 2.0210 miles"Garth of Dayton, O. ~~t., Nov. 13~laude Jack-s large farm auctioD2 mile••outh of Beavertown, O. Mon., Nov. I5-Antiquea and Furniture-E." Fifth and Detroit St.., Dayton, O. l 'ues., Nov. 1(;·--Leater Kenrick Farm auctioo--at Ferry, 4 mHe.l north of, Waynesville. Wed., Nov. 17 -Ervin Swartzel,13 milee E. of FarmeraviIIe, Ohio. Large sale. . Thura., Nov. l~H. D. Ward farm aale--4 milea N. E. Xenia. Ohio. ' . . Ihurs., Nov. IS-F. S. ·Longa, 2314 W. Third Street, I DaY.lon, Ohio. . ' '. ' 'Fri., Nov. 19-Antiques at 940 E. fifth atreet, Day" . . ton, Ohio: Mon., Nov. 22-,J. D. Shade, 2 milea ~. E. Miami.. burg, Ohio. 'lues., Nov. .21- -Mra. Eva Med~ord, '80 a. farm and chaHlea--Infirmary R~d, 1 mile aouth Germantown Pike--4 miles IOUth of Dayton, Ohio. 'iat., Nov. 2'l-Real Estate at· 290 Land~dom Ave., , Dayton, Ohio. · . '. Dec.' I-Ira Ollks' lar. farm sale-I I'ile north of Vandana, Ohio. Lee. ~A'ice Stannye, 2 milea ~~ W. of ,C enterville. Dec:. 7-Himea' BrOi. Dairy and farm chattela, larg~ sale at lOa. m.-'1 mile S. of Beavertown. on 1 - ' Hempstead road. . \ H~re are aome cOII)ing auctions. If you ...ar~ gomg to '&lake a sale, sce lia, our terms' are more reaaonabl~• . We giv:e personal ~ attention ,t'Q your auction., take ' t ·...e· of all ad verti.ing, and y,o u don't have YDur chat(els left y.:>ur hillnd. net paid for after your auc~on We are d~tin81 N;I~. for Jan~, :Feb., and M~rch •. CaU 'la and aecure ·t\ good date for your au~ionl
'. F .~. Martin &>C'~ E~ :Riesau " .
ROOT FOR AND llON810N your Cattle, hogs, sheep and calyet to Norris-Brock 00., llve wire aa~ progressive firm for the Wahest market prices and lood .enIoe. Union 'Stock Yards, Olnclnn.... O. T une in on Radio Statio,, , WQKY, 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for ou.· dally market reports.
All Day Bazaar and
. . t_. __
0- _ .-
·.. ·..
MarrJOie ' licel1$cs l18ve rllC\ln~ly been is,sUed to: "Wlllle S1a~toll , 38, paper mm worker, Ilntl Mrs. Mary Turner, 89, paper mill worke;, bot,h of Franklin; ~bcrt W. Barr, 25. stock cle~, ali{} ~ary Marga ret Depey, 19, both of Franklin; Warren Huff, 3'5, steelworker, und Allce HU1;l~, 35, housekeeper;. both of FriJl1tlln ; John E. Hny. 25, grocery clerk, and Annabel L. DaVis. 20, Inspector, both of Lebanon; Andrew Yell,Zel. '10, farmer, AVIl)on Heights, and Annie JllI1znbeth Monfort, '80 Lebanon.
, Tlle followin g suits for dlvorce h nve Ib een !lied: 'Luc.la-n Jackson vs. Nova Jackson, divorce. gross neglect of duty; Edgar Farmer ' Viii. Irene Farmer, gross neglect of duty : MalOY Amb1ll'gey vs. August Amburgey, ext reme cruelLy. Among r cent real estate transfers recorded were the foll?wing: Elsie oR. Orutwrlgllt to David Aust ill a nd Anna D. Thackara, pa,l't of outlot 12 In 'Waynesville. . . Ray OIUTler 'to 'F red Hook, small tract in Waynesville. Walter Edgar SmlUl to Oliver and A,nna SmaUwood, part of Olltlot 13 r In Waynesville. Lioyd W . IWd Hazel M. COrnelius t o Oharles O. and Rosa E . Buuer, Ml·S. Georgia Ivins of Oincinnati, 60.19 acres In Wayne twp, 'N. A, Ollbert to Helen Dickerson, is now a resident or the Home, ha v129.60 acres In M1ISSie and Wns hln::;i11g arrived Saturday . . 'Mrs. 'Malogaret Webb. matron, was ton twps. George A, ficott, deceased, by advery ill several days. She IS m h bebter and has resumed her duties. mlnIstrator to Helen E. WWia ms; MIss Marne Browne, who has been 10.85 acres In Wayne twp. confined to h er room becau ~ 1! of illness, Is improving, CIVIO CLUB TO MEET Mrs, Moad1Son I!la.rnhart and suns, MONDAY AT METH. CH URCII Tommy and Jackie, of Be.lvertown, and Mrs. I rene Thomas called on The Waynesville 01v1c club will the Misses Browne Sunday at-ter- hold Its November meeting Monday noon. evening, Nov. IS, :lit 7:00 o·clock. Mrs. Dudley cever of Centervllie , 'Dr. L. U. Sontag of Yellow Springs is s pt:ndJng a f V; I uays WiUl her is to be the prin lp.ll speaker at tlle ulster, MIss L,ydin Wright. meeting. Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall attendecl
B1DER8 WIAKl'l!D . . To Moraine served between 12:00 and 2:30 p. m . ~-=========::========~~~~=~~=~= on d&Y'8h1ft; 7:00 a. ~ to 4 :30 at "Our HOuse," by reservation onlY. p , m. Ro&'~ ~, Th1rd &treet, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gordon had , w~~ 18 as their Friday evening cUnne. L.. MIddle aaed couple, no !,UC6ts, Mrs. Emma. Il\oIcCI111'e ot i-t----M''t-. r."T:---:~-tclePm-a[entj-' fOr Ja.cuon county io'ranklln, and Mr. ana Mrs. J . WH1I IIeo,"' (: Ih."., c.;urre.JtO••"". f ~rurnished . Good Ed1Wards of Sprintaleld. Mr. RO.ymc.nd Smlth ana- friend propcialtlon. Uerences requhed. of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Maynard Weltz wW sell you your ~ou. UU:c, Dayton-a, 01110. 11 Clark IIlla tnmliy sptnt Sunday n untlng Ilcense. ~r BAILE - 'Uprlght' plano; whlte with Mr, and Mrs. 1H11ey Olbson 'and !~ ooal range . Al60 ,300 Ma.tk Maxey of North Vernal. , daugnter, Pnullne. ' Jwblte 'J4iwm pulleta. Ernest Indlana, WIllS a vU;ltor here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. EmersOn Dill and ; ~. waYJiiBvWe' R : R. /~. nl8ht and Monday at the hom!' 01 oon, Ralph, spent Sundl\y Wl:t.ll Mr. 13915 : . 18 Mr. a.nd Mrs. Max Randall. Loren Cramer and fam ily of Dayton. • • • Mr. 'loue Morgan returned bome foR. 8ALE;-'l1wQ Jersey calves, four :Mr. Fred Hender:;on of LIsbOn, Thtisday after spending sevl'ral days and five months old. eau Waynea- Ohio, fOl'lll6t' 10001 resident, was a in Dayton Beavertown. vLsitor here the first or the we!'k. "Vine 2632. . , Mr. aond Mrs. .Hjley Oibsonwere' • • • 'Mm. LeSter Shaffer and son were, ~1a.nd1 Ohina , Boar, 8 s bopping in Xenla,' as.turday. ' I ' visitors ~t the home of ,Mr. and Mrs. l montbs old.. ,Davia '~" Route 'Mr3. J.)uvld' lAlcaa spent Sunday Mack: Da.vLs, Thursday. f 2,~. with Mr. and lMrs. Harold Oarter ! nnd 'f a llllly of Xenia. ~ 8.MAE - bbJckena lSult.a.ble -tor Mr . and Mrs. lI/[onis Lewis an,d ~ ~ ~r roai;tJns. ' RhOdes BunSGn. J erry Lee, spent Tuesday wIith nelL Phone 28M. , . Mn. ,Bed BunneD. Corrcspondl!lIt Mr. and Mrs. J:Ohn Koester of The claB8 party of the young 10UI8 ifX)R SAll£-l' purebred OUroc sow Mr. and !1.n's. Everett MaorJa.tt ~ was held lilt t~ home of MI'. anu ; and 110 pJp, .Leelle Wardlow, Route daughter, .MIss Paul1ne' 011)'son, or Mrs, lW61ter P!eUter II41d da ul\ lI..er, 12, 1 1--2 mUe;s ,north of Lytic. That's what we require i£tily- day lWayne.wWe, called on MrII. HUey Jane. on Sunday evenlng. after day without fail- in ~rder to Oibson Tue.sday evenina. zpsr-one MlLlteae cat in vlclnj~y Mr. and 'Mrs. &rt Bunnell and Mrs. ,Edward Crew Ls spend10ng a O! ronnel; home of Miss .\dtiie Miss Ruth B1IDnell and 1riend, Mil · maoufactu.te e1earicity Jot .fOU, our few days in Darton. I. ~: ' Return to Gazette· otlice. lard BaJl spent Sunday a.t DByton .! ~ •. "" c:ustomen. IllS guests of Mr .. and Mrs' . Omer {. I r. Boldrey and daughter a.nd M~ . and : 1Mr: and. KrB. E. F . Dlrnhart were . TO THE VOTERS OF ",eek-fad ~ of their daughter Mrs, Vaughn Mullen and ,D'm. . . . <i;;"'t.t1\ • . WAY~ESVlU.E iMr. Bob Schneider left tot' the ~.~m:~l&W, Mr, and Mrs. J. ,N. anny sunday morning after ' 0 rut1klblniDl. 8Jld son, at their new lough With hJ8 'Wife and son. I wish to express my ro CONSIRVI COAL • MANPOWER. TRANSPORTAT,ON ~ ~ 'fJ».FY Road, Dayton I .. " Mr. and !Mrs. WUllam Du!all arsincere appreciation to the rived home Sunday evening to spend voters of Waynesville who When YOD awfa:h 00 aUgbc. or.amotor, a tew d&y& 'With their pare':lt.;. Mr. ga ve me their support in II.nd ;Mrs. John Koester, and Mrs. or plug ia 10 appUaoc:e, doo't forget the electian of November Johnson. every h~.tt of' electricity MIsB 'Audrey Crasw1ford Spell!; 39.1·As Village . Treasurer 'I urday evening' with her p8r.~n13 Mr. you ~nsume, COIINIDeIa poaad oJ ~ shaU continue to do my' and !Mrs. Earl Ol'1lJW'!ord.. best t!) SIe1'Ve you:
Court News
, " AuctloN, EEas ' " . ,702.Commerc:al BI~g; Dayfon:O. 'Acl.3881· ' '
•)o.,en. • ' t er:v.l"11e, 0 " r - -
. ,', ' . -'.' :' '.'
I' _
~hoJle . , r;;., ~. ',:
Comfort Station' Is Proposed For • Waynesville' A combined bus station, meeting room and public comfort statiOll 1lI a .posslbility in Waynesvllli!1 The need Cor such a project bere baa beau felt fOl' several yolars IfJld it haa lInally been taken up by several Organ1a.tlOlls who are investigating the advisability of esta'b llw1ng it uOW' through the cooperation Of public funds and donation from clubs, organizations and individuals. :It 18 sald that the Women's Progressive club, wlilch Originated the idea. the Grange trw,'tees, the tour Wayne town&hlp Advisol'~ councilB Bond the Civic club are &Iready in 1avor or such a proJeet here and are working toward that end. An eUort Is to be ma<ie to Interest the bua companY', the township tust-<!es, vUlage COW1CU and other local organtzaUons. It 18 pla.n.ned to have a full time attendant In charge. A number of locations have been 5~ but no def1n1te couclu.s1on has been made. rrhls is a proposition that should en11Bt the support of everyone who 'Uves or trades In lWaynesvWe. Let's put It acrossl
Services Hez:e For World War Veteran Earl Ellis Starr, a. veteran 01 , World War I, died at his n ome u. Tampa, Florida., 'se:turda;y, Nov. 13, of & heart attack. Mr. Starr is &UrVlved by his widOw, Mary, a niece, Mrs: Elm&. Decaerlch, and one nepbew, Arthur Zantl, a.n o!Iloer in the U , S, Navy, ~eral servtce.; were held Wednesday. Nov. 17, Bit 1:30 at the McClure Puneral Hpme wlt.h bui1a.a 'in MI8m1 cem.etel'y. FORMER WAYNESVILLE RESIDENTS EXPEBIENCE
EABmQVAU IN ALAsKA ,F riends here have received word
tram Mr .and Mrs. J. P.1larr1ck.lor-
mer realdents who are nOW' holding government ' positions in Anchoraie, Alaska, 01 an earthquake that shook that Alaskan city recentlty. The 10)~OWlng Is taken from cllppingB from the Anohorase newspaper: Af\ earthquake abook residents of Anchorage out or' their sleep' th1a mornirl8. broke ,some , diabt'-s, up&et &tore stocks and caused lots of commotion but little damll.ge. It .iwaa the stronpst e&.Ilthquake emperienced in' AltChO~ in recent years-, 'bdt by no meana the strongest of Tecoi'd. Oldtimers promPtly recalled experiences of the early '30s when ch1m.neys were broki!n and other minor damage "WI~ad: In nu\ny homea &man ~c~ tumbled to the fiQor . . D18hea ad, pictures were among the caaualttU ,and me alarm cl<!Cka were o~er turned, Grocery stores reported ean~ed aoodB, cereals and other ' pactaged it.ema strewri on the fioor when they repotte;d t or work. , There wali Ut<: tle damage.
LEAVE FOB ARKANSAS Lt. d Mrs A. R. Starke lett , an : In f _ a_,th. · Wednesday mom g or ~ o. g u " .. Lt Stark baa been Al1ka.nsaS, w••ere, e stationed since last April except lor ..... tha h ' he boa the PMt 'owO mon .,~ en , been in Ft. Knox. Ky. Mrs. Starke .... here -I '." bAr ,• II;Pent hel' "'1m '. e wu:ue 'w... , ': parents, Mr. and 1MrB. E. W. HOp. kina. W'hile Lt. 'Starke baa been ,en· """...:. th 10-day fUrlo. '"WIth bIa """.... e , ,_ '. parenti of R. R. 2. 'Lt. Star~ ~ be stationed ~t, oa,t,np ~_ ATTEND DEDIf;1A~ON , "
Friendship Club W~H.S. Defeats ' 1I0ids Nov.l\1eftiing Bellbrook 27-18
Passes Away At I Home Near Here
Tin Can·Drive Here Next Week
Allen Kibler. 78, P l ~se d away a t 'l1he !Waynesville Sparlruls lnva::ed the home aC his d'luglltar, Mrs. Beginning ~ovemte-r 22, Warren larencc E<i~\' llrds, or Ilcar' Waynes- county school children IIdld Junior aye 118 ho.st.ess at her countrv home. the Bellbrook gymnasium Nov. 12, vlIIe BIt I: 45 o'cllXllt Tuesday atter- Red cr-oss members will bring empty About thirty lX),embers and glltsts and routed: the Bellbrook E.lgles by a !1nal score of 27-18. noon. were present. tin CIU18 into their' schools for the &J the first quarter opened the S urviving are five daugh ters, Mrs. County nn can Salvage Drlve~ The The guest apeak.er of the noon /Was Miss Mitchell of :'::iltcln- Spartans star.ted the ball roillng by Fred Sherwood of Harveysburg. Mrs. school children will bring Un C&nI nat! who told' ~ her mBmy expe- ma.k1ng two baskets, ,p utting the Ralph Houston of Spring Valley, i1rom their awn homes and are not riences with children in tM social score 4-0. The Eagles took the chalMrs. C. A. Taylor 01 Ft. Wayne, Ind.. being asked to canvaaa .their e,om,.. Irs. JOM Sega1e oC NorwoOd, and muniUes 8.9 in other wV'8tle driVel. servloo work. 'Mrs. R. E. Asbury also lenge and came through with three read a very interestlng paper ' on baskets. The Spartans followed this IMrs. Clarence 'Edwards; one son, Thus, familles woo do n~ p]a.y quldtly by making two more Guy, of Day;.0n ; one slslel', Emma chUdren In school are a6ked to br1111 ' 'Tllank5giv~.'' Del1cloys refreshments were served by the oOBtess, baskets. As the quarter ended the' Willi ' /l'\S at C" Ufol'l1ln; th ree broth- their Un CMllI to theIr local IChool ers, Arth l,r of Circleville, Clifford of and deposit them in the box to be assiBted ,b y Mrs. -Charles DavIs and BOOre was 8-6 In favor of Waynesville. Cleveland, 8 nd Will ul Orcgun. placed in eacl1 school for this purMrs. Warren Braddock. The Waynesville five 'Walked away Funeral services wili be held at pose. 'R.e8tauranta are asked to-brlni lrom Bellbrook during the second the Stubbs Funera l Home F'rlday at their tin caM to the same plMle. quarter by making eight points for 2: 00 \1. rrI. with bw'lal In Miami oemTin cans maybe brouIht to the themselves a.nd allowing BeUbrook e tery. •.choot buUdinga UntU Monday', Noto make anly three. REIDSV[LLE GA. - Wiley L. MO?re, Georgia's flrat Director of .'ember 29. After that d 6.te. ~heae isn Corrections, shakea hands with conVIcts at the Tattnall Prison, h,e re. Mrs. Fred Braddook entertained at The 'Whlstle blew tor the hal f , the cans will be oollected from the The new direc:tor was installed II) head the housecleaning of Georgia's her home recently honoring Mrs. Score WII.B then standing at 16-11 in chools by county and · 8tate r, \'iso n system aner Gov. Arna ll had characterized the prison lIystem Luther Hat1.soclt 'With a stork ~bow lavor or the Spar.tans. .n use 118 inhumane and archaic. The new director's Job will be to ,ruck£. and takeJ;l to P;41ddletown for install a modem and humane prison system. er. The ad'ternoon was ·sp~nt in .All the ferocity of the game con.Fnl'IllCrS Gra;;-eNo. 13 w1Jl meet :hipplng to a detinnin8 plant -near making a little qUIlt which ....a8 pre- tinued In the third qua tier, roughSaturday; Nov. 20 ' 1 t 8 :00 p. m. A ?Utsburg'h. Pa. sented to Mrs. Hartsock. 119 were ness prevailed. 'Most of the fou ls VErY Intel' sllng meelJng has been TIn cans a.re needed I W4I many other lovely gif'ts. were made during this and the arranged to follow the buaineu have them saved and nady for cOlThe inVited guests were: lIr11s8 !ourth quarter. 'Even though the dUmeet.lllg. lactlon to tum into War macbtnee. Alice Oons, Mesdames John Oons. f.lculty in making pointa increased. T he subject, 'IRural LIfe _ Ih ThIS tin ' will be salvaged and tJae4 IR dIert Oona, Roscoe FUrna8, KeUer the Bpartans !we.r e able to make The Honor Roll erected In Wayn s ·'IIV1l.tlJ~!':.. ._-..:..__ Il'he Novemb;;-meettng of the ville to members of the anned forc- Ploblems and Opportwllt1es" w1l1 be "or various weapons V~ , Hoak, Lawrence Cook, Rhode'i Ewl- eight and the Eagles siX. discussed as follows: "The Small How T~ Prepare caDII ' 1. Wa&h thoroughly after remot'neU, Curtis Tomlinson, LawrenCe Although the roughness Increased WaY'lle8vllle Civic club was held es from Wayne ,t ownship has boon Furnas, Ell Furnas. Harry Satterth- ,during tJhe .fourth quarter. Waynes- Monday eveninlir at the MetllOdlst enlarged with the addition of tWQ rCommwllty," Ella COOk; "Conserv~- tng contents. Remove pa.per labela. waite, tLUl1an Schnaltma.n, Raymond' ville 'W\lS able to make four more Church, The excellent dinner was wings and the committee in charge tion of the Land." ElIzabeth Furnas; (Evaporated milk, paint, ~ . LaRue. John Kersey, Wade Turner, points to ,t he Bellbrook !ive's ,t htee. served by the ladles of the church. Mnounces that names of additional "App. ectation of Agriculture," Lu- and oU containers are not wanted) The meeUng began when Rev honorees will be ' put on the board e Ule Fires; "The Oooperatlve MoveOUbert Frye. Willard Kersey, Kath- The ~ ended with Waynesv1lle ~ . ments," Alice Gons; "The Farmer's 2. Open at both top ~ bottom.· ryn IHeston, Raymond Braddock, on- top by- the score Of 27-18. <Ralph :Parks, ~lSisted bY' E. W. In the onear future. 'I'udt In topa and bottoms. Scofield at !!he plnno, led the 35 The committee ' has the {allowing Rut In Our DemocrIlCY ," Lawrence 3,. !Fla.tten ~ atepptng' on them. WWlam Doster, Arthur Wilde, WUElradley was the leading scor.er -members and guests present In a naines WihJch are scheduled to be Plumas. Do not hammer them. helmina Underwood and Joan Ker- with a total of 17 pOints. Everyone. including non-membe'!; • . Handle in PaPer ~ or earaey and Charlea.Keraey. .... WaynesvlUe Ddlbrook group -of pep songs which had been added to the honor roll: Eugene A del1clous salad course WII8 serv- F-&ckett . . .... . . ....... Ferguson assembled by !Rev . LoUIs C. Radley. Gruber, Thomas Hardin,· Lansing of the Orange" is' invited to attend tons and .brl.n3 to your achool. During -the business meeting it Hardin, Raymond Isaacs, Donald th e program. ' Unle&! con'dltiona wa.rraDt .. ed by, the htlStess, ~radiey ... . ... : ........ . Halnes iby the club to contrlOb'born, Carlton Stanley, Ralph Note.-The F . F : A. prograln will change, tin can drives 'WUl "'~COD. was decided ~mard .... ...... .... . Burkett ducted In Warren county perlodIcalUNION TIlANK.8GIVING G-.Lun1ngton .. .... ....... -Shaken bute $5.00 for the benefit of the Biggs, Jr .• Henry iMoore, carl COOk. be given a.t a later date. Iy, so everyone Is urged to .ve ey8&BVlCES ().....4>Ih1llips ............ Englehard fund !being ~d to give klt bags Md Joe Hartsock. Anyone knowing to Way.ne township soldiers and alsO of others who should be Included Is ery .t in can. Score bY' quarter: ' EYer701le .. invited' to .'&end -!Mrs. Carl Abaecherll, ~ of. Waynesv1l1e . " 8 8 8 4-27 US donate· $5.00 to the National War urged to notify a member of the the Union Thankaciv1nc ...-vIIlea The conunlttee which 'Was r ecently Warren CountY' Junior Red CroIIII, .. Bellbrodlt . . . .. 6 3 6 3--18 Fund' Drive. The importance of the committee which is composed a! to be h~ at. &be M.eCobodlIt. SubStitutions: Wa.ynesvUle-Chal'- latter wartby CQ,use was l?lpressed Orville Gray. Geol'ge Waterhouse appoin-ted to further the e!lllstment contacting aJI. Jun1orRed' Orou church OD Wed~.,. even1nc, of Womens' Corps recruits in J;Ilembers and sChool &upertntendenti leton; Bellbrook - Johnson, Hoop. upon the ~t!rs by President C. Md J . So Gibbons. No.,.. Z4 ai 7:'30. Bey. Ralph H. Brace and Wayne 'llwp. Chalrthls area Is. composed of Mrs. J. B. ,u rgtng .them to partiCipate in 10he LoehrIg and Oaotney. Parb will cleUver the If'.rmon. Referee : GeQrge Bunnell. man. Wymer ·L. !Drake. Ohnptnnn, -cha1mi.an, Mrs. Oal'l Fur- drive. Mr. David 'BaIley and, IMJII As &hII Ia u.e om UnIoP pJa,ns for a ' bus and ~mfort stageson and Mrs. Ernest Edgington. Raberla ,iE. PalkemteiD; .W~ Other School News TbaDbIlvlD&' IIIIC'VIee to be held , Enllsbments in this bratmh of ··t,be CoUDlty Salvage chatrman and The band Will play, and march at tlon ~vme, wh1ch 18' being here In 1IIADJ' .JeI'ft. it. Ia cremthe high school building Saturday agitated here, were brought before Members of the wa.yne TOwnship U . S. Anny from Wayne townablp ohalrWUnan are wolttttl« 1tith tile 0_ ol maIdnr this Delaine. wben our .team meets Cen\er- the clUb 'by the committee 0'1 pUbl1c Farmers club enjoyed a pleasant day have 4>ee~ conspicuous br tJlelr ,"" echools' tu, p,romOtln( this drlve. . hace........ Tbe Ouwch ol -n1ebt sence and tt is the endeavor of the Ee~e Is urged to let tIeblDd ville's team. At the 'half of the varB- lIItfa.lrs. lAtter C:<l1ns1defSlble discuschrilJt" Uae,lIetluMl.lR.uuJ Ep!aity same the band will caroh Bond slon by various mrunbers, President a.t the home 01 'Mr. and Mrs. S. S. commlt.t.ee to make a better ~11)~~-IJ~lJilU~l..dlIil!Je:andBtsJL~~~~~:-I . oopal charcbm .,.., ClOCJIIeI'I.Uq farm a 'revolving C in bonor,of t he Brace called a meetlug of otfl~rs Ell18 when they entel'tained Nov. 1'1 here. -----v1Bftlng .team. Following- that thq and d1rectorB ailid other Interested r at their home. In 0. statem cnt Mrs. ChR.pman w1ll fo~ a 25 5,VDlbollZlng Ttlapka_ ' members ot the club t nu ct Friday Atter a dinner that was a rehears- ' said, "It should be the concern of A 80IL PON8E~VA~ION ~vIng Day. IFInally they will march ni8bt at 8:00 o'clock a t. the Town- aI tor the ~vlng feastb that every lady bebWeen the a(l1lS 01 20 Me~ting D,I8TIUCT FOB WAIJoaEN lnto the form of a. W. 8h1p House to it urther study th~ are to be celebrated this month. - and 60 'to do her patt in Amerl.;a's The East W..;m;:'A:dvLsory tlo'l!'lC,I1 CO. TO mE, ESTABLISHED . Fred H~eyer, vice president, w!U' errort. Anyone intert'Sied in b~.After the gam& a danCe 'Will be matter. lNa.ve4lbet meetlrll at· ~. held. lMusio will be 1unishoo. by the The urgent need in Waynesv1lle called the ' meetlng to order. Six coming a. WAO in the Air Corps or homeforofitsMr. '!be County ~cultural OounlU aDd'lIra. J J:m B; /JChool dance band. of street signs w'as brought to the fa.mll1~ were absent. I 'a ny branch of the lIervice can get ." placed, ita Btamp of .approval on Oons. '01 lIbe .club by Max RanSeth E. :urnas,~scussed , t he sepcomplete Infi>Nnation from any attent}o"n IAt the last dance held, over $18.00 pl8lll ~ ,,Df8IUl1Z1ng a SoU, Cot1aerva lIbe dall. Howud Case, ~ v1lla.ge councU- clal topic. Pests. He ~lfied the member of the commJLtee. Please do tlon dlBtnct in, Warren county, at a /Was, cleared. ThIs sum ~ ,into ' man, explalned' the dUoftculty of 00- pests tba.t caused ,the farmer gJ;'ea.t- not, stan,d ' by and WAIT for victory, meeUnl beld 0cW,ber 1.. The com- band' fund. ,~ . materiaJs' at th1s time for ' est loss and ·a nnoyance ' and ~told ItDr to ha8ten'victory'" mittee' dtrecttDg' the orpnlzatlon SUCh a l>!Ojeot, t)ut promised he something or pre:sen t methods for wor~ Is jibe exequtiye ~ of -woUld 'bdng the matter IIp before their control. He mentioned' hWllan the Warren County Agricultural club 'COUncu as soon ~; tnAterirus I?ecame pesst and suggest~ that di.£flcultles and ,the county aient. 'Ilbese' Dien avaUable. met in controlling them Were almo.st ~eets a.r~ !4orrls MXon. Walter Allen, !Ted Mr. and;, MrlI. Ohal'les Whitaker . The sUm of $3.00 was voted to' be insunnountalble. He closed with the -~, ~llos Worlty, Pred Rage- and t.hree cblldren of New Kenstng- do~ated toward ttie ChrlStml's thought, particularly 'forceful on Mrs, C. n. ·F.razier was 1'I06tess to meYer and David B. Bailey. ton, ~lvan1a, ere the gu~ts ' of Rev. Radley, program cbalrul&n, 1th1s >Ai1nlstice Day, that mnnkind the Woman's Auxillary at ber home , The lint step in organ1zatlon I s Nr, Whitaker's -PEU'ents.Mr. and suffers most from the pest, war. He on Route 73 Filda.y a'''ie1'l!leem;--~rlll~nrH:runro{i6lif-i~Hiiit.'j1;iiiiiJi:;:-T~ introduced the speaker of the eV<lln-' the idgmng ,of petltlOns by 8eventy- Mrs. Vfalt;er ~taker. On Sun~y, ·Following roll call and 'r ead1ni of ~i ' . ing, Dr. L. ,w. Sontag of the Fels hoped that when we come to an live' or iand oWners requee~ Mr.. and Mrs. 'Whitalrer. assisted by Foundatlon a.nn1.stlce at the ckl6e of this war minutes. Mrs. Lee Halwke had charge ,' .John Oona Jed the d1scuIalon that at AntioCh college a t ~ creation 1~ a ·d1atrtct. TbeIe a, e thllir dauglJ,ter. 4nna 'Marilyn, enwe may have found a methOd ot of devotions and the president was found members were not in favor " Yellow Springs. wbo sPoke on "PrenOW' in circulation and Uttle dUll- tertained with a, family· uinner In control that will erad1cate war. in charge of II. brief business session. of price cewnga it pi1ee fiGOra could Natal care" f rom a scientific angle. .. oulty in setting the neeeasary 'I!lgn~ honor of their 8I?n ~d his family . Mr. iTIHs Introduced Mrs. J . E. Mrs. FrazIer conduct;ed a questlon- n;'t be cDilntainect> He stressed the importance of II. era Is ant!dpated. 'An enthU8laat.c' 'I1bose who enjoyed the day with McOlure as guest speaker. She gave nalre on "Our Misstons In FUreign The ~ meet1ni wID be Pfoper diet by' , a mother during BIIiJpOrter of soU cOllSl!fVlIItion dJa- them' 'were: MIM~ Anna E. Merea most inte resting and entertal$g Le.nds" and Rev. Parkll gave ~ short held at the home of Mr. and l4ra. ,pregnancy and t()ld of results of . tr1cl'8 ind esPecIAlly one for Warren dUh and Dorotihy Atidns of Owcln- lI(!ientnc experimlents. !He stated ,lqcOunt of h er recent , round mp talk ' on the activities of ' Regional Raymond Biadd~. eountJ Is ~ V. Martz, W&mm natl, Mr. and Mrs. Lester ' l>oft of from Cincinna.ti to New Orelans on Vestries. that the care given at th1s time had During ~he SOCial hour refresh- DINNER HONORS SOLDIER Il!NJltr:JI represenative to the Ohio De.yt,on, Ensign and Mrs. Robei·t much 'to do 'With l;he chUd 's growtl,1 the Gordon 'Green e, Sbc spoke 01 General ABsembly Woo introduced ' Huston or ~llb.rook. Mr. and Mrs. ON FtJRLOUGH' the advantages of .ibis means of ments were served. The December . ' . , ' . . and development ,a nd even persontravel for a vacation ' at this tinw, meeting will be held at the home 'aDd spcDIOreC1 ' Bouse Bm No. Me Norman Meredith of Bellbrook, Her- ality in later years. . bert 1M dith d fam1l Mr d Mrs. Prances ~nock was hoa-. WhJch Is an enabHng act penn1tttng ere . an . y, . a.n At tbe eon'clusloo of h1s address, 'When usual means of transportation of Mrs. Lee RBlwke. tess recently at a famUy dinlnt!f. IIOll ~atlon districts to be or- Mrs. Samuel Mere«1th IllUd ,family, Dr. SOntag IU1.8we.r ed qUe.!;tlons of are . overcrowded. 'S he desertbed the ~" Mrs. samuel Meredith Sr., Miss Sal': honorinr 'bet ~. Prc. Tb:KDU ,B. ' . . bIs aUdlem:e. He was asked many beauty of the o.ut~ colors on the Brannock; wbo waa home on a fUr- " Le.ter1' atepa In the-orlllnUzatlon. if He 8m1th and vr: Ray Miller. of the Ohio. She mentlaned queetlo~ whl.ch he gave plausible , lough from h1a station at Oamp st meeta "WI~ . the .fa.vor Of WlLlTen ~WfilrB. 'I'Y1;ltcal questions were, varioua interesting cities where the Bowie~' " , ' OOUI\ty .faqnera 'W111 be , "~' .. LBA;VE8 FOR OVER8E~S of "WIh? does one baby have more hair ~J&t ~topped and told !Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Thomas enterThe' folloWm, -present: ,the h1&torical and interesting things rererene:tum and e~eetlon of super-. Wned with a famJly gathering on Mr. and MiBl :.t.mea.Bra.no.:" and vIsorI. lIr. ~ 1Mn. Walter Brlt-.1in have at birth than another." or "Why do she aaw In them. , '. 'l'eceIV~ ~rd that their son, R~l t. so msily, individualS in tM Wayne&sunday, honorlnj their ,son. A-8 ohildren. ~.aD.t"Mra. Alben Bram- . " She spoke or the heaV¥ traffic on ',Mra. IDB'.l'INO OF. 8£WING GBOUP baa 'been sent Qverseaa, 1:Ds new ad- v1lle area lIaV~~ w~ falae teeth the·.inland waterways and or the' in- IWbert S. Thomas "f 1ncoln. , Neb., nock a.nd , cli11~ "Mt-. .. who is enJoylng a fourteen-day fur' . ,, , a~, ,.n eatb' age." .' . ',' ~eu is: flIe, 'ROOert L.' 'B ritain, , The December meeting of the club dustrtes tha.t are located along lough wl~ his parents, ' wife, and ErnestWoolal'd aDd' ch1ldrf!n, ' Un. ~ ~' ~ groUp.met, ~ 31it,6~. 3'l11th " ~ter B9-dn., 362 win tie htl14 ,Y:onda¥ ev~g. Dec. them. She ·t old of the a.ctlvtties on " Loratne Bpra.y ",~ ':~Uihter daughte.r. Ka.ra.n, , and Mrs. J!bey and daUlh- , 1lVeek.'wK.'!a Mr.,' Robel't Ora"r.t bel' S. O. Plabter GroUp, A.:.p , O. 9020, . . the boat th8t fIDed: the d&ys for the 20. . . , Those who enJoyed the day to- ter and 1Mri...~ home: In tbreountl'y. 'nIoee present care'Of Postmaatei, N~w Yotlc, N, Y. ,_ _ _-'-~ .. two buncfred passengers who had gather 'W~re A-S , aoo~ , Thomas, ' . " ." . - Mftdemes .WUi1am, ~er. NO.TI~ TO ~!p"oNI)~S' Chosen th1B as a. ' delightful and LeaiIAY ' j It: Bm,' • strad. wtte &;Dei &.aDd 8T~' l'pJ·otsltable vacation trip. . RAlbey 01 Dayton), Mr. and Mrs: ,J ; . TO PUBOII&SI: ' WAIJ".o,Nii 'The December meeting of the club M'. Earllha:rt and sons of :staver. , w1ll beheld the home of Mr. and town,' M:r and' MrS. LOW~Il , 'P!omaa M'ts. l!ld Stanforth 'With Mr. and da.ughter and . ~ host and Mrs. P . l!.. ~Y' &oS liOe~ hostess, Mr. Mrs. F. it Thou. - A~ and ,Mrs" 'Ilhomas lW~e,.~on clay .gueats .ofMl'. and Mrs. J. N. Earnhart 'in, Beavertown. The Friendship held their Ifgul&r
plOIlthly cqeet1ng with !Mrs. Clarence
Shower In Honor Of Mrs. Hartsock
Grange Schedules Interesting Program
Dr:L.W.Sontag Addresses Club
Local Honor Roll Being Enlarged
To Enlist WACts Army
Farmers Club Meets At Ellis Home Nov .11
E. Wayne Advisory Council ,
Di I H .. Of nner n ODOr Pennsylvania Guests
Womans.Auxiliary' Friday, P. M.
Dinner Party In Honor Of ,Son
Cueats m
P. '
tir. . v.dcH'Ulls.
THE MIAMI GAZETfE of possum or coon. I
lanU!rn bobbing along tile fence buL I ttldn't he8.1' ilie' dogs tree any.tJl.lng.
form scal~s ; 1 1-4-lllch Oliver Walk- . Ulg broo.klng I?jOW. , .: ' FEED . , Abou~ 4 tons ot. llllxect"1'lay; . also · , !lOme bl\led s~rQ,W! sprue ~hredded fodder; some long fodder ln bl 'ndles,
From] he Miami Gazette
FU"l'EEN ;YE~' A.GO The m06t lmpol:tantjOb of JlUn~ - ..- . isbw;y, ecInesday. N'ov. 20. 1918. a. ( ov. 'il. 19281 \ lti1at 'we have Just .'110W' Is rat Ohio ~ Santa Ol.us, Santaaon and their daughter. hUnting. ~ SU100 ~obl?Y left us ilie .M£11I0DlST CHUMlf The .boys who ~ belll\ workln3 200 buaheJs '~rn. in erlb. workshop 'trUck are scheduled to be rats have l(ot abead of us, though he Loul!i C, n~lIile,. Pa.stllr RA!lbNm3S-'--2' sides of 'Work harn- trt W~ynesville Wednesdn~, Nov. 28. at Moraine Olty "ere laid ' orc 1u st Wa51l't as much good as all old iab ess, blidJes, oollars and l1.t\es; leath- The stop M11 be made wt tl.le gym week and went to Da~ton '!'1r1da.y t Church school at 9:30 a. m. IS8VED BWBRY 'TKURSDAY by cat with lUtt.ens. They· a re ~be get their. pay. . In the ' afternoon at about 3 o'clock ~-"""-"",,,~,,:,,:",~;;;"-=;;;--;;::-;;r.;;;:;-;;;:;;;bj;!~Ad~~--- ' one's that get the rats. oHowever, we. WorsJUp service at 10:30 A. M. er lej.s and other harness. Mr. and 1Mrs. W. O. Raper (l r!.) ~ Pl1oI, ,1.80 Per Year. Payable In Advance ~ot five with polson and two with Subject. "Man's Deepest Ne d." SOME HO SEHOLD OOODS-1 and arrangements are being made spehdlug Ii Ifew days with rehltives triips last .night and tonight ,:ve will You!ih Fellowship Sunday at 7:30. bed and l:iprings with good cotton for all ch11dl'en to see them. mattresS- 1 'WWih' stand, 1 sqU1re 'Tile ' Queen ~thers , ~I ' the M , E. in Brown ~nty, (Where Mr. Raper try again. The red SQuill polson got p. In. is hunting the bun.ny. , two the other day but the phosphor'l1le annual Booth }'estlval will be stand. 6 chairs, 1 9x12 rug, 2 10.oga!. chureh 'Will pve a. 'play, "The Flg.ht~ ( . A. Mamtt. Dr, J. T. 'El118, Frank Ing Obancc," TueSday. Dec. · 11 ~ , ~ . , ous paste got nve yesterday and tWQ -heId at FankUn, Obl1o, Saturday. milk cans, 1-S and 1-5. 1 str8.1ner; Farr.lD. P. D. Clagett. C : ·H . Hart :lMS. AImlsttce DaY, but enough to put some ln the cJskrn. this mOming. Work has been completed on the 10 gal. water separatOr. ' m1lk buckNov. 23 ·frqrn. 3 to 8 p. m. This Is tbel'It/la ·no amlistice this year. Work Today I took the three pu.ps to Day- . "The Farmer's Almonack" predicts under the Ausplce.s 0:( the Youtb ets, jars and crooks and numerous Lebe.now al~port ' and the ..fIeld turn- sock, H. A. Cornell. 0 : M , ?OOltzer ud f1Bhtlni went on, with "Uncon- tofl· They were so cute I hated to a .m ild winter, so t11ey saYj but this Fellowship. Young p6(l,ple deslri~ to other articles not · mentioned ed over to the govel'!lment by tile a"ud J . O . CUJ-twr1ght attended tne • dlt1~ 'surrendex" the key note or give them -up, but they' find homes Is early for quite suoh cold. weather . attend will pl~ase see the pastor. contractors. <It Is located on t.be &Cottlsh Rite meeting l1t Dayton Tenru;: Cash. -the day. Com llusklll8' Is the order , better while they are stUl young and The .tufted titmice and chIckadees Brant ·farm along Ule Dayton pike laSt week:. BEN JAMES .Mrs. Edith iHa.nis 'expects to leave of the' day' here. One big field Is al- oUb:!. Today they turned the ~ in- were out here tll18 morning oe(ore I ' n(Jrth of Lebanon. S. L. Sln1pson, Auctioneer ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL for CWcago on Wedne..day mornlug DlOI!It done and the er1b Is fUllng up. to tbe stalk field and ,tonight we had any suet out for them. 1 burThe dwelUng of Mr. an-j Mrs. Oha.rles and Walter Flbts, r.lerks. CHURCH IAl\ al~ the line since last fall we had trouble ~use there was mls-. rled out and put up some lamb suet George NeWberry at the IntersecLlon where she will Join MI'. and Mrs. Frank Taylor and go on to iRlverhave been about a month late but, undel'8ta.ndlng about wbich gate wa.s arid I hope they found it and were Ralph Parks, I\Jinbter In OharJtl of ~he Waynesville road . Mld ))"y- side, Collf., whore they expect to in splte or the shortage of labor the open and no soooer t.l:tan tbey were not d.IscoUl'B6ed. One year · when . Churcp sChOOl at 9:45 a . m . ton pike burned to the gl'Ound Monspend the winter. 1VOl"k baa been done and just in ,brought up to the barn than they they didn't nnd any, the first day, Marriage Hcenses have ' b een Issued <lay about nOO11. Morning prayer anel sermon 11 :00 James W. Davis of the S. S. OretJme. Ilbe hay wasn't rained on, were sane agaln. Funny bow loud a the chickadees didn't come back all a . m . to Thomas C.Lander, 31, mechanTile Adams Drug 00. ·of W1lm1llggon. came ihome one day last week t.be ~ 'W8B stacked and kept dry cow bell sounds when YtlU don't caJ;e winter and it was JllInUBry before lenl 'Worle, Dayton , aM Juanita ton has purchased the Dr. L . B. oh a short furloUgh. until '" thresbed it this fall, the and hoW little ~l5e ' lt makes when the titm1ce came back. It ls well Jones, 25, Lebanon; to Alvin G ray HaD store a.nd w1l1 'Operate Q. mod6rn f'ElUtY CmlR€1l OF CUBI.S T The venerable Nathan Jones dled pumpt1ns were !finally sold, the you are hunting bOws in the dark. worth feeding for the pleasure of LeaCh, 24. steel worker. -MIddletown. d rug store. Herbert. Graham.. MJnuter at his home Friday. He w8S :87. swee~ corn waS pulled: in tlme, the . Wedne6day. Real winter ' thl!; watching them. I put a big chuck al').d Doris !Mae .Hol1ngsworth, 19. Mrs. George Henderson is at cMrs. Katherine Y-tl1U1g ha4 II l!Ol'8lbum molasses !WaS made, 'the momlng, d~ to 11fteen when Paul ot bee! suet 1n an onion bag and steel worker, FrankUn.; to Kenneth CleUWIl hospital wllexe -ahe recently 9:30 a. m .• Bible IlOhOOI. oabbases 'Were buried. a~ because "'e 'got bere, e1ghteen at ~reakfast time fasten lt tight to the tree outside 10,45 a. m.-Communlon. C. Forrer, 38, grinder, Gratis, lI.Dd underwent a. seriouS opera.tlon. . stroke Thursc ay frcm whle!} she had no tobacc;o to fool with, at leaat aDd now It Ia twenty-eight. The sun my kitchen fWlndow and they love It. 11:00 a. m.-Bermon. !Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mlller tnd W, never recovered. The funeral 't\\'IS Clara Mae Enyart, 26, . maoh1n1st, 80 ,says my tenant. We will IIJiBs that came over the h1U south of the bam IRed. birds like corn and sunflowu 8:00 p. m.-prea.c:h1ng .. Franklin; to Paul H. Habig, 26. sol- E. Cornell left Tuesday by dllt v for held Monday from th\! residence or tobaCCO ebB but we bad BWeet about .seven-thirty this mo~. seeds. Elue .Jays like . com and the dler, and Cleonlllbel West, 21, sec- Pittsburg where >they wlll Vl.:lt: Mr. Mrs. ·Rebecca iPrendeJlgast. PubUc &ale by James R. Gibbons com tb18 year 80 we will come out Aren't you gl«d that your clock smaller birds like the smaller gmlns. nlENDIS retary, both of FrankUn. and Mrs. WlIl1am Michener. Dec. 4 at his farm 1-2 ' mlle west of Jusi fIboqt ~e same. dldn't ~ elght-th1rty? Tbe ~II One year we hW1~ some ,\vUd jp'apes Myrtle (l"encb hils entered suit for 1Mrs. Hartley Moos, livin g souih of W8.ynesv1U~. FirSt 'Day schoo]. 91:30 a. m. Th~ first real snaw of , the season. arenot1ceably shorter now. The cun QIl the porch and several kinds of divorce from Edmond Leach on the town, 110 l'lIS been llJ 1..1' slime • • • Meeting for . Worshl.p. I ~ :30 a. m. . Yea~ and the 4&Y bef~ there seta ~hind ,t he gap 1tl the h1l1S Just bil'ds came for them that we hadn't 'FORTI' -EIOJlT YE.uts AGO grounds of gross neglect of duty .a nd tlme, 'was take~ to tile General hos1fere flUrries but ~t nlgbt It. reaUly as I am .getting supper so I have seen before. I prefer to use wholP. extreme cruelty. ' pltll; CinCinnati, on. Monday for (Dec. 21. 1895) 8~AUGU8TUg; C~RCH snowed. All the wq over to Spr1nf- tun benent of the splendor, and tf grain corn beoouse the . English The following dlvorces bave bee.n treatment. Persona deslrlng t anspa: .tatlou· La Father KrwnbeJlb, Priest · t)oro and be.clt on an errand we (ami ~ enough I can enjoy the sparrows do not eat it. The tufted granted-: Kathleen Hood from Miss Phoebe Miranda. very ph:as- or from the depot will p1ease leave drOVe into the.fut falllnS b!a·flaUa. aU1ll18e without lUting my h~ from titmouse will take a gra.1n up onto Ma.sa sunday 9:00 B. m. Blaine Hood; Katherine W. Geffs enterta1ned a IlllUllbe;' .!>( orders nt .the Ha.mmE'U House. New ~ car 'lWhts ah1n1na on 'them the pIllOW. . a branch and peck at it until It from Thomas Gaffs; Dither M. trlends Thursday afternoon , Ill a lla.ck • '-aiiide em' loolt. .. th~ they we.re ' '!be hunt1nc season for rabbits breaks Into bite-sized pleces but the Nichols from Arch D. Nichols; and shower, honoring the app: oachlng G . E. R ndall was ln Cinoinnati WAYNE8V1LLB C.HllBCH OF be1nI 'blown dIJ!Il • of Ught. w1l1 800D be here and the season roJ' sparrow prefers to 60 Into the chlckMabel ~Ic from Everett Resnlc: marrloge of her niece, MI- 5 Irma Wedllesdoy. OBBJ8'1l' ~ ~ .the Il'OUnd wu quite t.raPPine atW. nlsbt hunting l\a.S be- 6n b~ and eat ~und feea. They lAmong recent real estate trans- Shutts. Al Smit11 has a~pted a, position ft1l~ bU~ .1~ dldn't last 1I)ng: gun. IlAat n18ht John and the little are almost as bad as mice and rats. . Mrs. Maude Crane is recovering In Plttsbw-gh, Pa. fe.r s were the- <follOWing: Max a.ac1Au. Mlnbtu 'rIiMday, ~ ~t night. I bope ~~ were down lexting around for Who &alp winter in the country was ~orvll E, ~caster to Lionel af\d ~ an operation at MoCl~l.\rul hos1wo corn mills have been start.ed Bible BobOOl 9.39 a. '., " . dull and lonesome? Communion 10:45 In. F'l't!1d& M. campbell, . ,3'l acres tn plte.l last week. by Patterson and 1W1l1ia.m ~ , Prea.c.h1ng, 11 a.m.. Harveysburg. Mr. a.nd MrS. R. L. .Frazler and Mr. and Mrs. Will Ool'nllll, have . PUBLIC SALE W . M . and Nannil: Reevl!s . to dliugntex', Ruth, lett Sunday menl- ' been visiting In Dayton this week . J.un1or Endeav~, '1 :15 p. In. WUbur and: Stella Powell, .89 acrcs' ing for Detroit, Mh;h .• where , they ~ Horace Keys says MariOIi AdalrJs Senior Endeavor.: 7 :15 p; m. Having rented my property. I w111 in Olearoreek twp. will make their future bome 15 to be marrieo in ,the neM future. Communion and preaChlna. ' 1:00 sell ll't plibUc auct10n jl.t my. la-rm, Ethel E. IHa.tf1eld and Pear] E T.WO, slot machines wer'e seized by. Five carloads or hop were shipped p. In. three miles nortll of Waynesville You are Invited to come And wor- 'VVthltaker to Enieat •Evans, 260'.23 Sher1:ff Brant at Harveysburg tast from thla place Se.burda.y. a.nd four miles S?uth of Spling Va lacres in Wayne twp. week. , \',,! . Mr. and tMn. Frank.Earnhart ",rid Ullp wJtll us. ley, on·R.oute 42, on '¥rB.'·Ada Oourt~flY., public lIbrai'- Ruth spend Sunda.y w~th Mrs. Bnrn' Elva ltuc/duclt to Henry B. and SATVlWAY. NOV~ER : 0••943 'Ruby Vlrglnta Walther, \J590 acres Ian,' Is on duty. ag.1i1n aI~ a &hort bar\.!> parents. tiT. IIO ..LY M. I~ ' CHURCH In Massie .t wp. .T . "-:,SCaJ'tt. Mlnls.er absence· dlle 1iQ·1l1nees. ' Mayor Stiles, Matahal. mXon and THE ' XENIA NATIONAL .' .. at 10:30 .. m .. George F . Miller to Tbelma MI The following oKlcel'tl 'ha.ve been J . Hiaey were ·a.ttendfulJ court a~ the' {ollOwing f&.1101 ..chatteb, t.o-Wit: BANK .Bundai Bcbool ' 8:llO a. m. E.A M\Uer, .075 ecte~ in Wayne twp.. _ elected bY Miaml ch8iP~, 10'1, O. E. Lebanon on Wednesday: lU5-1N1 Z-H(,)BSE~ F.&mha.rt. Supt. .' Betty Jane and· Leonard Crane to S. : W. M.,' Ohl. Hlu1tBock; ' W. P.; W. Ed Mart has accepted the ajencl' CAPITAL .II 8UBPLt18.'«O.000 Team of oorrel geld1ngs. 10 and 11 Eventng Service. 7: 30 p. ID:rames E. and IMalItha Ann AngUn, C. st, John; 'A. 'M .. Josephine Earn- ' for the McCabe and KImmel Farm 8~ ~ ~ years old. weight S500 pounds , Player MeetlJig Wednesday eve- small tract in Sprlngtoro. hart; Bec:retary, M1nn1e .Fromm; Journal. . ......bIe ~ot1a"·. niDi, 7:30 p. In. 4-CAT'f1.E=-l Oharlea E. and Bertna M. Gordon Treasuter. Bertie 1M1l1s; Oond., EdlL'l A:t last, Harveysburg has a news"I'wo mUch cows, to be !res.ll ' In to Osa. A.' Snenj .3'1 acres in Bar- LAncll~ew'S: lAo Cond., Ntna at John l 'paper lJut Uke its railroad, Its opel'': PUBLIO S. ALS C~ ·A. qABE and SONS, Deceml>er; two Hereford heifers to -...... v6Y6blll'g. Tn.Lstee, Luella Miller. • , attOll8 a,re,done elsewhere. Yoar IIIoConaIIek-DeIrIDc As I have oold ' the (arm. I 'Will freshen in December. • • '. J. B. Chapman is agent tor H. B. sell way 01 . publ1~~ aUctloQ the RATION RE_M ~IN -D ER-_,,__+....,..,·.T..:. .= WE :.=:.,NTY-nVE Y&AB8 AGO ifaaU shorn IUller. . _~ hIer "'-"--. . . , 1-".---~~.6II~IIIOG.tl~iIL~:-::__tro£~~~iili~t~;;;,·· 'op the ' farm (NoY. It, 1111). ~ -W. H. Antrom &old . his store at .101 w. IiaID IL farm. PRO C E S S III D FO 0 D 8-:ijIUo' The regular JMetl.ni r4. t:h~ "Nom- H1U'V~oyrg to-Mr-BhUlIlBJtm:...tbe• ..;.;_ _------....;.---IH.!!1L!rn!!illILE!~~~~1!!II!:!.!.::.-_'_:)_t_,lQl::!Ib!n-!Jir~Itte;totit~r8;'orie . m ..I ..-~.gLamtils. Xt¥-antl Z gOOd now; 'ez-' ;W'S' ;AUlI1l1&ry IW8.S beq Il' , t~,· ·hame grocer and wl,ll gl}.mto tbe\1nsurahce. ~ . Il\IPL~~':J'S , soubh' 01 LY~e, one ., ,rule . east o{ pire November 20. Book 4 green OtMfs . .sarah · ZlmDiennan. l'riday. btlB1nesa~ Mr. 'Shurnaiter has oold hla EICHMAN.'S " F-20 FarmaJJ 'trnctor, po-.ver lift ~tate 'lWute 48 at the R. R. croSsing st~~ 11\, B and 0 vaUd tbrou~ 'i'be!first ~ · ot -the t:.e;ture "tore to Mr. &ed. ~ . 8app11e1 _ ......~ cultivators. tractor~ breaking plow. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER ~6, Dec. 20. Oou1'Be wtil 'bij liven "WednesdaY. . John Hawke of tRldgeville ls qU1te . BciDDlna' at 1:00 p, M. . ~MEAT, ETC.- Brown stamps G Nov, '27 at the achool balL ill 'with lung fever .. double dlsc spring tooth ho:rrow, 8benrIa-~ PaID' Ollver .brea.ktzig plow, OUver walking 3-CATr~ H, J and K In BocSk 3 aT" valid un:Mrs. El1zabe~·Batb&w8¥ Ia spend- iMnI. Elmer Keev r ,cl1ed at her. II W. MaID SL ' plow, 'Deerlng mower, two corn One Jersey CQW. 7 ye~rs old, tresh Deeember 4. q . ' couple do' weeki' IW1th relaIn Lytle M9nl1a1~ . good milker; .1 Jersey cow. 3 SUG~ta1JlP 29.in Booit 4 good tlvea near lOoasac:liSale: Ohio. \¥l1i LouIsa Bl'~' Nn cUed 'l'UeIda.Y 'p lanters, hay rake hay tedcler, c;lrag lADIES' .BEADY TO WEAR t ll - years old, was fresh In Auaust; 1 for 5 p!J!llids throufSh Jan,. 15 • . . , . ,. .1.. 0. ·lBawlte left· Monday ·for OlD- c'v~~ at her',h ome on 'l'hr1d ~t. harrow, ~~ wheat cirm" i,z!lr. ,>OUltlpacker· (lDe-r~ co!n beVer, ~J:.esb in JunEI. ' SHOES-S.tamp N~. 18 (1 pair) Sa cinnatt:w~ he wtijl'ser'Ve ·on· the ~rIa two double &1lovel plOWS, stsUk cutZ-HOBSIi:S--2" goOd indefinitely. No .. 1 "atrpla~e" ¥ed~ ,graDd Juri. 'I'. •.•• rlNBMPLOYMENT ' PAYliONT8 GIB, NEY'S ter, ~Uer, bob IIled, f.e.rtce stretoilersJ One gray mafe, 116 y>ears Old'; one stamp In Book 3 ~ for 1 pa1r Whe Unlted War'Drlve In Wayne . 'h OWN IN 4wTo~ hophead, ladder,' pla.ttonn &cales, gray mare, 9 yeE\I'8 olld. . ' '.. llll~U 'further notice. · tOWnShip netted JOOOO, 230' per cent ' d:n keepq with statewide wenda. PhoDe'11 log cha1ns~ forks, shovels • . doUble 1'7-BOGS-l? , GASOI4NE,,-.:'A" ~~ bOQ ' coupo~ <it qilota: J: C. d~lgl\t chalr- Wl~lo~nt · compenaat,I.on p&J;_ t ~es, st:raw Iqllfe, sleigh ' and bellS, TWo 0.[.0 . ,brood sows; 15 .fall No. , 8 g~ ,'toT three . gallons eaoh, , states 'th,.e he 'aI!'tthe 114 me~- , ment ui"<the IHamUton ar!S w~ , ~ 'FAMOUS . cr~ cut S8fW. dln,nex bell, 4, sid.e.s 3, harr~8 150-toololl}lnd.1l45-tootb; must lo.at through Nov. 21. B an~ bers of the 'solletlnlr ~nunlttee are InCludes Wa.rren eounty, drOPped to . AUTO SUPPLY bame&B, . collars. lines, bridles, fly IMPLEMENTS C stamps good unt11 us~d~ proud a.nd ~ter.ul ,Yi1th the success $438.69 . d~; October. / JeaE4e V. BaciIo l1li4 BIGJ~ BepaIrIor nete. i!1ck1e iTlnder . TIRE2-:7Next ~~tiOll8 dU~: A of the dl:lv!!. ." ,," .' . Gustin, ~~ rep~pt841y.o~ here. FEED . bo!>k vehl~les by Ma~h 31; B s by TO·14r . ancJ Mr:s. Frank announces. A )lelr 8SO " lnem~,! -.::: ._ _ _ WORK OLOTlDN Ave bundred bushels gOOd. corn, gravel bed;.l wooden rake; ~ell,:. ~9; O's. by Nov . 30; co~1a1 DI'Iadn/ ThUrsday; Nov.;. 14. tw ment com~~on payments' ln thi{s Mrft' 8IIIN 87, w. 1IaiD"! . PhoDe ,"00. ~5bales ·etray.r. fashioned sielgh and bells; 2 / r~dlng vehiclC.:l every six mon~hs or every dailkhters. .". ). . , or. ' area .f.O~~ , $8,602.3'1 dUJiDl; OCltoAllIo. numerous other Items too l-row cultivators; 1 5-shovel plow; 5,bQO plHes, wblche~r iii' f1rs~. · !Mr. a~ L: L. ·&l- ber. abc; addecL ' '. :,, , tedious to mention. 1 bar ' she~r plow; .1' double shovel; . FUEL OIL4P&,'lPcil C<luPODa 100d ' 'I '. , , a halVOWlj, 1 50-tootb and 1 45_tooth; Itl1lrO~lgn .·~anuary 3 . . Sewin. Machine $upplies U:. E. CORNELL ' j ST ' OV~" . '---t 1 AdJ':ance . mower; S:OO pound plat~OJl8umer pure........,s 0 Bepalrlnr .01 . ~ Malr~ Stanley & Koogler,' Auctioneers. rationed "stoves must' be made with Shidaker & Hartsock, clerkS " .. • 1\ certificate obtained at' locAl Pbone 7" II B. IIaib& Phone 1Jl8 Lunch by Grange price . . and. rationing boardS . ,. lng
___==.::.:.-----r--------------ry ' Dry .Ridge From .A Farm D·la·-
Court News
. "....;._ .-
m, "
'Bom _
U You Have Trouble BeInI lUted With 8hoet-Try
Have you made your oontributlon to the National War Fund ~rive?
RICHARDS CbrIa.... Gllta ~ iii I Crystal PoUel'Y and :Wood Noveltk&-CosiWDe Jewelry Jewelry and Compacta
.n. Eo Main sWeet
100 ~ - 100 EnieyOJleS with ydv..:.me and ac1cJreu for . . ~enci us ,.~ order
TlHE MIAMI ·'.GAZETTE Wa,ueJl!vUle' " Ph.oM :Cl¥ •
Xenia St~nda:rd Parts Triack, cU 'and Tractor ReDIae-lDent Part. 'I . • Ptfachiae Shop- Work
. -""
108 Eo MaiD
C T'lO N E .E RS "
7 N • .MaIn
F.T. Martin &t.E. Riesao'
PIa. 288
A1TIMELY , REMINQ.ER !~! ....""'"~,,~~'''''''''''.,.'''''''''
CHE .C K YOU~ FIR E I N S·U RAN C E POLICYlt The c;oming of weather meane tf.e . of lieating .• y~itelne. and· . the filange,. · of i .• gr~~tlt ' in~~aaed. _••.__ '~, .ur~ your F·i re · lnl.urAlric~al Polic:ee ar~ in "working
~rder" t~.
. Consult youI;' ~ge~tl .
,-" " ..."'...-"..."--~......, WAYNESVILLE
C. B. Jenkin., P~p. ~ to Bane
I.e" ..
,.... .....
WAYNUVILtE, 0810 ~
. Your AUc:l ion. . ~ppr~il't~~ , . 702 Conune~:iAl Bid•• , Dayton Ad 3661 " Centerville, O. Pb~ 7021
Have you made your oontrlbutlon to the NatloWu W~ Fund DrlVe? " , •
Letters To The Editor
"No man can serve two muter.: tor either 'be W111 hate the other,one The !fOll~8~We concludlng IIilid love.the other; or else be wW --msta.liDient of an ,1\1rtlcle-;-:I!1ib,ml1.tecll1b to one and 'despise the ~t.oer, by Max ~~I. nI1nJster . of the Ye canb'ot lIerve Gocl and mamm~)D." local Chuch of OhrlSt. elnd ,w hich Na~t. 6:24. . '. waa .tWr1t~n bY' iMr. Martl Maxey, of "Know ye not ,that ye are $ temple North Vernon. Ind. of Ood. and tll&t· the ,spirit e! God 6. It Ja claimed that schOOl dano- dweUeth 10 you. Ilf a.ny . man })etta-yea 14'e necessary to tile proper pre- eth the temple of God, hlm shall paratlon for college and that those God destroy; for the temple of Ood who dant· dance will be to~ally> 00- 18 holy, 81nd such are ye." struclzed from college actJvlty and "Or bow ye not that' your body b"OClal ,llre. Tha~ may be ,t rue in is a- ~mple,of the Holy Sptrlt which smnU colleges, but in the ~rger onea 18 In you whlch ye have ,f rom GOO. ? dancing is not an iSsue. You can go And ye are not your awn; for ye or not, JUSL o.s YOU c11006e. were <bought with a. price: glorify 7. The swn and total or achOoI .~therefore in your body." 1 Gor. ,.lI11ces . will 'b e to provide more p8- 6.19. '.,~na for more night spots, 'l"'ue, "And ' tnat which fell among 't he there may !be a.·wge group who' will thorna. these are. they that have never be a.!fected one ',way or an- heard, and as they go Qll their way other by its &He . But that is no they are choked with cares and richreaoon whY' twe should- welcome thJ!I es amd pleasures of this lJfe, and tl1Jng ,with open arms and let the being no lruit of pertectlon." rest "BO to the dogs." "Prove ' all thlngS; hold fast.- tha.t Is there anYaolut.ion to this prob- which is good; abstain tro;n every lern then? 'I1here may be, but It is apearance at eVll." 1 Thes. 5.21-22. not -an eo.sy one. It lies mainly with "And whatsoever ye do in word or the parents. It is IIOIIUWng how many deed, do e.ll In the nace 01 the Lord parents th~e are, that object to Jesus, giving thanks to God and tile · teaohtll8 the BIble in school, yet are Father by him." more than 'WJlUng to IntrodUCe the "The Lord klnoweth how to deliver dance there In s pite ot its de.ntiergo(Uy out of temptations, and to ous potentlal1tie:s tor the children. reserve the unjust unto the day of Par)Jnts are orten unreasonllble on judgment to be punished: But chlefanything that concerns their child'a IY' them that walk a.fter the flea In 1We1f&.re., 001l8equentlY' they are con- the lust 01 uncleaneas, tUld despise tlnualil' ma:lt1ng the serious mistake government. Presurnptloua are they. · of thinking that their' chUdren are self"'WUled. they are not afratd a'bove a.verage, and that because !l})Cak of eVU of dignIties." they are pure and hlghmmded tMy ''Be not conlormed/ to this world: need not fear, for .their r.hJJ.dren but be ~ tanaformed by the renew• would never in the world do any- ing of your mind. that ye may prove thing but what IWa.s entirely decent what 1s good and acceptable, and and respeCtable. But ,t he degreda- perfect will of God." Rom. 12-2. tlon will continue at the night club4 "Neither be partakers of other tonJi'ht by young people w.hllle par- men's s1nB: Keep thyself pure," 1 ents believe they are the a.cme of TIm. ~22. virtue, ..... . '~e cannot clrlnk the cup of the Parenla must face the Issup, fairly Lord, and the cup of devils; ye canand SQuarely, It !WOUld not un~ be partakers of the IWrd's table, talr 1W them to set a "coming in" and of the table 01 devUs." bour (or their ' sona' and dauahtel'B "It is 1100<1 not to eat nesh,. nor to and 1Dstst tha~ they Ik eep Jt. Tbey drink 'Wine, nor to do anyth1ng should Iknow who they are out wtth, thy brother stumbleth." anel JWliere .they are going. They 'Iba.t then la the ConclUSIon ot.the' mUBt not be .8If.rald to deny their matter. U ~ feel that you as a chUdren something. even to ' the OhrIatlan oan dance or Permit your lrunJly' car. Deriial buJIds oharacter chlidren to dimce SIfter a consc1entllind prlnctpele. ' ous and heart-searching study 'Ot But more than thAlt, pa.ren~ 'Rho the Bbove scriptures, then nothing denY -their chlldren the de.nce 'Will more can be saId. The only appeal have to live extra time and tbousht to you 1s this, choose whOOlt you are to producing something worthwhile going to serve, OhOOse Which way in 'Its place. They · wtU have to be- JOU -want to 80. by the oarrow pte coine of their' They or f)y the wide ~. and th.e n IQ1IWUNlave to f)e WUlJng to sac:rifice low aocord1ngly, for it Is ,an ' abeonot do both. amne C1l ,t heir own times and pleu- lute oorta1nty> you :~ to IIUck bY' their Cpudren and (Tbe End) "taae them over the raPids. e<lmethtng will h&ve to be provid- MASON TO BOLD A ed 'in Ita place. RS8'h achools U81:lA1lY SPEC~ ~CJION have abundt\nce at ,healthy, constructive actiVity iwJl10h 18 floe. The A ~1lt1on has ~ b; coolmlmJty shoWd proVide tts aba.re. the '!Mason 1(1l1aBe oounoU askJna the The church should have a. part, also. e1ecUon board to bOld a spec1a1 elec!But rega.rdless .of all these other action. at the mun1c1pal buU91ng In t1V1tlea, the miln solUtion must come trom · the home, Itor it Is there that Mason on Tuesday, Dec. 'I. to vote new .actlVltlea. the main solution on 'a, ,tax levy ' of four mWs for two must come ·from the home, for it is years for current ezpenses of the there that' new' aCtivities and intet- vWaae. The board granted. the reeats be ,beQun. quellt• . It woWd be a healthy . thing 10r' , parents to get together and have .. goOd party tor their yo~ falka. NOt ever.} Six ' JJion~ but evefYI 'month. !Vary tbem' wtth QtAer ~s, but at · ItUt have "them. P.or I stUl firmly 'believe that YPuth can live, ii. hap.pi"abUJ¥l&nt life ,Without dancing.
'ItiOaW""a do it, 'Why iIlOt the relit? !l'lle"remalning part oil the pr0blem 'yOUJ'lg people. must oolve themselves. The ohaUenge to tb.o!m ~to raise their standard of fun,
muat reaJize
ihat keepin4r Jato
'llouns In company With the oppoalte !leX is !far from the zenith Of nW:Uall ' l hapPiness. 'llhey mUat obtat.n from IIOJDeWbere a. apfrJt Or sacrifice, t~at win enable. to retraln from do",lng. mAny of ~ thln8B m\l~ly for (un'lI aalte. TQey must ~ and be iauirbt to be co~tent <With leu. excJttniaotlVltY inl:l that which Is lIDqueauonablY properMQStyoung folkll dOn't knoW 'boW to ~v1de themselves a t800Cl time. They dOn't lD;low .' how to tun in ail' e~en1ng of ',hOme. ' ll aOIM one is . ~ to
p,.ellilelfl;/(Rl'ifiIf8 ~ollele
,ArUIUR. j'
T:le backwash ot war Is crime. Of course crim es occur In peace time but It's a matter at recard that they · inc l'ense sharplYin war. Right now. alo ng with their many other dis. tresses . . honest people In America are IUiferil1g from a crime wave. Thos~ who must d.o thelr bit on the home tront for victory In World War II have no more deadly enemy to face than a breakdoWn In the na· tion's mora I fiber. It Is hard to see anything good about wa rs; hard to say anything good abou t them. Nations trying despera tely to defend lill that the human family has gained, In the last twen ty centuries are obliged to view their Wil l' as a necessary evil, but an evil just the same. Perhaps the ugliest of wllr's horrible features Is the ta ~ t tha t the winner loses. Nobody actually benefits, and somctimes the conquering country is hurt worst of all. A Destructive Force War Is fundamentally destructive. Under its imp:lct buman lives perish and human hopes turn to ashes. But there is somet.l}iog even worse: Hu· man souls go to ruin. pesp ~ ,':} te people do unthinkable things Dfld, with a spirit of desperation rampant in five continents, crimes have mul. IVERSIFIED entertainment and information are provided by the women's VOices of WCKY to tlplied. However much to be debe heard during the fall and winter. Upper left, Dorothea DrlJW, WCKY dramatic stair sired there was not much reason to star' upper right Elaine Bauer, young contralto; center, 1\1rs. 'Nancy Prentice, child ~~ychologlat expe~t less crime In war time. and domestic rell,tions advisor; lower left, SylVia Brown, home economist and cooking upert. Currently, America Is said to be and Oilv. Kackley, women's commentator. • ) the leader in crime. The morals of our own people are sustaining an . seIZed ·her amd lihe nodded arid tea at the home of a school lrland, upheaval And, in spite of the fact looked "a t Dad. . that hlstory teaches us to expect it, Mrs. John Weaver, in. Xenia, Saturthe development is hard to under· Mrs. llarle&t&e F'. Thomas Quietly Dad reached lor Ills rl.le day aftemcon. stand. Ameri~a is making a seThe snow this mol'Iling makes me in a nC8.1by corner and nilE.:d the Pvt. Robert C. Bogan, son of Mr. rious, self.sacrificlng struggle In a think 01 IWhat my m.other WId me window JuAt enough for Lhe gun and Mrs. Ev.a.n Bogan. In Dayoon, noble cause! Why Is this an excuse about ,Iibe third wl.nteJr they wen. on barrel to· go through. !He aimed has been transfer.ed from Ft. KnoJ:, for wickednes. to like a homestead. 'Ilhere ' wo.s snow. carefully and shot. Ky., to Ft. Smith, in Arkansas. plague over an the Oause there alwaya was, and it was fatrly Sceklnl' "01lt him I" he shouted and tOre !Mr. and Mrs. Ray Balley and son, Looking at the problem through deep. It w~ the early part of the through the house and out tJle~oor. BUddie, were Frlda.y night guests of the ltlOs of cold reason, anybody is wInter and sllt! stopplld by t.l'ie be' _ Mother watched and went into the. Mr. tUld MIs. Homer aalnes. saturlIkeiy to say. "War and lawlessness rOOlIl lW1ndow one n:lght aJter sh!! kitchen when he came back . day Mr. Bailey a~tenped the State are two dilTerent things; neither one put us ohJIdren to Oed. There was no "lsnIt t.hat a '})eauty?" be asked J ersey sale at Springfield, Ohio. eauses the other." But is this true? ight t 1 have been a student of youth ro:.h· I1ght In the >l'OOm and the ~ 17 ou- her, grlnlling from ear Ito ear. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ra.ymond Wlls<in er than of criminology and I fas .sIde 'Was lOvely. A brlllJant moon By Its hiud legs he 'h eld aloft a called on their' nephew. Robert shocked by the officiai figures show- lighted the "hws all around and snow shoe rabbIt. Furnas, Jr., io.st /Wednesday aftering that 15 percent ot all murders. datnty llgbts winked fTom the crysNow I hear you say, "Huh, it was noon. 35 percent or aU robberies, 50 per- tala or the .hard crusted snow. The only a r&bblt." ------:-:-::-=:-'" eent 01 all burglaries and 58 percent 'Wlnd 'W88 stW and mother called of all car thefts are being commitUsten. my scoffing friend, the ted by people under 21 years old. softly 'to my father w'ho was r~r.dJng snowshoe is king or the rabbit world · It Is my studied conviction that in the living room. He came and and he is a rare prize. In the winter ur~. \\' nlh'r 1 "lIrh''', c.;orre"lhl........ Mrs. iMa-rgaret Johns spent Friday the tendency of youth to break laws stood beside her at title 'Window, . he turns snow white and Lhus is a at the home of her brother and wife, did not Increase because ,Ameclca . "Isn't it lovely?" B.!lked 010Y mothhard target to hit, and 'beca'IJe be is went to war. The tendency of·youth e.r He nodded his head. Dad could Mr. ' and !Mrs. Amos Cook, Dtln.r Ia about wbat it was a year earUer, ' 't express his oplIllon, except to so large. he Is a mre thlnJ. With Waynesvll1e. or two years earlier, but war In· no . one shot Dad had obtained meat to U. and Mrs. Lowell Starke of duced young people to sive expres· say, "It is pret~ ." He says tbat on~ lest us for tlwo or t hree day:;. I .Jon to ' their rebellious . impulsea. of the family tratta i!> not being heard Dad. complaining to my moth- Waynesytlle, were Wednesday evenNOW, niore than In prevIous yeaH, able <to .elqlreas our thoughts In er one time, .a lter -we had (lome. lng guests of Mr. Bond Mrs. Evere:t Kenrick and children. Lt. Starke young people (In war or at work) words, but tha.t ~t doesn' t detract back east, that he had dp..>'l.'rtbed are fin!i1ng themselves in strange troin 'our t)eln-g able to appreciate has boon staUoned at Ft. KnOx. Ky. surrounclings In disQrganized comthe snowshoe rabbit to' someon~ and Mr. 8Jld Mrs. Seth F'urn.1oS and unities ha~nted by disturbing un· the bel\luty ot We. Me,h er was oue that pef&Otl had practlcally called :erlalntl~s. ManY- of _th.em do not of tHoee rare peroo~s Who are able him a prevarlcator~ His feelings were Mrs. Ha.rvey Butnet atte n~ed the Wa.ynes have ijle character ~ live normal to go through lJfe ' sel mg only the hurt VIlIY deeply. 'l'hursjle.y at the home of .Mr. IUld lives In abnormal sj1I'rounplngs.. beauty of aU placea and ignoring IMrs. 81d Ellls, Jlear Wllyn~s Y ille. 'Earl,. , Trainluc Poor the ugly things, or J[orgettJng them NOTICE OF PUBLIO SALE J. Edgar Hoover, head of the Fed· Mrs. L. cA. Barger of Washingf~n eral Bureau of Investigatio~ lay. as IIOOn as po5Sible. ~3 t e never asked In the PUl'Bu;;:nceof tbe order of O. H . was a guest ,of her daughter, the blame squarely on the doorstep ,for any one's confidence. yet I the Probate court of War r e n of the American home, and I think hav.e know.n perlect strangers to un- COunty, Ohio, I IWlll offer ['Or sale Mrs. Fred iRush and famll:;. w;t he Is right Ot course It ill much burden their souls to ber and as at public auctloo on the 18th dl,ly week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul WJ1lJBlDS of easJer tt;' deplore a sit\lation than it sOOn as they had BOlle she had tor- of December, Ul43, at one o'clock p. m. on the premiSes the follOWing deIa to correct it; much simpler to . Lebp.non were dlnn,er gu ests lo'r1day 'prohibit something than to · prevent gottelll whll.t they had ,told her. She scribed' real estate: evening of <Mr: and MIs. Everett Sltua.ted In the county of iL Nevertheless an ,honest .lze.up aiways said that we all have to unEarly and Bobby MorglUl. Warren. In the State of· ohio of a bad litate of affalrs , i. cierlalu ,burden our minds to 3OIJleOne a.nd If and In the Village 'or Springboro, sit, a.nd Mrs. l'aul White of to help, ~nd Mr. Hoover's' aDaiys~s it helwd anybooy to tell her their and bounded and described B.8 Nes'hville, Tenn., cnUed on their Ia sound. Respect tor rightful au· b-oubles, ' It dld not 'hurt her. to llafollOwS. ,Being e.1l of riot No. a7 thorlty starts at home. and clisre. uncIa and aunt. Mr. and' Mrs. Kes.ped for rightful authority iB what ten and then forge,t . They stood as designated on the pla~ of said ler Grallam em Sunday. and 26 fect orf the SOuth VIllage .rilakes outlaws. ' Criminals be!lin a. th~ in sUence for a Uttle whlle .and Side of Lot 'No. 36 in sa!d VUlage Mr. and Mrs. Everett 'K enrick and 'impudent, disobedient childrCD:. , suddei:lly, Dad put his hand on full 'Width from East Street, WCllt chlidren were Daytdn vlSitors' ThursRecQrdl show tha~ the .dlvorce mother's shoulder and pointed out to to alley. day afternoon. . rate 10 .ADlerica 'Is up 500 perc~t one aide. Sald promises Me loca ted on crime 1Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ross and chll- , the West side of EMt Street be~--:-:-;:;--11~:''t!~~~500-'~~~1n the "Do yOu,ee it ?" he whispered. tween Market Street and Pacdren of SaDl.e Urne. There Is another vaShe lOOk~' cl06elyo and then shll ' tory Street in saId Village or evening guel?ts or Mr. and Mrl!. Wil'grnl'lt statistic thllt stresses this pai- 'saw,a movement. Sudden excltem.e!l t Springboro, OhIo. aUel by showing what a lar~e sbare Bald preml&es are 6ppra1s!!d at liam R.os.s and daugh ter. 'Marjorie. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Neuma.n of of juvenile problems come from bronine hundred dollars ($900.00) and ken ' homes. Whalever such figures ' mtUlt obe sold for ,n ot less than 2,,3 of Pekin were Sunday evening dInner may seem to· prove comes 'under the saId appraISed value, and the terms guests of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bungenera. clnssificatlon of "Spilt of sale are cash. • nell and daughters. WALTER KiElNRICK, ,milk." but the Ilold facts are 80berMr. aud Mrs. 'P aul Shipley and Executor of the Estate of mg. It is obvious that our Bibl~ Ida Christopher. children spent the week-Clift with reading ances.ors who "got marrlel1 TARVIA-UTmO TAR AND H . Z. GRAY, Attorney at La.w for keeps" reared 'chUdren who erew I relatives at Wshlngton C. H. RoAD OIL. EltoAVATlNG Lebanon, Ohio ' 12-9-4t. ·into better ' citizens: ". 1 Mrs. Therle Jones In· com puny ··DUMP TRUCK SERVICE ThreAt to. Freedom ., wIth 'her atster, MIs. EB.rl Moran. , Growth in youthful delinquency •• ; READY MIX CONORETE and son, at Corwjn , spent Fr1<k1y • threat to ·demoi:racy. Mr. Hoover ! ftlr •• \\' I!IIam 1I.. lt •• (lo~re.po.uDI wltJ'l their parents, Mr. and Mrs. and hIa 'F.B.L' are doing a fine Job Many or our membel'B attended Edwin Nutt, mear Cen tervllle . • ubdUJn, the'unrUly chlldren of neg' Ii ~ Klami Quarterly Meeting 8t the Mrs. rran:k Miltenberger spent ~tful )latent. who are no~ ,mOre .' Phone W~nc!Sv1lle 291, than ·half way to the ce~etery~ but New BurllTlglton Friends church Sat- . the week-end with her d.\~lghter, :Jou~ de~CJue~cy Ipusl not, con- I . ~orrow. Ph(lne . No. 3 urds.y. Dr, !M\Yron Tripp, pB.8tor at Mrs. Clifford Atchdeaco?, and Unue to ' pi:lw if ilie mUon 'Ia to Spring Valley; bou«ht the message, la.mily, in Dayton. ,aurvive. · America's ·' hope resta in .Lebanon ; O~f1ce Phone 473lt " Mr.. and. Mrs. Donald . Haines .and Ml'B. Clan Stacy, who baa ~n . -the upr~tnel. ' and solidarity ,Of R.e4lde~ es M. ~I!!!.r; t.mwe. that"are )'oun,~, of 't~lC)Se 'Wc:-:f:';:=::;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;i~~i::;;;;;::;;;;;~::;;;;;::;;;;;5!JI Mr 'and Mrs. Luthu Balnes' - wete v1sltlng her daughter,MrS, ' Leslie ~I fprmed,90W. Ttie !li.es~ man _-:--'_' ':::,>'----'-,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:-_ ~ ,'dinner guesta oil Mr. and Gray, and tamily, w~nt to the ~ome Oi. aU tim. said "Rlgbteousncs. ex. MrB. Melvin Hoillnpworth. 01 Mr . •Mld Mrs. ~11 B~tt at alteth a'- DaU60. ,I '" , MrII. LUcy Oomptpn.and Mrs. 'J!:11a RldgevUle Sunday ··to spend a t~~ p"c:bololl~ ~ . the, eha~actlll! of were dinner fUests Sunday weeks. , • man Ia fOl1Ded til earl1 chlldh~ ' Mrs. LEverett , Early . attended " , .the ~ home. 'lb. .. not rnew.; · Solomon 'KJ8a N..,ry ~~ near Wllmtn.g- meeting of th~ Westem ,College club pain, 1,000 vJalf.e\l tr1Eindi In thla COlDlIlun- at the Ihome_of Mrs. Madlin Watts ~orie i.tternooJl last week. ' ., III Dayton, 'l1l\U'sdI\-Y. . , Mr. Walter Wll8qn 1'\11', . ~d , Mrs: ~. and 1Mr8. ./Walter KeP;rick. and Wllaon 'Theodore McIn- James Hamea were ,guests at .. a 1.I....~'"1IJl()JIdlClfft... I1• • ~ Mr. and Mrs: famJly dinner '~und&y " ev~nlJlI at .lIe an ~i . , of d M ' 'Dftn .l,<eOinaJ'CJ Dl1a anel. te:m1ly attended a · the h~e ·M r. an.. , "....., t~1y dinner a.t the hOme, ,o f Paui Ro'und In Dayt:On, in honor .It the Peterson famtly, SUn~Y. .' ,latte!". son, Sea¢an .E1wooc1 Gra~1. 1ft. and Mm. Ob&rles ~,!y ~ tiome on ,,'furlOUSh from ~t daUlhttir Carob'll were '1ImOII& ~0Ie ~kee ~aval Trab,l.1hs Statl(\.l, ~h1Who atteD4ed A (,amll1 dlIIiDCr ~ CMO. . , aaame at And lira. W&1W stan-Nr.IUldKra. Oalma LooPcr'!' ~Dd lei De&t XeDla. 'lbe dinner wu In ch11dfen and Jiio. ~ J{n, Eo ' B . • f1l Qpt.; . " . , .'BtImIey who II Lo...,.re were Bun'daJ evemna ...'U~~ GIl fl'CIID wUbinltob. _ IIQeIta of IIr lei. Laster
Tbe .Roxanna .r~nQhtg .CO. ' .
spend a little .t ime and '. tbej ~ ' be shOwn.
~enu1ty",~ U'-_.""~.
. .,'.,
,~. !lda M. -Peter. '" qua, .near .Prankl~, came last we" to spend the w1n~ here. WWJam NadEenaen, who lpent the past week here, ' left Tuesda, r...orrung for MoNabb, Ill. Mrs. Howell Pierce an<! Mba Kabel wUSon of Bemla: YrI. Jlltblll Eastman, 01 I)prIngtleld, and JWlph Howell, of Yellow Springs, who were in attendance at Frienda Quarterly Meeting. called on. friends in the Home Sunday afternoon. I\4lrsJD.L..cra.ne attended II. fam1ly dinner Sunday at the home of iMI'. and Mrs. J. lB. Oons. After being confined to her room for two weeks, ' Miss Marne Browne is again Ilble to come to the cUnmg rOOfn for her meals. . Members of t he locol sewing group of American Friends Service commiLtee, met at the Home to work Tuesday afternoon. 1: ~
twtlSch ' a 0brj&tIan ~n Ci.nd: JVA!. not dO. He mwit draw :~ oa, ......ere" And tIiat line III .~"IIII9II' be d.ra1ml m (ront of ~ w~~ , a ~ ode,~ ~" a d lte
et1Il IIItioh DWt: Tlle OhrIiJtJM ute
" 'Ionb t.be poWder to " , it ...,.. U it ~ nat """"pd ~ , IWbD folloW' lt A' cleialUir, puter, more uprtpt . do thoae ",bo dO DOt. ~ ~ point out .,a&IDlI that ~ mu& ~ belpartMeftl of UdDaI deftjll&e~ 01 tJbe :..oda. ua_ _ &bile: . ,
....1IIn flail.,., ~ 01
w ••t . . .1
tile ..... Iai Q.oette
LfBANO'N Save Tires and Gu • • . DIrect BIIa Une to Oount7 Seal
Along The Way
McGETCHIN'S PHARMACY "Your F~ Dr~ tI~ Voemetb PRESCBIPTION8 ' none 28.1 teIIta. .
-·.If.. -., .........
and BROWN to w.
Bead, A . GOOD PLAcE ,To '
.J. W_ UNGO . HARDWARE Ptioae ..
JNS1JBANOS Plume' 153
n. aEAL ESTATE 1A)AII. 1Aban0D,
We Buy and. SeD JIii.,., If. . nJBNrriJRE ;Evemhlq for.' n.-. anti . .eo
ion itt
1I~;;~IM!lU.~'" PDa*J4 BaIDti
.att.endecl.. a Delta In. CWIM
. ". ..
REXALL 8'1'0_ ' ..... Our ·Store '1'.....
. IDirNey.e, u!Je faot tha~·U)ere.muat be ~ II'. llJOuld lwe .cease , ProqWin-:
Sand & Gravel
. Ph_ U
TJIt1B81)!Y, NO\'lDlBa. II. . .
----------~--~~~--------~~-.----~------~~~~~~----~~--~--~-~~~~~----~=-~~~----~==~== ' Q&Y, all lJi nor~ · yeal''', 0-11:_ _ _ •• ~ ~a ~D'.'~ I~ Mallin NCllvellWer Pctli:uw.d~· u-ener&l W.al1cer 00-
'. ~~ ] N . .",; ''''.i .~ 1
At All
• • •
Dial 2111 -
Nl8ses lEthel !Beekman and Dorothy PaY' were Sundar dInner guests
~ ·W . and ~8. Wardlow. Th~ FAstem Star will sell dough-
~===========;;;;:} 1!1m4J
all day Saturday. Nov. 20 at the l\4aSOnlo ·H all. • • • iMrs. Ethel HOIIIk who has spent the 188t tew weeks 4With her mottler. Mrs. H , H. WUU8lJlBOn. left for MiamJ. IF'lorlda on• Friday. • •
aet your lHunting License from Maynard Weltz.
·. -
. . ", _·.i
- . . . . -.--..... .....
3 'VV
G for.. , . last Wednesda! e:e~g. FoR 8AI¥-<lae Poland 0b1na. and Mrs. John Fromm WllS In Lima <me 8pot,Wd , POland 0b1na ,B oar. over ,saturdaY' attending the Dep.... Matrons school and ...... e recepWOOl sheep: o. u .1' 'w' , , IAkto 1iO!~ f •• Micmeuer. Phooe 2WMI. , ' tion f or the Worth.y Grand Matron. l ' Mrs. Netta Sullivan. ft1PJIlR8 W~:...:. '1:0 Mora1i1e • • 6 I. . • . OIQ' QI( ~~ '1:00 a. In. to t :30 Mrs. Frank Bwortze! .h as returned . p. iii. Jqer Brown, Third IItreet, " 'W~. 18 " . ~:-':..::r--. ", Upr1ght p1aDo; white ~ooal' ~ . . A1.aO 300 'Wblte :L\!cbOm pullets. Ernest ~. W~e R. R. 2. \~! ~ ClU16. 18 ' \ '. . " , ~,~er&ey Caw, 8 Years old 1" Ine John Orndorf berd Good ': ' -.iilDter, gentle. IJao .leneY ·belfer, " . , 'B1x : ~. old from' ~e cow. .'. -~... . W Randall,·..,n. ~ ....... -.~ t , ~ - .. ewee .~ W8ynelwWe. •
· f'OR
~ young 'Wblte-faced
buUtS,; ~le Qge. bred, 8toneybrook Farm
' pure
.8tock. bou8ht .t ~ DaY's A.1e. iMra. 'o: · ~. ~;_ R. ·W~viUe:. . ."
:;~~PtLh~t ~: ==uo~ w;:t ': W::::~lftelan~ f::~.S:e~~:!
R. 2.
POR ~ , ' .ut1I ,tul Dln1Jii Rpom , SUIte. 8Ol1d wIlDUt, band carved. '1. nr~ ~ ,.Ie, mohair up.
, , t.ki&1ly , ~, Mrs. A. T. Cherry, ~~ ~ute 2. Phone
. mall tor Ohrtstm:as this year.· Willi "'~rd submitted by Lester vv on. local postmaater: , Dellvery 01 the annual flood of
A. --,--9:30-- -._---
---- ......
R U"P T U R .'E Noy:'iiU;:'
at . . ,....-
I d' es, we too, ove a . para e.
painters spent. many -weeks building the' ef.borate Boats. . ,. . I
thanksgiving .
Day . pARA!li
W'L\' ' .~O! .£ ' R£~D
This yea~. bowe\'~r. ~ngS ~ cliSerCQtl U we were 'to have a p~de It .woulet take 'boiiirs of .lal»r pf men add' women whq' pilgtu lbstq,J .•,. doiog job in the war effort. Besi~. the ~cIe doet ~ . ,CJl:lire buildinS matedals and supp~a wIUcb;. ]a thcsc'cia:ys ,of sholtagel, we feel.h9il1d ~ ..-d.", where t,o .peed the day of·VlctORY. ,. '
So, 8q1l and .GIrIJ;....,Mothers. and Patheti-he. ~ , we ·feel tbat winning J!1e W8f~.:S 6m 1he pand~ must be "vcd for chis fear. .
, "-
. '1. . , . ..Street
Every Thanksgiving Day for the past twenty yean. . Rike's b~"e held a parade ,whicb was the deligbt of young and old. In the early years ,tbe parade consisted of a decorated truck with esk.imos~ reindeer, and 'of course Santa' Claus; but the yean went by this parade took on great proportions uotil it became a great 'spectacle. and the fame.of Rike', Toy Parade spread for. many mUes. Arrisu were' busy. over ,long periods designing the magnificent COltumes and · the beautiful Boati. Carpenters and
recupe~tlng. ~
pons or those ~ypes In the Ea8t.~d; ouadalcan!Ll " In~~ ~lOlJ1QDII. ~d !1m.......' Midwest and tbl-ee ~ In· the Where.be IW8II woun,~. In the h~ lar west. . . lit is reported that "he will receive a med1cal ·\UllCharge. > OLD LANDMABK. SOLD , '.
C. E. ~.W.Ukin
,':mlte ~~d G!1tm~,h
must ,come FIR51.
The' ~011oW1ng &!'·t.\cle. deallllg .wlth 0.0; lL 15 0111y' ,an, adVIIi.n ce . noi1Uc.a~ ClhL:l8 I~ sa pUot--t ' the Na.$ville· , ill ' .; , ", ......" ,Au- 'Force Ol_Uica , tion Oenbon o.r WLllI.t w . ~Ppeil ,tt mey .~ •..., u ' I~ h r '~th t th tkr. ~om 'Na&hvllle he WU1 be sent ma .... I.e. e ee... II, e ~....,..c ... . ' , , . to .Pre-Fl·-bt school' to continue h1II (Jf en~l~ed w ,the fact.\/, and tnat when . , 4.16' ,. .'!" they mCl\\' tIi~ they w1ll decld" to 1ryina .tra1Jilng; , I ' .. '\ t Chr1.s1m'aa iUts and oards on ~1me. MAIL IN NOVEMBER. He ~tecl in' the Air COl'pli on .SERVICES SUNDAY ' always a serious problem. "will be Mf.r()h 3, 1948, anG waa CalJed .June NODMBBa II, 1HI more th.ao a problem this year-it RUlEtS 'l'KANKSGIVlNG . 12. 19.3. ,H e <took his 'b&slo trillilni DAY p naolaUEo ........ L' WILL NO"" -~,- .... .- e Id , \·P 'oU0 xi • ... . ... ... pp. ! BIBLE SCHOOL -be an impossibillty> .- IUlless " . & a t ' K e""""r ......... ChrlstmM ma1111:lgl8 afe made largely BE HEW TUI$ YEAR Fi"~ th~re .he wn.s sent to the 01'11M~' In NOv~," PootJ1l8..';ter General ver:.'ity of Tennessee whete 1'e took MallY re.;id~lts of t.bis vicini y a t.hree-'lllonthli college cour-.se and M~R~INq S~RVICE Frank C. Wa.lker .warruj . IIho h ve come to l)ciYlpll ·l 'na.uholc1l t1 b he had ten hours of f.lylng while "'l'rtlll.sporation .fa I es are ur - !:living Ouy to ..roe R1kes '1'oy Parad~ 11:0~ A. M. dened to the limit with war Inn1 there. ToplC>-''TIIE »ROBLEM OF lJUl.Y ma'ke other p AIlS th.\s y ~ ar. Tne He 'Was then sent to the NashVllle terlaJs and personnel. and the Pos- H.lke-Kwuler Com-pal y . hllll M1 DANCING FIlOM ~nE h tl I ol!l.SSitlcation center where \1e took ral service has sent more t an 1 r - lounced tha t due to t:he fact that 1W.N18TER·S VIEWPOINT" hiS examinatiOns to q,ualU'y sa an ty-one thousand experienced em- •"e PlY' a e 'Would tak.e many lll>wil. .- -- ~- ~ -d ,. w, .avlaLlon cadet. ployees into the army n.n navy, of labor and material that mlght be EVENiNC SERVICE Mr. Walker said. "The only solu- used III the rwat. elfor • tile !,>a.raCle When he complete,s h.\s p~ot , 7:30 Po'M. ,t ion to the' ,.christmas problem is will not bt: ' beld thls y"ea~. FOl' the tratn.lng he will be given a. pair of stiver w~ 'and com:D1.U;sioned 'a - ,- MAlL IN NOVEllI/mER. Mark your • "'st bwenty years Rlke'.s. have hdd . .... second lieutenant in the Army Air YOU ARE po.roels. "Do Not Open OntU OhrLt- UUl> pal'lloe 'Which Willi ou~ of the F1 . ALWAYS WELCOME mas: That is the 4)nly way to avoid uu ' ~' -r'''"g feat",...., of I'" kind in oreca. ""' ......... ' -.... AT TnE disappointment on ChrlstlTUlS Day <l.ile (.'()untry. Ollllc\.reu and parents NATIONAL GRAlI/(I-E AGAINST WAYNESVILLE ' not only for' many c1vlllans but also iillk.c tiu'illed in seem " ttl" :lpect.acADMlNIS'J'BATION SUBSIDIES ' CBlJB()IJ OF OHRlBT I for millions ot members of the afm- ulnr Hoa LS and the beauLuul c ~s lown 'Were Sunday dinner guests 0 cd forces who are still.1n thi s COUllThe national Orange convention IMlss Oera amd Mr. Arthur ThODJas. Lwn~ worn by hundreds ,ot part!cl- In. Grand aaplds. Mlc~., adOpted a MAX W. RANDALL, • • try. pants. Miniater Buy a ba.g of doughnuts at the "It is also 'the only 'Way to avoid The Iame Of RJkas Toy parade has resolution Wednuday even1ng supin conporting 1eglslation pending Phone 2883 !Masonic hall Saturday. the possibillty of a ChrIstmas emer- spr .d :for 1nany luiles around. In • • !I!. gency in the tranSporatton nnd pos- l't.'Ce nt years ,t he parade baa ¥Sum- gress ~~ end the adm1nls~ ra tlon'b ~g. I _~ "S Miss Elizabeth Smitn. Mrs. Mabel tal servlces. If the public wlll coIf ann s~dy' program. W~ll. and M.rs. Reba. Braddock ed s uch p.lo'portlons tno.t artlsts and NOW IN INDIANA The orgB.nlza.tlon declared Its opoperate by mallln{r their Christmas d~slgnerd took many months to bu1ld were shopping in Mlddletoym l8.bt ,pe.reels d""'"~ November. we ca,~1 ......... tJle 110a LS alld J). al!.e the hively cos- position to payment of liubs!~s as . iDollald R cSb;;;n- S ~-c. a son f Saturday. ••• handle a smaU volume ollig-nt, last- ~umeli. It alSo r.equiredi the wor1\. u! a substitute for , "C11ir prices lor farm Mr.· and, Mrs. Hal101d Q;ibome bell . Maynard Weltz will sell yOU your minute ma.WnSs. ~Iuoh as r.ards. up carpenters lind pamters _ b~ldes coWncxutle6." been transferred from G-r~t ~es. hun.'"" license. to December l()..-lbut we can do that i ,~ d II In Dllnois, where he lecently complet........ uuUd.ul~ ma ter 11.." an supp e.:I. PORK POIN!J'S ARE • • • and avoid an emergency only If No- Lhcsc days ot .lIhort6Ges, ~e's feel CUT TEMPORAlULY ed this V,oot training. 'to the Navn! Air Station at Bunker HtIi. Ind. His !Pvt. Ja~ W. Mardis lett !Mo~day vember is reo.11y 'Chrlstmas Mahlng a ll this effol't and t.1me st\ou1d -be With b.""'" ~ to ~kets In new addresa is: Donald H. Ollbom, : tor LUbbock Tex .• alfter enjoying a 'Month.' used to spet!d the day 01 VIctory....... ..... Postal offlcla.l3 pobt.ed (.ut tha t .-;111ce wmning the war must come heavy nUmbers, bbe govemment 8 2-tr, U. S'. N. A. S . ,~. 29-E, 15-<lay furlough with relati~es and the volwne 01 main now Is far altave lil'sL--4Rlke's lla.s l'egretJ:ully called Wednesday n1g~t ~led latlo11 PeJ:u, ID.d. trtends . • . ,. any prevtous records. that raUway t.Jlf Lbe paraa..e this year. point cost.s CJt all pork p_r dWlts by Corp. and Mrs. John 'Stanley, who cars ,by the hundreds have <been dltwo polnt.s. NO"'. A SERGEANT have been spending a 16-day fur- verted to war service a.nd that the <11110 TIlEA1'BE IN ' At the same time. to keep {armlough 'here !WIth the former's pa- o.1r lines have only l\Ibout half as w.,~ .. IS SOLD ers' return on hogs from , belng Rus.seIlR. · Trendway has been I ft W "'-UL ....-esd ay "to re t urn to many planes as th,ey once opera led. A\I:U'"", ren ts, e driven too low, it extendlY.! prolee PI omoted ~ sergeant. accordtpa to H at >JjI """"rtn ...... 88, ..,..-.. !More than two hundred thousand A Xenia s n, .caLe. headed by suppOrts to all hog markets. Here Word received by l'~vea Mre. He ' • ' extra temporar<y' employees normally 1:;;01 ArnovLtch, Ol ~l'chant, 1 as 'pLU'cn- torore, such support .has been in 19 ln ' the enitneertng d1vts1on at ENJOY MSKET DINNER --r~ are employed to hl)lp with the holl,- ased and will c,ult1n~e operation of e!,[ect oniy in dhlcago. The' r~uc- C&nij),Mackall, North Oarol1Ra• Mr. and Mrs, John Wadswr rth day postal rush. '1['hls year, the ex- the Ohio t.heatre. 16 no~ Detroit, tion , in ration potIn costs at pork and daughter, Marlene, of Lebanon. tra employees will be largely wo- Xenia, J . 1.. Hatcher. found&r a.nd iWIl8 deacribed by iPl'lce Admlniswentertained relatives at a ba..ket men and high ache)()l !JOYs ana girls owner or the movie bouse has. ,:,n- WI; .()hester· Bowles ¥ t~rar1, dmner SUnday. Those , enoymg the who are unable to> work the lo:] g flounced. The change becomu , etE. J. MElNBABDI, wl4e1111Do~ .. ~ .. , _ _ .. W"- th M hours usually requlred and whose Lectlve Dec. 1. OOVlfrY JUN'I OR RED ShAdd Special.. .. 0"'--. -'". ""y were: --"...... "'" . aU<Jwor , r. CB08S UNITS "OTIVE - - . . .. ... and Mrs. Hally Ha.tha;way, Mr . .and wOl'k will be relatl'vely slow. NOW AT 0·...... DOLK D apln be lD. ~'1tou. ' 01Llo. ., &be """ dellver ' th OI-....... ~A · ai' " on 11.&>&1< ~ • MIamI Hotel Sa...... ·.. SlID"-, Mm. Wllbl1l' SUpinger, Mr. and M r s . · Y , e ,u..,".....s m ..., Junior Bed CrOll units 1I:t War,- ~d, 1'10"".' Z8ib, Joe Oel1we, ElIzabeth and Hju'ley tbne. therefore. it Is nece&sa.1'Y that Re:aUves here have recelvedr word ren county,' although recently organ- 29&h, from I p, m, to t p •. m,' . .4 • WarwiCk ot Lebanon. 'Pvt. Jack W. mailings arespreaidout<!Ver Q long- that Clarence .Chenoweth u now at izLd. are raplcll&' BW1ng1ng mto.,,ac- p. m, to 8 p. 18. daU1. . Mardis of Lubbock! Texas. Mr. and er ~od so that avalla.ble transvor- Camp. Polk in LoUisiana.. ~. new Idan, Mril. carl .AbaecberU. '0: Leb'M R.. l4EIINRAROI iII»'s; 'Ilie ... ·~s. 'H'--'ey K . Hole a~'" daughter. tatioo equipment and PQstal person- ddress'" ID#C C'~rence J Chonaoounhr .'-.'-'-. Me1nhardi ~~id is a tr,e meJ1.dOua ...... nAl. ...... a .... "L'. ..." " !,lnon' · .J ~~, IJlQOUDCe8. '-""l'Ovemen+ ~ll )moft'- tor pto'"'ed Bn , """ v--w"" wu S hlr1ey Jean of Fran klIn and 'Mrs. nel can be used dur ing more weeks. 'WeLh. 35265636, Co. A 2nd ...... Nason .:yvunptera have complet-' dueing Immediate resUlte. It prelBetty Messmore of Dnrt.on. It :wW 'be utterly impossible to make Arm·d.• AJP.O. No. 269, Qlm1) polk, ed a ~arton at toys wblch are to .be vents ~ Rupture from 'P Ntrudlng the deUverles it mallers walt WltU La aent to "bllted .babies" in England. in 10 days ~ tJle avemp.-rep,rdTry tho Mlnml Gazette Wnnt Ail s ' the last 't hree weeka before the holl. . Bewlng claB&es '1n !Mason Qlade sev 118118 ~ ~ or location ,of ~~ure- - ' 1'0 RESUME. PJiEAODING ra1 "callOO" " ta' and "g1nah&m" a.nd no matte~ ,bow bard you wor~ e ca or strain. It baS ·n o leg st\·aps. Max Randall. who underwent a dop aDd thiI ~ w.. contrlbuted.. Surgery qr InJection Treat.meD 1: major operation a few ,weeki '&gO, 14 moveable .pool dOlli. .. used). Mr. 'baa ' lieen w1l1 a.gain occupy the pUlpit at ti'ot.h ~ ~ home Junior Bed here He haS morning and evening sefvk:ea · bu ',started the local Church or Ohrist, sun~. corresPcmdence project. TbIII Sa & DUling Mr, Randall's lilbsenee sup- ~~ proJeqt. &D4' " p1cturea 01· p.y minlst.ers have had charge of ' 9t~[,ebanon and . W~ Lhe servic~ at· the churc.b:. county ",W ~ sant .. well . . lettAa. A bklycle .~ 111 ~ ~ haVing hr' e ru,pturet' wb1ch NEW D " C GASOLINE ' at h1gh 8Choo1 undu- the 11&", returned atliet '~ ~ COUPON TO DS ISSUED direCtIon ot"Mn. Blanche carl. 'I tiona or' lDjLCtlo.:t TreaaIIeDa. are ~ . .........,.... 1 , alaoM~~~ .-Jlen , all oCiberI ~ .. BEGINNING DW.,....00 . nta1DerB foe' 0lu:1atma:B "l ' . 'or ....._ . . I .... :.. "_ _ .-.I for..... see I. He wW be ~cl' 'I1h Office r Pri AdmlJUs • ~'P OR . . . - '_uwu .....,.. to · demoNtrate to - you prinCelY , e 0 ce , . "ra:- ~ are ,belDg cUlrt#bUted· "y the unit Without~. '(Qnlt men mvi~) .tion has BlUlO\1llced a. sl.tn:pllfica.t1on in W ........ 'le at the 1Oc:a1 llbr"~. l ' lIIIlhll:.a ool7. ' + In 11.6 gasoline ' rat10nlng pr9i1'am, . .,-n... ~ . . -J ettecLI e Dec. 1, under ,Which au' B( ' ; BDt-m"':;""OP~-D""A"'1J""O-IlTE-R , a.nd 0 books issued, by local .'WaTI .' . .-'-- ,, ". , Price and . IRationinS 'Boards ' w1ll Uc!.l'}l,.to ,Pv~. and~: Edgar ~.t-, contuln fewer coupons than lh tb!,' a1n at 8parliWsb~. N, C." ~ d8U1~tez:. Thil~w\ arrt ,. ',' val ~ bee . 1'1 llAm. ~ .,'. pas t, but each coupon ...til 'I"~ ' be good.1 •• _ ... _ for more gallons ,tharn heretofore, NO! ~ ' ,' , . lnCl'ea.oo in the amount of 1!a80~e ~ 'ather is a. son Of Mr. is ilwo.ved, however. ~ Mrs. . walter .,Brltaln of , All B a.nd 0 coupons t.ueCl., o.l1 and at' Peaent la and Blfter Dec. ,1 W1ll ~ wor.th , tlve, ~ eftec~ . <!f 1Jl1l1ar1a. in a. 8'0~ga.l1ons each, .as compared 'Wi~' the; men~ h!lBPlta1in Atla.nIl8"Oa., wb.1ch hut the wer effort present value of two gallons t~, C:OU-r1 be ~ ~hlle serving on
' :m.~:=:·a~=in~:
• , .,ke 5
Mr. and Mrs. Estel Hagemeyer and daughter, :Avis Ellen. were Sunday .,.,.. . . <lIftII fII 'IbauIIII MIl ~este of Mr. and Mrs. Oharles 0 . .- , - in ~ for a& u.. Bagwwneyer. . ' wcd"minlmam • • • '\ .....,. .. . . . WIUd Acl 1nIertec1 tor !Mr. and !Mrs. J . D. Meloy of • ........... II charPd ., 10 a word. Marlon. Indlana, have retW\Ded to . JIQa 8AtoB - waWna ProckiotI' at their home after , spencting several Walton. , . ~~. Bro.idW8¥. Leb&l:!an. Open ~ with Mr, • George • • ~ ~ lOW oon"~. ~ore dolnS your . Ohrlstmas . Ollm LIntner. PbDI1e. L. ,' shopplng see the Ohristmas GUt I'OR ~ete Une 0Il ' Sta.-, paokaees and cards on display by , tIo.Derj lor ale at the Ouette Mrs. nnma Raper a.t her home on Noftb IMa1n street, ~ . Priced. Il'om 25c to ~.oo, • • • ",-.o'L.. G tte ded th SCOt NO B1JIN.!1'ING POS'I'J!BS-.,Por sale v ...u~ Ta.y a 0 e ' . 6 . . . . . :.....' n... __... ~•• lee, "- each,' tlSb Rite amnual'reunion at Da.... An -
ro~ ~hris_tm_' as
---" M1I8 .... ft~. Brown of near Center- 'to het home here a.fter spentj.lng· -.r . In 0lt1~0 with her husa b~ess visitor here some time v1ll'e, wft. ..., . Tueada.1, band at Great. Lakes Tra~n1ng , • • • acb.OOL HUDting l1iceDaee for we. Mr.ynarl1 • • • We1tl. Oall ~93 now and make YO.1f rea• ..• • ervation for your Than~$lllv1p1P 1Ml'• .and ...... -. P. 1.. aeason were TUrkey. d1mler. Dinners will be .,.." SUnday dlnner guests 0: !Mrs. Bad1e served between 12:00 and 3:30 p. m. Reason In Ba.rvey6burg. at "OUr Bouse," 'by reservation only . • • • • • • Mr. and !Mrs., 'Russell WUson and F. S"'" WaNen LeMay of Urbolla, -v famUy enter.talned to dinner on Iill1n is h h is tte dl th Sunday, M1's. Ella Ferr1s and Mr. ' 0, were . e 6 n ng e University of lliIno1s, spent Baturand Mrs. Shennan P'ehis. doy and Sunday with his parents, ... • • • .• ,. F U T "'Ma ' 'l1Urkey Dinners w1l1 be served at Mr. and ..... s. . . .....,. y. • • • "OUr (House" ::I'he.Ilkz;g1v1ng Day Ml.sa Doro th y Mercer and P v. t between 12 :00 IIIIld 2:30 p. In. by Jack W . lMar<ijs were Sun.d ay evenr~ation onlf· Phone 2793 and ing guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey male your 'reservation now. Hole and daughter. ' • • • !Mrs. Joseph Schroer. !Mrs. Louis Mr. and Mrs." K;nn~th Thomall of Paamell and Mrs. Miles Tho.mpson Red Lion. Mr. and - Mrs. Harley were sUnday visitors at the home of Thomas of !Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Mr, and'Mrll. Walter Wiseman. James Wantz and son of Mlddle-
W, N.
\ll4ve ).ou :inade;Your contributiOn , Scua anuounces the Sale 0: to the National War Fund Drive? :.'
t.he old Keys building. loca~ on the comer ,of. Nortil and water streets to James, T. ~ of COl'Wln who w1iI , move his wOod~ working shop to tbl.t ' 1~: ~e. :former ' ctwDeI'a were .... lIlDi1J,y' oJ..bobs!md
~ I~~' ~ Of'I9m-~ '
. ."
•.•. t 1,,-
'l'lJURSDAY, NOVElMBER 16, 1913.
Local Youths Hurl In Auto'Accident Wbile .return1ng
Candidate ·
to tIleir homes
&f·tcr tile ~nte'l'vl1te - Wayneav1ll1l ballkewaU game saturaa.y night, . tour Wayneevllle 'H igh schOOl atud-
ente were Involved in an accident on the Lytie 'l'OII.C1 near waynesville, when the car In wh1db 1lheY' '\!Iere riding struck fresh gravel and overturned. ' . The car W6S driven by John Sackett, son or Mr. and !Mrs. Harvey sacKett, who receIved several fractured rIbs and bodY brul.sea. Evelyn Jeal,l Wllaon, li, cheerleader a~ tilt: school and a daughwr of Mr. and Mrs. Marc IWUI!on, is in Blair Brothera hOllpltal In Lebanon lIufferlng 110m a <1IlCP cut on her knee anU numeroua bruI.se.s.The wouncl on her knee r~Ulred 15 stitches to close and wu said to ha.ve been cauaed lAMES GARFIELD STEWAAT when her leg "Has driven tbrough Mayor James<l.StewaTt of 01nthe lW'lnd8h1eld. ACooMiDg Lo ~ord from the h9&PItal'slut is reat.ins eaa-' o~tI wo has announced his can11y. The other bwo oooupants of tbe diclacY for Governor On the Repu\>car. BUl Rickey' and '0Iu'01 SiDiJl6On" Uean ticket. :Ma.yor Stewart Is soon to be initisufrere<i minOr ·bru1aea. ated -as a memb4lr of the Lebanon COMMlnEE PRESENTS Orange. DONATION TO HOSPITAL I'BOM LOCAL AUXIIJABY
N'eighbors Harvest For Injured Man WIthOut !fanfare or publiolty. 8/Ppr.oX1maWly 30 men wittl husking pegs. aooop shovels. WagODS. truw, tra.c1XmJ and pioker/i harvested 35 'acres or cOrn ,f or Alvin -Earnhart Monday. , Mr. Earnhart had the misfortune to lose part or the lingers of hls rlgbt hand as ~ resUlt of catch1ng bU! hand in ·t he gears . or a wrn pllCker about a week ~. Be is now concalesc1ng at his home after several dayS in Miami Valley hospital. Dayton.
Plans.Maie For County Fanners' Week In t'e:bruary l-':ans w'e ·under way ' for So Wal'ren COWlty Farmer... Week to be Icld ea.rly in ~rullU"y. as a re.;ulL of a meeting of laml organization lea(lers, held at llhe court how;e in Leb<ln2Jl. 'Wednesday' night, Nov.
Services Friday For Meta Rogers M eta Rogers. ge 73, ,pas.:.ed away MOlldaY' evenlng at 10 :00 o'clock at ·llie home of hru: niece. Mrs. Charles Pennewit, ot near Bellbrook. She is survived by three sisLel's. Mrs. A.nna Johnson of Anderson. Ind " !Ms. TrIUena Farquar 0, Waynel;ville and Mrs. Al,ee Malhon of OxeenvUle; also several nieces and nephews. Plllleral services w111 be held FI'!dsy at 2:00 p. m. at the Stubbs Funeral Home witlh ,b urial In MIami cemet.ez,y'.· The deceased spent all her me I. and around Warren county.
Local Hero Now Stationed At Patterson Field
'I'he plan being outlined calls ror 'bwo daYB and olle or bwo nights of I!esslons which wlll iinclude subject matter d1scUli610ns such as homemaking, swine, lime tertll1zerll, agricultural prices. soU conservation, and other top1ca whioh ha.ve a. <11rect bearing on producinl~ {cod ror our .war eHort. MOTION PICTURE THEATRE Mr. aud Mrs, Albert Carver and The comm1~ees appOinted to date ESTABLISHED IN SPRING Miss Lola Sears at Cincinnati, and to have charge of ·tIle· event Include: VALLEY TOWN HALL JOhn Sears of, .B lanchester. ~pent ExecutiveOOlnmlttee: J, S, Kers y, A motion ploture is to be estlJ>Thankeg1ving at the home ot their !D. M. Worley. D. B. !BaUey. Rob, r ~a. p&.renta, Mr. and Mrs, W. N. Sears. E. Falkenstein. lished in sPring Valley Town hal • • _ Program Committee: Henry Har- and the theatre will open its doors 8-0 MaxK1rkpatrlck (}f Bunker ris, representatlve of' the Livestock {or the {lrst ttme tontght (ThursHill Ali- Tra1n1ng sliation, Bunker committee; D. M. Worley, repres- day>. It will be under the ma.nage'H ill. lnd .. spent a few <1ays with his' enta.tlve of the Orange; Ray Brad- ment ~ J. W. MoKeever, who anOAPTAIN DAJ "0: SHAFER siswr-ln-Ja.w and fanilly here last dock, representatlve or the Farm nounces that the theatre will operweek. . BUreau; Mrs. ,Dlen Leaf. represent- ate but. one night a week, tor the Patterson Field, Nov . 23, - Tlic Donald Osborn, • • S •2-C, spent the atlve of the Home CouncU; D. B. preBent but if the venture proves b est salesmall the iBrltlsh Spitfire first 01 the week at the home of hlB Balley, repreoenotativl! of Extension succesatUl, operations wUl be ex- can have ls Capt .. Dale Shofer. o~ parents. Mr. and !Mrs. Harold Os- Service. pandecl. Waynesville, Ohio, a figh ter pUot, born. ArrllJl8elll.ent ComriWttee: J. S. from the European-African bhcatres .Ali8isW<1 by Mrs. J. }{. Preston, • • • • L I_ I Kersey, Vooa.t1on AgricUlture; Mor- ADDRESSES ASSEMBLY who is now assig;ned to ·Base OperaMrs. Alv81 Tbomaaon and Mrs. F. U. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Joseph SChroer and ris Nixon, Ag1oUlturslol club; m. p. AT HlGH -SOHOOL tlons here. chU<1ren of Bam1lton, Ohio, spent. Ripley, Far~ Security AdmlnistraA veteran or over 125 Inlsslons LeMaY', Mrs. iL. C. RadleY' entel'tain- SWlday here v18iting" at tile homes tion; Mn, Zain Ban'~ an" ur5. ~ou~ • "" I A..._.....n. 11 ......s. v .. r """"".er, 0 hairman over !France, . Aldca. Pantelleria, ed tlhe members of the Womana So.. ... t.... of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Osborn and Henry Harris, Women's Actlvltla-, 0 uue Wa.rren county Junior Red Slclly aJld salerno, Italy, all In 1\ c1et.y of Christian Service for tlielr Mr. and' 1Mn. W.alter Wiseman, "'" Publiclty Comm1ttee: Mrs. Earl CrOl58, addreslll!d an assembly at tl e Spitfire. Capt. Shad'er Is a naive or regular monthly meeting on Thurs- Their son, IA. C. Joseph Schroer, is SWain"M;rs. Clint Ta;ylor, Mrs. Hekn Wayne Township HIgh sdh.ool Tues- Germantown, Ohio. and is nolV leuy u ,w moon with an attendance of . & classma.te of A. C. Robert 06born, CorPett, .Mrs. Carl AlOOecllerll. Mrs. da.y 8I!ternoon on the subject, "Wh:'i t. siding with his parents at Waynes'about thirty members. son of Mr. and Mrs. Osborn at Mau- A. 104. Grapevine, Roberta E, Falk- t11e Junlor Red Cross is Doing ,Ill ville, Ohio. while on dut.y at Ps.tterDevotions tco r the afternoon ,we:e well Field. ~. ensteln, J. B. Crabbf!. Ralph Hob- W. arren county." A. sound pIcture, son ield. In oha.rge of 1Mrs, 0. R. UngleSDj "H d I ,Uft~ ," 1_ . ....... _~ ;......:~. - ," __ . r""elved son, 0 , M. Worley. MUo Beck. Geo. an n ....... d ... 'Was also shown, "I don't know how ,m any German and bile pres1dent, Mra. Ray Con..... 0 " ' . . - . . . d tr i.1n h I ner, conducted the kus1nes; s--'-n d 1 . h (larDaIb&n, R. L, Stone. 4'mons a g t e·c Ole cooperatl()11 planes r got," explained Capt. Sha", I:IIDW wor rom er husband. Spec1awt , 'lbeao commtttee members ..vlll tJebween the Junior and Senio·r Red fer modestly. "I just shot what was woll1ch was follOWed by a review of F1nIt l()~ Ethan Crane of -too meet tIO coDtlnue. the~1r IJWLtInln'" on Crooss. In tront of me." "The Robe" Oy Mn. Ellen Conner USN 11.. .. . . . .. a vy,n0 nna...., atationed in tIhe D1ght at Devembler 1. The Junior Red Dross ls cooperIn over '125 missiOns hls plane was and a lovely vocal solo by Mrs. Ir1Illl Olncinnati on recru1t1ng duty. to the Purther tentative pllans lor tile aUng !with bile Warren County Sal- only hit Lwice. one in the ,w ing anp E1res. effect that ihe has been ho5ptwillzed eYeDt are to hav\! 'LcIUjs BrOmfield, vage Committee in the current tin again in the nose. but he always got , The new oHicers lor the coming at lI't, ~omas, iIQI .• ·sufler1ng an Han,ffeld. Ohio. as ISpeaker at an can c1r1ve. lPersons are urged to back to his base. year !Were 'report.ed by the·'nomin- lnfection ea an a:I...... --... or a too·"" ... evenlDe meet,ing 'whlc.h w1ll be the bring their used Lin cans to the 10Capt. Shafers first bit of combat ·ai.1ng committee as Mrs.H. E. Bath· extractlon. cloIInc eeesion. Sessions wUl prob- 001 schools (Monday or Tuel;day of tlylng come when he was sent out piea1deut; Mn. J,. O. -OaAia.J, '~ed 0IIb0r"' • • • -+ k · "'. "'--'--..... ·e. abIr"'~ etr 10.lIO' &11 contblue to > neA~ ~ee . for bomber escort and ground provice president; 'MIll. D. R. saUllbury, llpent the lWeek-end .. here "" v 86 ....-.y... a guest 12:00 ,sch day, with farmera and The Juruox: chaPter 18 also dls- taction for troops at Dleppe. France, J;eCretar,y, &n4 Mrs. E. F. ·EarnbalIt, O! FraooeII 1Kh:1tpatrlck. bomemakers having nn OPPQl'\un1ty trlbuting bOxes to persons ·t o be In that memoralble raid in the sumtreasurer. • • • • too 'o booIe ·between l;wo more used to send Christmas presents to mer of 1M2, ~. 8oc1ety ' ..... ·"·oumed to ho'd '. a' ",, _r. ' and : "'1uuo. ..... u ·uman . Wardlow .....0l1li. whichf:v,;)r 13 CIlOIIt Inter- members of tile armed services. They Alwr bwo mQnths In England ~unoheoIl! m~eUni In December at ~d ' flUQuy were ~er guests' of eIItlntr to them. In' ~he- afternoon are free and may be had by oall,1ng where he made mor-e·- than 20 mJB bbe bOme of Mrs. Alva Thompson. un. Flosa1e Carey, Sunda~. seaaIona w1ll run f'roc.!' 1:15 to 2:15 at t e ,Wayne Township 'Library.o slons. Olllpt. Shs.fer Was moved to ~resbmen~ were served 'frOm a K1sa Inez ';'11:ft:": and broth ' er. aDd from 2 :30 to 3:3 with a varl- There 18 a lim1t of four per person. Gibraltar, there to test Spitfires unyery.cl1n1ng attractive tea table a.rra~ In Everett Darst." Ine nlOIJl. . of Martlnsburg. W. ~ of subject to be presenwd at ttl the Africa CMllpnign got. under ,Va., are spending some time at the each hour. COmmittees are working ANNOU.NCE BIRTH OF .SON way In November. 1942, IW\A.YN.E PARK LIFE GuARi> home of Mr. aOO Mn. Shennan WU- on a number of otJlel· activities -!He was transferred' to A.fr!ca and ENTERS AlIMY AIR FORCES 9Wl. The)'llllGPOOt to return to tbelr whllh will make the week one of Mr. and Mrs'. Luther Hartsock are had a haUd In the Tup1sian CGmthe most worthwh11e agricUltural announcing the birth ' or a 5-pound ' paign, pll1ng up over 50 sorties as a iHaorry Mabhew Turner, who enl1st- home 8Ifter ~ ~ holldayll. events that Warren county has ever ten 'ounce son, Rooger Luther. at iM.1- bomber escort. and then moved to ed in1lQe ~ air corp8ln ~.has. Mrs. Clarence Bdwen and daugh- exper1eoced. am1 Valle.y hoSJ:!ital on Saturday, Panteller1a. thence to S1clly~ where been ~ tor duty and repol\ted ter were ~ guests of MrS. BowNovember 20. l?e added nearly 50 more missions. ,a t Ft. Thomas. Ky •• on Saturday. ens brother-in-laIW and s1sier. Mi. ~ SUBSIDY D~WLINE His job at salerno was a tough I"rom ~ere \he is to be aent to Je!- anll MrII . .C)a~e iBarnette. TUESDAY; N'OVEMBER 30 IN NORTH AFRICA one, that of covering troop landings 'fer8lJll Barrack.5, MiUouri. + :. • and escorting Y(mk bombers over ~ ~ is tlbe son of HarMrs. Roes (Bode is enJoYtng the 1Mr. and Mrs. ilawrence SurflWe t.he Germa.n targeta. The opposition ry Tprner, who 18 now serv1llJ wtih Thantae1V1ng 'holldaya in Salem, W.More tban 500 fanners have ap- have ' receiVed ·word from their .oon. was stron" at Salerno, the oaptain Va wttb h - . 0 - u_ d 0.1_ Plied !for the 36 cents be'~~ ~I" by .. t.be MenlOOnt Mb.r1ne in India. and" er pal"...... uu. an ........ ~ .-.... Ekner R. Surface 81-C, th8It he is relates. but he came out 01 It unthe federal &,<>vemment per hun<1red 601DeWh ere In NO,..... .. ......... a grandaol;l or Mrs. J. H. sackett., A. D • ~bam ~ ·..u n,.. AII>, 18 well. scathed. ~ the lIlmlDler months for sev• • • pounds' tor m11k marketed during and sa.yB to wll h1a frlen<1a book ..:-., : he .. __ ~,~ Mrs. Rose FU'ea. Mrs. Fl08SIe Fires. October in Warren county. acoord- home hello. The 'phrase "Tall-end Charley" is ... ... \Y4!8Z8, UOIO em.......y sa Mr. and 'Mfa. Harold Kennedy ~e..... a famUlat'One with Capr:--snafer, a l"'e ..."' .... WAUne .... ark. D~ __ t_ . . . ... • ..., r ~ Sunday·guests ofMI'. aIId Mrs. LoUis ~ ,t o Harold Sbarp. ·rvW' cents per · . "ToUend Charley" is the end man 1y be Ihaa been emplc yed at the In' poUJid Ia being pa1a for butwrfat. SCARLET FEVER PBEV ALENT . in the formation and the most vul,laild Manufactutrng compe.ny in Fires. • • . statements mWlt bI~ Ciled by next IN WAB&EN COUNTY nel'able to enemy rire, He flew 40 Da';"h~ ' , ' Mrs. lHOward Whetsel a.nd daugh- Tuesday, Nov, 3Q. tor m11It ..,ld dur" J Ing October; Subsidies for the m~nth ' missions In bhat 't allspot I\nd then ter, who 'h ave,apeut the IJQ8t r.tveral L_L . There were 31 OIISes of scarlet was moved ul> to Flight Commander . . . . ._ IN HO·"O . ......... '" · B OF weeb witb Mrs. U. G. Whetsel, have are pewg paid lmme<11ately. fever in Warren county last month In June, '1943. Thereafter. he led < 81X'I'EBNTu BIRTHDAYS retuned ,t o their home at lWibeelersaocordlng to the county Board of the boys WltU he was returned to burg. Obio. NEW RESIDENTS u __ • w1tb ten oases reported so the Slates late In September. • _th, Capt. Shafer /Wears the Dla-. tl41&8 • • • tar thi! ,montb. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Tolle of Mr. llnd !Mrs. Findley. Brown . of -----tinguJshed !Flying Cross, the AIr Alexandria .. V1r81J;lta. a.re the gu.ests nefUl lJJayton. moved into the propIJIlAVES LARGE ESTATE Medal with three os.k leBof clusters, or MrII. Tolle's father. 1Mr. Henry erty near U:1e ~urc:p 'of Chr1~t and tJle North A!Crlcall and Itaiiall Se.ttertbwa1te, and other rel8ltlves MOlicl8l' whioh they recentiy purch1'he estA!-te of the late Marianna campaign rlbbons, Mayers of WaynesvUle baa a g1'08S tor the 'l'banIaIi1vlng holidays. aBed of Oliver Smalhrood. Mr. and Mrs. Smallwood have value of $30.383.17 8ICCording to .a n RATION REMINDER moved to the former Edgar Smith entry> made recently in Probate BIBT.- OF ' DAUGHTER F'ROCEESElD FOODS - ,Gl'e!'n property wbiOh they ' purchased. oour:t In Lebanon. stamps A,.B. and '0 in Book 4 good ~v. and Mrs. Ralph PSo~k have through nee: 20. announced the blJltb of a daug,h ter REPORTS ON WAR FRONT TOUR MEAT. ETC,- Brown st.e.mp.t; G 8Wtfac:e.J at tbe1r home Tuesday mp;:ning at H, J and K In Book 3 are .valid un3:15. Tbe llttle·lady w~1ghed ' ~Ix and to Dec. 4. 6ta~p IL now good; M, Nov. 28; N; Dec. 5; P, IDee. 12; al. 6een: named ~llsa8.. She is tile first expire Jan. 11. of 1II1e ~ppy Couple. SUO~loamp 29 in Boo\( 4 gOOd for 5 pounds through Jan. 15. SHO~tamp No : 18 (1 pair) is gOod h\deIInlt,ely. No , 1 "airplane" st!LIDP in 'Book 3 good lor . 1 'pair ~tU lurther notice. GASQLlNE-"A" liook C'oupons NO. 9 good for three gallons·through ,U).. -21. Band C. atamps good fo r . two gaUons ' untU used. . ~Next InSpections A boot vehicle.s by Me,rch 31; B's ' by Feb. 29; O's by NOV'. 30j c:ommerctal ve~clea eVery SIX' monthil or every 6.000. uilleJ, whichever Ia tint. ·' P'DEL OIL-Period 1 coupons ,~C'd through Ja.nuary 3. ' STOVIIII-CoDlWlUlr pure~ of raWoDed .towea mUl~ . . 1IIIde 'wJ.
Local News
W. S. C. S. Holds
Mrs: Dorotby; FrazIer, ),(ts. DaiSy Snyder, Mrs. Rice · &8.pp, Ml:s. Charle.ll Terrell an4' M1sa Katherine
pren~t visited
iBo8Pltal In C1nclnnati TbUl'llday and presented the dona~on fr~. St. !MarY's Aux1llary.
T4eae 'W<JIIIA!D a,ttended the Donation Day service In >the !)hapel of the hospital and heard -abe aoddreu by the Rt. Rev. Henry W. Hobson, D. D.. B1shop' or SoUthern onto. Three beds <Were given in j)erpetuity in 'memory of the bO.pltal. . iuncheon wati served too aU via1tors at the noon 'hoW-. After luMbeon vildtora wer,e oo~ucted on tours 01 the !h,wpUal, Vincent Ball, ami the Research and (:l1nJ,c bU1ldlng, all of wlUch were open for" lnspecuOn. WAYNE~VJLl,E ~
, , DISIDs~m FBQM BOsPlT~ " , , W1llIe B1ftB qroreaonla waa removed to 'hla liome TUesday from ~ Valley hoIpil;fU, Dayton, and 18 1'I'PDl'ted to be' l'OOl1(>eratlng &atla~ (a.c~y from a truck..: 'car 001&1on near' W~ o. Ii reCentJ,y. Hls father, Walter ' l!l.: Btaa, ' who SI18talned multiple ~ur11!8 In ihe Orasb, underwent a lew operatlozi.. Baturda.v at the 'bOsPit.a1. 'lbe 168 was tta.c:, tu.red four. pJdt.
no;;....:..~ DUTH or ,
,I'I~ .; .. IIi'BING· V~ MAN ~ .~ . ' . , ~, .. ' ,,, . ~ ~ . ,a-rtment ~ oonririiiel ," •.tile~tbof set. Paui .1. ."
M111er, 1j)Il , Of ~ ,0. Wller. of. Sprtna . • or Valley', ~e \'Was one of 16 O~, , ,\who were' . ~r ..~ ,4ICtlOn 'In Uie ' ~~~~ /~ .' " ....BRI' "0" .. - L l.........ION
' ._. . . . ... '~~.,. . . ..; ' " . VA .~ maft1a8e apPlW&tion' ~ ,been "... in Greene ClOUDt7 by ' _ene f ...... w~er..:DaJ!!;oD, R. a: 1."8I1d ~ Ka/tauIwn 08a8ert, Wayneavtml. _ R. ft.' I. ' . --
v....... ......, .....
INDUbTED, ....y; -tNIee recentlY' Inducted by
the Pranklln :SeleCtive SerVice board wlIfS IRa.y BUawoith Wlnka of Waynes We" Al~ ~, at SprlnibOro" was ~ 'amoP« the 45 ~n c:\rafted.
November Meeting
Lebanon'. Loss Is Waynesville's Gain (By 8. L. V.) Staruord Bogen, perennW candldate for mayoor of Lebanon, artlat bY' instinct and profession and a18n . painter by tmde, has moved h1a s tudio from Lebanon to IWaynesville. Coming from an old CiniClnnatl tamuy, born with _a ailver spoon in lll.J moul1h, a.rt1.&t1c Bogen waa given a complete education in: art, tor which he showed an early lncl1n&tion, At dl'Cferent perio<1s, he haa lived in various parts of the United states finally liett1lng down in Warren county, first in Loveland, \hen in the oounty seat. His paintings, pmi.;. . c1r ally landsCapes. murals and llfe, adorn the homes and gallerte& ot well knc. wn art lovers of the tn. dian Hills distr1ct IJ! C1nclnnatl 'In Lebanon, poUtically, be continually made the first pages of the local papers. refened to ' as \be fiery Sloan,ford Bogen. amiable, witty and jovial in tl1mll. Bavtq known the best In ute, 8UCCesa and udverslty. he · WB5 the champloo ·of the .people, and In h1s candidacy f~ the ofIlce Of mayor, ~ QUereel additional pla.ygrounds, a pool. etc. He wanted to clean up Cbe lUthy alleYB of Lebanon and ,advocated a new oourt house, In teepInC with the splendid setting, but be says the sell-seeker/! in control too much for , him. lJe saYs he haa not given up the fight, only retired, aa did C1nc1nnatus. to be called back .later. <Artist Bogen, With b» cb&rm!nl I1Ltle daughter, lived dUl'ing ' ane summer in the log cabin at Te1egraph Wlls, where he learned to Jove the upper Little Miami V~8J, e~m more' besutl.tul than the- iower. Be lost no time in puttlD8 the _ _ canvas tor his numerous p&trcma or aristocratic Lndla.n Hula, near Olncinnat1. . Dw'Ing tile same summer he did the murals in the res1den:e-mu.seum ot J1m1n1{' (Murphy. last ot ~ ... ,ond gene.tatlon or tbe lI:urPb7 Uy ot Just renown . . In ' hili 1VOfk. glimpses at the a..1ttle Mlam1 country are d1scerruble. ' _.In..h1a lowly' ade as a sign punter, rrom here hJs n.cll\l1tlea WOD' spre8d to W1lm1ngton and. .XenIa. Down tobe river his sphere 04 ~'v ities extends to lAlvely and anol.ent Mllfont. He finds Wayalesvllle 1004 _ I!entral point for h1a extensive ac·tlvltlee, He finds l,nBp1re.t1on and Joy. of llylng in our be&utlful valley. . Politically. says Eagen. ~ooldn&:- uP from Ills wort, he .has given . up Lebanon as a hopelesa job.-401' the p~nt. '
- _Tmmhii---
1Pvt. RaIemarY !Bently Aabmead • In an interesting letter to her mother, MIs. Will St. JOhn, descrlbea the All StaUa parade 'Which was ob-
..... '118
Qtbe _iami ~
THE MIAMI GAZEn-E ' r:. . ~------__.~~----~--~~~~===:::~~~=-~---------'-o~er Cat~h: t::=~'=~=~='=--=~'~==
stalk tleld where the were. The helters were all
1 called, the milk OW5 came ¥aln ~et When to· see ~~at they w.ere missing but
WU'nesvWe: Oblo
Walter W~, Wiseman, Editor and Publisher
ChurclleS· '
. .
T.B~AY, NOVEMBER". ~ -----7~""'"7'7---....:.---.....---------=====..::.:=::::~~~
~ Letters TO'The Editot The.l.fiaml .. ~~tlA!' Wayne/lv1lle, Ohlo .
,.no bulls except the caU, BiUc PopI \,' eye. FinaUy, In the !1U·thest corl er ~ Deal' Editor: of the pasture we found ~hetn pence METHODIST dJlURCII ·.L lliS ill l-eu1ly my·!ll·ijt, Opportun1lY Louis C. Uullle" P!,slor fully resting. 'I11eygot up, lookeo Us l>O ·11)(;11 (;bS my own pel'IIOlUU Views on over and retreate.d into the bluihes,. Chureh school at 9:~IO a. m. the . plUoJem of dan lng alt!lou~ I with bhaIt. blank loole ort tllell' SUly Worship service at 10:30 A. M. 8m "relY aP1l1"0Ved 01 line !1J tiel 5 In white !faces. Now, Billy .pop ye, our Youth FeIi'ow~p Sunday at 7 :30 uppo.sru n to dancing wruch h ve young registered Jersey .bul cill h6S p. m. &leen pl"Imed UI> to cune. such a cute face .\Vttli a really intelIf 1 did not teel tllat the problem PHONE 326 Ugeot loole, lJut lohen, it doesn't do ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL vhicJl evolves It6cU out at (fancmg for a cow or tlle male the spe les olluBcli: v.ere no grea~ thAn that which COlnlS ltom ilie School dance, lat Ii t o be too SD"lllrt; tlley get into mlschief. It was who WBl; too Ralph ParkS, l\lInIster in Charge 1 dO feel tUM schOOl dance 01~ d ' " lte bl , of.Ierlng cer,t.a.1n ~va.nt.ages '0 thA>ft l>!JUU" t. .or a cow, toot always fouod ChW'Ch .school at 9:45 a . m. !el'S a eu01 pro em) I should • """ ~ be h I in th f • 8 to h t -", who indUlge in it, but the evlLs of all '. 0 es e ences so perhaps Morning prayer and sermon 11 :00 no. 0 sue plllll.:f 0 oppose .....ncIt 15 better to have Dumbo than Bll- a . m . 1og. However, I ,feel toot. the prob- dllnc1.ng tar outweigh 'the frtN a Iy Popeye. One of ffi¥ friends thloks em, instead of end.lng with tlIe vo.otagea It has to oClter. '-lk too h bo t i l d 'I b I ...... Let's . no~ sell ·the souls of ' our mue a u Ule sires of .' UtRY ClnlRCD OF OUltlST 5 100 Ilce, l"a.ler eg US ... ~l'e. t .... my herd. She still considers bUll all B erberi Graham, Mlnlater After the a;hool dtl.nce Where 15 the young peopI'e for 4 baJld unlfOl'm or Improper word or tries to make me ~oung mall or woman to go. Une a bowlot soup, think she does but I contend that It 9 :30 a. m., Bib1e schooL step there 15 to t&lte, o.od t.I1a.t. la' Y-oura lpltU next week, 15 a. good English word, . the only ' 10.45 a. m.--Communloo. aom the acl1001 dance floor to ·we MAX W. RANDAu" name thaot. 15 his own. The expres11 :00 a. m.-&!rmoll. night club 11oor. Editor of The Gazette: 8:00 p. m,-Prea.ching . several there ha.ve 'been who have We are not .surprised u:t the .someslon, male cow, seems a.bsurd to me. We do not say male woman for man FRIENDS suggested 'Lhat 1 could say: notll1ng IWhat .sp1r1ted attack ina.de up60 us .:nd as cow la not a generic word about dancing as ' I never ha.ve Is practlcally the same th1og. We First Day school, 9:311 a. m. (lanced. True, lllever took a step on Inlght say bovine male but why not Meeting for Worsbl~'. I 'J :30 a. m . the dame floor, at 0. scl~~l dance use the correct Engl1sh word for the or othel'w15e, ·b ut I have made a fPow old boy even though it has been ST. AUGUSTINE OBlJBOB observations ~hlCh 1 bel1l:Ve are FMber Krumholts. Pl:lest . WortJl ,thinking 6bout. ~t of all., I used vulgarly by some and banned entirely by ~he VictorIans. We try spen t fow' years attending coU~ to h ead our herd with a good bull Mass Sunday 9:00 a. m. on one oC ~he largest wllv.ersiLy and we Bl'e proud ot him and no t ('1lmpuses In the United States. ashamed to call him l.iy h15 right WAYNESVILLE CIIIUBOB OF ti.JlU'lng Lhose years 1 ·h ad OC~IOIl, name, ~ull. • OllBlST time altel' tlme, ·to observe th~ This morning we sang two of the Qrwlken e.:.S and. lnunorul!ty 0 the' good Thankl;glvlog hymns and I was Max Randan, Minister wliVbTSlty students conung from Ule 8lad. I do iIl0~ like to slog Christmas Bible Sc.bool 9.30 a. m. dnnces on the campus, stUdents who CommUnlon ;1.0:,45 a.. m. nad learned to dance at the 50hOOI bIIrols before' the day comea but I Preaching, 11 a. 'm. . think It would do us good to sing ~anco back hOlne .. I lived nex~ to a Junior Endeavor. 7:16 p. m. "fat mlty house nnd! sam boys and Dhe Thank.sglvlng mmos aU through tbe harvest season. Sometimes at Senior Endeavor, 7:JIi P. m. gJirls enter to spend the night tothe 'l1bank.6giving service our COmmunion and p reach1n&, 8 :00 iS8~her alter- ~hey ,h ad been to the are too occupied with ,p umpkin pies ' p. m. dance. Many o~her th1ngs I might and' tbe turke1. we left in the oven You are invited to CIDme and wor- melltloll,bu·t the 'tbing I want · to .to really teel the sentiments we 6l11g ~llp with UB. ,point out 18 that these, many \)f but I\t some time during the harvest ----them, were the sons and daughte'rs season when we look at a well tIDed MT. 1l0LLY .M. E. CBunOl1 or pe.rents iWho ' lought -to t dancbam or thOfle rows of bright colored . T. M. Scarff, Mlnlater 10g was a.U "right ' back home. And cana oJ! fruit on the storel'<.om Sunday Sch~3() a . m. E. A these thinl!8 came Ja;rgely liS a re'1helves that 1eellitg of true thn.nk- Earnhart, Supt. .:Iult of dancing. fulness !for God's bQunty wells lijl In Evening 8ervlCle, 7:310 p.' Ill. .although I have nveer danced, 1 U& and we truly slng, Player MeetJ.ng W'l'dnesday eve. have attended quite few nlghtning, 7:30 p . Ill. clubs In varIous Cities thrOugllout Now thank We all our G od, With heart, and hands and .. the iUnlted States, and almost" W1th~ voices . PUB L I.C SAL E t out excepUon," I observed that con· Who .w ondlous things ' hath done, As r have. soTcithe fann, I ,~U l· vE~oilmt:ly l~ted next to., the olgnt In whom 'his world rejoices; sell byway of. public auction the club there Were l'OOma for ~nt at Who !from our mothers o.:nns following chattels, 00 the lar~n \lIlY' time, day or night. This l..foU1ld IHath blessed us on our rway kmown .as the F'rau)t. Stokes farm, ta"ue ' in Mlnnea.poUs, st. Paul, Madloc~ted , on Sta~ ~ute .7,3, ~ne ~fl lSon, W1&conslll, lDe6molnes, . IQ~a., (With. countless gUts of love .And ~t1lI 15 ours ' today. south O! Lytle. ~e Qa:ille ' east ~ Cblcago, m., and 1D. O~natl., O. , , , lAnd these riJ.ght clUbs were " ao- , State ,R oute .a at tIhe. R. R: crosslDg ( , ' _ NOTIOE pF PUBLIC SALE FJtIDAY. NOVEl1oIBEB %6, called resl?ecitable nlg'ht clubs which In the. pursu~of the order of '...,;;.;._.__ . have their advertlsDients In the pa,, . W' arl"".l4_~ ............ at 1:00 .P. M. _~:,~~~~~~~__~_~~==~~~~~~o~t~t~h~e;"~b~es~t~~~~~~~~~ County, OhIo, 1 tWill oUer tor sale · .'~ at pUblic .au.::t1Gn on the 18th day One Jersey cow, 7 y·ears old, fr(,lIh mOWn ~Ubs in of December, 1943, at one o'clock p. and 'good milker;, oJ' Jersey cow, 's unUU,he tttt(e &tate Ul·llCUI.lII cllamlpecl.1 m. on the premises the foUow1Jlg de- tears , old, was rre,s h .In. Auaust: 1 down on vIce "In the state ol Kenscnbed real estate: . .tuclty, had e. house of ill fame runSlbuated in the COUnty of helfer, f~ah io June. ' . Warren, In the State of OhIo %--IIQRSES--Z f} nlng wlde open rlght , neXt to it, and !n ~ Village of Springboro. Otie gray mar~, 116 years old; oue . .00 one 6ocaslon 'ano~her m1n18ter and bo,u oded IlJ).d.· deSCJibed as gray mare, 9 .yeara old, .I\;n<! I went mto a club In CincllinaU, 1'7..,..HOG&-17 one of the teSt khown in the 'follQWS. 'Bel.ng 6ll 01 Lot No a7 . as des1811ated 00 the plat ot said aod for our ..... ~k, tWe ordered each a Vl1lage and 26 feet oft 't he South Two Ol.C. brood . sows: 16 fall • ""' ........ . 8lde Of .Lot No, 36 in said Village ' 2 harroW's, 1 5O-tooUi aOd 11' 45-tOOth;. glaBa of Dillk. At the table next to full wldtJlfl'Om East 'Street Wellt '. J}KPLEMENTS . us sat t.wo young coup~ Who were to alley. '. ' ," _ O'oe Troy , ltb .. not ove~ twenty Yef,lta of He 'and aU ,Satd ~es are loea:ted on . wBg\>n w ..,OX boo, In the West side Of E8st street be".. good,"~ndition, bay ' la~ders~ and' lauBh~at . !,IS lfor .n ot o;dering , grave'l bed; 1 wooden hay '~akej old strong drtnk, ,This ipal\Ucp,1~ night .t ween Market Street aod Fa.c. tOry ~reet in said Village. of tashlo~~ sle1gh and bells i 2 fldlng c1uh 'Was full of young peq,Ple of ~!1ae~a're 'QP~ra.1so:ld at I-row CUl~vatot5j '1 Ii-shovel plow; t hat age, mOfl~ of tpem dr1nklng and ~e. hun~dc dollars <$900.00) and 1 ba.r shear ploW; ~ do.uble shovelj dancing. Thestf 'Were the young peel;DUBt I~ sold for pOt-II!IIS.'tban 2.3 of 2 halTOWS,.l 50-tooth cLOd ·l 46 tooth;, ,pIe who 118d ·graduate4 frOm " the. 8aId ap:pra1aed val,:,e, anci the ~erDl6 1 AdriluJce mower.; 8010 pound plat- high schQ6i ci&1ice and now ' the ~nly pi sale are cash. ,. . fo I'IJl ' _es; -- I 1 - In-' -_.. .~. them to .......... :.. the ' nl'·ght . WAL'ITl!lR. KiENRICV"" ....1 011ver walk- pI....,.. ' W_ .Executor ot the Esta~' ot wg I1ree.k1ng plow. . club. ~e the '~0I1D1t' ~~le . ,I~ C'hristopber. FEED. . About ~ tona ot 'mJ.xed ·hay· also H. Z: GRAY, Attorney at Law 12- 9- 4t . some bale.d stl"lllJ, .some' ' .ibredded , . Lebanon , Oblo · fodderj some long t·Odder In lll'ndles 200 bushels com' -in cr'1b . J H~2 ;Udt5 Of' 'Work bam·
Any. "make
. 'FiOm A Farm Diary--Dry Ridge.
'l1hanUg1v1ng, 1943. At least it /WID be by the time most of you get t.hl8. So .m any thlDia to, be thanldul for, but th1s year too many of them fle t1asecl 011 tba.nk!uloe.ss that wheJtever it 15 iSn't any worse or
the oysters in The' Walrus' and the carpenter. 'We tblnk of our men scattered to the Itour comers ot the globe, If a globe has . a corner, and wonder if aU th068 turkeY6 Uncle. bougtit tbat ..we are better oK than the oth- reached their destInations. 1 think er !fellow, a:nd after all that 15 only especlally of our men in Italy. Many, balf-hearted , ~nk!ulness. Points many, years ago we were in Rome on and: raUoo1ng annoy us . sometimes Thanksgiving. HOW It did rain, a . I)ut we have .DOt been hUOilY steady!, dl'encbing rain all daoY. Then, enOUirb to make , the mere having ot too, II remember how very cold food t:a.U88 a surge of t.h&nkfulncss· WII4 a ~ffR days later When we V1s1tin our heartS but In thls hUDgry eel the .sci.tlpture galIer1es of the world otoday It shoUld. I haven't 'V'at.taW. We were QOld, tbe statues beard of anyone going wlth9ut looftd eold', thp guards hovering ov~lv1ni d10ner and sending' er. the ~ra5Il pans of burning Chatthe money.to the war Chest. (One or· coal, which were the only heatJ>..rIi, our tlfteys, . not the one liarmarIt.ed loOked cold and yet there were lovefor tbe place of h<mor at t.M feast" Iy mUd ~s too that felt Uke 8pring. ]uIt came.up and looked in the 'W1n- Jl!urtber south in December tnere dOVI. 'I wonder If be knows bow iwere orange and .lemon trees in .tJiaD.Idul he should be.) Yet ~ Jok- ~loom ' and saldana full of roses but JDi ~de,. our thanka couJdi well be moI'e often ¢.hIan waa ,comfortable, e.'IPI'eseed thl8 ~ by adding' there 'waa a.n ley 'Wind and thO&'! olci eDOUlh more to the war ohest. gut stone ' buUdlngB were 80 cOld that to provide ' ~t! in the hungry, our ~ may be thankful If they ·landa with at l-.t the extra that are houaed in nice warm tents InJR1ll be 00 our t.&lJ~ that daY. I am- stead of lta.Uan palaces. tIbM OW' dinner bird w~ .sunday. 'nl18 8Iftemoon I had a Olle that "WaS railed on the other proapect trom the ' c1a.sslfled ad otp~; 'lbeee tiave been 80 tame amd f~ my tw-o Hereford bulls for c;,,'""'l¥ tbat. to eat them "would sale. We a1arted out to look at them. be ~ dIImal 'tblntr to do," to quote MroIe the fields and blWle to the
aubliTOJr, WHom... AMD OBCDf WA'l'OIID • DlAllormB I L.... ..... Pbooe !
11S5-lMI . CAPITAL .. SUBPLUS ,",.008 8~ - I'rieDdq
C..J·A~ DABE 'and $ONS Your MeOormIck~1JeerIq
189 W.
Mabi 8&:
ElIeutrIcaJ. 8..-..- ..
8benrtIi.WlUIaJU . "
~ ",. Maba 8L
Phone W
G' I B N 'E'Y' S .. W. Maba"St.
Ba4IO"&I!d BaoJ~ Be~ :
WORK cLOTBi:NG 11 W. . . Phone 1100 r
f .' '
...· 108
ROY V. HULL . " ·Sewiq. r,fachine. Supplie.
: BepaJrlD~ of All Mat. '.
~o~ 7~
ZI 8. IIaike&
, , Phone 1118
-'--··-·~·8B--O-.~'·;&:~·-T--A~~'-·.- -"-,
. THEFArtfOU5 CHEAP ' . " '·· STORE
If yoU Have
T.:0ub1e BetnI '.
Chris... Glfa. .. Are lut
Cr7a&al Pott.erJ and Wood NovetU. Oonune JewelrY
,,~ uUl O~p8ct.l
1'7 E.~ 8~
~NAL STATIONERY .200 ~ - lOG En"eJO~ with )'oar D&DIe and addnM lor. ':
BOUSE ~BlNG8 , ' ' W. Malo'
,t a.:..seitcl
. BEttER AT · ,;
Ilacij' .FBDiture" ke
1~ j;rd~r
. Phone :eIU' .
, Xenia Standard' Parts I'.
T....ck, .ear and Tractor
ReplacUaent .Pa~ .
lIacbmme.Shop' Work_
.V. , .Them:
,QUIC'R .$ERVIC.E For .DeaCi Stock
,Removed Proinpt." !, , .~all ', . "1.
Fred Kahn Motor 'Car Co~ LEBANON, OHIO
Fitted With · S~Ti'J .
or model :
From"The Miam'i ,Ga'zette File,s
Coming To The Xenia .sunday ,
• ~ I'D'TEEN ~ AGO " rOI1:,lIi4llOO1lillt. of tlhe Se~ SCIlOola bl). AIIEM ~ (No • 28. 1928) lnS ~loaed. , The body of James W. 8nech.ker, l\4rs. Wm. Cooper ' died. Bot ' !ler who WIUI, urowned on NQveml.ler 17, home on ~~u lI~t jl'!undu<y evenin MatllgofdBo :bay, near Br00k6 wg IW tc:r a. lObI! tUne&. Field, 'Ban Anto~10, Tex.. after he On li.ccount of ~e re.'ligMtlon 01 UlBde ' a 8~l,ll leap ' f~om a J. o. oar~W~I8'ht Monday, W. N, lwrecked airplane was brought to I'ulJU c school teacbers nre now we.,; 'Cnamed. _ as WWJlSll1p tJ'oos- being a'sked for dona tions to II legis. ' A '." ,. He''--'" be'e n in' .,es,rs ·.. l\4r • •_ Waynesville tod ~ UQU ...·e r . . ",ears IUOU l"'l'~Utu~cl.111q-la t.j.... e-ea,m pllign fllnd .-'Th goaLiB the urmY Cor l1ve yeafs. ..ap council In m'<J.er 'W ai.ccept the $600,000, which :the promoters seem . J . O. Hawke has b en reappointed 4aw posltJbn. to think will be enough to convert as deputy auto license oom.m1ss1oner • • • the grea t hea rt of Con gress, and se· tor 'Wa.yne ,tdwnship. "'ORl'Y-EIG~~ YI!:ARS AGO 'cure an Increase In pay for teach· O. P. Joy spent several dav ' last ers. to lhe amount at $200.000;000 a ~ (Nov. 30, 11195) yea r out of the national treasury, 'week /With friends in PennsYlvania. Mr. and MI'!). J. R.a.nda~ and M1$s which, somehow, some seem to' Mrs. Oliver Davis returned home .tala l!lbright too\( dinner witt think win never run dry. SundaY' Q:1'ter a six 'week's vl.sit with lllends in Xenia yesteruay. Teachers, most of them at least, , l1er son: and famlly in Bcst:on, Mass, Johu Davis 0[ the. CrosSWicit neigh deserve more money than ~ey get. Mr, and Mrs. 'R alph Miller and. W. Increases. however, 'should come ....olilood, will move 110 a. .farm near from the local communities which E. COrnell retwned Friday from ~terville next month. ' 'teachers so faithIullyserve. The A TbaUkBblvlng en.telllAl.1nmen~ success ot the present effort to sePitWhurgh where 'they 'Were guest& ot Mr. and Mrs. W1Wa.m Michener. will be given by the pupllcl of Walter cure an appropriation fr om the Fed. 'Latest news :!rolJ!. the bedBide ,of Henkles SCllOOl .Friday eVCWlIg. era I treasury would jeopsrdJze the !Mr. Walter iMCClure bas cast a The ahoe &t.Ore of T. C. HaydGClt fr eedom at our entire publlc school syste m. Therefore I hope the cf· gloom over the entire community, ui .lsurlingllOn, w~ bUl"glar1zeU fort will fail, and judging from the He is sinldng ra.pidly. Wednesday 1l11S1ht and tjoods worth temper of the present Congress, I Mr. IUld Mrs. Harvey Se..dkett are .14.0 taiken. B1:adBt.l'et;t I> mill was 8.l8u believe It will. We cannot afford to announchlg the e.rrival oC a ~on at entered and aome flour taKen. sell awa y our freedom for a mess 'of their home on Route 3, Tuesday, l 'h e annual ce~ebration of the Washington pottage. Why not In· iNovember 211, crease tea chers' salaries from local fJlrthdo.yo of Mrs. W1illam R.etaWclt taxation? We will pay for It loc ally Drs. tAo T. Wri 'ht, C. W. Hender- WIloS ~v,ed On Fourth street. Sat- ip the end anyway . Wa shington gets son, J. E . ,Witham and Mary Cook urday, Nov ..:s. Th ose present were: no money except through taxation. o ttended the meeting ot ,the WaITen Josiah aogera and wife, Hnrveys_ Why APe Hitler? Cou,nty Mea1cIU SOCiety at Lebanon, bw", Otis Hadley, iWlfe and Child, The very fact tha t America Is in Friday. Harveysburg; Mrs. JaCob Zell, son war makes certain distasteful things .Mr. and lI4nI. D. E . Standiford had J 11 ohll necessary. ,To save the Integrity of ames, W e and d, Will. Ret- the United Sta les, our young men tor their dinner gul!l!ts Sunda,y, Mr: talick Jr" wile, liOn and daughter, are being conscripted and sent to and !Mrs. Earl Conner and son, the Heill'Y McKinsey, wife ana daugb- battle; civlUans are .glving up their occasion hOllorlng Earl Jr., wbose ter, Sal'lI'l l iHolland, Mrs. Frank Farr individuai rights. Without resent. ,t enth <birthday o.nn1versary fell on and niece Hattie Hawk, Ueorge ment., they subsist on less and pay Monday, bhe 26. ' Sides, wife and ,grandsQIl, . Harry more for it. We are forced by war to do a number of things that our Mr. Glenn Borden, 'p roprietor of Cleaver, Miss Mary C. Hopkins and enemies did first. But the re Is no the Borden Tire and Battery sta- niece a\4.lss Mary Hopkins, . EmUy point to Naillying our public scbools tlon, who has been ill tor lIeveral Stump and Ma.ly C. Brown. ' by placing the whole educatio nal Lewis Ohandler 8p<;nt Sunday in system In bondage to bureaucracy.· da.ys, was reoved to the M1a.ml Valley hospital, Dayton, on Wedneaday Cincinnati. It wlll cost each 'community more ev8lling.-Franklln Ohron.Icle. Eph Be.rnhart visited hl.s parente than it w I gain , • • • costing priceless . freedom. Thursday. "Educational FinDnce Act of , TW~NTY-FlVE, Y&Uris AGO Dr. LUkens returned home Thurs- 1943," better known as S.637, writday. ten by Senators Elbert D. ' Thomas (November 17, 19(8) Wayne toWIl8i11P has agam been Horace 'Wright b1>ent Thanks- of Utah and Lister Hill of Alabama, it worded adroitlY. Section One :t!ghly honored. iF. ,B. Sherwood, givmg D~y wtt.h his parents. Warren county treasurer, lba8 ~ealg~~ ~U(o~ ,R idge visited his grand- starts right off with this disarming >.1 . ""':Itlon. to ' take 'one with provis,ion: "No department, agency ed ,..., ."..,.. "p'ue:nt.s on 'l1nursday. or officer of the United States shall the First Nati~ Bank 'at Lebanon C , M. Cartwright of OhiO&8O, came exerCise any supervision or control and 141'• .1. O, .Ca.rtwrlght hI;\a ' been bome SiLnday to S}>ell(i Thanksglv1ng over any school or state educational appointed by ,the ,oounty , ~- With, hla pa.rent&. , agency with respect to whlch any slonets tA> te.ir.e the position 1mme ite t tunds are expended pursuant to this ~e~' .An nse ~an • mOIlWIliln, act,. . . " , n1ng Jan. 1. weighing 1ive tA>us, arrived WednesSome WW Believe The ,state department ·estImate&' day for the \Be.1ley lot. Many teachers by nature are the total ' nwnber of cases in.the " W. C. Cornell and wite (tf LyUe bope1ul and trusting folk. Likely state ~f Bpa.rilah 1pIlueriza, 'at 600,000 and Mrs. iHo.,'ier ,w11l start on Mon,- they will believe employees of the and 12,000 deaths, ' day U, a.itend the 'exposition at At- federal government to be entirely Without !lelllsb motive; that they will ·Harry ' M&ed1tn I\I'l'ived Home tan.~ Ga. ...., pass ouf easy money indefinitely to 8unday ev~g' ft'(llD, Anna.poll8 on U!e £alter ot ,W ilmington, ,was big sllces,of voters without flodlng a an exteiuied furlough ori aCcount' of married yesterday to Miss Cora way, now or :later, to boss their debtl! eyes, Whtttl h&ve gone back on Stoltea ' at the jloJne ot the brIde's pendenCies. Tbe idea Is Childish. him ",:. ,. \ : \' l,mIOt.l:1er 'in t.h1a place, Rev _ OO~g111 The bo~ Is v~in. The wish is father 9:30 !4.onda.y ~ an of the thought-a wish for money. Immediately al,ter ' Se,e tlon One, alann ~r n.re 1W8:8 sent lp, ~d it ",t ," .' ... ' '- 1':0'" ''"'''' ' dt!D.Iei , the existen.ct of ~a ,developed ,that the pil6tof£lce 'W88 on, 'GIV&--;ll1m or bera-wbscrlptiOlf':';to .. comes Section Two, pre. , fll'e. The. ~ge __ &bout tw/ ' I ~e ~ 06Zette1, $1.60 for a Y1!ars senting the "bolt" wh\cb Is a boost TUesday momlna as J. E. Prazl~r BubBCrlpUOn. 10 pay for pedagogues. That's the W86 ~ ~ ., to\Inl witlh a truck only' news in S.~7. ·It i8 an old load of sheep, he Wu hit by a train bill. S~rting ln' 1938 It haa been at uppe ' r Cl'OIB , lng, "presented to Congress .f our timts 'and thrice voted, down. Now, at 'a was almoat detriollslied: i\4i, time when governmental economy WIIoS b&ctIy' brulsed and aCni.~hed." is more essential than 'ever before, , ", IM'r CUId • ' • It suggests the appropriation oi 300 'BOlIn......'l'o " .Nr6. Earl 'Con, ~at1Jrda~ million dollars of Uncle Sam'. ner. . eatI~. Nov. ' ~, ~ mODe7 with twO~d. of it ea}'. M1!i8 Ruth 'OhiUuuer '~ '~e III aID, marked as s~larlea fo~ teacl\ua. , Dow n ·, Worb ., ,Th!! bill recoinize. the United State. Commissioner of Education, autliorlzlna , him to; apportloQ the mone,. to the vatiolla states. It creates penalties that make It·polSl. ble for Mr. Commillsloner ' to crack a whlp over st,a te' achool"authoriUel
' About
' '., .-
powerl h.Iril
.\1.... \\ Illhllu !hu l t h. Curr".~~u"nf
Mr: Rash, coa~
at; Wilr!lingtOIl speaker , SW d ay, ~ll1e ot our ' m embel'" atten ed tJle W. O. T. tU, moetJng at the home uf Mrs. Daisy COl ard, tn' New BurI I I ton, last Tuesday. tMrs , Raleigh BogaIll called on Mrs. E verett H aines Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs , Charles Stanley Ilnd daughter CMolyu. were Sunday dinner guests of IMr. a nd Mrs. Lawrence Mitchner. Mr. and Mrs. Eva n Bo~n of Dayton, visited relatives in' this com· mWllLy Sunday afternoon. Mr. and ·M rs. Raymond Wilson callcd on Mr. and IM.rs. Frank Bradd ock last Thursday evening, Miss Joe Ooe of New Burlington. ciJ>Cnt Thursday night with her sc hOOl friends, Marllyn Sue Smith. Mrs. Nellie Bunnell and MIs.. Monlmla Bunnell entertained as their dinner guests a. week ago Sunday : Mrs , Clnra 1Dunn. Mr. and Mrs, Welker Kratzer. Ruth l:tratzer . ncar 'LebMon and Mr, an d Mr" G lenn Davis Md daughter, Nelll~ Wellma n. Mrs. Ralclgh Bogan a ttended t.h fun eral of Gu y Kibler nt Stubb. [O'uneral home FrIday af't emoon. Miss Carolyn Eileen S tanley vIsILed he.r CTandmoLher , Mr . Pearl Slnclnlr, neal' CenLervllle. Wednesday evening while her ,Parents, Mr. and IMl's. Charles "'Ianley, visited Ius 'brother. COrp. Wa 'ne I;)tanley , III Da:tton. Cpl. Stanley left Thurs(J(!y for his station In WlUihin gton. ' Mr. George Bunnell of Souther!1 i lllls, visited h is mOLhcr, Nellie Bunnell. one Bifternoon last week, Mrs. Carl Jo nes of this comrnunI'ty, was called to the h ome 01' her mother near Center because of her serious lllness. IR.elatlves have learned that A-O Lowell Sinclair is ID Nashvllle, Tenessee but is expecting to be sent liege,
, Roben Young seems. bir diu pproving of wh~l's going on bClWc, n Bal)'Cfrablcand RC8inaicll Gardiner in ;lsccne from "Sweci RosieO'~r.ldy" ,
Among recent real cstaLe trnnslers (I re the following: Rut.h E. SherWOOd t{) COOil D . and Della M . Lamb, 18.50 acres in MassIe twp.: Harley Dodd to Peter A. Runyan, .05 acres in Mt. Holly; Stanley and Grace Snldcr to IDOry anu Vloli\ Bager, .90 acres In
Clearcreek bWp. The follOWing suJts 10r divorce h ave been entered : Margo..ret A. Burson VII , Silas E. Burso n, extrtmle cruelty; Mary Louise Studer vS. Edward Fe rdinB41d S tuder. extreme cruelty. Marriage licenses have been Issued to: Pleas Reed, 24, farmer. nnd May Brockman, 18. both of Sout.h LebM an ; !PaUl W. Hamilton, 27, roundry wooke.r, Germantown, and Bentrice Kindred, 26. factory worker, Franklin; Clarence Byrne, 22, labor, Lebanon , 1U1d Imogene Sargeant, 18, SCuth Lebanon.
1;0 a camp farther IOUth. lila wlle ,I,nd '~uehter are Y1.UJDIr lau parents in Georwta . Maria,nna.. Bogan. DorothY SmJtb aild daughter, Marilyn; vl.sited'lela= 't.lves in Daytoti, Saturday. > Mr. and Mrs. lFranlt otahaU), ~ormerly of this neighborhOOd, are announcing the b'1i1lb of a IOIi at MIami Vallily hospital.
. '-'=---:---"'=. . .
VALLBY_..L-4""..,.., circUIt or
Trustees oiiii'eUnlon the Wilmillg'ton d1strlot ot the Methodist 'c hurch have petitioned Greene county< common pll'.aa court tor authOrity to sell . the GladJ. _~ Methodist church and 1.03 acres of ground in Sprlng Valley t.Qwr.ah1p. The petitioners say the church III "10 longer used Cot that purPQ6e 'and itll sale was aUlliortzed by t1ie-qpar~ lerly conference or the Sprinl Valley Methodist charge. Proceedl will be distributed lUI trustees may de- · termine.
Save Tires and Gu • • Bus LIne ~ CoaDty Seet
.A TIMEty ,
"'Hamburgers' with" is an aUAmerieaa favorite. The following "~Jip8 III Dutritionally enriched 11 YltambUzed 'margarine: ' ' FJ'1II)' HAMBURGlfl:RS ON ,ONION SLICES 1 1101II1II hamburger I tabllilpOOn melted marga-
CHECK YOUR FIRE INSURANCE POLICYII FAMILY The coming of cold weather means the starting of heating syatema, J. W. UNGO and the danger of fire HARDW.ARE ii greatly increased. n ....... '''"'. •• Phoae Ie iure your Fire Inlurance HARDWARE .. oIft.lBII_.-'~~~j Policies are in "working order" too. ' -~=~=~~~~III~II~~~~~~~~~~~~~I=~~~81
t tabl-.poon ketcht::l ,I aUeee bread
1 eu beaten
1 taltl..poon milk
',:d cle hamburger 'i n:
• in&'L ' Roll 01' pa t
.. s PQBllbJ.. Sprinkle pepper. ~ Make
r , loS t hin t l : ' 1 salt and
dre8s i il'~
by com-
blnina bread, egg, mi k, ketchup with 1 tablespoon melted margarlDe. Place 11 spoonful on each lqUare. Bring edgea of meat up over the dressinw, pat IIh.!1pe, being sure all dNllfng covered. Fry in hot margarine skillet. When brown on both sides, add 'AI cup water, cover and cook over Inw heat S to 10 minutes. Serve on raw onion alices. Other favor~e tow-point recipes are found in 'a 82-par cookbook "Ration·Ti!!le ReclDesl_ ~ A free copy InaY' be obtained at
Gazette offl.cf~.
Consult your agent I
ROO't FOk AND OONSIGN your CatUe, hogs, sheep and cal'fet to ~orl1s-Brock Co.. nVe wire and p~08'1'~IVe firm for' t he highest market prices and good servk:e. UDI~n Stock Y~rds, Clnclnna~. 0; Tune in on RadIo Statio)' WOKY, 12:25 to 12:30 p. m. for OUr dallY .~arket reports.
INSURANCE AGENCY C. B. J~nkina, ~rop. Successor tq LeMay .. Ha"ke WAYNESVILLE,OIIIO 'relePbone USA
Phone 15S
suCh ral" replaU_ ' aa may be necessary. The Det ruwt ' to give ~ducation
PboDe UI
a dominant bead in Waahin,tori. • If 'every ~chOoI teacher In lbe. "
.,-Mp•.••TUES. '
United l:1tatea would turn 'back ,to an old FoutUl' Reader; quleUy revIew and 'c ontemplate once more the fable of "Tbe 4rab-and His Camel,~' it mi&bt do ,the schools of thls ,couo, try mucb more , than 300 million dol· lars' w.orth o,f".Jood. , As ~e story goel, ,the Arab permitted his camel to put ber ,he~d 10 his ~nt one:cold nlgbt. But the camel (with a ' prece. dent established) , gpl' her neck ln~ , alde also, then ber [oreiegs and at la"t entered ',completely, i~avlng no room. for the Arab. . ', Bureaucratic control of scnools 15 , ~e camel lIi' I943, Dnp 8:637 Is the comer. head. At first. all it dOes is 'live the teach!!rs"~ ralsein pay and establlsh ,a precedent. Arter tllal il become.' possible for '. federal hu· reaucrat; With, concern for his per. IODIU presti,e alid , (or the lahe of PoUtics> to' 'NIeld h-emenduUB infiu· 'a ce , OVer the ' public schOols of .' ' AJiierlca. F.Jideral
I South Ikoadw.,.
We BUT and ~U N_ ant (J~
'E vel7lhlna' •for
.: ,
Fari;u &a4' .....'
'''Tbat·8~Y. a~t eClltoriat JOII)ultnad to J~Wberedidyouaaylt'..,...edr . , ~ 'TOe Stars ancJ Stripe(.... ~ . . , .
paper of the U.s. Armed'P,,1D KInd of giVeI U8 fo1b baCk ....... to tbiIlk about, doeI(l't it, BV . I II It CertaiDl, doeI, J. . . IWticaIIrIT .... I8It ~ 'WOuld JOII mbI ......
,tbat,8aabi?"li -Glad
It,.,.,~. .,
Newsman Joins Staff of ·WCl(.Y ~'~~~miI
* * *
'-===============~=::::::::==:=:::::'====1 ..
, '
Near ofBiloxi, the Confederate Gulf Mexico.on stand. ttle last residence of JefferlonJ)avis an,d the house where the con· federate J?r~ident com. , pleted bia memoirs.. . ,Beal.lvoir now il a ~~~~iii~~ borne for Confederate _, veterans. .
SatiSfactory . Services
J.!1l UI IlY IUl d ahild.re.p, · .
~·o: A.
MT HOLL " y '
Mrs. Fred F'lIIk 01 near Ind9pe.nde.lloe, Ky., Is Il:ilL1n~ her fattler, lW. UeOl ge Uf-ay lUI i!oIU. iIJlll Ml'S. Ua" a.<;
t::: \ !lhll
a week-end
an a
K q.!lIU
u rahain
Dl'o'~ .....
of h er
'r., Mr.
b'''''''; . days last Sund';'" -"'ft~n""n _DJ WJ ....... vu 1\111'/>. ·w.I;len J!lmeraon D1U .hJtCbed up hlli MI·s. worlds obamP1!)n pacer, "1i&.y ;·H~L~
t<.Ob l' ~ ;:.lntly. A ll wnber of lo.<lJCS {rom h~re atLenCl~ the Wanen County HOUle COWl il BL ~bunOll 'J,'Ul:suay a.ltel'110011. Among them ~ r,, : Mrll. Cuas.
ley" ~ a. bl18lJY ' all~" wok the la4lea of Mt. Hollyi f or a buggy rlde~ .Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ear~t and family. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. K1!slnger en~rta1ned the following
\Jharlton, Mrs. 'Thede Jone$"; Mrs. guests to
At All ' Times
....pO. aacld•••1Ie An_ell WI...... a....
~ome 2an - Wayne.ville
. . ....
. . . - . - . ,_ at ..... ...... 111 . . IIDI a' ..... m1DIm~ -.,.. . Jk ,. WIIIIi Ad tmel1ecl 'or ~ . . . . II .... Qed at 10 a WOrd. Qttiuart.
JIOB BAltZ - Watldlia Product. at • If. an..swq. I..ebaDOD. Open .YaiIIDIII f~ ~ oonvenl.nc.. Ole LlDtD... p~ 83 .L.
ItO lIC!N!l'l'SO POtfl'ERB:-FOr saie , at MIaI:D;l Gaiette ~lce. 5c each; ' . for .~. · .,
New cUrector publiett1 and news writer ' for WCK'i is Cbarl~ F. McGrath, 'onner CinciDDati and nortbern KeD' tucky newspaperman, accord· ID' to aD alinouDcement by L. B. Wll8on, owner of tbe station. McGrath, who was born In Loveland, (f., I\nd spent his early We tbere, lucceeds John E. Murphy, whc left recently • or d)Jty In tbe Navy as a lieu· 'tenant (j.r.). Ueuf. Murpby is stationed at tbe Naval Air Station at Quonset Point, R. I. A rra~uate of Ohio State University, wb~re be rec~ived a Hae'b elor of Seience degree ID journalism In 1931, McOraUJ worked for the Cincinnati Post ·and Kent1Jcky Post until join. tnll' WOK f. , He served al a reporter, sports editor and as· Iistant city editor on the lal· ter paper. Marrhid, be lives with his
T he girls IUld boys of the 4-H clUbs ot t hts ,vlclnlW enjoyed a llr•• \"nU~r l{eurh' k. C·orr ... '... on'. ..... par ty 'a t Lyt le hall F'lrday evening. Mi's. J . lB. Jones spen t Wednesday Mr, and. Mrs. Evel'ett Early and
.QUaker net cw1a1nB. pi'acnew. .Mrs. A. T. Oberry • . ~e' _d. Boute 3. Phone pa.1ra
' W~:M2'J.· "
JI08 AAIl¥ Plfty White Rook.hens. ~
, ~ , B¥S .~;
N. Y.
'You mean I don't need an, eoUPO~1
Mrl!. Gearhart 01,. Day to,n , called .:>n Mrs. Amlin a 1'iartr\1Il1l Sunde.Y: Mr. lUlel. 'MEs. DavId ,Todd a.;c1, t wo chUdren of ·Day,tOn. and Mrs. A, E, Bo.~lr of M1a.mlsburg, were .gUtsts Mrs. Ian ?4. Peter& Sl1Jid'loy evenlns· Mr. and MrS, MIlton Sheehan ot , centerville ,lUld 'Mr. and 'Mrs. E&tl Olark . for DaYton. 'Were Bun~ &1g.uest.s 01 Mrs; AlJoo CillarlL . MIS. Margaret Webb was a bua1~
,* for eleCtriCityl .. :&~~~ ~~I---'----:~.-------;--,-:-;:-.. . . .-:~ IElp·.• I. · ·
'. WITH . . . ·• .0ID8 · • *
t~Xe. and l00~ enVelopes with ~ IIobd addresS lmprtnted. fOr ,.I~ ,.rar;C'1. box!!d ,p ersonalized 8~. ~,OQ. M1am1 Oazette
aI!ftCe ,~Place ~1.!1'S now.
xenia vls1tors .Tuesday
BIBLE; 'SCHOOL 9:30 A. _M.
~ms. ,
IH I_ .lc""I" G....." ... v .... r.-"" .. ualh"n Mr' . Ella IF~ts 4Uld MI. IUld Mrs. Sherm...n F'errLii were Sunday, dinne,; ~u~sts at Mr. and ,' Mrs.Ru&sell. ,... i.s n In Wa.ynesvWe. / !Mrs. Mrlbel Teto' of D ayton, sPent
ube wfi!k-end ut her home here,
·l\4ts, tL~y .F1Bhbaugb {,f 'Ati<ddlle-
Optometric Eye Specialist 26 S. Detroit Street
:All Day Bazaar and Market ' SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27 BE-slin.n in. at 10:30 A. M.
. ) 'The following artic:lea will ~ on sale: Dressed
, Chfc:ken~, RoU4 and Pi~s Donuts, Baked Gooe";
4s."ds~ Baked Beana, Aprons, Crocheted Articles,
guM in tlle '
oIlome: J. Lee Talmage
·tlah mte
TuATS BIGHT, Mrs, mggins. ' Not that it's any less important than food, 01' fuel~ or shoes. In fa~ electric power haa rightly ,been called the life-blOOd 01 war prod~, But our government c4>e. uk all of UI to aile elec~icily wisely because the making of ~Iectricity requiree cOal and manpower. careful with .electiicity _ with coapuD8.
Save electricity to Ba~e coql.
. N"elti~s an~ W~ite Elephant Table.
IH . '
.·,were Sa.tur4aY viS1tors
of bhe JordanS. ~ J, ~ 'Mr: arid IMrs. ·~th ·and rcnniiy of Klng1nan; have ooine to occupy the tenant: bouse In the Lee ' Talnlag'e ..' talUl. We pleased to report tba.t Mr$. Henry M-lltphy has !e1urt14!d her hoine in Wellman afte~ Ihg many 'weeks "in a 'ClnelilnAU hospital:'" . ,- ' • . • !PrlendiJ ·l'i~re 'were . "~r1 8orry.. learn of ijle iDJury'whlob Lee of :near·,. Cfinterv1lle. BUf1ered ·
week 'oMhen ' be 'W9iI p~ed under.neath. bill ~tor. ·.... $,\ .. . •
• B..,. "R.por' 14 tAe Nruion,;' neuII pro".". 01 ... ~. ~ 8:j(J. Oller F810, . · . , ..... , ...
,ruudar -u.,.
In Da.yton. sat.ur-.
Tolle Wayland Jordan
, No points, no' COJlpons-no rationing or eleclri,city.
So, he
, ~ By Woman'~ . Auxiliary of St. Mary's Church ~
1Mrs. Margaret Webb. Mrs. Evalyn peterSon and Mrs. Allee' CaU k~ were
. ~tm
in ' LtOe.non, ¥onaaY. Mrs. GeOrgil!o iMeJldenhaU' " recoverlng from the ' effects of a fell .;ustained last
O_._D_lI_._J-.-.c._~_ a _ a _ .J
• I,
(lIt. ,.
neiiS vlsito~
tcwn. st&t1ODery-..n Ide81 ~~t. 200 aheets paPer,
h tru
\Ullurt~t ,
i emc.on
• • • • ••• • • •
Dr. C. E. Wilkin' . ~' aAua -
ot Cbnterville,
noo~ .
mcmtha old. IBm A21bUrY. PbODe 3845 • . ~ " ..."
- ...
D r. Dudl!1Y K ervCJ',
. IIU1t1.ble for girls room. Practically Phone wain~ 2877.
~ ~~~ ~
EVENING SERVICE l!.va oMay J?enotlwit. Ileal' S pring Va Mr. and' Mrs . Huey 011:16on spent 7:30 P. M. ley. !Mis . !Wgers has beeu 111 with Saturday evening With their grandTOPio-"THE WORD OF A l)ean 't rouble l or several mOlltils. daugh ter, Phyll.ls Gibson and ,Mrs. KING" Mrs. 0. . M11Ier was t.a!ls.eu to St. Charles Cl 8lWl ord. of Mt. Ol'ab. '--- -- - '- ~bethl> )lospttal in Dayton MonMr. IUld Mrs. Morris Lewis and YOU 'ABE aa.Y. 'Yhere sh e will undergo a ma- IlOn, Jerry Lee, spent Bun!1aY wUh . ALWAYS . WELCOME Jor operation. Mr. IUld Mrs. Jo}m Koester ot Utica. AT THE LeWJ:i CO\lJI(Uer of u elU' WaynesMrs, Robert oreene, Mr. Wilbur WAYNESVILLE vllie. Is now shreddiug in tills com- S tevenson. Mrs. Leona Greene and OHUBopH OF OHRIST mWllt;y. clllldren of Dayton called on Mr. Members of the Lytie Card club and Mrs, Lue MOiian, Sunday . . MAX W. RANDALL, were elltert.a.1n«:<1 au rJ.llursd~y alMr. a.nd Mrs. EdcUe Marlatt. Mr. Minister temoan at the home of Mrs. KAte Bert Marlatt were. dlnner" gueSts Phone 2993 Fouli<6 in Waynesvlile. ' 'rhey ",ere: Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. ~vls MlohM.esdames Harold Whitaker, Cath- lal, ot Xenia . . erlnQ Thomas, 'Iberle Jones. F'red Those on the s10k ·l.Ist this week RWlh. Ru&Sell <:.'li.mpbell. EWer are Mr. Eddie Marlatt, Mrs, Everetb shopping bl D ~yt cn ~ ~ 11'J1(ie,y. roves, Stanley Bailey, Russell 'WiJ- Bunnell and Mr. Lou Murray. Miss Minri10 Cl'tLwIord ;f Day ton , biln, . James W1cal, ThOlllll6 Burton IMJssi0narY ~iety ot the ·A'It. spent the week-end with h er p tand &lph 13wger. lHolly M. E. cburch was held at the rents, Mr. and 'M rs. Clar ~ce CrawLt, and Mrs. ¥rlUlk' Ac ennan ehurch room ~ll day last !Vedllcsday l ord. a.nd lltt e son of Savannah, Ga., Mr, with eleven member and !fIve visitors Mrs. Emerson ,DIII and $On, Ralph, an(1 Mrs, James Kaser and daugh- Rev. and iMrB. T. M. Scarff, Mrs. spent Saturd~ In Xenia. ter. of MldcUerown, Mrs. W. O. I-","UJUJbUIU, Mrs. Oo~ Davis ot S PI'ing Mr. IUld Mrs. iRa.lTY Tumble and Halnes, Mr. IUld ,M rs. Ben Ro\llld, VaUey a.nd iMrlI. Mattie Levi. presen t. :101}. Don, were lI.upper. guests PrlMrs. EVa Haines, amI Mr. Clnd ·Mrs. Mrs .. KinnisOn gave lin In teresUt:g day e venlitg of Mr. and Mrs. 06bru' JU"IJe.l'L Ha.ines IUld children of Daytalk on m1fsloM In the attemoon, lar. ton spent Monday evening at the Mrs. Davis also spo~. home ot' Mr. and IMr~. Walter KenMr, and ~' ; Morrla Lewis were '1' r), tbe lU ..... Ouette Wallt Ad.,
map~, dreuer.
~ ~'I1wo Hampll11re
. na:iuc,sgiVing
visited ·Mrs. K eever ana h er sister; Miss Lytlla Wright. Sunday ' a.Cter-
KI.. Pi"aDk M. Pox. Waynesville IR. ,R, .,J. Phone Centerville 'rn69.
cUnner Wil~ w' toull\.'), :Mrll. lif. B. Loll&aere. $ \Wday: Mr. and Mrs, IArthur KesMIS . MIlI,&1U' ~ JOIUl.:/ ud J\II.1'5, 41- inger ·a.nd fnm1Jy, M.r. and Mrs, lforjen Emrick. man K eslnger,!MrS. Barker, IMI8s 'MrS, M I!La Rogers, a forn:el'Lyt le Minnie ZlncgraIf. all oI Day t.on , Mr., clt~el1 , passed IlIWIl-Yl Monday eveIl- IUld Mrs. John MCl"agsa,l't and son, ing a ~ Lhe home of her niece, Mrs. Jack. of Lewisburg, Ohio. 6
'. Iflfh~ . ~ · ~vue ' ~tJ.. !U - ,
-!White Roc;.k ~rt1fled Sired by> R. O. P. males.
• ••
iM'&r')' ~ Spring yalley. phone
night and Thursday In I[)a.yton with Bobby Morgan were dinner guests her slster, ~. Joh n Zimmerman, Bun~a.y of Mr. a.nd lIIlrB. Paul Wllwho has been 111. J.1Bms in Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett Monee a cMrs. Morrls Whart.on Is visiting companied their d a ughtfJr, -Mrs, her parentS, Mr. a.nd, iMrs. Jam!:!! Merrill Wolfe, of 'Merrttstown. to K eeny Bit Independence. Ky. Dayton, Thursday. Carroll Longacre a.nd PQUl S hlpMI', IUld Mrs. A!lnos COok or near ley. Jr ., are absent f l'Oll1 s'C hool Oil Waynesville, lWere Sunday afternoon account of chicken-pox. caUel's of Mrs. Margaret Johns. Mrs. WUbur Clark ' a.n.eI. Mrs. Mnr Messrs. Ralph Barger and Calvin garet Johns s pent ~c:lay in 'D ayton Longacre spent Friday a.nel Satur- and saw "iLa.ssle COlEle Home,' nt day hunUng near Wa.shlngton C. H. LlJwes in tbl} attemoon. Mrs: Allen Emrick and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barger iUld Mrs, CalMrs. Walter Kenrick were Dayton vin Longacre and tittle son 'Yere ·""lre. t lte former Vlrginja lIux· visitors ~day. Daytpn shoppers Saturday: el or Uincinn~ti. lind t heir 1Mr. and iMrs. Oiaude Riggs or Mr, and Mrs. Frank Dewe(Be 01 elfhl .te ar old 11:\.11/:""'''1' :' ,I UlY, Dayton 'Were Sunday afternoon near Mlatn1sburg, Mr. and Mrs. ----------~-------------at Erlanr,er, Ky. He Is 35 guests d! their parents, Mr. lind Mrs. Howard Deweese ' of 1140ra1ne , Olty years. old. Wllbur Olark~ IUld Mr. and MrS. Thomas Collins 1;'RIE1~US DOLLS 'MIas Clara Wade of MiarnJBburg and OharlC$ Colllns welre Sunday atIN U(MJprrAL IN ENGLAND M1sse& Julla. IUld 1M'ary' T. l!.H>iLUILI II. week-end gue~t of Mr. and temoon. callers of Mr. and " Mrs. PUZZLES all Ml8.mliiburg. call1:Cl on friends . Walter Kenr1ck. Mrs. 8u.san Bcanlon' has received Mrs. Will iRoss and daugbter. COLOR BOOKS here 'Friday, nOtIce trcm her son. Pvt. Fall1s F . DISHES-PAI,NTS MIss Ollv~ ;WWla.ms of Warren, lPalne, tt1;a.t he is ,Inmate of (lJl GAMES _ SOLDIERS Ind.• was a. guest 'in the home trom ~. ~08Pltal aomewhere in EnsWLdnesday to Friday. TANKS-GU.NS-WAGO~S : ·land. FrooII wording of the let-
_ _~_ _--:-_ _ _'' --_--:_ POR ~ younr 'White-faced ter it Is presumed that he has· pneu; ~d bUlIB. aervIoeable ap., .mania, H~ 'Would Uke to llear 1rom . pure bred. Stoneybroo~ PanD bJs former f~nds and Q$ address atock, J;ioUch~ at ~1U1 sate. Is: Prt. Fall.ls F. Paine 35'794888, Kn. O. It. Pruler, R. R. 2, 445tb Engr, Base Depot Co .• A.P,O. , w~ ; ''135. care ot Postmaster, New York,
!'OR ~u.t1fu1 ~ Room auite, aol1d 'Walnut. band carved. Mectcll7 ,IIJpe . table, mohair upholaterjJ $190. cost' MOO. Also six
Defeated men may live in peace and honor un· der the Stara and Stripes, but under 'the crooked cross of' Naziil5m there Is only ignominy. persecution. death I'or those who will not Ibend the knee.
~ •_ . ..1' ' - , YOU' ARE IN¥ITED'TO !lira. JUI87. Olb.o.. v .., n."olld"nt · . A""""END T . HE '. It 10lllted like we "Yere returnIPg a •
(Ie "UUllWlUu,s/' to '. the 8'09d old raahJoned horae' alla"
" U &l L o . a.u(1
0 . ' ••• , . . . . .
Woodwork aQ!! Portable 'BuUd.Dlf a specialty•., , WELQING.:-5ee 'Wh~n in need of weldiai job. We ha~e An M·I priority ratinl for weldinl farm'machinery. ' ,I ' . • " i ' ' . .
.e ",,_U '; ~
.5 •• BILL LEE . ,,"
'.i" .
R -: 3.. R...
~PI ....... ..., - Oba.rlton ... . . : . .. 0
D6v18 •...•..• : .. .. 0
= .....
Totala .. . :: .... Ql
1 0 1 '8
10 15 15 1. 9 2 0 1 1
...... .
BeV. L. O. Ra.dley, program comli11ttee ,cha1rma.n: of the WM'!J.eBv1Ue Civic' chJ~, bas received the !oUQW1118 comp1jmenta!'y! letter from Dt. II... W. 'Sontag, of YeUow Springs , !who ,WlI8 the guest &peaker of the club a.t the November meetJna. Dr. SOntag III director of The samuel S. Fela Researo b Instltuw of Antioch
'November ~v.~
24, l~
a.Radl ey
Waynesv1lle MethOdlat Church Wayneavllle, Ohio Dear !Mr, iRAldley:
fday I take this opportu nity ' to complim ent the m«nl>e rs 'of the w~vWe 0lv1c club on their .or-
NEW GUINE A-U, S Nav)' Photol 'rapb-" '. the sun .• ets beyond the South Pacific blanda, Uncle Sam', ~urnal prowler s, 'the "Gre~ J,lragoria," .11p frolp their concealed bases In jungle inlets, for a raid upon Jap initalla tlona and inteNsl and Ihlppin PT-boa ts, manned bY' picked creW8, have played an importa nt part In stemmi nl' and rolling ba,"c.lt ';l'heae the Jap tide through the i,land, and now are helplnll isolate tbe enemy carrlso na by deatro, inl' bls linea of commllnicatioDl. '____
pn1azU on. At time or another I bave spoken to a good ~ of the civic cluJ», Rotary c1ubs, etc., 1D . tb1a aectIon at OhiO, but t4 date I 40 not I'ecall ~vlng spoken to allY The marriag e of MIss !.'lel11e Cut1Jl'O\IP, the member s of which were right and Mi'. !Harris Mosher was more responAtve &nd CO\lJ'teOlIS than quietly solemnl ied at the Method ist yOurs. i am certain that I have not parsons.ge on S!lnda.y af.temo on at been more hospitab ly receIved nor 3 :30, 'Rev. lLouis C. Radley, pastor toleriult }f llstened · to than by yo:tr of the church o!tlc1atmg. club. In my opinion .the WaynesvW~ Besides the attenda nts, Mr. and <;;Iv1c club 'ls a distinct ly u:lusual MTB. Carl Banker of . Mason. only orPnI& tlon, and m.y vl81t to you;was 'members of the Immediate' family a ven> 'P(Iea.p.nt occa6Ion for me. were preSent. Mr. and Mrs. Pred Veff alncerely yours, HartBooIt of MUforo Mr. and Mrs. '4 rw. SOINTAG, M. D. Ronald Hawke of Wa,ynesv!lle a'ld Director. Mrs. Frank Tal10r of 8ta.mford,
Wed At Meth odis t Pars onag e Sun day
lAlst week we told of WaynesvUle's new residE'dlf.--6tnnford Bogen- and of hlB accompl1shm:ents 80S aD artist. ~ow we discover that In addition to his oWler ~ompllshmetl lts, he Is also an invento r. . Pictured above Is the l ~t w.cd In major avia.tlonal patents being puahed ' before . the examiners In Waah1ngton -by powerful patent attumell. It·s the work 01 famOus deaf artist Sta.!1ford Bogan of Wa,-neev1lle, Ohio.
·Eng-..ement Of", Hiec• .ApnOUl\c8d
14l'••nd ~."W;iier Bi1ta1n were ' INDUV l'ED IN GBEEN E COUN1:Y to o.ytOn Ialt week' by the
There also seems sheer refusal of Ilhp..;e l~ power .to properly place men. wi~h !D1nds and hltellect.ual vlgql' tupy capable of oon(Centrating on subject materia l of vast importance 6nd ' who then produce the goods. ;'l1herefore .wastlng a nation's ttine. That's why we have today oUr heatlhen~sh square- built. always butDl>Gr In the front and bumper In the- ·rear: and sUly fenders ' on all cars. I said 35.YEARS AGO, the fUture mo~or. car would be . sold accprdlng 'to Its speed a nd not H. P .. that It would I>e Shaql pOinted as ~e a, Iira1n -of oats, 'WIth only one Cl{(exlble.> bumper on " left side front. and' Ilave concealed couplings tn ~rontand reat.. , Dl\8r ":Il~dll:me, or' ~r Sir, I said that 35 years ago. Now 'must we loll elone·in tlhese up" .side" d.own' crafts: , crude fanning ,._----.-- .0[ 8tupldJty~e actually ~esalnl ~r·.~ : and , e..ery conceivable Idea of a ta.U ? True .t:8ui &.fa 'iteeded thing., 't hat wl5h to Ught on twIgB, ' and to), bl!,Ddl~pPed 'by t)ue' .~n'~lple. · , . muat , Jt'8 ' 8ci:ep~ , th• . &8, . we '. hgv~ ¥otO ~ ~ the .~ .OAR? Tbe ~"l(O• . . '1b~ eUtIn• . their ANlClowa.be~o.re ~ 'Jbe ~ plane ~ h~\ a ~ rocket'. de,['Cl J cQhGtlYtId·" after the moet &rcient oon~ rar ·_~. abe III .. ·the ~~ a. a.
'M r. and Mrs. Mack Davis o.nd family received a. c.a.ll Thanks giving night .from ·\.helr son, Oha'I'les J . Davis, telling them he was lea.ving Great 'a kes the next day !or SOIDP. ,pl~Ce unknow n. He has been stationed a t GreBIl. Lakes ever since he enllsted In the NIIIVY on October IS 1941. He stated that he would write sa soon ,as he reaches ,h is destination. He said he would love to oome home before leaving, but duty ' to his country came d rst. He felt very hBlPPY to cook such swell Thanksgivlna dinner on his last day for all h1s buddies. He said h e hated to part with his officers and buddles ~bere as they a.re & fine bunch but Very happy to make the change to reach 0. better goal in llfe. In a letter received from him on Nov. 22, 00 sent the menu of what he was prepari ng for Thanksgiving dinner. Roast twitey, slaw, ~tomato bulllon, giblet gra.vy, candled sweet potatoes, oyster dressin g, ollves, celery, cranber ry sauce, buttered peas, pickles, wheat rolls . pumpkin pie, Ice cream, coffee, candy, nuts Qnd cigarettes. Th meFl-'Were al.owed to come In at any tLme dW'log the day and eat their fW.
t.ba.n all other CJ'8Ifts will . sefm standin g absolutely stm. Wl:ien lShe spreads her powerful wings, you know She Is going to ~and , and she can do it regardless of the winds that blow, and on Mr. SI Perkin's roof garden. Then he was asked. "Why are you pushing the smaller craft lliheall of ~lie Rocket." "BecaUSe it Is bound to become the world's ' most practica' and popular crate for manY' years to come. The Rocket cannot be rambled around in." Asked io describe it, he said, "Well, I sa.ld· Rocket and I mean ill's t 1lh6t---but not a Fourth at JUly skyrooket ideo.. ThIs Rocket shall 'be.come the Queen of the aircraft world without a single cessation for a.t least a hundred years. In It you wUl have four dlf·t erent pow~ drives to guarant ee any 'foreign destination . It embodies slm11ar illtln g motors and 'Wings but these clOlle up, fold b&ek and are sUenced. You gaze through lenses ahead as you cut In An interest ed group met at ·bhe :your onward power and polnt off; MethodiSt parsonllige Monday eventhen you'll aJoo be Inspired to hum Ing to organize a 1B1b1~ Study class to yourself some BWeet song-like ~hat would ,b e of special Interest to 'Good bye My Old Kentuc ky Bome,' church school teacher s,. pr06pectlve for in a nttle while you'll ,o;ure]y be teacher s and all who d~ire. a better a long way~ from home and the big working .knowledge of the ScrlpbaU now wUl IIbsolutely be rOlling' tures. The meetlniz;' wUl be held ' on i 'lISt belOw you,- You . shall sln~plY Wednes day evenings. breskfllBt in 'New York, you shall ThIs 'Will not ,bl' a devotional study luncheo n on our western shore, then only, but an analytlc al 'stupy of the yOu def~ngJ.y cross 't hat grea.t Pa- Blble.1 2gether with maps and such 'cloflc, atld as the.sun goes down, ba.cltgroun<l materia l that will give a you'll majesti cally cruJAe along ,t bat better underst anding of the Scripeastern sh9rell ne-ove r ~na." tures. "Now the time ~ come for the The first session, J?ec. 6th, will be acme of supermacy. let us have It, taken up with matters or a general let 'lIB not deal with It as we bave nature about t he New Testam ent. the motor car. Ref,use to belleve that Wednesday, Dec. 15, <Will start an only sometb1ilg &ldn to a.n eleotrtc 8 01' 9 ·weeks course on "The Beginfan will operate an a.eroplane. If our n1ngs of the Ohrlstla n Churcb " with flN'EMY perfects th1a llttle MET- the book of Acts lIB the text. All the EOR ahead 0[ this AMERICA, We're study proceedS. the letters of Paul Sunkl In all the words of the Eng- will be correlat ed with the record in l.Lsh la.ngua:ge We',r e Bunk! If, they A.ctB, and brief summar ies of these by greater ohance produce the letters will be glven",t ogether wIth iROOK'E T of which I sp,eak, then In- the dates and clrcUlD1 Stances of their deed they are .producing the one wriUng. and one only ROCKE T Ilhat ahall It ,Ill planned to give Q mlmeothrough uncoun table years rule the graphed copy of each lesson to those Skies, bile QlJa!lI!lN of t.be lWOKE T attendin g 80 the studl.e8 wUl be of ,""orld. very 'slmply spellsf the pemlan ent value. end of the tlnal story. She's that Wednesd&y. 1Dee. .e, the class ~ne master or .her own des,tIny." wUl meet at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. Ray· ~er. Everyone III welDINNE R GUEST S cOme. ~r. and Mrs. J. P ., Froriun, ,Mr. and ~ .. Peter Banta. and Mi. Mer- VOLUNT~E1t FOR VlCTO ~Y lln Ba~ta were dinner 'guests on . GlLOtJp MEUS 'W lTH MRS. Sunday of Prc. and MrS. ' M,elv1n oui.. n;~USON Banta. In· Loveland. Prc. Banta, who Is satlone d a.t Washiil'gton, ' Pa., enThe Volunteer for' Victory Grtup • fflfl boui's .tUrloua h Sunday. met during the pe.st 'w.eek with Mrs. Otlrl' FergIJ!!On with the following presellt : . Dr. T. I .'Way, ·w ho many years ago IM1ss Vlrgl.n1a -Blackb urn, Mes'an otl~ In W';yneSvWe but d8JJUl& Walter Fra.a\11'e, Ernest Edgwho halI 'been ~tictN in otDcln- qton, ·F. :U. LeMa,y~ Obal-te. IA.p eti 1D tbe Doctors ~IJ, ,bas iMaY. Robert Gray, wm~ f:l&w· ckJeed h1f offJce 't.heJ'e. and retired yer,. Paul ~ce, ~R.Oy Moran, rnm~. .Earl O,OllD8r, K. R. Hl,Il, J. E. ¥c<JlarlM D1lI. Pred Book AIld
,B ible Stud y Class Orga nize d Mon day
fl' (;
.. _
!Rocket And .Met eor Plan e of the Futu re
SO ·
For the present, Mr. and Mrll. Mosher wlll reside at the old Harris homeste ad on Ma.1n' street , whtre ~ ••..• . . . .. .. 3 0 0 e they will have the good ~Isheso of Hamer . ; . . . ..... 1 0 3 2 On 8U1)d&y evening, Dec. 12, Oarl 'their mallY frl«mds In the commu nU'd.tay .. •.• .. ...• 4 -l- 2 i~' a native or ;W&)'nesvllle, wUl Ity. · McVUJa n •.. •..• . II '1 I ' 6 tie ordaine d at the local Church of ...., Ofuiat~ Oarl Ja In his third year at PROMO TED IN ENGLAND To,tala ••...•..• . ~ ' 1 sa the Oh»:llDII At~ Bible Semina ry and . • • • Ie now preadlIJ l8 r-egularly. The. Aoocrd1Dc to Q messlllg e from an Il'be .B and MOth~'8. cl\Ib will w\:et p~Uc Ie ~ invited to attend EIghth AIr Force Commany station, ~; Deoem) ler 7, at ,8:00 .p. m. 'this Impresa lve aeJ!Vioe. England, HowaM W. Biggs, 20, has · at.' b high ~ b~ulc:Uns 10 com, been promote d hom ~ .grade or pIett, plan:a for the dance acbeduled 'JO BNTEB TAIN lFOB sergean t ·to stafr sergea.nt "someta be held Deceinb er' 29. Please be' woiLm y MATRO NS where In England " , bY Brtg. Oen. present. IA. verJ 'interes ting meetinc w1ll ~ ~k:kL. Anderson, comma nding ~ Band.. w beJel at the the uUoDlo ' Ha1~ on g80eral of the EJebth .AW Foree PlaY far the JuDlor .claa8 play .at &ttiX'(la y attel1\oo~ . 'Wb~n the , BOmber COmmand. . . !W~ Matron s of the Order of Sgt. 1Biggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. • • • ' ~ star Of OOtnct :n wU1 be. aal~~, MaLn street. Is an ord" 'At the ·.,..rm Bureau Dinner ~d the guest,a of Deputy Matron KInDle nance man ' a~ & FlYing . Fortres s lett Monday, Jfov. 29/ ihe CHrla Tl1o, B. !'romm rwith .f. dinner serVed at ~, ThIa Is h1.s third promoti on lri Irma. 1"I1'e8: Ruth Helen LeI\4a3' ~d. lib o'c:lcldE. In the ev8n1nr a re- four months, Ruth Anna .lolma, sail(. Barl Rye ~011 WIll be held to whlCh 811 Before he entered the ~y In played a: aixOphoile 8010 and.JUl.1et Butem· 6tU- ~ ~ Invited. J'aDWlTY, 1943" Sgt. BJggs was a . Mccoy sang. The 'Q11'1& Trlo . wU1 ' shop mechan ic in Xenia. Be at~ S&t\Ird8 y &nd Betty ATTBN J) FIJNBIIiAL 0.. tended the Wa~esv1lle IH1gh school. . oa~pbell will play a ~ ao!~. · ~ IN DAYTO N
MIs. H. IE. BaLhawa.y ent,erta lned the members at the New Century club ~t her home on 'Ma.In st.reet :Fr k 1uy afterno on for 'thelr re6Ulal Novemb er meeting. Mrs. Harvey Eurnett , IMl's. Charles A!ld ~rson ! t...I'<. Harold Whitak er, !M1:;s Fran! ci; Whitaker and Mr '. E. ' F . Ea.rntnl t wt're guestlS. A tel' a. short business se'l8ion , ~: I'';. J . B. Chapm an .I\nd Mrs. L . M Henderson presente d ve.ry enterta.ln I ~ .~ and Inst.l\'ctlve papers on tht S Ibj ect for the afternou ll. Austrsl In.'' Everyon e Is very much inter e.;tcd In this country at the present tlme and grea.tly enjoyed ,kll)win l h ow the people llve "do ,m under. 'l1wo lovely musical nwnbers were given 'by Mrs. M. A. Fulk erslln in fl vocal solo and MIss Francis Whitaker 'WIth (l piano number. lDa.1n.ty and delicious refr'!Shmenu were served and the club plalUle<i to meet at ti:J.e home of Mrs. M. A. FulkeJ;S on III December.
OOllese .
To Be Orda ined ~ ~ At Loca l Chu rch 12
.New Cen tury Club Serv ices H~ld Here !Hold s Nov . Mee ting For Thom as Con ner'J'
Local Civi c Club
polnta. waynes ville. .... FG FT PF lAId1n8ton .. .. .. .. 6 0 ' 3 Bradley ..... .. . .. 5 5 0 · Bernard ........ .. . 5 6 0
High .P raise 'r~r
oomple tely eeovered flom ~e de~ feat given them by Cent r~1Ue, the WaYnesvUle SpartanS romped over K.1n(fua n fOl' a victory. ciIr 50 to 33. ThIa was ~e fourth victory of the seasOn for the local ' tlve. Opel:l.Irig up in the flrat quarter the lWaynesvllle Quintet took the lead and held it "the rest of the evening. When the w·h1stle blew for the half, 'WaynesvWe led 241 to 11. The Kinsma-n boys OIIme back In the seoond· half with ~ strong determi nation, acoring 22 POints. Their effort. 'however, waB not quite suvng enough as the local quintet IIOOred 24 marlteJ\'l, brlnglng the final BOote to SO to SS and an easy ' victory tor WayDesV111e. The Waynesv1lle Reserve wam also oam& out victars 'WIth a score of 18 to. 13. ' Thfl next game, a. league pme, will ~ with Harveysburg e.t Hll.rveyalnJrg, Dec. s.. The Junior B1gb p~ wUl start at 7:30. , Bradley and Bernard were high ' scorers each with 0. , total of 16
._.~ UI4 ."",
Thome.s Nolan Conner . 66, dlt d at his residence j,n .WaJlnesvUle ThUl'S- ' day, NOVember 25, after an llifMq of several years. 'Mr. Conner was boroll &t Morrow 6lld later lived In :Lebanon. He then came to Waynesville where he'-spen t the latter years of hl8 11le. Be is · survived by the widow. S ervlcrs were held at the McClur e Funeral Home Saturda y afterno on and- lnterme nt . was made in MIamt cemetery.
Two Loca l Men Indu cted Nov . 2~ lAmong those inducte d into UJe armed farces November 20 }Jy, Be.. lectlve Service Boe.rd No. 2 Lebanon. were two 'Waynesville . dents. They /Were: Floyd ~ch aml Horo.ce Burnett , botb taken lDto the a.rmy. Others taken Into the anns; ~: , Raymon d Garriso n, MQI'l'ow;; BI1 !~ Osborn, Harve"YS'bttrg; Edward ~.. wallader. Morrow and wWmr Christm an, Pleasan t Plain. JulIan \pel'ldns , Leba.nO'l, waa In· duot.ed into ~e na''ry.
James W. Collett of near 1tiJJIrman, confessed sIa.yer. 1Jl. the murder which wiped out the Elmer MoCoJ Cem1Jy in Wa.&hIngton, O. H~ waI well 'k nown In th1a viC1n1ty. Dr. J. A. Mk:Ooy, ·b rotller err UUI slain. Mrs. MI:IJoy, practice d . . .. veterina rian In We.yn.e nUle . . . .eral years. He III now located ' - In WlWblngton a. H.. EN'PER ToUNO UESTa ON , TIlANK iGIVIN G DAY A turkey dlI).ne~as '1!l\\I~ at the of Mr. and Mrs. IRoaa PJ&nek Thank.sgiv~ to the " foUOYdDI guests: Mr. &nd 'Mts. LeW1&..P1acick
and daUlrhte r Be~, of ~, JIr. and Mni. Clark Stun' and chUcheo. Joe, P8.tty and Jane of ·OSborn. Mr. and Mni. Oarl Peterso n ~d daUlh:-
ters, Janke and Boi'bara. of SPr1nl'" field, Mr. and Mrs. Wal'1)e P1aDaIt and Janet and ,DOnnie , of 'Il&;t.a'n and Mis. RUSsell :Martin il.nd PhYll18. Mrs. Carl Peterso n and B~lU'a rema.lned to vJa1t UnW 8e.tW'daY ,w ith Mr. and Mtt. Rc:u !Planck and Mrs. R\I.SS811 · Martin. . LETl' '' TO APPU B IN nST .'UI8lIB •
A letter received from ,MaX RaIl- dlall pn the subject ¢ d\Ulclna wu ~ r.ec;elved too late for publ1ca tlon 10 ; . week'8 laaue and 'W1Il
ihIs .
next week. TURKE Y_ DINNB B •_ J Mr. and M.r s . .MAX D. Ha.rt&oc:& ,eute$ln ecl , with ,,; lo'vely' tut1tq dinner on Sunday for the followlnlt ; guests: Yr. and Mrs. ~ A~ltman and chUdren ot Xe.n la, Mr. a.n~ Mra. Ernest Cra.W'Ctfrd and aon of Xenta, Mr. Bnd f.lr8. L. C. Hartloc k, Bylv1& and Jerry Hartsoc k of BPr!ni Valley, and Mr. and Mrs. WID.1&m der and Infant son.
MEETIN(} POSTP ONED The Mother s clUb '~s chan;ed the : time of their reiui~ ' meet.tDg froID ~ December 3 to Decemb er 10 at 7:10
p. m. In the high school audlton~ This meeting is to be ., n1rht. . meeting to IWhich ·faml1les aife invited and eaclJ. ~ is requ~t4;d to bring doughn uts. An ,elflle~~t gram IB being planned .
. tltbe',_iami .~a?tttt MJt1n
~ we couldn't open Wasil
to IIClll\g
thE-in 111
:;t.able.. so we
wen~ lo uud 11.' d ~'ou , . cow's, caU got OlAt"ll.l1d 1:\1)0: goL exclU!d and kill! 8 ~tuli hi th 0laII M&11 Matter at -POItofnce, Waynesv1l1e, Ohio 'way. We wen t' rounu it 1 2 1 '
.PbcIu Ila
- WarDtlI?vWe,
1:IMrId".AI SecIoDd , ' :
Walter"'W . wiseman, Editor and Publisher
Th~ ~lew
tUll es and tllen Gl\ve I lP, job. Tllen we co. the bUnd ~re
Dictat,ot:-Proof Produclitl1l or essentia l ,war
A Farm Diary--Dry Ridge
.~ ••
Nov. 26, 1M3. Lots of .rarm advertlsed anti loljs ot property cbaQ~ lbands and todaY there was a sale 1n our n~1lborI1lood that we were sony ,to ,sec. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jame.'J. havtng sold t heir farm, sold their stock -and Implemena;. They are plflnnlng to move to Lytle. wblch 18 not so far Dut we are sorry to see them leave ,t heir old ihome. They are good neJghbors, Ben James is a SOOd Ifazmer. Wben ~u see hlm doing somethlns you 1m that It IS a good time to go and do likewise. Be wsa one of the ,few that I know who always cut 'hIll lwinter's wood the sp~ ~fore and .Jet It drY, Be ..1WIIIY8 kept wbite hogs, good, purebred stock. Going by 88 often as I dfd, I alWays watdhed the successive crops Of roJy--poly White pip In the ~II pasture lot. He bad and used aometb1n4r that you dO not often see today. a wooden hay rake~ 1t did good 'Work ~t the man behind It baC:l waUt. not ride, 80 It WoUldn't be popular with the present genera-UOn. i boUght. 0 OI:IW With a calf' and .. nICe' ~ heiter tiba.t I have had my ~ye on all ·summer. ,Gasol1ne raUorutll baa cut dOWn the number of . ~ eo to aale.s Just to vls1t and look on, but there was a lair crowd ,a nd some ~h1n88 l1te the '~~ di!i nbt bring 88 much as ....1.'18
they should have, tbe good prices on odds and ends made quite a. good total. Sunday, Another pleasant early Winter da y, Every.th1ng had t.ha t pale. 1r06ty look th1s morning but later the sun came out. and stW no rain . We 'Were all recovering from our etrort.s at the church bazaar yesterday. So many are working at full time war jobs that it didn't lea.ve many ~o bake and sew. We oouId have sold five times as much bated ~ods as !We had, so ,alter ,0 hJ'1s1mas we are- planulng to have another' food market. !MondaY. SUOh a day. To malte room for mY' new cows, ,I had to get rid of some that I had . I had al ten heard of the Wllmlngton sale as a good place to sell things so I had made ~t.s to send some stock todaY' The trucker prom1Beu to come beliween eleven and twelve, '~. eo cow, a h .e lfer and two sows w~ to go, so Paul droVe them up and shut them In before be went to aohool. When John ~ over he said, 'lI t.houiht you were !;(ling t() send . ~?" "Why yes. said 1. "Isn't he there?" No, Paul forgot him and I ,forgot him. So they went ddwn and drove him up and we -tried to cOrner h1m in the barn. Th\! COWl were In back of the big doorl
IUS-INa CAPITAL .II 8URPLV8 MCO,UOO , 8~DI - FrleDd~ Bellable AoeommotJa~
, DIAII~8 " I B. . . . lit.-, 1'b000e U5
C. A. DABE and SONS Y.ar MCCOrmIcll-DeerIDf
1JQIemeD' DeaW
lot W. MaID Sl
B , Phooe 1088
Elec&rical ~UPPu. _ ~lDr
ROD " .
52 W.
.: JlARUaS
ilO~ • '" O~.
8berwIn-WWlaD18 PaiJ\&
11111& 0 -.... 0 ......,
. CEO. and' SONS \ 1"- DODDS .... ",-i
Pboae S5Z
, "'8IDoe JIM-
9 W. MaIn St., ~
-Phoae 18
home for ber, 0 old in ' the spring and such a , Ula I rid Q( ' h er till!; Vie ha"e .f> place for her, Bu '\l'e (ound thnl the w llmlDgton sale n bAndl Thom hOl"5eS. Pel'.bClps some dll)' '. Oec. 8 &to 2 p, ltn. find Sttlle one who will buy or Usde The Warr\m (loontr Method1s somethlng tor her and 1\ ber a Men Broth erhood Will meet at tile POd h ome. Red Uoo Methodist c:hu.l'ch Mond pper t 6 :30 ,p o m,Then we ~lA!d. E.ie,'en thirt3 a nd we stUl waited. 'l'trel\'e and Wl" ST_ MARY· ElPISCOPAL walted. Th'eh-e-Lhir1iY and ( '\\"eDt. cn RCD the hoUSe d ate some lunch_ on o·clock and s1ill no tI"llCIi: gan to set read,)- to B.:aJpIIt hrka, l\llnist.er Ln Cbarge Churcll school a~ 9 :4fi a, m . One th1rt.y the d Morning prayer and s erm on 11 :00
, m. sPOtted sow. FlnaJly they were loaded and off a t two o'clock, I couldn't go because I had to be in DayLon by three. So I hurried on my way. 'Ilhey have a new system at the Pennaylvania ticket oflflce . As soon as you go 111 you get a card with a number and people ure waited on in turn by numeer. No, ten was up and my number was forty-three. 1t was t.\to hours before .they got to my number -then we found that when I had telephoned the girl had made' a mistake and told me to come Monday, ttle twenty ninth Instea.d. of the twenty-nUb so the reservation was gonel Some days are like thatl Is It the stars, the east wind, gremllnB 01' f(l.te? 'If the great ones ar~ In conIference now I hope thlligs !U'e going more smoothly than that .
The undersigned will off er 'for sale at public auction at the late re81~ dence of Ida Ohrlstopher, deceased, In the Vlllage of Splrngbol'O, War': ren Oounty. Ohio, said residence being located on the West side of East street !between Market Street and f'actory Street in said VUlage, On Saturday, the 18th day of December, l1K3. at 1 :3() o'd!ock a , m., the personal property of said deceased, <XJl16istlng in pa'r t of: Sideboard, dreSSer, folding bed, sewing madhine, Victrola, clock, lamps. 'chairs, heaUng stove. cook stove, o~ stove. 1'1lgS. dining table, kitchen cabinet, dishesl cooking utenslls, gtIIrden tools, nnd many other articles. WAIIIlIlIR KE.NNCK. Executor of the Etate of Ida ChrIstopher. ~y Z , QIlM.y. Attorney at [,ew Lebanon, Ohio 16 Try the Miami Gllze tte Wanl All~ '
~'s' ,C'A FETERtA
.f , LvNCBBS
. ' ICE CR&AM .
ROY V. Sew~8
. ·'Goocl Plao8 te .., "
Pboae 1M ,
it t
,~ We sen
I '.
,~ 1
. ' y E CAB E
"', Fitted EJe S • ,
~h PropeIo17 •
U ;You Have Trouble
I1Ued WiUl Sb05-Try
U E. IIaba 8t.
Phone 1118
1 N. Mabl
FRIENDb FIrst Day &chool, ":3(\ a. m.
Meeting lor Worship, 1?:30 a.. m. 'ST. AUGUSTlNI!: VHUlWH Faebier KrumbelU, PrIeIl
Ma8B Sunda.Y,.. 9:00
Iii. .
Max Bandan, MlDJsW ' BIble School 11.30
Communion 10:45 a.. m. Pre8.(hlng, 11 a. m .. J.un1or Endeavor, 7:15 p. m. Senior Endeavor, '1:15 p. COlDIDunion and p,reachJ.ng. B:OO
You are invited to [:ome and worU1lp wltJi us. ; "IT. 1I0IJLY M. E. CIIURCII .... M. 'Scarff, l)lInlster Sunday 8ch~310 a. m. E.A. EIlrnhart, Supt. J:.venlnit Service, 7 :110 p. Ill.. P»8yer Meetln3 Wednesday evenlng. 'I :30 p. m. 'N OTICE OF PUBLIC SALE In the pursuance 0'1 the ordel' of the Probate ,COurt of W ar r e n COunty, Ohio. I ,will olfer for sale at public auctian on the 18th day at December. 1943, at one o'clock p. m. on the premises thl! follOWing deS9ribed real estate: ' . Situated in the COunty of Warren, In the St.ate of 011:0 and In the VUlage of Springboro. and bounded and c2escrlbed as >follows, ,B eing (1.11 of LOt No, :i7 as deSignated on the plat of said V1llage and 26 fe t o.(f~he SOuth 8ide otLot No. 36 m ~Id Village full ~dth ·trom East Street, Welt to alley. , Said premises are, located on the 'West side of East Street betWeen Market Stree t ' and Factory Street in said Vlllage of Sprlbgboro, Oblo. ' Said -premlsl}s are 6ppra~ a.t nlne bundrj!d dollars ('900.00) ~nd 'b e sold for ,'!lot leSs' than 2-3 or said appraised ' vlliue. Ilnd the term.'i of s!lle are cash, WALTER ~ICK, Executor - ot the Estate ot Ida Ohristopher. H. Z, GRAY, Attoi'ney at La.w Lebanon, Ohio' . 12-9-4t.
, Al PoUnskY left by plane Thw'aday morning for Texas on busmcss_· He wi: I be gone ,f or several ' days, go1ng 011 to Callfor:nlla before .re~
Machine Suppliea
II B. Maatte&
~ULL '
RepaIriq of AU Ma'a
9 :30 a, m~ Bible school. 10.45 a , m.-Communlon . 11 :00 a. m.-Sermon. 8:00 p. m.- PreacJlling.
RacUo &lid Bio)'Cle BepaIrIDf .
. 'ERRl' CUIIRCII OF CHRIST Hubert Graham. Minister
" ' ....... .::.:..-
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pCclal.1 .
< .1.1,;,,Pbo~ 'J8'JW . , .. E. ,MaIn st: Xenia, O. ,
VbrI8tma. ' Gifts Are In! CrJatal and Woocl
Jew-elq ' uul Compacts
1T B. ¥aIn 'street
PERSONAL STATIONERY ZOO,,sbeets ,. ', l~ Enve,o~ 1:fl~h )'OIIJ'DIUDO and adclreea for \ . suO sen.! 118 yoar order
:THE' ~flAMi' GAZETTE ' Phone · ~IU
BI_ .F., ,Store
; Standard Parts. Tr:,uck; Car and Tractor Replacement Parb ' ' Ma~e
Shop Work,_
XENIA' FERTILIZER, Reverse Teleph~ae. Charres MaIn
E. G. Bacbsleb, 'ne.' ,
'Sa~d, & -Gravel . TAfi'WA~' -MR ' ~D ROAD
DUMP' TRtroK'; SERvioll
REiAoy ~OON~!l
Phone_ WBPeIIV11le ~l~ , MOrrow Phone No. 3
108 E. Main
Ph. 288
LebaDoo: Otflce Phone 1'13Jt pee!dezn 18 II
Any, make or model ,'Fred ,K,ahn Motor Car~Co.
ma· t ,rillls in !lIe United States gl' w SC\' 1'111 months ngCl to Ii pOint wbere PHONE 326 , '; LEBANON, OHIO th dnlly outpllt of the Unitcd Na. tions xceeded thn t of tbe ,Axi s PO\q. rfi. Gradually since Uten good news ' (rom lighting fronts has come with mol'C frequency; setbacks bave ,been I s' ften. No longer Is America fighting a , losing light. altl:lough no M .... 1111",- GlII... D, CUrI'''.p" ••'",nt an predic ts a sudden and smashing ' <Mrs. Emerson Dill spent Sunday IWIUl Mr, and Mrs. Kenn eth Soward Mrs. IArgus ~urne of 'I11llrd victory. N vertheless there Is hO?4l 'that and son, Roger. of near Xenia. ~tree ~, who has been con11tied to her cace will come to the world again. Mr. Clnd Mrs. Evere t.t BWlDell and bed several days ' by i1ln~, received a nd p lI except a negligible fe Ii hope ilamlly II the following letter from her son. ~ ed on the Ben GrUDet h it will be oon. Pledges, made by Ric a.rd OSborne S 2-c, of Great the Earth's most powerful leaders, lfamllySunda.y atteJ noon , thr. t pence will bring victory to Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Morgan and Lakes serYlce school: AIllCl'icll und her Allies, ~re backed f umily were cUnner guests of Mr, Dear Mother, 'Daddy a.ud Bro,: y men. ma terials a nd machine ry and Mrs. A, Hough oJ' Xenia, SunSolTY' I could not .even get a CIl.l'd as \\'ell as determination, Now the day. to send you on your 35t-h weddillg bes I of au ' things possi ble in the , anniversary. world seem to await only the bells 'M iss Paul1rie Gibson spent Lhe mam sending- you the front pa'ge . and whistles which ulthnat ly wiU week-end witb her niece. lI4isa PJlyIl1a Gibson. of Mt. Ol·ab. ,p icture of the Grent Lakes Bun tin. proclaim an armistice. Complicated Years Mrs. Etta ~lalr ret urhed to ber 11. Is our menu f or n 1;ll1e ThanksglvIt will be a joyful sound but as home in Xenia saturday atter Ing dinner, I wish It was our mehu cer tainly as it proclaims an end spending some time with her bl'OLh_ at home and II were there to share It with you , and help celebrate YOUr of carnage it will also announce thb beginning of another stru ggle, an el', Mr, Lue IM~. I Tbo.se from ' here who e ttend rd ann versary, All I can say IB, you are unde r laking 10 m ake pea ce permanent, Many big questions \Vill de- the t uneral of Mrs. Meta. Rogers at the best p!U'en l.6 aoyo: e ever had, map£! answers, sucb as: ' Will cap. the stubbs Funeral Home Friday. and I wan t to wUi4 you the gl'eak.st itallstic Britain or communis tic were : Mrs, David Lucas, Mrs. Dora ho.pp1ne.ss on yoU'!' anlversary that Is Russia dom inate Europe, and who MOIl\'1\ll and Mrs, Hfiey Glbsoll. posslb!e, a nd one tl).lng, whUe y ou are celeb rn~lng . donl 'W0l1J'y about will help them decide? And all these questions will bespeak humanity's highest hope; hope that no more 'm e. !but enjoy the day and I wID ...m llitary maniacs ~n take possestry to bo home on Sunda y , ~ Mother, here Is a pr ycr lor slon of powerful pooples (as HlU~r gra bbed Germany ·ten years ago Dehydrated you: 0 ..J . Lord J esus Th bas and rob a whole generation of its rightful peace and progress, and :,u.:red by t he Army , ou ' t known a centuries of accumulated wealth. The army is now buying dehYdrat.' Mothers' love and t ender Cjtre and Here Is how t happened: Hitler ed apple nuggets, according' to the Thou wtit hear while, for my own hod no right to ru~e Germany but war deportm ent. A contra~t has MaUler most dear, 11 make this Sabthere was nobody to atop him. As a been awarded by Ihe army quarte r- bath prnyer. p ('O tect her Ute I r h poUtical demac gue he had f.3l ned ~ aster, corps for Ule purchase ot ' pay, w 0 gave some tollowing. The Ger ma n people one million pounds. were hungry. F or Uuee sad years . This rud ucl IUllks very ·mU~h llke the g1It of lite to me: and may she they had endur~ unemployment popcorn and .when . eaten "s,traigllt'" know from day to da¥ lIhe deepening and starvation. It took no brains to ha s a. delicious. tart flavor It also glow dI joy that cornea from Thee guess what they wanted. HlUcr of· tastes good When mixed with cereals ~ cannot ,paY' my dellt!or 1111 th~ fered them jobs and 'b read; . subsist- in place <If !resb or canned fruita. !Jove that she has given' but Th .ence in return for work-much It makes excellent apple sauce and '1.0 ' .' ou, work. apple pie; in IlIct, can be uBed in ves Lord, wfit not forget her due They Fell in Line practic:ally every way a8 8 8ubstl. reward----Bless her on earth ana In With what they Delieved was "all Lute for canned apples_ ' , Hcaven-.Amen. Your son, ,to gain and nothing to lose." the The 'army', aPl?le nuggets, thor· Germans followed Hiller, tolJowed oughly tested In - Bakers and Cooks Richard W. Osborne. bim hEiadlong into what they did schools throughout Ufe country, are Richard's address is: Richtt.rdW_ not want. the most pitiless war of made from a commercial grade Osborne, 8 2-c, Sect. 88-3, BlU 60'7, aggression ,eve.r known. Will it blip- known as "~tra gogd." Not all pen again? Hitler,ism, ta be, sure. tlpes ot a,pples :.ad·a pt themselvell U. S, A., serviCe School, oieat can hardly last. but powe.r -madness well \0 dry~g. Ideal tor 11Ie pur· Lakes: m. will not vanish !rom the earth with pose are · the tart varieties like the Hitler. . Grasping men will ,always Rome' Beau~r ,the Baldwla and \be Icheme lor power. How -can the Stayman Winesap. . , world's right.-~~g people keep . Thus ,far the app~e 18 'the only de- ~1I •• J~.IoI~ C.. rr""PO.d~ •• them from getling It? , ' hydrate,d fruJ( exce pt the lemo~ , Mr~. Ella' Ferris returned to her E xam ine records of the past to being p.u rchased for ' American bollia ere, alter a wel:'lc'$ vWt With ' lea~ how dHpOfs 'WorlrliffifYou, on a fr~i:-a:~ lII1rft, ~ Wilson and John M. see 'one glaring .simiiarIty, Dicta. f wUaon, ill. Le , ballon. tors climb to power over wreckage: orm serves' army purpo~el satlsfac·. crt Lee -Talmage " lWUf . wrecked lives, wreokedforlunes, toriIy:" The Irdva:ntage' ot dehydtat:' blasted hopes. All men 'have lnalien- ed llPplea over . ~e dried kind is ~ving 06.Y' guest. of Mr. and able- rIghts to "life, libertY and the that their f1avol; 18 Buperior_ ,They 'Mrs• .''fl. W.'ShurUt and' IUft. Mar1e., . ~. keep ~ceptlonaJly well. -~ pursuit of hilpl?iness." and they do Shawhan Of South Lebanon, and not sell their privileges to work and The~e'~ a~sC! a , ~up8tantla~ .8a,ving ~ent IUlltU Sundlly With them und vote and wo~ship God, Only extpr. in wel~~l: • DehydrBte~ apple.' con- other '':'''Atlves, ' • &~ tion takes it from them, When 'men tain only 3 to 5 per cent moisture are doing even fairly well, they bold or less. whereas the dried fruita con. John Mullen, f,;rmerl7 01. :t.bla on to their freedom. They turn it ta~ ' anywhere from 17 to 2G per l)Iace, 18 employed by -tbe Brown loose .only in dire. calamity, when qent. and BunneU 00., in LefIaDoD. ' their children are weeping for bread:, Alvin D. 8mJth waa .. bUI1nesI Safety Ia Prosperity , . , W 1m ' ' ' ', v1sito r In I Initan. ' ~,- .. ,Bee,t , Eme.,.. S In a very real sense,', prosperity'" _ Mr ' .J..Mon$y. protects human liberty. No Hitler and Mrs. ~~ BeoUtt aDd can hypnotize and 'enslave a pros, Wartime Resource SOJl8,' Oharles Willlam and. Donald ' perous ,notion. ' People who are ec;o- - The Btigar , beet I. J;il'aking Its de· en~'ed.with a ~ O'clo\?k,tur&~ nomic ally independent 'sre dictator- but ~8 lbe,- most popular plant Of dinner 'l1hankIalVlne at t.1lelr home pro,of, With fujI employment for la- , ~e year. When In..1917 the United '6 r1n , .... " Sta, tel -entered World 'War L .the anp .i.o.w. ~onl tAle guests bor and consequent high prices for' Iw ,'1.... d farm ,products, ' wlth factories busy ,n!lal 'p~oductlon',ot beet ~ugar wal ~e : -. '~ Mrs. ~ennan ' Perr'j turning out piarketahle things for' ap~ropmatep , 850,~ to~B~' In the and ~r. and iMrs. O. R. ,&.ckett. peace-loving customers. totalitarian inte~enlp'" years prpducUon hBJ -Fred' 'l'hompson, 8Pent~ rule Is impossible, call it Reglmen~: m~,re, th~oUliled, r!!lic~g a peRk ~V1ng with ,her pan;nta, tat ion or what-nol ,o f 1,890, · tonl In 1940. Today and Mi1r. John W. un'D~ and -there a~ 100,000 larinera grnwia, •• --.... "Certainly dictatorsb~ il ,unUICely b +I ' '" n, ...... 0Jar"'· ille. :-,' In ' , ee... or' lugar on 1 ,000,000 acrea 'ot: ~AI)V Ame~lca,, ~ somebo y 'wl)l I!ay. lertDe · Jaiid in "19 statel, The num_Mra. 'BesII1e Plymire waa a recent "but what has that tQ do .with pe~: ber of .flerd . worken empl01ed is v.l8ltar at Mrs. Ella Pen1s. _ mBDent 'peace?' We are in War now about 150,000. '{ena of thoillanda Jessi Gam ' " on account of ~Ict!l\orshipi in Eu· are also ' employed' Ia 'factorlell and" e, Ill' was "'. 'lbanlrlrlS~ rope. How can we stop "It 'over o1Ilcei of ' ~, ihd~tr)'. , Which,,' toda1 ' call~a,t ,the 'hOme" Clf ' ~1I. ',Mary " there?" , . . That's Ii fair q!l,e'llucln·\ 1. ',D,Jore n~ee..ary th~ ;ever, be-'. ,1W1ls~,~ ln LebiLnon. and fortunately ,it has ,an ansW,r:· ca~lt It must fW1i1~ Us with need- -;-"':""":::"--+.:-;-,- ,_ .......-:-:-...:,-,..........:....:. ~rosp.er.it1 · m-Eu~ope ~epe,!di P,Il ed, s\)gar supplies. '; ," 's '" , " ' pros.\lerJty in: Az)ler~a. We ~ave, only CI percent of the world's popuusar Ia. J.lO~ a l~. but· a ne-. lation, nevertlitless, uie world .prds. ~esslt, ~ tot~:l~ ·.~aIa,aCed ' diet: ~o..: .pera when We,WOIlpel', ' . seiher ,!V,ltli .; .. tarcb~ Jt '" the mOlt U~oJ8 km .' • j Bav -- , lhiporWit' member Of" the ' ell1'bo~ , , ar~te ardu~, It 'lII tb8 fuel of' the In normal yea~s ,the .U nlted States bocb' ' >OHIO" ~s out 40 percienfof all, the Uliit~)e ,.,' } " uppl.jjb. both ~eat' and ener· ' ' HARVEY.SBURG~' 'i • ,. -.. things man!1factured. " In order to wy. " Ita valUe,in pravidJn, added endo this" fac\orle, 01 ' the '.'rl'i_when ~eeeISal')" 1 hal lon,'_ Statel uturZe 40" ' , . ~1JI1%ed .b1 ;a~etel and ~~,1I'1I:I-I\o~"'.; w01'ld... :ot1....ut of ~!lh., ' !;Iu,ar, J'a",. hllb on ' , . '~ para'tivl! IcllIe' of 1QDd cle Sam' is ' Moth~, . IUPPl1, ~'-'_IY.';~d ' ·it. ,~dlJl••'I1.,·1 tomer. Prospmty'followl bqu~; , , ",1.1' ',' . ' 'iean buyer', to the (our " ' blel in Gemey cllmbed to' ' tram A':n'lerlea~1
Letter From Son On' 38th Annivers8.l:Y
BEECHGROVE c;.;;;;;:-
' Aa ' "
111': '----
~NS,ILA.-6, ~
From 'fhe Miami Gazette Files
:::::eJi~helr daulfhte~: Mr8. Luth-
. ..... 'MJJ. Pe8.fl SUlcla;lr called on 'Mrs. . ~e anllUAI T.hankSgt\ting cUnner Raleigh BQgan Mon~I!Y eveil1ni. at the Bametts, l3ainha.l'ts, Oa,rt- M rs. Lucy Compton a.tid Mr. &1ld WJ1thts, Oha.prrwls, Baileys, 'Mc- Mrs. Raleigh BOpn wer e', week-end OIures and Ha.Wkes !Was h eld at t~e gues~ of·Mr. and Mr&. Evan pagan home of ,Mr. and !Mrs. Wilson Ed- ' in Dayton. Another guest in the Bogan ' home ~B8 thelr grandson, ~tle postoKlce 'Wft8 aban. little Denpy Nevin. Saturday ni&'ht and turned Mr. and t\Io{rs. lLijther Ha1nfls, Mr. over to the government . ILytle res1- and IMrs. 'Charley lAUrd, Mr . ilnd dents will go on Route 5. s. "Iiala es, ' Mrs. Ella BElOjamln Fanklln Ca.mpbell, ' son Baines, Mr. and IMrs. Melvin Holof Benjaniin and Mary .Oompbell, llngsworth Blld Mr. Walter Wilson died at his home near Waynesville were dl.n.ner ~ests of Mr. and Mrs, Novemller' 2'1. Paul Peterson or the Zoar nelgh• • • borhood, SUnday. FORTY-EIGHT YEARS AGO Mrs. Irene Burden" Mrs. Dorothy(Nov. Z, 1895) Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Donald The ladles at the Ohrlstlan c1burch Haines met with the community ,will ~rve dInn.e r and supper_ on choir at 'New Burlington Fril'nda electlon day In Jont. HaInes rooms. Ohul'C.h Sunday a fternoon to pracRev. Tolbot, who Ia assl:.'tLng ReV, tice a Christmas cantata. 'OoWglll1n the revival at the MetholMarllyn Sue Smith spent Tuesday dist ch urch, wlll g.o to his nome In evening alter school with her greatUrbano. Mon~y. grandmother , Mrs, Lucy Compton. Isaac Oollett died a t his home in iMrs. AlIce Haines Is spmdlng Harveyoow-g l,aSt 8aItUl'da.y evenwg. Pllrtof this week at the home or The plana are out for a new hOtel her parents In Xenia. at Be1lbroolt and stock Is being 50llcIted a.~ $50 a share. It Is also cuntemplated to buUd an electric road .... ,1. • f rom nay ton so t.h4t wealtby DayFood va. Gray Balr ton citl2jens can reside there and go , Ad equa te food sellms to have quite bade and forth to the city. on busi- a bIt to do with the gray hair problem. according tq nutrition reness. search ·workers. They have made IBorn - To Mr. and Mrs. W. O. black-haired rots turn gray while Buits, a son,' OI;tober 27. " their brothers k ept sleek black Bom..JI'o 1Mr. and Mrs. Oharley COlitS. Tbe difference traces to the diet fed the animals. Squires, son, Oct. 22. While r esearch workers the coun· The MISseS 'Raohel and Georgia. Hadden have returned home after a trY over 'os yet ' have not Isolated anyone factor Which can forestall siX weeks sojourn In Macomb, m. or cure graying ot hair, there are Prof. s. A. Stilwell, J. C. Little, a number of factors which are close Samuel 'Meredith and. Newton Bun- to the answer. One is 'pontothenic nell atteI!ded the ,leoture at Lebanon 'acid: which ia a' member of the vita· Baturday given by Oen. John B. min B family. "Pllntothenic acid," saId nutrition· Gordon of OilOrgia. 'The judges for election on Tues- ists .trom the University 01 Illinolll 01 agriculture, "will prevent tor the east ',proolnct of Wayne twp. college black hair' from turning gray, as IW11l be Davis Furnas, Nell. McKIn- well aa cure graying, but only to sey. A. iB. Iv1na and ~ewton BWlllell; the salt-and·pepper stage. Because, clerks, M. Vinduser and Bllly Rog- pantothenic acid does not prevent ers. For the west precinct the judges the salt-and.pepper efJect, black rats IWIll be jack IDv.VIs, J. F. l\4Iss1ldme, develop a reddIsh-brown' oOllt of hair as they grow older.." Panto· Prank Pratt. and J . B. Qraham; thenlc-acld·rlch foods ' include liver, clerJts, Nathan Austin and O. D. eggs. molasses, peanuts and wbolegrain cereals. . Woolley. Mr. jIlld tMrs. 'Oharley Clements moved Wednesday into the <RIdge cottage and NJ'. flnd Mrs. Wm. Biggs HOM~ i.~ movea On the same day to COl'Ww. Mr. and Mrs. ot Lewis moved Friday • • • Into Worn. RetaWck's house on Thlrd 'l1WtJNTY-FIVE ~ AGO .. (Dec. .. 1B18) street, vacated by Ed ~th whUe be Treasurer J. O. cartwright went went dOwn QIl Water sUeet into tA) Oolumbua 'l1ue.sd8.y lWbere 'b e !re- PhlUp Hopkin's hOuse a~d Frank ceived his comm!Mfon a8 treasurer Pratt moved Into the CQUntry. of Warren county and entered upon , Oeorie Smith ilaS been appointed hiS dUties the 'followin g day. truant officer at a si$rY at ' flO ~ 1Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson of ~ear. Norwood, spent <the week-end bere
- - _.....- ...
iI"JI"Il,EEN YEAK8, AGO (Dec. 6, .1928) , FUneral serv1cea for . Walter 1140Olure, who died TlJursday a.t. MI&nl1' Valley h06plta1; were at h.I.i late boule MOrld&Y' a.fternoon and were '&ttended ~y one 'o f the largest nwnber of persons ever assemblec:t in WayneJivllle to ~y tnelr ~b l',espects to a c~lzen. Rev. L. A. WlUlhb~ of XenJa.; 8.li5lsted by Rev. J ooeph Bennett, otificlated. ,Mr. McOlure had b een in tl;1e Wldertaldng business In ~ynesv ille about 35 years He Is survived by his wife and ,two sons, James, ibIS lat her's partner in business, 'una Carl S., of Day &011. !Mrs. ¥ax IRos& o.nd Mrs; J. R . Wade . ~ntertamed SaturdaY' at the bome of Mrs. John Slmpson, COlJlplimentlng IMrs. Olarence Simpson, nca Ohar lotte Ramlby, a recent bride. Vernon Malnous left TUesday morning l or Dunedin, Fla., 'where 'be will s p'end the winter with an uncle, Arclb Brandenbur,g. IMIss Clara We .spent the hoUdays with her sister ill Washington O. H , 'MIas Inna Shutts, de.~ter o.f Mr. o.nd Mrs. 'Oharles Shutts, became the 'bride of l1r. Hfl rold Beckett Wednesday, Noy. 28. Mlases Trlllena o.nd ~garet Edards. aocompatlled by 1MrB. W. B. RUMum and MIss Margaret Russum and' Vernon Malnous lett Tuesday morning by aut.o for Florida to spend the winter. ;Earl. orndoff Is In the Espey hOllflta! at Xenia s~erlng from injur11& received 'When JUB madhlne col'lided with another on the ,sprmSfield pike. Tbe date of the Queen -ESther play\ "The Flghtlng Ohance," ilaS been changed to Dec. 13. M:rB. IIrv1n{Q Welch underwent ' a tonsU operation In a Oinoinnatl hos-. pita! laat lWeek and la, now spending a few dllyA with her mother, Mis. Viola Carey. Waynesville High scllool honor roll for this semester Ia as follows: $entors: Geneva Denlinger; Juniors: Eva Wharton, ,Thelm& St. John, L.ola Bears, Inrui.. RJ.oh, ' Bertha Flier, oa~erlne Branstra.tor; Sophomores : . Beatrice Robitzer, Charles Whltager; Freshmen: Velma. AtmJtage, Ronald iHalllIn. Anna O 'Neall
AUCTIONEERS Your Auction. ~pprec:iated , .'
102 ~Ommerciai Blda. . Dayt~D Ad , 3861
Centerville, O.
Ph. 7021
Mr. and MnI. Raymond Wllson <were guesta of Be.rrY Hurley 8ll~ ' WIfe of ' Xenia, sunday. ~. Wilson'6 mother, 'Mrs. Ella Hurley, a ccompanJed then!; home to spend several weeka.
: Mr.
and Mrs. Charley Laird of Oamden spe~t the wc:eIt-end at the
~ 'REPOI('l'S
• 'bLull.......
.home ,MondllY from
and Mrs. D. D. WW1a.mson, at Bluffton. Mrs. Graham's brother , . CO p. Walter WllllBmson, wa.s home alsLl. and she· h lld a; very e.n joy~ ble visit. '1 h e B~l eUll ~l ~s.s meet,ng will ):1e 1," ld In, the Ferry church soc.1al rooms on ' Decemb ~ r 9. Thanksglvln g guests at the Jess :Roland home were Mr . a nd 1141'S . Albert H,awes. Mrs. Ka te Ha.wes , ~ . and Mrs. Harry Rola nd and Mr. and Mrs. l"orrest Trost and da ughter. J anet .
Tha.llItsg1vlnlr Day: MlBs Nelle McKay .Qf 'X.enla , ' fiU 'l. ,dinner guest Of ,h er a nt, Mn. Evalyn Peterson. on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. MUton Sli e~han Of Centel vllle, called on . Mis. ~ Clark S unday &ttemoon. Owen H artsock or the U. S. Att arps, hOlJle fo r a feW G&Y,9; loaUed In ~Isses Annie fl nd Mame Browne cn Monc1ay. • Mrs. Dudley K eever, 'Wh~ spent the pe.s t three weeks h ere with he,r sister, MisI! Ly~ Wr1&ht, returned to h er nome In Centervlll,e SllDday evening. Mrs. Earl Conwe,Y', formerly house nurse here, has returned ' u MIss Wright's special . nUl"8e. IM1ss Olive Williams of Warren, Ind .. and Miss ''Elva. Shinn have ac- , cepted positions on tbe Home ,.taff. ' :Ml.ss Mam.e Browne was In xenia. Tuesday Mternoon and vislted Dr. and Mrs, Ward at MloClellan :,h.' . pltal.
,Mrs. I da M . P eters 'W as th e guest of h er son-in-law
FERRY l\11'''. Ilur ..·th.~ ' •.••
' J' luUUU ft , (; u.· .· ~". ...·nl
, SorI Y to have not becm with you f or the past teo weeks, but I lla.ve been sick 'With qulnzy and' If yo .. have had it, you ,know what I wen t ,through and if you havn't had it, l"OU don't want to k.now. Thanks 1.0 ev~rybody who sent. me such n lc_ cards. P. J . make.l;r a grand nur; , Incldl:Iltly. IBOrn to Mr. and .Mrs. Ed. LlnvJ.L \[)QrobhY' Moore > last Sat urday, a .new baby daughter. Our l.eartlest congratulatlC1ns to them. Mrs. Leater G er,o ord, who has been so sick f or 80 long, was able t j be out aga.in, but We are sorry to 'say Is quite III aagln. We hope she Is much better now. • The lIIome BWIder's class met at the, home 01 Mr. and Mrs , OllJlton DuVall last Saturday eVlllnJf!8. !Mrs. Ed Gllllland spent Th8.nkBglyln g wftemoon with her parents, 1Mr. and Mrs. J eff 9 1B.lnion, at • S pring Valley. 'MI, and Mrs . J. S . FlIer spent 'Ilha.n!t.'1-givlng In Kerttul:dty visiting with the form~r's broth er, Will 'Filer , a n d family. 'Bald Mr. ~Uer, "When 'lVe got there Will was out m the comfleld husking corn, and he Is 83 years· old." One of the most nelghlborly thin gs 1: ha.ve ever heard of happened just recen tly ,near h ere. Mr. Leigh Engle got one of his legs fast~ In a corn pic~er and It was badly mangled:.
He wus fastened 'for two hours bestore him to health ag"81n, Needle..s qulred 2:l blood t rBnsIuslons to I' C-
store him to health again, Needle"s to say, his leg was ampu ttated , While he was In the hospital tour of his neighbors wi th th Ir ploker" and more of the neighbors With teams and ' trucks went In and pick. cd his cqrn lor 'him. DlscounlJng the time It took tor d1nner and th e time newspap er photographers took, they husked 45 Bcres of corn In a little over five hours, Baid one of the men, ''I1lIngE were moving 80 fllst iU'ound th ere for a little while that you had to look Liha,r,p or get run over." But !here Is the grandest part-they made up a purs e 'lor him to Ibuy an artifJcla1 leg. That Is puttlng brotber,)y love lito aetton. Don't ever despair of AmErica, because the spirit that made Americo. Is still Uving as stro~gly as ever, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sha.w and son called on the P . .J . TIlomascs SWldQ3T a.ftemoon. The Lester eKntlck 's are ' movlng to Iqtle this week. We awe sorry to lose such gOOd neighbors. Ever ~lnce I have known Ferry, there has been the Lester KenrIck home to VIsit ever so often and We ,alwa.ys enjoyed talking with t hem. Hope they 'like their new home. , Thanksgiving guesta of Mr,. and Mrs. GeoJ;'8e ,McMichael and son. Butch. were !Mr. e nd Mrs. GUY MciMlchael, iUld family. Mrs,. . Herbert Graham and chll-
a.nd daughter , Mr , an d Mts . David Todd, of Dayten, over Thanksgiving. Mr. a nd Mrs. Samuel Stct>bs tlnd OOH . of Baltimore., Olllo, visited Mr. S t, bb's moth er, Mrs. Amanda Har trum, dur ing t he Thanksgiving holIdays. They ali spent Thanksgiving dllY with Mrs. Hartrum's other 80n, A. E. S tubbs, lind f amily. Dr: Dudley K eever of Cen Lcl'vllle. Joined Mrs. Keever and 'MIss Lyd ia Wright here for Tha nksgIving dinner.
famJJ1 cl1DMr
L[BA N'ON' Save Tires and Gu • • • DInJe& Bus LIne to CoaDt1 Sta' . I
CHECK YOUR FIRE INSURANCE POLICY I I The coming of cold weather means the starting of ' heating systems, and the danger of fire is greatly increased. Make lure your Fire Insurance Poli~ies are in "wo.rking order" too. Consult your agent l
"Your FamiJ, Dr... 'M&o,e~
.it.. - .......
00ameUc!a -
PBESCBIP'lION8 . Phone ,281 " La......
BROWN and BROWN Ladles Read, &0 Wear A GOOD PLA"- '~ KNOW :
C. :B. Jenkinl, Prop. Su ccessor to LeMay " lIawke WAYNESVILLE, OHIO TelePhone 266A.
Phone UIL \
J: W •." UNGO
..,x ...
-In Yjew of this situation, why not make STA'rIONERY you,r gift
0' Kia
>\llce Gons at
in her mOllt stirring t ;: , .. , (n i l scene (rom her laresl picNl'e, "Old ACquaintance," .. irh Gig Young and Miriam Hopk inl.
, Mm. Crane was the IUMt
a 'VIeek 's visit with her .parents, Mr.
I have hea rd Quite a number of people make the statement that Christma gif't buying had them rather puzzled this year, not only because prices are ' so high and thechoice so small, but because mailing will also be a difficulty this y.ear. With so many packages being ha'ndled through the mails., we must buy mailing gifts that a re unbre~k able.
&Ir•• ,\\,UII.II.......11,' Cou ........... t
F:T. Martin &C.E. Riesau
d. ~II
Co':!tmg to' the Xenia.Sup.day
thi& year. There wm be no w,orry' of your loved ones getting their gifts in a damal~ed condition if they are to be mailed. The Miami Gazette GIFT STATIONER), is the kind of a gift anyone would be glad io receive. It comes in a nice looking gift box and can be ordered with name and address printed or monogramed ~..;...---printed envelopes for $2.00 per box. Stati(]lner~
without ~ift boxes are put in neat packa~es of 200 sheets qf paper and 100 envelopes with name and addess imprinted at $1.50. ' Better place your order today! Christmas is getting nearer ev~ry ray. Order ·some for each one of your friends I
Yours sincerely, THE MIAMI GAZETTE.
Phone 153 , TH~ PEQPLE~S BUIL[)I~Gt ~OAN ~ND .
Phone U" .
.. Soutb BroAd.., " We Bu,. aDd SeD New . .II
F.URNrl'tlRE , 'Everrthlq for F~ . ." BOtDe'
IJ1,tereating Letter From Great ~ritain Tile !oJ1owin&.. letter was 'Wl'l~ten .to h1II brot1iers,. BUly a.nd. .Joe DII. y1s. !rom England by Lt. cecllM. Davia. a son. of Mr. and !Mrs, Lloyd D&vl5: Somewbere lnEngland
We OHer .'
November 7, 1943, Dear Boys:
I bo.ve a. IJttle time this mornJ.ng SO w1l1 write YOU and tell you what 1 can about Il:ugland. I don't know just bow m'UOh I can get througb, butwW try and only tell what I t.b.Ink. will ..paIlS the censor. 1.'lUB may wander around a. bit, I will IWrlte ·Just u 1 think of it. You Will ho.ve to pa.ss tb1s letter around to all the folks because I -d,on·t want to keep writlng aU tb1s over and over aauln. iI d.on'~ have the time and my . desk Is my brlef C&Se ,bere on my 'lmees here In mY, bunk. II bAve beml In aome of the ciUes and 6IIJW some of tbe d.amage done by the bombln8 and it Is juat about what you 'Would expect. TIle English nave had no plcnlc, eapecllRUy at the time of the blitz. That Is allout al I •·can aa.y about 'that. We were lucky enough to set a · ~ ride in the da.Y time when 00Ii&1ns to. tbIa camp. The country~ here Is beauWul. everthlni look8 Just l1ke a blg pletu,re. The hU1I. vaneY. and creeu w1th the _tone houaes bu1lt. In the valIt 18 fall , and, the leavea were _ t.ui'J;11nr and 'the tree ,trunka and are green <with moss. The t~ look; UIte m1n1ature ones, edCb field bavin. a stone fence around 1t. All '''; look at • hill aide acrOtill a
At All Times
J -.' %
IDNOI DVER AMERICA • • Pioneer Womarf
Children play in Etther ,Shon Park of Van· . couvert WuhlogtdO. beneath a heroic IIta~ue dedicated to the piQneer women who came with their bUlbandsllnd chil· dren loto ' the ' Northwtlt country, oewly opened after the Lewis and Clark expeditiol'
Ml'S. Gilber t F~ye ,a nd 141'<i. R. R. . ~. and ~. R. J. Wlffiam.oIon IUld Moss enjoyed ThllllksgdvUlg day in Mr. O. d. -Houser of Oleveland, w.ete ClnclnnaU wlth MIss Ellen Moss, the eue.ts ' of , Mt;. , WlllJamB9n's who is In Nurses Trainlng- /!Chool at mother, 1141's. 'R . H. Williamson durIng the PUt week. They, with Gcenral hospltal:
W~ alid IM1II6 Grace, spent Mr.\!. and ,Mrs. DelberL Oox.~er Tl)ank:3g1vlng with Mr. and Mrs., and family: were Tlln-nksglvll18' <Un- Harolci Wll1J4mson In Dayton. ner guests I of 'Mr. and Mrs. · Sl1er ~.s. Ada Oourtney. local · IJbrarman ' Wilson. lan, who has been Ul for several Miss BertJc Mills spent Thanks1$ again pel10rmlng her dut.gIving day willi bel' sou'· In-law and Ies. Durlng her lL'bSeIioce various -la..... d{l\lghter, Mr. and Mrs. Cllestel' Out- dl'OO substltuted 'for her. ler In Cincinnati. I • • • Mr. and Mrs. 1M. A. Fulkerson en, M.lsS Doris lfuwke. Miss Cardle tcrt.aJned for TIlank$givlng Dlnnel', cardwell. Mr. Dean Hawke and Mr. Mr. 6lld Mrs. J . W. FUllterron ot Art Calvert o! C1ndnna.tl were dlll- Spring ValltY' IUld 01'. and Mrs, A. ,n er guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. Lee E. stout ~d daugbter. IllaIwke on Thanksgiving Day. •
l~here Ia Uttle cause {or mIrth in occupied Europe and even the children ha v'e li ttle stomach for play. Mil· lions have been ' or· phaned by Nazl. gun. or labor campa: aU are undernourilhed and will bear the Icarl of tbi, war to their dying
P ••pal'e 101' Peace; 8ay Wal' 80nds
• •
MIssB<l Naomi Ew;nhart, Blanche
m~e ~~U~&&ille
, 4r~urdr ~ ,QUjrlst. !~
---- .,
Dickensbeets and Eslh er Lukens AT~E were weck-lnd IlU ;.1.5 <> M.rs. Mal'- f A number of friends /from here atWAYNESVILLn r RATION RDUNDER pIe if they don't have t.oo much CRURQH OF ORRIST gard SchnaituuID. tended the ·.tuneral of ·Mra. Meta . luggage. They other compartment . 'Mr. alld Mrs. L. C. Str John were Rogers at the ' S tubbs FUneral Home FlROOESSED FOODS G re~n Dial 2111 - ~.pftrille door leads to en isle thnt you Co.ll MAX W. R~NDALLt Thanksgiving guests of IMI. nnd Mrs. in Waynesvwe, Frl~ay. Use for oWalldng from one coach to stamps A, B, and '0 in Book 4 good P4iniatel' 'l'o(rs. MUgaret Johns 'Was a dinthrough Dec. 20. Greenl sta.m:lS D, E .JOh~l , SetUemyre and son, near .mother. Phone 2993 Lebanon. ner guest Tbank.sglving· Day at the The cars here are smaller than and F. now vaUd and remain good home of !wk. and Mr3 . .Allen EmrIck. ~~ 1"'1"""~1-'1a.t"-".~~ through..January 20. • • • the ones back hQllle. They range In Louise Wilson and Louise Oonger \Mrs. RusseU Cllm.pbell and -daugh~ MEAT, ETC.- .Brown s..nmps 0 size fr<mll t he .AusUn up to the Wllspent Friday in Wnmlngton. ter, Betty, !Were dinner guests at a H, J and U<:>in Book 3 are valid un~. All the steerling wh(."Cls ·are on family gathering Thurs~ evening da.ugbter, 01 near Wnyue..vllle, til Dec. 4. s tamps L and M now _'Mrs. Nettle ill l1&'y b~ as guests the rlght hand side and all the traIat the bome of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur ¥r. and\ Mrs, Leslie dray a' id good: N, Dec. 5: P, Dec. 12: ell ' ( X· lor Than~b1vUlg Day ~, Mr. IlIe drives on the left, side of ~he chlldren a.nd their guest, Mrs. Fro!d S ears In Waynesvllle. plre Jan, 1. and MrJ. S erman 'nnney and famroad. The buses and street cars In IMr. and Mrs. Nutt of near Fisk, sP'lll1t. S.lturda-y ev<.n:lIg wi th SUGARr-Stamp 29 in Boo\( 4 good l1y. the cities are a.ll double deckers. Yc.u Centerville: 'Were Su.nday dlnner Mr . and M-rs ., Frank Mlltenberger. will I;ee big trucks toot from the for 5 pounds throu;;h J:IUl. 15. M.rs. Lura Werntz wuS a guest of i\lests of Mr. and Mrs. Therle J ones , -Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark ate . SHOES-Stamp No. ,111 (1 pair) is looks.of tbem either use coal or IUld son, MUton. Tl1an·k,sgivlng db:,!! r at the home :>f ,good Indeflnltely. No , 1 "airpillne" Mr. a.nd Mrs. J06eph Yenger of Mr. and 1Mrs. Lester Kenrick and Mr. and M rs . Everett Clark in Day" w~ for fuel. st~ In Book 3 -good for 1 palr Dayton on 'Ihanksglvlng. TIle blackouts here are complete. MIsS Velma. Smith are moving this ton. and were entertained ln ~ tl.le ~ the fields look about like a They have learned bow to b&ve uptll further noUce. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Earnbalt a!!d week from Ferry to ,p roperty b ero. even\!Ig t Il. famUy p~ rty in bonor dLINE-"A " book ('oupons GAS ......~_ _ _ . . .- - . . . fer a& uae ~ ~ The meadows are blackouts the hard ,way. You can be No.9 good for three gallons throu h liOns or. B1. &vertown were Bund Y whloh the ' fo~r recentlY purch- of Mr'. ClBont's blrthduy.. _ ._ IIIIIiai .. ',..... ~a'm gteen an(1100k as if they ~d been or Mr. Cook. Mr. Ben Jones of Rpute 13, lB 1n ....--:... . cut with .. J&wn mawer. Every avaU- I.n the oen~ 01 the larlfeat. city and Jan. 21. Band O. stamps (toed (or cvenU:ig supper gu~-ts of Mr. ~nd _ _ .... A~"" A4 buer&ed fer it !Will 'be as dark as l:t you were out Mrs, H. B. ,Earnhal't and chudren. Mrs. 'Ralph Johns spent PrldD.y MIlW).1 ValleY 'hoop1tal"Da.yton, au!until used. two gallons e!u! p i M Ie a wvnL able 1Dch of aPace is used for same- In the middle of a. big Woods. !!'he . and Mrs. ' Mr. a.nd· Mrs. Mort "Lang and 'Mrs. evening wltb Mr. Frank rerlng from a ruP,t ure. f,{~s. TlRES-Next InspecUons due: A ==--==::-::~..,.=-:-:-:--~~~ t.h1nc. And every thing Is In Its "'~n"'lIhhts on the vehlclea ,b&ve a MUtenberger and .fllJIlJ1y. · . A Charles Charlton a.nd . Ar~hur 1J1om, ftJB BALlII '- wawna Product. at _'8 __ A. .... In ,""n" diU ~ book veblcles by March 31; B's by li\1.Ullne LBnJ l ! ~lJanlllton. were . ' ' .• . . _ce ...... con on. llttle spot of light about the size of ainner guests E,c.n &iy at ilie l.iome ' M r. and Mrs. Charles Mullt:niX as managed bls sale Fl1de.y. Mrs. Feb. 29: c·s by Nov. 90; commel'cl!ll • .,If. ~a,r .. LeW.nOD., Open ...... -v ...'" En""--" ,- run down com , .......... ......... Nt 0. qWuter. Some of them have shut':: '. . ' and DICk 'Irons had Mr. .and Mrs. James 15 ,h aving their bo~olcl Walter Wl5emllD. ·.naIDp .for JOUr COIl"~. pared to wbat 1t./lVas before the war. tera ' on th.em th8it tMy call open vehicles e,vCFY six 'months or every, of Mr. and MI'S. • • .. Htu:ry !Northway of Dayton and Mr. goods moved to the Ridge proWty 5,000 miles, whichever 1$ first. .' But 1"• stW ....... - as .1 ..... e d , Gl_ t.lDa.uei-; Pbcae a L. ........ ... ... 1, spen a and close .from tbe dash board. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Weltz !U1d' sam Huffman for their Trantsglv- 41 Lytle tb1s week. FUEL OlL--'Perlod 1 oouporu; gord 1'0 B'O!NTIHG P08Ii!iUiJ-Por sale W of tltne teePin8 it looking ruce. The money system is something · ~. and Mrs. Q,Uy ,RQutza¥ and ohl/dren 'WU'e guests of - Mr. ~n~ 1ng sueata. thro~ January 3. . , . M ~ Guette office, lie each; Tbe bOmeII here are ali very mee. tba.t gets every one all mixed 'u p. I Mrs. Don B&Wke for ThD.nksgivil1g f4r. and Mra. Fra.llk ~rown of son, ~ussell. spent 'IJW.lk8itvtn g STOVES-Oonsumer :purcll(\&.!s of -.-. ~ , wu Very Surprised at tb1s. I ba.ve 'seen two of thEir ,p aper noieil, • I 01' dinner: ' .~ Ttpp City, 'Were Sund.&y'evenlni cal1:' and ~ remainder or the 'Week with , , bave'DOt aeen any of the slums yet a. one pound note worth foUr dol- rationed stoves must be mode. with' , • • lers at the iRoUtzahn 'home. their /IOn-ln-law and <Ia.ua~ter .' , M~. I~t locDl 1Yar a certificate obtained lOR ~ty WhIte Rock henll In the larse pUles. I have seen some Mr. and Mr. E. F. Earnhart atlars and three cen ts and a ten shl1- price and ratlontDg boa,rds ' .. , tended a ,famUy dinner at t.he bpnle ·.Mrs. 'Bernard Melloh of Wlioynes- and Nra. Earl14~enhall ancl..JItt ~J3rowD. 8III'lni' valley. Phone IIlUm clearing proJIlCUI 'SUCh as ling note worth a:i>Out two doUars. ville, spent sunday wIth ber parents, tlo da~w at Wapkeean, 'Ill. 141". , ~ ' 'ICJCI!'. 12-2 have Ion the StaUlS and ~~ are very Their coin.; are what mix you up. of , their son~ln-Iaw ' a.lld daughter, Mr. and Mrs.. Clyde Wharton ,Mendenba11ls "MaSter ~t .&rma" at ........ much tbe same. All ,the houses are ' Mr. _and .. _ ' Greathouse. G rea t , UUAes r -1. N°;..Val Tr alnIng ..StaU ~ 8AIJB -lWbIte Rock cerW1ed e1th b......... to wllJh d W ' TIley have a qua rter penny, a hall •. _ Mrs. .J, N. 'Robinson" on Mr. .Levi , on 0Iderela. er , ..... or s ne are ' e 'l'ti.au...... glvlng evening. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Hill enter- at Chica&o.' Mrs. Mendenhall a.tid ;. 8tred .", 8. O. P. males. or slate roof !!'he lOok Uk b pe~y a.nd a , penny, worth l!JbOut _ lin. ftaDk II. l'bx, W8fII,eavWe t h i n ' Y -'tI eAllthe teht- tlWo cents. flbOut the size of a hall .Mr. and Mr.s'. Olenn Blnnd 1UlC1 n~r of ~ttves &,nd daugbter e.ccompanied bet ' paren~ er ODles our""es e ' . a:. "8. L , 'Ftime·Oeriterr1lle 'rII61I. h ha l x' dollar. A three penny piece equals daughter and Mr. and Mrs. L. '9. tfrQm DaYton to & TIlana- home 8UD4laY to spend seve~ weeu. ouae8 ' ~~,~ Is orb seven 11 eys I1hree pennies, twelve penny equals ' st. John w~re Sunday' gu~ts of MIl. glvlng turkey ~er \ ., Mr. and Mrs. RalPll ~ and , JlR:lONlI!l TAX - Pol' aialatAnce In on th em,....... ecause a the .:.nd Mrs: ,Sapuno.' IBlalld In ,J~esMr. an¢ Mrs: iQ1arence ,&nlth en- chIldr~ and Mr. !loud Mrs. tllld . : tUlna' ~. tax retm:na Bee O. E. heatln« Is done by ,r tre places. Tbey ~!.\,t;w0 sbnd ilUn gs O!ly' e ~uath1s6 penn~ .. , IIJcb . , . , unO l;UUUllg a town. . ' " , tertalned to a fain1lf dinner TbAnkll, ~ an<t 1iUrtlly oW~re dinner gueSts ,' .ener, W8JDelvJlle, Route· 2. ' do not seem to have IIwmllcea or halt crown, 0. sUver piece abOut the • . '. g1v1ng Day. , TDanksglvtne of their parents,:!Ir. PboDe _ . . stovea that heat' the whole bouae. s1ze 0 f a 1.._,,, ....... I ,...... d o' I'" ... r ... wen t y sIilllTha:nlr.siMng wlth' aU its ,!l011d&7 • and Mrs. Ha1'rl- Plak- and and Mrs. L, A: BarBf;l', at , W&.IIh- • . One re&ltOn for tbJs· 18 1t does not , f~vity was .. ta.mUY and MIas' PeIl'1 Jo Popp of mIltOn O. H . ~. RU8h'and cbW lOR SAUI- BtatklnW-an ideal . t too' cold. h f te ings eqlUll one pound. And I don t 11ft. 300 abeets paper P ' . d ".. ere! ~~d ar as mx:.~.- know what lt 15 'all abOut either. Mrs: rw. o. Kersey were ' Sunda7 clren 'remained tlll SundaY. 4 , I a t urea o. "'. very.,.,. om snows. .p\<t ~ome. of ¥r.:~ un. · Mr, &{Id ~ . Frank MUten~er ~\ioJap. -"~~ ' ~OO' ~ve1opea with t Is dAmp and It makea you feel , ~etPleohaPle here seemb to be frlendd E)yIartzel ann Mr:. a.nd ~. W1llald OM. " Their .mother, Mrs. ~tertalned. to .. turttey dlD.uer ~ lmprinted, ' for oold and ch1liy all the tuDe. . .y uU ve not ee,n a.r01.Ul 'highest :Kersey and ' da~ter, Joe.q~ wl1e~ ~ ,P laIt; returned ~e wlth Tbankai1yiD8" tbe {ollowlli(J 'i\leat:l: .tlJ1O. I'azIc7 ~ personallled..... b enough or met very meny of them market prices,. and good lervtc~. , , ' , ... "e weaWler "",re ... one of t e , " ' , ! I M1'. 80d Mrs. ClliforfiJ. ~n " n.tIDDer7, am MJam1 Gazette woBt thlnes about 'England.It 5eeInS so far. 'l"here 15n t very much a.s far Union StOCk Yluds, OiIlCllnlat~, O. Mr. ane!. Mrs. John Kersey and ,lIj)D, them. Mr. and Mrs. Leon 8a11IiburJ Of and obIldren of Do.yton,IMra. ·Qrace ,~. PIIioe .ordera now. to be miaty 1Uld .f all 'th time as entertainment goes ' for tbem. Tun!) In on Rar,llo s tatJo!. WCKY,- Charles. ' ~lltertA\ll,ed to d inner on . anY e . ~ of them seem to .go t.o a pUb TIlursda.y. Washington d. H., were suUda)' cal- Smith ~ \va.yn~$vhle aDd Mr. and 12:25 to 12:30 p. m. tOlr Our dally 111 tbe first time I ha.ve seen in tb . n1rl .. b Is b ~ ~e a1zed c1rculaUng 1'00&)" • • • lera at iMl'. and KrB'. >Allen Emr1Ilk, MrII. Wlo lMlltcnt erger _ cIdl~ I th6 sun for ~e thaD te mlnut"..a e eve . gr;. ~ p~ a eer market !'epol'ts. Mrs. iLutJber lIJl,rtsock e.1.d 1nfant. f &ea•. AlIso oak dinette·set. Phone , n , parlor and they seem to be the cenTt.!I:'~Vtna da7 dbmer ~ it ~. ., . lion are now at their MJDe' 1~ the at a time alnce I have been bere. I ter (:Jf the social llfe here. TIley go ' ~~: ml. Mr. aDd ,Mrs. EVerett ·Barb' were: ', Mr. and 'ilrlrs. E . B • •, ~re country. . , i\le811 you IC8n go for weeks at a to , the pub and quietly drink t1~el!' Mr. and ' !Ira. B!Lrold Huston and entertained to a t\ItteJ dlnDer ~r 'One' nla1e 'b1ac;k and tan time and ' never Bee 1t. • • • 'Mr, and !Mrs. J. B. Cha.pma, n were ~ EngUab, traIns are sOmething beer and talk. Tbey, seem to be very son': Gene, o( ' W¥t MIlton, Mrs. J. Tbank8slvtDg, tlie~, faml17, naza.el¥..: '.CoOoiwuDd. Bew&rd. J. R. Rauscb orderlY.. In the snows here the lawel' '.lb8.nJa;&lvlng gUlS~ ot ~, II,Dd Mrs. W. 'Huston aD(! 'Mr. Erneat Huston Mm. '·~uella SYaDk, . lira. Aples '~, « PbOOe.386 W. " 111. ~ have ,probablY' beard about. floor seats are the cbl!fl'pest, only ¢ Yellow 6prlnp. ' Swank and ohlldJ'en' of ~ 'an1 Ra.ndolph :Baatlngs and son. ~ ~ are murJl smaUer than oura. the low , ' er. claM people use tbem. in good MIs, R. R. ie;~~ or ~ndlJu:\ap-' lIIr, and Mrs" ~rt HUnt enter' ' The 1000000Uvea look almost 11ke a The tbaloo~ seats are cous1deled , ~~h~ ..d.y ; ~~.~~_1. I(OY. TIle freight cars are Qbou~ a ' oils 'arrived on Monday to, ' to dlDner ~vlng 'D!lY, tbW !lIB big. IA3 ours 'aDd loolt llke a the ~t sO they cost the most.When several ~)'S ' with ber pJrent.;°.,1~~""':4..nr.~,'___ ,Mrs. 'Wll1i8m . HUnt anil THRILL ' NlTES 1 cigar box on wheels. The coaches \you stand in line for a sh.;W or a ....- W' • ;p• S"'" ' ,'~ O,f ~~ ,Red ' ~on, .a.nd ~" AdvertISing " Shows Elleri1 t· , , " a n d , .OAOO. a...,.,ury.' -ICREEN~ve a line at doors along one side. bus over bere they say you sUmd COOk. son and , ADVBRTl8B , IN 'T1IB. In que or you que up. YoU ha.ve to eenb door leads to a little compart- qu~ up every time you do anyU11.lE-l-fo~ (limina1 Case" 0( 4raw- ment wbich Will bold about six Peo- here. I seem to have ' written severa me~u:m or ,large alze. Will pay Witla pagea so I think I will close for now. iea80DabIg ~ce. Walter S. Pfta- ........- .....- - - - - - . : . Liotlel .BaJT7IIlON I hoPe everyone at bbme 15 well. I • r ~, WtQhe,vWe. Phone 2'75. couldn't feel better. ThIS 15 all now, living let. me hear ,from you whenever you , ", ~, Mi. ~ siX dlnlQs room Mr. and Mrs. • ~~ ~d1ay Imd c.a n. ,r !Will' proba'bly, be moved again ; ~~. adeboard, table' and desk. In Q few d ~ys and my APO wlll be !1augh~ were; 'I'furscley, gl!~bs Of ~ It ~, ~'blrd street. ' Mr. and Mrs. AmoII.ooOi. , cbanged again. My next move ' I , , ahouid go to a \lnit and t.1u.n my :roB' SAtiE ..,.. Dlntng room table, . Miss Tbe1m& Biggs $?f; 'Obl tnnati, . .AIPO should be ,p ennanent. Maybe' I ' Pea,~ , tme;" Wi~ elJalrs and 6 V1s1ied at the horne of lier pal:enl~;' 1 Will be allleto get some mall then : ; leaVeI. , A-I" c(mdItion, PaUl O. EYES E:J(,AMINED I don't suppose my other ma.ll will ~. and' MrS. EJ,~Q Biggs! ~, · 1P.Ii:ildnI, . J " Oor.wtn. Prtd.ay. • ever catch up w1t6. me. GLASSES , FITrED , ~ 8ALB..;. Blectrtc beG ter 'a ild ' • • • , Lots, ot love, · an ~er. -;ci 'goOd con':" . ~, ai1.d Mrs. Oyrll· ' , CECIL. , . ' H DWlll'd \ dltion. · Inciu.\re 08.zette , of'flce. Middletown, were' supper guests ; ftooe ,2143. ' ," ': W . and Mrs. Ross Plailck Sunday ",
+- .....
·. . ·.
A_. ..""" much
tatnea a'
C.h 1 m n
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SU...·MO •• ·tuE••
· . .'
, 1
aM.ilD "':-
~ur Jleref01'~
..Jm,gtble ,to re&lster. F. O. Hubbell. ' , WQDeIY1lle Route ODe, BeUbrooIt '
'r~, "~~~d.
~ "J~ hetfer ,CII,lt, alx· . " ~tba old. ~ RaDdall,
waYDea "
Dr. ,C..,E~ Wilkin . ,,', o,.tomebic
Mrs. RalPh 'V~ce, wife of Dr. Ralph V,anco of ' WUmlngton, and 'Ralph, 'Jr .. were 'iu~ts ~ere or' J. o. ~lte eaturdlly. "1 ' , '
,Ey~'' SRec~~
, to". ,
, .26 s. De~it .Street . ••
XENI~;" QH'Q ,~
.' . .
,. .
,, '
. .
.-.,. OUI',
We are aellbil' ouf
Cqniplete Stock of
NURSERY MATERfAL at ' '8~aiD price•. ' . All , EVERGBEENS, SHRUIIS, SH~DE TRE~t ETC.,~' ";'gt be di.p~:I of lay Decem. 1•. ' . ' 1 ".
l' ~, DUKE~S
. d . 0.. State Route 73, 1:-2 . . . EMt of Reate . . 9J'epttaoWlla., Obio, PhllllllA
a. .. a
• • '
DECEMJlBB, 9, 1943.
Locel' Mart Hel d Fun.erals,Of Sisters
To Gr~d.J~
F. F. A. Ente rtain s Farm ers' Gran ge The P. F.'. A. boYs, under the directlon of Mr. Orabbe. I\od the , Glrla Trio. Rut.b. ~ Johns, Erma Flre6, Ruth Hel&n' LeMay ..... und~
tale direction ~ Mr. SCofield, presentec1 80 very Intereat ln8 and Instiructlv e progr~ at FarulCt'1I Gnwge Nu, 13. Bot their ~ttnr Saturda y ni8'ht. 'Itle fQUawIng P. P. k " mem'bers, Cnarles Rye. RIcban1 wht\ak er, D&1e ' Watldn&, Bdwin I!4jchener, Glen Smltb, Donald Watkin s, Clarenc e Amburgy. BW ' Asbury. Benny BiBey. Vernon '8 hutta. wl111ani lWooUatcl, Jack A.llbVry. Bobby Gray, a.cS: an op· H~.. d~_a.-~'~n ...... r.Solen mee ment.aor )' procedu re. DIu'1ng t:l}la meeting the tfolowln8 '.procra m Wall
...... ..............w............
10'8 IRQsaeIl oampb e11' '
.' , 7 DeUoa Wor~ ~ .... cHp-
- ~ , . .' U - . ............ CODoerinIn" tIie __ " I" - • . ~ Btate n - _ ....-..... . In OUIcin, ..... "-"', Xi. 0 , C MIchen er a cllrector .~. . .. .- u__ Lebanon Produc tion AaIIo-AI.u..o... ~ ....... '; - or IIle alIDiDI meet \ - ......... ...." .~..~S~.#" _ Gf\ taW ~.tlDJ'!, In Lebanoll.At the cIoIi of the nwwrrAIY I ~ .~ '" ."""!'" .. eDJ01ed W ......... .thoae--. ~L corn . . ... . '. ' . .. a • ...··.... .. - .. .......... ........ ... - OND .. --....... .... D~a 111 --;.
2()'3 0 Club Elec ts Offi F ' 194 4 cers or
'l1lle DeceDiber meetl~~ Of the 20"'6 ot St. <MAry's EplBoopal church waa held o.t the home of Mr. and ·M rs. Howard OGlton. DI.I1'1nI tbe bualrlE$B meeting the cl4b electEd ¥1aa V1JlPn1a Blackbu m prel!de nt, and Mm. ~ ~ld, aec:reta1'Y~ for Ule ccm1ng year. Mr. Robert Hamilto n gave a. very ,l.ntereat1ni and 1llLltructive talk. on 30 olub
''Tl'Bdltkma ~d
'Ouatom l of ObrlStmu," after Wblcn the member s
• ....ed Q"-~"o- .... d h~ld h ... . _. "',Lor '~II~ d.1acusI1on period OIl the IlUbJett. 'lbe nezt meeting will be held at
-.. ... -..
Cluef of P. Joy h ;..;; announce d that Ule United Sales secret Sel'Vlee at Oillclnmatl ag In ",,'Urns aU' persoIl$ in '~h1s v..:ll.i .y who receive or cash '~hecks to b L wabchfu l ,for mall thieves and fl.rgel's. lis many allowan ce and ai o ~ ment dheckH are going al.tJ ~ Y and are bebg cashed on <[orgel! endiorsements. Chief JO;1 and \.he S e ret Service urged that the followlng rules be obser ved: mall carrier deliver dhecks In p l roo n you are n.ctualll" ill the prLsence of Ule person who wlll cash it.. 2. HaVe a good, deep mall box. Have your n!UJle clearly printed on . It. Keep It lockedl 3. Whenev er possible, have your juvt·n ile deltnqu ency, Since ma.ny rather Ulan to your box. 4 . I! you ohlulge your .addrcl'S , ootlfy the post office Immediately. 5. Oash your olieck. at the sault' place eo.ctl mont h. Oash It yourself! Don·t sen~' children to cash ch~ks . This -encourages juvenile deJlnquency.
"away ali her l10me on the waynea ~e-lUclgevllle road Tuesday -at tl;le II4!'e of 68. She Is survive d by one dcughte r. Mra. Eva. 'Penewl tt ot ~e&.l' Waynes - • viUe; ooe '/IOD, Ray, at bome; three ' gl'Wl<k: hlJ,dren and one great gra.nd~ ch11d; tWo a1at&'B, iItlrB. Anna John80n or Anderso n, Ind.. and ~ro. Allee Maban oft Greenv ille. :F\Ine1'&l 86rvioes will be hel:1 IFrlday at 2:00 p. m. at tbe reslc1ence with Herbert- Orallrull, pastor ot the Ferry Church or Christ , I . Ch&rie under !be directio n 0( A. H Stubl?a. ·Burial will be In Miami cemeter y; On Novemb er a'1, ex&' tty two weekB before the services tor M s. lFa.rquer. funeral services were held, fo, ber alater. Mrs. Mete. Ragen.
present ed: ,. the bome of Mr. 1UI4 :MrB. I Love 8 Parade -01rll Tr1o, ac- ~ll on Januwy 3, ~Mt. ~Jl&Died t»' Mrs. ~ . ~
-., -. . HilItor)' of P. F. ~.-Charlea .&ye. Lave came t.o Me, and Niabt TI1 . D&y-G lrls , o. " 'lAlma and ~ of P. P • •A.• IDoDa14 W..tIdDa. low Wi Plano 8010, 'lbe 0 ~
ILocal Poli ce Chit: f Rece ives Warnin£T
T:~ !:ks~~P,8Med
Lew1a Er.Vln. 35, who 11. on il'iIOUte '13,' betlween 'Wayne svllle an -Harveyaburs. was , arreatl4 by Mar8bal c. !P. Joy SuDday. 'Charged 'IVlth Ja&UlJIg worthleas obeeks. Thl. warran t 'wIIB signed 'by ~rJ5 SmaUwood, a ' local . mercha nt. He was hoUBed 'in the vUla4re ,&11. A~ a bearing -TUesdaY at emoon .before ~r O. H. Brace, it WIllS alleged that Lewta had caahed many other 'Worthless checks in th;1s vicin1ty. ~ !WIUI ordered held to aw!11t ac" tl9n of the grand Jury and taken to the county 'Jail Lebano n. BGud was aell at $1.000.
t~~~::~~ri;re~SI(:illZt. -oceUt'led
Norcapital. I-lasted the Eleu~ Ita . airfielda Athem in auppor t of 81~iti8h and (tal~n no.. baWID.. tU Gennan a' in the Dodecaneae IIlanda .
Spec:ial Serv ices. Ente rtain s Dist rict At Chu rch Of Chri st ' O.E.S. Matr ons ~ere ___
BlDGE VILLB ,n-YEa lUI.tI.&D IN BOMBE B ()R~SB The commu nity Js Invited to IN OW ~CO special seI'Vices at the Churah, t he of .. Chrl8t this Sunday . evell':iIg when carl Smith of lUdIe-;vWe. was ..........'" eight .. killed' wben Mr. Carl MUler. youug man from ---~-comm ' urilty, wlll be ordain ' A .... • "''0 foqr-etI Iln. ed bom~s 0011.lc1ed ~'-,_ WUD "" "I" carl u In bls third year at the in mlda1r at salt Flat,. N. 114., &t· t att lIlble Semina ry and Is urda)" DIg.b • Bf . . a member (l f binc1nn , • .A WA '1& preaobl ng .r~laTly at a small a bombet &qU.adroIi ""' ~~ at .... cburch In eurclnDat1. He has been WalJa. Wub: ........ _'-, ....... __ d' excepuo nally 8l1'Cce&1ful In his min~ The ~ IWU -P....... UUU&C all ....... _........ ill"'· held t th Istry thus and promises to . b e ·tun';' .. Ie........ w "" a e , one of the best ministe r!) of Ule JotmsoD
Px~minent Farm er'
Funeral services were held at 2 :00 p. m. Sa turday at. the residence on v.. lLl'llesville R. R. a, willi burial In . IMn! cemetery, for Fronk Bradc :ck. promin ;nt farmel'. 1',.1' , Bl'addcc k. 'W'hb WtlS 69 years <lId . died at 3:00 p. m. Thursda.y at hk' homc follOWing a week's seriou ~ lIin css. ~ had ,b een ill faUing hea lth tor some time. H e was 'b orn 1.11 Warren county and had beep a li f long resident . He was a membel' of the Friends church , the .local 1I!'8sonlc lodge "lind t he Fa rm Bu reau. Besides (·he widow. J ennie. Mr . 101add.ock I~ surviv ed by three s on . Fr·ed, fomler Wn,ynes v!llc postmas · t.eI' , Warren, vice mayor of WaynCti -. \'lll e a,nd Raym~:md . s uperlntenden! of Wdyne townshi p sohools and presiden t of the Warren County Farm Bureau . -----
Way nesv ille You th
F 11 h' I e ows lp A Ct'lve .
6. Do not fold, pin or mutuate ; The WaynesvUle Yout h F tlllowallotme nt or allowan ce cnck.';! . ship, which was recently est.abUsbe, To Those Who Clllah Checks under !.be direc tion IJf (R..lv. Ralph 1. Know your endorse rl ' parks. l~ meetln'J every Thursd ay 2. Ask for positive IdenWl catl ,n . I evenmg at Mr. Pal ks' home. Young Before you ~Bh a check. ask ~w'- people of high school a ge are Invlt self this q~tlon-"I! this check Is ed to attend. At llie meeting last returne d . can I find the person who Thursd ay everung, 35 young tolks 'Were present. gave IV to me?" 3. Never cash a check alre<idy enThe meeting s open with devo~ dorstd: Have It endosec1 again ill Hons and' are CQUowed by 11 discus;your presence. sion on "Bases or a Just and Dura4. 'Require that all employees wbo ble Peace." cash dhecb shall lnitlal thpm . Following the discU&!lion a soc1&1 The Secret Bervlce has for some hour Is enjoyed with en'ter.t.alnment years been engaged In a . program nd re!reslw rents. of crime prevent ion. In 1938 they began a cam.pal~ known as "Know SPECIA L LEVlES ARE O. K.'d our MOney." and .since 1hen coun· BY LARGE MAJOR ITIES terfeltln g has dropped 97 per ceut. Special elections held TUesdaY 10 adlUon ,to the great reductio n In Spring Valley and MDBQU for Ule counter1elt1ng, Ule campal,Bu has helped a. grea.t deal t.o keep down purpose of levying taxes tor vlUage juvenlle .......II~ftUenrro. Since mllny expenses. resulted iJ1 an overwhe lm........... of!end e- in c'--'k.-cMes are juven- ing victory for the addition al taxes. •. " " " , lle-... ..... CT~-et Service IS not o. nJy In Mason the proposal .to levy an OU'C " " " " hO~-" that their present eam. adltlOIHli-four-mlll 18V'l'-lol' the vUV".... no.l~ of "Know Your Endorse rs I tage's current , expanse s for two .... will save ~'-e •• ,v ..... yers money in years was approve d, 236 to 6 . uu ........"" Given a seoond oppotun lty, reduced Inves.U.... tlve time. and ex"M prillone Sprillg Valley voters reversed thempense of keeping rs In penitentilU'ies. but will help keep ju- selve6 on the questl(m Qf renewin g venlles 0 .... of".-ub le. "'-. beca".e a three-m ill extra tax levy tor five u. wv n.wu "'" of the effect on mor~e Qf, th o e arm- years, (for street l1ghtlng and otber ..... forces, ' the govA';"~ent is ex- v111age elCpCnsoo. and ,aPPl'oved the '"'" ""u" proposa l by a 129-9 ITIJl.j'Ority. When .tremely anxious that no ' all0 tm ep t or allowan ee check be delayed even the propot;al was submitt ed at the one day. and Chie! Joy states that >November :I election the levy won ' every effort wlll be made to make 'by a V'O~ of 10'1 to 68, but lacked seven vates qf receivin g the re~ this effort 8UCC~ul here. qui red 65 per cent. and the special election was called. .
C . ' .,
· ' il W. Way ne, ounC ·. OHi
Ann ounc e Hon or Roll Of Mas sie R. S.
- . DoroUW 'Me;:
_'~' _. _____
KI~mU'C1 W:cilts, Ilarl Conner Gr.abt, " Mary . LoU 'Moore, J .- Qk TWO HOGS, OWNED BYtb.e bostesIJ, 1II1ra.' B1ll. ' , ~ Jean 1R1ch. Irma· Belen r • LOOAL F~ ARE FA'l'IIB R or }A)CA.L . .' TtefmeYer:. , . 8HOT BY ' ~ . , JdUlmB NT DDS , TWiIfa.lI"tI[ ~RutIt Bunce ~a CampbeD, Oladya Fairchil d,' f~ of t.l1e ~dIe-'-il'VJUtt1 J~ ~01:!1. ,
1. Oik;;;., _
lOaM.. cc3lDliwm't uear ~
at' his holD".
XesirB O. R. aDd Harold B:!l""l"B. L.
w~ bW CII BeDbrcCIr. · VII1ted
...." ' . . . , aftimODd.
Pass es Awa y At . ' H~9h Div ides Hom e Near Here .
__ -Mrs. MInnie Ill. FtonIm . deputy 1 I th grand ol&tron of 'Distric t 2 0 e Crder of Eastern Star. open£d her sit. !lome all FIfth street Saturda y aftw.t.', II BoUO received the worthy .... mat.'rons and district officers V. her. area.. Tbe afternoo n was given :to dlSoussing plans and work for th COIl,Ing ' "''''r which all ,,- ,''a!'ter . invited to the " c Temple <u.ning toOIIJl whelre a lovely ttueecours e dinner ' WBlS served. n . PUneral. Home to Lebano DUrlns the .ev e1'l I g h :lur a reIII be in OhUrcb es. of ObriBt in' the yetU's to '.P\1daY at 2~. m. Bur1al W ception for Mrs. Frvmm. was held Davtd cemetery, n8F ~e. . In the Masonic rooms 'With a most ...... .... h1a ODe 'Week '{rom next Su..uday night Stn· 8m1th 18 aurvl • .,.,. ' uJ . . entertai!"~ pr""',raui of vocal ,....' 6 . . . 'parenta , Mr. and !4r& .a.aantn the ChurCh Of Christ wlll have Its number s, reading , . st' Ii m ts b omt In~ her n ........ rt in·" Obrlstm as program. and two ·weeks SmUll lUI a rot ,nuon;. ",.e . from Sunday , Mr. Carl ' ·Miller wlll formal tA!.lka Mrs. Fromm received BO\JtJl !PaC1flc 'IVltb the Navy. ' ' Dalnty and depreach while Mr" ,Ra'nool1 a.nd his many lovely mrts. ,,~ BIft. .... .,..~ C ... --.. . DVW& U8U> ........... • In • . . . . . . . ...- ' 0 0 4 Uci911S x:etreShmentll of cake, coffee fem1ly ale In W~OIl8 and candy were nerved ·In the euPIc. Jamea J>rent'lel'iaBt of' the U. " tronce hall from " table made very S. ~ AIr 'PQrce. who ha.i been attnl.eUve wiUl lace cover. wblte .~ "'All. tapers, plnk snapdra gons and (l ltatlooe d · at '8an_ .lMODIca. '-""'"··I ~ers art1~ at bJa ' hame In OlDdDD &U .. ..'8C::q lovely sUver serv~ce . .. At the last mee H .. of the year, ~~ eVenklf . and wID spend In addition to lLhe many v~tlrig aem-al __ furlOU(lltl there. J1mm1e Dec. 2, West Wa.yne..... CREDI T ASSOCIA'I1JON TO A.dvlsory Coun- member s, :Uhe foo11owin g !W91'thy MEET IN LEBANON DEC. 15 Viidt,ed MIBiI Kather ine ' and cU had a C)overed ~ dbWer at the Matron a for 1944· !Were ' register ed: PreDdt qUt '11l1U'lldaa. The follol w1~pll s of Massie borne of Mr. and Mrs. Morrla FUl- Mrs. Helen Morton of New Vienna, Rural The Lebano n Product ion Credit \ . schcol have been placed on kerson wtllch 'was , grealy enjoyed Mrs. Bertl)a BaUe.y of Harveys burg. the banor roll for the period ending (lsoclatl~n wlll hold its tenth ann1all. . .. .: I Ml'I5. Louise ~gley of Oreenlfleld, Novemb er 26: The prest.dl:llt. Mrs. Laurene ':). Mrs. Katnn' n crampt on versary meeting at the Lebano n of MarFliRST GRlAD E-Albe rt Walker. Gre.nge Hall at 8 p. m .. Dec. 15, a! year'a ~vtti.. ancltha n1ted the WtJm.ln8'ton••Mrs. 'M ary McCollu Vlvia.n Volera, Mary Ellzabet.h 8&n- Raymun d L. stone, executive stcrem ders, ThomlUl RICh, Darrell Plumt.ai-y. announ ces. offlcer8 and membe rs for thelr m,. of Blanche ster. IMrs. &l. n Ro- mer, Jeanett e Spray, Oha.rles 'Lamb. Because of the gasoline shortag e, ~reat an4 c,oap eratl op.'b erfs' ·of Sablml. Mrs. Lorle Briggs Rdchard Spealgh t, Daniel WUde. a meeting is being hel~ In each of Mr. Harold Whitak er gave a re:. of 1.u'lOchburg; Mll'S. Sarah :rumer, ' SEOO:ND OIR.ADE _ Shirley Ann the six countie s served by the 85port or the annual county meetIIb: . of ~urg; 'Mrs. Mae conove r, of lFdymlre, Howard Haas. . lima. soc.lation, of which the Lcbauo n The 00U00u clUb room ·project was 'Mason; Mrs. ~rl Ridge of Waynes Jean V.Il1ars, BWy H1ldebreoht. meeting will be the last. dlSc~. ' vlllej Mrs. Esther Stingley of New 1B1lly Elcook, Marllye e Bogan, Guy The" f~ offloers , were, etect- lBurl.lngton; , 'Mrs. Ann ~ton ot Steffy. . CHRIS11MAS EVE SERVICE (or ·t he 0ClIllin8 yea.r: presldm t, Pra.nkll n; Mrs. Elizabe th Pulse 'I'HtRD GlMiDE _ Janet Doster, . AT ST. MARY'S CHUIW B Stanley, BaIley; , vlOEl presiden t, fiUlsboro; . MnI. !IAlverna . Rltten~ Betty Boga.U. ' Robert Doster. Patty Harold IWhltalter, secretal 'Y-treas - 1b0U8e. of OlaIbvl lle. a.nd MJ:I"' Mar- King, Mary Jane [,eyes, Mabel 1A special Ohristmas Eve service UIW,· Mr8.Ev eretlt !'..e.rlY. a.nd d.\S- JlD'1e Whltac e of Morrow. Dlstrlpt Johuwn . Junlor BenlJet t Dean Bo- will be held in St. Mary's Episcop al cUlllon i~~r, iMorrl.!l Offlcers 'Were Mrs. Wyle O'l gan. Edythe Ma¥ Rich,' Helen 09- church on IDeCember 24 beginni ng ~t MtS ·the' bustDess . ,m eeting a 1Mason, iMrII. · I>or<lfJhEthel y Noftsga r 01. beard. 1'1 :30 p. m. The Holy Commu nion pJeuan t adclBi -hOur was ; enjoyed . Hillsbor o, Mrs. MAry C. BU8II8rd of will be celebra ted In commem oraF'OURlIH G1U1I;)E r Bebe SUe 'l1he . next ' .m eetb)c will . 'be hl'ld O~leld. and Mrs. Mary Belron- Bogll11, Louise tion of the Na.tlvity of Jesus. 'rh ~ ' Martin, She.rrlll Mor'lbUl/ld&1 : event:ng. JanUary 6, at imus' of S8b1n&. ' 'tadltlon al CbrIstm as carols wW be p.n; ~e Wall. ttae home C-' Mr. and MrI~ Irvin The J80H WO~·. Matron s formed lI'IPTH GR.AD~iInmY Bogan. sung and special mUBlc will be ,p reoris.. , i ," an O'I'genlzatLon with 1Mrs. Morton sented by the choir. .¥.YJf .• ', ao.,..ard Doster. Mary ·MalltIha. ~ pre.b1de~t a.nd ..Mrs. Bailey as All 8erv1oe men and the1r, families Gn·" ; Howard Maabn. , wAiN!: ADVlSo~i tecr~urer. are extende d an invitati on to attend . SIXTH O&\!DE - Betty Bogan; ,COtJN.CJL 'MEETS AT ' · ' the aeI'Vfce which Is open to the SBWIN G' CLUB IIIEET A.T ." Milry Belle Bogan, Dorothy De~. I :" ~Al~ ·. JiOME publiC• .. , BOME .OF MB8. __ "B. BJU. bo·a rd. lEthe~ GentrY, KennetJ} ~ . Wil" . - ,- ,_.. ." 's on, Jimmy Wisema n. IN OOL.NJrDU·<! HOdpIT '" ·'llJe· VoIUnteer 'for 'V letory group ' sEV1BN'1'IIi ~E ~ Mil.rllynu-:,,:, , " Ba.O me:t:~ theti' eVe~ng of'c~ .far cOnlty ; Douglas Reynj)lds. Robert. Jr., a son of Mr. and Mrs. Dec. ~. ~ee ~dl'en , on Thu~ at EIOH'I1H OiW>E --Betty Carnes. Robert Fumlas 'was removed to tht "~~ dis,: .~I!,,~e of .Mrl, ~ 'R .. Blll." " f ''rc.(l 'Pa1rdh11cl, Jr., ' Wilma H~ier; ' St. ADthonY ~Pltal in ' OoIu.mbuS ~n~l~ ~ . .~ ~ I!~ .,..ere: MW V1rg1n~ l!iugene Friedo. Belle Wll~ Tu~y ' lor observa tion and treat'1" Bl~urn. ~~ ~ Book, ult.msqn, ~nud Nill.· , ment. Mr. Purnas, v;>ho /has t;lfen. ~ 'PEmeS1: ,EarlY• .p. U. ,~, PhU'1C$ , NlN'r.H tliRiAbE -'- Coll~n VVll- for some ~, was 6SS1gueci toiROOlI1 B. ~~, Leo Oo~,~. lla'mson. '.' ' . ZI2 at ·the hospital . ~ . se..~. Robert Tl!lN'I1H. c:;mADE
In Tw o Games
The Wayne,sv!)e Spartan s won Uleir ~ ir9t league game of the season on IDee. 3 wben they defea.tedHarv eysburg 29-10, When the first quarter 'opened both teams . were on their ~ Bond gUBl'dJ.ng thelr oppone nts wIUl the greates t agility. Dwing this quarter ~mly 80 fmv <points were made. ·It ending with the score 6'-2 in favor of Harveys burg. Not much action took pla(:e . In the second quarter and even less points were scored. lHoweve r. t.be Spartan s 'forged ahead wd at the ha.lf Waynesville led 10-8. IDurlng the ·second. half tbe ac~ tlon and roughne ss increas ed tUld t he Spart.an s began to click. )(alt1113 basket Mter baSket with very 4I.CCurate shootin g. the 'Waynea ville quintet were II;ble ti> gamer W polnts to two for HaJ:veyabu,Ql and the final score was 29~10. Score bY' Quarte; s: Waynesville . . 2 8 12 • '7-49 Harveys burg . 6 2 2 0--10 cAt '1 :30 the two Junlc>r Biib teams met (or a hotly cont.eat ed game. Thorug hout 'the ent1re Pme It looked 'bacll for the Spa.rtan a, bUt they !finally came ·out on toPt WID.. I1Ing Oy 80 nine-po int nJUiiii, le:........ ·- -- -
• • •
Falmlo nt defeate d·' Wu~nt!SVl11e 36-16 Tuesoo y evenl.ng, Decemb er 6 at Pa1nno at. " The game wu roUg'b, and ~e , 6p~ cUd beet ,theY' could. . . . . •
. . .'
Comme rcial ~~ , All of our shor~nd ..tud~l.f aUb5C1'lbed t.o "The Oreg. 'Writer'!' this 'Year. and \we are 'CoMtAntlJ strlvlng to qualify for ; ~arlOUf awnrds issued by the Grea COlOr }Y.Iny. (Or. John Robert Oren , the .f ouuder 6f our modern Gi"eCC' ShOl'thn.nd sYIltem.) Studet\t,a m~ paSs ,certaln .standa~dlzed · testa ,14 shortha nd and typewri tlnC; tb~ are sent to New Y'ork, .aM if tbiJ P®er8 are approve d, a.wa.rda ye ~ sued~ ' . . The followln r pupils received ~l' t1fl<:80te8 t.hla week to enter So tbet.r '\ACh1efement havtrig ~. the 01. 0ftIJ Ai-tlatil;' teat: >MurJel Dlck~~ lAm1i6 Hlldebr echt. Ruth McJteev" er. Phyl118 Rklkey. a.nd Wilma sur' face. .. .1 Ruth Mdteev er · received 8n award for ~av1ng passed ~e JOOword 0. minute ItranIIcr1ption ten. and Phyllis Rickey, .f9'f the Com;plete Theory test. These paules also , , . t appear on the respecti ve Hmcr Rolls tn the commer cial I'CiOiIL ',; ' . • • • ,The senior closs , pictures ~ved, at the high school buDding ~eaday afternoo n. . ' • • ". ,i A_pres ent the Home EconomIC cla.sSee, auperv' sed by !Mis. Luken..
g1fts '\1lIh1oh will be given to Intmu., lJ8.l'entB ina poOl- children . one class .1s buildin g a four-roo m doll .house with· cardboa rd boXes. They pla.n to S'lve it away .. ChrIstm as time . . A 111m on '~ce and Ment.~ IW88 Shown at the high school yeaterday. It demons trated the meth• ods ot cooking, carvintf and selectIDg d1f!eren t',k1rid3 Of m:ea.~J
) Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'DUke 'hl:ve moved from tbe' DUke. (arm whlQ was recently BOld , and' are noW. U. ..'
lng In~. ·
THE MIAIIIIGAZE'M'I 'inap1red leadership, W.e can not hope to force the YOWlg ot today to" accept Boll Maln 'Street by prohlbltlng S;U the '---------~-..:.....!..-----=----:----=---;:-:- th1ngs they' enjoy but It baS been VOVed. tline ana aga!n that fun' B.).ld ':"---W-aj-te-r-=W=-,W~":--e-ma--D,-:E=d":'i~t-or-:-a-Dd-:-'',':P::-u-:b-:l:-is:-:h-er------' good lellows.h.!p at 'home aonc1 lri t .e ,,~~____....;;-;:=;:;;;IP;::-:;::;;;:;;=;;-;;;;r;t;'a;:;;:;;:--______....: home communJ~y under ' t.he right UIIt1IID -.val' 'I'Bt1B8DAY leader~p can m1n1mlZe .t.he attrac-
• :.1'
, f o r aeUve
ISm' i"
Wit. ~ U"
~a2tttt ~ t WIl,JDIIYWe, Ohio
'Alii ~
fla ... y.r,
From' A .Farm Di~•• DryRidge ~ .2. Stormy. ~ blew colc1 all day. SnoW. No, ,that wasn·t December second, 1943, that wea DoCemi)er 2, 19t2. TOda,y it waa ~ e.nd pleasant and lt seemed a IW88te of t1me to go to oa.y,t on, '!bey boied the shredded fodder ....... '1 bo··_ .... t at 't he Ben James' ...... U8U ale and it was better and there twiIB more of It than I thOught. At~ paying for the ballos and the labor It 'W1ll «lilt Just about What 11 paid last year tor fodder already baled wt tbIa Yft.l' lt 111 higher, like ev~ else tn '~ feed line. 'lbeY can the farmers 1n11atlon1ata but If 'We have to ~y such h18b Prsoea lor labor e.n4 thtngs, are • eca.roe, 1t Is natural that prices muat lie hl8hei. It theY' ,could .keep the price of labor down the fanners 'WCUlc1 be W1ll1ng to try to uep ~ pl1ce8 down. Peed 1& ac&rCle IIDG bJIb pr10ed a.n4 it Is bound: to mow in the pIoe8' of meM and m11k. INou ~ the aowa are 8'OD8 tbe. :pIp ruptile worse than eVH, but bOW _ dO II'OW, '
JAlPS BOMB PEARL HIARBORI. Two years of war and worrying with
bbe problema it brlnga and the end Ia not ,yet in sigbt. Monday. Ra.1n <tor the tirst time in weelts. Sttll .not enough to help :the water altuaUon but enough to help the wheat. The paSt.ure:; show ed e. green tinge. A few wann ra.1ny Qa.Y8 would d.o wonders. So far the wooly ' worm predlctlon \has been right. A man quoted in the ~ton pa.pers seem8 to be able to predict the e.mount of mo1llture (rom them but I haven't karned to 'd o that. I must 'W11te him ana flnd .out what the a1gna are for that. In 'loo1t1Ilg thrOU(I1h some maga zlne8 I found an tnteresting &rUdc ~n the :April 1943 Successful Farm,me, "Ea:rlyl 0he.pe1 Brings Them BacC Alive." It tells the &tory of a rural ~~ 'whJich baa met the problem of I'ecreation for young and old auoces&fully. To quote the minlater, ','The ,tens1oD of the times seemed ,t o ~emand ,more than tha ~ reUgiOUl services and church ~. Another lovelY~. 'rem- ootlviUes!' It goes on to shOW that ~ 66 at tour tbI& alternOOD. eo Uve progr~ with. plenty "do" in .JIUIt'. ;.., IIiO 1M were bea1nn1nI lt can help more than a. campaign • Old out, __ paolJDe ra.tlontng of all "don'ta". We need e. good cotria 'I'QlDe to ,mean. Two yean &.80 opera.t1ve program 't hat /WOUld rea.c:h tiOcIa7 or rather -tomorrOw we f1ra~ the "IIhole community. SUcl1 & pro~ , .. ' ~__ .Jiorda over radio. gram 'WOUld call tOl' toleratW!e and :::.::.:.....;,...::----.;:...,.....-- - - - - - - - - : - - - - - -
·-TIFfANY' JEWELRY .'. ' sTORE,. W.MQ.TOJf. LoKODlao .um
G&1JDI ,.rATOIII;i . DUM0ND,8 ,' . . . . . . ' 1'11... 115
c:J.U"ITAL Ii 8tJBPLU8 ''''0,000
C. A. DABE and' S9NS
8iro"; - fttepda, AaCommod&tiDc
109 W, 1tIaba 8L
EICHMAN'S BIeaUIeal 8~ - IlepUrIDc ~-WUIIamI
g , W.1IAID
"iIMe ....
BadIo 'aDd Blo7c1e XepalrIDc
~' .~
WORK .m.o'l'lllJfG 11 W. IiaID '
Phone Uot
BepalrlD. ~
I"hoDe '1M
Ali M&~q . . ,
21 Eo MaI'IlM
. Phone 1116 '.
U You Have Trouble •
. . . ...
Maa.D. :,
'ctJ1am-l "0"18 Ale In! c:Jr7s&af Po,teIj' aDel W~
N~elt~Ume Jewelr)'
E, '8, CURTIS 1'1 Eo MAIn street . •
.n. .
CHERRY '''I' '.
U ~
~ .
"~ ', ,
. .
' . (.1,00 . Oall~l,er
car an~ Tl'acto"; .-
'~ ~"''''~~t P,ar~
108 Eo_aiD
per, laglp,L~ year
Pbone :Wlpe8Vme 21U
~ !.hOne R6:'3" LebaDQn; .qtfIce 'Pilone t'1J.K , Re='deuce 118
1IJ1Ii!!!!i=:=:i!iiiil!!iiiii-_ _ ' ___
is tx; !$ 'the ,priCe'sh"lf :be,$27.00 Per Iemp, PF ']\lear" , . " .,' , ' ,81. tb w" the' price,. allall' be , p:r ,
h\1J1.~ ' <iOO);:;'·OaiiidJ~ ~Wh~ tbe,tnu~ ,th~~ Is 15; ,01\ }~,. the., prl!!E' ~8~ ,be ,';30.00 ~~ . ,
lIunp,;pel',Ye8.r, 60, ,thl:, "
For '611. over
Madiine S~op Work
~ ...
."FOli. uibt tsupplred'(~y : meanll .of
TAR~.dnmf; TAR , AN~ ROAD' on., ,EXCTAV."i1N9 ','
. '. ", "A'e nla' ','
.:.~,o~ :el~
, st'~rid~~~f Parts
,tL~I(!~~ .... J~ orc'~ " .. THE " MI~I ,.GAZETTE".
BOUSB FVB.NIBBlNG8 , 'J'?l8De ' W. 'MaID •
I'BBSONAL STATIONERY . ZOO 8Jaeeia - lOO ' BnverJJell with . ,..~ '~ r.w'"*' for"·
. '
(lOlDPact. .... . .
lewelry aDd
,QUICK SERVICE. For l'De~d S'to~k
'J N.
FUted; \VIOl" 'S hoe.-'rr7 .
, -Any make or mod". _Fred Kahn <Motor Car 'Co.
ROY ·V •. HULl. , Sewinc Machine Supp~ie. .& ,GOO.I Place W 11M
''t''~iBiililD (lL()TIIQ
lamp, per yeur, For all over 25, the p1'1ce shall be 438.0U 'Per lamP, 'p tr yeal', ~nd ~1<t Qc.mp.!,ny ':shaU' at lts own METBOOl,ST CBUBCH txpense, fur~ wd and Iluuis e, "*'-tlley, Pallor :qulpment and ma~ . n~ 'Ohl11'Ch ,school &t 9:30 a. 'm. , for !laid llght1ng, and eroot and Worship service at 10:30 A. M. m.elntaln same and lball .uPPl1 Uon of the rO&~ ho~ and dr1nk1ng places, Now Ia a !rOOd t1me to try lb Th1J Sunday &net neXt will be In sald lamp., !WIth t.lle necf&:iar)' eleoll,ere, WoUld ,that cOmlnl4llty center celebration o.f tbe .Illca.rnatlon, The trio Cllrrllnt and tIlle Company Ii to help? subjects w1U be fl.S tallows I Sunday, be paid by, sald V1l1e.ae lor I l.d PHONt: 326 . . LEBANON, OHIO Tue:;db.Y, Another lP'aY da.y. Al- iDee. 12, ''The Mngniflca.t ;" 6Wlda.y, lighting In twelve \12) equa.l mQllUhmost .cOld enough for snow. Last Dec. 19, "The Promise Milled.". Iy installmeI)ts on or before the yea.r we had plent.y 0.[ 1t but I do You:th FellowsJhlp Sunda.y even- t.ent h da,ys of c.ach co.ltmdlU' mon~h, not teel sorry to look out and see 1ng at 7:00 '()'clocrJt. :nlbject, however, to ttl~ deductions s uoh street lighting and on f1le with bhe,' h1Ul; brow:n 111l;tead 01 white, The children of Lhe Junior De- IlS berein provided ,for .outages and Clerk oC sald Village be a.nd ~he though snow and cold weather partment w1U meet a t the parson- t.l1e Company agrees that any addl- same h er.Cby are adop ted and ...p- nlr•. lIu,lute" ~" . 'l' I&UII1U", ~uu.,.,.,,,i woUld help 't recreat10nal program. age Frld&y, Dec:. 10, atter school tlonat lamp.;; of the ctiaracter afore- proved. S. H. Ol"ll:h&m, father of the FerThere must be some place h ere- to paint a Christmas murnL said, for bile st.reet lighting ordered SEO'I'ION 9. Upon. 1:be Dayton' r,Y' ~el', spent 1ns!. week. as .. IlIbouts that coUld be easily. flooded The W. S. C. fi. wID meet Thurs- by said Councll. shall be rooted and Power and iLlght Company fiiing U.s I;Ue:;t at the paJ'sona.ge . Ink . 1 t d oesn 'tak Of a 3k&t lng r ,t :e day, Dec. 16, wi~h Mrs. Alva Thomp operated by 1t at the same price pe: Wl ltten acceptance of lhb ordlnalloe Little Naom1e Jane Burton w1derJo much tlme or worlt far that and son: It will ,b e a. lun.cheon meet,lng. lamp as that above named, the With ,t he Clerk of said Vl.Ilage, wlth- M-ent an openc.Jon on I~er eyes last ~t ifWl it Is . And with all our 'hills same to be ,paid by: said Village ill in bhirty (30) days from the taking week.. She Is do~. very weJ1. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL there ought to be 000 that <:ouIa be the same manner and Installments efofoot hereOf, this ordtna.nce shall be The Le.\.ter Kenrick didn·t ~t to CHUR(lD used tor coasting~ut there it Is, the ancl at the tlmes hereinbefore pto- and constitute a· contract between move to I.ytle lrult w~eIt, so plan tu old ham and eggs a.ga.ln. vided for said payment.'s, said VIJ.la&e and Company to llght move the last o,f this week. Ralph P1U'ks, MinIster In Curre OUr .new white gobbler has found CIl' rles Maw'l e, PaUJ. Maurice, SECTION 2. That the m1nlmum the streets, lanes, alleys, avenues Church ~ool lat 9 :45 e.. m. our bronze hens and Is showing number of lamps of the various and publlc gowlds, tn accordallce' MIlurlce Hunter, Coy GllllUn, Fred Mornlng pr&1er a nd sermon 11 :00 them what a tine fellow he Is. I ca.ndlepOwer to be ,use<lfor the l1,s tlt7 h erewlth, -lor -live (5) yeBIs from the Hubbell a.nd Oar6C1ll Flee lor went to a. m. wonder whM tJhey tllink of his color. Ing of said streets, lanes, alleys, ave- 1st day of January, 1944. Logan cowlty IllSe we.k to hw) . I have often wondered U animals nucs and pu.bllc places fumlahed SIOCmrON 10. That t.lli:l orciin.'Ulce pheasants. The pre" chel' !l;Rld to wilt recognize ea<lb other ' when they FEItRY ClnlRCU OF ()URIST shall be aa follows: shall take effect and 1>e In force thtm how many they got. have been sepera.ted and meet aga.in Berben Graham, Mlnlaler 3f)-loo .0andle-power LlImPS {rom and after the eal'Uest perlcd There Bre severa,! on ow' sick ILt lit Is evident now that oows do. - 250' Oa,ndle-power Lamps allowed , b y l&w. this weeK. MI'. H nry 131111nington I.i 9 :30 a. m .,. BU)le schooL Wh~ we brougqt our young stock -400 CandJ.e-pawer Lnmps P a ssed this 61ih day of OecemQeI', very sick. wlt.h rheuma tism, H. R . 10••5 a. m.-Communlon. home from the other place ea.ch said lamps to be ,Jr..cated as shaU!;Ie 1943, '. 1''01' tyee lll\.'l the l lu and l,laIlY . IDoltJy 11:00 a. m.-&1nnon. caw picked out her own caU though dIrected by the Llglltlng oommitte'e w.~, BRADDOOK, 1I1'e OOW11 with oolll!> u<uu s uch. !ie.. t 8:00 p. m .-Pre.1wb1ng . thei had doubled 1ri size they paired of the 'C<luncll of said Village of , Vice ;Mayor. wiShes for r~,. overy (0 evcl1'body. d.f Just as bhey al'ways had. I never Wayncsville, Oh1o. ' Aittes't: O~ JAMES; Clerk. Visitors o.r the P. J. '1TlIOUl9.Ses and S8IW II. cow as foolish over her caU SEOl'ION 3. '!'nat sa1d electric H. R. :F01:dyCC Sunda y WCI'C 1\-11'. and as Pet ,the he)fer that we bought First 'lJa,y school, 9 :30 -11. m. light shall be lfurnlahed by means of .NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE "", BUl'old Bost and, daul:hter, Mr. lilt tJh~ Sac.kett ~ last taU. She In the pursu~of the order of and Mrs. Loiwrcncc Tllouw,s aud Mr. MeetJhg. for Wo~p. ":30a. m, aerial colUjtruet!on only, Qnc;l. · 6t!-ld went up to it and ,b egan to lick It. 'Company shall be privUeged to and the Probate, COurt () , W 11.1' r e n h arles Thomas. ST. AUGUSTINE CBVJlCB and IXiw wqt.ches over it a.nd woo '~hall lrurt.all all ,necessary wire:;, County, Ohio, I:will ,reI' 101' sale Election uf ofilcers W.l1 be held Father Krunlholts, Pries' to t.he dog tha.t comes near. If she d tb I t publlc a.u U<m on th 111 n day pollll,anA:hors, guY&" an 0 er' equp of December, 1943, at on e o'cl ock p. nex t Sun d ay at Ferry. ThiS j 11 eI Udts hadn't been drY'she would have fed Mass Sunday 9:00 a. m. ment ncces8a.ry and: proper to; II,C- ill. on the premises the followlDg de- chu roh a 1d Sund.J.y school olf1aer:>, It and wtlerever. It goes she goes too, oompllSl1 suCh lIgbtlllg by well ' scrlbed r eal estate: . so all m!'mbers nrc u\1ged LO be presTbere was no doubt th&t 'She knew WAYNESVILLI~ CBvaCB OF means. , Situated tn. the Oounty ot ent. her ealt. aiRlsT ' Warren, in the StaLe of O1uo 'n c Hom e Builders elnss ot. the SEOTION 4. That sait! 'lighting . I see by ,the paper b t R1ke'& had ~hal1 'be acoo ' rell' " ~o wb t Ia known and 'ln the Village ordescrib S prlllgboro, ~C'II'Y' ell 1'c h 'will 'be ententained: bY" ~..... and ' bou,nded' and d as • to take down most of the decoraMas Bancla1l. M1nJster as the ' !ALI., NI ...1lT AND >IL'Vm'y tallows. BeLng 'n!l of' Lot ,No. ' :i'1 uhe Loyal Sons and ~,ughtel'8 class tions on the outside 01 their buUding Blble Scbool 9.3(1 a. 1Il. NIOiH'I' 8Qa!EDtt:LE;" that. ~ ~l1e as desigila~ on the pla.t or said r the Wn.yne:;ville Ohurch oJ Christ becauae the sparrows moved lnto I!ommunlon 10:'15 a. m. lamps shall be Wumi,a,t.ed every Vlllage and 26 feet otc the SOuth filday eve~l1ng at '!Jhe Grange Hall a14e or Lot No. 36 'in sa1d Village them in such swarms. Such & racket preaching, 11 a. m.. night from appro,pmatels one-ba)f full iWidth from Enat S~reet, ,Wtl$t In WnynesvlUe. IU! they were maltlng the other day Junior ~deavor. 7:15 p. m. hour 'a fter sUlUIet of one day to ap. to a~ey., ~rs. Hcrbei't Gra.luun, was .p1ea.,when I ,W86. ~ Dayton. [ n p-ver saw BeD!or Endeavor,' 7:15: P. JJ;l. Ilroxmately one-b&u hour OO1<»1l Said premises are located ~ alit}y surprised laBt Friday evening SlUlh nmnbers of. llbem. They seemed the West aide ,Of East Street be!when some 'ot :the ,'. Ferry chw'clt ColWnunlon · and pre&ch1n8, 8:00 s unrise or ' the next day, in accordLween Marltet Street and ' Facto ~nk the Ohrlstmll.<t. tree' h&d p. m. ... nce with which scliedUle eacb lamp ~ry Street- iP. 88ic.1 ,Vwage 0( members came in to celebrate her been .put th~ tor their bene!lt. You &re. Invited to come and wor- shall be illum1n,ated for appro~Sprlngboro, 0lU0, ' i bltthday, brlnging their s~pPer' w!lh :And DOW...,. mip with ui~' , ~tely 4000 hours. per year. Said premliles are ' appra.1sed at th m. Present 'Rere Mr. and Mrs. Merry Christmas to all the flU''SEO'I1ION 5. That the, locatloo of nine hundre~ 401lar& ($.!Iop.OO) anq , Charles Maurice, Mr."e.nd Mrs. PaUl away ones 'Who will not get tbIa must be lIOid for .not less than 2-3 of '. ' . MT. IIOLLY Mr. E. CHUR(lII every ~p ShaJ.l be approved by ~he said appra,18ed value, and the terms .Maurice, iMr. and Mr'<!" Maurlc~ until near t1he day l4 days. Merry T. M. Searfr, Mlnlater Lighting Committee of th~ ' CouncU of sale are oaah. . " ' Hunter and daughter, carol Ann, ChrIatmas and a ,H appy New Year. af said Village before tbe lamp Ia . . , WALTER ~CK, ' ..Mr. and .Mrs. Lester Gem~d a.nd Sunday School 11:30 a. m. E. A. erected. and iWter.a. lamp haS been I', ,Executor 'ot the Estate of Donald 'a.nd Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. N011ICB' QF PUBLIC SALE .,,' Earnhart, SUpt. t.Alr ..":t,M in atlOOmance With such ap• lila Chrlstopher. COY GUllam and ohildren, Mr. .aDd OIl' · OIlA~L PROPERTY EVen;lng Service, 7:80 p. IlL prQwl, the Compawr u~n a .w ritten B. Z. GRAY, Attorney at Law Mrs. Raoldn Linvui and son, !\Iir. I l'l!&.Yer Meet1ng' Wednesday eve- onder from the council. shall re- ~anon, ~? 12-9-t.t. I1Iid Mrs. lFloyd Hughes a.nd family The underslgned wlll oIfer for sale nlng, ~:~ p. m, . move It to another location, the COI!t ' •• Md Mrs. Jelmle MuUen( at pubUc e.uction at the late , res 1Of 'such' removal and~ reiocatlo.n .to . .. . ~_ ~'_, Sgt. Vemon·'D. Fordyc(i sen.t , word OBDINANCE :~~~UI!_ , . , beby the Village' of Wa.ynes,t o lila father, H. R. 'F ordyce, and dence ' of Ida. Christopher, deceased, in the Vlllage of B~boro, War- AN ORDINANCE-FIXING THE ville. Oblo. :amuy, thAt, he IS now: .in Eflgl:lmd,~ ren County,' ,9hio, said ~!!rum:<lL/Jr.RI[CE 0. '!boat the Company Sgt. !Pbrd,yce,lhas spent the past 18 bCing located on th~ West side of poWER. AND LIGHT ' COMPANV use all ~gence and <ate i1emontha In. .Iceland, ' East Street ,between MarJcet Street MAY ' CBABGE 1MB ELECJTltIC 'cessarya to keep ' all the. lamps clean Me' you peJ:lJJlexed RS to w~t. ' to and ll"ootory Street ,in Mid Village. LlG~ FVRNISHED TO T BE and burning durihg th&bol11'$ Ca~ed glve bt friend {or 0hr18t.mas? 9n Saturda.y, the 18th ,day ~f DeGROUNDS, STREETS, for in this ord1na.noe ankt 6hall,agree ' camber, 1943, at 1:30 o'clock a'. m" LANES, ALLEYS AND , AVENUES' that 1f any llght or.'l lgbts go out, the 1Wb7 Dot a sub6cdpUOIl to T}le the per50Ilal property of said de- IN, TIlE VlWG£ QF WA YNES- lamp:j shall be repaired the! SIlme' Nluni Gazette, a gUt ttiat JUt for ceased, consisting, in part, ot: , VlIj"£, omo, roll, A PERIOD OF night, if possible, and Intnat e~ellt an enUre yea" and at ' small 00IJt. 1 ,I r. . -.J Sideboard, dresser, folding bed, FIVE (5) 'Y EARS, COMMEN()ING nq deduotion 'for outage ' 'Will sewing maoh.Ine, ' victrolo" clock, ON THE 1ST DAlr OF JANlJAltY, lamP6,, ~6, 'lieat:U!8 itOvll, ',coOk 1"\ AND DETERMINING THE stolle, oU stove, I'llgS, dlnlng table, ~R IN ' IWBICH 8 A I D kitchen: cid>lrie1, ;d1shks, cook1i1i LIGHTING nil: FuRNISHED, l:!.-tepsp.s, gat'di!ll tools, and m~ny PROVIDED. AND P'AID FOR, ' oth~ a.rt~cle8. . . 'WHlElRiEAB, then! Is el1 lUe wIth WIAL'l1ER B:ENNCK, Ex.I!cUtor af the Estate af Ilbe Cleric of said ' Vil'age compl~e , l~ Ohrtstovher. plaps and '\;l>ecifllt:atlons for the ~y . ~, QllMY, lighting or the strE:ets and pt: bLc Attorney at· iLaw whteb plans and specifications Lebanon, Ohlq l6 vide for different ·tY;Pe and ratlng of Illfhts In dlIferent' locations a.ocordIng ,to tIle local rll!Quirements, the lights , being d slgn :.ted by candlepower and: classHie:ti !l.!I herelnalter set forth. ,.BE IT ,O&DAIfItED BY ~ OOUNCFL OF .T HE ,VILLAGE OF HORSES, HOGS, , ' . W<A:YNESWI..r.E; B'l'ATEOF OHIO: CALVES, SHEEP, ETC" .,sEo'I1ION 1. .That for period of , .five 1(51 years ; frolll 1st r;lay of 'Re~pve~ P~omptl.f ' JanU&fY. 1944, the p~ce :which mny Can be e1Wtged tiy ThE' t>a-y.ton Power and L1g'ht OOmx;a:!1Y [or electric l1ght 1unrl8hed to the Vu.1;age of Waynesville, Ohio/ to Ught t:he streets .. ~, alleys, . av.mueS ~ I 'p ubllc placeS ,Bevene T~~~~one' (lhar~~ therC(j! In .the '·m annEr and by m.ea.Ds 'let 'Worth In the pla.na a.nd , MAiD .54, Xenia, 0 •. ' Ilpecmea.tl~J?S}p~ref·?ri On' ,f~ yn~ the Clen of salel Vlllage and aa pro,B.U••Ch.S.IC.h!l,.'..R.o. . . . . . ,Vrded ffi thls.'orairui.J5clE" shall be 1_ .' >" • • f 0l107t!s. . , .' " 'j, , ,, ' ' ,
Phoae 1...
Churches ·
YOUr Me(lorm.lck-DeerIDC '
HPme , In AQftDOe ,
per lamp. per year, '1 6 to 25, ,t.ne p ,ea $hall be t40.00 JlCr
pI'lce 'aha'l be -')'
, -.00 pr lamp, per yeaz; , , '_ ··~lJe,.PO_, lam... i;or 11ght . SUpplied by DlIIlJ18 OWe) bUi1dr4!iit ancl (Zo) ~~:lll pOwer ~ £be illlllltier
ja '
16, CII' - . the "'-~I """""' ,
Fto~ .rrh e
Miami Gazette ,Files
Along The ~ay
aU Ulat week elllOept the day tl1at , vU.te (m ' j, Ul!btii.l~ evening. 'their crIaIa c;ame. ,'I'Jjltln they wel'e Mr. ~lla MlS. William .' ~ . ua,r:tette F. rrho~ .forced "to got.o ~. ,I~cLRII8SEd his, , and Bem'lIIl:! SmJt.h . were. nrrEBN YMaa AGO 6bIrd .,mter on It he 'homeday 'end D'IOtih& pa:,sed ~ s1.8 of ¥.r:, riud ' EdJ ' nO[ld .' • .'U , QIe) B. Ht:ildel'aan...8tead,waS an. e&pec18lly hard .one for the next: The "I"""'c li bia.n(i" Mrs .oJ. ' . ' . .... I MlllSer ln iq'aYtOI1.MrS. B~8da)hr!!~ " ~ -011: ~e ~eu. ~ ~ A. ' u. G!1!ly ·OOd ' MiB•. Will . thiI£ winter ' we aU ~ the fl~. ' 1 the!Ii aolng. MO·t her sa1<1 t o.at. roAlned as' litt~e Ja~ M1n6er has Dec. 7, at tJte lijIe of 86 yean. She Sc:illuler are · atten<Ung, ~ conven~, mean .tq~ ·real old falihiorted flu ~t could' .tlp 'bottle up u.nd, be~ q\,l1.\;e IU, . ' . leaves s1Jt Uon 'Of, the tlmo' .M8·n ')n 'wlka dJ,e(t' like ,flles ,w1th, That a dlink 'a3 .gOOd us ola tip, • 'The DaytOn 'Facey ·Featih-et · club '1'he .cbW'Obel o: . Ohr~ · ~, ~ Ool\llllOU.e. . a split lnt1n1tive, R8 · it;?) .' cOUId, llhe ~tt~ Just ' w~U hol~ .11. POultrY show 8It Lyt e iMld W~eev~e bave calleclto tbe1r 'liai-rlafre LIcenIe wuui.m H&rold' bad been ,t-6 eleQt1o.n day 8.1'!4 week out, She laughed 1faJi eaturday and. Sl,In4a.y, Dec. ' 18 JOint m1n1a~, WU!tam~j: ~ott, laruW, C>nii~, 'an~ J4.II¥botlBl'!t a.- Q\II,l1 of pe~ 1)randy.. It' when "abe told ~bout drlnklni ,tile &:nd 19. The checkena will' be Judied of (l1n~t1 •.~ S~11a¥ Mr. But!i ~ ~hutti, Wayneav1l1e. . . Wf.i amyS tl&nd)'. to bloie soine- bra.nOJ. lt wonderful how we ' . on Saturday .. Admission 1s t~. , ' t Wll~n w11;1 condUiat · servloee ' . ... '. _ like thi.t In Uie hoUSe 'for QQ~ iaugh trouble a lfter lt Is gont!? ' , Tl¥I \V911'U1!l1'S So'C1eiy 91 LytIo eaah ~~day ·m0lln1n8 at.' Pet:1'$ an " l',WENTY~F1V~ Y~AB8 AOO . .medicine 8fIld especlallY' ba.Ck In ti~ !bat lB' Oile the ·blesslnllS thil.t .:hUl'dh 'Will .have t.helr chrlst~i each SUnday eV6lllng a.t WayneaVll1e. (~ber 11. 1918) hllla Where it w~s sometimes a week GOO ~ve Wi. 'meeting at Lytle Hall' next Sa.tut. ~le !Queen .E6tiler play, "'The Mrs. o. IR: Sm1til ha.i been vrslt- -before the d.!¥ll.ol;' got th~re .after ~1W They were very we~lt after they Qay evening, Dec. U. Members and :Flghtlng Ollance." wUl be given mg relativea In Wllmin&~n. hac:l called hlln. That p~li brandy got over the flu ru~d t.he win~e,l wore friends are invited. Mrs. E. a. Long~ 'laJ.w·llday evening. Dec. 13, at the Cbu. Woollard IUJ:<1 family ~e 'WaS to 'save our llves as it tumc.d on somehow. In the spr.ng som eacre wUl be hostess, and the comm ' ·W . opendiIl4ll' a few (larS ' witb relatlvea out. thing else happehed tlhlflt mnde them ml ttee aSlllst.lng is composed of Mrs. ALGIERS - Soundphoto ..:... pf't. M.Ias Dori6 !Henderson was home in Wapalkoneta. . Dad got sick flrst and then moth:" laugh and life was better. TherIa J~lles, Mrs. Charles Bunnell Margaret H. Maloney, WAC, bf.. from 'Wtstel11l college over the week'llhe lnULle.nza epldemlc has bl'Ok- . er and it justweut to bed and stayCharlie AOrlan llvlld near them came the first woman to be deco- a.nd Mrs. James Jooms. There wUl be end. al out aaaili, a.nd Jlas spread 'so ed there. Tom, .w!ho 'W85 a year old, and he ' llad a dugout;. He decld€d ratedfol" bravery in this 'theater an exChange or 25 cent gifts. ' Ea.cb Enrollment of Wayne township qUlekly . t it ~ tbo\l8lht ~ La by ,the grOOeof God riever took the tJhQ.t he woUld bull,a a $lJaJk nd at war. Pvt. Maloney WIUI ' awardamlly Is asked to brlng popcorn, schools for November reached the close . the achools, which was d()~e ~e. 'D on't teil me .t hat the Lord went to the sawm1ll up In the moun- ed the soldier's medal >Ior heroism. The citation by command of' Gen, <:andy or cookies. number of 559) , I'hursde.yo eveni?g. The p1cture show doean~ send us just as much trib- tams to get. the lumber. After he D.wight D. Eisenhower read in Mlaml Oha.pter, 1N0. 1M, Order of was clo6ed Sli.tur<ia.y eve.n1ng and ulaUon as we can bear .a nd no more. had tlnJl!hed it, a buUding 18x24 he' part: "Pvt. Maloney saw • soldier . Eastel1h Star lnatalled the Iollow1nc &here was no · 'Sunda-y school Sun- !He wa.a With my J)e,rents, I'm sure. declded to 'have a housewamling. So fall to a pool of flamin~ ,alOlIne. Without hesitation or thot1~ht of , o1lficerEi Monday evening: Worthy day mo~. ' When they \Yere fa.1Tly certain sent out his lnvitatlODS. . danger to herself, she I'UIhed into ftlr • . 1I11t,,. ('''b~''D. CUrr... pond"Dt . Gaze tt e Want Ada Brlnir Rluiulta! . . MQq'on, Ola ,HaJ\tsock; Worthy PaW. N'. Seam seldthe Yo~e what was the mait.ter wl\Ah all of us, The. next d~y' after h18 party he the 'flames and rescued the aoldler. . , ' Mr. und Mrs. OlliIol'd Turner Wld Pvt. Maloney 8ustained lev.,. tron; WlU St. John; ABaoolat«: Ma- pro~ty on Main street to Mrs: An-' lOad 'went to tlhe barn and turm,d Came over to see my folks. daughters of Sprlng Valley, callud On o burn tron,. J066Phine Earnhart; Secretary, rue Gibbons, Who will move Into it the. horse8" out, leaving tlhe . 'Well, aha,rUe, .did YOLl have. a Ml·. 'IUld Mrs. Emerson Dill and son, Minnie Fromm, . Treasurer, · Bertie about the first ~ the year. doOr open so they could get shelter. good Ume fast ' n1ght.?" asked m Kalpl), SUll day afternoon. Mills, OondU(ltress. Edith Andrews; QUlte a gO()d many members of \he There was 8r straw s~ they could mother: ' Mr. an,! Mrs. CarJ RIdinger of Asso. Q)'n ., Nina st. J~; Chaplaln, J. O. u: A. M. went to ~tM:uton run to fOr fOOd and thus k~P 1JleI,DCharlie shok his head sadly. "N(), ,U r,.. \\' nU"r "~urh· k. C; urrC'."UD\.oC"." neal' Lebollo/l. called on Mr. Lue. Edith iilmes; Marshal, CaWe Co\e; Tbur&deq evenlng aud Ul-ey took a selV~' allve. Just the winter before ma'm," he anSWered: "we didn·t ." Mrs. J. B. Jones spent ThursdaY .'<1'Urrny Mon~~y a-fternoon, Orga.n1st, ,H elell Harla.n ; Ada. Lucille cla.ss 01 23 COOdl(1ates with them, the oelgbbota had ~d a. map,. up "WhY, what 'WIUI the manter?' M IS. ErnESt. Ea.l'llhart. Miss Olare wiLh her ~ter-ln-la\l!. Mrs. Bernie ArmJtage; ~t;her. Ada Oourtney; Lebanon councll perform1Ilg the 'above us dead in hls shack. Be bad "Well. you see, I invited stxle'.l.l Dill, who Is serious1y 1U a.t her home Daughters 'Were d.lnnel' gueala Martha, .. ["ucllle Bland; Elecer.. work on the olaas. ;got '8lck and ha.d 110 way to get out and forty eome!' . Monellly of Mrs. Bessie Brattoa o.t at Clayton. [,aura McKInsey; Warder, illale . Com sold for .1.71 per bushel at torl ·help. Hl8 ~tc;x:k was :toll!1d , dea~ It was stlll cold weELther. Bell Jam&.l Is convalescing a.t his Xenia, Stroud; Sentinel. Will Stroud; TrUa- the. Gibons 581e, held last Wednejl- In. the b8.m where they llad starved home In Lytle aifter beJn8- removed . Mr. and Mrs. HaI'ol L! Ro~rs tee (3 years), Luella Miller. dIa.Y': to dea'th. th~ hor~ had> chewed the ' REAL ESTATE TlLAN8FERB f10m ~lam1 ValleY hospital, Friday. BJJ.d Mrs. En}ma (". b.>on O'.f '&11Mr. and Mrs. H . ·c. Ooleman; 'Mr. Mrs. RusseU West,daughter or Mr mangers to IIIlUn~rs. 'l1he horror of Mrs. Harve:Y' BUrnet spent Thurs-' brook. were supper guests 01 Mr. The .foUowing 'Were among recent Qnd Mrs. Francis Coleman of Nor- and Mrs. :Art.hLLr .AIl8an, dled at ~ . thla 'lnc1dent h~, never left, my day arid Friday at tile home of Dr. and Mfs, Hlley Gibson. wOOd, were gu.esta of Mr~. Kate' 00Ie bome 10 Pleasant Ridge, Mon~. ' toUai and Dad 'dldn't know liow slc)t real estate transfers recorded ' ~t and Mfa. H. E. Hatha.'Way in .Mr. MId Mrs. H8.l·old Filers ~d . man on Sunda.y. . 'Mrs. Mary E .. widow ,of the late 'be ml8'ht get be~ore It was all ov~r. Lebanoll: Waoytlesvi1le. son' spent Sunday with Mr. and MelVin C. and canlle L. Liermann 1Mr6. Fred B. Hendel'S9~ 'Was h06t- Clarla!son Cacjwallader, I¥l!i a sister . And straw Is better' j.han no food' at Mr, and Mrs. W1lliam BergdalJ re- , ~V1rs . Tom Runyan. to Ohar!es R . and Oll~le 1M. RetUng- celved word last w~k of the serious .ess to the Jolly Ml1trons Tu~ at Mrs. Wl1ght and Mrs. O. aJl. .Mr. Kent Ary. and MIss . Pal. Une 'a fternoon. G. W1ll1amson of t.his place, died in Dad a.nd mother lrept on, thelr>feet er, ·41.95 acres in Way/ne obwp. illness Ql the former's brother• . Ed Gibson speIllt Sunday W til Mr. and Frank LeMay had his tons1l.s re- BI'ooklyu. Saturday. ' . ~ed end Marjorie O. F~nas to Bergdall, In. DaytOn. Mr . :aerg<;lall Mrs. R4l-ymond Sfflitlh o~ D.:Iyton. ElVin is. and ,Irene Hurley, 120 acres called Oil' h1m on Sunday. pl.oved a Lebanon hlsplteJ ' MonMr. and> Mrs. Lloyd Davls aind son . 'J.'IhOee 'on the sick list tl'L18 weelt ' in WaYne twp. clBy. , . ' of near New BLLrllngton., wtlr.e here 'Mra. Marwet Johna was a ~Rt Mr. ·Lue Mur~y. Mr. Earl MarCleo and IKlrk H. Jef-ferles to at Ule hc>rne' of Mr. .ind ~s. Ear•. 'latt, Mrs. Harry 'l1umble and VirtU 'The first tcrun of the W. H. S. 8a.turoe.y eveiUng. !Robert ' Gordon, part of lot 8 in b8IIketbalI: team 'iIl composed of Kennetltl Robert E1Ua;yountest Thomas In Centel'V'1lle !'i-lday and Bunnell.. . mirveysbUJ'l:' " . . --.:.. ~ ,,Sh ood. ' H e....... --, e. chUd C . harles T : and Malle E. "' 4"", W~~ce,erw I3atufday. " BafbBra Jean .Mm:'gan, daughter Blleyr and Ro8e G . Western to EWs, dled Dec. 4/ aged two yea.ra. Fromm and · EllIs. '. , ~. and 1Mrs. Everett Ken!lck and of, Mr. and,.{r~. Alfred Morgan i .19 Ma11'iaie L1oens&-Jess R. Mengle. Marton Wmlam and Ethel Leona. <:hUdreni George DjLkln' dled at , the home a.nd Janes, wer ~ome from school W~th. Qhl~m !Hess. Jr., '50.~ acres Jin 'Clearcrtl'!k THRILL NITES 1 of .h1s 'daUghter, Mrs. M. L. Parshall, Iluto tfucIaium, Mor~, aDd' MllSundo.y .af,ternoon and eveplng pox" • . +-SCREE"" '. tw-p. ' eariy Mond~y BJs,w1f-e and dred B, &n1th, Wayzi~V11le. · gue&'ts .roI Mr. and Mrs. s 't anley. Mrs. Emerson Dill IWIIS · shopplilg , fW1W8 Hunter to Medolln HuntEr, three" daugJ)tkr~ survive · ' . " Balley· QlI~ daughter, ·PhYllls,.' .In Irl Xenia, 6&Lurda.Y.: "'There?s FORTl' -EIGHT l'EARS AGO lOts 7. 8, 9, 10. U:, 12, 121, 14 and 15 In 'Mis. Hartley MOss' died ~t a omWaYnesVille. ¥r\ and Mts. Davi4 Lucas Spent , (judy '6.. 189$) . WayhesvWe• • ," , . Soldi~..'" c;lnna.t1. lloSplteJ Monda.y: Her .hUsMrs. :Bartlett Monee Qttended . I? Sunday .w~th Mr. and Mrs. Harold 1RWi'iJa. has ber 10r%1I1a eye orr' that , ' witL '·>· Ollver ahd AmIa lSliIaJlWood t o of A. inspeptlon at Lebanon Wed- Oerter' e.nd If'amily, of 'X enia.. .' band four Olilldren ,survive. Dougl•• Drake . Findley li.'nd laura. Brown, ht in n ........ Alde~ ~y', ~ for~er p'ubl1sh- Strtp 01 territory Japan' squeezed _ .. - ,y .ve.... ft(n n IMt. Houi Ladles AJd held tllt!Jr oa: " ' W~Yne8viue. . ' Tom Neal tit' Of The Mlam1 dazette, was elect- from China. ana is 1JHW prepjLl1rig to Mr. and ~ . .Everett Early left meet lng at t)Je chUrch room last . ~teUa. E. ~mJ;l to l~ery Peters, ed pre91dent of the' Pa¥ton Real ElF wreSt I.t tram Js.~n by ., f~r,ce" of. :or • trip Florld" . Wedn~day Wednesday with a covere4 dish arms. ,B ut will ' 1Ihe? 'lbo6e .laps 129.~ ~e.s fu. \fayne, twp. . 1-a~ 80atd MOnday· nlgiii. " . with > f l!iends from ·OoI4Dlbus. dlnner . . Af'tCl' the. bUSln~ meet\]~Ir '1 Dorothy J. ' Ftazler . to Roger C. 'M)W Js dttv1ng a band- tiiPbters. Mr. a.nd J. Jones spent ohl'~liinas presents .were exChangThe Soolety oC,Chr18tlaP Elideav9r' . and MarJone , -BlyWtI, lot· 16 11} ·Sunday. af~ and ev~ at ed. Refreshments of Ice cream and IlOIDIl neW Bluck. .,' . Is some &OOd WOl')t '1li trying to , WaynesvUle. . . ~ttle llarry ~ttht'W Turner ~ tJhehome «\.fr, arid Mrs> ' Be.t:n1e cake were served. ~vent the OorPett - a;1tzlinni' Il.!!, W. E. a.nd' 'F )Orence 'l~ost to H -I"n p!tuJ'n.ea to ~ home in Bellbrook ' at . Clayton. , ,, ' ': Mr. and Mrs. Eme8t . EarnJuirt . D ill . . lliht t~ ~ .p~ In Texaa. · C, '. McGrew, ' 78.20 aCl~es in MallSle tllter 'pen~ iaeveral weeks : with ' It ow8s {~n yeafa '880 '~llS4ay Mrs. Sllb:ruln , St~~ · and i1tt· ~ 81nd tnmUy spent Sunday 'With Mr. son of nea'!' Lebanon villited her pa,.;, aM Mad1so'i\ " and at Pl'tlsld.int 'OBtfleld' was 8boiat , Oharles A. 'and Edna L. VanOver rents, Mr. and Mrs. Bax\tlett Monee, f~lY of , , Beaver~. the B. and' o.DePot 'I n Waab1n8'ton. ~ ~eIV~ C. and Cal'rle L. L!P.r-· Saturda.y. ' , . ' . Mr.Q.nd Mrs. W. A. Oa.llahan and ' ,:.QOuncll ~et li~y"nSCbt . !f1t.h' mum, 101 acrea in Wayne 1iWp. !Mr. and Mrs. WaJter Keprlck ' a.nd . son, .iPatrlck, of ' Hyde Park. OlnolnReed. Farr, 'Printz, Way, M'&yor MIS' 'Robert B. Ho.Ward and Emily James Haines"spent SUnday 'atter- ' n-atl"v1s1te(l with )\drs. Callahan~s ! , •• sUdtne. and Cl~rk C!il!!tey preaent. Jacobe 'to J:amcs T . and O:race 'M ay noon ' with ,tilelr 00usU;. William parenui• .!Mr. and '.Mrs. T . C .. R~, ~. ~chard.sOn or D!lYto~ Is vlSHerrington,,2 acra 111 WaynesvUle. Pence, Spnn'~,ro. ' yon, on ~ivlng :DI1.y. '., lt1i1g, CllU lUdie. " ,' Mr, and Mrs. E. B . 'L!>nga~re Mr. -and Mrs. MQrrls Lew:1s ~d Benja.ni1n F. and LE!tta M. James A. Ma.Kltt, I . E. Keys, J. to "Wlll?ur W. and E1inma ¥. Har- were guests at the hopte of 'M r. and son, Jerry. spent Sunday wI-til ¥r. Ph!l~e 163 , F , WssUcUJie and J. E. ,Ja.nney a t l@.nd; ,30.01 acres in Cllear~reek bWp. Mrs. Clyde Woodford at Gl'eenvUle. and 1AJrs. John Koester of· utica. ' tended a Ma.aonlo beooDquet ',' .', SW1day a.rt.ernoon a'nd evening. Mrs. Roy Shaw of Xe~la, ,SpeDt Burlington Tuesday. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold' whitaker Tuesday with her ' motlhel', !Mrs, , IE'.- W. 8peDoet:,haS rea1gned ' ~ I~ and P.fi.. and 1Mrs. Everett' ~IY at- Dqra. Morgan. · ',. ' ' aiUon u· ~ '~r 't.be I~ tended the Ohrlstmas meetlhg of the Mrit. Hobel't . Greene, ,M r. Wilbur club. " ' DiscUSllion : group , at the ' home of Steyeil: Of Dayton, c~loo. on - Mr. Marrted/ at the 'f1!SldenceOf 'Air; Mr. and Mr#i Fulkerson In Waynes- a.nd Mrs. Lue Morgan Sunday and Mrs. "Ed saturday;:' June . , . ' niDi. by flqlilre J. O. ~YB, Sidney, A: Mr. and Mrs. Evere~t- ..BunneU ....I.u.~amlc:e..llll;..._. .•. -.· Or ~terv1i1e, · to. Mla8 t.fAl'y1 and family' sPent Saturday in Xent.h18 p~: . ia. shopping: 'c?b. Nichoi.S end lamlly now 00Mrs. Henry' Bergers and chlldren supy 'the ' p~rty on Thlrd ,8tr~t> of Beavertown were dinner guests vaca~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. fra.nl.PIUT 8Unde.~ &r 1Mr. alld Mrs. Lue Mor-
(»eeembe~ ' :ure
chpdr~ ·W 1IlO~mir~.
I1nlt at
1\11'. HOLLY
, About A
' \ . .
'\\\bo h~ve mov~ ·t o tl.e Mia. Sll.r~ ~propertY •
. c. vi. Barnett and famlly left ~0l111nc tor a mon~'s visit' ln NeW york state. , Rev. Maddox's second daughter, /Bert, 'WaS ,jOlnE:d in inatrl~~.v a~ her'hoiDe Newton Wednesday to E:1IMr Hundley. , ' . ¥or~ toon 2,000 people enjoyed t •.e JI'o~ ".Of'} July cele'brat.lo~ ·h ere. Itparade, balI g~es ,and races :fea.t-
~~d ~ea~ ' GIve
.. "
tbs.i ,friend a subSmlPUon t~
The UJRmt G8zette, orily.' .1.50 t er •
Mrs. Etta Blalr ', of Xenia is spending a leW dayli with her brother. ·Mr. 'L ue Murray.
IEEP 011* • * * * • ••
.: &~~.J"II'Adr/ : '.• WITH WU IONDS · * •• * '•. • • • • • • • 'r 1ICKIE ' SAYS-
' -cal News
Letters To The Editor
CIIll1f~ ~.
_,_ ~~.,.;,;" ....
itk:bing 1.'1'S, Yea:.. 'We have an Idea against the to become weelta 'Jn for ber .• _ ••• __ tahat th~ d~vil h1m5eli 'Would be, \Vol'ldly? D()(;s it increaae YOQ%' ~- mother, who baa been lIe~ously m~1I YOU ARE 'INVITED TO Dear Editor : ra-ther dcl1g~~ 111 't,'1lch (L pelletler. tcrellt. ill the chUrch and in wlnnlni '1'!tJ)eC~ to arrtve home t4le m1d~ AlT£ND .... ~. 'l-1ld :Mrs. Wenzel ~ttll/ en;' 'I'lUI! s.hall. be my last letter on the' IA p~er? ~. us Say, rat her:a m e'll to ctir~t1 Dge1S I~ help YOIl t,o of the week. ' .. .•• . . terta1ned the tOllowtng . 'cUnner subject ot'da.nalhg unless ' U1Cl6e who l'eed Shaker With the wind :" "a ~/I "have this mind 111 Y91l, wnlOb ' w~ Mrs', 'L~'tber lIalriea. 'attended 'an ijtl.e mtttntlkl&Ule . 'guestB on Th1,U'fldaY: Se~. WeJt.-er E . are lli favor 'o f It, IlJl~e somethtn:g, clct!hed 111 SQtt 'ratment,r but chtaln-ruso In 0l11ilit, · "e$US ?"-"Phil. " :5. ev~el1IItio committee lneet1Jlg ot , ~ , ~r ~~. 'Hausen, Orlando. Fla.., MrS. WalW more to saytlu\.t Is worth ·whiie. Itly not a prophet. 'l'lie ·nea.Tf4~ ap~ooch to an a:ft1rm~ lIbe Y~~ -¥eet1tig at the Friends Qtltur[~ (Jj}f ' cn:~rbst Hausen of Phoenix, Ariz., Qmn ~Uld ooem io me that It there ' IL dellght,lul person ! We venture at1ve an toot I haye hea.i'<l 111, o~W'Ch 1Q W1lm1ngton laat. Mondsy . Da.wson, 0 , M. 2-.:0," U. S. Navy, so mUch to be said In favor ot d\lnc- to say that the sponsors (It dancln¥ "It doesn't hW'i me,''Now 'let, Ulstop llif.ternoon. ~. . Brook!.yn, N. Y., and M18.S Arl1a 1ni' that aomebO"dy would tIlke up the in th1.a community ,woUld not have to right bera Ifor a f~ momenta,!or we ·M r. and KrI. Wllb\ll' near SERVIPES SUNDAy Met.zner, De.y.ton. !18ht in It/! favor. M, yet nothing OVerwork the1r lmaglnatlnn to piC: have strucJt a aru1l.Tbe perSon WhO a~t 8UD(!a, afternoon DECUIBEB II . ••• . has been written that Is worth a.n ture Christ Bimsel!' on the da.nce makes this statement Will aenerally with Mr8) Ella Burley and Mr. and BIBLE 'SCHQOL Mr, and ·Mrs. E. IW. Scofield .l)ave · answer'. . '. floor. Th8lt is not the kind of a admi t that others a'r e hurt and that Mrs. ' Raymond Wilson" They alao 9.30 A. M. In considering this problem of Savior I want, and it 1& no't, the k.lnd the chw'ch Is .hurt, 'but atw th~y vlsl~d Robert ~niU 'and tarony, moved 1I1to the Elbert .Wallace " ~. propert~ on North Main street, re- dancing, let us consider first the i ac at Savior Jesus lao malntaln their r1ilh~ to lndulie, j)e- near ' W&yneavWe, later. I MORNING SERVICE centlY' 'Vacated by Mr. lind Mrs. tors which DO NOT prove ..nat Second, consider the factors which cause It doesn't hurt ·,them. In. othtlr Little "Jimmy ~Y" MoIn>t1re 11:00 A~ M. aob«ri Sbipley. dancing Is right. 'would help prove t11at It Is right for words, "Let the ohw'oh "&0 tQ the spem TU~ aiternOOD WIth hl.1I Toplo-''TBE WOMAN'S !Plan to a.t~d ~e' Band lIolothers 'lbe fact that daci.ng may appeal' a Chrlstla.n to da~e. ~; let oth 1'8 go to hell; ' if it gJl1ndmother, ' Glenna Wilson: club Dance and Bingo to be beld respectable is no proof tJhat It is WoUld you be w1l11ng to 1I1vlte doesn"L hurt me, '1 don't care." Such Mr. a.nd Mrs. BUI' Jacobs arut lion PLAOE IN THE CHURCn" Dec. 29 at the h18h sobool gmnas- right, "ror even Satan .tashioneth J esus t o go WIth you In person to a a. spirit Is absolutely unchristian; It of ColumbuS, 'and ~ul Peterson EVENING SERVICE ium.. ' himself Into an angel ot llght ....:,..n dance ? Why not? II! It is a harmless is the a.bsenoe of religion. lt 1& hard ta.mlly of the Zoar n elghbor7:30 P. M. Cor. 11 :14.. amusement. It It Is a proper activity to do muoh with a peroon who is hood, visited Walter WIls~n' one Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foxoower, 'Mrs. . The fact that U1e majoTity of peo- for a Ohristlan to Indu:ge 111. <why poz;:;~ed with such a nauseating evening last week. ''MR. CABL MILL£B. WILL BE !Bertha Bentb1em, Yr. and Mrs. pie may indorse It Is no evidence would you be embarl'assed 1! J t:SUS spirit of petty sellishlless. It someMrs . . Nellie Bunn.ell 8.lld MarlanORDAINED AT THE RE~ULAJi , Harry IBenthien, and the iatte.r 's that it Is right. The majority wns went along? 'When you go to a Llces seems that ..this lcind can na Bogan attended the funeral of mother, Mrs. ~lIItllda Keller, all ot n{)t r1gjbt n.t the time of the flood dance, you leave Jesus ~mlnd: b t come OUt by nothing, save by pray- Will Osborn Wilmington la...t ALWAYS WELCOME Pleasant f"Wn, enjoyed a potluclt when only elgn people In t he whole io-et not that "all things art nak d e\.... Ma.rk 9:29. Thursday Ilifternoon. AT TH~ ' dinner at the apa.rtment of Mlases world !Were saved. The majority Is' and . .. laid open before lIhe eyes of HIm It Is the same (ud story. , The Mrs. Ella Hunoy 's pent Friday WAYriESVILLE Florence l"oxbQwer, : Zola Strider often on the devU's side. The crlter- with 'whom we have to do."-Heb. w'lnker Insists iJlat it does not hurt even~pg with her daugh'ter. Ml's. OHUReU QHR.IST and ~ Beekman. on Sunday. Ion of right and wrong Is not "the 4;<l3. him. The smQker cla1lns that tobac- !Bertha Shambaugh, in Waynesville. Dial 2111 - Wa,..eaYiUe Mrs. Rais ~k 18 now cun- crowd," but the wOl'd of God. Ohrlst Would y3l1 1fe'el free at Ii!. dance to co docs . not hurt hlm. +ne .gluito~ 'Mrs. Hurley waS the guest ot an;MAX W. RANDALL, valesoh:Je at oller home alter several says that tew find lJhe narrow w... y earnestlY' and prayerfully ~;eek to win claims freedom floom InjUIY, We other da.ughter, Groce Furnas, SatMinister Uhat leadeth unto 1I1e, but ma.ny en some sinner to Christ? Why not? need to digest and asslmUate such. mARY ~temoon. weelta in the Miami Valley ho6pltnJ Pbone 2993 t.er by' the <brood way thaot lead~th to You know that the very ,fact of your ~ ' a~ these: "For none crf us Mrs. Weldon Wilson, of near ''a-=;;;;'======;;;;;==-ii· <tollOWln& e. majOr opemtion. .-.u",-, _ ,____ _ _._ _ ..> ..... destruclon.-'Matt. 7 :13-14. As far as presence at tile da.nce &0 dissipates lUveth to hilll6elt, . . none dleth to Xenia, called in the Bogan borne Was Na.om1 Earnhart was the numbers are concerned, God's side 18 your Influence with thl' $1nner tha t ll1rn!elf," Rom. 14:7. "Wherefore. If Qne a.fternoon last week. week-end guest of Miss Eother the minority side 111 this 'World, there Is little use of yaur talking. meGlt ~useth my brotl')er to StllOli BOTWll tJh~t he . 1n ~~ a rmy basHarveysbUrg. lJukena, The <fact .t hat dn.nc1l1g Is sponsor[)o dancing Cfu.1stlans lncrea se ble. 1 wlil ealt no flesh fo~ evenno~e. O. E. 8. MEETING M~NDAY pital. a.~ Camp ~ Ik, . He &.1~ S; ed by some l;el1glous organization the Influence ot the church for tha.t I cause not my ~rther to . Corporal Char)es O'Neall, enhowever, -that h~ is not ~10ualy I 1. Miami. Chapter '107; O . E. S , will stumble." I Cor. 8:1~. "Whe,ther route to' 0eJ1fam1a, oa.lled on his does not prOVjl It to be right. f6rrlghteous and holy, llvln@;? IWs address Is: CPl. Prllncls Gene meet lnt regular session on Monday To ask the Question Is to an er bhererore ye ~t, or, drl,n k, .01' whRtaunt, 'Mrs. 1.. 'M. Henderion, aIld even such ta1in:,s liS gn."llbl1ng and Intldcilty are spo\'lllored by some re- it. The lnfluence of sueh membel's is so ever ye dO, do all to tlbe glory of night at 8·:00 p. m. Installation ' ot BrOwn 357tl4894, WIlI'd 40, St..l,tic n oUler trtencla on SaturdB3, leaving Hospital. Camp •~DIk, L . Ul~anna. . enQugh t,o mo.ke hell itsE!lf rejoice. God . Give no occasion of ~umbling, o!f1oers 'for the coming ye8.r '~:i1 early swida:v mornlJ1g after spend.. Ilg10us organizatlons. be a part of. work for the evening The liaot that a person may dance I can conceive ot a church member eIther to Jews, or to Greeks. or to 1ng the night With Mr. and Mrs. with a oonscience ,many talks surrounding Ws questionable prac- the Church ot ck d." ·I Ocr. 10 :31-32. and all Eastern Star ml!JIlbG.rs · a! e John Kersey. dance 'their conscience to death) Is tlces 'WIth such ljec.recy that their "It doesll\t hurt trul; • If you 100e- Invited to ' attend. • • • The o-cssive Women'!) club will . Edna' st. Jobn W. M , no proof that it Is right. Ohr1st s!U d , dlirnag1.rtg ·l.n!luence on ~lIle church ly observe these {oiks, It 'Is not had meet -at the home of Atala T,lompMary EarnbaJlt, Secretary ''The hour comet.h, that whoooever would be mitigated. but ,how ~ft£r to dis.:ern thllJt t~ey are woeful1y ~ on TUeaday, Qecembet: H, at' '7 killeth you shall thInk that' he offer- '\the trutih WU1 out! 'WhY. Iteep them !!ell-deceived. I bave noticed that (JAB» OF m .A NKS 1>. 1m. for &0 . poUuck .c:Un.ner. ·Mf>Inbers e141 service 'unto God."-Jolm 16:2. sacr.et anf.wa.y? , is not the. effort· an when lntmst)Il'.!lIhe dapce ·has InWe iW18h to take bh1s manner oJ aro asked to briilt tnble 'service . The'lfact that diul1l1g 1& indulged In admisB1~that 'YOU ~n~ such prac- creased among young J;Kople in the lOa IIAUI:- We.UdDI Producta at ). • •• . 'I!OngTegntion th 1r ~terest in the eXp~. our , &tOOele . thanks ', to by many "good' people" dOes .ll?t . JlATIO~ REMINDlEn • .Ii. ~. LeIIailoo. Open Mr. and M.n. Harry Azllng, Mr. mean that It is l'iWht, .M any "good tlces are 'W1'Ong? cburch Qnd the spll'1J;ual 'rue he- ·the . me.Il)' neighbors ond . .rr1~ nds . P.l\.oC~ FOOD$ ..:... :O re('n . . . . . . . ~ JQW CCIIivenlalcl ~ a.nd Mrs. ' Oetle iI:nms and daughter people" WIll fight for ' g~mbl1ng, uDoes danc1n~ dr8lW yOu nearer to creased. There is · Q SUbtle incOm. were so ~d a.nd helpful dur" stamps A" B, and '0 111 Book 4 good of DaYtml. <Were Sunday afternoon qupt 8Ind beer, vice and ot.her equally Jesus? Does It help you to tigh t' patlbll1ty a'b out these' twO' llJ1es of , 0lIiIl UDtn•• PbGoe • L. 1I1g the uiness aDd death of our be- through Dec. 20. Green atam:l8 D. E ~-===,,-:,:,-:-===='-:::-iUeate Of the Claude ' StrOUd fam- evil things. actlvlUes that Is ' ,treaohllraWi in Ita loved hUSband and fatber. ltD IIOII'rJ'SO l'<M.1UfS-Por aale . anQ' 'P • .noW valld and remain geod The tact that danaing ,Is 1I1dorsed cunning deceptiveness ,t o the on.e , M.1IJabJ ~tte Office, lie eaeh; ~. • • • Mrs. . PranlC Braddock ' through Janualy •• " \\110 thinks. .. ~t d~'t hurt me." , . e f« _ . . '. KrB. H: F. Dye aooompa.n1ed ' b~r by- our pUblic schools does not prove and PamJIY. , MEAT! ETC. - ' Browp Btampa L.• ThIs Is the rule; If you show me ' an i .'. e . buabaild, Lbo Dye, to Camp Rey- that It is right. Evolution 1& taught GENE BBO~ ~ HOsPITAL 'M an(\ N nCJW ·good; .P, ,DIId. 1:.l: · ail 1ecl nolda, ·1Pa., where. she w1ll rom.wn In many publ1c oohool5, but it Is stUl excePtlQn. I will show yoU' lJIle ,of lOR ~ - ,tWbite Bock " expire ' Ja.n, 11. ,. " Sata.n"s cleverest guide-posts to hell. oicIcbrel& ~.byI R. 0 ; ~P. ~ uoW 'h e l~ves for overseas duty. ' an l,Illproved, immoral theory. lFrlends aDd ~tive8' pere ,have . S0'9~tamp, 29 1Jl Biio~ • good , IC8; ftaDk II: ~ '. ' . • . 'WayneavWe The claims t.cttat dancing Is a good Thill exception would be the atand- receiVed , WOl11 from · 'Opl. - Oene {ei 6 'pounds tht;Ougli Ja.h. IS. R. Do. 1, ~ OeIItervI1le '198t" Attend : the Band Mothers· Dance pllYmcal ~eJ'c1se. e. f1l1e a r" of Ilx. .. . • 8rd alibi of thQse <Who....saY. "There 'ls nQ harm in d·a.ncllig.", , pressIon, a school of ' manners. 8 TAX -!lI'Or ualatan~ ' in and Bingo at ~e .gy~ iDee. 29. . .' means of cultivation at graCe and H I G H R A T ' E I<C you wouid"be anxious to .' ltune ~ ~~ ' r.etw:J- lee .~. E. Mrs. Anna Belle Flora entertainJesus to go a.lOng: if you find YQurMklbener, W~isvWe Route- 2. ed \Mrs. ¥l068I,e carey and MIss ease',of ~rt~. eveIll If true; would not In' 'themselve8 prove the dance selt the more 'ealer ta win soub to ~ ~ .-~ , , Lucy Emley· at a siX o'clock d1Jlner to be right. Other elements mU$!; be A large war phmt in Day- ChrIst, if tile ¥uence of the FrIday ev~" considered. It might be .gOOd e,xer- . ' • church for holy living Is enh!LflCed, ' __ "JIW... ___ .......... _ -. Earl M:ende~:n' of t)1e U. S. clse and it might develop ease ~f to'1l has openlI(gs f~lr husky. 1( you -rind yotlrself drawn clo,ser to ..".".~..,.,....~ . Na\W, ,who 18 stationed at . Great carriage to e~b .through a second men who WAnt lIearn the croas af' 9hi'Is~it you ea~ con':. . Ev,ry,one i~ abort' on' Carda,"~ ',et yo':'.. 'while > !.ekes, Js spending ·lea.ve here at story window and roll e. home ~le ..........:....,.-::":-=:-!':: ...._~-+ilclJent, l.o\lIil)y~l)!; ..;.~cqr.-I.J.Illld7.tl1..t~HII~~r..J~~;~~~lp· !let:e. eatl" have. beautiful a . .ort't he hUne of b1s parenta"Mr. and \.ll~ folks weresleepl':lg, bt:tt; it do~,s these . are the U1Y meat' of 21 ' carda1 49C:, 6ge 'aJld 91c• .. ,-r 1MrII. Ole.fence ··Mendenhall. not necessarily follow tliat suc~ ' (1 .in~';':'~~ I w?i~I,c,Csat tJPat·"~;'="'H.II'*'"" 19'U '" CI ' ~ ,,' . • • • procedure 1& right. . , '. right fQr you. ~ ' dance. . . -: "'- . e 'your'" ~ ir ~ reaay for you, ' Mm. 8te1la Wibetzel, Mrs. Cora The fact that da~1I1g may make a :ing rate, bonus, .overtimej' <It Js 'trW S1Jl(:eFest ,Wlsh tha~ every ' Just ask fpr. it. ' .
HE .
. Services
At All
',- ----- -
yOU-...it; ---
near f' . • .
·Ghristtnas .6ards
¢rculatlni· 'nlch, Reba Braddock, M1sa oaat' C11ne\f.e set. Phone. Sara Smith and .MrII. Elizabeth 217~. Smith ~ d1Jlner at the Swlss . .n..rd in wn _._...... S cia: ~ ODe ~e black "nd tan ~ ens UUUoUlS'""n, un 1·
Gi8r •
, , .coaIi hOund.. Reward. J ,' R. RaU/JOh LOCAL BESIDEHT8 NI"l'END , . ' • ,. ·~ ' or Pbon~ _ ,W. ~.. BED CHOSS ANNUAL MEETING dancer,
.. .
JOIt SA!4I:>::-: ~ room . table, : A number of: Wayne .TO\\'Jl8hlp lA. dellghtlful ,perso.n? Oe~YI ' A from '8 :30 a. IlL. to& ,P;' I,D. Pf!dstal type, 'WIth: c:baIra and '6 residentS attended the annual Red del1g;htM person t9 the gamblers. A I . .va A-I ~ttpD. Paul' .Or' orOss. mee'untr which _ held at ' ~lIghtfill ·person to th08e whq seek APPL¥ AT , PJIcJdD8. ~ . . the ~ Town Ball Monday ~ rob <the church of her wedding ., J
'~-"...~~~-=--;-:=--:-:-:-::--=' evenJnc.
·turnlture In- ' beds .with
'ClulliIDI'\·';'f~Jt ' ,tion,.'
r ---,-::---'J.
14 chlJrs,
. round ~i 'dlabes, etc. Prlce tor
eJt . ..'~ ~ ~1.\I'litaer plano ClDIIL Ji8W tIiOO, 'Will aeU tar '50.
gi.rmeuts. A dellglhttul person to the
ObarJes Wanoner was reelected ~ ~ viCe. lAo deUghtful perC!Ounty cha1rman. and Atty. Harry'; ~n to those 'Who care nothing a'b out Z. Orad was reelected secretaZy- the l'I!p'utaJtlon of the church. A detreuurv. ilehtful person to those who possess , nO' passIon to win men to Ohrist. A rro mmiliers at lJhe armed services dellghtflli person . to ~oo~e whO d:i The Maml ' ~ Is like a Jettnr not 'Want Obr1st~nlty to intell!'ere ~1UJ1 home and You may send It to WIth their personal I«e. A deUgh :h:1m for OWy ·.too a year. 1ul person to th06e who , w~nt preachers who will scratich the!.
WQl ~ PI:dlfj 2542. 0 ' ··ftlR ~ roOm houae, elec.~/ .ter, good lot, $2.000.
• • • u• • p
- nAt!P"" .....
tf. L 'o
i I D ' - ~ ,'1\Ib8t&DUa1 bu1ld.1nlS, fencecl.···rurinms water, etc; IW left! and WlabbJe, .6,600. iWIibur. ~: ~, Beal Batate, .InIIUl'mICe .
' J ./
AUctk:iDeer. ' .
monw.. aid.
~' verY 'goOd
cow from JdJ'ui
herd.·.1lax W. Randall Ph. 2H8. 8ALJihJerSeY '
. RJR,
OlIff It
dreIIIe1', .
PCB 8A.LE-amaU maple
auiWlle for g1rJa room. Practlcal, ly 'PeW. Phone ~aynesvl11e 2m:
Sgt. <CIbatles !;. Ellla 36'7991146 l1Mth ~ Depot 00. A. P. O. No. 185, . Loa ~les, calif.
a-tlel J. ' ,.8,
D8.via. U, .s. N. ~A.T~.
c. E. Wilkin
.()ptometric . Eye ,Specialist .. ,
26 S. Detroit.S~et ~ENIA;.
n ~_t
B\leneme, 0IJif.. Bar. 2:1 • • 0
Purka 35683096 00. a ant Bn.a.t. P.t~ . _hle,O&. .
~ &. ~ 1&801161
AUeTIONEERU4G; S~ey ADd Kooaler
Por Dates•. Pbone 84. WQD"ville. 0b10. Rev~ Charla
mw~ JJ~mm
d I' • ua Ity &Il ·n ee EatabJialied ,1849 - 1943 . . .. .
~-: Beca.... of aetter Senlce,
Raymond E4'addoclk. pr1nc1pal <If W'6ynesvllle (fI1gh smooi, b.aa .r~ted president of the
aev. IL.
ftl ..... . ,,, IIlhi ... '· s ..
From Dec. 20 tq Dec. 24 -tllia ItOre ·will remahi. OpeD every ~venma'; &lao WeCIn~d.,. aftem~n.
" N; ~
__ 11 _' ___ u _ _ _
bL'on "',. ' e 2121
FOR MOTHER ••. ' ~ ' . .' . Ohiria, Pyrex, OV'enyare, Coffee ~akerg, C()~fee Tables, End Tables, Table ;J..amps~ Qloth.es · Hampers, . Dishes. FOR DAD. • . • :. Pocket ~nl"es, Hunting Coats, Smoking Stand.s~ , Tools, Foun~ain Pens, Hunting Caps, BilJ, Fol.d s . FOR SISTER • . •• '. , Doll Carriages', . Dish Sets, 'SewirtgSets, 'Black-' boarq.s; GcLmes,. ,Str:ollers, for baby sist'elr .or . Qrother. . ' .. FOR BROTHER •. ; . • ., ' . . '. . • Boxing Glo,'es, .Footballs, .Wagons, GtJ:ns, ·1.'mle· . ', er TOYSt Gaines. '. _#' ~ ': •
k!. ~ &
Christmas.Gifts Now' 'On' · D\ispl~y-. Fo~ Every ·Me·Qlber·O f '-fhe ·Fatiii.fy'
"(l!IOB ~ereey 'helfer c&I!•..av-
' iMJ,nist.er. OhurCli ' of
,. ::.rcU
TH'E' WIll, I l1NES "'V ' ILL'E.DRUG ST",' ' ' . U:RE'
~ w;, RANDA,Lt;,
Courthouse, LebADon; Ohio ' . now ~PI~, ~
our commurut)i
man. Woma.D and you,ng pel'Son ' of (Waynesville, '~Wd read th1lI article and the passages Of 8cJ1p,ture with it 1iOber\y and prayerfUlly. I want to .publlcly you. Mr. . tharik' ." 'EdItor, >for ' .printing ·ttl.ese art1l::les. Yours with the beSttnterests of
Christian a "dellghtful fellow" does Mt prove It to be right. 0 yeS; one nihtpreIIlium. may j)e popular wltlh t he cr<?w,d, I!' • • 'Company represlmtatsve deUghtful person at all OOC1l8lons,' h~ 1M'" be regarded as a. ~~end and In:" . '11 In . ·t e~"''';e on ~"':"te o. all l)·e he .~ a iQ'od WI H W appII'cants · ......... _..........
~ . . PH .. O.N.E.J.4.tl . . . . .~.......w~..~.....0••~
~ . Val-
.spe8Jter Sunday
ley" was out guest morning. .'
Vorr••\lo .........
Homer of
I .
' , ~veral mm .our· ,community .a tI 'I.. ¥, tended the funeral " serviceS · ,,-of , fn.niIr. 1BraddocIt.·la.st Se.turday '·,af-' "
. CHU IAS NEW .: . ~ I
Farmers Clul? H.o lds December Meetbtg
oMember8 of the Wayne TOwnship O~oana will be asked to buy. iFal"mere club met on December II ~12,OOO,ooo In War Son'ltIJ In In.d1vwibll Mr. ~nd Mrs. F . U. LeMa.y at idual purchaaea dUr1Jii ,the Fourth the home of Mr. and ~ Stanel- War looa.n campatan, open1nli Jan1orth. • uary 18, Harold H. Brtdlaw, ex.ecu. After a pleasa.nt socl61 hour, II. de- tlve .dltecitor 01 the OhiO: W&r Pi.lio1oUlS ohlcken dinner . was aerve<,1. naoc8 c:l<UIUIittee, anmo~ea. . Keller Hoa1t. president. called the . 114r. Bredlow reporte ~t .114,meettnt to order lilt 2:30 p. m , 'The 000,000 '01 tbJa amount baa been 1ItIl~ Sdhool OD-Is trio, IRuth Helell signed to II&lea c4 ~ 1:, "bh.e LeMa.)" Ruth Anna. Johns and Er~ peOple's War DoDd." ThJI quota ex-
Fires. sang, "An Old Fashioned ceeda ' by f39,OOO,000 the amount ot carden" while belpg e.ccompan1ed Series E bond8 puroba.sed by Ohl().. &Da during the War Loan by Raylyo orabbe. . MrtI. A. S. Ool1ett read II. throught:- [)r1ve. provoking OhH&tmas story a.a the With ·the Increaaed amount of special topiC. Serlea lID bon~ to be sold, ail eftort.,s . Harold ~rp, director · of ,the during the flr&t thirteen da.ys of the Warran COunty 'A. A. 'A. program. driv~anuar)" 18 to February l~ was the guest speaker. He cUscuased· Will be ooncentra~ed on !IOliclta.tlon the woIlk done by his office. At the for ealea to ~d1V1duals. The slogan. end 01 his talk tJlere was an In- fThoreth~e eam.pe.lgn, . . 18 "Let'6 All Be.ck formal .dlscusalon of farm problema during which Mr. Sharp e.nawered ""t'li a tremendQUII Job we have . ahead c4 ""," Mr. Bredlow se.1d. He q uestions from the group. . . Guests 01-01' the day were: Harold eat.1mated that over 140,000 volunof -1.eba.non, W. and lira. L. teer 'WOriten wW be Deeded In OhIo 0. RIidley, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Alt- d~ the drive. b ..~J ..". Donald Asbury, !Mr. and Mrs. "OUr surveys allow,'i Mr. B~OW A. K. iDIU', and Mrs. CharJes ,LeMay ~, ' "bhat per80na1 eouclta~ and children. ' . one Person asldng another, . either . at work, or at home-ts ·the 1IIIOIt effeoUve wtq to aeh War BoDdB." Area and C?OunW quoeu tor both tndiv1dual and oorpontloll' _lea nOW' being .or~ out. and ~ be At the '1lat aniiUiij aesslon 01 the announced lOOn, iMl'.' ~ 1!I1d.
Juvenile Grange Wins Honora At State Convention
beautifUl table rUDner In 1'eC08D1of having ·the lalVeat J~venne Grange in Ilhe state. Of the ~ .canc!lda.tea tat1ng tale ' . ~ de,ree the order, ~ were from W~en county, men tb6D for a.ny other in the .tate. '. !Jbe ~ Won b)'l the local
A~ement ~M3.
AmoIIg local reeJde1lta atteildlni /M!8SIo~. 'Wl".1'e; . J,(r'; and ~. JI3l ~ Mr. ~~. .BoeQoe PUr', D&8, Robert W1IIon. l RotieIt -crew,
and "V1tilnt& HArdin. , :. '
,ft' • •
_ . YV/W':.......-8T1JBB8
rwft clUb at. the b _ Of YvoPDe ~tut)bIi ~oMaY, • eYlObl8. 'J;'tle club 1Ir.l~&rnlp~ to kDlt ~ the direction 0I · ~. P. U. : "Ibe &nit
Those ~t
p. m . wit>h single r~ cLremony at the Lebanon Methodist pa.r&on- · age bj'\ Rev. Paul D. OhUes. , rrhe young oouple were aooompanled by Mr. a.nd Mfs. 'R oy Ellis and were ·dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. E11la following the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Will ocCupy the Larrick apurtments. , iMrfI. Smith has been connected wit21 the Southern Rallway 1n BlrfII.'Ing~ Ala., ,tor the past year. Mr. Smtth 18 .employed by the Prlgldaire . corporation at Moraine Olty and 18 8: former manager at Wayne
Mo'thers Club 'H olds M E;vening eeting
The Mothers club held their Deoember meeting in the high .school auditorium Pr1da.y evening with a ver.y good atte.ndance and a very ...... H.... hlen .... was pre.... ""res ..... p1'08'I'8oDl, w by the puplls of the .seventh, and eigHth gre.des and the Wgh lIOhool .under the direction of Mrs. C. H. Bmce, was as follows : Vocal 8010, "Se.Iita. Olaus On S · Way,!L-by' aobe Baatings; pDelli. 11L1ght of Bethlehem," by Pasty . reacUrie, "The ' Inn Within , our Hearts," by Roy' Bltzow; d et,. ~~o 1Room. In The Inll," Ir.JUa F h s ~ , and Ruth Anna JohnB; P<lper pre. I· '1 -•• 'pared 'for clal!8 . 'Work, "SpIrit of XDwI," i>y 'NaomI Earnhart; Ohrllltcll beld its Jaat meetlng of the ycat mas .bY seventh grade girls; at .the attractive home 'o f Mr. and itOry, 'IWhy The. Chimes Rang'," by John Biirske: _. Almetta Steinke; music by the The lollowllle officers eiect- Campbell runny apd Christmas ed tor the ensulns Ye&.l':. Prealdent, Cl61'01a by the audience.' Rutb Helen Clarence Rye; Vice Presk1ent, AlvlD Le!MaY' acted aa the announcer for Ilarnbart. ' Secre~ _ Treasurer each at.ttact1OD. Helen~, and Dlsc~ lead~ The fialVer bQx given for attender, l!lI;iWard stancllortli. &Dee ~ ,won' by 'Mi&9 ' Laura MeThe topio for d1acwaI.on · wu ~Y". l'OODl.I The Jan111UW meet- ' "PamllAbor and 1I'IUm of the club WIll be held Frtday ThIs .... tOllried .., a 481l8btfw'l afternoon, Janu..r, '7. 80cial ~. , during .whlch --,. . h08teaa del1c1OW1 ref-reab- f'BIEND8BIP CLUB BOLDS . DEOOOtriB MEETING th• w then aA.ourned · to Tbe ,, ~ . .. ....... ----'. meet in JaDuaJ7 at the tQne 01 Mr. Mrs. Alva Tllom,pson, assisted, bY 1'fld'I4rtI. Davia F1IIrDaa. " loIrII. ~H. · R Moss and~. W. P . 6
.ned me.
OVEll8EA8 IlA)LiNG .~ 18 a-CODd-eoaatlon or re-
~t ot~ ~Dt
rUlmga .
were: Mary, Ide8~ Wltb"oveneu mam.: M'artln. J4It1&m •
Phl1UB JohflllOn, JP~ BaU.y, ~tay A sealed ~Ie we1lh1Ds up to , Ba.~ Martha wndIoW, ,JUdy 9on- eJ&h"0QDICea ~~, be .aent to • iolneT. NbOmt , ~, lin. J:.eMay .iFlaber,
and :the ~tel!e:
h~~d ot
The public Is OOrdlanY Invlt, d to enjoy 'with us our special Chrl t.me.s services boCl on oiu1s~ Sunday, December 111. and on Chrl5tma.. Eve December 24. At 7:30 p. m. there twill be a candlelight service and cantata. The church wlll be illuminated with ca.ndlea. The choir w1l1 g1 ve fill e beautiful Ohrlstmas cantata, "The 'Muslc of Ohr1Iltmas." Following ~e cantata will be a candle lighting service In which everyone present wUl participate. Tell )'QUI' frltlllds .about this service and bring them with you. on Christmos Eve t he Sunday school Chlstmas entertainment will be glven. The committee 15 prepar1ng a fine program for th1a occas.1on, whlah will include a OhriStmas P~Q Y by the Junior , and Intermediate scholaI\s to be entitled, "Everywhere.
Offi In d cers,· CUJ.e BEt C!tar y as en ,)
~., on Mon~ night. with Mrs. MinL..p. RoADiLEY, P~tor. .nle B. Fromm, D. O. M., Mrs. Min- MORE "ARM MMlmNEBY erva Hougb,' Mra ;Saft\, Bre.aaoclt. FOB .CONNn IN 19M Mrs. 'Ruth RadleY., ~II. Asenath The local oALU oUlce has received Thomas and ~. ]uthryn PUlkerson as offlcers; ThE~ fullowtng v.ere quotas lor Warren county 1arm maJ,nlstalled as oU1ce2'8 fw the coming ch1ne~ tor the coming year. Harold year' Sharp. county chaJnnan, has an. " Worthy j~ , Mrs. Pearl ilounced, • ruC:ge; WorthY Pat.mn, Mr. Everett Sharp eltPla1ned that the quotas Early; Associate Na,t ton, Mr.s. Edlia' on a.\.m()6t everY type or machinery Hartsock; A8Soc1ate ' 'P atron,' Mr. bad been 1ncrea,Sed- over l&.Bt year. Roos oHartsock; . Elecretary, Mrs. n Is possible . the new quota may Mary L. Earnhart; 'l'rea.s4rer, Mrs. even be .increased ,within the next 'Lucille Ai'inltage; Oonductress, Mrs . few months. Farmeta needing n ew Ruth , ~land; Associate Oohuuot- £qUlpment D'.ay> apply at the lQC81 ress, Mrs. Edna EnrlY; Chaplain, AM office in Lebanon, Sharp Mrs. Ed a. St. JtWl; M.a.rshllJ, Mrs. states. Ah."I Bailey; Organist, Mrb'. 010. FollOWing are the quotas lor the Kersey; Ada, Mrs. Janet Rush; comlIig year! Corn planters, 16 ; h:.....i.b, MI's. Luqlle Bl~c1; Ea ·n er, rrain • 13: man~ spreaders. Mrs. ~o.seilh1Jiil, l!IIu'Dbart; Martha 26; combines, 13; corn blnders, 2; Ml'S. Vlrgln1a proVE~; Elect&., Mrs: com plckers, 8; mOwers, 29; deliv'Y 0 -11 Burske; Wa.rder; Mrs. ery rakes, 8; haY 108&18, 12; ba1el'll. Edna IRIdge; Sentinel. Mr. L. O. St. 3; ensilage cutters, 2; tractors, 44. J uhn; 'I'rwrt.ee for t4iee y Drs, Mrs. CIVIO OLUB TO -ET Jqsephlne Earnhart. _ .. .An InlPl·essIVe . memo \a.l sel'vice MONDAY EVENING W AS given for Mrs. Edith Harris, the Ji'OB ~EO. SESSION only member los~ durtn~ the year_ Th(! Waymesvllle Civic club will Oorsages 'Were , r~lvEd by . Ule In- meet Monday. Dec. 20, at ., p. m. at "Our House," for !lbe December meeting 01 the club. .; No ,g uest speaJter has been en~ gaged tor this meeting and the program will °of Ohrlstmas read':' IngS and the al.ngtne..of caroIa.
School News
MCUlo~.: lnatall
The parts 10r !.he operetta, "Words and MUsIo" by Berl Horswell and Adele ~e, have been- ehas en. They are a.s follows: ~'erllando FllIlSbutton" Jamt:. Steinke; Samanthla Highnote. l rm Fires; Mary Allen, Juliet McCO)
New Officers
At a. stated oo.mmuruoatla n 91 Waynesville Lodge No. 163, P. and A. M ., Tuesday evening, bM f~.~ Ing officers w~re ~uly lllat.aJled fpr the eneuing year: J. oarl Conard,' Worship K&&tpri Allastasius Longword , Bob , Bennard . Merlyn Banta, JupJor Warden; J( John Warren. John LutUngt(.n Washlng:ton, Jack Crane; Girh W. Smddock, Treasurer; Cbarlel ' James, SeCretary; L. 0 ." ,(~ ~rtet. Ruth Hele~ LeMay, Rutl. Chaplain ; IRasa RoW~. aenlOr Anna Johns, Veda Oook, Ernestln, Earnhart ; Boys TrIo, John Philllpb Deaoon; Harper St. • J~ ".IWdoi . Deason; Kenneth Ho~, ,~(!!;~. Seth Ho~k. Roy Bltzow. A special commu.n1catlan sa No definite dote has yet been BE C or Monday evenmw, · ~: ~; ,~. for the operetta. 7:90 for the purPose ~~~. The Waynesville Dance B::tn( bhe Fellow oratt Det;ree., 4 ~_. , .•, played for the Jurilor class play a bers are ~ to be. preseilt~ . .,.; , Harveysb1+l'g Tuesday nlght. The. '-~-EfriE"'·"" .f 'vrt-.i" .wlll also p~ay for our hlgh schc;o FOX HUNT--N£A.R~ I'~~" par!.y to be held here Saturdal A New y~lDa7 'fOX bubt Ii t& nlght. le held near ~rVuuj; Katl· ,D r• • • The ba.nd Is ooncentratlng on Iel', Montbomery· count,' .-ne. ~ formations for .the Lebanon gaml Jen, 'eatlmates 1. or 12 f~ Cliil lie tba.t wlll be played here Decembel .:aught. The pelt. wtD ' be.~ · 23. oU to wa.r 'l)pIid 'Iit&lerat by--lJ.'l1 • • • d.lesau and P. T. Jlai'ltlD; 'who~ An assembly was given at t.hl dona.te their ' 1e1'YIceI. '!be 0eaIIW~- , high school by the Junior cla~ Frl, ville ·PIlA 'Will serve , lWlob: 'ID • • , day afternoon, Dec. 10. .After th" school cafeteria. J devotlo~, 8 two-act play was put on by certain memberll of the JunIor class. Several songs were alsl. drama.tlzed by the ' s tudents.
oJ .
• • •
Baney 'Dec. 27.
Christmas Activitiesl At Methodist' Church
Y:vorine ~.
or ~W8
" ~--;--'------_ _ _ _ _ _--:~
war tq handlE policies tor the . war IIg"'" des and to ~ work with war no ci p08t-~ar adju8tment problems. 'I' hE appointment was made by JaIME F. Byrnes. war mobilization dlrec- Chr1st.ma8." tor. This Is the &am8 role Baruch The Ohrtstmas Mural painted by Dlavcd ' in World War I . c.h1ldren of our Juntor Department will be on display in the church t.- 11 during the hOlidays, .8 !WIth the church decked out III its boijday Wimmlnp, it w1l1 do you __ i The ,beautltul illstalla.tlon ,work $OOd ,to worshtp 'wlth us, so come was glven at ~.1 Chapter, O. E. and brlng the ohIldren with you.
Theneltt , meetinC , t wlll' be ~e14 at
the hOm.e
' flee ot
Offic._ Elected Bw- S W A""'e A ,-"
Ohio State OraI!tfe/ which ".,. held in C1nclnn.a.ti tb1s week. OTange No. ~, 'W&8 awardP.4
!Miss Doris Sallsbury. daughtel' 01 Mr. and Mrs. D. R, 8al1&~ury and Mr, Edgar Smith were quietly marned op Friday, lDecember .l0. at 4:00
Ilctivitie~ .At
Ferry. Church Of Christ ' The sermon topic SWlday morn·
ve: "No Second Ohance.'· One week !rom Bu.nday p,o,rry. wll !;lave their Chr1sbna.5 program. All who 'have no chufob borne are 111vlted to attend, A revivel WUl Ibeg1n at· the church on January 10. l~, with Brother Fred Dowdy 01 South Webster. 9 ., aa the evan.relist. Helt,ert Graham, minister. a.sk.S that ' the pubUc keep this date In mind. log
Nl:W ADDRESSES Oeorlfe Peterson, Jr.,
1-e USNR:
NayYJ!!d10 &...ta.t1on 'NaVy 39 <three-nine)
To F leet Post orifice New YOl'k , If. Y .
• •
Lt. Robert L. lPlane~ ~le Mabry FIeld Tallalhasse, Fla.
Ptc. Tress1er Hardin 15300436 (IIdq. and H4q. Dept. .Air service command, 9th, A. P. A.P.O. No. 896 . 'Care al ~ter, New YOU, N. Y.
Cpl. OWen F. Hartsock i53(ol~7 'lllth Tmg. Grp. 0&1'0 Seymour JohneI;ID~ }I'1eld, H. C.'
. have , a. ..~ fl'Oill the' 1101. B 'fa not DOC..-ry that taw ,-~.m,m~iWJJltt· olilcer rive '." his a,p ~ueat. '_ _gel ~~~
Res1deni.a of thls vicinity ere ·in¥1ted to attend the PoUltry allow to . NOW TBAINING IN
Wi/\m ~lll
~ 10141er'a rewtt.1i' the enyetope iii
be held at IqUe Town hail Se.,tur-
AvlalJon Cadet Robert E: Osborn to Dorr Field, Araldia, FlorIda, 'where ' he wW receive one phase of hJ.s pUot training leading WILLIAM MELLOH OOMPLETES to recelvinlr his liinga. Aviation cadet Osborne Is the son P~Y PIIlOT BOBoOL " of Mr. Btnii M.rs. HaZold E. Osborn !Relatives her;;tU;'e receIved word
!'iUs reported
U was ~ved.or the·· V-Mail Ute Post6). .aut.horlt1es. . .~" Of ~t mOre than Ove
" ~8ING~ twrD~ Mr. 'a:lid .
PROGRESSIVE WOMEN;8 ' 1N.·n.; L , ' ' .. ' . MEET~ TUU~Ar
: T. S. ili8rdJn 'have ' ' '11M' J>lpgr~:ye ··' women'~ . met at .the' home btw.:
WnJd to the ef(ect that tb~ · 8OIl~ La.lIIdD;( baa :f.ln1abe4 his boot ~ne and 1)..-. bee.1). sent to BewpOIt.1R. I. trom the Great I&!tes received
Thompso~ on Tuesday eve. . a It.otluct Supper.
Raben or. '~=:.li=I1=
e1etJone had 6njoyett iIbe aJlDual' . . . ... ~ lfaTill ~I 'S'" JQa a&1re£5 'del1clous meld the b~ meetfng ~ III ~IIIIDI~~..... .
d.eDlI'tIIlleD1b'l .sa: Tbomu ~ Barc1ln S 2- ~. Go. oeee; )~ :sa~~, . OoddIDPoD
, After.
.·JiMScIenl _ . . . ' , ~., , or" boGr CODaIsted or I.~ . _=*';~I~
N~ B. L '!be pIOINID ..Aaot&er mu.' Tteatler, whe bII!J aaiIa..-.-.Nl1dDllD8 Ud • , . , t~ _ _ _ til fOr lOme Ifrj_ _•
1tbe .,-iami ' ' ~a'ttte
-.:'HE MIAMI GAZE'I"n! .
tllere were
men to
and most cl ,the were. alread): mamed,' So the gloU ' order " bride, was a ooDuJ)cm one, 4nd aome ~ the ' ma.rrlages ,tumcid oUt as well as any, . ' . 4::t..:l;...-;-;:-'""-::--iiiOiD:iViR~1i~tiiDAY--;--~-:----· 1 Jolumy 'wrole to a school til 'ber ~Y THURSDAY who was hunting a husband and she aooept.ed his offer of marriage. They were Iinu'rled In t he .:.; ummer . " n d that ,fall she taught ehe Liberty he i1na.l1y . hi~ed up the team to sChool a.nd she did' every year With ,ong ' . tile sled and went up 1n tllc tlmber the ' exception of the Wdes she pye B1 lin. , ~ E'. Thomas and iOt a l<lad or old cut logs and birth to her three' Children.. She , 11)0 area t , great grandmother told poJ.ee. How It happened. nO one was a very good t.eacher and eVl'ry IlIT iJ"'Ilt c;ranillnother ~d my knowa. but Just e.s he got home, he one liked her and wondered how great grandmother told my grand- was suddenly under the team's feet she could put up with Mrs. Mullen. mother and , my' grandmother told and the sled was d88'l!ed over PIm And maybe ol~ Mrs. tM~en's quet'.:my mother and my mother wId me before the horses could be stopped. ~e.ss 'W6S the rouse of LuCY 'S queer-.that one stick of 'WOOd 'Won't burn He didn't ~ve very lang, and &1- ness In t.he end, I don:t ·know. But by itself, there must be sticka w tel h1s death, Mrs. MUllen went· one da.y Johnny came home to timl get ~ heat. And thereby banp sldwly out of her m1n~, not crazy, his mother with h er , head on the the We. tor it was thln ldl1l of this just "touChed" as t.he neighbors klbchen table and blood everywhere. tt*t 'made me think of Jobnny's wei. especla1ly On the subject of Lucy was locked in the bect.room and mother and then of Johnny ~~ wood. ijhe 'Went 'about the yard and would' not let him in. He tried to Gel! and Ja8tlJ of hlI wife. LucJ. picked up all bile ChiPs and fallen find the children aJld finally wen t I'm w call them by the branches. and mobher said that it to the bedroom door and asked fatn1l7 name of Mullen. because was 1mpofssIb1e to find even the Lucy where they were . they were of a fine old southern smallest plece of a. chip. It was "In t he well," she stated sullenly. flim1l7 'and 'while theIr stay ia In- worse 'When ·t h.e neighbor women Johnny twas sick and a little tcIl't:8ttn& it ," of Interest to no one went in to help her cook for thresh- trilhtened. Juat what thelr name waa. era' or wheat blnders or something. He went to the well and rescued The MUllma came i1rom South becauae she wouldn·t let them put his babies, but they were all dead. oaroUna aDd Mr. !Mullen waa a pro- but ,one atiOk of wood iil the !ire They had ben struck over the 'head. • !feasor In on~ of " tbe unIvera1ttea at .. Ume, e.nd no more until bhat too. there. You &ee, hoaiestee.dera may was burned up. Bhe said that · they .H e Vo'ent to the neighbors for help. be UQ' ODe, for &Df ODe can be blt- must be -.ving af the wood. You and didn't know but that his mothten by the p1oneerm, fever, and imagine how Johnny must blive er W88 dead too. But she wasn't, she ~ ~, Idaho, in 1812, waa ~ felt, 1o th1i enVlraoment. ,H e was a lived. uarted bUDd1 ~ people, YOUDi' man "and 'he was tied to his [,ucy was oommltted to an 1nsti.'lbe7 tOot ~ a homeate.d ' . 'tew mother, because he loved her and tutton for the 1nsa.ne a.nd Johnny . trclm ,q" folb and ' lif'-l wu felt JIOI'I'Y for her .too, Be 'fin....., ft"_ d e- took his mother and went into mlliII pretv mwh the ~ for them ail c1ded tba.t .he wanted a wife and Oregon. He said that the country It 1fIIe for , a.D1 other ~estea'de~, women were very scarce in that had been the rulnatJolliof h1s lamuaW the 'Winter Mi'. Mullen was CXJUnW. espec1aUy bhe ldnd of we- lly and I can't help but a.gree with ldlied. Mrs. KulletD, 'had iUBlled and . men ~ 'Would n.ppeal to John- him. 'Dwo th1rd3 or the people Who ~. ~ :~ .'aboyt j -eett!na her I ny. 80 he rwrote 10 a matrimonial went west to hOlllP.8tead cUd not r:-'I"'"-o_ _ ''''''_ ~' ~(~~,e doean't, e~-I bureau and they sent him a cata- me.ke a success of 1t, because tney ~ ... .-..mIll··~·a wife) and logue. This was a. very common didn't 'realize JUst what they were ge1.tIng Into. and didn't 1mow what to do about It · lIifter they learned 'WihAt Itlley were lnto. JohllllY's mother dled, ·a. hear<tbroken old woand we have never h&lrd Just w~ became of Johnny. But I hope that he filially found /lOme haPP1ness 8OOleWhere, He deserved It,
W~v1lle. Oblo
Al '
Main Street
The Way
--~.~--~--------~~~~~~~~~----~~--~---Pl'act~ 111 tha.t . ~untTY beciluse ~ FOr all over 25, the pl'lce ~ be
$38.00 per laJnp, per yca.r.
II!I• •III!III!I• •~. . .I!IiIllllllIil!lll.....
l ,~~ Church~ es ~I ~d said ccmpany' ~ri at its own expt'USe. turnish, /iald lafnps and. METHODIST OHUBC.IJ "Louis C. Ih,dle,. ""slur
eqUipment lind ,' material neceSsary tor' said lighting, and e~ect and ma intain same a.nd ~ sai d lamp~ with the ·necelil!&.ry elee~
tric C~l're,nt and tlh!: company'· is to pald py said Village for said lighting In twelve (12) equal mcmtltl-.'. ly installmimts on or bel9l'e tllllt h days 01 each ca.len<lat mont~, subject, however, to the as bereln .provided ,f or OIltalles artd the Company agl'ce5 toot any aadi- ... tional lamps of the character afore- proved.. RATION RODNDEIl snid, for bhe street lIghtlrig ordered ~UTI0N 9 .' Upon The l)(lytou' by said Council. shall ~ erected and' Power anu ,Ligne Colllpllily ' t1llIig, i ts PRocmaED FOODS - Gxel'n operated by it at the same price per W.'ltLEln l1Mlep~ce of th~ ord1l:lallce stamps AI B, and -C itl Book { good paper. lamp as that above named, the wlLb ~ e 1e1'1( of sliid VLlage. wlth- through.Dec. 20, Green stamOlS D, E same to be paid by said Vlllll4re in ill Ilhlrty (SO) days lram tool' teilWl\! and p, 'now 'va11dand reina1n '. ood ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Lbe same marmeJ; and Installments t!l1'ect hereOl, t.h.Ja ol'd.l.nt.nce Shall b through January .20. CnURCD and at the times hereinbefore pro- aud Ooru.LlLute n- cohtra.e~ . between· MEAT, mu. - Brown' stampls 'L. vldecl for ' sald paymen~. '\iillage ~ <;OffiPtmy to 14h ' ~. N, and 'P valid through IDee. 20. Ralph Parks. MInlst.er In Charge SEarION 2. TJmt tlle mlllln!um Lbe stl'eecs, lll.rl~S, alleys, a.vt:llue.s Stamp Q Will be iOod Dec. t9; aU Church school at 9:45 a . m . number of lamps of the varlou8 Ilud publlC «ouuds, ill ~ruan"e expire Jan. ll . . Stamp R l:)ecomes Morning prayer and s:ermon 11:00 candlepower to be used for the IIght- nl!reWlt.h~ lor Uve ttl ) yelU8 lI'OIl'l tne gOOd Dec. 26. . a . m. lng of said streets, lanes, alleys. ave- 1l>t day 0 JanU1\lry, 1944. SUG.A!R.-St R ~P 29 In Book. good 'n ues aJld public places f ·rnlshed ,SEO'i'I ON 10. 'rnut tllW ordinance' for 5 pounds t.lll·OUgh Jan. 15. FEItIl," CllllltCIl Ol~ CHRIST shall be os follows: shaU, '!.ake eitect and be In. ivrca SHOES-'-Stamp No'. 18 (1 p.air) Is . Berbe.r t Graham, l\llnlater 35- 100 candle-pow81' Lamps 110m ana a.1~e1' \.I~ clalti~t. pllI'lud good 1odeflnit!!ly. No.1, "alrplanc" -250 Ca.ndle-power Lamps ".}owe<1 by la.w. ' stamp iJl' Book 3 goad' for 1 IJRir 9:30 a . m., ,Bible school. - tOO Candle-poWer uUnp.!> P ...SSI!U t.hii; ~1l1l' <my of lJecem~el·. until further notice, . 10.45 a. m.-Communlon, ' said lamps to be Iccated as shall ·be 943. OASOLItJE-"A" b ok rou"olU !~~OO p~·m~~=~. . directed by the Ll.gllting Oommittee • WARREN B&ADPOCl{. NO. 9 good for three gollons thro\1th of the C<luncU . of said "Vlllage of, . 'v1Oe , a,yor. J n. 21. P and O. s~.lnps 'toad tor FRIENDs Waynesvllle, Ohio. test: O~ JA14ll<B, 0 ell>. two gallons until usoo. N E ~ B BLd __ SECTION 3. Tna.r. said electl'~c, C stamPs good !for five g a1lo~. ' Fli-st Day school. 9:3(\ a. m. light shall be ;furllialled by means N01'1 E', OY ~tlBLtP SAL&:: .TIRES-Next· lnsPcl!L\ .llS due: A Meet10g for Worship, 1'>:30 a. m. aErial construction only, and said , - -', 'book vehicles by Mal 1 :n; B's by In, tnt: p~CIj 01· t.h\l OfOllr ol Company sluill be prIvUeged to aod j,he riOUIto..e uour~ , OJ. W 14.. U Feb. 29; C's by F b. 29: colnn~rcllli ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCB FaU1er Krumhelta, Priest shall 1rwta11 all .nece&'lalj' wires; voun~, utllo, J. ' (WUl Lluer IUt :"alc ehlcle.s very six montbs ~r every ' polt s,anchors. guys and Qther equip 11 pUOJJO I\oU~t1un on \ut: lbUl ull..Y ~,900 !DUes, whlch~ver is flnt. Mass Sunday 9:00 a. m. ment necessary Alld proper W ac- u1 .uecember, 111~. at (,J.l.cl o'l)twa;. p. FUEL OIL-period I C~lUpOIlll gO<'d oomp~lsh SUM lighting by IIUc.h m. on ~b.e PremJSes thl! ! .....Ii .. Lull Ut:- ttlrough 'Jan. ~; period 2 coupons Wl'H!ed l t ll. esta~; " WAYNESVJLI.E CUlIBCU OF means. good' throug'h Feb. 7; Perl: d.3 cou- • ISltWl.WIi in ' the .C<IWl~y ot CUBIST SOOl'lON 4. That said Ughting Wa.rn:lI. In the State ' of' u~o p ons through Ml\Teh 13. All, 'have &nd in tne' VID88e of Sprinat)oro, value of 10 gallons for each unit. _ shall 'be according toO wb6t is known and boundea and described 6.i Mas Randall, MJnJster as the '\AILL NIGlIT AND l!lVER.~ STOVES-.OollSuulcr purcha&"-ll of followS. BeJ,~ \ili. ~ 1.0& 1'10. ;S', Blble BchooIS.30 .. m. NIGHT SOHiEDULE;" that Is, tfie l'atloned stoVES must be. m de with as cie81gna~<1 Ou the ~lat Iii Communion 10:.5 a. Ill. lamps shall be illuminated e"ery VlWlge and 2ti !t:.. ~ ()u toe .i::SOUtn a certlflca te Obtained a.t local ",ar .si<1e ot Lot i o. 30 In said Village , price and rlltio1,lins boa.rds Preaching, l1 a. m. night lrom pp 'oxlmateJ.y one-half tW1dU! ~tr9D\ '.Itlil.!!P Su·~.~ WtIJt ' JWlIot Endeavor, 7:15, p. m. bO~ after sunset of one day to ap- .. lull to ~e¥. , . ' . BIRTHDAY tlONORED Benior Endeavor, 7:16 p. m. proximately one-half hour ' before Bald premi.ses are located, on , OollUllunlon and . pres~h1ni, 8:00 sunrise of tl1e next day, In ~c.rd·the West. side of KaBt Street beMr. ,and Mrs-:<iiiberl a.ni1 t.ween Market Street and. he~nce with which 's chedule e6(lh lamp ,P. m. 1lOIlB , entertiUned to dinner Batmwry. Btreet In IIa1d Villaae Of You are 1ovll.ed .to come and wor- shall be illuminated lor approxl'Sprln8boro, <lh;io. ' ' : . dilY ev~g, hon:~ the birthday , Olately 4000 hours per yea.r, ,I '. seJd prem.laea are appra.laed at Ih1p with WI. anulversary of . Mrs: · H. .' R.. Moss. NO'I1IOE OF 'PPBL1C S~E SEC'l1l0N 5, ~ locatIon of Dine bundred dOu8rs $900.00) and Covers were Ii..rnI.nged f9r -Mi: e nd OF CUA'M'EL PROPERTY ftlT. IIOLLY M. E. COURCII every lamp Iihall be aPl>roved by ,the .must be sold for .not leaa than 2-3 at MnI. H. R. Moss, Mrs. ~ Rich T. M.. Scam. ' MIJ~lster 1L1ghtlng committee of the oouncll ~~ appraiSed viuue, ~ the terma '/UICl Mr. W1l1lam Mtu. The undersigned will otfer for sale of· sale are caah. '.' , of said Village before the laDip is at pub11c auction at the late .resl: WAIJI'EB, KENRIOK, Sunday School ~ 11:30 II. m. E. A. ereCted, and 'atl·l.er Il lamp hail been • 1, E:lecuOOt Of the Estate of ' dence of Ida Christopher, decea.sed, Earnhart. Supt. ' e;wted in a.ccordance with such ap, Ida O!U1stoPher, In the Vlllage of Splrneboro, Wa.rEvenlng 8ervtce. 7:30 p .•. proV\ll, COmPlUll' upon a. ",ritten H. 'z, GllAY, 6ttorooy 'at Lao." rell COunty, Ohio, Sl,\ld resIdence 12-84t. ~yer !4eeUng VVed!~esday eve- order from the Counc1l, shall reo, Lebanon, Oblo being locs,ted On the., West , ~de of nlng, 7:30 p. m.,· • It to another locattOo. the cost , move E\Ult , Street -between Market Street , \ ~RDINANCE ,~IO.. 178 , Of such .~vlil a¢ ' reloc;a.!i~ w and Factory Street In sald Vilklge. _ . paid ~y the ~e of WlI,YlleSOn: Saturday. the 18th daY' of DeAN ORDINANCE FIXING THE v111e, Ohio. , ' cember, 1943, at 1 :30 o'olock a. m.. PRICE ' WHICI1 mE DAYTON , BEoTION 6. the personal propel'ty at uJd de-. POWER AND. LIGHT COMPANY shall '.use, all ~nce a.ild cllre uecea.aed, . CGnIIlstl~ , in part of: Sideboard, dresser, folding bed, MAY VIlAltGE , FOB ELECTKIO cesSat'Y' to ~eep all Ule 1aJ:WI5 61ea'n, .sewtne . Dladh1ne, victrolo, ' ·clock, UqUT FtJR.NISBED TO T B E a.nd burning dur1nti- the houi-s called lamps, ohairs, hea~ stove, cook PUBLW , GROUNDS, STREETS, (or in tll1B or&ns.m:e and aruill agt~e stove, oil ·stove. lIUgs, dining table. LANES, ALLE,"S AND AVENUES- that if ·anY light or ~ts go ,put" .the ldtohen , ~lnt!~, dishes, cooking IN TIlE VILLAGE OF WAYNES- lam~ llhall be rePau:eQ the same . utensUs, garden tools, . and many VILLE, 'omo, FOR A PERIOD OF night, II possible, a.nd .lnthat' event HECK VOU~ , FIVE (5) YEARS, OOMMENCING no deduction lor ou\:ale ' ~l be other articles. F'I·REI N SUR A if C ON THE 1ST DAY OF JANUARY, made;howeverU lRmP orla14ps WAIJnER ~CK, ' POLICYI! :J 19U. AND DETER~' I NG THE are ~ou~d to be sWI out ohthe sec'ElIiecu~r of the Estate of IN . ,WmVlfl S A.I D o~d nttht. tlhIin t.be V11l~~ . ~' MANNER Ida. Ohristopller. LIGHTING MAY BE, FlIRNJSlllm; make a deductlQ1l ' equal to , two. iHARRlY, Z , <JiRlA,'Y, PROVIDED"'AND PjUD I~R. nlghts for each' lamp ·burn1llg on Attorney at. Law 16 !WHElR.EAS, tlu!l'e 18 oln .tUe with the ~eCond r»ght, and e. deduction ~cm. ,ohto _ , the Clerk at 'oo1d VU'age complete lor ench- additionnl nigiht that. li.ny plans . .and Specifications lor such lamp Is not burnlrig, and theSe ~lIill''ht1ng ,01 the streets 'Illd p ubl:c 'deductions ·shall be at the PIaC~ of the Vllhge with. electr1.l~y, .re.t,10 per nlghit as tile tot81 ,mionl;hl3t110lem~* which plans and specifications pro- pric~' beiLrl.) to tn'e~e the 'Mf!Xl!eve!l'. v1~ to~ dllfe.rent tyPe ftn(,i ra~ ' oI ' lamps, hf\Ye been! fo~ .tiO ,.~ J18'ht.s in dI1t.erent locations . accord~ The Vlllage ,. ~oug'h ;ns , .~I'TJIlcm~ lni' to the local requirements. ~e sool1 pr~ptly .!eport to me" of Ice, I.fVlire.8lltiDgtoQ lJghts being deslgMl.ed by canC1lc- of the COmpan'y aU l~mP8 ~,v. power and classified as .herelnllllter ered ' not .bUnn1ng. \ ,~' set forth. SEC'l'IQN 7. ~en~ver any. t,r'ee:oF BE ,IT ORDAINED BY THE treea upon a.ny s!dewllUt Of 'any OOUNQ1L OF THE VIILAOE OF street, lane, alley, or avenUe IIhe.llse, ~ WIAYNEB'wLI..E, STATE OP OHIO : r1~UBlY Intel1i~;e ~~~the' ~"bU:':, SEC'rtON 1. That 10r n, periOd ot tion ot lIgbt"Om ~y, lamp or 'gro~p .,MIIcaat.. five (5) from the isi day of ot la.mps, of: which Uhe OouncU of HORSES, COWS, ' Jan~rY. 1944, the p~' whtcb, may the VIDage; 8hal1 be, JU!lge~~ ute C~LVES, SHEEP, ETC., . cha~ by 'The 'Da~ton Power Vllla~ will :trtm f1i ~use ~,.Iie: and Llgllt OofD'Pa.~y for e,1~tric light trimmed IIjny su¢. tree or Ip, Removed Promptlj" .fW'lll.shed to th~ of We.yne8- BUlCh manner that 8UcD .mterf~~ce Can ' OW0, to 11 ght the '8tJ~eets, laD!!8,' wttn, the distribution ofliSht,m be alleYB; avenues and P~C places removed. ' thereot In the mann'lr nnd by the '. SEOTION ~. , Thdt the: ,p~, .:, . aet worth ~ the plaM a.ud specUlcatlons 'herein. ref~~ ~o~ specIfications therefor 011 tile .with, such 8t~eet llght!ng a04 ' 9~ ti).e ~~ the Olel'k at said "Ulage e.nd as pro- the Clerk of $ld Y~~ be' ~ t.be Beyene T~OIIe Char,a vlded ~ tJlill ordlna~ I~ll be as same hereby a.r~ ~~oPt~ 'and , '. Malo w; XenJa, '0. Church sChool at 9:30 a. Worship service at 10:30 A. M , SUbject: ''The Promise Ful!U1ed." Youth, FellQWBhlp 7:00 p, m . Oandle-4.1sht serv;!ce.'and Cantata ':The Music of 7:30. ' Bible cJa.sS wednesday evenIng at 7 :30 at the parsonage. Ohurc.h SChool ' ChrlstlJUlS ' enter. t.a1nment Ohrtstmas 'Eve 7:30 p . m. Det&lls or the Christmas services w111 be found elsewhere In this news
' ~a&iq
c. A. DABE and SONS . YOUI' ~-Deedq InapIenuo.nt . . . .
ftioae Itl B
PbOlle 1088
109 W. MaID Bt.
8 " " , _ Bepalrlo,
8berwID-WIIUamI Paloi
51 W. lIIaID st.
'Phoae W
'/ Gaud: Ne:ws. .
GIBNEY'S !'bODe 18
. Bacuo ADd BloT-' Bepalrloi
*' w. WOK
' Phone 1100
" ROY V. HULL .SewiD. Machine Supplies RepaIrla&' of AU Halr_
a .. Manet
Pbone U16
If Y~ ~ve Trouble 1Ietq.
,,,ted wtOl
.:~ . w
, ..... I'll ' I'
, I
a .. IbID
7 N. MabJ ,
Our Cbrtakue Gills Are Inl ~tal Po(Cel7 IU14 Wood NOftJtI~ame
JewelrY lewelry and Ccimpact.l
E. B. CURTIS 17 B. MaID Street
_11. ,mtNWIDlG8 • .
PImsoNAL STATIONEBY 100· Bbeete - 1" EnYeYO", wUJl.
,oUr ua.me IIDd
II.1 nUICK SERVICE For Dead Stock
F~Rrl' __ J~ER'
E. G. Bucbaleb,
Phone ~IU
.. ', ,.' Xenia Standard Parts T~dr; Car and Tra~tor '
Sand,&Gravel • I.
TARWA-a..rJ!H!I'.El TAR AND , R~
'DuMP?;RpcK ~VICB , '.~Y~M;IX ~~ :
Replacement Parb, Machiae Shop Work
.......... 108. E. Main
Ph. 288
' Pbcme Warn_ville' 28U .
Koriow Phone No.3 ' lAbanOli: ~ ~One , ~.,.& &eMm.e 18 II
lamp, per
tr. t:o
Sea4 U8 yoar order
,GAl'OWAY ". ead CHqut.,. ,
ON '
From 'fhe Miami Gazette Files FIn'EBN (Deo.
DlaB8 A~. 'It,
J . .10,: ,J!\. ,n. 1Ia1l~.
Letters To The Editor -,
~, ~I :41. ·R. Cole-,
;g. ~d!,r aDd hI;ime of. ,Mr8: Oole- ~~ '''~' .'
Graliam 'aM Mra. L. It
~e WQman'. Auxiliary 01 St.' _ , ~ ; ... p. oaawallader, ,Mary'. church met on ptiday alner- cbap1aln; 1". H. Farr" &nd K. H. noon With Mi'B. O&thUine Oolem&n, HoUi'b.- ~ards; P. 0: Clasett, J.
'Nr8. W. S.
Dec. 13, 1943,;
/tuitfi;,,,.J{lIiwfilil 'eol(,~, ,
S,IIie,. .kKllllilil
GoIdon at the , man. • • 10, ,,~. Sni1th Is conflned to h1s roaTY-ElGHT AGO , (Sept. 'I, 1895) , home IWIth iI1Ppe. Ilvy A. Godfrev , O~I .. child. of BorMr. a nd iMr8," Clarence Rye · are , ""Jv " . ' aoe aDd Ma,'lUI , diecr AUgust announoinB th:e.arrival 'ot ~ dauab'" ' ,, , tel' e.t ,the ir li~me on FT1day, Dec" 1.. an" ag'ed 18 ye~. Mr. and Mrs. LQren Hadley And A new Ii~e Ja belnJ put In near dBug.ht.er of Cleveland and Mr. the old Oorwin BChool hOWie east of 0haB. O'Neall left Tuesday morning town. 'P erry Pence bas the contract: The term of Avery Needlea as tor Deland, ~a., to spend the ' . . 'r-~uler of ,the school board . exChrlstmall season wlbh the .Janneys. ~ b OUve Allen left on Sunday pired Sept. 1 and W; was succeeded . evening for New Yo~k and ilalled oy John Oasltey. on TUesday for a 16-day cruise to Jonas Janney bas t)een t.poplnted, the 'Wellt"Ind1es. a. member of ~ school board to
pros ecu~ lon rests! To ' qU ( t ~ '! tom ,the ' le~r to the ed.1tor 1n th! last Issue of 1lh18 paper, "This shall be my last l'lt:t.e. on the ~bject of dancing unless thOlle who tavor It have ~re . to say .that is worth W'hlle." ~d in the same paragraph "As yet nothing 'has \;Illen written ,that is worth 'an answer." WOW I. When the Mother's Club was pI iinlng the annual Halloween party a series of letters. attacking danc1ng appeared, along with a S\lgf!IOOtion that sOme other method at raising money be devised. That has !been two months ago and al. tlhouil<h sevel'al articles have since been written opposing dancmg, there has not a ppeared one suggestion of a. better method or ·r a1si!lg mauey, . In Ilhe m ea ntime warm meals are being ecrved to school <:hlldren by virtue of the profits derived from the Halloween party - and this wrilAlr defies anyone to point out 'wbere even one 'Person Vi'M affected sp1rltually ' by attending. 'I1he Inference in the articles reb\.llklng the dance seems to be-either be a dan()c:r or n Christian you ~n't be both. SOmehow. l': rather lnuIgine t h ere a re sorre mighty /fIne Christians 'who enjoj' c;\lI.nclng and can dance with a clear Christian conscience. l~ow these aame Chr18t1anB are Informed that they are rubbing e1bows with Satan, It must come as quite a shock. It reqUired a conSld~ble amoun t of lmaglnatlon to find 'evil In the dances held at our sdhool by our school chUdren. The main objection seelbs to be that it takes the younger people from the churc,h . Possibly
. C,o ngress 'l8, Awake Newspaper war-rriaps In each suo· cesslve edItIon show the United Statea and her allies closer vic. to'"". :Pardonable pride expands the ." ,chest of every patriotic America!'. But there is even 'petter' news: Our own national :free'doms for which the choicest men 01 this naUon are fighting Ie em less 'in danger than for many months. Congress, the Ie· gal and traditional custodian of oaUonal welfare, Is wide awake. Useless, non-defense, federal bu. reaus are falling before congress ion. al fire. The old WPA and the CCC are gone. The NYA bas the rest of thil year and what's left of $3,000,000 The Dec~er m~tlng of the t;ake the place at toll'll. Marlon to liquidate, and 10, an ominous slWayne Townahlp Farmers club WQB CQIIIIlbel), re8lsned. lence hal fallen over the AAA. No entertalned by GWrge E . Riley ~ O. N. Rlda~ aDd wile are enter· longer are tts employees openly daughtel'll Dec. 1'3 at the home of ta1DJ.:n8' their coua1n8, F . E. Ridge planting sentiment tn the farm Mr. and NnI. Maurice SUver. and .wife, ,of ·Lafa.yette, Ind. , states to influence Congress. A George H. Da:kln, 88, ~ed ' The real propert y at the estate of House sub-committee stopped that aWal Dec. '10. the la,t e A. P . O'Neall haS been apA WbolellOme S'gn A most heartening piece ot newl IMlirray Hopkins' machine was pra1aed by s. !Lev. ' Cartwright. broke on Capitol Hill In the early stolen trom its parking place on Aaron Chandler and O. T. O'N~ll days ot July. The Senate Commit. MAin street f;Junday evening: and amOunts to abo\lt $6,000. tee on Post-War Planning headed oR: 'J. Ads,ms, -who several weelai LaIWtle Zimmerman at Hc.lnes and by Sen. Walter F. George ot G ~or· ago purcl}&5ed the store at the Hall (,'Ompa.ny left Wedne~y (or a visit gla launched an Investigation at rewith his parents at Elwood,' . Ind. strai,nts placed on bu s~ess , to fore· 1Drug CQIIlpany, assumed cluu'Be cast their probable effect on the na. Mondaf· . J98, Chapman, Jr., 18 clerltlng In h18 Uon's shift from a war.tlme to a ce. Miss EJJzabeth Ohandler receiVed peace.tI~e economy. The job Is In 'Word this week that she had been Wm. Bi88a 18 uelllng tale McCor- ,ood hands. a.warded first prtze in the conteet I1lick com harvester. someth1ni ' new My con8.dence in Senator George conducted by tlhe -Ohio Teacher on In the process ot cutUna up corn. is enormous. He has be en called It ~ut6 ' and blnda the atalks on the the greate~l ~tellec~ tn the Senate. the subject, "Where shall ~ place . I believe he wants to steer America the ~ grade." same ·p rlDclple Ulat :wbea~ 18 bar- 'back 10 permanent prosperity such Mr. and MI'8. Ohas. E. Michener veaeed and 19 said to be quite a IIUC- •• is possible only under the Prl. ·h ave lD9ved lnto their la wly purch_ ceaa. vate Enterprise iystem, and I beaaed country, home. ~ ChrIstian church was crowd- lIeve he knows how. It will not likeIt.. S cia: 1Y take hili committee long to 101'eBorn-To Mr. and Mr . Kenneth eel to Its . utmOllt capac., un y tell calamit1es that will result 11 to- Woolkrd of Route 5, Dec. 11, a son. nla'bt b)' an aUdIence anx10ua to, ilay', restraints on the petroleum in. the church shOUld take an InvenM1s8IAda'Wdhener,who Is 'teach- bear Rev. John L . Smith, thJa ¥ng dustry are conUnued. • 'torl.......the fault could be there. tng n_ 'Oleveland, was caned hOOle his flrat effort at this, h1B boybooc1; OPA. On Defeasive It Is remarkable how a person last week on account at the illness of hom~. · Rep. Wesley E. Disney of Okla. Who hils never danced can be ao her mother, M!8. Ella ~er. I~ 18· fWtth ~ thAt we ~on1clc; homa quoted some figures to the we1l versed uPon the evil Impulses :R1cbard Brown died at h1II home the death of Raymond W. Smith, aouae of Representatives on July 8 and desires derived frcln dancing. . , -"'''- at .... e "'A-tern star ' ,in Leb- which made the oIl tndustry·. reo north of 'WaynesVille t.hia morDln8. CUJ.>V4 ...."I d 'bl . ana'n, ' W.-I........ ft~ 1...... · ' • .traint. olear y understan a e. It Is claimed tbat S1Chool .ll6nces lead , Seth P'r08~ died at his home near , ~ ......"The nation Is rapidly. approaching to road house dlUl(lCs. IJarv~eburg Tuesda,y mcimtnc. Tbe marriage of J. A. Shutts to a man-m.a de all shortage," be said. • On the other hand, to take a , • ~ • , 'l\I1sa Ma«iIe lDBo:y, only! daUlhter Then be declared that only one 'agen· more practical viewpOint. migh tn't TWENTY-FIVE nABS AGO of -'Mr. and IMrs. J06eph- HIsey, 00- cy remaIns complacent In the tace a more complete .sch edule recre(Deo. 18, 1918) . cur.red Thursday at th" home of the of lTave publlc concern ; only ~e ational activIties 1n.c1udllJg danCing, Mr a.nd1Mra S L ~-"ht will ' " OPA opposes the Idea that America . • , ~rIde'. :parents. east ot town. .hould safeguard its 'oil supply by have just Ilhe oppoo1te e'f{ect. >Lets 'lee.ve in the ~ tor the SWmy • . maihtaintng prices in keeping . with , give our young people enough activ' : :. Tibere wUl the the cost ot obtalnlng supply. lUes I:l r f In our town to keep them - - - 'A serious oj) shortage, even though here so i won'~ be necessary for C.M. oarlIwrlght or' Evanston, m, ~ , J'raDk S. TrlpPt' waynenWe It -ea~e after the complete defeat tbem to frequent the less desirable spent the week-end with h:1B ' perOn tb1a beautifui Obrlat.maa sea- of Amedca's enemies. would be the places In quest. of TecreaUon. ents. ~ and Mrs S L. ~ht. eon the lOve of God tWa PlY heart next worse thing to losIng. the war. Y 1 better ti • " . .fragra.nce ,"Wi'':' recrea on pro~ United War. WoM campaign and aow , like a delicate ... au t omo~"'11e I ac to r Ies an d o11 · ours or a. .' ,. ' , . ' e on refinerleli Idle, with automotive and gram I~ -Waynesville, Induding one quota was more thandmJbled III b~ are a1n&1n8 11k . a pr...& \ire ., ervice dead. with ,highway tral• . at th~ best known- forms of r~Cl'e. Warren' ,count,Y, 149,601.22 be~ .momlng, aDd the bu.t.h of the ftc practicallY paralyzed, what would aUon, dancing. J'8<Iaed. The ~uota. was 122,000. 0hriIIt Ohlld ; is only ,a ' f~w day.- .Amerlca be? With four maj,?r in· IN"l'ER.C:n'EJD NATIVE Wayne .townablp;' ~. Wl\3 f.2,MO, ~way. One teeJa the IlOr1 Of U. AI- duatrles sh~ckled. how cpuld 30 mil,. • • . V . ' '\lihUe f6,U2:Was~. ' .' ~,. tbe . air is, fWeeL -witD •. -the lion jobless war workers and service AB.E WE BEING KlDDED " , The :' ~~fJce 18 farblg , ~ .~ of Alllel ~ ' wh1ch ,men be put to work? In an oil f~m. ~r &utor: With· the flu. ~ LuCy ~ey' lwt only be heard by thoae' who love ~·d:tS ::~ ~:~~~u~ ~~r~~~~:; I sat mySelf 'down, pencil 10 hand, been out 01 the oftlce slnce Jeat Him. Tbeae lovely Anaeil . will fly m~ thank Disney tor his good work. to typewrite ~u 6 letter. tlKCuse pen. week and au 'Monday, ~ B,ye above thiS ' troubled worleS ~ to Dependin, OD imported oil has too ' We don't live 'Where 'We used to aod J. O. Hisey> were add.!d v1otun, make us unde1'8i&nd tbai . We mall,)' ob~IOua disadvantages tor can· llve betore bece.use we moved to and J . lusellWere 'added Victlma. have' peace on Euth if we "W.lt Ja alderatloD. w.here VJe llve now. '. . \ " b'" .. ,Too Man), Coob I Mrs. Rebecca ~end~ bita;. re- lor ua to, decide that f ma~, our That ' b · I b "M When you come to vis t us, you . r ' L UL_ ' , ome y prover, any, ceiveel a. letter f~ ber 80n, JeeiSe, more Obrla~. , 'lhere is no cooks .poll the 'broth... might serve ma.y ask where we llve. as no one ",bo ' 18 ' somewhere 10 ' 1Bel81wo,"J¥ ~or , ~ -ttheae _~ unleaa., ," a ' terse review of. u,aster1u1 41" knows. . .ta~ ~t:co. E lost <mlr ohe,~ ~ ~ t.he,Ir heatta love and page "tepdn (Senate Document 'No. I'm solT)' we are so t o.!' together. in the ~WuJ Obnst, 'I1te Cl6t, ~,tr the pr~n June, 18. It has to, I wlab we're closer apart. .We a re Itilled in batUe. , Be· baa been moted to the· ~ Of ~ dearl.¥ belo~ Son at , Oocl, oUr do wl1h Flederal Per~obDet; prepl!r~ having more weather this year thou " J ...... ' t t ~-" I~.I ........... -4 ' by' the Joint Committee 01,1 ,Reduc. we had last """r aren't we? oe~~ .Qo,,;,",,:,", ...."... ~.... tion of ~onesll·enaa1l1'edel'al',EXpen. J~~ Oil aiSlt. feU otf &D on car Wedd'l tur" of which Sen.-Harry' E...B71'd My Aunt MUUe died and is doing ' ~ ey~ and broke bIa · teft bf Virginia . Iii,' ch~tmlan.' ThIs com. fine. I' ~ope you are the same. , ~e : ailkle. ' · " j . ' . ' n~lttee's ~cti~iUes tp th9 ~d 'lbal' ['m se'ndhlg. you -& coa;t. I -cut the , wife 'of lid ~ , ~ 118M' tepres~nl.!lUve. co~st.ttuUoilal gov; W~tons ott to make It lIght.er. They Blu'vfeoJl~1r1J, ~ at ~ ~ ,~ cmment ahal1'~PC!t perish. from the are In the dgbt pocket. '"'Iii).z:m~r' .J .'....!.:..._·L . ", earth llre ~e{ssur~ to every AmerWe started to WaynesvUle to see " Ican who loves hi. country, .. . .. "" llDe~ ~ "and " Mia ~ The Byrd 'C ommittee recommends you. I saw a sign th'1t said, "This " &L11iJ"!.1lrrY· ~1ve ~'help1na '~ 10 blunUy In Doc'ument No. ~ that all way takes you to Waynesville ." ' departments an~ agencies of Ibe 'eo I got on and sat for three hours t,ederal government promptly reduce and the' darn thing cUdn't eVE:U personnel by 30,000 ' ~rson'. I~, . aoun'dG like a l~t. i'It.'1 the equlva. 1DO __v_e•..,.-_-:-_________ ·Ient at ten IIrmy dlvlsioils, but ii fa only 10' 'PElreent of the, federal gov~.ninent'. ~,OOO,OOO, civilian employ"' 'ilriftllnlr ,nth tb~ , ~udCIr . ~es. · more· than b'alf of wqofl:l don't . a~ og ~a\1e anything to do with the war d· tbldt they ~not. I fort. nese government·plild e1vU· ,, ~..... laql amount'to one f~r e.very 45 oth. . ' ~ ' the _es er civilians in the country-one fed. fIbrOUah ,,_. ~ dt1tt1ni~ eral erilplo)'e~ for eVery, eleven fam. • • ~~ nnda emptY ,~~. Ili~s In the ' Vnited St~tesl IncoPle aiotJqcl, IDIIIiy ' 11r.,..dea,: ut, those taxpayers' hats ,~tt lo ~yrd. • wbo, pia' ofer are III 1\JDk if their ,Le!I. icaDP. 'View ~: rJaht. .~We ~4 nor. Rep. Hatton -W: SumnerJl. eb.~ ',dlml fQl' theDi, but' rejo108 ~ ' know ~an Qf the Judi~lary . ~omm(ttee of ':, -' the Houae, recentJ.y · proposed two ~ ~ ~ • beauWlil, ~ ·.mendmenta , to the United 'State, DIU ' m 00cl'. ~ Heaven. , 'lb,18 ·Constltu'UollV . Ode' would remove ,the ~;' ~.'ua " dol ~ we ~':.to ilght lwo-tijlrd majorUif 'requirement tqr ,t.be ~ UId bomM or _oIewllO pa••1i,li ,~ ' ~w '·~ve'r 't he ~resldent" ~ lilA "Jet ·1I1·taT baI'ii."tOlearn ~e o1.b"er 'IlIIould p~oblblt ap'II ' ~ to -01 "member Ill , C,ongr(!SI : tJ¥I" , • . ,,) -" ~e , term (or which electec;l;", and for two · yean Ull!RIa,te~. TeXan., offerees
P. S. : Encl ed you'll ftnd a p cFarmers ma'y ·n~ 'Ise bl:1der ture but for fea r 01 your losln~ It, twtne where needed jn growing, I didn't send it. ' t.arvesting, or shipping ' agrlcWCllrv,l produCUl. Previously, use of bInder ON THE HOl\1E FRONT twi ne wns restricted to mechanical seU - tyIng binders. ~ part of the governm~l1t program to conserve livestock feed nnd E.y. lompted from price .co.ntrol are make the best use Of nvallable " up· 'ales by home canners who sell les;; plies in producing the ninxlmum than 1,500 quarts a year of pac! cd volume of livestock products. WFA has taken the tollowtng steps: (1) Elimination of the subsidy the ComI mod1ty credit Oorporatlo.n has been paying on corn moving from surph;1l to eastern and southern deflclL areas ; (2 ) An Increase of 20 cents a bushel in the price of feed wheat on a.nd 8IfOOr December 6; (3) An In. crease of 20 cents a bushel In the price ot feed wheat on and' arter Dec. 6; (3) An oHer to buy corn during the I'emalnder of this mon th a t the old ceIl1ng price In ftlpproxima.te1y 160 COWities on ,t he fringe of the corn belt where the new celllng on com (ef-fective Dec. 6 . repre:;. ents a reduction In' prices. OPA raised the mai1mum price of corn 9 cents a bushel at Chicago to correct inequalities 1n the previous regulation. At the same time, the prices of oats, . barley, and .5orghum grains were lrozep at the highest prices of . , - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - -_ __
Want Ads BrInK' Resulb!.
Save TIres and Gu .... Dlreet Bus Line to O~t'. ~~ . ...
'& MISSlgst41l;~Ut.u
McGETCHIN'. PHARMACY "Your Family true 8&ore" :Ooeoaetlca - elf.. _ ~ ,
Buy Practical Gifts!
Chrisbnas Season
Phone 281
BROWN. and BROWN Ladles BeacJ,.to Wear ' A GOOD 'PLACE TQ . KNOW A GOOD PLACE 1.'0 Ge
pen evey ·night next week and all
day Wednesday! '
.... ... . .. -
--.. .....
.,;':I i
s·...: 'I
Practically ~ . cr~amed cottage t.heese 18 under rationing because :' ~own stamps now are required 10r Lhls type of cheese containing' . per (. ~ nt or IJIOre butterfat, OPA po1I1t' l out. Previously, only creamed , CJttage cheese with a butterfat content of more than 5 per cent had bu m rat ioned under the meats-fats~ heese pI'Og1T8.m.
.. ,. ._v.......
# ' 77T?
U you don't get this letLer , leL lh <: Iot. -";_J .~J'1od. Nov. 29 to Dec, ,.a·ujta Q.1lti ve'geto..bles, OPA reporied me Imdw and I'll IIflnd it. 1 3, pendll'g iMuance within ~o days recently. Oa\ a!i.o announced that ,. Did YO? 1lea:r about my . uncle,'J 0 ', n permanen t l'egula.tJon on these COll8UrDers tWill ~y, m?re tor ClInnaccident on the bus? ~e ·fi le -h .s feeds. , ed sweet potatoes. brlnell .. cl tlar1\:l1, eyes on !.he seat. SOmebody sa.t. Otl Mara&eh1no, oherries, canm.'<1 mwm'Ihe hOllsewife may n ow ree. lve Ilbem. I;ooms, and prOCl~ed elI'led prutles I Illwe re nt you the eight one brown ration point for e-~ ch Gnd Pl'Wle products. dollars II owe you, but I didn't t1Jl uk h alf 'POllild of sa lva ge kl l.c len 1 !S Nearly< 110 mlll10n cases or toIlll\to of It untU atter I had mailed t .lls. she takes to her retailer. In addi. Well. I 'U close now as I h :we tlon. she will (lontlnu~ to receive catsup IWill be soon relooSed to clvll. nothing else to 883 e xcept If y< l're four cent.s a pound. Rel.nllers waf . !lns. The ootsup Is betng r.e,)eased as c.razy as 'lam. you are "nuts, LA." not give points for less than one- from Spec:ltlc , r eserves h 'lld and All our 10 'e, haIr pollild, nor for any fractional I .vned by canners, but set aside by OTTO CRA.l : K. over weight. Llem for government use.
Myer Hyman Store Phone 2681
Phone 153 '
Waynesville, O.
. Bbn .......
Make' Oar 8Wn Y... '
HeacIcJuarten Phone llt
Pboae JHK
t South
This Year Give Persona,fized ~TATIONERY A·n Ideal, Gift MRS
SP;ECIAL: 200 ,.heet. of .rood bond paper, .ize 6 by, 9' l-~ inches, .w :th 100 ata>ndard envelope.,' all imprinted as abo ve, with name and addre~" in 'blu~ ink , for--- , '
1heliaml Gazette
Wa;vJIeavillc,. O.
~.. ,.,...
l -
Phone .ZI43 ,'.
~ .'Every thin&' for Farm aa., _ . .8" FVB.NITuR&
Pb• • ·•
~ ..... I .. . TO $1.00 STQQ
. FW •
We Bay, and 8eU New aDI'
IJO)c 101
. '..
. o
... --
0 - ' iss_ Earlene of Dayton. Sea.nU!<11 FIrst mot-her, Mrs. Nellie BUlUIeIt ' SUnPUB .. I Q $ A .. E .CAESARS ,Class John· Wllllam McGrew 01 ~ afternoon. ' , .- YOU 'ARe I INVITED TO Dr. and Mr!j, Du(lI~y >KeeY,e r of I <w1l1 ..,sel1 at pubUQ auotlan at tn,Y ' ' lin. \\ aller I"' .. rl~"'. (i orr..... uD....... Manch,est.er. Washington, who Is. "Ir.~ WllIh".. will, ! (;lIr(.,.."o.,oI"nl , ATTEND THE . Horace BUrneLl; 'WU inducted 1n hom~ on a fil'koen-day leave. Oth-' Inste80d of Sunday inomlng .· as O1intervllle, wer~ cUnner guests Mre 1'e31~en~e, 2 ~lles ~uth. of W"'~).1es Suri~y. . vllle, tnd 5 mUes n9f~ o~ Oregonia, .tbe- a.nn.Y and lelL for ~. Th~U1$ll -er, vlSttors' at thl! ;Jlail home w .~ : 'previously, ahnoUn'"ed' t he OhtlstMrs. Evalyn G. Petel'$On ls spend- on the Bony" VWtrrellS {aTm, noor Saturda,y. Mr. and Mrs. Geol'8e <McGrew ot IDIlIl !lIUItatB. Will be given . Sund\lY MrS. Everett Kenrlck with 1r1mds DaytOll. , a!!ter.noon &t. 2:30 at, the New Bur- inlf a. few . dayS with rela.tles · in' th~ Ola Telegrapti .Mill, , on . WUmlngton. · SA:T~AY. DEOEM,BER 18th" trom W8¥nesville, spent Friday l:n A large crowd co'joyed the Ohl'lst- Ilng f.Qn Fr iends church. , De¥ton. j mas meeting of the Woman's SoclMrs. Ruth H~es underwent a. Mrs. D . L. Orone accompanied Mr: ,Be81ruilng at- One O'clock p. m.,· the Miami Val- and Mrs. Fred E . Henderson to O. W. T ."the following Pl"Operty: Bobby Morsan is staying at the ety or LytJe cbUl"Ch at lLy~le Ball bajor operation SERVICES SU~DAY 23-(JATr~3 home of Mr. and Mrs. OWill1a.m Ross SaturdaY evening. IAlter tbe regUlar ley hosplta.l ' last Saturday morning. Xenia, Sunday, 'Where they were enDECEl\mER 19 One Holstein cow to I)e freEih In while Mr. and' 'Mrs. EvereLt Early !Jus1ness Dlol!et.1ng a nue program of She now has the llu but was ~k:£n terta.1ned at· the horne of Mr. and BIBLE ISCHOOL January, '~la~ caw· to 'be !l"eah by al'll spendlntl' n fow weeks In Flor- mam1mbe. music by the Oampbell out from under the oxyge.n Len t. Mrs. Roger Chambliss. 9:30 A. M. Matron MaJ,garat Webb retiirned day . of sale; b~lndle coW to lie' fr~h Ida. famlly, coronet - solo by Mllton Tuesday evening. We hope lor her " ...... , , Monda.y morning very much Im- ' ,In May; ' roo)1 cow to ' ~ tresh In Mr. and Mrs. lnweU Thomas and Jones; plano duet, Alrnetta and a speedy recovery. MORNING SERVICE daughter, Betty, ~e Da¥ton vlBi- James ~telllke ; plano sol06; Wilma LUCY COmpton, Ma.rlanna Bogan. prOVed In heaith after a week's va- May. J heifers to frcsllen ·next ". 11 ,: 00 A. Pd' At All tors Saturday afternoon. Gray and BQ.rbe.re. Barger; songs, Dorothy Smlth"'and Marilyn Sue cl\>tlon spent In Wilmington, Mrs. Spring; 15 ~ves fI'Ol'a 8 'to 10 Topic - "SOWING AND .. Ray Miller 'RUS brought to !US Evanna. 'B unnell, Dorothy Graham were guests Thursday evening at a NiJllle Bunnell, who served I1Il ma- months old. REAPING" 75-BOG8-7S home here Sunda.y from MJ.am1 and Oa.roly;n Campbell; readings, nl1scellancous sh'l)Wer given for tron during Mrs. Webb's absence. Eight sows 'WIth 49 pigs, 8 weeki! Ve.lley hooplt.a.1, 'Where he underwent Mrs. J. B. Jones. Mrs. O. E. Vlce Mrs. Rober.t Bogan (MarCella Ap- returned to her hODl,fl Monday. old; 25 feeders·. with from 100 to EVENING SERVICE an emergencY' operation for ·a ppen- and Mrs. Mary SmJth; 1I.1so group pIe) at the home of Mrs. Emmet 140 pounds each. 7:30 P. M. dlcll.l.s some ten days ago. singing, WI1ll enjoyed. GUts were Nevin in IDaftOn. IMPL~IENTS CBlUSTMAS PBOGRAM Mrs. 'RUBSel1 campbell and ohll- then exchanged. A lunoh of candy, Robert -Wilson Is attenrllng the Tractor diSC, wheat binder, wagon: ~n, ,Bet.1ly, Robert and Carolyn, pop com and cookies 'Wa enjoyed. State Grange convention at. the .lIr ... Jlllrl.' Clc I". 'I'bu"'''", (;'urr .... ,,"t ..;.-.--YOU ARE Mr. JennLngs Ford of Oambrldge, 'With box ted, platform scales 1000 Jurn.l:lhed the music with ma.rImba, A gift of $51 WI1Il presented the Hotel Glbs<m a.t tJl1s time. ALWAYS WELPOME drum and songs at the Mothers club po.stor and wife, Rev, and Mrs. Vice: Mr. and Mrs. DQnald Haines were was a guest at the B. ~. Fordyce- Ibs. ea.pacity, corn shellllT, 350 gal. meet1n.g e.t Waynesville &chool FrJ- . A lovely quilted ,robe wu.s alsQ pre- guests of the latl,er's parents, Mr. P. J . TholnllS home Thursday anti barrel, slop tank, :I double' stiovel . A~ THE plows, 4-60 gni. drums 'wibh faucets: day aft1'.rnoon. sentecl th~ Sunday school superln- and MnI. fWihetstone In Xenia, Sun- Friday; WAYNESVn.I,E The TOmUnson 1amlly of Lytle hay fork, rope and pulleys, 2 wheelMr. and Mrs~ E. L. TholIl86 of t.endent, Miss Ethel Reeder. day nlght. OHURCH OF OHRIST W~eavUle called on Mr. a.nd Mrs. Mr. Wllllam Bergdall was called Mrs. lMa.ry Bogan spent the week- h~ve moveQ into the Lester Kenrlck ~cl trailer with ' goOd tires, 100 teet Welcome. of tobacco canvas, lot at Junk I n to Day·ton Thursday by the serious end with 'h er SOli, Raleigh Bogan home here a.t Ferry. . . . . . ' ,1 - WapeeYllI. \Ben James Sunday aftemoon. MAX W .. RANDALL, a.nd many other artloles too numerMr. aDd !Mrs. Robert Young and Uness of his brother, EdwaTd Berg- and family. ne1ghbors. oUs to mention. .' Miniater SOQ of Da,yton, were Sunday guests dall. iMl'S_ Nellie Bunnell spent lasL The Ferry church will give their . Some 'hoUliehold . goods. P~9~e 2993 1. of Mr. and·l4ra. Ea.rl Young. officers' of the Woman's Society week at the Fl:lends Borne In ~t.mas program Sunday, Dec. 26. Terms cash. 1Mr. and Mra. BYI'on Stuart of &v. ana Mra. O. E. Vipe of Ma.- were elect.ed I1Il follows: IMrs. E. B. I Wa.ynesville. ASA LAMB. SOon; wero .Saturda.y nl8ht and Sun- Longucre, President; 1Mrs. Earl Mrs. ;Leonard Ellis and children, iWest Liberty are guests at the 'PIloT- ~ W. N. SEARS. Auctioneer day. j'Ue8t.s of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Young, vice president.; Mrs. Therle near Kingman, spent Monday a f- sonage this week. ~eet1ng. Wa.Yll;e5vUle: Rhone '265.1 a...ongecre. Bev. viCe preached at Jones, secretary, and Mrs. Ca.lvin ternoon with her ]parents, Raymond ~tle church Sunda.y morninl. Longacre, trCl1llurer. MIS. Margaret and Glenna. WUs'on. CARD Ot" THANKS st. John and R!!ason,- olel·ks. IR OSS H. ~ocrt. Mrs. IRDbert 'Siney WI1Il home trom Johns resigned as troosurer a.rtc·r \Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes lBunnell and Dear Fr1ends: Qa.ahlEr. ,tNNUAL ,MEETING her dUtlea at WriSht ;Field last 'holding the office for nine years. da.ug~ters vlslted in the Bogan Since I cannot thank you Indlvld__ A WO&D OF APPREciATION 'week on acoount of oaing ill With home Tuesday evening. . The annual meeting 01 s lock:MldLJl8 grippe. ' Mrs. Nell1e .. !Bunnell, Monimia ually,· maY' ']; tIl·1NF1thls means of • 1 'WIsI\ ' to talre ~119 means of exthanking you all. rs~ .tor all the ers of the . Wayne5 Ille . Natl o.~1\1 t dli . iMrs. P. Miller returned . to her Bunnell and Mrs. Raymond WtllloD lovely cards, some with little . per- Ba"" or Waynesville, OhJO, ' n'm be ell ng to these 'Who sent me the .nome here Saturday from. MIami I....'" Ju.l", Guan. Corrup.ad..., attended the Happy Hour club a t .-.,,.. ldnd remembrances .and g lft.ll WhIle ,.... _ VI..... nI pt._t_ 1 sana! messages written In, two with 11eld a.t the bank.1ng house . 1 b j of d ..u..o" 'lS' a ' ..,. ..... e and Utt!! the home of Roberta. OOOk, Tuesday In U Ie ' eng co Ine in the hospttal , my Valley l106pltal, wbere she ha.s been IOhree Iweeka, a.rter undergoing a ma- daughter, Vlrgene, of Sligo. were. afternoon. da ty tt hanlt1es, one with a Wa~'I!lesvme, Ohio, On th lUll day sinool' at fhlwks a.nd· a.p recla.tlon_ or o......... UOn vlsitors several days 1111lt week of Mr. and Mrs. l1I.a elgh Bogan and cartoon lrom a . magazine thnt al- of Janua.ry at . 1:30 o'clock p. m.. Robert F'prnl\S, Jr. __ . • most caused a relapse. I laughed so &titml War time, fo" th eleotlon j y .....1. .... -.._ school will' haVtl a her :hUBband'$ parents, Mr. and Mr.;. Mrs. Mary Bogalll ca.1led on Mr. • o&o\1 ·..e ..........y hard). Then there were .good old- of lDirectOl'li ' tOft the ens"'~ y-r A O' hr' -' ~~ ' ff "''''a' __ a ter>-'-ment ""rlda.y George Plymlre, who retum~d her and Mrs. Leiwranc:e 'Alexander Sun,. ....'6 ~~ "''''.J.U8 g ot tha,t wlU be a.pen....... ". fashidnep, letters . I sure enjoyed al\d th'e tltansacttori of such bUSIne. s preclated is a subsc'riptloJlo to' "he. C...... _ ii"~;i::::1ii.b;-PIod.:iQj~uAI;;;~.; even1ni, Dec. 24, at the' drow'chIs. . to'Mrs. her Ella home Saturday a.ftenloon , day evening. ' may ,properlY. come bEfore t he home .town paper. ' ~ F erris 'WIIS a .recent vlslMrs. Erviti HaIner and son, Ar- them. And my . nowers were be, a~ tt. ,of. 8!J . . . . . .,. ~'''''D..n. --.. M1iIs Eva iReedler, superinten ent, ~ Iu}, a little blld·'lase. or yellCIW to e- ~----""----------,---'--'-:"---':----'--""";---,. - - - ......... extend1nS a cor<Ual invltB. tlon 401 • tor In W1I.mill" edatt. h eIr h mle ,W "' pot plant.s and . cu ,L·....- -. . .__._IiII_~..,._~iII _~ . " ton ,and While there til ur, arr Iv . e d - buds, l'P.d roses I111!1. . . . .~1!it. • "......d called at the bome at Mr. IU)d MfS. nesday nleht "Clfter bavlng spent '...;'11....... ...... L • eVeQ'OJl8 .to atten . Frank :Beva.n. CloweJ'6; ~nd there were magaz1~es, 1 • • Nl'8; Eo B. Lonpcre, Mrs. J, B. " nine weeks with!ber parenUl In fruit, a ntoe book. and a lot of per~ . ell Miss Ellzabeth Jeffery was a ·Oall.tornla. ~ TAlt :- IPor ueIIt&nee In Jonee '. ~ Mn. Ed. Bunn spen!. gifts. You h6.ve all added .a ,j".. __ ', , _ . christmas Shopper in Lebanon, Sat1IOr_ • ~ ·1DiocIDt az retuma see o. J:. 'l1I;~ 1D Leb&non. ......... Ell a. 'UA'_ ......."'es spent. Tues::.a lot of pleasUre to my stay in .the .............. 'W.,nenwe Route. 2. Earl Mendenhall, ma&ter- ~ a.rIDS, urday. evening with mer s.\.st~r, Lucy <hospital: And I ' want YOU to ,know 'IbDd6 :_' . - ,' ., < Grea<t :r£k:es Na.val Tral.n1ng StaMr. 6lld 1Mni. Geor ge ~Grath of compto . ,n, in ,Ne'W' Bll!lIngton. - hoW mUch· I am:.repclate -the 'invlta~ • r OUve iBranch, 'have had' Ple~ure' ill Th c.h1ldren nol" t .. ,.' eXtended to ReISS ' i tion, his wUe an Uttle daugb~er. ree " , , , : , , ~resen a tlons to dinner , ~ . Jl. ~ery~ . deal tUrned to their home 'at Waukegan, having 'In thelr h~me for several Ohr1stmas . program at our Sunda.y an.d Owen. ~ thank you ""aln for '· ~. lIn. _ ~ paper, ill., 'sundaY, after a visit with l'el- days their son, Gelle McGrath. school social next; Wednesday n1gbt remembering me: ,~.. ~ ,100 eny~ With aUve8 here an<l W~11le. Mr. borne on f·ur10ugh. 'Who Is stationed ,at the ·horne of Mr. amd Mrs.~uther Edna Hartsook. ~ ~ ____ ~~, for a.nd'Mnl. Frank Brown of Tipp City, in .Alaska, and w1l1 re~urn there . _ ~ baaed perennaJ1zed TuesdaY' ADVEBnSE .m TOE .. ........ .. .. ........ ~d Mrs. Scott pa.y a.ild chll;.... 11 .... '. tUG. ~ Gazette :.~~estB at the Routzahn home, l~IUENDS ~ . . . cirdIq DIJW. • .. ~ Fl.rat ClasII Robert Lacy men were vlsltors in 'L ebanon SatMrs. ,NevalHa,uEllIsteln and dauch;t;;; _ ODe DIe black and tan is spentUni a. lll-da.y 1,w-Iough here, urda.y evening. L.: We a.re very much pleased to ter" MBrJorle Ann, of Walnut Bills, . ~_ ~nrd. J, ' ~ RaUIICh with h\a ·pa.rents, Mr. and Mrs. ErnCincinnati• . and .\p!~. Henry W. ~iUk'-::;-iia. ~ ... 1_ elm the M l' (6 Pba10 ~ W.· 15- tlBt Li.Wy. and Uta iI8J1 0 r, fS. ~ow.. that Mrs. HenrY. MUrphy, of Bnma. lacY' and other relatlves. He Wellman; Is ·lmprOVlng. at her home, Ha':1~lIein of ~h1o State untverswill re~ to ,tWI boll at New York IOlty, her make a rapid recovery, so that mother, .Mrs. Gei>~a. Ivln~, SaturMr. and Mrs. Therle Jones a~d she OiaY ~ up and around again. day. 'Mr. and Mrs. ~r..ee Mason of 'M -lson; Milton, were Sunday evening JesSie Garner ' waS ~e of ' hu dinner 1fUe8t11 of their parents, Mr. friends who v1s1ted her last week. son·, called on Mrs. Allce Clark, Sat' a.nd Mn. J. B. Jones. She ·w as also a. caller at the home urday. 1Mr. ·a nd Mrs. George Eunnell of Mr. aDd Mrs: ChArles Bunnell and , of Mrs. ~ Efne Ohenaweth'>-a nd famDayton, called on the former's bWo Utt'le daueht.ers were entertam- lb'. eel to SUndlt.y dinner at the home 01 -.....;:.------.....:.,.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~. .00 .Mm. Ed ·Bunnell. ''lIir. &nd.. o:ralp~ Hammond and bhI1dreD, : Marlyn, Ja.ck and OWf Janet, spent 'Sunday 'evening at 'he . ' , It hojne ' of the :latter's mobhe~, Mis. ~.,, ~~ ~---,r:' l~------ W1llIam: Str&ukamj) In Dayton. 'M r. and Mrs. W1lllam Rooss and Everyone I~ ahort oii, Carda,. ao get. your while dlWSbter, Ma~Jorle, 8I1d Bobby ";rour atock ~.' co11lplete. Wealao have beautiful .aaaort~ spent Sunday ~venmg with Mr.
~lt,e _u~.e~~iUi · ·
We -Offer
Qtllurt~ ®£ ·~~ri9f
Tim ••
- - -- - -
iili -
OMm,TR I ~ ~
€;hristmas CClrds ..
!Mr. &tid Mrs. Charles Ball entertained the follow1n.g gueste to dinner ThurIldsy even1ng: Mr. and .Mr". ~l M'oOrew ana son, Robert; Mrs, lPord Ooopor ana daughter, Betty
~en't'; ~{2i boxed carda iat 4~, 69c. and 97<:. We have you~" 1944 Calendar ready for . you. Juat aak . for it. .' .; ,
' 0 L
1 d~ "
, .. ':. O :·:N.,I :•. '~:':: ~ •
:'fl:SiltA6·( .
<·flt .., Salt· ,
Ey"•.¥ ~ialist ", •
OhIo,.-Reft1'll Cbarpa
aOIBllB 1.J(lE1I8JI
n.: ~
I ..
•• .,.
lJo~ing Gl~ves, Footb~~)s, Wago~,
GU'DS, ' Tirik: er Toys, Gs·mes. ' ,. " F~9m Dec. 20 lQ Dec.,.M this 'at~re will remain o~ every eveDiD,; allo W~eact.7 aftt!rD.o on. . '.
Dates, 2bdne . . . w•.vnjy..~
FOR MOTHEIt • • • • ~ . '. . China, Pyrex, OV'enyare, Coffee Mlllkers,c'offee Tables, End Table's" Table Lamps, Clothes ijampers, Dishes. ' '., . : " .' , " " FOR DAD . . . . ; . . ' .. ~ , .t1 .~' ' .•!~ .. PDcket Km\'es, :f!ui1ing 'poats, ~m(~l<ijl~" ""-!"I'~~"'D' , Tools, Fount,ain ;Pells"lIunting CapS'; 13ill .. " ~ ',,~r,-:·~ ·.~;'~' , \~. . •- .f.i ,1 .' ~ ~ ".t. .~: ."r, . • , •• FOR. SISTER ,Doll Camagea" Di~, Se~, : SeWlnll .Sets;·~:al~c;~~ .' bQsrds, qathea, siro·Hers :,!o . ba~~y .sister" Q~ .brottier. l ' ," . . ',. - t ' ..
. '·s. D.tro~t Street ·
.A\J~nONEER1NG S~.,. aDcl Koo,ler
.. *" II,.
t ,..
· . 011...."'.
. I
·Dr. C. E. Wilkin Opt~metric .
Christmas Gifts'; No~ ' O~ J)is.pl~y , F o~ E,ver,Y MemperOfThe'F~~iJy
'llurb1l'. DlJa Boak,
fMRUl DAROWA'if' SlotH
·Ur'. ,
' I '
Beca~ ~f. 8e~.r SeJiVice" Quallit~
EltUliahed 1849W . PHONE 1441
~ ~ ~~~~~
Mr.: Argus
O.borne 'Aw~y D~Cti 22
Local News .. !,)ance a.nl~;-Bingo
Blanch !4Itq ~ paooed A public hear~ the fOl'qlll,tlon away at the Ml&m1 VaUey hOspital at a ' ~U oobIe1'V~t1on d!.trlct' In in De..Yton Wednllliday 81lternoon at Warren OOUDty 'W1ll be 'held be10ie Ii:oo o'clodi: uter 1llnesa of &e'V- Ule State I;JoU OoJlaervatlOll Diatrict era! 'WeSa. • committee on JanUary 1., at. 111:00 Sbe iB survived oyher hUSOOlld, a. m. in a '~ room at the stale Argus, and five ch1ldren, Leo. of Office BuUdlng in COlumbUII. Oblo, MI.der1a; Mrs. Martha Hock:Jnan of lid prqvided .under Ohio state LeI\IlBraDcll Hill; Ruuell. of Waynea- I&t~e (Hou.&e Bijl·No. Me). : NWe; AJ'Ius, at home, and Richard, Jobn F. ~, of the 0. S. ~a.vy at <Neat Lakes. of the Ohio SoU Oonaenation DIa!Ill1nota. t.rklt commlttee. DOWsed David B. . 6ervicea rww 'be held Friday after~ BaUe1'> COUhty qrloulturai ' agent. noon 8.t 2:00 o'clock at the ~ ~ that the committee had for.:it z Metli.od1st chW'cll willi the pastor. mally rece1Ved .the petitions for Lhe Ch. ris~· ~v. L. C. Radley, offlctat~. BIir~ Warren County SOll Conservation ' NEW BUBLlNG'ION FAliMEB ' PASSES AWAY FlUDAY P. Mtal will be 1n Mlaml cewetery under DiBtrlCt under date OIl Decewber 18. the ct1rectlon ot J&me:I E. McClure. 1M3. Mter t~ petitions with 110 lBcnJam1n Elm-U:-Ba,m8S, 66. med ~ '1WO LOCAL MEN ~ sJiners of ..VMiOh only 75 landDwn- at ~ home iu 'New B.a-.i!lgVvn Fri: The WayD~We Clvtc club met INDUOTED DEC. 16 era were necessary, the neltt step 9&1 after~o.on, .Mr. BarnerB, a MondAy evenin' I1Lt ·.OUr House" fUI' ts the pUblJ.e beul.n4f 'Which iB hel Larmer, was 6 native of Mlssb W'I. bu, their December dinner meetln~ . r a 'l1wo local me~e amon" those before .the Oblo SOU COD!J8 a". .r~ .., • - v: Ion' '". , . . in the New Sur"n -..." lAlll 'l'wenty-bwo IJUIOIicers were pre~~1L .. Inducted into the arm,e d servICes ~ ,c:omm1ttee to detenil1n~ the COlnlnuiuiY since 1914. SUV:lces were ou.r1ng the bw.lness m eetlll[l , I!. December 16 by Warren county intereet ADd attitude of the publio Qeld IMonday. U)mol.l.~~ which lha<,l, bf;en appolntBoard ,No.2 at Lebanon. ·tow~ .. dJatrlct iwd note the need . iSw'Vtvol'a 1nIc1 e the wUe, Min- cd lnve&t1&a~e the ' pos~lbllllY o.t 'Torrence Kirkpatrick waa IndUct- f~ and detArabillty ol ~I nie;two 00118; opt. Harl')1 Batntb or a cumtOl't statJ.on I'eponed tnat n ut ed by the Navy and left th1a mom- with the orpnizatlon of a ' SoU 0Un'P Plnfdale. F tesno, LaIJ1 .• alld ml¥:h; could be done w1lli sU(Jh a iDe. John Sheley wu .taken In-' <.lon8erVIIt1on Dtatr1ct. in Warrell Seaznan Leroy Barnes of New York; project a.t th1l time due to present to the Army. , ~t.J'. . cwo dau8bter&, L Dt1ier of WUmlng- day condJUONl. Oharles E, MicbelH:r Other men lDducte4 were ,Robelt The executive committee of the ton and WS. Mary Shanks of liay- was appointed Oy President C. .a 'Purnu, Dayton and lnIi UUeJ. ,,,cultural dub whlch . la the ton and five sfsters, Mrs. . Jewlie- Brace to take cbIa.r&'e .of the cum6JlOIl8Ol'Q comm1tteo la ~eduled of &prlhB VeJlEy; ~, p.etion at the '801 Scout cabin. &;!vMorrow. bOth by (,he Navy. . . .tp ~t tbe nJiht of ~ber ' 28 EiOne of Sprlni'i 1ell1; Mrs. "ral or tb,e menwers a~e~d to uIVINS .UTATE VAL~ AT to prepare ~ormat1on to tH! pre~ MoWe V041cUa ·of il!laton; Mr.s. Nora HOlLE THAN ....._ aen~at the hearlal. Tbe e~1 Purl of Da,yton, and M1£S 'COrIl s~ ~~tIn4&& program ' was held ". lMr, Houae B111 No. MIl Of the ' Oblo ~ an eIQp.OYe Of the Cil-een., f'b8 ~tate of aow~ W. ~~. «tWWamre•.perml~ SoU ODDRrVIl• tiWdren'lf heme, during the IIOCJ&.l hour. M1.sa Leah pMminent 'Warren COUDty attom8)', t10n d1a~ to be ~an1Rd aDd a..roe of LelJanUl, save a readll1g who .puaec1 away at. hli bome ' 1J1 ~. the Stat.e 80U CooaIiz. NBW CEN'l'Uay CLUB entWed, "Home Oru1atmall' bl LIb&Don Jaat Th~ DlOI'DinB. fttlaI1 DiItr1ct eomm.u.tee Ja H£ETS FBlDAY P. M. \L1~cl ~lU, which was well rt!_ "Oeen eatlmatecl at over ~•• COIDIIQIeCl 011 the DeaD of ~ ' 001eeived. ObzliBtInu carols, sung 'by 000. Mr. IWla WIllI ~Bldered one lip 0( .AP:ulture. J. P. 0UDniDg_ Tbe New century c.ub hela l.n..1t Ihose present, munded out the of the we&lthleet. DieD in . Wuren : • . 0b10.Q1rectcr CI. Acrtc~t.ure, r~ar meet;in~ Fdoay with ,M rs. evening's en ent. n a tWill .be .~ ''he next tDe(,tb held 00Wl...... . : .John T. Brown; and.thJlee ; ..m.~ ... A. ¥ulIterson . as hvsress at htlr "" Oba:rl D DecblI.tl. of Lebano ~ r · home on Ma1n street.. Tne progrum .Monday evening, ~anuary 1'1, a t ' ell. .. D, meuibera, Jobn ~ BlIlIbOro; ¥or .... oon WAft .art a " ae" by ~onner ~ . pleas Jqe, ,lIU Bary 8ijcOtt, W~u o. it; 0.· ....... - .... ~ ....... .. 7:00' p. m. at 8. pilace to be deter- - ~ded to lill the , ~.'"'....i........ _ . ",_ ..... 'V..... . Mrs. B. B. Eanu·. art and ·Mr... F.Ul- $ed later. ,~ - - - - - ...... ~ _...... keraon' lWlth "Ena;lti.nd" : aa the .sllbCU!'Y Oil .the f~~,. ldectile It 18 &ntlClp&ted that at least tw~ , .' ,.-vice b(iet!1 of awealI 1rWch cai"lCllMla of WVnD oow:rty f6hnera- jeot, J.Ir!I. ~t ~d a p...per _ •.-. .,;, Mr 1m'...._.... , . .' entltlt,4 , f:"ChlL.t.ma8 OWI.(¥h$ 1u . 0 ---,,",#, ac-attend the ' ~ ' ln ODium· • " . ~ ' '11.1' ' p i . ~ .to Judi. ~ II&~.~ No ~ 'lnter'ellfecl in at~ _lan~" .oo~. ':i i~i"..non c.n~ .&.. of CSnolnnatJ. . MattheW. end hJa whose theme was En....-. Oaroll. , " . t.JlIa ~ abOUl4 Dt. In touch BOth paper. vrere ve 'Y lnterat1ng N.r.s. Nora A. lPe:mlington, 63, med no ~ ~ ~ Sl- 'Witb Ot.YId 8. Baller. oountr ·acrt- ~ enterr..,ining. . a.t h .. me Ferry Monday. ~ &III 6t)4 "BIcbard ~ . Hilde- CI\Ilturai .~ LeIIUaD. ,. ~ , ~. "c:hriIItmae Carol the ," hUllb~d, . . . . tile "",",,""""'dattap "\ , ' ., . ~," ...'·.. ·'· ..·:,Ap'il"v BJ'e '&even da"...l\tIms" Jtlra. ';tbe IPpojntmeDt.; iI'made b7 II. RIUlRIl of other carolB w.ere then " . • W. Co 8. BOLDS D.EC~ plA' . On the Vlctrol". Da1t'1 ~y (lnti lH~y. lEihp8n1ng; ' Mich.; ,BrSckei:' Tbe.,. MrYed Ill' the ' . JIIIIBB'llING TJl1JB8DAr PM ' .. , .' , ~ci ~ ~ppeala CODIIita of BauW.' ' '. ' : " d~Jo~ ..refreslullents. wel,e served, Mrs. 'Grace Smlth" Otnc1nne.tl; Mrs. ~~.~~ ' t.oci;.~ . aezmont. and Warrtn 'Ilia. wOman'. soCietY of CIu'iSt- ' .' . , . L:iuis 'Mailaook. OLSborn ; M1Ss Jean ·oouirtl.:t ,A' npreeentatl'Ve of each 1£n Se~ce hel4 ' th~ir. December' CBBlSTJ\LIA$ DIllINER . . . :Pet)rung on. Day>t<t'n; Il u d Mrs. Heno1."ttl8 ~tIes Sa 00 the f1ve-mari ~eet1ng wlth a luncheon at' the . IN ' HONOR OF lNDlJO'l'EE rietia Clarke, at hon <: : oue lI01l, " hOme of lira AI TbOlllpson on -.,.HoWald, of Leba.rLO.n ; dgh t gj'an~, IJoard. . ' va . " Mrs. Venora . KkkjlD.trlck and chUdren and tour siste~s. ' .'" '' , ·Thurllday. lira. Tbompeon W&I u. '. V. Fe y. GROUP IIEET8 . atatecl by Mrs. Charles , Andenon daughter Fran.cee pve a Ohrlstruas Funeral .serv1C(s will b e he:d at ....T .w wn. BOMB ft ' cUnner Wednelday eveninl honor- the StOODS ~eral Home Thurs. ~ -,.-.. a.nd I4nJ. :SImer oheehan. ....... """"', T'Orrence, who leit to, . t1 mbira enJ ecs ....... ..... day· (todaY'> at :I :00 p, m.. with ,. 1be 'VOlW)teer ,ilr Victory ~o\lP' .twen . me , 01 , ' , da)' <TbUrsda.y) (or ·s),rBc..a, i'4ew herbert GrahAm, minls\.Cr of the J~ ~ . ~~ Of SeWins toseth': topther with cover. at the .~lU l'ort, ,for ' apec1a1 tralning , in tile , er Thutadai "t ' &be home of I4re. bea\lW~ ~a:e«1 in ,aepin, ., Ferry Qhurcll ot phr1.st, ofIltlating. -...... •..... h ':\"'~ £'~ ._- The bua1 •• KIlrt:A.' w111 be 1n lWaml cemetery. ' . ~ ......,~ - . ~ ThOie 'wbO ~, ot , the· dellc. . Char~ EUI5. ' -~ '11hoee preeeht' were: IIJaa neaa m~1 or the .f~oo~r.pUt · l9lere: Mt. and Mrs. N. , .... "" ... ' .': I .....a."'''... ...~-=. ~ 'D called ~ order b7 '~~ re ....nc_·prea. ~ . ..,..--... ~ --..... , L. ~tA>J;l ~ ,lit, 1 Orab, AJUdreu Bl11. ;So ~ ¥toClUN~ I'Nd Boolr. J .' kl8nt, lin. . , Q ; CoMet. after OIbome of O1arir.ivWe, Betty and 'II. S&cUtt, 'P.O. 1dIq, ' RobeIi whS$. POUP Q1 ob11dren 1nm tl\e DaVid Pumaa and Laura ' M1llel Of QI'Q, WUl1am $lWYer: Bart ~... 11M.. and .*ooncl ~~om:" W~fmue; and hoS~es. . ~v. RaJph Parks, ·pa"wr per. Paw·1rtaurtCe anel the ~ 1)y JUl. L. '0. Radley. ~ .. . • , A Ohristmaa Eve aerv1Ce will · be ~... ' , - .rroUP ~ Obrla~ . C¥'Ola! . . ILtPPY 'BO~CLUB ~TS held In St. Mary'& EplsOOpal ,churcb . ilia. '3. B. Crabbe 'pve a' . YC'I "rbe HaP ' &tit.club 1Dt.i~:lI ' aa ' or , Other .., Py . .iIl WaynMV1lle on Oh1stmas ~'ve, tJeglnning at 11 :30 p. m. The Rt. 'Rev; ' HeDl"Y W. 'H!Jbson, D. p., ~IahOP . at '&uthern' Ohio. wlll ccldtrMe the :Uoly .0 0nunun1on ~nd preach the 'Slll'lDOn. He will be '1IS9JSIot,d by the rector, ' the &t.v. PaBa. , Carols wID 'be b'Ung .by the ronlO.dW~~E~T~~ gorege.tlon, and spE!clal ~usic will be A", ' iIm'rlipD!8'1 CHuBOH presented by the cboir. The chur<:h 1'f111 toe approPriatelY decorated for the aeuon. Au otpen invitation Is .e xtended to the )4.ra.
.... ~, .
l.i.) u t:
~·. uwnL
h " cULll
Wednesday, Dec. 29
Evel'l one .Is invl.ed to att. nd ~e 11;. ellJoyillas '" Chl'l'>tu aJ . L1l'1ougb W1LtL l UIS plll'elJloS , Mr. an<l lance and oinlo partY, to be i lven .\41S. Juun } 'rOlilfil ana mallY Yf the Band Mother~ club Dex~ WedllEsday even1ng. Dec. 29, at the nlgh school gyml18.'ilum. The affair is scpedUlt d to begin at 8 :00 ~. m . .... . l" IU' ~US. M . A. The proceeds of the evening wlll .~ Hl& ~ b,Uli ...... Lt.:r, LKf,. 1W. l~e. W't!!t! 1... . 1.1~ ..... > ... ~r: .41.u. .. ~ Uu U lt:r buestb V J. . ... .. 1.•• gD to the band unllorm fund. The _ lOu '.~1> . rut 1.I j(1 V Q.llr c, ~ III '::;lJl'I. ~ Band Mothers are endea.vol'1ns to I'alse f U!lds to purchase new Wl1Valley. JOrms for the Wa.ynesville School --1' . all Mrs. Jolln Robey of D.lY- Band. The fWld hos 4been Bt'Owing .vl. , vlJ'. alia Ml's. J . M. Earru. a.d s teadily and the mothers a'J'e hoping _ UI.; • l)vlll; 1.11 l;l"u ven(j Wh , Mr. .111d t.llat i h ls Pal'ty will add quite a ,v11 l> . Lo I,,~ J 'l '"UUlUl, Ulld KarU:l O U J s um to t.he fund . SPENDING SHORE LEAVE . hom.:w of L.l Uc. Wl' rt~ l:iW1uui The even i.ng wlll slart wltb 1:1 WITH HOME FOLKS I\Ul;sts or Mr. and Mrs. F . E. 'i Ic..IU - ;; IUIlf S of bingo a~d 11 ohicken will Elmer R. Surface S l-c. who ha.s WI . Tney WLi. e j Ill ed In Ul e alL~ L- ,)6 gI .'cllas th e pr1ze ·for .eachgame. recently returned from Nor th At- .Loon by Mrs. Robert 'Ulom . 1\1IU I'hls ,will be ra ised to I.Heen U the ria. 'Will spend shore leuve wlth his _ e~ume<i trom Il visit WiWl hel hu.;- .tddi \011.41 ohlckens are secured. parents and relatives here Chrls l- .Ja .. u, A. S . Robert Thon1<1.S at LULF cllowlng the games 'there wW be mas W6'3lt. colo. Nebraska. ound (lno square dancing with "the ·His new address ls: Elmer R. .;chool danoo band fUl'Irlsbing the Surface S , 1~, ATtD.1id Guard. S, S. Mr. a!ld Mrs. Max D. Har r.>uck, round dance muale !lDd , MoI'J'iI Nicholas oUman•. care of Fleet Post Mr. and Mrs. WU,lam St.rader and Brown 'f1ddling tor ttle square OlflCe. New YOl'1t, N. Y. JOu, BUly, enjoyed a tW'key d cllller danoos. .::.undllY a t the hom" of Mr. tim l In addition to the . da.n.ce .and 'I'RAlIiSFEBRED TO FLORIDA Mrs. L. C. Hartsock in Spring Val- bingo a turkey and sl.x ~ Will be . ley. given away. Pvt. Tommie Brooks, hWlband or , • • • Mra. ~e Brooks. husband of Mrs, ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B tterworth pB.OMrNE-N-T-W-ARBEN~-Uzzle Brooks o( way.nesvule Route' and Mrs. Lena Harts ck wel·.. COUNTY .ATTOBNH DIBB 3. baa been tranaforred from Port among the guests at a famlly dillA'I BOME IN L&Bl&NON Benjamin Harrl5on. Ind., to Florida, ner Sunday at the home of Mr. a na ... --"-- ,,----Hia new addreBa Ia : IPyt. Tommie Mrs. Oscar Wade. Ileal' Springboro. Howard W. Ivlna, ''11, ' prominent· BrOOD, INF Rfl'C, Oamp Blimc:l1ng. Harry Turner of t h e Merci1am attox:ney and one or the wealt.h1eat ~. Marlne. WIIB a recent vlsltOl' at tbe men in Warren county, 'Waa CHAB. DAVIS IN CALIFORNiA home of his parent.!!, Mr. and Mrl> dead 1n hls home in ·~banon laat J, H. Sackett. Mr. Tumer is a t his .L'h ursday morn1I1g. Death was dUe In a letter receiVed trom Charles o a heart a.~1t. J. Davia is looateci ln OalUorn- home in Dayton 011 an Indefl'J 1w (When Ivins flJled to ainve at h1I lurlough alter seeing service In ..tHoo, b1s secretary, lIra. Meryl ~. la. in the Na.yy. ~ 8tatee that he Blclly and Italy. wants to thank his ma.ny frtend\ . • • • ; ray, cQlled Ch~lea B. Jrwln, preaMr. and Mrs. B. V. Smith arL dent of the Lebanon National who rememberild h1Ii1 'W1th Obrtstma.s cards, espectal1y the Chrlstlan conva lescing at their home atte¥ a Jank, Wiho 'With Carl Bt.1lee t'.8nt ~ 'churcb for their nice card. H1a ad- .siege 01 flu, he home and fOllnd the body. • • • drea<I iB: Ohas. J. DaVIa SO 2-C, Mr. and >Mrs. Max . RandaU allQ Atty. Ivins was bOrn on ,a faRn 0. B. N., Acorn A. T. D. Pool, Marichildren left Sunday evening to . ear Oenntown. He a.ttended Na.. time Bldg., IPort Hu.enene, Caltf. llpend Lhe holidays wlth Mr. &n- 101l~l Normal univera1t.Y: at LebUlIn and the ClnclnnaU ' Law sCboOl. \ 0011'8 parents in Wisconsin. ' The) MASSIE TWP. GBANGE were' accompanied to Olnolnnati b) .ie was vioe president and d1rP.ctOr ,. ADDS TWO MEMBERS Hel'Dert Graham, mlnlster of thE: ...r the bank; v1ce l;>1'e.91dent ~ :li.rector of .the KlrJi6 Bua line; dlIo Massie .'l1WP. Orange 1nitlated two Ferry Ohurch Qf Ohrist. Next Slln~ recWr of the people'. Bu11dinI Loim new members into their order at d~ ,Mr.: C,!'l'l ·MUler . will pl'~ach ,II.. l oc:mpuy UK! ~ their Jaat meet.tng. They 'a re Edgar the Waynesville Ohurch ot Ohr1at nd .or all three. He ood eltltimollye:1tCIOk Hiteman and Esther Lukens. in plaice ur :Mr. Randn.ll. holdlnp. .' \ . A ' .btrthooy supper will be held-at Charles Anderson of Ohio Stale lie ~ IUlvived by a d&~. meettng Dec. 71 at 7:00 p. m .,
• ''' '<iI, 7.1'·.....
A MerrY 'Christma ', to All Our Readers Program At Civic Club
. . . . .8 ......
A ...
w. -ww
S erVlCeS . . T d ay F or
ora A. ' ennington
--.:vD. ' '.'
EveAtSt~ ~'.
• .'
honoring tho.se witl\ birthdaya 1n the University, is s pendlng the holiaays here at the ' home of his p arents. . last sIX months of the year. Members are W'Ied to attend. MIsses J ean Qna Jar;es Hartsock of 'Miem1 Ul1lV&I'6lty, Oxforr, are NEw .\pDU88ES spending the holldays here at the home ot their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 2nd Lt. Oeorse R . stues . Ros.\I Hartsock. 0 . B. M. C. R.lIst R.O.O., Co.F
Mrs. Frances R15leh~1o~t~~~=~Ii;;::=~~; .vUe Of -4 . county posecutor• •0 18 on at ~', a bl'Otber. Dr. ~
Ivin of Oinelnnati, Funeral· . . . . were held. Saturday.
Christmas Service.
Mrs. Ven~rll. 'Kiclc;atTlck received a call from her son, GeOI'g'e Klri, , Cpl, Ohi.a. F. COllett ,p atrick, w110 is station at BOston, 438 T. C. O~ 68 T. O. &I, t Massachusetts "by the Navy. He ST. AUGUS'l'lNE's, lIofaXton, N. C. Fa tber IR. L a K r.umholts, PaI~ stated he W84 ~erlng from 'blood . The birthday "of obl'l.st ' WjJl I IMt poisoning In his legs. Oharles W. Bernard 8 2-0 • • ..:elebrated at st. ~ug48t1De'a ' Chqrcb Dir. L. 0. S. S. MontpeUer Mrs. La.n-y Da1ls and family of wHAl the ancient custom of ~ Que of Fleet Post Offloe Xenia. s~nt 'Tuesday with h el.' IJratLng three l'rrassea. :. The _ ~ &Wl Fl'anc1sco. C1ll1f. . hUbbv.nd's pe.rents, Mr. and Mrs. Mass .wID bi! at mldn1gbt. 0Iutat• • • Mack D&vls. mas Eve, With the ~ I1Di1D8 Lt. ~)I Crockett • • • carols at 11 :30, The other : 1829 Pa.sadena Street AI PellffiE~.J'e1~~~Ii&sIia3~'-+~=~::m~:--::;rr.;;;;;;T-="1I""=h~;--:.,..-~" &m AntonI°1 Tema ter an absence of three weeks dur- o'cloCk. the latter 'being fOl" the ' ing which he WIIS on a business tare ' and a~ l'etWn 01 our boy. • • I PROMQTED IN ENGLAND Lrip whlcb terminated In California. In the atqled, services. . I . . ,' Relatives h~e have recl ived He traveled by plane. The custom, of celebrating tl?-r". word to I1he ettect that Oharles E. GIUTY Lee S a,tfer or WCl ynesl'l11e Masses on Ohr~ dal.es bacl to LB4l'tOll bas Deen ~oted ~ the Route, spent Monday with hL 350 A. D. when the Pope would otrank Of sergeant. Sgt. Burton ls : gl'a.l1dparen ts, MI' . Ilnd Mrs. Mac! fer MlISs at mldn1~ht ' at St', Mary located in England and hL:! addrt.5~ Da.viB. Major Bascillca, then at; da~ ali is Sgt. Obarlea E. Burton, 35872256. the La.~ Basc1Uca 6nd lastly ..t . Oorpofnl and Mrs. Oharles B. ~he Ohurch ·of St. Anaatasia. . 5th Bn.. Base AIr Depot No.1, 'al'nhart 01 Fort D1x, New Jersey, A.~. O. 6~, care of !Postmaster. Thel'e la' no more itttiila waf ~ al'e enJoY11lg a Ohl'lstmaa hol1day celebratlne Cb1'1stJna& tban by \ at-'New Yol1t, N. Y. willi their pl!orents, Mr. and Mrs. !E. tending MUa. In fact ·' the very ST. MOY'S SUNDAY SCHOOL .A~ND ~~TALLATION F. Earnhart . naDle OlU'latmaa comes from "t.be I. ' . " ENTERTAINS FKlENDS A'r Mrs. '5 . W. KiollB oDd Miss Faye old Engliah term· "Ohr1IItea MelBa." . CHlt.lSTMAs PAR'lY . Mesdames John Ji'rOmm, Vern Arinttagej Bertie MWs. L. C. S ~, !Drury of Mt. Sterling and Mr. J ul- meaning ' the Mass of ChtlBt. ':. '. A oord1a1: invttatlon. la ' ex~ John and E. F. Eaz:nhllJlt attendcQ ; 1an Crabl-e, wUe and Uttle son, ,of inatallation of Order of Eastern . Lebanon, were dinner guests ot J. to all the readers or ' the . ~ star otflcera at Harveysburg on B. ·Cra.bbe and fam1ly, last Sunday. Gazette to attend the ~t. ' Thur&day ntght. • • • ~ and J~ w1~ \ii,.Pl· ~w Mrs. Edwin Scofield ·a nd MIss Ohrlst the Lont. ,,- '~ " :1' '1' j J '' '.;' ilXTil GRADE CHILDREN Ro6emary Mulford went to Colum~--~~~ . ,~~ , slim ~8TM,AS CAROLS bw ,Woonesday morning ~nd resame evening . brl~gt~lg tUrned on 'Tuesday evening. 6wentY-f1~e Mr; $lofleld's mothel' with boYa and girls' fr<JlJ). the atxth grade, , , . by' Mra. ElZey anei.;Miss S}\e. wlll spend tile ? oUddys here ;a~ , v1iJ1ted sever&1 homes in her 50n's ·home. W~e and · ..ne Ohr1atmas .!Mr. and ·Mrs. Louis Fires h,ve..re ~ turned .alter spending several. d,aYs . 'W1th ,. their 901l, '.ART2C Charles Fires at ·Key West Fla. . .
Service Clwtmas
. QuanticO" Vlrglnia.
At St. Augustine'. r'
. ..
., . .
.. . .
. Mr. ap!i Mrs. W . . StTou~ • . Mrs, D~. "LVB ' MEE'l'S Will1am Strouse i\.nd Mr. and Mi'. , _i_ ,_ . '" The' mve HIJlldr~ Pl$lP.f club J : 'J. BurSknJ:td' dautJhter~ MarQY)l, .en~ at ~e-"home ,of Mr. .ttend~ a Christmas ~tata the 'Obrlstlan churcb in · 1qorw~ and Mrs. ~~ Qr~ n.~ Sunday evening. . ~_UlV, ' ~n S&tur4aY evening. , --"....... Mlsa JOf Lee Unhc.m 01 salem, W,' va.. II ~ the 'OJu1at!baa ~,New Jeney. . . "8I1joylni' WIth her "!.af, 101 .. WU· Obrf-.a furloQlh With bla
1 ~bere. ,-114.,., wKr1ira. BGIa lk!de.1mid
'I'II11IUD&Y, DBOQUB .... 11ft.
spend 'some time "lVtth reI t\ves.- " W-a,ynesviUc, .w ere'Sunday i1.U!ltl> of J ~ Mr. and Mrs. EVE:l'ett -KenriCk, and Van R ' tall1ck. who h~ been st<l-. . t1one~ at .Ft, TlIOni.e.s: has .1....... \\,.,Ut>r I\~uth;k. ,:'urr ... 1.1 ........ .children. _ . ft~ k-' WQDa.we: Oblo ". ~ Street ~bly dls~UU"8ed'-and ;l,'eturne<l . 1Mm. 1WOe1't. Slney.~ t}t.tended ·a Mr.-rutd Mrs. 'Therle Jones and , ...... ~ 8eooDd 01&ia WAll uatter at 'Postomce; WaynesVUle, ~o . home. ~E: py~ne, the boYS are como: : Chr1.stmai; party . Sat~day evening oon. MiltOn. wer.e jSu.h~y . tUnner <--'......_ _----.....,;-----~---------''---.- hom.e. Slowly tb poys o.re cornlng at the home of Mls. Mal'Y'McCon- guests or MF. and M,rs. Edwin Nutt, W.~iet W. Wiseman, Edi~or and Publisher . home. nell Dayton. . ' neal' 'CenterVille. , . Ray M1lls IB home from WUmlngMrs. Calvin LonglUll'e entertained . 'Mr. Gnd Mrli. Will Ross and lSBUlID EVERY 'l"Htm.BDAY ton, ([)el ., tor a Visit With hls the Lytle Oatd club Thw-sdllY af - daugh ter, MarJorIe, and Bobby ~ ~ 'UO Per Year, J:'aYabte in Advance parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mills. tern()Oll. 1M01'gan, attended a famlly dinner Miss Mabel SaUsbwy came tp me Remember the Sunday sci1001 Sunday at the home of the torm,e r:s from OXford Friday evening to Chrlst.ma.s entert.amment at the parents. M,r. and Mrs. Alton Ross, spend tile hoUday. vaca tion with ohw-ch Friday evening. Eve.ryone is at Springboro. her parents. invited. ' . '. Mrs. Harold Whtta~er and Mrs. 1 Mrs. Ralph Hammond and Mrs. Harvey Burnet were IIhopplng in . . . aftemoon. nFn:EN YEARS AGO .Thede Jones were Dayton shQppel'S Xcnin Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Marcell~ ThMkara, (Dec:. 26, 1928) 311"_ J~'~"I" I. U-;;;;;'- Cunu.".n""", · FrIday. · Marjorie, Bobby and JlmmJe PIn ot unknown origin destroyed of Springboro. former Waynesville ~rt!e Plym1re h M been indlsMrs. Allen Emrick a nd Mrs. J . B. Swank, of. Dayton. are spending the two barn8 be).onglng to O. M. RIdge resldenUl, celebra.ted their 60th posed for several days. His friends Jones have been ill the past week holidays with their ~andparentS: 1Ut (Monday morning. Wm Drake, weddlng anniversary \Dec. 16. are wishing him a speedy recovery. with grippe. . Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper are who bad a workshop In one ot the Mrs. Bessie Plym ire and Mrs.. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet atMrs. W. O. Haines and Mrs. buildings suffered loss of valua.ble visiting relatives In CincinnatI. IWl1bur McCarren, were Christmas tended their dinner club Saturda y Frank Ac/<erm-a-n and little :,on, of and Mrs. Joseph Bennett. Rev. toOls. shoppers in Lebanon, Sat urday. . evening at Ute home of Mr. and Dayton. were Sunday evening dinJ. B. Chapman and family ot spent ChrlBbnas In. Dayton wIth Mr. and Mrs. S idney Smith and Mrs. Howard Graham, near .tilI!'- nm: guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Columbus are guesUl of Mrs. ElIza- H. L . Burns and famlly . Junior ateended serviCes Sunday at veySburg. Kenrklk. • • • beth Beiler. the Methodist chw-ch in HarveysMrs. Margaret Johns was a guest. Mr. E. J . carmony of Sprlngtleld, TWENTY ·FlVE YEARS AGO Tbe Happy How- ciub was enterburg, and later were dinner gueslS Sunday af Mr. and Mrs. Wel:el' was Go guest last Thursday .of MI'. (Dec. 25. 1918) t61ned by Mrs. Q. Gens and Mrs. of'hJs brother, Alvin, and c.laughter, Haines and daughter ,and Miss VI- dnd Mrs. Wilbw' Clark. News reached . WaynesvWe that John Wilson at the home of Mrs. Miss Mary EllZabe~h Sm1~h. vlan Johns, near Bellbrook. Mr. and 1Mrs. Earl Moran of WArren Keys di.ed in a hospItal In Oona recently. Lee Talmage and Wilbur MoCe.r'M rs. Olyde Wharton and da ugh- Col'V\'jn were MondaY' evening guests & J. Burton of Elyria, Is home Canton about 6 o·clock Thw-sday ren 'were busln'ess vIlIltors In CIn- ter, Mrs. Loren Routzahn, SPLD t or Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones aiid morning. He 'Wo,s born and reared In for th.e hol1daya. clnnat4, Wednesday. Friday in Dayton. son . ' Waynesvllle. RuUell Surface has. gone to FlorMr. and Mrs. Wa lter K enrIck Alvin Smith waa a Lebanoo vlsMr. FranklJn L. Sewell, the January 1, the Leba.non and ida for the 'Wtnter. Friday. were Lebanon visitors Thw-sdoy af- wo.rld·s greatest poultry artist of Mias Clara Lile Is apending the Frankl1n traction will cease ,running Mr. and Mrll. Charles Swindler of ternoon. bol1daY. With her sister at Weah- between these two toWlUl. The road has been a l06ing proposition Slnce Dayton had as a visitor in their Mr. and Mrs. F.d Hopkins or 1Dcton O. B. home last week. MIss Mary E. IW. P. Clark and W. N. Seal'S Its start in 1903. J. C. Hawke, whO, for liile past SmIth. nlade .. business trip to OreehvWe 'five weeks, has been serving on the .Mr. and Mrs. ·ClJ,Qrles Pennewitt Jut PrkIay. ilia Bither Henderson had .ber F.e deral crand jury at Clncln!latl, of near Xenia, were buslne&! vlBltora at the Talmage farm. Friday. tons1Ii. removed at McClellan h04- baa f1nJshed hJs work th~re. WiJl1Qm Dill of Mt. Holly, died p1tal Monda,. . Mr. and Mrs. N. A. ltlni ot lIIOl1day atternoon of pneumonia. Chested Snook of the U. S. S. KInIrht.stown , Ind., and Mrs. 8&r&h LIpplnoott apent C)u15tmaa Day Oharleston, arrived home Monday Mrs. J. W. Ward came down 'from on a short furlou,h. MCClellan hospital Batw-day and _";':':~=~~A8"" Walter Elzey. Mra. Mary Ce.sk.ey, a.c;companLed remained lUlW Monday afternoon. 1'O!"';"':;-'-~ Coleman and Mrs. D. L .crane att.ended the funeral by her mother, Mrs. Hannah AnMllI. Ida Peters· with Mr. &nd \ 1Itn~ f~ thelr cousin. Mrs. WillIs tram, left Monday morning for Mrs. Kenneth . Horn, of Lebanon, .1IanbaU, at Spring V~ll~y. Sunday Wash1J)gton, ·D . C., ~here ~Y will motor~ to Chautauqua Sunday afternoon. . Mrs. Margaretta Hee.oock was confined to her room Sunday owIt's about time for 111 too wak~ Ing to a. sligM WIlP..5S. up and thank 01U' manJ' WhIte Cbrlstmaa or Green Mrs. EVelyn O. Peterson re turned Monday afternoon after a week's CbristmQ III a matter of frimds and ctJ.StomfJl'8. for vlalt to relatives In Wjl.m1ngton. ' both . rt'OrraPhy and 01 their valued patronqe . DIRECT BUS LINE FROM WAYNESVILLE-SAVE Mr. ood Mrs. CUnt Tay.l or or near me~ocy. B u ' l Merry .'TIRES AND GAS . ini 194.3: . We cannot tell 10u HarveySburg, ·'Were guests of Mr8. J. CbrlsbnaS ,III an a.(lrair 01 the W. Ward Sa.tW'day evening. i how much we apPrecla&e ' ~ ! ' heart. And that'a tbe' kind' Mra: Amandf. Ha;rtrwn ' was In rliE ' XENIA NATIONAl.: , 'TiFFANY JEWlLRY your kiRdn~ !la, your Middletown . Monday afternoon. . or a Obriatmaa wt! are . now , BANK ~ > 'S TORE Henry S'fD.yne of a Clvillan Pub1S1S-1NS (IIAIDLTOH" WHOINBS,AND. wfahJoa' lor you IUld youn Chlistmas be . veri. Vet":, . lic Service C&mp located near ElkI _VBHWA'raDI CAPITAL III SURPLUS 'UO.GCHI .. 1913 draws t.o " clOse, bapP1. ton. oregon, 'vlBlteQ the Home Bat. DUIIOIQIB Sb'olll' - Friendl1 w-day evening. He showed slidE¥! • It. ..... at; . l'Il_e ~ BeUable Aooommoda~ and gave ln~est1ng talks on .£4e ~tlVltlea of tht" ~p' besides A. DABE and SONS f !!bowing pJctures ot ,beauU!ul j;Cen.
. .iSla. ..,.Utbe _i.ami
c!9~?rtte .
.Any make or
Fred Kahn Motor Car
From 'fhe Miami Gazet.te Files
oo.yton, is VIsiting hill son-In-law and daughter, Judg-e and Mr8. OOOl'8'e Davis and CanlilY, at t.Jle O!enwin Poult.1'y farm. near .Lytle. ·· Mrs. WllUam BergdaU Is s pending some time in Dayton caring for her daughter, Mrs. Edmon!1 Minser. who ·Is W. M1s.s San.h Corlne Furnaa arri ved h<mle SatW'day · from Philadelphia where She ls teaching In t he Friends Select school, to spend the hollday season WIth her pareI\ts, Mr. and Mrs. seth Furnas, and brother, Seth, Jr., ar Social Bow rood.
Probre.te Judge R. H. Carey has named James 1.1 K eever, Waynes- • ville. as administrator of the Il6tato of David Nelson McKeever. Mrs. Jessie Crctors, R. R. 3, Wayne6v1Ue, has been named administratrix of Ute est!l.te of her llusba.nd, tile late Ch.ules Cretors. who loot hls life when his car was strucld I;>y 0. . train ncar here. Ol'O&/ value of the estate of Dr. N. A. Hamilton of Frapklln . Is $102,602.78.
METHODIST CHURCH Louis C. Uadle,, ' Plutor
Church school atll:30 a . m . Worship service at 10:30 A. M . Subject: "Books Cl~ ood Open~
Youth Fellowship sunday 7 p. m. ChrlBtmaa Eve, ftiday, Dec. 24. the ' chlU'ch school .will hoid Ir ChrIsbrul.s entertainment. EVeryone is invIted. J Bible c1ass Wednesday eVt'n lng at 7:30 o·clock.
The arrival of cold weather mel\na heavier firing of heating: .yattlm" and the dange,. qf fire is g..eatly incyeaaed~ Make sure your F ire In.ur~nc" Polic;ea are in "wol!kin~ order" .too.
.Wednesday, Jan. 5, the Primary and J-unior departmenUl of the church school tWill hold a' OhrIstmas party"for tholf scholars. . . G,."~tte Want '.Ada BrITl~ ne8ulta!. •
~on~ult yo~r agent I
INSURANCE AGENCY' C. B. Jenk. ~." Prop.
SUOQeSIiOr, tCl LeM!'1 III Ba~li;e
WAYNES~, OHIO Te1ePltone Z86l
JOYOU 5. OLlUAY . Thelma's c. Lunch Room iIJl'CltllTs bN THE FUR TREE, Yo~ McCo~It-Deerlnr in other parts ot·.Oi'!8On: Sev~to ~~:;::~:~::::;:~~;:;:~~~;;;:=~~~~' II ~oW ON THE ~W ~~tb~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~1+~~~~~~~' wer~~~t ~ ~ ..' . .,. ,_--' ~OYous' enjoY the ' oocaslon. . ." .IOt w. ~ 8'Mr. a.nd Mrs. Kenneth Rougl'l ' and . PAO.ES · OF. amLDR!lN ,-:' !~~II"''' Smith's Service Station
.. '
ElectI'leaI Sappgea •
Sbenrin-WIUIama ' Pabd
. Phone 8U
52 W • .MaID 8t.
Mutha. Hough ' called On Mrs. IW. W9l'd Sun)3&y' afternoon. IA group of chl1dren 'under' the supervtalon of their school t:eacher, iM1ss Virginia lD!J'dIn, came to the lIorb.e . TUesday night and "ery sweetly sanir .several" Ohrlstma8 carols. The v1s1t was. greatly apprecl ated by the Home residents. I -' Mr. ' and Mrs. O. D. .Walter of "L!lba.n~n, called on Mrs. D., L. brane Tuesda.y evening.
PhODe 78
FAMOUS AUTO SUPPLY . 'J&acno &lid BI~1oJe ~ I
w. ~ ..
Phone ·1100 .
ROY V. HULL Sewina Machine Supplies ~k.
BepalrlD, 01 AU
II .R. Market
Phone Ul8
If Yoa Bave Troable BdJIr
The annual m~et1ng or stockPolders of the Waynesv1lle ' National Bank, of We.ynesville, OWo, w1ll 'be held at U1e ba.rIldng house ' in
of January at 1:30 o'clock p. m.. Central War time, for the elej:tlon
ot DIrectors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such business as may ,prope1'ly come before the tneetlng. . 'R OSS H. HAIRfI'SOCK. oasbier.
We cail hardly. wish, you S66 Slt~N.Y· .• . ... days durmg 1944, but we can and, do wish n--~u 366· HAPPY days. We hoi>~ that ~th/ ·
D. R.
P~one 2201
aaaette Wa.t Au DI'I" ne.aU.'
:PBB80NAL STATIONERY ~ .I Env~~' with JOg DUDe and a4dreu for
·,.oar 'Order . .~IAMI GAZETrE
,1M Bend
Phillie .Zlts .
" .Xenia: \:' . . Standard Parts l
MERRY . .. . ·CHRIsTM·A~ . TO ALL .
" yOu · . · ..l"
E~¥ONE · .
. -- GtAy'. , ~h81' Sh9P
'ities than; any year that!' has go.ne~ before:,
,.~ . )
com!ng ' y,o ar bl'ings you more tru~~· A~'Ppi: '~ess, true ' :friendships, and ~o~e ·bppott~h.:.
FOR'ilOU. ,
w. N. Sears '
Our ChI1shnat GlIt. Are Inl er,.at&1 Pottery and Wood ~o.eJUee-<Joetume lewelrY le~lrJ and Oompacta n~
! • ~ · 0NfE
., N.
.• ••. •• MAY.llr. BE A '
FU&ed With
Arrow Shira.
Smi~h I
Wayn_~lle; Ohio
, BOOT FOB AND ' CONSIGN" yOur ",We, bogs, ab~ and eat.", to ~oiTla-BroCk Co.. UVe wtre' and ~,v~ tlim fo~ ' tbe b1Ibeat
. iIlIIt'W prfus and sdo4 ...... : ~~ S&Ock Yarcla, ~ .0, ' 'rUne 1I1 ·on R:adlo .. e.tIOIi WOKY, 12:25' to 12:30 p . m. far 'OUt dally a,narket reporm. ' . .• .
Along 1;he Way
As on~ han~s down a good ·n ame. Christmas each year hands down its traditions, and a11 are good. It has been a tradition bere to l"egard the good wilI of our customers as our most precious asset. In tbis holiday season of 1943 we extend to yoii, not a'l a customer alone, but as a friend, • • our very bteu1i wishes for a ... Merry Christmas.
As you tie up )"OUr Christ-
packaces f,hlnk of
We'D be thlnklna- of you "• . . . thlnkfur of hciw good you've been to 118 In 1943 and 01 what a. pleasure it baa lIMn to serve you. Arid we'D be wi'lhinl' you (II, very MerT1 Chl'lstmaa.
Fairleys Hardware Store
PHONE 2441
'I'Qva8DA~, DWBidn. II. I .... ,
,will be resuJDed on Monday, J ... 11
al7 3.
's " Mra. &,de~ F. Tb~ CBB.lSTMAS PBa\YEIlt.-:l943 .......... - Father', we' c,ome to You .....with humble nearts, thl.s 5e8.SOIl ' that 'WI! celebmte the blItll 01 'YOUI' Bon: It Is not ' . on!)' 'a term.'lnatlon of thls .terrlblci 'Wa.r ~t we desire, but the return of peace to & world that is CI08e to chaos. The peace that 'wrui p~ed on the night Christ was born to Mllry In the stable in B'ethlenem·rThhe pea.cthe that theedan l gels sang 0 w en ey appear n . BOng 't o the shepherd wc..tA~hlng over their .nooks In the stany night. "Peace on Earth and Goc>d WllI to
Man." We hold no against the peoples 01 the nations warring against us, but only a. deep heart{elt desire that they w1ll come to flnd You a.nd Your SOn. the Chrtst; to know how sweet love and fl1enl1ship can ' be. BleMed Father, gu~ de US in the way that You will Us to go, to do the thing5 toot will make hostlle peoples forget their hatred and O1'OP their weapons. There can never ,be any half way steps, but \lIlI)()l1dltional SUlTender to You. May the day hasten I Bless and guard our boys over there .so f a r home this Ohrtsl.ll'uu! Day and
,,.1 . EN S·ILA Gf
. A Ohr1s~ ·8S8"emblY ~11l be glven by the Sophomore 011lss rlda y afternoon, :oeeembe .' r 24 . "Xmas"?" t t.i .,... ., Iy Lsn 't all uf l
for SaIe
',,'ERRY and b t \\'Ishr·, 11'1' j ",lr 'l' ./>' )1, •• IJ"""U" l :"r'r.·, I,' ut an d good hea lth j , lh" (-, litl,.' \ ('., r. It Is 'willi regret that we ..n~I nounce the passlng of a much i ~eu COUI 0 iVS nel4rhbor, Mrs. Nora Pennlnl..ton. , I i, She passed. away her home NL nAmong IC 'C) , I " i\' .sday evening. Funeral servlces will rers 'Y 'ere the f~lk, . be held Thursday afternoon, J a mes Irwin L t:J l Il\' , V - It' Mr. !Paul Brown Is very III at nb t U& l'dlan, to Gill". \ home: gle Lamb. 10.22 an "I> Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fordyce and Wllliam A. J.~nd } 'le frill , ]I dt W-
At t I Th '. .. R e oxanna I Cano'ing /.CO. I
Douglas were Sunday even in" sup- .ell to E. E.
An S Ol'
the P • .1, Thomases. . Th' lnfluenm Is thick in th S neighborhood sa everywhere . The Ferry church will present Ita Chrtstmas program Sunday , mornlni, IDee. 211, Treats for the chJldnln.
~r guest6 of H. R. Fordyce nud Washington twp.
Glenn W. F al~ I " 1;011 , .12 a cores III fl.'
~ I l\
1' ...
Man'!age licen,,('
liued to w. Edg or :, c hine repairman , 0 ", lsbury . 28. tlcke W,' ynesvllle; A \' i:: , The Sugar Creek Chr lstl!l , l1alnter, nnd E,.,U ,', church Iw1ll present a dramatic can- both of Sou h L t'"J, , dlellght nativity service, titled "Thy Alonzo H1bbn ~ (I ILlght Is Come,". on Christmas Eve sui t for . divorc\ . , at 8 :00 p. m. Hibba rd, chnrgh ,j.;' , I have mentioned this berore, buL duty. _ _ _ _' _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __
Phone 2878
111 £1 •
:: t1
\" \' .a~ •~ '\ r Ll
&=!===============-_ __ _
Ibrlng them safely back to UlI. If I L be ' Thy Will, we ask It all in th ~ "
name of Chrl.st, our SaVior. Amen .
School Ne:w s The girls In ~ Sophoanore Home EconamlCs class have made ~d furnished a fh;e-room d.o11 house. Members of the Junior - Senior Home EconomiCS class Jul,ve made stuffed a.ntmals. The projects from Iboth claB11e8 are to be glv1en away at ChrlStm8ll.
From Green'l and's icy: mountains to rndia's coral , strand the age-old celebation of Christmas is in progress. In this season of universal I{ood will we welcome ,the oJlPortumty·to thank you . for that measure" of confidence you have. showQ 'in us lluring 1943 and other years. We will 40 our ul,most to 'continu:e . ~o de~erve it.
, Stubbs Funeral ~ome W,A y ,NESVlLLE
PllONE 2291
We've been thinking, folks, that you'v~ been very good to us during 19.43, and ,right now is the most appropriate time to thank you. So th~nks, 'everybody, and . a . very happy· Christmas.
5 '. and
100 Store '
For 2t Years Lebanon'• .
• •
When we meet Lebanon -Thursday. December 23, ·the 'b and will 'fonn an "'L " for the vlslltin&' te6m. Then the outUne of a Ohrtstmas tree will 'b e fonned wIth 8anta CiaU8 presenting hlmaelf to the peo pIe. This 'will be followed by a.nother Chrtstmas formation and the show wt1l end 'WIth a la.rge "w" whUe the band plays line &chool
Glory to God iD the highest, And on peace, good will toward m en
• • •
Friday afternoon, December 24, schbol rwlll be cUsm1ssed at 2:30 p. m. After a 'Week's vaca.t~on" school
"Your Famlly I)rul' tilOn'" .C osmetlcs - .1fts - Map" PRESCRIPTIONS . I'hone 281 LeMaOD
Who ca~· 6&timate the valu e of g ood \ III that "priceless ' ingredient ' so n: OJ ously mentioned in thai fil ·t gd) J\J Christmas message? Be a ~sll J'(;> d t l1.I.i I, " highly appreciate your good \~.• 11 , I lo( bee'n and will continue to be o ur Ill.) I treasured r,sset, MERRY CHRtSTMAS TO YOU I
BROWN and BROWN Ltldles Ready to Wear
Waynesville Floral, Comp;any
Mr.. A. Shroyer
Phone 118L
PhODe g '
IIARDWARE .. IMlPIJOUDl'lr8,:' 1 t
•. ~.
eoPl' !oroSw~~D6HiP. ~
The apprOachi~. holidaT MUOIl ...ak.. · •• appw:eciate ~o~ ·thea .y~ ~o" the ~ricel... value of our frie.D " . d· li~ yo,:,r- .
.elf. It
remind. ,u,
.0 .
~de' by many 'of 'OUr . ' ice of U~~le ~ TO 'taU, ~d t. aI' our thAnk. for lyour patrona•• in ,1 M3, and our wishea f~r ,il ,iciYCMia ~olid~y~' '.~ , , ,
PhoDe 2381
Meat Market , ".;
Waynerrille, O.
~~~. for be . hal .done
aDd Is
lolnI .
....,aUleen& ,. .
J9I». Tbta II, bulee4, occaaIon f . cbrbtlna. c~eer. to ,...... our
Orchid Beauty Shop
and oar
heu11 wtabllll '01' * &1\
eDjo~i. .u' , ~
War or Pleace, a brave new world is' ill th\· ill 1k'i~g-a world in which. better oppo,rtuni Ut.l!4 ... ilI be had for '1)1. The Spjz:it of ProgreRs ill on i he march, and we may all look ho pef ull y tu {Ill! future. At this time ' it is fitting that \\ e t:lllllll our ~any friends and recall the ha.p py n 1. (,Illl ships of 1943. We wish all of you tllt' ('h<l i\ " '~ blessings that Christmastime can bestow. , .
haPpy' .
L; H. Go~don "
Phone 2121
I - ('hone 114
W a ync:v'llc O. ,~-.-
Make Oar SIGre YOIll" .
Waynesville Drug tore
INS CbrII!UDu .-Ho.
.:-- ~
--I~"':'::'-="~ EGER'S
JEWELRY - GIFI'S . '" Phone 230K It South Broadw&7
We Buy and Sell New and FURNITU..,E · " ' Everything for Farm anel lloaae'
Next to Bank .
MORRIS 5 and tOe
. TO $1.00, STOR~' Complete Uuo of lIIriat ','
QUALlTY m;:i!qtiNDia For, EnIr10ne
, ·MERRY •
McClure' FUneral'Haine' .. ~.
.We Offe r
warren 'oom:t;;"s!303 ~ouse,wIV~ '
~~'I.Twa,s the
efare.1".3 Chri's. tmas
'At All
~ant! Dial
~n 1
nUAlly ' in
9:,30 A~
. ~ - -'.'''' ~ ' O
M RNIN G SJ,RV ICE ' \> . 11 :OO-A M. - .', ~1ng to' Hlu'vey A. Bauro. bead of 'Mr. Carl Miller.:' will be . ' A&P Tea Compan y'S prodooe- lJu.y~ ch,arll e of both ' ...~minl log operations. "FOod Is a mW1IUon 'of war 1Uld- and eveni n, aervic ea .. everyvnEl must fight, waste 01 I t the 'paato r ia on vacation... now," 'Daurn polnt.ed out. EVEN ING SERVICE" 01v1l1a.n ea.t about 1,514 pouhds of 7:30 P. M. food ~. he concluded, while ' CHRIST MAS PRA>GRAM county homes. &C-
the average
soldier 'puts S:way" l,pUUl a.way" 1,916 (4)unds annuall y.
-- --..- ~--
Rog ers and ' Sim pso n Gar age Phone 2341 '.
'[Cqe ~~mus6i1l~"
QU1unij., Qf)f; QlhriS* ,
accul'at e gGvernmlmt SLaLlstlcs which lncUc&tes tha.t at lea:.st 3,943,925 poun.d8 of food QJ'e iwast.ed Ill-
One hundr ed and twent y years ago Cleme nt' Clark s Moor~'s jolly poem, "A Visit from St. Nicho las," iirst appea red., Each year since then it has contri buted to the joy of Christ mas. ' We want to; say that if we were able to gathe r up all this joy and wrap it Up' hi> one big packa ge it would hardly repres ent our wishes for your C.hrist mas nappin ess this season of. 1943.
Time s
Hi '. ht '
colud feed 2,085, 6Oid,1e~ ! Ol' &.A. _~ _ .~ '. ~~ tt;'!c-:-. , ;'" , , . "t~ tqOjl , ~astE!d ' annunll y III '.. at the county, a.n. 0 !iclal of .,' " " ~~ bhe country 's leading 'f ood dlstrlbu ' 5 ' ''''R ~V , ICES " S·U' N'D " A'Y ', tOr ~tImated tpday. , . I:. This ~ng flglure IS based on Qecem J)er",2 6
Wayne aville, O.
Ohio's more ~ 2,000,000
mobile, truck. and ru~:;;;;;:;;:;;;;;:;;:;;;;;:;;5:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;E;!;E;!;E;!;E;!;E;!:;;;;;:;;;E;!~ E;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;~ ers were aakCd motorcycle owntoda.y by H1ghW\l Y
. l.:..========;;;;;;;ml~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MAX W. RAND ALL, Minia ter Phone 2~93
Director H. O. Sow:s to salvage their 194:2·1943 license plates for the scrap pUe t.ha.t 1."0e8 l.nto war arma- ....- ' ~_._n_r.....~~_ _ I~. , . ment. . The 1944 Uceru;e ta.g&-one to a lbe a tremenrous oontr1b utlon to the ca.r-n I go on sale next March. By effort," Dtrector Soura ';'1d. next April 1 the 1942-1943 ta. s- The n~ taas ue ,belllg l1ioducW two to a ca.r-wU l JrlB.ve been reO!lW at Ohio Peniten tiary. Tbey wW pla(:ed. ' ha ve a blue ' ba.ckiround anti' 'White , There are 8pproxl
wate1y 4,450,000 letter a.nct numera ls and will be llcense pla.tes ,l.n u.&e toda.y, accordsame size as the, ~ . lW'1/ in use. l.ni to 'f~es from. the Bureau or Motor Veh1cles. The two plates on You 'CAD ea& your calie' aDd each car wwelgh Ontl pound. That have U. loc)-It you mVel.' means there' are 1,200 tons Dt goO\l your CHRIST MAS scrap steel tied up 'in the license lD WA~ BONDS. Kee'p ._ tal!&, "~d that amount of steel will BACKIN G '1HE ATI'AC IL " .
. . . . . . -- 1hUdDa Proc!uoY at . . .: ~. LIbulIlD . ..·()peD ... .... b JO'R oopvenieoee. . ~. umn.,""" • .L.
(. . aIUD.- ~~
Ideal ~ lilt. meet.' paper, " ~d, usd 100 enYe10pel with ..... UId addnIa 1m;li1Dted, for I PaDq 'tIaRC! ~
1fatbiiIrr. t2:fM1, IlIlIul" <Juette aftbJ .... ord.... . '·,·, '
8w"," "
)- ".' !
~ "./
See Btu Lee '
old; 1 beifer
.." • '.montb.- old Phone W&)Vle.s , 1UJe ~.l_ ~. St.
-...: - Electric large _ . eDlelleot coodlUo n. Alao
~ ,Man~
P7Camel haJr coat. med-
IidI,ee b&nd-laI1t ~ ,,,""'W~_. iaIil '. .: , . ,
pray~rs ~d hrbs 'of ,hop~ ring,out in Sacred co~,
' -
I .
':'lemo9~tio,n- of
the Christ child's birth. Only the righteous . peoples of the wodd can ' know the
be~uty an~ in~If'ra~.ion and joy of Christmas-Only
tho,e."who know ,and, accept Him. ,Only G~ can
THE SPIRI T OF CHRIS 11ttAS , domin atin, i'h e world a~let ollce more baa,.in crredib ly' rolled ' ..ide ' the cloud . of war. Th.,re i~ ~till ~.uty in comm on ', thil!la~ .atill 100d in the world , and we ate all' Irateful for the Ilowi nl ' interv .1 'of Yuleti de.
As for,you rselve s,' we areaf so ~eiul 'for your loyaJt y to us during 1943, and ex~ tend the s(-:&SOn'8 best wishe s 'to aU .
Mr. & Mrs . Jim Lov ely & Lan ora ~Friday
~. Aad : ",a til rday
"FIRED WIFE" with' Roher t P.ip ...41 Loube AUbri Hon
Antus bull. 2 cows. 1
.au. .ax weeU
Chr~ liveS: ~nly in the hearts of men 'whose
~ .",o~ I~II."
eo.dt B. I, Waynesville:
of its festive appearance. The true significance' of
ff/ 1'b, 1)11710'; P"';'n ."d U,1I1 .' Co",PIJ'" f41uh 0'" ",l1li, ClUlo",, ,, _ Ir/diU ,''' ·h""pJ,sI CIwUI.i u /)01116/,;", 10llf~". 14"".1__111. WI NI IOIII;"N, 10 'Jr,rl " II", 1I00"~ I.m~, I. IIIhtll,,,,, uuru I, ,,1I;'SSIl,,-IO wi" rb, ' ~R'" lor _ ,frwIOllf" ~ ~;/f'll, ON' IrMlilioiu nd ;J,"',~brJ,,.
,. ~ 8NHr .'."",v. ' ~ I
is not necessarily a Christmas tree simply ' beca.use
,~Si"rl!r~', tiJ( .01
..,~ " .''-'LIt.NG
lightS' and
A tree decorated with toys and
.' ,
Local News ' Uhl'ls!m..r · was celePra.ted a t tM home ot Mr. ,a nd MrS. Amo_ CO.Jk by the tollowtilg guests; Ml.. and Mrs. CharlES D06ter and c1a :.gh h rS of HarV~Y81)\lrg, Sgt. and' Mrs. Warren 000k of OeImp 'K1imar, New Jersey, Mrs. Milrllaret Johns anil ~s. E1izan?eth Smith.
'Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart had as their gues~ ior Ohr1stmas Day Mrs. ~aI'll! IRltLle at Cincinnati and Mr. and Mrs: J . B. Cha.pman.
· . . .,
~. apd Mrs. Cllfi .B.urnett a~d Ellzabetn entertained to d1nner 011 Ohrl.8tm&s Misaes ·M1nriie Davis e.nd
Ruth Burnett, Walter Burnett and
· . .or Oaeorn
IPYt. H?race BW'nett
Mr. and Mni, C. D. ot Springfield. were recent guest.oJ o. Mrs. ~ 'L.
• • • and ,!Mrs. George
, !Mr. J.Sm1tlJ !\Vere Chrl8tmugue&ts 01 their ·son~tl-leJw and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Phll1p Zeph in C1n~Innat1.
Form~r R~~ident.
arried In
Walter W1aema.n and ~dreil, Polly Lou' apd Billy, lWe1'e ChrI.8ttna.s' DI\¥' ~ of Mr. apd Mrs: MDrt Lang and Mrs. Paul-
1Mr. and Mrs.
Ine .1 la.ng 1p
HamUtuL'-' ,. ~.
f4l'. ·and MIs.' ~nd . conner • l . , celebrate~ CbUlitimaa on ;, f\Wlda,y evening 'with ' their 'chudren, M1s.ses Sarah and Ruth Oonner ~d Mr.
Mr. aDd iYnI. 'and. n~
- ,
soil; Boger, ,were $undaY ncuesta Of JO"r aD,d Mrs. John
. .' .
Mm. C. '. ,Eo'. Anderson and ' .Mfi$ Haroid . ~rliO:q· "were
.'. .
Mr. and Mrs. llld Hopldns and Mr. and un. Stanley Bl,iley a.n4 (Jaugll.ter were, .ElllI¢fy , ~t& of Mr. aDd • lIrI., Everett KA!nrIdt and. chUdren. ·
. ..t. .
Mr. Bnd Mrs. It. N. Boug'h
.famJJ.y, ~d
YiB.,Viola Harlan
Chr1s~ Eye':gueate at Mr. MrB. lEI. D. J!l&mhart. ' - ,;
... .
and were
~a. '
We OHer Satis facto ry
the N°ght bel' ra19f3hrist a
Serv ices
lJJe cowltr'y's lead ng (God dll,tl lbuLor esUmat~d today, 'Ihls amazing figure I.-, b\lsed on ne ·UI Ot.e goverru llem Stl\t1StlC~ \~hiCh indlcaw s , thal M letlSL J ,943 ,1125 pounds oi food (tre wlt.>tcd allIluaijy 111 /Warren c,o unt y homes. a,ccord1ng to Harvey A. Bn um , head or A&P Tea Compan y's produce - euyIna- operatio ns, " Food Is a mlUllUon of war tll1d everyon e must fighl WMle of I ,•
At All One hu'ndr ad and twent y YOtll'S ago Cle ment Cla rks M001'< !'S jolly poem, "A Visit f r om Se Nicho las," .i:irilt appea r ed . Earh yea r 'inc e then it has contn buted to th e joy of Chri stmas . W e want to, say that if we we r e able to gath er up all thi s joy and wrap it lip in on,c bi g pac kage it would tlardly repre s' llt our wi ~ h es for your Christ mas oappi ness th is s a80n of 1943, .
Time s
~cGn"rt Jlj'umral ~omt
now," B a lUn
Phone 2341
m~~~;;.'s~:e R~:;~'\\l:~~~~~~IOC ~~~~~:
Wayne sville, O.
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
~ '"
' 1's were asked Loday by Hlghw,, )' Directo r H , 0, S.)urs to snlvage
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=========, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ il , thelr 1942-1943 license plates
scr ap pUe tJl8.t g(}('s Into war
The 1944
~ 01 'l'hanb and ~ ... obar~ f . at &he
...... _ -.... -.ol .. worcl.
mIDlmu m
....... Ik. • W_, A4 lDserled tor
.... _
lOa a&l.a -
W'atIdna Products at
D _. an.4w q, Lebanon. Open -ailIDca - 7OW' oonvenlence. Gl& UDtner . Pbolle t3 L.
Ja\ 8&.UIl - 8t8ItlOl lery-iU\ ideal Cbrt&t. mq &1!t. .100 ilheet.s paper, ,'%x'. and 100 envelopes with DUDe a.D4 addreu I.Inprtnted. for tiM. Pane, bozed personal1Zed
M1am1 Gazette
atftce. Place oMl!1'lI now.
SAl B' Jereey
or e1~. Bee Bill Lei!, Orndor t flot.d. R. 3, Waynes ville,
. v
~~~~ 1
8 months old. Phone W8.)lIles ~ or :U~. St,
or woman to help 10 modern home, Housew ork and blip wt1il two children. Board, IIalaIl' aDC1 room. if desired. Apply . , OIIICe. Write P . O . Box 96, W~e.vWe. Ohio, 12-16t.r
POa SAiLE- Young Turkeys , allv':! or dressed . Phone Olarlea Hageme yer.
Mrs . 2t
FOR SAlLE - Electr1c ,train, large size, excellent oondition, Also _ Man's &1'&Y camel hair coat, med1um Idze; two ,ladles hand-k nit dreues. , Phone 'Wayms Vllle 2827, FUR 8Al.iE - DI.nl.ng room table, pedesta l type, ~h chairs and 6 JeIwa. , A-l conditio n. Paul C. 1PICItlnC. Phone 2182.
KrB. Kay Ross 01 Dayton , spent 'With Mrs, Fl06s1e Carey.
" '"..
I I'
7:30 P. M.
MAX W. RAND ALL, Minis ter Ph l o n e 2993 II'
• ,, -
I I i I
A tree dccorared wirh toys and lights and tinsel'
.. _ - -'- _ . _ - _._ ••:.
is nOt necessarily a Christmas tree simply because of its festive appearance, The true significance of
I a be a trcmenr ous cont.rlbuUon to the war effort," Dhector Sours said, The new tags are being producea O~lW at Ohio ~enlten ~iary . They will have a blue backgro und and white letter and numera ls and will be the' same size as the tags now in use.
Christmas lives' only in the hearts of men whose prayers and hymns of bope ring out in sacred commemoration- of the Christ chjld's birth. Only , the righteous peoples of the world can know the beauty and ins(1iration and joy of Christ mas-o nly
l' ou can eal your cake and have ll, too--tr you Invest your CHRIST l\IAS savinI'S
PHONE %451
FOR SAtLE- l'lve reg1ater ed Angus cattle, r yearling bUll, 2 COWS, 1 buD calf. six weeb old; 1 heifer ~.
i 11. :00 A. M. , Mr. Cart Miller wlll be in charg e of both morhi n a ., I and evenin g servic ea as the pastor is on vacati on. t i EVEN ING- S-ERVIC
those who know and accept Him. Only God can make a Christmas Tree.
W e do hauling of all 'kinds!
Sinn,d" all of 111 al Th.' D"ylon pOllJer ""J Lighl Comp.JIIY wish ou, many CII110nurs ,,,,d ',;mJs Ih, h"ppiesl ChrisltntJl pOllihl. in Q lOmbn, war·lorn wo,ld. L ei III (omi/Ille 10 eX." .tlnt . Oorl- and 'sal',i!iu to wbtJl.V('1 .xl.1I1 il ,IUUlJo r,-l o will lb. ~f!.hl 10, au' """dams, au' heliefs, our /,atli/iolll aNd ideals-C hrist-
alllollg Ib ~m.
to car-wil l go on .sale next MarC il, B,I' next April 1 the 19~ 2- l 94 3 la stwo to a. car-wil l have becn rcplaced. There are approJ<iwately 4,450,000 I1cense plates In ulle today, accord Ing to flgw'es tram lJJe Bureau of Motor VehJcles. The two plows on each car wwelgh o !'le powld, T ha t mea ns there nre 1.200 tOilS of g COJ scrap sWel t Ied up in the l1: en, tags, "and that amount of steel wil l
for the
SERV ICES SUND AY Uecem be.r 26 BIBLE SCHO OL 9 :3,,? _A:., ~_._ MORN ING S,ERVICE
Civilian about 1,514 IlOWlds f food eac. h year, he conclud ed, while ~he average soldier "p uts a way " l ,puts B.way" 1.916 IXllUlds annuall y,
Rog ers and Sim pso n Gar age
WaTD .a.iIIe
THE SPIRI T OF CHRIS TMAS , domin ating the world atage, Glace mOre haa incred ibly roUed aside the clouds of ~8r. There is stilI bea,uty in comm on thinga , still good in the world , and we are aU grateful for the glowin g interv al of Yuleti de. As for ourse lves, we a re a lso gratef ul for your loyalt y to us during 1943, and extend the s('aso n' s beRt wi sheS-t o-al1.
Mr. &M rs. Jim Lov ely & Lan ora
Th e Wa yn esv ille Hi gh 'Sc h'. o. ol, Ba.. nd Mo the rs
DANCE an d ' BI · GO Round a~: d Squarp. ~r.
B. S. Gy m
We d. Dec . 29 -8: 00 p.m . Adm h. sion 3Sc
----.-~ ~
Yuleti de draws people closer togeth er, helps us aU towar d a quiet friend lineaa and . group enjoy ment of daya like Chriat maa. A most prope r time for ua to exprea a our sincer e apprec iation for your friend_ ship, and to wiah for you an abund ance of Christ mas joy. .-
Wa yne svil le' Ice Com pan y
PHON E 2451
Stanle y and Koosl er
Frida y
Por Dates, Phone 2894, Wayne. .-
vWe, Ohio. Reverse Charles
atllrfl ay
"FIRED WIFE" with Rober t Paige and Louiae Allbri tton
Dr. c. E., Wilkin . Optometri~ . Eye Specialist 26 S. Detro it Street
THAN KS to our fightil :g men, we are winnin g the war on the battle front. THAN KS to you, we are winnin g the war on the hOnie front. QUR BANK likes to fe el that it, too, r.as done its part ... by se lling y.lar' Bo nds, buying govern me nt secud ties, irstaII ing- ration b a nking servic es, ,maki ng loans to h elp-d irectly a nd indire ct,ly- in tpe war, and contin uing to provid e essent ial bankin g servic es. Howe ver, we ,know f ull well that t.-,~ el'ything we have done has been ' possib le only becau se, of your 's up port. You have suppli ed ,the d eposit s we use to invest in gover nment securi ties a'n d to ,make loans, you have bough t '\ the ,War Bonds; you have coope rated wh91e heal'te dly and we are gratef ul. , A new year looms ahead . We hope it will be a ,year of triump h for our c.ount ry. We pledge oursel v,es to (;on t,illue " servin g you to the best of our ability , ' and to work with all QUI' mig ht tp h B~ste n the glorio us day of Victor y.
'Th e Wa yn esv ille Na tio nal B w
• •• l. candl e in the windo w • ~ ~ the sleam of., 'atar on a tree • .'. the light in the eyes of a child on Chria tma. momi n. , But 'Christ mas is more ~han these ' . . .' how much m~re 'IV canno t .put mto worda , ~ut you do know that we are wishin g you all tllat Chriat · ma. at 'its ' best implie s, and all that Christ InU ,can b ......
Wa yne svil le 'Far mer s Ex. '
Plaone' 2371 , ,
Warn....' ••
Cele'Qrate Golden, . W~c!di~g Suncliy .t',
the , hOlllc of 1\111'. and M rs. Amo. C o ~k by ~he followlllg guests : Mr . a nd Mrs. Ch!1rlts Doster a nd da ,gh" 1' , of Han'e},Sb Ul'll , Sgt . and Mrs . W a. ren Cook of C~ump 'K.Umar. New Je\'s~y , Mrs . .M.: rs areL J ohn ' a llli Mrs. EllzabeLh Smlt.h .
Great L ukes , III. , Dec. 2B. -R eoer.t graduation xCI'cll' S lit the Na :).1 T ra illlng SChool (Diesel) on U.e Un iver sity of UUnols cam pus. U _ 1..... \1. Ill .. s w Blucjll.ckct '1\ Ill'. n !IJuert Ler-Iay. 17. son or Mr. Dnd .\'[rs· F . U. LeMa y. Rural R ou te 1.0. I. Way-!lesvllle. OJ110. receive r ecogII ltlon as a . "quallIled s tr iker " I ,r I.he petty officer rate of motor m 1_ (hlnisL's m n te thir d clllS3. S electiOn to th e specialty ~e h 0 , ' S llllsed 011 the rec r uit trnl ni ng II ptlLu dc tcs ts. Th e compleLed cours e d slu dy Inclu ded th e funct ion , opt ralioll an d mnl~1l(lH\Jl ( e ur ii,le _ IIn l (,OlrJl usti(JIl engines . A I heot'd 1cnl I Ilwie illl'llIdt:d fU1l('!nm 'ma ~ o. JIleJ 0 11 engine OPCI,( U OJl a 'ld electricity. The n ewly gradualoCd mall. now n flr!'mun third la.o.;s, Is alVIl!.lug aelll'e dut.y or ('rs abon.rd ship or t ... ab hor£! st:, tlon.
I <"' I\J'islm~ w ~celebl'a.Led a~
and Mrs. J~ph S. 'F11~ of P orry celebrltted the1r golden weddtng annlversull'Y Sunday, oeceOi.ber 26, with open house from 2:00 , to 5:00 o'clock for r~lat!ves anti friende. .. The happy ool.U>le were ruarJ1ed Dec~r 27, 1893, nea.r O1nclnnatl. in the '~rly part of their married life thllY r~lded. near K,yI., but have lived in this ~lc~ty' t or their last . 30 years. , Their four ch11dren, ·M rs : Mar,y Oornell or aJnYto~, H. O. F.ller of Alpha, Mrs. James IIartosock , WaYll~svllle and MIss :aertha. Pller ",,,rtr,,. ......D~•• of Olnclnnatl. spent the day wttk
I Local News
Mr. and Mrs. ~. V. Barll.h!ll't h a u as their gu ests Cor Cluistmas Un \ Mrs. Marie ,R lUie of O1noinl1u tI a l ~ Mr. and Mrs. J . B . ChapmRn .
Mr. and Mrs. elltf Burnett al d ElIl/labeth enl,.t:rLnlned to dinner 0 1. Ohrlst111l1s Misses Minnie Davis (I.\lO Rut.h Burnett, Walt.cr Burne tt ana Pvt. Hora.ce Burnett of F ~ . .Thoma:.
• Lovely flow ers of
an4 .BIfts, and the best wisbea oj -rrienda ·made this e. memorable day
~ the 'half century of wedded We the' bride and aroom of filty
. yeara ~
!Mr. ll.nd Mrs. George J. Srnit.1 <were OhrisLmas guests of their sonLn-Iww und daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
~TS 811M, OF
Another Christm as has again h ea rd the old h OUlI.':.te ad· or Mr. and Mrs. Sam McrediLh . Jr., ring to the sound of ha ppy la.ughter ot gay vo ices as th() son , daughters alldc hlldr e.~ gathered ollce more f or Christmas dinner . At 7:30 p. m. th e fa mily was oa lled t o a dinner wit h th e tab le very beautlful In old ' lace. flowers and lighted candles . Aft er eatlni the deUclous turkey with all the trimmings. eVUY\lne gathered arolUld the laIll'e Christmas tree tn the famlly living room where many presOl:l\U'ch of Ohrist. Metho!'lIs~ SWt- ents <were distributed t~ aU present. tlll!i....~'QJ.• J:iw.OkIa';ih!JI~ ' .IULUJU•• ,pnend's Meeting su,1)At a la to hour, before returl.lng ,~q!I_i~itM~iliQ dIIv,'.Ch!)()I, woWmen's AUXil ia ry and home, the chlldren gathered at the •. ' co"n ...... Gdlltllliiri l"illbDe !Il,.lAltiaidOli~·tI'fii r311-lIIJ" clUb of st. Mary'S Eplscqpill f,l'and p'tnno.; sL\I~:ing Christmas cn111l'G1i. 1St. Augustine's Al!ar Gu~d carols and 'b idding their parent.~ oathoUt churoh. lI'rlendshlp and Bettelou goodnight. the Methodist church . Mo 11.T h r -e present wore Mr. Ilnd Mrs. 'Men's Civic club. Women's J . O. An:teney a.nd son from Xen!a ,~Qvls:ive" olub, Happy Hour ·club. Mr ant! Mrs. 'Nonnan Meredith ar\! PalmulZ"s' clUb, New Century son f BeUbrO?k, ?~. ~nd Mrs . y~ ' S)X .r tho ·t, l"._(", .~"' .'nnlll' of,, Wa.ynesville and (rLrs 110 ,.r. ~n d Mrs. wm Hblla.~d. aLo of Waynesville.
Zeph in
In the hJatoric Friends White Brick MeetlllJ Ho use a t ;) 0 c.ock In t h e a.fternou:J of IDee. 24, 1943. 1n Lhe presence of a goodly nUmber of rela ti ves a nd fr1 endB, lI4arY MUdred COok Bnd Newman WIIsOJ;l Powell were uni ted In mo.rrla.ge acoordlng to t he cU3tom of Friends. IJ' tcrward. dInner ~ served to abou t thirty r elaLives and IrtenCla at t.h c bride's home. The young cO\q)le w1ll reside a t Valpar1sc, Ind., where U1C gloom Is a m em ber of the t.eaebtng st.a.fl of Valparlso Universl~y. LOCAL RESIDENT LOSES
F ormer Residents
In Ala.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mills hact as !.heir Christmas guesta with an exohange 01 gifts during the afLernoon, Mrs. W!lllam Strouse, Mr. and Mrs. J . J . Burske and MIsi MariQ'ln,
. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Kersey and oon. Oharles, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard K el'sey and <Ill. hters were Christmas guesta ot elr parents, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Will Kersey In Oregonia.
"'1 sen-
1Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wisema.n and chUdr 11, 'P olly Lou and BUiy . <were Christmas Day guests of Mr
IlIId Mrs. Mort Lang and Mrs. Pa "l ine Lang In Ha.m1lton.
Wed At Friends Meeting House
Wilmi ngton, ~ 27. - P~ad1ns guUt)1 'before Judge Fr~ M . .Oleven ger lat.e toda.yt to a blll of 1nt0l'maUon cha rging hJm w1th drt.y1ng when i11tOxica.teq. Jacob J!.;' ~t man, 57, lWnynesv1lle, 'w,as ' l~~ $100 and costa e.nd h1nlght to- chive" SU8pt.nded for one year; ' He' ';~ ~ ra;ted Frlda.y by a. 'W~ s~te ~ :- I '.i_ highway pa.trol.!JMln .,rt~ ' :}l1i ~ struck one drlve.1l I)y . wij~ > ~ ,U~ I M L:.:s Lucille W Stewa r.t, or Lebanon in 01&rluyUle. L ' .. )" : .. , <-.wher ill t.he Waynes- / , ha ve I ccll'ed anI\IOVES TO SE\#i "Mg.B', of lI er marria ge to Rev. wm . AlDII;, r;~ forineriY . , ;\1:. Ba ber a t M, K ,\ ell llv<:d on WaynesvUle Route 1 but .[1 . on Monday. Dej::. 20, '~ :I!' bl'1' was for merly a who recentiy hBli belll1 r&1dt~· m a ""t' : , Ie 1(; I 1. G . A , Mklt' - ' Bellbrook, Is moving to Seven iliie. ke to i\o r ·. B.)I her Is remni n ln g w b \ He ·was for-marly pa.st~:r, ot the. 11m Ill.. JlI' fo l' t he holida ys. th el' brook a.nd West 'Cil'roUtDn PreabY- ' be 1nstaJIwill [. lJ,,~ I II' h I' schOOl dutlu; c . terlan churches. andf aa<to • -: • ed as pas~r .of the j 'Seven Mile .\It j , 11<)0 1 in Xenia. Pr Sbyter1an cbl,lfCh ~ Bw}day. ,· , ')(; AL MEItCII"NT F CRev. Clltford J. Leaiot1, Nero Wltlll FlU)1\1 OiU.IFORNL· lisle, moderator of 1ibe ~n Pte&-; bytery, 'WlIll pr:esl~e and-'~,' Nelson III 1\ J, I writ ten to Mr. an H. Thorne; Day:txm, .. fonnei' paator ~ Ml 'i \ \ Elzey , L. A. at the Seven ' A(u~ eii.~:. wm !n . 11 preach.
Mr. and Mrs. C . D. Oscorn of Springfield. were recent guests o . Ml·s. Grace L. Smith.
are dead .raps on Tarawa, whElre they str. \' the U. S. Marines continue their "mopping \)1 ," Island w!"ch earned the name . olt th'o Japane .J
8&0. '
Mr. amd Mrs. Raymond Oonner celebrated Olu-Istmas on Sunda: evenlllg with the.i r children, MIsses 'c" .some Sarah and Ruth Conner Ilnd Mr . . I. ll ieh IS of ;nl-.. ~ ...... and MIs . Leo Con.ner and daughters II 'I :. III .. : ~ \" t.'St FoothLll QS their guests. Fouta .'. cum. The followin g Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hartsock (rem, t11e Jett.cr: DnA DN. S un day din....... son, .. __ er, were "M. L. j~ leachtng ' y'!ar a ' 'ner guests of Mr. and Mrs . John Lagnnn E 10 11 and Paul Is In t h ~ Kersey. Marines. T e en tered Oct. 15 11nt
J.. .'."\' 1
) ' . "
ON lO-D4Y F'PBL,OI1GR . i" ~
Cpl. Charlea F. ,()o11en, ,r. '. of 'R . D. Co~ett, of N"", Bur~ ~~~~~ .W8~e6U~ ,;r~d~~~r. ;
to is
had sevon weeks boot training a San D! ego Bnd now lias been assigned .~ the Inte11!gence Divls.or a nd stlItlOlled at Camp Elliott. near Sa n Diego and Is study thO JaIl la n guage to be an interpr~-t or. He IIltes it fine and the trainIng sure did hlm lots of good. He weighs 156 pounds Rnd is as b roWL as a berry. . . . thls has been our best year out here ... .1 built fl neW house on the wes side of mY'place and have leased It .d'or 10 years, also have a big fruit stand ' out. in front. !M. IL .'s husbn.nd ls in Allloci', Mauda's son Is a fyer in 1..0 . and Ntdy's son Is R. flyer too. 80 we have four tn the serv1ee."
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Anderson and Mrs Harold Anderson were Mrg. H . H . WIlLlaJ1L On and Miss Ohr1.'ltmns Day guests or relatives In . Gr ce W!lll(1mson h:.td as their Columbus. Ohrlstmas week-end gu ts M r. and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 'Bailey and R .. J . Wllllam~o:' alld Mr. C. daughte'r, PhyU1s, entertained on Ohrislmas Day Mr. and Mrs. 'P erry Weiler, Mr. and Mrs. Huber Bailey and daughter of centerville and Mr. and and Mrs. Ed Hopkll1B.
Ms. Harold WllllallUlon Rnd chilOpl. and Mrs. Oharles B. Earnhart end ·Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Earnof Dayton. hart were Monday evenlp g dinner guests of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. H . B. Earnha.r t and chlldren.
.-.....- Church Revi~~l: To 'B egin Jiilnuary 10
Mr. and MIs. Ed Hopklns Qnd Mr. f\.l1d Stanley Balley a.nd daughter were Sunday guesl,s of Mr. and
·. .
Mrs. Everett Kenrick and children . Mr. and Mr8.~family. and Mrs . Viola Harlan werc Christmas Eve guests of Mr. and Mrs, II. B. Eamhart. . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest llartsock are en joying the Christmas hollcta,ys ~' ith their son-In-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Surface, and son, Donnie, tn. M,urf,reesbOro, Tenn . Mr. o.nd Mrs. Don IIdaughter attended
Hadley and the Hadley , Ohrlstmas dinner at the home or Mr. Dnd Mr'. Ralph Wel)b, ncar IWdlrnlngton.
Mr. and .M rs . E. F . Earnhart ha as their SundAY dInner IP.Jests C' r poral and Mrs. O. B. Eamlhn.rt of Ft iDlx, New Jersey. Sergeant OIJd Fromm of MacDlll. Florida. Mr. lind Mrs. J . N. RoIblnson and SOI1 of Dayton, Mrs. Mary Po.t.terson ane Mrs. Bertha Gray of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs . .r I . Eam hal't a nd S OIlS of Beaverlown . Mr. Bnd Mrs. Kar. Babb of Xenia, MI'. and Mrs . E. A Earuh art lin d family Ilnd Mr. Bnd Mrs. Don Ha wkc. who w ~r~ a fternooll !L'ld ev('nin g guests.
• • •
Mrs. Fred Hubbell was called to · Pike county TUesday morning be- pc ·1 cause. of the serious Illness of her father. Sl"" 1',
I'I;( .
Dr. Rod Mrs. A. E.
tn \
'V. RUby, 83. of Splngboro. .""y (' l h is home In Spring' . :1 long IUness. Funeral V.I!f e held Wednesday. " , \}~)S survive,
Stont n1 H1 ' • daughter entertained on Christmas _ "l't. TATN GUESTS Eve with covers arranged I1t th e lovely dlnner table for Dr. and Mr . j\1 Claire Stout and children Of 'West Lel't ;\i~ Milton. Mr. and Mrs. James sliyder , n ;: " ". and SOIlS and Mrs. J . J. Stout of lit:' WI, 0ay1nn. · pt", r I Wi)son . North Caroli:.la :· • • • · 1'f. n, vuu Mrs. Ha rris Mosher. Mr. ·a.nd Mrs, 1LI0yd Oavis a lld rAms l1ad as their Sunday evenJn ~ • '; , . l ., ' CE Um-fll .0 . F SON
.,....... t G "ft_ tl ~tle«llll,~(f C0'1 nn d h ear h1m . .,.." ul!1' ra."",... 1e ·· ' . ;a~~~~~ ' ,ir, W1~ '~~ad the sin~s Ke..p' ! dinner. guests Mays O~~tn'lCb '(;lll1:$ ~~l mhUstE ~ Dayton, Mr.Ml.ss and MaJlgaret Mrs. Hownrd dat.~ In miri.cl· and plam to . Harley '. and, daughtel" of Spring attepd, t~ ~Y ~urch 01 d1U'lst ValLey end' ),Jrs. Josiah pavls. I)e . ~ evening of the) ll1.!lettng. Ac' . • ; , aI.~"llilIf..'jClriit.b,~ 1J.OW "cordibg 'to ~rt)tJl~ Grahall1. If )'OU Mrs.. Robert. Ta.~lor. of ~rwltl ·w ",; \ ' came once .~ · w1!U cOme every removed to Xenia' In th.e Stuebs' ~el'1, 'as night: DOn't- fprget, It's • date- ambulance P'ridB.y. She b seri )lllli .
:_l. _117.'*~ .~uld VI 1. ..JaD-.ry .~17. 1948.
~ I' ({I~ G BORO
. i I ~,~ ld and Mr ': Clyd e Kellar of
D~ (. . fil e £UIOIllLUc)ng th ll 'bil:th, of
~ullday, Dec. 26. MIs.' fonner MiSS Mary D. let_ \\ ..,rrlJ:. dfllightlll' of 'Mr. and , . I I I oe EdiWards. Cpl. F;d-, ". dP t atlon d .somewhere in ,:\
1$., '1
Year to :AlI Our Re
I . :
Mrs. Betty
~ JO~:'~ ,"
resigned aa ch1ef c;leputy liI; ~. oi. \ fice pi Probate Judge ~~I)h " Carey to ,joiI~ her huSband; .Wi1uam, . , . ",\ , at Great La~, QIc, ·eff.ect1ye, J~'. 1, Mrs. iRoma ",H ili Kramer \vOl au<:ceed ·her .68 cb1Eir de.jju~: .' .i'!'''~~;''';~~
a .-
BROTHER ~F ·JOBMtat . ioc,AL
RESIDENT :"ASSES 'A:,V~Y.• --'--
Joseph Edgar We; xen1i:. brother 01 Miss Clara ~ well Jtnown local last Thunstlay at .the other sister. 'Mr/I: Washingt,Q.'l . ·C. H. gone 1:.9 .s~d 'the ' ,.,llC.M~~ . leaves a son,: 'LI!../WT'en,ce,::"! daughter, Mrs. J . ' Rl.i,~~on; -bo~h of Jlear Xenia. in August. CLINTON
TlWBSDAY, DEO. . . . . · at, 1• •
Health Officer !lUis, Iu, d I:!~ h I hoi en one side of the helmot. machlnIsts, has been diasolVed by opened this mOI1lI1~. Duri'lg the Mr, and Mrs. ,i. W. Edwards ~n- Carey r~t.1ring and ,the bualneM will entll'e ~plde'lll.lc til I'() Will> \Ju t 0 1'}<' wrtalned hne JQlly Matrons ,and b e continued. ~ . !Pa.~terson 'and Main St.reet . WQDeSvWe. Ohlo cllSu&J.ty In i h e townli:lilJ). the r hllii6Mds ,New Year-s Eve.. 50n. The DaYton Power and !;llIh t Co, Mrs, Susan Sheehon q cd· a t the MISses Minnie Dod!on .a-nd ,Jennie ~. Aa 8eooDcI 01ua Mall Matter at pos~fftce. WaynesvWe, Ohio met wlbh t.he counell and t b Llllllt Fi'lends Home W ednesdoy aft.er 0 Dluivlddie arrived .home las~ Satur, board Friday evening. When th e \<;ng Ulne ·' . The tu. eral IV s held day from JAda w.h ere theY have been plant 'wa.s sold to the <.'o lnpIUlY U\"y at tJle home of her :jon. Milton, III. attending Donnal school. A remar klil!le freight ,wreck octhOUght It would be possible ' tor Centerville, Friday. JS80lW EVERY nroRSDAY them ' to be in sha,pc to ta e ch R,rg[l Miss Georgia Hadd,en died at Lhe eurred Just east of Hax:veysbur& on PrICe, 11.50 Per Year. PIlya\rte III Advance and opertlte their current. by , Jml . l. home of W. H . All n, T hur.s.::ay the Ohio Southern one morning However , they have taken ov, r ~he l vc ning. lilts week. Heavy raiDS> had wa.·ched , . Netto"el Advertlling Repre.entetive local p.lll'lt. and will k ) lL.l unn l'lg The body of John 11'raney, an old out the piling at the J onah's · Rull ullt ll they are able to re.v:h he. e Waynesville clt\.zem, who died at Ills bridge aod a train or 17a loaded .N~ 88."1«:8. I.N«:. with their current. home in Columbus, Ohrlstmas day, ceol cars , with engine and cabouBe, NetioMI &ItorieI AuocIatIon) Word came to Ambr(]'sc Decker was brought here f1riday e. nd ,VILS were dUIU'Ped into the stre ~ m. ' This TJlursday that his son, Forrest, wIth bUried 111 Mlam.1 ~etery. wo~d ha ve made' a coal mine for Horne Town Newspapers hls wUe, were run over by a B . 'lila Edwin Martin died a t the h cme Harveyllburg tor years' to come bad O . train at Dayton C!u'lslm as rul&ht. ()f hls daughter. Mrs. George Ellis, the waters not been so high' as to and both were k1l1ed. of Route 3 Thursday. The funera l completely wash away, not only the Mr. and Mrs. CUff R idge of Co- WII8 held Monday. coni but all traces of the engine,and IUmbUS were week-end guests a t the Ml'S. EmUl" Johnson whose faTher , 'C ars. ' '. home of Mah.1on ,H ldge. the late ThOll. H. SmItJl at one time A bridge of 76 teet spa.n has btlen MIss Kate MCCollum of Franklln. opHated a hame5G shop in the buUt across Caesar's creek 'on the were called to Swadner, nea.r Sid- hIlS been spending 8. few days ~lth 1'0 m now occupied by the Ridge road leading from iWaynesville to FlFI'EEN Y&\B8 AGO ney, Ohio, to attend the fUllP-ral of her slster. MIss Olive .All n. (Jan1lal'J t.. 1tZ9) studio. died Monday in Englewood, Ollve Branch. . JosIAh Morrow, member of & dis- am uncle. Mr . and Mrs . Ben Bloch of Cin- , lll. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mr, e-nd Mrs. Mllton Sheehan of cmnat!, visited Mr. and Mrs. My. r ttntruJahed Wa.rren county family T he new ofJlcers of Miami cb·; p· EIBgs, TUesday, July 16, a daughler. and jTaDdson of one at Ohio's early Oenterville, are spending several Hyman a few days las t week. ter No. 107, O. E. B., were instIlLed A. O. White h as pUl'chased Wm. govem01'll. Jerem1ab Mon'ow, died Iweeks at St. Augustlue, Flor ida. . Sit· Alfred Wrl~ t left Monduy Flidny by Mrs. Clara Ha,wke Va llce. MI U.\ ·s Int rest ' In the patent toe Burglars broke into J eff Sm.1Lh's for the East aIter spending II d e- They an: : Luella M1l.ler, W. M ., J . calk a nd the finn is now Wb lte & Ff1<\Ay even1ne at hili hOme tn Lebtrcm ~ trouble • . meat 's tore Monday n fght and car- lIghtful furlou gh here with h is pa- W. Edwards, W. p. Mabel Farr, A, Rogers. lYra. EllIabeth Saunders died at rtes alway a. l&rge qua.ntlty of meat . rents o.nd friends. I M., Sue Hawke, St~l'etary, E va Ohorley G ithens of I.he Dayton The W. M. C., a club compri.>l~lg her tloI:De tn Dayton Saturday. She ljnrold Cook of the AvlaUon J ones, T leasurer, O Olll1a EcIw ds, and Lebonon pike. dled Tuesday at __ the mother of wUUam Saun- aboUt 18 ,girls', will have II. sale of Corps, Ft. Sill. OJqa ., h!lS been I C<ln., .Alme. WlIoterhollse. A. Con., t he age of 70 years. deni.' cookies at <their club house oppos- spending a short furlough here with Ruth JlI.nney, Chaploin, Ban, h A c rmvd of YOU!lg p eople fr om .' lIem'1 Bw1re, 86, c:Ued at the home ite the M. E. parsonage, Saturday. bls fnmlly. Zlmmel'll\an, M ., Edll Courl.ncy , t hls place picnicked. at Ft, Anclent Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Henkle enterat James Gr&y\ near Wellme.n. BatIMI'S. Chas. Werntz left Tuesday Adah, J essie H}'UUln, Rl1th, BerUe today. They were: Misses Mary Root&tned the JOlly Matrons -aod tneir for Midland City,' Texas. where she Earnhart, Esther; Isadora. Ward . berts, J essie Kelly, MaY, Ever y, Ceurda1. Robert S. ,B raddock, 85, a welOlli hU8ba.nds New Year's Eve. will Sl>end the winter W!Ul hpr Mart.ha, Jessie Robltzer, Electa, lIa and Etta Mlsslldlne, Artae UpThe local o!11cers are making daugh ter, ·Mrs·. Oharles Herman. Sus::an Arnold. Wmler , J. C. Hawke , pincott. Pearl 'S tump, Mate Wlland h1ah1Y respected c1t.11ens of t.hi8 , CODIIDUDity. at the home at his arrangenrenta to hold the F\umer's Mr. and Mrs. Eli Pacgcr of Mar- Sentinel. lIamson, Groce Cowgill, Minnie institute at the gym on lMonday and chaltown, Iowa, arrived here Ch rlsteon, ~ &.turd&y. ' • • Podson and Jennie Dlnwiddle. and 16. • Dr. ~1 ISend.er8orl: mad~ 'a trip '11uesday, Jan. mas Eve to spend ~wo week{; with FORTY -EIGHT ¥lIARS ,AGO Messrs. Joe McKlnsev, Walter Heo.Marriage lICense - Btace Merritt the latter's sisters, Mrs. J . L. Sbeeto Ooluinbua TbUl'llClay • (July 20, 1!195) kle, Wlll Rittenhouse. WllbUl' . Dr. :T. L Way ot OlDc1nnati, WIllS and Miss iMaggie ~beth Doclor, ba.n and !Mrs. E. iJ. Thomas. A movement t.s on foot to get the Shields, John 'Ll11y • .Hal Ridge, Geo. tn . ,Wa;yneevi11e ~. ... both of Waynesville. if'r!l.n1t Silver of CGmp Sherman , lball club new suits. II $30 can be SchneblY. Fr~ White and Cad Dr. aDcl IMr8. H. B. Hathaway spent the week-end with ho~e ralsed, the olub will furnish S2J Irons. • • TWENTY-FIVE YEABS AGO ~ New Yew'a, DN wttli the tat{olks. more. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert MIss Mlnnie Harris VisIted In Another cha.pter In the Lytle spe\. (,January I, 1919) . .a broUaer and fuDD,y, tn London. cial school district case Wlls finishThe baD was lifted today by .... aP~ , MIa./" Joeepb Bennett BIggs, Tuesilay, Dee. 24, a son. Cinolnna.ti this week. John Lemmon wns, called to west. Joe 'McKinsey called on the fair ed last week whm the court rulP.d Vlrginla tlhl.s momlng by the 8e- ones &t WUm1ngton lust Sunday. against ,the issllanoe of bonds f<>r rious illness of his sister, Mllis Stella LMvtle Timmerman . transactEd bhe buDding of a. new school. iLike a bolt ot I1ghtnlng from a bwslnes.s in the ' Olty Wednesday. clear skY, came the word, Tuesday. Boys 'be careful about shooting in that Fred B . Sherwood was dead. the eorporetion, especially when He died suddenly, while reacl1ng the there is a,. man shoeing a horse close . 1)IUCT BUS LINE FROM W ~YNESVILLE-SAVE paper. by. . .' TJRES AND . There. is a. Ge lm an trench h elmet fRal Ridge, & :former Waynesville on exhIbition a t EarnhaH s stor. boy but now ot ClnclImati, Is here The helmet was sen t to P er ry Pence on a vacation, the first In two yeaTS, NATIONAL by his 500, Ralph. There Is !l. builet The firm ot Carey & Patt~rson, BANK 1835-190 ~M.JPI'l'AL " SURPLUS " "0.000 Stronl - Friendly Bellable AccommodatiDI
vtbe _iamt
,'F red· Kahn Motor Car
. . . . .
P'HONE. 326 '
From 'fhe Miami Gazette Files
Meeting fOf WorShip, '1 :30 .a. m . ST. AUGU8'1'1NB OHURCH FaUler KrumhOlts, PrIest
GR01JP A ,-
FAMOUS AUTOS,",PPLY RadIo and BloYcle Be~
WORK CLO'IIIING 37 W: Main ' Phone 1100
Max Randall. Mlnlskr Bible SchOOl 9.30 m. Communion 19:46 Dl. . prcl!r=l!1Dg, . 11 a. m. Junior Endeavor, 7:15 p. Ill. Senior Endeavor, 1:16 p m. · COAUnunlon and preaching, 8 :1)0
Bepalrlnr of AU Ma"et>
Cb.rIa&mae Glfis Are In!
Cr7Ital Pottery and Wood Nonl&la-CGelume ,Jewelry Jewelry and Compacis
Both 'or Prlee ~fw",. American Fruit Grower............. ::.$i.75 ,\merican Girl ...........:.... _ .. _.~.. _;, 2.50 AlI\cri~JI Home '...............:......... _. 2..25 Amerimfl Poultry Journal. .......... 1.1l5 Deller Cooking 8: Hon~eJnaking.. !1.~5 BQy's Life .................-....:.~ ...... IUO
Select Two
PERSONAL STATIONERY ' , 200 Sheets - 100 En~ey07Jel ",Ub yoUI' name,and addrei8 fot $1.50-Sen4 .UI your 'orjer
. ' Xenia ' Standard ·,parts · ',
• J
'f.ruck, C,aI' and 'Tioac;to, . ' Repl~ceme~t '.r.tj
Shop Work
lOS E. Maia
FRUIT GROWER.....,:.........._ ....................l rr. POULTRY JOURNAL. ..:..... __ ..._ ...... _.. I Yr. o FARM JOVRN.AL &: .FARMER'S WIF.E. ...__...............1 Yr. o HOUSEHOLD ................... _ .................................................. 1 Yr. NA'TIONAL L1V~TOOK PRODUCER........................ v .. ~ Yr. o l'O(JLTRY TRIBUNE ..._' _ , ....._ ......... _.........___......1 Yr. MOTHER'S HOME LlFE..._... _ _ ............... _ .. _ ........... 1 Yr. . 0 C~PER·8 FAR~R ....:-.....~ _ _ _ ......_ ....-:.............. I Yr.
Ph. 288
. . :. . . _.
.m>'S'2 . ' . F~: '" 75 ~
IF t'ARMEJl'S·WlFE..lYr. . O~161' .' . . , ., .Yo" mliy "'eel o,tI! oj lire ~ i". plcee 0/ r~. ~tory if. yOM, pr#e,I ' , ., o Sporu Afield ......,.................. Yr. , 0 American. Home _ ..._.,1 ~r. o Open Road (12 ~)._..1. ~~o. , .1:;I:r,hc \~o~ v " ..._ .. 1 Y,.r. '.,
,01,;"",.' .
...... 2.50
'orum-Columa Jtrnew '_ _ ..:.. 2.9); Household . -=-.~ .2.. ..."-...__ ._, Ui5
~~:E~~~y.~~~~ :~ :.~:~ ~~: AMERICAN . POULTRY JOURNAL. ..._I Yr.
Capper's Fanna .......... _ ...,......... I.fjJj Child Life :.............. __ ..... ..:......._ 2.95 ChriJtian· Hcra~ .._ ....._'. _...... 2.50 Country Gentleman (5 Y".) .. .:.... 2.00 Farm ' Journal &: Farmer'. Wifc .. , 1.65 Flower Crow-u ........................._~ ... 2.!1O Flying ACc. .:.. _. ............ ~N_._
PATHFlNDER .. (Wedly,) ,..
l'Iain street
This -Iewspaper and· 5 Greai MagUines
IUT. iIOl,LY' "I• .E. enURell , . I . T. M. 8earfl, Mllllst.r ,_ 1 _-
A"I: e wm .be with us
INSURANCE AGENCY C.- B. Jenk'na, 'P~p. ' Suoee.or to L oMa7 • Bane ,
Hygeia .._ ........._ . _ ' ' .. _._....;.._ ... 2.95 Liberty, ......... __ ..." ......;:..'1.. _
.... -
National 'Dlgcat MoaittJl.J..._ .. !::. ;3 Na~ · M· ..... 12 '110")7':" """''': ~ Road' (I~ I .... l4 ~u,,, .......,
Outdoor. '(12 ' is..,
14 ...." ." .... - ..' ...7
Parmtl' MapZlne ;.,.;.._:',:...... +,; hlbfiDdu ,~',...... ...... ,..._~.•,...}.-:-_,.,:-'-\ ;!;."'" MechaDkI .;.;.. ~="'-....,.,...;~,' '!''I~c
'trlbUDe , ~"'···,,-;';;-;.'"'::?Ii~~;":1=~
t .
" '
Sand.& G',....~' ,avel ,I , ' TARVIA-ILtTHW TAB. AND ROAD O~ EXOAVA11NG
DUMP mu~ 8~VIC.
Will ,:p'~y:.'$2.00 fo~. D~ad Hor~a, , $~~~ for Cowa. . $J.le!I!;'Hoira•. C~v; .. . and Col~ '.
~ -
agep'~ I
'Obme&e ·lad.1es, Mt.ss
o o
Fitted Wltl1- Sh--:-'l'r1
You are invited to come and wor,hlp with Us.
CHECK YOUR FIRE INSURANCE' POLICY!I The arrival . of cold weather meana heavier firing of heating ayatema, and ' the danger of fire ia greatly increaaed. Make &ure ,y our Fire Inaurance PQlici.e e:' are in ·u~o~k.~1 order" too.
(Wukly) ...... _ ........................................... 1 Yr.
Phone 1216
Selee' Two Magazines..
o FLO'VER -GROt~ER ..... _ ..~.,...............................................6 1\1 o CHRISTIAN HERALD .. _ ...._ ...........................................6 Mo. o PARENTS' MAG4ZIN~ _ ............_....................................6.M! . o THE 'VOMAN ....................... ,..............:................................. 1 y , ~ •
If You IIa.ve Trouble Bein&'
17 Eo
o AMERICAN HO~ ......,,.___.................._.................,....I! Jr. o TRUE STORY ..........._ _ _ ...._ .._ ......:._._ ......_ .........._ 1 Yr. o AMERICAN GIRl. ...._." ............................_........................6 Mo. o OPEN ROAD (80\'8) .(12 l ..ues)........... _......................... 14 Mo. o PATHFINDER (WHkly) ................ _....,'........ _.................."..1 Yr. o SPORTS AFIELD _ ...........,... __ ......._ ........._ ..................... 1 Yr. o OUT~RS (12 Juuet)...................................................... 14 1\10.
GR01JP B - - Select Two Itlagnzlncs
ROY V. HULL S~win. Machine Suppliea
h1s" recrc1t training.
all day inext Sunday lit the c hurch, so . pl~e. l?r4\g your , baskets Ufd spend the day, with us. We will have .three' serilces, Morh1ng", 'at-ter!. nOon arid' ~ven1ng, J'n.~ 2. I , Mr. ~d .. ~. ~ts ' Le;w1s
7 N. Main
'I ~PletJ.llg
Uu B.Jjd Betty ·Bu.
D E. Markel
Mass Sunday 9:00 a. ,m:
Phone 652
·GIB N E Y' S " 9 w. Main 8t. Phone
won an early promotion In the Navy as result of his past ch'Ulan tr&1nmg. Becnuse he has sutll ~ ient' experience in a tra(l.e essential in the Navy, he was a dvanced to the ratIng of 'fIreman. scoond class upon
81 ••• IIl1e,. Glb...., CO,.".»o.d"nt
8berwtn-WlWama ' 'paiDt
PhoDe 7M
!L. COOk, 26: Waynesvtlle, Ohio, bas
Elec&rlcal SuppUes _ BepalrlDr
5Z W. Main st:
a. m.
. Coneult your
Great Lllkes, ill. '. Dec. 29.-o8rl
- ,-
FIrst Day school 0 :3"
109 W. Main St.
day, pee.
Bunday School 9:30 a. m. E. A Earnhart, Supt. , Evenl~g Seivtce, 'l E30 p. m . •' PMYei-' Meetsng 'Vlednesday eve,nlng, '7:3~ ' po, 'm . \ ,
Dealer .
BolUlOunCing the bIrth 01 a son Mon27. The balby welgh ecl ll1-2 pounds at birth. . Mr. and Mrs. John Koester of - - 'I Utica, and Mr. and MI'S. Hiley GibMETHOVIST CHURCH son were dinner lfUes ls Chrlstma.1 Louis C, IhuJle" I'astur Da.y of Mr. and ,M rs. Morris ' Lewis and son, Jel'l'Y. Mtemoon ea.lJers chiirch school at 9:30 a. m . were Mr. and Mrs. Arnt~ Clark Ilnd Worship service at 10 :30 A.' M. fn.mJly of I>nyton. Mr, and Mrs. ,Frank H1UP. of ST. ,iARY'S EPISOOPAL Spring Valley, Mr, and Mrs. R oyoovacu mond Qsb)w 01 Xlnh~ and .,lm . - -, Soward were di lUler g ests SaLurRalph Par'ls, l\flnlster In .Charge day of Mr. and Mrs. " lerson 0111. Church .school at 9 :45 a. m. Mr. nnd <Mrs. Eddie Marla tt and Morning prayer nd sermon 11 :00 Bert MQ.l'latt spent last S aturday a. m, 'With Mr. and Mrs, Dale FaIr and little daughter. of near :X;enla. .,'ERnY OllflltCn ot' OIUnS'f Mr. T . M. Scali!, Mrs. Tholr IlS Oerbert Graham, .Mlnlater Runyan, Mrs. Hlle), Glbson, Mr. and Ml'S. Eddie IMar-lat t spent l!lst 9:30 a.. m., Bible school 'Ilhursday eve rung wHh Mrs. Ern?st 10.45 a., m .-Communlon. Earnhart and tamlly, 11 :00 a. m.-Sermon. 8:00 p. m.-Preaching. WINS EARI.Y PBOIUO.TION
Your McOorm1ck-Deerlnl
Churches .
';:~===========1 '
Any make or, model
Morrow Phone No.3 · ' Lebanon;' Offle~' phone ' ~?aK
Residence ,88M. It. ~
a parent) JuIt can't refl,l8e to let ~tter8 To .The Iditol your ·child d&Dce without expeottna
'l'HURsDAY, DIlC~.
" 'w. ""~ 'J '" ,"eterson at t':l~de.d n. teriaJ.ned Qui te a !!Ompl1n~ 01. lh\!1r Ilm i!l' (.1l:l1J!.1' u t LJJ h l,Tle or 111.- .. t llla:l;lves to dInn er Ohr18tm as. They, _1'u th III X en!.,. · . had the pleas ure of bavi ng. t heir, MrS. I da Pe " I'S spent Ohl'lstn; ~o, son, Lew , wi th Lilem. WltO .w~ a~ d a pnr~ of the h ol1dnys wi th her h omo on 0. rur iough . d:iu gh r !Inn fntnll y II Mr. a nd Mrs. tAmos Haines an~ , Il'lC'1l S n, 11;\1 ;; b ~ l·g. amIly I)f Lc,ba non. lrs. France8 M.rs. LJ. L. CIa! 0 nw CiU·!.su nn.. Haines an d M r . Haine.s a nd ellj l~ 1. 1 . lI k ~L Wi ll her son a nd fa mU) dren of W aymSv ~l1e. were SWlda.y a nd d i 1U1 CJ a t the home of MI' . o.nd b'Uests of Mr. a nd Mrs. J ames Me Donald anct-tamJ'y. lVl..s. J . B. G~ l\S a nd daughter. Mrs . AmanCl Hru'thum spent the A number of people In Lh ~ vlcln. "y 1" 1 h I cr ~on . 1\. H . S t u bbs, and i ty are 1il w1Ul the grippe. . i, mlly. The rain wWeh btlgan fall ng OeMrs. Luel1a Brow,:} of Middletown. camber 26, was a cause of rej _Icmac. Wcnd.-.J I Brown, wife a nd in- by many who have had watl!' haul[ .. nL son, Kd lllCt h, and Mrs. Julia ed tor severnl months. BlOwer.; of Dayton were Ohrlstmns J . Lee Talmage and J es~lc L. C . l l ", 01 Misses Annie and Ma Oll Garner enjoyed dinner I. the q,oldb OhrtsLm..s Browne. en Lrunb, in Lanon, Baby Meli:.sa Parks made her fir st Day. cai! a way from the rectory Chrls .111:'; !Day \V h l'll she accompanied hel Support your home t )wn paper. IX n nts to the FrIends Hom!!. WIIlt' C The Miami Gaze tte ts the only ...he was warmly received by her ad- n6\v~ per In Lh e world that cares miri ng friends. anything about WaY'lleavllle a.nd , I r. a nd Mrs. Ramo Riggs of ne'lr vic1nity. Ferry. enDed on Mrs . Alice Cia k S ;:: ay nile l·n cQn.
Camp Shelby. M1&B: reptll'CN881onl. , 11. 1943 . jI 'he.ve ~ ~ People to take ' Dear Editor: as m\&lb as 'so hours in 'prep8rhl'g . Since the outbreak ot the d.IIIcua- for 4 ·lfootball game, yet It has been slon on \.be pro and! con ot danc:.mi: sw.ted tbat people' dance ,t o tbe exI have been following ev~ article. treme. BoIDe' people 6perld as much To me. It has been qUite Interest- time In preparation for and in atIng to see what the people tenda.nce at a sport as 60me other" lWayneaville' ufuUi'ht &bout the do In a month of dancing.' On the .. m.a.tter. 'It seems to me that the a verage, the people who attend a IllIiIJorlty of those . who ba.ve said dance spend about seven hours In an~h1ng about It have agreed to pl'eparaUon and attendance. On the the Il.fflnnaUve. average. a' persOn ; wtll go to a ThUll tar, notlllng has been said dance once each week~ldom over that woUld make even the falntesL bwo ·t lmes a week. At the most Impress10n upon my ph1losoplly 0 Uley give 14 hours a week to dancthe ma.tter. It seems to me that ln8, yet some people give twice as those rwho are agqlnst dancing have much time 10 attending their fa-vspent very litUe time In thinking orlte sporta event. Just becauat; nbout what they h/1ve said. It seems those who wish to aboUsh dancing t.o me that those 'Who wlah to de- consider It an evil, they make a bunk . dancing have not given a "talking POint" out or dancing to moment's thought as tD tile real, or the extreme. Rather illogical, don't basic cause or the "evils" they pro- you th1Dk? pound as a rjlSutt or dancing. T)ley The church and t.he school do have pushed dauclng to the front. play an 1mJ)ortant part as l'ar as evt.n though it did not (or doea not) the dance 1::1 concerned. The school occupy that posltlon. Is Important to the American peo~ "' . \';~ .. I I L'IIl Jk :lJ. .d t I ~.\ \ V ..~ lFor Instance. It seelJl3 to me tha t ple, becaU6e It gives tile chlldren of Hitler has eight potential routes of supply to bolster his rapidly retreati ng armies in Italy, bu ela CIl! '. ' '.J!. \,1,,:h II M rs. All ' 1 he is getting plenty of interference on two of the most imp-ortant of these. Allied warplanes are bom b tile "dive" and the "beer parlor" AmerIca. Q. background (educatIon) C. :iing the rail and road link south of the Brenner Pass, whil e Yu g~ la v Parti san armies a rc hitting th! are a result of more than Just for Ulelr role in We. The church 15 Nazis in the NortheAst corner of [taly. Map shows the eil~ht rou tes through tho mountains betweer .\: Hun , dancing. Al'eU'L Ule factors 01 en- Important to the people. because it Germany and Italy-routes that may eventuaUy be used foil' escape by Nazi armies. t el, ..... 1" • I MaI'Y 1\1 , vironment and wage more appuca.- 1s a 'Way of Ute for Ulem-a guide drl !>o,',\ IIl'J tl WI S Il ble to bile situation bhan dancing? to tile better hhings of Ure. WIUl ...--------------.=-----------------:------ ----- ----- 1" 1 t' Fr' CI. d,,; Meet 'lf A person woUld be more apt to lind these thoughtS In mind, don't you afternoon of this ·week. } ~on. Douglas. i Ler1100n. Save Tires and Gall • •• Dlreel Mrs. Ella , Hurley. IR aymond a.nd In spite of tile Ifact that; we ('..s a in attendance at a "dive," those think It woUld be a better policy tor \i P t el' 011 a nd MI S BUll Lb1e to CGWlLy Seal .. ' with a. poor environment. rather the church and school to educate Glenna IWilson and Wa Iter Wilson .a.auly MQ a. very nice Olu·l.:,tmas . iL Among recent real estate trail. . C; ~crt' t c lll j}ol'l\rHy COll\ ~. tIlan Ulose .who can afford and en- the people to the possible wrongs were among those entertained at was hard this year to find and keep Cers were th e following: Earl li n 1"0 "lS because of joy places at more pleasant sur- that may arise from danc~, rath~ dinner on Ohristmas day at the w,e Olu1.:lttna8 spirit. We a re ah Ada Shinn to Joh n B. and Mllr~ E THE FASHION SHOPPE roundln8B. I w1ll admit Ithat some er than to attempt to rid society at home ot Mr. and Mrs. Theodore trYing hard to carryon alld. we .. re Luthma.n, 6.03 acres In Clea rcl'cek WOMEN'S & MISSES Al'PUIi aU doing a preLty line lQlb, I think. twp. of those {rom a mlddle or high In- somebhlng that they dema-nd; 60me M.clI)tlre and family. '. ,: ., Mrs. Ella Ha.1nes entertaIned the But with 60 ma.!I'Y brave boys g _tie come bra.cket do IIIttend those plac:ee thing that tiley areept. After all, Boyd Jones to G. C. Pul'k y. lot. In II . For 24 Y-:an Lebllitoo'~ ~illn, Ir utO r. Currt''''' I ...... I' ~ · .. l not associated 'With their level of education Is beneflc1a.l only when it members of her famll y to dlnner, from home and flgMing dOmcWitde. Corwin. Styllsl ' - _ .' Those pr esent 1. was hard to be very lIghtht arted. SOCiety, but these. I believe. are the teaohea you something that will be Saturday night. an octoge.nal'an Common Pleas Court Hele'n '"Fm".'I. •• • !'~rgau, nun1!.y. is a. gues t of exceptions rather U1.an the regUlar. of uae to you In your life. It cer- were: 1H0mer Haines and taOOly, The ~ree dldn·t look so pretty as us- Gephart was awarded 0. dIvorce h CJ' son, Jam es Bergan, OJld family • In u. ~ey made on the once ta- talnly loses its usefulness when It Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines; Luth- ual ana. we didn't huve milch heu.n from O tho Gephart. McGETCHIN'S Il eal' WaYlIlCsvUle. ' PHARMACY' mous "Wi dance halls," It was beQ'1n8 to deprive you of somethlng er and Edith Halnes. Mr. and 'Mrs. w l lX a big o1nner, .but we did all Suits for divorce were enLer ed by Albert Le e Talma ge spent Chr 1."Your Family I:rug t'lore" averred that heredity waa an lDl- that you need. What good. 1s a Melvin Hollingsworth, WIl1 ~ rd a nd ule (;ustomary things with 'Lhe pray- OordJe Powell vs. Allen Powell . eXpori.apt factor to consider; thua an- "Way of Ltf~ .. If yoU ha.ve every- Rose Haines. Esther J ean. Marvin. r in 0 • hearts that 111ext year treme cruelty; and Irm'l Ganett. a m88 (Oay and the hol1day week n! OoemeUca - elite - Map.dtI..,. Errol Dea n things WOuld ~ blWk to ,n()rmal. '1'0 minor, through Florence KJelnh elm. South !Leba~lon. wIth his mother oUler {IWOOr enters the picture. 1 thing taken alWay trom you? I sln- Carey Leigh and PRESCRIPTIONS Phqne 281 muat admJt that people do dance cerelf believe that It would be better HaInes. \.he ch1ldren, ble65 them. the day ;next friends, VS. Roger Lee Garl't!tt. and grandparents, Mr. and MJs Will . Sh u ts, and other rclatlvts. !Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Jenk1n6 c.f held all the exo1tement that eanw. a minor, gross neglect of duty, wlj.en attending such pla.ces, but I tor the Church and the school to Mr. Dud Mrs. Sidney Srn1th en accept the dan<:e. and to educate OhlC&30, m., Mrs. Pearl Slnclalr and a.~ways brings to Chr~l;mll..ii for BROWN and BROWN do not believe that dancing was the Marril!ge license have been Issued cause at the opening of the "dive." the people to it, than It would be clllidren, near Centerville. visited bhem and It is for thelr SIIlkes tilat to Fr~ LIvengood, 23,.tool and dye Ladles Ready to Wear Charles Stanley aDd family, l"rlday we carry on. They are the coming maker and ,Rosie Shearer. 21, both It seems to me that those people for them to crWJade against It. A GOOD PLACE TO SHARES HIS BISCUIT who do attend that type of enterSeveral centuries ago, the church night. ciuZt:ns and they must be able to of Loveland; to David Frederiok. 22 . KNOW , . WITH BAREFOOT CHILD Mr. and Mrs. Homer Haines and ,oak bl.ck at just as ~allY ha ppy railroad tr6()kman, and Mabel Hamtainment center. go there. uot ~ attempted to talte over the oontrol A GOOD PLACE TO GO cause they wish to dlsobey .aU of the of educaUoo. What was the result? children, EmUy and Richard, were days as we ca.n crowd into tilelr mOCk, 16. both of .Fa.n·klin ; to RayrUles of society; but rather, because ~ucation 'MIS lost. I wonder where Sunday dinner ~ests of Mrs. Mil- UVCll. mond Fl'anklln. 23, asserhb.er. and RUEPPEL'S STUDIO '1'0 all tilose ravaged p eople In ElsIe V. Townsend, 2i; both of Uley WSsh some entertainment, and eduaaUoo would be today If the lle Terrell and fllll1llly. near New they do not poaae8S enough money church IW6S still ' in control ot our Vlenna. Europe and Ohina we of1 E~r up ~ht. lFranklln; to Ralph LeSeur, 64, MorPhono 118L Mrs. Lucy Compton and Mrs. prayer that 1944 wlll br1ng I. em I'OW. fillin g station. operator, \ an to go elsewhere. They du.nce wh1Je educadonal taclllties? Certainly for YOUR Mary Bogan were overnight guests P C.1Ctl n:;aln and right to live t.ht lr Bertha Fitzwater, 16, Leba.non hOUSe at eo " dive," because it a.ssIsts them from 'be1n8 what It lsI 1 ... Sincerely, of Raleigh ~ and faml:y Friday aves as ' they see fit. As Christian tworker. in obtatnJ.ng their' enjoyment. FAMILY. PHOTOGR~PRZa Some of the lw:ldents thaL have HM«JLD S. ANDERSON. ntght. . ,c.i6'· bOI'S we can do ftO m ore ·than !ok. and ~. Chnrles Stanley -and i.clp them. And we thank.. our OOd been mentIoned true, but I daughter entertained Mr. o.nd Mrs. f r the Americe.n boys and g rls. think. that most or It pertatns to J. ·W. LINGO Wll1a.rd Haines Sunday evening. h c:y have a spark and slplrlt that .A. few members of th~ Home lambhe minority rather than to · the HARDWARE ....u, "'- and Mrs. Er vin Har ner and no 0 lilt chl.ldren in the world have. lly spent Chrlstll18.'! Day with reb- , majority. I allio doubt the Integyl~ ~Ir •• \\IlIlIaaa _.IIIa. C ....e.'i...".... ' 1Mr. Petel'BOll. a native of Den:Phone t6 tam1ly entertained as dlnner guests ,May the American way of :Ilre never tlvea. For those remaining the day of the' lIOOlal fraternity and sorority, marll:. 11'116 our guest speaker a week Ohr1s1iln8ll Day: Mro. and Mrs. Jesse die I passed pleasantly lind a delicious that Is a dlfferent problem. I .HARDWARE ~. IMP~~ . ... ~r and daughter. Opa.I.·a.Ud Mr. To my 'brother "ov r there" and turkey dinner with ail the tnmt add that dancing has Dot logO BlltldaY Mrs. Everett Hames has returned ~ Mrs. WWIs Hamer and son, all sl.:Jtei. and brother-lr.-;l\Iw at For L mings WIIS served by the matron been 'the ~e&8OIl for Ule star~ of Knvx. I Bend hearty New Year's and her e!flelen~ staff. these InstituUOns; . even thouih to her home from MIami Valley of near Spring Valley. KARL D. DAKIN '" . hospital. DayUln. Mr. and iMrB. Donald Halnes greEtingS with the hc.;Je t ha t next Dr. and Mrs. Dudl~ Keever of some people imply as much. '" Ohrlsjmas sunday school social were guests of the lat,ter:s parents, year they wlll- be wi th us aga.in for Centerville, were dinner guea~ of • INSURANCE Let \III auUUle that. no college was held at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mm. Whetstone, in X~a , good. IMls.s Lydia Wright. student- could attend a dance, or Phone 153 ' . I Mrs. Georgia Ivins was a. gw!St In BOJANO. ITALY-A British sol~ 'any 00ber cam~us fesUvity. WoUld Mrs. 'LUther !Haines Ia"st. Wednesday Bat'urclay. The cb1ldren presented a evening. Mr. e.nd Mrs. Raymond Burden OBTAIN MARRIAGE LICENSE the home of her son-in-law ant dler offers • biscuit to a little wlrl not the propoae4 cOndlUons !ltul ex~ dr.ughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kf,rl Dakin,. In the town of Bojano after the Al1st? It 9ro\IlCt ~ folly ·to assume Ohrlstmas .program &u1ta Oml's and daughters, Peggy nnd Barb ara TH.E PEOP.j.E'S lies had effected entry. The chile! A marriage'licenae has been Is- in Lebanon. that CIe.nclne 1& the IIOle cause of caine and d18trlbuted gjJta and were guests of Mrs. ~dert's mothw~ose bare feet are entrenched In BUILDING, LOAN ·.AN.~ trell,ts. Retreahinents of popcorn. er, Mrs. SallIe BenDett, ofVanda.:la, 3U\ld in ,Lebanon to Ronald A. SallaMrs. Georgia Mendenhall . 'spe:1i ilucb Capers. Lt ' dancing occuPies the mud of the street bears' evi~, fruits nuts was enJoyed of the lack of food and clothdence SAVING CO; r Bunday; .' bury, 21. fanner, .' and Betty Jane Chr1stmas D9.y with h er nephew. ' any position at tmportance, then · I FOR REAL ESTATE JOOAXa' ' Thompson, 19.. both of Waynesv1lle. Ernest Ma.rtin. and Mrs. Martin, In Ing the civilians In the town believe that it 1s of 'secondary im- by aD. underwent under the German oc, ,~. several at our members are sick cupation. Lebanon, '0.... ' or r )· the Miami Gaze tte I.Vant A ~ M Dayton. and have" tJeen having the I1'lppe C~ no one With: averqe In"r•• 'lnriru~ I". Tit", .... .,. C·urr.· .....· .n Mr. e.nd Mt. J. S . FlIer ):leId optn teWaenoe would awree ~ . danclnl a.nd flu. IVINS-JAMESON '. DRU«ij "Ria the reuon f« ~-',..e 'chIl- Mr. WWatct iHalnea or ' Ames, house Sunday afternoon from 2:0 . COMPANr' , . : THE OLD JUDGE SAYS ••• THE RExALL 8TO-. . T • dren lftv1n4r , beme. Wbt '" about Iowa, MId Mrs. HaInes ue spend- untll 5:00 o'clock In honor of their .everal days with ~l~ parents, fiftieth wec!d1nW amUveraary. Many !am1ly ~tCt1ori, frustlfated "mind _ Make Oar S&ore Yo_ fi1~lelaUvea ·ca1Jed'-n.-.,.,.,n.-t of the adolesCent, phya1cal neces- EVere~ Halnes, and family. ill' . and 14rB. ·Leonard Eills and them JoY a.nd:aOO<i health. Th~y :r esity for a clu¢ge of env1ro1iDient, Phone lit flimlJy a.ud lIr; aDd Mrs. Th!Odore celved aeveral gifts and the guests ~nd so-forth" SUch ,trictQ~ as these and Mrs. . Ell n w~ aerveel With e&ke @d coff". p18y' a more Important part tnan M.cIntlre and EGER'S Tbe P. J. Thomil.aea had a bu.:.y the Incidental ' maiter Of dariclng; Hurl~y were dlnner auests of Mr. JEWELRY - GIF'l'S • Wileen · or ·t wenty yea.ra &so, danc- and !Mrs. Raymond Wilson. TUesday cla.JI on ChrJ.stmaa l)a.y. They were, .w ith the Pr.u1 HoUSh famllY and the 1111 and th~. urge to earn... aom~ evenlDg. !,hone 230K !Dinner guests In the Bogan. home .E rvln Thamaa flimlly, dinner guests . "qUIck money" may have been' an 4 SouLh Broadway, JmportaDt factor In such eo, situa- Ohri/JtDl88 daY " ere: Mr. JolL of Mr. e.nd M.ni. Lawrence Thomas tion. ))ut I do not belleYe that iJlli W1l8on and Robert Wllaon. Mr.,. at Lebanon. On the way home thl:Y We BUy and Sell New and lJsed fac~ 1s 8Q lmportant at pr!l!8nt. It LucY Compton, Mrs. 14t\ry Bogan, callecf6n Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bo6t FURNITUHI; was "pp~le ~en 0I)ly when the Mr. and Mra. W1\don WIlson an.. and claUIhter aDd Mr. .Albert 'Starke 'Every thing for Farm imd Home' and: ~. Lottie Stalue. ~r supPer . boy or .~l ~ on the y~ of l~v: Mr. Oharles' Mende.nhall. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING inS ' bQm~ ~ o~~ .ClOmpU~ Mr. tlJld. lMrs. Donald Hal1les en- they and B. 'R.Po~ entertu.lned tet~ . the members of the choll' _ Mr. and Mra. Tboma.aFordYce and SHOP cations. had ar1Ien. ,", " presented the Ohtls~ . . . Next to Bank PhOile 23 :_\I1OUODS trom "~. 'parent. ~-I are'fneceBsary' to .~ ·Diatuiatioti, Cail~tt: at New Burll.ntrton. · ~t 1~.'.""IIIIIi_I!III_~ their home a week aso Saturda:y MORRIS 5 and Uk ; t. to ·t hat. ~~, ~ .I~ cbud ~d be dl 'UWebeDeftt to ru.ht. Those present were: Mr . TO $1.00 STORE and 1JIJ'a. 'Jamea Lundy,. ' MarJorte btbera. u well Ai to li1bIIeIf, if ~1I1p1ete lJ,ac, of Finl : did: not hav~ 80ue reettlCtions' plac- BIll, N¥r& and Mar~~ie ~dock. QUALITY MERPlIANOISB I ed' ~ hiJJ;I:. :N~verthelliia,~ r,.u1c- ~. ~' JOMl, ~a F?itl tv.e ryone . '.•:~.. . -,. .... ..! • UoDa"'oan be··.nerel7 ~~m~il ' if RUth Bither MWB, ~a~ x*otbJ Smlth, Irene ' ~ are imP~rlf ·. ...~J,{eC!~:!1 FRED'S DEPT. STOIt~ den, ~. and Mrs:' :w~ ~~,··~I ~ . ielt. Gif~' . ' We~. ,excba.nse<l > ~ : jolrled th~ .~ ;,4e11M1"",tll; We Outll& the. EDUre F.....' '. freahments were aerved. 1Il'. , . ~ . fjf, , and B _' wendell '~ : were overme 'do th1s;"
or I~
Court News
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•renta fOliet that eel, ,and the cleiir~:II IOUtIl are Q.-U;e'; ditflerti
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lire, . I Ke1V~ \ ·B ol1lpp-· twonb Ud ,Mr. "Dd. .lIN. :~d 1IaIbeI ·· wW ~t. of ' ~eJi' Pa__ Mr. aDd ~.,' J.',iIUl.t,!1\l l:w~ea,!1 Mr.
Since 1885 .
aervice men in.E ngland by the British Insti-
"the men overseas don't mince any words tute of Public Opinion. They asked hundreds about the way 'they want to .find this · of men point blank how they would vote on country when they (:Ome marching home ••. prohibition. 85% of tliem stated, in unmisdo they. Judger . " takable terms. that they would vote "They' c:eitainly don:t, Herb ... and they against it. There's no doubt about it, Herb shouldn t. · They're, doing a mas~ful job .,.the' men overseas don't wan~ any action figh~in'g over there to protect our riW,its and taken on that subject while they're away." they have good license to ~pect us to protect theirs' baCk .here at home. One thing . "And they're.l90% right, Judge, beCause .' they're ,mighty c~lear on is thelr stand bn , 1 know how I felt when I came home after the last war-only to learn that we "bad . prohibition." ' . ~ :, . "I saw m-..the paper-;uat the other day .. been oVer.there 'fijPlting for 80 impractical a thing as Prohibition." -. .the resUlts ora poll~ among Americm '1'1111 ........ ' ...,oa ' _ .., . . - ' " ."c-t_D! A ............ l~ I.
\DAVI~.N .
It N.
Broad"., rhone an '.
al .... \\ dUe r
luside OhiO '. Politics .
l\.~u ~ h.· ". (: .. rrl.''''''o.''-~".
Sgt Robert Siney of Wrlgllt Field. 6peqt Chr18tmll8 a.nd Sunday with Mrs. Slney and her parents Mr. and Mr . 'Kesler Gr~m. Mrs. zoe Brown of Washin~ton C, H., spent Christma.s with ber SOl ui~la.w Md d ughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barger a.nd ch1ldren. Mr. and Mr6. WIlUam Ross and daughter attended \lie golden weddmg celebl'auon of the lormer 's pa,rents, MI'. a.nd Mrs, Alton Ross a t their home ill Spl'lngboro, Christmas Day, Mrs. Clyde Wluuton has been quite Ul wlLh brOllcJlial pneumonia , Sbe ls somewhat improved at this ~Iine. Her daughters, Mrs. Lorcli Routzalm and Mrs. Bernard Melloh hllVe been C8.l'lng lor .her, \ Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ernest Arehdeacon and Mrs. Bessie Kenrick ot Ccnterville, Wel'e Chrt.stlnJUi dinner gu t . of Misses Ruth, I E1thel and Eva ~cGIlute Reeder of Route 7B. Sgt. and Mrs. PaUl 'White and t \\ O ~llme soldier friends from Nashvllh:, Dial 2111 - Wayne.ville Tenn., were breakfnst. gues~ of Ul . lormer 's uncle And aunt, Mr, all ... Mrs. Kesler Graham, Thursday morning enrouLe to their paren ,s' ~,;?=;;;;;;:;=========-;,), home In COlumbus. Miss Fra.ncis Johns of Christ hospUal, Cincinnati, spent Ct1rlstmas and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Johns, and CalnIly. ' Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and Sgt, a.nd Mrs. ~r,t Siney &.ttended a famlly dlnner Obrlstmas Day at e home or Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Alb,: ght at ,Pekin. 'Mr, and Mrs. LeSlie Gray, SOD and daOghte r, :were Chrlstmaa Eve w.. nt Alb. Carda of Tbanb and gues~ of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Kyle. Obi t uarles ' are eJlarlecl for at &be Mr. and Mrs; 'Ralph Hammond rate of CIIie ceDt a word, minimum andchlldren were among the gues~ < Cha~l• •· A ,WaDi Ad inseried for at a. family gathering Chrl.stmas tJuoae ~ ·II ,~cI _t 80 a wor.d. Day at the home of tbe lIl.tter's , 1'0.3 Wa'.tk.1na \Producta ' at motherl Mrs. WUliam Straukamp, in .: II N. Jlroadway. LebanOn. qpen. lJI!,.y,t on. ' ..~ far JOur convenience. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kenrick a.nd Oleo: ~tner. Phone 83 L. obUdren were entertained t.O Chrlstmaa dinner at thlLhome of Mr. and Mrs. LaWl'eDCe EllIott and son at
.. -
. ' •• _ ,-
BrlcIWr's l"opemng' guns" .in New :Y-ork, for hiS presidential catnPlL1in. have been ~e ,celved with tniXea ,emotions bnrou~rnJ out Ihe oountry . , . widely pralse(l ~l Ohlo.-Jbelittled do· .some quar ters
~d, e~sidered satisfaCtory
It bas been learned . that ·A.
_ _ _ a_
mite _aunes&iUe ~
others . . : Only history, written at, ttle pauot bOx, will ~ecfd'e,
Ba)'moDd ',J. Jef(reYi
GOV.. John W.
. Satisfactory
&:30 A. M.
- --_.. •.---
.Ellott, Mt. ·Vernon baiiker and r farm owner, who sent. to Secre.ta.ry· MORNING SERVICE or State Ediwlll"d J. Hummel , . for 11 :00 A. M. nomI.na~ petitions for Attorney General, ill not a. lawyer 1lnd " co~d n 't be a; candlda.te himself,. but seEVENING SERVICE cured tho peUt.1orls lIS the head f ?:30 P. M. a volunteer group suppor,t1ng ~e Stump of COlumbus , Although Mr. YOU AR.1l Stump has made no statement. petitions to alom1na.te him are belD., 'ALWAYS WELCOl\IE ctrculated throughout the state by AT THE CALRO EGYPT..,..OWI Radiophoto-Sh'b~'Q ~lt the historic meeting are ( L t~ R front row) hJs trtends, Generalissimo' Chiang Ka i·Shek, Pres. Roo~e;oel~, ! Plrilll~ Mi~ister Churchill, Madam ~hIlUl"l' Back 1"OW ~AYJ!Il.£SVILLE Qxtreme left ill Sir Andrew Cadogan, t~e .n ext man Uniden t ified, Anthony Eden talkin g w'ltll F. D. R., Mayor Fra.nlt I.&~che of CleveCnVReD OF CRIUST Ambll!<Sador Winant, next mati unidentified, D!. W~lng Chang.H~i w.earing g lasses, R. C. a 'ey, Lord land Is a .wlll1ng listener for the Klliearn. next man . unidenti fied, Averell Harriman, last man uDldenhfied. . "ca.ll of ,t he people" in t he Democra.tic race for Governor. He "leads MAX W. RANDALL, Sta nley Balley and daugh ter, Phylout" on the subject . 'when df:lwnMinister. Us, of WaynesvUle. state polltlclans call at his office. Phoae 2993 Blanche R1c~ Osborne . was Mr . nnd Mrs . T Llerle Jones an d ibOl'Il JUly 18, 1888, and departed Everyone 84P'ees that be wol'd rna'ke son, MUton, enterta ined tL ChrlstThe following Interesting lett. r thts life December 22. 1943, aged ' 55 a strong ceDcu\18te, ~ut are t10t sur,e ITUlS dinner , .Mr, and Mr.'. :.:.awln W6S received by l'.I~, a.nd Mrs. E. W. yenrs, 5 months and ~ days. She that th1.s' 1s .b is year. . . iNuLL and MI.ss Minnie Alien of Cen- 'Hopkins !l'om their son, Murtay, was Wlited In marriage ~ Ar~ E. OUr "neck Is stW O\lt," in the preterville, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moran wbo Is stationed 011 an Aleutian November~, 1908. Osborne and g011 , (ftl ry. of Corwin, and Mr. Isla.nd off the coast 01 Alaska : His Wotlon that St.a.te ncasllreJI pon ~lrs . Uot" Dunnell, CorresPolllh'ut Thl.s union wIIB ble-:;sed ~Ith SeVel\ Ebright wiD announce for Governor a.nd Mrs. J . B. J one:;. address Is: Murroy Hopkins, Castel, Mr. and Mrs. Mo.'l'iS 1,, ""1& 6pent children, two of whom preceded her On tthe Republlca.':l ticket, a bout th'l Sunday with Mr. and M rs. John Mr!l. Helen Dempsey or Niles, 68\l1 N. C. ·B., llldq. 00., clll'e of in Infancy. mJddle at JanUAl')- . . . Herbert ~oester . Mlcl1 .. \vtI.S a week-end guest of her Fleet Post Office, San Francslco, Mrs. OSborne !Was well known and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Laoy. calif. The letter lollows: wW ' then Hoover, also.frOm Akron. 1Mr. nnd Mrs" Everett 'BunneU IiDd , loved by all her <friends 1h thl.s and .. ~ his he.t" in" for this opening. cbUdren spen.t Thursday with M r. She made the trip to see her brothOn An Aleut1a.n Is:und other oommunities in whleh she buS Er , Robert ~y, of the U . S. l'!avy, December 17. 19o13. With a llttle back1ng, it 11; believed resided and was a faithful wife and 'by many, ·that the. n Die H.er.IJer~ , and Mrs, Bert BUlUlell. 'Who was home On a. 19 - ' day lur- iDear Folks, Mr; and "Mrs. W tIter PfeifLer mother. She leaves to mourn, the lough. Robert left Sunday evenLng ,Y our last letter' got here on Dec. iHoover Could wtn tlUs non ' nation , ~nd qallC'hter, Ja.rie, spent Ohnatbusband, four sons, Leo, RUS!IelL • • ~ for his boat at NetW York City. 15, mak11:\g 15 da!;s. I have gotten a mas wltl1 the to~r's parents, Yr.• Pranzler ReIima IWUl realIU its InMr. and Mrs. LeslIe Gray ,.. and Couple In 10 days but most of the Argus Jr., and Richard, n~ with a.nd Mr . ilknry iPCelCfel'. children, Mr. and Mrs. Dearth time It 18 from 12: to 15. The wea~ _ the 11. S. Navy nnd Martha. Jane terha.l ReVenue toUector in Toledq Cpl. Ma ian ~ard Is ' on a furSheehan and daughters were er up bere WOUld. 6U,1'~ be tOU~l 011 Hockman, the daughter, bWo grand- early In January to cle,yote full tlITi: Ie II visiting With ·Mr. and l\(rs. for tile Democra~lc nomChrls1mas dinner guests of Mr. and anYone.. It seems as though tile cold so~ and one 'Ilrandde ugh,ter. be, to his • Bax1I1r stewart a.nd, other .friends Mrs. will Null 'and daughter, a.nd wellogoes right intlO one's very boMS, nged .ratber, lhr8e brothers imd two lnaUo'!\ tor Goverpor. and relatives. " ~. ststers, Q h~r of nieces and . .. Mrs. Clara. Stacy, near Sprl~ro. but at that It 15 Jlrom :what we hear -Mr. a.nd 'Mrs. JOAn Koeater spent 'nepbews and a. host ot ~ther relaWhen the Democrat1c "lIlate Ohrlstroos _,OIty wuh Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and ·M rs. Lester Kelll'ld( en- a lot healthier than the South tives and friends. storm" clears' .t he gueaslni , Is terbalned to Christmas dInner the Paclflc. 1 gUeB6 you can understand MorrIS .L ewts atl(! IOn, Jerrf. ove, Albert ..A. Horstman at Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bunnell, Ruth lollowlng relatives: Mr. 1ll1d Mrs. th&.t tbere are lots I ' would 11,(e to LoVing and k11ld In our ber ways, ...,~ Jess Thomas of noor Way.nesvllle, tell you but it wUl just hav~' to wait Upright and just to the end ' of iwrn be the recognlFai partY. leadu, Burinell and ' iMtnard Ball took Jld Chas. ea.wyer wtll t' receive 8 , . AOeJ;vJene: or t!}ectno. Bee Blll Lee, ·Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rush of Day- Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hole, Mr. and untll it get home. her. days, CbrIstma8 dlnnerwttb Mrs, UUle Qmdorl Road. a. 3, Way~e.svllle, ton '..ere Chr1stmaa guests of their Mrs. JImICS Johns. Mr. and Mrs. . We ba.ve plenty of chewing gum. Sincere and true in her h~t ~d Federal Diplomatic appointment. .Albner ~nd dlB of Pranklln. ' Dal'rell Jones 'Will Serve L!I co-ata te W~1il or woman to help son· an~ wlCe, ~. and. Mrs. Fred Relph J~hns ,a~d daughters, Evelyn candy, nuts, etc., and now and then .mind. ANN,'UAL MEETING . 'In model"Jl ' ~me. · Bouseworlt and, RUSh, ancl 'famllY. lIartsock, Francls and Ruth Anna get fOlll' bottles (J,f beer a. week. But Beaut1ful memories she left be- oha.1rm&n until• a.fter . , ' the ~rlD18f1ea . bIlp with two c:hlldre"n, Board;" ,Mr, an~ lIlnJ. Leon sallsbury of Johns. that doesn't .hap}l18ll often enough . to bind. An Interesting race for tile U. S. TIle annual meeting of stockholduJarJ aud if dea1red . .,ApPly Waah~on q. H., were guesti! of Mr. e.nd Mrs. WLibur Clark, with get alanned over'. I had not ·g tt. n ~te 15 brewtna for ,next fall'. Rc- ers of the Waynesvi~e, Natlonal -, oDce. Wrlte P. O. JkD Mr, and Mrs. Allen Emrick Christ- other relatlye~.. were entertained any papers for m long time, 50. a CARD OF THANKS Pert A. Taft, with' the p1'P.Stlge <:f Bank, ~, WaynesvlUe, ohio. will be W&1D~, ObiO. 1l1-16t!, maa evenU,a. . 'S unday afternoon and evening at couple of ~s 114fe got three Ga'We wish to thank our many 'b1a 1neUli:1bancy and unllm1ted mon- held at· the bo.nlt1rig house in '- ·· ·r ' Mr. and Mrs. 'H arvey Burnet had the home of Mr. and ~. , E, J , zettes ana two Warren County ' li Waynesville, ' Ohio, on tlle nth day tor their Ohrlstmas dinner gUests, Carmony In Sprlngrield,~ ' In honor N~ws. Tha·t 15..wh'; 1 said to. air Bv.' U lends. a,nd nl;'lghbors tor the,Ir k.nd. - 81, 15 ~cedecl the ~Ub e1canf nomDa.: of January at 1:30 o'clock , p. m;, . ~ Dr, ...... 'U_, H, Eo Hatha.wa.y ot ot their oon, Lt. Robert Carmany, the "~nA. tte . ... mle. A lot"" the boys n6s'" floral oHerfugs and sympa~by ination. 'W1Wam G., R(:u o · fIn Central War time, for the eleCtIon ...... .,..... uuu; IN v, shown' us during our recent ,b e- ton, very 11k~ly be ,~oppo6(ed • f W-""csvWe, Mr. and Mrs. HlU'old of the 8th Ferrying SquadrCn with have it that wa."', A.<>nAc1a.lly 'When' . ft th of 'D irectors tor the e~, year ' wy " -.... reavelDE,n t In the loss of our wife the Oezr\~rat1c prinuulles., DO • Wh1~r: imd cbUdren,. R1chard headquarters at Memphis. "~epn. th e. paper 15. ,s mallLDne of .lill'~IIW"'-I-=:;"'-='n..·-,.~ . ..uso we ,wlsll to tha~ b1lrd ~lgners. • .tnt:! the transactiO!) of su.cIi busm~ and Prancl&. who Is home on' a , nln'e-da;v fur- just got a raolo :and It 15 ,provldlilg ' ., , . as may properly ( come the ·6I1. ·lUld ,MD. Wilbur Cla.rk , tin- lough. 0. lot of entettaL!~nt. Rev. L': C: ,R4dley a~d th~/am:~' fPresldent ~;el;'s d~p1ng t.hP- <meeting. ~ to' a fam1lY dinner Cbrlst- Mr. and Mrs. Oha.rles Hall had ns Have gotten tt'l1ree:-xm~ pac!tAgp.s MoGlure ~er~~"Home or . e r 'old liIibel:.....New J>e41: and adopilng 'lbe Were: ~: and Mrs. 'their holid,ay guests, the latter's sl.s- so Jar and sevel'tll Ohrlstmas carQs. ex:ce1lent serv,lces. tabe new " Bioian-Wlon ·" the ~ war, IJ!J9'erett CJai.k and son, Dickey, ' Mr,' ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. HI:UTY I have sent a. n\l.mber or our Xtna.. Arugus E. OSborne and '~a?lUy ~8 him to be therold .~~ IItill .bd lin Olaude R4P, Mr. aud GrUflsl daughter, Jean ,Louise, and cards th y being the only one:: ' It 15 the ,f.lrBt sym , p_ 1Mrs. Edwin l4. ~field Who, baa ' . ' ' • t;..~ Kl'I. O. W. Younce and daughr.ers, -sons, BillY' and Louis, o.-< C0 Iumb us. available 'here so' they wlll have to ' Mr. and Mm. J. H. , Sa.ck:ett en-:,,' toms-:-., of ·, the ' han~lt~-~m~tbespendln~ .!Jeverai daY_ here I jo~ed Cbrtstmas Day by ~v1ns . . . . h M d d Mr. and Mrs. Paul ' Flory of Mr. arU1ls returne ome o.n ay serve the purpose. I will b.e pretty with t hem tor dinner Mr. and iMr&. *tl\ tel'Dl: try, In 1",. the home of her /iOn aDd daual'iterDa~ while Mrs.. G r lffls will remain a ,rew bllSll (115 U 1 am 'n ot alrellpy) now ' . '.M ' d . In-lIIW, Mr. and Mra~ ~w1n W. a.n4 Mrs, Walter Kenrick and days longer. Mr, and Mrs, J ames with Christmas, New Year's and an- W8.de Turner: and 801Ul, r. an Mr. and- Mrs,. aie~bert "Ora:hlLm SCOfield, lett. tor ~ baine iii O!ll.Tame,,;. Ha.1nes 'We,e among the 'l1tompson of Day't on are also gUe1.ts other birt hday 1'<\111l1g around., T hey Mrs. Jolu.l Turn~r , and daug?tef' aJid chlldreJi. or FerrY' 'Were QbriBf': . gUe8ts enterta~ed a.t the at the (Hall home. Little Eddie ~ll (.ven .say we are Igolng ~9 get a bree, ,~ Roxie ea,roly;n Sacket~ ,a.nd. ~a8 dinner lrIlesta Or. Mr. and I Mrs. ~usw~n~· ~ • arid tdrs. James Kasel' Is re~vering from the flu. ,.· ... a. tree here&well [I will ha.ve to see John PetTy, B:ac~tt. " ,. Fli!>yd BuIf1!l11l f ear .Spr~ Valley. ~ . little daughter, ,near Ml~dleThe .ohristroos enterlialrime,m of 'it t!) believe it. ' 14r. and M;rs. 'Ray Mainous and . ' . "" . , ',' towb~ " '. the S'unda.y sChool at the ChUfjlh The .lox Is rell,lly 5<'\Ve11. li'act is I son Donald, retlWOed ,home 1Ue~. 1lt. ·-.nd 'MR. ~th B1Uy and 'M r. and ~. E;4d1e Oaldwell of Friday evening ,was weJl . attended think ho has inore lrle,nds than da; from ~trolt wb~re they ~pent dIlughter, MarJOrl!t> o~ ·' '1Dt.~ ~ 'Were Sunday alternoon ,atl(! much enjoyed. The pr1Ina.ry anyone in the outfit. He sure hus Ii Ohrlstmas with their three other ' 8P1'llt Ch11stmaa a.f.ternoon wt~h guests .of 'their grandparents, Mr, 'clnsses entertained wibh songs and pl'et~ .coat an~·.;hll ~ts bet~er , ....-. - ' ~.' ani! Nr8; W;alter \~, aDd Mrs. Allen Em:r1ck. recltatlo.ns in charge of the' tP.ach- amyone too . iHiS', bre&ktast alonc Is -Mr. &1ld Mra'. pwl.Oornell.spent era, Mrs. Fl'ed Rush and Miss 001'0- a. bowl ot milk (powdered of 'COW'SE) @bnatma.s with their son-in-law thy . Graham, Rev. O. E. Vice. gil e and.lllllLllI....su~~L.....mU!.....!O!lll:....eJ~L~+IIII_ _ _ -:-_--'--.':_...!--,:-:: aDd daucht.er, Mr. a.n~ Mrs. Herman a. talk. The young. folks gave an Ill- are unusually good, better than we 1sw1s, at ~. terestlng one' act P4lY, ,entitled "OUt ever lind In the states, 1Mr. &nd ~. Earl Yvlmg enter of oarline~.'~ The scene OPeDeQ in Sure was ' surprISed to hear a' 0 ' t ta1ned to dinner Sunday, Mr. " iid \lie toW~ ""hero ca.lIdlcs were being Harris Moshe.l· getting married 8 Mrs. Orville },:OuDg, Betty Young, Ughted, foi' "Fel!'st of I,Jghts,'·. a ' you may convey my congratulations Mr. and, Mrs. Bee Gillotte, ~'. and !He~rew , festival. The ,ChaTac~ers to tbem. M2's. Robert Young and 8On~ Bobby. were: !Mr. and Mrs. Oharles B urulell, I ifas Carl Cook ,f1nlshed his b eot ;"u of Dayton, QIld Mr. and Mr.., lMlsses ~etta , S teinke, ~onna ~n\.ng yet? See !Where "Spud" 04Charles Bunnell and daughter, ENe.- Longacre Bnd 1D0rothy Graham, vis 'g ot his SC2'O ra.t1ng. Id' you wi I anna, and Mr. E. A. Yuo~g. James Steinke and Vii gil Longacre. send me his a ddress will try and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Foulks' were Wt'lte him. ' Christmas guests 'Of Mr. and Mrs. I ,see where stme of your y{)cal Elmer Oa'oves a.nd chlldre.n a.t CenI pestors object to danc'ng M .:It be about all you .have 'left in the old. , tervillc and '\Vere Sunday dinner i)lest.a ot Mr. and Mrs. Donald home town to l ialk about, and I,1l Foulks at Harveytilurg. venture to saY' that the .gossip Is terMr. and Mrs. E, B. Longacre had rlt1c. At the ra.i~e .they're going It·s . <their daughters, Mrs, 'Louella, Bwa.nk sure 'going to 'ble so nice a town tQ and Mrs. Agnes swank ~d chU 7 come home to. one of these Texdreil for their Christmas guests, ans in our 9utf1t wOuld say. 1 don'~ A lot of sickness prevails here 'know whether I'd let my watch stop now. Mr. Kesler Gra.hsm., Mr. and ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN there or not. ' _ ' , Mrs. Harry Graham and Mr. a~d your "attie" hogs; sheep and calye. But I I]] flay tl;is, let fl few of the Mrs: Ed Bunnell are III with the fiu . to Norris-Brock. Co.. llve wlr,e and who have 'been overseas get ~ttle Roberta . B~ell has the prOgreSSlye ' firm for the , hJglles1 back! there at title same ilrne and ~ EXA MiNED chicken pox. A n~r Of , petJl?le .market prices and good 1~rt1cn. izoottn It w(\uld be ltseJ.f .. In ' have colds. Union S'lock. Yards, Cinclnn.,~f, O. order. Oh . no, tJ~ey Cli,n't ~~l ~hat' ••GLASSES 'FITTED ~. and Nrs. ~I'ett Kenrick. en- Tune 'In on . Radio statiOtl WCKY, us QIld I'll gathlll''that. feeling tertalned to dlnner Sunday, Mr. ~d, 12:25 ' to, 12:30 p. for ,)u r dally ~u~~ a~or).g >;ihe.' &ervl~ :, m~n; Mrs. Ed Hopidna a.nd Mr. and ' Mrs. maTket report.&. WIill, 'U's i1Ibout-! I have to ~ay a.t:' - -..!..--------....:...-....:......::...--...:...---:----:",-1;-'· thla tUne. oAlh , ;Well and O. K. ~
At All
-----.- -
Writes To Parents From Aleutians
.. .
eA'LI: -
. WI:'LDIUG ,.
. ~
a.t,urnn...: .' .
"-""-""- lit:
; EYES ..,,;
hqpe tJla.t. you au are the , •!JI•••I1!1!......IIII!!I!I!~~I!I!!!!IIII!I.~~...~I11111!~~.-~ ,aslDcerely., uDe. S9 aP,1n I wl.!h you a· W..rry< Xu)as 8l1d ~8PPY New Ye8'1',~ .
ever. yours" '
Co~pl~M,bed Ori·
New Yearl. Eve
To Lead Singing At Fet,i y R~evival
May'Lose ay Agency
Local New's Mr . and Mrs-:-R;bt:rt Sheet! ' IOolumbus Iwere' New YCl!I'S g !es s
~- ~\''' '1119'D'" are announcing the wedc;l,1ni 01. daUQnter; .. (Betty; to ~. _DUII' '''~ ' &.U8bUrY, eon oZ 1Yl' • . and UrI. D. R . 8alIllburY on AIw YeU-s Kye &t (J>. m :,. at ·the Plea3aDt 'RIdIt Mi. and
of Mrs. U. O. Whetsel.
WaYIlc:,v,lIe l! In danger of 1081l1g Core January ZO. 1~M; obJeeUon Mr. and >Mrs . Ed Hopkins 'hod a .. t~ M ,' u It. l..(..nJ ' RII \\ Y s tn.!I:lfI, acco rding t berdo shall be filed , ~ wUIl tbe ' New Y ear s gues.... r . all" " '.1 • . Everett Kenrick and children l: nd llo a ::>'; Ice pealed 0 11 the door of Superintendent of tbe Cincinnati Division at Cinoinnati, Ohio, or · . and Mrs . Sla nI cy B a II cy 0 ~l ..,,' e offlc~ t!lSt S~ turdllyl Mr ~Born ,, ()n a farm near Pisgah, he l'i'e8b)'1terta.n paraonace with lWi. Tlw h'Jtlce read as fO!lows : I with the Public UtlJltl~ CommIsdaughter. stalted",h1a career In the Fourth p . Judd. of!~tlni. m; K - SYLV,\NlA lMILROAD sion of Ohio, cOhunljuS. oJiJo. Natlone.! Bank. Oinclnnatl, then 25 Kra. Salfst)Ury' waS veo: r#~ J. F •. DENBY. lIiotlee Plan to come to the Va ienL.ut' years ail> be<;ame a8b1stant cashler tlve Iil a str~ cU'«lI white __ . S.apertntendenL ~ G if b hereby given that im dance given by th e 20 -30 club o. :'). Of the'old Citlz~:.ns National Bank In With a red raee coroa&e and wu IlY.... "E.: . Court .Street. the Eplscopal chul'ch Ln the h1311 th,· t \;·t1.!l l t h day of the month oi lL«;a.non. He was cashier at the en 10 lJUIJ'liaCe. by her lather . . . . CincinnatI. Ohio. school gym satu' do.y eVening. F't! ~;, J :. ;11'11. :', year. 19«, o! ,t he merger c.% that lbank AQiw. ~ar1lyC1 WbitMer. at.Ured jQ h.'1~I'. WAYN ESV.ILLE. OlnO, st aU&n Pcstl".d December '30, 1943. 12. Adm.1sSlon Boo per parson. 'Wit.n ·t.he Lebanon National Bank In Unoftlelally, It is stated' that the "ill be changed from an agen; y t o blue wool 'With wnlle ~ • • t Mr. o.nd Mrs. Mort Lang, MJ·s . a Ilt.I1 -I1.I:I'I\CY sLatioll, u n l , ~ be:· i'easoll for 'tIhis action by the ' ran1926 G.rtd appointed cashler 9f and .~. RoOf MUler, it( ro 1.b* MPauline Lang, ot UamJlton, an" tbe LebanGal..(lltlZens NaUon8J Bank. rood ls not the lack at bu8.lhess here tGd&n1e. Norman Lang at Indla.napolls, wen Puneral 1iervlces were held TuJ!llbut been U5e Of the m a npower sholt114r. ' md i14rI. 8&liIbU17 AN EDITORIAL Sunday guests here at the h ome _ at 3:90 at the O&Wald Funtlfal age. It 1a said that the local station &1l'&duat.ed from of Mr . and Mrs . Walter Wiseman . Several )'ea~...{) the rcsl!Home in ~anon With burlal 1n does over $: 0,000 worth oJ business ec.hool in the c1aa Of '~, dent!! of WnynlUll'illc a nd t . r ~banan cemetery. per year. b\ll1f Jlaa been employecl Mr . and 1Mrs. u\ .l'ch Hildebrant of \lln' "ltd c-ausc to be pr oud ( f SUrviving are ~ wile, Oma; two Se\'e'al organlmt10ns an\! .busiService C<lQnand, Day,ILOIf' Lebanon, RObert S Uu r of Osborn Broth( r t l' if [msy little raLJrond st ott ion alaWrs, Mra. Ethel Coy or WesL Ha.ve ~ou ness coru;erns ar,e pJa.nnq to pr0Mr. ~ 1&, one of and Mrs. Daisy MartLn and daug hwi tll It s.ix or morc cmpl l:Y " ~ , ~, and. Mrs. Ora BaJ8er of Bert)ert Graham, :m1nlster of test thlsmove by the 'Peiulsylvall1a induatrioll8 ,~ ·!aJ'IXl8.r s ter, Phyllis. 'were supper gu est!; 01 Pen'Y' Ohun:h of ci~t ~lng? II you with U tI telcs rap I office With olDc1nnati. RallrO ad to depr1ve th1& vUtace ' lU1d the .yowl8 ooupl.e haven't, you have a treat In store 1Mr. and Mrs. Ross Planck Sa ~ ur aU lIB engel' trains btopilillg nearby CO~un1t!~ 'of. a l'BUroad tbelf home' 'With 't he rrocm'. -,.. ~.SALES TAX FOUlS DELAYED tqr 'You if you at~end t1"!e revival dll¥ e\'en1og. there a nd freqliel . L mail S(!r\' i~c outlet. They ma10taln that 1u 1iCl" e.nts. ' wh1cb begins n~~ Monday nigh t. Mr , and ~. ~Wtlbur H utt and ut the local poqtolrioo, he dit1o~. to lnoouveruenee in the ban· Due t.o paper shortage, enveloP,88 town WIIS known as n hustling dllng of local freight, residents of Ifor malling t.o \'endors their salea Mr: Graham la 'a f:li1e Gospel slng~r, family and ,M r. Hut.t·s father and CLBVELAND USIoENT Bm. . . .: lI6viog spent aboUt ten years 10 the mother, Mr. aUd Mrs. W1l1 H utt, ana p roljrc ~ l "e IItlle commun · this vicinity would hav~' io g~ to ~ report blanks 1Will1lOt be a\'aUIN ~ t~~~ ity and people had Cau e to be Xenln or Morrow 101' their (;xpress. 8.ble 'until after :.January 12. It baa evangel1stlc Ileld as a sin ger and of R idge\,1lle, were Sunday guests aololst before eutel1t.ng the ministry . of Mr. and Mrs. Will st. JOllll. proud of tllelr bustling IilU, Servlcea tor Nonnan StlJlw'8l1. --.....' _ It Is maintained that tI:uck1nl aery'I .customary In prevtoua years Be will nOt onlf dil'etlt the singwho dIed ,Sunday at town. loe 111 and out o! Wayne6y1lle at 10, ·vendOrs to receive these blanks John Sears, pastor or the B£\l11Dg but will 'b rlDg 'l special message where he wea employed tty But. those ballJ)y' days Wf r r t J the. present time Is very I.nadequ.te. ,ClUJ1D8 the last week 0If December.' in song each evemi . You will nUss' chester Church at Christ. spent n I (lome to an end. The i·ennsyl. S. government. Iw~re hel<1 Tbur._ Vendora are request'ed to cooperate ENTERT,UNsGOOUP ot . aometJung if you 4~ to hear 111m. fow days h( 1'e t he first of the we k at.· t.he OsWald funeral home lp vania railroad, blaming the In tbla matter by walt!ni' patiently YOUNG PEOP~ AT AWe oount oursclv';1 fortunate auo a t tile home of his pe.renLa, Mr . anon ,'w1till; burtalln MIami l1uto~oblle and truck, gradually ~t1l thelr blanks reach them by II NEW Y~ .EvB' PARTY 1ft being a.ble to lM!cw'e the service... nnd Mis. w. N: Sear$. wry, Ool1Wlri. B~ Is survtved b7 .... decreased its services to !.he '\ m&Il iome time dur1ns the latter of one of .the great; preachers 6% the local townsfolk anu' fannn-s in mot.ber, KhI. AJna.nd!Io s~WeU Mr. and !Mrs . 'Oarl P eterson and I!U't' 0( Jmu.,roy. 'b1"Otherhood to bl\1ng the messages lAIIIanon. His 'rather .'flU the dauglltefs, Janice and Barbara , sWTounding communiUes. FIJ'>it NlJ ·vendors not receiving tbe1r from God's word ench nls·h t . Broth- !were dllmer guesla of Mr . and M1·s. lIeve~al trains began to speed Stephen A. 8t.11lweu, !0l'JDA.r :.::::·II....~ b1ankiI by mall may' ob~ extra er P . S. DoWd1 cd SOuth WP-bster, Ross Planok on New Year's Eve. audlt« ~d prominent wane through here wilbout even de· f~ from Sales ~ orflcell ~ OblO, w1ll thrill ,IOu as he spen' s ~ reaslng their spclld, the onlJ ':CIUDt¥ ed~tor ~ pol1tlc1an. on vital subjects Which perteln to Mr . and Mrs. Gyrll Howa.rd f trains stopping here being the our' sPlrltu:ai. -W~lah . Hear th's M!ddletown, Mr. a nd Mrl!. Olark "a~mmo d ll tlons," whlClh gradgreat e't'.QelIatlc {eam each eve n- SLarr and Joe, Pat ty and J a ne, of ually decreased in number to . . ~ taalt Is o'er ... c.-._ _ .. _ . lng bektnn1nc ,J&I!~ 10 at lhe Osborn, ~ Eteanor Cree h Oi one in the monling and one in P'err7 ObUrcb 'Of 'PhrLst. Services Xenia! a nd pto. R ,>y K . Pln.nck of tnll evenin~....:..and then Ilone .at , . . tale fadber ~ at '1t80 p: ~. A warm wel-- Battle Oreek, MIch. were dlnnel' all! Empolyes of the local sta· ...... .. . ~ ~ la&t. . ~ come I¥WII1tI JOlt. ' aul!llts at the home of the IMter'!; tlO!} wer laid' off or transferred, __. .:_ ~ ancIOus teeplnC ,. POBLIarllT OOMMITTEE. par~ts. Mr., and Mrs . Ro::s lihe telegra.ph office ~as abol· _ 'l'lO' .ieI'YUt aleepq. ished, the staUon was nC(Ilecti:d NAME NEW BO~ IP~, sunda~. • • and feU Into disrepair, a nd all ~ OIlAlBMAN Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Williamson businL'SS was handled . br. one • • <&,. ~. 11< ~-'- ! ,Al)d KJ:. aDd )lrlH _Wad~U ' t : t une a(eni~ IIIV ed 19, iJI,a8OI1, 0biU'..,. ,''!". -N~. . '0 of Bluiff.ton , Ohio, sp(:nt New Y.ear Lebanon 0Wzens :a&I:ik;, ;Wec1nesdaf Day 'WIth Mr. and Mrs. Herbbrt ; his time bet"lf.en WaYjDesviUe and: Spring VOlUey. The mnil ' for , the Graham and !amily at Ferry. 20, Franklin, WIUI named countY .~ . ~rvlc\e here was relegn,ted. &0 Fourth War Loan campaign to mite • .' • that of Ii stu · rolJte. Usually Don Osborn, U. ~. Navy. has 1'1J'to 29, Lebanon, the 'PlaQe o! ~ ls~te ~les S. trfoiSted upon th~ communlHEIi', win. turned t.o <h18 post 10 Indiana. after miles 'from, a r.a11road. The peoepencUng a sbort leave h ere at th e IIciDc2ay J.,n. 31, Lebe.non, Court TOO lIiLUfY HOGS ple s uffered these Indignities In hame of hla !p&reIlts. Mr . and Mrs. 1IGUae. lienee, believillg raUroad officThe Clnclnnatl stock ~ards over- Ba.rold oBborh. Kacb SatUrdaY foreuoon durin, lais when 'they blamed It' all on • • • floWed 'With bo.6s 'Wednesday and 8A~rm"l"Y:/1 ,JanUU7, Lebanon, Co)U't ~0U8e. D1'. Mrs. rA. E. Stout and the automobile and truck.. The ·-I··rtnTMIl11LV .and some- f~ and da~btef were guests ot Mr . "nd IJOU)ID MARRIED . ,p oor raill'oad was to be pitied! tnrolters had In be turned away due ~. George Waltz at Deyton tor .'1'nII. . ..t IN ~UOltY ' IIIDJDAY to lack Of fuclllties for handllng Now ,- 111.0 failroaAls re milk. Sunday dLnner. Ing. ~ 10 n olley th3n tit y have ,. them . ,OUlel.al8 adv1aed farmers t.o !Prentioe Tlnne~, -.Jr., 'Who • would ' ever JI\\\\~'t· "'before and , IIK'BI . hOld .'the1r h~ ' i:o;r 1ew days until , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker and hilVe been 15 years old. the ' daY be people bji"< to 11' : () ho~ daughter, Jeanne, of Day,wn, and Johe .a1tuatlOn'e8.b 'b e ~learCd up. ' WIU! burled, san ' o( ~. that. Lh.(; po ~ l'(l l co ,<1 ·sehlt.c 'Mr. Oliarles Backer. were dinner Prentice ' l'1IU)eY', Slt,., ' o f 16 . ~ here hlld ome to . a n end, Th"re cOtJNCIL OaGAmZEs !Nests of Mr. and Mrs . Wilb ur I1)8,n street, oDayton,' ~led ,Thuraday , were .·umon thll. the Pennsyl. MOI~AJ ~VENlNG BwangeJ' In. Leba.non on S unday. ¥ ! t evenlng, Dec . 30, et the St. Ell.III.vani.~ " 1\ ~o cstabllsh telc. • • ,At the councll meettni wednesMr. and Mrs. H. B. E r ;Ul rt b.eth h06PltRl, a1~r an' ~es.s of ' fire &,1'l\nn of,t l e llgaln In tbe old day eVentng toe 'V'llIage government had as New 'Year'a evening dlnlleJ' days . HLs family tonnerlyo.,DYed. hete. La,HolI iu Corwin. ~here was , was; reorganized (or the new Y,e ar . gUests, Mr. aDd Mrs. Forest Meeks pvclI Ifltk that trains were til EIe Is survived by the parenla. two ~ the 'ablience of ~e _riiayor, O. H. of ([)Qton and' Mr . and Mrs. R4llpll 31sters, Marylin and 'aha:ron, aqd • lIttlP It/'re ll.t leaSt. for the dellv. Brace, War.n!O ~ . vice WAf- Haatinls and son, ~t. !.rY of mllil and that-n-.. n .....o""n.......-+f1IMtf"--1l!ftlthf!!'!t:.--,lieflMft:-.-iKell8elt:,-"----,:~ 0 ]'" was, in chiu-ge. !He -was reelec' d wi lt: I4Ake a leiter three day' Charles' and Thomo6, all at bclIne. to: that. posWon. ' . . Mrs. H. H. _ 'W1llla.m.son and to t ••w el the ten miles to tbe He Is IWo survived 'b y' his two .Harry Sl'ler.woocl, Warren Brad- daUB'hter, Grace, ~ve been very ('Oul1t.y seat. at Lebanon. Tbe grandmothers" Mrs. Mary ReCtor, d Q'Ck and rw·. N. 1Sears were named ill WIth grippe a.t t.helr home OIr 'railroad was a,aln' prosperou.~ Xenia, ' and Mrs. Nettle 'l'lmiey, 01 Of tfu} ~ treets &l1ld ' Alle.ys commit- 'nl1rd . street. ancr could weU alford this ex. Corwin. tee, w~le Howard Osse, Adam Melira service. The,. 'WOUld no lanKF'UIuira.l services were. held SaturMayor C. H. Brace Is again able lop and Calli Conard composed the er have &0 depend upon tbe day atternoon, Jan . 1 at · the MA:to be 'bttola on the jOb at the bank l!'lnance eomm1ttee. uneerta1D and lnadeqllllte bas Clure fUne11!ol Home with burial in after being 10 bed for severe 1 days se~lce on a ToonervlUe brand. ' Miami cemetery. Rev . L. O. Rad- ' suMer10g with ~e nu. . RE.wY TO ' GO ' line : schedule. lIadn't the rnilley: of the >Methodist churoh', offl~road Installed a fuU·tlme agent? Jated. ' • Mill . ~e~ Br~nqok has been !Mrs. Truma.D Wardlow Is very ---....:----...:: '., DotUI~ ,that the addr~ ot, her W at her home and has ·been unTile tLllPPY days were about to 'PLEADS NOT . Gl1JLTY IN , I son. Op1. Thomas BIlJIton Brannock:; alble ~ reSume her dut1es as , cook r et urn. . I But, ala8, all tlds b not. to be. bas ~n chaDlfed' ·k 9m Oamp 10 tl1~ grade lunch JX)()U\. Ml:S. BOwie,' Texas, to c!are of PostmjloSter. Ruaae1l WIlBOn 1& .. taking 1\I1·s. The raUroad. a publlc Utility, liupposecl' to serve the people ,New York, N. Y. ,Wardlow's p~ at pt;eaent. Its ·rI,ht.of.way, proposes , to abandon this communUy entirely. The ~ple had not · pro? tested when other services were curtaUed. they probably wouldn', now. LET'S DON'T LET THEM GET -AWAY WilTB IT' WITHOUT A FIGHT! ' Here '" a chalice for tbe va'liOIlll OI'Ialllllli.tlons and proper-
·. . · .' .
Services Here FO.r
Dayton Youth Sai. "
·. .
. ..
U:r. 'and
,;;!thoDe 210
atfJ£ _{anti. .
WaniesvUle, Ohio
Dlterecf Aa BecoD4
. -
. Malo Street
I4&ll Matter a.t poStofflce, Wa~nesvl1le. Ohio
Walter W. Wiseman, Editor .a nd Publisher
Miss Olive Allen retutn d Friday 'I'h Rldgo boYs ...nt,be" Bnd "Ba~: returned ~o hel' home. in towa on the bu tcher 's ·own. OS DlIth. ~onday. . after ~ ie-day cruise to ~h;';! Wes t. The work 011 !;be c;emel.ery ehl,\pel "Who." Dea; t old all the rello~.$, 'Indies . . "he couldn't. do liLIlythlni with." has been renewed and ·the n~ Slate TWENTY -FIVE YEI\ltS AGO Young Sta.usberry, the rfdhtad; and roo! will SPoil be oompl ted. (Ja nuary Ii, 1919 ) Wh11e~ AmOO COOk' was attending "Spud," the pOlli:eman's 150n•. One mor~g 'Iast; week as J. O . To them a llI1sChlel t houg t· of was the meeting at th~ . , Ortllodox . Whit.8ker wa." U'ylng to .a;nake hl~ church saturday, hJs horse broke Q, m.t.schlet quickly deme. furnace burn by the usu of 'coal 011. lOO6e Ilnd ran ' down the hill put he received Injuries Ulat will koop 1he old gang on th,e corner, In the John Helgbway's property and on 1I.rc tight's friendly glow, him in the house lor seveT•.l days. the Illlr~OW gaUge railroad, where 6 A d~ Wus clased htre SaLurday They trooped each night WltU John. person can hardly get throUSh for the coP. came by. and made them the trees, was caught. Noth.lni was by W. N. Se rs vhereby Ge ge go. • PHONE ' 326 Woollard of Dnyton pur"hased the broken. But all Ulat now Is ended. tor the 33 ..ere farm on tl1C Sp lng Valley Dr.Rnd Mrs.Oglesbee drove to tpe Sword 01 Hate 'was drawn. , pike, 'belonging to Russell Salisbury. home of Mrs. Oglesbee IS parents in Frauk LeMay visited hI.> parents Tl1e old ga.ng on the corner from Its Hamilton county Monday where she ] happy. haunt 'Is gone. in Alabam", 8. l ew days last week • . vIsit whUe the doctor att.endal'l Born- To Mr. and Mr~. Herbert The street-tigbt idly sputters; John . the AUanta Expo61t1on. the lonely, walks ,his beat. ME:rediUl. Saturday. J an . 4. a SOil. So far in 'the. history of our HI.J {food heal't well a...hunger tor Born-To Mr. and Mrs . A. M . county we ' have never had a ~===========;;:J'I the 'old ~ In ttle street. Z1Ul 01 Chattanooga, Tenn.. on drought which might be so properly MEmODlST CHURCH ChrIstmas Day, a daughter, Mal'- The old gang on Ule comer I .How termed Q calamity u the one which Louis C. UIldle1, 1'Ullor garet Aurelia. . has just been broken. Caskey's mill each loyal mother brags St. IMllrys GUild win meet with No ot her neighborhood can boaat whi"h oould not run for want of Church school at 9 :30 a. m . Miss «..etltla McKay on Thursda water for several weeks Is again doso many service llill.gs. Worship service at 10:30 A. M. atternoon. Wa.terhouse has a comm1s61on; tht Ing some grindlng . Youth F'eJl<l.wship aL 7 :00 p . m . Supt. ElIDa Rober.1s ond Mls!i Doctor's elder eon A dance was liven ~n Cross' Hall Jooephlne Andrews attended a So- And others Should have their names 'last night and seems to have been ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL rol1lty banQuet at Miami uni v.elslty. OnURCH mentioned for taklng up the ' gun 'Well attended. Saturday evening. The Snook boy In t.l1le na.vy, though George Sale and Mrs. WaterTh.e !Dayton Power a nd Light Co . only In his 'teen, . house and ,two children. at ' visiting Ralph Parks, l\Iinlster in Charge took over the local plant last Weif· Is a mate. with "Buck" and "Mac" the lom1ly Of Mat Bales, of Ohlcago. Church school at 9 :45 a . m. nesday at noon . It has been reMorning prayer ond sermon 11 :00 in tile cl1asefor su:b~loes. AI. Wickersham. the Jamestown ported that the company has a lot railroad man, says WaY\TlesvUle's a. m. of Improvements to 'be m~ on the The old gang 'on tlIe comer 1 Yes. ' chances for the Ohio Southern a re looa.l plant, but has ot divulged .tIrst4llass: Iwe've all forgotten, how FEnRY ClltIltCIl OF CURIST what they are •. The hollalWe'en . ~ey ~laged The tM1ller proper ty, oOm er of Herbert GrBbam, Minister Waynesville and vicinity people MaIn and M,laDli streets. has resomebody's muley caw· who were worldng at Kings Mills We've put aSIde tbe memories of cently i>een purchased .by Jonas 9 :30 a. m.. Bible achool. 10.t5 a. m.-Communlon. oha.ve a ll been dlscharged . cream and ca.ke they &tole Sands i!or $1100. 11 :00 a. m .-Sermon. >Oharles COrnell died at the home When our church mId a festival to Ll\1ldloord Miller of the Hammell 8:00 p. m.- Preachlng. 01 his daugbter. Mrs. Ralph Miller, House, bas just started a n6W hack pay' for last year's coal. Monday evening. . All that is iu! the yesterday-they r e Une to the depot for the IIccommoFRIEND Col. Theodore Roooev~t. exnow our flgbtlng men,dation of his transient guests. T1w president. ex-1tOvernor. an Ill'dent And, dear ~, won't we be happy . vehicle used Is a new, light. threeFirst Day schcol, II : 31' e.. m. lover of polltlcs. an expon.ent of when tbey all come home again? seated spring wagon and It's a daisy. Keeting lor Worship', I ) ;30 a . m. • • t . fair play, a 8'allant soldier. end. all . FORTY-EIGHT '1!'EARS AGO , Onmge Emley Is :the driver . ST. AUGU8TINB OHUROH In 'all, an eJreellellt Citizen, died at (November liS, 1895) ' iW'ayrlesv1lle' Is to have a big hors~ FaUler KramheU•• PrIeI' his bome In Oyster Bay, early Ed Randall wa& In Xenia on Wed. Eale Saturday- a week beginning at 'Monday> momlng. 110 o'clock. There are f ifteen horses DI~sda·y. Mass Sunda)' 9:00 e. . m . IMarriage 'License - R us:;ell Alva 'MIss 'Lou lB~ett Imtertalned the to be sold and some ot them Ilre ~organ . ianner, and COrrine W\U'dmoverl!, too~ for Instlonce, Toe caJk, E)uchre club W~esda.y evening. WAYNE8VILLE CHuaCD Of' low, lb otll of Wa,ynesville. - Rev . Broker. etc. 'Walt-er .Kllbon, Ambrooe Clarvsson Gause ill still confined CBBl$T Foster. IMafflt, John PhllUPi!, 'Charley I?urto bI8 home by -rhe\1i!Il&tlsm . . face. Will Miller, 000 Henderson Mullen and sOn.'W1ll make cIder on THE OLD GANG ON TOE Mu BaP~ MJ.o ister TUesdays and Wednesdays until Prank ' Th.lenemann, C8.m WhIte, CORNER Blble SchOOl 11.30 ... m. and others, have made consignment 'further noUce. , oommunl9n 10:45 ... ~ By Byron Prendergast for 'thJ.a sale. Rec. Oowgill" has 'b een a.ttenillnl Preaching, 11 a. Ill. The old gang nn the corner I Wha-t the Dlinlsterlal assool.atlon at W.estJunior Endeavor. 7:15 p . m. Advertise or B~t , an arr~t tribe they were: boro this wet*:. Senior . Ende~vor. 7;15 m. M1sa IAJ1na Waker who hIlS be n .~ . Advertise ",Uci1clously The widow Lemmon;s "Chausk1" Oollimuplon and preachlni. 8:00 the guest of Miss RUlth Anna Coo~ ADVERTISE IN THE GAZETTE p. 'm. had . ~~Y8 WOIT~~ d iherl You allt' lnvlted to ~ome and wor2.hlp with uS.
'. . .
Any make
~r ~odel
Fred Kahn Motor Car C.o.·
. ........ "' ...
. . . . . . .A • • • A
,..... .......rIu·. Adv. .. w........ -c::w..I ...
• Hom. Town t:I.wsp.pen
~ • • • 1(; .............IIcIg..SMFt-'-.CA
From rfhe Mia,mi Gazette Files..
YEAB8 AGO MIas Hanby, Newark; Miss Squier, (JaD..". to 19%9), coiumbus; Mr. Harlan. Peoria, Dl.; A com &how will be liven In COD- Mr. Hatfield, ./Waynesville; MJ.ss
nectJcm with the Farmers Institute JanUlllJ It and 15. The annual meet10a 'ot St. MarJ's parish ... held ~ the Murch Kon. , niIht. ~. J. J. BPlofIer pre· aidJDI and P. B. Bender&on, sec'y. Delep.teI otQ the annual DIOCA!IS&Jl COllYflDUOO <to be hel4 In the OhurOh qt tile Adftnt, Walnut ·ctnc1nna.ti, Jan. 39-30, were elected .. toll~; W. H. Allen, P. B. BencW1lollj lIlra. EaU Ooleman UI4 KrI. ;BcUth BatriB. AlterJ¥ltea. Mr. and. Mra. Lester Gordon, Krs. W. B. Allen and 1MtI. James K~ · Olwe. . '. RAIbert Ilarly, son of Everett Ear· 11. ' aced 11, died January 3. of pneumonia. Tachen apent tile Ohristmaa
, ""caUem at tile
KoomMr, W8.1Desvjlle; Mrs. 110_ WQD!'IvWe; Kiss Tomer, JIarletIt&; Mlu Vondervort. Trimble;
MdOnsey. rudgeville; -Mr. S t . JOhn, Waynesville. Fred KImmerle len Tuesday morning for Mia,rnl, Fla. Miss Clara LIle Is recovering Irom a severe attadt of grippe. Mfs. Anna Sheehan was hostess at a six o'clock dinner last Wedne~ to the following guests: Mrs. l4a.urlA:e 'Sllver, Mrs. Leurs. Zell. Kra. Anne. 'Cadwallader, 1Mrs. Mary L. AdamI. ·Mrs. Lindley' Mendenhall, KrII. H . A. Cornell and Mrs . Kary Water,houae. . KrII. Pauline Marla.tt Sheehan, ",Ue of Boward Sheebnn and the dlaushteor of Mr. and' IMrs. O. B . ·Marlatt, · died at 'ber home near ROxanna TUesday night . She was a fonner Wayne towpahlp teacher. Myers. Y. Oooper w1ll be lnaugurlilted iO,v~or of Ohio MOn~y. A.~ . Melloh made ' a business trip to Detroit Tuesday.
cAPITAl. ..
- FrieDdly Bellable . AecommodaUDI'
liT, UOLLY M. E. CI~UIlCll T: M . . Searff; MllIlster
C. A. DADE .and SONS ImpJeDaen' Dealer . .
. P»a)'er Keeting. We;c1nesda nJng, 7:3Q p. m. , '
109 W. 'Main 8t.
_ llepalrlnf
.'11 ... Jt.:_Hle
U W. MaIn at.
. Aoee.orles
Blc~ClIe Repa.lrlq
,.., W. MaIn
Phone 1100
ROY ·V. HULL SewiDa Machine Supplies .. . . . . .
Bepalrlnl' of All MaIre.\1
Phone 'JM
E.ftr1thln, a
DR. ... A. WAGNER . 1'...... 7I1W ~.. . .
It. .'.
GAI:.i..oWAY '
, &ad
" 'CHERRY' BOVA rmUoslIINGS _. ' . '~' ~" . yr. MAIn
Phene 1116
H Yoa Have Trouble B!1n1' -
FI'~ With Sb_n,
'K. IbID at.
. ~ ' Y K C & .. B ftioqla l'roPirb' FlUed Efe Ok?1I Char SJ'CIAH1
: ..
U .. Mai'ket
1 N. MaIn
oUr Chriltma. Gift. Are 101 Cr7a&al Po'Ier7. and Wood Novel" CoRume Jewe1r1 .1ewe.,., u.d OomPact.
o AMERICAN GIIlL .._ _....... _
)'our Dame
And addreu fOr
U. ;yoar orClec 'l liE MIAMI GAZETfE '1.5O-.Send
~one ~143
_ '____...... _ .. :..." ·Mo.
SPORTS AFIELD ............- ..-!-. __................ _.....J.......;.l Vr. f] OUTDOORS {It Iuuet).. _ ... _ ........................ _ ........_.14 Mo. 1 ,
loi- Pr'e8
If ,
American: Fruit G..owa... _ ... _ 1..$1.7.!S American Girl' .._... ~ ..... __ ......:.. 2.60.
l"agazln(~ PLOWER GROWER ......::...._........__ .. _.....:~·._.......,...'....6 Mo. CHRISTIAN HERALD .. _ _ ._.... _ ....... _ ......_......:... _ ...li Mo. PARENTS' MAGAZINE ......_ . _.............................~ ......6 M<' THE WO~tAN ...................._...... :..................~.............,.,. ..... l \'r. D]>ATHFINDER (Weekly) ._ ._ _. _. ........:-...~...........!......_ I fro
Sele.,& Two
o o
American Home ........ :...........:....... 2.25
American 'Poultry JournaL.......... 1.65
o ~
GIIOtJp . ~ -
DcJter Cooking &: .Homemaking.; 3.,,5
BoY" Life ................ _ . _._ ...... 3.10 CapPer's Fanna .. ,._ .................. _ 1.65
.Select Two lUagazlnl~. ~
o AMERICAN FRUIT GROWER....._ ....._____ •. 1 Vr. oo FARM' AM~RICA.N POULTRY JOURNAL........ .......•• ~ Yr. JOURNAL Ie .FARMER'S WIFE ... _ _ _L. __ I Yr. o HOUSEHOLD _,..___....:......._ ........................_ ...;.... .....1 Vr. o NATIONAL UVESTOCK. PRODUCER........_ .............;..1 Yt. o POULTRY T~UNE ..._ _............._ " .. llr. HOl\ffi Un....
o C~PPER·S ~ARMER ........... . . .
Child Life ......................... _ ......... 2.95 ChriJtian Herald ... ~_................... 2.50 Country GentlmaaD .(5,yr.. )........ 2.00 Fimn JourDal Fanner'1 Wife.. \.65
lIo'.¥(, Grower ....... :.......... _._ ...... 2.l11t F1ylug ' Ac:es .........:..:.. ............. _ .... 2.00 lorum-Co]umD 'ltevlew .......:......". '2.95
.........._ .. ..........,-., .. 1 f!'. ....:._ _....:...._. ... 1 Yr.
HoUlehoid ..:. __........ _ _..... :.... 1.6!S
Hygela -.--... Uberty :..... _ .. _. .___.... _....... _ .. :....::;
~ ~ewSP~per 'alid· 5,.lireal,. , . . . PATHnNDER (Weekly) ' ll'r"J ALL S' HOUSEHOLD MAGAZlNlf . ' . • Yr.• 'QtUE STORf........... ....................:._ _·l'yr. ,.' IiIOA.. • , AI\IERICAN POULTRY, JOURNAL......I Yr. r,."... + JADI JOURNAL Ie FARMER'S WlFLIYt.. . ONLY I. . ' I '. YDtI ·,"4f)' .eleel·eme ~I ';".foUowirt. ' . in plllce 0/ True ,SIDr71:.DtI pre/erl ,f, d 1 Yr. , .' .Q SOpenporu erl!3D H~} : . oa ' . ' --- 4 Mo.. '. 0 The WODWI . " " . . ~, ,
ZOO Sbeet. - 100
oo OPEN ROAD (BOYS) (12 . .et)...._ _ .._ ......... -:.... II. 'Mo. PATHFINDER (Weekl)') _ ... _ .. _ ..._ .. _ ........_ ...+..... , 11'r.
1'7 K. MaIn
ANu , ·
GRO~:~ '- Selee& bvO Mallazin.~ ,
, .. GMt I'laol .. Ea'.
oo TRUE AMERICAN HOME . _.. _...._........_ .. _.. , ..:_1 Yr.. STORY _..__. _ _·._ _ _ _ ...:..._...... :,_ ..... 1 Yr.
'1'hcod are Hahn, Jr. L al st additlop to IJ:le P~9· du clion and program direction staff of WCKY, CinCinnati, Is Theodore Hahn, Jr., according to an announ cemen t by L. B. Wilson, station owner. Mr. Hah n, who has been asso· ciated with musical direction in Cin cinnati for the past 30 years, recenLly completed an assignme nt as assista nt to the national director of music. In that post he toured the nation arranging and directing government-spo ns ored grand opera, light · opera c.nd theatrical productions. A m ember 01 the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra at 16. Mr. Hahn and !Us family have been recognized as' musical figures in Cincinnati since the, turn of th :! century. Mr. Hah n is h!!sr d over WCKY from 1 :45 to 2 p. m. , c\lch Wedn esd ay ;·rid Fl'i day on rt:e pr ogr 3 ~' "~) i d Yo~ I n \ ?, \ ' hie n gi \ .' , m li ole gli m!"s{"s into the Ih':!s o( (amous CO, 1/l0s ers.
B :6eJ cu":;;;;)--i·
I'. 7"5 ,
. •
. '. :
Nadooal Digest M!)ntbl)'...'l..... : :. : N~hU'C (10 I~, 12 Mo.) ...,. .._....:..
Open RflNId{12 1&, .14 ~o:)........ 2.15' .I u., .4· Mo.) ............ U.!S 'Ulu'elnts' ~..ume ........................ 2.50 ~lhIuder· .......:........... _ ....._ ....:... 2.00 Popular M.e chanla _~._.:.:~..." .. 5.25
~try 'Tribilne ,,;.- ....-.':7'.,~. 1.65
Redbooli: . ..........._ .::..;.__._ ,_;.. _ 5.25
:... .,..."'...-:..,...... _ ~.u ' Wannlng . . ,i . ....... U.!S ~ v OlDMl _ ......_~....::-
2 1 Yr:...,." L.....,I Yr. . w
,S~ ,.._ .....:'.~:-:::', __..........oL
Xenia Standard Parts Truck, .ear and Tr.~tor Replacement Par.b .
__.-r __
Pia. 288
PiloU! Reph .ceme,nt Detaotunent Dale Mabry Field.
Tallalla.&see,' Fl~rlda
EICHMAN'S BlMwlcal 'Sappllel
Noted ~lu sician On Staff of' WCKY
sunday SCbOC?l . 11:30 a. m. E: A. Earnhart, Supt. EverilDg eerVlce, ~ ~30 p. Ill.
Yout , Mcoolmick-DeerlDI' . Phone 1068
"''''''''1;'. Curre_,tt'luiCI"
~d l.ir,'. Ow1(ht Beason ot
. . '. ...
'Richard W. 06borne
S l -c
Karo. Section Base Little Creek, VII.
SPr:ina'fleld, and Mrs. Oecil Bea...on and children 01 MIddletown, wer e vW.tor;1 at the :Beason - McQarren Sgt. Charles E.' Burton. home dwJ.~ thehoi1.~Y· season. A.S.N. 35872256,- BqdD•. C. Bee.a Mrs. Mabel 'l'erry of Dayton. Base AIr Oepot No.1. APO 63& spent the ~tter pe.rt or last week at c-o Pcstm.aSte,. New York City. her home ·h ere. , iMbert. ~e returned to his h~ ,here Sunday evening after a de~tM· via~t· of a week , With his manyrealUvea at Sollth Lebanon. . Elbert Mb aDd :I'h1HIla8 RIch of
.S~nd · & Gravel
. WelJ.uu!.n. 'and,. Paul Rlcli of Ore-
~n1a~ ;)Vere b~ ~tors ' ~ere lt1bert bought a sorel b.orae at the Tnlmllge farm • . .. The ,many v1c~1mB o( the flu In this · Community are recovering at . llhts ' tlme: . . ·oeo~e '!Pb'm!re IS COlnplettDg hia carp6nter wci~k on the Wbetsei , . 'farm, where h~ has ~een eIpployed. for '· sevllral ·weeks . • , wUbUr ·!M'cCa.iTeo, · Ue ~e .' an~ ~t.eve . Re~ol$ to9k a tru~ of C:a.ttle ·to the ' Qlncln.naU . ~ MpDdar.'· "
SatUr~ when.
.. '. ' " ~• . :M~I Guett. Wa;rlt Ada:
ARMITAGE. & SON' P.hotu; WaynesvUle 21111 Morrow Phone No. 3
:Leb~o~: Offtce Phone 473 K Re8ldence ·98 M
Outlook For Live Stock In 1944
than prevlous,years.
OPlnona on
hoe production vuy from tell to rlIt>een per cent le.tJlr in l~ tlian 19.3
Negro Wo~en Advance As Pennsylvania Railroad Men 'G iuo War
Tlie y~ l~ ·~ea 'WIth ~he ~ production.' oDd, lal'iest' 00Cl &UPPiY produced 111 !Many brood adwa· were marketed our nation's bJatory. DurJ.1li tnt: dUJ1ng the fall months. The maJor ~e~r the 1al<iest nUl'Ilber of hDed Jty of hog ,p roducers report cutting evet tP'own 1n m.Ia country were dowP the numbers of b rood &ows Pl'oduced and t.lle aecond lariest and aUta. number of c&ttle, sheep and. lambs· The general ' hog altuatiOD )ooQ were mark.eted. All of ~ tow1.. llJI;e a. more active market earlY thls neatly VWenty-five b1ll1On pounc1& 01 year and a Ineed, tor aU t,he bOiS meat wh.lch haB .fairly we.l met 'the that will be aVailable lor slaughter lie~ds lor our people II.t home, our during the year. lndlClidons po~nt nl'm ed F'Ol'ces and. Lend~Lea.se. to fUll use ot all hOp oomI.Ilg to the 'l'hiJ larg~ meat supply and a rec- Clnelnnatl market. For three weeks o!'d proaucUon 01 all o~hel' food In early December n~rs exceed'Waa provided with less labor, ahort- ,e d demand. Labor in p~g plante "ges 01' eqUipment and lfer~Wzer but not being ava.llable cut down IdlllnI w!th favorable 'We~ther condiUons from a.o to 30 per cent of laat year's . 'Which play 8i big part; volume . 'l'hlS 18 now improving and The New Year faces us with some 'W~ believe that all future ' suppUes what leas nUDibers a.nd further lea:. wUl be read.lly c:ared for. tonnaae in a.4 species of llves~ . Sheep aDd LuDbt U 1a 1'e&SOIllWly estimated by the The moat UQUldation ot L Mr8. Marton TUrner, Mao Government that anny purchtiSes an,}" species of l1veswc:k. comes with waitresll (standing), watch'e s of meat will remain about the sllllle ilheep &nd lambs. ThJs atarted more Mrs. Metta Tally set a dlnlng car table 8.B Mrs, Esther Terry . for the past year and that civU- than a lIear IIiO and continued lett. and Mrs. Eva Buter, waltIan use 'W1ll likely be redUCed about thr01.l(fhout. UIU. The year 1943 resses. look on. Mrs. TUrnel ten pounds per person . Llvestook proved to be one of the worst lamb was prpmoted trom waitress , numbers are In excess of feed sup- prooucing years In our experLence; Miss Irene Dunne, one oj 2. pues. It 1a estimated that ani- the quallty of the ~ tor the numerous coach lunch waitmal feed Is about most part was very poor and retUl'ns resses. OndS hungry customen l~ than reqUIred to to others generany not ~lactory. In a PennsylvanIa Ratlroad train llves\.Oek On hand for This price Bltuation coupled with In the Ugbt of the drought, and the <ilssai1slactlon fUll fighting for Us bIlek home Gnd tlon it seems apparent of OPA regulations .not caring for we shoUld keep our hands busy ducers 900peratlve ' seasonal varlatlQll8 proved to bllng keeping up the tight on the hame bhe average consumption of meat about II. heo.v1er UqUldation. It Is es- front . w1ll be reduced 8OII\ewhete between tlmated that UqUldat.1on of breeding It we keep reading so much about ten and '1lILeen per cent of our 1943 ewea by ' various sections amount .danctng we will wonder 1I tha t 18 consumptlon. Even with th1I, how- from ,fifteen to twenty-five per cent partly the cause, of the paper shortever, 'with gOOd dlstrIbuUon the 01 last year's numbers. 'l1h1s Pleans age' ln our .cou.ntry, No doubt many average Indlvldual will nave nearly m1ICh fewer .numbers Of. lambs to emall Items are crowded out of the as much meat ,as the average Of. a market the coming summer and pa.per just &0 dancing can be disn\lnli)er oi years In the p ast. faU. CU8lled. Cattle Outlook I tllln.t the plalnUtf. and defendThe P roducers Cooperative Q~ant have each stated his case so elation estlmates tha t cattle . prowhy' not let the people be the Jury, duction In the ClnclnDati marke~ W6yne8vllle, Ohio so that we can pick up our paper area of Ohio, Indiana and Kent.ucky .January 3. 1~. and read It wltho~t hall ot it belng will be some fifteen to twenby per Editor ~ 'lbe MJe.m1 Oa.rJette : taken up by such discusalons. cent under the slaughter last Dear Editor: 8lncerelY' year. Many catUe were ~ld ttW l have read with Interest the arA READER. P(l8t summer and taU because of tIclea publlabed In your paper In the uncertain situation reaultl.ng 1'.:1 the last ftIW 'Weeks or should I say t he Industry from Government reg- monllw, on the subject of d&nQng Fruit to Be Frozen -ulatlons, further numbers were de- -to do or ·not to do, that seems to M\JIt Be Fully Ripe seVen! be the question. Clreased bec&Uae of the Harvest practice in plcldng fruit droUiht situation, the high pI1ee of , I ,m .not taldng skl~ with anyone tor freezing Js different from pickfeed 18 well 'a s belDg unable to se- in ,the op1n.ton of wbether dancing Ing fruit for fresh market .ale, the cure cOllcent4'&.\eS, &nd In part too, ' 4s l1Bht or wrong, but l.~'t there departmen.t of agriculture pointa the hilh price Of r~placelilent eat- otber th1np just aa important to out. For market sale many fruita tle early In the Se&80n. publJah in the paper as ,so much are picked unripe to allow ·f or ripen. as they roU to maI'ket. Theaver~ge weight of, mOllt fed ~erat,ue (one or tlwo columna eaCh IngFor finest tlavol'l fruit for.·freezInJ er.tUe baa been con.s1deriWly under week), a.nd aU Q( it..aaylng the same mUit be fully mature. It must be 61m11ar claaaes In previOUS yeus, It. thin,. If one QPpo8eS or approves handled rapidly and prompUy. A ,is estimated -tha.t the total number ~eth1Dg he coWd express bUn- sbon litorag~ period may be allow· of catUe on feed ~ ' the t.eedlots are In' one or two eentencea ra.ther able, and this will vary with the under normal a.nd the number of take halt, a nenpaper page . kind of fruit, but it will be con· slderably ahorter than for the same ,ener81 -cattle on farms Is not UIOre to -y be-approves or d1sappro;ves. frUlt barvested for the fresh mar.10,,01~._ ~pet ~~ of.... One Can be ,cr1~ Juat ' ket.· W~ap!.er c:onditlons-dampnell mal In the Cllidnnati &.rea. -.- ,nl~ or more 10 for lI&ylng too or drynes8-,wiU largely determine lIoi .81tuaUon m , lather thaD hot enough. the permiSSible storage period for With b""" the uncertain sltuatton ,What would our bo.YII (and girls) ' the full ripe fruit intended for !reez~.... ., In - - - ..... - . due to regulatiOns, 'With much con. _........ .......-, If they ·1meow· we lng. · lD the ease , of berries a further fua1~n resultl.ng, the ,n umber8 wUl De ~ ,home lront were arguing modl1lcation of harvest practice is &<mewhat reIIS' than ,of the prevJOua each other about dle ~bJect ,Important.· Plckerslltiould thorough· of ·dADC!.... wb til year. , However, '1eeding CODd1t1o~,· en ere are !SO many 11 c:lear the bushes of ripe berries were excellent, the <lauUty above. other tb1np that are ev~ ~re at every picking. Full I'lpe fruit acreage and the .weight . heavier lmPoJltant,. that we IIhould be d¢ng. lett OD the plant may quickly be,_ ' . ' We mJiht be lurprSaed at .the &nS- come moldy" especially In damp weather, and so contaminate an we COt. if we 8u.ectop1nlo~ aQine of .~ , wer aeniJCe mm ' their • . oUr Da, eJ1tU'e lot at the next picklni. tMae ~ ba~e ' time to lit clown and write' INII' ,after Jl'Ie OIl Some .Bow Do YOD Say ' n? Do yOu. ..,. ".Ahnt Nellie," "Awnl ,sUbJect t.ell1nc whether. they &p~v~ or ~ye of ttiat subject. 'NeWe," or "f.bt Nellie"? . It doe~'t_ matter particularly, ac· ....,'""'--""',..,",. . ,"'''''. ' cer~ II~, th81 have their banda cC?rdlna :to. Pro'. 'Jdseph F. O'Brlen C ... .ECKi YOUR of Pennsylvania State college. 10 '· lena .. yout pronunCiation is accept.F ql E INS U R A ·N C E able to--e4ucated people In the sec· ,P ·OL.CY II UOD ·wbere you live. ' , "Too man)' teachers have become Tbe 'arrival' of cold nearaljbted in the, matter of pronun. we.the... ,.·mean. beavier ciaUon." Professor O'Brien sold. "11 two or three pronunciations are ' fi~nii heating petrnililble for a 'particular word. tbe d"dger of fire cbUdren should be · allowed to use 'i. areatly ~nC:realed. Make wblchever I. most natural to them. , "Wbere dictionaries give a choice, • u~ ',our Fire Inaur-.ce ·there Ii orten ~ very close margin PoUcie. are in uwo"k~1 in their .election of the o·.~ which come. first," Professor O' Brien deorde~' too. c:lared. "It 11 foolish to Insist that '. Conault your alent~ ehUcSren ln th!! Middle West use a ..: ' broad 'a' in lucb words a. 'bath,' 'can't,' 1auab.' and 'dance' when ~~,."''''''''''''''''''-'''-'' IUch Ulage II common only In New Enlland and·among 'certaln partions tNsU~ANCE:·AGENCY '-, of the pop'uJa~OIi of New York city." 1 C~ Je~kin., · ~rop. . Und\ll Itre'l on pronunciation ma, Uad to ridiculoua resulta, he S......" .~ LeMay;' Ba. . .add'd. , Ullna .''nate·yure'~ for "na, . w.t~VJLU:omo ". iurl" and ''fort-yune''' for "foI'tWle "
Letters To The Editor
I. Miss ilOSS1e SawYlic 11lSpectlng and pacjdng tresh pies baked in "the Pennsylvania Railroad commissary kltcllell at Sunnyside Yard. Long Island City . 4. Mrs. Jessie Sims , leit . Is fore· man of a gang of 38 cOllch cleaners at Sunnyside Yard 5. Mrs. Gertrude M . Whi tley promoted from station Cleaner' operates an elevator In Broad Street Station, PhiladelphIa
Along~eWay B7 Mrs. lIarIette ·F. Thomas
DId you ever wonder what
broeill. waa? You know It was supPOSed to be the fOod of th't! gods, ambrosia and honey; sounded good, too. Well. our curiosity got the best of u.s 'and we lifoited it up In the dictionary and here (p:repare yoursell) is what 1i said: "Ambrosia. food of the goda, confE!ring eternal youth (Bot) A genus of plants In ~ mag ' weed, rag weed, etc . " Ambrosia and honey, ell? Here it ls, the middle of the Winter tmd we get no rest from the peSky rues. Wonder why ? I guess we don't llve rlght. They era.wl drUggerly up and cWw.n the window and wheJ? the room gets warm th ey lly around a.nd buzz and buzz. ZeIO weather didn't even dl.scourrge them. I feel Wte F . D . Kramer, who wrote: , The wbUe I swat .The buzzing rues, I cant restrain my
Thoughts and sighs. I needn't swat , UnUl I'm blue. U Noali had JUlit swatted two.
----IIJ!II--.-.~' ~I'MELY R'E '" IND, ER";~I~
lOr exampll" 11 clumsy 'and , 11 I~l; dom heard !)Utalde a classroom.
ftnJUDA!, '''''V'-I....,~~
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C our" t N " awa
'1()(JIUNG 'AHi)fJ)
SCI '1101' George haa • cl';r undiir. ....:'-.-;::...:.;;.:_.....:...:.;~~:1~ Sl:lnd~na of nolional economy. . lIe kno ws that trouble in one segment . mea~s damage to ' others. He nos A divorce ~n ",w-,l.rded ti shOwn the brdadest kind of states. mnnsbip in guiding the ' work of Ws Mary Lee, May~ fn: m ' Lloy '!Maye, in common p\eQs court. She WILl commJtte~ on' Post-War. 'l'he committee has bee.n glvlitg also a warded custody ot a. minor ' s erious'study to delicate tha~ will be necessary when the waf ¥Wng · recent real ~tate · tr~. ends, espeCially the qulck return of fera were the following: . United We Stand .' . Aviation still leta me agape. The Industry to peacetJ.me production. Elmer V. , L amb to ' CoI;ltad Pursight of a powerful · four-e r.gined Coming tram the alP'icultural South key, 12 acres In WByne twp . be has had many chances to .e~ bomber overhead, riding thin nlr in Tine and ·Gertrude ~rl3 to how ,farm prosperity: is tl~d closely op~ de.llance of the law of gravity, Odas and ,B ernice Hurst, 62.81 acres inspires .we. So doe. ita obvious to h •.:;h r.ll-Ioyn lont Ll Industry. Need fixed Pollcy. mlgbt 81 an enelne of destruction. In Clearcreek bwp. In it,s recent rei\art, the Georle Back of thil mechanical mira cle Stella Kelly to Frank O. AnderCommIttee declared that although on the ground, in not one place but son, 20 Bcres In Salem and Wu.shmany placell. the wheel. of Industry thousands of war contracts 'have are whlrl1n, to produce such ships. been cancelled already, and that dis- lngton twps. Frank11n Henderon entered a More than 3,000.000 men and women. p O~:l 1 of surplus material. had al. mOl'e adulta than Uve In Chicago, r~ lldy begun. there is so far no well- suit tor dlvorce from· Florence Henwork In the aircraft factories of dcll~ ed government pollcy on these de~on. charging gT06S neglect of The cOmmittee righUy America. it Is laid. What a changel subjects. duty. Only four years ago the entire pay· urged that congress promptly enact roll of this Industry wal less than hl ~~s la tion ftxlng the government'. Support your home town paper. polley on these matters. and espe50,000 people. The MJaml Gazette 1& the only cially that machinery be set up for !marine :what would happen U powerl which created this huge ex· \ orkmg out aU these problems to- newspaper in the world that cares panslon were .uddenly reversed. gethe l: ond for furnishing over.all !,-nythlng about WayaosvUle and Suppose the aviation IndUlti'y had till·cellon. vicinity. In all contract terminations the to go back overnight to ita prewar rank and nearly three mUl10n work- com~ jttee points out, the fact~r of ers had to face Ufe without employ- contlUued employment or early return of Industrial workers to their ment. jobs Is 01 the most vital concern ' A Senate Committee. The United ' States Senate wisely also that the largest possible 6har~ has appointed a committee on Post.- of fUI ds owing to a contractor should War Economic Policy and Planning be paid at once. This would make to study this problem and related . the change-over easlel,' and avoid ones. Testimony before this com- much fl.nancial embarrassment or mittee recently brought out the facl even bankruptcy. FinanC ia l com. that nine ot the principal airplane m!tlnents of firms in many I.ndusS.ve Tires and Gas , • , 'Dlrect manufacturers have a total of 29,4.30 trlcs., ~uch as avia tlon. have to be Bus ,Line to Coull" ,seal Bub·contractors, and each of these so big m compari son to their asseta, , .' has a circle of suppliers, perhaps· that even very short delays in contract setUement w.:Juld leave them five to ten. ' It .11 plain to .ee that. anything flat. The committee po'nts out also that lnjUtlOUI to one of these nine big manufacturet. spreada out qulckly in getting rid of government-owned For U Into aU industry and touches the af· ~ar plants and equipment the oi). fairs of 8mall firm. in many towns leet should be to do It with the least and cities. It hurts millions of work- possible disturbance to private ining men and women, their grocer. dustry, -:vatching out, of course. that lind butcher.. Sudden eancellatlon nothing 18 done to encourage monopMcGETCHI ot aovernment conti'pcta would do oly. PHARMACY · ~ This is all good sense. It gives thll. ~rcraft manufactureu are "Your FamU, ' Druc HtA........;' ••·11I elpeclally exposed because of their me renewed confidence In A{nerlca' s democratic system to know tbat extremely rapid development. CosmeUcl - elft, Since Pearl Harbor every time an such leaders as Senator George of PRESCRlPTION8 lirplane manufacturer got a little Georgia are in positions of hill,!1 ~hone ~l authority. money from one job, he needed it riCht away to handle a much bigger Contract Termination BROWN ..,d BROWN one. As a result, aviation firms are The House Committee on Military ~p heavy, doing more business than Ladiea ~ Wear Affairs, beaded by Rep. Andrew J . they have capital to handle. It is a May of Kentucky, recently called A ~OOD PLACK patrIotic work, entirely jUitiAed by several big airplane manufacturer s KNOW the war emergency. Manufacturers to Washington one at I time to 'ask have expanded their operations with A QOOD PLACE TO do ' what they were going to do whe," the sale ob~ect of winning · the war, their war contracts were cancelled without slopping to worry about and they all answered alike. The; ·RUEPPE....S STUDIO' overexpansion. sald. in su):Jstance, "We have been Aviation Needed. Phone 118L too busy getting airplanes oft tbe .Aircraft co~mpanlel are headed by assembly llne to worry about Post. alert men of a~llIty, 11144-model pio- War." YOUR neers. They are well able to take It is inspiring to see this handful care of thell)selves personany, but FAMILY of \Jig induslrlaii~ts show the Spirit they can not keep their workers of '76, qisrcgarding what could mean without business. Having I healthy flnllncial ruin to' everyone of them. aviaUo~ Industry after the war Is J. W~ UNGO for everybody's good.' Helping it Just _the same, It's a good thing the government sees their danger. It Is settle down to a peacetime basis HARDWARE a problem that must be handied without wrecking the nation', wbole wisely or it wID turn Into .a n eco. Phone ... business set-up is vital The govern- nomic blockbuster for labor and ment alone can do this. BAltJ)WABE & agriculture. . By' refusing ' to let aviation get The truth ill that airplane manu: tangle~ up In the borderless jungle facturers of America are financially of bureaucratic procedure, governW)steady. They have grown 110 fast KARLD. D~IN ment can perform a vilal servlce to that they are top-heavy. The May national prosperity and national learned Ws from It. witcommittee safety. When peace comes and (onnesses. Amounts of thei.r governuacts bave to be cancelled, the go...• ment contra eta are huge; amazing Phone 153 ernment should move last to pay for sums pass through their hands goods already ordered. buUding no reserves. When bills ar~ To an outsider 1t would ' leem sensible to . put responsiblllty for met, taxes paid and "renegotiation" THE PEOPLE'S ~hcd, there is little left. Annual windinll up contracts In the handa of d1vldenda trom their 2.'1 per cent net BUILDING, LOAN AND the same people wtlo made them, earning. look like halt of a weekly SAVlNG CO• , \ . namely, th.e army and the navy. payroll. They know what il Involved. how FOR REAL ESTATB J.O~8 A Beal D&Drer~ much hal been done, and what com· Suppos~ .an average aircraft fac· . Lebanon, Ohio ' , mitments contractors have made• tory owner with nothing saved' for AdioD Neoeuary. a rainy day should fix his chin when Army and navy are organized for government contracts were suddenaction and tb1s will be an advantage ly stopped and vow to retain all hi. ' COMPANY /. when the war i8 over and people employeu · anyway. He would exTIlE lt~ 8'1:011& bealn hunting work. Anyone who haust bi. lurplus Bnd go broke In Make 0111' store Y ... slow. down tb1s proceas' with horse. less than a month. It II even wone Ueaq"""" play will be taking on blmselt one than that: If contracta were terml· Phoae Ut . wrrible responSibility, because the nated Bnd the government failed 't o United Statel now has a million con· .etUe up right away, the companlell tracta in force valued at '15 b1lllon would till even if they had no payECER'S dollara, enoueh to make or break rolls. JEWELRY - GUTS private enterprise at the cl08e Of the Here'. the reason: All manufacwar. turers of war goods have big obliga. Phone !Hit New Assurance tions they can't dismiss with a wave 'Soutb Broad'Wa3' Countlesa Americans ~ho never of the J.tand. When the war is over, Lebanon have seen Senator Walter Franklin Ste!.nway, who wants to forget about Gcoree nor heard hi. voice have wings and start maklng planol ' We BUy and Seu New an" lJ.ed .areat talth in the Georgian. The again, will be looking to General FUB.l\IITUq name of Georlla hal a lubstantial Aircraft for what It takes ~o resume 'EverythlDr .tor F ...m _d Bome' connotation. It IU'lielita southern a peacetime, plano tempo. What colonial archltecture. heritage and the goverllmen~ delay, <tQing tor GOOD HOUSEKEEPING comfort with n"t too much leisure. OllDeral .Aircraft will be no help to SHOP The 1n~el1ble appelatlon "George of S~lnway or any other Bui).contrac:N~t to BaDk . GeQrgia" rightly 'attache. the state's tor. AJleota the Farm. traditional v~e. to the man. Anybody who laYI "Let th, manuSenator George 11 I tireless work er. For more' than tw.e nty years facturer. worry," does not recoJPlizt he bOil dlatingulShed hlIIlle}f' aa a hi. own ·posltlon. Think of th1a: member of the United Stafea Senate Farmers reaUze $300 a year from and bal been called the greatest what the average airplane worker mind in Cangren. HI 11 now chair- spenda for food; multiply thi. by m,an of the Senate'l very 'imporiant three mUllon worken, and It mean. comrniU" on Poll-War Economic hlne hundred· mllUon (Jollars worth of farm producta. That'l about aU PoUcy anel Planning. , 000,000 dirt tarmers can Vow; too 8mall-ToWD Tha", a · ~rg. aSllgnment tor a many ~ be left without a market. The governmeqt can lJehten thi. arnall·town bo,., for luch be was. When Senator Glorge wa. born ' In ·blo~, ,it not dOdge' it entirely. A .' rel'oD, Ga., It bad ' a population of bUllbe..llke method of enc:Urig ' war .111, It hal men .ub.equiEntly to contra.:ta wW put ready cash in' the ~. JUa!lome ,11 now · ill Vienna •han~ lof manufacturer. to 'atlafy 0.•.; pop\llaUOb\..,983: I can appre: their .ub-contracioll. and .\IppUen c:latl the .lq of these eommunitiell and to maintain work tor at le~.t btca\lle ~arcy, ArL, accordiJIr to ,p art of their men. ' It II \bJI that concel'lll also the &mate Committee the law.t CtIIISUI, bBl' oiIJy 3.870. ' ~on. who 11: fa'mll1~r with ;the- headed by Sen. Walter F •. Geor" . full cycle. of ,Ufe, b~lnesl a.nd PO~ ,Georgia. ·UnIe.. well planned machlntll'1 11 ticl OIlt run \heir ijIne within the ~ita· Imall copimlmlly-such C1'ftled ,f or qUIck , ,ettlement.; ther. a Rer• • ba. b$rt.bim PJUerns to .!D1ght be , m.JllY, cdnb:acto1!l, Uk,..!. m-IUl'J' propoaala of: brdader and . alia who ~ot flql pa)'JIlen on ~ profound import. I am not Spanjsb·Amerlean- war :~O!~trllCl.JD.:I.II' ,",",-,eel aboat bD perspective. The 1918 ~ waIted Un~ 1M2 tor leW. chaDc., arl that h. hal Hen more ment of contracta for WOI'ld Wu I. tide. of ur. 1han hi. c1t1 JlelEhb01'lo Thia would break mo.' of the alJ-. J)l'aDe companiel ancl tIl.mr JD.l!lfl" tQdtI or mill oat of . .
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Aged Harveysburg Resident Dies
1943 Com Champs
: J~: Walt~!light, age '19, , paeaed away F'rIda.Y' evening, Dec.
a.t Ws hbme in Harvey.spurg:
AtAll -
~cQtlure ~unera1
~ome Di.1 2111 -
Gov. J ohn !W. ~rjcker's Nat . Hdqts. ,f or Presld61lt. In the A.l. U , Bldg. of Columbus, 18 !1:;'W' runni ng smoothly and functionin1r "full steam ahead," RObert H. Hof!llnn. m mbel' of th.e State Board 'o f Tax Appeals. whom a Columbus newspapet' mentioned as a real ce.nlIdate for Atty.
Prof_ and Mrs. McDonald of WUmtngton, were our gue.!,1;s SundRy. Mr _ McDonald ls ,professor ot blstory at the oolle8e. Miss EmilY' Haines wbo spent the hollday~ at tbe home of her parents 'Homer Ha1n~ a:nd family, has returned to ber school dulJes at Earl-
___:----",-""",-",;",;;,;,:,-,'11la Haines) attended a 'l)8.rty at the ~ome
01, lBebalca· and Ruth Esther lOan! last Wednesday evening. The lIIlDOuneement OI! tJ:ie marriage of Rutb ather M1ara. daugbter of Mr. ~ to 'Mr. Bul~ Copkl'evealeC:l. The . ~dren
of Mr.
5, was ,
,and. Mrs.
·Everett HaInes who spent the hoUdaYa wtt.h their parents, have re-' ==-~-:-::-'-::;:.....___-:--_~~_ .turned to their various places: p;rrol '!Ba1nea returnl$ to hJa senior
COYeftd witJi lee? 'Don't tbiS I ARE ~P~ to yOU. BE l'REP . !pI ,
• • •
Non(ii0'"' .
Thourh DO lault 01 ~e 'VlUca
tr: -U'oUr(lO'nceUed a.f own "Tb<l
, the T}l~atreJ:JiuarY 19 - '20. SLEETMASTER w.lndshleld wiper , 'l'Jle ' pl~ture fot: & . ~ . ~te . wUl be,
Mrs. Lucy Oompton. Mrs. Ella and Willlam Smlth aud
vi81ted 'Mr. a:nd ¥Is. Donald Jonefj a.nd I daughter, Carol Sue, at their bome near SprIng Valley. Bunday evening. Mr . and Mrs , Charles Sten~ey and da~bter, Oarolyn. entertaJned the following guests Sunday: Mr . and Mrs . . Wendell Wbitet!lde and lamtly o~ Washington C . H.; Mrs.
blades melt and remove sled and , "Gfldenleeve.': and )~ort ,ubjec.ts. mow ••. ,complete willi two extra .' KENNY. relWs. (Fits quickly all ' wiper 1lJ'1ns) CiUU> OF KS . _ • Double wiper'! Buy two! . ~ We ,wish Lo -ex~" !8 our sincere FIRESTONE t\NT1-FREEIlE thank.:/ and IIIPpre ;tlon lor the 3leQuart k~dllliss and co':i ~ ~IUtiOll shown Stop lealdng nW1aiors with our us durlt;g , the 1l1n'!!llJ and ,death of o~ I:'Uliband r.nd .Ja;ther, .charles RADIATOR. REJ.>AIR Frye. EspeCially dct' we wisb to Opm 5:30 to 9:00 Wee~ys , thank Mr. MaJr'" and Mr. A. H. Stubbs. . 10:00 t.o 8:00 on Sundays T.-........................."""'........_ .....................................-
W~yne Stanley and al4ary Stanlel 01
'See ~ 1«Iam1 Gazette, stationery 1,IJlIY.T!m·; !Mr. and Mrs , !Amos OompllDe. \ ton and son or 'New Burlington, and l! ' -M r. and ~. l.<l.wrence Mltchner. • _iz _ _
Considering the weatber and cond1tlon of the rOads. the attendance. at the W . O. T. U . Tuesday afternoon and the W. F. ·M. S. Wed: needay after. boih at the bome 01 Mar.1anna iBcPo last week, was pretty good ~ "
" I .
S erVlce . ', Sta·t lon · Bo~ Servis, Prop. WAYNESVILLE, omo
vtpe, Ohl,iI • ISROKEBS
John E. Sweeney, fonner secretary of ste.te, resigned, 1;I.1s Dem9cre.t1c sea~ on the State LlQ,uor bOard. to take h13 place,on the JiI.~~ nlc1paJ. bench in 'C1evelatld on ..Jan. 2, to which he was .el,~ted 'last; fall. Gov, Bricker w1U fill th\l V~ICY 'lV1t\llh
a feW,da.Vs. Klvll, president of
1. O . conucll, h~sbeen Qe5lgtla.teCl
as regional . political dli'ectOi'· lor Ohlo. Kentuciky, and West vir8fDle., wlth headqwUt.ers in the fl. : R. ol¢li's buU4Jng, etrlotnnatl. , ,',
A spect8l session of the 1eg1slatiui to conslder- f!nancJal relief for ~ state's pubUc schools. \VlLS uted,'1n a.- resolUtion adopted! by' the .exeeu.: tlve comm.tttee of tbe Olilo Educe.-.. t10n aMcoclatJon. headed by Walton B . Blls8, held one oJ lts' laIVest and , IIlO6t , succesatul '. ' ~nveii;'; tlons In OOIumbus laSt week. < By Haymond S. "eff",7" ". '
' . . . . ..
An-INb THe Wije ~aene.~ '
1. . ._ . ;_
MIarJ; un. ot 8a~ on Pebrual'Y'
I The ' chUdr~n'lI grpup . 010 ~e Friends ' meeting hllld: their regul ' r monthly meeting f.or worahlp under the dlreotion of -Mrs. ;Reacook, here · mo~lng. . . . . . .0 hl.1dren 8 unda £'vurteen were ' ln attendab<le. Master ' BebbY MOrgan of _. I..Y.tie, was a g11f!&t of Mrs. JAIJce Clark Sunda.~ alternoon . · "'New Yea'r" na.y passed off quietly Itt the (Rome.',but the usual delicious meal yJ'Q8 sjlfved. Sevllra~ members of the Ianilly were v1,ctims of \)ad Coldl1. the group Including ~s. Ivins, Mrs. Peterson. Mrs. Clark. Mrs. 'O<mway, Mrs, Peter and Miss Lydia Wright. We are gla~ to
ham college_ Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Ellis and jamUy, , n~, 'K1ngma.n. visited the later's parenlll, Mr _ and, Mrs, Ray -
ea. Me1V1n Hollingsworth
11(1 . . . .
GeneTal last .gundllY. was ' ,l most as much surprised . at the rumoumement the public. He has not been port that all are convalescing. considering it. seriously Md ls only Mrs. ,Dudley Keever of CentervJl1e. spent Tuesday night here. mildly Interested , unless It l ooks 'M rs.Harry Burnett of Lytle,C8lled 11k tJlcre wI 1 be no OppOBitiOIl . . . n the MIsses BrolV1lt: tUld other But We have learned, there wUl be a strong candldate . . . Da.le friends 1:Uesdsy afternoon . A. H. Morton and Son, KJ (front row) of hebl$ County. Ohio; stump'S Mends have b~en q uletJy State Champions in the '6th National DeK'alb Ilybrld Com' Growing t;u1ltUng Ii large s~te-wlde ol'.;anContest!...admire their trophy with Lawrence 'TreiJ (upper row, left) Grand National Champ ~m .ogle County, Illliioi8-Mrs. ·Dorothy lzatlon. 6ltbough be has r el:USCd to ," ,.", "url"tho •..• 'I·hu ..",.... C u ...·, ..... <n' QuinnkNational Woman Champion of Champugtl Count~. Dllnoia and oomment. /We have now learned Revlvnl serVices s rt at Feny , Lyle nudsen, National Junior Champion of' Shelb}' 'County, Iowa. from ~1.U'CeS close to this group , Church of Christ next. Monday. Jan . . 'fhe trophies, awarded for raising big fields of hyprid corn, were~'ven Trei for an al1-time high. yield of 19"90 bushelll an. acre-Mra. . n that he ,will deflnltely announce 10. Brother Ddwdy will be the f or 140.05 bushels-Knudsen for 146.84 bushels and to Morton an Son SOO:l. L041 lHuml of Cleveland will speaker imd Herbert G'raruun, mini t,r '.I,.: 'Iiil :1hio yield of 144.13 bushels per acre. The com growing no doubt be t.he Democrat1c n ~ m ls ter of the (~hurcb, wW. cOnd.U t ( "1 1.,1 • ,pl'nPtlred by ' the DeKalb Agricultural Associ,a tion. tnee. bhe singing. p' Mr. and Mrs. J . S. FU attended the funeral or the fonnF1oYd. B. GrlUln, county auditor Monday morning ·f or ~lorida where LYTLE' er's brother, Edward 'Bergdall. lit hIs "from Uma. who ls one Cof the can'they are &xpecttng to lJpepd , -the .U r,.. \\'u.t,·" li .... url'·k. t :ur .. e ... ua" .... ~ rlll5idence in 'Dayton, Monday. didates In the "free for all" for 'the wlnt.er. • ~ MIss Betty ··Ro~tzabn spent av-~ Mi- , Bergdall /was ~dely known Republi~ riominaUon for S ecreMr. and Mrs. James Hart.so..k eral dfl,ysflaSt ~e~ with relAtives at here. as be Uved 011. a farm j ust tary 'of State, protested 'to us on our and' family have tnQve.~ into tbe j. Tlpp 01ty. . ., north to ~e and ,,~as a. gradunte r~t ,lItatemeJ}t tJlat ..notber CILJl- S., Fller hOme. • didate might have the "edge" In !Mr. aod Mrs. Everett Early re- of We.fI\esvWe -school. Harry For~ Is staying Mr . e.nd Mrs. K eUer Hoak: and ~hil" '(ield . . . That's the Jight1ng turned home ThursdAy after sev~ra1 Hen,ry Pmn1nwton at 'nigh ~ . family Of Waynesville, were dinner ~ .Wblcll. .Wm give 'em all a "run lWeeks' :;ojourn In Florida_ lPennihgtOn is ' much better A number of men and boys at- gUes~ FrIday Jit the cOUlltry borne ,for their ~ • . . When elected " M;re. TUmbleson fell dowb h....'~lIAbl 1938, OrtMInWa5 'the.flrstRepubtended the WHIO fox drive north of of Mr. and MhI. <Seth F'u.r.nas_ kl:. <stePS las.t week one. ,dnq and sehere New Pear's Day. They center- , Mr;J. Martraret Jol:ms has been 1Jcan audltor. 'l1 Allen county lor verely inJured hqi "4'10. \, .. " ed on the Nutt road with two foxes qUite W With ~e flu the past week. maily yea .a nd -Was rl!elected ~ The fl~ ls still laying ~o", ~ll iiuf Mrs, Harold lWhlt8k:er. :Mias Betty. ~9,4p with ~ p.er ce~t elf n,~ the neJg'hbot·s. some "Cfif Us are rlh.ov.er· In' the ring. 1Mrs , .Ruth Savage ' oC Ceotervill\' Oampbell and Paul Shipley. Jr" are votes cut. ~ C8Jl devel p Into:a lng, ~me ba.ve It o.nd some of us spent sunday w.ith Mr . a.nd M!·s . also on the sick Ust. bot contest. are Pqt1ng- it. 1;lbere are a, few • • • Lester Kendc1t. M.1ss Eva. Reeder (i,f RQute '13,1 ls' Rpy J ,. Sto~. a ne-'II' face in Ohlo lUCkY onES' who b.v.eJ;l-'t bad it yet. Mr. and Mrs . ~wdl ThOmas and home tll1.s l\Vt!eIt 'frOOIl' her . who tooJt' o~t .petitions for The P.. .r. ThOlJlnBes and Ii. R. daughter, Betty, were. entertained at Dorothy Lene, near -P ayton, 011 Qofernor Rver.! dayS ago, wIll ¥or~ce were <New Year's Eve gIi~t8 to eo turbey dLnner New Year's at ccount 01 ,' minor l"!ljuries , received ' ''Hmo'un<:e •' ¥ a RepubUcan candidate t.he home O! Mr. ,and"Mrs . Mndls:m last week when her' ,car skIdded soon. Tlie niune Stone has carved a Earnha.r~ of &8vertown. the ice. ~o stitches were taken in popu1&r ruche ' tD the 'pubUc m1.n. dJ M:r . and Mrs. Olarence Smith the cut on' iler forElhead and 'tb'e and wUlbe a I'C)Od campaign 'name . spent Sunday and Monday w1tb Mr, ligomen ts Injured in' the ankle. Another nevroomer . ls Edward '. A. and Mrs. ,Allen Srtll ih- a.nd daughThe ,Woma.n's 80cllety held of 'ilcllools In. catters In [)&.yton. , <January ~etsng J~t ' .the "'e~ ' popular ahd Mr. Walter C:nrk and da" ghter. church Wedce8d1ll" ~jftemoon. ~ "i'he pUe up a lar8e ~ ,in ~tb~ MIss Wanda Clark, oolled at the new officers , 'wer~ ·lnsta.lled by ~the Ohlo. borne Of the 'late . Edward ' Bergdllll pastor. ~~.' q.,E. of 'M t"on': ' • .. ' . iMJ~;' WllbW1 Cla.!)k · Ii,,! devotions. . W. W. DIehl, 'Wbo started the In .. Sunda.y a:fternoon. , Mr. and >MrS. Frank Brown of The comriUtte"e 111 Obarce was bom- ter~ng oolumn, "CaPItal News," T1pp IC1ty. were Sunday aftemuoll: posed of: ~. A. I.:1'. Kyle.. Mrs. while aeJ'Vlng 88 pubUclty-man In callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forest p~m an~1 · M1siI . 'M ary the ~ate aOOitor'8- ~flce and' ,reo ' Prether·, The next 'nleCt~ 'Will be signoo to aCCept a fine position wltb O~ Routzahn. Mr. and: l4i'B, WWiam Bergdall t.eld at ~ of , frs. Frecl"ll.uab th, · News service, told us and Mr. and MiS. W1lli.~m Foulk.1 the f1rst' W~dnesdaY' :In ,Peb1',!lary. our col~. "Jnll~ de . M:~ Orace" ~~t of W",ynes~ • . .~n:ks, BW I vIDe, was an .over ~bt i11e~.t ' W$d~ent ' ntsday o.f MIss Sara Cor;!ne ~ aOOd . .I1Ite ~011 . • ·Oll. Soclal "Row roa '"'~ ~ Do,Y.le. BdtItber excellent re~ed b~..r~ftlll ~iiphhi ;Wnter, ~ succeeded Dret;~ In Sunday "Wliere she .. _ g after' eph T. ~·s offIce, ls CSolng a &J?ellding '.. two ,\w~ " • th" nome swell In' con~u.fn8 the oaplt~\ 10lkB. ", '~' " < ~eWs column.
B1 ~~. JeltreYi Mr. and ~f Murrill' Olleene of -4n A~"ed on Mr. 'Oreel1~ s . -" Frazier Reams of Toredo. 'Who X -;...... has been ment,ioned sa a Denio~ Mrs, £valyn O. peterson; Satres1gn from ht.s position as Co ll!cLor of· nter,n al. Revenu'e. On the 2nd anniversary of h is Job. Jan. 6, and wUl announce hls car\didaoy · on Il1.s 47th birthday. Jap . 15.
'H e 18 survlv~ by the widow, Rooe Myrtle, eight· ChlJ.~en_ 22 grandohlldren, ~hree great grandchildren, and two broMlers . .• Funeral services rwere b eld Monday at 2:00 p_ m , at the Zion Bapttst church, Harveysburg. with burl"l in too Springfield Friends cemetery under the direction of A. H . Stubbs.
mond WilBon, Sunday evening , some or our members attended the funeral .of. iMrs. Amanda Moffett in, Spring Valley Thursday ufrtelmooo.;· alao the funeral services of Walter I.Adt.ey at Ndw Burlington I;Iaturdayafternoon. Mr. and- Mrs. Raleigh Bogan, MrI!. 'LUCy OOInpton aDd Mrs . Ella lHalJiea took basket d1.nner a.nd attended the meeting at Mt. Holly church sunday. MIsses Be~ty Hu and Allee [A\I. and a tr1end, ' a.ll of WaD' A6, Cardt Ohiba, were guest speakers. Mr. OblWarlea .,. oharcecl fer a' tJle aDd Mrs. Wm. 8m1U1 and daughte; ..... .. .... oeIl$ • -ora, mIDhIIam &tteoded In the afternoon. ...... lie. • Wau' luerted ier Kr. Walter Wilson Is conIlned to ~ II oII&IP4 a~ 10- a word. bIa bed with 'the grippe. Kr. iPaul Whetstone of XenJa !OR BALE -WaWDa Product. at spent the weeII:-en4 'With Mr. and 2S N. BroadwQ, lAIbaDOIl. qpeo Mrs. Donald _Ba1Iie8. . everi1np tor )'OUr OOD"eDieDce. Ml'. Howard Shambaugh vlslted Olen ~tner. PboDe a L : hIIIsra.ndmatber, Mrs. Ella ZJurley, 'I\'bo 18 .spending the Winter months ~th Mr. and :Mrs. Ra~nd wu-
cratiC candidate <tor OoveJ11l\Ol'. Wlli '
Inside Olue PoIiics
0J}f, GIlttiJ~
~~ . _ _""",,!~.. ' 't..... , .
SERVICES SUNDA,Y ."Mi ·, VARY' • BlBa SCHOOL 9:30, A. M. < "
~-- -- ..............
-- --~
.. "
w. RANDALL. Miniater hone 2993
JANUARY 13, 1944.
Services '1\1•••,. For' Lydia. Wright
,GOOa ~
At #YChw¢ha.(riV:'· I
Cross Workers Overseas •..
MEeTING OF 80. WI\Y!lfE ~VlS9BY .. OO1?NC{L
. .
The me~ ~e sOuth ~ayne Advl.sory Council was held U1e evo:nlDg at :January 6 at the b om~ of Mr. a.n4 Mrs. DlVls Furnas. The oftlcer& newly app.: lht ~ for I thi: coming year ass~ l n g tht lr duties at' tlll.s met'tlng . were: C ar- 1 enceRye. pl1csldent; Alvin Earn- ' hart. vdce president; Mr. Helen McCoy, secretarY-trellBm'er; Ra!ph AsbUry, legislative agent. and Edward stanforth. dIscussion lea<lP.r. The.topic of the d.IIiousslon ·perlod was that of :'Pann Ilnd tHorne S '·fetoY." this IM$lg Farm and Home Satety MobWzation Month. 8S I1l0wID· ~ "'1"lI,e ~~ ~o~,,' claimed by Governor Blicker. Tbe couneU enjoyed the warm and at ~lle ev~ If!~ tIe will tlaove aa his topic. '-:me T41ll8 Klni- hOllpitaUty a.nd dain~y lIefreshnumts extended by their host and ·hostess. ~oma ·ot·Gcd." 1IIrirJone Is ocmUa1lY tn.vitelto ,t- Mr. and Mrs. Dav18 Furnas and ado . jOW'Ded to meet in i<'ebl'uary ... t · ti.e , teud all these- aerW.CI8. heme of Mr. and Mn,Will Btroud.·
Milia lG'dia ,wrilit ~ pa)' ~ ~v1v.l ~mr at the Pem' Sunday at the Friends ~me 8u.\l. Ob~ .of ~t befan MondAt$ day mornmg at 1 :30 at the lilis of ;ntallt .an~ wtH con~ 4'or at l~' 93. She Is lIurvlved ))y one 81B~r, ! to.." weekS. 0Q0d ~WOWd8 have ~p MJ:8. DUdley Keever. of ~~e. in "ttendaQC;e ~ ~ItP11st;P. B. and by several nephe~. Her late ,....B ~ ~ WOIlderbrother. Dr. A. '1;'. Wrlibt, prac£iCed; ~ul ~ ~ ~ Graham. ~ mediclne in Waynesville tor ~y !.8ter. C.OIlcluct.a an QJd fa.shloned wear". SoDi aer.v~ ~ evell;lnlJ. Punera.l 8Bl'Vl,Cea ,were held TueaMl'.~. ~~e 4f~tet:1ng the day G.1I 1 :30 p. m. at Fnen~ ~e e~lIauO' if1eld, served the Mlles with blJrtal in. Spr1ngt)oro oemetery Avenue -ohurob at OhrlBt at Cleveunder the dlreauon of A. H. Stubbs.' IlaiKt. ~ ~ ttie conareiatlon . which Prealtshnt JBIIlea Gai1feld ~TlNG MEETING ~ served as m1nIater. ''Mr: "DoWdy'lI BY MOTIIERs CLUB FRIDAY sermon ~or SUnday morninIJ
t hJa PW?e. receives that service. !Morrow. which 18 also smeller than !w~esvIDe !when Oorwin Is considered. not only has dlrect from ·trains mati service but )~ a ~tele graph station. As one citizen palJltcd out. this section receives l~ ~tflclent maU service than aome badtwoods sootiollB in th", "sUr~t bu.s. Most people seem to think that b'very inconsequential holipay. th.e re t.he roUroad company Is goin g ·too 15 no mall delivery to the lOcal pQit• , . 8lI' in the abandomnent of the lo- office. If local c1t1zens( and that Jl)eaJJI cal st.e.tl'J.n a nd sentiment Is increasing here to petition authorities everyone who U.:JEI6 th.e W\l~efYUJe " lor better maH service here through rallrood outlet) wish to see U:!1.I ' ;ellvel'Y or mall at the local lot.ation sectlon not only "hold- Its place Iii irect from trams. It Is pOinted out the sun,'. but regain some of tao that Oregonia. much ~ mal1 r Ulan fonner prestige. t,hey are Ultred to write a. letter ' of protest' to ~e Public 'Utwtles Oomm.is&lon lli' Co~': lumbus and also send a coPy ~ the let~ to J. F. Henry, Divialon ' aupl, Pennsylvania R. R .. a ·bourt . MIf.J Anna Marlly,. W.n.:taker en- street. Cincl.nn8ltl. Ohio. Unless prC>tef!ted. the atAlUon WUl ' te rtained wi th a ml.sc. lian.oUll bridI • 1 shower on Friday eveni:l,{ (lon- be closed on January QQ. l ormg Mrs. Ronald Soll.sbur · n l'~uent bride, The evening was ve;y 0 ~es .uell .. htlfully spent m gumes and en t"sLs , prizes being won O ~ Mrs. D. R. Salisbury and Mls. Al r:a MUDayiton, January 12. - ~ fuller who aftel'Wards added ~htm to bred bull calves will be given the bride's giftl!. Mrs. Sallsbuf/ fol- tree during the an.nual rn.e~' Of lowed a beauttrul rainbow arranged The MIam.I Valley OooperaUve Yllk . tr om the upper guest -room to the , .....",......;""" associa~on to be . beJ4 dining room where she foun·:! Tbe -here in March, Harvel K. BurIlet. "pot of gold" filled with mllns Lytle. UIIOClatlon prea1deDt. tADbeauUful gUts. nounced today, 'Jn..add1UOO- ' & I1DIle !Dellciou.s Ice cream, cake B.."lll col- UDlt mtlk1ns ~Ine ' JI! to be OHicer~ fee With very Internsting ' (avors awarded. . , ' were ;served ,bY' the hostess a.:W her ~ C!' the ~'I91 the t lng mother. Mrs. Walter Wh1tal~al'. tour full,.bred bull coJVM Ja to etIm'PrcSient ofrtcers ' Of the WaynesIrhe guests were tJJe honor Kuest. ulate linerMt In the d~t, ~ ville National Bank were reelected Mrs. aonald SalliAJury. MI.ss!!''I LDr- better dall'y herds throII&tl . • tte1 for 1944 at the annual meeting of ene Sa1l.sburY. Evelyn Hobllt. F'r1l:1CUBulg bJgh~' ~ stockhold&s ,h eld a.t the bank Tues- es John, Betty Braddock. ROxle stock. It is bel1~vea: t.hia Ia the nrat d h Y afternoon. Tht:'Y are : .W . H. Sackett. Rita Conner. Betty Me- lime m the Da~OO tliat ' ~· IfatD' . Allen, president; George J. WnwI',. Keever, Reba Surface, Betty Davl.s cooperative liaa WldertiI.ken .auch & bouse. vice president; Ross R. H'!trt- and Mary Jean Thompal>'l. and proJect . in IlviDS a; . ~y. bull cal'JM • sock, cashier, and C. R. Brace, as- Mesdamell D. R. Sa.lisblir¥' Alve. ree .of \lOSt to the ~ucer. . IFUll deta1la Of tbe. .~ f1l sistant cashier. • Thompaon. W. P . 8> ~ry. W. E. ' . The proposed abandonment 01 the Waynesville station by ' th-e Pennsylvarua RaUroad 1.5 being vlgoroUlily pretested by local busmess men, ol1tanJza.tlons and individuals and p t ll'a t one petltlon Is being circulated here. to Ire >tent to the Pub110 Utili ties Commission ut Colum-
The Mothers Ciiibheld their res- I ular monthly meeting ·FridaY' aft8rnoon at the high school auditorium 'Wtth the vice pr esident, Mra•. D ·R. SalJabury, presiding IJl the a.bsence or t.h e president. 1I4nI. Truman W~ow. who has been very lll. .After the brief bualnesa _lon. e. m~ pr~ was preeente4 by the ~us1c dlrector. E . W. Soo.field. A trombone solo by aeor,e , Henderson. vocal so~ by Juliet !Jc; j OoY, plano solo (IT Wa.p.cla Pl:pPII'. 1V0ICal solo Iby . Ernestine ~. and a sa.xaphone number by .Jack Mu1!ord'were very much enjoyed by all present. .Tht: Peb~",ry meeting wlll be beld· at the ~ 8chOol wltl1 a. pr~ ~ be liven bY the 1)rIt grade.
MnJ ..~
t.heir golden wedding anntverlPoi[ ~ . ", . th~1r bD~e S1plcla¥. 'l1he bf,pp.y ,co., receive" . ~f
'With a
sm.. ~~~~ ~1Ai' !'- ~. gq~4
Shower In Honor Of Recent Bride
M. Carl of
~ .st,ree~ll~ery ~i,y C/l~Jlb~~d. kif
~ were tnd1cted
the Warren county< ~ jury last week. Upon arratgnment before Judge ~ P. Brown Tueedav, all ple&ded innocent. Sixteen ot the 32 cases bouch$ iIldlctmenta 1n conneotion wIth a '13-year-ola' Lebanon pl ... the
1 0bU1Ie' ~' of .NII\W'tOn. W. 1IoQd . .tQdC:y•.ilaa been . ~~ 'in POtJNG F ABMEB8 I!.NJOY tIra. Joeo.we "Qrr ud tam11.Y ot LllMNJI) at a. shoe factory. Be w.. A T1JBKBY DIJIOiD West' ~. M1u Niom1 ~ p1acec1 "under bonda t.otaUDg P.OOO Brown. Bona. GI _ each ~ ·ol ~. Mr. and iUa. by on '1)leeda.v ~the YOlq ',-rley -A~ aDd W . .Des .lira. cues '" cafe owuerl lJI'e.rmera ~th ttlell' 1e:f.c1el'. J~ B. ~ rlawsa·Of' Mk\d1etowD. .Mr. and 11aIlUlPU aelll.Di \ the J1rl beer Otabbe•., ~o.)'ed a t\ii'ke1' d~n~.~ ~ . ~ Lewintr"arid 'fan1Jry were l:*t L. Roathe ~~) ~ura.nt .lD .~- Ctf T!en~. M'rI. )(Il~ Bunt . 01 Jpe Re1nHeimel')Iapy . and Cecu m1I:J4rt;on. 'l1bose l1resent were ,J. B. ,~n~IJI'tr, . ' and 4id. ' Harvey Orabbe. Robert WUsoD. ~ '4\~ aod.f8QlJ.1y. Of1'~Ul'B, maill, Junior Sh~""ood, R.orI&ld MIA .ibrle ~er of l ~ ' and. f'>6J.!8ILun-. N ~~~, 'AltCm Mr. Ea~ Earl . I!larDllirtl ~ -: SatteJ'Unralte. ,WtllW'n 1IoIII,.Arib1p' ~ Wo.DrS . .
Reelected At .Bank' Mee
~~, PUniiu. ~ .Ooc*. IIDd
naYld .., .
~ ." ~ TIDi . ~ . . ~ APROH
directors. W. the Salvation Amr1. In addition. tansportatlon will ~ .tIi~l.shed tack tnlIy: yo~ ~ to the starting points for the v,~ WOO~ IN ~ : . ~ were . the rIolIS pl\rtlclpanta. 'nl e four lin 5 HarrJ B. wooit~ ~ Mr. inc With .c1vic lmpIOVecpent. ~ to be tormed will each be Wldt:r the command of captains who may , Mrl.1BItWlVd woollard, n.,ytoIi. ~or,. club yotai to Instruct the secretary GBANGE TO =:.mAY NIGHT b e distinguished by 'their red hat m,er W~ Z'elldenta, baa been to Wilt.e ~ of protelt aplnat, bands. The tines wUl be formea at ..~Aft. ...... -"nlceJ - - f t t ; Be the abmldooment of tbe Ipcal ran. ..."" ."""'1 ......--. . at&bon by the PeDMl'lvama • ~rB Orange No. 13 will me~ the {olowlng . plac€s: 'North Llne:n~ ~R. otY~. M!ra• .Alva Tl1~ ~t~ eventng. 'January 15. at I Cacsa.r '$ Creek brid8e near Baines -'-_ E . '~n"pd ......;~"'" ...1oo offered the .use of 8:00 o'Clock. . fnrm ' east to Kingmop. East LineMIaBourl. ~.c.- Be""", t . W~ .• ,son ~.~...-.. . . . . . . Dul'iJ)8 the .soc1al hour a discus- Kingman south on RlJute 380 to anotb_r, ~ •. 1Ii ~ce~. one of : : p:.h=~e,a~: alon . will be . held on the .. SUbJect. Doster road. sOuth :Line - From ~~~~ a maChinist at tile aiIBde by the club to fUrnlali, \'RIril We.~t'6 ProblelJ\lS and Op- Route 380 ·west 'over Dioster. road to . ptoo going into the it for \1M b7' the P'ebruary <.meetlng. portm11t1es." O. E. M~etlet will Rtckol'YvUle school pOIlS.e . West :~ u:o ore 'lbe club enJO:vecl,ratChiDg tlie 81ven a report on. the ProducUon Lm~ - nom H1ckOJ'.YVllle school . ~ of an ell ~IDt~ and Credit lA8IIOc1&Uon work. hO~ no.rtll to l)ddge near Rain l • .' DIGK OSBORNE GIVEN -BATlNp' ~ .an InterelUna' alJt on an \ EVerycme 18 urpc1 to .~ present. lano.
cial ...... for .
8==:=":: S::tI:eed
tiI..,er .
TAP ward At.Milk Associaa..
___ ~ . .,..: fltJ' ~ frpm U).e!r cbSldJIen. , autcroWith Of a rape case in web ~t ·far ~ llinPef Wl!re,: ..Mr. the sU>l accused Russell Pow~ 19. and ~ JIlIIDeit 0mT. «:JttUIley· Nld of Lebanon. Powell, a nat.ive or
Abandonme t Of Station Is Vigorously Protested
AS 8rd CLASS ~Y O~ .. a ~ by! Y:. tA. ~~. 8PBJNGBOBo VILLAGE 10 _'D_~ The. ftma1nc1er' .o f !.he everi\.ng ",as . 'CO.~OIL .B.EOBGANIZES Great i&k,~, -;;-;-J ...... an. .-.u.~ osn1tlon as a 'lqUauUed itrlker" for apent in an auotlon of "Vf,b1te e1ethe ....t- oCfleer.. tate of ~ jman1lll" ~ . the club memhera. 1 ----'4L...It,:;~[I[IIo·w!!!!!l!~ meet:n g Ilf .VI . the Vlllatre OouncU. Pert~ claas :w8a Il"o?ted t;o ~.:uery (A-.n w~ .ll!IIJled presidellt. , ''"!..- ." j ~ Rlchard W. oabOrne, 18, eon FOIIaI '.lIrW8T BI1 . ~D . . WlTII UfoI lNoO~ TAX P.resent ort!cers 'ot the village !Are: or Mr. A. E. Osborne. Tb1rd atreet. . ·~n. mayor; Carl ~ynesvWe. Ohio in recent gra~.u. . ' pson, .................. A. n....u_~...__ CollA~- ot 1!6rn.hart, flire chie!. ; 6 . II. ... S1m .&......-. ~llWo. .......... at10n ~ exercises held for aetvice B-ven'''' anboun.ces that 'cb1ef Of poUce. and Mrs. Lawso!l ool 'sWdenta at the U. B. ~a~~t ..,....,. ..... &>C "'' . ach . bss oftIce Ia ~ cbnalder- Charles Barris. James Slmpaon. 'l'ralnlns statton ~ere. . . , • 1125 Forkner. Robel't BurrOugh.s IJ."he 'Sa ndW a'RaltLn. ac- eblO ~ lWIth. . ~ . •• ,... _,...... ----,uecl b1&nlt 'incwne and VaUihn Burr~h.!.. member 01 tive duty to a8I' or to aome abore r • • tax ~ for f1llDI for the year "OO1L1D.C:U.
H"i·r.Al ~,;-~_~"'A~~~~·M~.~;A~·..;iiti,·b~ e
Oornell, EVerett ~rly and 6eth E. ~. wer.e a1so reelected. It was r evealed that the ba.nk now has resources of $1.169.682.43 as compared to resources of '939.OM 40 at the elOlle or business on Dec. 31. Stewart. 1942. a. gain or $230,598.03 for the past year .
S ackett"; w"'rt'.m-'==B~~f~Yec1 L . Rye and
School News
EAST !\VAYNE ADVISORY The operetJte.~d5 and Music" COtJNCIL BOLDS MEETING wUl be presented on tlWo nights, AT B. W, BRADDOCK DOME Wednesday a.nd Thursday. Feb. 9~
The East Waoyne Advl.sory couneU met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Braddock' on Thursday, January 6, The following offtcers for ·t he coming year were selected: Harry 8M.tertbwa1te. pmldent; John Q. Gons. Vice president; Mirs. Roberta Cook. secretary. and Paul Tomlmson. d1scUss1on leader. The evening was spent discUS1llng "Parm and Home Sillety" on various questicms on coopera·tlves. . The next rrieeting wUl be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert OoIlS. Feb. 3.
1.0. The two n1Shts will. give every~ one a cba.nce to see the PooUctlQll . .
The band did not appear at the Maaon' game due to some confllets in the exnmlnation liiCl'ledule or last
.. .
Oommel'C!lal DeP'. Three more students have .won a~ds wtllQh ~r~~~wn~--~umrtYlD'ea
Typewrit~ Progress cel1lf1ca.tes Mr. a.1ld Mrs. Laurenoe Brown o.f ~re Issued to t he fo~ow1ng btURUl'Ql 'Route/ Two, '~I received hl.s dents for having passed the 10honorable dlchat'ge, dille to medical minute Competent Typl.st · test : trom· the u. l~: Army. Cpl. Ruth McKeever. 38 words per minBrown's duties were that of chief ute; PhylUa RiCkey. 34 words per minute. clerk of the Medical Detachment In LaMABR -EAltN---IlAR- -T I- .OME . Jan1ce Burnett rooelved the Orthe 36th Thnk Branch, now located AFJ'ER 2-YEAR ABSENCE der of Gr~ ~I.st Membership ·in· Oemp Polk, La. A happy reunion ~ook place at the cert1flcate ' for havtng submitted I~. , ot Mr. and Mis. A. H. Earn- sat1sfactoll' shortha.nd notes to the home ,1943. WARBEN CO. AGRIOULTURAL . I.EBANON POLICE lof.arW 'l;upayers are ' I!9,IPPJ,a~ """'CERS hart on Friday evening when . theIr Gre81r oornpa.nIY. ·~8E· CL1JB < ~ 0..... HIDIS IN HOLB GIVEN PAY R ..... , that .t he form received does not re-· 60n. LaMarr. arrived after an abI , • \ . ~ .' \,old an' parIn&tK.a . made ' during . 01'f1oera of, the Warren COUllt.y UND1ER. HOME sence of a llnost two Ye6~S. Alton LOCAL CONGREGATION rro AT'I'EN'D FERRY S~VIOES 'l1he JAjbanon vlUege ooWlcU baa iti3 1't wae explained that t.b1a WBB Ie ciub elecbed by the exe?U~he ' .I Earnhart and EaI1l Earnhart and ~~ a piy ·ral.se tor the depu~ , ~'the .lDtention of this' ~otm committee are: Geo~e. J()nes. PleBBlaml.l' weI (: prcsent to gret t their On Sunday eY't'nlng. January 23. ~l and other .. off~ers .. ~"e wh!ch c.mee cnI,y the record relat- a.nt P.1&1n, pre8ldent; R. M. Hawke brother. the congregoation of the Waynesville' ~~ mar~a.l 'W1ll rece1ve '~60 a iDg to' the year ' 'l942 :and does not WlWDeBvUle. vice president; H. R , LaMarr h\lS been conflll€d tn the Ohurch of ChrIBt w1il dIsmiss servIJliODth aa 'Will .two !"'trolmen. , carry the amount pldd in Bep~- .~, Leba~on. ' secrttary- tl'eAoUl'· HannQ1\ hospital at Longview, TexIces to go ·t o the evange1l.stlc servCOUNT.Y. GB.ulGE OFFICEBS .~. bier aDd I>ecemt)'et .as.& result .of the · er; Coinmttteemen. Bert Fisher. as noltel' serving aevera.l months Ice8 at the Ferry Ohurch of OhrIBt, . 'In~. AT .LEBAN~N ~"". deIclan.tlcm' form fUed dlUWg ·these Leba.non, and Robert' Jel!fre.y. Orewith the famous 37th div1slon in the All who plan. to atte.n d are a.sked . ...-..-. ~ntbl ; '. ~ ' gonia. ' ..' ' ·Southwest PaciIlc. following hl.s to be at the church and ready to . Otflcer8 01 .ftll ,wpren. co~ty ~.uo emvhaBl&ed' that . _ _. _ .....-'.. ' , ~Io training at Oamp Shelby leave at 7:J6 p. m. grMlIeII ·~ hold ,a pOtlUllk ~ ~ 1-126 muat. ~~·the.tax- ~ CO~ \B~~ CROS;; PO~T where he was In dlicted in Jan _ ,ry, aDd · bU8lntlllB meetlhtr at the ',Lib'1D~e tax retum"when 'M nI. WI. H.~uteme~lirr who re,1940. atter having drawn the flrs~ CONDUCTING F.ARM . . illiOli · orange 'hIi1 FrIda)" . 1\ .. baa la b1ed: '. eently mov~ · to Mldtiletuwn f 'om d1'e.ft number. In·. the first Cu·QH. . MAOWNEBY · SCHo.oL ··1IEB.E been announced 'by "ge1lO8 Wor~. . .' ~, 'Will cont1.n~e ctui.Ir~· UIbuIon. c~Df.y dePuty · ~. ~ . ' man of ·ttie Home Service depq.rt~ASna.N STAa 'MEETING '. rrhe ' Food PJ.:(>du.ction Wa;r Tra.1n~ ~ tube ~ (or the )'eaI' will • ' TO BE '~ HO~AY ioeht of ~ w:~ county Chap.. ~ · ~~i;-i~. O. E. S .• met lhg prpgnun in charge of J .. ~. be ouWned. prt10ere f~~eyS- -Ttle .Ja.nuary-:-~ of the ~ ~ 'Red Orose. it for tlietr ~ar monthl1 ni~ing Crabbe. Is cOnduottng aD Unplement bU1'81 w~eavW'. Bpr~, .Ma- W~e Civic ~ub wUl ii.e held ~ ~ announced. at Nle Masonic .temple on' Monday and ttactof schOol in the Warren 1;ebancm , wlll "Our at . GBANGB' evening. TIle ev.mJ,ng W'ILS almost ,all Braddock· .~ne shop with ¥r. ( iyen .to . maktng: plans .llo.r e.~tepd- . Bradd~ aJI instructor. ~n. I \ 'l;OO .O~\abarP.. . U '. : To PREsENT ' PROGBAl\1 . M,pwAGE LlCBNSEI D.., ~"8JieI,I:er for Ule .... ~ wi . ' .. " . ~ lni the dlS~rict ' D,lee~lpg Got Ly~cti - i men are enrolled a.t present. be- • .,........, 01 &be ec11toral .t&f~ blirg on Wed&usdaIV; . . The. nwnIIel' of ~ .~ . ,. PtJ1WBASflS FEED STOU , . sI.ued In w~ ,county d~oppec1 tI. tIbe ~ J~..~ 10-. J1IIUlat . .Ion Monday ev.eD1ni cordkII.·t4» Rev. L. ~, ~, w1t.h ·WOJ1oby' MalterW~ct-TayENTERTAIN AT DINNER , ~ml."~CO . Mr. a.':ld MrS. Fred. Fumas who --~ . ~-tD: ~ cba1r-. BiDIO &e!vetf 08 ~ ·the nudler o'l cI1VOr«1 !DO' recently sold,.their farm anil lIlOVed a. c. '1'0 ...... JAN. 11 ~ dUl'J!ll tbe · 1ecturer'l CINU8d. ~ to c. ~ to Jamestown wbere thli7 purchaac~ bIiIr, et&, cleIk 0( ' In ua. " new hoIne. bave now purobued fDIe GraDp JIW'J'SIIp . . . . . -'be Jamea~ Peed COIDINUlY ~f:f!iMJ~ enter the f0!4 Uld oaal ~-
T_. __ '
T-..... --.--.. .
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·:.:n~vij1e ·a{ld
~ond.i'r ev~.; at
acur... . ;.•
. "..,
TH& MIAMI,GAZE"ITa 1l1ected I at thc nnnua.! ml'.c llng FORTY-8BWN YEARS AGO thc sWell-bolder ' of th~ Wal ,nElli~l1Ill I (Feb. I. 189&) ' .. National BAlik , blr coors: W. a. Mr. llnd Mt'~, S . '" ~illott.. \v ', ee Main Street Waynesville . Ohio All n, 0 , E. 'Riley, Elias Oglesbee, J. 8.drIly to ~earn. e.'tpeet til l, av'e n. r W. White, J , Q . Goo ', W. dlark lMarc)11 to malte ,tll ll' hune ·hl ·OiTlMAll Matter at .PQstofi'ice, Waynesville. Ohio and J . B. P ence. Officers: W. H . ,clnnatt ~, and Mni, ' Ro 'jrs v 1: AllCll, ' prcsldcui.; G. E. m iey, vice ' go 'Wlth \hem. . ' . Walter Wiseman. Editor and Publisher I..UII\S (;. jtac~lcy. I'll tCif president; J , O . Cal'twrlg It. Vi,,:: l 'lIeJ.e Is great. In terest 1:1 L. e Nor· president; L . M. Henderson. cash- mal Bible ' cl ~, now' llU 'nb::r auo t C, lIl'ch 'chooI" a t 9:30 n . m . .: '. whioh m~ta at the M. E. oh reh ier . .orshp service I t 10:30 A. 8ubIcrlDtion Price. '1.50 Per Year. Payable in Advance Wednesdalrs at 6 :00 o·clc.:.k .... lllI SLbJe"t, : 'The Gospel According . tll TWENTY·}' IVE YEAR S AGO Rev. ,C cmgtll the teachol' , N.tlolI.1 Adver+i'lng Repr .. ent.tlve (Jan. 15. 1919 ) 'P,lllleas Cook hns belm v1.1ting 111 Hos( a : ' Yo u ~h F ellowship SUHllllr el e C1arissn Hn l'ro ct, a grnd·. ate ( f C')lumlbus :ror the past week . "BWSP... P.. A NQ SmaVlf!E. INf!. at 7 0'010c1o at the pnrsoll gl' . M1sa Ida aitnens W~I the gue. .t of the famous 'Leland T. Power scho( I . ·of Booton. i.9 to be h a rd on the 'l' Il\Uves ill M,o rrolV Sund.ay. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAl, Wa}'lDesville Iyoeum course T urs- . H&ge you s~n th'OS!) s.cl·' IlJ;. ttl ~UURClI SenInv Amerfc:e', Adv. ·,en.nd • Home Town Newspapers day. Jan. 23. .' K.il.OOn's? TheY' are II) ~ ut1e:; alld O . D. 'MIlls, a rurnl ITUlIl canler at c n be bought' right . . I.W. I." • • • • • .: •• • ~8IcI9·. SMF.encItca.c.L Ralph Parks, I\lin.lster In Oharge the l~ po.sloItlce, h as purcll' se .. Wa lter K1lbon retlll'ned h (.m e ChUl'Ch selloo!' at 9 :45 a. m. the dwelllng house of P hlllp H .·p- Tuesday and reports So v ry plca.:.· Mornmg prayer a nd serm:m l1 :CO klns, Sr .• on the cOrner of Four th ant time In Portland. a. m . and Ty,l n streets. Avary Nee~e.s pas returned home ·B orn- To Mr. and Mrs. R . E. from the SOuth where he has been , 1,'.1\ " \ . (, 11I ' lt(:1l 01' " JIIIST Inspiring services were held at DavID of Dayton, Monday, n son; t for the po,st ,few months. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO I.erbert Graham. Minister the Friends chureh Saturday even- Mr. and Mrs. Herbp.rt Doster. lia: (Jan. 16, 1929) Mr. ' Blld Mra. HOrllce Godfrey I"Iaals tor ,t he establ.i.shInlent ot & Lng, Sunclny morning and afternoon veysburg. Su.nday. a son. ' hUVe 'ren ted t he Bank hoteill.lld wi I 9 :30 n. m.. Blble &011001. D~ ' David F. Beare!. Ohio State UnlyenltJ, · sbows oJ'e hla bibe of the Improved Order of Red with Rev. Murrey Kenworthy of Mrs. I. N. Harris a nd daughter. move in and open the house in til . 10.\15 a:. m.-Communlon . c\Jart. on production of Ohio. ,Certified hybrfd . H ed corn from 1939 Richmond, Ind . . and Prof . Thomas Ken are under waif here. M1sa Ruth, of Dayton. were lh~ nt ni tijtUrl;. 11 :00 a . m.-Sermon. to 1943. Tbla deDl.onalratA!S baueu1n1 popularity of. Ohio K24. Mrs. IdA Peterson, widow of LY. Kelly of Earlham oollege as 8peak- .week-end guests of Mrs. Allee Mc- Dr. and ~ . J. T . Ellis will en- 7:30 p. b .-oPreachlng . flnt batrGclucecl ba 19.0, under Peter&on, stock dealer, for- ers. Kinsey filld daughter, Miss Henri· tel'tain tilfl Y'&- Frld Y night. The Guild-AUXIliary of St. Marys FRIEND:; m&- Waynesville residents. died at COLUMsU~ OHIO (Speetal)- eighth of all Certified bybrid 8e~.d etta. rruesday morning as the 10 :54 church met IFrI<ay 'WIth Mrs . Lee her home in Xenia lruit week. farmers 'prete Ohio Certi. produced Ohio is DOW of thl' Carl McClure ()! the U . S . S. train passe.d the CI'OSlling oppooite First Day school, 9 :3(1 a . m. Ml'. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan left Halwke and M1sa Katherine Pren- Oklahcma, arrived home Sunday :d F Urna's flU'JD It struck a wagon . . MeeLlng lor Worship, / ):30 a. m. 1led hybrid .eed eom. The ' best hybrid. dergast at the home of Mrs. Lee eVening on a furlough. Olarence belonglng' to ~arry CUne. Harvey~ new hybrids developed by the Ohio Beard pointed out that Ohio K24, S&turday for Florida. corn breeding program have been a 'new Ohio Cer)if\ed ~ybrld intr?" Mr. and ~ Pren~ce Tinney of Hawke. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Mendenhall. of the same boat. ar- ,bur~, loaded with chickens for O. Father KrumbOltil•. Priest qulckly accepted and production duced In 19'0, has I.ncreued. II) The two story dwelllng, with Its rived hera Monday. f'alr.f1f!ld, are announcing' the birth wagon was ~IeW. Barn~tt . . has followed demand. popularity . every yea.r. Starting of a IOn, P1-entroe Elllot, on Tues- contents, owned bY' Miss sail1e Several of our citizens attended mollshed and most of t,he fow ls lost Mass Sunday .9 ;00 a. Ill . These fseta are revealed ba a re- from small farm plant~ngs, ~ totltJ Smith and Bltuated on SiXth street the government sa.le at Chlllleothe but the driver and horses we~ c Ullday. Jan. 1. 16,000 buahela.. of t~l.a Ohlo .Cer. cent report of Dr. David F. Beard, ChIldren of the villace are enjoy- .bear Fra.nkltn rood, was totally ' de- Monday. hurt. . , WAYNESVILLE CIIURCH Of Obio State University ExteJllion t1fi~ hybrid WIUI pta.ntec1 In 1949 ing mtiny, coasting parties sliu:e the stroyed by ,fire early Tuesday mornMr. a !1d Mrs. E. L. Thomas enterCHRIST Bert stoops ot ..Harveysburg, died agronomillt. Be ' Hated ·the relative and 81,280 ~u~hels '111111 be planted lng. 'l1he hoUse con a1 ,led nme tain ed the members ot U1e Farmers' at his home 'l;'uesday. bIB S1lCIW. t f Ohl Certified seed of in 1944. This 18 of the sam\! matur· Max Randall, Minister The hlgh school honor roll is as rooms. ~art of tl e h..l\l,;e was oocu- Threshing company and their famMiss >Lena Hartsock Is the guest ~o:nbri~ ~uced in 19'42 and ity ·as Ohio ~6 Of. which 10,800 plied by Jacob 'strouse and James 9.30 a. m. Bible Sc.hool follClW8: Term - Beatrice RobU.ur. ilies at &n _oyster supper Monday of Lebanon visitors. 1948 '1 bushels of OhIO Certlfted seed wel'e Communion 10 :45 a. m Obarlea Whtt&k~, iBertha Filer. Six Creswell. evenlrig . Will Oard baa 'aold his grocery t :: D~d ueeeded .upply of nine plant~ in 1948 an~ 23,920 bush f- ren_hlng. 11 11. m. P. M. Cole, who hr..s been In the WeeU-Beat.r1oe RobltUr, Oharles Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Tomliru;on Oharley Sherwood. of these Ohio Certified hybrids for els wll! be plan~ In 1944.. hardlWare business In Way, n esv111e Junior Endeavor, '7 :15 p. m. IWhltalt~. catherine Branatrator. entertaLned the people of Friend's 1948 planting and production Willi The chart ahowlng 18 of the 23 tor the past several years, ~u sold Home at their residence on the Bertha P1ler, Geneva Denllnger. Senior Endeavor. 7:15 P. m. more than doubled for 1944, ana Ohio Certified hybrids with tile The eighth annual banquet of the his store to S . Clsf Moore, at New Harveysburg pike ' Tuesday at dlnCommunion and preaching. B:00 practically all of thl. it an o.rder. number of bushela o.f Il!ed p~ . Happy Hour club waa beld at the Vienna. p. m. ner o A total of 84,400 bushela of Ohio duced in 1942 and 1943 !Qllo"':l. All offIcers and directors were retymnulum January ~2. You are Invited to come and wor· OeItmed .~ of thCSfl N:r. and.Mra. Tho:1nlL'l Deskin The funeral of George cook. wt)o hyB8yVI:'~1fB~ ~~~ ~a"ilJ~~& died Monday. wlU !be held this af- and Mr. Mays from. Mldct.letown. 11~P with us. bridJi was planted in .1943; M16, ' .t41 ·', ternoon at 2 o'clock at .h is late home 'Were guests at the pa:rsQnage QVC!I' 1120,. MS', K2S, K24, KS/), WaG, Ohio MI/)· _ , 8,800 20,240 -' - -~IT lUll I .' I . K (:IIIJ IC(;n on Main street. ' , the weelt~i!nd. ca8 and Iowa 4069. A total of 171,. Ohio M20· . _ 1,800 . 4,800 'I',' 1\1 . :-i(-llrrt. l\lIniJllrr 8,280 180 bushela of Ohio. Certified seed Ohio M34· _ 1,600 Emerson Davls died <I t h l~ home Mr. Do~dl, who l.\1 tbe sl.-eaJter a.l 14,260 in Sprague, · Wash.,' Thllr.x1ay . The ,t he revival servicCII nC)w I!IV'U~ on lit Sunday School 11:30 a . m. E. A of theSfl 8IIJIle nine hybrlcia will be Ohio K23· _ 8,.00 a.allable iD 1944. TWI lllustrates Ohio K24· -18,000 81,280 oody will arrive at the home of his the FelT)' cbul'ob, Is BI guest a t the E:nrnhart. Supt. WI. elose eontact between ~ann~ Ohio Ka/). -10;800 23,920 SMail Davis, of Cot· p&r50naae. Evening Service. 7:30 p . ... mother. Mrs: DIUCT LINE FROM WAYNESVILLE-:-SAVE ,00 4,l4~ Mr. and Mrs. Perry J . Thomas P payer Meeling Wednesday eve. an~ . Certlfted seed 'producen 1ll Obio_ WIO _ win. today. and the funera.!' will be TIRES AND GAS Ohio. Ohio W17 _26 800 . 18;400 Thursday. and son . were viaJtors of Mr. a nd I'l l n~. 7: 30 p. m. , One of the first Ohio .Certified Ohio , wao '_ '1:800 ' 1,8.0 . I . W. LIncoln has SOld . his tarm, >Mrs. Walter, !I'b~ and daugh ters into Ohio was Ohio WS6. _ 2.00 11,040 . hybrids introduced RA' I 'I0N REl\UNDER THE XENIA NATIONAL 'TIFFANY JEWELRY south of t.o:wn to E: J. Lindamood, ill Wellt ce.rroliton S~nday evening. lowa 939, still prOduced in targest . , . . ' , BANK STORE of Ilear -Dayton . 1 .Mr. Walter T-bomaa. who haS been , . quantity, However, Ohio. wat, in. OhiO ~!B _:' 8"~90...._ .....oHi_ _.............- _ __ lW-lNJ ~YOK, LOMGINE8, AND Mrs. Annie Thorpe. 'Who. recently 111, Is now .much, better and llI!IS I'ePROCESSED FOODS G lt'!'n voduced in 1940, is of the ~!l9ll! OlVA . "", • ~R CAPITAL .. SURPLUS fttO,UOO "~WATCIIU stamps D, E and F In Book 4. good aold her fnrm across ·the river. ha,s ' turned to his work. maturity and a worthy rivar. More Ohio C38 . ' _.28,800 'Strone - Frleud~ MAliONDS purchd8ed the Wltcratt farm, on Mr. and MrS. Ed L1IlvU~e of Mi- through Jan. 20. Gl'een G, H and J chan four times lUI much Ohio Cer. Iowa .' 059 -18,200 Beltable ' ",ceoDIJDocJaUn. IK. Pbea, US the Waynesville and Lebanon pike, . aJn1sburg, were v1I1tQrs at the par- gOOd Jan. '1 through7eb. 20. ~fied seed' of this Dew bybrid will Ohio C88 - '1,200 soutll of town, for ,'-150 an. acre. sonage SUndare,enin·g . l\4EAT. ~. - Stcunps R and S M planted In 1944 as 1948. Ohio 1..88 _ '00 1.020 , C. A. DABE and SONS AUCE' ~INCK~S, iMIalp1 Valley CouncU No. 103, J. Th~ ~~~eettng oC the and T !)OW B~: U Jan. 16,; aJl ate ~ Anotllel' Ohio. Certified . hybrid p. S. 18 ' __ '84,'00 5o;Boo O.U.A.M .• nave tru:talled ' the 101. ' chureb _"Mid lut Wedue.s- good through Satur~y. Jan,. 29. pining. wide popularity in south· Ohio. _ L9' _ 1,100 .,~ Y4tar IdOCormIck-DeedDc . . HAT SHOP lowlng oWo61's: Harry , Sherwood at tHe bc~zne. of Mrs. ' , s~e Stamp 2 In Book 4 go¥ for ern .Ohio. and UBed in the north to , ,,' / ' " ! ~Seed of ttieee h~hri I' \'''; '' ;h!lIII'. . ... . . . . . . . 8 .. Co~naelor; lWtlllam ' Orndorf, vice Char-lea iMaurtce in We:vnesvDle. flve POin~ toward P4J'ohaSe of~freah .p~OIh\!·c l\'lnge is U.-S, 18. One- flcicnt to meet the dCllIull" in 1941' . ~Plemeut i counselor; , W. H. Dlnwiddie, rec. ~I\eral ~ea 101' ~ttle Joan, PQ~ tlU'OUg~ Ja.n . 16. 1~ W. MaID 8t. . UdIiOOMIe . ' ~el~ .• -. ," " . \ .t.,1 '~_. ~ secretary; O . C. Knapp, asst. rec. Br..rton, dall8lhtet ,cil ¥11• and '~. ' ST:fG~tamp 29 in Book 4 good . f '" ENTERTAIN ' S~AY Walton and Mr. :Ibomaa·Houston of " ,. secy.: w. S. Graham, fin. secc.; G. H erbet t ..Barton, ot Bellbrook. were tor 5 pounda through Jan. 15. Stamp . . SI>J1n8 VaJley. Mrs. ~ 'Bode and EICHMAN'S E. Strouse, tre'u.; MarvlnHay; held at SU!far cre. e~: Christian 39J611. 16 for nve pQunds, exp~C,y Mr. IIDd Mrs. Max . D. Hartscck . . ~ March 30. , junior past counselor; Harry Shaw, churcb Monday . a.ftemooD. ~he pire, . had as- their SUnd\l~ dl!Uler guests Mr. and Mrs:' wIiUa~ ~rade~ ~d Elee&rical Sappa. .. aepalrlng py'", DIUJO (~nd~tct ; JooePb . Hormell, , war- child waathl'ee yearS old 'and had SHOEg...;.:..stamp No . 18 U pa!r) Is iMWI Janice Pennewlt, Mr.' Roger son. 8herwba·WI1Uama Pain, ft'OIIB d lFrank' COOk I S Em D ' been stck~ 'o nI'; I • . e day". She gOOd Indefinitely. No . 1 "airplane" mor. ~ wre .. stafnp in Book 3 good for 1 pair en; , . .; Bailey, O. S.; Oscar ¥owrer, chap- leaves a. brother and ulster. Rev. Cer............... I'beDfl 8 51 w. IIabi st. . REPORT OF CONDmON: OF Arthur Core preached ,t he, serv1oe. until turther notice. , lain; Alfred 'Hay, trustee. James Davis of the U. S . S , ArSgt. Hubert &ruth of n. Meade, GASOLIN~"N' beok rO Uf.ions ~IB8' &BADY TO WEAK ., li~iill_1'8 '-lIAmuaiS gonne, son ot Mr. and Mrs ... ~lae ' Is V18Iting.' ·~l1s patents, NO.9 good J01' three gallons tlu,-0ugh . . OF WA YNESvILLB ' . ., . Aooe.orla Dav18 of Corwin. h&s been promot- the lIjathan Smlil18. ·· , . ' . .1 JEt!'!. 21. B anq. O. s~amps ~ood l ?r .O~!I· ~ DllplaJ I • In ~I : e Bf.r;,te of., OhiO, at Lht' c~ose of buisillesson Dec. 31, 1M3) pubUabed . ed to chief boat mate. 'R ev. announc:ed ' ,sWlday , two gallons until used. New B nnd In response to £811 . made py Comptroller of the Cun'ency; 'under aecUOD G I B N' E Y' S , and·501.$ morning that next Su.~l(I~, Jan. 16, 0 §tamPs. good for five gallons. 62il, U; S. ~v'1sed Statutel!. ;.. , • . ~bon, OZ. 'Rou)4 be the ann1.!a.l D1A!eting of tho ', 'I'1RES-::-N~X~ inspeptlons due :, A' .~ ~SI'ET8 " . members ()t the church ,Suga1' - book vehicles by Mal'Ch 31; B's by Loa!,!s and qisco~ts (1~lud1ng $211 45 oV61'dra.tt.a) · .... . f; • ••••• .•• 106.286.38 I Oreek chrtstian ' pongregatlona]) Feb. 29: C's by. ~eb. 29; ~nunel'CI~, United States .Government ,obUgatlons. illrect , and g\lIU'anteed : .625:s&i.70 . - FAMOUS OQUgRtlOns ~ Sbi.tes !!ond ~UtlcaJ liubdl\1stona .• ',' . . . . . . . . .. 174,139,00 ~ urged every m~: r ta be pres- velll.eled evelty SIX months or every Other bQtlda, no~ and debentures " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• . . . . . . . . . 5O~.OO OW'NEW IMt WALLPAPER AUTO SUPPLY .nt. 5,000 miles. whlohever ~ first. Corporate stocks, (~uc1udlnB! $3400.00 s~k of Federal " XMie.. Olaio BOOKS ARE IN! Ba4Jo'..... lUe;de Bepalrlne Rpsen'c~) ....... . ..... : .. . ... ... ', .... .... ........... , 3.elOO.00 ._ , FUEL OIL:-Period 2 coupons u y~ . have rowns to be papered KIJRDDIIlIiDa CLOTMD Clash , ballint:es w1~h obh'!r '~anks. including reserve baJa,nce, e-'-_ _ _ w~~ cLO'1'IIING t.bla yeU, you will be wise to get T~y th " Mlnml Gazelle, Want Ad ~ gO:::d through Feb . 7: period 3 COll- , , an~ cub items ill process of Collection .... .... .. ... : .. .... ~,s15.~5 ' ugh March 13. AU pons good thro W. IbID Phon"1100 ~~ your order In early I Ban" pr~ oymed ~~.OO,.f~tw:e . ~nd ,~tures tlOOO.oo '. 7,300.00 '. hav~va.!ue of 10 gallons tor eaoh Don't be eaugbt witb tbat reply ! " unit. T()TAL ASSETS ..•... , .. .. .... . ..•.••.. , ....... ~ ..• •. . : .$1 1169,682.43 of "Your order ,Came too ..~It or 'ISALY'S CAFETERIA ROY HULL · .. , LIABILlTl1f8 ,; . Sl'OVES-001lsumer purcllAs,s of "the paper banpr Ia ready to do Demand ~deposlts of indlvlduals. partnerahlps '. , LvNCllii -' '1 0. c~ l'ntiohed stoves' must bE!' mode w~th Sewin. M~cbia:ae Suppliea 1"00108 but I baven~t been able and co~t10tl8 ., .. , .............•• " .• ••.....••• ... ! . • •• f86l,76S.20 1\ cel'tiIloate obtained at loea.! "'lIr 'rime deposits .· pt indlVlduals. partrierabIP8 " . . .. 0 ... PIaoe. &e . . . to pt my ' paper." Bepairm, of All Makll8 'price ~nd rationing boards ' an4 ~rporatlotl8' ...•••...• : ...•.. . •••. , . .... .............. 77,981.23 . Order: Now ~rom our 1944 WaU· nODe 1M II B. Marke& . Deposita ot United States Government (Including' PbODe 1118 paper boob! p.~ .savings) .• • . . .•... '..•....•. .... . • . .... .•... : . . . . . . .• '38,2811.80 Your .Auctiona I. , PAUL C. PICKING DeP091U; {If stat~ and pollt.ioal subdivisioni' . ... ........ . . . . . . . . 51,912.'12 AU' C TIO~EERING Appreciated 8110. ftlUiT AT Other depOSita ,(certified ('.lid 'cashler'a checks, etc.> .......... U60.H Pbone 2182 WaynesvWe.
F.rom 'fhe' Miami Gazette Files
I' ......
{. .
, I
.Wayne$ville National..Bank
Clo. DODDi
Spring peaning In Janaary?
" ,'
Fitted Wi.~ Saw.-TI'7
,We leu .yll'J1blpr
'. u ··.. IbID ~t. ., N. MUD
....ne I"
~nIa .
' .• y..
CA· BE . .......... Proper., ~Ud EJfl Gialni Oar S~ela1i7
NotbInr Nicer .f or GUts Than " "FOSTORIA G~8"
"ImjJerta.l Can~k)' GIaBs
U &. . . .. . ., '.
,aw ' ",
\ c..'CoilitDY ' .. •
11011. ...... ,
. /',
l1nUiiI...os ,.
£5 :
. 11 B. ~ Jtree&
PERSONAl. STATIONERY ZOO. 8beeU - 100 BDveyoJlta wltb your name ' Ud add.... .for. ' . . "'~ .• yoUr Order
"'l:HE 'MIA'' '''' ~ZEnE. " w~"!.YAJe ' " . Ph~De ~143 , ~'.
~ YOU'u.: ALWAYS DO. " .
stir•. ...... UII
Standard Parts Tru~
" JI~.' . · Flmiture
". ~ o.
GAiid~A'" -" W . >
car and 'Tractor t.
Re.,la~lDent ·P.rta
,'' ' Mlfcbiae Shop Work ---.~:;J
lOS.£. Main
F.T. Martin &C.IL'Raesau·
702 Commercial Blda. Dayton Ad, 3661 . CenterVille, O. : Ph. 7021
Stanley and Koogler For Dates. Pbune 2894. Waynesville, Ohio, Reverse C~lea
:.. O.l L DEPOSITS ........ ..... :: ........ : .. ",~.64K.09
Other lJa.b1J ILIes ........ ....... ~ ............... .' ........ . .'.... TOTAL
The arrival of , cold weather ' means heavier firing pI heating ay.a tems, and .t he danger of fire ia..greatly incr:eased. M4lke sure ',y,ou~ Fire Insurance are in "workin, order" too.',
Conlu,t your agentl
"""'" ..
Saoce.or &0 LeMa)' • BawlEe WAYNESvn.LB.· omo ~
.............. . . . , .. .•. '•.. . ••...• •.•1,0Z4,084.09
BROKERS UCEN8~ Oapltal. Stock: ' . . .' , , ' ,. .. , ~..;== =======~'I .~o!l\n.'On stook. fotal par $"5,OOOJ)0 ...... ;;.... ...... : .....
SUrp1\l4 ..... '....................... " ..... ,'......... , . . .. . . .. • . . . tinolv1ded prptits . : . .' . ... ........ .. .......... '....... , . . .. .... ..
40,000:00 . 30,698.3" ' 'l'OTAIL OOlTAL A0C01J1NTS ............ ~.. •....•... ••. 146,598.34 '
--_...... .
.' 1.5Ob.00
TOTAL 1JIlAE1I!LJl'l'm3 AND OAIP-lTAL ~ •• ' .' •• ~;169,682:13 · , .,', MEMO~A '. .' Pledged assets (and securities loaned) ; (book vallie):... '. " . · (a) ~ Un1te<r States governJ!leri~ ObUiatscw-, d11'eOt ~ . '.
· . ~w~~ed:.~?~~~~. ~.~~~.~e~:~~~~t~~~ .. ::·. " .$17~lii.20 ,,'
. (b) PLher usets pl~t4:«l .top ~ ~~~ aDd Jotber ' . ; . , ., .w.pW~ies .(i~clujl~g. notta' ",TId, ~ ~~ ", ' . .a:)ld i;ecur1tles aojd 'Wlder l.~ ,~ . , .'; : . • &,ooo~ . ' , '"
. \ '.
TOTA:L ..... ...... , .;. " ...... "'• .•• '•.••••••• ,•••• ,1 ... ," : • •••••1.~,t31.2&
Secured ,
l1abill~les :
'. '. , ,, " . -: (&) ~I~ < secured by pledged . .ta l)\a~' " ~. ,. '.' " . , r~ents of law ..... '... :... ............. ~.......... ~.IK l . f"
IOl~ sweer tha~ the above atatemeD~ Sa ~. ~ '1be belt. ~
kDoWledJe ~' be1ief. . , .." ~~ ~ ' . Sworn tOanf;i 8U~ baf~ me tbs. 1'l'th _ ol.lUUU'J.I8Q! _
. I , ...............~.9t ...
: ' ,-011& ...........:'........... '.. : ....... : ...... . : , . ' , . .' state of OhiO. GclQntJ ~ W~ .:-• . , I,: lloia H. Ha:~k. caalUer of ~e' aI?O.e-DUD.e4 - - . dO ~
J,. JL QoII.Dofi,
If!otu7.PlibUc .
', e W ··au . ng ..'Th Alo I
THE MIAMI ~1:Trl!. - -,,-...:.. ' "';'--~
;::-:;. -::-
enila Into .. dl'eeser drawer. tertalned to dinner Sundli-, . . • lvUJ· (.1 " " q-e,ol\te Invest\i"tlng f.f.~~~===:o.:_ ~w;::::e::!!!1!!!~!'!!"!!,_".'!!!!!!'_ '" HUNTER GETS HALF .... HALF "But, why, mother? You Itilow Ild Mrl; . .Be,n Round', Mise No)lJll~ .0~'\lJ) t ~e i, 1\11' .t:be cluull1es of BJ Mrs......,:.';H; J'.·. Tbomu 1-hI'lL you l'eu't' alJowed io lake catB _ ra:.!!. .' f.frs. Eva Haines, Mr, ant:. ~·uYin,. ~ O~63 In ' Llle ':~940 conventIOn. ' , on a street car.... Mrs. Lqtoy .Round a04 ' cblldren, Oha1'les . Sa~.\ yel ,of C1':l .. ini~llcl Is -ueCl "TAN'FORD'S CATS l;l(l . _: kif; o,! Day.t oLl. and -- ~ "JU8t the same I-m not golng to . {)onl Lns W. A . J ulia n, LI cJl$u 't t!a' of , The aid ca~ Illy ' stretched out on 'Jet them 'ride OIl the wa~ Poor I' g '.0.:.1" E l Wood Gra.l!SI.S .2-c !.he U.- S. , as the,' OhiO DeI'll-J~'1<1 tlQ :'th'e lO\l~g l and ·WIlS wa.shJlll1 nel' of the ~ y, ' stli:tloned at IndlanUttle 'things I Th~ wouJd think I _ ':1 . 11(C ~.;.n, \ II.:h .honor s;'wJ er · paw 1~ly. ~e was pret.ty gOod and had forsakell the~. l 'm g<:>iilg to put ' t~PoUs, Ind. .;d d 10 19'40 . ' , ibe WIIS fat a nd slllek, her coat f &I .eln 1h ~ U1&t basket With the ,11& Mr . .and' Mrs. P aul ' Joh nstc. end ".j __ ~. Sherick of Ashl-.. n d, ~l Save Tires and Ga. . • . DIrect 8'1'(1Y sof~ to' tJle touch. She W" S so on lL and they wlU bother no one, "au3h ter, Mr. ,e.t\d Mrs. E. A. Arn, Bus Line ~ (;ounty B~IlL .. ~eled llie Repilbllcan race lot chief ;old thnt she had ,tm<>me testy and I'm 1IU1'e." . old of Dayton were Sunday afterof Ohio, 10 t he field now beJustice 11[e 'would have ~n perfect U It ''Sut, mother, you know that IihE n :'n glJ('s ts C': '.1r. and Mrs. Leslie lQg consIdered bt Judge Guy B . 11Ifd not been lor that young upstart doesn't 11ke, tile kitten." . :. l' ~ a . d .1ldrcn and Mr. Oeorge Findley of EI~ rln , JUdge WIl' ter B . ,T HE FASHIO~ SHOPPE (;1 0. klt.ten Lhll t her mis.ress had "I'll take that chance, and now I .ol'l:.y. l;rou'i h t home abcut a month ago .. will hear ;no mOTe wbout It," , I ' . f' '; 1'. tt G~ tr. .s arrived in wan~ maker o! Akron and Tax Com WOMEN'S" MISSES APP&B.EL 'l'h e ~d CIlt llud n ev,!!r h ud lJut !Mrs. Stallitord had the dr sser For U Yea~ Lebanon', Leadln, .:1: '0 n Irom Camp BOWie, Texas, Wm. S . 'E vatt ot COlumbus. ' Democratic State Senator R . one kitten and he haa been the drawer shut Md Ethel subsided ) II ne Iss t week to at tend the 8tyo., John ~lor of Salem, wlll run for r..clo (.~ t1 JOY uf h OI' yaM·s. IUs meekly. Her mother was an ambl. \1 u':) l cJ hLl unole, l!ldward BergU. ' S . Senator against Wm. G . n ame 'had been Lionel und M wall, :Ious. woman, and belng a widow 0011. He will return Friday after P{"'krel of Dtl.y,t on. McGETCHIN'S l1k e moot mothered to dc.a th chil- with a 1r!'own work1n~ daugbter ;\ iUng re lll ~ lv es In DayOOn and r'Ormer Democratlo Oi!n. Herber t PHAR!tfACY dren, very concc1ted and wayward. 'left her much t1me on her ba.nda Lytle. Duffy formally announced for th ll "Your FamJly Druc S&ore" • To begln with, be dTank: Yes, he and t.llW 8M f11led up with her cats. Mr. Harvey Burnet spent Monday ,,-upreme court . - drank and only his mother thought She-loved cat.o! 8Itld they were II. part CoiJmet.1c8 - .lIte - Mapalnu Q.lld Tueaday in Columbus atten ' J:. m ~:; W . H uffman, Democrat, It was all right. The hwnu..11Ei In of her family. The loaded waguns PBBSC&IPTIOIf. ing a State meetmg of llie :::oq soll-in-IfIIW ' of Vic Donahey. hilS now Phone 281 ubanoD their iWOrld laugbed at him, but to departed, rumbUng down the street. BUREAU, ILL.-Beginner's luck brought a hunter lame t'ecently eraUve Milk A.ssoc1a.t1on. dL InlL ly jwnped In for governOl·. h i", moth er he could ·do nothlni MnI. 'St.e.nford 'Watched them go, when he bagged a hybrid wonder-, R half mallard and half pintail duck, near here on Lake Senachwine. The rare bird wa. shot by Joe I ' cat BROWN ~nd BROWN casting a. JUdlc1al eye over the W. Hicks Cright). well .known Chicago public relations coun sel. on wrong. He WIlIJ a very arge Ladles Ready La Wear wh en he r~hed maturity but he the ropes and canvas on the loads. his firs t du('k hunting expedition. NatuI'alists describe the duck as !lu ll let h is mot her ba.the b1m, lY- They rode securely to her eye and only the second of its kind on record bagged in Amertca during the By Raymond J. Jerrreys A GOO1) PLACE TO ing on the floor while she w9shea she turned 'Into the house. She last century. The first one was shot 24 ye~rs ago 0,\ the sa me lake. The "whost" of the popular vote KNOW ' Photo taken In Chicago shows Mr. 'Hick~ pointing to the pintail-like l~lm fl'c:m h Ul.d to foot. She lough\ plo1ted up h er cane and bonnet, posterior of the unusual speCimen, which has set hunters a nd scien. given to Earl Griffith, as Rep. Sec. A GOOD PLACE TO GO · h is battles for J).lln b~use Iihe which lay on the basket b1ttlng on tists agog. of State. may riDe to haunt l!lCumiholl'Jllt that he had never .grown the floor, and put them on. Then - - - - - ' - - - - - - - : - - - - - -- -- -- bnnt EdWard J . Hummel and the RUEPPEL'S STUDIO lolg enough to care for hlmBelr. she made a swUt survey of the sounds emlLted from the !Jasket. . veteren George M. !NeUner, In t.lI elr rhone 118L But Lionel had met his end one hoUle to see that nothing was left . Fright swept the smlle from the antlclpa.ted fi ght' for the nominaday \'.hen he was returning home tound a comb.on the window sill in face of . the lady. The concluctor 11 r .. , \\,,,II"r Ii .... r ..·k.y .. rr~""u" .... ". tion In May . . . I!i8!1c Griffith of Drafting Labor YOUR (r om his dally trip to the 5IIloon on the kitchen and stuffed It into Mr came l;trld1ng baa the Is.c. lPaul pUmmill, 60n of Mr. 1I1!d GI-r&rd, Trumbull county Board of The Un ited States has a man· Q not Loa diStant comer. This sa- pUl'IIe. "Madam," he demanded. : "what Mrs. Ward. PummW, enlisted in the Elections, who even looks like Earl , J'AMULY PBO~OGB&PRER power shortage. E:4i~mers all over 10611 served ooly beer and Lionel Then she picked up the basket, have yow In the.t basket?.. Navy and 1.e!t. Tllursday for H. hIlS petiUoos 6.l1 ready ot.o enter t he the country me t it more than a year had a. craving tor beer. He WQuId IllB!k1ng IfOOt~ng sounds to the cats "Oh;' walled ·the lady, "I'm Thomas. Ky., and alnce has been ruce. The only thlng that f11ay keep allo and one by one since then other J. W. UNCO' · beg piteously lor beer and the men who 'Were reposing Quietly wltn1n. alrald Cleopatra Is kWlIi8 poor lit- tran&fened to aree.t Le.k:es Naval h1m out, Is that all three of his sons l:, pes of . employers have felt the in the saloon would buy b1m a She 1.oc1ted ·the door 8Itld wllnt down t.le Billy , W1ll1ams ," Training Station ne&r Chicago. Paul are In t he service and h e Is lett piuch. Now the ebbIng humu.n tide HARDWARE 'uoer of beer. He had a a'peci&l to the comer to get the street car. baa two brothers aIlso In the service. alone .w ith e. large lnsur Btl)ce busi- can be noticed In essential war pla nts. The hi ghest wage scales Phone" \ sli\¥!er that they proylded for h1m. The basket rode on lIer arm QuieUy Mr. end Mrs. &Allen Ernrlqk and ness. 'ever known are faUing to bring In· Sometimes Ile would have too many and she kept up iher soothlng UJurMlll. Wlillam Beridall visited Mrs . . ••• HAB.DWARE 1& WLEMENn dustry e.nough labor. The situation sauers of beer a.~d llien he would mur:May COrnell a.~ the Warren COunty Wemen are pi ying a more 1m. is serious :Ind the solutlon is not yet. Marr'ft~e have been is- Home Thursday ......... _.. - woon . stagger home to sleep it off urlqer Tl:Ie nex.t uliht Etbel entered the -- Uc';::::'por,.... n t pallt in politics every d &.,Y Factors in the problem are three: :aI_ ,u _ Y -lie ,O,ray , the porch. ThIs was one Qf thPo Qays new 'l:)ome and f{)und her motner sued to 0ar1 S~phenson; 58, Mor..... and :..u....u= ' spent . . . PoUtlclaos should IWt. forget, 0) Our Commander·in·Chief has KARL D. DAKIN thB.t b e had had too much, and 'b usy putting things w llg>ht. Ethel row., malntenance . operator, and TuesdaJ at the home of Mr . an.} that;llie hand that rooked th'! called faster industrial production IN URANCE - ....• carried a. newspaper and there was........· ""-y E Freeman " 08 , Lebano"... .-.0. ....- Will Null n ...... ~radles of 'he when crosslng the street oar tr......" ~ Springboro . ~ • boys in service," can essential to the w) r effort. (2) A worker; PauJ Cwtls Laeltens, ,.._. and ",a...._ '" .. ge of Ba\.. also "rM" "" & curlous 118ht in h8l' eyes, II. I1ght ..... ....... .....-uw ~ ... the naUon" at the. ballot public speech of l'aul V. McNutt, .be did not see the car SO n elU .~ m anpower tzar, ha s touched off agio Pl1olle' 153 LebaDOD . and was crUShed under , its of' ,repressed la,ughter. . 23, IIOldler,' and Ju.ne Chr1st1ne tie oree, k ".'-h. _.. o verw ... .' box . him ........ , ."_11 y_""", t~tion about conscripUng labor. (3) b1m Hay . ea, 20, both 'of Fra.nk.l1n; Robett k " .............. ''''e ts Ml' . • • • wheels .. His mother grieved for ' 'MIOther,'' she said, open1ni the wee -en.. 'w..... p .... n, . 'Dale S twnp has resigned as 0 Increased production Is possible but and hunted him every :Where unt11 paper'~ an' ltem, "I have something C. McConnell" 35, Dayt.on. truck and Mrs. Ernest i:.a.cy . Sel 'I S rvlce drafting workers will not accom· THE PEOPLE'S ~ driver, and Grace IL. Plck:erlng, 25, ",_ an'" ....._ # B Lonacre member of ,the ee. ve e she found> hlm 'and then sa t by his , here that 1 -would like lor you to ..................... 0 : 0 . . Boa I'd of AJ;lpeals, where ' he has pUsh it. There Is a proven better 'BUILDING, LOAN AND were in 'C1ncl%m8U shopplng, sat- .:lE:rved wlthout.salary for a.1mQS~ way that does not slinkot Hitlerilm. broken :bodY and cried wt.be Illata see. Maybe next time you wID lIs- Q.resonJa. SAVING CO. Single ObJective. &1.l hight. But t1mjl dulled her grief ten to me. Here sit 10 llils chair." LU~ta!''';=kso~:~O:a;:~: urday. three years, to conduct a. thoroug~ FOR R~ E8TATEt LOANS message to eongre .. , In a recent and &hi! settled down' to a, p"aceful MnI. , ~ntor!1. her , curiosity A number of ladles met Tuesday , cu.ncHSS of 'the state, to dIltel'min President Roose velt saId, with espe· ' ' . who was awarded custody of: chll- afternoon "t- the. hOmE! of Mrs. , LeblUloo. Ohio old &ie. lU'Oused, sat down' lind put on her dren. and alJnony or $50 per month. whether his friends are .right In In- ' clal r efer ence to airplane produc· .. ' She w~ not 'llilIiklng , or these gla.Wee, 'I1len , she read tbe ltem , Th81l1e Jones fot tnst.l'ue~on In slstln" that he become a ca :Jdh:ate tIon: "A high rate of increase must Divorce suit.'i have beeh flied by 108........ "'nn aUp 00vera under the dl - for attorney .. IVINS-JAMESON , DRUG things 'as she lay' there. Bbe had and- sf.!li'Ed at her daughter in open generol. be malntained . . . and that means just had her dinner and was am- moUthed borror. 'E thel could sup- Ray .p. Pheneger vs. Kat~lne rectlon of Mi&a ' Rober~ li'alkenst~ ln COMPANY constant stepping up of our produc· 1 ups_r. ... . 11..... Marie Pneoeger, who 'charg, es wilfUl v.. "" Leb ' anon ' G eorgEe Turner who rpslgued tion at hoine he re." And there's no TOE REXALL &TO_ tent. Buddenly tie ... -...g l?rC88 bet laugnter no l~ng~r. . . . , 'n . • up beside her Ifd she up lin!! OOnfrontlnc MnI. Standford was absence, a.nd by Helen Deboard, by ' Mr. and Mra. ·Leon Sa.LIablU'Y of as corporation coUll£eI in tbe sec- disputing the correctness of the Make Our S~re rear Headciuanera ' glared at him. He reLurnea uta ,,-;;.v.> ~. h~ "Wba.t Do You KnowI" Maud .Medley, her' mother and nut WaahJ.ngton C" ·H. Called at the retary of state's office to become II President's analysis. Even 'the Ger- I mUll!! say It Is our air torce that ~ l'hone n. . uld t tare ,. , • t Mend, vs. Harold Deboard, charghOme of Mr, and . Mrs. Allen Emcandidate for state audItor, haa now humblY:' When .she co no a . Under t.be beading iW1l8 he follow- 1"~ '"""'" neglCl,t of dun.. r. .. abIes American troops to advance DiJ lui, '!A -,ell .dre8Ied, motherly wo- -:=~:: h1m down,. she reached one l°th luI ;;tate trans , .•_ nVk '6unday eveD1Di. officially announced . . . We mad~ against superior numbers. Planel EGER'S .. arm oub. and J!Wept hUn oft OIl e .. ml\Jl ~ed tbe oar with a baa1tet ............ ~ Velma Smith is IllOW carl~g a prQOC-resd1ng sUp lIi.st week In and more planes are vilal to victory. 'Surely it I. tail' to assume that Goor Idld then lay down and ~em on her arm; paid !Jet fllie and ~ fera were ~ tolJowing: eecll and tor the cb11dren of Mr. 'and Mrs . rer~T11D!; to Floyd B. 'Griffin, who .JEWELILY - GUTS . to &Jeep., a eeato A pldeaDt imlle wu on ~ Della IAunb to 'J.~, IUlcl JC?lep.1l1ue DO~ ' ~4 iii, ~n, whUe their ,Is one of Turner's !JI)ponents . • • what the war el1'ort nceda II . what the P resident. asked for: more pto. PIl~e 111& Mr.i !~Q!or~ lind t).er . ct.1I8h ter 'faG!!- 8Ud~7 , ." curlOU~, l,a_~_..lI).lW11llam~ton; ~ ~~esYkhlto~: 6t'andp8.rentB,.·' JIr. ~md . Mrs. He i!I not running ,for 8~retary o! . duction r 'not more men on the 10V· were ~Idni. p~epar1ng to move." . , ...... , char ea, D11s are 8OJOIiniJtng in Flot- state. bu~ audlt.or. Ted ' W. Brown ernment' s payroll. After all. there • South Broad.,.; It waa aprtng and they had len~ tRuny~n, itG.H 8Cte$ in Clearcre.dt ida, of Sprln,fleld, B.no~r Of.lWcomer in Is a difference. Interpretlni the a ' bowse nearly acr~ town, becl.use. Q, • , ' .flWp. Mr. and Mrs . ~red Jones and ' state politics, has juat e,nteted ,this President's plea for more planes We Buy aDd Bell New ant. 1J_ a signal to put u . S. civlll ilns In loc~· not Ulte the SuNnA:r DINNER GUEStS Mrs. (Mame Si&!mt.r1 elr d race. ' , , FURNITURE In tbell' old neigbtlOrhoOd. . (t "..,' 'ern 'HIlls, were guests o.f .the la~ ter's 'I'he retuma from Don Ebrll!ht's step Is, to say the least. ,ettinl o,fI 'Ever,thIn, tor Farm 110me'. " Well;' i ~ll you I &m DOt going ~ "Mr. and Mr&::-&'naJd Hawke en- brother and wlfe, Mr. and ' itl.:;. ' J . state-wlde canvass made him de- ahead of the starter'lI gun In a race for djctators blp. GOOD HOUS£KEEPING to let them ride clear !foCrosa town tertainec:l to Sunday ' dinner'. \ Mrs. B. Jones on New Year's Day. clde' not 't o gT8Ib at the gubernatorTb& American wi.,.. , SHOP tn a box OU the movlng . w&iOO , -Wln1lred': Bim.sock.. QIld SOil, David, ~., Edward BUlu;ell Is quite ,11\ illl shadow of the bone. in too water, Nat 10 Bank . A few weeks ~gO I visited the Pbelie 13 Eth~l." .atat.ed Mrs. Stanford . t!IPMr; and MrS. Hurls Alosl1cn- and d ' UU& time. but stand tor reelection as state Beech Aircraft' Corporation's plant ~Uc.uY. aa she stuffed Qdda and Mr. and Mrs. ned ~ of MllMr. and Mrs. E. B: Longacre at- treasurer. In Wichita, Kan. , where workers and MORRIS S .aDd.-tOc tord. tended the ful'leral of Albert ' DanWelJ1rigt<!I1 T. 'Leon&rd, former owners together bad launche~ II plan .. _ , _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ ahoo in Dayt.on Sunday a.fternoon TO $1.00 STORE to improve production and devel· member of the IndUstrial oCQmmlsIt in one year to a degree 61 Complete Ulle ., lint and .burial In Centerville cemetery. slon from Mansfield, and Dale Dun- oped efficiency that increased fac,tory outQU&LITr IlEBC8&NDIB& \Mr. E : J . carmony of $prl.nsfleld U.fon. former 8S8lstlln,t attorney. put 325 percent. They fOllnd ways to FOI' EVel'Je. called on Mr. and MtIl. Wilbur Clark. leneral, are said t9 be on the verge turn out more than four times as Saturday afternoon. much as formerly. It required no of jumPln4l inOO the RepubUcan 1Mb. Russell campbell and chil- race for Lt. .ovemor. Herbert Hoov- additional belp and no buJlying. : FRED'S DEPT. STOKE Common sense and patriotism did dren ,have l>een 111 the past week, er 'Will iIlot run ' for ,state treasurer, the trick • . The vehicle was a ration· We Ouuli the EnUre ......., br t are cn tbe mend at this t1me. since Don iJ!Jlright ha6 ~ecided to , al im'entive plan that divided profits 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter ' Kenrlck r~ ,for the .th 'term, but will al~o 50··50 between the employees and the ca ved word Tuesday. , mornIng of be In this race. A number of others , corporation on all Increased busi· Since 1885 Phe" I ..' the dellth of 'the formiCl"s cousln, are also "crouohed" for the leap. ness. Each .worker's ellectlve In· cOme accordingly was raised more , M1a!I Ella Kenrick, a.t 'bhe home ' 01 her niece, Mrs. Oharies Kelle.r , In' Old John Barley Com Is coming than 50 per.cen·t fn 12 months. Simi· EARL B. DAVI8S()N Springfield. Funeral ,senlces G,t N.c- bo.ck lnto the headlines agllln, e s (ilr things have been done in other war production plants and might be JEWELER pressure la developing in Washlng'bert's ~uMral home, 08,y ton, Thursdone in many 'more. The Idea is .Phone· Wayne.ville· ton for war-time prohibition. The d~y afterDoon. ~tl burllal 10 Miami U N. BroadwaJ Lebane. truly America,n In character. It Is same arguments are belilg pesenud tried and effective.2804 cemetery. WayneavWe. Pbone liT II Mr. and Mrs. RaymOYld OliVia and for and agaJnst . . . Sounds almost The mUer Idea The oolJ J'erUlIller Plan. Ia . , wee a. recording made during WOI'ld Mr. IlIlld Mrs. Robert I:lavis of CinDer Fuehrer work. forced labor. He has 2'n times 08 much popula· clnnatl.' were Bunday I~Vep1ntr din- !War I. CARY'S A group of Democratic Dry lead- tion tei draw from as we have, and , ner guests of Mr. · and Mi1I: Calvin JEWELRYap ! ers are looIdng for a candldQte l or regularlY gets leSs done. For an Longacre and fun1iy. example, consider ste( I, ever need· Mr. JesS 0111 of Lima ,c alled at the oolll1'easman-at-large,to aolld1fY the Pbone 17 ' ful 10 war. All the warring coun· dry vote in the party. Walter F. homes at Mr. and Mis. Rufu8 Wattries are producing every ton of It 1890 Slnee Bank 1114 ., Itin:l, Mr. u.n'd Mrs. J. B . .)mes and Rutherford of Columblls, bas been they can. Germany, with 300 mll· approa.cbed .. The same group would llon people, Is able to produce 50 Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones Monday Ilke W have a. candld&te who wUI mllJion tons a year; the United eventng. and Mrs. Charles Hall and alSo take, I! stand against war-time Slates, with 120 million people, pro.' ,q duces 90 million tonS. Slaves never Support your home town scm viSited the fOMler:s uncle Imd atr1kes. do their best. Look at the contrast: Former state 8ena.tqr Howard L. . The Miami Gazette is the onll aunt, Mr. and Mrs; ~h&rles Goeltz, newspaper in 't tle 'Wor!ld. that and thllr g\WSt, alloiw~r Qunt, Mrs. Shearer of Cintlnnatl, and fonner ANNUAL STEEL PRODUCTION MIUloD MlllioD a.nythlng about ' W~v1ue .04' Fr.ank .&af, in Da.yton, Sunday af- executive llecr&.8ry of the Cosmo- . vlcln1b>. ' TolUI People tcfnoon. Mrs. ROOf of Ga1UPOl1B. at- tology Foard, has told .f rlends that In America 120 produce 90 C<!mPansed ~he Halla' 'h!:nne ,to 'spend he 'will be 'a DelDOCrailcs candld~te for Congre!i6man-at~IQrge. In Germany 300 produce 50 i'emalnid,!r ot ~ ' ~r1nter. : Some of the' ad.rnlrrtst.ratlon fleldMr. a.ncl Mrs. Walte1· Kenrick en.. , So far no high government man men covering the &tate with "feelere," as to whether Hal G. has actu'allY come out boldly for lao of the State Highway depart- bor conscription. McNutt , laid to the A. F. L.1n Basion. "It I. not ment from summit' county, could, beyond the realm of possibility that Ilfl()BSI::5, Jump ' lnto the 'fperncn:'s ~elee" labor .and ' 17\anaiement can . . . and Win '.tbe\r support. take new and ' more ItrlE:lgent steps There J8 ' aJ80 .an . un~e1'ground uhder their own Bteam." What It rumbling . emong . ' Demooratic big t.8kes 'to ~peed up productlon when workln; with, hee American people .wlgs, that the candidate ~or gover.111 'n ot a strln"ent'ltep, if that mew nor baa not ye~ ~en ~ent1oned . . compul,Sion. cOuld ltbe "'tty Parker Fulton d QeveJaDd? . . " He has many of ;t La8t Augult thli coluIJUl carried an account of prompt and amazJn• . aymptO,ala. ) ptoduc~lon lIalns achieved b7 the Howard Radio Company Of CbI~.Jo, throup Incentive wa.e palmentl. 'Howard makes 81gnlll equipment for the Army. The managemont lDI¥· tuted an Incentive pllIn -bJ CIGIIHD\ at: the War loabor Boar4.
snOP.IN LfB A,N.O N··
Inside Ohio Politics
COurt News
tbey\ c1;l~
',I brOk ..· hl.· hand~ . . L -&9I"H I Ilfte'· .
• .,
Do Y(tU feel "left out of it"?
.. . .
1'1'-... oarea
Letbtr From Italy
(oJlo~ let~r w~
The .,b!!6n 'fe,:. celved from QJlI. 'Dari G.) Blggs, who . ' I,IIO,HI ....n.ltI~ ......:IiII....,tIaII~ ~OII.olI"'~II..I ·.· : . is '80fllcwhere In 'I~!' His ad.· . .I. ~h orpllllll!c* ftr S"_'pl Fmuft. MIg~la~, dress. is: 1'-'\i 'Cari· o. BiG;lIs 31)'452877, , Mrs .. M et\ha Qruy 9r \ ,OI,kwoOd • ' I't~ IItI't .I".ul W. . , Itrlcllr .. 110... e 00, B , 439 ~tg. ,.cq.n: Bn. Avn ., AiPO WOB . th~ 8 u.nday (guest 0 Mr. Illld 628 care ,of Po6tmaSter; New York, Mrs. :m. F. ~rnful1rt. e . .. . . .. e • • • • e e , . e ~ e ' • • , N. Y. ' · . ~ t. R06ema.ry Mhlllead. Wayne . Dec~ 27 • . 1943 OV~ townShlp,'s only W.A.C.. Is sP.ellding , ' ThO ~ Gazette a lO-da.y fW'lougb here at the home U the Presidentia l elections were l)lung belli totloy, Lho nullon'8 farm ,"ote would favor either General Douglas MacArthur or Governor Wf\ynesvl~, OhiO . of her moth~r', Mrs. Will St.. J otin. 'I'bomas El. Del1l'ey of New York over PresldeDt ,Roose velt. acoorlllns Dear EdItor: • •• " to tbe December ....·nrnl er Speak 1\" poll conducted tor Suol;essrul I am Laklpg tllls time to write t o Ml-s. Ida Parsba ll is cl'!UvallY m Fermlng magazlDe. Wendell Wlll kle, accord ing to Llle 11011 • .would your' paper, . as I have been recetv- with bronch1a.l · pneumonia. at tbe llland a ' 50·50 obance ot getting a majority of th e farm vote If h p wu running against the chler executi ve . for ·the 8l'cond. tIme. . In" It. fqr the IXISt elght.!en months home of her daughter, Mrs. C. L e Olven relatively etrous SUPllort by oLber fnrmers. the pres id ent R t hat I have 'been ovef'/i:eas. and I Hawke. IUPpor\llfS In the (arm belt are vcry dofinltely In the minority. Mid· eel 8.a though .Y~u· llke to hoor frem weat farm ers give p ewey a 2 th I edge over F . n. I:t .. MacArthur an advan tage of beU er t han 6 to 3. uS baCk nome' ,Always lo,ok for news . 'Plan to come to the ValenLi ne dance given by ·the 20-30 club of Outside tbe Mlddle,,·eat. the presid ent wouhl fare mucb better, of tile other . fellows that are servaltho bls ad vllnLage over Wlllk ie and MacArt hur Is sl\ght. A large ing with t he armed forces a nd the Episcopal church In the hlgh number of voters bnve yet to make up their miads about the 19 44 school gym Sat urday evening , Peb. election. of course. and recent IlOlls bave Indicated that 60% of th E' thlnk there should ~ m ore of them 12. AdIlusslon 300 per person . Totera are undecldeiJ. writing 11 few lines to yc)ur paper. Question : It the Presiden tial election were being beld today One IDterestlng article In the and 'Roosevelt were running for President on the DomocJ'!ltlc ticket ~:t' . a nd Mrs. \Lewis }~ires bad as armlDst Dewey on the Republican IIcket. bow do you think you woul(l paper Is "From a Farm ·Dlary...,nry their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. ToteT . Ridge," The Writer n evcu- a dds a Raymond Stomps and son of Mi· Answer: naDle but yOu need h()t go any nm1sburg, Harold Taylor of CenterRoo.cvell Dewey Undecldld All farmlra 38 % 43% 16% ,farther, ~he PYmer of the Diary Is ville, 'Miss Ica1 Bl'aham of Xenia. Mldwelt farmera 29 &8 "3 gOOd ,friend of .mine. : and Mr. and M rs. Harol d Ken!1edy Other farmer. 45 38 19 l S1Me I lert the St-a.tes, 1 Illlve of Bellbroqk. Question: It the Presldentfal election were belns beld Loday and Roos8ye(t were rUDnlng for PreSident on the Democratic ticket against been to Scotland. EogIJlnd, . North WiUlde ' on tbe RepubliCAn ticket. bow do . you think you would vote? The Nutt sll;ters of Oenterv ille. Akica, Sielly 'a nd Italy, anI took Answer : were ,buslness visitors in Waynespart in the maLn, landin gs of Norih Roolevltt Wlilkle Undecided All farmlra . 40% ' 40% 20% i\.frica. and Italy. I have found mnny ville, Wednesday . Mldweat farme,.. 36 43 21 , . Interes!llng things In 't hese counulo!! Ptc. Earl Wchae1 of Ft. Le wis, Other farme,.. 43 38 19 but I a~ more Interested In gettl!1 g Washington, has r t urned after a. QuesUon : tt the PreAldenttal electlon were belns held today and Rooeevelt werll rullntDJl for President on the D mocratic ticket against this finlSh.ed 50 I can c.\Ille llome . ten-day fw·loug.h with hIs pare!1t'>, \lnd read an. up-to-oiaw Miami Mr. and ·M is. Jesse Michael. Pte: Mlchnel and parents weJ'e Sund1l y .,t" Gazette. . T'hlUlk you, gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fu nas T-5 Calrl O. Biggs . of J a mestown and Monday ev,6n1ng ; . ~. ~ "LUI . ' ~ 38 11 '. ' di.nner g\l£sts of !Mr. and Mr . P . A. Runyon.
il1iC>lI . "TIle f _ ......" ,Ie • ,...... . . ., 01 i!tt .,,111_ .• ,
fanners 'favor Dewey, Mac Arthur
. ..
FOR. . Willkie Even Bet.
~1ure Jlfuneral ~ttme 'Dial alII ' -
r~~":b:,"' ;~:~ :::~:':k ~:l!~:: "at .6. c&rct. of Tbanb aa4 ~ are C!J1af,e4 .'.r at the rae. " . . teDt .. word, ~am ...... lie. A lVa& AclIDaer&ed ror u.r.. u.. " ,chaqe4, at k a worcl.
The . , ... Farm Outlook Bv Jack MoraD.
In Brlet : Farma In round.lb. eloclt wlDter productlon ••• Hea.".
Sue Furnas. ,daughter of J\ill'. and
Miss Mame Browne was In Xenia , Mr. Bnd Mra. ~bert Hadl.'Jy Bnd Mrs. Ell Pumas. spent a, recent Thursday and called on Dr. and son, Bobby, were Sun'd ay dinner week-end at the home f he.r uncle
Ru,a.seJ R. Treadway Is now
localt~ at '
· . .,
CamP IPqlk. ·LQWSIBJ •.a.. carl H. Ft:y, w;ife of the
Mrs. .\'Ol'lIler , station. agent. and children, .are now ' living at 218 East Harrison st:reet. Kokomo" Indiana. Mr. Fry was recently induoted Into th e army.
·.. •
.... · . .
9130 A. M·.
----. ~ ....
pot wru; Argus
·.. ·..
---_..... _---
It Should have been Russell Osborne.
Mrs. r. W. Miller 01 ArCBJ1UIn, spent 'F riday night with Mr. and rs. Wilbur Sear:;.
Earl Mendenhall. U. S .. N., of the Great Lakes Nlival T raining Slatlon, is home on furlough, as is Harold Rutherford.
--------YOU ARE AT THE
Gene Bl'O'WO Is spending several days visiting in Brookville, Ind .• vlslUng friends. He 'Was oformerly employed there.
MA~ W~
Pvt. Horace ~'nett 35880334 00. D 11th Bn. 4th R\!gt. 1 RTC
Miniater Phone 2993
,- _.. _-"t)
· . ,-
Fort McOleUan, Ala. .Mr. and Mrs. Morris L1Wh \md sons, Jerr~ Lee and K E:1~Je th WilPlt . 566 P. S .-A. A.'F .W ,T.T.C. ram. spent S ~nday wl.h Mr. a.nd AmarWo Air Field, Amarlllo, 'rex. Mrs. J hn Keelt!!l" c,r ti~ . Mr. !>~ e MUl'r' y rt·i n:.l :13 q'l ite ill Or vUle L. Savage at ·h ls home here. ~, wdependence. Kansas Mrs. EmCl'son nm lIpe.l t fuon day .I n Xenia. 2nd Lt . Robert ,L . Planck MI$ P auUn e Glbscn is spenC1lng 0-813222, APO No. 12689 CD-re of a lew <lays 1n Xenia. !PostmaSter, New York, N. Y. 'I'h Ladles AJd held their meeUng with Mrs. E11!1est Earnhar t 18 t A-C Robert E : OSbOrn 15375228 Wednesday. 54th F. T. D .. SQd. J Class 44F rs. Elll&worth Smith of Da6'ton Don Field, Arcadia, Florida spent Sunda)" With Mrs. Mattie LeVi . and son . WelU~. , . .Mrs. Roy Shaw of Xen.Ia, ·l.pCnt TueSday 'W1bh Mr. and Mi'B. x.ue Mr. Mrs. EJlnest Earnhart " and fwnUy, W ss Clara. Daughters. Mr. a;nd Mrs. G. H. Kerslnj eJ; spent Sunda.y with ' frl~nds In. Morrow. . Mr: and Mrs. Everett Bunn ell and l runlly ealli!<J on Mr. and Mrs. Levi EIlmnell.. and ,famlly Satu,rdey at iLove.lllnd.
Pvt, Lyle S. ·Fox 3f)'19023 1 905t h Trg. Gr . B . ~ . C . 12
·. . ·..
·. .
·. .
J .A NUARY 16, 1944
It was stated in last week's p aper t.ha t the new a gent at t1lA! loco.1 de-
Mrs. Ward at oMoCle~n ,hO&p~1. guests of Homer Haln'es and fnmlly. IUld aunt, Mr. a.!Id Mrs. S eth E . Mr. and Mrs . Sam ' Stubbs of Mrs. Julia; Smith of the Elca«er Furnas . Baltimore, Ohio. and their SQn, Pvt .. neighbOrhood, ' !Mr~. Ervin .Smlth, .. 8e.m Stubbs of Orand FOrks. N. D., Mrs . Helen Maxey anci ,' daugh ter. 'Mrs. J1'rances BTannock. who h as called ()(l ,M rs. Amanda Hartrum Maria.nna, visited TuesdQY evening bE.en quite U1 fo r the past two wllt'ks lOB IW:ol!l - WaWni PiOduct. at . • •• JIroad1raJ,: LtlbaDon. Open Wednesday afternoon . / at Ute home d,f. Raym'(md Wilson is W1~h 11er .da • ter ill nyton t b.ls , eYlI1IDII for 1OW' convenience. MrS, Ji!valyn G. Peterson ' spent. and famll~ . week. 01a Ullmer. 'Phone a L. the week-end In Blue A$h, the guest Mrs. WIlllam Smith and d !lughMax. Randa.ll, pastor ot \.he of lier nephew a.nd lWife, Mr. and {er, Marilyn SUe, spent S at urday ~ ynesvUle Church of Chr ist. spent Mrs, Edwin III . Oreene. with Mrs. Evan Bogan and Mrs. Farmera marglnl between colt Dr. Dudley Keever of Centerville,. Emmet NeVIn and son, "De ~ny". the first p&1't of the we~k In Keota, and ..lIIng pr,lcel wI" be nal'ro¥,8r ~lme at elect.r1c. see BW Lee, Uti. wInter than ,••t-palltlcul.·rly and Edward Keever, of . Dayton, In Day~n. Iowa., transacting bUSiness. . . 0nuI0rt RDI,d, R. 3, Waynesville. '" I,nltock Indu.trle.. Prlc... of were dlnner guests here Saturday.. . Dinner guests. Thursday of Mrs . • • a\1 f~d c~mblned havl, been 28% WilbUr Sear:? attended thl! funeral IMrs. j. W. Ward came down RaY~OIld WilsOn and :family we'r e: . . 8AlJ!I -: ~ Stationery . h1ah'r tl)ll fall than lalt, Ilbor up of an uncle In Centerville, Sa.turday 300 ebeetiI ' gf 'b ond , pr.per. 27%. Prlc •• farmer. received for from xenia TueSday to attend the Mrs. Veda Be4ll,: daugliter .B everly, ~ooD, . III ••' pr'ocfucta . Wli up only 6%. 'funeral service for INIIss' Lylija. arid . aon~ Ernest Frankllln, home on ... III 1-2, with 100 e,rive1opes, darry producte 17%\ chlckena and Wright. She retur.ned to Xenia. t urlotlg'h from. Oeox:gla. [rom Mt. c all 'IW1tb aaple &ZlCl addreU im~, wem'esday . " . Tabor. In the a!ternoon ' they- we.re ~ied. lor ' ,i.60 at the O,-tte W1D~r Pattern : In an effort "10 Mr. and 'Mrs . Raymond . Montaccompanied by ' iWalter Wilson. ar.ac.. PbGDe 8141. ."'!llle lIye,tock and feed. .u~ , " plle.~ ' thl' winter, the War Food bomery of C ntervWe, called on Glenna WlIson tltld Ellll Hutley and ~"l'I'uckl DrIver for ·mIlk kclmlnlltratlon I. urging farmers MIa8es .Annie tltld M.eD1e Br~e vISited Mr~. Bei'tba.·, Shambal\gh, , zaute: JIaJ at..J IlISbta (1)" ~:d hO:f• ~~e TUesday ~ternoon. .. nEar Harveysburg a'nd M1'II , ~obert Bab'I DI.b7. W~. 'we1.hlt.. 01 the lu~ two ' years; (2)' • The 'funeral 81ll'vice for Mba Furnas, near Wa,*eavWe.. ---.!. - - . • . .r--. _. 011' h og f arrowlng& IlJl d Lydia . _. wrl8'h t. age 93, w~<! pOllsed ' , ,Mr.. aDd , ~. Evfn-ett . ' Hames ' 4c ~~~;;~~=:-;::;:;7.~-==;t~~:~~;.~~e~,1D 'la·jean '81mo!'e aboutheay. uuLf-1I:'IIlrJ>yearly .. . for cattle and inB' a Short Ulness, WOB held here BDd 'Ugllten . TueSday afternoon with a i large ' cattle; ' and (5) beavily. Of. concourse of relatiVes and friends In ft9~ .., efflcleptly ulled, a.tenda.nce . BurIal was ' ln thc lOR ~'O'tbtor (I B. P. Gar., the 19fHf .u~ply of feed .•• ,Uf· Prlenda cem~ery at Springboro. IIclent to maintain or IIUghUy In· 'Of sterltng vfrtues, strength r " den ·~ With cultivators. In crea .. milk prollnctlon; to main· ~ ~on. ild"m ~aoe, R. ' t4lD ~~" 'productlon ,at the 19t8 character and more ,t han ordinary Leonard Wis R. " ~e, Obio. ' St. leTel: ,teed out ' 16 to 20 percent lntellgence, MIss Iqdla was revered .n lclan, Mr. and more cattle (but to welgbta IIllghtly by all who knew her. She wUl be and famtly and ~.' apd Mrs. Thebelow anrage and to good . grAdea ~ S&Lm-CIrcu1attng bee.ter, 18 odore Mcintire and SODS wel'e I1inrather than cbolce and prime sadly m1s8ed. ' in. fire bowl. moWon' pon:eialn ex- andes); feed out the 1943 .lIprinc Mr. an'd ~5. ;Everett Nieman of ner guests ~daY of. lMr. and Mr-s. terior. M80 ODe ·18 in. round oak and fall pig crops 10 averalre . werghU; etart a ' lIprlnc crop equal Mt. Healthy, and Misses Helen and Raymond wnaori " . beatsl W~eavILlej Ketler Hoak. end .fa~y ~ere . Paul 2ropat, , to that of 19U; ralBe 'as many broil· Bertha Paris of Clnc1I),na.tl, called u tn 194a and about iLB m~)' u.... r"- -.r Pete -edn~"" .guests of Mrs. Nellte Bunrie),l and P' 8AILE--oE1ectr1c heater ' and an, en! turken and ducks u in 1945; and on ..... ". \AD - ra ,n ."..,a.. lWas t.(onlmia &umiell, Sunday. , e1ectflC oooker. In goocfeondltion. feed '9ut the Bame number of IIbeep attemoon. , '. . .a.,"".;..n-. ....... W ... II and Iambll as in 1945. M1ssea Anna and ituth Nutt Of _ ............. , a~ ....e. Th t . Mr: and-Mrs--.-EV-'--eret-"--t~lRounyan an;:! GROuP'A ' - Selee&Twe M •••ziaea • Bureau 0 Agricultural . HI» ~ntervl11e. called on MIs8es Annie o·AMERICAN HOME _ ..__· _ _ _ ,.•__ .;~.._..........- l Yr, DomiCil forecalta 'a sharp reduction · d~h'U;r, Y&rthi. Lell, , and Mrs. tu cattle feeding (}laeaulle of 1lII- and. ~ Browne Wednesday: T1~.lJE STORY ....... _. _._ .....:_..._ ..~ .. _._ ...... l Yr. Addle Davia of ¥banoD, were Sun· o AMERICAN· GIRL ......................._ _ ..._ _.___....._ ....6 Mo. certainty 'oyer prices) tbta winter; o OPEN. R,OAD (BOYS) 02 JJsues) ..._ _ ..:-_...__ ..... _.:.. ~·4 Mo: We 'Wish' .to ~ . our lincere but pncueaU, 110 chan,s from lut ' Bee the Miami Gazette statlopery day evenin&' dinner ;guests of Dr. PATHFINDE.R (Weekly) _ _...... ___...-:........ ___ ,......... 1 Yr. winter tn the number of IIheep ad llne. ' tltld Mrs. H. E . ,Bat)ullway . tbanU. appreciation to our lanibl In Corn belt feed Iota . . . o ,SP,ORTS~FIELD ............_ _ _ ......___ ....... __ .._ ....... 1 Yr. o OUTDOORS (12 JMJes)._ _ _........._. __.........._ .. 14 Mo. ~ < and lIleigbbora for their J~ aDd l1l~nol. are beln$' asked. to· IIJk. the acreage of IOybeaaa ~~~~aetaof haneated .. .. . [OW& ·from 2 mUllon B _ hleet Two MalCalllaes ' ~ iIiiOwn u.s during the recent 5e- acre, to U . II! 19~, nllDOls from o .Fl,OWE~ ~ROWER ......._. ---"....___ ._..__._._ ...6 Mo . . ~oua Wnas ofiMr: ·James. We es- ' ,.1. mllllon to .. .' million. SlpBlIer o CHRlST[AN $RALD ...- -:.:-,...................- ...... - :..6 Mo. 'pealalI7 'Wiah to thank Dr. Dudley tuereu.. uked bJ, War Fool' of· PA.RENTS· MAGAZINE "_._ . - --;--••- ....... _ ................6 Mo. III other ltAtea. Bean'l!rooo THE \VOMAN ........ ~......__.__ .....-'......_ ....~..._ ............ 1 \'r . . Kr. and Mrs. Charles ..liDg macblnery III promlaed . P4THFINDER (W~,) , __ ..... 1 Yr. Gharltoll, K:r. and Mrs. &lpb Ed- (J'fom Succeasful Farming M .... line.) . entte1d and Ml'. Arthur Thomas for ... GROIJP C -- Seleet Two IU. . .zlae. 80 faltbfUUy stMdlng by In time of AMERICAN FRUIT GllOWElL..._ ___....I1'r. nee<! aDd when We IJl(1&t needed o Al\fERlCAN POULTIl1( J9URNAL ..,, · .......:1Yr. : FARM JOURNAL Ie FARMER'S WJFL . ........1 Yr,' II~' •• ,,~... I.. ,G~l'n.. l', OOl'l'e."und_, ~ o Hp,USEHOLD ..._. ' , _ .......:........ :._ _ _.:......_1 Yr. WE ARE PREPARED TO GIVE PROMPT S~R. Mr. and MinI. Ben James We am very much pleased to reo NATIONAl. LIVESTocK. 'PRODUCER.. ... 1 Yr. POULTRY ' TRIBUNE ...::-..::_............... _. . .I Yr. port that 'M1M Hannah Jordan and VICE ON ALL KINDS OF . ·0 MOTHER'S .HOME Ln'E:---""':'" ...... .1 fro Alit Jordan Who have been confln~d o CAPPER'S FARMER .-:.........;... . - - -:-.. ~.'7..... _ .. 1. Yr. to their home -lor the past three weeks /WIth the f1~ are recovering kQDl'lta effect at thiS' tlme. ~. and ·~. Sidney Smith and Junior, were Sunday' dlnner guests AT PRlcd .': of his brother. Alvln, and MIsS Mary . Elizabeth 8m1th. . ADMISSION FILING CARDS Mr . . and Mrs~ ' sDyuer of Dayton, TIOKETS FOLDERS Spent ~ . at 'th'e lr fann here .' ANNOm,lCEMENTS HAND On.t.s ~c1' N1ll Is sick, at his home BILL HEADS " LETTERHEADS here and 'Was abseut . f1'<lli school ' la8t ftek. ..' . , .... : '. Albert ~e, Omer and Edp.t BUSINESS J ~ABDS· • J!ED~E~ SHEETS GLASSES FITTED " H1,teman ahd £Ver8ttLaPOrge, ' at~ ., cALLING CABDS LEOAl.·BIANKB tended ., the· J)a.e~ games 'a t ' 'CA'l'ALOGUJ:'S . MEAL 'rICKETS'," t· Spr1ngboro, . 1I'r1~y nJgh~. ! .; ~ DODGER8' :. MENU· CABoS ' t ~. Beilafe' Pb'mire was :,~ Wed...EL~~ON CAB08 ,NOTES • , ' ." ~ caller at ~ home ' of Mr. ~OPE8 P;AlIIP~L~ .J-., . ."". -1.~.'" . and KrB. Jaa. xcDoruiJ4. . t ,'" , KIIIa ,1laIy ~ Of, near Way.K.'e.ep Your , .I (Pt£'Pflt" Doll(l,rs 'J1t H01J~e! .neav1l1e, · ~t 'ThUl'llday at the bCl[lDe of tbe .Jordan famlly. :air: andKrs. Charles 8w1~dler' of ~ at·t.twir f~ l1erf qne 4lAppearallce of grain this·'Quarter ., 9,~tputa Df ~eata. milk, eggll In· ~e.." . • . Llye.tock prollt mar· r;Jb8 '~t by ,Islnl: fe.lld and labor eo.b . . . Fewer hog., more milk, I... o.b. more COrD, more lIoybeanli• and' more wheat wanted ID 194'4 .. • More" machlnery and Implement. promtaed ••• Little Incre&le lu labor foree..
. ,U D ,
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:=ERS ' '," =:::'S ' "
Americ:ab Amaic:!ui Americ:ab AmeriCan
~t Growq...__ ....:... .$1.7S Girl ~ __ •__ ...:..._.._ 2.M Hom~ ... _.............. _ ...... 2.2S
Poulcry JournaL ..:....., US ~omemaklitg .. ll.45 Boy'. Ufc ..... _......._ _ .~ ..... 8.-10 Capper'. Farmer _._.... _ _........ J.6S ailld .Lifer ....... __... _._ ..._...... 2.9S Ouillian HenJd . _.:..:._._.._ ....... 2.!iO . (i.ouqtrj Gmtlmwa (IS Yn.) ........ 2.00 Farm Journal ~, Falmer''' W!le:. I.65 FloWer Grower- ... ,_........ _ ' ....... ~ 2.SO Flyilig Aalil ,.,L .... :_ ..,.... _ · ....;! 2.l10 F~.co~UDUl"~ew, ~...., U5 Detter i::oollng i:
H9Ui'ebold '. _ .::.~._..,::..,_ _ ;..,::~: 1.6lS H~ L ...;._ · _. __..:.:._ . ':..:... ~~ 2.05 IJ~ ......._ ' , '.... , __ ".~t' ,"i, " .._.;. _.';'c,
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Civic ClUb Hears Dayton Editor
; B~d.Moth.rs .To_.
Revival Extended·. Brilliant Deaf At Ferry C. Of Christ Inventor Angered
Members of thc;Waynesville Clvlc
The revival at Perry ChUl'Ch ' of
club had the privllea,.e at !learing an interesting addrtlI5s by Mr. ~rl Eastwood, Dl4DailDl' editor of tlie Dayton JOumaI-Hera1d at. Ita ' Januan' dinner meeting beld Monday evenintr at "Our Howle." .
stamord 8ogen. the grea.t. deaf inventor or W8I~esville, speaking on world progress in a vlatlon. say" he WfIJI not even Impressed by the loomed Dr. Jerome C. Hunsaker s address to representatives of 60 different newspapers attending the Harvard War Problems institute. "It was Just BO much alfalfa to t.he blindfolded sheep and nothing more," the nery inventor states . Dr. Hunsaker Is chairman of the Natlcmal Advls~ Committee Aerona.ut1ca and dlrecWr or englneerlni, ~husetts Instltute of TechnolOllY. In further reference to the address, Mr . Bogen said: .··His addresa ' o1!lered the 60 dl1'1'erent representnUves oIlollhlng of which we do not IllIlady knaw all about. He merely wd exactly what my and news I14'tIcles told you aome year or 110 8iO and nothing more. Hls oommlttee at that time ve .tersely ·told me IDf meteor inventt: 'I/WI ~OWD to them _ it Is. lnconce1vable our IfOvernment would allow tbla replY to a ubJect mattel' of uch . t
0hr1et has be6n grow1ng in intereat and attendance and Brother Fred Dowdy, evanaeUat, continues to brintr fine JDeIIII8Ie8 each evenin8. ~ Graham, mlnJ8ter, uta those who have not .. yet attended -Mr. Eastwood'a topic waa entitled the aervlCe8 to drive out to Ferry "Newlill&pel'8 In Wartime." and was and hear theae Gospel measagea.
divided lnto three dlvlslons, as follows: communicattons. ceD80rehip and propaganda. He compared the speed by which the war news Is recelved during this war to that of other Amerk:an wars and stated that thls war Is the best reported war in biatory. He expl&liled the difficultles of censorship and how it waa handled on a large city DewS,p 8ile1'. At the conclu.s1on of 1Mr. EastwOOd's talk he IUl8wered ques. tlons or the various membera. There w~ 30 membqs and two '8Uests, Mr. Thackera and Max Hartsock, at the meeting. During the bUS.1ne.ss meeting several VOlunteered to aaslBt Lee Lemmons IWd Charles. Michener in worklntr on the Boy Scout cabin Tuesday afternoon,
Brother Graham brlnp a apeolal in muaic each evenintr. SUnday !Brother Dowdy 'Will speak on "The Church" at the morning hour. ,I n the evening his lIubJect IW1ll be, "Neal1 to the KIngdom." B£PORT CONTRIBUTIONS FOR KIT BAGS HERE MnI. Edna Hartaock. reports the follQw1ng dOnatlons for kit bags for Jooa1 men in the wed se·rv1ces: !Waynesville Civic club, $6.00; New Oe.ntury dUb. $5.00; Miami ChapteJ' O.E.S., f1j .0Q; WB¥De8VUle Masonic LcIdge, $5.00; WayneevWe Mothers club, $5.00; IWaynesville OTa.nge. $6.00; Arpnot Bridge club. sa .OO; Buslnea WorDeD's club, $3.00 . The , P6.00 total ls far below the
Sponsor FOlt Drive Saturday M:Dming
All reslden~ of It.hls and nearby ccmmun1tles are 1J~lted to attend a fox drive to be held neaT WaYllesville next B!lturday: January 22. The drive ls to b& IIponsored by the wa.yneavWe school 'Ba.nd Mothers club. oM the conolUilI().'l of the drive any, oxes caught lin !.he ring will <be auctioned off to .tIle hlghest bldders and proceeda be added to a fund being ralIIec1 . to pUl'chase n6'!V untrorms for th~ school bUnd. Lunch wUl be serve.ti by members of the club. , The drlvt! Is schetluled tD at ·1 0:00 a. m . and ~letlng places are as follows: 00rwiD. Harveysburg bridge and the ~ Furnas c r-. nero The south llIlt ' will extend from the a&.rkavWO·road to Harold 8butta' conll.r U. ~raesar's creek at
Herbert carr!• . •~ Une-Ca~r'8 creek bun tA)?O~ Tucker·s. Welt 1lne OOOk', road ,to 00rw1n akmIr PelDnsytva.nla RaUroIId. North Jlno-u.wrence Coo;;' ro.d. u. JIal'ImAD raa.d to Ohaeser's
Oarr'. ~vt."llICe
Fourth War Loan Has Good Start Hereailway Station To The total sa:es a~ the Waynesville Nn-Uonai 'Bank for Tuesday, the first day of the drive. amounted to $11.650. ISliue price. according to Ross Hartsock, Wayne t.wp. ch.alrman. The ' Warren county quota is 315,000 for the entire drive. F !rfit day sales in the county amountea to $169,000. The local Quota 1S 'U4.00U. about '6,000 .more than the quota set for the Third War Loan Drlv< but less than the total raised then.
BEGINS BASIC PILOT TRAINING AT PER.RIN FIELD Perrin Field. Texas. Jan. 19.Aviatton Oadet Wlllla.m Howaru Ba.~r. 26, husba.nd of Mrs. Barbare. Louise 8a.W)'er of Waynesvll1f: . has atrived at thla Ann¥ A1r Por~es Training Oommand stA!.tlOI) to begh, wic plolot tralnill8 . Ohangtc,g .from a- pr1Jna.r.y to a basic trainer , Cadet f3a.~ will - learn to fly heAvier, faster sh1pa that have th o .ha.ndllng ch&racter1stlcs of mllltn y planes .
8 a , ,rea c:reeJt In! answer to a. lettel' written to the lmportance. lor. a result It aWl 1 s ' ! of fl. 00 ·f or ea.ch Wayne twp. . pas t of'lce department in Washlng- quota. i " - In.''' not known to theol." . ENTER'"''"'" ... ton aakJng ror a larger man box in c .......n ""e anned forces. Any"Whenever Mr. Hu.naaker, or UJ A: ... DINNER one who would illJe to donate to thJa ••• Mr. and l\4rs. Fred C. Hubbell f ront of the local J)OIIt oUice, a Jet- worthy cause Is Uried 'to send h1a other power in the av1&t.lona.l world ter from the fourth asalatant actln8 CODtributlon to Mrs . Ha.rtaock. wishes to wake up a.nd call ' on Dl.J entertained Sunday in honor Lf poIttmaster geneml .was read by the knowledge I abaU feel. to state..Jt Rev. their· annlverauy ' an~ Mrs. HubmUdly, '01 SO ver; bonored, don't Walter E~ ' 0 , ..0 yton, Mis- bell's blrthday. the following guests: secretary. Rev. Ralph Parlca, who also read le~tera cram .the Penndyl: To fh~ People you kngwl' Then perbapi, aome aour1, pUaed .udC~nly into the Mr . and Mrs. Harry 11', Laws:.n V8Dla RAlUroad and th~ Pubuc UtlJcf this Community llves may yet be apared, aome few ~!bercm =~ 6 at the rea- Kansas City. IMlssourl; Mr . IlI1d UB!! COIDDllI!alon IlIlIIOUIIdnc the hundred mWlons of the world.. . va b~. Mrs. oor- Mrs . Ralph Lawaon and daughtt.r, l retenUon of the local n,llway aaenun~!a: OR DE lULLED truly wholly lnnOC~t, ~. ne11ua O.~: nte funeral eonnersvWe,IDd.. ~s. ·W1lll·_m ef. in a.nswer to III protest !tom the stiffest blRmeleas men, women · and ch1l- eervicee 1Nfe held in Clayton n Drake and san Indlwpolis Inti clUb. s uare dren, cattle, 'WUte and cl.eStn..:tlco J~uary I. 00Dducted. by the reCtor' Mrs. Rober·t ~h&rd, San 'Dleg~'
"F,ormer . Re'l·dent Di In Missouri
. .......,
It was decided that the club would attend the revival aervlee at the Perry Church of Cll1'lat Monda)' evenin8 at- 1:30 after Preelaent O. H. ~ read IU\ InVlta'tlon from Herbert Graham, Inlnlater, who 1a also a member or the Oiub. .. " n&< member's and their famllles who can atten~ urpd to pt in toucb IW1th the ~tary, Rev . Parka. ~t.Ion .wW be pro- . . Yided. . . : . . _ "The 1"t!bru&rJ ~ be
~ht and wU1 be held Feb. .
they ranW~t~ the deadlJest fire power a Ion g t b e beacher. of thl~ Importent Gilbert Islandltronahold . Thll assault. bloody and cOla. ly, II one of the many which m,..st be .made before Tokyo and Berlin are pounded into duat and aahes. ,.' - tIMWbat are doIM Io~. bOYI? " 'P11 Remember the.. are
BlB.TH OF SON Mr. and Mra-:--Robert
are annbuncl.nc the birth of a
IlJt . ~ 000d8amarUan hoapltal in Priday, January 14, The biabI weJehed. three pounds, elev'en At otrih. UCOGNI.ZE8 NsPlIEW " _ '. IN NEWS aBEL _ "".,.., ..... ....- .and ....-.J..... - Love'u '"~ OJ where attendln . aD the local ' . .....,...... ~..._...... 1M00day'evenlnlr a scene was shown of 'A metlCan :trOO.- lJndlns co .. ~tb Pac1flC ·:1alaDcl U1lder lire lDel .. Ur. ~ , ~Wed o~ · Ot 1alI' nej)lm' of Wddietawn, In the 'forefro , nt _. ·.'... e.·. ·a·tta-'-..•·.. .... ~"". .DIt)'ton
.....a ___
!th~8waury'Lred. 'white and blue ~..., 8r' .....bought an ShieldExtra proclaim. "We War"
Bbnda~' il not , backing the attack. Every Extra War Bond },au bUY .becomel a direct l1,hter . agalnlt Ja~ln and German)'. U . you could ut lee one man ' dle on the ba 1Ield, you would not count the Co.t of your all,ht lac. rlfli:el to bu, Extra War Bondi to make each .ucceedlng asnult ~I cOItly.. ln the UVe8 . of. our
If Y<K\ would help theae bon. ,
~n you admitted we were sUll \rY,lnI ' to pUSh our planea to 400 innes per hour--.for 1 am, Inter..tec1 0I)lY in glv1J)g your ' j~t lam- ' lnated flow ~tor, do you· can it ?Its last. 1t1! farl'W . and Ita finai -'e"'. ~ The plWh tba.t spells for you. Mr. H . 1mlSker, and also the NaM---l """"'" ~ committee and the Massachuaett.i I ...tltute ,.. ....... "'-010-.
"lbe eoo 01 the flnaJ. story.' ..
Jan.·MeetingHeld By Farmers Club
ploture , and ..pre_
In view of the many protesta and ,er1ntEmd.ent of the 0lnclnn&t1 d1Ily. a petition which were sent to the Jon of the 1I'811road: PetlJ'\5YlvanJa Railroad and to the State PubUc Utllltles OommliIilon of Dear Sir: Ohlo by local organ1zt1ons and Yay I admowlel;1ee reoelpt of ,our b"slness people, the railroad baa res letter of January 10 COllCeJ'DIna the <:Inded Its order closing the loca; nOtice we recently postell in 0\Il' station. Letters noUfylng the recip · statton a.~ Wa.ynesvWe, Ohlo; ootJ.lents ()f this intention were received fydng all concerned of the lntentioo . here the latter part ot last week , to olOlie the agency. Up to the time thl.!! notlce ,WU ·bath trom the raUroad Ilnd theUtllpos ted we had been unable to pt Itles cotnm1ttlon . The following lettel' WII.'l received a. competont and qUalWed man to by Oharles James. lWaynesv1l1e VU- act as agent. Since then we ' have secured lihe services of an lnd1vldual I~ clerk, trom J. F. Henry, supwhom 'we belleve tWUi satisfactorily fill the b1ll and so long as we AI. SIX FOXES GARNERED able to man the statton tAel• . lI DO IN HUNT SATtJRDAY d:eslre on our part to make &n.T NEAR HARVEYSBURG change. , PleUe be assured that we are not Six foxes were killed. -$95,60 obtained for the SalYatkn Army and unapprecl.atlve of the situaUon· e.t mot e than 300 per~ons entertained WaynesVllle, nor of the valUable SaturdaY at the fO l{ drive held Sat- patrons we have .at that po\Dt. ~ urday eBl>-t or Ha : veysburg. The action was simp!) bI'ouaht about, bJ drive centered on the Collett farm necesalty wh1ch ~ . 8IlI)e&h . &0 • near Harveysburg. where the 'six have passed and I teel r-..ooab17 foxes were aucttoned art by Jess sure the ma tter Will work 1t.e1f out to our mutual sat1atactlon. Stanley for a total of ~ .50 . Youra·truq, Another drive Is planned In a few J. P. IIKNRY, weeks in the same locality . SOme 8yper1DteDdeDt. 01 the foxes esca pod Saturday Note: In the oplnbn of thlI new... through the ~t Une -of the drlve, in which there were not enough paper. the cc.ntlnt:ance of the local railway agency la a maanUloent _people to stop them. ample of wha.t can be accomplllbed SALES TAX DEADLiNE' in ' a community lImeD '~ aw.e~ EXTENDED TO FEB. 29 work together wttb &, oOmmOD aim, Due to the envelope s: 'r-ta.ge It is our frank oplhioo u.t it took the conce2ted actloo '01 , busIneIiI· (l delay has been ' made In the mallIng of forms to vendors tor sales tax people. civic <Jl'II8Iilisatl~ and local reports Rnd the deo.d1l.!Ie for fillng KOvemment to prevent the cloUnI has been set up to February 29. of the statl.oo and that .. few -.tFol1)'lS should be received by ven- tered protests would have been 01 oors by the last of this month of the no avaU. Wa~esvfUe needa'more of ' .I .,. first part of February, according to such coopera.ttqn.
Oall!. ; Mr. and Mrs. Rex Black: Xenia; Mr. and Mra. Earl J. Hubbell and sons and Miss Pauline Rea of' O&bom . ----F'RIEJolD8~ CLUB MEETS AT MILLS HOME WED. Myron Keeior. deputy . As a ·result WEST WAYNE AnVl80BY ~e date tor collection in Wayne!COUNCIL HOLDS ID8T , The (FrIendship club heJd Its Jan- vme has' been cancelled and a new MEETING OF NEW nAa .nary meeting Wednesday afternoon date. will soon be .announced. of last week at the home ot Mrs. The flrat meeUng Of tile W" MEETING PLAOE OIlANGED . ---e'f!8 .- , ~ and a num- Georp MW.s with Mrs. Charlpl> Wayne Advisory councn &be .... Of h1aOr A...... '~ n.4- ~." ~ ....." -.. ~ a~ lear ~~ ~ .~ ibe .. bcIme oC IA".lr ~ .... _ ... .".,~~~.., w , ~ ~·~tms -t.Dt Ii llra. ~ ilWfOi'd" CII1:W"'I£.~---' ~~. 9:QtiaDrb'oif.eiiies. A ~ . New ctenttmy club swill ~ ' held. at __ ' MD. Claude Barnette and 'contests the home of Mrs. C~rles EIlIa in- The meetlni ... 1n cbUptGr... M. A. f'ulkcraon. lclcalptlst, pas were' ~oyed SIfter which delicious stead of the appointed meetinf new pres1deDt, StaDIe.Y.u.,'. ..,~ had bWo of h1a Pallrltlngs accepted refre8hJneDits were served. The olub place at the home of Mrs. D. O. !!ret~_ EatIY wy ·APuqlnt4p4 by the'1)ay'ton Art "nstrtute and Will hold Ita February meeting at lYe agent f~the oomlIIC feu.. '" Ridge. they are now on E!xh!bltlon .·. One tlie club room in the home of Mrs. Morris Pulkeraon; uie~DeW ~, of hls pomtl.np pictures a snow ~va. Thompson, Mrs. Charles leader, cho8e f~ b!a' t.oplc. ' scene while the othl!r shows a vloUn James was the gu..... for after- ATTEND CINCINNATI MEETIN(; "Farm Subeldy." A very ~ '"". U1I0: rB on a stand. lUXD. u_ and M - L0 Radle d discUBSlon Ilollow~. 6peeic:bee were ...... ·E11 . e • • . y an Mrs. en onner were in CInc1n- read from the Noveznl)er' 11 ~ 0( .: ~~ ~ . natl Tu~ay attendlng the meetlng the 'COngftSIlona1 Record. ~'~ ,,;. ~ of "The Crusade for a New World After the b\ll1nesa meet1Dc, • Order" sponsored by the Methodlst p~t &9Cial hour was enJ01flCl.lDd delicious refreshmenta were IIIrNd Jfo church ot America.
,..~c..-,'!.T/.4. "~ • • - fY~
family, Mr . and Mrs. L. C. 'Radley NEW POSTIMISTRESS
by tHe- boIt, and bost&.
Wbic!l . . . in cha1'lt of t.be Deputy GraDel Matron, Mrs. llInn1e Prunm. · Tboee wbo attended were: A4r : anelMa. lEVerett lIIarly.~. ar.d Kra. Ross Rowland, Mrs. J. P. Fr.omm. Ian. L. C. St John, Mrs. John settlemyre, Mrs. Vern Armitaae•.I4'ra. ~ Baney, Mrs. J. .T. BurIke, Mrs. J. W. Kersey, Mrs. .0. M. Ridge, MiB. D. C . . Rid8e, Mr.s. E1m!:r G.-ove, Mrs. Fred Ru8h J4rs. J. B . jones, Mrs. E. ·F. Earn~ hut and Mr. J , C. Hawke. The ~ Of the a,f,t.ernoon w.aa in cbaqe >Ot the WorthY Orand MatroD.. Kra. 'Netta Sul11van. of LIma. Ohio .... _ ~... ,.... for 1.... " Will be ....." ' . . . ...... . held .1nAUtO: ....____ ,_' " " . ...... "'D. NofIcar 'UI"~ - DorothY ,...... t ' ~V, as ............... MIa. AUdreJ IBAmpton. Wilmtnaton. aa nee preIkteot; MrB. Mlldred Edw'''.....• al ', ~ and . u iecre....... -J ~ Helen' JIood, New ·Bur1ln8ton. aa . ~, . .
,D;l ilOeJonAL ,Dr .PAN~
PoUowlnc t.be cilnner th.e pres!dent, Keilar Soak; called the meetins to order and' yave a splendid address on .'Australia.... This WIlS the flrat meetlng Of !4r. Hosk second year as pre.sldent. 'MlsI KatbI\YD Gibbons, pubIlc, health !ll'rse. wa~ gueSt speaker of the afternoon and pve an excellent ta;k' 011 "PubUc ·H ealth the County" as she came In oontact 'With people h her \tork and what ha.d been done to make condlUons better. Mrs. Ell PJrnaa gave the special tcplc for the day in place of her motber. Mrs. L. V. Branstrator . and VEry ably .......... _ .....'" d t f . ......,~ _ •• , w.e a van ages n commei~ loccers' units ....... ts _.a.nd home freezing . .......es!oM the days were M·l'. and Mh. John Gons .a.:ld da.ucht.er, Mr. and ~ l Robel·t O:m.~.
--eel .n...__ 'M· - ·~ .,'" ;r-& - 'UUI.... ~ ..... thryll 01bbona, Mrs. J. E . McOlure, Mrs. 1ID1 l'\rrnai, Mrs .. 'Harold' Whitaker " ..-
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" ~. v~na Klrq,atrick hal Just
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W,a'yn'e' sVl-lle
meetLilg will. be beld at the bome' Mi. and 'Mrs. N. D. Smith b! AT. SI,>RING VALLEl 'lbe PamIere clu!J held its Janu- Sprlng Valley, wete guestS of Mr. vlslted the' Dayton Art institute on Mr, and Mrs. ,Haroid Wbitalr.er arY, meetlhg with J. Q . Gans and a~ Kn. Earl Evans TbUJ'8da,y. sundaY. aftemocm. Mrll. Ra.y Krug ·h as been appoint- 1~~l'U&I':Y' 2, . , M1u ~ Gona as hoat And hostesa • • Mr. ~. iia~is Mosher and ' ed. postmlStreas at Sprln'g Valley, :MlaIDi Olapller 10., O. E. S., 'WU at the" beautlful home Thursday. Mrs M D no_ .. __.. d ...• ren-r.~"" t th Y h, . • a.x . nlU"'!Y"'" an _rs. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ronald Hawke were sucoeeding W. E. Alexander. wh: CHILD DIES OF BCABI.BT f jf&_ a e ear.." Dlstt1ct with orrly f!Jur families ab.b~t. · At WWlam Btrader attended a bridal Sunday d1nner guest.s of Mrs. resl.gned because of Ul health. 'H ' FEVER AT O~ . ~ at. IQn~urg OIl Mondoy noon &.IdellclOUl turkey dinner was lihower, hotlor1ns . Kra. KeDnet.h in Cincinnati'. had &e1'ved the offlce s1nce sept. 1 --...~eral aaemtJera who lave the served, ' the tables beinS Bamer at the heme or MIa ~ Charles P. M06her • • • 1934. ' iMrs. J~et Queary, assistant. Barbara Jean, four - year - old' InltlatJ.OD wo,rlf III tbi BDhool o· rIi~rniimffi;;-WlfJimrnv'alldU;;~w~.:m.:":;;;;~:+:;;;;;';;':;;;":;;;;;;;:'=;"';;"'::;v:;a:II";eY~:::Qn
..... - - ~r~ ·PalIc~l-n. . .WAYNBBVILLB OF aemed S~ to thI .x,o"lyB. , ' ' . , --I"8!l.--- f' rom ...._..: _ , ~..;.., . CIIIiIsT TO A'i'TBim BEVlVAL .,.......,....".-'_..;......_. . .............. ...,.. __ "'"""_.~ " . that he' Is now 'ln . the U • .B. Na'"' . &I-a.:...... , of , -""-9'{ """..... ." the . ~aY~~e . ._ . ~A8H8 AW~Y. hoapltalin ·Panama. ~e did not 0bUr0b Of ~ wW ,ttend the.fe: 'I. . .' detalla u to the CAuse of 'riyta ainicea .,01 the ~ .chluch fQL Morrow-lBraDt, Be .haa been r&lae4 bi' df 0hrIat 8UDdatY ev8nlntJ, Januar, ra~" if' 2~. miIs~, la, 21, It baa- been ·&n.11Oum:ed by Max Qeoqpa ftuaael K1rIr:Il&tz1cII: P. ~-c.. 1taDdaH,.1ocal ~, Servk:ea besIn U, If. 111 Ro. D, of at ':10 ,and all . are' ~. N.,.. Tork, !f . Y. ,. . ~. atteDCl. " , ~ 1011. '1'oqaDce, wrlt.ee h l a . ' .. mnli:'- tbat he ........ 1_ n , ~_RMDB INITli'U'i'B AT . . . .__ • _ _ ,,;... _ _ IU& __ __ .li'IIbt Ud likea UIe fiDe. ma .-vARY 1-1 Be . . . ..II: 'l"CIrJeaae IA . . . . . . be A. . . V.8.X.T.B __~ .. ____ ' •• ___ _ TU.-t ~
~ ~from 'b
01 the EpI.Ioopal Michael and St. OeorP, a!ter wb1eh abe ,....p~ 1D ~ . recelvlng vault unW 1D Ule QrIDI: 'When aM wi.l be brouab' to WQIU!av1lle tor final bur1al .... ~I~t ... Cl8ZDlt.ery. .Mrs. ·n.klnI.le&•••:amona others, a Deph "" .... - ·"'1 1e'V. Mr. Daltin, ~ .. RoDaJd Ha......... ~ Emma McCl of ~..:.\..••- ..;1:ure .I'~ - . J. Wilson J!lItwarc18 of ~~ a nVJD:ber of _.... _.......aa..-
~q .no&& • Im~er : eut parl of . , AM . M.;
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~!~tfo~~: y~rn:r'Ybo~~o!i ;'l\'{ch today dQeI.nof~lIPlay the
·MItS: A.
MnI. IA •• H. stubbe was ' cIe11Ihtfully e~ed Wb~ a group of frlenda aurprlBed her In booor of her b1ribc!a.Laonlversa.r y: The group IDet at the ~ of Mr . and ·Mrs. Harr1a Mcishet and theD proceeded to !4rs. Stubbs' bDme. Th8f presented her with a beauWUl brown leat.her ptll'l!e ,M ld tJ1e uau.l.l ~}' : jp;e8tinss. Five Hundred' wu the 'cluet diwraOll of the ,evenlilC. . Refreahmen~ of , ice cream, Cake and were served to ~ tollowinl: Mr. and 1tIra. Walter &beehan arid 8011, Richard. 10'. and Mrs. ' staniey Batley and cl:auahter, 1PhyWa, Mr. and ·MrB. Morrls P\lltr.eraon aDd daugh.Cer. ZaDa Mae, Nra. Walter Wlsem&n aoo ' chll4-. dren, ~Uy Lou and BlllY, Mr; &Dc;I Mrs. Will Btroud, ·M r. and Harris Mosher, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. s~ · aDd chUdren, Yvonne and BW,y,
labor and property. Let u. get back to our busin~ buslness of education and whollY new world progress, "Let u.s give each of our naUons fertile lands to survive upon, aa we do oW' floral ooeds, and make Indest.ruotlble theli future from .proireutve ptndrancea., and the woIw""t ..... of tbelr freedom. ''Onl)' the lIupremac::y ~ av1&tIon can do th1a-6o, Mr. ftJ1naiJrer, u III
boys from thll very COmJDUDiti,
~ STUBB8, 1$ 8UB1'B18ED BY FB.IKND8 '
01 toll.
Ret~ ;n'ed_I' n'
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-'.gqoa ~ .'WiD ~ :WedDea-
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Mr. and Mrs . Harvey K . Hole and Mrs.. MarY Terhune. Will reand daugbter moved Tuesday to maln In the office. their newly purchased home 'at 1677 Mr .. and Mrs. J·o hn setUemyre Pell Drive. Deyton. B. or II. OFFICERS RENAMED and son of 'Leban()n and Mrs. L. • II • C . St. John were Dayton ' visitors MIs. Marjorie Schenk a.nd daughAll officers of the Warren county Saturday. . ter, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conner and board of health were renamed at a • • • Mrs . Olenn Borden and mother. da.ughters were Saturday evening meeting last Wed.nesday night . The Mrs. Mlnnle .Munger. 'Were Friday dinner guesta of Mr. and Mrs . board also renamed MlsB Kathryn Glbboua of Waynesville as oouI}ty guests of Mrs. Minnie R~hte 1-!1 IRcbert BUlett in CentervIlle. heal~h nurse. Franklin. • • • • Max V. Klrkpa-trlck S 2-c. was-n PURCHASE PROPERTY Mrs . Reba BraC:dock, Mrs. EU~ vImtor at the ,home at Mrs. Venora bebh Smith. Mrs. Stlllla Whetsel Kll'kpat Ick a few days last weelc and Mrs. Oora Rlc:h e:ljoced lWll~h • • • and tIlle movies In Lelrrlnon on Ml'. Bond Mts. J. A. Hartman sunda~. have J;Fturned {run Dyersburg. Tennessce. where they viSited their son, Mr . and Mrs. Glenn Borden we-e Lt. e. A. H.artman, his wlfe and Sprln!l'b<>ro visitor,s Monday and daughter. cal~ed on Mr. Borden's Jather. • • • Mrs. Raymond Wilson of Spring Valley, l*lled on Mrs. Earl Evans NEW ADDRESSES f\r~y afternoon. IPvt. Ronald J. Hardin 15362113 • • • , . Mrs. Gra.ce Vice has returned 00. B A.S,T. (B.T.A.H.) " Charlea Lynch 1i; able to be out home after spending two weeks With 'ag.a ln after belng8er.tOualy ill with relatiV , es m .·· na.......n. · S.O.O'. No ••760 :.... • Orlnt1ell, Iowa ~ . ilu.. • . toks,' carter A·. Btroud of E. PalPvt. Gerald. Coyle 3li7892ta Mrs. WOC!drow ()wens .00 two e.sUne.Ohlo, ·and MI. ~nd MrII. cbUdren vt SprlnIflek1, lpend-. "....,.- Stroud r . 'eo. B, 80Ist Engr. Avn. Bn. , . 0 and Mrs. lng the . weet . .Witll their ·parents·. .":' R......... H.e Wadn-orth Of West Car~.o1lA.P.O. No. M27. care of Mr. ~d Kra. Vern AJ'mltage. ton, 'We1'e dinnez:' 8W!Sts PrlwlY eve- • Postmaster, New York,_N. Y. • :. • i f th CIa d StI' f Y Little Barbara ' M1aa1ldlne is n ng 0 e .•u. am1l . . carl Leo.Qook F l-c. D. D. '725 NaVal TnUhing.staion N. O. B. apeQcllnC. aoqte ~ with Mr ... d Mr . and Mrs, Walter Wlaeman Mrs . .~ l"umaB ~ Jameatc'WD. and chlldJ.en, Poily ' Lou a!1d . Billy' Norfolk 1!1·, Vlrilnla . . 'II . • • • spellt . the in ' . Weat . . J4rB. • J •. B~iIdIIr ,of .~8J'Iy, UnlD;n, W. Va.. vllIltlng . n'~ thl! ' PaUl L. PuIDmW A,' s. 00. '7. tl' •. S. N. T. S. 'West Vli'IlDJa.1s . tJ~ hcN." pest c!( hctmea 9' Mr. aP4 M1'S • . H&r01d Great Lakes. Illlno.1a ' b~ SOIl, W. IP. 8~~, aDd famlly. _-..._ ..... ""_n_ :l .. - - • ......,. an Mr. a :ld Mrs. • • • Mr.aDCl _a. lUcJi&1'clllattern and Waltp stuart. . 1Pvt. P8lliII P. PaIne amNII8I f\llDl17 of 1)aytt.on also .SUlldaY • , It • • 4Dth En8r. Base Depot·Co. peItI (/If Mr. ~ lin. Btrader. MD. e. R . F.E.S.or has l ~ tW'l1(d bDme t.4er spen~ lOme t.ImG 1n "A.P.O. $llA. care 01 ......... JIew~X.Y. UId lin. A. B, 8tu1MlI and 00I0racI0~
_.• • .
.... .'
daughter of Mr. and' lIlI'1I. A1beT£;' .. ...".,...".., pu;sed a.wBf at her home' In OI·egonia. at 1:16 a. m. Monlky after being III a week with scarlet' fever. Funeral sei-vloea' were beld Tuesday with burial in' Mlam1 cemetery under the direction of A.' H. stubbs. The chlld' is survived by her' parnt...;. one slster, JUlIet. and the paternal and ·maternal ' grandparentl •
BI'l\IIIO~ ~. H~AL .
.... ~,.
THE MIAMI GA:ZETn 8a.W them later at Richmond tl ng in their diner , . sunda.y . A lovely day j)ut not ·Profes!'or L':st Four ~ Main Street ~y a~ ch'UI'~ . 80m mus t h ave 'Reme'dies You Worry laken advantllg'.! or the mild \1J1Four cures fO'r \¥rH:ry" were rel!um· waynesville. Qblo illline to gO yi~IUng. w>1nr. llP their m nded by Dr. Bruce V. Moore. ht: a d ' av d.up 1\ coupons . ~m~, how- · ot tile department of; educa\ioh and at the Pennsylvania ever, were sick wiLh I1u . It riOi'I' n ot psycholo St n t . 1=01lElllc. eem to be a. vel'Y \)O~ d LYpe 'tills :Ie Il' ISSuED ~Y TH'URBDAY • "Worry tukc~ a gr a ter toll or 'but n~iY people he. e . hlld 1'. loOl\.lh nergy and efficiency \hlm almosl ~ Price••1.60 ~er Year. Payable In Ad~ance of It. . . any other (arm of human dissipaMonday. Another lovely day, mUd tion ... • said Dr, Moore, who is at M.tiOR., Ad",rt'.'n, lepr••• nt.tlv. and suun~' . ~fh1s OU"llt to tlclp ef! present In chaq:e of the coUege's productlcm . Such lots of things to psycho·educationa l clinic. ..rt·s a ll ~.W •• A 8£.VICE. INC. right ·to be tense and active 'about a do )t ~ hard to .know where to be- situation as long as there are . things ·IM .......... gin . We need a r ain to gIve evelY - to be done t\> meel ari emergency. thing" a: good washing. We ll ~ed a but worry is mere ,tenseness to do • Hom. ToWn N.wspapers regular old - r hlolled Janual'Y something whe n there Is tiothing thaw. I hate to think of the mud tilat can be done." •• w ........ -cw...-I ... • ..... c: •• • ~,ooU.dv.,5MFr--...;.c.L One cure Is to find something to and the holes tn the lalle but we wor'ry about 'on which some enerlP' need it to let some wllter Inl.o the can be expen~ed. such as ~e weeds grouna and perlmpl; to let. us do in yo ur victory garden or Ule bugs some wtnf,er plowing. The PI' phll't on your roses 01' a new and chal: of .the tree rings ,predlcted thlngs lenging job. .Jariwuy 15. lU4 . Home ap.1n 81- or people are hauling water. How- rigl:\t so f ar, drought this wimer . The second curle is to take a wa lk In the outdoors and remind yourself __ a month in the west. Wher. I I ever drought weather in winter I , Clime In laat ni8ht I <found ' the pleaant weather. Today is a lovely The IIVOOlly wo,nns gave us 110 prlJm- that the world. which is probllbly a Ise of a l'eal thaw. let' h'ope Uley few billion years old. is only a sma)1 house warm aDd cOmtortable t.nd a 'da.Y. not too cold . . are not right. frllcli on of the u.niverse; and that !n.nn 'Welcome from the dORS. This ' By oon~el1t1ng 'one of the chlcke:i Tuesday . ¥og this morning and a YOII~ worries Uri) an infitiitesirnal ~ when I looked out every- houses into a. hog house We finaUy white froot over everything to cuver port of the whole scheme at th iqgs . .tb1n8 h'4 that d1ncY mJddle-of-t.be- fixed place that would hold vi r up the gr~ with a. sliver COIIUng . Th e (hird cure is tLl deve lop a sense of bumor. whleh will heil) you to wtDter look tbat the coun~ , sets rambling pigS. I ·had hoped that A pale S\lJl is trying to bl'{ a~( appreciate rel ative values. 'Wben the eround it bare . .Here and tbeYl 'WQuld be fat enough to butch<through nnd it is hard to teU wheth The fourth Is Ito "let go of th e tbere were remna.ntll or last week's er b~ now but perhaps it is juse as er it Is clearing up or wheth er it Is world am~ Its p:"Jbiems. " (0 relax h~vy snow but everythip8 else in- well, maybe by tbat t1mei the marbhlcken1ng for a lltonn . The QUe5-\ tense muscles and \cIt wrists und oludkll the dOll8 and the cows bad ket w1ll be lllllll glutted. tion before the hoWle Is whether to hands drop. This wiU set the condi. .. dUlty, coal~ty look. It always "Travel1Dg was ,easler now that go outside and do 'what I can or to tions for cares to t~d e oul ~ me that 'We have so much the ,holld&Yl? are aver but there ~e sit down and work on the a ( coun ts aoot here ,nt.b oo)y one ob1mney.1 men in uulfcnm everywhere. Tn the or go to 'Lebanon and pay the taxl!S . ~ expect it In the dty but bere ·1n Jut Iadlea Journal. In Do store and get the dog Uecl:! c' l alway.; Caution ' Howsewive. in .the ntoe clean countly it la aurprts- of a man who had been d13u)!1U"V-d get a tkeunel lI cel1 '- ~ \\,:llch takE'S Storing Dehydrated Foods !Dr ~ve even the coWa look 1ftI¥\ .1'rc:m the at'mfll.f r bLing ·d1sabied . care erf aU the do,p ':'n tll" p:ace und With uternUy ·tons of home·dehy· Some. at tbem look too fUnny where it told tlow mlserab e be feit on a we do not, have to worry when we drated food on hand. housewives • t.beJ<UYe l1ckec1 white patcbea em. inp &er088 country in elv.Wan want to keep e. pup after io Is thr e were urged to u!,e special precau· tions in storage ot these dried rood . taIDIelv. bUt for the ~oet part clothea. It .was easy: t<? see how that' months old ~ products. Two essentials were em · _ they. are .r;.y ~ they Mould lie could be for you see sO few y ung The !ncome tal( blank is here but phaslzed: fi1'St. 'be sure that thc white. ren eJtdept In uniform. In t·he sta- I haven't the cow-age to look at it products are dr/,ed before being 1M ....,..•• aDoW must have been tion at Oh1cago a. company of color- alteI' reading about It In the oaper . stored; and second. be sllt'e 't he can· a l1Ie _Vel' because th1a drouBht la eel troops came swinging .t hrough In I found something better In my tain'e ra are molsture~vapor proof. in· '.ft!Ub' olear acl"OI8 the. C9un- ,helmets and carryi,ng their outfits mall. somethlng I always enjllY -th ~ sect proo~ and ndc~quately sealed. IQ storage sever,al th.lngs can hn p. - til'. ODe 'o f (JjIr 'tt'ella lI' dry and lots and 'Were put on a troop troin. We new seed catalogue. Now I.s the Llm t . pen to cause spoUliIge. . Insects muy to study and plan. What are YO'I infest th!! prodl\c\S; ye~sts nllel going to have ill yOur gIlrde.l tOl' molds may cause deterioration un . plenty or vitamins for the fo.:ully ? less kept thorough ly dry; and e.'(po They say canned tomatoes are hot sure to the ,ox.yge:n ot ·the air ma) selling 8& well 8& usual even though bring abou.t chahges in food valu~~ and color. t.lley have reduced the points. Could Containers for home. storage QI it be because so many people canned dried ,frults lind vegetables. In addl their own thls year? It is not a pad tlon to "being ' moisture and Insec; Jdea. if everyone C&lllled enough proof. siiould also be airtight. Mqlal. they could t.a.ke the poinUi on en- · glass or glazed uarthenware COil' THE XENIA NA nONAL TIFFANY JEWELRY tirely and everyone COl ld tia ve all tainers are rej:ommended. Tbe qual· , . ""STORE BANK they wanted for nothing Is better Ity Is best malntaiJlled It stored In a cool. dry place ar.d glass jars should , lW-lHS IU.IIII.'I'OJIf,' LOKGIN'~, AND for the'1\UIlily 'than plenty. or. good be placed in dark 81\!>rage. Q&PI'llAL .. SURPLUS ft40,OOO _1JDI.WA'fCJDI tomatoes, stewed. fried . . juice a nd Rooms .and storage contajQers ,SWDI - hieD!!", i"WlGJlfD8 souP, a tine way to get, vitamin C should aiways be I(ept' scrupulously ~ble T, A_mod.IiD, and liven up the diet. , cll~ao and free ' Illl accumulations · ,,' -It I.s nlICe to hear from one ofuul' of opeoed products . C. A. DABE".lad OVersea.tl that h~ is getti/lll hl~ ' pa.per. We 1UW1W& think of them Wlhe.neVer· we Write and ev~ry paper
_iami .~a?tttt
From' A .Fum Diary--Dry Ridge .
you have is fighting. Tough'/Of course, is whai we've been working for it's toug~-unless it is a sacrifice you're all along. This is the year to hit and simply 'not doing your share! . hU7·fthe enemy. This. is the time when Make the sacrifice now..-btiY m01'e everything you do counts double. If we than the e,.,1;I·a $100 Bond yo u~' country all get together and do all we can', counts on you for-winning t he war is we'll be over thi Qurdle and well on our worth n.n1J sacrifice you make. Be ides, way to complete a nd crushing victory. . you aren't giving, you're No Question about the meil WE4:80UG~11).mA WAR .saNDS lending to A medea.! You 'llget in uniform-they'll go "aU .. back every dolla r you invest out. /I But can we'count on you ~~ in Wal' Bonds, with interest. to back them a.ll the way? An e,.,1;r!\ $10.0 War Bond Your quota is\vhere you work' 11 * , ,3 -y ou've got to buy your War ., . ."'" . now , is the minimum for everybody-:;-ean't we count Bonds and then buy more, on YOIL for 'qloreY until -every last loose cent
,.. THIS
........... . ...... .
l'IIeIiiie l t l .
PhODe 1068
~ 811PPu.. _ 8epalrlD&'
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bOIKIs. .
SIaenrIJl-WIWa~ PaiDt t.
\Y. ~ St.
Phone ~
Churches ME'l'HODlST CHUlJ.CH
. ~rles
Phone 78
· ' Arnw 8~
Placle.to Eat
. 'A Good
U E. Mala
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OARB 'ftIeqb I'l'Operl~ nUed Efe
G...iil Ou Speclalt,.
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Phone UI6 ,II Yon BaYe Trouble Beln,
WiUl Shoes:-'I'ry
7 N. Main
Xenia l
Notbin&' Nicer for GIfQ 'l'han "FOSTORIA ·GI.v\SS" AllIO ..~ CancUewlel&" Glass
ROY V. HULL Sawin. Machine Suppliea
" .. IbiD 8t.
WORK CLO'l'BING 37 '19'. IIalD Phone 1100
Bepalrlul o~ All Ma'es
I'IMDe I'll '
Blo,.. Bepabtrac
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19'•. JIbID.
1'1 It. MaIn Street
200 Sheetl - 100 Enveyo)Jea "Uh ,.our nAme !'lid ad~ for 'J.5O....-fIend as Joar der
..........~~-h-is-Sp~c~· ri~nated' .by Th~ Miami Gazette . . '
Corce-and"the nature 01 slidinr'ii're both Influenced ~y the Iiulk proPer· ties ot the metals • .and the friction cannot be regarded!as a purely sur· tace ·ellect. . . It hal been suggested ' that the · frictional reslst>ince between unlu· brlcat~d metals Is e:aused primarily by the shearing of {he metallic june-
' , '
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~lrS ' ~n,~.~~EB l_.~ ~} ANP
'SIX .......III!
83'75 '
the' work of 'dragglng or plowlng 'the .,U.'' ',_ , YiIrr . surtace. lr'regularltlt!s ot the harder _ DIIIiIII 'I ; ~D~A4W~ metal through 'the liofter one. ' . , (I YEAR) . Ohuroh school at 9 :30 a '. ,m. Although the metols may lie car~, Wqr, hlp service I,lt 10:30 ,A . .. M. polished, 1 hllll , and valleYS GROlJP· .... S I '-'-. YoutA Fellowship Bund.,y evening tuUy Whfch are 'I arge compared with the . ..nt,~ , ~ eet·. _0 Magazines at 7 o'clOoIll at the parsonage . ~slons of a m~lecul wJ ' 1lI 1--~1._ 0 AMERICAN 1(0l'lE :._• l Yr. be 'p resent 'on-tiie slUrtl,uiel Contact O'Tlt.UE STORY ....·....:_._._. __ ••._._.._••_._ .................. 1 Yr. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL wUl occur only 10c .. 11y 'at the s~0 Al\lERICAN 'GIRL ··..- ...·............ ~. .:--_:.......................6 ~Io . · mits of these Irid8ularHies. The high ,0 OPEN ROAD (BQYS) (12 hlueJ) ...... _..:...........................,.14 Mo. CnUROH , ', . 0 PATHFINDER (Weekly) . _.....- _...,.. ... " .........._ ....__..... 1 Yr. . preisure at these points of contact 0 SP.OIR'S AFIELD - ' . ' 1Y wUl readily cause laical adhesion ani! . ............_ -\_ .._-_ ..............._.............. l'. Boa. ler Pr~e 'Ralph Pl.'rkl. ·MiDlste.r In Charge OUTDOORS (12 llluea):_ _. - - ....- .....::............: ............ 141\10. I , ., , welding between the m~tala. . , . . . Church IICbool at 9 :t5 a. m. ~. Ammcaa Frait GlOwer_._._ ..... I.'I5 . GROIJP B - Seleet .Two ItJaguzlnes MOl'Ding prayer and sermon 11 :00 Amrpan ' Girl :_._ .•.. ______ :UIO FLOWER GI;t0:WER ..:_--:...... _..........,... _-................61\10. a. m. Cap TomatiD, Juice o CHlUSTIAN HERALD . _ _...._.............._ •.. _._... 61\10. Americau HOpil: ..... :....:.... __ ....... . ~.25 For canning tomato juice the deo PARENTS' MAGAZINE ....- ...-.· .........- ........: ..............6 Mo. Amerlcat~ Poultry JournaL ........., 1.65 THE . " 'OMAN ...... ,.........;.- .•~:........................- .. _ .._....... J Yr. n :nltY CIlUnCll OF CUIUS1" partment 'of agrlcuHu~e·s home Belin Cooking &: Homemaking .. 11."5 PATHFIND,ER (Wc~y) r·---.·--,.·_·_·..............I Yr. economists give these directions: HerbeJ1 Graham. Minister Boy's Lire ._...:.. :....... _ ....... _ ...... !I.IO Remove the stems lind aU il~D ... GROIJP C - SelHt Two :)Iagazlnes Cappc:r's Farmer .....:.._... _...:......... 1:65 bad spots. Cut ~EI tomatoes into 9:30 a. m" Bible school. o AMERICAN rR'UlT GROWER.. .'........ :..... _ _............... .1 VI Child Life ~ .........:.__.... __........ 2.'95 pieces and simmer unW they are. 10.t5 a. m.-Communlon. AMERIC~N POULTRY JOURNAL ....... _ _•. _ ........... I Yr. Cltrittian . Hea:.1d,., .............._......... 2.!I0 softened. Put them througb • sieve. 11 ,00 a . m.-Bermon . ~AJQI JOURNAL &: FARMER'S WlFE. _ _ _ ..........:1 Yr. Add one teaspoon lilt salt to eaoh ~lry. Gent!. (5 'fn.}........ 2.00 , OUSEHO~ -··.. - - - - -· .... ................- -.....!.._...... 1 Yr. 7:30 p . b.-Preac.hlng. , Quart It you wish. , If there Is • o N~TlONAL LIVESTOCK. PRO))UCER.._. _ _ _ .. I Yr. ~~ Journal &: fannu'. Wire.. 1.61>, baby In the house, keep ' in mind o POULTRY TRIBl.ijIIJ: ···'--_ .•. _ ......... : .... ~.. _._~.. I Yr. " ' ~ower G"'ow~ .................. _.......... 2~'19 FR.lENDIS .0 MOTHER.'S HOME LIFE.::......:...". ___...____........ l Vr. that unsalted tomllt:o ' jUice will III Flying Ami ... _................ _-:..... 2.l1O into an 1n1ant's diet · and then deo CA.PPER!S FARMER ··........,-..._ _......_-_.._ ........ ,1 Vr. First Day school, 9 :31' a. m. • Forum.coiamn Review _~ ..... 2.9!i Meeting tor Worsblp. 1)..:30 a. ·m. cl.d e Wbethe~ to salt :or"oot to .alt. ~ ~I,!I~ . . . . . IIII!.I11!1~ .. ~IIf!I.IIII!! • • HOURh.old ...;.. ............... __...::..... :... I.M Reheat the juice to boillng.- Pour " into hot jar~ or bottles immediately ST. AUGU'S TINE CHURCD . HygeJa .....:'..:.• .. . ...., ' ......... 2.95 ~ . ~ Liberty .:.. :..~_.:__._.-'-. __ ...... 3.9~ and ' leave one·qua~ter ' inch , head. Falller Krumbolta. Priest · space. Then seal·th., jars or. bottles L.:";' Nl!.tiooal Dlgett MCI~lIh1r..·-·" .... · .!I.4S '· Mass Sunda.y 9:00 a. m. according to the 'type of jar top yOU , , lID .NallUc· (10 ~ 'I2-Mo.)...~" ..:L .... 'U5 hav.e: . No~ process Iln bOllin,' water . PATUFINDER (Weekly) ..: I ,Yr, .} ALL Opcn.~d (JII -.14 Moi) ...;.... IIl5 bath canner for 15 minute.. ~ou WAYNESVILLE CHURCH ·OF . HOUSEHOLD I\IA?AZINE ' . Il'r. IIX OutdoOl'i ;(l~ J.... 14 Mo.).. _ ...\_ 1.25 " can "use your tom'a to ·"dce. in many CHRIST . TRUE ,STORY* ........ ........ Yr. F '. Parenta' ~ .: ...~.:__ ~.~... 2.110 more- waYi it you do not ~.dd spice ArtU;RICAN POULTRY Yr" ,, 0" . PatJ:du.cJet : ..~!.....'.i....,;._ ..... 1.00 at the time !)f' c annin,' . Spice.; more: Max Randall, Mlnlater FARM JOORNAL,Be .•.,. ONLY • p op..•. I_~ Mecli~1G ,)" , • • " .. . , .' , ,,: _ _ . _ ... _ """" over. tend ~ darken the Juice and Bible &;hool 9.30 a. m. loU~". Poutlay Trllnme· · ' · ~~.:'· I..15 c,h ange the' !l.t-or "over • period' at .,...... ....;. . , ' Communion )0:45 a. m . in pltl~ il ,,011.' /1J'.cferr R..:............ ·· . ,DOL e. . &p"ru Afield Mn....a....... Iioin I ' . .... !..... ............ Prea.chl,ng. 11 n. m. n f t - Road (12 ~c~W""t" o . e ;:--. __ .. " V~. S.,... AiiHa . 1.15 O.,,~I"',. N . '~n. . mao, - 7 -........... 1 Yr. ...~ l 1J~or Endeavor, '1:15 p . m. Suc:ceil(ul' i'~ ~ ' ,__--' SenlQr Endeavor: 7:16 r>. m. 'The WOtIJIID .:.... _.::-'.~ . ....,:...;;;.-..,... CORlmwiron !lnd preaching. 8 :QO 1;rUe S~...u,.~. . . .,._ US . ".' :' ' p. -m . \'oUr·· IJt~ ._-'-_._.'"" ..... ,;...:_., ..,,;:,. 'S!U You are ~vlted to come '~d wor'with ·us. : ..
..:.....:...;;-.:_M.__......_.:. . _..:.........
,"'OUb' 0:. Itutlle,., I'a,tor
, ••• atleker ·In your window ..eon. you h..... 0ulI"t 4th Wo, Loan MCurlll...
ij~~a~a~~~te~r~~~-r!f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ which we say of the metals 0l=cur to aome depth :~~;l,;il~~a~n~~~e~V~e~ry~D~i~ary~' 900d Luck and Ha,ppy 'Landlng. We beneath t\le surface!. ~e, frictional a.;-e proud' of you and we l're g011::g
•• !'bone 6
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Phone :CIU
Xenia St.andard Parts Replacement Par.1;a
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!II. ,UR' "8'I' G, SP,·E.ell,.L O"F:F.EB.'
.iII.. ...
0 I ' · 5 .Greal Magazines T e.spaper·ad' .75 '
~T. . nOLL!' M, E. CHURC"
T, M. Scarrt. Minister 9:80 &. 01.
Machine Shop Work .
JJsfED' ,
Truck, Car a __ ~ Tractor
ARY ·MlcAmiE..
B. A
108 £:Main PIa: 288 DIna. 7:30 p. ~. ~~. . . .~. . . .~--~~~----______~~~____IIADVEBT.m~B-IN~~t~BB=-O~
.;...•.y"" "'"
From ·fhe M~iami Ga'zette t~iJes _ nfti~, 'lEAKS
. (~an~
&.GO ,
13, 192$) , ;tJt.er 30 ,yean in the em;;loy, 01 the ,New' York nd"rwrlt.ers. Mr . ,. ·on; 1R4 .. ~e noS' seva~ ..:..COo~-.... 'On " " , . . . . . ,n action oM,th t bem on account of ad van ced age a nd tatUng be\lJ,th, The ctttnpa n,Y' presented. Mr . Ridge wit h' a beautifUl s ilver pen and pencll oq .which his na me and ' date a re Inscr~be(L , . Geol'ge Bam1lton,' 74, . died Thurada y a t ,h ls 'h ome on P'ourtb street 01 hea rt 'trouble. M iss lRuth Cook of 't he Mlo.mlJaoobe Business college. spent tht; week-end at h ome. John S1mP5on. mana.ger of t hl. WaynelfVllle Motor 00,. has moved into the Stewart 1prOperty on NorUl street . Mrs. W. E. Oomell spent last week in Pittsburgh with Mr . and Mrs. WUUam MIchener and son . The ~heners accompo.nled lwr .. . .f t ...
'I n addition to the honor roU students publiBhed last wee.\t, the following 'Were overlooked: Lola &M\.rs, Anna O'Neall, Velma ArmJ!.age. J . T. Pllook Is spending a1xm:t SiK weeks at !Hot Springs . ATk., where .he is ·te.ldng trea tmont for r hewoatJsm. Mrs: Sarah Ella Michener passed l\IWay Tuealda.y evening. Jan'. 22. Mrs, Michener was th e wife of tpe late Edward Michener . She leaves two sons, Oharles E ., 01 WaynesvUle,and WUl1am, of Plttsburg-h, and one daugihter . Ada.. a ,tee.cher 10 the Oleveland schools . Mrs . MaJ'Y' Bowell, 89, wite of Aaron Bowen, tlied :lI her home in COIWIn Sa.turday. JIUlUary 19. The young son of Dr. L. B. Hall sUpped and tell on th e walk at their lrome dw1M the ley period" of last . week e.nd broke his collar bdne . .
'of.fic,era 1Ver,e. inst.alled. Iii:' WyC'mtnJ Lod~e No . 102. 1. 0.0,1" . . N . G . . A. ' M8!fUt( V.' 0. " W C>. Raper . AL_ ~._ . _ N''''h ' ~pIIllIl • .u . .., 0 Iso ,\,; T relUlurer, ,...,-'St Sec · G ' 0 . v'''''' . rouse; re"d.. "., eo. Willi; Warden, H. H . King : O. I) . SUaa Rlch~dson' ; R.~.N , G Geo. H&tt.sock; L , S . ~.G . • J06. Hl8ey; R . S .V.O., Jaoob Stl'OUlle; L .S.V.G. Roy HathaWtly , G. E.-:atrouse w~ chOClen trustee for two years . J. Milton Keys, who sold his farm near Centerville & few days 'ago, hIlS purchased ' the Wm . ~. pl'operty on Main street. Frank Elbon ,p ur,chaSed the old Hopldns property on 'F ourth street Saturday. Miss ~al'y Latcllem died at her home on Third street Monday . Benjamin Lincoln, an old and respected citizen, died at his home near Utltla. Friday. Gt;orge Boger, 72, died at his home west of I,ytle early Monday mornIng. Helen FUer, 20, died at her home at MJddle Run eezly Monday morn. lng . Mr . and Mrs . Myer Hyman entertained at 500 'Monday evening: Mr. and Mrs. ~ed Hawke. Mr . and Mrs.J .E .McClure. Mrs . SadJe zen. Miss Mary Brawn, 'Mr. Kenneth Kllbon and Dr. J. W. Mlller . .Guests at 500 or Mr. and Mrs . O. M. Robltzer Saturday were !Miss Helen Marlatt. IMr . and Mrs . J. WllaonEdwardS; MiSses E1ma Roberts, Josephine Andrew'!. Ruth Probasco, ~u:1ah Kindler, Heruietia MoIqmey, and MesSrs. 'E. D . Balley. J. B . . Pence and U . M. White. IMr . and Mrs. lA!ster Kenrick of Ly,tle were completely surprised last Tuesdlj.y evening by OOout 75 of theIr ,neighbors a.nd · friends . They are soon to leave to take up tnelr abode on their .newly purchased fann near Ferry.
Zinc Phosphide Good . Po'I'~n ' Bait for Rata .Zinc phosphide polson ' bllit pre· pa red especlally for control ot or- · 'chard mice 'is' excellent for killing rats about the ' farm J)uild.!ngs and home cellars and ' storage places . This polson ,ml:xture 'Is ready to nllx with poultry m~ ~h ; meat. flrm fru its or v e~e tables . cereals or grains. It is available to fa rmers from their count a rlcultur al a ~n ' As zinc phosphide is poisonous toaU form s ot lite . the bait must be kept away fr 9m domestlc animals and from children. , Surest way to, kllI r a ts. according to Wi1\iam S. Helt of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife service. stationed at Cornell, Is to spread at least three k inds of unpoisoned pre bni ts a bout the premises on on e or two evenings at dusk. The baits most readily e a ten can then be used to mix with polson for the real rat·killing ca m· paign. Use several kinds of bait to mix with the polson, Heit suggests, but do not use one tha t conta ins enough wa ter to oxidize the poison ; ba it may ,be slightly moist but not wet. Five teaspoons of zinc phosphide are enough to mix with orie pound of bait. It can be stirred Into m ash or ground meat or cerea.ls, or sprln. kled over sliced · a pple. toma to or other solid bait. A litite' oil or fat helps tbe poison to stick to dry cereals.
Rhode Island Red Bird . Is Champion Egg Layer
.Ur• .
l~Yl'LE ~V "'It· ~ ""_ II.' .. "", c.. or".~O...".1
MI'S. Ipwell ThODiIIlS and daugh- ' ter, :Betty, spent Sa turooy in Day., " ton. ' Mr. and Mrs. ' TIilerle J cnes and son . MUten. were Sundl3Y guests of Mr . ·and MnI. EdIwIln Nutt. , .riear Oen terv1Ue . . Several IJ)eI'sons fmm here have been a.ttending LllE! Ferry church revival . Mr . and Mrs. W.a lter K eurlc::" lncompan y with Mr . and Mrs . E . Thomas, attended ~:tle covered dish supper and off.C:l n eetin of !.he county Granges at :Lebanon Friday evt n1ng . . . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early. Mr . and Mrs . ·Ross Rowland. Mrs. EI. m er Groves. Mr , J .. B. J ones ,!ld Mrs. ~ect R ush . atitended t he Di.:t rlct ~ tlng of Eastern Star, at IQnchburg Wednesdtay . Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham were guests of M r. lind Mrs. O . J , Forrls in Qakwood S unday' a.ft: rnoon and spent t hle evening With Mr. ' and Mrs . He,rman Alqrlgh t and son in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Olark and sen. Dlclrey, IU)d Mr. lLnd M r. Olaude IRJggs of Dayton. w-ere S ~ n da.y IIIfternoon a nd evening gue.<ts of their parents, Mr . and Mrll . WUbur Ola.rk . Mrs, E. B. Longncre. Mrs . WI> 'bur FoUlks, Mrs. EII.rl You.ng and iMrS. James JOh.ns attended a dJ.str1Ct meeting of the MethodJst ohurche" of Sauthe.m Ohio at CInc1nnati, Tueett.r. . Mr . .and Mrs. J. B . Jones, Mr . and Mrs. Therle Jones attended the funeral of Mrs . . Be:mle 'DUl at the' United Brethren church at Olaytton W~esday afternoc.n of this week and the burlall at Elprlng Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Alll!>n Emrick, Mrs. WUliam Bergdall, !IIr . and Mr" . W1l1ter Kenrick anell James Haines aa.w "l&asle Oome Home" at El Lebanon theatre Sunday a~ ternoon . Mrs. Everett Early Is chairman in thla commu.nity of t he Fourth War Loan Drive and 'h as appoint d the following persons to asslst: Mrs. Fred &\uJb, Mrs. J . B .. Jonrs Mrs. Guy Routzahn, and Mrs . Boos Rowland. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Arnold of Palmouth, Ky., Mr. s.nd' Mm. E . A. Arnold and ·Mr. Enoch Gray ot Day'ton, spent Fr.lday afternoon with Mr . and Mrs . LeslIe Gray a nd Mr. 0e0IP 0nJ.
Hen of the year and all·time champion egg·layer is , a Rhode Ialand Red bii'd owned by E. B: Parmenter of Franklin. Masl., which made • new national record at the west!!m New York egg-laylrig contest by l'roducin; 351 eggs in 357 days, the standard laying.iest year of 51 weeks. The former world record tor 51 weeki was 347 Jeggs, made by • Hanson .Leghom from Corvallll, Ore., in the 1942 Connecticut laying ~st. ' The Parf\lepter bird allo laid IUcb • • • large...e"s that. she made a new FOJl.TY~NINE, Y&\BS AGO national record on the point Icore, (Satunl'aJ', Dee '1; 18911) 388.10, lay' Prof. R. C. Ogle of Cor.TWENTY-FIVE YJ:ABS AQO (january 22, 1919) Mr. and Mrs. W . A. Rodgers have nell. lupervlsor of the New York The Moline tractor demonstration named' th~ir lIttle girl Edna Marvel. 1ests. Each pOint I. equivalent to TUesday mnde a fine showing . A survey 1s be1ng made ' for a new two ounce. of egg weight, and her and all who 'Witnessed it w~re- sur- Une 'of ,ratlroad to run from Olnc1n- S5i ell' welgh!!d more than 388 t~ prtsed with Its efficiency a.nd·abWtY nati to Dayton by WilY of lA!banon. ounce eggs. Former polnt ' record .to ·r l-Je.ce the horse In a mo.st . .. tWhltace ami Miss Pearl "EV- was 3'l6.25 r ma'l!~ by a Le,hom "'1'..owned by W. A. Seidel of San ~_ 1efactory 'm anner . ans wen! marrIed on' last Thursday. tonlo. Texas. in the 1941 Texas layThe ,regUlar meeting of the WeJ~eB ~gan moved Wednesday Ing test. .' man's AuxJl1&.ry of st. Mary's to h1s father's tann near H,~ve. sBest previous record made by • church was h eld With ·MllJI ~'h- burK. ' bird of the Rhoi:le Island Red breed ·way at the home ot Mrs. '0 .. J : 'Ed- . MI:Is .Etta ~l1dLne enter.ta:l'ed was. 338 eggs and 371.55 pqlnts In t,~ ....:._... _ ' club Wed esday , the Maille, 1942, test, by a hen from 'Wards, P'rtdBY . . .... """'t ~ n . .: '· the Harco orchard and poUltr)' &v. , Q. N. Jolly. 'pQstor of ,the ~ J,lldC ,ll&s accept¢ a po- farm 'of South Easton. M.... . Wayn~vJlle 1M. E . QhU1Cll 'l.,.,ve5 siUon,, " '~t ~~tor in New Mr . and. Mm. Baney Burnett of today .for qolumbua . to at~d ~e 1RIbbInond, Oldo', . Lytle we~ Frtday 'e vening dinner lWor.}el . Program convention of the Mr. iNur H8.m~ and MlIs"BeKba . Food SllrlDu.. guesta of Mr. and Mrs. J . B . Chap• . Because food shrlnka so much 1D Olbdnnati area of the Methodist 'lb()DlpllOn eloped TUesday and wj!r~ the dehydratlo~ process. here', what man. ,Oentenary. married in Lebanon. to expect: . Rev . R. E. ~dick, of VanCovl".f, , Mni .. Je.tlde ~er aoo MiAs.es-...,...Gl'een snap beans-15 pounds dry Wash1ng"ton. and son-in-laIw of EUs- J ennie anCi ,·L ottie. of L} tlli, to approXlma.ely ' I or ' i ~ pounds; &beth Snook, at the M: . . left on Monday to attend the At- carrots-12J,» pounds dry to 1 or 1% il, cl1urcb Sunday . . lanta' U}xIsiuOn. 'pounds; .plnaoh and other greens1 . A pleasant .ll.:"-~ entertat~-"t '12J,» ' poUndll "dry to J,» or ~ pound; . lit, and 'Mrs . R. S. Walton ,~t . .,. """-" .......,. • •1IPlea-12~ " pounds dry to IJ,» or 2 ,t he weelt-end With Mr , and Mrs , !. .was given Prk1a.y everi1!J4J bf Waner po1,1lld.; com (cut offthi! cob)-IO L. Bart8Ock. HenJtle's aoPool of near Orossw1cJt . to 12 eat:a make about 1 quart of • 'R. Younce 'Was in ~p sher -, ~~oe E . Hampton and .¥l&S dried kernels, or 6 pounds dry to mal1l4<!nw.:y wliere he , m~t hlS~ " ~ ~' of Harve~IU1I" were 2\41 poundl. " brothi!f O. 'w. Younce. who' Ma ananted ;in. oovtngton, Ky .. Wednes- .. J:)rled :·apples. I:orp, arid snap &rr1ved ~from' Franoe; He. will Proba-' day of ~t 'W~. ' " beans uaually rale higher than car'b'" .,..... mua' tered out ........... ,,_i_;. ~b_, Joe IIcKI....... haI ...... e to , o1n. ro~ or,reet;!i, bo~ for, retention of AI "'" ....~ ......, 'w ..., -.. .V" flavor and for storage qua)1t1es.' week. ' clIInatl to fIlL .. regu.t&r posit1o~ tbat One cup ot.,a dried fruit .01' vege.t able ThUl'8day ' everung the folloyilna ~ betm ~ to .him for ,. SOlIII'! will' make ' enough cooked food to . .... 1.__ " " ,. l lirve flve persons. ~ Dried foods
A . sa
I broke his h.nd~ like a .W'TCHI
~'. ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ) } d. d. / HJ~ , ~ ·sbld, bIa Inter- should ,be pacl:t,~d In amounts' 01 ~ est. in tile' ~t stOre to Mr. 'Me- ~lnale meal serving!!. to 'avpid unnecQrew ~',~te'd .. a " ~t1on Ql1 ~lSa~y, ex~.ure of the product.···
p~y $~.OO for De~d 'Horael, $1.00 for Cow••
Sheep, Hocl, Calv•• '. aDd Colta, ~OVED P~OMPTLY
Pbo~e Wayue•.ville
2804 The 'o aly FerUu.er PlUlt III ,Warren CoDnt,
, The ~th' of W1ll~ O'Neall oc-
oWll"ed Frida&', Nov. 29 : , i1I'rank: shtdaker,· Georae Oglesbee '
and EI18.a.Qgletibee st!r:ted
for AtODI Monday . The' Oorwtn 'ooQnOU be.9 allowed aerk W. oA. · ~gera . a sala,ry of $15 per ,year and MarabaI Hixon ... per l'tIaI'. lallta,
Keep :you
,dollars 'at Your home town . n8Wlipa.pef, the cheapest and best of adyertl.slng known. ~vert1a1ng
home by advertlatng Ion ionn
and reno ''den a ferUle ell inedible. 'But thl. may be prevented by -dlsposln, of aU male bird, durlrtg 'the .ummer lind thereby ' produclr}g only ' infertile e,lis. EllS are .~Igh~y perishable and cannofbe subjected to heat With· out destroyln, quality. When lilidi . the t~mperature of an egg ." abput Vou ..., equal to ~at of '.he .hen'. body-lot .Iv ~III. to · tOO degrees Fahrenheit;· There- I , UMII MDCIIOIT . . . . . IIII _ _ • -' -' -' i Be ,..d" to ti.I"" ... K.C). ...ry I . . . . . ....... tore,' proper coolina " essential , fa.,. 0..;', """"'" ......1Ilt.. rou, fM .......... eggs should be y~ ••,aY ..... 1 II ,... Ih,_ iii- ud be ·. . ... Du ring .the summer . • -'. , .p. ...... be ler ...,. dot.. gathered two or three times clally , ~uEiilil~.D\';E'j.i;'E~i:! and placed In • wire ,basket for ._.,. ,_ oue •• 14 _ •• · '0""." lleii<l with wh,," cobling
I,.. (i,"l,
A"' ....
BUlu!, li nd A ...... t ••• unilluufuclt .",. tiM ' bruII' 'N"i, ..... !
Coal Blna Unfortunately many coal bini ar~ so 'ooated that coal must be wheeleil or carried i.r i-whlch takes addition· al labor ' and Ihcreases. costs for the buYer. . the 'coal. bin should be con· venlently located' in . relation tb the· , driveway and the hi.m ace, ' ;, •~ ooal b~ aJlould .~e built .on' th_e driveway side and"have two wlndo~iI !equally spaced" ~f ' ampl!) sl,~e. and iet al close; to the ' outside grate of the' bottbM' , w~tldow': pOs sible. 'rile bID Ihoulci be ·made of cement. and,"bJi ~ t,o bqId< a lealon'l ' .u~ cd ~oat. " - <, :(
Sail! the " ieee: "America'S 1Qrm or govClnnlent I. actually older to· day th~ln tb,1t ot any b ig country In the worJd. : .. ·Ot couJ;'se the UnIted States is n YOUnget ,country th:! n E;llgland in a num ber of ,ways' but, IV GEO~GE S., BENSO N by comparison with cert.ain ot her , Pre!I'iI(I"f.lt'.tlNflit~ Coile;, S(lllrcy. v/r/(llllSfll . ' empires. Britain is quite YOUtlg. 100. Chi nn, for example, is ~ rCIl~lr QI~ cQuntry wi th almost no liberty ar Keeping Busy all. Surely civilization does not de· F oreign trade is a tricky topic . stroy Its freedoms as i t advances Open a discussion on the s:.: bject a nd ~ead back at la st to ItS starting and you a re sure to let out a sur· place-tyranny and oppression of prising ~ umbe r of positive o[li:tions. the unlearned m asses.... differin g widely. Some people look ,There followed a brief silence. 'l11e on fo reign tra de as the mother of minds of 'two thoughtful people l)ad Interna tional disputes and think the met. Obviously age and . long strug. United States could get along as gles wi th governm ental problems w~ 1i or better wi thout any. I never can not be used as indexes to ana· saw a su.rvey dealing with the sub· tion's progress. Age does not bring ject but I believe rela tively few prosperity nor enlightenment. These people, even In America. know how choice bleSSings a re lavished on foreign t rade a ffec ts them. ' ree peoples. America's high standForeign trade heips thill country a a rd of living for plain people is the grea t deal. If busy factories ond net gain h:om her Investment in plenty of good jobs a re helpful, so fI'cedom l!lng ago. is fore ign trade because it keeps A Good Invcstment factorie s busy. U ready m arkets All govt:rnmental a uthority in for farm . products a t good prices America originates with the people help the country. so does forei gn themselves. The people are the govtrade because forei gn buyers make ernn lCIlt. Whenever a Ubel'!Y is takpr,ices good. Capturing ana hold. en a way from' a people by some auing foreign markets is a matter of tllol'ity thnt resls in nobody but the efficiency In manufacturing. Who. governing class. tila l' s a step toever gets foreign trade competes ward totalita rian rule. Such yieldwith the world on a price baSis. ing of power uy the many to the LowerlDI PricH few leads stra ight to dictatorsllip. It Keeping down price, on Ame ri· tcnds to creale fwo distinct classes: can·made goods so they can com· Lhe ru lers a.n d the ruled. pete wl ~ m erchandise m ade by A tendency occasionally appea[l ha U·starved European and Asiatic . in sections of Washlngton's alpbalabor calls for minimum costs, A uetical burea ucracy to Idcntify govla rge part of the cost of any manu· ernment u s a thing entirely apart factured article is wages of the from the people - 'su ll1e~hi n g differworkers who make it, and wages in : ent rww from the well·known insUtuAmerica are hlgh- twloe to ten tion.s we rued to cunsider our gOV~ times as hlgh as else where. The ernil1Cilt. A r adio speaker who curUnited Sta tes would be hardly beL- rentl y possesses gtt:Jt executi ve au. ter than any other land ' if wa ge thority used this language r·ecently: scales had to be the same. 80 how " Your government' is m aking some can we compete In foreign ma rkets? specific pla ns to present to ConThere 18 ()nly one way : through ef· greEs," thus implying tha.t Cllngress fici ency. is 'no longer an integra l pal·t of our Factories of the United States are go vern ment. faced with Ii challenge to outpro· Not Two Things duce all foreign countries after the All of us m ay well be thankful, war- to turn out mor.e manufac. tured goods per man·hour than the however, thai Congress sUU consid· plants of any other nation. Unless erl ItseU a vital part ot the federal they manage to begin this promptly government. It is. In my opinion. after the flght!ng stops, some other the most important pa rt beca use it industrial nation ' will take the lead . directly represents the people- In And when sales volume justifies the whom all governmenta l authority irivestment, any c9untry can cut rests. Actually t.l)ere has been no costs wIth mass production and hold recent remodeling of the United Sta tes' governmenta l structure .. All on tight to world commerce. three· pa rts. legisiative. executive Do We Wanl and judicial. sUIl exist and a re e.m. If Americans wish to dominate powered to exertise thei), constitu. 'world trade afte r this wa r. they can tional fu" ctlons. capture the prize with ea se. No Ame rican citizens who give the question of ability Is Involved. m a tter a serious thought know they American manufacturers found a neither need nor want a gov.e rn. way, on very short notice. f.o pro· m ent set wholly apart trom themduce more 'arms ond munitlons than selves , a nd theil' ejected representa. all the rest of the world combined. Lives. . Our forbears bought with thehThey can do the sa me with prod· ucts of peacetime demand. It's all ! blood the liberties which have pa.1d a matter of whether the American !-Is (theIr rigbtful heirs) richer dlvlpeople, farmer and wqrker and you dend,s Qf hap,Pinf!ss ahd prosperity and I. wlll cooperate .whol~eartedly than a ny other 'nation ever knew. ~ secure maxJ~~ proiluction at The only way . a dictatorship could mlni.m um cost-m oUler words, top ever <be Imposed upon us is for a efficiency. large segment of the American peeSeveral year~ ago when jobs were pie to lorget tha t we ourSt!lveB_8fe . _. scarce, a phllosop,hy of extra va· the government.. gance spread through American mills and 'shops under the charitable slogan of "Share the work." ;Pres. , C o.~e tt e Wan C Ads Bring ne.utta!. ently Ulree men were doing no more than two had done before and manu· facturing efficiency declined. Costs mcreased In such cases, and prices advanced accordingly. Many items of American . goods disappeared from foreilPl markets. Sales fell off, and each new dar brought fewer jobs to share. Extravagance never benefitted anybody. ' What does foreign trade mean to lomebody who is not In the export· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I!IIII!I. in, business? It meani keeping ' .~ busy. To the manutactur.er It is extra volume to cut the Unlt·cost of whiltev.,r he makes; to the worker" more regular employment; to the farmer, better prices. To, the sma)) ' businesl man it means improved ,eneraJ prosperliy. CH ECK YOUR Current Problem "But," lomebody says, ·'that' •• FIR E' I,N S U·R A N C E post.war problem. Let'. win the POLICYII war now and cross that bridge when we get to it...· . The arrival of cold We are crossin, that bridge now weather meanaheavier .whether we think we are ready or not. Incentive. plans to boost fac. firing of heating aY:lte1mll,H tory production without hiring more and the danger of fire people have been tried and proved ia greatly increaaed. Make eilectlve. but some peopl,l! don't like them. Instead. out of Washington aure your Fire Inlurance come rumblings of labor conscrip'are in "working tion, something nobody even lmag: o~der'~ too. ines can improve 'Production per man·hour. We will win or lose our Consult your agent I foreign trade by the spirit developed during the war. U It II lost, our standards of living must be lowered. """''''''''''''''''''~''''''''''''''''
--''----~DI EID Heat ,leLl up germ1na~lon
I()Of{JNfI ,AlIIA/)
tAe B. O. 'anIcl 'S. W. as eXpreEs ~ between OJDc1nnat1. And PadterlbUrg, .. POCIltsoD ,be re,ilaned
..;,..."...- -
tfltutw.' ....
J.p.! '
I ..d . ~, '!r~uo"\L. 1
D ... I. . . . . . . . lu,. Ih••!
:h:t.~~::'. :!~~;:-J,D..".;l
II .... . _•,........ ,Ito '_d."aM·1 _ .. _'"
_ . "".will hocl ....~ • FIE. Two ...... ,of·" IC_ ·!aiI C.ld."1 n" •• lact •• IC.O lI~eral
I,., ,...
• • • Meet Unde Sam mature women, each with a
education a'nd some' travel In ....... 011·_·*-1 her background;' ca'r rled on a short• . ~ ~ o.".• spirited dhilogue In my hearing re· :;;~~",O:::':i;-~ " ~f"ftiM4-M! ' 'cenUY, and ,the high points of the tilt
.....rI, ... . ......aJ., '.""' i . i --.
M' F~E'D Y T .. ...:LI II ... 4.' ..... ,..., ....
are still with me. One was an ·Eng• Ush woman ot c.ultul'e on her seeo,nd ~ended ,visit In the, States. The ot11 er was her " niece, born and Ichooled tn·· ~erica. They were 14fkmg about n.iIcinal differences. , . "You Amerla.aDII ,enjoy ,a ~great ' m!UU'. privUe.el, . that . we E*!glish ,,,,opl. do neit have, even in peace· cful ' y!!ara, ". _aid the o~er woma/!, '~ey are liberties whJcl;l .I 1:I,are ~.y you will Dot b, ab.l e ,to keep; ~Iberth!s are . pleuant>, out there 1-\1 alway. someone to abuse them and . when tli,e y are abuse!! too much, ' they are withdrawn. America Is ve,r y .you.ngl , Yea,rl ot'· experience - ban taUJht Britain much."
INSURANCE AGENCY C. B; 'Jenkina, Prop. Suooeuor to LeMa)' It S.wke WAYNESVILLE, OUiO Telephone 2661
,' - '~'' . ". Def.....
-Mrs. EveJ'hlJJt1)f Miami street, 18 ~ tteabT!r.t H ci 1; un~er ob· 1iInatI(IIl at ' the Uledk'town ~os~
mw>,v ~ CON~lI:
RMITAGE& , Phone
MOrrow Phone No.
Lebanon ; 0fUce PbODe 6'71 It Beaidence 88 II
LEBANON Save Tires and Gall'·. . • DII'ellt BUSLln~ to County Seat
For 24 Yean, ..ea,anoD'. Leadlq Stylln
''Your Faailly Drq Store" Oosmetlca - .Ute - Maca,IDe.. PBESCBIPl'IOM. Phone 281 LebaR_n
BROWN a'nd BROWN Ladles Beady .to Wear
Jlhone .. HARDWARE •
' .IMP"~~ ,.
,. t' _:,
. \1
Phone 153
Headqu.n.. . ,
.ltea.., P
MORRIS' 6 IUld ' IOc TO $1.00 STORE "
'Complete Llne"aI ~ QUAUTY~II. For E;e..,.... .J
We Outfit 'he Entire hIIaII7.
and Some
U . N. Broadwa7
Since 1890.
., ~
lIn~I" .. e I~'U".,
w.. Offer' ,
Satiafactory Services
At All Times
Dial 2111 -
pneumoniA. The Thome es of Wes~ Cart:ollU!1l
.... charfecl f.r at tile ... een' a ..rd. IIIIDImIllD
rate 01 oIIaIn lie. A W.., Ad IDJerie4 for ..,.. .... II ebaqe4 at Ie a word.
POB SALE - WatldDa Product. at '. N. Bro.d1ray; ~on. Open 'nentnp t.o , CODven1ence. :QI_ LIntner. 'P~ IS L.
Dr. C. E. Wilkin Optomehic Eye Specialist
Aeet1lene or electric. Bee BIll Lee,
, Omdort ,Road,
iibIi 8AiLB -
R. 3, ·WaynesvUle.
, PmoDal 8tatIonely. 100 etieeti of bOnd paper. ' ,_ til 1-2. With 100 envelopes.
IWStb IUIIDe and addreea imprinted, tor tl.60 at the Quette PboIie 2141.
26 S. Detroit Street XENI~,
MI'. and lMl·s . . TheoCol'lll .McIntll· sons caJled Oll .ri.ayrnotid Wil- ,
ilnd faoUly Friday evening . MJ'8 . Everett Hat!les .I ~ d on MIS . Ella IHalne.\l ~~urd~L,Y tivenlr. g Mrs . Halnes Is slowly Improvl~B. Mr. and Mrs. Ervln Harner nnd sons very pleasant.ly' surprised Mrs . . AlI.ce Ballles on her blrthda.y SaturdAy night. RefTesbments of Ice crelUIl 'aDd (I.' birthday cak.e were en: joyed. ,Dr. iBert LackeY' of J!tenla, was our g'Uest SP,eaker Sund8~y. Walter Wilson and brother, Eu t:.1! Wilson, were Xenia. sholPpers last Mcmda.y. , Dinner guests in the BoganSmith home Sunday were Mrs. Evan Bog'an of Dayton and Oharley 'M endenhall. Leonard Ellis llind fanuly, Kate Foulks and Argus Osbtorne were guests at Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilson Wednesday evenling. Mrs . DOrothy Smith SIP nt MOllday 1n Dayton.
Spring CleaDing In January?
lOR. 8A'li&-UWawr 5, 8.· ·P . Oar,diD ~ with cU1tiYaWn. In ·.Idod OODdttlon. EdwIn Surface. R. JIQR ~ti1C
i e1ectrto cooter.
: St-.,
betiter aDd 'an
Iood CODcUUon.
&d1e~., w~ .
.1IOG8 FOB &ALB POland ~ P!Urebred. One 2-yr. \' old male luc; one old. male hoC. 8ie 'Bill Lee, C:>rndQrt Road, , Route' 3, JWaypeaVil1e. '
' ( .
l'OOIDB, UDfumlahed .
WatM, h,eat,
elec~ . t~.
\ '15 per moDth. Adults
_I ."'
Phone 248.1.
LtJIIBEB FOR SALE Rough, _wed from mW. Put In your order, to giv.e W! time to tID l ..me. See 8W Lee, Waynesville, Route 3, Omdorl Road. POR SALE-New Buckeye 600 chick capacity bard COI.I brooder AJao : ~ large . type Ena1iah white leghorn pUllets, eo per cent pro-. d~ and 18 larie type Engllah white , JetrhOm cocIreI'ela. Phone W~28,31.
and d&U&'hter emert&lDed to. ~er on .~d&7 with coven arraqed tor Warren Cook of Camp ,ltIlmiai. Juw" and Mrs. Cook, Mr. a~ ~ ~ 9bIr~ nc.ter and ~ ~ ~rvflJllbUrl; Mr. and ~ , ~' ~)It. Ernest'
seraeaot NeW
----_ ..- - -
Seep ....dea rl'ee; Bay Wal' Bonds
. i...r.~ ~uae of Better
~rvjc:e, Quality and Pric~
.J l"~ I~ (."rll~r.
· t '· , .P.' ,r iDIng -
Carl Leo Cook has .· fIlnlshed , his boot training at Great Lakes an j has been given the rating ont ~ 1-0. He has been 'tra.n&r~rred Norfolk. Vlrgll,lA nnd aSl>1gn~d tI> a restroyer.
Perry Lawson has been elected president of the Springboro vWage council for 1944 . S , L. Simpson has ~en appointed tire .chil!! and Oarl Barnbllrt ' chlef 'af pollee,.
BTandenburg l:l\ls been vlsltlng with her husband . Mr. Brandenburg, at Omaha, Nebraska, lor several days . She I expected to return home thII:I week. 'Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Morgan were Sunday vl.Slf;qrs of Mr and Mrs. Joe Morgan, near Springboro . Mrs. Egaie Ohenoweth of Wellman has been suMer~g with bhe flu tor several days, thollg'h 'I\t present she Is reCoverlng. Mr. and Mrs. 'E lbert Rich and chl!dren and M1'. 8o!ld Mrs. }!;arl 'Chenoweth. were Lebancn v!sitcrs Saturday . Mrs. Mabel Terry of Dayton , spent the weck-end at her llome h&re . Leonard NIll was perated on III t week at a D&yion hospital for appendlclt.18.
WAY N E--5 V I-L LE.O H I 0 '
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S,mb~ ®#'no~
800'11 FOR ANn CONsIGN ~\ your Cattle.. hcp, abeep '&II4"ca1ni to ,NorrJ.s-Broct Co.. '. llVI~' 1V1re aDI firm ' for... · Lb.'; bl.b..U market prices and .dOII. lImoe. Union 8iOek Yards, CJnc1D..u. 0. TUne 1n on ~adlo'. StaLioa lVOK,r, 12:211 to 12130 p: ·in. (01' Qut:>'-daU1 market re,P9rta. ,.,
. ,
""~ f
Do iT '- WE'LL
wE dAM! .r:' ,()
~~~~!!~~!~~~KI~~ c~ . . . AND' WB w,n.i. dALI.:H
mother · who was also ..warded the ,U.B.~t. " Among recent real88tat.e transfera .were tile follOwing: Freda and LIonel CamPbell to J~ W, aile! loY. E. K8I*, data U 'and M In
H4rveyilbtq'; E. ",iI. ADaon ' to K. V. ~, .50' acrea in W~I~n bwp.; Helen E. and Paul Williams to ' EVerett' Early, iO.85 ' acres in Way.x;e
tWp: ",' -----.:......SECOND 'BABY BOlIN ;, . l o . - -
~,, 'and
Ml'a . Howard ,14l11alld1ne are annou.nctng. ~ tm1.b <'f tbelr
secOnd dau,hter,. ~. at the Dayton OlJIt~thIc hoepttal Tuei· d&y, January U. lM4. . 'B RIDGE .. CLVBMEETS . Mrs. R.Qu.\ld~e . enter~lned the Argunot 'Brldge .club .on Tues-
dan has beeD ...anted .a, from Mari' oarr Uxl CUItod:Y Of oldest Cblle!, TWO otbel' cbIl dren were 1iUt. in c~ cI tile
"A separator)s a separator," aay chanlcal'separaUon will bare 1.2 ' farm' folks. But base~ on per~ pounds. Not only are the far~ers formance, some hand·skimmlng sep- uslng Ith,e Iliat . two methods beavy nraiorl might better be·oalled cream lIDanelal 10s,rI but the naU01;l. too, wasters. "In fact," says a guvem·, II loslna a lot of butterfat . badly . ment publication, "farmers mllklr\g ' needlid for' the , w'a r elTon. all few as two ot; three cows could Expei'tI bold 'that with a g~ meusually pay for a small mechanical chanical lIeparator any butterfat separator within a yeaT from the ex- ' Iosl !n II/dm ' ":lilk. above , .two hun· tra amount I)f cream and better. ' dredths of one per cent 18, preventa. quality obtained." . ble. TbJ~ III , a ,goQd IIta,n dard for The above chart summarizes the' . the-' farmer to, go b>: In c~~ck,ing Of results of a serie/! 0' tests at the , ~e 4\mcle~c1 of, his oWn ' separat~r. Indiana Sta te Experiment Station to' Ie monthly c~,ckup I,' hl1hl1 des It· ascertain butterfat 10Sliea 1n skim able. Due to the war Ill. no longer mllk from three common methods of pracUcal to caU in ., tli,e s~par~tor~ separation. Identical amounts of lIervlce man to make lueb a tell. skim milk were tested ' and the reo but 'thll doel not mean that you' suits compu'ted In ter:ns of actual have ' to resort ~ ,the very ineft\~ butter lost The water dilution clent method of letting aside alIa•• method was found to be the areate1t 'of skIm ~Ilk · to await , rllin. of waster of tat-with a loss of 40,5 the cream_to the top. , The ltate pounds of butter. The shallow pan agrlcultural 'collelct rand your ' v~al method was next with a loss ot 211.2 hlgb IIcbool ' no doubt be aIad pounds, while tbe loIS from me- to. m8ke .Ii test fo~ )'0U:'
'rile-.tamt' Gazefte '
Court 'News
Phone 2993
- .---
(Jurre"l,u .. tt.:o,
.Eatabliahed 1$49 - 1943 WAYNESVILLE, O.
- ------- - -
Mrs, Chwdia Gra.y
WATER DILUTION MET/10D-LOS, 40.5 .jbs. '
-.- -,
will attend the revival servlAle at Ferry Churoh of Chr13i. All who can are urpd to attend.
-1 -
Th~ "ui be no evenma aervlce as the oU!mben of thla churcb
in the capitall of COli quered Euro{le freedom and liberty l1fe holtow. mocking words mouthed by jackal pup pets like Musle r~, Quis ling, Laval, Degrel 1 or Laurel.
Keep Your ~tPa,per"lDolla"'8~A.t Home! . Ap~~. .
. ~. -
, '.
9:30, A. M.
We just recieved ship'ment Qt ' galv~nized roofing and tecinng! '.
---4Ie' .:.,. .,- - ' - - -
UlBT-Green X1d 'QloVe on 'Main IIIireet Jut Thurada-y evening. Mill Zola 9trkteI', WaynenWe. WAlft"llD TO BUY -:': BJadr8!Dlth vise. B. L. ,Rye, W~ynesvl11e.
BIBLE . SCHOO, _~L'------j
l\lrs. nel't BII';;"ell, Co;resJlondl'llt Miss AudrlY Orlliv. : ord Is ,h ome Jlelplng take care o( her pal'ents who haYe been on the sick ~t Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bunnell, Mlsa Routh Bunnell and trle!Jd, MW&l'd B!lll, spent Sundo.y wIth the fonn' ers son and famIlY 01 Butle~IDe. iMr. Leroy 'Shaw spent Gunday with Mr. and Nrll. Earl OrnwfoDli and 1anil1y. Mi. and MrII. Vaughn Mullen and son apen~ Saturday eventng with Mr . ,aDd Mra. 'B elt Bll1'lneU and daughter and SUnday with Mr. lionel tMrs. Walter Pfet.tfer and LOCKER PLANT BEING daughter, Jane. ButLT IN CENTERVILLE Mr. ' and Mrs. Morrla Lew18 and SOIlS spent Bunda.y with Mr. and oA.' cold storage locker l?1ant Is be-' Mrs. JohD Koester , Ing constructed lin Oentervllle, with Oharles Lane .of-Dayton as manager. ' The plant .w1ll be ready for operaThe lotiOwullilUi~ tor divorCe " tlon,.IIoon• have been enter~ in Warren county; Flora E. Tatman vs. James L ., Tat.ma.n, adultery; RUby Mae Drake _ vs, Kerney W . Draoke. gl'osa neglect; Karl LeRoy Sudlow va. Mae , Ain6unls of butter lost In 6,000 pou.nds 'of skim milk BUdl~, ~ Ilt$lect of .d uty. , (the approximate prodl!ctlon of one cow h"a year) Marriatre licenses have been III. sued to: Oarl L. Step~enson" ~ _ _ mMhodo maintainer operator, Morr~, "nd Mary Preeman. 58, .. Shoe factory. t.ebanan; Robert O. ·M,cOonneU, 36, IF CE.NTRIFUGAL 'SEPAAATOR-LOSS1.2 Ib.. tl'iJck driver, Daylton, and Grace L. PlcUrtng, 25, OregonIA; Paul ou,rua l.6ckenl. 23 ...U. 8 , ArIn¥• .,nd Jane obnsune BaYB, 20, Franklln. . Mary Lolitae st\lder baa been SHALLOW PAN-LOSS 26.2 . lb" . ,lJ'IYlted a divorce from Bllward 1I'erd1n&pd Studer , c~ or ~ min<r chUd and aliPlODf ~ • week .
. 'mqe _~~B&ille ;. GIqurt:q .<ru' (fiqrist
Surmounting the Capl. tol Dome at WilBhin§tOD Btandl Crawfotd I bronle ltatue of Freedom, aymbol of the freedom and liberty our ,ovemment baa guaranteed to immigrant and native cit~en alike, linee the founding of the Republic. _
and Mrs. Donald Halines Dr. and Mrs. it~ver of Oenterwere dinner guests or Ml'S. HallJes'! ville were dinner guests here last parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W . Friday. Whetstone Sunday evenillg. !Mr. and Mrs. Karl Dakin of RaleIgh and . MariRlUla. Bogan Lebanon, called on MI'I. Dakin's oolled on Mr, and Mrs,. Everett mother, Mrs. Georgia l'v1n8. SatHalines, Sunday. tm!ay. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Halines had Miss Marne Brow.ne was a Xenia as th'elr ~uest part or this week, visitor Saturday. Hany Wellons, a mlssio:nary from Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernest Martin of Jamaica, home on furloUigh. ~yton were dinner guests 'of Mrs. L\.ICY' Oompten was a. dinner Georgia Mendenhall on Sunday, guest ot her s18ter, Ella ~[aj.nes, one and in the alfter.noon the three moday last week. ' tared to 0lnclnrui.t1 where they vlSSome of our members att<!nded lted relatives. Mr. and 'Mrs . Da.vld Todd and meetling at New Burlington Friends church sunday nli'bt. Harry Weltwo ohDdren of Dayton, were gues 'fry the Mlnml Gazette Want Ads ' Ions, a .oU.ssloriarv from Jamaica, c,t Mrs. Todd's mother, Mrs. Jda 'M. waa the speaker. Peters, .Sunday afternoon. , ~. and Donald Conklin of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ivlns of near spring ' Valley, (l8.lled . on ,R ed ILion. visited the lormer's OUR NEW 19" WALLPAPER Charles Stanley and family Sunday. mother. Mrs . Gr orgla IvIns, Sll.9dAy BOOKS ARE IN! afternoon . RATION BEl\11NJ)ER It you haVII romns to be papered BUYS HOME HERE this year, YOIl will be wise to let. 1OIlI' orcl'er III early! . Walter T. Greene, who r ecently Doa" be -e&llIb' witb ,hat reply opened a variety store a.t the comof "Your order came too 1&t4:," or er of Main and N<u;th streets, has. "t.be paper banpr Is ready to do p 'rchased throug.h W . N. Sears a in, I"OOIIUI, but I have.n '" been able house on the cOJ:l1er. of' ~r<l &.nel to pt DlJ paper." Fral1kl~ streets Qr MrS. Edna O. Order Noll' trom our 1944 WallRidge . paper booIuI! PAUL, C. PICKING Phone ZW WayttenW~.: ,0 .
and round t ~ J'OCIID -tible. Botb in IOOd CODditiClll. Phone a&12, Waynes-
1\: 2.~, OhIo. '
POR 8ALB - Day bed : VWe.
.... \\,'''h.w !l1II1I". · urlr., ..........·n l
,also there. who W. ~d Mrs .
There have been tWO llIell Eel OUJ:land \Vent he.V8 conlessed Oillillt Rond joined to Reading ,~C.dln~15c1I1Y uto IItL~n~1 . Fe cburch during the the funeral 01 • Ie rOlls 1 . with the · vi rry be,"u '~g, held there • 'rh e WilY'S IIncl Melli ' ' nn)lt~ revival lief oes They are Mr. Steven 'Burnett of tee of Lhe P . T . A . of Bellbrook school met at the home of 'Mrs , Lytle and Mr. Fred Faulkner ot Rlohard Sackett oil the Bellbrook Spring Valley . Because of the populllirity ot Mr. Dowdy, speaker, pike last Thursday even ing to dls11nl1 Mr. Gmham, singer at the cuss the menu fOr !.he Fa,rmcr'!) .Inrevival serviCes, It has been decided stltute to b~ held at Bel.brook on to hold the meeting over for lIoIl- Feb. ,1 and 2. obher week, maklng a three - week Mn; . F . S. Dowdy of South Webmeeting. . ster nnd Mr. and M rs. Barto.n Mrs. Charles Fisher ls very 111 at Dowdy a.nd daughter of Br1lllant, tbe home ot her daughter, Mrs . and Oa.pt. and Mrs. F . A. D .·way or Oamp Forrest, Tenn .. attended Lester Urschel, neGo!" Centerville MJss Rita SChwartz of Day to 1 l.Je- revival services (\t Ferry Tuesday came the bride or Mr. William evening &!ld surprised the 'speaker lPalmer of thls nelghborhOlY.l last very much and quite pleasantly. seaman 1st class Bruce Wean, Saturda.y morning at the Oa',lIoll'! churoh In Belmont. Mr . and MrFo. Is home on a (urlough. He was last Olarence Rockoven were among the heard trom In August . Forrest Trost leaves next w~l!k guesUl. for t he army. His wife a.nd daughThe neighbors lent a betping ~d to Mr. Henry IPennlngton ter plan -to make thelr home with Tuesday afternoon and ["~ 'pdded ~he Jess Rolcmds While he 18 In thl! ' hls com lor him. Mr. Penl'lni~ ~'1 Rl1Ued forces. Bob Nichols has been Induct.ed Is stendily ImprC'l,,1ng. Mr. and Mrs. P . J. Thomas lnOO the army. I M.r. and Mrs. Henry Marphy of called SUnday afternoon on the fonner's father and mother, the Omltervllie !Were all day guests of lJa.wrence Thomases, at Lebanon. Mrs. Ma.ur1ce Hunter and daughter l£wrence h8.s been a1ck with bron. Tuesday. Afternoon callers were MIss Mary Brown and Mrs. Perry J . Thomas . _ 11 _ _ _ a _ t _' Mr.:J. P. J. 'Ihoma.s spent Monday In Lebanon and called 011 Mrs. Mae Cornell a.t the Wa rren County Home. She found Mrs. Cornell her always cheerful self and the lady seems to be lin pretty fair h~alth. She 'Would llke to hear from her friends.
0 - _.- - , . - --
t.:u.';".... n (
Wut AlII, 0ardI of
'qI1JB8DAl', IA1If1J.lBY . , ·1....
l'on ao.-!
at ' the~, home ot," Mrs.
JANUARY 27. 1944.
,'T o Vote On Soil ConserVation District Feb. IS
fonner 'H arveysbur BuildingJ'und BJ:ling .' Po~tm..t.r Dies Raised By ChUrcn ......",......,.".,..,..
, r
j{ .\ IT.ERS
Mrs. Whitaker·New: PresidentofW.S.C.S
Ponmna8range Hete SatUrday
The Woman's Society ot Chrlst' • , ,~". Charle.a Madden, '18. died at h1B At a called meeting of the orncIan Service held their regular W.ynesv1lle Farmers Grallie IWtll home in' HarvenburgFrtd'ay nJa'ht ' tal board of the WaynesvUle Chur h monthly meeting with Mrs . Walter entertatn tlhe W&q'~ Countl Poafter an Wness of about 18 months. 01' 0hlBtl two weeks ago. plans were Whitaker as h~ at 'h er home on mOna. Orange at' the' hirh .sCboo1 , A referendwn t.o approve or reH1s .wt!e. ~a, is the only aur~ made tor speeding the growth of the Third street. The meeting was Call- ~ Ssturday eveWng. January ject II. SoU Oonservatlon Dl/ltrlct for vlvor . ,A son preceded him In dea.th local ohurch. ed t.o order by the retlrlng president. A 'basket , d1Imer wm be Bervect at. War~n county 'Will be',h eld TueSC1&y, in 1940. Definite 'Pla.us were m~de for a Mrs. Ray O . Conner, who explaln- '1:30. The oommlttee requeats each, February 115. trom 1:00 to 4:00 p . m. Mr. Madden was , a Welona resl- mlaalonary 'Program, One Sunday at ttle followini pla.cea: dent ~ Harvey6bura and aerveda-s every two months was set aside Itor ed that Installatlon of Officers had famny to ~, ~'~f~' -. been I=ostponed until this meetin8 tbe meet1ui the oflicere Lebanon., COurt Houae AudltQrtum poetinaater aboUt 16 years. U11s work. The tentative plan diadue to the resignation of the newly- for the ootnlnl year wW be Jnatalled, ~ •... ,. . Oonover Hardwa:e Servlcee were held. Tue.Wl.y after- oussed wa& that the entire 4ay would •• ..ott at WvneacWe .....• Townah1p HOUle noon at 2:00 p. m. at the MI:Oll1J'ebe set aside for this work . For the elected president. Mrs . H. E. Bath- The "&lIe DrW.," that 'W....... ., away. By consent of the club, KrII. the State Gra-nae meetlna'. 1il . ~ Morrow ..•.... .. •.....• Tow.n Hall l"Une1'al borne ~1l WayneavWe 'With Jnorntng service a talk on the nrlsWhitaker was chosen as pr ldent cion-aU In Deoember: MaBOn •.. EverybOdY's Farm StudIo burial In M1am1 oeJnetery. a10nary field would be glvw by ~he , will • 1M, .,tven .,1:, .... for 1944. Rev . L. C . Radley ga.ve by the younr ladles of Wa1'l!'D The committee sponsoring the Iiun1ater or one ot the Church mtlDl. a very Interesting talk. using ,the county Granges, organtzatlon work met Tuooday afbers. rutd the sermon would be on a this bl~ LST boat opens its "pouch", out ternoon. January 18. to plan an edmissionary subject . For the evening one 135th Psalm as his Bible studY and traDer units read)' to travel 'acroslI a UCII,tlonBil program to acquaint pea- Editor ot The Mlaml Gazette: 8e1'Vlce. If ,possible. a mla..:ionary and then gave a very Inleres,Lug Incarl')' luppllea ashore. The operation pictured and Fruehauf Trailer. rollinlr from a United pIe with the posslblUtiea of a dis- , Just a few J.l.nea to exprell8 my ~ulc1 be Invited In to speak. The lItullalion ,for the Ilew oUlcers, a s Dlstrlbution of '2.B'16,11~ ~ 1943" . Kiriwlna Island here, while troop reinforcements trtet a.nd to plan fot the referen~ appreciation (or the excellent paper oflfering If or the entire day Is to be foUows : automobUe license, revl!nues to t.bf. ~!~~~~:~ tum to put ashore. The tore . end of the big supply dwn. Those pr.esent were : Fred that YOU put out every week. I am set aside for mlaslonary work. 111 President. Mrs . Walter Whitaker ; cities. counties and .townahlpa ~ I the pouch of a kanproo, to allow simple unloadmaUIJlIK haa been laid under water to permit the Hagemeyer. Morris Nixon. Henry a. buddy Of one ot your h -::me-town order that this plan might be set In vice president. Mrs. L, C , Rs.dley; been annou:lCed ,by B1anya,y Dlr. . veliICllOi nutfl ..... ashore to ha:.-e a firm foundation over ·the Rarl18! Ronald Hawke. ,R obert Jef- boys. ne.meiy, Pfc. Chester L . motion as soon as possible. lC ofc(Jl'Iesponding secretary. Ml·S . Raj tor H. G. SoUtl. tery, Fred 'ElOOn, E. B . Hasldns Carey. who realded In Waynesville !l.cia1 ,b oard decided · to inVite ur. O. Con.uer; secretary. Mrs. D. k . ThIs money fqr .treet and ~ a.nd David Be.lley. prior to entry In the service. I am Harland Cary. missionary to South Sallsbw'y ; treasurer, Mrs. E. F . way maintenance 6Jld rel!'l'lf .c... OBSERVE FORTY-FIFTH Earnhart; se rttl'ry of local church cording to MotM ve~'; ~r. . David BaUey, county agent. re- a native New Yorlcer nlYseU, and America: to speak on February lIiD WEDDING ANNIVERSAR.Y activities, Mrs , COI ~ Rich; sccre- C. W. Wullace. and ~'l~ t.bSJd belved word 'Monday from DI!an have never had the opportunlty to the evening. He 88.ll be at the .T~ F. CullllinSham or Ohio state visit a small toWn. Your paper has Church on that date . 1Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Thomas en · tury of puoUcatJons. MiS. M. A. p8.rt1a1 dlatrib,utlon for l8St year" [ UnIversity. that the state sou OOn- made me feel that I would l1ke to The young people's work was also tertalned with a tamily dlnnu 0 F'ulkerson; 'secreta: y of missions. [JOCal dlstr1but1~~ 1& ,14; follpJ.• .: attI~(lIOn. January 21, Bel'Wotion 'oommittee had appraved visit there some day If I should j!let diScussed. Mr. R8.y- Klontll was ap_ W~n oounty~ $11;,'76; Mason. very Sunday, celebrating their forty-f1fth Mrs . Goldie Borden; secretary of 'the petition ,tUed' in December and the chance. carey and I are at pointed to sponsor t.h1s work with Franklln, ~12 . '15; HarveYf!?tq,, ~; , weddl.ug anniversary and their ~ir h supplies. Mrs , F, U. LeMay. Mrs. em~liWlIed at a ml8cell the testlmOllY' presented at the preaent statl~ In Indl.e. and relll- Mr. Randall's asalstance, Th1s worlt of Mrs . dG>Y BJ;Ullven;arles; also the birthday IWhlt..ker llamed as ht:i new com- Lebanon, $800; f:-ove~?o $~M.'l~i bearing on January 14th m,ooium- ly appreciate any word from the is just getting under Way. Last of thelr gradson, Tommi &tees: Fi.nance. Mrs . !Alva Thomp ~! $\8'1.50; ~." ~~' . anniversary . ,.,....;11..... btlde. bua ~ 'Cunningham, chalnnan of the folks back in the States . 0ru\I! SundaY' even1D8 when the enti.re &p!~~id time gathered my EarnhaIt. sc.~. L.haJnnan. aaslsted by Mrs . H. Pleasant 1Plaln, ~7~; SOUIt.h Leb-. l :where contests abate , eomm1tte.e. instructed the agai.ll'. thanks tor the pa.per. keep up cbureh vlslte.d "the Ferrr Church ot A deUcloUB turkey dinnt:r was R. Moss. Mrs. Warren Braddock. UlOll. $112.50; .. ~ 'ljlO;iJ/ sponsoring committee In the coun- the good work, 0hr1lrt. 26 young ,People were prestweddlillC':{1;i'jlp especially pre- llerved dith a beautiful birthdlL<Y I MI' ··. J . H . Sackett. Mrs. IrvLn !.lul- Waynesville, $2'15; ,~ 1I3~tTo to)' to proceed with the ~erendumin SlJ¥:erely. ent. Next Sunday night at the cake In the mlddIe of the table lord. Mrs , Vern AnnJtage. Mrs. H , counlil: ••7 per cent, 'l~,Ipa, ,~ :, ' ~---I..~- ....- ..... " the Ohio .law "'ov..... J 0 hn D , O'NeIII. young peop1e's meet...... Ift~ at 8 :30 " wer~~tjoyed. ~....., WUI " ..... , ark by Mrs. Ed whioh 'Was bak!ld by Mrs , . J. M L. Ry~, Mrs. ClaUde Barnette. Mrs. .1'1.820. emlng the oJWII.nizatlon of Soil 2nd Tr. Carrier Squadron 324196'17 o·clock·. there 1W1ll be an electton of : ~~i.nley Bailey. Eamh&rt. Covers were leJd for !Mr. O .. ~. ~rla.tt, Mrs. Cha.rles EllIs, officers for the year of 1944 .. Pla.I1& L. ... th ' t and Mrs . John Robey of Daytcll . Mra . Charles Davis and Mrs . RIJ!!- F10HTEBS TO BE BunWOOK Cnservation Dlstrlct . (Secn.tons 3'16- A.P.O. U'l. care of Postmeater JN8~fIt 01'1:. 8PE'''D. 1I~.1 inc1,,-lve of the OenerNYor" New York. ' t" ... r 'ft_ of aU 'Who IP'8dOUIlY . ..,.. em 13 to .... .. , \IIIl were ...... ' or jOint. meet....... the bride after Jbt usual manner. 0 Mr. and 14rs. lAWen '!llomas lind sell , WlJ.lion; Fellowship, Mrs. Adam a.l Code of Ohio,) the you'!lg"peaple of the Churches of KrII. MoIiber .... then deUv~ a daughter of ~e, Mr. anc,t Mrs. Melloh a~d Mrs. Raymond Oonner ; 0br1st and other churchea In this ....... 'DIe proposed distrlct inoludes all ENTEltTAJNS IN HONOR OF J. 1M. Ean1ha,rt and sons of Bea.ver- Cards and Flowers, M 's . Eva. Davis. Warren ~'nty With the SON'S FIF1'II BIRTHDAY ti of th tat th large ba8Ut of 1lft4 bf Mrs. SIWklanda .Thoma.s Mra . Ernest Hartsock a.nd Mrs. Tru AU \NY sec on e s e once a mon • er's Uttle 8an. CiD'1, whO was cun- town" Mrs. ·R ober.t ex.ceptlon of In.corporated .vlll~es. Mrs. Roy Ellla ente~!1ed Sat- each month the meeting to be at a nlnglu aWred '~t and cap e.nc1 daughter, Miss Cqra Thoma ·) man Wardlow. All Iandowners within the oprowse d ' unSay afternoon honOring the fifth d1ff~rent church. All the ' young fresh With All ah&r d and Mr . Arthur Tboma.s. After a bUSiness discussion ' the cUat11et are eUglble to cast their bal- blrthclay ann1veraary of her son. people of the community are Invited the . ~ , .. ' many society adjourned to meet In Peblot for or against the creation of Charles, Jr. The aftemoon was to the SUnda.y night services at 6:30 LOOAL CLUB I\IEMBEBS ruary with 'Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson . the dlatrlct. Absentee ballots ' tor ' &pent in pla.ylng gamea and the p. m. be6ut1fUl anq. A'rl'END FERRY REVIVAL ~cious ' refreshment/; were served those whO cannot go In' pe~ to many 10vely gUts ",ere opened by G06tla were set ,for the Bible wrapped bo • • to about 30 members by the hostess cleJ 6 po~ place between 1:00 and the honor guest and admire , d bv aU" school to reach for the Y1lBr of A very who ,was assisted bY MfS. Reba . ag() our avetace ~by. the . PebI'll8l'Y 16 ,may be til blithday caq with five can41(l$ • ....,. ' • JOO p. m. on 1944.J.'Wo years 1; Braddock and Mrs . J , B. Rlch . 'secured from David Balle1, county an4 Ice cream were aerved frvln a waa p~rox1mately '1B . per S1lJlda)', , : : ' 'PASTOR AT OTrEBBEIN ,DO. llgrlcut~al agent, Lebanon, <?hIo, table ~~ ~ted. with out abOut 12 over the year ~ore ; IMt I~=;~~,: I :f by wiitten a'J)pllc..tlcm. SUeIl tlal- tlGnra. . ~.,J. ~~~~~~B¥~CI;j~""'~~~: t ·~rormer~D Iota ~" Iil the'1blr8ii .-.ta no t!nJOJed the t"f- plus, or' " bit b~enliDe more \ban' CUnt 11ft. ~ Oooa, Mrs. cluslon at the servtoea. they were mJnister. who was recently 4ls01' before' ~ruary 14- at 8:00 p. m. ~ 'WS1)h OIlarl. were ' Bally Ute cwerage for the ,),earbefore. , Maynard Welts. !tIn1. Reba. B rad- served a. luncheon at the h~ me of churged after 15 months' service III , A' SOU Oonservatlon OOtrlct can Lou 8mlth. c&rot Kay Turner, Joail TbU year ,we have se~ as our gual. dock. 1MnI, Mert Baird. Mrs. Ed Mr. and Mrs. Graham. a .chaplain. has asawncd the pastorbe organized In Wa~en county as Keraey, Sue lAnD Hamby, JUdy and 1UV averqe of 100 per Sunday with Hopkins Mrs. A. H. Stubbll Mrs. 'The revlva:l, whIch bas been hav- ate of the church a~ Otterbein A result , of an enab~.llg act ~d ' Janet Koc&bee. Kay Decker. Winnle lnd1vtdual goals set 't or each clas6 o f ' • ==='~F.8t.t~ It'n~_w.-i\~,fitlli~-l=====.J Ing a good attendance. Is 8C~eduled ilome, near Lebanon. by I the Oh1o~ Legtsl&ture ~ . the Jo .OweDl, steve OWena;=Freddie Le- the....Blble-school~ . W. O. Raper, Mrs. Q. R. Ungluby, and Mrs. O. R . StlJai fill ,to close S\lDday nlght. The evangel· sprlijg of 1941. Harold Martz, War- lIay, 'Cbarlea Kersey, Bobby an'd Plana be.ve ~n ~de nnd are Mrs. Stanley BeJley. Mrs. Eills WayneapWe~ , 1fbJC:tl _ :~S", ist. iF. S . Dowdy. 'Will begl~ a meet- AGED SPRING VALLEY ren county's repreeen~t1ve, llpan- Kenneth Gray, and Keadamea .Rb- well tWaY' for raising money !Hathaway. Mrs. Ke:nneth nlluns. FARMER PASSES AWAl Ohrtst.maa eve Jq the MarIne chapel Ing iMonda,y evening at Paden Olty. • 'I' • IKJl1ed Ilh1a lej1.siatlon. bert BerfJ, Vem AmUtage, _ar tot our bWldlng. fund. A commtttee Mrs . Russell Wilson, Miss Lucy at ~. Va., with tile PQlt lWe.st V~. ' !l'acts Of Interf!lt to alllanc10wnera Smith. John W. Kersey, Robert ot three was &J)pQlnted to see about lEmley. ~s. Pearl McMaltllo!1. Mrs. John Andrews. 86, Bprl!1g Valler. oh&pla.ln offlclatintr. regardiq the pro~ distrlct ' in. 0rQ and Woodrow OWens. IibJa mater and alreadY ,a large 5UDl John Sariker. Mrs: A. K . Day. MIas BIRTH OF SON retired farmer. passed a.way ~. ht. and iMrB. John ~ .ot ~ of money 'b aa been ple1ged towards TDoro1!by Day. Miss P'hoebe Miranda elUde: nlght In a Xenia hospital. He was a attended the couPle. A rMepttGn !Bam to Sgt . and Mrs. Charles 1. 'No lan40wner Is comPelled to BIRTHDAY DINNER thIa 'lund, No deflnlte plana for Mrs. Robert 1.8mb. lifelong Greene county resident anl followed title C8f1lllOll;V. '!be 1)rId8 te with the district b\llldlnff have been made but we are All then.. depe.rted wishing Mrs . Burton at Dpey hospital In Xenla. ,leaves a sister. Mrs, JuUa Yaeg.er of ' waa gradua.ted trom: Wl1Di1D;eaD coopera . . Mr. and 14r~. Warren Bradodck · , MoSher h ha In a son. weighing 7 pounds at birth . ' 2. ;P1ve supervisors elected by , the enteitalned to dlimer Tuesday eve- preparlns ,f or the time when we muc pp esa. Clnclninatl. b1rh 1ICbool' aJ;1d atteDdecl. w1liuq... This 1s the second child. Sit . e.nd la~downers or the ~ty haVe .DOIIl- ,. IUDI bcJaOl1Dg t.be blithday annl- shaU, haVe to add to the room aI- LT. ROBERT HnuN WEDS !ReqUiem masa was Intoned at 10 too college. ILt'J stpllll .is a cra.M~ Mrs. Burton fQrmerly 'made their plete cha.rge o.f the affairs of the venary of thelr daughter. Betty. ready available. a. m . Monday at St, BrJgld Cath- of W1lmIriIton college. ' MA88A()HUSET'I'S GlR.L IN home In Way.~esville. but the fathc:r d1.strlct. '. QoV'el'8 were ~ . at the very The entire church ~ enthl1.'llastlc FLORID'" ON DEC. U has 'b een located In England sllLce ollc churc:.h In Xenia with bUrial In TBA.CTOR 80ilO~)I; ' ENDB . S. 'DIe IUpvlsor8 do .not have ~he attractive table tor the bonor illest about 19t4. This should be a gl'eat at BrIgld cemetery. September and t:he mother Is now prtvilege of ,levying taxes or aaa~- ' and Y.18II :Vlr8tDla Dav:l8, MlBa Jerry )'I!aJ' Itor \.1&. The mlasJon of the Mrs. Jessle H,yman. is announcing living In Spring Valley. The 'l'raAlbor' 8C~ool , w~ \ hal ments or lsBue bonds. MAykl1ns, MIla Mary Woofter and churoh is to prea!lh tbe Gpiipel and 't he man-alge IIOME ON FURLOUGII her lion. Lt. Rotmt ·been conducted by J. B. crabbe• •. These supervisors serve wJt.bout the 'hOlt and ru.teIi. . save.souls for Jesus Christ. It la I . Hyman on December 24, 1943 with Warren Braddock . aa· 1natruc~, SEVEN SEEK REELECTION pay. our PIJ1'POIIe to be as thorougtlly to Miss Illlane LlttlElton of Boston, Opt Howard E , Stanley. Trcop A . waa ~ted s.turdi&y after ~ pre~ for ,this task as we call. Mass. ' •. 6, No federal. state or county 'OlD( BOGE1t8 DIB8 AT ' Seven Warren county of·f1clals 107th calvary, Santa. Rosa. CIIJU . hours of wo* with an averap ata,pproprlatJon& ¥e made to, ~ BOMB 'JN ~BIJ.aaooK We Invite the enUre community to here tenc1ance of 15 young mou. Lt. Hyman Ia a graduate of the have announced that they will seek spent a. 15·da.y furlough the !Work of the c:Ustricts. come to our aervlce and worship w~esvUle High school and P-urdue reelection on the Republican ticket . at the home of his parents and with The aohool has been held durtnc ' 8. Three years after the crea~oil iJohq Sherman ~era, '11, died With~. University MId has bad techmcal They are: Probate ~udge Ralph H . his wife and child of SprJna Valley. the put three w~ka and one ~ ot a d1strtCt. 'and e.t the end of each Unqpectedly SUndaY ~~ .~t h1B Max W. Randall, Minister. training at Harvard University> a.nd Osrey. Commlsslonera Fred J. Upon his return to cauCor.nla his tor, one grain drill. one corn b1nler. perlod thereafter. a ref- home in Bellbrook. Be was born in --,'-' - - the MassachuSetts LrustJtute ot Te.::h Hagemeyer and Scott M.cCI.ure. Re- wl'fe III1ltl chHd accompanled him and one plow and one power uDii..... ' erendum is h'eld giving the laIld- Btdford COU!l.ty, Pennsylva.n.la. b~t WHOOPING' COUGH EPIDEMIC FEABIm AT SPRING , VALLEY. nology. Mrs . HYman Is a graduate Cordel' Pearl Graham, Treasur~r Qeo will 'm ake their bome th.e re. rebul1t,. owners ,t he chance to "vote out" or wa,' a Greene cqun~y resident for alofBr~ord ~llege for Women .of B. Johnson an4 Olerk ot Courts O. d1.5contlnUe the dlatrict. moet bJI ent1l'e llfe. H1s wUe. ElIJIaRevealing an oubbreak of whollp" Boston, Maa, BED CROSS SEWING ~T FOX DRIVE NETS BAND C. Beckett. The !I])QDBOr1n8 committee In the be~, aurvtve.'J. iDS coUgh In tille Spring Valley cem8OBOOL EVEILY 'l'BUB8D&y' MOTHERS OVt~U ~O.OO Lt .' IByma.n Is stationed at West cioun , •• IPUDIiial services were held Wed- munlty. Dr. Gordon E . • Savage, Palm Beach, Fla., lUld the newly...,. . is 't he Warren CO\lI)ty Aart1dl'8. Ross Hattaock · anno~ cultural Club Execu.tlve committees nead&y anemooD 'at ,the PerrY Green county health comrni&sloner, weds wW make their home. there for The Fox Drive sponsored by the that the local Red \ Oro. J cbaP- . the Peo!,le of 11143 and 19t4. These are: Geol'lle CbUMh of 0Iu1st with the past.or. has 8UgKested that chUdren of Banl Mothers club Sa.turday morn- haa received a new supply ot ma~he P~'!lt·. Jonel. 1P1e&86ht PlaiD; R. K. Brotber Herbert G~. 'i n. charge. school &Ie ~ 'kept at home two .to of this Community Ing near 'Waynesville netted lour terial and the ladles are ~ ey· . HaWke, Way,nesville; Henry HSnis, Be had been aD, elder In the Ferry four weelts If they devl!l~p symp- BODY OF WABBEN I)AJUN THINK IT OVER foxes. The drive centered on tbe ery Thur~~ In the lunch ~1!':1 ~.I' . !Bert f'laher, Walter Allen, MorN chUMh Ifor 35 years. Burtal waa in toms che.racterlstlc of the malady. 'How about doing a little cold Robert Gons fann where the mem18 INTERRED HERE turkey thinking after you , lay the high lIOhool trom 1 tQ 4 I!. m •• NIXon and D. K. Wollley, LebI.noh; JoIlIlll11 oemetenr, here. bers ~ the club had prepa.red lunch. aside this newspaper tonight? Anyone who ,is ~~~~. Jn thSa Robert Jeffet'i 6Jld Fred, JIllbon., Warren DakIn. '13f former reslde.nt You've got a good job. The The .# tl ed ff t the chanceil are ' there II someone "oxes were flue on . 0 a wCJJ'thy CIIU,!Ie and \WlahA' ~f'~ Ja 0tePla. and Fred , Baieme)'er, I&BANON MAY GET or Franklin, died sun,day on a fal m else ' In your ccnclualon of the drive and 150.00 wekxxne. . ClaibvWe. . , ,' PICKuP AIR IIIAIL SERVICE northeas~'.of springboro . He Is surfamily. per· was realIZed from the,sale . haps two or vtved by h18 wife, EIlIa; a daughter, The club announced that. In.cludthree. work. . Mra. Otis Peak. Middletown; a son. Ing. Your Ing profits ,(rom the sale of the Bon or your Forrest.E. Oakln, CUllC1mla~, and Q i lunches. over $90.00 has been added brotber s.lster, Mrs. lLaura CoWer, LebanOn. may t,e awny to the fund ' to purchase new uniat war. 'Bervlcea ' wer,e held "t 2:3~ ,po m. forms for the band. This war , IWednesday at the VliIileal)y funeral must end sometime. Your whole family PROMOTED TO STAFF SG'1'. home Ii; FN.nk1ln , wil~ Rev,. ,Bryc.e your neighbors. are praying It N1cbOls otnclatlng ~ -lNrlQl was in ends soon and thosc ftghtlng boys of yours will corne hOrne safely. iHarding Field, La.--ClJ,rl A. Yale. ~tami 'cetpeterY' .W.a:ynesv1Ue ., But ' will you be ready for son of Mr . and Mrs. E. Benjamin whatever happens when' peace , comes? WUl ~ou bave 'some' Yale, of Waynesville. OhiO, was reCOUNTY scBQm, BOARD thing laid awa;.· We're alI,hop· · oently promoted to the rank of Staff . ' ' ~~ ao~G~IZED Ing there'll be jobl' aplenty. jol:>s '. . ' . v • . .' which ,m ean making 'somelhfn~ . ' ~:rgea,nt, according to an announce" I • ror' somebody'. happ'lness and ,m ent' 'b y' the PubUC RelatiOns Of" 'C. D"OrocItett of near , Sprln8-. . I'ot , for sonlebody,. lorrow. ... where Yllur War BondI, at Jlahiln,g .Field. 'La. .' where , That· ~~" ~ ,reelected ~'eI1~ent 01 ,the ~,i::ome ., Into the p,1.c:ture·. ,: "Sure. f1cer he t.S now stationed ' Wamm COWJt,y lIChooi bQl,rd, t~ r the ,'" . . 'A mericans o.wn 'bIllions of dol· lars of War Boni:ls now: ' and be. Staff Sgt. _ Yale is now undefio'~lD1ng tear the' ar Ul roorpn,fol'c this 4th , Will' Loan end. In" t - I 'ft " Ith ...."'...._ _ _"1r.atioo ~ held ~ _ oththC!'y will ha~e \lu~ .away billions .........n ... g w a .':'8"'- _ . o1!ftoen are: S;' . _ waynea more. But how about you? unit at bile Loulaiana' tleld. You'r,e Ibe one that count.. The .bigp;er U)e pile of War Bunda YUle, vice~" ~ ~lfa H. ROME ON FI,IBLOUGH you have when Jleace comel. the 8Otal. GJertt' of tJie baiU'd. ~ b'."'t'r c:1Iilnce ,ou'll have to ,.llp . Pvt, . ~ 0ImpbeJl of Pt. cf the ~re, B. ~ l"ghl Into the post·WIll' I world dream'"_ ' nhout tnnlJrht. KiDI, KlDII you'l'j! ~ W..hl~. II ~ .... & So- "fA.t. ,ftl Bu ck the Attack," ~~JI_row; ... . TUE EDlTOR. , II-d•. fUrlOUlh here at the home 01
dt: "
Letter From India
bI,s __ta.
Qtf)e . .-iami
~;:v::e ~ted
beLler tllTkfl),
From A Farm Diary·· Dry Ridge
ma.n Day sale last year. Now if I could only get enough hay to see \IB
.I&IIOND8 • B.. ' "
_DAU, DUG 8'l'OU ~. ,J!Ia1D
Detroit •• Phone 6
0 ..... : .~ CelDpIe&e Dlaplay
GEo. DODDS' .~d SONS )' ( . ",IDee 1.....
.: . .'T HE CRITERION .'.
. Xeaia,.Ohio
}'Ktir~ CLOTilBS • -.. ,t. . "(", • ..' ~
Amw 81aJrte ..
II ICE ~ A Good Place &0 Bat
to s-Ua Detroit
. '.
Pholle 7M
, w.
8eU Eftl')'thIIIa'
a 'B. MaID st.
f'1a.aie 1:rt . BY'"
CABB · 'l'IIrGIIIb' ~"" IUtd B,e n l , . . Our SpeclaU,
P~~mV t6 B.. MaID St. Xenia, o.
. aDd
., CIi£RRY "'~ ·.Ol1S. ~irvUJ8B1~mS
PIa.... •
BETTER~T • ". '. '.:r
Cm u '11 SC11001 'at 9:30 a . Ill . I'~h[p ' service !I t 10:30 A . M. It a quick reiu!':n to good . living Subj ct: "'I'he piUnrs of P c" 0 1' condJtlons in Amedca after the war "T e Mct.hoojst Crusnde for a New cnn truly be said 't o depend on a single commodity, ':petroleum is that World Ord Cl·." Youl,h Fellowship' Sunday evimlng commodity. A post-war all shortage would· be a cata.trlophe; Automobile at '1 0'010010 at the parsonage .. m anutacturers and dealer. are exST. l\IAR~'S EPISCOPAL pl! cted to Jead the way j)ack to ·pros· pCl'ity. but they c~a n' t do It with e U URell crude 011 scarce, flven temporarUy SC:1 rce enough to make gasoline Ralph Pli rks, l\1inbter In Charge costly or hard to g~!t.. An oil famine Ch urch I!Chool at 9 :45 a . m . c tl n be created but It need never Morning prayer und s ermon 11 :00 co e. ' . How Amedca's war effort depends a. m. on. petroleum was d~ scussed recently In this colul"(ln but a post·\~r oil I'lmuy cumwu OF cmus')' f r , ine would be equall,y serious. Herbert Grahllm. Minister ::lnd it ill more . pr-obable. For ex· am ple., it is posslblle. with vandatous 9 : 30 a. m .• Bible school. hmte. to Increase oU yields [rom 10.45 a. m.-CommunIOn. known pools . In 81 'w ar emergency 11 :00 a. ro.- Sermon. Ulis might be tried" but such meth· ods wEl ste more tha n they ge t. If 7 :30 p. b . -.PreacihIJl~. t hey do postpdne 810 011 lamine they FRIEND:' m ake it woue when it com es. Not Hopeless First Day school, 9 :311 a . m. Somethlne can be do.n e. If on on MeeLlng tor Worship, 1) :30 a. m. sh ortage were inevlitable therl' would bc no point jD dwelling on t~ e sub· ST. AUGUSTINE CHunCH j eel afte r the news was told. but an FaUier Krumholta, Priest oil fumi ne Is avoidable. F ac ts are lacking to prove t.hat our national Mass Sunday 9 :00 a. m . ecoqomy. In so far as It is ba sed on 011. bas to underlgo a revolu tio n. \VA YNESVlLLE CHURCII OF now or any time soon. We have CURIST good reason to belJeve that Amerl· can e.n gineers can keep on design· Max RandaU. 1\fjnisLer Ing and building be!tter automobiles. SchOOl 9.30 a. m . . Bible planning and constructing ' better Communion 10 :45 a. m highways and using them for gen. erations to come. Pre · hlng. 11 a. m. It was the emiDent geolok!ist Ral ph Junior Endeavor, 7 :15 'P. m . Arnold who. In 1914. estimated Senior Ende~vor. 7:15 P. m. America's crude olll reserves at six Oommunlon and preaching. 8 :00 billion barrels. Tjne American As· 10ciatioD of ·Petroleum Geologists p. m. raised the guess 1:0 nine billion in You are inVited-to come and wor1921. The Americian ' Petroleum In. shIp with us. stitute In 1925 ventlured that five bit·, lion barrels more vl/ould be all The 1\1'1'. 1101.1.\' ~t E. CIIVRCII U.S. Geological Sw;vey set the grond .•.• M. Scarn, I\II!lister tolal of un-pumped oi) at 13 bUUon bariels In 1934. Now, in 1943, the sunday S~OOI 9:30 a. m •. E. A going estimate is 20 billion barre l6 Earnhart. Supt. to come. Meanwhile America's enor. Evening Service, 7 :30 p. 111. . mous all needs ha'V~ been suppUed. }>Payer Meeting Wednesday eveDrapln, Tbe Crepe Records show 't hat every so of LeD ning. 7 :30 p. m:
It's a Threat '
street Ulled In. the atreet · I~ is ~oo ' nllrow.' and Very dangerous ~n many gdl\oOI> .TIle Gazette: ' wfl )'ll, BB It s tands . Wh~l'~ el'tl I) Many pepple llcr.e have ask~d . . be . fOW1d.' il if 1 inLand to run Ior .· mayor of a Will, there can always :way . . . . Wnynesvillo in the neXt electio.n. STANFORD BOOR My ~ver Is no. Joi i am yory IVel1 pleased to Jive In 0. pice wher e TO JO~N HU BAND bhere is a mayor who apLl t.ude is so outsumdln. and one so Ildapted : Mrs. .Loren Re IiSOD, who hils bUEn I'llke I'. Olifrol'd Brace. foJ' h e Is assoolak d ' with the ~banon 1'1'\.Int.rlpld. Parallax, him Iiny WilY you duoUon Oredlt assoola.tion 1 for 10 , ' wish, be stlU rema tIS the oentral years. has resigned to Join her husfigure. However, if any ot these questions band, stationed at M\u'oo. . Oall1 • Imply a v1ilage suggestJon. 1: am Miss Jean Whltacre, who has been ccJ'\ a ln I 'would like to see the deep assocIated with IJlc office for two cut drain on the sou theJst $Ide of years, wtll succeed Mrs . Roo.son . jll8t
Our ManyFertilizer Customers: 'f 0
For orders placed this month. Attractive discount per ton.
Pay later.
Ohio'l .lowest
Place your order today. Get this saving and be aure of getting the BEST PRICE, and not being di..,p, poin~ed.
With a shortage of fert ilize. or man powei'
to h·a./[J·d le the late comera, "who forgot to order."
. 1849
Six Big Stores
Sand &Gravel
8:~~:~:ft»uViriO& PitoDuCii
T~ Ne~pape~· 1id
QUICK SERVICE .. ·.F or Dead,Stock
Xenia Standard Parts
Ph. 288
OU:8' 'BiG"S·PEtIA.t. OFF,E'B'J,
275 ..
5'.Ciail , .iagubaes
a. lIctJe widened . for
me .
Mt;TDODIST CHVReU L.uuls C . 'tlldluy, I'Rstur
STORtS 1944
Blancheater, Wayneaville. Wilmington, Hillsboro, though we would be all right . I had a nice card from Mrs. Ca.rl Sabina and Lynchburg Duke. She tells me of sitting ou~ doors In the afternoons. 0001 momIngS and evenings bL!1. wl\rm sunny 'In tile petroleum .industry. all {he THE XENIA NATIONAL days. iMr. ' Duke Is better nnd Is 'known fields. are ,lolOked upon as uld ADVERTISE IN . . BANK. . fl.elds; there are no Dew pools be· lW-1M3 able to <walk. someoutdoors without ing developed wltlh freely flowing CAPITAL II' SURPLUS fUO,UOO a. cane now. They like It but are weUs. Such 181he ' c:a~ now; known StJ.o~ - Frielld., glad to hear !rom t heir I1rlends. reserves ore decliJlllIig. And always Bellahl. ACCOII1modatiD, We .miss our good neighbors. SA at times like this 1I0mebody feels an many new people up and down the urge to put on aackl:lotb and propbeCo- A DABE ·"d SONS _ A ."~t !We haven"t had a c"~oce , .y about how much,oU Ii left. Somet imes they cim ahnost make car ~our McCormJck.Deerin, to know yet. -11en years ago we were ownCi!rs ,hear Uncle Sam IIcraping the n ew ones and now we are the ·the bottom of his barrel. Just the Implement Deale~---=-I+Dld'"1:tIYH!!1'ir:-----'----!----j"Illrm;~.n'lmimR SE!em to be getUng' We J1ke to hear {rom our out-of- bigger. rIght along. f09 W. MaID SL ~QJI is wh~re :Y'o u ,find It." The town readers a.nd . if there Is th1rig that' an)' of them. would like petroleum Industry Is 00 ' year. old. S~lce it st~rted. 50 ' or, 60 pUllan barEICHMAN'S 1;0 hea.r about drop us a. care . It rels . of oil have been 'discovered. would be nice to hear from more of Experts estimate that the United BlectdcaJ sapplJea _ BepairlDc our boys in the service. States will need to find about ' that Sberwln-WUUama PalDt much more to meet·. needs of the FARMERS WEEK FEB: 28-29 next 20 years. . UnCq,rtunately, oU· Pholle W 52 W. Mala SL men don' t know where more than a The Farmers Week pl'ogTam Is to third of It is. but they know where '. . be held February 28-29 with educa.- to find untold aCreEI of untested land, LADIES' BEADY TO "'EAR tional meeUngs schedUled for th e r ight in the United States. land thot Acceaaorlea Town Hall, Grange Hall and Memorial Hall In ILcbanon. it has been ought to . GIB. NEY'S 17 announce(j. Speailcers will ·lnclUde , Finding a new 011 fl.,e ld somewhere iii neces!lary, just las it t. necessary nt, . ' IV:" . 8 W. Main S~ . Phone 78 Barton Rees P08Ue, Hoosier poet, for a dairyman to add a fresh eow G and ~ Johnson, radio a.rtlst. . to his herd occallionajIy .to offset the IlOUP A - Seleet Two ) •• ,.~"'e• dwindling strIppers: W~ are told 0 AMERIcAN HOME . ____ .__ ... _... _ ...... 1 Yr. FAMOUS that the 20 bUllon barrels of known 0 TRUE STORY -.... 1 ••- ..--._ _ ._ •••-.:.......... 1 fr. AUTO SUPPLY oil reserves are enough to last 15 0 AMERICAN GIRL ............._._ ... _ .. ___.•___............6 Mo. Bad1e aocl BJOJcIe BepalrlD, years. at the prer.cnt raie of con0 OPEN ROAD (BOYS) (12 IaUa).. __. _..._._ .......... I-4 Mo. sumpl:iBfI. lllit t:ltftt's 110 help. THI--III - 0 PATHfINDER (Weekly). _ · _. __._ _ ......._._._ ...... 1 Yr. WOBl[ CLOTHING o SPORTS AFIELD ......_ .- , - - _...._ ...__.__._.... 1 Yr. Dutil '0I:. Pr'ee Slao..,. will take perhaps 30 years to 'get 0 OUTDOO~ (I~ Iasua).. . ., . I . :-'.':........: ......._ ..... .1-4 Mu. 37 W. MaID Phone 1100 that oil out of the iground, and rush. Ing It would ruin t he field. GROUP B - Seleet Two Malazlnes There is no sanc~ substitute for a 0 FLOWER GROWER ... . . _........:.........6 Mo. ROY V. HULL new oil field in America's national 0 CHRISTIAN HERALD .•_ .. _-'-. _ _ _ _._ ...6 Mo. 0 PAR£NTS' MAGAZINE ... __.___ ........... 6 Mo. economy. 'nothing t.o take Its pllice In Sewinc Machine Suppliea the ~ war effort 01' in post.war . pros0 THE WO'MAN ,.- ......:. ....- . .. _ _ .....__.. ____._........ 1 YI'. Bepalrin, of All Makes perity. But prospecting is costly. OPATHFINDER (Weekly) . _ ••••_..... 1 Yr. ZZ B.. Market Phone U16 By the time an oil man .earehes w GR011P (: __ Scleef ~1",azlne8 Jungle 'and wilderne~s for a likely . apot to make II wildcat test. protect. 0 AMERICAN FRUIT GROWER.. .... _ _ _ _ _ ._ ..... 1 fr. TARVIA-llTHlC TAR AND ing himself all he . call with good en. 0 AMERICAN POULTRY JOURNAL. ... __·_ _._...... I Yr. 1I Yoa Have Trouble Belq ROAD OIL, EXOAVATING &Ineerlng ad,vice. buys a lease and O ·fARM JOURNAL" FAllMER'S WlFE... · .:....1 fr. DUMP TRUCK SERVICE Fitted Wllh Shoee-Try drills a hole deep enou,h to prove what Is (or is not) there. be.. hall 0 POULTRY 'TRIBUNE •.__. _..._ ... _... .1 Yr; READY MIX CONORETE RICHARDS ~. .pent a pproximately $Uio.ooo. 0 l\IOTHER'S HOME LD'L..-: . .... 1Yr. To find a new oj! pool it Is nece.. 0 CAPPER'S FARMER .......,___. ·.. _.... 1 Yr. 7 N. MaID Xenia I&r)' to drill, so Il faUure costs 81 much as a d iscov4!ry. And taUure • No~ Nicer for GUts Than . are much more numerous. Records Phone Wa.ynesville 2911 covering 20 years 'p rior to 1940 ahow "FOSTORIA GLASS" Morrow Phone No. 3 that It took about 660 dry holell a 4lIo I lear to find each major 011 fl.eld. Lebanon : OfClce .PhoQe 473 K "imperial Candlewlell" Glass Obviousl7 quite _an incentive'il necResIdence 98 M E.·B. CURTIS essary to ,et anybod,y to Ulke such PATHFINDER (Weddy) , ALL S" HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE . .X . 17 B. Main ~treet long .chances wi1b auch lara. TRUE' STORY>Ci ' ., 'FOR . amounts.. 'l'bafs wlia~1 the . ma~er AM.ERICAN ~' .. , PERSONAL STATIONE~Y ·now. Ollis to!> chea., to.tempt pro.. FAll~[ JOURNAL" "!ftIoY ." %OCr Sheet. • 100 Enve,oJ)el witb pec,t ors .to drW. except 'c los. to other 011 where their chancel are 'betWr. .• ,oar name and address for . " The OP~ t. holciiiIg. ihe crude oll . . $~5O-SeDd us 10ar order price u'ld.e1', 60 . EMlfcel,ltl.o; . normalo' THE MIAMI GAZETTE althou,gh many. 01ber p rices are .up. WaJ1leavWe Ph1)ne Xla Oil men say a price boOst of SO .tIOlltS,1~S, cents a barrel <les's tbaD l~e a gaJ. Ion) will revive .wlidcaWng; the CALVES, SHEEP, ETC" quIckest IUld aurest ' way to find' a lIew .,field. 'Jihe government ders R.e moved PrompU, B sub,sldy Instea1:1, "whicb, 11 ' BeCall cep~ed, would, ~ ano,~encroaab men\ upon private enUrprlle. Truck, Car and' Trac~or m,- part, I'd ratheJ~ pay B ll,tle more lor\gal01lne than weilken '~t.hQ the Replacement Part. . "e~ foundation ~erlclUl pro.. perltt, or (n' IOV81'111118nt ,e.tI) de~ on oU &Iii war, Full at 1f8,el 'de~ exportfDr. DOt
',..Churches -
t Saturdoy . Jolin bad tille whole Main Stree.-:. rl;rtbe hu:;king co.r.n toda'y . t Wlsll tJ1ey could get it- 'all done but .. ther e ' ~. Ai 8eooDd Ola.u MAll Katter .at PoIitolflce, Waynesville, Ohio Will be ilL least 1l1l0tJ1'e.r daS's' work. l~ l Y In that field ll.!1 d ' good neSs Walter W. Wiseman, Editor and Publisher kllOWS when iL will geL dOlle. L.ltel' . I lOoked ou t and snw them fussing ISSUED E\1lmY THURSDAY around Wi t h 1.he tracto r Id lb • SUblCrt1)t1on Price. '1.50 Per Year. Payable In Advance wagoll. My h ea rt ~ nllk alld 1 thought, "Ha v th ey got t.lat 10 d N.tlo••1 Ad".rtlsi"g Repr ••• nt.tlve of com s tuck L:l Lhat so t sp . t ?'· 'TIlere Is Bspot just beslae the lane IB."I«:B. l!f(!. where It gets very soft and springy uur1ng a. IJla.W and more cars and t.rucka have been s tuck there be• Home Town N• ...".,.. cause the gross looks alright- and It; is just where t hey a re t emptea t o tum around. I watched while they fussed around uTl't1l lot last I could see what they were doing . They were get~ an old wagon rea.dy, to haul dawn her:e lo set up a. 'temJaDUMy 20. ~9" . Snow thlli mom- ha.d never set fool to the ground . porary crib. handy to the' hogs and ~. Such a beautiful snow, the soft We raise turkeys the old fashiOned· chickens . At last they got It down' teatbe:l}'l kind that /lticks to every- ws;y and It would have been too big here sa fel,y and 1 .breathed pen.ceth~ and makes a flower garden a change Crom . living In a brooder fully again. out of every bunch of weeds. Of house and eatLng ground feed to lIvMonday . Today It started earlier COUl'IIe It was the day I had planned log outside and sleeping In a tree . t han usual. The t rucker was to be to 10 to Dayton but by noon It was They were said to be fine broad here for t.he ca.l! and some of last all rone 10 I W8.'l a.ble to go wlth- breasted whttes and they may have sUmmer's lambs by daYI~ht so they out~any trouble. been put our gobler will have to be . bad to be loaded , It was all over All ,this d'all my tenant baa talked satisfied wllJl our bronze hens He so early that I thought I would rest 'IPliite t\lJUy8 and finally lOt a ts also a fine bird but Wj.bhout any a lItUe more . I lay down on the bed a.ood white &obbler . ~e had talked doubt the 'ugUest one I ever saw. and Covered up but I had reckoned with . 800le one who had a. white He swells himself up and struts as without the dogs . Tlley were upset ben and hAd arranged to buy it. much as to 58.y. "What a f ine bird. by such proceedings. Smokey CIlme yeri!rda,y I drove down there to .am. II" !But iWlth his ,f eathers gray ln, poked me with her nose and laid cO&l 8001. and his long p ink. her hend ' down on my s houlder . ~ 'It. i: found the place, drove in, and ' a very pleasant woman took me naked-loolUng neck 'he Is n ot beau- ~y came in, poked me with her out to loot at the wonc1erful bird. Wul to my mind . Tt. ert Is no doubt nose and l a id her h ead on the bed &be opened the coop door and we that these modern broad-brcasted nnd looked a t me it h herf big lilld were ;reeted by"an omInOus sneeze. turkeys have more meat on them eyes. Then t hey both began to tell We kioted ana the poor thintr had th,an the old style. We ha.d one for about It. They dldn't ba.rk. they botai ~ swelled. out like mumps 0hr1atmas and there 'W1I4 half again me whined a little. then they cried and "Wlt& roup. Needlesa to say I dldn't aa mucb whlte meat as an ordin- walled, up and down the scale. !lind bu,y' • the turkey. Another reason ary ~ and the less were short- nothing wotlid stop them Ullt U l .got tbM I[ 1VOU1<1 not have wanted that up and .g ot them some brenlt!ast. ~ '\Via that It had been 1'61aed er but the fiavor wasn't any better This afternoon the man who came ent£ioely mltde. ODe of thOMl ~t .t han the one we had Thanksgiving. yesterday to look at Dumbo came with a truck and tQOk him . .1 would sell his bI:othqr too If 1 had a good chance. They are .t he young white face bulls that 1 bOught at the!..y-
w.y~vUle. Ohio
Pbaoe 'II6I
Letters To Th~ Editor
,. _ 2
~en8 ~llnday
Miami Gazette Files
FIFTEEN YEABS 'AGO '- ..(~IID. 30 1919)
-Mrs. Gr&ce .L . 'Smith made a business trip 'W ColumbUs lBBt week. Miss Ad",' Michener left Monday to resume 'her school work Chagrin Falls, n.ear.C1eveland. ·Mrs. J . .W . Ed·w ards and Mrs . ca.rl M£Clure visited Mrs . James McOlu"'! at !McClellan ' hospital oil 'I\lesclay. Mr. IIolld Mrs : Milton Sheehan, who have spent leveral weeU in Flonda, left Bt. Petersburg Monday 10r their' ,h ome In Cen~rvlUe. . Mr . and Mrs. Lawrence Evana' are annou.nelill8 the am'lval of a daughter. Mary Cat.herine, •Jan. 23, at their home in Xenia. Mrs. Edw1n B. Miohener died Feb. 113, the day before her 15th birthday. Mrs. lHoward J. Sheehan the daUghter of O. B . and .Harrlet !Marla.~. died Jan. 8, 11929. M1ss Jessie Clarke left today tor Florida. . Mrs . W. P. Sallsbury Is spemdmg a couple of weeks !With her cbUdren in Oleveland. l4!. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker are aJlDOWlClng 'the birth of a eon, James Richard, January 23 . Mrs. J . D. Marlatt and Mrs, R. . O. Cross antertalned Friday eVt!n1ng,at the horne of Mrs . Marlatt. 1n oompl1ment to Mrs. Walter tMcClure,"":Who leaves Sunday for Cal1fomia. The guests IWere the ladles who have been- quilting for tl1,e benerUt of the M. E . Ladies Aid, and cwhose names follow: Mrs. Jrkalure, Mrs. W. H. Madden, Mrs . Ruth DaUaiherty. Mrs. Maurice S11ver, Mrs. Pred Cole, Mrs. ' lAUra Zell, Mr!J. ADna Sheehan, Mrs .· W . - IP. 8ausoury, Mrs. Viola carey, Mra. JosePh Bennett, MrI! . Elv1n ·PIres. Mrs. U. G. Whetsel. Mrs. J. W. White; Mrs. J. L. Hartaook, MrIi. Joe Davl8. MnI . Wilbur Clark. MrI. tAnleUa Will1,ams, Mrs . Barry McO1nniB, l4l'a. Ben SIm1th, Mrs. Barolcl Bmlth and Mrs. O. M. Roblb&er. Hockett paased awa,y at herOJ'pha heme on Third street Prlday
.ANNV,u. I"Gt'OR'l' OF 11JE CLERK OF TIll:
At X~nia Theater
VILLAGE OF WAYNESVILLE, WAB.~~. OOUNTY, OHIO For Ute ElaeJIl Y~ End tnK De.:ember 31, 1M3 . >, PO?IUa:tlon, ·1940 ~11S' S 832 ~. W~ynt l=Ville, Ohio, JanUJl.l Y 15, 11M·! '. - -
iii to1Je CongratUlated upon J:l1II adva.nCement. , •. . spent Sunday. here wlith 'relatlve.'! . ' W. P. Sallsbury left OOrlIlY for Q ten~y trip throUih Tennessee. luid Ala.bema.: Mr. Harold BUrge and Miss Margaret SatteltbWatte, both Of Waynes vt).le, ~ei-e ' unlted 1n marriage by the R,eY-. J. F. Cadwalladerat-Bt": Muyl rectory, Tuesday.
t hel' bY· ee.rtify .
~hc ifoU~g
report: to be .correct.
Balance . R ecelpb Ganeral Fund ... .... . . .. .. . .. . . .. 4089.75 Auto U O":I.se street iRepalr Fund ., 37:.!.64 GU;OUIlt! Tax Street Repalr Fund' . '198.08 Ci"ll1an Defence . . . ..... ... ... .. .. 200.00 Totals Oureml Village Funds . . . . 5460.47 Water Worka Fund .,. , ... , .. . . , . 2884.32 130M Retirement Fund ..... .. ... 1190,10 Flnml'n'8 Indemn!W' Fund . . , .. , . 1162.23
snop IN
. Village Clerk ..
OH:AIRUS , ~MlI!2;J; ExpenJo n. 1 ditures
6098.55 797.80'
Ballloqc Dec; 31,
292'.1.97 ,"1.67· 6'10.68
Save Tire, and Gas . . . Dlreet Bu, Line ~ County 8e.'
0084 .10 3219.52 1~.92
8209.15 3239.B' 1801.50 1.00
423&.32 2864.00 1615.&0 11111.23
1'01' M '1'.,. ~oD" i.ea41DI
(IIUII . , 1185) Grand TOta.l& of. All Died - At the Oooct samaritan 11830.11' 113251.59 9866.07 FundI> <01ent> . .. .. ... 11287.12 . '108.60 hospital, C1nd1nn.atl, FrldlW, Mrs. Outstan<1mg Warrants (Add.) • •• . 10f>7Ul TrNlsuu,c's 08&h B4llance S. P. Way, a bride or 15 days. 'Geol'8'e Ham1lton 'has 1nventeQ a T vtal cash Balance, pnuemaUc collar button wh\cll Is Ot>.c. 31, 1~ ... .. .... . ,. 105.",67 Ann RUlherford and Red Skdlon ,in II scene from dieir Iamt pictuft. now on the market. ' SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS "Whistlins In Brooklyn,", wilh The Brooklyn Dod.ers. Any 1JIm clUb .w i8hing to 'urange PcopertJ Taxe&--<leneral Fund ....... . .... . . . . . . . . .... 2691.22 . Bond. Retirement and S1nk1nO' Funds .. . ..... .. 1626.92 for a pme Iwlth the MJami& will please address the manager. Frank the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Forest 4318.14 Total Property Taxes .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . ......... . .. . . . . : .... . . . Spencer, Waynesville. Thompson on RDUte 73 . 42.65 Clgan,Lte Tax . . . . . ... .... .. . .. . ... ... . ........... . . ... ..... . Dev. A. T. COwgill and Q. E. II'• . "' ult.·r , "t".urh'k~ '·urr~"I""·lI."hl Mr , and M rs. WaJler Kenrick 831.01 State Mvlor Vehicle Tax . . .... . . . . . . .. . . ... . .... . ... . ... .. . Randall of the Waynesville League, Mrs. Ben James visited her sister. and James Haines were dinner GaAOline Tax .. . . ... . • . ... . . .. . . . . . .. . .......•. . ... . .. . .. .. . . 1185.50 Ml.sses Tibbals and Riley or the Ly- Mrs. BUrns. In Da.y,t on, 011 Tuesday ~e,..ts 'S unday of Mr. and Mrs. rnhcrlta.ll<:e Tax-General Fund ... . .. .. . ... . .. . . . . .. . 304.97 tIe League and MlsII Weller of Cen- of last week. . . Thomas olUns and Oharles Collins Total IrJlerttance Tax .... . .. . .. . . .... . ... . . . . ... . . . .. . ... . . ... .. 304.97 Mr. and Mrs. Harold M1nor of In Dayton. tervWe,' attended ~e International Epworth Lea&Ue convention at ChaL Indian Lake' ·were last week guests Mr. and Mrs. ~rvey Burnet at- Sales Tax .. . . . ... .... .. . .. .. ... . . . ...... . . .......... . . . . . . ....... 1000.00 State Beer and Liquor LIcense Fees . .. . ,.... . . .... . .. .. 200 .00 ,t.a.noos& thls .Week. . of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barge.r and tended their dinner ca rd c:ub BaL- Local Llc~nses and Pennlts .... .. . ... .. .. ... .. ... .... .. 4.00 Mr. ~ood and family now 00- i'ctilldren urday even!.ng at the home of Mr. cupy the IAunar property near the Mr. and Mr. Edmond Mlnser a.nd Mrs. Joe Chapman In Way,n es- Total Lictnses and Permlt,s .. .. ...... . . . ... . .. ... .. ..... . .... . 20'.00 521.25 F1n~s !.D.1 COsts . . ... ... .. . . . . . . . : . . ........ .. ......... ... ... . ~ factory. and son of DilytoU, spent Sunday Ville. O(n'l V!llage and Other Funds ..... . ... . .. . . 200.00 A shOOting pllery will be started with Mr. and Mrs. WW1am BeriMrs. Earl Young, Mrs . Emma in the vaeant room opposite the dall. lAcy, and Mrs. Oharles Bunnell and Total M1:A:.ellaneous !Fees Sales add Charges .. . ...... . . . 200.00 Hammell BOuse ·by M. C. Liddy. Mrs. Marpret Johns 'WU a dln- ' daug.hters attended the funeral ot Publlc Btrvlce EnteI1PI'ises-Water Rentals. etc . .. . .. .. 3219.52 The New Bur1l.11JIiob Band has ner guest Simday of her sJster, Mrs. Bd)ert' A. Sheets, ne:phew of Mrs. &funu-Llbrary AM'n .. ...... .. .. .... .... .. ..... .... .. 2.07 Cash DIVldenda . .... . . ... . . . . . ... . . . , . . .. . ....... , . ... . . 1.43 beeD em.ployecl to furniah music for Elizabeth Smith In Waynesv11le. Lacy. a.t 9prtngboro, li'rlday, the !Fourth of July celebration here. Mr. and iMl's . George LauI:Ib Mr. and iMi'a. Ralph Hammond 3223.02 Rev. S. !P. Kellum"wlll preach at Oakwood spent TUesday ev6n1ng and chUdren spent Sundayaft.e.r- Total Publlo Service Ente."Prlses .. ....... . .. . ......... .. the Ohl:iBtian churCh Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. .wUbur Clark. ' noon and even1nr wlith Mrs . WIl- 'rotal Rc\'enue . ........ . ...... . . ...... . ........ .. . . ... . 11830.54 Rev. Marion !LeSourd, wlfe and Mrs. Morris Wharton 1& vWUng lJJun straukamp and family in Dayfamily of GreenflelCl. were the her hll8band, Pvt . Wharton, at WU. 11830.54 Orand Total Receipts .. ... .... . . .. ..... . ... ..... ... ... ... . .. . SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES (lUeata of ILandlord Miller tind camp Fort sm In Oklahoma.. R1cba1'd Whitaker entertained Operation New Construdlon familY' at the Hanunell House a few Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kurtla auid Jack Multord, Glen Smith, Richard and Equipment, and daya this week. Mrs. J. B. Jones sww "~ute the Sheehan of W~esvWe, and Milton etc. Maintenance The ~1an Endeavor co.nven- Marines" at a Leba.non theatre, JOOM to dl.nnel' Saturday In honor General GovernmeDlt.. tlon at ~Iekl' this week wu at- Monday, evening. of his lIith birthday. Leglslatlve (Council) .. ..... . ... . . 144.00 tenled by !MlaaeB ' Louella IvIna, Mr . and Mrs. Edward. Sc.hlere~ There wll1 be a Crusade meeting General l!llCecutive .. .. . . . ..... ... . 630.83 BullingB (Town Hall. etc,) ,. . .. . .. 69.02 ~ Roberts; Allie Rogers. Lillie of lDayton called OD Mr'. aDd Mrs. at Iqtle church next Sunday even00Ck e.net Will Bm1th. Earl Young Sunday a.fterDoon. 1ng at 7:80 under the direcUon of FEIIV tA)WnS the' alZe of Waynesville ,Mr. a.nd Mrs. [,ealle Ora,y, son the putor, Rev. O. E . Vice, lWd Total ~J;eral ciovemment ... ,. ... ..... ... .. .. .. 843.85 have a sb'eet three-fourths of a and daughter. attended a. Lebanon Mrs. Vice to 'WbJch aU are cordlaliy Prote~ t!QU to Person and Property-Police I1l1le in length that. II divided into theatre Saturd,llY. ·ev~. invited and espec:1aJly the young . IPolice ... ... . • .... .. .. .. .. . , . . . . . . 693.12 each.... d Mrs. OIIella lWelsh of Dayton, folU. Fire ....... . .. . .. . . . . ... . ......... 234.41 tbree parte aDd nam_, an tew people in Waynesville know that Mrs. carl i'1citering of OeiltervWe, Sunday even1na dinner guests of ' mor~I~~ """"'er G-kft- -ere en ""_ __ft _ ~..... . such la the case with one of \JUT and 11.,- -... 'Q."'" -.a. - 11'-...J w«U'e.• •11.'~ ..... an d Total Prc>t.ecUon to !Person and IProperty . : .. . ... 927.53 '!4I.ss Helen Hawke entertained the streets. The,ueet 1n question is the teltalned on' Wednesday ~vening at ~. Walter Lacy &neil daughter, Mr. Heal~h-Total . . ....... . .... . ..... .. .... . . . . . . .. . . 79.73
Clover Le8t clUb lut Wednesda.y at the hom of her sister, Mrs. P. u. lASMaY. The Loyal Temperance ' Legion .w1ll meet at the home 01 Mr&. L. '0. NUts Friday, Mfa: Frank B1gp died at 'her bome in' thla DlOl'1l1D8. Mr.. and Mrs. ElJDer Sheehan are -nding the 'Winter at Mana. ...... . _.. ee, Plor1da. ) TWENTY-~ YEABS AGO • 1 (J~ D, 1818) .... ....
._.-.& "
~e lead1nC (run 'S eth ~k'll to the
and Mrs. W11bF Lacy, :Mr. &nd Mrs. Fred ~ and so~ of Dayton
creamery, croSsing MaIn street at the bank comer. From Cook's t.o Main it 18 moWn CUI North street. from Main ~ Water it id Col'Win avenue and frun \Water to the cemeteJ:y It ia .Eaatem. avenue. M'r. and ~. I : N. Harris are bouIIekeep1na In 't he rooms at the 'old Mlam1 BOUIe.
::3anltIlUc~-<l1lrieral V!llaiJe RmdB . . .... ... .. , .. . '130.70
8',..., McGETCHIN'S PHARMACY "your Family D~ 8..,,... ()oameUea - .Ue. - Mqulaea PBBSCBIPI'IOM8 Pbone 281 I.e....... BROWN and BROWN Ladles Ready &0 Wear A GOOD PUCE TO 1tN0W A GOOD PLACE TO GO
. J. W.
... .
HARDWARE PboDe" ~~ , .. I-.
.., ~ HARDWARB IiDlPLllMmiiTs
Headcaaar&en . e.nd Mr. aoc1 Mn. Elul Young. Total SanitatiOn .. . . .. . .... .. . . ........... · .. ···· · 730.'10 Phone lit ....... ' The WClIIWl". Eloc1ety of Lytle Hlghwa~s--General Village Funds . .. .. .. .. .. ... , ,5420.46 church will bave an 8lll-day meeting EGER'$ and copered d1ah dinner next WednadBy, hb. 2; at the home of Mrs. IEWELRY - GUTS Janet &uab. Mrs. Clara Hunt has Total Public ~. Entel'J)riae8 . . . . . .. .. . ...... Phone 110& the devotions. Kra. Rush wIill have Miscel\a.llt'Ol.l&-Oeneral VWaae Punds .. . . ..... . . . . . ~_Ctte to Firemen's Indemn1ty Fund .. . ... 1.00 8 'paper on ...............-e ",",..u&.. e , South Broadwa, . ......... llS!Iist the bostess Is composed of: Total Miscellaneous ....... . .... . ......... .. ... . .. 207.98 . ) Mrs : Nlldred Oe.mpbetll Mrs . Vaden · L!1\ere:s1r. We BIlY aDd Sell N_ _a tl.... Wlcal ai)d IMrs. Arle~le Jones. . Bank Service Oharge .. .... . ~ . : ... ... . . !I --~--~-ii rolloNlT1iBB :&.nd Retirement and Slnklng Funds .. .. '100.50 'Ev-tbID,' (or Farm aDlllIoIM'l
=1\~r~fc~YSEn~rt:;~~~; 'w~~' :::::::::::~::
y...... .....
BATiON REMINDER ~. '''- --'.- --;. aD~"'" POODS _ G ! ~l'n
George Oreen, tormer superin4"":~-""'__ ~ tendent of our achoola. alr1yed here atam~ '0, H, and J ;now valid; re. Wedne8day evening, ~1ng mustered main ~ thrOUIrh February 20. out 01 the service ~ntJy " ~T. 1Ifl'C.-Brown ltampe R, S, oapt: - ~~h 'White, 'WhO wB:8 dls- 1', U, V now good. W, Jan. 30; X, charged trom the service recantly, Feb: 6. .
Stee I
0cl~ ts!
Tot.al IntENst . . ....... .. . .. .. .... . .. ... ..... . .. .... '101.50
Total Exp. and OUtlay .. .. . ... .. . . . .. , . . ... ..... 12151.69 .Bonds and Loans PaidBond Retirement end Sinking Funds ...... 1100.00
MORRIS 5 "and, lOe
9UO~tamp 80 in Book." valTutal Bonds and Loans Pr.ld .. ... . .... ......... ... 1100.00 TO $1.00 STORE. kI for live pounds of sugar throuab T H B CK . The boIiIe.or John ~,who Marcb 31. . \ FT. NO C A Orand Total Expenditures ................. . .... 13251.59 Q=~M~:b~8B Uves half wli,y' between here .~d SBOB8-8tamp No. ,18, (l;'R~ria Limited SUIPplv BONDED DEBT DEC. 31. 1M3 . For E~ : . . b '"- ''''t a"turday ,ood indellDlt - ' No . \ 1 "airplane" LIABILITIES or............ -_.... , waaarttroola.c:n.: 0 .,. ., 8 ........ . in Book . V<HJ S ·""""" for 1 patt I) OUTSTANDINQ 'GENERAL BONDS and several es ~en. -.... ........ • \:I. ' (Payable by General Taxation) FRED'S DEPT~ STORE . Qu1t.e a loti of excitement was oc- unUl further notice. . Se'lller <VUJage Portion) . ... ..... : .......... , .. • ... .. , . : , .... .. '19,000.00 caa10ned Tueaday morning . when ~A:-I0 oou~ good I'ld8"..C ......r In 'Cloth Sacks We 'he EnUre""'" . 8herlttf ' Wanooer arrived in town for tbree Pl1cma throuab 21. , lea es. .r ...ee. ,,. .,..... . Total General and UtWty Bond~ IDebt .•.......... , ... . . , . .. ..~19,000.00 anti Home · . with a couple of blood hounds.. Then B-'1 and 0-1 ItuDIlI coact 'for tlWo .~_ . 8- . , . .' , dI ' . Order now' a-.d be sure of It was toid that the ZImmel1DaD pllons uaed, B-2 and C-2 aood .,,~.~. ".. To'..ai Bonded Debt , ......... , , . . ...... . ..... . , . .. . . .. . , , ... '19,000.00 Since 1885 . lor five....uoDa. . ._._ __ ,..,. . . . fa . . . . ...... FLOATING DEBT: store bad been ,b roken into. ~The ......",._ .N . ..~. '~""""UOIUI due: A a supply for 8PrinKI ACCO\alts !Payable (Unpaid bills) . . ...... . . .. ... . .. .. . . . ... 708.60 dOiIl. rwvrIted until a.ftemoon, but no .. ~ ............,..~ trail waa located. bOok veh1clea by March 81; B'I by ' of _1ftmnCI0IU , E~rIJ ~tal Floating Debt ........ ..... ..... ........ . . . . • . . .. lJ08.60 . EARL B, DAVIDSON Carl JloOlure and Cla.rence Men- ·Feb. »; O'. 'by Feb.·»; commercial war prod...-'" of ",lnl.ftill. . v jll .· \f. Grand Total Debt. Dec. 31. 1943 . .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. . ... .. .. $19.708.60 JEWELER -k-'I ;;..._ have been - n odine vehicles every sIX .montbl. or e~ery ~IJ." '''' k 80& been COIIDterecl, . . de...... ..~ ur. ' . iaiahl ................. "ar proLYTLE. ()HIO 24 N. Broadway leaves with home folks. have ~(.'De ~ 5,0.00 mlJe.. whichever 11 f1l'1t. . hClion. ' , I '. . Phoae m M i<ej01n. tbelr ah1p. the O~Q1l1!,. l1'tJR., OIlr-f'er1od . 2 coupons . ' Phon,e~ , Itlr•. ""rl .. U~ I". ·1·Ia .. na"N. v .. ,.~• ..... ,..dbDee~ Vern HoUib and familY, formerly &o:lcl 't hrough Feb. ·1; pertod 3. cou- . The ioUdwtng divorce suJts ha.v.e We reeret to report the d(at~ of of 'Bellfn:ont, have moved in·o .the pons good throuah MarCh 13. All .ollar . eGIdriIMa&ecl to tlae AnD~1 Wavne.ville 2961 been fUed : Ruth IPoraythe vs. James !.Ir . Sherman Rogers, well known CARY'S . ha"" .vallie of 10 gaUonS for eacl;l ~Plle.S. 01 .... N.lJonall'oundalioa Forsythe. extreme cruelty; Paul RrOWld this ne1g.hborhood. at hi: . rooma formerly . occupied by Dr. Inr.lltile P""''' laelpecl elaeek Cent.e rville 7915 Ha~. . unit. ~e epltleliala ...... io CMR neal war Dennis, a minor, by his next fnend, home in Bellbrook Sunday mornJBWELRY SHOP ' Byron Bartaoclt of Lancaster, BTOViS-Conaumer purcbaMa of .Jroc1t". , ~========;;;;;;;;==~ Dory Baker, VB. Betty Dennis, gross inS'. Mr. Rogers died very suddenly, ' PboDe .1'2' . .. ' GUbel't B1ns: who has)een doUI,g rat1on;i stoves mua~ be made With a_L ' neglect of duty; Carl RUfus Bell vs . ~vfug been to church at Ferry on ...... Itow 'he 111!1 _ _ _ _ .... tJ1C, third Itr1ck at the telegraph ~- a c~Wlcate . o'?ts1ned at loCal tfU ~d••DtI ..we .. aaecliclne eopecl .~ '.Bertha M. Bell, gose neglect of duty, FrIday evenine. His funeral wu Slace 1810 . flee in. Oo~n, ha& been JJl'OIlDOted price aJl:d l'I~tionlni ~a«ia WhIt alae epldemlc, __ .Ilpplies, ~C!I" , Ordella Bebee vs. Dave W. Behee, beld Wednesday afternoon at .the ",1 "alp. . ." ftlplraton, .ppa. gross QCglect of duty. Frela M . Oar- FerrY Church of Christ. He Is to second trick,' "od )lliill .remove ¥So 'of, .U· .... w_ .....ed to · e.. ()u Old Customel'l ...... famll,y to ¥1am1ville. This 'yo~ I ' , ........... aU ¥lela.... rett -is suing J. B. Qarrett for aU-. vived bY' his Wife. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown, who irkIi." ~........__ e. raee, mony, charging gross neglect of ............ eo.w ....e'lI!dequte duty . b&ve both been 80 very ill, abe with . '...., - ....... ...._- ' .. . . l:~l~o~t4eC:l:e!a • . . ...ucaI .T-!Robert IR. Dotson has been award the flu, are feell.~ much better ed a divorce from Julia ,M ae Dotson, 'now. a .. I L - ..... of I.e Mrs. ~I')' Gutherie waa hOtttess . ., ... .7"1' ...... ·.rid doll.... \ . A JIIill'rnlge.llcense has been 1sBued ..... __ .......... daII ·tlIMue .ARE YOU TAKING ' A to Charles M. Meadors. 24, Amar- to the Ladies Aid of the Sugar ........ ~. CHAN'C E ON ' LOSING Ulo, Texas, Urat Ueutenant U. s. Creek Oongreptlo.nal church last ........k ' ~~ . LYOUR RIGHT TO OP.ER- 8.1'ID3', &nd Ma.Ittia 1.. Jameson. 24, Wednesday. ·A!fter the business to Olncl'lnatl wedDeIlIa, ·•an ..... ·19 ... m~y .... 1q ATE . A. MOTO . R VE~ stenographer. Lebanon, meeting a bridal 'ldlower In honor 01 •• :Me _ DOl ..... B~t we d~ 11_ . to the ' Jm,~ &mIDN)f ''''*'iIui. . . iIeed ' ~ Wp to WI. 'hll. ' HICL ' ON E . PUBLIC Among recent real. estate trans- Mrs. Dher, nee Sa:rah Gassert: bawdy IW1UI to apeM.' .. was·given. Joe cream and cake a.1id ~DoI'I1 ~~t:-".!:'- a!~ ~.: were the follow.1ng; Ootfee were served -to all . present,. ;11-81." '"ftll .. r .. v· ~~· ! .o'f a';.:_.t Cha."1es 'E. and Rachel ·8ft.tterth,. die ........ ~ f ., """"._ _..... . • (','," '. ~ •. < . to ' Jlroperty of ~te to ~em,.&tte~te, Lot 2· about 2!1 ladles. ~rean : claI6 meetlni of the death • .in- ~ wa.~vt1le.. . . . .. II Clement and JI1rtam satterth~ Ferry church V(lI8 called o~f this ~~ -...:----.~-:..;~~~~~ ~----:-~~~ claim.. or ca .... waite to Hel'lO' 'Satierthwa1te,lot ,2 month because of ~e revival serv: •. I .r~. . " ~W ' ! C. B. J~ A.ent '. in W.ynesv1lle:· lees oelnl 'held there. . _.7 il " Fire-lAut~ ,~raDQe . MabeVI'hClJlaS et al to Henry sat- The .W&'ys and Means oommittee .~.""'1O rDl _ _ Do Or.. terthWalte. 'lob 2 '!n' Waynesville. of the Bellbrook P. ·T. club ~ at Io-Preal4etd RooleNlt .. .,Iie · .. "''''''Ro''''I0''''''''''o..,e~z. Anna' Xorrlt e~ al., to Heory Sat- the h9me of. Mrs. .John Blade in BeUbrpoIt MondaY evenlDlr to turth01 ~ ~ )haN, .. hiapo· nl:ll'u ..LftI~"~!· AGENCY tertbWlalte, lot 2 111 Waynesville. .w~. ,.Torno".·o",. !.buJ. J. BUrton to ~ K. er ~ <the cUhner of the. ~ rJ ..~_ii" Prop. UMl Belm R. Pra.unel1tnech.t, pan ~ ftrmer,s' Institute and ffJport "tllN~ B~ !. . . . . Qf lot 10 in~aborO. the reeaItI 01 tbe1r $OlIclUng. ..... &n~ .O·• • W&l.,, ..... 0810 IIIan¥ B . .ad. MaJ. SweM)' to lID. P. S. DcJwdJ o18outb·Web-fdl_.,......b ..,,~~ • PraDk C. AaDdenoD; ~ent; .part of ater. capt. and lin. ~ DDwdJ or 0uDp !'orreII\. Till&, aDd lID. ~. t·:",, · l~ ~ aut lot 1 in wapemue. made his brother, U. M. White, a v1alt laSt ,week.
F'ert J·1-IZer
ftl" -
Court News
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ItlNDI tI'E. AMERlfit
Musie School News
1:1_". .'._._. __ ,
Honor roD t()~~;perlodendlng YOU ARE lNVITED TO A COUf.se In, ~ second' 8e:' J&,n ua.ry l4, iK.l~: . . , ATrEND THE · " ~ ,p,lesrer hli& n ' ()C>f~l'ea to tl~l).!ie :I'be homely, 'boned F1lRBt , O~A:1)~ ~ ~Icha.rd P e.. ' leatutes 01, Abra~m ' ~ho are In'tereste~ , The cour:re will board, VIVian ,Volers, Dnniel WUde: Lincoln have provided be conducted· bt Mr. ~l1ton and Thoma& ;ftlc~, Marcia Radel'. Ha '-' many lGulptora .,Ith • was 10rmed espoo18lly tal' the Home pattern (or their. finest lean Jordan', ~bert Walker , M~ry ' 1I'Prir. Notable among ~ EConomies class but a,uyone ' wllo Sand rs. Richard Speal<> ht, Jealle tLe these f' the Saint Gau- &' Mahes may enter . There will be no Spray. ,den....LincOID,. . in Chi-. ~ SERVICES SUNDAY credits given 'fol' tIlts cour3e. talo'. Lincoln Park. .(!'Ij _"_~.il SEOaND ORAlDl' .... Oi!orglan·na. JANUARY 30 crowe, ShirleY' Ann PlymJre, Berna- , 'P olltlcal ,observers Ilrc wond .ng There ' II(tl1 be a da'nce, after the . " ~ BIBLE SCHOOL dine Haclmey, Irma J e., n Vililirs, why former A,tty. Gen, Ohas. C. Spttng.boro 'game. The school dance 9:30 A. M. Jerry Masters, ~larUee Bogan . Orabbe, who took out petitions one band Win pla.y. 'I'HIiB[) ORM>!:':'" Jan~t [)o.ster, day 1ollowlng Herbert D. Mills or This will be the final appearance . MOBNING .SERVICE , !Betty BogaI\, Putty' King, Roberi Dayton, withdrew from the Rep, ' of the marching band at the be.s11:00 A. M . Dost r , EdYthe !.riy 'RIch. Dayton. withdrew from the Rep . ketball games. An S for Springboro "Who COIntrol. the FOURTH ,.GRiJ~riBIl1l.\f Bogan" four . ooY$ l~ter. Dale Stump, who wl11 be formed, followed by an anWayneavJlle Church of Bobby Gentry, l.ou1se Martin, Marchor for the Navy. The band wlll Christ?" Ion OSborn, F'redtille Wall . Hitler a~d his strong. then form an M. iD. 1n honor of --' .;. ---,..arm squads' are . learnFIF'I1H GRADE .- Jimmy Boga;n, the March ot Dimes. EVENING SERVICE ing today what Lin. , . HO}Vard Doster; 'Mary Martha Gregg, 8:00 O'Clocll; The operetta 'w ill be presented coln preached a cenBetty KIng, Howard Mason, Billy .~II on two nlihts, Feb. 9 and 10 , Regtury ago: ,I No nation uThe UnuaualPower of Volers . can become great, half ular rehearsals are Delng held Imd Jetu." • • lave, half free," SIX'm GRADE - 'Betty B08an, the parta are cominl alonr n1ceJy• MIUW Belle Bog1l111, Dorothy D eboard, YOU ARE • • • Ethel Gentry, Ofladys. Kerns, PhylThe el&'hth grade home eoonom~ ALWAYS WELCOME lis Kertlll. MargllJ'et King, J oseph lcs class wlll 'b egin sewing this week. A THE Leyes, Marthe. 'Lukens. Mary J o There wlll be many interesting WAYNESVILLE Rich , Kenneth Wilson, Jimmy Wise t.hlngs done the girls will enCHURCH OF CHl1JST .Dial 2111 - Waynaville , ma.n. . Joy them very mUCh. SEVENTH 'GRADE - Marilyn The 'R ed Cross began sewing at MAX W. RANDALL, Conley, , the school Thursday, Jan. '26. 'Miniater E, W. sCofield spent Sund(lY in Carl Brandt of Dayton, were the EIOIHTH GRi\iDE-lWlma RO-Ier, , Phone 2993 Col~us. He was accompaniEd Wednesday guests of Mrs . Anan- Frieda Belle WIUlamson. Eugene home by· Mrs. Scofield a.~d their belle Flora. ~J)S HOlVl~ Weng. • • son, Ml~el, wbo .~d spent the GRADE NINJ1!-OJleen WlllltullMr. and Mrs . Ralph 1-InstL'lgs and Mril. Georgia Mendenhall attendprevlOUB week there visiting relason entertnlned to Sunday dinner son. ed a me€tlng oJ Group 2 Advisory, tives. GRADE TEN- -Dol'othy McGrath , with IMr. and Mrs. Oe.rl Stepbenson Cow1.ciL at the home of Mr. aud tin, J!lIlzebetb Probst MTS. R&lla and Mrs : Cordle Hlzar as C"uests . . Mary Lou MoorE~ . Jaek Reynold, . Mrs. Ernest Butterworth Wednes, , GRADE 'ELmf:EN' - Ralph NI!1 ~, MIa. M~ude McCrossen, Mr . day night ot last "w ~k . UDION» I. IU'l'BEYS Mr. and Mrs. ,E , C. Cra.ne and Dorothy lLlmb, 'I'nelma OL,b.: m . and Mrs. 'Henry RAlli, aU of DayRev. and Mrs. Ralph Parks lind 0'RiNDIE TWJjlLVE---Ruth Bunce, had been mentioned, but who's Mr. and Mrs. Don Ha.wke were d ntcnl. ~t Sunday her.e the guests fm1ly had as Sunday ge\,1Sts, Mrs . YOU CAN ,'ery likely find Just the May COok, Mrs. George Olevenger Reva campbell, Gla.ays Fairchild. friends .had said was undecided. inof Mrs. Annabelle Flora. ner guests ol Misses ' Annie and and daughter, Nan, o! Dayton . chance you're IOOidng fo~1n the , Walter McCan-en, 'James Re)lltolds, dicated that he wa.s definitely in Mame Browne on SWlday. • • • w.., A6, 0anIa til Tbanb aa4 WAO. tbe race by taking out petitions the Mrs. Eval)'n PeteJ.son vlsl.ed l't IMl'. and 1Mrs. J. N . Robinson &nd Mary Margaret RObertson. are eharpd 'or at perteilt ,A1.1endance first of last week . Crabbe withdrew atlves in Xenle. Monday . It you h"ven't a skiU, Anny eason and Mrs . ~nry Patterson of . . . .' . , ODe IlliDbDIIJD The following !!JUPlls have had per two days later. Mrs . .Mllrgaret Webb 'WaS a WU- perts wilJ teach y~u. Perhap!l yOU'd DaiyIton were Sunday even1ng supper .. . . . . ,lie.. A Want Ad ~ ._ mingtoll visitor Monday afternoon . guests ot Mr. and Mrs . E ' ,F. Earn- feet attendance ror .. the seme ter like to .. rive a Jeep, work a , teletYPe . ~ . a&lca~ ending January if, 1944: A powedid state-wide orga.mzaMr .. and Mrs. WalteT Olark and , Mr. and itrs. Ogden PUnt and hart. machine, or help dlreot airplane F'!R,ST ORADIE ~ 'RIchard De- tlon, with headquarters In Colum- daughter, IM1sa Wanda, of lqtle, ~ BALB .- W~ Producta at c;JW'dren, NanCy a.nd Harold, of traffic. 21 ¥;. B~. Lebanon.• , QIJeD OUftoo, IAr1zona, were overnight Mrs. EUzabebb Smith had a.s h er boarl, Donald o1mtrY" H ':Irlean J er- bus, Is being formed to support W1~ lfuesU! of Mrs. Alice Ola l ~ 011 WhatllVCJ' you do, you wI<1 ".1••eo1Dp .for ,JOUr OOJl~enlence. pesta of Mr. and ' Mrs: Walter dinner guest Sunday, her sister, Mrs. dan. !ShirleY' Osbit!r.n, Mary Banders, candJdates for ~,he Le,'; islature who Monda.y evening. MarY Ethel sm1tJ?, R1chal'1 Spealght will be In sy," 1) thy ..... ith a till Mrs. Ida M . i'eLers, w1th Mr. and ua.ble tralnln, - learn InteresU~ 0_ L1Dtner. Phope 13 L . • WJaem8.n and famUy. 'UPon their Margaret J01ms, of Lyt~e . Bob/ly Cline. guaranteeing to re.tw·n 40 per cent Mrs. Kenneth' Horn, ot Lebanon. ~vll in Ar1JioDa, they will leave Will C. St. John and ~bert thlnP-and help rd ~ war wonl 6EOOND ORiA.DE-Marlette Ben- or the Sales Tax colk.ctlons to the v1s1ted l4lddletown Ilnd Franklin for: Meldco, 'whete tIl!'y w1U be .lo- ¥urnas, Wayne township t rus tees, TODAY-ce' tull cte,tatla ., the cated about a ~ear. Mr. Flint is an spent three days last week .:diten ding nett, OeorgIanne. ' crowe, Wilma munJolpa1lUes. It a poll shows that Tu~ afternoon. nearest U. S. Army B.eena1Un, saaJean Hatch, ShIlrley Ann Ply·mlre. th y can.not· be ' 1I11'e Of ' a lrienc;lly Mrs. L. M . Henderson has taken e)ectr1cal ~eer. · the state convention of tqwnshlp Sn:ney SmIth. ., . ·leg1!lature,. they will launoh a,n In- a room and board here lor the !win- UO,D (your loc.l pcIIIt offlcewUl If" tTustees in Oolumbus . Branstratol'" 'I1HIR.n ORiAO:~un1or Bennett, ItlaUve Petlt10n camp:- Ign to place ter IOOntha. you 'he adU'reu). O""rlttj: The AdHOward Carnes/ ~~ Bogan, Ruger the ~ue on the ballott in November the members of the INITIATED INTO FRATE&NITY Jullint nentra l , Boom ttl5,' MuDi. C,l!ieelfUl ,Q rcle club Saturday even'" See the Miami Gazette stationery Day, Edythe 14&.37 ~h, Janet Dos- : . . This "lVolJd be a welcome tEst envl~ope~, 'lt. " "on. BuUdJ~~, Waablqt.on, D. C. of the lQIW passed by the 90th Gen- l1rie. Virginia. Preston, daughter Of Mr. ter.
Honest Abe
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Gr~~rd, .®f QI~riid
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Wanta New Career?
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·. .
·. .
G)f..1~~y Genand Mrs. John !Preston, twas recently lnltlated Into ' Kappa Kappa. Gam-. try, Freddie Wall, Dorla Mont:;QmlUente' of Mrs. J R. Updyke Dl&;,soclal sorot·lty. at ~lson Unl- ~ry, Kenneth ~1liDImer, Marion Os. , . vera1ty, Granville, ~her-e she is a botn. F'IF'qI GIRlAI[)s - Everett • • • ' freshman.~ Howard Doster. ' Kenneth Fa.sh~r, 11:1'. ADd Mrs. Fred Braddock and , ' er') i'" enteJ1ablect lrfr. and 'Mrs. John ; RctJer ,P I.umm , "SIXTH ORADl& .... Ethel Gentry, . and daughter, Marilyn," to
dlmier on Sunct8&. t'"
~ON ·~TO)Iz
DOnna ,jac(}b~, -d~ Ke~, Phyl'~' ~ . . ~'r'ida~ .,· .lls Kerrul, Me,rgul!et King, Martha
: Mr. ' and IMrs ; IfaiT~ Mosh~r and' Mr. "and MrS . A. H . :Stubbe ' and dhUdren 'Were .C lncinnatl ,visitors on
~ , And .
• • •
" . -SCREEN-
¥1Ia Esther LUkens of Harveys-
Wh11e PrellfJDt Btoc* laatll. WJdte· ~ _ oal, 'tU0 Gal.
burg w.s · the week-end guest' of PA1JLPlCKlNG Naomi Jilnrnhart and MIsS I'bIM ala · W " a,DllYI11e, O. Ruth ,Dunhart was the 'M!ek - end guest of Lois Lukens. , LOIn'-Tbe eoIdier who ' left his • it • " '~ &rem ' Oldsmobile Ralph I. Scheere and Mrs. 1Iedan' ~~<. ,'fI'O\Jld ',~ ~Te ,I t to : the Quette ...._ _...._ _ _•_ _ _,_
Allan Jone" £velyn A"er• . Bill~e .'Burke
retUrneci ·
lb\ ~ Hereford male elII1blfl kI l"eIiIter; ' 1 .1-. , 014. wt. about 180 lhs. l!lInIbart. Aione 2814.
JoCr. ~ , Mra~ Borden en': t.erfaIned to CUmie1''0l.8unday R 3.e RObeit B. ~ '~ wife or Oreat ~. ~'. ' IWlth ·the hOnor '",ests ...,' ~. . ~ lIriI: Bet "Eyer , of
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
Cpl. Earl W. C'onner 35294887 419 En . Co. D. 'T. O.P . A . No , 649, c-o Postmaster New YOl'k, N. Y.
Optometric ,Eye Spe.:ialist
· .. .
Pv t . Marloll Shrout',·SM74TH 801st Med. A. lE:o T. ' A.IP, O. 708, cate Postmaster San Francisco, caUi: '
28 S. Detroit Street ,~
'1'0& AIm CONlIQIf Jour .~: . . . .. 8beep aDd ~ to lfarrta-~ ', 00.. ~
~, Iw, abe. --'~-II!!II.------Iih '...,. ~ .... .dOd .......1 HARV'EYSBURG' . ...........
11.... \..... Y,.. ' 01.11', " I;. O.
~: ,~ , ~,m.;~~1fQIa. , ,'TI.'LIlda\ ,''.,7l'D . '''OMP, I'\tnr f« ~r d:8Q1 FER \I nI
11:2& ID &0 12:30 p. market '1'fIpQI'ta.
HARVt::YS~URG~ OHIO Will , pay ' $2.00 for Dead H~., .$ 1.00 for Cowa. Sheep, ',Hoaa, ' Calve. aDd , Colts ' "
OUR NEW 1944 WALLPAPER BOOKS ARE IN! U you ba,ve rooms' to be papered this y~r; you Will, be wise to get your order In early! Don't be eaurM with thai reply
~UIIIer I'IaDf
......... c.u •• '
of ~"Your order ClaJ;lle too la~" or .. ~ paper banl~r.ll! ready to do , '
m, paper." Order
my rooms but I "haven't bee.n able
~ .~et
Now from ,our 19U .Wallpaper boob! .:. ' . PAUL C. PIcKING Phone 2111% WaYnesville,
"Phone W.yn~.i~l~ ~2104 The ...,
Opl . Cllarles F. Collett 438, T. C . G., 1!8 '1':0:.' Sq. E6er Field, Ft. 'Wayne, Ind .
Spring Cleaning In Winler?
In gI~ the ~le the rliht to l.n\t!at.e i8.Wa' !Jy petition, "Laws be l...ued __ :to +facilitate ' theti' o""p-' ..' &tlon: ~ut '1n fty l1m1tlng restrlctlng , eithe; s uch prOvislons th""'ipqW~ DerelJ} reserved~" Tills \(un~hst1.tUtlollal law" fux.ts It v1r'~ tuuUy ' IIh~Slble ipr the p eople to eXeI:ctse their guara.nteed r,tgbts . . , • • • Tllli De'"'~l'uts may not ohIy have "Harmony" In their ,p arty this year ' <Roy ' E., of Sidriey) bllt !llso " Oofifey,' . . ' . Mllrtln Co!+! . y of ddletow.!J: Industrial ~ and natlonal' vlce commal}der ot ~e Ama1ca~ . Leirlon, Is I being boomed ' ror " \ t either Oovetnor ,or U. S. Sen t;~ r. It ~ In~ttld that. h~ would ll:ave' llie White Bouse bl eS~lng. '
Farmers' Week by Radio January 31- February 4, 1944a, !We ~, \
PniMDI.d br!be College 01 AodoiuJbn 0Id0 ~. f
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;:~r~l~n~ 'shO;~:tl~,:~de~:!k~ ,1_~..C..O_O..'tIl!l !E0!l"",..,Ciioi ..... REA·M_·_H_AS~H~ .IG_H;;E~ST_M~A;.;R;;K~..ET;.;·:.;.VA;.;t:;;U;:E~'....I
by e. reputabIestate organtzatlon "rapmg"the State co.~tlLtion. The eOnaUtutlon ,~'cl1lcally f!8.Ys,
the eighth grade. J1mmle Beyr,olds placed second ant Dor;otihy. ' Thor-nhorse fl?mlnee for the presldency . ' bury third. , ;,'
8p~. ~d 1Mr,. a.n6 ,IlnI. Ray, ~ and la~r ' aI Prankllnb
-~, -
AsseIl'l:blY. high-pressured thru
'Luken!!, . or,vu'ie M&1att. Paul,ne Moore, Mary Jo R1cll. ' JI~ Wlseman. SENENTH GRADE Eugene Clark, Gene Osbom, Douglas Reynolds. EIGHII'H GRADE - J Anna oune, Esther O;;bolln, 'F lieda·' BeUe, W11I!a.m son, Dale SChoonove~. NI'NTH GRAD'l!~o]een 'WUliam1ICl1', Harold 'lfcUl!rh, Tom. Reyn~lds, Fl'ances Reaver. " II'EIN'l1H GRA:DE---B~l P iuinmel', Irma' lHele':l T1etl:neYIl'. ELE\1iENfllH . (lRAnE ,.... inlberla Brooks Emenry, Clevelund college Rich, Thelma. Osborn . progess3r. WlUkle's, advisor on for-·• TWELFI1H GIMDE- Walter Mc'elg;n policy" maybe a "strategy Carten, Addle 1P01lltt. ' .,' , candldQte l1gainst T8Ift In the pri'; SpeUing Co~t(,s' . The 'Spell1pg COnteSt ~eld Jan. H maries, to keep him ' busy at home was won by Betty Carnes, a pupll, of arid out of the presidential man~
~~t~~rd~~ TIlRILL NJTES!
.. ;
AUCTIONEERING :StaDl~y and Kooaler. Por ,Data, Phl!11e 28H, Wayn.... VWe, Qhlo; RaVerae Charps .
Pvt. Ro6eD'l;ary Ashmead 521997 W./t. .O. Station oPmPlement , CU:ffi'P Davis, North, :Oaro11na • .•• , . , . \ Warren LeMay .U.S.S. P : 0 , 1176 care qf Fleet P~lIIt oiflce'" ." ~dw Yprk, 1'{. ' Y .' .". ' ,
The Hat G . Sours "political bubble'" for ~ver,nor s,eems to have blown up. It looltel ' Uke e. "trial be.noon'· to force Don Ebrivh tr out \ of the race , '
.. .
The Oh1o D~mocr atlc big , wigs held a mysteriol18 pow 'Wow ' In Washington over , the week-end. which could develop Into ' a rally aroun(l Garrett ' Olay~~l, to pull the Il&l'ty'S state-machinery together to b&ck a united 'ticket . . . A Illmlhir ' Idea 'il(ase~pressed by ~eer Bittinger otAshla.nd, former Stat!' ch!llr'man, who was In COlumbus last
SuppOrt your home tow~ ' Pdper . The Miami Gazette Is the " only new~Pllr :In the ,w orld that . cafes , 8inytfun:g~ llJ:b9ut ' Wa~eaville ' v1c,1nlty.' - , "',1
...:r--.-.... l
JlfOmotes baCl~
1IAIItJ, .
3, 1944.
R4!d Cross·Wome Service Com. Active
OPERETT FEB: 9-10 , "Worda a.nd Music." a.n operetta. The Mother's club of the Waynesbe presented at the WI~yt:les111U<1t.1 pille schools Will hold their regular high schoo1 auditorium <m ' tw~ monthly meeting Fr1~ afternoon. nlBhta, Feb. 9a.nd lO .-lt is a highly February 4, at the grade buUdlng. amusicg and eritertaln1Dg musIcal All members a.re urged to a~nd. comedy. . '!!he ,program, whlch w1ll be given ' The s-tory tellll · wha<t happens b)'l the first grade claSses 1+n com- when tJwo very ola:ssice.i · ~ed meniOmtion 0If Washlngnton's and ooHege professprs try to write a
Lincoln's blTthda.ys and Valentine oay, is lIB follows: song, .Amel1ce.. enUre first grade; devotl~ls , Psalm .117 and The Lord's Pra.yer, entire first grade; "A Weloome," Patty Brown; .vocal solo. "My . lHlgh· SU~ Hat," Da.vid !Brown; ~itatton, "A Name to Re~r," , lLore,tta Brandenberg; recitat1on, "Of Course Not," J?anny . f.I~ drlll, "Little Patrtots.... oarolyn Daklli, Bruce Hunter. Jamet -e&rrier, IRandall BoIrger,' Patricia. J~n, Doils,ld Wilson, C~IQttee I:PUtter.ll6u:gn, Ronald, Bears, Barbam M'lrgan, !Paul Shipley. Louise Back, Ridl~d !Frye, Da.v1d Brown . Reci.t ation, '~others , Vale.ntlne, Naomi BUrton; medley or songs. "V;"e·n tlne." "aeo~e Wa.shlngton,'.~ and . "i.1ncoin's PlaCe," entire rirst "':',1e ' " 'Vale.'l-,
.~~ ,
modem operetta. for Barton oollege. cast of Oharacters Fel\!lando Fussbutton. President' of Ea.rton college .• Jamt's Steluke aaJnanth1a lHi81hnote, Dean ot Women .. .. .. . .. . , ... Irtria Fires Maiy. Allen, her ' secretary .......... Juliet MCCoY AnaBt4I.sia Longword, Deen of Men .... . ...: . . . . . . . BOb .BernAr d John WalTeq, hls,' secretAry .. , ... . John Ludlnston Waa.l11ngOOn, O9lored handyman : .• . . . . .. Ja.eII: C.r~ Jerry, cheer ." leader ....... , .. , . JohnPb1lllps Mar1l~ Buritke .• .. HoodoO Dance BebtyThomsa ...... Broom 'Dance 'lbere 18- a larre s~'!l~ chorus, .girls q\UUltet. b9YB trio, a . ~ ~ is ~'. ~
13 ' has
Echeduled a surprise prQ8re.m -for their mee~lng Saturday even1n¥. A large a.ttendance is expeoted to en-
MOVING Mr . and Mrs . ~rold Osborn are' nlM.llg Into the .Earnhart property 11 North street which WM to~ ..lcoupled by 1MI'. and! Mrs . Scotleld.
. Mr, .. nd
Mrs . '~x: tRandaU· InOV" Thursday to the conra'4' POrk~ ,'.I ,m at CI'<lSSWICk whiCh ' they re~en t1y purchased. ' i{r. and Mra. _~...n.. y have moved to Cor.win. . Mr . and Mrs . Ra. mond Isaacs ~re m-ovl.ng to the properw vacated .;y' the R.andallS. Th~ home occupl&d by them was recently' ' 601Q' to ~r. and Mrs . Green of O:re&'l Ve-' rlety Store, 'W'JI0 ~Ul move there. Mr . and Mrs, W Iter Br1taln and family ~re planning ~ ino.,e,~to ~d
, "ukf l·cUJ~~, 1U1IiIIm~ tq"Vr.:OWJonIl'I'\..;mrl' :.~!"!IIJIII
Archie Penny Dies' In Harveysburg .
tl1iI ~r ' ~bo Pove firat-band. inf~ . reIati~, :t o ~ mother's condition, to the worrted aoJdter':"'" " ," . A ~ ~ ~·' ~r1ne .,recet~ed a , me~e that their .8O!i was aetloua'-
1y ill in a hQ8pi~. 'tFrJCh~ U1~ ha~ ol1b' th,e . mU1~fl' , ' . , ~ fe,ti1er oont4llCted' the ,olo,Ca~ .
.. SerViCe. A ~bone call' was placed , . ~~ tihe hospita~, and, wlt¥n- a f6Vf houl'Sj ~ reassuring in~ge was on , . ita . ~ 'W tHe Parents dr the "sick, ~~e w~ fohowed by' dr1.~fii.''''!M~$ig prOgr~ ,epor,fB. 80M letters ~ the ~tlpn of . tl¥! bOy .~. ~ea wattled. e.bout .~ I of, ~ toupd ~~~. by • ,'. • the ~~tiof o~ the r~'.ln for _" P.lc. ~, 3 , ,Ba.i'dln, who has dt!J.a¥4ri1\t~'.· and dep!!Jl.denta .ha.'ve been at'ten~" colleiie or:nnell, ·been" glveh "nfonn8.ti~n , .r~~ J,ow&. "Spent. ,a bOurS ' at hl)JIle , allot.rnerits - ~eJ;V1I:e men on ~\U'- em.- TIlei!da1.',,,blle -'lilL was ., ~ ~vebeei1 .guided qll ~rreot t.() KnozV1lie, Tenneaeee, where be mfu~ proCedure ,t~ ·ex~~. :, ' JlJ to lattend the .~niven1t-f ',¢ Te~ " In ' more :t.han· one lumdre~~. ~ • • rej)qrla 'have 'Iieen tUade at the .l;e~ " ) J QUest, or the ~tal'1 authot1tles IlAPPY BOtJB:"J,UB '1'0 ~ reJatjve ·.IJo ,home and .famUy ~oJldl1 · ·tiOna . In none ot those , ~cesTbe ", Jiappy. ·Jiour cIu,b will meet was 'i'recommendation made ~ 'J'a(;~ ~, .tterri~n )or their . , r~: c IDOnthIf~ m~~ at the hoine ascertained by homtlVlalt a · &.it~ with' the familY dOctor,' and 0If MiI8: tAUCe~. " a ,f oll ctrepoti 'to sh~ a~~l eondlttonS. In every 1ru\tance,' these ~rts'are eme;:gent t(bd ',U'e --.ns-: ~ 'Within a telw hour8 'Qf~ ~ipt. 'If you Il.leed ~e ' service, cit the
tad. '1'h1s:
! ~~Seivkle de~nt:· al~a.Yfl
· ~ ; ~ as floon as ~have , ,BOWled the servj~n, aa ~ ~ In ~~ t~ "servICe!nan home due to Wness ~ .death .~ .the. r~. ,' , '.
Save :houia
VALmriT , . .
.. ~
'!, > .'
' I · '
aDd • zl;n4 ~tJ.Ular tbrOJ.!8h , his
fra~l ~
The 'VOlunteer
r~.umed their
~R$ suspension~~~f~:;som3~e~tlm~ie~'~~~d~~3H~~~;~~;;~;=;~~~~
nU as III In JirQfessional cl,'1c and clr'clea. ~e the In th,,' loCal pWJllc WnItoD, schools their ~ , . bas ' been ~play~ e5 vlll&ge' sallel-' and .has many 'fr1endB .here. ' knittlng on Tliursdo.y tOr ' Of , MO~ 'jilnCe 1939 8h~ of (Atter a pleasa.nt eve,m ng of cal'd.s' home of Mrs: F. tJ'. ~. ~ 8~! 11lHa;, "and , eve~e 'W88 Invited to the. dinmg club.bas received from Mrs. O. R . are .to be allowed. . ser.ved nearly"1:l:ll'ee years as treea- room where the bride-fou.nd a table Ullglesby -two hos~ltal lap robeS I At the concluaion of the 'c1r1~ urer of the Warren', County Bar as- ~aUiuul1Y arranred 'w ith m&l1Y' which she made from her own ma- the fo~ IW'1il be allctlonect 'to th8 6OC~t.t.on. niCe &Uti;. !Dainty refreslunenbl were and are very pro~d to .have ;1igh~t tbidders {n war bondI. Tbe _ VoluIlltart1y resilPling an " exoellent served to Mt:s. lAIcy Walton, Miss this o.dd~ to the.amuunt which purchaser or the latgeSt bond ~ " ,pordtion as ~UJ;tant .to the head ~f .Taniet Penewlt. Miss Wilma Alex- they have ·completed. be Presented a fox tur piece whICh . 19 point lead msking tope fin.l score the laiw. I.ruJUrance 'and clalm de~ ander, Mrs . L . 0. ' .Hartsock. llf Those attending ,t be meetlng. we:e is..to be made up by Het>eio 'm Ila. ' . 49 to 30. , " pa.rtment.s I?! a ' large me~han~ Spring ' Valley; Misses Vlrglnla Mrs. Oarl 'Fef1!'llSOl1, Paul Mauriq .kparbneili : organiZatton OO:l8.Use . of hlB ' de8lre Hardlrt, Lauta ~dK1.nsl!'Y, Dorothy aUd guest, ,Mrs . Oharles Ellis" Mrs. DEATH OF ,AGED. ~ , Awards haVe 'been issued by ~e to .m~r ·ltbe general practiCe of law De.y, Mesdames Bellti~e Mll1s, Chas. ' Fred Hook. .Mrs. J. E. M,Q01Ure, . BUBLINfJTON BIlB~BNT. G ~; ' tor the tolloWlng . and h!S pr~el'enoe to ~ive In a rura.! James; J'olm ' Kersey, E. ¥. Earn- MrS. K. · R. Hill, M1sa Vlrglmia 'a o : : t s; , ; oomm~lty 'r ath,e r ~~han a large dty ,. hart, Don H8.Wke, Lee Terrell, Ross BlaLkburn, WUlla:m sawyer, Services were conducted tqday ~t . The JUntor Order Or ArtIsts Ty'p- carl .estCl)n~8< .ws law, oUl~ in Bode, lAurence ' Brown and Chas. ~rt Ore,y• • Mrs. ~y the l'lew 'Burlington ~~c1B ch~ l or AmoS WilBon bbenowe~ 80, ist certltJca~ was received by Ruth Leb8nQn~ 1n 1937, associating , hun- Anderaon. Moran "and Mrs. LeMay. who died at ·his horne in New Bur. ' ~l1er ·~~uth -baa also 'b een self lW,ith FmWi. Bra~d~n, veteran SALES TAX RETU~N8 me I1ngton TUesday. He Ie"vee • ' IIIWarCIed ~ oo'inpeti~t' TYpl,st ceitt- and Wel1'-.knoW11l II:tto 1 .WhO diC~ DUE FEBRUARY 29 SUNDAY GUESTS . , typoo ' 43 words in '1941. IRe has since establ1Bhed .:lauehter, Mm. Roy oarr, New Bur'l)lXt-t1me offictljs ~ Waynemollle and BcaUBe of bhe _delay In mailing !Mr. and Mrs . ChlU'les ·Ellis en- ington;two aons. Elmer. 0( ~ew 'mmute for ten minutes : per . . . . . . Mason, an .· d as folinder and flr.,t tertained' to dinner on SWlda¥ with Burlington and 'Albert E ., owner pf blanks to vendors 'for fUlng sales president or the Waynesville CIvIc r Mr . and ·Mrs. JOe Worley and ;he Chenoweth 'Motor 00" of _~ IllAJtmG DEMONSTRATION club, it waS prbliclpally ~h ' his tax returns covering the last half 0 daughter, ' Janice, of Lebanon, Mr. ia; two sisters, Mrs . Belle <Jnur, , HEBE ' TuESDAY 1943, the time lor such fll1ntr has , persou4\l efforts ~t the Wayne>- been extended ' to February . 29, i~ a.nd Mrs. Robert Gray and sons, Perryburg, and . Mrs. Victor Stratville 'Harvey:.llImg area obtl!-~ned Robert and Kenneth, and Mr . and ton, ILake Charles, 1LIl. Buriai wiw MIstJ Bo~ta Falk.nstein, moderI:1 te!eplloloe equipment. and W68 anpouncel1 by the Ohio De- -Mrs . S, S. Ellis' as their guests. tn New Burlington GemeterY.:~ - ' ." home lleiluma&raUon . ,ent. will toll "tree ' service ,to · Lebe.non. partment of Taxa.-UQIl. Mr. ' and Mrs. Ell1B aJso had as ' rive .... 1'" bread and rOU , IAn examiner will be loca.ted at ENLIST IN N1JaSE CORPS demonstration at 'the hl:rh '!At present cnrl is Master of, the the following plaCes and dates to their Saturday night guest.s their school cafeteria ",uesday, Ftb. 8. 'L ebanon Orangl~, the largest In the assist vendors with filing thew re- grandch1idren. Joan and Kay Decker, 'ot Centerv1lle a.nd ChaTles Eills, state, chairman of the legislative turns: t E-.e17 III4b' in the' c~mmuni~1 Is Invlkd ,&0 attend. The dem- .• ommtttee of 'P>omolla orangEl, and Monda:y. Feb. 14;-Waynesvllle, at ENTERTAIN CHICAGO GUESTS ~.ii-aUon wUl bellin a~ 1:30, ju~t concl1~ded .. a suecessfu,l. the Ford- Gllrage. as peslden.~ of the' Lebanon ~IT.uesday. Fleb. l~Mor row, at the MILK PRICE ADVANCES wanls club wh1<lh lB primarily interMayor's office. ested ' in . he:plt}g underprivileged iRetaU price or milk In Waynes- children . He ts:' slso junior deacon ,,Wednesday, Feb . 16,---lMason a.t .the Mawor's ol'Lloe. ville advanced to 15 cents '8. quart 'Ilhu'sda~ a,~d Friday, Feb . l7-18 .til . Wayne~llle January' 31, it has of l1he Lebiwon Masonic lodge, . Ii. trustee of the l.eb8, n on Presbyterian -Franklin' : at the Marshal's office. ;with their guests. were supper announced 'by 10c8.I ,dalt:YlPen. church, and, a m~r .Qt the Odd Mond8y through Saturday. Feb . guests of Mr . a.nd Ml;l!. John' W. in. .x.ebano~ the price ' adva.nced. to : , ' . :M.-26--Lebanon at the CourthoUEe . on FrIday evening. On Thursday i'ellowa and ElIItB ·; " l~'. cen~. 5elec'ted , ee.'r;ly in ;1-942 by Judge Erich 8B>turd~y forenoon In Feb- evenlcg' the group enjoyed dinner at ' the IK erseyhome. In Oregonia, . Slmo~ .~ ot ~e cour.t or II>pptmls ru!U'Y Lebanon Courthollb'e , for 'Wis dlstJrict, as a member ·or the ' _' --:-_'_ _ __ celebralilng the birthday ann1vers'. bu~,u of the 'Ohio 1)e- 100F OFFIOIAL DIES . ~ of WUlard ~ersl!'Y . councU, ~\ba~herij is marned ~,n.r LE~ON HQSPITAL the former Ruth Herrick; who ,. '. 'M[SSIQNOY A,,! (JHuRcH:. VjlllcY' Vlew IfMm, one Charles T. ~. grand. secreOF omuST, SUHDAY NI,GBT , ~ · ~:.e,blui~n;' . a - ~d- !ian' of the granfllodjr~_ ot· th~ 1 . .~ : ',. -' - .' ' '1 of. 'AlbUt, Frenclt . ,' I,o nner O. ·P .. died in ~,on ,Tu,esdaY \Harlilind Carey, .Il1.1ss-10nary · . dlUjghi~r,. , Peri South Aimerlca. wW s~ . 'pt't:DnllneJnJt :i;WB;Ilr.~ID'· cOUnty' IUlQ Cin- ,hi Blair bo8P1~, ythete '~e had I.drlh1~tf ~pillrs:WWi~n. \ Ruth Abtleeherll been ~ . P&tJ~t severel Wlet:b'. I<eb", the evening seTvices at th,e WayDe~ ie(iMt~Iy.·'t;i.e~iti -.dt~n as. lectur- anon is hJs "pNner home. He , h~ Y;1Ue ChurPh ot Chrlst S,unday . clount-y ·pomona ' been lpcated In ·' q:,lumbus, since ~.. ' i!!lYel'Yone · is . i~v1ted . to ' "'~"'." ''. I , , Ii1s lnterestlnlr stoliY . : , 'A . gQQi --or lOO lias . beeh set for 1,81I.n[ey, more thap" a¥4\II,r 1t3Q. ·, ' . o.f the ...:.,.....,,..........- JunI~ '~ ~: . ~OUN()ItlS MARI-r.,GE . ; 'albIe /!chool . attenda.1u:e. ~~ , Ob1ld, <Jaiol, a!te4 ' . , , 'OF DAtJti.I lt'ER morning. The .topic f9 r tl,1e' SUndaY. mo~ se~ , w.1ll ·be, '''lb ,- - , " . t.lra. JI'r'ed SMv!n', fonne~ resident EvangelU\t1c:' 18 w ' be Waat~." ~~-!lLJ~. l1iI. . .~'. of wi.J1i~vl1le. ~~l~'-S tile mllr'BIRTH OF DAtJGBTBIJ . r;Iqe of tier dauahtei'. Ruth M&ry, to I:ol a:tt C. MLl'lltt, at Durham,. W. and 'lIIrs. lIlar~ an ~. .~~.~.....,~ New J;IaInps'Wc, l'th:a),. Ja,n\.la\'Y aDDOWicnt the bJrth or & . . . "
v-mea:ia1 •
satlllW. " ' _ . .
, -""""'"
mUUD.\Y, nlJal1ABY ., 1....
pll8Lure' hog lot , Some d y I wll Ilave aU my (enc s horse high, bull s trong 'nnd pig tig'h~, jus Ilke the Main Street I'b&ile II• . W~v1l1e, Oh1! advertisements . . The rain only lasted (\ little Io\'h\ :e Waynesville, OhIo and t.ho~gh the \\'ind ~Ull . bi" w " ~lE1'nOJ)1 1: CHUReIl about n0011 the), decided go alter Louis V. Jhlllle,.. P"II\lIr the hap. It W8.o; out of our neJghIBsUBD 'EVERY THURSDAY borhood but; the m~n h ping · o.jl . ' C hUL'ch sello01 at 9 :30 ·a. m. kn ' " eaoh othel' an ti the barn \v , s • . Fair..Flay , v ol'shlp s!.'rvlce aL . IO:ao A. M. , ~ PrJce. '1.50 Pel: Year. Payable 10 Advance Farmers of the.Unlted States ore Subject: "F'ol'g t Not. God." A spelively with. "Well, hell J, P ,whJ dJ'llgged you i;l? " " whered you dig- bc.al'ing ihe brun .oj. tWa war. , Ex· clal feature of th is 'service will ~ N.tto".' AcI"ertili'n9 R.pr••• ntatl". up tha.t. fellow?" "D:> you cal tha t. nmples ot" WI~elfiilh patriotism can t.he prj:SentatlQn of a new Christian PHONE 326 LEB.NNON, OHIO IVQ 8 • • "11:£. IIV£. hay, it looks Ilke weeds to m e." "Bet be found in.nu. walks of~e but tb'e nag In .honor .o f our men in the serv~.W ••.A • • • A agric.ultUral lndusliy this year is of· ' this Is the -!ir"t time you have Sl en fering doubl!! 'portfOni of sacrifice. lee. t he botOOm of that mOw since you've , Alonl' with other patriots the Youth Fellowship Sunday evening been here." "Whatever became of farmer contribute!1 freely of his SODS at 7 o'olo~k at the home of Raylyn PUBLIC SALE Home TOWII·Newspape... t hat dog I gave you?""Oo you remem and his substance, but lie' goes fur· orabbe. ... w........ _~ I. a •••• u : HGIbn.ol8ld9.. s... Fr_Iaco. c.L bel' the time we nailed John 's DleW ther. Almost uniflded he is holding The Friendship club w111 meet Having sold ~'m and moving hat down?" Do you still raise fer- . the line against inflation and de· Wednesday arte1'l1oon at the home to town. I will sell at publlc a uctloll Mr. and iMrs . George Plym11'8 sc;lrves assurance of better times . 3 ~ tniles south 01 Waynesville, 7 rets .~ .. All the time t.he hay WII8 beFarmers have,.... e .besl market this of Mrs. Wm. Stroud. were recent visitors of his mother, ... m1les ea.st or Lebanon, a.nd 3 lniles Mirs. Emma Plymlre, a.nd of Mr.. tng folited in great. flaltes on to th!! year that most ot1bem ever saw but truck and loaded Ib y an expert lnto farm income i • ...il8gging conspicu. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL north . of Oregonia 011 Middletown and Mrs . Oharles Jones. In Blanone of the biggest loadli I ever sa.w. ously out of line, ' Government. CnURCU RIOad on chester. Jan. 2'1. 1"". January thaw. business and Is a legitimate use of The IWInd was still '-1owing but th rough the Office of Price Admin· TUESDA¥, FEBRUARY · 22. 1944 -Mrs . Ella. Shuma..k I' hes been In Yes. in sp1f.e of what the wooJ.Iy gasol1ne. Howcver, there Is soUle- th'ey roed It tlght'n "d "'-foreltVt'as islratfon, Is hold.ing fa rm prices Ralpb ~arks, Minister In Charge at 10:30 a. ,m.. ,prompt Cleveland for several weeks wLth ..., had "'" It In my down in the face~ol n labor shortage cnurch lMlhool at. 9 :.5 a. m . ' IWOJma predicted we are havini a thlng wrong. with either the gll80lin too de.l'k to see they 2---1HEAD MULES-2 her daughters and fdml1y . .....- ... - ..... '" .... ·t perhan • this is or my car, two coupons worth do and scarcity of tools. Let's· review Morn ing pmyer nnd sermon 11 :00 Span of mules. good workers. G g ""'_ ha o.f Mo~on w • - - " .... ,. .... .... mow and 'th9 cows were ewt~ng a so me modern histl:lry briefly : B. m . eor C Vl-Ulla n, _ . o~ . n ~ - - - 01 one to be worth ........ not take me .anywhere at all . sample o~ It with rellsll. 8-HiEAD CATllLE-a n b".ln"". "" .....--. "'-, Memoriesl or 1932 I-'.m It \' CIII ' II(': 11 OF' CIIRIST '.. ..., ~"., visitor here "'"'Iday n. c:IicUnI. 'J'odaf t.he them(JlIleter was Saturday . Colder and cloudy. 'l'ue3day. Colder !ibis mornLng, the For the benetlt'ot persons under lIerbert Grnbllrn. ~lInister Jersey cow. 8 yea rs old, fresh Oh&1'le8 RInd Donald ~ett 01 up to allrtylolld yesterday Jt was JUlit Yes!.erda.y's' work to be done today . ground is frozen again and our 25 xearsoJd, on wjlOm li!e's res pon· with ooU .b y side; Jer ll«ly-.S horthcrt1 Spring Hlll, were recent over nJ'Yht as wann. aoudy but no rain. The Sunday. This was II. gold and sl1· si!lliUes rested bwt lightly in 1932, DOW, fresh. 2nd calf by side; Short- vl.sltol'!! of their g' andnArents, Ir. rv ..•J thaw Is over, .gone wlthouL it 9 .'30 a . m .• Bible school• .... lraet Js abDoet out of the ground. In ver morning. Silver fi'ost on every- Jb.n·was a poor yell!', es peCially tor horn cow, 10 years 'Old; J crseya good rain. I wonder if the ground f H b rt Ll 10.45 11.. m.-Cornmunioll. . and Mrs. S. D. IF rrIs. eome places it 11 &!Doet drY eIlOUih tlhing b t turned -to gold in Is frozen too hard to get a few more armers. er e S" oover wa,s pres · Shorthorn cow. carrying Z~ld ca lf ;' Arthur WUllon of Da.yton lind to -'"-", ~ tact I saw one ''''''den the early morn.lng sunshine , idenl. Kidnapping ne\ s- domina ter! n :oo a. m.-Bermon. Gut'rnsey row, carrying 2nd ca lf; ...... " .... DC81bbo.~s. They were not burled deep the headlines. "1liring beer back" 7:30 p. b.-Preaching. Rllscll Wilson of V/nyne ivllle. were tbat waa Jua freshly plowed . The ShadoWs wer-e as blue as enough and some of ,t hem are not Was the big politiclII issue and auto. 2 ibull calves, coming 7 m'Ontbs olJi; S unday ~rtC1l~COU cnJlet's of Mrs, YeMerda,y it made a ebeeae bIt it Is gold .. en In lihe early m{)~lng sun- keeping very well. I have been mobile horns came out playin"b FRIEND IS 1 bull calf, coming 5 months old. ' E1ln 'F errls . .. ' thO 'ourtDr tbat determlnea whether shioe. The she.dows were aa blue as feecUng those that Qre too b d f or "How Dry I Am." Men had fi ght. First Day school, 9:31' a. m. 44-HEAD SHOATS-'4 Mr , und MJ , D . Ilxl rt Mullen it will-be .. &ood one or not.. There they> paint them on a modem pas- me. but are not-, tQo -bad for them to over places in l.ines where free meals Meeting for Worsh ip , 1') :30 a . m. 44 'head lihcats, a ver e 125 100.. and Eall W '0 vjl>ltOl'S III LeI;lallon 11110 _ CIbeeae ·lD the market that ter. Another good l'eeson for living were served IlJId farm income good, onCl!!. , Saturday . the ~ I· 'cke"o. JUdging !rom the reac ed • ...... (tom.. It had come h I WW .- the coun>-', thou"'" even a city ~ u • .., "" • ST. AUGUSTI""" CHwru"U lTj1\<J1:liT""''"''N'])S " ....... -... ..~-. out ......... - - - - " ... ··3 6" kl d '''~gIn th j d db..... th f ~ th .~'" "nov """"''''''''''VU'·. Jessie L. 9o.rller wa.; It vis' tor -~......; mont. Now tb&t t.he Calf window can frame a lOVely picture cae ing an .,.. .' g ey en aye own fYW ' ·lrou .... po Tum e FI1i.ber Krumbolt.. Priest F-12 Farmall tractor on steel, "'-t "'I ht • M L "'" Nel' ..- --·thelr v1tn.mlns. peak 0 or d W~ Y. • QU ur ....y II i', o~ I'S . :1' J _ 11 gone ' We are more m1lk 10 ~or tboee with eyes. to see,. The unfair ratio is easy to see by Mass Sunday 9:00 a. m. with cultivators, m g-ood condi l.on: son a.nd Mrs. Ethel Pnl In Lcbtba, I aui- eell aame cream 8Ild Th1a ,evening St. ,Mary's church By the way, are you eaUllg ,all the comparing farm earn logs with Onver ,12 in. tractor plow i John anon. . . v1tamlns yoU need and how abJut f f . maye .. uWe~. The dry fall held Ita annual parlBh meetlng at wages 0 actory workers. During WAY·NESV.w WE COURCU Of Deere double disc; Troy was on with th at ext~ war bond. have you th ith K -B 'l1 f ..... aDd 'Winter baa had a bad eKect on rectory Iw1th a very good attendIUlc,e.·~ . e war w I1lser I , annen CHRIST 1'iat top; hay ladde,'s ; Illternallo::a l LOCAL SOLDIER WOULD LIKE . . . bought It yet? earned ' 80% as IIWch as laborers In milt produet.I.o~. Even the hay iWA! 8&D8 our hymns, elected our oCIndustry; while the average worker ma.nure spreader ; 8 ft. M -c J I'IlI t k TO SEE BASK.E1'DALL SCORES 88eIDII dZ7 aDd ~ in DOUriIb- 1t1cerll. ate our 6upper together and RATION RE~l1NDER was earning $II ~ farmer had becn ~Iax ' Rand.lI. MlnJllter .wheat binder; cU1UpaCk\l r, 2 COl'll - - Janoa ry 27, 1944 ment. spent a very pleasant eveDing. We able to earn M ,and didn' t complain . Bible Sc.hool 9.30 .. m. planters. ontl 'WIth ,pheck wire; In- Editor of The Gazette~. . "'ROO""""'ED FOODS _ Grt>l'n But In 1932. ~ average farm('r Communion 10:45 a. DI teMa-tlona] rotary hoe; Oliver sulky Pr\da)": .No eooner tban I ".. ought to do ~t. oftener. • .' , . C' ~Hand J .now valid'. re• got only $1 w"I1-.... ·e laborer e~,.. rned . This is to Inf'Or-m you of a ch:lmge well atanect OQ 1DlY:PrkIay ~y. Of course. if we had starn"'" G n ~ .on Prea.:.hlng. 11 a . m. plow; steel hay r k e, McColnli~k 5 and farmers dm complain. 'They in my address. It is now: U1Ia ~'q than '.Jobn Tenaat ap- plumed to ~ul hay It would rain main good through Februlll'Y 20 . had cause. Junior End nvor. 7:15 p,. m. ft. Mower ; one I ::roSe _wheat \irl1; Pvt. Joseph E. Hartsock 3587~09 pearect to ~ me-that be had fOUDd and blow a gale. The first thing 1-Oreen stam"'" K , L and oM also Senior Ende, vor. 7:15 P. m. 2 Buc~e~ l.1 ngle 1.0W c Jl"vnt: r.< ; C D 217 Bn .... D _ ' :........... ' . ,• .... . Walla re Beard / 0 . , . '-\' ...... !i. IIIIDe h8¥'·tor me,but we WOUld h&v~ , _ .. tb1a m«n1ng W1L8 tile ram and I¥ h 20 COlDm~njon f,lId prea.ching, 8:00 BeemiS tobacco s~ t~er: Ollvlr ' Isc ~. ....I.... ...- . - ' H_ h lIked valid; exp .. e Marc. Agricul,tui:~·. ~ plight In .the ten cultlva'or', O~~er Wal u_ng Pl;;w', Oamp Blanding, Fla. Co - ~ • ."..t a..lt.J. au -~ ~ the ...~ ..t otblng r saw w en 00 MEAT, ETC.-Brown stnmr s V and years just 'belo~WorUI Wnr n 01. P. · m. • r a lso wish to say I have enjoyed , DOtbIIIC '1IO do but quJt..,eepaq aDd oUt was iI. parade of .plp headed tor W ,n dw valid; stamp X good F.eb. most cost the UnIIi!d States her Free You are .mvited to cOlIle and wor- Imperio.! ~alklng .plow; buzz l aw, getting the pe,per. It has been on 1ft In the car to 10 lOOk at it. It the barD. The hog house door was 6; all valid th rough Feb. 26 . Enterprise IYSteln, a 'risk to bl' <hlp wltb us. mOWlted on wheels; 1 f;ood hog time always. I oilly' wish you could . . . quJte JIOOd 9IOfer. thoucb With ~ .. I oouldn't get th6m in IJO I . SUOAR-stamp 30 in Book 4 val- sbunned (orever. "Br'ainirusters, wise feeder; 2 wbeeled traJler ; dOUble include all or Waym~v111e'lI bIlskct•,: IIOIne,,.............:. .- it· ..a.--a. - . . -.. . ,- ...... tor Paul to put ""em in later and otherwise, about to, coal( 1\1'1' 1I01,t ,V 1\1. E. CflUllCIl h el 5 s h ovel c U1tl". a t o~, 1000 Ib . ~11 ·scores. " _ AU ~ ~" ....u ' ...... ~ ., , .... , td for five pounds of sugar through S, ov; '. .- .... - - mNdded fodder. We de-. iWhat ,,'--0 time they did have . u~ rch 31. prosJ;M!rity back 0 the fum. The .•.• 1\1 . 61'IIr". Minister piattOIm scales' 300 .... 1 steel tank' .,..... ....... moUYIl was good but the plans 'Were • D~ • , , , Thank you, to _ . bUt, 'We had to they,.·ootect: they SHOEB-Stamp No . 18 \1 pair) Is variet\ and viaionllry, Some .that Sunday School 9:30 a. m. E. A on. 6 ft. galvanized water Joe HalUOClt • ." it ~ CII' .. ~~ looae.adW ~ ~e:r. the,y 'evel\ went .bllCk !\Ind good indeflnitely .- No . 1 "alrp~ne" 'reached the stal~ ,of actpal ' try.out Earnhart.~ Supt. tank.; 45 gal. stelUb cooker; 4 .60the ·tIme .". bad MID ~ meo abOut \liiIi1 ~ 88t in ~Ir hou.se to rest stamp 1 Book 3 gOOd for. 1 p,alr were worle th\Ul~,ele8s. .. ' Evel,ll~ Service. 7:30 p . m. gal oU drum; double trees II-nd aM the ... ~ d - - - , . . . but U,iey, ~ t, get lD ~e hole · untU furbher noUce. 'l.'here is no d~bt whatever in my 'P,ayer MeeUng Wednesday eve- sin!!'le trees; pltchf-orks, shovels, ~. 'l'Mw Ja CID!' mee ~ ~ which theY came out. They '0' .Aar.'r-no."" ' A-I0 coupons. "''''''d mind that ano~tim years of band. blacltsm1tm tools, anvU, Vice, Wall """""~~~.,,D"" to-mouth existence on the farm rung. 7:80 p. m. , ~ ft.I'IDq DOW, ... ~ ride ,011 . 'tfind It 'Wltllo"ut help. I ~te lor three gallo-:ls throUil\ Mareh. 21. would ruin thiI. COUlIl~. America's poot drill, . carpenter t.oQ;1s, f aws, .'P. . . . . 'fMT .Ja aD til the liDe # ,to-bepthem .shut In . I · l1ke / a ~ . B~l and 0-1 stam~ good tor ' ~p most important'tBlik, next to win. . ~ cl'alS ~t 8I!.w. sledg!!. pllonS uhtll usr.,d B-,2 and 0"-2 gOod' ninS . the war, Ii r!laking arrangeC~tnB, bay ro~ fO~k and pul ~f6. ' " 1 mellta .(or farm Pl"~8p'crJty ~ stali, 10 rpd !leW fence;' ~me posts, lot lor "' ve go.U!>1lB. . " hi L"""' .... _ By lack' ld,Qraa 1'1RES-:-Next lnspeclions due: A with peace. r e e .....mem .... r ..... Id , of smlW. tools, etc, . " ... .... ...... ...... ......... ... ................. " ta." Plans will .bave ,t._o" ,IN 'aD";""" ,: F,e wer cattle In teed· ' , ' . ' HARNEss book· vehlnles, by: Mal'Oh; 31; BJ,s . by ~'ananlel!len k thl , 1m C Irnn .... . J '. . wor s ,t e. rac_-.t..,ry.. Iota thli wfDtcr.,•. Heavy hog run ~llar~lnes ARE YOU T~KING A ~b. 29; O'a by Feb. 29' commercia: tIItlng price . supports ••. Peak of '. . . ' \ yehicles every six monthi CSr every prosperity I\nd ,l~ Is '110 lecretr ' 'w artlme 'lIvutock production prob- bridles. straps a.nd halters. CH~NC-E ON " LOSING 5.000 mUes, wlllchl!ver is.' flrs~ "" ~. ____ o . P~lce rar.u~ Rei ' . ~ p'Mt ... FeWer IIOWS to t~ ,f'EEI) YOUR RIGHT TO-OP "'"""'" . ' O"....=- ...erlod -r coupo In t)ie oeca.de of ihe. Bralntrusters, .. ~lPr.lng, lamb crop ' wlII be ,1200 bu. corn In' aW 225' baies alATE . A MOTO~ , VE· .., "..,... '~u--..1PD.liller. but calf crop may be rec-. , " gOOd through :Feb / 7; pertod 3 Coll- "p~lce parity" YiD.l' ; ~n~ented: , It ·ord ... Dairy farmerS to get larger falfa ):1aty'; 1~ ~es stra.w, 1 bu, HICL ON THE PUB.LlC . d' til h March 13 AU m~ant ,thilt tarrflll~ OUg~t to be income thll year.. No. 13 hjortd SEi!d Com. HIGHWAYS? ' n.lry OuUook. The Bureau of HOU&ehOld COodb; 81&o,J ,! .en-gal. pons goo roug _ . able ~ Ume to bL!Y as mueh wlUi have value of 10 gallo~ for < each the p~lce 01 'tlieir ~c\rops as tIley did Agricultural ~onotnici estimates milk cans, stt;!lmer 3 covered milk In.un. vo~rlelf a.,ain.t unit. just before W\>~14 ,Wal' I. Parity that even tho the production of _ .. , . dama.'; to ' ,nrctperty' of S'l'OVES- Consumer PUI'CllCl$l!S of was a wlsbin,·bo~ wi~ ho meat oil milk this year falls below the 118 buckets. etc. "" othen and aeath Or inrationed , stoves must be mod With it. By plOwing under ~otmif crops b\lllon pounds produced In l~S. TERiMS: OASH ' . jury claims. See or 'c all .... and pay' sh 'tt1 . I t 1 t the cash fann Incoma from dairy R:ssE! t» u:'iNbElID"AST 1\ cel'tlflcat-e obtained at :ocl11 ·..var · mg I er.s peop e . 0 e p' roducti \v111 e::ceed 3 billion 1101',' _ . _ . , g boards fields go to Ilovernment S ""-'ey and 'Koo.. ler, Auct. .deer• . C. B. Jenkia~. A_eat ' price and .rationin gled $2 to 'weeds', farmers for ' everyfina. $5 lars ' complli'ed with 2.8 bllII on In"""" l...ur.ll~ . . Fir&-of\u~o' 19~. Basts for this 1.a the expect- Ha~ und St. John, C;erks. tI l' • by industrial!. workers. But atton':that a larger proportion of llunch' by ladies WaY!le~v;lle , Keep' you advertising dollars at earned parity never cam U\1til 1042. War the total output will be BOld BI """"'''''''''''''~,~''','' home by advertlsillg kl your bome brougbt It, '\Iot boondoggling. whole mille. Last year (despite ~rarige . ." town ' newspaper. the oheapest· nod Farmers toda~ al:e getting IIPoul Imaller total prodUction of milk) ':".--U~ I :....-_,- .- "INSURANCE AGENpY 60% as much .a ' industrial workers approxltnately 63 billion pounda PERSONAL STA.TlONEllY best form of adyerti&ing known . a .0: B. JENJON~ APn~ -$3 to $5. Farm6l'lI' earned , an nv· were consumed as flUid .mllk and 200 Sbeet. ", 100 'Eliwe,.JJN wlib . . crage of $1 ,100 last year. .U . tbat'.s- cream. IlB comllared with 49 .• ,bn.. 'Saoceaeo~ LeMay • aa.ke f arlty it Is the- same avefage In· and with ·.,.5 . \W~YNE8V~~~ f;)\fIO " come that indu stl'iaB workers found '. Commitments. Considerably more .., J ' 'I . ' ' TelephODe zeU . 0.4.. r, too .little to on,bock 'ln cheap than hogs WII8 at stake when War 'THE MIAMI-- GAZETrE • ., -~: AAIJ _ _ ~I93~5';"":S~t~ud~y~0!!:f~th~e " · : -I! G ~a~srt · ' J lr;r~:.LJnD.I4-..Eoo,;hA~~~~~'~. I n Jonu aliwa,1iesrille " Phl)De ~143 {,~ mg: ar mpro'Vell farm Incomes. noimced in late Novei'n/:ler th&~ " .' 13 111111 ."""~U Something happens iii war years "everypowerofGoverJ)IDentwUlbe that booms farm markets. Whllt. used to maintain the price of Uve ever the secret of, farm income was . hoga at not less than the IUpp6rt . in 1918 arid 1942 is what farmers' prIce ot $13.76 ChIcago bula." At atake was the sanctity o( the need ill peaceful yea rs. Government commitment. to IU~ QUllnUtle~ Coun& port the price!! of more tl1an fO Farmers prosper when they grow other commodities, and the poten~ all they can and seU It at fair prices tlal failure of the entue 19H "aU on a ready market. It happens I" out" production program: Trouble TARVIA-lLITHIO TAR AND war·U.me. but why? Is it ,because . caine when hogs broke a~ interior ROAD OIL, EXCAVATING there is an Army and Navy to feed? markets. No one knew at :what , . level the Government would 1UpDUMP TRUCK· SERVIC'E Cert.ainly , notl These young ' men port the markets. for the s1mple reason that 1\0 aupports had ):Jeendidn·t just begin c,a ting as they en· R.EADY MIX CONCRllrrE worked out other thlU. tor Chlcaco. teiel! tha service; our farmers have , " I " , . Blways fed these 'dE!fenders. More: Quick make-shift was a commltover servicemen make up only ment to stipport prices at , $1 ' per Wily, ~f IfI" about 4% of our p~pw.tlon . and' eat hundredweight below the ceiling at onlY 6% of farm (j~~t. '. " ·interlor points. The immediate sfI • Phone Waynesville 2911 I. _ , Then what ,!ioes ' ma~e .. this de. , feet was to strengthen the ma.... , , kets. Su~plementa~ MOYce ind? J 't L d L . ? S Morrow Phone No. 3 TJDu li.. lt'. cheap aod It'. DOt ntioned. No one foresees any ~ man S I en· ease ome pea- "qluded proposals to ' withhold ~~ , For , order,. 'placed thia month. later. p1e ' th1nk so but ~ey are wrong, BId paym ts for sla"~htel'enl Lebanon : O rfice Ph ~ ne 47!l K shortllfl. ' Only about 6% of Amter,' ca's far.... y ' lessen than support - ~Ct.l , , . " <u paying Residence 98 M production moves that WilY. Our , for hogs, and to reduce c6naumer die .,.-.ucdoo of e1~riclty ~uires coal, oil, trans'.f\tb:~ctj~e 4i~c~"n. ! ~~r. ton: Ohio'. , loweat" .price. servicemen and oUir . !PlIes com· ration points on pork products. I ~ ponati~ ~on. .These are critical resources. So the bl,n eu use just i~, ~Ie: bi'yre food Expectation. WIP,5 that it diluter GOvenuiieDt his -~ ·the electric iJ;ldusuy and 'these other than we used .to ~rt; 0% before couId be prevented thru December· Place •. .. .are , • I ~'. . ) the war. ' The liii~vfJ/:' :wm be fomid when more than eight million hap • • 1" ~ '-\" ~I -. I ~ CO co-openre 'in a nation~wide conservation near the smoke-staoiq , of .Amerlca. would go '. thrU Inspec,t ed slaug~ter ~f cettin~. th~ ~ ~~ro ·PllICE.. an~' not beina diaap. '· . (tax1ng to the fUll an slaughter ~ . ~ "Ii '"H ''': • .War has J;lut 10 n:t~on,'mo~e worl.· capacity) the market ~d be era In Industry aDd J' a~ei tqeirpay stronger in Janua,y. • , . It is a ~ em fiJlISI.~ There'. no intention of curtailp~int~: ' \ Vith ~ .hortalie of fertilize~'or ' ~aia 00%. Farm prospe:lt, results from (i)'o~ !Ucceatul ~. ~ ing the tl for reading and working-or the .. '.f't '. I ,,:., ..., ' , • • " : ' . _ I i '11J~ .: .. i.l;tdustrlal' empl9Ymell~ 'a t good' pay. .-ne~ . " . HORSES, COWS, HOGS, When ,- Ii factory worlter . ~arn. curreoc you ,,-H,( deeaing, cooking, refrigeration. t~ huiclle.' th~ ~ate .co~erl,. forcot ' ~o prcler." "t' • , • ,1,000 Ii ye,ar"be ' speDda. • bout $390 CIO ·.... oS ... appli,nCa when they're not .actually . ~ALVES, SH,EEP .. f:TC., of n to , feed hjs family. b\IY.tng low· .prlced, bu~ food.' I 'WHeJi bJa earn. Removed Promptly Ings reach $2,000 a Ylla1' bla grocerY,. lor ........- 1 _ ............ . rhIs limple' rule about eleeCall blll 'la nenrer- ~O(); ,' u ts fai'QllY: .\5 better f!!9d. more coltb: thin and maybe a little lJlo~e of It. :. " II.ALL yOU ·MIID •• lur YOU when' the ' farme~ l)ro»Per•. Your Auctio... 'Peace-tlme fa.nn . prosp~rrty dependl 'Apprecia~ed .' on two . thing.: m Uhtestr/cted price. 'and '(2) .IndiiStrlal activit,; . 702 Bl~;. full employ~eilt at good wqeS, ~t on Government lublUllea, Dot L... ' Di~:Ad 3661 MaID W. Xenia. 0.' on Icarcltie.. created b)' dlJM~l'edl orocluatlon, CeIlter'ftU.. ...~ 7011 iIJ!wI r.",. E. G. Bacbllelt, Jna. .', . ...."JO,~.",O ~ _
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Any~ make o~ ni~del
Fred ·Kahn Motor Car C'o .
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From A Farm Diary--Dry Ridge
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Are You P.rotecled? .
'the Farm Outlook
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TI!Im8DAt, FEBRUmi' ",19M.
From~~rhe' M;'iamj Ga,zett~ , .Files
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Along T.he' Way
I will \J e YQur nQme or not a9 yo u pJ'e[. r , U hUi> alW8\YS seemed to me ~By URiette f. TholJlJls) .. cha t · ", omell (Jotild. pll8$ on their Atlanttc City, has 'not~ng on . us, . short C\l1Ls ' • their work' b)' a n~'w we have a, 'bbal'd walk tool Uad recipe thll c L~ both ' Good and' p acworked \lWo days with shOrt p2eces tical, and thu . . help each. othet : of slabs rescued rro~ the y,r00d: pUe IPjeose write, a llcl ju.~t a.ddl'e.~s, me \
viiie. ~den'ta'l08t to the 10,Ciaas t,y tbe scOre or"58 io·ll. S .' l;JUmett,
EnrpUmen,t ill' the Wa.vneaVWe Btenll ,·Bailey; 'Hlbbel!t: Geiser, O. schools' a.t ·the cloee of the Jan:UlIJi ~et.t.. 'lind AJ.lflO nlade "upth t;
SChOOl mO~1!b waa: --Gn,de ' ~ 0enf.erVln8 team whlle ' st. John .. 443; - . achaol, 129;' total6T.11. ~y, El1ls, Beri7~, Hay and ¥f60. WUilam O~~U ' WM pre- MOMruan made up the Waynesvllle sented on Monday evenq 8ft .the team. .. dinner ai., the Parm, Work ~ders In G4r. U1d Nrs. W : ' H .- Allen 'wlll ' Oolutnbus,' one of i<our gold pltis · 'leave tomorroW' for F'l\lrlda. arWarded to "Master 'Ftum HomeMr. ami' ~, C. M. Robltzer are makers In "Ohio, spend1Jli th.e week in Oo,lumbu.a. . 'IAiat. '1bursda,y night the center- . Lee I..«nmOn 8UlJn)1tJted t.o lUI operation at the hospital of the Nattorut,l ~t.ary Home TUeeda.y. . 011 t'he evening of January 30, about ' 36 ' ~rs of the ·M en of WAynesvWe' aM residents met at gym for an evenJ.ng, of reCreation and it possible to effect a reorsanImtlon oi. the clUb. . Mahlon Ridge, OlvU War veteran &n.d the oldest business man in Save Tires and Ga, • • • Dlreat WaynesVtne, died at his, home on Bus Line to COWlty Seat ~ street Tuesday evening 'followLng an 1llne8s ot several weeks . He THE .FASHION SHOPPE is iurvived by two soDs. Oakley of Wa,)'IlElllV1lle and ,0 llK0n1 at·lndla.n: WOMEN'S" MISSES APPABEL apol18. For 2t Years Lebanon', Leadlq Uttle B'an'Y ·M atthew Turner of BellbrOOk, 18 spendlrl,: the week with his grandp&rentS, Mr . nnd MrB.· ¥. B. Henderson. McGETCHIN'S Mr. and Mrs. ' M.' A. C'oIrne11.l&od PHARMACY' Mr. aDd Mra: ' Ernest But :erworth "Your Family· Dr~ Sto..... are In 001\unbu5 ·f or Panners' .week. Coametscs - .ltt. - Maias1n".a iMrII. wwiam Mtrohener Bnd I !Ion PBESCBIPTION8 lett 'lbursday for' their home In Phone 281 Plttsbur1rh 'atter a vlaJ.t wlth ' relattves -here.. . BROWN and ,BROWN 8. 'L . ' Cartwrlgbt ' was taken to Laclies Beady to Wear the National Military Home hos,In Dayton this .afternoon 'ror A GOOD PLACE TO ' • KNOW ~t. P P.ran1t \Wright preached at the loA GOOD PLACB TO GO cal qhureh of . Christ Sunday . 'Mla! [,a~ne ~ visited' her RUEPPEL'S STUDIO mother at wamt Valley hospltal .. , '. !'hoae 1I8L TueiIt1a1. ,!Mrs, Burton 18 'reCOve~ing Itt;llIIo'''CI' baYing• ~ne of. 1eP cmpui ' YOUR
J~ W., LI~Go' '
_ -_ _
, anc;irwe have a wonderful wal'! wind' Ing \from the barn to Lhe h 'use. Bobby says he can jU.'lt "zoom on .h1B tricycle," and he does It too .. lPerry l!;; cll'an ll g the c: d: ken lrouse this morn!ng. • It ne~ds It pretty badly and I.'m .gIad to get It done. iVe I'se sa,wdust for litter a nd It is so .nIce to clean out. He swed Frida.y and saturday and we ha"~ some .nlce clea n' dry. sawdust a.nd we thought this was a. gOQd time to get ~t done. If you think you would like to try it. we usually have &cacLs of sawdust in the summer, or go to your nearest sa.wm11l. It is rather hard just now to get clbnn ed g{)o"s LONDON, ENGLAND-Ge~er~1 Dw!ltht D .. Eisenhower, above, su- all of the iklnds preme commander of Allied FO\'ces destmed t~ mvade, WeEl:ern Europ.e, that we want. I reed in Mrs. Wels· placel hll hand on a European wall map durmg a p!esa. c~~pfere.nce ~n l-ondon He disclosed in his first news conference slIlce hiS arrival m. enborn's colunm in the Dayton Herald a. recipe for C8nllLng hominy Britain: that Lt, Gen. Omar Nelson BradlllY now il the seDlor; ground commander of an American troops in the EU.ropean theatre. of opera. &nd, I -tried it . :Lt Is Ifine and we ~~ think it w~ .b etter ,when cold packed than wben jU.'lt cooked fre~h 1n8truments ·w 1llbe added to the in Wa}mesvtlle Tuesda:y I morning , \Put one cup of dry hominy' lJl'ains orchestra--a.lfiute.<fmd a bass viol, to IHarry Walters of 1L~on, :has (a.nd I flnd It best to use a scant ~ played by Carl Henderson and organized a dancing !i:las,s here. It cup) Into 0. clea.n jar ' and fill lwlth Eph Barohart, respectivelY. meets at' Lewis Hall Elv.~ry Mend ',y IWater. Add 1 tsp. of sa1t and pro· MJstes' Anna. and Mauie Br-owne night. ce88. I use the Ilteam, cooker and IWd' Messrs : Clark McK&y anU Perlind that four 'POunds will make ten NEW ADDRESSES ley B . L~ken.s, Mr. an\1 Ml'$. S. D. quarts . The re&t of our family tJ1ed Everly. and Prof , St11well and f&!D1lY Opt Charles P. Collett 1532'1586 It too and ~e are all flrmly eonepent 'S Unday at Mr. and Mrs. NaU. S. ArnlY, 88th 'rp~ Car. Sq. v.inced that we w1l1 buy no IJl<' r than AuStin's. A.P.O. No. Qf!38 commercially canned hominy, ,It 15 A post oUice will soon be estab0-0 Postmaster, New York, -N. Y . 60 ea.sy to can. Mrs. WeLsenbo:n llahed at Sharon·, in Chester townalso reoommended canning dry ·Cpl. Earl W. Oonn(!r 33794887 ship. ,two irules ·north of o&kIapd. beans Ule same way, only us n f: 419 Engr. Oo. ,(D.T.) A .P .0 . 649 and its name will be KltJiman. two-thirds ' of a. cup of dry beana to Wednesday, Me,h lon Ridge, actLng . c-o ~ter, New' York, N. Y . a quart. Process both the foods for ... a.s agent ·f or the OWiYIer, MrS. R. 1\0three hours, Sgt. J. A • .Hopkins 35124-37g eTta Of DaytQn, ~ld the liouae and A lady said. to me the ather ntght Bty. B;' 5Slst'A.A.A. [k W .) Bn. lot on Third street, adjolntng Dr. that she read my writings and .iii .A.P.o.. 9490, c-o PClIS~aster Way's property, and JmoWn a.s the JOY\ld them. (bless hel') <Uld it .mad ! New York, N. Y., U.S. iVmy Collett property, to Mrs. Bosier, 'the very proud. She a.I&O sald .tha.t conBldemtioll being ·Sooo. ' $he sopIetlmes wanted to wnte to FOxes are saJd to be very Dumer~ me and add to some, of the things 'I oWi in the hlils al~ ,the river. ' !iLsousa and [ bere:' and n<* state· oba.rley. ShePherd .hav given Up that I ,will be very glad to hea.:" the inan route between this plaoe f rom her or anyone else who W8!llts and Haryeylibulj and w1ll tum ~ <to' 'WJ'lte , I 'Welcome Crltl.clBm ' cr. agriculture. praise and any thing tha.t I can, use" !Mrs. otis Perry died at her hom~ In the column wW be apprecla,t ed .
... .
. ...
Phone t6'
and Mn; . K ll.nn'etli Tl:wmlll' 01 n at ,Lebanon,' called on , M .' Anjlle ,and 'Marne Browne SI:n~1\Y after-
·noon .
'. Afrt.er spendlng the ,'W ek-end here ,Mrs. J . W . Warel rc ~urned to .Xe.nin Monday afte.rnoon,. at Waynesville. , Dr . Dudley K E.e VH and Mts . K~ever of Cent.erville. wcrc dlnner guests hel'c, SUJlday'. FHl~NDS IM%'. and 'Mrs. Roger Cilamt>llilIs of Mrs . Alice c};i:kspetlt Saturday Xeni~, oall~..9JLMrs. Craue ' SuDin Dayton , day. Mrs, J. W. EdJwal'ds and Mrs. Mrs, Margaret Webb was a Xenia Floyd Smith of Springfield, and Mr. a __ i _ . . visitor Monda,y afternoon . The Home bo&rd of ~s held their qua.rterly meeting bere Wednesday. The IR ev. atJd Mrs. R. L . . Hackwell or tHamilton, vtS1ted M1sses Amnie and oMame Browne MondaY. Rev. HacIOwe\l Ls a former pastor of St. Mary's Episcopal eburch. WANT TO KNOW how the new W A() recruiting pOliolca apply REAL ESTATE TBtANSEB8 to you? Conrad IPUrk~ to Max W, and Want to know whether you're .GladYs W. RandalJ, 12 acres 1n qualified for a speclal klnd of Waymstwp . Army Job-whether you'd serve James E. and IMartha Ann ' Angwith Ute iUr, GrClund, or Service lin to Robert and Lester JobnliOn, FO~hetb tr YOU could be small tract In Springboro. ~ed t~ the part of the The Little Miami Ilallroad Co., country In which you enllst.? to James T . and Gmce M. Herr1n8,.ton, lot 50, In CoI'WIn. TODAY-Get luU debits at James E. and IEdlth P . . ~r the nearest U. S. Army ft,e{o.rultto Ray . C. and Helen L. Moraan. Ing Station (Your local PO!It lot In Wa~esyUle. ~floe wm give you the ad~ess) Joseph H. and Bertha M. ShamOrwrit.e to: The Adjutant bauch to JOhn P. and Luc1lle 1M. Gemnl, Room 4415, MuniUons Tucker, 79.96 acres' in. ~e"~. Building, Waabir, ' on, D. C. 'H arry E. and Lid&. K . Oowan 00 LeOnard B. and BooDle Meece,
News for you about the WAC
L19.33 ·6cres in' ~k
Pin-up for Those Not BuyingBonda
• • • • • e
Thi~;'American soldier tQok reEqe under ~ tnlc:k war,ls over; I ~o ~ every raid 01 Oll~ p~lition8 on R~dova;. A N'ppOn~. bomb, ul to ~e~e . one ~ear in the arlllY Pr n.~vy?'·, number on ' it. " H'cre yo" see hi, eon !'a!lea gently remo~ L_.I;:'''· ~_ _ , qUleltlo.n4!Cl voted yes, 34% no, and 10%. 'ba,d ,no qndel' the engme. When you are askeii to buy 'War Bona , opinion. F.armerll In !,ll<llw,est voted 55% tIi favor, 370/0 oPPP!Sed, and , picture. ' ., ,.. u. _._ .~_.-, 8'70 were undecided. . . . '., .' _ i. • market' reports. - ...,.. " . Altho the drop II .sUght, comPUlsory military /lervlcc, III tlfltliig Javor . ' with , ,t he tanner. ' "i)l.rm~r Speaks" for september, 19410, lilted 60% acceptance of & one-year training program, exceeding by 40/0 ·thooe In· dle&,tblg. approval t!iJI month. ThIs ,drop Is .slngular .. ' the r~st of t ..~ . country expreasea lilcreaalng approval of the pl,'oposed Illte8sure• . ' -. Chairman May, of the Senate ¥Jlltaty '. Alfalrs Co~m'll tt~e,',~ lIald \hAt during the 'PFe,«!,n t "e~ion of Congreas; be wlll urge ,the epactment taw providing, for a postwar sya~ or compulllo!,), Dnilltary' train-' . , , lng: If ,Iuch a law ahould ' be ,voted !Ill by all the voters, (lIt the clfuntry ~y, it .woUld carry by a very subatantl.al major.i ty. . . ' ·DIRECT BUS LINE FROM W A YNESVILLE,:...:.l.SAVE TIRES AND GAS • \ • t ", , Individual' commente. on the ilirue .treilaed preparedni!l!s wlth \>hyai. ,ilai.and mental value to the traineeleoondary. A 'Itut sma.llier percen~~e • • ••• • ' 0 • •• • I "advaJic!'ed the' ldea that luch legtalatl.on would help to ·takl! 'up the alaCk MONtrMENTS .. 'MARKERS THE XENIA NATIONAL ;rHE' CRITERION· of poulble unemploYment. .' p,.' v' '::~ i ' . ,. • BAN'K . To the 84% 'Who oppole a. yeal,"l training' for, !ill,'\y'Cllung men, the . ~enia, Ohio ,.Ohlo·~ MOl' Complete DlIPlay . -eropola1 seemed ·,too milital'!JttlC;:' ~~ "tOo ~p'erislv,~t . " "j,' , " 183s-19U • • ·A . second NIjlueiltion' asked ' of.. taJIIlerll In this mOl)tw~ , poll~ . "It, the KUPEENJIEIMEB CLOTRBS CAPITAL and SURPLUS 448,000 government · decides to raise tax~ ';Vhicb wci~~ .YOU ,rpre:f~':""UJ.at th4l.' GEO. DODDS and SONS Strong· a n.amoullt be falaed by increUlng everyone'it Income.· ltaxes, or that· "SlDee ...... the a~ am,ou,n t be railed. ~y' a national iIalel tax 'on everything people Reliable' AcCommodating ~?~ 'l )re8Ult~d In lJ7%' Clf all ral'Jfter.. favoriJig I.ncreaaed income ·taxe., . . . DO.%. a natloni,lll8l.ea ~, and 10% expre~~ no: oholce. In' the . MiddleFRED F. GRAHAM CO. ISAL Y~S CAFETERIA ,weat, 31% ot the farmers favor an ' lncrea~"';'1n incoDle tax.u, while.61% C. A. DABE ,and SONS Wan Paper, Paints, G .... !.vor·...national s9Jes tax•. 12<;!, h~d no pPinIon. · . " , ' . , LUNCHES &: ICI: CRE.\l\1 Your ltIcCormkk.l)eerliJ.It ~ua~ , be borne. in mind. that the qql,lsti.on does not ask the 'people PAINTERS SUPPLIES . whether. or not they ar.e In tavl,lr ot a aalel tax, but ,whether ,they are A GOOd. Place to Eat Implemen' Dealer . 17-19 So. Whlteman 8t.. . in favor of a 81111,1 'tax or a,n,.. lncreaae In 'lncOJDe ,taxel In tllle event ]nore '1'8V8Ilue must l!e raised . ~y. one, method or the ·other. '" 410 South Detroit Phone 714 Phone M~ 3 XeDIa. O. 101 W. MaID St. .,hone 11166 , Jirevloua Fanner Speaks polll indicate 'that fal'mers do not' oppose ,the salea' tax aa such. The ma1orlty 'of voter. have b::eh .villIIing, to',accepf .. a natipnaJ 's~e.,' thx of 2% 1:;ut have consistentlY oppoae,ci lII.1u taxe. HARRISON SUPPLY SHOP FI~T AT YOU'LL ALWAYS DO 'calllpg for largilir amounts. 'WIth fannerll ,now piJ.y~g · al1t in~Qme tax, COMPANY l"Ulatance-to higher Wei ~ '. . a meaJ18 of rals1~ ' f8l'enu. may be THE FAMOUS CHEAP BETTER ~T expected to d~1bl" .' ' , ,. FmESTO~E Tlli&s :' r~l:~:~~~~
Jao'' '.,,....
, Of,
, j
,. MORRIS' 6 and IOC ' ,.,." TJ> '$I~OO ' STOR~' , "" co.~ ~e. or Jilnt QUAUTY MERCHANDISE
" '-: ,FOr Bftfyone
. FRED'S •
DEPT. STO}tE OaUlt . " ~ 'EnUre .. .:" " "
" \'
.... ~o. .
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M,N; , ~4~at
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, LebaDGD
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"B ,"," ,. A~. .' . , ~.
. EARC 'B. ~'D.AVID$ON. ,
' I
~ Green stree~
Phone 4154
Sewing Machine Supplies Repairing 01 AU 1tl R .
22 E. Market
Phone lUG
Through Properb' Fitted Eye GllISI!e!I-Our SpeciaU,
R9USE F.11BNtSBlNGS w. l'Ialn ,
- Phone 76'W
U E. Main ,st.
Xenia, '0 ,
. Xemia :. . tandatd Parts T~~,
Car and Tractor
MacMne ~op Work
GIBNEY'S Phone '8
.. .
We SeU Everything. Phone 179 43 ,E. Main
ElII'M Wed Main St.. Ph~ne
108 E Main
Ph. 288
BOME and . Phone 50q .
SUPPLIES 2! W. MaID 8&. :'
_ eo:.
'l'BUUDAY, JEBBUdY S. lN4. MIAMI GAZE1~ ~~--------~------~----------------~~~---~.~------------~----------~~~--------~------------ ---------,--~------------~--~---------------, --~-T~E
a DOItlO('ratlc yoo.r in spJte of. reCAE .~SAltS 00- _.- _.- • • • • • - -, cent eleo~lon lrehWi· . . • TI}e Wllr ' YOU ARE INVITED TO '1 =* wW be ,' t.he _bIt! factor of'Uncerta1n- nril. WIIII;II" ~ •.. r'':''I'u ....·nt . . 'I" : -ATTEND TH~ ty In this election. • The w: c. T. U . nlet at" ' \he hOlne of Mary Oatherlne McIntire m1 Le... than 100 people Santa Claus' Post Office tOl' the ' January meeting. Some of -~ Jive in Santa Ciaul. Indiana. but each year the our m embers wer e pre~ent . Ml's ·QI.hur~h ®([~ri9t postmaster lend. out Ella. HuricY lIo1~d Mrs . Flenn ' Wll4 1 IllDre than half a mURev. O . E . Vice of Mason was :;on were guests. . UNDAY llan Cbristmll card. calling in Lytle WedneSday afterMr. and Mrs. Ervin HIlrner BInd . SERVICES S " and packages. Nearby FEBRUARY 6, IH4 il • granite statue of noon . , SOlis, Donalc;l and ArthUl', are movSanta Claus. dedicated Mrs . K lei' Gl'allam spent Wed- ing to WhJttler, CalUornla,. where The boom' for Ma.r~ln -,..;. Sween.:y BIBLE SCHOOL to c;hlldren of the world. for gover-nor tbJ.s week was not in- o e~d a.y with her mother, Mq. C. .or. HI}l'ner wW a.rnin ~'t&bllsh a 9:30 A. M. sPir ed ' by ·tlle forme:r COngr~ W . >\1brlgh t. at P eklon . practice. 'Mr . and Mrs . Ev ere t ~ Early at himself, but f riends, who wan t to Homer Haines and famlly are l\fORNING SERVICE head-oM Ma yor Frank Lausche of teildcd a b'1'lllll dealel's cOllventlon ]so lnOvlong to their l' cenUY' PUl'11:00 A. M. . Cleveland . Sw eney is enroute to at ColUlnbus F riday nigh t . chased J'a l'ln near Rusvllle . The Sermon 1'opl~"TO BE ·Mr . and Mrs. Bartlett Monce ehUl'ch and commUlllty feel a great Florida and Mexico, and actuary EVANGELISTIC IS TO DE dtdnt' knOw 1UlYthing about it. trpent several days last week wHl;l loss' by "h~e ~wo fall11110s moving In the Nazi slave cou\' MISSIONARY" tries of Pola d, Greece However, he Is a sm.art politician their SOll and wife, Mr. Mld Mrs . irom our neighborhood. I Jugo-slavia little chilo and ' '\\'Ouldnlt resist being drllIted. iHomer Monee In Dayoon. EVENING SERVICE Raymond Wllson and fanilly dren " . rve to death, the It the idea . con tluUled to gather Mrs. Fred Rush entertained the spent a week ago' ThurSday af.ter8:0'0 O'<JIock .older lind stronger ones I.pontruneow ' support. Sween y'S en- Ly t·le Card olub a t hel' home ThUl's- noon a.t t he home of J ~ llUlle Bradare sold into slavery Itarland Carey, ml<;s1onary to where they can live but t ry Into this race would defini tely day evening. per~, Sou('h America, wW speak. doclt. • few sad yean at the "kUl off" , any hopes tor a h uge Mrs . Allen Hole is spendlng t.his . Complilnenting Ru t h EStller most. OUya;hlJ81l. county majorIty, with ~v eek with hel' son and · wife. Mr. Miars, bl·ld.e-elec t of Wlll10m ConkYOU ARE which Lausehe flguros would give and Mrs . Harvey Hole and little lIu, sabina, Mrs . Me.vin H ollll1g~ ALWAYS WELCOME him . the ~e in .a large field . . . daught.er in Dayton . 1\1' TilE wOl·th ente.rtained a ' number 01 Even though LalL'lch e secured the MI'. and Mrs. Fred Wade of guests at a. mJ.scellwneous shower on WAYNESVlLU; nomination . experts sny h I! couldn't F1rankl ln, spent Sunday with Mr. Saturday a.fteruQOn. OHURCR OF OHRlST be elected. They ajso point out t hat and Mrs. William 'R0.!.6 and daughDoris Jane, Susan Gayle a.nd LarDial 2111 - WaJDeaYilie Ml Irislurull) always has Ule advan - ter, Marjorie. MAX W. RA NDALL, ry Elils 4PeJlt ThUl'sd y with tht1ir ·t age in a Demoora.t lc primary, and Mr . and.Mrs . Leslle Gray, Mrs. 81'Undmother, Glenna Wilson, al ld Minister Mrs . Wade Turner and son. t.hflt Sweeney would. attract t he D rth Shee.ham and Mr . 8I1'd Mrs. Phone 2993 Mr. and Mrs . Fred Furnas ' of Walter WUsOll aU!lded Ule f UllJamestown, ·were dinner guOSU1 .of Kent, are spending the 'W eek with groo.t majority of bath the Ferguson Russell Burnett a.ttended trui Mcand Md3weeney vot es ot the 1942 OOy sale near Washington O. H : on eral sel·vjce.:J of Edna Shack.elord Mr. a.nd iMrs. Robert FUrnas Sun- relatives in Dayton . Mr . Dowdy wa/;/ very p:>pular. as election. He would be, by far, t he T h ursday . day. They also called on Mrs. Howat. LeesbuI'g las t THursaay. Mrs. R . R . Bensorr a nd son IUld .moot I!eriow ~hrea t and form.1l1able Mrs . Ever t t KenrIck and ohll(ti l g lhe ard VlMllcUne and Infant daughtel' Clark Salisbury of lmdlanapolJs, M:r. and Mrs . Ral Ig11 Bogan a.n W'J S Mr . Or . ;l tl.JU ill candidate In the ra l~, and a. r.• al oreu, Bobby and J ane. spent W~ IMr . nd Mrs . Lu ~h e r Haines . w rl: singIng . 'Who have returned from the hoswere week- end ' guests o f Mr. nightmare to t h.e ~nocrMl c bc&s , nesd )' wl l h her pa rents. ·Mr. and, o n ner gues!.s Ho.ner Hai es Guests of Mr. I d Ml S . 000] ge pital to their home . Mrs . W. P . Salisbury. Mr . and Ml~ . E O Hopkin.> In IW yl es Ille . • 0 • .~ Id fam.l.Jyo a week aao ~. ~Mi chatl and 5011 ullday wrre Our guess ' is that Garrett. CI ~ y Mrs. R . 'E , Luce, Clinton Luce of .Mi . end~ . K '!11 e .1' H1ll s pent iMr. and Ml'1! . Frank MUtenberg r Mr . i.I~I.Ml'S. J e .,11 II h .... a u' g "ll 0 MI'. and 'M, . G UY _ r;:1 el a l:d ' Tuesday-and . We<lnesda.y In M al'Ys- Xeni , ~nd Mr . and Mrs . Leon pool ,wW !!lot run fOlr governor tills hap for th~ inner guests SWlday. H" rveJoow g" Ml· . rin d vII'S . l!.~gtu: ohidlren of Bellbrook !Iond MI'. and year, aa some bel1evt~. ' The rny terivIDe and Columbus where they vis- Salisbury of Washington O. H . , Mr. and Mrs, Edward Miltenberger kUl'lYe and Mr . Mrs : Han y Mrs . P aul Pf.te l'son and son ot 'Were also Sunda.y aftermoon guests. OWl maneuvering by lSO m6ny of the ited rela" ea. 01 Eaton and Mr . and Mrs. Clilford H urley were Sunday diWll l' gu e",t.; Xenia . • Democmtic leaders is merely jock• • • Mrs . Charles Anderson has ,r e- eYln« Into 'poSition for party-con- Archdeacon a nd chUdren of Dayton. o · MI'. u.nel Mrs . Raymond W.1s;J11 Mr . and Mr,;. 'R 1'1'y Rolal1d .\d!I. 0udI ., ,. ftau. and ..... Reva Braddock and Mrs . turned after spending several days Mrs . Erdcn Rechor of Dayton was Spent Sunday with Mr . and Mrs . ,0IIIt1IUttI .... ~ fer at flIe COra Rlch were SunQay n.fternoon trol. Ola'YPOOl w11l be a candldat.e for a Sunday night' a.nd Monday gueSt g s is 1.1 t e Wilson home were : Jess Roland. ~ wlth hel' son, Charles: in Columbw. ~ ." ... .,.t a ..... miDlmUIII gueSts of Mr . and Mrs . Melvin U. S . senator in two years, U P1ck.° 0 • of her paren ts, Mr . and Mrs. BartJ ... hn Wilson, Robel'!; Wilson, >LuthA' goOd ma ny f the foll:1; from ....... lie. 'A "'a' .q luerte4 for Batley. 'n ear Wilmington. Little Joan KerSey was the. Fri- rel of pt')'Iton Is not, elected this lett Monee. el' and l!:ditll HalllOS and ' Mr. anti I.,his neighborhood are attending the . ~ u.... ~ c~ at Ie ~ VIas' Fr~ncls Morris' and Howard day night guest of her cOUSin, Mas- year . Mr. and MIs. Therle Jones and M.I·s . 'I'heodore MoIntire aDd lObI. Fd l n~ " s Institute at Del:bl'ook this Republica..'l l~ aders are "pl::klng 'son, Milton. wp.ye SUlIday vening SAW - WaWDI Producit. at Mon1a 'Were Friday guests of Mr . ter Charles K ersey . Ev l'e~t Ruth H~inea SPJnt '::>uu- week . • 0 • , . If. ~." Lebanon. opeD' iuld Mra. M. A . Pu1kerson. their hOf$e&" for the battle of the dinner gu IJt ' theIr p ren'-ll, Mr. dny ' evenin ' ~11Jl Ella I.I1l1ns.;. The Harbert Gra ham ' family. left ptc. Robert Preston or the. Uni, '~ lor JOUr ooD"~euce. , in tile race tor governor . .Sen . and !Mrs. J . B . J ones . . . Mr·. and Mrs. l.h rJ S Sl.nllley .Tuesday afternoon . to spend two versity' of Clnc1\lna.tl. wns the week'Dr. end Krs. H. E. HathaiWay '. 01_ ,LlDmer••PboDe 18.. L. Harold Burton Is on Tom Herbert's ,Mr . and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and vlslteq Sunday ev ning, tne fcnn- da ys with Mr. ,Graham's ' fa.ther at entertained to dinner on SWlday end' guest of his parents. Mr . and ,band waeon tor contlro~ of the p~ r James Haine were dl.n ner guestB er·s. alster, Mary Edith Stanley, Belletountalne. Herbert Graham . evening, ·Mr. amd "Mrs. Harvey Mrs. J . K. PrestOn. tJy in ohio . . . ~. scllorr is ·b .:c:' Friday evening of Mr. and Mrs . W" who is iJl at ~e home 01 Ml'. Sind baked h.1s i lllthet a blrt.hd&y cake . • 0 • Burnet,t. I Mr. and Mrs. W . E . Stroud were Of.J'ames field Stewart for tile O. Haines and Mrs . Frntlil. Aoker- Ml·s . Evan iBcgan in Dayton . 'Brother Ora m led the singing Ul' .. an4 · ~:a , ·M. A. Fulbel'&On ~U~day visitors in Dayton . sa:me reUon . ' . . bne or the Her- man and SOil in Dayton . L1~t.ie Carolyn EIleen . Slanley at t he Mon~omery County ChristAnd ~"""""bter, Zana Mae, and Dr. iGet your valentines . . , at . the Wear" berui would lbe the wInner. '11 the ' 'Mr .. and Mrs. Ralph HarrullG~d spent SWlday evening \\11th 11er Ian Endeavor ba.nquet held at the -;~. ana children, Marlyn, Jack ' and grandmother, Mrs . PelU'l Shc1alr, ,F orrest Ave. Pr~yterian church and~. A. E. Stout and daugh- 'u-Well Shoe store . Pri~ from ele9 tion wer f! held today. in ~ll Monday evening. He ,..a& ter. W1Dn1e Jo" 'vlslte4the Dayton 1-2c ~ 500. . F1raDk ~uls~n,·.t h~~ 014 maater J Qnet, visited their uncle and a.Wlt, and faniuy, near Cel'\tervllle. \Art InItltute ~un;my afternoon . ° • • pOUtJd!i.n. Is s~en around OhJo with Mr. 'a nd Mrs. ~uel Nichols, in • Walter Wilson called on . WiU ooeompa.nled by Jimmy and Dovld ~enoweth 6Wlday IP . M. Mr . Hartsook. 'Oincrnna,U," Sll{lda) : Mr. and Mrs . Mor-t Iang, Mrs. (Mrs. S\jerman W11son a.nd· Mrs . a b1e amlle la.t.ely . • .. You ca.n bet Mrs. Prank Ku~C\s Is spending a Ohenoweth is seriously Ul at his In tribute to the, youth of the PallliDe '1Ang, ~s. ~ TIlqm~ ~lIert I 'Conger were sl1c.ppe1'8 lil that he Is In the picture some couple. of ·weeks with her daughtm, home In New Bur.ington. . ,Christian Ooriri",~otlal ehurch IOD, aDd Mrs. ,Ruth crav1tt, all of DaYt.on Friday. place . . . TIle D2mOCra~ certamMrs. Earl Sheehan, and tittle daugh . Some of our members attended the congreg6tlon 'W1I8 addresa Sun. . . . ~.., 4GOO It. .JIapl1ltoD, ~'"'8 , 8W'1d.y guests of entertatned Iy" have demo~ted tha-t they the W .P ;M.S. which met at the dy mornJng 'by Mrs , John Reeder. , ., . . . . . . . .. ............ _ aDd 11m. and .IIN. Walter need ~ lUI badly a.s ~ U1ey ~eed ter near WaYllfJlVWe. . Several ,f rom here attended Poof. Goldie Compton in 'New \r{hOlle ' 8Ubject waa "Tr1bu ~ our " ·tOb IIcIad. ~ ~ II; aDd children, POlly d.o~ and Parley lor nat.lonal (~n. mona Orange at. Wayneevtlle Satur18.st. Wednesday after- Yout~,"~ . P,aul' Brqwn who' po 'e on her elglerlenCCjl ill ra1aIng 1' .tItIe .' • S;:naior' JlmIDY dae ev~. ntlme1g: Mr .-.and b~ :;., oue ot her family '&lld... who gave lkm~ ~ . . ? Nt. !I"'~ tP'een doth· . , •• ° JMetmaum Of Cbve1and. now looks Therie Jonee, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell ~ ...- --..- _n-_, -GOd ' The VeJentlne Dance whJch was • •• , Wte .a. Bure 8tarrter a~r'alnst P. Tho~, !Mr . and Mrs. Everett E&r- the "mothers" who attended a 'pointers-1oo young ' iJlo~d - - .... - - .....- • Mr and Ml;s.-..S~.ma.n WIlsOn ~ CIaadWaD. o.n 21", WaYnenwe. to ~ve been given by t.be" ~-30 !Were MondliY' eyenlng diMer guests Van Sch~lck of 001~bU<i, for the !Y. Mr. , and Mrs. Oharlos·Cha.rlr.on, blrlhoo,Y' su~rlse parey last Wed- ~a.rd W()()da wbo spote about. bls Mrs . J. ~. Jones and W : and Mrs. u~,y ·fo~, Mls.\; .teacher ot U1C memoi1ea ot'llis youth ,' Mr. Woods '. chUrch on- Feb. of Mi . .aild - , ' , "..:'...,... club of St. Mary's. Mrs . Delbert ConB,tr Democr'a • ~re . 'nomblatlc'J\ for_7cdngiess ' - . __a.- -~ 1......... -~ a .VIIf1 re..,....., 1~ ba. 'been poIItponeli. . man-o.t-larae . . ' . Earl Hefley of Walter .Kenrick. ,., , dirst and sec\>nd Sl'l\des at New gave h18 ,talk as fln Interview with , eUst. wbo wanta to bon'ow .,Il00 , . •. • • and famiJ'y OJeve1and( wbofu 'We :mentlcned last Mr: and Mrs. Frank K llr,fis and B!D-Un8'oon : lee cream bars, birth- Re~. Core interviewing hJm. The' " CID . '1uve lanD. l'SnIt .iDorttiaP , ~ JeQll and Jape Hartsock Mr. and 'Mrs·. ~e~eth Elzey a.nd w~elF as t -P6sa1ble· st.a.rter a gainst MIs , J. B. ' Jones saw ..Midame day cake an~. candy 'MIs. s-. rved t J minister, ·Rev. core,.. then spoke ~. ll'oday .1Il!Ch lnvestinflnt or OlIiford, '-were week-end guests of (laughter,. iMarjorie, of Dayton, Oeorge Bender, Js .a ';o~mac:r&t, and CUrie" at Lowes t hea.t re !1l Dayton Miss, Hill and the pupils in her briefly about 0Ul: youth .~. opJIiOlt\mlUea. .are,.IWe. 0al1 <leO. ·their parents. Mr. and Mfa · R. H . spent. Sunday alternoon wibh MI' . iii sfiill conaiderfptr thJs ra-ze. or for Wednesday evening. . room. Henkle, .pbone No. 2,' ~. . Hartsock. Mr. and Mrs. Hartsock and Mrs. Walter ·EJzey . Oon~ess l in ' t~e " 22nd district, Mrs. Clare nce Bunnell ente.rtain.. ' . I .. and daUghter, Mr~. W1lton Brut• • • B t ed a few of her hUsband's form~ Fl~LtRY 'POB~ Jiere!ont male boI, 8QC1r _--' Mrs. Len.& .H artsock were . !Miss Dorothy Mercer was an agt\~t:r.rr. ~e:te:, ~l OIl.. . "'j • AwMmnately 1'75 . peI'8ODI were s c~oolmatel.l ill hO~lor of hili blrth.' .~ ' tio ~, Ii 1-2 mamtJla ' SU:~dinner guests of Mr. and OVilrnlght guest 01 Mrs. 'Ha rvey The hor~ot of a third party loqms day saturday evening . These ples- .11r". lIli. i' II,· I". 'I'h,,,,,",,. \'·"r ..,.,. .,n. in attent:l$mce at the W&JDMvWe old, ',n. aI:Iout 180 DII. s.,r1aD Mrs. A. 'Z . ;Hartsock fam1ly of H01~ Friday night. on the hOFlZOn .t',o illlJldciy '~e wa.te~, en.t were': IUld. Ml'lI . Gerald Mr . and Tom: Burton und hJg~l achool satUrday nig!bt at the .B amb&rt. fto~ -281.. ' !;lear W1lm1ngt(m. . 0 • • !for the pOUtdcal ~opel!ters tWs Fall. meetin1f of Pomona ,REmly and Mr . and Mrs . Chester ~. a.nd Mrs. J!UlIe3 HartsoCk vi!:- monthly •• _a • • • Miss IK ay Wa.lger of Dayton, waa A capable anq AuQU1'(ed rpan, w:h) • • • Edithr and Mrs . H . E. 'lAingen-' bhe week-end guest of her parents, knows w:~t , it.ls 1r.ll 'about, has bee.1 Myers and baby of Eat(m Mr. lind .tted M:r. iRa;ymond lIIlrt&ook 'and . "- -:...-----!Mrs . Clarence Neal and chlldre.n of lun!uy. rat Middletown .S unday . a!dol'ff of the Warren CoWlty ~ews , Mr. and Mrs . Delbert Conger . appmaohl!d t6 Head l;he tJcltet. , SuPPOrt yo'ur 'ho!ne town PIlper . .. . Middle town. Mr. and Mrs ; ' Lester .ternoon;. ~nd. lHartsock Is reLeb8non, and san, were Sunday TIle . Miam1 Oaze~. Is the onl.1 Mrs. Allen D. H-ole is spending dloDner guests of Mr. QIld Mrs. Don The Ohio PBIlt~l" s convention, not Gorsuch liud . Mr . and . Mrs: ~ll1er· ' COV~g trqpi a severe cartt ot newspaper In the world that cares sever~l day,s Wttli MT. and . Mrs. Hawke. a Pol1tlalll~~lmtlqn; b~t' wi~h pO~ oro~e of Centerv~le, ~r.,' a~d ,Mrs ,;, pne~o~: H!! spent lOQ hourI! in, a.nythlng abI!U~ - WaynC3vWe at!!l ' Harvey K . and Shirley o • 0 Rev . B. Nooh ~ewman \>r PekIn and,.Mr: an o~en tent lIi~d 32 days in the v1cUl~tY. , : . . Mr. and Mrs. W. P . Strader of DaYton. and Mrs. Robert Young of Dayton,. . . ' Is' nOw in siesslon; . in Co. ! • • . a.nd son and Mrs. Ross B:;:Ie were l 1" ." I . ,T lle young Pf9ple of LYtle ~huuh , The Berean .class ~tlrtg will be Frank Hess, fonn.erly of Way.n es>• SUnday dinner guests of Mr .". imd org1l.nlzed a: Young ' People's Elble held ·February.' 11) 'm the .basement vUle but now of Dayton, .was & 'Mr&. 0 : A. B~r In D _ ~ .on . Qfflc.:ra of .th~ FeITy church. Dal.e StUmp. unann()l1iloetP,RepUb- ol~ Sunday ·evenJnlt . busin~ . visitor here Satut~BlY. 11c&D candJdIlbe for attorney general eiected were: Almetta Steinke, .pres- · 4t a meeting' of the Ferry church ARRIVES IN ENGLAND spent 'last;., week In WlIlSll ington aa ictentj J tulles Steluke, 'vl;e ,pr.esldent; .b68.r~ Stinday evening It waa ' voted 'Jilnice BIiI1U~t, s"t'-Crct~ry, and WU- to ~ir~, :BrO,~er Dowdy for a. (Ull Mr . and Mr!i . Earl Coyle have Lhe 1.::';:91 ~'Presel)tath,e 01 tile Ohio ·ma. Sur!ace, .treasurer . TIle firs~ ·month·s ~tmg Jlext January, 1945. YOWlg &Publlca.ns clubs. in their , "(celved wGrd (rom their son. Pvt . meeting Is to ~.. held at th~~, h e me, . -.",,'''''-"7.-:::::-::':;:;'~-"-'.''''''''._____--'-._..!-.-'-...:...._:..:.:....:'~.~ . _..:....-..,..:.....;..:.:.:...._ rlgbt l~r a ~imp,lIfled bill permitaers.id COyle. that he h as . a rrived t~ng all m.en and,.r 'wclt!1en In' the or CharleS and ':Mary . BWll'l~ll : ~hO safely in England. a1'l11ed :f~ . t:o vote. . . , are. to be the ' sponsors . JUt the yo~n'g fol ks arc uJ.g.ed to attend. : BUYS BO",OS IIERE o~o is ,INnOUS 'lor ,'electlng ,Dem. Mr . .~ nd Mrs . Earl YQung were t'" .The DJyton Pawer IUld Light Co.. oora.tlc B?VernOIS. In Rep.Ublican entertained to dinn~r Sundar evenhll8 pW'chased $5,000 worth or' war yeana . '. I 'Roosevelt . may make oft Ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. DAYTON. OHIO . , e '," bonds at the looal bank a.j d tha t .... Iir aduaI Ift.......11I • I • B. , GUlottl '..in DQ.yton. .' amount 'Will be cr!!dlted toward the ~=!=~~=~~~~=7==·." ".". ItcmcI lluallly 'ertlMr. and Mrs .. Ed' BUnl1ell and 1IAn. Made b, Inde,.,..· county quota. '2 8 S. 'D6troit Street and Mrs . Oharles . Bunnell and denll, owned and operal..! daughters ~ ~. ........r - I I mal.riol. In ....., forMuIG pre-t••t..! to . XENIA, OHIO OharJea LuPton- In Xenia Sunday
I , '.' OH"O .. _ .b=~~======:=-==-====1 "Inslde Pfllt"(~. .DNDI OVER AMERICA
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Let's All Back The Attack
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Will pay $2.00 : f~r · Dead. 'H...., $1.00 for, Cow•• , Sheep, HOII; c..~. cd Colta · , .. . .~nD PKOIIP'I'LY
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Sold by ·Waynesville
Farmers Exc.tuuace Co. - 1m'S,, ' 111
AUCTIONEERING Stanley Koogler '
For Dates. Pli~ne 2894. Waynesville. Ohio. Revt'rse' Charges BROKERS UCENSE
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' Brooder Houses 10 x 12' DeliverY .Price $160.00
McDowell and orrence tum her Co • 38 DETROIT ST•• XENIA PHONE M 413
·aml Mrs.
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f!Word's and' Music" ,
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~OU can't afford to
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\. ----------------------------------------------------~----...:....--..,.---===--------------------- --------------~~~~~~~==~~~-===-----------------AYNEBVlLLIt. OBlo. TDURSDA'Y, FEBRUARY 10, 1944 'WHOLE NUl\mER t!46
Bond Premiere At Local Theatre Tuesday Feb. IS in an eltort toStlmulM~ the sale of , war bouds in Wayne toWnshlp, K . S . Hill, ma.nager of the Twln .. tre, announces 8. free movie 'Will ~ 'shawn the public next Tuesday, February .i6, at 8 :00 p. m. . lAny person who buys any prlced war bond Of the "E" ge'f1C!l, from e. t26 bond UP to a $5,000 bond, wlll be admitted free to the show .. The attraction for thI8 Bond Premiere 'Will be "Girl ·Crazy:' starrlng Mlckey Rooney and Judy Oarland. Mr . Hill is dDtlQt1ng the expenses of otbe evening to the worthy cause of stimulating the sale of war bonds in this vlclnlty and IhI8 aacr1l1ce merikJ the patronage of every cltl~ zen . of the community In order to help put the sale 'of wa.r bonds here over tIh.e quota. .. lIt is planned ·to have an' a:lequa.te staff on hand to handle the sale of the bonds so tlhnt the time conaumed in se1l1ng bonds wlll be held to 0. minimum .
The February meeting 01 tlle Pro'Women's club was held at the bome ot Mrs. Alva Thompson on Tuealay evenlng, Pebruary 8. The vice pre8ldent, !Miss Virginia, Hardin, presided and. aurtng the oourSe of Uhe buslne!ia meeting, &1)pointed the followlong program commIttee: Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Wl.seman and MlsS Anna M. Whltalter . M1aa Almetta Steinke gave a very tmpre&.lve and appropriate reac11ng on 'A braham L1nooln. The members were al9Q fortunate in .ba.vlng as their gJUeSt speaker, the Rev. Father R. H. Krumholtz, whose subject 'W&lI. "Education and Democracy 1n America." A IIlO6t enlightening In!01'llJl8l dIsoussion followed, based on the speaker's theme. gr~ive
The !West Wayne Advi.sory Councll met a.nd enjoyed the gracious hospltaUty or ~r. and Mrs. lfarcl.d Wllitaker at their home In Lyt e Wedneed8y evenlng, Feb. 2. IPlans were made for the covered ONLY ONE WAYNESVILLE RESIDENT IN JANU~Y CALL dish dinner to be held Feb , 23 a t tile· school bulld1ng with the other Seven men wm mpied for InoouncU rrOUU8. lfuction ~ the armed fori:e8 In the Mr . Raymond Braddock., presi.- ' _January call· trom Warren county dent of tbe Warren County Ft.tm Oraft .Board ~o. 2, it , has been anBureau. wu the 8ue,t bt the evmnounced. 1nI and he expla1ned some of the Those accepted by the army are ~ of the orpn1zatlon. as !follows: Wilbur Woollard. WayMr. ~'. the dlacusalon nesville; Car,roll Ca~: Harveyab-J'8; leader. apoketbn the inabIDty of the Clyde PredeJ1ok, Blanchester; Bu~er to control the martet.1ng of --com Strouth, ~on; Arthqr. hIa own products . It 'Was agreed Doughman. Morrow; and Wm. Mcthat now 18 the time for fann orKinney, Lebanon, transfer . gan1Za.tIona to beg1n pcwt--war planRolney HUesman, Morrow. was rung to create new markets for accepted by the navy. , farm products. After the dlscusalon, a SOCial 110ur NEW III Yl>TG'TON' D"~mENT njoyed ith d Ud ref ft." OI-..u'O WII8 e w e OLIB r".....DIES IN DAYTON HOSPITAL me.'lt;belng served by .'t he hostea&.
The sIX-room frame house, OMled and occupIed by Mr. and Mrs. Wll11am Lee. about three miles southe6.Bt of Waynesville. was tota.lly de-
stroyed by fire Sa.turday morning about 10:00 o'clock. The f ire started trom a spark from a ch1mnef. Some ifumlture was removed from the fUst (loor by neighbors but every;th1ng on the second floor was Wst . ~e 10001 flie department was called but the dwell1!1g was pra.ctlcally deL'troyed when they arrived. IACoord1ng to C . B . Jenkins, local insurance agent. the property w;:s Insured. Some 't ime ago a b arn ' belonging to Mr. Lee was destroyed durl :.g a h1g,h vnnd storm. LOCAL PEO P~.E A'l"IE. ;P
MASON BIRTHDAY PARTY ,M r . and Mr; - ~rry IL. Palmer extended the hospltalJty of the'x home In Mason Sunday, Pebruary 6, when they Invited their relaU e.5 and friends to be their guests w.nen they were celebrating lhe birth a y rumlversary of Mrs . COra A. Th0tn/P5on, of Ci ncinnati, who is an Bunt of Mr/i. Palmer . A deUc1oU6 dinner was enjoyed at the noon hour. In the afternoon the gU&t of bonor was presented many lovely gifts and cards, whiCh she hlghly appreciated. MiIIs' Manelle Stallard of the Cemaervatory of Music, In Clncinnatl, wh08e presen e with her mUsic, ami group Singilli, made the day moat enjoyable. Before the compa.~y dispersed they were a gain invited to the dining room where h am sandwiches, plokle, Ice cream, cake a nd coHee, !were served . The .company was composed of 'Mrs._ 'Corn A, Thompson. M isses
Charles IA. Icenhower, ·58: of fiew ANOTIIEB WAYNESVILLE Opal' Thompson, Olorla Herrell" and iBurllnaton. died at a Dayton boaYOUTB RECEIVES ms WINGS Ma.nelle Stallard, all of C1nc1IlIl&tI; pltal at 5:30 ,T uelday evenlni. Mr. and. Mrs . Leonard Palmer and ~e Is survlved ~y ·f o'Jr chlldrhen. Ralpb Peters. 2t, IOn of Mr. and children, 'Kay and Rieth, or NorJ ... of ' ~ena&Dtovm· 'U'... Mrs. anery Peters of WaynesIlWe, wood; Mr. and Mrs . Albert Herres ;~~~, J.lcuOn; U":a.~: -.u aVIAtion student in the~:I2Dd and da ughters. · ~ Jackie, ella ~'Odera, 'Economy, Ind •• and clua to graduate from the Oolum- Elaine and Janie, Mr . a.nd MIa . 'l~ ~ ' 'Or6~Dfield; one ,,sater. bua IArm¥ lAIr ~ld, near C01um.Dus, IMardan anCi Mart Ii Jean, all of . , ,;. Mlnll'le ComptOn. New pWlWl_Ip~rl, on Petln1aJY 8. 1844. He Dayton. A-8 Arthur Motter , Engle..~; one brother, W1lUam l~- recel~ed lotte aP..W_~lnlll'_or~~_·f1.....t.!'ca.;_... ood.; ,.Mr....Jlnd-Mrs ..J)ollllld Foulks, !\Ower, \yaah1ngton O. B ., lherUl btt10er and ~ion' IlB a seocnd 1IJarVeyaburg; J . !Lee Talmage, Aiof ' Fayette county. l1eutenant In th~ Army AIr p {)l'CeB. ~ Talmage and JeSSie 06rner, PUnefal ae'M ces will be held Prl- Lt. lPeters entered pUot traln1Dtr Waynesville, and Mrs. T. H. Johnday at. 2:00 p . m . at, Prlenda last Aprll. and attended fil'ini aton and Mr. and Mrs . H . L . church, New Burlington, with burlal I'ObDola at Americua, Ga., and ~,ot1laaon. iu 8prlng Valley UDder the dlrectlon Greenwood, MlIa., before his gradNBW STATION AGENT of A. H. Stubbs. UIotion at the advanced f1ytng IIChooJ. near Oolumbus. M1sa . Be- Dtward KarJ'e9 who comes from JtJ~ GRANGE CONTEST fore he enl1ated for pllot tra1n1ng be Spr1Il8fI~ld, beg"n work Mon~ay ~ TO BE HELD IN WARBEN CO. I,iad graduated from Weyneavil1e the ~ agent at the Wayne"vUle ratJi.oad station. Juyeni1e' ~ In Warren HlP IJIlbOOL Kr. Karrea aucceeds carl Fry, county will partlc1p&1te in a ' ju~ BAST !WAD. COUNmL who 1& DoW in the ,a~ and Russell lle victory ClODte8t which ~ IDlBT8 AT GON8' BOME temporary agent. from Ddtr untn theiJI tn· The W~Mv1eorY counc1l apeo\lon mee&Da next MnI. w.. s. C. S. TO MEET DeUOa 'Worley, col1nty Juvenile dep~ met at the home of Mr. and Mra, ftcJtlert, Oona on Thursday, FebruTbe fWOman'a 8oc1!!ty 01 Ohristlan uty, announced recently. Service wID hold ' their F"bruar j Ilbe oooteat wlll be baaed on IUl' 3. " m8mberab1p•.. to per ~; ,attend. , .T he ~ueD.CeI of ~ walla on meetlna '1!1th Mrs. M. A. " . lkerson ~. to per cent and IiCtlvlty 20 t.be fanDer lp the post 'W~r per1-::d as ho8te811 at ber home on Thu' 5 ;'..9.Y per cent. The .contest 18 .~ ..... the 1Ub,Ject for lively cl1acussion. aftemoon. Pebru,ary 18 . A very inThe ;nat ~eet.lDc .~ be held at tereetJn, program _with mUble. has SPOnaored by Mrs. Ohe&ter 'orockett, Springboro. special. juve~le 'd eputy the licIne 0( J. Q. QQoa, JI'rlday, been~ . ' 1Maa'ch 3. of the Ohio 8~te Orange. EASTERN STAR TO MEET ' Juvenile 8T8Dges at Harveyabura, PlJBVIL\8B BOllE HEBE WIQ'I!l~l!,Lebulon and Spring': oMltunl Chapter 107, Order (f boro ~ expected to .part1c1pate In Mao.and ".J.III.ShambaUgh of DB~rn star, wID hold their r(g, tale ooriteat 'WbU'e Uason o.nd SPr1ni near Barveyllburg, have p~ed u1ar meeting on Monday nlgot, • boro Juvenlle& who are In the pro- e. twcMs.torY · ctwelUnt a.nd four Jots 'FebrueIY' 14. Installatlon'()<f some case of or,.nla1ng wtll participate on bile OOrner of l"oUrth and Ohap- officers 'Wbo were UI or abse~t a,t In a Umlted manner. ~ 1n ,Wa,M,vJ1le. of M&~ the· regula.r installation will be the
annual fan.
. 'I\&KE8 NEW
P08ITJO~ .
·lJti.eet TJte ~ VlU handled
thrOUifJi wubur
. Ml'II. 8at.h.WUJJama baa reatanl!d ACOEFl'S trom· the paner-of .the t.ebaDon
N. Sears.
'ratiOning' board to accept thf! .poat 'or ch1el' C1edc of the bOard, Charters Maople,. chalnnan. annolmCes. beeu wpend1nc the laet few weeks MrI. W1lIJama succeeds Mrs. !l'be1. with her palenta. Mr. and ~. ao.k of R. R . .1, Way;nes- . IDa 8umnei- -eo resiIned recentb'. . . K.e~' ~, 10tt Tuesday for Lowry FiLld. COlorado. ~ ..eDteI" tile ~ Nui's.e. ~ . . . Ii. second U~tenant. · . ~' Ii • ciacluate of Reid 1'1IIA~'r'iI~: In, the c:lUI : had . lP'adWl,teP.
1·~I!Jl}~~IleII'~. @ish~ .
maln feature
the meeting .
Will Fare No lVJore
NUBS. COaPS 'MJea .Anna I..Out8e Hoak, who ' hall ABoMY
Poland After The War?
NEW YORIt-McoriDlle to ·pmn. announced by HflC01r. Polan. aftar-tbe-war will look sam.thin, like thl •• Ru..la P~ . " p~ land's MW ...ten boundarlea. the lo-called CurloD Une ,ur«ellted b1 the late Lord CurlOn In 1\l18. bJac.k Ihaded areu (centllr botto~· ucl center top) IN tholl'l paru of Poland .which she would retain f~ ' the line of demartatioll aet by the German-Rull8ian neaty of 198~, 3J\A ..bleb .. ~er ",peets ma~h.. the Cunnn line. To the west Pdla" lie enlaqoed b,y the acquisition of East PrUllia· and SUelIa, ... ~ ... DaDIla IlArI'ldDr.. . -
SOUTH WAYNE AD.VlSORY CLUB HOLDS FEBRUARY MEETING THURSDAY The nleetlng of the S outh Wayne Advisory Cou.ncll was held Feb. 3 ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Stroud with Mrs . Clarence Rye, preSident, presiding . During the bUSIness session, Mrs. RalPh Asbury, wife j;he the legislative, agent, repel ted on the' action ,ak cn in proteSt. agul.nst th e clos1ng .. tl the freight depot at QQrwin and . nct rea d ~wo letLers received in re"panse to that aation. The ,p resident repolLed the appointmen t of two repr ' entaLives to :.he t9Wnshl p and coun Ly discussion .: roup~Mrs. Dena M c.ss bt:log the ,own5111p rep esentulive and M r. J . H . Oro·bue the coun ty representative. Mrs . Della M: ss reported a union meet1ng of the Advwory Counc.ils of Nay u tC'IVn"hlp to be held in the I h lr~ hOoI gy mna...lum Wednesday ~ veni'Jg. Fe bJul' rj< 2 .. r,·t 7 :00 o·. lock. A s pe" ker, dinner and m usic will be • UI'I tshed and t.he f L .Ill les of counU mwnbers are 1nvlted . .A \ Cl Y lovely dls.: w.slon period foldWed with the presid ent. Mr. Rye, ....1' ldlng in the abstmce of ~. ':;tandfor th , the dlsous lOll leader . lllc subject under dISCUSSion was thll esotabltshment of cooperative stol'es mutUally owned and operated by farm and urban groups and the question of the posslb1l1ty or such a plan 'WOrking as against the highlY' organized big 'business already esta bllsned . A very delight ful social period following alld everyone enjoyed the warmth of the Stroud hospltaUty and g OOd old-fashioned sugar cookIes with red sugar atop . The meeting adjourned to reconven e on March 2 a t the home of Mr. ani 'Mrs . Alpl!l Earnhart .
Effort Being Made To Secure Better' Mail SerVice Here In an effort to seoure better mall ' service' in WaynesvUle and vicln1ty, a petition ts being circulated ' here liy a group of bus1nea8 men petitlon- . ing for mall deJjver~ directly to the
Wa.ynesville rallroad ~ta.tlon .by train rather than by s tar route from X enia. In addUlo..l the &>etltlon caUs for resumption ot padsenger servlce at the dellot. It is alleged that mall sen lce ill this vicinity is w:satiJ.:aotOry a nd l.nn,ecessa l'llY slow in V1EW of the !'act t.bat much of the niall dest1ped. for the local p oSt office Is carried thrm:gh het e by t a.11 and tht;n must be trucked back to Wllynes\ ilIe. U • ..d . r th e n e~ stnr route con- , tra ct. w. C:. !I. h oliday fa..!s on saturday 01' one ay. no Jnllotl . a-.chea Lere l or cwo d . Yo!. l~ vleW of the l xcellent mall deliv~ ry Sel vice which this vicin ity rec t ived at one time u ~ompllrl:.d willn the pre6ent servl.ce;· d tizens' h el'e feel th-_t something ,hOl.ld be d9ne. 'I1le p t1 L1on reads IO.:S foUc·ws: A PETITION 1. We. the ul1derstgeiid r ..sl 'enta of Wayne,,-v1lle, OLio a.:uI. viclDl~,
declare thu t the pr ~.ent star route 815t( m of mall dl lvel")' to thIa ~ munity 1s very U11S3l1.Ufactory ~Dd unnecessary, and h ereby' pel1~lOD for mall' delivery ~ our P96 ~,o.tflce direc t f rem trains at the local Penn. • :t . s}' lva.~ 1a. railroad s~t1on . : . 1. 2. In add1t1on, we reque£~ La . re- .. swnption Of passenger aerv1ce. ' bf the railroad 'at tale earUest~ ~!. ;-.~ elate. A local citizen, WIho . 18, ,if~' Interested In the sltuatlpllj ~epoa-tfs that various clubs and o~t1ona. here have express~d interest the drive for better ftlQU deUve.ry aerv- . ' ice, and prom1se to get behin4 p. movement. All cit.1una are Ilfied to sign ClUe .. ) f these · petltlOIlB which are av~ .ble in Waynesvllle at the Waru~ 111e Drug Store, in Lytle at BveNtt
PROBATION ASS'N ALVIN LEWIS PASSES TO BOLD MEl~INGS AWAY NEAR HARVEYSBURG Ul LEBANON Alvin Vernon~is. 67, pa.ssed Following weeks of planni~ by a Boway a.t · the home of , his nephew, oo~ttee representing a 17-oou.nty Wilbur Lewis, near Harveysi)urg area the flr8t institute of the six- last Thursd6\y e venlng at 11:111 , oouree program for Juvenile Judges !He is sl1l'Vivedby two daughters, and probation oMcera ,has been an- Mrs. COra Freeman of Dayton and nounced by James L. 'Verity. Ham- Mrs . Lester ShlfClet of KanljU; Uton. challman for this area. nve sons, Dcnald, Chester, Ra.y, Leba.non has been seIecied as the Horace and Richard of DaytOn and meetlni place {or each 'of the six 19 grandchildren. BeIII8lons. The Hono,rable Jud . e F\uleral service.;; were held SunRalph H. Carey of the Warren dayat 2 p. m, at the Beaver Oreek TRUCK DAMAGES PROPERTY county Juvenile oourt, Mrs. Helen church with burial In Beaver Creek • • • --.... ff d 'cemete"" under the direction ot the A large t ruck, cDnslsting of a R . Hlll, dhIef p.~lon 0 Leer, an 'J tractor and two trollers, owned by Mrs. tW. H. Deut$neler wID act as Stubbs oFuneral home . hOlt and hOBte18e8 for ·the V1s1t1ng the OOC Transportation 00.• ran DR. DYE IN ENGLAND otiC Main s treet Sunday morn1ng, ,anc1 ~- .~ and pro; ---... . over a Ure plug aoll a amalI tree batlon a!ficera from l;be follow ing !Mrs. H. F . l)ye has word from and crlL'lhed a section of Iron fence ..,~ Ioc~ &lJd' In'''~~'''-=~ oountles: Adsma. ~itFWD, But:tr, her hlJ.61)and that he 18 ,\lOW statlon- on the property belong1~ to Mrs . .he barber shOp • . Ohampal(pl. OJaril:. OleiflJl9Dt, Cl1~- ed In England. Dr . lOye's address is w. Ii. Madd en . The driver, whose SERVICES lIEU n ot learned, said that a top. Darke, Greene, Hlllmllton. High as · follows : Lt. Ha rland F. Dye, name 1'0& n.OBENCE A. D~-'-f-;-::;-;--;;-"::: land, Logan, 'Miami. Mon~omery, 0-344752. 10th Replacement Depot. woman driver made a left turn Prel>le, Shelby and War ren IA .'P .O . 813, care of po.stllna.ster, directly In front or the truck wlthF\ulerel services' !f9r !Its'. ' PSorThe first meeting will be hfld at New York OIty. out signaling him, caUllinc him .. , Dee A. .Deane&" .6'1, Who died SuD- . :&y, at the home of her da\llhter, ' 2 o'clock, February 16, at the War~ RELEA~ED FROM HOSPITAL looe control of the heavy outf1t. ren county court house auditor illm , _ _ _ ___ _ \.lrs. lAlura Planck, of near Yellow Lebanon , James L . Verity, chief .M rs. Verona. Ktrkpatrlck has re- BOND DRIVE OVER THE TOP 3pr1ngll, were held at the McOlure probatlon of.f1oer. Butler county ceived word from her son, George, iN WARREN COUNTY \ineral Home TUe.s day at '2 'p o m . . court, 18 In Charge of the program. who was recently an inmate of a 1 Werren oounty·s quota In the 4t.h With burial In Miainl cemetery. . ltal 1!P th t h !RepresentatiVes ~rom Lntere.>ted Surviving also are a 'daughter. I and kindred local a:gencles have naval hosp . , n ' imama, II e War Loan Drive was passed Wedhas 'b een released and is feeling nesday when It was announced Mrs. Helen SOuthard of . MlAmia. : been lnvited to attend both the af- fine. His present address is: George that the total of sales was 11,487.- burg; ilwo sons, Russell M.1ller of temoon and ~ler mt!ethgs by the a.usaell Kirkpatrick F 2-<:, U . S . Wa~esvUlIl 1Uld Charles' Miller el l ....h H. ,.. H on. Dh ~... ""arey .y~ho heads the 1Navy. 121 'B arracks 86, care of JI!1eet 887.75. The quota was 11,315,000. Dayton; & slBter. Mrs. IWalter SelIt- ' commtttee pn arrangements for this PostmlUtter, New York, N. Y. \'l1he sale of $200,000 in bonds to ~ r of' !Lebanon and her mothlir. Mrs. ~a . All persoIlll . who are Interes ted. A.nother son, Torrenoe S 2-c, hav- the RemIngton ArlllB QQ. at KIngs a.achel WU1s of· M1amlaburg. are weloome to attend . ing' ~pleted hts boot t1'8inlllg. 1l; Mills, Wednesday, pUshed the coun~ ty "over the top," SELLS h~me on leave. Torren ce will enter IN ' NORTH 'AFRIOA Naval college on his relurn: FOX DRIVE TO BEGIN AT Jesse Prend~• . ~ rural ,. F irst Sgt. Robert O. De.vis. son mail .oarrler. has soU lWs farm on SCHOOL HOUSE SATURDAY LIVING WITH SISTER of Mr. and 'M rs. GLenn Davia of t.he Oregonia road to Ed8ai Bmlth. oR. R. S. WaynesVille, 1& now with Mrs. Edwa.Fd ~aney, formerly . Elveryone ill the communitY' is In- also of Waynesville. ' Mr. l'rendert.he Quartermaster corps so.mewllere Beulah .B arnard, and infant daUgh- v~ted to participate 1n the fox jast wlll sell his persorull property in North Africa. A gl1adUILte of the ter, Sue Elaine, are now at home drive to be held 8a.turday at 10:00 February 22 at publlc sale . iHa' 'V eysbury High school, Robert with Mra , Evaney's sister. Mrs. oarl & . m . beginning at 't he Waynesville haa 'bl! 11 in the servk:e since Ju t e, COok. ILt. and Mrs. IMcEvany an- .HIgh school where ,p articIpants are ENTERTAIN FARM BUBEAU 1941 ,. He was 8ta~)ned at Pt. nou~ced ,t he birth o.f their daugh- to meet. and from where they will GROUP WEDNE8,DA.Y Francis. nea.r Oheyt nne, Wyoming. ter January 1-1 at , the Sprlngfleld be . transported to the lines by Mr. and Mrs. Oharles EllIa were from June, 19U, to December, 1943, hmpltal. Lt . McEvaney is ' now truck. The drive will be held just host 1Uld h~tell8 to the l"ann. Bu- • when he was transIerred to Ft. serv1ng with the U. 8 . military west of rweynesvUle and ts sponsor- reau group Wednesday evenina of . i Ouster, 'M ich. , where he stayed WI- forces In Italy . ea by the Way;nesvllle Young Men ~s last 'Week at. Ilhefr home: The , even~ . : til May, 1943. !"rom there he wz.s· Farmers ClUb. 1ng WQS pleasantly spent dlsG~ ;, sent to Ft. Deb6\1B; Mass. and CARL ABAECHERLI IS Any f9 xes caught In thc drive will varlous subjects, espebiail:y ~I- r REAPPOINTED SOLICITOR be auctioned at the sobool and the war problems. thence overseas. Once since he has' , r' .-., I '. ., been in IAfrlca he has . been In the proceeds wlll be don$ted to the '. IA delicIous dessert oourae Of ICe At the F ebruary meeting of the hospital where he lost 30 pounds but Band Mothers club, who are plan.. . o. ' , Waynesville v1l1nge council Mond..,y cream. cake and cor'fee was serVeil" reports ts w slowly regalning n orning to serve lunch there . event!lg. Atty. Carl Abaecherll wa.s to the following: Mr. &rld Mta. 8. mal 'Weight. reappointed village sollcltor for the NEW OOUNTY PROBATION S. Ell18, Mr. and Mrs. ·Ernest Buti-. next two years. Mr. Abaecherll Is OFFICER IS APPOINTED terworth. Mr. and Mra. Roriaicl'" DEATH OF INFANT a candida te for the RepublJcan Halwke, ·Mr. a~ Mrs. ~"ey ~ . , . services were conducted at the . nomination for prosecuting attorney Announement has ·been made by nett, Mr. and 'Mrs : L. V. BraDa~" 'Neel4 fUoneral home lu Xenl" Th' rs : cof Wan'en county. ! Judge Ralph Carey ot the appolnt- tot, 1Mr. and 1M'rII. W. IA. 81rarllle:t'. day ..t 10:30 a. m. for Cora Anna Cou,nell also lnBtructed the local mentofMra. Helen R.HUlas chief Mr. a.nd' ~. Lym8l1 Daa. Mr. Mue Engle. Intent. ~ughter of Mr. fire dea.rtment to ma.ke e. survey of probation' officer of Warren county . Mrs. Clarence ~~, Mrs. ,03; .aM Mrs. Ray 1ngle, "rho died a.t st. theil' needs in -the line of equipment.. For more than a year .Mrs . Hill has Menden.hall. ,Mr. and Mrs. ~tli bolipltal, DE!¥ton :rue&day. • served as rellet director. Mrs. Hel- reQce F'urna8 ·artd soil ~ II'~., 'BIle 'WILB borD In Spl;tntr'VaUey July BIR'l'BDA'f; DINNER 'en S Deutemeler who has held ,t he Cornell . .' .. ' 13. 1943:Pour~rother' , bavld, , . .. . post '{OJ" several ~On1.hs, will con~iO.iiji'ii'.IlI'~ ~ene 'end Charles!' surv1ve: BurMr. and Mrs. ,Ha1'rls Mosher en~ tinue 88 assistant probation officel tS:PB.!N'GlI4Q)BO tal , wtil be in Spring' .Valley cemc.- t·11·L81ned .t o ~er. 6unda.y, ho~or- I 'or an hldef1nille period wltil. Mrs. 18 WHlRm t t~. . ~1lI the birthday ~iveraary of Mr. 'H ills become Acquatnteti with the ' • - -'- - -. ~KoMer. Covers were arranged .' at I new 'WOrt. , , FltJENDS MIAMI QUAltTERLY the. attractive table fOI7 Mr. and ,Miss !Lois HutchinsDtl iW1ll . MEETIN~ UEaE FEB. 13 Mrs. ~. o. 'M r_ an~ Mrs. sume the'TOll of relle!: d1reCtor Ronald ,~k~ and : the h06t .a,nd With 'her otlher duties as cUe hostess: ' . for a1d ~ depende~t ~.
-- _ ._ -
. ROM£~N FURLOUG", Cpl. Loren Reason Of Mutoc. QaW'0ni1a and Mrs'. Rea.o;o,'!'l ",* '1.&0anr n, are ~mnd1ng s::veral d&ys Wltb Opl. RI!uon'a ~ Mr. Mrs . P . !I.. It as:m.
to ret.am to
and aid" tc?
Mle <blind.
THE MIAM I GAZt :.l". to
ior Worren oounty? We could stavt nO\1\' to study thl! system ed In countie s that have It tlnd have a , ....., 11" WaynuVWe, OWo MtI.In street pilln reidy for actiOJl ~)1 !1 .our purses Come home . In the mean. . . Aa Seoon4 0laaI Mail MAtter at postotflce. waynesv ille. Ohio> time. how about more bOOdS for more nurses .for our boys. h vc you Walte r W. Wisem an. Editor and publis her rell llybou ght all you could? They . ISSUED EVERy THURSDAY n cd more blood plasma ou t all the lighting front, ,1' I OU gcttl'1g rrady SUIlecr1ptlon Pr1ce, $1.50, Per Year, Payable In Advanoe to give some when Lhe blood banK oomes back ? TIm boy of yo urs or N.tlona l Ady.rti aln9 Rapre •• ntatIYe his l>uddy may need It to sa ve hi > SE.V I£E. IN£. llfe.
,atbe ,fltiami .~a?ette
TIIt11lBDAY, nUUA RY 11, . IMf
preAch. Everyone hlVlltld, Mr . (llld Ml s. t!ha 11 ' Bun nell ATT END THE 6I>en. Baturda~' evenIng- with 'Mr. • alld Mrs . Oerald Remley and childreu at Ora tis, Ohio . Mrs. J, ~. ' Jones and Mr . and Mrs. Walter K:enrlck In compan y Given By 'wlth Mrs. Stanley Ban y and Miss ST. AUGUSTI,NE~S ALTAR SOCIETY .Eih ~ Beekma n of Waynesville. attended I a Grange commit tee m tIng at the hOme of, Mr . ond Mrs. Delio Wtlrley near Lebanon. ~ 8:00 P. M. day. AT THE WAYNESV1LLE HIGH SCHOOL GYM Mr. and Mrs. 'R alph Hamm nd 'attende d the funeml of tlle tormer' . brother -in-law, Mr. Donald VI . Bolender. at his iale residence near the P. J, Thomas es a nd H. R . end with he.r son, Raleigh 808811, Brookville TUesday a:fternoon IIlld Fordyce were Mr . ond Mrs. F r- IUId famlly. the burial at MaSol,l cemetery . rest FIsher and da.ughter ond Mr., Mrs . Ella Haines spent Monday Mr. and !Mrs. Harold Whitak er. and 'M rs . Carl White Q,nd cbldren aftl!rnoon with her slst,¢", 'L ucy. Rlohard and Francis . entehal ned to of Dayton . compto n. slk -<>'clook dinner Sunday , Mr. IIond Mrs . Charles Fisher who has Mrs . iLuther Haines, Mrs . Homer Mrs . William 'Lukens and chUdren. been sO , very 1U at her daugMer 's Haines s nd Mrs. Everett Haines 'Louis. Martha . Esther and Donald bome at centerv ille, Is ,much Jm- very pleasan tly entertai ned last of near Harvey sburg. Mr. alld Mrs. proved. TUe&lay afterno on with a miscelRh-odes ,B unnell and daughteJt, CarThe young folks a t Sugar Oreek laneous shower ·for MIss , au~h 01. IUId Mr . and Mrs . Laurenc e church offered the f llowlng pro- Esther Miars wllose wedding to Mr. 'Brown and children , Elleen. Patty gram Bunday mornin g for Young Wlll1n.m Conklin of Sabina, was and Donald, of near Way;nesville. People's ·Day . The service was In solemniZed at the Frienda chw-ch. Mr. and Mrs . Milo MIl~enberger charge of Mrs . Sue Bockov en Dunl· In New BurUnIl'ton Saturda y nlg,~l. enttrtal necl to a family dinner Sun~ ford. Little Jimmy Ray iMcInt~ spent day In honor of their s:J.n, JohnnIe 's, Piano solo, Betty BrOlvn; r espons- Thursda y evening wit h his grandsecond blrth~ay, the following Ive SCripture. , "The Day of Youth" p&'ents. Mr , nd Mrs. Raymond guests: Mr. aDd Mrs. Charles .Wat- led by Anilam ae Bockov ' en; SIIxa- Wilson . 'M r. and Mrs. Henry Watkln s <phone solo, Frances Eillott; pOW MJ', and 'Mrs. Rhoad s Bunnell Il. and family of near Waynesvtlle, Marilyn Sohram ; WUk. "Youlh 's AP- and' dllJugllters were. dInner guests Mrs. A.nna Mae Malcolm, Mrs. LlJ- preclati on Of AdUlts." Frances EI- ot his mother. ,Mrs , l'\e 11l ~ Bunnell, l1an Crane and son, Jimmie . and 1I0tt; vocal trio. Betty, Mary and Et- and Miss Mouiml a Bunn ell, Sundsy, Mrs. Grace Smith of Wllyuesvll1~ . leen Brown; talk. " Youth Mrs , Pearl Sin<.lalr and son, L4\and The Mr , aile\. Mrs . Cmford Archd~acon. 'Church of the Future. " Joe Barnet. verne. call d In the B:>ga ll - 8mi h lIOn and daughte r, Dayton . and Brother Barolan d Oarey \ s a home sunday evening . Mr . and Mrs. Frank Miltenb erger. dinner guest at the Ferry SOme CIf our mt:mbcl';:; ,a ttendtJd parsonBge Sunday . the funeral of Wll.!,on Chenow eth at the New Burling ton Friends Mur ch II ... . lI"rldlt..... Thu"'UH , t ; urr......... CRE]~K last Thursday afterno on, . -Ml's . Dorothy Smith (l(llled on FIrst ILt. Marvin Fox and hla wife ,U rli. " "Ill h " tt ~u.'~h. t · " " I '·~tl~".' ~ :' n ' Mrs . Evan B ~ 8Qn In 'D ayton Thurs~ and daughte r of Hondo. Texas. are Mrs . Lucy DIll of Wuyne ..vU :e. visiting at ,W avuly Farms . They was a guest at her friend. Ella day afternoo n. will leave soon for Callforn la . Halne., Tuesday . 'M I . and Mrs. Donald Haines e \- ' Brother Harland Carey of the Clnclnn at! !Blbl!' Semlna ry, "'{ho Is tertalne d , to dlnner Sunday Dr. lind on a speakin g wur. WIlS guest inln- Mrs ; Ervin Htmler ' a nq SOl\B . Ister at Ferry Sunday mornin g. ' Mr. Mrs. Ella Hurley. ~rs. Glenna Carey with his fnm1ly pia n5 to It:&. ve W1lso~ and little O~rolyn Sta.~iey In the ncor future to take up mis- have lbee~ on the sick Ust. ~Io.nary work In South America . Mr . and Mrs. Homer Haihes' lind Mr . and Mrs , P . J . Thomas were son, 'RIchard, 'Were dinner guests of callers Qf ,t he starke an,d Bost fam- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Terrell a.nd Mrs. ".II.'!M'".N 01110 1.ly Sunday afterno on. MlIlle Terrell of near New V!el1na. ..., by .dv.l ~t-aIt Mr. Ed Rola nd of Dayton was a Sunday . 10M" tralMl 'Iuailly fertl. I...... Mad. b1 IncIepeft. week-en d guest 'Of Mr. and ~ .I Mr. end IMrs. Raleigh Bogan ateI.."" 0_,cI and oporoteel Jess Roland . tended tJle {uneral of Earl Wars. wmpGf tr-1l .........01. Mr. and Mrs. JiD~ WOodI brother-In-~ or Mrs. ' Oarl • ....,. fennula ........'eeI'lo Jon • weI' guests at 'a celjlbreotloo of the ' at the Arthur Ifunera illome Imvre maxI"",,,, food vol"' , Ln WU'0' crop In'.....eeI. 'n.. 'Ig Hftleth 'Wedding anniver sary of the ~gtol11 Saturda y artemoo ll ' "M" ...... I. your ,ua",nlormer' s brother and wife . ,.. of compl.l. r.,ull. , . Mr. a~ 'Mrs . Leonard EI1Js and . Forrest, Tr06t left ,!Monday mornfamily called on Raymon d Wllson's Sold by Wayne&vlUa Ing !lor Ft. Thoma s where he was Farmer s Exchan&e Co. FI1day nlg~t . Inc,iw:~ Into the army. . ~; During 'the recent , revival services Mrs. Mary spent the week.
Pfc . James ·HlIe'..- of Centerville, weB a. dlnner 8uW Wednesday eveuln!; of .Mr. and Mrs. OilY RQutZl\hu tuld famil,y. Mrs. WUHam Strauka mp of Daytol~ Is spendin g a coUple of weeks ~fiOh her son-In- law and daughte r, Mr. and Mrs . Ralph 5ammu nd, and c~ldreri. ¥n . 'Laowrerice-EUiott of CenTerville, was a guest Friday at Mr . and Mrs. Everett Kenrlck IUId cbildren. I , Way Mr. and !Mrs . A. C. Rush of • Home Town Newspapers (By J\lrS. Barlette F. Thoml1s ) Dayton were Wednes day evening ,. w. ~ - CfIIuto I." • • • F. C. AI • Holwooi IIdg.. s.m Fr......... c.L There~ a little matler on my d:I.:Ult r 8'uests of bI:IIelr son and 'WIfe, mind that I've got to get off my Mr . and Mrs. Fred Rush and famcheSt. or do you follow me '! It Is lIy . . ~hls matter of churche s. We hear Sgt. Robert Slnley Is home from a iot about unity of the churche s !Wright Field on a ten-day furloug h an d I tbink that Is the b t Idf'a a\;d during U\l.s time , he and Mrs . Februar y 2, 1944. Ctldlemas Day, 'I1hey eat properly togethe r unlll the that has come along In a long Lime. ' Slney will move tiO Dayton where. Ground hog Day. IAll the papers ,b ottom of the pan Is In sight then A lot of dhurche s are merlUng. but they have purchas ed e. home on have duly commented on this day of she giVes a quiet grur-r-J', Smokey lhere are still a lot who think they Peach Orchar d Drive. progn06t1catlon but there seems to steps back, watches a momen t. then are the ollly ones and every on ~ 'M r. and Mra . PaUl William s of be some difference of opion as to comes In and tells me all ' about It else Is wrong and in most cases are · Lebano n spent Monday everung whether our fabled prognos ticator IUId I have to go IUId divide the not. TQo ronny folks are iosing sIght with Mr. and Mrs. SAW hls shadow or not, for certainl y ,tOOd agaln. ' of t.he fact !.hat whBn this country and Bobby Morgan . ' Everett Early , the day was not bright and clear. Sunday . Post war plans. We hear was settled one of the things in the Mr. tlnd Mra. J:larold Whitak er "If Ca.ndlemaa Day down& bright about them everywhere. We mlght constitu tion ' 'Was freedom to WClf- entertau ied the west Wayne Advlsand cl~ ask what we afe doing now for the shlp as evelo/ 'm an saw fit. We all ory oouncU a~ their home WednesTwo 'Winters we'll have the self- post-wa r !WOrld eannot be any bEt- r ead 'the same Bible, we are all wor- day evening . ' , 'ldns. same year." ter than tbe people In It . "Between shippin g the same 'Ood and followMr. and Mrs. J~OYd Knecht of 80 8&Y8 !.he old rhyme. The day tears and laughte r" by Lin Yutang , Ing the same Christ we a re all seek iBrookVWe were SflIt\p'da y evening was !W&lm and damp and 'foggy but gives us mUCD to thlnk about. Too Ing the same Heaven . What dltter- guests of Mr. and Mrs. ~alph the sun did pee.l t out enougp for Ito often' we hear only about the poor ence does It .make what church we Hammo nd and family, Ihadow ooce or twice ao probabl1 Ienoran t Chinese who need our help attend as long as we are happy In Mr. and;Mr s .. Edward Hopkins of we 'Will go rllrht on h1!.vlng . winter and who , have such f L1I1ny ways. that ohurch? TIle main thing Is to Waynesville. <were tWeek,-end guests ctrourbt weather . freezing, at nlirht forgetti ng that ther a rc many who a.ttend church some where. I have of Mr . and Mrs. Ev~ett Kenrick IIIld warmin g up in the day time. are wise in the waYs of the world attende d many churehe s aDd In and children , Miss Pdyllls Bailey 0: PlU'tI:v cloudy mOlt of the time but aDd who find many ot our WQ.ys just them all I came away with some waYnesvllle was a Sunday afterst.iU no rabl. , FERRY . as 'absurd and unreaso nable . Be upllft of my soul and heart. When noon guest. , Thur8da..... ThIa morning they prefaces the book with a quotatio n tWe were small. my cousin and I. '01 Mr. and' !Mrs. Haney Burnet atbroUlh t the 1aat of the hay and from a Chinese phllosOpher, one she ~ad nothing much else to do on tended the electla:n of officers of fodd er and other Items we ,b ought .from a Greek, and one from a mod- Sunday .but go to church. and she the MIami Valley Milk associat ion last week and now there Is enough em ~erloon . The last says. "The enjoyed It, so she went to the Me!.h- of the Waynesvllltl local Saturda y lor whlle looaer. 'Ib1a afternoo n buDding of a peaoefUl world Is not ooist church in the mornin g and evening . I went to ,t he CommUDlty' sale. someth ing to be accomp lished by the Catholi c church In the afterMr. and Mrs.' Harvey' Hole and 'lbere !WU ao much junk and house- the' wr1t1ng of a treaty. It ~kes noon. some one , asked her father daughte r. Jean. o( Dayton , were' bQlcl atuU there that they, had to time to work out :the relation shlps U It didn't worry him about her Sunday evening gu, e sts of M.r. and atop ae11tIi'f it when It .was only of men and ,women, but It we hope going to two such differen t church- Mrs. Russell Camtpbell ~d chllaboUt. half cone or they would never tor peace it. must be done ." Peace· es, He replaid. ·No. I don't think dren. bve, :1nl&hed the sale. When the: fill relatlon sblp6 In the family. In either of t,hem ~W1I1 teach her any,R ussell iRoutllllhn return'ed to tlme CI!D1e to aeU c:h1ckeD1 they Just the nelgbbo rhood, In the world, thing :wrong." And that j.ust about school Monday aftElr being ill for moved down the line a.nd lett people how C&ll we work them out, Lin Yu- sums It all up . Just beclLuse we SO the past three weeb. to take thelr. thinp bome or to t&ntr aaya that we need mote cour- to one church .Is .n o r(!ason to look Mrs . Harry oumaIl1 and Miss leave t.beai for next week. I lite tbe t.e8y and conalderatioIl1 for others In d~ on anY other chUrch, "Judge Almetta Steinke were Dayton vlspeW 8Ched\Ile 'a t seU1ng tbe cattle the 'World both between IndJvlduals not lest ye be judgec1 ..... And we are ltora Thursd ay .. . . guests of the , before the hogs as I Ute to watch and bt,tween nations . There Is a alll more or less gullty of this thing. former' s sister. MTS. Cora Ferree, 'the car sale even If I do no~~ notion In some parts of America ' Spring is on the way. f know . and family. TWo weelr.a aco there were 1014 of that cood maners are slssUled and ' The pussy wJllaws a~uddlng and Junior Olark la n .'CoverIDi from a , little calvea that 801d '. for almoet that courtes y ~Ially a.t home Is the e6l'ly spring ,flowers are' begln- foot injury, whlch' he r!lCelVed Sat. DQtbJna but todaJ' ~ . were nOt unneces sary. That IgnOres thi! fact niDi to push UP tin1· scoub to see urday !When a,. SIlW table he was 10 ~ CIt 8o11y k1n4 and the prices courtes y whi1)h springs !rom about the weathe r and suddenl y unloadi ng from a truck. fell on his .wele 'a' Uttle better. IAn Dlce ~ conmde ratlon tor the feellngs ~ I ,s ome da.y there ' they wJll be, In full toot. U< .~ ",bite ~tee&;m' abo.u t three ot~ ,and a p\Cas,a nt ,m~~ner can ibloom. Won't tha~ be gloriOUS? Of 'Mr. and !Mrs. Tlherla J ones and ~r ~oar,,\l1lJ!d1'ed IIoIiId ~.aId lII:bOoth the way wonderfully. ThIs all the ·a easons. autumn Is illy fav- SOn. Mi1ton. Visited the latter's Jri...t about·t.hlrteen dolIara a hundred . Ie ,equally n-ue.in foreigh aflairs but orlle, bu.t the lovely new &pring, the rent!>. Mr. and ~'s>. " ~dwi~ "Nutt; iPr1daJI evenJnc. Have jUst liven obal1tY It should begin at teems ~, _ t.belr .iUpper· Or mllah ..... h we 18 the season that I walt most- has been to .the chUlCh. 'flIey wer-e: 1W1th .craPe !from .. , .neighbOr ; :wbo ._ .to do after the war? It would anxiously, for. Poor Old Winter. He I '_~""""~'uquite 111 with the fill. • Mts....-Earl , t ..: Sp~alley. ~M1~.. : ~ for ~ ~1e &Del la be lnterest lng to have some ~ . Is moo unpoj;JUlaf. MIs . Emma Lacy "'vls1ted Mr. "nd aWl. ~ elve me, tbIP,8I( l1ke . ~ar. and 5QPt.i ag tb1nga truit need letters Steve ·Burnet of Lytle. 'Mrs to be : Ling, Mrs. Fred 'Lang e b Dayton ,Satur-' Mr. Kennet h ~x and Mrs. Minnie DOItrUI and ~lnp ' ,people . do done h~e . I wUl start the S;; ball rollMl'. HOLLY day evening . W~ton . DOt want to take home. Boga,n's 1ntrin8 with what , I thlJ:1k 1&.O,ne of \ ' Mr . and M.rs. E. A. Steinke ~~ ' !'U etlll too' ~ot ,for.hlm . He the Il'eate&t neec1.a in the ooimty. Mr. a.nd Mrs . Tom Pozpyce and We will bave uaual HIGH QUALITY com ~Ir •. IIII .. y .Hb... n. (;iJ~r... pond"Dt and ' Miss lAtmetta and Jam!!s" at~ been burned before ao he Ia very i.hat 11 County visitlng aon brouWht fish and bl1D9 arid a Nurses BerM1aa Minnie Crowfo rd nnd Ml&~ ten~ed 6 CI888 lay at the Wayne lovely big birthday cake Saturda y _wJl~ he sees the steam vice. Fertili zt'r in April, No need for excite ment 'aad PaUline GIbson of Dayt on. spent school In Mon.tgomery coun~' last evening to the ' P . J . Thomas home. ~ - ~p.. Be comes 'up' !lButlQ.uslY What 81 help It ,/would be to that Sunday with Mr . and Mrs. laking chanc es on ita condit ioD by storin g in Clar- Friday evening. ane! pfter the en .. It was the occasion ap41D1 tfa .. U It Is too hot, he tries WOman t6tdilg care or Mrs . Thcmof 'a bed rldde~ ellce Cra.wford . tertalnm ent they wElre guesta at the &.Sea birthda y . barn for two or three month .. ~ .•~ ~e' pan' 9ver .wlUi ,h1B paw paralyti c to have he)p 'once In a' Mr. and Mrs . 'Raymond Osborn ,h ame ot Mr. a~ci Mrs. ~es\le (l(Ie ~ ~~ cOOla fas~ on the ce- whUe In turning and changin ,Pvt. and, Mrs, Ben Kearns Jr . g ber of Xenia, spent Sunday evening We will be able to give you fre.h milled Miam i Brooks. ment floor). If lie can't turn It out pattent . What a comfor t to (Joyce Ou~a:ll) are announ cing tt. e some cif with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill, The sale of the 41th War Loan ,b trth of a baby bay • named ~Ie he' ~ '~e ~ uP abd.!+carrieS It our old ~ pena10ners cared F'ertili zer at neare r planti ng time. for b~ and SOIl, Ralph. bonds have Peen .progressing ve~ ~ne, t Blair hospita l In Lepan, out onto , the IR¥. . $UII\Y a.nd ' alfect10 nate bUt Inef.flcl ent helpers Mrs. Hlle)l Olbson, Mrs. Olarence well. ~. Everett E&rly reports on 'I~t Friday ~orning . Bmc*eJ walt iMt~tq "lihUe I c,ool or perhaps llvlng alone' b have Cra.wford spent Fr-Jdny night with the sale Of eight thQusan!,i rollars in thew. '8ut1 has . smokey blUffed. some OIle come In trainect to Care Mr. Mrs. P. J '•.' 'nlomas t.pent_Tuesand. 'M rs . Oeorge 'Bratton of bonds In Lytle : ' , day in Lebimon as the guest of h Er .,' ,' for them and ~ , traln Qnd help the Xenia , A ' Farme r Owne d Coope rative .' i . \' r ,. There caretak er. New bablee. chronic ru.. be services at Lytle IpotJher-ln-law, . Mrs. Ln:wrence Mi. and Mrs . Morris Lew!B and Pnone '- AUCJ:~O~tt,R"~G '2371 n8llle8, acciden ts, emergen cies Wayn eiville . O. all sons. Jerry Lee and BillY, ' spent church ,n Ext ~ ,un qa;Y' .~ng r at Thomas , and . ramj1y. . _ _ _ come 'IlDper the care, o( the vlrlting Sunda.Y with Mr, ' and Mrs . John 7:30 A mlnl;>ter from ' DaYton \ViIi .Sunday evtnlDi supper '. StaDlei aad Koo81 er glfe&t& of nurae In the , clUes, <why shouldn 't Koester of, Utica. ~ n.tee, !!bulle JDI, Wayn. Il !We ba.ve thAt same service whe~l Mrs , Mattie 'Levi ~n,d son 1s vWe. ~, ,Reverae Charaes " , . nurses are availab le again? ,Why spendin g a. few 'weeks with her ,JIIIOK DB LICENS E not set ,thli.t up &II one post-wa r goal 'd aughter , Mrs. Ellswor th Smith. of Dayton . '
Dance 'a nd Bin go
Alon g The
From A Farm Dia ry-- DrY Ridg~
~~~~~~~~!!!.d~ .-T
STlR·IN ' (; FER ' TI''LI'"ZER
QUI CK SERV~CE For ,D.• ad Stoc k HORSES, cows, HOGS, CALVES, SHEE P, ETC., ~oyed P~pd,
, Can
. . . . . . . ~CIaarre
..... ~ s.ma.
K. Q. . . . . . . , ...:
2 and .1 ·4 , A C RES
Conve nientl y locate d at the very edge of Wayn esville near the school. ,Nice. new house with 5 large rooms. A lovely bath and kitche n. Big full basem ent that makes winte r laund ry easy. Knott y pine sun porch . City water for all needs. Here you can enjoy a good living from a big garde n, ehicke ns and eggs. Low price, terms. Call Today '- ' A. D. Carte r Phone 2820, WaynesviJIe
IN MEMORIAM 'In loving memory COmpto n
at Borce F.
·w ho passed' away F eb , 6,
1943 .
Save Tires and Gas • • •
FRED'S DE.PT. STORE . We Outrl'· the En"re
Nothing can ever take alWay The love a heart holds dear F<ln{i memories Unger every day Rememibrance keeps b.tm Desr. 'HJs
,wile. Lucy A. Compton.
Slucc 1885
Phone 300
Dlrec~ . Bua LI~~
IVINS-JAMESON DRUG COMPANY THE REXAL L 'STORE Make Oar Store Your H,e!ld.. uarters Phone 114 Leban" n
to County Seat
We Buy . and SeU 1t{ew and Used .
'~"crythlnr t~r Farm and Home'-
to BalIk
PJJone 23
, . yOUR
WOI\IE N'S " MISSE S APPAR EL For, 25 Years' Lebano n's Leadlnr ,
. ,
Sa'nd &Gravel
. ..
Phone 118L
Oeorge Smith ha-; been app'olhtcd janitor at the Method ist · churoh. IRe succeeds Wilbur Woollar d who has lbeen Inducted' Into the 4).rmy .
lind lllime
and Family .
S ho p in Le ba no n
PhOne 130&
CO~ . ' .
., SPIEGEL'S ~'SHOE STORE , Shoe.' for the-I'aq llq c.
, D.AY' ~G' ~ , " ~mpleee ' S~ . to t,JaCMlle " I From' at AJl· _ _
Pboae~ sa
II ·
'. . SPlEG EUS 'MEN'S STOR E,' ", A~iI..... ,;; 1
Clot.lll q .... ;~
~RMITAGE' & Phone >w~esVllle . ~2t ::1~1_-III+DI___...-..!~!!..!~~~~ Monow Phone No.3· Lebano n: Office Pbone t'l3K BeI1dence 88 M
AT LOW PinCD ~.L ,
, ,. SPIEG EI"S STYLE ' ".
If_ ..
A (lt~ . ,. . . II'&ING
of ...
. I
.. ,. t '
l .ot top: hay .a.uJ~r8 ; ~nternatlol: al ·COUB.T NEWS m ~e s prroder; 8 ft, Mcqol'mirk Stnn!prd B.,pgclI, noted ~e n f ~1"List \ heat ,bl der.; cu!Wpil~kel'( ' 2 ,COI'Jl Marr1ll.tl'e lIcei)scs ha.ve been · lB· and meteor artd r.ocket Inven to r, pla nters. one 'Wl~1I check wire; 1 1- ,sued to: W'a r ren ~o : John><b,. U ·, . fires his Clpcrl1ng h ' t L to t e h ea rt tel!1atlonal rotary nOD; 011 1'l')' 5.11£y Marines, New 'Rlver N, C., and OIiele of the l (llll ! :: world·when he files .plD'ii steel hay r ok. Me rlT' lti . 5 COfield, 21. Franklin ; to ·A·:O .l4onk tonight 1.1: • ''1YrlghL p9pers on this ft , M ower ; one 11 PO wi:cat d d 1:' zi, famner, and Clara Dalton, ho' ~ beautiful sOlig poem. 'He says he !! Buckey;:, ..;ln810 lOW . c . lt\va . 1'. ; ,work, both Clf Fronkll.n; to .R. y Mlihas tour others, anyone oC W: l cll IX rnls tob9OCQ setter;' Ollnr disc ton Alru;PllOb , 19, U. S . NoI.vy, "es~
From 'fhe 'Miami Gazette Files
- nFTEEN YEARS AOO' (Feb. 13, 19t4) Samuel ButteI'WOl'th ·rece1ved word Tuesday night of the death of his brother -In-lsw Albert Chandler, of Kansas City. The body Is expected here Ba.turday. Mr. and Mrs . J ..,.q: Hil:wk.4l reo oelved 'Word of the death' of Mrs. Knech t of Dayto!l. motqer at Mrs. Oarl Ha.w'lte. ' Messrs. ~ank, Arthur. ll nd Kenneth Thomas, Mr , and Mrs . E. L. Thomas, !Mr, and Mrs . •Harry Burnett attended the runel'sl at J , H. Thomas at Sidney, Ohio, Friday, Mr. and Mrs, B . F . Mills and :aughter <Miss OIlrrle, had as thEir guests toda.y Mrs. Will !'Ine and daughter Marie, Mr , and Mrs . .Frank COleman, and Mrs. Anderson ElI~, th; 9Cca.slon being the 61s t Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Mills. Mr. and Mr(l . · R. J , Adams are announcing the birth ot a daughter" . TueSday, Feb. 22, 1929. ' Miss Dorls 'Hawke slipped and fell on the Ice on Main street saturday mornLng. He head struck the sldewalk and she was renedered uncon· scious ofor a short time. Young and old are enjoying the flne coasting, IMrs. W . E . Stroud entertall1ed several of Harold'a schoolmates on Saturday, Feb. 9, It being his ninth . bI.J:thday . Ous Sieker, Le~anon auctioneer, . fell on the Ice of l>roke hls lelt arm la6t week . Horace J . Kurtz ot La.!ayette, Ind .• 'Will conduct a school of sa· ered music in connection with the revival meetings to be held at the _ Me~hod1St churoh beginning Feb, 25. •
• .
TWENTY -FIVE YEARS AGO (Feb. lZ, 19(9) Mr. .and Mrs. W. H. Allen,. M1u Emma Helghway and U. M. White were entertained at dipner Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. E . V. Erunhart, It being their 20th wedding ann1versary. At the home ot Henry Sattert.b-, a... .. ·-d Mrs....... ...·ftbeUe ......te, go ...... ay, Staup and .Am.na Satter... ...wa Ite.m~'~t h 1 Ir ~ terta In ed j or tIe er, Bara. , The lnvlted gl,lesbl were MesdalMs Ohauncey Bunnell, JRe Chapman, EVan Bogan, Weldon Wllson, Raleigh Bogan, Paul Peterson, J, Q . 00118, ¥red Gons. Margaret Johns, Edna Sims, and Misses Anna Purnas, Monlmla Bunnell; Fra.uces ' Wilson, Mary Cook, Marguerite Esther R1sttle. ' On Feb. 5: 11Itt,..at, the N(~ BurPtncton ~nag~. and. by the Rev. .Jesse '~w~, M1as S.rah C. Sat. tertbwJJte B.nd Ralph D. Tolle were marr1ed. malte their home ab',Wuh1nIrtOn, D: o. W. W. Sellera, who llVed next to No. 10 BCh()()l"-1l0~_ near the Day· +~-.Lebanon pike, was , found dead ..,.... · RL~q
Writes Songs
In bed ·aaiurd&y . Mr. and 'Mr~ . w. H . Allen leJt [or , an extended trip through the South . O . W. Younoe has arrived from "ov~r there" and has started' work with the Younce Brothers Groin 00. Flrank Robinson, 'Who has ·been worlt.ln8 In. payton, Is back O!l, h 1s old job at White' grocery, Jerry CambbeU died at his home In Oe~terv1Ue, Monday . Mra. Nancy.A . Trailer died at .her home near Lytle, Thursday ~g,
w.il rock the mw>lc world , He gouarantees the music to thls one wlU b ~ be':l utlful and L s L ~ dy lng mlLlc t a pply his 0','111 !l\LL(ly . He de'sLroys everything he makes thaL . 0 ', no t lilr:ll h!m I I some waX or oth er- watch In 0 r .: t x t Issue for hls second fUng-lt's really a bea uty and Is call ~ d: 'Dr opplng Thru Those Sllv':!l' Sheens on New Ore10011.1," tIt tlullls You Crom the first line s tralgLt on tluu- and will undOlbbteruy ~ a sm E ~h1ng hit.
Word has been reveived here lost week announcing the death of MrS" /F&ye &nlth. daughter of Wm. Cook, ot this pla.oe , Ha.rold Burge, farmer, and l'4argaret Satterthwaite, both of Way- . nesvUle, 'h ave been Issued 11 mar.rlage llceNe,
• •
TULE LAKE, CALIF.-This photo tahn at Tule Lake Relocation eentel' after the IIrOlY eeized more than 1,000 gallons of liquor, stored in bottles; kegs and barrels, as evidence relating to the illegal manu· fal'llll'e of "saki" by Japanese segrell'eel' in this relocatlion center, 11('('orJinjt to_ fedual authorities. ___ _ _ _ _--::_ _ _ _...:.. _ _ _ _ ______ '_ _ _ _
0 H '0
nFTY YEARS AGO (,F1eb, 10, 11194-
Mayor OOleman and S. D . Everly were in' the City Monday . ' iPerley 'lJukens and Olark McKa~ attended Blind Tom's concert at !Lebanon Friday evening. OhJI.a . !Rye ~as purohaSEd a faml near Blanchester and will move to 'It Sh~. The members of the Y .M .C.A. , \n a veliY hospitable manner, enrerta1ned a number of their young gentlemen friends at their rooms, Monday evening . Board of Trade meeting In tope Y .M .O .A. roams Monday ebe!1lDg. A good attendance Is desired , ~tmaster Barnhart Is the pas5essor Of 0. splend1d team of mat ~h bay horses. one of which he purch ased in' Indiana. and the other of I\l't'in. NUls, near Burlington. Oharley Oarbwrtght took slolt with scarlet ,f ever Wednesday morning and Is now In the h06pital. !Harveysburg lB talking aboUt starting a newspaper. Mr. and Mrs. J , E. Ja.nney e.lltertalned a few friends Tuesday evening In honor of ~ Louie Ell1s of 6pr1ng'bpro, and <MlBs BUYf:rs of M1amsburg. There were presont: Dr. end Mm. Ellla, Ml8Ses Marne Chandler, Wnnle ~n. Jennie 'D1Dwtddie, and Messrs. Malcolm Bl8pbam. Perley Lukens and Will
Dol.~I·(C. rl I "
. ~_t .. r"R'
Ca' n you D'. r' ,.ve a Car'. &10..,..
Spider . . Woman" -
.aa.n RathlMme uel ,G ail bel.......
SU ••'~MO •• ~TUES"
lIn the dawn's tender light) I AM LEAVING TONI9J1T
.-.- -... -----
Are You Protected?
muP' prices and IOOd ..mOe. UnlOD 8&oek Tards, Clne,ugH. O. TUn'e in on Radio , S"~o.. WCKY. :25 to 12:30 ,p. for OUt' claUJ mBiket reportl.
EYEs . EXAMINE';' . GLASSES . F1TIED ,' ." . . ".. .. , ,
1I~12 ItA'eH MORNI ... G 1.. !I. A"E~N'Oo~,rE.xcEPT WED 7-11 SATL.,RPAy ' EVENI. G
,Optoilletric Eye Specialist '
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
ARE YOU TAKING A CHANCE ' ON LOSING YOUR RIGHT to 'OPERATE·' 'A 'M 01rOR . AICL ON, THE: P.UBLIC HIGHWAYS? " " Inaure yourSelf aRainat dama.e to pi-operty of otiien and eleath or in· iury claims. See or call .... ·C. B.. JealJ,iu. A«ent. ,Fire-Auto' ~~"'Dce
""-''''''~-,: .,,--~'''''''
New divorce suits have been en· tered by t he followlDft: CCdrldt Arthur Stanley va. Pranoes Irls StanFEED 1200 bu, corn In crib. a25 bal::s ' aI- ley, extreme cruelty; Nolie Powell, f a.l:fo. hay; 125 bales stra.w, 1 bu. adultry, No. 13 hybrid seed com. NOTICE OF APPOINTMEN'l' Household goow;; olso 4 ten-gal. AdmlnJatrat.or ' milk cans, strnlner. 3 covered milk ' buckets, ~te . Estate Frank Brad'dock, Deeeued TERMS: OASH Notice Is hereby ~ven ' that Precl JESSE PRoEN'DERGAST IBraddOOk, 'WIh06C Post Office AdStanley and KooJ,ler. A uctl ~ ll~ers. dress lB R, !R. No. I, W&fll~., Hartsock and S t. John. Olerks. Ohio, PM been dUly appointed .. Irunch by ladles o[ WaY·!l1!SvlUe Adrn1n1strator or the 'Esta"te 01 Grange. Frank Braddoc:lt, late 01 "Warrell' s!li es
!But In that dawn's tender Ught, I am leaving tonight, So I'm ,tellL:Jg you 811 ; good-bye . COUnty, OhiO, ' deeeased .. • . • i'fETHODIST CHURCH To you, and to you; you and you Dated this Srd clay of Pebl-uary, Louis C, Ulldley, 1'Ils ior too, you and you. '11l«. " • Church school at 9 :30 a . m . In that dawn'S1 tender light RALPIH if. OAIR.EY', Worship service st 10:30 A. M . On a world's f 'ashlng flight , Jqe ~ the ~te Oourt SUbject, "The "I:rUth That Frees." I'm leaving you all to-nl;;ht , Warren county, Ohio. ,: SUnday. Feb, 20, will be "Lay- Stanley and Stan1~, A~ty." ' 3t-24 Copyright 1944-Stanford Bogen .....contributed. man's Day" and a lay speaker Is beln« secured for this service. PUBLIC SALE Having sold my farm and movl.n g to town. I will sell at public a' cUon 3* miles south of Waynesv1l:le. 7 miles ~t. Of LebBtnon, and S miles north of Ore8'~nla on Middle town Road on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 19« at 10:30 s. m. prompt
good ODe6. ,
Span of mu},es, good workers. 8-HiFlAiD OAT11LE-8 Jersey cow, 8 years old, fresh With celt by side; Jersey-Shortht rn cow. treeh, 2nd cal! by side: Shurt horn . caw, 10 years old; JersllY· Shorthorn cow, carrying ~ll d calf ; OUf:rnaey cow, carrymg 2nd cnU; 2 bull calves, corning 7 m-onths old : 1 bull calf, coming 5 months old, 44-HEAD SHOA'I'S--M . 44 head shoats. average 126 100.,
For the purpole of selling War Bonda at our , Bond PrflJlierel MICKEY ROONEY 'and ,JUDY GARLAND in
"Girl Crazy"
All you do ia buy a bond and see- the :whqle .• h~~ FREEl Any lize "En bond frolJl $25 to $5,000 q your adrniuion I . , Wedneaday and Thunday · the ahow will be at ClUJ' replar pricea. .,:' , Pr:emiere Show Sta.rIlH:t-·-&~o(HI.;-..JM.~-"':'S~~p~~':_:_;;.;_,_3
F-1:J Pannall tractor on steel, with cultivators, in good c!>nditlon; Ollver ,12 In. tractor plow; John Deere double disc; Troy wagon with
K. R. HIU, M....
S' . H OP IN XENI ,A! .
. DIRECT BUS LINE ..________________ __ FROM_____WAYNESVILLE-SAVE •_____________________ _____ ~
Ohlo:s 'Moat Complete map!.J
"Slnee ISM"
CAPITAL and SURPLUS 448,000 Stron, • F:'rlendly ReUable Acoommodating '
Your ldcCormllk-Deerln,
Implement Dealer
A Good Place to Eat
17-"19 So. ,WbltanIID 8t.
Phone 1066
109 W. Malo SL.
Green Street
Pbone flM
Xenia. Ohio
Phone Itl R
EI~H"'AN'S ~&rlcal
SuppUea ; Repalrln,:
8~er1rt.il·WIUJam. ' Palnt
Bacc.... to"'; .. ...... WADU'fIUoIt, omo
'Mlddletow;n, and Mar,le EI1.zabeth . Abner, 20, clerk, F'ra.nklln;to LUcian .Jackson, 32, machine operator, M&'.;on, and Mabel Yo~k, .35. 1n8pector, MB8OII1; .to limnl/e Lee Hatfield. 21, la.ctary 'Worker. and 'R uby Marcella. Van Wlnlcle, 16, factory worku, ootb cit ~. The following divorces have been granted: Geneva Patton, minor, el.e., VB . Edgar Patton, divorce to plaint1flf, plaintiff IetItored to. matden name;' !Ella W&llaice VI. William Wallace, divorce to plalntlff; Dorathy P . Vall vs. , Morris o. ValL di"oree to pl~lnt1ff. ohUdren to plaIJl,.
. tiff .
h arness, co11a.rs, llnes, bridles, straps Bond hailers.
o..B, 1DDNe. AI*at
cultivator ; Oliver Walklng plow; Imperial walking plow; ' buzz saw; mounted on wheels; 1 good hog feeder; 2 wheeled troller; double lihovel; 6 shovel cul tivator. 1000 lb. 'platf01'1Il scales; 300 gal. steel tank: on runners; 6 ft. galvanized wate!' tank; 45 gal , steam cooker.; 4 5:1:" '!ral. eU drwn; double trees and s'lngle trees; pll.ehtork.s , shovels. I blaoksmi!Jh tools, an vU , vice; Wall ' post drill. carpenter tools, saws: hammers, cross cut saw, sledge. chains, hay rope, fork and pUlleys. 10 \'Od new f nee, some po t..:l, lot ef small tools. el.e.
I've <lome to say. good-bye. Gocd bye to you all. r hOpe' you shall always, remember. rememller by callThere'll come a time some day. revealing my missions delay. 'I'he !firing red coals 1n my heart. shall burn from ,the moment I s start, But, dear heart, I cannot reveal, ,why we must part,
m- 0'
• • .
. d _ _ " _ _ ...
.~Fr~~• .. ·
called our hand, but alrer looking a t the cards 1!.Baln, WI~ feel Inclined to raise the bet,
Edward A, Saltsman of Carrollton, Republican candidate tor It , governor, st.opped In to see us whl'e In Columbus. He showed us an unbelievable 'WhIrlwind schedule or meetings, ta·lks and conterene s throughout the state . . , J udge Tbe Ohio Newspaper Assocta- Walter B. Wa.n8lD8lker of Akron, tlon's annua'l convention just held announced for chief justice of the in COlwnbus, including the Buck- supreme court, 88 we predicted . • . eye Prell! AMoc1atJon and the' Ohio George H. ~der hal; no reasoll to 'Select LIst Daily Newspapers, IW88 worry about any opposition In the one of th~argest 6nd moat suooe.ss. Republ1can primaries tor his seat as ful ever h.eld . War-time transpor. oongre.wna.n-at-large . Unless some tatloo dlfflcultles were oNset by the one with a state?wlde name Is wlll· need for round-table dlscusstons of log to spend a fortun'e. he oan win wu problema . . . Ed M. MartIn, the nominatlon without a campaigal l!XIeCutlve secnltary. and-l:he-officent......~ . ' Dale Stump,. Republl<lan canof the various ,groups deserve a lot dldate for attorney Igenera), was elf credit for a nne job. royally entertalDed by the Ohio • • • conareas1onal deleaatlcm on board a A prop05ed I>etnnoratic harmony Liberty sblp, VItille III Washington alate was given a jolt this week. • last 'Week • • • Mrs . Lorena G . It proposed Mayor Frank Lausche oaJdwe1l 01 COlumbUs, Is starting an of Cleveland for governor and Pra- actlvv year as newly' elected preslmer ReemII {or attorney general, dent of The Women'l! Repullllca.11 but ~ denied any Interest Bond' club 01 OhIo, Inc. said be 'W1lS a. candidate for gover· • - • The Young Demoo:ratic clubs of nor . . . The slate suggested former Secretary of State Wm. J. Ken- Ohio went on record in the Clevc· nedy for senator, and Wm. O. ~ conventl9!1, Joining the Youn.~ Pickrel 01 Dayton immediately an. Republicans, for the rI'g ht of all 801.n ounced . . . Others proposed were dlem to vote, ddwn ~.. 18 years or james W. Huffman for It. gover- age. . . "If they're old enough to "'nV'a... nor, but Jim Is In ' the race for gov- f1ght. they're old enough to vote." ----J ••• ernor to stay " . Clarence B. Harold W. Houston of Urbana . Advert!s1ng Shows Energy Knisely was sw<;ted for state treas- former ~Ucan ~r of the ADVERTISE IN TBB GAZE',rTB· urer and Joseph T . Ferguson for legtslature, lB expected, to jump tn to auditor. the big field . for It. novemor with .._ . _ . _ _ u _ _ _ the ~ of State Ghalmlan Ed. Wo· H. "High Waters" l'4cWU- Schorr. He waa · endlorsed by hla " llams, publlcity and public relations county committ,ee', lad_week . . . man of St . Olalrsvllle, hopped Qn us Herbert Hoover of A~t ron Is also 'a about our statement last week that OIlndidate, although be hasn't anwe would pU,t our .money on one of nounced. He Is clroulntlng petitions 'Y~ the HeJtIerts for the Republlcan and traveling 'round the state. WIlEN TOU "ere a kIcf. did · nomination for governor, 1! the One of the ch.arming cuests 'a t Joa aI"an ~ to, ..... electlon 'Were today . , "Hi" Is an rid T &_.a d excellent publicity man and almost the Ohio Newspaper convention last on ever'1 e lUau no", 0 yoa week, 'WU Mrs . JUstin . Rollman, cet . a ,tek ou& 01 baDdunr' &he J " wUe of the wealthy (Jlncinnatl de· like' a .....r ~EECH partment store oWner' a.nd member 'women with ..,biw:IIeaI ablI. · ~II". J ...... " c:" ...".. ·urr.... III.."I .. a~ at the Oblo Developmel}t and PubIi,. are ' needed in &be WA() at 0Ilce. Oi.ber' uw. ..., needed' . Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald llclty Ooinm1ss1on. iMrs. Rollman and famlly en.t erta1ned Sunday at Was fonrl), head oJr the efUclent t.oo. And untrained women , ean 1their' home Mr . and MrS, Edward Ham11ton county Re\lIublloan worn· ~ ..... ~ will be 1Mtal Oharleton IU}d 6on" Mr. and Ws. en's • o1'86nlzatlon, when , Judge all ~ 11... m ArIDJ 6Uas cbarleton of Beavertow.n, and Ohase,lM. iDavies was county chair~ need . . w nu Uaeaa. ~. and Mrs . ~h1!rles H aines man' . .. . spe Is. now devoting her Ge& fau letalla .& &he neara& and farDily, of I,et)anon. full tlme to 'WIU' work. U. S: Arm., BecraltlJlao SlaUon The Oray famWea of Werml' n • . ' . -=cnttc1sm and ()'4MII' .....,. pMt QUlce wW IlYe . ~ . ~ very pleasant day SUn~ay. yoa &be ........). Or write: The . FeblUUY ,6, owfum they ' ,nter:a1~.e.d unpopulu1ty at O.P .IA . , let'. "give ~dJatapt ~ Boom , tu5; the devil w8 dueS." . '. . They ha~'e reat1vu, Manlt.lou ......, ... W ......... . their Ouests· for the mtd.dny meal ' ~ved the oonsumer lrill11o~ of dol&oD, D. c. ' . were: Yr. and Mfa. Orville ' Gray IarB, and forced tbose who have the and da~hter, Mrs: Barbara So.w. money to pay high pl1ces, to sacriyer of Waynesville. Their evenIng floe /wIth the rest of' 11& • • • Comnow with dillller guesta ~~: Mr.. and l'4rs. pare . pI10es__ __ __1918. iM8W"1oe ~an ' and J . W. Bcga.!l Keep you advllrt1sing dollars at 'and son" 01 WUm1ngton, Mr. and home by advertising in your home Mrs . Shemui.n Wilson, of Waynes- town newz;paper, the cheapest and vUle , callers during tIle day .wer.e: . best lorm of adyert!sing known. 'M r. and Mrs. Jesse ~emiin$"tOll and . LJ"......~, MiBses Ann Pennington and Adle iPolittt, .MaIlY J o, Dickey and I90bby Rich and Paul Rich a.nd two -' "'.. . . .. da.ughtera, of Oregoni'l . BOOT POB AND CONSIGN your' QaWe; hOP. abeep UId ' calye. to Norris-Brock Cod DVe wire ani procre-ve firm for the bllba'
40 80utb Detroit
Phone 734
FRED F. GRAHAM CO. WaU Paper, PaoIn... <;l'"
Phone, MaIn S ."
XeaIa, O.
t3 E. Main
Pho"e 119
ROY V. HULL Sewing Machine Supplies Repalrln, of All 22 E. Minket
Phoue 1116
EYE CARE Tbrou,ti Properly Fitted Eye . Olaaea Our e!p6C)laIty
DR. L:' A. WAGNER Phone 767W U Eo Main 8&.
Xenia, O.
. Xenia ' . Standar.d Parts FOB
Truck.. Gat and Trac;:tow: OARAGE SUPPI.IB8
Machine Shop Work
108 E.
.- --- -_.- -
TBVB8DAY, . . . .Cdy 10, lHt
.. l'Ht. M AlII" ~Co 11 Co
,. .. .........
Letter From England
The toIJoWIn,' letter was received . ATTEND THE ' recently by 1Mr . and Mrs. O. R. Unglesbyo their grandSOn , T-5 On -the thore. of the KeY$tone Home Robert E. Blatt. 'Who Is "somewhere Delaware .tandi the MI'. . Bel·tha. RaIble. ma ll' n of and Infan t 501'.1 of 'Da}'ton; weJ'e the in England:." oldest residente ,in , 0 : S. s. Home Itl ' i){enia, vi!;il;~ guests of the sister 's ·grandparents. De~ Grandma , G randpa, a.!ld All : Penn.ylvania, the Caleb Pusey . House, r 'the Oglesbee s1ste~ ht!re Thursday Mr . a nd Mrs . O. B . Marlat t. durWell, It seems that I have finally buUt at Upland in 'I683 m g Ule past week . and Fliday, SERVICES SUNDAY of field atone and morstarted that letter that I have owed tar like 80 many r~i FEFJRUARY 13, 19U yOU so long. It seems th~ t ot all the Week-enj guests of Mrs. Stella • Mrs . El'm6 Oarver of Cincinnatl dencH of early Colonial daya. , alBLE SCI:lOOL Bnd IMr . John S ears .of Blanchester .. Whetsel were Mr. (lnd Mrs . Allen membe s of our famlly who sUffer from the affliction ot not gettlilg . were Friday Visitors of Mr. and Fern 00' of Columbus . 9:30 A. M. around to writing letters, I bave it Mrs. W . N. S ears' ......:'- -Jlm Gibbons h as retllr ~led home a bout the worst. I am alwa.ys\ thUlkphea..,ant, ing of tbing I wa,n t to tell you R v. an<I Mrs . IL , C .. Radley hilt! nr.Ler severnl months MORNING SERVICE as th Ir Su nday guests Cpl . ;fohn duck and deer hunting In SOuth about, but never get around to putU:OO A. M. he c" un tr i~s of OCCU Frehse of Al liance, Oh io, a nd Mrs. [)Ukota . ting It in a letter. I received the "A STUDY OF ~THODI SM" - Ilied Europe hold an· Frellse oJ Elida , OhiO, 'Miss Glndys &WeU packages from each of your, eient landmarks point· Mrs . Grace L. Smith 'was among ing to the dim past, but Horst of Elida and M 's Lois R adley Ule guests at a dillner on Sl~n da y and 1 Wl!J1t tp t!!ll you how nice It in the mad allempt to of Piqua. EVE~ING SERVICE Nazify tbe emire conti'\\1hlch we g iven by"'Ml'. and Mrs. 'W as to be-rememtlered that way. · 8:00 O'Clock I 'm afraid I'll never be Sible to use nent Germany has wanMilo Milten berger, honOllng the Mrs . G I 11 11 Borden Imd Mr.., .. tonly destroyed thouthe toilet articles you sent. up all "FAITH COMES BY Minn ie ~e n ge r were w ed nesday second :birthdny annl vcrsary of U\e:r aandl of historic links Bay but the toOd. and co.ndy went IIEAVlNG" to oblit erate all hut the luncheou guest;;; of Mrs . J . T. Deal' little son, Johnny. ' _ _ . . 4a> . . _ _ f&st . I shared all the eats with the Teuton trademark. 1101'8 dof,! of Lebanon . YOU ARE in our bunch thilt didn't ge t fellows Mrs . H , B . Ellrnll(\ rt and d3.ltghALWAYS WELOOME PCe . Slmcm WIe.rsCllIll. gf Shep- t rl'. Nnoml , were guests of friends mucn of any things fQr Xmas. AT TilE 'L ike I told Pop in the last letter Iud Field, Texas, I.s spending a 10· In Dayton . on Sat urday . METHODISTS TO MEET NEW ADDRESSES WAYNESVILLE I wrote to him, I was surpr15ed a t day Cur loug h at the h ome of his AT NEW BURLINGTON p re. Harold S . A~l d e rson 15307169 sisLer. Ml's . Welter Wlsemall , And CHU&CH OF CHRIST the nunlber of fellows o\'cr here F IUI":NL>S HOME whose' folks at home seemed to forfamily . On h is r turn h e will reDial 2111 - WayneaYilie ,A mid-finter institute modeled Headquar ters Battery , 559th FA MAX W. RANDALL, port to an army aIr field a t Monroe, Mrs. Georgill Menlenhall a ttend- gfOt tl!em . I U'llP.ss I'm prett.y l\}~ky after the WUmlngton district mid- Ba ttalion. APO No. 403-A Mini.ter having the relatives I do. Last Lou isiana, ••• ed (\ meet1ng OIr the 101 cussion "Winter instltute will be beld In the care Postmast.er Sherev6por t, La . Phone 2993 week I visited London and took i!l Mr . and Mrs . oLaYl'en ce Cook a nd Group at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ~____________________~;;;;;;:i11Sharon MeUbodist church in Ncw T-5 Opl. Ralph ' R , Simpson A.S ,N. the Ights there. It comes closer to son . were Monday even ing dinne r Charles T . E1l1s Wednesday night Burl1ng:ton, Sunday, Feb. 13, th 3567'8894, 857th Ord nance Auto. belug 'lIke an American city t .nn Rev_ W. A. !Moore, 'Pastor. anguests ot Mr. and M I s . Fred B1'lId- ot last week. • Maint. Co .. APO 9029 , c-o. P ostany I bave been to In Englnnd so nounces. The program will open dock : Mr . Stan ley S lIel'l:; or Lebanon. a !f!tW souvenirs a.~l d th O::): - I s~ w mas tel', New York, N. Y. Ia r. It is somewhat like No.v \,r::, !with worship service at 11 a. m . • • • ' cnJled on Misses A!mie und Mamc with Its crowds, subways, a.!:ld a t here UlILt 1 know yeu WOJld enjoy M rs . Earl COnner a,nd ,SOil havc I Browne. Friday. Wlth Dr. ~ter Norris, Dela.ware. George _Peterson S I-e. Nnvy 213. ,hav1ng. The·y ' have Sl me really returned · to their 'home arter spendMrs . Geor~ 1I Mend nha I. '. . r~. Times Square. which Is Plead lly beauUful lhlngs In their oW'lo sbops c:llrector' of religious ed!.lci Lion for Box 7. oorc Fleet Postorrtce, in", a few days wIth n.1Jrs . Ca rl Cc~k Ev.a lYIl P t!tCIS )lI Iud Miss Olive Circus to Londoners. the Ohid conferenc u ; speaker . New York, N. Y. tlm t would look nice In any bOl.l.!e. I met Doug iMoDougal there. Itlld Women ot the Sharon and New and daugflter.. • . W1!linms weTe gue.,ts of Mrs . S . S . and 1J, lot ct! things tha t we wouldn't 'We visited for awhile, If you rel\IARRIAGE LlCENE Burlqton chUl'Ches are servlng a wble to get back in the states. be Mr . and Mrs. Ross H_ Hartsoc Ellis Friday aftel'1loon . _ m ember, he is 'D oc MdDollgal'l; I.on noon lunCheon . Mrs . no M. Peters visited frhtndS Love, and Mrs. a HliLrtsock Wel'e I ran around with bnck home. Dean of tlhe institute will be EdA ma.n-Iage license has been 15- among the g'l1est.s at the bome ct In MJamJsburg and Day to,n over the ROBERT. w....t A6, Carc1a ' 01 Thaw aoel win Lane and the commlttee. Joan sued In Lebamon to Millard N. Ball. Mr, and Mrs . Frank :HarveY ,wIllen week-end and on Sunday was en- The weather 11 re In England is ~.. are cUrl'ed ' fer at the DeH'aven, -Jeanette McKay ond 25, talmer. and Rutb E. Bunnel1, 18, they observed their golden wedd1ng tert$ed at di nner at tile Wishing quJte different ftom what mcst Americana ,picture it to be. It is exrate 01 ODe cent .. word, mJDlmam F'ranIDes Haines. defense worker, bo ~h of Waynesvllle. anniversary on SWldOLY afternoon . Well in CenLervllle. reptionally ~rm here. but or course PROCEESED FOODS - Olt!f'n cIw'p lie.. A "uat Ad In:iertecl for Mrs . Amanda Har~rum IUld Mrs. UUW .. . . . II ehaqeI1 .at ~ ~ word. .GA~atte Want Ada Bring ResultaL Try the ?oJ laml Galletta Want Ad s ' . !Max V. Kirkpatrick S l-e spent Geol'gia Mendenhall were in Leb- th.e cUmate is damp and. it rains a slumps O. H, and J !lOW valldj regood bit. main good' through Feb . 20; ~;tamPa the week-and at the \1,o me of Mrs. 'a non Saturday . Uui..:... PrOduct. at Our Hving conditions h er... a rt!n 't K, L and M a150 valid; remain good Klrkpatrick. 'MIss Marne B 'cyw ne wn ~ hOllored . Venora. ~. N. Brot.cl1Vay. Lebanon. Open' on Saturday, t e Oocas1on bel~ g exnctly what th -y were 1.1 the s' a . s Uu-ough MlIof(.'h 20. CY~ • for your convenience . Mr. and MrS. Glenn Borden ell... . MEATS. ErO.-8tamps V. Wand her birthday an nlver~ ary . The de- and the work Is m rder, but I am G~eD UD~er. PJioDc 13 L. ~efU\in e d on Sundey evening N... r. glad to be bcre, as ma.t ot thc X aU valid through Feb . 26; Y birthday cake and Ice cream, licious and Mrs. C Ulu'lE!::l HW''St a.~ d M rs. American soldil'rs are. We are dogood Feb. 13 throul h>March 20. made by om' excell nt cook, MrS. ". Mlnnle Rehse of Franklin : we cap to speed SUGAR-Bta mp 30 In Boek 4 valing everything ~; Cll ~herine Grounds. was thoroughly and beat Genn'~, n y to Id for five pounds of sugar thr9u'~h thtDga up, AceVlene or electric. See Bill Lee. Mr. and Mrs . J . W. - Fulker' on enjoyed b y Miss Browne and tpe knees as' qUlCkly all posslble. We · Ma rch 31. ODldorf Read. It. 3, WaYnesville. cnt .r e Home family. . 01 Spring ,valley. were' S Imday a f4, SHOES-,Stllmp No. 18 (1 pall') 1a The ch1ldrcn's meeting f()r wer- are giving everything we can over ternoon guests ot lItfr, and Mrs . M . 8ALB -- Personal Statloner.y. here, and we are glad to do so, but good ·Indellnltely . No , 1 "atJ;Jllnne" ship, under the' supervls[on of Mrs . A. FulkerBWl.· . ~ r of good 'boncl paper, . lMa'l'gllretta Heacock, was beld In we are gettlag fed up with the stamp In Book 3 -goOd for 1 ~air '1Id 1-2• .with 100 envelopes, Mr. a.nd Mrs. L . C. S t . J ohn the offIce here last Snnday .morn- strlkes, arguing. and plsying around ltntU further noUce, .tth llIOle and adclress ~~ O~I the home tront . GASOLINE1-~-10 'coupons l CY.d and Mr. -and Mrs. Glenn Bland mg . . , ted, . {tilt $1.60 at the GaZette You mentlonect lh you last letter. for three gfl.UO~ throUgh March 21. and daug;hter were #!umday guest.s Q\4:r!J . Marguret lWebb was Ln'cl _ . •~. PboI1e 2lU·. Grandma, that vlctory seems 'to' be B~1 and C-l stamps goed tor toWo of Mr. an~ Mrs . John flettlemyre . clnnati on bUSlnes/l. Tuesday. ano~ some !lilhe sev¥t.a l 'dogs have written all over everything back gallons· u:nt1lu~e-~ B-2 and C-2 goocl ~ ~tely 4000 ft. Mr. and Mrs , A. C. Tomlinson been seen r~ng through the hon;te . Well, we are gOing to win tor flve gaUons . ~ 'lulilber. 2114, :ad., and h '~,e left lor Flol'lda Where they H . ome groundB an• d on Mon y one tbe 'WUl', that ~ certain, but ylctory I TIRES-Next In~pecUol ' due : 'A -..JDch , board&. Phone 211M. J . wl1\ visit relatives. ~f them ca~ght and -ld1:ed clic t certainly lsn:t wrlttell on the dead book yehlcles by M.a l'(:h 31' ~. by ,m ....... .1'1 _co; commel'Cla Mrs . Lil\!Ia Nevin and MIss Ro6e o~ chickens. Dags allowed to ~n faces 'Of all the bbys IWhl> come baek l P Lb. 29 C's b F 8ALB-Two SpanIab Jennet.. lr:m the bomUer raids over Oer·I vehicle.:s eve;:;' six month.s or every Burke, both of Uo.yton, wer /! S11n- at large do a great deal of damage 'Gentle, make ideal .pete. .Edwin many every day, or in the faces 'of 1.000 miles. whl bevel' (\'St."" - '- < day dinner brUes of Miss Elizabeth to private property and are Ii publlc the 'Wounded fellows that come ba1k R. R. 2, WaynelY1l1e. ~ ()~eriqd 3 coupJns Smith. nuisance. from taly. The toughest P/lrt of good now and t.hrough ~rch 13. ' ~. ' . ' 24 us, and we ooupona 4 and 6 ~e valid Feb. M .l ' . all~ Mrs . Lawrence Ma.l'latt Advertising Keeps Old Customers the war lB stW 1)heacl iW~ ·t o handle tractor want the wholehearted support of Band elIIPire September 30. All have GUt farm ; No bam or the 'people at home, up to the last vaJue ~ 10 gallons for each unit . ". . . wort. Weekly ftlea ••~y <illY, or'someone w111 have 'to allSWer. 8TOVES-Col1.~: ,I1 .cr PUrchaMll or" aD ,place ' it ~ Phone 2531. We oa.n use every pIeCe ot war equip I'atloned atovfs mil It be IDIIde With . care of Ddt. Da1r)t. . me nt that con ·be PrQduced, a nd t~ , certificate obta ined at local tr~ the more we have , the leES livrs wiU . pl'lce a~ ' ratlollillg bOarcls ~ ladJei black glOves. be lest. Our President llas the right owner ..,. have same by .paying Ideas, and we are behl11cl h1Jn, if . Gazelle Wan .Ads ' ~rlnll' R ••ulta! . ~. t.bia the ofol11y Oon8'1'eal¥ will qUlt bucking him, r fice. and forget about the oom\.ne elec~ ~A,dam ·sCbatf upright tion , 'Theil!' are thlong ' that sh: Uld It takes COAL to make electricity pIuJo; OOIldlt1on. Lawrence be done for thtf l)etjt of the country, -a pound of coal for every kiioZSDIr, lit. 'Bolly, Wayne8vUte , R. but they are 'llJfrald of Q. littie dlswatt hoUr-and coal is sttirte':' Just ' iii.. 1. .. :M Wea8ure , EU;ld' mainlY afJ:'ll\d of 100>, remember that every. ki1~watt hour ing a few 'Voteis. , ~ ,8A:LE-'l1wo story, B , i'oQm \ By ' the 'Way, ' the n'ext tiffie I am of electricity saved, saves a pound boIiie; 2 bat.b8, hot water heat, ~nc:ion '1 am going to you all • of coal. The pounds quiCkly add . afdt.., DeJ90... equipment, 2 up to tons-the tons become carshown by app:Jintment ;ClDly. Wilbur N: Sears. loads. Do your part, no matter . Pbone aUl. . how trivial it seems. YQu ate 'not asked to do without. Just be as , Ul8T - 0aa011ne .",A" ratiOn book. ..,' . ·.·.1 \ careful as possible to avoid waste. EYeJJD 1IID!b7.', ", How you can If you don't need it .•• unplug it . SA 'WAamNo4BClNIiNG -' ~-1 shirt •. , turn it off . . . or turn it out! tronei': exPerfenced; also ' tam1ly . ELiCIRICIlY in thi. 4th W.r L,oan cent the
ijt~e _UUniebille Qtl1ltrt~ ' OM' (ltltrild
.. .
At All
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.edt.g_; Wa..,'Bonds
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d ' a
Po!i'. eFt8Oe,
Is ·
-m.n..e r
lid.,: at
car .-race.
Are you A' Ten Percelfter.Or A Ninety ,Percenter!
neatl1 stretched at bome. Mrs. E. Brown. Main .street. ~eyaburg. _ wash and
~ 8ALE--About ,fifteen 20 in. eeWer We. Used. Wayneavllle Ice eo: Phooe lMSl. , ~ your home toWn paper. The MJami a&zette . is th~ 01111, newapaper in the world that . cares ~ about Waynesville and vldDlty.
TUfn off Usb .. wben not In uae. and . wben leaving bome 01' '0fIicc. carn on tbe caurer or the bOo befon JOU are ready CO ui It. Tum It of wbeD DOC Jo UN.
.. s~· fa~
Waif. In war I. a crlma. Do IIa' wade .'.dr/clty. lu•• It.cau.. It 18 ,arlon.d.
. '6,~70
".. _.........a...-.-,-.. ,
Service Store , PHONE 1'45 '
.. ..., .......... ..
'. , ...._ Wa)"De.ville --
Br~d~r HOUses'IO' x 12
',Delivery ' Price $I~O.OO
IcDoweD and Tofrence Lumber Co. '
J'. •
't . . .ov~
Can you ·be .. -90 J,er center: an" " atill ',tell the boy~ wheb t~ey come home that J~ ' '4B~ed t~e .Attack I", .
.'~~odye.~ .
~J $100 for Dead H. . . ., $1.00 for Cow•• 'Si.~, Ho••; ~alv•• . . ' aad Colla
t~ pe~
Wayne town.hip popuJati~n haa . ,~qbt bpnda in', \~-ayne.ville. Are yoU! ond of the' ·9~)'p.r cent' tti~t i. a~kiDi' ,t he 10 per ceof to Carry ·the- load by.lbuyin. 'b onda? . ,~ ' . '
TUfn off cbe radio wbID DO oae is lit-
,HONE M 453
ICE CO.'· Phone 24&1
2454 _
1:1.,. -.nIITAra
nl~"" .111'
17, 1944.
,.,. . Club' . C om'tee . ""IVlC , ~ppohtted' To Boost Better ,Mail Service '
~~LE NUMBER 4147 -
W . vill a-ynes ' e To Play Lent is observed by Chri~tian Muc;»n In First Game people everywhere as a special Of County T
Waynesville hrmers No. 13 will hold ita · regular bi. At a meet ing of t he offieeT~ monthly meeting Saturday,Feb.19 perilid of prayer and spiritual cui. Ourney and ilirectors of the Waynesville at 8 :00 p. m. Alter the bu.siness ' tivatio~ and our church will ob. serve the period with special aer· Waynesville will pl.y Maaon Civic Olub 'held Monday evenin; meetill&' the lecturer has the fol. in the mayor'. office" it was d~· Imng interesting pro~am IIChed. vices and activities. said to ' be the strongeat team en: cided to put the club wholeheart- uled r ' Beginning With Aah Wednesday te~ in thelt' first game in the edly behind the ' movlment afoot Sonp by Miuet Ileen Brown, Feb. 28, a lerles of Lenten pray: W~n county Baaketball tourna. here for mail lIervice direct from Jennie Lee Braddock, UJa Boak, er lIervices will be held in the ment which beem. Monday eYentrains and pa88enger lIervice on Phyma Martin, Francea Whitaker homes of membera. The flrat .er- inl" at the Kinp MID gymnuium. the local railroali from the Cor. and Betty Thomas. vi c.-e, next Wednellday, will be at The game, the lecond of the "Things We Should Do in Feb. the hOlne of Mr. and Mrs. Walter evening, will begin at 8:10. win station. It was reporte-d that petitions ruary and March," by Mrs. RoaWhitaker. The tournament will begin at are being J!irculated throughout coe Furnas. I Together with the Methodist 7 :00 o'clock When Monow meeta Reading-Patty Brown churches throughout America we Springboro'. At 9 :20, Klnp Milt. the lo~l mall area and tl1at one' at 'the Waynesville Drug Store Vocal numbers by Mrs. lmna will ob.ervo tl1e "Week 01 Dedi· will meet Cerliale for -the final I! cation" the week of Feb. 27th to game of the evening'. ' Ii.rve,.. has over 260 names signed to It Fires 'a nd ROle Turner, already. It was estlm.ted that Reading--Mre. Liszie Jones March 6, . burg drew. bye and will not He there are over 4600 people .ervlid A atuot will end the pro~ani. A series of special Lenten action until $ :20 p. m. Toe.day, from the Wayneaville post Qfflce. Saturday, March 4, wiU be services are being planned for when they meet· tbe " wibneta of The following , committee was ;oMan's Night." The Juveniles 'ITALY-Troopa of General M.rk Almyar••hown kine landed.t the re&r of th, N.-, sometime In March, detalla of the Sprmgboro-Morrow pm. o~ ap'pointed by President C. H. have plans for the night and they "Gustav Line" In the Anzlo·Nettuno aouth of Rome, Here ~ pontoon cauaeway, set Uft.bv which will be announced later. t he evening before. Brace to inquire into the poui. have ' heard Lebanon Juvenil.a Navy men und.r the command of Bear ~a'!1l!". J. Lowry, USN, II uaed for the anJoldlDa of Everyone Is cordially invited ' to Mason and Carlisle are -Iayor:. bilitles of r(!sumption of mall and will be their guests. I.ST'II durlnJ!' the "Lea~.frolr" landln«. · -11·m. fire .met thct ,"v..loll lorN. , join us in these var ious · servicea ed to take the tournament. Finals pauenger aervice: Wymer Dra"'., which look forward to Holf Woek Will be played Saturday at 9 :00 chatrman, .g.y. L. C. ~.,.., WARR~N COUNTY HOME CONSEaVATlON DISTRICT pnd Ji:IUIt.)t', . p. m. . F1?nk l.;eMay, Stanley Bajley, SERVICE COM; TO MEET WINS BY OYER.w:HELMING FARMERS CLUB IS Jtev, L. C, Radley, pastor. In the Junior ffigh school toUI'Herbert Grab.m and Walter ' ENTERTAINED AT n.ment, Waynesville ·will ~ . h ••' VOTE IN TUES, ELECTION , b d b k HOLLINGSWORTH HOME AGED ' OREGONIA CITIZEN play MasOn, the -me ....tt1n .. unWi,seman. I n· a ddi tion, t e OuIC· There will ,be a meeting of the In . rea a· I d a.. • era of the clull, C. , H. B,..ce, Warren County Home ' Service . Warren coun~ farmers voted ILhe Home Econ· Thursday. ~b-:- 10, Mr, and PASSES ~W~ SATURDAY ' erway Thursday evening, at '1:00 president; Will St. Jobn, Vice committee on Saturday aftern"'on overwbelmlngl,.. In favor. of a con· Mis8 Falkenstein' M s 0 o'clock. ' ~Sprbfgboro will ' m.et '" I di h 1 on f th r. . mar H0 II'Ingsworth enter· ' dl W'll' I IIlm Alfred Atkinson, 86, Harve"sbu.... Tue·'>ay "e"-I'nll at president; Rev. Ralph Parka, .ee· at 2 p. m. a,t the Golden Lamb , se.ryat on strl,c t. ere In ,a n e ecwomen 0 e tained the member f th W dIS t d ' •• ... .~. - '-' Th I te t d . s 0 e ayne .e ear y a ur ay morning at ,7 :00 .o'cloek and Kin·... ~"'II'- wiD ti on b eId Tu ellUay. retary, ' and Russell WlllOn, treaa- Hotel in Lebanon-. M ' Ambers . e vote was were were n res II TownshIp Farmers club a d th hiS h to ' f e- III . . ... W. H.~ 1 88 f or and ..' agalns,t.. , Invite.~~~ a,tten d and i n e omef ab t regoDla a ter an pIa.. urer, are to a"o ... Iat the com- thia cO"'mlttee are'. Mrs. qu toe following guest M d Mill th " Morrow :mead.... " ----mOOD .... .,....... '..,. I- th di d a f e "<ellpq. !d t th I I I s: r. an ra. ne88 0 a ou ree montha. at 4 :30. Fin... ·· -'If be' .pla....el at ' mlttee. Deutemeli l', c~lrman, Hn. Adam I Votes 'Or e strIct wcre ,w ~, e nv tat on. Elmer Durrell of MallOn, Mr. and 8urvivora Include five daugh- 8 00 S Bridge, Mrs. Aaron . Bra!man, tribut~d ,al followa: Wayne, 28; , Mrs. Chester Crockett of Spring. ters, Mrs. Bessie Lakes and Mrs. : p. m. atur ~ WaynuYiU. LAYMAN'S DAY SUNDAY Mrs. Hersc' hel Bunnell, Cla'::.hn Waslungton, 8; Clearcre.ek, 9; A CUU[_r. ln 'Home Nureing, b Lt W'lll Sh M is the favored team.' thJ.. lr. · I"" D fi Id 5 F kJ 15 "'hi L. "'lll!ra1\~lb \ I b oro" '1 am erwood of acey Coleman, Dayton; Mrs. HI'gh tournam'en' t. " '.'" .,. AT METHODIST CHURCH Clark, Mrs, O. B. Cain, Mrs. EI. eer Ie , 1; , ran In, . i .. CI.\ 17 , II elng given Columbia, S. C., Mrs. Jack C. Goldie Wilkerson and Mrs, Della . .sunday, Feb. 20, will be obeerv. mer Durrel, Earl Enfield Arthur Ha,m ilto l1, 16; Harlan, 7; Masslc, t o t he ",~","umlea cluaes Lee of Woo,ter, and Mrs .. ·J, E. Snider, Oregonia, and Mr., Dora WARREI4' COUNTY BAsKET er aa "Layman'. Day" In all Hamilton, Miss LaVerne' Heston, 6.; Salem, 18 ; Turtlecre'ek, 54 i by Mrs, , Braddock. McClure. Wallace 'Of 'Lebanon; three sons, BALL LEAGlJE . Methodist churches and lay speak- Mrs. Helen , Randall Hill · H.ra. UnioJ.l 16. Alter the ,bounteous dinner, Lee Herschel and Cecil or Ore;~TANDJ~.~ ers will oc'c upy the puJplts. Lean Irona, Walter Kenri;k, Mrs ------- . Tbere Keller Hoak, president, called the gonia. ' Report of league atandlnga toJ. A apectal prorr&m ia being ar. Fred Kahn, Mrs. ~oward Larrick; DEATH OF INFANT I Morrow meeting to order. The roll call Services were held at the Mc. lOwing league gamea as played 'on ranged at the local ' Methodi.t Mra. Ray Montcomery, Mrs. Will James DavidSa-;;dera 4.m'Onths .~_~~..L____ showed only three families abo Clure Funeral Home in Waynes- February 11, 19'•• church In ob~c... of r t~, day. St. John, Hn. John Tlmberla~e, ord infant son of Mr.' and Mra, I OF ~ lIent. , ville Monday afternoon at 2 :00 I W. Ilr. Jamea Graham of Dayton ¥rs. Alfred Watkins, Miss Manon WiUiam Sanders of Harvey.burg , HONORS ' Mrs, Elmer Durr,eU, president o'clock with burial in Miami cem. I Mason .... . . . . Ii will give the adclrea. )(11 Graham WUloqbby and Mrs. Walte~ POOl. died at 6 :80 a. m. Wednesday ' at BOSTON SHOW of the Warren County Tubercul· etery. . ' . Carlisle . .... .. • is .n official membel'l of the One member of the committee, ~he home. He i8 s~rvived by the I I Ollis association, was guellt speak· ' Springboro . . .. 8 Rlverdalct Metbodlat cburch and Rev. W. J. H.nnum, is a chap- parents paternal grandmotner Warren entries placed er. She told of tlle work being COllECTED IN Kings Mill. " ,. 8 is known as a "Jlv_ wire" and an lain in the army, stationed Mrs. 'Ed ' Sanders of H.rve.ysbur~ high In at the 95~h done to discover tuberculoais in . ' ~-" MARCH OF DIMES WaynelVllle , . . : 2 -8 ' .. interestillg s.,.uer. Camp Rucker, Al!'bama. and mater nal grandparents, Mr. .BoatoJ) show, Paul Ives, the early and .c ureable stage and • f . --, Harveysllur~ . , , , 1 '• A cordial ' welcOme Is :extended and Mrs. Lippy of Le'b anon. : show rel~orta. . of the plan to set up a \ clinic in F~ankhn school dlStrict · wu Morrow . '. . . ... , Q.. ' 5. oto . to aU. COUNTY 'CAINS IN - Funeral servicea . 'will be held Ithe world's old. the county at some future date. hleb in the. cou!lty in the rece.nt j The final le-.u. ~ : an ' ~ , POPULATION SINCE INO at 2:(10 p. m, at the Stubba ..t . lwhich attracted Chao'rles West of Lebanon and l.farch of Dimes for the;. Infantile, 's~hed\llild tor. - F,b~ t-'~lo~ .. Bome with burial in to the WashlDgton, D. C" spoke; on C11l', Pam),ais F.u nd! it ha~ . been a,n · I to110WI: , CarliaIe! at' ~_. . ., TRAIN.AUTO CRASH boo d the I Miami cemetery ' chicken., rent aspects in the capital and on nounced by A. C, DaV14!on, dri,ve S'p~inl'boro at I, Maaoa, '1IOl'NW at ' ----I ate popu ation of War.ren __' , and pigeon., c~in · aspects of poat-war plan. chairman. ,1,025.06 . ~as colleCt.- Wa~~ll~. • •, • Max ,K ohlhqen, ,b roth.i--in.la" count) from 29,8U In April 1,9.0 LOCAL POSTOFFICE TO the backyard nlng. . " ed, as followa:. Frankhn, $440 .•-1 The . ¥n. Jeuie. Hyman, locaJ me~ to 81,100 in 19." the ' CtIANGE TO ,jSLOW" TIME , of Belmont. The . club will meet Marcn 9 at Blue Ball, ,6.(0; ment the this wat' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Harveysburg, $1 E. ' 87; Ha~II).}ji1W. j
fl.'. N.., ,/fl/',
IS. ,
it a
opereting on • tbi! ahcnr: time. ' For several Warren eounty'~ bigh-eeorinl' the 1940 count, was past ~he post office has winner Was \ G~~! Davies, ~lencounty ap 215.1 .' per operating on .eaatern war win Farm, WainetilVil1~ who WOD Noble county. down time -"hlle this locality ge~el'ally one. fil'llt prize wltl~ his Rhode I... cent waa the createat ob.-rvea central war time during land Reds in the National Oock. . the w;inter months. eral classic. .
1CoJil~ ~ reMr. and Mrs, Delbert Conger are announclitg the marriage of February moved ·to Mcm_Uand bOlpita1, where shoe' is slowly .Improvln~. their nephew, Pfe: EaH W. ' :--.-;-'-...,r.;....-.... ,"I' M.~nlc iemc.. were heJd 'at Walker of El Centro, Calif., to A ' W'~ _ '" ~~..TiOJll , the Whitmer.Chlt9 Funeral home Miss Nadine Andrews' of Le anon, -- ' , ~ '. . , • in ,Xenia Mond.y evening for on Saturday, Feb. 12. They with Mr. 'and Mrs. Delbert Conger For the : h8lp: " hieh ,tj 'estend'e d Mr. Koblhagen With f ,u n.raJ aervMis" Kay Walker of Dayton and and family were very much .ur-' u.,this week by.II. l!l.Lliq.ndort, iaes In CinCinnatl on Tue.d~7. SOHOOLS CLOSED ' WOM~~~TA~~I~.~~:' HOUSE" Perry E . Benton, S 1-e, ' were prlsed Wednesday evening when ~ubllaher of the :-~~' Ceut) t ; ,I(II" 'IN UN~~YMENT Due to the icy . condition of the E~~~I~~E~~~ ~~ICE Sunday evening dinner gue8ts at two of ner nephews dropped in we: s , we ere iit ee ' ~L COM , JlENSATlON , P.OR ' IAN; roaa., tbe local school bWlBes did The Women's Auxilia~ of St. t he Conger home. lor a short visit. Both boys have I (1111: .:p,~ae~ IliMhln. : . . ' ',' _ _ ,. ' , , not run Friday of lalit ' week and Mary's church met at " O u r , " VALENTINE PARTY ' AT been in the service for over a could 'n'! t b ::; ~ Unemployment compen..:t i 0 D Monday and Tuesd.y of thi •. As House" Friday afternoon with Don t uk your SOCial Secunty MASSIE TWP. GRANGE year. Pfc. Earl W. Walker, an e e me_I p."tnenta , ,totalled $a U ri ,88 . in a reault . no IIChool was held on Mrs. Daisy Snyder as hoste88. I Board office for. la statem~nt of Instructor in the Marine corps, Ilt Mr: ~ngdendorf kind~ " offe~ the Hamilton and Warre~ county those aays. Following the reglar routine your 1948 eanllngs for lDcome Three live valentines, little EI Centro, Calif" is on a . 16.day us tbe use of hll . equlp~~nt, , are;: during Jl!uiuan'~ W. lAo ~ I. ' . of business, ReV'; Ralph , Park,- tax purposes, William J. Mc. Barbara Doster, Judith Hough furlough and Sgt. . George T., • Thl!, ~llUI1l\·Gue~ . gave an interesting talk, on the Cauley, manager of the Ha~il. and Nancy Lee Taylor, were all BUnce, a veteran of eight months FIRST-CLASS D.6.DIO iEc .'8cher, mal)~er of the .. Uni~d BROTH". OF LOCAL States Un~mpI9yment' Service aid BA~KER DIU SUDDENLY church ,national organization. ton field ,office reqllJeats. decorated to more than look overseas as a turret gunner, 'but ' -' . H. Dainty refreshments were served The Social Seculrity 'B oard can· their parts in a pant'Omine at who has ~een discharged because Mr. and lilra. "LJuia rflrei ·h.y. today. The' average weekly nUIIIber of benefit reclpienta fn the ' A. Z. (Don) B.rtaock, 49, during ·t he aocial hour. not help you beCilull8 your em· Massie G!ange M'Onday evening. 01 ·ear trouble, were the guesta. wor~ from their .oli, C~rlu; who area wu 81 , he added. wi~eJ1 . 'lmowii farmer " -of near • I ployer's tax return will not h.ve Lecturer Irma Taylor presente.l is stationed at Key We.e:.Floli.... , , 'Benefit, paymenta for th_ en- Klngm.n; ' clled of a hea,r t at- FRIENDSHIP CLUB HOLDS reached the baord in time to some amusing contests and every- TO EXPLAIN NEW that 'his rating 'now ta. .~TiatIotw tire, state' totaled , ,120,602; Mr. tack Tuesday ' when . helpil\&' ~ FIBROARY '-MEETING permit it to make available a one had a valentine from the box, TOKEN SYSTEM AT Radio TechniCian, lat claai: ' _ Betache!' said , lie '~ b'''~n' fJn.' ~lear · ,the ro~d of In ow for a -. . statement of your IInnual earnings including Mr. and Mrs. David CINCINNATI MEETING The 'FriendBhip club members for .income tax, returns. Manager Bailey. Mr. Bailey explained the Mrs. Ralpb Miller, was boate.. , formed by Ad~n,iatrator Hqh S. ~h~~ hus anel died .Jhortl, aftel' Jenkin. ali Columbua. '1'h" rep- he reached ttl.' ho,me.- Be wu a enjoyed their Feb~uary meeting McCauley says that each year, voting on the soil conservation -AU-membenH)f-the- food indua-, at ~er 'thhome !nldgthe :country IIonreaented an 'Increase of 47 per n.t!ve: !f Warren county and wu on Wednesday at the home of "come income ta:1C time," hun, referendum. try in this vicinity are looking day WI a vr • l untheon , f or, ' cent' over Decem~'er PVIIleritB, actlv~ 1n the Grange, Farm Bu- Mrs. W. E. Stroud with Mrs. R. dreds of persons \-equest state· Mrs. Harriett Clark was 'elect- forward to a special meeting , the members ~f ~e~ card club. . . • M E. Albury, ' 11 d I 01' th.em b y th e Off'lce 0 f l ' Mr. and Mrs. L. C. St. John ' yet was m· ore than 80' per,' ,"..e';t ., re.u" and ~ otb~1' farm orpnisa W 0 Mrs. R B ; V. Smith. tandt 'fments of . , their lei almual t . 'earnings e.d J un ior ma t ron. on th e reslgna· ca. e the ..... :.. ... ount paid' to tiona. ' rll, . • h aper, tax t Ion 0 f Mrs. ' Al Ice H oug. h M rs. P ~ce Ad m,i DIS t.rati on at which sp lower +l.an "I"' It as I18SIS an 01' ' uee mb rna ngt~IGU Income k h ' ent the past week with their w ' orke'r s dnd ' nl' Ta'n. SurviYC)rs il1clu,de hi. widow, h()steuea. T ewi a h,.ernoon returns ..+.deyB ' now . Gra ham an.d Mrs. R u th th e operat·Ion 0 f.. th e new t 0 k ~n grandson, Billy Settlemyre while unemplo"ed I ..... 1 I t t was th S i 1ecaull8 .s d k t at J enme uary • year ago Mrs. Viola J. Hartsock; hia),DlOth- peasant y apent taB un pro· e oc a ecul'l~l oar eeps Doster we!e. appomted 0!l the ' syate~ as an Improveme~t 1ft Mr. and Mra. John Settlem-. " , er, )frs. Lena Hartsocki three gram and an exchange of valen· careful records of wages paid to flower committee. Mrs. LOIS Rey. food rationing procedure 'Wlll be ,-FAT-HER OF LOCAL MAN IOnll. i .nd Lt: Kenneth Harteock,· tinea ' by the "secret sister;e.'.' Re· workers in jobs covered by the old nolds was appointed choilter. unfolded. ::~~ in Columbus for Farm.ra' . DIES IN WILMINGTON Y,!1ma, Aris.; Joaeph Hartaock of freshmen~ in keepi ng With the old and. s,urvlvora ina,!~nce.y.. , The program for the next meet. · The' new sYstem which it is '. •• • ' . . the Merchant 'MariiJe at New Ore- valentine ' aeuo!, were served to tem. It IS ' on !;he. bUls of theae ing will be "Lif.. of Longfellow." predlcted~ will be' popular with " B lean., La.; and Milo Hartsock, at about twenty·flve memb~rs. ~ recorda that, benefits .re c'lcula~ . 1 dealers and purchallers, wi)) go . Mrs. Abce Myers of ClubWilliam D. rapatrator, 8~, home, three cJau.h~ra, Mrs. clu.b adjo~rned . to meet With Mrs. ,ed ~or the Insu,r ed worker or hlB DR. DYE IN IRELAND into effect February 27. Iville ia the guest of her "n.iD~~:d:; ~~~ ~::e~~nee~~~!n~~ Ralph Am.. and B'l.n · ~ Russell .WillOn in ~rch. . famlly. ' . -I The meeting will be held at the law and daughter, M~. and Mn. . , ' at hold., ,and iii. 'Louise Bart, ' . . ,Mrs. Harland Dye reports that Hughes High school aUditorium I Ch~rles D.vis. O ,~er .husb.and, former l0':lll veter· in Cincinnati Monda, Feb. 21 at con cl u,cted , Wednelldliy, at,; th~ LQ. lOck,' • nurie at Ohrist I!ospltal kena ' R4!ynolds fUl1erat home. Be in C1ncin , natt, and a brother Rou •• Ilnarlan, IS now. located In .north. 8 :00 p. m. . y ' . Wa1Te~ Braddock is conv;J::;. is survived' ·by. the Widow; lire., Harteqek, cashier' of the Wayne.. ern Ireland. HIS address IS : Lt. Representatives of the Office I~g at hiS home on Third liaura S. Bran$atot: tw!) IOna, ville ~attonal Bank. , ' Harland F. Dye 0-344752, 7th of PrIce Administration will be in after undergoing an op',e rati6n at one of whom is L. V.' Bran.trator ," Port, ~ort .' No, 291 , A.P,O. 818, h d ... ·11 l ' th d , Miami Valley Ho.pitaL· . ' of 'Waynesville; and , t'!,o ' dau P · HOME ON . FURLOUGH care of Postmaster New York c .arge an ..1 exp aln e e·1 _ • • tera. . '" . NY' , tads of the system and how .the D d'" A . , . . . ' -- ' . . , ulle 'Of the tokens will rt: duce the . r. an .rs. • E. Stou~ e~terCIVIC C' LUB TO OBSElt:V. CoJ'ROra~ Jimmy 'B: Mill.er of work Joad for the entire industry. I talned OIP Sunday ·evenlq ,,:.tfttll , ~ , 1Los Yep,a., New Meldco, IS en· IN PRIMARY SCHOOL ' Mr and Mrs M A D..n...oI..o.... __ , LAD .. IES NIGHT FEB. 1,1 j~ylnl' a" 1'" .. -v furlough here . ' I This meeting is intended only' '" . 6: ~ u-ua, A" C-dT f. f th d' b and daughter_ U • '1'Ueata; " - . 'th 11i ta M d M vJatlOn a et Ummy Flor· or ose engage In usrreas as -. • HU Mercer of Antioch cOne~ WI a ' paren, r. an re. ence is 'now in primary school at food .upplien, including manufact M d M' Wal K~ ' . , . Yellow Sp'ri"io., Is .~ be ' th~ RaJ,h lliUer. /' . ' 0 D .... v "tV . I J ac kson, Tenne88ee, haVing com· urers, pac'k ers, wh 0 l esaI ers d' an and r.f an II rso, f EJtel" ' Du 8p e!lker' fo"p Lad~.. Nlg,ht .t the , : LECTURE$ IN LOVELAN,D , pleted nine weeks of pre.f1ight retailers of groceries and meats~ IYav am: th utlr,f~...:.:~' ,o~ aemi.~1lJ.l~ /Afla!! of the W~.. ., .. 1· '.. ~ , .' i t,:aining at Maxwell Field, Ala , The meeting is ·.no~ f~r con· wit: ::.~ Jer:ieP II ' .....~.,.'.: ~l1e · Ci~e "cJ\l'~ on ¥on~ay evenl1ax ~ Rand.Il, ml.n llter of the Tommy recently soloed after sumers but the JnVltatlon in. . ' _ . ;, ~an. ' ", . J,'. ' ' " . W, .JJI'eaViIl" Church of Chriat, · ' eight . hours of du-al instruction cludes all employees in the indus- I R b rt · B--61 . ~'j. ;c ' . inll~ The lraeeWi/r f wiD be held at W/l.' a ' peat apeater Wednesday ., ' d" . ' , how. ' l 0 e ..wn.. ', aD,<,\" , iLi.. ' an IS eagerlr , lo~1ting fQrward " I ' , ' Bamette were ' Friday ' ~"'_ ' , the' Kewo4bt ,cbUl'ch ' an4 dinner ..ev~ning at • the Loveland ' 'C hurch , I to .the remabung flfty hours of guft••• of . Donald L_LJ.."-. o-f,"-"':;;';" , will be~~ at '1:1)0 o·clock;· of C~ when he pve Ii le'ctfl hll J -.. """'--or ; . ' . t .. ';'n · ~t ·led. "Blstory' 'of Jerua;. I yang w e at . ackson. He says NEW ADD~ESSES ve.,aburg . , , . " . ,. ..... .,. '" , the food is Bwell and ·that he , ' • _ • • ' NoW IN AQVA",CED . . ~em~'" Be · ...o ,.howed moVie. of· \ ~as .been kept busy with h . is flY. Pic.. Ronald J. Hardin 16362113 Mr• .• nd II~ "-...n - - . 0 . -' 1and . children ',.-ere ...... . TRAINING SCHOOL the ,~. Bk D" 2 AS i -~ ,ng an d ~oun d se h 00.I H IS pr~s·s. . .T.U • .. gu';~ .. .. .... , ' ~ :~" . '~.BR FOR VICTORY , 1 ent addreu ,. ls: A·C Howard T. 4431 University of Tennellee ative. in DAl'toD SQD~' ~ • • ~ua ·..mr:rS THURSD~Y Florence, . Class 44 G, 68,t h A.A. pnoxVllJe, Tenn. " . Wl1Iham F, Melloh, son of 111'. and Mrs. ,... 11'. lIelloh, 1Iu ~ " . __ F.F. T. ~'l Jackson, Te~n. . • • • Mr. anel lin. ~ . pleteCi hie. Baale Pilot . ""'ll)tq" . 'l'Ia~ :Vo)unteft for Victory club Pvt. El~a Oaborn 815880~815 aDd IOn .... , • " '• • COlt-nUl_,. ~..., .nd h-. .... .JUt with 111'1. J. L, Wile Th.. SPENDS WEEK~END AT HOME 74lat Eng'ineer Base Equip. MI'. and len. ~n,t 'to . ~III"~ TJ:ua" , to .nt.el' I iiii' . .....Iq. 'ThOle whO 'Wate ment Compan., 'IOn. Acman'ee'CI PUot 'l'Nlning. ,BIa ~ pnenat Werel " . .mu CharI. Cat) L. Coo~, F' loe, of Naval Camp Sbtton, N. C. ~ c1reI4 I. . .·foD6wI;?v-C WlJliaip . . 1. B. lIeOlure, Fn4 BoOk,. 'Trainlnl{ ' Station;- Norlolk, Vir· - _. . )(1';' and lin. W . .6. 11'. II.Ji 2,aaI1''71, .ct... 441). . . . . 0.. JIai'lad »'Ie, CuI ginia, enjoyed the week-end with Pn. Barry II. '.farner 1&8'11588' and • . a. Av-e.ctet J)tteb. (Abu_)', ~ . . . ~.. Jt. his wife, Mrs. Bett., Cook .nd T.S.s, 802. Brb. 11508 of ' 1I7d8 ~ .t.IJ!q AIr Fletcl. ....... ~_ . .~ . . . . . _4 . . little daughter, and with hi.". Amarlllo Anrty Air Field ..... , alA. . renw. JIr. and Mra. Chari.. Cook. Amarillo. Tau
'1 .
U S ,N urses LIKe Real Sol(Iie.n '
- ••
- • _" .,. _ '
Along; The Wi
tt, , ....
. j ' .
~. f la ... *he K,y.~De Rate, -; ~.. , ' :" . . , DO~9U ·ki1.ow the motto of ", r stood ~lh.iul " UateuW I OhJoT mdlanaT WeU. the m~thea.-tt ~thbJlr~ ' iI~ 1to {If h''''~. "Imperium"in '. n't . It? But 'it lWalnft it wal lJ,~,ti- peria/' (pn ~aJlllate". ~b"t next •. tiful, for all ""Dunil me the show 'Week)', anC! IndIAna ~ no mott{) .. fell '11llentri.lina It~adi'Y c'ove.rlT\g How inlln,.. ltat1! f19w~r)l do ,you eventbinlr witli· lOf.t white know? ' S~cb yopr ,br.,.1n well. • 'bJankQ~. Thtl wind, .'Wal _till and Ne~ week I'll bring y{)\l few of . away ott" I hfal'd a 'tr&ln "PIIU ~be.e facts. " / • througb GOrwin ..nd over in' the ,. It now' 109ks certain that· Wenwooda a cflO~i Ico.ded loudl,l B&TI011, nEl\UNDEB rell L. Willkie .will comc into a II~OW ·to lome ~nl' ·1iad · ~iPpei:y ... ', ~" number of ' Ohio Dist.ricts road I ~nd .~ld ai~eeable lY~ath ~ PROOmsEo ~De , 7" Oll~l'n _ _',~,_ INC. "presidential delegates." Robert er and .to lIIO,,;,e:it ~••~I 'nlo~ture .stamp!! a 'H and· J ~oW validl reput /' lnto the ' ~tv . ~'Qr\h whet), '.. ' .', . ., A. Weaver, Pres. of the Ferro t:h~ thaw comes a~d to' some It 'main IOOd throug~, Peb ., :ilO, ,Bt./li'Dps Enamel 00. of ' Cleveland and brings ' a quiet beauli¥. Fo.rll\ ilie K, L ~d 11( &1&0 valid; remain acod head of the. WilIkie C::;o.m mittee habit each day .. of finding some- t, bro . ~.~rdh 20. thi b d in Ohio, hal[! coniided to his fl'iends that he is amazed at the ng e~utlful 'about nature a~rd MEA'l13, ETO~tamps V. \V an state-wide interest evidenced by' soon it will be poa,sible to tina, X all vaJ.1d thr9tiah Feb. ·28; Y the letters written to hiId by .be~u~y In ev~ry thing, ' . I .• m roOc11"eb. 1S through MarCh ,iO. WilIkie supportere thro~hout thinking , ?~ . a poem by ', JamJ!s . SUGA~tll-mP 30 1n Book t valthe state, since hi. !1nnoun~ent Ru.ael1 . Lo~ell · tbat I loved. w~en id ior'flve pounds of sugar throug,b c' .. •. . .nwa . last week that WUIKie ' mlght come IIt was 'a child ~.:'~ 31 . begins: ' , and l10ve . It. litill. u.O£er"",, .P,ebruary 10, 1944. The 1944 Tyear buff. Then wbenever she into Ohio. was origi.nally b?' SROEs:,...stl\mp No. 18 (1 pair) 1.s chicken lIeuon haa begun. This killed a chicken she knew just lieved that It he came ~nto OhiO "The snow had begun i~ . tbe gOOd ,!nde!1n1telY. , No , 1. "",lrplane" morning I took eggs to the hatch· how old it was, without. having ~: a!~ be d~u,lt c;m;, ~'~l! on TakO a lood 1(1O~ thilAmerican soldier al he lies in D mud of Ren- .' , gloamingl ' ',.. stamp in. BOok 3 goOd tor 1 PAll' ez:y and ordered .ome chickens, I to look for toe punches or ' other e. ree eve an IS IC , ~ova Island In llie Southwelt Pacific, victim of a Jap air raid. It is not II .And ~ny all the I\lght - . ., ubtij tUftper notice, .• ~ven't been very carefu~ this marks . .Not a bad idell if you do Dale Stump, who has ,been wide.- I pleaallnt Icene, Is it? When you are asked to buy an c::tra W or Bond to.' ~ad ti81!n.lieapint fielCJ and nigh- ,GASOLINE-A-I0 couponll go-d ' . fear to keop onl~ one kind. of not, want to hatch your own eggs, ly mentioned os a candidate for Back the Attac:k think >of this picture of our fello w Amer ican bias cd by 'f '",ay ' . '. ', , for thr.ee <>-Illlons through March 21. no tel' there IS no telhng b t h buff so I . the concussion 'of a Jap bomb thousands 0 mites from home. Then b ,' her, W'th II d ' h" .. lao. . . u ere ~ere no S the Republican nomina~on for clOD't you think you will want to dig. little deeper to back up his conua es? ' I a s enc!! eep and w Ite. B-1 .~d C-l sLauips go ~d for two . a t kind 01 chicks these' wJ!1 be. ordered Attorney Gen.eral . f.'lom U. S. TI~~~!J" Frid whites, I d thO . ' 'will .speak on a . j'E . . '• , •• gallons un,~..... l .used/' B' • 2 t. n.... o· 2' go Od ,. tim, I kept m'vbrown "r a 10n g ay. ce an snow . IS morn- fifteen-station state-wide radio very pme and fir and hemlo.c k '"f< five ' Uons lea'horns fairly pure by keeping. Ing. The children went out to broadcast on Washington's birth'!"ore ermine too delV' fo:t an e~nl, ' or IrQ .: . olll1 brown Leghorn f{)Ostera and the,road and waite.d but no school day, at 6:30 p. m. He is expe'Cted Afld tbe poor~lIt twJa on the elm TJRES---Next Inspections due. A no mired hens tben the w~lte btlS, Finally 'one of the neigh- ' to make a formal announcement track of the number-almost a ~ , , . f 'tie& book vehlcies by ~RI'¢ 31; B's by ens fro~ the ~Il'hornll were pure b~ra took .tbeJll to Bchool only to ef his candidacy. It will be the dozen. ' We will line them all up I W!ls ridged inch deep wit~. pearl." ·1 Feb. 29; C's by Feb; 20; commel'clal IAtborn and tl'ie brown.Roclc .eftll fmd. that there was no 1!chool first time in the history of the fo! you next ,.reek, The latest en- . vehicles evel")' 'slx ,nbll Lhs or evcry ' would be mixed .~d the~ ill .no , today. There' should -be some ,way state that a candidate hos an- tries are Ch~des W. ~aston of Last week one ~a~ when ,we 5 QOO miles, whlctjcVCl' ts rtr~t . telling wlii~ are which. ·, Some of passing tbe word along so nounced by radio, Coshocton county, chauman of ~~re having, tbose lovely IPring j • . , . ' t ~y I. ,a m pmg to breed,. another that they would not have to wait the State Minel ·Exam'inlng BoaI'd, => " ~-" ------- . djYI" I heard jl reet biJ1d in'. tl\e < f1UEL ~erlod ~ coupcns iOod atrain of brown Leghol'Jl8, in vain. Our children have to We have been advised that and Emanuel M. Rose a Cleve. l\IETIlODlS'.l' CHURCU' I wood I Now , tile ,red blrd -un't goOd now and tllrough ~rcb IS. perhaPI tho.. Danilh Leghorns 'w~ almost . half n mile to the Chas. H. Hubbell of Cleveland has land attol'riey: . 1,I·ul. (' 'tIl ;''''., l'i" \tnr aU'ppo,aed : to be the h,arbinJP.l-: of couponll 4 and 5 becam~ vaUd Feb: I han beard 10 much about. bUB and then wait in the cold. We resigned his position as Senior Chw'eh school at 9:S0 n . .m. Ipt;n" ~e robln is, b1,lt I haven't 8 and elGP.lre 'Sep~rri~Lr 30, A'l have When we ;fjnt atarted we had had to put the ' chaina on today· Administrator in the W~~ De~art- R Ge~i' E . . Tu,r~~~ of ~loveSland' I, WorshIp service at 10 :30 A. M .Jie8rd a r~ln" When, my ,broth- value of 10 gallons fo~ ' eaoh unit. lOUIe COOlI" buff Legborns We .. the roadl were so icy. This ment and taken a position In a ediP.u lclan ttc~:n I a.te °bf tate Th' S d "II b II~ _ ,. erfl ,and I "Nere . sl)1all my mbther S1'OVES.-OO!J.~u mer purch S!l!l of J)o..... Sham- Inow II 'won derfu1 f or ' th:e w b ea t CI eve Ian d war m 'd us try . W e pre-. au , t orth st pu n g on th e estd cam s wO\1ld .... ' to UII' '''''h red bl"d ' ~ lIt them from the h liiha f D ISt, un ' th ayM Wl J ' e G .....,yman C 'Io.a J , I" e , • I'alloned stoves lUll t be ml'tle \V lt' l) NU(hl who live~ over on Caea- but it doeln't help' my cistern dict that he will be a candidate in palgtl a e 1 a ner wage or ay WI . r. as. :ra_m as Canl, 'Welner, weinel', ' we ner- .' tin t u l 1 CI n't ' cal . y) preek. Ml'L Shambaug~ had I thought I didn't like Inow an~ the Democr~tic prima.riel, possi- a state office. ~ith th~, ~trong the speaker. . . wu~.' Now U.ten an(l you' will n. cel' CII,O c. n II~ ,. , e) war ~ them .for ,ears ~ntil abe more but there i8 something about bly for ' judge of the lIupreme runnln, name ~urner m the I Youth Fellowship at 7 .00 p. m. be&J' )jim." We limned and he pllce and \{\tloll1J1 B hoa .dS W ailt up a , strain of ext,.. a real IInow storm that I I{)ve. "Court, the office for which he was Repubhca~ primaries . an,d . the , did call, "Weiner, weiner, weiner , . ST. MARY'S EPISCOP.u. -wupl'" Lilten .'<0 him you.rself MnI•. Roy K. Planck baa returned . ~ · la)'en. r thought thla yeal' That, fe~~ing of being shut of! nominated 'by the Democrats ~horough Job jof campalgnmf, beI wo-.ld ,do .. one woman diel. from tbe world and yet being lOme ),ears ago. . . I~g pon~, many leaders are pu~~ I CnURCn lOme time. home after .penlling lOme w~e)uj Each Jtlar .he bought a differen warm and cosu and snug in the . . .... , tmg their . ~o~e,y. o~ him to win. L'l'ttle 'n~u' ~Ia· ." .< 'th h b ' b d " S- ' V~ It. ..... We s t 1II pred IC t th a t~' II a,J pie face PWllanAk,erln ' MU·I!=h~r:.'n. av' ·· ..",1 ~ am d a t th e "'~~-h lUI ... e17, one year houle ~waY8 ' 'givell me a thrill. JYlay?r Th . 10 hi d J h T Ralph Pari'!!, Mlnlllt... In Cha , rp ', , I.IU "... • .. .._ baned, 01l'B year white and one 'j S d' Frank Lausche of Clevel"nd Will e p~lzes e , !l ,. °lle'p " . , ~ fn.d I can prove 'It. h'lttlo. DOllgatur ay. Stdl snowy, Good t b d'd t f Ferguson s mllneu.vamg tor foChurch schoc at 9.45 a, m. las ' ia nlY nephew and .he il three ;_____--,,--_ _ _ _ _ _ _., weathe.r 10r winter pous-:cleaning. ~ t el a dcan .~ ~ ,e orthg~v~o~. v~rite sOn , delerrates" to"the Demo '! Morn 'ng P~a)n ' lInd li rmon ll:OQ ',year. old' a chal;ming child The dauling reflectlonl from the d'dos,, ' hea ers t e leve,. hR Ide , cratie Nationill. convention are 11 m ' . . 1Il..'!.. 0' f -~~e time ·.Anyway he aI' ' b b d I C oose 0 run, e wou .' . " ' . , VII" . WI • ~ , snow Sb OWl up every co we an 'th C h ty the election of. Albert ~ Horstwa,... eatil 'With tus m.aternal grand every hit of bl~ck furn~ce dust. ~~~ I~:ea~: MOI':!~ ~!a t~:\I~e- ' man ?f 'Dayton a'nd 'MiSs, Marie ....m It " ,JWenta '~henever ha,,~)1 alid his The kida come over thiS afterbl' ... l' 9 S 6 M. Dickson of SteubenVille, to , ClII1RCIl OF CBBI,BT IPran'dmother ma1cee a -od man" noon l{)Oki for J'iibs so we wax pu Ican ,primaries In 'I Ch Q". f O' ' , 'Herbert GraJlam Minbter" • .... ,, ng . . r - wouldn't know that his name was ' rep ace as~ ~!'Yer 0 , mcm. ' piea, for hil grllndma il a ' lIie~ efld and, dPotUshkedththe hVlDg .trOOmd on the ballot in the . other "87 nCa~ ftll\d Mrl• . ~~Idred Jaster of . ac._ too. . Bpt ',Dougl,,/ ahvays J oor an ' ~ ~ rugsou an counties. " leye: an~, ~, ~ept1;lers of ·· th~ 9 ,30 a, m~ Bible sc.hooL wanteil to eat p'e . fit;lt aJid . of swept, th~m ?ff ' With dean snow. • • • \1. tIOna} CODlllI1~ttee. The de,lcgll10.45 a: m,-CommWllon. tl1a~ !an't 'goOd ' for ' any Thil 11 ~lie time of ~ear; that you Despcrate effol'ts ore still be- tlon would 'qe pl~dged , ~ Roose11 ;00 a. m .....sermon. chUil, eyen 'a ,b ig th~ee-year-olll a'ppreciate ltorm Wlndows" ~hey 'ing mode by many Ohio Demo- ve.t, and not j,l'~rg~80n. 7:30 p, b. "-Prea.ch\n~. t;nan. So .p..ndlbothet- ~~t tl\e Rie will lIave t~efr coat In coal IR a cratie leaders, to form a "har.. ' ' on ..1. e IJdeL...l.rd . and r . .ill to' Veal' or two. . . " . 'd'd Whlsperl c'~me out of Cleve~ ,,"""' " .,.Itty futlS· ~ F" ok I tho mony slate of state can I atell. land occaslom~nJ me n t Ion in g J'BDNDb grana~l When you want p.i-e, ",e ow zero IS"'h I t t . , t .... -t CI . r ' ...... d' 'It i b . the .. -e , . unoay. Ive .. b t ' th b I h ""-''J.' 0 a es gossip IS ,na . arence Judge Art- 1)1... colorful state ' va ,. • ere on a-,.... . 1 mom ng u e rift ... vuru. Kn' I ' 'd ' 't h' 'Y ' .\ b-o-a d t' D ...l took it a 11 I "~ rol. . ary lunlhlne lIGOn warmed it up I. IS etY SIStatCOntSI ermg SW'dCt' hlDgt campaigner, aa a good Rep(lplican First pay SChool, e:3I' a. $no ...... -r • t l - oU "'·· with : n• II . , . , ' . . . . . . . . .I.ln I. 1.......; Th d . I'" ovw 0 e re&$urer an a candidate f'O.. loovernor No one MeetlnS for Worablp, 1):30 ,.. m: lue next '¥..e h e ate gran d..,., .......,.........,n .. s ~a <=eta' w hiech rO'ad i8 still b.ein g urged believel'. that will ~un , but ma t and ....andpa, . he d'said, ........._ .. (McIwako • n 1.110 m e . Wi.~ e~i. _r d~ "ar on.Frazier til Reams f tt ' , al I . . _1. __ .. S". . cUlU ~ut .-where ,towas ~o e ~; a Olney gener . ';many dr~ad ~ ' tbinJc of t,.e pull. wan 10". . . . .-e, ~p......ur- . 0 ni.... to Ii i to talc til Tbere I" a , str6.ng. belief among .ling -power 0 tJdIf 'nime in "bIg Dcnap~-\a a pie ~I ~p ry, N hocS]eJi1 th' leaders t~at .. this is field : .. , . • • ", ''''"~'''''- .............. _vllt. · IS year" in Ohio . . . . "The .• , Maae SUDdaf 9100 a. m., :oin ay • .....,!» 8C
So You Can't Buy Another B9nd
OH" O '
. _.-ru",
'm- . .
NQ .a.vlca..
From,IA Farm Diary-- Dry Ridge
I Ch urehes' . I, I
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••. o,t
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.., ......... ...,eWMIII..... ...
I mornDg~ ~'·tl~nej~~~~~~~~~~~s~p~e~l1!h~U~b~~~e~n~~~~a~n~dtt~· ~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~:~;;~~~~~~OF~~~;=~~~~~t1~~:~e:~~~ t....
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W.8J· bul}'
valentlnell tl k '11 ' . ... onIY' '\ 0 , f'11) d 'th'e 8Ch 00l 'I c et WI sW,l•ng•. a th e"r' , h~.atin,· system ~~ out of. order I The Democ:rats have their first·I'R.talt. o t D e c e l 1 " " , a~ t~e ~aa no II~J[OO} much to entry in~o the race ,for' att'o rney 1a ber~y .liven· that Fied ,the kldl ,dlaappolntmen~ . beeau~ . gerl·er~1. George F. ' Hur,1ey .of 'Wi\()Sf! I'tlst Office .A:dValerine s ~a~ ~h big ~~~ m, Cleveland just asked Echvard J. dr. 18 ~. R ·. " NO. 11 . Wa:yn~vme, ower Ie 00. e roa ere .Hummel, secreta17 of ' RUte, for Oh1o, haS been g~. appointed the an ow came down and t~e petitions. He was assistant at;.. '\Adm1n18tra~r " of til.e Estate of ble~ ,10 on "!y . o~ber tr?p t~rney general under -Herbert S, . .1 combmed gettmg the :n~Jl, Duffy, who il now a candidate for Prmk BradQock, " Ui~ of worren the grocery and giVlng Supreme Court. . ' ~ty> ' O~o/ , d~. , calves a special feed ot ~t.ed ,thlB ~Jrd ~" ot Feb\:n ry, ........ n'An .com and mola~es ..' ,J The race for lieutenant gover- UK4. ' 1!here old Boga~ 1•. 1 ~a:ve no.r on tbe Republican ticket is, him 'lill' d'tY. t;allt night gettinlf to ,be ,like "cfrawing num- .' , w~~kin.g on acc~~nta an~ ,.l>'el'~ from a hat" .. , Two' more W&1'l'eJl CoUnty Ohio lat~ with , the dog8 ,sup,pe, this week .. ,Several more thin ' , . '1and when I called , for 'him he " ng of jumping in We've lost ,StanlIlY apd SttaDley A.tty. St-24 dldn!t come , and I haven't ieen J . . • . .:;...-:-......;,;,...--'I.-~~-'='--:-- ,' him sine,. Queen, had lIomething t . k'b h If til h e ,~eep ~U adv.ertis1tlg dollars at ::~~~ij==.;=r.~~~ hOI.ed up u,nder one Of "the cmcken 0 wor y erse · un s e gav .home bY 'adver~i..t.i!I. y~)UJ' home houaea. She , saw me coming and i t. u.p' . . ' ' ran to me oouing me to e9me . I hear they h~ve Qegu~ tes~mg ~ ~6wspapet'~ . e •.cheapest. un" 'help. bel'. She looked and sniffed : T. B. 'in town, , . ! S~lP but I no not kilow when they Ihe ~,~d, .be dug untiL she ,could wlil get to us. I am glad for almost get ln~ , the home', then ~ frequent. testing is the only way abe turned arou~d and gaye me to keep a clean erea. It is more the moat · , ~ppe'linr , look but I !than thre-e- years si.nce they were coudn't move the house nor dig ' he~'e lalt and we nave several heifers that have never been testthe hole an, bigger 80 Ihe had I ee;!. I wonder if they will teat for Bang! too. Tuesday. Another snoWy . cJ8y ... with no shc{)ol but this time tiie~ called me up to tell the children. It is not too oold today, a lovely "{Inter da~. They boys cut .some , wood for me and it was.,'a loyely Qay to be out; ' The titmice were busy at the sllet ' and · .I saw cardinal getting some . acorn the open crib. ' Ih other words was wintet' at ,its best. '" , .•. ~ roa ANlf 'CON810M ' Yes, and by the way, everyon,e your 'Qattle, hOP: abeep ,an.,t fAlvet sign that petition for ' railroad to, Horria-Btock co.. Uy. wIni aDd mail service like- we used, to ~'ve firm 'the ,blab." We 'b aa good service then , tel' than most places, but-·, c~t P.I"1~ .and ',~. takes three days to get 'll leiter to U~ cS,", Yards, >~... Q. 'L eba?on·. ': TUDe. lD ,OD RadIo 'SWUotl WOKY, to '.2:30' p, ,m: ' fa; OUr dallY market report.. .
ca~le !~r
tor i40ct
.Sand:& . Gtavel ,
DIDq '~l7¢K SEan,cs' READY . ~ OO~OUn:
. Ma. ' BaDdalI, ' Mlnl~ter Bible 8cbOOI·9.30 .. m. COJllDlunlon 10:45 .. DI ,PrI!.:hlnS, 11 a, m. JunJ~r Endeavor, 7:15 .p \11, Benlo,r Endeavor, 7:15 P. nt, '
WOrld'. N~ Seen ~ 'fOEThe CIIRIsT.tAN SciENCE MO~B ~ ~~&&U
AJJ ·,
OollUllunlon and preaehtng ,P. m. • , :You are invited Lo come thlp , Witb us, •
, _ . ' Sunday School 9:30 a . ni E: A F.arnhart. Supt, . .., . • EvenlnB I5erYJce, 7:30 ' p. 111. , ~yer Meeting Wednesday -eve__
p......... T " wbb".1iIIjIr Udb ~...,
a~d \I"or-
"IT' ItOU,l' M. R ( :II~jlf('I' T. 1\1. SCllrtt. l\lIl1is'fr
DfIl1 N.,.,./wf .
i. Tradaf1d-Caaltl:wdH-U......- .... froID I ••• 1, all'ID-.BcIito~ Art ,,,...,. " 1l1'....H ..w III ~
au t... Nawopapw tar "''IIIIM. -".i---:'-T';;-Ciri.d;;-Sdaiacla 'PIIb~ ~ , 0-. Norwa, Sa-, a-, I' at.. 1m
. ."
the ..-ltor,
'I.c... ••
;- Pdca _1%.00 YMrIp, _ '1.00 a ........
SatU~J"~, ~~ '.MiI. .uaD'OGIuetOq UllCtr: • •
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SAMPLB COpy ON - . ' . ' . ' ,' ~_A
6.s... ..., · ~ U ....._..;-.~_~~~_:...;.:;.-.;~
:. ~
125 Ibs .•
oross cut saw,
sl e~e,
chains, hay r ope. fork and pul:t:ys; 10 rod ~ sma.1l
. ,
F':'IZ Farmall tcac ~ ol' on steel. with cultivators, lLn good CQn dl t .on; Ollver <12 tn. tr(ic~tor . plow; J o h n Deere doubt dIsc ;; Troy wagon wIth
Seleet T~a, lttagazlne.
Seleet. Twa ltlaga~lnM ..
o AMElUOAN HOME _ _. ..._ _._--.•.._ ....._._ .............1 Yr. o TllUE STOllY ....._ . ..·_ -..........._ ....- ...._ _.........-'.....1 Yr. o AMElQCAN GIRL ..:..................~........ _.._...... _.............._...6 M6. o OPEN ROAD (BOYS) (12 hsut!s) .........._ _.......,...........14 Mo. PATHFINDER , (Weekly) ................._ ................_ ....... ... 1 Yr. oo 8p()R.1S AnELD .............- ... _. _ ___ ... _ ..... _ __ ............. 1 Yr. o OUTDOOJl8 (~ . .->.-_.,..:............................................14 Mo.
fencle. some POSts.. lot
tapis, et<:.
HARNESS 81de6 . bamess. collars. 11nes, brtd1eri. atr&1l8 a.nd halters. :I
o PLoWER GROWER •...__ __.._._..__......._ ........ _ .....6 Mo. . o CHlU8TI.AN HERALD .~-......-.-..... _ _ ___ ...6 Mu. MAGAZINE - - '- _ ......- .._ -.......... f; Mo . . . oo PAllENTI' THE WOMAN .......................... _ ..............._ .._ _.._ ........ 1 o PATHFINDER .
_ ..- .....:....__.._............ 1 Yr.
(Weekl,) ....._
~Seleet Twa ltlagazlnM. • o AMERiCAN Jl'RUIT GROWElt......._ __ _ ._ ............1 Y; . AMERICAN POULTIlY JOUIlNAL...... _ - ... :':l'Yr. . 0 FARM JOUllNAL • lARMER'S WIFE . . ....:.._ 1 y~: . 0 HOUSEHOLD ·-'-..·....: ..- .:................... ~................. l Yr. o NATlQNAL UVESTOCK. r'aODUCER._ . , .. l Yr . . POULTRY TR,IBUNE 't. '. • _ _ ....:.._ .. .1 Yr. MOTHER'S HOME' un " .__·_..... 1 Yr. CAPPEll~ FAllMER l Yr.
o o o o
~OUB BIG $~E~IA'.' O':F.E8'1 ThIs lelllJl.r aDd -5 Iinat -llagaziDli
PATHFINDER '(W~,) 1 UOUSEHOLD MAGUiNE 1 Yr. T. ReUE s:roRY* ............_ _ ..__ 1 Yr. AMERICAN POULTRY ]OtJllN.U.:..,.. l Yr. ·. FARM JOURNAL ·.URiQR'8 WDE..1 Yr.
. Y.- ..." ..Ieet __ 01
AU S.X •
o Opal Road (11 1&)-14 No..
r,.... 'Story ;0.. fJ'hlnl 08poru AJieJd .•._ ._ _...1 Yr. ' 0 AmerIcan Home iff .",.~
. ...1 Yr. ~ .. __.I YI'• .
'Ii~N("'NT8" "~UBS . ~: ' 'Ohio'.
• ••
". ;
M~ ~~~' 'D~~~ ',. i
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"SlIice 1184"
Sutn, . .FrtencUJ
'i.. DABE &lid'>SONS
Yoar ~cOnnkk-D~ .'
. " im,.em~n' \. lhaier . r... ' - , :. ,; ... .... III ..,L_._ 1088
,.. 109 ,W. MaCn:St. r
III __--------~--~--~
13 Green Street . ' . Phone 4154 '
----~-----------SHOP nUT '''T . THE FAMOUS CHEAP . STORE We Sen Ev~blu, 43 B. IIaIIl 'Bt.
Phone 1711
II It Market
, 'I..:ADIES~ . . BEADY T~ 'DAB
a-orse. . "',
PhoDe 018
EYE CARE Properly FI&&ecI' Eye G .... es Oill' speclal'y · .
Main 'Sl.
Phone 'l&l R
111..,...." 1~II
" ,Qood. Place to.~, ' CO S.08U.
ROY V. Hu'l:-L SewinK Machine Suppliel lie.......... All ·abt.·
, IBN E Y'.' S- .
DR. L.Phone A. WAGNER'" '76'7W
. U . E. .)lain S.. ' ' , ..... ,!
Xenia, ~.
Truck', 'C8r 'anCi i~~ ··
'. :OAMo.
;8~B '
l\fa~~e Sh~p' ,!o... .
I:~~t:=;;ii;i~=~~gl~ I:
.- -
THURSDAY .. pa•• If, 1M&.
LYTLE !Ur...
\\' "If or
"'"'IA rl "·4~. "·.. rr~.I'u .. u ....
Modern Black Mal·.~et Got Start DurJng La.l War
Mta· Karl Dakin of Lebanon Though the blllCk markct al viaited her mother. Mrs. . Georeia AmerIca knows ' It today origInated l~ns, l 'hUl'8day. in Germany du~l.ng or ld War I. '1'he birthday anniversaries of In many countries It has flourished Since 186~ AmeriEntronce Union Sto(kyords, (hiwgo .a(rs. Allce Clark IUld,Mrs. Geol'lria as II wartime disease lor centurIes. can stockraliaera Ivins, which feU respectively on In Ule N,apoleonlc wars it wos , a have been takinl the 9th and 11th of ' Febl'uai-)o, hIghly deyeloped ,form 'or larceny, , ~t tbelr anima Is to were jojn~y celeb'rated 'on the the Uoion Stock. Is pointed out. When Napol eon lOth. 'A beau~if ul 'birthday cake yardl at , Chicago. lougbt to bar Britisb goodsrrom lbe maintaIning lin in· and hOD).e made ice eream featEuropean conUnent. b'is own wile. atitutlon tbat ul'~d . the ' excell!!nt diimel' preJosephine, was one ot the best cus· SerVices hel~ to make ll~l;'ed in their honor. tt Willi II toml?rs for Engllsb textiles, a vaU. America lIfeslt. very very enjoyable occasion, able on the black market. Scotland Mrs. Jennie Thomas and Mrs. has known black rents In its day. Romo ' Rli'P ,of near Ferry. spent The black market got Its name Jast Wednesday evening WIth :M1'8. trom a development in Germany .In Alice Olark. 1917 which, with variations. Is being , WiUiam Maekensen, .field secJ'epeated In the United States In In Hitler'. Europe 1943. German farmers. dissalisQed the fanner. are prol'etary of the oclety ot Friends ducing too, but their with price cellings se.t over their in tue Middle West, spent tbe product goes to Nazi Uvestock, took to IIlaughterlng their week-end here. Germany to feed the anlmal.l on moonless nlghti"and sell. Dr, Trippe of Springfield, call. s old iers' who are p Ing the meot through l11egal chan· ed on Mrs. Margaret Webb Sak shooting tbousand. nell. Hence the terms black slaugh· urday afternoon. or prisoners who ob· tering, and black market. ject to this form of , D.eapite the bad road conditio'ns "The block market in meat soon ~lIY BODds tyranny. Ii large number of Friends fr om spread to butter. when suppli es ian· 'i. ellow Sprints. Selma and other ported from Holland were sold far points attended , quarterly 'meetina above the aulhorized price ceiling. he~ on Sunday. As a result. all butter became known Miss Laura McKinsey, who for as 'Dutch butter' Dnd iater as 'black s'e vera! years spent th.e winter butter.' In time, black markets ran Dial 2111 _ Wayne.ville riot In so many commodities that months in the Home, called , on friends Sunday evening. outraged German worker. demand· ed raises In pay to match the prices being asked: and freely pal , for "OUR SON" Pte. Simon Wiersema, brother Miss Lilla' Benham of Dayton stolen tood." of Mrs. Walter 'Wiseman, who has spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. The f~llowing poem was combeen spending a' IO-day furlough Glenn Borden. posed 'b y . Evan O. Bogan for' his , h ere, left Thursday mOl'ning for • • • son, Cpl. Robert C. Bogan, who Protect Sheets From . his camp at Monr<le, La. Sgt, Russell Tl:cnqway, Camp is now statio ned at Csnlp ChafSpring. With Cover Hook, La., Georll'e Henderson 8.n d Ark. To protect sheets from snaggIng Mr. Dean Hawke, son of M~, family, Nade Turner and family, and loaring a 'mattress cover should and Mrs. C. ' Lee Hawke, .WhO/ 15 Nallace Treadway altd son" aU of From the day' of hia birth we be plnced over the bed springs. ' employed in Cincinnati, 15 now Middletown, Mr. Frank Larkin started to plan Re member too that a bit of aelhe. I enjoying a vacation at Palm and so n of Dayton, Mrs. Elizzie Great things fOl' out' son when -he , McCollun, Oxfot'dand Mrs. Sadie sive tape carefully bound over a i Beach, ,F la. was a mani . ' , Conner spent a recent evening We felt from the start when great rough place on the spring will also Mr. a~d Mrs. ~. R. Salisbury with Mr. and Mrs. John Treadhelp to avoid a tenr. deeds were done , Wash rng or chenille rugs just as and daughters, MIldred and Lor· way, The one to do them would be w...t Ad!I, CanIs 01 Thanks and you walb blankets; let lhem drip ene, were Sunday gucets of Mrs. .. • .. our son, OII'.....ea are ellarlecl lor ai' &be dry, When hangtng, told over line George Winner 1!lnd daughter in The L.'\dies Aid of ft. Holly .... ., _ eeut a _rd, mlDlmlllll M. E. church held an all-day But when in his eal'ly youth dark and fasten two clolhesplns down Lebanon, lllUre I5e. A WIUI' Ad iDJerkcll lor each hanging side, pinning double ! • . ,' . meeting at the home of Mrs. T. war clouds loomed, &hree u.... eliaqed at Ie a ,pnL thIcknesses. Shake or bnlsh .when Robert Duke ~If Dayton wal! n C, Runyan on Wednesday, Feb, We must defend 'ourselves else nearly dry to fluJ! up. • Wayn~svi1le "visit')I' during the 2. OUI' future was doomed POB 8AL1!l - waWna Productl at Wasb curtains 8S you would sLlks. past week Visiting fr iends before . • • • So our son got a call his country 23 N. BroI4wal, Lebanon. Open Put curtains of flne material auch leaving ' fotl mili.tary service on lIIj ss Phyllis Miirtin was a sup· to serve, eYellinp far JOW' con1lenlence. as lace and scrim In a net bag to Saturday. ' per guest Sunday of bhr grand- The rigbts of liberty and Ir e", parents, MI'. and Mrs. R088 wash, Starcb keeps them tresh' l • • '" OIIl'D LIntner. PbaDe 13 L. dom 'pre8~rve. ' ' crisp, and clean longer. .Use a large Miss Lola Sears of Cincinnati, Planck, ketUe so -,that aU curta lOS for one was the week-end guest of h er ' C, Runyon Altho he would leave with a ts Mr d Ml'S W t Mr. and }frs, T. room can be starched evenly and , heavy heart at once. Do not hang curtains on paren, • 'an .. . , visited Mr., and lIlt-s. R. P . Jones Acetylene , or e1ec.tJ1c. See ~ ~, the line to dry but roll up In a sheet. Sears. ' ... ' of Hyde . Park, Cincinnati, and Our, son was ready and willing ' Orndorf )toad, R. 3, WaJDeari11e. to do his part • Iron when damp dry. , Mrs. E. A. DeLaney of MadisonWhen there came tne day that he In hanging sheets out to dry, put Mrs. Ida 'parshnll who has been ville, Sunday. . , FOR SALE-70 Acree, ,Ii tlllahle, Mrs, Leslie Gray en- large and small, hems together; quite ill a~ th~ Dayton'. Osteo- , had to go . - -._ _ _ 16 P¢Urtl, 10 Wooda, apriDlr tertained to a butchering dinner swing iarge hem over the Une, with pathic hOSP.ltal~s slowly lmprov- , Our son said, "Please let's no CARD OF THANKS ..".ter, 7 room hOOM, bam 'B qn ,Wednesday of last week, Mr. smaU hem on the outside. . Place 1ing and baa retur,n.ed to the home , emotions show," , 'bJ 48, tokcco lIbed, crib fene- and Mrs. A. O. Williams of Day- clothespIns at one·toot Intervall. of her daughter, Mrs. C. 'L ee I wish to thank my many .. rood- F-o-qr mU.. .-t of ton, Mrs. Clara Stacy and Mr. Stralgilten selvages. When l'emov· Hawke, friends for their kindnesses and But it took lots of courage and W. N. and MI'8. Will Null of near .Spring lng, told sheet crosswise again, and , W-.,nemUe. ".,600. • • • ' remembrances during my, " reCent . help from on high . Sean. boro, Mr•.. and Mrs. RUlIBell Bur- . It I. ready tor ironing. Mrs. , RoIS Bo~le is spending ' i1lne~s, both at hOme and in the 1'0' be calm when we said to our nett -of Rfdgevllle, Mr. and Mra. son g-ood-bye, several da,.. . witD her parents at hosPI~l. POll' ~teb' 4000 n. Dearth She'ehan, Mr. Everett Warren Braddock. For W ei know not whetbe'i- if or Salem, ,Weet V<irginia. Mtdwood lumb4Ir, _ _ aDd E4ar1J and :&11'. 'D on .s"urtace. ' . wbe~ , Friendly ~dbul Mrs. Je nle' Plan~ ;pmes Suppoh your bome t'JWD paPer . · . . .1Dch ~ PboDe . . . I. ¥r. aad 1If&., ,Bartlett Monee Th. PIlSl:'lm. had landed on Ply. tb&nk the m.embeta , of: the" We should ever !lee our Ion aca1n. lit. ~. ~ .... tileir moutb JtoI:k' on..~ber 21, lao, H 11 ' btr1thd.a""1The MIamI, Gazette ~ ~e 001, daqliter, Mn. ' SWman Ste~ and thetr few ,nonthl in . their ' 0 y ur.... ~or wae newilP8peJl in the world that cares How .anxloull 'We are for ' this war Dew bome bad broulht bardshlp .and caribl'which, llent to . . .....,. ~......,.. .IeDMtII; and famlb. near Lebanou. 0eDUe. ..u Ides! pea BdwtD . Kr,' and ' lin. Edmon!! MinBer lutrering. Many at the new' leWen ~. So our son may re~rn to a world ...,...... B. I, ..,~, and '.on (~ Dayton were Sunday cUed, ~OIt all of' the' reat 'were W. :=o= y -:!_":"--=:;::::::::==~;:::::::====::;:::==:::::::::::::::=======;;::::_I of eaee: 0bI0. . " -II dinner , gu,esta. of ilr. and Mrs•• aiUl their lupplies ran dangerously ' May our Bon be repaid in his later low, write. W. Helll')' BoUer in life --:=~___,,.--_:__-~~~;.;.;. WDliam Bergdall., ~ eUM Adam Sobatf uprJIbt "Pennsylvanla Farmer." Some of For the tirpe he spent in this the Indian~, who had tOlmerly lived , bitter strife. pIuIo, eood CXIIldlUOD. ~wreDDe 'UA;KS:AltS til the neighborhood ot Plymoutb bad a.t, lit. BolJ7,' W~ B. ..... W ........ 8 .. 111•• Currcow....... ul died In a horrible epidemic which -a 1. " , II May the Heavenly Father on hi,S , ' swept through the region before the t)ll'One ' Walter WilBon bas been on Pilgrims arrived. and those who reo p.asten t~e day when our son .,LAUNDRY WOBX - A~l 8idrt the ' aiclUiBt. malned were inclined to be hosUle. comes ' home. 1(1'. and 'Mrs. · Everett Haines, But one Indian, named Samoset, ironer, curtain stretcher, famMay we ·b e spa'red a time to learn ut wathe. taken bqme. E., Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan, Mrs. welcomed them with "HeUo, EngThat. our son to U8 would not Brown, lower eqd .Gf JII~. It;., Dorothy sDIltli.' and Marilyn Sue Ushmen." This Indian was not a .n~return. Ha"eJlJluiT, ,Ohio. ' 'attended Quarterly meeting at tlve of Massachusettl, but came from a region 200 m!les to lhe nortb , . ' S~n Valley Saturday:. We put ~ur ' faitli and t,\,ust in MrIf and Ra ond Wilson in what f~ now Maine, Samoset bad W ANTE~ood au~ Jack. Not ,bumper type. E: Scofield, phone baa ~ their ~eata ~ndaY even. learne)l his English words o.f greetthe Lord above To guard and protect our son we 21'12. Wayn~lle. inlr their daughten, Mrs, Mary in, from. the crew of an Engli~h fish· loye, ~ll·ne ration book. Cathe""Me Mcintire and Mrs. Jean in, boat whIch had visited th~ coast LOST- 'i'A " .. ....• .,. , f ilies . of MaIne some years betore, He When the Jast 'battle. ii , over: and In ;aame of l\alph Peters. AlIo ette EUla , and their . ~ . h' bad been living In the Plymouth 'the last victory won· ''It'' aruoHne ration b~ok- in Mr. H1U'1'y Lytle Who ~akes IS nel,hborhood for almost a year and Mayall our sons be rewa!'ded for name of Emery Peters, ROute home. with Luther BlUnes' had knew all of the local chIeftain., +......:::.::.c::"" work ~done. " a, Waynesville. the misfortune to fall and pu'!ctun., one l\lDg ,and break a rIb. NOTICE-To Members of Flois better at t~is writing. Like. U. S. Plomblnr ' grealye Women'. 'Club: ,Any, .Donald HaineS, Eryin Harner :\1 rlt. lI ......· Ue I,'. "'buntal"', f.jrr.. " .-.." Winston ChurchIll, more than any members having unused furnl- and. Raleigh Bogan attended ,the other British statesman. Is an en· Mrs, Herbert Graham is very ture lultable for the club rOom belling ', for Mr. and Mr'. Billy thusiastlc admirer at AmerIcan ill with the influenza. pleue uU 2652 ' by F~. 2a. Coftklin (Ruth ,Esther Miars) S~t- plumbing and heating equipment. . MI:, and Mr8, Esl Gilliland 8pent , In 1932, while his country house at urday night. , Friday evening with the ·· Jeff, Mrs. Ethel Chenoweth and Chartwell was being remodeled, O'Banions at Spring Valley. , " sonl Gf New Burlington called on Mr. Churchill was in Cincinnati, and Mr. <and Mrs, Puterbaugh of the RAymond ' Wilsons one even- the manager of a new botel was Mt. I Holly have moved into the showing him the presIdential suite. , ing last week. . tl I ted , j ess Roland houlSe on tile. BellCOnveDlen When they reached the master y oca We were sorry to hear of the • brook pike. The hOUSe" was just at the y-ery edge of ,' de:ath of Mrs. Carl Jones' mother, bathroom, Mr. Churchill. Quite car· v~cnted' 'b y Mr. and Mrs. Forrest WaynesvI.lle near ' the MrS. MarY' Moore, of the Chester rled away by the effect of the col· Troltt. ored fixtures, darted to the nearest } school. NIce, new house nellrhtJ()rhood. The P. J. 'P-homases, visited 'with 5 large rooms. A Some o( our members ,attended telephone, called hIs archItect in , L.ondon. and asked that all work on ' ,lovely bath and kitchen. ' the .funeral of Cha!ley Icenh~wer the bathrooms IJ1 his country house Big full basement that 'at the , New ~ur'mgton Frien811 be suspended until he could' get there ' makes winter laundry c~urch last Fn~y . afternoo~. to explain what he had seen in Cln· '. " Marianna &gan took dmner K tt easy. n!, y pme sun with . her mother, Mi'I!. Lucy elnnati. No. 10 Downing street, residence 01 the prime minister, Is heatporch. City water for Compton Friday. ed by hot water which Is circulated ' all n'eeds. Here you can ..::..'_____-:;thro'jJgh the radiator,~ and piping by ,r enjoy a goad living CARD OF THANKS a pump on the same principle as the from a big garden. best Amerlcan'style hot water heat· , chickens and eggs. Low I am taking this' means of ,ex- Ing plants. ~ EYES EXAMINED price, tenDs. . preuing ' my thanks and .appreciY" ·GLASSES FiTTED' . General Eisenhower's preparations for Invasion of Fortress Europe Call Today ~ A... 'D. ,C arter aUon' tq thole ' who ' r~membered (lut PII Lo.se. ar~ ,well under' way', Some l.'Onception 01 the tremendous task of olit- ' HOURS ' Phone ' 2820, Waynesville Ime with flowers and carda dul'Farmers can cut fall pig losses In' fitting (l model'n Invasion an'nY m,a), be gained from the knowledge ing my recent iUneaa. ' . 9-12 EACH MORNING baH it they wiU take precautionary' \hat ea~h soldier' overseas r~uirea 6 to 10 ,tons of supplies,' and an , Mrs. 14a Parshall, I ~ 5 AFTElJNOON 'E){OEPT WEb It~pi. Clean an~ disinfect farrow· " additional ton must follow each . month. More ttlan half of all war' 7-1t SATURDAY EVENING ing bouses, and mov~ them onto , OTHER EVENINGS ' tp!,nage shipped , oversees i~ in',petroleum ' products. 'In the African' clean ground; avoid 6verteecJ.ing BV ' APPOIN}'MET 'ON~Y inyosion gasoline 'a lone totaled, ,4,200,000 gallons a week. brood lOWS Just before and after .'t , ,farrowing; and wash the 10,W" tbor·, Mrs. Alice Trickey received a numbel' of cards If'rtdaS' 'in hohol' o! her !:I3rd bid,huay, ~he hal! been ,in ill health for a number 'of years. ' ~lrt. and ' Mrs. Robert iney moved trom here to their new home ill ,JJayton Monday. ::la't. Siney , Is . staL10ned at Wright !"ieIlJ. :a number of people fl'om hel'e braved the snow !lwrm and icy rouds 'j'hursday liVtllUllit to attend tile opel' tUl at Waynesville gym. .Mr. and Mrs. Harvey tiw'net attended the .rarmeJ·s L;!ub ':rnursaay at me home 01 Mr. ana AIrs. vmar .t1olJlIIg8wortn nelU' vrcgorua. .ru. and Mrs. Frank Kurfis and kra. Leslie lil'ay were Aenla va· !tora Wednesdsy. 101:11'. and .oo.u. t(.oss liartaock 01 Waynesville enter&ainea to din· ner l:)unauy at tllc home of Mr. und JUrIS. Ltlliph J ohnl!. ' Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hall aitended the f uneral of the former's uncle in Dayton, ~londay. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Clark of Dayton spent Sunday afternoon with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Miltenber· ger and children and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miltenberger attended the WK.RC "Jamboreoe" at Memorial Hall, Dayton, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salisbw'y of Washington C. H. were dinner guests ' Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick. ' Mr. and Mrs. 'ill Ross and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. J. 1.., Wade of Waynesivlle visited the Morris Sons Funeral home in Dayton Sunday a!ternoon whel'e the bo4y of Mrs. Nettie Linehan lay, an aunt ot Mr.. Riss and Mr. , Wade. Kr. and Mrs. Loren Routzahn of Franklin and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Melloh ,of Waynesville, were Sunday 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. CJyde Wharton. Mrs. Clyde Wharton, who has een ill for some time, was taken to Miami Valley hospital Wedneada7,. .lira. Louella Swank of Dayton spent the week-end with her pa"i'enta" Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Long-
w. OHer ,
. Satisfactory
At All
K •• 0111' TI',aditions More War
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Ph.... 2411 or 24,6 4
oughl;, w,th the warm, .oap), water. , Be .ure houses bave, guard, , r~Ua to prevent 'crushing pi,s; feed • clean red dirt to plgs pn piau 01; conctete floors the first three w,~kal to prevent anemia and thump.; dia-' Infect navel stump when pi,l '.1'. born to p~vent Joint ill; have pig, immunized against C!ho1er'a around weanin, tUne: and · provide warm. dl'J, well·bedded. Quarter. tha' are fr.. orduft.
.-~• •""jIiIl"-III!II!!.I!II.I!I!I~...iIiI"'''.1III.!I.1;..
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, ·Eye SpecialiSt'" Dr. C. B.' WiIkDr-, • 's. betroit Stnet
MAX W. RANDALL, Miniater
Phone 2993
,LOS MfGBLI:8, CALII'. - X• ArkADau . . . . . . . ... tId8 m'IIIM
cMmp~a.tu. ~ ' N~
BerklhIN abow InII'CIIIuId
Ba.... moliloaplctan ad 1'a4Ii . comedlaD, at ,1010 for his BaacJM
Buooka. Bam.. Wbo .. famoaI for hla rid taIeI of AIbnaaa IdU folk, bd the~ nllahUnpof bla ...' pJpe Is an aMat ~~ ftdIc1c. aDd spends mach time at hIa ....... near he.... '
Mr. alld 14ra, Tom FQrd),ce < and , lOll West Carrollton BUll"" evenlnl'. bat WHk we were awfully ,op.. , timistic about spring "'e~ cl~~ ~nd this IInow: and cold weather has calmed \IS down a bj~t we are jUI\. as 'o,ptimistlc a_ ever. · Spring II on the way.
Ber~ Huunell. vort_,onG"nt
"rbe young pCQple's cla.. of the ' church met at the home -of Mr, and Mts. Donald Carter' and
U: B.
Mr. and M.rs. ·'Ted Ball and family and Mr. and lira. Ed ,Ball and son took <limier with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Bunnell and ,Mr. and Mrs. Millard ~alt, Sunct.J. MUlarCJ M~l a-nd Mias Ruth Bunnell weTI!' I\uietly tnarried 'on Saturday afternoon at ,the home of Rev. and 1'(rs. Smelker,<lf DaYton, .
,," . <P01:l~t., - , News
Marriage licenses have been i~ , sued ' to Alfred Kimpton,. 2B, truck driver, Middietown, and Betty Black, 18, reltaurant worker, Franklin; Ralph N. Whitacre, 26, soldier, and Lucretia Eve~tt. 26, clerk, bo'th of Morrow. A ' divot:ee has been awarded to Alono Hibzard from ' Jeule ViTian" Hibbard, who aliso was given custody of a ' cHild. , ' Among reclni real estate tranBfers we,e , the following: ' Jeue and Kate Prendergast to W, Edgar and - Doris 'L. Smit~, 97.f~1 acres in Waynes twp.; Elmer and RebeccaF\,get~ to Ralel,g~ and Josephine . Elkridge, 108 · ~c~es in Clearc:reek . twp. ; Hugh O. Lewis to Nora S. Lewis, undiVided one": half interest in B9.n acres In Wayne ~lH Leonard ~. and BOn. Meece , to Be81 Reinller, 119:33" Berea in ICll!arcr:e;,k' tlfp.; Spl,ll'Keon' ~d ~N~nnie F. S~p son t-o Au~sta Schauder, 201.1;2 acres ,in Was~np.l.D ~. '
, WA l'NBSVI.LLR, OBl<A1fHURSDA Y, FEB. 24, 1944
etrath.m~IC-· A8id.N-AHacftorolCin.-
Ladi.,. Nigllt Held Old, est Ba" ker, By LOca1'CiVic-CluD -Wi· II,Ja mAAllen, .I 84 ' NiP.t~' OIe'5 Cit ge
Red Cross Drive To Begin March 1,
Wl:lIteSville Ii ,EliriW:\ated In Co. Tournament
The Waynesville ' Civic cl!lb Warren county's quota in the qelJl ItII IIcml-ann,ual "Ladies Red Cros war funcl ,dl'ive thi s, yeor Monday ev'enlng at the is ~ouble that of last year. At 0 . r Methodist . churcn. The delicio'us m~eting of the e~ecutive com- WaynellVilIe ",as eliminated in Th b I. ' d f or t d'Inner was prepare,d all d serve d mlt~ee Monday Count.· the Wa.r ren Tuellday county ,basketball h e 00 ksave ",een cIoae ChalrRwln Charles J,mght, Waggoner r eo tournament evening, chlm:h. Ivealed the as when the team 10lt to Morrow by William H. Allen. wltb an 1m. by tM DOllingnation's credit IIlde In t)te ledger. DueC.to R. the,rall@ ablancaWill of .St. the prl)sioe the I""'re of 86 .to 22. In the a .. The oldest banker In den; John, I The campaIgn, f hwhIch i "th' " l point of ~ervice, he died at bl~' vice prelident, "'a. In charge of p aC,e 0 t e annua roll call, wlll ternoon they had lIuecumbed to IItart next, Wednesday, Marc~ 1. Oarlisle by the ICOre 87 to 26. • home In Waynesville Monaay at the meetlnr. The rerula, business 9 a:m. at the age af $4. Jle had m•• tinr " wat dispensed with ' on I al.;.ownshI P quotas and chalrm(n I Monday eVeninllthe locals been III seve.r al Weeb. a motion ot a club member. Clearcreek-Fra kiln $10750 pulled the o~~tJndhig surpijle Allen had been prellident of the t The assemblage was led in a S p M ,n, " ot the tournament when they de. w.,ayneevl11.e National Bank 40 nur,nber 'Of. pep,. 1I0.n g by Rev. . . ayer, East Deerfield, feated the powerful Mason five, Steve West ' years. He had been connected Ralnh Parka with E. W. Scofield ' $2,000, f' ld $2 000 ['ragoo; R Gil' Deel'-. un defeate d to league play, I>y • h d ~ plano. , Hamilton, Ie , • $2.000, , oyJ . H.a Knapp Imore ;, th e to p-SI'd e d score 0 f .. 40 to 2~~. with it 65 years, from t e ay at the when it · was organized, Dec. 14, I The IIpeaker of the evening wss Harlan, $1,600, Clayton Clark; The victory lI,e nt the splqt of 101874. Mercer. archItect" of An· ',A . . . . . of Marln~ ~..-It III GIl .... Jurlo 1IDI1erIrowth ahoIiI7 llfier1aruUa. on the beacb Mass'le t1600 1> 'b .t C .. S. cal fans soarIng and talk ot win-h ,.. d .t' MAX yo ' .. fOl: CDeIll7 ,... 'noelJohn e) E. a)Holden; r, a- nbln . g thsde ch,amp1o_ . . nsh'IPdwdas llC4 h' !, , When t e anstltutlon opene 1 s tlock Coijege, ,Yellow Springs, .. 'l'enIdaa In C ; ~'.lll .._a.-nI_ _ ...... - _ - Cam oubled helmet. IUIII elUDeal' lem, $2,000, Sen, <l,oors Feb. 1, 1875, he WM all- wholle to~ic wl\~' "Post W~ ..... IUlcl ~.,., . ' ~ :lpcK u. Jlmile-Ba'~ SolclJen of Ule Sea. Turtlecreek, $10,750, Sheriff WIl- y T ue ay s games I'n e . ~ wi. t sllltant cuhier, although only 18 , Planning and'iIoullmg." He ' gave • Iiam Hufford. Jr.; Union, $1,000 ,1 Other ~onday games ,80hwed old. On Feb. 11,1882, he hili ImpreSlJion!l as to what the Ralph Van Meter; Wuhington, the follOWing was advanced to cuhier and on POllt war . home would , he like. $1,000 Commissioner Fred Hage- 4~, Morrow 31; C,rhsle. !f8, Kinp March 4, 1895, he w.s elected a He · lltated that In his opinion, nuiyer ; Wayne , $8,000, Mayor Mdls 30. ft director and named vic~-president c~nt)".ry to popular belief, the &010 ~ Cliff Brace. son beat Kanga Mdls 3,O.-~5 ~nd In the yearll of hIli u80ciawould that be very . 1ure d Ml's, Albert (Esthnr) Stelten- 48 Harveysburg aboro, • tl' on wl' th61! the institution, AIl~n POllt much war II'ke home th'" home w no The lure of fun on the Ice ~ MIM Pearl Orndorf of Wayn \ls~ 34 th trounced t. Sprin. S b bad been absent from the bank ' .. ., ,a~o er '"uplle_" pn.~11 built prv - el' oul onto the out"r'e.a k of ,,-year 0] .u.. Carro II L, es Camp'be 11 Th' t d S i t' VI'11 e, an d E dward Lewis, of Mi- pohl was ap po inted coun ty chair- was ehmma"nd h" o~ by f 'n ~ to his death Saturday afternoon . Ir y-one men 11m er e ec Ive amisburg, were quietly married man of the produ~ t1on unit, ,which .... ... uelOUay nlJ'.. , Mason 43-34. . ,. only twice on accou~t 0 I neSIJ, war and that changea ~ou!d come In company with little Wayne Service Board No, 2. have been Sunday afternoon at 4 :30 p. m. hanqles all sewing. once in 1'900 &II • rellult 'Of rheu- very slowly, as in the put. He Hessler, he ventured 'out on Cae- notified to r eport, 28 for pre- at the local Church Ohrlst. It was r eveal ed b.v Mrs. Lucille 401 M.'iolf. p mati am and again in 1921 AI a then gave a picture of what the aar'a creek behind the HarveYII- induction examinat ion and three Max minlstor, officiated Berry that the Red Cro!!8 mobile The .defendmg av.npd relult of an operation. Und.r Ideal home wbul4 be like from b F rtn' PI t He broke tor active ctuty. at th, oeremony, bank unit will not visit Warren an .etback MalOn his direction, the Wayne.ville Na. t he archl~ect'll point of view. t;:::u g he th~z~:e abaonui 8 ' b t Billy Robert Conley of Wayne.. County In the coming months. they poured it .on to c:rU8h the tlonal bank hu grown .nd proeMr Mercj! lIIulltrated his talk ' b p.m t~1 ville and Chule! Ray Malott of Virginia Rob~rta and C~rle8 ~he read a leter from Dr Wil-' Green and WhIte, holding ~n Pered and today ill one of the. b 'd ' wi bla kb d At hiS ody was not recovere Morrow will . re.port Feb. 28 for Orndorf were the attcndatlts. . Youn'" M•• on ace ~" ....0 fleld . .. I' tit ti I Y rangll on a , c oar.. almost 1I p.m. The happy couple w\ll plake their lIam Dern of Cincinnati, stating I'" Th ~B b ' B"" ~i d u ona n the lie IIhowed Carl'oll, a first grade pupil in Mnaivnl dtrn lnfinlrM and Clyde home in Miamisburg at 1228 that. no dates are available till oa S. d e trlb 0tYlld' 25ra'f Til f . ' f 1898 two typell of b)1b,d ings through the Massie School, had just celebrated ran a 0 orrow WI report Second street. fall because a local request had Wernar , con u e poI ..... Lor f bank UIJe of IIlJdel and a projector~ his birthday anniversBI'y last the lIame day to the army. not been made early enough and ayn,e. '11 ' h Id e amoud8 paim~. 0 o ups, mo ern.za Ion '0 The rie~ Il)eetin, of the ciub ' k Ordered to ren.ort for pre-in- W. S. C. S. MEETS At becau,se the mobile unit i. being W."dnl •••• fe (40) " ing methods • • . all the lie foun4 ill acheduled to ,h e held" March ,20 .. we;h' t I _ duction . examinati on to day f ra ey " 4 n B Kilen equal to the occaaion; :ije . "( , e unora serVlce was ,con (,Thursday) are: l.ewis Ray KinFUI.KERSON HOME lIent Into new ieldll'. Phil.IPs,' f ,. : :: : : ::::: ' 3 0 ' f kept well in IItep with t~e pro- AWARDS TO BE ' GIVEN ~ucted i'by ~h.e :~v'O~ Ph T~rl\- ncr, Jqhn s~ifes, Clarence Krebs The Woman~lety of Christ. WAYNESVILLE TIES Bernard, c ,. " .. , " , .. , 5 1 U greg from the hand lediter daYII DURING FARMERS WEEK derry t n2 rlen sM CI urc Fu ' CO-I and Jesle Blair, all1 0/ Pleasant Ian Service of Wayne--Jlle Met.... FOR THIRD PLACE Sackett, g ' .. ,,"'. " 0 I 'to the prellent. ' ay a p:m, cure nllrll PI I K 1 XI dR-YO n N D I 1 ' 0 a . Allen is survived by one dauahhome was ID charge. Il n; ar nner .an ay odist church .enjoyed its Febr!!I LEAGUE PLAY av s, g " ". , . " ', .. ter, Olive Allen Brace, _U e Lebanon-The best display of CaTroll Lee was the son of Steele, Morrow; Tom S. .Brad- ary meeting at the bome of Mrs. Coa b Le 0 d' M L_rd Charlton, g . . . , . , • ' . ,1 8 5 DbD l'I'U articles milde from feed .sacks will burv Geor"'e Beckett Cectl At. M c ' j) rmon S .Ion.... _ _ __ of Mayor Cliff H. Bra".. -ho Is ' Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ca.mpbell, , " e ~ ' • A. Jo'.ulkenon last Thursday d . t t d tb .... win . an award during County h t tMtr t H kln~on ·and James Stephens, Ore- afternoon. woo qUID e woun up e reg16 ~ 40
~cUel· of., tbe
_131 Are Called
youngster Drowns
F,rOm Bola ' rd 2
NeliloW' Harveysbur
.ta make"
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resul~: Spnng~9ro T~esilay .aftern~on ~_
Married Sunday At Church of Chr'I.st
WAYNESVIl.~, c~amp. ea~~ler li,~
~_ ~
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r;:ther N Ra.;;ond :rganM I After the business meeting, s::::a ",••0" (2;) 8 '1 He has a'f 'ni'e"e I'n CI'ncirmati, Mn. . er VIllage marshall. w, ~ . OOl'e, mon ar a called to order by the president, d 10 Hi b lim d Young, f " ' , . .... . ,, 2 .. ers a'nl! bread bakers, t.oO. AU _ and Ne]lIon Sherwood, all of Mrs. Walter Whitaker a . program an none st. 8 oys c axe Hill, f ' .,','. , ',., '. ' () 1 l elchibttB ' must be in place at Leb- MANY HAVE SIGNED Wd'Z"esvEiIle; Cbollett. aEnd. ot readings, and victl'ola Mellish, f .. ,." "., ' ,1 2 4 E :"vn ~ "'-h anon Gnulge hall (second' floor) PETITION FOR BETTER VaJlB ,fie, e anon, v music was enjoyed Mrs ' Reba . Walker, e .. " . . . , .. ,' ,0 1 1 nephew, Fia~er, in t e by 10 a. m~ Monday, Feb. ~8, MAIL SERVICE HERE erett Williamll, Chlrksville; Dal- B dd ' k M A' H S· t' bb (T\on:league) outfIt last Tuesday Weisman, g , . , ', . . . ,. 1 2 4 ' d f rAl1red. Aes 1I0mewhere in the F'~t- an II , lIe~On,.d money ' • Ias Ba rto n, H.arve17Sb urg,' , Elt on ' and ra Mrs oc, Mert rs. Baird . . u s, by the top heavy 59-36 tally • 0 '.. prIzes ' gave read. ' and . La ymon, g ,."" ", . , 1 I ... arJl)e southwest Pacific . war lone . ., Hill will: ·be awarded winnerll In ,the Wymer L. Drake, ehairmah of Ernest Hawk~, Miami sburg; Led- ings on the theme, "Elucation 'Of the 8~rong Springboro five Fri- Diehl, i ", .. ,," " , . 1 0 2 ife, the fprmer Carrie W. B.r~ey, followinsr' • ' a special committee of the local ford C, Whitt, L4)ckland; Carl h'ld . I tri' .. day mght, 45 to 32. I . __ _ 'died Jan. 28, 1.987. Tbey .were , Br'e ad'" and . 1'0111, 16·22-ounce .Civic club which was appointed R d II H :ld M hi d CI d c I ren, 1n var.oul coun ell, Carlisle wound up in the No. . e 10 08 an I I , aro 0 er an y e Devotionll were In charge of Mrll ' . '. "I married Oct. 10, .J900. loaf" of wbite , bread (enriched to endeavor to lIecuremail de'- Burns, Dayton: .Alb ert Williams Baird Mrs Carlton Cook read 2 spot i'~ league standings, having Carll.I., 37: W.,.••••n... 21. The funeral aervlce wu con- flour); 1~. ounce lod of whole. liverY to this lo'c ality direct from CinCinnati; and Ltlwreen Oook, ,. . "L' I " ,won five games while losing one. The CarliSle lads eo"tima.. ducte.d by the Rev. Ra\p~ P~k" wlieat • br,ad; olle.,lialf dozen trains rather than by star route, C Tlte rviUe. ' a ~~em h~ mco Wed b M Sprin"boro, Kings MUls and their winnin, w.y,l bJ" ~ at the re8idence Wec,tne~,., at cloverleal roUa (white enriched 'announces that more - than. 5SlP-, ered tW't'epOrt~ Feb. -i!8 ' for ' e B ' dd sSie. a&II d Mrs y J ; WayneSVille "fIntslfell in - f. three- back the WayiielVilte cagera 'aa Reb ..2 p.m., tol1o~ed b, burial 'in Mi- flour)'- one-h.lf dozen parker- residents have signed netitions rpre·induction examination are R': ra °dc a~ h . t . .~ way tie for third 'h onon. eaeh Baker and Bishop paced' the ID)fcClureFune~1 hOuse.' rolls ' (white enriched" asking for the improved service ILuth er Kilburn of Mo.rrow and bolC't 2115erve b re rell ~en s IIV having won three and 108t three dians while only three Wayne ..lis " t a u mem ers . H b . "1IK.,~ fI,,!!r,): Cilkell, nut cake (layer); and, also p~ssengcr service a Chari s D~kin of Waynesville. . The oup will ~eet wi.t h Mrs: games, arveys urg won on"!! eptered the Ilcofing eolunip. Brad• .. Palll)earers were Deari dfNt.D ~tla-. • " ',,, (layer); sponge t~e WayneSVIlle depot. Ch I grEII' . ... h game and lost five contests, for aft ley paced Wayne with 10 points. "',..- - - " " '\ .. ."nev I· George Waterh oUle, S eth cake ' '., . .• {" "Uookioq ..",f , !, ar es . IS In m.8rC . (uniced" one-haJf . M~. DraAe urges • tl. lose w' 110 ANNOUNCE MEETINGS average 0f , .167 ,w.h'l l eth e green Carll.le .Everett Early, H. A. Cor- dozen ·/lug.,r, cookies I' one ::>111f wo~ld like to see the proposal ·J,N REGARD 10 NONVALENTINE PARTY Morrow squad has undl8puted --'- -~~--'-----"--1r-"'t'D7--'7-;=-"':::;";j; neU and RO!!8 Harlllock.· dozen oatmeal cookies. LadY'1I succeed and who, have not all yet HIGHWAY . G4SOLINE claim to the cellar, having 10llt all D. Baker, f .,.,., .", , 7 --'--------:-. -homemade cotton hou8e ,dreSIJ 8igned one of the petitiona, to The clU8ma~1I of Joan Baker six games. Morrow resumed Bishop, f , " . . " ., ., , 4 ENTERTA.NS FRIENDS " .. (machine s'titehed); Iadyll1 home- do 110 at ' once. A copy is on f~le Chairman Harold Sharp of the were gu'Bats on Monday evening league competition this year after J. Baker, c " . . " .,., : 8 ' AT BRIDGE P-AR'fY. stitcltecf; ehildren'l cotton pa- at the lo~al drug lltore. county agricultural conservation when IIhe entertained with a val- a two- year lapse, and thus lacked Kruse, g ,',. , . . .. " . , I ~ , J~mM (maClii"e lltitehed), -and committee announces a BChedule entine party at her Waynesville experienced players all a nucleua. Hamlin, g . . . .. " " " . 0 Three tablell of bridge were In beat dlsplar ot a~iclell made from WEDDING AT HARVEYSBURG of township meetingi for deter- home. After a pleasant evening of. Carlisle won from MaSllie Fri- ' __ _ play ThtH.l:d~l l-evening wij~. ~ feed ' Atka: . -- . , , mining individual farmers' partIJ games and eon testa, a del~cious d.y night, 47-29. ~ 15 7 n H. f. Dye vety de.li,g~~f~y ,ep. . Mrs. Eben Le~i, Lebanon, R. , The marrIage of MISS LOIS 011- in the war production program lunch WM aerved with everYthing That same evening, Wayne8- w.,."... m. Mrs t4jr£ained a group of ds Jl. 8. will be III charge of the of and b . and for allotting non-highway in keeping with the valentine ville thumped Morrow, 40-24, with ,Bradley, f " ' , .. . ,.,', . 10' the games dalhty . re!rcllnmeil.. bak"iL goods display. and MrS. ,a ro . lam, 0 ar\le~ ~~' gasoline and ' fuel' oiL leason. Phillips looping in eight buckets Phillips, f " ,.,. " .. ,. 4 0 8 . welle se V~ to: I M~Sj ~?oh~"':rvm'7 Howarei Grahani,' Waynellville, R. to Lennert Hanson , sO,n 0 1. i ~ lijl 8tated that the OP ~ u9u'ests .were .Eileen Brown, for the winners. Q,radley of Bernard, c " ,."." ,. 4 0 8 , er, Ilin. Wade iUrnllf, II a. ;,\; .1:. ·R. 3, of elCithlng dillliltYI. '. ' and Mrs. Lars P. Hanson,. Bos- q\lireis .that -every toractor owner TID',!ey, Mary Waynesville and Ragland ' of Mor- Davis, g ,. , .,", . ' .. , , 0 ' 0 0 StQ t, M~a. ~iI1ian Crane, Mrs. " .,. I ~ . ton, MI¥IS.,. was solemmze~ Sat- attend the , meetingsl and :fm out FranCIS WhItaker, Jennte Lee row; each connected with five buc. Ludlngt.on, g . , '" ., .,0 0 0 Verlle 'Simpson, Mm. Hal'\J,Id ,; tlilo! ~oro LICEN• . , TO GO Urday evemng,. ~.e~. 19, In t~e forma for obtaining fuel for oper- Bradd'Ock, Eula Hoak, Rob.e:t kets and one free throw, while . ~ _ ...:.. ler, Mrs, Earl Conner, M!8. Clrl • 0,. ,SA:LE MARCH' 1 Bal'tist church III HllrveysbuIg. ating this year. Even though tr~ic- Hastings, Donald Lukens, Phlilp the Wayne center, Bernard, netted 12 2 28 Co~rd, Mn. ( D. R. Smlt"f if~.. , . ,.,~ . ~ .." . , Mrs. Ha?son h~ been employe~ tor gasoline has 'be.en issued re- B~ker" Bob ~unter, Kennet~ four buckets and thr~ ' free Morrow, 38; W.,.D• ."m., 3~ •. , M. A. Fultenon, Eat fl\J\;- . ,I. ..~) ~w~.e/,, }ocal ' re~strar, at the A~r Service Commall~, Pat rcently. it will be :necessary ' for TInney and DWIght Barnette. throws; for 11 pointll each. Little Jack Souther'I ' aecur~y bell and Mn. K. R; 'Hill. ' announcel ' tHat 1944 auto hcense ;terson FIeld . . M.r. Han so n .IS em- farmers to make ilppliration at ' BOll Scor. at ' the f-oul line played a mAJOl' , : platell will ' go on Ale here at ployed ~t Re~mgton A~'l:ps ~o., these meetings for t he entire crop GOVERNMENT DEB.T W.,."...ilIe part in the Salem township Iad8 DE~~HS OYTNUMBER BI~TH_S ,Rol'!~ . ~ri~ , SlIP.lIl\CUl,.:gat;age' on rnc., 'fKmgd!! MitUs, P but III ~el~ yeaI' of 1944, from Jan. 1. 1944 Total debt of the government b f tp upsetting the Waynesville apple;. , -' . J ~ch 1.-, ,The ne~ hcense, . one trans erre 0 asco, , a s " to Jan. 1, 1945. of the ,United States has reached Bradley, f " . . , ', .. ". 5 1 1 ] cart M they nosed ont the OI',DIJ. 'J\C!Cording to a re :oit '~liY ' Mfii. 'tagi:mt(!. inU8~ appear" ~n not where ~he will make . t?ell' home. at'e being held t}te all-time, peak of morc than Phillips, f ". ' ,.",. ,. 8 0 16 and Black in a hard fought . .me •. 1vmg Er n":'\'t lne CO'ok, itleri of ·the;War- later 5n April 1. The .btlfdeMhas 'b-~den IM ,~ aEtl' mel' the today and tomorrow. The sched- -1'70000000000 and is still go- Bernard, c ,. , . . . , .,. ,, 4 8 11 Morrow's victory ~as the second, . health board, for ..Jbe • • . , omet 0 . ' L r.b an ' ~ up. , , , . t.h d B ra dl ey ag.i n ren ...county' 'ars.th b'd ule follow8.. . , mg Ludmgton, g ,., ' , . , ., ,0 1 1 upset 0 ... e ay. .first ·ti ' in many mont~" deatht! :VISI:r~~,.It( ARKAJII,.., S~=r: ~i t~eanhoonm:n of l\~r , r~Jd J Clearcreek, Feb. ~~4-26 (Thurs- I The lowest point in the public Sackett, g ,. ,. ,." ", ,0 1 WM the W.ynesville scoring ace' e''''ee''ed births in the. county. ... Ed " . :day Tand Friday), 1 p. Sm. . tob9 p. debtdu.r ing. the past 20 Charlton, g ' . . , ' ... ". , 00 00 ',M 0 with 11 polnta. ' ..,,, 'I , , . h JIlrs. . w·-k-·nop 1,,11 lett Frid'ay gTMrs. Alf re d B I'an t i n""Iarvcys-, h' b years was Da . , Last .m';lnth 36 d~at s were ~ r a two-week...' visit at'the home bur. ' ' m., ' ow.ns IP garagel, pring oro. , recorde? In Decem er, 1930, VIS, g "" ... , , ' , .. , orrow reeor"ed in the county ac c~~ Ii' h .I t' d daughter g DeerfIeld, Feb. 241:-25, 1 p. m. when It was $16026,000,000, Orane, g ., " " " ' , .,. , 0 0 0 b f tp ":I • ..... . . ot er 80n- n· aw an , MI · 1 b 'ldl , ' . M S th f 6 9 11 pared to 21 ,j)lrt~S. rnc;umoni Lt.. and' Mra, A . .R. Starke, at I50tb WEDDING ANNIVERSARY to 9 p. m., u,n CJpa Ul ng, F.ro!" tbat tIme on It ros.e .raPldly, orrow 2 ou er, , ,. ,, ,' ,,,, , accounted for mne deathll and P rtmo th A ka _ ._ Mason. ' I hItting more than 80 'billtons by Souther, f , . , . , . , . . , , . , 1 0 Kogan, f .. ,." ... . , . . 1 ~ .•0" .t., InfJue~~ two. Boys and ~irllJ ~ad 0 u , r nllM. 'Mr. and Mra. Francill I. SharFranklin, F?b. 2~25, 9 a.m. December of 1935. O'Brien, 1 , ."." '" , , , 0 1 1 Ragland, c ., . , .. ,", .. 2' 2 • a nip ' and' tuck race WIth gtrllJ COMPLETES TRAINI,NG l'itt qf R. R.I. Waynesville, will t~ 5 P, m., Olty b~dding, Frank. 'The 40 billion doUar mark' was R.gland, c " ', .. . ' .,' , 5 1 11 ":hI~cre" . , . " . , . " .0 ', 0, fl. ... outnumbering' boys by one. celebrate their 50tl! wedding a.n- 1m. " passed in April, 1939, and the Kogan, g , , , . .. , . , . , , ,, 1 0 2 0 Bnen, g .,',. . . . , .. 4 I " Robert E. , Osb9r~, lion of ' Mr. niversary Saturday. They weM ~milton, March ~-2 (Wednell- tally thereafter wall as follows: Whl.t acre, g . ... , . . , , . .. 2 0 4 ~A-, . NOTED SPEAKER'S AT and , }l~ . .fI.rold .E. O/lbcirp, hall married in MiamisbUrg and have day and ThursdaY.)J 9 a. m. to 5 GO billion-January 1942. Cornett, g .,. , .. . .... .1 2 4 1 FARMERS WEEK NEXT completed hill primary pilot train- rellided here for the past 10 p. m., Town Hall, M.aineville. . ' 100 blllion-NoveO:ber, 1942. I . The '!,ay.ne juniorll defeated Way"•• YlU. . ,_,~, MONDAY AND TUESDAY: ,ing at DOlT Field, Arcadia, Fla., year s. Mr. Sharritt is 75 arid hill I Harlan, March. 1-~!, 9 •. m. to 120 billion-March 13, 1943. Morrow Jumors, 19 t.o 11. Bradley, f "", . ... .. ,' , ' 1 ,11' , ' . ----- . ...... arid bai b~e'n 8~nt. 'to Bainbridge, wife Is 69: Their three sons, 6 p. m., TownshIp hlOulle, Butler150 billion-Sept. 18, 1943. Phillips, f ,., ' ,. , . , ., " . 0 l' • Farmeri Week seasions will.be, Georgia. to , e~ter ba.I~. pi.1 0t Jesse, Well'ey and. John of Day. ville. . ' ' . SPARE RATION STAMP 3 . Clark, f " .. ,. , .. " ... l .:d' " held Monday and Tuesday of next traJnlng. Hii addres" is: A-O Ro- ton, will be pres ~ nt at the open J4asIJle, . March 2-·8 (Thursday VALID UNTIL SATURDAY Bernard, e '.' ... , .,', :x' .., 0 1", week at Lebanon. . ~ert. E. O..born A. S, ~. ' 158762.2~ 'houlle, with their wiv~s and two and ~day), 1 p. m. to 9 p. m.. S'p are Ratio~mp No.3 in ~::!i~~': ~ ~; CU1'l'ent farm problem I be A.T.F:.B,F.S. ' ~lau n-F, of: the ~hrli!e. gr~children. The ITOwnll~IP houlle, H~rveKII~ur!;. to A demonstration . on how to War Ratio.n Book No: 4 may be 'Ludington . , , .. .' , '.. , 8 O' . dlllcuBSed by IIpecla1ists and f.rr,n bridge. ,Georgta. thIrd grllndchtld IS \I) the navy. . Salem, March . l 2, M' make tractors last longer and how .used for five pounds In purchases I ' C ). _ _ ...; t . '''~d to preaent . I , 5 p. m., .Townllh IP h Guse, OlTOW. . . f k d 11 t f op"ra ,ors are IDVl"" ' . " . SHORTAGE OF WATER ACUTE ' Turtl k M h ' 6 7 9 a. to Bave fuel and rbres ' was gIven . 0 por an a ypes 0 sausage . " \1~ ,.~ i their p'aniQular cases RETURNS TO SOUTH • _ ' to ;cree, arc ty f- to tractor users and owners and through Saturday, Feb. 26. It H.rn".hur., '471 wiD . ,devoted, .. ' J R Gibbons] who left ' here . Warren , countr farmers bve::;e coun , 0 ithe F. F. A. members of Waynes- may not be used for lard. Sharpshooting OtviPt\ .• try. , lI"!'lne, dafrylng. ,s';lil. D,lan-'r to, hunt pbealianta , in ha.uled. more watel' I Union ¥a;ch 2-8" 9 a. m. to ville, and Lebanon at the man was the ' main ' reuon J,or ment, foo(\1 'DakotJ" arid ltared untli thIS. winter than they have In 5 11 ' m' Township ,houae South Grange hall last Monday evemng. OBSERVE BIRTHDAY IMUllle's th ' , , hOWiehol~ 'eq,uI~m~,n~, mablln n nc: ' two. 'weeka ago 'hall again many yea!8,' D. B. Baile¥, ~ounty Ltti~ftO~. ' ' , • (Tbil was sponsored by the Stand, . d Spl'lngboro lad.. ' , ot ~~htnc:rt.j _C~Ph 1l~0 ema an th i .d ) f Ii d h t- agent announces. o;e Bald It was , W hi . t ' M 1 54 9 ard Oil company. A pl~asant tlme was enJoys I I .;. ' '"1-_ _ • limilar. • .' (The complete 1,000 108<18 of ' as Mrs. Kinkel and two other ,at home of Mr. and , H.rn,.abar. prOgram apPe~l'I 'on Pare 8 ot ...... _ d 800 f rm. Water each containing 1 000 gal; . top·....:.. , P" Durses from Dayton brought Mrs. Harry Chne, when they. cele- I , th 'AD': .ec . ti on. ) , purc ......e an D. -aere. ' • .}tad ' .been ' , "hauled. 'lngWayne 'n ~"I" March 8,...,. 9 ••m. to , fllmll • d eaII.ng with th e life 0 f bated the birthday .anniversary of , 0 an. , f . ... : " • . _..... . " 1 •. • , " , be A,b.rdeen ,and 1I1an, lonll,o~.wa~r r. ,.. For th,e ther,e will ata f.f;;.'- a UtUe hunti. eacn week" 'llnce 'Oet. 6 II m Towuhip Waynell- nurses t() the high BChool Wednes- Mrs. ClIlle bY' .. .as guests, E. HlteeIlla".!. . , . . .. ,.1 , 0 . an~ . clothing conte ' . . ' . .., . . •. , . ' day the 23. There weresho:-vn to their relatives, Mr . ."nd Mrs. Er- ~Forge,' ,c ~ . , .. .. .. , .1,; '1 • JUdCU glVfnc the Il'AIlIURS EXCHANGE \ DINNER ATTEND . . yille. • . the girls. Later the nurses led nellt Hill, Mt:.. and Mn .. Robe,n O. Hlteamu, .. '. . ... , .. . 8 . 8 1~2:~~f.r~~ for thel~ lIe]ee~u. " -' , .; , t the girls in a diBCuSIJlon. W~ and twlD daughters. ShU;- HelU'J', g ... , ... , 0 '. 1 S....ons will get und8ll ' ". .. fI'he , Wayland Jordan family of· '-All" , yer~ ee . Due to Mr8. Brace'll absence the ley Ann and Sharron Marjprie Mccarren. ~ 1 1 10:80 a.m, Monda,. in Grange ~~i~~~ mee~r ,ot tIlo ClnclDn:ttiMwe~ Sa~~~aYd dbtne~ p¥t two we'e ks a form"er te'achcl', Wysong all of ' Dayton. ' and Memorial hall. ' W.,.,_~..... Farme;:a . Excnang8 guests . n. anna or aD aD , • . ' ;l • Mrs C E dgtngton, has been ,. . ' , . ~Ig.~light ,~t the projrafll (jompan, ..... beld Sat1lrda,\ In .,rothera,' and ~ttende~ tile funeral Two fables of ~rJlcJ.p we", ID sub~titu'ting for htr. MASONIC LODGE HA.S 't ~ .~ lit the eyenin. sell.ion the 8C!1l001 buUdiq In Wap.. of A.. ;. Bartaoek tilat ,aftemopn P~ FrIday e'dnlnl~ when Mrs. . , INSPECTION TONIGHT B ,ba; t • T n Hail at w~ch :Bois with • r,.rp attendance. In WlhDiDst;on.. Other perlo~ . A. 8. Stout entertalDed 'her card • ' . , urrolJ ' : ... • \ ••• in 'P.w ted WLW fI....re. and, dinDer wlalCb ' preceded the from thiI vlclnitJ ,rere. J. Lee club ..t' lier hom. , Jlaln MARRIAGE L CENSB , Lela. f .• :, . , ..... •. . ' lOll. no mee_ ... aoll Albert Talmace Jlr and Mrs. .with 1 ra. Howard _ W.ynesville Lodge, F. and - A. Cole, . e ...•. ', •••••. ton Rees 'aJ00 will BaDd ot S. ud ,iloward fint prise and recent licenses M. No., 168, will have Ita annual SnoWdl., •.• : •••.•.•. will Ipe • l'e . 10 Amoq 'thOle whO McKay, lb. and Kr.. Elbert lUeh lin. Job Kaner 'eouolation, iaiued at was the tol1ow- inlpeetion Thursday eveniq W .' • • •.•. mU8icaJ : ..... Ik tand Mr. ud .... RoJ" Befreabma_ were ...... after In,: Joeepli J. Slagle and Helen (tonight) In the F. C. dqree. 'HIiiIIMrt,. • . •. ' • Farmen • •• BUll, T.... JIow.;. t1ie ..... 1In. . W Keney l!JarI. Barnett. both of Wa,nes- Dina'er wiD be II81'Yecl b, .... lIoGabul • • 1..... .....~ R. n. ,1. ~Stu memben. .
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School News
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THURSDAY, FEB. '4, '.1~+'
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AI , ong The Way
Court News
IMrs. F"Bnk Hiett ot Spring VaI~~ ley MI' und Mrs. Raymond OsMra: ' Harriet: P" Thoma. 1>o;nc of Xcnia and Jak Cl'lUIl' 'Of WaYne&vllie, Ohio . Main Street Too bad it is 80 w . t fo,' .th This, 1)lol'ni~\g-:':we ;a,w ok e to the NEW S,Ul't S ' Waynet!vUie were aftel:n'Oon 811'\ . PI' 'n(\ergn t s"l . WI.J UO ,not ,ncl'u sound of I'a1l1 .'PQlmd lng o. n the !few aallea tUe!! hl" Oo,lImon Plell.ll venl., callers SlI!hiy " aftel'ilo(J I ....- £......-.....,.,.......- ' - - - - - - - - - ---.'--------- --:::-'-. .. f Bl .....--...--.- r-=l1 ourt In\1lude: ., .....W )Aa' IIooDd Olua MIJl Matter at postolrlce, Waynesv1lle, Ohio I to feel sa.tl Il bOllt this snlo' fO I' . ~'~o . Ij~ed .!'aln, )'clll I'lun, · not Rutb B. SohoU VII. Jacob D. ad evening callers Sunday, .of 11 ', _~... ~...i.!L~~-.:...-----------_:_~~'-::-:----;---'-'- they ..nre not 01 a vi',..., l\WIlY but Just a gentle patter 011 the l'uof. l\1ETHODIST, CHURCIf . ' IISCholl, ' Olive divorce, Moore VII. Loren Moore dl- and Mrs. emerson Pill and '!IO:1, ' ..w;': Ed't d Publisher ore comin~ to tow n IlS lhey' w lln t I slll'ely hated to gel liP' fol' docS' Louis C. II lillie, , Pllitor I"orc . ' • '. . Ralph, . w ~lter W. Wiseman, J or an to do , so to th ~ 11l and l tlUl',' anyone ,'loep I) :10 so'Undl.y as when CI 1l1'cll school at 9'30 a m Robert 101. Gheen VII. Virginia Mr IIlld Mrs. Duvid Luca s t' :, . , . Healh Gheen, divorce, I . friends who have moved away {lnd t Y ai' Iu II e d y "(1111 lIll t hC Worship sel'vlce lit. 10; 30 A. M. t Everett T. Blackford vs. Goldie tel'tained to ~inner Sunday, M ', ISSUED EVERy TRORSDAY ' F. Blackford, divorce. ' Ilnd Mrs. Earl Lucas and so , , a ll tlie boys in se rv ic' we SIlY 1'oof'/ with the I'oostel's, " Happy da y. ' 'l~ he. .b inls won; n e~ldy bursting ME:H~DI.7 .}~UR H n~~~ l dl~r~~~ J ones vs. Ltl wls JOII 8, Don, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Cllrt' . Bllb8crlot1on' Price.. . l.50 Per Year. Payable III Advance ., Too-Ia-Ioo." . their lIttle throats wllh song and SubJect." Awaltl1lg t.he LOld SI _ _ land family of Xilnia, Miss Bet y they ' ecmeu to assure, rile that Message. , . COP4MON PLEAS PROCEJ)JNGS Lucas lind El'Ilest Luell\!. Aft 'N.tlo".1 Ady.rti,int R.pr.,,"tativ. spr ing is really 011 the wuy, I Lenten p)'ayel' ol'vlce We lnos- . Common Pleas ' court prooeedlnglj , , \I ' I we1"(~ Raymond LII t . d . at th homc of Mrs 1111:lud" lho foJlowlnl!l" noon cn (I S VIC:E. INC:. don't know what kind of birds ay eventng e • . , Emorllon P orry plendc<1 g uilty to cus Eva Young, lind Emma Lill Y they were I can 't recognize tllcm Ellen Con ner. burglarly. lienl6l1C" wu.. 8uIIPund 11 f 'L tJ · ' ' . . This' unday is t he fil'st Sunday and he wad plU Il~d 011 probation for 0 Y c. . . b Y t h e)I' songs, but It certall1ly , . " two years. IOSC!lr MOlllce of near Lebanon is was \l heavenly chorus. of Lent ~nd .e ve ryo~e IS lnvlted t n .ert ROlrerd, Indicted tor contrll! ' no making his hom e with MI'. I ' I some ti mcs fe el that llIuch of to .. wo rshIp WIth li S 1II both our , uUng to ' JuvonU" d"lInquoncy, pl olidd- 1'M H 'I G'b • Home Town Ne~para . S d d'd k' cd !rullty, Sentence wus 8u.. "eDllu and rs , I ey I son. the tlllle we don't know how ' un ay an ml -wee Ser)lICes. ILud he was placlld all probaUon ~or , Mr. Il nd Mrs. P ete Runyan blel!sed we are I and we get down one year, Pleading gulilY to churges d f . Waynesville to Mt of buylnlf beer und liQuor tor u move rom , . . " m the dumps and dIssatisfIed. We ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL minor, be was lIentenced to 10 days Holly Monday afternoon . have often thoug'ht of moving to CIIUBCH 1n jail and ordered to I'LL)' cOIHS'1 1\1' Betty Sue ucas of Wi!. Myrtle Leach Wil li 1I1'IUlldd a Ill · I S America Leads some place where there was a vorce tram Edmond Leach. min gton returned home Sunday George Washington never rode a nice bouse, but it came home to Ralph Parks, Minister In Charge Dr. John Zellel Willi granted. n fter ~pe nding a ! w day s with wheel. U he had lived untH the tl . .. h h I I divorce trom Llillo H, ZollO!' UII- I a ' ove Church school at 9 :45 a. m. lody ot child WlU. nwarded to d· , h er grandparen ts, MI'. and Mrs. me liS morlllng ow muc MornIng prayer Ilnd sermon 11 :00 tenc:lant. Plaintiff will pay dciend· David Lucas and family. February 16. Butchering time. whitefaced bull for n buyer. He bicycle was Invented. he would have it here where we lire. It only been 110 years old. In WQshington'1 takes a little over u mont h to lint ,20 week for support ot Child' i M' I Mrs Henry Ber ges . I thought they were going to send was a good one and not mean day the United Statea with its Con· a. m . - __ 1. llill • and get my hog and: they thought but he was always pulling up 'OUI' stitution, its popular vole and its ~uild a house to one's liking, but PROBATE. COURT lind fa lllily of BCllvertown worc I knew t:hey were not using their hom emade stu nt ions beca use h is representative law.making bodies It takes years Ii<> grow . tail treos The 1nve tory "ot th u Armanlhn A, dinn er guests Sunday of Mr, and that s way in the \vind that roal' l'EIlK1r' CUlllwn OF CIIBIST Van Doron ostal .. was lI pprevud. 1Mrs, Lue Morgan. . An rnoon cllltr uck now 80 it didn't get done horns were so long t ha t un ti ' was laughed at by peo}>le who dis· ' I th . d ' ' I t Herbert Grabam. Mlniliter First nnd tlnal account of l11 u es· laat week ,but soon as I knew about he lellrn ed to t urn his head sid e- cussed it in far.away lands. They WIt \ e W1I1 11\ a ·tOl'llI, t 1[1 . tale of Altorotta H. Mos& was all_ I leI's wer e Wilbur Steve r.en , Mrs. it, I got my tenant to loa~ it up ways to pull it out, h e would g t called It a queer government ex· si ng 'twithk the wind in a blb'e.ez~: llr~l~:t. and final nccount ot the es. ' Robert Gre n and ~I' ndchil~lr~ n, and take it over today while the stuck. Of course he was not sup- periment in a frontier country, 1111 d I ta es years to cut a tOO 9 :30 a . m., BIble school, tate of loIary C. Tuckor wus np· Delores Walker, Eddl !) Lee Wllklel weather was pleasant. In spite of pose d to go in thtlre but we havc Now loo.k at us, ;?r~u~h t~e ear~I~" S~ 1 a~ sf tiSj 10.45 a . m.-COIrununion . 1>r;1eod 'second acceunt ot tlie estato of DaY'tol~ ~nd Mrs. H!ley Gibson. th'e ' snow on the gro\lnd today been crowded and sometim es wh en Last wee.k this column said that Ie. ou now I IS ow ng ane 11 :00 a. m.-Sermon. ot Clifford D El'd WU aPI)rovcd. Ou I' MISSIOllUl'y SOCIe.ty met at felt like spring. I hend a bird the door was open for the COWl! anybody who wanted to change the to call a little ' llt,r.c am It "bl'ook," 7 30 b P eAchin I The first Ilitd flnal '1\ceounl at Iho the home 01 Mrs. F l'llnk Dakin liIing 'this' morning and the sun- ,h e would go in. Am erican system much was an en· und hereabouts we call it a "Tu n" : p . .- I' g, '~~~~~d. of Charles Parker W (I II IlP" WccJnesday all day. A cov ered shirie was ,b right and warm, Saturday. Last night we emy ot bwnanity, and we promised 01' a "branch/' but· to me II Tho 8 cond and flnlll ,tLccount of di sh dinne r njoyc d at noon, pr ethough it .is still freezing at ,b rought my meat home so thi. to say why. The reason is that "brook" seems SIO musical so Olll' FRIEND~ Androw, D. Shullz was III)lJrov ~d, ' I d the :neeting ~ , . ' Tho will of Eva ,yo Duntmnt wu s eet c . . night. I suppose we do not- con- morning I -canned some sausage , AmerIca leads the world In benefit· stream IS to be cllB ed a bl'ook. admitted to probate. D 11011 Worl Y I MI'. anti h's, Ev o\'e:~ Bunn ell 'aider the redbird &II a, sign o:f I have heard of cases of meat tin g nil mankind. Since Georgc fAllI ,t h is wte have, ~he lab II, kg ruce~~!~I1~~t~o;c~O:;Sh~~~"J ::'3~a,'. m , 1t~:8o~P'Cl~:fd s~~;,u~o;d (~~gllr~'lt l and ftllllily and !III . Hi ley GibSOl\d s'pring because so many of them spoiling this year, Whether it Wa shinglpn's day, Ametica has used u e l ms, h e rUllll1\ng roo an(I lard were appoint d appmls re. called on MI', and Mrs. Raym n . stay here all winter. My mother is because of the n ew style cans freedom that he and his contempo- he signing bird!!, ~be ' house will The Inventory or the Cil Iate of Smith. Mrs, ,1 nni ~n J es ie s'r. AUGUSTINE CHURCH :~I!~'dm Monto Van Doron was ap' I Richard of O!lyton, Sunday e",En used to :feed them c-orn on her or whether more .peop!e have tri~d rarles protected with lhe ConsUlu· come in go.od time . .And 1 might Fatber Krumboll&, Prlelt Tbe 'oatat of Mary 11). Williamson window siU in town and there methods that wpre nc w to them , Hon, to show the world bow to live add also that we nnvc fin e ll eig hing. were' fiVe of them that used to I do not know. One of the war and mak~I:~oree:I~Vemen' Pfc. Ernest Lucas lcit Monday bors, all of them, Mass Sunday 9:00 a. m. w~.!jP*,I~:~:!;80n. wue IIPpolnt 'd adcome until one fell victim to a Ilhortages is saltpetre, FortunateHel'e al'e a few of the states I IhlnJatrator to succeed the late LO.III 1.0 I·at.um to camp at West EnMortal man never created anyand their nicknames and mottoes. I . Vorhls of tbe estat ot Waltor W. s~all bow with a new air gun. ly I ' had just enough left from gelwood, New Jersey. of more value to the race than A d b th . Oh' ' tt WAYNESVILLE (lHUReH OF lvoorbls. , and then there were four. There last year. I am going to cure one thing Mr, 'and Mrs, Hiley · Gib <on A~rica" system ot open compeUn . y e way, 10 s mo 0Tho appraisers' l'etyOrl ot th CB· bave been several around here back strap as Canadian style 'ba"Imperium in Imperio" is trans· CHRIST tate. of PblUp Marcon t W IUl 0\1 ' were shopping in L Jbanon Sat~ion-Private Enterprise. Out of ev. ltd "A ' . ' tnt 'th ' I proved. tMs w\'nter thpugh they have not can and smoke some' of my stuIery 400 people on earth, 25 live in .a e , sovermgn s e WI ID Max Ranclall, Minister The apPNlser~' r port of tho ~s· unl ay morning. come to the bouse veri much. J fed sausage, if it doesn' t all get a sovereign state." Our state state of JoahuB Mitchell was ap· MI'. and Mrs. Morris L ewis and U States, on 1y. 6 25 percent. flower i the scal'let cai'notion Bible SchOOl 9.30 a. m. prove.d. Court ordered lIalo of rC1L1 family spen t Sunday with il1r. have not put out corn and they eaten up right away. It is going the nited but we send more young people to . estate. # do' not care much for suet. They fast. Ones anyone know how to high sclioQ1 and college than all oth- The state toolt it S . name il'om Communion 10:45 a. ED Tile estate Of William B rown waH nnd Mrs .Tohn Koester of Utica. may say, "Wiener, wiener, wien- cure pigskin for leather ? er countries combined. Our farmers the hiquois Indian nume of the Prea.:hlhg, 11 a . m. rU~~n~!e~~:n ~rO~I1!II~~~~r;I~~ t~\J~ PIc. Jakcok Junior Scott, spent er, ' wop," but ! always thought Monday. ' Tohn Tenant. has lire richer than Solomon.. They great winding l'i:vel' to the south. Junior Endenvor, 7:15 p . m. O1lnlstrl\trlx ot the eBlate or Itay Monday (wening with MI'. and they said, "Prdty, pretty, pret- wanted a small truck for a lon g never saw a golden sceptre nor .a Wde Wifl! startt talPhabhetlcallkY an~1 Sellior Encle:wor. 7:15 p. m. 1'::°cl;~~~I'Thompso n, ErnellL Z cher Ulld Mrs. Morris Lewis and family. ty, aweet sweet. l • Mn. Marquardt time. The other day he Bold some jeweled crown perhaps, but thelr a d a eW!l a es eac wee .untl . William ~telolllJlY wer allpolntod saya her rooster always comes up pigs and yesterday he h eard of bomes and barns bold many useful we have 1.\11 the. forty-eight, Communion and preachlnr, ~.OO appralsors of t he est ale or J . Frank on ' the porch in the moming a little . b :uck he could buy so Lb.ings that Solomon would bave en-I Alabama wltolse nickname i p. m . loa4~:efi'rBt and' (InlLl acoount at Lho and says "Happy day. To~a- nothing would do but 191: me. to joyed but could not buy. IYallerhammers" and its motto You are InvIted to come and wor- eatato of Josoph G. Keys WIlS tiled. l estate 1'be first and tinai account tho 100," ai)d it really ~es sound take him to look at it. He bought Thlng~ no t ava,.'1abl e to S 0 Ioman 'Hel'e we rest.,, an d 'Its s tate ~hlp With WI . , of LOUiS ,Pflanzer waHotfiled. like that once you think of it. it and I left him .working wiith whi~h any American can get now 'Iower, goldenrod. " Alabama" was I The court granted a eert,W eate of , Eyenmg. JUllt caught a Jew it, 'b ut about three o'clock this through p. riva .l e Enterprise are the name -Of. a native Creek hib!! 1\1'1' IIOI ,I.V· _'. I.... ".fIIIRCI' Itranster Of . real elltate of thtl state '. S I ' ' . " •• ~ of Harriet C. Spaulding, J'Ooaterli t-o send to the sale to- afternoon when I was working coun UeS8. I ma gme. 0 omon s per- of Muskhoge stock. T '. M. Searff. I\lInlllter Thc Inventory of the ostate ot Iltort-ow. with my meat and getting r eady sonal car was horse·drawn; be had Arizona wholle nickname' is . \)/Iary A. Gal'nor was approved. '. Thursday. It. seemed to me for company for supper he culled to gu.ess what time it was on cloudy Apache ; motto ":Ditat Deus" (God Sunday School 9:30 a. E. A I ad~:rte:l~o ~~Ob~~~.rg':dd~:ot~r z:~~ ~hose roosters were doing a lot up'. W~uld I come and get bim? days, .be never saw a movie and all. enriches) and th.e state flowel' is Earnhart, Supt. lor was appointed executrix. Donald Camp, WIlliam S. l\farr a nd George the new. he ever got was hearsay. Saguara (caetus\ 9.1 croWing early th1s ~orning He had started it and when he The . DAYTON, OHIO royal palace was not wired for ,. . . . Evenlng !Semce, 7:30 p. m. Shoemaker wer,e appointed , apprals· liut now I know · why., They were tried to make it. run better some. Arkansas has as Its mckname, era. ' .... by actual .......... d th tt ' "R t PPayer Meetlng Wednesday eve· t The tlrllt and .flnlll account at the "ying, ' ''Happy day, too·la.lo'o. thing ' smaH but essential snapped. electriCIty, had no telephone and no "M" Irand qvolily 'ettla?, ' e mo 0 IS egna nlDg 7'30 P eaa.te ot Minnie L. Hawthorn was radio. The king ate what grew in Oaten ~ again if you can. We I .tawed bim into Lebanon and Palestine Ilren. Malle by Indepenand liked it beca use trans- Populus (the pl~opl rule). State . , . . m. flied. . fooled you. Too-la-Ioo." They w'lre then we' went to Sam's junk Y'lrd the ' apnle blossom Ark In lhe estate at Ojlborn Walt, flowe dentlyowned and oporoted portation and refrigeration were in . 1',. . .. ' • • court or(lered . transfer-liDt proporty. out. " 1. 'hier ~itded ene Bide of · Jlttd . g~t the part and I ~owed him the celllpanr-ll _1.rlOl. In early stages ot makeshift. ansas 19 an AlglDnquJan name of I In tho eSLate of Anna M . li'ranz every ...-10 p_,.,ted Ie the cO~p ,.but· ther~ w!'-s ,a loosc hpme. ' No"," . I h/;lpe·. he can rpake the Quapaw )ndlinns ~ c0l!rt ord red t~nl\te r checkB and Notbln la Perre~t ' - __I"",m ..'04 value g . Ca I,'If o.rma . .IS . . k name d "EI Mrs. Bert BUlIneD, CorresponO"n' alocka to WillIAm FranLI ~n _ ~P, ~pped two ~y it, .run. ,Paul ha~ his car running mc Between Solol'l1on's reign in Cofw' aop In....... Th. II. leavine the teed room door -open again and went to the basketball naan 'and, Washington's admlnistra- I Dorad-o or - Golden," MottoMrs. 'Banner Stewart, who was uD\il · ~ey. , wept in tlien by shut- tournament at .K ing's Mills in it. lion for hcr sick sister at New- _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ 1 ~(nB ,it qbl~kly. ~aiJght two While they ' 'Y"ere there 80me ~ne gain In tl-ower- golden , " Caliior- I ' rcturned home Sunday. · lIlr". ·UIIt',. GII' ....a. 0 0' r(iiPtiliiWnt the chicken h!>use but drove ' a naIl through the sllle human 'Vell·being. But progress was ilia ' is tall \I bom .t he Spanish MI SS Aud\;l.lY. C~awford was Mr-s. Ma~tle. ~r.m er, Mrs. Wi!Sold by Wa.1DeaviUe the ones I wanted most were still wall of 'eme of the 'tires. Why any made in America. where rewllTds of story "Las ergpls :d~ ·. Esplllnuiun" home :fl'Om. ..Sprmgfield over the bur . ~ tet : a~d little daughter, Farmen Exehanp ~=-~~ just .out of reach. Not . quite 80 one Ilhauld thinli that sort of Free Ente,rprlse Inspired vast num- by Or donez de Montalvo . (pub_ r~eek-end VISltlllg her parents and IBeverly Ann, of Beavertown, Mr. ~: manj people at the sale' but more, thing i8 funny is beyond me. It bers of' people to set theIr minds li. hed in 1510), in which Calif_ ..slster, Mr. and Mrs. Eal'} Craw- a,nn~d~M~1'S~.~B~.~A~..1.0~i~ll~O~f~C~la~y~t~o~n~,~:.:::~~~~~~~~~:_ cttjc~en.. and so not quite s}lch' is ' real sabotage. and honds to work doing worth·while ornia is an island' " ry neal' to ford and Mrs .. Bob SchneIder and .:.: . Ison. . ~ ~odida~rlcTeh' S ri b ..L 1 Tuesday. Spring is on the way . thIngs. Out 01 It came the culture, earthly pal'Bdise,. ., I' y. e p ng, oro. S..:I.IOO ' convenience and wholesome enjoyCo\()rodo who'se ' nickname is Mr. and Mrs: MllIa.rd Ball spent . ~rhblt this morning W8Il "con: -j-.------"""7-.---~ ments of the age in which we live. • Silvc l' 01' Centennj~.l " (the last Saturday evenmg with. ~ I', n cl tlucted by the .ixth grade- and NAVY SAYS YES; FTC SAYS NO Ameri ca has passed through some becall e it was admitttld to tht! Mrs. Ted Ball and famdy. 0 ,14' aixtJl grader gave U8 no peace '-In If) ponderous way, the Federal pe.riods that everybody in the coun- Cnion in l876, the centennial of I Mr. and MI·s. Orn er Boil.\rey until we ' Said we w0\11d corne. He Trade ' Commission has issued a tTY thought were bad. Our political the United States ill'le penulmcl!) . and . dau~htel' spent, Satu rday , very proud and his' f'ace got complaint against a Pennsylvania leaders and Industrial barons have M-otto-"Nil Sine No' ':nine (Not h- I evemng With the latter s, parents, 'and, he beamed with smiles . woo~en mID, alleging violation of the made mislakes which anybody can M d M B t B 11 , Wool ~roduct8 ' t.abeUng Act. It see by 'looking backward. No longer ing with the Ohtine will). Stat~ r. ,an re.' er unne .. ~w bia mother ~d me leem. that~he United Statell Navy ago than 1936 when employment was flow er-C olumbine. "C'~lol'/lIlo ~ns l ~I· . und Mrs. Walter ,Pfe l.ffel" 'very 's traight while he bought lome blanKets from the mill low. our jobless "unlorlllnates" drove orig inally t he .nElllle of the 00101'- . a~d daugh~er, Jane, spent Sun day 'fhey all dill very , aild ordered that they be mar~ed to their relief work in private motor do 1'ivel·. It is a pan ish wo rd ' With relatlv, s . . group ' -of girls llccordlnl to Nav~ IIpecificlitions cars. Wben the American people's menning, "of II I'e el colol'," ,I T he Be,lcher . family have hard they ~ather thaD BI provided by the Wool spirit was at Jts lowest, o'ur national Connccticut- icknames Con- , bought property III Lytle whe ~e , ,Labellhg Act. Even though no clvll- income was larger than that 01 six stitution 01' Nut rneg. Motto-Oui they are now ~Iakin g .their home., :fo iId ,Ian blankets are involved, 'the FTC foreign countries-any six. Transtulit SustinE:t (He . who Mr. ,an.d MIS., ~ elt B unn ell othe~ I. calling ,the manufacturer sharply A Belter System . tra nsplantecl sust ll in.'). tllt u flow ' 8pen~ Frl(lay With 1\11:. and Mrs, to account. The Navy, fairly busy " 4\cIdrea-__________ ___,__...... _ _..._ __ For purposes of compartson with er-Mountain Lalll'ot. .. on n ecti- P erry Earnhart. with Germans and Japs, II greatly --------.::- anno'red at the whole business and Ameri~a's living slanda~~s, almos.t cut" is a cO I:ruptioli .'0.£ un O·.cJ SAMPLB COPY' ~ Adv.el'llslng Shows Energy helitiltea not at all about saying 80. any Citizen of (he UDlted States 1 ndian nante fol' the Con necticut Qualntly enough, It insis:s \!lat it be 1V0uld select Europe, and rightly so. river or "long l'iv e r:' ~ . ' I' I'Y til !! Mlnml Ga>: He Walll Acllil allowed to go on with th~ "'Qr with- Europeans are most like Americans -------------~------------------------=-----------out too much hIndrance r.om peace· and best understood. by most of us. civilian bureaucrats. Mean· I have often contrasted life here whUe, the much harassed manufac- with existence in the Orient where I turer sita In the middle; It he obey. spent eleven years, but the dinerthe Navy, he catches something ences \Ire too marked .tor comparifrom FTC, ~ and vice versa. Has ,;r........,--,.;;..--------.--·.I anybody a suggesti:m?-prtnteu' son. Asia Is still in Solomon' , time. Europe hilS advanced beyond Save Tkes and Gall .•• Direel BUll Line ~o County Sea' Ink •. Washlngton' s day, but wage. are three times as bigh in America, IVINS.JAMESON DRUG We Bu)' and SeD New a9d Used twice 09 high even as In England, FRED'S DEPT. STORE J. W •. LINGO FURNITURE COMPANY which Is a highly industriallzed We Outfit t he Entire Family 'Everytblnl' lor Farm and' Home' THE REXALL STORE · country with an old culture. WorkHARPWAltE 1ing people in America have twice Make .Ou,r S&Ore Your GOOD ' HOUSEKEEPING " Pboite'" ., COWS, , as much and live twice as well. Headquarters . SHO~ Shll'c J88.'; Has America had access to more Phone 360 ' Phone 11. HARDWARB ,. lMPLEMENTS SHEEP, ETC., Phone 23 'Lebanon Nellt to Bank natural ' resources than Britain'! No, Brilaln long dominated the world's ltemcWed Pl'OIDpti, RUEPPEL'S STUDIO resources. Nobody boasts thal 'EGER'S ' Americans are ' smarler' than the Phone U8L Britisb. America has only one adJEwELRY - GIFfS BOOT FOR AND CONSIGN vanta go. namely, freedom which in. yoUr OaWe, hop, sheep and calYeJ cludes Free Enterprise, The system / to Norr1a-Brock c:lo~ UVo wire and can be and is being improved, but FI\M!LY I"HOTOGR!PHEB LeitaDOD nothing better has ever . been tried. proareutve flnD the tilabesf Inal'Ut pncea and IOOd ..moe. ~ . ~aaaq. THE FI\SHION SHOPPE Stock Y"rda, OnclDDII.... O. ADVERTISE IN THE GAZETTE SEWNG . THE· BEST , Tune in on Radio StatiOli WOKY, 1bJD"'~ O. WOMEN'S" MISSES APPAREL 12:25, to 12':30 p. m. for OUI'· dall)' IIMIIdl', .... For 25 'm anet repol1l. , a• .
on ,
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. l..i,..·II.,A.... A
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From A Farm Diary.-Dry Ridge
DJore In
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In ·
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Sand &Gravel ,
Any ·make·or model Kalin Motor Car Co.
r;, • • 'III
AGE & Phone
Morrow Phone No, 3 IalanOll: ~flce Phoue '~K .BeIldeDGe • II
RECORDS Phone 399
• 107 E. Mulbe..ry
DAVIDSON'S JEWELERS" It M. . ._111....
LeItaDoa, 0IiI0
. . . . . . . .' .. Wear
A o-i.h.~ " X........ eI·
THURSDAY, F.EB. 24, 1.... j~
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From ~rhe Mi3i11i Gazette :Files l~oyusse'el:ras!.te~ Junn.ey and t nn. , _ " FIFT£EN 'iE~S AGO 'son of .Mr: ~~'~l Mrs; G,' .W. Wool- ge~~:~:~o~~~:a!~I.~d ;::~e;I::~
Peru Raiabg Anirulal The
Former Residents
all~ WIlS .looking for ~hll a,f1 d not lYra come to Alaska h sCllIug hun WIlS mllklOg hIs way lid "chc.cko~o" until ~hey al'
VICu!~! !!~e ~:~!::al~4:!' Ha~e ~a~:t0:W .E scape ~:~~~:n~e~~il~onl~s;I~~te~Um~gl'fmi~ ?s!:ra:ou::~' ~~~y ·i~e~r~ali=d :r
he following hM. bt«'IJ .I·e- out of the snow, I never would lierience ev~li thol,lg~1 r \O'~',I' o!'f y•· (February 27, 1921)' ley, at Columb~II, ' Satilrday. ant ' par~y 'who picnicked a Clif- high Andes prized for' Its fine Wool. The lieavy rain of ' Monday Supt. Elma. Roberts lett Mon- ton one day this weelt: Misses Is being domesticated In Peru MQl'e celved from Mrs. Phil Lar n ck, have been here for he said the been here thr t h " ".:• . night end .Tuesday · 'morning day evening for Chicago,to at.tend and Mary Butterwo\·th, Ar.- than 300 animals h<l vc been'est nb- ,who, wit.h hru' II oll! - flames . we"e th n comin g nul of we were t Ii, :he .I\IQ brought the Little Miami river the annual meethig of the Nation- nie Taylor, Annie Reynolds, Della lI~hed on It ~acienda n,~ar Puno inPloyed . 111 Anchorage! Al ~. ka. the downstairs wind«1ws over OU1' doughs. Of 'courJlC p~'i e sour, out ilf itl! banks ' for· ,the ruth al Educational Society. . Zell and Lizzie Furnas; .Messrs. the Peruvian plateau region. pres_ IThe y {ol"!"lllr ,'esl\le llt" of heads. . laoon be one anyway ' would e time this season. The high-water : Born-To Mr_ and Mrs. James JDr. Ellis, DGeorge E. Ident Manuel Prado . in a recent hWayneSVIlle and are well kll u\ II . .l1e mallll"'er of the 'hotel hat! be he-' a ' ye ' d B Hawke, tt SJ. K " ." or. nex t monthh y.'iU mark of 1918 was .overlapped six Dakin, Monday, February ' 24 anney, aVl a on, . ' . message to the Peruvian congress. ·, ere:. . first, second and third degree We both nl'e happy to 'b . l' inchell, making this t~e highest 1919, · Ii son. ' Michener, Ben Davis and J. E. told of the successful d~mestleatlon Fl'lday. 3 a. m., J ail, 2R, 44 1lb urns . and still is in a bad condi.- end acclaim tlubert Bonecu~tca/~: mark proba.bly ever reached. The I Leslie Satterthwaite arrived Brown, of the Vicuna , The vIcuna Is the I and 18 below zero. T was a Vllk- \ tlon. Every . person came out with Ib e a real hero 1O ' ,. . i'f . power house was flooded 'a nd the home from th East last week . Mrs. Jane Raphun arrived home sma.llest Ilnd ~!lrc6t of a New-Wor Y pe?pl,' y 'I~ing "fire" only night elothr·S ~II and lost. -Etta Lnrrick. lIavmg my I e, motors wert!> removed. .IHe has' been , stationed with the from Troyan Mond.a y · evening. t:l~IIY ot aruma Is rel.ated to the from downstall's. W p Jumped up Ieverything. ¥r. Honecutter went 'Note - M La' k- - · .--.,........,,----t,....~ -The class in accountll and book- radio section m New York. Mrs. S. L. C:utwrlght gave a camel. Olbe.r members ot this fam . and wen!' going to lhe fit'e e~- ' out next day and fitted Phil with th AI' k ; : B rrlc went to keeping met last week with a fair I George Woollard aJld family, most agreea.ble ~ea party last Sat~ lIy ~re the llama . the domesticated cape which \ VUS at one end of ,work clothes. We lost everything se:t b;s P~~ter~~n ~~:I: i.se~r a~o: enrollment. . I who have been living in Dayton, urday evenmg m honor of Mrs. bea.~t of burden of the Andes; the the hall, but were blocked off by I,,:e had b~t our nig ht clothes. My craft electrician. Mrs. La~i:k .0. J. Gray has been suffermg have moved to their recently M. M. Hale. alp,l.ca. a .smaller member of the flames. We J<new th en OUr only dIamond rmg is gone , too, ) ft h · I t S t b d with "pink . eye." purchased farm· on Route 1. We now ·h ave our telepnone family which produces the alpaca chance wn to get out the win-\ We now have a lovel 1'00m e . ele as ~p el)1 er an Recognition ot an unusual Carl D" son of Mr. and Mrs. comunication between her-e and WC;; I of commerce. and 'the guanaco. dow, and whil e he wall doing at the Lane hotel where ywe excharacter has come to Miss Franc- Forest Gra'h am, died of pneumonia HarveYllburg. The Waynesville ofhe gUBnacQ hss never been do- this I looked in back of me and pect to stay until we go into our • . a e fice is Janney's Drug store, me stlcated. It III found in Its wild flames were starting to come in l apartment which we h d . post oUlre there. She writes en• W, Henkle of Waynesville, fa Friday evening. j luor at Wittenberg college, , Irvin Githens died at the home sta ~ as far sOllth a.s the Straits of our door, I closed it and by that Ily rented. We expect ato p::v:~u~; thuaiastic letters, vi~dly tellina: SpI'ingfield. By act of a special of his brother, in Centerville, and one machine is in excellent Ma Dellan. It Is beheved to be the . time Phil was out on the flatlby February 15 Everyone he of the natural beautlea of that committee ot the faculty, ahe has Friday. order. Hello! anlmo l from which the other three roof of rooms recently bu ilt to has been lovely ' to us W hare country. She says it is a .kater'. . . e vt' and skier's pa fa d' e . · h W members of the fam ily were de W 01'k will begm on t e been choson student chairman of Mrs. Amos Jackson died at her ay- riv ed The vicuna is 'a 11 - the hotel. I jumped out next and callers all the time. The prel}ch. M L . k IS. k ' 6h . Mt H II M d '11 d f th C N t ' , sma . gao finally got to th ed' f th > f ' . • r. arne was ta ma' many e ma a er f e t e comm It .... e. o~e m . 0 y. on ay. nesv! e en a e . ,nex zelie-like anima l. about two teet high e ge 0 e roo er!:l Wife, Mrs. Armstrong with . f'l f h ' b th Mi Al He kl14 t. th d h.A f Mrs Ch Th d' d f M hI ' . . where [ hesitated for a , secon d . ' . movie I ms 0 t e country ut ss n e 18 e aug ""r 0 ' • as. omas Ie 0 'o nday at which time t e aying at the shoulder. whos,c hubltat IS d ' d' h h k a memlJer of the FI'lendly AId these with the camera ' wete 1081: Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Henkle of pneumonia Monday evening at her of ties and track will begin at the uppe. r volleys ot the And{'s. rang· or so, ec~ tng w et el' to rna e ca lled. he said when newcom-ill th~' fire ' Waynesville, a graduate of the home in Ferry. Ing from 14,000 to 16.000 fe el above ~y next Jump upon a bank of . Mrs. Adah Burns died at her Utica. It won't take long to havc sea level. dIrt thrown up by excavations , Waynesville High school in the . class of '26. home on the Elbon place Tues- the cars running to Wayn esv ille. The vicuna "as a coa,t ot remark- made in building som e new cot- ! The revival meetings at the ' day afternoon. ably fine wool, said to be the spftest I tages or to jump between th e '. Methodist church are getting a' Alle~, infant son of Mr. alld Big 011 Pipeline of any known animal . fiber. The di~t b.ank an.d hotel bl~i1ding. All fine start with . Mr. H. J. Kurtz, Mrs. Silas Roland, of Mt. Holly , One of the longest continuous paint wool Is tan on the hoelt, rangi ng to thiS. ttme PhIl was .yelllllg for me singing 'evangelist and wife, as- died of pneumonia Tuesday. jobs in all history Is the protection white on the underside of the ani- ,to Jump. I looked In ~ack of me NotfltSeo sisting. I Mrs. R. L. Frazer di·ed of' pneu from corrosion ot the new . "Big mal. The vicuna has been hunterl , and flames were conllng out all Nancy . Marie EarnhaJ:.t, daugh- monia Tuesday at the hel' on I Inch" pipeline which clCtends un· \ almost to extinction. So the govern · 'of the windows and I k new 1 , ter of Jacob and Hannah Proud Sixth street. der ground from Long View. Tl1::os, ~e.nts of Peru and BoRivla enact" had to hurry. So down betw e n Earnhart, passed aWay Sunday Born-To Mr. and Mrs. John through the stat~s ot Tex~s. Arkan· Itrmgent I~WS to prOlec!l it. On I. ,I the bank o()f dirt anti .lJui1din~s 1 morning after an illness of some, Adams, Saturday, February 22. aas, MissourI. Illino is. IndulIla. Ohio, small percentage ot the ma le a n i . . Ianded-a 15 foot Jump Into time. She was 82. ,' 1919, twin girls. West Virginia, Pennsylvania and mills can be shot e~ ch year. snow IIbout to my shoulders. The . Blue Ribbon Honor club Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satterth- New Jersey, to deliver Texas peiro· Tliell I saw and hea~d a man members and guests to the num- waite gave a farewell party Mon- leum to the oil·starved Atlan.lIc 18I1 Y, " Th ere's Mrs. Lunick. He lp!' ber of 46, sat down to a 6 o'clock day night for . their daughter, coast are~. Thot grea\ pIpe. . whlch Table Wastes Make Good By that time Phil had jump t·t! supper Friday, Feb. 22. Sarah who leaves Thursday even- is 1.588 mIles long. 24 Inches In out· Dea.ert for Laying H lover to the dirt bank. The man Clifford Willlamson, of -Irvine, ing for Washington, D. C. side diamete r and composed ot ens who came to my r escu e was W.:' k 'd f hi M F k B dd k d three-elghts·inch wall lhlckness Cooky crumbs. stole bread. and I bert Boneeuttel' of Wilmington y., wall th e wee -en guelt 0 II rs. ran ra oc an Mrs. t I I I I d' Id I j . t , 38 th b k y t bl ' K brother, H. H. Williamson and Earl Hockett entertained for Mrs. ~ ee p pe n innhlv ulI o~n sOld d °b erll a l ehr or a de wastes may now - stationed at Lh e Ala!>ka Ail' f '1 ' R I h D TilTh d mc hes to 44 c es, e Ieet.rlc we e e a r g t 81 a ellsert for th e Depot at Fort Richard .·on AIIurs ay. In the field, is coated WIth a coal- laying bens. but don' t try to give It chorn e Alaska H dra CO" d • ami. y. aP . 0 e MISII Helen Hawke has returntar asphalt base pipeline ~ int two to them for their full ration ' g , . e gl:' Ille e(l home after a ' leasant vlllit with FIFTY YEARS AGO grades ot which are used to 'meet Birds need the cornplet~ mash ' out of the s~ow and abou t 2& relatives in Colu'JIbus and Zanea(Felt. 24, 1894) varying laying conditions. with a mixture in order to lay well. Bak-I feet to th? sldew~lk, wher e he ville. Miss Emma Ebright is spe ndin g shield ot spirally wastes can be s~,bstituted tor Jand a soldier cal'I'led me to t he C. J. Hilyey, left this morning a week with relatives at Waynes- tar saturated pipeline felt Of the grarn:-fed . UsuallYI1Ts Lahne Hotel, olle lJlock away, for Kentucky. ville.-Xenia Gazette. to the underlying coating. Differ- wise to Umlt the amount of scraps , w :r~ . B?llecuttcl'. had a room, Alfre~ J. Wright of Columbol, MillS Velma Booth of Lebanon, ences In the chemical composltlon of fed the birds to !5 or 10 pounds tor PhIl tn ~aJamas and I 10 a gowll: spent the week-end with his pa- was ttle guest of her friend, Miss the soil were ta.ken inte account in every 100 pounds of mash used . In no tIme, Mrs. Lanc, ~Wll el' Olrents, Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright. Mary McKinsey, a few days since. formulating the specl.al protective This wiU provide II substantial I the hotel, gave US clothes an "rR Pl\'nh Van ce and son of Dr. G. M. Kent of Spring Val- paints. Also. some sections through savlt'lg In. feed used, IlInd will also put us to bed . . We c~lled our Pleal!ant Plain, were guests of ley, wall IIhaking hands with his which the pipeline Is laid . are rela· make use of a large volume of waste doctor at 6 a. m. P~II had a Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke on Waynesville !riendll Saturday last. tive. Iy . waterlogged ~d more de- products. Wat'ch the prices. also, couple ?f bad cuts o!" hiS le.ft leg Sunday. . The thi~letl:! anniversary of structlve in their actton than some for the waste products cannot be and b.elng ba.refoot 111 SIlOW had MeMrs. Myer Hyman, C. M. the founding of the Order of of ilie betler drain~ aectlons. About worth more' than a similar wei ght : frostbitten hIS. feet. I was cut Robitzer, E. L. Thomas, J. W. I Knights of Pythias was. fitting 50b ~i~cs of the pIpe in the eastern 01 grain, since they do not have from glass and hnd a lot of black Edwards and Cliff Hines attend- \ observed by Crown lodg.e No. 538, s~ct'lln were spot·coated where con- special feeding propert.ies. The eas'l and blue spots. ed a Shrine ceremonial at. Oln- Monday night. Those taking part dltions Indicalcd that treatment. lest way to feed Itale bread to chick· Early news came ovcr the racinnatl, Saturday. in the program were L. M. He nens Is to mix It with milk or wuter dio that several were tl·a pped. • The lates~ report from Mrs, derson,' Nellie Haines, Carrie for a wet mash. Cooky crumbs and I Rev. Al·t;Jstl'ong., our. ministel', Jot", F m " ,ho 1IT,"I"rw('nt an' Mosher, Eva Funkey, . Minnie First Locomotive other Hour products may be used. Iheard thiS and Immediately went operation at Miami Valley hOIl- H . awke, Walter .Kenrick, Leah· F. The first locomotive west of the .but cra. r ker crumbs are not slIle to Haines Funeral hom e. Mr. Alleghen ies was purchased in Octo- t to I t th B th tm tc d tI pital this morning, is that she ill Wright, George Funkey, Hel,.n ber, iS37, by the newly organized 0 use III a arge amoun S. as ey rown, ~ pas . \la r, a~ 0 leI' getfing along very well. Parshall, Artie Lippincott, NOI'- Mad River and Lake Erie RailrQlld may contain a high proportion of 10f our friends called tIll noon salt. before they were able to locate us. . "man Stilwell; Mrs. Ollie Cornell. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Mr. Earl Shinn of this place Company of Ohio. although riot a Waste trom freah vegetables luch Hubert ~onecutter knew Phil (Feb. 16. 1919) and Miss Ada Enfield of Lebanon ~~or~~~:~a~ka:a!:de:.n laid when the as lettuce. or cabbage leaves, mllkes and I had a room thoce. Eight County Agent CW •. F. Clau, were married at the Cumberland Since It was the first , locomotive a good green feed for hena. other ' persons jumped from th t! in open.!!on With the Wayne8- Presbyterian parson'a ge in Leb- north of the Ohio river, Its gauge _. second floor ' a~d Hubert he lped . ~Ie. Natlona ltan~, . :1a11 nlr-_ anon last week. I _. was made the standard for Ohio. Navy and l\lariBes each one to get out of the snow {or a meeting of farmers at 'A!.r.. and Mrs. C. R. Funston The designer was Thomas Rogers. The U. S. navy W "I S founded In e Townllbip House March fi ~or entertaihfe\t "tits ..!allo\Ving to tea who was illso its builder. at his loco· 1775 when the Contineoto l Congress the purpose of explaining the In- Tuesday evening: Rev~ · aT~. 141"9... motive works at Paterson, N. J . ' In ordered 13 ships bu ilt. The firsL come tax law. Maddox, Dr. and Mrs. Witham this locomotive the driving wheels American Heet was organized on ('h "1 ·,'........ "01r! nt, n~ ~;"hJlrd _ 0() f H arveys b org, M r, an d Mrs were rna de wIth cas t ir on centen December 22. 1775, and Esek HopF. and OUle Marle Campbell, . was 'J ames Stewart, Prof~ and Mr$. and hollow spokes. and the crank klns was commissioned commander ' born at Wayli.eBVille Sept. 11, Brown, Mrs. Dinwiddie, and Miss- and connecting rod were counterbal. in Chief. a title thereafter exclu· 1917 and diecl Feb. 12, 1919. es Emma Cartwright, Kizzie Mer- anced by addin, .umclent extra slvely reserved to the Prelldent. Fred C, Bartllock will l"ve ritt and Lizzie Stewart weight to the section of the wbeel Other grades and titles relative to March '15 to take a position with . opposIte the crank. army titles, although not established the Milf~r~ Nathmal Bank" .the I SIXTY.FOUR YEARS AGO It was ,Iven the name Sandusky by law until 1862. WE!re created In . vl\ca~cy •there being caused ·by 1 'Last Saturday a party of la- and designed trom the McNeill. the November, 1776: the callhler, . W. ~. Knapp, goin~ di es and gentlemen visited the first locomotive on ijle Paterson and On November 10, 1'1'15, the Contlto a . Leb,:non NatIonal be:nk. Mr. Soldiers' Home' at DaYton. They Hudson River railroad, imported nental Congres. authorized the H~ntllock IS· classed all a first rate were: . Misses Mary Hough, Em- from England In 1833. foundin, of U1e marino! carpi. Ma. ~ashier and ~he ban~ at Mi~ord rna Janney, Sue ' Sides, ' Fannie rlnea were ' recruited from amon, PIRECT BUS LINE FROM WA YN~SVILLE-SAVE IS fortun"te In secunng his serv-I Willis Anna Wood Etta Keys and Portable Bomes , leamen ordinarily employed In the icell. . fl*berle. and the trade 'WIth the Wut f Messrs". Howard 'Hopkl'ns' , John Complete and furnished ftve-roomiJ MO,Nt'MENTS"" MARKERS THE XENIA NATIONAL Oarl D. Graham, ilnly son iI Hawke Will Mather Jim Water- snd.bath homes are being produced In leI. Forest and Blanche Graham, was ,. .' It Wal not until April SO, 1'198. BANK born ' October 26, 1916" and died on assembly lines. No fabrication that the navy department was ea·" Ohio', M... Cemplele lilaplay 1835·19U Febn"''' 2. I, 1919, .....ed 8 vears, of any kind ill required on the lite. tabllshed by the U. S. COIl,rell BI - , and 6 days.. . " These modern homes, complete wltb prov Id:-d by the Conlltitution. Ben· CAPITAL &lid SURPLUS U8,OOO 4 montbe GEO. DODDS and SONS Stronr - Friendly 'D •. R. Smith is delivering erGbasic furnishings wlll. lell for about jamln of Gec)r,etown. Md., Slel.son Data "Slnee 11M" Reliable Accommo!latinr . Makin, these wonders possible are 11. 1'198, the marine <:orpi WII likecerieS ' hi a fine . Ford, "Ritt" three methoda of expanding port- wise tormall1 :establi.hed. Stansberry being the proud driver. C. A. DABE and SONS' ISALY'S CAFETERIA able Itructurea Into full-sIze barnes. Mr. IJee Mlddleateader of .!.tructure. only eight teet Wide are Cleveland, is spendlng a few darYour ltIcCormkk-Deerlq LUNCHES '" ICE CREAM carrIed on trucks to the slt,e. where Eqlot,l... BIlia' Ore with Mr. and Mrs. Vern BOUCh their sldel are unfolded to provide Steel, consIdered tht! Inde. of busl. A Good Place to Eat and family. Implement Dealer extra room. on each aide of the cen- n... In thil country because next to Arthur 11_ ZeD, ilf Obattanoo.a, to Soatb DetroU Phone 734 ter section. The finished house I. larmin, It Is our createlt .ingle 1'11one 1066 109 W. Tenn., spent \be week-end with , Main Ii .turdy, in.ulated 'lnd comfortable. indu.t~. II dependent upon esplohia. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John conforming In construction factors B.ive. tor the ' produc'tlOll of Its finZeD, of Corwin. . SHOP FIRST AT and .roominess to the ' striCt mort- ished product. YOU'LL ALWAYS DO . . Ethan Crane attended the fu·,age requirements of tile ""Federal BEITER AT In the e.telllive pIt min.. or the THE FAMOUS CHEAP . neral of his cousin, Earl Woolley, Housing authority. ' .. Melaba ran,e. In ' nc.rtbem MlnneSTORE BLACKS FURNITURE .ota explosives areUled to loosen . STORE We Sell Everythlnr up the Iron or. 10 tha't It can be hanPhone 500 Phone 4154 dled by ·the .team Blbovell. . In the n E. Main SL Phone 179 bituminous , mlnea or ,w e.tem Penn· '1lyanla explollvell are uled to EXPERT WATCIII--c:tOcsl J.l ~OY V. HULL ' break down the coalllo·be made into ALICE R.NCK'S AND JEWELRY dPNU,,'i, coke for the reduction of thi. Iron 1,1. ' • Sewin,· Machine ~upplie. HARVEYSBURG, OHIO HAT SHOP ore. In the bll quarriel of the lower CRRECT TIME · SElIV·I'CEI~" Mlcbi,an peninsula explo.lve. are Repalrlnr of , AU Mit. Will .pa,. $2.00 for Dead uHd to blllt out lOUd Umeltone, Z3 1-2 W; MaID Phone 016 ~ Eo Market wbj.ch I. subaequenU, -crulhed and .Xenla, Ohio Pbon!! It! R Horae., $1.00 fot Cow.. 11 tiled for a flux with the coke and ARE YOU TAKING A the ore tor the manufacture of \ron Sheep, Ho,., Calve. E~E CARE ancilteeL . CHANCE ON LOSING GALLOWA~ ThrOurb .,operay FUled Eye ~d ' Colb YOlJ.R RIGHT TO OPE~. aad . Gla8!ei Our Specialty uMO. ··PBOMP'I'LY '· " ATE A MOTOR·· VE. CIiERRY the top . One more DR. L. A~ WAGNER ~"' L.,., ~--~~~--~=< . -HICL O. N THE ~UBLIC HOUSE' FURNISHINGS A bird 01 theN· . .. Hamplhire " PbODe '167W . rJdle~ one more mile on the road Phcn,e WaYD"~ HIGHWAYS? breed lec0D4 lit til. W.ltem Phone 4 Main 44' E. Main S.." Xenia, O. to BerUn. 2804 It." York telt Uul tOok HCOod place .~ ia yletoJ;i~ mWtary 'l "'are younelf .••aiD.t In the·.nation, by lay.lnIl3t! e,,1 III .. TIle oal7 FertI1lur ....., .. pal~, ,people on the. home to prOpeity ' 'of valued at I'll pointl, ia tile 111 week •. mtast .acrlftee to provide aU the othen aad EICHMAN'S death or iD~ TbI. · Is the blah"t record ever , Of war_ One of .the.e is Wt WIIIND m,c:trlcal SappUa _ Repalrln.!: . made bJ a ·New Hamlflhire hen. and jury cliajma. S4ie of call .... replar purchale of War BGacls. .t. a1Io tile fOurth blp.t record eyer u. S. n·__ '1 D"...,..,., 8benrtn ..Wuu._ Pain' . ~ad. bJ • beD 'of any breed: .
~::::a he;h~u~:a:!p~~y~~Ch~ra:;,
Bomb-Ing the 'Roc'k'e't'toasl'
......... ....-•................
Are You Protected?
.. e.a""· ·
-""!""---.. . -----
'l'ba New Bamplbue hen. la.d PbOD!! 1.'l2 W. · MaJ. 8&. ... Iftt7 del tor. III day., from' ~ II ~ Ma1,.• '. to make what III ..----~------Is ippanoU,' a OJ. national e'l . LADIES' BEADY TO WEAR 1a7IDI teat 'tor conUnuOUi lJI'Oduatk!IL top . ~rltl ........ beD .... . . . . . . M'.III ma& by I a.D tile ar..dlnl • W.1IaID 8L Pbone'll fUaa crt in the leu
Xen'ia . Standard Parts ~
.' Truck, Car and Tractor · . GUAGE ·SUPPLIES
.,achine ·S hop Work
108 E. MaiD
,.~. \\,"IM~~~~~~'rrrAPua.~ •
TKURIDAY, Pita. J4, 1944
__ '__ ._a•
.[ . ATIEND THE A el'ics oj mcelings begliTI nt . ." f)'he Home Builder's In::;! of " Lytle M. E. ch1jrch Monday even· the Fel'I'Y (thul'ch 'llill meet at the ijl~t ~llIbi~9friUt lng, witli the ' p,astor,; Rev. 0 , E. . Thie ' cupola· capped Co nhusker's PI'ide " home ' of :011-. and . Mr.. Vernon ,' I tower on the state capVice. ill Chargll. Everyone con ·· ito! at Lincoln loolca Harl'is lit Centerville at,ll'dIlY illlhr invitlld to aitend. out upon' one of our evening. . Lee Greatlious is .now stayill':; , imporuint grain and --.." Th World DIlY ' o~ Prllyer will " . ry lit the hpme of his !lOll. AI·thul., . live.tock .tate.. Tta E":. bQ cbs I'ved with cl'vices at 2 :00 founders came from the \>. m. Friday at th Centerv i'lle. lind family, east 0.£ town. SERVICES SUNDAY Mrs. Elizabeth Smith and l\ii . corner. of the world --': Methodi t 'ChUl'ch. N eigbboring . -II II I and built a great com· ';'7>." f BIBLE SCHOOL Mary . ook ' of Waynesvl e, ell ~r monweaJth. . chul·ch s have b n invi ted to atTh!! Republi can contest · 01' 9:30 A. M. on theil' sister Mr~. Margare: , t end. . . govenlol' is ' becoming lhe "bat· John. Friday afternoon . ~( Mi·~. Forrest '1:'l'ost .arid duugh- tIe royal" that we predictetL . it ----.~ ..... MI'. an d MI'. Allen Emrick i tel', Janet, spent the past week· would, two months ago. The fn' e MORNING SERVICE pent Sunday aftel'lloon with M'I'. end visiting Mr. and Mrs. haifer works stul'ted la!lt wee,k, with ull 11:00 A. M. and Springfield and Mr. and Ml·l\. four candi(tat'es on the plaiJ'Ol'lll. and Mrs. Ro bert Hunt. Mrs. Tillie Gray of Duyton and ' John Trost at Pleailan t Hill. Th y at the' New Philud Iphiu l'ul1y, ... son. Alfr d Gray . '. I-c of Grent ' In Europe too. Poland. jreturned home MOlday ev ·ning. which was the largest held in th . EVENING SERVICE LlIkes Naval Tl'aining tation a~ , Czechoslovakia, Belgl. The P. J. Thomases and H. R. !State so ' fa,r . · Paul Herbert I'aist!d 8;00 O'Clock at Chicago were Wednesd ay even· urn, .·Hollulnd. Prance. Fordyce were supper guests .' ·of the issue of "bossism, " in a bittel' ing dinner guests of Mr. lind Mrs. N orwa, and otber I Mr. an4 Mrs. Tom Fofdyc~ an,d attack on Ed SchOrr for ~upport· Leslie Gray and children. countrlee .trlvlnl son in West Carrollton Saturday jini James GJlrfield Stewart of A nUnll!er of members of the for better. mOf' pelce. evening. They afterward at\end- CinCinnati, and upon Senat01' YOU ARE Fancy Feather club of Montgom•• CCI G !~lld·i~~·~~~:~·nA~~~i ed the theatre ill Miamisburg. Harold H. Burton for sending his ALWAYS WELCOME ery county and othell, had a Hitler. Forrest Troat is in Camp Bland· pet:80nal secretary, Earl Hart, to meeting at Lytle Hall Sunday af· fllg, Florida. . manage Tom Herbert's state call1AT ,THE terneon and organized a loeal The Ladies. ~id of the Sugar paign. With . Governor Brickcr WAYNESVILLE JlflUfer~l chicken club. Creek Christian church met at supporting Paul Hel·bCl·t lhrongh ~t Mrs. Mar~aret Hopkins of the hallie of Mrs. Sam Barnet his intimate associatcs. if not pel" CllvRoU Of OHR.JST ~nmt Wayn esville WIIS IL dinner gucsl ~~ ] ~ ~1. " at .Centerville Wedncsday 'Of last sonnally. th e campaign becom es n ~ Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Everoti. : I..'''l._'~" ~/~ week. They made plans 101' the fight "for keeps" for co ntl'ol of Wayn ' eavilJe Kenrick. son and daughter. 1\'(rs. , > . , J.r"" ' 7 a. ~~ ~'i,,,_," ~i~,{'.4 ./t7~ sale lunch at the sale of . Mrs. the stahl Republican orgaizutio. ial 2111 _ MAX W. RANDALL, D Nellie Montgomery and daughter. ,"_rpt. '411.7... ~'" • • t'~"" " .,T/I Wills this coming Saturday. Miss Cleo, of Dayton, were Sun· The Building committee met at As this column i gei ng writ· M.iniater day afternoon guests. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- t en. 'R alph H. Cake. ational Re· Phone 2993 lira. Morris Wharto ' of Ide· Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas guests ot Mr. a n d ~ A. Hd e ne Bickover last Fl'iday even-,publican committeelllan from Ore. pendence, Ky .• is now staying were unday guests of Mr. and Earn,hlU't and sons, ar an ning. The Sugar Cr ek church ,gon, Wendell L. Willkie's cal~'\' .:< ", _ __ ._ .._ .. _ _ .. _ ,_ ,_ . 0 . with Clyde Wharton while MI·s. MrR. Myron Thomas of Dayton. :Alton. , plans to mak e a base ment undu paign manager, is anivin !.: HI • Wharton is at Mian1i Valley hos· • • • • • the church. Presenl were ~ev. Cleveland to confer with Ohio pital awaiting a goitre aperntion. MI'. lind Mrs. Walter Wiseman Mr. und M.rs. Ho'ward Fogt and ]\.11'11. Arthur Core. Waldo leaders. Mr. Cake came upon th Salem have a bo nnn. c ne d that . M~, and Mrs. Robert Young and children. Polly Lou and Billy. and children of Centerville, were Eli ott.Le te l' Urschell. Howard inyitati~n of a group 01 pl'omin· th y would be in this mcC. and lion adn Mr. Ilnd Mrs. B. spent the week·end in Akron at dinner guests. of Mfr. and Mrs. W. Wood s lind the host anu~ hostess. ent Ohio Republicans, headed by --J. Glllouti of Dayton were Sunday the hom e of Mr.' and Mrs. Charles P. Stra~er. -:Mr. and iI'S. Peny Thomas Robert A. Weaver, pl'esident of La,st week we i a id that we evening dinner guest3 of their Powell. .• . ' . and on, Bob, w l'C supper g uests the Ferro Enamel c mp !\:1y of would try to line up all of the parents. Mr. and Mr s. Earl Young. • • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hess of of the Lawence Thomase! Sunday Clevelahd. Weaver h been t1l'g- candidates who have been menThe Lytle Card club was enThe Woman's AuxlUary of St. Dayton, were 'YaYinesville visitors evening. Also guests were Staff ina' Willkie to enter the Ohio pJ'i. tioned for It. governor In the Re~ertained to luncheon and cards Mary's church is sponsoring a on Saturday. • , Sgt. and Mrs. Lowell Pringle and maries. publican pl'imal'ies. Here are all tlle home of . Mrs. Stanley Food Sale in the coffee shop at * - son of Fort Knox. The Lowell that we can trace now: Fred , Bailey in Waynesville, Thursday. th~ Little Inn, Mat:ch 4. A large group of friends and Prinlfles and Perry ,Thomases sa\v Friends of form er George .0. MOlll'cy of Akron, Ray Palmer of Waa& AdIa, ~ 01 TJaaDb.... BU. and Mrs. Orville Young - • • relative's from ' Waynesville at- the piCture howin a t the Town Hart ' of Akron. who is now in Barnesville, EdwBL'd A. Sal~sman ~ aM ehaI'pa fer ai ~ and E. A. Young o(Dayton spent Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett tended funeral services for A. Z. Hall thea ·e. Florid·a. are tryi ng to interest of CIIl'rollton. Hilrol,d W. Houston late ., . . eea& a werd, 'Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl and daughter s were Monday even~ HlU'tsock in Wilmi:ngton Saturday him In becoming a calldidllte fol' of Ul'bana, ChBs, W. Matson of claar.. lie. A WaDt Ad buaerw .YoUlW. Mr. E . A. Young remain'ed ing supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. afternoon. . NOTICE OF APPOINTMEN'l' the Dtlmooratio nomination for oshocton, Emanuel M. Rose ........... II eUqed at Ie a word. for, a'll eJatended visit with . his son E. L. Thomas. *' d Admlnls~rat.or congressman-at-large . . . W (' . of , Cleveland and 'Yellington T. . and "Wife. . • * • Dr. and Mrtl. A. E. Stout an , De d doubt whether he will attcmpt : Leonnrd, Dale DUIMon. Itay J. lOR. BALB - Wattlna 'Products -,t Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones and Several friend's and relatives daughter enjoyed Sunday evening Estate 0.' Frank Brao'dook, cea.e , a difficult IIta te-wide cnmpai~~ n. ~ Ston p, an.ct lJel'bert Boovel' of 21 N. Broadw&J, Lebu1cm. OpeD so.o: Milton,.. Spent Sunday with from thjs locality attended the dinner with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Notice I~ hel Jby given that Fred because of his ' physical hlln dicap Columb\ls. Othel' last min~teenfor ~ COD\leilIence. the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. fun eral of Mrs. Alice Earnhart in Fulkerson and daUI~hter. !Braddock. W'ho,;;e Post Of!lce Ad- of, being blind. Howev er, he is a tl'ies are alllo .studyinlF the fi?ld 01& LlDUier. - - - L. ItdWin Nutt, near Centervitte. Xehia this ~tenoo,n. ' K ' ~ H'l'l • • 1"1 d to Newark dress Is R . 'R. No. I ,. Waynesville. whirlwind campaig ner and has' and some mentioned WIll not flle . .-...... \ Both . Mr. and Mrs. Nutt are quite • • • . n • . 1. was ell e OhiO, has been duly appOinted as a wife who cannot .be beate n . --------:::---..,--poorly' at this time L' dl Mills f M'dl d M' h ol'\e day thIS week due· to the se- Adm!. ' -. " trator of the ....... ate of MARRIACE LICENSES 'M . d M C' W· Y m ey , 0 I a~, IC" riOUtl illness of a sister. ,: lll> ..,... r. ,.an lB. . • ounce was a recent gue'it of hlS father, Frank Braddock. late of Warren As we announced some time ago AoeI;PleDe or e1ectrtc. see Bill I:.ee. and daughters and M.r. and Mrs. George Mi11s~ and Mrs. Mills. NEW ADDRESSES County, Ohio, deceased . George C. McConnaughey, cha it'· Mnrrla&e lIoensee have b en I SllU811 .' . Papl Flory of Dayton were guests * ~. , . . Dated ' t.h1S 3rd day of. February. man >()f t he Public Utilities COIll- tO~>tto Edwe.rd · Lewis. H. MlanllllOrn~ Road, 3, w:~ml!SvUle. at drnner Sunday evening of their . Mrs. Jeanett'e Sawyer and Pfc. Robert L. Earnhart 367948!l3 m1 sion, . tossed his name into the burlr. and Pear' Harle Ornd ri. 40. POR 8A%4-Two 8~ J.Dne~.pa~entsl ~r. and, M~s. :WilbJ.lr d's ughter, Sharma, of. .Morro,,", 286th. Pt. Co., 608th Bra· T. C. 1944. growing field for the Republican :Wt~~~~~ leL. Ban~n. '13. en' ......r. OenUe Pete. . EdWlb Clark. . . . ' were ' Sunday gues~ of Mr. and A. P. O. 46~, c/o Postmaster RA.LPB ·H . CAREY, nomination for 'chief justice of the Lebanon and Lola I. GIUIun. n. " • .• . . .. Mr. and Mrs. ~alph Belch.er Mrs. Orville Gray ,and Mrs. Bar- New YOl'k. New York Judge 011· the Probate Court supreme court . and Dan Taber re- personnel director: Harveysbllrl'. SUrface R. R lI; Waynee\11le ."" • • * . , . Earl E. Lucaa. 88. Waynuvl11e~ , ., ' . . , ' ~f UUC8, have purchased <the prop- lU'a Sawyer. We.rren County, Ohio. publican 'Of Hamilton. dJl'cctor of and Ethel Oentry. 114. Franklin. . Obio. H er"W lind house hold goods of Mr. . •• ~ . Pvt. Lyle S. Fox 35'790231 Stanley and Stanley. A tty. . 3t-24. the Ohio FO'i,mdation ' and former .Gazette Want Ada Bring Reeult., POR 8AL1J-.Adam u~t alld ,Mfas. Ropert Siney and . with. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doll of P.A.T.D. Kirtltind Field . public ,relations director for. the . ' S.!te Highway depart. . ment, has thljir little 80n .an,d the {ormer's Loveland were Saturday evening Albuquerque, 'New Mexiso ..... ..:... I'9Od .condition. I..wrence .Io.J • * "'--V' . paren{,ll, move d. t h ere ' S' aturd ay. guests of M_r. and Mrs. Maynard onmg a t a jumped into the rac!! to challenge _ ZlDk, lit. BoDy, 'Waynesvtlle R. llra. Mary Marshall has been Weltz and family. 'Pvt. Raymonp Jsa~lcs 96872729 ~C.atmD ~ftftD. Ed~ard J. Hummel for secretary 1.· ~ quite' III for the past two ' weeks * • • Co. F T-1,627 d.D.E.T.S. B.G.H. Onsen stamps K, ·L. -:nil M aoo d of state. George · M. Neffner of . , I and is under the care of Dr. Mrs. Louis Jl'ir~s has b~en in Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind. through Mareb 20, Columbus and Ted .Brown of . . F(>1J~,P~r lad.i~ ireen ~d lIal7, .Cook,. .. • . ' Dayton for the patlt seve,ral days, , '. • • '. .,'G~'N, Springfield, are already in : "nUD " H ' E glov. '~y be had at the Ga~ ~r. and Mrs. , La~r~nce Elho~t assisting i.n the. care of her fath~ "Pvt. Robert Sheph.er~ 36614556. Brown stamps ·V. W. and X a004 . '- - . sette" office by paying for thi" and son of Centel'Vllle spent FrI- ! er Harold Taylor, who is con- Hq. Co. 2nd Bn. Ht6~ Inf. through Feb: 28; Y and Z «ood Floyd B: Griffin, AI\.e.n.....c'l~[)..~., ad"ertmment. . ' . . . ;. !la.y. evening ~th Mr. . and · Mr:j. lv;lellCing in Miami Valley · h08- A . .P. O. 9t·B. c/o- osbnastBI I tlliOagb MarohaJ~... . ', Republican candidatOJ f':;r state -....,.........- - - -.- -....--..".,....--- . Ev~rett Kenrick and ~hildrell'. pital following ,an ·operation.· San Francisco, .C,alifomia Sugar stamp 30 good through auditor h~d 'to cancel his npP\lal·· 1IIft.t11li4 _ SALE-~~ -dies winter · coat, Mr. -and . Mrs F.• A• ·Adams ':... - * - . •. * • Me.reh 81. Sugar lltamy (Bookcan· t) "n bl'g N <ow ..... Phl' lntlelphl'a Iu epociaI -.ice ... • ' -0 tor 6 pounds tor to_ hpm a "e'e ', a"> 4.he ~ t..criIi.n • peHI~n.j trim, ' ellceUerit ,son 'and ' 4a gh\el', and ,Lowell Mip ,Anna E. Meredith of Cin- 'Pv. Hora ce BurnEilit 95 803~ 4 nlng throu&h .Feb. 28. 19~D. rally. because of wOl'd just .o. Iio Pticft":..;:. _';';:'-. ~ondltr9n. , A~~ 'h ,\t , to 'match, Gr~~ ~f D~yton ~ere ente~ained ,clnnati, was .the Sunday. guest of Co. D. 26th. Bn . .4th ~egt. I.R.T,C· 1 Stamp 18 In ~~::~ and No.1 air" ceived that his' son was "missing ..... favorite ........: YOII .... dUa ' two baJ14 knlt' drepes, size· 118. to d\nnet:' 'Sunday at the home of het mother, Mrtl. Samuel Mere- Fort McGleUan. Ahlbama plane stamp In Book a good for 1 in action" in on e! of the wal' ""Per eidNr Ia <O!Dbl!"Mloa WIdi.., ... 01 CaU' WaynentUe· 2827. . ' Mr. and M~. Leslie Gray. Mr. dl'th Sr . ' . pall' each until further notlec, liD theatres. " tI'H_ ~I _tao ..~. 01' with tho --:.....:..---~.:...---'' (I M ' W'U N 11 d d' ht • days tn advanee. Merohants will pos!I·M.paln. Sped.t botlow. !MIen ~ 011. FOR SALE T b ..... d an .n. I U an aug er * • • t~lvely not aceeptlooee stamps. Y"'!11k.~I. .. I..... ft1Ila"" _ _ ~.... . ......um er, ' &_r ,e n of ' Springboro were af,ernoon Mr and Mrs William P. Stra,J . , I Band B·l G.aoLDnl FI'azier Reams just took eight oeoo! It lie "!. PI.... do,.. ·..... ...,1 plow, wheelbarrow and table.. ' ".. . d' M' &0 ' B de and C and C~l etamps . W A M'U L tl ' d gnes... der and son an rs. ss 0 Miss Wanda CI~nk of Lytle are good for II galloD!! until u.ed. days from his busy sc~edu le to All} M~R1Imf>'ti '; tp,! 11lCi Thi~;t I' . ' . I er, y e roa . Those fom · here who attended were Sunday evening supper 1'1 I MAl' CI k Friday B·ll a.nd C-I! are good for Ii galloJlII "isit his 88~year·old fath ' I' who ·;.,urnament' nt KI·no.. Mills f M d M R Ell" ca ec on rs. ICe. 0.1' unUl used For your pr.otection . ' Nel'/ ' pJper,Roth fOI Prier 5IJOti!i· FOR SALE-Rabbits New 'Z ea- th e "" . . ... ..guests 0 r. an rs. . oy IS. afternoon : .• against bla;'k market. ,the rationing has been stl.riously .ill. . ' b' Monday evening Included: Mr. * • ,. I LB ' rules now require that every ca.r " Clarence Knisoly stepped out land whItes, one uck and two IIn'd Mrs -Lowell · Thomas and Mr and Mrs Ralph Hastings • rhe 'Rev. Pau .1 resster ' pas· owner Immediately write In Ink or -f the Democratl'c racc for g'ovADibican Fnjl~ GIOWU'...AI.75 young does with three ' tier . . • . , tOI' of the Germantown Lut h eran Indelible pencil hIs lIcenlle number ~ o Ameiic:an Glrl _..:......:....... 2J1O :hutch Wire bottoms with gal· daughter, . Mr . . and Mrs. Th erle and son, Robert, were Sund~y sf- church called . on Mrs. AJnan(~a and st~te on all ga,80JI~e coupons In ernOT in favor .of James W. Huflo AmepCIUJ Ho~, 2 'I....... 5 . , i'd t Re 'b l Jones and 80n, Mr. and Mrs. Les- ternoo,n guests 01 MI'. and Mrs. H ' , 'I'h d man of Columbus, a!! part of t he rays. allOna e. 11 G Mr and 0 b f M artrum ' urs ay. IhIs p08seeslon.~a . , ,van Ie d Amerltan ~try JoUmal 1..15 Phone Waynesville . 2827 . .1 ray a nd ' children ' . ,. G~rge s orn 0 arrow. Mr~ Geor"'e Leii(hhber and Mr. Next InSJ)8l1tlon -due : "AU book Democratic 'harmon» pl·ogram." ~tt~. CcJ:oIdN Ie ' 1 Mrs. HaroM WhItaker, son and * * • d Mr' H 9 ., I~b fDa" vehicles by Karcb 31; B's by Feb. His frjen'd s say tha't he urill not . . ~ h an s. omer L'" "y 0 J - 29; C'II by Fob. 29; commercial ve· ,.. H~iDI '. , . . _.._ ';45 FOUND-Pair men'tl whIte knit oaug ter, . Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs, son ton. were guests of Ml·S. Ida 111. htolell every 8 -months or every 6,000 run , for ' state treasure}' but to JIo" ~'''Llre .....:.... . UO gloves. Can. be bad .by paying REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS and -daughter, were Sunday even- Peters Sunday.. miles. Whloh~~" ~st . Itre~hen the tick~t, he may fall o ~p~ I'II11IIU . 1M ' ing dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ernes Martin of , P eriod ~ cqupons .good throulglh into line with the ,slate. Joselih -for this ad ' at the' Gazette ofq Chilit L!fe' ... ,.. :,.. ~5 ... . Am""ng rec'ent Teal estate tr'ans N. R. Allaman in Dayton. D ' f M' G . March 18: eoupODII • and Ii are va d T . . Fergus'on. state au·'I·tor. \\'a~ - .u ce. u ' . • • * ayton were g uests ~ I S. e01- till Sopt. 30. AU have value of 10 u C1t~ .HeraId ......._ c_ ... 1.50 -----~-------- fer!l filed at ' Lebanon were . the M Ka I B bb f gia · Men.,denhall . aturday afte!" gallons for .each 'Unit. All ohange.. l\1s,0 given ·the "~o" sign as the tJ Col'OOel ..,........___._......_.. J,110 . PaR BM.aE - Penonal Stationery. f-ollowing: Mr. and 1'8. r a 0 ' . ' making COI'POlIII aAd Flur", ,eupcm. Democratic· favorite son candidate ~,,~ .'c,u~ ,5 Yia.; 2JIO """.I--- -- ---"a.I.___~1Jl ~ ~nd paper, Sallie Nixon H!lrper to Chester Xenia, Mr.a~d Mrs. Earl Earn- I no~rs. Randall' and J H. Hi!!~iIlS good lbrOugho~=lng ~ear. for t~e; PresidencY{ but the deleOE~ M~:~~ ......~ . ~- 1 2: ....tb 100 envelopes A. an,d Hazel L. Hal'per. 21 U~ l'e: hart and chl~dren were Sun411Y of Dayton call"d on Mrs. Alice I Certificates to .purehase most gation will . be for presiqent -....... . - ...... . ' wash'mgton twp. " • ~ heating 'and cook.lng stoves that bum , q ~~...t~\ 1I f..'pD'rI WUc 1M aU 'W1.t.h name ,aDd address Im- in Clark Sunday afternoon . Icoal 'wood 011 or' ,as must be ' ob· Roollevelt.. ~Jqe is . a candidate fOI' O'f1q~ .G~w!=l' .......;1:....;. ..... uo Prsnted. fOr tUO at the Gazette . William F. HarpCl to Chest~l' '1'1' -', 1alned froni local boards: reelection as -state auditor. FonunlColwno. Rn~; ~ U5 omce Phone 2143 A. and Hazel L. Harper. lots III +++.:,+_:'-1.++1-+++ ... +++++"'+++'" OJl~ M~ . ;.,;-:--_ .l,6,5 . • . . Wuhington twp. Atty. Marvin C. Harrison, forHenry and Golda J. Cor~in to U mer state ,senator from Cleveland, '-..prr- . .' ~ Vema L. Mardis, 14 acres in U, announeed that .he would be,a • [J ~~. ....;_....... . .......:!;;.... . '. 5 , National DIpII M...-fJ;aIy.••.oU, <;:learcreek t,wp. . ca/Jdillate f~ir the Democratic ~alUre (ill .... ~2 Mo.).....M Verna. L. Hathaway to Clal'nomination for U. S. senator. Wlil. liJ Opea Roall (12.1-..14 l\Jo.) 2.25 Conveniently located ence M. Altlpaugh, 9.85 acres in , '. . . .G. P.icltTel of' Dayton' and former o OUldoon (12 .... •• Mo.) t.25 at the very edge of qearcreek twp. . EYES EXAMINED YOU'D LIKE ~" find out Slate Senator R. J·ohn Taylor of PatlJ6ndU .................:....:,.... 2.00 Waynesville ' near the 'Edna E. Rldge to Walter .T. what your .peciat aptitude i. PIi.oloPlay~McrfIc MIcror _ 2.!lO' school Nice new house and Marg~r~~ C. Green, lo.t 7 in GLASSES FlITED and ,put it to worlc. 'to help win' Popular Mft:baala ....:.. .:... J.25 Evan .. addltl0n to WayneSVIlle. thi. war--take the opportuaity · I ' . A . with 5 arge roo~. William ·E .. Hayner to Orissa HOURS o Popular"Sc:IcaC:e",Moalhly.. J,OO lovely bath and kitchen. HaYner, 86.16 acres in ClelU'creek 9-12 EACH MPRNI., G the WAC off..... .,a,ul . T!i~ .......-.~-. 1.Gi o Poultrr Rcadcr'I ' DJcat .... ..;..__" .f.25 BiJ full basement that twp. 1-5 AFTERNOON EXCEPT WEO Join the WAC .,nd let Army . . ' . J , . I ~.. ..winter laundry James T . and Grace M. Her· 7-9 SATURDAY EVENI " G ••.,P.. rta help yoa ..dl.eo....r the o Redbook M.......... U5 FROM CO.NTEST WINNING · PARENT STOCK ~ -~ -:T 2./lO .... ~i Knotty pine Bun ringto. n to P.rudence Everhart. lot OTHER EVENINGS . type of .w ork '1011 ' can do "e•• ~. . . The two-way prOfit breed.",Bred 'fqr .1004 'livability, ~", C BY APPO INTMET ONLY d o SUver ~ ., ' 1,110 poreJa,: ' . City, water for 30 lD o l ' W l n . . Let the Army . trala you to 0 trueue.. to type, ·and .... known to. be heavy p.r oo Spctrq Aflel~ _ . I.t5 all needs. Here you can Walter .E. Mentz ~o Pau'llle TELEPHONE 62-R one of 239 \lilal jo..... · Learn •• . ducer.. Our. chic:ka are from. 10", aiIcl " dauPt~ of R •. Succae(w l'annIaI ___ 1.75 d l'ving Masters KIrby, undiVIded one· aklll tbat will be a.efjil to yoa oj _ P. Pedialreed mal. frOm hens with ·recorch Of. 2$1 o Ttuc Storr ..._ ...;.-;:-, U5 'froe -J .a b~oo ... Id half interest in lot 199 in SpringIon. aftar tb~ war ill o.erl ' lf yoU to.268 ecp d . . . . their y .; "'; - ,'" '., . m a ' Jg' gar en, boro alread,. baye, .. .\rill - the Arm., tr. S. ~' M"" 2015 . chick.eD& and eggs. Low M~e Cook to Joseph H. and ea~ u.e . it' too.) I ' . J-tOOf of the fact that we have ~ ell .pro-. Your ........,.,:.. ,......:1........ s.oU price, ,terms. . Bertha' M. Shambaugh, lots 7, 8, ductio~ht . yean 8&0 when ' we atartecl .our hatcherY Cet full detail. ~t, ,. "our nearll.t Call Toda, - A. D. Carter 9 and 10 in Wa.ynesville. . ~ it required 15 per cent ~e h~ to our ega U. S. Army Recruitin. · Station Phone 2820, WaynesVille Cora M. Apgar to Robert W. than it d.oea IIC»W, • . " ' . .... ' , (yo'ur local po.t o.c • . .1 ... ';011 and Rhodabelle Campbell, part of There . a .t.:0II8 ' demand . f or BETTER BRED tbe adClrea~). Or write: The lots 140 and 141 .in Spring,boro. •• e , . . CHICKS. Every chick. lMayer wob .. ~Ood a chick .. Jutant Cener.I, Room 4415,. 26 S. Detroit Street tiona ~~i1din.~ Y'~'Ia1a.lon~ D. hie caJi buy at '~e mOat ~NABU: ·PRIC;:~. • We XENIA,' OHIO 'have' on, ,..ade ~y, the · AAA .G,RADE. . Chicles that ~+, ....+++++++++.......... I·.... ~
w. Oller
_ ----.--
------ ---
B A ' Ii I I e; 8." War 80nds
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WAYNESVILLE ICE CO. Phone 24&'- or 2454
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Bob;s 1!)~i~y Wholesoll'" Pa.teur•• ed Dairy ' P,rodutta
Past-eurized .Milk ,For Your _~__~~ Pbo~2537
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not __ ·theM r~ta . ~~~t 10141 at aDY' price. All floc:JQ are PUllORUM 'I'r,o,'tED,. . . . , Our White I..A!cbOIJlA • • 01 .... lUlU bii~. quality ... ORDER: NOW~void · ~ppoiDtment, ·, OUR ·PRlCES are very ~NABI:.& '. . "". PI EA.S£ .NOTJCE--.,W. havil iQ,oved our bl1lc:bery ., to ow·farm two mO. ~ 01 Wa,..e.YWe on Benbrook
' 'I:I 'M TATQ . IIITtD.-S
WAR 80ll DS
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~------ ----~~------ ~~----~~cH~~~ ~~~'MAR ~~sDAY, ~~~ 2, 1944. -~~~ ------THUR . of:DQ ---8VJLLR ---WAYNE -----------------------------~RTH YEAR Y·FOU NINET
Carl isle Win s Co. An App eal By Unit ed Sund ay In Frie nds.Cere mon ey Red Cros s Chai rman Bask etba ll Tou rney
Loc al Sol dier . Mis sing In It,a ly
Mar ried Satu rday at Ros s Har tsoc k Flor ence -Con ner Nup tials Febr uary 19 Chu rch-o f Clrtls~- --I'Made reSld.ent
Mi ss Opa l Lew is, popular WayAn llo uncelll f nt has bee n made of To the Citizen s 01 Warren Count y : [)isplay ing an o/f'ensiv e brand g of Miss Rita nesvill e residen t, a nd Earl Tres. weddin e th of their of none The Americ an Red Cl'OSS du ring basketb all than Uclol'll Conn er , daugh ter of Mr. sial', of Dayton , were united in Carlisle At a' s pecial meeting ot the the month of March is' raising compet itors co uld match, Fe b. 20, onner, a nd ma lTiage Satur day, leave an d Mrs. of directo rs last Thursd ay, )oard $2 00,000, 000 in the nation to pro- Hil'h School basketb all team r ode nesville , Way lorence th~ F at Ill. Tommy p. at 6:45 Avia iOIl ael et pionHartso ck was elected H. S8 O r, vide t he necessa ry services for t he to its fi rst to ur nament cham Mn of ~1t-. an d Mrs. Howa rd hUI'ch of h.r ist, with the pasto t Kings and directo r 01 the 66nt preside men and women who are in t he ship Sa turday evenin g a blasted ciating. sville. offi , ll Wayne of nda Ra th bo Max ncu, lorc F r Mills when the India ns togethe y, countr their of Waynes ville Nation al ce servi Mrs. year-old :30 7 emony, at cer During t he 3 p. m. The 1Il00'L'iuf,!'c t oo k place War- Maso n cagel's 43-3 4. by bank. He succeed s William H. ed 944, ] ani 9, ] y accomp ar , Febru Brown m., ]1. Roger o'clock While th e ma ny fr iends and with their famili es at h ome. Th ' India ns average d appr oxiamoun t The latr elatives asse mbled, a program ren county 's quota of this ill t he pars o n a~e of thc Fir st .'. ILs El izabeth Burnet t at t he \lIen , who died Fe b. 21. P9r gam e in gopoints 40 mately amount of the nt rgest la the preside , n bee $37,600 had Me," is ter by ise of nupt ial music was pl ayed Method ist church in J ackson, :. iallo, s.ang, "O h Prom in our in ~ thro ugh t he five day t ourney bank 44 years. Miss Barbar a Thornb erry, who ever asked t o be ra ised . Last undef eated. They playe d nv faTe nnessc. with t he Rev. Fra nk B. :111 11 " I Love You T rul y." Hartsoc k previou sly had been The happy co uple pla n to make also a ccompa nied Miss J ean Hart- county fo r any orga nization Jones p n for ming t he cer emo ny. a, we vori tes as t hey def eated Kings cashi er. F orme r postma ster, . he Bock, cousin of the briere , when Mal'ch in the drive for fund , and Mill s, Waynesville, Harvey sburg A din net· followe d in the New l h l il' hOlll e in Way neSVille. became assistan t cashier of the she sang, "A h, Swee t Myst ery of were asked t o raise $1 8,600 South ern hotel. in turn. Mason nd a our time This . $22,600 t ut ion in 1937 and was eleibuted insti contr a h in HONOR IN vows Kennet .• IVES SHOW ER Th e bride t ook her Life" and " B eca u ~e. " Lt. They found the Maso n lads,. who to r each to cashiel' June 20, 1938. BRIDE vated T im r t RECEN A gold , with NIECE OF hock l woo Hartsock of Salt Lake City, Utah, quota is doubled, and whitu bounce d back a f t er their startevery ly certain which , goal ing him as cashier is our Succeed Arval and with hat bride, blue the cousin of a nd Q 'ma il aqua in the opening game upset ling a d invit.e desires, r county Cong n rre H. Brace, who had Wa Delbert in Mrs. Clifford person Mayor Ind., corNiba rge r of Richmo nd, veiling to match, and wore a of us Monday , a tough fo e and t hey. a nd neig hho rs t o a been Assist a nt cashier since Aug. iends fr ICw Both s. rosebud yellow of brother -in-law 01 the bridegr oom, it will be necessa r y for all of last were f orced to go at full sp eed sage in honor of h er ], 1938 . t o double our contrib utions were ushers. IIf l's. Florence ' und her h usband "howe1' Ft'iday Sa turday contest the out hrough t Bento n { Kath. PetTy Mr:, lIiece, year. Th at the Hartsoc k family have from . Waynes vill e Miss J ean Ha rtsock played the grandu ated it is an eveni ng to clinch t he champi oncall; ,Il I'eccnt br ide. Many been ' dealin ' with the bank for roll eI'} a lk not Wa is I'yn This bride42. ' the of class while hc t march in g school weddin IIigh n the shi p. f,!'i f ts wcre received by many years IS proven by the fol. groom with his best man, John appeal for funds t o carryo Red WAYN E JUNIO RS WIN Mr. F lorence a tte nded Miami uni- ';ea utiJu l an Americ for which she thank- lowi n'g art icle which appear ed in the o( ntoll O( es s. Horney of New Castle, Ind" the nctiviti versity at Oxford bef or e e nte rin g .~ r The Wayne svill e Juniors \Von d during abroa and ve l'y cllnt'min g man- The Miami Gazette June 6, 1923: e hoI' hom in at h eiLc oss Cr ~d Lindley Lallra Corps. Miss r Ai aid, brid'esm t he U. S. Ai'my . . division title wi th a unior j Il e ~ the' 28, ebruary F ending year he t class"A little incid ent of more than of Kokomo, Ind ., a college The young couple will r eside Cou r t " IY Warre n Cou nty Newl Carlisle the ovel' victory 29-9 the ice pass ing inter est occurre d at the of of an Ilts hm chairpl reIl'e. DainLy ., nn Te n, 'Jackso at mate, and the bride with her 1946. As the present for the outacor ed Warren county chapter , I am youngs t ers. Hartsoc k Cha l'les B('1cher is m i ss in ~ in ac- whet·c th e brIdegr oom is now sta- r (,U)11, cake a nd coHee were serv- WayneS Vill e Nationa l Bank wben fath er, entered the church. team as he Carlisle entire the e everyon to nt e appeal this Departm WUI' ed to t he honorcd g uest, a nd Wilto n Ha r tsock , t he infant son making tho ti on in Ita ly. In accorda nce with the Friends ' tione d. possibly tossed in' 13 points. Bradley and has inf or med his pare nts, Mr . and he as much as give to M(,5dll mes Elsie Hoc kett, J ennie of Ross nnd Edna Hartsoc k, preBradSara and nd Raymo cu~tom, each contrib uted six. Rickey cause, worthy ynesmost Wa this of Bl'nddoc k, L o ui ~c Wilson, J ean sented hims elf to open a savings el' toward Betch can y LE Henr marESVIL the M·rs. of FORME R WAYN dock wer e in charge wer e: scores box final The eached. r be may goal Bunne ll, Gold ie ' Sha ffer, Ada account . It ' so happen ed that it ·missour 19 been GIRL MARR IED FEB. viii " Route 2. H e hns rl!1ge ceremo ny with the bride so that CARLI SLE (43) tionfunc is chapter local 30. Our · Jan. since father illg' her by e e Bra cldock an d son, Misses fell to the lot of Mr. Allen, pre.. marriag Grac given in Mi ss Ka thryn Walker and Perry b f tp tees, commit many his by ved through Shephl' r d, Etc el Yo ung, Bar- ide nt of the bank, to be at the recei ing ora , et~r ,l last The in t he single ring cer emony. , D. Baker, f , ....... . .. 6 o 10 family was wr itten Dec. ] 7 when Benton , Jr. , S .l / c, of B~ooklyn , bUla Wa lilel', Till' lmu Walker and win dow and receive the deposit . The bride was lovely n a lav- ' among which are Home Service Bi sho~ , f Mrs. .... 6 o 10 Junior l In Italy. He No' Y., wer e q UIetly married Sut- Miss COl'lt Phi lhower ahnd f M'd "He r emarke d that it' had been endar wool crepe dress . ,made · Blood Bank" First Aid, b · .. ,. 8 o 16 he was in ~ ho'spita ·t S h' c T Baker, on. J. Leban l at 19, Hospita ry and Februa Camp since urday, duty Cross, ive ct Red a to d pleasur e to do bUBineB8· with his returne had 10 ot princes s style, with un arm bou, III o J 4 CIIS 2 e ,~ .1 The bride wore for her wedd ing, ~I~~~~v~ Disaste r , Kru se , g , Nursing Home , Scrvice generat ions of this branch of n. he yellow t five and ur nd lave of quet . 1 1 3 ' rt'ce ivui sev, ral gifts South, g ..... . ... brill The 10ur('ss All on. length Nutriti stJ·ee.t and army blue the tion, in sheer . Produc a been k family . The line " .. had golden Hartsoc witp Belcher spr ing flow ers tied t b the ld h L cor- I r ~ er joined WIth blue acceS!lo rl c,s and a Mi having , Amos Hartsoc k, great : years ur e follows fo t as no almo~ ~ " 0 ~v. s ues g . tulle. Her accesso ries were in cal service s are on a volunte 43 I' 3 ~~ 20 sage of yellow r ose buds. comother or overvcry salaries been ther ; John Wl11 WaS and e has n ~ He grandfa basis, t 40. W!1:ch ea 19 gr or f 17, ly Ju I.:sent [' M d navy blue. B tt D' kens 0 ID ay t on an MASON ( 34 ) I'. appreci ative. . gran~ther; e y IC great k, IIartsoc The bridesm aid was similar ly , Pensati on are not paid anyone the Young, f . ~ , . . . .. .., 3 . 4 10 seas a year and a ha lf, having seen Delbert _ _ _ _ nd-, Conger were t he att.e g randfa ther; ' k, Sicily Seventy -five per cent of and Hartsoc A. Africa nk Fra North in vice ser 2 attired in yellow wool j ersey ~ith E GRA , ICE Ni::WS Mellish, t' .. . .. ... , . 1 o 4 he fore the presen t campai gn. Dicken s wor e a sheer MASSI Miss sent ts. is an drive this in raised the prellen t k, money Hartsoc carried H. and Ross ies brown a ccessor twen- Walker , c ... . . .. ..... 1 2 6 Belcher was gra duated from Mas- or chid dress with black a ccessor and now father, and er t "ostmas to 3tlded spring flowe.rs with lavenda.r tulle. to the Americ an Red Cross; be will star her Anot ' in the Hill, g .. ...... . .. . .. 2 2 ies and a corsage of white roses. BOn." the k, Hartsoc Wilton tle lit goes ,tt De The mother of the bridegr oom ty-f ive per cent is left above Diehl, g . . .. ..... .. .. . 1 2 4 sie high school in 1937 and then Rev. Middl estead of Lebano n, pur fl ng as George in the Chrysle r plant, work to went d 8 nar' May wore gray with black accesso ries county to provide for the 16. March o Navy the to 4 .... • . . relief. Layman , g ..... read t he marriag e vows. Mi ss BenDetroit . Hi teman are and the bride's mother was in service s and other civilian month ton made her home with her aunt Stanley . and J oseph the during that family his trust I of rll a g membe ' wearin ,Other ellch black, h wit , tw o s tars. other • green he t by ted 34 10 epresen 12 r t Delber Mrs. and of March, when the solicito r comes are a brother , Ralph , at home, and and uncle, Mr. A bea utiful and effectiv e fluorMillard er lovely corsage . Mast Gl'ange Massie r eady Conger and was a gradua te of the ot t Pucket Roy Mrs. sisters, two light fixture, was installe d (scent After the iinpressive ceremo ny, to your home with a receipt Mrs. (29) and . RS WAYN ESVILL E JUNIO' Waynes ville Hi gh ' school in t he Taylor appoint ed Mr re- for your contrib ution, you will Alvin in the lower corrido r lallt week. b f tp Detroit a nd Mrs. :Ruth Rasnak e of class of '42. . Mrs. E~8ign and Mrs. ElI!ngto n nnd Mr. e, Moor Carl never Georgcelved the cong ratulatI ons. of heir givi! to him as you have . WaY Tl e~ ville. Reynol ds, and Mr . a nd Mrs. Chas. The lamp was given by Mrs. of her This Hartsoc k .... . . . ..... , 6 . 1 13 cause. any ---,to ,before given y held memor on in hall receptI a at Menden ia guests for 0 many Doster on Ways and Means SHOW ER GIVEN IN HONOR coun- Smallw ood . . ..... ... 0 0 CHILD DIES AT THE Mende n. at the bride's hom,e. near H~r- will be necessa ry if Warren 1944 and Ernesti ne Moore, news husba nd, the late J. L. .. . . . •. , .. 2 0 4 son Thomp TS S PAREN HER LUKEN OF ion YN obligat HOME CAROL its MISS meet OF again to t of is tenden superin former a , ll ha preveysbur g. A beautif ul weddm g ty Welch 0 e 0 Minni 0 r eporte r. Mrs. Mulford ... ...... , ... IN TUESD AY CORW ation. IN organiz ide worldw this to 8e"ed. e wer punch Home. he t fruit cake and sun ted the pr Olrram on Longfellow Sheeha n ,...... ....... 0 0 0 CHAS. J. WAGG ONER, Miss Carolyn Lukens .of Har- who wa s born J 37 yea rs ago MonMiss Alice Cobb of Pine Moun. Mi88 lBetsey ROBS of' Eaton, Mi.ss 3 0 6 Lamb, t hree-ye ar-old .. ...... . M a~: ill e . Rickey County with Warren ented an Chairm complim was g, veysbur Harlan county, Kentu~k:v, ain, t were Barbar a Bogue of In~ianaPO~II!, Lewis s 6 poem Mrs. 0 :. . .... 8 daught er of Mr. and ay day. Several .of hi s County 'Chapte r Americ an Bradley ., .. .. Mrs. Ralph Ames and MI88 Louille an was an overnig ht jrUut of . JIn,. . 13 Lamb,·· of Co-rwi,nf died at her a miscell aneous shower Thursd l'ead 1 6 . . Welch ... . . Mrs. .. and .... . read R~k lted CroBS. Mrs. Herber t Carr, Hartsock of Wilmin gton assisted .. . ... ..... , . . 0 0 0 home T uesday mornin g at 7 :60 evening when Doster, Mrs. Charles article reviewing his life. Ma:s. Margaret Webb lalit' Thursd aY; Dakin nta. ,j.n- v~· ..i,'; n ... th .. ~uesta. William Mrs. Milligan ga ve an in te r esting de- ~i ss Cobb is publicit y repreH a . m. AND Doster and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnel l scriptio n of his home in Maine live ot Pine Mounta in Settlem ent -'" In the~ ·~arly- evening Ensign MfSS BETTY DAVIS , 28 parents 1 the 14 by urvived s i She CPL. OWEN HARTS OCK enterta ined at the h'ome of Mrs. where she has visited. A number ~ chool of which Mrs. Webb's ton and Mrs. Ellingt on lef.t on a wedseveral brother s and sist ers, and Bunnel WED IN N. CAROL INA CARLI SLE JUNIO RS (9) l. , the , ding trip, after which th~y will b f tp hel' gt andpar ents. I songs were en joyed y nil. ~he s directo r. In the evenin The bride ' J[UUta evening . was pJeasan tly of The several and ~ide in Columb us. family lome by d 2 .planne odny 0 t be 1 held wiil .... was .. .. . pl'ogram cl,'al ., , un next Th e, f Relativ es here ' have receive d McQueen speJ:\t in games ' and cont ests, r and "ere wete an attracti ve suit ot gray Golds- Lykins . . ... ... ,..... 0 1 1 (Th ursday) a L 2 ;00 o'clock under prizes being given t9 Mrs. Earl our young- menl-I>et'S.-- - -- --+:uI!!eIlIlhlle.dj ·n the corrido nnd yellow ,p laid with black ac- word ·of the marriag e in Miss Cobb who is by ned 'ntertai 3 Fun1 1 Stubbs the ....... of . . n . directio Sauter he t P. , boro, North Carolin a, Monday Hockett , Mrs. Eva McDonald, PUMM ILL BOYS AT HOME ceuorie s. a young woman of pl...in, per. ~pl. LaWl'ence ... .. : . , . .. 1 0 2 eral Home at the home of lIer Mrs. · and Harvey C. H. ,Mrs. Ellingto n is the daught er of Mi88 Betty Davis and MIs. ON FURLO UGH onality . She gave an interU t.lw Waynes - Diederi ckson ... . .. . , . . 0 1 1 pat el'nal grandp;al'ents, Mr. and Char les Bogan, who afterwa rds of Mr. and lIrs . .William Lukeni Owen Hartsoc k, popular' .Lccount of the work of the school 0 0 with 0 , Corwin in , Lamb . P Sauter J. B. Mrs. colbride's the arrived in S. A. them ll d placi Pummi and is a gradua te of Waynes ville ville young people. L. Paul .f about one hundre d residen t 0 0 0 ' .. . bur i.a l in Miami cemet ery. Mrs. Hartsoc k is the daught er 'J ustice ' ...... . , .. • lection. After the many gifts were home Tu esday l,v(' ning for 13 days, ut uden ts and several ~ay studen t. High school, class of '39, 'and of. 0 0 0 .. . . ... ,., erger Huntsb ' Davis of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. opened and admire d by the bdde, having comple lt!u his boot training :md showed slides, in color, .9f the Earlham college, class of "3. 0 0 0 XENIA RESID ENT DIES and a membe r of the class of "2 of' Faulkn er .. .. . .. .. , . TAL W'ere placed on display in the at Great Lakes Naval Tr"aining various llepartm ents With· studen t. HOSPI they Ens ign ' Ellingto n is the son ON LEBAN IN 0 0 while Whitt , . . . . ... ..... .. 0 room. living Mr. and Mrs. William E. Elling- WayneSVille High school, Station . Wl\rre ll L. Pummi ll S2fc nt work, the surroun ding hUla and - - of Mr. Service s were conduc ted in Daint y refresh ments was served ulTived home also Tuesday morn- homes of the mounta in' peopl". ton of New ' Castle, Ind., and a Cpl. Hartso ck is the BOn 9 3 3 and a Norwoo d Mondhy mornin g for from t ea table, which was very ing fro.m Solom ons; Md., on a T hose who were privileg ed" to Ire , gradua te of· Earlham cQllege, clas8 and Mrs. R088 H. Hartso ck of the '41 of class the of r 'membe commie his Mrs. Rowena Redfer n Zartma n, attracti ve with . pink and white seven-d ay lea ve. Both boys are present felt it was an -evening weU d receive He' NIGHT '43. Y of FRIDA e was well tapers and '8 beautif ul · center- th e sons 01 MI'. and Mrs. Ward spent. , sion F eb. 24, at Columb ia uni- local high school. Wa,a ••"m., 25; Sptiarb oro, 21 Xenia r s i4ent, who died piece of spring blossoms. Mrs. She sville. WaYlile in known null versity , New York, and will sl:&rt I . lIende No.2 .Mrs. R. R. a) l, Webb, (Juaior Mrs. H TO Leb- Carr and Mrs. William Doster Pummil recogrii tion training at Ohio State FRANK LIN CHURC Hartsoc k and Bradley . joined in Blair Brot her s hospita l, md Mrs. Hartrum were in Leban. CASTS BROAD NUE CONTI OPEN STILL ONS • PETITI ht nig sity. univer poured. on Friday mornin g. ' .forces to lead the Wayne c'a gers anon Friday Survivi ng is a daughter, Mrs. The bridal party, with many About, "65 friends and relative s The '*Friend ly Church Broad- to a hard-ea rned victory over the Seth Furnas , preBide nt 'o f the locality this of s esident r All G. M. Luthe.r :~, Cincinn ati, a enjoyed the 'evening . relative sfrotn Indiana a nd college cast' emiriat lng from the auditor - Clearcr.eek Juniors . board of manag en,' and Home e th signed who have not as yet b f tp brother , Jason ,C. ltedf'erR, Housclassma tes, were luncl\e on guests ium of ' the First Baptist church WAYN ESVIL LE Mrs. Furnas , were Sunday , dltiner ' mail better for sking a s petition at the . Lukens ' home befol(e the of Frankli n, has recentl y ocntrac t- Hartsoc k . . ...... . . 4 3 11 oon, Te x., and two sisters, Mrs. THREE WAYN ESVIL LE MEN and Mrs. service here, are asked to stop mests of Mrs. Webb '. and j:eremo ny. NEW AT GREAT LAKES in at~Waync 8ville DJ'IIg store Menden hall. ed for anothe r year over the Great Thomps on . . .. . ...... . 1 2 4 Vigo Miller, Dllniel, Wyo., • Shoup . .. . ... ... ".. 0 1 1 Mrs. J . P . Bookle t, Xenia, sPent m Hartrti a Amand Trails System: Mrs. where th e petition s are availab l e. .' SHOW ER HONORS The program is a weekly fea- Rickey .. , . ... .. . ... . . 1 o 2 TO RECEJ VE WINGS ,SOON Sunday at the hOme of .ber IIOU, New recruit s at the U. S. Naval LL MARY CAROLYN BUNNE NEW KROGE R MANA GER ture of the church , dedicat ed to Bradley .. . . . .... .... 2 8 7 A. H. Stubbs, and family. Trainin g Station , Great Lakes, the sick and shut-in s and is carMrs. J. W. Ward ape,nt Sunda, . Pnmpa Arm y Air Field, Pampa, Illinois , are three Wayne sville, J. W. Kiser, who wa s m~nage r and Monday here. She . re~rte4 '" 8 9 25 Texns (Speda l ) - Schedu led to Ohio, men. Friends and r elatives gathere d ried on as a mission ary project of b f tp l'I:\ici ve his sil VCI: pilot's wings and . They are now receivin g instruc - of the Wayne sville Kroger store the conditio n of Dr. Ward to be SPRING BORO ' at the home of Mrs. Jean Bun- the congreg ation. ReV'. ay 1 1 3 offi cer's bars 8,I)On at this twin- tion in seaman ship, military drill, for a time last year, has again been a bout the same as it has been for by . d .. Thursd . . .. pastore . sburg, .. The church, Durson .. nell in Harvey of the local some time. ' evening with many lovely. gifts H. S. Gessne r, bas nearly doubled Dunaw ay ... . .. .. .. . . 1 2 4 engin e advanc ed fly ing school of and na val procedu re. Soon they appoint ed manage r work here Monbegan He 2 store. 0 past 1 , . the e .. . anel .. Carolyn is .. . aptitud Todd during nd .. Mary . of. . r, . rship David n Comma series g a daughte Mrs. membe Johnso and their its given Trainin fOl" Mr. will be the AM' .. . , : .. . . . 0 8 3 A viOltion Cadet William F. Mel- tests for determ ining whethe r day mornin g. Branso n Boat man, two chiidreJl of Dayton were Sun,... Robinso n . who will soon become a ·bride. four and one-hal f years. been called The program may be heard over Hough .. " ... ... . .. . , 1 0 2 loh, 20, sb n II) f Mr. and Mrs. they will be assigne d to one of former manage r, has Contest s were enjojye d during day evening guests of 'Mrs. 'l'~dd'a s. service armed the into 7 1 3 . each to ... , delight a or O. ... . , . by . (1410) d , . sville, c schools n followe Wayn' Dayton service Snowde WING, the evening (Rother, Mrs. Ida M.., Petel'a. the Navy's Ada m F. Mellon, CARL FRY STATI ONED ful 1unc'h, with Mrs, Esther Dos- Sunday at 11 :30 a, m. Mrs. Charles Hagem eyer . and ' He is nn a lumnus of Wayne immcdi ate active duty at sea. ILL. , 7 7 ~1 'l'owJI!:Ihip High school, Waynes GRANT CAMP AT Estel Hage~eyer of near Or, t er and Mrs: Lillian Carr, co-hosrecruit Mrs. Upon comple ting their be home will tl'aining men flight called on Mr& EYal)'D 'P .... to these , t esses presidin g at the tea table. TEACH ING IN COLUM.B US ted gonia, raihing t Appoin e. vill VOLUN TEERS FOR VICTO RY " pri- on a nine-da y leave. They 'a1'e: -Carl H. Fry, formerl y the local erson S.unday evening . eceived r he , 1943 Mrs . . Ruth Dostel" was the assistust Aug ' in 29' (Speci al)SEWIN G CLUB MEETS Feb. us, y Columb . recentl _ was hall who but Menden . agent eorgia G . ee, station Mrs. . son Muskag at 18, g hostess r, ing mal'y flig ht tt'ainin Clarence Ellis Brunne Carol Luding ton, daught er of the army, is now in Lebano n this week ·attenc Uq into · d at ' inducte 1;, l'aining t R. ht R. flig r, basic. Brunne Vicnd a . for Earl Qkla eer Mr. of Volunt ville Waynes • _.FIVE IN COMM ISSION ER RACE Mr. and Mrs. Alva Luding ton, tory group was enterta ined at the Coffeyville, Kans. At the com- Harry Herman Hartma n, husban d statione d at Camp Grant, Ill. He session s of County Fanner ls',WiIiIL R. R. No.1, Waynes ville, is dos training of Mrs. Helen Hartma n, R. R. 2; would like to hear from his man)' Mrs. Alice Clark reeely84i High home of Mrli!. Paul Mauric e on I)letion of his l'igorou His address bushel of 'orange a ' her friends. ville duty to Waynes of ssigned son a 17, be The spring primary , which al- ing stud~nt teachin g at East l, will he sewing Pummil r here, Afte Lciws . Paul evening Thursd ay 06, 359014 Fry f H. Carl 'halll.,,~f Pvt. ~ M..litdlen is l pilot. H8l'I'7 Pum, combat a or nephew Delbert tor her read)' had aroused tremen dous in- school in Columb us. Ward reias an instruc Mr. and Mrs. garmen ts for Miss Luding ton, who is a stud- and workin g on 28 Bn ., Co. D, 4th Platoon , Camp Fort Myers, ' Florida ; I · terest because of the three-c orner wel'C ents m 2. n.. refresh , R. mill, children ugee Univer sity, Is en" which . Mra. Clark .. Grant, . Illinois . Mrs. DIVOR CE AWAR DED TO sheriff 's race, gives promise now ent at Capital School Teache r served to Mrs. Charles Ellis, High the in rolled MRS. LILLIA N CRANE in race t livelies the oUBly with the Rome ng becomi of AM Wise, L. PROGR J. SH Mrs. FURNI Gray, TO MEN Robert SALE ' She is active AUTO LICEN SES ON s. deliciou has more than a score of years as the Trainin g curricu lum. Crane SAT. NG Irene ' MEETI E Lillian j MI's. GRANG AT the Women'~ Athleti c associ- Mrs . .K. R. HiJl Mrs. J . E. Mcfrom field was enlarge d for five for are divorce a licenses d The new 1944 auto Clure,, Miis Virgin,ia Bla ckburl) , been awarde N G . f F Th co unt y comlJlissioners. ' es Carmon Crane , Wayne sJam o. on sale he re at Rogers and SimpFred ange r Mrs. , armers Sawyer 0 men e William ·Mrs. Me, 'l'he two incumb ents, Scott J. B_ CHAPM AN HOSTE SS Hook, Mrs. F. U. LeMay and Mrs., ville garage own'er and former 18 will furni sh ' the program for son 's garage by J . C. Hawke, local . MRS. , . Clute and Fred Hagem!!yer, pre- TO TH..E NEW CENT~RY CLUB Earl ,Co. nner. · y license, one v.mage traffic plrtrol mari. Mr,s. the meeting to be held Saturda I·egistra r. The new . vioualy '· had announ ced that they -'-hall. on caril not '. appear Grange must local the only, at tag l)ing Crane was · awardad custody of e'fe ATTEN DING ACADEMY ·would seek re-elect ion. Both . The pub- later than April 1. Trailor plates, surprise a The New, Centur y C;lub met on e 'promis hey 'l' receive to is and child one their , ' .. . serving their second te~8. be Friday afterno on with Mrs. J. B. t for the child lie is Invited to attend. The pro- which. are alao ' on sale , can Mrs. Ve~ora Kirkpa trick 'h,as $10 Q ' week' stlppor third commis sioner, H: D: Chapm'a n as hoste88 a~ 'her' home used at once. A I!ram will begin' at a bout 8 :30. fees. y attorne to ion addit in ' .• Bailey" w~ re--elec.t ed .last year. on Fourth . street, ..Waynes vllle. word fr~m her ~.on ; Tor- propert y· 'settlilm ent was made. BAND MOTHER"S CLUB Naw Republ ican aspiran ts are P~pera were prepare d .,by Mrs• .receive dthat , th to going is he Mra. Glenn rence, DIES I,N LEBAN ON . TO MEET TUESD AY . PUTY TO !"S ' RETUR · Karl S. Cowan, John J. Barr s l H' ' RoBS H. Hartsock and Md 'd b ~ B' . d alii rl ge, . . , Borden ,' with 'iFranc e" ' as ,the aea emyis:III Torren Cla)'ton H. , Clark, . ce M. ~irkpat' ~ wI'11 'be _a meetl' ng o.L the Ther d addre88 Mrs .Emma Minat, 76,' died at Seaman Pet ry Ben.t on returne d . k S 21 c ,E. ·M.' nu~aft No. 401 , serve were ments Refl'esn . SUbject Mother s club at two o'clock nc . B~nd Mrs. ' ay guests, Saturd n two and Lebano to membe rs her ' hoPle near LOCAL MAN SUED School ' Area,.; Barra~ks to hi{ base at New York Saturda y after .an extende d illne88. She Tuesda y at the high school buildFOR DIVORC:E R. ' I'< Mill r and Mrs. Harvey Service Bainbri dge, M.aryland. While h. furloug .' 20-day after US-V, e _.... . a hative of Warren county. ing. , haa receive d word from h cr e. he was married to the former was also .. She t. But:tlet filed has en B survive d bi a son, Karl, of _ - - - - - - - . . . . ; - -....i~ She aewas. He • . Walker n Kathry Mi88 ,. ETIN anothe r IOD, Geor:ge, t~t he ill BULL rs, daughte ' two MOTH ERS TO' MEET . and n, Lebano bY ati Cincinn as far Mrs. MarA're~n d'!mmo n ll a addresa -is: comp'anied Lena, fo Oregon ia, The Wayne mlle Mother s' clqb now on board ship. B~trick inat a divorce su t F 2/c, Mrs. Benton ~nd h9r aunt, Mrs. P'rieda and RaueU Kirkpa Geoqe in ROBER T FURNA S .IR. meeting Marcb ita hOld will ll were hel.d Monday ill III Servlc.e Jag8 lnc Cin. ' In While eour~ in Leban~n . ,Conr18r f Delber Fleet· of cafe 168. C. P. U."S. atFrida, D AWAV THURS DAY {On PASSE buildin in' ~cIe the aynov ed the home' the Oswal~ Fun~ ral Home ~ ford BOJen, ll PQltma ater, ' New Y«k <Jlt}', N. na~l tIae latUlr visited at; propal iniDg enterta An aD , pain ter,: brother , C. H. Lebano n With' burial in ,Miami ,-__ of lin. arrdP d b)r one of the Y. Both bOla would lib to bear 81i1itb; cemelelJ. ben. . frllJlda tro~ ~ ~
'O f Local Ban k
In t hoe lov.ely old Friends ' church, wi th a RetLlng of golden r oses a nd la vendar spring flow. ers, Miss Carolyn Lukens became t he b id e of E nsig n Gene Elling'on of Lewisvillu, Ind., Sunday at
- --
~·=~·:;:;l!~r;:t~i~:l;~;;. =~ ~Wr1.
Letters To The Editor ,
Walter W. Wiseman, Edito.r and Publisher ISSUED EVERy THURSDAY
BubIci1Dtlon Price. '1.50 Per Year. Payable In Advance
Netlone' Adwertislng Repre.ent.tive N~
NEWSP&PE. & fM ..........
c.. .
[.ouls C , Hlldley. I'astor Chul'l.'h school at 9 :30 a , m. Worship service a l 10:30 A. M , ubjl!cl, "Th ' Gos pel of R ' conciliatIO n. " Youth Fell owship 7 p, m. Lent!! n Pruyer ,service Wednesday, 7 :30 p . nl. ST, I\IARY'S EPISCOPAL CnURCH
Serving Amenc.'. Adwe~ • Home Town N• .",.pen III w. lMcIc/pII-
ewe. I."
. ••••
s.. "'-:Ioeo, C&
From A Farm Diary--Dry Ridge
Ralph P"rks, Minister in Cbar __e Church sohool at 9:45 a. m, Morning prayer and sermo~ 11 :00 a. m,
,,' EURY CntIRC" OF CHRIST February 20, 1944, The first he considered a legitimate purpose Herbert Graham, Minister bluebird on Dry Ridge this year and it was taken away from him, was sitti ng on my gatepost this When he asked Ior it after school 9 :30 a, 01 " Blble school ' h b' d morning. P er haps It was t e Ir his teacher wouldn't give it to 10 ,45 a , m,-Communlon, I heard this morning practicing him, saying that she didn't hay 11 :00 a, m.-8ermon, his song before I got up. He seem- it. The children all told the same ed to have trouble with some story. She is a good teacher and 7 :30 p , b .-Prea.c.hlng. notes. The snowdrops are in bloom otherwise liked but this isn't the FRIENDS and they are all trying to fool us first time this has happened. Th e into thinking that spring is here children who have been in hel' First Day school, 9 :3(\ B, m, but March is yet to come and more room other years say she alway Meeting lor Worship, 1'> :30 a. m, cold weather, whether the ground- ISS done it. Now is that right 1 ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH hog saw his shadow or not. It Has a teacher that Tight? Other Fa&her Krumbolts, Priest rained yesterday. a renl downpour. teachers somet:imes do this same I turned on the pump, in a few thing, I believe that no one has the minutes I opened a faucet and right to take anything, even from Mass Sunday 9:00 a. m. water came--and was that a pleas.- a child, without du e process of WAYNESVILLE CIIURCH OF ing sight One of tl)e soldiers, Al- law. In the school room the teachCHRIST bert, so-called Buck, is home on er may be the law but at th e furlough so I didn't get much work end of .the day con nscated arMax Rand&!l, MinUter done this Saturday. They came ticles should be returned. What Bible Sc.hOOl 9.30 .. m. over to move my brooder house do you think about this? Let us Communion 10 :45 a. III for me but when they jacked it have some letters to the editor up the skids were gone and the explaining the teachers viewPrea.:hlng. 11 a. m. sills going 80 they couldn't do point and the legal point of view, Young People's meeting 6 :30. anything but put it up on blocks In most cases the things have no Evening sel'vice at 7 :30. until later. Perhaps before ' the intrinsic value but this was a You are invited to come and worchicks can be let out we can fix good pocket knife that had been &hip wltb 118. it and move it to clean ground. a Christmas present, It is hard to • Friends of Mrs, Marquardt and convince the small boy that the ~1T. nOLLY ~1. E, CHURCII Harry will be glad to hear that teacher is n't keeping it because .... M. Scarrf. Minister they are now with relatives In she wants it herself. It is just anFranltlin and Lebanon. When we otlier thing that makes the teach- - sunday School 11:30 a. m. E. A first moved 'here that was a good, Ing of respect f~r, other people's Earnhart. Supt, Event Sem weL1-kept farm. Mr. Marquardt property more difficult. always kept the buildings and Tuesday, Snow, deep, clean and ng ce, 7 :30 p. Ill. fences in good repair, the house white. Wonderful for the gro und PlIayer Meeting Wednesday eve· was well kept and it was a happy but not so nice to go b'ack and rung, 7:30 p, m . home. Mrs. Marquardt haa been forth getting tire brooder house -----incre~singly ,helpless this year ready for chicks. and now we are liappy that she is Yesterday the house was scrubbwhere she will l'.eeeive th-e best ed and disinfected. Now t he wire Here are a few tll0re of "'e of care. 'What a blessing a visiting must be put around the si de to states for those of you who are nurse would have been in that keep them from piling up in cor- interested. ' Delaware - Nickname, Blue home 'w here ahe was receiving such ners, clean litters on the floor , devoted but inefficient care. Why and' when it is all nice and warm Hen (from a leStcnd of the Revolushould cities be the only ones to it will be ready for the 1944 crop tionary War that no cock would have them around here, some coun of chicks, one hundred white fight unle, s hi mother was blue). ties do, elsewhere. We could if we rocks from a hatchery and one Motto-Liberty and Independence.' tried. hundred more or less, mixed, cus- State Flower - Peach blossom. There i,s another question I tom hatched from our own eggs. Delaware is from the name of woald like to ileal' discussed. Has For stortin'g mash I use our lay- Dela Worr, who, accol'ding to traa te~c~er the right to confiscate ing mash with cod liver oil in it, dition entered the bay that now a chIld II small treasures and not, mixed with rolled oats. Latcr bears his name in 1610. give - theM back? I grant , mas w p enty of fine erael<ed District of Columbia-Mottosav,es trollble sometimes to take 'l 'aiD J and sour milk and they us- Justice for all, (Juastitia Omni1I~0 well. 'My greatest losses bus). Official flower-American lIomething away that a child should not play with in school but ' I be- , te ill.uaJly from varments after beauty rose. Columbia was nam ed lieve that such things should be lttl ·a. . iCkS . ar. e out and begin to after Christopher Columbus. ~ent home with the child at night. ' ' Florida-Nickname, Everglad '. calendar may not say Motto-In God We Trust. State ,Recently, not in Waynesville, a a small boy took his -Christmas .. and the weather does not Flower- Orange BIos o'm. "lorida knife out 'of his pocket for what , sp.ring but spring work has ~s from the Spani~h name of Easter , begun. That little midwinter rest (PascusR Florida) so named by before the ne w sellson pegins to Ponce de Leon either becau se he crowd us is over and nothing sightcd' the coast soon after Eastmuch donO', not eve n the accounts. er or because he saw so mnny Acco,unts are not hard if you flowers there. 'write down everything promptly Georgia-Nickname, Crackel'. and mark each item so that you Motto: Wisdom, Justice Moderacan understand it when it is cold tion, State Flower - Oherokee but woe unto you if you say J. will Rose. Georgia is formed from the do tbat later or if you do not nllme 01 King George II of Engshow just what became of every land, the , monarch at the time it ,... . cent. A good accounting system wns settled. BOOT FOB 'AND CONSIGN well 'kept is a joy and good reIdaho - Motto: Esto Perpetuo ,your Qatt.le, bop. ,abeep and c:alTet ,view on which to plan the year's (May she be perpetual). State to NarrIa-Brock Go.. UVe wire and work. They sent for every ,o ne to Flower-Syringa. Idaho is a rElnProsre-ive finn for the hlBhest come in and sign for t!1e n ew tl l' I'ing of tho Shoshone Indians year's tractor gas. Friday night I "l~e-dnh-how," meaning, "See the IIWdtet ptcea IUId 100d eerY1oe. went to Springboro in tile 1I 0ur - su n co ming down the moun tai n" U UDIoD .. a_It '1:- - . ClDc'-0.'mg ram . bu t th ere' wer e ' so m a ny and used as a morning rallying cry. ~ TWie In on 'Roadlo station WCKY, ahead of me and they asked so Illinois _ Nickname, Sucker. 12:36 to 12:30 p. m. tor OU\' daIlY many things I didn't know that I Motto: State Sovereignty. State ~et rePor-tL car,ne home to , hunt up . the re- Flower-Wood Violet, Illinoi s is qUlred informati~n and wl~1 go to from the (ndian name of the' 1,1the Lebanon office and sign up. linois river Another thing to take up time and __._ _ _ _ __
Th W
ong _'_ _e
,Editor ot The"2lli;.ni Guzettl' :' By Jennie Mable Planck "Alonl{ the Wny" of a fe,v , ltITo\ln~ed by rich hlxul'ies' an weeks ago madE! me think of the nged mnn sits in the gloW of i{ way that is brand, the gat~ that che rJul fire. Out ide a cold No' is wiele nnd the Illllny that go so vembel' wind i howling and ronrbli sCully along its course. ' ing through th e branches of the Oh no. my il'iend, IV aT no t pin s stnnding like entinels ~\11 trying to go t the so mc' heaven gual'(li ll ft this lively Illilnsion. AU by diff~' rerit. l'OIIlk 'Don't try to throu~h the bu 'y, prosperous fo ol youI' clf, you' are not fooling yenr muny gay festiviti s and the world and you certainly arc 'nuL el('bration had Lake n place fooling God, There arc no numel'- t her e. Thi. Ion oc upant looks u way;:!, there is Oil way, God's hack over scene!! dcpad.ed, friends wily, Whenever I am : Ul" I'm on that huv(' pass dOll, changes -in His way I mean LO S~8y on it, even (lif( I' 'nt wa~'s which "Father if it i.!l hnrd, rou gh, steel', l'idi- Time" ,dol S 'out to humanity. culed by the world, so slippery Pi ck illg' up pe n and diary he is at times 1 may have to crnwl in n deep study as he inscl'ibes along nnd hold on by t Lh and the lines that make possible the toe nail, may God give me strength writing of this tory. His memory to hold on. Not only that, but iI takes him bnck to the scenes of I should stray onto the road that childhood learning to pray at seemeth right'to me, may He show Mother's knee, when she sat In me the right way and give me an old rocker by !l table in a back-bone enou,gh to turn about tiny cabin with scanty furnishand follow Him. ings . In her hand she held a Bible Old Satan couldn't ask for a with ycllowcd pages. here and better creed thlln your "One ther e n corner turn ed down to church is a s good as Ilnother" one, 1ll:11'I, th t:' place of chapter or If you don't think the creed to verse th nt she h 'ld dear. Upon which your nam e is signed is the her face shone u hlillowed ligh t best of which you know nnything ns she related to him the wonderabout I do feel so rry for both you iul story of Jesus, of how He left and that church,. You seem to find his home on high and caDle to this fault with thost~ who are ~o sUI'e earth so that we might all be that their church is the only one, sav ed if we nccepted Him and I applaud and r espect them, When- f ollowed Him. He would listen to ever I've a doubt my chuTch is the mal'velous story and decide to God's way, I'll leave it quickly for follow hrist. hut time went ' on. one that I think is clo~er to Him , the desi!'(, f nr making m()n'ey and I can be. imstakEm, so cnn' yoll, but nccll ll1ulatin g wenlth and worldly I try to learn b~{ diligenL study of trons Ires gr"w to be th e p1'edomHis word each day what is tbe inntil1 ~ thou ght. He would wait, right way llnd how to follow ill it, wait u whil p 10llger, At last he " In vain do they WOI' hip me, r alized he was getting old; ah, eaehing for d'Jctrines the com- says he, the sands of time , are mandments of men." There goes almo t (!a'op ped t.hl'ough the hour down the drain a lot of church glas,' only a few remain. These creeds for me. To be a loyal fol- world ly treasures have' no zest 01' lower of the Christ I've got to chnrm for me, I will ):'0 to that hnve more courage than to sit Iillle church nt the ide of . the down and say nny church" any road where lily mother worcreed is all righlt if you've enough shipped and I will cOllsecmte my faith, don't bother people with Il'w remaining yeurs to the Lord. sharp, hard fads, di.f ference s in I will be tru e to Him like mother belief, they want to do down to was, [ will II I" walk in th'a paths Hell in peace. Haven!t you h IIl'd of s in bllt 1 will f lIow the that the friendship 01 the wodel is , straight alu\ na rl'ow road that enmity with God? Who, then"lend o! to Heaven. But, alas, ns the should be afraid to stand in His wind swept through the pines, strength and point the way to , monlling and weil'd" the denth etern al life? angel knock ed, and as the fire Hats of! to the Christian who is died away in the g'l'ate this aged sure. To him who is ever trying to 'man pas d awny, ove r. the river keep himself su're and not wishy- ' of eternity to face his God, alwnshy enough to play around on most persuaded, ane! then, perthe flowery pllths while others sun ded too late. Procrastination, work to win he prize. Personally, Satan's chief weapon. I respect the pe'r son who has ronvictions and courage enough to WOUNDED IN ACTION buck t}lem up, whatever and wherever ,they may be. If three-fourths Staif Sgt. Ralph Fordyce, former oI us were not allowing the other Lebanon High School football and fourth to lead' l~S around, by ,the ba!jketball player, was "slightly nose this world might be a di!fer- wo unded" on a flight over France, ent place. ' Feb. 13, his wife Mrs. LaRue Friend, if you l:Ire happly stand- Brown Fordyce of Dayton was noing with one fOOlt on the promises tiIied late Saturday. of Goel and the other on the comHe was, gUllner on-n-bom mandments oJ m en ~' ou are certninly in a precarious llosition. ,__~'Chl'istion" _
Z, 1144.
A L1EUTENAN,T 'S ters now but this," He fell on hi knees; with his three woun~s MIRACULOUS ESCAPE FROM DEATH -and he prayed. Hi. body be' , , oame almost numb, But ~e would.The followmg story was sub- l,l 't giv O up. W.hE\n thoe Lord J e us ,mltted by n. l'eade~: h al'd ,his' cI'Y and came in and ,', 0 Ilr Si~~ . saved him, he nic;>ve<i,. That sol" I dOli t know \~h te to tart Iielr went all out for God, Be ra n first. 0 many lbmg!! hnve hap- outside nnd !touted to the whol J pened since last I wrotC. Well, cmnp, to begin with, [hav escop d d."uth Since that time l have talked at the hands. 01 th n en~Y .1I1 a with the boys. held meetings, anti \\tBy so amu.zlllg 1 urn IItlll In a pl'a~c d with tl)em. Twenty-five of daze. You remembe r J lol,d you t he inen I1nve come out for Goel. 1 ,was go~ig OVCI' UI'Il1C~ wl~l~ tbe God has ''ven reached my general. Bible too r .. , ,Thnt Bible IS the It took a long time. He was so r eason I am stili h re ' and ~b'fc digniri d, But he was g rounded, to write this lelter to a ll Alllel'lca" IIfld came through. The Spirit of Here is th stOl'Y, My bUd,dy God was s urely present in power, and 1 we.r e se nt ~Ul on duty-.wlth I !:ell you, Sis, praY!!l' i going our equlp munt III the WOI k I to win this war. Not gUllS alone. told ~ou befo!'? WUiI, our Job: We fo'ervent, agonized prayer I kno had Just l'ecelv ed anformatlonis, God is bringing them in on the most impor,t.ant fOl' weeks. by one. The wholo company will ~ut we were dl8covel'ed by , t,he be a eampany 01 praying men. enemy., I gave my buddy the an- God has given me assurance, f'?rmat!on w~ had collect-ed, told Think of it-120 praying men and him to beat It, and prepar ed .my- one genern l in 0110 regim'entl self to fllc the encmy. It was the When that happens, this unit will i il'st time I ll/lll been fuce to , fllce he Illl co nqucl'Obl e , Pray, Sisl Pray with the nece s~ ity of 110illtin g lilY as ynu have lievel' prayed before, gun at U llIall lo shoot the life Tell everyone to ).lray. Tell all fl'om hi s body. I thought fa st; Amel'ica to go to its knees then I said, "Lnrd, it's your reo Until nation s and people have spon sibility now." paid in blood and tears for thrust As I reached COl' Illy Cllrbinc n in~ God out of their hearts, out ' ~hot from one of them struck lIle nf their hom 5, nations and lands, In the br'ast und bla tee! lIle, thi War will not e nd. Tell t,hom clown . But my buddy hael not to ~e nll Bibles, nncl IllOre Bihl .sl obeycd my ord ers. He hall not A m ule will rive a soldier the gon'~, Thinking I wa dead he cOllfirlence thnt God is with him. j~mped f01' me, gr~bbed my C/lI'- Try to get this l ett" r on the nil', bm , as well as Ill S own, stoo el ill th o Ilap el'_, in allY thing that is a~tl'lde my body, and bIll ted, nwny print d, Make copi es of it, S nd With both Itu ns, H was hit, too it from COll, t to oust. T ell th"m - his knees with , thl ::' V lhill ett the AI'my wnntll p ray r - nnd wounds. But when h'" fini shed ' Bibl es . th ere was no t one of lhe 'neIll Y: And you cOlnplacent, bddgcle ft. plnying, fox - trotting, cockt.nilHe wns amazed wh 'n I rolled drin kin g lllol1 (! r -why didn't y u' oyer und h 'iod to I!'e t up. "'h' tC'llch your sons about God inforce of the bull et hlld only ste ll d or hanllin r th ulll u ciqurct t e, stunned m 'l , Dllz (!dl~. I w?nd ered II cocktail glas • nnd a dan _c prowhy, I pulled Lhat ~Ittle BI ble out t-:i'am? Get on youl' IlII ees a nd a sk of my ock t alld III utter lIIute- God to fOl'give your sins and save nn s look II at th ugly hO,le III Y l) l1. Th n pray for the Armythe cover . '. ' It had n pl~e~ prr. y, pray, pray I And you dignit hrough GClII E!SIS, Exodu , Levltl- fied pr~ achC1's--why didn't you c~s, Numbers, thl'ouJ.!,h Snmuel, l te ach yOU!' people to pray, to tolKings. and kept on g omg. Where low God instead of standing bed~ you thinl it stoppe.d~, In ~he fora th~1l1 in your i1ken robet! middle of P tllm 91, pOllltmg like and reading them a l'itual! a finger at this vel' .: "A thou I could go on, blQ I am so a nd shall fall at th~ Side" and ten tired, so weary, But, in all, so thousand at thy l'Ight hand , but htlppy to see them coming t6 it. shall. not come nig h thee. Only God one by one. So tell them to With thme ey s_ shalt' tho u be~old pl'lly - and keep praying. And an~, se ? the reword of the Wlck- wh"n )Iou sen d ,thi ngs to your ed. IS, when I r ad thnt vcrs boys, se nd Bibles. They want to it raised me clcal' off the ground . hear God sp ak, I did not know there was such Your loving brother a - verse in the Bible. I'd been BRUNS (Lt. Bruns Mere'dith) reading mostly in the New Testament. I l'eod the res t of that ADVERTISE IN THE G&ZB'rl'B chaptel'-the first part wns ripped apart. In utter humility I said, r, "Thank you, precious God." AUCT10NE.ERING When I rot my buddy back to ,'" - the post h snid, "Lute (he called StanleY" Koogler ~' me Lute), I've had , nough. ~hi , r Da teil , Pbulie 2894, Wayneaconvmees me, WO," ge t right vllle, Ohio, ftever,se Cllarges with God-sturting now." He wou ldn't Ie't them tend- his BROKERs IJ(,.EN8IC.=, -, wounds. He said, "Nothing mat- I, -" ,,
I!F, I[
SPRING VALLEY PRINCIPAL RESIGNS POSITION Carl W. Lane, Xenia, upervising principal of the Spring Valley township school 13 yea.rs, has resigned, effective 011 .11"I'ch 1, to tak,' a poaitio n in the superviHing t I'aiinin department at Patterson , Field. ; L. R. HorneI', leacher in Spring Valley hi~h schoof fOI' the IMt 'five years, has been named 'actillg pl'incipnl for t he remninder of the 1943-44 term. Lane has been on the fnculty of t h1! Spril}g Valley schools J G years, and in addition to his SlIpervising duti es has been e.thle tic coach for the Inst three yeu r.;,
DAYTON, OHIO ...t ' by actUo' '"...... Ia
""," IrancI quality f."I_ , 'b.". Mode by Ind.p..,; deritly owned and operoled COlllpGllr-i' mot.rla', In
...." formula p,o-, ••tedlo In",re _xl_III food volue . crop 'Inl..,d.d. Th. Ilg
'OM" lrand I, you, tluoran-
1ft of comp''''. , ••
Sold by WaynesviUe Farmers Exchange Co.
~''-' $
Shop in Lebanon
QUICK SERVICE '. For Dead·Stock HORSES, COWS, HOGS, CALVES, SHEEP, ETC., Remo~'" Promptl~ . Call
. ...... &M: ZaIIa, 0. .. G. .............
gasoline I
ARMITAGE & SON Phone Waynesville 2911 Morrow Phorie No. 3 Lebanon: Office Phone 473 It Residence 98 M
-C A S,"H
Save TJreS and Gas . . . Direct ' Bus LIne to County Seat
---------~~~==~~~~~~~~~--------~ IVlNS·JAMESON DRUG We Bu;' and Seu New and Used FRED'S DEPT. STORE We Outfit the Entire Family
Thom!l ,A Gallagher, collector of inter nnl revenue, announced today that' th ,t ime for filing 1944 Declaration of ERtlmated Income and Victory tax has ,been extended until April 15. He emphnsized. however, that the estimates of this year's in-' come must not be confused with ,t he final tnx returns on last year's income which 550 thousand persons must file in this <iistrict not later than Mal'eh 15. Retul'lls on 1943 tax are required by law of all taxpayers, regardless of whether or not tax was withheld from t hcir wages. Only a limited number of taxpayers are reguired to ta ke the additional step of estimating this year's income which hilS now been postpon'ed unti~ April 15, Originally, it was intended ihat I)oth the 1943 returns and the 1944 declarations would be filed at the same time. However, the declaration forms wete all' layed pending final acbion on the new Revenue Bill. ' Commissioner Graves said the , new de"laration fbrms . probably will be ,distributed 'late in March, and the -first installment 01 Illiti. mated tax will not be due until the declaration is filed on or be. fore April 15.,
and lIome Slnre 1885
Phone 360
FUBNlTURE 'E,'erytblnc for l'arm and
THE REXALL STORE Make Our Store Your Be8dQuarte~ Phone 11. Lebanon
J. W. LlNGO '-
Pbone l3
THE FASHION SHOPPE 25 Years Lebanon's ~lnr
SBOE', ~~AIB sD.Vl(lB MIIIbflrry
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Clomplete S&ook ..' FrcJm at ' AD, 'l'bIl.
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P.hone 399
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A· flGoD .1.408 TO -, DOW A
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THE MIAMI CA%ETri --------~---------------------------------~~--~--~--------------~--.--------.----
Miami Gazette Files
FIFTEEN YEARS AGO (M.rch 6, 1929) High school honor roll: Junio!'s, Lola Sears, Bertha Filer, Catherine Branstrator. Sophomores, Charles Whitaker. Freshmen, Ronald Hardin, Anna O'Neal. Charles O'Neall fixed up a radio Monday at the high school and t he pupils were able to hear many of the happOnings of the day in Washington. The outstand· ing f euture was 'the inaugu ration of President Hoover. Mrs, J osephine Smi th Blair, 84, widow of Joseph Blair, Civil War vetel'Un, died 4lt her home in . New Burlingto n Sunday. .::.;.,.: ' After a long illness, George ~arrick dl-ed Sunda.y night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Dallas Boger. Waynesville High basketball t eam won eleven and lost elrht during the seaso n just ended. The play, "Poor Father," by ~l1cmbcl's of the Wayncsvill e Grange at the gym Friday night was a succe s both artistically a nd financially . In clud'e d in the caet was James Gibbons. Roscoe F urnas, John .schultz, Reba Brad. ~dock, Florence Day, Virginia Hardin, Raymond Braddock, Mary Katherine Wilson, J. B.
Crabbe, Irma Rich, Loren' Reason, Mrs. D. R, Smith was hostess to the Clover Leaf club Wednesday •. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham arrived home Sunday from Fort Worth, Texas. Miss Annie Browne of Columbus, while out walking. last Frid~y, · d . on t h II f racs 1lppe e 'Ice an d f e, ' turing h er h lp. "The Only Girl in Sight," a t hree·act comedy, was put on by the W. M. C. girls last Wednesday night. In the cast were : Mary Leah Edwards, Mrs. T . J. Carr, Doris' Salisbury, Beatrice Robitzer, Lean Earnhart, Doris Hawke, Velma Armitage, Mary Jo Miller, Win Armitaee, Bernice Hyman, Louise Henderson, Evelyn Cartwright, 'L ouise Crane, Mra. Josiah
IV GEORGE S., BENSON Fl'lllifurrJ(Ill'lfilti eofle,e Sl~', .Al'klllllill
_~__________,T_H_U_R_SD_A_Y",:,'_M:....A..:..R..:.C~H--=I::...• ...:':'44=.
N. ews Of,.Th e RedS
John McGraw's Giants. floyt Ie!!. .l!Irasmus hil\'h sehool to go with tlle Giunts in 1916, and Ot fol itlwed irom Louisiana . a II cu rle later. . With the I' tirem ent of Carl Hubbell, for years the ace sou.t'hPII W of the New YOl'k Giants, the . 'ational League finds itself \, i.hout a single lefthand pitcher who holds the edge over the Cineinnati Reds. The Reds perform like d-emon against lefthanders, and opposing managers seldom trust a leftie against them. In the six years that Bill McKechnie has piloted thlJ Reds, they ha",e tl'o un ced southpaws 76 tImes against only 37 defea ts for a winning percentage 01 ,670. That's more than a hundreu pointil better than their work
Cincillnati- A squ~d ''Of 3] plt\yers, exactly the number takcn by the club a yeur 'ago, will report at Blo om ington, Indiann, ",hen the Cincinnuti Reds engage in their first spring workou t · on Monday, March 13. Events of the next few weeks may chan ge the number sli ghtly, ' l· t at present the team is made I' P of fO Ul' catch l r!;, cleven pitchIlrs, nin e infie lders, and seven outfield ers . Thi s does not include Joe Nuxhall, ] 5-year-old Hamillon, Ohio, boy who will report to the t eam when he completes h is ·sc.holast.ic chores in June, . Nuxhall. by the way, is belicved to be tho youngest player ever signed to a major league contract. He will not attain his 16th against righthanders. bithday until July 30, and it ill Max Lanier, of the St. Loui~ possible ·that . he will take part Cardinals, has defeated the Reds in a big league game prior t o that I four. times, the same number 01 date, tillles they have set him bac.k. And Mill Ott And Waite Hoyt m'l! ge n ~ rally accredited to be th e he i:s the only unor thodox moundsyoun gest pl aycl's t o app cal' in a man in Lil e circuit who has worked big league ·uniform. Both were 16 wiLh any fl'(;quell CY a ble to hold when they donne'd the flann el of his OWn with t he Reds.
Gas?li ne co upons 'whlch have - .,been cashed wilhill the last Hever,II we ks ~hroughout tnis county are be in g held for inspectio n by OPA officials, it wali learned 'yesterday. Thi ~ action was taken on ordera of John ~ . '}('obinson, Jr., director )f the Cincinnati district of the )PA, in an all-out drive against .he black market. It was revealed further that, Jeginning March 6, OP A investi:tators will begin a thorough check )f gasoline coupons in possession )f consumers, principally at servIce stations. They will look to .iee that all coupons are endorsed properly. . During January, 76,000,000 gallons of gasoline in thi. country went into the "black market.
There Is an ailment of the Excit m<! nt il"l runn ing at "fever th a t makes people go for wbat scares thcm. SOme 5 oat emselves rather heat in both th Democmlic and than go to war, some jump from tall Republican ra ces f or govcrnor. buildi ngs because they're afraid they Lust week, we reported on the will faU. It Is an unusual disease feud within 'the Republica n partt· but I met a case of It recently by We can now "tip yo u off" that picking up a hitch.hiker. Sharing there is 1\ might.y I~ ffort ,be ing transportation has become patriotic made to r educe t he fie ld and duty. My passenger was talkative trade some of t he candidates out. and led the conversation straight to, The Democrats arp. also "at it political economy. It leemed to'" !low." Mayor Frank Lausche of. his favorite topiC. Cleveland, is supposed to be in Within live miles we bad reached the race and has his petitions .out. a dls.sreement. "You are a capital· Former Congreillman Martin L. Davill. M d M D th lat," he laid, "Are you rich?" I ad. Sweeney of Clevelal~d alllo ' haa rs. ear mltted beln" In the low Income '1 Born, to r. an Sheehan, a new baby li\irl. • petitions in cil'cll atlon , Mr. Mrs. John Venable, formerly brackets, paid lesa for my work than Swee ncy has just r eturn ed fl'om the average railroad brakeman. FlOI'ida, and after siizin g up the of Utica, has become a resident of "Then you are a sucker." be laid In . . situatio n created thro ugh the acWaynesville. • tone that indicated sympathy rath· ,... EI mer Shee han er than contempt. "You have ev- cidcntul sponsOI'ing o. f his canMr. an d ,urs. arc 'expected home today after a erything to lose and nothing to gain didl\cy by a f riend, hillS decid ed to . S.lt tn . FIorl' d a. giv e Lausche a "run for his monVl. from capitalism." A Fast Talker ey:' No one ever dreamed t hat TWENTY.FIVE YEARS AGO The young man grew eloquent as such a situa.tion would ~ver dcTHE OLD JUDGE SAYS ••• (March ' S, 1919) he warmed up. His clear word- v~lop. Recalling our InevlOu s pr; The boys are coming home In pictures revived impressions that dl.ctlOns, t hat Luusche cOlfldn t bunches now. Saturday evening have been made popular by repett-I Win dow n . state, ~hat · Swee ncy sevetal of. the boys arrived home. .tlon of office seekers oil occasions could cut Lau sche s st renglh , ~ They were: Bryan Prendergast, for ,eneration.. Plainly I recalleii Cuyahoga county and that I. n Ernest Earnhart, Durward Vice, cartoons of personlfled Mr. Caplt~l. Il'ishman eR n always get a h l1 g-~ Harry Graham, Ross Hartsock and a fat fleure sitting on a big pile of ",o te in a Democratic primary lor Wm. Lukens. money .. I remembered also the ora· go",e l'nor, Ict's sc e what happ ens Schools again were opened torlcal bombardments of Wall Street Two oth er powerf ul, stale-wide Monday morning and patrons ar from the brush arbors at rusUc bar· vole-Itc te rs nrc [khl ing for "first hoping this will be the last in- becue attractions. hOIl OI'S" 11130; Jar,lcs W. Hu fIman, terruption. The 'E pidemic is about My passenger' s reasoning WBI a sO I:-in-Ia w of t 1.e ' [\ ,IIOUS Vic Don. Aa • •...d.1 to our .abtcriben, ... bit wobbly. but I learned something ahey, and Fra::icr Kea ms ot' To. at. a ••tina bar,aiD pm .... aD )lour Dew.pepe abated here. The Dayton Power & Light trom him just the .sa~e; He' COD' :cdo who ',hn ; t :1 : olit! bucking aDd '.vorh...... uin.. . You C&Il 1ft dW PIper eicber in combination with 08. 01 company turned on the curren t vinced me that caP.ltahsm Is not at of n~rth weSler n hio . all popular. In usmg the word be th.... ...... popular m •• uinu. or with do. _ _ . t I t T ues day. seemed to wave it about like a red l·Me.u"'. Sped.1 b.low. S.11Ct ........ from t h e Day on pan F \" ti~ _ e ll r l ~ c." 0 111' l'L II CI'S , you lib b .... ' . ' th ... 61110 the COUPOD_ Workmen are still busy setting . . flag In the band oY ' a toreador. He j !; i-; olli y fa il' to (',d l vour ulten...... i. to w. Pl .... do i, ~ ••••,1 pole~ and re.wJrlng. . made It mean arrogance. 'extortion ti ~ n to 'one gl'cllL fn lacy in the MISS Henrletta McKinsey enter- , and oppression. B 1m \1cation he r'.O[JIH!'llnda a m] rel\so ning 01 Any Magazine Listed and This tained at her home Tuesday even- ) made capitalism appear as a world ., Newspaper, Both for Price Shown ing at carda, Those present were . order dominated by a few soullesl . ; (! peoJile in r '1·,;,,, 1:; to th e IInMr. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer and I corporations. .. ! rl , in tl:e R p'Jhlic an· mee Iol' Americao Fruit Growa...... $I.75 daughter, - the Misses Josephine Seemed Sincere . v !'nol' , ' .. It lH N1mmonly . aid American Girl .................... 2.50 Andrews, Beulah Kindler, Elma He and I agreed on only one .hat the Herberts wi ll " kill each o American Home. 2 yn..... 2.7& . Ruth Proba8Co , and point: A few wealthy people are not .her off," and n. it.her one can o American PoUltry Journal 1M Roberts, Messrs. J. B. Pence and U. M. the source from wbom all blessings wi n. That reasoning is based on BeUer Cooking Ie White. flow. He's right; they are nO.t. the! fl\ lse premises that the two Homemaking ....._ _ _ . 11.41 Marriage Llcense--Jesse Stan- America has a prosperity of a mo.t Herbcrts together will only get the BoY', Llfe .......... !I.IO ley, farmer, Wilmington, and unusual sort and wealth la only. votes of one. Many shrewd 'politiCapper'. lllllDa' _ . 1.6&' Marianna Gray, of Harveysburg. factor In it. A. for rich people. cal lenders believe t hat t hey wrll o a.~d Life .......... %.95 • some of them are useful and some get a loLaI of from (;0 per cent to Chrbdan Herald _ _ _ 2.50 FIFTY YEARS AGO are merely hangers·on. Same as 65 pel' cent of a ll t he votes cast • Coronet ............... _.. __._.. _. 11.50 '(~.rch .3, 1894) farmers and sehool .teachers ••ome in the R-epublican prinlaries. If CoUDtty Genlkman, 5 Yo.. 2.00 S. Lev Cartwright was serving help and .ome don·t. they !lhould, the biliance of 35 Etude Muaic Mapdne...... 11.50 on the jury in Lebanon this week. Our unique prosperity depends on per ' CCllt to 40 per ce nt will be Fann Jrnl. 1e.1"nD'n Wife 1.6& Perry T. Pence is getting out production. Our commercial pros· divi dt d between J a mes Gal'field Flower Grower .................... 2.50 timber for a large tobacco shed ress depends on Increasing produe- Ste wart of Cincinnati and Albert , forum.('.olllJllD Rmew _ %.95 at Ridgeville. , tiOD. "Capitalism," says Eric Johns- Ii:. P',.yn e of Springfie ld. That .. Somethin' speclal catch your eye in the "It aD goes to prove what I'veaald time and Household Mapzine _ 1.65 P~stmaster Barnhart drove to ton. "la the greatest force ever m an,1 lhat it is any one's race and o H~ia .............. _ .. _._._ %.95 Cincinnati Tuesday and returned known tor increasln, production." anyon e could rlin. t1meagain, Chet ../lTo1ribUitmdoaflOl pro/tibit. paper. Judge?'~ That'. what America must have to o Uberty .................... _......... a.95 · Wednesday. been tried in this country 47 tfmeIln "Sure did. Chet."an article here telling Charley Rye has moved to keep Ua leadership among naUons, Q National Dlgat Monthly.. U5 about prohibition in India bo;:~.ci written the last 33 years and discarded everywhere . T]' e State Empl oyees, led by production requires concentra- -- 0 Nillure- (!~_...t... !tOo).... 5.41 • Blanchester where he purchased and off by the Madras ~vemment as a dismal except In three states. Waa found to be • tion .of capital as weU as concentra- their president, Nelson Watkins, , 0 Open Road (12 lB., 14 Mo.) 2.25 a small farm. are s hflwing that t hey "mean -. failure after a three-year triaL They found failure and abandoned In CanIda. Norway. tiOD 01 workers. . . o OUldoon (12 J-., If Mo.) 2.25 The man who rode with me deelres bll l'in r. i" in theil' J)'a ttle for inGeorge Ellzey and family left out that enforcement was ineffective and Swedeu, Finland and Russia. too. . Pathfinder ............................ 2.00 today for Keystone, Mo., where flnanclal Improvement and· has a cl'eused alaries 01 ' wh it.e collat·" that there was a steady increase in boot"Same happenseverYtlme.!.1I1OOD Pbotopiay·Movie l'Iirror .. 2.110 I they will ma e their future, home. -right fD It, hut..he. Is Cooling himself workers. Livi ng C S'!S have gOlle legging and othet violations of the law which a9h~'Uk~~~~~~4~1~'~~~~~~~~ o Popular I\leduUlJa ............ 5.25 .Hally Hayes has this wee pac - and perhaps a lot of other people. up, common labor hns W () t1 its increased penalties failed to ~heck. itSWLUJIlllWlU In.'' ·0 Popular Sdmc:e Moolhly.. s.oo ed and shipped his household He haa a notion that lhere Is just 10 fight for h uge wa gl'S, but the Poultry :rrlbllDt ................ 1.6& goods to Grover Hill , where .he mucb wealth in the world and that stale worker, wiCI t he lRrgest Reader'• .Dlgat ....... _ ... _ 4.25 will engage in the harness busi- people who own more than other reserve in hi story, is forced to Redbook Magazine _ .. __ 1.2& ne8s. ' people have robbed somebody. It Is , 0 SaeenIand ..._. 2.!SO P.rof. Miller . of the Corwin not a new doctrine bitt it Is com· of their leaders said, "It's timq. Silver Screen _. 2050 school, has moved his family back pletei)' wrong. som eone wakes up and thinks . El Spor.. Afield .......... _ __ 2.25 to Wilmington. Bere'. Capll.u.m more l1bout the human lives and I Succeulul farming _ _ 1.7!1 The 46th 1lnniversary of the U two thrifty workers save some less about the reserlle." True Siory ..................... _ 2.2,5 Waynesville 'I. O. 0 : F. was ob- money. form a partnership and start The race for State Auditor has u; s. Camera Magaz1De..._ ' U5 se rved Monday evening by mem- a fly.swatter factory. they become capU·a liataimmediately . Ittheirbusl· developed into a "Inorae race," o Your Life .................:....,..,.... a.4& bers of that ord~r. Olem Beacl)y, Lebanon·s. pop- ness grows and they give empioy- along wit h most other contests in TIRES ANI,> GAS meiit to a third man, 'capitalism ~as Ohio for the May primaries. An DIRECT BUS LINE FROM WAYNESVILLE-SAVE 5-Magazine Special! ular liveryman. was in town ,t o- borne fruit and benefited society. old , famous vote-getting name is ___._•••••_....___•••_._......._••• ___•••••_._._____•_ _.4._....__, ••••••_........ day. . The employee's family (if any), hia back on the scene in the Repub· Gru. George S. Bailey, Cincinnati grocer and his clothier share In the THE CRITERION PMhfiader . .. .. 1 Yr. THE · XENIA NATIONAL MONt!ltENTS 61 MAnKERS attorney, is visiting his mother benelits. .Compared as to usefume81 lican State Auditor's race • . . Houtebold M.,. 1 Yr. BANK Roger ( Bud) Tracey, son of Joe Xenia, Ohio 'nue Story •••.• 1 Yr. here. with . · locomotive works, the cliffer- TrRcey, who served in this office Ohlo'a MIlS' Complete liiapla, 1835-1944 .\metitaO Pouluy Dr. and Mrs. T. I. Way of Cinence is in size. The principle Is KUPPENBEIMBB CLOTllBI ' 'Jouroal . . •.. 1 Yr. CAPITAL and SURPLUS 448,000 f or 16' years, announced this week. einnati, came un Thursday to re- the same. Farm Journal at GEO.DODDSandSONS With Turner, Gri!.filll, and Tracey, Strong - Friendly main over Sunday in Wa nesville. S'etson Data Fum.~·, WiCe 1 Yr. e d to destroy "Slnee 111M" , Reliable Accommodating capitalism because of its tendency . I I' e good n !lmes, "fighting it JIIIIIIIII,... toward monopoly, a tendency that out," a good show ca.n be expected. YOUTH CHARGED WITH FRED F. GRAHA~ CO. be controlled. He had an Idea Howev er, we have an "inkling" ISALY'S CAFETERIA C. A. DABE and SONS C,",dr m ......... d."NfI "'"' i MURDER NEAR FRANKLIN can Wan Paper, PaUla., G", tbat sovereign government .hould that an effort is being made to r ecoupon to CII'. . ..,.,..".,.. toRF' i duce this fie ld also. Fred Stiles LUNOIIES & ICE CREAM own everytbln, and all c1tizena be Your ldocormllk-Deerln, PAINTERS SUPPLDS Scott Eugene Balon, Jr., of Gea\lemea: I etICloee , • P~ fellow-workera. That would have DO of Marietta, has already withIeod me the m.guloe cbeckecl. or tbe Middletown is being held without tendency ' toward monopoly; . that drawn. A Good Place &.0 Ea' 1'7·19 So. Whi&emaa 8&. Implemen' Dealer '·M.pd... Special. with. 7eu', aub-j bond in the county jail on a charge would BE monopoly-monopoly that lUiptlOD CO JOU6 DCWlp.per, Phone '734 40 Soatb Deu-ol' Pbone Main 3 XenIa. 0. Chas. H. Jones, from Jackson of flnt degree murder, having never could be controlled. My swn109 W. Malo St. Phone 1066 N ..... _... _ ... confessed that he killed Miss mary Is that the fellow bad BC~ coun ty, State Director of Com'Myrtle Rogers his step-mother's phrenla. He wa. runnm. toward merce, has been shifted to AdminHARRISON SUPPLY S,. or.R. P. D. _ _ _ _"...-_ __ SHOP FIRST AT YOU'LL ALWAYS DO istrator of the Bureau of Unemsister, la.st Friday. Arraigned' what he feared. COMPANY ' . THE FAMOUS CHEAP BETTER AT ployment ' Compensntion. Paul L. Saturday morning before Justice FIRESTONE TI8B8 STORE Selby, chief of the Division of SeWade.S, Brown, he was bound over BLACKS FURNITURE curities, will take Jfones' place. HOM, and AyTO 81JPPuu .' to the grand jury. We Sell Every'hlng STORE Balon, who had served 17 • • • • • • • • • • • • •~. Phone SOO II W....... AdvertlSlng ShCl,wa Energy . ,Phone 41501 43 E. Main st. Phone 1'79 Green Stl·ed months in the State Industrial I! school at Lancaster, had been discharged from the army last · SepROY V. HULL ALICE RINCK'S tember because of a mental disorder. Sewing Machine Supplies HAT SHOP HARVEYSBURG, OHIO According to hIs story, told to Repairing 01 All Mallu speriff, Chief Deputy Sheriff Kight wea~ Main SL Will pay $2.00 for Dead the 23 1-2 W. Mala . Gerald Couden and Dr. H. M. Wi!Phone 1116 22 E. Market Phone 141 B. III"'~"IJ'''' OhIo Hone., $1.00 for Cow.. lIama\ coroner. he blamed Miss Rogers for the separation of his EYE CARE ARE YOU TAKING' A Sheep, Hoaa, Calve. LADIES father and step-mother. He said OULD YOU lii ke to b. a r.GALLOWAY TbrOu,b Properly FlUe" Eye CHANCE ON LOSING that he was helping" ber clean Spec~1Ii3~ and ,. Colta die: oper.tol·, ••killed .teGlasses-Our SpeCialty and . house, when he ' dubbed· het wit~ ' a YOUR RIGI:IT TO OPE~!' . , l .ftC ..... DllI· ' r. .n .lrFII .... mecha .. ic, &£MOVED PROMPTLY CHERRY «mber and Itran~led her. , The~ ATE · A ,· MOTO VEMILTON'S :. DR. L~ A. WAGNER he 'went ' to Middletown. where , HOUSE FURNISHINGS ' "ItL ,'ON THE PUBLIC -,n expe~t drinr:7 PhODe '767W Phone Waynesville 29 E. MaIn S" waS pieked up early Saturday In the Women'. Army Corp. Phone 4 W. Main . 44 E. Main .SL Xenia, O. HICHWAYS1 'police, then turned over to the 2S04 .. you h."e • chance to . pt ".Iu..her1ff and ,Chief ' Deputy · Couden. ,tmure your.elf aaain.t bl. An..y trainbll~raininl tlt.t A BIG . The ....., Fer&llJl« "I'IaD' Ie. '(louden, auisted by Dlputy Earl damaae to p.:operty of m.y p.". the w., tel! hiller pay, EICHMAN'S Campben. had Investigated, iJ!e . othen .and death W~ in- better jolt. after the war, EJeetrlcal Sapplles , . Repalr.l ng we as Boon as the murder was reo nlry claims. S~ or TODAY fiitd oat .ltout .n tlte ported. I . 8berw1D"WIUIama Paln~ WAC offera you;-the in~.re.tFOB ...."""'~""'''''''''''''''''~ inl jaili. tlte c....u to 'me.t ne. ~ W. MaID S&' Pbone 852 'people and ... n'lIW plaee.! TrUck, Car and Tractor { . to help Jour cDllnttry. GARAGE . SUPPLIES APPLY .t any U. · S. Army Re· I"SURAH€E AGENCY LADDS' BBADY TO WE_ • ~ cruitinl Station. Or write •. ' The Fh-e-Auto ....uraac:e ae-r1ea Adjut.nt Ge.eral. 4415 "anltlon. BI..... W.aJa1.,lD. II, D. C. C. B. Jenkins. AReat - GIBN£Y"S (W_e• .J......li.. war--'n...try I.u III &e LeIIa7 • ·. .WIIe _II. _.It bft ........ , .... . tII.lr Phane 71 Ph. 288 lOS E. Main .&~m.u. ODIO ployer ...... U; S. E. .loy. . .' -· T....... IMl
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'X enia Standard Parts
call ....
H'l._i!!iiiiiiiiiiiiliii!!i_Ii&ii&!!!l.._!i&!!Eii!ii!ili. .iiiIIIiiiii!-~_~
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FERRY ~I; • . Unrl .. U" I". II·bll"' .... '"-.. . , .... ~ ••
2, 19«.
B. 'rllon~1, wjfe i~ .ATTEND , lOI'mer minister at F erry, 01 HaJni1ton, spent t hll III t week-end as In San ~ntonio. 1'h0ll1U8 lI ouston of th e g uest of Mrs. J nni Thomas TexlI, standi • Mrs. N. D. l11ith of pl'ing Alamo minion fort of u ~ hOI' hom o' 011 Social Row road. Vall ey spe nt Thur day wiLh her Spl'injr alley, Mr. and h s. Mnx cttly~5t which i. written: Naomi Jane Burt on is th vicbrot h r ~lI1d sister.i n-Iaw, . Mr. D, Hnr\.soc k I\l\d !llt· . Ros. Bode "Thermopylae wer e ulluay dinner g uests. 'of tim of whooping cough, but she and Mr . Earl Evans. bad her m'essenger SERVICES SUNDAY MI'. a nd MI' . William P. Strnqcl'. is much bett r at this time. of defeat, the Ala. Seaman and M.rs. Perry Benton MARCH 5, 1944 Little Johnny Hartsock, baby mo had none." 182 ;\fr8. Wi ll iam awy er sp ~ n t lind ' Mr. And Mr . De lber t on?,er BIBLE SCHOOL men gave their son of the Jam s Hllrtsock' s,. also and fAmil y wer Thursuay eve nmg Thur ·.d!lY aft moon wi th l\frs. livea hero in 18:;6. has whooping cough and is quite 9:30 A. M. dinn er g uests oI MI'. und Mrs. All 11 Vi k 1'8 and i n (unt SOil of ill. Xenin. MI'. Vi ckers anti Mr. awhermall Wil soll . ft·. and Mrs. Raymond Hal·tsock MOaNING SERVICE YCI' we l'to clll s~mate s a t Loui ianll lind family of Middletown spe nt Mr. and 'fr . Leigh Engle and . 'lute 11:00 A. M. oll ege when they beg un last week- ' nd with MI'. and Mrs. Mrs. Jack Aldrcdge of neal' en- their trllining.in . t h ~ air corps. "H~MANISTIC THEORY VS. Tom BUI'ton and daughter and tervill e spen t Friday a ftel'll,ool1 NEW TESTAMENT Mrs. J enn ie Mull an. Miss Fannie Enrnhal't of Xeniu with MI'. and MI' . Enrl Evans. How many .relice, deal I)OCTRINE" Fonest Trost hil s \.ake n Mrs. was tho \V ek-e'nd g ue t of tl'. to the hearts of mil· -- --.-. . E. Michener spent Tuesday l\ncl Mrs. Lloy.d ~avJ II position ill the office of th e 'lions of Europeans, EVENING SERVICE in Col umbu where h attend ed a N. C. R. Hitler has wantonly Pal)py Wby, a fe uuist of t he 7.30 O'Clock convention of credit associations. destroyed? Thou · 1\11':; . am Barn elt of 'en lel'sands of shrines linkolel schoo l- Sec him. in action on ville, and Ml'S. P c rr~ J. Thomas "THERE SHALL BE NO Mrs. Ralph Ke n swol't~y of Leb- Wednesday evoning, Marc.h 15, a1. ing the present with were vistors of MI'. and Mrs. AI'REST FOR THE WICKED" past glory have been anon, was thc wee k-end guest of High chQol Gym. thur Wright at Oakwood last smashed to rubble. her mother , Mrs. Flora Hender'Tu esday afternoon, Mrs. ' Nettie YOU ARE MI'. and Mrs. E. F. Earnhart son. HaJ'per of pring Valley also was were Saturday ve ning g uosts of ALWAYS ' WELOOME l\ g uest nt the Wri ght home. Lt. George R. Stiles of Qu anti- their son-in-luw and daug htcr, AT THE The Bel'eall class meting of co, Va., is spending a furlough Mr. and Mrs. J. N. ·R.obinson in the Ferry church will b held at WAYNESVILLE with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dayton, a nd Attended the PiltslIsB Mary Edith Doster spe nt he Wilso n home unday after- the church March 9, Thursday St-iles. burg h ymphony concert . in Me- the week 'end with her pare nts, noon . OHURCH OF OHRlST evening. Brothel' hllrman Aldmorial hall. Mr. and Mrs. Herb ert Dosler. Mrs. Rose Haines of Dayton rich, minister of the East Duyton Sec HILLB[LLY COUR.TSH1P Dial 2111 - WayneaYille MI 8 Barbara Thornbu ry was MAX W. RANDALL, at the High chool Gym. A ·S-act Mr. nlld Mrs. W. E. Cornell had hqm e Saturday and Sunday from ca lled on Mr. ane! Mrs. Everett ChuI'ch 01 Christ will be the Hain es and Mrs . E lla Haines Sun- speakel' of the evenin g. Minister comedy put on by all F. F . A. as th il' aturday evening g uests, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Thomas 1I1HI Cast Wednesday evening, Mal'C h the five hundred dinner club; Miami University nnd played the day. . Phone 2993 piano at .the Luke ns-Elling ton wedl\[r. llomer Haines of near Rees· Mrs. Paul Hough und chilclren 15, 1944, at 8 :00 p. m. also MI·s. a s ic Collett of -lInrding. vill e culled on his mother Tues- spent last Wedn esday at Lebanon .. - '- -'- ''-.0. vey sburl:!. . Wm. S. Goodwin a nd family and day. Mrs. John Fromm attended inat the Lawrence Thomas home . spection of the East-e rn Star ome of our members atuinded t. Sgt. and MI·s .• 'Lowell Pringle The Al'j.!unot Bridgc club ell- Mrs. Ru t h We ller ulf Dayton spent chapter in Tippecanoe City SlIt- joy d its - annua l covel'ed dish Sunday afternoort \vith the Law- th e "Wol'ld's Day of Prayer" ser- and son were home from FOI:t urday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ev- luncheon on Tu sdllY lit the home rence Houg h familly. vices nt th e New Burlington Knox. Th e Pringles return ad to RECEIVE TOURNEY CUP . Fri cnds church Friday nfternoon , Fort Knox Oll Monduy of tlli s MIlo'•.,,· .. ~ I" 4;".".· ... (' U"""III'Dd",... erett Enrly and Mr. and Mrs. Ross of )ll's. H . L . Rye. Our c<!mmunity is pt'oud to re• • • I Mr. !Llld Mrs. Raleigh Bogan at· week. Mi ~ Elizabeth Jeffl'ey - spent Rowland of Lytle al ~ o attended . Dr. A. C. Robel'ts of Loveland. ceive the citizenship cup from the te nd 'u t. he Iuneral of Clarence Fred Everhart of Wayn esville Tu esday afternoon with E velyn Mrs. Max Kohlll g n oI James- vi sitcu MI'. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas Warren county tourn ame nt as we)1 Bagford at Spring Valley Tues- is doing the redecorating (paint- Stf'phe ns. town is spending several days with Thursda y afternoon. as third place for our basketball day aftel'lloon. ;Mr. and ]\1rs. Sidn ey mit.h and ing and papering ) at t he F.e1'l'Y her sister, Mrs. J essie Hyman. boys. MI'. and Mrs. Weldon Wilson of Junior w re Le banon visitors William Thomas of Mason calld' t f parsonage. . · Mrs. Kohlhagen was se riously innellr Xema were IIIner gues S 0 Mr. and Mrs. Gu y Me 1ichael Satut'day afternoon. jured in an accident some t im E\ ed on home fo lks T~u rs d ay evenRATION RE~nNDER Raleigh Bogan' s Thursday. Mrs. of Bellbrook were un day guests Mr. and Mrs. Dwi (!ht Beason Wan' MIl, Can1I of Thaw aDc) ago and has bee n II patient in ning and attended Masonic inspec· .Mary Bogan returJ~ed. home with of Mr. allli Mrs. Georgc' McMichof pring-field, were Tuesday tion. ObUaarIea are cbu'ce4 for al the McClellan hospital. MEATS, FATS, ETC.- Book 3 lhem after a few day.s visit in the ael and 80n, Butch . guests of Ml:S. Ethel Beason. . • • • . rate of ODe eeol a word, mlDbrnlm Mil Peppin, the gun c packin BI'own stamps yo and Z valid Bogan hom e. The Tom Fordyces sp nt un· Mr. and M'rs. S. D. Fenis were Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Hill entel'Mis Monimia Bunnell and Mrs. day with H. & Fot'dyce and the T ues day ' obarre ISe. A Wanl Ad ~ en II ers 0 f M1:8. MlIry tained at dinnel" on nday Mr. mama of the Ozal·ks .- See her through March 20 and retain 0 ld tbree ...., II cbarpcl al Ie a wont. values oJ 8, 5, 2 and 1 poit)ts. 'N ellie Bunnell were in Xenia SatP. J. Thomas s. Wil son aud John M. Willlon in Wedn esday , evening, March 15, at and Mrs. John Turner and daugh:00 at the High School Gym. Book 4 Red Stamp As. BS and urdny afternoon. . Rev. Arthur Ol'e of the Sugar Lebanon. . . ter, 'G/'rol Kay, celebrati ng th e JI'ORI SALE - WatkiDI Product. at a Cl'ee k Christian ch urch is holding M r. 1111 d M. rs. Ed gar B arr of Ri hal'd Hnin es attended C8 goO(, through May 20, worth eighth weddinA' anniversary of a 23 fi. Broa'dWay, ~on. OpeD MI'. and MrS'. George Waltz of 10 points each. 'Red tokens and Young Peolllt, ·S meetin ... at the a special class during t he Len- Ed ento n, an d Mr. an d Mi's H owMr. and Mrs. Turner. Dayton werc unday vening din- Brown one-point stamps may be home of J umefl Allen Jones Sun- ten season. Anyone In terested is ard Mc Kay an d U~rs. .H aro Id MceVen!n1l tor !OW' COD"enleDee. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gray, lit- ner g uests of Dr. and Mrs. Stout. used as change. .Glen LIntner. Phone IS L. day night. invited to attend. Problems which Kay , wel,'e Sunday .afternoon vis· o tle Sunny Miller and Mrs. Wil- Even ing after dinn er g uests we e PROCESSED FOODS-Book 4 vex the av 1'agll mind will be dis- itors at the Talmage home. liam Sawyer were Sunday dinner Dr. and Mrs. Claire Stout of W: Gree n Stamps K, Land M valid cussed. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jeffrey guests .of Mr. Gray's mot her, Mr~. Milt011. through March 20 and retain old Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Core are and family were the over SaturAcetylene or electric. See BID Lee, Lora Wolf, in London. Mrs. H. P. God by ot Cincinnati values of 8, 5, :~ anil 1 points. lin'. ' ,\ "Ih' r li.·ur ..... . . ·"nullo"....... visiting their folks, in Wisconsin day night guests of his parents, • • • omdOrf Road, R. 3; WaynesvWe. Mr. and Mrs. )iarold William- and Mrs. John Welch of Al\hland, Book 4. Blue Stamps A8, B8, CB' I ' Mrs. Paul Shipley and daughter and Iowa'" respectively, this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jeffrcy. M.r. and MI·s. pan Ropp and son Cliffol'd Jeffrey left Saturday son and children were guests of Ky., were Saturday g uests of Mr. DS and E8 valid througp May 20, and ~I's. M"argl,U'et Johns spent POR SALE - pmonal Stationery. ' with 10 points each. Blue tOkell~ FI'iduy In Dayton. . of Cinclnn'a ti, were Sunday guests for the ~avy. His PJ'rents, Mr. Mrs. H. H. and Miss Grace Wil- lind Mra. A. K. Day. 200 abeete of good bond paper; liamson . . and G'reen one-1>oint stamps may Lt. Frank Ackerman {)! Camp of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gilliland an'd and Mrs. E. A. ,Jeffrey, enterbe used as change . Pol k, near Shreveport; La., and MI'. George ' Gillill1nd. tained with a Illmily dinner Sun. sIJIe b8 1-2, with 100 envelopes. HARVEYSBURG • • • SUGAR-Book 4 s't amp 30 Mrs. Ackerman and little on of day, Feb. 20, j nhls honor. Those The feud is on-The P eppins . all 'With name and address imCoach and Mrs. Donald Foulks (preyiously schedllied to xepire 'Dayton, were Friday evening din· preslUlt were Mr. and Mrs. Will printed; for fl.80 at the Gazette and the Stilsbys will shoot it out Jeffrey and family of Dayton, on Wednesday_ evening-, March 15, arll the proud pal' nts of a daugh- March 31) good indefinitely for ner g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter omce. Phone. 21U. f ive pounds. Stamp 40 valid for Ke nrick. ' . Bring. Boo.ta Mr. and M1'8. Albert Jeffrey and 1944 at 8:00. Whllre? Waynesville tel', Sandl'a Lee , born F eb. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tucker and five pou-nds fa," bome canning MI'. and.Mrs. H. A. Steinke were To Civil-Service Worker. fam'i1y, Mr. a.n d Mrs. Clifford Gym. LOST-Ration Books, two each • • • daughter, Eve lyn, left Saturday thro ugh Feb. 1945. g uests Sat~rday evening ..at a J effrey and fam'ily, Lewis_Je1frey of Books Nos. Sand 4. In Mrs. Lucy Walton of Spring for Cov ln~ton, Ky. After spendSHOES--Stamp l~o. 18 O' patr) 18 birthday pal'ty for LesJie Brooks Wattime pay adjustmenla bave and 'friend, Mi8s Ida .Bl1tm:.~s holder: Martha Edmiston and Valley was tho week -en d gues t 0f ing the night thore with Mr. and good indefinitely .. No . 1 "airplane" at the Brooks' hom e in resulted In substnntial wage !lDd.• al- El'I ~a b ot,-I -.. eurey <1'& .. ' an d K ellnet J. J. ··Edmilion, - Waynesville. : ary for most civil .I ervtee J ef': rey. . Iaw an d daug ht er, MX:. .Ml:S' James pnrke, WtlY-.Jllun.-"'LH~FftIJ"" in B~-geod~ pair - Mr.. and MI·s. LQweU her so ·m· an,d daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold ' McK FOR RENT-Wllllpaper Steam'er. and Mrs. Everett Sears, and son. "'"0 to ' the Mayo Clinic in Minne- llntU .'urther no ttce. . ThiS -Was indic ated In a survey by • ·W~II d Moc abec 1sota where M1:. Tucker will be en. .. Thel'le Jones and son, attended the the Ci v11 SerVlce '" n' ad wedWill C. St. John, Waynesville. - Mr. an d M1'8. ' I ar " 10 COupop s gQ!l.... ,Assembl y.... . ' c lebrnted - . their . thirty~first ~""nL . . for three gallons through Maroh 21. tournament at King" Mills Sa~u1'- justments made by 133 f e d era, I s tate ding, anmverllary ' atu.Uot;1, ~ . Phone 2706. 8·16, an d d aughters 0f 0 IIkwood MI' tered as a patIent. . , ! . Miss Mary Lou Mool'e won fiTSt day evening. and local civil service agencies'since ' 19. On Sunday their -guests were I . th e 4th' k spe II'mg B·t llnd 0-1 """ ~'nm:.n. good for two MI'. an d Mrs . E~ . B . L ongacre Decemb&, 1941. Increases were th'C .lr son, Allen, a nd ..l OLlroll'S . Mc • . FOR SAL~~od used hog coops. and Mrs. Ed Decker and children pace m sIx-wee ..., I A140 little . red clover seed, ~nd Mr. and Mrs. Law;elnce E· contest held in the school. Mi s gaUollS unt U used :B.2 and 0-2 good Silent Sunday with rclatives in given usually by one of three meth. Kay', Mr. and Ml'S. Robert Mcbailed sweet elover hay and lJ~tt Jlnd son of Centervil ed' wMere Dorothy Thornbury placed 2nd lor !ive gallons . Cincinnati. ods- sUdlng scale Increases. gener. Kay and family, ana Mr. and Mrs. straw. Charles Kable, Spring dmner gue~ts of Mr. an rs. und Miss Gladys Fait'childs, third. F1qEL OlL--!PerlOd 3 coupons MI" and Mrs. Therle Jones and ally with larger increases tor lowe; Donald McKay, aU of neal Xenia. Valley Route 1. Phone Bell- Charl~s Elhs .Su~d~y; M.r. and Mrs. Lawrence good now and thl'Ough Match .13. son, Milton, spent Sunday with paid employees; cost of living inThe friend!! (If ' Virgil PI,mire brook 86096. 8-16 Mrs, 'Lina H. Madden has re- atte~d ed Cla.rksville Grange coupons 4 and 5 became valid Feb. lbe lattel" s parents, Mr. and Mrs. creases; and Hat percentage in· who is station ed in Italy, will be REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS turned to h'er home after spend- nesd~y eve.mng and on S.atul'day 8 and ~lre September -30 . All have Edwin Nutt, near Centerville. Mr. creases-or by combination of the pleased to kn ow that he deeply ing several days in Cincinnat,i evelllng enJoyed the Grange BanNutt t'emains quite ill with udul- melhods" t:appreciatell theil' kindneu In rewith her sister, Mrs. Sherman G. quet !l nd dance a~ Lebanon. . value of 10 gallons for each unit. cnt fever. ' Wage Increases were given on a melJlbering ' him with carda lind Among recent rea) estate transUrton, who recently underWent Mr. and .Mrs. Chnt Taylor spent STOVES-OollSqmer pUl'ch(\S~1I of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Mlss sliding sc ale baSiS, either .by .lIdlng giftS. The Olive Brllneh elturch fer. were the following: . a serious operation in Good Sa- Sunday WIth Mr. an~ Mrs. Ray- l'sUolled stov s mU$t be nhlde wl~h Mary Cook ani} Parry Cook of amount or sliding percentage, by 2'1 ~nd other vicinities and. orpnizaVe~ LucUle Tibbals Ragar to 't4l hospital mond Adams of Sllv.er Grove 1\ cel'tiflcate obtnlll\ccI at ;0001 ..vai' Wa-ynesv.ille, were entertained to per cent of the a~encies. Ranges tions all . have ' been included in William M. TibbalS, 1~.,U acres in man n • ~ • neighborhood, and helped cele- price and rationln~: board,; (Jinnel' S"unday at the home of varied from $5 to $25 II monU! In his tha\lks. He 'is the lion of Mr. Manie twp. Ml's. Margaret Johns in honol' of Sants Cruz, CaUf., to $2.50 to $7.50 and ·Mrs. George Plymire of this .. Miss ~anice Penn ewit, Roger brate Ml·S. Adams birthday. C. D. and Rea Sheehan to Stella their bl'other's birthday. a month in St. LOUis county, Minn. community. Whetael, part of lot 1 in Chap.Mrs, Clyde Wharton underwent Per~entage cbanges usually were Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKay man's addition to Waynesville. agoitl'e opel·ution. at Miami Valley grouped around a range ?f 5 to 10 and Mrs. Harold McKay were George and Georaia McKinney ~Ir'" WIII""1l Smith. (; .. rr .... llo .....·,,1 hospital Monday morning. The per cent. . present at the wedding ceremony to Edward and Christine Meuer, L. R. Hornllr of Spring Valley la_t report· from her said she was . In addition_many agencies Indlcat. of Miss Mary C.a roline Lukens lot 1 in Oregonia. . was our g u SUlll llY. I as they catrttrexpect ed they have grnnted Increases of a and Gene Elllngt'on of In.dI1m1i;---Odus Hobbs to Frank Hobbs, Mr. and ]\I[I·S. William Smith at this time. Hat monthly or yearly amount - to which took . place Sunday at ' 8 p. 4.62, acr" in Wayne · twp. . ' -. k' t· . , . M H all employees. This trend I. in d· a: a nd daughter calle~ on relatives Mrs, .Hal·ry Gllm~n and rs · . feet a form of sliding scale Increase. m. at ·the Wil.1te . Bllrlc Mime~1~g NEW CASES ill Da>,ton Sundal' afternoon. A . .Stemke and little .d augh te,~' .lnee I( results In a qecreasing pe~- hOU8~ in "'aynesvi e. 81 bNew chu.e. IIled In Common PleD,B ~m e of our' members atti ncl- Ju.(hth. were Dayton viSItors FI!- 'centage as the rate of compensa. ens , IS t~e daughtell .of Mr • .and court IDclude: ' . MEOICIAL-OORPSMEN-. S;:: .. ;11 the Fa rmers Exchange bUII- day at the hO~l e of Mrs. Cora tion rises. the assembly said. Mrs. WIn Lukens of neQr Mar:Gerald Leo Sberi-Itt ye. Ulah WenWITH THE MARINES IN CO~.~: Ifred 8herrltt, divorce. quet !it t::e WaYllesvillc gym Feb. ["enee a nd famIly. , veysburg. HAVE !ARICO IMPERISHABLL Grace L. Harbold VB. Edward Har1!l. . . MI'. and Mrs. Waller Kenrick ----R£COONmON FOR UMfAlUI\G bold, divorce. COURAGE AND IICILLEO Marcaret Bogan V8. Slanford BoMrs. Luther 'Haines und Mr1l. and James Hain es attended servic· Iiolated Jap Region Ban. dlvor,ce. un • SAVING SERVICES ... Dorotl 'J <:: mith a·t tended the Mis- ~s at the ·Belmont U. B. church Ruth Willman VB. Ernest Willman. PERfORMED U~ciER ·ion:. ,· '; I' e~ li n " lit Mrs. Daisy Sunday morning, where. their litRocked bi Earthquake Mrs. Bert-Bunnell. CorrespoDdeD' divorce.. . ' THE NOST catherine' McIl)tosh ve. Ellhu Mc1-Iail1 " lu .. t Wedn esday niter- tle nephew, Eugene Ackerman, Recent earthquakes in the Bolith. . - HAZARD.OUt Intosh. divorce. 1I00n. was baptised and then wel'e guests we-tern ext'remlty of Japan's main Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pfeiffer Colonial Finance Co., VII. Lillard CONDITIONS; and Bertha 8lalon. for money judglI1> . •.!I(l Ml's. Evan Bogan of 'It n fnmily din net' ut the bome.of Island-Honshu-which ' killed or' and dau~hter ' spent Slliturday ment ot · 1691.74 for foreclosure of Dayton nn d Mrs. MUI'y Bogan Mr . and Mrs. W. G. aaines in serloitsly Injured 1.400 persona and evening with the torm'er's parents, mortsaco ,and. ~ther equitable rellcf. wer e (' L, nn gueslts 'in t he BO p-'an ~ Dayton. caused - 'vyidespread property' da~. the mother of Mr. PfeIffer being , mith iler'IC one day last week. The Misses Ruth, Eva and Etllel age. were centered near Totteri, an very ill. Try' tbe Miami Gazette Want Ada Mn . J '!in :Smith of th e Eeazer Reeder entertained to a family out-of-the·way city of 37,200 Inhabl. Miss · Marie Gorsuch is' pn the lleighlo"il{'lOll , Ml's. Helen Maxey dinner Sunday' at their country taitta on the Sea of Japan. sick list again. sml d al' l' ht ~ l', MHry Ann , of Xen· home .on Route '73. The guel!ts 'By striking about 340 airline mile. Mr. and Mrs. George' Hanlie and and Mrs. Mary Scott of Fort- were: Mrs. Hal'1'Y Bl'azllle of Hous- west of Tokyo. U,e principal earth. son are moving to their new home , ville, Ind., . pent Wednesday even- ton, Texa s, Pvt. Everett ATch.· quake of September 10 missed by this week. MANY A MARINE It' il ' \·, it.h :'; [I·S. d ianna Wilsoll anll deaeon of Oberlin College, Mrs. considerable distances the vital The Ladies Aid of the U. ·B. ALIVE TODA't••• ~tJ. (, I·, Mrs. Ella Hurley. .Be·ssle Kenrick and Mr. and M1'8, re(ioDlI of Japan. The Osaka-Kobe· chllrch is holding their monthly BECAUSE It M:·. a nd Mrs. Raleigh Bogan Ernest ~l'chdeacon of Centerville. Kyoto industrial triangle lies ·abo.ut meeting. with Mrs. Tschon 'of CORPSMAN a nd : _" . Lu cy qo mpton ,vere SUIlMiss Alme tta Steinke, hi comairline mile" east of the atrl~ki!n DoddB. _ 'REACHED HIS. ~DE II ,-., Un;.er !;u ·s;ts of M1·s . . Ella pany with Jack Brooks and other area-a eomparatlv,!l,v und~veloped Mr. and Mrs. Bert B,unriell UNDER FIRE ... TO lf ain ·s. .· friends of Dayton, composed ' a region of wild natural scenery 'which spent Wedlle"day night with M.r • ADMINISTER A HOURS: . . LI:ltc ' Cnrolym ·Stanley spent theatl·c pal·ty to see "Lifeboat" s!!ldom hall . I;le~n reached byoecl: ahd Mrs. I Everett ,BUnnell and TRANSFUSION 0'1 ~ PLASMA. '. ',r 0 11(1 " Ilvenin ... with Mar.i1y ' Sue at KeitJ1s Saturday evenin..!. ". dental tourl~t8. . , f ....1il f Mt H 11 _Yl J ' ., .' • IS C The Tottorl calamity Is the worst am . y o . 0 y. 'I , 9-12 each morning Sllliti,. · Pvt. Morris Wharton of amp ln ' 10 .,,<.., t I a--t b~lf the' CaUel'S at ·the aunn~l1 home . dt W'l . P Ik . ' Sh" , ~ La ' . years. Wlm a e.. .. ... d" • • ";f!·s. naYIll~~ I son was . III .0 ,neal I evepon, . ., ar- . town's 6.4.00 houses ' crumpled: It il on Sunday :were: MT. an. mra. 1-5 afternoona except I Xcma Ij.h opp l.I) ~' Monday . . ~er .nved ho~e ~unday . on a 13-day not at all comparable to the Tokyo Vaughn ·Mullen and Bon, - Mr. I . Wednesday :ll oellC' l ', ¥ r ij. EP'll, ~urJey, Ylslteil f?~lough. : Ile and Mrs. ' Whal"ton earthquake or 1923 In . which 99,331 a~d ' Mn. Walter Pfeiffer and !II 1,he hom of l ~e r 80n, Harr;Y VISIted hIS mo~her! M.r s. Clyde persons' perished \I nor to the greateit daughter, Mr. and Mia. Ome~ 7·9 ' Saturday evening (urley. a nd wr1.e ·of S •. DetrOIt ~har~on, at MIamI Valley hos· earth shock ..of 011 ~me in Jaflan- Boldrey' and daugbter.,- Mlu :aou .~~~j"",-\ sLriwt. . pltal In _the afternoon. the '1703 quake which took an eBti. Lee and . Miss Betb' BunnelL O:ther Evenings Mrs. Lucy Dl11 Anti Mrs. ' 0. B. Meetings continue at mated .200 000 livea. J , Marlatt of WaYIIf!l}ville were pleas. church each evening this. ". . ' The Nasi depal'ture fro~" Ru~a B1 .Appointment antIy entertained! in the home of Rev. O. E. Vice will fill the pul. ----.,-,,..-,. II going according to pta." Mrs. Ella Hajnl~s One day last" pit at 10 :30 next Sllnda'1. In th, COMMON PLEAS, COURTIn fact, 'they're ahli\ad of ' their TEL,UHONE 81-R week. ' . afternoon Rev. J. W. .Danfortll, . v;.:~~'h:lI:'eg!~~,"P~ schedule . district 'superintendent, of Dayton, ';_·"_·"_-t "'"~ . Inade. ~ltcl If.oinl as' fast as they can. , l\fl'S. . New will hold quarterly conference. ern'll" wall Wholes".".- P!Jleu!'lzed Dairy Product. noOf\ atter MI'. and Mrs. Don Baird and ~~;.t..Ocd.J4;t:I'~:'~: With her !dster, daughtel; ·Mr. and Mrs. Ch,eater tI Past.urized · Milk FoJ' Your Protec Mr. And Mrs. Baird an.d MI.. Velma Smith of ..nO I'D .... ~ lall.t Dayton their diDner Wayne•• me,. flamlily--eauecl..-
W. CHer
M;'Ij. P.
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_uune5~e .'
.Grlyurdt ®£
·. . .
At All
... .
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~lure ~unual . ~ome
Evel: Alel:t Buy Wal: Bonds
·. .
·. .
...---- -•.•. _,
Dr•.t E. 'Wilkin s. ••
Bob's Dairy
at. with· Betm4n . ~ at the Baird heme Jaete. .
WARR EN COUNTY SOIL WAYN ESVIL LE SOLDI ER CONSE RV A. TION DISTR ICT SERIO USLY INJUR ED IN WAYN E QUOTA IS $3,000 IS VIRTU ALLY ASSURED EUROP EAN FIGHT ING IN CURRE NT RED CROSS A soil coneerv ation district for< WAR FtJND ' DRIVE The marriage of MiS!! Roxie Pfc. Melvin Dakin, son of Mr. §r daught county was practica lly asonly ,Warren sSackett Carqlyn and Mrs. Frank Dakin of Wayne C. , H. Brae;, chairma n of the the Ohio soil conserv aby urred of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sacket t of injured ly serious n ville, has Ice ~~~ES ttee's unanim~us ap. commi Wayne townsh ip Red Cr08s "!iar jon to ng nt accordi Sergea Italy Stalf in and somewhere Way nesville , _ ____ and Mr. report on the sO.n of Funt! dl·ive. announ ces that the the son of Shaw, ,)roval Robert Biair a messag e from the War Depart referen dum quota for this district In the cur· dirtrict ation !onserv er Dakin Mrs. Harry Shaw of Waynesville. Mrs. and Mr, which ment rent drive is $3,000, double ' that 16. evening Feb, ay county Thursd this ized in held was solemn ccived Saturda y. of last year. He urges local resi· The suppor ting commi ttee in the h9me on Fourth has been oversea s for birde's Dakin the Pre. in to pro· dents to douSle their contrib utions street with The Rev. Nelson about 17 mont hs and saw action county now is authori:.;ed luperfive of Va., this year, in vie" of the heavy , de election W. with urg, ceed Clarksb Thorne of ' n the African invasion, the Sicil· ng accordi , mand for Red CroBl service s duro diltrict the for visors on been perform ing the double ring cere· had and gn campai :Iln Ag.,nt County by d ing the war crisa. receive word o t He time. mony. duty in Italy for 80me F. Cun. The ..me solicito rs have been An arrange ment of palms, can· lVas one of the 86th Comba t En· David B. Bailey from John lernd A. year thl. tor loll Ohio the appoint e'd of an chairm , ningham Injured delabra bearing many glowin , was and d nce t'8 division the caull 10 nolll), durinr the lUt conserv ation district commi ttee ra and lovely white calla lilies taz,12. ry fi'ebrua Agrl. drive, Rev, L. C. ~a4ley II in tormed a beautif ul setting In the Mrs. Irvin MulfOl·d. Mrs. ,Milo a nd dean of the College of ity. univers charge of special contrib utions State ny Ohio . ceremo he t clJltul'e all where room Nixon, living Beul and M l·~ . !l: I'I\ C!; t These supervi sors are to be from the various local organlz awas wltnol. ed by fifty relative s ,f Wayll es.ville, nre sistcrs of Pfc. . by lando';vners · of the t~ons, clubs, etc. -Icctl'd and friends of the bride and bride· Duk in. of ge Each man interes ted in ty. exchan Mayor }3race reports contrl· coun the ng' groom. Precedi ed present Scofield for supervi sor must have W. ' butions up to today are very gratiE. Mr. running vows, ON PETITI ATION 'lOMIN DSHIP CLUB MEETS and ting petition . with 26 fying . If you are not solicite d he FRIEN music nomina a nuptial Y of FRIDA DEADL INE WITH MRS. WILSO N a program . ign a t,ures of landow ners on it be. asks that your contrib ution be left accomp anied Mrs. John Turner on at the Waynes ville Nation~l Bank. The Friends hip club met with when she very beautif ully sang, Two co ntl!~t~ for RCI)ublican Core his name can be entered The men serving as au· Wednes day iiI Love You Truly" and ':O nly ballot. the Wilson are Mabel posts tee Mrs. commit nll'ul c~ county REV. RADLEY TO GIVE s with· Miss Robert a E:ly.nn, afterno on. Twenty ·five membe rs Forever." funning the r ed hot primary to pcrvis01's give their service SERIE S OF SERMONS duty their is It Mr. on. and sation. afterno bride the compen the of out enjoyed e friend close 'ven ~I' atcl' pitch . a~ the deadlin ON "METH ODISM " and guests of A guessin g contest and a drawin g Edwar d Shaw served as maid of for filing nomina ting petition s to plan and direct the work The . district ation enand conserv fun soil much the man. the in best created be and an· must contest y honor approuc hes. Pupel's A local miniate r recentl for Miss Flynn was gowned in pale hand!! of Hcrsche l tiles. new clerk commit tec has not set the date , nounoe d "A Study of MethodiBm.~ ' tertainm ent, with Mrs. Doroth y Elsie and . pink Mrs. election and carried the and :30 heet. G s by crepe Dicken· ions, blue worth is Ele of ism Board Method Lhe that of We agree The support ing comimt tee -in· white spring flowers. The attrac· serious study, so for those who Stroud winnin g prizes. p. 111., F 1'1'd ay, to morrow. tees mar· in given was Mary who Mrs. tive bride, Mrs. Irene Baird and Uulph Brooks , vetel'an Massie cludes the executi ve commit oH., really want to know what Meth· ltural Agricu County in aqua Warren e th Wilson WOl'e of Mrll. field father, the her assisted by taken Burke riage DiU has we clerk, teacnes twp. ,,, odism is and what it rs crepe with black and white ac· • (train t H UlTY Shidakcl', incum. club for 1943 and 1944, membe are giving, beginni ng with · this serving delicious refresh ments. ' Nixon. Fred bou· Morris arm are: an which of carried J. and s and cessorie Reichel t bel' Ro dism." while "Metho t, on bpl" , se~ies ----Sunday , a SOUTH WAYN E ADVISORY I -..:....------~+----------.....;..eye.r . D. M. quet of ~ellow rose buds. I I., l(nupp ure s eltin '.\' th job for Elbon, Fred Hagem The subject s will be as follows : YOUNG LOCAL AR MARCH 3 POPUL MEETS IL COUNC ILLY "HILLB Allen, George ~e. a Walter , Worley reing he F~lJowmg the cerem? ny, is wnich twp. tol\ : mj 1~l\ Sunday , March 12. "The AI· I MAN PASSE S AWAY LAST TO BE GIVEN Jon es, Ronald Hawke. Henry Har· The South ""WaYne Adviso ry c~p~lon was held· during which dersgat e Experie nce and Begin. THURSDAY AT HIS HOME ·l.l q·,: ish,' ,1 by Will iam Knocken- ris, Robert J effery and Bert Fish· WED BOYS were ments refresh I hl\ u~ I',. _ _ _ Council met Mareh 3 at the charm· time dainty nin~ of Method ism." , ~,:, ,~I. AI. served. The tab~ was beautif ully ~'alJ1 Henkl e. cnunty ( .Igineer . cr. 26 , age , Furnas Hurley Robert Sunday , )larch ·l9. "Metho dism ing old ho.me of. Mr. and Mrs. in "qp)e Most . arrang~cJ.· with lighted tapers and ced yes rday that he will :alloun t./; paren his of home the at Comes to Americ a or Conque r· vin Earnha rt. died ISSIONERS APPRO VE ,COMM iece, of buddlei a,- l!Weet "Praise the Lord centerp ' a 'folon. was e.electi r lIession. s seek Oh b!l8ines l) a Ilhort A ville, Waynes on Route 3, - ing ·a Contin ent." RECORD NUMB ER OF etock and on Corwin Niion n eel hi ~ pallers 9:30 a . m., Thursday, March 2, af· Bumlay, Mar~h 26. "The Doc· lowed by an extensi ve discuni on IItentedfand' Mn. ,Shaw left in the ~NIMAL CLAIM S in o tri Mr. the or dillcu.l ter an illn ess of about six months yesterd ay, the firbt • trines and Spirit of Methodism •.•• of Insuran ce, led b, the th. Some oners Monday ll\~HJsl cp , , .weddin g short ~oun~ a for (~otlden. rl evenmg nd Ge early race, Stanfor eriff'lj h E.d,ward the. leader, atory g of a heart condi~ion. It is a g-reat and inllpirin f.or a. record t aqua paymen an, d g approve ~earin 1V0uid bride he the and ' suid trip, for sheriff, points deputy e~ Surviving are his parents , ~r. chief oLw'W . has been , perhap s the very inter filed for claims, patellt animal with of I!uit aker number Bak. dressm L. ed. wool' and . Mrs. Robert Furnas , one file today. Deputy Churks gr'iiate&t spiritua l mO,vem ellt of against Insuranc;e. wel'e present 1943. of quarter last lhe rlell. co. a.cceBlo Powder ce leather King insuran of of captain &lllCet' , er ive one protect 8 brother , Benny, at home, and modem tlm!lL You wUI learn The ~~y.ments totaled $1,335. 75, Sgt. Shaw will report :tor duly Mrs. Jean Missildine ' of guards, also has circula ted paper8. the hIghest for any quarter reo about "Free Grace." "Salvat ion was heavily IItreue'd as against sister, will he which after at Tampa, Fla., Savi.ng and Also filing yestel'llay wel'e Rep. Wayn esville. Services were held 1>y Jlaith,!' .. Aasuranee ," etc., anCi Ullvestlneillt 'e office. wer. allo con sdered lle transfe rred to Langle y Field, m~ at the Rarold V. Marq for Genera l As. cl lled a t the auditorthree montha p. :00 2 at y Saturda why Me.t hodilt are not join the will for Shaw Losses Mrs. for \>ihere Meter Va., ' to Insuran ce. " !.t. • . . McClure Funera l Home with burial sembly and . Ralph Vall comm ittee. were: 101 sheep, 1 calf, 21 hop ista. . G. O. P. COUl'lty central The council had the pleallure of him. ' , . Miami ce·mete ry. in Everyo ne il cordiall y invited to and 34 chickens. Sgt. Shaw entered militar y ~ay~ Mrs. · and Mr. ' in!n, enterta attend. waist a is and ' Audito r A. M. Parker made a ~943 Apr,il in ice RY FER Bra4do ck, ~h9 contrib uted and Mrs. A. K. Day had Mr. L. C. RADL' :Y, ......LOIC. . Both pIca for co-oper ation in . special bomber B-17 on a l l as their recent visitors, Mrs. H. greatly to the dlaeuui on ' period. .gunner tes gradua are Shaw the menace of ravagin g Mrs. ' and meeting e h in ined enterta cott Nina Miss lunch was A P. Godbey of Cincinn ati and Mrs. class school, High ville c-.a~•.11"_""- " lnjrormll~" eocial or Waynes honor of her 'couSins, Pto .•facob dogs. John Welch o! ~sh!and, Ky., State law require s all dop to . of '41; she attende d Witten berg e conf.ined after sundow n. Lt. 2nd and ) (Son'ny Scott M. nitcollege and .hal! been employ ed at in mounta the Wash Jeddo home the headqu arte.rJ Air Service Com. wit, says he can get anybod y a George ~. Stiles whoatwere her. home. In . Dayton for HARVE YSBUR G husban d or wife if you will _come on furloug h last week him next- We!ln~ay night, Prese.n t were Mr. an.d Mrs. ~az topr0rs. Otto Mich.. ~rs. Minnle Welc~ and M~ WUMarch 15 at ibe watneft 11le- e7III aad;.loUa..-llt. an , CO: ARMS GtoN seand""bo nfe, lila "l'hom6ury~~ a't~~ .~~~~~:, REMIN s mualcaI 'Charle with sons, ael and gram were filled ". at 8 :00 o'clock. MARQUARDT M. IDA MRS. CTION PRODU home Thursd ay aftemo oll IL CURTA TO lections by IIOme of the other Mr. and .Mrs. Carl Wardlow" Mr. Welch • • • PASSE S AWAY AT HOME lor Mrs. Oba Welc , who waa 81 family, and ond Drumm Mrs. and room· and Preston a student s. ~rl R)'e played a aax· Miss Virgini Donnld Wa lkins. OF BROTH ER IN FRANK LIN Operati ons of Kings MiI1s OrdRalph years old on that day. Those pre .. ap~ne eolo, "Beebe ," accomp anied mate. Miss Josephi ne Wells, of Miss Doroth y Drumm ond, Remy b , d, operate ent to help celebra te the occaalo~ ~--'--' Misses Works, Mrs. Ida May Marqua rdt, 84, nance by Mr. Scofiel d, Betty Meredi~h sity were week· Dl'Ummond, Everet t Smit~. Univer n Denniso cur· be Jacob _were the followi ng Uf.-lon e of ington Arms co., Inc., will sang a yOC1'1 solo, "0 Solo .:Mio," widow of C. J. end ' guests of Miss Preston 's pa. Evelyn and E!lther Smith, with. Mtss friends . MFS. Mi-nnia -Olgli·!Ab..._-=-_;:.....,~W e sharply da1,lg-bt tailed anel re. Sr. Longac Scott accomp anied ,b y Norma Wayne .ville R. R. 2, spent rents, M.r. and Mrs. J. K. Preston . S. has w'ho 'Ward, . carbine calibre .30 of and Mrs. Eva McDonald, Mrs. Jenni.e cture Mr. . Helen , Wayne · Meredi~h, The Boys Octet sang. I'The Glendy home of her brother , Ray Roberts , manufa • • • this the past week here, was the din· of end Graham , Mrs. Mary Doster, lira. the Stiles before B\ltty ition Mrs. ammun Stiles, will s Bob proservice Mrs. l at the Funera dollars' n. ended in Frankli Burke, " which Keep you advertising Sunday of her nephew , guest ner • . Rose Carr, Mrs. CasBie Collett, ·John Stiles), month. Lt. 2':30 of at bI'ide ay) be held today (Thursd gram. Mrs. home by advert1slng 1n your home (recent family. and Hough, h Kennet nd· comma s, .ltrs. Anna Randal l, . ·Mrs. Laura Hudgen S. J. Major . p. m. with the Rev. E. H. Gross to Xenia town n~spa~, the cheapest and Soott and t he hostess r, Mrs. Mae Harlan ,' Mra. Shidakc d confine Some QLth student s ' of the officiat ing and burial in Miami ing officer, in announ cing that Ward expects to ,return is Brooks Mildred Mis8 best lonn of adyertlaing known. ay. Mrs. Sally Wright Thursd the Levicy, cease for ng Ma·ry . would prepari ion a.ilment are product class throat a lIenior military to her home with ' • • • cemete ry. · .The childre n's meeting for war· that MI t E Reason. GameS an d M Sadie Mrs. lind senior scholar ship testa which will con· IS att ar j t vere . Survivi ng are two daught ers, on or before March II31 stated rs. leading k the Heacoc and s. . Mr ein with ' Silverst ship Sol See ff ' ng f rom contests were fo II owe d 'by I unc h • h h d be given Saturda y mornin g at the Mrs. Robert Fieldin g of Sidney and 1arge b an ks 0 f sma arms ammu· at the high sehool fl ne ·to cr orn e, su ert h day cak e. here Sunda'.7 mornin g. sl'sters held was Triffet 1 b h . d' h hi 't' u· school. accum ve een Lebano n High . a brain concusuion receIve In an fcaturin g a large birt Dodllon of Toledo ; a nl Ion wea sen of Wash- gym March 16 at 8 :00 p. m. . Macken Mrs. Velva William k f 1 present th 't were rances Many rememb e re ease 0 wor era auto acciden t Feb. 12. ville; three a t e d perml • • • guest here. for a is C., D. ' Be sure to see, "Hillbil ly Court- lion, Harry of Waynes ington. honor. of jobs. guest war the d vital (: day other th to spent Mrs. P. J. Thomas lIisters, the brother and two' grand· Mr. and Mrs. D. C: Ridge had snip." Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bogan and N. H. Winde, plant manage r, two weeks. ' Mr. and last T,uesday with her sister·in guests chi1dren. Sunday their as McKay ' Hnrold Mrs. and d Mr. ge d F Cartrid T Peters M and Mrs. R a b ert B ogan . were the I Cpl. that son, stated an yce or , awardom has -'----~ aw, ~s. McKay Mrs. J. A. Roberts of Dayton . The Gregg compan y and Mr. and Mrs. u~lward 'A t . ~. R f . guests of Mr. and Mrs. . ' d linner co. firms ton. n ENT;\ Carroll RESID emmgo N West • "BANO IV1Slon 0 Douglss, at • • • ed a certllic ate to Elnora Mitch· ....,. din. Sllnday wero d f ami'1y, Grove, J Beech of sIrot 1 cturing d II manufa d 11 INTER RED HERE will continu e c a Char es Bogan 1'., an , I e B oc k overL ea 'Mrs. M'k ell for having submitt ed ..tisMargar et Webb. of Mrs. ner guests and Mrs. Oliver Sma woo .Mr. bl' A'I . d' h ! . 11 . h , ) . . evening ' ined with dinner speclll meetmg 0 t e a les H. l'l'iday 76, d1'ed at the 8 e • factory shortha nd notes. She is "olles Kirb", Mr. a nd Mrs. Roger Cham ISS and family enterta Mr. an d Mrs. Lu th er Ailen and 1 . In ".. ATHER SCRAP PAPER Ie bration 0f b a th Ias t F'd 1'1 ay t 0 c ear up some un· now a membe r of the Junior Or· home Crane -.J I .. Pe' nce on No. Mrs. on called ce in Xenia, Of M Sunday of Uft er of Blanch ester. were lhi.ught made es ladi . The ess. bu sin a.c der 01 Greg.g Artists. lJroadw ay, Lebano n, MonW . on. unl't was in their birthda y anniver saries. Their f ini shed t for Frankli n College , veek·en d guests of Mr. and rs. .... afterno Gene ··opkin s Sunday Evans and ·BI·lly h Id . III comfor f a vi ces w 1 Donald A a1 Mrs. ""and Mr. were n guests • . e reezmg famll)'. arge and lIer echt De· . r "ner Hildebr l Sunday day llersche busy TIAN sales very of CHRIS II . TO worth ESS ' $600 ST ' over II counted of (Thursd ay) HO and daught er in the Home last ~e~~rth Boughman ul Probst, teacher of the 6th wald fune'r al home Lee Mc- stamps and cut out sever Mrs. . and .• Mr ille, . Clarksv SOCI~ TY friends 6th grades, has reeign~d and and all Beworked Cross. they b Red the paper for scrap make to more cs Turner John ry. Mrs. Clain, Mr. a~ Ind., ster, . The Woman 's Society of Christ- Waynellville cemete Manche wagon express l vacancy has been filled y smal. the a deJicwl'th a day I d enjoyed Ch T d l they that . sides P 116 Kay~ 1 Carol . er es ar daught and an mece, a ¥.rs. ence, ucs ay. t helf, regu ar iou8 lunch. Presen t were Mrs. Mrs. John Bogan. . ian Service will hold Th . t and gathere d a half ton of paper. leTe • •• d 6 h f R d A delight ful diversio n for the Mrs. Oharles Osbo.rn e, who are the sons of Mr. and ~rs. They . Mrs. Nevin Williamson, grea · th Schram an , popular the pePhew ad refutes .ogen, Stilsby Luke ahayu~· t u!of on night ay l Thursd monthl y ' meeting family Home in Cincinn ati, wall home teaches r, daughte and' e ony nep ews are DUD. meces an and belief that hillbi11ies are backwa rd. Mrs. Bill Urschell d ternoon , March 16 WI M. last week was given by Mr. Mrs. and Mr. and Evans E. G. ' . , rs. Springof the week·e nd. Ml'S. Elmus CarmoniY Charles Ellis lilt- bosteils at her survivo Bertie, Mrs. Leigh Engle an rorFriday t He and Emmy Peppin wiIJ show Mr. Kirby lived in Warrlln M. Hopkin s of Corwin. ' evening ; Earl Davia. wal Mrs. ' , Aldrech Jack home. Mrs. Glenn .Borden Will ·re· county l\frs. er daught fus' endure J h his entir.e Ilftl, having been d slides of a - you what one may They showed the II'fe of lmorence Night' lew ed on .aRlv1"l1g Re d L'Ion FORMER METHO DIST PASTO R ficld. in cities and inter • time love, March 16, at the High Lester Urschel l and aug tel' a- pleasan tly surpris ' f t t' . I. II 'Ue "';0 near at the Reynol ds home to find hi. arming Joe in d scenes Mrs. , Ive engage rae palmer M wi Chester ns WITHA Ml;s. de~otlo DR. net, . lttRS. VISITS ~ : lngale and the gym. school overtl es t'l clJuntri ' of B ird esting section s a fare. f M ' I 'L Smith, Mrs. Sue Dumfor d, Mrs. (lx-classmates gathere d for He baa ,un .1 rece.n y. . • • • ra., rene a : .in cllarge 0 his honor. in seas. The photog raphs were taken and party D., well D. Putt, . E. hoste·ss the William Bnd Rev. s Thoma J. IATION P. eyer ASSOC U Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hagem y, Mre. Clyde Kellar, an4h inf:nt F~RM BUREA wife of Cincinn ati, former pastor by their son, Lt. Robert Carmon Mr. and Mrs. Lawren ce of Leb- moved to Lebano n and will attend , ura ay of . Kings Mill s and children were several made son , of Dayton ', were has who or navit'at a J Th omases school there G.ames , contest s; pine church. E. M. ville NG of the .Waynes 'al transpo rt but Sunday visitors at the home of the anon calle" on the P.. h h guelts of Mr., ~nd Mrs. Raymon~ TO ~OL DANNU AL MEETI ,. speci on 0 w Elliott pong and refreshm ent!! were tel' tonner, Waldo daug the st Is Mrs. en· Conner . Mrll. Kellar meetin g of the War· with their younge Ell . Be· former' s narents , ' Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and ' Ma- Ellen Edward s and' her hus. 'The annual en · is ·now married and living in New is now statione d in'd Florida oper ts Nancy Co ' Mrs. Bureau and F"family and Countn r d eyer. Hagem Charles Helen -# • group Irma • a Rich, en re!1I Jean _m 'by: · Home ~I e E. sides the K'~lar, ·. is 'etation e ative Pope Sunday afterno on. , Mrs. joyed band; C-l . ..." '• • • auoelat ion will be held in York, visited Mrs. Dr. J. Mrs. Dn<pla'nd.' ,.",i. of our bank officer s ' and their th, EIsomerwhe~e Pope's conditio n shows little Tietme yer. Doroth y McGra Grange ~1l, Lebano n, next Mon. Witham one day last week. i. O'Flann t Bridge , Cattara r . ,... ... Louis ry wives and several other 'guests en· Lou Moore, EdMulber Mary 808 at Rich, living berta is ' Witham . served be win Dinner . change. evening 'bring d&y gan and Rev. Boswell will . 'iiROMOTED joyed the occasion. street, Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Perry J. Thoma s Hitema n, Beryl Plumm er, ~ht prompt ly at .7 p. bt. 'II . ' •• " , to you the final climax to "Hill· R WATE HIGH on Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nich· called school Ohio the high of r the at ip" manage John SimI, billy Courtsh ____ Robert L: · Lovely, Flying FolItH CHURC day evenl· ng. Mr. NI·ch. Drumm ond, Henry Gentry , ...... IS:r Wednes MET~OD cis asso· m. p. ratlve 8'.00 Co-ope at 16. ' arch " "m M . reS8 top turre~ guilner ' and engi· Farm' Bureau I The Little M'laml. rIver Thom. L was over .... SPECIA HOLD TO k KS 1 cIs leaves soon for the Navy. It four Reynol ds boys, James, .. promot e d t rom ciation , will be the princlp a spea • • • • beroad the and Monday banks its neer has been guest the WEE 2 and s FOR Dougla CES SERVI as Jack 1lnd ers Mrs. ·Nettie Tinney , Hariet and V\(a9 reporte d erroneo usly earlier of honor, who was present ed a sWf se1'lJeant :to ' techniCal. aerge... er. ' The Wilmin gton BanjoU Waynesville and Corwin tween Sun. ng begin~i . wellks ' two Army. ·~~r the to gone will enterta in. Mae Tinney visited Mrs. Lural that h e had anti >the comma ndini ~~,r,al March 26, the local Metho. was 'covered wlth ' albout .ix inches Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph silver tei clasp by the claU. ".}\" Foces announ ced, ) Three ~Irecton will be elected . da)', Werntz at Miami Valley hospita the Ei~!tt1i ·A water. of of series a hold will church last Wedne sday mornin g, a dlat Fisher Thursd ay. He conditio n is sat· , recentl y.' ' ~o,r' I.n Enwfand t I\J~ GARD1:'N CLUB HOLDS Revival -service s. The fjrst Lenten is t)teir second son. This boy. . ,.. atg y. _bo~ln isfactor N'S WOME Lovely ,haa 1.0 . 1ig~~ ESSIVE ND PROGR HUSBA JOINS assisted ,be will spent ael . week .the pastqr Mr. George McMich • • . --tacks 011 German y ' tq his ' cr,ecHt, F.IRST MEETI NG . . ' in Chicago on business. week AY',' last TUESD Th Mrs. of MEET TO father b Vain,' CLUB W. Harry daugh ' and s ' .. Mrs. Robert Thoma . 1 th A' M dal for is a vicorlng ' ~~8tors. • e sec· Trost neigh by Janet Miss fint ,their Little he~d died club ville, G~en Tne Waynes of I Tinney ~ Mae lr n joined Aviatio and he , ho ds .e vaca- ond. wee~ wl1ich will be .H.oiy W~ek t er Karan have tim of the measles. meritor ious achieve ment in com· meetin g lince ~eir winter . Cadet' Thoinas ' in Santa Anna Saturda y. ~urlng I!rea~h. will pastor the ~vis Mrs. of e hom, • • the ' . for remain win they where . " b~~ Son (J.t Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lo.,e. ,tion . at -Calif V. these two wt!eks serV1ces Will ' be , Pfc. Earl T. Wasson of DeRhr· 'TARDY TAXPA YERS CAN 1'1, Route 2, Frankli n. ·he -wu em· Furnaa on Thursd ay. Mrs. B. ' day :n i~definite time. week· ana ay p S~n. .. on held. ex· read n ,Peterso ~ra. ana Smith der. La., spent Monday at the EASE PAIN OF PENAL TY . , ployed by Aeropc a A~cra!t co.... . p. m. .. Flower s All. evemng l_at 7:3~ p.1 m. . home of Mrs~ G.,W. Flora. MEET TO CLUB p~ration befor~l.. entef,lDg ~ce. cellent papers' 'On . Everyo ne Is mVlted to att~n~. ,u6..n py HOUR-,--_ , r Summe • • During • Bloom 'Ttiey . -lIrs. "nd Mr. of· """' He ll! a nephe, . Cou~ty Treasu rer George ·John· Montbi" and on "Seeds Both ' C. S. · C. S. of the Method ist Jamell Lovely OJ :Waynesville. , The Happy Hour club will meet TIOf'( . INSPEC announ ced yesterd ay t hat per· WAYN E ' TWP. REPUBLI~ D son ATTEN , ble;" Vegeta sale and corn pop Flower 0 • ha.ving is ..... church I • 'If Mrs. BU of ' . CLUB home N'S the ' at WOME 14 March pay· , ent in A. F. Mellob, H. A. Comell thi!l aturday afterno on. Please. sens who are delinqu taxes may r" ll EASTE RN STAR IN$PEC TION' J,e ne Prende rgast ani E. L. n. ment of real estate c.hildre the for dimes your UNDER GO OPERA TIONS " • ..--- • Bqnne s Thomaa attende d ~aa~~lc inspec. Rhoade waa ' t d lighteu ·the penalty by making PAl'· . • • • L ' ~_ .. sa,ve. Miami 'Chapte r 107 01, E. S. b . MARR IACE UCEN 5£S tion at Mason Saturd ay evening . a erwen un .. "em ura the _rs. tial paymen ts before March 10. A spent era mem Flora W. scyera G. by Mrs. , represe nted 'Marrlalre lIcen ... baye been ' la· Valley Miami at on operati new law allows the treasur er to and major in Cincinn ati at Harvey sburg on Tuesda y when "uft~,,!fri Blair f Sh.~w. 10, Oregonia, weelt.- visiting NOTIC E week. Jasper take off portion s of the 'penalty , last -of brother Her . Monday . l Ky , hoapita b1 Carlisle ed Carolyn In.pect waa Rbllie r Warren Chapte !runner In army, al\d QIU. U.lta"••• _ . .... D · Miamis ot Tues. HarClin '.ravv paymen ts made· within 30, 60 Ethel t.he for lor· Mn. I_It Mlake Depllt7 N. ; b .vlll. -typlat. La • Mrs. -~Ie B. FrQinm Sackett. 10. Wayne 1, ' J CUI'J' • . . . . to ..... u:x ...... underrJ/lt, LJtle of optoj'itet l, .tt • ,former Zf$ttel days-a fter the deadUhe. bUllf. John 90 ea or ..... of Iellen ltarthla I..... Grand )latrOD . A delieio u.ehlck t IIiand S. Hln... oWee dav ~rom-Carliale. u ollim. IUIlI Iren -+·I ...... meeti a n J perawo 1D..,~ · th ......... .-!o nl IAballoll even e worker, d rlinner precede ~D ...... •••• ".ok. ~ VaDer hoIplta1 ncentt ,. • FUNER AL FRIDA Y FOR MRS. JANE ~IGHTINGALt: Mrs. Jane Nightin gale died Wedne sday mo~ning at the home of a daught er, Mrs. Ewing Stumm of Route 2, Waynes ville, on Route 73. Mrs. Nightin gale was a native of Idenbu rg, Scotlan d. She resid· ed in Kansas City, Mo., 65 years before coming here to live with Mrs. Stumx:n. Funera l aervice s will be held Friday (tomon ow) at St. Aug· ultine' l church with Father R. H. Krumh oltz offfcia tlni' Burial will be In Miami cemete ry. Survivi ng are three dlurhte rs, Mra. Stumm and Mrs. . J. Singer and Mrs. A. W. Akins. both cf Kansas City. and a brother , Peter . Butie~
• D
i V
Utbt :.miami
WaynesvUle' ,ollio
....... IW 8eooD4 01au
Mn1n .,
Ma1l Matter at postofJlce, Waynesville. Ohio
Walter W. Wisem'an, Editor and Publis~er
Bublcrlptlon Price.
.. a •••A • • •
Per Year. Payable Ln Advance
........., ...
8E."I«:E. IN«:• NetioMI WtorW I'll ,'p .... • Hom. Town Newspap.rs
From A Farm Diary•• Dry Ridge March 2, 1944. Spring brings rain and rain brings mud and mud brings trouble. This ,m ay not be spring yet but mud brings trouble at any season. Today being Community Sale Day I planned to send some hOg!! in my tenants new truck. The hog house is hard to get to 80 we took the tractor and trailer and fixed a temporary loading chute in front of the hog house door. So far 50 good, but instead of rushing right up the chute t he first hog stopped, lo,?ked around, spotted the weak place and was gone. The next one went in but the third followed the first, "Well, we will take that one an yway," he said, but we reckoned without the mud and going up a steep soft slope, we stuck. The more we tried to get out, the deep" er the wheels dug in so ther!! was nothing to do · but unhitch the trailer, let out the one hog and
wait for a nother da~'. Wi thou t th(\ trailer, the tractor lIuned out cas· 'i1y.
Friday, A wee k of difficulties. Th e br'ooder stove would bum for about an hour then qui etly go out. After fooling with it f or tw o days we foun d that we had the wrong kerosene tank and not e noug h kerosene was going through the valve in the cap to keep it burning. We ii,x ed th at and now it burns teadily, with a clear , blue flame. But 1 could not put the baby chicks I got on Tuesday in thO' brooder until the stove had been going for at least twon· ty·four hours so I had to ke ep them in the li ving room. Three window screens all d the fire screen, some papers on the floor, a couple of ,old blankets and an electric light and they were just as comfortable as in the finest broode r in the world. It was fun
THE MIAMI GAZE'I"B h~h~~~em~c~ l ~uW"~h th~OI in comfol·t tor a few days. When I moved them inti> the brood 'J' hou e tn y let Ollt he Illost oar-Il iercing yips until they f IInu thl·il· WRy to tht! ho\'cr but by bet! time th,?Y had settled down li S ~hough 'they hud been t h I' nl1 the tillH'. I will kt'llll the 11('\\' onus in their box tonight . One hundred and lw ' h' chick fr om o Ill' hu tlul't'ci lind t wtm\y eggs, a bou l 11 nin ' t~""I u.r p r cent Hnlch. a \'co r,1 hrcllkil\ - hat<:h ('11' that hl\\(·ht'I· ~'. \\' hell I toiu th· ha tc\ll'l' 11Iall that w uld bag ud adv I'll ' ''Ill ' nt for him h ' shook hi :! head ' anci aid, 'M aybe. but 1111 lIIatte r whut kind I eg they br ing n1(' t hey will say, why d idn't you do that for us? " They are aLI color but strong alld lively. aturday, I went out this morn· ing and took the new chicks out of the box, only one too weak to save. The rest were soon running around as lively a s crickets. Evening , Such a day. Rain in torl'e n ts aHd wind and now snow. :\Iust go out and rnuke s ure the chicks a re Slife for the night.
WillU~~uw~rnand m , ~"$5~55~555555~555555~~~55555555~5555555~5~ In thllt brave wOI'ld which is to be? •
A.J1d a ft J' ail d,o we .want it to bci? Do we' want a sort of gl ol'i:fied broo der hOl1se x'ist:'ance'! Do we dl'cam of nfol' ing a sort ' of broode r hous e)uslance on 'he who.lo world? On e of the . tl1ing ' we Ill' goi n ~ to nve to learn j., t ee th good j n Innny of th e simpler WIlYS of life. trhe Ilomad s of lh' 'de, crt say t heir IVlly of life is best fo r t heth. Lin Yutllng ,yarn s us thut our Americlln stu·ndards f industrial civibation would 'not necessarily be b Her for the peopI I China and India , than th ir imJli r Il I'aflsmn n civilization. It j' th spiri t that mu tters. ·Ind 'ed we should follow the \yal'ning of the soldier .vho asks us to pray. Pray, not just fot' S!1fety, not just for victory, not just for our own soule but for t he right spirit that we may be worthy of victory and tha t we may know how to use our victory for the goo d of the world. I tremb ie when o\llr men arc g r eeted by cheer s in the conquered cou ntries, it is ,'uch II fri ghtful I·C. ponsibility. God gr ant that we OUlside the March wind blows the may be worthy of victory and snow, whe n we win, as we surely will, Inside. withi n the circle of the may we be wort.hy of the trust brooders glow, put in us." 1'wo hund red fluffy balls of lif e begin to grow. Advertising Keeps Oid Oustomers No hen's soft wings are o'er them Advertise ~Judlclously s[!l'ead.
SH-OP 'I N X ,ENfrA'!
_______________•_ _ . _ .______________~--.-.-,-._____ ._._____ •_______ • ____ ~ • • • • • • • • _ • • • • • • • • • a
Ohio's I\IlIst Com plete 1i15play
GEO. DODOS and SONS "Since 1864"
Your nlcCormlt k-Decrillg
109 W. I\laln SL.
Phoue 1066
:103 G rCIl.. street
Th cy do not hunt their daily bread. They arc P1'0t: cted, warmed and Ph one t
the y heal', Theil' fa d and drink are ever near, They know not cold 1I0r want nor fear, When wa r is o'er and land~ are free,
Good Pla ce 10 Eat
40 South Detroit
17-19 So. Whiteman S&. Phone I\latD 3 XeDla, O.
Phone 7:14
We Sell Everything 43 E. l\luin St. Phone 179
Pho'lle UJ R
0' ,\ 1\
22 E. Market
Phone lUG
23 1·2 W. Main
EYE CAlt E Through Properly HUed Eye Glasses-Our Specialty
ROY V. HULL Se)Ving Machine Supplies
Elghl wes t I\lain SI.
fed. o foolish hen's fond clucks
1835.1944 CAPITAL and SURPLUS 448,000 Strong - Friendly Reliable AeC,o mmodaling
Implement Dealer
'E FUltN1SlllNGS W, Main
EICHMAN'S EILo(Jtrical Supplies • Repairing Sherwin-Williams Paint ('hone
';2 W. Muill St.
Phone 9IMR
READY-'l' O - WE~
Speolalizing LII Ju niors '
DR. L. A. WAGNER Phonll 7G7W 44 E. I\la\n St. Xc: 1.1, O.
29 E. !\lAin St.
Xeni'l Standaro Parts
Pholle H 51
A OAIRS N. Detroit St., Xenia Fine Furniture lor Over 50 Years
Truck, Car and Tra ctor
Always 50-Hl'h Grade Useci Cars AU ntlon FlU'D1ers: ' We Carry a I ull line of 11\1lnneap~11s l\loUne TJ'aelors . and Implements.
Mach ·tie Sho p Wor , GI U NEY'S 9 W.
ROO1\. FOR }LND CONSIGN you\, CatUe, hogs, sheep and caive. to Norrls·Brock 'CO,. liVe wire and progressive rlrm for ~he h1ghe~t market prices and good Bervier.. Union Stock l' \lrds, CJueInDll.... O. Tune In on Rnrtllo S ta tiol, Wl'K Y , 12 :25 to 12:30 p, m. ror OU r da lly market repol'ts,
, Phone 78
lain St.
108 E. Main
Chenoweth Motor Co. Ph . 288
. Jktrolt St.
Phone 20 'I
CU. E]~K
at the home of Mrs. Meivin HoiMiss Audrey Complon of Ashiingsworth last F I·i da>,. viii e, ·N. C., spent Saturday night Bcnjn mil\ arey of Highland, with Lut hel' ~ nd Edith Raines. Robe r t Hadl ey, our pastor, and Ohio, spellt the w ek..e nd with hi s Sho left to visit, I'clatives near his family have return ed to t heir daughter, ~h . Eve rett Haines, Wilm ing ton Sunday morning. I Mr. and Mrs. Raleig h ' Bogan home in Wilm ingto n after spe nd- a nd family. George Bunnell and family of and Ml·S. Ella Haines were Suninlof sevcl'U1 days with r elatives in Southern HllIs, Dayton, a nd day dinner g uests of Mrs. ,Lucy one of the Southc m statel!. " Mrs. E lla Haines, Mrs. Lucy Rhodes Bunnell and ~amily were ,Compto n. In the aftinnoon they 'omp't on, Mr. and Mrs. Ral eigh Sund ay dinnet g uests of Mrs. Nel· called on Mr. and Mrl Will CopBogan lind Mr. and Mrs. Luther lie ~unn e ll and Miss Monimia sey, in Spring Valley who were ! , ce lebl'ating their golden wedding Ha ines and Mr. ' and Mrs. Ii-vin Bl1nnell. Evening cal1el's in the Bogan ' Moiveralll·Y. They a.1 so visited Mr. Harner were guests at the wedding of Rowena Gregory and En h aOle Tuesday wer e : Mrs. Pearl a d Mrs. Clat So1Jllrs. enMr. and Mrs. Luther Haines Dee Compton in Madisonville Sat- inc!ai an~ · childl:.cn neal' urday evening. E n Dee Compton t Ol'vi11e and Mr,. a nd ~r . Marshall entertained Lhe' f ollowing' dinner is the son of Mr, and Mrs. R. and children "Harvc" and "Pam': gu ests Sunday,: Mr. ' and Mrs. lrof n llal' Xenia. , ' Vill Harn el' a nd soiiS;"liear Spring YOU'LL BE IMPORTANT-to Complon. Ire n Burden, Eva Alex!\ndcr Vnlley, MI', lind Ml·S. Melvin Holy o r country, arId to y~u r f;ghtin" Some of our fo lks attended the me n- if' you take oyer .. vital job f uneral of Robert F urna Jr. in an d M;arionna Boga n were tHose lingsworth and Mr. and Mrs. Donneighbprhood who aid , Haines. in the Army. Waynesville Saturday ' afternoon. fl'om t his attende, d Friday night a cove red Miss Marilyn S ue Smith spent In the' Women'. Army Corpa Mrs. ,Raymond Burde n, Mrs. you'll get expert Army train;n" Ruth Haines, Ella Hainos, Mari- d ish supper at the home of M1·S. Saturday evening with Carolyn that may, pave t he way to a po.t. anna Bogan, Dorothy Smith and L\lth~l' Hllin es, homo co un cillllem- Eileen Stanley. ' war career. You'll have a chance Edith. Haines w.el'e am6ng the Qcr , Meat Goes to War" was the Mr. and , Mrs. Roscoe Beal" , Mr. disc ussion for the cve ning. Miss to improve your .kill or learn a g uests who a tte nded the stork new one-to meet new people, .ee ~i lo\" cr" fQ1' Mrs. Donald Haine- Dorothy tan back, Gree ne county and Mrs. Harry Hurley and Mrs. home demonstrotion agent, was Julia Smith visited with Raymond n ew place. " 'h aye experiences Wilson and fa~ily Friday. you'll remember all your life. rf"!~~~=~~~~====~~ ~l'ese n t. G t full details ab out the WAC Mr. a nd M'l's. Churl os . Stanley Mr. and M1"s. Leonard Elli s and Al1CTIONEER'JNG a t I1 n y U. S. Ftecruitinr Station, and daughter. Carolyn Eileen, at- family were callers in ' the W'I Or write for hstere.tin, booklet. St!,- nl~y a'n d Koogler t ended a fa mily dinn er at the I' home of Mr. a nd Mrs. Lawrence son 'home Sunday evening. Acldre.u The Adjutant General, F r Da tes. PhUll 2~94, WayneaMitchn er ullday. The guests were 4 415 Munition. Bldr., Wa.bington ville, OhIo, Reverse Charges Mr. and Mrs. We ndell Whites ide, 25, D. C: (Women in e.iential war Suggesting that the New Deal label indu.try mu.t have ...elea... from ! BIIOKERS I.lCENSE and family ot Washington C, H.j th .:ir employe r or th .. U. S. Em. Mr. ,nd Mrs. Amos Compt.on and be discarded mean,s IilUe. The pbU~ behind that lobel, with it. _';"";....;;..;;=======:to;;;;:;I1 son, Waiter Dean; Mr. and Mrs. oROphy ployment Sen;,.e.) Raymond Carr and son Bobby lackadaisIca l "pend' and ",en~. elect and elect" attitude II the aUGene j Miss Mary Stanley" Mr. and tmportant factor to ' d iscard. To Mrs. Stanley and daughter and, brlng that a~out a .urg1cal operation the host and hostess. Wendell must be performed, witb Dr. Antt, Whiteside left tho first of the New Deal Taxpayer-Voter u the aur,eon. ..t n':xt November'1 elteweek fOI' the service. ·tion~
L1ke ,..to feel
duriq our 13 yean of prohibition. What you naUy vote for is whether liquor is going to be IOld '-gallyor illfgaUy ... whether the CIDIIIIIIUDity II going to get needed taxes for
.. Judge. would you mind tel1in' Charlie here what yOu told me the other night walkha' home from lodge. I can't word it just the way you did." .
"Sure tbinI, Tim.,Here', wbat I told him. Charlie. There', DO lI1eb thing as votin' •
IChooIa, boIphala. and the like. or whether this money II going to iQ.1O. gangsters and bootleggers. That'. the anawer, boys .•.
aation, .Itate, • county, or even a ·community dry. We bad proof f:llOUIb of that
aimple as A-B-C."
S h ~.P,.. !.~. DI'~ ~,'!? C~y!]' 0 n FRED'S DEPT. STORE
We Outfit the Entire hmII1
and Home
Make Oar Store Yoar
Since l885
We Buy and .Sell New and Used
FURNITURE 'Everything for Far~ and Home'
Phone 23
Phone 118L YOW P~Y
,Yean Lebanon', J,eadlnr
PhODe 399
. Lehanon
Sold by Waynes.ule Farmers EschAnp Co.
'Phone 230lt , South
1iroacJ"'IIIY .
107 E. MulberrY
ShoeS for ~he Fllmliy XRAY' FITTING ' Comple&e Stock to ~hoose From at All 'J Im[s PhOl1e 3U IH
SPIEGEL',5 MEN'S . STORE and Haberdal~ery ,
A'f LOW PRICES ' Phone 8, L
A COIlIlP,....
, Yotl can build. ohMk .......... II per cent of tIlia GOne. . . . . . " per OIDt
BROWN and BROWN , . Ladles Ready to Wear
.........'c ,
A OoIDp'lete Stock 01
~1IIIIen1 S&.
.. N......~ •
leat by a(lucrl t.,1--1I11 "M" Brancl quaUty f.rtl. Ill.". Mad. liy Inc/elM'" dMtly owned and op.,ated , co",pany_1I ",at.rlal. In .v.ry formula p,.. t.sted to In.u.. ma.lmllm food vallie '0' crop Inl.nd.... The IIlg , "M" llrand I. you, gua,an. , .. of compl.t' ,e.llih. .'
J . W .. LINGO
. ...0IIII-...... _
QUICK SERVICE For Dead:Stock .
........,pN.lIUt ........ ":
HORSES, COWS, HOGS, CALVES; SHEEP, E'ftC" , Removed Prompt., Call '
XENIA FERTILIZER Be. . . . 'l'eltpboae
MaID_x..... B. 0. ......,
~ W.illeSville FarQler. Exchange .--
Back ,ihe Attack ..,. Buy __
Alon'g IH rlt. lIurlrU"
These Xenia __ ___________________ c_________ Firms ~
c .." .... ·" ••
This week a gallant grand little old lady passed on to her reward. She was Ml's. Ida May Marquardt and she was one of the best friends I ever had. Eighty-seven years ago she was born in a little old cabin in the Kentuc.k y mountains, the oldest of twelve cblldren. She helped her mother with her brothers and sillters and after her marriage she bore five children of her own, two of them dying in infancy. Later she raised her grandchildren. She never complained very much about all the work she' had to do, and now , that she is gone, I can <1,nly say these words about hel': "J have fought a "good fight, I have run a great race, my work is finished." The , other night I aw two robi ns in the yard across from the Texaco service, station playing. They bowed and swung and tripped lightly to and fro, then up In the ail' for a space of two feet to glid\\ gracefully down again, theil' red breasts gleaming. 'l'hey seemed as happy as larks, 'or' possibly robins. My husband told me of an experiment which I found so interesting that I am passing it on to you . Put in a saucer the juice of one half lemon and set a copper penny and one of the new steel pennies up in it. It will generate e lectricity. 220 of these cells will gcnerate enough electricity to light a 25-watt light bulb. Hm-and with lemons the price they are I Don't ask me for a scientific explanation, he told me,. but it was beyond my unscientific mind to grasp his meaning. .Next week I will answer the letter written by "Christian." Wash PlUo_ . To wash pUiows. first tranlfer the feathers to a closely woven, ba, large enough to prevent the tellther8 from packing ,and tie the top • of ,the bag securely. Wasb the bag and the contents in a tub 01 warm soupy water. gently sousIng up and down.. Rinse several times in clear warm water and place in the ba, on an elevated screen or lattice to permit free circulation of air aU sides. U drying out of doors, do not place in direct sunlight. Shake the feathers , frequel1tly durinll drying to prevent packing' and to facWtate even drying throughout. When pillows must be dried indoors. It I. a good plan to use an electric tan to Incresse the clrculatioD ot air. Wush the ticking the same as al11 cotton fabric. When the feathers lind licking are thorougbly drJ, replace the feathers.
PU&,rlm. FrienD
Another Indian friend of the PH· gri~s. was Squanto. a Wampanoag. ThIs was one ot the ' outstandiDI tribes of New El1gland Indian.. The principII I chief was Massaaolt, and. thanks to the good effortS ot Samoset and Squanto. he. too. became a good friend of the Pilgrims. On Massasolt's first visit to Pl1mouth he was accompanh!d by 60 wal'I'iors. and he and 'his party were treated to as fine a feast , al the limited stores of the I'ilgrims coUld provide. A peace treaty was limed. and MassBsoit promised that as long ' as he lived none of his people would make war on the PlIgrima, With such powerful friends the Uny colony prospered.
Will pay $2.00 for Dead Horaes. , $1.00 for Cow •• Sheep, Hogs. Calve. and Colta REMOVED PROMPTLY
Phone Wa)'Deaville 2804 The ooIJ FerUlber PI~t In Warren CoUDt,
Sand & Gravel
I, ,I""
Extra "Band-
Are Helping' . to ' Win Victory,
C. A. DABE & SONS Farm Machinery for Victory
WILLIAM S. ROGERS Headq1Llal'ters for Real Estate
Everything for the Home
• R. , D. Adair Furniture Co. is one of the leading furniture establishments in this section offeri ng the public a service that has no superiors.
their store on this policy' ever since. If you contemplate furnishing a room complete or it is one or two pieces you need you will find the right thing there. . When you caU at R. D. Adairs Furniture Co., located at 20 N. Detroit in Xenia, you will find the manager and assistantl courteous and accommodating and you will know that the prices denote real and true values for this store has established a reputation throughout this secti on for fair dealing and one price to all.
The , manager hall a wide acquaintance with people. Known Ils the makers of happy homes, they have been serving the people over this territory for many miles around. • When they starte d in business they decided that the best would be none too good for their custOl!lers and they have conducted
William S. Rogel's is headquart el'S for anything in t hE~ r eal estate li ne and enjoys the patronage from surrounding territory. In this day and age when conservative men are constantly seeking Investments where they are not only assured a permonent source of incom e, but a reasonable cel·tainty of increasing value, tho real estate deal'e r is doing more thall his lIhare to meet the demands of such men. William S. Rogers has been closely identified with t he growth and expansion of the section and has made a close study of, real es-
GEORGE OODDS & SONS GRANITE CO. • In selecting a family memorial the George Dodds & Sons Granite ' Co. can show you memorials built on the basis of quality embodying both durability and' good appearance and in both these qualitiea imperishable materials ,aTe used in construction. " . The same pamstakmg care is given the purchase of a headstone from the George Dodds & Sons Granite Co. as a monument or mausoleum. The stock which can be seen at this firm, i8 always comprehensive because this firm buys in quantities in every style and material available. When one builds a home, busi-
ness structure, or any othe r building, they usually consult a competent architect to draw up and make their plans for such a . structure so that it will be ar.tistic and in harmony with its surroundings, locati~n, etc. The same care a~d attention should also be taken In the selection of a monument or memorial. . George Dodds & Sons Gramte Co. located at 115 W. Main in Xenia, is considered competent and very capdble desighers and will be glad at all times to offer expert advice, p]ans and suggestions along these lines to all interested in high grade work' of this kind •
present war market. Harrison Supply Co. is headquarters in this locality for Firesto ne Tires for passenger cars, trucks and tractors. Firestone Tires -are second to none in qualWe do not think we exaggerate ity and will stand up under the when we state. that the Harrison most severe and-grullling road cpo.. Supply Co.' haa saved the people ditions; of this community thanaands of do11arS in expense lor they are the Weare glad to compliment the 88]es agents for standard Unes of Harrison Supply Co. located Ilt 22 highest grade which are offered at W. Main street in Xenia, Phone the ,lowest price quoted by anyone 500, and to assure the public that anywhere for quality Bupplles and ,here they will alwa~s get courteaccessories. They have a stock ous treatment and hIgh grade supthat represents the best on the plies.
Harrison Supply Co. is superior to the vast majority of automobile supply parts establishments and surp8llSed by none, either in geneml excellence or work or superiority of their stock.
tate condi tio ns sp t hat he could offer both the buying 'and selling public the very best service. He has on his books a large list of most desirable properties fQr sale, both town and country, at rices that cannot fall to be attractive t o the prospective purchaser. . William S. Rogers, located a t 21 E. M!lin, Xenia, has mad e it a point not to li st property for sale for more than 'ts value. A close study of local conditions places him In a position of authority on values. The people have Come to look to him when seeking a desira'ble medium through which they may dispose of their property.
BILL'S TIRE SHOP RecalPping & Vulcanizing Bill's Tire Sh op iCI;! that should be of inter est to every . automobile owner liS they specialize in saving you money on tires. If you have passenger car or truck casings on which the tread is worn smooth, you can take them to Bill 's Tire Shop, located at 102 E. Main in Xenia and they will. recap -them with War Grade Camel Back. They have recapped thousands of tir.es and they a re giving satIsfacto ry service. This is, made
C. A. Dabe & Sons located at ' if it works to the farmer's ad109 W. Main street in Xenia is vantage, it will be exhibited in r ecog nized for miles around as the showroom of this efficient headquarters for the world's lead- dealer. ' ing makes of farm machinery and _ • a dependable service in repalre and C. A. Dabe &: Sons IS thorouchsupplies. . ly posted on farm machinery aDd They supply a large territory their Ulel .nd are never too busy Dnd have come to be known in this to. demon~trate or exp.lain In de. an d adjacent countie as the fore- tall any Plece of machmery. most in their line and by reason The modern farmer strives for of theil' sati sfactory service, justly merit their I'apid ly increasing the maximum resultS from his labor and acreage and to do this he patronage. must keep tho,roughly up-to-date As soon as an impl ement is in improvements on farm machinp ei'fected and put on the market, ery and implements.
Determination of th e Wm. BI'e nnel' FUl'llitul'e Corp. in Xenia to comhine indi viduality with qu ality did not permit them to conIine their servi !: /' to stock lines. I n their own factory they have ma nufactured furniture of quality d ' ign that appeals to all.
fum ishin g establishment, a truly complete and diatinetive commercial, manufacturing institution. most up-to-date factory equipThe Wm. Brenner Furniture ment obtainable and usc only the Corp. has kept abreast of the times best government regulated war and has been a liberal contributor, material available. through its products, to the moveThe new owners of this shop are ment for better homes for better Andy Hogan, formerly of Springliving. Today , when goo r! furniture ,is field and William Long, form edy The management has won for cli i ficu lt to obta in because of inof W aynesv~lle themselves ,a reputation ~ough .Istl ial conditions, they are famed At the present time no cel·tif( - fOI' the "BetteJ'-Buil V' furniture out the entire country by treating cate or priOl~ty is ~'equit'ed Irol I w1:ich is LUl'IJ ed ouL f rom their own eve ry customer alike. Golden Rule business methods have built up a your local tire ration board 'on factory. large' trade for them and wilen recapped tires fOI' passenger cn . J They di red II bu in s ' that is anyone buys their fur"iture , they or trucks. ' not describll'ble by Lhe l '1 m Iurni- j will get value received for their tUl'e manufaetul'Lr. I s i ~ a home money. ,
--,-------------------offe rs a serv- doubly sure because they have the
HAROLD HESS Dealer In Agricultural Implements
HARRISON SUPPLY CO. Firestone Tires - Auto Accessories
Haro]d Hess operate!s an estab- I tha~ that of .any oth er similar eslishment which is known far and tabhshment III the nearby towns wide for he is the foremost dealer and cities. in fnT~ machinery and impleThe stock is composed of imment . A dependable and prompt and service. in repairs and supplies. plements farm machinery known throughout the world as . During the t ime tha,t they have the best on the market. Men are been in business they have built a in charge who are courteous and wonderI~ . ~ trade from this accommodating and who will be alld acjjoining communities and it pleased to demonstrate to any 'is safe to aBBert that Haro]d Hess farmer who desires to drop into located at 204 Vi. Mllin street in their store and keep up on the late Xonia, i:J pr obably better known models of farm implen¥n~ and among t he farmers of this scction tractors. ~
THE WINE 'HOUSE Imported & Domestic Wines, Champagnes
, McDowell & Torrence determine to furnish the highest grade of building materials at a reaSonable price, so that ~e extension and beautification of the community CII n , progrl;!BB. Let them serve you with your next order of building material and you will get the good, permament well seasoned sort that ~uilds for permanency. There is no one firm in, this community that has greater influence for the betterment .of the
The Wine House offers a selec- cause they only handle such as tion of the best br~nds of import- can be recommended to the peoed and domestjc wines 'a nd cham- ple of this part of 'the country. building industry .. Contractors and pagnes, cold beer, ISOft drinks, We could write many columnl! the genera] public know that what- cigars and cigarettes.. manufact- about this well conducted estabured. Their 'service is courteous. ever they desire in the builders, lishment. but suffice . to say that When you know tlhat you are supply line can be secured from the management of The Wine securing the very nnest quality McDowell '& Torrence located at House located at 31 W. Main Third and Detroit in , Xenia. with of wines on the market ana at street in Xen Ia, has been able to bhe same time are purchasing a knowledge that will be of the render a Ber~ice to the people in best grade consistent with price. from II home concern, you are this line that is distinctly satiscombining good buying methods The manager extends to the with knowledge that you are sc · factory. Rca] value at the mpst people of this community a cordial curing quality products for your reasonable price possible has been the guiding influence of their polinvitation to call at their office money. icies and it has brought them trade and any information will be gladly Their brands are p.opular be- , from all the surrounding territory. given n,o matter whether you wish t o buy at t~is tfme or not.
.SS'~. •
Beam Farm Supply &: Hatchery are the most universally known grain, feecl, coal, poultry and hog equipment and hatchery dealers in this community. It is under the ,a ble management of expe"ienced men. Their com pIe e line of Purina Chows feeds and supplies have proved to be a boon to many large stock feeds. Their poultry feed is beyond comparison for baby chicks, and for laying ~ens. When in need of such feed call Beam Farm Supply and Hatchery located on Washington street in Xenia.
They understan d feeding- and Our Victory edition would not will gladly assist you in solving be complete without mention of your problems. Don't hesitate to t he prominent busineR9 operations consult them ' for dependable in- of Xenia Auto Wrecking Co. 10formation. cated at 215-217 S. ,Collier street Th' h' kl d db ' tl in Xenia, and their lextensive opy. Ie cl'ationll in the way ()f cond\lcting ell' ~ IC. ~ are pro · uce !'lost s~ldentlfdlc proccss Everyttlllg hURineRs for the purpose of buyIS con.sl ere., propel' ~m~ara ure. in used cars and trucks for naall' CirculatIOn, ventJiatlon - all t ' g I d f taken in consideration so as to lona e ense. produce healthy chicks that will i Through the years they have llve and grow into money makers been , doing ' business they have a]for the poultry raiser/l. They will , ways been most fair and honest in be glad to , give you pointers in I their negotiation and offer the ,regards to feeding and caring for ' public 'n ew 'a nd used :parts for cars chicks after you purchase them. or truckl\.
THE EAVEY ·CO. Food for Victory
The Eavey ' Co., it takes, on ful,l , " . siguificance. They not- only insi,st , ' Map]~]awn Hatch~ry 1~ the. most upon prompt and court~ous s~r- scien,tiflc hatchery '111 thIS part of vi~e ' but they have pro~ided ,for the country.. Th'e y - produce o~.IY 'd -'-' th b t ' l'ty approved chicks that are profIt...t: ..... ers e. es. m qua. • able to. poultry, rail,e rs. . That Is They long ago determmed to see why their 'c hicks ate preferred by that their patrons received the thousands each year.. better quality which the customers ' demand ' these days: ' T~elr chicks Iqe ,Jll&tched by the T~er..eJ1 a great deal more to mOlt scientific - melihod. Proper the bunn8811 of conducting a temwholesale &TOCf!I'J' hOUle than the is taken int averace bualileuman undentiaDda. taken -are t ' h .....
agement ill evidenced by the tact that it has large assets. The -aafety of its methods is further evidenced by the fact that it loana exclusively on first mortgagea. They are specializing on 'farm loans with easy vayment plallL We take pleasure tn this VictOl'J' edition ,of pointing to tne Home Fed'e ral Savi1'lgs '& Loan AsS'D, -located at 4-6-*--Detroit,in Xenia as one of the concerns that baa been known as stron we re- .... liable and at the same t me a progressive financial firm. '
MAIN AUTO SUPPLY Everything for the Car When a l:ompany dealing in rul and also helps liuild the comr auto parts givea a 'community the \nunity greatness. ben efits Of a large and varied A visit to Main Auto Supply, stock of the best that the market' located at 46 W. Main street in • affords and places t hem on sale Xenia, is sufficient to , convince at the lowest price abtainable any- . anyone of the relative advantacea where, it is a real ~erv ice. I of 'dealing there. ' ,. Not an article on Main Aut.o They have a st~ck of auto parts, Supply shelvcs has bee n placed oils, greases, tirea and batteries there without a t horough inves- that represents the highut qualtigation of its merits by this con- ity the war market afford. an~ . cern. That is what we call con--have lelt nothing undone D their structive merchandising-the kind endeavor to. lIelve the public -and that makes any fl1'm more succeSS-I dealers feithfully. .'
If we did not have B firm of this. kind most of the used cars would have to be shipped to the other citic~ and the seller would not receive a price that compares favorably with the prices paid by Xenia Auto Wrecking Co.; the management is in the hands of a man who knows the business in which he is engaged from A to Z. We wish to compliment Xenia Auto Wrecking Co. upon their commendable policies and the valuable service they are rendering to national defense ' and all - out, with the ytar effort.
MAPl.ELAWN HATCHERY , Ohio Approved Chicks ,
Buy Your War Bonda Here
Home Federal Savings & Loan Associatio.n offers s up e ri 0 l' service' to the public and this is evidenced by the fact that ,their business has been more active than ever before. The object fOl' which the Home Federa] Savings &. Loan Associntlon was organi.z ed was to furn ish . a safe profitable, place for the saVlngs of.- the pubh~ ,and ~ use t hese savings to bUIld theIr ow.n homes and t? aid others to bUild and own theIr owrrirome . The wise policies of its lIlan-
BEAM FARM SUPPLY & HATCHERY Better Quality Chicks & Feed
- McDOWELL & TORRENCE ~ Complete Line of Builders ,Supplies
There ' isn't any question but that' The Eavey Co. in Xenia is an TARVIA-rLITHlC TAR AND important factor in the commerROAr; OIL. EXCAVA'MfO ~ial and busineBII life of thill sec- ' D~P 'TRU'OK SER.VICJI ti on as they are the fo remost READY' MIX CO~CRll.'T • . wholesale grocers thl-oughout this ft'l"I.~'1 section. The retailers have COJlle to know that they can' lIet from them the _ Phone WIPNvl!le 2911beat-lH-amls on the marJtet with the present war codifion!. ' PbODe No. I The word "Service" has ~een LebaDGil: Office PbOIie ''liE JDiaaaed of late but u applf~ to RdJdence 118 II '
1 ,
XENIA ABATrOIR Meat for Victory
One. of the many evidences of I top 'prices at all times and it will commerotal industry and progress, be well worth your while to get Xenia Abattoir in Xen ia, their prices before seW...· , Not only are their meat pro ducts The plant of th~s com.,any no~ popqlar in this locality but all over only passes, the rigid inBpection the entire country they are known of the various health department., for their excellent flavor and salu- put have their seal of 'appro'" tary qualities. and commendatiC;ID. ' \ In many cases they act as trade It is backed by a bu.lne~ man winners for the merchants handi- ,of keen inslgh~ and ability, ing for them. Smith Meat Market encourages every worthy . .nterand Smallwood Thrift-E Market in prise of the progreu' and II) thle Waynesville handles their beef. Victory review we ,are ple.d to" • Xenia Abattoir furnishes a mar- give Xenia Abattoir ' extend" ket for the farmers and stock rais- mention and commend ~em " upon ers of this community. They pay their reliable meat producta.
GENERAL MILLS INC. Service & Quality
Not only around Xenia, but all their line of , feeda to be ....._ of so to produce - strudy healthy chicks that will live and grow in- through this section General Mills ' and in ;great. dem . .~ 'Wh.. tile to money mak~rs ; , Inc. has come to be known as dis- best 8tt?ck feed .1a -~ , . . . tributors of feeds, highest quality economl~ their feW ........... Those interested in poultry of ' balanced rations for livestock the stock ~ee~~r tp -.ba.afIZ_ raising will find ~t ' is nO,t only in- and pquItry. ~ere is a great de- profit fro~ ,bis atoek:; ~ . terestlng but pro!lta~le to visit mand, by; those who are mak?ng 'During ~ tile time the ·Maplelawn. !latchery, locllted the greatest ilucceBB in 1!ais~ng Mills Inc., lOcated at on Route 4) Xenia, at Zimmerman,: profitable livestock for their feeds, man in Xenia, b.e Ohio. Let them shoW" you why . neu they have 'aUt chicks produced in their IIcientific The proper feed for ltvestock trade and I~ .. IIaf l1Janner ate more profi'table to the wbiclr'would be moat- aatlifactory name II PI'OkbiJo. poultry - raiser than any other haa been suggested by aclentitic amoq the ~~1Ift method. , ·research. Actual teat has shOWlltan
,Churches ~'I IV' wuR;~I:::~~. ERBOOk ,,,,,u,, ..•• d Z y.H'
U, ,. .
"'I1' ...· r
MI:~~~::~:s :rO~I~~W()1l Thomas and
LYTLE I toUl' It' k.
,·ur, .. ".tua .. "ht daugh tc r ,' Betty, entertained Mr,
~I ~•. II lie)'
~; ~N;IT,E~;~nl
<.:u, ....-;' ·urre.,luali".t
?li r . a nd Mrs. Hal'vey Burnet at- ond Mr . Wanen Howland and MI's. lat'ence Crawford and ATTEND ~ lim till'Ou -11 MI\I'ch 20 and retain old tended t heir Discussion Group ,son. ~ eai l , of West Ca!'ro\lton, to Mrs. TClm Runyun speJ\t Thursday. valu e' of , 5, 2 a ud 1 poi nts. Wednesday evening at the home dlnn I unday. ,with MI" Ilnd Mrs. F rank Keller \!.lo , ~uun~9I1u_e '1'_ , METHOD} T CBQIWH Mr. and Mrs. E ver tt ~al'ly .at- 'O f Lebanon. , . Boo k 4. ,Red tamps A , B " '1(\ of Mr. a nd Mrs. Lawrlence Furnas 'goo I i,hl'oll gh May ZO, worth II l'a1' Wnynesvillc. t ' nd ed the East Wayne OISCUS~I0!l !'rh. and Mrs. MOl'I'is L ewis and Q!q~st Louis C. IhuUey. l'astor MI'. a nd Mrs. Ev erott Ear ly and g l'oull held at the nome ~f QUincy SOliS, J en y Lee , K nnebh Willial'll, 10 poi nL ca ch. Red token and CJ;urch school at 9:30 a, m, Brown one-point stumps may be }lr. a nd Ml·S. Wilbur Clark n- Gons li nd da~lghtel', . l\1;ISS . AI.i ce, IV re dinnel' guests Sunday of Mr. , Worship service at 10:30 A. M. U ~'d a!! chlltl)re. j oy d the stat'eoptic views given lI eUl' Wayn eSVille, Fr.lt\ay e.ve llln g. IftId Ml'S. Jack Koes ter of Utica. SERVICES SUfilDAY , ,Subj ect: "The Aldersgate ExpeP ROCES ED FOOD - Book 4 by Mr. a nd ?ill-s. E. J . Carmony of M,'. and Mrs. ~ I aude Riggs of Mi ss Minnie: tawiord of DayMARCH 12 1944 rience and Begin,nings of Melhod- Green ta mp s K. Lan d M vali d : prin J.."'f ield a t the Friends Home Duyton were Friday afte r~lO o n ton spent the week-end with her ism." This is the first sermon in throu gh 1a rch 20 and l'etnin old T hursday ev ning-. Th ese pictures guests of 1\11'. and Mrs. Wilbur parcnts, Mr. and Mrs. Clare nce BIBLE SCHOOL a series of three se rmons on value' of , 6, 2 a nd 1 poin ts. w I'e tanekbthy so er lurk. I'8wf~l'd. "Met hodism." Book 4 Blue S t.lI IllPS AS, B8, , wlt/,e taken by their son, Lt. Ro~r. ~ nd Mrs, E. B. Lon~.ac re ,MI.. and MI's. Hiley Gibson spent 9:30 A. M. Youth Fellowship 7 p. m. DB and E va lid throu gh May 20, b I·t Carmony, in North Africa, c n tc l't?,l n ~d to d l nn ~l' at Our Saturday aftamoon with Mr. and - - -- - - - - Lente rr Prayer se rvi ce Wednes- wi th 10 p.oints each. Blue tokens Egypt and India. unday. Mrs. Harold Rogers of Bellbrook. MORNING SERVICE HOllse 111 Waynt! s v~lI e day at 7 :30 p. m. and Green one-point stamps may Mrs. William Stra ullamp of Day- Rov. and MI·s. O. E. Vice of Mason Mrs. Cluster haw of. near X-enia 11:00 A. 1\1. J . B J ones. . called on frie nds here last Thursbe , used as change. to n is visiting at the h,o me of her all(I M 1'. a n d M 1'8" ST. M.ARY'S EPISCOPAL ~.tr8 , !tal Pucket~ of ~~tl'OIt day. ' - -- .. -!. .. - - SUGAR- Book 4 staml1 30 d'aughter, Mrs. Ralp Jll Hammond, CnURCn ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berges and an'IVed Friday evelllng to VISit her (previously schedul d t o' xepi re and family . EVENING SERVICE March 3 1) good indefinitely for Mrs. Clarence Smit'h has been ill parents, Mr. and MI·s. Henry Iamlly of Beavertown spent SUIIRalph ParD, Minister In Charle 7:30 O'Clock Belcher. also ~r. llnd Mrs. Ralph day with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred five pounds. Stamp 40 valid for for the past t hree weeks. Cburch school at 9:45 a. m. Raymond Davis of' Dayton vis- Belcher and httl e daughter and Morgan and f amily. five pounds for home canning Momlna prayef and lermon 11 ;00 through Feb. 1945. YOU ARE Mr• . Robert Greene of Dayton ited Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Alfre~ Rasnake. SHOE8-8tamp No. 18 (1 pall') 18 Mo nday afternoon . The March meetmg of the w.o- spent Sunday afternoon with her •. m. ALWAYS WE~OME Quite a bit of Interest was man- man's Society of Lytle chl1rch Wal mother, Mr•. Lue Morg.an. ,ood lndefLnitely, No . 1 "airplane" at the home of Mrs. E. B, ir. and Mri. Raymond O. born held AT THE FERRI CHtlllCB or CHRIIT stamp In Book S' ~Od for 1 pair Ife.ted In the two w41ek. of meetIn gll at Lytle church, which closed Longacre on Wednesday· after- of Xenia call ed on Mr. and Mu. Herben Graham, Mlhta\et untU further noUce, WAYNESVILLE 11 00 n. lVII'S . lIlul'garet JohM had Emel'son DiU and son RQlph SunOASOLIN1!)-.A-l0 coUpOns "oed Friday ven illg"" ' Mr .C lyu Wharton was brought tho devotions. Mrs. Charles ~u~. day. CHURCH OF OH1U8T ror three gallons through March 21: from Miami Vaney hospital Tues9:30 a. m., Bible IIChool. nell ha d a pa pe; on St .. Patrick 11 Mrs. Everett Bunnell and daugh10.411 .. m.-Communlon. B-l and 0-1 s ~amps good [or two dny after a stay there of three Oll Y. The COlllmlttGe aSSistin g t?e ter 's spent Monday a f terno'ln and 1l:oo a. m.-8ermon. Dial 2111 - Wa7ft••• gallons unt il used , B-2 and C-2 good wee ks a nd und ergo ing a go itre hostess was: Mrs. Frank KudlS, ev ning with Mr. aud Mn , Harold MAX W. RANDALL, 'l:S~ p . b .--Pre.achini. [or nve gallons. operation. She is slowly recovel'ing l\II'H. Ed Bunnell a nd Mr . Charles Rogel's and Mrs. Emma Gibson of ·Minister FTOEL O~erlod 3 coupons at her home here . Bunn ull. Bellbrook. . Phone 2993 Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Jon es enler good now and through Marc.h 13 . Mr. and Mrs. Elv is 1\1 ich ial and NOTICE Of APPOINTMENT little g rundda u)rhtel', Beverly Fuir, ....~ U _ " _I ' _ I _ I _. "_ , ,,,- . , ,-,, , ~ .-"6First Day 1IChool, 9:3" a. m. coupons 4 and 5 becrune valId Feb, ta lned MI'. and Mrs. Th erle Jon es Admini stra tor culled on 1\11'. a nd M 1'8 . Eddie Meetlna for WorshIp, J '):30 a. m, 8 and elC!Plre September 30. All ha.ve an d so n, l\1iIton, and MI'. and Ml's. All tI Emrick t o di nner Satu l'd!lY :llarJatt and MI'. Bert Marlatt . Eu11l8B. value of 10 gallons for each unit. eveni ng, in honor of their son. E_t:.te of W. H. Allen, Deeeaoed Thul'sday (Jvening. harl ~ 8 J . ' Va ggo ne r llIllI h oen a pST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Not ice is hereby g iv en t hat STOVESConsu mer pur<;h(ls~s 01 Th erle's, birthday. pol.nled 10 ~ U C OIl (I lh o IOlO Charles FaYlet KramheIU, Priest S , J r",1 n lUI tru8te() or- the trust rutloned stOV( 5 IIIU"t be mil lie With MI'. and Mrs. Milo Miltenber 'e r Cli ffo rd H. HI'ace, whose Post OfCun'a s t up by th Into J. onlaas fico ad tlr e~ s Is Waynesville, Ohio , Maaa SundaY 9;00 1\0. m. Simonton. n ceJ'llClcale oblalned at :oclll war a nd children were dinner 'u cats has bel'li dulr a ppo in te d as Adill of Ric ha rd J. ~Uc hen o r hall Mrs. Bert Buuncll. COI'l C ' p"ll(1c li t II W"merl Sundn:; lit the h011l1! of M,·. IIl1d price ~tld I'UUonln g Qoards , min istl'U lol' with the will annexed WAYNESVILLE (;JlUaCH OF MI·s. Henry Watkin s near Wayne The wtJI ot LydIa Wrlghl was adMI'. and ' Mrs. Bann el' Stewart mItted to probato. of t he Estate of W. H. Allen, late spent Sunday with l'el,a tiv es. villc. CBBI8T CARD OF THANKS I n tho CSlate ot Julia E . Scsrs. MI'. and Mrs. Le:slie Gray and of Wanen County, Ohio, deceased. Mi s Audrey CI'awIord and MI'. In \,el1lol'y Rna npllrnlll III I1t fiI d. Itd&s BADc1aU. MinIster children visited M:r. and Mrs. Dated this 4th day of March. Leroy Shaw of Springfi eld spent We wi sh to thank our neighbors Claude Lewis in their new hom e , BlJIe School 9.30 a. m. Sunday with Mr. and Mr. Earl alld il'i ends for their kindness and on Ha rriett stree t -in Dayton, Sun- 1944. W.., AelI, ' Carda of Tbanb anc1 eommunlon 10:46 a. Ill. Crawford and doughters. RALPH H. CAREY, sy mpathy during the illness and day afternoon. OItIWarle. are charrec1 fer a' &be Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pfciffer Preachlni, 11 a. m. Judge of th e Pl'obute Court. and daughter spent Thursday dea th oi our beloved son and Miss Nina Pence closed her g rorate 01 ODe Gent a -rd. mloImum Young People'li meeting 6:30. brothel', Robert H. Furnas, Jr. cery here Saturday on account of Warre'l Co.unty , Ohio. evening with the former's mother CIbu,e ISO. A Want Ad IDMrte4 for Evening 'I ervice at 7 :30. Especially do we wish to thank ill health. who is ill. . Stanley & tan ley, Att'ys. &Iaree tImeI III cbarJed at Ie a word You are 1Jlv1tea to come and wor- ftir. J. C. McClure for his efficient Relatives fr om Bethany visiled Mr. and Mrs. Al len ~o l e were POD 'SALE - Watk1nI Product. at 1h1? with ua. rylees, Mr. Herbert GTI~ham and unday dinner gucElts of MI'. and unday at the home of M1'. and Mrs. I:;ester Gon ueh and daughFurnas 'for their consolMr. eth 28 N. Broadw.." Lebanon : Open MT. 1I0LLY M. E. C,.uaCH ter, Marie. ing words and Mr. 011(\ M,rs, Forest -evenlnp for your OOIl"emence . T. M. Sear", Minister The Ladi es A id met at the hElme Olen Lintner. PbOne a L. Mart'in for their message In song, of M.rs. ·Tschan last Thursday with ARE YOU TAKING /!( sundAy SchOOl 9 :30 a. m. E. A Mr. and Mrs. R()bel'~ Flll' nl.\ S a good crowd present. Dmhart, Supt. Oallers at the Bunnell home CHANCE ON LOSING Mrs. Jean Missildine Having sold my farm , I will offer at Public ale, on what is Evenlt\g I5ervlce, '1 :30 p.r _8L Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Walter YOUR RIGHT TO OPER__ _.. _ ..... ____________ _ _ _ _... __~~~.-.. ......~~ Furnas Benjamin known as the Kirb)7 road, 2 miles . W. of Way nesville, 1-2 mile off Acetylene or electrtc: Bee Bill Lee, Pfeiffer and daughter, Jane, Mr. 42, 7 miles N, E. of Lebanon, on AT£ A MOTOR VE. orndorf Road, B.. 3, Waynesville. and Mrs: Vaughn MuUen and son, Gary Lee, Mr. and .Mrs. Everett HICL ON THE PUBLIC .PaR. 8MJB - Personal Stationery. Bunnell a nd daughters, Mr. and HIGHWAYS? BEGINNING AT \0:30 SHARP , . , sheet. 01 BOOd bond paper, Mrs: Raymond Bunnell, Mr. and 2 HORSES--I gray mare, 6 'irs. old, goo (I one; 'l gray hol' e 12 Mrs. Burdette Sparks . Insure yourself alrainat .s.e'.. 1-~, wiUl 100 envelopes, CLAYTON H. CLARK a~nounees his candidacy for nomination yrs. old, good work.er Ilnywhere, both soun d to gentlej . this is an exaU IWith ume aDd addreaa 1m- of Commis8ioner of Warren County Inibject to tile action, of the Re- cePtionallr g90d team, ' damalre to property of PROBATE COURT pdnted, for tuo at the Oazette other. and death or in· publican Primary Hay 9, 1944. S Mq.CH CO'WS-1 fed cow 6 'irs, old, giving a good flow of Th n t t t l'h III f ~. Pbone 2143. • . II ra oecou n ° e w ° 01 a~e been a 'tiz d ta of W"rre Countv Io the mdk, 1 G~ernsev, " ,Ow 6 yrs. 4, 1 roam cow 4 )'f8. old" l J eney cow Thomae C. Kinney was flIed'. jUry claim•• See or call .... I h , CI..time, en an . xpayer .., Bo~rd II r 4 vril. old, 1 J er:e'f !lOW 3 vrs. ol~, 1 brindle. cow 3 yr8. old, 2 Guerns- 8 .. Wtatlelllaomt KBa'tlVe Olvdet,tacxt,8wcuatsorotrod'etrle'd I FOR RENT-Wallpaper Steamu. past"' 24 years, At this r am president of the ot<{ Trustees ~ f ~ ps. -old. These cows ar(l all giving a nice flow of milk ' to sell TrCllBury bonds. Will Ln.' St. John, Waynesville. of Harlan Township and am now serving my second term. I served on e¥ d,heifers ,.' 1 1 D b U1 ld . Arthur Bryant haJJ been QPpolnted , .' Phone 2706. 8-1-8 the School Board from 1931 to 1935 in Washington Township. I hAve jln nice C ean COWl!. + A-al'" u , p.o. ' to sucoeed . Harriett C. Spnuldlng I been active in supporting the war effort. . lMPLE;M~NT~~ w"gons, 1 'Troy wagon with flat top and side aJJ 8I~utor to tbe eetate.of Fredrlok ,,- d d h b d d I ,D . d sh 1 b d N' B . Spaulding. Georgo , P. Ootell, AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE ' FQR SAL E-uvo use ,o g coo s. ~Ei'(f"'(Jripss'1rn[aj'11{f\J"lT\1ml!ilrll:r,lnfl1!l'!'!berr..0;=;;a~r~si.'~g;i, 00:i:i,.;aslPrn~e'lw;r.';;, 'Dro'yVJJ wagoll In goo ape, grave e; ISCO J. B. Cofferty ond Donald Rouse ' eeLd;;':,+--""Y"im 'chairman of (he 11 rqanUl'e oultivlltor , Beemis tobacco setter, Ohver 0. ' " WA~ESVIL . LEo omo Also little red ' clover '~B:":: ,IT B d In the estate of Marianna May rs, . f h f th. e H orne Service Committee and eo-c h airman 0 t c "ar o,n 11 sulky breakjng plow, 1 Scotch clippe r breaking plow with Jointer, a l\ w es logol; administrator dls,b'"Ued sweet clover h ay an d a
Grqutdt 00£
Satisfactory Services
At All
~~lure ~unera1 ~ttntt
Are Vou Protected?
Public Auction
straw. Charles Kable, Spring drive of Harlan Township. Valley Ro.ute 1. Phone Bel~ . If nominated and elected, consider It an honor to be a brook 86096. 3-1 --~ .. - - -- .. servant of the taxpayers of Warren County. W ANTED TO BUY _ 600 liens. Will come and get them if you _ ,_ . _._ . _ . _ _(~ai! P~li!c:! ~d==)_ . _ , _ _ _ _ , __ have 60 or more. For sale-4 iron beds With springs, 12 chairs, 2 round tables, stands, dishes , kitchen utensil\!. Will Gustin, ~ , " WaynesviUe~o~e 2542. ~p WANTED _ At , Wm. Brenner Furniture Corp., Xenia, depend able ' men and women to learn the upholste.r y t rade. This ia • well paid trade with 52 JlA ")1 ' wU_ ~ut of the year employs lY.lenS YY ment. EXperience not necessary, I although it will help. Apply in
A II R eadv rc. 0 r ring wl·th the Most Cele'b,rated L' ". ' .• ,rne In 'ea r....
. FOR- SAL~ollle pups. C.E. Michener. Phone 2926. Route 2, W.~enille. ...-
Hart ' S ci , ai'mer' ,
Ci th $42 50 t $50 00 0 es • o.
Griffon Clotl.f,~ POULTRY-We pay highest price for rabbita, ducks, turkllys, fryers~ bens, roosters. Ginaven Poultry, W. Second and Bell- i I ·brook avenue, Xenia., Phone 1108. 4'x ,
REWAIRD-flO.OO reward given for return of Gas book stolen from ear. Lovely, Waynesville.
_____ ._1_
will be Ration James Phope 9.3x,
l_d_~ I;a
$32.50 up
Dobbs Hats , , , ..
$5.50 to $10
Manhattan Shirts F10rsheim Shoes ,
$2.50 ,t ?
$10.50 and $11.50
Briti.h Walkes Shoes
$ H .e·,
Hickok Belts
$1.00 ,u p
Beau-Brummel Ties
Cooper Und~wear
FO "
$3.95 up
Jarmf!n Shoes
$6.35 and $G.50
Mallory Hats
$S.CQ to $7.50
HOURS, 9 7 12 each morning
Any make or model Fred. Kahn Motor'Car Co.
IVV:~::!'E:d::~s'rROOD ••
~ -- -.;:
TERMS-CASH ~ T A NLEY & KOOGLER, Auctioneera " " . . , . . .. '" . ::iT. JOHN &: REASON, Clerka , . , ,' , , ., , , ' . " " " .,,'. , '. LUNCH BY LADIES OF WAYNESVILLE GRANGE - -- - -
McGregor Sweaters
I have pUlrchaaed Tbe Warn ••ville Fire Inaurance A.enc, of C. B. Jenkina and have mond' it to my office, comhinin.l it w tl h my ali.;ney. An,. one havin ••~)' fire Dr windatorm 10", insured in thia 'arene,., pleaoe call at our office on Mai. atreet, one-half aquare north of the traffic Ii.ht; or phone 2651' for prompt aenic!D' '
We carry a full atock of Field SeecIa Juat arrived a limited supply of OIL MEAL: COTTON SEED MEAL SOY BEAN MEAL & MEAT SCRAPS Anthracite Coal for your Brooder and ' range Miller'a -,Creek Stove Coal ., . . . .for the . ~
VVeatminster Hose
1-6 afternoons except Wednesday
7.'9 Saturday
60-too~h harrow, 5-s,!3gvel cultiYatOl', 1 14-tooth harrow culti vator mlt:erhe estate of Phillip Marconott . I Telephone ~1 Hoosier corn plant;er with fertilizer attachment in good shape, 9x7 ~e~w~~a~pp~r~a1:8~e~m~e~DEt8~0~r:d~er:e2d~.~~T~h~e~y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hoosier wheat drill urith fertil izer attachment.. land roller. Iiogl bunk aro, G. F . Brown, J. R. Law and ,. for 2 sows, 1 Deering mowing machine. good condition, 100 gal. hog fountain, hog feeders, hog troughs and steel slop baqel, 1 metal gasoline drum. Tobacco press, 1000 lb. Fairbank platform, scales in good shape, galvanized chicken coops, poultry netting, chicken feeders and water fountains, I)I[) ' white rock layini hens, 2 white rock roosters, 22 gal. steamer kettle, 1 corn car~ cutter, 1 5·barrel hogshead, harness for 2 horses, g:oodl as new, scoop shovel, ~orks, double trees, sledge hamm er, CI'OSS~cut saw, scythe, a xes, hoe, and other articles, post hole digger, ' 6 10-gal. :milch cans all in good condition, 4 milk buckets, 2 6-gal. cream buckets, 2 churns, 1 barrel, 1 dash stone churn, 2 strain ers, milk atil:rer and pads, 16 ft. ladder, 1 home made brooder, 1 lawn mower -in g ood shape, hay f ork, rope and pulleys. FEED-600 bu. of corn, 6 tons of oats hay, 2 tons of clover hay, few bales of straw, 4 bu. of good home grown little red elover seed. PHONE 326 HOUSEHOLD GOOD8-1 Home Comfort l'~n&,e in good condition, 1 kitchen cabinet, sideboard, 3 piece living i'oom suite good 8S new, 1 couch, 4 rockers" 1 dining room ~Ie , 6 leather bottom chairs, odd ' chairs, work table, 3 stands. 4 beds, 3 dressers, 8-day mantel clock, wash sta nd , foldinlg army cot, baby b~d and highchair, Perfection oil heater nearly new, rugs, linoleum, Majestic High-boy mdio, Drop head sewi:lg machi ne in good shape 75 lb. side icer white porcelain-lined . \ ice, b x, porch swing, porch glider, 2 table lamps, 3 f erns a nd stands,
45c tp $1.QO
WILBUR N. SEARS R.... Eatate - Insurance • Auctioneer WAYNESVILLE, OHIO PHON~- 26&1
. Other Evenings By .A ppointment ( \
Me Dorman's
or~ C. E. Wilkin 0.,..... E,. SpeelaU.t
1: . ... ~tSt.
X••I.. O.
'W e try at alltimea te) have in stock, '. everythin~
iD . '.
80,6,'8 ·Dairy· 'Whole..,,,,.. P••teuriz~ Dairy Products'
Milk For Your'
Dr. Dye Writes FJom. Ireland . The ~llowtng interestln~ letter waa received recelltlY by 1d'rs. HIlr· land F. Dye from her husband. the Lt. Dye is now s tationed in north· ern Ireland. The letter is as fol· 10Wl!:
Door Mru-y and Boys: .For some time now I have been going to write YOU folies about oome . of the CUBtoms and characterlst.1cs of people In England: partlCularly the rural cll18B, the smaJl towns whi.c h compare somew·h at with our 111 be Il108tly trom random own. It.. -wUbt 1U 80 no ..0 w ' skip arOund some· but will t t write f rom an ult 1 ry 0 c ura standpoint. with perhaps a -'---I ' I te.. vand s v ew thlI,,, a.n Sh talk.thrown in here a . ere. op so as to speak. The people I tound V""" -" serioUB, deeP thinkers and ata.rd workers.
n..... _u·
They were glad to ha.ve AmeJ1cans stop In to see them, showed me _ .., a bout th eir 1&nn6 an d were _we. ule.rlY proud of their Uvestock. One th1ng that impressed me in partie. ule.r W8B the apparent h18h degfte ot educatlau. The yauna people tallced as U they haq a lot of edu. cation, .w ben in reo.l1ty their ecbool. Ing had consisted 'With What is equal to our second year of ll1irh school. The people in town talked MtIIl a Uttle dl«erent accent than did the rural """'"le. r--.,. AU talk v_"Il'a8t aild It was dlfflCult at first to .... Uooeratand it la k eep up W lth ,w.eDl. not very far between and a.1so towns. Many of ~e small toW118 have large cathedral8, veJr1 , lalll': beauUful old bulldlnp. At one time a town waa Jud8eel for ·sIze. bJ the size 01 the catbedra.i it!Npported. I found in the small towna t.h&t veterinary servioe& were much far. ther advanced than were the med1-
~. anti 'Mrs--:--o&n Hurtnnan of Ca66town. Ohio. w1l1 ,be guests 01 Fanner's OTe.nge NQ. 13. at their meeting sQturday ~t at the local hall. The meeting will begin at 8:00 p. m. ~ • HW'tmaD 18 Grange !ru;ur. ance qent .for OhIo and' one Of the four speoIal deputies in the St8Jte . iMl's. Hurtman is Q member of the State Home EcbnCJm1cB committee. 8pecJal mUBlc is 'being planned . The Juvenile matzon wishes a large' wttendance Saturday iJl'~kt ..... as LetJ. anon 'Will be their guests . AU of. [leen; are Ul'I!ed to come and have their .... nArts memorized. Tbe Xenia JUveniles were or'...... .... nally ........ ~ .. eduled to attend t"' •..,- meetlng. but had to postipone their vls1t. GUESTS FROM OaGON OI.pt John . C . Dyer. lWlfe and dauehter, are guests of Mrs. LlllIa 1M. Dyer and Dr. Mary L . Cook . For the put 10 months. 06pt. Dyer baa been stat40ned at Camp AbbIot, Oregon. ~ Ma."'Ch 15 be began a. oouree ot. further t~ at Ft. Belvoir. Va., ~ Iwhich he e~ to cetum to Qwnp Abbot. Mrs; Dyer and ' daughter Will remain here during bJs absence. t8 REVEIVE OOMPEN8A.TlON IN ..-.uWD ___ & '&&&0 DISTRICT IN' .. _
There 1i'8II an av,·,..,ure _.- of ~Iw ~.WlemployeQ WOl1c.era per weett
I'f!(leived unemployment
1n the 'Bam1lton a~'" Warren .... . 00'''''''' .. ~ d ..... .......1'1 ... rv ac
......... - - ........... ..,..,._". • cord1ng to W . A. BetBcher. man· 88'U of the United States Employ· ment Service. Unemployment compenaatlon p&IyIDeIlta tor the month bere amounted to mSO.61, he said.
School News
- -' Mrs. N~ W. Powell (nee Mildred Cook) of Valparlso, Ind., Is at 'h ome Itor a. short visit. • • • '/Mr . and Mrs. ' Andrew Branden. burg aDd tWo chUdren. Loyis and J oyce of Dayton. were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Brand. ' enburg Sunday. • • , M I' . Ilnd Mrs. Holly Hathaway culcrt(1jncd 1'vIr. IlDd Mrs . Harvey .K . Hole IIond J eanie over the' week· end.
On -Wedne&daY,~rch 15. ~ sChool cook, Mrs. ¥aul. was absent, .so the Girls of. Home Econ~ omics class i prepared the ,school lunch. Their menu WIllI meat stew. f Qipple salAl.d, chooolate pudding and dougbnute. . The oth~'r Home Economics class, Cla&J LI. has oompleted the Htlme N«r~g oourse and are ,now rE6dy to begtii cooking. Commerelal Department Il'hree more commerclal students have received reoognltlon by the Gr~ company in >New York. Ruth AmbUlW and 'Betty Hart have rec!lived cerUIloates and their lIl8mes are now on our ..... .. ¥ p'n~ ..... bon. or roll. Th . ese girls are members of the Juruor' o .r der of ArtIst Typl_tS. .., Rlyllls Rlcltey was a.wnrtled a Gregg Sh.ortband Speed certificate for bavlng passed ·t he 100.Jword Transcription Test. • • • Junior C'--_ PlAy .,. April 6 is the date set for the J-Wlior class play. "Atta boy. Waltl" , tIn this fun escapade dalf.y-dlliy Walit gets ~ code sJ.gnn1s ana stuffed owJa all mixed. The play. was selected last week and the c,haraoters 61'e as follows: Walter Nelaari .•.....• Jack Crane BUIy Herbert ........ Bob Bernara Gordon Andrews .. JOhn Ludlngton Mr. Nelao . h . ...... Don Oharletl-:in Trlggcr 'Denlels .. Kenny Bradley ~Q_F ...... " IIIitlll Ph1lll~ ~· .... Ina G rubel' \P'eR.y Nelson . .. . . . Wilma. Surface Bhirley Nelson . R.uth Helen LeMay ....~ N 1~ ..... s. e~n ...... OJ'Uce ,R.eynolde The poem, "To An Alumnus." written by Raylyn cmbbe. a mt:m· ot.the Jumor class of lWQynes· ville '!Hl8h, was published In the ''ScbolasUc.'' a .national schOOl mai· azI.ne. Iti 10 as tollows:
·. .
Mrs.M Oharles ofMr. J and L Wllb Wllliams am eli own, rs . ur Wool· ard d t S d an son spen un ay at the h{.me of Mr. und Mr". R obel't Monger U
Uayton at Lhe hOln1> f h d ugh e 0 er a · ter, Mrs. F red Weller, and Mni. lJUcy Dines of Halnllton. Mrs . B eHy ,Messmore and Mrs.
~hlrley Hole or D:;y'ton are
(. " Jblned
of the RAF and A.AF are 'poundln, strategic war
ers in B~bl i'many without letup in the heaviest air assault. in I I !1J ~ , "" 'y. ' ng m 55 'on8 are expected to multiplv, both in
.: ,
. f ..., .. DCY inte~slty. 85 the 18n~8nd·lie8 invallion "nears: To ~. 1,000 f ··engme bombers over Germany requires 8 mlnimunl ..I ' :,tIOOjOOO lions of high octane gasoline and 60.000 galloll5 0 "Ii. In Enl nd. photo shows long trains of American·made tank rs filled ~lt,b American·made ,asoline. ·.
'l ub Hears Dayto~ Attorney To Officer Address Civic Club
-..0....... ?'
. •
' tol· ~.. th'e B'--v, '. ...... chester Church of ObI' t. was a vlBltor here at the home of )11s par· enUl. Mr . and Mrs. W. N, Sears. ·Thursday. • •Hally • Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway. John ."'--s.
1'1. . . ".....
Reported 1aBt week as seriously in action In tAle ltaUan figthting. IP!1c. Melvin H . Oaldn. 31, son of Mr. aDd Mrs. Frank .Datln 01 'Waynesville ~te One, bas suc· cumbed to bJs 1n:Iurlee; according to word received lrom the War De· partment. PIc. Dakin .is the ~1rSt soldier in the Waynesville .area , to be kiiled in action during World War II. He was 'WOunded February 12. >Before ente'rlng tflhe ~ on .P.prll 7. l!t42, PIc. Dakin wa.e em· . ployed at the CiresonJa Bridie Wo, k.:. at Lebanon. He waa a membel' <.!f the combat engineers &lid lancied In AIrica on November 7, 1943 He h -Io _ .... In • ...e inv-_ I"""'....... • of AI• I d later r ca, an the SlclUan and Dtali in I " . an vas on. Besides his parents, he Is survived by three bro..... -- .. ......". ""'-, "'..,.0, AJOM'''' .0 • Dakip of Camp Blanding. Fla., PIc. Herbert B. Dakin, bome on ave from Ohlco. oaHf . suard ~dron, and Glenn Daltln. of -'LebanOn; UId eight 8i.sters. 'I!Ilhi. Ernest N1IIoo, Mrs . Irvin 'MUlford, MR. Mllo Beale, Mrs . Oharlea etylea, all of Waynesville; Mrs . PaUl Al1DatrGoC. Mrs . Dick Brant and Mrs. Obalie. Young. of ·L ebanon. and ·K Ja DolOt hy Dakin. at home. LOCAL REPUBLICAN CLUB HOLDS MEETING AT MRS. J. B. CII4P1IIAN'8 WOWlded
. The Wayne TO'WDBhI.p R.epubllcul Women's !)lub held lit IllOIt intereltIng meeting on FrIday. March 10 at the home of Mm. J. B. a.pman . During the b~ ~ the following officers were el;IotIed: Mrs 6 8 E1llB t MIa • ' .• . . . , presIden;
Mrs. Harvey Hole and Jean called on Mr. and Mrs . Lester Kendrick treaaurer. -and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hole Mon,P lans were mac1e to send & deleAtty.. Pll11.1iJ O. Ebeling. a mem· dBy afternoon.. • • late to the State CODVentlon at corber or the Jaw film of Pickrel, Mrs. Charles Terrell and da.ugh. umbua on ~Aprtl :11. .
an~ l,A_""~
.f m
Mrs . D. D . Wll11atruiOn of Bluff· ton. Ohi.o, 15 spending the !Week with Mr . and Mrs . Herbert Gra· h um and ltlmlly of Ferry. Mrs. I Graham Is a daughter of Mrs. Wil. ll1llllll0n. •i\6 ',1' . · IIoll d M rs. GI Ibert Frye and S !lS . Mr. aild Mrs . Ea!'l Eamhart and oh1ldren were SundRj' dinner gues~ of Mr. a nd Mrs . A . H . Eamhait and sons.
, C1nes. OIIJie) Tbe1 Cor their 8&'e allDwecl cam. "mel!.' petrol DMDe (au- 011 at tbe N«tIl home MaiD Of 1l1'II. 1tIeet. E. VI. IblIfleld Played --~ buebalI games l ' ..... .. _ M .. ....., -.. Anct' 1lOW you"ve gonel t · _.......... --"-.... and , {lI'Of~ la well .le'ttered ' 011 n.dl8e pl'8Jent were: Mrs. P. U. a noon - . . - ~rs a,..... their ~. . . iJ.d(ay, Mm. Charles EllIs. Mls: You raced tbro''- ha.ll.s . ~1.11. ~ ·the' afternoon the Olvic club to be held M~ even\. For U1e most pa.rt the farma are Pred Hook, Mrs. J. E. Mc01ure, . _.. • you regular bUlllhelB eesslon was held lng at "Our House ." , . . Shouted. slainmed t:he doors _.... _ h h 01 ___ mnall, 1 IWOIlld Judge about e1xty 1MrII. Ma.Ynard Welt.!,~. Earl You helped our mighty teams k> ..,....." w Ic a,rence R.ye . gu.ve a M!r, £'AICUng was national presl· acres. Very few owned their own iOonner. !Mr8. William SaWyer. Mrs. ralse their scores', talk on the special topic which was. dent 01 the Un'ted Stirtes Junior ""-1 -..~ ....... ..._ W11llam J3tza-_ You~d dauced with some "Should ... - ...... Bha.re I·... dunng the farms. but pald rent 1n money or . '.__ ...."e-vD, uuc !&' .. IUler n ",.e rf'-_-' "'.......b er 0t ""'-VVI .....erce kind or both. However. there rwere cler.!MrB. &obert Gray. W'e. JoIePh' girl who waa yours, Social Security, Program?" year 1938.1939 and at prllSent is a a few ~ {IU1IlS, on wh1ch wu SUW. KnI. LeRoy Moran. Mrs, K. And' 1lhe guest ~WIr for the aIur· d1rectX>r of tihe 'United States Cham· found a large brick center houB1ng A. Pwkel'lOD. and ,t he bo8t.aI>. you ve gone! noon was Ma.rk Ashbaugh, ch1ef ber of Commerce. WashingtOn ·D . Da.1nty retre.hmentB were served "To annquate _ that's all I 88k" probation oMcer In the Domestic O. He is president of the Dayton Bar ProJect In ,which (our or tive (am. iUea llved. Each femilY had a par_ dU1'1rl& the aoc1al bour. :you sid: RelQltlons 00Urt of Dayton, and he Association. as well as a director at ,tlon 01 the farm to work. Bema are CO-Ol"EltATIVE ASSOCIATION 'IboIe ~ when ~ . o~ 'W8B Sldte In a III06t interestln8' man- the Dayton Chamber of Commerce. small unlesa they do a )at ·of 4&1ry. BOLDS .-.n.rnAL ~G oonstant ~. nero OIl the problems 'o f this court. Dayton YMOA, and others. lng. more of them belntr Uke our An"'''' _.an. 9Jme way (a: cloD't knOW how) .you which was follqwed by an. intomUll '!4r. EbeUng's topic wID be "New sheds. The were neaUr blpt, 'W1lUam ~--;.d; was ~ . rot ahead. d.1aouB81cn. 01.lelltB of the. club were: Era or New Error?" It will co~lst the fields are small. dlvtcled by president and JOM ~ vice And IOOW you'Ve gonel Mr. and !4n. Mark Ashba\l&h. of about 'lour major problems which smart 'looking hedge mwB. The p-ea14ent at the annual meet1ntr of Mrs. ' J. E. J4i::Clure. Mrs. J. L. we lla.ve to solve In the near future hed8IeB are US\.llWly holl,y. much lID the w.iren 00. Parm·Burea.u 00- The .tlde rolls on•.1.18 fleetness never Mendenhall.! W'i llIam Ma.ckensen in order to have a new era. The our 0hdIItmaa holly. There 111 no qMIr6Uve""'tion 1Ibe annual tamed, and Paul Tomllillsml.. addl'ell8 is expected to be at prime . • 'l' . ........ 1 b .... It.-.......~... d In.. _...... _...... larg W8llte land. eVeJr1 bU, of it 1II 1n meeting ~y ~ Orange ADd your 8IJCOIl8SOrs put aside your ' .....e c u ' W",", U""". wi",... Mr. an ....,rao • .'"uu 11. e attenadnce 18 t ,-Mrs Roscoe -.--- in A-•.., ·ted Ipl'oducts. or the moe . ~ .the!!011 hal,l, Lebanon. wm. · La.na'hCInIt. J. . . ..._......, ' '1"'" expec. la ve"" It 0. un...... . -- A.•" tertl1e. Needlea8 to _.. __ "" ___... Everett RWl)'Iln, C. D. But th.ey'll give way to mlnbrs yet PRAYQ MEE1.1ING FOR BOYS WELL KNOWN UCTlONEER •. _all "-"ed '!'he .......tures-In "".... __. 8 _u_ " WIDIIDled ... ...,. .""..... • . r....~........ 8. _ _ are cW'ector8, AND GI&LS IN SERVICE! AT DIES AT SPRINGBORO BOME IOOd the year around. and it Sa and Balpb Hdam 19*8 apln apAnd 11heyI'l1 be aonel 'J,()()AL CIIl1RCH OF CBlUST _._...... "'" ... ~_ number of ._. ....tie ...-t po'~""; .--"'iiPI~+-::====--=""""-.o-rvices f or .... ""- m.... .. AI L . 81mpson, .. _ .... _ ..... WIC ........ ...." " " 18 11181D81eJ'. u GU""'-' 0'"" _ ... anrw.... -:-__ . "" C6ll be ;razed on lit ffJW acres. A 11143 tot&1ed $306.678.58. ...,.0 .... ..,..".......... . f 'All the parent.,to( the community 58,' 8Jn1ngboro 'villilge ma.l'Bha1 and little ha.yo is put up each year, and MSTDN STAR . ~ .wJi'o <have boys clr'girls in ,t he armed C,\e8!'Creek twp. trustee. who <lied at tt Ie all stacked, or 88 they call it, TO ELBCT SUPEBVlSOR8 . Several l;Ilemben; or the Ilastern ,forces are tD;v1tled to > attend the bis home In Spl'1n8boro Monday af. ""00. 8AT1JBI)AY, ... _'ow 1 . .... ......-... Star were' Pests of Prankl1n chap- mid-week pr'aye1' IfICrvlees each ter a. year's Illness. were conducted _......... . The prInciple crops _........... Electlon 'ct "Iv..... .......J'\'k)OI'B for tile tar on ThW'8day evening and . were Wednesday' eveni ll8 at '1:30 o'clock ThUl'Bday ....... _ are b po. . S ...... " in the Unglesby residence t bar Ie y. ----e"'. ~. Wamm Oounty Soil Oonservatton very dell8btfully entertalned. Those ' at the WllIynesvllle Ohurch of Christ in .,,,u.gOOro at 2:30 o'clock wl.th t atoes. whea, and sugar beets. '!bere DIstrdct be .h eld Saturday. April Pl'8Jent were:' Mr. and Mis. Elver. tl,iocoiding: to Max Randall •• pastor. burial In the Springboro cemetery. 18 very Uttle ICOrn raised. 'Ibll pate.- 1• ~ Mr. Simpson was well known In "",,,,",,,,n. 1 p. m. a nd ...• p. m. eLt Early. 1IIr. and Mm. Rosa Row. Nm. Wednesday evenln& Mr. toe is most extensively ra1sed"and at the follOWing .places: land. !4nI , J. B. Jones. Mr. Ilnd RaI,ldall wID speak on the subject. thlB vicInity as an auctioneer. IVery good crops are the rule. Judg. Prankl1n. OoDoyer's Hardware 'Mrs. H. ·B . 1!larnhart. Mrs. J t hn "Can a SOldler :Be & Qhrlatlan?" / . Survivors are the wld~. one ·son, ~ from what W80II told I would store; ILebanon, Court Hauae audi. iFromm, Mm. Stanley Ba.ilty, Mrs. ,,- ._. - Pvt. Herma-n SImpson. Who was say that abOUt ~ bushels to the . J. J. BurKe, Mm. W. E. strOUd, DAYTON GlBtl ENGAGED called h<*Ile from Oceanside. 'Calif., . tortum; Waynesville. Township TO LOn ..... 'SOLDI"'" acre 'Was I/o fair croll' They are Mrs. D. iR. eoilth, iMl's . Bertie "..... .,- and two Ib rothers. WlllIa.m Simpson &tJ.8e; Morrow, Town hall; Maaon. IJtored in tempolWY cellars which EV~8 Pann studio. Mills, Mrs. E. P. Eamhart, Mm. '!4r. and .Mrs. John D: Weaver ot· SprIngboro and JOhn Slmpeon are made in the .fields by dining a . _ _ _ _-.:._ Vern Alm1tap. Mrs. L . O. St. of D&¥ton are announcing the en':': ct i!4Iddletown. shal1'ow t.rench about' atx:teet WIde.. WOMEN~$ qt.UB MEETS .19hn, and Mrsl Glenn Bland. gagement of t~elr. niece. Miss Edlta!. WOMAN'S- AUXILIARY potatoes are dumped in, then the r' Everson, to P.fc . \ William A. 1i4ggs. ..It....oJ ROME ON FUBLOUGB BOLDS MABCII MEETING ,t ._ . ... _ , up over the ... _ .... 'lbe, Pl'oIP'eI8lve WOIllen's - club eon of ,M r. ' _nd " Mrs. Ellsworth dir .., ...."'"'U ~ ... _ I have seen . ..... ....e&8 tre"', 8t1_. no ..... a beld. lte Marc'h meet1nB at the club StIlt. Harold - .Anderson of ,..., ... ~ ,B1WS. of 00tIW1n. . The Won""nls 1Aux1l.ltarY of the . ' room on TIleec1&f' even~ng at 7:30 p . ~~ .,.. C£ty. block long. Drainage 18 providPolk. La., Ie enjoylng .a kn.da.y fur. Re. BlggB is sta1toll1!Cl in ·WaBh- St. Mary's church held their regt.d alan&' akle of the mounds, if not, m . PJa.ns ftre made for the AprIl lou4rh with b1a parents and b1a ,wl!e lngtOn. D. O., 'It PrEsent. The. wed. ular MarCh meeting at- the rectory due to the p-eat amount at rain t.be . ~d IIa¥ meeUD8i. here. Sgt. and Mrs. ,AnderSon and .ding 'l8 scbeduled- ,to ~ place In on Friday with Mrs. Ralph l'arks creon would ·spoll. Most '~ the wom . ...-~ The Len t en program. .. ~G ON !lID STREET Mr. and MrI. Oharles AndetBoD ' June. ' as ~.......,...,. Sa done by band labor, elIICePt the were ~~ &Ue.Q of Charles An. ' iW88 in ~ of Mrs. iParIts. wltih sortlnB. In th1a operation tileJ l'IIn cSereoa in ........ ~._. . INJUBBD IN AOOIDENT the devotions In charge of ·R ev. . ' . . !Mr. aDd MD. Ernest Hartsock """....,UD ·,the potatoes over a revolvinlr WIre are now oocupyq their bome on . 'lbe relilUvell ct., Mrs., Harold Parks. The group adjourned to .....'.. tbe, -DU~ - > I 00- f-'It ............b. ..... .. - an. ·v'I'T .......... HIP _ ..,.,.... .......... th ......... O. Lee .0410" t %--ke in . . . . . . . . . ...... ~ "l'hJ.rid. . street wbJab tIley recently . ...... &..,-.u .M eredith· have lWord of her very se;. .. lOUD net _ ...... ,M. _ a I""" trac........ · .t.·~rll. During ..... e 80Cial hour ·.. _.n. .. jI ........ ---~ IL..... _·D""" .....' purcbaeed d. Mr. and ¥n. Char1ea !M1aa Jeeale 'CJarner of Beech rlous 'lndurlea received in· an a.uto ~ ''''1< ..-uoo" but .on ' ttI.8 mOit . borsea ,'are I-..~ ... ·Grov,t. Suffered . deUcloUs re~esbmen.· were . ~mach1neI .........r. Mr. ·and Mrs. Bauer~" a hlp t.racture ~oc Ident ...... ....en she well enroll te an':' ... •...... used.. The .threshlng . . are. f8m07 ,tave moved to ..a farm IOUIth Id1en abe tell on the lc(i 'a t her from OOlumIJus to her h,o me at served . nm bY steam engbe}:, ~ the ot town. IlcJIM Tti~. of last weeX:' 6be Lttna. ~he la .cl~lned at the ' h~s· DINNER GUESTS . IItnIIVf Is then ~aled 6~ sold, most . ~ at BlaIr .~p1t.al in . Lebanon. Pita! at Kenton. Ohlo,'With a crush...; 'Of ~ belng used to make paper; a1. -.GINNING INSPECTIO~8 ... _ n.._ ' ed pel... · ·bone Mr. and Mrs. Carl Conard. 90ll thQugh sure ,tlley 'p~ , tb8 ' -...:. . ~ -.-ouer la, Beech Grove. ·cor· .... .. ~ , _ - - - . . fCll' .:...:.. .... __ ......·_-tte ,,--- - and daughter, Mr. and iMI'II. D. R. llcarseat of it In mat~"S JIIdlnS ' lire., KlDoIe B. Pnlmm, DeputJ --..---......... ~ .. ........, • WOUNDED IN AcrION . • Smith, Mrs. H. F .. Dye and sOna _ (rem eome % have uaed. Tbe.wbeat OraDd II&~ OI'der of......m· .......DD IN IIIJsom'cl were Monday evening dlnner sue!PtB . here nOw .. up about ,two. 4lch(L t!tat, ~ W~, . . ataItecl Pvt. V1r811 ~; h~nd (Jf of!Mr$. IJlllan Crane . On Tuesda,~ e.nd lIt:U&!ell BlJI'OUts. eeem IIu InIpecUon wur the cb&pten and lin. Obarlea WaWna, Vlr81nla PbUlre ' and SOD of Mr. Mrs. crone bad as II r pestB, Mr. CO crow' the fear' arouDd. &Del of ~ lit 41atr1c,t 21. A t"" ...... bi.w Mrs.' oar,. . 'l'bIlmae and ~ and lire. PlIJptre, of nearland lin. JGhn TwIner and daugb· latter I WOUld IDOt care If I DeVer bleD made UId~· wIll!MJ¥ 'lJ:allu ~ a ~t at the bome 811 el1ghtly tor, ~ar()l Kay. Mr . .a.ud Mrs . K. R. . . uot.ber. a..r beeta Me a Ills tbe1r..uat -on ..., D, LeeBlNI'I of Mr. ~ 11m. 1D wounded in the Italian BID, Mia Viril lnJa BI:1Ckburn and (00DUiWe4 OIl 1.- ,..., ~ .1114 ......... Apdl It. a. IaIII, Mo., over. :week4ld • .",...,...,. on ' . . Zol& 8tJ1cler,
.tog several days "his week ' with their ·m other. Mrs. Ha.lly HathawIllY.
= : : 1 ~~:: MRS. Eo SCOFIELD ~STE8S To 4D 41umnus sets. In ieneral the Enlllah people TO y. F. W. SEWING CLUB You laug.hed and raised the roof
and burst the -,,have very poor teetat. Midwives deThe 'V olunteer for Victory club "-.D, nver pracUcally all 01 tbe b.bsee. met and enjoyed their evening of Threw grimy paper·wads in the ~d do a lot of preecrlbtnc-of medi. eewing. ~r ' 'lbuhdaY evenini study halls.
Mrs . Del:o Venable reW·m ed Fri· day after >Jpendlnu th e week 1n
Local Soldier Dies Of Wounds
m 1"lor1cia.
pla,DDed by
~. Obapnu -
iMri. LeO CoIiiIer . and dCuahtera erPjoJed. 'Ibe club bU . were amo~' tate cuesta at a.~. have two meeUop to be JoIday parby on Saturday when Mrs . • lowed by ~ meettDlil 'm UIit falL J06eph Ranalll enterlalne(! in bon.. AU lntereeted lIadiea are iIi~t..ecl to or of her b by daughter·s f1r8t attend .t!he aeoond meetlna 1IbAcb birthday. - -:---:--:-_ _ _ _-!_lwlnul)-lbeDIL.llfheld Aprll l' atJbe bome Mr. and Mr;. 'Deibert Eckert of of Mrs. D:rl BoceU. Dayton 'Were Sunda.y· dinner gue6tl; of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Terrell. . MEETING OF MAS8IE
Mrs. MelViu Banta 01 Loveland was the Sunday nl&'ht and Monday '!be Illnglng of "8c:baol~~ guest of her parents, Mr. and 1I4rB. stanted the Youns Peqpae'. prOp .... John Fromm . Pfc. Banta is now nt MaBsle G,range Monda,y~. &ervlng with the mllltar,y 'forces ov- Jacit Reynolds save "AdQje >to & erseas. F1re8hman." ~ o~ ~ IMrS. D. R~ ~~bUry ana her by' ~er Lukena".~ I.tOu Moon; James and Jaelt:n.e,noJc1a .f ather. W. E. Cornell, have' return· old Hanah ioU--eel. ." .' ~" ed after 8J)e'Ilding several daY~ with James iReynolds ...ve 'a _ A I.... )k and Mrs Wllliam MiChener . .Plturourgh Pa. .'T~ youc sweetheart and. family In • ~ , .d • . ,. to drive." They ReyDaIdI~ . '. IM1ss AlIme Colter of Dayton was 'tang. "M8ssJe WUl 8h1De'l'oallbt." ,the week·end guest W _4 Mr. and Mrs. The cJoslng 'WU . !'V .. _ ' -'"11'
• • • 'M rs. Doris Hawke. Mrs. cardie Ce.rt1well. Deane H&wke and Mrs . Art QUvert of OInclnnati. 'Were Sunda.y gues18 of Mr. and Mrs. C. 1.00 Ha.wlte.. •
• • 'Mr. ana Mrs. ID on Hwwke l14'e now occupying the Alva Hartsock property on P1fth street.
,I .
' .
The nellit event 1or~ tI:¥t .~ ', wlll be a blrUbday aup.,..'Iw1~bII'IIl. de.y1'~ .f.. _w .. ...... " • tIQI ~.-."" ...- 4 01' ,, __ Ittee ·_ ..1.... .!.... ..n..!... oftl. ... """"'.u • ..., ..... ~A M~-, ·Albert ~D--M"" , -.:.a. ' w.~.~ ....., , - - - .......
~ ~ ,',,~ I. ~
----.;. .. .... .
MABRlA.GE LlCBNSI!l8 · ·, .
CharleS R. ~th, 23, Welder• . •· Spring Valley. and Ruth Bale, 21• Mr. and Mrs. Olaude Barnette wa.1tre118. Lebanon. .: . are now enjoying their new home R. Archer BdleOIn, '.k., 18; v.' 8. Which they. recently completed near NaV¥. !R.klhzrulIld. Va., ~ ....... IBel.lbrook. Jean Nocn.~, JUDlor ""'n...~ • • • Lebumn. , ~ ' . 'Mr. and Mrs. Milton 8heeha.1l' of Centerville -were Th,,_"a., guests of ~..... a .....' " ' - A H .......... '" -'D. • • """'_>Oft" ..,..... ... _ •• •
Dr. and Mrs. A. E . stout and
daughter ')Vere Sunda.y evening gue&tB at Mr. ana 'M rs. M. A. PIll· kerton lind, daughter. • • • Mrs. Bode was a week· end
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. lanham of Salem, W. Va . •
bent ~, England. IN SBlPSINKlNG iMrB. Doris Stroud at ·!.eI)anon• Jm8 received word that· her bUII!:iand, 8&". Harold Stroud wu .Of!- board • ship sunk !while en : route to ~. .laDeS; but IWILII reecued after m bourII .noat' on a raft WIth aeveral otber lurvlvors. __II now in \1iiCUa.
LYTLE .. ~ v ..... " •••• elr.. O'u•• P ........ . 8IDOI Kaftlh II Red era. month ~ 18 urpcl tc;, live ~ to . . . INM CIMII6 'Wtlm tbelOllCltors aaU 'IIJCII' 'l'be alopn 11 "give _ _ wbiat ·JOU have given before." '. ID'. and Yh. Set.h Furnas entertatDe4 tbe ~ Farmtn' club 'lb~ lot their ootUltl'Y btme on Social RoW. IO'a arl Mendenhall and Utt.le daulhter of !Waukegan, 01.. are vis, tUDe bel' p!.1'1lnta, Mr. and Mrs, GUY Routzahn, and MisS Betty and Ruseell. Mr, and M)'s, Everett Early, Mr. and , ~ RO&I Rowla.nd and Mrs J. B , Jones Joined other ofJcers of the Eaatem star of WayneBvWe at
Jl'nmklln ThW'lldalY even.1ng when a 111endsh lp meeth.!: WtlS held at o E. S . .pvt. r.forrls Wharton retu:rned to Camp polk, Ln.. Thursday, af ter being c8Jled here on 8.OOOunt of t he seriOUS Illness and operation of ll.\s mother, Mrs . Clyde Wharton, who 1s now slowlY linprovlng Bt her home here. Rev. Ora E . Vice of MRSon was
dinner g uest Wednesday n.t th e home of Mr, and Mrs. Walte r Ken-
rick . Mr, and Mrs. WUbur Clark spen t Friday In DnytoQ,
Mr. and Mrs , H6rvey Burnet win celebrate their golden wedding 1Ulnlversary next Sunday a.ftemool1.
Waynesville :prug Store
Murch '19. with hO~ll f 0 11 . to 5. Mrs. Mal1!IU'81r Joh ns a~l: . l( ct I Wayne Township Rep\I'bllcR.ll WelU~n's club n~ ' tJle llome l\trs. J ,. B. Chapm n at W'n),llesvute l"rl<:. lly af.ternoon. Ever ett Clark and son, Dickey, 0; Dayton, spent Sund BY Itu·n .;On witl\ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark. Mrs. M a l'gul'e~ J Ohn..; r,pent SWI' day wlt.h Mr. and Mrs . Amos cOOk near Waynesville. Mrs. A. E. Wh.i te of Columbus was a week- end guest of he r sist r , Mrs . Kesler Grah~ and h lll>ba nd Mr . and Mrs. Harvey B urne t a ~ tended the funeral of A. D , S Locker , a director of Llle Miami Valley CO-Op, 'at Greenville, Sunday atternoon,
L tt
T Th Ed· t
Mr, ud Mrs;, KflI;ler Grahnn and Rbben Hnlul16 and lions of Dayton, wtl5 wonderfltl how much they ~ 1 Ot could ,lIay In that .spe.ce Q,n d how t il 1T 11 t. ,iJ~S, A. E . Wll lt.!, 'werc were ' sunday venlng dinner guests . Editorof The Miami OuzeLre : well they' said It . ell~[lrtalned t o dlnner Wlday eve- 01 Mr. and Mrs. Wa lter Kenrick. 'Mrs. Clyde~ Wha!:,1tlll1 w1I;h(!S to - It b -l1!ter estlng to have so many Our local pa.per.-1!t a good plEC _ :lIng .at Lhe J:lc1ITle of Sltt . lUJd Mr . R6 ber\; Slhcy ' III P ll Lo~ l , In honor th 11k the fr3.en ds ot " ~e, Center- lel1ters to the editor cOming In. I to air our Ide'88, It 18 good ror ;; f Mr. IUld Mrs., GrahlU1l·s . wedctln~ ville, Franklln, w a.Y nesvllle and , like them and hope they will con- I to practice lJutting them down <> I oll nlversary. F elTY Jor the cards sent during her tln~8 but I think It would be more paper a nd there Is a kick to seeing . d r . a Ld Mr'S. J . 11. · TWil l! nd 6t~.\' a t Miami VaJey h ospital. .Also Interesting if you reqll~sWct your how they look in print . lit helps \ s I 1ll.1ly Of Frankli n wu Sunday a f- Lyt l Suilday school for ~he beautl- writers to make t heir le~te)'s shorter , I' to thin\{ more clearly. So I h~ p ) . • t 1..100n gue;,ts of Mr. and 1'vll's. Wll- iful potted plant, not more ' than abou t two h undred ~h Y' will keep them coming. bIll' Foulks . MI'. and Mrs . Don Neighbors and friends were Sorry vords, except In speCia l cases /iuch Yours for mOle but shorter I tPo\1I&, a nd ba by daughter of Har- to lear,n of the death of Mrs . Jane 11 5 letters from overseas. The b st veysbur g we re eyen.1ng guesLS. Nightengale last week at the home group of letters I ever saw pub- ters, A READER . Mr. and MI'S . Therle Jones. MI'. of he r ~nu ghtc r, Mrs. Ewing Stumm Iished were printed some yoors ago 1 nnd Mrs. Lo\\rell .TholllnS and Mr . on Route 73 .• in the Coun try Home. They 001led Advertising Keep~ Old Customers (l.!ld Mrs. Hal'Old Whitaker werc Mr. and Mrs. 'R alph Hammond en lertalned to a party SCI turdny entertained 'n m ml,ber of friends at them postcards and· restricted th e
e ers
evening at thE! h ome of Mr. an d In, . Tom B u:rLon at F erry. Cards w er~ t.h c diversion of lhe evening. Mr . !U1d l\i[rs. Thomas Colllns, Ch arles Collints and Mr. and Mrs.
n part at Lytle Hall Batu:rday eve- length to one hundred words. It ning in honor of th e former 's birthday. D B Cing was th e .diversion of U16 evening, Mr, and Mrs. Harold ~Itaker ~ t ,12 6 S. Main St., Frunklin, attended a banq)let of~ _ the Farm Is Oll e Of Th e Most Popular Bureau at Lebanon Monday evenThelllrc!; in All the Surrounding Ing, Co nducts at Lytle a P opu la l' Com muniti es . . . Very ComfQrtSunday evening cUnner guests of Farm cr' H I' ad q ull l'te l' ~, F ea lurab le , a nd Equipped Wi bh SonoM r . and Mrs. Guy Rou tzahn and ing An Ex cell('nt Se rv ice In zon ' Ail' Purificr . . . F eaturing Loca te d on S. Syca mo t· , L cL- FIlI'me l' in The Districl 'hou ld B chlldl' n and Mrs, Earl M nden!hIlU Fa),111 Su ppli es, F ' ed , GI'ain , Hay, The La lest i!rodu ctioIlR, Well Seanon, Is Organized By Farme l''; A ' ustol1lcr Here . . . You Ca n ...vere: Mr, and Mrs . Frank B rown, t.ra w, a lt, V-C Fer ti li ze r, oal I('ct £'d Picture ', Favlll'ite StIlI'S and Fe ncin g . . , oW III Tho Time lind Con trQ lle d By F armcrs . . . Buy Wi th o nfid cnce . . ,' P clrol- Mrs , >Dollie Hl'c r and daugh ter and To Luy ]n YOU I' lIppli e. Fo r Giv in)!' Wholeso me Relnxat ion To Our BUfiY Workel's . . . Under Repre ent s the Model'll Iden of Miss Mildred Boitnott of Tlpp City. pri nK . .. T'I. ('ntcrvi\lc 70 15 The Popu la r Di t'cC ion Of Mnr t in ~ Co-opuration Among P roducers To c um ' P roducts DelivcrclT R.::gu lurly Mr. a nd Mrs, Ha rvey Bunlet, Mr, Babe r .. . Ph one 260, Buy Collective ly Il nd Sccure The ustom Gri ndin g and Mixing and Mrs Harold Whitaker, Mrs, J, a nd Waynesville 2!J6 1. Advantages of Eco nomical Dis- S ~ rv i c~ ' . . . Under The ,apa bl£' B . J ones. Mrs. Wilbur Foulks e.11d t ri butio n . . . Feature Qun lity IJIl'I'ctlOn o f Ralp h Ilobson, !\'Iun- I Wolter Clark attended the Mla.ml Fe w if a ny grain and f(' (!d deu lS(,lIw ll'oth'l;I Ohi u Tlwatre lias Far m Bu rcu u Prouu cls . . . Every tt)!l'r Pho n e 35 5 ' _ _ ____. _. . , " . Valley Co-opem tton Milk Producers ' rs have att nincd a greater prom- take n its pill ce in lhe social and in ence in this locali ty than is educlltionnl world of th is part of s;'seeiatioJ1 at the Y .'W .C.A . nudl- uwar ucd this p pu lal' hou: c . l he ~ l ll l c a ncl hu 't h 'n:nc an inTh e fa ct t hat so l111\ny ways Thl' Y buy mate l'ials dircct [ 1'0 111 t rilim in Dayton, Tuesday. Main tu in in g an up-lo-d atc ~lab ~L i t lili o tl ill I I; lifl' 0 1' thl:! peo ple are be i nK uevise!! for more econ- the f a ct 'ie 5 at pricc!; that IIt·C lishment for til nccommodnti 11 I hat is p r o vin ~ b'encJici nl to l he omi cal distribu tion of ItIc I'chandise g iv n for qU llntity pllrcha 'c al\d of t hepub lic, t his progressive young, old on d middle·aged , ass ures on that t h rc halS bcen g il l-edge e u tom ers . Th eil' lal'~e f h'm has an enviab le r('ctll'<1 for It is oll e of t hE! t ru ly popu lar som ething rudically wrong wiLh bu. iness enablcs th ctll lo lake t he fil iI' pric es and good qualily, tiwulrcs of th i" se 'Uon and Leour methods of di t ri bu tion, and 10 \ est shipping clulI'ge in cOl'load They f ea t ure a fine line of cause o f lh o hig-h class producthat t here was too mu ch spread lols and t heil' overh cad being ' f ecds fo1' poultry alld liv estock ti on!; ~ h o wn , it njoys II large pa between cost and produc t ion and s mall in compar ison with th e lurge nnd have suppl emont feeds com- lronaj:\'c, not onl y fl'o m i ts home the ultimate cost to the consumer. busin '55, they ure able to pass th BreaO"''llY at !Warren in Lebanou posed of the n ccc ~: Iry lIu l rienls l'ity, !Ju t ~l!1 til ' s UI'l'ollllding t orTh e Farm Burea u Co-op mtive is sa ving on t o th eir customer. solving t his IlI'oblem in the counHcre, yo u are able lo get yo ur Are A Great Factor In Keepin, Our fo r th e best li ve~ tock , l'hl'Y a rc l'i tOI'Y· Offerin g hig h cluss feature ty and has n very large busi ncs '. aulo insura nce, life in.surance, fil' '' TrllJ\Sportatlon RnUin~ By Tbelr helpi ng tu mak ' Old Glory prou d Ralph Hobson Is managcr and il1Hul'llnce, se l3ds, feed s, fe l'tiI iz!!I', Expert Service In Tire Recapping of your ou tput this yea r, Consul t. photo play, whi ch include in thcir hi s organizing. abil ity is dem on - fence, fl y-spray, disinfectant, lind Repalrln~ , , , 24 Hour Service l hem f or infol'll1n tioll f or incr as- {,list the wodd's g rea tes t stars. , I 'an lind whol esome pI'oductions, s trated in the succe ss of the in- binder twine, tires, tubes, elec- By Appointment . .' , 12 Hour On ed pro d uc t ion, Theil' deli very ser vice ill n f 'a- it cun readily be seen· that this B1tuatlon over the county. 1 tric applia nces, oils, g roases, Vulcanlzing,lIave Line Grade I tu re that mol; 's thi in: ti tu tiol1 a t h atl'e is maintaining its s ucce ~s . The farmer is th e prod ucer of painls, a nd have yo u)' ustom New Ti;es , , • Larre Quantity New desirubl, one wit h whom to do ,],h ~ !!l'ats are comrortal>1e, t he the nation, whe n it comes to t hc ),! rinuing' ana mi xing-J done . They Tractor TIres. Occu""ce Wheel Balnecessiti es of t he table a nd t hes deliver petroleum products reg- ancing_ E. M . .Gross, Prop. Tel. !lOs bu9inesi', n: nil ol'Cl e r~ ure filled Ll 'co ust ics BrC g ood, the atmospl·om ptly. T hey g-ivoe an nccom mo- phcr e is comfortabl e bccause of are the pI1me requlslres ot exis- ularly. datin g ser vic . I1nd 32. t he Sonozone Air Purifier, parkt en ce. There is no que ·t ion but They al·c. whil solving mnny Th ey have built u p th eiI' bu i- ing is conve nient, all appointments that th e f a rmer ha s becn churged problems for t he fal·mer., doing through stt'aigh tforwl1l'd are mod el'il, the management . is Thc Gross Service Station Is a ness t oo much f or g oo us in l'etUl'n f or u g l'oat sel'vi,ce t o OUI' cou nt ry in business methods nnd always fa · courteous and account for thcir his crops. The Farm Bu reau Co- the pr omotion f or in creased f ood popular stopping place ,l or auto vor ad va ncement a nd progress, evel' g l'owing patronage. Operative a re meeting th is prob- p)'o duction by thei)' current offe l" and truck owners for new tires, relem and ' addi ng to th jJro 'peri ty i ll ~ of hea vy fee d oats a nd gove rn- treads and tire service. 88 they offer of the farnl ers e( t he count y, ll1 () nt f ee d ~beat. one of the most. complete services In this part ot the 9Quntry. Th Y' are headquarters lor recapHome Dressed ping. The tire ' industrY Is rapidly dhaoglng and In th~ not distant fu,t ure ~~ stations W11l be maJt1ng With Modern Plant and Retail Local Chann els • , , Offer Meats their awn tires. This recap 1a an Market At Waynesville Are For 'fable At Economical Prices ~~~ : , approoch tto this · development. It KnowlI AllOver This District for , , , Serve Our Community In A bI made from the 'beat of nibber Their Excellent Quality Meats, Double Capacity . . ' . Greatly Aid- ' We serve in accordaJlce with the wi.he. of the in ~ In Maintaining A High Stanobtainable and put through molds that make a tread that 'Will stand Steaks, Chops and Meat Sp ecial- dm d In Quality And Quantity family--and have the facilitiea to conduct a up on 'the road. All,-I8~l'OJIoePl~AJl.-+;;<ti~ es~,. . • Extensive Buyers Of . . . Tel. Plant 2872. Retail Marcanlzed and you will find the re- Stock Of Good Quality Through ket 2062.
Semelroth'. Ohio Theatre
Everett Early
Farm Bureau Co-Op4erative
On South Main, Waynesville. Is A Center In The Drug, Sundry , and Specialty Trade AI They Have A Modern Department Drug Store. Featuring Quality Products , , . Prelcription D~ partment
Is Well Recomme nd ed . . . Sto r e Always Reliable . . . Regis teI'e!l Pharmacist Always in Charge , Sanitary and Popular Soda Fou n· tin . . . Te l. 2121.
The Waynesville Drug Store is partment in propri etary medicines. a center of much tr~de activity carrying everything in the ,i lne. , al tJ!ey maintain a high standard The soda fountan is a placc to of effic~ncy and feature a super- meet your friends for they seI've ior quality of products, the best obtainable in ice cream , The prellcription department' il soft drinks and fountain special s. a feature of the IItore and aU preIn accord with the times, t hey acription. brought bere are ably will send you anything you decompounded by regi8tered pharm- s ire by parcel post. This store is aciata. who ulle only the best of right here at home and you can, drup and materials. depend upon theil' serVice, The No matter what medicine you I rural route, mail and telephone may read about in any paper. and this store form a circle that der any name. you can get it here, gives complete drug store service for ' they coudu~t a complete de- even to your bedside.
Waynesville Farmers Exchange At Wayne8ville Are a Real Farmer'a Headquarters As They Feature An' Extensive Service In Grain. Feed. Flour, Seed. S.alt, Cement. Fence. Tile, Coal,.. Feed. For Poultry and Livestock
, O£fc'r The I.I·owers The Highest Market Priccs For Grain s und Will Exchange F ' cds For Wheat . . . A Great FactoI' In Our Food Production Prog ram With Quality Seeds . . . Tel. 2871.
The Waynesville Farmers Exchange t. one of the mOlt active tnIdiDc c:\enfIeD tor fannauppl1eB, grain and w}teat and for the miD- ing of feedl in thill lection of Ohio. ' They alao do custom· r.inding and farmera have found t at they can get their grain cUltom ground at this mil.. .0 tliey can re.ceive from them the highest return at the leut expense. - The, are authorities on f~d.. JIG . . . . ,...,... It llII & feed tID make the chicken. lay. the , COWl Jive milk. the cattle or hOgB fat
do the work. you can sec.ure the ,proper kind here as d \ey make a scientific study of the feed problems of the day and have f eeds that suit every PUI·pose., Every farmer s'hould occa sionally have a talk with them and keep up on the latest in f eeds, With the coming of Spring their Place takes on added activity as people are prep~ring f or planting. "Food Fight8 For Freedom," so the~ au:e right in the van fbr Increa~ed lood production with toeir s(l rv ice. in quality !leeds . They are familiar with local conditions and 8&siSL y.ou In m.a.kJ.ng selection.
Gross Sunoco Service Station
Coyle's Meats ,
in the Home, Funeral Home or Church.
East Orchard Home f)ABl' ~
ROME ayprpoert .Loeate4' a& _ So. MecbaDlc St., lAban.... II ODe or &he Lead.lnC' N~ IIDmea In Tbb Pari 01 The /, (JeaD&a7 For Aie4 &Dd Convaleacent <JU.. Needinc IteR Treabneut . •• 'Wl&h or ,WlUUI1I& ~n4_&e . Nane In' A&teDduIce. " • All Modern Con-
No extra charge for funeralS in the Funeral Home. , We endeavor to render the highest type of fqneral service a nd a deep ense of responsibility is felt' by us when the care of your loved ones is placed in our hands,
venll!noetJ •.• Hilve A DeU,btful Location With Pleaaant S~und lngs a.nel E,ery Ad,antqe For Rapid ~overy • , , A Rea& Home or IIIgh Standards and Passed By Rigid State Inspectlon_ Under The Competent Direction of Mrs. HeSter C. carr . , . Ttl. 390.
N. Main St.
'lbe enVironment 1a pleasant. The 'll1e li\J ;t Orchard Home Is more &re comfo*'lJle, newly, t88te- than a rest home. lIB they have pa'euJl;F and CheellfullY' decorated and t1ents tram 'all ,over the sta te. aU COIIlItorta and omlvenlenoes that It is admlra,bly located where tlbe lJat1eDta desire are suppl1ed. there Is sunshL!le. mOdern con vnnElderlY couples may llhare the same lences, attractive furnlShll" gs, gfY.:d room If tber 80 desire. ventilating, h eatin.g an d sanitary ar'lbe mOdern ltltchen is In the I angements a nd e\'erYIhi ' 11<',V lS banda C1l an able cook who prepares added 88 soon as It Is out ulhi I. as the c1eUcloua and nutritious food. oeen. approved by the supervising Specla1 dieta a.nd doctor's specln- medLcal a.utl)orltles. It is In a b : r I . ()Qtlona are ce.re1ul1y followed at all tty wihere there is ,n ever enough Um& nOise to 'bother the sick, yet close It h88 e,. high I'IIItIng amoog people enough to town. so th8lt relatives and in IJI"Otesa1onal circles and and friellds of patients can call ofumo~ hospital' authorities It Ls rat- I ten without great inconvenience. eel a.I a tlrst claM rest home. There The mast Orcbard Home careli tor I • 1a no question tha.t U one Is Blet aged and convalescent cases and I and wants to recover quickly, gol.ng has. the best and most modern I to 8UCh & \home BB this is no mII- equipment. ,. nurse is In e.ttenda.ru:e . take. at all times.
Tel. 2291
capped tires lwill give eXcellent satIsraction. Truck owners, too, have f ound this service 18 a great economy and is 'wel~ by I1l!\ny owners of tl1ucks and CjU'S. . They have a large llne of Grade I new tb:es In all popular sizes. 80 take ' your ration certificates th.ere for quick, eftlclent service. They also feature wheel balancIng which is aA:lCurate and scientific, You will Se.ve money and "keep your balance" by h,a '1ng your wheels checked ocacslonally.
I• '
~~ ---
Jno. O'Donnell
Phone 2818
Way.ne.ville, Ohio
O'DONMl:liL A&' oe Eo M~, Lebanon, Of,_ a Complete &enlce ,In Real EI~t.e Brolerap ••• Bu Cub BlIJftn .... Town ....perty. FanDa
aDd Ji1nancln&' • • • Af'rIU1IeS Lo<&ns
To Facilitate TrauactloDiL Phone or Write BIDi U You Dave Property FOl' Sale ••• 18Z-B or 3M-a.
W~~~~~~~~~~r ,
and Ccrantl'1 ..omes • • • Appraisals
Jno. O'Donnell orfer'll a COIJII1l'e- s~ !with prot1t blowing him , heMin Mlrvtce in real eatate aDd 18 to be lmpart1a1 a.nd oonsclenUous, noted for his kem tDaiCht into tuit ~u are contemplating selling WI'e' con~tloDa and 1a teUab1e In your place a.nil want what it is ft)'. , j He Is considered by cOJ;npetent worth, it will paY' you to consult Jud\11e8 .. & D;I&Il of na.tive good Judtf- 'With 1h1m,' or, It you have some ment COUPled with a, famWarl~ money which you rw1ah to Invest !WIth local candltions and vakle8, safely. you wiD f1ncl he hBB on hla a.IdDI t~ an Ideal . aaenc:v wtttl l1ata 'acme very &ttr&ctlve buys. ~ny I~' aI¥t coUn.try places wbca to u.t. or throuan wMln to '"'" 01' aeU. B1I lIIUnp are wlde are changing handa and ,h e is In a UUI ftried. COft'I1na .. 1aqe DUm- ,position to secure mUCh ot ehe ___ f1l properUea are flnane1ne and 11 able to locate pe0load bulL <JIIIat. _ act. CD biI ple upon ' vel')' aclvllJltaa~ terms,
- -
charges, ']'hey use local labor in the plant and shop and while they ~ e ll much locally. y et this is only II small P!lrt of t heil' business. Many hi ~h class I lal'1, .. ts ( ~ e p'end upon ' thenl for th 'il' \Il eat:; and meat. specialti es, Loc.!1 people hould demand their products of their stores, as it aids local in- ' dustry. and helps in keeping money in local ci~,culation. They ure thOI'oughly conversant with wholesa,le business condilions and the various probl ems in meat rationing and keeping our Reople supplied with good meats and esse ntial protein foods !l uring these busy war tim es, as well as lending lheir valuable itS- sistance to the governl1le nt t o kee p l he I1IRI·ket of s upply and cl emanu on an, e V 1l 1l balanee,
I i
..,-Coyle's wholesale Meat Packing Plant and Reta il Market is one of ,our most valued in stitutions and has a large patt'o nnge ~ll over this part of thc state, where their beef, pork, veal, ~ m o ke d mea ts, sausage and lard are meeting with public approval. They offer the farmers an excelltmt market for li~es toek and each year on account of their exten sive business, are compelled to buy thousands of dollars worth in. the community, It is incumbent upon t he farm ers to engage more and more in the raising of . fine stock, as t h ey offer them a market right at th eir vel'y door and pay the highest market prices, There is no greater incentive to farming than the knowledge that a l1larket is waiting rig ht at home whe re one does not havc to bother with s hipping and pay shipping
WAN ,T ED By The Wm. Brenner Furniture Co~. " TJ:te orily tblngdiatillerB have been makL ( ·ring that .time is War-alcohol for I • :arce these daya. I don't . - 8DJWher, GpverDmmt. So. J wasn't 81,U'Pnsed a 1. I ear as much as ,I could IIelL.. ,'\.o ~ bow bootJegglng and black market "With the,wargOmlon,P'rImk. 'IIfIv8 got , bave JPI'UDI ~~ the co~try a s to expect those thing&. It', true of lumries . res~toftbed . gsupply. Our 13 yee just as i~ is of necesitieL Take witJIkey. of prohibition I1rOftd that if folks can't r ior example. There', a nIllbortqa In that. legal whiskey, they'll_ illieitwhiskey.S, J t ' S to be expected when you tbere hope the Ihori:.ap dOeaD~ last too long. :' " ..:- ' t been a drop of It diati11ecl In this hate to eee this COUDtr1 tumeii over to " h ' 7 c:. :-~ w<!y~bac'k)n October•. 1942. boo~~again.'· ';vrry Judge, my shipment of suspenders
~ lil1 hasn't come in. Somearticles,aremighty
I;>ependable MElli 'and WOMEN who want to le~rn uphola,t ering.
I '
t, 1
Xenia's Fastest (;rowing Industry , Best working c,o ndition. with Rapid A,dvance-
ment in.-'on';! ~f ~the bjah~t paid employment. . ..-
tra~ at ,..ar ~d .
11- ClaIDJI7 ..... ~ ....... 111&
'l'IIU1U;DAY, MAIi.<JR Ie. stU.
myoId neighbor, Mrs. Marquardt, to You hear them SlIy, "My husband Is the broody coop. The · raln we had Harveysburg Fertilizer ,her rest.ing 'Place besl!1e her Joe. i~ the nnvy. " Peo~!e hW'I'ying alon~ was a crop-S!lver: Now I.f we can Wlt.hout him lHe had been very the street with brl f cases or big Only have 11. few 'mol'e days to get . PhoDe 21U . WatDeay1lle, O~o Main street hard for ber and when bllndn~s envelopes aud thM income t x. look the garden plowed we could plant i - ':It d at Ha),'Yeysburg Arc Governmont and Fro'm .the RI!Ki.~. i ve Purchasers of 'fallow, due Make Tankage ' Which Is In' I:IUerId ItA BecoDd Clall Mall Matter at POstofllce. WaynesvUle, Ohio rome only hel' devotloll U, 1:larry on their faces. It Is .11. 'good .thing. our earl~' pota toeS, peas, lettuce and and h.Is kindness 'to her kep~ her For so long people have ttuugh t, onions efore the ' ena of the month. ' a 'e, Bones, Hi<!cs, Calf Eikins, Grea L D!lI~ a'nq by Fa'rmers anll How otten; I have hean!' ner ':Oh the gQvel'Omcm Will J>Jy lor It." If YOU plant early , medium and 1 til' Pl'lts, and Dead Stock . . . Pay alive. Walter W. Wiseman, Editor and Publisher Excellent say, "1 thought I heard: some one Pel'haps n ow they wUl realize that peas at the same time you get some- Tn'p PriceH . . . I ' an Ins titution S.to ck Crowers .rick Up and Delivery Service, .. tl'Y~n g to get In last night and I 'Was govel'nment spend:Lng com out of thing of a succe.'>Slon and s tlll plant That Aids In Turning Waste ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY In to U sefu l Products 'f el. Wayn esvill e 2804 . Under 'the· P"oducts frightened but I asked God to pro- our own pockets. We are wlUing to thcin early enough to do well, for ... Th ey Tu)')) In The Fats to the Able Direction of Gail Gordon. Bublcrtptlon PrIce, $1 .50 Per Year. Payable in Advance tect us and he did," Now .we can pay to win the war and taxes l\l' e lat e planted peas do not thrive 'ln emly feel that ~hls Is HI.s answer to the Ibest 'way but government Wliste this locality. One thing Is certain, I her many prayers. and waste of gove rnment materials must get my chicken fence put lip It is e n~i n enLly fitt in g ami pro- risk for they take every sani tary Sa turda,y. The deeper '1 go into a.nd equipment can only be stcpped If I am going to have 11 'garden for P C I' in these days' when the govern- precaution in th e coll-ecting and yo u can not raise ,cJuckens nnd garfarm accounts the more I reI when those Who handle U1em frcm the NttleMlIiIIoarW .10". . . .:&.1....... ment is urgi ng th e con servatio n of around the plan t. Ii yo u will leleto the bottom t.hlnk " Ow den on the same piece of growld. gret that I mJssed the man wt.o I the top our resources, espec ia lly tho'e . Eooh job as It comes along re- formerl y co nsid er ed waste mater-' phone them at their expense they comes every year from the ~~ te I money bought thIs" or "My wife at s..w.g AIMrIce'. AcI¥.~ • Hom. Town N.wsp.p.... University to ·help us wi th our ac- Ilome is earning money to pay for minds us of yOU boys who did these illl, that we d irect your aUen tioJt will come promptly and they will counts . 'Dhese problems of depreclll.- I this." This Is not a matter of poll- things fo r so long. Chicks make me tua firm lhllt is devole d entirely pay you top prices for dead stock .. w.......... - c:w..,. '," • ••• u : _. • ~'IW9.. s... FraJOCiaco. CtI. in calle you arc unfoltunate 0 tion of bulldlngs so old that they tlCli,lt a.liwaY$ has been that way and thlnk of the mnn~ chicks Johnny b! t his impol·tant work. Th Harv eys hur ~ Fer t ili ze r hlive some di e. must be fully depreclatcd ' but still I will untU everyone reaUzcs that gov- a nd .r raised ~ther and spring They render out Lhe fats a nd are being used are ,too much for me. I cr,. men t money Is our money, not In plowlng make., Us wIsh Albert was Plant is II vcry e ffici nt olle and is of great econ om ic vulue to our grea ses which t hey turn ov er to Our school :,hould 'have a complete the scnse that we aU ought to get here to help and the la.ne needs Onrl community , the government and the residue is course In filling out blanks and more of It but lil the sense that It LO haul thc gravel and oth er boys Th e burial of d ead stock is u ll made into feed tanka !~e which is 'lburBdBy, March 9, 19~ . '11le the oold wind blows. The chicks are questlonnalr~ and especially in - comes o ut of our pockets and ought Who get this paper can fill those wl'ong, II . it. s(J I'eacl s di~ e a se offered at rellsonable prices, and 'M an:h Uon baa roared all week. It tJu1v1ng. They get their cod Uver come tax bll\nkB. to be spent mane ea'l'efully. When s paces with other names and other >l mong'st lives tock an d . ill many find s a wi de and ready sale in thi s hal 'been cold with the kind of 'Wind oil and as long as ·they . have a Monday. Everyone Is tax con- vhe tllX paye rs demand economy jobs and know that we are thinking states, laws have been pa'sed pl'O- arel'. Th eir tankag e is of hi /!'h that seeps Into ever.y: comer of the warm place to run to they do not Eclous. T he llnes in front of the In - theoy will get It. about you . The jobs get done but hi bitin g thi s old cu ~tom . 'l' he meth- nutritive value a nd is a quali ty hoUle In spite of double w1ndoWB, need such a hot house, 10 ,fact it Is ternal Revenue o~lce in lDa.yton Is wednesday. I ncome t-1 X dead Hnc we will b e glad wh n aliI' job is done orl s ' of thi s firm el imina te all this feed. The brooder hoUle would haVe been e&.5ler to control ,t he temperature In extended hal! way down the block. 3nd .m.ne is ready for the mail. Now and you can come home to help us very cola if It bad not been for an cold weather than It Is In Wam!. All sorts and kinds, wlUte, black, the track is clear for spring work again wi th the every day spring olel bed' IJPread, an old lIhower bath In these war da-YlI the knowledge men, women. all with their papere and today feels like It. MOl'e and work tn a world at pen.ce. curtaln and some newspapers over of dooth In Its m06t cruel foclIl:! Is In their hands and R worrled look more birds are calling. The grass Is the windows aDd door. My W1ndows forced upon us lfIrom every newsFord Tractors and Wh eel- ess Implements' were in bad oondltlon t h1a yea.r but .p aper and radio but sometimes It on their faces. Lots of young women fairly ~een. I gathered 'u p thrcc 1natead of gett1na new glass sub- comes as the . merctlul ending to a . but not nearly so many young men. cluoks last night and put them In atltute, I tacked muslln over them. long llfe thlllt God must have InFlnth ll sias tie At Lov l'land A!'e Felltu !'in~ The prn U !l PlI l'chasc'},s which woliEa very well !When tended it to be. Today we followed At the Fair Grounds, WlImlngton, r. nt (! ~ i F ord T ml'lo r Ferguson (h,' ,· Th~ ir F i ne Pedo .·ma n ce . . . Feature ales of 1I0gs' Every Week System . . . Distinc tly New In S ,·ttl' !' nrop In OcclIsionally As . . . Hogs Bou&,ht Dally . . . Auc- Farm Tra cto rs, Huil t Arou nd , a They H ave T hem As Fn ~ t as They 'Paten ted F r atul'c Kn own ~ Th e Are Relen. ed. . Get Descriptive tion Sales Ev~ry Monday . . , No Hyd1'll uli c Un it . . . l-I n ~ 'l'lIk n Lil n aLll r c . . . Ph onr L ovela n d . Pny The Hi ghe~ t l\Iark el Pri' 'S. S to()k lIeJd Over . . . See Them To ww otter &t P\j)Uc ,Auction. our PWm Chattels, at residence, located mlle At West Second and Bellbrook Tako Th Ollllt l'Y By Storlll . . . ' um- 505 1. Them III, You Will Get the Soutlb or OeotervWe, on State Route 48: at 10:00 o'olock A. M . , on Ave., Xenia Are Furnishing A ash and Alw uys a Squure Deal... Sto ck Your Farm As AU Can Be Fine Sm'vice By Offering An Ex- Aiding In Our Vi ctory Program Relied Upon To Be As Represented. The re is no firlll whi h i1< doing nlio n. cell ent Market For Rabbits, Ducks, For Increased Food' Production. Have MQ,ny Customers Who Know ilIOn! . in fillin g n m\l~h IH'c cl 'd Th pl'e a rc other t:lings about They WlU Receive A Square Deal, 17 'BEAD OF OA'ITL!!l (Pullollloodecf Ouernseys)--4 ~dld mllk Turkeys, Fryer s, Hens, Roosters. Phone 1103. coynI, frean, With second! calVED, 3 milk cows, Cllrry1ng second calves, to Whetber Selling or Buylng . . . pl a~e in fa r m life. in t hi s se'c ti on of I l h new Pard Tractor with Fergu!reahen eoon. 3 hel.fers. 3 steers. Thts Is an outs!.lndlug l)el'd of catUe . Under Direction Of F. L . Conklin OhIO than . HowlIl'd A uta ~I cs of so n syst In or hydraulically conLnvr la nd III t.he sales oI the New t ro ll ud wheel-I 'ss implements that 120 HiEM> OF HOGS tlDouble Immunedl-20 pure bred 0. 1. O. sows, . . Tel. 22'11. In the distl'ibution of all k inds fal'ming intel'e' ls of a ll the surF ord Tractor F I'gllso n System I"i ll 9maz you . Go in and get the With larIe utters•• weeks old. 100 sboa"ts, wt. 100 lbs: down. an41 Ford Wh eel-less Tm p l e ment ~ . tl(. ('I'ipt ive lite rature. . 2 HEAD OF BORSES-(Jray Gelding, 6 }'Cf\1'S old. OTay Mare, 7 years of poultry, there is no one wh& rou nding t erri to l'y, for ther e is is re nde ring a better se rvice th.lln no greater in centive to in tensive The Wilmington Livestock 00. 014, Very 800d stoat. The Ford T1'!Ictol' stem is Mil!1Y pl'obl ms that confront Th ' Ginaven Poul. t ry r.farket in . P'f1ED.-...AOO bu.or com.Some oats.20ton6, more or le5.3, or m1xed hay. farmi n g than the knowledge that specIalize lJlI hog/! and are depended something ne w us far a s fUl' m l t he farm er s will be settled by t he upon by many fanners to keep them tractors go, bi ng built arou nd a ! Ford Tractor Ferguson System PAIRiMlJlNG ~l.-In . Little GeniuS breaking plow, large Xenia. a reliable cash market is so close They oIfer the farlll ers an exMlOC..:JleeJ1nc d.I.sc, 9 A. oulUpaolter. Supnme oom plkmt.er. (ert1llzer a.tsuppl1ed or to furnisb a lively mar- pll te nteil f ea tu re kn own us the .as it is an insb'ument that can be t.MlbmeDt, 'MOOOrmklk mower, New Idea spreader, wood roller. 12 disc . . cellent market for I'abb its, ducks, at hand. Hydra ulic Uni t. Th· Tractor CUI'- use d on both large a nd small Th ey Ilre modernly qui pped ket when they wa.nt to sell. roos te l's , fr yers, M,oCoI'Jl)Jdt Wheat drtll with power Wt, practically new, corll C\DUvator, tUI keys; hens ries the uni t, t hereby givi11 g the farms . Vast acreages can be t illed Their sales every Monday have 3 wacona With fiat. top, ~e tooth harrow, dra.gs. gaTden plow8, ~ovels und beca use of theil' large \lusi- to hand le a large t1'ade, and arc as ea sily as could the garden in traet!on to thc r Cll r whuels. hoes. 1000, chains, Iilnele and d()\j)le trees, sieb of blacksmith tools. ness th ey furni . It a ll excell ent op- serving -the community well in Ibccome events in the stock ra1slng WI th the New Ford Tractor, the olden dllY of the sickle, the V\1rtOua other items. Tbese 1mp~1S are in splendid! condition . portunity. fol' t he prouuc l'S to furni hing a I:narket where b.u¥- circles of this section of the state FllI'g uson Syst em, you waste no s pade und the boe. Quantity proHO~ ' OOQD6-EBtate clreulatlng heater, 011 stove, 0IIIk bed- find a ready !'<ale so conveni ently ers can secure th eir upplies. By and people are in attendancie from room sulu" m8hotJ8ll), bed, ~ 8Ild <ira>wers, matltress and springs. 2 Iron located and wl1e re th y ca n get their efficien't methods of dis- far and near. Peopl~ have. lear,ned ti me in milkin g the lengthy imple- cluction of farm products can be mc nt chang eov 1'8 . For .F m·guson protl uced by thi s new tractor. It bedS, old bed,' marble top dremIer, ohalrs, 3 corner dherry cuPboard, d1n1ng the cash wi thout de lay. This tri'bution they al'c greatly aiding table and ohalra. bliffet. iIa8e door _~: IUtCben cabinet, upright market is a great , a sset to the in keepi ng OUlI' people well (d. that if they want to sell th ey get a wheel-less impl !l1cnts, incilluing solv es at one and the same time large crowd of 'buyers and If they th' ro w cu ltivator, may b e at- both la'b or and cost problems. Ita plano, _!nut oaee, tv.'O l3KI6 rusa, 1IlCl2 velvet rug, 2 l"OClters, leather chalr want to buy, they h ave a. large va- tach ed by one man in less tha'n a r esults are more potent than all porab 1IW1n4r. g1RFIOln.s, Jan. ~ laot.ems, leather ooucb, library table, tables. ' riety from whiCh to make a eelec- min ute wi t hout the u sc of too ls, t he speeches of the many, who . ~ Obore.Boy :I-unit m1lker, bWo , 10-gal. Fron t and r ear-wh ee l tl'ead ad- claim to have a pana()ea that will tlon. ~ c:ana, 8t1'alner8, 2 bu1lcherinlr tebtles, lard press, eta. j ustments are a lso a simple opel'- bl' ing the rural millenium.Th~ are thorOUg'bly conVe!'sant ~ IDea, brkBtW, etc. At 2!G W, Main, WUmin(ton, Are ant.. M~ Equipment &0 Conduct Iwllib tI:le p'ropoil1tlon of the marketFuneral Dlreeton iWho . Otter a' Fu.nraIa Anyw'h ere. Have 1Jr- Ing of stock · and provide ample f1i.'Thoarhfut Snnpatbetic and 011111- CondlUon8cl A1l11buJance With Fluid cWttes tor the rapidly eJCp&.ndLng market caused by war conditions 'IbIa Ja ope or .the best auotions or stock and implement.<; in this tied Funeral Directing Servic~ • • • Drive. Which Assures Comfortable And WID AnSWer Your Cau at Any BJdJ~ and Even Temperature •.. and the fa.me of Wilmington as a. seotaoD tdlla year! 'Plaoe where the quoJ1tyJ and stand, , ~, Hour Day or Night •• , Lady As!!lst- Tel. 2323. }o' . T. MA!R'IlN a.nd O. E. RIlI!BAIU, AucUoneers. Pbone&-01/fice: IU)Qms ard Df stock Is high, the prtces a r e . . d b t. he th ch WIth Phone~ MelvlJl 27.11 nncl. nuilclinsr Purposes, Roads and 966l;~. Residence: 0&1\ ~ 'end '7021 OentevtJ.le. , .goo, u w re e .arges oC Sligo 7493, Are Prod ucer of Ag- Dr i v'e \Vay ~ . .. S upplied in Any The . .Lukens-Reynolds .. Funeral In -place of ,this, we have establishLunch by 8\Ii11rcree11iClV1st.l&n ~. ' Im c Stone, WhIch Is Refinement . . . Modern Equip- ' iHome are successful In the conduct ments that arE! thoroughly eqUipped handlIng are ronsonable ana-:t1Ie r lcu ltul'a lialb1l1ty in loss of ,w Igbt· or .slck- Used So ' Snti factol'ily By Fat'm- ment, Prompt Delivery: • • Under. of their buslne68 by reason of the and ones that offer the highest tY·lle ness has been reduced to a mlni- ers Over This Section and of Sto ll e Able J;lil'ection of C. C. ' Beam, l ott tha.t they. offer a. m06t com- of service. mum. Grave l ' and Shl\l'p Sand Fol' All ~. F: D. No.5, Wilmi ngton, . plete service '. a.nd keep the place . The Funeral Horne is mOdernly They are reliable dealers, so with right up t o the minute. equipped, bein·g pel1h!ctly aPPOinted your own, good judgment and their nis hin ~~ ni t l'ogen for grain crops llllil it is' n:lees a ry 10 C 1·t::· ·1 crops Conditions in the profession have and tastefully decorated and Its vcry elq)Crt advice, you · w1l1 be a.ble to '1' ho M 'lvin StollC o. and the 'uclt a'l I' cI clo.ve :·; I.' ral ' · ' timrap1d1y cbanged in the rpast few 9,ppeara.nce bespeaks quiet and digcome to a conclusion as to just Sligo Gravel Co. al'e lWO of the olhy and other leg .!:m''!. 'T he lin· yelU'S. The IntroducUon of auto nlty. mo. t ad vu ntaJ::'eous of our local portaneu of lime . on d.til'Y fal'DlS woot you need. equipment and rood r,oads has wldThey oUer an excel1ent ambuindustries, a s they nrc prod ucers ' call hardly ~e o';e r-e/llP~a.sized. eneel' the scope of the activities of lance service having an atr-condl- ~===========,..-::\ of crushed limestone, slInd, gravel as legumes al'e vitally essenital in the ~ equipped funeral directing tloned invaUd car which ·e.ssures an r; and sto ne. the home grown dairy rations. In AUCTIONEERING Lime is absolutely essentiul fOl' ma ny pa!·ts of the ' state, where , ~tabl1shment and Where ~ only even tem~ral;ure. both w10ter and Stanley and Kpogler - t he s uccessful production of cer- clover has be en faiUng in recent went a lew mUea from home in the summer. It has the latest tlUld drive tain crops and it has been e ~ti- years, the use of one · ton of limeFor Dates, Phone 2894, Wayneapast, <today, a w.ell eqUIpped funeral for easy rtdIDg. This Is a.vall8lble day mated by lending agricultural ·to ne will' produce an excellent director Is prepared' to conduct tu- or night. v1lJe, Ohio, Reverse cilarges authol'iti es .t ha t Ohio's soils need, growth of clover. , Alfalfa and nerals within a radius of ' manY The Lukens - Reynolds FunreaJ yearly, the eqU ivalent of 3 mi!- s wect clov er need heavier appli· BflOKERS I.ICENSE mlles. The day when It was neces- Home Rre to be complimented If-or. _':";-=---=~=====;;;'~==;;';; lion tons of limestone. About a cation s. . . '" sary to have e. funeral director keeping ipace with the ever eha.ng~ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ --::===...j~q~u~a~r;;.te;.:.1' mi.llion to ns arc 'now beFo)' usu on the soil , Jim~iltolle ( 'ery cross roach be.a passed alWay. ing times, d-an'~ so it can 'hou ld be pulverized fine enough seen that to promote the ferti!- t o pass through 'a 20· mesh scr eeil. ity of the so il and raise better Full 40 pel' cent of it should -pass crops the use of liming materials through a 100 mesh siev e. This should be increased. is the state depal't1nent of agriLime is an indirect aid in f ur- cullure 0:', .' i.fi cations. '
Gtbt :.fMiaml
"" ...........
From A Farm Diary--Dry Ridge
Howard Auto Sales
Wilmington Livestock Sales Co.
Gi·naven Poultry
TUESDAY, MARCH 21st 1944
Lukens~Reyno~ds Fu~eral
J~MES, owner
Melvin Stone Co. at M -elvin Sligo Gravel Co. at Sligo
We GaUlt tbe IEDUre I'aIIdIJ
anel Bome Pboae_ RUEPPEL~S
Phone 11aL YOW r~LY
Store Your Beadquarten
Phone " '
IW U Yean LebanOn'. 1AM1n.
Pbone 40
Nut to Bank
Pbone 23
DAVIDSON'S, JEWELERS .M ·N..........,.
, ,
a_1ft •
DAYTON, OHIO .... by actual le.1--I19 "M" lrand quality fertllI.tR, Mlod.. by Indepandenllyowned and opera led cOlllpan~1I mat.rlal. In ev.,., 'ormula pr.-tllt..! to Inlur. maximum food valu o for crap Intended. Th. Ilg "M" lrand I. your guarant.. of compl.t. r.lultl.
Mue oar
We Buy and Sell New and Used FuRNITURE 'Everythlnr for Farm and Rome'
PhODe 399
B~OWN and BROWN LadJea Bead,.&0 Wear
1'0. un a1'Aft J,OANS
......... 01lIo
BWELitY - GIf-I' S Pb01De
, South Bnadway
A M'xI'" 'Iy M.llu;')
Sold by WaynesvUle Farmers Exchange Co.
2 :10l~
'2 Pellets.an" '2 Grala
l .cI.anlTJ\ t l'H '
• II'
SPIEGEL'S SHOE STORE Sboes forUie FamJ:y XRAY ~TTING Complete .StoeIt to Choose From at All Tlml.8 l'h0l1l8 382 : M
.A Oomplete Stock 01 Clo&bJnr uld' .Haberdashery AT LOW PRICES Plume' L
Removed Prompt.!
H ....
Master Mil ca P'''I.~
Keep mixture in £Cecl box all the time. ·Let calf cat all it want.. Place mixture beforc calv. duriq first Grind grain from 6 months on. .
c.• n
A Complete New BiocIk of SQ,lNG ~.B11IT8 and OOATS PeptIIar Prieea
F'rs' 2 MOlt•• - ,,.- Tho. o. ~ . , . 2 Grall ,
Rev~ TllepboDe
HatD til, ~ . O.
Bullllelt, .....
WaynesviU~e Farmer-i
,s , ,
From ·~rhe . Miami Gazette Files 01lbeJlt Big86 01 Minmtvllle, was In toWll Monda.Y. <Mar1ih 1J, '1919) The WlWl1e Township ~ncy for WUforcl ~ euatalned a broken ooUar 'bone ,,111le 'WOJ'tUlg, with 1Jhe sruron automobUe has been takan )';'utomObUe liult Friday eveninlf, en over by R. F. MillS. 'niia JWIior class ' of the High 1Mrs. C. M . Brdwn and Mrs, Dan
""EEN yEAJi.s A:GO
with a chicken Surface spent last week with rela. roast at I..ymao Day's sugar camp tives In Indiaalapol1s. Ind . Mr. and Mrs. Russell !Bentley TUEedIa.y n1gbt. ' 8Jld C . B . Bentley 8ot.tended the IuM:I'8. J . J , F'rOmm was brought neral lett .bheir fa.ther In Xe.nJa. last thorne from the Miami valley h05week. pl.tal SWlday . Born Mr . and M1'B. Ernie Mlss Lucille Clark of Speer's Th()Ol~ of Corwin, Tuesda.y Memo In.! hosplt l. Dayton. KY., spent the ~-el.1d with her par- Me.rch U, a son. MIas W1a.ll WUkerson who is atents, Mr . and Mrs . Walt.er Clark. teOO1ng buatness ooll~ in Da.yton, IMr. aud Mrs. W . H. Allen arrived home SaiW'day sUter It month spent the week-end at Mme. A. B. Sides, one of the oldest tat. St. Pewrsburg, Fla. bualnesa men of this community, The two-year-old chlld 01 Mr. and Mrs. CllU'ence Gray of near has sold his hardware and impleLYtle, died TUesdn.y morning a.fter ment store to uytlourne and Sons c4 Spr1ng!leld. a short Illness. Pvt. Harry Leonard a! Kings The two-<iay-old infant of Mr. and (Mrs. carl Noble (nee Kabhleen Mllls, who was borp and ra1.sed In W~esvIlle, bas received the D . S. Henders<lIl) died Tuesda.y night. Mr. lind Mrs. C. W. Albrlgbt, e. for heroism in action ; Miss L1Zz1e Bauey died at, the !ormerly of springboro have moved here Into it.he property W'h1ch they b<lme of bel' brother, Emmor S. Ba11ey Mond&y morning. purchased of Cla.ren«l Berryhill. Manriqe Llcense - Morris Fox-
ecbool' entertained
• • •
TWENTY ...FlvE YEAB6 AGO (Mareh 12, 1919) The last number of' 1Jhe lecture course 'i'\'8S given Monday evenInB when Pvt. Artihur K. Herman, the cana01a.n hero. gave his famous lecture. Rev . John McMillan fell out of a
hay mow at tbe home of Davis PUrnas Monday and broke hiS arm at. the shoulder.
bower, te.Jmer, Butlerville, and 1Add.1e CeiTol, of Pleaae.nt pla1n; Dl.r1 Gray, fanner, and. Made11ne W1lson, both c4 Waynesville.
• • •
FDTT YEABo8 AGO (Much 10, 18M) BoJ'Jl-lll'eb. 26, to W. E. Compo baa and wife, a daUihter. MI'. and Mrs. Ph1llp 8m1th left here ThU1'8day for oameron, Mo., to make their !fUture home. iHally Hayes left MmldAy for Grover HID to ensage in vuainess. 0har1e& Mosher, managing editor of the lO1nc1nnati Post. with his ea-
Are You Protected?
Do you
laaure yourself .aaiaat damaa. t~" p~rty of OtherS aDd death or m· jUry claUna. See ~r call ....
job like this?
WANT A job where eYer,. hoar ,.oa worlt i. aD hoar that help. win the war? Want a job that ,iYe. ,.OU .a ' chaDce to increa.. ,.oar .kill, or learD a new one? A job that ,iye. ,.0'1 nllw e.· perieDce., new friends? Th.n JOID the WOlDe.'. Ann,. Corpe a.d take oYer a Yit&~ Jot. ID th• . A ..... ,.. For fall cI.taJI. altoat the WAC, appl,. at a.,. U.S. Arm,. RecruIti., Statio•• Or write: The AdjataDt GeDeral,
tienoo with othere. Bave you ever kndWll any O ~le wbo was OhrtsUan who was also (By Mrs. BarI~t,jte ThomAs) Chrtst-llke? I have, but I IIn~ solry An Open Letter T,,9 ''Christian'': to sau, there lire not mnny. i know ~r Frlen.d~'l1he very Ifirflt thing ! men and women vMO have II v d up I 'WUl\t to s.ay In nnswer to }o'.l~ .to the example that Christ s t for letter Is !.hat I do not lo te.nd t.o LLe 1US as fnlt.hful1y as they could. 8Jld the privilege I w.ve of Writing this *" shows in their lives. In thell' :ace8, column to l\lbuae any Ol'ga.nlzatlon or and It Is reflected in all thos~ who 22 . IIny person. Any opinion that I ma.y I a.re 6S6ocla.ted with them. They The proper.ty on North Maln express herein is a general opinion. I djdn't get that way by s\.and1ng street oocupled by John B. Graham und is not .p ointed at any ·person or U1'Ound and ,howling how good they 8Jld awned by (Mrs. wm.H .'I'l1ol'pe organlza.tion. The oplnlon I ex- were. TheY' got that way by living IWQ8 purchased Tuesday bY' James pressed in the column to which you the way of ChrIst and they are not Stoo~ for ,1000. so strongJy obje<:t WB.S a general I all of the SlIme church, They are G . W . Zimmerman and famlIy opInion ,bastd oh my own observa- members of various churches and I will move to Indiana Thursday. tic IS of the churche:s today. in view honor and respect that ohurch ar. the faot ~hat a. cOIlSoUda.tlon of whIch they are a. member of for producIng them. Just 'What Is a the cllUl'Che.; is being sought. nn sorry tlhat you rood the wrong I ChrIst-like person? He Is a meek, meaning i1lLo ~ colwnn. !DO you humble. klnd lind ever helpful perknow the meanlng of the word son. By ·meek and humb!e I ® not lap and Paper Stock "Christlan?" U means a: person who mean that he lies down Rnd let/; the !believes 10 ChrIst. I dldn',t say any- world walk all over him eIther. He thing about there' be1n8' more than is a person of charllcter lind courOn Tibbals St., Franklin , Is A one Way to Heaven, In fact I have a ge. he is a 'p erson who tries to be Modl' rn Conservllti oni st and Pays a very strong belief t~at there Is Oll- all the thIngs that Christ is and yet The Highest PriceR of The Day Iy one 'Way 8Jld that 'WB.y II! tbroU8h he remembel'll that he Is human and for Scmp Iron, Metal, Waste Paper, Etc. . . . With Him You J esus Chrll!t. "The way Is long, the he will fall many times. He is conWill Recei ve Fail' Treatment, way Is naI'rOW, alt(i> the way III sldetate oJ others. Is tolerant of the Highest Market Prices. Eit her in <ltl'a.ight." ·I have a. very strong be- shortcomings of others, Yf:t. will not Cash or Defense Stamps . .. Tel. lief that my churoh is right, that tolerote true evil and does not try 3!J3. Ull! membera in It (lre t.rylng to 1I', e to read evil into thlngs when it Is I a OhrIsUan ute, but that doe.;n·t not prtllent. He inspires others to Sam Mindlin conducts one of mean that I th1nk every one else 1s follow ChrIst. This, it is my humthe institutions t hat offel ~ its I wrong a.n~ can't be right until l ~: 'Y ble prayer, is tJhe kind of pefll()n I patron s the best of se rvice and I call thernselvee by tJlle same chu!',' ll would like to be. We do not become aidi ng the Victory .Pr·og-ram ?y name that I have. Too many of this .way over night, we become this their coll ecting, ~o rtlllg and dlBh te8't about some tribu t ing of wa~te materials to those W 0 pro ch ~ trying and liVing. the prOller chann uls to be turned other Churoh dolng things whi are We are all human 8Jld have only into fighting mate rials to carryon wrong do so in tgnc)ranoe. iIt Is al- our Blbles to guide UB t.hrough this in the def nse of our country. ways best to know what · you are ·troubled world, and sometimes he In th is time of emerge ncy, when taJkjng about befOl'e you criticize. who speaks the 80ftest word rea.: hes the national d.efense program Vlslt other churohes. and then you more ears than the one who shouts must .be kept gOIng . at .f~ lI speed, IqlOW of wbat you lU'e ta1It1ng. at the top of' his voice. there IS no one who IS IIlcling more T be Ohrl.stlan cJIle must believe than Sam Mindlin at Frankli n, a~ o .a more' I may cb&nge my eonvicLions by his service in . collecting lind in Ohrist. But one. ,muat do many times as I go through llfe but sorting papers, magazines, metals than that. one must be OhrIBt-Uke. lJ!'m aure of one thlng. there Is gcoj and waste materials, he is greatly Are you? I have no doubt but ·t hat in all .men a.nd in all churcht s. aiding in keeping Warren County :you are t1"Y1n8 to be so, but. my 'R emember these lines? I don't know mills going by keeping th em 8UP- friend to be 80 we QUISt have a eer- who wrote them.. but a tbJnk It was plied with materials which they ta1n of ·tolelrance and pa- a wOOllln and I'm not eer in 1I I sorely need to run on III 100WhPer quote correctI,y: cent production scbedu e; en you sell to him, you arc doing "There is 80 much @ODd in the 'WOrst both yoursel! and your countl'y a c:4 us, favor as the mllteriais are needed There is so much bad in the best and, also, he is wll\ing to pay the of UB, high(>st market prices in either That It 111 becomes ~ of UII cash or Defense stamps. Located in Lebanon Features To talk about the rest of us." Repairing of Electric RefrigcraI, in .. liurry last week, forgot to to rs and Electlrcal Appliances by l!:xp I't ... Parts an .d Service For put in any mare states. I'm sorry All MIII:es . . • D:a yton V Belts. and' hereare a ffrw more. Tukl\ y ur Applhmce in Or Oan Jnc1.larla..-.N1dI:name, lHoosler;Mot'I'hem f l, r EJ'licienil' Service t.D, ~one, 8t&te Plawer, TUl1p tree Aid in" n Our Victory Program blOSllOlJL. Indlana, ·was 110 named beBy K~ pi11g Thingi3 In Use. · Tel. eali8e it waa reprded as the "la.nd
t.lnUlb1e w1!e, spent the week-end here. Waynesville was lnoorporat¢ in 1837 by a. ~lal trot of tile leglslature. , Dr. L . C . Lukeru; left Thursday for the fllir nt· Son Frauc1sco. Whaley, the Yellow Sprlntts murd.'I·er, will be haJlged Frlda.y, June
P'w1naB late of W&n'en COunb, Ohio, deceued. JilIit,ut.e Of \Robert 'H. Furnas, DeDated thl.s . l·lth day of Manlh. NOTICE OF APPOINT.MENT
Along The Way
Not\Cejo hereby given that Robert Ralill II. -Carey, I Purl'l8B. whOSe Post OffIce Address JUdie 'of the ~te Oourt is R. R. No.3. Wayn vllle. Ohjo, Wa.n:!!D County, OhIo l as beell d~ a.ppolnted as .Admln- Carl Albaecherli, Atl:¥. istra.tol. oJ tile aJtate a! Rotert H. ,Gazette Want Ada Brlnll'. ne.ult. ! .
------------.----------------17.".ar-ol. ,fohn Oxl." of Marlon, Iowa, and Midnigbt. champioo Angus of the C.hicago Fat Stock ShOw. 'lobn bougbt.~ fed and showed bis steer himseJf. As • member of the Million HiJ\h Scbool track team, lobn Wb also Iowa's champion miler. .
Sam Mindlin
Iron, Metal. Raga, Bur..
Van Riper Appliance Company
On his own When Johnny O xley was only nine, and his brother Meyer twelve. their father died. A year later, their mother died. too. The orphaned boys took the money that was left them, bought a 260-acre farm and worked it like men. In' 1939, John Oxley Joined the Calf Club and bought I steer to feed. He did so well that he won a first prize at the International Stock Show in Chicago. So John hu been feeding steers every year since and has collected 55 ribbons It local, state Ind national shows. A year ago last fall,.}ohn Oxler bou~ht a 5-month-old Aberdeen. I Angus calf and named him Midnight. e took mighty good cad' of I that cnlf, feeding him ear corn, com meal, clover hay and sUpplemenL At the Chicago Fat Stock Show in December, Midnight weighed . 1100 pounds and was so short· legged, 50 thick, so deep, so near, so weU-fleshed,_that he won fint in his class. Not only thar, he 'W", champion Angus of the show and came within an ace of beina JtaDd champion of the show. .
of the lacUaIIe."
The same determination under dUJiculties that produced busJaealike "John Oxley also produced the business-managed .electric Companies. Like Joho with his first calf, they ooCe began wWl a few short Jines. . Often they 'could offer only limited service-spedll irooina houn on Tuesdays, for instance. Bot men with vision and courage .tude to the jo~ug holes and set pol~and gained customers while aiving better and better service. • Today, war hu provided ~acu1ar of the value of.tbh American system. American lUmen and as men alib-laced with the same shortaaes of men ~d· maddoeq--.re atill ~ more food, more electriC power, ' more muoftions ,than the 'wOrta has ever seen before. Thein ia. common 'IH .A....
. [O\\'I.--NIc*name, Hawkeye. MotRiper " 'Appliance Co. to. "Our Ltbe1tle8 We PrDe and pur off .T5 h usewives a repair serv- Righta We swi ualntaln." state ice on. eleotrical rdrigerators and Wll t r _ 4- th r" IIII!I ~~y.n;;.:.C1W:.;er~,~~d:,; ' RclcJe~~'~""'~"";.."".' _e_nam_...;.et-~S[!!SI!.!..!!!....!;o~;",~·~tiM~",. . tIIIIl 0"" J INI _. Ulorl,-~ ... '~..."" .....J'. ot.lwr eJcc.tril:a.L aIPplinnc~_ t rr.- 0 - , ., ~ bhem smootlh nmnlntll to a oux • . IKansa&-Nlo!mamal, Sunflower or H_ "R.~ 10 ,''' N.,u",," ~.,.. "."..,,, ,1M eNd;...". h Ip mai ntain the household in 2i nM7 ,...... 8dQ rBlO the same efficient Dlllllner as when Je.ybaWk. M¢lto, ".Ad 'Astra per As• ftI , ..., ' . . ' I!"" •• --~ they were new. pera (To the stairs Tburgb DUfiThe electl'ieal reIrigel'ator and cultiee)" eta.te Flower, Sunflower. IHE DAYTON POWER 'UGH1' COMPANY 1 many appliances alTe complicated IKaIlIIa8 Is the name of a SIoux InIlieces of machinery and, in order dian tribe. to get proper repairs and good /K.eDJtUC1qy..-Ntctname, oorncrack- DO"-' WA.n .UC'IICIIY lUll JICAU.I ., •••" service, they must be done by men er or Blue Graas. Motto, "United who know how and! who have the We Stand. 'Divlded We Fall." State genuine parts to mnk~ the repairs. They have well-trained .. men to Flower,. Goldenrod. Ken.tucky Is Q make the repairs and any man who ~clot '('I roquorian) Indian name, goes on the job iSI. compete~t to mea.nlnfr "bloody ground!' . Having sold my farm, I will ' oU~r at Public Sale, on what ia completely rebuild tbe refnger- . ~ - tnl*name, rpeI1~ known as the _Kirby road"2 miles .S. W. of Waynesv\lle, 1-2 mUe off Iltor or 'appliance. ." Motto, "Un4on, JwJtk:e, and Conn/.' They make a !lpecialty , of out deoce." 8tate11ower Meenolla. LoU- 42, 7 miles N. E. of Lebanon, on of town calls and Elll you have to is1an& IW'BB namea atteriKlng Lou1a to do is to call them or droP them . f lGV 01 iPrance. BEGINNING AT 10130 SHARP· 0. cal'd and tbey will arrange or . MaIne - Nickname, iPlne Tree. 2 HORSE5-I gray mare, 6 YI·S. old, ,ood one; 1 gray A.one . ~B qu ick service. If you happen to be going to town and wisb .t o take Motto, "D1rIao q 'D irect)" State yrs. old, good worker anywhere, both lJOund to eentle; thia ia an ~_ your appliance in they will ' make Flower, ~ cone and Lee.rcrustAn'. ~eptional1y. good team. . . . . eo repairs in the quickest possible lMaine is tlie name of an old P)'ench 8 MILCH COW~l red cow 6 yrs. old, dvlng ~ . pod f1bw bf. time illld you will be .pleased with provlDce. milk, 1 Guernsey cow 5 yrs. old, 1 roan cow 4 yr!. old, 1 ,JeraeJ .cow l't eeeIIl8 that I made a D$take 4 yrs. old, 1 Jersey cow 3 yrs. old, 1 brindle cow 8' yr.. .old, 2 GuernJ- . theil' good aerv.ice. l68t week about !file lemons. one ey heifers 2 yrs. old, The$e cows are aU giving a nice tlow ot mUk doesn.'·t squeeze out' the Julce, ODe and nice clean cows. 1 Roan bull 1 yr. old. Just standa upright the pennies In fMPLEMENTS-2 wagons, 1 Troy wagon wit)! flat top and lid, the demon IIeiIIlt!nts~ The 'rest of boards, good as new, I Brown wagon in good shape. IN;yel bed; NiNo the experiment wu slven correctly. manure ·spreader. Kraua cultivator, Beemla tobacco aetter; OUver Ne. 11 sulky breaking plow, 1 Scotch clipper breaking plow with JOinter, GO-tooth har.row, 5-shovel cultivator, 1 U-too'th - harrow cultivator HARVEYSBURG, OHIO Hoosier corn planter with fertilizer at~chme'nt in good .laPe, 9x7 Hoosier wheat drill with fertilizer attachment, land roUer, hog bUQIIWill pay $2.0~ for Dead At ZZ s. Broaclway, Lebanon, Is for 2 sows, 1 Deering mowing machine, good condition, ' 100 ..... hew Horsel, $1.~ for Cowa • A Good PIaee To M~t Your Frlencb fountain, hog feeders, hog troughs and steel alop 'b arrel, 1 metal ~ Sheep, Hogs, Calve. • . • AIr CondlUOIlecl and Ibe A . oline drum, :robacco press, 1000.lb. Fairbank platform ~.. in go~d CbeerhIl Atmoaphere • • • Feature shape, g ..lvanized chicken coops, poultry nettlng,chicken feeden ~d and Colla NooD LUnches, ChIcken and Steak water fountaina, 50 white rock laying hima, 2 white rock rooltera, .• 2 REMOVED PIIl.OMl'TLY Dbm«'I aDd A La Carte ••• WInes, gal. steame.r kettle, 1 ~o~ cart cutter, 1 5-barrel hophe&d, ham. . LlII1IOI'1J aDd 6% Beer • , • B. ' F. for , 2 borses, good as new, scoop shovel, forb, double trees, dedae Phone WayJielv~lle Is TIle GeQ.lal Boat ••• Tel. hammer, cr08s-cut aaw, scythe, axes, hoe, and other articlea, poet bol. 2804 . '70. . digger, 6 " lD-gal. mUch cana ·aU in good condition, 4 mUk bucketa, 2 5.gal. ~ream buckets, 2 churns, 1 barrel, 1 d ..~ .tone abUrD" 2 The only FerUnsu' PJaDt In King'S Gr1l1haa a JallIe patronage strainera, . milk atirrer and .pads, 16 ft. ladder, 1 bome made 'brooder, Warren ('AJunty and .people who have stopped here 1 lawn mower in good ahape, hay fork, rope and pun.,.. ' ' become regular patrons ,on aoco!IDt· FEED--iOO bu. pf corni 6 tons .of oata. hay, 2 tOne of eloYer hA7, of the exceBent food e.n4 eerv1ce. few balea of straw, 4. bu. of g~od home .grown little ,ed cloler Heel., . ''Here you ca.n alwaYII .seoure good HOUSEHOLD GOODS-l Home Comfort rln,e tn Fod :coDdltloD, Ii lunchee, dfmle1'II and a ]a carte 1 kitChen .cablnet; sldebo,ard, .3 phice living .r oom luite "IOod .... n... .d18bea. .~ is aood and i couch; " rockers, 1 dining room ~ble, 6 leather bo~ chalrl. .ad 'WIbOl~ aDd 18 p~ly. served·; cbalJ'S, work 'table, 3 standa, " beds, 8 drel!llen, Soday ma~te1 eleelE, The initial" ~ are the beet wallbStand, folding army cot, baby bed ·and highchair, Perf~tiell !ell 'J;'ARVIA-'l.tlTHIO TAR. AND the ·m6rtlet atf~. heater nearly new~ rugs, linoleum, Majestic High-»>oy ratito"Drop h~ ' At bar they eerve 6 per cent sewing machine" in go.od sbape" 75 'lb. aide leer wJlite ' porceJaba-IiIl~ ROAD OIL, EXOAVATING beeI'. w1nee .and intxed driJiIr8. 'lbe1r ice box, porch swhlg, porch glider. 2 table lamp.. 8 fema ..4 ....... DUMP .TRUCK BlIlRVlCB dfu& list '1& lUge aDd an expert ' IS dishes, cooking utenlil~, coal Ibucket, .ice cream "!reeHr, mlJk ~ . READY MIX OON~II 10 ocbarge " W'ho tiri11 serve them as ~urtains, pjUowa and beddin~1 etc. ' 'I he Van
your cattle, bOIlS, sheep .and cain. (;.,-IS---'J~lA.I£!l.;:J.-~I+----<I~~hmitie_.JJI4......JN.~-+tec-N<GHlB-B:roclt C<m--llYe- wir.e anct in• .toD 25; D.C. (WolDe. iD progressive firm for the b1abesf AUTOMOBILE ' INSURANCE e,..eDlial war indu.tr,. mu.t market prices 8Jld gOOd aervtoe, WAYNEsVILLE. ODIO haye refea.. from 'their em· Union Stock Yards, ClneiDu.-tt. O. ployer or the U:S. Emplo,.Tune in on Radio stat.lol. WCRY, Telephone 2341 meDt Senice.) 12:25 to 12:30 p. m. tor ou~ dally market reports.
When an orphan boy nn stand on his own feet and win succeu ~~~portuoity is still very much alive in the United Sta.tet. of
.. .... .
. .....
MONVlIENTS " MARKERS Ohlo's MOlt Co~plete Llsp1ay
GEO.DODDSand~ONS "SiDee · 111M"
C. A. DABE and SONS.
CAPlTAL and SURPLUS «8,000 Siron, - FriendI)' ReUable A_odaUDI' ISA~Y'S
Stetson Hata
Arrow Sblfts
FRE.I ) F~ GRAHAM CO. . Wall PaW, PaInts, Glaas
Your id.oCormick: Decrini
Implement Dealer
A Good Place to Eat
17-19 So. Whiteman St. Xenia, O. Pbone Main 3
Pbone 1066
109 W. Main St.
Phone 4154
ALICE RINCK'S . HAT SHOp · EI,b& west Main St.
Phone '734
CO . Soath Detroit
THE FAMOUS CHEAP STORE We Sell Every thin, n E. Main St.
Phone 179
PbODe 761W
8herwin- WlillamM Pa...'
I'hone 8U
• W. MaID 8t.
DR. L. A. WAGNER 44 E. Mala St.
Xenia, O.
Xenia Standard Parts J1'OB.
Tru~; Car and G'~c;HI!
w. MalJi St.
lOS E. 'MaiD
23 1-2 W. Main
Phone 904R
LADIES READY-TO-WEAR SpeclaUzlDl' In Juniors
MILTON'S 29 E, Main St.
Phone. 1451
ADAIRS . N, Dewolt St., Xenia
" FIne Furniture lor Over 50 Yeal'll Tractor
Madame Sh~p Pbone'l8
Pbone 1216 EYE CARE
W. 1\Ialn
Phone 500
Repalrlq 01 AU Matei!
ThrOUfh Properl, Fitted Eye . G ...es Our Specialty
Elect.rleal supplies _ RepairlD,
ROY V. HULL Sewinc Machine Supplies
Pbone 141 K
Xenia, Ohio
Wor.k . Ph. 288
AlwayS 50 Hfrh Grade Used Cars AttenUon Farmers: 'We Cllriy ~ taU ; llne 01 · Minneapolis Moline Traetol'll aDII Implement..
Chenoweth Motor Cq• . US 8. DdIGlt ai. Phone ZO
TUESDAY, MARCH 21, "1'944
Kings Grill
Sand & Gravel
. Phone W~'l!I!Ivll1e \3111
'Morrow Ph1I)De. Nt). a Lebanon: Office Phone 473 K ' Rellkleace iii II
=,::· ==;o~!act.~
,,·.r .£1-.
. =~~~~:~~er:: ,V:'V ' . foOd and .. ~ There are leaden '
in bwdrieia Ed 'lIOC1ety 'Who here get STANLEY . - IdeM wbIch lnaplre one to ~ ST. JOHN
DT~'nT~:rD Ii:J ~\J.~~. nPls.:-cASH
a: .KOoGLER, AacUo!laen .. ' •• \ • a: REASON, CI.....· . .• ..• ,.. ,.. '"
• . , . . • .. .. •. •• . .•••• ,.
OF WAYilBlVau,a· GaAIIOa
THE MIAMi GAz£'l"'ri
· Rogers and SImpson Sales and Service
toll9-W1Di very , Interesting prosnun under the direction of Mrs. Mildred Sheehan tlOd MIss Laura. MoKinsey was given for the Mother's club a.t the Grade school buildIng on Friday. MBroh 3 : ~Ible Reading . Wanda LOU W1lson Welcome ........ ,.. ... Don Weltz Spring Song ... , Entire 4th Qra.de Plano Solo---.G<>111 Woggs Cake Walk-Wilhelmina Braddock li:xero1se - The Month. of MarchThe
By Thetr ComprebetUllve Bepabo and MAIntenanCe &ervtee To cars of All ~ea Are Greatly Aldina' In .Keellln, Our Oars and Trucks Boll1"- ••• Official AM Servloe, Feat1;lrlnr Wrecker tServlce, Tire Inspection. Auto Repairs, Battery Service. Lubrication, ~s, OIls. Tel. 230.
With ,the stoppage of new car production and sales for the duration of thc war. motorists are beginning to realize ' that their 01<1 ,time hablts of buying a new car every year are going to have to be dhall8'id. lilt least. temporarUy. IMld that they are going to have to take far better care 01 !.heir present car than !.hey have been in the habit of doing. For this reason. ma.ny tholl8hlul motorists are bringing their car to Rogers and S1mpson il'or inspection at frequent Intervals and fdr ad,jw;t.ment a.nd tune-up to keep It in the best of rlUlIl1ng order. In their very complete repair department. they. give exx:el1ent service and repai.rlTlg on nil makes of oars. the m.B4'lo.gement only employing men who ere expert mechanics and have a real understanding or the engineering prlnclp1es of the various makes of automobiles. In ad· dltlon to their expert service you Will find them aooommodatln8 and the Rrl.ce8 reasoIl&ble. If' our readers have their cars serviced often !.hey w1ll not need to .w orry about their 1nab111ty to, purChase a new one -unW the war 111 over.
Doris Charlton. ~y Everhart, Oharlotte '~umett Md Jan~t Peters. Recitation-The Little Flat umd or the Dutch .......... Jerry' Oook Exerclse--Our Flag .... Judy Dav1s. BQII'be.ra Stanley. Oharlene Eden«leld, Be.roara Adams. Mary 'F rances Hartoock. Carol Bunnell and BtILl'bara Barger Piano Solo-Ooun1lry Oardens .... Marta Rush Playlet - The BtUpendO~ Radio 'Ibe&tre .',. Uncle Thomas Kat. George Hartsock; rills ndece Kitty Kat, Martha Adams; ,the announcer, J8ICk ~ond Rec1ta.t1on-Llbert's Banner ...... . M8J'y' carolyn ,B radley Recl-t6t1on-'l1he Three Ducks . . .. Janet Michener Plano Sol.o-L1ly of the Valley .. Sue lI'urnaa Playlet--Isn't It K1111ng •• Alberta 'B rannock. Willa Dean HUdgell, Bobby Campbell Plano BolD-6ta.rllght Weltz . . . .. ,Janet Michener The concluddng ,number was a group oC Irish songs sung by the entire group-When IrI.$ E'.Ye6 Are SmUing. lWIhere the River Shannon FlOW!!. !Mother McCree.
1i'IUENDS HOME Mr. and Mrs. 1dliton Sheehan of oen.tervWe oall~d on MrI<, AUce Clal'k ThUl'8day. Mm. G~ ' Mendenhall and Willlam Mackensen were guests at the armers Club meet1nJ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. se!h Furnas. Thursday. Mrs. Margaret WetJb and Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall had the plea-sure of an auto ride with Mr. o.nd Ml's. Ernest MarlLn of Dayton, and called at lihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hook Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Evalyn O.Peterson is' spend Ing a few days 'Ylth relatives In
Mn. James Hart.5ock and sons James Wical underwent an operA JObruliY I&lld' ~rge Mark and Miss t10n at Day·t on OSteopathic hospital
Bertha FIler. Mrs, Tom Burton and Mrs , Jennie Mullen WCJ'e Dayton shoPpers la9t . Monday. ctuLrles Sln1th of Ferry Bnd M.lss Ruth Hale Of, New Rlver."rennessee. -
ner preceded the program. ,WilUam M8ICkena:en returned to the Home Tuesday arter spending several da.ys at Yellow Sprtngs end Selma.
. Marvin's Thrift HE" Market
Two Doors Nurtb of Il~, Lebanon. SeD New Furniture and KernTOl e, Tbe ")Ilrllcle Wall 'FInish" and Buy and Sell Anytbing •.• Used Furniture, Household GQ(Ids,Elecb'lcal Equipment, Commercial.and Doml!stic Coal Rallies. Furnaces, Electric LamPfl, Heaters ... Also, ServIce on Applliinces and' Oominerclal RefripraUon. 'l'el . 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cronk ana son of Dayton were guests of the ~-eorge ~chaela Sunday. M'r. and Mx. Herbert (lraham and ch1ld~ -went ,to f.1ma. Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Oraham's aunt, Mr. a.nd Mrs. ILoma Bohollfleld \\ ere supper guests of Tom ~ ton and Mrs. Jenn1e -Mullen familIes Sunday even1ng. IH. R. Fqrdyce and Mr. and Mrs. Perry J. Thomas and son spent S6turday night and Sun~ w1.th the former's brother, iRalph Pordyoe
Phillips Restaurant Eger's Jewelry Shop
Marvin's 'lbr1Ct "E" Market is a popular trading place as It 'Is in full accord wtth !.he times as people are <Jeslr1ng more and more new savings and new leasures with tile t.lmes sa peOple are de$1rlng more and more ,new savings and new lea.sures and .do .not want ' to spend all they make for grocerles. The savings for e ~eek w1ll .permlt every fam1ly to enjoy someth1n8 In addition to what they had before startlng trading 'here. This ,p hase of their actiVity puts lihem In the position of conducting a service ~or the elevation of tIle race. The fruit a.nd vegetable department. is so complete that you can find a 'wide var1ety at any time, as they .are in toucb with the sources of supp~ Ifrom all pe.rtB of the country. The department for staple and fBtDCY groceries Is a feature that 111 very ,p opular with the people as they carry lines that are high in quallty and d$enda.ble. There are many advanta&es at trading at MarVln's as their servJu benefits as well as feeds its
Armitage & Son
Lebanon Modernizin~r
At 1M Eo Mulberry. Leibanon, Are Helping To Protect and Beautify Our Home. By Their EueUent. Service In Quality Palntl, The Latest Patterns 10 wan Paper, Wlnc)low Shades, Venetian BUmll, Drapery. Hardwlll'e, VIctor Bftlorlls. Clallllcal and Bopuiar ••• Tel. 3911 .
and fam1l\v, at Columb~'1 Mr. and Mrs, Paul Brow.n are aet~mcr 600 Uttle baby ohlcks btils ~ Mr. and. Mrs. Howard :Burton called on tbe Tom Burton'. 8&tuCday night., . GUe6t.s at the George Mc'M1cbael home Stlturdft¥ evenlni were Mr. and Mrs. Oeol'ge Fleminga anc1 da.Ughters. Mona, Fa.y and Joyce Ann of Dayton and Mr. and Mnl. Oa.rfleld ;peterson of NeW Burllnaton and MIss Ruth Peterson of Xen1a. Luncl1. ,was served. .'~ Ollllland attended the c0p stockholders banquet at J.;eban01l MQnday rit,ht.
Nellt t.o Town Hall, Feature Food That Is Both NutrlUOUB and DeUclous • • . Week Day Dinners and Lunches 45 and 55 cents ••• Open DaUy from 6 A. M. to 8 P. M.; CICI6c Wednesdays at 2 P. M.; Open All by Day Tuesdays. 'lhe Good Housekeeping Shop. their servlce 1n buying lI,nd seWng Phillips Restaurant extends the anythlng are greatly helping people glad hand of hospitality to the peoto adjust their afalr:; In these ple from ll.ll over the countryside t~ changing times. stop In With them when hungry Th'Cy feature new CUlU1!l;ture as .veil as usef·Ul and buy and sell ail a.nd offers them the opportunity to' kinds of houselhold goods, electrical enjoy a. good meal. and attractively equlpmcnt. both commE:rcial ;: . d served. It Is a good pluce to meet I domestic, coal ranges, heaters. el. _- your friends when In town. !Here you will find everything trlc pumps, o.nd In fact evtryth.lI;: for the home If yc.u )1Ieed some- pure. 'Wholesome and deliciously apthing call them and 11 tllley do n : 't petizing. You will enjoy t heir soupe. short orders, sandw1eheslj ~'unQhes ha ve It they will get It. They are headqua,rters. for K~ m and dinners. The service Is equally Tone, the "MIracle Wa.ll Finish," satisfactory IWhether your order Is which Is taking the country by large or small and you will be made storm. It comes In lIHlny beautlIul to .feel that your patronage 18 deshades, Is easy to apply. and one sired and appreciated. To get the most out of life. you coat covers. Their service on all appliances should eat out more often. So when and c<nUJlerclal refrigeration is ever It Is possible take the children greatly aiding in the conservation of with you and here all will be given our resources and maklnu them last ood that-~ a.ppeal to all tastes. for the duration and longer. So lf 'I1he surrou,Tldlngs are pleasing an~ your equipment Is not IWort1ng just the service Is saUSfa.ctory. "A OOod right take It m or call them and Place to Eat."
At 30 E. Mulberry. Lebanon, II Now Under Tbe Competent DlrecUon of The New Owner. Marvin HoWn,shead • • • Ofrerlnr A Choice Llne--or Canned Goilda,-Grocedes. Choice Meats, Poultry, Sea Foods, FruIts, Veptables. Seed Potatoes and Specialties • • • Be Smart and Shop At Marvin's For Better Values 1MrII. BessIe Bratten of Xenia was ,thE:lr expert .•• TeL 357 B. a dinner guest Monday of MrB. please you.
At 12 W. MIIIbesTy, Lebanon, Fea'_ DIIIUDcUve po~tare ••• Able AriIsta Oflerlq Superior Work At PrIce. To Suit All. Keeplq Daly -MaIdq Pbotopa.pha of Men and HIley CHbIIon. Women In 8er'fice, Bablee, CbIldrm. ,M.I&S ~e Cre.lwlord of Dayton Acl'IIIta, WecI.cUn&' and FamIIJ spent the week-end with her paGroU)IB • • • TeL 118 L. rente. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cra.wfoni. 'l'he days at the rena1S8lUlCe mark Mrs. LottIe Reed of Morrow Is the beglhn.1ng at the beginning of sp6nd1ng a rew days iwI.!.h 1Ml', and modern ut and In the various Mn . Ernest Earnhart and lfam.1ly. ,b randhe8•. lt ~ .progreMed to a A lO-pound girl bas arrived at the marked degree. ID8 Guerre obtained home at Mr . and Mrs. Pt!-ul Sh'l W. hls lnspiratlon for tile inventlan. of 'l1he l)aby wsa oam WednesdaY. photography ifrOm the 1W0l'U of the MaIroh 8. rnaetera of bIs period and at once :Mr. end MrB. FOrrest Graham combined art and mechalUcal 101- and daUi'hter at Lytle cpJ1ed on Mr. ence. and Mrs. H1ley Olblon Tuesdayal'Ute lRueppel Studlo features a temoon. Other callers were Mrs. complete lervice in poi1.ra1t.s and Dale F81r , of XenIa, Mr. and 1MrB. baa made ma.ny Photographs of the H,arold fW&erB. Mrs. Ernm& G1bleading residents of the district. as IliOn of Bellbrok,. Mr, and Mrs. Roy well as men and women in tile ser- Shaiw of XenIa. vice. ,brides of the seaaon. graduates. 1Mr. and Mrs , Earl Lucas of cbUdren and family groupll. \Ve.yneavWe were SundaY aueate of lin the artistic production of chUe.nd Mm. DaVid Lucas e.nd dren's portrnlts, they have ·won an family . enviable reputation (or being able !Mr. and Mrs. Thomas iRAlnfa.n to "catch them" in the moat natural called on frlends In Leesburg Sun~ and del1ghllful moments. Among day aftemoon.. the prized possessions of bundreds 1Mr. and MrB. Jobn Shaw of of parents are phot.og,rap'hs of their Xenia. spent SIm~ with 1Mr. and chUdren. Mrs , Paul. Shaw: and fam1lyl. If you are thinking of pictures for 1Mlr. and Mm. Elvis MlahIaI and any occasion. it 18 well to malte aD MJ'!!. Dale I'a1r ~d daughter ~ appoln~ment 80 tliat all a.rrange- XenIa, called on 1&'. anl1:Mrs. Pete ments can 'be made ror your 0011- Bunyoo SUndaY a.f.temoon. venlen~e. 'l1hey are accommcdatinS Mrs. ~n DDl and son Ralph and you 'Will be given the most a.d- spent SUnda.y with Mrs. Jake Zimvanced service In ,photography. mer e.nd family· of BeaVel'Wwn.
last Wednesday. He was retW'Iled to his home on Saturds; . He was not Ceeling very well today (TuesJay). Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burtou ' and daughter. lNaoml Jane, and Mrs. Jennie Mullen entertained at dinner Tuesday evening Pvt. a.~d Mrs. Morlis SherwOOd. Little Butch McMichael has the chicken pox.
Good HO!.l~akE~ein;J Shop
Wilmlngton. Mrs. Alice Clark was a guest at
a dinner Mondl!.y nlJht at the home of Mr. and Mr.:. Vernon Hnrril; In CenteTV1lle In celebration of the 11wenllY - IfIf,tJh anniversary of Mrs. Harris' parents. Mr. and Mrs, Romo Riggs. Mrs, Georgia Mendenhall and Mrs, Evalyn Peterson attended the annual meeting of the Warren County Farm lBureau Cooperative association held In Orange hall. Lebe.non. Monday night. A fine din-
. AiRM1'rAOE and SON Lebanon Office Phol.e .,~ 1\; Res. 98 }\I; Morrow, Phone 3, Are Greatly Aldin, In Our 'Roarlng Problems By , Their Exterull'fe Servke In SlUld. Gravel, ....rvla-Llthlc Tar and Road OU . . . Beady Mixed Concrete, Dump Truek and £soa. 'fatinr Service . . . A Factor In Our Victory PrIIIram By Fanikhlnr The Beri ~1q)ts ~ble For Good Roads ancl Stardy BuUdlnp.
~t 4 S. Broadway, LeblUlon. Is A Popular Shopping Center For t'ine JewelrY. Gift.&. Expert Watch and Clock Repairing, Engraving, Jewelry Repalrlnl' and Remodeling . • . Slle 'fbem To Bring Your JewdrY Up-lo-Date . , , Tel 230 K.
Eger's J ewelry ' Store a.boUll<!s in idlal uI'ticles f'Or weddlngs and gifts for aU occasions; In fact, Is eql,l1pped to supply Its IJll.tems at aU Urnes ()If the year wlt.h the mo.:.t suitable gifts for both young and old. They specialize In remodeling 8lld can traru.[OIm yow' old jewelI'y Into styks of vhe moment, remount your slonts so as to con! orm to the present In design, Eger'" .offer 11.0 all peOple In this section a service ill adjusting and l'epalrl~g of watches and clocks of the h ghtst caliber and e.ll who have watches and clocks whlch 'are not keeping exact time should t.ake tl EIIl In to them to be gone over. Even If your wat(!h Is keeping good time, but has not been looked over recently. It would be wise to take it in a.nd ha.ve it cleaned, OCCIt:IIOIlaLy, r.s this 'Wi.! be a n Insurance '. ~atnst it gettJl,g out of order, as dust, which gets 11 t.o a J vrJ.tches sometimes causes t IC tlny springs to break e.nd It is e ~ ollomlcal to keep a. good watch clealled a nd kept In good order.
Clinton Mutual Insurance Ass'n.
RATION REMINDER MEATS, FATS, ETC.-Book 9 Brown stamps Y and Z valid through March 20 and retain old values- of 8. 6, 2 and 1 points. Book 4 Red Stamps , A8, B8 and • C8 good through May 20, ,w orth 10 points each. Red tokens and Brown one-point stamps may be used as chan ge. PROCESSED FOODS-Book 4 Green Stamps K, Land ·M valid through Murch 20 and retain old valu (!s of 8. 6, 2 and 1 pointe. Book Ij Blue Stamps A8, B8, CS, 08 and E 8 valid thro,u g h May 20, w'ith 10 points each. Blue tokenl and Green one-point stamps may be used 8S cha nge. SUGAR-Book 4 stamp 30 (prev1ou,sly sch~d IX) ,eXIltre March 31) good indefinitely for five pou nds. Stamp 40 valid lor five pounds for home canning through Feb. 1945. SHOES--Stamp No. 18 II pair) II good Indef.lnllely, No. 1 "airplane" stamp In Book 3, 'goOd for 1 pair until fur ther noUce. GABOLl~A-l0 couponS p d for three gallona throUih Marolt 21.
B-1 and 0-1 stamps good for two ga.llons unt il used B-2 and C-2 sood lor five gallons. A-1l1 v8ud after I Maroh 21 good for t~ pJlOl1ll. 'I'lRl!B--Next 1nIp4!IctlODa $Ie: A book veh1c~ by Match 31; a's by June 30 ; .O's bY'May 31; 00IIIIIW'CIal vehicles every alJ: montba 01' f1'tfIrI 5000 m1les. whScbeVer Sa
am .
Townsley Trap Nest Farm & Hatcheries
WiLb Home Office at 132 1-2 N. South St.. WIlm1octon, Offers a ComprehCl1llve Service and bII1Ie Mocl'ern Forms of FIre, Wind, aDd In Xenia and W~ lIMe 0IIw Li,b~nlnr hu!urance •. .' (Jail Z065 ·or 'l'be FiDeR and . . . . . . ._ and A RepresentaUve Will ExPlaIn Plants 10 OblG aDIl An ........ .... Their Rates and ,tiervlce . . • Be FiIrnlab People WlQi !l"beIr CIiII* Sure To Have A PoUcy In ThIs Nfledl TJU.ou,bout The Y.... • • • The Lebanon ModernIZIng Co. SiroDa-. Home Company Which Of- Feature Dar.OId QhkQaad 8 " ' " store is a C01l8tcnt reml'nder to the lA11n1~e and Son are a. progrespeople to keeP their pllil£es in the sive !finn, as they mve been for fen ~ny Advantaces . . . UDder Cbl. At, All TtmeI .' ~ t AlI . . . . best of cOlldltlon. as they of,fer years. a grea.t ,f actor In the rapid Tbe ~Ie Direction of Henry Barril, Tested and Pu1I-.a 00att0III. . , Buy quality merchand1ae at prices that development of th18 part of the Sec'y-Treaa. , ' . . TeL %065. Books, Barred IIANlb or meet ~ and all competition. state. By featuring the v.ery best aIIII Il'hey. carry a large llne of paints, and and gravel, they have alde~ Clinton Mutual Insurance Associ- horruJ For Quick ProfIt OD vam.ishes and enamels unsll1'P8.8Bed In bu\1d1ng for the future sa well eUon Is a.n ln8t1tutlon that has been E,p . . . Te~ WiJIDInit.oD 111"1: 1n uniformity, durabWty ....1I8 well as as the present. as their products are of l.noa.lculwble ,benefit to thl! r'a pld Lebanon 57. a sound bas18 for sturdy homes, development of the city and state covering -mpaclty. • Their wan papers will give you buildings e.nd roads that stand hard and Is protecting many local people In !.he 6CC or epec1al1a.tIon and the proper backgroUnd f,or your (ur- use. . by its service. hdgh powered bUllnesa, tt II taw niture. They come in the new pat.They furnish excellent rea.dy:It ls well. organlzed and Is strong farm which haa been 1an1n8 tIebincI term. and In. the WlI8hable types. m1xed concrete for home6. bulld.t.ngs, from a "financial stAl.ndpolnt. It has and there Is no ezampte 01 modern basements. cures, walks and drlve- ample reserve to protect all its methodS 1n farmlnS ~ proaiIntoo. , ~ musicians and lmusic lovers wa,)'II andi it 18 noted for Its super- poUc1es and thw.. Is conducted upon ent In th.ta section thaD TowDadepend upon them for vJctor rec- iority in hardening gualltles IUld a we and sound basis. ty Trap 'Nest and IIa.tcbertee. ords. They ha.ve the latest informa.- strength. There are many. advantages In ThC¥' are well equipped IW1th the tion on releases and have e. large They have the equipment for ev- carrying business in this strong.loe&l best of incubators &Del bI'OOden stoolt. ery kind of elreavatlng job. They company aside f'lom home pride and and great care 18 taken t.be know the character of the earth in the great prlmn.ry fact that It Is chicks to see that tbey' are In tbe this seCtion of the country and are I necessary to transact business with befit of oondlUon Ware beU1C prepared io move an&thlng they 'local Institutions to retain weal!.h In out. People who have ~ ~ ----..3111~-..-::!1. . .:K.------1f--- - ----:==:-------.:......tm =;"ight meet' up with In a very Short: the community 'a nd aid In Its up- fn;iffin'ia6:l!JjffinmnllRl~n~H11IR1Jr-:::-"-:-~" " In Rear 129 1-2 W. Main St., WIl- time and the excavlltlon will be fln- buildings and progress. While In can refer an.yooe wbo diId)• . to At Loveland arc Making It mlngton, Ia Where blllricaCe and' Ished with the removal of the dirt . .America. one is ·free to trade where numerous succeeafUl cbk:~ raIIerI, ' Easy For People To Beautify Accurate Work Is DOlle on All rock. etc .• tlhe the proper gradlngs he desires. yet It Is always best to do Their de14very ~oe . » . • . , Their /;lomes and Lawns By Ex- Makes or Cars and TruICb ••• Mo. made. They are care1ul to see that I bl.h.!iness In the communlliy, when it complete and the chklU IU'I'he In ct' llent Stock Of New Patterns tor-AnalYIIs By Sun fA&ulpment and In the grading that .the material can be advantageously done. the be$t of condition. The Import.. EARL B. DAVIDSON lud'1 d 18 A~ 832 S. Center In Franklin, in Wall Paper . . . Buy Here and Expert Motor Tune-up • • . Body and down In the excavablon Is placed at Tn addition to the first principle a.nce or gett1ng"Clhidm early!, eumot . At' U N. Broadway. Lebanon. II offer , Excellent ServiCe and Fall ifang .fJ'he Paper Yourself , . . Fender Work. Wbeel AIicnment •.• the bottom of any grading and the of insurance - Salety. The Clinton be over estimated . . . tbeJ will be , Now 8bowln, An AUracUve Line 01 Line Studebaker Parta • • • t. An They Will Explain How You Can W i t S rvl Tel s'urface dirt Is on toP. so that plant- Mutual Insurance Association of- jU6t rI«-ltt for the, earlf· aDd . J t CIaIl M . Jewelry, Diamonds, MounUnp and AM Garap and Factory Equipped Bt! Thrifty and Be YOUI' Own 24 Hour rec er e ce... Ings will grow. fers. practically. an Immedlate set- I bring high returna. ua . ~ Watches . . . Expert In RatYIiDI to BepUr 'Studebaker, Crysler, Ply- O()corator . . . So Ea~y To Do 7101; NI,ht 2210 and 2376. ---Armitage and Son are booiIters for tlement on l06Ses and the adjw;t- of their eBta.bUahmeDta &D4 .tbe1 and Repalrlnr . . . Pa)"l Hl,best JDCluth and Other Makes of t:ars ... . . . Also Fcaturin~ Th e F'am9us cott's Lawn Seeds: for Sunny l One of the greatest problems that the communitY' and lend real btlsl- ment 15 made by tl1.\s otnoe, which will be glad .to 1nf~ ~ , ~, Market Prices ror Dlamoncl'l ana U Hour , Towln, In Oharre of MeLawns. 69c a , Lb; i S~ady ~wn's, is confronting the people today 111 nes,l; wisdom to all propositions that IcnoWs service and always gives an phases of !.h~ ohicken ~ , Old ~d . . . QuaUtr MerebanaJse. chanics •.. Direction of J. W, Ware 711c n Lb , i SCJtt s '1 ud Bl1ll<lcr , that of transportation. It Is necES- \ pronUse the development of our oonest and fair deal. :Yo do not Every owner of a amaU , ~ .. " Reliable Servlc:~ . " , See RIm For • . . Tel. UO. ' 10 Lbs. fOI' $1.26. sary In order to make our cars a.nd county. state and country. have to -walt untU an adjuster COlrtes well 86 a.lart!e one ebouJd ~ ICl!IDe Gifw 'For Him' And For Her • - --. trucks serve us for the t:luratlon and from some distant city. reports back ch1ckens and! it 18 wile ~ Mrt Wi'll Tel. 32'7 M. The Ware Bales and Service welL, W. Nisbet & Co. are an ~1C1 to ke our complex cl,vlUzaUon on after some ·time. and ' In ~the the beBt. Get their, ~ ~ OIXD.e all mo,t or car drivers to stop to the beauty of all this ,scct~on he , '!ve that this feature or modcourse of weeks you ,get payment learn haw it w11l \l6Y ~ dlYldeDdll T1'Us store 111 qulte a factor In the In all their place wh6Il In Franklin, of the coun try 'anel theIr fme t m • which Is not alwa'Ys satisfactory. to buy tbelr abicka 'l'be mcre.;.1B social life of this section of the and here. they, are assured the bes, t products have made mllll~~ ~ plac\! ern life be given the lIHlxlm~ Here. you get pr.actlcally an 1m- fOOd producUon ~ annt!W' aI!S ' to n ' .... uarter not only a better placc in which amount of attention lmd Olel1 s 108 E. Main. Xenia, Feature Qual" '. "'. state. 86it.ls a popular hea.... s of service in repairB and partB. They to live and do busincfjs. bu t have Oarage are a great aid In the solv- Ity Parts For All Makes and' Mo4ell, mediate and prompt payment. out Vlct.ory 'ProIr'UIL . , lor ..... e latest lri vogue In the jeW.................... ency ~ real1ze that ..... _ VIle "merg often brought about a sale at a log at !.he problem. Z Can, Tractors and Trucks elry lI.ne or the~. ' war Umfll. that all motorlsta ,will good price. , '. At the ooJ.l of the ImbUc. at all Paint and Auto Body Supplies . . . 14!'. DaVidson bas made a study at want their cars runn1nr as loDi ,as In their wall pap cr . you wIll times. Is !.heir modem 'wrecking car. SoaUl iWlJId Heaters . . , Machine YOU ARE WELCOME :TO A'n:END' ,t heh18tary of JeWelry f~, the CUll- posslble a.ud .. ecOnom1cal1y. and find the correct back~l'ollnd for hi.... answers pr~-t~ 'a ll calls G ,tome of the ' past down to tlie presprepared to rvI them with your furniture and be able to se- w ..... """"OA,J Shop' Service '. . . owneft and ar' ent da , Y ~ ca.n tel , I you IWb&t ls ap· are , " Be ce lect 'a ,wall-paper that will bc and Is effiCiently manned ,w ith me- !'tea Can Sa'fe M1IIlb By 'ftad'In, prOpdate~ -.nY case. Be UDder- thIa In vIeW. suitable to every room in your cba.nlca who w11l ~t you out of 'Here. Ed Sobulb, Prop. MaIn %88. To Be Held At The _...r... the t-nda connected Wlth They, have C/o eervtce department house and be distinctive and dif" trol.tie. They w11l ,t .ate ,the car, bus -equipped lUte an auto factOr, and ferent. They are at ,p resent, show- or truck In, . ~ the repairs. put Jewelr¥- adornment. pt'epe.red to triYe aen1ce 9D an~", ing many scenic patterns aud equipment Into ftr8t 'claas shape , This 18 an InstlbuUOIlt that is &1dlog In keeping ,the transportation , ae • ofterln8 an attraottve Une ~" of car, , ~ you bav~ .a part in: others that are so popular, tod!lY. again. . ' SUNDAY, MA~CH ,26,' 1~ of fttcbe8. dlamohds" and other- Bta11ed you will know it. w11l be the They :are, also, furni8hin~ washIn any field of endeavor oo-ordln- system continually. rolling on. , -At 2:3o.P. 'M. rrhey feature bearlnp, auto, trQCstoneS and novelty jewelry , oorrect one and it. 'Will nt. 'Oley.ca.n ~ble papers tn va1'io us colo ;'s and ti and timing are two of the , y~ iWIll five joy to the recipient prodUce a '''pel'fect ~t1on by d~sign'8 and. you can. be sure tQ ~= lmpOita.nt facton and ;Whether' ,t or and truck parts. accessoriell. , far 'manY yea.rs: . He 18 show1n8 __ ............. iInd motor tune-up 'rand somethlll~ to SUit you. . ' to ' at &11 s1zes ' f~ repIaceme~ton . . In . the Scott's lawn' seeds you It be at.hlet1c ~. armies 01' mo r " ./ 10 e .."".. -~ ~tlUP bhat .~e we Ie.8t wonl 'I'hel" also feature 1I&tter)', I(fn1tlOIl< will find tho ,specially produced cars, success ~ot be lICb1eved an& model cei,' tractor or' trul;k. allYle. Here. your own stones ~ be and tire, aervIce. . ~eed~ for sunny and shady ,places wl!.hout perfect ~ and sy,n chro- Their stadt Includes p1ston rin;Js. :remounted ~to the ~ a11urlDC 'lbIa 18 detlnlt.ely a ~ to ·bIIp which have been, develop'ed for ntzatlon and Glenn's (J~ Is pre- plstonpln8. axles. t1mIni c~., effect-. . ~ JPu bt.Ye in operatl~ ~ for this cl~ate. They ~re pure', test- pared... to t~\.p ,oUr tgOtor 80 pelrets, 1M, bolts a.nd ' buahlnga, With the present. stYle:. of the .~, u.e ulUmate aOOd our ta'a.D8par- . ed and ~ re1i.ble. With them and that an parts owUl wwlr. In perfect oonnect!Di rods, sp~' faD belta, euatAIID pAeces tab 'on a new' bD· the)' are beDdlDc fI'I- their llpecial . turf builder, you co-ord1n&tloo.D4 fOUl!' car will give I)alDt and auto body aIlpplies. ~ .. more aDd more J e n l I 7 . ean build ' . lawn that -will en~ , _ eDd ~ 'J.'beIJI are manufacturers' a,~nt 18 requlred atld tbla II .. etore tbM . , . .on to IIIIp tiboIe ,aao.DeIId hance the . value of your prop. JOU .. flMr more and can ave ,OU moDel.. Ja JIlt tI,. tbe aeedII ,oI '~... Pert)' .. Well ." be a JOJ to behold. omIcaI ~
Earl B. Davidson Jeweler
''' 'til
L. W. Nisbet
Glenn's Garage
Ware Sales&Service Studebaker ' •
m , u t r . e t a
.n .
X '
. S d' d P t enla tan ar ar s
Waynesville ChUrch
w... ... tbeIr......
Christ ,
. , W. Offer Satisfactory
. Setvices
At All Times
, have w be marketed' through Wnbtry of Food chatUlels. and an IU:urU Le record 'or production of each t. w bas to be malntal!led. This Is sl llU'vlseu by the Ininll:.tI'y,. I found out the prices of some livestock, particularly ' :hegs .• The~ a re lIIal'k ted by the score weight. A ~ re Is equal to 20 pounds. Fat h '85 were worth 24 shillings a bCore, about ' 4c. l''at /lOWS 16 Shillings, or lI;'e. Boors at 9c. The bonr hogs are I ~t desexed, and I una g-Ine .. one wtJuld .have to be PI' tt.y hung.;y to Ct t th eir mea l,. en t.tle marketed 'by Lhe hundredweight, .and all English c yt. is 112 four powlds . 'l'he beltt l' grudc.. were bringing abo ut $32 to $:1 a. cwt There are not many of l.hll good grade. All milk Is sent to Ule various ci ties and tow.ns for WI15W1I'Ption. A lot of It Is dipped I1'0111 Lhe can LO the pW'cllaser':; m.nt:.ainer. . Sanitation 011 l.he farllls and in the handling of food prodUCts w.1S t:ol l<.'PiCUOUS by its absence. One sees m L'1I t laying ou opeu trucks, COMBAT Pt"IOTOGRAPH.ERS WHO ALTERNATED FIGHTING WITH beUlg hauled aU <tbout that way. MAKING PICTORIAL RIECORDS OF THE The slaughter houses are very dIl'ty LANDING AT TAWARA DID SO UNDER a nd W1Sllnitary. There is very little THE MOST INTENSE ENEMY FIRE EVEr. pa "teul izmg of milk, no l~frigera ENCOUNTERED BY A MAJOR MARINE ,tiOD of any ~)1pe , so it Is hard to ASSAULT FORCE , kttlp unything very long. 'l1here Qrc not many automObiles, DR. DYE WRITE OF ENGLAND pic take grea.t pride in their horses ,p alt 1cularly in !.he country. All cars (Contlnued from page 1) Rnd their dogs . arc small, most. of them SUl·aller I see a lot of sheep, and they ar than Ollr WUly s. :IT tl.. family luI.s a cash crop, and the farmer is paid a ll good ones. Mutton Is O!le of the cal', radio and a t.elephonc they are for this crop in proportion to t:.he main meat dishEiS, but even that Is very well to do. There are qUite a amount of sugar hl the beets. soa.roe now. Jew t,r.l.Cks , !but they al'e all used hl Breeds and ty.pes of llvestock are As I stated be-fore the v( terinary tScntlnl business. All vehicles are very plentiful. I S8IW all types of service is good here compared with . et H right 'h and drives. And use the lett cattle both dairy and !be . ow- otller services. Nlot many hogs have s ide of the road. ever thc milking short hom Is the to be vaccinated for cl101era, but Most of the entertc inment conmost popular !rom t:.he dairy stan d - occasionally it pops up and a vacslsts af MOWS and dances. Sports do Id point. I asked why, and 'Was to cinatJon progmlll has to be adoptnot play as Important a pa.rt hue that their milk k ept better. I did ed . U~derstand hogs are not so as in U. S ·. A . They do have not know at that time t hat there plent1ful or in SUtch large groups as .field hockey, SOCIler and rugby foot1 ith tl iWB8 no refrl gera on, e er n there, However, 'nearly all have to ball ""' .... es . I have not seen any of dairies or in t h e h ames. However, I be vaccinated for Erysipelas, and ----• ... the WOl1Jll question always both~rs . -them as yet . In the ~heatres one "", milk f rom Sh 0,. do not see why •..."'h horns should keep better Ithan Horse practice 1s a. b ig tl~ Very can SDl'Oke, at d believe me the rur Holstein or Jersey, but they say It few of the cattle are T. B. teste<i gets pretty cloudy. "'-d English CllStonl Is ve"" I fin d pubUc transpJrtatlon very uu= an an ." nnd the l&lEe berds have deaths ~"'on~ bell I good. Good service on the rflilroads, d1!ticul t to -....-... ~, eve me. lYeBJ'ly frolll ' 'I' '!B. It ,. said th&t ~ vel'Y frequent trains. The English id th el . thei r9Jilroad5 was on one 16rge !i0lsteln [tum about 30 per c;.ent of the chUdren which had recently had a sale of h ave T. B. and mostly of the 1:)0- Pl' e. ems ves 011 . , r , and tell us we should be around 1n 60 'h ead. I was tola tile cattle av- vine ongln . ·~t cattle are vo.ccin..... <Is 1 dIn"""'" peace times. In cltles the trains or elaged .-.. paun per leB . . ......... ated a.galn8t iBallg'S or contagious ~, b""" · t.h a tis·""" \nd green......... """", . They abortion; and huving good resuits. street cars , and buses furtUsh adewere !inc looking anlmals, Never- Cattle are not troubled so much qua~ tmnsport&t1on, But lUI for thele!;s I would say that most of the with Mastlles here as in the staJtes, myself I certainly miss my Buick . cattle were Interior to ours. The a. fact ttrhlCh I at trLbute to the lack' In swwnlng it all up, I 'Will say I" it has been interesting to see. NevanJrnals looked stunted!, flI lot 01 or the hi"'h teed concentrates bere. .. erth.eless I am very glnd my, forewhich may. be due .... to poor f eedsI as 11 spent ,.. II. few Interesting times fathers bad the idea to move to h the concant re.te f e""" ere are very with local vets, a,n d needle6s to say, ·",_ ............. u ..... ob'-' ....n. Oomip!.re d n"th "'. h. ~e It ,m ade me err homesick. I found 'the U. S . A. I VIOuld not want to
Louis C. nndle1, PWllllr Church school a t 9 :30 a . m. Worship Service at 10 :30 A. M . SubjeCt. : "COnquol'ing a COntinent" or "MethodJsm COmes To America." This Is t.he second sennon in tJle seriC.:! 'being given on "MeWlodlsm." Youtil Fellowsh ip SUnday nt 7:00 p. 10 . Joe Davis. leader. Lenten Prayer service Wednesday evening MarcIl 22 at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. ilrvin MuUord n L 7 :30 p. m. ST. l\lARY'S EPISCOPAL CIiUReD
JIlcGHurt Jlfuntral ~llme Dial 2111 -
Ralph Parks, Minister In Charrc Church school at 9 :45 ~. III. Morning prayer and sermon 11 :00 11. m.
Herbert Grabam, MlnlaleT 9 :30 a. 10.411 a . 11:00 a. 7:30 p .
m ., BLble sCbool m.-Communion . m.-8ermon. b .-Preadllng.
FRIEND!; First Day llChool, 9:3Cl a . m. Meeting for Worship. 11):30 a . m .
ST. AUGUSTINE CHUlWH Father Knlmhollz, l'rlest M8IlII Sunday 9:00 a. m .
WaD' A6, Carda ., TbaDb faDd Oblt.Mrl.. are ebarced '.r at I the rate ., ... cieDt a word, minimum ebaI'ge 150. A W . ., Ad InMrt.ed fOT tIanIe ...... II ehaqecl at Ie Il wOrd.
Max Randan, Mlnl~ter Bible Scbool 9.30 a. 111. Communion 10 :45 a. Dl Pl·ea.chlng, 1,1' a. m . Youn .~ P c ,lIe's meeting 6:30. - POB BALlI: - "(V&Wna Preduo... at Evenin,:::- serv Ice at 7 :30. a II. BrouIwaJ. ~on, Open You nre Invited to come and wor,'. . . . . . f« JOUr convenience . ship with us. GlaD LIntner. Phone 113 L. MT. IIOLLY III. t ;. CIIUItCIl 1'. 1\1. S('arfr, Minister
.... -....... .
. ... .
The Waynesville Church Of Christ SER VI ES SUNDAY, MARCH 19,1944 BmLE CHOOL 9:30 A. M.
MORNING: SERVICE 11:00 A. M. Toplc-"SA.LVATION BY FA.IT~ ONLY, IS UNTILUti:' . EVENlNG SERVIO!Q '7:30 O'CLOCK Toplo-"CnOOSE YE THIS DAY WHOM YE WILL SERVE" 'The Chu$ of Chrkit is proud of its or1gin in the great.est mov( ment or aU time. We al e proud to be foliowers of Jesus C.lutst tile SOn' of qod, tile SavioI' of all men who acrep t and obey Him. We are proud of .the Apostle PsILl -who mnks as the grelltest eva \l gel19t d all tim e. Ule othel' apostles only approachl11g him. tllld to whom every Chrkitlan who has evel' lived, or who ever :;hall live,
We a re proud of t he leaders Qf bile "falth once for all deUvered • lInto tile saints" n.od ~b e h ost of fe[).l'less preachers and evangellsts who kept puce with the wes t.ward moving pioneers, and whooe lalbors alld sacr1f1ces not only planted New TeStanYlIlt Ohr1stlalllty IIU'OSS the contlue!lt. and did so llluCh to give this country bhe firs t to • to 01 ,pure, a'post;olic New 'lestament Ohrlstianity it ever had . We are proud, to be able 'to preach the dootrinc found in· the N ew Testament, falth , repentance, cOl1fessioll, baptiSm. and steadfa..lJness in the apostle'l'l doctrine iWhidh are basic .to Ohrlst1anlty. a nd are ltihe .soil ou t of whl~ all toe othtll1 freedoms " nd our d!'lmocra.cy grows. 'loday we a\'e just as strong as the (,'OSpel we preach. ihe gospel that Is "the power of God U!lto salvatloll" wlWl a great eva.ng~g '1)rogra.m, that, like Lhe great oommlssion of Ohrost S81YS, Is for aJl tlhe earth . We Ilre tI1ying to live up 00 Chrlst's groo , collunlssion, "00 ye therefore and make disciples of all tibe nations, be.ptizlng them inl.o !.he name of the Fathcr, and Q! the Son, alld of the Holy Spll'i t , ,t.ell(lhblg them to obsel'V e all Ulings 'who.lNJevcr I have COlOmanded you, and 10, II am with you a lways, even Wlto the end of the ear til."
------------.- -------- -------}\lAX W. RANDALL, MlnL'lter, Phllne 2993
Claude \Vilson Gra duate Auctioneer
ROll tc J, Plea an t Plain, Offel's T he P "ogl'ess Of This Scction of A Distinctive Servi ce In Aucli on- Ohio . . . Feat uring Selling of ceri ng Thr.oug h Special Truining ' Fa"l11 s, Real E stute , Farm Goods, On All Types of Sales '. . . Hi I ,hattels, Livestock, etc. Phone Aetivitic s Arc A Great Aid T o Bu llu l'vill c 221.
Claude Wil. 0 11 of Pl easllllt Phrin offe rs t he p ~ opl or this section a service thnt is a g rcat accommodation lind f acilitatcs t he rapid transaction of Im siness. While he is popular at homc, yet his act" t ' b f' d IVI les are. y no means con Ill e to his home community a s he eonducts sales for people, anywhere. TI Ie A u ctlOn . HI oc k'IS one 0 f t h e oldest and best ways of disposing of all kinds of property. Its activities all an example of price being regulated by the true princid It 0 f p1e 0 f supp IY an d d eman. fet'S the o'vner the selll ' n • ..<> pr\'ce for everything and this is the ~)J1ly . real price, as it is the price by which people settle and you get the cash. The expense of condueting a sale is les8 than the selli ng by a ny other method and takes less time. In foTmer times,
pu blic place was provided and o l1e o[ t he oldest of these in the coun try is the public auction bl ock in t. Au"'ustinc, wnere the " Inves \V re sold at auction. Mr. Wilson under tands local cond ition. in real estate, as well as ' the worth of Ohio property, both I'eal and personal. His sales of farm goods, chattels, livestock, etc., have been very successful. His knowledge of r enl estate is com prehen!jlve, as he is able to for ecast the valUc.'S of to morrow. "-I k·ee ps up WI.I ' tl a II propose d r e improvements and h'e nd8 in t he realty mal·ket. . His service is a gruut aid In' , these changing times in placing ca o:h in hand and . let~ you make a chungc without the bother of taking effects ' along. .
Sunday School 9:30 a. m. E. It. WaynesvUle; Earnhart. Supt. Evening 8ervlce, 7:30 p. 111. POR 8AL1!I - Pencmal Stationery. 100 ebee1ll of 800d bond paper, Bryant's . . III 1-2, With 100 envelopes, ali .nth oame and address Imprmt.ed. tor $1.60 at tile Gazette Glftce. Pbcme 21a, • and ' N.. WbltemaD, A' Eo MarIlet rolt RENT-WaUpaper Steamer. ~ .. Where You ~ \1'0111' r there Is no. feed1l:l&' problem ' Pl .Ute tl1elr methodS and ,~que'Q good live .here. , Will C. St.' .John. WaynesviUe. . stateS. The hogs are mostly Berk-' ooal like 01.U' own, only. they were [)()O. Phone 2705. - 8-16 MCI40r u.dt To We ••• Complete shires or Chester Whites. Their not so conscloll,t;~ about sanitation Se~ For Motor . AualJdba', Car- .grow:th is slow, and In most instanc- 6 5 illloSt of the iet8:.LK.n1)W.~~-+--;ll'V'H1.Si-Jameson FOR SAL~Good used bog COOP8: buiewr• .• _.U.... Geotntor ~d es takes year .t o obtahl marketing ...... All livestock and llvesto. k pro'-';;;;;~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iL Also little red clover seed. ~~d~~ ~u~~s~~~~~~~. ~re_~~~I;*~r~·~H.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ _ _~~~~~~~~--~ ~- -I.;.,--'.:..,-------.:....tlraw. Charles. Kable, .Spring Can ••• Offer EKperi .servide and There are rrul.l'Iy h to prevent black Valley Route 1. ,Phone Bell- Are AIclIa6 In KeeplD, Our Trans- beGutifUl creatures bhoy BJ'e. The At Broadway and Mulberry, Lebbrook 86095. 3-16 portaUoD S,.tem · Workinr. Under Shire and Clydesdale are tile most ma rketlng, aparentIy from anon, Are GreaUy Aldinr ID KeepI have purcha.cd The' Wayn.... Ill.. Fir.. Inlurance AceDc, ' . • Able DIree&Ioo or Eo B. El11s • • • ,p opular ,VIOrk horses, although there 'wha.t the people bold. me It Is Q very Ing Our Busy People on Thclr Fee' of C. B . •Jenkin. and ha"e mo.ed it to my office, comhininc' l"OULTRY-We paykhlghest ~~Ice . Tel. as. a~e quite n. few Suffolk!;. The peoThe livestock By Tb- I - Service In Correctly FitIt wnh my aceDCY. Anyone ha.in, an, fire or wind.torm 1_, for rabbits, due s, turkeY8, • " """ insu.red in thi. acenc" pl .. a.c call at our office on Main .lreet. fryers, bens, ro08ters. Ginaven - - - - - - - - - -- -- . tiD, TrulIIIes. Sur&1ca1 Belts and one-half Iquare north of th" traffic Iicht; or phono 2851' for Poultry, W. Second and Bell- ' . 'l1le American hablt of dIscarding Abc1'omlDal Supports . •. Akron prompt .erTice. brook avenue, Xenia. Phone the old car every year and getting a •• 0 Trusses Give The Latest Improve1108. 4x .new one 18 not 10 accord 'With the menta and (}omfori At. No Extra .... EWARD-$'IO.OO reward W\'U be IlIational defense ,p rogram and thus . Wide Pr I011, IRanre M eets Every Cost .•• Authorized Eulualve Akron A At US N. Broadway, Lebanon, Is ' With , Lal Estate - Insurance '. Auetioneer given for return of Gas Ration tile auto re-bUildlng plant takes Its ' Family's Probleml , • . Modern In- Truss Fitter ,:. Com'plete Dru, 'car. James proper ' place 10 the present econA Comfortable, Home-LIke EstabSe'rvlce, Pl'flicrlptlol15 ... Tel n.t. WA YNESVtLLE, OHIO PHONE 2851 book stolen fro'" , .. valid Car . , . Sllrvice AvlliJable At Lovely, Waynesville. . Phone cmlc life of the COIl1liry. ien t P at'klnl . . . Any Hour, Da.y ,o:r NleM, Anywhere. lishment. C onven 2904. 9-8:1. IBryant 's !Ford Sales and Service In the ,h ighly specialized world of are equipped for all problems con- Modenl Equlpment and service .•• TellO, PQR SALE-Three Electl1c 0h1t'k this section of the state, there is no ... ,.... b t BroocIeJ'a: galvanized cbklt ·wa~ frontiong olle in a.uto repair 'Work. It Is em1ncntly fitUng in this re- a. cl\entiele that 'e xtends over many GIlC wbo st ands ._ •• er nor are eThey know the automotive meds of tel' lmow.n -than The Ivins-Jameson eI'I aod feeden: hen leeders. the territory and have mastered .all. view that we (ievote consplCUOlIS miles of territory. JIrDe8t ,BarUIOCk. ~one 2494. 30 the machinery necessary ' to space to a well .. !--------PI9IIHW=---Elood modern proper- all 'm awr cars on the move in t his the efficient and 0< you. . Wholel1)1I\f> Pasteurized Dairy Producla CIJ, l&I1re plot groWld, lots ' of pQrt of the state. They featur<! re- Wat has won for this well . known ! live, it Is avalla,bl'e to you. at all tnlSSes and supports ·f rom the very '. best surgical houses of the country Ibade. See .. W. N . ·Beans. Phone pair of th~ Ford line us \\I, it a , ca,s pl'Ufcs. lonal finn a prominent place times. In your hour of sorrow, Ju .t and are also In a. pOsition to make PastezlJrized ,'Afilk For Your.. Protection of all makes. You arc ass ured LllC as ' amongst the most modem fun- call on them . o.rl<d they w11l relieve . . alterations so that the service is very F-- ---' Phone 2537 Wa,nes.iIIe. Ohio tine Ford .prEcision met.hods. Ll al directors in this section. There you of all the t roublesome details • ........ _"9M ..., , - 8"............... . . comprehensive and complete. They 1.... ............ IK'VU<".".... --~ They employ only expert mecha n- 1s ,1 0 vocation r.c qllir!ng lor Its suc- and the service wlll be one of dlgiNow OIl "·-lay at ftlV he> D E have been responSible for many lm--- ' me. . . ics and can tell Yvu qulckly what i ' cssful ~)t'osccuUon 11 grouter natur- • lI ity. ---'lIe ONA 20 provements that have been made in ~""'" . . ." ••_uw Y. wrong and how It ca.n be remeaied ul a,pti lude than l h at of t il modem TIley hn ve n t nodern invalid car . lat.. years in the, manufacture and and what the probable cost will be. .funeral director, lind this particu- and cff r fi ll excellent ambulance .. ~ult!l' . ~ all k1Dda, fjtt~ng of trll8SeS. Their ideas <have People all over a IWide territory ha.ve , lsrly applles to his well known repservice l hu t is a t the call of the 'WUl call. Highest market prtcce. leamed that this garage is a haven resen,tatlve of thls valued profeSSIOn. publlc C:ay or night. been adopted by the profession a.nd D1'q) poetal or call lIInmklin of ~rtne88 10 all classes of autoThrough untirl.ng efforts and They have o.ch1eved gr eat success. these are t heir gifts to the pro1..a; 0 .. T, Windle, Prantlla, and humanity. 0bI0. I moblle repair a.nd therefore they commendable methods, they . have not by the result of l uck bllt throug~ fession This is the Jlouse of Rexall proenjoy a large Patronage: .p rogressed untll today they possess good and conscientious se~·vice. ducts. The name Rexall mea.!!s to fat SAIlF-Ooal Range, practblyou the finest produced In ' drUgS. 'liJ new: ' aIao tour single 'W'iDdOfW Rexall products are compounded ..-.rdDp. Ibqulre at Gazette Gf.I •• from time tested p.r esclptlons used 1Joe.: PboDe 21t3. 10 '. by the medical authorities of our :JICft RJINT-8Ieeplng rooma. Modtime. At Broadway a.nd BUver, Lebanon, Isblng, Sinclair PrOducts. Complete . . em. Same meals 11 d~ecs. They specialize in phone and mall Is A Convenient Stoppi", Place For' Une o' Tall PIpes and Mufflel'!l, AC,- orders and will fill each ·promptly. Pbotne MN. ¥n. Ernea~ HartLEBANO.N, OHIO People to and From WaynesvWe ••• .' lOCk. Waynen111e. 30c ces8ories, Edison BaUerles, .Fllst It 'W1I1 'b ewrlllpped so that it will Featuring Expert Tire Reeapplnr, arrive In ,first class C'Ondltlon .. POR s,u·~Abaut 211-2 tons baled Vulca.nJzlng, Lubrication, WasbiDg, Servlc\l, IleUCInable Prlets • , , HelpIn their sale .and service they al'e HOURS I ~. bay. PhcIIIie Lebanon 305E. PoUshlng, SIn~r ProcJucts. VuI- . Ing To Keep ' O,ur" Transporia.tlon helping to guard the health, welllIII'DeIIt BwIm. t1 N. ~. canlalnr, LubricaUon, Wuhinr, Pol- System WorkIDI. TeL 3M M. 9-12 each morning being and happine68 of our comliebanoo 10 mlin1ty. ' . 1-6 afternoons except V. C. Harv.ey's . Sinclair Service ahead by saving ill; expenses should PaR S&L1!l - BbOrtborn CO'f ~ W~dne8day Station enjoys a. 'Widespread patron- 'investigate ~h1s seTV!ce. 'NOTICE OF APROINTMENT -.If. Phone :»12, Waynen1De, 0bI0.. . 10 age' in Lebanon and all the sur- . !As tlre elq)ertEI,' 't hey ~ pleased Administrator 7-9. Sat~rday evening rOlmdlng communities and asSj.ll'eB all that they Wlll find Q very 'super- to go over .the Mre situa.lon with E.tate of W . H. Allen; Decea.ed POR: SAl E I'lr~ Jf!r'IIti1 COIV with Other Evenings ior tire .reca'.pplng a!).d repair·service. you. Drive lh tb ~ex~ ,time YOU· are Notic.e is herOby given tHat caJf bir aide. RdJert Baker, Route By AJlPointmen.t _- IUld haVit .6 1~ ",~. PboIle 2880 .... They UDd.e rBtand the manufacture in . ....... ', ta1k wi-h . them. CliffOl'd H. ' Brace, whose Post' dfI. . .' . . . , . . . ~. of ...,.. ......eI , ..... d tAli i rice addre s iR Waynesville, Ohio" ..... ~ .....,. of .... hMd ' ..... II NOW f.r of'ttres e.nd ~ve equipped the ~ Tbere are many !I van ~s n us- has ' been (,hlfy" appointed as Ad~ TELEPHONE 62.-R '".., of tile tood ....... our ......... ..:......t . 'With -motels for the recapping ape! 1ng their good SIen1C~ They merit . ministrator with, the will annexed ... 1111 ....... for . . . . . . .iy people. WetlY rebu1Jd1ng of tires. 'Tiree, where the the ~ they have atta.lned. of the I:Jgtate 9f W. H, Allen, late ',.... ... ..,.,. hMrIag uti ha.d -tIOkat I ••', walls are not damai~ can be ~_ They are wh~e~e and retaU dis- of Warren County, Ohio, de~e",sed. ........ to Wear-......oid bow. s..d ....y capped an~ give 80 pe.,!..cent as much ' tributors ·for tall p[pes and mUfflers Dated thts 4th clay of · March, 1944. fer ..... ~ 10 . . IIW ~. No ." ........... OPtolD.~rie .. 'E,e ,Speeialiat ,t mlleage as they did when .new. This and are offering a. quick &el'Vlce"-1w f RAL'pH H. CAREY, service is ofrer.ed at very reUormble these Ve1"Y essential parta or can Judge of the Probate Court. 28 S. Detroit St. "-nla, O. prices e.nd anyone who iW8nts to pt. and trucb. 'III. . . .0 COMPANY, ..... 171 D.v............a Warren County, Ohio-. AonyleDe
electric:. See Bill Lee,
0nuIarf Road,
a: a,
Ford Sales & Service
C T J h nson F unera1· H ome
Bob's Dairy
m~~e~ri~te~d~t~ri~b~u~te~to~lllliffic~~rro~iii~~~F;~iujrD_ru"ftgreyCo_.". C~ry--a-:-:O~JIe1~~~~ttlI1
____..'.A.... ...........
t-----·--u--.-----u--IJ--t, ---_....._-
v. C. Harvey!s
Sinclair Service
Anl! make.or model
Fred Kahn 'Motor Car Co.
""A. I .. 't_ll· t.I,
I,- ----__ -.- . ~
..... tn.t•••t
Stanley cl Stanley, Att',..
'!'i f.i{ .llltD STAns
'II IF WAYNBSVlLLK, Olllo. THUBS DAY. MARCIl . 23, 1944.
-----~~----------------~----------W. S. O.S.~T~
Civi c Club Mee ts Mon day Even ing
Pers onal s
·':l:MD)o'·I~ .~~2
Cele brate Gold en Wed ding Sun day
Serv ices Begi n This Sund ay
Frank ; ; -of Da.yoon wa.s the MethMr . and Ml'S. Harvey Burnet , The Revival servlcC;5 at a¥ guest at Thursd and day Su~day. this Wednes begin . n church .dist wedCaristla of golden Society s their The Woma.n who celebrat ed The Waynes ville Civic· club held Nr. and M~. Roy Jm11a. . Service s will be held 26t.h larch \ , March to home r~lar · a.t their were 19, held March 8ervlce ding lis lMat(; meeting Mond\1Y evenlni It 10:30 a. ·m . and 7:30 p. m. on oy ai1'ternoon with (.heir fri ends from 2:00 to 5:30. Mrs. Woodro w Owens and two Inat "Our House." with 'II member s meetlni ThW'8dll s and 7:30 p. m . each week , J\Ulday asweather 1l000tess, nt lioii In spite of the incleme t.erestlng ch1ldren of Springf ield I and guests present tor the dinner Mrs. Cbarlea Iilllls S8turda y. except .light dnd e oMer1ng ArmItag Vern called. iMrB. guests by 75 sIstied . about Mr were ~he guests of her parents , meeting . The ~llcatlon of 1'1r1In.:l w1ll asBlst mlnlster Visiting D. R. , 8811iSbury. 'Ihe presi- and Mrs. Vern Armltag e dur1n~ the their congra.tulat1o~ and good cl,) Oene Brawn for member ship was MrI. serv1ces, and WU1 In.the Radley of Rev. prllllldT, a.rre.y dent, Mrs . Walter Whltake v.1shes and leaving an p&~ week. received and a.pprove d. follows: aa preach leagifts. l bU8inela n& _eautlfu Wymer Drake, Cha.mnan at the ed over the lnterestl w&.it" present ed by TUesda y-Rev. Brrce Nichola of only char&e See "Atta Mrs. 'H arold Whitak er, epeclal comm1tt.te whlch- twa.a re- oilon and devotia la were in I IArprtl on S. H. W. of class n. Jr. the Frankli y, wbo u..ed dauihte r of the Burnets . pres1ded cently named to secure better ma1l at Mrs . O. R. Uualew 'lY-lDl' . J. W . Danfor d tea. . ed.nesd ed W readlng appoint ber lly Psalm u at the beautifu 6 at the a.Ud1~rt~.. servl~ for th1a vlcln1ty. reporte d iohe 13'lth . Dayton of a by d ~dld a centere gave was Borden which . Olenn albj~ , .\irs. that over 600 signatu res have thus Opl. anrl Mrs. John Boger of Thursd aY- Rev. Vernon VanBur e Nlg'htheart-sh aped cake In white and far been secured on petltlo:l s to be • Q,vlew of the lite of F.orenc Pftshue Isle, MaIne, who are enjoy- 1 of Wilmin gton. . c.n "Hnrvey mtere3t grea.t ltgend gold t hat bore the lnple, whl.ch was of forword ed to postal authori tles. iDI a flIteen-da.y tur~h, were I y--'Rev. Paul ChUes at LebBurwere Frida Mrs. of hymns gilt the Several e. 94-44." Edna. In respons e to an a.ppeal received CoO evel')'On guestAI of Mr. 9.lld ~. Ber.nar d . anon ay. Hathaw E. adH. . Mrs soclet.r the sister, net's which ~ oJ\Uli from Mrs. Trumuu WlIl'diow, presiMelloh an Bunde.,y n1ght and of Mr. Th e pas tor will open the series loI. A. MIS. J . B . OhapntaJl. MIs.s Allce dent of the Mother s club, for help Journed to meet with Mrs. and Mrs. Leo Oonner and daUlbs peaking at 10:30 a. m . on IlJld er Sunday refreshWhitak 6 Frances OClWio\1 GeM. MIss lin the school mI1It proJect, the club OOl"nell In April. tem on !Monday. es 1IJld Splrlt 01 Meththe Doolr:n assisted "ThE \ ~ hostBl'OW, the by Eileen served M.Iss we~ nts .resbme voted to donate ,,1500 to this W~y 7:30 p. m. on "Who at nd a . (dlsm." was ta. h ;tess r eceiving Wild serving ~ttlemyre Master IB1llY cause. A ~ntributlon ot $10.00 WM diS and her a.sslstan The subject MonDr. rist·?" were I 'Antich Is uests grlloUdg bla n of OUL-of-tow Thursda y n1gIht guest voted t.o be contrib uted to the Red PRAYE R SEaVIC E hOB WEEK be : "Ohrlat , the will famand evening lc duy Ro.siJag St. O. Ernest L. Mrs. Mrs. and and Mr. , parents Cross drive. FOR' BOYS IN THE SERVIC E " Saviour. John Only . ily Of . London . Mr . and Mrs Joml. Durtng the business meetln8 it Yellow of 'S pecial musical nwnber a a.nd an and famUy ity, Collins commun the of parenta the All Father· a hold was also decided to Fred Fur.na.s and Mrs . !Mr. ly. song servlee will feature Hormal pelling Ar.!la MIss , on, Sprnlg3 protea;l or SOn banque t at the June meetln8'. regardle as Of creed Fl1Ink Rel. Mni and Mr. and a.nd E\'l ch . ~ervlce and the congrep .Uonal Springb oro, MI.ss Ruth Fry m1d~ iPreside nt C. H, Bra.ce annaun e- are invited -to att.eDd the were SatRidge t MUIl\Qn of lennan will be accomp anied by Mr. n, s1ng1IJZ Frankli or M1..s ~1·!n1Ck. Wed.nesed that the annual election of of- prayer services held eadh and Sunda y guests of night urday and orga.n . no pla da.ughboth and O'Deli James . Mrs nd at Church f1cers Is slated for the Aprtl meet- day> nljrbt at 7:30 at ,the Ml·. and Mrs, Alva Thomps on. cordiallY invited. Is Mrs. e and Everyon Mr. . Dayton of ters ¢lheld are aervkle& L.'1g . and app:>lnted John Promm , Chrlet. These Antha MI.ss ie, Frank R . Dinwidd the boys at Don t miss "Atta Boy, Wa lt," a Oharles Anderso n and RUssell WU- mar11Y' for the sake of RETUR NS TO OALIFO ILNIA in dUfy-da lly 3-act oom~ present ed Dinwiddie, Miss Ma tlel Dinwidd ie aervlng are who lt.y oommuo the ' to tee ooownlt tlng son IL9 a lIlom1n6 and Mrs . ,Harry Brown or Dayton . the armed IOrces of our country . by. the Junior class of ·W . H. S. on name two slates of candida tes. Pfe. Herbert B. {)a,klns at the can. parente the Is nus ttI.e ced J . R. Ohapma .n . Introdu oAlprtl 6 . Ml11tal)' Pollce, Chico, C&.lU" has re1:'.1 ~ 1E l ~ I)S their bo)osin the No School! ~ealter .of the evening. Atty. Ph1ll9 do tor the lilLke 01 turned !lifter a 15-da.y furloug h witb MU! OOner11 Adams of Blliblna faith in Slick and icy roads preven.ted LIle Cora and Art hur T J. omas of his parents , Mr. and 'Mrs. PraDt: C. Ebeling, a m~ber of the law service. strengt hen your MWs were I SwalUe or dlWghte r and Mrs. Fmnk being made for school buses fr.:-m making thel: a. R . 2 ca.\Jed e ll Misses Annie and Dakin. Sgt. Darrel Dakin at Qunp Arran~ts firm of Pickrel, Schaeff er and Ebel- God and help your son d guest.s of Mr . and Mrs. week-en prayer. tbJ'ou&h naa ectlon to be route.:; Monday and Tuesday cf t his Marne Browne TIlJrsda y of Illb't Blandin g, Fla.. is also en~oying a tormer pttll1c a wide 11 county.IDg, of Dayt~n. and _ _ -_ Keney. John -..:..... was SUBtional preside nt of the Junior held for the ~ ot the C\.l.N'&:lt. week; consequ ently school week . Few days with his parenta . ED HONOR GIB(. LOCAL . )!J)el. pel1od this during pended the Sunday at Chamb er of Comme ree. ':Mr. leCt drive d sm Maclten War CJ'068 WillJam Red Mr. and Mrs . J. N. RoblndOll Vlrilnla PrestoD, da...... ter ot Mr. .. f bl the INA ing's topic was "New Era or New RSII m y son and 'Mrsl ' Berliha G lay.·o.! .Oonunu nity 8a1 • ~ oppo51te for his home In Washln gtv n . D . C. 1'0 GO TO NORm CAROL --onbe to the ved 17, .n ta'''' March freshm& , , His " morning Preston JOhn FridaY' ' . Mr&. event. , and .R. ~ The .tN 48. U.S e 1-'<: . . ? Error ... pro E. C. Crane, Bp Dayton ...ere Sunday ~ts at Mr. falrifOu nd on~t or the moat iuterest !ng ever heard facu~ty m~mbers 8lld S'ttudents of visited his mother Sunday a {teIOOll . Clal'k SaUsbu ry was the weelt~ rU B. Is sthedul ed for rt. Earnha F. E. Mrs. and o~~ ~c:.:.anh yto' .t DIm~-:' unle1:":~t :... g made for do.. W . H . S . ga th~re d in the high He ha.s been transfer red! trom Clnby the club. An appe&t 11 . • • • ....... ,guest of his parents , Mr. and Mra. """"'" NoJf "At UD-, Court of tbe •..... Come 'and see Jack Ora.ne as Walt Gov-ut ........ DenJeon of the school audito r I urn to en Joy the sev- clnna tl to Springf ield where he citizens ' , !rom out nations Mr. J1J)e1ing pointed W. p , Salisbu ry. Mr. SClU!IburF,' ed ""'....... d t ..... ld d Ing ...--, " en· t "_~I_"_. ,T~_'_II_.'.....I. get his dlst ress s I_AI_ county of varioUs 1>1II,ea.ble articles enth '-hool e.ssemblY' h e ur ttl several yeafS ago t ue na.......... ....... ....~"" an s ...• be located indefini tely. will ......-wuu ...... Is conneot ed with the "!la7ton who ~u ~t ,~ ''''h ' t -'Is ""~~ ,_ the las trom l1vesto;;k anq. lalm machin ery this tEirm. Seven I present ed the ...-...- -'I' be ' held ... "" Mrs. Evalyn P eterson, who ha.s RUbber compan y, w1ll now have bIa .therne "", I/O"" OOUD ry waa oppor- of ........... w... • • • ~, the fact, anIY- program in an Irish-llk e manne! ' in been visiting h er sisters In Wllmin g- l.eadqua.rt.ers a.t Charlot te, N. O. t1,1wty, but that in recent )'Sr'a It student convoca.tl.on at Mra. Cla.rence Gardne r , was re- to 1:&nfted goods, ~te., in . has changed to securiliY. He stated proceed s celebl'l!ltlon of St. ,P atrick's Day. ton, Is expecte d to return this week. All sOld. Ha.tnes moved from M1a.m1 Valley hosplta l thing that can be that no longer do boY8 read Hor&Uo ~ 3O~nd Mrs. Luther a.rtIcles The program was as tollows: dOlllated ·of sale. MI'. and IMrs. A. J. Bush Jr. and ne:. t ENTER TAINS CARD CLUB Melvin Hill- to the Cook home In Waynes ville !rom d Banner .... Sung little son of Oolumb us, called on Spa.ngle Star Alger's works -whJch at.ressecl the calltd OIl Mr. a.nd. Mrs, lon sUbdivls the to ' cledited be wUl H. IA. . Saturda y a.tteJlnoon · br by Studen t Body ClP~rtunltIt.8 i~ youth in the Unit- Unpwo rtb 'I'UesdaY eveolnlr. of thlH:ou nty trciln whence the do'Mrs. Bush's granclm other, Mrs. SIWlbs. local undettAi«er. 'lbeo...... ..L..., no, Xeol& 01 ~. otl..... Mr. HOUrlty now tbat -.:,a reoel¥ed . 'AU uUcles IW1ll OC... ed states. aDd nation "'er ...... • ", •• • :ie ! ' • .. . '" ~ ...... .• ....., - .. _ . SJeoriia Ivins, Tu~ a~~.~. l' lghy ,was h~ ~. -,, n (vocal &010 '" Bob be tb• ~ fa!:.'e -MQInU n ~ ~ WJIIGD precbau Tbe.'Le ~. her card c uJi "!.':" -'j(~=-'~!rll ,cI II!I ~ , , ~~~ ~~ ~ · l( ason of. MasOn '80~ ;PO;- O." L~-.t Lee Whlte".C M~~: Mr. ~ Mm. R. E. . d BlJJa and Pdd8y. Leonar .' p Hastln tD be ~ bOiDe have cOunliY the in eera street . auctJon lUI FIfth Anderso n of Lebano n called on Mrs. Da,y ton spent Wednesda.y alfterno on partillip ate and all An Irish playlet .... Donald Lukens to 'Way in the la.ce of IrOvemment· NIrlWlted i been WalMI's. a.nd tables were in ~ !durkII Mr. of TWo iwme tlie e. at mornin , guests ll. Allee Clark Wednes day near KlnllDl& f1!lDllY, . .. in the ev"""l.... and Robert Hunter . servl.CC$ their te na ulattOn . (\,' wUl with Mrs. Dan .BiIiWb evening the ter ElzeY. ~~.. \£n order tor a ' new era alfter 14Ie the I'll Take You Rome Again, Kaithin held .wlIs first prize and :Mrs. QucJ;1on the g simUlLr A. receivin who Stroud "will . Mr. and~ MAN d et'. . . . . Ell een rtnetu Ieen (cIa war ·w e muat maintai n IOvernm ent FORME R RIDGE VILLE county dUr1Jlg WC l'Id Vill r I and It l the oonsola ttoD. Swartze Frank RID aucpubllc W at .. "'..... .A AT IN FLO ... A sold tbelr posses8l.ons --,... . . "'."""""-0 a.nd Frances whitak er !Brown fer v. men. doll..:rs Ll snn .. l'lents iM!re .....-t1I1l1I1!..t--- "t and not"" tho reCreslU o f l""ws ;'i~vel'al nty rakJed the mto tlan Tu~y ere moving to the speak.er . ·H e II888I'ted aovemThe H.Istory of St: Patrick .... Joe I geiDeI. the g OrofIs. Red followin the street. 'MAin on y All the young people of the oomServiCE S lor Charles ~ 68, l.&rrlck propert ' iRld1Dger manto! men leads -to cUctatorship. Broce, Wayne townshi p C.H. fanntram retired llaa 8troocl Mr. W1l1 affillPlorlcla In church regardle ss of In conclus ion the speaKer ast~ VI'~d1ed' Wedneeday. the Re,d Cross drive, Londondel'I)" Air (,plano solo) • Jen- mUl11ty, ?" the Jolm- lng. and 'has a.ocepted iempl~t ohalrm an of atlon, are invited to the young p~- 'WHO IS 'ANTIa lBJ8T' ck Braddo 'Lee Die to the question , "Are We Wllllnar to be condw:tec1 Thursd ay a~ received s donuWm tha.t reports lG" COlllD ms OF "SIGNS ille with n t 11010). . .. pIe's ra.lly a:t the Waynew flay the pr1ce'fo r a laaUng peace'" son Funera l home In Lebl.no date are &. bit disappo inting 1Iolld An Autumn Da.y (trumpe . station ~~ ~ local. the at y. on. a.fterno cemeter oro Sunday Church or Chrl;,t Eule. Ho&k He ~-tated the peoples of the have 1:Nr1al ln Sprln&b to meet tts quota These bWo su\)JeotB about 'WhJcb See the Junlor clas5. seventh and It the towilshi p Is bad A. naUve ' of Rldgev11le,' March 26, at 2 :30 o'clock : Sextette by SUng ... .... . natlona 1W11I have to Share tlfel%' Bee The be tu have will ork much,w $3,000. of "Atta tor a.re thlnkln g and ta.l.Itlne w1ll ,>eople tlo1t~ for grades yean. eighth This 1'611'1 should appeal to evel)' St. Patrick m,b School Party blessing s with the 'have-n ot nat1olls. lived in P'lorlda Cor several The quota Is double thBt done. be 3Oc, Adults, 6. d on the next two BundaJ Aprtl on discusse Je Welt" , _ cf widoW. ' his He &alerted that world wnrs are an Survlv1nC him 'an r.rhe Irish spirit of St. Patrick 's younQ man and young woman of the previoUs driVe here. venLngs by Rev. L. C. Radley, 'i n ~ 150. , ChJldren lI:va Hoven, Mrs, Ard rs. . Mr daughte nlty. ·two out in bhe commu effort of have-no t nationa to aeoure' Bertha; Persons not sol1oU.ed are asked by Dary was copiously brought ion with the revival eervtcee • • • and schpol party which ministe r of Ihe Ohase ' AVf nue connect high superb this contribu IJl:art of the" world'~ 2"~ a.nd I4lddlewortlJ, St. ~UJ'I, their leave to BniJce MI'. Met.botbe 01 S. , 0 begin thla 8undaJ at tn, S. w11l W. which '!be. two o; will Lebano atI. of Ohrlst In Cincinn that high protecti ve tan1t walla Mfa. Esther Davis, the senior cliuls sponsor ed Friday Church Attend a.nd heM' an Eaater tlons at" the Ibcal ba,nk. ~Ir. rIna church. he ist be 8POD80 is Method OllUTCb diat Clara and n a 15 .JobD8o Hoven F,lIla s.,.......er. ,B rother t will have to be discarde d. The Unit- ldaters: ...., ...... _....... night. The a.Udltoriwn 'WBS decorat ~ to be held Baturda,y. A.pril to say about has Bible the .vhat Spence U& '-_"'UoI!'O" I t and Is ed States muIIt b~ 'frqm other JiB..ed with green and 'w hite steamer s grea young peop e's worker a. S ' S . S ..t the GTange hall. beg1nn1~ at W thlnp. these r and tiona as ·well as.sell to them, he aa.1d. POMON A. GRANO B '10 and a number of obher Irish symbols nationa lly know.n as a preache ay ~qnd . . . ' . m. pre11e MEET SATUB DAT NIOHT 10.&. and represe ntations , Includin g the spes'k er. For several years He said that .lnstead at atriv1ns to ~RATION REMIN DER Mn. john Frehse and Miss School lesson each Bible the santed student no which stone" y '1Blarne 1n()feaSe our standar d at l1vinlr in fees and rates. postage ed Inereaa ElldJ, at s teacher morning over WKRC in The W~ cOWlty PomQfla GIa.dy8 Horst, , thla country at the 'expjmS of oIIbenI l'E-ogisters, Insured or f8culty membe r esca.ped kissing. Sunday MEATS, Fire. -~BooIt::o..;;;;.;;;;-~I'our~=-:-;;:~;;_'_----,__:~~! tbly spent the week end--be J:e- at the for Ilioney orders, bl-mon Ita hold Win and for the last year ati. OraDp CinCinn th8~ br1ns evening to the r of e endeavo 'We 'should und C:O.D. maU, will be effectlv e Heading the sc1!¢ul Rev. , parents s red stamPs A-S, B-B, C-~. 1)..8, Frehae' point Kn. of Christ h~ the on Barr at preache evening the y standar d up to our l~ve1. He stated meetlne Saturda t.ermI! Q'f was the grand marc.h which wns led ha.s been the to ng accordi 26, March MaJr :10. . Badley C. iL, by' Wal- and Mrs. ian's Hour, and program with a E-8 and F-S good thl'tlUll'h tbat uuless .we·U'e willing to'do thIa veydnu g, It wu &DDO\Io1llCed bill rec,e.n tly passed by by Mr. and. Mrs . Braddo ck. Followtax !lew the good . . • stampe • • brown oint p , One at master. Sunday Ir.g th.ls the high school student s nati()''1B.1 coverag e, each , we 'WUl .haVe to keep our huge ~ ter MIerrlll of Mainev1 l1e, congres s . Bled ~ 30. spendbeen Mareh has 8mlth . throll8'h J E. change 'Mrs. ati Ui~ at Cincinn held in be IW:lll WOKY 'Iile'. mee~ particip ated In a number ' of lively 12:30 over and navy at Ita present streDllth Indelivery local for maU class First .' , In friends tely. !With lndellnl week good past and 'W1J1 be lng the and many other stations througll - t.ckens definite ly, tor ,we IW11l neld It tor the lU8h aabool auditor ium ounce or trac:tlon there- cc.ntests . games a.nd .rel81Ys. Later per cen'ta 3 0~~ ' (too. ,IJ.~!08 WUrn1n A~S,~OSO " at tamCE~~E St. Pat- out the United Sta-tes and ~ka . . BluPeRS0 next war. "The cl~ of tIbe Unit- ~ OJ' .. 'baSket dinner c.·f . Air m~l from one post offlce to refreshm ents symbolic at .... ~ -- """'...,.. ...... Oranae 1p ,townah reSt of He wlll both speak and present Ilaa8le The The m. served. p. were .be&1D Day aga1D trick's to the have of wW d ma[nlan eel States the on another NG May· 20. wort.h )0 OLOTIU DAY through A. K. dancing . moving pictures which he has taken E-8 va.\1d "Uving tor our COUD~.. rather wlU be _tao tokens tI'OOd In': Blue UDited States. 8 cents per ounce, or the ~Illng wa.s spent in each. N polnta he REOPE TO camPs STORE people's young ' VIll'IOU5 at than "livlng ,for ourselve s." be con- BEAm Q';.. SPBlNG fraction thereof . NG MORNI DAY 8ATUB .. delinlte ly. hn8 a.ttende d, VAIUY :RESIDENT lUded • The rate Of 6 cents per .o ne-ha.lf "IIOUSEWARMlNG'~ IN SUGA R-Boo k 4 stamp 80 advet't~ent o.n another nIn oommu C the of people young The MRS. HONOR OF MR. AND to ' elIIJl.re • of fraction thereof will conounce . (jf (previoUl'Slly lIOhed,tled Graham Herbert Mr. know Ity Wednea Bervicea we;~ted ' ) CQMPL ETBS cOmuJ E to ' a.pply to oJ1 air ' mail ~cn t ttnUe the found be wm lsIIUe th1a of ,page DAY , DON HAWKE THURS of Ohrlst. Broth- March 31 good indefin itely for · ..... Church Ferry the the ot Da~ It. A. by lncement 1.&tIOOL over~orces ~ BelIJro ok Sinltb . Stamp 40 valid for. day at theJohn !MlI':'hV 1I'1a., March 1"_ cbOrab M. reopctiung 9f -his clothing stOre on t.o or from .the ' Ilmledanny or navy er Graham w1lllea d the singlncr and five pounds ' Weale.Y fOr .Oamp - r "" rive pounds for home eanidn c D seas served through were Hs.wke Don Mr.;. and " Mr. reby , 1-... ' W1llslng a.s a special number . ' '. 8eoond ![.;ie)lten ant ~ I. srthrou~h Feb. 1945. bls M&l.n street in Waynes vWe. . ~~ died at day post offices ..,"" faniIer, , . of ret a .......esvW.... Oblo,' 1011 the vlctima cf a vel)' comple te surNo. 18 (1 pair) 1a In ~.... V'alll... S -Stamp "--_ SHOES ely complet City." been JA' Holy has "The store ---. quest, Tbe a un _ -I ...... ~"& postage on all matter of bile prise Thursd ay evening when . iMnI. Jd)'er HYman. baa ~ ".~ through Aprll ·30. Bock 3 a1rhIS WIfe, suaa.n, rerl9'8t ed .wlth new shelv~ and f1x- . The Thl.s Is the first rally of Its kind good ar. . , " oomp1ett~ a 'apeaal tlOU1'IIe ~ In. ·n ight. Be It etas." Is ~l'j!ased four pt!r group of friends unexpected1y . th · IfcOenUlt in UUs part or the of held line be new to ete ~ ever oomp. a a.nd ~ Ba.tUe. Mni'. ra, s amp 1 good ln~teJy • daUlbte pane :Mrs. 8trucUo n at th.e Southe rn ........ , and two_........... g." nved for a "hO'U6eWa.lm1n . ~.Itt,_ .'I\U:ner, who ~ for every member of the ~ GASOL lN'E- Stamp A-4J,l..... ...,..· ,,, . . state a.nd, not only I.s this oommW l--of posta,ge ·o n.books , Ubral)' M. P . Weltz 0;n4 Mm. E. W. Boo- It'1 Invited, !but an Invitati on has f Rates I CO'/1)a lICbool at CJA.mri :M~.'''JIla. ...uv~ ...... ~..... with fanilly. Bur1al , . 'U>,'",''II'I'''!o:.1 , "tbelr:.hOme til. ~'l:ooks, money order fees, regist4'y . Lt. v . -.. _ ...:. . ..t«t .fOl' tbJIi made out or twogal lone throush .NIle werule the Mstesse s for this very . been rent to churche s thro"Dh B-l and Col starnpB good rat two . ..., O. O. D. ff~, are also in- ~le1ight1fld '':'s. ' . M d ..... d d . "'" -"" rs. this section of bile state for their gallons until used. B-2 and 0_2.--. 1. SON apecll'llUld training on the basta of W8.!I at Be~. BIBoTB p..u",· an ~. an e creased . . • . , ~"""! Hawk ......... ved many 1....-1'1 "'''ts !AL8 , PLATE U LlOBN ~ta . b7 d YOWlg people to come. A great for five galJ'ona. mee.a~e ..~ Be e . . ".... . apt.ltud hJa . e.""",. . . . , ' ' ~- _.&: •• .0-.. tina 61'e -N Berry _"'_'-AU TIRESRobert d. .~_ iM1'6. expecte a.nd is Pvt. day great a SVILLE and x , '~'! IN WAYNE . tor their new home. Oards were the crowd ~AQOUAUII 011. ..... . . . .IRETS ,..,., CLUB CAIW ~,.,,.;,' <"'.... fine II ; of · ~W: birth by the cing vehicl:a annoUn , evening. This rally 1s tor young people . book 1ff'C,lcl the echool ;W81Mttted 101' lDo!r'e a.nd Mrs. PI:ed BraddOCk en- chief diversio n durtDg the . . Mr . the a.t lIOn Ounce 12 powid, . eJiht Ier, ~ SI; of June 30; O'a by! Ma.y Importa nt .aervIce In t:be AmeI'lcAn , :T. <:J' ~e.. local · registra Wed~ and deUcloua Mfrelllu pents were only. but all of the young peoplesinSamarU an hospita l Sunday . terta1ne d th.e ir <:&I'd .clUb on 'bood a: ~::; .. at .vehicleS every lilt montba '!I' ...., ;~t. are ~ nity =~ commu I~ ville ~ I Waynes the . ~;' the. dlvem8 served by. the haIteaI . as 600 ' With 5000 mil night n~day: Armyo . S attend. . U ' to -tlbe invited 'W11b Is cerelY iIeiTy a.nd Mr. es, wblcbeY er Sa lint. . The invited ~ ~ere: here thlf year' auld uta that local Pvt. ....I;".~ __ . _ __ ~__ 'or the eve~'~-. T'-l . DEATH OF ' INF~ , ... _...._... ....-. -_ ... ion HeriJe1t il&t1,Ie!ldorf of Leb.-..:.. -_ in .... Mrs. ...... ......... ' ~. ..,; U """"'.III .. _ .. ~....... ..... Dow NY pIeIte8 thenGERMA e OVER pI1nlbaa G 0WDenI MISSIN • by. the hOst anon, Ur. and 1MrB. Howard P..:-gt . !I-1'e the fre&hmeO'ts were ~rved . and not &o '. t tor the JUt mlnUte. MM. ~nl: iBeaa or Driyton The Lntant dIi\I8ihtM.·~ Mr. Mr. and of Oenten We. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Bowere w · ~ta ho6te$. ·and . . Mr . ~tt of Dayton ~·Mary Mrs. '!be new Plata 1ndst '118 . OIl an ID8Iterna1 Il"8onClparents · !l-nd Chatles Mrs'. and. !Mr. Dalton, ard Mr. ~. ~ shAner of ,W~Ue, OO~. are ' the pIi- M' s. Lut.her llart.6kd: aild ~ Obar1es lin. iDd ele 8ncltib 1 . A.prij ." the governm ent tram tnidtad .:word cara!'D 1, calved l,1oe:pIt.e William atmdied a~ ~ Bumstl tan . and Mrs. RoscOe 'Piirnae, ,Mr. lind TerreD, Mr. ,and iM1'6. .'cn:nd~ta; ~ . tobertH1aU~ a1loft4 rBo~l.I tune oi on kthathe ezt.eDa1 Jastwee DO Il,. be wm S1mp30 T.Iie Ve~e on. s. a.tterno andUr Mr. DI.JtOn , Konday 'Mrs. John Ooos. Mr •. ~ . Mrs. ' de.., was ID1asI.n8 , I reSident . Ly·tle fonner :t=' a " ~kerson, Mr. " ~ta Bond grandpe ,renta aumve. •.. . IkIbe1t 00118. Mr. ,~ ' ':Mrs. Rho::les Mr. and Mrs. ¥. IA. NO'J.!KlB - '10 8V,Bs cBu.as ' ~y. over &TOwN raJd a Mll;'Dl In D ~tion A'I"l'ZN in uniLI)d Re\t.; cem~ Rogers, ~ ~ In MlaIm1 Bunnell , and~, and. Mrs. ~- and M11I. 'Aofaork • -., ~N TB1JB8DAY e Wa~ of te ~ua ~ dar cUrectlOIl at ~ IFUQua l MnI. Ralph·' Ptub'-Mr. and MrJI. ence 0J0k. _ _ _ _ _. ~. , . JlGme. Everett Sears, Mrs. E . C .• Crane, WOUN Um lIN PAou1- C Suppor t your. home t')wn paper . ,-I-&G-.-Ll~. ~M.~ Zola- 8tI1cIel' ;- MIas Vlrginla M1as notified ~ bent The Wac deji&rtl ..... . ••, .......,.. we _ M1am1 Gazette Is the onlJ The on. Thompe Mrs. L:ln Allen Of W.ynesvWe, R. BlacIdN m, lira. J..ewl8 . .... ...... Ina ... ~ per lD ~e world that cares new.;pa n, Hamilto Robert JaIJonr. Bode.· 11, ; IIaltt WIfIqe QImeD R. 2, that h er. buab&nd ha . been MftI: BAa .lilt .... III I..... Waynes ville and the In Pa- 16'. an4 YD. B. W. SotdleJd and Ilo'.lythlns about aDIl " . . GaIIDI It_Paw . wounded In the ......il J ... ... .v1e1nlty. ~. &DIllin . !II. P. W".
·. .
Scho ol New s
Cros s Cou nty Auc tion Apri l 3 . Je
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You ng Peop les Rall y At Chu rch of Chri st
Ne Po tage R ... te Bem nnin g
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THE MIA' ''. GAZ& TI'£
TllUBSDAY, M.\BI}B IS. 1'"
doing it. Either my dlscip)1ning h86 pln,1 , net even a bile!. That d '~ lAken effect or she has taken It. tip I not happe,:i cHen these ray , thero from Suzey who always coO} and is ~ldoul a time wheh there Isn·t Main Street lays Waynesvllle, Ohio .he,· head In your Ia.p and looks an a.!tlplane within . htelU'lng'. ..Before . at you appesl!n gly. At a.ny rate. she ~he Ice storm !there wel'e I:Dtertd ,.. 8eaoDd _C1uI M&1l Matter at postotrlce, Waynesville. two lIttl\! . Ohio now' comell and lilY!! 11er . he~ on ellow crocU8e6 in '.,loom. TOdll¥ my shoulde r, whirtes very sPftly.a nd they oro clcsed tlght.ly but Walte r W. Wiseman. Editor and 'Publi sher as Soon if I do not forestal l her, she ~IVes' as ,the SUll shines they will open \DC a very geotle kl!i . It. Is much ngaJ.n . ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY easier on the ears though lust 88 Tile Cool · bin gets emptier and 8UbIar11)t1On Price, 11.50 Per Year, Payable In Advance much trouble to get up and let her emptier . ' nle.ss they have some out or get more supper or a drink- P ocnhont lls at COrw.in I ,\\111 · s()()n N.tioil. 1 AdV.rtisinCJ R.pr ••• "t.tlv. of Wtl'ter.. but I Mn 'encouragi':.lg It all l1~1-Ve to burn wood because they do lV.W SPAP .. A except the k.\.sses. NQ S • • VI«:E . IN«:. not axpect 00 have any at Lytlc unTuesday . Warme r and the I'Otlds til next month a.nd t.\le o:her NeMMI WIoIW" " f M. I k11lds are clear agaIn . The snow is meltlng of coal moke up my ',twnaoe so fast Md there Is running water tlV- badly. In mIld weal;her I can get S.1'YfII9 Am~rfcI" Ad... erywhe re. OomJng In from the along very well with just a. good ... w. aa..IaIph_~ t," • • • • Ie:: 118 0 HabooiBlclg.. Son Franckco,c.&. brooder house this morning , I stopp- nrc In thjl fireplac e In th.e evening ed to listen, for once there ras t:l:uit and a fire '1n the klitChen stove In' snowy hush over everyth ing, not a the m'O rn1ng. 'it Is [\ good IihJng I sowld of a cal', a tractor or an air- hung on· to my little otd cook stove
1tbe ._iami
........ .,..
Fro m A Far m Dia ry·- Dry Rid ge
March 20 . 11l44. Sprtng . Alt 12 :40 ,take it off so I had to turn around .p. m . Spring begs.n Officiall y, ac- as 'l/OOn as I could and go home. cording to the alma.na clt. But who Today the roads were SO loy that the would have thought so to look out school bu~ did not come a.nd this af-
the snow and Ice and who would have thought it to teel that cold Nortll wind and sleet. Last week we had a few daY5 of ree.l spring weath er it W88 even up to eighty one day, ,b ut It rained on 8a.tur'day and by Sunday morning It was sleeting . I started to church as u.sua:t . The wlndshleld was somewh at IllY but I tJhoURht ii would clear as soan as the car wanned up. but no, it frorre faster than the d\efroster could
Sand & Gravel TARVl A-UTB W TAR AND
ARMITAGE & SON Phone wa,ynesvllle 2911 Morrow ~e ~o. 3 Lebano n: Office Phone 4731t Realdenee 118 M
Mor row, Ohio
Mil lard Hat che ry
M OrelOn la Are A Oreat helot' In Our Vl.cWry ,Prorram For Increased Food Product ion By Their FIne Service In Fumlsh1nc 9ood. Healthy Chicks In All Standar d Breeds • • • All Breedi np BIPdl' (lulled and Blood Tested. Cdttom JlNchl n. ' , ' ,' ~ TUlkq ~ Duek EfP Their Specialty .•• :rw_tJ -ee,v en Yean ThIs Terri-. tory • . . Everyon e ShOuld Babe ' Same C~uu. U PtMilllle For QuJek Profli On Meai and E,rs Or To Meet Own FoOa Ift~ Phone Lebanon, 'U-B. ..
.pecti on at any time.
TJ1e Millard Ha'bche ry Of ~ has mater1a lly aided 1n the develoPSTUBBS FUNERAL HOME ,m ent of this sectlon and has, 116fhone 2291, Wayn e.ville , O. pec1ally, been 1n5t~ument8l In promOUng the iprogreM of modern ~try raising. They furn1s htbe people.lWltti the very best,. of chIoka, ------~ _::_ --~' aJlbloo d tested 'and rI81cll3" cullec1....!I!I..II!I___ ___ _ j . for vigor, a.nd <therefore, operate an
Ii,:..___ C AS H
E 'CARS mak e o'r mo del Fre d Kah n Mt. tc·r Car CC"
PHON E 326
inStitli'tlon or great eoonomic&l value .00 the publ1c. one Of the reoogn1zed pr1nclples of poultry raising along sclentlf ic lines today is t he ralslog of the very be&t ot chioken\l. Ill '1s beo.luae ot the excellen t service and ,the detliruble clil.cks oMered by such hoU8~ es as that aperW! d by this IWClI knOwn hat.ober y, that thJa' feature Is receivin g mOre ~tentlon from the people of today a.nd progres s aloll8 this line is par.tloularly noticeab le '1n
. LEBANON, OHIO ~~~--~------~-----~~---------------- thls ~~.
Th e .F ull $l Ag enc y
tcrnoon I had helpers and we did a Ilttle more house clea.nJng. Sometimes the dally (orecas t by the stars Is amusing ly accurat e. 'l'lll.'! evening I read today's recommet1dation (or my 9ign which said lt -was a good day (or doing things lihai had been p ut ofif (or a long UJru'!, The amusing Pa.J1t 'WUS that this alternoo 'l when I was 100kJng for s~mething to to give the boys tQ do my eyes lIghted on a little cupboa rd tha.t I had i-.-ht ' years fIi'O which was uvt.qS stlllwC6 l'ing the dill ' y coat of paint that I had expecte d to remQve as soon as I got home . I had some paint remove r a.11d a.t lllst the long put-ilff lop was done . '!be astrolbg er would say that I was innuenc ed by the stars. Who 'knows? Lm_key J.ao a new techniq ue for gett1ng what she wants 1n the evenIng. She ha,o; a -terrible ear spUttln g bIl11t and ;Shc 1\'. ays 'wants so many thlngs before the evening 1:; over tMt I was tired of having her wme and bark tn my ear just as soon as 11' WIUI G'Cmfortavly setllled wlth a boOk fOl' the evening . I have been putting ·ther out or. d~ cellar fer
The home - lik~ .urrou nding. of our Funer al Home have Cauaed much favora ble comm ent. i. open for in-
when I got my IIle trlc range . "Mothe r Russia" by Maurice Hindus is one of. the moat Interest ing and enllghte nlng '!books I ha.ve read In a long tlme. I't makes one wonder whethe r England, R UIlSIa a.nd the Unlted states can come ' ,to some commo n ground 'whet'e can IWOrk togethe r Ln harmon y and confide nce but It also makes It seem more po6sible. We are all industri al countrI but we have come to IndustJrlal power In such differen t ways. It is hard to ·think 01' a coun't ry whel'l' no one' owns any land, mines or faccor- ' tt.es. It could prQbably have only· been accomp lished In a oountry where Ithere were so many whQ !Jev61' even expeete d to own any land, for who m It was just a ohang of landlords. but even there It 'IVIlS only through bitte r WId ruthless ' revolution It was a'Xt>mplished, a.nd nolV there Is a whole new generat ion brought up In the belief In collective ClWnersh lp and who now see it wlnnlng the war wltn Ge nna.~y e.nd . "SIXTY l\D.NUTES FROM CINCIN NATI'" who are' united as t hey never were befQre . We m ust not underes timate the· strengt h ot ,R us:.la and we must Often An Esceue nt Service In the Buyln, Se11lnr and' Ellchan ,ln, make over the Ideas or R ussia that of Town and Country Homes, Farm 5, Estates and Cit, Propert ies . . . 'We had dlllillg .the revQlution . In Is An Authori ty On Farms And Can TeD You What Can Be Expect- :fact our Idesaof RIussla must change ed Of Any Farm Be Is Ofl""lI I. Bas a Lar,e LlatIn&' as fsat as Russia Itself Is cha.~lging. «~turlng Warren Vouniy Farms. lIas A LarJ'e Listtng. Now, a stern dl.sclpllne and sort of FEATU RING WARRE N COUNTY FARMS PU litanlsm ls self-Imp osed upon the Russ1ans In place of . th e orgies of freedom of the revoluti on. They TIH!E FULLE R AGENOY AT pIe who desire ~ £IIlll should list have a slJlglen~ of purpose and a, MORRO W Is greatl~' ald1ng in the with him. He ~; a survey of belief In themsel ves and their des" th e *-movem nt b IlI.lk to ,_w eaoh farm IJsted 1n the'V/flIY pf pcs- - -- - - - -- - - through his service. T,h ere Is no safer place and none slbll1tles and is 'llble to NOTIC E OF A~POINTl\IEN'JJ ,t ell any more desirabl e llhan the fann "hd' 'Purchas er the lay ot Admlnt strator the Innd. this Is dlllwning upon people since amount of woods on Estate of Robert H. Furnas , Dethe place, Its ceased. the world cond1t1ons are so troubled . hJstory, the oondlt.lons or . soU. ,t itle Notice Is h ecreby given that Robert It was during the late war that the and : everyth ing to be eJCPecu d of Furnas, whose Post Office Address farm W\lS tlle best payer, and wltli the place. H1s knowledge ' and judgwsr, Inflatlo n and other haZards, ment enable hlm to .pre5j!nt is R. R. ·No. ~. W!lynesvllle, OhiO, a plcpeople are ra.pld1y movtng to ·the ture which will give the 'b uyer a has been du1y appoint ed as Admincountry , stillrtlng a farm or estate correct Idea. of what he is gettlpg. Istrator of the Estate Of Robert- H. lind mll1Y are driving mUes to busJHe is able to arrange for loa~ s F'ur,nas late cr -Worren County , ness. 'Mr. Fuller earlY l'!!allZed tb1s to assist In the (llos,lng of trons- Ohio. 'deee cd , conditio n and 15 keelng very busy actions and when you do Dated this 11th day of Marc,h, busln£s s In maldng sales and exel'ui.nge$. wifu hlm you will not be delayed in 1944. He has a large cllentle le and pea- COlnpleting the deal. Ralph H . carey. Judge 01' the Probate COurt Warren County : Ohio Carl Abaecherll, Atty.
Equippe d '''1f1tb the 1Illtest, modem electrlc incubat ors. 'I'he Wllai"d Batcbel iY ,produce s ~ of the
'b lghest qUality ~I great cBre II taken In the matter of seeing tha.t
all ch1cks are In the best of oondltion before being sent. out. Their flooks are rlgld1y ' aJld, regularl y culled' for vigor an~ ,100 ,p er cent llve del1very is 1ISBUl'e4;Il. Ohlcken s ha.1x:h'ed at ' thls modem establls hment live und~~ Ideal con.. d.tt.1ons and get a. 800d start: thUB redw:1n g pO.sslble 10118 ta' a m1D.lmUm. Llgbt, hea:t ild aaDltall' envlroo ment are the Coudttloaa under which the ch1cIaI llve a.Dd tbr1ve until ready fer dellvery . Every owner of even I~ small pla.ce should ra1se 80me . ~. It would be well to UiL touch 'With as ehicken s 1ar tbe ea.r~ lcet bring exx:el1ent
biny that we must a.dmire.. But we hav our own destiny lind our own Wli.y of retrohing It. Russia and Ru~~ sian w~ys for the ~US8lw1 and our best American ways for us . Amerlca.':.l product ion methpd s hMe made Vhe new Russia ' possible. Americ an ee .f f dlscipllne and ,111tegrttyl could make Aanerica what It should be and surely we can find some common 'g round tho:t 'Will bring about a wor\tM)le peQce. .
Hard ing Can nerie s At Lebano n .and Hagema n Sta.~lon Are to Be Comme nded For Tllelr Continu ed Ailtlvity In Our Vlotory Prorram 'For Increaae cl Food ProducUon And Furnlab Jn, A Connn If!nt Mal'ket For Sweet Corn . . . Prep. .- By Tbelr Reeent Purchas e of The Miami cannin, Co. To Meet The GJ'e~ Deman " For Their HlghStanda rd Paok . . ' . Mt'. Owen Rardinr , Genera l Manage r, Phone Lebano n 249 B.
The 'Hardin g ca.nnerl es at Lobanon alld Hagem an OCOUpy a. promment plaoo in tihe home and agrlcultura l llf~ Qf this part of the, sto.~, as the}'! are extenslv e packers c4 sweet corn. By their acquisit ion' of The Mia.mJ Ca.n\11tl8 CO., they are tncrees lng thelr fMIl1t1es to get behind Uncle Sam's request for more food..
' FRED 'S DEPT . STORE We Outm the Entire ramO,
and Home
Since 1885
Phone Il1O
At Wa)'llesvl1Je, Oller A Service Deepes tS,mpa thy , . . ~Ignlflecl The &aeh 01 All . . .. Modem Equ AtteDU on to Cal... AOTWbere, Oa, Ilea~ce !IlS.
01 tlle Wl'beat Cl1arac:&er aDd and Economloal servlee Is Within IPDleDt, Am.~ , , •. I'ropapt or Nla'ht • . . Te1. Offloe .111;
, T.hrougtiout the long pa.ges of. history one charact eristic has been conuho n to all' ~ and races of a.1l time, ~.that is th~.proper care tlnd respect of the dead .. 11he pyramids afd .tombs or the early ~ 1'111.1, the catacomb.s of ltihe Roman s a.nd ;our ,p resent of emb.alm tng and burial illustlat e this. In a pres~ ' ent-day funeral , the ' two points of ~ate&t consequ ence are that the embalm1ng be expertly done and ,\.hat th~ funeral servlce ooo:j)lDe dignitY, and , symjiil.t1ietiC under's tanding . The serVices at YcOlur e's .Funera l Home have been found by
their cllentle1e to ~nly satls{y ,both or ,these conditio ns. Tlhe lim mark of. a good f~ d.lreCto; ~ his ab1llty to bend biB seryjocs to t.he requlrem ents of the . case in hand. Absolute nextbillty Is neeEI!88.l'Y' <for no two caaea are exnctly alll~e. No mater what the 9,1r(.umsta.nce fillY be their ~rvlce can cope with the ' particU lar problem a tbat , arise. ' Their experien ce ' and ~qulpment 1U'e ~he ena'b llng .facto1'll. /l1helr serVice 'ls alwayS ready and at the beck and call of the publle t all timeS .
TBB BEXAL.. STOBE Make Oar S&Ore Your
Beadqu arten Phone I1t
Lebano u
We . Buy alill Sell New and sed FORNr rURE 'Every~hln, for Farm' and Bomo'
Phllne Z3
' THE FASH ION SHOP PE WOMEN'S 6& I118SE S APPAB BL For 25 Years Lebano n'. . . .dlD; . SI,11n '
,.Mulberry St.
• i
,D.AVIDSON'S , JEWE LERS Lebanon ...... 111 .. .
Phoae 399
Phone t6 HARDW ARE 6& Il\lPLU 1EN'IS
EGER'S JEWEL RY - 0.,..'8
Phone 230K
Ubano n
' . SPIEGEL'S SHOE.STOR E Shoes lor &he Famll, XRAY PITTIN G " Comple te Stock to Choose P,b~
4U T~eI' S8Z II
From at
A ~)IIe&e ~tock IIf
107, E. Mulbe rry
BROWN and BROWN Ladles Beady to Wel&l' A ,9000 PLAC!" TO
Clothln r and HalJcrd!l~ hcty A'IlLO W l'RicES phone G L
SPIEGEL'S STYL,E CENTER k Comple fe New Stoc": 01 SPRING DRESSES-SOlTIS arid COAT~ at Popular Phone 181 L
----~----~.------------~. ---------------
REAL ESTAT E TRANS FERS lAmong recent real estate tral1S~ lers in Warren county are the fol~ lowing: AlIce M. Oglesbee to carlO. and Winilre d A. WIll!\a.msQn, 70 acres I.n Masslo twp. Ruth Forsyth e to James V. ForsYthe, 9.66 acres In Olearcr eek twp. WIlliam E. and Etmme th M. IMUlor to Henry W., and Maude O. Finck, 10/28 acres In Wayne twp. Mab'el S. and .Merle E. Ell1s to uroy A . and BessIe E. Willis. 13.02 aCres in Mas&le twp. Ane bte O&se to Oliver and Anna. Smallw~, part at lot 6 In Waynellville. lHoward W. Oese to Ollver and Anna SmallwOod, part of. lots 6 and 7 In (Waynesville. ' . Frank L . and HeI6Il Y. Buitl:~ head to II'vJ.ll T. S~, ' 10 aCl'CS In Cloo.roreek twp . . 'L eo S . and Sarah F1rances COnner to 'R uth I. Por.sy:Jho, lot 8 1D Wa.ynesvllle. Este1ll1 Skinner Hart to J~ .and iMinnle 6kJ.nner, 146.09 ac.res 1D Washin gton twp. James Sk1nner to GUY E. e.nd Lucille O. Lleuronce. 143.6& acres in Washingtol1~.
Mr.OW en;· Harding• .. t he ge~eral manage r, .1s In~tlng growers to call and sign COT1tp1cts for ~eet com a.cl'e~. ~ey; oI'fer fanners an excellent market for sweet corn and yearly. because Of the great dermmd J.-I~---------fo~ their .pack of 'COrn, they are compell ed to buy ithoUSllJlds ot dollars wttlhlb ~ commu nity. It 1s inC\!llllbe~t upon funners to engage more 'and more In the ralsln~ --of sweet com, as they offer ! uch a.1 conven ient market for Its purcha.se. . \ The Harding cannet1 es are a live organim tion that underst ands a.1l DAYTON, OHIO feature s 01' the canning busines s. .... by ........ .....--" 11hey have the equipm ent w pro"M" ....... 'IIICII.., hotl· ltun. Mode It, In....._ duce a high stAuldard pack and are · and _pita.... 1n II. posItlon enter the. best COIIIPCIII'·~11 _ferlol
Mc Clu re's ·
' ke16 ood to secure prices that. are fair to all. There Ia (I.! automa tic demand for their Pack. &SIIUlin& th m or a ready market . '!'liey are a <fOOtor II!. bbe develt-p men~. of \the county and a. leading industry . They employ local people and aid in the 'b ettellme nt of local conditions. rea11zIng' that progre, slve and suooesaful policies are a ¥ne!it w ,!.he WhOI~ ~.
."That' , really a great editorial JOU j~.ct to us, Judge. Where did m.yita ppem ed?" ~! In 'The SW'Il'and StrIpes'... ~ new. paper.of tile U,s. Armed Fon:ea in Kind of gives ~ folka back hoIQe aomet to think about. doem't it. Bm?" . . lilt certainly cloet, Judp. ~ U. ...t ~pb. Would JOU aiiad' readiDI that qain?" . . "CIIil to. BilL It.", 'We CIIlnnwnbr
_tl, ......
, In
-rr tor-Ia ~I"'" to
1 _ MOIII_" , foeti "Iue ... CNp
In.......... The
"M" lr0n4 I, rev' IUlIIran1M of co...,I ... ,nults.
SpId . b, Wa7Dts-flDe Farmen Excblm le Co. ~,
QUI CK SERVICE For Dea d Stoc k HORSES, COW s, HOGS, 'CALVES, SHEE P, ETC., Remoy ed Promp ti,. Call
X·E .A FER TIL r ' 'Bevene Main E.
'I"I~pholie ~ ~ I.
X pnla, O.
c;a • •RarMle b,
• DC! ,
--------~------~--~~~----------~------~--------- --------------~--------~---------------------------- ------~
l"r... IInrt ...... 1\', 'I'''U'''"~'
Mr. and MnI. Oeorie McKlchael arid son were among the gueata of Curr....... 14r. and Mrs. G6rfleld Peter80n at
'D. D. Wl111amilon and Mr. and Mrs. Wade Marahall of Bluflton and S . iH. Gl1I.bam of Bel1e!ountalne are guests at tlle Ferry par_ sonage 00d~ (Wedneeday) . Mrs. D . D. Wllllal1l8On, mother of Mrs.
Goodyear Ser~ice Store
New Bur~ Tb~ eventng.
At 5 North Broadw..y, Lebanon, Mrs. Don Lamme was operated Are Help~ To Keep Our Transon at Qotld ~ta.n hospital last portation • System Boum, 'l'hrouIh 'I'hU1'6day . She W1I8 returned to her 'J heir Excellent Service In Auto home Tueada.y· of this week. Her SUpplJea, Goodyear, IIlth Q1aIlty Gmham. wh!3 has 'been a 8Uest Of mother. Mrs. George Kin8er, will the Graham's for -the past week, will 081'e ·f 'lr her. 1Mr. Lamme leaves tor Fan Belts, 18-19-21 Inch Grade I return home today . the Navy on Thursday of th1a week. T11't'5, Ezpert TJre Recapplnr, Uslnr 'Ilhe L6d1es Aid of .the SU8v . . . No Certificate Needed for BeCreek Ohrlstlan church had the Under The Efficlent IWlCh at the John James sale Tues- I ealPpirur DirectIon 01 Carter Terry d ~. P 00 The MIsSionary meeting 'Of the hone 1 • Ferry church 'WUl be held at the· Luckrf, Indeed. are the P,eople of home of Brother a.nd Mrs. Graham Lebanon and: all surroun ding! counWednesda,y of next week. A Young People's RaUy wID be try to have in their mJdst; and a.t HOURS I held a,t the WaynesvUle Church 'of th~1r becl~ ~ :ld call t:le vel 'I efficient Christ Sund8.y 8Ift.emoon with the service In car needs at money-sav9-12 each morning YOWlg folks of Ferry among the Ing prices as The Goodyear Service Graham, Store. ThiB 18 a very tmdlng center. and Is headque.rters for new and Brother Ard Hoven. mInister 01 the Ollase Avenue Church c1 Ohrlst tires, tire repairs, recwpplng, seat In Cinclnnatl, wUl be the speaker. covers and l.luppl1es for the automo'l'oIJuny Hunter of Camp ~ , bUe ownelll. Garage owners, too, North caroline, and Roger Thomas find this a very convenient service of camp Walters, Texas, are v1s1tlng and that It speeds up' business and hOme follts th18 week. Tommy 18 a aids transporatlon to have tWs store close at han.c1. member of the paratroops . To keep your car In service for the The ~Eti A1d of Sugar Cl'eek Ohrtstlan church ·met at the home duration and . longer, It would be of Mrs. Nevin W1ll1am8on last well to see them to have your smooth tires recapped. It does not. lWednead&)" . pay to fuke Chances w4th your car. Mrs. Tom .cBwton entertained her YO\1r tires or yourself. Their tire exoaM club ~ 'lburaday aftel'llOQll. ,p erts will recap Y1>ur tires, us1fIg noon. only the genuine Goodyear materIals and you will l'Ia.ve the satisfaction of hWldreds Of extra mUes. Then, toD, they will be better lookIng and sater tires. SeM covers are a great. aid In keeping, the car clean and protected from wear ami there are a variety 1:1 several different colors. Be sure to see them. They Gre priCed reas-
1-5 afternoons except
7-9 Saturday evening Other Evenings
By AppOintment TELEPHONE 62·R
Dr. C. E. Wilkin Optometric Eye Specia'l iat
S. petroit St.
Ferry. Di1ni8ter, wID lead the singing
They were served a ateaJc dinner.
eopenlng of the
A.K.DAY CLOTHING STORE Saturday, March 25 With a Full Line of
onably. (
Get the mOlt for yOUi' feed dollar. ~Iee
*' *
JOur chic'" OD Maller Mix StartiD8 aDd Growm, Malh. . ·The ilart your chickl pt Ie mOlt important-uad the riPt .•~ dependa OD Dutrltlonally eorreet feed.. AU III for the Muter Mix chick propalll-4t ~ help JOU faat, UDiform LOW COST.
* *
...,WtJa...-.a ,
*. *. . ' * * * *
Mr. and Mrs. Pra.nk FrazIer and oather1ne Wallace were satUl'Ciliy dtnner guests 01 ~. and Mrs. Banner Stewart. Mr . . and Mrs . Leroy. Shaw
Main Street
dlnn,.,:r_~~ of ~.~"and v .... w~ord a.ud ""'"'6&,ter.
Total Payments .. ... I
Mrs. Earl
BY FUNDS • General Township ·th. and Mrs. BUnnell. For Funds chlldren, Mr. and 1Mr8. Vaughil Population 2526-1940 Balance, Janu8.ry 1, 1943 Mullen and son, a.nd Mr. and Mrs. 'l'otal Salaries a.nd Wages (Clerk's) . , . . . . . . : ....... $101464 .45 Walter Pfeiffer and dughter, Jane. ' Fald DurI..'lg the Year Receipts During Year ..•.. 9'108.80 11M3 ••• . •. •. ••••• .. •• •.. $3046,45 'lUal ReceLpts and Tax Valuation . ..... .... $2,598,~ 136lance. . . . . . . . • • . . . . • . . 21·1"13.25 Tax Levy . ,.. . ..... ...... . .. . $2.60 . p~ents During Year ..... 9003.51 Waynesville. Ohio · B!Uance, December 31, 1943 MarCh 21, 1944 (Clerk's). . .. . . .... .. . . .. 12139.74 I her~ certify. the fOllowing re- OUtstandln&. Warrants, port W be correct . December 31. 1943 .•. . . • 13.05 DIRECT BUS LINE FROM W AYNESVILL~AVE TIRES AND GAS MAYNARD F . WELTZ, BaJa,nU In De~ry, . ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• I ••••••••••••• '1'o9m8l.lip Clerk. December 31, 1943 .. . .. $121.2.79 MONI"WENTS " MA,KERS THE XENIA NATIONAL THE CRITERION General Townshlp FundII METHODIST CHtlBCB BANK RiEO)!llP'M Xenia, Ohio Ohio'. Mlltlt Complete r;lspla1 IUS-19M General Property Tax .... $6,479.89 Luul» C. HUlllcy, l'''alur KUPPENREIMER CLOTIIES CAPITAL IIDCl SURI'LUS tt8,OOO &11:$ TaX ....... .......... . .50 GEO.DODDSandSONS Cl.urch school at. 11 :30 a . m. S....... GIIBOUne 250.00 Worship service at 10:30 A. M . "Since 11M" BeUable_ Acoommodatlnr Inheritance Tax , .. •. . . .. . . 4110.21 Sliliject : "'l'ne Dootrlnes and Spirit . FRED F. GRAHAM CO. Cigarette Tax ... ......... .. ~!15 of Methodism.' C. A. DABE and SONS lSALY'S CAFETERIA Flnes, Hall Rent . .. .. . .... . 36.00 youth Fellowship at 6 :45 'P. m. Wall PaPer, Palntl, Glass 129.95 Leader, Joe Davis. Miscellaneous Receipts' Your ftI~Cormia-DHriDI LUNCHES " ICE CRED! PAurrEas 8VPPLIES . E .. an8~tic service 7:30 p. m. A GOOd' Plaee to Eat Implement Dealer . 17-18 So• .whiteman St. Total MIscellaneous S ~l:Jject: "Whq Is ·.Antlchrlst'.?" Phone to Soatb 'Detrolt . 'Recelpl:.\l ...... ...... .. .. 128.95 , E~al~'~_elL&tlc serviAles every 'night Phone MaIn 3 Xenia, O. 109 W. Main !It. Pbone 1068 ntx.t week, at 7 :30 p . m. Tot.el Receipts ... . .... . . . .. $9708.80 HARRISON .SUPPLY The C.S .C.B. will meet at 10:30 SHOP nRS'l AT . YOU'Ll. ALWAYS DO PAlY'MiJ!lNII'8 . SUnday moflllng . COMPANY BETTER AT · THE FAMOUS CHE'AP ' General Executive Bervlcesvur F<lurth Quar.terly colliferen'Ce FlltESTONE TIRES STORE BLACKS F.URNITURE Oompel16(l,tlon of . '1\111 ·be held next Wednesday, Mnrch HOME and' AUTO ,SUPPLIES STQRE . . . We ~~ Every'bln; Trustees . ..... . .... . .. .. .. $1312.50 :a"th BlIter the evening service. a ,w. Main 8t, Pbone 5110. .$ 3 Green Stree& Compensatlon of Clerk .. 500.47 . Ph~e 179 ' 43 E. Main St. The Spring liess10n Of the diStrict ~ of TrUStees cc.nference win be held a.t the South EXPERT WATCH-CLOCK and Olerks .. .... . , .... . . . 31.80 Park churl.'h, payton, Tuesday, ROY V. I;IULL . AUCE RINCK'S, ,, March ~8th, from 10 Ii. m. to 4 ip • . A~ JEWELRY REPAIRING Sawin. Machine Suppliea Total Genera) ·E1'ecutlve . m. HAT SHOP servltes . .. .... ... ... ..... 1844.57 The sub district W.S . O.B. will .CQRREC:r T~E BeJJa.!rlDr 01 All Mat..." SliM West MAin 8t. Town Hall, mEet at ·the Lebanon M.ethodlst ~W.~ . Phone~B ,honl! 1116 ~Ohlo M~,.!Iltenance a~ld Repair 20.20 c hurt.'h Friday. tM arch 31. beginning I • at 10 a'. m. E Y E .. C A It E . LADIEs READY-TO-WEAR 20.20 Total TOWn Hall ...... . .. .. Tbrourh PI.perlJ Pitied E18 Pfre Protectlon-. Ffn'EEN 1r'E~ AGO SjleclaUIIlnI In .Ju"lors ~ G~.. Oar' .peclalty other iFke Prote!:tlon (March 20; 18Z9) , MIL':fON;! , ~p!!1lIIeO •••• .•.•••••• ~ •• 2f,lO.00 The March .meeting of the Friend .DR. Ao WAGNER '. _....;.-_ shtp club WQ8 held at the honie of PhOM ,nw . 'Plicme " Protec...... . ...... . • .. 200.00 Mrs: JOIePh . Bennett. Thlrty-slx 'I. ll.,.JIaID 8t. . Xt!~la, o. , , Total ·Plre ~ ~ef. _ ' . m~ were pl'e!IeDt. A BIG STORE ..IN··A SMALL Medical service. .: .. ... .. .• 188.58 . Jt'ouowmg mOntlbe of lUKerlng, . ' TOWN · Burtal ~ .......... 23.50 Mrs, l.Ou "B arnett ~rt d1e~ at
W ~yneevilJe . · Ex h anners·· c ange F
SHOPH~ ........
For The Entire Family
Mrs. Bert DUllneD, CorreaponU"nl Opl. Marlon Gard was home Saturd~ tor a few ·hours, a guest of !Mr. and Mrs. Banner 8te~ e.rt. A shower WtIS held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert iBunnellln bn."lor of Mrs. Mtllard iBall. Many guests we~ preSent and tihe bride received ~ beautiful and useful
at the
:;:::~! ~~~~~dInr
' ~In-W'lIIun>~ pU.lna W. Main SI. LADI~S'
Standard Parts ' FOR
T...ck, Car and Tractor: ; G~~~ STlI'PtIU
Machin. Shop. Work
~ 'DAIRS' . .N. Det.nlt St., Xenia FIne .~tare lor Over'50
AhraJ. 10 ....b
Grade Used Can A''''&Ioa l'anaefti We Carl'J a ',aD ODeIIbmeapou. MoUue TIM.................-
Chenoweth Motor
Ph. 288
. . . . DetIeI&
her heme in Mt. Auburn, ~In-
M rs. Maggie Burnet Into her new home recently purchased from the MQhlo\n-l;ttdlge-tretI'll.'t-'Mtll8JlmimatC'SWieet'or:Cti~iiOiii--:-:~~ti expecting to spend In honor of her llttle oon, Cn lll·iles'. WaynesvUle. iIY1rthday a!lnlversary Friday . Miss Mary L. Cook vUltA!ld wUIl 4 ill . H. Wl.l.lliunson and famlly friends 111 the . City !<1'OIIl Ba.tunIqo and Miss Doris HaiW1te spen t Sun- WltU Tuesday. day ./with Sylvan rWI .liairun n, at Walter Haines who ha8 r beeD emY.arktown, Ind. ployed ,l or $OIlle . time by Kadt C . J. Murra y returned &turday DaVis, returned Tueeday ~ to Blfter a viBlt to Washington, D. C., his ~omier hOme near ~hlladei~ !Where he witnessed 'the lnauguation. Mrs . Nutt and daUQ<htera · ~ " The IMBrch meet ing of the wayne day moved back to their farm: west Township 811'mers club was held a.t of toWl1 . The ' house W1ll be occuthe pleasant country hQme of Mr. pied by StePhen Cook. and fMrs. Oarl L . Duke on last The', guestll who enteritlaaDed Thursday. oy Mr. and Mrs. James O. W,terlloW;e on the occaslon of tbetr .af.th TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO m6rrlage anlversary weze 1iIr. <&Dd
(March 19. 191~9~ ) Wi:ilclites.4iMrs~~.~J~o~hn;-!!~~~~~~~~~B~~ Rev. E. E . Buresall , Mr. and Mrs. S. Lev Qart.: ter, Ohio, has been secured as the wright and the ~ ~. speaker ·f or Memorial Day . Rev . .vrlght, Annie and M8me ~ . Burdsall, who Is cha.plaln of the Born-Tuesday to Mr. lLUitf&rao Ohio G. AI R., preached In tile M. Jurle.ss Woolley·, a bqy. "' ',' \., E. church here in the 80's. The children, ~dctilldren 'land The directors or the Waynesville .rlmds of Mr&. '~ ~ to NatiOnal Bank met Monday a.fter- the number of 40 made J.le!: .,~ . v1Ilt noon lor: the purpose of electiTlg a last Satw:da.Y . olL~e , ~!011 .of caShIer to take the place of Fl'ed her 80th birthdaY. Hartsock, resigned. Lee Henderson, ' " who has been clerk ·for the p;l:.-t few months, was elected to fill the position. J. O. <;:a.rtwrlght was elected ,'Ice president of ·the bank, and return to work toda.y, .havlng .resigned the position as county tl'eas-
au;. .
urer( TUesd&y. A bes.utHul wedding was solemnIzed 'I1hU1'!idfl¥ evening at seven forty-five. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. !Perry Thomas, when their olhy daughter, . Lena. Aglle~ . was united In ma.rriage to Jamt:s Ramo Riggs, son of M!'; and Mrs. Melborn Rlgggs of the old State road. Ernest Earnhart ste.rted to work lot the H. E. Earnhart hardwtlre store Monday mornIng, . Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Oharles·
~il1 pay $2.QO· for ' Dead Horaea, $1.00 for Co~~: Sheep, l1o.a, Cal~•• alid"..Colts
B. }Jerman of Midland, Texas, saturday.
15,1a dailghier, . Mary
. Totai -Poor Re1lef ..... . ... 312.08. nati, , ~. Maroh 17. She WIU .. . the wife of E. V . Bamha11t, ronner Road ·M aintenance 'and -well-~own WaynesvUle ousl!l(SS Repalr-J,ebor and man. • Ma.terlals .. .. ... . ..•... I • • t8481.!3 'Dr. ·L . 8. H&ll WW be In Oolum. . ' .1 b...a March 20 to :H ~ 1llSvanced : Whol.al)'"'' Pa'~eurl.ed ' Ilair.y Total B1lhwa.ya ' •. :-. , .. r . .t848'l.'1i 'work In BerumololY In regard to Pasteurized Mille 1lor our. K1scellaneou":" eome of the more ecwnmmlJ' found 0eIDeral 8uppua •.••..•• f MI.I8 dl~easl!ll of cattle and paultry. J!!!~!!!~ ·Pilone · 2537 IMemorial _ Jl&peDIea • .00 Dr I'aI1' i8 mitt'll rrl~ In 'l'Otal"'1~ '" •. f . . . ,~. _ ~. : Hlgbw'N&-
P"'''''IC.:a- :;:1 Pr.M.II'A'1I.
Holthaus 5TransPbrtatio~ . Company · With Ofllces In ~e United Motor Express T ermlllaJ, Front. & Smith SIB., Clnclnnatl, ,Tel. Chel'l'y 6420: Lebanon TeL 39; 2000 E. Second St., Dayton, Tel Madison 14,58, Serve ClndnnaU, ReGdlng, SharonvlUe, Mason, Lebanon. Waynesville. KinCH Mills, Dayton and Way. Polnts With ~r Schedule of _ _ . . . Aooommodatlnr, Relli,lble and SaUstactory Service In MeeUDr the Demands of The6e BUliy Times.
that Lhey axe not damagedrln tra~-. It and to .see that they are dellvered too the proper address. The drivers are able to locate any address along . . the lines a.nd there Is . never any trouble with shipmenw. 'Ihe ms..nagement saw the m.any ' diBa.dvantages .and inconvenleIwee to which the people were subJeoted In the receiving of goods and decided to orler a service that is In acoord W\Ul present day methods of tranBporlnUon. They, have expanded Lhelr service to keep pace 'With the gl'OWing demands of war times and you will [\lld ,Uley w1ll a.lW&ys be o,bl!l to handle any goods entrusted to bbem., The Holthaus TranspormtJon Co. are an imp(>rtant aid to our Victory program for ~Iclent and l'IIiPld pro- ' duction . It w11l <be to your advantB€e to use their service when do~ any shlpping.
At All Times
~tarlur2 Jlf'unernl ~Otne -
Special Attention! . WaD' A6, CardI of TlaaDb Uut 0bi&1IaIie. are ehu,ed for at Use rate of ODe ceat a word, adnlmum oIIarr. %5c. A Wan' Ad In~el'ted for &bree Umea II Clhareed at ~() a word.
. A. I have purchased The Waynelville Fi-:e In.uranee Ageney of C. B. Jenkin, and. as it Will be iri:pocc:b!e for me to call on each pohcy holder. at cnee. I want to request that you check your· pohcy or Call at the office. to see whether or no~ ,you have adequate coverage. A numb~r have already done ~i•• one party finding that $1000 on houaehold "ooda had expired in June 1943; another found they olily had a fire i~surance' policy when they thought. it included extended coverage also; some h"d 'moved and did noti know it waa necessary to get a permit; all O. K. aa long as nothing happens. I urge you do thia.before i~. too late.
JIOR 8ALE - Wattina Products a~ 28 'N . liroadWay, Lebanon. Ope~ aYen1Dp
COnvenience .
Glen LIntner. Phone 8S L.
WELDING AonyJene ' otf electric. Bee Bill .Lee, Omdorf Road, R. 3, W.)'DellvUle.
l '
Wayonelville; Ohio
Eatablished 1912
Ph. 265.1
Phone 9-Sx
ere aDd feeders;
hen' reeders.
BroOders; 'plvanlzed ~ watel'E!'nest Hartaoct.
-_ ._-. ----
BALE-Good modem proper-, ty, !arie plot ground, Jots ct shade. ~ W. N. Bea.r&. Phone
-" _
!OR i~ ~, pra.ct1call;r new; a18o . four &ingle winao. -~---___wa:bIiIlJr:-~:aWJre at Gazette uf· nee. PbIDe' .2143. 30 '-------:----.;---~-.--
roIR ~ rooms. ModIf
PboIIe 2tM. Kn. Ernest Bart-
toos taled aJf&W. baJ. PhoDe Lebulon 306It. :Erl:IieC 1IvaIl., tl 'N. BroadwaJ, Lanon.. 10
J'OR W&--,About r.a 11-2
calf . '0100..
BhOltbom . caw ~ 3182, Wa.J118IIIIDI.
Mrs. Grace Furnas. Mrs. Jean Missildlne and daugjlten;, Be.rbara and Cella. called on Mrs. BUB. Hurley a.nd Mrs. Glenna. Wilson 'l1uesda ~ a.ttemoon . Ralph and Mary .Antram. near WUmington, called In the WIlson home Thurs-
~dB, RI. R. 3, W~'
ville, O~.
--~- .--~- -~--"
Q111Urt4 OM Cll~rild SERVICt5 SUNDAY . MAIWH 18, 1Nt
BIBLE SCHOOL . . 9:30 A. M._ MOB,NlNG SERVICE 11:00 A. M. · ''I'0Il'0-''18 ~CE 'IN GUCE ALWAY.S IN GUOE' TRUE?"
--... EVENING- SERVICE ~- - -
• 7:30 O'Clock "WHAT THE SOILIPTUBE SAYS ABOUT 1.'BB BAPTiSM OF THE HOLY SPOUT" WEDNESDAY EVENING-" :10 Prayer meeUQr for .,.,. in service (AU puent. 01 communIt)' lnvi":d> and . Bible 8&acl:Y. Topll>-;-Bow Can I Beat. serve My CounWJ?'I'
MAX W. RANL>ALL, . Miniator Phone 2993 ...-..._ ", _ wN
_Io_ ·~ " ~-'-" t~';"
day dInner suests of Mr, and MIS. ~ Edga,r Hurley ' n r Xenla.
Ealate of W. H. Allen, Dece.aed G liffo~d
With tbe COmlt~ of 8princ the atore of J. W. ~.HaTdware 00. ~kea Oil ..n. added. actIvlty, as they specialize In la.w~. garden e nd farm '1b1$ year they have a ilarger stock bban us1,lll1 QB there is to be an ilncreaaed activity in garitenlng' on aooo,unt of . the dangtrs of hIgh pr1ces 1IoIld · scarce toOd suppl1eswhUe' , t.be war collt:ln-
PhODe 2878
Dependable MEN and WOMEN
ROOT FOR'" AND CONSIGN your ~attJe, hogs, sheep and calY~ to Norris-Brock 'Co., liVe wire mit progressive firm tor the hJllhesl market pl}ces. and gOOd' Il!rll1efl , Union S~OCk Yards, Clncln M "/. O. Tune In. on RadIo Statlol, ,wqty. ,}U
da lly
Xenia's FastesLGro\Ying Inaustry.' •
Best working c~ditiona with Rapid ~d'_~ll:..la-.;..~ . emp"loyment. Must Co~plY. wlt.bWMO ,c ecaJaUoaa
1.._ ....~I!II.....___E<l_ _~_ _ _ _1r"f
Rad'ie .Prea,c6er:and Past~r j
Km fLy.a o •••avil
' . . ~ foao • Idte Itring beCIIIft.,.., CUIJ ellCUicky•
to Do
Want 10 IIIU BouIebOld 000dI' . . GAD'I'D
dam"~e to ' nro.,erty
aeftt nail SCIOlI IUeea or
blJla'lftll ..... IrIIII Ilia Idee.
FOR SAlLE-19S'l PorP .-~ Deluxe Sedan. A-I condItlon. Inquire GUBU1\'S 'Ohtdten MiIorUt. Noah Moen .. ' •
plaid '1IU1t., B12Ie 10, .:.- eaeUem OODdltloa. Qall 81.
Insure ' ~o .~rse.if ':a.':inat
Call Way·nesvWe 25311. .
·wlAm'EiDro' RIENir-&nan-'bouae--
~ ~
He Dever flies his kite near electric wiRS. Kha ~th mecaI pam are danpoua &II .aoa elec, uicwfra He _ _ _ wile or dIiteJ or
. NonCE ~ [;e&ve clotht.U8' to be cleaned at Mrs. Fannie CIorothenl. MaIn street, 1We.vnesvWe. for middle-aged , retire<l
FOR RENT--J.I'oUr room aJ)ll.J'ltDlellt In Waynesville. 1Mrs. ~n Scanlon,Wa.~.
Are You· protec'ted ?
e.\uJ -
H i ll I n u ' Sln ' I ", f ·ur ...lCllt ....... .. .
i'Um of 63 ~ I bouIIe. Alao Sheed ~ two 9 yra. old, one 8-yrs. o1d: ta.nn tools . WJll &ell resN»lab1e.
.H i '"
_.- -
1ttU2. O. T. Wlndle, Franklin,
em. a.ne ' meals
proachiftg when f(1OdJI W1ll be in great demand. It. rth~retore, behooves every owne1' of ~en a small garden to get busy and, aid In solv. ..,.; Ie: -:.~ ~ ~a.at'j .... .~&.., (j'f h1s own· pr' plem ot tood for ,t he co.m1ng ~r. 'lhe J. W. Lingo HoarctWare 00'. have secured a large &took 'Of ' the lllitest in gafden llDplemc tS, /leedB, fe'rtUizere. solI foodtl:, e. : _<Y; Ina' el'; 1als, POw,t l' 1. • .' .J '. rid D~;V otller nece.."Sltlc . l.: ~he pUbtlng in the" garden !lno in . n u~l(ter an ex~l lent stn.l.e . of cu2.Uva t lon ant! ,p roduction. Tb~y will be zlad to 'a;~1I!wer questions on which YO .1 may desire Inform::ti on uh t hey are .fam.1!lar With ' ~'iel -ces 0. lo:al Jpeapl,. and the laitest farming deve1Opmen~: ""
WANTED-Poultry of au ltlndB. Wlll call .. Highest ma,rket prices. Drop ~ or call IIftnk11D '
,Mrs. Earl Mendenhall and llttle daughter returned to their home in We.ukegan, Ill., ~ID Flriday a.QOODlpa.n1oo by her cousin, Mrs. Dollie Rye: o! Tlpp City. Mr. and U\4rS. Edwin Nutt of near Oellterville were dinner guests of Mr . and 'Mrs. 1t',he1'le' Jones and wo. Milton, Sunda/? Mr. Nutt is slowly recovering ,from his recent illness. 1Mr. and~. Edmond M1nser and son ot Dayton were Tuesday evening dinner ~ts ot their. parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bergdilll.
scm and lam1ly,
a drift frem a sUq!)lus to a. scarclty. "!.~~~~~~~~~~~;g;~~~~~~~5~~;;g~~~;;~;;~~~~~~;;:~11 time and with the 'new' s~~· II ClOIIUng on, daY is' faSt a~
• ...4..- _ _ ' _: __
Leslie Gmy, and fam1ly.
Mrs. Raleigh Bogan IIIlld Marilyn the church, follOWing theW'e'dding. Sue Smi th called e n Mr. and ¥rs ; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bw-net eel- McNorton Wednesdll!Y' even1ng.They ebrated their golden weddlna BIlJl1- recently moved from Xenia to the versary at their home here S~ Rau farm in this community . alternoon. Seventy41ve or more 'M i'. and Mrs . W~reu Braddock relatives and frlends braved the and M·rs. Jennie Braddock called ~Ow and storm and iey. roads to at- an Mr. Walter Wllson SundaY' Gftend. 'I'hO!ie from a dI8taDoe "...: ternoon. Dr, and MrlI. P. E. ROBnagle and Mr. artd Mrs ., Rf:I.ymond Bun:len children, Harr1ebt and Robert of visited t.he former's mother who [.Qndon, Mr. and Mrs. John Oolllna !\Vas a patient at M1am1 Va.lley hOlland family of Xenia, ·M rs. Mable' pi tal last sund8y a.ftemoon. IMrs. Ella. Hurley and Mr, and Dtnwtddie, Mr. and !lIoI:rs. James Odell (Uld two daUfllhter, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Wllsan were SunMrs . Rue DInwiddie, Mrs. Harry Brown of Da.yIton, M1ss Amia Hor- ' .f'~='~==-::==~ i--- . mell and Mlsa MOOonntck ot 8priq AUCTIONEERING iboro and 'Miss Ruth Fry of PrankStanley and Koo~ler lin. For Dates, Phulle 2894. Waynesville, OWo. nc v~l'se Charges CAESARS
Wtth so mUilY millions men \Dl12:25 to 12:30 p. m. for der arD18 and all c.o naumers not· be- market reports. Ing-producers.. there I.s bound ,to be
i944 WALL PAPER S4M!PLE3Now c,n display at my home. D. E. standuOrd, Waynesville, Ohio . 20 ~
Mr. and iMrs. IWJph Ha.mmond have ,p urchased the grocery propery h erc . all Oharles IWade and will up.m a new grocery soon. Mr . and Mrs. Walter Kenrick were Lebanon vUlltors Thur&day. Mrs. Harold 61A1Ullle and dauahter, MIss Almetta, ronde a bua1nea tllp to .Da-yton Thursday. Mrs. Everett llarly attended an Eastern Star meeting at Middletown TJ lUrsday eyen1Dl. , 1M1'Il. Clara Stacy is now staying at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
0- - -
By The WJIi. Brenner Furniture Corp. .
Electrlc CIm*
Mr. a.nd Mrs . Donald Haines are annOWlc1ng the bJ,rth of a san, Aldon ErYin, at McClellan nOllpitaJ, Monday night, The baby wetahed 7 3-4 pounds. , Mrs. Luoy ~1l a.nd Mr: aDd Mru. Raleigh ~n were Sunday cUnner guest., Mr. ' and Mrs. ' E yan B03'a ri in Dayton. . Mra. MarY ~thryn McIntire and sen, Jimmy, were dinner gUESts W'ednesdllY of iMrs. Raymond WU-
~---------...~-. .-~~I111!1..~--:
REWARD-f10.00 reward will be' aiven for return of Gas :Ration
POR BALE-'tbree.
clAy ~temoon.
book atoin from car. Lovely. Wayneav.iI1e. 290«. .'
Mrs . Walter Kenr1ck: attellded • -rshower !qr her nieCe, Mrs. W1Wam "' •. \\"H ,·. 1...·."·1\·,<. ' ·,i. r~~I!"."""' · Pounds, at'the boJne or~. IAwM),'I!, Elmer GrcIVes and ,children 'l'enoe Peters In Da.yton P'rtday eve. of centervWe 'were Wedn~ u lng. guest. of her pa.rentzl, Mr. and Mrs. MIss . E1leen Brown ot wayWIlbur FoulkB. nesvUle spent Sunday and.MoncIaY ·Mr. and Mm. lEo L. Robelta re- Wjth Miss Franc1s WlUtaker, turned to the hOlM of their eon-inMr. and Mrs. Harold Steinke, la.w aud.da.ughter, Mr . and Mrs. G. M1M Almebta and James, attended MUler last week a.rter a s1x weeks the candle lIght wedding or Ensign vlsit. w.th relatives aIt 08mpbellville. JQmcs Mericle and MlsB , Porothy K,y, Armprlester, ab 3:30 Sunday at the Mrs. Tom ,B urton entertained ~ Euclid AV~. Unit.«l Brethren church Lytle Oard club at her boole at Per- III Dayto)l and also the reception e,t
Notice is hereby gi ven that H. Brace, whose Post Office address is Wayn esv ille, Ohio, has been dul appointed as AdAt. LetmDOD Have Become An fn- ministrator w'ith the will annexed sUtul.loo 10 the 'LilY" of t.he ~ple of the Estate of W. H. Allen, late of Oar COIIDt.:r • '. .. Are A Factor of Warren County, Ohio, deceased. Dated ihis 4th day of March, Wa)"lleaville. In Our Vie&ory PriOrram By Fea&ur· 1944. IDe Supplies aIll1 Service &0 Keep RALP.H H. 'CAREY. Oar Homa aIld Farms Workinr EflicleniJ7 . .. .. If You Neect A Judge the ProbatEl Wal'renofCounty, Ohio. Court ..... ~ 1JI!!II. . Hanp, See Th'em . . . The, .Will ley & Stanley, Att'ys. ' Help You Get A Pure~ dert.\tIcatce From' CIte BliU«nt 8foanl : . " Also F.-'are Pablta, SeedS, House FurilWdDP, BalJdeq' BarcIware aiact SpecIaWes • " •TeL t6. _ ..!L '
REAL ~STATE _ iNSURANCE ~. AUCTIONEER . Office M'ain street one-half square, North, of Light
for raboits, . duco, turkey,~ fryers. heDB, roosters. Ginaven Poultry, W. Second and Bellbrook avenue, Xenia. Phone 1108. (z
j. W~ Lingo Hardware Company
POULTRY-We.'pay highest price
He __ climbs poles or aea co ~
__ "aapc,1a winI.
othera and doat}) or injUry ciaima. See or c::all .....
' .
Son~' J..~a·d~r , -'
' .oil
. ...
;" .: He·r bert:, <:;rah_m.'··
To Present Junior States 1,000 Raised Here Class~Play April.,e In Red Cross Drive' On April 6, at 8:00 p. m.,
Junior class of Waynesville lIIih school presents the 3~ct comedy, "Atta Eoy, Walt," which features Walt ,Nelson. who is just a boy at that -perlod bet.ween the PIl3-age 8t~ the first' interest In matters femJDlne. Walter 18 concerned greatly over a flashing li&Iht signal he bas arran~ across the street with his
C. H . Brace, Wayne ToWllBhIp chairman of the RA:d Ora;s War iFIlnd IDrtYe, arul0unCed Monday that '1,000 had been ,r aised here at 1lhat time. The quota is ~,ooo. CoUeotlons made last week at the 'r.wln theatre totaJed $100, he reveaJed. /Names of solicitors and terrltot1ea are aa JollOWg: L .. C , Radley 'Pal, Billy Hebert. Ion charge of spec1al contributions; Walt's Ute Is fwther comp1ix:ated M1ss Allice Gone, N. East Wa.yne; by tbe faet that Mary Ann, his Mrs. Dena ~oss, S. East W~e; "heart 'throb" Is showing a fast Ernest !Butterworth. S.West W~; growing interest ion one Gordon Kenneth Hough, N . West Wayne . Andrews, . tht! smartest. boy In the The foregoing are being asaiated by school. others In their oommu.nttles In C8I1TrlGer Daniels, a crIm1nal, atva8Qing tIlelr teJritories. tempting to CODtact h1s 'mob, tolOther solicitors are: Mrs. Ernellit l~ a jali breu, stumbles upon Earnhart. Mt. Holly and Route 42 the ·w ood shed and n;ust.akes the to lWey,nesvllle; Mrs. Mary Earn- radio arr~t 10r a. real short hart, M1a.m1 street; M,ra. Russell wave set. Salisbury, High 8treet; Mrs. Mar.y '~ everything comes out. in the Rye, Ohapman and 'I)'~er 5tn!et.; wash" and everyo one's happy. Don't Mrs. Dorothy HalW1te, Fifth street mJBs out on a. grand opportunity to a'n d Franklin road, Mrs. J. H. liwgh and to be entertained. Sackett; Fourth street; Mrs. Wal'Wr WhItaker, 11l1rd street; MrS. LeroyMOra.n/ Corwin; Mrs. Everett l!arly, BANQUET Lytle. At .the P.P.A. and iF.IlI.A. banL. O • .St. John, Mrs. A. II!I. Stout, and Mrs. Alva Thompson. south qUEt, WedJlesdaY, March 23, stud:from North street in Waynesv11lej film 1I.Dd tRends gathered In tbe ,Mm. oatl\ryn Fulkeraon. , lNorth dining room made beautiful with from .8orth . stree~ on Main street; colora, candles, pIaoecarda and proMrs. <Henna Frye and Mra.. OII~ grama. iWben everyone 'W1I8 seated, Mn. bor:ne, North IItreet; M1sa Vira1nla Hardin, .Grade lIChoo1; Raymood Kenneth Bouan ""ve ~e lnvoca.Braddock. HIgh school, and MnI . tion. A duet was tumlShed by Glen Georgie. MendenhaJol, Friends Home. &nltb &oDd Dou8 Bendenlon. While The quota 0[ ,S,OOO for the town- ev~ryone was ellojoyinl b1a tomato ship Is dOUble that of prevtoUa ooclttAlll . Mrs Lukens extended a . lcom'e to all . dI1ve.s according to Mr. Brace and warm owe , ToBatmaater Ch1U"lea Rye introeveryone 18 urged to at leaa.t dOuble duced .)u1iet loI.cOoy, who lpOke on t heir former contributions in view at ·the heavy ' ~emand made upon 'fiome I!lConom1ca Activities," followed b Edwin M10hener with " Vo't he Red ,dross in war time. cationai' F.ducatlon." NeKt . came DlCk Irona ·wbO told about "My PBOGB.E8S.VE WOllEN'S c~." Then th sOlo CLUB TO BNTEBTAIl\l PW"--'aDO er was SENlOB8 , ,!T J.BB&N()N plQed by J(eDdeDon.
School News
Wo.)neeVWe ~ve ' WCIIDIIIl" olub win entertain the seol« attlll -Of W . H. S. at a dinner meetiDtr at' the Golden Lamb Hotel In Lebanon. Those inlendlng to' attelJcl are aBked to notify Mn. Alva .Tbomp&On for reservatlon.
WARBEN COUNTY ~ MEET. IN ITALY \ In,a. letter' to his .parente, County OOnun18aioner and 'MnI. :Fred Rageme~r, CB,pt. ila~ B\pmeler, who Is stationed "a<meWh~ In Ilaly," , ~£at.ecl that after not bavtDe met BlWDe mxn home for over • year, he was 8tar1I1eq Iwhen IIOIIWiooe said "fiello. OIlpt. Hq'emeyt!!'," pDc:l ii tUrned oUt to be Arnold Hosler of near HM'Vevliburg. Amontr others who had recen~ arrived was Eugene GrUber of WlI.ynesvWe. N~ Ies8 to say, the Warren countlana {ound much to talk .about. capt. Hagemeyer",., pJ'OlOOtA!c; to hls present rank on ~. 3'1. LEAVING ALASKA .
. Mr. and Mrs. Earl' Ot'een ' ~ Springboro. have received wont trom their son, PIC. , ·Oarl Green, s~tlDg that they. are , PulllJ¥ ~t of A1Uka nndlwill behtlmesoon ;I ~_hewl1l 'I\:)e statiOned in .bhe. atata,.a.ftet • furlough , Carl Is in the cout &ttl1tery. He entered sery1ce OIl .June 'S, 194!1 and .receIved hIa ~ng ~t 0\Im.p 'c a.uan, San D11I8O, oaw. He hll8 been in Alaaka. over two .
. AVlatl6n oadet . is one step nearer to ' tbc.e auvw mml8a101l . . be , 'VvmgS co 1etec1 M 'holint Of • 't' • auccessfUlly ClOmp , at Je.e\aKiel, Ten-_te, Tom. Diy Ia Iiow in Newport, · ~. at .BaBiC. sc:hciol, !Where he· wm I1J • ~uCh heavier and 'more ponWul jlIane in the ~c trainer. M m pJ'llna,ry 'and ~ ~ wDl , J)e ground 00h001 claaae& ~ code, engl.nea, tl;ecry 01 I{U9ht. navll'&tlO!l.l. , eirerBJt Ilnd n v..:l l~eDtI:fIcatIaD. . and' various oUier acaclemSC lUI!-
PJo.rence \Rlts Conner) II plann1n8 (iO e.woinpanylbc bel' hUa. out hla aar crewthl'OUltb 'addn!IB II: A-o BI'WU'd '1'.
CJ8IIf 4tO. ~ • 8abIiaI ~
'Palm Sunday will 'b e appropriately celebra ted next Sunda.y momlng at 10 :30 . The beautiful 'Palm Sunday anthem, "The P9Jms." will be given- by the choir: The pastJor's sUbject wilt be "JellUS8lem Taken By S urpri£e." At the Sunday evening eyangelIstlc service the pastor's subject. will be, "The S18M of His Oom1ng." Thursday evening, April 6, tbe In-: stltutlon 01' the Lord's supper will be celebrated with a. communion service. The St. Ma~'s Episcopal church and the Methodist ehurch will join in the annual GOOd Friday service In the Method18t chureh from 2 to 3 p. m. Friday, iMarcb 7th . An Easter Sunrise service iwfll be held ast 6:'30 Q. In. followed by the usual Easter breakfast a.t 7:16 a .. m. At b\;le 10 )30 East.tt worship service new members wUl be received Into the church and the sacrament of baptl.l;m will be admlnJstered. fNeryone Is cordially invited to a.ttend these services. Parents deSh'iIl@' to have their chUdren baptized are to notify the pastor. SERVIOES DURING HOLY WEEK ,A T ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL ClIVRCH Su.~day .
April 2 (Palm sUnday) MOI'Jl1q Prayer and Bennon, 111 a. In. In!ant Baptlsps. Evening !Prayer, 4:30 p. m. BaptIsmB. Monday, Aprll S Evening Prayer, 4 :30 p. m. Tuesday, AprU • Evenfmg ~, 4:30 p. m. WEdne6dq. AprU 5 Even1ne Pra.yer, Utany and Sermollo, 7 :30 p. m. 1~ursday, ApJlll 6 Evening Prayer, 1:30 p. m. f'r1day<, Aprtl '1 Unlo.n service at the !IIethod1s.~ church. 2 p. In. ~ ~ AprilS (Easter JlII6") ' ~. ":110 .. I:Ja.
sll, 19K
This L. Your Job CAD £'U.orlal) ,WI_rrO:1 COUlrlty Ired Cross War p1un.:1 Drt.... e 'quota of $37,500 Is less Lllnn half subsct' bell. That's a. b:g shO! tag!! to m~ up by March 31 Ilnd beeaUse -Qf ··that fact :the campal!!n has been extended another 10 d a y~ . It your ,bOy t hUng In the South Paclfic or~ in the torn fields of 'I ,aly knew abOut It. he'd ,be hopi~g and praYing that the deficit 'WClUld be met at the eB'IIliest possible m: ment. ,., ' The Ilhortage, according to Oll8S. J . WalNoner, )COunty chairman. Isn't due t9 any fl~tr:e on the 'p art of pe;rsoD£ who ·.been sollclted. In· dlviduals visited I have contributed more ,than ev,er before roamy doub,ing their dQ1'! attons of a year 1130, !;nowlng ~tthe need now Is greater than at Al)IY ' other period In Am ~rlca'8 'history. The short:' g J ::omes frt:,m the- 'f act that there lo.l'e tower avaUaUe workers . The lImi ~· .cd persc.~nel na.~urally has not been able to call 88' many ,homes. Thus total collecti: nil- ure still InsuffiCient. while subscriptions are luger, the demand Is Ul~ g;reater. This leave.:l tlte bUlden or the collection up to the individual citizens who \\8 ,yet have not been visited by a <Reel Cross worker. They 1llU8t become .~lIcltors as well as d()~Or8 , seeldIlg, themselves for contrlutiOll&-olal1~ than last yearsand seelll3 .tIJ. it that th~ money.is 'placed In pr<IP'r hands . OOntrlbutiODlJ may be left at any ·bank in the cou.nty or ant directly to Harry z. Grar. TrelWl~er, Lebanon:OhJo, or Red Crose: cJf!(ice In Lebanon or f'ranklin. It woUld"e tl'6g1c If ,W arren county should all tts men in uniform . 'lhey I~ doing 90 mUch for I ' us; they are ~g SO little In return. The comfOrts, the necessities, the many tb~great and small. which 'le R provides, ~ be up ~ Jd iOn1 1( we w1ll1ng to uu:::e- som.e cr1flce In t.he ~ of mo" dalJ CdDtrtbutloDa. If tbeae
Seven On Ballot Five Local Nen . For Dist. Supervisor Inducted Monday candidates ,f or supervisor of the Into Armed Forces
NEW CENTURY CLUB HOLDS MARCil MEETING AT PRESTON HOME Mrs. J . X. Preston was hOlitess to the New Oentury club Friday aft.en~oon when they met for their regular Match mee~g. FolloWing the business meeting, which was cal.ed to order by the president, Mrs'. J . B . Oraibbe, a very delightful program was enjoyed. Little J eTty Cook very tleal.lt1!u1Iy sang, "'Little To:yoiand of the Dutch" a.nd Sue Furn6.J ple~ed 8. lovely olartonet sob. Miss Raydyn Crabbe accom,p anied each one on the plano. Mrs. J . K. Preston and Mrs. Raymond
,Warren County SoU Con.servet1on DIstrict are Harold Banta, Lebanon, East Turtlecreek townahip; George Carnahan Mason, Deerfield township; oArthur T. &!.sLon, FranItlln. Fraonklln township; Davis Furnas, Wa.ynesvllle, Way n e township; HV""Brd Graham, Waynesville. Mas3.!t tc'\\o'Jl.':ihlp; Henry Harris. Lebanon , Wes t 'I1urtlecreek township, . and Robert J eoJJrey, Oregonia, Wash lngtoll ·t ownshlp. The election wiU be held on Sa.tConner 'Were in charge of the pro- urday, April 1 betwEen 1 :00 and glam and they each presented . In- 14:(,0 p . m , wI. the followmg plaooo : terestlng papers IWIth the Wleme of ' Franklin, Conover's Hardware; LebHolland, Mrs. Oonner's subject 00- , aneJD, Court House auditorium, MaIng "The Waterlogged Country,.. I son, Everylbody's Fnml studio; Morand Mrs. Preston's, "The N&ther- I row. Town Hall; 'Waynellville, Town ra.~d Possessions." Ship House. Dainty refreshments were served I Ab.seni.ee ballots are available at to albout tJWellity members and the , the ctun.ty ext.enslon ofUce, court 8'Ilest8', Mru. R. E, Asbury. Mm. L. hCluse. lLe<banon, for those who canO. Radley and Miss ,Mame Browne. no~ personally aPP E1\r at a. polling 1he club adjourned unUi the Ap- I place during the dLdgnated, hours. ril meeting when Mrs. John Fromm ALsc ,tee ballots m tst be retum.ed will be hoste~s at "Our House." to David Balley, county Blgent, LebI ' non , 0hlo. on or before Friday, ENLISTS IN AIR CORPS . MaTch 31. . DoMld Foulks or Harveybburg, Tne three supervisors receiving ilonnerly' of Lytle, son of Mr. and the m~ votes will serve for a pe_ Mrs. Wilbur Foulks d the latter liod ot tbree years. The Vwo men place, hes enlisted in the Army A:r . ~e ~j ".tr. g the IlEx,t highest number OOl'pl3. 'HIs fam1ly. wUe and cJ'.ll·... ren of votes will ser e for a periOd of acconwanied him to Miamisburg .',,0 ) ears. """JW~""¥ from wheJ'e he left to 1'\:'!'he Warren County Soil Oonserport to Ft. Thomas, Xl' . vation 41striot was estBiollshed on iFebrue.ryt 24, 1944 by the Ohio SOU F&.\NK BUCK AT CHURCR Oon.servation committee. The ct1aOF CBBl8T NEXT SUNDAY trlct includea all 0[ Warren county sunday 'mo~g, April 2, Mr . -exclusive of incorporated areas. Frank Buck !rom the CIncinnati Land~ers of the d1stl lct are elBible 8emlnary will apeak: at the Igible to vote !for supervisors . Waynesville Church of 0br1st. He The organle.tloo of the dlStrlct inwill brl~ several singers 'With him cluding electlQP of supervisors Ie who wlI1 Offer tJpeCIal, songa 'during being conducted In accordance with ~he service. The public Is invited to the Ohio' SOU Conservation DIstrict a ttend this service. LaIW, House, Bill No. 646. This I&w was ~ed n the spring of 10il SPEAKS IN COLUMBUS by the OhIo General Assembly . Mr. and Mrs. Jozef McCoy were Ha!Wd 1)4artz, Franklin, lntroduced In' 8\md'ay. Where Mr. and sponsored the bill throU&b the
.. I
Five 1l0CB0l men vrere IndUCted Into Lhe armed forces Moq,day by Wefen. county Selective 8ervlce Bo&rc1 No.2 at Lebanoo. Ra,ymond O. ~. gan, J. P8Iut Shaw and Noah O. Moore 'Were claimed by the ~ olnd Oarl E. flandall, and Nelaan SherwOOd by the Navy. ' Others 1nducted by the arm:v LewIs R. Kinner, Route 1, Pleaiant Pla.1n. Ohio; Tom Brlid)uryo, ~ la; Le<i!ord C. Whitt, LockIapd; John st!les, Pleasant Plain; Ja.cob R. Collett, Lebanon; Ll:wrence E. Oook, Centerville; Albert Williams. Pleasant Plaln; Jamea' Stephens,
Or~c..'ll~ ,
. . OLhers taken into the Navy are : Elton E, Hawk, ~Isburg; Georwe C. Beckett, Oregonia; Everett D. Williams, ClantsvWe; WWiam C. Peters, Clarksville; Ray Steele, Morrow. The foUowlng men were ordoered ~o report for pre-induction ~ examination Monday: Robert Sat. terthwaite, lAltredt E. Mo1'88Jl. Ben:' jamin Furnas, Relph 'DrUJ!M1!OOc1 Charles R. Omdo.rt, Wllaon VJD Olev'e, J . W. Smith and RuaIoelt B. Moc.<1y, transtl!l', all of W801IleevlDe; Klmesler Leach, Harold Brant. KImer L. Malott, Morrow; Fred Boaan . and 'Alva W . IHatch,tra.nafer, liar:' veysburg; -carl M. Judd, Route 1, . I , . Oreg'Onla ; Dca'le (). Grlawold, PIeaIunt Plain. There were ~ ~ teers, Edward N. AJtm.st.t'ona and Champ Browri, Morrow, and IIlU1 B, ' Campbell, lA!bInon.
The executive comm1ttA1e of · &be Wayne ~ AlUlDD1 IoIIOCIII;. .tlon met here ' Tbund&Y' IoftemoOD, M&rdl 30. '!be DleDIberw (]f'b oeDmi~e who 'Were preeent ...... OhGl l' 1 ea N. " OuliinJcbt . Gi ChIt.a&o, R.a..Ymood 1:».. 01 DaJt,oQ, Mrs. ROnald , Hawte." Mm. JabD ~ . uta "lIu' IIIU:t.oeIr; .... I The five '8UJ)en!aors of the War.. Allee Oona, Obwl. 'M1CbeDeI'.; rell County district elected ~n April meth HOUItl, Beth II. P'Umu. ~ 1. wtll organize at en ~rJy date by Hart.soo.k ,and Ra)mqnd ~ selecting a ohalrma.n, a secretary The cornm1ttee and treasurer. They will have full the annuaJ meet1n8 ~ be ~ KII;y respi1IfSlbUlty for tIle operation of 71 at the ~h a:bool 83""'"..... the district. 'I1he Woman's eoctet;v: of CbrIIItIIiD.
Dona!d Watldna poIa&ed out tbe t1aD, 1.1 •• m. the Baha'i BoclEty at the Y.M. O.A. 'Wms and.!"urposeS of the P.P. A. ~' The at. Rev. IIenry) W. Hobson, 1'be SUbject of hJ.s taUt was "Unj, ~ Blshop of S outhern Ohio. s t nd your cOlltributlon today. Make. vers"at Religion," and dealt 'With the Pollowlilg ttiat Po vocal aolO was sung by iImla Plre8. It us BIG A'S YOUR HEART. 'abandonment of polltlcal, racial and Joe Kersey of Lebanon ihtroducreligious prejudices. Three cases considered by LEBANON f '. T: . ,~ ed the speaker of the evening, Mr. TO BE MOTHERS OLUB the special session of the Warren SEEKS TO DIVORCE Pauley, frOm Lebanon,. GUESTS FRIDAY, APRIL 7 county I'l"!Wd jury 'I\lt9:Iey. Five AU8mALIAN WIFE ~some clOlIng remarlra b)r Serv,I:e of the M.et.bodlat cb\.uoc:h will COUSINS MEET ON indlctments were returned after 15 Mr. CratJbe, , the annul! ba.."l4uet The April meeUIl3 d the Mothers serve ren-eet.nents In tile c:afeters& ' L auther Earl Wood, who is serv.. ON ANZiO BEACHHEAD '_ A brouabt to ~ ftttlnl cloee by a wlmeaee were examined. club will 'be held' ¥r1day, A,prU 7 at 1ng w11lh the armed forces in AUSIN ITALIAN WAR ZO~ Where a ~ ...1mbe 81-- Al.. • Three indictments were returned ~arute to the 1lai. the 8l'ade scllool bUilding . ItrIllia and wbose home is near . ,._ ter the prO&Tam there ivb.l be :t.be. aia.1nst lawrenee 'Fields of W~ IW. B. S. Poet The Parents-Teachers asoc1atioo ,Wayne&ctlle, -1188 rued irutt tor dI1'he follo~g letter was wrttiten to .!Jnnua! dance In the IIYD'........ 1 RaY'l yn Ctabbe, a member ' of the vIDe Rou~ 3 on ohIU'IUI of cr1m1n- Clf Lebanon will be guests of the l0- vorce from Susan Mary Wood, h1s Mr. and Mrs. EWworth F. BiRS of 1'he oommittee W1ll welcome .• Junior cw.. baa had lIIJtQtber of ally att.aclt1nc three of "hIs da\l8b- Cal clUb for the 'meet4ng, The first Australian wife. They were mar- O . rwin by tJhelr grandson, 'O pl., Carl graduating class that 11 tbI. tera. . ber poeaSa publlahed. Th1a one, "A preaident' of the Mothers club, 'Mrs. ried In 0ct.0beT. 1942. '!be suit was H , B • . Norman Btgw Is a stepest in many yetU'S ~to ~ Eua'eDe Ba!on, jr., 19, -of ~nklln, ~ Vandervort 0[ Ll!b&n0M!v1llbe filed In the Warren COUotlty COI.Irt.a. 60n of Mrs. E1sworbh. Biggs: Song" was printed In the Ohio state tlon . A tr.1bute will be paid , ~' . charaed v4th a1a.ytng hIa step-aunt, a. gUest speaker. Several other inGranle ~tbI6'. Wood charges gl'O!!S neglect of duty. "Somewhere on the Anzto graduates' !Who are In the~. • Miss ~e RotIWs, at her farm terestlna &pelLkers anti special' music 1Bea.c!lllead•••. FOBMEB USIDBNT DIBS home .near Franklin, Feb. 2i, waa ,W1l1 make. a.n attractive program. OOUNTY SUPT. OF SOROOLS . Deu Grandmother and Frank: . MAJt.RIAGE "ANNOUNCBD -- , ntDAY EVENING' AT BOMB hldict.ecl for first degree murder. TO. BESIGN, IS REPORT Refreshmentll wt1l be served. I received your V letter 60 week 'I NEAR DAYtrON; BURIAL DEBE AD indlctment was , ret~ Announcement 1 8 " , (If . .... ago and have beeu putting off ansIt is reported that Charles H. . . ,a'J81nat ThomaII L!ilider for blgamf. WAYNBSVI,I .LE ro FOLLOW wering. i~ but now I've really some- marriage of MUs ' Audref "CbWf~ ' Elry Lew1a; age 62, fOlmer local _ DAYTON IN TIME CHANGE Bohl, Warren county sUPerintendthing to write a.bout. I've found daughter of ¥t . .,and '...... .lIliM,;t re91dmt, .died ' "uddenlY il"rIci&y eveSOLDIER SON IN BOSPITAL en.t of schools, ¥iill. subn1t hIa resman ;yes Bir, Blbout. ERIrprlsed Orawford Of, JV~esvHle, "O.. RouU rung at hla home en Well1ler Road, . Wayneadle will remain on 19na.tlon at .t he meeting of the coun Mr. and Mrs'. J. ~. Eamhart him to death . J really I,nean It made 2, and, Leroy Shaw, lIOn of. J6",. and "slow" time uaUi AprU 30. WlIt)' b:>ard of education Saturday. Mrs. Harvey. Shaw ' of' yeiJR; &. R . 2, Dayton. 'a nd aona of Bewverbotwn. Mr. and less cOWldl revenes a reSolation He has purcha.sed a dry! gOods me Ifeel good' to see him a.~d shake He I_yes bJa Wife, zella, anel trt\'O ~. John 'Robey of Dayton iI.nd Sprlnp, Route 1. 'lbe 1wed41nl: ... passed In the IprIne, tbat the store In Mt. Orab a.nll pl8Jl8 to take hands wltlh some of my own kin, you oolemr.1lZed Ma.nlh 18 in tAe bOme,CII: bother, Ralph of., M1a~urr, and Mr. BIId · Mrs. LoweU Thorna8 and know Nomuw and I II!Lwa.ys. thought vUlare WGluJd 'ollow Dayton's active management of it as soon as Herman of ~. , da\llrhter of ' Lytle 'Were Sunday' a lot of each other. He didn't know th officiating ,pastor, theBev. J :, 1-" on the time . ·qaestJoo. Coaoh relieved of ... ,- duties he,pe Eerv10ea were held MOOda,y at.the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. -.. e can , UJD •• me with my helmet on, he sald, Boehunglls of Enon. residence 'With burial · In Miami . • "carl, hdw Wle hell did you get Por t he ' OOOIIsioo ·t he bridle wore a ell meet. Monday nlrbt. ~meteri u.nder the cHrect10n the niomaa. Dayton city COWlcU voted PRISONER OF NAZIS here?" I opened a bottle of Coca lIg.ht <blue wool BU1t and navy ACnII":~ m. -_.01 ".-. Thomas have re- W dn d ._..._ ,'-_-" 1Io{{0lure Funeral Heme. ..""" auo e ClI ay ... rev~..... Mr. a.~" Mrs . Henry Belcher rebe ..... III '. ' ctived word 'thast tl)eir IOn, A . . ( J " " Oola I've en. saving j"",," for m. sorles. . _' --,._ _ time berlnnJoc ai 3 .. 10, SIlI\.celved a telepg.ram from the war We dl'llr.1k It together and swaped The couple ~t for & br1e~ ~ Robert 'lbomaa , ', of Santa ' ;Ami... daAprU ' .... PIlIENDS HOLD BASKET .\ 'To ....• departmenli . SUnday, stating that our stories and talked about home. Immediately after the cerimony. DEoru SUNDAY C'allforn1a, baa been confined ~ the 'MeAnwhlle, molt other cities the name of their IOn, Charleti I feel so much better since I IiBIW Mrs. ShaIW 1a & &ndu&te of; h<II!PlW exc. Mllildlelewn and HamlIBelche-r, W<1S in a. Ger- him, I just can't express It. Waynesville H1Ih SChool 'and _ _' .,.. , The Prlenda held their reaul8r 'STAMPs MADE ton, wID advance their clocks man broadcast as !being held a prlsWe had our pictures taken with a field, BU&lneu oollese. she Ia eQJ.j monthly' DieeuDa with a ba*et dtn'.VALID INDEFINITELY one hour Sanday. oner of war in Charles borrowed camera.a.ndIwillsendyou ployed by the NatlCdlil 8uIIP17' ,eo; nor at the Oburoh $Unda¥ • •After .. MBS. EARL CONNER ~ reported missing In act10n In one If they oouie out good. Bay. Mr. 8ll8IW who 'W8II Bf&duatecl tna: delicious dinner to- . 1 Office· of ,ENTEB.'r.AlNS V.F.V. G'koUP Italy since January 30, Norman looka O. K ., has 1000t a lit- Oak Qrove liJIh school, 'is ~ (ethel', the Uaual' blUlinels6 ,aeaal!Xl DOn Monda.y PlOved to 'baIt forced" 1he Belchers are residents of tJe weight sinCe I S8JW him last. He In f~ With his f&tIber • • / . b*. foHowed: ~ 141". and)C"s. ~lnIr of rauoneci1~ and ~d- The VolWlteer t9r Vlcto~ group Lytle. says I ~ retting tM In the face. couple Is residlll3 With tIhe bI1deCurtI8 'lWDUnaon itv1ll4r a velY in-' Inc of r&tloIl tokena by cancelllJ'\4f met for their rE!iW&r 'Ilh\lJ'llda.y eveHe ha ' Well thl8 shows the BliP groom's paroW. ' all elq)lratlon dateS fOr red a.nd bl~ aJng of sewing and knitting toNOW ,AT MARE _SLAND • ar~ weu repr~sented here. ' . .stamPt. ; . , gether at the hc!me of Ml'S'. &lrl ' 'Ihe follOWing letter was Where I found him and What. he DINNER RONOas JllB.TBDAD '. -' . , ~ r The to d,esipuld to end Oonner . D~ the social hour de- (1 '00} E~har.l J . oLeJw1s, Phanna.c•.Jts Is doing Is one of these miUtary OF MB. A MRS. WILL !lftIolJD DI~ -ON CIIABG. , eleveuth-bour panSc-l1tte buy1Dtf 1lJc10U8 refreshnUmta were served by Mate FIrst OlilBs, U, S. Navy, Sub- things 1m I h . OW ' OU &ore 8ill 0,. 8.tBOTAoB JlI( bbueewlfte who descend ' 011 the hostess to Mfa iPr'oo. Hook. marine lAdm1n1stfation, Mare Is- ' II YOdUO K ope Y'lea !Mr. and Mrs. -A. H. 'BtUbI.t .... ' . , , . , d Oallt we. an . ' . as this ves you terta.1ned a. FOUl> Of tneDd. . .. , tbe les ,', &rocery near ln of Mrs . J. E . ,M'r8 ' Ohara ,an , . M8rch 24,1944 two soldiers doing their best and a. siX o'clock dinner P!UtJ at thIII' . " A t'lhIuWe or aaboteCe ~ ~- ~ ~~ «*111, stamps ~h Ellis, Mrs. I~. • Dye" Mr~. K . . ~nklpg of all 'o f you. By now. ' ~ B. 8a.wyer, 3'1, powder pIm- oWft:llie iWOWd ~. H1ll, Mrs. l1rg1n{a J;YacJIburn, MIss Dear F()~: . ' Your grandson home on Main street ~.. . . . . ., pUr eaq,loye, IniI d'rr' 'e4 IIrI ZOla Strider, lIO'a. Oarl F.erguson, At preseDit I am on duty here at hOl1Ol'1Dlr the ~ 0( Mr. iDIl Unit«!. 8t.teia OommIIs1oner J. Paul , ~ . Mrs . Edw1.n ~ 1MJ:'a. WlWam ' the 'du.-peM8.l'Y. I,. left the Aleutian Mra. IWtu S~. · . ~ imo ruled "that ~ , 0 .. CIIILDBBN'SROME £a.wyer, ·M:nl. JtdIer.t Gray," Mrs: Islands J8A!1,u ary y . PleIW baoIt from, ' NEW TAGS BY SATURDAY ThoSe parta1Dnc Of . the dlllelallll. w.s)ack 'of I"IVlUUl ~tent iO oIJetruot ,. .Jo.lm Van, CtImP, ;'waa appOin.ted , LeRoY IoIOran. lib. Thelma ElZe:Y', th~re to Seasttle, spent thirty ~ys dinner were: Ute IIleIta ai, ~e .w~ effort. Pm ~ and 1111 -wife, Dora, M,r a . .P. U; -ldlay, Mi'e. , Maynard leave In 680nFranot8co ':Nith my stepMo~rlsts &ore renUnded that if Mr. anel Mrs, .Han1a ~, ~I~er ~b l' 1JII1 ' . cbazp matron, 0( the Wamn OOunt¥, Qh11- WeltS and ItjIra. doldte SWface. IMther, stster and brother who had they intend to drive ,their cars and and iMnI. staoley, BaIley aad _ _~ h&v1Da ~ ~ a 4ken'li Home aDd ()rpban ' ~, • a ' furlough from ~he army at thIlt truck.\J af)ter · Sa~urday, thq must, ter, .Ph¥We, Mr, IUId ...... JVad ~ ~to • powder at it;,... Umounced liut. 'Ibufaday by Ume,' then -reportui' here upon ex- <t1BPla..Y' a 1944 license tag. ~ aDd daJ..... _ _ ". __ 1Ia*. . the board ot ,tltu8teeI, Thq 'bave plratJen ef leave. It happened LEBANON JUVENILES TO Mr. and MM. Walter WI_ _ \At b bearlne ~ 8aId be beeD OIl b.staK 01 ottez:telD Home t bat ~ey needed another phanDaVISIT LOOAL GB.\NGB ' chHdren' , Polly Lou ..... tip tIie QIre ~ ~ :1& thftIII ,..-a... .j!. ' with Mr. al!ld MIll. Haney Burnett cJat. mate here JI!st. then. hence I . _ ~_ tbe .bolt aDd ~ ..... !dI 1IbouldeI'. DIaykIc.., bl'!be wllllIiacoeed 10'. , ' was liven the.. job. I wu aU . t TO The .ruven1le 0Ianp are Yvoaae ancl BDIr. , or baiin. he CICIIIIIltDtied: IIDd ilia•. _ BradfQrd, 'Ifbo lIMe . Mr. &lid Bumett, wbo re- IV back JDto the area. a1- to be lUests at toe looal JuwnUe lIP ......... Ja . .eauve .AprD 1. M,... ClDtly . . . . 50Nl weddlnl tboUib I , bad ocmpleted • Granp the meeting beIiS .Ill"• MId lin. . . . . . . to . . . GDI ~ -tIL . . , wttb a )'ear stretch of duQt oub ...... at. tile W",*VWe GnIIIp JI'aIl .........n ... l1li1_11/1
. :D.,:
made'" ,.
- - -- - -
I!~ ~
w~tb ~Wa. ,
~llIOOrled Gemla.~y.
P.r~ Ad~tra-
VUl ' ~
. ,
-_l i l t ---'"':'P-
911 ~N.
:t!t~t Phone SUI
Main Street
MAll. Matter at Po5IoIJlce, WayneSville. Ohio
I:Iltered ' AI. BecObc1 Clua
Walter W. Wiseman, Editor and Publisher ISSUED
8UbIcr1ptton PrIce. '1.60 Per Year! Payable In
........ .,...
· lnn,'.p,&p •• A
... 11\'.,......,. -
cw..,. .... • ••••
C:.. .
HoL.olIlldg.. S... Fr.ndaco. dL
From A Farm Diary--Dry Ridge KfI4"dh 25. IDf4. Thlrty..onf' yeau ture and books. with the plano on
qO the papena of the na.Uon a.1l IDp. The' stores were beginning to
carried the headllnea DAYTON open o.nd the bread lines wero closed
OFP 'IHE KAP. Back In tbe' ~ountalna of ,A labama we dld.n·t set tbat paper 'u nt1l Tbill'Sday. I -.s Juat mJIIed belna at bome for the -'a1oet uc1tln8 thing thAt ever happened In Dayton and thAt. b86 ahra). been a rrtevance to me. H~r... lOOn as they would sell me .. Uet:.et I came h<me to help d!«' out tbe ·mud. It. wu about ten ~. before' II .could come Ilnd thrn I bad to come up ttom CmclnnaU 00 'the oJct O. L. and N. which was the 'only I'QId nmntng trains Into D&1'toD. It 'w u a l~ traJn Of Ih'eliht can aDd old C06Cnes wJlb aJI·~ 'eDI!De that wl1eezed and pUffed up the h1llI and lOt stuck 10 of~ that It took five 'bourlJ to oc:Oe I!rom' bmc1nna.t1 to- Dayton. N ·oi.kwood can wen! running . , day' f<ll' the flnIt time and I cot"'Jiomie ' Juat befOre· curfew WIlS 1'iIJIIDded: ~ wu under mar. tI&l lAw. No' one could ;hut their doIb ·beC&uae .they were 10 warpe~ aM ... aM we were trIad to bear t.h8 ·8eDtriee ·IO'Dy. Mud was eVllry!Where• ..-eat beaps of 1t mixed with mat1lreall and oventUffed ,f,u ml·
Sunday. Thl& a.I~lllC.O~l the boys to spe.nd than they 'ever had belore. ' ame ov I' an~ we. walked down There is just. aile hurdship- that we through the woods met around me uU leel. ow' boys are wway. and fenoea. The tr~ are tJudtlJng but ~llo.t one . thing should D)&ke ' US" a.1l no flowers here "I;. We have no get together to do what we can do hy;patlcas or snow l~lllum on thla now . P06fi war !lIons m y keep' our place, They mUBt . be l.n bloom In m.L!lds off present troubles but the Glim at Yellow Springs . They' !.here: are things that can be done usually ccme when tl1e.ClI'OCuses are here and now . Can we 'l;1ope to be u.ocm In' Lbe yard flJld even the tolerant alter tile W\u if we can late ones are in bloom now. not tol at.e 1J1e Ilt'W poop.e· In our Tuesday, lEach yee..r we 91Y' somenelghborhood.s .no;v? Can We h:)J)e !Junil' new. This YEIGr It is broom to con trol the people in oonquered grass. The :te.nn pa,pel'S ho.ve bee.'l COW1Irle.s Ii! we can·t control the fUll of talk. about U for a year or clilldren on our own door steps? tlWo 8II1d my ' tenatitl' met a faImer DorOUly Thompson on Su.nday over In Indiana who was ~ encall d our ' attention to the fact tbat lihus1astic aout it tillLt we are trying <XJllgl'CSB has turned the school some this year . . rrm~y say it makes lunch progrnm 00 k to us. no more good aU ~e ~ 'PflSture espec1o.lly goverrunent aid 10r SChools. How winter Pl¥>tlh and. tbe.t pIanted will that. o.ffect us here? Can we with alfal:fa or c.l over makes good: feed the childl'en of the cQnquered hay. TheY' 'advertl&e a new Eariy countries if we can not feed our O la.nt lespedeza' that I would Uke oWn? Let's put away poot ·WUJ' plan- to try; Ordinary Iespedeza does not ning. except enough to keep our grow t&l.r here aod few ·people like lmag1nat.lons working a.nd 8'f;t to it. I planted some tn a poor pasture work on the things t.fint can be a bout three yelU'8 . ago. The first done here and now. year we could hardly find It. the Saturday . .Actually a nice spring second It was thicJt,6r but no taJler day. We start.ed work on the Chlck- and last yea.r it covered the ground tl~l fence. One or our JunIor workers in a thiCK mat. and from the middle dug his first post hold and was Cl! July unW Septc~mber our cows very proud of It. but when vie cut ;pent a.ll their time in 'that part of down a tree that Was In the ,iway' the p88ture. Wben ,every thing else It dldn't ma ke a stra.lght enougb was dry -and brOllV1:L it 'WII.'I tender post to use tor an post. All of Alld glUn so I would like to t.ry the a sudden as we were working it Improved varlel<Y 81~d see wh(\t It. tumed COld. One minute it' was would do. lb is a lllJli slow starting warm ·and pleasant e.nd the next in the sprl.~ but tbe way they use an icy wind hit us ond 'We picked up it in some p1acea is to plant it wit h our tools and ca.lled it a day. . I oats or 'Wheat then it 18 ready fvr
N.tla ••1 AdvertisIng Represelltativ.
but everything W8S plastered with a coot at thin mud that stuck lUre paint. When I thlnk of the s pirit with which people faced that disaster It Is easier to undrstand I'ow the !British were atlte 'to ::talld the areater disaster of bombing o.nd one wonders 1! Our bombings of Germany may not be stirring up some Of that spltit in those people. The petty nuIsance hardshJ.ps that we 'Wh~ are' so W away from action en.dure do not produce the same spine s~enlng e!fect tha t ·acUve hardWp does.' We may I~d e able to get a.1l ~ butter and sugv we w:>uld
I1ke but what of it? · We never go ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CLERK OF THE viLLAGE hungry. The coal pUe is getting low OF CORWIN, WAJi.REN COUNTY, OHIO but I have WOOd. :1 could even bum For 'be ~ Year ED~ December 31, 11M3 wood in the furnace. I haven't gaB~ Population, 1940 Cens... 163 , 11 h t D t to ai( Oorwln. Olrlo, March 28. 19M a ne ('n~t:g. 10'.«:> 0 ay on • I h ereby certify the following rePor,t to be OOrt'tlClt. ~he' guOd IiOOWIi and concerts that . 'RAOHiEL R. OAVlS. hllvc been there this 'w inter but I Village Clerk. can go c!!ten enough to t;ake care S11MMARy OF JO:IDP.) B.U.A1ft:m. ~ ·.AND of nece..u.l'l' l.u.: I:les& and 1tI. Is &1EXPENDITUBES ways possllj]e to mix a. lliItle pleasa.:~~1 Receipts EJtpen- Balance ,4I1&urea Dec. 31 Ure with business and at home GI!lJE'I'a'l Fund •... . ... . ...... _. . 66.71 204.34 , 332.02 19.03 home there Is alw<lYs the radJo and Auto license Street Repair no Q!le stops me trom Usten1ng to Fund and Gasoline 'lax Street ~ . pro~ am I choose. The storea , Repair FUnd; . ... .. . . . . . ... . .1M.65 208.61 212.41 80.75 Totals General Vlllage FlWlds .. 1.1.36
, 6i14.43
Orand ToteJs of AlI.FluDds (Clerk) . , .. .. . .... . ........... . "' .. , ... 99.78 'Treasurer's CD.sh BallLnce ... '.' . . . . . . . . .. .... •. ...••.. 119.78
Total Cash Balance. Dec. 31. 1943 . : ................... . SmDLtRy 01' BF£EIPT8 • ?1'cptTty Taxes-Oeneral Fund ... ......... . .. ... .... .15IU4
99_78 , ..
'c;t:a! -Proper l}, 'luxes . ... _, . . . . . . . . . . . . .• • . . • • . . . '.•.• ; e;tale Motor Vt'hiole Tax ...... ................. _, •.••
GakIollne Tax .. '.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • • .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .• ' . ~, , ~les 'Iilx .......... _.. .... : .. ... ..................... , i , ,R•.enm and Ilnurest-IWater and IJgbt Punds . . •.. .•••..• 9I.CIO i
. tII.oo
Por . . . . pdIIta tIIat will pro4llce a lot '01 e-:a _ fat. w.U-leatheM 1nUen. atart ,..,ar Cbwltb tile rilbt fee4. cletinite f. . . . prcIInJb.
• Get fut. 1IIllIorm11rowtll. at ..... coet, witll a
......." w.ac~ dep.Jable ntlOD.
7ota.1 GenerBiI Government ............................ IM.OO . h ctecLlon to Person o.nd Pr.:JPeI'I;y-4P011ce .••••••••.•••• 120.00
proitUlt, nealh to
'fot",l Sanitation .... ... . .. "............ . .... .. ... . . , .. ~ H:ghwayll-Genela1 Village Funds .................. . .. 1153.81,
''I'o tal ffighWa.Y6 .. . '. .. . .. . .............. .. .... . .... .... 1:III:Un Pl; bUc ~erv1ce Eniel'pt1ge&-El~tric ~t . .. ...... " ... 1.<62
~ of ~tl'7 'raf......
Total Protection to Person and) l'roperty ..•• . . ..•....• ~.09 Health--Total . .... • . , . . ... . .. . . ,. . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.40 ~Q nitatlon'-GEOeral Village !Funds ..•• •.. ••. • : .... . .. .36.00
l'I'I eIe'''' "y~:
Orahd Total R~celpts . .... . .. .. . . ... . .......••... .. ..•• , , • SUMMARY OF EXPEND~S Otnerar Government-,L tglslatlve (OOuncU) .. •. . . . . ...•.... •.. . ... •..• •• G9.00 Gc.:leraJ Executive · .. . . ,..... .. ........... . ........ 060.00
pasture or hay after the grain 11 off. I wanted !Jo plant peas thJs week
but it dosen't look now 88 'tihough we \Vould be a.ble to do it. A letter frc.m Mrs. Duke says' ,the oobbaae 18 heading in her garden a.nd the r06es are everywhere. llke June bere but the welLther . bere is Just like March, nothing else.
Ballinger Btotherl$ Texaco Station Cor. MaIn and MeclbanJo St.., Lebanon. Is A Popular StopplDr . (~J.\.ESARS .
Place For Motorists As They Feature
Petroleum Products,
21 , or Franklin, and WilHam Ray. mond Mal'Jle, 22. laborer. &rid Theda Hughes OIibome. ()( Pranklln.
Fireclliel and Skycblef GaaoUnea .IIr;'. " l I lhll" ·... 111•• t;u .·,·"...........·... WhIch Help 1'ou To Gd Moe' Out ,P rof. Homer of Sprlnll Valley, beautician. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Of Your Coupons. Texaco and Bav- was our guest speaker Sunday. oline Motor 0& and Madax LubrlMr. and Mrs. Leonard Ellis and cation To Keep , Oars. Trucks IUId !amUy were Siluday dluller guest.s of ~ ]sco\rIYm Tractors On Tbe Move • • . Bead- Mr. fUld Mrs. Ra)lInond Wllsoll. quarters For New -Tires. BaUertea Mrs . Samuel Burden has ,been f.) and Good Service . . . Tel 3101.. moved to her hQlJle from Miami Val Dangcro'iS IIiZh n!ood. Press , . ~ ThEre Is nothing in this age of ley hospital where &hc is slowly (Essentio.l Hypcrte ll. ion) IS usual ly difficult I.ran8port.atlon problems ImpLov1ng. arkCd by disLrOli ,II; 8ymptolla uch as dizz ines . • t hl'(\ .:, jng heac,: more nECeS!ary than ef11cient .peMrs . Donald Hames a.nd balby sOn clies, sleepl 55n 5.1 Il'i nervnU l . troleum products service. B&lllnger are SIt the home of her pe.rent.s. Mr . "es8. If C!j3rc! ~a l'd ~ d, 1;1 is may lend Bros. at 'Lebil.non are in constant re. and Mrs. L. W. Whet.stone In to Hcart Tl'ouhlu. ::;' .. ,r.<!, Paralyst i Hardcnin ; of the .~ ;cries or Ki J ~ celpt of the fo.mous TexaQO pro_ Xenia. , ey Trouble. )):'\ llU C X~ t1iscoveJ'~ ducts to take care of their large ,M I\;. Ethel Ohenowe~'ll and SOIlS. f u heart spec' alis t. iJ ( ,signed to patronllige and are greatly aiding in Joe and Roger. 'wled In the Royui ckly lIid in th e l',·· je': of the;:, is tres illg sym jltoms. ... ke eping our transportatlon system . mend y.'Uson home olle afternoon A Chicu"'o I'ee lc' t · ) ~ : "Isur. pn. the move. last week: t ered from High Blood h~'s.ure foe F;rechlef and 6kl'cl1lef gasollnee MT. andJW·s . Willlam Smith and several yea r:! \ ".:1 in c(lsingl1 evere throLLing hl' .l1(,· 3. dizZi. are- exceptionally last, smOQth and Marllyn Sue. Mrs. IAcy compton ess and shol'i.n~~ s of breath. economical beoouse their volatility and Mr. a.~d MTS . Raleigh Bogan howed the Diamoncx f ormula t Is regulated, to produce the most e1- book dinner wit h Mr . an d Mrs . y doc tor and. on hi. IIdvicc, trle d c1ent use of power. This 'Is wby \Weldon Wilson and M\·s . Mary Bo- 'hc trea tmc'nt fol' t wo wC:lks unde ~de ntical conditions us prcv iou they give you more mUes per aalion. ,gaD ot near Xenia. Sunday. . ~reatments. Within only three days and burn completely with 8 m1n1Richard Haines speut !.he 'Week- )llY bad headaches and dizzy spells mum ot carboll and 011 dllut1on. end with h1s parents. Homer Ha.ines were gone. M·y high blood PL·CSSUr. was reduced lind I sleep fine." W ~h their high anti-knock rating, and w1.fe of near Reesville. 11 Diamonex goes directly to wortq t hey are the Ideal gasollnes for high 'Mr. and Mrs. Ocor&e Bun.ne In three different Wo.Y3 to aid i~ 6~·Jon • ' and family of Dayton were dinI'Jel' the'relicf of these dan,Cfou/J sytnp, l.'ClIIl.pr..,.,., tom s. Result. are speed)'-wlthl~ ' They. also. feature Texaco and guests In the home of Mrs. Nellie liS short a time o.s two weeks suf. 'Havoline Motor oils, whJch nave . Bu~eU and M1s8 Mon1mia Bunnell ferers often find that Dlamenllx. ha_ IIccomplished 70'/0 Qf 'the total , ft<\ won an enviable reputation as" Sund~l'. among the very best petrole m 'proMr. and Mrs. Lubher ~ :o{'s dudioh possible with this fOr\Jul .. If you suffer from Hi.b 11!!!.4 ducts of the d y. It makes no dif- .caUed on Raymond WUson aM lam IPrcssure you may tr)' DI.lJlOH!..At without riskinr a ,e1l"7. T. bin.: terence wheUiu it is t<-r the pas_ lly .Prlda\Y' night. , duce this won4erful __•••, til senger car. truck or tractor, - you ~. WUUam Stnlth and d ugha million new lui!vera liberal will find they ha.~e on aU to 'suit tar and Ml's. MarJanna Bogan entrial offer fa mad. f ... a u~' jGyed a. shont vt:I1t with ~s . Bo- time only. IJ your needs . Send only to the Dlama They are, also. headqu~ for 'gaJn's niece. Mrs. Enunett Nevin Company al8-~ Nonb· .. 1 . efficient lubrication of cars. Wheen '8.nd son "Denny" ot Dayton. last Ave.•• chl~IO, IWnola lor a done bile Mart;ax way, you will be, 8atl.\rday altemooIlp' TWO-' weeki of ..nalM DIAMONEX, d. U.. D~ assured that every part Js thormonex accordin. to the.1III • dl. - ~~GE LiCENSES oughly. grerused and supplied with rections for only hr. "ftk.. bile correct .type of 011' and greaae 8S' the end of that telt .,.rtod.1OU ar!1 Marriatle llcenses recently ~ued not dellg~ted with realll" roatl f€O< mmended by. the manulaoturmoney wdl be refunded Imm!,,'-! ·ers. They have the equipment to do ,In Lebanon 1rW1ude: Hrnry F. Ward I ately on requflt. 26, .Oregonia. ~nter. and Mary I .strings or eonditiona-:y~ Itw.lt to wol'k promptly and iweU. 1.. '~Cler. 24. of Lebanon.; John yourself to make thll .onderful iHerbEl't BI'IUllWil, 21. Of Painesville. I test a~ onee. Write tot II. Uata. ~~ end. AdA Grace Knott. I oUer .y fWly &lI&ran&.
REA t HIG.: "(;100D RES~U" .;
--- -- -
-t, .~I
Th,"'.... nol
laborer, .
Furnas late of Warr~n Coanty, OhJo, deceastd . Dated this IMh day of March, 19M.
Ralph H. Carey, Judge of the Probate Court. Warren' Oounty. OlUo Oarl Abaecherll. At~ ;
NO' ICE! :------ -.._- --
. ,Wa,ueaville, Ohio
,W '
AdverUslilr Keeps Old Customers
Total Miscellaneous :. .....•............. . ... ....... .. . '&00 Total E;lP. ' and OUtlay ......••••...•..•••... ~... .. •••.. 544.43
Estate of Robert .H . Furn88. De· ceased. . Notloe 18 hereby g1.veil that Robert Fumas. whose Post Ofl1ce Address . is R . R. No. 3. Wa~esvllle. Ohio. 'has been d~ . appointed 6& Admln~ istrator of the a;tate of ~ert H.
'fatal Publ1c service Enurprlses .... .............. . . .. 123..a M1sceUaneous--General Vnlage Fnllds •.•...••....••... 72.00
, 'footaJ Rents and lnt rest . ... . . .. ... , . .............•... ,~ '
... follow a
are lUll of ·people wlllh rnCll'e money
PhOlle 2878
';rHE OLD JUDGE ~aa •
Grand Totall ExPenditures .............. .. . . .... ........ ~~U3
t_· •••
. ,.~ 0Iiul& ........Un ......,
;'; .' ~~
Pb... ,,":1 ''''R~~PEL'S 'STUDIO
"ODe UIL yon
We Buy and Sell New and Used FURNITURE 'Everytblnr for Farm and Bome'
Phone C6
to Banli. ,
Phone 23
1 '.aa·'
. JEWELERS . . . . . 11
, OOODl'Ua
Phone 2301i
Complete Stool to Choote - Froai at All Tli.all,l , PhODe 18211 .
• . 8IIOB"~ SBRY1C8
.JBWELR1' - GIf";l'S
SbOes for &he FaDiliy
ED ·O. SMITH ,:.
." TJi~ FAsJUON SHOPPE .' ~ 'II y .... ~•• '~dlg,
PhODe. 399
107 E. MulbelTJ: .
-., ------~~~~----~-THE PEOPLE'S BROWN and BROWN J!UILDING, LOAN AND · - SAVING CO . . roa REAL E8TATS WANS J.HaD.... 0 ....
IA.d Iea
~ to W~
A Domplete' SI~ck of C10UllDc and Halic1Whel'J' AT LOW PRICES .
, PhoDe 6 l.
. SPIEGEL'S' S1rYLE CENTER A Complef.e New Eltock of
8PBlNG DB888B8.S,1 JIT8 ... COATS a& Poputit ...... PIu!ae _ L
"I WII ~ teIlin' my·brother Fred this ~gainst each Clth.er, &rilling.about an issue ' ID01'DiD& Judge•••there'8 never been a time like U1a~. We've got a /le-mim'. job on out' ., in our lives when we got to live qp to that, hands to 'win this war and we can't be ' old aayin' 'United we stand, divided we faU'. more than we have to today." . , ,wasting "(sur minds, our mOney ;'8Jlcl our .fighting about something we ' . "How true that ja, Her-b. And for .the . strength tried for nearly 14 yeats and fquod c:o.ulddt Ufe Of IQe, I can't figure 9I,lt why, at a time work. . lib thia,.l!Ome folks insist on raisini ~ ques,j I Bay there's ·a . time aDd 'a 'pia~' lor tion Jlke prohibition. r can't imagine aIiyeverything, and this is no,·tIme 01 pIac:e to ; .tbiug that would· tickle our enemielt, ~e be 'doing any fightin' except the kind tllat'i thaD to . . U8 folks over here taking sidea . Ro~g to win the war." .
THE MIAMI CAZIfti 'l'RUB8DAY, MAIICII It, 1Nl --~--------~--------------------------~-----------~--~~~~~----------~i------~-------------------------------------------------~-------the Henry Woollard p~, baa 'late Judge J. W. Keys, cUed at her TWBNTr~PIVE YEAB8 AOO
From 'fh
nn'EBN YEA&8 AGO MnI . IIQl 8pc»:ett &pIi Mm. (IIJaNb I'I•. ~) Pl'aDk ~ ~ lWit.elll!es w 'MI1J. P. B. Bendereon and un. ttJ&,~HaalIry ~ club (11 ~ at H . K. ~ were hos~ at. tile bome CIt MrJ. ~1It. . IIhoIver Saturday evening 1n boDOr He~ WOQlard . . ~umed lifter ot ~ Qkdys Har Jan, Wb06e. mar- a v1Ilt of 'several IWeeke In HaIe.. rtaee to John Bolen of DiI.)ton, 'Will town, 104., .;nd DIQton. • be an event ot March 30. LIttle ~vIewI ~, ' __U&bter M1&8 IHenrle~t,. McKInsey, super- a! 1oIr • .and ~. ~ iB'adley 01 vIaor of primary schools at Ashta- Cleveland, .Js a . 1W!!Bt in tbe bula. 1& spending the spring va.c. at W. ' 111. Q'Neal1 and t!llD,!lY. tlon with ~er mother. Mr. _dlln. RQna.l4 K . BalWke The following W.H. S . students ·ce1.ebr&ted .t:.be1r l~th ~ . a.nn1won f1rlJi. aM second places In t.b, verauy aDd ~ ~ county schOlarship .contests : A:lae- tbe1r <»-rlelr P. 'IIart8ock. bra, Ronald Hardin, firs t ; Donald Sund&y 'Vlth family' zoeun1qn. Hawke, secnn!i; lAtin iI. Verdel1& Preaent~ : lOa . Eclltb m.t:. !IIarFox. f1;rst; English I , Mary Jo im- 111, tMrs. lAura H . !of.oIIber, Ba.n1.s ler. second; biology. Mildred FrIer- MOIIber, Ml's. andMrs. P. C. HarItmood, first; Oleo Ha.wke, second; 1IOCk, IoI14a ~ end' Kaster Ens11sh n, Evelyn Oartwr18ht, first; Cbarlea ~ Of M:1Jford. lAtin m; Oharles CWblt.aker, seoood; The .lI:tatydids were enterlB1ned &It
.,4ibe nepbeIIr: a
AmeJica.n 'hllltory. Burdette JacIaJon, ~nd; American' literature, oather1ne Bra.nstrator. seocmd: Oeometry, Arthur SWarizel, first . D. E . ~twnd1ford attended a sbootlng match. near Troy, Bunday. John E . Walton, lather of lira . Laurence Brown and Mrs. BurDett
the home of ~. and Mrs. Rhodes lBumleU sa~ everuns . P.reaent
ben IIOId by- tlie helra of the late heme on Kain street Thuraday 'eve(Hardt 18, 1911) nine. 0111' soldier boys who have been Daniel Whorton. to JoIlln Zen" P'raiIk ThOOl.plO!l ad ·M n. Eno. rW. ~ TUead&y purchil.s«l mustered out of aervJce ' lL1'e entitled n1a of Spring ~ane, I1vere married the MCeoma. property w mer of to a. bonue at teo. . ¥lam! and Th1rd streets for t6D0. Gayle Ey.er, BOn of Mrs . .A. B : &t the bride'. · .home ~ursdtiy.. Jacob Raondall was in ColwnbU8 He owlll open a. feed and d'lour s tore Skl« died at hill resld~ in Obiove!' the' week-end. at that loca.tioo. cago, Prida.y • JOhn Emley· Is now drlv1n: . the l.:rs. David Oard, sister of Wm. • John Sears has mond from 0110 hack. Martin Zellrars rMigned . &onl M<m:1s Sherwood . of this plaee,. tAl Blan.cbest.er . (korge Daldn, Jr., p\ll'Cha.sed at dled'. 4n Ca.ufOrnta. ·Sunday. A : J . ~v1s has -Moved into the 'l'he 'bo!1y of the \ate J. "0. dard property on Mam str~~t vacated by Thos. Zell Wednesday the property , probably· (Irrlve-bere-b'ulrCllJ-~ -H.lJy....Ha.ye. Fourth st.reet whic.h Mr. .Zell had. Ifotnla ThursdaY. Mr . and~. Gorden J . Wright Ju&t bought of the heirs of Mrs. Friday morning. as Mrs. ~Olm teft WedIl~sda y ·for a 'protracted vls- Tamar Moore. The oanatderotlon H8J1taock woe ~ to town, the It with theIr dtllUghteI', Mrs . Warwas $400 . horse she was drlvlntP nm 8IW1\Y. At I'm J . OBkin of HannIbal, 'Mo. th~ Jones coroner, Mrs. Hartsock was Mrs . Sarah IA . Keys, relict 01 the Ad vertising Shows Eoergy thrown out and 'Was-'badly bruJlMld. . . ___ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ The horae continued to run down FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Third stl eet . It tw ned at the ·M . E . cl.urch .:l.d in cr:>ss.ng Main rlldl For Fl.scal Year Ending ~ 31st, 1943 into Haney iRye's machine. Here WAYNE RV.RAL ISOHOOL DISTRIOT, OOUN;TY OF WARREN tlle horse got 19Q8e trom the bl181rY P. O. Addre!ll Wain"vllle, Ohio and ~as stopped at Corwin . • Marcb U. 194. _ft .... WBS -received from Lieut. I certify the following report to be correct. A ""'u lli. V. B~T, O. J. Waterhouae to the efect that Clerk 01 the Board of Education. he had landed safely in the United Tax Valuation . . . . . . . .. ... . . ... .. . . .. ... ..... .. . .. . ... . .. . . .. 3.226,080.00 f3t,af.es Saturday. Tax Levy ........ . . . . ... ... . . .... .. . ... . . . ........ ... .. .. .. 6.90 \ '~ Olive Allen arrived home Echool Enrollment.. . . ...... .. ... . ...... . . . . .. . .. . ..... .. . . . . . 512
havklc been pw'Chaued by us a nd moveu 1.0 our office, 'one ha.r square 'north
U the tra.1'fic light on Main sbeet, Is now OIble to idve you tbe best in Old Line Stock OOmpany Service. Please check your· poUq or ca.ll us .
Es tabUabed 191.2
For the FIscal Year
December 31, 1943 . Population 252&-1940 Total Salaries and Wages f ald DurI..'1g t he Year 1943 . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . ... $3046.45 True V luatlon . . .. . .... . $2,598,645 Tax Levy . .... .. • . ... . . .. .. .. $2.6<! Waynesville. Ohio Ma rch 21, 1944 I hereby certify the followIng rep:>rtto De correct.
'OF 'CASH 'S·.u.ANCE8: R.F..CEins· AND
were : M:1sses EI1mbeth~, Ruth 0Qqk, ~l UcA.DIle,n, Grace !Hoc*ebt, Kathleen ancl Nellie Grit- ~Wrday ev&n1ng from Nt. ~nes a:~y 33,238.41 MlAYNARD P. WELTZ, bam, Ew.lyn Tucker aDd TbelIIa ,*e college l or the spring vacation, EXPENDITURES Township Clerk. HarUIock and Me&IlI'8 . ·Ell PuIIDaII, C . E . Anderson and- MiM . Be!iB BALANCE, JANUARY 1st, 1943 General Township Fund. Butter'WOl1th, dled at hIs '~ JIe&l' C . 8m1th went to OOvUlgton. Ky., General Fund . . . .. . ..... . . . .. . .. . ... .. ... . ... . . . .. ...... ... 16147.95 RiElOElPTS Xema Sun~· night, &fJteT an ~_ . RAl6Bell ·WllaoD and Heman Sur- ~1dUY and were married, by the Bond Retirement Fu-nd .. .. . . :.. .. . . .... .. . .. . .. . ... ... .. ... 6654.12 ne!WI of t.lwee weeks. face. !Rev . Edward Iall. The young couple 4m#1 . .. . .......... ... .... . .... . .... . .. .. ....... .. ......... 916.84 G e n eral P r operty Tax .... $6.479.89 S ales T ak ................ . 50.00 - - : : . -- - - - - - - - - . . : . . - - - - - - - - - - - : - - IWIll make their home with the R~~ ...... .. ··· .... ·· .. ·• · .. · .. · .. .. ' .. .... ...... · : ...... 23~18.91 GBlIOllne Tax . .. .... .. . ..... 2500.00 bride's pe.rents. General F\1nd ... ... . . . ... .. . , . . . . .' . ....... . ..... .. ... . .... .. 46620.02 Inheritance True ... . . ..... 470.2l WfllIam. Btns ana 'scm, Frank, of Lunch . ... . . ........... .. . .•....... . .. .. . . . . . ... .. . . ..•. . . .. . 3573.59 Cigarette Tax .............. 24.78 Detroit, M1ch.. were week-end gue3tJ; Totul . . .. . . ... ..... ...... .. . . .... . . .. . .. ......... . .... .. . . .. 60193.61 36.00 of Nr. and MI'B. T. W. Btna. 1'ot1l 1 ij.ecel.pts ,&nd Balance . .... ... .. .... .. .... . ...... .... ..... 73912.52 Fines. Hall Rent . ..... .. .. Miscellaneous Roeceipts 129.95 Mrs . James B. ~of ~1'Ovl- ~~ . . ..... .. .. . ....... .. . . . . .. ..... .. ...... ... .. .. 48104.98 dence, R. I., Ia the ·euest of her Bond Retirement Fund .. . •.. .... . . . . .. ....... .... .. ... . . .... 1210.00 Total Miscellaneous mother, e-s. Eva KlIler. Lunoh .. . . •. . . .... .... .• . .. .. ... ... .. . . .. .. .... . .• ... .... .. .. 34:62.80 Receipt.s . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 129.95 . Fred IHa.rtIoclt Jert S&turday tor Total . . . . .. . ... . ,. .... ... .. . .. . .. .•. . .•.... .. .• . ..• • . .. .. •.... 527'17.'18 M.Uford 'Wbere he has <taken a poe- ~,D~ilR 31st, 1943 lt10n 8B c:aIt11er in the bank at that General Fqpd .. .... .. . .. . . ....... .. . . ...... .. . .. .... ....... 144162.99 Tttal Recelpt.s ............. $9708.80 Bond IR e iresnent Flund ... . . . . .. . . . . •. . ... •. .• ..... . . . .. ... . . 54«.12 PAYMENTS place. 'M rs. Bal1teock aDd children Lunch . .• , , . • . . . . ... . .... .. ..• . •. .•• . . . . ...... •. . . ~ . . .... . .. 1027.t 3 G entral Executive Services'Will join him la.ter. 'Total .•. ••• . • . ... . • .. .•. . . . .. .. •. .... . ... . .•. . . .. . . .. ... •... ~1l34 .74 compensa tlon of . 'Oh&rIee and fiachel Da.vls aecom- T()tal .E xpenditures .and Balance .. . .. ... ..... ........ . . . . .. . ... . . 73912.52 Trustee6 . .. . . . . .. ... ..... $131tl.50 panJed their brother, James, to CinRECtlIPTS The best ·PaintiD. and decoratin.. Suppl~.. are U>u.pen.sa.ti : n of Clerks. . 500.47 cinn6tl, ·!Prlday. Be eaJls ~ N~ ~ ~PERl'Y TADB-LOOAL ~ Expenses of 'Irustees alway. the ~eapeat -in the eD'" Yen: tor Prance on the .S. . iBond, Interest and S1nk1ng Fund .......... . : .... ....... .. .. .. and Clerka ... .. . . ... . .. . . 31.60 Martha , W~ Pr1day. All Other PtlrpofIBS • •••• •• •• •••• •• ~ • ••. • • • •• • ••• •• • •.••... • • 22928.38' Herbert WWardII arrived home ' Total lProperty 22928.38 Total General Executive Don't let your property deteriora~ and losf: Wedne9da,. eveoq with h1a final FOUNDATION PROGRAM . Services .. . ........ .. .. . ,, 1844.5'1 ~ froIn Uncle Sam. ~ ~iVed . ... . . . . ... ... . . ..... . ..•.. .. ... . ... • ... .• •. . . 1945'1.13 value for lack of freq\Jent .p au.ti1?,'g and decoro H Y has been appolnt< d Deduction tor TI~ ~ement .. .. " .... . ...... ..."... 946.00 Town Hallating. It'8 poor econQDlY to. do that! A good job . . oung Deducation for o§chool Emp19yea Jl,etlreJ1)et1t .......•••.••.. . 219.00 MaLntenanoe and Repair 20.20 county 1nuurer in place of J. O. oeduc8.tIon ~or Ommty Board of Education .. ... . . . ..... . . . . . 966.56 with GOOD MATERlAL..wJll be a good investOa~ht, 1'4!Idped. Deduction for 'Iilltlon Paid Other DIstricts . . . . • ..••..•• .. • 27.19 Total Town Hall . ... ... .. 20.20 . rnent. 'Come ~,n'd see our DeW 'Wal~paper Booksl Obas. :mwott died &It .his home !l'o tal'iP'o. . .tian. ftOIrram . .. .. .. ... " .. .. . .............. .. ... 21615.88 near Perry FrIday eveon1nc &otter a Ren~l lwm~ l)(l91 ~ds ~d , J>ry~rty . . ................ .. 208.11 Fire ProtectlonP A'I N:TS •• ·• 9 other Fire Protection , V~ ~t1on and ·~llabWtatJ9n , 'for Deal, Blind M08e~'8' Paints •.. M-uraUo.ne Water Paint cov- . km8: ~. . m d ' Orlppled Ohuctren!frOm State 'an(! u. S . Government 1170.00 Expenses ... . ... ......... 200.00 MIae IIar1e ~ died at her . I . . Contl'1~tlo~ . . . .. .. ...• .. . .......... . .. •. . . ... • . . ..•.. • . . . . 3&73.59 ers walls' and Wallpaper ... ;Wingspread bune in ~ S6turda.y. 686.65 Total 1FIre' P 1'0t ec ti on .... 200 '00 Enamels, ideal for tumiture, w.alla and wooddar! 'Deatberaee, 20, cUed at h1a • •~tal ,Revenue ......... .. .. .. .... .. " " ...... ....... . ; .. 60192.61 Poor Rellefhome eouth of Wellman, Ba.turday, NON'-R.ElVEN!IilB-:' '. . • w ork. Spring hOUiecleaning is', llot complete Medical Services .. . , .... .$ 188.58 of, pneulllOld&. 11..W18Dl!8.J.AdJU&IImentB .. I. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . ' . .. . . . . . .. .. . : • 1.00 . ·with9ut clean :walla, w.oocbvork and , npaiuted Bw1a.l Expenses .. ...... .. 23.50 "'-lilt .., .... . t ......-_ . To~ R()n-Revenue • . " . ..... . ....... .. . . . . ... . . . .. :. .. . .1. 00 ,OU. .. ......-. r " .....,.. a """ - r 10TAIL R.~. ' .
1Mi's. Georgia. Mendenball' was honored Friday, Maroh 24, the 0ccasion being h er birtbday abllivenIU')' . Matron MlU'RtU'et We4Jb ... responsible tor the obJervance, which Mrs. Mendenhall, with the other members of the Home family thoroughly enjoYed. Mrs. J. W . Ward returned . W Xen Ia IWredne~day after . spesu:Una the past week here. Mrs. Hart.rum. Mrs. Webb r.Dd Mrs . Mendenhall \J(ere Lebanon ..... IWl s Sa.turday' evening . iMr . and Mrs. David Todd ' and two chi:d re n , Miss Emma Paten and MIss Letty IP)1lea of lD&yton, were guests of Mrs. Ida K. Pet.era Sunda.Y a!ternoon .
UTICA. Mrs. Bed Buunell, CorrHpondrnl 'Mr. a.,'ld Mrs. Banner Btewvt 5pent Sunday evening With Mr. and Mrs. HarryI Lew1s. Re v. ' and Mr1!. Leroy ,&neUter spent Sundny wit h Mr . and KrI. Bert ~eU. !4r. a.nd Mrs. Wllard iBall epent Saturday evening an(joI~unda'y nlCb~ with the former's collSll), 1Ir. aDd ~ . Gubert Huntley of O<i.h~ ~. and Mrs . !Perry ·Eambart.'ond Mrs. Oarrie BInltley. Tuesd~ with Mr. and lin. Bert Bunnell. ,. M r. a nd Mrs . !.forrW Lewt8 IIPIIlt Sunda.y With Mr. and· Mra. Iobn Koester . Mr . and Mrs. SprInger BelvUle and granddaughter, CIrio ~, ' spent SUnday With b. Ogal BeIY1l:le. ..
P.! l NT'I N·GA:N.n Deco rati ng'Snpplies
nx ................ .. .. :.. .. .. .... ...... .... ....
Mr: aNs
otm:r ....................................................
fumi8hings. ~ WE ALSO HAVE P.URE UNSE~ OIL Buy WarB~d" with '!10ner' you". ,..~ bli~l ,of. usl
Paul:e. ·Pieking.
Waynesville Third ~t. 1Jk=55~==~~-==-ii!!!!!!§!!==e=~~::=;~=~=!~ 2182
.. .' .. .. ..... .. THE "EN lA, NATIONAL ,
Oble's ~m~" 1 ~"'j Gt:O~ DODDS an~ SONS 1~ce
C. A. D~BE and SONS .Your ~IC(;ormkk-D~ . Im,.emenl Dealer .
&;lt0ne J06G
J09' W. )\faiJI SI..
··.~U.'l.L. .\LW ~~S QO
33 Gree.,· 8lrtel
HAT SHOP .Eirhl Weat Ma1n 8L.
XeD'" "Oblo
: B~NK
TOW ,~ctkm.a .. ....... . ...... '.... 01 . . . . . . . . .
'. •
.. ... . . .
~ AGO ~DMlN~~-. (1faI'ch ... 18M) • A-I to ·11 Salaries 8lld W81e8 ~ Q'U1ceI'II aqd ~ . ......... .. .. . .. . .... .•......•.... ••.• .. . . wUeon Bill Ia ".am the {alt.btul Total ~nnl S. rvice ..... : . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .... .. . .. .... . chore boy at ~ Hammell 1IpuBe.
cPl Mra.
501US.61 .
O. E .
Oomeu have
faim. The 'property in Corwin known
THE C81TERION Xeni., Otiio .
B-1. 'or:nce ~PPl1e8 .. ... .. .... ... . • •• . ... . . •.. . •• . . .. ..• ... .Total ~er .PUI1=0ee8 . ... . .... . ... . . . .... •• ....... . .. ... .
57•.66 5'14.66 173.90 1'13.90 '1.tD &6
.... :.................................. _...
..A-Il6 to 29 ino. Personal 6erVlce .... ...... .. .. .... .. .... . .... 2'1386.58 . :8-4. ~ Books . . . . . •.... . ...••....•........... . ..... . . . ... 14'10.'19 '.~: 9tbet ~~~al 'Supplies ...... .. ...... • . . .•.. ....... 20Ul . II'otal Other 1PIirpoees . . .• .. . ... .. . •. .. . . .• . . . •. . .. . . .. .. 16'15.34 """ 1'Otal Instruction· . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . ... .. •... .• ....... .. ...... 29061 ..... a...:tBRARIEB. . ~.,Bchool Lilmiwy ~ . ... . .. ..... . . ... ....... ... ....... .. . .U'1.65 . -':\'g.t al Otber !Purpoees .... . .. .. .. . . . .. .... . .... .. ... ..... 11'1.65 Total · Llbr:u1ea ... ... . ... .. . ... .. .. .. ... . ... . ... . ... . ... .. .. , 117.65 ~'l1.ATION 'O F p~ '. ' A-JII. Pefaonal &!'rV1ce . . . ... .... ...... .. .... . •. . ... ... . . ,.. . 24SO.00. ... .. ..... _ . VehJc"'" .... ~ ,,B -.. : ---....r 4c ~p""". . .. . .. . ...... . . . .•• .. . . . ........ . 1224.28 0.2. 1R.eplacemen~ MotOr Vehlcles . . . • . .••............ • . . .. . 21M.So! . E-f..~~pairs Motor ,Veh1cles • . ... ... . . . . . . .. •. .. .•.......... 532.03 ~ Rent .. ....... ; ... . . .. .. . .. .... .. .. ..... . . . ..... ...... 450.00 .. •'rOtal Otbel'.. ~rposea ..... . ...... , ...................... 43'11.15 'I.'o~ na~lt1on of Pupils ....... ... . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 6821.15
KUPPENBEDDa CL01DBS CAI'll'AL aINlTSlJRLUS ..... ,84NIII -: ~--.--I---,s~te""'Uon---=-~---'- Arrow 8Iilr"".....iI+t.m.M .• '' '; LUlJCHEBA-3'1. Peraon&i iseriloCe .. ... .. ...•. .. ... .•...•. .. .. .. ..... ... 425.00 B.eHa... Aall !'",~at.iP.l LWlCh Supplles •.•. ...•.. . .. •. . ••. . • ...••.. • .. .. . •.. . : ...... 3462.80 lA)J7thl 1(4; , C ,.. .,\ FRED F. GRAHAfd · CO; Thtal -~blljl · ~.ii1lchea .......... . .. ...... ... . ..... . .. .. .... .. 388'1.80 ISALV'S CAFETERIA hper, ~aID&a, Glass .. .:.. 0'l1Hm Amtti.I.A:R.~ ~. A-48. Lecture1'8 .. . . . ... . .. ... . . . . . ... .. .. .. .. .... . .... .... .. 25.00 LU~CBES ' A' IClE CREAM 25.00 PAINTBBS SUPPLIES Total P~1Iol ~rvlce ....... .. . .. .. . .. ..... . ........... . A GGlld-P~,. &o,, ~l 1;-il' So. Wbltemaa ~t. ®-14: '>fui.tltn ·~d to OUier Districts .... .. : ... . .. ... .. ....... 27.19 F-5. Teache1'll Retirement Oonilrlbutlon . .... • •....• . .••.• • .. • 946.00 . PhoDe IC&Ia I xenia, O. ' F-f!· ,llDWJoY«!8 ~eJ)t ~t)~I1bp,~i'lll .. . . . . . .. .. ... ...... . 219.00 --t--~-----Jf-8. OoUnty BoQid of EdUcation OOntrlbUUon . ... ... . . , . ... .. 966.56 . HARRISOl'f SUPPJ.Y ' Total Other PIJrpoees .... ....... . ... . ... . . .... , .... . . .. . 2158.75 ~.~9P l"IB.ST AT '\ ' COMPANY . . . . To~ , 9ther ~)l;~t.iJ,ry :U83.'15 :rH,E F~MQUS CHEAP oPERA~idN OF ~ PLAN"r- FlRE8TONE TIBBS .A-43 to 44 inC. Personal Service . . ... ..... •. . . . . . ....• ••. •.. • 2595.85 $10R~ HOME and AUTO' SUPPLIES B-9. .~l ......... ... ....... . ... .. . , ... . . . . ... .. . .. . ... .. . . . .. 1410.44 ./ . . B~10. Ya.mtorS' SUpplies .. .. .. ~ .. .... ... . .. ... ...... .. .. .. .. . . 36'1.03 PheDe 500 12 ,~. Ma1n 8t. B-13. Other 8uPlPll1's ...................... ... ..... . .... ; .. .. 312.74 I E-9. Water .. .... ... .. . . ... ..... . ... . . .. . ... . . . . .. . ... . . . ... .. 212.56 E..QO. Electricity . . .. . ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 632.10 EXPERT WATCH-CLOCK ··;ROY V.' HULL · 1E~11 . Telepbone .. . .. .. .. . ... . . . ... .. ... . . . . .... . .. . .... . .. . 81.30 AND JEWELRY REPAIRING • E-l'1. Advertisinlg .... . '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.30 Sewinl Ma~ine' Supplies E-18. &ullng . ... .... . .. . . .. . ... ...... . . . . . .. .. ... .. ... .. . . . 216.13 E-19. Other OOl!ltnct aQd Open Order ServIce .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . 1428.96 CORJmCT TIME SER"VICE Be~ 01 All Mak ... lI'-3. Insurance .. ..... . : . . . .... .. .... . .. . .. . ... . .. ..... . ,. .. . . . 210.81: Pbone 90tB 2S l-t .W. ¥l!1D Total otber . ~ .. . . . .. .. ..... . . . . . . . ... .. . . • .. ..• . 49Ol.37 n ,'".~ Phone we Total Operation 1r1! ~Ool ~t ... . . ... ... . ... ... . ... .... . .. '149'1.22 MMNTENAINOE OJ' 8CaQOL PIoANT-. BY E' C A"j B LADIES READY-TO-WEAR 0-1. Katen. lC11C'~ ' t. ~ ~d OroUIids ........ . . .... . 498.96 ~ ~., JllUed Ere . 0-2 Maoterlala lair t,~,IJ1p. , and Pum1ture ........ .. ..... . 686.'17. SpeelaU. , aD .Junlo~ : ~ G"'II . Oar 8~~' E-8. Repalra r.~~ . ~t . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . M.OO , Total Other i1IUJ.~ ... :,' . ~ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 1H9,73 MILTON'S " . QR. L A. WAGNER 'MIU~~~"1 ~t .......................... . 1249.73 " P .... .tnw ' . It .;- IIatil Si. ·· . 'ToCal ~daO ~ tena.Ilile. • • . . • • . . • . • . . • • • • • • • • • • • . 8746.911 .., ,a.: IhIIi S&. ·" ~ 0. ~ ~t 8 " .. •..... '.' .. ... ;'. ... .. ; . , ... .. .. .'.. 51567.78 .j . DEBT 8I!JtGWCB- . . ' A BiG 8TOM IN A &¥ALL H-4 . .DODds ~ _.. .. " .............. .. .. ; ......... .. ... ' 1000.00 • . . TOWN H-2. Interest. ~,~ ... . . .. ... . .. .... . . . . ... .. . . '.... ... . , 210.00 Total DI!tJt 8err1oe •.. •... • .... . . . ..•. . . . .. • . .. . •• . .• , .... . . 1210.00 -ADAIRS Total' Eir.pendttulea ~ .... . ...... . . : ... . ~ ...... ..... . . , . . ..... : .... .6m'1.'18 "· N. ·DetroIt .~ ~. 110tal "'I'i'luactt.oiw , .... .... ... . .. . .. : .. ... •. .. .. ; .. ... ... . .... ..... &3777.'78 . .. ~,um~ . FIDe I'IInIUIIie ~ II .._._111 ASBBT8-, T~ck~ Car ... Tractor 0I8b .............. , .............. , ., .• , .. . ............ , ..... 211301,74 GAD__ I1Jft'LD8 ~ ~. Estimated . ... , .. . .... . .... "000.00 IAlDdI ............... ............. , • • • • . • •• 21500.00
wan '
,.np'!!6 ..... ".....................
Xenia .'Standard P.arts to.
Shop Work
Total .Poor"' Rellef . ..... .. $ 212.08 Hlghwa.y&-
gone to bouaekeeplng on biB fa~.
M~N{"0NT8" MAllIqaS
. ....
in ~fWlda,1 mondnI.
iR()ad Maintenance and Repalr- lBbor and
MAterials ..... ; ..... .. .~8'm3'+;.~,....,::.""".~:1.,,.±~~~""..!~~1..-~---'...:-,.-:..;
Total iHJ hw ys StU 8'1 '13 g a. ....... .. ' "" • Miscellaneous-
Oeneral Bupplles . ... .. .. $ 243.93 Memorial Day Expenses .. . . 25.00 Total Mlscelia neOus . . ... . $ 268.93 Total aoM>Q 51 . Payments . ,. • . . •' . . . . .... -.v-o. S~ OF ClIPmA'I1ION8
(Clerk's) . .. .. . . ..... . .. 12139.74 OUtstanding Warrants, December 3l. 1943 .. .. .. 13.05 Balance In Depa!litory, ~mber 31, 1943 ..... $1211;2.79
-;;~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~~ AUCTIONEERING Stanley and Koogler
'[FOr Dates, Phune 2~4, Wa)'Jle8-, ville, Ohio, Reverse Charges BROK.ERS liCENSE
-2 i~ _ _ .I' -JFr======~;:;====§:iffilI I.lI.J
T~~ ~c T~ AJID .;J ROAD ori.., lllXOAVA.1lINO .'
-muOs; ,~'[I£E .
.Phone Waqnesvllle 21111 ·¥orrow. Phone NO.3
Lebanon.: Office Pbon~ ~73 It
Ferlww . . . . . .
,warreD 'c..atr
Rea1dence 118 M
..................... .... . , .. .. ...... : .. ... ... . l1000:00 F::'==--'
•.Sheep, HOI., ~alves and Colla Phone Waya_ville
•• •••• •• •••• '. .. .... . .... .. ... . . .. . ... . . . It , " . t .4" to. , . .. .. , ••••••••••••• t • • •••••••• t • • • 14111&.."
.................. .. ~ , ..... . ..... 116000.00.... . , •.": •••.••. '. .......... . .... 10000.00 ......................... . ........ . ...... ,
. General Township Fwlds Balance, January I, 1943 (Clerk's). '..... , .. . ...... $1-1464.46 Receipts During year... . . 9'108.80 Total Receipts and I Balance . .. .. . . ... . ..... . 21173.25 P~ents Durt.ng Year .. .. 9003.1)1
BuIIdlDa:B arautprDllDt
Bob'~ .J)ai,,,;', Whole."",.. Pasteurized Oalr7 ........... ~....~
Past.urlzea .Milk For lO"f7,.~~~rtOJlI~~~ 'hoae 2537 .
Pers onal s
'l'IItJU DAY, IIABCI I :It, 1....
Mr. a.nd Mrs. L . O. St. Jqbn.
Mrs: Vernon lIa.rfi&
'MJ,sses J anice Bunlet t and WU-
• • •
Fred J. lIa8ane yel'. popular counIOn. Allen. of Springf ield, Ml' . and t.y; commJ.slS100er, Wl\& IL visitor here ,Mrs. CW1t Std.rr ~lld d&Ui'hter& ot Monday In the intel'(!6t of his camOsborn, Mr . and Mtli. WUyne ~igli for reelecti on. Planck. and Downie and. J8.net 01 .M1'8. H. O. Williamson h os reoe.yton 'W'Cl'e supper guesk; of Mr. turned to her home on Fourth street and Mrs. R.ois Planok Sunday . 8Ifter spendin g several weeks 8Jt the.
Mr. Md Mrs . Robert Bowers and
ma ' Surface were Dayton v1s1 Satul'da~. .
'1., \ .. Ii.·,' ""'\' ,..,' ,',.. r ... ,... .... ..... The Woman 's Sool.! of Christia n Se.rv.J.ce will be ,elltl!J'tahu!d at the
ente~ed ~~t_.
at her home In Centerv ille the 101-
__.- - - - - ._-
YOU ARE INVITED TO lowing guests last Saturda.y evenSn. and Mrs. Robert S1IW of ing In honor of her LliuSbllnd - ATTEND 's Daytc,~ were Sund y dJriDU' guests birthda y: 10.'- D Mr. Jh."ld Mrs. Ol~n u ~;~: F::S.~ ,;;:::::a,~:: Of their par('pt.s. ~ . tmd Mrs. Koo- Vall of JC;'01l1a.; , . Mr. 8.nd Mrs. HarVe)" , . .. ~ \ l' Ora.ham . K. Hole and daughte r '6! [)ayton , tem~o,n . Mrs. C.l lJh.erl.ne Whltakt r Miss' Sarah Corrine PI,lmas &1'.. Mr. and Mrs. Edwaro LInville .Q111ltr{~ Ol~ri&t. · and will ha.ve . the devot:ions. The com- ~lved Ilcmes aturday " {rOm Ph1ladaughte r of 'MIamis bUrg. Mr. and home of her son. H . W. William son ' mlttee is compos d 1 Mrs . Eunice delphin . "'h re she is teachlu8' In the Mrs . Everett Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Emerso n En.mba.l1t ~n Dayton . Miss ' Groce. and d!l>ughter SERVICES SUNDAY will remain MliIkIU>erger, ,¥rs. Loella Smith and Frl Ids Select soheol, to spend ~e o ' Cehterv ille. Mr~ and Mrs. Elbert 'Were in Spr:l.ngtleld on a. business in Da~t.on for an indefln APRIL 2. 19M 1~ stR/I. 'Mrs. I da cor:nell ; . spl'lug vacat.lon ot a week wUh ller Piety and son also ,of CentervWe tI1,p Tuesda y. While there they • ,; • Mrs. J. W . Huston of Yellow parents and: brother, Mr. and BIBLE SCHOOL !Mrs. and the host .and h0st.e'i6 . Ice ea.lied on ·thelr daughte r-in-law . Mr . and ...... or_s. .' 0 B • Earnha ' In. ' rt, SpI1ngS spent 6 couple of days the Scth FuriUlS 'a nd Beth. Jr . '., 9:30 A. M. cream Mrs. Charles B. Earnha rt. . arid cake were served and . Mrs : J ohn Fromm and Mrs . E . F. . first of the week wIth her SOJI".inThe pr<:gr m fer Sunday . ·Mr. Harris Wll$ the recipien t of C. M. C'at1Iwrlght of EVanston, EBrnh8 l't attende d lnspect.lon of law a nd daughte r. M". and Mrs . April 9. at LyUe chw'Oh MORNI NG SERVIC E as planned many nice gUts. m., and his brobher. John oa.rt- New B ur Ungton O.E.S. on Tue6da.y Everett Early. I 11:00 A. M. will be a sunJi.se meeting on the t On hundred and forty were .presIWl'lght ot Clncinn atl wer!e bU$les6 eVening. IMrs. Ralp~ ~lcher and lit Ie lawn an Easter breakfa st Program from the CINCIN NATI at bhe ent at the young folks rally held at • • • doltB'hl.c r spent S\llIday wlbh her ChUl'cJl Wld Sunday school vlmtors in, Waynesville Thursda y. tollowlnb. Way.nesv·llle .last Sunday aLternoon. BIBLE SEMIN ARY :J?cor Waltl HIs sisters are enou~h pllrents . Mr. and Mrs. Marion Chap In the everllng the ,young rolki; will 'lhe next . rally will be a.t Ferry on When Trigger sa.ys."BQtton yer Up to drive amy SMe man , stark crazy. malll at Utica. EVENIN G SERVIC E ~ Ive. an EasLer play. Everyone oor- April 30. Md start. sendin,· .. lt 'will Simply Not only does he keep h19 own love MT . and Mrs. Therle Jones aud dlally, Invited to attend. 7,30 O'Clock MI'. and !MIs . Perry J . 'lhomas thrlll you to your toes. DonIt miss lICe under cont.rol but helP6 his kid •son wei'e SundaY' guest.s of Mr. Mr . and Mrs . Everett 'Kenrick and son were suppIlr guests ''WHAT IS THE REAL . Atta Boy, Walt." of tbe Sister "hook" herself a man. Come and Mrs. Edwin Nut,t near Genter- a nd chJldren. Bobby a.nd Jsee" 'l'om. FordYtcs at West Cru'Ollton COMl\JUNION'~ see "Atta Eoy. WaW' on April 6, at vUle. were dllmer guests Sunday ILt the Sunday evening . Mr. and 'Mrs. Glenn Borden and 800 : p. m. . WEDNE Mr. and SDAYMrs. Leon Sa.l1sbury of h ome of Mr . and Mrs . La.wrenoe Mrs. Joe Munger were '¥1ddlet own Mrs. Marjori e '1l'ost a.!ld · daug'h• • • Was.hin gton C . H . Spe~lt Sunday Elliott. and son. Tommy , at vlstors on Sunday and called on Center- ter. Jalle t. were week-tin d guests Of Mr . and Mrs . M. A. Fulkers on evening 'with Mr . and (Parent s wbo have boys or prJs Ms·s. Allen ville. HowILI'd Munger at the Middletown Mr. -and Mrs. JObn . Trost at Pleas. in the services espec:lally innted) and daughte r. Zana Mae. enter Emrick . 'M I' . and MXs. WaltH Cla.x1k. Jr. ant H.Jll. hospita l. talned to dIo!uler Sunday evening. Toplo-" AM I A SOLDIE R ,Be.rnle Dill Of Cltliyton and Mr. Clark, Mr. sed Mrs. Leslie Dial 2111 - Wayn eaville Gra.y Mr . .and Mrs . .Ela.J·1 HUbbell and • • • OF ToE CROSS ?" Mr. end Mrs . Wilford Squires and SWllnge r or Dayton called on !Mr. an d Mr. and Mrs . Forest OTaha.m son. MIke. entertai Mr. and Mrs. 0yr1l Howard ILre da ughter. honorin g the wedding ned In honor of MAX RANDALL, anand ·Mrs . J. B . Jones SUonde.y f~ attende d the funeral of E1ery Lewis guests of Mr. and Mrs. ~5 , thell' />OIll, Freddle's, second birthday MI.nl.ster n1versary of Mr . and Mrs . Squires, temoon . at his late I'esidence nea.r Beaver- last ' sa LW da.y night. The Ple.ncIc. ••• guests • • • Phone 2993 . Bobby Morgan . Pa.ul Shipley J T., ·town Monday aftemo on wd ' a were Mrs. RYan and daugh ter and Dr. Ell Orewe, former supertn Mr . a.nd Mrs, Orvllle Groy and . ond the ~tenborder children are number of friends from here, their gra ndson, Larry of BeIlbl'OOk. Mrs. • tendent of Mlam1 Vallll/l h06P1tal. Mrs . William SS;wyru: were - - - -.- - -..- . - .- -.... among victims of the old fashion ed meas- former home. 'Ilttende d the .burial at J ennie Mullen. Mrs . Tom Burton whola now living In Florida, ~ a the guest.; at the home 01 MI'. and Mrs: Pa.ul Sha.we nterMr. aad les. Miami cemeter y. gueet here FridlLY of his brother., Mrs. Elbert Rich on and daughter, Naomi J ane. Mr. tained Sunday 'With a basket Sunda.y, when cUnner l'dll;l. Ma.rgaret Johns has been on Bond Mrs . Coy GiUlain Ilnd children, ,f or the following guests : Robert Orewe. . Mr. and Mrs. Rich entertai ned In the 51 k I..U;~ the past 'Week Mr. and . , FER Y Mr. and Mrs . Herbert Graham and Mrs. John Sh9iVi and • • • honer of the birthday anniver sary family. Mr. Mrs. K B . Loolga(:re attend d a Mrs. ~arles F. Mosbm' and Mr. of 'Mr. Rich . d.a.ughter. Bertha. IMrs. OIlrson and Mrs. Lawrence Shaw of Xenia. di:;lrict meeting of t.he Woman 's so- ~ I.·.. . 11",' 1,'11.· , ." ·I' h"1II" ., (' ''.ro·" .. ft> Fleener and chUdren , Mi' . au:! Mi'S. Mr. and Mrs . B. G. Pook ot Cincinn ati. and Mra. Robert Varvel. Mr. - .• • cle.ty of Christia n SIHVlce in DayMrs. Irvin ~terson of near Xenia Fred lHU!bbell and the Mrs. Fred Hartsoc k of Mil10rd and Gt'eg ,twins . •and M!rs : He~b Moorma n and Mr. and Mrs. C . Lee Ha.wke and ton Tuesda y. Is staying 'With bhe George McM1oh- rroe cream an'd cake were served MnI. Ronald lHawk~ were guests on Mr. and Mrs. Don HlLwke IlUd ' Ily. 'Mrs .' O~ 'Kelly and son. Mrsl were I Mr. and ~. Will Null and aels for IL whUe. lI'rlda1 of Mr: '8Ild Mrs. Harris Sunday! guests of !Miss Dorts libUe 'FrectdJe received many ' nlce ,Edna. Swa.l1z and daughte Ha.wke daughte r, M1ss Malvina, of Springrs. Mr. A group from Ferry church Will presanf s. I a.nd Mrs . Ray Anderscm and {arnlJy, and Dean HBiWke in CIncinn ati. CanII 01 Thanks and MCl8her .. boro•. Miss Eileen BlUnet of Rldge- go thIS Friday night 88 a delegati on Mrs. La.wrcnce Thoma s of Leb- I and several frieJlds Gnd neighbo oMwu i_ .... e~ for ' at the • •• • • • rs. "Attn Boy. ~{\lt"}) vUle and Mi68es Bennlce and Jean- to the East Dayton church r ·en·t.s (I comDr . ollel Mrs. A, E . stout ...... ., oDe eeDi .. word. U1lnlmllm pl1~alk. of and Christ tte Bonon Sh h ,SPlfIlt "'-nda.y a:f'ftl~loon wi'" Tho ~"caslon = " In. honor ,... t S da u oL Iruf..ec! owls, ra.d10 code. where revlv-' -";"'ces e bet~.. , ... ,. ~""'. ... e • ee an .... spen ~ ~ , un y even......." ... """.. eIaarre • A 'ILI' ... hel' mother. Mrs. N~ey Ellen Pope, nnd ,M i'S . Paul..,Ad In~ertt'd for r were Sunda.y ewning dln- Ing with Mrs. ·Clara. StaCy, who ble cast of daughte Shaw's 14th wedding ng,3tors. 'and an bas enjofa. held . ner guesls or Mr. and . UIne ~ .. chaqed at Ie a worcl. oh&lact ers 'Mrs. W . L. been ill for a IL couple of weeks . David and Sharon Graham are and her sister. Mrs . Waldo E1llott. n.n nlversary . Mf. Sha.w left ,Monda.y . QUillen In Lebano n. - -- Mi'. • • and • Mrs. Wilbur Cl8J1t were visiting thelr grandpa rents, Mr. [or the a.nny. • • • POR SALB - WII.Wna Product s at . 'M r .• and Mi·I;' K nneth Elzey nnd 'Mrs , WHUom sawy~ has received guest:; at a dinner Sunday .n. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Bert Bunnell . Mrs ; .honor21 N ; Brc».d1ray, J.ebaDon. Open daughter, M'arjoJ i, d and Ml's. D . ,0, William son D8.y~on. at C1\.11'le Binkley of Utica s pent Tues~ng tbe 9th blrtbda y ort hetr IP'IIond- BluICton this weck. ' Iven1D p far your convenience . IU r~ . 'I I "'~ WI> n . , ',,, ..."1 . .. ... , · .. ' word ,tMt her husband , A. O. Wll- son, Dickey. at the l1o.me of .;pent SWlday oCLellloon with ¥E. Uam his pa_ . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Oraham Sawyer, is now recelvrng his B . A. D111 of lay ton and Mr •. dBaWy,"w1el~anMrd f·a~~~•. ~· olen LIntner . Phone 6S L. and Mrs . Walter Elzey. Everett KOI/inst au/,t of Day.t:in were adva.nced tralnJ.ng at Ellingto n Field l'ents, Mr. and Mm. Everett aftet'u. l ..._ Clark, nnd daughte r. Bertha. • • • will be d1nhoon callers of 1Mr. to T and Mrs. Dnerin Dayton . Mrs. Frances Brllnnccit ·wns call- at HollS n, exas. ner. guests of iMr. and Mrs. Haney Kennet h Vickers entertai ned a Hole and daughte r in Dayton Fri- DUL Eevenln g callers ot ,t.he Dill ed to ParI8, Ky .• 'by the de8lth 01 Cpt. Henry Scheer spent numbe.r· of friends to a party. at AQe'Ylene or elect.rlc. See BUI Lee, her sister, Mrs. Allee Thomas evening ., home were Mrs. Lucy! C1'a1g ind · . a few days recently at; the home Of Lytle Hall saturda y evenJ.ug In The Ladlel;l AJd of the Sugar great gro.n~ daug!lte r Bond ?4J'. OI1ldort a 3, Waynes ville. • • . and his uncle , .and aunt, Mr . a.nd Mrs. honor of his blrthda lt anniver sary. Creek F. T. Martin. CentervUie auctlon Christia.n church -served 160 Mrs. Ra~ond .Osborn e of Xenia. Walter Wisema n. , apI . Vander POULT D,Y -We p~y highest price eer, was a bUslnessv~tor aud Mrs '' ''-'-nk .uw ~Cf' Spring Val 'Mr. and·Mn I : Allen Emrick caUed guests at the basketbaJ1 here )lanque t HORSES, COWS, HOGS, ., ..... u .." VoL 1'uesda y. SCheer hos f>een 'statloned In Ala.slta Oil Mrs. Martha. Houg' ley. for ' r.bbi~, du~ turkeys , . " h e.nd fa.m11 y held at Bellbroo k schOOl Friday for the " MIss' past ~nle three yean;. SundJi.y near Waynesville 6at~ after- rllght. - e.... bens, roosten Ol'MVford of n.. ..ton CALVES,.SHEEP, ETC., n The banque t was 'sponsored ~.D~l... i;:", · W. Q-ond ......Gin.ve d Bell- ' OeraIld OOuden. ollie! deputy sher- ~venlng ·Mr . and Mrs OJaq .~ -.. . WIsema u..... , spen~ .n and Sunday p noon. -"th ... her ..... ,._ ......... L Remo ved Promp tl., by the Parent- TeaOhe r's olub, of av."ue , Xenia. Phone Uf ot WILfreD county, was a Visitor • b ........ ' W' .......,,~. " " " • l __ olUldren .... and Cpl. Vander SCheer ' Ch' . a,_ . Ric.. :...... Sackett is and U·Mrs. Clarenc Mr. GIld Mm. Wa.lw.r Kenr1clt at- whi e C.ra.wfol'd. ,...." i'lOi.·· ........ u here 8a.turtia y ~nlthe interest of his visited a;t the home ~ .Call Mrs. Hiley GlI)lion, 'Mrs. Morris' Mr. and Mrs. tended l"OmI:Ipa Qra.na1~ at Buveya - .preslde nt. _ _ (I j. .. ~ ____ ____ _ ........ CJampal gn for '.lIhe.r1f't. Mr. E1chelb erier 'MIS 'Lewis wd' . . .. ~ ~. Mort L&ng m HamiltOn. -chlldren called on 'Mrs. _ _ _ ...... ~ ~ '6&~" even1na". the ,SflCl\ker for the ,evening .· ~: "IU~ cbtcit water- 'Mr. aDd Mrs , Edward. l.eN1s and • Jennie ~ohards and daughte r of iDd ' feide'rl l ben teederB. chlldien of MJMIlia burg were Wa.yDaYton, Mcm~y. were BUPPet:, ~ . . . . . . . . . . lIbdDe 11M. !III ~vUle vi81tons on &mday of ·Mr. and Mrs. 'Raymo nd Smith eva-ung . \ •..;.. w, ··.·H... Monday evening . Bevene Tel~one Obarr_ ..... ..,.... aoaK"--. - - - Mr. and IMrs . Glenn BlaoDd and iMirII. David Lucas Is . spendlu g .a I ~~ ..t mJ'blm e, D. E. daughte r ot few days With ber sOn~...Raymond MaID tN, ~epIa, and aliacDfont, ~emJl e, Ohio. ~ MnI. Jphn Settl~ andMr. son were Lucas and tnnrlly. of near WIl.m1.ng- l ,_ ~ W~~l'J ' ~ aU IdiIdI. Sunday evening . dJnI1ler gue8t6 Eo G. Bu~b"'1t. .~_ .. . . of ,CI&1l. iDa:beet ma.rket Pl'1oa DJ.:JP •. ~ or ~ call . lInlDkU n I) - n~.-..~---.-..-. (!. 1t..a: O. T. Wlndle. PranklID , , .
Off., r '.
Satis facto ry
WIle _aune&biUe ®f
Serv ices
At All
Time s
EvEmNG:" ':30
"'... .w..
r,rr'l'. HOLLY
'. ~.
'I s'__ .
<lido. '
91., ·
I ·8asliA
HOURS : 9·12 each mornin g
1·5 afterno ons except Wedn e8 d~y 7~9
. idit: PbOIIe ~: Waynenwe.
~r'''' ao J.IOR 8Mi" • .". 1Pan1, 4-Door De1uze, Sedan, A-l Condltlon. InW1r~ ~.. Qlkken . Market .
Satul'da y evening
Other Evenin gs By Appoin tm"n t
POR ~ '- SbIIrtbom: COW With
.Dr. C. ·E. Wilkin Opt~metric
Eye Special iat
28 ' S. Detroit St. PaR ~ buD, " mar. oM, ~ to rePter. WlU eell at o - - - -.~ - 1
FGR : AAfai-6$
i i
come to Rike's where you wi1l find quality clothes in restrained good 'taste, and at ,prices
~a____ D~.
If you want to look your best on Easter Sunday
to fit your budget. F0I91 years Rike's f~hi0t:Is .
have led the Easter 'Parade in the Miami-Valley.
Ar e Yo u Pro tec ted ?
f&m1. IfOOd
, iand. tJu1ldID p. Shown W· . . poIDtm.'it $8600. Wilbur N. 8iaI'8" .
-----= ----- _ ... iron beds tWIAih ~
sprinp, ~~ cha1rs, 4 stands, I ltebles, dIBbe8, many ~et&. W1ll G1.istJ.n. 'Phon'e ClI5G. iW'Ill ~ fOI' hens .
Xebla, 0
O • ..,.. G. V(. ~ R. B. I; w&1ht!iMlle. OhIo D
For Dea d Stoc k
...lo_ . . ..-...
FOR 6M.B:--Rope made ,to order. Any and ' all tdDds. to ft. lUiM . or ~ rope wtui brass hoodo 'WOVe in, ' .2.00 eadl. A. D. 'BoIe, R. R , 2, Waynesville. O. U1I'.. ~
35 :A'c re Farm &. eh att els .
By . Publi~: Auc tion
,Sat urd ay" Aprji l ,8, at .1:'3 0 p. m. two ;
mile. North orWa.)' llffiIUe ,n tile <JoI:neU Road FAR~ OF 35;32 AORES '
Improved: wdth good 3-room 'f'l'8me ' house, 'b ank ,1Ie~ 30x60. Jarse pou1t~ house twit~ cemeno floor. Bulldln p have electricitY! and. running water. all rocteq. for 118htn1ng.. Farm is 8111. tUlaible, load rtdh, 1iDll. SiX ,"ores l.n alfalflL, ' 10 acree in Iblue grass with running wa.ter; fencee are good. SplendJ d locatlon~n ideal buy fur a cowi~ hOme. oonve:n1eIitJy Joca.ted to the manufa.Otu1'Jni clty of Day;ton. No taXf,6 untU iJune, 19M. ~_-:--..-.o;'_ _ruUl'8.L;]Jil\XDl.nIl·l~·..IleIea.. inapeot this fal'm prior to the auction . - . -----':; ,...., ~ ~ ab60lutely ~ to ~ hl8hedt Iblddet' ~d 1WIW be soles at l.:30 in order to gl~ the purchas er a.n opportu nity to lb uy' aoy ~ all the chattel8.
'I'ERAMBOF S.M.E: $1,000 cash da.y of aUOtlon; bJilanee at delivery of deed. PurehaBel' can. have 1IJI1'Deddafe possession as owner is in the Navy. Ai 2:00 P. M. WE WILL 8EIJL TIlE roUOW I}IiG CHArr ELS . Interna tlwal Fo.mIal l tra'ctor B on rubbf.T. over-s~ tj.res, only ·3 Years and very Uttle, 88 goQa as new; cultlvatore. plows, double uaed dl8c, 'Spr1I18' tooth harrilw, 'C01'n ~er Md mOtor. 20 roo' fen~, 30 rod bog . ft.IlU!. :00 steel .~; poultr;y eQulpm6nt. hog teedel·. blow, torch, Iiap an~ d;e set, forks. $hOvels, scythe, Chains, etc. . " ,., , W:~house dAlep wen cooker Electrlo Range. ' like new, KIIlam,a zoo . . orange ·stove, Duo. Tberm ot1 he81te(. •. . Lumber tor brood~ boWIe, 10x12 complete with winnOW&, etc. IFeeQ-3 acres standin g cori;l, 400 bu. oorn in' 'bam. 3 81U:llCB 'hoi feed~ 10 lbu. wheat, .10 ~8' ILl!taI1a. Terms C)ash. I. •
Mr.·and'Mrs e Car , . l Randall. owners·
For ~n1 informa tion reprdJ nr ale 01 fann or chattelB call ,be a1lCtton eer F. T: .MAB m and C. I}. ' B.n:8AU,AaCUone.en.. '02 Comm8 r,dal BIdr•• Da.yton. PbI?D~ Ac1 '3661 '. r Cent4;."ll1e, 0., Phone 'I~l
Give to
RED ' ~R05S
Insure youne
lf aRains t ' .'-ll:.~~ . ~ . ~zle Ioadini rUles,. etc. send price damal re to prope rty of 'Ud deecr1pt ioD to Box III. W""" . ~otb.n ...d · death or in-. fUJe. 'Otdo. ... , ,.' W , jury c1aima
• J.7
. See or call ',.:.
' W~ man. to cIo acme 411lUll' UId ~ ftdt. 0har1ee .~~~ln. c
. C.' B. JENKINS'.'
lIN. ~ L. ReuaD were . .. , '-- ~ of 1iiW:- Reaaa!l'll ~1D4""'._. • (If~ •
U'.\YNE S\"lLLB ,
. . ._ _ _ _
Telepli o.. 2341
The home .. iik~ ...r:round. in.. of . Funer al 'J-\ome bave"cauSe d much 'favor able comm ent•. It i. op'en fo, inspecti on .t any time•
Ph~.te 2291,
~t Red Cross Auction Sale
Union'Services 'l'omorjow P. M.
Grade Schpol To Conduct ·Paper Drive April 13.;14
For .. number 01
st. Marya
On TbW'!lday ~ Prt~ of next week. AprU 13 and 14, the Grade 8Oh01l Ia sponsortng a. waste paper ctltve. We a.re asking the ooopemt ion ot the Whole 'ClOI'llmuntty becaU&e we ,feel that lalla is a very WOltbwbile project. The paper is to Ibe tied in bundles and brought 't o the Grade schOOl on • 'I!hl1l'Sda.y or Jl'rtday. The school bulldtng 'w ill be open on ~UJ'IIdi.y evening until 8 :~ o'clock 110 that ~ nwq bl'1ng the paper tn. If you ha.ve paper that you camlot pt to the achool, please caul the ,"de flChool or get in 1louoh with Mise Hardin and a truck wUl be sent to riOW' home. Magazines and ~pera DIII¥ all !be tIed togebbel'. Let's aU work tog'etlher Ito bring, the war to an erl41 Will you help us? W&.yneBv1lle ' Grade School.
past, the
]!lpI8copal III!ld Metho-
d:l8t chwtlb.ea have joined in .. Un-. Ibn Good Prlda.y service. 'IlhJs year th1a w1ll be held In the 'Met.hcd1st churah trml 3 to 3 o'clOck Friday. A:pr1i 7. ~ public is corc1Ja1ly. Inwted to pa.rt;1dpa1te In thl.s aervlce. Lt is ,oed lor \18, all to pV.U&e In the mldst of our 'bunoy and worlt to sPend at lea8t!!Orne part of the I1bNle Ihours of our Lord'. anguish the Cl'OIIIS, ~n m~tation and 'WorabJP. AJJ indlvlduala we need 0brI& 811 never before, and He ill Our only hope for &. better "fiCri'd. A tun appreciation of the sIiDif1canoe Of Obr1at's sacr1f1dSd de&th Is the n~es8IU'Y prerequls1te to the .#ul ............rebena1on ..I the tneQIl1ng 'UI and glory f1 ,Euter.
,. w_..
in the savap a bl&' U. S.landing .-I Y ... ~. n t"ft" V~ war eamp. - ...... ~ ""erman ·. DrevtOua attemDts. -
these Gennan 101diera
be shipped to a prilOll~r '00 better lucce.. thaD
School News
M th di t Ch ch
al erson s
. Waynesville h.lg,h sohool sent a. e 0 8 ur . Mr. and Mrs. oA. H. Stubb5 enRAYMON HATFIELD . IS Cklcqe Qamaba.n ot Maaon; team of IIloe students to Leba.nOn DIBter 18 alwap a @:reat day in tertaloed to dinner 'I\lesday evfl!l1ng NAMED ACTING OOIDjTY .ArthUr Eut.oD .of Frankl1il. and to compete .~ the Bemi~ Scholar- the Met.hoc118t cbUrOh and everyone with Mr. and Mrs. Erevett MenSUFI'. OF 00. S()BOOLS HoWlll"d ol'llbain of BarveyI5bw1r. ah1p . Teste with stude. from aU not hav1ni~ ' c1luroh home is denhall and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse . The Warren county board of, ecs- 'were eJected to ~ye&r' termII over the ~y on Match 11. 11144. ~ll)'! lnvlte4 att~md and jo1n Shank8 of New Burlington as their ..... '011 "nn-'~""" "'.on-" It ... as d1S'eoIma of ~ nn Froa:' Waynesville, 'three '9rel'efi us in the joyoue . vance of thlII, gu.esta. U _... .. ".....,.",..10& --" ..-~. 80u CODBe1'V&t4on among the tfb'llt telI' and all ve the greatellt BaIt In the ChrIst• • • eeeepted the reslgnatl<m of Chailea and DaV1B PUnl6a of Waynesville ranked in the upper twenty - five ian "'ear. Our~ , ull! will be.. Col1Win Ntxo.n of Lebe.non wa.s. .. H. B<ill, county superintendent of luld"Henry Harr1a of I.d)6n0ll. to per cem.. The membent rt tlbe team" j '. vl8ltor here Wednesd&y in 1lhe interschoolI. efectlV!! Aprtl16. . . tlwo-)'e&r tenna as the result .of the PhyilUs Rickey. James steinke, follows: 1.:.... est of bis campaign tor ,t he Repub_ R~nd Ba~ld, '&8BI8tant iNp. elecUon beld 88Iturday. atlOOll'dlng to Almellta. Steinke. and . Ru~ Easter sunrue ..,..iCEt 6:30 Q. m. llcan nom1nat.1on tor sherlff oC erlntendent wfll handle Bobl' du\ Tbe entire aemce WIll be carrIed by lWaa:-ren count6". • • - , D. B. BitJIeY. coun~ ta.rm agent. Keever. tJhe YOlUIC peopie of 1t.he church. • • • lea for the rema1.nder of the acbool' . '1'heIre 'ftI'8 BeveJ!l eandlda.tes on In the order of rtheir scores, the DoUi'las Hendermn pn~dlalg. The Mrs, Wl\ltU W1sema.n III!Id two term. the lJoard 6Dllouooed" dfdln- .tile ~ f'nd the three 8IJl)el'VlIIcn finrt ten ;were: ' order will ,....... "OUOWli'. ,.,_ to d18cloae whether a..tfteld .om . ~ .~ , "'" - - II chJldren;. !-'~lly Lou and' BUly and .... ' ~- reQel1il* tbe mbIIt votee W8'e e - 1. Cbaa:'lotte lD8.y .... ....' MDrrow OU''''oor ...... _ ....... 'ute _ I~a be named to aucceec1 Bobl JIObl 1M .............. ~ ...... Yvonne St~ were ~ v1al. • eel for tobe ,t bree-yev tenns. Tbe 2. John EUgene Meyer . .. Lebanon 'Dau)~ ..-....... d n,.,'llls 6ubwtted b1a ~t.kIIl Sa~. twQ-yea.r tAmIIe IINIlt t,o tIboIe ftO 3. V1r'g1nJ& Roberts ...... Lebanon ~~in'~:-" 'YAW ............ an ..-.;/ tors m Hamilton Saturday. IAlnl.- he "'-A_ " ' . • • exp~_ .... opened a , ftIOelvlne tale neXt bilbeat nuatle!' •• PbyWa RickeY •••.. W~De6VWe ....U_, .~ ooda tDre at Mt Orab~"JU Gerald OOUden. chief deputy aberI s , ' .. of. YOtieI. '!be bUlota have ~ sent 5. P6UlI.ne GarriSon .••...• MorroW Scripture ~ _ Riohar4 1ft. who 1& " OILIldldate for sher1tf, BEMOVE 1M2 UCEN8EPLATBS to OWumbus for chMking ~ 6. Alvin O. Vool'his ........ Mason' Sheehan , W&8 a vlaltor here Monday , to Mr: ~. 7. James steinke .. .. Waynesville Prayer-"'''''' Beren :LelrIa,v • ~ • ...... 10. 118 b&IlOta cast in the ln1a. BIadd> Spil1nsboro ,.""''JI Accord:lnS to -:-:::::r: . ''"'71on W. WallaIOe. ""UOJ ~ 8. VlI'g urn. . 'E aster POem 8a.yl}'lL O'r~ Mrs. Karlette McGinnis retJ.ll'ned ~ of tJie ' Bureau of Motcr electloD:. 9. Dorothy KIlelnbenn • KJ.np Mllls Antbem-'~ujab,. Obriat Ia home Sunda.y &.tOOr &p8ndllig. the 10. Irma. FIres .....••• Wa.yn~ RiBen,"-YOUIlC People'a choir w.nter with her sister tn Da.y,t on. Vehicles, ma.uy compla1nta ate beiDC To SPONSOR 'nl&B I'L&lft'DfG received 11'OID • b , .eurCll'CelDsat IN WAIIaEN COUNTY 10. Ralph wtshaw •.• ,K .Lnp Mllls "The Easter ~ry',....Joe James otfJoera t;hrou&bout .tate relrma Fires and Ralph Lotliba.w ' Mr. and ,MrS. ,WUl1& Bunter and PRllns tile \lie of of 'I'be Warren QJwI&y PIah IIIId tied lor .tenth place. ~ fmlly h:a.ve moved into 1lbe1r new Clblo'1M2 .1IcDIe 011 the troot Game Pl'OteCthe .-ocl~ WU1 AIIeDlbJ;r . ''1:15 a. ~e whlic1.ltbey recently completed 01 &be11' ear (It' aI'4t 1PQDI!lIr"'~ 0, tree p1DttDs 'Ole student. 01 W. ll. S. . on North atreet.
the ...... 'ftIe pnd110e baa 1JecomIt aD ~ 80me muDliolJ_UtleI ilave ~ eel an ~ GDd otbera atellODtem&>l&tlns tbe · pusIns ~ les'ala~ to make it Ule8aI flo ~.. UoeMe p1ste oIlber ~ Ul8 GDe laWfully lsBUecl, for tbe .ourreDt , . .
T he Ferry Church of Ohrlst Is planning on readhJng its goal of 150 in Bible schO!>l next Lord's Day . U you b,elong to ,the COI1g.I"egation a.t Ferry or II you do not have a. ch~roh Jlome. whY! not worship the Rd'Sen wrd next Sun<iay? We Invite you to ,worship willi us. At ~he morning service the ~ ister w1ll speaIk on "The IReslJrrec.. 1.10n" and e.t the evening serv~ce a pe,gea.nt ent~tled. "The Saying From the Orosi" ,will be pre:!ented. You will ~ind a Chrlstia.n welcome BlWaLting you. ' On nex.t Thursda.y night at the class me,etIng, Mrs. Rothermel. M. D., for 29 years a. mlsslonary to India, will be the speaker. ' The WayneSville Ohurch of Chr1st has 'b een inv1:ted to wtten4 the meetl.ng also. ~ tamlly is asked to bring fruit lello "'!1d cookI.es.
dlllDIaI!NId ·_
Ferry Church Sets 160 Goal Sunday,
.I In an eKort to reach the
~ set
for WGiYDe townshlp In the ~ent Red. cross We;r Fund drift. O. H. Brace. cha.lrmaD, IIoDJlO\IIIcee that ,R ed cross Auotion Sale, aImiJa.T to the oounty aMa1r 'which 1VlUI held last Moodsy, 'W11l.be held in WaYnesville Sa.turda.Y, Ap1i '1 5. Every resident 01 the ,tOWnebJ,P Sasked to donate 8Om~hlIIC ll&leable to -this wallthY' cause. 3111gulted include llvesbock, canned goods. produce, baked ,coda, poultry. toys. pots. p8iDI, diabea, 'tum, waahboards, . etc. A.nytb1nc Wl*Sl has a sale,.t»le value, Will be 'acceptable aooord.lna to Mr. Brace. An inter~ feature of the Iale Is t.he ,fact t.ba.t the var10ua putOn of lihe community will act .. tile al,lctLoneera c1urlna -tbe &aole. They will be aaslIIted br W. N.' Sean. local auctioneer. The foliowing loterestIng letter The sale will be held at Olbboaa wa.s recently receIved by Mr. and MrB. E. A. Earnhart from their Lumber Co. bqllciq 8Ild wm bellA here and send I'll teU you at 1:00 p. m. a.ndoontmue ,lbroUIIlout itlle da& until ev~ do16 stat.loned in Ind1a.: n&tec:l baa bee!). 1IOId. Donatolcma 1.« ~ea.r Folks: tlie UIle be brouabt m ~ I haven't ,hea.rd trom you (or ""-_ '-.# (I"ue day """ore the I&le) aDd all _ anyone else) for aibout a rweek -now. t ... " " , sa urday and 'brew ... 1)8 - - - , ~ut I have WQut tour letrera IW'hlch ~ •• I haven't a.nswered, 80 here goes. bodY ,lihere to 1'8letve tbem .........WIll be given to eacIb lndlYidUal CCDThere aren't a.ny stores at. all very tributor for recdpta t:rom -blII d0close. You have to go down town. nation, • .Abo,ut the .best place to shop 1& a. Anyone con~utIDI UQ'tbIDe place ~ed New Market. 'for 6OU~ ell-'oloth books; etc. The stores whlcb. he C8mIiOt ~ Yer .w &be ' , I room Ia 611ted to naW':r aD,Y member are small and I suppose you would of the committee aDd a tI'Im Wlll. ca.ll them booths. The only trouble be sent after ~ ~. IltIDbMn ' Is they always aaIr. aboUt a. third oC t.he cwmnltJt,ee beSIdes........ Br.c. ~ fOr everythlng. We ~waYB jew , ,are Rev. L. O. ~. . . .. A!kW them dOWn some but they 8t1l1 make GonI. 'Mr." Osw. . . .. _ _ . . .. pIent;y of money. I'll taU some p1c- teDworth aDd. Kenne.:BIliIb• .' .' tur~ of ' aome ' 1ocal Jotn~ a.rouna 80~ ~ &IIrecl. ~' 10 ~
Writes From India othem.
00Ilf..' .
perinan~ntpolPtt01li. a.t.~ moat tbelr-~ :vmsol artlclea for tbe 8Ile:
JOhn l\Ya.ver and IIIBB iIJd1ttl about the cllma.te:"" went lE1venlOD bI Da.y.t.on l1Bited Mr. tWld Ihld summer ,w eather now. I'm sure
.. Recelptl 1Ji ~ local 'c aova. ciD wednelldey 'JDOl'JlJDi UDOdDted to ,2350.00. $6IiO.OO ahart of . . ~ of $3.000 1Vttb p~ c61pts totaled, ac:oordInI U! Mr. , Bralle and It ill boped tIbU 11M a.uotlon sale wDl put ~ townsblp over tIbe top. _ _ _ _ __
!lIc!Iet . baa been naoie4 Blble Reacllng, •• ,. EJaene Liennann Mrs. Ellsworth. B~ Sunday. I don"t know what JUly w'ill be like of .tbe, CUIIIDittee Jri Plano Solo .......... -JUdY Oonner Mrs. O. W. Rom spent Friday -'Whew I BoY. would lt be nlce to c:slW'&'e 8tDd peraona d.eIIlrIDI trees to-IISII:tt;:~'l'lne_~(1.:J:1m~.nex:""::;J..U~llID4--fi.;d.....-'IWftl!'Kh'ln~ ~rice-;- 10 : 30 a. in Hamilton <with Mr. and Mni. go north for the SUIIlIIler. That's too ~t 'out 01' aeecl ma.,. proc\U'ethem Ann Mellob, Wilbur W~. m. New! members ~ be received stanley cameron. '. much to ~. though. I gue68 I C&1l from him. Katb Lo~ 1-nto ~tory mem!befstup a n d . .. • stand or 1&y it out (tn the shade) it GroUP 80nga ••. ' Seven Jl BtUfilents lnto full member8hip. nnd ate sacMr. aDd Mrs. Avery M. Sbrout of the ''IJmeYlS'' can. . .' MEET IN MGLAND ~ 8010 ..... ,. Phyllls Maltln nunent of Baptism ~~ be.admhMs- Wa)onesVUle Jfmlte 3 had as. their . Ye8. I think we are in a. fa.lrty "'l1nu 07'....... _ ... Faro&-"Headllne Hunters" •. BUly 8und&y guests, Mr. and M2'8. cennailent 'pos1t1on. at least most 01 ... IJTII. Mr. and Mra., ,lD. L. ~ ...... U~ . teredo P8.rent6 having. ohlldren to Wallace~ baa 'IIn3trUctecl the BJIb-. DaytoD"rormer ra1dente 'o f Mehaf1Ie, Nanna ~ P,on pe 'b6~. please ~tl:f1. the pastor PerTy RatJIM and three cb1ldren of us. You !Ilever knOw. though. be~ Patrol ,and aU erifareement 01- v1lle. have recelV'ed 'WOI'd ,f rom thelre Henderson. J>eegy 'l'umb1esOn, before Sunday. If 'you, ,are not a Waynesville. Harvey Cleary and eon. cause 'they never tell you ~. 'llcers to IJIx)p any ~t ~tln&'. Cpl. JI;ID101l' ToWIIODi &Dd 'BIt. IDekDar ;aerry, ~ , JcbnBon.l ·membler of some local dburch, you Olin, of HarVeysburg and Da.v1d Here todaY-1Ione tomorrow. ~ Hawb Ud Art II. CM1,'W1tJl an abllOlete lJIcenae ~ Dooald ~ woo are IIOIIIBWbere. and V~" )"IlIkersi>n.. . are cordially invited to "unite wlbJl Hardwick of ' Cla.ritsville. At the rate 'I 'm going may be able CWvert of OlDclnIIatl. c:allecl CD On the' (ront pr their car .o r truck in ui _rand;' that they b&ye met ttDd ~PBlNGBOBo YOUTD lULLED our ohuri:h ' O!l profe&l:~lon of faith, ~ Jane ~ J~ He.1ItsOCJt .oI to be understood in B1ndu by WO' MIsses Annie and Kame Browne· " order to oheclt,U pl'OpeI' aUtolloenae iuu,t supper topther. 'lbls Sa tbe or by ,tnnsfer of uiembershlp. Oxford enjoyed a va.catlon' at bome years end--maybe not. l've ' p1ckeel W~esd&y f!VenlDt'ofla8t..... ,... reglatratlon has beeD laBUed for tIbe tnt time the7 have seen eIrOb otbeI' Pvt. James W~n. tanner ~ The p88tar'8 silbjeot w1ll be: "The with their 'p arents. Mr, and Mrs. Up a few words and elCp1't!ll6ioIl&. The Mrs. Ida Petenl vlaited ber bame current year. Motcrlsts IDUIIt IetWo boro b1gh scliool' ~ staT. ' 1W'aS Easter HOJ)e." oR. H. &itsock lrom Thursday un- gorammal'1s rather. dlff1cult because at ChautaUQua ''Ri~~ move t.ibe1r 'lM1"Oh1o, 1IceDae pW.e Jdlled wblle on ~d duty with the LOuIse. Radley. Paaror tll Monday. M1ss Martha Deather- tJhe vetb Is al~ at the eIId of the '!be dl1Idren'a r~ . .from tile b'aDt Of their car or trucy OBS_VB ANNIVBB8AB.IB8 . '0. 8. armed forces ' In Ital¥ I'ebru, M;Ji. II8lltence. , -"·P. under the ....,....-. .... . . t - of IDa• • age. Mrs. OWel;l, Hartsock aw t ...... 1IPJQecUa;telY 1D 'order to ellmlI)ate aI'Y 25. it luis been~: A gradWilton lJa11teoCk were also lWeek-end They ra1ae as puiny dlfferen Margaret.W. lJeacook, waa 'b eli! . . . ' the loconvenience of ~ IfjOppIIId ua.te of Sprlnsbciro . ~ IICIhool in Hart.Sock plants here as they do at home and Sunday U1Ol1l.ID8. , and questkmed by ~oi-cement of: Pvt. WUIjon is ,t he 'first liel"itce gueeta 01 Mr .• ~. some besides where they ha.ve water MnI. L. M. BeDd.enon' w*a tb8 tlcers.. ' man ~. J. W. !M~ and san, BIlly. and money, they ralse some really dinner guest of Mr. aDd KnI; - -------.,..~ lIlY kUled In ' present 1WV:l'. The first service .o n Eal!ter D1Ol'JlI- aDd Mrs. Howard ~rm<n of May'- beautiful fiower gardens. All the Gordon. SUnda.v. " , Plans are lbeq , m&de '(or a me- lng at St. 'Mary's Eplaoopal church ers, Ky., spent Sunday. nlght with year round, too. Yes, they do a lot Mrs. CraM aod MrIt. H..... mor1a1 aeivice to be hlild in the will be mornin& pr8.~r a.nd. sennlOl:l.IMn. G. 'W . iPIora. 01 ,famllllg here . They terrace ev- were, honored Saturday in .. ja&nt Met.hod1Bt cburab at a date to be at 7:00 a. m . read by MJ'. Parks. • • • eryth1ng they. can and llUlke about obse:rv8.:ilce 01 bI.rth ~ The master breakfast will be held at MIss Grace 'Hockett spent the 24 !.n. dirt wall all around them. a.t1ea WhiCh ~ m ',Aprlf 1 .iod 2, announced later. , week-end lilt her home and had &8 all tt SlD8ill and farm GRADE s()IIooLTO GIVE guest, Mise Evelyn Baker, of plow 'With and J. S. matN OPEBBTTA Al"B.IL 21 ed at 10:46 a'. m: 'lbe guest at tilts Dayton. rlilo and wooden plows. They have of Datytan caUedon »a. AlICe IMimIlOIDUrr ,lIIBN TO BOLD "SeMon of BapplDeIII,~' an oper- serv,1ce wlll be Rt: Bev. Henry W. Frederick ~l~· of New York to walt until It geta soft and then Ola.rlt Sunday attemocD. • 'PA'l"BBJI,;80N BANQUE'I ettA by, the ~e Grade ~'. D. D ;. Bl&mP of Southern Olty W&s '& 8a.turday night aIId Sun- they go over It and over It untlllts Nf. andMnl. Boward Wood, lin. care" ... , ec:hool, will ~ prel!fiIltecl at the htgh Ohlo. WhO will deUver. tale ~ day guest 01' Mr. and Mrs. Obades ·turned! pretty good. Then when 'the wullam Cole 'and llttle . . . _ ~eater Bowles, ' OPA '~,. ' aal4 00l'WIn ~~ of the ecboOl aud1~. on IAprU ~. Do addre88, a~tei' ~t.be ~der of AnderSOn rams come and the ground's pretty ol oentervWe. were cuesta Jt-. motoll'lsts should keep .~ .Ute Ill!o '00uDiy M~ Ken's w,.ot to lee KlIlc WInter cba&ed conlftnna.tion and ~elebmte HolY .• • • soft they plant. the "paddy" as theY Annie and loIame' ~ ,~ , . . .ton recorda BlnCe OIPA ~ a.ocla\loD will ~ '80 htller lIrud to b Norbh Poie'lund QUeen 8Pl'1n8 OcImJpU.nlon. All eommun1ca.nts aIld Mr. and MM. Harold KennedY' of call the me. It'~ all planted by hand 8Iftemoon. ,,' oontlJiue to ,u se tibe lnapeDtIoIl tab- 800 ~1lIIt M<JodtW eveD1DI. April croWned? 'lben ccme. to t.be gyIn on trt~nc:1s of the churehl are requested BelIbrook.were Sunday dinner and the 'Wlhole femlly works .tmtllita ' Mrs. Eva.l1n iPetenIon ntumed . ula.t:1oila i~, tfbe '&UOUne ' ~DI 10, at 'ttbeUUoo ~ Church. pl'1l ~1 an~ you· wl11 ~ ~ ph1l_ to attend this serv1cE~. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis FireS done. ~en the rains get heavier, TUesda;y after. vtali tfo 'reliUfte b1 AIIiI1 ;t.lon by autbor ri oolbl'ftul coatum aIId daughter. and heavier acd the Tice ma.n&g\!S W~n 8Dd XeD1&. •. prosram. Ex na , -' 0lnQer Will ~- 7:00 p. m. Miera dJeI1tn b abt and ea FOUR XENIA CBlLDB:EN . • •.• to keep just ahead of It. The water ' lIIed ln8pec~w1U continUe, . be y. 0CICIpei, I ~m-U, fanner 0lU0, ~ wtnter away. . Dr. and Mrs. A. E. ~tout and tands a.lst deep The ___......... tJerore m~ta ciaD ' ob- ~. ' WIll '. 1)8 the prlncip81 ' : , . _ BtJJIl,N TO DEAm d..""''''ter were sunday evenms dIn- 80metimes Ii w . FRIENDSHIP CL1JB TO IlBET 4"" __ ~ • ...,.--. ...w.. "'''S H:.....·.. ~ "'OS- a SE8 ' 0_'61' {'~6"~ ~ denim. aDd the , ~.a\I.. --......k:'at.ee ClO nplIoe ~ ---u._ .' • _Dei .....,;...n -' ...... ......~ 6d . . .and Mr6 ~ ....... ..~ ..~ -_- ".\ .....,.. ......... _. TO S1JNDAY SCHOOL a..A8S . ner gu"".., u< ..... • ' .............w ",p addy" reopenS anet 18 cut and. ---~ club - ' I I meet til ... 01' tuhm,-. '. ".8.'30 p ...... ..-, ~ ............... wIll ,ad- . ' ' . . "l - ' An explodlna terooene etove was Wal'· In Dayton ............ .rc..~ "UJI IoU"" ..... ~ - . . ........" _ .... • ••• _ tled (no strJ.ngs) and p1ckecl up and the cl•• ........,,~ in the ~ , ' , cIr'e. toile ~ at a meet1nv a.t the ~ 'Buth and Beity McKeever blamed t01' the dea.tll of four ohll-.~ NBW 81JB,L1NG~N ~~8NT. iU"""":: ~ Everyone wel- ' '., . ". ' dren in a ~ rll'e lu' " three-fam- . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Flte8 a.1ld. ha.Uled to the theablng place. There ·church Wednesday, alt.1emocm, A\Pdl lIS nNED I tN ~" f1 !W83'IleavlUe cave.a 'JiIUtY at tbeU 1ly l'881d~ ~1l Xenia MOnday daughter ~ In Oen~e Sun- theY have bamboo rods buUt 80 1h&t 12 at :1:00 O'clIOClt. ' :, , .'. • - . ," home , ~ ev~ ..t '1:30 f~ te ...... I'''';' cb1l ......... _. day ..... a.,.. .... caJl1.... on Mrs _ • ' :nre~,8 they can bet\ot '<the heads and the "., Clhesr:,~ 'lChOol 01Ua "or the' rn~n ... ~.ey we:e ....... .......... ............. .... vii •.:e..",.. ' 01'- Of .0hriIt. The Mr. and MnI. WWtain Ten-ell. Sel- Ia.ther, Haro,ld T&yl~, who. great- gralrt fa.ll8 through It. It baa to be DlVOlWE8 1,./ m--"'~If ' .......roved &lnIoe blP recent opera- m1lled and ' pol1sbed Itben before it'8 ::, OCIIWeted of 1al1ou8 pales. ~, 8• - ............... ~ .3" were suffo. ...... , . . .' _.:..-.. f catecl when their bodlee were re- tloD., · ' Uke We know It. Before th~ war. 80 The fol1aw1ns dltoiala . _ ..... , . Into .. garden, . . . 11I1ed .~OO aDd bold UleIt riIuJu' lDeRanv em UoD'!be. f~ lUeatI -'~ 0 moved bY' firemen. James Edwin, • • .. tPOUDds of r1Ce cost ' abOut D's 6. allowed reII:eDtly f.n Waired c:OuDtj .,.., by J4'e,yor tndIIDI1a 01 . . , ~ lotb. Afta'~, the 4eU~ ~: ~JIaS Ran- i 1-2 ,cUed Monda, ~ aDd ~_ MD. ADna~e P'Jora, waa balled nOw U'8 1 pound 'Pel R. ' ' ccmmem p1eu eourt: . ~ tn ~ QCPa'Ol ~ • ~.-aoD. - - ~ aDd lin. Ray ~ Mr. tfaret ~ &le 'fOW' tnbDtihli cUed to Great Lake8 • .nllnola, the f~ of ~ ihl\.ve loti· of dJ!terent frult. RaY~. , ~ VII. . . . .'.tiI. Car' wb1le .~. " 1)8 11-- to ~ taM! ~ un..... eBroWn ~ 8OIl. ''I'\leIIda.Y In ~ boBPltal. the w~ due to the III!lioQr 1lInes8 poe is "1!11Ul&O." It tastes like an Marle ~)leneCer, eIl,....,to . .. . . . ' . " ~ ~... wbIdl,.,m be ~ 1IW;r, ~ Bourne. , '. . of her brother. JUper ~. who O1'aJI8e and '", muslnneDQIl. ~.. -'Oedrlc Mtb1Ir ~~ , ...... • ~ ()Ij1JB .. . . . . . .~ beI6t -APril 21. d b .t ile . W~ ~ ~ , NeUleOl'ndolf. "'; VA. BEBlDElNTs JII!:BE 18 In 'tl'a1lllDc (bare. ' PaPe,u tOOpther and looIaI like • ces- IalII stiDle>1 ell..... "'k~ , nJDAY AI"1'8MOON IIIItrcIo. Jm. 'N ettle SWll- ~ aDd ~ DICk~ ~ ~. ~tib ~ 'Wal- mua ~llon. It ~ one bls ~ , ;»laln'Wf 'to ~ '!be ~- ; win,bDI4" waD of LImI. • I~'V oftloer. Dorotb7~ : : Mr. ~d Mrs. J P . . BUe7 of tqJl aDCl Tam BouIston atteDded a tn ~t, .lts pretty good. All ~ doPe , i i i . ' :. ..... montb1r IlUl8t.1D1- 2 p. •• DDfMD OlJDTB ' .IJ~ ~. Bobel'It ~. , BUDUnItoD. W. aPecIal )Ieiorno mee~ ~ Oolum- 111 ~ UP. from ODe Of the Indla.n p&Id. . " 'lJ&rVey
Easte,r SerVic.es At
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. • . , 8tJeuDnf IIId tbe bait- P1iDC IDe counk'l ADd . . . ifa ~ lin. -.1lUIb u4 Be&tr .... reoenU; purobaIe4 1Il'. . . . . . WIiIIID . . W ••• 8II'OUd em
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.... -aDd IDa • .JoIm EeImedr and tbln'e now Po .la -:=:...,._ weJe a.-.o .... IUl4 plant "'padd7." 0........
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MaIn dIImar . . . . of Mr. aDd Mm. au.-
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·Sunday. The A...._'- aervk:e ~ 1Lh~ doctrlne=-" -lst-llke ? Oh, It 11 onl,Y col,lld, Ift ohuroh will have. ro.Also . do he shall .. onemembers ........ ... -t pe......... 'tted".." T -tte~s T 0 ']" , ..to. . . .be tianJ hnve __ be OIU1s ... ""e . 1..,.e E ditor will John 7;17.know ~ _ at.to 60 bingo .d1ttamt ,Aa~ttte ' . . ~11~ l~.~e:#U~ule f~i~~jme~.!wd .... ,i. Edlto.... Note:Mlar;nl Gazette .In his .we rould. find ow:se1ves In like ['d sta.ot with far too groat a old n~r to win $75 a . ,lflllWaynesville. Ohio ~ ~ - Main Stree . cried ,&UU~S'''HOStmna'' tod&y and latex' In clad to refe/ve ~d .ers ..xPres!iJnv... grea dlrrlcultles,-.Judged. of Him. 'handioop and tve neVt'l" had ~he, game in his ch~ parlor ~t Sun• . is to ve stal.t J'm just a day nlgbt. Y~, I know wbalts rolng '
Wile "" U" •
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,' _n~ Olaa Mall Matter a~ . P06toIT .. Ice, W1I.;.-nesvllie! oh'io
er W. Wisema. n. ,E ditpr Publisher J88UED EVERY THURSDAY
~on 1
His Will ,
..PrIce, '1.60 Per Year, Payable In Advance ,
·N.WSP&P.. A
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Servfn9 Americe', Arlv
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.11""""" ~'e1lg1on." thin". ~
-~~~~~==~~~==============~- 'ng " ~ ",d ond WU'", ..... . . " . . . ,.It. W. ,WI "',Ie>. ho!B rown were ch1cJa!~ at tar .thlrIgs of y(ju and ,that your From A Farm Diary-. Dry Ridge and bhe .other. We bid on a~UShel., Of concession was done lightly. on the sel.11Ilg
Wedneeday, ~ 29: 1944. How it di4 n.in . last 'nlghtl When Doo got IIere to take care Of the heller ' it waa pow1ng. No llash llghts so we'had to tape the lantern. We were ioo late to do ~ JI'OOd, the calf w-. alreadi'dead and a.ll be oould do Ins to give her a stimulant. It ill "alWI(nJ too bad wbeo a. heUer 19 , bn!d too 10UIle but in spite of your beat 1n.tenUcms it 8Ob1et1mes haP~. once 'm a while It tums out all 11Iht and eometimea there is ~Ie. My there W85 and we~ uot able to save the calf MId tbere la *De doubt whether the ~et' 'WIll ' pull flbrou8b. It _ 6Uch 6. ~ Wb1te-lacicl calf and such a: lJttle beIfer. AI it lay there' ali stretched out It JooIted .. klIls the the beif6l'. '1bkt ~ abe' waa able to I't upand eat 8nd wepve h~ tbe . 'tome tIM! doctor' had left. I hate to 'IDle . ' calf far mere 4lhan I woulkl Ito ~ money t!lat calf would brine acme - for 7UI1 alwap feel tbat it JQU 'b ad daDe 8OII1et1l1i1lS dlfferem 1t wOuld DOt have bappeDed and i!Iua1ll' JOU are II'I&1lt. It. rost
o.at meaDI ~ ~ 1QJ1e-
but ·there was not muCh there. I wonder it she iWOuld have enough milk for a calf if we bou~t one. Thur5day , TIle hel!er seems &. llttie stronger so I went to the communlty sale to buy a. ca.l!. There were wee <that I liked and W1hose ~lumbers I took. The first caJf to come into the ring was my second aholce, Someone bid three. another three and a halt, then four, then the man in the ring wheeled around suddanly anti POlnted his fmger at me and said "Five?" I was so startled thli.t I said yes and got It. I was Vel'Y' much sUJ1Pflst'd !~r It was a. heUer ca:rr of the kind tha.t usually brings at least eight dollars. If all the ot!hers had not been low too I iwould have thought its looks were aga1n.st It, sooh a funny looking calf, black with a White face and round black spots a.ro\.Il!ld 1t.s eyes, like a. panda. Later. Poor llttle helfer doesn't !mow what to make o~ that lively blaOit 'c reature. She doesn't like it. We will try her again in ~e momlng.
U. S. 13 hybrid seed corn but it ,wont too high for us. We may be sorry we dJdn't go trlglher :when planting time comes. Tuet;dIliY . surprise: When I looked, out Of the wlndow "Every twig ' : the locusts was edged 1nCh deep pearl." ,1Iha.t need quota.tlon DUla'ks as ·the original sayS .elm 1nste6d of locust but I sIn:cerely hope we can also paraPhrase Clhe title and Cau It ·tihe "Iut" snow in4tead of Ithe ,"first." Another SU1"prise of the same ,k ind WIlS tlhat the ,l arge lump in the coaJ. bill that . I thought was coal was &on .A:prU Fooler and only 8. rock covered lwith coal dust. Mia)" you all ha.ve a joyOUB and blessed Easter.
A19ng The Way By Mrs, BarrieUe Thomas Just a few' more states: 'M'aryland-iNickname, Old LIne, Motto, "Fatti MaBchlJ, !Parole. FeInini (Manly deeds, Womanly Words>, a modUlQa.tlon of the It;a.llan, ,"1 fattl son laschine Ie parole, son flnUne (Deeds ue ma.seullne. words are ,feminine) . State seal a+oo bears th.e 1,a,tin "Scuto hpnae lolUDtatis tuae coronasti nos (Thou has coperect us with the shield of thy good mill). State flower, Black Eyed Susa.n. Maptland was named' in h!>nor of Queen Henrietta, Marla, of King Char~ I of England. 'MBss8.ahusetts _ Nicknames, Old O'olOny, !B ay. Motto Petit Plac1 dam sub lJIbertate Quietem(Wlth bbe Sword She , Seeks Quiet ~ Under Ubemy/'). state Flower, Tr!ill!.ng Arbutus. ~ ctlusett$ is Algonquian ~ ~e meaning "~ce of big ~." Mlch1ga.T\', n1ckname, Wolverine, AU~. Motto, I'SI QU&er1s PeWnsulam Amorunam OIrc1msplce(lf you, are seekJIig a. pretty penlorsuIa. ~ook around you.") aU;o, "Tuerbor (;X Will defend ") State Flower, Apple ];tlO!l· . 1 , som Mich1gan ill an .Indlan name
Friday. 1'9'0, she doesn'·tlike that ~. WIleD • aJmJlar ddDa' hap- black. white-faced thing at all bUt pfinfcI ttIQ.Jar8 aao we were able to &be coulln't help herself, she bad to ""e tile CIlf and ~ 'W88 bItrger submit and the new .baby stripped tbIIl ber mother before the 5WIl~ 'her of what milk she had dn 0. short mer ·... Thta IJlO1'n1n8o i[ wen,t 'time. I 8ball have to bring her up aDd 't1*d to milk her a little some extra. in a. bucket. 8a.tUJ'd.B.y. Llza, as they ca.ll tihe bladtle, 'Was verY glad to b81ve aome ~f mea.! In B. }lIl1Oket and vert qul'Ckly leamed ,to drIIlk. She takes all the I~iter Ma, standing careful11 very cloae and out of range of the klckB. She soon <went over ~d 11 C8lIJJllII~ ' a llbtl1e hay. Allrij Fool 08ught me four ~. After we 'b ad taken care of the Po. AND CONSIGN tzhe ~:wanted. 19 work on the JOIIl' .b op, Ibeep' aDd~", oh1Clt~ fence eo we ~clted out a .' .~ R~BrcIck 00. Dv. Wire 1!OOd. I()CUBt fer an end poet aDd, 'nrm for tbe l blab.. IWith mUdb ,e ffort and JIo gT'C&t many --_... ;t.s ~ sa.wed 'it dowIn and prtcU aM IOOd ..... argumen; , t 11Dioa' 8tock Yaru, . CIfteIn .... O. trimmed lt and set it In t.hepos ..' , -r.me '1Ji on,' Bad1o. S.t.1Gt! WCM,y, ,hole FlOyd had dug, and ~ped meaning "Big sea." , 11:. foG, 12:11C) p. m. 'for OUl' dail1 By that Ume dinner 'W88 r~ .:t.finnesotar-Niokname, Gopher or marte~ n~ and that waS a.ll!We did h t day. ~orth star. MOtto, "L'EtoUe d~
spur of ItIhe moment It may be, rund not by .tour-square proving. Wa., too, had a period of ma.tter on our mlnp aoout ·'c:hu.rc.l1oo." .We ha.ve tbeen. snared liMo caJllng them ,that). Their proclaimed dlfferences, namoo, etc., are the real thorn in each society. We, crave " - - 0. new name written which no man knaweth· - - " Rev. 2:17. liIIter we accepted LhLs ma.ttel' as Providential. Not t he soola themselves Ibut the conflllS'ion Impelled us to an honest-heated search of the ScrlpWr-1lIIt to learn who W1l.S .rlght. Bad nothing of our Own to prove. Waa wUllng to acc:ept the , truth wh8itever it was (F1Qr real tion, surprises and tthrlllS we commend this course to all.) But, '!IDlike the PIlt'ent who' said, "No, I do1l'~t th1nk elther of them will teach her anything 'wrong," our pesl~ve conviction Is that they all 'must be W1IItched, constantly watched. "Prove all things. 'h old fast to i\iha,t wh1ch is good." I Thess. 6 :2~. We have hea~d t.hat '~here are 90Itle who say they dlo nottellevein a 6a.tan. OUr co..'l.ftd&JtlCe ~. in the tea:ch1ng of ~e Bible and 'tha.t can't be excluded; <his "name ill legion." Now it is foolish 1'~.r us to suppose that the "Synagq~e of Satan," "Satan's uea.t,:' Is bullt up in the borders of those things which the World might eall' qlllestlonab1e&. The facta a.re that he operates fx:orn tbe 1rb.lch the ' worldgrramts a:re the best there are, the Jleav,ns. Not the ,h ea.ven of God's, ~hrone and not 'the .stBJTy. heaven, Ibut iIlle tlieavens which are to 8,1way. . That. presumptuous usurper said in b1s lhe&I.rto "I IvirW ascend, info ~ea.'Ven, I 'Will ~t ~ny throne ~e the atar& of O()(i': (a.bOve Gabriel? bhlnk .of it). I 'will sIt also upon the · mOUl1!t the-,oongiep 1n the ~d~ of ;the Inorth. I will aseend above the I clOuds; will be ,wi:e the m98t:. HIgh." I .... lsIII.. 14:13,1,. ("BealIltUul.~ ~~~tlon, the joy of the >whole' earth, is 'M ount Zlon,on the sides of . the oonth. the city of the ollOl'th, the city of the gioeat King.'" iPIJ. 48 :a) O! course Zion is lnln:dtable but · we can Teadlly see itJla,t that counterfelter IW1ll attempt an~. We see h1m :turn t.rutlttS lnt.o l1es. A case In: potnlt: How InBny tunes· have We heard :thls: quotation" "Judge not'
- :'Ense pl~
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m: =:::.::::::::=---.....;...::..---~-~----===~===
,'Star of'
. ~.....~I!!• • •~~..~~~~.~ ·---.--~.I Sta.~ Flciwer, M.occasln floWer. Minnesota. was :the 'S ioux IndJan name a J.oCI!l rivet, ~eaning "the blue water."
or I.
AUCTIQNEERING Stanley and Koogler For ' Dates; Phone 2894, WaynC4-
Vlli!! Ohio, Reverse Charges
L::~:':'~...;.__~_....;,,;;;..;_...;.___....____~___ ~_=======~===:;;;;.o
that ye' be judgM." JOhn 7:24 the same MessIaih' sa.ld,At"Judge not ac-' cordtng to the ' a.ppea.rance, but Judge righteoUs Ju~l8ment.'; Th~e commands dQ ~~ .c:ontrad1ct.U 18 up to us to l~ wlllBt theJ1~teoua judgrrum would be'1:n any oose:;-
Gu . . • Direct
. ,p R*.P's DEPT. STORE
w. 0..,.* &be Entire I'udI7 aDd D ....'
boWl""'" "'"
Th. "'=mple" or ....... and Gomorha allow us to believe that these SCCIa are aliowed to remain, for a time, because of a. certa.ln amolint of trutlh In them. Notice the ott told tale, "A LleuMiraculous with Its mixture of error and truth. We do not discount Godis Provtdences, they are mwni\', many more than we recognize, llUt the Bible, closed: and In our pocket, as 0; of stopping lead bullet.:. could be no more effective ,t han Age of Reason provlded both books :were built up in the same way .. It's the In the Bible believed. accepted. and to ,bhat saves. "MY peopIe are destroyed for lack of Ialowledge." Hosea 4:6. OUr lWeemer, Jesus, as Emanu$l, was the of God" that wrote the la.w. In It we read, "Thou shalt not kill," as Jesus, he said, "~ Ye love lUl' ker>p my oommandments." The author of .thls tale places the respouslQllity of I;he shooting upon mm. If this is not blasphemy what is? True, if parents would "teach tthelr sons about God a,nd not hand them a cigarette and C(J,~ktail glass e,nd dance program. etc" we would not have this world oarnagt' to grieve and .shame us, . To those who cla.imed to be Cl1Udren of Albraha.m (faith) cur 1I4&.sIter said, "H ye were the ohilrlren of Abraham yO' would do the works of Abra'ham," of 'Whom thfl Lord sa.id,. .~ 'know him, that he will !l'>mDumd hiS ~hildren amd household after him that they keep the wr.y of the Lord; ,to do Jl,l&tlce e.nd judgment." QeD,. 18:19. No parents can &hIIt h1a l'esponsibUlty for chi1dren ing the way of Lord onto , any ,sociel¥.. . Yours (or thetrUtn, . "OV!!~ the!f8Y."
To Author or Along tbe Way:
Into your columni most 'humblY l.If paPd.o;! 'l'he PlII't~ ar.t1c1e I tWas the first 01Te rd ever read !.ram , . our 'column. I've been oold tihls ' colurim usua1ly baa an mttrely> d1ff~rerit typ& of ~-1Bl. HOwever, from your opin1Oll rd say ~1l are a Ollr1stian too, now let's get down to rock bottom. what makes u.s a Oluistlan? Just; 0lu1.st: Why: do we :w~nt to b& Christian? Just Christ. What 'will keep Ohrlstlan? Just OhrlSt. It '!We are both Chtillt1an 1"hy are we ' not of
the · SlIme church? wpy don't we grow big enough to step over a,Jl thIS "_ ... n'n -made denomina.tIonal foollshnC6ll, stop fighting each other, .&0 out 8e one to flg·h t the World, the fleSh arid the 'devil? Guess 1m. not e
y one W 0
Phone 23
loOked U!when · dTagged out mtothe open. YOU'Ve the tolerance you seem to have why do 'you express such .'intolerance for th~ 'Who claim to be Do you feel tI,l&.t ·bhey are not sure? You've written 8. pea.ut1ful 'descrtptlon of 8. Cbrla~n, I '6811'ee 'Wit-h y~u. One must believe, 'else why< desire to be one; be
', -
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'RE~ORDS Phone .3N
FOB' aBAL E8TAft LOANS ........... 0Id0
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4 Soutb 8road",&7,
, 'SPIEGEL;S :'oNIEN'S ' . . STO)U: A Complete ~~iok of 'ClothlDc :IUUI. '~~eT)' AT LOW PR~€ES .
PhODe ;' ~,
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.... by~ ........... , "M" lionel ..... I~ t.rt\-
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ChrlSt;1anS were the ones In my own particular chUl'Ch. I 'm wrIttng of Chl'istJans, not church members or the trait.s of 11Idividual Christian chanlCters, Just how eaoh one works out his olVn problem in Ohristian living is his own business and lUone of mine. You probwbly a(e a !far better Ohl'lsLlall than I, my friend. lIhere are so mallY things that make me feel I'm just a.bout the ,poorest specimen He has. but I still belollg to Him. I'm just l\ sinner saved by the grace of a. merellul GOO. Toleromt of t he faultl; of others? Yes, because so mallY of own. Perh8j)S I should not have made the comment on your klea that seemed to m e m1sleaclmg. I promise [ won't llgaln. Have I visited 'o ther churches to (know Wha.t I'm 'ta.lktng about ·, I have and do. It's not Lhe sple..'1dld people I meet there that I crlWclze, it's the man-made creeds 1;1lat are endangcl'ing bhe souls or tJ1CSC peo_ pIe. The hidden poison that breaks 'out maybe in only a few pla.ces. I don'~ want to quarrel with other churches, ,b ut I've studJ~d those creeds, bo.Ne you? I 've met suah I'Lne people in alJ churches, 1t's thaIt I lOVe people and tWant safeLy for their souls that I could e,ry when even I hear that "one ehUl'ch is as good. aa another" Idea expressed. I meet It ev&y day" it keeps Christ lans a'p art, It hinders the progress of ohnst's kingdom, It Is endangerlong the souls of men by do~bt and 1ndec1s1on. Today a niend asked me a. ClUeStion about' the creed of church 's he intends to Join on Easter day. ' After a. llttle talk I !mew one tbinti, my . d~ lJttle !friend was, a 0htlstJan. ' Ob, 'What Wouldn't .1 do ~r ,give to scrap that man written and bring her .to Christi The preacher SOoys !We are living In the age described In the f1r.st cha.pter 01 BIomans, tbat Ohrlstians need to keep !their heads and their footing. . "'..... people ,Let's try Jlarder. ..... J c hurch . . don't pretend to . be better ,t han those of any oth!!r chUrch, they are.-just h~ly and prayerfully sure of their soul's condition and Why and how It is come about. They know In whom 't hl»' have believed. Th~ very first step In consolldaltlon of churChes will certainly have to be a ~ Scra.pping of creeds and rlt\lals. Than.lc qoct that creed tha: t :
Louis C. nudle" I'lls'or Chlu-ch school at 9:30 a. m. Worship service at 10:30 A. M. ST. MARY'S EeISCOPAL eDURCH Ralph Parks, Mlnlater In Char,e Churcll scbooi at 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon 11 :00 a .. m.
FEItRY CH11RCD OF CIIRIST Herbert Graham, Mlnuler
9: 30 a, 10.45 a. 11 :00 a. 7:30 p.
m., Bible school. m.-{)ommunlon. m.-Bermon. b.-Preacl11ng.
FRIENDS 9 :30 a. m. , Meeting for Worship, J '):30 a. m.
First Day school,
ST. AUGUSTINE CIIURCH Father Krumh.1ts, Prlet& Mass Sunday 9:00 a. m . . WAYNESVILLE CRUaCH OF CBBlST Mas RaIlclall, -M1I111&er Bltile SchOOl 9.30 a. m. Oommim1on 10:45 a. ~ Prea.::htng, 11 a, m. Young People's meeting 6:30. Evening lservice at 7 :30. You are Invited to come and wor,hip wi til \II, l\IT. 1I0LLY 1\1. E.. CHURCH T M. Scar". Minister 5unda~ SchOOl 8:30 a. m. Eo A. Earnhart, Supt. . Evening 8erVlce. 7:30 p . . . • __
Will pay $2.00 fore Dead Horaes, $1.00 fO.r Cow.. Sheep, Ho••, Calve. . and Colta REMOVED PROMPTL'£
11------:::-:----:;;;Phone Wayne.vil~e Tbe
Warren Coun&y
1s1: ~. ~m~a~k~ln~g~my~~li~btl~e~f::rIen~d~J~u.s~t~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,
ROXANNA . A '.\' .
Waynesville~ Ohio .
• -
" Ph9D~ 2878
1I1~~~~~~~~~~~~=::=====~=s:=:==~~= ~
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'Shoes for &be F~mll7 . . XRAY Fl'l'TING Complete 8tOek tAl, Choose . From· .i All ' Time.
,. "
, ,SH.ADES ,
~(, Ch ure h es gI,.,:. I don" kn~ Jmw my , letter gave the impression tJ1at 1 :-============o.J ,thought was th(LL t.he only ME'l'UODIST CHURCH
Just didn't rea.ltze how that 9PlnJon
• ...,
,not really rea.ll,le Ibhey are need of. I hOPey ;X've h. not ofItended andI am sorry , still salute the JWlbo are ",ure" of th...... ..
world by my Olu'IsVs own a H.e".' l l '"'. 'to come to Him wonI, . 'by fai th repent of my many Dns. be fol' the 1'OIl11s510n of "",,. ,.,'" .,,,, to go (.<t" '" w.1k In Hls path and H e will own me as H1s own and 'give Ito mt' the gUt oJ HIs Holy Spiri t. I've done t.hose things and I know m.y OIu-1st. wUl keep HIs prcnnlse. he is no Inc11a.n
~I ::~~~v:~e~ I lbe1lev.e so ['ve decided you YQU !thillk
'to . 11 th
""un",,, rbld .r know bhelr creeds do not fa an d or condemn. 1 dO not cl'ltlcJze the 'faults , .., , of people, r ,people and it 'Want f ()II' them 'w,hat 50llle , of them do
, . PboDe 111L
""lid';' '"'
but it's IIcmd1ng tihe souls 01 men·
THE REXALL STORE MAke Oar Store Your Headqllal1en
,.... ... . 'F'U"
:wrong meanlong·,I do not criticize an\y eral opinion expreseed of , inv.olves doing HJs wlli. "If any man Indivtdual when I protest the gen_
BUll Line &0 County Sea'
::,. ....::"..:;h: bu' '" 1m" , 11 bOut It and loves me jILSt ows a a Ithe sBme I "'ve n ' ht 'to lih e name "Olli'tst-. .. and I know It. I CUll p.rove I L Inri"
churches. It 18 a <Ia.nIerous op1n1(m, yoU PIUl6 on to others, th1s ..~ church 18 as good as another" idea. ill beaUtlf~ to Ita.lk ~t \ JIl8(YIbe,
Sh~p~. In
. ..
, I·
. . . . """•• "e",,"y HIm," .... """ .r ..... ,....'" ... ,.... Bu, 01 jb. . . . .' " t Not $1 'unlike our American crowds. as !,pace is l!Jlillled, we requ.e st obVious: To amy prates , ......:.min ' ..... ed tbat let&ers be kept Ils shOrt as pos- aga.inst a.ny violence dope to a t.ruth, Monday . .. ''''' mo g we ...., 01' ai:alnsl. traditIons of men, or, to plow ,the garden: 'b ut It was mud- sible. , .' , The Author of '; 'Along The dy and hard pullinS' .so we . Was ,II"hat Onehave /lect.you. !earle.ss of ' the doom p'I'nlnlsed to those who add Ito or It those woolly worms 'Ilh8It medlcred way," anA O thel'oS: .., w. ha" .... n.m. " ...., th• ..".". com. • " " ...... ? <1nU' •.ow tho ,.k. This a.rtemooll was ,t he big auc- impulSe to write, and deny that we Illalldll1ent to make way for I!lumerWon fol' \.l1e Red at the Com"argue You have been ous .images and forms of, doctrine. mWil<y Sal.. Who. , '"" 00 _h abou, 00"" woo ... tho momb", betthere it was in full swing . The asking tbe folks 11101. to "X" the t.myed . We need to make our callstock had been sold and \1hey were Ohrist out or the word Christmas, tng and election sure to be able to not .half way down the floor selling etc., (thank YOU) that your sub- esca.pe all ,t hese t hings that sha.ll al1 sorts and kinds of thirlgs. 1Rus- mission to the uns\:alble decision of to J}ass and to stand before sell and the regular°~f 'Were sell- the UIlllonned pa~~1t In question ~~:~ of n~n." Luke 21 :36. the -
I • •VIC:E. INC:.
Natlollal ·Adv.rttstng Repr.,.ntatl••
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-.....:.. "'- .
..._ - ....Walt -
__________________ __ ~
Miami Gazette Files
FJFri:~ YEARS AGO (AprU 3, 1929) This oomm'UDlty WM shocked Uld horrified last saturday , morn1ntr \When the Ilewt! of M1sa Ada Michener's ·trai1e death was received. N1ss Michener. 8C00Jnpan1ed by Miss 1Hl1da Lehman and 'iMIss l!lUza.beth Munyon of OOlumbus, and ' MIss Ruth iLu:kens of iMarlon. returned from Celevlsmd Friday night where the party had e.ttended . ·8, taec.hera conference. and the Sour were enroute to their bomes to spend the sprq vacation 'When the car in which they' lWere ri~ plung ed into a &wolen stream dear Iberla., 8>nd a.ll were drowned. The d~e fog that hung over the veJley Is ~~ought flO have ob5curedthe viston of Miss Michener. the driver of the car. who, falling to see the Sharp tUllll in the l'OOd leOO1ng to the sma.ll bridge, drove over a. 15 - :toot embanlcnmlt 'into seven feet of 'w a.ter.'I1wo brobhers, ClW'les E., manager of the Farmers ExchAnge Co., a.nd WU1~ , a. teacher in the Pit.tBbUl'glh SChOOls, surVive ~er. Joseph Henry Ha.Wke, eldeSt BOIl of Ph1l1p and Emma Collett Hawke, was born .A.ugust 25, 1M!), ILDdi died
March 28. egeci 'J9 J'I8l'8. The Ma.roh m!euna of ·the New Oentw"y club 'w as held at. the borne of MlrB. WUbur Clartt. , Mrs. ' Harvey Rye and c1a.uBfhter returned home 8e.tunla.y a.1'tIer a visit. w'itlh rel&tlvee in OleveJanq. The ma.rrt&6e of MIs8 OladyslHarlan and John D. BolIn was solemn!zed in St. iAndrews--'Eplacop8Il church, Da.yton, 8a.turda,y, . M8l'Ch 30, with Rev. John J. aooaetfer offtcla.tlne. The couple W88 at.tended by ~ MrB. carl Frye. Elti1u UnderWood died at his
1HarV~ 8e.turd&y, March 30. Funeral services were beld at the IW!h1te Brick. Meetlng House MondaY' afternoon with in..ennent in Miami cemetery. ,L ast minute retuIn8 show that Warren oounty received six out of 22 p1a.cles in the schoJa.rsh1p oonte6t in the Southwestern dlatrlct" oomprlslng 116 count1eS. :Waynesv1l:le took two. as tollows: OlW'Jee Wbitaker, 0Besar Latin III a.nd Burdette J8.IClkBOO, American 1HJBtmy.
home near
thE MIAMI CAZEffl ___
parish was held in the church on Mooday evening. The election of wardeDII QIld v~en resulted as tollows: W. H. Allen. senior warden; J. H. doIeman. jumor W84'!ien; vestrymen. L. A . Z1.ipmerinan, D. L. Crane, O . J , Edwa.rcla, E. L. 'l1homa& and El. V. 'B arnhai1;. Mr', and Mrs. R. O. cross attended the ,f uneral of E. E. Bomermter at Hamlet, Brown oour.J.ty, sunday. - 6ome-a:uto prlces ~ GattUla.c, 42lI70; C(lJe, $289&; Franklin, $2250; HalYnes $1050; Hudson, $2050; LooOmoblle, ' fSli50; Marmon, $3760; Mercer. $3850; National. $215tJ; Paige, $1870; iP1eroe-Arrow, $6500; Premier, ~85; W nite, $5,000. Ask for, a free demonstl'Q~lon of the Saxon Six-Ray F. MUls, Dealer, Waynesville . '1'he body of J . D .Gard o.rrlved here FrIday mOl'llllng, and the luneral was held In the Ohapel Monday afternoon at 2:30, Rev . J olly off1clB~ . Interment In M1am1 cemetery. M1IB Mabel 8a.l1sbury o! Oxford college Is spending her spnng vac:ation with her family. ,FI.raOIt Zell. Mr. and Mrs. J . O . Hawke and ·Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Parr spent Sunday with relatives in
(WedDe.cIa" AprU 2, 1919) Il'he annual meeting 01. St. Marys I Sabina. iMrs. IIan'y StokeS, J.oel Stokes, Ertnest Buttel'WoIilh, B. V. Smith. E. S . Balley. Oran Stzawn, John strawn and wUe, M16s One. St.ra.wn . IMPARTIAL FAIR and CbaB. Michener attended P0mona Orwge at Monroe, Saturday.
FJFI'Y YEARS AGO (MarCh 31, 18M) Perry Kenrick Is improving Ilnd en1arging his hoU&e on the Franklin pike. IMlss Jeas1e Clarke of CinClni"llllt! spent Sunday in Waynesville, the 8'I1est of M1sses l!:mma and Anna
iHel&ibwa,y •
WA~aib Marin.. AJI:.r 23 'Days oj Fighl:ing"
109 Wi MaID Sa.
"' ........... 1066
to ·80tdb
Phone lU B
o American Fruit Grower......SI.7/1 Girl .................... UO o American Home, 2 Yn. .... .2.75 o American Poultry Journal 1.15
o American
o Better Cooking Be
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secretary. 08ikley RI~:e; treasurer, Chas. Small; ehle!, A. Mat!Jtt; 1st fureman, hose line, ~'r8ink Pratt; 2nd foreman, W. O . (Raper; foreman. 'n-ook,6lld ladder. Ed. Hanby . J()bn O . Oo.r.twrlght was baptllsed a.t Christ's Episcopal church, Dayton. last Sunday and will be confirmed tomorrow. The old tllacksm111h Shop <m the ,p roperty, recently p~ by Mr. I.e.mar has been torn Iliway, a new buil.d1ng wl11 soon ,be le rected in Its stead to be USed for a teed store tllld crocker factory. 14essrs. Frank Barnhart, F. H . Farr, Janres Stoops, Chas. Dunham, Wlll Zell, Allen Hat.nes, Alger Gard, Ai Shutu; and H. rH . King were in 1.ebanon Wednesday on business pertaJ.n1ng t{) the I.O.O.F. James J. Oorbett ]Y.LS6ed through Xen1a. recently and whUe wa.1tln8 tor 'IL train, strolled up, town. When his IdentJ,ty boe.me kl:1O\VJl a great ,crowd began to follow him and when he 'Wetlt into a. ~la1oon to play eo 81Wle of ·pool the doors had. to be locked to keep 'back the multitude. William Rogers died. a.t his home here Tuesday. He was 77. 'F or many years he conducted a livery stable now man:aged by Mr. lBarnhart, and took a grea.t Interest 1Jn fine horses. 'I'he flrst nne vehicles ever brought to WaynesvWe were h.1s. ·
ROY V. HULL Sewina MaChine Supplies BepaJrt.q of AU IS Eo
~ W. 1IIaID Jill.
.... ...... -
L&DDli ImADY TO.wua &e,a_ldIe
6111 N E Y'·S
st. '
.. .
• • •
Jam&:! F. Merkel, a. native of Marion county. has been a.ppolnted !IS chief 01 the State Division of SecurIties, to suooeed PaUl L . Selby. whom we a.nnounced la8t week 'h ad 'been sh'Uted to the State 01rector of Oommerce.
MILTON'S. . PboDe 1&51
x ...... o.
Xenia .
S~~ndard Parts 1'08
AD.\I~S . N. De&roK &, XenIA FIDe PIIrDI&are for Ofti' 10 YI!iU'llIIII
Truck, Car aDd Tractor
II1II ... ., . . . . ., . . _"_""1 'J.'nIea.. ... h EhlMl....
Motor Co.
. . . . . . . . . IL -
o o
-=:=..._.._ ...... _
o o o o o
o o
o o
5-Magazine Special!
"It'aN""""''''''•..... 'r..i...
Pathfind« ..... 1 Yr. • •• HOUMbold Me&- 1 Yr. . • ,.. True SlOt)' ••••• 1 Yr. , . ...........
AmericaaPoakiy . JounW ..... 1 Yr. Farm louruUt Fanner', Wire 1 Yr. o
'275 "
C"",, - ....... 4-'-4 .." - " Knd me &be ...palae cbcdced. Of &be '·MaauiAe ..5pulaJ. .nrh· • ;car', tub,erlpdo,!;'10' Jour DeWlp~. . N_
Sand & Gravel ~
wins the
nomlllatlan. la elected Governor and , didn't serve out; hla term? .
• • • The third p&.l1ty In Ohio, that we
mentioDed eeveN.l fteb aao.
probably offer a full slate of candlda1el. The old ProhibItion Party, with natlond financial b8ICk1ng and
M..ter Mix '~I2% Chick Concentrate u a base for • chicle
atarter~ ~t c:o:ntaina ill ~. euential nutii~b-vitaminl. proteins, and·min~JacldnK In crain. Our 11f"~el' Mix Poultry Form~a ChaJtahowa yo_u how to make an ecorioniica1. ~cec. starter,
uaiDK your ,own bome-1!'OWJl Knina. ,
ARMITAGE & SON P.hone Waynesvllle 2911 Morrow Plione No. 3 Lebanon: Office Phone i73 K Residence 98 M
---"~~"'-r"1 ~I_~ I eridoee. "-
ca'n . pfoduce quick, sturdy rrowth when you 'uso
AlftJIII IIIrb Q ...... 11'" ~"""IW.
either HuUman or Rea.Ins 'WOUld have better than Q 50-50 chance in ·the fall, with Roosevelt heacl.\ng 'their ticket . . • Prazler also has a "corner of the state" in hlI; ''Vest pock.et," wltJi N. W. Ohio going "all out,for him" . •• lAnd don't dJBm,I.ss James W. Huffman lightly, :with Vic Donahey ius f'ILthcr-ln-llI.w. in ibis corner. This is e&pturlng the lmaglnaltlon or the rank and file in botli of the other corners also • . • ~t's still anyone'a race .
Joe Ferguson had a "surprise candidate" file against him for State Auditor, when it was thought that he woUld be unopposed In the ,P rimaries • • • The na,m.e "Ed D!ly" Is 8. formld81ble .n&Il)e in Ohlo, ' and if be puts up a fight, w11l give Joe . Dale Stwnp wit.hdrew !rom the Republ1ca.n race lor Atty" oene'ra.l the "battle of 'his life." this week in favor oJ Herbert D. MaIl'tln L. SWeeney of Cleveland. Mills, of oa,yton. "the fly in the olnanent" for Want to Do Repairing? I.e.usche In the Democratic race for Governor, ''Will benefit greatly by Advertising Shows Energy' the big vote given John McSweeney Want to Sell HOUS$old Qooda? in tile last Primary election. Advertising . Keeps Old Customen Serious concern Is being shown by ADVERTISE IN THE GAZET'IE some poUtiCial leaders. over ~e poosl'b1ltty that OhiO's Herbent Hoover may be govemor IW1thout their blessing sane day . • . The name '\Herbert Hoover" Is popular ap1n In RepubUcan c1rcles. It baa.. been TARWA..J..lTHilC TAR AND good inprevlous electlOl18, with no !WAll OIL, EXCAVATINO' .; campe.i&ln " • Oppositlon groups 'DUMP TRUCK SERVICE , . s~; "WhaIt if Boover. Is nominated READY MIX CONORETE lor Lt. Governor, in a large field. and Jim Stewart, who is not a
PhoDe 9CKB
. OAUGs stJft'LD8
Don't be SUliPrlsed if sensl!.tionru MUllan." headed by Rev. Gerald L. agreementa are announced In both K. Smith, in his campaign for the parties, to Iform tickets gUaranteeing Presidency. the nomination of the strongest CIliI1d1dates' in large fields. A state-wide legislative conference for all Ohio lFe<1el'QUon of lAlMartin L. S weeney 's entry into bar af.f1liates was held on Sunday the DemocratiC race for governor, afternoon, at the Nell House tn has taken a'Way the "boog-a-boo' of OoI\UIlbus. to WOl'k out plans for the Mayor Frank Lausche's "running O~t1on's ca.mpalgn to ha.ve 8IWay with the show." WIthout tts members registered for the im- Sweeney, many belleve that be could portant 1944 eleot1ons . . • That's 'Win the nomination but couldn't reel demOCZ'8CY' In oper'a.tlon. be elected in the fa.ll. They lQel that
• • •
Gov. Bricker has won the support
at. tlle powerful "Committee of a
LADIEs B.EADY-TO-WEAB Spedell,,,1&' in J~ors
• • •
Gov . Bricker indicated laM week, that he would be glad to a.ooept the Vice Pres1dency, 1! the "l18htning dJdn't strike for top honors."
EYE C.A B E Tbroqh' l'roperb' FU&ed £7e . ' GlaMf!I Our Speelal', ,
HOMB and AUT9 SUPPLIES Phone 500 . II W. Main st.
13 1-1 W.
PhODe '8'JW B. MaIn at.
a strong church-front, will ~ circulating petlUons soon to be on the ballot t.hls fall • • . About 19.000 signatures w!ll be required. !We are not at liberty yet. to mention the name of the candidate for Governor.
Xenf:a. o.
PboDe ~ 3
Homemaking ........._ .._ ... lUll IUO 1.65 Cbild Life .............._ _ 2,95 CbrUlian Herald _ _._ 2.50 o Coronet ..................._._ ...... 3.50 Country Gentleman, 5 Yn.. 2.00 o Etude MUlic' MagazIoe...... 3.50 Fann JOO. &: F'rm'n Wife 1.65 o Flower Grower .................... 2.50 o Forum-Column Review _. 2.95 o Houscllold Magazine _ .•". 1.65 H}'!leia ... 2.95 o Liberty.................................. 5.95 National Dlgat Monlbly.. 5.45 o Nature (10 Iu., 12 Mo.).... 3.45 o Open Road (~ Iu., 14 Mo~ 2,25 Outdoon (12 la, 14 Mo.) lt2!i Pathfinder ~ ......,................... 1.00 Photoplay·Movie Minor _ 2.50 PopUlar MechanlCl ..... "...... 5.%5 Popular Science Moothly_ 5.00 o Poult:ry Tribune ............,... 1.65 o Reade" Digest ... ".._ •._ 4.%5 R.edbook Magulne _ '_ s.u O!ia'emJaod _ UO SUver Screea !JiO Sporn Afield ........._ I.U Succcasful Fartnint _ 1.75 O ,True Story _ ..:..._ _ _ I.U U. S. Camer, ~ %.15 o Your Life _ ...~ ...........,........... 5.45
o Boy's Life ..........._ _ o Cappe~" Farmer ~..
'0 our 81Ibtai&en, ..
Any Magazine Listeel and Thi S Newspaper,8oth for Price Shown
.We BeD Ever,tbln, "PIaODe 111 as B. Main
CH~Y '
PhoDe , ..
GAUOWAY . . aDd .:
....... S.".... • IIepIrtiIr
£I,M WCI' MaIn 81. ' 111 ...."'..._
JO. . I.8
S·HOP .IN ' XENlA! ........
..._..... .
.... ott...n, bu•• ID pri... oa ,0" ....PlPI! In<! I.vori •• m •• uu.... you ...... rIolo . p_per elthet ift comfrinatloll wlda . ., ' one o' lb... IT,," populu "'••• u..... .r with do. '.MoII..... ~ Specill be.ow. /le.... dI. ~o u like b...... rh.., 611 ID rhe <ou_ ... ..ad II ro UI. P.'!""" do It rip, ••• ,.1
'l1he eJalIkBvi1le Is the name a paper started in our nelghboriDe vWage last week. Dr. Wa.y a.nd <!aughtsj Ml8B Pann1e, twere Clncinnati vJaltorB Tuesda.y ~. and. a.tteDded commencement of the Ohio ' Dental oolleae. JOhn Lamar. son of C. 1. Lamar, At the Republican Primary May 9, 1944 proprietor of the Telegraph MllllI. baa rented Mra. &nina Parr 011.If I am elected Sheriff I will conduct . Sdn's house and will mana&e the tlour and feed store ,t or his ta~her. Dr. Henderson and I . E. Keys the office to the. best of my ability and will have concluded t1i8.t being a member of that august; body, the coundevote my fQll time to the duties of the ofREAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ell, la an empty honor amd ate not CIIDdldatei for ·reelection. O. . Among · recent real ,estate trans'fice. ~our Support will be sincerely apprel"UnatoD baa CODCluded ;to try a sec.. f~rs were the lfollowi'lIf: oDd hitch and Dr. Way and A. L . c,tark C. 8.nd SteUa ,Mae Saggeant ciated. PmT are ~tes for the va.can- to Rollo S. and Lulu n. Kirk, 106.76 des. acres in Waahington ·I;wp. The IW8.ynesvWe F'lre Department :Respectfully yours, Andrew C. Thompson t:o Donald beld ita re8U1ar annual election last T. and Naomi BaIrd. lots 14. 1&, 16 Monda¥ at whlch time the follow- and 17 in. fiaysvWe. CORWIN NIXON. Samuel S. ScovWe to Howard W. ina ofIfi1cers !Were elected: !Pres., H. a.nd Annette J . case, part of lot W. Pr1n1.z; vIce pres., J : H . Caskey; 207 in Lebanon. • Blanche Wade to Mary S. Hammond, .22 acres in Weoyne twp. George W. iHa.wke to Harold D . and Erma M. Fry, 72 acres In I-Wa-Y'lle.<l twp. H. L . Rye to D. C. and QladYS TIRES AND CAS DiRECT BUS LINE FROM WAYNESVILI·E SAVE McClanaha.n. part of out lot 2 in Springboro . Harry IW. and MaUd M. CUne to MON1JIDNTS .. MAUKBBIJ THE XENIA NATIONAL THE CR,TERION JosePh S. and Dovie Brockman, 5-8 BANK Xenia, Ohio acre in Washington 1IIwp. Oblo'. MOl' CoIDpide ~1I»Ia' , 18I5-UH KUPP~NR~ q.oTRES The Peoples Building, I.na.n and pAPITAL aDd SURPLUS "1.000 . . GEO. DODDS and SONS S&I'o.., - FrleDtll7 8wuon Ba&a ArrowSbIr&a Savings Co.. to (William S. and "SlDee 1..." BeIIa.,le Accoiiiiiiii"aUiij Clara Belle Lee, 10 'Bl;res in Wayne FRED F. GRAHAM CO. bwp. C. A. DABE and SONS ISALY'S CAFETERIA Wall Paper, PaIn... G .... WWiam E. and ElsIe Mae Stroud LUNCHES .. ICE 0aEAM Your ldcConDkk-oe.... PAINTERS SUPPLIES to John F. e.nd Lula Mae Rlley, A Good Place &0 Ea' Implemen' Dealer 1'-19 'So. WbI&emaal st. . 62.71 a.cfes in ..Wayne twp.
QUICK' SERVICE For' Dead Stock-
• ~------------~------~~-----------------------------------~p~~--~~~~::::~::::~:=~:~--~~~~~~~~~----·----~------~----------~~------~~o--.~n-.--_-E-_~.-_-.-,_-, ~_~_--_--_--._--E
~1.ocal N(~ ~"~'The Balkan,Tinderb0'1J}llmmmmJJ Bre!;.1i:hery .. Y~U~=:mTO
w. OffeJ' Satisfactory
Rankin !LJnV1lie of Mlam18burg on ..... .--1.,y -'eftb~ . ',n......- ~. ....... • •• • Mr. 8Itld Mrs .• George MUler and son'. George , Jr" "pent Sunday , a,t the hOme of Mr, and Mrs : Bud Nartkor of CI~t1. • • e
At All
I. · ·
l\Us. Orace L. Sm1Vh was among the gUests at a dinner on Sunday
when: Mr. rund Mrs. MUo MUtenPel'gel' , in, honor of
t.he1r little son's first birthday an-
Mr. and Mrs. A. H . Dlmhart a.nd sons entertained to Sunday dID .. ner Mr. and Mrs, carl eroll !lll.d 1800 Germaul.owli Road, MiddledaU8'hter. Mary Sue, ot Franklin. town. Are 'l'he ,B ottkrs and DiII-, Jon' • and Mrs. EaiI'l Ea.mhart and children. BarlJara Ann and Elwood, trlbut.ors of "CLEO-COLA, The Drink Toot 1s Both A 'l'hirSt ' Mt. and Mrs. Will FIsher, Mr. Quencber ADd' A Maer And O(f~ and Mrs. Eall'l Earnhart a.nd LaMar A Combination That Takes ')'he Ea.I'nha.ri were din~er guests of Place Of Many . . . Oilers Excelkiends in Newpor.t, Ky., on Sat- .I ent DeUvery S~ce Over The Surroundin, 'l'erritory , , . Cleourday · evening . Cola. Is Rapidly Galnin&' In popu• • • Mrs. I.oui8a Lemmon. Mrs. Rdch- larity All Over This Part of The ~ IK aiater ,and da.ughter. Beverly, Country. They Have "A Flavor For Dial 2111 - Wa7De.YJUe of~. 8~ evening Every Taste,. .. TeL l\lidd1eguest. of Mr. and 1Mrs. Ennes~ Hart. town 26101. sock. Mr. K09Q.ter recently> lett for Carters Beverages ere one of the \!~;;;;;;========;;:;;;:,:/,mWtary service, foremost distributors o~ beve1"8gCS Miss MaTy E1la. Stanton of bec8iuse their popular "Cleo-OOla" 8pr1naboro 18 the house guest of Mr, W:JSwers. practically, e.ll Jthe demands of tile day and brings Q ,aDd \M.ra. J. B. Ohapman. • • • ,larger trade tQ, iloUnta1n.s, service lin . Ir.WOOd Towson and daugh- staLions. stores and bars handling 1 • tera 01 M!amisbllllP spen~ FrIday. at them, the hmle Of Mr. and Mrs, Orville TheY have a modern plant wh.ere GTay. e.ll the ia.te equlpmtmt for the botMr. and Mrs. Wm. Wickman 6lld tling of Oleo-Oola is carried on. All ch1ldren, Anne Louise IUld William. modern. scientific' devices have been Installid for the complete st.erlllzaAlII, ~ ., ' ThaDlla anil OARD OF T'HANKs tlon of every bottle as well as the 0IIItarltII .... eIaarpd for a' &he N • . , . . _ , . . . . . . minimum 'llhe many kind expresstons of latest capping equJpment , The in........ lie. A WAIl' A4 InIened tor Sympa,tby extended to us in our gredients are wholesome II-nrl _pure, ......... it cbaqtIcl at Ie a word. recent bereavement were gratefullY' and, thus whm Cleo-Cola l'l ready for the traqe it Is a. bottle that ofJ'Oa '8AL1I: -.; WaWDI Products at rece1ved and apprec.lated. fers not only good looks but n. coniMr, and rMirs, p. M. D&.IdnI 31· ff. ~,LebaDon. Open tent thalt ·is very wlth , ~he and Famfiy • . . -. for J'OW' con"enience. public,
woOed . • • TeL WaynesvlUe 2916: .
Carters Beverages
Ol& Untner. Pbone
4f ,.
-Ml-O-RN-IN;U-V-)C-E11:00 A.. M. .. Topic, "THE WORDS OF JESUS
The Duilhom Breeder Hatchery AS HE IIlJNG ON ·THE OROl:JS" ~ ~ 1188 coll1t.rlbuted. by a very supetlor \. EVENING SERVICE Sl:l'Vlce to the rapid adVance lIJ. . 7:300'Clock POUltry l'aJslng over ,the country in Topie, "NOW IS TIlE specializdng thro~ modern hatohBlod See . AOOEPTED TJME" ery methods and breed dmprovemellt (This Is in answer to a question 111 lfIle development 01 a truly great a 'rle~ asked &he minUter, ''Do atra.1n of White Rooks. a leadi!lg you only lake members Into &he "dual purpose" farm breed, churc.h on Easter SnDday''') 1':, Is a long way from the oldfashioned. wild ohitken 1;0 their WEDNESDAY EVENlNG-':,so sclelllt1.tlca~ produced IUld !e4 line (Parent. who have bo7W or ,..... of White Rooks. IUld all the distance in UIe sen10ea ~la1ly inYitec1) has: been !.raveled qy their intensive development, mit onlyIor the flOCk, MAX RANDALL, but for esg production and markets. Mini.ter Colen, of BIlWChester. Mrs. Stanley !18 there wouJ~ be no great incentive Phone 2993 H'Ur:!.t, Mr. and Mrs. Walter B'Ur8t ( to create good poultryt if there was _ _ _ _ _ _ ". , . __ y and !famllYl of Dayton and Mr . and riot a suitable outlet for them. 'Mrs. Lawton Webb ~d oh1ldren. 'The o!f1c1a1 egg laying contest The ladies who attended the 'z one reool-ds, 83 well as, their Ohio u.s.a. They are boned. with a 1te~e. remeeting of :the Woman's Socl8ty .Of O.P. White Rocks offer a. "sure s1U~ Sp1re1la stay. TheJ are inChristian Service of the Dayton d1s~ ,foundat.1on" 'for poultry fann a.nd div1dually des1ined and cut BDd trlct ~eld at Lebanon Friday, \1re1'e: <haItcllery breeder flocks. IUllYOne 'Who 1& not swt1a1ied with Mesdamea E, B. Longac;e. Prank The Dunham R.O.P. White Rock their appea.rapee, should -get a demKUllfls, Eo.rl Young, P. M. Cornell. hens have been conslstent winners Ol16tra.t1on I()f the Splrella, &II thla J. B. Jones. Fred !Rush, Ralph Bar- in NatJonol _ Layln8 Contests. made-to-measure Bl!rv1ce w1ll, withger, J. E , Sm1t.h, Allen Hole. 'Ed. The WhIte Rooks ·t'.oo ,w in their out question, give you a :laSWlg Bu~ell, C. S. Smith, Therle Jones, high place in the 'poUl~ world 00- pleasure and keep ,:your llgure 'lookWalter Kenrick, !Lesl1e 01'&)'. Martb twoIng its best. .. ~.., ton. J as. maker. ~use; ' Ineythearebijl)Wng 8. She thorou ' PUJ ...ht..~ ........... _..ae-.ftA. garet Johns, O'harlea C ...... ~way' the money reoord 11 ....... the Johns. Vernon Pursley and Robert ma1dng strain, they. bave given full construct.1on of these COl'IietAt and Hunt. conslderation >to both 1ll1!I8.~ and C8'Ir ot:ters a. complete servioe. The flexEveryone Is InVited to a.ttend , the production qualltLes. They are Ib1e wire stay of the SplreUa proEaster services at Lytle chllnlh !leB known for fast grOW'tlb. early feath- te0t6 their gannenta from los1nr Sunday. A sunrise mee$g on the er1ng, la,l'1re .lWellY8haped bodlea and their shape a.nd ma.kea thepll~ lavm, an egg hunt for the 'hlg.h l1v~ty 8S chicks, ptilletB aDd and 'Worth repairing. ' an Easter breakfaat at . the cblirch. old hens. .JIt Wlllibe ~ for iladlee and miasfol~ed by! Sunday school. Is on The latest sdenWlc metl1ods, mod es.ro get ~ <touch 'With Jennie WhitIt he Jll't!8I'8lIl. em equJpment, rigid 88I!l1tary pre_ ~ and enjoy -the health. comfort, cautions throUghout the entire poise and stsSe Which a 8p1relli1, ofRATION REl\UNDER plant,' pz:oper k:1nds of food are au fera t.bem. , ------. elements tb&t make this one Of the --:.------MEATS, ETC, - Book Four 100- mqdel estabUsbments · of '1ihe whole t~Eltlt point ted stamps A-8, B-8. C-8, D-8. ....... .;. .....,. .....e ~.~ .... A_ Breeder ....... ,)' ..., ......... E-8, P·8, G8, H-8. J-8 V8l1d nnW -Hatchery Is n, a 'member Ofu the Ohio ~lr •. IIl1rleti . . .'. ·. ' ll........ Clurre •••• used. K-8. L-8 and M-8 WW be,valld !Poulb'y.'Improvement A.s8'tn. I.B.O.A, An Eaater INJl1iIIe service w1U be' April 9. . and ohio &by ~ Assoclatl~. held , at the ~ creek Ch$tI&n PROCESSED FOODS--:-Book 4 ahurch neXt 8uPda.y oiorning at Blue stamps, A-8. B-S, , 0-8. [)'S, 6 :30 ... m. It ,will be 8. aerv10e of ' E-S, F-S. O~S, B-a. J a and K a rood , WOrIIbiP coJDPl'l,slns ~ 1IUllor 10, pointe ~ unW. uaed. · . SPIQI.J.A OOB8~ Ido,~,~ . pMid'WIClll
--_e ___ _
~~lure ~uneral ~ome
---'-_. .. -
• • •
mqe (Il'lmm~Si&ille ~5~~
And Farm. R. No. 2. and Branch. Lebanon, Are Greatly Aldin, ' Our tlctory 'PrOf!UD For ' Better . J' oOd ProducUo, n Throu,h Their Development of Dunham U. S.R.O,P. and U. ~. Certllled Wblte lWc}ks, Be~ter For lleaL and Eggs. • . Order Now and See Them for Better B~ ChJcks For ''Food FIChl.s For Fr~~"om" •.• Every Chick R .O.P. I~d, Vigorous and PuUorum Con-
Nr. mid Mrs. Herilertl Oraba.m r w~re week-end gues~ of Rev. and and daughter Beltha ¥m, were MIs . Ra,lph ParkS ~d Mr, and Mrs: d1nrier l'l1ests of' iMl' . an4 , Mnt. A. W, Merrtok.
with Mr. a.nd Mrs. E:Verett Early, !Mirs. 'Rut.l\ Pallner and. Bobby Morgan. Rev. and Mrs. O. E, Vice were dinner 'guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph JOhns anlli Mr, and Mrs. James JollDs. Clifton MUler. wno has been ill for' several was 'taken to Mia.m1 Valley' hOlpltal Saturday, where he w1ll undeJ'lO a. major operllll:lon. Mr. e.nd MM. Water K.6:rrick and Jam~ lHalnes were Sunday ~tternoon callers at the bomes of Mr, and Mrs. James Kaser a.n d d augh ter. and 0e0rtIe ¥lnkoone and fom1ly nea:r West I41ddieto~. Mrs, calvin Longacre IUld son, Mrs. 'Ralph Barger and Mrs. E. B. lJongacre 'Went in Dayton shopping 'Monday alfternoan, Sundaf( eVen1n(r guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Roat and da ughter wtlre: . Mr. anQ Mn. Donald Clark and daughter, Jane. ~ D6yl~on, Stud Mr. and Mrs., 0llDt Hutt amd daughters Hazel and Hell!n 01 Five Po1ot, Rev, and Mrs. 13arlclW of Port Williams v1S1tol'ls at Lytle church sun~ momll:lg a.ud the fonner a.ssUitecl Rev. V'Ioe in the service. Mr. and Mrs. E. B, I.ongacreVlsited. Mr. 6Dd. . Edgar Patton in otnolnnaU y, Mrs. ~tton is
"Oleo-Q)Ia." 'b eing both a thirst quenoher a1'ld a mixer, baa become a 'Very' useful adjunct Ito every cart', Dlie to &he bar. fouuta.in IUld store. as In this ~.ud&he~ermDm~~ ~Jeue or eJectrtc. See Lee, Orbdorr Road. R. 3. WaynesvWe. replaUOn ftCJa1riDc IRlbeCIrlp- oombinBltlon, they have every demand of the publ1c, lit!; wond~rful Uo... w 'be paI4 In adY~Cle, we 1iH WALL NPIIlR ' BAIIPL1IB- DUll' remove fI'OIii oar ~ make It a favorite, !It saves the trouble of kOOplng so many INow OD dllpJaf ~ mJ bome. D. l!l. lid IIIIMorlben who are 8Iaoi:utonl, ~. Ohio. 20 ,.ver' two IDOIltha deUDqaeD' in klnds. 83 Oleo-Cola answe:-/i e.ll demands . It ·is popUlar to keep it by UIeIa- aaIIIcirtpUon aceoants. ~ 01 all tlpdL the case at home. tllJY by the car'WW caD. mpet ~ ~ at the sOOre IUld ma;ny families 'Diq, poital .. call ftaDkltD I..- ....--~--:-~-,t throughout Ith1s section keep It in 1~. o. T. WIndle. ~ the cooler. . . flQn IWl CJ~t1ori. 0Id0. • Darters BeverageS ~ are glvinlll an , 2 DIb1Ck . ,n d Mr, i.Dd 8~ga.t..-8t&mp 30 in iJobl: , iOC!d ~ aDd proJected~, ...,.., III excellent;, dellvery and"by ofolerlng a IUt. AM ...... ~ '-DoOr De:Mrs. Walter Kendck were Dayfml. for five ,pounds indefiriitely; Stamp .A~ B. lIrIabl 8t.. Iaua-. Ia Ift)pome. . ''Flavor For- Every Taste" are doing 1uu 8edan. A-I OODdlUoo. Invisito1'll Monday.. 31 valid for five poundS. ~~~~~_mJ.~malUD"'~~~po~ -The FerI\Y' .QJlurch of 0br1st 'will qu,Ire Q,,,.,,. ~. · Miss 'Betty campbell W83 absent ~ood lor five pounds caMin8' ' The Ptdect Gar- ofler their E8.stef pt'OITIIm :bl the our busy 'WOrkers, .' - RDIIlIlacln. • troJn 8choollast weef on MCOuni of thrOugh Feb. 28,1945.. menu For New 8prlq 8~ • • • evening with a ~ ~ _ . HOUR!: illness. SHOE8--Stomp No 18 \l pair) ~ Look Ten Years YoUn,er • •• Your ''Tbe Answers of the ~" lit II ~ ~ bull, t IDOl. · The Executive como:L1t\iee , Of. the good through AprU 30. Book , 3·.alr- Flcare TellS Yqur 'Aie ... Don't set for 1: 30 p, m. ~ ev~ I.e . . ~ to recJ!t.er.·WUI.u ar 9-12 e~ch morning lWotruLn's Soclety .met I:l.t the nome pla.ne stamp ~ good Indetlnlq,ly. Pu~ Up wUh A Dreoplns. Salflnl eord1allY inVited to attend. . . . fOr belt. VOUDd.1aIDe ..... ,Ur., \\' .... rr lieurh'k. C;,rre.llo,........ of Mrs. 'J;1herle Jonee M:onda.y even.GASOLINE- Stamp A.....H load Flrure AllOUier ria, Wben plU'me~ ~. and Mn. Herbert G!'abam 1-6 afternoons excep~ II. O. . . . . O. W. uWaoct..... O. E, Vice was Ing and made pJan8 'for tor three gallons through June :ll, IIndtvfduaUy eat, Deal,nl!d and IUldd8.u,hW:wentJtoBlufttons.tWednellday •.' .'I.~,~ II call1ng on frtends ,h ere Wednesda.Y· Mr, IUld· Mrs. lHar:vey Burnet and B-2, B-3, 0-2 IUld 0-3 good ,for, fi~ Styled -To Improve. Your Ftcure Are urday n1g~t to return boUle tbeIr MlrB • . Ruth Palmer of Dayton Mr, and Mrs, Harold WhltaJter and g'allQ!lS un~, used, ' Offered Throu,h 8plrel1l\ . Penona) ~wo children, David ahd mwon, ' ~ 7-9 Saturday everiini ~t last week with Mr. and Mrs. children visited . their Wlcle . ~ TIRES - 'Inspection only when Corsetry Service. " Sepcial AtlAln- who haVe been v181tlnC their grand• JadIIc rm-. etc. Send price Other Evenings Everett ~ly and Bobby Norpn. " ftl1l11It. Mr. and M!r's. John Hayner ma.klng application· ' foo tires atter tlon To SuritC'al. Fittings • . • Tel. perell'lB. ~e D. D •. ~ aDd ~ to Box •• W8,JDt8 ~8. Alfred Rasnake has been IUld family, at Wee~V1lle Sunday. 'Apr1l20. '.' ,.' W-K;. 'Mr. and MD. J . S ., P11er~~. <lbI9. ' \ ' H ·By Appointment ..."' .... ",11 the past 'Week 'With the flu. amd Mni. Ralpll Hanunond FtJE[, Ol!L---CoUpons 4 and 6 '8ood ed hOme f3atlII'da.y hem PJortda W~ lMIl .t D do ..... dII• • a.nd Mrs. WUl ao&s . IUld who recently purc.ha&e(i the store through Sept. 30. uhlt value, 10 gals. .·It is the convlotlon of partloUlar where theYi!lave spent the ~. TELEPHONE n·R UId coDcnte :'"lIk. a.ra daUg;hter, Margie, .spent ~a.y room of Oharles Wadf!. will- open a AH.chlm3e-making coupons and re- 1'IIt""II"t: that a. speclBllst 10 Close conMr., an~ ,M rs. ~~_ ~ , 'hInD. ~ evening 'With 'and :M!r3. grocery· here the llI.6t of Itb1s week' serve coupons gOOd throughout tact W1\lh iii clientlel can and family , hAve Wade near S~. ' with an' entire st;o(,k of grocer- heating year. AIr' ~.. hig.,.,~ h-.... t """ ......' I d . I'IbIR ~ . room ' modem • -....... Ul er .... e y..., .... ,..ye an tenant muae'.on Ibhe st.e1n !ann. The Southwest POuJ,t:y aIiSP;C1atlon les. ' " qUal1ty. J"nn1e Whlt4Lcre. the Spir'.' '~. l'ftIIIt Smith, !\:Iurth the April m~thlY m4!6t.!ng. at Mr. IUld Mrs, ~~1Jl Hurst ~B1lIyI ~b& celebra.ted .h1t. birth- ~lla. Oor8et1ere. ~UC1.8 such ' a 'l'be ~ereall: clas8 meetq, wW be .~.,. ~. '. , ,Opto~etrlc Ere Specie Ii.. Lytle Hall sunday afte",l-C>Op' ' terta1ned' to II. family diuner swiQa.y da.y: anniversary 'I1hursd86' and ~ aJ)d COUl.Pleta BplteUa corllet held t't' the ~ chiirob ,~, the .,., ZI S. Detroit St. XeDia, 0 M1'. a.lld Mrs. , Pa.ul W1ll1amG,. of hb.e followi!l$ gue8ts: Mr. and MrS. 8.B bls ~Vern1ght guest, De.Vld Hart- 1"6·e~rvtce-·'#. ' • cIal roome thia ,n ext '1)I.'lU'14ltQrevao.--=""-,.-c IlOR ,8AI.1I ~ ~ ~0Wd IUit• .sse •. ~ aOOd 0001.ebanon spent Wednesday; Cleve ~ur&t and· ~8'hter, m418& aock. 'llhe DeW of suJts an~ the ,lng. AWU 13. Mrs. ~. M. . ~. D&~ .Pumu, R • .R. ' 2~ . fltt!J!.g ~ d~m,n4 a ,per- D.• Who baa speJJt :» .Y~ lD IDdla ~" , • tM) . iii' ""'3i~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~==9il !IOIILDWIloUllIDI, ~nt Which, wtll . ,~ be ~ ~. , ,1,dltdb1bu.te ~ ,flesh to measure- G8 a 0I18l'1 ~...JOB .~ ., ', ZOOID boU8e, 1 1-2
eeareI!y .., .eon-
were ,
Jennie Whitacre as
,·Dr. C. E.. Wilkili
zDov~ m~ .~
.nne. -.aut.J:nM.t JfuIib." (Van-. . .
0« JlaiveJlllburl'.
W~ · ~ ~
, pafI ~.jooma
-rib coal,
1Iabta. ~ .-1..Dw.ed. On ~th 'IIlli'4 etreet. I'bCIIIie-. 'W~ 1181.
Are You ' Prot~~ed/?, •
AtE A:,~ _ n...,'D u'
HlcLE .O N THE .... , II-H)rGH:WAYS7 ...
en • •
The ~e.t Paintine and decorating Suppl~e. are ,alway. the cheapest in the endl
A""" "" ...." " ~" "
..." .." ' ..\., " ..." " "" " ' ..." .." ..,"',.
" " '
' D'on't Jet your property deteriorate and lose I value for lack of frequent painting and decor_ ating. It's' poor e~onomy to do that! A good job " with GOOD MATERIAL will be a good investm~nt. Come an'd see ou~ new' Wallpaper Books p ~ IN T S,... . " Moser's Paints ... Muraltone Water Paint "OVers walls ' and Wallpaper ... Wingspreatl Enl&me.1s, ideal for furniture, walls and ~ood-.) worl!:, Spring houseCleaning is ' not 'complete without clean walls" ·woodwork and rep~ill.ted 't
furnishings. ' WE ALSO HAVE RAW
PAINTING A,ND D~corating Supplies'.
Bu~~ War Bond. with 'money yoU' save Ipu,mg of u.l ·
~Paul :C~ Picking PIa.2181 .-
. naw 5t.
3S Acre F 'a rm'" & "ehattels :
l:Iy' Public
Saturday, April
.' ,
8~ a~ l:~O
~~ '
.' . Located iwo Dilles North ~, WayneavUie on 'lie CoI'neU Road
. .T 2:00 ·P. ~ .WE 1W1LL SELL TJQ: FoLLOWING OIIA~ · .xntematiOllal ·~ tractor B on rubber. over-. t1ies. anl1 UIIed 8 . and .yery l1t.tJe." fa good 88 new; .cultlVl!otore,~ ptoWB,. d~ dIIc), ~pr1na1 tooth lla.tWw., Wrn. sheller and. ~, 20 ~ f~oe•..;10 rod. ..hog 20 lltij!el Poets, p,ultliY eqU1~t.' ~ feeder. blow tOrch. tap . die Se~ forkS, .~~ 8~e, chalns, ~" . ' 'Wl!!I1t1nghouae ~ 'nll cooker Ele6trto Range. like JIIBW, KaJa""""oo
nntte st.O~, ,niJO
00 ~"
. ''
Lumber tos: bi'oiXter hOUse, lox12··com,pl~·.W1th .W1ndoWa. ,etc, , " ¥eed--3 aCre. etaDdliDr com. 40!1 bu. corn In ~ a aacb 1101 feed.
10 bu whea~ 10 tooe aHalfa: ~'0Uh.
. ' .'
and .Mrs. Carl ,Randall, owners
iW aDJ Infer....... ~1aI!! ~ or ~UeII . . . . ......... 1'. '1'. 1UR'IlIN .... Co B. . . . .AV, ~,. (I .......... ..... ~ft_M_
'rhe Splrel18. foUndation are
;.u~ ~o and COOIde8 ~ reQueab-
1Dd1viQ\111JJy ~ 4ilesl8necl and
. Mrs, Btan1ey Ba:J8(.
waa a otn-
t1¥lus .for hellltb, style and oomtort. , alnna~ ~tor, onc ~~'
, ,FABM ' OP· 35.32 AVUS '. :lmproved wtth .sooii 3-rOOm kame howie, bank barn 301601 :IB.rge poultlY house' 'With eeu).en~ , floor. 'BUu~ 'b8.ve electricitY' and ruhnlns aU rodeQ for ,'i!iltltn1ng, Fann iii ' all tlllable-, gOOd 'rldh, ~. S1x , acresln alf~a;: 19 ~ ~ 'blue g.t'&SIt with l,'UDn1ng water; lenceia 'are BJ;lendi~· klcaijosl.~ Ideal buy 10r ~ .counln7/ home, ~v~~~ ~ocated to. :the ~~~~: c1ty of Da.Y,itOn. No ~xes \IlltU 11Une, ~t Clear wa'l'r&nty'; deed; Inspect thl& farm. prior to the &lIICtJOIl. '. Will abIoluteIy ' aell to the highest Ibldder and • . be ~ at l ;30 .m o~er to IPVe.t.ru, ~SCl' a.n opportunity to Ibuy any aJl' the . " .' ... CMneJe,t ! ' . " fj . '' • _ TERMS 'OP SAi.E:' $1,000 ,c ash day of auction; Wance at deUvel'f of deeci ~basef ~~'e 1mmedla~ possession 11800000e).' ~ in the ,NaV1.
,'. Farm
' coJQl>ine style and
~fSea~ori of HaPPlhess" To Be Pre....ted By ." , THE 'WAY.N,ESVILLE GRAb~ S(:HQOL I .... . • ' At the H1eh School GymnUiUDl ;
, Fri~ay, Aprit.~2~:,',.,·.~l'.
At 8:00 P. M. AdmiaaiClll: ~~lt• . 3~ cent. "
~~~ ' --~~-FO~UB~T~B-YBAB~~~----------~~~--~---------
Senior Play To Be. Given May S The . Senior c1W of Waynesville mgb scllOOI ha.& selected tlbeli- C18J18 play, "Peg 0' My Keart," and It tWill be given May 5, at the hlIh 8Chool a.uditorium. The play, which was written b1 J. HartJey Manners, Is 1wtdelY' known throughout the wurld, having been given in ma.ny of , t1be tlleatres in ilie United States, canada, ,E ngland" Australla, New Zealand, and SOUtIh Africa. The total number of perJormaoDcee recorded to date III all parts of- the 'WOrld Is 10,233. ~ The cast will be as follows: :Peg ................. Juliet MClOoIyI Jerry .. .. . , .. .... Donald Watkins Mrs. Chichester ., Almet&. 8teiDke Ethel OWche.ster .. Betty 'R outzban lAlariQ Oh.lchester .. James Stelnke Jarvlll ... . .......... . . Oharles Rye Montgomery Hawkea ., 000. WJcel Ohdstlan Brent .... . ..... Clarence
Funeral ~!or MTa. iR()se DaJdn, de or Rev. 'W. E. Datin, of St. ,louis, lMo., who died in that city Jmuar:yt 6 at tbls yeu, will be held 'l'uesda;y afternoon at 4:30 at st. Mary'a Eplllcdpal church. Rev. and Mrs. Dakin a:re former local residents. '11he bodjo of Mr&. De.kJn will be shipped here and will be BoCX?OIDpa.nied by! her hu.sb&nd. Burial will be in IM1am1 oemetery' under the d1rection at A. lB. Stubbs. ANNUAL ELBCTION OF
Announcement baa been made tihat the April meetlng of the Chic club ,w ill be held at. "Our House" at
7:00 o'clock abatp'.
A featUre of ' the meeting will be tIhe annual electlon or o!t1oers and all membenl 8l'e urced to be present for tbI.& important event. .Ambul'IY IHeI'/lchel Styles of Lebanon, clerk Bel'i!let (undenrtAidy {or of the W..ln' ••:1 county ,B oal'(l ' or Peg . . '.' .. . . ... . , ... B;elen Vlnt Le~l.i(..~: /ti 1ll ba t.lle prluclple
COInm1ttees SOloist •.. •.•...•••...• !Irma Plrea Stage ..•... Benny Hisey, WWi.un .Asbury, Ed Shaw o.tumes and Properties .. M1Jdred - Smlth, Wllma Paul . Publlclty .......... ·PhyWa' Rlcltey. Ruth MoKeever ~lPeg '" 0' !4y, Heart" 18 being directed by> tMre. O. H. Brace.
WA~ESVILLE WAC IN TltAlNlNG IN IOWA . Fort Dee 1lo1nee, Iowa, April 5.IPYt. Margie Outer, daUehter or Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo B. Carter. Route I, Waynesville, Ohio, baa be&un tralninaJ at tlne Filet WODll!ll'S AJUl)'I Corps ~ Cl8nter, ~re.
She ,w as lrnmed18.tely assleDecl to a l'eceh1ng center company tor a. Week 01 ele.t.entary train.iI,g. Here 'Bm ~8 ACTIVITY abe' was lS&ued clotil1ne and equIpment, lnatructed h the rudlJU\::ntt of 'I\he folow1na letter W88 reeentl¥ drW, and glven army classification receiVEd by Ur&. Stanley Baney teeta. from ber brother, Sgt; James A~ FOr the toll~ ,five Weeks, she HopItlDa. Who is $t1oned "some-be ~ecl to .. bwc ~ where In England: for more detalled tra1n1nB pre])lll'intJ Dear B1a: her to ' ~ a member of the TbmP are pretty weD raUonecl ~ t1'cqJa 0( the army of OV'er' bere even to. serviCe men. 'We tbe ,tJll1ted Btatee.
APRIL 13, 19k
Complete For Red Cross ,A Qctic,n ~reparations
The folldwlng ~ds w~re recently issued to our couunerdal students by the Gregg ,company: Junior membership in the ', Order of Artist Typllltswas granted to Sarah Jean Scott and ~ 'H Ildebrecbt. Da.'Ulld Wlltkins MIS awarded a Comp'etent 'I)lplst certllicate for having typed 31 'Words per minute for ten minutes. Ina Gruber reoelved a. oertiflcate upon becoming a member of the Order of Gregg ArtlBtB. Our s~ band clasSes now 'h ave 100 Per cent membership In tb1s Org~tlon.
PTe pnratlo."lS are virtually complet,e for the Wayne Township Red Cross Aucl,lon sale to be held at the Gibbons Lumber Yard in Waynesvllle Sa turday, according to C. H. Brace, chairman. Residents are to ,bring their contl'ibulio:Js to the Ilunber yard either Friday or S aturday morning or It they wls h to have some one call for thf' lr donations they are to notify a member of the com1ttee which
Senior CJelelll:ttyl
Renewing an old tradi,tlon of friendliness bebWeen the seniors and freshmen, ~e 8irli of the freshman class recently entertained the senior girls with a tea part in the mus..........- .... American Infantry animal pack column shown cross. Ic room of W . H. S. The' C8.1'OWI8.1 durin~ the advance into northern Burma. Thcse was nY, humoroU8 tWld m1rth1'Ul1 ~e!IJlr~o.~~ the first American ground forces to go into ac· h. of Asia. Known as "Merrill's Marauderll" they Tb~ Golden Lamb in Ubanon General Frllnk" Me~ri1L ' was another festlve scene of entertainment for ·the senior glrlll T\1esday' evening, April 11. The Waynesville Women's Progressive club dl.d the deUghttul entertal,nlng. Friday evenlnB all of Warren county's senior girls will assemble ",t jjhe Lebanofi High 8Choo1 for anthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Lot ha ir other celebration sponsored by ' the Winifred In Dayton Su.."lday when WaITen Oounty Women's Progres- tion in Col,um. . the mother of Mrs. Furnas, Mrs . stve club. Ella Hurley, was honor g:uest at a meeting nine OW_"""", --m;h SChool PariY dinner celebrating her Irthday anto t!te national Arl 1vellt1con W. H. S. studonts have ,been niversary. eagerly planing ahead for the 13th of April when the last hlgh scbool Mr . a.nd Mrs. Ernest Hartsock entertained on Sunday with Mrs. party of tlbe llea.stm will be beld. The f'reshman class will sponsor Richard Kosater and Beverly, Mrs. this t1nal aasemJ:)ly. Muslc will be ptlWJJ.1,Y Louisa LEmmon, Patty Du'lham, lurnlsbed by the Waynesville l:Dgh Mrs. Clarence Dunham and M~. School Dance B&nd I Lola 'I1holD88.
• • •
• • • Harold Anderson
Mrs . has for an Indefinite stay with tnoth~ in Los Angeles, Calif.
tile club &it the dlll!lef' meetinB. '!'be W. S. -o, .-s. of tbe local NIneteen club members anSwered to ~ and I'm not crabbine abOut Metbod18t church wlll 'iburs- roU call. IW,thlna\. ' ... ~, .... ..., ..... at ..... ~'--- Of ........ Rev. Paul D . ohiles o,t bhe Leb-' ...... nOmle -.aD I never ~ ~ In the .~ - - - ....... ....-n1a 0Dme}1. • iUlo~ Methodist church, WBS, the old U. S. A : What the Red 01'0II .au The P- - .w1l1include &, revtdw t~mg, bringing....a dOee"but, the Red Cl'08S IDd ............ of intere&t on ....e the U. S. O. do a 1W0nder.ful !IIiWk of the bpclk," "1W1naa OVer " Ollna," timely for- us' t;Ioys in foreign ,.countl1ee. .", Mm. A. It. Day and Coates relatlonah1p between effective They are ~e only pJaoee tbat we Kinney's poem, ''Rain on the Roof" OhrIIitian clt1zenah1p and democracy. are able to aret ~ Wben we by Mt:s. RufUs Wattlnl. DevoUooa WABBEN COUNTY T. B. are out on. duty lIJW8,y from , camp, -wtll be, In charp of Mrs. Irene ASS'N BJa'T8 OITlCEB8 ~ 18 often, ~ we bOya need the ~ mDI'e 'bUt UIIIt Is plentJ flit
at 'all good AmedcaDli. Love -.t9, aU. , 'PAT,
left her
• • •
The local Progresslve w~men's clUb held Its AprU meeting at the Golden Lamb hotel in Lebanon an Tuesday evening. Nine &en1or Sir!' &on.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H . 8ackett entertained to Easter dinner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sh&w and ch1ldren, Mrs. Robc[t ,Shaw, Mr. and Mra.
. ~te~~(~nxn~'~w~~~ · :·~We=~~~~~~ 1~~~~ii,QD"i·.etil;l.no~ndY~ ~~I·~~~~~MN~;;~~....~~wh~O~~~~~~~~ or
WHOLE NlJMBD " " :-'
Local Teachers To Entertain Grange
Fonner Resicient Dies In Dayton
~s. ·~rk ~rs
·. .
days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs , EIl5wortb B~.
• • •
Mr. a.nd ~rs. S . R. Conrad and daughter" 'M arlon of Cre~nt Springs, KY., and Opl. and Mrs. Robert McC6rthy of Browllswood, Texas, were Sunday e.veoning guest:! of 'Mr. a.nd ·Mrs. ·T. S. Hardin and family.
shenu WWlam BUffoi'd ,baa an-
tlie,v&ppointment of Adam ' OIaInSIbell (j( aar.Ve7IbUrIr '811 a deput)'l ~t "t o take th~ place c4 ti1a fIDIl, . r l, OUnIibell, wh,o baa ~ lDduoted lnto the ~ fOrces. The f lather ilervec1 .., manIla1 of 1Iar!ve:vsbura for 26 yeIU'8 a.nct a. IP&I'd 1 at radio statlcm . WJ,JW i~, ~
·. .
Lt . and Mrs .~rt E. James of Mobile, Alabama, a.re enjoying several dayS WIth Lt. James' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oharlcs James. Mr. and Mrs. Max Hartsook. enter~lnetl with a family dinner · on Wednesday evening In their bonor. WOMAN!S AUXILIARY TO MEET
Mrs. J. R. Wade hilS recovered The Woman's Auxiliary of the St. from her, recent illneM . ~'8 Eplsclpal cburch " will hOi£! iRay MaInOus Is in Miami Valley their regUlar AprU meetlng at the hospital "in Dayton, where he un- home of Mrs. C . Lee Hawke Q!l Frlderwent an operation for ~nd1c- " day afternoon. itis Tu~ay night.
, est.
·. .
&obert Bcluieider of Camp
flood. TeXIIII, aRivecl home Thurs-
A Hobby Show wa.i features at day to spend an )l:-da.y furloUSb at the Masale Oranse nleeUlIlJ Monday the home otMr' and 'M rs. Earl evening. A long table a.ccommodatStationed in 'tihe ~d of New Ol'lllWtord ot ROI.i~ 2 and V{lth his ed ·the ex:h1bltlon whlc'l cOnJIlsted of Hebrides for 14 IiUtn~ ~ ~ wife. !ob'a. Robert SChneider. scrap books. D1Oto1'll, drawings, pte. Yar1w C. Shrout with · prlntlnga, mar1)les, airplanes and Medlcal 'Air IWIDm ' aeWlC. ". ' ,C ' . ""# "", MAp plan. U~ c111\ltecl on &!pt. l j~. WUIIo ..... . , . , . ' Other hobbles were fl.~blng, plant b 't.ra1n1n ...t Bowman I"leld. J!ldltb Everilon of Day ten, spent ' u in f .. til, "nisin&;. dla.r1es and beaut, Y g 0 BaII7 P. Want,,, 0l'eI0bIa.1IId UAD LoutavWe. Ky.,"' . be ... eta- Saturday evening -..th bla pa.ren 'srotmda. Each me~ber ~ Mary L. 'BWdar. 'It, ~, tloiledlfour, aDd' \'beD ~ Mr.' ~d I~. EUaworth Blas. . IbIa hobby and how they started qn Jcibn BebeIt IIII'uIaIm. 11. PalbeI, peid tor ~e . he atalira. Bam~· ';~lnn1s spent it, ,
~IO' ¥l:s:nHeIWft8.~ '''~~n'
.me.---..~ aDd »i ,~ ....-.
··., .
,~:viBlggaa"" ~thean:: 'y
KDott Uoned. Betore be ... taonal the
tIle.--del in Oolumbull at. the The char~ wu draped 'or Be! _ . Ball ......... bO _ _ ...." lu. 1ntIt. at Dr. &Del K1'II. L. B. . -.-.... w _ _ J 't Kh. ~ the da\llhtel' of 1In. ~~ lJI'OIl'Im WIll be OIl
A" *"_. Is ••.,. ..... the -tnt,ema.
~ He ....
Is composed ot Mrs. Everett 'Early, Miss 'A lice 000&, Mm. Hartley MA:l6s,
Ernest ButteJ'WorthJKenneth HOUIh, • Rev . L. C. Radley and C. R Bnu:e, cha.1rmsn. A feature of the sale will be the loc&l m1n1sters octlng as auctlClleers. Of the various mlnllltel'8, Herbert Gra.I:Ulm of the IF'erry Church of Christ i5 the only one who claJrns to have had any previoU8 ~rience along that line. They will be lUiIIisted by W. N . Sears, local auctiooeer. The sale 15 .scheduled to begin at 1:00 P. M. sharp and a large crowd Is prom1.sed lor the event which 1& being held in Ilhe hOpe of ra1sIng Wa.ynesv1lle Farmers Grange No. the $500 needed to complete the 13 will be entertained Saturday township's quota. of ,a,ooo in the rught tiy the local sdhool teachers. current. Red C1'Os& drive. The program wlbh all teachers takIII. lunch counter, Io!l .charge of Ing part, will ~n at 9:00 p , m. Mrs. Harvey 'iRU'e, will open a.t. 11:30 .. The committee, composed of Mr. a. m. at. whlch pe1'll0ns may purch_ Crabbe, MI.ss McKInsey, a.nd Miss ase lunches and ref~shmenta .t · "." . Strider, promises an enterta,1n1ng reasonable prices. evening. , Itema n~Ed ~e sale Include A large crowd Is desired for thls 'oalves, pigs, live poultry, " famung special meeting and everyone is Implem6nts, garden tooIB, tu~ palla, cordlaily invited to attell11. Each chairs or otlher f~ture, die.hea, lamily Is requested to bring a , ~taoes, corn, seed, baked roodI. pound . . canne(( goods, and any other use.· able Items. The !Red ~ ccmi:Dlt..' EASTER DINNER HONORS tee esPOO1~ asks .the women or ' WEnDING ANNIVERSARIES the township to .con,t ribute " cake., Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Earnhart en- pies, mea.ts. ,lard, canned aooda. . trtalned with an Easter dinner hon- sugar, cream, hamburger, 1W1eaens, oring the welding a..'Uliversaries ot catsup, oof1!ee, ew. for ~ IUncb Opl. and Mrs . Charles B . Earn- counter. hart at Ft. Dix, New Jersey and of Mr. and Mrs. 'J. N. Robinson of Dayton. ,Oovers were arranged at the attra.etlve dinner table for Cpl. and Mrs. Alice E. RuII8Um, widoW of MIl>. Charles B. Earnhart; !Mr. and WWla.m B. Russum and ttauebter Mrs. J. N. Robinson lind son, Donof the l&te J. Wilaon and KarJ• ald, Mrs. Bertha Gray, Mrs. Mary Leah Edwards of Wa;ynesv1lle, cUed , Patterson and the host and hosteStl , at. ,the bome of her 1IOp. and daUl'h-', This group was jolo."led at the eventq-ln-laW, Dr . and ~'J a.le ~:. ing supper by 'M r. and M1'II. 14RUS8).t,m at 6t6 St. lfl~ aveDUl.
Mrs. Barvey 'Burnett of J.jytle Is EASTER LMr. and : OrviIle Gray. spending several days wtth ber 8111Mr. and Mrs . F. E. Thomas enGeortre Miller Jr., Illlld Mrs. Barbara ter, Mrs. H . ~. ~at~ay. tertained to dinner on Sunday. Mr. dinn itb ' sawyer enjoyed ElB.Iner er , w Wansing Hflrdin, B 1-<:, 1& spend- and Mrs . J . M. Earnhart a.!Id 1i00& . Mr A C ' ''',,-H:lf-,6eI~verlPwa~u;..........oa-wu~ Mrs . Gray's mothE!r. s. . 'lng-a few daYS at home. At r.' .:. .. ,. 'BoWman of ~ .......n. end of b1s leave he will ettend R.obe~ of Dayton, Mr . and Mrs . . ' . • school in Maryland. Lowell Thomas, Miss Cora Thomas, Mrs. Grace L. 8IDltll enterta~ned • • • Mrs. Earl Conner and son, Mt-s. to Easter dinner, Mr,' and Mm. C. Mr. and. Mrs: Alva T'nompson Ooldle Surface, Mrs. Edwin Ramby, D. OGborn. and son, VictOr. "s pent Easter with Mr. Arthur Thomas. Mr. and and Miss Ma.ry Jean Thompson who Is MRS. HILL ENTERTAINS CLUB V. F • V• S-ING on.. dlIouahter, Anne, WElre Sunday dln- In Nurses', training at the Jewt:ili " M N hta hospital in Cincinnati. ner guests 01 ,M r. e.nd rs. a n _ • • The Voluntee-;Tor Vlctory cl~b DlV'ier.!l moa,r Spr1nl!~ro. ' .""" MaYllrlrd Weltz will sell you your enjoyed a very delightful evening of • • • Mrs. John Fromm, D., G. M , of fl,a'hlng llcense. sewing and kn1ttL.'llP together Thursthe Eastern"Star, w'as in ClarksvUle K. R. Pvt. Harold Smith Is spending a day at the hoIhe of Monday nl~t whe'le abe inSpected Bill. furlOligh at ~ borne here . Vernon chapter. During the ' pleasant social hour Friends have receiVed wor:!. from d~llclous refreshments were served 'M I'. and !Mrs. Robert Lam.J to thc by the hostess. Tbose present were: e11ect that they 'are leaving Florida Miss V1rg1n1a Blacklbunn, MIll,'; Zola Friday to return to their home here. Strider, Mrs. Maynard Weltz, Mrs. William SaWyer, Mrs. H. F. Dye, Mr. and MTS. Mort Lang a.l1d Mrs . Earl Conner, Mes. RAlbert Mrs, I'.luline · Lang 0If Hammon, Gray. Mrs. Leo Conner, Mrs . Fred spt nt Easter at the bome or Mr. Hook, Mrs . J. E. McClUJ·'). Mrs. and Mrs. Walter Wisemnn and Paul Maurice Elnd Mrs . Charles ElfarnJ.ly . 1111. Thls group will meet with Mrs. Pre. Robert BIgp of Cam.p Mc' James McClure In two week~. Coy, WIs" Is home Q~ leave for tell
In New Hebrides
oy one . diugbter, lWa ~ and two gra.~ and ' . ~ tel) Mlsa M'atp.re~ ' W. ~, 01 Wa,ynesv1lle. '; 8ervtceB will be beId 'a t the residence in Dayton SaturdII.Y at 10:00 a. m. with burial in Klaml cemete17 at 11:90 a. m. FEBBY CHURCH OF CIIIWIT SB'I'8 GO~ AT 150 PEB80~8 FOB NEXT SUNDAY "Ii:' II. .
Ferry Ohurch of Cbr1at wm. strlv.e to reach the goal set leat Lor4'~ Dar 150 present In Bible 1ICboo1 iDm Sunday. Last lAJrd's Day tbere;1reri 142 .present. So again the ~tor, Brother Herbert <~ ap-
*-. It
pea.Ung to all thoIIe -woo home. to be
ry as a church
and bring friend. Tboae have no chmrh b~ are inVited worship there alao.:.. ~~ ~ declares that 'be :wants ~ prov!' that the Perry chW'9h 18 the ~ <:hurcb that does not have slUIDp in attendance the 'sUnday afta' Eaater. 'B rother ' Graham 'wIll~ at the moI'Il1n8 hour of worship 011 tbe 9Ubject, "Loveth Thou ~ Than Me?" A timely subje9t (or tbe day in which we llve. In {be evenIng he will bring an ~nCeUaUc message on anoth~r sreat theme. fI1be pastor and ~ of that c8ngregatlon wUl attend 'the ~ ference -on Evange1lam, ' apob8Ol'eci by the Cincinnati Bible Bem1nary. wb1ch will be i' held in the Emery 81t:ditorium in downtown Clnelnnatl April 18. 19, and 20. Tile !ir&t MIslon starts at 7:00 p. m. ,TUeeday.· Ali tbose who love to ' bear the preacb1ng of the gospel are 1nvl~ to attend.
. ON ..I't1IIL01JQB
.W AlVE 0010rea Olark, !fA 1"0. who recently , completed ~ ~' at~ the Naval boepItal In ~
Maryland, baa been '-rIM'I,.. .• ' seven-day. lea.ve wiUi bill' . . . . Mr. and Mrs. O. ·A. a.n~ CJI WaYneBfWe. Upon be:r ntuta .... 'WIll report. to 1Ibe tT. S. . . , . . . . pita! at 'PblJadelpla, ~. .' I
-- ~
11Ll(l been baptized and conformed. and lillt 1..'1 the pew beaJde the wtn~ d.ow with the picture or "the W1dWanleavUle, OhJo Malo Str~t ow's Mlte" \\'here I used to slt WlUl I grandmother a.s.a little girl, 1I:DCINCl AI a.oo.ict Olua M&1l Matter ..at Poatotrioe, WaynesvUle, Ohio' SUl'l'Oundlngs so fam11lar that they are part of Olen and listened to the , Wal~r W. Wiseman, EdJtor and Publisher last words from the cross InteIipretISSUED EVERY THURSDAY ed lo the light .of today . J esus, evel~ on the cross put first t hings first. 8IJIIeCl1pUoD PrIce. 11.80 ~ Year, Payable lo Advance He did 1110t put happiness, nor peace or .security IIrst 'b ut uncompromlsillg ,N.tlo".1 AdYartlsi~g R.pr ....... ttv. h tenousness and truth a nd we : . . . .8 . . . . . A ••TI N~' IE.V.':.. IN':•. were wamed ibhat unless we did likewise we would haVe nothing worth fl@htlng for. , Saturday. Easter EvL;n as it,. is sometImes . called. A small girl proudly told me she had colored three dozen eggs. 1 colored some too thts evoning and for oUt' Easter mOl1llng egg hunt and I wondered how mSllY ever thought' of th~ Easte r egg as something with more AOr116, 1944. OR-H, come see ·t he had hardly been gone long enough meaning tha n just 9. pretty wy or new c:alt at the barn," was the Joy- to get there when Zeke called up to something to eat. How many retu1 l4lout b t I heard the first say be was coming to steam ~e tomember t hat ~~ early times an tlgg ~ th1I morn1n8'. My ''Younser bacco beds so tl\at there was noth- was a symbol of the resurreotlon . beIpera ,were 1lbere bright and early lng' to do but hop In the car and Life In death, bhe egg though It apto do the ebores as their older go after him. I founa him comfort- pears dead Is olive and so rem.lilds brotber had cone on a. visit to a ably settled to enjoy the Q!.le but us of the Hille 'Christ spent In the 8IChoo11'r1end. Their ~ were shill- t.oOO.cco beds are more important tomb and of his resurrection. q with delJ&fbt and they could !.han sales so h e headed for home Easter Day. . Today we IY.ld our ~ Ibid words ·t o ·tell me all a.~d another job is done. Every time bishop winh us for confirmatlol1, ~ it fast &lOugh. They had we do anything It ra.l~ some more that great service not j l st of makbeeIi tlbe nni ODell to find it. '!bey and we ha.ve to 'Wait to take t he Ing "ohurch mem.bel'll" but ot the had helped: it t.o its feet and showed next step . No carden p lanted yet. com!.."1g of the Holy Spirit Into 0UI' It w~ to tlnd ita dinner. ntey had .u only we had got the seed in the llves through the la.y lng on of hS l:lds, ' MBiIIted &to 1IMure'8 great mlracle. ground In spite of cold and snow we In ·which, the candidates answer "I It had m1Itaken one of· them for Its could be sitting back now and saydo," no t to t'he question "Can y u moaber aDd bad tz1ecl to sueb a belt lng, ,'!.Let. her rain," whJle we watchsay the creed" as ' some seem to encl. TbeJf bad ~ 1t ~tly to 'ed the seeds come up through the think but to "00 you promise to tbe COW and it bad been fed. They wann wet eo.rth. follow JjlSus Christ lIS your Lord and bad done tb1a wtth no superv15lDg Good FrIday. iI.s Is peas or pot.a.Saviour?" elden aDd their bearta !Were filled toes t.bat 'should be plar\te<l today? I llke the old oustom of decking wit.b JoJfUl p1de. Ra1n ag&ln so 1 didn't ·pla.."l.t anythe church with tlowers, of' .ca.ndles !1b\Sl'8d&y. J!f at firat yOU don~ thing. on the Lord 's table Qlld .e veryone INCOeed. try. try, ecrJn. '!be!lt1fll 11here WIIS a. union se.rvice ill there In t heir best W greet the Risen tlbat we baw been trJlnI to '8 flIld to Waynesville today lo memory of the Lord. or course there is a lot ot otIbe .ale tOl' tbree oneb .. loaded at day but I felt the need of being lo human vanity mlxed with. It ruld in .... .After me 'made three nnaa SUJTaUlldings 80 tammar that nothand age too much commercialaetawaP. by tile ccm:Ibblecl darts lne 'WOUld dlstqu:t ~ attention, day Ism but the spirit back ot It shOUld or ,\be ~ Iibe IWU loadecl In the where I knew just what to do so be that nothing but our best Is good tzuat JetId;F .to to to ~ aale today. that I could do it, rwblle In my mind enough with whlCh to greet the Arter.JobD finl""'d plowIna' IDJ I stood 'With the crowd on Calvary . Lord ,our best music,our best (lowers, IUdeD be Mart.ed for the eale. He SO I went to the chureb where I our best llves, 'our most sincere worship. This is our most sincere a.nd beautiful service of worship, not a 2 rp'a.gtc abcadabera lIB some seem to think, but a well ordered group YiorCAST YOUR BALLOT FOR ship whOBe 'bee.ut1ful !words are so famlllar that 'We can say ,them <to~her, eaoh !l11lng them With meanlng if,rom our own hearts yet uniting us in spirit: (It begins, "Almighty God, to whom all bearts are open, all desires known, and from for 'f whom ~ secrets are btd." ~ comrDandment8 'W i t h the responaea searoh1rig our corusc1a."lCeS, leading to oonfession 01 the sins we bve oom: m1t~d " by thought, ~ord and. deed, REPUBLICAN PRIMAR¥, MAY-9~ 1944 the .beautlfUl prayers 'WhiOh we can I .olial your .upport o~ 'my record of conacie~tioul, say with the mln.ISter from
GtlJi :.fRtami
Seed Potatoes for North Africa
Couoty COlDmissioner
At the High School Gymna.ium
Friday, April 21 At 8:00 P. M. Adults 35 cents Children 15 cents
-------- ,--------,-_ .....-............• Admission:
x:::::t:~d:~: ~~~:~
on'~AL OWl ~
Freneh and Blriti81i ofticia1a in a North African port examin a ..ck of eeed l)Otaloee for North African Carmen. These ~tatoea, a aampJle of thOle flU'lliAhed by the' ~riti8h and United Statell governmeDll, are expected to yield a harve8t that will aid In feed In. the liberated peop'le of North Africa. . hearts' because we - do not have to walt to hear W'hl;l.t ;he is going to say, t he hymns, the reading or the sc.r1pture. " 00 this lin remembrance of me"-The giving of ourselves to Ohrlst-"and here we! of;fer and present unto thee, 0 Lord. our selves, our souls and ibodies"'-'Chrls~ giving hlmself to us m Ilhe bread and wine -a great hymn of thanksgtvlngthe closing bleaslngs. and we come out, our eaTs r1niPn~r with Easter music and OUr hearUJ full 01 Easter
Joy. A ritual, yes, an C)rderly plan of IworShlp w~erebf lWe' mA>Y unlte in praise amd prayer ' and tha.nksgiving, eaoh one taldng pari\. A ritual. nat;. a' man-made ' barrier or obstacle to keep us from ~ put even now, as it has been Cor CE:nturies a GOOgiven path to rlnC Up nearer to the
RIaen LI;m1. . •
Gorr.,"',o ..... nl
\vIII'"w limit .. ,
Mr. and Mrs . Homer Haines and son Richard, of near Reesville, and Mrs . Ella HaLnes lWere dinner guests of Everett Haines o.nd wife, Sunday. Mrs. Pearl Sinolair and ohildren, Luella and lill'rerne of near oentervUle ~nt the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Oharles Stanley . Mrs. Raymond Wilson and mother, Mrs. Ella. Hurley, took dloner with Mrs . J ean Mlssl1dlne on Ferry road last Thursday. Mrs. Mi-ry IBogan is the guest 01 her son, Raleigh Bogem, and wife. Mr. and Mrs . Raymond 'Wilson entertalned to dinner 1 SWldliy the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Warren Braddock . a.nd daU8hter, Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pumae and son. Benny, Mrs. Jennie Braddock and Mr. and Mrs. 'I'beod.<n MoIptlre 11000 fBmU.Y. caUers in the afternoon were Mr. o.nc;l~. Howarei Page and daughter, PhyWa, Of ,
)\tas Randall, MlnIItel' Edltor, The Miami Gazette: . Bible SchOOl 9.30 ... m. .1 wonder if you have the same Communlon 10:45 ... . m. impression that I had about the Prea.chillg, 11 a. m. Red Cr068? I alwa.ys :had 0. doubt ill Young People's meeting 6:30. my mind. When I would hear the Evening service at 7 :30. broadcastB on the radlo saying give You are lovtted to .come and worto the Red Ctoes.for they are always m1p with us. at our loved one's aide, I somet1Jhes thorgbt that was just to get people l\IT. nOLl.Y "I. E. CHURCH to give ~ore. So after I was called T M. Sc.rff. Mlnllier to O~eat!Lakes by the serious illness Sunda.y School 8:30 a. m. Eo A. 1llne.ss of .my ))rother who was in bnl.lnlng there, I would like to say Earnhart, Supt. Evenlng !Service. '1 :30 p. ID. here that all you hear about the Red Cross beillg at 'their.slde is true. - - - - - -..- - - - - - As ·t he doctor an~ nurse cbecked our ooya at . least twi.ce • day, me Red oroee waa there to know the OODdltlon of ,the ones moat aerioualy ni, so their loved onea m1trht be .., . .1 ,.., th;.",. ~nt\Jt1an.Jn time.
( [)e1aYl'IC1> MIr9. Marianna Bogan ~ttended I thought th1a might be a reUef - Mrs. Raymond wllson had as her aW.C.T .U. institute at Chester to eaeb·.owlfe, mother Or sweetheart guest.1 last Mondn\Y lltt1e ,S~ church last FrIday. Mrs. Doi'otby tbat reacla this. as It was to me to Ga.yle and .brothe~, [;a.ny Ellis, of ' Smith attanded the aftel-hoon see- know there Is aome one our loved near Klngma.n.. sian. one's slde to care for' those 'Who are Mrs . JennIe Braddock. Mr. and Mrs. lNe1l1e BUnnell a.nd grand givlng their WI for their country. Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell of near Way- daughters C6l'ol ..nd Rhoda BunI was with him three days and I nesvUle, ' Mr. and Mrs. Warren nell, ~ MoniIY;lia. Bunnell, Mrs. ~ 8B&ure you that our loved ones I8n1.ddook a.nd dUghter, ~tty, of Irene Burd6Il and. da.ughte~s, IPenY 1lettlng the best" care on eiu-th. lWa.yru;vllle, IlJ'ld ·IMr. and MrS. and Bal'bara, called in tlhe )3()ganBo after seeing this I feel oUr cntr1bu~ should be larger and Young were guests s~t churoh Sun- llome last Frlda.y evening. , A short Easter p~am was given that .they are not in vain. day. a.t church ' Sunday 6& it lWas our .~. ANN'iABEL'LoE FLORA ROoT FOB AND CONSIGN· reruar preac1llng day. Mr. and your "attie, hop, &heep and cal,.et AdvertJalng Shows Ebergy Mrs. iRobel't Hadley and SOil! were to Norrls-Brook Oq.• llve wire and AUCTIONEERING present, • progress1ve firm for the htlhest Stanley and Kooaler matket prJcea and good MrVIoe. ,Mr. and Mrs . Charley lAI.1rd of For Dates, Phone 28M, ~a~ea Cauiden" were guests Qf their -:;:-' - Unton ' Stoclk Yards, ClnclllJll.fJ, O. daughter, Mrs. EdIth HaInes, last vl11e, Ohio, nevel:se Oharges Tune in on Radio statlou WClKY, ThursdaY· 12:25 to 12:30 p. ' m. fQr OUf daIlY BROKERS I.IClEI!fSE market reports.
Any ...ake :or model ' Fred .K ahn Motor Car Co. LEBANON, OHIO
=C=h=u =r=c=h=e=s=....
l.l paper does not. arne with many or l''""" ,fobe letters published in ·this column I\lETHODIST CHUIWII oar Uaden Me Ihvited to use it to Louis C, Ilall'ey, Pus tor express their opinions and sentiments on topics of renern.l interest. Church sohool at 9 :30 a . m . .Please keep letters as short as Iio5WOl'shtp service at 10:30 A. M. BIble. ST. I\IARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Edlt.or of The Mlaml Gnzette: I have 'b een a subscrl~r of tile Ralph Parks, 'MInbter In Charre M1aml G1lzette lor mnny, many Church school at 9:45 a. m. years Wld always loved to read th.e Morning prayer and sermon 11:00 h a.ppeni.ngs of my iCt·.l ends In aod a _ m. oUIld WayneSVille, IlJ'ld also the ferent activIties to be held Jl'E.mV ClltlllCIl OF CIJRIST ch 'We enjoyed SO much. But B e.r bert Graham. Mlnlater re 01 late. notJling much but Ilrch denomination, and fonn of 9:30 a . m.; Bible school 10.45 a., m.-Communlon. ptlsm, eaeJl writer tht.uklng his 11:00 a. m.-8ermon. ber church the only nl!'ht one. 7:30 p . b. -Preaching. We st1l111ve In a free oounb-y and have right to our own belle!; so FRIEND!!! af!!illate yourself with the churoh FIrst Day school, 9:31'1 a. m. of YWJ' cpolce, rego.rdles.s of denomMeeting tor Worship, 1?:80 L m . inatIon. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH J~e not.· that ye be not judged.~. FaUler KnamboIts, PrIeI& So print somethJ.ng else besides the Mass Sunday 9:00 a. m ; <Wrangling over church denomination and form of OOptlsm. We a.re WAYNESVILLE CHtJBCH OF gett!h8 fed up. CBBIST . BETTY.
(Pol. Adv.)
faithful public service.
TO 'Be Prelented By
'A Farm Diary--Dry Ridge
Fred J..Hagemeyer
Will pay $2.00 fQr D~. Horaes, $1.00 for Cow•• Sheep, Ho'" Calve. and Colts REMOVED PROMPTLY
Phone W ayneaville 2804 The onl, Fe.rW1ler PiJD' lD
Warren COUDt.J
'Sand &'Gravel,
" . ~ &be EnUre ~ .... D. . .
THE REXALL STORE Oar Store Your BeadQuarten Phone 11& Lebanoo'
..... r ............·.1M4r.,,·
. . . -....r . .
. , . auL aTATE loGAN8 .......... Oblo
!Acne. Bead, to Wear
2911 .
Morrow Phone No.. 3 Lebanon : Office. Phone .73 K Residence 9B !ill
Phone 230K; 4 80uth Broadway
-SPIEGEL'S SHOE: STORE Shoes for tlie' FiIDlU7 _ XRAY nTTIl~G . Complete S'loCk ~ J.. • 'From at AU TiaRa , I
..S'J~Q:L~S MEN'S 'STORE , stock
of . Clothlnr and ~er1
,.T LOW PRllJa ~
.-.;. ........1Ii footI"" ....
A CompletO Neir S&ooIl ' of SPRING DBBSSES-aOlTSroATS Poplllar ......
"M" ..... qual", .......
.., .................. ..
Ph_aali -
......•......'N OHIO ·
Ia.n. .. .....
....._ ................. ·1IenIIy,0WMII_......,
Phone 6 L
1AIIuIIta '
A Comple$e
107 E.
Phone 48 '
Phone 38Z -1111
Phone 23
Next to Bank
of~: : '• • ~
'. ; ........ Aia , .
THE. F~HION SHOPPE w~. ~, ~.E8 APJ,"~
w~ Buy and Sell New and Used FUBN1T1JRE " 'EverythJnr for Farm and Home'
...... 11IL
"Season oiHappiness."·
~ IS,
,.,. crap ........... ".. lit ..M" ........ , . . , . . . -'
............ --.
.. TUf ROXANNA CANNING CO~ 'Y!a~e.ville, Ohio
, Phoae 2878 .,
" Obituary
_ Ail whoee ~earta 10 out In sym- pathy to the homes ':-of those who have ~ called upon : to. make the supreme 8a'CJIlIlce In behalf of their' country together ' with the ciose friends and relatives were deeply touched by the news ,receiVed by Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Daldn, allMlU' bere, In a telegram from the Waz Deparbnent whiCh read 113 fOllows: , 1O'l1he Secretary of. War' aSks that I usure you _of hla deep 8~th1 in the lOll Of you' son, Rc. MelriD B. DaIdn. Report ,receiVed states be d.1ed thirteen February in Ital? .. result of 'WOUnPs received in ~.. Following th1s telegraph W88 'a letter from the War ~t from :wh1ch we quote the lfollow:1ng paragraph: "The Significance of hl& heroic servtce ~u defe~ of hia country Iwil1 be preserved a.nd com-
tbJ frem our lea4eJ'11 in tb» anatIItruscle do help to aaauace the 'srier 01 acblng Ileart4 and ' IU'e deeply 8Al1'eclated. BOW tbanktul we Iihould be to llVe in a 180d where men's lives am not ~ as dumb driven cattle w1\;hout reto the lhi8lber and tiner tb1np of life. 'We are a~ed at the ~rtleunelll al the men !Who broUlht this avalanche fit 'WU upon tlhe : world ancl w~ tread down meNs llvee as if they were leas val\Ie tban the liva or marau~ meeota. Kay' God pant tbat tlbe !eadera of our &Teat Ilatlo~ never be ~ cruel and bea8by .. thatt !WIthin the last few days, the Dakin: family received the foUdwmr ietter the Secretary 0: War, .c1&ted April '6, 19.. : "My Dear' Mr. Da:ldn: At the reque&t or the PresJdent, I write to int<Xm you that tale Purple Hearl baa been a.WlU'ded
from _
poetbumDUBl.Y' to your eon. Pre, Melvin B. Daldn, Enatneers. who aacr!tlced Ihla Ufe in defense of his country. Little that !We can dO or _y will oonsole you for the death of your loved one. We ~ a.pprecJate the gftatness 0: your 10811, for In a \"trY' 1'eI\i eenae the ,sympathy In your ,b ereavement. lo88 8Utfered. by . any of us In this Your IIOIlfought vallantly m .. su- battle for our country Is &. 10611 pmne hour of'hIs country's need. 8ha.redby' all 0( us. IWben the IHIa memory will live in the grate- , medal, which you will shortly re,r uI heart of our nat1?D-" 'lbeIe celve, reaches \YDU. I W8nt fOIl to 1WOl'c1s of appreclaUon and ~ know ,that witlh 1t ~ DlY' 81ooer,b y a grateful mtion. and it Is hoped that this thought ma-y, give you strenst;h and courap In your Borrow." , A few days later the following lettar W88 received f rom our ComfIU!l1der';ln-ohief, General Manihall. "General Mashall extends bla deep
What the Well-dresaed cm.sum.-
WiD Wear '~:: '
'- - - " T
''(l'l '
est 5YDlP8thy, and the hope ~t 1iF===i!!iEiIiiiiiii:iiS==l~==~E:E:E:==~=E:==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;5;;!!~5;;!!========i!?E!i==;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;==========;;;;;:;:;====;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!!~fi1 t1.me and the victory ol our cause 'Will f1nally liehten the burden '01 your grief. " -' 81nce~IY youns, ,(8lF1ed) Hen,ry 1.. 8t1maon." Melv1h Hiram Dak1n 'W88 bam Janua.ry 13. 1913 on the olili ~ome farm where hl& parente still reslde, and d.1ed in'Raly February 13, 19«, aged 31 yeans and one month. Before entermg the service of b1a country he was employed for one year by the 0reI0n1a Bt1die company. His eervl.cee were 10 much appreclatecl Iby <the company that every Chr1stmas. after he entered the service, he l'fOOiVed a check lor ten dollars. " AB Q young man he was lncl1ned to take life b. rather &. happy, caret~ee manner, but alter entering the anny his le~ters aoon indl.cated ~ attitude on life had undergone a complete chanie. In writing fl'DDl Italy, M sa.ld 'he 4l8ver !l'ealized !What home was ,u ntil be ~ced condlUons over there. His aw.rec1aUon 01 houie and ~ parents W88 manifested in a very thoughtful and praOtl.cal ina.nner. He soot hill By Permission of George NiIl, lessee mother many nI.ce things and re, membered her tn many waoy8. To hla lather he aent ., check every Christmas: These beautiful acts of Jdn11ne66 drew the bOOds of .a.UecUon all the cloeer aDd make his i06/l the more keenly felt. Be61de6 hla parents, he leavllS beSAL E BEG 1 N S 1. 00 P. M. hind the following !brothers and alBters, Mrs. Oharlea yOung, Mrs. SALE IS BEING HELD TO RAISE $500.00 TO COMPLETE WAYNE TOWtN SHIP'S , $3,000.00 !Paul Armstrona ana l!4r&. RIchard QUOTA FOR THE CURRENT RED CRO~S WAR FUND DRIVE, AND DESERVES, EVERYONE'S Bra.nt, ~ of Lebanon', PIc. IIfe11)ert
For the Benefit of The
Saturday, .April -15
B. DaJdn. JohlI8on
Field. N. C., Mrs. Ir-
oorothy Dakin a.t
vin M'Ulford. :Mrs. Ernest Nixon, Mrs. Milo Beal of WaynesvWe, G1enn F. DaIdn. :Mrs. <lIla.l"les StlleB, Wa.yIleSV1lle R. F. D~ aM Sgt. Darrel C. Dakin. oamp Blanding. Florida, and fourteen n1eces a.nd nephews. One brother, Carl Lester' Dakin, preceded him in
We are asking the people of Wayne Township to contribute tlie following saleable items: Calve., Pig., Sheep, Live Poultry, Farming Implements, Garden Tools, Tubs, Pail., Chairs or Other Fumiture, Dishes, Potatoes, Com, 5e~, Baked Goods, Canned Goods, and any other Useable Items.
Itelln. needed and .olicited for lunch counter: Sugar, Cream, Hamburger, Wieners, Catsup, Coffee, pie., Cake., 'ttc. Bring in contributions or phone for "pick-up" service. ' .
'I'hrough their tet.nJ all these will ever gratefully IreDleIllGer the 1tlnd' exJ)reMlonII of sympabby . COIID1Dc
f.rom. 110 maoy IIOUroeS and in 80 many Wli'Y8 such 88 floral tribUtes, cards of sympathy, telephone ca.lls.
'etc., reveal1na' frleIlds in JDIUlY cases they mew not of. 'l'bUs, out 01. the cl.arkest th1nge of life, there can and often do oome aome of the most
beautiful tlll1.IlA of life to oheer. us an our rway. The family w18bes to expreIIB their tbanka to Rev. T. l4. BaalC for tbeIe ,ooosol'na ~ords.
WIllen ,W1U wan cease, and when
The reign ' of peace, for 'Which meu ,
rw1li ,tean cease, and hearts homore~~ Becauae our aona must ' suffer, in 1I8ODY mUst d.1e?
'. Is it alone bY strUe and a~Ul ,hate That man must live . upon fobe
Yova wardrObe may Dot' in· elude a mountaio·dimbU's cottome or deep-sea-divee. 'rig. But they illustrate a simple, startling /ild. ". ' Wbile -, b. ~o,' of
b••" di",bi"g
Ii.,co,, .of
N", IN
M'Ust Ulan bY'
taxes, eJec:tridt)' has
J,ec:ome /just abou~ the biggest harpiD in your budget! The teaIOOI are .. many .. the men and women,wbo'work lor your local electrIC ClOmpan~der . c:areful ~t keeping .emce good; price low.
' • "1('''''.10 IIw,NpiOfl," O"/~ ~• •Nt ",,,.., of IN .""Ie, ftJ"1 8:'0, 0"" 114I~ FHIO. •
T_. "'__"
Ship y~ ,c~ DiNct .to Tri-Sta~ Our '34 ye'ilrs 'of direct service to d~irymen ha~ . 'pla~ed millions'll dolla~' into the pockets of , the follt8 who milk the cows. Mfny Fathers, Sons, , and Grandsons are ,a·incmK the thousands of satisf,ed ' 1rl-State sbippez:s. -: . , , ~ ' .,
Tn. Pick-up, ~et
Melrnben of the Red Croll committee in charge of the sale are: Mr •• Everett Early, MiN Alice Gona, M~.. Hnrtley Mou, Ernest Butterwqrth, Kenneth Hough, Rev. L C. Radley, C., H. Bra~, c:hairaum, Property,(:;ommittee--Rhodea Bunnell and Everet Early. Live.tock C~mmittee-Hartley MOIl and Ernest Blutterworth. AUCTIONEERS: MIN15TERS OF THE TOWNSHIP A..iatecl,by Wilbur N. Seara
I.e th1a hope vaJn? You uk. Illl' fr1eDd ' Not lNol ,FOr ~ bIa blood was the ' promlse aealed• .He'll brtnc bac* UUl8e who cUed in
HJin. '
And. then. all
life~s 801''l' OW8'.ma.ii be
SOC' R.~ ......~ 53£
~'t foraet - , ~ F~ Sti~y ~ daIa moath.
*.**.~ •••••••
CLERKS. L C. ST. JOHN and PERCY REASON ' A ••i.ted by Red Crou Pet'ICIIUlel
Con\fj One! Come' All! Let's Raise Our
All Adv,erti.ina in connectioo with the Red Cross AU,d ion Sale is aponsored by the following Busine.s Places: . TH:E WAYNESVILLE NATIONIAL BA'NK We have added a Safekeepina Dept. for War Bond.
J. E. McCLURE Phone 2111
. WAYNESVILLE ICE CO. Whole.ale Ice Dealen--Fiahingl Lakes Now Open
BOB'S DAIRY, Kn,o wn for D~pendable ' Service
ROXANNA CAN,NING CO Contracts Now Open for Acreage
TWIN THEATRE '.'Madam Currie" , ApriL .8, 19, 20
HYMAN'S CLOTHING STORE THE OHIO 'CENTRAL TELEPHONE CO. MeDl, Women'. and Ch~l~reD" Clothing_ _ _E_ll_ch_a_naes at Lebanon, MalOll, Morrow, Wayn.,.Yill.
W. H. MADDEN and CO.
Reel Crall .olicitor. will try to cover their terri torie. again and arrange for your contribution and ' ita delivery. However, if .olicitors fail to contact you, call a member of the following committee liated ~Iow and make your arrangement..
~ IIball no m«e rob · the family lh earth, No tea.ra will fClll. nor b~ the cry of pabl. '
man forever dle,
Wben ~t returna on earth
. Thl!! Red Croaa Committee especially asks the women of the Township to contribute cake., pie., meata, lard. canned good. and other edibles.
you haven't' ~ced the ieduc· , &1d boeomII flll with ~ and aonin ~ Own biUs I:*aUle ' tear flODl blrth? you've been adding appliances WhIm <W11l ,w an Cea8e? Ob, UBten aad aaina more cleqridt)'. But t:r1endl the __g it JI,.;••. '
INu , ' In the ¥t of other WUtiJDe
.l.dric sffllk. btU 6,." {irol": "i"g do"",' Tha~s true Do mat': ,t er what year yo~ set .. liRa. level"~S, 10 01' 15 years , • Actually, 10 tb! ~ast is yean. the cost of electrtClt)' has co~ down so far dlat the avef88e . American fam,iI), gets ab"~ut • b f 1. 'WIC. tlS",1I& or uS today as it did 'then. P~PS:
- '.
Hi MiAMI ~fl't!ift tIItJIS&A., Atltt tj, tUL ..__~:=~~~~==~~==~--~-~r.i~-==z~------~~~--~--------;_---------- ~--------~------------------------"------~--------------~~~~~--~~-:M.~~----~--,Qt ..__~__~------------~~-------------..... ..;;;u; Tho_
arar. &baD ODe penIOIl baa
me fat< IIlOI'e . . . . . of tb~'Of, tbe ..... when . .' ~ hOmesteadec1 In''Iciabo.:. ~~, I knew, wu .. ~~ ~tIten by lllY' ~,
l '~ flDd it, To-
very complete, It will ~.eU you more the.ll I ould. HOMESTEADJNG IN IDAHO The of pioneering has a &~rong8.ppeal fol' most A!TleTl00n ' born people (l ld Harry. and I ~U\(i a .had caSe 01 horn~tead fever even before we were ma.rrled in April of
11&10 .
daJ I ~ i tDd _l~. Sa just aa We wrote to the govetmment buIbe ~ it ~ tel ~ &80. reau at iW~b1118ton, D. O. !for a list I ~ JOU ·W11l .enjW it, and ~ ot va<:aJlt land .Opell to entrY, and wui ~, no ~t, tha~ 1 made 11 '!We ·were surprised to .find how many ff!W miJltakea in
some or
the things many' acres were there just oWaJ.tlng for some one to claim them. One could take 60 acres of ·funnlng mnd. 640 aCre3 of grazing land, 920 acr S (or 1rrtgation., providUlg one could :t. find water with which to Irrlgate it. There were tlmber and s tone claims I'erb&Pa also but. I don't know e.bouL them. We lbecame so conlused by the amount of tree I·ea.l esta.te lying about in nearly 811 directions thnot \III,~ , we ftrmember those hap,- we coUld not decIde where we wished pen1np .that we never ~hougbt t.o locate, SO, in JUne lOa, we startabout,. before. Remember those ed for Portland, OregQ.'1. We stopped ~ tbat. 'Were 80 much "-Part of In Spokane for a short visit. with our ~ daoy life that 'We dldD't Harry's ,b rother, an old tinle cow bave. th1nIi: ~ them . .Al1 or US puncher, who told lI3 that bhcrc was have tbeIe memories. When 1 reach n~ land worth ta.kIng left for eutry. , eel ~ .../. that a.ll girla and boys When 'we wouldn'<f, listen to his ad.....aQ. the ace ~ we ~ con- Vice, he bid us a sad goodbye and ~iIf bow ~ BlW and with the admonition to "Wdte me dO~ I ~ to ca.U~ moth- when you are broke. I can scmpe ~. N~1a ~ she told up money somewhere." And we ..J..••• ~ ~ Die, "l ~ ra~ you 'Would. call owed him money when we H'.lally me ~' Uot.ber la 80 pollte and left the homstead. put. . . . . d1ItInce between "- . Some tline ,b efore leaving l)a.y>ton mo~ &Del c:b1ld. There 18 more I sent in a request to n. monthly f .. . So we a.ll JIUI8Q.1ne, with a. large westem cir~ _ 1 I -1be ......-.. r 'Vap... .... . . . , culat;1on. for correspondents who .-!J B~. S. the, .tor¥ about their life llved on ,hom~teQds. The result was CD bomeIIteac1 and Wbile it isn't gratifying and' 'in some instances UhM. ~ told. When we only hear aboUt ~ wblch we can.'lOt re~ aeeinl, fs.cts aro J1kely to ~ mJxed. up "- bit ~ laa story. that wouldlljte to ~ll &bOUt 'm y motlier~ m.y Mom. you thl.nk it ~ tOO much aboUt. 'l!om. but. when people 'IV'C ihave lOVed very much, have been W[I'y 'doee to, PIal on alw&y, from
U;, •• J
'N,O,I ICf!
. ,'
• J
:~~ 'We.. have parChased the Pence Grocery Store i~ . ~ ~d ~ ·~"w open. for businesl. Weare are handJin.,r \Vb'i te Villa Product•.
GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS, CREAM for , the Beat QuaiR-'m.h_ P~..
See '
{'or JOUr
VE~ ~ 'ICE
w. abo,.... GASOLINE and OIL
,A·I~Mo'~~' S'6R 0CfJ . ..
'. ~
L Y'T L E,
0 H I0
amusing . The b~t advice we receivcd seemed so r.ldlc:ulous at the Hme that we 19'1'1ored Ib, but a.fterward we appreciated Us true value. It was a 1 fl'Oma. woman.i'l the DakotR5 who said tha.t we might. :Juoceed on a homes~d if we \lad around $3000 with which we could buy a. number Of cows and sell milk. The male Increase we ooUld&ell to the butoher. It we had gOOd bust:ness Instincts ,she thought we could succeed providing we located near a mark~t, I t was oomethmg to the same effect as the cow .puncher remarked, "If we had some ham, we could have !:lOm e ham and eggs Lf we hnd a ny eggs." Well, therewa.sn't anythL!1g romantic about h er plan, a lot of people right In Ohio were doing hel' way alld mak~ng money if they 'Worked. with enough determ1nation. We aU know tha t t.here is not.hlng alluring a.bou t hard work. So we 'tossed thaL letter a.sIde and read the others . Some of them dldn't meJ;lUon hOl11stoodlng at all. At least. one wtI8 a chain letter Some were llltters begging Jor one thing ur another. One woman' in New Me,xioo wanted to know If I would oome down there and teach th eir school. I had not claimed to be a tea.Cl1er but that didn't seem to make any d1f!erencc. Just before we left DByoon I recelved a letter from 0. homesteader In Idaho . It was the first really interestlng 'l etter, She told about the country and ended by say!,..'1g that ber bU$band dIdn't want ,h er' to 'WI'1t.e me as She had gotten her sister and family to move out there and they were dissa.t1S!Ied. She said that she had tried to teU all the disadvantages as well as the Inducements that the .country offered. She wns the one who finally' 'l ocated us
; Counw,·, ~Ommi8Sioner Subject to ,Ilepublican Primaries, May 9, 1944 (fol. Adv,) ':
the suburbs McfI was dolng my own cooking, it W65 worse thaon the restaurants. I didn't feel !well at all' and Harry· didn't ieel so &OOd either, so one day we wen~ to see a doctor.
was late in June il911 and lIarriette care to stay with us in February, 1912. • Babies are queer tha,t way. ' One if b yearns , or a aby and sheds blbter 'l1hls
;:=========~=~===::;::;::====:;:======~====::::==:-.::..~ OLD
I'rt,i'tUltt;/(lI,r'II,ir, Coli/gil
S'Il"I, ,,4rk/1/1Stll
one wish an(J. 1Jult 'wasbeto m.ne-rngain , ~ut I d!.?, cause that the only kind of ,w ater I could get from then on. I didn'f care much for the Portland restaurants and when we rented a house in
Harlu T.o~hip, Warren. County For
Uncommol) piece. of machinery, some ot· . sec.ret nature, built In the last two years to make implement., 01 war now occupy uncounted acres of floor space In American factorie s. The tools be.long to t. ~ government. The factories are priva tely owned. They used to turn out th ings liS peaceful as plows, pencils and pianos and they hope to do the same things again, soon. Se.n ator Hnrrv S. Truman of Mis· souri, in a ,spcech in Nt:w York no t long ago, suggested that the govern. ment (owner ot the tools) ought to hurry up and price.l.IIg the olles it would be willing to selll when the war Is over. After that. he pointed out, ' manufacturers now using the tools can decide which ones they can use profitably and afford to buy for peacetime work. A Wise Suggesl,loD Think of the movJ.lg and wrecking and time-killing palaver this would sa ve. I respect aU leade rs who Bre down.to.earth imd I' am convinced that Truman Is not ra ttled. The very bigness .of this emergency tempts us sometimes to look the other way and shrink from facts that concern us vltaUy. I suspect that some of our leltdel'S get weak knees occasionally fr om hearing their jobs called colossal. I am not suggesting that any of us lower our sights; but I do be· lleve •that ifId we nre Ito see I mat· ters o. WOI' and lIa t ()Oa im porl cleorly, we must sCllle them dowJl to WI' si ze and sec wha t tiley meon to us and our neighbors. If Uley don't make sense on that ba!;is, perhaps they don't mnke sense a t all. Money matters provide an exce,l lent example. on a claim. Farm PrOlperUy Turnlng homesteader and getting One well-established fact II very married nre a lot a.Uke . Each one handy for meas urlne naUonal econothinks WE will make good regar<Hess my in terms 01 family !pocketbook. of the number or wrecks who try to Here's the facl: When factory workwarn us. era have money, Iarmers are prosperous and most honest people fare [ had been 60 dlsa.ppo!.nted be- well. Right now , due to war (not cause there was no baby, ·but after to sound thinking), American labor We decided to homestee.d I retillzed i8 fully employed and Vlell paid. tha't. It was all for the best and we Farmers are prospering because the had 'beLter get settled &nd in good workers have extra money and live conditlon .flnancIally, before a.ny 00- well bles come. I dldn't. enjoy the trip Nobody needs a crystal ball to see that this will cila.t;lge, when war ;west as I ~ought I would. rudlng ends unless s~mething ill done about so long tWlthout a. stop made me' sea- it. Now, if you were the governsick and I ,was very tired. 'But the , ment, responsible for aU these worst >happened !when we reached . things that can delay the wbOle · of the ·foothills of <bhe lRock1es. The reconversion, I hope you would sboo away all the big gr.illy kfears. and water in ,the dr1nk1.ng fountairul , think ftrst of your son( and brothers changed for the mountain 'Water'. I quitting the seJ'\lJce aDd looking tor still remember how dl~ted :t was a job; also 'about tha~ war'Working ro hear the other paase.ngers raving neighbor. What's to become of him? about ·the wonderful wa.ter . i falled WlU your own job end with , the to find anytihing good about it .at war? If so, can you go bnok to your old une? Farmer, if you are specialall. In f8(lt. It made me 60 sick I izlng in some war crop. wbat will
~;;;~;;;;;~~~~~;;;;~~~~~;;~~~~~~J:J~a~d~.b~U:t VOTE FOR
lO()Kll((I AHZU ".
you raise in peacetlmaK' Automobile denier, how soon wm you get cars to sell? Manufacturer, wb~ will your government contra(:ts be settied and your floors clent'ed of warworlting machinery? Can yoU get busy betore your compeltitor birell away your best men and Ig rabl your markets? Face lhe Faeil. straight.thinking citizens will not say matters like this are in uie hands of super·men with luperminds. They . are notl G9vernment men are only men, and! all their authority comes from tltle people. Nothing helps good leaders more than approval from thinkilng yotel's. I hope Senator Truman lilets plenty
ot support for his common-senae
Baha'i Faith By Mrs. Helen MeCoy R.. R. Z, Wayn~vlUe In t il e dhanging days, ~e are con:tronted dall y with new nwve ments, new s entlfic de\tel~t:.s, names and new ideologies. Be~:Il use "'!'he Baha'i ~Ith" is a new Ilame and becauae or lis world 1mporum e, I wish to expla.ln ita mean illg, (1) sta~e Its underlying principles and ( 2) trn~ it6 origin and ccvelopmen t . The BahIl'lrevelatlon 1183 been &Cclaillled as the pul'pOSe a.nd prOJnlse of nl1 !.he I'!;ophe t.s Of God and herTO THE CITIZENS OF WARREN COUNTY. 8'lded 1n aJ.1 the sacred. scriptures. Baha'u'Uah, the 8lUtl101' 01 the I wish. I cou ld ca ll on each of you personally, Balla'i Dispensation proc1:airned that relgious trut h 18 not absolute but but due to my duties , as Chief Deputy Sheriff, this relative, tilat Divine Revelatloll" is oon\Jnuous and progressive, that the i s not possible. founders of aU pa.st rellglona, though clifferont Ul llon-essentlal aspecta Therefore, I mu s t stand befol'e you on my rec01 their teachings, procln.1m the same' basic truths. His cause, stands ord of the past, which has been without fear, or identified wlldl and revolves around the principle of IIhe organic unity of favor, in the execution of my duHes. ma.nk1lld a.s representing the conOn this 1basis I solicit your vote for SHERIFF 5Ulnatlon of the whole process ' of human evolution: OF WARREN COUNTY. As a ba.s1s for an orpnic UnIty of manlGnd, Ba.ha. 'U'1lall reveQlled lawB, prLnclples alld teachings all refiect- I Ing tile spirit or a New Worid Order. 'I'he western world firSt 1ee.med of the FaIth through iUs principles, in one of .A:bdu'l-Be,ba'l's public s.dSUB~JECT TO REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES MAY 9 dresses made in the United States (Pol. Adv.) ' during his tour of t his country in 1912 . He preSented the follOwtng • uIIlmary tJIf Baba 'U'Uab's tea.chlugs. Tille olleness of t.lle world or humanappro,ved. ,W arfare ,for rellg}?1lB order of he faith . Ity. The protection and guidance of The forerunner of the ,f aith waa reaoons is prohlbtted. the Holy Spirit. The foundation of Governments must appotnt or MirJa'All - Muhammed of 8h1raz, aU religion is one. !Religion must be elecb to office only such persons as IalO\\m as the Bat» (Ge.te) who pro!.he cause 01 unity. Rellglon must have cha.rncter and capacity. cla.imed on May 23. tl lK4, his twoaccord witl.l science and reason. The The repentent sinner must tum fold mission a8 aD independent independent invesLlgaUon of Truth. to God tor toreglveriesa and not to ma.nlfestatlon of 00c1 and herald Equality of man and women. The all¥ human being. , . of one greater 1lhan himaeV, who abandonin~ of all prejudices among The of, 'laIw and ordin!lncc would tnaugura.te 0. new and unmankind. Universal peace. Univt!l'l!is defined and given a. tlnn basis precedented era in re11gloua history a1 education. A universal language, In .t he est&bUshmant c( 8OC1al 1n8tl- of mankind. At the early of 31 Solution of the eceonomlc problem. tutions . This New World Order in- the 'B ab was publJc1y ~ b1 .. An lnnational tribunal . volves no less than ttbe complete mWtary :firing squacl at Tabria, The laws Inciude: the obllg~t1on unlflcatlon .of the ' entire human Persia, on July 9, 1860. In 19()g his 01 dally ~rayer, an a.nnua.l fasting race and should conform to such body was 1&14 to rest ln. B&1fa on periOd of 19 dayS; prohobitiOin of prinolplea as Would directly l18r- Mt. Olumel. ,After "- long and danUSe 01 alcohollc liquor or drup; mo.l'lize with the epirlt that ani- gerous period, a. band of lib dlamonog'&mq; marriage contingent on mates and the . IB.~ govern c1ples su~ in tra.nspart1ng the Ilhe co~t of ali tour parents, or ~ operation of the 1natltutlons' casket OOIl~g H1a remains to those llving; obedience ro c vll govthat Rll'e8(ly ~onst1tute the $truc- that place. erl)DleIlt; oblig6tion to engage' in a (~next~) ~f;u1 trade art or protesa1on; . pro- tura.l lbasis at the 64m1n18~t1ve 'h.1bitlon · of clergY' In the Ba.b&'! fa1tb. MaDY' more ~ deal With individual conduct, med1tatlOIlB and pl'ayers, designed t.o create mao's W'&reIless 01 hi8 real &elf. My ~idacy for nominatioD for Commi..ioner Followlng_are.JlO!me...DI...,me....e:ItIl(~+*--'I~Q.AI'Q:&l~..... . .....'ounly,.: ubjeet to!. the action of the tatiOnB. The supreme obllgatlon :tla . RepubliCan Prima..,., May 9, ~944. 00 e.ttain 81 good character. I have b.een a resident of Warren COU-nW::f&Ir-4,Q--II- _ _ __ Through truatwortlmes8 menwiU years and Am .~, properly owner and taxpayer. 'Have attain aeeurlty and tranqulUty. been member of Mason Grange for the past' 20 Roe$peCt. pos,sessors or talent. years"and did county road work for about 10 yeats. 'Meet all obli&atic.ns due to others. I have $erved on the Mason School Board and Town Refra.ln f~OQl slander and backbitOouncil. ing: • In slipporting the.. War Effort, have worked on itt is in()~nt upon all to acall Bond, Red Cross and U. S. O. drives' and have qUire knowledge usefUl 1X) mankind, given two .o f my. three son~ to the Armed Forces. Agriculture is of first importance. Due to gas and tire restrictions, I am using this K\UJUIj!l existence rCbta upon two rrueans of contacting my friends an~ asking for the ,p illars of reward ('f~r ' obedience to sup'port ,o f Warren County people upon the merits of divine command) and punl8bment ·my past .expei',ience and labor in road ' work and in (f:-I~~e~ ' :; to uphold all civic anti phiJan~hropic enterprises.
~:s~ ;:::'means to world
.J ohn J.
proposal. It would surel;y hel the Schoo18 must train chlldren In the MASON, OHIO machinery industry: ' , . prlnclples. of religion. Cellbacy and (Pol. Adv.) , ------~~------------ffl_~~---...L.._ _ _ _ _....".._~-I __ __It_:..100':'___=_~:_"....ore importllilce than not. ,;. ,~: that. the Senator knows what's good seclusion' trom ,the lWorld . ' .. for the farmers of Missoqri 10 the post-war' slump. He and hili a8ll0- -------------~.----------~-------------------------------------------------... elates have a plan for u~rmlnatlng BUILD YOUR FAMILY MEMORIAL WHILE YOU LIVE war contracts In such . a way all to keep industrial wo'r kers bllsy and earning money after the war, and it needs to succeed If America Ii to ,keep leading the procession iii world prosperity,
tears of disappointment" beca.use tqere is no little bundle 't J:oDl 'Heaven on it.s WBlY, and then when One has become reconciled to being alone when, In fact, it is' most (lOnveruent to be alone, here comes the ·baby. And ore,.,e tickled·? We e.t'e. . The beiby was born about 6:00 II.. m . and H.e.rry had .been uJt all 'nlgbt ,b ut no one- OOIlSidered • ... at all. He 'W88 running. errands ·.all day. He even went into Porllla.nct and bought some amnouncement Cl8l'ds. PaTt of them said, "We ohnve a: ike The other 'p art lnIormed. the <world In seneral that "We ha.ve ",b ouncing boy." · 'M y stepfather _changed them and tried' ~o ~Jaln to 'tl1!, clerk but; she just lau8bed and said, "They a.!ten aet-thlit 'Way." We left tor the WheDHarlette was 1ive weeits (To be cont.1nuec;t next week) .
TIME, • '~
'1"BIIIIB NAMES ••• 0:
liI?n uu. c:ountry baa ever known."
t.omorrow if not plelaed. JjIO~II. ~ st.cft.
, ,
~DD'S. MEMORIALS Range from Ilm~e, Inexpenal". b.ead.toDel
, 19, farge and elabor~t!l .memor;lala. ,All ani the WOfk of nteran' artllt. and cl'af'tiamen and . 'bMll" the DOdds guarantee of 'QHHiy .~ ~iJr.a ·
blltty. .-",.
, You '.may for Instance cboole an lDdlvlo , mark",r ranSing from "'0.00 to '81i. O~r d,- c' . ble marker.' from ,76.QO to '1IIiO.O~r from 'our Cft)1JID of' M•• tereraft famllJ monament. hID . ,.0,00 1Qt. , , _. ': .
Do,.. To Kill 1& The g~ 1mheds ~~:'t be killed unl_ reached. l1nt,menta and oIntmenta do ~ Penetrate sufficiently. 'A sk aJlIY ~ for. Te-ol,.,lutlOn. Made wltal 90 '1(, alcobol, It penetrates. . senna. ApplJ full neat; or ~ feet. &UJI~."!IV
'Bootleggers must post CeiUolI Prices'; 'Federal AgentS seize'Trick' Liquor Truck'. Doesn't that go to PlVve, Joe. that proll~" lion doa not prohibit' ' "I watched conditions pretty car....'u!tr dqring our 13 years of prohibition ill !his country. The only thing [ could ~ we got out of it was bootk, liquor .instead of Uiol . liquor ••....plus the worst crime and 'cOrruP- ~
.The George DoddS andS~ Granite _Co~ ~
.- ~
115 W. MAIN ST.
From 'The Miami Gazette File .4-
FIPI'EEN YEAB8 AGO . • hUrO 10, 1929) . The Y .P.M. WID meet Sunday a~ ~e home of Ra)"UlOnd B1'6ddook. Devotlonal, Mary W118on; leeeon, Raymond Braddock; atlonal, Jean Bunnell. ' M1sa .Jeeale Clarke returned Mooday after speilCl1ng a week in O1nclnnati. . Mr. and Mrs . Ethan' CraIne of ~, aTe a.M\,ounclng.' the tlrth 01 a. daughter, Barbara Jean, at M1am1 Valley hospltnl Frida.y, Aprll 6. Mr. and Mrs. abodes Bunnell entertal.ned In honor of George BunlleU's 21st birthday Saturday. Bebween the nours or 1 and 8 last FrIday, W. O. St. John sold five new Chevrolet Sixes. J. O. iHawke has !been appointed 88SeSor ror Wayne tIwp. Last saturday Oharles WhLtaker won second pla~e in the state scbolarshlp testa in Oolumbus Ion lAtin n and Burdette Jackson, was second In .A!Dlerk:an hJst.ory. HI8h aohool honor roll: Freshmen, Verdena Fox, Ronald Hardin, Anlna O'Neall; sophomores, Oh'arles Whlt~ IlIker; jWllors, Catherine Branstrator, Bertha mer, Lola Sears. WihUe praot,lclng for the field meet iMaynoro Rich was Injured with the clIscuss. The Ifollowlng o~f1cers of the
~. RUIIIe'U 811H8bury; viCe preatdent, Kr'I. P. E. VanOrun. aeareta.rY, .!Mn. Obarll!8', AJlderlon.
traaurer, Mrs. Mfer H~an. '. :MiBB JoIephlne M8.1nous, ~ 01 the University of Michigan, Is epencUne ber vacation with her parenta at tihia place. She Is acc<mpanled by
a. friend.
'Ma.mBP License ...:..: Oharlea Earl Elzey, farmer or. Oregonia, and MIas Thelma Bnruiock, teacller Of Wayhesvll1e. March 30. • • • TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO
(AprO 9, 1919) Jetf &n1tb's slaughter house was robbild II4rIUn Wednesday evening. Mr. emttb est1mate8 the lOllS at $96. The flrBt of our t lghtlne men arrlved home Bat~ evtming-Lt. 0e0rBe J. Waterhouse. ,He was in several of tbe hottest battles and tells ~ thr11ling stories of the battJee of the old world . Mr . and Mrs. R. O. Cross were Columbus vlll1t0r8 thla week. Hemert J!ldwards 'Wu In MIlwau!tee last week, looltlnC after hJs Interests there. He came hmIe but lett on Friday for Denver whloh Is headquarters ror bl8 work. . lArtbur Zell and ramlly of NaShv11le, Tenn .• &peot 1IflVera1 days last week with Mr, and (Mrs. John Zen. M.1ases Locella Janney and Mary
insl Japan
8Cbools, spent 8\Ulday with J. E. J811ney and ramUy . John 81ulson, who h8a charge . at tibe StBOOard OU st&J!on here since Joe. HOl'Dlell'a acoident, lett; ~ ye"telr;rl "1 lay for- Ham1lton Where be 'has been siven ch&rge u a laqe statlon.t.here. :Mr. and iMrs. JW•• E . O 'Neall en.terta.I4led the Jolly Matrons and their husbands Monday eve.."l1ng. •
• •
America. has raised women to an eminence !beyond the lmagillation of IlI!lY period in hlstory or any country 011 earth . . . Now. Mrs. Eloonor Rosevelt wants women to partlclpate In the Peace conference . . . The G. O. P. national chairman has invited women. for lihe first timc. to help frame the party platform . . . Most Ameliclllns believe that qualllied women on any Job, w1Ll make ~he world a happier, more pr06perc.us and ,pooce!u l place to live.
FIFTY YEARS AGO (AJII'U 'J 18~) _~ C F. Irons anet Clyde COleman were doing the Queen City Tuesaay. Ida Githens CIiroe to town recently with 60 large capon fowls for which &he received $50. Rev. Jno. F . Cadwallader was SllDlIJlOIled to Greenville Sund81y evening b:l" the serious 1llness of his father, A. C. Cadwallader. The ball given by the Dancing club in Ine Or<&; Hall Friday evenlog was quite an enjoya.ble affair. Eight persons outside tbe cor,p orstlon voted on tbe corporation ticket Mondlly. The scbool election resulted in puttlng two new men on the board. Messrs. Needles and Hamllton. .Ambrose Matntt celebrated hls 50th anniversary by having the fol.lowing to dumer : W. A. Rodgers. G. R . SUIe.'!. C. !D. (woolley·, B. B . Compton. Frank Whipp, llenr:Y K.in8. John Graham and Raper. The ,publlc telephone Bt.atlon . has been moved to Thienman's Jewelry >
International Mineral And Chem ical Corporation
.............. .
Your ldoConnicll-Deerlnr
'lmplelnen& Dealer
PhOne '1M
lOt 'W. MaIa.1..
Phooe 1068
Phone 10 B
THE FAMOUS CHEAP . . :STORE We 8eIl EftI'1&bln. Pb~ I'll a ...... It.'
ROY V. ,HULL Sewin. Machine S~pp)iea · ..........
Phone W~
II E.: IIUke&
FRED' F. qRAHAM CO. W!D Paper,
PaIn.., G....
. 12 W. MaID SI..
BOUSB FuaNI8HlNG8 Phone , 'W. MaID
B1ee&neal ....... . " . - ....... lberwID-WIIUaIIIa ...... .. ,
...... -
IIYE CABE Tluearb I'repetIJ' ftUed
Gla'. Qar S~t1
', .. .DR.
. .Pholie
·w......... -
8pec•• ll11n&' in
xeD'" O.
.\ . Xenia 'Standard Parts .va
...."!~; cu'~dTrac;~
. GAU_
llIDIon , ~
taw ' '
IItJ1tftD8 . .
,.nl.. dIa
¥ '." ..... S&.
MaclaiD. Shop Work l08LMaia . - ,.......
as I-I w.
A iDG ' 8ro,8 & IN
N. Dek'oI& It., XenIa 'PiDe.ramuan ,. PYa' 10 1'...111
Albert EdJwa.rd, Payne, Republican candldate for governor. is attracUng l'avora'ble attention with, his proglessive platform. Hls f riends .say vba.t he Is not only going to stand 001 It. ,but fight for It. TheY' saY' he Is golng to Wasbington soon, to carry his fight to Oongress for postWIll' employment In Ohio, by urging lIhe Government to carry out their reoommendatlon tho. t essen t.ial manlilfactu,rlng businesses be moved nom the seaboard states to Inland areas, for safety d\ll1lng 1W0.~ Payne Is a suocesssful manufacturer him-
Jerry Belcher, public .even" director pf WCKY; '::1nclnn,ti• . is head man on the L. B. wnson' station's "Crossroads" program broadcast daily at 2:30 p. m. from the USO "8ervlce Center in Cincinnati's Union Terminal. Belcher interviews members of the armed forces as they. enter or leave .t he city and eives each one a carton .of j cigarettes with the cbmpllmenta' of WCKY. In the short time the program has been on the ' air, Belcher has Interviewed ; men from every state in the union and has given away .an ' average of 4.000 t cigare"week.
Many ,people are 6Sking the real reason <for Dale Stump's quitting the race for attorney genera.l • • • 'Hls ,friends say."~ simply coUldn'·t risk the kind oI a. campli.lgn necessary to defeat the State IH1g'hWBiY department whlch was spending ·t be taxpa<yer's mon,. to elect its candldGte. He was relueta.nt to ask his friends to devote Ohelr time and efIiNdaI ...no. eo _ ..1I.ma....... forts to such a. campaign. Stump A,. I . . olfariaa batpia p,",- _ ,... . _ _ ,became a ca,ldl~ at the last min- ..... f ••om. . ,..d_. You caa, ,,, tWo poper .1IIft ill coiabii..da. whirl ...,. _ oj ute, only after it Ihad been publicly lh_ ..... wItIf ... o.nnounCed t>y the G1)Veronr tilat the ,·MII. . . . SpedeI Waw. Select ....... a<imfnlstrat lon would sUpPort no you Uk.....I ••• daaa &1J ill dot ~ .... candldate :for any state office ·thls ...... it co.... P1_ do II .... .,..,1 . year" . . . S tump withdrew an anAny MagazHle li sted ,HId r ' "~ noUnced tbat he would personally Newspaper , Both for Pri ce SIWnll support Herbert D. Mills. • • • ' D ADlerian Fmlt G~_'.I,75 O. !P. Van Soholk, Democratic OAmUICUl Glrl _ .' .·r , ,~ candidate for congressm1lJl-at-la~;'-l---TIr;;;;;~i:~;:;~9i'i~-='-; is com.long to the rescue of hls,party 0 American' P.ouItry ~ ~* In the role of "daddy" to a muchD Beuer c.ootIai,. . . ,"~ . Hom~ " ·' 8.u needed partY. newspaper. There bas 0 Boy's We .. I ' 'iI' been no Democmtlc state ortlclal D Capper'. Fanner I,~ orpn for several years. Van's paper 0 ClUd LIfe .......... • , ~;;
_1_ . . . oi_. _
~~~e ~= tssun:mv:t
ll :
pear about April 21st and e<me out sem1-montbly for a. while.
• • •
Congressman John M. Vorys of Oolwnbus has just made a very Jonterestlng and enlightening report on hls.recent vlslt to "'he European war !ronts.
• • •
Homer Hamey,
cOl .. ,'ObISlnAn
8~ .~~. __-_.~ .=~. D 'CountryGendemim,5Vr£,..
D Etude Mualc Mapzlne...:'" a.ao
o flll'Dl }ml, Ie F'nD'rI WUe 1. . 0 Flower Growa' _ ....... _._ ill ; t.tI
O ,Porum-CoIUJllJl Re'riew _
o ~oUM!hold o Hygeia ,...
Mapdae _
. •• , .J.II
o Libuty ..........._
0 National DipIC
MODthIy~ .IM-
m '- '
0 Nature (10 Iu., IX Mo.)._ 1M
o Open Road (121..,14 "',aI) ,~
Toledo. Is '1i1red of the "Winchell 0 Outdool'l .(121!'-r 14 ~!t-) ~ feud. • . Maony people ere Just t,lred f--n"hthfimh7-::::;:;-:::::::::::==-~t--+-:7.:T~ or Winchell-period. 0 Photoplay·MOYIe M1mIrr _ IJII • • • o Popu1a[ .MecbanIa, ...;-"..They SQ<yI Jim Stewltrt 19 mystero Popular Sdeace ~ODiJd.1~ UG Poultry TrIbune ~ .._ . _ ., _. lous~ ducJt1ng CleveJa.nd meetings. o Rcada'. DJaat ------" ~,.... "No one" can publlclly ' speak to D RedbOok M..-zlue ' _ I.ts "anyone" up there without offendlng "someone," so Stewart Is prob~ g~1 , ~::: ,ably be~ng smart and speaJdng to o Sporn Afield ....... . . ' Us "everyone" lJIIder cover. D SuaDlful l'annJas o True Story _ ......,_ t.D . DU. s. Camera~ · : ioU: o Your LIte .,...........:....... ,.,:....: .....,
17-19 80. Whl&emaD 8t. PhODe MaID 3 ~
On "Crossroads"
Indllry Vic Donahey, indicate talat the ex-governor and former U. S. Senator Is going to actively take the stwnp fOr hls soll-In-lww, James W. Hu1fms.n. In his mee {or governor •. at Ine Demorera tic primaries.
He'~ Heard D.aily .
• • •
Waynesville Fa~ers ExchaD~~- ·-
Reports coming from the Indililn ILa.ke Island home o f t he almost leg-
We he&' that Mabhew- L. Blaer wtll laun~ an aareas1ve campataD. .lor attorney general' next week. on the Republlcan ticket. on two la/lUea -wInning the war and 1m0W1~ where your tax money soes.
Watch for a ' "draft Willlde movement," which' might be launched before the RePUblican convention.
Ings . .
teacllera : In the Carllale store. The craoker factory is an assured thing and If t he weather permits the bUllcUng will be up 8l1d encl06ed this week. The ra.ctory Is bu11dlng G-n Miami I!keet just across the alley [rOOl the Valley Bapt15t church. The Rangoon. tennlnus of the ' only rail route to the Interior. is key to flour from which ,the crackers are IUCCess of the Southeal~t Asia Command'. drive to retake Bunna-the third front In the war against Japan. Because of the lack of railto 'be made Is from the Te1egTllipb road.. petroleum prodlucts are of special importance on this front. MOl:;. Chinese, Yanks 'a nd Elrlgllsh troops are aU under Lord Louis Mount_ Electlon ;w1nner&-Township: Trus batten's command. Photo shows an outpost at an advanced American tee, J . is. Graham, clerk 0. ' D. airfield. built by IlWng empty n-lo.11on ,..oUne drums with concrete. Woolley; conatable, J. !M1B8lldlne; M. fl1haCkera. Corporation: Mayor, O. B. !Moore; clerk, J. H. 068key; me.r:>hal. A. C. White; Ilreasurer, James Btoops; councU, S. J. Way, C. R. Funston, A. L. Farr. At Loeldand. Are A.Factor In Our Acrlcultural Development And Are Greatly Aldlnr lila Our VlctA!ry PfOCTlUD For Incna&ed Food ProNOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS ductlo.n By Their kteJiasive Manufaoture and Distribution of INTERNATroNAL FEBTILlZEII~S. Developed To Meet The SoU Needs Qr This. DUe to the scarcity of neWlPar~ or the Country . . . Bolster Your Yields By Uslnr International print and the cove~Dt postal Fertllben • • • i.d Thelr Dealer Ad'VI.se You How To Ware War On reruJaUon nqulrlnr BubscrtpThe Home Front. , tiona to be paid in advance, we mut remove from our malUq Start->,OGr chicb OD tile WQ to fut. aalfOnD IP'Owtlt at LOW There Is no 1nstlwUon 10 the state It is a truck fOl1!l1, orchard or 11eld .1Iat. &11_ sahecrlbera who are COST. IIWIDIIID ecOllOlDlCll naaIb unricI by fllCliai • that hU been Of creater serv1ee ,to you w1Sh to cultivate, you cannot over two JDODths deUnquent in COIIPLETBLY BALANC&D RATION. the people a.nd h&& JIj,ded more In consult a. mpre rellable a.uthor1ty tlIeIr aubleripUon . aecountL the Increasing or food prodiJctlon than a deaJu 'Who sells 'I nternaand 'M!tIltlh than the grnternat10nal tlonaJ !F'ertWzers. , , . A ...,pllf" .................. NtIoII · Lt~ . l' \ Food producers have been f!oCClIS Mlherals & Ch~cal C<1J'II()l'Q'tIon at . All AlOft OUI MAI'rII M.. CHICI . . . . . .~ . tamed to wage a certain amount or Lockla.nd'. ",,-:'\J-_.~lIliM-j~Th~~e;Y'edha.ve 0. large plant and are war on the home front, and the bol': J ' with the most modem ma- s~ up Or the soils Is an old cblnery ror the ma.riufaA~ture of fer- story to tbem, .However, in tb1s land Ul1zers o.nd materials for the farm. or plenty, the ultimate in producA F~. Owned Cooperative , They keep an expet1melltal and sci- tlon and perfection of crops can Phone 2371 Wayn...iI1e, O. enWlc dePartment at worit a.t all never be aobleved without replenish1ng the solls with ,t hose vital ele:=~~~~:=~~~~~~====~==~=="&E========~~~~~~~====~~~~~ ~. ~ ' Un~~en~ I~ studying g:.rowj,ng condlUons In and tll.1s ments necessary !for protein and part of the oountry. ThI~1r plant has other !foods. This year, Uncle Slim Ii. large ~clty and 4~hls enables Is ooll1ilg every food producer to them to lurnlSb any quantlty of 841 arms to fight every condltl<m wbloh might join hands with Hitler and especial fOrmula, prom;ptly. . (DIRECT ~US LINE FROM WAYNESVILLE-SAVE TIRES AND GAS 'l1hI& sectl!>n, on aC001L1nt of many BCre8 of frum land and the great postpone our victory. --------.-.--.~.~.~.-.-.-.~,+"-----------------------------~~_,_._.~.~, variety of solIs, as well 1118 crops, has The Intern8ltlonal Minerals & MONI1IIENTS • MARKUS THE ORlTERION THE XENIA NATIONAL been tbeaubJect of thelir studies for Chemical OOlporatlon are aiding 10 BAr4K , Xenia" Ohio Ohlo's MOd complete lillpla, years andtlley have sol\1tld the prob- our Victory Program IWd all tood 1111-lIH KUPPENIIEIMBB CwTB£8 CAPlTAL ' 1ID4 81JBPLUS tu,GOO lem 'o f 1ncreas1ng production by the producers should consult their InGEO.~ODDSandSONS AnjJw BDllrYlI1 evolvillg. of ifert1Uzep! It.be.t, really, ternationaf dealer as to how Ito ralse 8inn&' - PrIendb' Stetacm Bat. "siacil 111&" ' _!~~;;;;;;~!!:!~~!!~;;;-t------------tltfpm:ll'lJZ!i~!iSUlts. No ma1~t.er. wbether more and better crops.
iMothe1"6 club were reelected April 6: D&v1a,
Mayor ~nk I.e.uaahe of C1eveland . seems to have been by bhe c.r.o. as their ClIUlclld&te, but FrazIer Reams, Jamee W. Jl\J:ffman hd Martin L. SWeeney _ have lal'ge 0l'tf1l?l1zed labor ' follow-
Primary May 9, .1944
Pa.t Ma.tter of Lebanon ' Masonic Lodge Palt M..~ter of LebanCIID Gr~le 32nd Dellree M..on .Member. of .,ethodilt Church Hon~ ·Citizen of. Boy. Town Member of Farm Bure.u Member of Ea.l.. LocI.a , If I am ' ele~ted Sheriff I .will co~duct , the office 1Eo the best of my abmtY alut '\Yil) -devote' I1lY. fuU time to the duties of ~he of- . fice. Your Support will' be sincerely appreciated. Respectfully yours, OORWIN NIXON. Pol. Adv.
7-- ...
QUICK SERVICE ' . . For Dead Stock
5-Magnzinc Sp e rl .lI·
Re,ene Tekphone OhU'cea
Xenia. O.
.Eo G. 81Ioh8leb,. '~.
$1. or R. P; D •...,.....,--,.~,,,'..:.. >_.~ . Pa.,O/lk.'__________....._
.. -
E MIAMI t1A2!1tt
. y
!slanna for aomo time ond lla s rec Uy ~ p\'Otnot.ed to th!l grade .Hr_. \\'uUtJr li.·urf".... Cur' .. "'.vc:....... ot- T-f. G eol'8'e GIll>y Is vlsltJng his daugh. Ollfton Mlller underwent a .o1a.jOr ter, MI'S. 1"1 . d FL~k, Rnd t~ ilY., at· opemillon a t M hunl VItUe hospital Independence, K"y Thursday . li'.e Is getting (\ long fJl IrMrlI. WilH am S tl'llukamp of Day_ ly well and r esting easy. at this ton Is It he guest of 11er son-I.n-Ia,W wriUng. ana daug~ ter, Mr . and Mrs . Ralph Hortey ~net. president of the Ha mmond nnd ohlldren . Miami VaJ1ey Milk association, 1:1 MIsses Ethel, Eva. 6.lld Rulih Reed- a ttending a. nationa l meetlrtg in er saw "Shine on Harvest Moon" at ChlcagQ thJs week. the Victor)' .In Dayt,on Saturday eveMr. and M1'S. Loren Rou tza hn of Iling . P ranklln were Enster <ti~n er guests Sg t . und Ml·s. Robert S lney of of Mr. M d M rs . Olyde Wha r ton. Dayton were SW1\!n.y g uests of their Afternoon callens were: Mr . and pal'cnt.s, Mr . and Mrs . Kesler Gra- Mrs . HdWard ReI! and MI-s. Gu ttery h nm , ~lId attended Easter services of Lebanon. and breakfast nt Lytle cil urcb . Mr. and Mrs . Ever t t Em;ly wer e Mr . lIo!ld MIs. Til rle Jones and guests a t a f amily dln.~er Easter son , Milton, were S Wlday dinner SUJu:I ~ at the h ome of the latter's gUCl;!.'l of MI' . a nd Mrs. EdWin NuLl. mother, Mrs. J . W . H uston at Yelnear 0 1terville. MI. Nu tt remains low SprlDi;s and also attended Eastquite poorly . er .servlces at t he Methodist church Mrs . Pa u ~ S hlplE.'y and son and there. MIss BeLLY' Routzahn were Dayton Mrs. Ernest Harlan was called to s hoppers Monda y evenlng . LewistOwn, DI. , IlfLSt w eek by the se Mr . and Mrs. ~ Brown and rious Ulness and dea Ul of h er Miss Mildr ed Boitnott of Tipp Olty Cather. She will return home after were S Wlday evening gues ts of Ml'. the funeral TueHday . and Mrs. G uy Rout:oo.hn a nd famMr. and Mrs . Al vin Dyke and lIy .. daughter of Da~' ton were Easter Mrs . Morris Wllll.rton mot()red to dinner guests of Mr . and Mrs. ForI ndependence, K y., F riday to sptlnd est Graham and chllrn'en, MIss DorEru>ter a nd n few days Vfl.t.h her olhy dnd Dickey . MI'. and Mrs. Edmond Mlllser parentS, MI'. and · Mrs. James Keeney . a nd li btlc son 110d t he fo rm r 's MI mobher , Mrs . Minsel' of Dayton. en'S' Ed Bunnell s pent 0. couple of da,y s last weelt wit h her s1Ste.r , jayed EiIs\.er dinner WIUl Mr . Il.lld Mrs. William Btmncll, In Middle- Mrs . Willlam Bel'gdall . Ly t.le ~de nt./i experl !lccd C/ulte town. Mr. and MrS . Paul Snyder of a ha U s tol1ll at :l a. m . Wednesdny Dayton were Sundny aJtennoon and al1d als o ~ veral electrical stonos evening guests of M r . end Mrs. anti d:7Wtlpour cl rain. Harold Wh ltEker had three t i ne m1lk cows Idlled Ralpb H.a.nuilond . Mrs. Louella Swank and Mrs. b y the lIgbtning. They wet:e stnndAgn es Swank and Prc. Oharles ing In Vb.e stAmUons In the barn . Drake of Dayton wer e Easter guests A number of small pupUs here of Mr . and Ml's. E. B . LOngacre are absent from school on account of having the me'aslcs. tAmon g them Il.Dd grandchlldren . Mrs. Cla udio. Cornell of · ~rry arc: EoQby Kenrick, Russell Routs pen t Wednesday 'with Mrs. Allen z.a hn, daroJ,yn Elunlett, Sue Ann Emrick. Hal'la~ and llttle Sherry Shipl1lY. oM On acciount of the inclement r. and Mrs. C"alvin Longacre wea.ther Sunday mornlng tbe Easter and children h ad for ,tbelr dinner gue;n.s Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ray- service \vas held insille In charge 01 mond Davis and Mr . and Mrs. Ray Mrs. E. B. Lo:nga.cre. A cornet Dnvis Jr . 01 Ol.nclnnatL solo by iMllton J.tJnes Was muoh enMrs Earl Young and Mrs. Oharles jOyeci. ' A large crowd attended this Bunneij an~ chLldren accompa.n1ed service, ,t he Jilaster breakifast and Mr. Young s !father, E. A.. Young, Btmday sch,ool, later . In tJ¥ evening ,to FlInt, M!lchigall, Tuesday . They t he yOUo!l8 \folks a,r ~t1e church, unwW return Frida.y. Mr. Young has der the, leadership of 'Mr. and Mrs . spent the !Winter with bls son ' aI.d Charles BunneJl presented a splenfamHy did 2-ao~ ,'The Way of The . Mr. and iMrs. Victor l)a.mell ha.ve Oross. l,l'O ld tbelr new bouse ·on t he Five' 'I1here was 8. lli.rge attendance at Point road to Mr. Ba.rney of Day- t he Woman'a Society of Lytle ton, and are moving thi.s week to ohurch !Which waia entertained at their farm, "Many Springs" near the 'home of Mrs .. Wilbur Fou\ka op Wedl\.esday afternoon. One new Spring Valley . iFriends he.l'e have received ca.rcls member Was add\ld, that of Mrs. emon'Pursleyat the nay·t on Pike. om . Everett Githens, Wlho is now s tatloned at Camp Polk, La. A guest speaker, Mrs. Enima Long, H e h as been on maneuvers in Lou" president of bhe Woman's Soolety of Ohrlat4ail. Servlte· of th~ Dayton distrlc~ of Methodl,llt church, of Middle~, present, and iave iW lnterest lng talk. Mrs. Donald Foulks and Uttle daught.&t: Da.yton, were. also guest.s. During the socla.l hoUl' t he ladles did llI!md sewlng from the United Na.tIQI~'B Sewing group of Leb8410n wldelr the supervision of IMrS . A. P . !Kyle. A dainty lunch W1ls served by thE! hoete1i5 ond com-
Protect Local Government, Says' Ohio's 'Bricker
We OOer
Columbus, O. (SpJ., - As Gov. John W. Bricker swings Into his campaign tor the Republican presidentlal nom. , Illation It i" Inc;t ellslngly evident that
Satisfactory Services
At All Times
~cQIlun ~uneral ~l1me Dial 211" _- Wayae••iIIe
Gov. John W. BrIcker
Cerda 01 Thana and ~ an claarpd for a' 'he • ~ . . ceDI a word, minimum """p lie. A Wauf ~ buerted for
,.... A6.
tbne ~ ~ charre4 a' ~ a word. POB 8A1iB - WaWna PrOducta a·t 21 If. Broad_." Lebanon. ()pen for JOUr C9D,'enlence.
01111 LlDtner. Phone 83 L.
WELDING AcetiYIeIie or .eJ~c. See BW Lee, Oftlllarf Road. R. 3, Waynesv1l1e.
~ PoAPlIIR SAMIPL1!BIIfow OIl cUIplay at my home, D. E. ~ ~ord, ~, 0bJ0. 20
'. lOB SALB:....auemae bull, It 1M8. ,~ ,old, eU8Sb1e to rePter. wm 8el1 01' ' . tnde lor belfer U'OUDd lame .... K. O. _ . O. W. ~..,. a, B. I. W~ 0bI0 , 11
.." JoedIDc rUles, etc·...&ind
price aDd dMartpt,ian to BolE 88,"'\v&)1D88-
.me, 0bJ0.
W bivwn
-:_ ·POft , &LE -lien.. 1.-.. ....... &Weed .8UIt. else .36. ~ 800d \. ' 'i
dMIoD. DaYkl Purnae. R. R. 2,
POR BBNT ,. 8 room house. 1 1-2
DIDea eoutb1HJ8t
.' .'
t~.~·! It;
ol . Barv~.
BurIb .'VaaCe. :w~ RoUte I.· 20 IDBr_MA". paolJne Tatlon book . ,aDd .tire inepection reoon1. H. R. ~ 1IIMrk, W~.
. 1'lOR SAl.oZ--Uvtnr room auJte; 8 ". tube. no,or model ftUco radio, i ~.f' both ~ new: alio oak "t • ,'. ~ut set. Oart OI!Ibom, Har. "l'abula. Phone 2858.
WAIft'ED - W~ for seneral : bauaework. 'lee Mrs . ' Walter 'WI&e!Qan at the M1am1 Gazette
or phoiie 2143. '
~ . SATE-Three pairs of marpalra lmlt CW"t&lba witIb short ones to match and one pair cI&rn&* drapes (eggaIlell) . Mrs. A _':"1II\1ll _ T. iOherry, Phone , e _.. :nC
, .. ~ curtai.na, fOur
_ 'w
the big Issue will be : " Shall government direct the lives of our people or shall the people direct the govemment?" At Dallal, Texas, he said: "There I. no compromise between a utocracy ' and a republic. E ilber the people will control their government or government will control them." In a recent New York address, he attacked growing bureaucracy which substitutes "rule by men" for ruJe by la w. "Not accountable to the Congress." this burea ucracy, be laid; "exercises its power through decrees, orders and directives issued In the name of U)e Executive branch of the government. They make government policy. They a re legislature, administra tor, Judge, jury and sheriff all rolled up in one." . Repe.edly, he has declared : "The gravest duty we ha ve is to keep tbis IOvemment the kind our soldiers are ftgbtlilg to preserve." During his three successive terms as Governor of Ohio, Mr. Bricker has consistently urged the Legislature to "keep local government close to the heart and the ha.nd of the people." Governor Bricker, bitterly opposed to the world trend lowa rd centrallzaUon of government . authority, points out: "U Ame~ca is to remain a dominant forea for good In theworld, 11 our people are to continue to enjoy self-government, policymaking power must be taken from the hllnd. of bu.reaucrats and retl.trned to the elected representatly·es of the people. We ore Invplved In sueb a mixtUre of social rdorms aDd·. ' reglmentation tor political power In the conduct of. war, ·that the pa·rty in pOwer .cannot unscram. ble it. 'I'hat will be ·the respons.wWty .of the Re ublican Party."
II rN.
FERRY •• " .,t. ·1' bun."H
0 ___
C"nrr ..... "'n,
Several',from tbe ·Ferry church are plannJng to' attend' the C01lterence on Evangellsln to be held at Emory aUdl~r1~ at Oinclnnati this week. ~arry 'P'ordyce 'W8.S pleasantly sur· prised last Tuesda~ evening when a few friends' OILD'U; in to visit ~th hbn on his blrthda.y. Present ,w ere Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gr~lam and (amllY, Mr. and Mrs. Charles HoPe, of Dayton, 'Mr. and Mrs. Tom 'Fordyce and soo of !West Oarrollron, Mr. and Mrs. Joe FIler, George GilUland ahd Mr . and Mrs. Perry 'Thomas Illld ~on . I A gOOd crowd a.ttended the sunlise services at Sugar Creek church . SUnday 1!1(' . :ling . A fine ml!'ilcal program was of!c"1'e<i. a nd commUlliort WIllS h Lld. ~flcr sel'vlce.y Rev. qore visited t he Sick a nd shut-ins and took \;" em commun ion . Sunday guests of the P. J. Thomase.J and R. R . FordYce were Mr. Lovely Leslie Brooks, currently and Mrs. lawrence Thumas, Mr. appearing in "Cover Girl," paSlel and -Mrs . Ervin Thom\lS and chll- on two tips for keepinJr cosy on fuel: The smartly tailored euit dren.of Lebanon, and MI'. and Mrs. less with appealing lingerie touches Paul Hough and children of Wayoe.'i which she wears, ia all exceUent Yille. Afternoon callers we.re Ml'. choice for chilly spring evenin.,.ge. And drawing the window shades at and Mrs. Oarl Whitis and children night is a sure way to keep warm ' and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest FIsh er, . lIir inside the house. The layer of son Jdlmny MId daughter, Martha, air trapped between the ahade arid the glass can cut heat IOB8 thro!Jgh all of. Da.yton. window panes by as much all oneA la.rge &:ttendailCe was present at third. FerJ:y! church Sunday morning, about 140. and t he evenhg scl'vlce lW·hich was a pageant "The Sayings From The Cross" W'IlS well · a t tended also. The oollectlon of the day was $262. Mrs. Allie Weller was added to bhe congregat1on. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed OilUJaIld and George GilWIVJd ewre Mr. and Mrs . Jeff O 'Ba nnlon i?t Spring . Valley. iMr. lind Mrs. Harold ~er a:nd 8011. 8uddy, of Alpha, called on Mr. anl Mrs. J. ·S. Filer 'Slll!ldaY after~oon: Miss Bertha Flier of Oinclnnati Bible seminary was home 8.lso. lA Mr. NWkola.s boughL the Carl Ranc;la11 farm. whicb sold et auction ,on ·8aturda.y a.nd brought $5,800; Little Sue !Brown, daughter o( the ~ul Brown'i On Spring Valley ~d, III ill at the St. Elizeibeth hospltalln
Cover Girl
Stick-to-Your-Rib. Dish Is Appetizing
Frankfurter farina dumplings witb saucrkraut, pictured above. III a good down-to-earth, strck-to-ydur-rlb. main dl h. ays the Cou.ntry Cookln, editor of Capper's Farmer, a publ1calion of naliona' circulation. Th is d ish has lols of wha t it ta·k es, including vitam ina in the fortified ma rga rine and enriched farina. When buyi ng cereals, ma rga rine and othcr foods which are a vailable with vit:lmins added, be sure to check that those you gel a re Ule enriched ones, advi ses the Capper 's Farmer expert. Dumplings wltb Sauerkraut I Y.: cups self,rlsln,
Mrs. Ohll.l'les Berrlman of OQlumpus,. Ml'/i. O. N. iBrn-yhlll and MIss Olara B erryhill of Bellbrook caJled on ~ses Annle and Marne B~e on Thursctny. Mrs. Henry HauehSteln and da.ugh ter, Miss Marjory of 01oo1nnatl, were guests of Mrs . Georgia. lvin,s ThursdalY M ternoon. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Karl D l kllll o! Lebanon spent Flriday evening wi tb Mrs . Ivins . '. Mrs. Estel oH~eye and Mrs. Ohal'les Hagemeyer of netl.r Oregonia, call~ on Mrs. EvaJyn G. Peterson Sa turdll/f even.lng. Mr.r. Ids M . Peters w as III Dayton over the week-end, the guest of ber son-in-Ja w and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David Todd . . Miss LJlllan R eese 01 Waynesburg, Pa., 1U1d MUwies Ruth Ann and Pauline Wall of Dayton, called on Mrs , Margarettn. Heacock, SUnday. 1\$'. BIld Mrs. J. WUsOIl Edwards of Spling1'leld and Mr . and Mrs. Ronald oM . HMvke called on fri ends here ·SUnday nfte nnoon. Mrs. lL. M . Henderson has returned ,to hel' llome nIter spending several weeks hel'e .
3 Irllnkfu.-ter.
~ 3ke Oour 1 qt. s:luerkrallt • elll' j'nrl cbed fnrlD3 I cup "Mer 2 l n ~ l c s l' oons forUG od 1 Iprltc onlOll margulDe • to 8 cloves 'l4 CUI' milk
Sirl a nd measure flour. Stir in farlno. Cut In marga rine and add m il k. Mix lightly with a fork. Slice fr:m ld ur te rs in tn·lnch slices. Add to du mpli ngs, savin g a tew pieces to gnrn ish top. Pl nce sauerkraut in a large skillet wi th cove r to fit. Add W:ll r a nd onion in which cloves have been stuck. Bring to a boll. Drop dum plings by tablespooufuls on snuerk ra ut. Garnish with pie ces of fra nkfurler. Cover erosely. St eam wlt.hout removing cover 20 to 25 min· • utes. Serves 6 to B.
,each ~.orning
1-5 afternoonl except Wednellda, 7·9 Satu!i'day even,inlf Other EveQinp By Appointment
. ~.
. MrII. W. P. Sallsbw:y .ts..~njOYlng • Visit With her' daughter, Mrs .J(lhn rntf and famJ.J¥ in Knoxville, Tenn.~
m~~ _aunes.6iJle Q!1turt~ (@f GI~ri9t ~ERVICES SUNDAY Al'RJt 16, ISH
------ ...- -9:30 A .. M.
11:00 A. M. --- ~-
...- '- -
WEDNESDAY EVENINO-'7:30 (Paren,ta Who have boYI or rttII
ill the aervtoes ~y lnYlted)
Mifti.ter Phone 2993
Mrs. Berl BUllnell. CorrespolIlIl:lll Pvt. ,B ob SClUleldel' ls home 001 a. !W'lough, the guest of bls wife and son and M':r. ood Mrs. Earl Crawford. !Mr. 80fld Mrs. ~llard BIlll spent Eas.ter With .Mr. and Ted Ball and family. 'Ibe Ladles Aid beld their m~~tn.!Y meeting st the bome of 'Rlut.h Ro6er. ~ . shoy.'er was held In connection with the meeting for Mrs. Emnior
- - - -·-..-.6 Balley, a recent bride. She :received many /lice and useful glfts . iMr. and Mrs. Waiter Rei!fer and da\lgbteT, Jone. spent Saturday. evening the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and ¥rs. Henw Pfeiffer. The guests a.t the Bunnell home SUnday were Mr. a.nd Mrs. VaU8'hn Mullen and $On, !Mr. and Ev· erett Bunnell Oind family, Mrl an~ Mrs . Wa.lwr ptelHer and daughter; Ja.ne.
•" Reclaim That Brush Good paint. brushes being scarce REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS these days, It behooves the house- , II M Alvln D. Smith to·Ma.ri. EIt2JaOeth wire to clean up old ones and give II PanIeroua Well Blood Pr...IIH them better ca.re, declares the ~ome ' (kaHitiel Hnedenllon),iapually SmIth, .60 acres 1n Ka9Ile twp. Editor ot Capper's Farm. er, Topeka, . IIW'k~ ~latreulnc I)'mptoma Cledus to. lAImb to J. P. l&mb. Kan., whose advice on household ~h .. dlurneu, throbblnc bead" JO.12 acres iii Wayne tiwp. matters is rea d by 1,250,000 farm lleepIUID...' and . nervous. Walter T. Jordon and Viola K, families.. Fortunately . commercial n~ ~~~~ltp~ aJarlAlOCk to George R . and Helen. preparatlons are available. The BardQhur 0{, ~ Arteri.. 01' powder forms lire perhaps easiest to .~ TIoulile. Dlamonex. eIIICOV., .M. Wall, part of lot 4a 1n Harveysuse, since they are mixed with hot of a bean !IJI8ClaUat, Ia. deaiped to burg. water in needed quantitiQs. Cl1d~ _14 In d1e riUe1 ~ theM _ _ _ _ _" ' dli~ IJDlptom.. '
Slick Chicks Find · t~~~ru~~To; . Key to Smoothness ::::i~lDc-:'~::=';Jffl
HE time for coaching ' on ' this T business, of etlquette is before·
. . . aQIl 1hottiieA' of bnaih. I eJIcnNcl the ~nex formula' to ~ doctor aDd, ciD bla advice, tried
hand, like right now, according to _ tI'eat:Iuat for two ...u unclei' Holl,)! Miller, wbose qolumn "Some Coachfii, , Plellse" . in C~pper's -IdetI..,.tIcaI=-. . . _AQI ),ormer is a popular. feature amon, III - . 'leep age boys and gt~ls and theilr parents as weI!. ARE YOU TAKING A . "Observe any slick chick or Beau., ... _78 'to aid hi C'HANC~ . ON LOSING BrumryleJ lin . ' smoothness. isn' l done with mlrrol's, " 'Bault. ar. YOUR RIGHT- TO OPERshe writes. "n's u saCe bet lhey've .. Ihoft... um. .. two weell 'auf. , , . . . ofte'a tfDd that DJatbonex baa A M91'.aa VE,A1'E bef'n tieal\ng the e ll quette b oils." MOOmpDllled 71S~ of the total · .... Ta lle that ort-p1,l7.~lIn!l quc$tlon of daCtloia '~.lbI. With thla formula. 'HleLE ON 'THE PUBLIC "Who Goe~ First" when youn ~slers Jf ' " ·1Uff... frolll Hia'li ' BroOd HIGHWAYS? sl ep out for a snock. . . Preuare ~ mq bJ DIAMONEX . , ' "When e~l te r l n g a reslaurant, the 'WItboiI\ rIIIcIDC _ Plan7. To inUo. lnaure ..rah.at girl {olluws the lYa iter to the table dace tbta woMerfal treatment to and is sea ted by him," IIdvises thi. "Ii mDlloD . ". 'affenra thlt liberal dama.e to 'property pf trlal oft.. ta made fol' a limited Ca pp r's Farmer a~ tbor it>, . "l! 'a~ tim.o~. , . other. and death or -..m-' the waHe rs are "id lng- that gives 1 ~~8eD4 ~DIY t1.1SO to the DiamoDU Joe a chance to lead the procession I""m~y. "8180A North MlchJnn 'jUry claima. ,See or, call .... . and to lIeat thc damsel. · .A~.2: chlcal'O, JUinola for ~llill "Of course a s ,"oolh pigeon never TWDIA'!.OwN~EXki lupply 01 genuine ~"~,~"""'''''...''''~,...''...'' ''... ... '.~ prepaid. Use Dl.. teats Into a' ruom a good 20 feet In monex aecoraln, to·tho limple dlfront of her. sti-lvlng-hard-to.kee~up nctlona for only two week.. U. at escort. He pulls the chair and ahe the end of that telt period you are mittee. AUTOM~BI~E INSURANCE sits down from the .eft on the front · "o~ delighted with reluJtl ),0111' monq. , Will be, ntllnded immectl. STATIONED A'.r CAMP BOWIE halt. Then she ups·n-dalsles sUghtWAYNBSVJU.E, omo , . 1y and good old Joe slides the eb8ir -!-ely on requelL There are no , ~ .trlnp or conditions-you OWe 11 to Milo O. .Wo.de;· son. of Mr. and under her." · . founetf to .mako thll wonderful Mrs. J. R . Wade, 'WQ8 Inducted inkst at once, Write toClay as till, RA','ION Rt:MINDEI\ f4!er i. ~J/:-: rlla! :mt('cd" to bbe I\rnlY Feb , 18 a.nd Is now stationed BIt Camp :~~, Texas .. Hili MEATS, ETO. - Book Four 10ad~. is as 101l.1JWB~ Pvt. Milo O. point red stamps A-S, B-8, 0-8, O-S, Wade 350'74415, f1~ ,Ord. H. A. M. E-8, F-8, G-8, H-8, J-S, K-8, L S 00., CIII1l3> BQwi~" n~. a.nd M-8· good Ifor 10 pomUl each un~ used. Red. stamp6, N-8, P-8, Want' to Do Repairing? and Q-8 will become valid April 23 and be gOOd inde[lnlliely. Want to Sell Household Good.s? ADVERTISE IN THE 0&07PROC.ESSED FOODS-Book 4 Blue .stamps, A-S, B-8, 0-8, !D-S, :~~~~~~~~~~-~ . ~ ~& ~ • E-8, F-8, O·S. B-8, J 8 and K S 'good , ;fOr 10 points ea'Cb tlntil used. Blue stam~ 1Ir8, )(·8 N-8, P-8, and Q.S w1Il become valid May 1. SUf,sl'-Sta"mp 30 1n BoQk: 4 good f( r llve- pounqs indei'.ln~teJy. Stamp 31 v~ild for ·f1ve pounds. Stamp . , . to good for five pounds canning SUgar tlu'oul!h F b. 28,19t5. ., .. AT REASONABLE PRjcE;s , SHOEs- stomp No . 18 (1 pa1r)!s ,. good tbrough April 30: 'Boo1r. '3 air,. , PLACABDB. 'ADMISSION ' · F ILINO qABDS pl:me stamp ' 1 good '1ndetlnltely ~CKET8 FOLDER8 POSTDB GASOLiNE-.- stamp A-U ANNOUNCEMENTS " HAND B~iLs f or three gallona ,through Jllile 21. lULL ~ADS " . ufTkBBEAD&. B-2, B.3~ 0-2 ~'nd 'C-3 good five BLoTT~ I '. • , L~BEl.S · . ,-' ~.I"I!QG~ gaolloos, un.tll , , ~. ~1bI'S '. .' . Lf!APLE~8 , ' , BEfElPl'S . TIRES - InspeCtion only W'ben , BDSlNE88 CARDS , . LEDGE& SHEETS • BECalmS' Jr.a.k.ing aPpllootion for atter CALLIN~ CRDS ~ LEO.u BLANKS RULED. FODII I 'April 20'. • COIiuDeJclal veh1cle tire CA,TALOOtTE8 T10KETS BAL. illSP~IOru; ·due eve!}' six .mOuthS or 1)OD008 MENtJ cAlms 811DPDfU TAOi e '/ery 5000 mUes, whichever fa flr,Bt~ ELECTION C&BD8 NOTES STA'I'IIDIiTa '.. FUFL OlIr-OoUpona . 'and 6 sbocl ~PE8 . . ' P~BLETS WJNDOW' OABDI , throlllih Sept. ' 30, uiut value, 10 gal.$. All cbange..maldng coupons and regood throuih6ut
L~ S~.: ~, \~
..... ,
c. B'. JE~KINS
_.General MacArthur-watches
.a. ______ _
Wo... War Bo""
'."e,,'n,en' f. . Your .".....t.ent.
$726 Realized In Red Cross 'A uotion .Sale
Radio'Artist IsFarmers C. Speaker
\Mr. and Mrs-:-ROOcoe Furnas en: Several wunen .from this vlcln1ty are planwng ·to attend the spnng tertAlmed the members of tile Wayne conference ot,'Ohlo RepubUcan Wo- Township Fanners club at their atThe Red Cross Auction saLe held men wb1ch 15 to be Ileld tomorrow tractive country home on April 13, in Waynesville Jast' saturday to (April loll) in COlumbus. The star one of the beautl!ul days of this raise funds for .t he P\U1POSe of en- $ealter for tile conference Js to be spdng. After 'the bol/Jltl!Ul dinner, Kellar • a'bUng WAYDe tdwnship to meet its Mrs. Olare Booth Luce, OOnnectlCut quota in ~e current drive, was an congressWODUlJl. iHoak called the meet1ng to j)rder . . outstanding SIlOOe8SI Ohabman C. The sesalOll' 18 expected to draw Three lo,mUles were absent from R.· BTace reports that the sale net- 1,000 delegates from every county in roll call. Miss Pearl Riley di5CUS&Cd the ted something over $725.00 ' and as Ohio an!1 will be Wlder the presla result the quota of $3000 was • specW topic, "Flowers for a Counsurpassed. FILlaI results of the drive dency of Mrs. Katherine Kennedy try Garden." She aald that, of Brown, Dayton, state chairman. MIll. locaJly showed <bebween $3500 and Luce 18 to share dinner spe&iltlng oourse each person must express his taste in his garden. Flowers are $3600 raised. ' bonors With Governor iBricker. IAll advertising costs plus the . In addition to the principal speak- things of beAuty When tastefully sum of $6 .0() was donated to the ers aspirants for the Republican a.rranged; therefore, the arrangeRed Cross through the IQye.,} sup- .nominatlon for governor are to be ment of the ~arden is lmporte.nt as part 01 many local merchants. presented to the dlnner guests for is the arrangement of flowers in the The $725 netted from the tlI!.le ls brief statements. They are Jllmes house. Miss alley de~ibed. the flower considered outstanding when com- G. Stewart, Olncinnati; Lieutenant pared with $2ioo realized in the Governor Paul M. Herbert and At- show held in New York where garcounty auctlan some two weeks ago. tomey Oener8.l ThomAs J. Herbert. dens l?ad been alTllllged to s how The county is made up of eleven Senater Robert A. Tdt ls to meke flowers and ornamentai plants from townshlpe . a ahOl1i address at the dinner. many regions 01 the world. She tiOld lMany penlOIlS reported <tilat the There are to be three meet1np how her BlPprec1atlOll of the dlsphLy c;Usplay of· bilked goods donated for preceding the ollmaxing dllmer. In there was greater beCause she had the sale surpassed any display of a the morning-at 11 o'clock a meetlllg her own garden at home. She then Uke nature iheY' had ever wit.neeeed. ot unit ~nts Js scheduled and described her garden as she sees it Il'he sale 'WaS OOIld\1Cted Oy local Mrs. Mary L. Forrest. Oleveland. Js during the vartQus .seasons of the pe.stors who were BS61s~ by W. N. to .p reside over a session of county. year. and told something of the Sears and V. lJ. Rossell. auctlon- leaders. At noon a luncheon of the growing conditions best sUited to cera. However. Herbert Graham. ,publlcltyl committee has bee.n an- some of her favonte tlO!fCrs. In pastor of Perry Church ~ Obrlst.I.n[)UllCCid, over which Tdra. Helen closing she called attentlcm to the _"stole the show" as an auctioneer Dean, Oinolnnati, 15 to preside. An many wa"" in which we use flowers .~ and W8.8 accused. by Dl&ny of llavinS afternoon session at 2 o'clock baa express our thoughts. had pervlou.s experience. tlee..'l aJ'l'an8ed. Iwtth Mrs. Forrest Mr. Furnas introduced Roy' BatThe oommlttee which twas in presidlng ~d with Senator Harold ties of EVerybody's Farm Hour 8.8 charge of 'llie. sale 15 composed of "'''est s . ........ H. Burton. Congresswoman Pranc-". -er. !He told of the pleaaMra . ilferett Early, loIlas AlJce BoI". , . .. _ .......... rt aft urea and difficulties that are a part .. ell P. ....n........ G • .......,., A. 'I' .Oona, MnI. Hartley MorIs. Ernest and State Treasurer Don H. Ebright of operating an u.nrehearsed radio Butterworth. Kenneth HDurh. Rev. as speakers. program. He descrl.bed the 'Way In L. Q. Radley and O. H. Bl1IAle. 'The final eualan Of the after- which the Farm departJnep'l 0lJel'.~: . noon' baa been .lIsted sa a, builnesa atea as part of WLW. ~YNi: '.l1WP. BBP~O&N meet1or, witti Mrs. Brown in the At the close i)f his talk. Mr. BatWOMEN MEET FlUDAY AT chair. A vote on the ' equal riehts tlea answered questions 1roni .the DOllIE ()lI' MB8. BOOIL&'l"l' am~dment on whlch wo.nen are group that dealt with ,ratllo I10Ild raaa1d to be cUv1de4 In their opinion! ~o pen;onal1t1e&. , Ilbe BepublIcan Women'l QI'tI8Il- 11 acbedUled. Guests lot the meeting were: 1Ml'II. IaUoo of Warne t.owD.Ib1p met. CD B. 14. Dr. ~l
oonIereoce at. ,000Ullllbua .Apil 21 are lira. Alva Thompebn aDd Mrs" OhBrlee BUls With Ml'!I . .I.• iB. Chap~n and Mrs. L. O. st . .Jobn ~ alternates. , IA debate on' the, sUbJect: "SbOU;ld !WOOlen Have DIUal _hta." we very alJl¥ handled b1' lin. .Amoe S&~
Bta.JI1eJ1 ' Balley. and Percy 8ea8Oo i\ave been 'appointed to 1111 vaca:niMrB. J!!lsie HoCkett entertained cles on .the WayneevWe VWaae the Happy Hour club TUesday. af 0\)unc1l. tern!)Ol). ot last 'Week. A program '11leY ' !Will serve In the , pl!MXt.J!q:~!...J!~~~..!!~Q daintu" reIresbWUbur N. Sears /who resigned to were served to the members iJicreaseci pressure of 'p rlva.te bust- and guests. J ness and H. W. cue 'Who baa The May meeting 'WUl be the flrat moved to lAIbanon. · Mr. and.' Kn. rrueaday: in May on account Of the 0Uie recently purchaaed pl'Cl'lJeilV at second TUesday being elecUon day . , 320 E. Warren ~t. 1n LebanOn, PAPER DRIVE OF lAST , and are now n!4ldlnw there. WEEK PROVES A SUCCESS
!Waite on tbe _ aKlnn.atlft ~e and ~" Sherman TinDey aDd iMft. Robert Werntz an the neptlve. A vote' Of ~ women present found ,. the orga'Dnsa.~ ~y cUvided. on PARTY IN LIIlB&NON HONORS The paper drive whlc~ was con- . the subJec~. LlT'1'LB Pll8DDIE LE' MAY ducted nare Thursday anti ¥rlday. of Tbe next meeting wUl be )leld in laSt week by the Grade 8Choo1 provJUly at. the home or lira. I.eonaftl l4nI. 'P. U. ~ and daUBhter, ed to be very auocesstul. T1nney: RAIth Helfn, rave a. blrtb~ party The Grade acbool bu1ldlng was O()~8EBVA.Nc;:Y MEN PBOl'OBE for Preddie LeMay. son or 1Kr. and open until 8:00 p. m. Th~ ~ B11ILDINQ OF VALLEY DAMS lin. Obarlee LeMay or WaynesvWe. receive paper wbich W8.8 broueht In a.t · the home or b1& Il'8ondparentB, W, c1tlZena of the townahlp. A tlIUck A post,war Pz:oJect far COD8~-_ Mr. a.Ild Mra . F. U. LeMay Who lQad was sent to f'ranklln ~ ·t lon five .co~oy dame, In- ar:e now llvlni in Lebazicm, Wed- afternoon. clUdinlr one in the Uttle M1aml nesqay afternoon, 'Aprl1 , 1~.'l'Ih0ll8 hi clUlllW of' the drive wISh river between Xenia and Sprlns Thcee lil attendance Sally to thank evenane wl?o helped. Vailey, was ' proposed th18 ~ by Lou Smith. 0al'0l 'Kay TUrner, sue the ILltble Mlamt Vailey oonservan. Ann Poulka, "caroline Ann and W. 8. O. S. MEETING DELAYED cy dlatzlct court at a two-day meet- Janet 1OonIler, Ma.rUyn PollD,at;Y. ing In Lebanon. Patsy ~e, 8)'bll do LeY'aJ. ~_ The W.S.O.S. meeting wh1c:h eoinmon Pleas Judie Frank L. iY Jo and Johnny Mllt.enlJertler, was. scheduled for toda.y at th~ home JohJiaon of ~n1a, member of the Obarles EWa, Obarles Keraey, of Mrs. M. A. ~ell, will be ~~14 court, ocmpdsed of common pleat Jeny DYe. JimIDY 1"ruure. and the tomorrow (Prlday~ • The' meetbli judges , in Ha.m1lton, We.rren, Olin- honored 1\IeSt; l4rII. Milo Milten- was postponed . due to the det.tb ton, Brown, au:ad ,Oreene counties, be~. Mrs. A. T. PollDUy: Mrs. and funeral services for Mr. D. O. said the damI would be loca~~ In Leo ConDer, Mi'B. Obarlell 'LeMay. Rld8e. , the Utue ~, it..· e&lt fork neat .ail of WaynesvWe and l4'n. ·Oharle$ ----.,.~-..;.......--...:....--~ti and Oleaa.t's ClMk. Irwin &Dd Mra. ' 11'•. U. LeM&y ,Of S~t. A board of dlrecton ' ocmpnaect of IAtimon. ~ Myers Y. eoOper -'of OIDcmnatl, The cueat. or'honor received many '-' who will be oba1I'Q1an; Dean 8tanleI' Wee aUta. LebanOn att.or:nq; ..vice cbeJnn&n, . and Ii'u8b NliChols, Bat.a.~ attorney, IUBOBS DMWH FOR MAY W6II named by. the Court~~ TBBlII OF 001J&T 'With the 'edel'81l govemment and ' . the OhloDepartment of oonaervaGrand aDd petit iJU'OfB' for the tlon ' in ad~ ' the project. . May '~ ot court bave beeJi dr&~ pre8ent plana ~ent , ·from . jury ~ Jp the office , la.ua and ,parD ~' be Mt:ab- ',Of Olertt of '~ ~I ~ett. . l1ah~ .ttne site of each ~. .. PUteen lftJ'e ~. . I~ 1l'Ul~ J~ . ' aervtce" on MaJ. 1 and 28 /Dr peUt SPIIiNG VALLEY usmBN:r JUri, lCl\eib'ed to ~j P~B8 A.W~Y 8ATU1IDAY 1&" 11. '1'4!n cue. ~ DonaatUr WIIPOrt and ....1ID~ anel .at.,. Max W.- Bamard, SO, dSecl - are on"tbe doctet to clate. ProIec1lday at hla IWlme at. 8llI'iD8 V&Uey. Be Is survived by 'a 1On, . ~ tor ~ D. ~e repqrt.a • . U. S. ~; two. daUPten. 14"' AIDIma tile INIld JUrors .elected Bal'old ~..,m.n and xr..: Juk , an: O. R. 'Beckett, OreaonI&, R. 'R. ~ beJUa ' af ,DQton; tIM) 1; Mn. Lee ~ Waynemue; JJrothei'& lPrect ~ ~ and • aDd iIIt.m)' CleuJ, Wa~,' B. aliter un, II. O. &IUOCk. . Rf. I . ilIWtlt. Jurora 1Dcludi: lira. ~ were held 'WedDe1da7 at' Jolm ~tt.lem1re, 0re80DI&: B. W. &be Neat ~ home In' OlIne, 0re80D1& R. R. 1; 1a'II. Ray_ .. ' ~ ... _I in ...... _ Vl"n_; BI'addII$. & B. WNDII'fIUe: ..--~ --""'I!~ BaJIIIGI!d KGore;"'~ R. R. Dra1lll*1 oIlfarfolk. 1; .... 0barleI ar.dbur7. OnV .... - ' ... ~ 'WIth Mr. aD4 -ftaDk IMq, Kra. . . . . 11. . . . lAId _ _ _aroad. . . . . . .m~~'" ._,. __
Hull ·To Nation'.'
~rp. ; 1 Ace
May Establish
Youth Center Here
PIQUA. OHIO - Soundpboto ~ This i, a recent pbo1to of America'. Foremost Ace in fllYbig togl ac:~ cOl'ding to current taDlet. The lact is 23 year old Capt. Dominic: 8a vatore (Don) GenU!I. who 10 f has bagged 80 planel--'. more tha ,Capt. Rlckenbacker. "
(Oontributed ) There are a number o! people interested In starting a yout.h center for the young people or W8¥l1esvUle. lhis is 'being done 1n towns all over the United States to combat yQutll del1nquency and our toWIn shoUld be no exception'. To get such a thing going we need the support of every local ol'ganlZILtlon a.nd of every civic-minded citizen. A senior committee is to be formed and as we are anxious to get plans started, a meeting is being called for next Wednesday evening at the home of Mr . and Mrs . E. W. SCofield on North Main s~reet at 8 :00 p . m. ,A repre:rentatlve from the Franklin Youth Center will be present . We are asking that each organization have a representative at this meeting. lt 18 very important that each church be. represented by its pastor.. other oJ:g8.Ilizations which should be represented include the school board, Clvtc club, Mothers club, Farm Bureau Dl.scusslon @TOUPS, Band Mothers. Farmers club, Grange. IMasonlc lodge, EastStar, Progressive Women'lI clUb. school superintendent, mayor. twp. trustees and any other Interested person.
School ,N ews ~h S~PartyI Sportive. hilarious and jovial describe last Friday ~!ven1ng whlcb was devoted to UI,e final b1ih school par~y whlch 'was sponsored by the freshma.n cllLSS. The auditorium was decorated with green aDd yellow stream~rol!. bright-colored IIPl'1ni flowers and. c>ther gay symboIs of entlc1n8 aprJDaI The toll for entering the party was either to eat 'a I:8.W onllm or to perform a summenaUlt when entering. SOOn after 8:30 (l . m., most of th~ guests ha1'lni ,arrived, 'Uvely gllm88. relays, and contest.'! beian in which studen and teachers
GRADE SCBooL OPEBETTA FRIDAY NlGBT AT mGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM An aperetta. "Season of Happiness." will be given by the ch1ldren of the flrat six grades on iFr1day evening, AJprll 21 •. at 8:00 o'clock. During the course of the operetta the seasons are quarreling ~g themaelves 8.8 to !who ls to rule the
9&rttclpe.ted. the .~me[lts,8erv,1d
Headquarters, European Theatre Oaref1;llly trained. 'Tough and l'eady " for battle, soldiers of an Iruantry unl~ In England are anxiously 81walting ~'D" day to put their tra1nlng into Ipractlce and "fight our way to Berl1n." Among the battle-ready soldiers In this unit are: Sgt. George M . Moore, 25. Waynesville, OhiO, and Pfe. Will1am S. iMoore, 22, Route 3, Waynesville, Oh.lo . Of Operations -
.-sa': ......
Parks Elected President Of Civic ClUb At the monthly meeting of the Waynesville Civic club held Mon~ eve.n lng at the Methodist church, Rev. Ralph ParKa of St. Mary'8 Episcopal church, WllS elected president for the new year. su.cceed1na · ,0 . H. Brace. The meeting waa 01'191nally scheduled to tle beld at
"Our House" but due to Wneu at the latter place. the meeting waa held at the 'M ethodlat church. Other officers elected for the new year are as follows: Max Randall, vice president. suceeedJ.ng Will St.
These soldiers, now engaged tn intensive flell exerolses designed to make them evall more ready to smash H1tlr's ,W est Wall, have gone through training that has lncluded everything from handllng of wea.- John; Walter Wiseman, sec,)" succeeding Rev. Parks; sta.nley Bailey, pons to long assault problems, calling for days of slmulated battie With treasurer. succeec:una Russell WUson. C. H . Brace and Walter WhitlItUe Test and lots of long tlrlng aker were elected directorB. marches.. J Pr They have been trc.ined m the ease endergast Was elected to membership m the clw. USe of every lnlantry weapon. tn. eludJng rlne, automatic r1!le, maRev. Parka -was selected to repchine gun. 'b ayonet, and trench resent the club · on ' a comm1t.t.ee ·f or teen-age enterta1nment wh1cb 18 mortar. Hand to hand combat. long ,being formed m Waynesville. The club elected to aend ~ marches, and night fighting have also !played a. part in this intensive. f th f era} t D 0 DIA_ drill. or e un 0 • • ,"_'g, a charter member. W'hQ paaaed ..way Monday. GambllJl&, In Wayn...uJe'
Rites Today For Clifford Ridge
A hee.ted disoU88lon
Cillord R!dge. 65. one of Wa.ynesvUle's, most prominent c1tlzens, paSsed a.wa,y at 12:35 p. m. 1M0nday at his residence after an UlneIIs of many ~ears. iMr. lRlc1ge is survived by his Wife, Pearl; a brother, O. M., local inllUJ'lUlOO ~t; three nephews and a. niece. ~ 1DImy - . ¥J\ Rldge was employed by the IN. C. R. Co. of Dayton as a S8llesman. He was a member of the Masonlc lodge, Sco~ t1Sh Rite, Shrlne club, Waynesville, Methodlst church and the Waynesv1l1e Civic dub. 6ervlceB were held at 1:30 p. m. toda1 (Thurada.y) at the residence ~4:.;p....mr
pte. appointed flo attend the 8IIdDc
Cook' aDd Mrs.
'wu prectp1-
tated When a member ohaqe'd that open gambUng ' was be1n& tolerated In tile vlllage anel demanded tbat the clUb take acme action in the matter. 'He obaried that ch1lclren ~re penn1tted to wittleea t.he IUDe8 witllout moleatatlon. 8evval otber members joined l.n tile dI.IaUIIIIoo. No action wu taUn Wbeill'.rel1dent Brace, who Is &lao the ~, explalned that v1llap ~ ale powerles8 in 8UICb a matter un1eu IlOmeoDe swore ' out -.n atftdavit agaWt the ~ 1UllV' PartIe.. The &peabr of t.be mmlDIr ... BeI'lCheI ~alerk of t..b8 WarreD dounty ·Board do IllectloDa and .... s1stan~ counV' eJIII,Deer. Be a most kltel'Cllt1Dc talk QJXID ~ clu-
a.t tI:Ie .KetbOclIsttlerOf tbe'-fMo.mc-. '. _
church. Burial was m ~ ceme- ' PreakSent Brace repart.ed CD ' tile ~. auoceaa of the Red ere. .AUot.Ioa ,W11llam P. M~lloh, son of Mr. SOUTH WAYNE ADVISORY beld . here ~ .~ • .'. ~ and Mrs. A. P. i1eUob of Way.ne&COUNCIL MEETS AT HOME 0rab8m,~of the JI'erI':y 0b1IrCb V1lle, ~ completed h1s rIgld ~ OF M& AND mis. O. 'BYE Of ~ !eel tbelUllllDC. i . . lng aa an arD1YI air force pilot. Be WOMAN'S AUXDuB,y graduated &!-turday, Aprll 16, at The South Wayne Advisory oOunMEETs AT BoIIiI'or. IIB& Mua1cal numbers 101' Ba.ccalaur- f"ampe.. Texas. ell met "at the home of Mr. and . . . II&~ nmAY' At the time na received his sU;er Mrs. Clarence Rye Wednesday eve_ eate and Commencellnent are beins The W<mIIIIl'l .,mHMy liltbit' prepared by ·the W.'B .S. Band and Wings na was comm1ss1oned a second ning, April la. Ueutenant. . The bu.slnese sessiOn. conducted st. Mary'. Bplec:op&l churcb beJel the Glrls Olee club. Mr. and Mni. A. F. MeUoh and by the -presidemt, Clarence Rye, wu their reeuIar monthly ~ :with • • • W~ lIlgb School Dance M.1sa Dortha Jean .' l\Imer of Da¥- devoted to a dlBcussl()n of meeting Mrs. O. Lee ~ as bOIte. at. Band 'WUl !urn1sh th.e mu.s1c for the ton ,were there for the graduation the. Red ~ quota. T~e councll her home on JI'oUi1.b ,street 'CD :rrt;. Har~ey8burg Senior Cla.sa IPla¥ uerel8e8. Lt. Melloh' ~nied - I , decided to contribute $25.00 to 'helP day afternoon. whlch will be staged TUeada.Y. M8¥ them home on a 1l6-day. furlOU8'b. , In the effort. . , Devptions for the ~ . . . . 9. ' The dlsoussion period, under the in charge or Mrs. R&lpli . . . 101COON DOG FIELD TBL\L direction of EdWin 8tan1ortb, was lowed by. a brief lnMJ1ni!I8 IQ.Aooaz, RUlUL SCBOOL TO BE HELD AT IlARVEYSBlJR,Q devoted to the subject of cooperat- ,plana 'Were made 'to ~ .. food HONOR ROLL ANNOUNCED A Coon Dog Field Trlal will be ,lves. Mrs. Norma. Asbury reviewed market on the tb1rcl .Sll.tUl'da7 of FOR PERIOD ENDING .APR. '% beld Sunday, April ~O, on Route a.n interesting article, which out- Ma¥. First Grade - Jea.nette Spray, 73. two ,mlles east of HarveYabUriUned the expansion aDd world 1mMrs. 0 : E. Plul.er -'"' an InOl~ Ann Ja.c0b3, Albert Walter, at the Collett farm. portance of the cooperative move~ terestlng talk OIl "Spldt or ,tn1fted ""'chard ""-. Thank Of·fer1n8." ....~-, ... Ann "'~d r ............... e. ~ Entries will close . at 12:30 sharp ment, especially in relation to 011 ~-=-=-:-:---,:'D~ ~d "'n_ 0_ d Shlrle"'" The meeting adjourned. untO It,ay- - ' ......... • - " .....n en, y - - IW1th the even . t w:1dng place at 1:00 production and d18trlbution. ....~;.....-.. ..... lI1ft~ ....... born ,"' - ...... , ,' J e an ..... ·.Luomaa o'clock. There 18 a. $100.00 guaranAn enJoyablll soCial period follow- 112 When Ml&!!, Ka+".... ".. :Prend-" ~••- . Rich, rwanda Mae F'airohild, Vivian ed . The hostess. Mrs. Clarence will e.ntertaln the memberl at; her teed pUl'8e'. h ...... , ..... Vo~ers. . Rye. very channtngly served a. de- ome on ,uu.&U street at wbJCh time 8eooiId Grade-GeollPannaCrowe, ENTERTAINS C&BD CLUB l1cloua lWlCheon. dues for the commc year w11l be Berni\d1.ne Hadmey, lBh1rley Ann The May meeting of the council ,pe.!d and Dew offloera wm be eJect. Pb'mlre, iMa.rlet\a BlIDIlett. Joan OfMrs.' Fran:k Swartzel entertained, Will be held at the home of 1Mr. ed. burtns the social hour d&1nt» rICer, Donald Barton, Marilee Bo- ' the members of her ce.rd club at a.nd Mrs. Hartley Mosli. l'8!reshmenta were serwjd by the gan. WUme. iean Hatch. the hane of Mr. and:Mrs. John 'hostella. Third Grade-Shidey Voiers, Jan- Kersey Ji'rlday eVe.nJng. Two tables ANNUAL INSPECTION OF ENTEBTA.lNS IN ,HONoa EASTERN STAB TO 5 et Doster, Nina HcJilbe, Edy,the ~ rwere in play during tile evening BIBTBDAY~~ HELDSATUBDAY.~n iR.Ich. Pntty K1n.g, Junior Bennett, with~. A. E. Stout receivins . On 'l'uesda.y, ;'-ritr l4nI. AnnaCharlotte Wlseman.. Betty B<lp.n, .flrst prize aDd Mrs. Mark Rogers, The annual 1nspectlon or M1aml belle,FlOra enterta1ned a few ~ the consOlatIon. Robei-t Doster. Fourth Grade - C'barles Ell1son, ' FollOWing the games dainty· ra- Ohapter 1M. Order or Eastern St.a.r. In honor or 1Mn. I'loaIle Martin, Marlon 0ab0m, M&r- freshme.nts were served to tbe Ww be held at the ~nic Temple birthday. A verr p~t eonin1DI ian Spray, ' Freddie Wall. members and one guest, Mrs. Wll- saturday eve.n1ng, April 29 at 8:00 was spent after wblob 4~ zeo·cocli:. treab.mont8 were served to the fol. Fl!bh Grade-1e.mes Bogan,!How- lard Kersey. The chapter will be Inspected by lOwIng guests: ' Meecl&mea Ilthel Paul, ard Doster, Mary Martha Orea, Betty King, Howard Mason. IBlll,y JOlIN A. KIMBALL PASSES the Wortlly· Gmnd Matron, Mrs. Robert~, E. Ri. Bentley, AWe I AWAY AT BI8 DOME ON Volers. . Netta. M. Sullivan of IJm&. Servls, Olarv. PhWps, N. l!l. CUllom, Dinner lor the oKlcen, guests ' PlO6Ble earey.· MI.u Lucy Em1ey aDd 1 f:31xth Orade-Bel;ty ~. M&r,yI ROUTE ONE, FRIDAY Belle .Bogan, Mary Ann eames, John A. Kin!ba.11, 66, died 1uc1~ and candidates will 'be len-ed at Master M11es CUllom. Mra. o.teY received mIl~ nloe lifta. . Porothy DeBOard, Donna ' Jacobe, denlY at hla 'home on Rural ROute 6:30 tn the d1n1.Dg room. GlaciyB Kerns, Phywa K.emI'. KAI'- 1•. Waynesville, Friday.afternoon. FBlENDSIDI' ,CLUB MEETS MO'l'IIEB OF MBS. 'OIINCE garet K1n8. Mart.ha Lu!tens, ~Uune tHe leavea to mourn I:!.1a lO.s the , DIES IN DAYTON nim~Y The Friendship club met at the Moore, Mary 'Jo 8lc:h, Kenneth \Vn- wUe, Etta, and a 8011, Elery, woo ia son, James Wiseman; Ethel Qentr)'. with the armed fon:es In New Qui_ ~ulch Wedilesday afternoon of last Nn. May Bamee , ~ 11. of ...... ~.. i-.h Grade--Jlun!or Palrcb1ld, ,...... ~ter ....- E1 ' week.. After the buslne88 sesa1on· a Dayton. cUed at 3 p. m. ~ 'at. ena. A '-_" ' .-.... ~ ¥reeWuma. HOllier, Eugene . Wo~, Pr1eda land. of W~esvUle · Rouie also sur- PIosram of stimtS, , ~. nW.s1c Mlam1 va.Uei haIp1tal. She a. sur,. iBe1le Wlll1am8On. , vives. lUl,d a sale. of Which were vive4 by ~. dauIh...., lin .•• C. Orane ot ~. 1Ir8~ Ninth ~e--<?oneen W l111amaon f;3ervIcea ~ld 'at . the Me'- donated ~ the IRed cr088. Dainty , refreshn1eDts were then Olevenger Jr. , Of Oen~. wJaG , • . Tenth ~Dol'Clltb)o ~th. Olure Puneral ~ Monday at.2:00 IoIa1iJI ~ ~, · Jaok Remolds· p. m. lWltll ~'<in MlaIn1 came- Served ' ~. the members and guelitB~ lonnerl1 I'eatded III '*~ ' . _, ~d Ml'I. Orrel ~ of __ ~~venth QTade--~t.by ~'teri. . , " WABIloBN' OOuN~ DQG8 . tOni bi her _ _ Mr. UId"'~ , TblWDa 0Itb0I'ne, J~ Bleb. tJlimBB QU~ Georse W. BiIIDM Ot ~•• ~elfth · Grad~;....auth Bunce, P&IBND8 '1'0' PBUBNT _ aiater and three ~ . ' OJadya Nrch1Id. JUDea' ae,aolda, A JJV8IOAL PBOGBAtII ' .All Warren . COWity dogs wen YarJ ~ Rdlert8On~ • Iiemben, of the Pl1eilda UeetlDe ' UDder qlW'&ntiDe -'l'IIeIcIay Mr. aDd lin. A. '8 ....... . . , w.,aen111e Is 'WDl pntIIeDt .. pqram of mumo at tor 80 dap fo1low1nc two DeW' cae. .cbUdren aII4 ilia ..., !AlIi ' . lDcI~!Ctk1D Into t.be &be ft1mda KeetIDtr IIIDUIe aatur- of lItIblell in Lebanon Ba~. DIIA .... .,.... 01 '• • WeclDIedQ bJ' " • .apuJa, at; 1:00 p. m. iI9II'r- lI!Ialtb OrMn'eaIO"er Dr. IIIbIu'dtB. 8 . . . . . aiiMjii~
Wool uniform. ~M the decision made by the ~ Mothers' club durlrlg thelr recent meetlntt, April 18. However, finanCial d1tflcUlt1es prevent the club from buying the uniforms unW autumn or until tee required amount of mony is raised.
or ,
oae II . , . .•., IDtIMd
8IaSJ' ..........
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I was not a deputy hlghwu)' patrolman with powe r to order ~rrest.5 for One-Way Ride speed ing lind reckless driving, Right Wheu u ntilion ot f ree pc-ople W~esVU1e, Ohio Maln Street t here In fron t of the old Buckeye tUrn:! ils J?olltica l course in Ih 91• 1 ctlon -<if 'late SOl."i.tlis m, there.is ........,. Ita ~ , C1aaa MtJI Matter at Postotnce, Waynesville! Ohio s~ool !$ Olle of !'.he mo.5t dangersurJlethinc strangely fin a l abou t It. p us spa on HI hWII :r 73. In the last· Not onc c(.m cs .bllck witho ut a r evo· few yoo rs twq oth er ca lves have Walter W. Wiseman. Editor and Publisher lulioll. lIl o llY an Ig1101'lIl1t EU1'opea R been killed there, two la mbs h it. at tOile r tia s d nnccd in colorful costume ISSUED EVERY TIroRSDAY leas t two dogs kJ1 led and , severnl ben Il th \ ha t he was told 'lo call a n uats a nc,i It WP.s o~l l y by cha nce th at a rc;j)~ Of tl'iU lllph for Uove1'llme nt Ma n· 8UIIIci1Pt1on Price, 11.50 Per Year. Payable In Advance Dgc m nt , leomi ng vcry soon !.hat it . tlre c.·u s weren't piled up t here \\1113 n yoke of endless bondage, \l'hl1 I WRS watc hl n:; todllY . I s&w N.tio".' Advertising Repr~.ent.tive Why do thcy blu nde r inlo SUch two eRrs com ing from t he west, . traps 'l This qu StlO Il puzzles many It. . . . . . . . . . A 8E.V.~E. IN~. l i ght a t the bot.tom . of t he hUl Am erica ns. Don't E uro pea ns know whi!l'e he could neither ~ee nor be any belte r ? C n l~ ' t th y see what :,een , II. eRr wi th t he lIcens number bappens to olhc r na lions nea rby? To both questions , th e answer is "No.'.' 444LP speeded up' a.~ d p-.lSSed the Home T_ N• ..".".,.. III m a ny E uropcan countries thc en· (:!U' a head. If 0. ca r with 0. driver lightened class is the ruling class ... w........ I," • • • • • (;. S • ...........lIIdg.. s.n fr.t>eUco. c.I. , lIch IU I '\d j us ~ k l;;C!l my cow hnd and it Is sm ull. Many poor folk who \.'. m over the 'hUl t here would h ave read a lillie can't aITord' Il news· to !I a te n ib' e WTeck, The people paper. They don't have a chance to , ho live ther e say they see slmllRr use their heads. Cra1lier people fool SOMEWHERE IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC-If your laundry was thcm and rob them endlcssly. th i ngs nnd wor c every day. late last week. it's because the boys in service are being taken care of Can Bappen Here There a re two kinds of drivel'S, first. Now available only to the armed forces, laundry washers of the .A.pr1) 12, UKl . ira therCl such a one of them with a terrible crn$-. type used by professiona l laundries back home, make Iwell bath tuba Somebody Is always trying • the safe kin who slop or at least tb1IIa All a atrealt of bad luck or is When it was all over It measured t l ~ w d \V n when t.hey s ee something too .. Firem.a n ,2/c Robert Loving, Cincinnati, Ohio. watches two of his European shell.game on the Ameri· buddIes enJoymg a welcomed bath. And you must admit it'a ~ can people with rather poor success It Juat ftJIure to use oommOll .sense SO ifeet from where the cow hit the "clean" fun! - ........ un usuc l ahead of them and !.he because the average American is WI .. frlend at mine 88YS. Probably ground the ftrs t time- to Where It othcr ki nd who pu t on !.he gas in equlpped to protect himself. Unfor· t.be latter if you add to it faUure to lay In the road. He said he was only help some of Lbem out a little but tunately socialistic tlIm·fiam has s ~ead of t he brakes and try to dash 8U&l'Q lUf!t1c1ently aga1nst the fail- going thirty-five miles an hour and fooled some people on this side of th rough . It the cow-killer lllld one of tHem had beeu practicing uN Of others to use common seruwi. Ulat it lWas either hit !.he cow or my the ocean. Americans who boost :cwed dO\\'n II; h en he saw, m e he a nd h u.cl It down till h e out aucgovernment management have litlie 1WbII:bevec it 1a we have had some car With me In it. but he didn't say Lloneered the professionals . Lots of n Rve seen tile cow and also to say In its favor. They talk more mare of iU atarted! for the grocery why he didn't try to stop when he would l hat I had stopped because there good chi'ck.ens. Plenty of good tlungs a bout the abuses of Private Enter· .t.hIa afternoon but when I ~d saw me there or why he never slowL O eat Bond best of lu I a nice sum ot WIIS a nother cow In f ront oI me. priSe than about the advantages of IV GEORGE S. BENSON t.be puture I dldn't see the young ed down the least 'b it when he other systems. They seem to .be gat hering In some m oney for the Red Croos. Prmtielll;llIlMi"6 ~1I{fie .web but .I did see tracks headed passed me. Mter all he had no right Sunday. F'1i-st r ai ny SWl day after I wonder how often 1 have heard SIIl"Y. .ArulIllIl, of lhe r eckless ones ill Dayton IIlld doWn tbe lane. I f ollowed Quickly to pass me there because he bad \ miny. Easter . some InteWgent person soy, "In I hope they come out on 73 and And -.w tile way c1awn the hlgh- no way of knowing that there wasAmerica. 5 per cent ot the people Monday . Oold and raw, a lltUe • Pulling Together ge t some more, Some of the war 'Wa)'. I 'Went put them and turned n 't a oar coming over the hill from sunsl n e but nOL warm enough to One of the first political discus- own 95 per cent of the wealth." WO~'kers wtlo commute EIre among Most people who r epeat the false· COIIDd And IO~ out ot the ear to the other direCtion. The poor helfI ever heard that r ose above sions Lbe c.tl1cks out, though t.he let the wors t offenders . Certainly passbood have no Idea ,where they first Lbe level of gossip had to do with . dr1ve tbem back tNt they got so tar ~ wasn't k11led outright but her leg ing in a pla.oe like that Is the worst brooaer !loUSe is c1'owded nd they something ca Ued "the tariff wall." a heard It. It sounds like statistic. alad of me t.bat I sot t>acIt in we was broken and there were Internal kind of reok.iessnCS3. 'n eed to get out for all' and green bigh. protective, import tax. I lis- but U's not. It is plain propaganda oar aDd drove after them. At the injuries so that we lhad to have her gl'dss . tened only. as becomes small boys. to dlssatisty honest people with what Saturday. Highlights from the bot~ of tile hill they stopped anll kWed. '1 uesday . Anotlle r. new Iu·rl val. wbile two mature neighbors talked they have and make them want Red Cross auction . . . ' Long rows something else-anything else. I bozDc1 to U7 to start. them &'Ding A3 I sat there parked I.n the Or delicious pie;; and cakes . The 10- '.l'nis tune 1 W\l tl; up to Lh e bdcrll it over. Their genuine interest was Bere'. the Truth I still remember contagious and early and caJled the d octor in case aaalD. ~ tb~ a 'car SWOOped driveway, waiting for them to come cal preachers tryi.'lg 'their hands a t • Just recently the U. S. Depart'mucb 01 what they said. The imthere shOUld be trOUble but before ment of Commerce gave out some 0'lIl' t.be hill put me and caught to haul her aiway I was sorry that selling. The professionals had to he came the caU walS safe and uow pression I got m ight not have b'!en real figures on national Income, and accurate but it was fairly typi cal • they ougbt to blot out that 5-95 myth it is up and wows' where to tlnd of views at that time. everywhere.. Natio.n allncome is no dinner. The heifer that was kill d Manufacturers In the North. I THE OLD JUDGE SAYS ••• would have been n:esh by now so gathered. were aU In favor of a high puzzle either: Everybody understands personal Income; that's what We not only lost 0. cow but a. oal! protective tariff. They dldn't want one person earns. Family Income foreign.made . things to enter the and the world lost what Should United States and be sold iIi compe- ill the ,sum of what everybody In the I have been 0. nice lot. of beef steaks tition with things they were making. family earns. Just so. national In. " some day . Those northern manufacturers. 1 come la the grand total of what aD 'I'ne torsy.1ih1a. along ,by ~e peach was ' informed, were Republicans. Americans earn. In 1943 our national income was orchard Is golden yellow but the My neighbors, like most farmers In 150 billion dollars. Two thirds of that climate, were Democrats and peach trees are not in bloom yet . opposed a hlgh tarifl'. U Europe bad this (100 billion doUars) went to A let.ter from Mrs. Duke says tIley beUer and less cosUy mercbandise workin, people In the torm of sal· are eati ng beets 'fro.m thell' garden to offer, they were In the market aries and wages. Farmers got 13 billion mj)r e. Corporations got eight a ud tlnd .liO...ston VEiry plea.s.lnt but. tor it. billion dollars, and most of them t.il8.t Po:ul llail o.:en pl"Omoted and Farmers ProdUCe w~re not big corporations. U all Those two respected nelghbora Llall81errEid Ii<> New 4DI'e.lelUlS so Mr. corpora tion s are blg·bad·wolves with have passed on. along with most and Ml'S. Duke have sold tthelr n ewgr~edy bcarts, how did they permit ly bougut liouse a.nd in J une will men of their gener<lUou. The tariff workers to bC,a t the!Tl ·to 87'11 per wall. as a political issue, is de<ld \ move to Florida. as .!ley h a d too. I have told this homely story. cent of the mOl\ey last year? A Fatal DeeislOl1 p alm eU/ \,() do In ·tl1e beginnIng. however. to spotlight an iasue that WbeUler they hav~ any reasOn 1dr Later . 'J.1h1a is cali' a.ay o~ tb~ ia very much alive: Suspioion.. All It or not. most advocate. of govern. .UU'IIl . Old SJ;IOt !bAs.a. new roan Americans need each other. Mutual ment management (whlch leada call that is so big Jlt looks a wee.k distrust among men of di1Ierent In· eventually to government ownerold _ 'l ·lll.!i is 1'00.11 ami w.blte ant.! dustries is a bigger hazard to this sblp) are angry at corporaUons. country than prejudices based on l.DldQutly IS, 11um Ih.tcn, !'he young race or religion. Business progress They bave not bee~ taught that corothers requires confidence; credit is only porations provide the 1bbS at Which worlters earned ,their loolillIion dol. I'e wnite aCt!d. '.1lllere s.h u1d be part of it. ~a rll ; nor that the 13 b11l10n dollars Besides being a great country. the l'eceived 'by farmers was. mtmey dcUOo.lltr vne \l) Ol'e ll.ght. I had so United States is big. In Its three uscd to fced the families of those UlIl.:h 1.1'Oub.e 1W1~h Lne last ounch million square miles dwell 135 m·il. . surne workers. can't aU be ac· lion people. Tbey uf 11 11el's .nat 1 lla..~e been hop ng U prejudiced people turn to govquainted but they n~ed to be friends t.ha.t all vi: ti1<:m woUild just be mea.~ In spite of personal Interests and emm'e nt management as the plainest road leading away from capita).. 'I " for ttle llUI.l'ke t. All SpOt's oolves tastes that, dUJer. We have to look Ism; it they can get enough other' out for one another now or we are with them, they have been 1 eilel's. iU Jotmuy were sunk. Patriotic groups do not have people to' should understand that they are 't ak, "The ,.... ItorieI I like best. .Judge. are away and fight this war don't want to come h ere he coutu have that long line completely opposing interests in the ing a one·way road. PI,'ivate enter. tM '. . . by the epecial WJiters overseas back and find that prohibition has been put United States. Farmers are not prise has made the world'. most uf cows we used to ,1;.alk a.bout. merely consumers; they are the Teal prosperous country j State Socialism wbo .Jive ri&ht ~th our troop&. They give over o~ them while they were away . .. either propticers. Manu!acturers .a.nd thelr bas consistently failed. Some sys. • • ' better 'idea of hoW Qur men react PlatitnulllJl or locally. They have heard·about • Gazelle \ \'lli. l A Us ,1i"IOK ) ol .. ulls !. employees. no mntter what they protq )hmp iOinI on over there and back ' the ,attempts being made and they resent tema can be changed, but notion. duce or how much. are still 'the ~olilg to government. ,nanagement ben! at bome," . . , it bitterly.'· country's biB consumers. f, do not return without violence. '"I agree with YQU. Sam. I never miss one "I agree with them, Judge, even though lVprkcrs Consuzne AUCTIONEERING 01 thole .Ulrh!s in the p8perJ or magazines. I don't happen to drink myself. FurtherOf all the people in America who ADd there'. one thing thoee writers eeem to more, I don't think it's fair for us at home Stanley and ' KOOKier toil. 18 per cent work on the farm ' B qreeonno matter where they ar:e8tationed to be making any major changes w~i1e and 82 per cent do something e1ae. For Dates, Phune 2894. Wayneswith our men ... and that is that the. men . 10.000,000 of our fighting men are away and It was not that way 100 years ago Located at litl Wyomln.. Ave •• ville,. Ohio, Reverse Charges .~ baveieft Weir homes and families to go have DO chance to express their opinions. ,. when nearly two-thirds ot our work· payton; Are Helping To Keep Our ers plowed the soil. but things have BROKERS LICENSE changed. Now two farm hands work- Ca..~ aocl Trucks .In Service By lug in a field produce for nine fac- Featuring New and Used Paris For tory workers whose families mUJIt All Models 01 Can . . . Buy Used cat. In statistics: Ten million farm O~rs, Wrecks, and Pay The Vcry hands stock , the pantries of 4lI mil. Beat PrIces For them . . . Have An , ',. lion other laborers, not coun.t1ng the Immense Stock of Good Used Pam white-collar workers. The Iactory town is America'a' big and Tires Which You Can BUJ At market for fa rm products and prac· -' Gteat Saving • • . Cars Bought tically everything else. Those 43 In An)' Condition . . . FU 6891. ' million workers last year received IVINS-JAMESON DRUG lVe Buy and Sell New aDd V'sed 100 bllllon dollars in thelr pay en· The general trend of mOdern 'FRED'S DEPT. STORE J. W. LINGO FUBNrrnRE velopes; two·thlrds of America', na. COMPANY tional Income. Dreamers who ca- IbUSinesa and during war times. 1f 'Everything lor Farm and Borne' We 'OaW the EnUre FIIIDII7 HARDWAllE THE REXALL STORE reen thelr necks' toward Europe look- lior a e.ervatlau ipOllcy and to Make Our Store Your GOOD HOUSEKEEPING ~Home Phone t6 ing for pQst.:.w ar farm p.rosperity keep our tl'li,DlIportation system In Headquarters SHOP need wakln, up. America's exports service for the duration. Browne's Phone lit Phone U4 Phone 23 BARDlVARE & IMPIt.EMENTS Nan to Bank ~on in recent pre-war years have been Auto Parts in Dayton satisfies these running less than II per cent of na· coiuiitlons, 118 here, they buy old tlonallnc~me .. Every little bit helpa cars and wreck them. 00.'''"';' the , RUEPPEL'S STUDIO EGER'S but it'a still Ii .per cent. • &&'5 We Belp Ourselves valuable parts lor further use' as l'Ia.... l18L , JElVELRY - GIFTS Devastated Europe can't do much rep]aoemtmtB, and at the same .yon Phone 230K for America ' soon after the ,war. time. removing the old car from Post-war favors will be from ua to 'the hJghwn.Y8. where ' it 18 a mena.ce. 4 SouLb Broadway Le~on ' W~Y' PBOTOGB~ them. exclusIvely. One of our ,reat-, A car does not grow Old. at the est possible post,war servIces to 'Eu. ropeana would be to lower our thrift l!!Ulle rate. !ill over, and, f.requently, SPIEGEL'S SHOE STORE THE FASHION SHOPPE bara and buy what they 'c an spare so englne"parts are '88 good as,new or Shoes for the Fam1l7 SELLING THE BEST IN they, In tum, may buy 'mfre ot 9ur even better from beLng broken in by XRAY Fi'rrDrG ' WOIIIBN'S • MISSES APPABBL manUfactured g?oqs·. We cln't serve Use. !I'hese Used ,partB-, caref.uUy InComplete Stock t.o Choo.e ... iI .y ..... LeIIaDoa·. . . . . the, I:est of· the wo~l~ wflll unI~SIl our ' ~ted ~to make sure they are, good From .& AU Tllaea own . people are prosperous. But if 'and ' usable In .all respects are good Phone 38Z II ' . .8&JIIn " Ingenulty and epterprise may re- • -. . ' main tree; oUr factories will hUm replil.cements and are of,f ered ~t SHADE~ and oui farms thrive as ' nev~ be- mate~ lower prices ,!lhan. SPIEGEL'S MEN'S fore. " ])al'tB. , STORE ED 0., SMl1'a , It Is- olen: true that A Complete S&oek 01 GOOoDAB, C10thinr aocl IlUerduberY ~ JI&lI.&m S~VlCB Phone 399 107 E. Mulberry AT LOW PRICES an :., .,,,, .......... PhODe 6 L
~a?tt.te '
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IFrom A Farm Diary--Dry Ridg~
1()()KlNfI AHIM
Bro , wnie's Aut.o Part .
Sh~.P..'!~D"~~Un~C~!] 0 n
DAVIDSON'S EWELERS • . N. ....... . ~
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'W baDOD
B~OWN and BROWN Ladles
to lVcar
FOB REA" t:S'I'I\TE HJi\:-.IS Lrbllllon. (Ullo
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A C o ~ Ill... New ' t;&or.k o(
SPRL....G DRESSliS -S~I ITS ~d COATS at Popular Pricl!II
Phone 38Z L
I '
have parts for very old or UDusual model8. for whioh new parts would be vl'ry lla.rd or often Impossible to get, It wlll pay ~vCl'yone to come h el'e befOre t1'ylllg elseWllere .or orderLng new pnrLs . They are performing a useful public service In helping our economy WOgI m Illld 'encoul'a,gLng satety on our h lgllWl\yS, by ' buying up t h e old cars , IIs ln g the good parts a nd tW'ning tl11e bala11c Into Lilli valuable ~rap pileI
A. & M. Poultry Co. At 319 MadrJver. JusL East 01 Wayne Ave. l\larket. Dayton. Are Dealers In PoulLry and Eggs . • • Fair Prices Govem ThCir Buy~ and Selling AoUvlties . . . Offers The Farmers An Excellent Market . . . Alwa.yS Extend A Welcome To Poultry 84lsers When In Dayton ••• AldinI' In Our Victory Proc-ram With A Reliable, Whoksale and Retail servil.'C . . • Tel. FU 9662.
The A. & M. Poultry Co. is a. valuable institution In the corrunu.nl.ty and Is worthy or prominent menLion. They purohase poultrY and is one of the very busy p14ces where t rading in all departments Is carried on with promptness. They hnve excellent !a.cIliLies for the hIllldiing of live poultry and eggs and are ~ble to take care of any amount at any time, no matter whether i~ is swruner time when large quantities are being brought in 01' in. the winter when they are a.ble to give the best oC atttIDUon. They feature a. wholesale IlIlld reta1l service in poultry and eggs. It always pays to buy eggs of a rella.ble dealer and <be HUl'e Lhat you are getting them fresh. 1111 one does not want to llear a plaintive "Cheep cheep" In the morning when one opens the brenkIast egg. An overripe egg tor brewdast starts the d&y oIl In about as bad a. f1lShlon as ls possible and throws one of.! one's stride for the whole day. To avoid matrutina.l cata.st.roph1es of this '9Dd many people ,b uy thelr supplles 01 eggs from them. as well as, poultry or broUers that wlll make any chlc.ken dinner a. success.
TO.BtI 1', -J
·For Future .Needs· ~IG SAVI~GS
A. • ,.,.a.1 .....Ie. co OUr ,ubaalbert. '" ... o'ws ...... In prima on yo.. a_'IN,,"" .nd 'nori•• m.lUiB... You c... _ dJJ. ....,... elth .. 10 c_bl...tloa with ...r 00. 01 populor m....iB... or with ... 5-M.p.dn. S.,.a.1 b.lo". SeI... the 0 • • you lill. lift, ••. rMt. lill In the COUpoD .... •.... lr PI_ do it rip, ...,1
th... ....,
Any Magazine Listed and This Newspaper, Both for Price Shown . 0 American Fruit Growu..._ SI.76
o American
Girl ................:.. 2.50
o American Home, 2 Yn. .... 2.76 o Amerlc:an PoUttry JOU1'1Ial 1.111
, 0 IkUer Cooling Be
Homemaking (.._ _ 21.45 UP 1.65
o BoY" Llfe_............. o Capper'. Farmu ' o Child
LIfe ....:.....
o Cbrialiaa Htta1d o Coronet ....................._ ...._ o Country Gentleman, IJ Yn.,
2JiO , 8.!lO 2.00
o Etude Muaic Mquine...... 8.50 o Farm JrnJ. it F'rm'ra Wife: 1.65 o Flowa' Grower ...__.........._ lI.50 o FOrllpl-Column Rrnew _ 2.96 o H01Uehold Mapzloe _ 1.6& o Hygda _........_......._ . ' - - 2.95 o Liberty •.-_......_ ..._._..; 5.115. o National Digm Moolhly_ 8.f6 o Nature (IP 1__, III Mo.).... 5,U o Ope,. Road (12 Ia., 14 Mo.) 2.25 o Outdoon (12 la, If Mo.) '2.25 o Pathfinda' ........;............ ::"._ 2.00 o Photoplay,.MOm Mittor _ 2.110 o Popular MedIanlCl ;;......._. 5.25 o Popular Sdeoc:e Monthly_ S.DI) o Poultry Tribune: 1.65 o Rea~r's DIga« . _ . _ 4.25 o Redbool MIIpIluc ~ US o 8afta1aod .. 2.110 o SlInr Scnaa 2J1O o Sport., Afidd ._..... 2.25 o SutWsrul Farmlag 1.75 [] True Story ............;,......:....- ~ o U. s. Camera ~C--_ 2.15 , .~___
o Your LIfe :.........:.. :......:...:...~~ ".f5' 5-Magazinc Special!
_ _ _'"-_ _';""_ _........_ _ _"":-___
Baha·i Fiith
~.------~------~----~--------~------------~~~----------------~--~----------~-the broncs de~artea for \;he upper
Europe, and ~. He paS6ed II.way in 1921 at the Of 1'1 in RaUa, Pdles~le, and is burled on 'MOoot Cannel" "AccOfc:Ung ro AlbdU;I-Ba.ha'8 \'1111, his eldeai Sfanelson WIIS appoin~ lIS the fil'lIt Qu&.rdlait of the Balla'1 F'-a1th and h.e&d or the UnlVel6al Houae C1I Juatice, Wb05e duty it 14 to 009rd1nate anel direct the eMa1ni C1I the ~'1 oommWl1Ues in the eaat and weat in accordanCe With the prlnc1ples en~lllted by ' Baha,-
AustralJa, BIllkans, Thrkey, Syrta, Albania, Abyss1.!11a, ChIna, Japal), ., ...&;i;;; 1Ie()e, Braz1l" ArgentLna, Uruguay, Mexi. . . . I, W&.JI*IIDe co, Costa. R1ca, Halt.!, Honduras, (oGDt.lDued from ..,.tp week) Cuba, Chili. and SOubh Ml;'1ca , ~ Pounder of the Nth, WlUI 'In May or t.hls year, the Baha'is Baba,u.Dah (Olory Of ~ IWhoee United States and OanaC\ll &'lel S. ady. tbe Dab ha4 foretold. He America wUJ celebrate. the centendIcIaNd hII ~ In 1\03, whUe ary or the faith in the completed In ..ue In BlabdacLl;le subsequently Temple on the shores a! L6ke Micbrormula~ iI:he pr1ncJp1ee or .. new Igan, Ohicago, Illlno1s. ThIS TemaD4 , cl1~ c:lvWat1on, 'W'h1ch by ple is the second of such edIl1ces io adVeDt He clatmed to bave In,be er~te'd. The Urst one was built aiilW'at.ed. He too was bItterly op_ u,llab: In Eskaiba<!, Russ1a, and a ~h1rd is poeed, 'Ii'U stripped of his property Slnee AJ)du'l-B4!ha's pIlIiBin, local erected in TIhran, Pers1a. ~ rllhta. was ' exiled to Iraq. to and national a&IlembUes have 'been Many outstanding thinkers ~nd Ocmatantlnople, and . to Adrlanople, formed and conaoUdated and. are the leaders have made rererence to the anc1 evehtuau,y lD<:arcurated In the bedrock on'W h1ch the edW.ce of the Baha'I Fa1th in written testlmn.'11als, penal c:oIoD1 Of AItka, ,w here he ,Univer.sal House ot Justice is to be a very lew or whom are the followpuled aWAY In 1882 'J.n his 75th erected. Ing: The late Downger Queen Mar1e ye&r. 'Wi. remalna are laid to rest in According to latest reports rrom 01 Rwnanla ; Rev. T. K. ~ldlle, the 8br1ne of Ba.hJ1. nbrt;h or Akka. 11hran, over nve hundred local a&- D. Ldtt., D. D., Oklford university, 'lbe' authorised Interpreter IWd sembUes have been formed and es- fellow ,B ritish academy; Prof. H er• •pler of ~U,lJah'8 t.ea.oh1na tabllshed. Ol'8anized communities bert A. Mlller, Bryn Mawr colh:,e; .... BIa eldeet son, Abdu'l-Ba.ba' are to be found ,in every continent former Pres1dent Masaryk ot Checb(8FVant of ¥ who IWa8 appolnt- of the ·,lobe. National Assemblies slovakia; late Pres1dent Da.vld Starr eel b)I bIa father &8 the Center to have been formed and fl111Ctloning JOrdlion. Leland Stanford univers1ty; ,whom all Baha'la sboulcl turn for in the United States · and C8.nada, Luther Bur·b anl. SD.itlruilUODI . and CU1darwe. He India, . Burma;; Great Britain, GerI woUld like ,to close w1th a pereliared hi. father'. 1mpr1somnent many, Iraq. ~t, and .A ustralia sonal letter written by Helen Keller: UZiw ~, whI!n the old rqrime in and New zealand. There are na',The PllU060phy of Baha,u,llah TUrke)i '. ... OYerthrown and all re- tional BasembUea in process or for- deserves the ,b est thought we cari l1ttoua luld poUUc&l prI8o.nera mation in Per8ia, O&UCI\SUS and give it. [ run returning the <bOok so ~ut 1Iltl empire were Uber- Turltestan . that other bUnd people who bave a&ed. Alter that he continued to Local assemblies and groupS have more leisure than myself may be DIMe hla 110m. in Palestine but 00- been eatabllabed in France, SWitzer- 'Shown a. ray or Dlv1n.lty' 0.00 tneir clel'toc!k Gtenatve ~ tours 1n land, Italy, ScandlnavlJin COootries, hearts be 'bathed in lion inundation t • of etental love.' "I take this opportunlfly to thank you for your k1nd thought or me, I a,Ild for the inspiration which even I , Wl... IMIe Wbote.ale HOllie at to ~ St., ' Da1toD, Are <keat the most cursory reading of Baba,...... Ia 0lIl' IDc1I11U1a1, IIotIIIq aDd Deftllle 'ProJI'UDII BT MaJdDr u,llalh's ute cannot tall to impart. ~nIIaltIe To DeaIen, CoD&racto... anc1 BaUdeh QaaUt1 Uae. 01 Hardware, ,Wbat nobler theme tilan the 'good 2lwaa ~ Suppqe. . . . Speclf, That Your Contnetol' Sleeve HIs of the world and the happiness of the ....nre aU SappUea 0' Them Ancl You WW Be Sare 0, The Btst. nations' can occupy our lives? The message . of universal PeaCe will '!be W. ". EJef~r 00. at Day- utWty. They are constructed so surely prevail. It is useless to com&itn are wbolfale dlatrtbutora and they w1ll Sive service for yean. tine or conspire aga1ns~ an 1dea .... 'creatir a1dIns 1n 80lVule our They feature modern, advertised which has in 1t potency to te a. ~~ houalDa' and defense goods. . t»ehlnd Iwhich ,the company ,new heaven and to qulcken buman IJraIruDe .by tbe cU8tr1bution ~ eII- stands and architects, plumbe1'6 and beings wlt.h a holy paasion of servIItIiQal 1IDeI of' baidwi.re euppUes home b)11lders have all come to ree- 1ce." pd' ~ 8I*'IlItJee.' So, If your ogn1IIe that tbey are tile very best. Tb1s popular Wholesale bouae ~tnct.on aeour,e tbe!r bal'Clware ~ .fl'OIIl ~ will Imowtbey represents tbe 'hlgbest deveolpment ~ .~ 800il aaterlal and ,wui live 1n a d1atrlbu~ aeT'Vkle in this pan of the country and ·t heir oontlnuous ~..-vice. ,"J.bItI1 are &1..... weast- vi the ~on is the result of sreat .... 1rtth ~ that are Of the loreai8bt and abWty to antlclpate ~. pa~ aDd aN known from the needs or the terrltor.y served Columbll8. O. (Spl.) - "We must ~ oc1ut fOr t.be1r beauty and and ahr~ be readY to meet them. bury foreve.r the philosophy of scar· city. We must fight to restore th~ Of; .. . damage done by the bureau'c ratic belief that the forces of nature, yea, even humaD nature, llaD be 'eontrolled by • directive. We must replace reg1Jnentation with reliable Ih1orma~on and advic~. We mUlt belp the tanner to help hbnaelf rather than ®ntlnue to tell him what be mUlt do." . 'I'hfa t. the message that Governor John W. Bricker of Ohio il carrying . to Arner1ca'l farmers in hil campaign for the. presidential Domination at the Republican _convention.. "The farmer wanta and il entitled to our faith," Gov. Bricker saYI. "Given this faith rind this advice, I am convinced that he will neither ·\~_Ii"iUiII"rr"~ ~ffi,:e for more than ei~t yean. go bankrupt,. gouge us, nor let ua down. 'Y OUR VOTE "The agricultural program of the I 'R~~public:an Party will he drafted at for the National convention. I expect 'to participate In the drafting ' of that program, and I anaU regard that ,.I .. "l t"' II l platform as a pledge to be kept." ,.... ' . ·for Governor Bricker was b.-n and reared on an Oh:o farm. Six genera. tions of Brickers have been farmers before him . In Gove~or Brlc.k er, Ohio agrl~ ~ ~ yo~ a carefUl, bu.iness culture has found understanding and help. When ,he became governor, ' all of the state'. agricultUral insH. adminia,tration.
w. H. ·Kiefaber CO.
aricker Fights Philosophy of Scarcity
KARD.S. COWMAN County Commissioner ,
.' 'Y<our Support in ·th. Republican Primano May 9 will
+•• . ..... , ......y...:........,........
. 0.., ......................
i'" a..D''':'
&; rJ-r r... b ..... ?M '
·. . •• .II ' I
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operate In lulison for ~e time. They , are all represeqled : Pl his Ohio. War Agrlcult\lral Committee named the day after Pear!' Har. bor to assist farmers to get the rna.' terials, labor and supplles needed to meet the tremendouaJood demand. Other states have followed Ohio'l lead In making the state's own traetors, trucks and operators avail" able tor emergency plowing, plant.. · ing ond marketing. The 'Ohio larm 10 bor , recruiting ' program hal be-, come a nation/il model. . Governor Brlck~~ approaches ~e ' sgricultur.al problem convinced that "without freedom ' at price and; 1re~ dom ot movem'~rit 'Of ,goods 'to inar. ket In recognition of the Is'Vs·'o.Qf 'supply aDd demand,. we cannot' hope to escape confusion. dlrec\iv.e upon directive ' and .control upon cohtrol, u'!t1I ~e whole 111tem I)reak' down of lis own. weight. There can be no total managed economy for' the simple reason that there can be nO totlll .m 8nagemeht of the ' forcea ' of n~ture. " ·. '.,
be appreCiated •
TlmRSDAY, APUL .., _
·.~__!!IIi"'''i!!i=!!ii!!!i!ii5iii!i55Eiiiii.a;i5ie.~5!i!!i!i!!i&ii:i=~ii1 1il1=i==~~e=~=$~~ffi
'Sand. & Gravel .
Hoo,kett In Wtlynesvllle. country, He had unloaded the bee! Mr. and Mn. Therlc Jonea a1'ld at , a C9l'D6Ll'uctlon camp 'We 'Passed, son, M1lton, had Mr. and MnI. &t'but llhe res~ of bhe' treilfht was left win Nutt of n.ear Oenbery1lle lor in, _~!te bijggy . No one, bobhcred it. their qinner gu~w. S~day. , .... " .. " II ..., "I h O! COU1'S~ he took the wonderful MOI' -W.I .. ~.N Mr. and Mrs :' Lester Kenrtc;k "C .. 'Nt .... g irl's hat with him. ·· .. Just over the Cjl.lled on Mrs , Ruth. Savage a~, CenIUM'IANO "At' III( II . .... hlll" Lsn't far if, one knoWs the terville SUnday afternoon. ,r.'t~, 1,1.' IIOIIW,'" COWltry, but when that hili and ail 'Harvey Burnet at~nded tile State . . . . ., ItAU the surrounding hllls are covered Federation of ttle Milk Aa8oc1atlon ~~~:::~I OUIM .. Me II ft. • • twith wheat stubble, It isn't at all at ColumbWI Mondsy . . dlflcult to get lest. ,H arry was Mr. and Mrs . Everett Early a':ld carrying'U16 sorry bunole of blank- Bobby MOrg'an called on Mrs. Allee ets and baJ?y and I was learning to Clark at the Fllends Home, Waynes wuUt tttrough botLomJess mud 1.'\ ville SU':lday afternoon and report ·!renclh heeled shoes . when we had h er 111 of whidh friends are sorry ~boutglven up hope we saw a light to learn. in a hollow in . the hills and soon we ,CUlton Miller, who underwent 0. were dry nnd comfortable once major operation at M1ami Valley more. Harry and I had been soaked hospital la.st week is not inlproving UlrU but the baby wasn't even damp. at Ih1s time. We boal'ded with these people un- , Mr. and Mrs , Everett Early attU our own shack was completed. tended tile' opening ball game in OC'IoH I had requested a bwo-stroy a [fa 11' CInclnnati Tuesda.y • nN ........ something lUte n stable and thought Mr . and Mrs. E. C. Miller of MO., Wt'" G('MAN'I &NO If.,. I was very conservative, but wnen Ridgeville spent 'S unday afternoon Ofe It ' ' ' '. I saw my new :home it WIlS II. 12x18 with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet . .141 • • '" • • I"' rough board, shed TOOf s hack. It Mr. aDd Mrs . 'Lowell Thoma.s t';(" "IlIUM MO.. WI'. was seven leet high on the short and daughter, Betty, entertalned OI."",,", "All, ..., loA....... sidc and 11 feet high on the higb Mr. anq Mrs. Warren Howla.nd aD;d ""'.19, '''I side. One slde oI tihe 'boa.rd was the son, of West carrollton, saturday ouLslde of ow- dwell1ng and the eveninl. CENTRAL AND SOUTH other side was the inside 'Wali. But IA large number of people from AMERICA " we did h,ave n floor ~ to~e and here attended the Red Cross snle grooved lumber. Some bomestead- at Waynesville Saturday. , Soundphoto-With Arl!entina '~ breaking l'I'Int10ns with the Axi l!, ers have merely hard dirt floors. sunday even1ng ca.Jlers Of Mr . the eneiny's Inst Cltronl!h'old in th l! Amel'icns is gone, The sl!lf·(l.lIplann. tory mnp inllil'ntl' ~ thl' :l!etni l!! "f tlie respective break!! with the Axk The cook stove so kindiy loaned to a.nd Mrs . Clyde Wharton were: , me had no grate. One placed a Russell Cram, M. P., ef Cautornla. QUI' oonveyance was II. stout moun- heavy piece a! wood 1n tJhe iront C1I and his wife; a:lso tMr. and Mrs. ay tain buggy which was a heavy two- the fire box and whan 1t burned Henry Katleeman, ' Mr. and Mrs. seated a.ffair 'W1th no top covering througih and the fire came tumbl- Linn Bronstrup and .baby and Miss By Barlette F. TbOlnas Continuing the ~. tory· of h omestea d- t.o shield the passengers. We bad a 1ng out onto the hea.rth, one put in Marjorie Crrun of Mt. Ree.ltily, Mr. ing 1n tdaho as written by my n eM' pair of heavy woolen blankets anotiler log a.nd started all over a,lld Mrs. Loren RoutzaJm of; Frankmotll.er, Noami S. Fordyce) . and Harry wra.pped ·these BJ'C?und again. The wood 1n tilat country is lin and Mr . arid Mrs. James Johns. ,W e lef t for the houstead when me and pinned them together over so full of pitch that it Is only neAdvertising Shows EnerlY !Harriette was five 'weeks , Harry b'oth the b~by and , myself. He and cessary ro touoh a. lighted match to had rued ·and one must be on the the driver just took the ,weather tIS It and one :hnd a flame 1mmediately. Advertising Keeps Old Customers land WIthin siX months after Ill!Ik- it cnme. The freight oonsisted of One alSo has a. lot of soot and soon ADVERTISE IN THE GAZETl'E ing entry. My Idaho correspondent the U. S. mall for several litUe post- my COOking 'IltellS1l3 were coated wrote ,that we dIdn't need ro br ing offices along the way, a s1de of beef, wilJll it. The winters lWere cold Ilnd ATHLETES FOOT GERM a cook stove as she had one we a keg of whiskey, our trunk and we had 0. sheet iron heating stove How To Kill It ' could use. 80 we sold our 'cook stove . suit cases and a new Easter hat for my mother I;6nt us to help tbe The gemJI imbeds deeply. can't be and some more of the furniture we the dr1ver's wife. 'I'be dr1ver, Herb cook stoYe keep us warm. We needed k1lled unless reached. MMly UD!had bought with us from the east . Ingman by namll, was a tall pug- both. I had to keep Harriette on men1B. and ointments do not penetrate suiffictently. Ask any drUggIst The remainder we shipped to :!!In- n05~, freckled-faced boy of a'bout bhe!bed that winter and she learned for Te-ol solution. Made. willh 90% to walk balancing herself on tile 18., He hadn't been married very met~, Idaho. alCOhol, it penetrates. Ref\Ches more It was raining the mom~ng 'We long and we heard about his wonder springy bed . When warm 'Wea.ther germs. Apply full strength for itchy, left tor Emmett for the homestead. Lui '~e the entire trip, about 20 returned and 1 put her on the fioor sweaty or smelly feet, Your 35c bact: miles. He 'Was drIVing six broncs. A again, slie had to learn wa.1king all tomorrow if not pleased. Locally at WnYJ!lesv1l1e Drug Store. bronc Is 0. wiry, 1'$ther uncertain <iver. Harriette WlIB tlWo in Februlittle horse noted for iUi strength and al y and Tom came in April., not tile bar..py go lucky boy of today, Ib ut a endurance. We wived in Idaho during the ~ ea4c indifferent litUe fellow who spring ' r-a1ny season and the trail opened :his eyes to tihe light of day At Waynesville, Is Greatly A141nr was 0. deceiving sheet or smoot.hly a mon th ahead of time. He was bOlIn Ia .01U' Vletory Procnm By Their appearing liqUid mud. Underneath Ina Boise rooming house as we Service In 3. i. Cue Implement. was either b18 stones or deep holes l:v.: d tJwenty miles trom the doctor. • • • GeDulDe Parta ADd Servlce. &0 tba~ the rough b~ bumped (To Be OOnt1nuep.) Keep In Touq1i With 'J!hem' For and _jeliced, ar05e in the air or lmplemeute As Be1eaaed ... . ~ dropped suddenly from beneath one. Excellen' Portable Feed Gr1n"'~ By the time we were near to the ARE YOU TAKING A ancl MildDc Service " MoIaases ranch where ,we were to stay for a " ..... ~'· uUcr I'~urh'k. t :urr .. ""un .... t< hl CHANCE ON LOSING Added Grlncl1nr , ' .' Tel .. Waynes- whUe. I was almost exblWSted !lnd I Levi $3reathousa is now staying ville 26ln. " YOUR RIGHT TO OP,ER. asked the driv~r to go as carefully a ~ the home ol his son-In-Jaw and c:\';' l1{t.1 tel', Mr. nn Mrs. ~~;;-Hjf-A,!FI!;-~tr--II.fC}!I!Qa.::.....:VI~~--'-~~,-L~~ as poss1ble. 'He was ·a nice boy and . -W:-IK. Bro.ddock of The BradOOc.k HICLE ON THE PUBLIC .Implement Co. is greatly aiding in he meant weU, but he was a. native Wharton. Jane Kenrick I\nd Evlllnna. and liqlving the feed1n, problems of the Q l the country and should have reHIGHWAYS? . fa.nners tbroU1ltl his a.ccobunodat- alized the chance he took when be 'I1JOberLa. BunnEll are victims of the ing and expert service In feed pulled out of the trail onto a smooth measles. In.ure your.elf aRainst Mr. and >Mrs. Marlon Wh1ta.1ter grinding right on ' the ])l'em1ses.' ·.• -appearing strip of' ground -t hat ran damaRe to property of .. Tbiw 1s making it possible to utU- .parallel With the trail. At Q!lCe the aud son of DaytOn ' were Sunday other. and death or inize the grains and avaUa;b1e feed horses sank into the solt earth up guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold jUry claiml. 'See or call .... suppUes on the farm ground to .tibe to their stomachs . It was useless to Whitaker a.':ld chlldren. try to get the >buggy out. Herb helpMr. and ,M is. Leon SaUsbw-y of proper re1inement to be, ,blendect with supPlements, if delit1recl,10r ed U!I out and told us that "O\lases ;Washington C. H. spent Sunday afthe fullest nourishment a.nd devel- Uved Just over that hill," Then be ternoon wtbh Mr'. and iMrs. Allen opment of live stock and poultl1y to put the mall bags on a horse, got Emrlck : AUTOMOBILE lNSURAN~E Mrs. Margaret Johns, Mrs. Haronto another himself and be and prime condition. WAYNESVILLE, omo vey Bw-net aond Mr~. Walter Kenr1ck attended the Wayne Township Telephone 2341 Woman's RepubUcan club Friday afternoon at the home or Mrs. Elsie FOOD MACIlDiES - FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS
Along The VI{
Braddoc:k Implem.nt CO.
Are You Protected?
B. Haines
' 622 Main' 8t., At PatlLtrson Blvd., Dayton, Are Belplq In Our Ficht For F)'Oedom Tbroucb TMir Sale 0' Frozen FOOd Lockers 'For The Home, Fum and Marui . . . Oillerln, All Sizes, Fully Gaaran. teed On Convenlenl. Terms ... See Tbem And GrupThis Opporiunity To Purcbaae zero
Cabln,ta WhUe They Last . . . FreeIe Your Own Food For Next Wlhter's EnJoyment .• • TeL ADIl!IDa %209.
W. B: >Haines Da.yl.on · ~ grea.Uy aid1n8 our program ·f or the conservation of f"""'" as well as, assurUVU<>o tng IIlf'ny famU1es, farmS and marItem 1r.!. tbe preservat1o:l of foods IUl a~uate supply of f.resh veget~ble8, beef, pork, fish or poultry for tlbe winter months.
tainable 1n bh1s way. Fruits, vegetables and many of tile necess1ties and luxuries of the table are better w.hen kept in this manner. Cheeses, too, can ,b e conserved n,nd Improved In cold storage. Frozen Food Lockers are becom· 1118 ~ttl'B(:tlve to fanners Who have
They are -agents tor sales of food lockers, whic'h are vlra private cold storage vault for foods wb1dh con be purchased in quantib1es at tile season whlih they are abundant and the prices
abundant crops and kill their own meat, lIS they are able to save the surplus in prime condlUon for later markets and to preven~ spoilage of valuable foods. Since we know that "Food ¥1Ihts for Freedom," 1t be-
!,!ooves an early a.ctention tp these mat~ers. It 18 wise ~ act ·. promptly ·W'hlle the supply i!I ...ava1l8ble, for. it may . bll yoiff 'hiI;t opportun1ty .to purcnase . zero Ca;b1:ne~ untU. after the
rl8!ht and. kept thiaughoUt the year. ~eata prOduced by the farmera for the1I' ~ USe or to be '80\d ~er . f~" reswati01lll ~ca.n · be ~rO.en and . ~rOVed tilEJl'eby. The l.i~re, ~ea.t b broken tJ'Y._tr~'.
IlUd you ,get
best~ ,~t 'ob-.
we: "
, BmmY ;1 '"
.... ,.,.It
~AT~~ ,
Keep Your ~(( pape1"JIDollars!.I1.t H omel -
uxx oONORa'l'''
KarioIr ~ Ro. a LtIIUCIIl: 0Ifi0e ·1'baIIe
"I~o'~.biIP, W~~ _.
COuDtY.. Fqr
·Co_issioner '. KeI~IIUC:aD
Primaries, Nay I. It44
From ~rhe . Miami Gazette ~"iles FtFrEEN YEARS AGO (AII'ri117.·1929) •
Allen of Da.yton. a 10~~1' resident of this community, d.1ed. at El~j:)eth hospital, Bundy mm:nlng . She was the da,u gllter ofMr . and 'Mrs. D . Beltz. Char les Franklin Gibbons. 59. a former reslde~.t 01 Be111>rook, d.1ed in Day>ton TUesday. J. B. Oba.JlUUln and family of C0lumbus. spent the !Week-end with lIll'6. El.lz8.beth Bailey. 14l-s. D. E. Standiford returned Saturday n'ctcr spending n. week .. iW1tll her aunt, M:r . ' Rebeoca Wolcott, ~d other relatives in M1a.mI county. The Junior Bnd SeUior boys and instructor of the claSs made n. trip to the 9inclnnati Stock Yards last Thursdey. They were Cha.rles Day. Guy Hockett. Carl Hay. Geofie Cook. Marris Marlatt. Arthur Swartzel. Robert Wilson, , Warren Hunt and Perry Thomas. 'I1he ~or claas play. '''l1be Wrong Ml': Wright;" 'W1ll be given April 25 ,
Ed,w ards. J . T . F11ack is vl.sltJng' <hIs daughter in NOl:bh Dakota.. ' Miss '~y Wrilllht, who has spent , the wtnter in Ob1~O, 1& expecttd home this week. Cecil l)QVls who recently suffered a. broken ann •• 1s rapldly recovering.
• • •
T,WENTY.FivE YEARS AGO (April 16, 1919) The ladies of the Dorcas Society will hOld an EMter market saturday at the ToWnsb.1p House. The traqtor demonstration on the Prank Elbon farm last Wednesday attracted about 900 spectators. A tank wUI be In Wayn~vU1e May 1 in the interest of the FIfth Liberty loan. W. P. SaJ.l&bury arrived bome Saturday B.fter spending a couple o.f weeks l.n Texas on busln~. Rev. and Mrs. Jolly were called to KentuCkY laat week on QOOCunt of the serious Wness ot Mrs. Jolly's
Treasurer, lumbull.
u. S. T..aSUTY IJ,po,'",,,,'
Thll reception committee which 11 ,and 26. IA. O. Blair. W. lB. Squ.1res. J. P. to have charge of the blg reception Th~ and J . . E. MDClure of the and 'b asket dinner for our retumed, local Gun club, attended the Rub- soldiers Apr. 23. Is as follows : Mayor, - - - . : - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - feelings. Then he announced this ber Band Gun. club shoot at l)a.yoton S. G. Joy; MasoIIB. J ' O. Cartwright, I .O.O.F .. lAl!e Nicholson; It; P., year without gettmg Beer's permlsla.at week. slen. . . So. wh~n the indorsement 'Ole OuUd-Aux1Jla.i.y of St. MarY'S U. M . WhIte; Jun.1ors, J. C. Ha.wke. was made. the bCllss Just "showed chUrch met Friday 'With Mrs. J. W. O. 'E. S •• Luella. M.11ler, Alma. Wa• m" . . . The general opinion Is Edward8; Mr8. Susan Fryer and, Mrs. tel'tlOWle; Orthodox Friends. Pnl'nk Elban; H1ckBlte Friends, Qeorg1.a that Lauscbe's nClmlnation would Mendenball; Episcopalian. Mrs. E. guarantee the ele<:tio.n ot the Re-
Dayton Cracked BloCk Service
Bear ol 508 'W. Seeond ~•• Dayhow In Keepi.nr OUr Ti'aDaParI&t.lon S,..tem On The Move ••• 01 60 Shops In U. 8. A.· Ualnr ' The Patented' "ESceJsweld" Met", The New ScJen'lflo Prooea. Of Weldiaf • Weld Cradted MOtor BIocU, 1I1Iotar Hea& of Can, Trucks, 'l'rac.... ·Elther GuoUne or DIe!Iel Pcnre.-ed Wltohoa& Remo.viDI MOCOr • : • Alto, Mot.or .~te, .U-VT, (laitlDp, . C7llnder ,WaDs. Val" Cracltec1 Valve Parle PGnaItIe OuUit • ' . lIE 6531; EYOniuP &&. ask lOa, ib A
In tbe ·~tenance of .c ontinuous productl(Jo or industry; and. ~ porte.tlon, there .18 no concern tJla.t 18 ploylng a mor~ imp)rt&nt ~ tban The Dayton Ol'edted Block
8et"Vkle. , '.tbe.v have-a ' cOmplete a.~ up-~ date weld:ln& shop. They' have developed much 'new 10 the art and
19{eld.1ng and are local . authority on 'these matters. They have one ot 1lhe idxt)'l 8bops In tbe UDlted States 1)l"QC\.1clng the pat, anted Pl'OCOIIII knoWn as "Excels' weld." ~ha.ve . mcdem portablll lIClence,
eqjlJpment as well as statlonary. EI) they ea.n ro &IlY'Where to do a job. They can unde,rtake an)'thing in the' W86' at We1dln8' all tuslble inetala. , . They ofter excellent service In 'Wetding CI6Cked. mot"br bloclai and cracked motor heads, ~. Mil' prepu-ed to weld and repair them without . the .removal' of the motor and to pUt tihem in fli'Bt cla8s &bape. ,Tb1s wol1t ~ done ~~ly and ! or 'a very reesonable cl1alle. Their servtce, too. . includes ~e weldtns ot rwa.ter jackets, heavy castings, cylinder walhi, valve ~ta, and !fOr all valve parts. For Gll th1a ~ork. they, uSe the "Excelswel~" thus assuring you t.bat It
V. Bnlnhan; 'MeU.odIst, ~ rs. J. W. WhIte; Lytle Methodist. Mr. clOd Mrs. carl Duke. DIscIples, Mr. and Mrs. Walter .Elzey; st. Augustine·s. J. P. dunun1np; Waynesville Bed Cross, Mrs. McClure and Mls. c_ey; Lytle Red Cross. Mrs. Walter iK.enr1ck and Mrs. WllDUr '9l ark ; . Grange. Mrs. Ernest Buttervi iTth. . .•• The Waynesville . and !Warren oounty bays of the 147tb and ,Hath are exected to arrive home aome time th1a week as th~ are now at Clamp Sberman . ~'Born to M'r . and Mrs. RaJlUlOnd Oqnner Tuesday. April 15. a. son; to Mr. and Mrs ,' Roy Buhrroam, Thursday April 10; a son; to Mr. 'a rtd W8. Jacob Scott. Monday. ~pr11 7. ' a daUihter; ' to Mr. and Ml'8. 'l'bos. Oates, Saturday. Apt'll 6. a BOD. R. ~ Paulk d.1~. at Prtenda Home Moriday after 6 long UlnOll8. The questiOn .i& being uked every day-Do ,we Intend to ' oU iIIAln stt'eet? About .1800 has been ra1aed fOl' the purpose at remodeling the Ly~e M. E. church: . .
• • . FiFTY• YIMBS
publican . : . All the RepubUcans that we have t~lked with are happy 81bout the situation.
Dayton Located Our
Traile~ S~ales •
3966 Bldp
A~.; Dayton,
market prices and ' gOOd . . . . . WaleD stock. Yards, ClnelDDaU, O.
TUne in oD Radio sw.tiou WOKY, 12:25 to 12:QO p. m. for our daIlY market repOrt&.
..... W.,.emJIe
liM ......._
ftuat ..
(Pol. Adv.)
FERRY "n'..·.. " I'". ·1·lIv'u.", Cor .....·..., MIss Nancy Loulse came ~o qtay With Mr. and Mrs. George MoM:1eh.11 ....
'Bob '8 D,. al·r:v
ael FrIday night at eJght o'clock. She weighed 6 1-2 polDlds and was delivered by Dr. Stout.
WhoJes"",p Pasteurized Dai.., Pro4luc~
Mrs. Irvin Peterson, who is staying with bhe MoMlobaels. fell down the celar sUllrs Monday I¥IOrning
. ,
Pasteurized M,ilk For Your
and brut.aed herself ' bad.1y. §he I'.!~~~~ struck! bel' bead on a cement wall. I, . Around 100 were pH8ent at the Berean class
meeting at
Phone 2537
. SoMq
are .now Com-
Fred J Hagemey,er Coonly .Commissioner REPUB~lCAN
PRIMARY, MAY 9. 1944 I aolic:it of co.,acientious, ...,.... you.. a~ppoft on .. my: record ' faithful public aenice. .' . (Pol. Adv.)
........... . -..., ........ ....... n, ............. ... ...,................ .. . . . ......... II. . . .
................, hrtI-
...... _-.....,.......... .............
... ...... -..... ........... "
.-:. . . . ... . . . . . . . QI,;
, 1'"
John J. Barr
fortably dOmicUed in their recently .f ering new trailers that
p .• ,.- $2.00 for Dead
UIlOVm PlUDll"l'LY ~
Word ID Llvlnr IUId TraveUDr ComIori , With Qlliek ~. ~et Now And Save . . . Man,. Barplna In U.ed. Tnllieft ~ • . N. TA Ull.
Horae., $1.00 for Cow.. . Sbeep, Ho.a, CaI••s anel Colta
thlng hasn·t 'been done &Pout the Mr. a.nd Mrs . Perry J. Thomas four ImportAlnt questions , wb.1ch he and other ~yers asked the .pres- and son were among t.he guest6 at I~~~~~~~~~~~~= ent State Adm1nIstrat.1on some time ago . . . first. <he wants to know why little cand.1dates running for minor offices have to reSign from 1 the publlc payroll, while big ca.ndl-I . My c:andidocy for Domination for C~i..ioner dates runn.1ng tor ms.jor offlces stay of Warren.. County, subject t~ the action of the on the pay-roll and run around aU Republican Primary, May '9, 1944. over the country on the tax-payers I have been a l'esident of Warren County for 40 time . . . 2nd, be wonders why there Ia· so much literature goJ.ng years and am a property owne.r and taxpayer. Have out from state o!f1ces, pald for by be:en a member of Ma on Grange for the past 20 the tax-payers. lWltb tale names oC years and did county road work for about 10 ye~rs. candldates printed in bold ' type • • I have served, on the Mason School Board and Town 3rd. Jle would like to know why the Council. . state of Ohio. !Wl13l "m11lIons" in reIn supporting the War Effort, have wC?rke~ on serve. cannot or wUl nOt pay the aU Bond, Red Cross and U. S. O. drives and have state employees a. llvlnQ wage . . . given two of my three S0118 to the Armed Forces. 4th, he wo.uders whY' the hUge Ohio Due to gas and tire restrictions. I am using· this surplus 18 rt.o t invested 1h War means' of conta'cting my friends and; asking for the ' Bonds. where It w1l1 show gOOd support of Warren County peop!e upon the .m~rita f!f faith and draw more intereat, inmy past experience and labor m . road work and In , stead ot being deposited 'Wbere It all civic and philanthropic enterprises. will benefit private interestS . . . .These seem like fair questions a.nes a.re of interfat; to the voters and tabpayers. MASON. OHIO
The Dayton Traller Sales are~of- home. n~ to tlIle .scene of one's are the aotlvities. In .,cl.d1tlon. ,fOl' those purchaSed home on iMain street. most mod.e m 10 every respect, as who Iwlsh tc> "vagv.bond It" for a iNext y~. 4t 18 aald. votenl in !Well as. belDe large and roomy. 'Whlie or to on any nece.-.ry George W. Henkle's d1atlrict will The Streaml1te, Royal, COntinental tripS thls summer. one of these el~ qtm rOOd aupervBIr duriDB e.nd 'J>latt are cOllSidered the world's .traUers will add -1mmeasuratlly to naNral Ute. most liveaible tniUers. · the jDY' and comtort of 1.11e the Work on the cracker factory beTraUera came ~tito popularity sev- open road. gan apIn Thursday alter a few eral years a80 for t'ae tourlst and These tra1lera a.re, also, so dedays delay. vacationer,bu~ today. 'Wb.1le ,!.hey algned that .you !Won't ~ ',ba.uJJ.ng" tBenJ . MUla and John Zell were still tW this pUrpose. the scope of something. 'l'be,y traU your car as ~lected directors in the Oorwln their usetul1iesa has gone far be- I16turally ar. ~y' follows nlgbt Withschooi district Monday after a yond thls. In cltles all , over the out' weave nor sltlOSVMY. Yciu have warm contest. countrf, wbete defense 'WOrkers complete safetY On curves and there Wm. Parry, president of have' been drawn, ,t railers make 11 almost' no reduction of road Grand iR&plds a.nd Indlana -i~'-t~ijjJima:IQ.OiiDlroriaoIe;__mi'iiPi:mr.rY:_nr,mrm:JrlRldttItIlr1DcM~:-ccI.;- road and well known in Waynes- as well as, ,pennanEmt residences 11. Is not; ~l6B8J'Y to have a . ~ ville. died at bts 'h cxne in RIchmond. and enl~ble the worker to thwart of caah on baDd to purchaae a new lil(Uana, Monday. He 'Was a prom- Ule holJ8ine shortage . and high t~r, as ~ 6CCePt in trade kIo, inent member '01 FrIends church. rents. Also. in the cons~tlon ' of trallers. autclS lind 'lUrn1tUre; thereMarcellus Thacltera 18 stW the new army camPS. and other s.lmUar ,by afifering 8enk:e t.lla.t it helping .AIIIeIIar • projects. the trnUer furnishes the many to adJus~ themselves to ~ Mr. and 1MrII. T. I. Way left bere most coDlifol'table a.!id oonvenlent changing t.bnes.' Wednesda}" for West Unity where Irv. 'wW resume. the practice of dentistry . Oeo. DaiIdn jr. aond famlly on C ,AST YOUR BALLOT FOR Thursday moved to their property on Fourth street. The ball team has been organized sa follows: Manager, .Jas. IA. Woo- ' ley; captain, W. O. Raper; treasI urer. P. 'IlbJeneaDani secretary, Ju. Stoops; c .• i8ert Blair; p'" AllJe for B1Iffman; 1st b., .John Jobe; 2n4 b., 0haB. iHutJ1man; Srd b .• John Keuten; 1'. t., W: O. Raper; c. f .• ' Harry HUuman; 1. r . • Nlclt Huffman; 8.a .. Mon1s DBki.n •. The ' stoop famlly
• • •
last 'l'bUTsday night. Mrs. ~ther- a aurpr1se party .on Paul ~ of -nwl WD8 the speak 1', WaynesvWe in honor of bIa blrtb, Misses RJuhll and AlU\Jl utt of dey la.at Tburst\ay . everi1n¥·. Mr . cel,tervUle n.pd 'M rs. Jennie Thom- and Ws. (;.a.wrence Thomas and IlS of .social Row Road wUL accom- · Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ervin ~· .and 'p ;lY MI' . and 'M!·s. Herbert Ora- 'famlly of Leb'anon were the other ham and family to t he Eva.ngelistlc gUl!8l'11 . .Mr. ' l(ough received Beveral Cornerenc!) at ~nory auditorium 'at verY ,1Uce IIfta. on~ beinS a lovely Olncinnatl tonight T\lesday). Mrs. cameQ r1n&' present ed to ·him by b1I FJler, who went by bus tlh1s morn- wife . lug will return With the Graham's Ni'. and Mrs. Max Ra.n~all· tmd tonight. fam.1ly , wert! Sunday dinller ruesta The Home Builders 'lass wlll be ot Mr. and 'Mrs. Helbert GTe.bam held at the borne of MI'. a.nd Mrs. and lfam1ly. . . COy Glll1am n ext Saturday evenlirg. Pvt. Ilnd Mrs . Herman Walker IJ~£. .Il. ~"" f1J~~.~ A.~ were dinner guests <ir Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gillllllnd and George G1Wltlnd Thursday. Pvt. !Walker Is s\.ationed at Colwnibus.
~ouallll' I'robklDtl Th,roll(h Theb- Bale. 01 New Streamllte,: Boya1.
' . '
• ..• _
a6(JT FOB AND CONSIGN '. Cattle, hogs. &heep and' eelyet to Norr1a-Brock CO~ llve Wire ani 'prosress1ve llrm for the hlabllllf
Are Greati)'
ContIDental and PiaU TiiI1ers ana U~ TrUJen '. ' . Take In Trac1e Trailers. Autos arid. F1u'nlture, Maldnr It P-n»Ie FOlr Man,. People Td l'Mmor........ ~ Needs 61 Tb.... ebanliDi TlIIIe!t-'--;". 'The,. OUeI'. The Lui
(April It, 1891)
• • •
The Ohio League of You~ Republican elubs held their lOth anniverSary convention Lo Columbus last Saturday nlgbt. Katharine Kenned)'l BrQWn or Dayton •.nati()!l~ &1 oomm1tteeWOffiSll1, was the principal speaker. Thf~ lour candidates tor ~emor alSi) spoke. Charles Wertz of Toledo was elected as the new prl!81dent to succeed the popular a.nd hard-working Byron Jacoby Or WestervWe. Otlber n£:w ot:' f.leers are: Vice PI'e8ldentB, Robert Kennedy of YOVlIlgatown. George Sblnnat Mar lettn. 'Robert Cowden of Dayton, Maceo ' Hlll at Columbus and Louts DuBey of Clevelaond. secretari. H8.riet Murphy 01 Urbana;
Pollticians allover the state are left In bewlldenne..'lt over the Frank 110 county 'D emocratic Indorsement of Frank LaUBCbe ot Cleveland. 10stead of the popular home-toWIi .Judge W. Hutfman . . . Insiders Ba)'. that it is just the 'Personal ant8g0n1am of Chalrman Walter F . He(!r . It dates back to the election CWo ~r8 ago, and not so much to any teeling ~ward his fathero:inlaw. vic Doodle)!, as some paper';' Teported. Jim Wanted to be a candidate than. but Beer Jumped In and expected his support. He stayed out of the f13ht, becauSe he iwanted to become a. cand1d.~te h1lnself later and dld.not want to arouse any hard
. Veteran pqllUcDl ~observers are oommen~1ng on the.,. lncrease In Q,Ctivltyo. In the ·H erbert n. Mills ca.m. ,pal0n for attorney general .o n the Republlca.n ticket. and. the decltled swing to h1m, since the wltl¥lra.wal of former Atty. Oen. C. C. Crabbe and Dale S tump from the raco In h1s fa.vor. :rbls 'WIIB partlculEll'ly noticellble to old time observers who talked with delegates at the state mlly of Young Republ1cans on Saturday night. • •. • A sharply worded Ittatement was issued by Albert EdwardJ Payne thla week. wanting to know WhY some-
The Mar:llu]er homber J ,·.ulwll" lIad jUAI j:oll1pl elcd u bomb run over Deauvai .Tille uircirolllc when 6 Fockc·Wulr 190 swellt in,. pumping two cannon sllplh h.l0 Ill" plane antI killing tlul tnil gu lint· r . •h l f~ce torn by .hrapn~l. Stuff gl. Don ald C. 1nryoll Ullollcr.' N~h .• WOI t ,unner, ,8lhcred up "JlI.loding inccnd iu ri c8 Bcl afire by lhe lUI, ond ~Dv"d Ih" plane 'rom d"Slrudion. Are you fighlin, wilb thai extra Wa r Don"?
SIX Ii~T IllGAZDiES S·375 . ~
Seteet Two Magas'aN
selMt Two M ••••laes
, O,ulElUOAN HOMB • O .nUt; STOIlY _...
___._.____1 Yr. ....... 1 Yr. AMERICAN GIRL, ~__.._._._ ......6 Mo. OPEN IlOAD (BOYS) (12 lima) ._....._ .... .14 Mo. PATlUlNDD. (Weekly) _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...... I Yr. SPORTS ~rIELD ............ _.._ ........._ ........ 1 Yr. OOU'I'D09~ (11' t-a)... ..._......._.14 Mo. ·
o oo o
GTHE .WOMAN _..... _ :_ O ·PATHFINDD. .(Weeki,) "!'
'G ROUP ~ -
..·.._ _ _...... _ 6 Mo. ._ _ _ _ .6 Mo. . _.....6,Mo. ~..._. I Yr. , __""I Yr.
Seleet Two' ~1.".laN
..._ 1 Yr. ... _1 Yr. .1 Yr.
.. I Yr. .1 Yr. _ ._.1 Yr; " ... 1 Yr.
______________________________________ ____
,-~~--~---------:.-------,-------------- -____~------~~------~------------~-- .r~---------THEMIAMIGAZ~ ' l·'IUENDS HOME Mrs. Allee Ola.rk is recovering 'Miltpn Sheehan of Ce'nWville, =======!!!~=~.~ tlon was Widely discussed tl'::: ,
Churehes '
IP,fter lion Wnesa of several dBp'dur- Jailed on Mrs . Alice Clark Monday. Mrs. Evalyn . G. PtlIArr80n is 'atl ' " . . on. , MrII. O""""1n. Mendenhall WII8 a. M1.sa Margaret W ildWards lis~-... ~ ,. ~ s pem;Ung the week with her sister In WIlmington , _. . .' . . ..upper ~est ot Mrs . L . M. H en. s taying at the Home indef1n1te1y. ierSOll Wednesday. evening 01 last week. l\l},j'l'HoinST CBVBOH Rev . Walter E . . ~ 01 S t . , LoulJJ Co' lllldle1, ..... tor Louis and Rorace oe.ian 01 H.8..'ltliOh w'cll school at 9:30 8~. m . oal, MlBsouri, are s ta¥lng a.t t.he WOi'shlp service a t. 10:30 ·A . M. Home lor a feW days. The 3ubJl-ct : "Clll k t a nd Etel'Oa l LIfe." You~ FellowshJp 7 :00 p. m. Rev . Mr . Dakin is a son of the late Dr. E . ~ . Daklo, a practicing phy:;lcllLll 10 We.yneSYJlle ro'r .~ ST. l\1AR~'1; E.Plf;COl'AL years ,. (JHURCH ' Herbert Edwards of Denver, Colo., BaJpb Parks, Minis&el' lin .Charge I The Blue Bird Baiting 00. Wi th only . and are not onlY health- was the supper guest of iMlsS MarChw-ch school at 9 :45 E~. m. theIr modern plant aud excellclH Pl'OtecUng but health givlog Os well. garet Edwards Tuesda.y. MOrJ1mg prayer a nd set:m uil 11 :00 delivery. to aU parts of t he surNo one, now, either lrom their Mr. and Mrs. C . lOan Walter of a. m . r ounding communuy are h elping t.o lunch boxes or from the table in Lebanon visited their aunt, Ml's . keep up Wle tempo' of this busy 11"" Vhe restaur!U1t or at home need to Crane, Tuesday evening , nmRlI (;UlIlWU Ot' 'C lIltiST By fwnWl1ug deliCious pies, tllt. L I1n1ah their lunch or d1nner withMr. and Mrti. W . F . Clark of Herbert Graham, Mlnbler s upply so well tl~e favorite dessert out good pie. ,Lytle, ca lled On Mrs. Allce Clark In so many busy h OUseholds, thl. 9 :30 e.. m., Bible echOloL They ~er restaurants, botels, TuesdaY' aitemoon, 10.45 a. m.-<Jommunion. are helping to keep our workers 'WeL and stores a wide variety of pies 11:00 a . m.-Bermon. fed. and th06C who desire au 1Dcrease in 7:30 p . b .-Preach1ng . To be able to make certain of trade, should try them for 1\ week getting really good pies of a.ll kinds FB.IEND~ or so and then figure up the results. is a boon to aoy city. In their pies F1rst Day sc.qgol, 9 :30 a. m . only the most healthful ingredi_ Bec&use they are different and Meeting tor Worship, 1') :30 a . m . ents ' are used In the process of their wholesome 'We CAn Bay "Be WilleST. AUGUSTINE OBIURCH making. Analysis has proven them Eat Blue iBird iPles." and you'll be Falller KrIlllllW"" Pl'leit to be of high standlU'd materlals glad we did. Mass Sunday 9:00 a . m. .
Hot Suds, Clean Towels, Banish Dishwater Bacteria The ea.y way with dlahea ·Is the .,II&ematlc wa,. Scrape, rlDie and .tack elIllIeII in aD orderly arrangement. UIe! dllhplUJl or 1 dlsbpaD aDd dralD basket unle.s you have a divided .lnk wltb stopper.. In One paD bave hot, sud.y water. Keep boUlq water at hand for rlDsln~.
.. you That' '~an't do bU8ln~s with dllhwater bacteria. They' don't underatand polite hints. l3anish theml·· s the advIce' to houaewiy.. alva by GrUftn, Home Editor of Capper'. Farmer; a pubU: Ma~orie
cation of national circulation. ' .' . "Sparkling china and gleamin, aUYU mS1be beauWul hom" to many fam1lle., even unto the millionth generatlon-of bad llttle bacteria," write. Min Grltftn. "The sentle hints of halt.way dlshwashlng just encourage the squatters. They thrive and multiply in lukewat:m wa~r, on dlshc]othi and dish towels. "They'll 'go on making themlelvel at home, IIpreadln; coldl and other cont8,lous diseases unW theIr un· wining hostess puts an end to them. ' - - --- - - - "11 she's wise, she'll use plenty of hot, ludty water; the cleane.t of deaD dlahclothl and towels and scald· inS water. She will change the water before it 'geta cold and gray." Students at Washburn University who studied IUPPOSedly dean dlsbes under a microscope found colonie. of bacteria-aU descendants from early. • ettlers left living on a cup waahad by. o.r dlnary methods,
MONUMENTS" MARKERS Ohio's. Mod .(Jomplete Ii.l spla,
18I5-ltW ((APlTAL &ad 'SuBPLUS "8.000
"SinCe 111&"
; Be1Iable
C. A. DABE and SONS Your
A Good ~ to
SeD EY...,ualn,
Phon" 1'1.
Eo lIIaIn
Re. . . . . . .~AUMal~
Pbone Dl6 .. E "Y E () .A BE ,. Throurb Pnperb' FIL&ed E1e . GJ'!_. Our 8peelaU,
&anr ..."
""'1B8' &BADY TO WBAa
17-19 So. WhI&eman SL Phone MaIn 3 I . Xenia, O.
ROYV. HULL Sewina Machine Supplies
Pba. . . ,
Ea* .
PboDe Itl It
W....... SL
Wall Paper, PlUnta, G .... , PAINTERS SUPPLIES
ALICE. RINCK'S HAT SH9P £IIbt weSt MaIn st.. 111.l!~WI, Ohio
109 W. MaID St.
.DR. L. A.. WAGNER , Phone 'i1J1W . Eo MaID S" XeDia.
LADIES READY-TO-WEAR speclai1slnc in Juniors .
Tru'ck, Car 'aDd 'Tra~tor
'8UJ'ioi.u. . .:
lOS '£. MaiD
. Ph. 2ia
A Si\~Li. ..' TOWN ' ' . , ,
A BIG 8110aE IN
.A D A IRS' N. Detroit. 8t., Xe~ . .Fme ~Lure forO • • III ' Y ..... . .
Aiwa)'B 50 IlIIh G~ Used
At:.etJtlon Farme... ~ ~ lUll line ' or 1IIlnDeapoul .... 1 fi!
"...... _ \ . . . . . _ '. _.
to _. J, . l'ulL .it.
Oan 6nYon~ 'be satisf1ecll With borrowed. formulas and when repetlon is Uu1shed lee} free to tum tlbe1r attention to those things Whi~h wUl not 1Ib1de? Par" "My word - shall not retwn unto me vold, but It 8h&U accomplish that which I ipleaae, and, It' shall p1'Oll~r WherelllltA;l I send it." Isa 65:11. It:s fatal to quenah the 8p1r1t. Or, you may .not be a .:Betty Jane at all, but a. "Reb.'.' So anl:i. So, many or whom. sad to say, are adverse to' exhortation outside the :Pl'ofess1on. The reason we knoW. . LrJi trying to make ~i8 brief we hope We have not failed. in our eftort to Iilake you see that such letters as yours are really against freedom of speech a.nd this aids the wrong master.
Editor of The Miami Oal~ette: A few months ago there WIUI a srep.t hue and cry roLsed in Waynesville over the question of danclog and bingo in our·schools. The ques-
TH:::UR~S:D:A~Y:,_=::::~IO::,~I:fIL:: ~
Ralph Rosenthal & .. Company
At 201 Malo St., Cincinnati, Conduct. An Institution That Is An Elemental Factor In The Prosperity 01 TbIs SeeUon, As They Offer An hcllent Market And Pay The
Hicbest Prices For Bides. Wool, Pel&&, Raw Furs, Rabbit Skins . , . AJcnng In Our Victory Prol:Tam By ColJectln&', Sorting and Distributing Tbese Necessary. Uems To 'fbe Proper Channels To Further OW' Wu 'Effort . . • MAin 3148
, I wish I could call on ea ch of you personally, u ut d ue to my d uties, as Chief Deputy Sheriff, this IS
not possible. Th erefore, I must stand before you on my rec-
ord of th e past, which has been without fear, or favor, in the execution of my
On this basis I solicit your vote for SHERIFF OF WARREN COUNTY•
extraordinary public service . The mana.ge!llen t Illwu.ys weloomes the producers at their place when in town. They are abreast of the times as to dema.nds of the day
and prices. TIley will ass1st in preshearing 'advances on 1W01I-clJP8 and will give you a square deal, Whether you are offering a ~ lot of wool or just a few sIdna or tura.
Duberstein Iron & Metal Co. At ,953 Washington St., Dayton, Are Factors In Our EcoDoIDJ Protnm Throurb Their Service In COllectln&', SoI1lnC and DlaUilJaUnc or ~p Iron, MeWs, Rubber, Structural Steel, Pipe. Motors Of All n.n~ FitUnp, I-Beams, (Jhanne.1s, Plates, Etc. . . • Buy and SeD ~ In Tbese Lines . . . Pipe Cut and Threaded'. . • Take In Year Scrap. Tbey Will Pay IlIghesL Prices anC:' Give You .. Square DeaL ••• BE UUO .lThe Dubers teln Iron & Metal 00. They buy metals of ttJl klndL In Dayton conduct one of the 1nstl- Look around your plaice end s~ · tutlons that Is aiding 10 the con- whether you do not have aome ·.... servation of our resources ,t hrough tlcles that you ~ not ~ and ~elr extensive operations in the then call them or tete tht!l;l1 in aDd coll~t1Qn and dist ribution of waste they 'Will give you a square deal. n mMer1als. . is your duty to sell all tbe ' Junk ' It is one of the leading estab-' audlWute materials I'I'Itl1ch are eo llshments of th.Is kind In this 800- v1ta.lly needed in our f~bt lor flwt.. Uon of the country and !has a large dam to be put Into pr:actk:al ..e: patronage from . over t,he surroll..'1d- They have '~Ulpment lar Il'I4biI Ing territory, 1lhe highest prices, and sorting 811 well as collectlDl. l' courteous treatment and good serv- is then sll1pped In car load Iota to Ice govern the activities of thts just- the proper maets. ' Iy popular concern, which has met They, WO, are c1oina·.. great .IMII'Vwith such g rea.t commendat.ion.. -Ice ~-a.nd aell1na-ill-ateel 'f rom the pub1lc. They purchase ' , metal of all kinds and pay fU).l ma.r~ plates, I--beams, ~?~ela, ban, ,k et price, In so tar as It 15 consist- angles~ pipe, tittlnp, etc., and are ent with the market and good aiding ~ solving our hall8inS Uld repair problema. b~Lness.
I" ....
The general prospet1ty of a comIll11nity. depends to a. large extent upon the taclllUes tor the selling ot producf8 to advantage, and. in this pa.rt of the state, there is no Inst1tuUdn whioh affords a more attractive market tor WOOl, .furs, bides, pelts and ralbblt skins than Ralpll Rosenthal & Co. of Cincinnati. They are · well equipped tor the gradlDg and soning of all of these produpts and preparing them tor the most advantageous market. The price obtained often depends' upon the condition In Which it Is received lI~=======::::i:=======~========ill &t the ,final market . The governVOTE FOR ment and mUls are large buyers but are too busy to 'sort them, a.nd 1! they had to buy from the fanner, he might get only ~e lowest.. prices . The prices paid to the producers FO=R~~--~~~~ and to RalPh Rosenthal & 00. tor handling are made possible by thel~
IXICharlesL.Bake~ -Sheriff OF
WARREN COUNTY Experienced - 6 Years a. Deputy Sheriff World War I Veteran REPUBLICAN PRIMARY - MAY ~ , Pol. Adv.
Removed Promptl:f
XENIA FERTILIZER Reverse Telephone VIlarpe . MaIn 1M, Xea.Ia.
E. G. Bachlleb, IDe.
__ •
l tdunu
t~. the feed 1OW'cbIcb cet iauarIyUfe~tatartsth..__ ~ IfOwth. Mat.. Mix Chick s~ •• ' ~ete feed,.built to ewe )'O\llWu1ta.tJOwcoet.AIk~""
way to stroftC, ItUfdy
, Phoue 1151
lIacbiDe 'Sbop 1Vork Ph.De 71
Pho~ tom
Main '
" ",Xenia' Standard 'Parts , 108 ' . GAB&~
:as 1-2 W.
GIHNl::.'t'S··· I W. IIaIiI I ..
Implemeid Dealer lll.-V"~ 1066
Arrow Slikis
To the Bettles: We are assured that tJhe letters (not yours), wll1ch the long sUffering editor a.llows to be ,prlnl<ed In the Gazette. a.re an added value to t he wort.h ot the paper. True, 'We may not alWi'YS understand the things as expressed but even this fa.llure eot&i challenge us to an lnvest.1gatlon wll1cb m1gIht ad~ vance our viewpoint. We believe that bhese opinions, 10 !the main, hue been hon~t and 'W0l·~ of \JIUl' cons1~8l1I,t1on , Betty, iu--e you f18htlog theae co~era.~OIUI? We ,thiDk we read these letters C&ire1ulJy but faJ! to remember any .argument aboub baptism; 'Yes. baptlsm by the Sp1r1t W85 Implied, and rightly, U not said 10 so 'm any words. Don't quench the Sp1r1t. Is the summit of your la splratiOns Just to know what the civilians are dolong or when the next danee ' or bingo party will be? or, 'the program for .t he su.nr:1se service laat F'lnit Day, Sunda3? the "greater" ILlld yet "grea.ter" abomination? Ezek. 8. which deDN the God above Job 31: 26~.
MEATS, ETC. - Book Four 10j)olnt red s tamps A-8, B-8, 0-8, 0-8, E-8, F-8, 0-8, H - 8, J-8; K-8, L 8 and M-8 good !for 10 poLnts each until used . Red stamps, N-tI, P-8. andQ-8 will become valid AprU 23 a nd be gOOd Indet1n1tely . P R OCESS~ D F OO DS-llook 4 Blue stamps, A-8, B-8, 0-8, ID-8, E-8, F-8. 0-8, H-8, J 8 and K 8 good [or 10 points each until used. Blue st.a.m.ps [",,8, 114-8 N-8, P-8, ILlld Q·8 will become valid ¥ay 1. Sug-ar-8tamp 30 In Book 4 good for llve pounds indef1n1tely. Stamp 31 valid lor five pounds. Stamp 40 good for five pounds canning sugar WAYNESVILLE OHUROH Of' through Feb. 28,1945. OBBJBT ~HOEs-.stamp No . 18 (l pair) is good through April 30. Book 3 air, Max Banclall. MlnI:ster plane stamp 1 good Indel101tely . Bible 8I:JlooI 9.30 ... m. A1rplane stamps 2 valid Ma,y 1. Oommunion 10:45 a. III. GASOLINE- Stamp A-ll good ~reachlng, 11 a. m. Young People's meeting 6 :30. lor three gal10118 through June 21. B-2, B-3, C-2 a.nd 0-3 good for five E ve ning service at 7 :<1 0. You are inv1ted to come and WOf- gallons until used . ab1p with us. TIRES - Inspection only when making a.ppl1ce.t.1on for tires after APl'1l 20. commercial vehicle tire MT. 1I0LLY M. E. CIIIURCH T. M. Scarff, MInister I inspections due every s ix m Q.T1t.hs or Sunday School 11 :30 a. m. E. A. every 5000 mJles, WhIChever Is first. Earnhart, Supt. Evening Service, 7:30 p . . .
LettersiTo The Editor
wallled, rinsed aDd placed OD a fold. ed &Owel, or pad to avoid acratchJb,. IUtcbeD llilYer ma, be placed ID the dnIII basket or rinae PaD.
In \,he colwnns of yout na·per . For some timA· no d "" IV a new an grea,~r evJl (If dlLllclnl\' CllO be called an evll) is saId to be 1'iourIs~Lng In Wa.ynes ville. I t Is a1 eged that gambling for high stakes In full view of children of t he tQwn Is tAking place In a. ~ubl1c place and ~et We have seen no oomme nt to tha t ef100t in The Gazette. Is the' ~ aylllg that "one can get away With anything if it is big enough " true .n Wayne.wUle? A CITIZEN.
IIattr Mi.x Chick ~ .few . . . . · ' · · I.,
pr-_.__ It 1howalGU __ ...... .. ; ,
.;... '-'
The Second Air Front
The !Wor~ of the Home service Department of Lhe Amel:ican Red cross in IWC\rI'en county cOl)Hnues ~o IncreS..e ,and wUl proba bly continue on the upgmde '! or some time to come, \\1th the dl'8fting Of addiUonal rathers, IIJld the OODstllJlt release or men no long~· fit lor active duty Among bhe many dUtJes of the Home Service Dep~ment Is the maintaining of an emergency clvllian .link between men at the front and femUles at Jlorne to llelp solve family Ill'Oblems. OnlY tllrough Ule Red Cross Home service Department can InqUiries to loea-te persons In' enemy. or occupied territories be sent, and since January, 1942, more thllt~ 1,500,000 . llave been made. Only through Red Cross channels can pa~es of fOOd and recreatlollal equipment reach prisoners or war, Even the millions forwalded by such ~cGIlure ~unera1 organizations as the 'I.M.O.A. are sent tiu'Ougll the Red Cr058. only , ~he Red Cross, outsld.e military perliOll.nel, ' Is allowed to have 'WOmen Dial 2111 - WayneaYille workers in rleld and base h06pltals overseas and they are there today lin deserts, ju.ugles, tile 131'ltlsh hiles 'b;a;;;;;=======;;;;O==;;;;.I'landmany other places. All of the wo~k of the Home service Department in Warren county 'is done 011 a volu.nteer basis, the corre.sponde.nce is handled by star! assistants and tlhe actua.l investigation of oases Is done by membeIll of the Home Service committee. .to moot important services of . the Home Service !Department ~ the helping ot d1soharged veterans in .... A6,. CUts TbaIW aall the lWJ.ng out Of papers to get ben0111...... .... Gbarpd f . at the efita. This department alsO Is al... .t _ . ., ........, mlDlmam ways' ready and willlng to flDSwer ...... lie.: .& W . ., Ad IDMrted 'or queries about the allowance or al...... _ II cIIaqed a& 10 a word. lotment benents you might be entitled to, as the w1!e, child or parftla BALI: - WatIdDI Product. at ent or a service person, Help ln fill. . .: 1IIoidWai. LeblDoh. Open .ing ·out your 'papers to secure IIJl alloWance will be given by anyone ~ for J'CMU" OODVwence QIc UDt.ner-. L. ' on Ill;1e Home service committee. Mrs. W1ll!am 'H. Deutemeler, head of the ooounlttee, lUIS pointed out ~ the extreme Jmportance of alW8<Ys A-.r1eDe W e1eotrlc. See Bill Lee, no~inIf the Red Or058 Home Se:,,0IDdDrf Road, R. 3, WaYileavWe.. lee committee , at the same time ( t.hat You notify a serv1ceinnn that ~ ~ bull. t lID. he Is wanted at home because or old. ---- to nPIter. wmd or 1llness' or $udden death. A great fn4IIlGr - - VouDd, deal of time Is' saved 11 the publlc II. O~ , . . O. W. ~ .w ill JUst realize that the Red Gm;s I, ~ ado U will be asted by tlb~ service person'. ~ tIreumB, ~ supertora to f~h a verificatiOn ... JaMIDc rUIeI. etc. Send price Of the illness or death, and 11 ~e , Md ~ 110 :scm •• ·W .,. lnIormatlon.la .immec11ately avallable .... &to. ' a-t a' great deal of delay ma8 be avold-
CAESAUS CREEK M. and Mr . Raymond Wilson a.ttended a birthday cUnner in he11 r ot Mrs . J,dla Hurley at the home or Mr. !lnd Mrs: Lothair Win11 Id It! DaytolI EMster $ uuda.y. MI·s . D nald Haines and lnJa.l\t scm are at home after spending a t VI da s willi her par nts in Xenia, William Smith, Mrs. Ella. Haines n.~d Marianna Bogan Qtlena Q Wle W. C . T. U . meeting at Mrs. Weldon ~oKay 's Tuesday afte rnoon. The Bogan-SmIths en tertained to dln~er Easter day, Miss !Mary Antl'am, Ralph Antl'flm. Mrs. Lucy <.mptun . Mrs. Ella. Haines ' and Cha rley Mendenhall. Walt r Wilson too~ dinner with his dau!! hler, Mrs. I;'aUi Peterso.n. 11 !umlly, Sunday. Mr . and Mrs. lIuther Haines e11ter talned to dinner Sunday litie jollowlng : Mrs. D. ;M. iWoollL\!l, &lph Mlttauk at J I\d1ana,
At All
Dayton Trailer Rental
•. a.
The Battle of the Balkans Is Important not on~y for. t.enitorial g~in s , but also betause it unites American and Russilin mlhtlny ope~attons for the first time. American bombers based at Fogg:ia proVide an air arm for advancing Red armies, rjpping Nazi sup,ply and communicat~n centers. Russian . groun~ forc~ thus push forward against weakened opposition, In a umted drIve, one. of whose chl~f objectives 1s the Ploesti oil fields. Photo shows an alrl'leld at Foggla as it looked when the Nazis abandoned It. Americans cleared thQ air strips. and, Liberators use this base fOL, BalJu.D raida. , ,
. . . . JJr.vid
R. B. 2,
' :110
mom IllDe, 11..2
a.m. ~ .
Mra. Illle, Glb.o ... (;orr.... o.O.:ot Mr. amd Mrs. Edgar !'off of
terbWe, called' on Mr. and Mrs. . . . . . IOIltb,.. of Blne',7'llbiq: HJley Gibeon Sqnday •. WIIFDtIIYU10 RoIUe Mr. and Mrs, ~erett Bunnell ~ and fa.oWy were supper guests Sat1166 WiALL .NPIIR BMIP.to'IIB- Urday evening of Mr , and Mrs. Bert . . . . . dIIp1q at ~ tiume. D. J:. Bunnell of near Ut1c&. " " M1B6 lM1nn1e Orawford of Dayton -.adII~ ~. Qllo. , 20 spent bile w~k-end with iller parenta, Mr. and Mrs. O1arence Craw1ord . . ~·"'Ibart to match Mr. and Mrs. 'Raymond Osborn MId CIDII,pm ....... ~ of Xenia, spent 'Sunday with Mr. 1Ibe1l). Mn.; A. T , ~, Phoae , and iMrI. Emerson Dill and son, . 1IIIQMm1]e '21ft. 2'10 Ralph. " - ~ !Pauline GIbson of Daytqn W~ ..:... WCII!l&D .. for paeral spen~ tile 'Week-end wlllh her par1IiIluIework. see MD. Walter. Ma:. and Mrs. Hiley 01b6on. ~ ,at ~ ~ QeIIette MIas Clara Daugh~rs W1I3 a-4Jn-11baDe 21t1. . ner gUest Saturday of Mrs. Hiley ItIC8 .eHtB...fiew Bradley p1t&on. , ~; terU1lRr atta.cbmenta Will Beanlon, who sPCllt the past ~;, :. CUe U86d . conr winter in Florida, returned to his l*D.... w1Ui clu!Ick 'ifOfII: 1Merr1ll, hntne here Saturday. 1:-2 mlleI eut Ot ~ on W~ea "file lOad. •
...... '9"..,..
LOSr-1WlriI 'h aired :W'h1te terrier, laDftera to Dame ' of "Spcitty." lin. I.. ' ecbaaItm8n. Pboae
W..,....mne 28'I'l. • , ,0;',. Ina. 8M - PrJere. a to , pounda. IA. T ; 0hen7,' Phone 2827. 4c PCB
.A M I'r.-I
able' ~Uare). C •••
LOB' l'-". aearwe' .~
d1Jl1ns rocm
Good conditloIl. Harveysburg, O • •
OUoIJlne Re.t1on book.
L. 'NUl, R. lB. 3, Waynee-
Mr. and Mrs . Albert Carver were Mr. and Mrs. He~y Watkins and over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. family .
~ ~'l:::ay
"WEEK END PASS" . with ' Noah~.
Wilbur N. Sears Friday. 'Maynard Weltz willI sell you 'y our , Mrs. Mary Weathemll of Engle- ,flsblong license.
S~veral ' Waynesville
A,.. .. do"" ..., billa.
_ ..... ... . . . ..fuel eo.....
11: 00 A.)ti: EVENING SERVICE 7:30 O'Clock
(Parents who have boys or ,Iris In Ule service. especlall, invited)
MAX W. RANDALL, Miniater Phone 2993
At 510 W. ,Third St., D"y~n. A Factor In The SolUtion or T ransportation Problems In the R ental of Utility l'raUens to Farmers and Contracton Have JUNo BENZOL STAT((~N l\'llUly Sizes . . . Are the Only Ll. 1)f"lIsed. ROUSe Trailer Movet'!l in ChIa At ~3 S. l\1aInI St., Dayton, Is A Convenient Stoppinc Place For Oar Section . . . Gl"eIlUy HelplnC In People Wben In Dayton . . . Are Delpln&1 In Keepln& can and Trucb Necessary Re-1ooaUons . • . Under Rollin, Throurh Their Guaranteed Jteeappln, and Repair Servl.ccI • . ' • Direction of Olba Magill . . . Tel. All Tires Precision Buffed' and Perfectly Balanced .... TIre InapeeUon FU 8997. And Road Service . . . TeL HE 5577.
The Dayton Traller Rental operale a modem service ,which. aids in solving the tmnsporatton and econon11c problems of the people of tile surrounding community. They keep a large nwnber of utUity ,trallers on hands and l.n excellent condition and l'e!ldy to go They are rented at a reasonafJle price and Individuals, ta.mll!rs, ,buUdAlrs and C<mtractors can save money on oontmcts by using their service. Unless a u.t illty ,t railer that reqUlres con~Iderable lnvestment , is ke~t busy all the time, It stands when ldle a continual 1058 to the owner. Thus, occasional userS of eqUipment are abead 'U nanclelly,but they always have a utillty trailer tba.t is in order and readi for' ..,vOrk. Idle 1l&rl of ,the time, ~Uipment naburally
out of order. • These tra.Uers are so designed to
The Kelly Tire Shop in Dayton are right in the van of progress and assisting Ion ·<keeplng our villuable transportation. system working by offering a. guaranteed tire recapping service, ~e ,latest development In the auto and truck tire field. They· ofter a oomplete tire repair and will ,be pleased to have ~u call and talke adva.nt-age of this service, which fits in BOwell with present day conditi ons. They offer a gua.ranteed rtlCllop., ping service and are eqUipped with tire molds designed to turn ,o ut the highest type of, work. Their "oamelB~ck" is fresh ' and received direct from the factory. The men Qn the j ,b are expert aDd when f~ed y~u /WW have a oustom~l1llt tire, ~ each CI6lni .Is lOoked' , ' ~ner In- '
* * •
' Atterbury,
. '-
• • •
Jr. aU
Miss LOla sears, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. W. ' N, Bea~8, ha.9 resigned . 'her pOsition with the GUlf 01i company of Clncin,l1att to tak.~ charge df her flither's lnsu.ral:lCe oH,1ce .~ere.
Marth. O'DrbcoII
· ..
of .safetY
" :... "
Phone 2291, Waynesville, O.
___ . _u_._ .• Xenia, 0
·TO BE FULFILLED" If I am elected aheriff of Warren County 1 aaaure the
votera of the 'c ounty that there will be complet~ co-opera~i~ and harmony between the aheriff'a office and the ~olice de--
p~rtrnenta of the vill~g,ea. This ia as it ahould be alwaya. t
The varioua law enforcement agenciea in the county ahould work together in, hahnony and .a aheriff I would want and iqaiat on luch a working.• rr.pg~ment.
Miss Elenora ~tohell sPent. week-end In LextDaton, ,Ky., with her aunt, ,Mrs. Walter Mitchell . ..
Optometric Eye Speclaliat ~_
Keep a date With "Peg 0' My Heart" May 5 at the B1ah sc:hool
E. Wilkin
28 S; Detroit St. .'~D_d
wbJeb lvw' ad.<1 one hUndrecs percent, to )'OtD elf.flc1etX11 and peace (Ill
Ind., 8PC:ot Baturday night and Sunday at tIleJaome his parents, Mr . • and . . 'Hardin In Corwin . . Sunday af~r .n oon Visitors at the HardiJi hom~ were Mr . and Mrs. Joe Yenger 0 * * • Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. RoOert Be sure to see the Grade school ,Werntz and Mrs. Netltle Tinney. operetta, "Season of HappLness", on * Fl'iday night. Mr . and Mrs. Robert Lamb ha.ve • • • reLuMled here to their ~er Mrs. Lillian Crane a nd son en- home on Main streelt a.fter spendtertalned to d1n.:ler Sunday evening, Ing the ",Intel' in Florida. Mr. ill1d Mrs. RoerL Crane and * • • da ugh ter and Mrs . Dick iDum10rd Mrs. /Paul M11~er, who has Ilnd son of Lei>l non, Ml·s. Frank at the home of ber parents" Mr. Fox and Kennoth Fox of Ferry and and Mrs. O. P. ElUn for .severnI weeks. len ,l ast Wednesday to join her husband, iPYt. Fa,1ll 'MIller, 'Who Is s taltoned at Georuefield, Laur- ' enceviHe, Iilllnois.
81ve WO\l an
PIc. Ronald J. Bnrdin of Ql.mp
Mr. and Ml'B. Wade T~er and. sons are now occupying the Howard Qase home on Third street. 'M r .. and Mrs . (!lase are nownJoying their new home in Lebanon.
divldually and the tire will not only gl~e you the Ultimate 'in wear, but wW lOOk like new and give your car or truck a.n excellent appearance. The' work Is gwIranteed in every respect. They conduct a vulcan1zlne and tire repa.1r service that Is very complete and IiquiPPed with truck for road. aerv1oe. U you are in trouble on the higtiways, just call them and they W1ll taJte complete ch.lU'ge and Ilx yOu uP: . ThCY'. wUl be. pleased to have you stop lon ' the next time you are in town. An 1n&~tlon and the 'qUiCk one,day service in ~pping will
* • •
witllcssed tile opening game at Olncbinatl Tuesday IlIfternoo..'1.
.Gr4urtq @f (Jl~rist
residents the gym on FridaY night.
Other Evening'S By , Appointmllnt
ijt~ e _UUlttsuiUe
7'-9 Saturday evening
Cha.rles Andrrson Uilldel'Went an operation Monday at M1aml Valley hospital ln Dayton. His condition Is Are satisfactory. aooording to the latest Our word.
• • •
1-5 afternoon s except Wednescluy
~ If~T.vJlh in hllrhest elation. ~t ~ out til. ehlll.
__ ,__ a_
::tem s~ In:
0-] 2 eac h mornin g
Coun- .
Bee Pq, the llttle lrIs~ girl, B. HaTt.I;ock, Mrs. H. B. Eamhart, 0' take .... ' Mrs V M on city ' manners in ''Peg ...,.,y move 'Witllout weave nor sldElSWay Heart" May 5 at tlile rugh school and do not odd t o effort nor fuel spectlon 1.n Pleasant Ridge Monday. gymnasium. • • " sa.fet,y on curves. Mrs. John Fr~, deputy '~d eveninlf. They are l1ceilsed to move house • • • matron, In.$peoted 1olason chapter Mr. and Mrs. OrvUle Qray and Tuesday evening last week and New tmlle1'8 8tnd ~re helping many pea.. Mrs. William ·Be..wyer were Sunday' Vienna on Tuesday 01 , this week. pie to make necessary changes fl'o¢ dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Several local members also atten~- one location to another. There are many people who use tmUers for D. Peninington in Welinla.n. ed each meeting. l'eSldences even though ·they do no~ • • • Miss Janice Burnett . of Lytle, . Maynard Weltz rwlll sell you your have cars to move them and who was tile week-end guest ' or' Miss 'Would have' many obstacles to surfishing licen.se • RUUl Helen LeMboy at her home in • F • mo"Wlt 11 It. were not for this servLebanon. S. !D. Henkle 'o! Lebanon" county Ice. sO, they are in these busy tllpelo • • • Charles L. Baker, candidate [or engineer. was a vlslto,r here MondaY~ aa.s1sting in the promotion of prooperity byt sPeeding up construction, * • * sheriff of Warren .c ounty, was a If you w~t to he8~ good singing transportation and dell1vfirle~. ' visitor h ere ¥Q1lday. and see pretty costumes, come
J'm wlad &0 uve fuel for the •
Mrs. :Ralph .Haaj;[njgS and son Robert had as Saturday evening . supper guests, :Mrs. H . B. Earnhart and cb1ldren. Mr. Earnhart, Mr. Ha.stl~ and rl ODnard attended Maso.nlc ctlo It Mo~;
1Mrs. Ross
• •
Wood, l"Ia., sister of tile lnte Mrs. Mary Oro6S, 1UT1v~ here Frlda,y for ' a short visit with Mr. a.nd Mrs. L.C. St. John . Mrs . Weatherall was a Baturday ,n ight guest of relatives in: Sp~leld.
JIIbt ~ ed.
~._ ~ _a_
Kelly Tire Shop
Mrs. Oharley Laird of Oaml1en, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin BolUngsworth and Mr. ~nd Mrs. QomJJd 1;!aLnes alld: son, Aldon. Mr. and Mrs., Raymond Wilson were guests of Mr. and 'MI'S. Le9n~ ord Ellis Dnd family of near ;KIng. man Sunday attemoon. TIle Pmm Bureau Advisory oil met at tile home of Mr. and Mrs. LuUler HaLnes last Thursday nlglbt . Mr. and Mrs. WllUnm Smith and da\lghter .called on relatives at New Lebanon Sunday afternoon , Mr. and Mrs . Melvh Hollingsworth l!nterlalned to dinner sUnday evening Mrs. D. M. Woollen, Mrs. Ralph Mlttauk of Indla,lla. Mrs . Cani e Laird. and Mr. and Mrs . Luther Haines. 1M!' . aud ·Mrs. Ohnrles HnndmAll and Mr . and Mr~ . R. L . Compton of CinCinnati, called 011 relatives here Sunday afternoon. Marlon E. Faulkner F 2,0 and Mrs. Faulkmer called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanley and daughter one evening last week.
. . ,
Dr. RothermU; a mJisalonarY ' from India, spent Th~ nIght with Mr. and Mrs. Wtij)'ur 'N. sears. Mr. and. Mrs. " ~ CarVer. spent.the same 'evelliIlg ,he:re with John Sears anil Miss evelYn Draqshon. , -
? I
Support your bome town paper. Gazette is the
The M1amt
pewapaper in the world that cares a.nrthing abou( and
'vlc1rilty. '
Commencement Ma,. 18 at Wayne .B. School
_ _ _ _Th _ ree BritOits Snatched From Davey ' Jones
Committee ·R eports . . On Red Cross Drive
Oommencement at Wayne TownBhIp B1ih .school w1ll be held th1a y,!&r on May 16, It has been announced ~ The spell.ker, Rev. l'loyd lV.uat _o! the Columbus OhJ1atlan church w1ll address one 01 the sma~e.st trraduatlng classes In several yeo.rs . The cl6as numbe1'8 18, as , tollows: Clarepce oAmb~, WllHam Asbury, Wilma Faul, Irma FIres, DeDDy msey, Ruth McKeever, Juliet McCoy, Almetta Steinke, Phyll1ll •
LAURA VARNER REED PASSES AWAY AT HOME IN 'HARVEYSBURG MONDAY iMrB. L6ura Varner Reed, 88, widow of Oharles F. Reed, died Monday at her home In Harveysburg. She taught school many years ago In Warren and OUn.ton counties. She is survived by one daUlr~, !Floramond Reed; two nephews, Harry Varner of lAkeland, l'la., and Joe L. B1acksha.w of 'Patnesvtlle, Obloj 6Dd nlece, MIss Pauline Blaclcshaw, Oollege Park, Georgia . Puneml services were held. Wedn~ lilt 2:00 p . •m . at. the reeldence under the auspIces of the MoOlure Funeral Hoole. ENTEBS BOMBERS MECIIANICS SCHOOL
Rickey, BettY Routzabn, Charles Rye, Mlldred EIm1th, James StelnJte, !Helen Vlnt, Donald WaWna, George 1W1oal, and George lIengle. 'lbe Senior Claas play, "Peg 0' lIy Heart," w1ll be preaented May 5 .t 8:15 p. at the high schooi twditorlum. Ba.ocalaureate aervtcea w11l be held Sunday, May 9 in the audltortum, with Rev. Ralph Pa11rs of the locai St. Mary's ~lBcopal c4urch gtvJ,ng the aermoo. Class Day festiVities are scheduled lor lKay 15. The local IChools w11l finish the School year on May 20. . Superintendent iRaymond Braddock anooWlcea tht.t the local schools will cootinue to opera.te on central 'War time for t.be remainder of the 8Cbool term. .
The following report has been submitted by the Red cros.s comnu ttee whlch ·was in charge of the recent Red Cross 'Drive in Wayne township . Total receipts amoWlited to $3,533.76, $53P6 in excess of the $3 .000.00 quota : ··Wayne township has given 01 itsel! to a !fine hlgh ipul1p06e. OVer $500.00 In excess of Its quota has been contrlbuted bY' its citizens lor Lhe OOIll!ort and well bel.ng 01 its
friends, relatives and loved .Qnee in . the artDed forces. "CUb ljoUclte<1 totaled moue, and ranged in the followtns diVisions: N. lIll. Wayne, sollcited by Ills Allee Gons, Mrs. Rhodes BW1IIell. Mrs. L6wrence Oook and Mn. JIlI1 Furnas, reported t213.50. S. E. Wayn~. HartJey IIOU, Davis Furnas, Mrs. Mack Wll80n and Miss Virg1nla Hard1nr--tlM.eII . S. W. W:ayn&-&nest SUtterwortl1-4122.00. LOCAL TEACHER ELECTED N. W . WaYDe--<Kenneth !Hough, HEAD OF WA.RREN COUNTl' TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Mrs. Laurence Brown, Mrs. A. E.
&.rnha1't-4302.85 .
U. S.
·Guard Pholo
NORTH ATLANTIC-A longboat crew from a \1. S. Coast Guard Cutter bends to the oars and h~ads back to thp. ship after pickinll; up three Briti;h sl~amen in the No rth Atlantic. The three Bur. . "Ivors of a Merchant Ship that had been torpedoed, may be seen in the bow of the boat t~o on .tret.<:hera and one sitting between them. All were m~red. •
Charles James, 10081 junior high Lytle - Mrs. EVerett FMIJdchool teacher, WII.S elected president $271.00. 01 the Warren County Teaohers AJiCOrwin -!)(rs. LeI'o1 1I01'1iD - ' soclatlon a t .the annual meetlni $101.00. County Auction sa.l~ • i uesday night in Lebanon . Other o1ficers elected included Special contrlbUtlona (~ Myron T. Johnson, Sprtnaboro Uons) 'R ev. L . C. ~. principal, vice president, and Mrs . 'Ilwln Theatre colle<:tIon&-41M.OU. Kenneth Hough, We.Yllesvllie, secPentacostal church-J. P. Iamb retary-treasurer. -4100.31. WaynesVille COl'Iporatian--t8IUI YOUNG PEOPLE'S RALLY with Main atreet. first with . . . SUNDAY AT FERRY CHURCH sollcited by Mra. Alva TIi~, A Young People·s rally 'Will be Mrs. A. E . Stout and _ _ M •. A. held Sunday e.fternoon, Aprdl 30, at Fulkerson. Third sifte 'WU -neD the Ferry Church of Christ. The best With tlMM, aol1c1t.ed b)" Walmeeting wlll begin at 2:30 p. m. ter Whitaker. central war time. _ We w18h to thank all of )'OU woo A most lnterl!8tlng. speaker has maUed in your COQtr1butiCIDI. yOU&' been engllied to address the ~th thoughtfulneu and COIlI1deft .....1 erlng. He 18 A. L. Althaus, a former was apprectated. chaplain In the U. IS . 1tImy. , AucUoa Sale This rally 18 bedng held especlally The Auct10n aaIe put ~ driv.t far the young people I.n bh1s section over 'WIth a tanr, brlnilDc In. tot4al of the state and all young people aI $837.80. Everyone had tun, en, are invited. joyec1 the sood thlnp to eat UI4 boUght allltemll offered for'sale. W. .\TTEND OXFORD CONCERT are much indebted to those people Mr. and Mr~ ill. Hs.rtsock ,who ao capably took over the JlI'f,and Mrs . Lena Ha.rtaock were In paratlon, an-anaement and ~ OXford Friday evening where they ment Of the sale. 0Ul' bata· Are'off • Mr. and . fYrI. lDVeuU;jDi1J. attended the Spring Conc:eDt, given by the Vlve Lae Society under !.be Rlbodea Bunnell ancl ~ . , .. direction of Miss Geneva Haldeman tor plaDnlng the l&1OUt aDd, ~ Wilmot. IMlsses Jean IWld Jane ing all facUlties anc1 ...."IDa ' . . Hartsock with their classm&tes, M1sa throughout the da7. TO JIli. Bean. Nona de lBlet ~d Jo ~m1nger, ac- our auctioneer, to Pac7 _ _ ooonpnied thWIiparen~ h~~e~~~~~-BL-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the week-end. ~odt, clerIra: IRa. Bam. KOlber wbo .-de available UIe r... c1l1tlea of her home iii ~ TIME CHANGES IlERE fOod; Kra (II; III. BAU:Ia.Wa:J ~ SUNDAY MORNING 8Id1l In w.da wu eo mucb ~ Waynesville will cbance from ated by 10 many of 1JII. 'lbe fiteenU'al war time to eastern WU' flcilDot manapment"and orpDIII\IC twe at %:00 o'clock Sanda7 BibWty Of Mh. Harvey Bl'e returDed mornlnr to colneicJe wiUl Ule t1116.20 to the tree.I\1l'Y. 1rcm tbe time ~e In Dayton. Clnclnsale of lunches a.t her DOUDter, a naU will revert. to E. W. T. abo. granc1 ·accomplislUDeDt. abe . . . ~ AI a result loeal householders sisted b1 Ki"B. Cbu. lI:Wa, lin. Ilea wm set their eloclm one hour ElI18, Mrs. RDnald RMrb, . . . taater bef~e retlrlnr SMU1'da7 Rw;sell SallabUrY, Knt. BaUa ___ evenin&". lng-ton, MIra. Rhode, lID. ~hurchJoera are reminded Joe Wdae, J4ra. 'K'eDDeth _ _ • that services will therefore beIin 'Clarence Rye, ~. .~ Butter- ' ODe hour arUer Sunda), In the worth. Mm. Louis Pln!e' ~ - . . vIlIaJe. Wa7De 'h'p.--IKIA4N.as,.--+..JeIMt-'l'tt:mer;------..:."------:-~;j:t:;rt however. wW continile to oper'fhe pie ~ eKe ~ ~ ate on central war time for the ed a beautUUl IUld teaIpUJIC cUIIIII.J remainder of &he school term. and under bbe m..terr.al JDUIaIIIment of Mrs. JaCk Preston 8DCl IDa. EVesett Ear~. proridecl tHUD fw LOCAL SOLDIER IS . . DISMISSED FROM HOSPITAL the aale ttm4. . The!p&8t.ora of the towDIbip'mIde Mr. and Mrs-:-E. C. eoyatl have a -valuabie contributklD oe a.ar recleved word lrom their son, Pvt. time and abWties d\¥'ln8 tbiII MJe. '. Gerald OOyle, that he is liain on Sale of other ltema amoUnt.S to duty after being lin . tb~ hospital for $449.65 . ' There <na tecelftd In CUb Bibout two months on aoCoImt of se- 68' a result of tDe 1IaIe. b.f oGptd':' vere burns which !1e suffered on his bu~lons anc1 ot.herwllle, ....... . left band and arm .Mr. anc1- Mrs. COyle Also received CO)U'LE'l'EB 8SC~ caoellRO a nice letter from their son's buddles telI.lng them of h1.s complete Elmer R. SWfece 8 l-o '" ·tbe " recovery and that they had read U. S . Navy. hM arrtVec1 baCk In IPvt. Coyle's papers in which they th18 country aftf*, tram hS.a ~ saw !.be Coyle's advertisement.. for voYaP ·overaeu. ~ been In tItie hams. Of course, those boys ·will Itallan war otheatre abd DOW ·" soon be .enjoylng some bam. e.waltlnaJ a if:. daYI leave to .~. h1.s parenta, Mr. anctllrl'. ·1.AlInDOe . ATTEND ST~TE OONFERENcE Surface at ~ ·toqnerll' 'a f 1MrB. S. S. iiil~ Mrs . Charles Waynesville.
MBB. 'KATlllLYN FOULKS AND SGT. IOLO SHPUP UE MAVIN' IN 8PBlNGBOBO MRS. LILUAN SCIINAIDIAN HARVEYSBURG SENIOR DIES SUDDENLY AT HER CLASS PLAY TO BE Mr. anll Mn. Prank A. Smith HOME ON ROUTE 73 of W8.)"DeavWe are announolng the GIVEN MAY FIrm. " diEd .About so persona met Wednesday marr1II8e or their daughter, Ki"B. Mrs. Lill1an Schnaitman, 3'7, . "He COuldn't Marry Five" 18 the Ka~ iFoulka, to T-Bit. !M1lo sUd4enlY' Thursday everung at 9 :20 evening at the home 111 Mr. and title otthe Senior class play to be .Slloup, alao of W&yIlofI8Vllle. 'Ibe at ;her home. on Route 73, between Mrs. E. w. Sco1leld to discuss the given at MassIe Twp. High school at Shoup, al80 01 WaynesV1lle. 'Dle Waynesville and Harveysburg. She establlshment of 8 local you~h ceniBarveyaburog on May 5 a.t 8:15 p. m. IJUIot'11aee ceremony, was perfonned was a native of Hamburg, GeI'DllUlY. ter. Two representatives or the The play 111 belng directed by .LIlThursday eveninI, A.pr1l 20, at the iMrB. Schnaltman is survived by ''K&1t Kavern, Franlilln Youth Cen- llan B. Carr a.nd the cast of chB.l'lU:Reformed. cbunlh at Bpr1ngboro, her !p8.rents, ~. a.nd Mrs. Axel ter, mut with the fWayne'svllie group ters 18 as tollows: Connie ·Berton, Keesler Pleld, BUOlt1, Mlss., April W1tb the Rev. 10'• . ~ulz of Mtd- Ekman and two chUdren, a da~h and expllWled how the IKa.vem was Dorothy creech; Ralph Barton, I31 ~TaltlnC a new step In h1.s army ctJetown. otoc1&tlnaJ. The att.endanta ter, Marf!Tet, and e. son oar,1, both established. Following a general James Reynolds; Aprli Banan, Adcareer, Pvt. FlOYd Charles lqncb, were MIas MIldred' Smith of Way- at home. d1souss1on, the folldwlng committee die Pollltt; 'May Barton, Revs. SOD of ¥r. and Mrs. Charles I4'Dch nesv1lle a.nd Charles So~th of Red FUneral serVices were held Mon- 'Was chosen: C. H . Brace, Max Ran- Oampbell; June Barton, ·Dorothy ot WaynesVille, Ohio, thIa lWeek en- Lion. day afternoon at 2:00 o'elook. at the dall, Ralph Pants, .Harold Wh1tta- Thornbury; Tarls Barton, Ruth The b~ wore a gown of navy MDClure Funt!ra.J. Home with burial ker, RaymOnd IBraddock, Miss ZOla Bunce; Leona Barlnn, Gladys Fair'w ed the B-~. lJberator meChan~ school here. blue with li8'ht blue ~ea and 1n M1am1 cemetery. S~ider and Mrs. E. W. fJcotleld, chUd, Gmnny Barton, Colleen Wlll'or approx1ma-teIy 17 weeks, PVt. & corsage of p1nk. carnatlons. Mias 'Who was iOIlmed chIII1rman. ·!be lllimson ; Etta Barton, Mary M. R0~ will> be trained at thtS Army Bmltb.. ,wore. gold dress'Vi\th black JOHN W. AMEs NEW PRINCIl'AL commlttee is to InVe.st!ctlte ()()6t, 10- bertson; Donald Regan, Walter McAIr P'tlc'oee TraIning Ooolmand -I~ a.oceeeor1ea and & ~e 01 whita OF ' .S PRING VALLEY SCHOOLS ce.tlon, etc. Carren. . Ames, prinCIpal of the tl~ learnlnr the tntrlcate deta1la carnation». Mothers of the _ bride Jobri' W. oA junior councU '?lIth two represthat (10 mto the huge B-lM. Bere anc1 sroom. wore corsages of pink St. .B ernard, Ohlo, ell!mentary entatives lrom each b~ school WAYNESVILLE DOG JOINS the -soldier will learn fundaJlleDtala, carna.tlona. achool, near Clncinnat1, has been class has bee~ -(lhosen lIS (follows: U. S. ARMY FRIDAY atnacturea. fuel and. electt:ical bI- '6ftet- &be ceremony relatives &nd eJDPloyed 'as supervlaing principal of freshman class, ~Q)J)ard and Be~eved to be--U;--flrst dog from temB, piq)eUers, 1Datiumenta, en, c:loIe b1eIIda ..........!d .~ Ute hOme ~e Spring ,Valley twp. schools for EldWin r.o:hener; sopoluimore claa8, tl1Ia Vic1n1ty .t o be acce:Pted by ~e line operation, bydl"aUllc S)'8teIna 01. the brtde'a PareDW .be1'e a re- the next. two years and will beg1n .Edwyna S~ortb a:nd IDonald armed forces, "Chango" an Alaak&n aDd alrplane InapectloDa- aa well aa oept.lon .... beJd. dUties at the beginning of the new Brown; junior elaa6, Ruth Anna Husky, owDed by Mr. and MrlI. Paul T-Bift. Shoup 'b aa retumed to school vear. ,\.IDderIO a tle~ ~.: Johna anc1 Kenny Bradley, and IIIln" Guatln, ~e a member of the • ., iUPon .c ompletion of bJ8 ,COUI'I8, IIoblle• .Ala., wnere he J,s statlooed Ames has-been ldenWied with the lor class, Juliet McCoy and Charles WAGS FrIday in C1nclnnatl. ~e IOldler-meob"nlo' w1ll be as- 11.04 ",here Mrs. Shoup will ~ him st. Bernard school 19 years. I·n ad- Rye. The dog, whlch was donated by . aJgned to act1ve duty sent to & later. cUt10n to his duties -u princtpal- at- It 18 hoped to have the ~ his masters, 18 a large, pOw~1'ful an1r\lDDery. or facboly. achoo1. 8Pr1n8 VaI.ey, be Wlll coecll the ·tlon of eVel}'~ne in the (:ommunlty •• 1mal who was Bent to thl.s COWltry " IlUt!,J!BOOM BONANZA. ~ school's baaketball team. After more c1etlnlce- planEl are made about eight months ago from his ,,.1 • FAMILY GATBE~G IIi: R. Homer, actlng - pr1nclpal each famlly and each organl.zatl'?l1 homelanc1 in Alaska. IWIia& II DId to be ODe or the since Carl W. L6ne, x~, resigned Wlll be sol1clted for !lnt!.nclaJ. supHONORS MAX , ~T8OCK I&qes& "sUikeI" eY. made ID - -' in ~ruary, was not a candidate port for .th18 worthwhile unc1ertak- SERVICES HERE FRIDAY Mra~ ~ D.· ~ entertain&bill vIdDIU by lOCal IDUIbrooID far th~ po6lt1on but Wlll continue on Ing. ; FOB MBB. MINNIE REEDER ed With & tabilly' ptbVlnc Sa~ h1qlWn .. . . p.mere4 ·81111d&y the hlgh school f1I.culliY next year. ;tlonortDg her huaband, ·whO will m4n1. M4nn1e ~der of Harveys." B0war4 BtaDIeJ .......1Lere.. V.F. V. GROUP MEETSI , &Oon leave for mWtary Semoe~. burg, ,p assed away". at the Warren OIl ea.ar'a Creek. .. . pUlered StJBPBI8ED W. O. AT McCLUBE HOME 'lboee present were Mr. and M'r& County HDme Wedne6da,y even1ng ON Und BlBTHDAY. oYer SIt 01 UIte "cJeUoacJ ·In ,a Dan Aultman aDd cbirdren:. _. ..... ~~I_~ · Tbey The -Volunteer for Victory gI'OuP at 6:00 o'clock . A group of frlends sulprised. W. met for their . ~r ~VenJ.lli of and Kra. Ilmest Crawford and BOD Services for Mrs. Reeder, who was three . . . . . Ia . of Xenia, 10'. and , Mm. L. C. O. Raper Saturday eyenlns, on the working together on- gar,m ents for 49 yeats old, Will be held here at d'Nnr'er .... IDled three heap~ Kra. NorrIs SbenuQd, IDe dllbJ!'Da aD4 two 15-" OOc&sion of h1.s IrAnd 1)lr,thdaY. In Infants of Russian refugi~e.s at the the Stubbs Funeral Home Friday at attendance at the ·alla1r were Yr. home of Mrs. J . E. McClure on ~:OO p. m. With burial In Miami NIIa Kartba Beam of Sprtns Vl'lleY, " and . Mrs. ROOert Lamb, Ki"B. IUld Thursday evening. 1Ir. an~ 1Mra. (Charles ~ and cemetery. 'aoos .I W\ ")4r. and Nra. W •. P. TO ~ .ADVANCED ~s. A. H. Stubbs ,and; ~ After a very busy sess1qn. of Sf!JWBhe :Is survived by two IIOIIS and Strader and son. , M,- asoc1al 'hour "- several sl8ters and brothers. FLIGHT TB.\INlNG and Mr. and Mira. W. B. Squires. 1nr and ._.t.'. ..... _ .:..-----o~~-==--.-:'- ---I-=-'~S1~ID~d~a~y-=-gu~es~ta~·~ot~~Mr~'~• ..!and~~Mlr:::B~.'l'~~'lRrw1th deliciOUS refre6hments TBXA8 GUESTS Mr. and Nn. Harold. 0IIIb0m Raper were Mr. Md Mrs. otto Be- served 'by tbebOlltess toMrrB. K . R. JOHN ALCORN PASSES AWAY WEDNESDAY AT 10'.: end Nra. M: A. PulkBaoB have wOrd tram tbe.lf 10ft; A-4J ~ bold anc1 MIss N011IlQ Vandel1ne Or Hill, Mrs. !Leo Conner, Mrs. iJ!lar1 HO~~RWIN and daughter have as-- ~ boWIe bm:lt 0dI0m. that he Is belnK traiIa Olncinnati. Conner, MrlI. P . U. LeMay, MnI. ~eata, Cpl. and Mrs. ,J. E. NIIIleY terred' from tBalnbrldle, 0e0l"g1a, to LOCAL RESIDENTs IN WlWam Sawyer, Mrs. Robert Gray, John AJOOrn, 64, died .wednesday of III -PallO. Texas. Mr. and ~.~ Moodj FJeld. VtJdcIat&, ·· oeofB1a, COLUMBUS HOSpn·.\L Mrs. Maynard Weltz, MrrB. f'rec1 afternoon at 1 :30 o'clock at his PUlteraoIi and daughter with · thell'Wbere he will receive hia advancecl Hook, MrS. Oharles Ellls', Mrs. PaUl gueatB, w~ enteJ!talnecl ,t o .dlnner !light ~ In tJw1n engines, -Mrs. James t.Gve]y and Mrs. Maurice, >Mrs. Charles Maurice, -home !In Corwin. widow, Survivors Include ,the Frlday evening at the home of Mr. With ~tlon acbe4uled in J~. CJa.rence Mendenhall entered st. MrlI. Walter F.raiIure, M.r.s. Ltlllan and J. VI. Pulker80n in BrIJr1Dc , Danald· H. Osborn. another .aon, Anthooy's hospital In: ()olumbwl Crane, IM1ss Kathryn Gibbons, ~. Haley, one daughter, Mrs. Henry Valley auc1 to dlnner by 18 ~ . at ·the BunkerBm, IndIAna, Monday for obIIervat;ton. Tbey,j;)otli Jobn Turner, MrlI. Jennie . Oonner, R'u!t of 'B attlecreek, Mich., and one son, Alfred of WMh1ngton, D. C. Dr. a.nd Mrs. IW. M. Hal'tlnger of Naval fJr!Bale, where be is neelv- underwent major operationa . Wed- and M1sa Vlrgtnia BlaAlkburn. Fun.ere.l services <will be held at '8pr1n8 Valley., . Ins oHice ~ ln' pubUo rei&- nesday and latest worc1 from t¥ ' -The group 'WIll meet &t the home tloDI. . capital cItr· 18 to the effect thaot of Mrs : Leo Conner lor .th eir work Send GaP, Ky.; saturday under the. direction of stubbs Funeral both operationa 'Were aucceutul. In two weeka. W. 8. C. s. MATS AT HOlD Home. Mrs. Prank Braddock ~Jebri.tecl ' 01' IiIia. 1lI. .&. COBNELL LYTLE RESIDENT DIES MOTHERS CLUB TO her tJlrthcI&Y anntven&l'1 Bunda, FRIDAY A:FTEIJ.NOON IN · MEET FllilDA1I',-".U 5 INDUCTED IN CLINTON ·a~ft·-ed With a ..-....., #4_11 ...... ~Abciut 20 memberII were present DAYToN HOSPITAL -men - who were Inand en......... ..... . -Among the 33 nero Bel' lUeats were lIfr. aDd 'Mlw., tor tlle W. 8. ' C. S. meeting Prh'Ia¥ . The Wayne Twp. ~ot.hers club ducted recenUy in Ollnton county 87 . 1M'r'. and at the bclme of KnI. M. A. 00melL Clltton F · KWer 't b' : re&:1d~t ~ Wlll hold their monthly 1l1eet1na '._ .t he No ..... were Jesse B. Shanks .-.:..... Bracldoclt and 1IQIl, t th "' ....,.. ....... B. "' • . WU 1Ji c:barIe , I4tle tor ' e ~ . w "eara,~..... .... Mrs. • Warrmi ~dOCk aiKl'dauIh-.... .. "- _ ..... _..... ValleY h OS)'& '"'tal Frl Fnday, iMB.y 6, at the Orade 8Chool vt NeW Burlingtc..!l; Lester V. Lam. of the ' Pl'OIhIDt With lIIJ'I. A. K. away at _..... , tP T A ter, ~. 10'. and· )(n. ~d < of day afternoon. He was admitted IbuDd1ng'. ~e Lebanon . . • <Oert, Jr., CI1 lWute 1., New Burllnst , BraddOck and daugbtera, KrI. JlII1e Da7 F . ~ . , ,review ...~... , 1 ' ., . 1V1ll be pesta for th18 meetlng. ton and Howard L. ShracIL of ............ OVer ~ 'aDd ID'L BufUI on....,... . 'B oclrett, ima Al1ce"00Da anc1 H. A~ ... --• '.., iFun"'''al ....... vices. were held at the iA ~ prOl1'8ID will be ulven and Spr1n8 Valley. . . . ' . . --.~~- _ A ..... ·the .......... "RaIn , ____ .n ............ . . -.....-. . ......... f J . ... a ........... · <iJ._,_ J:8freahm!!Dta. Will ~ served . _.,--_ .............. On 'l'b8 Boot." Devoticma for, tibe residence -0 • .:.~ ~"!,, ............. Ems. IIrs. Alva - ~on, Mrs. HARVEYSBURG RESIDENT ~ ' '- til cbarae of IIr& avenue In Dayton Monday atter- NUisE ADDBBssEs MA!I~ Paul Maurice a~d >Mrs. J. B. ChapDIES IN ·K.ENTU<!"Y .:..-...: ... _ <:. .:;~. : ,_. ,wl-th burial at DaYkl cemetery ma.n ,ttended the Woma.n's. State _ TOWNIf~ GBANGE ............ . "'H":"~ . eel 'to ..:.-.. o..tth Route fa;· north of OenteMUe. ~ , lID' and I(n • . J. B. ,0ba1!D'!d' Aug _ _ ~ ......,w'".. Servl.;:ea tar Mrs . ' 'H~len Deboe.rd RepUblican conrereJlCe ~b1ch ' was . . . .'nect the ~. aUM!PI.. IDa. ·L. o. Radley In • • . a.ReI' FATHEB'8 Mrs. carl lka,m, nurse,. .gave an 'Berger, 35; who die4 at M1c1dle8boro. at ~e Neal Hoose, Ion COllJDloo: BUnda-y. lWere .oondlllCted ·at· the 'bull, Friday'. """"''''''' ................. _ .. atreet _~ . - . alwarda" . aeneIl ~ ~ at the '~ Twp. orange' uieetof- IBalnievlW'rll ~ 'chUrch , - auMt tJwluirinta. ". . IDI 1I0ndaY evening. , A· crouP 'E BA.NKLIN MUSIC TEACHER . J , It. ~ wu a •- ';""7 ~ Juven11,ea sans two aonp, e.D4 I.ec- Th~ ali 10 o'cloiOlt. Witih ~ .. TO DB INDUCI'ED In OlarUVUJe' cemetery. , IAfter & ~ cUDn", ~ ~ DINDa Irmi.. 'lW1Or ~tAld $Je -Ia aumvtic1 bJ- bet hlllJlb&nd, JIll .".... 8pIIlt ~.roa. boilvrJng the 67th blrtbdaJ uni- OODt.ta op '&.1th" anc1 aliinOuDoecl mother, two .~, flv.t MllGIIDTOIUDlIft u:.=-~=:..::: v~ofher,.tber. ~wer,: th8 DeIIt-~ to &Ie 1)D- .AIiIor brothel'S an.s . . . .
Plan Youth Center In Waynesville
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Noel_ ...... .-uo "'*
, 0'aJaat. &be- Qraqe W1Il QIIDIIaCt C8ftIIIIIIIDJ'_1n UIe pIIM . . . . to
- -
.-. . ~be
conUned to HlghwllY 73, TcXlay as 1 was driv1llg \.Oward Lebanon on 48, just liS I \\' IIS coming LO that. long WI\YuesvUle\ Ohio Main Street hill with a shn-rp turn at the bottom '. by lobe farm. a '~a1' coming up ~ '~, ond ~ ' Mnll Matter at PostolIlce; W~Yl'\esvllle, Ohio the hill dl.'>regarded the yellow Une, lind passed another car, going so Walter W. Wisoman, Editor. and Publisher fast that I had to slow down to avoid' 0. headon collision. I ha.ve ISSUED EVE1iW THURSDAY , .,. '" ofte n wished tlllit I had a SOl't' of , .!ubi!!QriptJon Price. $1.50 Per Year. Payable In Advntlce sUpclman car, one that looked Just l'l ke an ordl!lnry Ohevy ' but . had N.tlo".,. Adv.rlising Repr ••• nt.tiv. some magical or el trlcal PQW!lr to bounce the other car off the road 11 SE.V.~E. 'N~. anything hit it . Wouldn·t It have been a su tisfa.ot~on to hove just gone along lit m¥ thirty-nve mUes an hol1l' a!ld let hlm run Into me and boullce of! into the ditch with out my superlIlAn car mov1ng an Inch out of the way. Saturday , No garden yet. When i t was dry- CIlough to work It down todn.y they were aU busy husking April 19, 1~ . Peach t1' as 1111 the University of Wisconsin which the com ~hat should have been done blOOO1o at laat .. The plum tn cs be- prove that the reason for all this last f 11. Today wes tile llrst SIlLhind the gal'84re are whit.e i'gninst is that cow manure is one of the urday for weeks whcn.. ~lt was dry the-blue sky. ThIs morning 1 plant- ' rich est sources of B complex vlta- enough to h\l8k 'c orn. ed· the red raspben1es I bel ;h t <It mlns th<lt has bach found. They SuudllY. :rhe second rainy Sun~e Red ,cross auction in th ,!' l1ttle lire produced by oocterill. In the ru- day Ilifter a. rainy Easter . Todn.y was patch beside them but as J: fca red. men Or first stomach or the caw mild and moist and you could see alteac1y the chidtens have ea en off aud ollier cud chewing anltnais. the leaves pegirmlng to unfold. We ~I~ green shoots. It reall:{ Is no On ce lignin scleuce ) lIIS foun d the were going to take a ,w alk to Inspect . ~ to do anything W1Ul we finish reason back of the success or an old fances but another downpour came that 'fence. . practice that w.e have been urged to j\l8t os we were ready to start. IParmerII have always know " that discard. The modern practice of Monday. I heal'd somethlllg good cow 'manure better gardens keeping the hens, from the barn- about crows today. They eat corn and we often hear old timer:; won- yard manure pUe has been depFiv- , borers . '111111>1. might be of some der Why It Is that chickens raised Ing them of some of tile dlsease- help If they elidn't also eat eggs, esbY' our beet owdern methods are figh ting vi tamins 80 t.hat unless 'peclally tUJ1key eggs. John thought mm:e" .~t1b1e to diseases than suppUed In other ways paralysis and tbat It WOos the dogs but today the thC)' ,,~ .when they lived around other diseases formerly unknown dogs were tiCd and he' saw a. crow the barn and followed the cov . And have Increased. If you are troUbled. fly awa y with an egg just as he w~ , do hoca ma.ke qUickel' gains With canniballsm In your poultry . when ' they follow the catt e? An house feed them cow manure. They came In 5Jght of the turkey nest . ~...,1p the . Oountry Gen.-loman ~ It. stops it. He spent two or three how'S trocktella. of .experiments oondu ted at Thursday. Reckless drivers are not Ing one old turkey hell to her nest
~tamt ' ~a?ett~
, PbCD. mil
A Farnt Diary--Dry Ridge
!~:rim.. (lLD JUDGE SAYS ••• ',
but when he found It there were only son'le empty shell!! ~ we. wonder whlch Is worse, com borers or crows. · Dandelion g:ref~lls arc now In season. Now there Iii a realty rich food. Tl'Y some with.' II IuLrd boiled egg lind you won't need any pUis today: I would be 11a vlng asparagus by now If the sheep had not spoiled my nIce aspe.raE:US ~ed. Asparagus m\l8~ grow topS all summer to make roots to supply the sprouts for nell,t year so when the sheep ate the tops to the ground t.h~y kWed the ph!.n,! s. nJ,e spring bulbs are mak1ng Q. bright flower show now. They, too, must ripen their bulbs SO never cut t.be leave.s until theY' have turned yellow and wUU~. Another flower U1at dies down a.fter blooming Is the mertensla or blu.e bell. There were Do lot of them In the yard ot an oid house in Corwin but the wOlIlAn w ouldn ~t sell m e any because &he said they alwllYs elied whcn Rllyone transplanted them. Later- I learned ,that they always die doWn but If the root.s are left W1dlsturbed they 'will come up Bgllin the next spring. I 'h lld one in my bordel' for several years but I ·am afraid that the lemon lIllIes have crowded it out . The nowers that ca.me up evcry year nre like a memory book Or album. The ut.Ue white violets came from my mother's yard lind she got them from Mrs . Stevc Pat.t.erson who got them from MlsIli Mary and Miss Martila Brady. nle blue iris were from those and Mrs. Marquardt brq\JGht them from Kentucky. The flOWC1'ing currar"t or spice bush Is lik<e the one in oUr yard !where I used .to play house when [ was a 'little girl. Every garden Is more than a florist catalogue, It Is a family and neighborhood history.
'Lorain I~ite Club
At 539 Lorain Ave., Cor. SL. · Joseph, D~Lon, Ar.~, Known For "'Ine .'ood, Good Beer and Liqaors . . • Ser~e Lunch, Dllnner, A La Carte Dillhes, 'Sandwlc:hes and S~ ' Chieken and T-Bone SLeak Sanday Diimers , . . You WW Enjoy Stelppinr Here For A Snack, DInner, Wines Or YoW' Favorite Cocktail
• • . Prices Reaaonable, Under 01I'eCllJen of AI. St&bJ, Proprie1All' •
Tel D01't5.
The U>raln N:lte club ill a place ot distinction alnd h05plta.Uty ·. and otters a. service tohlllt Is popular With many people fram all over this /ICCt10n of the state. Their foods arE! all deUclously proand those
wh~ are , fussy
~4---+--+=~~ their foodl' W(;Uld be hard to
:i,l. "We can't argue with the Judge on ttiat . point. can we Mabel? It's notfair to penalize " . tile many for the actions of the few." , " .< .f· ~'That. folks, is exactly' what we would be .'~ doing in this country if we ever voted for prohibition again, Authorities who have ~. JD8de careful study of the problem, re~rt ,'",that .only 'about 5% of those who drink ,('. ;' abuse p.rivi!egeQCC88lonal!Y... =10 ~k ~, seoaibly• . Protiably doesn'~ compare With , ; ,the n~ber of folks who overeat and do things 'to excess. Prohibition ~tainly
Dr. Scholl ,Foot Comfort Shop,
.~ .
:·fjRED'S, DEPT. , STORE We 'ou'iftt ttie ~~ 'Faml17
. , - ,.. . . . . ' J"t : f"~' ", I ~ JIo!De BlD~
Phone 180
~~,~~~~"P.¢!:~:··SruDIO '~"'~ ; . . . . . .. :1l8L - f • . .·'· ·· A
t l: ·:~ · . ""
J T '; ~~~
THE REXALL STORE Malle .our Store Your Headquarters Lebanon Phone 114
Located aL 20 W. Third St., DayLon, Are Helpin, To Keep Our Busy r.r,.=========~==::!' Workers On Their Feet : • : FeatW'lnIr Dr. SchoU's Shoes For Men and AUCTIONEERING Women, Which WW Enable Thllm To Enjoy Real Comfort By EliminStanley and KOoKier . ating Muscle Strain lm1'rovlng OlrculaUon By Releasing Cramped For Dates, Pbone 2894, WaynesNerves arid Bloocr Veuds . • • Alao. Dr. SchoD's Arch Supports and vUle, Ohio, Revtrae. ChlU'8U Other Foot. Aida . • . Expert Fit.UnC Service . . . Eve.ryt.hLng For Foot Comfort Under One Bool. . Owned IUld Operat~ By B. Kwnss . BROKERS LlCENSB of Ute.
The ID r: Scholl 'Foot Comfort Shop in Dayton through their comprenenslve service In sclentlIlcaUy ,designed snoes, arcb supports and othel' loot 1llds a.re not only helping aWng feet. but are helping in our war ettolt by adding to tbe eItlclency of our 'busy people in all walka of Ule. The hwnan loot, in. il:.9 eVQl'utlon, has· gone through many changes aDd one of the greatest baa been shoea, which have cramped It up evel" smce tilt: dan of mass prOClucLion has come into vogue. Seeing ~bc needs of the day, ,I they have c.bosen the !Dr. SchOll shoes wblch are designed to correct this tr.ouule. They have a shoe for every foot, Which' Wtl'e designed and approved r after IlJl ~xaminatlon of thousands
of cases 01 foot ,t roubles. They tire made to produce .resUlt.s. They have Do complete w;.o;orwllent of all sizes of Dr. ~hoLl's shoes, .which are designed lor beauty, as \\'rell as, ut.ll1ty, and you need nUl. be out of stYle II you w1ll let them lit )i,OU and you will be able' to walk ,w ith a qUickened step and be able A. I .pecjel ...-.leI 10 our tnaIIocftben, ... " 0 ....... bupla pftceo oa 1'..... -l1li1* to attend to yoUr duties 1n bus1n ~ "Ind f .. o.... _iAa, You CIA . . tid. and lIOCiety . with much gl"etloter ef- _ ...... Ie c_bitwIoa willi .., _ 01 ,b... _, ..11ua.e.. _ wido tho 1101ency. 5.MepOia. S_ia1 below. Select.... 011. .At this shop a Dr. SchoU trained rov lib ...., '......... lililn die ___ _ PI_ d. It ..., ~,I , expert is here to serve you. 'fhey unci I, Carry a complete Une ot the flllIlDus Any Magalllle listed and Thi s Dr. ' 6CH0;L1 ArC~ Supports and other Newspap er, Both for Price Shown Ih.'O& aids. They will be glad to give y()U Do free {oo~ teat ou 'Dr. Scholl's American Fruit CJOwer..._ $1.7& o American Girl ...__ ....!..._ 2J1O YC(1-o-glaph and shaw you how to o American Home. ~ Yn..... 2.75 be on LllC l'06d from loot aUm.e nts to 4nlerican Poulcry JOlll1W • .6& r~l41 ,l oot comfort '"
o o
o Befler CooIdn& &,
Wavnesville Nallon•• Bank I
APP~E~ ;~ ~ I;etI.I'I '~on" 'WOMBN-S ,. MiSSES
,,1Iii ' ..
, . ,
Phone le30K
. 1.ebaaoD
SlfGI' ~ 0b00Ie
From a&. All TbDea , Pb_ _ ~ » •. ,"
SPIEG~'SII A Cemplete
101 E. Mulben,o
........... Oble
" ,
8** 01
OIC1h1D1 ad 1Iaberduher)' AT LOW ~CB8 . PhODe II L
. t.. '
To '
' O~,
' o Sporta Afield o Succasful JlIII'IDiDg ......:..... o.~ih'er
saeaa '
, .0 True ' Story _........ __.~
o U. S. Camera M ...lfne o Your Life . _............:._." . .....
11.45 2.25 11.25 2.00 2J1O 11.25 1.00 1..6S 4.211 11.211 2.50 IJIO' 2 25 1.75 1.211
U5 1.4& '
S-M a gazinc Spe c ial !
-:~~:::~:~ .1 -........ ... ..,,~,
Secured llabllitles: " . (a) Deposita secured by pledged useta purauant to ri!Qu1renlents, ot law ........ ". .... , .................. :... 54,632.03 '. . '" . State of Ohio, Oounty 01 Warren,.: ([, C. iii. Brace, eashler of the above-;named 'b ank, do solemnly swear that' the above statement Is true to: the best ot my knowledg1l and beUef. ' . • .' . . " . 10. ill. SRjAOE, 0Il8hl.er. SWorn ,00 ~ci lrub8clrlbed before me this ~ ,day 01 !April, IOU. • ~ L. 'DRAKE, NotMy IPubUc. \BJ:A1...) C9rrect-Att4!St: · It': aoes ill. !HAR'J'BOCK ~> ' 900. J. WATERHOUSE
\' H. A. 00RlNEI.iL '
Digest ' Monthly_ 8.45
o Pathfinder ....._._....._........... o J"hotoplay.Movie MIrror _ o Popular Medlanlel ._......._ o P'op~r Sdmc:e MGOI,bJy_ o Poulcry Tribune ._...____ o Readcl'. D'sat ......_ . _ o Rcdbook r Magulne _ _
.•..... . .... • ••...•..... .....•...•..... ....... $125,016.26
ME,..'S " STOllE " ..
o National
o Nature (10 .... 12 Mo.) .... o Open Road (IZ ' .... 14 Mo.) o O:uldoon (12 1&, Ij, Me.)
~11, eadoIe'
• Directors.
PIrioe ieacI . . . tba ........ ~ or lhe '.M."JIOld!M 8pecl.t, willa • ,..,.. tubact/pcloa,Co 10111 ~ , · ",'
> ,
________ __ ~
R. P. D____~ __..,....:.-
'"" • . ... _--_ ... _-------,..
T<1I'A[. ..................... ~ .. . .....'.. ....... . .......... .. . $ 54,632.03 : 'POf' Oi!f«
Pledged assets (and securities loanlicl) (boo~ value): , (a) United States government QbUgat1ona, dlrect, and guarant.eed, pledged to secure deposita and other
'IQllA!L . ..• : ........••...•••••• , ..•.••••.•..•..... . •.•...•.•125,016.25
XBAYftrnNG '
8h~ , '.r &he ~ .
PAINT .•• W,ttt'P.A~R •• WINDOW
'I'OI'A!L ~ AND CAPITAl. ACOOum'S . .. ... $1,219,016.66 MEMORANDA.
·Phone· C6
T<>'nAL OAlPrJ:AL ,,"OOOUlNTI'S .. , •........•..•• '.' •• '. . . . •• 153,359.63
Phone 23
Next to Bank
oo Councry GCI!llc-=~!Yn., Elude &I~ Magaane.•. _ . JIO o Farm" JmL . ·F'rm'n Wife 1..6S o Flower Grower .u._~.. _._ UCI o Forum-Column ReYiew _ o Houiehold MapzlDe _ 1.65 o Hmla _ .. _..u. __•_ _ 2.95 o Liberty .___ ..____...._ J.95
() C9ronct .............. _ _ _ 8J1O
CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Stock: ComrnQn stock, total par '$75;000.00 •..•....••...•......• .• 75,000.00 'SllrpilJl, ... .. . ...........•........•.. . ........... . ............ ' 40,000.00 Vndl\l1ded profits .....•..• . .• ; . :. ...... . ............. . ....... 38,359.63
Homemaking .....
o Boy" Life ...__ 5.10 o Capper', Fanner 1.65 o Child· LIfe .......... 1.91 q Cbritt1an Herald ._ _ .2;50 -
Beserve DilItdct No. ~ REPORT OF THE alNDlTION uF
ChlUtei; No. 2220
TOTAL 1LIAB1if.rnIEs ..•.• : ..... , •.• , .....•........ ..• . $1,065,656.93
!' "
We Buy and Sell New and Used FURNrrtJRE 'Everythlnr for Farm and Dome'
.Gazelle WaUl Ada Bring Reeulta !.
. TO'I1AIL DEPOSl'IS •..••. '. . • • . . . • . . • • • • .• ,1,065,500.72
S h 9.J?n. , G~ ~ D",~ B~,n~c~!]· 0 i1
other liabllitles .............. . .... ,: .. .. ... . ................ .
lov the people ,to acx:ept, as a foregonc conclusion that Ooveronr Deo.vey of New ' York ,jg gOiny to be the Republlcan presidential nominee. It. Iwould be ~take tor the simple reason that nobody knows anything about M1< Dewey's foreign arid domestic poliCies. if any. It may be cOnsidered wise pOlitics for ,him to remain silent as to his n.vallab1llty [or the nOmination, but. it is )lardly fau' to the ·people to expect them U? come down to the Republican nn10001 con ven t10n and ,t.hlln have shoved on them a pig ' in a poke, about wl~ich they know nothing, as was the case ,When WUlkie was jammed over at Ph1lad.elphia. lour years ago. Meantime, as Dewell relIlAirus silent and strives to croo.te the illusion that he Is a sphinx. or an enigma, courageous Governor Bricker 01 Ohio is goin!: about 't he countrY t;elliug people frankly and. wleqUivocally his poliCies and his opinions. There is no beat1Qp about the bush In Mr. Bl'ic~r's attitude wIth the
party 1& in the middle weat. . 1Repub11can leader" 1n the mJddIe west have not. yet !looked to the I;>ewey w4gOn. They 4~e not apt to ,be l'llShed off their feet. Iby liny candlda'te, ~peclalJy ,n ot 1lt ~h1s UDle, Oifte.r t.helr. sad experience or loUr years ~o. ,As Wllllde himseu 'a ckknowledged In his statement or lvithdl'Q1wal, 110 one can be nomln.IIted without the support of some ot I/.he big midwestern states and , 'ot course no one can be elected without ~em. , Governor ~rlck:~· . 1& . the mldwest's Calldldate: H!, hl&$ made a record as governor. of ~e moot. representatlve state of ,the Union, which qualifies him superoly lor the presidency' of the nation. He has told the pubUp where he stands on national ISSUeS, and is at this moment on fI, speakiJig hour to the far west. His attitude is II. lWelcome contrast to that of Mr. !Dewey who, If hlB sll~rlce ill designed to keep his prospective ([)emoeratlco.oppOnents in the dark, likewise is keeping in the dark the people on whom: he m\l8t depend for votes. Sooner or later, if this goes on, the nation wlll alwa'ken to the fact that Mi. Brloker Is the loglca.l Republican to }ead them to vlotory over New Qe6J.1sm •
-:'011. '
(01110 State Journal) It would be 8. mis.bake
'voters. Wherever he goe~, he talks construot.ll'el:'1 nnd 1 ys u~wn sound alid a(Ule po I os he hl t.ends pursuln~ II lIe ls- lcct.e<l the llllxt pIeaIdenL. ' . 'It is a fn ot ~h l\ L d ~ v((,u GoVel'llOr Bricker 's !mnYl1css with t.he people and his acLlve cam p ll:'ning, Governol' D~wey still l' eelv$ the vast bulk of UIC publiolt.y and comment from the nation's polit.iClIl wrl t.ers and conunent.ut.oJ's , But th re are reasons for t.hls . MO<It of th m, for one 'thing, an~ in the C(JSL, clOSe to Dewey, few 01 them o.l'C acqullinted Iwitil the midwest except in a s uperficial sense. !New York City nml New York state exert II pecullllr InIl ucnce on th e thinking ill n eru'-bY Wllshlllgton, D. C., whcnce come the cum ment.<; Alld interpretations of the bigshot poliUclI1 writers, collllmlists and melio s pea kers . Just as Lhese men mlsjlluged thc self-asserted strength of Wendell Wllikle, not one of them suspecting 01' predlcting his uefooL in Wisconsin. they are now Inclined to believe t.he Republican party will stampede to Mr. .newey, overlooking the f".ct !.hOlt t.be backbone ot the Republican
please it one of ' their good lunchell.l OF WA:iNEhVJUE or dinners does n:il!; "fill the bill." In the state of Oh1o, at the close 'ot tiu.,ine..s on !April a3, 1944, publlshed In response to caJl macle by oomptrol...r 01 'ue Ourl'ency, under BeetiOD The menu Is varied and, here, you 5211, If. S. Rev1&ed Statutes. wUl tind dishes that appeal. ASSETS ' In addition to' food, they, also, Loans and discounts (inCludJ.ng f,247.36 overdraftS) ':......... .. $142,830.93 serve ,beer, winc~ ~ l1qUOfs and united ~tatel; Government obllgations, dirac. ana guaranteed . 550,&'12.70 serve their patron. with' the ~t. Ool.igatlons of States a.nd polltlc8J sUbdivisions ... . ............ 189,2119.01 Other bonds, notes and debentures....... ..................... 51.357.76 and at rClUlOnable prices. No matter {)oo1porate stOCk (InclUding $3t5O.oo stock or Federal whether lYOU call for & wh.\.skey and Reserve bank) .• .. .. .. • .....•....••.•.••..•.•...•....•. . . • 3,450.00 soda, h1ghball, Planters Punch or Cash, b~m:es with otb~t banks, Inclua1ng reserve balance, Manhattan, ~tln1, Side ,Jack: . and OBsh items 1!l prooeas 01 collection ................. .. . ~4,123.03 Hank prt:m!ses owned $8300.00, fur.nlture and fixtures '1000.00 • 7,300.00 Rose, or any other <?f the host of Othet· assets ............................. ...... ........... : .. . 3.13 popular ·oocketall.s, you !Will find It. _ _--==__ mixed to perfection wIth the best T(YIIA[, ASSETS .... . .... : ....... . . ... , / ............... .'$1,219,016.56 LIABILITIES o{ ln8red1ents used. 80, with cor~, l bospltaUty, pleas- Demand deposits 01 lndivlduala, partnerAh1ps Rond COI'tpOratlon.s • ... ......................... : .... ;.. . .. .. 868,690.21 ant company, e&jsy parking, you will 'l'1me · deP06l~ 01 Individuals, partnerships lind fI, combln&t lon that 'WIll 1PV~ al)d COllpOl'ations . . . . . . .. .•..................... . ... . .... 8t,13~.34 refreshinent and relaxation to, bUsy Deposll.5 01 United States Government (Including , postal saYings) .............. . .. , ........................ .. 49,198.37 workers. DeposIts Of States and poUtical sub,dlvislons .. .... . ........... . 62,991.50 Other 4epostts (certlf1ed and oaahler's checJts, e1;(:.) ••••••• • ..• 484.30 q ••.,tte t Ad. Drl •• Re••I.t.l ,
~ ...
" ,T he real answer is education and better control. In fact, the resppnsible members 01 . the distilling industry 'are working constantly toward that end. They don't want anybody to abuse the u~ of their product any more than the three· of us do!' , "If everybody would talie thai sensible • attitude, Judge. anrl cooPt;l'ate as more and more are noW d we'd be a lot better off a lot quickel
).. J ~
Isn;t the answer. It's not that simple. We bad nearly 14 years proof of that, didn't we?
THURSDAY, A,PBIl. 27, lH4,
School News
The Int.erior of the greenhoUse Is 'eqUipped in an up.li<Hlate manner with a modern system of' hea.ting. and regulating the terripet:atUl'" and. wJthln, ilie atm.o sphere Ia laden wltJ:l an exqulsLtll fragrance which delights the senses . _Here, you ;wUI see beautiful flo)Vers in a great va.r1ety, blooming plants and Clowers for any· ooco.Slon. Th6Y' are featurlng, too, vegetable plants. which will add inuneasurably to your Victory ga.rden. 'r'he plants are of choice varieties, which will thrive as they are started under ,the mo.:.t proplt.lous.condltions fOl' good productIon.
Thw e are ,strru1'ge 001l>es, Woalcul-, ,Ur... \\ IIl h "" ;lUll/h, l,;urn ..I'u .....· I1. · able rilshillg' a bout, and ~ confUSion tio~ai'd McKay of near 'oregonla 'ot voices In the Vi. H. ~. auditor- 'Was our guest speaker Sunday. 'IV GEORGE S. BENSON ' 4WlL J!:yon uogs arc rwi:Jing wildMr . and Mrs . Romer Haines of P,uiiUIII;l(4.rtflitF CollelD • n ere arc squeaKlIIg vioilns lllw:aer- near Reesville ent.ertalned to dlnSlim/, HUlflilI ~1l8' tl e ,LfeOle C.CHS I Maicls, ,bu:tlers, ner SatUl'day evenillg the following ()()USUki ana vis1wrs, Olt and on guests: 'Mrs. Ella HAines, Mr. and' Choke America's shortage of gasoline for oS a.6t:'-in and out ~bDeS, are scream iMTS. Donald Halnes and. son, Aldon, civilian use is' becoming actually .Iig at each other, Mr . and Mrs ,' Everetl; Hables and --Rcute, especially in the East where ' beuolo! ';r,t:g V' My H eart" Is in son, Carey Lee, Ml·s . WlllIald liaht fue l for oil-hcat cd homes was tbt:! maltiug I 'J.nc SBlllol's lue ' pre- Hallles of Dayton, Mr. a:ld Mrs. a serious problem aU winter. War's ' Pili b~ t.htlu· W8.'>3 play willen will Melvin Hollingworth and Mr . and nioto r fuel demand s an) Incrcas in G, and the' only appar~t way to me et U t! sl.hgeu Muy S. MWKe this date JIJd'lO. Lut.hel' Haines. thein is by deep I' cuts into uses at witH ".Peg 0 ' My Heart!" Mrs. RAymond Wilsoll accompanhome. In 1943. all field!1 of the UnitJunior ilO!lpli.ality ied her sister, Mrs. Robert FUlnas, ed States yielded 1.5 billion barrels FoLoWUlg au oid i.radUlnn of to Dayton Friday and spent the ot crude all, and new fiel ds di scov- tl'lenal1ne.,.~ beLwcen the juillors a,nd week- end at the home of their sise~ed will furnish only a bout one· the Junior class wlll enterEditor of The MIami G azette: semors, ter, Mis . Lothaii' Winfield. sillth t ha t much. vvednesday IUght a group of No re1je[ is in ~jg ht: 350.000 bar- tain t1110l I::>eniol'S F~·.Qlly Iolv~nmg, ApMr. a nd Mh. ,W illiam Smith nnd rels daily came out of stora !:e tanks 1'41 211, w1t~ Ule ClL%Umary I:lanqutt. daughl.<!r, Ma'l'llyu Sue, arc living in adults and represen~atives .of the I in January, 1944. Oil producers Aluug WILlI honoring 1.1Ie semors at their new home they l'CoCently purch high school classes meL to hear one . started more than two years ago to tile banquet tnis year, boUt c.asses oJ: the lUen who was vital In the ased in New BW·UngtoD . warn government authorities of just Waller Wilson visited relatives In formation of Ule Youth Oenter at what is happening now. Then, and Will 110nor their former classmates High land COWlty one day last week. Frankiin d Lscuss the methOd ot ortor several months later lhe calam- who are now serving Uncle Sam . A:U.er the ba.nquet, W . H. S. junity could have been avoided with a Mrs. Phyllis, Holl1gsworth, Mrs. ganizatloil IU1d the benefits of such fair Increase in the crude oil price, Iors and seniors .will assemble in the LuUlcr Haines, Mrs. AlIce Haines a group. The idea was met with enbut it was not allowcd. Here is the preL~nUous dance hnll, the a.udiL- and baby att.e nded 0. Missio.nary thuslasm by those present arnd a rub: When 011 Vl'ices were frozen in wrlwn, for dancing . conference Q,t Wilmington Monday . conunltt.ee was appointed to 'l ook 1111941, the nationai average was $1.17 Scholarsblp Tests Mrs. S amuel Burden Is some bet- to the possibility 0If bl1nglng a a barrel, anq now it is ~n . 20. Ohio staLe scholarl>h1p tests will be tel' at this writing. Youth Center to Wa.ynesvUle. . Books Sbow Red Counting aU puilY, scnJ,te l'ed price given Friday morning, April 28, at Mrs. Raleigh Bogan oalled on her The pl:obleJJ)S are many. First. advances in two years, ~he goln has the high school. The fOlloWIng mother, Mrs . .Lucy Compton Sun- there is the flnancial problem; secamounted to 3 cents a ba rrcl while ond - a sUltable location must .be W. H. S . students will compete da.y a.!ternoon. costs to ge t oil are up 60 cents a , f with oUler Buckeye pupils: Mr . and Mrs . Leonara Ellis and ound to house such a center; third barrel. The country neE,ded oil even English IN-Imla .F ires, AllU~tta family ealled 011 !Mrs. Ellis' parents and probably the most Im,portant, in 1941. Exploratory welJs should is th e necessity of polntlng out to have been drilled-new fields found. Steinke. Monday nigh t . But men can' t spend more than they English IliI'--'R6ylyn crabbe, MarWalter Wilson was a dinner guest the people of t.h1s Vicinity the urre<!elve. Owners of small wells could tha. Early. oJ his granddaughter , Mrs . Mtuoy gent need for proper recreation fahave boosted the yield [rom many English n Wanda Pr-opst, EdKathryn Mcintire and fa mily, Sun- cillties for teen-a.ge boys and glrla of these with sound engineering and the benefits youth and the cOmday. methods but 'the money 'was lacking. wyna Stanforth. Engllih I-Ann Weltz, Naomi Many' welJs have becn shut down. Mrs. NeUIe BUlll1ell spent the mUnity will derive from s uch taeU'fhe argument offered against a Earnhart . week-end at the Priends Home In Itles. higher oil price ceiling is that It The questinn of sponsorship was Latin II - Jame~ Steinke, Maloy Waynesville. would make car owner,s pay more Jane Anderson. dIsCussed. ~e.t's important and Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert Stanley of for gasoline. They would gladly pay LaUn I - Blanche Dickensheets, Bellbrook, were dlnner guests oJ Mr. some civic minded group could more, however, It U'ley c:ould get the and Mrs. Oharles Stanley one day greatly enbance its OWill Importance Mea"""hHe old 011 fields MIldred Borne. _ by taking. over this problem while are dying by inches. More than Advanced Algebra - 'Ruth Anna JlIlSt week. 13,000 little oil wells were junked Johns, James steink{ Wendall Whiteside, who was llome interest Is hIgh. The success of the la st year because they couldn't be ,P lane Geometry - Gladys Rye, on furlough from Great Lakes Train' project; however, depencls upon the made to pay; 10,000 perished the mg Station and Mrs. Whiteside of support you, the people 01. this vi- ' year before. This should never hap- SeLh Hook, Barbaro. Waiker. dnity, give it. Don't let the ldea. Algellra-Edwln 'Mlchener, Marpen when our Byers needl motor fueL Wa blngton C. H. called on reladie! It's value bas alreadY' been gret Schnaitman. We Fight Success Robert tlves laat 'S aturday afternoon. proved by other communities ·who It probably delights our enemies ~hysiC! - Jack crane, to see small, successful, private en· Flsher. have Youth Centers. Our young. terprisers s.Queezed oul~ of the oil people deserve the beSt. Let's not U. S. HIstory-Robert Barnard, business while the govell'nment buy. top untU we see that ,they .have it. bill Sunday, Aprll 30. ThIa affair into It with taxpayers' money. It Bonnle Peters. a:N'I'EIW1J3'l1 N ATl VE. World Hlstory-Blutb Helen LeWith GrcenhoUlle!i and' Shop on constitutes the first tlwin bill ,on the 18 a trend' fundamenltally wrong &d1eg home schedule. The Pirates and, right now, dangerous. UJilllear May, Mary Jane Anderson, Donald Route 4S, Lebanon It Dayt.on Pute, Between CentervlUe and Dayton. LOCAL SOLDIER PRAISES . have a strong team this season elso, the Arctic Circle, on Canadian soil, !Brown, Alvina Kleman. . RED CROSS WORK IN BRITAIN lllui A Large Patronage From AU IIlnd figure to be one of the league's our government has put 135 million dolla.rs in a pipeline lind refinery dark horses. In fact the en~re west- ' within the Jast two years. Its pracSurro.unding. Territory • . . Featur.The follawing is part of a. letter . ern half of the Na.t.lonal League is ticability is now gravely· Questioned, 1" r.. Ii lie,. (; lbMOU. Curre.ptUUJ-.: ..' ing An Excellent SelecUon and Ar- r-ecelveq from,' Lt. RObert L .. Planck ex.~remely strong thla season, which even as a peacetime ventllre. Some MrS. HarOd Keller and ehUdren tlslry [0 Flowers For All Occasions, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Rosa PIe.nck, means the Reds have ,their work cut say work on it was ablllldoned, lor of near Sprlogfield called on Potted Plants and Veg-eatble Plants PJ'8:lsIn~ the Red. Cl'OSII 'WOl'k .111the long Arctic winter. . . . Members of F'. T~ D. S. '. . . England: out for them from the start. : friends .\Jere !Monday evening. The; latest government mirage of "Th~ U . S. O. puts on shOWB fot Tickets for all ge.mes to be plaYed Jim Soawers of near Xenia. spent l'rompt Attention to Telepbone and far.nung oil wealth is on the sands at Crosley Field In the Current a! Arabia. People in a position to Sunday with Mr. and 'M rs. Emer- Tell'grllpb Orders . . . Telephone WA 4821. home stay are now on we at the' know estimate Its cost d 150 million son Dill and son, Ralph. olub's· downtown tloket headqwu't- dollars. Two years may see it fin· Mr. iLnd Mrs. George Smith of Ished. Two years will see the Euro- 'Da.yton were supper guests FrIday ers, 307 Vine street. In the comp\6xity of modem soThe ' Reds seems healed !for an- pean war-over, experts believe, so evening of ~. aild Mrs. Hiley Gib- clety, t\lel'e Is no business that lias the Arabian pipeline is no part of son, other successf.Ul season, It the , re- the war effort. ' come In to more prominence In the Cross but I take b8.ck everthing it sults a! their early games are any Mr. Ill,ld Mrs. Morris L6wla e.nd It's No Secret past Cew years than the floral house. said about that organlzatiOOl. '1 Criterion. ThIa , year's flag J6Ce Congressmun H. L. Gavin of Penn. sQns spent .Sunday with ¥1'. and Dl this community there Ia no ,!lor- g uess 1 h8d never been to bile rI8ht &bould prove to '~ one of' the most sylvania, ably and eloquently told Mrs. JOhn Koest.er of Utica, lat that enjoys a wider reputation pla.ce to see it in operation. They eXCiting in history, pr!ncipally be- this story In a radio tallt on Febru. Mr. ~d Mrs. Henry .£1U'f!'CS and 'for offering a fine . se~~ce than are really a . sWell unit aver here ..... ' cause the uncertainties of selective ary 14. He had his facts and,figures ohildren of Beavertown 'Yere din- Mltman's . straight. He Is' probab~v right thai semee constAultly change the per- there is plenty of petroleum still un. ner guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Lue For cen,t urles, flowers have been sonnel picture of the eight clubs. der ground in America. I'd like to Morgan SUnday. Afternoon. callers symbollcal ' of the mo~e delicate see oll · fields developed at home, were iMrS. Etta Blair of.,Xenia)l.nd phases of human nMUre and the CLUB TO MEET MAY 2 near to our aching lIeed for gasoline Mr, and Mrs. 'Charles Blair. more recent development of the Pic. Ernest· Lucas returned to his The lJ&ppy Hour club will meet and heating oil, Legislation to this eaect should be enllctE,d by Con- camp Sunday after spending several !f.Iower as a token of esteem and reT~ViIA-a..ITHW TAR AND membrantle, has' placed it In the Tuesday, May 2, ,a t the home ot gress if aelion is not obtained other· ROAD OIL, EXOAVATING days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. front rank for all social, mourning Mrs. Keller HoaIt. wise. • . '. DUMP TRUOK SEIWIQB American planes in aU branches ~vid Lucas. and joyful occasions. Its varied uses of service, trucks and 'tanks and READY MIX CQNORETE have ma,de the modern florist a oceilD craft Il re looking to America dee,p student of social etiquette, and for fuel; not ' to the fr,ozen ' North there is no one ;who is better versed nor the arid East. ::;url!Iy' most ot Located at 15 Council St., Daytoq, in this phase of the business than ~a-:F3L-~--f IH"'the ·big money spent by our gov. ernment now Should be hastening Are Helpb~ To. Solve The Housing Mitman's . \Place your order with Pnone Waynesville 2911 victory 'arld p~ace, not fortifying gov. Pr!>blems By Service Direct From them either by 't elephone, relegra.ph, Morrow Phone No. 3 'emment !.n , business to ,cramp and ,T he M.Ill To The Consumer In In .person or by mail, and your order impoverlsh future generations. Doors, !Windows, Frames and Lebanon: Office Phone .73lt will ¢ve promplly, will be antlstic Mouldinp . : . Also, Feature Glass Residence 98 M a.nd will rmlll your anticipations in and Builder's Hardware, Combinaevery deta~. tion Screen and Stol'Dl Windo,ws and Doors . . . ' . ,R eaSonable .Prlces . . . ' See Them For Supplies For Altera.Uona and RePairs, Or New Homes. HE 2442.
Letters To The Editor ·
F e~ry Church of Christ SUNDAY AFTERNOON APRlL 30. 2.:30 P.M. (CENTRAL WAR TIME)
__ 100
furmer Cbaplain in U. S. Army
All Young. P~op17 of~ the . community InvIted •
News Of The Reds ''aM!nDat1-Bw ·l(ci.eohn1e's em-
Cumatt Recta
to undergo their
fm,t ocibc11IIlve HIt of the aeasan t.h1a ",eet, As Uiey mot. 8~. Louis In aU-ie Pmea at 0l00ep Pfe1d, ~
~.. WedDetlclAy, and 'lburaeay with
WedD:eeta,.,. pane being the ~ . . at ladle. Dw. ' ,-
The Carda, defending leaeue champlODB, are off' to a running start In the 1944 call1P!l1gn; and have proven themselves the team to beoJot. Beattng them Ia preclaely what the Red.; Intend to do. After the ' Ce;t:d Serles the swashbuckling Pittsburgh I>.irates move ,In to Crosley f'1eld tor single games Frlday and Saturday, and a double
Eaperiencei1 - 6 Yean a. Deputy Sheriff World War I Veteran I3i!iRl;;;;;;;e!au..;;;;;i;i;Il;;5C;;;;;'A; ;· ;lI ; ; ; ;eP; ;'R;;;;;I;;;;;M=d;;;;;;;eY====== ; ' M===A=Y===9======P=O~1.=A===dV;;;;;·atjl
.. '
Mitman's Flowers
1\1'1'. HOLLY
Direct Millwork Co.
ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN your Oattle, hogs, ah~p and cain. to Norrla-Brock ·Co., DVe wire ane) progreaatve firm for the hlghest m.rket prices and gOod ,UbIOn i'Uoek 'Yards, ClncbmaU, 0 ., Tulie In on Radio' 8ktlon WCKY, li:25 to 12 :30 ' p. in. ior OUf dal1)' 'm arket repo~ta. "
pay $2.00 for 'D~ad ·$l.00fo,r
The Direct Millwolit Co. at Dayton" are offering the ,p ublic an excellent service, w.hich enables them to make ,necessary repairs and alterations which give added living accommodations, 8,s ·well as to keep our homes and business buildlogs in good condltlon. . They feature an excellent line of Wlndow~, doors, moUldlngs and the ,n ewest styles in millwork and comhlru,t;!l"" 'Wlodaws and doors. Their ~d stock is & great accomto .architects, ,contractors Il}1d thOlle, who do their OWn build1rig ,t o go .lle,re alld make ,seleptlona and see what they are' getting or to have mide to thei r . own
thin/Js '
. and
The manqer :has made . a. stuQ,y<
of moderi11za~ ,prObi~ of bom~ and .bluldlngs' and ·~ ~~ you With millwork· in a style that .
IStart'em'andGrow'em with
MASIER MIX , ChkkN-ash
Here·. a combfnation atuter and grower. mash ,
that. produCes excellent
aiJDply follow 'the
results; Mas~
·'Mix,Pt.sin, Prograin.
ultra-modem or conservative 'iIa may~. Many deta1la whlch live added cOmfort 1Ul4 effJCIeDOf to IIomes
and Almtmenta bave been
~ out aM U ,ou baWl ~ Place lD tbe ooqntr,y, 8Uburb« clty, tbe7 WIll be . . to ..... ~ aDd ftaro.. lib UIe ~ 'Wb1ch WIll mate
iMw.;,w11I . ibJ8 addlUaDa.
I .•
'Bittle of OOesia
c1UUea d~ the war·e-ffort;" . ' r ' Payne 1a a manufacturer 1n. Spl'1ng~ rield I'nd Dayton.
Along Th.' Way By KrI. Ban1ette ~
• • •
I ,
- - - - - - - - - : . . . - - = ::;;;.===-- - - == = = = =====-h;g-l'e. MlriI. Joe ~Mra. Eva Adam8. Mrs. Perry GutheRe, Mrs. &1tlert Barton and ~. Mrs. Harry Dumford. was GertrUde Bennett, Mrs. Walter Bowers. KriI. Nevin w1l1lamkn. ·MIss Anna !Mae Booltoven, Ml1. BIP,m Barnett. Mrs. Wllllaui 'Urachell, Mlaa Alberta. Ur8Chell, ~. Arthur Gore. Mrs. 1Lester Uracbell and daugbtera, Mrs. A~y. Obester Pa.lmer. Mrs. Perry J. 'I'homaa, Mrs. George Dumford, iMft. Dicit 8Iodtett. Mrs. Cora camp ben, Mrs. Schram, Mrs. Clarence LEBAN~N, OHIO iBockovel?- and ~~ guest or honor. .---------""'!"-~-!!-O------------..A Questa at the George McMiChael ' home sunday tWel'e Mr. a.nd Mrs. ...__......~iilllllllliiiiii-Ili..- ....Il!l!lIIi-.. Oarf.leld .!Peterson and Ervin' Peteraon a~ cb11dren. Mr. and , Mrs. Tom Fordyce and son, Douglas, oWere supper gl1eSts ~t the P. J. Thomas-H. R. Forlyei' Wholesotnp Palt~.zecl Dairy Products home Wednesday e-ren1ng. The oc. , " Pasteurized ' .Milk For Four Proteotion caston was the birthday Of Mr. Fordyce . .Oa,blegrams had been sent to ~--"';'=;;.;.J Phone 2537 Waynesville, Ohio his brother. Sgt" Vernon D . Ford)U who Is overseaa, and who has the
.To tb~ ~oter_ of Warren .
the aCcompli,hmepta of the prelent Board
of .. County
to '4J20~. , The' .bonded indebtedness of the county has been reduced from $205 600 . to '38,690. . . , . , , . ~t request tbe State ' bas taken over fifty miles of County road. W~ haV1eadded .fifty-fiVe miles of TQwnship road to the County road system.. NO ADDITION,AL TAXES lIAVE BEEN ADDED ... 1 advocate .every road in Warren County be black-topped . . I am :also ~n fa~or of a new Deten tion ~ome for ' J uveniles f su bjec1;' to the ' approval of the ·puQlic. . ." " . ' .'. , " . In e~plo~ng a penon to ma~age , YQur '.b~ine88 w.ouid YOU ' pref~r so~eone WITH or WIT-HOUT eXRerience! .. . . .. . J solicit your vote and. support.,
• j'
1I1UTOUJI_ poesz-_ ·eIftIrL-......
W . . W
14'lUi£NDS .:HO~ : .\ ' . .' .,,-, ,
. ! Parte ·uul .- - - Of AD Make. . • •. 'l'e1 A.DIIaUI '1ItL
~. ,
and · Mrs • . JIa~ l,(mtof Oentervllle called' on ' the Misses Ann1e an~l ~ ' :Qrow.ne WedneiJday. . ' • . . ' The ·lUv. W.'!:· Dakin anorl,,'Rrnr_.'" , ace Da.ltln were dinner RUelts of Mr. and KrB. W . '0. 'rkbenor I-nE!Ce.lliIIIU''Y eel on 'btber· rel&tllvea and frlends In tluaza:i'da Harveysburg PrldB.)r. " . ' aU. .'Ida ~. Peters. 'Who apent the W1n~' ID9Dtlla IJ-ere. left Thurs-, day .for er aummer home a.t Olijr.ugom~
, .
. . , . . . . . . ..
Paula,., .
We have always balance~ ~he budget. " We have ~lwaY8 'closed tbe year in the black-not the red. An obligation 'of $32,834 due the State of Ohio in 1937 has been reduced
.u. ,"Mf-o.u"
Stanza Pump & . Sennce Company
. B~b's · Dairy
. . . . . . . . . . .- - - , sarne birth date.
cork and needle test to determlDe , ~. the seX of CbloteJla' before the ·... ,Mr. and ea. JI'iaok TtiOmaa were aef;. She nwile- tbla ~t called on Klaaea .Annie ' and Kame last year aDd elMl n!Plfed that ~ iBr(;Rne MODda1 ~. . d!dn~ ' ~ thenl waa much to ·lt. "As far all I caD see. I halve ~t the' aame n~ at pUlleta and ' . ~ I'OO6ters 'that I Ill&ve ~. bad.'! abe ~d. ~ then: ~ are. It ~ '. , ' be int.e1'elstlD8 to learn 01 anyoae ' Loeated.t. 1'7 N. leff..... 8&.,. e1s~ baa ,:irted Jt &.lJd ' w~t ~ re- &a,.. 8 1 ~ G.......... ~suIts were. . '. toe, 1n Sate., '"liIuap Bspen Tbei'e 11 tp be a YouI!I'. ~ B~ Of ~ . ~, AD KbuIa Are rally at btle'~n,.' Qburcb ot ' QbfIIt GreaUi ~ In .~ SUnday aftAirnoon ~t . 2:SO o'~ ~' .. ·. lnWI\lnr AD ~ . O.W.T, :A. L. AltbawI, a ' J~ qate WMer SUJIPI¥ On '!'be Bomechaplain in the ...,my, w1l1 be, the Wren' ••. IWea yUle KImN. DelcO, speaker. , ' ~ . ~ U~ Hew . an4I UI8Il ,PIIIDPI, Wakr ' ~a:lI
---IIII!II. . .
are,.ome qf CommiMionen:
A-. ,. ...
make or mod,e . Fred K~hn Motor Car ,C o.
Mr. and Mrs. Wll11am Web~ at <PIne Moun~, ' Ky., maoe a brief ;1slt here Flriday , In the aftemuon, ..hey With 11k. Webb's IDf,ther. Ma, rOn Webb. 'Went to Oincinnati wliere they met others of WI. Wt..bb·s family for a. week-end visit Gogether. Mrs. ·NelUe Bunnell sub~1.1Luted a!, mo.·t ron. . Mrs. can'ie White or Bellefontaine, was a guest . of Mlss Ouve 'Williams Satur.day and 8unc1ay. Mr,,;. Cla.ra Sadd ,nd UlI& OtyllteJ Scott of Bellefontaine. Mrs .. Porter of Denver, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McDdlman of XAmia., 'Were ~ William'a callers Sunday afliernoon. The Rev: W" B. DIoldn and bla nephew, Horace DIdtin; were guests at·a. family reunion lot the home of lJle IOAner's nJece, Mrs . .l!:Inma B. IMcCIID'e, In FraIdtlln, SundIoY. IncldentaUy the 41»" mat:lted the Rev. M DakIn' blrthd ann! r.ftk s_ . ...... t:¥" , " . . veraary. hi reel by w .... 'was a ............ _ ..........ono his niece. Plana previouslY'ma4e by the Home ataff ·to observe the annlversary were. car~ed out I4oDd-.y, when at d1Dner. Mrs. Bunnell, actIng matron, aet a beautifully dec0 ted Anlr_ t..... ...... ..,_. ra ---e a ...... ~s .........,. I41as Ollve WUllama led in a1n81ni. "Ha."""" Blr.thlllav" 8",,4 " '•• ~'".''''-1 J""" -.' &.IDIUD 0 arac1 expreaaed bla apprecl&Uon. Altopt.her it wlil a very bappy occaaIon . . Mr. aDd Mrs. Myron. 'I'hom8a of Dayton, cal1e4 on'Misaes AnnIe and Kame Browne Bunda.y evening. Dr. and MnI. Q. B. Ruaaum and M1aa Mari'Bl'et RUMUm of Dayton, vlalted their aunt, ~ Marpret W. Edwarda. Sunday afternoon. iMr. abd MIll. Lee ~ ~ . Ma lIOn. called on thea, slater. 1Il'1I. AI. lee . ~ 1oIODdaY. a.ftemoOn. , . The ~v. Mr. Dakln and Bonce IDaIdn were enliertaJDed ,at tbe bcme of Mr. and Mrs. J. WUIOD Bdwvda at 8prlngfl~ 1l'UMdaJ. oA!fter a deusbttul tbree) day. vacatloa, Matron Webb retiIJ'!led. to the. Home, 1I0Dda.J • . wt~t deJq. Tbelr . . . Ed Dakin or BarveJllblW. called r . ' on friends bere 'l'UeIdaY attemooD. Io bridie over the Payette ,river and trlendb', fair and """......... ~!ablna a &Choo!. Small towns tbe)'I lDvtte JOU ,to . . 1&. MD. Walter OJark and !6a
Qrabam'a 8ada-Ola.Jtt The .M1.aslonaly BqcJety 01 the of 'M rs. A1lce CIUt 'I'Ileeday even'" Oburcb of IChrlat met in tbe !n8. home ot· Mm. Al~Ur McOoIl9u8b KnI: J •. W. Ward of Zenla, ' S. near apI1,ngtIoro on Wedn~ &1- ~ tor a few clap.' ternoon. .lira. 'O ecqla ' IMeDdenball &Del I ~ of Ml'B. Jeaa RolaDd Mm. ~ Webb were IueaY at the oWer a..y ber · oplnlon 01 ,tbe a ba.DcUlet WiIIIdDItOD ~
- '-
WIWam . G . P ecItrel 0 f ...... """ .1..,... ..."'" . closed in on three aldel about r •.I .. ..... . NEW YORK-The Russians Democratic candidate for U. S. .,.eat Black Sea grain por( of the Ukraine, and the Germani u ,.. , .,.... 6en&t.or. 1a "ra.1slnllilll sights" nOW. perate measurea to rescue whatever they could of the eatim .. teJ 1'10.. aiming at the ll'all electlon, Almost . 000 troopa trapped there. But to no avaD. Odellla was talten D1 W RuulAns who have also moved into northeastern Romania. every party leader ooncedes b1m the nomina.tion. • • • Donahey. years difference tn! their ages. . The iDemocra.lic Gubemator1al Rev. Arthur Oo·Pe. of the ~ar TaCe 1a "nOt in the~' for anyone. George ,D . Nye seems ~ be away Creek Chrlatlan church. wUl del1vas a lew IAUllChe entbWllAsts would "out .m front" for the Democratio er the commencement addreaa ' at like to mate the public belleve ; .• nom1na.tion tor Lt, Governor. 00- Bellbrook higli se.bool thla sprtnc. JIIOIie8 W. !Huffman Is making the' cording ·t o word filtering into the tot a recen.t meeiUng or- the P. T '. Jaat lap eount. With the aid or bla capital. A. club of Bellbrc;lOt. Mrs. Vlo1a father-in-law, the vote-geWn' VIc' . B~oveti was elelCted pres1dent to succeed Mrs. DIck. Badtett. The Ladles Ald of the Sugar t. . .1 •• • 11 ... 1.... " I"; ••' .... , ...... eo ........., Creek Ohrlstlan church me~ the Mrs. Sue Boickoven Dumiford was home ~ Mrs. ~ UracheU ~t guest of bonor at a. stork showe-i at Wednesda.y. and the following ofthe Schram- home on- Sprtnl Valley ticel'8 <Were elected: Mrs. ~I J. road last Prldlly epenJng. Mrs.. '1'homas. president; Mrs. Bchriun. The Spnnlboro Beauty Shoppe haa opened Schram and Mrs. -Palmer were vice presI~nt:Mrs. George ScbmItt under, ne,! manalement. Tueaclay, Wedneaclay, bOlltesses. Cake. peacbes and whip- .secretary; ,M rs. Lester 11rIIObel.1. Thuraclay, Friday shop OP~DI at 9:00 A. M. iill9:00 tped cream and co,Uee were ·served. treasUrer: iMI'lI. Gla-rence Bcaoven, P. M f Saturi;lay from 9:00 A. M. till 6:00 P. M. Mrs. Dumford tecelvecl' many lovely correspond1p8 secr-.,ta.ry; Mrs. Nevin gutS. The guesta included Mrs. Wlll1auUion. flower and card aecreCl~ all day Monday. For ap.p ointmenta phone 'Stella 8ohmldt. Mrs. George tary. ,. 122Jl. Mr. an~ Mrs. '~~ Scbm1dt, M:1U ,!.lJ'g1D1a Hur~. MIss ETHEL BURROUGHS, Manalel" :Prancea .Blllott, Mrs. Waldo .EIl1ott, and!amUy. ,pent ~ nlPt at ~========;;;;;;;;,;.;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;==========;;i:) Mrs. Jaclt Aldi1cb, MrS. Leigh 'En- Bellefontaine in Ute home 01 Mr.
up 1IbIIl _. ~ but our nat zaellbbali hIId travelell twenty to. fifty DIlIeiI 101' - _ _ wbe they flnlt cune. Tbere ftllIt IDAlt&et for 'a.n1thiDlr 'WbeD we f~~ ~ and our neqbboi'. ",bo .... a ,~utter· . mak~ of DOte, stalled tI!f bome market .with .YeIl poumIa ~, butter. , '!be PDenl Itore still . . . It In _kick ",ben abe unt In . . . more a week later aDd refuaed t8
llowera la the pansy. It is abOut as lar&'e as a sliver dime and a rich purple color. It is intenselY fr&il'lUlt ' 1iO ~t olle can find the hidden ueds of lJleSe flOlWera merely by tru~ the wonderluJ odor. :I:ben ..hw·e al'e waxy yel.tow ,butterCUPS. .... rlnglloi. wlid l'06elI llke the ones 'We :~ve here 'and llliles and 11ll1ea ·a.nd ililles. SOme of the most exqUll1~ ... ~ one .would. care ~o~. 'fhere I)~ ·ber new ~. ~ .. re a great many others I can't 1'8- staUon waa e.,~~ " ~ .;all tne name ot. but our plU'Ple could ~ aU the ~ ~~, . .I>rkspur is known as "loco weed" " (To ~, ~JudeCl), _\ ...J.d is co~idered very dangerous to ~'vck. Used for III zing tbis country .• as a. money-maker. but It certainly Loca.Ied ).t. 10 s. LatUow st., nN'~ , ".wm't intended for [arming as the ~vvernment has fow1d out at last. &oDt II AD Iut.Ua&lilla .pr Penoaal . l 'n e 'soU is volcanic ash and there <8emce. ~ ........ oea,. ' "" ..,p:e ......n' ".ems to be no limit to the depth era) IInanoln'" UIIllIe WU' ~1IeUeD ~' •• ita rich blackness. With an ade'lUlHe Qlno~nt of ramfull it wouid Jl1IIIl 81 lIiI&kIq I.oaDa To ...,..... . wonderful orops. But lJle lain SbOIli. ~ c.~..... aad 811b r HUla unusuallY in Iihe two ralny Con"_*--.. .. AIIo ..... OD . . ~ ;$pc1lB. one ill the spring and one in 11&&an\i 'E4u1pmerlt, 1'urDliare, -. . . bI.... ' .ne tall. '111e SUJIUDers are long and D~"l Noedil. B..e U/l A1do ... ~atm and c.1ea.r . It will be as wulm pain • . • ' ~ .'" 0perMed ., d.J 106 in ~he shade dur1n8 t.be day out · at night the breeze from the D.~""""•.• ~. . . . . . . . .111. ..J ,.now caPped moun t.alns coots the air The M'Dwel11'lD&noe 00. at Dr.J,. ..0 such an extent thAt one neec1s ..on, , la an. lnatatuUon that . _ ulankets lor comfortable sleep6ng. pUP8d the trelid ' of the · tbMa ill .u Is a. graashopper's paradise. One (~Ial clrcIea" ,' ... OObdUC.,a walks aDr058 a field and a. cloud of lipan the meet ~ polley of . , . . poppers arise 011 either slde. They inI an ally> of lit....... ~d a J-.l lu-e heavy feeders, so one pays a big aid to our ~. u,.,.. tbeee ~ toll in garden or IIeld crops. for lea rwta ita sreat lUOOI!Ii &DCl tM their support. proci-eu it 11 mM1DC m b~ . . MOISt of the men in our commun- areat UIam1 Valley. to become IUdl ity tried to farm in th.e eastern way, ~ Uvel7 ,cIot.er tor ap1culture, and made slow headway. A Ore« dUltlY aDd war PIOdUCUon. U' came into the country, looked tb1ngs ~y offer a very 0CIIIIIJlete _ over, sa.w turkeys grew easily a.nd .iervlce. aDd. here. 101& can baI:I'cIiIr beaan ra1slng them on a large 8C8le. on :fOUl' '1IIIn&tUre. auto. 1lOIJMbciII He made good, of course, for tw1teYa Nr:n1ture; d1amonda. tum chaU_ l1ke warm, dI')' ,weather and grass- f~' lmplelDlD. aDd ',~,,~ hoppers are 'thelr favorite dish When appUanOIl. . . . aDcl".. ~ graasboppers are pientlf·ul. TIle med1c:a1 and dIDtal ...... Ude ch1cltena I ' raised 8OOl'illed the wheat .YOU over YOUF ftn""*" l ~~UtJ I spread for them, and ate hQA)eJ'8 or to meet h1aber 'JIIOdUClttlln atIt ellcl~iveJy. &nmett was an impon- tamment. · }ant shlpplng polnt for turkeys for '!bey ·are. tnll7, beJp1na to . . 8everal years as more. and more of to all of the cammUDlW them were ralaed . But the dIlpres- a greater ud alllll -...... ilion '1ntei'fen'ecl 'IV1th that b\l8lneal tlea to becIt . . . . . . the same 811 some others. The tur- are pIante. ' 1!o&b lW- uld . ~ . Ir.eya were hen:ted 1n droves on the wbleb are beIJIC p--.."n.noIaIi ~ v~t land or rented out to ttI.e alatance W ~. ~WV ~." orcharcUatll in the nelgbbOrbood. · The Iprooedure 01 ~ A ~ W!' ~re lucky in our choice of la ~.. oau ~ -t.IM!Iz' ~ ' ~ homestead as the land 'We got had. atate' .JQUr ~. ~ UMt ~_ been reserved by the government 101' ! ~tIalIy. II ~. ~ J~~."~" mineral: All about us were We firat aimple 'r equ1replen&l or . ~~ . and , 'atetJ. the JaUl, aettlen wbo bad d~e a lot at thfl ~-neceaaary ~. sUcb a8 bul1cl1nc aDd YOU 1'Dl- recelU UIe
. . . . .- -. .- - - -. . .•
were_ ~
~~etary of a-Ate the .... ~. "'" ' 's office .•"or the first ~ that a has held th1B important offiCe In Ohio. IPoUtlcal le_ders DOted the clever t1.In1ne of the announcement. whue thousands of ~Ucan women • were in town. • • , "Burn Ohio coal as much as passible," says' Albert .Edward Payne in , his campaign talks for' Governor this weelt, "and aborten the baullar dellve:tes. which rwUl help ,t he pres-sure on our over~ ab1pplng fa,.
the ~t attractive of the wild
Maxwell Finance.CO.. '
('Continued from la,t Week) OUr hOtn&tead was in the foothills ,of the IRookies. .. most beG,utlful country and noted for its wild flow. rs. People rave over ita .tnmaeta ..lso, but I have seen eqUally beauti.' lul ones here m Oblo, on)y as a rule. no one stoJ;ts' to look lot tlhtrm. One
"Hubbeli Llquor ContrOl ~an" su))m.ltted· to , Atty. ben. Thomas J . ' Herbert for a.pproveJ, ,before being submitted the pe<)pIe as an Iultiated Law tIl the Ohio · Le8ls1ature. by Oharles H. Hubbell, I candtd\lte for the ~plWle cOurt. The Republicans h!lve held the has been certtfled as correct in . limelight in Ohio this 'Week. because . fonn. Mr. Hu~l1 ID8-Y now b!lve o~ Ole huge Women's &Ily In Col- his pe~ltions printed and circulated. umbus over ~he week-end. Gladys They wm' reqUire ·t he slgna.tures of Gordori,·. state secretal'Y', did a. fine 3 per cent of the vote cast tor govjob of promoUon . . . Congress- emor in '. Ule preceding election. woman Clare Booth LUce or Con- owhlch In thts case Is 53,897 signers. neotlcut. was the big drawing card, and "stole the show.' She really has Herbert D . Mills, RepubUcan can"1\.. .. Gov. Bricker, Senators 'faft dldate (or Attorney OeneraJ, QIld and Burton. OOIl8ressnum-at-large president of lJle War Veterans ~- ' Bender, Nat. Chairwoman Kathar- publ!can club of Ohio, has just anlne 'KennedY B.rown and the four nounced Q, state-'Wlde convention to candlda.tea for Oovernor were also be held at the Carter hotel in Cleveland on MaYl 6 and 7. on the pr~. N1lls Is the only war veteran run- . "The llattle of the Herbert.s" is l)ing for attorney general in II. field still on , . . With )l\.lbert· Edward of six, and many oil&ervers are Payne cutting deep lnto 't he Stewart ws.tchlng ·thls ra.oe to measure the V'o~ in SQuthwestern OhiO, James strength of the veteran vote thls Ga.rt1eld Stewart no longer has the year. le8n which he enjoyed a.t the begin• n1ns of the campaign. ,W ith the The C.I ,O . PoUtlical Action COInHemetts Iond Payne coming up, and mlttee has made a very oomplet.e S~ IIOIng down. t he campaign study of a.ll candlda.tes for publlc Is Jevel1hg 011 JnOO a "neck and office this year, and just announced neclr." race where anyone can win. that their indorsements !Were b6sed on the individual qualltliCations of Edward .J. BUIIlDlel has appointed the CIUldida.tes. and not partyaffilMIss iReleQ A: Witherspoon of Cincincnatt. . . corporation cqun.sel In i!LtiOIl8 . ••• The
YOur,Support Wil~ Be ~App""~. , PRlM~Y MAY .', ,1944 . .
From 'fhe MiamiGazette Files "
PlFTEEN YEARS AGO , (April 24, ) I ~9) OJaimiDa tllat he ~ proved his right to a 8IIa.~c of a V:lSt ' f9 rt une, J. L, M. Hopk1cn, .who Is 'proprletor of a gJocery st(::,"! hQl'e, hns come suddenly Into th,! limelight. Mr. HOPkins says he Is a direct descend,ant of Mark Hopkins, a multlm11Honalre of califOrnia, who died more than 50 years ago, leavlng .an est~te of '350,000,000, However. outoome of court action, ndw . underway, is uncertain. M1sa May, Wright arrived home Friday, having spant the winter In
Rye farm. ,~ The Loyal '-Temeperance -Legion 'Wtll meet at the h~e of MarJarle and Charles Burton Earnhart Friday after school. . Friday evenlng the V1rg1l class froni Waynesv11le H1sh went to CIncinnati ~ 'see the 'pageant, HOlda ad, lAeneas." Those who went were Mrs . Hougb, Eva. WIlarton, Lola Sears, Rhea EllIs, Thelma. Bt. John, Catherine £ranatrator, loui s e Crane, Bertha Filer, Geneva Denlinger and Aurdrey Atk1n8on, MarY, 14-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Judd, of near ., ~, ChIcll8Q. FarO', died Saturday morning. " . MCSSIS. Harry Prater, Ml11'I'ay Myer Hnman has sold his Interlind Glenn Hopkins were at the est in the J&mestawn Dry Goods re.servoir over the week-end . company to his ·partner, Max Kohl~s LucUle . Clark of Spears hos- hagen. 'p ttal, D&yton, wm go to LoulsvUle • • • TWENTY -FIVE YEARS AGO next week to take two months' (April 23, 1911t) speCJal tql.IniDll'. 'IIbe boys of the 147th have reMr. a.nd Mrs. W . B. Squires; Mr. , and ,M Is. Wilford Squires, Mrs. turned home, having received their Mabel Staup and J. P . Thomoa d1scha.I'gea at Camp Shennan. They spent the w ek-end I1t ·t he Reser- are : Opt. Fred Braddock, Sgt. Jesse Prendergast, Pvt. Fred ILeon!",d and voir. There w1l1 be all Old Fiddler's Opt. Poreat Ridge. Todd Ibwry has contest at ~e new Gym, Har.veys- been home for several d&ys. Lt. Hugh Ridge arrived home TUe&day. burg, Friday night, May 3. MIss Mary Clingan. 77, dled April !Harvey Rye and Everett Doane 18, at t he ,home of ber sister, Mrs. are ppenlng a Hme-water pit on the Pence,
Fred J. Hagemeyer for
County Commissioner . .. , ,R EPUBLICAN PRIMARY, MAY 9, 1944 ,I solicit your support on my record oj conscientious, faithful public
(Pol: .A.dv.)'
Charles Wllllam, a ' formll1' resl-' dent, cUed at hIg" home In Columbus, Thursday. Mrs. flannah Thomp60n ot Harveysburg, died at her 'home Sund&y. Tan'k No , 3, schE!<.luled to \)e ' here M.IlY ,I, Iwlll perform Us stunts on , t.l1e vacant lots on North and Fifth It'treets. ',I Everything Is In readineSs f6r the reception ·to our returned .soldler <boY!! • . The Harmon Hall bQnd h as been secured for the occasion lind there rwill be plenty of music. Master Jack Rldge, son of Nr. and Mrs. Oliff Ridge of 'cincinnati, Is the guest Of MI'. and Mrs, E . V. Barnhart. Miami Theatre IProgl'1Ull-saturday, Wm . Har~ In "Shlirk Monroe; TUesday, NaZ1mova. ' in "Days Of ,Fate;" Thursday, Ethel Clayton in "Woman's Weapons." • • • FIIFTY YEARS AGO
FOR SHERIFf Gerald W."Ching"Couden TO THE CITIZENS OF WARREN COUNTY. I wish I could call on each of you personally,
, ".," ___ 10 " " " -
8tnq /'
Among those who spent Sunday at home were Misses Caroline White IJR~NCH OF mE SE.RVICE-HE Barley, MOllie Blsham, Rae Elliot ttJN 1JIf.1irt.E WHIlE ON R7f?WU611 f and, Ber,t 'Ma.ddox. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hathaway are now ocoupyoing half of Mrs. Parshall's house. Dr. L . C, Lukens arrived home Mr;s. • L. Farr. Mr . and Mrs. A . (cause of their easy u.se and long from his visit to CallIornia and the ~righ, Mr, and Mrs . G. T, lasting quallty. PJ lnt Is a Pl'otecMldwlnter :Fair last FrIday night. O'Neall , Mr . and Mrs . Frank Uon to yow' valuable possessions Ed Randall and Frank Fa.Tr were Barnhar~ and daughter Ruth, Mr , and It Is well to see that everytl1ing ohesen delegates from the M. E. and Mrs . oTooos Janney, Mr. ariel -a,bout your place given this care. iMrs. Oharles Woolley, Mr. Iilld Newly decorated h omes have such church of t his place on Sunday, to Mrs. S. Lev Cartwrigh t, Mr. and tI. soothing effect upon tlrcd and '!-ttend the Lay Association of the Cincinnati confernece to be hela at ~rs, Oscar Edwards and ~Ion, Her- jaded senses . The fact that Ule public can bl.Y Xenia on TUesday and Wednesday'. bert, Miss Moody of Day t,on , Mil!S JamC3 Stewart and , Oakley Ridge were elected alternates and !Rev. ~ddox was also in attendance . Last ,week we made the latal mistake of call1ng Jonas Janney 's horse Ned when its name 111 Tom. Mr. Janney saYs he don't care what mean th1nga we may sa.y of him but wants It understood thaot "Old Tom" must not be mistreated. We lXl'Oultse the horse fair trea.tment henceforth even if his owner does ,f ind rats in the hay. Our photographer, J. J. DownIng, has purchased the photographic outfit. of W. M , Gatch, ~udlng both galleries, .of Xenia., and lWlth his fa.niJ1y remov.e to that city
Wright of and Mlsses Baird, Merritt and (McKay. • Our ticket agent, W. A. Rod~ers was married to Miss Henrl.etta. Ellis at Clncninati last week. Those from Wayne serving on the grand jury' are:, Sam. Meridith, ~. B. Michener and Samuel lButterworlh, Petit jury: Timo,t hy Marlatt, Seth Furnas, Ell Brumett and Wnliam ,Hartsock , George iBrown died a.t his home in 'W,aynesvllla Tuesday at the nge of 79 .
Peoples Plumbing Suppl~ Company
Yolir 'ldcCol1Dkk-D~
Jmplem.en& Dealer
~', G~ 'PIac:e w EM
fRED .F. GRAHAM CO. Wall Paper, fUnta, Giau
' P~TEBs S~Pi.1ES
11-19 So. Whltemali St. " Xen1&, 0,
,., ........... 1168 ·
8BOP; i1B8~ ~T
THE FAMOUS' CHEAP ~ .STOR,£ '< we ' Seq, ~~
Green 8&1-_"
U ,B.~ 8t. ..(
5e~iD. .,.chine Supplies ' ~oI41I""
•• ,
II,", ~ , ,e'
Ql'd of the past, which ha
..,uSTONE TIBBS B~ ~ A1}TO SUPPLIES . Phone 500 .; U,W. MaIil 8t. r
.,. ,
.. ,
23 1-2 lV, .MaID LADIES ~YrTO-,WEAB , 8peclaUslDC .'
JunIOrs '
On this basis I solicit YO!Jl' ,vote for SHERIFF OF WARREN COUNTY . .
GERALD W. "Ching"
"Xenia",1 " '
F ~
pric~ Is I,------------------------..~ " facoors In
at retail at such reasoll ble
one Of the econcmJcal thcl.r large b usiness' as they save the pUbllc the profit of the midd leman nnd .makes t.hls su pply house a ce~] lEi!' of trade for fal'm ers and home own ers to come from miles QroWld, "IS 'EIIERE 11ARl\1 IN JUST ONE DRINK?" Dy jeunle l\Iabel Planck , R~ute I, Waynesville, Ohio
Twu!l n ,b eauUfuI afternoon In Into February, The gray snow clouds were gone. The sun was shlnin.g bl1&ht . upon the mounds .of drifted snow, turning th em Into tiny streams of water. Al. ready, there was a tint of Spring in the a4r. ,In n spa-clous ma nsion , wit.l1 elabo rate furnishings, s..'\t a mother and her son looking over the SOCIal calendar for the coming weeks. Are you bervi ng wine at yow' IWlCheon and card party this time, Molhr?" ',Why, certainly, Joe, all of our SOCiety iCl'lends 'liould expect that. But, <why do you ask.," • Oh, I don't know, some wny I 1eel tlke It Isn't right since I heard wnat our SWlda.y school :teacher saltl about It. She l'e\ld in Proverbs 20tll cl1apter and 1st verse that wlnt! is G. mocker alld whoever Is deceived therepy Is not wise and t.l1at many hac! ,be n deceived and are drunkards." "Oh, well, that means drll}kj}lg to excess. No one will be drunk at OUt' SOCial a.f!a1r here . Any<how, what would the guests think II I dldn't serve wine? Wllat 'Would your young frien~ think if you wouldn't drlnk a small glass of wine with them? They would laugh at you. Of course I want you to ' Pc a gOOd boy and go to church." "Well, but what, Is the USe to go
to church I f 1 don't do as I nm taugh t thel e? There wasn't mention made in the verse In 'Provebs ns to wlIullnt of wine at all. It 5( Id wine u. a mocker. And Ule teacher aOded LilaC all that loved God would not use ,wine at all, Do you Jove God, !vwtiler ?" "Why, I, er , say, J oe, will you do some shopping fOr me?" As Joe 1cJ't. tne house he II; puzzled a why his mother ChS!lged the 4lll~jeot so quickly . O n his way he m t his chum, "Hello, joe, Ilre you coming tollight? Uh, I don't know, yoU wlll serve wll e I suppose, 1 dO!l'~ think I w111 come." "Why, you must be sw'e lind come, you are the lile of the crowd, There wou'~ Uu mucll wme, just a. siliau gluss to ach guest , Th t can't hl,l't anyone ." Joe wanted to flatly refuse, but winking cf WhU,L his mOUler had Id Ilbout bemg made fun of, he pl'Ollused h1s chwu that h e would (;Olne. As 'he dre s£d to go tlltlt night, a ,wi.se, small voice kept suy lng, "Don't go l Don·t gol. WiD e Is It lUoolter. He turned down h is Inwal'd pleading time and egaln, ~i>Oll he dldn't care, so be kept gOing, he wa.s becom1ng esta·bllShed in drink. His mothel' notlcec;i the cbange in him, and one morning found him 10 a clrunken s&uper. She began to
lCllrs streaming dOWn to cheeks, ,to . quIt drinking, go to church, and become a Clu'lStian . But J oe wl!.s too l weak th en and hadn 't been' taught to pray and have faIth III Ood. He ' had acquired the habit of drink &0 strong thnt lie didn 't wllnt· to give it up. ., One n ight In late February Just one short year, Ole moon was' shJIitug down upon a cnrilet of snow. The beautiful' silver rays stole through the window where ' a. heartbroken mother sat W{inglng her hands in agony, waiting and 1i.sten... 1ng for the retw-n of bel' son. Sbe h eard the screeching braKes as an ambulance come to n stop. She ' heard vo!cesl footsteps, and wltn. a. llorrifying prc-monltion she was almost paralyyzed 'with fear. The door opened and the rna'ngied body of her son was carried 10 : "K l11oo in accident, while intOxica~ cd." With wild hMeks of n.ngulsl1 and. remorse she stuggered and 1e!) acrom the body pf her SOll . Rer ill.e, 1.00, was gone. Is there harIn In just Qne
V'lal1i 'to Do Repalrlni? Want .to Sell HouSehOld GoodS? ADVERTISE ' IN THE " GAZETTEl
. How To Kill It The gevm Imbeds deeply. Can't be killed u.nlcss reached. Many lJnithink of U,e time heJ: son had rep- ments tind olntmel}16 do not P,8oel'imallded her for serving wine to trate suftlclently. Ask any QrUgglst the guests and how he had tried to for Te-ol solu tion. Made wlbh 90% explain the Ilarm In just one glass. alcohol, It penetrates. Re~es more !With hOl'ror she felt sh e was to , germs. Apply full strength for itollYi sweaty or smelly feet. Your- 350 back 'blame for her son s downward tomorrow U . not plooaed, Locally cow-se. She plead with him wi th / Wayme.svllle Drug Stare. .
ANN UNCING My candidacy' for nomination for Conim~.ioner of Warren., County, subject to the action, of ~e Republican Primary, May 9, 1~44. 1 have been a resident of Warren County for 40,. years and am a property owner and taxpayer. Have been a member of Mason Grange for the past 20 years and did county road' WGl'k for about 10 years. , I have sel'ved on the Mason School Board and Tow~ Council. In supporting the ,War Effort, have worked PIli '. all Bond, Red Cross and U. S. O. drives and have . given two of my three son8 to the Armed Forces. . ' Due to gas and tire l'estrictions, l' am \.Ising \h~$ ' means of contacting my friends and asking for,:W~ ' up-port of Warren County peop~e upon the I'Qer~.ts ~t my past experienc e and labor ill 'toad work and, In a ll Civi~ and philanthropic entetprises. ',"'" ,I
ilE 'old . adage. "Take care of what you have and It will take care of you" is doubly true these wartime dill'S when household' appliances ar.e difficult to replace • . Marjorie Griffin. Home Editor of' na, tionally circul ated Capper's Farmer, advises housewives. Here are some of her "do'es and don'ls" about such items as the kitchen' sink, the refrigerator, and ' the range: "Don't let coffee grounds or pal'tl· eles. of foOd , especially greasy ooes, go down the Sink drain. It It gets slbp,ped up, force it with a suction p~upger. Regular use of a commeri:la~ iiete~gent or cheml<:al w~ sol·
or frost 'Ioose 'with a ~Ife. Wash shelves and interior of mechanical or ice refr ige rator once a week. • "The . r unge i.s hOOIe ase in your kitchen. Clean oven with soap and water. Rub with unsalted fat to preVer'll rust, Don·t store food In the oven. Wipe up food as It is spilled, as ac~d~ in so~e may per-
JO,h n J. Barr ~ASON,OHIO
(Pol. Adv.)
Standard):~arts . "
been without foal', or
favor, in the execution of my duties.
'Does and Dontts' for Home ~quipment' Care
c. A~ DAB~ and 'SONS
Thel'efore, I must stand before you on my I'ec-
(AprU 21, 1894)
is not po sible,
G/VelS "T')oIE U.t;. NAVV
next 'Week . Loca~ at 210 Wayne Ave., DayOn Monday. our 6(;hool board or- ' ton, Are llelplog To Solve Our ga!lzed by e1ec~lng the folowlng Boualn'r Problems and To Ke p o!!Jcer&: President, Joo. J. Mosher; What We H!lve In GOod Uepalr For Clerk, C. D. Woolley; Treasurer. O. 11te Duration . . . Featuring A ·,s.Moore.1Mr. Henderson, was chosen "DI.r ect To Y u" Service In B . P. assistant prlncJpal to succeed.>'lProf. S . ~aints, Pump; ~ater Soften~rs, Lukens, "l'hO 'WL" not, an eppl1C1tnt. Aut~maUc Water Hta~ Pipe CUt James IH. Drake of' Chicago, ar. To ' Measure, 1'Iumlllnr ll1lld ,eating rived Thursday evening tor a visit Maintenance and RepaI~'inK SapWith hla cousins, Chlrles aDd Jos- pH!!!. Tel. HEmlaek 5~U. eph Quipman and other relatives. Parties rrom Dayton' 'Were here lbe ;People's IPlumblng Supply Co, , Monday lCioltlng up the Pl'\?Spect ot at ba,yton are great ly aiding In the establishing a carmel factory. ma,i ntenence pf . our 110mE!S and the On Prlday' evening last Mr. and solVing of our housing problems ~. J .. Wllaon Edwards entertain- through their excellent retaU served, a group of friends. They In- .plumblng and heating sUpplies. deep and shnllo'w well pumps, Mr'. and Mrs. J. Ra,ndJlll~ iMr. . automatic heaten, watj!r softeners, --~----~------~--~----~---------,r.;::=:;;:;:=:;;:;:~:;;:;:===i==:;;:;:~====:;;:;:=-==i====i=:;;=:;;:;::;;:;::;;:;:E==;;;::::::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;:~:;;:;:~ quality paints for all pur'p oses and ,many specialties. , They feature systems that 1Will ~e 8" country plac'e IIJc:e a cJty holne 'and have suppUes th t will 1Jle equipment In order for operatln~ ef1'lolenoy. Their Iln.e of lB. p, B. 'pa.lnts is THE XENIA complete for all services, wide and ~ BANK' I' QIaIo'Ii M_& Complete' I'rIlplaJ .;. ,o ut. They are economical to use beXenia, O).io t , 1U5-lIH I KUPPENBEIMBB ()LOTBBS CEO. DODDS and SONS ' cA.:Pn;AL aDd 8oUL1J8 _GOO
, ·~ON~~ ~'·~;K~~ .
but d ue to my dutie , as Chief Deputy Sheriff, this
LT. Jo.e
Longacre attended 00.......------. ...__M .._......_ . ....._ _ • ______ .. , the luneral of OUrtan 1n YOU ARE. 'INVITED TO Dayton Monday. r,4rs. John Ziqunerman W03 a. ATfEND ..~uncheon guest sUnday or Mr. and . Mrs . J. B. Jones. Then nIl three cm~e ~lIhtl!1U9frU1e were evening dinner gucst8 o! iMr. Ilnd Mrs. Henry Fl.n ck in their new home at ''raynesvllle . @f cn1tti~t Mr. and Mr!I . Edmond MIn$r and MI-s. CharJes Mlnser of DaySERViCES SUNDAY ton wel'e dinner guests Sunday of APRIL _.. lNt Mr. and MI's William Bergdlm. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early and BIBLE SCHOOL Mrs. Ross Rowand In company with Mrs. Minnle Pronun of Wa.ynesv11!1! 9:30 A. M. attended 0. dlrtncr a.nd inspectJon at --~.Ela&tern Star lodge at L1ma. W~d MOBNING SERVICE nesdayevenlng. u:oo At! M. . Miss Betty StewaJlt of near Lebanon spent SaLW'day night and ., Sunday with b er grandparents, Mr. EVENING SERVICE and Mrs. BarUett !Monce. 7:30 O'Clock Mrs. Jolm Fronun of Wa.ynesv1lle oa.lled o.n MI·s . Wilbur Clark Wedn esday afternoon. WEDNESDAY EVENING-7:30 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick visited (parenta who have boYI or ctrll II . I. $;,"111 Corps Pllolo Mrs. Martha Hough at the hu~e of :Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hough In &be services ewpeelally fnyltec1) FORT RICHARDSON, ALASKA-A loldier of the Alaskan denear Wa.ynesville SUnday a:fternoou. partment provis ional training unit is Interviewed by Lt. General Simon B. Bu ckn!!I', Jr., Ala skan dept. commander, at a ,full field inThe former IMrs. Hough hasn't. . s pect ion l>rior t o departure of the troops for arctic maneuvers north been so well of late. MAX W. RANDALL, of Talkeetnu. Betwee n Gen. Buckn~l' and the sold ier are Lt. Col. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray r.nd Wa lther, of Junea u, Ahlsk Commander of the ManeuYer troops, and Minilte~ Capt. George B. Cuny. of Bellinghan), Wash., head of the Alaskan Cbudren called on !Mrs " Henry dept. cxpel'iment!l l boa rd. The lines held by t he soldi p.r are attached (Chuck) Morsun and lltUe dlliughto combination slcd-tobolrllan. ter o.t the home or her f&other and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Dona<1 Baird RATION REMINDER 'a t Bellbrook Sunday a week ago. LYT~E iMr. iIond Mrs. Kesle~ Gre.hanl enMEATS, ETC. - Book FoW' 10t;erta.1ned Bflt\U'clay evenlng: Mr. point red st.emps ~-8 through ~-8 Mr. and Mrs. Wil9ur Clark ce.lled and Mrs. A. E. WhIte of COlumnow viL1ld lndeflnitely. ~ stamps on Mrs. Alice Clark at the Friends bus, Sgt. Pa.~ WhLte ot the AdR-8, S-8 acd T -8 will be vaUd Me.y Home Tuesday afternoon. ' l\1ETlIODJST CHURCH jutant GeneniJ's offlce, Washington. 7 and good indefinitely. Mrs. Kesler Graham spent Wed- D. C., Lt . Robert F. WhIte <who reLuuis V . I::.ull cy. I'nslur PROCESSED FOO~k Four nesday shopping In Dayben. Church schooI' lit 9:30 a . m . ceiVed his w1n88 in Ar1f.pna last blue stamps A-8 tllrou8h K-8 now Mrs . J. B . . Jones and Mrs. WU- Thursday and is now leaving for Worship service at 10 :30 A . M . lIam Bergdall 'attended t he tunere.l oa.llfornla and overseas, Sgt. R0- valld indefinitelY. Blue stamps. L -8, Subject: "Help 1"lrom Beyond." of Max Barnard of Spring Valley at bert and Mrs. Slney, and Mr. and M-8. N.8, P-8 and Q-8 will be va.lld Youth Fellowship 7:00 p. m. the Nee.l Funeral Home 1n Xenia. Mrs. John Myers ot Dayton 'and May 1 and good lndef1nlteiy • SUG~Book " stamps 30 and ST. lUARY'S EPISCOPAL Wednesde.y afternoon . :Mr. and Mrs. RalPh Stowe and 91 valid for five polin~ lnd~tely. ClIURCD iMrs. Guy Routahn and da\llh- son, Vance, of Pe~. Stamp 40 good or five pollnds for Ralph Parks, Mi~&er In Charge ter, MIss Betty, were Dayton viSIbome ea.nn1ng througb Feb. 28, 1945. tors Friday • . LYTLE 'w. S. C. S. TO Church school ILt 9:45 a. m. SHO~tamp No. 18 U pair) 15 MEET WED:NESDAy 'L t. WlllIam F . Melloh· of Pampa, Morning prayer and sermon 11 :00 good through April 30. Book' 3 airTexas, ~ on Mrs. Margaret a. m. Johns, Mr. e.nd Mrs. Clyde ~_ The Woman's 8oc~ of Ohristlan plane stamp 1 good Indeflnltely. t on and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ken- service of ~e church' w1ll be en- A1rple.ne atamps :I vl111d May 1. .,'ERRlf ClIIlltCIl OF CItRIST GASOLINE- stamp A-ll COQd rick Friday atternoon. tertalned e.t the Me.y meeting next . . Berben Graillam. Minister Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomu aud Wednesd6y 'afternoon a.t the home for three gallODl through June 21. 9:30 a. m., Bible schooL Mr. and Mrs . WUbur Clark attend- ' Of .Mrs. Ouy!Routzahn. Mrs. LeIJa B-a, B-3. C-2 and C-3 good for five 10.45 a.. m.-Co,m munion. ed the funeral of Clltford iR idie at Smith 'Will hav~ .charge of the devo- gallllll8 unW Uaed. 11:00 a. m.-Sl~rmon . the Methodist church, We.ynesvllle, tiona . The Mother's Day program 7:30 p. b. -Preaching. Thursda.y a~ternoon and the butfll will be In charge of Mrs. NeUte CABO OF THANKS at JI41am.1 cemetery. . Charleton. J'RIENDIS Mr. and !4rs. Harvey Burnet and The coznm1ttee to a.sslsli !:be host- ·M rs • .J. ~. WILde wjahes to t.banlt FIrst Day sch!J4I11, 9 :30 a. m. MeeUUg tor WCtrshlp, I ?:30 e.. m. Mr. and Mrs. Beth. Furnas a ttended ~ is made up of ' Mrs. LeUya ber many fr1eoda for their lovelY. the Farmer's club at the home or wharlon. Mrs. D.ena Itenric.It and i11ts and cards sent to her d1,ll1ni her recent. WDeu. . ST. Al1GUSTINIt CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe FI1rJle.a near iMrs. Echo Ste1nkIl. ~..Uler Kl'umholts. Prlft& wa~~e. Th~y. --------------~------------------~~----------~ Ma8s Sunday 9 :00 a. m. ·Mrs. Wilbur Poul1tsand 1MrB. 'WlllIam Bergaall 'spent Tuesday 1n WAYNESVILLE CIlUBCB OF Dayton. The former vlslted at the home of Mrs. Llllla.n Evans and the latter 'at Mrs. Edmqnd M1nser'.: --Max . Rand.l~ Mlnl' &er Mr. and Mrs. Kesler GrallaIp. Bible Sebool 9.30 ' a.. called at. the home of Mr. and Mrs: . Communion 1~:45 a.. m. Roberts' In Day.ton &mday arterPrellclllng, 11 a. ni. TIENT, OC?URTEOUS, moBnoon where tJie body of OUfton MU\ Young People's meeting 6 :30. ler was. OUGIHLY . EXiPERJENOED, . Evening service at. 7 :30. E. J. Carmony or Springfield I \\ . AND PERsoNALLY EXE- " You are invIted to come' and wo~called at the home of Mr. at:ld Mrs. 0UTm. ship wIth us. WUbur Clark Tuesday. I STUBBS FUNERAL HOME Mr. and "Mrs. Donald BaIrd and 1\1'1'. IIOLLY 1\11. E. CIlUltC.l1 Phone 229l, Wayne.ville, O. daughters and Miss VelIne. Bmlth of "'-:.~?~... ' T. 1\1. Scadt, MillIliter ~n spent the 'Week:end at -the Sunday School 9:30 a. m. 'E. A. Baird home here. Earnhart, Supt. Evenlng 1!Ierv1~e. 7:30 p. Ill.
w. Offer
'. SUnday guests q! Mr.
Mis. with his wife and
Ross Planck were Mr .
and Mrs . Cyril HdWa.rd ot 'MIddletown, :Mr. e.nd Mrs, Areh Hlldebrant of Le»anon, :Mrs. Russell Martin aud daughter Pbyllls and \Mrs. Roy Planck.
• • •
' AtAll
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. King of Lndiane.pollB, Ind., were vl.s1t1ng here at the home O! ·M r . and Mrs . We.lter Elzey the latter part of the past week.
~tt!lure ~ultentl ~ome Waynesville
Come 1IJ.1d see peg's dog. Michael, Mrs. Charles Davis of Dayton was 1n "Peg O ' My Hean " a t Ule h 1gh n MOl day gu t of Mr . and Mrs . school auditorium May 5, 1944, at Ra ymond Gonner. 8:15 p. m. • Mrs. NeLUe Tinney. Mrs. Harriet Mr. and Mrs . Wayne Planck a.nd Tinney and Mrs . Lur a Wern tz were children of Dayton were So.turday nytx>n Thursday visiting a t the evening guests of 1MI'. and Mrs. h me of MI' . and Mrs . 'Webster Ross Planck. Tinney. W . and Mrs. I..e.wrence HardLn. Mrs . Robert Ta.ylor is ver y III at and son, Jimmy, called on Mrs. her home in COrwin . Nettle Tinney Sunday afternoon. • • •
· ..
MJss Ethel Beekman 'spent the
0u6. .,
. . . II . .
oeD' a
,..reI. minimum
·. .
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Missildlne ha.d as their Sunday evening guests !Mrs. lliJVelm Pringle of Day-oon and e I'Oft BAL1Il - Wattlna Prod ucts at Mr. and Mrs . Dav13 Furnns. 21 If. BroIIdlraJ. Lebanon. Open Mr. e.nd Mrs. A. H. stubbs aud
..... lie. A W.' Acllnllerl~ for .... .... .. eJauJed ~, 8e 11 word.
~ for
: QlIIl ~tDer.
~"eillence .
Pllone .88 L.
p....... .
- A.
IMJJII PryU8. 3 to f, pounds. T. oberry, p'bone 2827. 4c
ft. d1n1na. room. 900d condition. ~I Barveyllbuqr, O. f,
~ &ALB 8 ~ ~uare).
e.' .•• ".,..,
'~ ----
L08'1\-"R" GuaUne Hation book. Georp L. NW, R . R. S, Waines'liJlj, otdo. '31 J
aDcfO IIUOIlne
· . . . . ooupm boc*a and tire inIIP8CtiDD reconl, IA.IDtIn Puu,r~ "'WaJI1esv1lle R.I. ·Pbone BIDIIroak IIIIOM. UJtn-~,.
book ' '!I1th UoeIIIe NO. 618 liP. Chatles
LeIiQ. Wa~ IroUie ~ · .M.
3 or
kIt.cben dIaJtB, ~irola.
S-burner coal oil atove, ' ldtchen ~lnet. work table. woocl:!~"1 set . . . . . . 1Ira• ..J:tta. . 8t!rnball, R. .R. I, wa\ynesvwe. Inquire of ~ .iI'r8elancs, WB1tlesv1lle, Route 1. 10 PQIR, 8AJ,JIl.-tTeed CUe
· er ~th ' c:ba;k row,
Other Everli'1gs . By Appointm nt
bot feeder, ~
wood, 11ke new, f40. 1-2 mile eaat of l;Y.tle 'on
W8.Jn1!ll~e road.
.... 8ALII - A bargain that may
..... iut much
Dr. C. E. Wilkin Optometric Eye Specialid ' 26 S. Detroit St.
Xenia, 0
corn plant-
.ao.oo;· 12-hole
lonpr. 200 sheets
Are-You Protected?
or loocUloDd paper. 8X9~ •. !pO
~~ a.ll
aDd adIir_
1IIaIm~,~~ ,
POB· 8AoLB -
in.,nth printed· With tor fl.tiO at the
~ counter
' aDCl, .~ , c..i. ~' tie_ at
..Out' ·· ..,..,.. ~ Ohio, Phone 2'l1li.. ' ., 10
'c~ 01' .ftWx8 "'e1tilb to tIanIt"our
. ' "IIINM" ._
fdeDda &D4
tbeIr · 1dDdn". &lid dlffteUl~ . . " . *,*",altman
dUdac tDe
Old ......sazw. lbII ......
~~ ~ .~
Tyler P urn lt-ure Store at D ayt.on nta well into ow· 'Pr es ~n t day life and buSllless and furnishes the pubUc ~lth a scrvice tMt entitles t hem to a large patroDa g~,'luld well deserved b,W?Is an lmtltut!.on that
ooss. . People, who are s cddenly transf ned from one city to another, or
who ~or other reasons desire to break up housek.eeplng, 'Will fi.nd this store is 11 ' ready purcha~r of the oomplete outfit, 8S they deQl In eve-rfthlng in the rway of housefurnlshlngs and are a.ble to offer In yo~
t o do Is to get. ~t to them or to get In wuch with them and you-will be a~:ured of lair treatme-nt. 00-..- - - - - - - - - - _ - " OHlears, industrial <worker s and key men, who have been transferred a nd who wa nt to furnish a home completely, or just want to piCk up a few pieces or wa.nt some Blrticle to match with others, wlll find here a wonderfUl assortment that can be bought lar under the market for HOURS: new goods. Otten they have ex.cellent pieces tha.t have become an9-12 each morning Uques IIind i t will be <worth yoUI' 1-5 afternoons except whlle to stop l.u frequently, as ·t hey are doing i l.a.rge puslness, With Wednesday merchandise cOming and going and 7-9 Saturday evening have many ibarga1Ds .
JIOR 8AUI - II8ll box. s1ua llU1l, prdeD plow, ' cream separator, CGIdIDa' bed. eewlna mach1ne.
Now a t 940 E. Fifth St ., and Formerly 1056 W. ThIrd St., Daylon, Are Beuer Able '1'0 Tnke Care Of Their Growing 'I rade . . . Buy, SeU and Tmde U sed FUnlllure, Housel ot.I GoGds. Coal Ranges, Stoves, lI,ad ios, Rugs, Pianos, Refrigerator.:!, Btr. . . . Greatly AIllin g Otflcers anD I' eople Going Into :l~' !ltary ' icc Or Meeting. New ollditions By Their Ilonest Ap. pralsals, Fair Prices and Square Dealing . . . Gertrude Tyler,!'top.
f6lll1ly had as t he!.!' Sunda.y gul!Sts Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heaton and 'daughter of Gemuwtown . . . • '1' I. HEmlock 7612.
Mr. a.nd M rs. fWil.lter Whitaker AoevleDe or electrIC. Bee Blll Lee, and daughter entenalned to dinner 0rDdarf ~. R. 3, WaYIle5v!J1e. on Sundey, Rev. and Mrs. L. C. lRadley and Miss Lois ,Radley, honW.t.IrI'S:D-.AmIQue fIrearma; muz- oring Mrs. Radley, who was cele•• bdlDIr r1tltS. etc. Send price brating her birthday allo~1 versary . *lid ~ to Boz M. Waynea ~ <lido. " 5-4 Mr. and Mrs . Glenn Borden entertained to dinner Perry Borden) IMA W&L ,PAPER. 8AMPL1!B- and).{r. and Mrs. Oiliton OWens •_ em at ID1 hol:rie. D. E. 8tIIDdu0rG. WIQDElllvtlle. 01110. ·20 anet de.ughter of Springboro. H you oome early, you maY' get a FOR BAT.J!-'Ibree palra of margood Sea~ ~ see "Peg 0 ' MY' Heallt" , ~ ourtaInI. four pai rs knlt at the W. H. S. audltor!.UIll> on May ~ wttlllbOrt.OD8I to ~b 5, ~944. at 8 :15 m. ·' ; ." ad ODe pair duIJaak. drap!,s (en• AbeU>. KrI. A. T . Oberry. Phone IF'Ireman FIrst Class .o a.rl 1.. Cook ~2827. 2'lc of BoI$ln is enjoying a few days ~
TlulDks anll week-end at the home 01 her pa.,......... are ....... for at Ute renta in Hillsboro .
Mr . and Mrs. L. C. S t . J ohn with Mrs . May Weatherall of Engle wood, Fla .. wt>re Sunday guests O! Mr. and Mrs . Herbert Lucas ot S plingfield . .
seama n James. Edwar ds of the
naval st,QUonat New;pori' News, v1s~' Ited r elatiVE.'! her e Monday . Seaman Edwards Is the SOil of Mr . a nd Mrs . Cpl. Paul F. Smlth, son of Mr: Herbert Edwards and 8T\"n dson of and Mrs . Fmnk A. Smlth of Way- Mr. and Mrs . Ruf Us Watkins. .. .nesv1l1e, has ' returned to COlumbia, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Earnhart S. 0., where he is sta.t1oned at a nd. sons were Sunday guests of Ft. JackSon otter 1\ week'l'J furlough. Mr. a lld Mrs . F . E. Thomas .
Dial 2111 -
with h is parents, Oharles Cook.
, daugh ter and Mr . and . Mrs.
_ ARE YOU TAKING A I CHANCE ON LOSING' YOUR RIGHT TO OPE RJ . I ATE. A MOTOR VE- ; HICLE ON , THE PUBLIC H,GHWAYS7 . I' • . nat , Inaure yourae'I f asza damalle to. property of othera and death ' or .i~ jUry Claima. See or call ....
WAYNBSVlLLB;'Omo Telepb'D.e 23fl
------.. - ..
-- .- - - -- --
·m: .
The White"Kitchen Ville, Is A POlnWlr For peopfc All Over This Section For Good FoOd : .. . . 'Open DaU,. and Sunday from 10:00 A. M. to 1:00 A. M. . • . Fea{ure Lunches, Dinners and A La ·4~ade Sl!I'Vlce. Ac.tractiveJy Served" : : . Under the Direction of Carl' Enochs, Who Welcomes AI! • . . TeL Centerville 7601.
~alllel'Oul Hlgb Blood Pre18ure f.-aentlal Hypertension) Is usuaUy 1I1arkecl by dlltrealing symptom I ,u41b .. dizzlneu, thrObbing headI achel, eleepleame.1 and nervou~ :..811. U disregarded, this may leael ·to Heart Trouble. Stroke, Paralysis, liard$DIng o( the Anenea 01' KidDe,. TroUble. Diamonexl dilcov~ ~t • heart specialist, Is aellgned to qulckl,. aiel in the relief of the.. diI~ aymptoml. The White Kitc:hen at Centerville A Cbl~ realdent says: "I auf. Is a popUlar center 11>r motorists tf1'ed from Bleh Blood PresSUl'e tor eeveraI 7eal'S with fneroaslngl)' and the local a~11 tre.vellng PUbllO MYere tUobbq headaches. dlul- lind h8S taken a. }:)rom1nent place In , bela aJIIl Ihortneaa" ot breath. J aJIcrftd the DiaaIonex formula to the sooIal and business' life of ~ ~ dodor and, on hia advice, tr.Iecl section. _ treatment for two WftQ under They Invite you to come In just ~~loaI condltlou as previoul tnatmenta. Within on17 three up as you are, one lilt a. ~~me or a. batalDI7 1114 lI_dacb. and diuy apelll lion. They 'can make you teel as . . . . - . 117 bJlb bloodtfnresaun though eating wer'e the most ple8sant thing in llfe' ·- and' if you eat teL..au..-dlfferent waya to aid ~ here, this is not' far wrong. Tlley. ,_ ...u.t oftbeHdaD~UI a~ serve good fOOd and at mOderate prlcea • ..... ofteil ftnd that DWbonex h.. They .secure ,tile ' very best at fresh 'fruJts and ' veSete.blea 'J1 , . II' from High 'Blood and have peopi~ who knoW 'h~W to ~ ~ ma1 .t Iy DIAMONEX wttIioat.1'IIIIIq a,PlIUl7.I'To intro-- .prepare , t hem In( 1t.be most- a.ppetlzdace tIli wonilerfal treatment to Ing f88l11on. . ... mlDion . . nUerera th.. liberal The service is eQually sat:lsf8lctolry, VIal OUR it mad, for a limited )whether ~ur or":r. be l~ or I $ad .~~.• 10G0 to tlIe Dlamo~ a.nd you ' "re tI1a~ to fe~i that your Com~~ 1Jl8-A Nonb 14lchl. .~ ,Aye;t' Chlcaao, 11lInoia tor a fuJI patronage is ~ISd and aPPrec:le.tTWv weoka . alipply of ' genuine cd by the mana,ement. The White DJAIIONEX. prepaid. U.. DI~ monea aceonlbjc to the Ilmple ell. Kitchen is clean ana IIIlnitpy. and reetIona fot only two week.. H, a& all the surroundUlip are .pleasa.nt In tH. end of that teat perloCl you an everY way. The Il~ Cond1t1~ del/.tttecl with reiulta yoUI' good and bent, you may partake rno~ wiD be refunded itnm!dlatel, on ~"t. 'J'Iiere-are 110 pf dinner ~ In the by-gooe dap. atrl~ 01' co~onl-YOu owe It to :roantelf to make thl, 'Wondenul DlJUng bere leav. pleasant memqr.
Mrs. E .. B.
On Arctic Ma,teuvers
If I
electecl aheriIE of Warren County 1 a ..~re the
votera of \~e ~ounty that 'lhere ' be complete c~eration. and harmony between the aheriff's office and the police de-partmenta or'the villal.ea.
Thia ia aa it ahould be alwaya.
.boul~ .', 'I work tOlether i'; barmony and aa 'aheriff l 'wOuld want a~d Jnli.t~ , ~ on aucb a ~ol'kin, arrangement. t The varioua law enforcement agenciea in the county
;r~nJ:~: ~T. t~J:: meatS,
.. 0..
&eta at once. Write toda, .. WI
• • II tvJl, I'U&t:Ul&e~
I . ,I Ii!
. ...
W"l .f f,SVlLLK.
THtJRSDAY, MAY 4. 1944.
LoCal Flyer Is Reported Missing
Services aturday For Gladys ·De Voe
Lt. 'R abert L. !Planck, 23. has The Mothers"'clUb will hold their been mJ.sslng in action. since AprU !lnal meetint oi tlbe school year 13. after a m.!i;sion over Nazi terri- Friday (tomorrow) SIt the O,r ade , tOl'y, h1s ilQrents, Mr. and Mrs. bulldlng. The meeting will be held Pl&nck at Route 1, W8IY'lJI!&- a.t 2:00 p. m. lIChool time or 3:00 e, "Were recently told . The young p. m. "f68t time." uyCl', who has been ' In England At this meeting the election of IIlnee Decemtler. is a. fighter pllDt. . cfor the coming year !WW be Two days befqre he faUed to ' re- elected. ' turn from the misslon he met IUs Mrs. LydIa. Vandervort, fl1'llt 'bl'oUler, StAff Sgt. 'Roy Planck. 20, president at the organization. will 6Umewh.e re in England. The two be the gUeSt speaker and members had not seen each other for more ot Ule Lebanon F. T. A. will be than 0. y~ar. SSt. Planck is a teJl trUesta. :All other paat presldent.& of gunner on a he6vy boIbber. the club are UI'Ied to be present. Lt. Planck graduated from RefrealuDeDt. wUl be served. ,WaynesvWe high sc.hool and was ' ' t ot PABTY A.T YE~W SPRINGS employed 'at the ' Moie.me ~ \_ . BONOBB MRS. LEBOY SHAW Io'rigida.ire division at Mo·Mrs. Lero1' Shaw was honored at tora corporation before ' tiD8', He eDlJ8ted in the au ClI:t1'PII in a mJacellaneoua shower recently in July. 1942. at IPatten!on Field and the home ot'DIther Shaw. Rmlte 1, tram there was sent to the ~~- .YelloW Sprinp.Refreebmenta were rville Army Air oPQn:e Olasll~won aerved 8Dd a color ICheme of p1Dlt cen.ter. ,Later he was sent to Max- and white waa can1ed out. welllFi.el<1, Ala•• and than to Ol"G.nSe Thoee 1D attendanCe were: MrB. burg. S. C., tor pre-fll~ht tru1D1Dg. Earl Crawford, Mrs Robert. SchneJdtHe was given adv&nced flYiD8 1D- er. lI1'IS. Viola ........... ...;,."....... ....IMarer. --... st~ona at Greenville, M1sa., and jorie Oeake and daughten. Kath.1')"I1 f1n1shed hJ.s train1n-g . and recelv,ed.1 and u.wendolyn. Mrs. ArvWa Flook. ""n _n urin"" and 1"," at .........ver .,.....~ oornm on iMnI. ~ LIttleton. iM1as l4a1y orals P1e14. Ala October 3 llK3 ., on , . K . 1'·I ~. JoIra. ElaieBanlbart, Kra. , Marle ~. Mn. NeWe Y~ STEAKS ~ . BOA8TS ONLY and daUlrbt.er, Doria. Mra. Anna. Oar • MB&T NOW RATIONED ter and dauahtera, Bai-bua and AU. pl.8&t exCept st.ea.k8 J,tId maSt lRacbel, Mrs" Edna.
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Mrs. Gladys DeVoe. 48. passed .,way Wednesday evening at the o'clock !Wednesday evening at the Mlaml Valley hospital in Dayton. Mrs. DeVoe. a resident of Route 3. Waynesville. was admitted to the no,,;pltal March 27. ~he I.s survlved by her motner. Ml'lI. Minnie Corroll of Fra.nIdin, four sons. ,Russell. of Dayton; Charles, in the anny In Texas; Josepli. also In the army, stationed In New Guinea. and Rlohard, o! New Lebanon. ~eral services will be held Saturday at 2:00 p. m. at the Stubbs Funeral Home with Rev. J. P. Thornberry of Ha,rveysburg, officlatlng.
Soundphoto-Secretary of Navy Frank KnOll: r~enl:ly stressed the importance of the terrific wAIlops delivered to Truk and Parau and t he m~nner In whl,eh these terrific victories had. stepped up the pace of the Pacific war. The arrow indicates the direct line of prOgTesl, Not shown in black is the re. cent conquest of ·the air bases around Hollandla, big Jap a1rbase on tbe North coast of Dutch New iluinea. Pos!:ession of these airbases will put MacArthur's bombers within 1000 miles of ·the
Cold Springs Tavern. one mile south 'o f Waynesville, 'WhIch haa been closed since la.st tall, tW1ll reo open Saturday lUlder the management of Mrs. LUllan Crone . . Mrs. Crane plans to open the establlstunent at 8:00 A : M . a.nd cl08e at midnight. !Pla.te hmchee and dinners will be served . A ' special chicken dinner is planned for Sunda.y. _ _ ____
Sohool News'
tis Case Is Reported aer'e Jimmy Bradley, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradley. who live a
short distance south of WaynesvUle. ls r eported to be Butferlng with meningltis. Although a number of cases of the dread disease have been evtd!mt l'ecently in southern Ohio, thla is ,said to be tbe first case in th1a immediate vicinity in more than 20 years . lDUe to the highly contaglous na.ture of Ule Ulness, a number of children who have recently been in contact lWltb the young patieDt, are being. kept out of school. 'Double prlvate servioea w1ll be conducted 'l'hursday (today) a.t the Arthur fWleral !rome in .Wllmlngton !Or two cousins who died wit.hitl! ~ hours of each oUler of spinal men,.' ingltls. John R. Patrick, three-year old san of Melvin and Myrtle PMlick, died Tueed&y night. at McClellan hospital, Jt:erua, of Ule dia;ease ,which had taken his couain', Denver Lee Brealdleld. lMOOda.y night. John Is 5UrV1veO .,y his parents &nd a brother. Burial I.n Port Nllllam cemetery.
GraJ\ge T0 Ini"tiate Twenty Candi~-, t'e. QA . i~':~:Ut ~~=:~~3fO;mme!::!
LueWe Ruat, IC'S. Anna 8yman, Senior Class Play in the 11rst and ae0cm4 deMrs. Opal He q , 114m. iArthana N~ ~~ Hoora.yl At last. the time for your gI'\!CS at their meeting to be beld " SCOU. JWa& ~eti.\e IShaw, N1aa ~ ~ f~ ~,~ date -with "Peg O' Ms' Heart" has in the loca.l hall Saturday ntibt. Kathryn 8ha.w, UiaII Jean Ferguson. I,,, ~ rI ' .rA ~ arrived, an appointment ,which has Following the ceremonies, • Ibort Mn. Lena, . . . and daughters, 0 ' ~a.ilj." " .. • .,-' long been arranged by' the distln- program, fee.turl41i Arbor Dar and Mary LU apd ':HUey, Mn. iMal':tbA MIami Ohapter 10'1 O. E. S. held gul.shed W. H. S. Sen lor class. Mothers Day IW1ll bIi PreMDted. 8ba.w arid dauahtoer Charlotte, the their annual . inspection Saturday Mr. ~ Mrs . K. 1~. Elzey lind Mr. and Mr!l. Luther HMtsock and This comedy. a world wide play, The Juvenile Qra.nge held a popapd Iile guest at honor. evening' with Mrs. Netta M. sulll- dl'lu,nter. Ka,rjorle. ofO)ayton; '05 it - ' son, Mr. and MnI. Joe Kersey lind now comes to your very door. com sale Sa.turda.y and cleared TIIII8B MORE OHIO van. Worthy Orand :;tron, of cd 1!iIr. and Mrs .' Waltor Elzey Sun- daughter, Me . and Mrs. . Willard Be on ha.nd with ,t he Senior oiass enough money to plaDt thelr tlW WBBKLY PAPEBS $USPEND Lkna, as In.speICt1ng of!. . day altemoon. !Kersey and daughters . Friday evening, lMay 5 at 8:16 p , m. on the Orange lot . n-. At 5:30 a dell110us dinner W&ll • • • • • • (fast time) when they present "Peg . . I the local a SCHOOL 8£N10R INJ1.IlUI:D 1:. Benjamlh Yale, who has pub- served by the lad!es u. iMlss Vlrgl.nla. PI'ef1ton. ha·...... ...... Mrs. D. C. Ridge had as ,h er O· My Heartl" Ushed the Waynesfield CbroDklle GI'BIlge orpniZat.1on in the Masonic ocxilpleted her freshman ye84' at Saturday over night guests. Mrs . Comm~rClal Dept.. ~ Rubh McKeever, daUshter of" f<ir ta years. hu been COIJIII8Uecl to d1nine room W'~ was very ·at- · Dennlaon Unive~ty. js now a.t !!etta M. SUlllvan 01 LIma. Ohio, The Gregg company has Issued Mr. and MrII. Will MoKee>ver••, IIU.IpeDd .publ1aa.t.loD cD ItDOOUDtt.' or ~ractive wlth large mntaJne.rs of home with her pannta, Mr. and 'aDd Mr. and Mrs. ,J. A. Robetts of the following typing awards: member of Ule current ~) It ~ .mut.t. DOW'lut. fiIUr 'w ar OODCU*~ .xl Jack of help. floWering ClU1DCe and t~ :,(l1n1n1I ~ !,!l;. P'P.!!-- oaitcm. Mrs . ~ . ~~i ests, Tlle . Compellent 'I'Yl>1st certificilte qlaaa eot WayDel5,U1e ~ ' ,iObGOl, 1Datea41 of two &II here~~ Bla oUMr ....... \be ~_ Trl- tab1ea arraIIIfed with tall wllite mel' vClC&tlon. With 1I1Ba-ueIen IDeaenblU'(J of"IJma, goes to Orace !Reynolds for hoYing was painfUlly in,JUri!ct 8UDdar""" 00uDty' sun' abiI t,be .J&cboD oem- tapirs, 8pdragons, stock and nar' •. " • eoJoyed SUnday _~ at the typed 33 words per mmute on 6 q when she fell while ter News. 'were . . . ~. Yale cIaaus. Sta.nIord Bolan. WaynesVille'. "Wlab1ng Well" in OentervU1e. ten-minute test. Ruth . iMoKeever hun a car and atruclt her bead. SIX MEN .taE 1NDtJc.!nD . J JlIfTO Aaamo FO.w~ BY wu le1t.' alOIle. .... lWI four.aoa I'OllOWlng the dllmer a.bo;ut ~o noted deaf artist, in~entor' scmg • • • received the cOmpetent 'Ily;pl.st. cer•. . LElL\NON DILU"r ~&.D in millt&r1 aervIce Uld WlUl DO htIlP' bundred guests a.nd membel'll ~- CODlI)OBer· aDd sign pa!inter. re~ Mrs. Bobert Ben-y and 1hl8it1t tU1cate lor havq typed 51 words HAPPY HOUR·CLUB MDTII and no priQtera anllable, he' atata eemblecl III the Ma.sonic Hall for the he Ia lea.vlng TUeaday for Mexico OIl son; RobelIt WUliam, 'Were Sat'urdaY' perDiliiiite . .- - - - - -- --1- ODe .r~yne&v1lle ~ WI6 ~ tbere Was DO otber ooune. full1n1t1atory work' whlch was giv~ a. buIIinesa trip and that he will be guests cif Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis. G. L Jamboree The HappY Hour club met at tbe' the '~ induotecl · into the · afD*I , , tor five candidates. All omcera gone for a.bout three \1I'eeks.· . . .". Red paint, ' d\.smembered hen, bome ot"Mrs. Anna Boe.k '1'I1eId8¥ ~ J'ec)@t1y bY Wam.u county AW4Jl.DBD 'PUBPLB IlEABT ... -~ ~..."t the ladie& in formala • '. ' Bole for mother" on Moth- · hed _.". d-- atted' b,-o.-h t ft ; ternOQU. Mrs. ' Luther aait.loctit · ,.. ~e pr........ , ' l4r. and Mrs: Har~rey' K. ersStationery Day. Netwola Boxed .atatiooery 1IIQU811 ............ va·· ......... 0, 8eleotlve service Board No. a at The I'Wple IBeut. baatJeeD or pastel shades with bee.ut1ful 001'- and daughter. Jeanne; ~ere w~k- at Ule Gazette office imprinted tWith sunshine sUase. fl'Ozen cat beer &nd became a member at thl.8 ~lDIr, ' Lel»Qoil, Be ' js W1lIoo Van Cleve. .lPYt. Vlrgtl J. p.~ sa(!e8 and the men J.D ' C!B;k ~t.a\ ~ lPlests of Mr. and Mn. Lester name and address for t2 00 cold blanltets, toba.OOo Juice, Q . 1. servMedtel'd'etbellc1o~US ....,,-b:.-,............ ~ Be. . ~ the to1low1Dl <were induct- awar~ .to . wlUl whIte buttonaire&. The Kenrick ' • ...~ _ '. " lemonade...... nit an, d d ....... at W"· the ~.,..""' for oataandlng ~1ce in the Ita!va" _ ed <tile ~: Pled Bop.n. Bar, Ulorthiy.·Orand Matron and ' Deputy \, . . • • Dr. and Mn. stout and daUgbter menu ,10 O. I. Jive of ,the Junior- membel'a and trUest.. WfI~.;j Harold Brant and Kipl,- !aD ""'Dl»1In and be baa ~ fobe Y· medal to' h!a 1*nD~ Mr. and lin . .Orand MaUOD. ~ere each , greeted Mr. 'and Mrs. J. O. Cert'wriIbt were sunday guests ot Mr. and 8entor banquet which w~ beld last ~ ell 'Leaoll of Morrow. 'nle)o were t»lymlre Or Wa~e, B. with a beautllul vocal solo and ~h qf CInclnna.~ a.nd daugbter. , MIa. Mrs. Walter Klayer and da\l8hter Friday eveDlng. Thl8 social gaUler.B.EAL ESTATB' . ~K&Y~ • . . I. • presented ,wIth·eo lovelY orehld. MrII. David White and ~~lrhter of New in ClncLnnati. iDe, aponaored by the' Junior claas, Among re(!ent real estate ' ~ . Carl' Judd Of ~ and Karl He ~ he 'Is . . to set ",. O. Radley and' ~. M. A. York Olty. were Sunday guests, of •• " . . . in honor of the Bta.tely Seniors fera tssued in Warren county, ,.,. KlDner, Korrow, were a.ocept.ed by aroimd OIl mdbes and '. he ~ Pulkeraon were the sOlolsts of the ~. Hanna.h RoSers. Mr. and Mrs. Q. E. rudY aD4 aDd the,boys from ibOUl cla.sses wbo Ult tollOWing: the Navy,.'AprU 3'1. • , , - ........' e~"-t.-.... _ _ _ evenlDir· . , . ""'_"Art 10M, J1mIJJy> and Donny, or I?aYton. now . ~ In the a.r~d forces. Perry L, Earnhart to W. ~ ' - '__-L'.-u.. •-_ _ ..... - chaP fer ......... !Mr. &nd Mrs. IE . F. - ...... 11 -..... _ ....: ......,... ,-,. ...... P_ . ....., ~"""'.ved a. gra de of were 8UDday cUnner gueets of' Mr. Th'80 dln1n-., 1'00ID was- deco......... •.....,.. and CaUle tIn e M. '..... ..........,. ~.. EASTEBN 8TAB JIEB'1'DIQ to ~UDI .... .,..... . . . . . "" . _ _ _ a.ttended a dinner honoring the 'te escellenoe OIl their WON after which and lira. Walter Praaure. with patriotic an~ army ~Is acres f.n Clearereelt twp• . llec birthday aDJUversary c)f their grand • • • M1am1 0bIlP~ 0. , Eo 8 ; will a .' , in Dayton Sund",~r . . ..._ and representa~ons. Chains of red, ,W1U1alD'G. Christ.te to Btn& 1'1&a co tlon was taIuJIn tor.providing meet 10; ~ aess10n ~ .....w..-. '. tood' to be sent through the Red 'Mt'j , . .bel Anderaon 'of Ft. An- ....mite and blUe dr84lecl from pillar terson .Jewe~, 31.66 IMlreII J.D MaIIW . .. ~&•...,Q III 'l'SINIDAD ." • • .' i-t h h..... "'Hn f nJPlt. _ . a~ ' I ____ . ' . OllOlla to' oveDJe8S prlsoners. Foll9wMtB. Melvln Banta w&II ,tbe week- c.,.~. w 0 as ...... en. ,ape~~;;n,; ....... ;:;,~a~ew~~u~~.J!!!~~~'-.!!!!tI!~~~~~~_:_:::;:_;_: 8\JD1d.&1. (-~ 7, baa been set .. Al ~, wbo, Is employed by lng)lo prayer tor peaA:e and safe re- enO. guest of her parents; M:r. and d8yS here 'With her h' jeeps, bOOts. alrplanes, steamers. CbUfcb Day aDd every O. ,B. f!: QIo All' 8entoe ·~m...d In Day-, ,tum ' ~ all In servic;e, lee : cream Mis. John Fromm. t.er-in-laiw. Mr. and Mn. Russell and aa.nons decorated the five long _ • _ , ~nt1ey, retilmed to ber home on tables, four of 'WhIch were arranged · ~ember Ia Il1'P4 to attend ~ ~ Is on an· lzDPot'tialt mi.UIOD In' and ·cake were served in tbe dining. in IIOIDO Church.. • ,,' Mrs . Clarence IMI!J!8more (Betty Wednesday. Mrs . .Andersen 8it1d her 1n the form ol; a "V". The !if~h oonnectlaD ~ 'bia PQiIlUoD. DurlDI 'room. At t.be 18at ~ ... apec1al in- bIa trip he ~ ViaAt. PU8l't.o ·RicO c;iueata were preSent from Llma, . Mardis) spent several days laat buabaDd operate the museum at Ft. table at which the speakers sat was vitation to attelXl\ ~ I at rijIe Uad ' Tr1nlclad, DU1D8 the trip b,y Portsmouth, ~anklln. Clnc1nnaU. with her .sister. Mfa. Harvey Anclent. placed facing Ule "V". ~ethodJat. church 0Il1\be *ve Gate plme. . . . '. " Wllmlngton, . HilImOro. :Hole; Mr. and ~. ~i Fife and M1ss After the dinner~Toa.stmos~r rwai received frOm L. O. R&d. . . OTeeDf1eld, OIaraville, Xenia, OxMr. and' M~. John KUaey 'had a.sh1ngto jack CJ'&ne led the Juniors. SeniOrs "'''·ft_.~ ley and was accepted. ., . ~8 PROnaTr AGAIN SOLD tord. Dayton &nd ~ other ciUes. ~:!e ~~ of the~; ~~~~ and tacUlty in group slnging. Fol. :Membera j ~ ~}:o ~''''''~ m ' .-..:.1..:--" ' as their week-end gu.ests, J4r. and a-"lowlng thls, IRobert Bernard'. Junior the ~\ll,8· at Ul";z"idtbe ~ ~ former ~ BIeII 'Property Mr. and MrS. Forest !Meeks of 1Mn. Hollis Emery a.nd f&mny ~ of, and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. ·Lester cl8ss president, extended a warm in a body tD .. aectloIl- ~ 'IOtt' at. .!abe western edIe of W~ lDQtOIl:were Sunday f\lestB of Mr. Oreen SpringS. Ohio. Mr. and MrB. Gordon. _ttng to their .......,ts, the seniors. ., • e 80ld SaturdaJ by Elmer. Weller Kersey' o.lso had as BU_ guests, • • ... ~~ D_W the cbapter. of lItIr.fAIIl' to -'a C and 'oora B and __ Kl's.,..-._H __._B_._Eambart_ . _ _•______________,;..-...___-.-_ Mrs. V. 'M. ~tage' visited Juliet ¥cOoy, repres~tJng the ' . Fearl IUd&e, W. II. .. .' . ..' IrleDd/J in OinclDnati Monday. Senior class. responded. to the welFo:' . ~ ~\.~'Y. ~ Ba,mlltlOll • .¢be I8Ie .~ come. ' Next, in memon' of the , r " , .... tbr9uIb ,w. If. ' Oharles Anderaon is convalesc1Dg , _ , GlAND . ,. • was~ ,. drafted classmats. Martha. Ea.rly deLOC , 'u, sorft.. ... _ , .-;:~ ~l at h18 bOOle here a~ter b.I.a recent livered a message of rem1n\.scences. " --- '~ .~ anil · Mrs. operation. Be wa.s re.t urned· home Clas1ng ~emarks were lIU,lde by the laat Thursday evenlDc. superintendent; Mr. R. VI. Brad. dock. lk. and iMrB. Howard Hurley anel daugbter. Mrs.' Aunt' 'WuUam-. . Alter a fmv jalUlty' and sprightiy \ games. which ended the session IIi SOD and .Mrs, JOIlluh DaV1B .were the eafeterla. the merry-inakers adIBUnda.y. aI~Oon cuesta of J:b' • Jo~ed to the aucHtorlum whIah &nd MrS . LlpYd Da,=ls and sons. was decoOlted with red, whlte II4ld ,MT .•llC~, .~. ' ·:~es ,Bunnell , stree.mers descendq in. domeand cSau8hters llad' aa theif S\IJlday lnte D,lanner ·from the oelllnc !lIrbtli. dlnn ' eeta Mr ' d Mrs obaa The Juniors and Seniors ended thl.s • . an ' ' . • ooCaston with "--ninn set to , er gu IDpeter ~ daughters ' of Harvey&~urg. They w~ Jolneo by Mr. abet ttit musIc at th,e "Oampus · Yra. J. L. Wille 'and BOD aDd Mr. from Wilm1DgtoD. lind. ~. Ernest Edg1ngton lat I Sunday evenms supPer. " '
beet IItoame ratlon-free at mldnteht y nJgbt. QP.A.·S decla1ul to e all wlB ot port; veal, . Jamb aDd: tton and all other raUoOed eIIl8Pt !M!ef &t.ea.IIB and routs) • "1el'0 pol.nt value" unW lurther DOtlce,. retlecta the recon1' run or hop continuing ,to come to man.et... ''800<1 IlUPply" ot lamb and mutton. and 4laice bItc:.kJoI Gl .the oatlon·a .... ·Beefst."eab ID4 . _ - to reql.J1re ,from, I'OUta Will ~t1nue 7 'to 13 red polDtos .. pound. However, ~ nest Sunday, the reel ~ a.UowaDce ·of 30 ~t.a
'M iami Chapter B Ids In cti spe on
B . OD '
100 'Percent American·
'Imily' G. roup!
.p , t
".. • .
, P'J'AJ'B'f'!
• • •
I Mrs.
Marta ·S." EIbon retumecl , bere 8a~ a.lfter apendlnv ' sev- m1iiaIoner. baa 6IIlDOWICed ,t he ap~ IDODthI! in Oallto~. 8h~ ill polDtment of RJcharc;l ~ maIdDI her bomcnrtth 1I'l'J, L. M . . . w.arren oouIitJ same protector BeDdIaaIl. ' 'fat the dUr&tIOIl to suoceed 'Harold _ . &lid . ; ; ~ BIirden ~ D. BraDt WbO is in the anned foro.. 8aDcIIIt peat. Mr. &Del , MD. ell. ~ 01 t.Iie JIaIOId . . . . . or Jaaml..... iii: w.rrm 00Qnt.J ftIb U4 Game
as.. ar ~.
Proteot.tve UIIOCIIMIatD.
then the clrlldr n helped but this year we are g Ing to need more help a.11d everyone wl\o Isn't. work11lg to lull capacity Is going to "'bI.lve
Waynesvllle ...."OhIo
do so. ItDtINd AI second Ollua MaU ' Matter at. Postolflce, WaynesvUle, Ohl,o Sunday. The third Sunday a.!ter a l'&lny aster an.d It did not rain, Walter W. Wiseman, Editor an,d Publisher It 0111y looked as though it m.l.ght. The .Auto clUb magazine advises U8 ISS~ EVERY THURSDAY to drive to tIle coun'try 8.!ld then eut.artDUon Price. 51.60 Per Year, Payable In Advance take a walk and everyone seemed to be doing It today. EverYone nnd his N.tlollli Advertising R.pr... nt.tlve bl'O~he r were out hWltJng mushroom.s. Evcry pa.tch of woods beN&; SE.VI~E. IN~. twcen Wnynesville ' and ILebu.non had Its band of hunters, each Wlhl t\ pllper bag and n hs>peful lOOk. SOlDe of the bags looked full so SLme had been lucky. 1. think sprlng m ushrooms are vllSUy oven-ateel. I p)'o.rCJ· tbe foll ones but It makes a w n erful lXCuse to get out l.'lto the sPri1lg woods. Monday. Over and above the April 28, l~, Spring Is the most croP8. more food for us and for the \lDOOIIllortable, unaa.tlsfectory sea- world, I feel that spring has come :I11Ull f airplanes the voice of the 6OIl .of them all, a.t least tha t Is tbe at last because Ilt last IlIJI garden tractor was heard In the land toway we feel about it part of the Is started and I pla.nted two rows day, I could hcnr three of them gotime. Then comes a day l1ke t.oday of peas and two rows of beans to- Ing besldls our own model B. It and we forget the cold rain and the day . Those who ,ma[\a~ed to get a still looks like , rain and even • ' ~ and think only of the beauti- little ground ready in spite of bad sprinkled 0. few drop.~, It looked so fUl daY that it is. Spring beQuty Is weather and planted it In S))lte of much llke rain thls a!ternoou that never a.llke two days In succession. the cold now have peas and o~jons I llurried Lhe ohlcks in 'and shut. 'l'od&J there 18 a faint green haze and lett uce and rodl.shes well up them up ,bu t It didn't come. Most over the woods that will soon be and growing nIcely and mine are of ' the children In the ,n elghborareen leaves. 'nIe Wild plum ' Is barely planted . An.er I I11ld planted hood ml'iSed the school bus because wh1te qUnst the green. The red the peas I walked down through of the change of time" I see that bud ja m bloom and today the ap- the IWOOds looking for mushrooms there Is a b11l up In congress to go • pie tuct. deep pink thalt ·will be but whlllt I found was Bllrtie WIth back to standard t.1me during the pint '&DI!l 'Wb1te tomorrow. The air a nlce red aud white heUer calI. winter mont.hs but what we should 111 ..net with !:he plum blossoms The sunshine 'Was 60 pleasant that have a bill abolishing so-clll1ed iWar end IIIJIce bulb unless, of course 1 let the chicks out thls afternoon time entirely, There are some parts your JieIihbor 111 bauUng manure and how they did enjoy themselves Ill' the country that doubtless are Saturday. My workers put in a long glad of year round fast time bebut eWlll ,tba~ amen Is a smell of day's work today. My tenant tIJld cause their standard time is slower ~ and 8bould be plea..lng to the 'blg:ger boys kept the manure than sun timo j w.i; as ours W83 OW' DOIIe8 because ,U means better spreader golug all day while Paul when we were on Oentral Standard drove the tractor . They brought me tlme . The trouble 'With the whole over a wagon load ot rich, well rot- thing waS that they tlred to reguted scrapings from the bottom of late things from Washington withth pUe and this afternoon with ' out considering ~ 'conditions. the help or our two YO,ungest we Fooling Qurselves; U ~ple want gpread some of It QIl the stm'Wbe~ more dayllght ~ter work why not HORSES, HOGS, bed and put some around the rasp- ha ve an earller working day. It berries. It WIlS a perfect spring they can change store hours to $,Ult CM.VES, SHEEP, ETC., day. far too' nice to sta~ In the war workers they could change Removed Promptl, house" the klnd of day' to let the worldng hours If people wanted to. housework slide and 'be gardener or Tuesday, No rain yet though it Call fannet so we worked until 'I was look.ed like it all daY'. The tr9.ctors tired dnd sent my J1ttle hel~ have been runnlng full head. The home. :Et is sur.pr1sl.ng , l)ow mucG .Lebanon launo/Y Is a war casualty help the seven and nine year alders that rwe will all miss but we hope can be and It ls from the younger that It 'Will Iiot for long. There helpers that much of our added is also a shortage ', of dishpans. \production Is going to nave ~ When my old one sprung a leak come. The men and !Women who that 'We coUld not mend the ot.ber are left can not do mUch more day I only found one place in Leb;11 ............ , ... l>than 'they did IllSt year and even &.DOll that bad any and they had 1 ,'three and RIkes in Dsytan had three. ,They were' the only 'ones ' round In neighborhood. No alunimum' or tin Qnes at all, onlY , FOR th<l5e !few enat)1el ones, So your dishpans tenderly, I 'Wish they would make Some tin ones. I do not llke the porcelain or' enamel ones iUI well IlS the all metal ones. But now is no tlaie to warty about little things llke what kind of dishpans we can get, tbe one lniportant thing now is to back our forces to OF the limit that we may finish this thIng , 1lS soon as possible. How , about buying another wa~ band? .Experie'ncea - 6 Year. a. ,Deputy Sheriff Enough now may save drag'glng a W~r'd W~r I Veteran hl}lI hearted effort ~along tor years.
From A Farm Diary--Dry Ridge
QUICK SERVICE For Dead Stock c·ows,
Barrie," TIJe_
from ~ week) ./We trl!!d to eIltaDlish a church as some of the Qh1ldrEln or the na~ve born group lIirtew the name of our Heavenly Father onty till an ooth. The faithful few 'Wilo had been chureh goarll In the eut were ille only ones to attend, althou8h the mln.lster Ir.o m Sweet, II! smaU town six mUes ~way, came every, ot)ler Sunday and preached . 1 thlnk he was a. (Methodist; but X am not sure AS we did not concern ourselves . about 'allY spec~l denomination, but evel'yone waS welcome. One man who attended.' faltli!~lly W,1lS 8. Catholic. At that t1me 65 per cent of Idallo's populiltlon was Monnon, so that ,f aith may ba.ve been represCOn~ued
From an impllrtlal observer's seat, man autllorlUe6 ·belleve ~119t Stewart is now out 'of th ~ lead, and the F,[erberw are on top in the Republl()(Ul race lor Governor .- PaYne has ma~ suoh un.~ed headway in Stewart terl'1tor:v, that it llas leveled oft into anyolle"s race. SOme of the best obser\len are hInting that Tom !Helbert has the edge, because of the huge sta.te~wlde personal organization that h OS been built up- in his en ted also. ' campaign, following tile same outIt was nearing Euster when our line bhat gave SeuBtor BurtQn the minister an.noun<:ed that the minRepublican nomina,t1oll In 1940. Ister 'f rom 'I.'hunder Mountain would • be with us wben he held b1s next Many polltlcall lenders are regaln- services. We 'Were much <worried. It log thelr equUlbrlum after the seemed ali tor that ,man to J...ausche stamplwe for the Demo- come so liar.to visit our l1ttie school omtlc' nom.l.nat,lon tor Governor, house chureh and tlnd only a dozen and Ilre now coming around to our or so to meet bun. The 'W<Xllen ol'lglnnl views . . . "He couldn't win talked It over and solved the probIn the fall- Why nominate 1\ man lem . We would feed them. Whom? with two strikes on him? " . . . J83. Why ane one who alme to the EIIJIIW. \Huffman, with the support of ter service. Word Willi sent· out ~d hls fatber-in-Ia,w, Vic Donahey, is when the school bouse W83 opened coming !lP so Jrast that many ob- for services on toot important sUnservers are pre<uctl.ng lOW that he day, it could scarcelY bold the wlll Win. crowd. Every 'seat held. two gTown' ups and tm.e people were packed in The' MallOning Valley LawYer's around the walls. I dOn't mow Republican cluq has just sen t a. very surprising letter to Republlcan law- many were there but the m1n1ster from 'I'hunder iMt. ' looked them yers throughout the state. They over and sald, "I really didn't JtnoW Stl.ld, 'The ra'ce for the RepUbllcan tha.t so many pevple <were tucked nomination tor Attorney, General away in ,these hillB." , has settled dqwn to a contest beWe served covered dl.shes of all tween Qur looal Candidate, iMr. klnds and lata and lots of home Jenkins, and HI!lrbert iD. 'M.llls of made cak.e and Ice cream. It W8.8 a Dayton. Striotl~~ on the ba81s or success tram any /p?int of YJewqua1l!lcatlnns, we feel that .it 'wuuld be traCic to nominate Mr. Jenkins, onl~ they nev~ returned for ~ ordinary service. who only Ipl'acticed law for one year There was a debatlng ~ety that ~d hDJ; yet to try his forst case. met in tbe school h~ and there Mr. M1l1S is tMroughlY quall!led by were dances bere and there &1l over years of experience in the private the country. I attended one date practice of law and assistant Attorney General undllT C. C. Orabbe Br.Id not I\DY' dances . NY rerzeatlOn consisted of vlsltlng the near nelCband Special COunsel to Gov. John bars once in a Wtille. 1 re&.l}y; can't W. Brtoker ,wh'en he WIlS Atli9rney s&yi that any of ua JustWed the time General. we spent h~me6teadln8. All ¢ Ua_ • • • One contest Ithat all writers and l\Vere in debt and after we left one obServers agreed on, 'i n a poll tn'k en by one to creep badt to the hume during the ,R .epubllcan Women's pastures, 8. few of us made good, .' Rally in COlumbus,' is that George the otpers just kept even. H. Bender iWOUld wJn the .nomina.T¥re Is "doctor on the west tion, ~or lOO~~t-large by Ii 008Sb who as a 16 yr. olo Ooy carlarger majority that he has ever rled a gallon bucket ' or ley ~ld piled up in ,t he pQst: . . spring water to me " each. terrible summer day 80 that the baby CQUld , Vinton l\oIcVlCl~er, Scripps-Howard have a 0001 clr1bk. I SIUd 1.0 JWn political wrlter, says not ,to "sell one day, "Rli.y, it ~ so iOOd of yOUr Herbert Hoover- short" for the Re- mother bo' send this water every . , pU)ll1CIIJl nODlination for Lieutenant day." But ,be ~, "Oil, shucks, Governor in a. bii flel,d Or eight at M1z Fordyce, Maw hever told me ,the primaries ()n, May 9. to bring thJa. I Juat came of DI¥-
• •
O. ' ibid 0. certl!led cheek In an ,a mount lrnIT IPRlCE CONTRAOT , equal to five ' per ,cent. or the esUSealed proposals will be tecelyed mated cost, but in.no event more at tbe office ot the state Highway than ten thousand dollars. Director of Ohio, Ilt Columbus, 01110, P ;ana and speclfleationa are mt unW 10:00 a. m., 01110 5tanollrd tne in the department' of hIghways Time, 11Ueeday, May 23, 1944, for aDd the oU1ce ,of the resident dla. ' . trict deputy director. improvements 1n: Warren county, Ohl0, on parts 01 The iilrector reserves the rllht to Sections Morrow llnd S-l of the reject nny find all bids., . Oincimlntl-Zancsvillc Road. State State ~gh~~y,Bg~c:r. !Highway No. 10, U. S . Route No. ~ _ 22, in Saiem 'J;'Ownshlp and the ViINOTIOE OF APPOINTMENT lage of Morrow, by reSUl1ncill.g with Executrix ,Q-tnte of David CllUord Ridge, asphaltic or tar concrete. . Width: Pavement 20 feet ond Deceased. , 35.67 feet; Roadway 30 feet anrl> 40 Notice is he~y given that Ann feet. Pearl Ridge whose Post Office adLength 5,654.17' feet or 1,070 miles, dress Is Waynesville, OhIQ, ~ been Estimated cost . . .. . , .. $16,500.00 duly !llPpomLed l1li Executrix of the Contract to be completed .not Estate of DlLvid Ollftord 1Udge, late later than Juy 15,- 1944. of Warren County, OhIo, deceased. The mlnin1Um wBge to be paid to Dated this 27th day of IAprll, 19M. aU labor employed on this contract RIAiLPH H. OAREY, shall be III accordauce with the Judge of the !Probate Court "Schedule of Prevailing Hourly Warren Soun,ty, Ohio. Wage Rates Ascertained and Deter 18 mined by The Department of Iu- carl Abaecberll, Atty.
Serial' story of the ~ ~ext 'door )
.. .
.., .,
.t '
t's Don's story. Bat the name coald just ,as well
Jim or Bob or any other.
out fast by machines tftat were by plentiful" low-priced ' electric power. ,~. "
Pol. A4v.
FERTlUZER 'tOMPANY HARVEYSBVRG, 01110' Will pay $.2~OO for Dead Horaea, $1 ..00 , for Cow•. Sheep, HOI., 'Calve. ,
d,lta ',. , , I
REMOVED ,1l:0MPTLY , . -1_
.win give you a safe sound busin~ss administra,
; . !
_ :~ :O.£ ·c~~tY 'e quipment 'a nd .,i n: oUing , i~
~l~fhomes ' ~n,. Township road~ ...1 will use my , .
iRfluence to establIsh a place fo~ the detention ,' _ . . . \
01, Juve~e delinquents' out~ide o£ CouJ;ltj Jail.
'Y C?ur Support Will Be Appreciated,' REPUBLICAN PRIMARY MAY •
'Yayne.!tlle , . 2804"
, ti~~:·.~~1 £a~or c.opperat~on with Tf?wnship T~u$~e~s
~hone "
.. '
The ' opl, FerAlu,-, ....aI\,,, In ,
warreD, ~1IIl'': " '
litn ..
....... . ..
, . ..'
be Walt or
' . - And of ~ tbe.Dfth eoto' in the. little address boOk teally ~. _ ., ~asl.ft itfen written yet. Budt fIIJU b.- and we hope to have a band in making it come ~. " - , _ (" ' . When Do~ and ~llions ilke b went to war, ill!y were gi;;;:~ .the bc~t weapoll;S ad~ equipf!1en~ ~'tbe world; Ecr,dpment tumed .
. -. Wb~n these bo;ys:come hOme a~ electric ~wer wUi, be He seryed , through the war ready lD ,even greater,abundance _ tq, serve Dew Jndu.ttries and <World .War 1.) on a h()6J)ltal abIp, 'W. , ' leaving high &choal ~ enlI.at., He create ,Dew opportunities, 'I:'or pown- ,.des ."o,u,&lio" -":".lltltl W83 118 at the time, anc; work11;li ~ p,oilMction ",,,fees ;ob'$. . . . w~y ,t prough school, but be didn't . _~. , The el~~c Ijal!t ~d'Power companies are for peace want to taate the chance of tieing in,. "; as ~e~ were for war - thanks, to {orssisl\~ plaruiiog sound , tJhe ranks where ' be w'OOld be fOTUe<l b,llI"ess managc:ment. ' . , ' to 'kill. his fehowmen. The 1• • They're' keeping tates low .. rh •• 'they'~ supplying ri>n't ~~get to yote next Tuesday! obWlby) fa.oed 'girl in .t he school pl'Cw~ over 80% of Amed'ta'. electric: setvke _ the besl, as well as B6M' FOR AND CONSIQN 'turegrew up to be so pretty that .the·tfU1sl, that any.nation enjoys. . ' '., your "atUe, hOls, Sheep and caJYa ahe was eh06en~ Ml6e Idaho.... And to Norris-Brock eo.. liVe 1\'Ire and It goes" Some of u8 ' maWle_&OQd H• • ....~ to ~ ,.,.0.,.... eI progrel!llve "flrDl , fortbe bSlbest ancf Some 1)f , us /were . t.ban!r1Ul I tit. WHir, .YeIY, 1~ " ••",: " . ow.r ....... WHIO. ~' ' , market prices IIDd _dOd tentOe. . keep even. ' Union 'Stock y.1I'dI', , ClncbIJaMI. 0. . <me End) , ·Tune ' In Ra.dl~' a'-tloh " WCKY 1 And there yvu are; ~ Cood to~. out' ' d&uY frtend8. [ an thtnk of .. lot of 12:25 to 12:30 ,p.' market reporta. tlllntrs that' MO~ m.ight have wri~, ten ~ut' arid ahe could '!)ave told tJ:Lem most interest1neli,' but" abe " • ,DON" W~ '~lfy ClU"·,, 'IIN'fUriOrmJI · I ,,, ... '" " .. J .. ", I.QlClIl~',. ,- Wr1t1I!8 ls worll:, believe It
NOTICE TO ONTRACTORS <\ustrial RelatloD,!! _~~':'1cable ' -to TATE OF OHIO ,Stat Highway Del"'-' "".ent IIJ'DEPARTMENT OF mOnWAY provements in aCOOtdalloe with secCOlumbus, Ohl0, Aprll 29, 11144 tlons 17-S, 17-10, 17-4a, _ 1'1-6 . ~~ , E rI r Sales LeGal <;:oPf 17-5a' of Yle Gen~ral Code of OhIo , n neer ON 44-1.39 The ,b idder must 'sUb~lt wlt.h hla
Along' The Way
~ --,
From 'fhe Miami Gaz~tte ~'i1es J'IF1'BEN -YEARS AGO Mrs. 0, ' M. H4dge.. Joh1r Wbit, (Ma), 1; 1929) . airel', LIndley Mend6nha11 and 080. The Wayne TWp. Mothers club HendeJ'80n are drlvq llt!\IV· Ohev"NUl have .their last meetLng Cit the roleta. . year May 3. Ma.ry t.. Earnhart 18 .A. pretty wedd1nr was II01emn1zed pree1dent 'and Ellen Cartner, aeore- at the home.or the' bride'. puent.a, QuT. ' Mr. aDd. KfI. ' T, B, Brannock, The New eentury club waa ep._ sa~:vf A.prU '/ 2'1, .when their tertalned IA:prll 26 b:t' Mrs. Robel1 daUlhter, iLorraine, became the at the home of M1's. Maude bride of WWiam Spray. -Crane. Those aweartng In "The Myster!Mr. -and Mrs. H. B. Earnha.rt 1~\18 IMaBter" an operetta to be held a~ the 'yro\ld p&.rentB of a. daugh- at the gym Fr1da<y, MAY' 8, are: .ter, born AP~ 17, Morris 8bel'Wood, i.ou1ae HendeJ'80D,
Otto Zink Commission Co.
Located A.t. Union SlAIek ,Yanb, :l065 S~ Dayton. Are Live Stock .C ommlsslonSa.lemen Who Are mchJ.r Elf1dent, Bavlbr A MemlJin' Of The Finn In Each DIlpaI'tJMnt; To ~. tAt. . The Sblppen' Intereet. . . . No Shipment. Too SmaU For TIl,.., Attelu.lon Nor Too ~ For . Their ~apllclt)' _ • _ Proclucera Ship 'To '!bem With A Full AIIuraDcle Of Fair Treatment And Btrbest Market Prloe. For CaUle, Bo.. IID4 Sheep ~ • , Tel. KEnmore 874.7. .' . .
F1;om almost
the beginning of org~ society. the sale house nas be~ one of the cimte~;(( actiVity. that has aided in the i:Jrog)ess of the oonununity and beel}- a. meeun.i place for the 'b uyer an~ seller to meet, to whose mutual..advantlijfe it lW8& to make an exchange. " One of the recognJzed ~rl.nelplea of fann.lng. ulong sclentlfIC linea is tb.e rasing Of all Ir.Lnds of live stock., And. ~y, espeolally J to blu:k our war effort ahd to meet the llleeOs lor tncrease<i food productlon. our pro_ ducers llII'e usin.g their great Ingenuity to raise more and better I1veatock. It ~ because ot the ex<:eUent servIce and the desirable market offorded by such houses WI the otto Z1nk Oornmls8lon Co. that this feature 1&
receiving more attention feom the tarmer todaY a.nd progretI& along thls line 1& partkularly noUceab1e In I1h1s ~Dmlun1ty, where the produoer &now8 he 'W1ll recelvve the h1a'heat m&1'Ir.e't prices. They conduct more than an 1nstl~tiOID fortheJrO'Mll clty,88 't heir6CtiVl~ ex~ fOr over " hundred mUes In all cUreot1<ms IUld tbe buyer and seller alike, !mow t.hat here they are Biven, the fairest treatmeet, Just call them over the phone. dr<>p In, or write In and cet on their list, IUld they 'W1Il see tbat ~~. set the lalA!8t Informat1on.DD quotations and the l1'Deral drift of the market. 8tJDp in bhe next time you are In town and leani the advant.ages of flbetr eerv1ce.
Phou 2878
' I~ure'
yourHlf a.aiDat dama.e to property of othen .and death ,o r injurY claims. See or call " :"
c. B. JENKINS ..
DaiFr Protlucta P~tlJuriied, 1t(ilk' Fo.,. ~our Protection , .. w.~m" Ohi~ . Wboleaomto P.uteuri••
much I enjoy the Gazette. I ha've been a regular il'eader or It for years • havinl' apent mOllt of my' life in the vtolnlty or W~eavWe . .Am reoeLvJng. the paper ~ through the ldndneM of Mrs. Jenny Da.VlIt who has been lWrtUng to me for &orne time. dlave beeD ' down here In the Southwest iALc1f1c abOUt twentyeight months now . Seems llke that many years. There's 'b een a lot at ~ater under the bridge in that
fOR g·HfRlff TO THE CITIZENS OF WARREN COUNTY. I wish I could call on. each of you personally,
I especially like ''FrOm a Farm Dle.ry." It is a very interestlng ar-
tlcle. I II1.lss the fishlng qUite a bit. The lasttlme I fished there at home I toolt my llm1t of baas :from the LIttle M1am1 jUlit below Jease Prt!ndergast·s. !Memories of things like that are what keeps a fellow In there pltoh1ng I guess. You follm there '9n the home front are do\nIJ a ~ell job too. Let's just keep pul1LntP together and there'll soon come a better, more peeoef.ul day . A feUow gets pretty blue at ,t imes but yOU ' just keep pl~ away and everything turns out okay In the end. Our main thlng ~as been mallmall room gets more attention than the chow Une (Lmag:Lne that.)
but due to my duties, as Chief Deputy Sheriff, this is not possible.
Therefore, I must stand before you on my re'c ord of th.e past, which has been without fear, or favor, in the execution of my
duti~s .
On this basis I solicit your v~te for SHERIFF
W. "Ching" [DUDEN
letter from home sure do a lot toward cheering up the boys and keeping their «;loraIe up (take heed) . Well, guess I had better ring off tor this time. A Gazette booIIter,
nesday. Mrs. 'Charles Hagemeyer and Mrs. &lte1.JIagemeyer or near OregmUa, called on Mrs. Evelyn Peterson Saturday • IDs. J. W. Ward wbo waa here the past week, returned to XeDla Wellnesda.y . · iMr. and Mrs. Jama Davlll of 00lumbll8, called on frlenda here Wed.nesda,y afternoon.
Edward Wildman of ,Rilladelphia, Pa., was an ovemlaht IUMt . . , Wednesda.y. • . Ga~etle Wallt A48 Brlnl' Re.vllel. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
ATHLETES FOOT GERM Bow To JW1 U " The genuimbeda deepJJ. 0p1~ be kWed unless reaohed. ~ UDlmenta aDd dntmenta do DOt PeDe-
tTate BIJlIf1c1ent.1y. A.IJIt UIIF ~ for Te-ol 8olutlon. J(ade wUil 10..,
alcobol, it ~ ~, ,,,,, genna. Apply full lItrenIth..far itdlJ. sweaty or smfllly feet. Your Uc . . . tomorrow U n~ pleued. ~ . , WaYltle&vtlle DrIll stAn.
bLrth~y r::=======================~
April 14. 19'44 ,Dear 'Editor: Just a few 11nes from a " 'Yank Down Under" to let you knoW ·how
71. the oocasLon be1na her Bn111veraary. ~ed by Matron ,,.
Webb, these celebrations are very enJO,r.able, . Mr. !Bbrace Ilak1n left for bls home . in Ha.nnlbal, Mo.• Jas.t Wed,nesc:\ay eve~g after spending a
Letters To The Editor
Rev. W. E. Dakin With the Rev. Ralph Parks motored to Harveysburg FrIday afternoon and called on relatives anG friends. Mrs, EvalYlll. Peterson returned Friday after spending two weeks Sgt, Lauther E. Wood with her sister in W1l.m1ngton. • • • The Rev. \Mr. Dakin was a din... April 25. 19{4 ner g).Iest Sunday of his nephew a.nd .niece, Mr. ' and 1Mrs. iROnald Ha.wke. Editor The Gazette: Mrs . Ma.rla. Elbon, who returned Thought I would drop you a line home Sunday after spending more to give you my new address so I than a year . In C&Uforn1a, called at can get the Gazette IIOOner. I really enjoy read.1ng It, even though not the Horne sunday afternoon. Mfa . Oharles Blacltbum of New many Of the young people I know and Mrs. [,oren Hadley at Vienna. are st1l1 around. We have been WUmlngton. called on friends bere here for 10 days In. Pre·Cadet 'S unday . tralnlng. Thank~bg you, I remain. oMr, and Mrs. Albert Mendenhall Sincerely yours, of Dayton are guests of Mrs . AlIce [''YLE S. FOX. A-8 !Lyle S. 'F ox 35'190231, 345th C. Clark Sunday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. D\ldley Keever of T . D., Drake UnIverslty, Bks. 6. OentervWe were d1Dner guests here 8qdn. 5, Dee Kolnes '1:1, Iowa. Tuesday . iM1ss Margaret W. Edwards visited relatives in Dayton IWednesday. The H?Me Board 01 clIrectors held IM18a Annie U. Browne was honor to vote next '11Uesdayl their quarterly meeting here Wedgueet at dinner la&t ·'llHlI'Sday. Aprll
Viayne.ville, . Ohio
Are You Protected?
·Any mal(e ~rmodel . Fred .Kahn Motor Car ·Co.
' PHONE 318 '
Kenneth Fromm, El'1le3t Greene. of Spr1l:lg Valley, dleCl at tbe McJoh.n, Turner, Jewett Blair, aher~ Ulell4n hoep1tal In Xenia MaY' '1. Dlm 'l'1nney. Evelyn Oa.lIWJ1ght, Born-To Mr . and~ . Robert. IIofnry - Jo :M!Ill e~r , f ..vel)'1l Kereey, !FUrnas Sunday. Ma~ n, 1919. a 1JOIl. Lt . .-0 .. J. Waterh()\1.8e went to Merlyn ~ tlta, ,Edwin, *huler, HallaId Wallace, WUlard Kerse), How- OoluUlbus lsi t <week to attend a ard Ault, OMI Judd, fl.uth Cook, meeting or the offl,cer:;' of the 148th Donna Jordan, Ohorus of Matd_' Hestmeot. Rosa Lee MoLeID, EI'Ina. M1!lII Elizabeth Oh!'D,d ler of O. S. Nary. K. WU,80n lMa.bel McMillan, 'U ., who graduates Llll June, has II!lmIna Ault, Boger, NelUe '! been elected to the Phl Bd a. Kappa Wat.k1n.a, ,M aryetta Quy. Agnes sorority. Chenoweth. Ohorus ot .-neoorators: FIFl'Y ytlARS AGO Lois Pen.ntnaton, .:Itz~ 1 Pol L .ll·. (A II 28 111194) O<orge lMiller, !Frank L'wnr tzel, "-11JlU rtd H()(;~::lLl. I~ H . lJia' n., : chn bert ¥rye, ~bert Bramm,Jk. Bwd -tt. Clark and M. M<iK.L~sey have t.h1s Jaetsc-n, C .lCa l akc. week shipped u' qUlll1tlly of t<-booco 'Chorus of De cthes: 'Ve:ma Arm . Ir~m Oolwln Lo n lJsyL n firm. Itege, MLldred lAmes, Helen Friend, '111e oP.C ..c. & St . L. ~I\way IHf len 'Beltz. Erwin ,Ell!s, Marion 00. have on th L; dlvlsl:m of their Whitaker. iBword Bernard, uw- I lines a nun!iber of very elc g.mL ilaw renoo Davis. MLchael Vent. p_~lI~e r cuaches . J. WW IWhite, veteran grocer, has ,Harveyoourg i ; st:ll e x _ l ~ c:l aJ.)ut sold h is grocery and general merchthe I'Bllroac:l rumors. andll!e store toFredo- 'Barnhart. a Prof . E.t.lJwell will h ave charge of fonner employee. Mr. Whlw has the hlghechool and ~!r. Hend"T!'on been m business In Waynesv1l1e t or room No. 4 and- the l()west l;ru .'e of flfty years. high school Lt ha.s be~ 1l dl = ld~ 1Bome, to Mr . a.nd Mrs. MOrris Ooollfe Smith was selected as janBourne of Route 4, April . 24, a itor. Other appl1Clll!1ts were' M. Z ~l daughter. lars, J. F. Mlsslidine. 000. H . Mr . a.nd Mrs . Glenn Bland, nee Dak.ln and E. COmpton . Luollle St. John , have !!Qne to Our frLend Oharley Cartwrlsht housekeeping In Belmont where has beell quite hlglhly honored by Mr. Bland Is manager of a Kroger belng chosen by oh,e Faculty of store. Princeton Unlverslty as one of the A. ·F . MeUoh has sold his tire llve commencement orators out of and b&tter.Y' 'business to '1.. H. Gor- a c1aBa of 220. He liS also one of don and 1& mak1.ng preparatiOns tor seven who IwUl graduate with the a. !:rip throtlgh the West. Mr. \Mel- honor of Magna 0Um Laude. the lob and family wW not gLve up their hl&'hest d1st1nctlon that can be pald horne here for the present, at least. to a member <it the class. The ,following officers have been MIss 00Ta McKay who has been elected by the Y. !wi. F. for the employed In Chicago as a stenOlJnext six months: oPresLdent, Herbert rapher for the past eight months, McMIllan; vice president, Amy Is spendtng a month's vacation at Hopk.lns; eecretary-ueaBUrer, Mary home. Kathr1ne 'Wilson; reporter, Ethel 0harle6 Evans died Sunday. mom Mendenhall. Lng after a long ll1JI,esa, • • • D. W. Meeks who has been a TWBNTl'-FIVE YEARS .GO faithful mall oan1er for 20 \years (Ma)' It, 1818) :from th18 place to Corwin. has inThe annual WaYJle TwJi. Sunday duced the, ft. IR. Co . to put out a school conwmtion W11l be held May bed at 6Qwers on the rallroad 18 at , the White Br1dt Meeting srounda lust OppositEl the depot. ~, With Rev. J. F. De1IweUer, Mrs. Rebeooa eWes died Sunday pastor of the Lebanon Baptist Ifrom. *he e(.fects of a paralytic church as ~er. Mrs. ~~~. stroke. ill president: Ernest tlarnbart, v1<:e f'lre broke out In tile roof 'Of Morpresi.dent; Jeanette Janney, secregan Taylor's res1deflCe earlY this tarY 'and WiWs McMlllan, treasurer. F.r1day DlOI'nini but was 800Il exViCtory Loan campatgn endtlngulshed. Th1s 14 the second oced here. Saturday evening and the currence of this k1nd Wlti11n .. local banJt reports that the loan month and Orance Uaper baa oonwent over the top about ten per demned tbe bU1IdinK. cent. . A telesram waa rec::elved bere thla Martha, rw1!e of calvin OIlesbee JDO.rIlDIg statJnv that Nn. Ruth E . .Oollett had died in Dayton.
week here.
Auto Ele9tric EquIpment ,~o. Loea~
At. 21 No. &L Clair SL, DaJioq, BaWl Been Gltlq Good Servlee For ~t,-n"e Yean :And .Ate AlWUq Tbe Farmen To M~ '!be Food Produotlob VIc&ory ProInm B, Tbe '~ H&ch1ner;. In 'I'nper RanDlDr ~. ~ ADd semoe On Traetor. ~ Deleo LJrht 'Plant. Jbd~.. . . _ AIIIo" ~pleCe Service In Motor Tune·Up, BaUer)' 'TfS& and Becbalp, 8~, UlbtlDc, IrnlUoD And C&rbu~ • . • UDder The DIree&IoD ., '- A. KemWI, Well·ltnown Tllroa,boat M1amI Valle, • • .; TeL FUUoa 81...
Ore" ..
-,;).; Auto Electric, Equipment qo. In Dayton are, tb1a year, c:elebratmc their SUver Anniversary and 'by T.I.pIaDDe ~41 _ ' theft ~llent servi<:e In camuretor, " __"'___~III!I_I!I!I_~ ' m84J11eto, battery, Ignition 'and gen' --":;'~'-;':;&':;":f-+"':""-:-"':;"-+-:=::~~~~~~~--~":"":":---~~;;....~~---:':';:"..:;..:---:- eml motor work BrEI helping In the , WAYNB8~OmO
ma1ntenan~ Oif tre.J~on, agrtoulture and industry to meet the demands for our TlUht for Vlc:tcJl'1. . .EverY motorist should, OCCIIIIlonally, have the Ignition system checked. While y.ou,r car may ~W be running. It may develoP troUble on ' the road. '!be POlnta~ the tMlt·~ · an4j W1r1ntr, 8& 'weU as ~e timins shoUld be gone aver by, a.n eXpert once in a wbne. TheIle, f!TIIdually, pt out of order, and.tIbe drlve!' may lOot notlce I~ UJ1ttl there 1&.. ~lete ~utdavm. Ail .occas1onal
Bel~w are some of the ......pliabmenta of th~· pnaent Board ' of ..County
Carl . Abae,c berli ~
~·aver will save much anooy&nOe, 0C»t and trouble. They oUer a comprehensive serv· 'Ice and 'W1ll analyze and. tune-up )'OUr motor, 80 ~ere ~ be a per-
Primary Tue.day, May 9
Pol. 'Adv.
feet. co,.onHnation, test your bll.ttery, MrvIce your macneto, test' and adjust)'OW" car~x;etor, generator II.nd starter, IUld, if you 8WC> in the next tIlDe yoU are In 'town you will find they can make the car run with a ren""ed IDe and the moderate cluuge w1l1 be .. good Inv~nt. By offer1Dg a:tiDe service on magnetoa for tractors, Delco LIght Plants 8oD4 I'iI.!JrIpI. parte and suppUlil, they arekeeplnlJ the eng1nes hI~ttng on aU cy11nderB. the water supPly" up to standard and' t1,le farm equipment- ready to SO.
COUNTY COMMIS.SIONER , .t .tand on my record a. Tru.tee of .Harl.a n Twp. . . ,
' " "
-. ...
• ,
YO~i busine:ss would'. y?u prefer 80me- '
- a~d it elected I will give to the cQunty the aaDle Ida• . , 'of f~ithful ~erVice. I am in, favor' "of coopei." -will. ,Townahip' Trulte.. in the u.e ~f- COUDty .
ment imd in oOiagin front of hom. on TWp~ R• •· when oiri. avail.ble. I will u~. my ~ III .... betterment of child w~lfare in ' the ~lJ'. I · ~
pRIMARy, ~y 8, 1944
"1~POIrt 011-..,. ~...., conK~tioua, ·Wtla,.. ...... lliy_ -
wm ... App""t.L PRIMARY MAY ., tNt
'y~ Supp8l'l
.._.- ... -
THE MIAMI GAZETn t,he Lytle Oal'd club tenloon . .Hr" , \"nlhor'. a.trurl r k_
l\fl-s. ' Allen
4IJ r J' t!.llt"h...... ~.
at- and MnI. Edwin N'utt
Mrs .-
K esler G ra ham spen t ~urs alte r K nrWk spen t Wednesday in da.y W1t!l her mothe.t·. Mrs. O. W. Dayton. Albright, who has been Ul at h er MI' . lind Ml's , Therle Jones and home a.t P ekin . . . Mrs , Lowell Thomas entertalne.<:\ son. Milton, spent Sunda.y wit h Mr.
F. E. Merica Detective Bureau
At All
With Offices In The U. Jj, Building, Day ton, Are Licensed Detectives . peclaJi2:i~ In ouJ ld nUnl .Investigations F or At.torney , Corporalions. Danks, toJ"ai, and' individuals, Featuri~ Private, Civil. , and CrimInal WOrk . . ' ... ~ In"esUga.t.iOll Service For EverYj InvesUglltlon Need" . , , Have The Only "Lle-Dell:ctor" l\flWh ill6 In Southern Ohio And Offer A Service Of Great Value To All 'nds Pact. or The Country . Tel FU '742; Night, ADams 2161. Extcl1!;ion 944..
~c«tlure ~unent1 ~llme , __ Wayneaville
Wual AcII, Can1e 01 Thanks and .0It1larka. eJaaqecl for at the .... ., . . . . .t . . ., minimum ...... lie. A Waat A4 ~rted for &line' . . . . . ilIaaqed.t .1 c a word.
(With the complexity Qf mode!'n society comes many necessities to aid in the solVing of . Its problems and among the m ost notable of these is bhe secret service tlgellcy that gets results. In thlB section ar the coWltry It is he . E . MerlcB. !Qetect1ve Bureau in Dayton: When all led the simple 11(e and Urere were no gTeat centers of, population, it was easy for one to do b1a own detecUve work . bu t )'fltn the congest1Qll of today snd the war comllUoDS creat ing unusual problems, the detective agency Is one 00' the prime iUecesslUes of our business 8nd social life. The [i', E, Merica. Detective Bureau are Organlzecr along the most lines with connections all over the country, and thus, ru:e !prepared. to render' real service. Their opel'8.tlve.s are m en and wo-
POll. &ALB - Watklna Product. at . 2Ii N. BroMt1rQ, Lebanon. Open . eYen1D&I fOC' JOUr con"enience.
:OID 'Llntner. Pbone
Aa!ltfJene or e1ectrle. see But Lee,
Omcsort Road, R.
3, Wa.ynesvUle.
rlflea, etc. Send price ~ UCl d.cIrtpt.bl to Boz H. Wa.ynes ....
.... ,
o ·p EN I N G
gs Tavern
I ~prj
study of hu ma n nature. t h e m ethods of law breakers, the jUl bl ts of the g n ral public and 0.1 a ble to handle any case with th~ greatest efficIency IlJlld' finesse, They h ave oPcl-atlvcs with- t hat llatul-al IntUition of beln~ nble to fox. out difficult situations. They are all eduooted, rennea and gen tlemen a.!ld gentleo,vonien . who handle all <:ases in the most d,ellcate manner , TheY' feature a ll bra nches 0'1 tile el'V1<:e even 1x> t he use 01 tbe modern "Lie Detector, By. having t.he only s uch maChine in t his part. of the country. th ey are a great a jd to au t horities in solving many problems. No matter. whether It is a busineSs affair on which In fONnation Is needed or a SOCial case .to be h adowed, you will Cirld they give quick ser vice .
.~ cll· of the wc; rld. wbo have maae a
Fried Cblokea Dinner
"' W.AU. NPBa 8AMP.L1iB' dIIpIaj at 1111 home. D. E.
Sunday, 11 :00 A. M. till 8:00 P. M. ,
~ Bqw .
8111DcUfonl. WB1DesvWe, Ohio. 20
HOMEMADE PIES and ' 8 O pen a. m. t'ul n ml'd" nlght "
" l_ ·~er.it, ~ to. pounda. '
L'll' Crane 1 Ian
0- -
vWe. YOU ARE It:JVITED TO Due~to the d~of my 11u.sbn.nd, George Gray returl;lled to he sell Il~ ,public of his son, LesllE! Oray, 'and' wt Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Alcorn, 1 AlTEND !am1ly, Montlny after 1\ Uu'ee 'week'S L&Wl'I!llCe Thomas of I,.et;Janon en- auction a t the store ~uUdln g ?f J. vlslt ItIl relatlves at Independence, !iel'tn1ned their c,:hildren and lam- P . La¢b In Corwin, OhIo, 'SA!I'URDAY !MAY 6, 19«, Ky. Illes wl lih Ice oream and cake 111 at 1:00 aJ. m . Eastern War TIme, Mr . ruld MIs. Guy Rou\.zahn and 1\o n 01' of I.helr 3vrd wedding 1Udthe following household goods : Gl~ur(~~ (If)£ Q!~riil~' SOil, 'R ussell: were Sunda y guests of versa.ry. One coal and ·wood cOok stove, 1 the f onner:s fnther, Kerr """.uw;aUll,.j Friday nlgh~, May 12, B't,' 8:00 , p. oU stoVe, 1 wood h eater, 1 living 01 near Harveysburg i Ill . Rev. S olomon Oaulker, native /?f SERVICES SUNDAY J a net Hammond , is Ilbsent from Sierre Leone, West AfI'lea, will room suite, 11 good slriger sewing MAY 7, 19« school On a.cooWlt of ruiloving run a speak on the subject, ·tWhnt Ohr1st maclllne, 1 cabinet tahle , 2 tables, 8 fOJ1k tine In hel' foot FI'lday. She lanHy Has Done fo.l' My, People" .&it chairs, dlsbes, cooking u tensils, some BIBLE ,SCHOOL WIIS treated at Dt·, Stout 's ofIloc, the Sugar Cl:eek ChrlstJan ohlU'ch. beds and bed clotJun8', l>'W eet canned !roods suell as jams, preserves, jelWAynesvllle . Don 't mis.s this and bring yow 9:30 ,A. M. Mr . and Mrs. Paul Williams 0'1 friends , Rev , Caulker ls II. studenL lies, etc., 6 Ia.ying hens and - roostLebM on rolled Gn .Mr . and Mrs . lit Bonebrake 6&ninwy 111 Dayton er and IIumy. other ru1Jcles. too MORNING SERVICE Everett Early and Bobby Morgan and Mllel' greduat.tng UUs spring numerous to mention . Temis Casll. . . 11:00 A. M. S unday a1tetnoon. 1>Jans ·to go back to Mrlca to ,p rtach MRS, HALEY ALOORN. Mrs. Mu.rgaret Jolms spent Sat- to his people. --- 4!. .~"' - -uraay with Mr. and Mrs . Amos One HWlUl'(~ and thirty-one were EVENING SERVICE RA'1'lON REl\UNDElt Cook of lear !Waynesvllle . at the Young :People's.aa.uy Jield. lilt 7:30 O'Clock Mi. and \Mrs, E . A . "mold and Ferry Slmd ~ ar'ternoon.. MEATS, ETC. - Book Four 10Mr. fIJld Mrs. iPaul Jc)hnston of The HereM Class meetJ.ng Qf hr- point red stamps A-8 through Q-8 Dayton ~ere Sunday af temoon ry church will mee,t in the church now val'1d lndefinltely. Red stamps WEDNESDAY EVENlNG-7:30 guests of Mr . e.nd. Mrs . Leslle Gmy social rooms May 11. Please bnng R-8, S-6 and T-8 will be valid M~y (parent. who have boys or rid. and chlldren. 7 and good indefinitely. Mr. and Nrs . iLeon Salisbury of Brother Graham, Ferry 'PQSOO1', PROCESSED FOO~ook Four In Ute lenioea ewpeelally In.lted) Washlngton C. H. were SwldlW will have lp art in the Centerville Blue stAlm})8 A-8 through Q-6 good guests of Ml' , and Mrs . Allen Em- high school comm~nceme'nt pro- indefinitelY • rick. gram. SUOARr-Book 4 stnmps 30 and MAX J!ANDALL. Mr. and Mrs . C. J . Gilman of Mrs. Herbert Graham 'Will go to IU valld for five PQwlcls ' Plqua were dIillner guest6 ~ the BluUton May 13 to attelold bel' col- Stamp 40 good or five POUllcls for ' J fonner's brother and ,wile, Mr. lege cllUiIl reunlQl1. SIle was 6 grad- ~ome canning throu~li Feb. 28, 1945, • - - - _ 4 and l'41"8. H . 'E . Gllman and '[1Ull- UMe of the class ot 193. and a.t that, SHO~ok 3 lAil1Plane Stamps I ---~/~------11y. SWlday. r ttm'e the buried a ,b ox 'to W.h1ch eIACb 1 and 2 valid m(ie!1nltely. ' for three 'ga1ions throi.Jgh JWle 21. IH.a.rvey 'B urnet spent,/;evera.l days ha contributed something. This B-2., B;li, 0-2 and 0-3 ~ for five last week at We.sh1ng OOll D. C,' at- spring 'they wlU dig up the box and 'Wlnd s~ the tall ~ and brings gallons ~ UIIed. tendIng a meetLng of the board of bury a n ew one to be opened. ren a hint of rain, and ,(if ,t hat fly FUEL O1L-Coupona • and 6 good directors of the National CO-opera- yUll'S hence. 'WQuldn't qUit tlU7Wlg in my win- through Sept. SO, unit value, 10 gala. ttve Mlllt 'P roducers F~leratJon. The Sugar , Creek ChrlsUa.n dow, maybe I COU\d ,llh1nk) and, All change-maklng coupons and reMr. and Mrs. Ralph Hammond ohu.r ch Ladles Aid Served lunch at a.nyWay, 0,' for the txlnque of a 1JOet serv.e coupons good throughout had for their Sunday afternoon the Harry Hawker sale last Satur- when the eaIth Is born again. heating year. gu~"U;, Mrs. Pam Sclmelder, Mr. day. GASOLINE- Stamp' A-ll good and Mrs. Robert SchneJder and son Roy Thatcher, Mr, and a.(rs. Guy FOR SAJ,.E - Personal Stationery • 01 Dayton. MaMlchael and family and ~r. and 200 sheets of 1004 );>ond paper, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kenrlok, Mrs. Oeor-ge Fleming ~nd daughI'}Jr.~ , f'~A.A son and daughter were entertained ters were SWlday guests the ~ ,~ size 6x9 1-2, with 100 envelopes, ; to dinner Sunday at ·tl:le home of Georg-e Mc.M1cha.el home. aU with :o&me and address 1mMr. and ,M rs. Lawrence Elliott and Rev. and Mrs. AJ'bIlur Core ~ere ptinQ,d, for *1.60 at the Oaze~te son at Centerville. . . dinner guests of Mr. a.nd Mrs. P. of!1ce. Phone aa3 . Rev. O. E. V10e ,!Was $le to fill J. Thomas and son and lB. R. For. _"'-'"-'! ~he pulpit here '(Sunday morning dYce SUnday. Rev. Oore fa glvin8 .,::=~::=====-:;::;:=B.----';"---------"';";;" aSter an Ulness C1f SCYerN weeks. ' up the B,Ug", Creek Clu1st1an ~s. Louella swank and Mrs. church May H. ~ grad~s from ' Agnes SWank of Duytan spent. Sun- bile Bonebrake Theological Sem1nday with /Mr. :and Mr.s. E. ' B. ary on Ms.y ,16 e.nd 'has aooePted a SINCLAIR PRODUCTS . ' Longe,(ire and the Swanl~ ch1ldren. church in Ne!braska. Oi. and Acce.. Mr. a.bd Ws. 'Fra~ M1lteimetgMell. Ervin Peterson, !who bas er entertaloDed several relatives to been staying with, the ~ Mc~ Buy and Sell Fanmnl EquipmeDt dinner Suhday in honor 01: the I ~[1cllaels for the past five weeks, Rental, Repair and.'service j . birlJbd~y 01: ,their granddaughter, returned to ber bome near CecJar. Conltruction Equipment, Mise" and. Tr e .... Miss Betty Lou ArobdClWlOIl' of Day- ville Saturday. , , ton. !It. an '!Mrs. IWalter Th~ Cate; to Rural Trade Ead Dor0th7 LaDe 'W it. Eva ~utzahn of iFrankl1n and dall8"ht.er of . Weat , Carrolton, Wilmi!\'l ton Pike Tel. WA 0271 Dayt_ and Mta. M1r1am Nellob 0'1 Waynes OIllled at the P. J. 'llloolas-H. R. ~ ~nt Slmdaf wit'/l Mr. apd F< I'd hom S da Mrs. Clyde WhBr:toil and MrS . 1 yce ' e 1m y evening. ,.......... ' ; IIfa.you want 8alence ,to get a good laUgh, _ ........._ IUD.ft"'ft~. ' n'UA<OUU get 'Pop~l' fOr -and
m~e ~aum56i1U
W. !Mi~illter
~~~.~T~.~Ob~erry~,:..p~bo=ne~==::::::~4c=-t'~!!ii!!!ii!!!ii!~!!ii!!!ii!!!ii!!!ii!!!ii!~~~~~~=~~~~~!!!!==~~~' ..;;
rllear Center-
and Mrs. CbarlEtS Hall
fldd1~, V1s1~ , 14m.
tum to page 88:- " , Farmers hereBbouts 8,{e piowtng,
1l8. d1nl1:l8 room I i========:;;:====~~~==~======s~.Hi~~ Sgt. ~y Waldron, at d1sc1ng, dragglng, ~laDting IlOrn and ' - - (8qu&re>. ft. Good condition. N a~t hospital in Columbus, Wden, keepmg one eye on the sky
. 0 ••• Leney, Barveysb'¥.i, .0. 4
rc. IUUI- MaU box, ,lass jan, ' 8U'deD plow, cream separator, I C~ ~ aew1n¥ ~e,
, klt.cben Cba1n. ~la, 3-burner coal GIl ltoY.; k1~n C8iblnet, 1· 1riirIE 'tattle; 'wOocl ~dstead, 1 set ~. :K11f; ' ~~ ' SUmball, , R.
/ R:
t'!I........ 1,'.
-~~~ D _ •• _ l
--'--d, '
.., .. "",JaIl
Due to the fact tha,t I have liven 10 much time fo ' the Red Crula ' d. rive in my townahip and in Warren county and due to the ahortage
]nQulre of W v1lI . aypell 10 e,
-- . ' ,
~~~~~ OO; 12-ho1e
all printed with and ,&ddreea fat tl.lj(f at the
, . ' / . ., '.. ~ BALlI - BelltaJ1'tiot counter ad P.DP' oOoJer. Y'ay be aeen at
Your lupport in the Republican P rim a r y will be appreciated •
lOW, • •
• hOI (~. 'wood,
~ ~ 1-2' m1l8 eaa~ of
road: · , .
new, ~. 1Qt1e on
~ '~ '-, '" Wrwam t.h&'t ' may !
ot' ~ boDcl ,p aper, eis~
.,; 100 'ei1velope8; ;' DIIIDe
1n. with
' ~' oa.u..
, i'boIMI,2'ltII. "
~ J~ey
odw' with 1~ ~i " II'.,. ~:,, ~ Bangs , tested, gentle aM" iiound. , can
., t...,..\1lle '.
_1. , .' '
l '
Luuls C.
.,;..!1'. :..-_ _ _-.-_ _ _ _ _ __
Church school at P:30 &i m. Worship service at 10:30 A. M. The Eastem .Star clhapter 1(Y,l will be our guests at thJ's service . •S)Ibject: "For Suoh a , TIple '"AI> 'I'h1a." Youth FellowShiP .;!t '7:00 p. m. Joe Ja.mes, leader. ,
_ __ _ _ __ _ _ __
• , ,4 ROLLS FOR"25c'
"T H E . ~
i A M.I
who 'attended muShroom have we found. I don't
Satlffiiai evening were; .Mrs. J. lB. Jones, Mr. ~d Mra 'Elmer Groves, !Mr. anU Mrs . Fred.: ~ih. Mr. and Mrs Everett ·E arlj-Bnd...;Mr. Mrs ., Ross Rowland. ' ,
. ''Ou' /JIoU8e,'' "Wayneav1lle, Ohio . ",l
het~ '
f,UlToW. The b11:ds are nearly bursting illhelr throats and splitting the air 'Wide open With song. 'Ibe tr«ll leafing out !f ast; ,the lawn slebS tor my law.nmower, and t~ fUe", little (censOred) are with U8 en ma.sse. The red. bud flowers woOds' and violets and spring beau_ ties I'Ar.nI>ll ........ unil ,· , but -_ n ..,.., at --.,-- ,£he ... ~
Olrtm. ..
_6~~_~~~~u~e:~~~~~e~~~ll~~~es~I~h:~~r~.~~~e~J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3~~~~~~~ of the Eastern Stat at WaYnesville ~
laA muCh loDpr. '200 ,abeets
city 't here. Sgt'. Waldron !Was w,oWlded in action ove%:se68 and is convalescIng at this 'home hoepltal. Mias Almetta. St~ enteria1ned the. girls of her cla.sa to', a blrthcJaY party Wednead&y evening, The guests 'were: lMlssea l\I1lJdretl smith, Wilma ~ul, Betty 'RIOUli$hn, Ruth McKeever, Pby11s IR1cikey, He~ V'n' T,_~ . ... _~. ' • • and ................. _ '
Those from
aerioul illne.. in my f~i1y.' I have "Dot been able to' call ' on e",ch of You·p*lOnaUy. And becauae the time between now' and May 9 110 ahort; I, will not be able to cover the entire county, 10 take thia m,e ana of ..reeting the votera.
, : er wltb' Check
Sunday, and alsohls famJly in the for rain clouds and the other on the
G A Z E T TF..
,------------....:..- ~
tI~URS: 01
. ..... l'
9-12 each mo~njll,~. 1-6 a!terDooni~ except .
t in'"
7-9 Saturday flv~nin&'
Otlier Everling:s By Appolntmen~
Dr.-.Cj E. Wilkin - . Opt.... hic
W&YN~8VJ1.LK, OHIO. mtfRSDAY, MAY 11,1944.
Com·m encement Program Is Announced The schedule of commencem~t for Wayne Twp. -H igh school has been announced by Sup~. ~. W. Jiraddook. It is the '12nd annual affair to be held Vy the local . .
Baccalaureate services wlll be held Sunday evening, May 14, at 8:00 · o'clock in tlle audltorlum Wtth Clasa Day. iMonday, May 15. Commencement will be held Tuesday evening, May 16, at 8:00 o'clock. The annual Alwnnt .Reunion Will be ~eld Saturday" May 27. The program 1& as follows: . Baecalaureate Senice May If, 8:00 p. m. (E. W. 1'.) l4uslc ..... . ..... . .. ... . ()~es~ Processional Invocat1o~ .... Rev. ::h. C. Radley Music •....•... ,.. Olrla Glee Club Ave Marla. .... .. iBacb-Oounod The Bell Man ... Cecli 'P Orsytb Sermon •• Rev. Ralph W. hrlm, ·J r. iBen~ctlon I', Co~ment E:urclI-. ~J 16, 8:00 p. m. (E. W. T.) .
~c .....•...•• . .....• ' orch~tra ~oilal . Invoca.tJon ........... Max RtuldaU
'S alutatory .•..•..... PhYWa lUcltey · Valedictory •...••. Almetta 8te1Dke · Alumni Greetin8a . MlaB Al1ce Qona
· Mdreas .......... ~v. FloYd ~)I8t ' Plano 8010 • ••• Ernestl.ne E:amhatt Preaentatlon of $cholarahips .......... Oo.~. , , R. P • .lfAtOeld
Incumbents Win Mrs. Jas. Love_y In Warren Co. Dies Suddenly
~ James G. stAlWart ol CInc1nnatl, IWOIl the ~cap ~ Headquarters Twellth Air 'Forc~. Its crew. standing left to right. are t1an for ""emor in. TuesdaY!s priLt. WlltonH6rtsock. a son of Mr. Sgt. \MaX Hart of Hedrick, Ia.; 1st mary, but the poestbWty of a reand Mrs. Ross Hartslock of .'Vfayn~s Lt. Duane L, Glade, pHot, Ocheyecount loomed. Tabula.t19il or fIhe ville, is co-pilot pf the ·"Cowtown dan, Ia.; Technlcal Sgt. John P. State's 9.1'80 poWn, places gave the Av~nger," 0. Mitchell. bomber. whlch D'e.maini, radio operator, Pottsvllle, 83-year-old ~ttomey 8 IJlIU'8'ln 0( recently completed its l00t.h mission Pa.; Stafit Sgt. Raymond E. Strait, 2,262 ,ote&--ozle..of the narrowest In over enemy territorY. The bomber Is gunner, Spokane, Wash., and CpJ. the state's Iliatory-over Att)'. Gen. L.mUIOIIUi. shawn at the airfield . of its vetera.n John W. Posey, e>unuer, Wichita, nlOOl8B J. IBerbertr hiI nea.rest nVBl 12bh AAAF medium bombardment Kans . Kneeling,1eft to right, are bi a four-man l'BCe. The complete group in Italy a If!Wmlnutes after It Cpl. Robert Jones, assisting crew count alloWed: stewart,I.,oio; Tom ~aiDUJ,ts catne dawn fi'om Its 100th cornOOt c.h1ef, Lyon, MLss., 1st Lt: Delbert ~ 159;'748; U. Gov. Paul M. mission. WhIte painted bomb!! on IL . Gibson, bombardier, Ona, W. Va., Bemen, 137,663, and Albert E. ~v1d lAle ~ of the Bar- the side of the fuselage record 91 and lilt Lt. Wllton H. Hartsock, 00PaYne, ~leld in4uatrlalJlt, 15,- Jan-Buteivme school, ranked first of the 100 cambat ~'P8rations. pilot, Waynesville, Ohio. In the state EIghth Year test given - - . . . . , . . . - - - - . - - - - - . . . ; . . - - - - - - - - - - - - . 8Ii6. ... 9tber Republlcan winner8 'Were: to We pupilB of the Warren County MOVING TO :FLORIDA SEWING CLUB MEETS ~tenant lOVemu,Herbert Hoover; 1IObools, it has ·been. a.nno~ced by WITH MRS. LEO CONNER ~Wy of state. ·EdWBra. J. Hum- iRaymon Hl!-tfJeld, supertntendent. Friends here have word from Mr. The Volunteer 'for Vicoory group ~l; auditor· at atate. RaPr W. He made a I!COl'e of 1'74 out ~f II. and Mrs. Carl DukEl , fOmler resl'I'nuly; 'attorney seneral. Hurh ' S. posalble 200. Of the 2~ pupUs who dents a!1d owners of the famous met at the home .of Mrs. Leo ConJ~; conafeea at larp, Oecqe toot the teat, .the. folloWing .ra.nked Duke Peach Orchards and Nursery n er on Thursday evening for their B. Bender; oIllet'JU8tlce of supreme in the upper ten per tent In the , that t~ have soldL their home ~ regular evening of work together. county. The (;!rat ten will be ~ven Houston, Texas, and expect to locate !Mrs. B. V. Smith add ed four pairs court.. W,alter .D. Wane.mAker. On the Oeaiocratlc ticket ~ certlt~faI ahowing their r~nlt in In Bradenton, :f'la. Their son, Pvt. of mibtens which she hact knLtted to . the completed wQrk of the club and Prank J. ~ waD ~ ~ the county and otbera in tIb1i group' t10n 'f« aovemor ' ~et . Ilia nearest Wlll be 81ven a certitlcate of honor- RoDert Duke, Is ';1019' . stationed at [Mrs. O. R. Unglesby added two mention. .., . camp B~d1ng, P1:Or1da and Paul convalescent blankets. During the coqjetttAar, ~ . L. 8weener,. by 'l11e w1nnel'8 and acores: Duke and family a.r e now in New social hour dainty refreshments a ~ q( to -I. other wlnners: lD8.vt.d Lee Chapman. Barlan-DntOre1eana wher , he l~'<ina~aeer o! a were served ' by the . hostess to Mfa. LleuteDan' PerDPl', 'Ol'orCe D. Nye; _tate aUd1tOr. JOIIeIlb .T. :Fer- le~e, 17.; Albert ~ .Kolb, southern 'supplY' hOll18e. Mrs. Helen Henry WatLdns, Mrs .. -Wlll1am SawtDJiIon;' state t:reMurer, ai.rry v. Jr., Oleli.rcreek, 171; Betty Jane Nash, daughter of l:he lDUkes, 18 in yer. Mrs, LeRoy Moran, Mrs. Ro~ bert Gray, Mrs . Carl Ferguson, Mrs. ~; t,tt.am:ey pneral, Geoi8'e 1Palmer. Mason, 171; jlettyl Ann A. lIUrley,~ U. 8. Senator, WlWam iIDnkle, iBlue Ball, 169; Earl lRye, Detroit with her dlulghter during K. R. Hlll, ¥rs. J. E . ..McClure, G'. Pickrel; ~ at large, WU- Wayne. 165; Patricia Ann ,.O lrdner, Mr. Nash's absence while ' overseas MUis Kathryn GIbbons, Mrs. H. F. Mason, 163; pu,y Jr. CUlbersOn, as a radar techniCl'LD. Carl Duke.. Dye, !MUss Vtrginla Bladtburn, Mrs. Uun 01aa. l . • < HamUton-Mainev111e, 161; Pa.tncta who went to Texas for his healllh, -!enn1e Conner, MnI. Walter FraAnn BaIrd. ,wayne, 160; Eddy Juan- has suffered anoth!er slight stroke sure, Mrs. Paul ~W'lce, Mrs. Eelita 8chmldt, iBotIBon, 159; Hope Car/Win Ramby, Mrs . Robert Billet. ~. olyn Shafer, ,ctea.roreek, .158; John and hla many friends wlsh for him iFred Hook. Mrs. Ch"rles Ellis, Mrs.
Eighth Yeu..Tests Announced
FlyeJ;' Pilots "~owtown . .. llvenger ~n Its lO~ MIssIon
Senior Class play, •,Peg 0 ' My Heart," Which was given Friday night at the high school gymnasium, is to be presented a89J,n on :f1ric1ay. May· 19. at 8:00 o'plook, E. W. T. at the same place for the benefit of the local youth center project. !Many who saw th.e play ¥ctda.y evening described It lIS one of the best hQme talent ,p lays they had ever wttnessed. Several of the cast gave performances w.bich would do cred.1t to prafessionalll. The .play deals with the adventures of .8 young Irish girl who goes to live with an aristocratic English fo.mlly. Those 1Io~ in the cast are ~ Juliet McCoy, D;mald Watldrul, AImetta Steinke, Betty !Routzalhn, JlWIlel:l Steinke, Chal'les Rye, George \'Weal, Clarence &nburgy a.nd Helen Vlnt. The pla.y is directed by Mrs. O. H. Brace. 8JX!nsors of the Youth Center whlch it Is planned to establish here tbr the beneft of local youth, report tha.t 'p rogress is being made and several organlzatlons have made do-
SChool. ·
Senior Class Play To Be Repeated On ....w~a.y, May 19
1'b. Priogrees1ve Women's club Peter 'J ensen; otterbein, 1~; Ro6alle a
.....lA l·t. _8" __... ...:. ~ .•..: -'ub Roll, Morrow, 157; Andre.w Jaebon ~ ... - ....e .... BilhaIrdt, Clearcreelt, 157; EdWanl A MOTHER'S DJLY BEQUEST on ~,-with a potl~ . suP- O •.'Napler, Bamllton-Malpevllle, 157. --..... _ . PIeaIe don't waU UlIlW I die Alter acme dl8c:U8alon,."it Was de- .rames Hatr1aOn 1D1«thl, ~n. And tIw1 ~h 'ou' Iror me aDd buy 166; Daniel Lloyd, HarUIock, Wayne, Cream-saUn bucla with spley b~. 166; Tan'Cly Herman Newland, Olear creek. 1166; .:FIbrence Cora Eckert, Don't wa.U unW 1111' SOUl depar1,s . Oarliale, 155; Elltel ' Nark Mears, Before you say Ute lovely U1iDC'II That DOW wouJcl liv~ ' my spuU Carlia1e. 156; 0Iu'0lyn ' Sue ~e,
I 'IL1lIIO·!i.. 1$6;
Bet~y ~~ E.
• winp.
.. ~ w.Ord. a card, a ir~Dt ,Ilowe HeldEllWl, Phiiip That brinp Ute heal't a starry hour Is worth a miWon, \1111100 tears Or silken shroudB or sUver· bien. I'd raUter have one tblla,bUal deed iWhIle I'm alive tbJan any 'tII'ftd That JOU mi&ht ,wear upon JOUI' sleeve To show ' the worl(l how deep you grieve. Give me Ute pre&8U1re of 1OUI' hand, The ,lance that laJll JOU understand, . Send me the carda I bOld 80 dear. TeD me the wordll .Il 10111. ~ heu-.
-Glad,. .l!IIal1ln
t '
Primary Results In Wayne TWp.
SY'lv1a W. LOvely, Who would bAve been 43 years old in June, wife of James .Lovely, proprietor of LoveJy'. cafe, died &uddenly 'Ilueaday ~t at 1'1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Lovely had returned to her home Saturday from 'OolualtJul, where she ha.cl undersone a major opemtlon In st. AnthOD¥'.-bixiptal, and was 8JIl,parently rap1dl7 nICOVering from the effects 'of the operation when she suUered a. relapse aDd passed away. Besides her hUSband, &he Is surviVed by one 'd&ugbter, -Lenora; her mother, ~s. James ··~ who makes her llome here, and a. BIster IIInd brother, both Or Midalet.own. lf1Uneral ser.v1ces will be conc1uctecl at the 'M 'cCture Funeral Home eeturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock With Rev. Ralph Pa1"ks of ~. Jlary'a Ep1scopal church oft1c:1at1nc. Burial W11l be In Wood.s1de ~• . Middletown.
Motheis Club Names . Office!'s . The Wayne TownahJp lIoCbera club held their reaul&l' meeting on Friday aftemooD at the Grade building. DevottOll& were lD charge of MnI. Ralpb, Park4. During the business -son tbe of·fleers for the COIDIDc , . . ·w ent named e. '~o1Jowa: lira. Wade Turner, prea1dent; lin. ClObeK .Frye, vice pres1dent; IDa, J~ . L. ' Wise, ·secretary and MrI • . 'DoIotb7 . Edenfield, trealri. . Mrs. LYd1a. Vandervod, tint ident of clUb, was' tuMt ·...... and she told Of Why and Whm tile club was ·f ormed and' 12Iat It . . . tile second one to be fonDe¢ In ' tbt county. 'There were ' 56 ~ meJJll)ets, one of Uiem ~ Ma. GIOrgia. Mendenball, wbo"" ~ ant. fUl<l made lOme re-
' The primary election whlch was held Tuesday failed to create much interest in Wayne fm?nBhip and the vote waa considered unusually Jlght. Following 15 the unofflcla.l vote for 1,lffloes in t~e four precinctS of the township In which there were contests lor of.f1ces: Governor 'R epublican James Garfield Stewart, 115: Paul 'M. Hemert; .7; Thomas J. Herbert, 41; Albert Eelward ~yne •. 4. 'Democratl~ame~ W. Huffman;. 12; MartLn L . SWeeney, 12; Frank J. Lausche, 10; ,:alter BIler~hl,~; Frank A. Dy>e, 2, Frazier Reams, L . "' .. ""'"CI""ateuallt'1)overnor marka. ' " ..,..,. . RepubUcan - 'Dale DunUon, 84; , ' 80108 by Mrs; L. 0 ·. R&dJey, Mrs. Heroert Hoover, 33; RAl.y Palmer, . M. lA. ~: poem by 1Ira ~. A. 20; Ohas. W. Maston, .'7; Fred H. Stubbe. i'eInatta by Mr•• lIarta Mourey, 3; Ralph H. Stone, 3; Roy -and 'short talb
Democratlcr-Oeorge D. Nye, ,l't; county. SUPt., made up aDi j eReJ1eDt Reed M. Wlinegardner, 7; N. A. program. I IW1lcox, 6.
Aged Harv.~urg· Resident Die. _c;.zt:;
8eclretary 01 State !Republican - Dan O. Taber, M; ,Milo Shoup, MrS. Earl Conner and Edwarl J. Hummel, 41; Ted W • Mrs. Raymond Conner. The group wlll meet with Mrs . Brown, 30;. George M. NeUner, 28. Lucinda A. Martin, M. wldGIwr 01 . Aad1&or of Sfa·t e Walter Frasure in bWo weeks. Edwin Martin, woo died jn HI" Republlcan~ W. Tracy. 99; passed Way at her ~ in Jtar.. , DEAN STANLEY TO BE Oeo~ge E. Turner. 31; Floyd B. veysbUl'g M~ ~ • . , . .. GUEST SP~AKER AT vmc Gr1:ffin. 10; H .. D. Oeienbacher, 9. short JIlness. , . IDemoc~lIotic--.Joseph T. Ferguson, CLUB MEETING MOWAY She is survived by oPe· .......,..,. ... 29; Ed Day, 3. Mrs. Oeorse E1lla .and ,& ~ Dean stanley. Lebanon attorney, Treasunr of State da~hter, both of ~~ .• one of the best known spe8.kers in · Oemooratic--Harry V. Armstrong, FUneral servleea ,iWe beJ6,at t.be. 8Ou~hem ' Oh\o, wUl address the May ;ZOo ChrI4t.H. Armbruster, 3; Thom-IMcOllure FUneral meeting of ,the Chilc club w,k en it aa Mulcahy, ~, meets Monday at 7 :00.,. m. at "Our~----A1~~Mmlft'1lr----1~IQR:_Ii;J~~IIijj_:,...L.t.II".~~ House." The toPiC to <be discussed by RepubllC1in-Sugl\ S . Jenkins, 57; Mr. Stanley has not been announc- L, L. Marshall, 28; Harry T, Marshed. 'all, 21; Clinton D. Boyd, 19; HerThe meetlng will 'be the first bert D. Mllla. 16; Matthew IL. Blgto be held with the new president, ger, •• ·Rev. Ralph Parks, .in charge. Democratic - George A. Hude:r,I.Rtoc.llaJrd " 18: Charles S. Leasure. 8. MOVE ' TO ' COUNTRY
Democratl(r-WUllam G. Pickrel, Mr ; and Mrs. Lewis McC;:arren and famlly hav.e moved from their 21; Marvin· C. Ha.rr1soo, 5; John 'Main street Q.P6rtment to a fa1m on TaYlor,3. WaYnesville, Route· 3. . Rep. to Conrr_ (a' .....re) . Republlca.n ...;.. GilOrge H '•. Bender. 120; Hayden Edwa.rd8, 19; · WW1am ~ J. Reichle,S. Demoerat1~ack P. BU8lJell, ' 15; f. ," -.' I • O. P. Van Bchoik, 3; C,oUl'tney Do' We.rd. 3; WUllam Glasa. 1. Chief Justice of Supreme <»art. . COUMTr rAUl B1JIl~11 ;\Republ1can--GeOrse '0. KcOonFORMING YOUTH 00llJNci. . .· " . ·lla,U€hey. 88;. Walt~ B . .wanam1.ker, 44; 'ClYde ,0. Sher1ck, 33. . The fonna~ <i tbe· --~~,1' ...'l\.~. aeries ol Y~ .~W ....·~WlIi~.9. ren Oounty· P'Um P
Cont.rll6tlng with reports (rom most Mlaml Valley counUes, Warren county voters turned out nearly 5,000 strong Tuesday to better the usual primary vote total. Incumbent county comml.s6loners, Fred J. Hagemeyer and Scott McClure were renomlna.ted by the H.epulicans In a close, t1 ve"'Wo.y, race. Deputy Sheriff Gerold W. COuden easJly walt t he G.O.P. sheriff'6 nomlllll.t1on, 0. ·v lctory considered tantamount to November election in this county. There was no county contests on ·t.he Democratic ballot. and the con.t ests on the G. O. P. ballots resulted in the following selections: • County Commissioner Fred J. Hagemeyer .......... , 1,734 Scott H. McClure ... . .. , . . .. , 1,677 John Barr ...... ... ,.... . .... 1,589 Karl S. <Jawa.n .......... . ... 1,466 Clayton H. Clark ....... '.... 1.205 Sherilf Gerald W. COuden . ..... . ... 2,9~ Corwin Nixon ................ 1,561 Charles L. Baker ............ 3'73
Overheate(l Barrel
with .
THE MIAMI &.unra
. . . . IItI
W8.YDe.svWe. Ohio.
Main street
"Dncle Jell
valley ~nd !.he cloud s)l~ dOWI; make th woods look dlll'k alhlost purple. Perh »li ~vou can lit t1111t_ to your ,Jill I nnd wh l\ h !l IdS 01' tbe View you see from the kltchen window, 'ra~ . bout the weathel' can make ' You s e YOUr own mtnd pictures arid Ulat j petter tl'iou~'Ylng ,to make you see mille, As soon 8.5 I ca.me In tl1ls afternoon I wen t to see 1! .the white ben lll\d taken the nest wlt.h th~ turkey eggs Ln it and to my g;reat reUel she had. F\lst time makes me h\lttY to get ready for church . Yesterday I went Into the feed room to get somethtt;lg t or the chicks, The hen that J ohn had set on so~e t urkey eggs !lever moved a feather '\UlUl I turned llIy) back to get some wheat out of t.he barrel and then ll.ke a flash she WIlS gone, She pUShed through. !:he door and tWas out in the pasture getting 8 IItUe green grass. I tried to follow her but she would not stay where I could get her. ,I couJdn ;t. lea.vethe door open for her for aU the rest WOpld be In eatlng and s omething m1gllt d.tstwb tlbe eggs and he and all th~ tnmliY had gone fishing. I caught one white hen that seemed ' to be clucking but sile 'Would have nv\Jlill8' to do witlh the eggs. Then I tr1ed another, she scemecl more gentle so I left her lloplng sh e 'Would lind the nest and take charge of the eggs and t.ha.t was why I was late to church. I gave th anks when I looked in today when J got home from IlD overnight vLslt and found her sIttlng there iooklng ' just llke the flrst hen. The egg market Is glutted so ~ey say. Too bad we can l!Iot drop them over the occupied countries enC8o:led in brelliq)rooC pa~e.s, of course, instead of bombs. I am sure tbey would be a better persuader tor 'Our side !but ' alas 'We can't get ' them there, untU they are dried and ,powde~ed and much less attractive. They say the processing sror· age pla.nts a.re :Cull and with meat rationIng of.f not sO manY' will be eaten. However, judging from the number ot clucKs aiUne around in ~e hen house, the hens theruselves will soon set tie the overprod~c~on questIon, They SllY '80 good ben doesn ~ Dloult untH faU ,b ut ~hlllPB we might get some of them to moult noW and come into laying late in the ~~r wrum the good hens be· gin to moult. Has anyone tried it?
DIll '
PUBLIC SALE the lad snl.1I wucluUy, "Ho lillys he has $100,000 to put !ri -Buch It enOwing to ill Jlealtll. I have old ture .if h~ can -figure' a way to come Jtlrm and wLU gell a~ public sole my out Whole. I show~d him bow we
,- ;;;.-
"III".... 1l001IlJ, \..un.../&&Iu ...." ••
Mrs. Nellie 'Bunnell, Mrs" Glenna could gross $100,000 cusily the first 'a t ' the lCarlll locate,d 2 ~ )nlies souLh Wilsol). Miss Mol'limia. ~unnell Bnd .uutcl oM 8IIcoDct CluI Mall Matter at PostolIlce, WayncsvUle. Ohio Yllar, . but pe IIQt out 'tax sheets and of IWllytllesville n.ear the old Tele- Ml-s • Sel';Wce Ha.l'clIum a.ttended IV GEORGE 5, BEN'SON showed , me that a 100% rctum on graph ilI41l1 on the River road, W'le Haippy Hour ClUb' at ·the home Pr",ulllrJ{.iw'illl ~"'i# Walter W. Wiseman. Editor and Publisher an investment of $100,000 is no .good : SATURDlAY, MAY 20, 1944 . , SUre,. .kk,""III' to him. The most he would' be al. , ~llng at J2:30 o'clock, tile ot Mrs. Anna Hoalt , last Tue:,~y afternoon, ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY , lowed to keep, along with his other following pl'operW, to-W'it : Compe1tition ~aon Hllillea was the guest of his inc;ome, Is less than $3,000," • ' 8UbeariDtton Price. 11.50 Per , Year. payable In Advance , il......sP AN MULES-I Liberty had glamour back In 1776 An Old Story g ru.ndp~ents, Mr. and Mrs. LU~her wl,eJ1 511 10Ylli Amedcans took their !fbis young man went to It lot ot ~t.1'Q llU'ge and good workers. .nRlne.1 Saturday nlgbt. liv es iii their hands to w,rlte a Dec- trouble to lenrn wbat economists Matro.al AClva,tiaing Representative 6-MILK OOW5-<J .Mrs. '0. B, MarJa.tt spent Thw'slalll tioD that all men are crea t.ed' have beer:' saying Cor two yea rs. 1 Jargoe Shol'~110rn row, 1 OUel'Dliey day a.fternoon 'With 1Mni, Ella SE.VI~E. INC. eq .lll l, ~ rid o ved WIUl cerlaln Inalien· From his great uncle's point ot vlew, a :1.' rigbts, such laS Lile. Liberty a profit of $100.000 a year wos only cow, 3 JerseY (lOWS. r~lc.se cows a re hnines. '. ; anJ U1C Pursuit Hap piness, What 2.8% return on a $100,000 Invest- T. B. tested. nave aU been frcsh Marilyn Sue &:n1th was a d1nnm a change has come. and so sOlln! ment. thus: Ulls 's prmg and are heavy milkers. guest of hel' great lP'andmother, Or' ly 168 yea rs ago Am rleans fought • Home Town NeW1pape", 10~HEN S-100 .. , ............. .. $100.000 Net profit Luoy OomptoQ, S:a.turday evening. anJ djed for the right to /lUr$ue hap- Normal profit , .. $8,000 WhIte \Rooks wild Wh iLe Leghorns, ... 'Iif• .....". - CIiIN90 I," • • • • • (;. S • HoIIHoo. Bldg.. Sen Frendlco. c.L Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hal,ncs of pbless, Now some Cit them want ev, IMPLEMENTS Normal tax 40% .. ... $ 3,200 near Reesville called on .Ev~ett IIrythlng shared equaUy and with a Excess profit . .$92,000 Wagon with flat top, COVCl' d Hum es and ,wU'e lash Friday. m h ln;lUm 01 ell'ort. E . P . tax 85 % .... _.. _ 78,200 utslde my. wlndo,w is the athletic Tolal taxes ...... _... ~ 81,400 spring Wagon, two....vhecl tl'flUer, Mr . and lIiIl'5, iRaJelgh Bogan 5e ..I 01 a small college. ' The ,1944 Deering illO\vel', 6 ft, cut, steel WOtll w<;I'C d.lnner g uC$ts of Mr.. a.nd Mrs. Fidd Day has passed and students' Net proHt alter taxes ,., . ... t 18,600 -hay ra'ke, JlIW tedder, J ohn DCC!re !lay . 6. 19M. Ltlae tune. Every Indy Upper grew and h e had not int cI'est In games has subsided Persol}al income tax 85,% .. , 15,810 maDUl'e spreader, Hoosier wheo t William Smith and MarUyn Sue a .. .door yard baa 1t4 ~purple or white told anyone for fent It would be week ago S\Ulday. solllewhat undcr the pressure ot apMl' . and l4rs. Raymond WIlson " tIou4uet at sweetness, some have fOWld. Im:lglue bls feelings when preac hing examin a t ions, -but it con- Income rcmainIng .......... $ 2,790 will Wlth.lfertmzcr n-tto.c.llment, corn plantcl', two JanlsvllJe riding cul~i· a nd Walter Wilson spent Friday tinues to be a lively picture, I have . both. LUac.s of all color!; from will te an' excl t.ed freshm&l burst. In wltJl wate,led coml?etition thcrc wllh un· Of course a $3,000 yearly income Yators, OlIvel' 1'IdLIlg bl'eakiUg plow, evening wIth Mr. and IDs. Theoto deep 1'O&y purple, even pink. his t reasure clulclled In h is hand usua I Interest this ycar for specia I Is $60 a week, good pay if It Is a 3 hOI'se wa.l1dng ,plow, 2 horse walk0caIm0n old lai1hloned lilacs, m y ud said . "Sny, look wJm t I found . dore MoIntire IlDd sons, ~'easons. War has tpken Ule big salary with no investment and no Lng plow, 5 shovel CultlVI~tol', double fawrtte lUnd, new bybrid lllac.s, What Is it '! " Mrs. EdIth Halnes had IlB ber boys and the contestants are so no- risk 01 financial loss. When a man SWldoy . TIl tradl tJ,01l of seven f-.thered Pers1a.n 11lacs. French tic ably young and slight. But SpOl·tS puts up the tenth part of a million shovel, slngle shovel, platform guests Satw'day her paren1.5, Mr. are all1the more impo'r tant. waQ, ate Cblnese lilacs and othel' rainy Sundays after a rainy EaSter doUars (or when ten men go to- scales, 3 J10l'Se cUsc, power eULting a nd Mrs. Charley .Laird of Oamden. gether and invest a mIllion) it is box. JdDda ~ numerous to mention, 'On wns shatwrecl this year Ior it. dldu't ,AU "Created Equal iMrs. Mary Bogan of near Xenia. MISOELLANEOUS lIlY WIIT.to Dayton today '1 drove by rain el Uler J1I.St ::;unday or Lhls. At odd Intervals, track men as= seldom in "0 sure thing." There are is the guest of her son, RaleJgh B0PlatJONll scales, 1000 lb. capaclty, semble a t the starting pole and line always rIsks to run In industry. ~Wb"'" nursery. There \vere Does a nyone remember how many gan, and )Vile, Money Plays Safe up. The gun craclts and they all hay l'ope, fork alld pulleys, 32 ft, and rows of every kind In reIny Sundars we had befo re E:lstel', Mrs. !'lfymond Burden very pleas· All Investors expect theIr mOney run. In every sense contemplated in double ladders, log halns, fencl! antly enfe~lned to dinner Sunday bloom lOme &1izqt gone. some just Perhaps t here were seven lllt./1OFor a man of to work for Ulem, the Dllcla ra tiOtl of Independence, In bud. It ia IJOlIIAble by choosing gether·. Cool and half cloudy. much wealth, $100.000 earns only a 'stretchers, power buzz saw, 2 CI'O Ln honor 01 her mother's birthda,y. the~e ,runners are created equal. _ aDd late vanetJ.e6 ,t o extend iDogwOOd Is tlle showpl ce In the Each has an inaUenllble right to win small "salary," Such men .are very cut so,ws, axes, shovels, pick, Iorge, the following guests: Mra. SeJlJe uiac time two or ~ee weeks. Lt is woods now, The redbUd ls !adL'1g the .ribbon, But, EIS a matter of careful therefore to put capital In a 1ll1V1l. J'lOl'SC clippers. pipe ~V1'ench, BeJll.lett of ,xenia" Mr . and ' Mrs. fact, only one can win It. Only one st1le place with little or no danger hand saws, hammers, tLn snlps, milk F1l'ed Merriman and SOIl, Larry L~, CODveD1mt too tlIat , outting the Into Q rosy background for tilC white will. The ribbon Is unimportant any- of loss-like muniCipal bonds, fo.r cans, milk buckets. stl'll1.nct, cooker, ,b}OOma la PlOd for ~ tlUBh 118 tlhe branc.hes 'Of dogwood blossoms. Tbc It Is the competitive struggle example. Tbat', the gravest p~8. lard press, sausage grinder, 2. \J'01l Ml ...6o.roUlie BUrkctt and John way. belt ~l to , ~e them Is while leaves are comIng out and corn Bennet{bI Dayton. that makes ~ollege athletics worth pect faCing the United States at the the, are Ul bloom. or,lOOIl after. Not planting time is here, hough the) close ot the war: Danger ot baving kettles wi.th stands, 2 scoop6 shovels, theIr while. Llbtle Larry Ellis spent Wednes· service men come marching back forks, double and sillgle t.rees, large all our Ilptren are that way, tor-in- advfse us to iplant it as 'late as pasday nItel'Doon wit11 hJs grandmother, Trophies stilllulat;e competition, victorious over varioWl armies of va. ataaae Our tlJr .hIte ~ti-1llJt.Jn6 'are sible thls year to fool the corn Competition In~p res traWng, Train. rious dlctators, to ~d no work at barrel, 3 2x12 1n. planks•. 15 leeL Mrs. Glenna Wilson. long.. conl sheller, 8 gal. wat.er fo unldUecl by plctlqr the blO88OlJlS, so borers. Ing makes tor development. U aLI home. JOhn ,WIlson and Robert Wll90n our men had been created equal Monday, It was so nice to have a When JOU CO to tne 'Cor The American people need a great tain, grind stone, cream sepel'lltor, took dinner With Mr. and 1Mrs. physica~, It every race had to be a floweia al'AJIJ leave some lor seed Jetter trom one oC the boYS "down many Hems, and are ready to buy churn, 3 rolls slate coated roo!l.ng . Weldoll Wllson of llear Xenla, Suntie in order to be {Dllr, there would them. Manu~octurers know how to Wider." It would be nice if cn.cIl (flE)ED 1 toll nllXed hay, some and for plan1a to coq1e again next clay. be no competition, 1110 training and make tbllm, good enough for ' anycorn, ~. Kau,ehoice'Wild Clowers have boy who got tile paiper would send no development. 1 pm glad that body at popular, prices. Making 1Mr. and Mr&. Luther Ralhea and iHJ\!RNElSS - 4 sets good lea t.llel' .beeD . ~ t.b&t ",.&y, by wasteflil lIS a V maU letter, We so orten aWeUc ~awards are not of great jn~. ma Haines were 1n Sabina these things can provide goOd~obs trinslc value, glad libnt charges ot for millions ot men, but will It hap: tug harness, collars, line's, bridles, pIcJdJja. I JeDeU1ber the d1apa.lr of ~nder how many get the papers we Friday. unfairness are so intrequent in ama- pen ? Well-there is one sure way to balters, etc, .b AnUDCh profeuor of biology. lIe send, I hope they do not think we' Mr. Ella Haines was a dinner teur athletics, HOUSEHOLD 'GOODS - Davis spoil the prospect: Keep the taxing .' IIDn Where Just one plaoDt ot a rare say too much about the weather guest in tho home ol her couain, Any May lEDter system exactly like. it' is now. ' 50 sewing machine, bulfe t, Va!llliY, bUll the weather Is so Jmporta.nt on 3. Charley Mendenhall, In New ' Bur· There 18 no purer symbol oJ [ree people who invest in industry can't table, 2 iron beds, s prings, child's ;the farm that talk about It Is Dot li.ngton, 'S unday. bene5t trom it. Investments are abcompetitive enterprise than an aUljust sPIlce CUler. Then. too. ,hOW bed, VictroJa., 4 ohairs. porcelo.i.ll top Mr. and Mrs. IIJonald Ha.lntIIJ and letic field dllY. Our lorela Uiers were lolutely essential to making Job •• , table, IAliadin lamp, loe bOx and can we call up the mind pictureS 'of wiSe when they wrote the rules of son; Aldan, 'Visited \Mrs, HaInes' ma.ny other articles too nlUnerous to your favorite views easier thAn to business and declared aU men equal NOTICE TO CONrBACTORS grandparents, Mr, end Mrs. Wbetsay, today 18 {me of bbo5e hal!mention. WIder the law. J\nybody, a citizen stone at Wu.pokoneta week ago SooSTATE OF omo or an aUen, is af libl~rty to pick hJs cloudy. dayS when. the dlsoont hUIs T!rrns Ce.sh ~y. favol"lte actlvi~, find the class in DEPA.R'lMENT OF WGBWAYS are a. hazy blue and once in a. whUe all. J. LINDAMOOD which be belongll and have·at.it, ac. Columbus, Ohio, April 29, 1944 , the sun breili through and lights Advertisfng Showl Eneru cording to his own' ability. He can EnJin~r of Sales ~ Copy , :~llblll" N. Sears: Auct, win, History proves that champions up ,the green wheat field across' the. WaynesvllJe, OWo, Phone 2651 No. «-L39 AdveI:tlsing Keeps Olcl OUI&omerI of any sort are hud to select in UNIT PRICE ooNTRAo~ Reason. and St. John, Clerks ADVERTISE IN TBB GAZIrI'n advance. Sealed 1)roposals w1ll be ,lcceivlld Some athlete. are good at only a~ the office of the state :tiigh.,...~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'one sport; ' othel. are versatile. Director of OhlQ, at COIU~t)\IS, 9010, Sometime. a man 01 many talenta unt1l 10:00 a. m. , Ohio 6tanw&rd gets two or three ribbons; again a Time, Tues~, May 23, specialist excells. . But Uley aU try lmprovementa ttl: . It. The net resulft ot the compeWarren County, Ohio, on.pe.rl.s Of ill a belter-se't ot men, betSections M01T~ and S-J of the ter teams, betler olasses, be,t ter pay . $2.00 for Dead sC,hoola here and elsewhere-a bet. CitlcLnnati·Zanesvllle Ro8.d, state ter developed nation. . Broad.sca'le Higbway No. , 10, 1]. S, Route No. ~oraea, $1.00 ,for Cowa. progress results rrom the efr~rt; not 22, in Salem 'l'owna'hip end the Nil::' from ~e trophje~ and awards. Sh,~ep, Hog., Calvea lage of Morrow, by resUl"fa,clng :With: Sbared Beiliefils asphaltic or tar concrete. .' . and Colta It is much the same in business, , Width:' Pavement 20 t~t .' s.nd, RdO'f' FOR AND CONSIGN REMOVED FROMPTLY Nation·wide effort to achieve sue. your Catt.1e, hQgS~ ' sheep and c:al'fel cess. accomplishes great Ulings for 35 fYl feet; Road/waY' 30 feet and. ol() , , Phone Wayneaville to Norris-Brock Oo~' UVe w1nI and the whole people, Tbe rewa rds of feet. , Leheth 5,6M.l'1 feet or lYlO m1l~ progresslve firm fOr, the' Idlbest Free Entcrprille lare wo th havi~g " 2804 .' ,iEstiriiated cost ........ ·fI6,500.00 but Uley are not thle, main Uling. market prices and sOod I~. The ow" FerUuHr Plant In Contract to ~ '. 'completed not U~n StoCk Yards, ChIC........ O. Wealth, promillence. recognlUon, In. are ribbons, They fluence; these later than J1J,YI 16, 194t. Tune In on Radlo ' S&atiou WOKY, Warren are tho stimulants th,at fire compeThe m1n1mum wage to be . peJd to 13:25 to 12:30 p. m: for OUf dallY tition, but a Cew notables don't make aU l4Lbor employet.\ on tJl1& contrac~ market rep'orta. a nation. I~ is the thoughtful work ShlUI lie 'i n accordance With ' tile 01 many ~at makes Am!!tica g'reat. "oSoll~!1,¥e of HPl'ev~g Hourly , Every , libert;r.lC?vtng~ citizen ha~ a Wage Rates Ascel'ta.1n~d BInd I>e!;el duty to keep competition open, Free mined by 'fhe D~artment ., 01 In-~-"""':-----:-----'7' _ _ -'-_ _I--_--l~[lli:WWlie.-ls th~eateru~erlcat dustrial RelationS appUcab,e to ' ·taxes that handicap the winners S~te· HighWay .Department 1m. end, by subsidies ~It reward the prov~ent.s In acoor~nce, wlth ~.. ,l azy, by . government management tiona 17-3, 1'1 ..4, 17-4a, 1'1-5' and end governm~t complet;ttion. It Free 1'1-5& of the Gen6nU Code of Ohio. '! The. bidder must submit with bIa Enter"rise is ov~thrclwn by cranka who think every ~face ougbt to end bid a certlf1ed ch,eclt in an' amq~, in' a draw, the ease they crave will equal to five per cent of the esti'not come. But ~dleness wllJ come mated co$t:but In '!DO , event more . '. at}d P!lra1yze, il, Qatio~1 tbat has set than ten thousand dollars. : P~ns 'lUld ' I>pecltics..tlons are on the world', pace ·tor 168 years, .. t , file , in the d~partme\lt of ,h ighways ~ and the Office of the re.sldenL dJstrlct deput.y director. ~ ., Rich: Uncle ' The 'dIrector reserves the right to A young 4-F 'oJ- my acquaintance reject any Qlld an bi~, ' , wo'rks at a government·operated chem ical laboratory in a dl~tant state Highw~ Director. ,R . state. He camel home on l!!ave a " tew months 'a~ alld scratched arou nd cQns ldern~ly on his father's big I ~l' m collec.tj ~~ rocl!;s. When he , , . we nt ba d;, be tCf1:'k Uie rocks with hJm. · 11 ,;;~ , notes ,on ellevations nnd ' , , . thlt..:I,( kl(C5 uf 6tl'atu , He said he " ~ uh 11) 8 be1i~ved those sha'l e gl!! c/; m iShl hnve va:lue, Now be ~,
·From A ,Farm Diary-- Dry Ridge
'. ttne.
-------- Q_~Js~O~URd~~'·J~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~ ,.0. S. "oRD~~~~~;~RIJ)~~ 'lARGEST ,TRACTOR
" stock feed. Only the starch Is~ remove<l' dUring ,distn1ini: ..,the-pad 1'tCO,~ed is:_
liigbly-Pnzed concentrate ,con~ ,vaJu·
able ~temB, .fats and carbotiyckates. The
" distUli:Dg ind.ustry reany h8s taken al~ ' part in the ~veropment of new cattle ibid. poultry feed producta from ,reprOceaaecl grain ••• products rlcll in vitamiDa 81 Bud Bz ••• 80 eeeential to satisfactory groWth
8IlClpmduction _And the ~ ~ apply aJao to the malrin , of wbiiby ~' whe:D pnxIuctfon II resumed," . .
, (,I
1.. Me re • •mUy he ,,~as at home &g: i I wi l,h a business-like glint In hIS eye, discreetly silent 011 the sub· Jec ~' of his miner,al samples: After tits fll'st hOl'(le.coOk~a breakfast be wenl horsy ahd ~addlEid a mig. ~ot pl~aBure; It was a bu.ll)ess trip. He can.l ered direcUy' tClI' Ule home of hJa m/)lhe~'s uncle, tb,e rIchest ra~ed capitalist tliereab.out. Wben'be tobll: to' horse agaJn, 'he 'was' a I\a~der but wilier youn~ man oJI a~8irs. Had Bad Ne_ Al1parently the '':OUDg man', home acres are fUll of . ' '~Iod ' ,rade of valuable ' ore, ne.~ th'e sUrface and Dot co,Uy to recover. He bad VWODl at. Incorporating a new. local Indllltry loon aftell Ute, war, ofrerIn. job. to the whole counl1'. dilchar.ed
aervior men IIDd un~ploYed.--war
workers. AU he Deeded wu capital -that'l what u thou Be bad' neb
TllVBS DAY,' MAT 11, tNt.
Fro m 'fhe Miami Gazette ~'iles ti-am1ng,
nFl'EE N YEABS ·AGO ers KJiI. Dora Ward; supt. (May 8, 1929) elemen tary dept., !Mrs. iHough; rrhe ' Spring ·Valley. Watel' 00. supt, OJ: lntermed1a.te dept., Mlss plant, owned ,prInCipally by Xonia.ns ~ett1e Eamha rt; supt: adUlt dept., and ~ <by Leroy Brower, hlW Mrs . Ina Bogari; supt•. of Mlssion been sold to Gideon Oramer of Day- &l'Y dept., Mls8 KatherJ ne Prende rton, a salesma n for bUllard room pst; supt. ~'nce d·e pt., Mrs. flR~" MAN EVE~ 10 suppUes. WIN 801M..,.e u.co.. .' J. iL. ilo(end,en ball; delegM. es to \Lee LemJnon of the Nationa l Mil- ,coun·tYl convent loil, Ml'a, 0I!r1 Duke, ~wo 8R'1lS~ ItMA1DR itary Hom\!, v1s1~d hls mother and Prof. Sherwo od and Reva Hormel . GOLF CROWftS fOR . sister Saturda y. SUCCfSSIVE YfA~Hom - To Mr. and MrS • . Bert PIFI'Y YEA.B8 AOO liE t'¥So WON mE Bratt, nee Frances WUllamBon, . of U.s.OPEN ONCE! (MaT 5, 18M) Ohlcaio , April 25, a daughte r. B. F. Parker baa IWCept« l a p0A yery pretty . ceremon y waa 501- sition in 8a.nd'B IJ>ru& Store, vice emnizel at the M. E. parsona ge at oarl Hender son, res1gned. ,P rot. J. ' o. Rld8e of O1ncl.m1atl, J~es~n SUnday, iMay 5, when Miss Vashti Beckett , eldest daugh- W88 ta.rtytng here awhl1e t.hJ.s week. T.Ile money now spent tar drink ter Of Mr. and Mrs. Lon IBeckett, became the bride ot Ray G. Conner , gives empoym ent al~ether to leas oon of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Conner of than half a m11110n men'. II 'this New ·B urlingto n. Rev. Frank Gor- same amount of moneY' 'Were exdon, uncle of the groom, .~fOnned pended 1.n other Jines or buslnes s it the ceremony. would &ive employ ment to nearly . L: 'M . Henders on, cashier of the two m1llloo. men at ·t wo dollars a. Waynesy1lle National J3G.nj[, has day. • iMlss iMcK1nBey' resume d her "PO'been elected secretar y-treasu rer of the Warren COunty Ba.nk.ers 8.88'n. slUon at. the poet oUJce TUesda y IMr - and Mrs. Raymon d wUson after only a tew days Jnd1spo61t1on. moved 't o Da;tUin Tuesday . . W. H. AnIRm h88 .pureha sed the Mrs. James MOClure is at Mc- grocery store of Anders on Br06. in Clellan hospital , Xenia, where she HarveYsburir • . underw ent an' operatl<1n last, . k . Miss Dena. Rl.ch waa tIlr.en to Wami· :Valley hospita l ~d~Y for Much h88 ~en said aboub .mothan appendi citis operatio n. ers, as ~et no 'Words _can exM&rrta.ge iLlcense - W;.IllJam N. Spray, 'fanner ot Lebanon. and Miss preM a mother 'll true worth. She is Lorra41e Branno ck, teacher, W~ taken very much tor granted , beCIIIUlie she lovers Uli 80 IlJlIIel1'l shly nesvJlle , . " and Iabons for 1111 BO untlr1n4rlY, .a nd moot of us never reau.e' her tl'Ue 'I\WEN TY-nvE YEARS AGO worth unW she 111 lODe. Then we (May 21, 1919) Men of WaynesvUle have elected know every ye&l', ~ and more, _ the following Officers 'for the com- how IIWCh ~ meant t.o us. because Roy Bendrtc UoD Lee Marsba il Berbert W. Parl.IUI Jng year: Prealde nt. t.t.Hugh Ridge; no ma,tter how 800d a friend we Washington, D. C. (!?pecla l)-Sev- some extent, essentia l part VIce preside nt, Walter Kenrick ; may tlO ;with IIOIDe women. no ODe of our treasure r, E. V. Barnha rt; secretar y, can ate bel' place. We can onlY en hundred Washington officials and tood econom y during the :reconstr uc· diploma ts had their first taste ot re- tion period that will tollow the wa r." . Franlt I.el(ay. p,W OIl to our' c,b1ldren that same lief foods here at the Food Forum The sacrific es being made by the love and care. Thua The Senior clll!iS wlll present on it baa always dlliner meeting recently. The meet- Americ an consum er and those of TUesda y evening . "~le and iFlne been. U you are lucky e~ to Jng was a down to eorth proposi tion the United Nations mllst continue with every factor of relief feeding during the tran sitional period beIIJnen," at the school auditor ium. stJll have your own mot.ber, donI!; Wednes day evening Commencement forget her' Sunday , if it be only one placed under a verbal m icroscope. tween war and peace. Roy Hendric k· "Six years ago tonight. the first son. deputy director general of the • exerc:1ses Villi be held at. the school little flower UJat · you br!n4r to her. unprovo ked bombin g of I give you the 'Words or BaroneSs the histOry of wartare civilian s in United Nations Relief ond Rehablll· hall, with W1lliam T. TrumP. a took place in tatlon adminis tration, asserted Barcelo na, Spain," announc ed Bob then, '1t Is doubtful If food , Even noted educato r, aa speaker . The Von Kutten .needs of Wh.lte, executiv e chairma n of Food future liberate d countrie s 81'adu,. t;eaare: Levi Lukens, Harold • in Europe . Forum, as he opened the meeting . and the Far East can be fully met, Meredlth. ~tha Dlnwlldie Etbe1 'Is 1a a ~bdem&l thlnIg, a mother ; "So thia Is a unique anniver sary. he sald. iHa.Inee, Rea. St&.cy, Ka~ .other lolkII can Jove you, PnI.ncea McGinn is ~lary 'l'homaII !But only your mother underst ands. alriiost it forgotte n one. Yet. to- ''The stream of food Ito the llb· night, this meeting of Food Forum erated areas. counting both that 1!lcIw1n fandaU a.n~ Ethan crane. ' ~e .WOJb 'for 1OU. . 18 In a certain sense a recogni tion which UNRRA will flnance and that of that tragic Incllclent. It has been which some of the nation. lira. Edlth Harris arrived beme ~ after you, ' will called to discuss how Americ a can flnance · themsel ves, will Bundal" mornin g eJ.ter be.vtng spent lJoVejI ~ be very come to the aid of the clylllan s who large for 12 to 2t months after the Clbe Winter With her aDn-in-law and PorIrlwa you aDYItbln& you maY' do, have been bombed and Btarved Into' .~- • daught er lJ1 oal1!oJlnla. surrend er," Henctrlckson Ilred1cted. , Undens tanda JOU. and ttien the only lubmiss lon by the Axis powers. " "A new chapter lD the broad story ~rman Gray arrived <bome Prt- ,tllld tJUnc abe AmerIc an clvilillns today are en: ot wartime tood II coming doea tc;» you 111 up, no(la,yeven1ne after havlog been d1IIjoying greater per.. capita supplies body knows just how soon," Herbert to die fDd leaYO ~ 7 of food than they did during the W. oharied from camp Shenna n. . director of the office 01' l!'4ward Sweeney, an old. residen t ~G ...ette want· Ada Drin Reaultl l. 1935-39 periods, ,the so· called surplus food'Parislus program s for the FOI'elgn Ecoyears, Lee Marsha ll, dfrector 01' food nomic adminis tration. aIlUclpa "... ' or...W~e ~, died ted. at the Odd ATHL ETES FOOT GERM dis1rlbution for the War Food ad· "The Inevitab le alternaU vel : to a .. Pellow's Home in Springf ield Mon:::;~~~~~:ed ~~: m~~be~:s:r~~~: good job would be either tailure to Bow'h KUlU day., ¥unera l wUl be held here 'Ibe geml Jinbeda deePly: C&nlt gress and represe ntatives of 18 for- feed mllllons ot dangero usly ThUl'8day. Ifrom the home of his ~ UDleIit. n.dlec hungry l IIaDy llnI- elgn countrie s, This has been due people, or an Intolera bly heavy drain daughte r, Frank' Oarman . menta a1,ld omtiDmltB do not pene- tD a large extent to the rationin g upon food. supplies here and lD other The SI}n~ sclloois Wayne trate inlfOclenily. A* ~ .druII1at systcm In effect and the outstand ing food·surplus areal. In addiUon to townaW p beld their annual COnvllll- tQr Te..ol 8OluUon: Made food production which has permItt ed tood Itself. Bome productl.on wltb , "'BcUl. aloobOl, It ~ Reac:bes 80% us to supply the Brmy 'c omplete ly ties will be essentia l as Uon at. .the H1ckB1te ¥rlends church aefIM. APPlY tuU ,atren8t we- help h tor ltoby, and stili send quantiti es · of food to these needy people t9 help themSunday . ' Otllcera tor the 00ID1ns IIft&ty ..,euy feet. Your 3IIC bact our alUes, he stated. . selyel.. It will be wise andl eC!lnomyear .were named as' follows: Pi'ea1- l.u-.ftWlrm. 1I1lOt pleaeed . IACall1 at '. "This allocati on system il an el. ical lo move seed. tertllize rs, dent, J. E . Janney: vice pruideD t, WaJDe8vWe Druc store. sentlal part of our. food econom y Ih tools, replace ment pqrts lInd hand other Prank Oole~n; ' secretary, Oranp 'arne of 'war." Marsha ll maintai ned. neceslar~ items Jnto d,evalta ted •"I alllo see It al a possible, .and to areas."
glect ot -du~y; Isaao AmbUrg y VII. Amburg y; g1'oss neglect of duty; Ralph Wineba rger vs. Margaret Wineb8.rger, gT06S neylect of duty; Rooalie Masters Vi). WlllJam Mnsters, extreme cruelty. A divorce has been I,ssued to Odus Hobbs (rom ' iLllUe r.;tae Hobbs. o~
Foru m 'Mee ting Discusses
Alon g The Way ana
• • •
·Thursd ay" May 18. Then the BnI6It- lY'n Dodger s Wind up Ple lone bome . stay w11lh a alngle game Saturda y, May 20. and a. tw1n bill 8unday: lMay21 .
Tickets for all these games ave now on so.le at the Red3' downtow n ticket o!!1ce. 307 V.f.ne street, Where mall ordera for the Pmes are also belng accepte d • . ltedleg fans are seeing Jinuny Wilson ,b ack In. his role as coach for the club. He coached the iReds when they won successlve pennan ts In 1939 a.nd 194(). and returns to the team after putUng in three years 88 manage r of the Ohloogo Oubs.
The growing influenc e ot labor In ~lr • . IIllrh'Ue l~b~I~H. Cu rr~. ~'n politics WIl,s strangely telt in the reM1sa Pauline Carr. who Is consults Qf the primary elections on nected with the Dayton Red Cross Tuesday . office, spent the week-end at the Ferry parso.'lage . Miss Carr and The hll111a.n psYchology or "name Mrs. Graham were girlhood f riends, candida tes" showed up p~entJy both being trom Bluffton . in this primary , when It was 1m'Rev. and Mrs. !Arthw' Core of 'p06Sible to sell new names during th e Sugur Oreek ChrisUlln church, ~rchie the greatest show on earth of all- who are leaving next week for Netime. braska, were gIven a surprise Sun- ARCHI E SHERE R CO. day mOI'l~1ng when they were preAt. 19 S. Jefferso n SL, Da:noa , We placed a marked ballot in a sented with a George Waahin gton Are A Great Fador In Speedl q Up seo.led envelope several days before bed sprea.d and n. purse of one hun- l'he Tempo Of Busines s Throue h 't he election, to try our hand at dred dollars. After services d1n.ner Their Extensi ve Service In Equlpln c picking the winner . . . As we go 'was spread aud wbout 35 e.njoyed Offices For Efficien t OperaU on • . • to 'p ress Ulat ballot shows us nUssthe fun and the moo!. Office FurnItu re And A.cceBllOQ' log one and a "pl"Ob&ble," on the Mrs. George Schmid t and Mrs. ltema . . . Shelvln l', PlUne CabinR.epubUcan . . . On the Democr atic PelTy J . Thomas were Dayton shop- ets, sates, Locked, " Storap Cablnet a, ticket. we lost (:me. didn·t make a ~rs last FrIday, and Used Equipment. . . . Exclusive oholce on one and ha·ve a ' \probaClifford Elliovt 11a5 a fox, a beau- Office Furnlt.u re Center Of Da)1oft ble" on another , giving us II.- score tiful red fox about half grown:' He And The Miami Valley . . . Get In of bellWeen eighty and ninety, per llterally crawled down the hole and Touch Wi&h Them And A Repreacent, on' both tickets. pulled It out and remal'k. ed that he entaUve Will ~t In Pla.nnJDc thought he had a "ball of fire." He Your Oruce • . • Tel. FUlton 53'71. Confidential reporLs comlng out has It in a run and 1t Is a saucy litof Washin gton give us somethlIlgl to t le fellow too. He hnsn't decided That much of ,t he bUSlnea a of thlll think and talk about for the fall what to do with it as yet. part of the state Is transac ted over eleclJon . . . Dewey seems to have Mr. and MTIi. Harry Roland of turnltur e that is ~urnls.h ed by! the -Republ ican n~at1on "in t he iLetlanon were visitors of Mr. and Archie Sherer Co. 10 Dayton 8oCbag," with Bricker going- aCter the Mrs. J ess Roland. and Mrs . For- oounta .for their large 1ftde and vice prealdency, but rel><»16 persist rest Trost and daughte r Sunday ever .w ldenlng .scope of their a.cUvin seeping out of Waahln gton to the evening . iUes • effoot that two other . Ohio dark Rev. and Mrs. Walter Brunt were 'nley have made a study or modhorses ma.y wln the coveted nomlngueats at Sugar Creek Sunday . Rev. ern business furn1tur e and a<lOelllibry IIJtl0n-8 enators TaItt or Burton. Ennt. accomp anied !by l11s wlte, items and have be1:ome the cUaCrIb• • • The Bricker ln1'luence in the Ohio sang a 5010 for us. utor tor the leacUng maoU1'e.cW1'era Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frledmo od of ortlce fur.nitu re to keep pr1maries showed up very poorly, "';ery. which ind.lootes that ,t he boys be- and sons were supper guests at the thing in reach ' Wh1l£8 . it can 'be lieve that he haa nothl.ng to give GllIllan d home Sunday evening . _ looked over m a ,minute . In anymor e. at l,lurry and rush, it 111 nee I )I)' to conduct a bUBlne811 &10118 'tbeee DIVOR CE SUITS lines to brine the blgbest etf1c1ency and the gre.a test ainount of· 1IUOCeM. Divorce suiLs have recently been Now that they have proven them'I'.l\ey have 'one of the model offiCe JnaUtut ed by the following In Wa.r- selves by winning the majQrlt y of their early games With the tough furnitur e centers of the m1ddiew ren county : tSt, Dorotha. Brande nburg VB. Gordon western clubs of .Lhe Nationa l league and here wUl be found the latest In Brandenb~, extreme cruelty; Nom the Cincinn ati Reds are contencUng IItyle and for eH10len t operatk D. Tolson vs. Jamea D. Tolson, gross with the eastern teams in a long YOIl are always welCome at neglect of duty; Elbert Bryant, an home series ot fourteen contests . show rooDUi and they wlU be glad to 1Fo1iow ing Wedl1eaday night's eJ.- ' meet your 1deas OI' J.nf'ant ot the age of 17 years, by ..wID turnIab JOU iLol,IZettla F. Bryant, his mother fair with tbe New York Glants, the both . the furnitur e and ideas •. and next friend., VB. Aubrey Jewell R.eds were to meet the O ttmen in It is incumb ent, not only OQ. the Bryant, gt'06s neglect 01' duty; WIlla. single gamea Thursda y, Fr1day and bWllness man with an oUlce a.nd • ~ vs. Obarlea Rapp, gross ne- se.turda y, wi~ Friday's contest be- large buslnet\s to have a ~ way of keeplnlJ acooun t or bJa a.f~ log a ladles' day affair. on Sunday the Reds will meet .the fairs, but every one ~ do t.bIII, no mattel' -whethe r .he rWorta em a Booton Braves In a doubleh eader. It aa.lary or ~ oondUc tlng a limn 01' will be the ilirst cblllllce for Cincin- a.n other kin _ot nati fans to see the rev towners of Bob COleman, new Bos- man 18 a buslneaa .man- IUK1 the n pilot. The Bravea 'will also stay smaller the 'b uslness Ja that he ducts, the more neceaaary are t.beIe over for a ~lngile contest· on Mon- things tor its growth and develop"- • •....lal . - b to our...e..au-. w.. day, May 15, a.nd a mom1n g game AN of........pla pricu oa pw _.~pe Tuesday , May J6. iPlay will be ment. All you 'have to do, if· ~ aad f ...orlle~ , You CAA PI thio a.t 11 a.. m. on that day, an hour have never c:otiduc:ted your bWIUle18 "".... ol.ther Ia cOIIIbi ...doa with aD,. oae 0' which wlll pennl.t many ;war workers on BYstematic basis, 1II .to·drop in theM ..... popul.. ......&lao, o. ,.ith tb. at .'·Mapda e IipaciaJ Mlow. Select the of. to view the club 10 aotion . their sbolre . .1'bey .w ill furn18t1 ·an ·,.ou lik. bait ; •• tW fill t.. the coupon ... The Ph.J.ls move m to 01'061ey··Field. office in your home 80 you caD kelp ~ it 10"'. Pt- clo It riPt .,..,.1 on 14ay 17 for three g&Jnes in as your a1lfalrs before your ,mind and many days, with a. night tilt on cap soon embark OIl the Any MagazlIle Listed and This road .., succ~ and Prosper ity. The nuGI1 Newspaper, Both for Price Shown • that many do not 8~ 111 that Want to Do Repairi ng? o ~erIcan ~It Grower...... $1.76 they do not reaJJze J1IIIt wl:Ucb war Americ:aa Girl _ _ .... __ 2.50 Want to Sell HoUsehOld GoodI7 af{airs are drifting until it, J8 too AmerIcan Home, 2 yn..... 2.75 o American Poultty Journal ' U5 ADVERTJ;8E IN THE GAZIlT l'E! late . Better Cooling I:
• • •
Sher er Co.
• • •
• • •
News Of 'l'he Reds
o o o
.HomCmaJdng _ ~, _",,_..
!1.45 lI.lO l.65 2.95 2.50 11.110 2.00 11.110 1.66 2.110
o Boy"
o Capper'll 1 ' _ o a.U~ Life _........ o C1uUtJaa Herald o Coroael _.....,.... ......_ o Country.Gentleman, 5 Yn.. o Etude Music Magazine...... O.um JmL I: Prm'n Wife o Flower Grower .......,............ o Jlotum-ColuDID . Review _ 2.95 . o Howebo o Hygda ld MapzIu e _ 1.65 _,_.~
_ _ _ ._
o Ilberty ____..._............ _
o Natl~ Digat Monthly 8.45 o Nahlre (10 111., 12 Mo.) ...._ 5.45 OOpm Road.(121..,14Mo.) Outdoora (12 .... 14 MOo) Pathfinder ................ _.......... Photoplay·MoYIe 'Mlnvr _ o Popular !\(c:cha'a.lca _.......... Popular Sdaltle Moothly_ Poultry Tribune ................ Reader'. Digest ........__ .. _ o Redbook MagaziDe _ ....... IkneDla nd ' ._._..._' __•. D SU~ Sc:reeo _ , 0 Span. Aneld ........._ . _
start because you mix it withy~own~"""
.og.~~~ :~"M~~:::: ~~
2.25 2,2S 2.00 2.110 8.25 8.00 1.65 ,US 5.25 2.110 2.110 . 2,25 _ _ 1.75
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,T here are ' few ,meall' a. tune-r . lealltr, and fuel laving ' as oven meall,' .TheY are Ii boon to the bUIY housewife, whp. con put food In .the oven IUd leave It "for a IPcci.8ed leD~ 'of ,·Ume.., eorifldiimt that 'the ,
=::=t!:~t ~ ~od'lrn ~vera ~m The llial .'aviil, alped helpi 'not
.0b17 the bUdlet" but the .,war effort al \rilL
POgto Tan. wlt.b 8&aaa,e 'PIlllq
.AU. kUchen ' tuell" '
.1arJ,y ,"boWed '" or "tank,l '
COIlv,nlent fuel _lor "homu
cjty ... malnl, are' cneedad in war IbdUtrl... aDd the. i'oVein ment apT .~ate'l 8JI7. "vb!I~ the ."8.rrn7 lD aprcina" c..- mak.. ·
. 'l'bIa "WUb
ture con1r~l to bold Ule oven Ileat ,to f/6' degree~. .. . Ta,n . wlili 8I1II&~ Fllliq . . MiX 'a n egg with mashed potatCl!I that have been prepare d with mUlt, butter and lealonl n,. 'LeftOverl wlU do. ' 81ft • . bAit t.l!81pQon of baklD, ,each e)ip.of muhecl , PDlnto . epourb ·flour lo~ake a ' wh~ It II worked ', lnto the potato. .. ,Roll ,Out .aDd .ia .ill lnch lqua~l. ~ce t\vo-tabllUJlOl)l1i of. I.ulage meat' ,that'· b •• been browu" d (~r ten m.lhu~ m ~~ ~ tar of eacb IQuare. Fold do:!lih over cUa,ona ll7 aDd pinch eel... ·tOlethe r. Brush 'wiUa toP mllk aDd ,... 411
oftD M..1" . cwa minute.. ~ 1)17
...,.. aIx. It .. 00IIl~ . . far tbe..)W. . . . . . or fId iIIId . . • .
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,3'2% CHICI COi l,El tlll·' ·
.WayJiesviDe .Farmers Eichange. . , ,
.A F¥m.e r Owne d C~per.ti.. . " Phone 2371 .' W.JD,..• ... O. '
TIl1JBSDAY. MAY 11, 11M.
lOcal Ne\li~f
We Offer
Y ugosla'v-Guerilla. Wo~ed . , Children'
Mrs . .T. B. Jones 1.111 com~y wIth
ijI~e ~~~fii11e
her sister, Mrs . Jo.h n. Zilnmennan , ' of DayWn spent lWednesday .with ' relat1vllS in Xenia. , Lytle Wlls well represented in th~ cast and also in the audience at 't he oI.ass pla.¥, "Peg 0' My Heart" at SERVICES SUNDAY the Waynesville gym Friday evenMAY It, 19&4 ing. BIBLE SCHOOL ·M r. and Mrs . HarveY' ,B urnet re9:~O A. M. cently visited their Wlcle and a.unt, Mr. a.nd Mrs. John Hayner at MOBN~G SERVICE Westville. The latter has been very 11:00 A. M. Ul lor the post two years. Sermon topIo-uDevout M~'he..." iLIttie Freddie LU8~nborder, 2'J1o There wW alBo be a shori proyears old, was burned severely Mon~ (or Mother's Day. do.Y' when he l ell in a bucket of hot - - -_ -- water, !Dr .• S~l1gle of OentervUle 'W1lS summoned and treated the burns . . EVENING SERVICE 1!\1l'. and Mrs. Israel SCott of 7:30 O'Clock near WaynesvUle called on Mr. and No senlceS Sunday Evenlna' Mrs. Olyde Wharton Sunday at~r 1ng. . because of ~urea..e s.,..vllle8. noon. HESTON TO GIVE PIANO ~c4tlur2 ~1Dt2ral REOlTAL IN IIARVEYSBURG Mr. a.nd \Mrs. Frank Day. Mrs. MAI.TA-A~Ollig the Yugoslav Guerilla Fighters to reach · Malta • 'Mr. and Mrs . Everett Early spent WEDNESDAY EVENING-'7:~ ~-Ia the 1I0.pital Cll1Tier "Dinard" are these two youngsters of 14 and . Sunday with ·the la.tter's mother, Filmore OWorne and Fred Osborne (Parada who have bora ~ IirII 16, both · battle ·c:ull&ltles. All the wounded were taken to the 39th Mni. J . W. Huston at Yellow Pupils of Mrs. J . L. Heston will of WmQhest.er, Ky., were recent In·the IflI'Ylcea mpeclal1rlnYlted) Gen..-ral· Hooltal 'where they are beini cared for. The two boys here Springs. Dial 2111 - Wa)'lleaYiU. euest8 of Mr . and Mrs . A . K. Day. glve 0. plano recital at the Harveys - appear undaunted and want to eo back for more of the same when 'Mr. and Mrs. Edward ' Bunnell school gymnasium MondRY' after• tbeh . .ditiona permit. MAX W. RANDALL, and Mrs . Oharles BWl/nell attended 1II1ss Gnwe Willlnmson has re- noon, May 15, at 1 :30 o·clock. the funeral of Arthur Bunnell of Mini.ter turned to'Mr home on Fourth The program will be as follows: The Rev. Mr. Dak.~n , who bad Pekin at the Osward Funeral Home 1. The Star Spangled street. after several weekS spent at been a guest in the Home the past in Lebanon Tuesday altemoon. -:;:._. - , - _._.- _._ . - -0_ the bome of her brother, H. W. Banner . .. .. ... .. . .. .. Orchestr~ Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nutt of near Mrs . Evalyn Petell'SOn was a: guest tl)reo weeks, left Monday afternoon W11l1amson in Dayton. 2. (a) Duet ............... !B11bro of rela tives near Wilmington over for ClnclnImti, where he w11l visit Oenterv1lle were Sunday afternoon The jllends here of Miss EUza( b) The lBirQ's Nest · .... Bilbro the week-end and 11).1 } Saturday at- ~rlendB before returnl.ng to his 110me guests or Mr. a.nd Mrs. ' T)lerle be~ )Jeffery, Baushter of 1Mr: and Mrs. EI1w1n Ellis lett Friday for (c) Rockaby .. ....... . .. BUbro tended the weddinlg or a niece In In St. LoUIs. Jones and son, Milton. Mrs. l!;. A. Jeffery lWer~ sorry to FQrt Dix, N. J.. where SM will (d ) The B9y and the Chester Friends meetin'g house. 1Mrs. Mall!Uretta. Heacock is relearn (hat 8lie had undergone an spend souie time with her hUSband, Frog ........... ....... .. Biniro !Mat.ron Margaret Webb was con- covering from 0. recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick, Mrs. ap~tls operation at Blair hosset. Ellis, wbo Is nOW statianoo fined to her ,becYaU day Frid'ay beJ. B. Jones and Mrs. WlIllam . Marcia. IAnn Rader there. ijl ~ 'Bsaturday ergdoll 'Were Lebanon 'lisitors on ~1al8~..[,ebecoanon. lWe ho~ she baa 3. (a) The VW~ Church . Bilbro cause or Illness. aftemoon. . a ~ r very . (b) .t!appy tID>lldays ...• Bilbro Mias Jeanne Baker has returned Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rhein of Mr • and ....... .....~. '.... 'D . . . . ftU W"·ft Mr . and Mm. iEVerett Early and YOOCU .....,n and P a tty King to her du.ties at St. EliZllbeth NursSpringfield visited their aunt, Miss . Mrs. J . B. Jones attended services family .or Waynesville were Bunda,Y es Tram1ng school after a pleasant 4. 'Duet ...... .. ..... !Betty's Waltz Margaret Edwards, o,n<l great uncle, __ at _the Wo.ynesvUle church Sunday' &ftl?moon v1a1tors O! Mrs: Ella'PerWu& . . . CUta .. TIaaDIIa ~Dd Patty King, Betty King Rev . iW. E. Daldn, Friday evening. morn'~", where the Eastern star riB. . . ~ an .... f . . . for at ,be vacation with her parents, Mr. and . 5. M1nuet 0 MInor .. . ..... Bach Mrs . Allce Clark was In DIlyton METHODIST C B t J R C H " ' 6 in 0. body, ,were guests. ...... Oeorse DIy_I. .... fJI . _ __ ........ lDIDImum Mra. J. 'R . Baker . members, •..... an d··... '~s. .. ..,~... e olanet Doster . !Monday with r ela.t:!ves and friends Louis C. Rudie" PIlator Mr. and Mrs. William Belgdall spent Batur~ afternoon wlth Mrs. . . . . . . . . A W~, · ... IIIIerteIi for !Mi. and Mrs. GllbeJ!t Rye. a.nd 6. (a) Minuet ............ : . Bach Saturday a.nd spen.t Sunday an<i Church school at· 9 :30 a. m. company with Mr . and Mrs. EII- V1r8tn1a Pl3mU'e an.d ~h~, &OIlS were Monday evening supper (b) From '\Surptlse" at CentervUJe, New Ca,rUsle and 'Mother's Da.y program . mond·,MJ.Dser and son of Dayton, Virgene, ln6Ugo. ~esta of iMf. and Mn. Harold SymphonY' .. ..... . .. .. . Ha.ydn ProdUct. F erry. Worship service at 10:30 A. M. visited 0. greenhouse at Eaton SunWe werti abocked when we learnShutts and ;familY'. Mary Jo Rich • Ie. BnIMl1rI;r. LeIIulon. Open The Rev. Water E. Dakin ad- Mother's Day service. Subject: "A day . ed of the death of Mrs. Edpr "Ba1. 7. Distant Bells . . .. . . .. Streabog . . . . far JGUr convenience. ministered the rite of baptism to Mother's Crown." ProbI,ltioners w11l Rev .' O. Ql:. Vice of Mason w1ll lard of Jtuneatawn, which occurred Mr .• and Mrs. Robert Furnas en,(b) Starlight Waltz !BraInard ,the three chlldren of ~r. (!nd Mrs. be received 1n~ IfUll membership 1n preach hls last' sennon before con- Friday. 'Ml: Balla.rd's forml'l' wife. Gila Ullmer. PbI!De II L. tertained to dinner -sunday Mr. and Betty King O. W. "Rhein ot Srplngfleld 1n St. the church. ". ference next Sunday mOrning. Mra. SUe Dean Ballard, paasect" (0.) Beautiful Mrs. Howard MissIldine and daugh- 8. Dreamer s te h Po tor Marys. ~opal church saturday The W. S. C. S. !Will meet a.t 2 ' M r. Mrs. Oharles Bunnell away last November and he bad reters 'and .Miss Dprothy Graham, . ..... ' 'P en s afternoon. Mrs. lir.bein, nee Mary ' m Th"-'>-y "'ft 18 t t.h and da....hter~ were" dinner "",es.- marrt.. ed"o.n .....rlli. ~ _ eleot.rIc. See Bill Lee, honoring the third birthday a.nn1(ib) Juanita. . ,. Spanish MelOdy :r ftfth ' Ed"""rds is ' great niece o. p . . ... OUA, - y , .a e v "'... .... iBett)l Oames .....,.. .... , ,!I. ~ sunda¥ ' of Mr. and Mrs. Edward .J. Lee "ralmage attended the Iu. bnubf ao.d, R.. 3, WI'YIlles'Illi.~." ,.veJ·~ry, of llttle Barbara M1ss1dl1n~( Mr. nak1ii.. parsonage. 'Ooo'--e11. lY_ the aftemoon ~"a'; '{leral of ,1I'loyd Bran~ at ,. \ f • 9. 'oa~ Me' Back to Old IMt. and Mrs. J 'a mes Baker ~nd ......... AU ....~J ST. MARrs BPI8COPAL motored to w~ Mlddletown a.Dd Sou~ ~non ~daT afternoon~ 11M 1MLL NPIR BAMIPLE- NiB. Harold Stroud of Lebanon, V..... "&.ny ....... . ........ . Bland son, Bill, ' at mnelnnatl, ' called on CDVBCl.O ' called 6t the home of' Mr. and Mm, BeriW'cl J~ 1'~ to Har..., em 'GIiII*7,M mY &me. D. B.r-anet Doster Misses AnnIe and Browne, .....\U'Ir Tu-'>A ~'A" 1mprov.... .... Ctarence .Neal! vey .... erMaN, ~, Ohio. 20 RATlmt REMINDER 10. Song ' . . ..... : . The Old Refl'$1n Sunday. . Ralph Para.. MlnIater In Charp ill health altei:leJJic tient f __ _ .... _ _. a-II __ , 11 . Mn· '. /Mr. and Mrs . • EVerett !Kenrick · r • ~ or ""_ ___ bIax. alaaa j __ ....-..he 'Mlll'ft't ...... &,.... _-' Marno<>ret 1~·1",--.>a Ohurch -'--I t 9'45 h .'WOO ,.:.u ... """", -....... • """""" a . a.~. entertained M!'. &ftd Mh;. La.wrence two _..La.._ W~ in Blair Bros. 0IIpita1. ~ plow. cream. I18par111tor, """"'TS ETC ~-,. ""-._ 10!Duet .......•.....•... SChubert Dayton 'lisito" Tuesday. Morning praver n-d sermon 11 .' 00 ............... '_n~ _. a S .... v w....._. -.. .-.... ---"'-e, ..w:.n, • - . D \ I \ I I L "'v~ , ." ..... Elliott and son TOmmy. ct Center..........." .. _ e . . . . . . un_! ' ; ; , ; : ~ ~ ~ i>Qlnt red stamPs A-8 tJu'ough T-8 Tom ReynoldB,Douglas Reynolds MlJI . Amanda Ha.rtrwn was II a. m. ville, and Mr. and. M:r8( Edward dinner ~eat ~ ~ mother ~ _ I 011' _ .........._ . now valld indefinitely but must last 12. Sonata. G Major .. , . . C~ement1 supper gues't a.t We hom,e of her ""~ldns of ;Wa""'e5vIDe to dinner gra,ndparenta, Mr. and 1\11'8: W. W. _ __... _-.~ "')~~l.YlMlJL,J ~ . Mary Lou Moore .son. A. H. Stubbs, and famlly, FERRy 'ClltJaCH OF CHRIST ' ~.. ".. . ·WDdt table, Wood bedltead. ,: 1 ~-~~~,;~~ : ;,-o;'=~r.-p'Uel'E~--::~~-:-;-Beiitlii5VeintlMoiiura,&,,:~---.:~-.......:~~.....::..:::::.:..::...:..:.t-':"7B;;rbeit of ' Mi. Shurta, at.South Lebanon. lU\$l .roo.,st., Of: beef, a.re ra.tion frelt. .......... GrahaDi. birthday. iMra., Lucy ~bPMIgh had the IfII!tap ¥ra JI:tt4, 8tImbaU R PROOHlSED FOO . Marilyn Conley -' a;: ., 1. : ~. ~ Four 14• S Pi1n g . 80:ng . ~endf!l&IIIrr~:%:;;---i:-.k~qr:~~_ _ iIlh~;~-a. m .. Bible acb.~ · _ """'-;" and Mr. and ~. iRusseU Camtpbell m1sfortline to f!ill Saturday at the Blue stamps A-8 through ,Q-8 goOd ... .. .. -1045 a _ ." "..J;.mm"-'on _.. n .... _ n ... _.ted. "'-• .. home of ,the 'Jordan iauoty&..;,~ ~ ~d, W~.vWe, ' , Mary Lou 'Moore ' . . U~~ :uu. .... ...... " y..,. ...... - - ;-'6_. iWUD _.:1"1' . indefln1tely. . 15 H ' 11:00 a. m.-8ermon. Hantey, Bole and da~hter in Day- there on. a v1alt. ~ 'Mla nnourbed w .,..l. lQ SUGAIRr;--BOOk 4 stampS 30 ' and . rumoresqUe , ........... Dvoro.k 730 b Pr_-:" A""ung ~.;,., .a,.. ... -L..y .....-. 'Allen 'Hole .. ~_ later to her home ·SllI'Middletown. Tom Reynolds . : p. . - """'7 'IIV., ___ "w",", ...... -, • " , 'IOB eu....:. A ' barpln that may 31 vaUd for five POWld.s indefinitely. OOm~nIed them hmJ.!e· after spend1Mr. and Mea:. Am08 IWnea and . . JIIR aida kID8er. 200 llheeta stamp 40 good or five pounds for 16. ~~~~:e!: . • Irish Melody FRIENDIS lng the week with her . ' 60IJ and tamtly of Morrow, ,were BUnW ,vi&allQOClliGad p.pIr. b i l L in. wlth home canning tbrou&'hFeb. 28, 1945. ~ttnDagYfO'~WhC:!,-~p:S(\,J')a'.·30Pl-a. m. famlly. ' . ltors of ~. and Mrs • . James Ken .,....."'.".. l D _ 1 . 3 ..... ~l , hal !Kowsky ...... . . ~ all prtnt.ea wlth ~~ ~ . . ane S tam'Ps 17. Concerto No. Il. • T5c ·Mrs. Everett Early was the guest DOnald and·,fam.lb'. ume aDd ~ for .1.60 at the 1 and 2 'valld inderln1tely. Mary Lou Moore I ST. AUGUSTINE CBlJRCD or Mrs. '!Paw W1IlIaIn8 at the ~. IMabel Ten-y or Dayton wall , ' MJaml 0UIt-. . . ' . G~OLINF.r-- stamp A"'U good '¢' .~~ve a Man 6 Father Krambotts. Prtett Mother . o.ild DII.\llrbter' banqUet at ~ 8a.tur~r evening caller ..t the · " for three gallons through June 21. .' , yan ve ...' .... , Sewell Mass SU~~ 9:00 a , m. the Methodist church at iLeba.non, home . of Jessie Garner:'. POa :. . . - ~ cOunter B-2, B-3, 0-2 and 0-3 good lor five : Dorothy ~ flr1 en,1ng ' . \ . _ 'CIOP oOaier. IIa7 IMt '.ween at gallana unW uSed. . 20. In Rank a.nd File ...... Lange WAYNESVILLi: CBUBcB OF ' ..$1 8'1. • , ' ~ EsTA~ ~S~, R. J. WilUnmson of Cleveland spent Sllnclay at t he home of Mr. WBS the guest of his moth er, Mrs. a nd Mrs . W. E . S liroud. H. H_ Williamson, during the past • • • ' week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiseman and children spent SW1day in gllom~oe Randall, a. studen t of the illoI:J. visiting relatives. Olnci,n nat i Bible Sem.1nn.ry, J.s spend 1ng the SUlluuer vacation h ere at Pvt. ~1chard I. Oampqell of the home of his brother and slster- Camp KUme1', New Jersey, enjoyed a 1u-Ia.w, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Max Randall. .mol't furlough with his parent;:; and other relatives 011 Monda.y • • • Mrs . OllU'ence Mendenha.li who Tuesda.y . recentlY' WldCl'W e.l1t a major opera:' AI Pollnsky, who' hnd been II. a tlon at S ~ . Anthony's hospltal in three-lWeek mission for the Air SerColumbus, was re twned to her vice ColIUlULnd in Dayton which home on Main street Saturday. tJook him by air to puerto Rico and • • Mrs . J . P. Fromm, deputy grand Trinidad, r eturned to his home here matron, illSpecDed the Eastern Star Thursday. chapter In Greenfield Monday even- PUPILS OF lURS. J. L.
ar~utt~ ' ®f ClI4rist
• • •
At Ail
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C ' hurehes
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, ', '. '-W'.LD· ING
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'Inqwn; of
!!.:ng .
~ Iiiou.," ~ PbGoe .".e. . .
Ohio. nJEL O1!L-Ooupona' and 6 good ' Doug1as ReynOlila 10 tbiough Sept. 30, unit value, 10 gals. ai. On .the Meadow . . •. ... S1chner · w.'''---..,.. lMar1Iyn ConleY' ... .a___ _...;.._ ""_ '01' ---"-'" IDIIUTII:Q .M1 change~ma1dnlr tlouWDB and re'ocq,Ji ,to ~ ):n7 baIne. PUr- serve ooupona trOOd throughout:1.2. Ourlous Story ....... • .. " IdIbId. ell' ~. ()ppcleite heating year. Tom Reynolds ........:..... IObaQl ' .: ' 23 TaranteUa . - .~ < ' . IIII'!II.~. PlTe, . Ma.rilyn' Conley ..... ..... ._", _ _ , n... ......... ,. _ -:It .~:",,;.~ - IV 'IioOIft\,;-Att GUol1De Ba.ti .. 24. Prelude 0 Sharp , . ". . _._....~ ,~. M1nor ~ . . :JI.,'.: '~~&1D-YLLICI ·Qh1o. .1MlU7' ~~. ~;,;,~~. . 25. America. ..... ~. . . . .. Orchestra "_ _ S~ ~ '. abear 65
CBBJST Max aa"-".. . . .,,~.__ II Bible' &:bOOl 9.30 'a. -----iii.
811 ... J ..... IfI G .. na'....
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of ~ttle -ens. Mlch.: 'Was '. rec:en't. ~ for & ' ff!W ' days In the. bqme of Mr." an.d 14rII. ' '"
r8qeut 'Warren
pte tranafen were
-1-"-' v.......
Wilbur R. and Florence
·Mrs. Eva Batley '
the fol-
. Oommunlon 10:45 a. IlL Cleaver to Cbu-leI .oo!larle Hause• Prear-h~g~ 11 a. In. .37 a.o.reS lil Clearcreek twp . . '. me'etl' ng 6 '~=~":" A 'Jefiery 'of Dear O-Dla..... _ ••- .. H~""- BOo--.' _ ct .la ' ".,I,UOU."......,-o;ow~ ...... • Evening sei'vice, at 7 :30. . " ......~ • ". , • ~-:-''"'''~.!:.-~ You are 1nvlte~ to come and:wbrMrs .· lAwy FIshbaugh of· MkRne.- qma &bderaon J,tre~ to ~ '~'\P,' wlth '''.•• • . ,', . , . " . , tovro. has 'been a""'est· ln' the~e '.W~ &nd.ur.Iae.:May ~..,' ...~,... . of the' Jordan i~y uui4iB"""'&e lots 33 and 341 in mJlcrea\ 'i4dlt.1On RO~ H_._Ji'UBNAS. JR. MT. IIOLLY M. ' E... CDUR"H - past week • •' . " ' • to, WayneSvllle..- . . ' . .. . , • ' idi'~:, . a..--, .. _A, In m , .. m~ry ;or his. 25t.l\ birthday, Qeo~e ·rBeckett cit Sprtn(f iB mun,tE. and GeptMlWe\DBk1n .to · ;,.......... ~ - :;-r T. M. Scar(f; Minister ', " , , ' ~ . . . RcIacI. oDe nOrtti May Uth. ' hOme , on fUrlough from Great ~ Schoonover, lots 11 and 12 in ,r: CIf·~. ~~ Route 2. ' 25 'Mr. &nd .MJ:s. ~ Furnas DU.UUtlY Sohool , lI:so. m. A. !.ekes ~e.vill ..TratDtq · pt&~ j orosawIcIG . . ' , : i'I ' . HOURS I Benny JI'ui'nes . EIlI'llJlJ1lrt Supt. . ' .whe~e he hall been ~tioned ~or carl,B. a:~ ~ ~· to Glat-: M1'8.Ber'BUnneu,correspond!:n'Mls;.r..ea.n l\oUSSlldin.·e ·' l'aIfa@'ODe3:a_W1t·'automatlc ~ven1ng 8erv1.ce, 7:30 p. .. . several tWeea. . , . . ~ lI'rye, Iota 1.-~. ,3'r ~ t'1n~l' ,_ .!.t ...........:.- :1&1 d '",~~ 9·12 each, m.orning ,~.;;a. •• , _ _ ' 110.- v.-ua e • A.IDV :Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frazier and Paul Mullen 1& h . on,furlOUlfh crest r.:o ....ad4ltlOD to W~. ~ uu. 33-v,o lt.l ......b. p. motora; 1 1-5 afternoons except Mrs. BanD'?1' S~wart spent Thursfrom "<kea1; Lakes, ViBl.tinI tlJa paS~ apdurrtIe K._<;lllman.to S;_t 11Vn, new; jmd 50 32-volt day with their sister, Mrs. Bigham', rents, and Ura, ' Deiber't-'-Mul-. Call. A. ~~ 0 ;. ~, 9&.116 II.... Ix1lb8 ' Wednesday . ~ "'" ,~'Wattage. who Is very siOle.. len a.p.d other frleJ?JUI; acre8, in Oleai'creu,.~. , _ ~ iPrvpIt, ~eavWe Route, I. 7-9 Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Shaw spent oUffQl'd ,JeCfte.y . Ja home on ,an qu.l LaCy fA) IDffle .rene ~. rr · il'ORi ~th'• .Mother Nature Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl e1iIbt - dBoY'. ', furlqh Ifrom. Grea~ ~ ~ilJatVey~.~ , ..: '. I .. iIIroOder. "DireCtfons for bu1Id1ng; Other Evenings OrlllWford. . . lakes,; '0', S. N,. T. ' S, Ikvin T . . ~ury to l\I&cIt ·, K. ' ~ . ~ I~"~ or !write l41'B : J. By Appointment Mr. and Mrs. 'P erry .Earnhart M1li8 Maty ~ of near'Spring and Helen II. '~q, 10 ~ In · ,B:; 8bamllie nCh. 'Waynesville, , D. spent Th~sday . everung with Mr. Va1ll:\y, was a recent d1Jiner guest Ol~_ .tl1JP~ ;'" .' . .', 'B ••' •. (, ....~ 25 TELEPHONE 62-R and Mrs. Wal'ter Pfe1fier and Of Mias Harulah Jordan •.and. an atiEl18worth-J. JIIIIIe8-!et a.I, to Leondaughter. Jane. . ternoon :caller at ~ ... ~ . ~. ard I!!lld,~ ~ey.~~.50 ~ In POR 8A1 ""--oT.wo geese and one The Ladies Aid held their month. , iMrB. Ella 6htiin8.ker was a v1a1tor /Wayne 'twp ~.' , ~. " ~e 'at- Oar.eite o~flce. ••• Iy meeting wtth IMrs. George' Hause.. 'I1hurilday of her .s1Bter, Mrs. , .1~ee;w· Gray, .by . lnlstra1Or', ' Callers a.t the Bunnell home over CUne. and Mil'. Cl1ne~ ·'-. ," to , ~ ~d Reba .'1& ·f ' I \, ., i ' Optomet..ic Eye Sped_li.t the week-end were Mr. and Mrs, ,Several from thl,a c.cmmunlty': at- acreII. Jn..a...£.~. " .. ' ~;. ,. -~~":I0N Walter Plelner a.nd· daughter, l4r.. tehCie4 the ~ play ctv,en 'by ,~ . JI1meiIt; P.,•. ~ ~e~. B. WelJer 26 S. Detrol.t St; Xenia, 0 and !Mrs. Vaughn Mullen and son, !len1ors I1t1dlIY ' ~Sbt" at the Ba.t~ . to ~~ -.4 .~!B~ l "o- , ~~ ~ · fl1_da . ~ Y1i1~ me, ' or ..n~ Jetters, 'cardis. tloWen Mt. and Mrs. Vlck Mr.. ~ v'~ufg~. " .' ," . lot.I ln~~i .&alI IIUy tlncl aCta. durtDg iMrs • . 'red Ball .and cl.llldren and '. the t.IIDt fL.,my IqthY bo!iIl1taU.-'I@jiii~··~ · ~==~~~~~ lMrs. Whorley. tioIl i.t. BWr Bros:,. I wish to ex.pre. my 11Dcen. .tb&bb ~ ape. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT
, ......, ao. mne ..-1"........
Dr C E WiIki·n
_nCB . , ,
_~~on Ora. atwVd· ai14 ~ Bia1r . . , ~. t4 a\teDcsUt., for effie-
tUam ,
Dean Stanley' .Guest Speaker Of Civic ·Club
Corwin Resident Passes ·l\.way T~ur8.
Paper Drive' To 8e Conducted . l:fereMay 26.
Juiia Bergan, 87 Dies Wednesda~
Yank Machine G:'uiner etAt Work"
Alumni Meeting Is Annonnced
.Mrs. Emma Taylor, 86, pa.ssed Mrs. Julia Bergan. 87, died aL tile home of a nephew, James McDonald away. at ber home lJi Oorwin this IllOl'll.1n& (Thursday) at 11 :30 o·clock. oC R. R . 3 Wednesday afternoon. 'I'he Waynesvllle High Bcl).ool The May meeUng ot the W&.yiM9Funeral lU1'B.IIIemenbi are incomK . R . Hill. Wayne Twp. Salvage She was born l1i WaynesvUle. will hold Its sIXty-first annual banvllle otv1c. clUb was held Monday .plete at Press time'. The bodY W8B chairman, has announced that a Survlvlng are two sons. James. of quet May 27 in the high school evening at "Our Rouse,': with 31 removed to StubbS Funeral Home. waste paper drive will be condUcted n cal' Waynesville, and Edgar. of Decafeteria at 7:00 p. m . Following members and gueata present. In WaynesvllJe on Friday, May 26 . tloit. Weh, a.nd seven grandchilthe bQ.nquet there w1ll be dancing The meeting was the first of the MRS. A. 8. ()OLLETT !Lt is planned to make a house-todren. In the gymnasium. new tLscal year tor the club and was BOSft8s TO FARMERS canvass. and Mr. HIIJ Is aakFune.r al sel'V1ees will be held S~t The Class 01 '94 is to hold Its !l!ty in charge of the new offlce'rs. At VLUB ~G MAY 11 ing for Volunteers to assist In the urday moming at 10:00 o'clock with yea r reunion at this time. Of the the conclusion ~f the excellent dlil-: work. The paper will be picked up Rev . Father Robert Krumboltz ofner, President Ralph Parks opened Mrs. A. S. Collett entertained in town trucks. flciating. Burial will be in Mla.nli eleven members oC the e1ass, nine the buslness meeting with an ex- the members of the Wayne TovinResidents are urged to.get behind cemetery under the dlrectiou of J . are living . 'Tbey a.re: Mrs. W. O • Bergdall. Mrs. W. F . Cla.rk, Mias planation of the propoood Youth sh1P Farmers club IWhen they met this drive a.nd search out every bit C . McClure . Chu'a Bertha Brown. 01 Wayn~ Center for Waynesville, Jta alms IUId ThUl'llday. M&Y 11. Ta.blea wer e laid of their scmp pa.per which Is badly vllle; WllitUer Burnett of Seymour, SOUTH WAYNE ADVISORY p urposes. etc. The club voted to con- in the Harveysburg Gran8'C Hall, needed In the war effort.. The purMo.; Mrs. Arthur Anson of ShanCOUNCIL llOLDS MONTHLY tribute t.;l5 to the project. ,w here members 'a nd guests a,ssem- pose of the drive Is tWo-fold, to MEETING AT MOSS HOME don; Thomas Rogers. of Houston, Committees tor the year were an- bled for a socI&l hour before tbe help the war ·effort and further the Texas; Mrs .. E . O . Prugh, of Daynounced aa fOllows: deliciOUS dinner waa served . Ip ropaied Youth Center. to which The SOuth 'Wayne Advisory Coun- txm; Mrs. Anna Redfern Booklet, of After dinner ,Mrs . Collett invited nil funds realized from the sale of Meetings and Program - .Remert cll h eld their May meeting at t~ Xenln ; and Mrs . Prank L. Taylor, Oraliam, chairman, William P. her guests ·to her new home for the the paper will be donated. home of Mr . and Mrs . HarUey of Stamford, COnn. The deceased Strader. J , B . Oha'pman. ' program. Members were glad to see It Is 'p lanned to establish the cenMOtiS. members a.re Larane Bunnell and MembershlP and Attendance-W. Mr8. Will .R. Lewis of Wllinington, ter in the sec<md floor ot the J. R. The cliscusslon period was devoted Harry A. /Brown. O. St. John; chairm.a.n, O. H . Brace, an honorary member 'Who has' oot Gibbons Lumber 00. bUilding }:.oroto the topic or food s ubsidies, lea by The class of '19, scheduled for RWlliell WUsun, Pred Orawnan. been. able to attend for several vldlng a . fire escape can be purchWill StrOUd and a publlc h ealth Its twenty-five year reunion haa ten 'F'lnance-Oh\l-'i. Anderson, chair- months. ased, according to Mr. Edwin Bco~~~idea presented by Raymond members on its roll: Mrs. Harry man, 'L. iN. Printz. C. B. Jenltlns. The speaker of the aIternoon was field. chairman of the cotnm.ittee. . . Burnett, Mrs . C . D. Sheehan and ~Udltmi-.J06. Thomp,soh, chlt.lr- !Rev. ·W. A. Moore: He aPQke on It ia planned to install pool tables. A unanimous vote against oom- j Eth of IWB man, William. 'Luk.etlB, E . V. Barn- "FamliJle AI I see It." Be men- card tables. manopoly, ping pong pulsory mJlit.ary training was taken an .e y.nesvUle; Misa Antha Dinwiddie, of Dayton; Levi hart. tkloed aome ot his expert~ u and other games in the center. In and Ralph Asbury, legislative agent, Luk ! ,,,", t ens, 0 ..· ..ye te; Mrs. Ethel ILaW!! and RegulaUOIlS _ carl. a mlnister in l'UI'I\l areaa and told addition there will be a soft drink was requested to send the protest to Abaecherll, chairman. F'rIUlIt LeMay. of the advantaaea tha.t he feels the !Jar and a reading room with the. Haines Pierson, of Tippecanoe Oity, A Yank firing '. ,5O-caliber machine, gun on an enemy Representative Brown. Mrs. Claud Riggs, of Dayton; Mrs. Robert Crew. .. rural m1niIter lias ~ his Work. la.test magazine and newspapers. A pocket on the right flank of the Japanese main line of A very pleasant social periOd fol~ L. B. Hall, of Columbus; Eldwin Publlo Arfairs and IPubUcitY-ElBe contruted ft.1'lD1D(f - in rural dance floor and a. mwlle box 'ls also rcaistance at Arawe, New Britain. lowed and everyone was mode to . iRandall, of Lebanon. Tenn., and dan RetalUcIt, chairman, John Ohio toc:I\.y with that in bla iJ1&tlve lplliUlIl.ed .. feel awa.re of the beautiful sprLng Harold Meredith of LIma. Fromm. Gene Brown. Wymer DraI1:e. -when he waa a boy there. John Turner hils been appointed , TJ:J.LiH LOCAL SOLDIER WINS <Jea.son by the clever arrangement of . RecepUon and VlsitaUon-Bev. L. Be ~ of hie Jnterest in the publlclty chairman by tDe~iiillDIf:t~~~:~~~~ iH'-- This year, as last. the banquet COMMENDATION OF LT. nested violets on the luncheon t.a.bles O. Radley, chairman, Dr. A. T. development of reui10Ua leaderabip tee. . RECENT TILIP AT W. W. wllJ be llght and will be planhed to ADVISOBY MEETING . G~. MARK W. CLABK and the talk of p lowing and gradu- ex.ctude rationed items. 'H athaway. Charles Mlchen.e r. in l'UI'&l aeoUona and the need for I ations, new chicks and gardens. A . TWENTY CANDIDATES prc. Roliett B. Moran, of WaynesProrram Spanaorshlp-IWalter Frasure, Chr1atlan ideals in the period TO BI: GIVEN 3rd AND 4th West Wayne Advisory councU obatnnan, . Irvin 'Mulford, W.uter throUgh wblch we are ~. held their M.a.Y' meetJnj~ ~t the ville. a member of an Infantry Par- dainty lunch was serVed by the host- Opening remarks by th~ Presklent DEGREES AT GRANGE SAT. ess. Mrs . Dena Moss. S ..... Re The June meetlni at the club <WiD home 01 theIr president li'riday eve- achute Beout COOIPlLny fighting with WhItaker. Raymond Braddock. will ecre""ry s ' port. . •. Inez James TIle June meeting be held at . Hart8ock, 'S3 Bualneu Standards and New In- be e.t the Tavern 'W1th Mr. and ning, IM ay '12. Nine f&llrillies ans- tbe Fifth Army in Italy. is one of About twenty candidates will be the home of Mr . and Mrs. Btant he 51 men commended by Lt. Gen. Welcome to the Olass of duatrlea - 'W alter Sheehan, chalr- MrS . ' Ronald Hawke as hosts. the hasgtven the third and tourth degrees !Wered roll call and enjny!ld ... torth. ... Ro Mark W . Cla.rk for partlolpating in Tt . . . . . . . . . . leY sackett ShaoW man, A. H. Stubbs. Maynard Weltz, Guesta tor the day were: 1Mr. and by Farmers Orange No. 13 a-t their IPIta11ty of . Mr. and 14175. St.a.nley daring raids on tour islands off the INTERESTING SERMON Response . . . .. ... Cbal'1ea Rye, '(4 L. H. (lordon. Mrs. W. A .' lMoore ot New Bur- meeting to be held at the 'loc8l Baney.. Music .• RAlth HartSOCk Walton. '13 Herbert Graham, new oha.irman 11n8toD. Mr. a.n(i KrB. Oharles ......... ~e haII sa ..~,,¥ TOPIC AT CIlUBCH OF ...... _ ... day evening May The dJSCusston of ftIe evening ItaUan mainland 1n which 116 GerC~ST SUNDAY, MAY 28 BllBineas Meeting 01 the Meetings and Program CODi- Smart and Mr. and~. !Howard 20. TheY received the ftrst and sec- dealt with .present.da.J bureaucracy man officers and men were capMemorial.iMary Balley Ohapman '00 m1ttee, announced ,t hat the spellker Graham at IHarveysburs and M1sa ~nd ~ fit a meeting held May wh1cb is tnvolved phases tured, it :was announced recently by The .services at the Church of Salute to Olass of '94 for the Father-&m banquet, ,t o be UWe SInWl. 6. of liv1Qg under our .war the Wa r Department. Given as their mission to "occupy Christ May 28. will center around' Salute to C~ of '19 ' . held,. in connection 'witl\ the June time OOIlditiana and ""~Jng. ~e was occupledbY 600 A1ner Memorial Day. somet~e. ago Mr. Music .• RUt.b Ba.rt&c>dt Wal~ '13 meetintr, Will be Glen vfU!!J!!.n, ~ tJle VI.I8lneas ~~ one, of the " ............J~...IIIto4. .~. .~., .1Ibe' ...... , ~ ~ ert1!hn. at . the 'ilrUMlte ~ ~"'WomeU-in ui'it ~ Wbo ~' ~lte:M11ed the and le~ed t~b natives that .95 nild-wee service entiUed, "o.n A IArIIied Services.Rue Dinwiddie '2l begin at t.:C)O dclock' eutern war A z:equest was I,ntroduced bY Stan- for ~ PrankI1n ~ PrIce 8nd ft&.- time and the ~1ic is welcome to ptevt0U8 ev.enlns from iPuerto RIco. German soldiers occupied a strongly SOldier Be A Christian?" Thls ser- Men in the He described ibe country a.nd lOme forUfied position. By clever decep- mon for the evening serv1.ce w1U be, Service. . . . . . . . 'lAIMar &Lrnhart ley Balley for the club ,to JnvesUpte tkIIl1DIr BoI.rd in wbOlle territory attend the memori&l program. at iffi . CU8toiD&. tion they led the enemy to belleve 'IA Fitting Memortal." Women in the • llv~ , trucldng dlHJcultiea at 10- W~D.e to~p la included. • A .Pleua.nt soc:1a1 . hour followed the laland uas OQCPJed by 600 AmerMany people . of the community Bervice . . .. Rose McLane Turn~ cal fanners. ' The boarcl's office 1Vm . remain LOCAL MAN 'l1UiNING IN ENGUND FOB "0" DAY an~ dellc10ua refl'lllUnents were Jean troops, and 80 captured the have been asking themselves the The Star ~ Banner, The Dean Stanley, ~on attorney, open Wednesday aItA!rnoan ,and entire contingent. questlo~ as to whether a man e&n Or e and ,the was then p!troduoed 8a the lUest close on saturcsai'afternoon. It will Headquarters, European Theatre served by the hostess. 16ter the scouts, sometimes work- be a .soldIer, and a Christian at thel-~ ~la~ck~'-' ..~ Le~d~b!!..y-V-ir -gi-n1a. --H.I1 -rdln ------;;-;-;;t~ speaker by .oarl AbaecherU. Mr. be ~ to the ~lIc f1'9Jlli 9 a. m . . f ., " ing all together and ,other t~es in same time. It Is the purpose of the Officers tor the current yea.r are: Stanley P$ted'· a dark Pl8t -war to . :30 j),in. Monday ihrougb Fr1- 0 Opera...ons-AI invasion da.y LO()AL YOUTH IN nears, traJnlng of the Ith~ds of small ' .scattered groups,· occupied 's ermon nex.t Lord's Day morning to President. Allce Oons; v1.ce preslAOOIDENT IN M1DD~TOWN picture' of , world conditions, with daY ~ 9 .a. m. unUl noon on Sat- lnfa.ntryment 1n Britain wbo w1ll SUNDAY !IORNlNG three other IsI&uda in an equally Answer thi.8 ' troublesome question . dent. Rue Dinwiddie; secretary, • depreM10n of unheralded &evereity _day. 80 ashore on ' lan~ craft to take lI4nlTeasive manner. During the. ac- You are askel to remember this ~nez James lHartsock; treuurer, and widesprea~ unetnploymelit unThe employes of the b.lard a.re hold Nazl-con<trolled temtory. (Monday'S CIncinnati Enquirer) . tion on the latter three islandS the servlce and be present it that time. IW6e ~e TUrner. Mi le.,s the humaD-raCe ~earped to can- niIlUl.red .to report fw work 'from "'ft a ....__ s'--" lIn to a n- ..k'k . Sunday, May 28, the third of a --01 the nI,echft-'~l a' dv·an of the 11 00 ' . tll 63" lth ....., ~ ....~.. ..... " " ....~ . ddletown. Ohio, May ·It.~ev- oarachute troops captured an adExecutive committee : Mrs. Bona. "m, un : 0 p. m ., w "_ft,..A'~ 'dlers ins . past ' few years. Be stated that elv" 30 mlnutea o"f for l~. '1~ ......,......... SOl , truCtors who en persons were injured ell~rly today diUonal 28 enemy soldIers and three series of young people's rallies W1ll aid Hawke. Mrs . John Kersey, Mrs. be held at the Waynesville Church Ollfford Brace, C . 1M. Carotwrlght, 11I8_tion ' "'.~: not ... van'............. t ..• , _.,_ ~... ' partlc1~ in the North African when two automobiles co1l1ded on officers. u.llAG ... ...,.. ............... to...... a --bout· weeJc. The ahc.rt ~c. Moran received his basic of Ohurch . Of the two .such rallles Evanston, Ill.; Ross Hartsock. Beth ly all it h~ mechaniCally. period f.n the mornlnl '\1ld hue and 81c1UAn campaigns, these ~ts Tytus avenue near the 'Nelbo.r street The speaker stated tba~ GeI'Dlan)', ternocm will ' be used by 'board now und~ training deslg;ned to intersection. our ambula1iloes were Lra1.n1ng under ~ Ground Forces already held. the f1rst waa at the E. Furnas. Kenneth Hough. Ra3'Way.nesvlll~ church with 130 young mond 'Bl'lUldook, Geo~ Watel'. under AlUed control and. edUcatioD. 'WWIr.er8 to calich up on office de- condition them for. the lnfantry'8 called into service to take those at Camp crott, B. C. ,peoplA! present, and the · second waa house. Raymond Davis of Da.yt.on, Icould probabl,y be returned as a n.- taUa .weh c~ bJ dyne whUe ~ in ,t he coming ea mpa1gn-to hW't to Middletown hOSJ:,ital. Two at the FelT)' Church of Ohrist with and MBry M068. tlan at aoocl after & .eo- theY are ·attend.\na to the needs ot elose With the enemy aru1 capture of the 11 sliffered farctures and \lD- 12 TO GRADUATE AT SPRING . VALLEY IUGH SCHOOL 131 .young people present. but that Japan, ~ ......... Vial",,,,- " . or destroy him. other .sustained a deep forehead At the second of these rallies. ltay ·F RIENDSHIP CLUB MEETS pte !U'O' a mixture of nve or~;t ~ the ot!tee. IDe(C!Iot of the GeluIan U-ht. In la.certaion and were kept ill the 'haS, the Atlantic haa opene(1 wide the . The other eight were treated Dr. Olarence T. Oralg. professor Klontz from the local church was BBOEIVllP8 O~"<1 W--G8 AT BAILEY IIOME the world'a worst raceS, 1roUld have y~ ... ~" ... .'" to . be lIo_t under, 8trict' control for. _ ""'c. ~,"_ ..-;0-. . Turner, son '. of English thrOugh which · ~ by physicians and . released. of New Testament in the Oberl1n appointed permanent chairman aDd '""tI' ""oIJ _ . , _ poured .. conatant EtlnP'U of the Pollee -ft'd the accident occurred college -"uate school of theology. sponsor of these gatherings. It~w~as~---'J~.....4!Re~IIhi:p-efltb-belttt-1;h1etr---'---r-:;:ri I ever. 'He -ve 11gUles . to show tha . t .............. , . -.,. O J . . . . . ....... "'_0 - - .h .·" O;'" . . ~~~~~.~~~~~.. -mleJi~meft-'wHlf:-12se--to'-Qlrf1/'be' a-1I:n-1mClIlll:JbHe-dirtvletrtr1!:w- . wUl .speak at Spring Valley high s.Loo decided that the rallies sh.Uld 'regUlar monthly meetln8 with M1'II. if " ~apanese were , left alone at whO I.IlWell JmowD bore. his their Job. 1hclUodinC maclllne iWlB. Ing :raYlor, 36. Of Middietown, and oohool commencement Priday night be held in. the WayncsvllJe and Stanley Baiey as hoste88 at her preaent ~te Of reproductlon. they suimer's recently' at Lincoln, srepl'des, rifles, pls~1s and ba10n- (lOlltalnlng eight passengets, collided in the !!Chool audltorium. Ferry churches in order that they home on Filth street. aaststed 'Oy 'Would be one of the mollt pPPUlOIa Neb., IIiDd 'wW be' atat1o~ld ; in' Ten- eta. . . with the automobile driven ,by Kenft. P. Mc01elland, president ot might be centralized for the sake , Mrs. L. V. Branstrator and .Mrs. . at, races in a short time and would neuee Jor ' 12 weeks wbile he hu In addiUon to baste infantry neth Apgar, 16. Waynesvl.l1e. which ~e school board. ,wUl awa.rd dlp- of the outlying . churohes. To' date Elmer Sheehan. The Mother's Day enslave . other races. He concluded been "aaaIiilOcl to a . B-1'I bonlber. train1n«. the foot IIOldier spedallzes carrled four passengers, a.t 1:30 10mBs to 12 seniors, incudlllg Pvt. 13 chw'ches have been represented, proitram waa in charge of Mrs. Rusby aaYfns that ~y and Japan new 'adclresa Sa: pte. Harry K. in the tra1n1ng of the unit to Which this morning. P.iIlIce said Leroy TUcker, who is in the anny and more are expected to enter into I sell Wilson, after which 8. social shoUld be 80 thorouehlY defe&te:ci in 1Il\U'ner '18S'l154lM, care ~ OODmland- h& Is aaalgned; He Is reqUired to tire marks on the street indicated In Florida. The others are Ralph Ulls felloW,llhip as time goes on. hour With dainty refreshments waa thla ~ war tbat they ~ be _unable ant of Oren, Boz 16M, Army All' meet the standard of prof1ciency of ihat Taylor's car WBB eight feet Graham, George Graham. Jean The purpose of these rames ls to enjoyed. The club adjourned to ever to stl:llte baCk apln. . 1 h treet on Comp to n, Ann Mitch ener, Ita.IJ:u'yn -Da __, .nu_-...._ ..., .... - ...• "'enn. ... the Iptantfiy, and tha.t .._ 'w ut In the across the center 0 f tell give Ohristlan young Ileople an opo. meet with Mrs. Ernest Hartsock 1D , COIIDIbat m1ssion he 18 called. upon to the wrong side. They arrested Clay Tucker, Fred Osborne, Charles Jones ponunlty to come ~ether for 1el- June. 1BFn£Y8' TO MAKE TO A~ ~ perf~. &nee lnf~try' Ia charged Hipsher, 38. of Franklin, for drunk- MaX S1ms, Bonita. Johnson, Ruth lowship and Christian . education. COIIMENCDIENT T.u..K ' C£l~ATlON ~ CmG400 Wlth"the ,PrlnCtPaJ. miaslon.in com,- eneas, and !Davia H11lard. M. Frank- Evelyn Johnson and Harold Thomas. They are being planned ' for each REV. L C. RADLEY TO 'N KAB ' WILiIoNOTON month with a different church being A"rl'END CONFEBENcE , iUra . • 8 _ . . . .._ ~ . ..-'t ...... d ',;..bat. ~ train1ne must 1:I~y be lln. for disorderly conduct after they IRQmond J. Jeffreys of. , Oolum- - - -.. ~"... "':" . . ....... the most I'I81d. were treated at the hospltal. ELDERLY SPBINGBOBO responsible for the program each bUII,'One of the ',moat ciolorful aPed- Helen ~ w1U leave W~~' Some oflAmertca'lI ,toughest f1ght- Al). four occupants of the Apgar BE8m~ 'PASSES AWAY month. The Jamestowll Church of ·Rev. L . O. Radley, pastor of the ~ . m ·the state an~ poli~ 001- Prlday ··to ~ ~e Baba'l Ceo- Ina are ~ow enp.ged In that car were ,hurt; Apgar Is sWl in tlw Chrlst is responsible for the pro- WaynesvUle Methodist church, W1ll UIDDiat whoee column, "nwcte 9hJo ~ celeb~t1C1l ' 1n Cblcap. wII,1cb ti'aIonIng IOCIt1Da forward to .the at- hospital with a deep forehead cut; Mrs: Myrtle Annette Sheets, 80, ~ on the 28th of May. All young attend the yearly oonference of his . ~Uc:a" eweara in The ~. IWW be ~ by Baba,,., all 0iVer tacit an' Hltler's. tortresS. .Melbo. Gustin, 18, We.ynetivllle, lost one of the o.ldest residents of the people ot thiB community, rega.rdleBB church a-t ColumbllB Tuesday<, May , -~, Wlll make the IChOOl world. I(JM .ruu~ M'COof wtll iIDcluded aIDOIlR men undergolilB a ' front tOOth !Uld suffered a cut Springooro community, died Tue8- of churoti. aIfillatlon, are invited to 23. The conference, scheduled to ' . ~t addnII8 '. at tile ~ve ,tbe foD~' ~ . to. at- th1i cood1t1cllina Sa FIfe • . Emeraon upper lip; L1lllan Elam; n o' Middle- day a.t her home !lifter Cl two-yea.r a .. ••end ....... ....... and succeedi ng ~a.l11es. .la;st a week. Will be presided over by If''Iheeter .. high 1IIlhOol, n . tend ~e epecJal youtai ~ , . " ' ~ "lOr . • \ '.. , . B. ·M iller 23. town, sutfered a bruised forehead services will be held at PLAY TO BEGIN AT 8:3O ! H. Lester Smith of ClncinlWedneadar eveolDa, On Iht' ta, lJMt; tbe lIUA'1 f a i t h ' ' .a.tld tlg)lt · foot CUts, and Jamea ~e Universalist church at 2:30 p. m. INSTEAD . ~F 8:00 p, M. ¥&J H. .. -. . • '. ~~ the ,fUt l~ ~.tt.s BILL OV;8'1'lN 'I I¥ &OOIDENT QUinn, 31, Waynesvwe, 're1&elved les Friday. Rev. Harrtet·Druly will of, --Jeffreys bas bad an tnt.ereatlnc . ~ ~ all . -. ii1Jurles and head opts• The Senior Olass play, "IPeg 0' 'L'YTLE SOWIER PRAISES RED ' . ~ at experienceS. fiU:D atap'a of. ~raecuUoo When his phone rang at 3:00 a. m . "Pollce 'laid both macblines were f1cl&te and b~al 'Will be .i n SPr1D8' ~y Heart" which is to be given ()BOSS WORK IN ITALY which be drnB' atortea ~d 1!luatr&.- and ~Uc a~~;.,1t tia8 ' ~- SUncSar , ~. ~_Gust1n, ' local badly cla.me.ged. They' O1'dered both boro cemetery~ .• . SurvIving are' the' hllBa.nd, Jolm;tomorrow' (~day) 'evening in a , tloDa 'bsa popular ,COIDlU~ ~ lf8 ,tntr1nalC ~ ~: ' . man, . in .~ ~wn the ·. \ . . to a"-er I~ t-·· d""'" ... - ~'ken to a ~. . . ,. ,performan:ce for the benefit ' Mfs. Everett EIlrly' received. a oard. mat ,~. "Above' 'the ClOUD,' It 'haI tlltabUIbed ita coiDmUlii~ Of ' - " : , .. "" v .. ~· ...... , son" •. u"";' ....... ,,0, an d' daughte, r,-. "..... D. repeat • • iPerry Wade, all ,. of Springboro; ." of the l~ Youth ~nter; wtll ~ the past week from PIc. iPaul JolUie lJrbicb baa ·tbrSUed bundredB ' ileUe... 1J1.mOre ~ eo coUntrle8. a-t ,his beine, cacllJ ~ ,hl8 ST. MAltY'S AUXILUBY tM _ _ or people ' fc:ao thl! ~ Tb1a DeW ~Uon ~ . ~CI,. knee. and bead ~d io~8 nIDAY, IWoINO bOther, Erilest" J4Bsh, 'ilitee . gra.l\d"· ~t 8:30 p. m. eaate:.n war time m- who is ·now loCated In Italy whScll chlldren and Blx great grandchildren. stead 01 8:00 ' p. !!oS ,.p~viously praised the work the Red 0r0M • tWenl;,y ~ , :" . uJ all 't1J4t ~ · of ,mp'*'nd &lid ' bruises. He Ja -ann~ : 'doing there... Re says tbe)', are ~ .~ II8I'Ved .. an avtator ill t.be l1f"'viDIr ~ of DeW' ClYde In present but ,1.1 . jog ~ aceiIent JOb.·1D ever;. re.o . . " FL9W1lB8 FoR MIlMORlAL ~, d~ 1bti tlrlt W«14 rnr. tb8 world.. 'd8ft~i. .. pro~one call . . . nun t.be MId: N~W: , STAFF S~G&\NT apect ~ the ~ JD1Xlb ..... D&Y OB8BRVANC~ , 'MrS. 'R, . DJ COllett ot Bur.. ' ter. · ·He deec~ ·the .. Red' dletown .hOlPltl.1 ~ lWD or J.lniton ·baIJ received. word ber bUlld1ng at sap u a ,bUUdq __ an 'auto acci4eDt by reJ&t.lve.. , &a .... been the , ..... In Uae BOIl 0barle8, who is in ·!inglanll. orated in LoUla ~ Ityle Ud ... PIId. . all who baYe ' Dowen HOllIE' . . . . AL".1. he Au b;een pl'ouloted ~. m&;1n 1"OOD1 in ~. 'beqr 'bIdB GI . . . .'", _ M_~ ~a1 .Me ~t. Be' stated that lie ' aDd vario,*, shadea of . . . . ~ .. aake4 b1 lbe Ilemorlal DaJ, Pte. Tre8II1eJ: 1Iarcun of · WanaIDarIJ . . ooe dI tb6 ~ ~ .. ua-.~'or ........ ·at &be vWe, l)IWS met in B:l)gJIlld leveral 01'1 for the lied ~ irr A ' OM' wIB . .~....... . umee. 'lbI!J' are fonatl' ICbooIIData and . . . ~ lin. -~.M~@ aad"lrIeDdI. _ \ ~., ~ aDd _ _ ,.. ..._
A ....
__ __
...mmu.-.-.-.... .o.e
................ .,. 0
= .'.
.. I.
THE PtfIAMI ( '''--
We've Got Our Eyes On You
They tell us congratulations are ' in order. And they certainly are. For graduation is a real achievement. The whole town is looking on, and th'e countryside, t oo. For we are all mighty proud of our boys and girls, in whom we forsee our future .leaders. Here's wishing you carloads of good luckl
. The Road I. Wide Open Freedom of choice is an eStjential part of our birthright. An America'DI is iree to choose his occupation, 'his, religion, ~nd to express his opinions. He is free to progress. With these fi.e'edoms allied with you, each ll).ember of the Class of 1944 should Iro far. Best wishes and con~atulations from ....
Waynesville Drug Store
A great opportunity is before you, gradu-, ates. You have met the boy who wanted to be'an engineer. And you have met the boy who wants to be Pre ident, In this CO\.IDtry both are attainabl~. Speakin'g fot.: the girls, there are many splendid opportuniti:es befol'e you, too. In -extending our congratulations we do so with the hope that each of you wiIJ make the very most of these sp-Iendid oppoJtunities.
Congratulations are in . 19441 You have made a fine Bear ever,in mind the vereance. You will pardon
giving you this brief illus strokes of an ax to fell a tre 39th your labor is wasted. So, hew to the line! , . cess will be yoursl
W;lynesville Ice Company
H· Ciass Of
HANDLING MANY CAlUi ~ _Home Serv1ce committee at the Watten COunty Opapter is now betnI called upon w handle approxlma&eJi'" 800 calls monthly, made eltber by. the families 01 Warren ocNnQ' paen senlng in the armed forcel or .by the men themselves- in t.be CAmII& and on the reservations tbroUIb t.b8 Red Cro6a Pleld 01-
Clarence Amburgy Bill Asbury Wilma T. Faul Irma A. Fires Benjamin E. Hi ey Juliet F. McCoy George M. Mengle Ruth McKeever: . Phyllis M. Betty L. Charles
A I;Jpkal monthly report is that of Karcb, 1Mt, 'When. 246 Indlviaual
~ were bandIed
by the Home
Be A Topnotcber
~ : : .~~ere army, 42
It may be of great interest to you to lmow that you graduates are a source of inspiration to us old~ folk. ' And we will follow your activities from now on with the keenest of interest;;-. Best wis , hes and hearty congratulations frotn'. ' . ~
O&V)', ' ~
ex-aervlce and 6 Clv1l1an. Tbe RtVicee rendered were: 31 c::qn-
JDI.IDIcauon and information f~ t!W I
t aerv10e
health I&Dd
welfare report&--me8l8ie&' of smoua' • JlJ.DeIII or de.'lth In \be lDnedla\e f~ or ~ the b1rtb. of & DeW babY.
'11 nporia by t.eJesr8m or ~ at &b8 NQUeIt'Gf tbe mAlltarr &uth- .Gdtlel
bame corul1tlona
Stubbs ' Funeral Home
~t mt~~. TbMe ~ -l-1~~==========================~-qWllta came ~y telePlf!ll1 or tele-
Today the world needs "greats" in e.very field or' htim~n endeavor. We need great surgeona, great engineenllgreat teacbers, great soldiers. We sincerely .hope that each , member of the Cl/iSS of '44 will aim ·af!- greatness. Our confidlem.ce in you is complete. Accept our hearty congratdlations.
=:'cit 5~ ~::::!~;
51 :,
men acUve or, ft1i vetenDa 'ot World 'W ar 1 IUld iii[; Zver:v member of the, IRed. orosa IICmi 8erVIce c:oDIIIllttee Is supplled with ,the lateat tqlormauoo re~tlve
to the letwJ ~titiementa of service men' and. their dependents. The Red oU1cea In Pra.nkl1n and 'LebaoOn aTe aupplled with government foiiiDi ·and personnel w1l1 ~~ itl (II.) t1l1Ds of claims; (b) mU6terlng out~: (c) 1DIurance. &p,pUcat1on;
_ ~
10. tite
etA C S ,
The frrs't lap in YOUll ra6~ (or success.is over graduates" and now begins true rea~ test. The new goals ahead will be still harder to rea'ch. , But you have already proved t,h at you are made of the stuff tl)at wins succelss. We cO'IJl. gratulate.you heartily, and.' wish you' godspeed ,in aU 'future endeavors.
We . co~ make our Gradua-
tion . Greetings fnr more eI8.borate. but We could hardly say more than we say now 'with ,a ll our hear.t - Good LUck, Good !Health, and SUccess to each of you.
and 101-
Waynesville.·Shoe Repair
loIt tbroUIh In a cl06e worklDB relatlgrjahlp with the agency. .
Fa~m, factory, of1ice army, navy, high ', ;
epec1al ·n eeds, ~t. etc; (1)
college ... ·whe.!ever:.you may go, whatever you may el~t to' do, our good w~shes are' with you. . ". "!'
Please count us friends;
" a~ong you~ most admiri'D~ .
In "tJle~~fact.that you
" Y9Ur 'dip19111H
yOU will for pnde,' ·THe entire , '. • • -I" you, too. ;. .In 'co~~atulating the' succesS and ""Pl"UI'CaD" Uj
F..aidey H.ardware.' Store', , . ,
In C!IU1'YIni out the aboVe C$SeS Members of the committee the ~J18ea for the Service d-';'-ent 88 foUaws: Tele- cently attended a two day co,nferqM&'WU ence In Clnclnna.tl sponsored .1>Y ! grams, ~.M; telephone, $90.17; the Eastem Areo. o[{ice: ~t this tJlrth certl11cates, stamps. registered time special recognition ,was ~Ive!l letters, $11.fiO; f~dAI aaslata.nce, to the, Warren county 'cha.pter fQl' fU • .oq'; total, $275.21. . ita interpretation of the Home ServAll of the Home 8erVIce work Is we program, done In , Warren county by ~rA spectql group, headed 'by ~tlI. 1enc:ed volunteers in each commun"' Charles Earnhart of Lebanon, Ohlo, ltJ. In addltlon. there is alwBoYS a Is w~rlrlng 85 a. part 6t the Home Home Service per!OIl &vaUable ' M Service OOrnnPttee .on a. special asboth the cb8lpter office' ln t.ebaho aleJlment COVering Informa~lori ~ ito. p. m. or ~ Franklin- relative W priSoners 01 w~r. I. ~., Olearcreelt Branch ottl.cefrom ~ to messagea regulations: padalg~ yn-ap ping, addteaslng of , envelopes . ~y .' faIlll.llea .and friends ot .p~ners of
proce4ure In matters affecting servin&' . ' man: (C) pannlnBlor voca'tlonal rehabilltation; ' (d , advlce on Pereonal problems at ' a. confidential natUre; (e) advice on meetagencl~
. " V4'~;d ,' ',IZ,W.'j-~1 [,"1 ."
referral to other
Tbere were 183 cases of !a.m1ly COII~. 1I'Iim11y counseliIllll ma.y !Ie tlnirida l aalata.nce in event tamur allowance check falls w ara live (lr Ja ~iel'nipted; (b), o.dvice on
way can we 81rve YOU'? Remember we a.reyoura <to command. ~h.at
, In
. Asbury Peoriy• Fa-rm .
(d) ~ta11Ii.ilon,
OOy 'a.nq girl
. ~;
gradua.tes Qf 19441 .
war.·. '
__-'' ___
. Fl~H~.I.'lIJ)S .HOME ..
FOr scme of you school ~ u.~ fQre~ behind; tor ' ~thera, sChool d8,ys stili 1I~ aheaq, , ......
Mr." and M:\iI. ~rl
... ,
;. _ , ,
Ivins' and " . . . vr ~ ........ every one o~ . " wi.h . . grandBo,ri ' of Cln~ and Miss' . you, wl~e.ther you oonUnue GladyB,lMarlatt of DQlyton. called on • scljOOI 91" not, we wI8h 'an ~g!a 1'v1lJS. s~nd~. ,." 1 . abUn~ ot SOOd b~th and ' " ~ . .. Amanda Hartrum spent good luck. .. '1'8m\!IlY iWitb. het; aon, A' H •. fll,ubbB, ~.
t.Die Pri!da lauvey or-Beavertown
There .· is , little ·esaential dlfferehce betweeQ t he ~aduates ' 0, f tod,ay, ~n,·. d" the,. ' grad. u ates of 25 yearS ' ago. Today's ' . . ... . ~aduates W~ar smarter doth~ and cut , th~ir ha~' differently, but they face ths: , same requirements for success. ' . " ' ' . ." .
. The main requirem~nt is' p'er.ver" . anc.e; the will!to do. j , ' , , ' •.: ' ,,-' '._ • We bOnA you "will persevere' in < .... ~1 . __ wnatev.e-; .. you ~Ildertik~, and' t~t ·a, ", goodly measure ' of favol"a,bi~" cirCum- ... "" stance. will attend ynu aloDO'the'wa vJ ' • .,. D . . ;.' . I
eveM9~er~ ' ~~ Homesa~~~ -----------~----------~----~.--~r_~~~~~~~--~------~----~--~~~-----~~------~~~~~--~~
• . . PbaDe 1141
Gtbt- .-iami ' ~a?ett~ Wal'Deav1l1e. O~o
Mary Janes Famou:s MaID stree~ ·
...... AI ' 8eooDd 0Jua Mall Matter at PQlltoftlce.
Walter W. Wiseman, EditQr ahd Publisher ,
Loc:a&ecl A' IOZ S. Main SL. D&J&00, 18 Showln« An AttraeUye Une Ohio Of Ooats, Salts, D~es. Slacks and Slack Suits, Sporla Wear, Sweaten and ' Sklrts In Great Variety • . •
E>r~ss Sholp
, Mary ~anes Famoiul Dress Shop In "round-the-c1ock" ween or dre5.',"Y Daytlon-makes good values the tore- events, you can get it 'here, and It most f(\G.ture of tl1!llr .servlce. All of '\V111 be beoom1I)g and give you caste
BabIarlDtlon Price, aloM Per Year, Payable In Advance
.l¥e. .................. 111 .. "'
e Home Town Newspapers
I.W......,.-ewc.I........ c ••• ' H.bool ...... ~ Ft...... c.L
.From:_A Farm Diary--Dry Ridge Kay 'l~ 19(4. Plowing Is stul the Is gone, no wonder people are so order of the day and the tractors restless and amUsement crazy. oootinue to ~ 8teadlly. turn1ng After mUCh effort the boys fln~ over fUrrow after 'f urrow of ally ilnJ.sbed one ~a.ce lor my brown earth. It Is a pleaatp'e to 'see ChIcken fente. a.nd dId al1>rett¥ good a .moe piece of plowing with straight job for the first time. One of the eTen turrowa. Everyone is late thla dI!lIoulties of boy labor Is flIuling a. IJlI'lD8 but they are catCh1n8 up by fair rate ' Of pay. Sometimes hour hard work 1W1t.h the tractors. That rates works very well but on ~in II ODe 8OOc1 tb1ni' abOut a. tractor, n1ng work you ha.ve to figure what U kJac' .. JOU pour in gaa e.nd oU It would cost lla,ve it done by a aDd keep It. . ma.n at the wheel (. more experienCed perSQn or find a woman). it doesn't hlIive ,to stop at yoW'Self .paying too' high 0. price for ever)" corner to rest. Though too beginners work. Tli1s Job toi>k tlWo IIIIIIOb tnctor 'WOrL Is hard on the of them at le66t tlWo hours tor 0. ma.n "t. the wlieel and OOUle alloY that job t.h&t an experitnced ma.n could U baa taken the pleasure ()ut of have done in h~ an hOur yet on, I heard one man say that things tbey can work almost be llbd to pow !with honies. that as fast and 'Well as a. man. The ~ bad Ume to look about you, present high rates . of pay in IndU&tbat)'aU could ameli the fleah ~urn- try are upsetting many of our old eli eutb loUd bear the birds 8lni standards of value . It Lm't just blat CID " tractor it 'W88 nothintr but bbe army tha.t lB tak1n~ ~way oUr drlve, drlve. drlve ~ to .pt fa1111 labol'. How can ·you exPect a - \brcJUah. oOt,b,mg to amell but ex- , hlgh school ~y to be satISfied fwltb !wilt .... noth1nlr to bear bUt the pay 1n ,p roportion to wha~ his work .... of tho m~tor, no time to loot brlhia ~ ~ the farm when. the, "t aDJ·t.hlDe but the furrow ahead. /JOy In town can e,!L8Uy earn three 'l'bM .. true or many lJ)haaea of t1mea aa mUch. Then, 'too, with the lIl9dem production. TIiDe Sa saved army walWlg (or them so soon the but tbe pleuW"e in 'the wo.rlt il.aeli long term ailvantages llke ralslDg calves for foundation stock 'for a herd of his ()wn baa no a.ppeal. ' SUnday. SUnt\ay or not, l.t was moving daY op the farm for seven cows ~d two calveS. Bill Is 891ng to milk 'them to.r. me. so esoorted' by llevcn men an!,l boYs. a. car and e. " truck, the Beven cows " and t~o calves were ~ven aa1ely to their
their ready-tO-wear has 't he la't.e.st touch of style and the combU;a.tlon of excellent qual1t~ with reasonable prices makes the stook very attractlve. /Individuality and ' distlDctlveIless of design 1a noted in the coats, suits, dresses, g~neral l;port's weor ~nd specialties, and this, In a. la..rge degree, accounts lor the large trade of t.h~ store. AIl goods at this popular sllop are not Jw;t ordinary but have a style of their own. A large stock of swnmer dresses, slacks and skl1't6 Is on bands for 'the acCommodation of their patrons, o.nd, no matter wheth-:er you wish it for Just sports. work,
and gOod lOoks. 'I'heir ' hne of suits and coatis of!fel1; excellent volues and has been selected carefully, knowing that the ladles and misses of this pan of the country are tastY and like pretty thit\gS has been to,keg Into consldorntJo.n by the management. The' shop Is the mecca lor women and mt.sses both for advanced and couservative styles In all the · l.atest mti l£llals llnd paL ~tll'llS . All attractive stock, ,pI'Ie d ven I'easolllably, lIJ(,kes Illllil store a fllyorlLe Ilhopping place from all ,the surroundlng
calves bawled sadly for their mamas mercifUl guiding may perfonn the when supper time came. but they same; through out Lord .Jesus were ' soon comforted and fed by Christ. IAmen:' their foster mamas and before long will be getting their suppers from a. pail or learll:ns. to eat graas. Almlght.y Ood, 'L ord of heaven and ' earth, 'We beseech thee to pour forth thy blessing upon this land, Bald ' t~ give us a. frultful season, that corurt.antly receiving thy bounty, Mrs. K. C. Henkle of Kenton. Ohio, may evermore give t.h!lnks unto thee does more than her share ot' war in ,t hy holy church. through Jesus work. She and her husband, run .christ, our 'Loid. Amen. two farms at maxImum production In early times on this ruth Sun. and with almost no outl/ide hel:p. In .addItion, Mrs. Henkle Is chai:rman day arter ·Easter which Is tradltion- in bel' to'¥llshjp for War 'Bond Iiales, nlly called ~t1on Sunday and on for the Red Cross and for the comtlie next thlee days, the three days bined scrap paper and greas!! sal· vage campaign. She Is also a 'writer before AsCeps10n Day. it was cus- and has ' composed poems for War t4;)rnary to go ,into the fields and Bond and Red Cross programs over StatiohS WMRN, Marion, and WLW, 01ess them and have i)rayers ~or a Cincinnati. bountiful harvest. MDre and more as Mrs. He.nkle, who has on Army people have come to ,believe in a. Ion. a Navy son, and an Arm1\' son-, In-law, enthusiastically endclrses Ood who Is a God of law and order Mrs. George C. Marshall's oppeal to the extent someUm.es of puttlng to grandmothers to buy Bonds for their whole trust In cultivatiOn, bybr:ld seed and commercIAl fertwzers, thll!l8 oustoms have been tOl1l~tten. The prayers are still in the ~yer ' 'book and are UStlCl' m church but lWOuidn't it be a. gOod. thing if more often looked beyond the laws of chem1sb;y and 'penetkls and acknowledge t.ha:t' seed time and llarIIUJDIDel' pasture and tv;Q more vest are stlllin tbe hands of God the creator. And aa 'We ,p lant tbe seed .th OOn!id~ tb,at ~ Will be a. harvest, the colleCt or &peclal prayer .toi ~tion Sunday 'rem1n~ us tbQ:t fl'OIIJ oUr thO\!ihbs ~ ,Ioda,y by 'God's guict&nce will come t he ~Orld of tomorrow. o · Lord, from 'Nhom all gooc1 Will pay $2.00 for Dead thl.ng$ do OODle; grant to us ,Thy Honea, $1.00 for Cow••, humble ,5erVants, tb9.t by Thy holy llispiratio.n we 'ma..y think Uwse sheep, Calvea thlng;s that are gooc1. and by thy anel Oolta . H .... K. O. 'Bea1de
Tractor Riding "Grandma" Prais,es ' War Bond, League
Are '. Y ou· Protected? -'
" huure y~ aaainal d . . . . ., tq property of " n ...d death or ia.hoY claim., See QI',call ....
. ~.
nan sp, • • 't::
W &yaeaviJle ' 2804
. AucnON~ElUNG
..' St&nley 'and Kool'ler Por DateS, Pb~e' 28M, WaYnesv,ill~. OhiOI Revena C~ea
their grandchildren. She herself \okes tur/ls buying Bonds for , he.r fllre gtl1ndchLidren ,ranging In ' age from ,4 mpnths 'to' U years. "'Thou "Bonds," slit: 'says, "wiU h'elp, edl.!.· cale the children and set thom up in busincsSes and ...tums 'ten 1~app1 years from now." The: Grandmothers League was founded by Genera) MarshaU;s wife a.nd ' ha'5 been widely accepted as 0 worthy and un sl'l1lsb Bond-buyinll drive;
USE OF EGGS UIl~ED . 'Warren County .poUltrymenl &r.e Baked by the 'government to' pro-
SUJnJnel' Dre.es .It Latlllit Sltyles ." . Their Good Qun,lUy At Such BeaIonabJe PrIces III RICht In Line With Our Economy Program For Victory. . . TeL Adams 5801.
duoe approxinlately 1,746,!26 dozen eggs this year, one per cent more than 111 1943. lIS their P!'rl in the Food fo.r ViCtory program. tho flfe.Uonal iPouitry Defense committee has a.nnounced. , This county goal can best be re8.che~ If 110uadWives take fqlU adva1\tage of tile present egg surplua and plilh moro ·menus calling for irc&ier use of eggs, thUs , encourag~ 1ny farmers ,to ~ta.I.n high production, declared Corrunlttee ~3ecre tary Leon TOdd. 4n urgtrig poUltrymen to meet the .llK4 quota, Todd pointed, .out ~ current egg abundance ma..y be followed by, Ii. seriOus .Bhortaae 'if :[annera ' l1qi11d~ laome of tlleir l~ flocks ~ Of lnablllty.:'J .c:1 cUBpOae. ~ ,a t ptoll~le ~
Am~ ·
IV GEORGE S. BENSON I'tmilelll;l(pl'dili! (!ollc,1I1J ,k/({l/IrPI
A Whole Freedom When Patrick Henry sa id, "Give me libel'lY or give mc death," , he was not too ana lytical. if we hove the story strAight. A nd we probably hove, because his speecb W\\S too short tor extensive revision. Gov. Henry did not take-oft' on f.reedom, from this. and freedom from tha t. He sold he \Vonted liberty, which suggests somelhing lllive and all in one piece, rather than a cut.up carcass trom a butcher shop. Whenever we catalog things, we deO ne them; ond when we define th ings. we limit their application. EXfjcrimenta l dissection is nice work in some Helds but it's hard on the victim. Our liberty we don't want butchered. I believe the worst Uliog Ulat ever could happen to ~at r ick Henry's beloved liberty would e ha ving It drawn and quartered into four freedoms, especially whe)l on ly tw.o or them have any value whatever. Two Are Decoys Consider g luanteed "rreedom from wont" just for an· example. It's a t ypical paper moon ; worthless and out of reoch. Nothing can , ever liberate a people from waht . but their own work and wits. I loarned wnen very young to believe tile statement of Jesus: "Ye have the poor ' with you always." and mature experience has otten since impressed this truth upon me. Guaranteed "freedom from fear" Is even more like a wiU-o'·the·wis.p thon freedom f.rom . want. Fear itself Is a buman characteristi c of which some people undoubtedlY,have ,tQo much and others too .Jittle, but liberty from It involves changing human nature. Fear never be caught In a trap or looked in a pr'is. on. The more you think about such • lIberiy the less it means, Two Are Real "Religious liberty" Is different. It hos value. It Is the foundation supportlng the pillors of all human free· dom. In fact, the essence of rell· gion Is liberty and freedom. 11 we lose thllt, we lose everything. A 80ul's right to worship God is just what led a large share of our for. bears ·to thIs country. They paid for religious liberty with a bigger outlg.y of blol'd, sweat and tears per famsly than any 6ubseql.lent AmerIcan victory ever cost. "Freedom of speech" Is something else we can't 'do without too long. Even a and powel'ful race can be enslaved without It; al Germany was. Of course. when Ii PCjlce,rul nation il flgbling for its life II no .time to squabble over who will face the microphone, but freedom of speecb il sUll a cardinal liberty, Wherever men get smacked dow,. for speaking .UP, the' people are In bondage, # Ne", Freedoms? Arperlco'. chedshed. liberty Is already bought and paid for. We can keep It a8 101lg as we understond and appreciate It. Along with religious liberty and' freedom of speecb our Constitution guaranteea U8 many things. One product of 'freedom you rarely hear 'mentioned these days Is tho 'Property Right. , That's the liberty tO ,earn something and own flometIling; to have things and manoge. them. 'No matter who belittles this, if is a rare and precious privUege. The United States bas become the . richest :and most .in1Juential notion on earth, and the best place In ' tile world to llve, by USi.Dg the whole liberty, ' gua'rariteec:l under her Constitution. We wO.old Iletter keep it whole. However, If we, must have a lot of little freedoms, I'd like to suggest one. I,t ' wou!d be . "freedom from pity;" Pi~y destroys human in. dependence. lleu-relliince lind self• ·r espect, and 'gives us subsidy, pa· tronage. 'and PWA's instead; I 80r·
ry trade!
discovered volce of America," anel John BollleD, who recopbecl her talents four years 1110
paved the way for her luceess.
Becauae a distant relative de- Prof. R. Edgar Veith, an outtected a fine quality in her slilg~ standing vocal teacher, ing voice fo~ yea,r a ago, Alice Prof•. Veith Immediately · wd Fore, 19, will celebrate her grad- ahe had pOSlibillties. Then and uation from high s9bool at Mor- there :Mr. ' Holden arranged fQr ~ow, 0., With a trip to New York Misa Fore to start taking llll-l where she h~ been selected · ail aons from Prof. Veith. This haa one ·of. the finali.s ta in the "Hour contin\1e4 all through her fOur \ of Charm" auditions ,to find the years of hlgh school, culmlnat- ; "undiscovered voice of Ameri\!a." ing in her ielection 81 one ofl Alice is to graduate May 17 the finallBts in the "Hour of and the foU9wing Sunday, May ' Charm' nation-wide hunt for ~ \ 21. she is scheduled to sing with ,''undiscovered'' voice. 1 the "Hour of Charm" orchestra Miss Fore wu one of fo~ glrll l over a coast-to-coast network. selected from the Clnc:1nnaU , It will be broadcast by WLW, area by a committee of dlatlnl· _Cincinnati, at 10 p. m., EWT. uished music pel'.onage. after When she graduated from the more than,150 girls fl:om tndJana, eighfu grade, John Holden of Kentucky and Ohio had heeD au- I 'Morrow, a distant relative, heard ditloned at ,the WLW ItUdlOl. ' her sing and be recognized a The tlrat ' thin, Allce ' wanta to fine quality in her voice. So see Oil' her arrival in New York he arranged to ~ake ' her to Cm- is ,the Metropolitan' Opera BollM. cinnati to obtain the o'pinion ' of Next, the Empire State building.
_ _ __ _ _ _ _
Western Fixture Co.
·With ~pplles that will make your reat&urantunU8Ual1y attractive and 1M:&t.ed i14 N. st. Clair st.; In draw.mud1 patron&«e. Tlu! ,coat ~ Dayton, Buy and Sell Bat: ~od be very moderate and should be Restaura~t FlStul'el! and Supplies considered an investment rather • T • Greatly·Aldlng People To nlcet than ,an .expense; for they !Will .pay, CoiuJllJons Of . These- Changing f or 'the'm.selves 'several times ·over in' Times . '. • Ofter A Fine Service. the tta..de whlch they !Will attract. FaIr D!l!.!J!m'....an I Yo They oUer an excellent OPPO~Come I~ . . . ~ve N.ow and Used ' Ity for people ,to sell to them and Fid~ To improve Your ~laee too, their service In lmprovingtbe . . . ' PrOD!JI' and Courteous Serv- looks aa well as the' 'efflclency of ice . . . Under The Direction of D. ba.r' and restaurants is 'bringing IW. Roberts. Who Jlas Many Friends' them a. la.rgf! ,business from all t.he" All Over This Section '1'eI. sUfl'oundlng .territory. AD .3291. . TtIey feature 'b ar equipment, fix.tures, l!'ilIssware, and, In fact, ev~'" There IS no ono concem engaged tl1inc In' the line . They iwm see that in ttl e dlstt;Ibutlon ' of ibar restli.urant 'everything um.tche.s up and will ,fit fixtures wl{Jo'h has been of greater yOu out in any style ou desire,. They oowtoe 'In the adj uslllngof busl.pess: feat ure ·the best, the. moderate and 'e8 in these. changing times than the can Jiwnish you lwibh anYlhhlng f~ Westel'll Fixture '00. In lDa.yton, 'Who the most simple design ,to a correct offer an excellent l/erviec in this dupUaatl911 of the \lamed cafesI' o~, 1ileld the world . They are distrIbutors of restaur_ _ _ _ __ ant equipllUlnt, e.s well as bar and Advertlslllg K~eps Old Customers beer equipmEIIt; 8It1d 'can 1w:ntsh yOu . ADVERTISE- IN '1'BE GAZBTTB
N0111cE OF APPOJ:NTMENT AcfmlnJstrator
Any make or. model Fred Ka'hn MotorCa'r' Co.
Estate of Sylvla Lovely. ,Do;ea..cd. Notice Is hereby given thai; Janles Lovely whose Post' OUlce JI_dcir'ess is WI\-Ylle8v1ll/l, 'Ohio,- has been dU:y LEBANON" OHIO ·appolnted lIB A:dn;1.ln~trator of the PHONE 326 Estate of SylVia Lil'lely. late of Warren Oounty, Ohlo, dec~ltst'd. Da.ted ~ 16th day of May, 11144. -------------------------~~~--~--+.~Ral.ph H Carey, ~tidge of the Ptobatc' Court p, leTliRY IWarren Oounty, Ohlo carl 'AbaecherU, Atty; BUY
~hbl~al)m~ Paateu..l~e~ Dairy ~rodu~l~ , .~~: 1 ~'teul'ized ·M 'ilk ltor Your PrC?tection S'tANPS " ' " , ~=='~Ph~~~' 2537 ' W.~e8vill~, Qhio. Gazette . 11IIII_. ._ ................- ........._I!'!!!~~-IIIii-.r .~
FOR SALE - Pers'onal ' Stationery. . 200 sheets or good bond. Paper, 'eif.e 6d :1~2, with' 1,00' ~nvl'16pes, all Wttb ;~e:' and address -Impfulted, ,fO~ '1.50., a~ tt,le office. Pbon,e 2143. ,I.
, '.Gu.. we~re pretty lucky in our town, Ju~ that w6 don't b8ve tile youth • prc;Jbletn JOu read about Iq other'plat.!:
. Allce F(lre, lenior in the Morrow, Ohio, high schOOl, lelected aa one of the 8nallsta in the ''Dour 'of Oharm" eOlltest to fiDei the "Un-
'l'lWB8DAY, MAY U, 11M
. From ~rhe Miami Ga~~tte' Files
~ to 111 b';ltb, l bav.e my farm 'and .111 at pubUc a t: th~ farm located :a lAI miles south of W~eavUle nelU' tJle' old Tille-. sraph 64.Ul on the River road, , SATtiRDA~, J4At' 20, 1~ Be81Dn1nB at ol2:30 O'clock• . the following property. to-wit: 1~AN MtJLE&-1 ~tra large and .good workel'll.
--~ ' -----John T . LiddY left Wednesday 'MEEN YEARS AGO i noon for . Cinolnnatl to . spend the "(May IS; '11!29) On aooount of measles in the week. He will probilbly eDgNe In 1"utna6.troai home. . the Happy some busIness there soon. HOur clUb held thefr May meeting G. W. Zimmerman aDd family 'at the pOme of .Mio. ~el s'o,tte~th are very much pleased with their new home In ElwoOd, Ind. walte, in !lJIA.yton. county ' OoI:nIn.I$Iloners Keever; ~. anQ Mrs. W1ll Ross, Of rFlve Bone and Stookman were In town Point. 'are the proUd parents of a Wednesday . lroklng after the ~ girl born Monday, May 13. straightening of the river cha~el IA.t the' 'M iami Valley League Sh90t Which WIlS held In Miamls- Just north of the bridge on Corwin
.,utg sunday afternoon, W. ,B. SqUires' broke 48 out of 50; A. C, Blair, .7 o.nd J. P. Thomas, 48. ~ S. L. cartwr1gh~ retumed thts
tlle Notional oMJI1tary Home hOli~~, Dayton.where he has 'been ' for treatment since enrly In. Fe~)l'uary, and will resume his residence at the Friends Borne. Mrs . Merle Kerns and little daughter, Joan, 'of Colwnbus, spent several dN's last week wltll Mrs. Kern's lpl\l'ents, Mr. and Mrs _ J. D . Marlatt.. . Il'hc little son of Mr. Md Mrs. :1. R. Wade bas been cr1tlcally 111 for &everol days but is thought to be Jetting better. . Mr, and .Ml'Il. Henry Smith, en. ~O\lte from Florida to their bOOle in IOWa, were week~ end guests 01 Mr, and 1Mi's. ' Elmer Slleeban. winning ribbons at the (Ield meet held recently in Lebiulon are are follows: .Eldon Ellis, 50 yd. dMb, 1st: . Ruth HockeLt, 50 yd. daSh. 4tll: Evelyn Neely, 75 yd. dash 2nd; ~le ' PJanck. baseball thrOw; .2nd; ~ Abrams, hi~ jump, .th; ,;kid; wallace Bernard, lop-step'2 nd; Wlll1am AilmrrlS, broad jump, ~c1; .-oracle ~am , J'e ay raqe, 2nd; 'Wi, Abrams, hiBh jump, 4th; F1~rence Bormen, 50 yd. d&sh, '1st; R41p4, M61nous, ~ ' Yd. dash, Uh. ~nunencement Friday evening, mQrnlng
with B. o. Sklnner .of W~n . college, 11& speaker. Marriage Ucenses - Robert W. \Miller, state btghWay foreman ot Belle!ontal.ne, and Miss JI,an1et I. Doane of WaynesyWe. May 2; ~ 11nyton and Mi$s VlIShtiA. Bedtett, • 0, Qonner, ~chln1st or New Bur01 Waynesville. May 4.
5-M.LI,K OOWs.--o Shorthorn cow, 1. Guernsey cow, 3 Jer&ey rows. 'l,'hese cows are T. B. tested, have ail been trelih this sprlnB and are heavy mllkers. 1la~
stock sole Saturday. The cracker factory is about COIJ1lo ple~ed and Is ready lor the machinery. Miss Mary I4'nch died "t the home or ,w tnston lUcks ~ay in her eighty-sixth year. Le.sJle McCune and Pe.l.,.~ M1llClr or'! el.ch the happy pcl5Se'1S()r of fine 1 . ,~ "UmAl\tl (' bicycles of wbh:.:l they Il re yery !rouc:t. '()ounty surveyor P. O. Montfort has been engaged at layIng of! a new entrance to Mlcuni cemerery a.t the forks of the Harveysbu.r g and !Henpeck pikes, wbe!'e the b!acksmith &hop .now stands. IEthel WilUamson entertained a !few 01 her llttle friends in a May· day ""iCnlc Saturday. Present were: .. Carrie and IIildlth Mosher. AlUe COOk, IMlnnie HalWke, Mabel Comp. ton, RAymond carr, Grace and Raymond Williamson. loJohn H. QWrey baa Just completad eJlitensive repairs and ,lInprovements ,at hls flouring mills, at an. ex.pense of quite a bBndsome sU,m of money. Ol1Uord R. Ridge ot ClncJnoati was baptll5ed from. the Ep1.scOp8l churoh SUnday. C . D. Wooiey and family 'Will on Monday occupy the house vacated by J. J. DaWDlllg on 'I1hlrd street.
Roder.r'. Shoes
At 807 Brown Sl aDa 81Z Xenia Ave., Dalton, Offer Good Val_ For Your SbOe CoapOaa By Fea&artw The Famo... BED GOOSE Shoes For C~ Aa Well All Good Qual· it)' Shoe!I, For All MembeI)I Of The Famil7 • • • Is A. FubIoo Centel' TWENTY ·FIVE .YEARS AGO For The Set . With Shoell (May 28. 1919) . For G'nnrIDr' Fee, · At ~""Ie , MisS' R4be~ Hart or ~banon. ~ • ; • Unclei' The Dlrecu.n. Of and Miss l'iI'el1e Tllompson or waah~ loJm .. ~r • . ....... F1JUon Ingt;on. D. C.• were guests ~ Prl· " . ',.', . ~, qt Mr. anel ~. 1'. D. BawD. Annpunoemen t of the lII8lTJaIre of . IWI.nUred Gall. d&\.Ighter of Mr. &.nil
• • •
IMlPLEM!ENTB Wllgon with flat top, covel'ed . sPring wagon, two"Wbeel buller, Deerina' mower, 6 ft. cut, ~ tooth
bay 'rake, hay tedder. John Deere manure spreader,. HooaIer wheat drill with tertUize.r at~ent, COl n planter. two Janl8vllle riding cwtivators, Oliver rlcUng breaklng plow. 3 horse walldDg piow, 2 horae walkIng plow Ii shovel cultivator double shovel. '~lngle shovel, ~latfOrm scales, 3 hor&e dlso, power cutting box. der the direCtIon or iM1B!, Ethel Beeder, the superintendent. CommUnlon ,service 'WM. held at t"'A u;u preach1ns 6ervlce .w hicll followed. Mr. and Mrs. WUbur OlaJ1k were Mo,Plel'll nay guests 'ot Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flory and !Mr. and Mrs. O. W. YoUnce in Dayton. 1Mr. and ·Mrs. EVerett Vehrick and children spent Mothers ~ with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. IMwarcl H~ in Waynes--
Mr.! . Ed 'Straukll.tlClP and family at Crystal Lalte . Mrs : IHrunmond's m v... ...... er. ·. ........, .....-. WUllam Straukamp, n - - .' _ ...panled." w.emI bome • 1Ml'. a.us 'Mrs. iI.a.wton Webb and ta.ui.uY . entertaInE~ near twenty l'Uellta to a 'family dI1i.~er sunday. IMrs. Ellr.abeth SriUth and MJss Mary ~ ot 'IlY'aynesv1lla were Monday e,iternroDI callers of Mrs. Margaret Jphns.
Mr. and Mrs: Morris Miller of ville. , Zimmerman ' 'Were! SWlday' afterFolks from here who were shop_ noon gUests or Mr'. and Mrs. Wal. ping in !D'ayton saturday were: Mrs. ter Kemick. Harold Steinke antf M.lss iAlmett& . Mrs. Morns WlJiarton left ~ and Jameff Steinke, Mr. and 'Nts . . for an extended vlslt wltl,l ber pa1.9we11 ~omas , and Bett1. Mr. and rents, ' Mr. and' lMrs. James Keeny Mrs. E . B. Ilongacre, Mrs. Allen _~depeDdence. UItY. EIIU''lck and Mr ~ and Mn!. :walter IM18II V1rCtnia Belcher of Detroit Kenrick. vJa1~ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1Mr. and Mrs. Therle. Jones enBelcher. and fam1l7. tertained to a 'Mother's Day dinner. iMr. and Mrs. ~rherle Jones and Sunday, 'M r. and Mis. Edwin ;Nutt ~ iMlltcill. t?lltertalned Saturda.Y of ~ C8n terv1lle, Mr. and Mm. evehlDlfJ, ~. . arId Mrs. LOwell .I. B. Jones of Lytle. and Mr. IUId ~ an.d dlliU1!~ter, rBetty. · Mr. Uta. Earl ¥ora.n and--&On Garry of and Urs. Harold Whitaker and 00l!W1n. . el)UdreJ). ilUchard aIill F'nI.ncls. and Mrs. P. Mlller ~ed • • aixUlra. TbI~ /Burton and re1a.Uvea to their old home at 0Gm!Naomi. Qu:ds we~ the elsvWe. ~., ' <ID ThutadaY &.nil re- dlverilon 01 ·the ~. i Dwneis ·u nW Sunday. . Mr. . and ,iI4ra" ~er$ lb. and ·lIl'I... Donal4 Ba1rd lIond ~ . ~ ~'l~ tile IaUer'a and ;MI8I Velma SIqItb of ' ,mt\tbld'; 'lItfn1. J. 1\'1(; BuIkm at Yelspent euDday at their lipIDe low ~gs, and 'accompanied ber
sa HenrY
0.., se~
ton, Ky., to W ·. H&uen.steln, .. .. Sahrrday. May 24, has been received mlles from IDayton and people here by relatives. , want ~ get 800d valueS " n.--+.I'H'lr~~IL"".....A!!l'-i!M.!!"'. M. N. pougless; the spring Valley slioe 9OupotI8 (I.Dd who want to be real estate man, bas sold the ClUr correctlY ntted, drop In here and Maxwell. larm to Robert SWes. The a &election. . conslderaUon waS $l5,OQO. 11 you have been ha\'1n8 trouble . c. F . .Ohapman dled at his home wlth your feet, yoU may relit assured . morning .... -t they' have & &hoe (or you in and children spent sunday . after'on FoUrth. street Tuesd&Y' ...... after it. long illness. wh1ch .t o walk, wOl'k and enjoy yoar. noon and ev.emng with Mr. and
self instead of
be1ng something to be dreaded and Wlfortable. ThI!y are beadque.rtel'8 tor the famO\18 Red Oood Shoes tor chlldren and are prepared, bot.h. as to lmow~ or fitting and the variety of stock to glve a &eroce iWhiCh 18 !iery much &\)prectated by the pubHc. Mariy mothers have oome to de'-
acJ6'I' FOB AND c(JN8JoM your cattle, bop, Iheep and·.-1ft1 to Norr1.s-Brock Co.. ·Uve wire and prosreulve firm for 'tlMI bllbest ~ pnces and i<\Od ..... .. tJ~ I~. Yarc1I, ., O. TUne 11l on Radio ....\loll WOKY, d:26 '. to 12.89, p. ~. tor OUt daUJ
martet repoRl. ' .
•• n.
",.lter li •• rlr .... C • .rre.IIO ......
Mr. and,Mrs. Baney BUmet attended Quarterly meeting Sunday at the Pr1ends cburcb at Waynes~e. . .' , 1Mr. and Un. Robert Sblpley amd
uttJe daUChter. Sus1e, or Columbus. are yislt1nl at the home or ~. and un. PaUl SbIpley and children. Mr. and lOB. IA»ren.Routahn or ~ and Mr. ai14 Mrs. B6!:DIIl'd Melloh of Waynesv11le. ~t Moltbers Day at the :bome of ·tbelr ~ta. Mr. and Mri ~ Wbartul~
. ·Mr. and MrS. Leon ~ of. WaAb'wnn C" H. were sunday !'8te.,mocD ~ of ¥r. , and , ~. Allen Eim'klt. .
iReV'. 0, B. ,Vice ~ PriIach ~t church 'next' SUndQ 'evl!n1n8 lot 8:00 o·da. lIveI'YOne lilV1tecs. .aA-•. anc1 Mm., . ,. . . ~li 8M. Mr. 8IId .J'II. IIU'old ~tabr at,.. " H.~...-.m~IJ ..... ,tIW~ -~ ~ at the bailie • Mr. ·1ioDd ~ JI&uer. at W..,me. :.\ Jup ciawcl 'atWnded b . . . .
e · .... Dr
JiiGilMIl .. I. .~·--_ . . . . . ·~. .~~
by Asher Hobson Chairrrum. Dept. 0/ Agricu{eurol Economics University of Wisconsin
era was marked by '15 cent butter~ , 1at, 20 dollar hogs, and 100, 200 and In lome states 300 dollars an acre tor farm land. Farmers also remember the "no shirt" era !if the Thirties :- 25 cent butterfat, 5 dollar hogs, and 10M so low the mortgage took it. One way of keep. Ing one's shirt atter this war Is not to buy too many silk shirts now, 80 to llpeak. There Is an old saying to the efted that he who sleeps on the floor never falls out of bed. None of us want to sleep on the floor. but we IIbould see ,to it that our beds are not 110 blgb as to cause serious injury in cue of a fall. Unduly high prices are likely to , be tollowed by unduly low price••· That 11 one reason why molt people in responsible walkl of 1I1e appreciate, the necessity of acting now ,to preyent Infla~on. Farmer.' are equally concerned. Inflation II another term for. unhealthY high prices. Inftation baa a younger brother. He la ,a bad actor. Hi. name 11 de~tion. .Be hai a bablt of following bia brother 1iI1Iatfon• . Deftation . otten' means
down now. If prlc~. are to be held in Une. the prel'lIlle under pricel must be removed. The Government 'cannot: do ·thl.I Job alone. There are nO' an,tl-lnftatlon white rabbits in the'maliliclan's bat. Qbly' the concertlid efltoria of you and
me can tum the trick. . . The forcel cau.ini prices to 10 . up may lie'" S~lUDar~ in the lltatement that there II, mor:e · money a'ofallable :101' ipen4ing than there are gooda IlDd services to be . bought. Thli 11 another :wa)' of saying that, the ~1!!lT\and ~or goO!1s and lervicu exc.~!!ds the avalla)Jle lupply. Let us be Ipeciftc. At the end or 1943 it WIU .IUmatfld that there. were U IblWon dollars of lpendable Income In thil , country in excess of loo<a and servlcelto be bought at the Ulan . extatini prices. A ':rear .~arlier the tptl!esa wal 33 blWon dollars. If, prices are to be' beld ~11 line tt.II exc... · purchasing powerr lJluat be broUght down to ,thl?' leVe!l. of the lupplt of gooda and iervll~e~. or 1he 'aupp~ of 80041 ~. and lIemoe. muat be ·boosted, bi ke'ep!nJ with', pUrclIuo
iii, .
poWer• .
F~en .are.·
to Increale' the serious unemp!oyq1ent,'lower prop. , taral DI'Oi!uc1ta, ei'b'values. more tax delinquenc)'. and mountlni forecloaures. Add theae together and the SI.im 18 faim reU~ That· 11 not the anlwer farmers want. . ., . Farmers' can well afford to .t ake steps now in an. aftem,pt to that Ion of a 'sltuation, But 1Dfla. tion ,I I not Beau,. ~~dlejI. aflV it amve.. one caM~ ·. build a cyclone 'cellar after the.o)d cloudi beglli ,tcj 1'011. TheD one bal time Only to l1'ab the bab:r arid runwith no place to 10. /iIometlUn. Uke that is ,apt to happen ~en inflation atrlkllf, The way tobaDdle 1Ii1latloll 'lI ~ prevat ltl
. Wtiat . . fll'lD8fl dot 'l'be7 caD
from teWDa 011& 01 bUd '" beJpIq to IaoJ4 _ _,
help Julep pricu
lo.cal aeason, Thursday.
Ph1ls sertes.
Oblo, ~ 36M . aDd Bt JObD. ~ -
_ _......;.;......--_--".....:~.,...
AllY M,lg,WII P LI, ted JIl(l TIll s NeW SIlJper, Both 101 Pmr Show n
, iPollOWlq the I)odr~
. tile
Redle8B wUl be off ~ their first extended tour of ,the ctrcult, meet.:. . , 1ng the . four ' eatem teattlI and . '
• • • • ,; unless 1\ 'stop Dewey movement gets under WilY soon, an~ Roosevelt decides that be couldn t win a fourth term, each now has enou~h dlegates to go into hls partY' .national ~nveJltion and Win on he ilnlt
<Pleld I'for a. iiisht . gam ~e----J~~
'1th tpe June 8.
St. 1LoU1i .card1nala
T1~ets for
ail Pmea In tbe pres_
ent home stay are on sale at' the
omce, lSO'l V4ne street, where mall orders are
~'a downtowntscttet
also accepted. _....l . _ _ __
National .Hbme Moc:lemizera _
ballotts. CUyahoga ~un;y's' failure to do as well for I~ home-town boy, Tom aerbert, os Hamilton county did tor its ow.n James Garfield Stewart, sa tone reaSon for the Stewart victory In tone Republican primaries.
• • •
. PSttl5tlur(llb
All's qUiet on the. poUtI~ front. tor e. 'Wblle ' . . PoUtlClans are restIng and getting .their "s~ wind" (if the PBaI compalgn. All kInds of sUmmaries are being lJfade 0'1 the Primaries . . . The, ~o&t ridiculoUB ls that the RepubUca.ns /U'e sure or the Fall election beCause they cast more votes in the primarlas. 11 the 'Democrats do lose, it is not 10r tbat reoson, but because of 'the personnel on the ticket • . • Don·t overlook the pulUng power of RooISevelt in the FDll elecUnn.
sewtns ma.ch1ne. · buffet, va.nlty. table. 2 Iron bed8. 8P~. chIld:s ~ ViCtrola, 4 chaIrB;' porcelaln top table. · ,Alladln lamp, ~ bOx , and ~W other artlcl8!l .tlDO ,nUlllel'OUS mention. . .Terma Cash : E. J. LINDAMOOD
.-me Priday fIVW ~de the Red.
kettlts .wlth ltan~, 2 8COOP8 &hovels. forks, double and BIngle tre.es. lal'ge barrel, 3 2Xl2 in. ~lanlal. lit feet lang.. corn sheller, 8 gal. /Water !0IIn.taln, poind soone, cream aeperator. chum'. 3 rolls .slate coated,' rooting. ~ - 1 ton mixed hay, ,l5Ol).Ie
at the
Farmers: • Help Prevent Inflation ' .
ARMERS remember the "Silk FShirt" era of the last war. That
MIBOELLANEOUB 'Platform &eales, 1000 lb. capacity. hay rope, fork and pulieys. 32 ft. double ladders, log cbaills. fence stretChers, pqwer buzz saw, 2 Cl'068 cut saWI, axell. abovel8, ~ forge, anvil, horSe cUppers, PIPe wrench. hand saws, hammen. tin anlps. m1llt cans, m1lk b\l()ketS, strainer. cooker. lard press. IlaUlla8e grinder. 2 'Iron
. ~ , . • ....:" FIFl'Y YJlABS AGO pend upon them lor speetallzed fit. , (May iJ, lIN) .t1ng or ch1ldren'8 teet, reallzUng. that The rallrQad company is alnltlng if tbe teet. ~ ntteq properly when a well at the COI1W:ln stDckyarda. . they will ~ lIYithout toot. . · 1Pro~. , J. M. Lane h88 ~ elect- trotm1e6. ed prlncl,pal of · the ' SpringbOro ~ Red Goose Shoes are of high $chook. · I,"'_~I . and are made 60 they w1ll uttle feet ample oppOrtunity to
, ;nant.
WhIte RookB and .W hite LegbOms,
to ~ the Kothers Mu!.....~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;~~~Ii..--!LereJlIa-$W~~~&~~~
JOrul stanton. 93, of - ~" lonnerly< or w:~ynesvme, died Sunday, . , Dr. J. T. EWs and J •' E . J &~ey went to ColiUlibua , ~ ·to attend ' a conventlon Io,r the .ratiflcaUon of the l:..eatNe of N"ttons Cove-
Phlla. 'J'he teams were to meet In'' • la.dI!:e' d~' OQIlteilt W~.J SlId a ~Lsame, the secoIid, of the
~ted at lOll.U W. TbIrd lit.. Day~n, Are Well Eta...".. WIU.
~ureea and Handle TheIr ~cl . '1'0 'Glwe Are ~ In
BlIperieneed 11m. T~ ~we .......... QuI_ 8eJo~ • : • Our BOIIIlq ~. e~ClJ' , ~~ , ~D" . ~ B7 Fflat~ ' ·b ....ted 8Idlq 'Ill AU Colon. 01 BrIe*, 8&0118 . . . ~
~4 Guaranteed
JIGoftq • • • Ne
Do~ Paymen&:, CoIlYaUen' Term. . . ~ 81~"lu '-We Fea&aft The Bea~M The Chlapelt Fair Price" . . . 11ader The Able DInc!Uon 01 B. M. Loaclcm , . ' . TeL FtJ f65L
We" I l ' JatUtt! Ihe
CLASS tulations are in ordeT, graduates of have mad e a fine start. . in mind the importa-ooe' of p.erseYou will pardon us, we believe, for . this brief ill ustration: If it takes 40 aniax to fell a tree and you quit at the labor i~ wasted. to the line l Stay with itt And suc-
We sincerely congratulate the class of 1944. Yours has been a. difficul't achievement but you have even, more difficult and trying tasks in the days ahead. You need the guidance of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as your Savior. You can best serve your God, your home, your country, and yourself if you are a Christ.ian.
say that Opportunity knocks but ,once, but we make bold to disagree with the old adage. Opportunity knocks many, many times, and many fine opportunities are in store for the boy and girl graduates of'this community. Th(~y
One school of learning , is behind you. Ahead of you are th,e bigger schools of hig~ education and experience. Min~led with our congratulations are our heartfelt wishes for succe~s in any undertaking upon which you may venture.
The ~ aynesville National B'ank
ulf Service Station
We hopei that each of you makes the best of these opportunities, and at the same time extend to each of you our hearty congratulations.
Max W. Randall. Minister
Wayneiviile Farmers Exchange Co.
High School
Ciass Of 1944
E. Hisey F. McCoy M. Mangle Ruth McKeever Phyllis M. Rickey Betty L. Routzahn Charles L. Rye AI!lletta L. 'S teinke , James M. Steinke Mildred L. ' SDlith Helen A. Vint Donald W. Watkins Qeorge Wical Shirley Wilson "";;~~';':"
.• .* Congratulations to the Cia••
Graduation DaJ be Ol\&
event. ,i n 1OU1" Uvea. maddDs for -each of )'OIl Of ,tile ~t
the dawn of a new day. S1ncere , ClClIl8Iitu1aUona and . belt 1I'IIbia. '
Ali Baba had . but ' to say "open 8esame" to gain the riche$ of an empire. We might wish that attainment would be as easy for you, boy and girl graduates of 1944. .'" But, things being as they are, we can only say that we hope that! your graduation marks for you' an open sesame to mat;ly rich opportimitiea that will lead directly to SUCCesl!l.
Good luck to you, boy and girl graduates of 1944. And may the same success that atten1d· ed you at school be with you every foot of th'el way in your greater a'dventure-.
Waynesville Floral ' Cornpany' '
'Coyles Quality Meats
The price of success in business as in the classroom, is hard work. There is no royal road.
_ _ _ _ _ _~~":;;';;~-::'_ _ _ _--4:"'~~~::"""~";;"""';;~~~~:':-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' _ _ _ _- -_ _ _ _--::---:--:_ _........--:-_~:::...:.~....;.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...:-.
ch urch had special music as Part' ot the other's Day service laSt SUnday. Flowers were given to all moth ers who had sona in service from the Chr1st~n church.
School News Many ot the immiS from the hlgh school building are selling ticket.. to "Peg 0' My Heart" 'Wh1ch 18 to be given by ttie senior clasa on Prlday, May 19, at 8:30 p. m. The pr0.ceeds trom the second production of thls play will go to the fUnds fCll' the Youth center.
• • •
Monday. MaY' 15 :was Olaaa DaJ for the Beuiors at lWayneavWe 8JIb school. During their aaaembly the following ,p rosmm was liven: Class History ..••.•. ••• Irm& Plre8 Song. "Where're You , Wal:jt .............. J\lUet MoOoY Class 'P oem •.•... Almetta. 8te1Dke Olasa Propbecy ..•• James 8telnke Cla8a Will ••.••... :Ruth IIaItenv One Of tbe apectacular event. of the prosnm waa the beat.owlntr of ~ presidency of the ~r clau
upon Bob Beplard. nOW pzealdent the J\in1or ciaas.
~olllDlUcIaI Departmea&
Three students in 8bortbaDil I have made their mark vy paulDg the GO-word ,TraIl8l:rtptldb test. ~ are: Janice Burnett, Muriel Dickensheets and Lorma HUdebrecbt•
As yo':!
ting you we .also wish you all and happiness in the w~rld.
step across the threshold of the classrpom 'towards th~ider op . outside the Cioor remember that' the good -wishes of this community are with you. , The M~dden' Lumber Co. wishes you the most hearty· congratulations.
Conferred upon you n'Ow is your first great advantage in the race for succe,ss - your diploma. Ap,p raise it highly. Cherish it and keep it. D:rop in an:d see us soon. We would like to congra~tulat~ you in person.
. D. R. Slnith
.W.', H. Madden and ,Company
Smith Meat Market
wilHind ~mple justification entire community is proud of
!We're pulit1ng all of our bets on you, boy and girl graduates ot lMi.
Mrs. Charles Stanley has been on the swk l1s~. , Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Holllnpworth, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines and sOn were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Luther HaInes on SUndaJ.
[5·S,. or~~
A Mileaton':, .",a,,,l.U,.u minks a'l'lJ ,i mportant in\lestone ' ev~ry poy and Sirl .who trraduates; ~e congratul~ted upon ' having .. . ml~o'ne. ,.' . . , •
you, ~ ;ful.1 measure. 'And
" . :Yo,u' h&~e. m,ade ~ good- ~; C~~ . along ~e waY,s ide to take;l 'n ap, ~~d the , of 1944. But m exteilding you, our heartY 01<1 tortoise beat hun to the finish. . Icon~~ulatiQD8 ' may, we .point out that " ' : . '\ " t!te ,race is Dot always to·'tI)e'swift. ',. ~ ~~ep ptug;g1b~ away ,to Insure , it. :>certain hare made a ,fast sta~ that tinal ~u¢ce88 the first 'st'eps toward . many, maDY .ye~ ,ago. But he &t9pped whic;.~ you hav.e just DOW ta~en~
woUld lJke to congrat-
ulate and ·.we . . · you peraonaUy. ." .. , /'
,Whenever ,you are
In the: ne18hborbOod you w.ill ~JJi
for a chat,
¥ab ~ Vult real soon. ~ THELMA'S LUNCH
'DmBSDAY, MAY 18, 181&
_"1 ____
New Plastic Paints .M ake Decorating Euy
3U ••
-· . We OHer ,
~l· . . . . e
(jurner. 6urre • .,uud.:'d'
. _~
Mr. and Mrs. George 1P1ymlre were Sunday evening supper , guests ij!~e ~aun~fJ&illi . of Mr. and MJ'S. Wilbur McOarren and Mrs. Ethel Beason, near (Barve,YsbUl'g. 1Mrs. GOldie Young, of Leba.no~, was a Wednesday guest of 1Mr. and SERVICES SUNDAY Mrs. Raymond Ross, near OregonMAY U. IH4 ia. In the afternoon they called at BIBLE SCHOOL the hane 01 JeSl1le Oarner, when' 9:30 A.-M. , on their way to W1lm.Ington . Mr . and Mrs . Orlando Braman, MORNING SERVICE of Xenia, were over Saturday night ' 1l:00 A. M. and Sunday vl~Itors of Mr. and Mrs. Sermon topl-.'"l'DE Mearle Terry and Wa lter TelTY. BIRT~Al," OF THE OIIUlU.'If" Alben Lee Talmtlge was a vlslt.or Mother's Day with his mother lind grandparents, Mr . and Mrs. W. W. EVENING SERVICE ShurtB, til South Lebanon. 8:00 Ollliock We extend congratrlations and Sermon Toplo-"RAS TIlE 'b est wiBhes to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mullen, who were recently married. DOCTRINE OF TIlE CHURCH Alfred Jord&n and .f41ss Hannah OHANGt}D .SINCE ITS Jordan were visitors Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lucy FIshbaugh, in BEGINNING'" . Middletown. Mm. Flshbo:ugh Is Amateur' with brush or applloator can do professional job. confined in a. hospital at present in WEDNESDAY EVENING - 8:00 HE new war·born plllstic wa ll wallpaper with these new ftat that city on account or a broken . finishes make redecorating tbese paInts," Miss Talcott ..-rites. "One hlp, which she suffel'ed a tew dll.)'6 MAX W. RANDALL. days a fa r cry ,from old·style paint. coat covers most any wall and cell. before, at the home of the Jordan Mini.ter lng, when rooms were unusable for ing surfate, Including painted walls, family. . days while ~ or 3 coa ls at slow-dry. plywood. wallboard, brick and bose. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jantz oC CIn- I ing paint were ap plied, Dora May ment walls. "Employing a plastic base thai Cincnat.!, were SWiday afLernoon Talcott writes in ttle Rural Home section 01 Capper's Farmer, a mag· makes it · extremely durable and callers at the hom~ of Mr. and Mrs. PRO~OTED TO STAFF SGT. azlne read by 1,250,000 farm rami- ' wash\ible, this paint comes in pllste OWrge Plymll'e. torm and Is thinned with water--l Mr.' and .Mrs. Ed Hopkins have lies. Mr. and Mrs . Orlando Brannon received word thot their son, J. A. With thel!e new paints tbat can be gallon or paste makes H~ gallons of applied py an amateur and tbnt dry paint. , It dries til a 1erfcctly fiat'.9f xenia, Ml's. Mabd Terry of Day- Hopklns. has' been promoted to the in an .hour. rooms can be lived in flnish without lap marks or streaks, too, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ne!Bnn, the same . day. '}'hel'I)'S no poin l ye t it can be wa Shed with soap and Mrs. Lucy Nelson and Mrs. Ethel milk of start seryeant. Sta:ff Sgt. odol'. wn ter to . ~emove finger marks and 'P aIge of I Lebanon, MIss Hannah 'Hopldns is overseas. . r ". • .. :•• Jordan 'Were Sunday callers of i . " Lee Tolmage and Miss Jessie Gar-
Staff Sgt. Robert Chapman of • Sheppard Field, Texas, "was a Fri\Mrs , Everett Marlatt Is 110W at her day overnight. guest 01 hls. parents. home aI~er a stay of several weeks . and Mrs. J. B . ChaP~. !With h t pe.J:ellts, Mr. and Mrs • .. Mrs. U. , G o' Whetsel, Mrs. Com Corwin My of n ear Bellbrook ' 101ruch, Mrs. Reba Braddock and lowing serious Injuries Wh.lcll she reMiss Sallie Sm1th enjoyed dlnber In ceived in an automoblle l1CCld,mt. Centel'vllle on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C . ,St. John en:Patl'onlze Ute Food SILle to be held Joyed Mothers Day with Mr. and by Lhe Woma.n's Awdllary of St. Mrs. Glen.n Bland and daughter or Mary's chw'ch BatW'day a,t 1:30 at Springboro. t.he Township House. MIss Frelda Harvey ' of 'Dayton Miss Virginia Preston had as her spent th e week- end with friends In house guesL Cor LIle week-end, her Waynesville. C<Jilege roomlllaLe for tl'le p ast year, ..\'11SS J ooelliline Wells of Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hopkins entertained to dinner SUnday Mrs. ArMr. ·a nd l\!ni. Don Hawke, Mra. t.hur Hopkins, Mr. a,nd Mrs. Everett Nell Anderson wid Ml'S. Maynard Kenrick and ch.lldren, Mr. and Weltz and ch1ldl'cn enjoyed a plcnic , ~~lun MI'8. Stanley Bailey and daughter, nL Cold Sprl.ug.s on Sunday even.l,llg . Pltyilis. . Mr. and Mrs . W. P . . Strade~ enMiss Doris Hawke and Mrs. CarLert.alned to Sunday d.lnner, MiSS Dial 2111 - Waynelville Lucy Wal ton, Miss J anet Penll!'wit die Cardwell of O1~oinnatl were aud Roger Walton of Spring Valley. SW1day bouests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Balwke. Mr. and Mrs . K. N. Hough en• • • Seaman Don 05bom was a week~-===;=======;;;;, tel't.ained to dinner Sunday honoring the birthday a.nniversaries of end guest oC h1s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earnhart and their Mrs. Harold Osborn . daughter, Mary Dora Hough. Mr . Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henders~. and Mrs . H. B. Earnhart alld children were guestS oC the Hough fam- :;pent the week-end h ere vlslting relatives. They l1ad recently returnIly. ed to their home in LllJbon' a!ter Mrs. J osiah Davis, Mr. and Mrs. spending the winter In Brudenwn, Lloyd -Davis and sons were Mother's Florida. Day dinner guasts of Mr . and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brace spent HOward Hurley, near Spring Valley. W. ., Alb, Carda of 'l'liankl and nero the week..end in COlumb~ and' T<>0bIRari_ are . ehar~d ror at. the We were bappy to receive a mesMothers Day guests oC Mr. and ledo. ..... . , ODe eeDt .. wOJ'tl, minimum 'Mrs. A. H. Stubbs and chUdI'en At 515 Wayne Ave., Dayton. Are sage recently t1'Ol11 MJss Floramond , 'eIIarp ~ A Wani Ac1 IJUerled for f!stnCf! 1l Mr . and MI;s. J. P. Thomas enOilerin&' .\p ExceUen* ~Ice In In- Reed, I\dvlsing us tbat she is at were Mrs. Emma. Gearhart of DayIbree u.. ill c~ at 10 a , word. ton, Mr. 1.ln9- Mrs. Sam·Stubbs and tertained at dinner .. lFl:lday nlibt .~.;:===========;) sulaUon Which Is An EffecUve Con- present located ~n OXford. IMIss MEmODIST CDUacH servation And National Defense ~d has liVed neat: bere praetical . -'-1'0---'a"'","-s.uz---·-w-.-ttlna--Prod--U-C-tl-.t son of Baltimore, Oh.lo, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Espy of Centcrvllie. Louis C. Radle1. Pastor Measure . . ' . Insalatlo~ Will Make ly aU her lite, and 18 qUite 21 N. Broadway. x...ebanon. Open E. E. Hartrum. . 'J. W. Ta.ylor fo'nnerl.v or lWayn.\.!' Your Dome Wama In Wlntft' and ",Vell and favorably Jaiown_ .VemnP Cor 'your conVenJeDce . • • • " "'I' Church school at 9:30 a . m. . Olen Llnt.nir. PhOne 63 1,. Mrs. George 'Winner and daugh- ville, Is VisIt." .. WID Guaein and othCool In Summer . . .. Are A Faewry TO GRADUATE MA~ 26 . ~... WorShip service at 1.0:'30 . A . M. ' "" Th ter and Mrs . Qarl Winner of Leb- er friends here. Branch 'And ·.... ealure elr Own AT CAPITALVNlVERSlTY .• • • 'I'h1a I.s the last Sunday of the Blo~-lnsulaUon }'or Jvery 'l'YPCI anon WtU'e .g uests of Mr . and Mrs. Edgar. Sm.Ith on SUQday. Ot Bome Bulldlnl' . • . Quallty Carol L. Lud.lngton, daughter of , Mr. and :Mrs. WW StroUd were (l(Jllle"em;e year. ~l'De "or electnc. see Lee, • • • .~ f ' th 0 Rooflnr. ,Free EsUma~ ADd Eaay ,.... · ..oth..... ers ......y gues ... 0 e eorge . ST. 'M.{B.Y'S EPISCOPAL ' Mr" a.n d ........ Alva Lud.ln"'ftn, , 'Mr , ,~ Mrs. O. B . Marlatt were " T .. rin" Quality' Worblansbip And , ..... ., 6"" Omdorf l\O!Ld, R. 3.. Waynesville. of cn.VBCB -....., Route One, WayDesvUle, Oblo, wUI 'their son and daughter-in- White fa'D),Hy. in Mason. • • • Materials' .•• Tel. ... 8632. . ' be graduaLed from Capital Univers'WiAUI NPJ!IR . ~ Ia.w, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marlatt W. and Mrs. Sarry A.ZUng 01 Ralph Parka, 'Mb;i;ter iii Ch'rre . at Medway on Sunday; . ' . 'lJ'UUUU . -"""-I at 9'. "n . ~~. m. '11he BeCker Roafln'" Co. bl DlWton ity, Columbus, Ohio, on Friday, How on cUIiIUJ at mY boule. Ii. E. Church Dayton were guests of the Olaude .. offers a complete and guaranteed May ~, at 10 p. m. at the 83rd. 8tu4ltord, wa,oesvWe, Ohio. 20 " , Mr. and (Mrs. MDI't Lang, MIs . I'Stroll:d ftQ!11ly Sunday a!ternoon and Mornlni p~yer and ' sermon 11 :00 ual t ,__ ft~4........ . em ."'-....... out ann comm.encem.en exerc....,s. service to h........ DA Y .. . es evening . " a. m. ~ SALE ~ A ~ that may Pa" ullne Lang and . Mpi. Mll • • '. ' .. thls part or . Ohio by offering them Graduates will hear Rev. Nonnan TboJrWSon, all of' Hamilwn, ,were '. '"'A te tor f Sal A\. b 'DDt Jut much 1oDpr. 200 iil)eeta . ' • home 1nsuIa.tlon Ifor true comfort ....,n r. pas 0 eID.,..urc • .Mr. and Mrs. Virgil F . Russell FERR~ CIII1IlCH 011 CHn.ST Det ..... .:.. . . ~ or Iood boDd papm;. 8X9~ In. wlt4 Sunday guests Of Mr. and Mm. and Mr. and Mrs, R1cliard Nichols, Deibert GIaIWb. lWUnlater and real econ~. r01t, IIDAClI•• and cha1nnaD o. the 100 eDveIopia. all I printed with Walter Wiseman., .and. famlly. . -r.hey are an efflc1ent t ..... . Boa.n;t Of Obrlatlan lDrher 'Educa , Of Lebanon, were dlnne~' gueata . ----DIIDe ADd addnM for ·tUG at· the ~~rles 'Mdel'aon, who Is recup.. S .. .:. . J , , ' d "', ,_ J 'b" ' 9:30 a. m .. BIble ·act!OOl. --.:r: r i.s1rig a staff of lil8u1atlon ex- tkm '01 the AiDerican lAltber811 un .....y V i: Mr,' an .....:.... • c. 1045 m.-Co UIiJio """'1'V' cb ch • MIaml ,0Ue~. . erll-'t1ng from a major operation, 11 '1'bOIilU. 11' 00 a.. . aft~ .~ n. perts. 6I!oCh ·w ith su.oceeerlll ,~8 ur ' . . • • • . : a. m .~ ...on. .aooompUsbments. They will be Slad \ ' --:,-"----.,, WMft'IlD - '+<WamaD or miIn1e4 a guest of .his san, Charles, in COlwnbUII. _1":'o.N.:lsllUltllLFnOtL&'1~a.t-th<J-!l!0w;n-f-..7.!.(IlL;Il--.l)...-J:=~~f~--'~:--tto"6e1b yoU ahd talk over your home nELDS GlyEN SIX MONTaS ~ to abare m:i bcme. Fur• • • ship Bouse saturday aftemoon. probema with you and: you can feel or !UDtIlrDlibed... OppWte Lebanon, May 12~ a report isMr. and Mrs. Oharles El11s were May 20. Many varleUi!6 of aelilcll~4--~1l'8t;~ DI&.Y.-eeM*,,-HICI'-I~m:'-~r.eo~ld~llt ofthelr--aervice. "-,--0', ~,-=-,::;--~~ ~. ·loIn. Charlee ~ sued today :by Prosecutor Oharters .pests at a Wnner party . at . the thirlgs to ' eat Will be on sale .. ~eet1ng They feature the blown-til metbod . ~~. ,0b10. " ', 18. Maple it was reve8.led that L8.W.--.....----"'------:--•.Wlshing W~ll" In Oenterv11le on • . ,• - -::-,- - --" 01 tnsulatiOD w~ch 4!1 ~cularly ' . . W~e to ,8heU' 6/j 8unday ~ '.... 1MtB. Samuel Meredith Sr., has ST AUGUSTINE C1IIURCD ada.ptable to conditions In this !jfC_ renee Fields of Waynesville Route 3', ATHLETES FOOT GERM returned to .her home on Third"street, Fa&her Krumbal .... 'Piles, tIon. No home ~er CIU1i really a.f:' ind.lcted by ~e January grand Jury' bead · 01 'Rolle Bowland. • Bow, To Kill U ' ford to do withom sUch e. fine and on a criminal attaak cha1V. pleacled.· The g~.ImbedII deeply. can't be ~ Boe,d, one mile nOrth, Mr. aM Mrs ,' W. P. 'Sansbury atter a short stay> at the Blair ho&- ..Ma.sa sunctai 9:00 a, ltD. or l(rtle. W~e, ROute 3. 25 and Mr. and Mrs. W ._. E. Cornell pital where &;he weq.t ror observ&.- WAYNB8VILLE CUVRCII OF ,protective serVice, if ·h e counte b .1s guilty to assault· and bIlttery after klU¢ tmlese' reached. . ~ llnlmenta and ointmente do not ~... were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. tlOI) apd treattnent. ' costs, ali insulaUon w1l1 save kom new evidence' was presented to the trate ·sul'flclently. Ask ~ dnlUIat ~ ~th·. Mother Nature court Ilnd was given a. slX-mont!u/ D. R. Ballsbury '8~. CIIIUS., ~5per cent to 35 per cent of the tor 'Te-of solutlon.. Made wltb 90% ~. ~~ for building; ~. a.nd Mfa. Jolin Turner and f uel used . . In ad'\ltl~ to lJle econ.: Jall senten«e by Judge altOn P. alcohol, it penetrates. Reaches more Max ~daJ.1. ' Minister, Innd DeW. Bee or ~te MIs. J. senna: 41lply fiJll strength C<*' itcbi. M,rs. R. H. HartsocI( Was the da~ht~,r were Sunday guestil o~ Mrs. Bibl~ Scllool UO ·a. m.. amy Il.l18le. a home Insulated' by • B. , ~,,,,,, 'WaYDeevWe. R. week-end guest of her daUghters. TU1\1ler's pg,rents. Mr. and MIa. Lee - 6Wtljlty or smell¥, teet. Vour, 350 back them Ww be !Wanner til winter and R. '8. . .• . ' 36 ' Oommunion 10 :45 a. m tomorrow if not . plea~. LocallY. at . M.lssea Jane and Joon HartsOck at M<:OiI'lil. . prea.:..hing•. 11 a. m. ~~nue Drug" Store. . Wi&NI'lIID 'ro lasNT-'l1.bfum1abed OXford and enjoyed Motli&ra Day cABO, .OF THANKS YpU)lg. J:>eople's meleting G:30. houae w~ saraie by reflnecl ·m i,\- exercises at the oollege. " . I Evening' service at 7':30. , .dl~ couple. no ch1ldreil. WW ,Don't torget the Food 8a.le at the You ' are luvlted' to COllie and worIt Is with our deepest apprec1a-' pay three montbl ~nt in adV1U1ce. T'OWJlshlp HOOse SatUrday by the ~n that we: take thIS 'means 'or ~x \lhlp with us. TO THE · CITIZENS OF WARREN COUN'n": '. ' lBeferenoea. p. O . 'BoX 96; Woman's ~uxllla~y lor the.btml;!fIt pressing our thanlts to those wl!9 MT. llOI.LY. 1\1. E. IOIiURCn W&1Dee~ 9h10:' helped and remembered us in tlle recent loss of our belOVed rwi!e, 1 wan~ to thank each and every 4)ne who .upKitchen Ce.binmother and ct8.ughter,· Sylvia W. Sunday School 9:30 a. m. ... .,.. A the work and the added 'home can': ,et In aoocJ. condlt1oli. Ern. ButJ ported m~ for Coun~y Conuaaioner in the Primal')' . Lovely,. We also wiBh to thank those Earnhlu't, Supt. (orts . and If you ever want to sell, ,~, .~~ynesv.we. 'P h9ne 383l. , . the business peayou Viw >find tine of their attractive who sent. 110wers, Even1n~ ServIce. '1:30 ~••• Election 'of May 9th. · pIe, J. O. Mi:C1ure for bls efficient _ _ ' roofs w11l make the' house one to be ~ BAiLE-8Wee~ Potl/.to Plants. services , and RIIf. R4I.lph Parks for FRANKLIN MAN GIVBN destred • . 6Oc per 100. 411, ldnds of garden 'CLAYTON H. CLARK his co~l1Ii8 ,words. FIVE-YEAR ~ilEN1l'EN~ ~ta'l ,100 pe~ · ~9Z . or ii doZ. (or James Loveiy • • Charles C. strouse, 1 ~ rnlles Want t~ Do Repa1rlDa? .WJl1Iam Thomas [O.Gpp, 37, of north 01 W~vme, HOURS: iNoda lDvely Franklin, secretary-treas'urer or the Try lh a Mlnml Que Ue Want Ads ! ;Waynesville,' '!Perry ' and Lytie Mrs. James HenryYReecl_HJOl;m iFurniture COIl1pMlY. 9- 12 each morning Roada. , .. 1 Middletown, was sentenced. to five A WO&D OF APPREcIATION years in lederaJ prison and fined , 1-5 nfteJ'noons ex.cept .~ . SAUl ....:. S b • . p.: Fa1rbe.Dirs $3,500 when Convicted of ,(a1lIDg to aqaUne 'eDiine (aaw mandrel with , . Weuu estlay i wish to expres:; my sincere apreport to a consclent.!ow, ObJectpr's oeW :II lneb c1rcle saw, circle rip preciation and thanks to those who camp March 9. A Jury of eight men 7-0 Saturday evening aaw). eompiete with belt aDd til sent me flowers and cards and other and four women heard IUle case til liOOCl condltion. Bee Qarl Baurer rem.embmnces Which I received Other Evenings Cincinnati Monday. at. \,Vqne ~k • . while I was a patient in the hosBy, Appointmcll t pital. ' RATION R~INJ)ER j.oR ' ~ut · Dining Table , Mrs. Olarence M.ehdenhall T£LE~HONE 62.R . Uld, cbalra. ~anabl~" Mrs. Lee -~---MEATS, ETO. - BOotr. ~ iFour , l~ TerrU1. PhaDe 21'11. NO RED CB()SS .SEWING .led stamps 11.-8 ~!l'ough T-8 VNTIL JUNE 15 ' Adv~ Sbowl Energy va.'ud lnde11nltely but mwit; last :'.:Because of sh or~ of material, until June, 4. Meats, · .~ steak ,o~ w~ •. •••~ .... _. Raalt.1 .' , " '. Optometric ' Eye Specialiat there wUl be no IRed Cross ,sewing, and roosts 01 beef" are ~t1on free. I · WANT TO THANK EACH." JNE OF YOU :'. .f. . " ') ~ ~, PRocEssED 'FOO~1BOolt PoUr untU June 15. Please note the da.te 26 S. , Detr:oit s i. Xenia. 0 iB11,le stamps 11.-8 thr.ougl]l ' Q-8 and come ·then, as we"need you. .' DiD'SUPPORT GIVEN 'ME IN MY SUCCESSFUL CAM'P AIGN FOR ~ . . ~ Committee Indef1nlteIy • SUq.Alt-BOOk · 4 stlim.PII ' 30' and. THE ; , . .. . , , l ~ _. • .. " • ~ ! ,. . " 31 V4lld lor live pouncis'tndenn1tely. stamp ,40 good or five 1~11tId8 . ~or . COUNn IN THE ~ PRIMAR~, OF MAY , home' CannIng thrOug!tt ~b. 28.1945; "' " 10 MY MANY FRIENDS SHOEB-Book '3 ~ne S~ 1 and valld 1ndefimteIy~ . IN W ~RREN COUNTY:
'G!qurtit CIDf Qlqrist
------- --
At All
• • •
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J'flln ern I
·'. .
• • •
• •• •
• • •
\Yo",. ,,,,,,. IIond
Becker Roofing Co.
'1Il)esin,ent's YO""'ftl
'nAmerica·. ·
·. ~warBo~ ' .,.0 ·For ,Future Meeds· '
v.... .....v_..
-a-----.. .
INSUREJM~ ftiWwm,t WAR,.
D: ~
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c. 'E~ Wilkin
, FOR~ mE sJiL~N.
' , . . '
REP~~iicAN ' /NOMINA~ION, AS '$HERlFl"'OF' ~~E~
. ' Expressing si.ncere·,thanks 'f or your fine supp~rt in the CommissioDEtI'$ r"ee May 9.
GM~ Stamp ' :l~oI}l
for · th!ee· pIl00a throuah ,Juile ·21. B-2, B;-3. C-2 and C-3 .i'C!Od ~ar tlve pllaila udW Uaed..
POEt.. 0IL-00up(JD.s ~ JOHN J. BARR" ~_'I' throlJlh Sept. ao, UDlt
Muon, ohio'
All obUIp-makiDa ~ioilw ~ 1OOd' .ib1'OUI~lt
~~.:;::;~~;.~..llIeBB&E&E============3E====EE5a====Ea===e~..w ~Il~.
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Herbert Graham Local Student Fifth To Be Memorial In Stat~ In Test Thyrza crabbe, a Junior Day, Speaker, In 'WaIyne TwP. High achool, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
EncouragingLNewsl . 82 Men'Ordered Of Lt. Robt ..;Planck For P,reinduction Mr. and Mrs. Ro5s Planck have ,Physical Exams
received encouragl.ng news of their Many local men are &mone the son, Lt. Robert L. Planck, who was 52 ordered to report on May 28 ·by The Memor1al Day committee of ranked ruth In the state in the recently reported mlSlllng over en- Warren OOunty Selective 8erVIce the Way.nesvUle Civic chm 8llnounc- Dlstl1ct - State 8chol6l'Bh1p Test, emy territory In the European 'the- Board No.2, Lebanon, for tb8tr es that Bellbert Graham. pastor of given on AprU 28, acoorcllIl8' to reatre at operations. It Is In· the fort'Q preinduction physlC81l epmlnatkJD. the Ferry Ohurch or ChrlBt. has sults of the teat released today. She of a letter. written to his brother, They are as tallows: been selected to give the annual C<JIIDIIeted &g.Unat over 1600 other ' Staff Sgt. Roy K. Planck by Capt. 'Leo Conner, Oharles JIIWa. ClYde Memorial Day aadress at Mlaml 8tudenta In En811sh n. and made a R.l.chard E. Tur.ner. commandlng of- Edelongton, Edwin RambJ. Paul cemetery this year: The committee grade of 13. out of a possible 150. rlicer of Lt. Planck's fighter squad- Hough, Orv1lIe _ Nadler, Oeorp ls composed of F . U. LeM&y. Max In Warre.n coun~ the teat IW1is ron in England. The letter follows: StI~es, Clayton IPattel;Bon, Allton IR andall and Ralph Hasting!!. given at Mason, Kings Mllls. We.yEngland, May 9, IM4 EarnhaI1t, James, Moraan, Wllllam The program will open with the neaville and Springboro high Dear Roy : Asbury, Ho.rry Lewis, Olear staaB. song. "America," sung by &.11 pres- schools. Other Waynesvtlle students Today 1 received your lebter con- Donald Wat~1l8, aU of Waynesv1lle; ' ent, to be followed by the Gettys- who were among the highest I.n the carnlng your 'b rother, !Bob. William Hardwick, WWle Bert CoIlburg addreSll. The audience 'Wlll state and their' grades were: Mary Bob came to us as a replacement ner, Robert 'I'bompaOn, Louis Volll:then sing. "America:. The Beautiful." Jane Anderson, un In World HIspilot, and I k.now all his fellow of- kerdlng, Lester Brown, BenJamm After the SaInte to the Flag, given tory. 108 'L atin n; DonaJd Brown, fleers join me In SGylng this-that Kelly. Robert Kratzer, Oeorge watIn unison a solo will feature · "'l1he ,.109; Wanda Mae Propst, 126; Edhe was one or the moot cooperative klns, Jack Wbltaker. Curford RomSLar Spangled Ban.ner." Invocatlon wyna stanforth. 125; Martha Jane men we have had ,In a long time ohr, ClarUon Kelly, Calvin st. Jaba, will preoede a 60ng to be rendered Early, 123. and whlle he was here he was ac- Marcus HOUlton, Robert Spencer. by n male quartet. Followt.nc Mr. Allce Frances Oray. Olearcreek. cepted without reservation as OD( Relph Span8ler. all or Morrow. Graham's address 't he male quarttet was 18th In t.he state; Jlll Ann of the boys. It was with great regret WUllam A. Broc:*s. Leonard IIGI'iWDl again sing. , Becker; Kings Mllls. 9th; Gerald that. we had to 108e Bct! over there' an and William RaIs, Harve:v1l:iUrlr; For the first time In recent years Olenn CoU)ver, Meson. -13th; Gerald in l!ine of duty. but It is ~th great lll1ollCl1llll0 Starltey. Melvin WIlder. the Waynesville Hlgh School Band Glenn C01l1Vet Muon lOth· and pleasure that I can assure you that Bla.nchester; Galbraith Oarder, ~ 'Will not play the' musical selections. Jill Ann Kings' WIIwhen last seen by a member of thls H, EVe! itt, C1ar1c&viUe; RaY1DOl14 due to the a:bsence ot E. W. Boofleld, uiun E. MelUah, Mason, and Paul grouP. Bob 'Was geLting along (lne FIsher, WUllam Stewart, 'Ptea.at director. BdWln Olarit of Morrow, received and not being attat1ked further by Plain; Edwin Smlth, MelbOUrne honorable mention ' In the state enemy alrcraft. His plane had been Russell., Jan Van Meter. Jr.. ~. ,JOHN SEARS ACCEPTS shot ,up but he himself was unClyde Chenoweth, SabIna: ~ CALL TO PREACH AT .ThOse scoring in the M1amI UnlharJJi1!d which he verified by the Wblttler, ca.w.: John , , MICHIGAN CHURCH VersJtj dlst.rlct; together wit.h the radio before he baUed out over west; Melvin StAuIaberry, CIDc1Dern Germany. It Is conceiVable that natl; Robert Spratt, BrookJ7D, ·N. , r.. "'-- SOIl of Mr. an d Mrs. subject In WhIch the test W88 taken J o1m ~'" Bob may escape yet. I think we may Y.; MUrreI' Thompson. ~~ Wllb~ N. Sears. who, for five years and their rank In the dlatnct, are .sa.tely BSIlume that Bob Is allve and WUlard Wilkerson. Or'ei'oa'a; Rtchhas been pastor of the Blanchester aa follo:wa: IAlJce Prances Gray, well. ard Stanley, Lebanon. Church of Chrlst. haa realp.ed to ~e~ DlgliSh 10, 5th; ¥rleda Tra~e~Uoway Colwell, aa.. SincerelY, PBEPARATlON8 CO~ accept the position as minister of ' 1.. De1iarIs, K1nga M1l18, Biology, TUBEBCULOSIS ASS'N MEETS IN LBB.DlON WEDNESDU Richard E. Turner, addale. and Willard IIUCI roR SIXTY-FI&8T ANNUAL the Church of Chrlab at Berkley, boDorabl~ mention; Jill .Ann BecItQlpt. Air ~rps. InCIWBI~ll Purkey, both of WaynesREUNION NEXT SATURDAY Michigan. a suburt> of Detroit. er, KPlP ,loBn., firat-year Ailgebra, Ville. C~andlng; 356th F. sQd.n. The rWg'Ilatlon Is to, take effect lilth: ~t.by M. Klelnhean. Kl1'le8 The Warren County 'I'Ilberculosls next SUnday. May 28. and Mr. $eatS 1Illla. "-e~-Year Englllh, honor- and Health AssoCiation met Wed~ The WQfJle P~k sw1mmlng pool Kany out-of-town "old grads" Bl'e • FIVE HVND&BD OLUB ~ 1W1ll enter upon his new dutlM the mentlon.; Jill ~n. 'Becker. nesday night in the o~nce of the wtll ope.n next Sunday, May 28, ac- expected here SatJurdayfor the slxt)'- SPECIAL SERMON TO AT HATHAWAY 110IIII BE GIVEN AT CHURCH follawtng Sund~y, .1\1Oe ' •• H18 many M11ls. ,P int-Year latin. 2. prasldent. Atty ; carl Abo.eoherU. cording to the owners, Messrs. Ball first annual reunion of the Wa.yne '11wp . • A1umnl association , which, will OF CHRIST SUNIOAY Malon - Thomas ClUtord Diehl. Plans were made for an educational and Geiger. SeeSc>n tiCkets lor the 'f.rtends here wish him well In his Dr .. and Mrs. B. E. JIathiIInt new ' pasto1'8.te. 1'l'th; Alvtn OhaJ1lea project to be held at the county fair. pool wID ' go on fl81e at that, time. be held 1n the high school beg!DJ;\ing as' their P,e8,t.e the IJISIIiien ,., (OOntrlbu~d) . Under his guJdancethe BlancbeaChemistry, honorable menThOll8 persons. who Xrays showed "'ThIs season the pool and restaur- at 'l:oo p. m. Dancing willlo11ow the the Five Hundred dub at their boule Mr. Randall will preach an unusal 1'Lo._'" Glenn Oolllv... pocslldve I.n the ' recent Industrial ant w1ll . l)e under the management luncheon. tIlr dl~h has grown I.n both, mem~., sermon8unday morning at the on AIaln. street Saturda, ~. The class of '94 ' w ill hold Its Ilfty , bershlp and attendance. At jl1'tlIIent HlIItoJ!Y. 2nd: Nelda J. Dum- Mass Xray SUrvey made, by ,thIS Or- or BIll Patterson, who comes here :A deUclous dinner VIM .ervecl 11& tile wbJch W88 very attractive . . . . ...""'... .;~. eVlUl8ellcal services are being held World Hlstol'y, honorable men- aantzatlon, are urged to UBe the from Lot AnleleII" c&l1f.. where lie year 1'I!unlon at this time and the Church of Ohrllt. It ,wlll deal with a 'problem t11;at has con!ronted many 8l1'IUII~ of sWeet lM!U ~ t.hel'\) with F. S. DOwd,y doln&' the tlonl "VUUam E. UeWab. World HIs- lalltbonrat.lon bla.nts sent them, '\VaS an emplo),e of Warner Broe. class of '19, Its twenty-fifth. . people of thts cotnmUl;l1ty and esdraIODa. 'Rle evenlllC ..... pre.chlng. Mr. l>owdy wlll be 1'e- tory, '1; Anne SUe Ramsey, Sen10r and have a. more oOmpreJ:1ena1ve studios. Mr. Patttereon bas comII!NJOYING FtJ&L()UGB pecl81ly those who have bo)'!! In the 1I!a8lmt:1J spent plaJIDI 0III'dI. membered. as the- evancellat at the ' Soolal Studies. 9th; Ramona Joan Xray made at Middletown 'hospital. ,pletely ' renOvated, the recrtaurant se.rviee. The tot>ic ~ tlhe sermon will' '7 ' ~v1va1 services 'at Ferry Oh~' of Ri~~, DlsUah X. hon~ Executive Secretary Mrs. Mae and dreaslng 1'OOIIIaat the park: He Btaff ~. ErwIJl- mill cif Fort be, "Om IA Soldier 'Be A Chrlstlan?" Ohrlst laa~ winter. mention, June Ardith LaMar, Book- 8h~rt of carl1ale and Representa~ Is an ~enced ifeataurateur, bavIlteiflPliDII', 12th. ' tlve DIrector, Mrs. A~drey Deardorf lng owned and o~nted reat&urants D1X. Nevr Jersey. Sa ,enJoy1ne Il fur- .M z. Randall bas preached this set:MCII'J'(.w--4"iaUl Dlwln Clark. Blol- of Pranklln will attend' the anDual In Mlan'Il, Fla., Olenda.le anCI Loa loiJsb of several days and he and moD one other time at a mid-week ENTEBTAlN ·IN · HONOR" OF MrB. ·EllIII have been guests of Mr. service, but because '7t1b; Han:y StIne ~,Blol. meetlnc -Of-the- eh1o -Publl . Health NEPHEW AND ~ MONDAY ea, Oal1f~ and other cities. ' He' and Mrs. RDy Ellis. Day season, ~' haa cbooen to repeat B. 14., PaW. I!ldW1n Clark. Plane 888OCiation lit ColumbUs In JUne. was honorably discharged f·ran the Sgt. ,and Mrs. Ellla, Mr. and Mrs. iMr. and MJ,'s, Geo~ MiUIt enthis timely messaae. , W · £ ..... Coast GUard nine months CliO aJter Roy EI118a.nd son were Th~ tertalned to 8Upper Mlmday even- 100!OIJ]l~v. ,B. M •• Dale RIchard Cor....--END GUESTS s~ af,t ernoon at 2':30 o'clock, PlaIle Geometry. B. 14.; CIw'havlng served in ,that 10r . . branch . dinner guests of !Mr. and Mrs. a youna ,people's rally I\Vl.Ll be conlng honoring the latter's nephew lotte~. eeruc.- 8oC1a1 studies, B. Lt. and .Mrs. A. R. Starke of Ft. over a year. Charlea EllIa. and _wUe, Sgt. aDd Mni. Kenneth K.; Obarlotte ,Day, Englla~ ~,H. 8m1Ilh, Arkansas. were 'Week-end dUcted at the Church at ChrIst with &vage of Texao. the jamestown' Church of Ohrist W. S. (J. ' 8. BOLDS MAY . . Ruth Marie Berger, BooiIbep. gueats ot Mnt. Stance's patents. Mr. furnishing the entertalnment. Thla MEETING AT PAIISONAGE WAllBBN COUNTY SOWIEB 'Mlo8e present with the ' lng l. H. 14.; Richard Earl VaUee, and MnI. Ed lIopk1n.6. Lt. Starke Is __ IULLBD IN ACTION 18 tbe IthIrd .raiJy of this type held I IJI.U"'~II'K guests were Mrs. ~h BaV88e -of WOI'lci Blatory, B.. M. enroute to Vlrgink where he w1l1 The Woman's Soclety ~ Cb1'lstJa.n In this community duri.Ilg the last SOBOOL~ RE<lEIVE. . .....' ,., OentervWe, Mr. an~ Mrs. Charier .W a If n e& v III e-Karion James receive aditltlanal tralnlng durltlg Mr. and Mrs. Elva Bennett, of bWa.months. The first was held h~re Service held their May meetlIJ.e at savage of, Franklln. Mr. ~ ,.IIra. Ad~ Algebra, 19th, "bleb ~Ime Mrs" starke wID reo the parsonage w;lth Mrs. 'L. O. LOVeland Route :1, have received In the !Wayneaville church with ·180 .John Thoq1p8Oll and 80~ of Dayton, ADderaon. World Bator)' IP&ln With her parents. . ... Radley as hotStess" assisted by, Mrs. word from the War Depa.rtlnent young people I present 'and the 8econd iMl'. and Mrs. Robe~ ~ , and 19th; Don6ld BtOwn, World Bisto.-y, Charles Davts and Mrs. E. F. EUn~ that C.belr son, ptc. Charles Bennett was hela at . the Ferry ohurch at cll1ldren Mr. and Mt8. paul ~- 11th; 'Ann E: 'Weltz, ED8l18h IX. B. DJNNER. PARTY HONORS was klllecl In actlon In the ltallan ohFlst wit,h ,131 pre.sent. All Qf the IHEltfll~ld, hart. " ' ag~ of Dayton, ~, !:Verett 'Savap II.; WaDda Ibl Propst, Enal1ah X. IURTllDAY OF MBS. HAWKE Devotions for tbe 'afte~oon were WIll' theatre April 22. young people of the community, re- , ~d daughter, ¥no W1l11am ~ 7th; IllIhvYn& 9,taDforth. "EiIIllah X, In charge of Mrs. ,I rene BaIrd, afta' -- . I gardie88 of church a:tfWa'tlon. are. and M1sa Ru~ W~. 8th1 ~lyn 'lbyraa Orabbe, JIln811ah Mr. and Mrs. Harrls Mosher en- !Which Mrs. Walter Wbltaker, t.he DMN STANLEY TO BE Invited to this rally. We promise on E\unday with a dellght- preSident, presided Over Ilh.e bU8~" MAS~D GRANGE HOLDS H, 3rd; M&rtha Jane Early, EngUah FIIAN'KLIN SPEAKER honor Of the meeting. CANDLELIGBT SEBVlOB U, R. . M.; rima AIleen Dean stanley. ' Lebanon attorney, atlonal to all who abtend. Olearcreelr: ~. B. 11.; ~tta lAlcllJe birthday ot Mr. Mosher's sister. The program "MB not arranged t5.928·, ·IUDWltollolJlllSUlet:UIe, will Ilellver the address at the Me.Mr. Randall will preach on tale A caruDel~bt service was conduct- " Stellate, Dlgllah XII, H. K.; Muy Mn.. Ronald Hawlfe. hut the time was given to gene'ral moria'! Day services In iFranklln stmJect, "A Fitting Memorial" SlIn- Harlan-Butlerv1Ue, ' ~,l'12; K1DIIa ed. Monday evenLng by llasaSe An4enQn, J.attJ;l II. B. II. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. discussion o.tter 'whloh fruit ~oh O~ hi, memory of carl ot2ler Waynesv1lle studenta taIc- Ronald' Balwke" Mrs. Charles Mosher and cookies were served. The I!O- Tueeda.y morning at Woodhlll cem- day evenlna. Thls /lennon will deal Wlle, M.iJ88; Muon. . . . .; ~ township " <Barv"e)'llburr> ts.'1JI;', soldier. and Ed Clark. Rev. Tbom- lng' the teata were: Jas qi.ne, Ro- of Clnclnnatl, Mrs. Fra.nk Taylor clety ' adjourned 1;0 moet In JUne e_",. S . P . Mayer. ,c halrman 0 f with the two-fold subject, tlle Oom- ''\IIOl'l\OW. , , $5,563; otterbein. fl,M7:, burg gave a splendid ",d~reu. bert PSaher. mWtn 1Il0ben0r, Mar- of Stamford. OOnnect1cut. and Mr. with the place. of m.eetlng to be an- the committee of U1e American Leg_ munlon and the Lord's 'Day, com- ,~ 4on, sponeors of the' celebration, an- , manly called Sunday. The Bible 18 SoUth Lebanon, $2.-86; w~lIIlII'ilde, Mrs. Th01ll88 Welch received tlrali pret ecimaltman., 'RUth IAnba and Mrs" Fred Hart.sock of Mlltord. nounced later. _ rize and MnI. WWIard Taylor - - ...."'.. .u.. .. _ Du- Seth noUDCed that a' parade would pre- very clear on both of these memor- ..,936. P .........., ~....""e~ HoaIt, Bar"ondln tlh~ contest ~ntltled, ..~t Walter. Robert Bernard"Bon- ~ MASON OO<lTOR HOME ON IFU&LOUGB cede ~ services at the cemetery. laJs. Don't miss t.hls service. BUSY BEE .-H CLUB , , The parade will be led by the high A BIble school and church attendIIBiri's TllUB8DA'I' . Can Be Made ' of a M'an'a Old ~ A1v1Da Kleman, Naomi. WAlUtEN OOUNTY Shlrt 1" The judges ~re Mrs. Iqle M1ldrecl BoIUne. Blaric:he Cll.U&MAN l..t. William Sawyer, who received , liOhool band. ance goe.l ot 140 bas been !let for this REPUBLiCAN CENT&\L VOM. Lord's Day. It ls our purpoee ,t o bulld The Busy ~~'B club . . . Robertson and Mrs. ~ . ftll. DIckenJbeet.a. • his oomm1sslon an~ ''wings'' as an WABaBN COUNTY SOLDIER OUT attendanCe and' membership Thursday. 1IrfaY '•• at ~ Or&np , , Master WllUard '!'Vlor v18Itted' Dr.' H. C. Hutchens of Mason was army air fOIU pUot Tu~y, is PRISONER OF GEB.MANS throUlJh the Bible school. Ii' you do with Sa~ ' Bri.ddoet,. &ctnlar, JuvenUe , Grange whUe ovenleer ,8TOB18 TO CLOSB.AT NOON spending a furlough here with his not attend aiD,y church in this com': In oharre 8Dd' .JUdy ~ preeIdJIDIOIIIAL .,AY , Robert Oollett frued t.be ~'s wife at the home (]of her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ohailes l"ordYee of' mun1ty and are lookIng for a church lng. Ev~ryone tirou.ht their aewiDIr cbalr.~·Taylor gave a '~afOl1ibJe ~ and Mrs. Orville Oray. 'Lebanon have received word from home. won't you come to the Ohurch b6aketa and "!'~ atart.eci'to make pan , port of the ' ~uvenU~ .~~rk and holders. We Will f1n1ah n~t meet1Da'. the war department that tbelr 800, of Ohrlst? iDounCed the wastePaPer drive. 'nle PREPARA'l1lON;g OOMPLE'IIE Bealnnlng next Sunday. June We baV~ palnpb1et4 to lUI in. ~ Stj\ft Sgt. Ralph .Fordyce. aerial matron II MrII~ a.oy ;Clart Wbo j ~ ' F~R SCUP DRIVE gunner, who was reported mUsing the, Perri Ohurch of Ohi1st and the crane .... 'a lIuest. tneaent her ' chUcken ~,~In tIbe' nflJL't In action recently. is a prisoner of Waynesville Ohurch of Ohrist . are 'The next 'meetlng will be held at oranse P~' :' /' 8tartJD( a three moJrths a~ndance the GraJWe Hall on ThursdAy, June war In Germany. anD~ &Octal' t.b&& pre....BNnJVi'~ IN HONOR ' Sgt" Fordyce returned to action contest. The following POint 8)'8tem 1. at 2 p. m. U... COIII.pIe&e for , the "o~ NBwi.fta;8 sA1mul)AY , , «>ply a week alter be!ng Injured V(lll be UIIed: ,'One 'Polnt tor" every . Warne TOWnablp 8erap Paper when , he was repor~d mlSlllng. :";'-.;;,...~ pelsoil present at J)ible .8choOi, onO' DrIft .whIGh IS iGI be helll ......".point for every , ~ ' ,P *Dt at roW', (.......,., ilia, 16)", ·" ..... 1'V.'U...· .u BELn' !l'O GRAND church. '~o,ne poI.nt .for livery &I.u JY.Y8 beeRl pid at '__ '4111: , .Ju&y 'OW ' ~, CHARGE peiaon present at,the evenlrig serVJc...... of UIe· ~ "",wW' , . , ' nve' potDla fCC' !lovery Call made ........ " tile eI~u,e :; ...,.....p. a mc!mber of ' ~e coDgregatlOD',IGl.l.fnellli ,. ,.... -itbo OOII~ · ~ five pomts for ·civer,y.new"mem- 1&Il~'. .arIIl!II are . . . to ' IeP~" til. neW. At .the end. at the three, montbi pa.,en, . ............ ' 'UicJ ' c-.d the potntB iWlll .be totaled and the-I Wl~oIter ~ ,II!II\I ,1e u.!° tll~,. " bU~ ICllling church Ww hav~ p'ro~ite dIeii. .... m .. ..,e to lie ...... w1J:!Ding ciburcli .wit~ . a ~ ,'. . '/ . ' ' .. UIe Yo.u. oeaevqelJstlc service with a 8111c!ICIAHcm,· I' S RtIJWIf, , a~~, and eqq ter. ", -'''l.ella!!!,. 'lbl8,wtu be the flrat. dclIi.... . e~ ttled 'betyeenihe owO ch~~~1 Q'abbe,
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lett!ng her struggle until she quie~- . ed down a lJ ttle- t.hey go~ hel' away from ~he tractor ancr'tleu to a tree Mfiln S treet untlL.the ' dJry coll'lJ)any that OWned
REAL ESTATE anly Whetl a. subftta.ntJal portion of MARKET ACTIVITY . the purchltse price Is paid In- cash, LEytLING OFf' thereby lilsurin8 themaeives aealn8t having their e~ulty comletcly wiped , M9\'e Inl'm real, elitate chllllglld out by a post..lwar decl1ne In land ownerSIup during" 194.1' than r1uring vnlues.· ' . allY other yea.r On l'liCord. ThUS, (lC(Jordillg'to H. R . Moote, of Ule be- OIllO PAul8 HA'VE LOST piutment . ot Rur I E nomic " and. THIRD OF THEIR HELP Rwnl SOCiology or the OllJo J.W perlOllio farmers .will have In 1 t4 lru!nt Sta~ion, this unus ual nc'tlvlty. rwhen l:om lried wl~h n price ad- about 30 per cent less regular Illld vanae ,Ivernglng one p r ce.nt a experienCEd taml worlwlen t.1lan m nth, suggested \J:Jat bhe d,anger were In the' state In 1941, in tile of serious land price InIl tion was opinion of Clarence Hew'y, ILS8lstInunJnellt. I t Is therefore UI1 nssur- all~ eJnel'gency lIlb9r s upervisor, ing circum t.a nee· thuL In a l least Ohio S Late UniverSity, W'ho says the some cowl~1 less farm renl estate armed fql'ccs have taken 10 per cbl;Ulged ownership during th& t irSD cent of the experienced frum help three months oC 1044 i.hSI1 during and industry has ' absol'bCd 20 per ' cent. . the saine period 19~~. The reMr. H my dOOs .not believe famlduction Is slight. 212 sale ' bel~lg ers call oompete with industrial ronde In a three county sample area duripg the first cluarler ot 1944 as wage scales except III emergenc1Ls. 60 farm 'pI'Odu(;tlon will depend COlll po red wi til 219 /!ales d ul'lng upon the Canner and . b1s f/ljmlly the · fir§t quartel' of 1943. Bu t this and upon workers Who wlil ac~pt \A t. leas t indicates some break ' In the flUUl vagea fol' the short periods' steady up-tJ'end In ncUvity w.hich has 01 al' cterlzed tbe fal' m real es- they have avaUable fl'om oLher 00tJvlties. The labor supervtsor BUyS tate market ~or !.he past two years. 110 one shoUld become complacent Owner-operator farmgJ's and tellant Iarmel'S continue to be the abo ut \lIe p.resell~ fOOd ~upply bemost frequ ent pW'Cllasers or tarm lug 4uff!clent insurunce for the fulure. . real esUlte; they a.cquired 68 per ~ Iso deciares all supplies OJ cent of Ule troots purchased during the flr~t quar ter of 1944 as com- feed glaJnS 11ave been reduced to pared with 58 per cent In the prev- an bXtellt whJch is causing hea.vyo JiQuldu.Uon oI livestock. Tllls llquldiQUS Quarter. Pll.l'dlases by nonfanners tend to ,be of ' tl~e smaller a tlOll provldtlS a ooUllJ!l,rattve abulltracts 8ui~le for part-tIme fann- dauce of meat 'now but' It Is guarantoothe abundance will conIng and a hooJe in tlle country. It Ill . evident , that sUI'Plus cash is' tlnue. Mr . He~ry belleves large reseiwe a factor encouraging the acqu1sJUon of farm. land. Forty-four per cent of fOOd stoc.lts are nccfssary to prethe tracts Pll.l'dlased during the vent disasters In. case 19M Ia.nn first quarter of 1944 were tree of c.ro~ liTe serloualy dlUll8ged by bad mortgage debt att.er title had been M1a.ther. He points 'out bhat . the trar\.s.ferred, as compared. with 43 s t.ock8 of 1celis all(J .fOOct.s a.ccwn,p er cent durIng the previous quar- ulllted during recent . years Were parUy due Ip Cavorable weather ter. J , In those C8lleS wbere the real es- e.nd that· no ~rson ' Call rorsee tate was found to be ' encumbered weather Q()nd!tlons lor the ~la.nce
Waynesville, OlUo her cbml! w1th I\. Lnlc.lt and ~ bel" wn~'. By the. Way, we nr not only o~ es whOSe ,stock gets out. I W~lter W. Wiseman, Editor and 'Publisher ' saw a I~rge Guernsey cdW 011 To'wnshJ p Road looking over tlle Ience ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY into Charley Cbarl1.on's pasture this IIaIIecrbltfon Price. Sl.50 Per Year. Payable in Advance mor~.
It........ ..............."
This evening I attellded my 'first I Cowld the other candidates sitting . down8tain; NQ SE.VI~E. IN':. In the haU alld while we sat there wruting to be ndmltted to the meetlug . .1 \.bough t oI the many times aHoma TOWtI NeWipape,. n.~ n chUd that we had sat outside , the Grange meeting . where we had gollC with my uncle and aunt, and . woli d tor Ule Pl'Ogl'8m which we coUld llittend. When We were taken in 1 fOUJld a pleasant Irlendly group lI&y 17, 1944 . '''Ihe woman tempt- ~dgevllle and b(lCk and Int.o the of my neighbors, Wle people thn.t 1. ed me and I did eat;' saJd Adam . Iwoods 1\1,'11 In . Paul ca me back and have met and talked to for,yool's at "AlW&)'ll it Is ze bull that cause the got tile resc of lIS anel we drove snles and with whom I have done trouble," says my neighbor. Billy over 1.11 Ule ~ rand fOllnd thCln hair busIness. It might help to brIdge the Popeye bas been seduced and lured way down tile Utica r.:ad. O:JC gap botween the oity .. farmers Ilnd alWay by a bunch of long legged. more We started back Iv\Ch them bu t the born-a nd-bred 'f armers If more sbJny. black and white heiters who two of tilem spotted a '1011' place ill of Ule newcomers ,were J'ersuaded to came up along our south fmlce and Knisley's fence and join d hJs cnt- join with the l>eople fUl101lg whom switched their tails and made eyes tle. The others wen~ On dOWn lhe. they Jive. a.t him ,WltU o,ur Fcl;,dlnan d could rood and into lh.e woods. through Saturday. Another Clhapter on stand it no longer and s nmbled Ule woods and ()U~ onto tlle · rvad catUe herding ,In 0tI10. Till o.f<terover the fence leavIng large wisps of agnln, honded for 'the railroad. r noon when they wen-. to Unci Billy . CHICAGO, ILL.-Nomlnatlons of this picture .. a "good Mot" seem to be in Qtder for it symbolizes one of the most-talkta-of evenla bail' to shOw where . he bad gone took n1Ler t.hem In Lhe car and he ha d been let out 01 'the pasture this year. Photo shows Sewell Avery, multl-mmlonafre board chafrover. There must be for ty (lCres in when tlley ducked Into t il e woods I by m.lstake but they saw him with man at Montgomery Ward and Co .• bemg OUllted from hla plant ofBce that paat.u.re with guWes and thick- passed thllln to hend Ulem back, the missing heife~8 down the old after he refused to turn over the books of that c:ompan, to 1M IOYornment. , -'-.. ' , eta. It used to be bad ~ough wben but when the boys caugh t up with railway tracks. Slowly /U-ld gen~ Loy's lIrad tpere a.~d we could walt· me they had disappeared a nd it' WM tJley herded them along. One of the • unW they put their cows in llIe l.ao dark to lind them that nigh t.. boys came ccoss iots for me to meet of blrc.ls are crows, English sparrows, bam to retrieve . our wandering Thursday. This afternoon we went them on 73 with the ear but bY the. song spairows, robins, reel birds, red 6too1t but nOW Without ev.en a con'a! over and walked through Ule woods Um e I got there tbt)y were aut on IWlnged black' birds, doves, tufted or bam yard to drive thelll into it again hunting the missing stock. t he rood. When they saw me com- tltm1ee, oll1ckadees and old "Harwk" AUOTION SE-.VlCE II! almost. im~lble ~ sepe1'8lte one That is n bellutlIul p iece of woods illg they started back. After several the fish b/ljW1L who flies over every ju 11M E. f'U&h S,-, Dayto.n. Of!rom the herd. Paul tried ' it l~t and I enjoyed tile (Nothing futile ' efforts and much runnl.ng evening a~ sunset. Mrs. HaEwk must fers A l\lon Aecomm. .Unc Servke night without success .then ,tonight IJke having a Job that ma kes you back and forth we had them on the be nesting tor U8Ually . there are at Which Aids In Meetlnc Co"dUloQ we all tried. Paul drOve them up to do th~!lgS you llke to do. I bad 111- IlJghway headed for home. Thls least two of them. We· have watched Of Th&,ie Cba nr[nc '11mes . . . BUy the comer three times but we c(.lId- ways planned to explore those time we had plen'ty of 'people to flag t hem tor years. 'Some ttn'tes we yell Furniture a nd: HOUllfl FurnJablnp n't get h1rn. then the n ex t time woOds.) But we neither sa.w n9r down the cars anq we finaUy got "haar-wk" af them and they a.ns- Outright Or seU On Const~t VOIUld one of their belfers went heard them. them safely Into our pasture. Atter wer us. . . . . Auction Every Frlday 1 P. M. over the fence followed by Billy and >F11dny . Paul and' I went huobing all their fence Jumplng, those belt- - It Would be interes ting if anyone aud' '7 P. M. . . . You Can Buy Also aome others nnd he ded for the big aga.ln but no e\gD 00 the truant:s. e1'S showed no imerest In Jumping who has seen other tnt ersting birds- At YOIlJ\ Leisure At Priyate Sale With moltgaee debt follow'.lng P.ur- of 1944. ' wooda. They went tJu'ough the b1g Sa turday. Thll missing rover has the one fence that we" wanted them 'WoUld drop us 4 post:a.1 a.nd we COUld . . . Itave Many ,Barprlns, An- chase, the average buyer's eqUity ANNUAL MEETING woods put into the rond, up to Pee!1 looated. He Is w e ( 7) .for the to jump so tbey still have one more publish a cospletl! list of birds Seen Uqu ~ Etc. People Fln~ It Pront- was t2 per cent of the purcbaSe time belng in a neigllbor's . pasture!. move to make before they are oome. In this l~ty. prlce in those transactions recorded The annuul meetlng ot .ot ow,~ltrs able 'j'o ' Use The}r ervlces. The others 'are still mlsslng. The Bllly seemed t o be . glad to be at during the .~frst quarter of 19« and of ·The Miami ~tery h/I8ocl&tlon . Tel ADII.Dls 3M3. • ones that jumped ' Into K!l1sley's home with hls own cows. • F~ BUREAU .BACKING to per Cent In the preViOus quarter. w1ll be held a t Ule cemetery ohapel pasture caused a. lot of trOUble. A . Monday. At last thelr joUrney is . PRE-W.&R TIl\1E BILL' CkJlng! Ooing!- Sold! are the Ip ,view Of the ,continued up-trend a.t 2:00 p. m. ' Ma.'1day, June U. rtelghbor went to ~rp him get them over. Mr. Sholtz came over this words that close t he ' deal and in land prices (Il;veras1ng one per TIlls meeting Sa Important to the ,in~ out but one 01 them went over the morn1ng ana opened a place In hJs Support ot the CJa.nnon bUl in when they are spoken make yoUi' oent. a .month) bUY~ . of fanns terllSts ot the lot owqers who fenee. Into Hartman's field an4 the~ 'f ence and the wayward truants c:ongr~ to restore pre-wa.r stand- sale a real one, ThoSe wh'O Want to should 11lld It advisable to purchase W'!I'ed to be' present.: ' 8 over a.nother Cence, a newly stret.ch- went home. . ard time throughout the nation, make a qUick change I.n their afed one, caught her foot in It a.nd Summer Is a.lmost here and corn 'Was voted bv the boliU'd of the' Ohio tarrs are ~lnd.ln·g that the services of · _ ..._ _ _ _..._ ..._ ..., ......_ ........""... the brand new wire fence had to planting Is in order. The IrIS are in Farm BureaU FederllUon at Ita re- the' Auction House 01 Curley. SUv~ l3e cut to get her out. By this tl.rne bloom and so ure tbe first roses, The cent M1I.Y meeting h eld' In COlUmbus. and SODS in Da.yton. Me helping yOU TAKING· A 's he was frenzied with fear. T'J:ley_ air is lIW~et with locUlrt bloom Itnd In ma.kinl;: t his announcement, Ulem to sleep w~1l of nights resting CHANCE ON_ LQSI~G had hel' tied 50 they tJ!Ied to lead Ithe trees are almost In full ' leaf. I Murray 'D. LIncoln. Ilhe .Federatlon's With a confidence that 't hey can YOUR RIGHT TO OPE~. her with the tractor but she la.Id saw a Pn.Ir of little birds th16 mom- ' executive secretarY. adds that the dispose or their household goods to BI,h Q...ua;, and lack .1 GreuI.,.. Then she would not let any ing that were new to me. Atlcorrung board also advocates .. the znjnhrium ad,vantage. ' With , Moc1era 8entce ATE MOTOR VE- down. qne get near' eno g er e they wC!e least fly ag~ lIm1t of the 0]110 Dl'Jvers LIThe Silvers Auctlon' lIouse Is a 1715 Sprlncfleld 8t., D"~Are , •. Mod~ l'aebrfd and DeIfy. H~C~ ON THE PUBLIC 1 # .... rea.l opPort . unity center ot this --rt Amer1ca'. ~Ih~ Potato ChIp MaIiOOIie Arom ",.e tracto~. Finally a;f,ter C4tcbers. So Jar this year Qll my list cense l.4lW be lowered to 14 years erea For FreibDea ••• Good ~ and Ilbat restrc\'ed lleense provlsia.'ls of the ~t.aJlle. It serves es a saJ~ cen- ataot.ura'll , . . llaebmaD'. Nato HIGHWAYS 7 ~ repealed. As l~ stands now, the tel' <,and' 1I;Ids bo~' tbe .$Oller and ' CblPa ADd Sbcie 8trIiiC ~&Noea Are Wlnhera. • • HelplDr T. K~ Oar Ohio law requires ' drivers to be 16 the buyer, bringing them together. Sew AI teadtnc 8&ons ·E Yer,wllere ..,.,. People WeD Fed . . .Under 1...... YoaneU a.aiosE years of age 01' oVI~r, but permits You' Can eitJ:!er. jl1J!Cha$e here' ' at And Are Chotce'of &a&atlrinta apil' \file ~.e DIreeUoD 01 BiU CUT. Tel. d. . .~ · to propertY of yQUnger persons to ~lve under a their .regular auctIon or buy a.t your Housewives; ~ Of . Ualtolmll)', MAdIIoD ml, d.a!b or in-' .provisional llcense. leisure. People, who place theil: 'fUr.'- - - - - jWy,clauD.. See or call .... lJIneoln. annOW1ces further that illiture, household ~, etc., bere, Much 'bas been wrltt.en about sUe- ties 'Jui;ve J:leen recOtrnlzed by Uncle on recommendation by the leglsla.- Cind ready buyers and !U'e pleasect cess. Ail come to the cdrioluslon~; Sam ana they were cnlled upOn to --~---......~" ",,, tive committee, the board -opp~s 'With th.e lr servIce. Cash Is ~ured success olllly" acquired throUgh lend a ' ha.nd. ~ay, they are ' de-' ~ , ak~ the twb McKellar liimendments to and "there is not mucli tro),1ble at- tp'eat e1tort ~and ~~~tlOU8 Pur- hy,'4'a~ wtat.oea on a laiwe lICale ,. 'he .AgriCUltural AP:prop!tat lon BUl Imtihed to deaUng here as they tAke pose. Th~ great success of the lor the armed forces; AUTOMOBILE IN~URANPE noW before oongr.ess, on the> groun,ds charge Of everything ana make bot.h Xuehann's Potato· Chip '00. is due Their dtihydtated potatOes are ~otor that the am ndmenl:s "woUld ham- !.he collectlpps and> JIf.\~ent8: . . Ito thelr realization Df tbl.s Wllf lJack yeb &vaUabili ~ tlle housewife, but string t he TV A to a great ' extent." '!'he auction bloCk ia 'one of the in 1899 . Eve~ s1nce they 8tar~ &be well knows abe wiD. ceU tor • PHONE 326 LEBANPN. QHIO "'Elle board tenneCl one amel'ld- oldest 110M best Waye of dlspos~ in p'UBlness .U llas been their effort rthem 'f~ they ~ aVa1labIe. Sbe "------------~-...;..~--.;..-..:........!!!....!!!!.~!'!""--..! ment, whloh wouln flye the &!nate of all Jdnds of ·property. It/; ucti~- to mafntafri. a ~gh standard 80 thAt Is well ~are -at- the ,time ' iaVed in power to approve Ule employment of ities are an 'exCellent e~Jlle ot the ~ubllc w~Uld ' be ,p leased" with serving potato chiPS-1U1d ~ atrlni anyOlle In ', the TV A recejving ~500 price 'bel~ regulated 'by fme b;t\e 't heir products. pota~ tor' regular meal8, or 'more sa ~_ "!~il unwarranted Pl'lnclple of supply· 'a nd ' demaDd. rThe .famouS , "Saratoga·!' pQta~ eons ruict. P6l'tiee, The), ~ ''pOpuJar ,,' inVasion of the executive brrulch of Here It is being demonstrated as a clllps were- dt:veloped and served in the ill1DC4 boxes ' of oUr JNay: goverrune.ut.~' . 'factor in , the SOhltion ~f ,a frequent ~ to .~e elite .cl,Ientlele_ at worltefs, and, 'too•. they ,~e a Perreot The other runend nt ' inte ' problem oI these cbangfug times. r one of .we noted hoht.elede.s o£ liar- II(lC~P,II.111Dl1ent to ' beverqtc. ' Ole was r.,.., . la'~ S l.n 'in . " . preted by the board as meanl.rlg "all N"'"'"' ' ' __<I. pi' gs . 18691 but i~ took .ponooUda.ted lI'oOds and Itueh• . vA,..CE OF APPOnr~.,.,... 'the ''''-nUity and fO~~'''ht of ..... . , , of the earnings of I;he TV4 woUld ' , Ad'mJ.nlsW;;-·-r.... •• ....... " au.. .lll&r. mann's ~otato 'OllJp 00. have thDus':' be put into the Qe'neral ' TreaSury . lWehmann to .tpake It posslble. lor ands 01 acres devoted to developing Fund and that TVA would thel:e:' Estate of Sy~vla Lo.vely. Do~etl~.( :~ PUbUc·.~ b~ ~en1 In ~ .mar~ . the ffnest . potatoes .~e and are' ey after be ellUl'ely dppendent· upon ~otice is hereby ~VOl\ tha; Jam~ at "v.e In t?e~, la~~l'Y' V(OJ'~ !;D. copJunctlon', ~!tt}",f;J:ie congl'es~ional Q,PPropl\'iatloll8 for.op- Ipvely whOlle Post OUlce .l..dcireM Sa edo men woo nave eVOlVed ~netal Testing 'Labora.totses. aIlcf crating funds." , W~Y.nesV1lle, Ohio: ~ . be.ell du!y t~ ~~ pO~toea they U8e~y . the ~tate o:wverB1t.\f!a 01 M1~ 'A nother recommendation of the appointed as , Aduilnlstrator of tJle :~ . the ~?~eoUs. _. VOtatoes !ID~ OhJ,O. ;nte~ ,produce c/llps with state I''arm Bureau Board is that Estate ot SylVia. LJ'/cly ' late of ~ are often used to PfOduoe. po.. the least'. 'POSSible 81'eMe cOntent the Ohio. LiqUid F uel Tax b~ not re~ Wl\J'l'en County. Ohio, dec~a!ied: tate> chips. The KtieJune.nn lPo~to ancC"testa, are .Jn&de for~ f~ ena(;ted when It expires in 'March. Dated th!& 15th dRY ot Nfay. JlI4t. , Ohip bo:. high standard of ~- ' tul'ElS to.w ald ~e':ul~te for nutrt- .. 1945. The ~l'd Ieeil; the tax Is no Ralph H cat'ey, dUcts an~ large and modern 1acl.U- tiona valUe&. . " Judge of the Pfoonte Court lonllcl' necessary. It also advocates tha.t the state clge.rette .£ax be made iWarren CoUnty, Oillo ' Carl ....l)aecherl1, Atty. pellIlanent.
Natlollal Adwoertblng Rapra.antatin
meetlntl' of Ute Grange.
Fiom A Farm Diary.- Dry Ridge
. Curley Silvers & Sons
Are "Y'ou '
Original .~otato' Chips
othen ana
... B. JENIQNS' •
:A'ny, m "
fred .Kahn
or model "
Car Co•.',
S~lei.iad Kop ..ler ·
Dates, Pbune 281K; Waynee, ville, Ohio, Reverse Charsu 1'01'
.' Baoama
well fed. 'We've got to keep' ~em supgJied With the ammunition and equipment they· need to finisl\ their job. We've got t9 help the Government pay for all these supplies our ~ need by buying more and more War Bonds. We'U have another big chance to do that by helping to put the 5th War' .Loan drive over the top, JUJ1. .. And~ in addition. we must be sure that, job..biringinj vic:t9rYc:Ioaer every_day. ."- . while they're away and ~n't dPreBS their .. opinions. we don't ~ voting on and deciding "We folks at home have • Dli~t)' big any thingS that· Will dl,aplease them when MaltkI'.. to thQae 10,000,000 fighting men. they come back... · . "w~to JIIOduce the food to keep them ·
. ''''Did yoU. ~ that T,om is gOing to 'oo .' inducted into the ADDy next week. Judge?" . .. "Yes, ~ tOld me this.morning down .at the battler abc>p, Our town's Kot a lot of . men til the ae:rvice In fact, all to1fD8 bave. I was just .in the paper . wbae there are more thIpl' l 000,000 men ~way from their hOmes.hi the armed fOrces. ADde from all ~ they're doing a If8lld
"'~EN$E '" .
THuK DAY. MAY 2$, ltt4
~.--------~----~~----------------------------~----------------~--------------------~--.----------~--------~---- ..--~~--~--~~------------------~------------~~~~~
From rrhe Miami Gazette Files FIFTEEN ~ AGO
..- ....
'schools at. Nort" FaIl'rleld the .c~(May 22, 1929) InC year. The Dayton Tramps wUl play ~e J, E;, Janney and famtly, Dr. J . T. ¥Iam1s a.t Frazler's pnrlt Sunday Ellla ~and wlte and Mrs. A. MaUltt a1ternoon. left thIS morning ror Nlaral'a Falls Mrs. James McClure has returned and other &lstern points home ' froql McClellan hospital. Frld8.y ' evening the annual meetThe fo\)owlng staff has' been em- Ipg ot ,t he ·Alumni took place and p loyed by the school board for the, proved to be th~ wgest in the hisnelG~ schoo) y,ear ; High scl.lool bldg. tOry ot the assoclation . .Nlnllty-one ":"F , R. Moom1llW, su\>t., Mrs. Mm- r;nembers answered to the roll call . I ' erJ:I. Hough, prlnclpall. M801'garet Tile 10Uowin g teachers have been Vander vo~t, J . B. Cra'b be, Lue1lle employed tor the coming year: Sup Squlrer. Corrine RobbJns. W1llIa er1Dtendent, 000. B. McClelland; KIng, Raymon Hatfield, Laura. Me- principal. Carl Boring; Dorothy Kinsey, Kenne th St. ;rolm., Grade Fernley, BeUlah KincUer. Grode&l3ldg.-C\ara J . Llle, pJ;1nc1pn.l ; Goo . Clara IlJle, principal; Henrietta Mc!Bunnell, Ed.na Shoemaker, Helen Kinsey, IJllle Benham, Jeanette Graham. Ftlorenee ' Bobb. . AHce Janney. Marie Shutts, Marla Stout. IOampbell, Mrs . -'Katherine Banta, :Jnrances 1.AImb, Hazel !Moore and Eva ~eder, Esther Henderson. Florence Stephenson. Lytle 6choolThe marrlage 6t MIss Kathryn !Beulah Coon and Reva HOmlell. EJJzabeth Turner; daughter of Mr. Memol1811 Dey was observed Friand Mrs. Poorl Turner of Spring day in 0. very nttlnfJ manner and a Valley a.nd Albert C. Wilson, son 9f lartJe crowd was present. John Wilson of Rou te 2, Wa.ynesyUle U. M. White has been granted II. took place at the plll's~nage of the three montha' le&ve by the governM. E. church at Spring VlII1ley on ment from his duties as rural carTuesday. May 14 . rter. Mrs. Russell Salisbury and W. E. Mr, and Mra. Gilbert Biggs are ,C ornell 11ave returned after a short· moving 'b ack from Mlam1v1l1e. visit with Mr. and Mrs. WIlllam ,Mtaaea Alma. -WaterhoUse and Michener Qnd son, at ;Plttsburgh. Laura. MoKInaey left TUlelldIl¥ tor a Mrs. T. M. Baker. Jr .• of Louisville short.visit to the Maplouth cave, Ky. Is m:alting an extended visit to ber Dean 'Howell of the U. S. S. Idaho sister. Mrs. Ross Hartsock and tam- arrJved bere Tueaday evening w lly, alJ,d her parents. Mr and Mrs. spend a few daya furlough With his Deatherage Of near Oregonia. parents and Mencl8. Perry Kenrick sustal.ned pa!n!uJ ......Mrs. T ~ SberwOOd and daugbter, Injuries whJle milking one evening Ruth. arrived here Monday. being last week When he was struck bY' a called on account of the 1l1nC811 of cow with such torre that tl. rlb was Ol". T. Sherwood. broken and his fnce badly cut. Main atteet was oiled Ba.turday . Mrs. Ben MUls of Oorwin, mother .Charles ¥rench Chapman wbo of Ra ¥ills. fell at h er home Mon- /was born in Waynesville July 6. lMO, dtiy and sustained a broken hlp. paaed away May 22, leaving a Wife. Mrs. RUth Janney and Miss Lou- two chJldren and four grandchUella. accompanied by a friend, Miss dren. ' Helen Galiand. a.rrIved' 'M onday • • • (rom. Leland, Fla. FIFTY YEAtts AGO (Mar 10, 1894) Commencement ,exercises larere The nelOt Karveyaburg stock sale held at the hJkh school Friday evening. Those receiving their dlplOUllljlJ wID be beld .JUne 9. were: Merlyn. A. Banl4. Chlll'les W. , The, 3Ist,'annua.1 convention of tbe ~y, Geneva M. lDe.niln~r, Rhea H. W4UTeJ1 Oounty Bl.\Ilda,y Sobool assoEllJ&, GUbert S . Frye, Nellie F. Gra- elation wtl1 be be14 at 'the M. E. hllql, Mary Etta Guy. Boyd K. Hen- ~urch of thJs place 'l'Ue8day and ' derson. George R. Henkle, Mabel W~esday, 'M ay 23 nd 23. In . addltloll ' to the nect!S8llJ7 maMcW1lo.n. Guy J . Hoolcett, Charles Il". O'Nea~. Morris A. Sherwood arid chinery for mUJng craCkers, Mr. lAunar has purchaSed a machine for Perry J. Thomas. roWng and cutting out cakes _and wID manufacture ' cates 88 well I1S -r.- TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AOO
• • •
t. 1919)
George Green, tonoerly supel1n- ,' Frank Duke an4 RAJb ~corew tendent OUr schools, spent Mon- came into town 'Konetay rooming [day With' h1s friends here . He w1U wltl\ a string' of B1x fish wh1cl\ ~ BUpertnte.nd&n t of t he eentraliled ~bed 29% pouncl8. .A catfish _ _ _ _..,...._ _ _-:-______ 'Weighing 16 pounda w~ caught not
For Dead Stock HORSES,
CALVES, SHEEP, ETC •• Remove;cl ,Prompt), ·CaD
, . . . . . 'ftIepbODe Obars•
, ~
t '
' aWn
1M, ~ 0.
B. O. ,Bae~b, IM. . .
since near the Telegz;aph ~ Charley Berry 18 enjoyln£ a Yi:Sl~ from ,hilt mother of Columbus"
~ BaIab
WUuame. dauehtB
Gua WUllaIDjJ, died at four o'clock
.Gue Ue Wa-nt Ada BrioI' Relulul . I
' -\ .
The Inner Fortress
handled and the II\II~ m.inute rU6h at the bQOrf;!~. II you Wtllt 1on\f, will nQt. please you or t he pel'8onnel at ~he boards. So don't call M th .. laSt minute an d try be get itnnuxIlIV GEORG! BENSON a te results. 1',lIide"trJ(IIMliI, ~()lIel' Stamp 37 Will Never. Be Vlllldowtf .,Irkalf!lll • Sugar s tamp 37 wllI n vcr be vallREl'tfINDERS dated . .says OPA. Thl.s 1li becau~c so Peac~ Without Panic MEA.TS. FATS - Red stnmllS A8 many peol)le detach ef;! that s tamp Businesl depression II not the through T8. 'good lrid efl!1ltely. by mISt ' e an sen t to their prlc(l.. of_peace. If peace could be PROCESSED F 00 D S - Blue boards I.nstead of Spare Stall1p 37 bought with agreements to undergo severe financial reverses and give stamps AS through QB good Inf;!efln'- for addltlonal home canning sugnr. up many things we have now. the The corect method Is to use appllcaItely. American people would accept the SUGARr-Sugnr s t.amps 30 and 31.. tlo:! !ol'm R -323 for .aU persons Uvterms bravely, almost tmanimous!y. ach good for five p(l1Incl~ Iud flll- ing at one lIddress. Thcn scnd w10ng Peace would be worth It many times !tell'. S gar stninp 40 good fo l' five ISpare sta mp 37 R.n el not Sugar over but peace can nm be bought Soundphoto>-;-Persistent reports Indicate thnt slrnultan 'o us sl1lllsheo pounct.~ of canning sugor through Stamp 37 tor each person. The that way. _ WIll be made by t he Russinns nod the Allies when D-Day signa l If war should end tomorrow, prae;Febntal'Y. l1ext year. S pare, Stamp will Id ntlCy you and sound s. Show n h ,re is the boundary referred to Ill! Hitl er's "JnnCl ticaUy everybody in the United OI\SOLINE---A-,u coupons good ,Y.OII need not mall your rtttian book. Forh'eslI," which soon may be cl'ncking in selternl places. The Allie. States would meet a sudden setback Kentucky Derby must break the heavily fortified COll s t line ancl through mony divis i o n~ th rough Sept. 30 . in money mattera. However, the .)t Germnny's outstand ing troops. Mennwhlle pre-invn!lioll pOlinclil1A' ~ SHOES-Alrplan stamps I and 2, At. the Ken Lucky Dorby In Louls best economic minds in this country fro m the air contin ue to knoc k Ollt Nazi air str ength, cripple l"ailline! good Inde.(l.nltely. vUle OPA checkers listed 32'5 out-or'beUeve such a calamity can be !Lnd arms fnctories to make ready for the invasion. aVOided. that hard, times after this Sugar For lIome Canlling state autos, fr0111 New York to 0a.11war are not necessary. Among them Sugar consumers may apply fOI' 'fornla . They were a ll referred to the are Berhard M. Baruch. John M. their 1944 hom cannh lf,;' 1\110 1m~ nt lOcal boards of the drivers ' for InHancock and others whose profound' In two perlcds. the Office of P rice ves llgatlon , knowledge of economics and under. Wa tc Kitchen F3.ts Administration reports, In c3£h Pc;stlindlng of bUJliness are nowhere The curren I, payment of two red With 1'\\'0 onv nlellt Offlccs, U2 riod, ,users may a btaln up to 10 'disputed. Demonlltrated Wisdom S. Jeerer on St. ami 1537 lV. Th ird pounds of sugar per prrsll'l1 in addi- points nnd fou r cents ~ POund for The recently pubJJshed Baruch reSt .• Duyton, Arc n1.aklng' H PossIble tiO!} to live poW1ds available with wnsLe kl t.ch l n fals will continue Inport, of which Mr. Hancock is coTo Live In <;:omfort 'l'he Year Buga t· stamp 40 In War RI!.Llol'l Book defl.nitely. suys OPA . The nred for author anQ in which many. distinAround . , . Feat uring The QnaJiLy 4. Persons not applying in the first Ial s In !.he war effort is still very ,gulshed students of business had a insulation ervl!'e With BaldWin- perlod, but. w ho need sugar in the great. ,hand, Is too big and lmportant to ,cover in a one-column discussion. Hill B1ll ek R.o k'wool . . , it wUl second . period, nlay obtain up t.o Must Last Four Wccks It sets up provisions absolutely nec· The Democrats have su.!·e1y gone Keep You ooler In Summer. til 11' full 20-POUllds- per-perS9n alR III 1l1ber, y~ur , curren t Ted esso ry to post-wllr prosperity, es· "all out" for th e women this year Warmer In Winler And Save One lowance U the nppl1cation justifies stamps, RII, 58 and T8 mllst last 10ur sentlal to the llfe of Democrllcy and weeks instead of t;he ustoman' two. Private Enterprise. It proposes .. . They have placed a woman on Tllird' or Fuel BilL~ . . , F. B. 1\. that total. Wheat Loans To Avcrare 1.28 Stamps 0 11. VB and W8 wi ll not bethings this column hos upheld sa the pl'es l~ ential ballot,. for the first Plan Up To Three Years 1 '0 Pa y. Wheat loans th at ' will II,\' rage am valid untU Sunday, Jun e 4. lound principles for two years. tUne in h1sto1·Y. Mrs. Mory Ketterer No Down ·P nyment, First l'aYmen(, At present America hlU prosper- of WoodsCleld will a ppear on the November . Tel. AD 5005 and '-1 .26 at the fann will be made on Ity. Factories of ,this country have ballot as the second choice for HE 8626. th e 1944 crop by t he Commo(1lty never bee." bUl ier than now; , jobs CrC<lit Corporation of W'f'A, The President of the United States. were never easier to get; workers The Brick Sales CO:1Struction 00, average lalSt year was $1 .23. Lo ns were never better paid. Many peo· Unless some high- preasure work tht'ougl1 their sa les and installation wm vat'Y ' from the baslo natiOl.a l p'le are llving well, dreSSing well. With 1\[aln ~ 1866 W. Third setting good ,abies. Workers always Is done, the Prohibition party Is not of the Baldwin-Hill Rock,wool Lnsu1- rate of $1.28 to take into Mcou~t manage to l1ve ,t9mehow but now, going to be on the ~allo t In Ottio nUon re gre tly aiding In Uncle locni.ton. grade and qu lily. Loans St., Da.yton . a nd Greenhouses and Brane~ , tore 011 Lebclnon Pike Feawhen they Uve well, rural people this tali, Tbe time bas eben shortSam's (:conorrly program, and. by on fnrm-stored nnd wa rehouse- ture A Distinotive Service In Jilowprosper. ~Farmers get-goocf-prl:c for as mucb BI they can grow be- en ed to June 3dUl, III which they mnking It po~lbl for our busy stored wheat. wlll ma ture on d mana ers, Bouquets. COrliaces and Flo.... mUSL secure 19.000 blDna flc;1c sig- people LO Jive more comfort~ bly, a re but not Inter th nn Apr il 30. 1ll45. cause factories.JIre busy. Arra.ngements For All Occasions . . natures On \.heir peUl;!ons, because eeldlng to \h II' e!flOlency Ln :. eir Any loon IlIay be llquldat.ed by pa.yRecent Scare Copy The "''illcst III Out Ftowen, Plante . .'l'hn IClll'el many people: Two- of the Soldiers Voting Bill Pl.ISsed work. ment In full. plus lJlree per cent Inand Floral Embl m'l . . . Members thlrdl o! what American factories by the special session of the leglsInsulation Is no longer considered teresL from dale 'of note. LOans will Florists· Telecrapb DeUvu1 Aa'n. are making these days, 66% % )ature . '. . Thcl' clnl~ to have a luxw'y bu t a nEicesstt¥, and the be ndminlstered In ountles by . . . Tel. Adams 8227. measured by doUor volume (call It 50 bllJjon doUall a year) cons!sts of enough peUtionlS <lut. but they are costs can be considered a real In- Coun ty AgrIcultural AdjUl;l.ment AgThe social 1if~this part 01 .the war goodl-stun nobody needs In comJ.ng back very SloWly. and -onl y ves~m nt. The fue l savings a lGne ency commlttees und.er the supertime of peace. - It is a staggering a fraotlon of the ne<:essary signa- 01 40 per cent means the B-H Black vision of ,the s ta te committees. SLate would not be comPlete Withfigure. But why be guessing how tures have been t urned in noW. Rockwool Insulation pays for 1~l! Fucl Will Be Sca.rce This Winter out thts modern gt1!ellhouse imd many jobs peace destroy it, e. in just a few seasons . There Is no All fuel-coal. oil; gas lind w'ooo- now t hop as ,they serve II purpose the report irr.plles! peace can ,be T'here Is a ; lot ot Ilddding going lIeed to fight tl1e elemellLs th ese wtll be scarce tills comJng winter, In the latte r day civilization, that made to create an equal number 01 new jobs or mpre? ~ aroUnd. about Hugh JenkIns plac- days. when by t heIr insulation you tl1e Solid Fuels Adm1nlstrntlon for bring:! tha I. touch ot fresh nature ttl It fa no' lecret that work means Ing Harry Marshall of Cleveland In can live In temperatures 15 degrees WQr says, There wtll be a deflclt of lives Which ha,ve departed .from the wealth; that bUIY people lare bet- the race for Attorney General in c<?"ler thon outdoor' dUl'jng the about 38 million tOllS of coal. Con- natural Ufe t\\ld lead the rUsh of tar than idle ones. To sav~ our way forder to cut down L. L . Mlll'Shall. hot summer months. a nd YOll can sumers should order th Ir coal now, this busy age. o! life, we Americans must be kept and then Harry Jllmost beati.'1g enjoy unLform t.emllero.tures In all during the SUlTUl)e.l· season and Carolyn's Florl~ts, IbC., feature a ' b.lsy, but how? ThI1 report laYI by J enkins of yo,Ul' rooms dU1'jug the summer store whaLever kind \,he 'deal~r ree- oomplete service In 't he' furnlshbig making It possible for factory own· . Os well as ~ the ,yjnter, omnlends. Hou: eholders using fuel of bOuquets. ~a kellS, specIal desj,gnB ers to keep their plants going. The - • • The "race of the . 1IIerber tl?" for progral1) bas two maln ieaturel: (1) Their insulAtion service Is for new oil s hould order their supply as &Qon or emblel1'Ul ot any kind for social to get government out ot bYlines I , Governor will go dowll in the his- homes dnrlng consturction or t or as their new ration coupons become fuuett,ons Or sympathy. as well all, and (2) til facilitate the reconver- tory Of Ohlo politics DiS one of the hom~ and buildings of any agc al- valid- probably Iwlthln the next seloot rOl' yoU the proper. fiowers alon of war plants to peacetime pro- hardest fought battles bebween two built. If YOU give them a. call monbh. By filUng con umers' !uel for your wUe or swee~beart. They , ductlon. . strong mt\m'bers 01 one party. Each ~hey will ,gladly give you an estI- orders early, deaders wUl be able _t.a-llW1Ll.ho.unuQ.t(HJI~£t..~f.-IH~l'II_Iia1tJS----:7':~-:=4 pope and AIIII1II'Bnee , ' All manufacturers ot war gjK>di proved- hls- '{)\\'" 1>eTSO,nal strength mate and you c(ln d ep e.~ld upon re-llll their own oU tanks or coal corobmaUon that. ha.s placed Ulem wlll be anxious to swltcb quickly Into to be almost eQ\lnl. 1:Gm bad t.h e them to help you to JUep the "out- I St4~ckpW?S and 't hus add to the tOtRJ In the fron t rank oC qeslgners. peace.ttine pUrsults 11 possible. Gov- 8dded advantage of the '~Urben ~-doots" out of your home and you storage capacity of the 'rationed area If you want- n owers sent to , a ny e~ment can' belp (a) by' ..~t- Influence" and the skillful m anage- W'I\l contribute 1i0 much ,to the ' ef- for llse later I~ the win tee. . dlst.ant centor . you will find that ing ' wa~ contrllctlJ promptlY and pay· m en t EaT} Hart. flclellcy of the home maker or the "Earliest ~n eWB I Date" th,ey give strict attelltlon to aU deIng plant ownerl :for most ot their rest pel'iO<ls of our busy workers. That ' "earllcst renewal date" you tails and are prompt In answering war work before finishing all the tedloul details ot flnl\l settlement, Almost every RepubUOCIn. ~lItlcTiley have rilen who 'Ill'e expert find on the cover of your supple- your requests. whether mode in per,(b) by moving government.owned inn w1l1 agree now timt Dale Stump In Lllelr Une and are a great [actot' mental gasoline book docs not mean by mall or tel ~phoue. They oonmachinel'1 tram , privat~y.owned had theJlomination won for Alitar- in the modernization 1L1ld Unp'rove- that you cannot apply e9l'11el-: I n a. service with a la.nguag~ all ,plants, 'c learing decks for peacet.lrile ney Genem!. wilen . h e was given ment of property all over this part fact, OPA has just put out an urgown and would suggest that our production, and (c), by cash 10~1 ~ Wme bad advice and withdrew in o! thEl state. ent l'lea w motorists that they ~ to ooacslonal1y, "Say It -With Moral . tupport can come.from ' , W!llhingtOP al, o. (a) By getting an. fa.v9r of Herbert Mills . " . SO their boards and molke application Flowers." tirelY out 'of buslnen, government nelt:her won: _and no Qne In the ,'l.'lle Eureau of A!lrlcultuml Econ- for renewnl at. I ~t 1,5 cl.ays ~erbre ean encourage private competltlqn field made an outslJandlln,&' showing. omics estimates tha.t. the cash farm that date. ' Whlle t.he isl!uance of A Over 15:500 Jap aUe'n s and clUzmost eft'ectlvely. (b) By Iyatematlc • • • Income t or 194.3 was over . $19,000.- books Is pr~c t,jcaJly automatic, Band ellS ~re confined In the Tule Lake ,dlllPQlal 01 OllCl!S1 wa,r materials, !U Labor In the largf!r cities cOI1000,000 compared with $15,366,000,- C appllClllt10ns must I be In<Uvidually relocatIon cellteT In , OaUfomla.. 10Vetnment can IBVS many market. centrates o.n Lnusche for Governor, " 000 for 1942, from ruin. (I:) By ,fixing .a cll1llng it is hardly likely tlla t he can be Col'It Is the outer layer of t he bark on taxes, government, can k4!CP tK!aten. Hpwever, th~ balance of many buslnesseIJ goln, that 'other' et.-->wlll- h n-ve--eeme "bard of an evergreen spec!es of oak trees. wile • e anomy, . hard work and ,good sense ,wIn lave sledding," according to m~ <IbDemoc.ac)' and guarantee prosperi. servers. Lausohe Is playing a smart
Brick "Sales Construction Co.
Caroiyn's Flowers, Inc.
• • •
• • •
.. • •
I!"I~~I!I~II!~!!~~i.I!~~~~~~I' ~. Coming . chapterl\ 01 Ahead will ~scus .. 80me
Lookina by staymg ou t of th e party o! these ,hand orgnnizaUan contests. IPl"Ovislonl, one at, a time. ' . The quick shift in plllllS to ma'k e Ed. S. Schorr. Republican State S~tes R~adapt Game .. ,' chairman, t he cl'lnil'man or the Ohio.. to New, Condition. delegation t.o the Na.t1o na~ convenGreat in~r~a8el in the numb~r ' of t ion instead of Senator Robert A. ,arne t.bfoughout the country cB,used Tart, as was planned, Is ' just ··one many ~tates to Uberallze their game ot the jockeying plays lJ'lat can pe this year. the Council ,of Slate e!Op(!Cted . . . Bricke~· dldn·t cut, Government. reports. clea n four years ago. and t here I s' liiitr;;iII~ QllDi\OIIII." Longer bunting ,1\!8Soril are now stUI ,plenty o[ undercurent . . . permitted, killing of does and other speclel which have been protected,in ".chickens always ' come home to the palt JI now .authorized In sev- roost." eral state" an~ "va rIous other restrictive 'provisions - have been reIt took 40 years for state and laxed. .,., l, m[)V~!rnme!n-t agencies 1~0 wipe out Statel are taking this action for bI'i~ ~.ttIe fever ticks, which It is leveral ressons. Complaints are be- eBuma~ ~ost stookItil~n of North ·In, in "Bgt lCiJltliral ' areal that CaroUna. Tennessee, O.~orgla. Texas to 'crops and cultivated a~8I I. c~u~ed by gi~e. .' Thls bll~ and . Flol1dll f50.oo0.000· a year. been esp!cJaUy"q:ue as regard. deer (.I ·e lk ' In many of the westem deer , In the Great Lake. and pheasants ,ln Gr:eat Lekes northern O.reat Plains l(atel. In ' Wlscon.bi, where ,coIIllPemlat1lon. '11 Ipadefor datnap' by (apie. aOO .bear damage.has 'COlt the 'b etween ,10,000' ~nd .111;000 amlluaII7 lor the Jalt, three., or loUr rear~ . BeadaptaUon 'or lOme conservation poijciei to ' DeW 'clreumlltanc,e a allO 11 1)8lleved br mOst ltatel tp -IUIDmnUo IGUJld COJIlem'tlon , and to , liuIiPIllJDlmt Ute domestic meB~ 1UP-
Deer, ~ bear, rabbits. dU9
and· other ,arne ,tumllb America', tabt.. with" about uo.OOO,OOO-pcnalllb of m..t a rear, ~ CODeIl ....d.
Your chicks ne~d v, i !lrr.ins, pro-
, teins, ~nd miner~ls 'ror'fast, sturdy, .1 growth. Master Mix Chick Starter " contains all theseessentiaI.nut rients in correct proportions-it'a balanced ~Y research. Follow our Master Mix Chick Raising program !Dr ,
results that mean extra profi~ for you.
St~rter .
j -
.. ,
at the home of Mrs, Carver's parenta, Mr. and Mrs. WlIbur N. Sears.
Mrs. Raymonl\ e<mner was the
l.YTLE 81"..
~ .. r"·k. C·n,,~.pcl1"'r'"
.Stanford BoQen. W~esville's Miss Fn\.ncis Johns of the Ohr st. Thursday and Frlday gUElst of her noted deaf' 8.l'tisb-, Inventor, Iiong hospital, 0111c1nru~ I, spent thl! week<laughter, Miss Ruth Oolmel" in New writer and s!gI\ painter, Is vacationher p11I'euts, Mr. and Mrs. end with Bolland, , lni In Mexico. ' . Rl.lph Johnf!, her sister and grand • • • Sister Marte Michael and Sister I . l\I&ry RoIetta. da\llll.ter of Mr, and Mr. 'QIld Mrs. James Wlct\l Ilnd Mrs. EllaWorth Blgp. ViGlted at the family a.ttended ltJle funeral ot Mrs, B18Is home in Oorwin Thursday. O'PTOl\IETRlSTS II OPTIOUNS 'IS IP:8ndmother, Mrs. Anet.ta Dr. J. H. Zelslet They are stat.ionea a.t St. Joseph's at Springboro Friday IIfterDr, N. L. Le Ilonll'0ge Infant Home J.n Cincinnati.
i.e 'is Mlchllel8 fJ!1te~ed a the l.llcli 1 11 rue Sunday afternoon for Mrs. Sarah G IIl't Wllchcl' with
You Are Invited To The W a yrie·s.~iUe Church'of Christ
a stork shower. Mrs . G1!Orge Scnmldt wa hO' tcss to 0. stol'k shower 'glven In honor Of Mrs. Don J,4l.nnne at her home on Sheehim ROad last Fri~y ' af ternoon. 'LIttle Md.ss NaomJe , Jane Bu'-oon WDS gueSt of hOllor 'nt a blrt. d1ly BIBLE SCHOOL pany glve.n fol' h r by 11e1' mother at h'er home last Saturday after9:30 A. M. • • • nooll. It was Nnomi's seVenth bh'thAt t E. Third 8t., Dayton, Have Mr. and Mrs. George ¥Iller and day, 140 Attendance Goal son. George,. Jr., were dinner guests Been GlviDr Good Service For M. E. conIerence at Colwn-' Mrs . Coy GIlliam Is leavIng for SWlday of Mr. QIld ,Mrs. Wlli Lewis ,More Than Thirty Years . • . l\len Toledo for a visIt 'with her brother, OPREACHING SERVICE ,M·XiN'.... ' , 01 Broad Prolessional Ability And ot Hillsboro. Mrs. J . B . Jones spent $uncll\y Wllbltr Shockey, mid family . Mr. • • • Ellperience . , . Feaiure Aocumt.e 8ft.ol1!100n with lVLr. and Mrs. Henry Shockey. w,ro Is In the Nn \'y. has it:oo A. M. Mr. and Mrs . Gilbert Frye and ExaminaUon 01 The Eyes .' , . Finke and Mrs. John Zimmmman. been overseas for ' the las t two s·:mrs. sons were Sunday dinner guests of Modem, Scientific .Equipment, LatHe Is now home on a furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Frye in 0B.y- est (n Glaasea '. . . GreaUy Helplnr near WaynesviUe. EVENING SERVICE Mrs. Harvey Hole . a nd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hubbell and ton, Ule occasion beLng I.n hOllor of In Protectlnr The' Ey~bl Of Our 8 M their son, 'Don!Ud's third birthday. Busy people As Well .As The Sebool Sh rIc:; Jea n, of Day·tou. were Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Blu·ton sUl'pllsed day dinner guests of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Mrs. Jennie Mul en On l~eJ' blrth:00 P . . . Mr . and Mrs. E. F. Eamhart ChUdren • . . reL lIE USZ. Russel l campbell and chlldren. dOV' Flrlday evening wi th a w1 ner PRA YER MEETING MJ'. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and and hamburger rOl\llt In the WOods. were Sprlngfleld vtsltors on WednesI.e Montrose Optomebists 10 Wednesday, 8:00 P. M. ~lure ~uneral ~ and were II>ftennoon guests of Dayton are promInent In the profes- James Halnes called On W. O. Pence OHIO LEADING IN their daug.h ter-ln-Iaw, Mrs. OharJes sional life of this section of the a.t ~prlngboro Sunday n!temoon. Mr. and lV[rs . Snmuel Nlohol of INCREASE ·IN 1'lATIONAr, ~ Mr. Randall, Min;ster ~ame B. Earnhart. state and have many patrons from GRANGE MEMBER. HIP Cincinnati. wer!! Sunday dinner • • • over the surrounding territOry. or Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HamMorning Sermon Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Earnh8.l't, Dial 2111 - Wa)'Dea.ule They have complete equipment Ohio Is lending nil the oLher s l tes Alton Earnhart, l.AMar Earnhart, for the exa.n:Unation .of t he eyes and ch1ldr/m and their gue~t, In th1l nation in Lhe Increl~~e In "CAN A SOLDIER BE A CHRISTIAN?" Mr. IUld Mrs. Earl. Enrnhllrt QIld Mr Wtlua;n Straukamp. membership In the Gro.ngc ~ rdYOUNG PEOPLE'S RALLY 2:30 IN AFTERNOON and do JlOt trust to luck in the 1.\.;~;;;;...__________~__;;;;;;;;;i)lrson n.nd daugh~r were a.mong the mnldng of the examlnatlon. preI s.be yn Hartsock .twcompan- Ing to information received 11'0m ' .. guests at a dinner' party given by sorIptlons are not based upon opln- led the employee.~ from her depart- the Nn,tional Grnnlle ·11Y· ,Iosel1h W. , Evening Sermon Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Null SlmdaY at Ions, but upon facts measured by ment 01 the F!'lIpdllire to the oall Fichter. MlWter of Ibe Ohio State "A FITTING MEMORiAL" theIr home near Springboro. dell.oat e, mechanical ' Instrlnllents . game a t; CincilmaU SW1day after- Grange. More tlmn 5.200 cerfons hove been Initialed Into the <:~l'~nges . COME AND BRING YOVR FRIENDS TO ALL Then, too, the glasses are made to noon. Mr. and Mrs. Wa.Jter Wiseman Mr. and Mrs. WUl 'Null a.nd 1u OhIo since the first of Je.nuary. SERVICES great accuracy. When It comes to and children, ' Polly Lou a.nd Billy, . the fTnmes, they have 0. complete daughter of SprLngboro were Tues- The total membership of the Orange spent the week-end In Akron, Oblo, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. it Sta O~OI===:::I~ o.ssortment of the very latest In day LeSlie Gray' and children. 1 the te Is ,now more than 93 ,..... ...... at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles style and they 6l'e a.ble to !urnJsh 000. Tbls llgure represents the Powell and famtly. Mrs. Joan Slnl~le of Washington membership In the ndult Granges a.nyone lust what they desire. of West Liberty. were gue.;ls of M.rs. been srotioned In China. wlll be the • • With 'the evolu~lon of the human O. H. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. !Paul only and does not Include th()6e Mr. a.nd Mrs. E. W. Hopkins ha.ve Evalyn Peterson, Friday. prlnclpal speaker. Shipley, and family. ho are members of the Juvenile a see l3ee plaqUe .f rom eye and 1ts adjU8tment to our modMiss Olive wnua.ms visited relaMr. a.nd Mrs. Harry Lamme of Gra.nges. The membership In the . . . . ,AdIt, eu-.. .. Tbanka "net and fast civUlzatlon, It Is neces~ are eharpd fer .t the son, Murray HopIdIut 00 std., Uves In XenIa over the week-end. LANE TO 'HEAD NE~ lBellbrook were Sunday I\ltemoon Juvenile Granges Is 7,000. . . . . . . . . _ , . . . . . adbaImum 18 stationed on Attu In the satj t o keep It In the vest best of guests ot their cousins, Mr. QIld Mrs. 1W1l1l11;in Ma.ckensen or WashIngFARM LOAN ASSOOIATJON . ohio Is also lea.dlng all' the ~ other ton, D. C., Is staying at lile Home I Aleutian condition. In. order to do this. it Is . . . . . 110. A WaDt . . Jmer&ed for Ialan~.. • essential that trectuent examinations James Johns . states In the organization of new Lester j. Lane of near Klnr man, &line ...... oIaarP4 at Ie a worc1. iHarry Z. Oral' of Lebanon Iwas In Granges, Since 'the first of the year this week. Mr. QIld Mrs. Olw'les Wade and be had lind that adjustments be who ' fonnerly was secretary of the MondllY at the a.ppralsing of 34 adult and Juvenile Granges have , I\IETHODlS'l' CHURCII POB IIAL1I :...- WatkIDa Pi'oduct.a at lOll and Mr. 'n.nd l\!rs. Robert ~e- made In glasses, occaslonalty. OhllClinton Cou.n~y National Fonn Lann the estate 01 F . C. Miller. The 8P. . been oQran!zed. Accord1rtg to word ' Louis C. Radle1, Pastor 21 R. BroIi¢Ir&J., LebaDon: Open logelwere Sunday afternoon guests · dren, especially, shouid be taken in nssocla.Uon, has assumed the duties pral.sers were: S. H, Burne~, Kesreceived by Mr. Fichter 'from ' >the .veDiDII· fw JOUr CODvenience Mr. QIld M1'8. Charles Hutdllson here trom time to time to ha.v~ theIr Sunday SQhool 9 :30 il. m. of secretary-treasurer of the New Ollll LIntner. PaaoDe 83 L~ , of 8Prlnaboro. eyes ·examined. If there Is no need ler Graham n.nd 'Walter Kenrlok. , National Grange, 0"-10 Is the first No worship servJce as the pastor <Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet en'th I ,Farm Loon assoclaUon National • • • for glasses, they will promptly tell te taJ ed Dr d til state In e nat on to meet the goal 18' attending the ,state oonference .in consolidation whIch serves Brown, r n . an Mrs, H. E. Ha. ,for new organizatIons set by the . 1Ir. and Mrs. Albert Carver of you. Eyesight ease adds so much to ColumblJ8. Olermont, HamUton and Wllrren and Mr. and N "C I 0' I ' th of Waynesville Cincinnati, spent Wednesday night one's health, looks and gencml ef- away, .Un. range or e year. 1M rs. ~_o1d Wh1 taker and children. lIi' .... ona The Mel.bodlst Union of tile Day- counties. Offices are In ' Lebanon. AelQIIDe CII' electriC: see Bill Lee, - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - IIc.ieI1QY. to dinner Sundny, honoring the ton d!strlc~ will hold Its annua.! STEWART PLURALI'l'Y 2,8'72 ' 0IDdaIf ~ & 3, W~eavUle.I ..- - - - -...._ _. _ birthdays of Mnl. Hathaway, Mr. The se vent.y-e~btlb Congl'cU! has mee log June 5 at the South Park UTICA JIM 'WIll&. NPm ~ Mayor James Garfield Stewart of Methodist church, DaYtQn. Misslon- eight lady triembers--one semI tor WhItaker and daU8hter, Miss Fran~. . ClncJnnatl ,won the ' aepubUcan a.ry B~op carlton Lacy, who has and seven representaUves. . . ~ dIII*1 M JD7 bome. D. B. ,Mrs. Ber~ BunneU, CorreapondllJl& I ~. 0b10. 20 l\ofr. and Mrs. ' J!:. J. Qlrmony of nomination tor governor by a. plurMr. and Mrs. Walter Pfeiffer and Bpr1ng1leld, Lliy Palmer, .Mrs. allty of 2\382 votes over Atty Oen. ~ alia - A barIaID that may daughter, Jane, Mr. ~nd Mrs. MilFlorence P.oPc QIld Mr. and Mrs. Tllomas J. Herbert, 1t WQS disclosed DI* JAR . . . . . . . . 200 abeeta . lard Ball and Mr and Mrs. Bert ESTA:BLISHED 1912 Clark and ,son, Dickie, ' of Wednesday when the oIlkla1 pri- I Everebt 01 pard baacl ....... Id~ ~ with 'Bunnell attended the funeral of Mrs. 100 _~ aU pdntecl . {Willi Brinkmeyer 'Of Middletown on. hDllvtA[)TI. were ente,r talned to cllnner mary 'vote was announced lJy secreHOURSI _ aDd 'addI'a f. I• .10 at . Sunday at the home of Mr,' and Mrs. tary of State Edward J. Hummel. . 'Saturday afternoon. Mr . . Hel<bet't. however, has not eOUCed. ' REAL ESTA INSURANCE - AucnONEER 12 9M1aml 0UI&te. eac h mornang and Mrs. Banner Stewart Wllbur Clark. , on relativeS sunda.y afterID. and Mrs. Roy McK1rby of ed '~tewlU't'S nOinlnation and has ,~to.-r 85 1-6 aftl'rnoOnB except ' ~==~==-~~~~~~~_E''Sdlly ot 'last .weell: arra.-nged for a recount of . ell the EquippelMo .give the very beat of' ae~e in the noon. . _, __ err abeep. ROIl Rowland, Wednellday Mr. end Mfs . Levi Bunnell 84ld Mr. and.Mrs.. Ralph votes In Hamilton county and parSelling and . Ina~rinlf. (jf ail kinds of, PrOperty cand . hilt abe mile north i ' recounts .01 ScIOyo and Stark . 'Automobile.. . 7-9 Saturday evenillK family and Mr. and ar~, WapesVllle, Route 1 ~ , Bunnell ~nd til~y were visitors at LeS e, Gray and cpunUes. He maY al&o ask for a Oftic:e--M~jn St., ' one-Iralf squa,r e north of .aa M l ' %ttb'. Kotber Natw;e Other Eveniri... chUdrerl and and Mrs. Dear~a. partial recount in OuYahbga and' IOU ,t he Bunnell home Sunday. .. · Sheehan n.nd Mr, da.ugbters attended Fro.nkll.\ -couDtieS. ' . traffic: ~i.bt. 'Phone ~65~. .'. 8roodIr. DIreotl. for bulldlng; By Appointment Mr, and ¥rs. Lestle G1>r5uch IUld IInDd ~. see , • fwr!te!&n. J. famUy inner Sunlday a.t the home . The CloseSt pJ'imar;y raCe ' W8.s for dall4rhter, Ma.rie, entertained rela- of Mr. an Mrs.. WUl Null and the Democratic nOmination for conB . . . . . . .tllh. 'Waynesville. R. TELEPHONE '6'2-R Uv·e.s S'·_"'ft' ...."'"Y for dlnn'e r • , ' l.d'Ulo,nt."" near Sp:rlngtloro 1il honor gr~n-at..~e. William Qlass of ,B. I. 26 Mr. and Mrs. J!la.rl Pfeiffer 84ld of theIr . mother, 1141'/1. Clara St.6cy . . Youngstown nOsed out Jack P. Rus~ . ro RIIlN'r-'Unfum1shed & daughtel'li . spent se.turday eyenlng Mr. QIld Mrs: later Kenriek en- sell of Oleveland by 6i votes. boule wItb .-..,ebJ refined p!1dIII. • • . a.nd 8unday as gut;Ste .Mr. and ' ,t ertained to dinner Sunday evening cIJeIPd coUple" ~. Will Mrs. Walter Pfeiffer and , daughter, Mr. ' and Mrs. Ey,erott KenrIck and , . j,I.:r Ulft'8:iDaatba in advance. ' Optometric Eye Speciali.t Jane. chUdren, Bobby and JILn'e, ·Mr. and ;Mts' s es ~e and. Mame Bro~e ' ~ AddI'eII P. O. BoJ 116, 26 S. Detroit ;t. X.ni~, 0 . Mrs. Margaret SChneider and son', Mrs,. Lawrence EliJott IUld son Tomcalled on Rev. a.nd' Mrs. R. L. BackW.,..,me. Freddie, called on ,MrfI· Benner IllY, of cen~1Ille, >Mrs:. Nellie well a.t ,Hamllton W.ednesday of last o'-iiii~;;;t-P;*~Pi~t;; ...- - - -.... ~ewa.rt Sunday evening. ~ontgQIII~ry. 'a.M daUjfhter; Cleo, of week. " . We are iIblcerel11n~ In . JIIOR . . . . ~weet. PUtato ~ta. Dayton, ~t6rn~ Qalle~ were Mr. 'aeeinc jJla' the Famuj ~ & Mrs. Amn.nda Hartnun called on 100 . . . . . All kIDdIJ of ~ ~ .1oe IJ8I; doll 01' 3 dOa. fw and· Mrs. Bender lllld'faJJl1f,y:' Pven t~e IIueIR pcIIBIbIe aervIcle. ., friends In Ger~~~ w~e.idar.. 110. ~ O. ·strowie~ 1~ m1lee' ' MIss Ruthanna Johns entertained J_. Wilson Edward!! of 8prlngfleld, sro.aBS FUNERAL HOME ' "M.th or W~. . ci.:nei her '{cla&> to a slumber party 'l1hll;l'S~ vi&lted his aunt, MIss Margarcit Ed- ; , ~ Am~lanoe sen:tee . ' c, ':;}':;;":---'~.;;'~ .' ." day ,night, ' !~~......., ~ aDd ' ~ . " Wilnu!- Surface, . Phon~ ,2291. Way..e~ville, '0. Rev. Elta Wrisley and Miss Hunt ·f' I 1. Vlnt. ,Ruth Helen ~y, of Walkerton. Ind" called ~n Mrs. . " ', ' n oov!,,," Crabbe, Lanna IIDdebrecht, r· ('POII 8111!( - ' 0 h. p. PalrbaDb: Margarette. HeaCock Thursday.• 1.1lIlUll'thA Early,.rna. Gruber a.nd Bon. . .toIe, ~ ~~ mandrel '!11th MIss Delpha Peeie. and her, au~t nie Peters . 'new . . SDcb cln:le . .w, c1rde rlp
We Offer
Sunday, May 28•.1944 .
'S ervices
At All
· . ..
U 0
• • •
0 ......0 _
"Wilbur N. Sears tt -
C E WiIki·n
no not
'0bI0: .
'I _. ea.>. IDCid
~;ri~ 'belt and' In DCIIidlttoil. See oarl Be.Uft!r
at. W.,M . , PaIk.
,mare. ..
Faa ~ Red .Duroc Pip; - 8 .
weeks old. G~ Kees, Route 3,
Memori~l , Day
doIr.ci .your a.utomobUe ll-
'ceo:. nmdler., Dciuble it. Add. five.
~ ' ~ 1Uty. Mil Y'lUr age. Add t.be .DUInber of '· ifAfa In the, yeaI'.
m. xD q.e. resul( yoU win
flDct UJ&t your 'lJCense DlIIDber is to ~. left. aDd yOur ace to the rJeht.
SUd&: G.ravel ,
Thrite'E"" ',Market I
,' .HYnlfl DS ~ if"' , Fairl~y Hardware, ~'tore K~Qger Grocery Coyles'. Quality. Meats
A. K. Day
Mrs. Fqrrest Tr406t and ch,'Wfhter;--1Ja.net, .spent the 'W'eek:-"nd with the John Trosts at Ple8sant HUI and Art Weans at:Belmont~ Mrs. Howard Stuck!hardt and baby are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed GWtJand this week. Mrs. ~khardt and Mrs. Oilliland. are sisters. The Ladles A1d of the Sugar Creek Christian church met' with Mrs.. Perry .Gutherie la.st Wednesday.
.Smith Meat Market
D.. R. I
', ~: ~ IN NEW DUSS ~
NIr• . lI"rl~ .'e I·'. '1,· lu......, Corre.'...'
- Bq '¥are, ;. Wj;. 1300 lbI., -ce 14, 1oUDd, gentle" work , ~; IOQd line PJ)one
.. "
Party In Honor Of Sixth -'Birthday
Invasion of 'HQUandia
Annual Reunion New Century Club - Of Alumrii Ass'n Holds ,May Mae1in~ The New oentury cll,lb met for . 'Held Saturday their usual monthly meetlng Friday The annual meeUng or the :Waynesville High School Alumni association was held 7:30 p. III., May 2'1 In the high school dlnlng room, where about a hunlked ' and ruty members 0iIld. guests assembled at tables centered by bowls of taste~ully arranged spring flowers. The 'Women of the W. S. O. B~ of the Mebbodlst church served a del1c1ous and a.ttractlve salad course. MJis Allce GoDS. '22, president, presided at the program. Mrs. Inez James Hartsock, Tol, pve the lIecretary's report. She read a report of last year's meeting: There are now 992 members, 576 w~men and e7 men. Mrs. Roxie Saeltet Shaw, 'oU, ex;' ,tended a I1lOIlt gracious welcome ·t o the Cllaa, of '44. cbarles Rye responded tor the class of 'K IMrs. Ruth Hartsock Walton, '13, o! Dayton, In the vUe Ilnd oharmlng manner tha.t u hers, deUghted her audience by her rencUt.lon of the following selectJons: J,18st's "Etuae in D Flat" and Uebestraum."
- NINETY.irouaTB . ~
Assigned To New Carlisle
Mrs. M . A. 'F ulkerson entel Lained 'WIth a garden par~y Wednesday aItemoon ot last week, honoring Lho Rev. L. 0, Radley, who for the sixth blr!.hday aimlversary ot · hils afternoon with Mrs. F. U'. ' LeMay past five years, has been pastor of little duugllter, ~ana Mae. Much &8 h08tesa ,at ibe home of Mis. the Waynesv1lle Methodist church, . tlme was spent III opening and &dCharlee LeMay. Mrs. Mack iWtlaon !luring the malty lovely gilts J'ecelv- was assIgned . to New Oarll.sle for waa a gueat of the club. During the thr new conference year by the ed by the liLLie l10stess a.nd ga,mes of put year a study haa been made of dllferent. ,kinds were enjoyed. A Ohio Methodist conference at 001lOIDe country at each meeting Ilnd -' umbus Monday evening. Rey. Red"Brazil" 'WIIB the subject for thls beaut.Uully deconl.Led bll t.hday cake . 1 Ul b d d t .... local Wl~U six candles was cut and served ey w b e suocee e a """1 " month. church Y Rev. R . B. 00 email, wlt.h Ice cream, to t he many 11 ~tle Mn, D. O. Ridge, lIotrs. ill. E . fOrmerly pastor . at New OarUale. guests by Mrs. Fulk.e.l'son,. who was lH&tha.way and Mrs. W. E. Oornell During the five years Rev. Hadasslst.ed by Ml·s . Lawrence Garst., very interesting papera, sevtlral Wuired Squires and Mrs. ley has been in charge of the 10001 Mrs. SOuth lAmerlclU!, records were playchurch, he and h1a fa,mUy hp.ve John Kersey, ed on the Victrola and MIas lR&ylyn made a host of frlenda who are 'I'lle guests were &lly Lou Smltb, Orabbe pve some very lovely piano sorry to see them lea.ve. Rev. ' RadCarOl Kay 'l'urner, CurOlyn hm selectJona Of south American mUS1c. ley has taken a lead.lD4J part 10 clvlc Ommer, Kent TUrller. Jen'y Dye, During the bualne& seaslon Mrs. affairs whlle here and bas headed a Joan Garst, RlchaI'd Ual'st, Marilyn O. Lee Hawke wu .named as presnumber' of lIaeful projects. In other t>qull'es, Wilmle Jo Stout, Doris Ident lor ~ cOmmi year; Mrs. M. I ' . ' O/li,W V. I. Gi,_III CO", , .." Brown, Don.na Hadley, Lorenne tban church affa1rs, he has A. P'Ulkerson, secretary, and Mrs. pr"Ominent In the' local Civic club'. SallSbul'y, Freddie LeMIlY, Sue Anu HOLLANDlA, DUTCH NEW GUINEA-This soundphoto IIbowa "General Sher"lan" tanka-landed I OleoD Borden, treasurer. In going to New Oarllsle, Rev. during the invasion hare-assembled to fOl'm n pntl'ol I(or the PU1'llOlle of mopping up ~e rematntn. \l" 0 u I It s, Marilyn Polinsky and 'nle Club ~ed to meet with Jap.. In bnckgro .and, a Jap ammunition dump blues after having bean let aft,. by the preliminary , Radley wID be no stranger, he bavOhtlrles Kersey. Ifta. Ra;moz;d Obnner for the neit naval and air bol.lbul'dmcllt . Ing been pastor there several years meeting. Dellcious refreshments - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . r NOW 'lAXING ADVANCED ago. Although he will take over the were served . ELEVEN ' IlUNDRE' FROM LOCAL SOLDIER APPEARS THoAlNING AT NOPIER Flt;W New Carllale pUlpit Sunday, he and MIDWEST BECOME ARMY , IN MOVIE, "THIS IS '1'IIE Newpo~.t, .Ark."=Avlatlon Catlet Mrs . Radley do not plan to move too ATI'END sMVlCES 'FLYING OFFICERS . MAY 21 ARMY," wmLl: .IN CALIF. there untU next Wednesday. AT lOAMI CEMBTEBY &wlil'd Thomas Florence, lIOn of Bervlces at WaynesvlJle will be 111 Headquarters Army Air Ftll'ces Mr. Clnd Mrs. Ross Planck re.Pvt .. John D. Woollard, now with Mr. a.nd Mrs. Howard !"lort:ll e of charge of Rev. Coleman Bunday. A 'crowd estimated at about tOO Central Tra1n1ng O('h .~ , ..I I, " .1IIl. ••- celved a telegram 'I'hursday mornthe lDfantry In England, 'Has one of Waynesville, Ohlo, has oompJeted IPerl'ODS attended services at M1am1 Other assignments by the conferdolph Field, Texas, May 2'l.-More Ing to the e~fect that their son. the oompany of soldiers appearing I Lhe required bawl: flywg COUl'Se a~ IC8IIlletery Memor1alliiy. ~ than eleven hundred midwesterners !Lt. Robert L. Planck, a 'Mustwg ence arc as follows: Frariklln, Bryce In the flnal'scenes ot "This Is the tlIe ~ewport Army JUl' ·Fldu ana addreu ~ liven by Herbert became flying officers of the Army nghter pllot, who W81S reported mis- .A1my." At th.e time the p.l ctute was hIlS been transl'el'red to II. slllgl~ 00- W. Nlohols; Germantown, R. C. Graham, m1nJst.et , of the Feny lA1r Parces tOday as tbe AAF Traln- sing over ~rma.ny recently. IS a be~ produced, he was st.e.tioned at gine school at DoLhon. Ala., lor rills GI'eeoe; M1ISOll, Nobel '~i: Church of CIu1at. Malt RAn~all of Oenterville, Stanley ~; lIig Oomma.nd held s1multaneous Oerman prisoner. The informatlon [nglewood, california, ten miles udvance training. the Wa.yesv11le Ohurch of 'Clbrlat, .. Maineville, J. IiI. Str1ok.land; Xlmt& graduation .eUrclse8 /!t thQ eleven 'Was obt8.lned · through tbe efforts of from Holl~ood. . C)lldet F'lohillce, who. chose siUgJe memGer of the commlttee, gave the Trinity, J. ,w.. Wedgewood. advanced fl.ying lIChool.s- of the Cen- the Lnt.elnatlonal Red ere.iS . Tho Following are ~uotatJons from his engine training· \VW .be {Chell IUS ~vocat1oll :" LIncOln's GettysbUrg telegraph stated tbat Q letter would let~ers temng of his experiences: tral ¥2y1ng Traliung command. ~In~ upon gnLduauo.n ulfVillg SUc- CLINTON 00. R.ilI'tJB'MOAN8 la,ldreaa was liven by ~ Hast. ObJo" With 3t9 ,aniquates, was the lollow . . "May 14, 1943 . cessfully comp1l:ted the reqUll'ed ELECT OOMMI'l"I'EB OPPloms ina wplle Mrs. ¥on1II PulIr:erscn third largest group m the_ oo~lI ''!We are going to be in the last tram1ng 1n tlle Army AIr lo'O}'ce:; "The Btar I3P&DIrled Banne::." SUl'IDAY DlNNUR. GUESTS dated .claB4 'Wblch in()IUd~ men ~rt of a moving picture at Warner Flytng 'l'ra1nlng SChools. . WtI.m!ngton, MAy ~4; - a'heodore > from everY Amerlcanste.te ~nd f.r om !.ir. ' and . Mrs~~va Thompson BrOIl. studiOll, 'This Is th~ Army.' J.>urlng his as/l1grunent at New- Vandervort, W~, W88 J;eCanada, ~, BawaU, Cuba .and entertained to BundaY dinner .. MIss Our company does a manual of port Almy Alr Field, Cp.det Florence elected chal.rman;. W. W. West. E. L. Thomas, who baa been Brazil. iFourtl;l in the naLlon !was Mary Jean ' ThomplSOn, Mrs. ' Ella arms and sings the 8On8, 'ThIs TIme ' lelll'ned to lIy the Al'my 's basiC Martin~v111e, w~ named vice_chairtp'avely m &t hlB home here, is re- I1UnOls '-witli 234' graduates. • ThompSon, Mlsa _Oc!rtrude Thomp- Is the Last Tlme: We practice this traineI' plane, lollowed It 11ll,1·denlng . '1 llWl, a.nd Josepll P. Carson, 0larUpor~ ~ be 1P'eatly' Improved. '1Da FIghter : pUota were gradua~ 8On, Mrs. Jeanette iEller, Mra. Wil- week then go on the stage for the phySiCoJ training cw'rlCuluID, and ville, reelected sec.retary of the Reson, Myron,. of Dayton. ~ted . at . .trom Eagle Pass, Aloe . a.nd Poster Uam ,H ensley alJd dlaughter, Sandra ahooUng next week. They send over l>d&e<l the cuurses requll'ed In tile publk:an Central comm1t'tee. at the the 'l"bOma8 bome s&tUrdIIY. whUe Fields' In Victoria. and Moore Field LOO of ' Oin~na't.I: Mr. and ~ . a baH dozen big busses every morn- cadet ground school. organization meeting. The Executlve comm1ttee Includes Dr. J. L another SOD. WWlam. or I48aCm and at M1a61on, all In TelIas. Bomber pi- Willlam B. OWlnl1~gbam- and ' R. 1ng Ilnd we leave here at 8 o'clock. Parrett, 8ab11l8. ~; Gtq Ilr. aDd Mrs: Barry Burnett and l~ta received their wings from Texas U. Locke of Nor;wood, Mr. and Mrs. We ha.ve meals there, and see IiOm~ WARREN CO\JN'l'Y' DEMOCRATS. UORGANIZE Irvln, Blanchester, ' vice qbalrDIe.D; f~ii or I6'Ue ftre ~. "VIIIIi- l1elda at iBlaclr:lam1 at V(8AJQ,~ C. L. ~ea . .~ and ltltB. of the stars. The picture 1s all nnl' ; ton In -Bous.tori, Bl'ooka In Sa.n :An- Bam Jones Of Hamilton. ' 'Barry Me_er, W~n. ·aecirelabed ezcet,t e part we are In. !LoWs 1s In it. II 88Iw chorua girls and Members of t.he , Warren County tary, treasurer: Ed '~, B1arltlon1o, 1.ubbock and Pampa and from a fellow danclng In a scene today. Dem.ocre.tic Oentral anti Executive 'Chester; ~. &. Inland, 'lbeodOre the two Oklahoma scJloo18 at. Frederlelt and Altus. 8a.ii: "John Garfield' the o~er dl!-Y. oummittees reorga.mzcd by reuam- V~ervort, W8m1ngton; A. L. Cole, Among .the new pllo~ are the The Busy Bee t-H club met on In another pllllCe I ltaW tbem shoot- Ing David W. Huhop oJ Lebanon Sabina; Or. L. H. Fullerton, NeW Thursday, JW1e 1 at the 'Orange ina' a scone 'With IDen.n1a iMorgan chiUnnnn of- me chtra following from Warren COWlty: Wil"Vicuna; and JiiIU'l'Y Green. KartInIHall with Bar&b Braddock In liam B. ~er, 'Waynesvllle; DavId and ,Ann Sheridan. and Boward McGlllnn of Harveys- vUle, aU reelected, and HarrJ ~- : charge imd Judy Conner pre8id!ng. W; ~rca.w, Lebanon; and Robert N. After seelng how theY .make pic:" burg was elected ~etary-treasurer. e.r, OlarksvUle, . and Robert Jamee, ' We worked on. our pan holaers Mount, t4a.s0h. tures, don't ~ I want to see llIlY John E, Holden of Morrow . was re- BlaJ;lchester, new members. and will finisb them before the next IrY . . TO ST ....... elected head of the executive com- .,., .....OKMOB...... DEATH OF AGED .sPJUNG . me,tlng when We will start on more shows.''' IUIO& VALLEY asmENT sOmething new. ''JooIs.y 23. lIK3 mittee with !.he following members, OPERATIONS ON' Jmq • Eu1a. Hoak, News Reporter "They stAuted shooting scones BIshOp, Oarl Belchler, F'ranklln; S. ,M iss Katbleen OIDeland of .states yesterday. ;r am one . (:If the flag M. Maag, Foster 6t1d Albert Ertel, 1Mrs. Olafll Engle, 83, died <at her v111e" N. C., has arrived in LtIbIuloD SEitVlCES FRIDAY FOR . bearers ' 80 don't have to praetlce l;JOutil Lebanon. residence in Spring Valley Tuesday. to take up her dutieS of BooIanobOe NEW BUBLlINGTON LADY , much. They have flags of all the comm1ttee members In ' each Sbe 1s survived by four daugbters. _ _ _ AWed countl1es. I ·carry the New township Include ' David ' Bishop, l1brar1sn. She receIved he-r l1brarJ ~S l Ada navla and ~. D,ena Services lor Mrs . 'Neill't Jane Mc- zealand fiag. All we do Is march Turtlecreek'; John E. Holden, 1iIa- science degree Pe~er,b oth .of Dayton, and . the Unlveralt, 0( , 59, WUe ot ]Fred McKlnney, on the ,Lage, do a half left lace " , Al North. OClrol1na and belore her 10Mrs. Eate)la Jackson and Mrs. 'K1mIey, , and lower the t1Bria a bit. They took lem; Oatl BeIch1er, ~.nkl1n; asalstant librarlog to Lebanon --'dner 9f B... ..... -~ ...... who died Tuesd&y night at her l] I ,... u'_~g ....... • ...-a "..~ey·, home h one a! - ... .,er.• Ertel, n on; B . -. ...... .. , south of New BurUngton after us 11agJDen out .1M a rane Ian In the Stanley counti · and 8 h 0 t us In a s cene WS·" Deerfield', Wilbur Hutt. Olearct'eek; three years of falllnu health, will be ternoon w. at ,Albemarle, N. ·C . . Until ber ar..- ••..ll· Guatln, Ham1lton,' Fred R ba at 2:30 p. m . FridAY at the . N~ yoneta on our g:uns, rival, the BookmobUe baa bi!en W~ne; Ed Soth, HarBurlington Friends- church. She- 18 . "Ronald Regan was in the first Braddock, . I without a regule.r Ubrarlan alnce survived by her husband, four scene ~ey shot yesterday. I see Joe lan; Howard McGllinn Massie, Jan. r. The new lIUIlUIler l, schedule . , d~ghtera, MIsseS Frelda Ftanlea and Lewls" alm08t every day." D. M. Adams, Washington. for the Boolanoblle provides 23 ton; two brothers, Harry O.osser of iWJJma McKinney of Dayton; Mrs. "June 3, il943 SPRING VAlLEY FATHER. stoPII every two 'Weeks ~ on and WilUam of Benbrook" Lewis D. Probasco Wild lira. Jack D. "F1nlshed with the show business AND SON ON FUR.LOVGD June 8. 20 ' grandch,i ldren. Wallace at home; s, brother, Colby Wednesday. Thursday We :were
Lt. Robert"planck German Pril!loner
Joe '
Turner of WUm1ngton, and two s1sters. Mrs. SylvIa W~~ver of James.... "" to~ and ...... Dora Turner 0 4 ColWalter .........arren of Barvey!lburg"u •......., '. a.nd . Davls Oarllsle, both umlJus.
shown· around all the studlos. Saw Maj. Oeorge H, Smith and his Joel stokes Is conflned to bla beel two or three reels of the picture. at -the ~lellan hospital for · obson, FIrst Lt: Oeollre R . 81D.1th Heard It 'WOuld be released around were reunIted .at the home In Spring ervatlon and treatrpent. , the last o! JUly. We went through .' .,. . . all the make-up department. Went :Valley last week for the first time EASTERN STAB ](EBTING through one studio' where they ,were in two years when they !loth en~ ~lfe shooting a big 'snow scene with Er- joyed coln'cldlng furloughs. iMiaml Ohapter UYI, O. E. B., will Major Smith, Who has been 1l~ of rol Flynn. He appeared to be temhold their regular mLCet1ng on Monperamental and refused to act w~le rheumatism after long service In day~evenlng, June 12, with a 90vered England, was invAlided home. HIs 'We 801dlers looked on." diah dinner at sevEm o'clock, with son, an army flyer who completed the daughters as guests. · A Flai INSPECTS EAS'1'ERN STAR his missions over the enemy terriDp.y program will folloW the dinAT SINKING SPRING tory lIODle time ago, Is now assIgned nero . oMrs. MInnie !Fromm, deputy to training duty at Norfolk, 'Va . 'l1h1s was the first they had been EN·' l'EaTAlN8 CARD CLUB grand matron, inspected the East. -. ern Star chapter at Sinking Spring together since Maj. Smith was.,flrst Mrs. John Kersey. entertaln~ on PrICl 'In Bh' commJaaloned May 13, 1942. evenIng the members of ay even g. _ _~ was aooompal;llent BundaJ evening, there " • anled by Mra. ,Ralph Vance ot Wll- : . on OrnclOrf rQad WIUI ~ter.eq ~~r card, club with ¥rs. A. T. mlngton. Mrs. Btanley Bailey, MIS. ALL omo OO~E8 . , a ca8h' bcDt 'cont&1nlog between' Po~, Mrs. Jo~n .'fUmer and E.' 'F . ' Earnhart Ilnd J . C. HMVke.] BEPBESENTED AT. 08U ten And dollars tabn. The Mrs. Willard Kel'lCY lUI guests. - -' ihs8V~ entered by cuttJng· the 'Wire ~ - ~bles. were:,in play during &EOEiVES ." CAP" . All 88 Ohio cO!1Dtle.s we.r e represfrom a"W1iidow ~'. . evening :~Sth 1I!tr~. 1PVl1DB1t,y re- , . . , : ented In the student body' at OhIo ......lvI.' .. first priJM! and Mrs, Lou1s Miss Mary Jean' Tilompeon of state Unlverslty duling the past 12 the second. DIiliity re- Olncln~t1 was the ·week..end .guest month$; aocording .t o the I't:port of Ifrelihmeillta served'bY f,be host- 'of her 'paren!Al; ¥C. anil ' Mr:;. Alva ' b ,1E dlth b. "doClr:l.us, . registrar. ,'" ,:;, ' 't Thompaon. . .' '!be univenl9"s enrollment _'or thl;s . •~ ..-.' - : Ulsa ,'l1ho,.mpson 18 , rec~vln8 . her PeriOd was 886'1, of which 77<13 came' DINNBB PARTY Ilf Ll!BANON tralntng In the Jewlsh Hospital ,f rom Ohio, 1191 from other states, , ' 1.NDraea- Tra1n1ng school and wlll &lid 63 ri-om forQjgn, countries, War.!fr. , alJd lira. .1Ilrn8lt But:8ock her :'~p" this week and LlLle ren county sent 27 students ot Ohio lIr1~ thllU'~. ~. Berman of '-cadet NUl'H. state -thla y.ear. . SUrface and IC!D ~d Mr. ~ 11ft. ,,' _ _-,-_ _ , Dunham ~d obIldren 'Were D~VB NED, TONS . DINNBB GUESTS ..... the ,pesta a d1DDer ~ K. B:BlU, :aalvap c:balJ;man, te...... _ , "_~d P'Uma8 ~ lIveD at" bame 111'. Gid lib. poita lbat. ~tel7 four tonB _" ,,,,4UA& 1.0 1". DuDh4un!1 m LebaDOn OIl or ..per ... ne~ted In tile drlve in Alub, ,Yr. m:ad 1C's. wreMe Wape townabJp ~uoted 'last i'UrDai. RaolWd 'PIu'nU IIDd Ma. le_~. 'DIe ~ froID tile cJallt 1I'IImu' ~. lID. BIUU,_were ..... ~... t.o"' dCIM"" to UIe IIoDdaF dinner cuesta or ID'. IIIlCl
In GubernatOrial Raa ," vs. HUSbafld
~J!.lJ.I!~~~~~.~ ....... ........ "..... ~
.... ...u. ~ &1Id aIalIdriIIi.
1tbt jtliami
Wlq11esvWe, Ohio '
, Main
Climbs Tree That Blocks I~ Path
. . . . Aa , 8iO'cmcl Olua Mall Matter at PoSto1floe, Wa,ynesv11le, Ohio
Walter W. Wiseman, Editor and Publisher
JuNE 1. 19«
mu t be honorably discharged and apply for reemployment''Within 40 ,days atter he 15 relieved from" • t.ralrung and service (\~ordlng to NatIonal Headquarters or 'Selective Service. A soldfer placed In Inactive status and transferred to' the Eullated 'Reserve Corps at l)Js own reB.EMlNVERs ,, quest to engage essential industry ~TS, ,FA:rs - Red stamps AS loses his reemployment J:lghts if l1e through '1'8. gOOd IndeUniWj, C'es 1\ot apply ' tG llUI-feml~ei'I'-EeJ:~ml--..."....U8, V8 a.nd W8 booomc valid June ployer lor reinstatement , within 40 4 and remain good Indefinitely, day~ otter his tranS fer , A veteron PROOEssm F 0 0 D S - Blue , has' recourse 'to the courts to collect stamllS A8 through va good indefin- baok po.y it his reinsta~ent iii 1m!tely: " pI'operly delayed by .the ' employer.
Pl1ce. ,1.50 Per Year, Payable In Advance ,
The State Democratic orgamzation Is new more efficiently set-up I\nd organized lor business than at any t1me since the days or' "Blg Frank Poulson" . . . Albert A. IHorstma.n of Dl\y ton , ,the new ~ PlIElN'I'IFUL FOODS-On• • • howiuer MiNNEAPOLIS, MINN.-Capable of pulling a 155 I Homo TOWft NIWIp4IpII'I '~arty Boss," 'hIlS built one of th~ Jol1n E. 'Robinson.. Jr., distriot at 42 miles an houl' over almost any kind ef terrain, the original best-working county lorganlzatlons "Jeop' shown above, is cne ct the ama:ing acccmplishments of the ' Ions, and eggs over most ot t he 0& director.. has IsSued a word ot country. In the state - Montgom.ery county presont war; It performs under cOllditicns previously believed imSOO'AR-Sugar stamps 30 and 31 . caution to home Mnllers -regarding possible and it Is ,one of the toots that is helplnA' the United Natlol;1' s ' He has the confidence of his party 'sugar. forces to push back the Nazis and Japs on war fronts throughout the '\Wrkers throughout the state and Is WOl·ld. Cn a recent test the "Jeep" climbed '70 inches up the 'side of . each gOOd fbr 'tlve pounds indefin'IDo not use' all your . home conitely. Sugar stamp 40 gOOd' fer five expected to do a ,real job ot reor- a 28-inch white onk tree before the tree ,gave' way in a lest tit Camp ning sugar JloW. Bettel' save enough Ripley nl'ar here. As shown above, after the "Jeep" knocked "the pounlis of canning S\1g\1r through for canning when the predicted May :H, l~ .On my gasoline 1'6- hour or more the other day and my go..nJzati,?n. next year. February. tree down it rode rough shod ever it. The "Jeep!' orlginatoo at Camp • Democ~tlc • • tiOD I\PpUcatloo I have the high electric clock had stopped and theh The Federated Worn- , Ripley in northern Minnesota. and Is manufactured by the Minneapo. aABO~A-l1 coupons good bumper oro1)6 ripen In the tall. Only ~ I tllose who actually do' home cannlng_ sounding title of tami manager but started again . I had even told one ens clubs of Ohio shewed a ullited ~s-Molin~ l.'~we~_J[mpl~me~t_co~p~~y, ItllroUjIh Sept. SO. !What that reiau,y means. is clue! or- of my tenant·s little boYs th.e day front at their staj,e conference In f.UEL OJiL-.Pel'IOds 4 nnd 5 cou- are eligible for the flve pounds 011 ra,nd boy. TOday atter • twit the belore that the clock must be fast. Oolumbus last week. pons, ,gOOd through Bept. SO. New Sugar stamp 40 and the 20 extra ~to Wal'neev1lle I went to It Is nlcc to have the Cold Spring • • • periOd 1 ooupons for t.he 1944-45 Ppunds with Spare Stamp 37. '0Iu\: LebUlon 'W1th .. brokan tractor bear- Tavern open again. After dinner we Democratic hamlony is at Its nlng sugar hllli been aUoted lor that ~ent1og year may pe used as soon Igf •. 1 came home with that but sat there and watched them nsh peak In Ohio now. The "'hatchets as they are receiVed trom local purpose only a.nd to increase our nll. . , b4dn't given me all 1Ibe parte for quite a while but there was only were all burled" at the Women's Lional food supply. Lee",t" ai 2700 Valley Pike. Route beards. I ~ 10 I had to go bact. !We one fish caug,ht while we were there. conference 10 Columbus last week: 69, Dayton. ..., Popalar With People SHOES---A1rplane stamps 1 and 2, Now that strawberries are on the wen ,all readY to 'plant corn but no The children brought the dogs Even Oharley Sawyer of Oinclnnatl All Over Thls Seellon , . . AJci'ina' 800d indefinitely. markets, Cincinnati District OPA . poe bact any feJ1,l11zer. We oalled up over tonight and »Ie had a lively and Mrs. MUdr~ Jaster of Oleve.. In Our Vlotory P"rG:IYam ~ Fllnlemphaslze.~ the ceIling prices fium&U the places far ~d neal' but bhe rat hunt. We got ten. · YOWlg and land, the de-throned National comPenny Wise lshln, lIealtMu'l li.eerea.tlon 'l'o Our OWl Reports On Food' Situation 0DJ,y IdbcI we could find wu a d1f:' old. Tile war Is on and we n.re not mlttee members. mnde love speech'B usy Wol1ters .' .. Bolt Office Open Although farm population the ers may receive. These ~lIings were Victory in war Cian not be bought ferent fozmula from our famlllar g01.og to stop until every long tail is cs. They were replaced at the party with' money eione. ' There Is fighting 45 Minutes Fer D",nclur Detore Dark ' Unlted. States is four million less ~ffectlve April 2'7: , quartS no~ less ~... ~ rather than put off discouraged and leaves. ' ')'hey are reorganiZation meeting last week by to de whl~ caD not be thought about ' When ShQwlnr .D. Movies ~tart • .. than during tbe last WBt, American than 20 oz. net) S2 'h c; pints {not ~, we ~t it and I hauled au good ratters but Queen ean get Albert A. Horslman ' ef Dayton and In terms of mone:". Wars alway. No Oharr~ For Car 'and Iteaaonable io.rmers produced 4'7 per cent more, less , than 10 oz. n41t) le v..c; per it home Imd pJapting began, Never into places where Itlle bigger dogs Miss MarJe ,M. Dickson of Steu- toke a prJc~e~s t,all 01 life, limb. Admlttan.ce C)uU'(e Per Pemn . . . :food. in 1943 tlhan In 1918, the Office pound. .a1 ¥.Ic. These are' wholesale health, sanlty, a~d human happiness. People Can View Movlell From Car of War 'lntormatlon said in l'eport- 'prices and violations 'ID1tY cause em• da7 .... by but It 15 almost that can not get. I haye a corn crib rat- benvUle. And, alonl WIth all this. war calla barrlLSSD1ent' and penalties, OPA '*l but Jr 'l do t.be running around proofed with hardwure cloth but • • • for a vaat amoUnt, of wOlk. Actu- Or 'F rom Seau • . • A Great Oon- Ing need for fo.ur million volunteer - the wwbn CUl" afoQ at h~e. I thJs winter the door did not shut Columbus Is' almost contlnuOWlly ally most pf the 'COllt ef war 111 work. venlenee To Seml-IoYaUcIa Who farm ' worlt~ untu atter Ilancst 5I1ys. • • • reaU7 doD't mlDd fOl' I am glad of tight and they moved In and trom the host to some ldnda of a confer- Meney il enl¥ a medium of ex- Oanno' Go To Clt.y TheaUea . . . ~ year. Wlt.b the aid oI the War OPA announces LhaL B-2 and 0-2 an GIDUIe for & r.Ide through the the loolal 01 the corn they lived well ence or conventlo. . . . They all change. a relatively accurate meos· We/eo'me To 'Come In YOII Are Food 'AdmJ.n1stration and the Office gasoline rotron ' coupons _ the old country espec1aDy DOW when tt is but Oap Is after them now with have their "political moment;" even ure of the work performed. . . • Befre8bmen,te Available At of Price Administration, Ow! . re- WJ>e Band C rottons ~th?ut serlal 10 l,ovel;. traus, He caught two yesterday. One though they may be nbn-p..rllBa.n ported on the current foo(! sltua~lon. nUmbers-wUl ,be invalid for use b" The Unlted Statel!, now In the mld- Booth In Oenter of Lot. " of the biggest struggle of all bls" ,., view; III ~ abut out by a Qf MarquoriB black cats was ' here . . . We have Just luld the teachers dIe to"", Is spending money 'at the rate . Oomparing t.h.Ia year rwtlli last- ' conslJDlers on and alter June 1. ea••e • ., The Drlve-Ln , ik. in DQ'''-n ' apple'" peac"es p r d h"" 1 " IWa11 of anen ~ we are IrOlng to .laSt night. I fiope ,/lh<l was catching and preachers here, and they really of 100 billion dolla'rll a year. Wltl\ ,... ... II V)' ~ . ~' • eo. s an c ~rr es , - , ;, have to cut some ~wa in Jt. I rats, not 'ch1oka. Blacbnakes are known t.helr politics. I ' •the bighelt tax r~~4!~ ever ,applJed In extendS the g.lad hand of hOspitality will be more plenttf ~; slJghtly less, What 15 ~rue. !llmple and sincere this 'country. eur g~lvernment is rais- to ,the peOple trom aU over the tluJd milk and cream" will be con- 15 most "tonaen1o.1 'to man's naturc. like ah&de theae bot dIQII but I UU supposed to kill rats but t he one the • • • to Ioolt out .aoroaLbe CCJUDU'1, :)Iy boys Idlled the other day was In While launchln'g drives '101: ' every- Ing money lit the rate of 40 billion country-side aild offers them ~n OJ)- aUDled; less chicken wlll be avaU- acero. beat apple , tree II IfOWlDe up Into &. bird's nest and the four bumps thlng e18e, whY not launch one to dollare a year, bor:row1og the diner- por'tunity to reI8.x a blt· atter their able; eggs wtll continue to be plen. of work. By their tlful. ' Other hlghllgb~wartlme In~ best View. I do not m1ncl cuWDi aJong Its 'sides proved to be! four urge every voter to vote the Jud1c- ence; American taxpayers will be strenuous hours In debt for 60% ,of the war when it locuat weIs but an IPple tree III baby birds. not rats. tal Ballot, along with ,his regular ends. if things 10 along al they prob- wholesome amusements bhey are creases ', of Income 8lXl. tood have' CUUel"fll&, , Monday. HOOle grown strawberries party ballot? A verY small percent- ably will. " helping to maintain the health of enabled millions .(If Americans to ~. ,Ilore eI'I1UIdI. We.cop- are baa. F'vrty-five and ruty cents age of the votel's bother ' wlta th~ LIttIq ' tlle Debt " the people by giving them enter- Increase t.be1r cUets; ra.ttontng will ped In at t.he 'c:ommu.nlW aaJe for &, a Quart. I had a few t!1 the garden sep~ate non-partisan oollet. so the 'Big obligations usually are mode ta.1n1ng mov1og pictures and effer- be needed until after the war is lett minute. this atte'moon but er- but &be bIrcls , got them. We went result ls that a small hierarchy of laster than theY ' Dlre ptlid, and no- ing th~ latest. both in pIeseota.tion IW'OO; current point-free mllat.$ will ft'Yoae IDUIt have been' at home oyer along Ule 01" railroad where attorneys, ~he are ~terested In the body is expect~g urncl~ SonJ, to llQul- as well as, outstandlni fUms or the remain reasonabl~ : plentiful, with , some outs ot better grades less 'plenpJAntmc 'corn for there were DOt the bo1s bad ~ some but we only "game," select ,the Judges ~th1n dote.~e war debt ,Dn Il1'lhiStl ce day. day. by July , Peonle are """'M_ to ·"e Drive-In be 200 blllio:l1 many ~ ud not' much to bUy, !found a lea'_ MI!JIlOrlal Day fmdS . their own clique to rule over the 1It w~ 1944 F t ,I~-l:lollars 1 bod JI "~"'6 WI tI1u1i the ,present point' h ol.\day on • • OJ:tuna e:." or every Y Theatre. as I. t offers novelty u ' w'ell ' ~ two calves and. very few 'cows the floweR ratiJer past their pr1me. lives, property and freed~ the 'this canned vegetables .. UI only temporary debt can be Jretlred at a rate and bop. 'Itlere --.s a run of chlck- '!be sea,son Is earJy In spite of the voters . We would have better a,hd that il 8lower than the fighting sPElcd as, he8.Ithrul reC(eatlon ' atter bours and on so,ne meats may be teJ:npor': ens laat week and ..be price dropped late start. All bu~ bile late peoples ralre~ Judges II tlley knew they were at which It Is belDg spent. Experts of Intensive work. Here, you may ary : the J943-44. cltrua fruit ,pro,In various political camps agree that conic J.n. as you are. as time ls such ductlon will be 10 per cent higher 10 t.bII week there 'were llot many are gone. I could only find a few responsible to 1:he people. ceatl of runDing our government aft- a 'factor In attenda'nee at the movl.... ~, ODe WODdera What ,III gol.nc to lrls, With pulis. 'I'b.ere were plenty of • • • er the war Will, approxitiu~ie 20 bU, ' , .... than last year; the IaBt half of 1~ haI!IMin to the en aituatlon. The ' leJ:non UUes still wI~h buds and The reaSon fer Tom Herbert's r.e-, lion dollars !1 yea'r'. ,tIt'. Ii safe 411- In the cities. People can view the wlll show less butter and lard. but ~iI .enf~tbeauppore ~ea I like 'IN buds beat quest 'f or a recount of voteS In a ure. .pIctures w,ute !elanng In their own more margarine. shortenJng ' and ..... of ~c, a dian. 'Which the gro- beca~e you can take them the day number, of prec10cts in ce~in Now ' 20 bill len dollar. 1. • big cars and a.re affordlng ' oWortun: vegetable oUs than during the first ~, mUat ,~Y but ·the haUI~~ a.re before ~d by moml~1l!1B 'wil~. :countles, 18 the feeU~g 6m~ng hls awn to work Olf: 1o 'l~ r,ear, 'but Arne,,- ltlila for people who for 60Dle reason half; lea can do It. . We 'Ilre ,r aising 40 bU- are not able , to I;'tten,d other the- 11101 mcrease In "l]Q,ltm'entjil ,auy paYing the groce,l'8 '2'Ic. Wb1cb ha.ve opened ~nd be · fresh for the Ifrlefllis, 'that some of his ,votes lion ' a: , 'e ar ~ow With everybody ,~ IJUIUla ,tbat the grocers are nbt even dliy~ Lemon 1I11es w111 do the ' same might , bave be~n credlted . to, Faul working; surely wla con 'raise 20 bi!- atres. , Ia in sight thts year:' Pol' nutl'Ulenal _UDt"tbe one cent a dozen margm thing ' and 'WIld r06eB. It seems Herbert . . . It is an error whloh lion aft!!" th.e war-interest, pay- The Drive-In 'IheatJ:e 111 attx:aet- reasons, the repo~ reCommends " CtieJ were aet.t1ng. The wholesalers shdCldng to 'see Woodland cemetery /Would 'look Wke a "naturQl" U1 the Plents on debt andl ,care of disabled ively 10C1\ted and appo~ted. Five home production ot vitamin O-rlch .., tbat ~ are ,jiolng to stop com- WJ~ the gT8.8S' uncut but the flags. Cbpf\1S1On of calUng off the Her- ' veteranaali will b.e 1n the 20 billion. hundred Sebts are "'ptvV1Cect (or foods, 8ucll 'iB tomatoes, and 0011do it It erqpl6yment 1. high. thoSe who Prefer them. For forty- sumptlon of m1lk, meat and eniDII after them. beCa,uae at tha~ pJ1ce and ' n~ers were beautl1ul as ever bert vo~e dur[ng tho counting in the We jobs are sUU IllenUfuiIthand well five mlnu............ after o""ning ...... tile;, do '~ eYell malEe their gaso_ and showed that those whO lie there boots. • • If "caught," It could also if Id .... W t"'e u r1c~ed . cereals as sources 0( rlboWe can d4) It w ' presen\ 'Star ,pa. . tin" of shewing of ' p Lctures wllen ' ' I line be;cAUIe at thIIItime of year are not forgot~. be attributed to a. natural error rates cut in hulf, but not unlen .. flavin and pl&C1n. • ., theN Ia auch ... boC loll fr,om poOr ,,' lW~kh could be corrected by e, slmill plenty .ot work. , darkness ?Omes on dancing I;S a real • • • ' Inter~t to their many pat~. , ~ For F~ ' Vol\Jnteers , , Tollen Will Pay ~ 'I:hen ~t are we gO-,' REGARDiNG UNFAI'11DVLNI!!~S pte sta~ent, "so sorry, ' pl~" Pe1'SOI15 :who volunteer 101' 'spare People 'wbo wor:k will pay the Their s~rvl¢e ' 111 soft drJ.nks, milk _ to dot '!'be Old 1.11" of supply (Washington ,O~ News Service) , ~ :Just ~nts to be sure , biggest shate of posl.-wor taxes. sha~. hot dogs and popcorn is ~lme labor 'on larrs and in toQd pro~ dMMDd la hanS to ~at. Meat ' ~nfeJthruI 'wives Bnd ' SWetlthear4 \ Last year ~b \hlt'ds of our nationo!. much appree1ated. too, 'f 9t such a cesslng plants thli! suinm~r- may ;apntJml"l remo'ed. ~ are eat4nir one of th'e blfteist causes' of ' .' HOUSEHOLD $NT$, income Was- wage81 1 ~pd solaries. Pol- snapk out 1h the open 15 always In 'ply for spjXllal 81¥!0Une ratiOns to lewter, . . . at that ~. it, you wo...... omon" U. 8. , ('-tIn'g', men .' IDIIke tbeDl ..,....... "3" ..... I ,To olean arid pollsh your mirror 1tIel~n.s ~ay try ul,f;llec~ W~1l st.l;Cet dema.nd and enJoyecs 't . Get t;6 al}d 11'0111 this' work, CPA an:' ~ . noun es. Thll appllcant muab ai-' ~ eDQ~gh to apPeal overseas IIiOOOrding to~lI4:aJ John S. a,t the same time, add IIIllttie" st~rch millionaires while. but It WIll not be enough. If all the Ileople who pay 'I1he-ma~gemen~ a.re fo.rslgbted In to ~ ~. t.be l&1'JD:1!1' loiea Gair'enton; a ~hapla.ln with the 1Jec:.aua,,~l~' la hlP. , U we seU our Oblna-Indla-Bui-ma. . Wing of the to the ,water wheli you wash the tax on incomes of ' $:15,000 or more" 'Presenting by new and lDlproved rlllngc to carry at least four persons, were seated ,!h one .tadium,' all our sound equipment, first-run news. heria . ~ere wlU be no eggs la'ter. Anriy Air Transport Oommand who mirror. the ellr wlll .. and .the hold) drIver (or Piotur lass J.s ~best cleaned with mlllIonair'e~ would, be tbere, ' and oth. oolor cartoons, ~ well as, important Includlrtg , - . w i. . . . . . .' r ___ the merry-go recently returned >to Waah1n n. ~ .' ,, a cloth wrung out of hot water and er rIch pe!>ple, besides. 'B,ut the leat\1l'es ot tile day with coDtluu- the~e Is no otl1er adequate trans. ,. . ' .. " " "1My OWn pel'8Ollai opinion," said dipped In alcohol, Pollsh ' at on~e whole assembly e0!1 1d' not pay ~;lU 0 showtn' PQrtatl°ll. . Tbe' 1IlODkey ,c~ec1 the weasel. Major GalTenton. '~ls th&t any of 20 billion dolla~,B a year--not even us g. : . , , , . AIl~ ' tbat'a the ,' ?,y the ' money woman with a husband ,everseoa Wlbh a ch~mols cloth untn dry and with a ' 100 per c;ent income ADDRES-S-E':"'S-O";'F-:-'-r;-"o-c-.u. MEN Reeml1iO)'Jllcnt For ;Veterans There are ' not enough of.' .ucb , IN " THE SDn'*"''''E , 'Ii , ., wading throiJgh lle,l, /lJoVeftt lind glassY, To be entitle(! , to reemployment , .,...,y~, wealthy people. " , , Pq) CQeII ~e ':'f.~el." , 6100d, who Is. playing o,round, over ~lits 'u nder the Selective' '!:'ramlllg ATHLETE'S FOOT GERM These m~n canl't p~y the entire A-C Howard T-:-FiOre~,ce ., 16360048 an,(Servtce Act of ,10to. the veteran . , ~. ~. (., walked'· In , here with another man Is about the Not Hard To KID of governmeni bllt there Is ~" ,~t I waa' eaily and there l~t thing I, knOW. And llPout the The germ grows deeply. To reach expense one thing they cal(l do: They can. if Olass 44, Sqd. 2; NO~\.el' ,Field. ' Ala. Ill' ~ P.UjP1t was ~e. ~eacher evl- lowest thing I kndw is the man who • • It. use a penetrating f,imglcldc!Many ,permitted, keep ' factories running and jobs availaf;llE! for the rest of us P.vt. Raymond C. Morgan 30016297 ' . ~t.IJ , ~eU ~~ In the: !lennon. I plaYS IIJ'OUnd with her." ~emedles do not penetrate ' suMc, ~ . . to, my seat and then I who. in the 10n!l-~I, will be obliged Beet. K. ~1a5 A, ,It.. F Basj.c Unit The corle bearing oak tre 1 11 t ' lently. TE-OL solution, made with 10 work off that debt. AIld we would 'Lyndol '~eld, FlOrIda ' , ~ ~)lat_ had haPpened. TJle elec• • • e ~er ~ ,gon~ ~~ for a half stripped of its cork bearl~gs b~ 90%, alco~ol penetrates. KIlls the better be trying fu keep it down. when the tree Is 20 years old wfter germs it reaches, Apply full stl'ength 'rwellty bilUo'n dollars a year ' 18 Pvt. Harry M. T\irner 16376684, ,c ~o twice what g'overnment was cos~g ~.~~~I111~"'.IIII.II!I.~. which It , Is stripped al.>out' every for ItcQy, , sweaty 'or smelly leet. the United States .!It the.'peak of the COmmandal\t of cr~s, ~x 1.~, eight or ten years, Your 35<: Ilazk tcmerrew from ~y New Deal's pre.~ill r spending; 4ye Army ~ Base. Dyersbul'J1 T~ll: druwtst If not ple!\.S!ld. Locally at times wbat It celiit In Herbert Uoov' . ~, • , ~ er's day. Pvt. WUbur L. Woolllll'd A. ~i N. ADVERTISE IN THE GAZETTE I Waynesville Drug Store. 'nie NeCC1l aa1')' Jobs ~~304, Btry. O. 57th t,. ;,.. R. T. Ooncernlng empl~yD,~t: Employ- Bo •• Fort BUss!, ~~ , erl and employeE!.: both bave to be S rt ..... ' '', , considered. Strike paY-day from the ta U&'" Clyde E. Fromm. Hqq. calendar and, worl, wm lurely eea... Det • .3 Bomb. com,. MoD.111 Field, Just 8S sure'ly · investments Will '.l'aInpa ' 8, Florida ' cease whep chances , to earn dlv1. J, • .. • . " Wholel".lIt' Pal!teur1zed Dairy Products dends are destl'~lyed. ' Wa'ges .p vt. Oail H : ~ 3~a06. Co. 0 , Pasteu;rizcd M,illc For Your Pro'te'Ction dividends boUt ue "pilid from .eaml. 18t Pl. Bka • .209 , ~, . La.~~ fngs ibn ,.fuv,e8~,e,!l.y,;" sq employerl General HOSpital). Atlanta, Ga . : WaYD~ville, Ohi~ (larite anll' 51'hIiU:1 n'i'uat be ' perniit. ' • ," • ted to cam 'P~ol\lIl~ ~othlh, 'l~lI"te' new jo~s1!pt'st~~1n new,buslnes.8e. ~_ _""':::--_ _--:______~~_ _":"'_________.:....-.,._ or erllarglnlJ', 0k! ~ 0Z!ei; ~ reqUlr,e • ' ,, .investments , '~~' , '" . " Pvt,' Ra¥mOn~ Isa&cs 35S'ln 'HQ' BII Investor. j ~ :.., beat, pay "-' ." '. ' Qnl,y a Imall pa.,l ot ' the ~11 ~1It-\ B ... II • 282 8. A. ~.• Port RUey. Kee. war tax. U ~q. ' .pald. people • ~. ' . , of m~erate lurely pay Warren ~ : Pumin11l. S 'l-c, most Of "lOOking to X-88-A Mine Warf~ Teat St&Uon, investors ""hich to Bol9moDa. Md. eralte ill elear ' , ' .. • •
N,tr...t Ad.,rtr,rllCJ Repr,.,nt,fl••
....... YlarWA,·_·.,·.....
From3A Farm. Diary--Dry Ridge
"Auto Drive..In Theatre
A -
Bob' ~s
~~I~~!:w:~~O~t·dVOaecurtty rea.&Oa8 the !!: lNo~:of~~p fot1lkla pOOU..
wIM,-¥4 ~' or O'enKU taxin. polIc7 '
To clean fmkbec1
....... a ~
r~~~~ ~~tl1."
From 'The Miami Gazette Files FIFTEEN
M'aT :10.
(May 29, I n s ) . .
SIdney Pope, (ijed Sll/turday. She 11 surviVed by her husband and two 5cms. , Alger ~d, 01 Monrovia, O&1if., 11 vislUIle relatives here. " > Mr. ~and MrS.1hed .B. Henderson entertained the Jolly Matrons and thelr. hUSbands Tuesday e'v enlni. ' Messrs . R. F. Mosher and S. F. M06h,e r of- Oardington, spent part of last week ,with Mrs, ildtth Han1a and 1amuy. ' J. B. Crabbe and fa.m11y have mo~ed from the Berryhlll property on Main street to tihe Mlcbener home on Route 4. J. "C .Hisey and fanilly. Mrs. Anna lDoa~e, Mrs, Harold ,Shutts lind Ben Haw)ce vlBlted relatlves In H8.rrison (,~untY. Ky.. Sunday. , PInns Cor Memorial Day servtces I\l' ecompleted with J. O. Cartwright. Rev , J. J. Scha.effer wtll gil/e the address The second ~eetlng ' of the 4-H cluQ was held at tbe blgh school buUdln(f April 15 at 12:'fi:,,'Ibe of-
. (JIIDe 11, 1919) . Mr. and Mrs. 'Wbl. DaU8bter8 and
tllolD1l7 spent one day last week with
In Xeula.
~. Sides and .Miss L1l1a Benham v1sted relattveN;bd frlen at Wllllam&tdwn, Ky •• laIIt week. Dean fiowell lett ,Prlday evening to Join his ship, the U. S. s. Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. 'lbomas, A. !.(af~it.~, Mrs. 'S1,\e KaWa, Mrs. Ralph MWer and Mrs. ,P . H. Pilrr attended D1atem Star inspection at WUml.n(rtoD ThuladaY evenlng. Mr. and MrB~ Thomas I,acy and fam1Jy entertained in honor"of their eon, Charles, who ·h as arriVed bome from overseas. ' ft. 0 , Younce has re8i&tered tor a course in seed testing "t Ohio sta'te ,University. rrhe ladles of St. Mary's Oulld " wlL~ ..._ . me.. WI ....... OBakey Thursday afterDOon and made two . oomfarta for the BeJilum Rellef boxea. Mrs. J. A. l'\mkey died at her ,bome on Main street SUndaq even¥N. A.
e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~!!"'= elected 'for this year aTe:' t n c . ·~I" ~
PreSident, MeredIth Wbltaker; ' ViCe president, Ralph Branatrator; seCretary, Harold Fox; treasurer, Ja.clt reporter, Sherme.n Tlnney; 'Tecreatlon leader, Oharles WhitMer. Friday night. May 2• • Mlai a&Y Wright entertained the New Cen,tury club at the home of Mra. MaUd Crane. iMls8 Fiances Janney of carllsle, Pe .• accompl\ule<1 by a klend, arrived home Tuesday. ' A public speaking contest . for _ Smith-Hughes dept. of Southwest- ' ern, Ohio, was held BatUl'day at ~Isboro. Ronald Hardin represented tJie local department. and made an exce)lent showinlr. John T. Flack sold hla farm Friday adJolnlng WaYnesville to P. R. Snyder, Dayton. Mlils Ruth T~on visited her slater, FnJth, at Ohio State untvera.. tty laIIt week. Miss 'l:'w.n..ene 'Beckett en>-talned a party or {dends recently"'"at a mlsCellaneoua shower at her home on Route 3, In coplpllment' to "her i~1:er, Mrs. ~y Oonner, nee Vashti Becltett. _ . Marriage Ucenses _ Marda D. ....!Diterbrant, laborer, Xenia, and :MIss Clark Mae camea lac~ tory worker, Waynesville, 18; George Aichlolz, farmer of NewtOwn and Mrs. DeUa Snider of Oregonia,
• • • 'nftlNTY-nVB ftAR8 ,AGO
~ary Etta Pope, 68, 'Wife of
The houae and l~ on Thrld street known as the Rebecca 8t1les property, was sold Batwd~ to Dr. W. Eo --le.hftft for *630. 0 . . - . ot...:... w'h ' 0 ..... .. ......... ..... " woulclliked to have had ijle propel:ty at a ~ttle lawer fIgUre were: 8q~e- KeYlI, O. E. Randall, lInI. Lou Brown and MI.blon Rlctae. ferley B. L\1ken8 wlll spend the s~r in Lebanon and in 8eptember wlll robabl enter .Yale. ..... Maiffltt, CbaS. Srnall, F. 0 .. 'l1h1en~man, Chali. Hart.sock, M. J . FaN, HarrY Printz, J. H. Coteman 'a nd Oeo. Bcmbely attended the K. of P. exe~s at Springfield Tuesday. Jno. F . MiSslldine la on the road In the Interest of the Ce.sltey nour. The debr1& 'alor.g Coowln avenue lrom Hanby's blac1wnlth shop to !Mill street,ca~ by the laying of the large sewer and putting In or a new c\.u'bing and pavement, has been cleared away and that part of the street nIcely graveled . '11he hitobing rueks have also been moved back to the ""vement 80 there 1& -0 ~. longer any obstruotlon along this ~oroughfare which Is now O. K . in every partlcular.
For Dead Stoci( HORSES, COWS, HOGS, CAl.VES, SHEEP. ETC., Renu;••ed fromptl1
XE,NIA FERTILIZER , \ 1\1.,lu GI, XmIIa. 0. (;. R1Ieblleb, :r-.
~alllftder ~pent ~e
'We\!k-end with Mlaa . Mame ~ FDay CUt'l&CU OF (lUK,S'f Of OolumINI. Grabam.. MlnJIkr Notice _ Baving purchased the Tlmea-6&ar l'OU~, I lUll now 'going ' . 1~.::: :':"=m~~'; to deltver thlI paper at your door 11:00 a. m.~on. lor lOe per week. MUrta.Y Hoptlna. '1:30 p . b.-PruChlng. Wm. Bailles of Toledo, arrived here !J'ueada,y for a abort vacatiOll to ' nIBNolS '" vlllt hJs parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . Plral' Day ICbOO1, ':IC' a. m. 0 . BaInea. . lleet.lni "' :30 a. m. Mr. ~d MD. J. B . Chaplt)Atl ST. AtJGUSTDU OIlUBCB lett Tuesday evezi1ng for Syracuse, I'atIIer,Knm!teJts........ ' N. :y. " MUB sun~ U:oo a. m. Everett Clan arrived hOme last Wednesday night from the South. W-,YNUVILLB CII1JIKlII O. He belonpd to the 11th BalOO1l Div., OIllWlT A. E. P. and &great deal of -lla'hUng whlle over • l i d II&DIIaII, Min'" • • • . nnY y£Aas AOO PreadlIns, 11 a. Ill, • (1Ia, IC, 18M) "ftft a Berry was hi" Young People'. meeting 6 ·aO • . C Monday and worBand Pestlval WecIneedM 'ev.en1n8" ahlp with Ma,y 30. Dr. T. I. Waf of West Union MT. IIOLL~ M. E. cDmteD made a flYlng trip here TUeSday.' T. II. 8eulI, Mlallter Mile Anna 'He1Jbway &.n.d Mta& unda ~tt,It! Woolley 'are the . iUests of, B , '1 Bcbool U:SO ". m. B. A , ,~D. L. Crane ' ()1 Spr1nifleld, . I!larnbArt, Supt. Mts, EveDI~ 8ervlce, 'J:SO p. ,'" OhIo. Mr. and lInI. Jonas Janne, vislted over sunday with their daugbter, .Mrs. ~ lmJg, Of ColumbUs. 1111........... u.r..... c._ ••• R . E. , Zlmmermap, fomierb' Of ' Mr. anel Mrs. Tojld Bu.nee . and the Newa ofllce. hall eJDCeUent taiDlly moved. to the Lee ~e poaltlon on the I!:)wood CIn.c!.) Oall- tenant farm Tburliday. ' Leider. . The )lub~ auction and ,1~aaIe K1ases IIarlanna ,' Oban41et and of the p~ of the late Mr. and Je~e,the)" Dinwtddle len ~ far Ma.. MrI. ~..cteaier IaBt' ofMOndAy'atpeople., A
f~ W~p.
8." ~ere..
~~~• • • • •!III.III!I!I.,,1
Chur' h es .
lfamlly reunion Was held Sunfl day, June I, at the home of Albert '" Shepherd, near WarneevWe. oele_ ~-, the 88t.h blrthda6" of his METHODIS'f CHVReII ' lather, Daniel Shepherd. . B. B. Coleman, Minlal« A great manY farmers, who are ~ of holdlni ~ tobacco. are Church school at 9:30 8, : m. Belllnr, the..,nee paid ,is 15c. WorahJp service at 10 :30 A. M. Three carloada were shipped TuesdaY,' out of Corwin. S'f. MARY'8 EPISCOPAL Ola.r-ence Rye, S, D. Henkle, O. CBVRCU M. BJdie, Rev. ~. P. Cadwallader Bal." PaI'U, M1nI.8ter In C'!harre and P(&nk ~n were s\lllllllOn8d to Church school at 9 :4fl a , w. ILebanoIi Monday morning to serve Momin&' prayer and sermon 11:00 on the petlt. Jury. am ' .A
~ere' _~
1ii............iII. . . . I~-
"!_ _;..:...-_____-.-------.:.--,...110 01
~e N~rmal .
l1'n1veftllty. ·
bUyers of the,
AI , ong' The W_ay ~
'4rui ,la~ were M&rtha Cneaver at the bonie J~e Garner. , MlI.a Hannah 'Jotdari and AU J'or~ dan were bqSmeu vlaItors m LeI).. anon, ' Baturd&'1 afternoon. ,
.;a.;;;;;m._I!1!111--~"I11!1-~-"'--"'''''''''--'' .'. ',J..._We are very 'mUCh.. pleased to re" .... tb&t-li4ni. He1lll' MqI'Phy;, ,of
weulnan, 18 ' walking aroUnd With the '&J4 of crut.ohes, and 11 able to take a driV#(! In the auto, alter many l!DoDltba of invalldllln: ' ", Mrs, Ella' shtlma~er lias 'been' a VlaltAr ' for same tlme With , her and lrr. daugbter, Mn. Ed and , Utu.· 119h, at' W8I!t Nm PIa. . ' ,. , • frtenda· ot Mrs. su.beth • .I..Jelrll,rey are i18a to l~ , t.bai she
an ' .ppendlci~ <opUat.l'!,l:&
' • :' ," . , and MDt Witt ' ~
I Dait:ftn
feW ,
wom.n · can
(By Mrs. 'l'IIoIDaa) , it on pain of death. So Mr. S 1 ul er took -three young 'women 0 omon Brooka Caulker. m1nlster. into hla borne as h1s Wives. ''¥Or native or Mambo-8h,enge, a little days that lead into three ' months." Villa4re in the lltate of Sierra Leone aal,d Solomon, "our home was in m British 'West Africa;' tall, slender, aloom. Many 1l time have I seen my with akin llke ,black v,elvet and 801ft mother prepare our meals with the d&tIt eyes behlnd fine 'modern su- tears streaming dOwn her feee. Ales; fourth P1 of the village chtef. waYS We had had talk of our educa./He talked with a sOFt cultured voice hkln t.hat w~s to be. Now all of $Js and bah CUI our American was pUshed uslde and forgotcen. slang beaub1tu1ly. He was educated One dlW a u»salona.r;yo came to our in a mlsslon &Chool near biB home home for a visit. He saw the situaand he haa mastered our American tion and tQoIt our father for a long llah, 'tf1e "King'S Engllllh" we called !Walk. ~ did hJs work well. Wllen it, and we IlQOug.ht we could talk our father came home, again, lie EDgUSb. BUt when I .reached Amer- sent. the women away and we were tcan soll, 1 found that 1 could un:. a happy famUy once more." derst&nd nothing that IW83 said to oMany of the people in the village me. I was very confused. To lllus- are coming to mow Jesus and His trate--;[.was very sick with what we love and work. and are coming to called the "fever" ba<ck home and aooept mm. Th1B Ia the lite that here was call it the "grippe." When Solomon Caullter has prepared hlm[ began to recuperate 1 went on a sel! tor, to carry tlhe gospel to his Journey on the train. lWben I IIZ- people and ' l think he will do It riyed at, my destlnation r got otf and convince them as no white man the train and a 'po-'t I . . .."Ir eame up 0 cou d do. ~. and do you know wh!1t be said They are aU farmers. these vllto me? He Said, 'May 1 have your lagers. They _ have their fartnB as grip?' I .repUed that I didn't . have tar as six or seven mUes out into the srip any more whlch lett us , the oountry. In the early spring
~~ :Df~d." ad heard
'" of America ~d 1 was very anxious to see it anel on th~ trIp over every ~ay 1 looked for York to appear OIl the lkyl1ne. One ~ someone came, and told me that New York was Iln sight and 3'ou ~an lmaglne my eX{litement. 1 ran up to the deck ILlld there It 'Was, Statue of Uberty and the tall bulldlnp tt1at looked llke mountalns to me. A1ter we dOCked and 1 ~~ gOD~ through the CUBtoIJ\s, IIlf l-. e. w 0 met. me, ~,nd I was In the great city, Every~here about me people !lere rushing, ru.&h1ng. Now In A1rk:a no one hurries, everyone moves in a llesurly D18I1Lller. I turned to my guide and said, "What 11 the matter? Where are all these people ~~?" ~e,,:adughed and answered, ,",uere. I<U.l I have' learned tbat ::'e~ true, they are gOlng no
tbey wlll clear a patch of ground
or brush and burn it. '!ben they
plant their crop, mostly rice, with the crudest of tmplements. They do not farm that around again tor stUl occur much more seyen years to allow the brush to ' t.han they would with a full appUgrow up again. But naw in the , Clncmnatl-if'orm' Is beglOOlng to cat1o~ of medical science. In coastal regian they are learnll14t U\e tell as the National League teams OhIo In ltNO ' about one In-each 10 white man'a met.hoda of farming are well lnto their second intersec- deathll occurred to infanta and chlland are learnq crop rotation. All tlonal series, and the CIncinnati dren und~r 15 years old. and one in thla la taught in the mlssion IIOhools: Reds have every intention of conUng each ,elIht deaths occurred to perThe caulker children learned t.h~re home fighting Itor a top rung In the sona less than 25 years old. Deatb to be carpenters and ,they came league ladder. rates were hlshest In th~ ~ home and built a hoWIC lor theU: It will be an lmporta.nt homecom- areaa where levels at Itvloi were fam1ly. They buUt furniture ' and inc too. as the Reds are slated to ~eat and where medical and other Mr. Solomon caulker was very meet the champion St. Louis Oard- health servIces' were least adeqUllte. proud of thlB. As the chl.e f leads his Inals ill a big night game at crosleY [n the most dlaadVBntaged rural vUi88e, It Ia very possible· that obher FIeld on Thursday , June 8, a single area, which had one-sixth of the tamllles ' are now »aittenitng after ,game Saturday. J'une 10, and a farm population " ot 0bJ0 ' the their chief. A1ter all Solomon baa doubleheader Sunday, June 11. The Infal)t death rate waS 12 been 10 t.he Unite~ States for seven Reds have been crowdlng the con- higher than in t.ne ~ moit years. slatent Cards all along, and the advantaged urban areea. '!be death fltBeff ore a girl or boy 1& considered flm°rthcotamin g series ~ll1 be their most ra~ among chlldren 1-1' :rear, ,014 or marrlage he or she must POl' nt 01 the season to date was 36 per cent higher, ani! amana ~lomon 'Was born ,in Mambo- go through a rtgoroUs prO:Cess of But me!1Utlme the Reds have ~helr youth 1I~-2t years old , it Was 46 Bhenge and bis fathe!' is the chief tou&henlng. The soc1ety for the work cut out, for them In tile east. per cent P1&'ber In the most .It __ . . . 1.here' but ..... "'ft gran dfa '">Oft tiller 'Was stlll gtrla la called bhe "Bundu" and for After completing a series with a' vantaged rural area than In......... -the Uving when he was born. The v1llace the boys Is called the "Poro." They single game In ~h1Iadelphla Thurs- DlOIIt advantaged urb8.n 'areu. ' 'IUbldl life every ol3ler village are' out lnto the bush and day, they will travel to Boston for !I'bese' and,slm1lar facta lil pattern, consisted ',[)f ll~ huts put throUSh all kinds of hardships a four-same series with the Braves, immediate and lmig-ranp needs buU~ In '" ~ aroundl a larie open after whillh they are considered crdwned ,wIth a Sunday twin bill. fQr th~ improvement 01 medical c:lir8 courtyard, aa. we mlabt Cl&ll it. men and women. Some of the Bills Then the team wUl 1'Je off for Pltts- and health service8 to meet tile There were sIxty famWea in Main.. are only 13 and 14 years of age, but burgh for a nightt gume June 6 and needs of rural peopJe. boo In the center of &;be yard they are married off. a Sintlle game t.he day. . ' ----a fir!, wu kept -iOinc all the tlme. (To Be ConclUded) Veteran observers bave tabbed SPEND IN NORWooD day 'and night all yeu M'OWld. this season's as one 01 the Sgt. Wlllard ,Furnaa of At night, when the 'su"per over EADY M I sreatest fleldins Ullits of all time. Alaska, who la' on fuitcUsta: aU the vUlage gatherlld around the '"----..OD . The Reds, who establlshcd Ii fielding ;Mr. and Mra . Ruuell ' ....,-.. Dortire and atories and 1100lIl were ...v....--.... ....., ... of CEBrD'IBD CON(lBETE ,p ercentage record in ;1940, this year othy, M1r1am and 00"·'" WUaOll M men ate their liBeaI first and . appear destined to s ass it If r->Rh8t was left was fect1to tale womeQ at ZO S4., pa:rccm. soea w'ell. Eddie Mi11er, and cb11dren. No 'W 'oman .w'oulc1 O"er A Saperior 8entee In Beady- ally accredited as !the greatest Janet MCMUlan and Johnny DOwthink of slttlnv' down to eat wlthher MbecJ Cerilfled Concre&e and Are shortstpp 10 baseball. is the spark- ney of Oregonia, spent. Sunday at husband It Just simPly Ia not dooe. Prepued" FlO Any 8be Order At ,plug of the team in the field ; but the home of ,Mr. a.nd Mrs. ninon Some of t.he men have as 'bigh as An, TIme . • . Tbetr Products EIl- all member of the club have pItched MoM1I1an and famtly of Norwood. f1v~ hundred wlvea, 1111 of them hrwe dOllIed B,. Al'Gblteec., Ballclena -_.. In to make one dezilung play nf"Ar . . , eevel'!lI wives. The wlVE\!I are divided Home Owuen ABel Are A Great another. into groups IWlth a hclacl 'W1f" and. FacItGr In 0... ~ and Beplllr Tiokets tor the mighty series with Scott Eugene Balon, Jr., conteaaecf they fight somethlm~ for the favor .... CUDpaIp • • • Service £eoll- the Cards are now on sale at t.he stayer of his step-lDOtJler's 1l8ter. or of their, husband. '11ler'e 1& al'We.ya a omIcaI"'er PrIclea Beuonable • . . club's downto~n ticket headpuart- ..-rUlnKIIn february a6-.. waii adJud&ecl f!rII~ wtJe. who Ia the leader of all GIad' Te Give .tJmatea . . . "Belt ers, 3fYl Vine street, where mall or- to ,be 1n&ane by t.he petit JUst In t.he court ot COmmon p~. . Altoli p. the reat. SUpPDlle , ~ne of the wives B7~" Since ItSl •. . Tel FUlton' ders are also being accepted. Brown inLe~an IMDnday. JJe 1rw bad a 1!T\ldlte agQ1nst. another. She 'tltl. ' , . -' - - - - - ' - probably be committed to the uma bUY8 it. dog and naDJell It alter tile BVB:AL PEO.-LE ~E"" 'WIfe with whom abe is at WU' . '!be Ready MiiedODrporatlOn of MOa: AND BE'l"fER State hospital for the crtinlDallf ID~' ~eneyer the second 'Wife comes CClIlduct an lnstitutlon that HEALm. SflRVlCtlS sane. the first 'WIfe will call her is 1.n line ~th our econOlDf program dOg, whICh leads to 'ft",da of coUrse wen as with the modem princlpRural people in Ohlo have a conof th-, wnman " _"ft' Of maaa. production and Is offering tlnulng J,lced ' for '-'" sides and somet1mes ~it --, ends tD a bulldera as well as home owners h ea lth serv Ices and r;racllltles,' as'Ibe K1n811 M1lls plant of the Delco for all. 'Ibe rea.ecm 'for tbla quality of products and serts A. R. Mangus, RW'al Soclolobigamy. aa explained by Mr. oauDter beat. of serv1ce. gist of the Ohip AgrlcuHul'n1 Expc!fidivision 01 General MasOn la la that t.he tribes are oonatantly 8~ 'l'hey fU1'nl8h exeellent roody- ,!Dent Btation. Recent studies have to begin prodUCtlori neti ' week; I~ lWar wllil each other and, 8I a re- mlxed ,CQIlCirete for homes, bU8Lness conflrmed tbilVCOl\cluStron In several has been announCed by W. L. 1Ic~ ' suit many ~en are Jdlled, 80 ,the roads. basements, walks, 'Ways. earthy, general manatier. The men who are left' take several wives. curbs, noors and drlvC!"IVays all over The Selective Service examina- ature winding department. WUl be In aU vlll88e the' Oaultcer famlly this ot tbe ,COWltry and when tlons have shown thq,t very -large the first to go lnto productioll ' .Nt la tbe only ChristIan fam4lJ, ~d of y~u look over where It has been proportions 'of rural people reach wW employ IlIpprox1mately 100 ~_
~ ce~t
8~AY ~ hO~
' :" their youth and adult years with ac- IlOna. Theu; ready-m1lted concrete Is cumulations of chl'Onlc physical a.nll noted for its superiority in that It mental defects, illnesSes. and 1munexeceDed quaHtles in the 'pairments. Since 1940 from one- , ENTERS rapidity of,. hardening. Each con- third to one- he It of all retrlstrants ~ Ellen ~ ~ oomlet.ecl her tract Ia mixed to meet the condl- examined have been rejected for pre-cl1nlcal instruction .&rid ~ tiona whklh are specified. It la far mlUtary servIce and there ts evi- forDlaUY acc:e ' ' in ' better to get • supply of their certl- dence that t.he percentage ot reJec- of Nursl to Ooll88e lied concrete for your building pro- tiona III greater among farm than ' of JEd ' than having It mixed on loca- among nanfarm men. , MJIa K . da annOl1J'l(;e. .. tion,' They ,have made a study of Birth rates are highest in those Hartley 'Ia "Mr, anddteMrsf· C(.;n.:;rete f 11 h rural areas of Ohio 'where speclal ' . - gra ua 0 ' rom ,a t e IIOlentlific medical and other he, a' lth servl'- ' :Waynesville high 8Ohoo1. . and pr~nt a mixture . ...... '. tit concrete that .contains none' of tor mothers and chil~ren are .mo$t OO~' QUoTA $1,600,000 1 the elements 'of.chance in it und, thIlt defll:lent.. Those rural areas 1ivJuch , IN FIP"RI LOAN Q&Ift has l1een tes~d In this climate and had the ~eweat doctors and boePlttn ' . eN.!? to atand lip for years: bala in UNO had. '20 . pe~ cent more Warren COWlty'S quota In the PVtb ' 'Very often .,'i.!hen Jn1xing Is done lrtha per 1.000 populatloD! IWd 49 War lAlan Drive 1& $1,6QO,000 ,it . . . ~ locatlon, ~e pa.r~ Plight be lertper, ce~t 1!1000e bll'tll8 pj!r 1,000 wp- . announced Monday an increu'e :« out whim Vflll cause u 'faUlty strue- men of, ~h1Idbear1n8 ag~ t~n did ~,ooo over ~t' ~r the ,. ~' ". " Tbe ~OMil~y of 'theIr' r~- ~e .~ ,areas where medical War DIaD 'DrIve. Wayne toWDIblp'iI , I.Hlnm~ Ooncrete and the aczuracy of aerV,lces :w~re z;n,os~ a~uate. quota 11 ~ be ;J136.~: anU '",u., ~ ~_I"'. machlnery' are gn:a.t]y conk.l)UUng Although death r~te& have de- ~er the cha1rm8nabJp tit Bali to our modern for more beaUrap~y, premature dea~ ~; li,ulated W O. .: . . . . ~d sturdy butlding,' , 'I •
one wife"the mother of' his chn'dren. They were converted ,When chllcfren and WIlen tbey greW up and 'married Mr. caulker did not cbOOlle W other wlte after bla .firSt Wife. But once hlil power 'Went to hls he.eS. "was alter h1s fatheJr, the grandta!Jler ot Solomon. NUt' died, and , became ' ohief Of ' the vtllaie. When dies, all/ of hlB wlv~. .,... are wv1ded among h18 aona WbO are ~ble ' 11 the '
~ ',~n
oourse, Mr. Caulker's fa,t her hall only
News Of The Reds
!JI!Ii!l!I!I!I"'~••II!II~!!!II.I.!IIIIIII!!III~• • • • •"'• •IIi•• I~. Mr. sOld to 8am~Judd, of ClI~IaIvn:le.,lfree aDd ' Mr.., J'ranlt e.ms and , gtandaOn of Dayton attended the
:~~~:;r--r~~~~2i~iiii~~~~'~TB~UR8~D~A~~;'~~~~~~UU~: rebel
law and no
used you look with an admirLng
, NU~ING ~&
Ctnctnnan: :~=lth, U;~lVeralt;y ~ u:.hl~~
aae... That'
~UCTION£~ING Jte.~ ... ~
I<enn~dy's Daughter Mar riesO rlt:on -
Pers onal s
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-. -
iou A,RE INVIT ED .oro
Milton Shee~ot Centerville A'M'E ND and lMrs. WilHe m Sawyer visited Mrs. Allee Olark SatW'day. thQ at ati Cinolnn in spent. Sunday M1s$ Clara LUe of Washin gton C. Mrs. E. B. Longac re attende d ijt~e ~a~l\&i~ home or Ml· . and Mrs. oJ~rord H . came tot Ule Alwnni nnution the Method ist conference I,lt COlum~ Catop. bus Il\.'lt week. Mr. Longacre Joined and 18 SWy~g a we k or ten d8y~ at • . .' re!.hey and Home~ . evening the y her Saturda l'4l'. and Mrs. J. N. Robl1;50n p Allnie and M;ame ' BroWne turned home Sunday evening. , ray Or 'Bertha Mrs. and son a.nd Dnyton Mr. Mrs. James Thomps on of SERV,ICES SUND AY ,were sunday dinner guests oJ iDayton 'Were 'Wednesd~y gue"tll of . Ha.wke Is spendin g severa) days tWs week Don ' JUNE t.. .... Mrs. an~ M!'. and Mrs. £. P . Efltnhart . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Obsm'v~ the blrthdaY a.nnivers" BIBLE SCHO OL ~les ' Hall, • Mrs. E·. W. ScoHeld an~ son, ary or her nephew. Ernest Martin, 9:30 A. M. MUton, enterSOil Mrs . Therle Jones and Michael, leU MOuday 101' Dtl'MOl es, Mis. o6orgla Mende uhall' --~-a.nd Mrs. Allen Emrick were Dayton Ia\\ , ~ Join Mr. Scof le'ld wh 18 tained wlth .11 dinner Sunday at E SmVIC NG MORNI guests olty. Her that tn n tavern. . vISItors Frida-y, musIcia a Sprmgs Ili d OOld employe • Texas . 11:00 '" II. PIc. Kennet h Savage of were Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Mr. Mrs. Ross Planck was a dinner called on Mr. and Mrs . Everett Sermon Toplo- "I.8 IT WELL Mrs. Roeskln of Dayton . and gu~t lMt Wednes day of Mr. m,d Kenrick aJ1d family on TUesda,y of IMIss Ollve W1ll1ams spent MonWIm TIIY OIl:JU).,.. Gear e Mills. Mrs. last week. day in Xenia-, " " Mrs. J . B. Jones has been ill the Mrs . Amand a Hnrtrum . Miss AJnMrs . Jessie Hyman Is 111 at her EVEF'iJNG 8BBVJOE past week. nle and Miss Mame Browne . wHh home on MaIn street . . 8:00 ()',olOck MrlI. William Strauka mp retume d A. H. Stl.lbb8 motored to Germnn n Wisema y Wnl~cr &l>tW'da Mrs. Mr. ' and 1.0 her home in Dayton Sermon To,I--"' !J.'OO BUST TO ' town MOnC\ay afterno on. 24, daughte r LONDON, ENG.-S ouftdpb oto-Ka tbll!en Kerinedy, of HIlDl- . Mrs. Evnlyn Peterso n Is a guest In Sunday spent eWldren and evening o.Cter visiting a couple of James, St. Court the ACCOM PLI$B ANYTII lNQ" of Joseph P. Kennedy • .former Arnbass\ldor to weeks with Mr. and Mrs . Ralph tor a few days lo ~he home of Mrs. and heir, to Duke of De- !lton at the home of relatives. married the Marqui s of Harting ton. 26. 80nwhere Hammo nd and . children . .. was oto • Ulis 'radioph • Allce ~l n near Wilmin gton. vonshir e in the Chelsea Registr ars office lel~er brother , nnd bride the Turner Bebind Wade ny. MrS. ceremo and civil Mr. the after lihortly tnken Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mason ot Ma- WEDNE~AY EfENI NG-8: 00 ~cGIluie ~untral Mr. IIiIld Mrs. Walter Kenrick and v USN . Of Kenned guests Joseph dinner Lt Sunday Sprlngwere the sons visited' Haines James son called . on Mrs, Allce Olark on ,.. . ." • PRAYER )UE'I1ING cemetery Memori al Day. , Y'MI'. and Mrs . Allison O1~ne In PIl ~ome . Tuesday Ob;tu;l~ BeU:~~. G1!or.g la· Menden hall spent Mr . and Mrs. Harvey Burnet at- and daughte ,s. MIsses Bertha. •• • ton. ~ -""J Nanhle ~Iss and RAND ALL. ~uth, and MAX lab ·asMilk the of meeting al nay With l'elatlve6 in Memori Dial aUI .- Waya emlle tended a SW'lace "They are no~ dead~-'Who live In "Mrs. Herman !i.fSunday Were 'Dayton of ey Kel y S!l.turdn ield Springf at Mhiiite~ 6OCiation Donnie of MW'freesboro. Term; DI1.Yton, M; the horne of :Mr. hearta !.hey leaye behind! ' callers noon ~ Mrs. ,W~b, et .. . Margar evening :Mn. 11 ~ ~-~- - -_ ._ -_ . - - ,.--.6 Margar et Edward Edwards, th1rd have arrived to spend a tew Mr. Iyn Peterso n and Miss Mnme Mrs, Charles Hall was a guest 01 and Mrs. Wtrlter Kenrick . pal'ent.~. 's Surface Mrs. IWith Ann ~-----Mllry and ls;Iac ,of r of Lytle d~Ughte Mrs. G1!orge Gerspac ker at a church . 1'he WQmIl~ '$ Society 'B rowne were' in Xenia Friday 6fk. next Rich Edwards. was born In Harveys- and Mrs. Ernest Hartaoc lned ente.rta be will chW'ch FrIday. Dayton in party temoon. M.la8 BrOWPe called On Mrs. • • • . at the burg AprU 2'1, 1858, and, passed away WlllJam Bergda llin compan y wlt.h Wednesday afternoo n. June 7, ot W . Ward a~ 'McClellan hospita l. J. ilNtt Mr. and Mrs . Frank Mrs. at her bome in CorWllll MtlY, l ,B. 11144. and Mrs. Bam Henkle 'of Lel)- home ot Mrs. 'Mary Bu.nnell. guestS Sunday , were Valley. PoW' score years IU)d six in this Spring devot.lons. anon attende d !.he funeral of their Tumble son Will have the . . have been alloted th1s mother. of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Marlatt lite Eliza-. Mrs. of ohl1rge . In I~-"'" near Sidney, on TUesd$y o[ Program .. • • ship member ht birthrig a beth Jones. The commibtee Is: Mrs. She had last weelt. Mr. and 'Mrs. Oharles LeMay and church. Vtrglnia Groves, Mrs. 'May Banta In the Orthodox Friends ' at. Ken,rlck Walter Mrs. and Mr . with thelr BUest. We. children in united In .Au~t, 11177. she was On Dayton- WilmiD& 'WD PIke. 'T wo tended Warren 'County Pomona and Mrs. M<u1ila Creight on. Jr.. of Dayton , w~ LeMay Frank a.nd ~, Bamllto <Jorwln with e mar~1ag ' Nol1h Of Dorothy Lane, Y BIoeu Saturda . M r. and Grange at Maineville to this union a son, Hllrmon (tWh~ Sunday dinner guests of , R RESIDE NTS FORME CO~veo1eDUy Loca.&ed b Da7tOn, ~ evening of daughte r . died in Infanoy>. and~ a daughte r • . Mrs, F. U. lieMay and CELEB RATE FORTY -SECON D n Over This 8~Uon Frankli All ' of Croll People ~e For Mary Uttle anel TIIaaIIII .. CadI Lebano n. were born. Bess~e, Y ERSAR AIfflIV NG WEDDI with weeks or • . . Are Grea.., ~d"" In Keepln r • • " ~ . . ~ , - a& the Is spendin g a couple ·95" Sh e Willi On 'F ebruary 12. : ' u System, ' ~'~"en was TransponaUo ~) Sm1t Oar ..... ~ Mr. _... CI Ellis. _ [all ·u d TIle Erwin Mr lIIrII. lm h. and S. Sgt. • . .. . . 1IIiDIm1 ~ _& •_an ' ..... 0. , arence' ..... ., owulg ,.. v .... e . to .. . and 'Jor for ) 'l"a. buened Robert and 'Other Ad , to .... enta W A ....... tie. and from the MllYhind News or Nday, married and Mrs, Roy Ellis and. ~ were c""ural Implt!m was Carrie, Uuee &1liiie .. eliupd a& Ie • word. ' ...... , anli Mrs . . Therle Jones lr. daughte a Go . . .. '. union ' To this R.o"Beady en~ (Mary Mrs. ~1Iipai of and Mr. TUesday evening dlnner guests lOR, Milton, spent Tuesday 'With Mr. May 19. , Ipreceded her 1 has r. 'l'anJuI, Carrie Weldin born. In restillDr: v1Ue 8peclal ' Waf.!lCs Sgt. forme. Kersey. are ~ohn berts) ' Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Edwin Nutt ot "near 061'110ft BALK. - '!-~ Product a ~t O. B : motller in dea~. 'Her kind. t'lUlet. Ellis has returne d to Port Dlx, N. BoUen. Farm Implem ents, Motor tather, Moore's Mr. denta. 1111. ~, LlMDo o. Open terville. floW'ish- .ulendly :.vay-a kind word lor all- J. , alter enjoying a abort lW'lougb !MIss Betty Routiah n accepted a Moore. owned a. ~arge and ~ far JOUr con"entence. ttme. WOIl for her many friends who are here with' Mrs. Ellis IUld ,r-ell!oUves. one at Mre store goods position at the .N atlonal Cas~ Reg- ing dry 0IeD LIntner. p~ II L. today saclden ed-btit who will- loug •• ·'IMr.. anq Mrs. Charles Moore - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - .ter, Monday. her ' ~y aots of kindnes s. Carl PetenOll and cllerish Mrs. 'forty~ and Mr. their ed celebrat et SOmers Jones. Therle Jones. Mrs. J. B. sary at thC!1r ~ Her husband •• daughte r, grand- daughte rs .ot Springf ield were weekMrs,' 'Htmry Finke and Mrs. John second wedding anniver grandch ll- end guesta of Mr. and Ross. Val- home on Oumber~d .avenu~, Somer.. daughte r and two great ~ ... e1ecb1c. Bee Bill Lee. ZUnmerman visited the Spring telamany and b~oth\ll'. one dren. a w:lth Pla.nclt. set. Jast Sunday . evening . 0rDdar f Bold, R. 3. Waynuv Ule. ley s:emetery Mo.nday evening ~re lett to mourn • • • Early and few 01 their nieghbOrS' and fr.lends dves ~d !riendll Everett Mrs. and Mr. a.nd Ruth Dav18 of h Edlt. MisSes . 1MI£ ...... 8AIIP I.E. • paaslug ber dur;' willi ted assoo1a beep Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick visited they have vl.!1thave J~ N. oro. goodbye Brldgeb .y. . we B. so Arid - cIIIIIPIQ .t m7 bome.D . centerv ille cemetery Sund~ af- .i ng 'the past forty years In M6nt- We say it am.ll1n ghome of cUu BW'Dett the at .....ard" ~. Oblo. :.to tem'OCl,n ing . county .•. family. . , that ....... Little Jean Hole of bayton spent ,gomery POR 8A1II - 'A ,-_... "A great many messoges of oon- Say it cholted with tA~ar8• e. • • -word otber nb , have we otller, 'g ratulati ons were received during ~d yet . . lIlA mUch ~. 200 aheet8 the week-en d with her grandm odbye. thLs-Go than , ' . the day. . or rOo4 bood PII*',IXi~ In. with ~. Allen Hole. Moore came to. "w.~ Mrs. an~ Mr, " a.nd ' Hall Charles Mrs. and . Mr 100 aftlope a. au priDted with 'aft;er·""1llelirl~--Lll:",,!,,"""'~lWI.~.--~shortly aion Wasbl.n Jean Louise. • • • JIMDe ~ address for .,1.110 at- the son. lllddle, and nJece... In 191YJ. Mr. had as thelr guests last Sunday Yr. marriag e in Clnol.n.rultl BW'Det~ ot Pt. 'MeHorace . MIuDS QUIett.. ~ lI'avlng accepted 'a legal s,pendlng h1s W~ '00 mnfr-'U~hed and ' Mrs. ' (leorge Gerspac ker and Moore In the Forrestr;y DiViSion ofj • ~~ ' Ilolld siUon past ten the for home at. rh IflErlmu boule wlth &&raP ,b)' ~ed jnid- chudreil" Mary ' Lou',' JInuny the Departm ent "Of~ tlie Intll\ior . He , earth's sight. ~ . . naytott , of Arthur Qe,orge Meade. ~. ". ' no to ,H e reported dIeiqId ~. the wllollderer tor a at tn,nafer red trom this positio~ In We cry. as 1.0-· .......... flsh;lng on afterno !.he Wednspent . advux:e ' 111 ... · xent ... bye montba tIiNe IIQ nl"'hL""_. ~ b !Wayne . .....,Vm e. In ' til e '1904 to the BW'MIl of Corporations ,. " ' Park• WaY~~ . , • ., " S . IIiIfel'IID DI& AddrHa P. O. Box 8!1, 'n1ANK OF CARD d Gnrflel h Rudolp JD.mes evening they enjoyed a wiener roast : under lIIrII. ~ satterth and Mr. W~ Qdo. sincere our express to wish We . Ohio ~d with it ,to the :Fed~al the~ home. ned to din~ where thanks anel apprecl ation , lor the lalte and family ~tert&1 Mrs. Ralph Hammo nd entertai ned"· Trade Commission In . 1915 lI'OR SM' 8wee~ Potato Plants. Ol'1ng Sgt. n ho. . evenlP,s Friday ncr l1lness the dtu1ng us ld!ldness shown IOc s- taO • . All kinde of p,rdm the 600 caa:d club at he ~ome , on he became trial couru,e~ In oharge Alaska. Guests of Fumaa Willard beloved. ow' lIt l a runer. 1\oII(1 death pluta. ,lOe ~ da. ar 3 doz. for Thursda.Y e~en1ug. Those present of Commerclai' Bribery. He also sat • Mr; ' and M~. Ww~e~ - Mrs. Margar et Emrni~ ·Taylol'. _. awIeI O.8troU Ie. 1% ?lere : Mesdames Therie JoneS,~:' as TrW Examin er bi this colJUIlls and IOn; and Mi:. 'and Mrs. Furnas F'am1ly The ' . l nortb '. of ~ comer erett Kenrlck , Hat:old . W<hIt&Jter, SiGn In' the CW'tlS PubllsJ:iJ.ng Co. d Btaddoo k an.d da ughters . Raymon of ~, ' !Perry &D4 ~ Lowell Thomas , Calvin I.LQnsucre, proceedlJig involving the quc.st.on 1 ' ot ~gl:\z1nes by Ita Jx>y ~. ~omas ~n, Fred Rush!.: Paul th~ ----..:;. , ~Iey, Catheri ne salesme n 'Md In . ttw proceediiigs Sl.anIIilY ~hipley, fthN. 'Uurr"u " I ". '4,'10." .. "", CUrr" .... , f.OR SAUl - & h. p. ftJItIaD Jat intercal Theatri Keith the against and Elmer Groves. .. 1IOl1De,eDIIDe (1&" IJ!IIiDdt'el :with Ed Roland of !X(!rtia. was. the Mr Thomas Coluns and . ests wWch Involved tb'e vaudeanOd ' 'Mz ,..,.. .rip d a.t1d Mt!morlal Day guest new • Ihcb clrde saw, clrcle wee~-en ion aSs~1at ve 1es 0 11mS. Mrs. Belle Coon Ville show ,protecti _w).' comPlete With .belt and tD. ,<,£.ar and Mr3. ' Ji~ 'Roland and . . Mr of · !.he 'of booking • -the and , I,~ condlUon. See OBrlBa~r of"l.(idldietm!fu\ ll..mtill:v'l C!yrIl1/rnr:~~~~=:t ~ , ~~~~~ :.II~ jII)l\4rs· r;;:;~;;p; through its agents: '. He -, _ .'_ , _ . last -ThursdAy " "':'1 - .- -guests dinner a . ThOmt\S J. .t~Putt. ry ~ P~i Mrs. ~r. and from th1s position <to enter intu a Planck. ~ Mni. and Mr.s. 'ot Mr. and partners Wp in ·geneml practice of and son acqomp,ailied,Mr . Fort to law in WashIn gton with Colonel lPaul Hough and clilldre n e,e k-end to vlSU Joh'n Thomas T.;.ylor of the Amet- Knox over the .w Staff Sgt • .IU\d MJrs. LOwell F. , , ' gle has t::l,:.J.. lean Le/;Ion and I"red ' A. Caskey an Pringle and son. ..,if" iFOR 8ALJD.-..PICIlUi Suppl1es, lnchld, fiml dlsy from 01110. attorne '9!' Dbina paper PlfMl8• .cold cups nap... solved In 1928 and atter being as- ' been at the Pos~ l~p1tai Nichols the all .now' Is and n ~, etc. Al80 ~tchen toWels. _x sel'vatio soolated with C. Bascom Slemp for HOURS : hospItal at :Louisville fOf treatment. .~; bakuir cUPS and toUet tlBa short period, Mr. Moore again . ~te oflJce. Mrs, Herbert Graham and chll-. 9-12 each mornin g entered tile gOl'el'1lrnent service as n :wher~ senior trial examin er :for the Be- dren left Friday for ~lUftto I'OR 8AlL&-lAundJ'y Stove In ·good 1-5 afterno ons except .- ~nd Mr. ks. .her.,(ol with visited they ' sion commis curltles & ExChn~ge qUIck sale. condltlo n. ,Oheap reh,er T , son. WUllam D. Wed nesday D. Ml'I? his to up d occupie ·whlch posilion he Rev. ~. O. Radley. Wa.:vn~vllle. tW'Ded home M9~c:ay and Cpl . 1943 . ust. Aug In nL retil'eme I 7-9 Saturda y evening Selman Field, "Mr. Moore is 11 member (f the Walter Williamson .~f· POiR BALE - 35 buahels R1c:hland back . with came n~, LoUl.sia . , and Other Evening s DIstrict of ColulnlJ la, Maryla.n 80y Beans. Kennet h Pox. FerWed~ leaves, on Wlll~s Cpl. th~m. the ~ ~to d admitte ' Is and Ohio bars ~. By AIlPointm"nt his for week this ot,. evening Suprem e COlli t of the U!,!ited Gt.ates " ' horseS'. I'ICiR ~ fine work TrCllSuri. He Is .llso a rne.inhe'r· of TELEP HONE 62.R Berean c~~ss :rne~tUig iiI the Fer-, 5 Ttl, . old; lOund and genUe. the Federal H~r a,ssoclatlon and will b~ . h~ld -!une 8. IBlna, Pattera on, 4t,2 miles west ot now a member' of the ,Mont&omery ry chW'ch ~,s ~ ' Oeol'ge Flem1n gs and, Mr. . burg~Ul'lr on the Harveys count.v. Mnl'yl(; ud . ,~ar ssocia ' ion. and daughte rs "we~e sunday 'fnl~t:s Mr OrNoo1a ·· road. Cell Dayton ...._..... ch- ' of M~. aud Mrs IGeor"e ., s, Moore has been promin " ............ r 15 ,' BE 8IiOl ently, Ideutltf!!d with theWo man.ls Optome tric Eye Special ist .' , daughIclub of Eethesda: the Wednes day ael . Mrs. Forrest ·TI'9sb ! net Xenia. 0 -26 ' S. Detroit St. :". ' . In ' eutern Janda they talk iii ' ,calIm, em~ t a~. \Vere ter et Sonlers of , 'clUb and Wonlan's clUb ,. .0DIren, arid tell in a priand t1leir ' Graham t lfIellbet . • l\fr.l! anq . Mr pub~ i : R' , as ed re"tSter are 06'--'--~_-o ' - '- 0 and bo'th and famlly attende d ·. convention. at, Mvea luul ca.r.,e:~JtlVaL. llcan -' ih Montgom~y. oowity 'and . nOW;; Ul)portln g GoV'ar:nor Drlctter for 't he nomina tion lor the PrcS'" ,L t.
We Offer
• •
qr~ur£4 .OM' ClllJrist
Serv ices
- -- ... _--_.
Tim es
..------ _
'W olf's Wel ding Sho p
...... aa.
FE lUi Y
• • .- "
Dr. C. E. Wilkin I
We have move4 10 oUr new 1000000n on 8. Third Bt.. to ~
&m.tH~ ~
. Make appolD&Dt8IJta
t. 80ft ..... .,oId dllappoill&mea all ..,..
will be . . . .1Jri
~;:J. \
. 'MT~HOLLy ,7 '- -
Civic ,C lnb Speaker
Farewell Party In Honor of Rev. Ana Mrs. Radley l
Lqool puplla of Mrs. J. L. Heston 1W1ll present a- recital &t the Waynes-
At Residence Here ! Charles Jonea, 79, died , at bls
Preatc1ent Rooaevelt ha.s called upon Amer1cana to d1Iplay our fiaK proudly on Flag Day, June 1•. In a procl,amatlon, the Prealdent has stated that the Stars and Stripe. 18 a 'Tlag Qf battle.s whIch 18 carrylIig our message of prom1se and freedom into aU COmers of the world, alao a Flas of peace under WhOM protection men have found I' refuge from oppression." '[1. 8. ~., spearheadIng America'. o1!enslve III the Far Bast, are MOwn ' ra1alng Old Glory at points in the Southwest PacH1c. '
home i.o W\lynesvllle Wedne!ldAy aftertJoo.n after an lltnes.s of three monbhs. I He leaves hls ,wlle, Abbie. and two SODS, Elmer and Roy, '?Oth of Waynesville; 12 grandchildren and 10ur gre&t granc1dhlldren; one 'b rother. William, of Xenia. f f'uneral services 'Will be hel,d Sat.urday a.t 2:00 p. m. at the MoOlure Funeral Home with Rev. Ralph Parks 01tlclatlng. Burial will be 111 the Miami cemetery.
. Eula 'Hoe.k &:herzo-,:.Bach ! . . .•.. ' seth Hoak 6. .0 guug .. .. . Th e Reyn olds !Brother ' 8 7. SOna.ta-A Major ..... , Mozart Jenrue Lee Braddock 8. ~Song .............. . . Jerry Cook 9. Ba.rcaroUe from VBles aottman, WUl,lelmlna Braddock 10. 'n TrovatOre F6n~e . Verdi, 'Dunn •...•••. . .... . Sue PUmaa ~ 1~ it. The :M.el'l'Y Widow .•..•• Lebar . ... . ~ 12. Bark t,J1e Lark .. 8chubert-Ltzst . Jennie Lee BraddOck ' 13. Song .......•...•• , Jerry ~ Ii.
Glen!! Massman, secretary of the 'Foreman's club of Dayton; .will be the principal speaker at the Fa.therSou banquet spo~ored by the Civic club of Waynesville at their next meeting to be held June 19. According to Herbert Graham, chalnnan of the program committee of the clUb, Mr. Massman will not . only bring a message filled with serious thought, but. .also one pa~ed with humor. Mr . Mussman was secretary at The Ohio Ohristlan Endeavor Union Cor ten years and Is a. past president of the l)a.yton ~ Lions club. as well as belonging to !t;everal Craternal organizations . All members; of the Civic club are urged I to attend ~ meeUng a~d plan to bring a. boy or boys with them. Members who h&ve n~ son to bring and no ~yS ' aval1able. ilre to get In touoh with President Ralph Parks who will endeavor to secure boys 'fOr them to bring to the banquet. The affair ~ to be held In the Methodist church basement and the ladles of the church will serve. Mr. Graham urges a 100 per cent attendance and ~ures every ~!Jlber that they will enjoy every mJ.nute.
'L t. and Mrs. W1Wam B . Sa'!Yer
lett lIUIt Thursday, at the conclusion of Lt. Sawyer's leave, for lAberal. Ka.nsas. where he haa been assigned to a B.M LIberator bomber school . will . remain there for about weelia. Lt. Sawyer enUsted in the air corps in February, 1943. at Pa.tterson Field. He was one 'ot a group of 1100 midwesterners who ' received their wings an<l COmmJssIo.llS May 2'1.
I !
Stark ~eral Hoepltal. OharlestDn. ,s Outh carollna. May 29. 1944.When the llosp1tal ship Refuge docked ..nt -Oharlellton Harbor. It brought 25 Ohio men back from overseas duty. Most' of 'the patients 'nre, ve~ans' of the Itlillan cam-
The several bUndred men 'Who a.r_ rived on the Refuge are now quar.tared at Stark General hospital. Oharlestclo, S. 0., wbere they are
, oy.J.na~ theo 4dvantqa of-American food and atploephere untu they SOtJ'llll WAYNE ADVI!iiORY HOLDS MONlDlLY MEETING are evacuated, to Inland general AT STANFORTH HOME TB1l"Rs. hospitals for JpecUlc treatment.
.Among the men 'II1hp are back ' 1. Beautiful ~r . Jerry Oook , trom overseas be..tUea la Pvt. VlrgiI · 2. OoWwoS's Oake . S. PIymlre . ~f W6,Yi1lI!6vWe Route 3. Walk ............. . '.. DeBwJaey ENTERTAINS IN HONOR Wllhelmlna Braddock OF DAtJOIITBIVS BIBIl'IIDAY 3. NaroissUS-NeV1n . .' Roy PurnaI •. In the Hall- of, the Mountain Ws. Ernest Hartsock entertained 1t1ng .......... ........... Gr1eg Sunday afternoon honorJ.ng , her , Seth Hoa.k daughte1', Mrs. Bennan SUrtace. 5. LokeJi"s Bong .•....••.•• Greig who Was celebrating her , bltthday SUe Puinas 6. SoDir •. •• , . Reynolds Brothers After a ,very pl~nt IIJtemoon 7. ~ of the Valley' ., Sue FUrnas dainty retrest)ment.6 were served ro 8. zarautella .•....... DJla Beak the honor guest ~nd son of MU1'frea~ Wltcbea Dance •••. loIaaDoWell boro, 'l'enn~ Mrs. LOuisa Lemmj)n Seth Hoak and Mrs. R1cbard Kosater and 10. Due~unpria.n ' Rhapeod)' No. daughter of Dayton, MnI. · 01arence 2' ........ ....... LlJIIt-Bendel Dunham cit ~on, Mrs. Goldie Jennie Lee Braddock Butface. Mrs. ,Earl and Wlll:~.mlna Braddock ohUdren, MrII. EdWin Hamby ' and ,,1. ~rlca ............... " AUd1ence daugbters. Mrs. Dor1s Conner a.nd ,
MRS. ' ~LME& s~EJWr ... TO ENTERTAIN W, S. C. S,
The Sou.th Wayne Advisory counsel met at the hOme 01 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin sta.ndforth last Thursday . . Mr. and ·Mrs. Raymond Braddock and Mr. and ,Mrs . Ronald Ha.wke were guests. The discussion period centered around the formation of adw.ory councUs for the youth o.n the same pattern as groups for adults. ' <A ' l1!l>ort of the letter of protest against post war compulsory milltraining of youth sent to ,Representative Brown 'WBS read by Mrs. Asbury.
"." ."
,'l'eJi'iamWes 'Were present, ~d en~ Joyed ~ dlscUilalona of the evenl.ng. , , ': At',the cloae' of ,the .,~, de" ~oUa .hom_de '. caII'.e '~ .. tee ,'/ ' ~Were ' served by ~e bOeteaI~ The ~UJf me8ttna wW be beld at the bom.e of )(t. ~1 1oIriJ. '~ereti BlU'ly; .' MB8. ~ i B~T~$ .. ' l8barQiilVW~---.:______ _ .c • VOL'bNTD118 PO" VICroBY .'
John Shutts Dies At Home .NEtar Here John A. ("AI") ShUtts, '19. retired farmer, died alter a lang Illness Saturday .at his hOMe on RA>ute 3, Waynesville. 56 turda,y. He Is survived by a Son, Joe, of Lebanon; a daughter, Marle. at hC?me, and a brother, H8rold, 01 near Lebanon. Mr. Shutts was a native ot Canada, but had I1ved in Warren county sioce his youth. F\ul!:rai services were ·held Tuesday at 2:00 p. m. at the residence with burial in Mlaml cemetery.
Mr. Stroude reported all the couiity comrruttee of investigation on Il; new locatIOn of the ratton board. An invitation was extended to the SOuth Wllyne AdVIsory counell by the ship CCJUnclls to 'meet with them on June ·IS. . A very pleasant socia-I period with <lel1cloUs refreShments were served by the hOSteSs. The next meeting wlll be held at the home of Mt~. and Mrs. Jozet McCoy july 8.
. 'l11e .' Mtaml, Obapter. Order of The ' W.S.O.S. wlll meet Thurs-1Ea.atelm · star, wlll meet In regula.r dAy afternoon, June 18. at the home aeUion .on Monday evening, June of Mrs : ElIDer Sheehan. ' A very interesting progrilm has ~2, 19H. A covered dIah dinner Wm be enJoYed at 8:30 to wb1ch aU JIlaatbeen arranged whiCh will in~ude ern star, mothers and their daugb:music by Naomi. 1Dlla.n ~d Ruth tera are invited. Please bring coverFrank O1'ey.'" who spent the lwinDln1hart, ai1~ a clIacUS8lon of Relief ecs d1ab and',table sernce: coffee will ' ter In Florida-, returned to his home and RehabUltatlon in: the iPQ8t-War be served by a 'comlnlttee. A ,PI&S last Th~adI\Y. Frank looks fit W()rlq by Mrs. Relph Haatlnp. ' PrcIram will, follow the 'dinner.: It ~e~ that 'the Florida winter '" Y \ \ '~l , Rld,e, W. M. ' ,.' wea~her agreed' ,with him. His ,· WEsT WAYNE ADm9Jl . ' ,'" .' Nari ~, SeCretary. brother, Dr. E. R. crew. ,!ith whom ' COUNCIL ~, FBmAY. " he was staying ~ Florida, returned " . . , BImBm ~ON MORTlClAN' At. country hOlJle of Mr. and ' SOVmrBY'8BND AT BO to Da.yton some time ago. 1L\Ir8; OUbert~ Frye. IIOUtb of Waynejl. SPRING VALLEY AVIATION v1lle, the West lW8.YoDe A:d~r:r OADETIS~~ · Oouncll h~d , their June meetiDI
iPrlclaJ, JUne 2. ·
(COntributed) Mr. RandaU of the Waynesville Ohurch of . Christ announces the Collowlng sermon top1ca for thiIJ COming ' S~dAy. The morning serMore mon will be. "Lovest Thou Than These?" and the even1ns aermon wlll be, "Playing the l'ooi." Both of these 8emlons wID be a bit
AIr .• .•. •..•.•.•••. .• Bach
(b). Polonaise •.........•.. Bach
VIlle Friends Meeting House on ~ day, June 9. The program will be as Jollows: 1. Rymn-<) Worship the' . King . . .... ....... 1Iy Audience 2. Duet--March Wlltalre Schubert LOCAL SOLDIER RETURNS Sue FumIUl. Roy Futnaa ON HOSPITAL SHIP FROM J. Lullabye ....... ... .. Jerry 000It ITALIAN OAMPAIGN (a)
About ninety friends ga.thered at the Methodlat church sunday evanIng for a farewell party for ReV. and Mrs. L. O. Radley who left !Wednesday ror New Carlisle, .where Rev. Radley hils been assigned by the Methodist conference to the church 111 that city. ~1ss Irma FIres entertained with a ' trumpet solo a.nd Alton Earnhart with a vocal solo . Ma.yor O. H. Brace, R. E. Asbury. Mrs. F. U. LeMay. Mrs. A. K. Day, and Mrs. !Walter Whitaker gave Intelesting talks representing the CIviC club, fonner t\ssoc.latlons. friends. neighbors .and W.S.O.S . members. The Junior department gave a short program and presented Mrs. Ra<lley wtlh lovely fostoria salad plates. Retieshments of homemade cake and lee oream were served.
Passes IAway Jones Wednesday
iHarry a COyne, '13 , retired harness maker and Lebanon merchant. died . nclnnatl nursing home. 'FUneral services were ' held Wed~esday at 2:00 p . m. at tllLe "Johnson funeral home In Lebanon With burial In Lebanon cemetery . Surviving are two sons, Norman and MelJVYn, both of Lebanon. £NIl'ERTAINS "ABD CLUB'
Witb all members present, th1'ee tables of bridge were in play on Friday IIJternoon ~hen Mrs. J .B. Ohapman entertainl~d her card club to a. very deUgh tfull . dessert bridge.
Ground Fo~ce Chief
·unusual. on ,Sunday evening there w1l1 be a baptiBmal service at the church Immediately following the services. The first week of the cqntest wttb the Perry Church of Obrtst 'hM bee,n completed with Perry lead1Dj off ,with forty points over watn..nne. The results of the tliBt week stand ' as follows: Bible lIChool, Wayneaville, 128, Perry .128; church, Waynesville, 8S. Perry lUI; calSa, ~_ I neaville. '10 pointa. ;Petry 100; lelteTII written. Wayneav1Ile 25. Ferry 9; evening service, W.~esV1lle, 61, Ferry 56; tot&ls. Waynesvtlle • • !Ferry 409. HoweVer. t.bla II JIIIt tbe week's totaIa in a three IDODtha contest. The totals are expected to change 'from week to week. The purpose of thl5 conteat II to,
W1tbin ~ and to br1ng ' nn facea
cburob" intO'
church and to lead aoulI to' J _ Ohrtst. All who llve cloae ro the, " /In recognition of her contLnuoua Ferry church and have no church -~""""';;'-'4 The Progressive Women's club membership of 60 y~s In Farmers hom~, ~e 81ncere~ invited ro that . will have a- hamburger, fry on TUes- Grange No., 13. Mrs. Ella B. l'<.nr& ', ICllur,cn, day ~enillg, June 13. at '1 :30 has been given a golden Waynesville Church of 0br18t WtIo o'clock. The meeting wUl be held a~ by the organization. S~e als~ has have no churoh home. are invited ro the roadside park south of town received congratulatory letters from that churcH. The ministers or ~ near Cold Springs Tavern. All the Nation'al and Ohio state Orang- bWo churches. Mr. Ranl'Bll 'and~. members are asked ~o be present. «lB. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tomlinson Oraham. are not promarlly intA!nl,t'PleaSl! notify the secretary, 'Miss have been given reoognltlon lUI 25-- ed in wtruil.ng the contest: bUt bo*b Virginia. Hardin, If you plan to at- year members. definitely interested to bUUdIng the KJngdom of Ohr1at. in the, tend. WaynesvUTe community. They feel IW.tBBEN ,COUNTY S1R~S SVNDA'Y GUESTS this , contest will h~lp in ' that . ,TO. BE STOCKED WlTH ' FlSH , ,' Mr. lind Mrs. Harvey K. Hole and ' week from ~unday. June '18, Approximately 4,000 pounds o( ll~e Shirley Jean entertained as their . Randall Villl preach on the fot-:Sunday 'guests, ,Mr . and Mrs .. iLea- fish are to be distributed in Warter Kenrick, M1SII Elizabeth War- ren county ~t reams this week, E. M. lowing subJects: Morninc.. "'I'be' SIn Ananlas and Sapphira," and In Wick and Orv1llAi ~ Savage of Lin- Leaf, Lebanon. countY' game conSel'va.tion official. bas anounnoed. the evening, "what JFeePI tbJ ' coln. Nebraska. , Leaf said that 11sh distributed in Ohurches Alpert?" The Waynesville Church Of ~t 'IlIIR.F.r. LEBANON YOUTHS ~ May in ~ county ~cluded bass. Is a Im"'Qrro'~~~R!1'Irl!Iite1_mr-----;~,#i CONFflSS LOCAL BURGLARY bull heads and ,bluegilis. In the saving of aoula , It aoceptf Ohief IDeputy Sheriff Oeral<\, nothing but the BIble as 1ta alittler;' WAR VETERAN HE.H.E Couden Saturday arrested tlU'ee anti belleves Only in \ p~ Lebanon y~uths rwho confessed to Dr. and Mrs, A. E. Stout have and teacii1ng what the Bible .aye ,to robbing the home of Mr. and Mrs. had their gUest for ,the past few preach and teach. If you are In~ W. S. 'Lee of Waynesvlll\l Route, 3 days the latter's brother, ,P tc. ested In such a- church you ~ inthe previous se.turday. The youths George Boyer, who nas returned for vited to worship with us. We 1Dvtte are sald to have disposed of ' cash a twenty-flve day furlough after you to com~re What, 'we practice and a. wa~h which rwere taken from serving with the mllltary forees ov- and preach with that which II tOUDd the Lee home. in the Word of God aDd iee tor erseaS for the past two ·years. yourself that we are a New ''l'eIt'aHARVEYSBURG PASTOR LYTLE 4-H CLUB MEETS ment church. RESIGNS POSITION The Lytle Kook-So 4-H club met Rev . Wlll Chrlstopa,lus .recently , W ednesday at the. home of Margery resigned his position as pastor of the 'Harveysburg Open BIble church Ross. Three demonstrations ',Vere IIr•• 1111•• (.II~c ..w........... and he aDd Mrs. Christopalus left given Blfter which delicious refrem- , iMr, and Mrs. 0 ~ .Kr~er remDets ,were served. turned tQ their home here 'Monday Saturday fGll' Des MOines, lowa. The next mlteeng will be held IIJtemoon after spending a. few days ' 'Rev. W. A. Moore of the MethaJune 15 at the home of · Eileen 'With friends In Jackso.n, Ohio. I dlst church. ha~ been returned to Brown. Mr. anct ~. Lou ' MOl'gaD were Harveysburg tor another year. Eileen Brown. Se.::etar),. dinner gueata ~y ~ MnI. EVer- . DELEGATES TO CONVENTION . , ebt Bunnell and family. .• . :, OF IIEAL~ ,ASSOOI~TiON. LOOAL B.E() cRoss ,CAu.m. , Mr. and Mrs. ' Morrts Lewis .~ RECEIVES CERTIFICATE
Mrs. '..(\udret 'i>ea~l1orr, FmnJ?ln. , ,."" :' ,, ~. nd Mrs. ~tle Shupe' t, Oarllsle~ Wayne townShip ladles have been , have been .c,hbsen .tP repreSent the called upon to make '50 Idt bags by W~rren ' County Tuberculosis and A~t ~ 1. Help 18 needed to ~ \Health as'soclatlon.at. , the annual plete these .in time and tboee who IshlOPIPtll' . r ( meeting ot the Ohio ,PUbllc Heiuth OQ~ and wtll ' help, and ' are unable aBsoclatlon ,in Columbus. this month. ~ a.ttend the Red Cro6s aewlng to get In touch With Mabel •• 1'/ ,
' .
MUJ'Oei Ai'ply · Pleld, ' .• June 8.--,Opt , ~ren y. Ree{lon, s~· tloned at t.he MUroc' Army :Air Pleld. Air .Force. recently completed the ~~t1oD ~:;"th tJbe Oal. .30 OIUblDe In wblch: he ttie 'ratlii8 of ~.
~~~~~·'~~t~~=~t:==f.~l~&i;~~4 ~
:miami ' ~a~ttte
PbODe 2143
Waynesville. Ohio
, Main ,Stre,,8 t
. . ...~ Aa SecoDd Clasa Mall Matter at Postofflce. Waynesv1lle, Ohio.
---This- Is the Way Ii Happened_- - - - -
, Luc'F'
Long {\wa· e ]' 'Second Front' S p ~118 L!L: "ation ' for 'Many O~cu ri - - d European Countries
Walter W. Wiseman" Editor and Publisher ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY
B;I1beCriDtlon Price. $1.50 Per Year, ~ayable . In Advance
• • • 8.4PB. A
. 1M""""'"
_ ON,TUt HOM.f fRONT REMINDERS MEATS, FATS - Red stamps AS to W8 valid and remain good indefInitely. PROC~Eo F 0 008 - Blue stamPs A8 through V8 good IndetlnIte(Y. .MOST PLENlrIFUL F1OODS -
The Brick er followers were pleas" ed last· week ovc r the ~dd1Uon of two' moTe pledged delegates in the QQvernor's race tor Ule Presidency. ~ WIoriII ~ III CIl'I • Tbey were an Independen t delegate from Indlnna and a McArthur deleEggs. gate from WisCOnsin who wes opIFILElNTIFUL ~DS - Onions. 'Posed to Dewey, T ha t makes him a carrots, spinach, white potatoes, total oC 8 out.slde ot Ohio's 50. and oranges, J)eL\.t1ut butter and cltl us one more staLe 'Which hasn't elected marmalade. Its delegrates . . . However, the SUO'ARr-Sugal' stamps 30 and 31. Bricker backers were disappointed t'aQh good Io,r five pounds lndeHnitely. SUgal' stamp 32 becomes good perature of a. hive wl tJl their wings ? over tlle overwhellTl\ng victory of for five pounds. June 16, Sugar Or like me. do you only knOW the WllIIde aL Lhe Oberlin Oollege !I nrc b-:" H!f' sped on their slamp 40, good .for five pounds or fi nished product when you meet It "mock convention In the Governor's ~ lI.y on " D~Day.'· hpme state. canning sugar through February. on the table with hot biscui ts 1 Wednesday. The tractor Ure Is A recent Gallop )Joll shows Dewey ''lin next year. flat, The break that we have been stUl galnlng. oewcy had as .per cent, • '. ~ II e~ GASOLlNE-A-ll coupons good Jl '-J wa tchin g a 11 spr Ing fin a II y gave !Bricker 9 p er ce n t. Stassen 5 per through June 21. way. The verdict a t tpe Firestone cent, Warren 2 per cen t, and :1 9 per 111 FUEL On.r-.J>e1'lods 4 and 5 cous.h<?p was that It was beyond repa1r, cent divided among WIllkie, MaAr'-..It pons, good through Sept. 30. New the best we could do was to boot It. thur a nd others. Nazi sources first brollc the story, anDounelJlg tbat naval units were I d 1 f t h 1944 45 • • • • shelllnj; Le Havre, Fra nce, a nll tbat landing eraft were noarlD, the per 0 coupons or 0 up a.nd hope for the ,best , "C<mle Bricker's an arv remark to an nlde ' .hores. Landini atremptl!. general along tbe English cbannel coast, rol- hea.t1ng year may be used as soon ""ck and get I'• tornorTow," "Oh," "'J "'" low('cl In reality lue al'l'o 'cd d;ngra. m or planes and sblps from Eng I3n d as th ey are rece I ed f rom I ocaI who thoughtlessly ca.Jled ll1m "Gov. said 1, wi th tears I n my vo!ceo .. bu t . • 10 F I'ance. . poards. ' ' . that means another 32-mlle round Dewey. when calling .his attention , Th.e m~s~ darlln? undertakSHOES-Alrp.~nc stamps I and 2, n ml'nlvlIataSl.rOYn hlosftorwYestethrne trip and I h ave n't Lhat much gas- to the t1.me during a Pennsylvania IAnlgll'e1d Light broadened 011 the horizon •.. Thousands of pla nes good Indeflnltely. ollne. And we are right In the irud- press conJ:erence. may co~t him h 1 th d d.. whatever chance he ever had for Europe- came ns the result blotted out tepa e sky as eir wings carrie them onwar • dIe of corll planting." Tben he said the Vice Presidency . , , He barked, of foqr years of (!omplcx, me- to the thunder of their engines ... Below, more than 6,000 COUJItl'1 Deposlts up 137 Per Cen' they would try t,o get It done by 'IlJon't call me 'Dewey" . , . None thodical planning on the pa rt lbipsof aJl types moved in a massovertheEnglisbchannel. •. Demand deposits In countlY afternoon. When I ,came back It was. of Unl'ted Nat; on's ml'll'tary Short moments later, hundreds of paratroopers t1Jmh, led ba'tlk (conslstlng lI1rgely of ordln'. not read y. When I ca II ed up at fl ve of his a dvisors now beHeve them- leaders. from the planes and the sky over French Normandy was ary checking accounts) Increased t selves thnt he has more than an h It was not done, When I got t ere a It was J'ust aitE'. r the "mira. filled with the little white billows of their , chutes; b ig b aU1e- 1137 per cent fTom 1940 to AprIl 1944. f t an d th cn accordlng to the Bureau of Agr1cul 5 :30 t h ey ha d n't begun wor k on 1t accidental chance for the Presi- cle of Dunkirk ," when "Brit;hips opene d up a qua kin g fi re on t h e F rene h coas, ~
From A Farm Diary-- Dry Ridge ,June 6, 1M<l. Invasion Oay. ,'I'he news came to us over the radlo at breakfast t1.me. We were not up for tJle first news and since then. the a.lr bas been full of eYe witness IICcounts of battles and paratroopers landlng from LeHarVe to Oherbourg. With the invasion started, the Items in thla week's dlary seem so Inslgnihard to h flcant tha~ It Is c oose any~ important ' enough to record for others to read, ...... ....ose once qui e t Uttle ' towns of NormandY now In the patti of the bettIe-what Is happen1.ng to them now? Chel1bourg. h tb ' ........ .+ lin ed to w ere e a ' - ' ocean el'S us dock and disembark hundreds of toUJ1sts who' I1lShed through the customS and took the boat express train 'for, Palla without even stopping to look at the QuaInt old town SeJnt La with Ita quiet river and many bridges. The French beUeve in family prlvacy so every garden baa Its high well and there Is little to see trom the Quiet streets. Through the country the roads run :between b edges of ta U trees witIl here and there a glimpse of a thatcbed-roofed fann house with hla'h-cwalled barn yards. Now those quiet farm and tow.n lIl;e in the very
'D' D y
All-I 8., Years " aOf nPI n ] l lg
but at 6:30, half an hou.r af ter Cl05- dency. ain's army in FrlaDCC wa s res- .anding vessels poked their snub-n9ses onlo the sa ndy beaches tural Econom.1cs, Such an Increasln g, time, my poor old battered • • • cued from ' almost certa in md U. S. and Britisb troops poured - -- - _ .. lng body of Idle funds, more than Women voters will outnumber the destruction, that: Allied mili- IS hore, Wl'th t"'"nk d th' er e q up· I be-booted tire was In the car ready S an 0 the last rugged penks of the Apen· twice that of four yeal's ago, could f turn ' I d e rense. for me. The repair men do try to men 1n this Fall's election, IICcoi'd- tary leaders bel1an pla nn}'n " Tlcnt unloaded behind them. n1 nes or a na calise Inflationary trouble lr country ing to 11 careful study made by the " , '" The Invasion of Europe was on, Altho\lgh Germa n MII l'shal Albert do their best for us. Now If It wtll [or a 'return trip. Observers :Jl(! second. front had been estab. Kesselring mAn a"ed to p\lllihe bull< depositors began using their f1md U . S. Qensus Bure~u. They report- reca II th a t excep ' t f or tl19 t a I · Ished! only last IlntU the rush is over I of his forces out., of the lr ap A1\IQd t 0 bid aga Ins t eac h 0 t'h er f or t IIe Monday, Billy Popeye was decor- ed 44,622,886 women of voUng' age, mosf unbelieveable evaCU9' Thus did June 6. 1~4. go down In Comm l\nder Gen. Harold AleXII \l. purchll.Ge of land aL lncreasing 1» '1 a.ted today. He now wears a hand_land only 44,043,669 men . . . 7,860,- :ion, Britain might have fallen listory as the date on wh ich U,e der had set by Alta ckln g III Cassi no es, the ' BAE adviBes. Alrcudy la,n d some copper ring .In his nose with 000 of. the men aTe in the armed In tbe months th nt passed. Dun· lemocraUc powers of U. S, and Br~t. to the south and then Intor nt Anzio values have risen almost two-11ft.!> II. cha in a ttached, I hope I~ will keep services and either cannot or lDany kl~k was one of th(~ grea test feats lin challen/!cd Adoll Hitler's "New lit the enemy's back to the north· above their ' pre-'War a verage all w1U not vote . . . ' ThIs 'will give the of mllftary hjstory, with 337.000 men )rder" on his own· battlegrounds of west, the vigor of the U. S. and Brit· center of the storm, and our bOys him at home, I had a hard enough dopsters ~mething new to consider. rescued from that '1iitUe por l city in ~estorn E urope, t h e m i g h ty ge t e 10 Ish drive resilited In the Infllctlon of blcl'ease that Is lnllaL.1onary .In tllere. We have . 'Deen called to I Unte to find It. I had to go to • • • the face of terrible odds. be Na ziS' continental fortres s, or· heavy casualties. Dlany [11'eas. Furt.hermore, In some prayer in our churches cmd in 'our Franklln and get It from Rainy, t.he Robe~t A, tWllklns6n of Van We t, During the months that followed. ,anlzed under dominIon of tbe Ger· 1'\ot only ..... 3 3 Ii JUgh tou taken of of the principal farming areas the heart. our prayers go with them junk man. state hood of the Mc~tlll1'l: ' for ' Britain was forced to content ber· nan wehrma'c ht. . German troops in the line nnd of volume of Innd sales In 1943 BUTnot only that they may win the Tuesday. And so Ute goes on President movement, had a thrlWng seU with a superbly courageous de· Taking pla~e 80 miles across the their reargullrds putting up a des· p;:Issed previous high level reached victory and be saved from harm though tlle natlnn hol.d s its breath primary experience. He was Q can- ~~seNotl' bbelrl Mfrme ISthls nds agaTlnbst 'J,hadnlneldfrom England , tbhe tint tAh]' perate'- deillying action, but Allied 1il ,1919 and the number of famlS i e e an ings were rna de e t ween e war planes ranging over the ene· . me az tz om . ear. but that we may aU be given wlll- at the thought 01 invasion. Calves didate tor his 4th term to the Leg- blood. swellt and tears promised by ,reat . ports of Le Havre and Cber· my's route of retreat shot up bun. resold after only. a Short period of dam and strength and common and lambs were· sent to market this Isla.ture and lost by two votes, An Prime Minister Churchm proved a )ourg on the French coast, whUe dredll of Vehicles wbeeling Nazi 1101- ownership. increased. Following the sense to use the victory wiselY. morning and most of the day was official count tied the vote, ami he true prophe'cy. England sutTered nasses of planes and sbJps bom- dlefs and equipment to the north. inflation of land values during the May SO. Through all the wars in spent hunting for my car keys. then lOst by flipping a coin to de- bloody blow8~ The crescendo of the )arded Dieppe, AbbevUJ. and BGUBecause of their refusal to last war, land prices broke sharply all the aaes llfe goes on as usual In The affairs of .nations were not as clde the winne battle was reached In September, ogne. farther to the east. sed more troops Into Italy aDd 'in 1920. 'taut as findln g that one Ut tl e r. 11l40. Although air attacks con- From the start, the invasion was thus draw upon theIr precious • • • 'the insect world. Wars may come ....por • • • <n..ul He"'bert will not be foolish . linued, It was then the Germans , fight to the finish. with German rcsc"cs for the ,lDvasion 'rom , " ~A_ USC ·.....soners 01 War I k h and wars may go but bees make ' ey. swept t h e ouae, I moved..... ,. • ,.. ~'D .... n e h....to.... realized their aerl a1 I osses were .estroyers an dEb . oa t s a tt ac ki ng '&he west, the Germa. bI,b com·' noug run aa an the relsults warranted. :he huge AlIled fleet ot! the French maud was compelleGlo lIurreD'1 'he work done by prLsoners Of bOney whe.n the clover bloolIl8 ana things. I looked tar and wid ,wben' the time comes bees swarm. thought of rats and crows that candldate for Lt. Governor, as has Although the story has never bee~ loast, German ' reservlsts conc:en· ' der Bome and Uae boo' of lIle wn In tJ e United Gtaies either iB A .-warm of bees In May is worth mlght have O!UTled it away. I finally been reported, Besides the physical told in Its entirety, 'it was then, too. :rated behind the lines for emer· bJe penbisula. in 101' I'elnt d alrndst tmtlrely..J,o~g& load of hay ordered new ' ones and llippealed to ImposslbUity ot gettlng the s1gpers that a hastily plann,ed NazllJlvaslon serv.lce, ru~hed forward to SOFTENED UP rhtitul:i:. 1 rest ry or food proces--A aftlm of bees in June ls worth friends to take ine .In town tomorrow in the short time and the fac~ that of BritaIn \\las choked. Fragments Tleet -U, S. and British paratroopers linportant factor In the . Allies' ~"g, the or i '0 0 1 War lnIormatlon . a allver sJ?DOn to get them. I walked up to get the the s~ra1ght-voters would bea.t ,him, of news told bow hundreds of Ger· iescendlng from the dSkies, and to landin&s on the French cbannel rei> r , No furDler DlllY hOUSe prlsman invasion bonts had been locat- lombat AlUed armore units press· coast was the prolooged bombard· IA. '_warm ol bees In July la not; maU. Between listening to broad- he ls a loyal ReiPnbUcan and lI>111 ed and sunk by the Royal Air f9r e e , ng Inland with tanks. ment of enemy positions within the 01' :0. ' . I.r.d pr:I;lJnct.:l Ill'e sent to . ",orth & fly." casts, I hunted those keys. Evening support the ticket. That, more than IInythJng. proved In the thunderous crescendo of whole IIrea by fleets of thousands '01 tarn s only when thore Is work for One hive swarmed yesterday and came, it was cool enough for a fire to the British that an invasion must 11e early fighting. the Allies pene· U. S. and British ·war-planes ot all w ut..s of 10 01' mOI'e, TIle War Food Republican leaders are seriously t I' IIettled 1m a tree .wd were so.tely and I put my sweater on. We 1105be careful1y, methodically planned :ra cd from seven to ten miles n· types. from flashy fighter·bomben A( ", II'l<,I.1. UOIl doe not generaUy -r concerned over Lauscbe's chances d d ' e' f e 1 . hlved but 'wben a hive swarmed to- tened to more invasion reports. We to the most minute detail. .an ,an r In orcem n s were pu t to the more ponderous Flying For· 6 1. Ol. .l,>, ' u;;e of prlso:lers Of war day' and they 8ettled on the peach read the, nlnety-!lrat psalm t.hat one of winnlpg the Governorship this Then the Commandos were orglln· lshore to support the attack, S. ITesses and. Lancasters. 81<':0 lJy side with civlllnns. Prlsuners fall. Ohio Is famous tor electing !zed under Lord Mountbaltcn. All Under supreme command U, FOl'Uflcations, airfields. railroads. f!J'ee tberewaa no hiVe ready for comm~tator recorrunended that 'We Democratlc governors In Repu~li- through the next year they devel. :;en. Dwight D. Eisenhower, with power statlons-everythlng or use &1; it iw.,ys t: uard d by Amerl~h them and' the 1UJnb1er, yard cl'06ed add to our prayers. D-Day was over can years. oped their own techniques by bit. SrlUsh Gen. Bernard L. Montgom- 'to, the Nazis' In the defense against so.dlel's, "'pproxJm~Lely 45,500 prls' tor the hOnday~ 'We remembeted and we started to bCd, keys stUl on • • • and·run ' raids aga inst enemy-held ~ry in charge _of ground troops an~ the ' lllva sioh came under .the bomb· one1'!; 'wolktld on farms in 28 8tates that an '~-lMternan ha~ iome ptves our minds - ,t hen I found them I , tPolitlcos are SpeCU16til.:!g as to why coastal areos. The. damage thcy did BTltish Adm. Bertram Home Ram. sights of Allied airmen: lil,.t year, most y III the SQuth. harand .supers 80 we Jumped in the car Where? In my sweater pocket. Stewart didn't caTry his native managed to keep the Nazis In a con· lay lending the naval forces, U. S. By hAmmering at railroad . vUlting pehllutl!, lice, cotton and U\d i1aabecl over to see htm. For- Would that invasion troubles could county of Clark, and 'Why Paul H. er- stant sta,te of alertness. lnd Britisb fighting men spearhead. lines, UJe Allied eommaud .... Then came the Japanese attack on !d the Invasion, receiving support sought to disrupt tile transport aUSllr · ~ne. tune.tely -' he and his brother were be 80lved as easily aa that. bert ran so strong In both tile counHarbor December 7. 1941. ~rom smaUer units of, Norwegians, of troops and supplies to the VlvUla1i GIla 4S Per CeDt of 1941 bome and though much ot their bee MARRIAGE LICENSES ,ty a.nd 7th dIStrict. Britain bad gained B 'powerful ally. Poles, Dutch, French and ·Greeks. areas whero landlngs ' mlght be l'as.seIlger 'car drlve,rs"now receive material had been 601d, we found ' Herbert F. King, 29, restauront • • • It marked tbe beginning of the end As tbe Allies secured beachheadll ~ad~. Not ODly dId Vichy's c!'l· enough to tat f ds No public announcement . has yet for the Axis powel·s. m the French coast and thrust in· laborallonls'll plead wltII. Frcncb only 43 per cent as much gasollne 9.8'-- and Be'tty ' G erman f orces .... to e care 0 our nee , ope'I'ntor. O N . J6' .:ne Hawley, b een rna d e. b u t it 1s conced ed t... ,..a't Amerlcan ,troops landed In North • .an d towar d I'orIS, eDgfneers to sta,. 'at ttie throt- they used in 1941, the Petro]ewn ....en we ,s pped to taJk 8IWhlle. Bees nl s ecretaliY, b0 th a f Leb anon. the >- for the State schools ern Ireland In January, 194.2 . P Iana ~oun Iera tl ac k e d ' vIgorous . 1y under . .., . . new 51"", ties lD the 'ace of tile severe Admlnistrti.~on says. ~e Amerare strange and WOnderfUl creatures. Grorge Hartman 20 radio repalr- for the Deaf and 'Blind will be the for the invasion 'I'~ere sbaplng up. cy, 69·year-old Field Marshal von bombarc!::· ;-:::.:.s, ·1 t the r -,· Icans have reduced, passtm, er car ~d ,t he me.n who ,have stUdl.cd 'and ma.n, and Emma' A~. 17 shoe gounds of tile Wyandotte Country It was only a question of time. Rundstedt and storied Erwin Rommans \ ':":1 rur.~:t:·l IH)Y tran lW t ' 'cthne level by :worked with them for years can " Three months later American mel. Adoll Hitler: himseU, report· IIquads to help In keeping opeJl ~l,Ulll1ge from t~e ten you , lnierestlng stories of ' thL'l a~tory wOI'~er, both of Lebanon, club, nOl'th of ColU:ll1~us. The com- British troops Invaded French North edly rushed to llie InvasloD area the battered raU' communlca- about 57 per cent, the English have ~trance wOrld with its queens and ud Lyll(; ., 62. laborer, I\nd Daisy Dllttee Is just giving the city a Africa. The Iand1ngs, carefully 10 preside over the . enemy'. mill· UOH, . reduced their bY 88 per cerrt. . drones ita a1 dltl d hi i Cherryholmcs, 52, both of South chance to make a claim, If they planned and perfectly timed, were iery dlrectorate. ThUB was the invasion lllunched one ves, t.s Lebanon wish. for the fu ture extension of brfillantly successful. It was here Speaking in Britain's house of only after the most careful and thor- Refunds to !Mome Tall Pl!J1!rn , , r can . ft th I I t .oleUera &lid Its workers, lUi guards. its robbers and Its wars. Old you Nolan Isaacs, 37, tool gl'lnder. and Nell avenue . . . No site has yet that an Inexperienced American :ommons II · er e nvas on go un· ough destruction of essential e1e· While nilllion 1MS income tax ..:.._... that a Queen ma.- o~, .. with Bonnie Hatfield. 21, hub grtnder, <been selected fol' the New ' Ohio army got Its baptism of tire. It 1cr wa y ,· dPrwlledMthinister WIJnSilOn ments In the enemy's defenses. refunds have been made by the .... I V " ...,.,....., both of Franklln. learned the caliber of the toe, dod· :hurchi lI ec are at the and ng FORTRESS BA.RRlERS state Fair Gl'owlds. .the droll e who can 'fly as fast and Ing that the Germans were . stub· 'pera tl ons were suppor t ed by11, 000 Despite the extravagant.·proplIgan. Treasury Department, it 'W11l be • t. II, ne alrcra . ft , ava II a b] e fo\' use ·.da of Hitler's "Atlantic Wall," the several mOnths before allol apBruce Grapevine. 19, farmer. and f .... the born, brave oppon,ents. "rs winner in the OorotllY Wa"'nworth, UIJ "", teachel', Farmers a.rc expected to pl':xiuce In M. ay, 1943,th I . at as .... "" can, e Am e rIcans, B r It· In a ny pa r ti cu Iar 1y cIt,' r ca] sector• NaZIS reportedly have taken no proXimately 18 m11Uon taxpayers race ' '1, That they ,regul a te th e tern- Ibot h 0 f Leba.'!lon , about 25,000,000,000 pounds of meat Ish and :righting F'rench eliminated • • • ' chances on putting all oC their chJps wUl get refunds to ~h1ch they are In 1944. of whloh civilians wl!l get the Nazis from Alrica. Then fol-The Allies' Invasion came after on 'It; ,on the contTllry, not on]" entitled, according to the CUnDon't boll a ham before baking . . 17.000,000,000 pcu.::ds. This w 11 be lowed the InvaSion of Sicily. It was tbe victoriOus assault on Rome ' and have they spoken of the necessity Jus~ simmer It. Which r equires a 132 pounds p \' person, and the av- a surprise assault, and resulted In weeks of intensive aerinl bombard· of Im.inching ' cecls!vC! counte.r· missioner of , , ~ternal Revenue. lc.nger cooking period, but. gets bet- erage annual cu:wumption In 1931- vIctory In 38 days. The SlcUian cam· ment designed to wreck cn!!my com· atkc\:s t'.;Ia ir.st the Iuvading forces, Each re~d, however-, , wUl tnelude tier results. 40 was 131 POl' cr,pita, -' palgn marked the highest point to munieations, defenses and indullny but they also have constructed de, interest at the..rate ~ 6 per cent per that time . in A1IIled coopera.tlon. in the Wli!st. tenses -as far bacll ris the Germatl year {rom March 16, thi8 year, to But they still 'operated with lelJa. Throwing the full weight - of the frontier. the date ~e relund la sCheduled. rate armies, navies and air forces . U, S. Filth and Brltisb Eighth ar. In constructing these defenses fal First, attention 'WIUI liven ,to clalma Complete integration was Impos· mlcs at the G'e rmans In the Italian ,to the rear at the English channel, sible. ' . offenSive, tbe Allies successfuUy tied the once·masters of the "blitz" bavE of ,m embers of the armt'!d. ,drees. Then came the lDvaslon of Italy, up an estimated 25 divisions. 01' recqgn.ized the fuU, welgbt whlch Suo No action la needed on th~ part 'Of A mixed Britlsh·American army about 300,000 Nazis, in that country. prem'e Commander Gen. Eisenhow, the tapayet \Qlless he hae mO'led stormed the Salem,o b,eaebea on Sep.. , Rather than call upon additional , er will be 'able to thtow at them. AI from .. ~ ad'4ess I1h~ on hI.s reWhole''''J\f- Pasteurized Dairy Products ': ~ YOU TAKING A tember 9. The laniling ,was .suceels. rese.r ves to' stem ' the Allies' deter· a , result, not -only> have " tbey built in ,which caie he ~ou1d send Pasteurized :Millc Fo1' } 'our Protection luI because of tli,e Imootb combl· mined drIve in italY, tlie, Nazi. high' stroi)gfor.t1f1cations of ,concrete ailll turn, ON LOSING bOth his ' old m\1 :.new addr~ to nallon of air, sea land forces. command· decided on a laborIous reo steel for. mlies ·.back of +1', .. ·.,Ii'.'D.. ~'. YOUR ',R lGfJT ,TO OPER- ~~~~!1 Phone 2537 Wayneaville. Ohio British and Amerllc.",n "ir superior. treat up the mountainoull peOJnsula , co~st; but they have "Ilia c~!lv'erted the OoUl'Otor ot in~ ~.enue I ~TE A ' VEth& dJatrlct , tn Which the >J'etunt' lty. was never questioned. . Naval to the nqrth, where the)"could ellml~ the qnce herajded ....,aglnot Une Intc wail fll~ ~ " . . men and nate tbl! constant thre~t of . h: l I1dl~g~ a defensive' bostlon, to support tbeh units 'of both natio[lslanded HlCLE ' ONf THE PUBLIC L • ' equipmen~' apd kept them supplied. In their rear and yet fall . back upon oWn famed ~Igfrle~ or "west wall." , HIGHWAYS? "There' la 119- ~Uch ~ lUI ~ , During aU ' these operations, p]anl It'! for tbe Invasion were 'going ahead line , tor ' ~tion driving," I&JB ' In England. NBlzI ' propagandists Jo~~ B. R.obwo~, ' Jr.! 'dlatr~ Ol"A boasted of their · fol1reas. all ~e' whJ]e admjttlr!g tn" invasion , Here are "thumbnail" blo,...pblea , , Inevitable. . &he AWed · lavaslou leaders I', The battle of the Atlantic sblppin, laDes had · ~cn ,ron; SubmarlDel were Itq1 a inenll~e, )Jut \he, grave threat bad been ~. tem,oved. Huge convoys of men lInd wa~ materlel moved to Great Britain with lOaJu at a mlnlinum. _ Air attacks on Germaol lb. ooatt cd, I'n~c:e were iWllpecjll PHONE 326 up abhoR bez.ond belief.
• • •
. .,
Bob's Dairy
eA', S ·' H
EOR Any ..a~e
or ~model
Fred kahn Motor Car Co.
These Are ' Our . Leaders
THt MIAMI CA211T1 ~ong
IN¥ASI0N4. 1~
• The Way
Barrletc.e ThomasY-
eat nothing but rice. How do you stands It? " ·'Well." repl1ed ' SOlomon. "It isn't any worse t han ea.ttng urkraut and wieners eVlry OOy." . Th~y have some pork and once a year they pool their money and buy a coW ~ual1y at Chrt.rlimas bime. Then the cow Is butchered and cut up In pieces and laid out on the ground. Everyone gives some pe!sonal belon g:lng t.hGt cal) be Iden,tlfled 'as theirs ana it Is tcssed on a pUe. A little cll!ld is cho,' n and he takes each belon ging and it on a piece ' of meat, If you put In your ha t li nd It WRS laid on a piece of rib, you took the rib and were saUsCled. It . WIl S a I fair and square because Lhe child IV Innocent and lleld no fav orl tl.~ m , no matter how much m ~ n e y you nay have paid, This Is the stOry oC Solomon Cau1ker. and he Is charmed by our American home Ufe. Some day h ~ hopes to establish a home of he; awn and I Imoglne It .wlll be patterned Bofter our homes. He Is engaged to a girl back home. On May 16 of this spring he WIlS gradua.ted from the 'Bonebrake Seminary In Dayton with a bac e10r of divinity !legree. He 'Was a.lone all the oLher graduates had their families In their hour of ha.pplness, ' But I imagine that back in Sierm ;Leone. Africa, a black woman dwelt with him In her hen.r.t and was very 'proud or him. Her ambitions were being fulfl11ed. Solomon caulker ha..-. chosen a great work and I Imagine that we shall hear more of him. !He is booked up on speaking ngagements ror a year In advance and We were fortunate to hear him, I If you get a chance to hear him Ispeak, take it. You wlll not be sorry. He spee~ before P. T. A . 's a;nd clubs nnd churches and many other orgaruzatlons and seems Lo be tireless.
SCIENTIST, ~STON. MABS. (Ooncluded) The African m.a n is lord of all he surveys and the women 'are as nothIng or as so ' many ' 8Iav~. He owns the farm, but his wives do t.l1e w' rk. Although, B8 Mr. caulker explained, this is now modlfled somewhat because the whlte men wllJ hire n~ ' Ing but men to do their work. "My I gI'R.n<;motller, who is 0. Christian," he said, "but who sUIl clinils to t.le old customs, was horllfled one day to see my bother helping his wHe dry the dishes." AE. has been said Ibotore, the women do most of the work and she is up early In the .mornlng. She carries the cllickens In , hampers on her shoulders home at Inl&h~ and ,carries tJlem back In the momLng. walking sometimes six to Illlne mUes. II she has a baby he is put into a sllng that hangs down her b~k. l! she has tWins she carPARACHUTE PAUL ries B8 the other baby in a sling SEE ACTION! , Incoming Presidel\t of The Firat hangi!lg down In front or her. then CU. S. Army Si,IIal Cor" Plroto) Church of Christ, Scientist, In she hangs the chicken hampers on U. S. Parachutists ftoatearthBoston. Massachusetts . her shoulders and put a basket on ward from troop carrying planea WhUe holding mtlltary might esaa an eWective meana of landher head a.nd she Is of! to the fields. tng behind enemy linea and dl •• sential to the VictOry of allied naeat but two meals a day and 'Vhey ruptlng hla communications. tions over the antl-Ohrlst cl!llms of so the mother takes along a gruel IThis acene wal repeated many Injustice and Intolerance. The time. aa the Invalion got under made of rice for h er b&by to eat. Chrlstia.n Science Board of DirecShe fIDs a bamboo rod with this tors Monday told ,!be annual meet~ ruel, puts the baby dawn head first Ing 01 The Mother Church, The between her knees and llterally First Church of Ohrlat, Sclentlat, In pours the stuff down its throot. If Boston. MassaQhuaetts, that freethe baby shuts hla mouth and won't dom is essentially a sp1r1tual gU:t take It, she holds his ' n06e. He OIUI "to be realized only throu~ splrttscrClllO his head off, It wtll do him ua'l understanding and attainment." no good, he has to take that rod full Before " an audience of , several of gruel because that Is aU be wUl thouaand Obrlstlan 8clntlats 1!IIIIeIleat all day. lallY local In character due to war "Then," said Mr. Caulker, "they t ime restrictions upon transportatake the baby by the ankles and the tion, the directors cited the unineck and they shake them ~. versal dete.l1nlnation to win the Why they do this [ have never been pe~ as advance evidence of able to find out." After thIs ordeal world-wlde realtl?a.tlon that ''rightthe baby Is put back Into his sling eous victory under anna will not and his mother goes to work with sulfice to guarantee freedom to h.lm hanging on her back. When mankind, " .the day's work Is done she loads up IF'r~edom from - want and fear, &~aln, follows her lord and IlU!ter i freedom in worshlp and speech, the home to prepare the tired man's me.ll lor him . Clncinna tl-.JB1ll McKechnle's Cln- Directors stated, coo&Utute mucb IiGOING-,.o THE MAT" IN EUROPE Ii told YOU before thlllt when a man oinna.tl Reds are an tlclpa tl?g the more political slogan or, governdies, his w1ves are dlvlded up among most cruelllng c.n:npetit lon they mental Ideology, '~o1" our great British Bappera, above, are laying a ple~ of "portabJe ' hlg1lhis marrlagable sons. If a woman have yet Caced in the race lor Lhe Way-mower , OhrIat Jesus, proway" to p.mit Bafe palsage for tranafirtl and tanka u. the)' land BA T1'LESHIPS BLAST, INVASIO~ COASTAL AREAS rebels she ls likely to die before' they 1944 National League !lag. seven chumed centuries .a go that freedoOm on European shoru. Bundles of atee Iandlnjl' mate' aN unloaded from ship to Ilhor!!, to form hlghwaYI to _peed men, munitiona .nd are through with her. Mr. Caulker stralgllt games at Crosley Field with accords w1th God's wID and ' laW; (~II;'I.' V" II. NII"1 Pho,o) guns to the front line fighting. Laodln, flelda are ' quickly. com. told us the story or his aunt · Who. he the St. Louls . Cordinals and the furthermore he ' gave simple, olear pleted this simple way, too. Steel mati, many of whicb Ire made sorrowfull}o admlbted, was not a Pitsburgh Plrwt.es, the vety tea inS direction for the attainment of full by United States Gypsum Company, are one of the' lnnovatlonlJ of Thl above NaIVaJ photi> ahows ,an Alllerican wanhlp blutilll this war. When the war enda thla USG ptOductloti will be returned Christian. Her husband dIed and that have given tllCm the most freedom for the indvldual, and enemy shore inatallationa, part of the "lJoftenlng liP" proce.. 6&, to metal lath, us~d widely with l!'YPsum plaster to add ftre-iafe~y , preceded the InvlUilon. trouble, are the ne~t order of busi- through the individual for all hushe WB8 given to one of his sons. She and beauty to walla and celllngL manity. rebelled. SO she was strlppe<:t of aU ness. The Directors' statement higb.. her cloth.l.ng, severely beaten, and BUly SOuthwor,th and his ohamp. Levering Cartiwrlght of Evanston, WaynesvWe cannot Isecure the new left to 11e there on the ground. Some Ion carda are ttle first to appear, Il&'ht ed reports to the third IIJUI.~ Ill., arrived here last week to spend road we hope Harveysburg may. • ' Iway she managed to crawl a.way a.nd clashlng with the ru:ds In a night meeting of The Mother'Church held The lIttle-daubte,r of Mr. and 8taggered down the road toward the game Thursday, a single game Sa.t- Under wartime conditlonli Wh1dl cithIa summer vaeatlon with his grand FIFTEEN YEARS AGO rWhltwlu!r., ,wbo entered MoClellan parents, Mr. and Mrs . S. L. Cart- Mrs. W1ll Dinwiddie ,Is v1s1tlng rela. home of her sister, Solomon's moth- urday, and a double-header SUnday. ed Increasing evidence of church Uvea at Bellbrook. er. They saw her coming and when Then come the Buccaneers for a g~awth and activity" IU\d unprece(.June 5, 1929) hospIt.,.a1 last week for w~at ~ wrtght. Mrs. S. Lev. dartlWright and son she got to their home she fell to ladles' day game Tuesday, June 13, den~ demands for the ' workll or Albert Cleaver was In IndJanap- t.hough.L to be 6 minor o.peratlon. Mr. and Mrs. Cart Servis and Mr. olls Monday. was a snock to. the community. and Mrs. W, O. Raper star led for John will . leave Tulesday night on the floor before SQlomon's father, a .night game ·Wednes I1>Y, June 1~, Mary Baker EddYilOd -the """';;r-J;'-~_ M1'8 . Walter McClure has purchMrs . Viola carey Is visiting oer the reservoir Monday where tney No. 2 for Princetoll, N. J. to be who, remember, was ' the vlllage and a single contest the following Ian Science MonitOr. Bales of ~. Bddy's works were said to hove riaased the EVans property on Maln daughter, Mrs. L. E . McMakin, spend ten day,s rlshlng. ':l'hey took present at toe graduat~g exercises chlef. She sobbed out her story, and day. So far Ilh1s season the lleds and en to twice the volume of the last street. and family, in Detroit. a bushel of "crll.w dads," and other of that lostitulJon. Their son and ,they Mlped her a.ll they could. Just Mrs . R. C. Riggs of Columbus About 25 friends of Mrs. Ray things necessary for a successful brother, 011as. M. Is one of the wMt became of her, Mr. Caulker Cards have spllt their series of ' slx pre~\Yar year, Indlcatlng the indid .not say, bl;lt I don'.t thInk she contests, the ru:ds having n two-one creasing desire for sp1r1tual progress entertained a t a pre-nuptla.l di!lner MalnoWl te.n dered her a pleas.t.nt fishing trip. There w1l1 be sollle graduates and speakers. The Endeavor f;oclety of the went, back to her husband's home. edge lilt Orosley Field, and the 1n the wartime emergency. Sunday in ho~or of her sister. Miss surprise Monday a fte rnoon for a ' nsh stories 'afloat when thi}y get Ohrlstlan churcb w11l open an Ice Now the tribes ncar the coast do cards showlng a slmllar winning Mlldred, Olark . housewarming. The 'Malnous' re- bac:k to Waynesville. REAL ESTATE TRAN6FEBS ..l. margin at apor~an's . Park. The Jolly ·Matrons with their ~eam parlor unocl!~r ·Dr ~s not war so much and through the !Fred Henderson and family ure. oently moved Into their present effor-ts of the mtsalonarles this bIg- Against Pittsburgh, the' Reds have Among recent real estate tranarerl families picnicked at Schantz park dental rooms on Milin street. enJoying. 6 trip through several home. . The cracker factory Is nearly fin- amy Is dying out. 'Vhe younger men split four games at bome and have In Warren county are the follawin8: southern states. Mrs., J. 0, Olrtwrlght enter- sunOOy afternoon. 'Bnn.n er W. Stewart to RaY;JDOnd Mrs . Lec Hawk and d~ughter, talned wltb three tAlOles of bridge Robert HaLnes arrived home Ished and next week we shOUld all , and women are taltlng only one wife woo the only. tilt between the clubs , or hUSband. Beck in what Mr. ' at ,Forbes Field. IUld Myrtle M. Brown, ~.'18 acrea Doris, and two sons, Donald ~d last Friday; honoring; her house from overseas Saturda.y eV(mlOg, be eating Waynesv!1le crackers. The season w1ll be a third over, in Wayne twp. Dean, left MondRY to vIsit O. O. guest, M1sa Eleanor Merritt of Mt. and is ~e all the' boys just dIsCe.ulker called "pagan Africa'; these and the Oarda, Reds and Pirates are . Mildred H , Taylor to Israel HarM111s and family, at St; Jo~, Mo. Holly, N, J . charged-looking well and fit l and NOTICE TO CONTBAcroas practices are atUl strong. So Is the tl.ghtLng it out for the top berths. ris Mosher, lots in Waynesv1lle. '--~~,.,A..~ A r,rOI1P of clUzens are protesting iMrs. Charity Harvey, ' 85, died glad to be home. STATE 011 omo witch doctor. In hIa own vlllage and Just as t):le experts predicted . S even ' Il(' p l'q " ,. rt raise In telepho.ne Frtday morning at the home of her HOm-To Mr. and Mrs. L. E. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS other surrounding vUlages the witch games against these club6 give the A. B . ond Mattie Wood to Yearl rales. son, ,H . 0 : Harvey~, near RidgevUle. Kemple Tuesday. ;June 17, a .son. Columbll8, OhIo, JIlIIe I, 19M doctor 1a 'lOlllDg the fIiht. He Is usand Pearl Knisley, 8.'19 acrea in RAlds 'an oppdrtUn1ty of strengthenClearcreek twp. ,-upld J CVI "I .d 'one of hIs latest Mrs. Thomas Gates died at MeLIndley Mills, of Wilmington, 1Je1.. Engineer of Sales Legal <loP1 No. Ing all the socery In his knowledge, ing their pOSItion. D. L . and Gladys McCanahan to 44-18' but as people become educated, they conquests . .l L,Il·day, June I, at the Clellan hospital WednesOOy, May Ia 's pending a few days here with Redleg fans wID get an opportunMearl and Pearl Knisley, 0.21 crase Sealed proposals wUl be recelv~ lose fear of him. It has been a long country home of MI'. and Mrs. Jos- 29. follow1ng a 'l ong lllnC6S. Her his parents. >Mr. and Mrs. G . D. Ity to look at plliCher Bill Lohrman. In Clearcreek twp. . eph McM..llan when their youngest husband s1X ch1ldren survive. , Mills. at the oUlce of th~ State H1g'bway ,h ard b&ttle though. "I have s,een newest addition to BllI McKechnie's ~... d Mr C W!.eM d. Director of OhIo. at COlumbus, until • • • Raleigh and Edna Fox to Joe L. dwhter , Mabel, became the brid e uu . an s... ay an women sit by Ule fire w1th their mound corps. The veteran slnkerof Russell Wilson. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO son, R. B.' LeMay of Sbef!!eld, 10:00 a.m .,Ohlo StaJ!ldaid tlme,~es- slc~ chlMren lYing on the ground and Roberta E . Mencstk and Ohaa. ball ,h urler figures to be 6 sound adJ. and Margaret E. Menca1ck, 04Il . Mrs. Sherman Rogers met with (June 18, 1919) Ala., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. day, June 27, 1!H4, for Improvements before them Just walting for them dition to the Cincinnati staff. acres In Massie twp. a painful accident FrIday. May 24, Ha~ld Bowell of Ohi08go, spent Prank -LeMa.y. in : Wil.rren County, Ohio, on parts of to die. The witch doctor had done Tkkets tor these big gam,e s are • when she fell breaking her elbow. the' week-end with his parents, Mr. <Miss Elizabeth Cl:umdler gradu- SeClncnt~Ot~z ' ManOesrrvol~:~~l_~tetn~~: aU he could. Many times they wtll now on sale at the club's downtown If all those who thInk the f~ , , Strawder A. RInger, a well- and ~ B. ~. ,Jlowell. ated 'thls week at osu at COlumbus'" ---.....~. go to the mlssion doctor, but only ticket headquarters , 301 Vine street" are getting rich on the f~m tueae Ethan Ora.ne with high honor" and received her way No ,10, U. S. Route .No. 32, In Forest Ridge an'" II 0 after the' witch doctor has. nearly wheremail orders are also being known WaynesvIiI c bo . Y an d {ormer days would move out on the tarm teacher In the Massie township lett Sunday"ey'elllng for Dayton and B. A. degree. Salem TOwnship and the ·VnJ.age or killed the child. Thua does the witch accepted. there would be no shortage of farm • • • ~orrow, by resurfa.clng with as- doctor hold h1a power. beoa.use the schools, has received his , Masters both' boys are worldng at the N. C. help. FIFl'Y YEARS AGO phaltlc or tar cenarete. mothers do not take their ch1ldren to degree rrom the University of Pitts- R. " ATHLETE'S FOOT GEMI burgh . Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. , Whitaker (Jane 2, 18M) Width: Pavemenl~ 20 fellt and 35.67 a doctor of medicine untIl it is Not Hard To KlU A surprl,se birthday party 'WlI.S and Mrs. Albert Oleaver spent sevJ . Jil. Janney lett Tuesday morn- feet" Roadway 30 feet and 40 feet. nearly dead from the efforts of the The germ grows deeply. To reach r,r,.==========~.~~~ given In honor of Ralph MaiIious' eral days laat 'Week with relatives iog to spend a w,f!ek w1th his fatner, Length 5,654.17 f,eet or uno mIles. witch doctor and Is in many cases It, use a penetrating funglclde.Many AUCTIOftlEERING in Ind1ane.polla. at ,P endleton, Ind. Estlmated C06t ........ $18,000.00 Leyond help." But the witch doctor l'emedies do not penetrate suf'f tcbLrtbllay at his home' Saturday. Stanley and KOOKier Po~ We thlrd time in two years. , Lindley Mendenblill and 'RUe and , Cliff Ridge of Cincinnati 'Was c1l'Contmct to be completed not Is losing ground. lently. TE-QL solution. made with For Dat.es. Phune 289-1, Wr.yDeIthe OIarksville News Is under . dU- lBoyiell PIerce and wffe spent BeV- culaUng among h1a many Waynes- later than August ,15, 19". T'ne diet of these people Is mainly 90 % alcohol, penetrates. Kills the vtlle. Ohio. Reverse CharPS ferent mana.gemen,t. This It Ia era! 4&Ys laSt week with relativeS vUle ,f riends Decoration Day. The minimum wage to be paid to Iish and rlce. They are fishermen germs it reaches. Apply full strength Ffank Lamar, romer, has . re- all labor employed on this contract a r:d fanners too, They raise chick- far Itchy, sweaty or smelly feet. ' 'VlrgU A. Stanfield ,Clarksville 'real- ~d ~rlends ,in ~chmond. Ind. BROKERS IJOENS. dent. MI:. an~ Mrs . .. J. B: Oha~ turned 'to ·Waynesv1lle from Mason shall be In accordance with the ens. but they are smaller than our Your 300 back tomorrow ' from any :The unexpected death , of John !Went to Syracuse. N. Y. laat Wed- where. he .was employed at ' Hard- "Schedule of PrevaLllng Hourly chickens. Whlm asked ubout eggs, cirug81st U not pleased. ' Locally at _ _ _ _ _ _; - - - - - - - - neaday ~ return,ed home Satur- lng'S Mill . !Wage antes ABcertalned and De- .Mr. Caulker 8Ilid that the eggs ~ere Wayneav1lle Ilrui Store. ......- ...~• •I!III!!II. day. , They. brought home a new Butler county With a populli:tlon tenn11led, by The 'DepartlllllDt ot In- haftuy fit fOf use. They raise some Fra.nkl1n llmoUB1ne. of t8,597 has a bonded Indebtedness dustrtal 'Relations appllcable to vegetables too. The Journal-Bepubllcan of Wi!",,\IIN.'~W whUe Warren. · wIth a. statce HIg'hw,a y Department 1m,. BEine rlWied on ' a ~'ot tbat conIIl1Da'ion. has ,Chariged hands alter I,~,pulatlloh of 25;~, has a bonded , in aOOClrdance 'With Sec- ulsted mainly of ~lce, Mr. Oauiker betnl 0WJ;li1d ·:by:: the F1ahers for mdebteclneSs of $190,000. How glad tiona 1~-3, 17-4, ,·1'1-48, 1'1-5 and \\~ hard put to our American food. ' HI04ti:ti•• ~--.,-,... ' .,.' Ii' quarter or ~ century. we. are tb,i.t we ~v,e :lh Warren e:o-en 17~6a o~ the ()ene~al COde of .He' attended college 10 Pennsylvania il.l".. "OWillII!ra, ,-", ThurlDall Mil-, We have an old cracked-Up cOurt Oblo." . . " [when he drat came to America &lid house. ( .'. \ The bidder, ~U$t submit with h1a lUI you know they are' ·a'll Dutch nID'vIlY, A. Surface was mamed a ce~Uled c.hec.:1t In ~ ~\ coo1t8 out there. So he used to oqok Wednesdiay ' to MIss Mae' .Bleudale f!Q.Ua1 to' five pet cent , of, the' .taU-· I rt~' ~ hIa , ro&m ~very ' ao often. ~t the home o.f the bride'. paz;,nta mated cost, but '1n .no event ~ .Some of the othet IItudenta came to O1e~eland. ~ " ,' " ' .' ten 'tbousatld d9llara: '.. ;, vIalt . him que ' day when he was B6c)T ro. AND ciO)(SIG" BarveysJrurg people are ~t Plana and apeclrlcatloD are GIl me coOIdna ' riCe. Sa1d one of them, ,oUr cattle, hOSS,' .beep aDd ~ftI they Will lot, ~ n,llroad. Their in' the qf h1g~a:v. a.nd 1 ~'Don't JOU eat anything but rlre to Norrta-Brocik 00.. Jlve wire idea Is th&G their p~ce ,w1ll be t.ba of , ~t ~~.. home?" ''Ob, yes," replled Solo:- prop-eiave flim for ~ ~1i'" obJectl.~polDt· at. . leav1q wi\IDCID ~t we Uke rice" "How often IIIIII'kM ptcu aDd ,1<IO;d ..... . aDd faIIdIr. KaJ'i- 8~ aDd ~ ~ 0111.. t.be ~ \ 0 ' _. " ~ aw" tt. O. ~~~ ~Ye AUeIl am.ftd bame dbDatl b1 the of 0npnIa aDd do yQU . t it?" ".AbOut three TIme sD DB RadIo . .tloIi WGIKY, ........ z.III. .........'~_. . . , . 0IIIJeIpf W... '. . ..... B. O. ~ ;-dar for sa ~ out of tbe 'ear.... U:2& 'to 12:10 p. m. fflt our daIIr ·~~Il"'~ l.'4 .ureJJ lIMO to .--_. ...... 0'
News Of 1 he eds
From '[he M'iami Gazette Files
• ....,.. _ .......
THE MIAMI QAZETn of Mrs. ~Aria Elbon· and Mrs. L: 1M. H,enderson on SWlday. Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall accomJ)allJed Mr . and Ml;.s. Ernest MQrtln to C1nelrulati Bunday, where they visited relatives. ' Miss Rcnriett.a McK.1nseY of ~ tabula called on friends here Manda.y afternoon. ~. Margaret Webb waa In Lebanon Monday afternoon . Miss Margaret "Edwards spent WedneSday Mth relatives In Day,ton . Mr. and Mrs . Karl Dakin of Lebl1non visited Mrs. Dakln's mot tier. Mrs. Georgia Ivins, Tuesday alternoon.
0----- ..
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Radley' were ATIEND Friday c.vening dinner guests of Mr. P t. OrvlUe Savoge spent seve{al IUld Mrs. Walter Whitaker. . days la.s~ week wltll Mr. and Mia. • Le8t~r Kenrick. He has been spendMr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and Inl a furlough with his mo~her, Mrs. (IDf son and James Smith were Wed- Ruth Savage at centervUle bllt wW neada7 even1ng guP.lts of Mr. and lOOn leaVe for c:amp at L\nCQin, SERVIC~ SUNDAY Mra. H. B. Elanlhf.rt. Neb. JUNE 11, 1944 • • • Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Mrs. John Mra. Howard Sbeeter and daughBIBLE SCHOOL ter of Wheelersbur&, Ohio, are Zimmerman and Mrs. Woanda Lee 9:30 A. M. spend\ni some time with Mrs. U. Lutz of Dayton called on Mr . and Mrs. J. B. Jones Sunday , afterO. 'Whetsel. .-. noon . • • • MOBNlNG SERVIOE ' Mrs. Enuna Oeal'hart of Dayton ,M r. and . Mrs. LaCY White and 11:00. A. M., was overnight aud ,M emorial Day two sons at Bellbrook spent ~unday Sennon Toplo-"LOVEST THOU guest of her son-in-law and daugh- wltll the latter's sister and parents, ME MORE THAN 'J1HESEY" ~er, Mr. and Mrs . A . H. Stubbs. Mrs; Delllnh Miller, &lId Mr . and ~and !am1ly. MIs. E. L. Rober.l:S'; EVENING SBRVlOE • • • 1\'11'8. Dert DUlln~U, Correliponlh:Jlt Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson have Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Hall of Uol8:00 O'dock • The Ladles Aid of the -Utica U . returned alter a two weeks' vacation umbus called at the homes or Mr. B. church was held at the home of Sermon Toplc-"PLAYING at Yellow Springs. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick, Mr. and lhlo\lgh NOI • • t OAd o. """u. DAd th. " " ,"10 ,h. heo, Y of C l lma"" Mrs. Robert Roser on Thursday. • • • Mrs . Wllbur Cllll'k and Mr. and ~h ldnc.. 10 Nanway (,bout lOO m il" THE FOOL" Mrs . George Winner and daugh- MrS . DOOrth Sheellan Wednesday Mr. and lMrs. 'Morris Lewis Isnd Th'.IoI,h I'" 'a, d. (:.Iail ol'ld towBapUsmal Service aft.er Evening land. _ •• ,' d.f.nd.d .0V" of 011 sons spent Sunday with Mr . and ter or Lebanon lWere Sunday guests afternoon. Dr_ Hall Is spending sevDil le...'It. \.! f,.", 21 to 11S ",n .. , _ . ServtCe ~~lure ~uneral Mrs . John Koester. of Mr. and Mrs. D. 'R. Sa11sbury. eral weeks in Warren county test- I Mr. and Mrs. Millard Ball and • • • ing cattle. . Mrs . Salome Hoffman of New ~nme Mr. and Mrs . Bert Bunnell spent , WEDNESD-'Y EVENING-8:OG Mr. and Mrs. Harvey \Burnet OasUe. Ind.. is the gue&t of friends spent Sunday with Dr. a.nd Mrs. Tuesday evening willi Mrs . Hazel PRAYER MEE'l\ING Dial 2111 - Wayae..ille I here for several days. .A1bner and daughters. Ernest Rosnagle and children at • • • Mrs. Harry Lewis spent Sunday London. MAX W. RANDALL. Mrs . Frank BraddOCK had as her afternoon call1l1g on her sister. Mrs. guests to dInner Sunday, Mr. a.nd Mr . and Mrs. Allen Emrick and Miniater Lulu Bigham who Is sLaying with \l:;.;============~' Mrs. WaITen Braddock and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick were M.r s. Baner Stewart. W, Betty. Mr. aIl d Mrs. Fred Brad- !Lebanon visitors Friday afternoon. Shown above nre tbe six most likely lnvaslon rou llis AS i'JCen by Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Shaw spent dook. and son. Mr and Mrs. RAyMr. and Mrs. Therle Jones and AlUed mlUtary strategists. InlUBI German reports P:Jt Hl!) 'I nvaslon Sunday WIth Mr . and Mrs . Earl and Oalo Depar~ments of Agriculmond Braddock and daughters. son, MLlton. were Sunday afternoon front opposite tbe IIOUth Eogland const, entering around Ihe ' Seine r iver ture. • • • and e,<:ening guests of Mr. and Mrs. estuary and tbo SeIDe bay, about .80 miles from . tile Erl, ", i e across Cl'aIWford. . '. Producers selling milk In the 19 1Mlr. and Mrs. ' Vaughn Mullen Mr. and Mrs. David Ross and EdWIn 'Nutt ot near centerville a.nd the English channel, along a stretch about 75 miles of tbe Frencb coasL auld markets dellvered- au . average IUId Mr. and Mrs . Walter , P feiffer daughter. Raobel Ann. were :Prtday also visited with Mrs. Jones broth• and daughter. J ane. spent Sunday of 18. ' pounds dally during April evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. er. Pvt. Herman Nutt. who Is home compared with 1'12 pounds dally with Mr . .and Mrs. Bert Bunnell . aaipb Hastings. 'on a furlough rrom Teus· to see' 111s during Mnrch and 183 pounds a .' ••• little son, born at MiamI Valley hos,Year ago. Producers supplying ·Ohlo Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout ·u.nd pltal 'Wednesday, May 31. manUfacturing plants '!-eUvered an W. ., &6, CIMda .. Tbanb anel daughter were among the guests at Mr'. and Mrs . Cllarles Hall have average at 90 pound,s dally duril' ~ a picnic at iMJller'8 Grove Sunday. sold their farm, I he Emrick place; )Ir~. Unr"·U~ ••.• '. 'bun...H. C; urrttt. Aprll, 11 pounds over tbe dally. av~ are ' aII:arpd ,~ at the Mrs. J. S. Stout of Dayton, Dr. and to Mr. and Mrs . Oliver L. Joh1);1()n lBen Kearns and his wife and ...... _ .., ...... mlmmlUD erage -delivery per producer 01 79 of Dayton. and have purehll5ed baby' were at Ferry church Sunday . ....... lie. A Wau' A,t'-buened 'or MrII. Clare Stout and children o~ Ben wlll return to Fort Meade. Md .. pounds during Mareh and 6 poun ds ~ . . . . II ebaqec1a' 10 a word. . We&t Milton. Mr. and Mrs. James Dayton pl'Operty to Which ~ey wlll over the April 1943 average dally . Snyder and children ot Dayton were move In a few weeks when the ,a:tter his furlough Is over. house Is completeq. • JIOR' 8AI.£ - WattlDa Productl at also pres6tlt. Orville B.avage of' LIncoln, Neb., delivery of 85 pounds. Reports on hauling rates In the . Frlencls hele are pleased to team is bome on a furlougb also. ~ If. BrcIMhraY, Lebanon. Open Mrs. Frank ~rkm· and son, DeiI- that Mrs. Milton Sheeban of Cen19 auld markets for the month f .VeDIDia f« 30ur CODyemence. A special Ohildren's Day wJll be n1s or Dayton were tlle guests of terv11le 1s much improved after beMarch indicate a sl1gbt: increase ovoffered at Sugar Orllek Chrlstlnn Oleo Untller. Phone as L. , Mrs. Larkin's parents. Mr. and Mrs. er the rates tor !.he previoUs Deing very 111 for some weeks. Mr . .and churoli Sunday morning. J. D. Treadway during .the past Mrs. Sheehan 'Were dellghted to Sunday guests 01 the George Me- cember. The average bauUng rate week. ha.ve as their guests Sunday rela~ Michaels were Mr. and Mrs. Gene paid by producers In the Dayton ~Iea. or electrlc. See BW Lee, Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Radley ",ere tlves from Ind.Jana; namely. Mr. and Cronk and 80n of Dayton. and Mr. auld milk IlW'ket paid $3.26 for 0ftIdaIf a..ct. R. 3, Wayne&vWe. and Mrs . Ouy MCMIchael of Bell- milk testing tour per cent but.terra t dinner guests at the home of Mr. Mrs. Lawrence Peterson at Indian·whlle the average gross l)rlOO reapolis and Mr. a.nd Mrs. Vernon brook. 'JIIOR aaI.a - A JIanraln. tha~ ma,y and MrII. Ralph Asbury and Iamily ceived, includlng premiwns was 3.43 Nelson of Lebanon, ~d. l\(r. and Mrs. Sam MOCray and DOt much loIlpr'. 200 aheetI Monday evening. ' George Gray 'Was a week-end Mr . and Mts. Cali Whits and fam- for milk testing 4.09 per cent butof IOOd bOacl paper.'Iz9~ In. ~th Miss ""lzabeUt ~. ick of Lebguest of h1s son, Clarence Gray, and Uy and MIss Mary -Whitis were Sun- terfat. '100 eDftIIopM. all prlntec1 with . IU'W The retail price of m1llt delivered DIIDe UId addrflaa for fl.60 at the anon spent last week with Mrli. lamtly, at Springboro. day afternoon v1sltOrs at H. R. to homes was lij cents per quart. MiIml.OueUle. Harvey ·Hole. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas e..nd Fordyce and the P. J. Thomases. D. e .• VIA ENGLAND)-Anterlcan troops embark • • •of SOnny, Ky., daughter were Saturday eveping COf. (WASHINGTON, the kick-oft. Plhoto shows Amcrlcan troops al they embarked for Mrs. George MeMlcruiel and chilMi8a Helen Henry Rev. nnd Mrs. L . C. RadIey \Vere POR BAiLB &,'eet POtato Plants. guests at ·Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bur. Lbe lnvaslon of WUe..•• Europe on D-Day, (Signal Corps Radio Telepboto). dren spept Monda.y with her pa.ia spending some time here at the 100 per ,'l~. AD kIDdI Of IVdm ton antt dugbter ~t Ferry. rents, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Pet- dlnner ruests at the home or Mr. ~tII, :tOo per de:. or 8 doL for home of her uncle. James d.ovely M d Mrs Ev tt Ea I 'and Mrs . . J. B. Rich on Thurs.day . and daUihter, Nody-. and her ~_r. an . ere r yare erson, near Burlington. eVcnlng. • • 0batIeIi O. BtroUae. 1~ mllee attending the Oh,o Graln Dealers >Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Blook of moved to the fnrm at the late Mar__'- ... WI ...... . mother, Mrs. James ~. ~ , convention at Columbus TIlesdli.y, ·In'Wanapolls, Ind,~ called on Mrs. WHOLE MILK PRICES • • • a business DOWN 11 OENTS IN omo'; k Iss EvelYn ' SPrBY of Da~ "'-~, 1'err)' 8DCl Ilqtle Mrs. ~ BIlter, who suffered In- Wednesday and ThursdaY' or this IAllce Brock, Mrs. Mary Marshall REoj:lP'I'8" ARE BEAVY vlslUng h Gr grandmother, Mrs. ...... 1 luries recenH" u a result or a ' faU week. and Mr. and-Ml's:--Walter-ifenrl -v1sltor-m--t;etHmon-; Frl .... f' '''' . sd Frances Bra nnock. ~~ ,ar- 3e Red Duroo Pili. 8 down her cellar·steps, ia greatly imMrs . Tillie Groy of Dayton \was and James Haines TIle ay afterColumbus, June 6. 1944.--Prices • • • " . old. Peot1re KIlEiI!, Route 3, proved. a guest at the home of her nephew, noon. ' . pain producers for milk sold whole. (' PA Si'!'S "don·t sell, offer or ud. w~; OhIo. 8 • • • Leslie Oray. and 'lallmy, last week iMr . ..and Mrs. Oharles Hall ~nd John Ridge of We U. S. Navy, a and Deeol'atlon Ouy they all mo~r- son Eddie and niece Beano Louise, Mrs. J. W. Ward came down sale during Aprtl declined 11 cents vel'tls ;) fOr sale allY used domestl/l ,POR 8AL1D PIcD1c Supplies, lnclud- son of Mr. and Mrs. Hueh Rldle o~ ed to .the · celI\Ctery at Pleasant had as dinner guest<.s Sunday, Mr. from Xenia for the week-Imd and from a. month earlier with an aver- h ou E holtl article without consultInc peper ......; CoId cups nap- West <PQlm Beac,h, Fla., spent the iRldge, Ky. ' and Mrs. Oharles Euster. son, B1l1y, spent Sunday at the home of her age price of .3.28 for mi~ testing Ul g your ration. board as to cefUng ~ etc: AlIo kltcJien towels, wu: week-end here at the home of h1s MI. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas add and daugbterJoan, Mr. and Mrs. nephew, K . N. Hough, and lamBy. 4.04 per cent butterfat ' compared price." _ _ _•• ~1104 ' _ !md toilet tia- grand paren..,. Oft • Miss Wanda Clal'k of Ly.tle called with a March price or $3.39 for milk 'Look out esp'ecially for used do.....,... _ .. _ " ~__ Mr. and Mrs. O. M. daughter. Betty,' attended the wed- . Mel Worman Rnd !IOll Rogers, Mr. ~tlng 4.11 per cent bUbterfat.- Ap... ciuette oftJce. Rldge . He is stationed at !Moore-. diDg of ·M\s.s 08.therlne .Loney and and Mrs. Cllapman, Mrs. L. Easter. on Mrs. Allee . Clark. Saturday. mesJjc ~ashlng machines, refrlger_-..;;..---..,-......_....;;....;;--_ head. KGr. Justin Stacbler at the Corpus Mr. and Mrs. B. Markley and son ~ Est~~ L. ~quhar of West proximately 4 cents of this decline a lors, gas cooking stoves and cam~ 8M.8 - 3& ~e1a RIchland , . • • • Chr1stl churCb Ih Dayton at 9 !30 lRobert and daughter: .feap, and Mr.. La.f ayette, lnd., head consul~t of in price is due · to lower butterfat Cl OS , whJoh, aT~ exampl~ of ar807 Beans. ~eth PoZ..PerMr. and Mrs. Ed Barker and tlWO Tuesday, Mjly 30. In. the afternoo~' and Mrs. James ThClmpson of Day- t~e state , welf~re work of lindiana, content of milk sold. Producers sell- tioles under priCe control even when ry. < 15 Cb1ldren, Betty and Wayne. or SJd- , they were guests at the reception ton. . b'Pent sunda~ with her aunt. Mrs. ing milk to · Ohio manufacturing IKlld by ll)div1duals. plants received an average price ot JIOR-"'--... --u.lD ......-r' t'l'elYD---fJDe...-~w-or:-It-hbrieS;~ ·~ ney, were dlliner gues.t s of Mrs . . at tbe home 01 Mr. · a.nd Mrs. Gus . Evalyn G. p.e terson. If you sell or of!er to . sell such 6 ' lel tJi W~ow Brandenburg Wednesday . Stachler of South~rn Hllls'. G'l~OVE' Mrs. Verna Kelley of. Day,t on and $3.00 fa\' 4.09 per cent m1l1t, whU~ Ill·ticles above ce1llng you are 'subJIB. 0 ; aound and gen e. • •• . ' " Mr. and Mrs. James Davis of COl.! tllose supplying ·fluld milk dealers Ject to suit for treble camages unBina PattenlOn, .'% m41es west ot' Mrs., Ha~ .· Burn....t and daugh . _ lMr. and · Mrs. Ben iijA:lund and ' - ._ . . . . • u~ M Ev Ha f I ~'INN" ,":""I .. ·,;"r""r. '(,; .. rr ......"" ...... , limbus, were guesl8 of ~es AIlDie in 19 Ohio fluid market.s received ~ . on .the Harvey.,. ... ' ters, O"ft , -lotte ' a nd Carolyn, spent rs.·· a . ines a Dayton were Hal h Nill E tt LaFo d ' der the. Emergency 'Prlc:e Con::u:.:o::l~..........._ _ .... p ' . yere rge an a.nd Mame Browne .suncia.y after- $3.60 (or 3.08 per- cent milk, accord...,..... ~ roacli oa.u DII.)1on Wednesday witb Mr. and Mrs. E : Monday evening guests of Mr. ·u.nd Act. YOUr ration- board haa ·full inn. Ing to t~e 0O\?peratlve Dairy , Re_ _Il101. 15 ·L. Thomas . ~. Walter Kenrick. the Frigidaire in Dayton. Miss Olara Llle was supper gu~st· ,p orting 8er'/Lc a t~ U lited "'::tBt. s !{,rmalJon. " • • • Mrs. Charles H&'Vey and sons or Mr . and Mrs. ~yer of IlByton, -61nI"le row Obtn Plow "",.-~ ' af 0 &in esv1ll e, .01QrksvUle spent Sunday WIth Mr. \.POR 'SA'. " ...."". J . E • AO""er , abd • McOorm1dt:.Deer1ng Wheat Fla.• is visiting her sister, Mrs. Em- and lMrs . Ch~Jes Charlton and 8pen~ the week;end. at the fannor ~rr'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===7~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We QHer
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'm~e ._aps~i1ie Gl~'Urt~ Ql.qr.ist
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.... _... IIJDN.-. com.
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Binder. \ Both 'in A-I condition. Ily Jacobi for a rew days. ~ 2118:1. W;&yne8vtlle. . 22 • • • JI!OIt. ·~lId~r. an .metal With 'M r. and ~. Emerson Earnhart c:brome'. ti1m.' N- set . c~ons : spent Wednesday afternoon in Y SPRIINOf'IElJI) visiting relatives . KrII. A. T. Oberry. phone 2827. WQDeev1lle. 22 Dr. and Mrs·. Hall at COl"-or""ft' ft_.I other umbus were Wednesday guests ·of Mrs. Hari1ett McGinnis. IDUIScai wtrumtlnf8. 8etlcLcarcl to R. B. ~, 111 Eaat SeCoOct St., O---~~"-'~~. ~ I_ .. 'i' IIJa)1oo 2, Obio. WJll came .to see ,
i.. B.
'niAn·...... ....... .......... ..... !'MI . ,,.:--.. _
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~±f~g:;~~,;; I ENJOY A DAY. Of ' fUN AT
famlly . Pvt. James Steinke was Inducted in the armed forces alter passing an examination' in Clncmnatl. Being in Wilson . tile 1'l':'yea l'~ old class, he will enter !Mrs. Mabel TerJ~ of Dayton a college about July 1. spent Sntur!lay and Sunday at her Mr. and ivlJ's. 'VIllo Mlltenberger home bere. entert.alned to (1. basket dInner SunJ . Lee Talmage. Albert Talmage day in hono'r of their lfttle dl\ug'h- and Jessie Garner were visitors in ter, Peggy Jo's fJ! th birthday. Those !Dayton Saturday. at home of present we.r e: Mt. and Mrs. Henry Mr . and Mrs. Wald'e> Replogle and Watkins, MJss Esther Watld.ns . Mrs. Mrs. ElJzabetll BallBlrd. The latter Grace Smith, Mrs . Leo Conner and has just returnM from, 'the St. EUzdaughters, Carolyn Ann and aJnet abeth bospltal and 1s sOme improved in· health. aud Jlnlmie Omne of WB.y.nC8vine Miss Rluth Bunce :nas accepted a and . ~r . and Mrs. Frank MUten- position tri Dayton. bel·ger . Mr. .a nd Mrs'. St1epbenson have
We are alJ:leereJy In'~&ea In
&eeliii' tba't q.e ~., IIfJrftd
62.R . '\
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·tbfJ .1IniII& ~ ~ee. j
--. ~ -
.....to go to preaa on
Our .r est.lJnnt II no~ 'or rood' food ••• iOe oolil 'drlnlla' for reIreshmeD' .hue yoU swim, fllb or to drink with. ,your 'pIcnic . dinners , •• PIcnic tableS aDd', bf&' pun. pro~ .~e for everyone. . '" ,'.,
'10' "Uhio :
. Qtber Evenings By ~pp,oint~ent
. .. S~ Detroit St.
Also Fin~sfFishing"
, 7-9 SaturdllY evenini ·.
Amerlea needs StNh(. Healthy ~p~ more now than ever before. B1I1 a S....... ';l'Ieket for the"enUre' family . .The· wAUr II ke~~ Clean and pure, be~ pumped tbrODlh three' 'Il&edq bedS 2C hours dldly.. A Capable. life maril.II .on . duty a& a11 .Wnee.. .
1-5 afternoons ixcept Wednesday
WAYNE PARK ] Swim For Health Haooiness RecreCl.tton
9-12 each morning
Ambulance' 8enkle'
Pho~e ~291, Wayn~~lIe, , . '0 .
AJ Moderate 'Cost _ •
'.'Wednesday niaht'open until la:oo'p~ m. -for the coa,eliienu of Wu WOlken ",her nights 10:30 p. DL---'-20 miles from :DaytoD~ .. --10 miles Irom Lehuo. · WA~ '~J RARK PHONE UI51
,. ,\.
WAYNBSVILl&. 0810. , TllUB8DAlr, JUNE 15, 19«
. Father-Son Banquet Of Civic Clu)J Mon.
"'hat FrHdom Slaa" Not
. progr~lve
Waynesville Girl:Among First To Land In France '
:Mr. and ·M rs. Ronald Ha.wu enThe Women's club Every member present with a ooy met at the state park on Route 42 boys. ls the sl!lgQn for the com- ~rtained thl! Wayne Township Tuesday evening and enjoyed a I Lt . Suella. Bernard. daughter of Springfield h06Pltsl she was emf ' lng Father-Bon banquet of the O1Vic Farmers club at OOld SprlnP Te.vhamburger try. Sixteen members Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam Bernard of . ployed at the Sydney h06pl~ as " ~:' . 'd ub next Monday night. Brother em June B. Members a.nd guests ehwere presmt to enjoy the outing. Waynesville, was one o.f the first nO<»' nurse . She en1i8ted in the erbert Graham, chaIrman Of t.he joyed a social .hour In the pleasa.nt The business meeting was under nve Amerloan nurses "to land wIth Army Nurse Corps a year B4IO 'at (". progrum COmmittee, saY6, "We are dln1ng room before the deUcious 'the superv1s1on of the vice president, the Allied Armies on the beachhead ColumbW! and has been overaeaa very fortuna·t e 1n secur1ng the type dinner . Wanda C1iLrk. The secretary·s re- In Fro.nce, It has been revealed by but a, short time , She baa two ~ we have in the person of The following oUicers were elected _ _ port was given by Miss Virginia press dispatches , brothers In the NavY~ Seamon J4) Mr. Glenn Massman. Mr.' ~llIan to serve tor L946 : Fred ~gemeyer, Hardin, Several Intere:;tlng books. Lt . Bernard. who was born near Elvin L , Bernard at Herford, N. just th~ past week was elected pres- president; L. V, Branstra~or, vice _ bought by the club 1n memory 01 IWaynesville, li ved hel·e practically C., and Seaman F-C W1ll1am Berident of the Llon's club 01 Dayton, president; AUce ()Qns, secretary ; =~ Miss Helen Hawke. have been dO- lher entire me wlUI she entered Olty nard now In the South Pa.clllc. Her Is secretary of the Dayton Fore- Keller HOak, execuUve committee. Mrs. £1B1e Hockett invited the nated to the local library .. The club b09pltal. Splingfield, to take up 'p arents are both emplOJed at men's club and a member of sevhas a~ pledged 126,00 to the local nursing where she graduated 1n 11140. Brown & Brockmeyer, .. .. D&yton eral other organizatiollB. For ten memtbers of t.he club to be her guests Youth Center project . She was a member of the 1937 war plant. years 'Mr. Massman worked with tor the July meeting at Cold Spr1ng.s A White Elephane sale was plann- graduating ' class of Waynesville Many local people, 1DCiudlni her iYoung people in thls lind other 'l'&vem. ~s. J. K. Preston was in charge ed for the May meeting at the club High school. Alter leaving the patents, beard her broadcast over states as Secretary of the Ohio bllt due to the small attendance the • the NBC coast to coa.it net:wort SatChrlst1a.n Endeavor UJl1on. He of the special topic, "Vltamines ." sale wUl be held' i.n JUly. urday evening. comes with a message t.hat wID She ' gave an account ot Ule d1scovMETHODIST CHURCH TO . A chOTUS was planned by the club. PRE8ENT PAGEANT AT The followiIl& story was written . bring real enjoyment to all who ery of the various vltamt.nes and exMrll. Will St . John and Mrs . Ralph StJNDAY A. M. SERVICE by Lt. Bemar4 and a companloo, hear him. If you ce.nnot laugh, you pla1ned the use or each. She menHastings were appointed a commitLt. Marljean ~rown, of Columbus, had better slay away bom the ban- tioned the experiments now being tee to plan the initiation of new The annual Children DBy service ifor the A8a0clated Prees; ed on. She pointed out that quet. Just last week he broufbt a members at the July meeting . will be held SUnday morning at Ninth Air Force EvacuaUon Base, me.ssage to the Ohio Grain Dealers our knowledge of VitamJnes ls ot· no Henceforth the club will meet the 10:90 o'clOCk at the Methodlst SOmewhere in Blit.aln, June ll.-We association at Colwnbus which lmpoJltAnce unle$8 we ~e ust of it first Monday evening of each mo.nth churctl, it has been announced by picked poppies In shell-pocked flelda really Sent the boys rotl1ng In the in selecting the food we eat. Mr. , Hawke introduced Robert instead of tbe second Tuesday as Rev. R. B . Coleman, M1n1ster. The 01 Normandy and brougbt , tbeID aWes with laughter." fWatkina, executiv& secretary of the heretotore. serVice w11l consISt of a pageant and back to Britain with t.he tJ.rat carso If o.ny of the club members can The ladles addressed a letter to otlier services . of wounded to be ev&C,--ted from not find boys to bring, they are to OoodwlU Industries of D&yton. Mr. Lt. cathryn Boger who has been The Youth Fellowship group met this new European batUef1eld-wo contact Rev . Ralph Parks, the club Watk1n8' talk was entitled "Humorsuffering with pneumonia in a mUevening and elected the fol- Germans, a French o1vw&n,-a.nc1 two president, and he wUI help you se- 0U8 Ino1denta In the Day's WOrk." • !He told of strange requeets put to ltary h06pltsl In Naples, ItaU' . She 10wLng officers: President. ·Joe American- a Colonel and a '011. cure one. has recovered sulfio1ently to resume DaVis; Vice President, Joe James; It was dreary when we took c« E!!..ch member 18 urged to attend the workers tOl' the Industries and her dUties with the Anny Nurse Gladys Rye; f~ the:lJaBe tn the blJ D-4'l; lM1t this meeting. The banquet wW be strange:obJeot. that ~e cons1gD.ed to ....... VILLE LEAD CoJ'llfi, ~r8t Comml6s10n. Raylyn Crabbe; we did not notice the weatberDiuch., -served In tho WayilleSvllle Metho- tJlelr care. SometlpJes It 18 possible • a. Vir- WAu-.. "S 8 The next meeUllg Will be held at "",,"vu "'--d "'~-" 'ion, no Duth ....... w~"'''a.y', dist churoh, so please get (\'Our res- to fill the .requests. even .or PEDDy Y .... POINTS IN VVI~ We had other th!.nga to ~ B the home ot Mrs. Alva Thompson Il'hlrd Oomm'··lon, p ntsy .n _'-d ·, -ervatlOns In at once, 18 lir. Grt- g1nla. grandt.ther; b ut 80met1mes LOCAL (l~ CONTEST on JUly S. ....., .-u and th1a was the day UlCl ~ duty bequest. cause the worken troUble, ~ Fourth Com.m1ss1on, Jack Orane. for'which we had been t.ra1nID8 .1DOI'tI ham's admonition to ml!lUlbenil. The becauae. it la difficult to dlapose of The second week of the contest lI'he Fifth War Loan . campaign 8T~LEY-B-AlL--E-Y""':'I-STuesday evening was flked as the than a year. For a while · we were return carda should be In Ule banda . d Ferry opened In Clay Township simulta.nAPPOINTED STATION 1"::I~UJl'" meeting ;night for the s«m.- worried ' unW we plclted up ~ tlirhter' of the secretary by· Friday 80 tbat ashes of the dear but known de- between the ,Waynesville an .....ri_ alnce "'Ate la.ws are str1ct in proper reservations can be ma4e . ,----' -Ol)urcbes of Oluist has closed. and, eously with every section of the naAGENT AT L()(lAL DEPOT mer . escort at the coast, becauae . we such pultters. He told 01 dllf1cu1t11!6 whereas Ferry was in the lead 40 tlon Monday morning. It wUl be The follOwing yeung' people will thought perh~' we would have to If members do not plan to attend Stanley Bailey, well known man- at.tend the Sabina Inst1tute next turn back; but once the f18bteri they are ' to marl( their carda to with houseWIves ~o send all their points at the end of the first week, necessary for every ~dlvl.duaJ to asthat eftect and return them regaJ'(l- hUaband's best ahlrts off in a trucIt WaynesvJ)le Is now ahead ~ Points sume their responalblUtlP In the ager of the local Fairley Hardware week: Mary Ann Melloh, Mary ~ra took their poIl~qns overhead ""' and ' then telephone fractlcally. Heat the end' of the st!OQnd week. In- drIve .. and prospective "bOnd buyers store, resigned his position Sntur- Hough, Naomi ' Earnhai'.t and Mar" k.new we were ',olJiC up. less. cUes ahOw that even our. un~ volunteer their purchase and day night and reported for work tha Wardlow. W PARTY HONOBB nFI'R terest in the contest Is mounting e kept peering out, loot1nc tor BIRTHDAY ANJt(IVEIlBAB.Y may d<,J ,Il good turn. diLy by day with more ",nd more of Ilot espect or watt to be I"pproaohed as the local representBUve ot the YOUNG FARMERS A88'N German planea, and 'kept expectlnc /I. woman sent ·her , llusband'S th . e' memlJers of the two churches a. salesman. . pennsylvania 'R allroad Monday HOLDS ST.. a .......Y Oalt when we puaed' over t.he coan. . L_ L._ . lna He had been emp ' 1oye.. .. O>n.n ...... , . w Peggy 'Jo MilIoe.lJOel'ier was hon..-ood en ' l~ ~D to th ~ ind"-<-O-· Il800&"..,... In a feeling the responslbillty of getting The quota for Warren COlUlty' .... mO~' ."'.' !Not a German plane showed up . ore<! with a po.rty June 7 her few weeks abe telepboned 10r' e, ~to the work of calling. letter writ,600,000, an~ wednesday m,0'rnioD« by the hardware chain for U years. The Young Fal1llers association and there wasn't a alan of flAit. We home in observance of ~r tlru( prdner. who came, proud 'of ' h1a lng, oom1ng to ~hurch, and bring)ni oniy about ~,OOO WCfU' or bolide Ml8s. Lea 'CIark, who has been the at the Harry Smith park woUld have thought t.he trIP over birthday anniversary. Her lNesta new leg that made It poBalble for meone' with Ilbem. had been sold in ~ OOWlty. Tbe statl~ ageot here · for lleveral. . even1ng tor a stea.lt 'f ry, All sort of dull 11 we badn't. mown were carolyn Ann and ' Janet b1m to "orlt. It ~as,1he d1Icov~" r.I"he aeoond', w41 ek's totals were 18 TOwnahlp quote. 1.11 'I~.OOO. months, has been transferred to the 'two members were present. where we were golnl. . ner, Carol KaY 'Turner, M&rllyn pO. the let{ abe had sent in. Mr. Wat- 10llon: B1ble school, WaynesVille, Ross H : Ha.rt.8OcIt, presljlent of the Hamilton dlv1a1on or" the rallroad, The committee, Leo C~)Dner, ErnThe la.ndllia .IIiriP whlil'e· we were llnsky•. Jimmy Frasure, Freddie 'Le- k1na l~t hla audience feeUng that 13L. Ferry, '13-1;"church, Waynesville. 1·'.l'Ia11JlIllsville National JJa.~.~d leav1nc here some· tim~ this week. Oook and ;Henry Satterth'Walte to come In had Just been coinpleted, MaY. Pasty Hawke, Loulse and Judy h1a wort 'was w0rtb:y, but that it had 102, Ferry, 12'7; calls, W~ynesviUe, cllairman of Ule Wayne .. uww...up Mrs. Bld Hopk1n.s, mother-in-laW demonstrated their abtllty as, good but our pUot wasn't taIdnf chane•. Back, Ruth and Chr18t1ne ' DaVles, its funny BIde, too. , 320, Fem, 1.50, letters wrItten, Drive, reports t.hat at 4':00 p. m. of Mr. BaU~, whb has been em- . to the sat1alaotlon , of the IWe came in low firat, Itilly hedIeEsther Watkins, wUma Gray, ' and' .GuestslQr t.he day were: !ok. We,t., Wayn~v1lle, 69, Ferry, 195; evening 1'huraday,' a total of ' '115,002.25 in ployed' as the booldteepet at Pa1rleYB preaent. tlopplDg, to look thl.nClI over before Jonny and T!miny Mllten6el'ger. 8l1e klna of Dayto~, Rev. and MnI. B~lce, Waynesville, 1110, Ferry, 58; bonds had been sold here. also rea1gned and has accepted em" The menu coil!llsted of irlec;l 1anc!i.ng, and sent up a cloud Of dUac. received many lovely' glfta. Ralph Parltl, KIIaea R\lth and EUza- additions.. WBynesvllle, 25, Ferry, 0; pJOyment at the A. it·. Day Cloth- ste6k, potatoes, ,oUvea and pkllllea, Off in the dlatance you oou14 '--.. ·v---dl 1--- .to ' pp ed orr with homemade ice !)ear the 'guna roar, Just a few. hunIn the . evening Mr', and JIrt • ..."... ....... er, totiua for the second week, Waynes- TE"HONE , (lOMPANY ~·D .!h.u re. . Ollf(ord A1'cl)4~on and Chudlen,. WAYNESVILI.E BlGH SCHOOL ville, 147, Ferry, 662; totals Cor .the . EMPLO~~==~~{l~El\IT No IiUocessor has yet been named and cake. All voted the at- dred yards away our troops were Betty Lou and Robert. M:Iss Jeanne . GaADUAft AW.umBO A , two weeks, Waynesville 1,116;' Ferry, . by the FaIrley company to Mr. a great Success. . ..... exploc1lng Qennan mlnee in the Tul.or and ' Mrs. Ethel Trimble of 8(lIIO~ AT {lAPITAL ' 1,011. " '. .' Earl Welch, 28, of West; MUlberry BaIley or Mrs. Hopkins. ~Ielda ·to get them out of the ,...,.. , o,.y'ton were gull8t;a of Mrs. Milo. , ; Both Mr. RAndall of the WayneBLebanon, an empl<)ye at th.e F.&B&WELL PAB.TY FOR REV. Then we were 1.o1d .there wOUl4 be M;1lf.eo\:l.beJ'lltlr and ch11c1ran andKr. , Col~, (SpeCial) June 13.. - ville church and Mr. Graham at the OhIo Central Telephone Qxnpal1y. COLEMAN AT NEW (lABLlSLE Nrs. D. R. Bm1th, Mrs. Wade a .walt untU the ambulances broUabt ' .and Mrs. F. H. Miltenberger'. Almetta BtelDke, valedictorian of Perry church are 1nter.eS~ in the was injured abOut 8:00 o'clock , Mrs. John 'l'litner, Mrs. ' in the patlenta. . . ..,,_ 1........ ...·-tin 1 __ - of W . buJldln a of both con.......... Uona A N- "--11-1 Sun) Oarl OonaI'd, Mrs. A. T. 'PoUns"~, Overhead the tighter III!)Ort c1r(lEMETERY MEETING IS ,W IllI . . . ,c_ ~.. ".V"W. Wednesday morning ln an unusual "w ~ .... e "II" ..all. uta.. .' vlcto--for one churoh'- lao vi ...... "Oold Frl ~-~. 'c1 Mrs. /I.. E . 8tout and Mrs. John cled protedlvely and they ...ve 118 P08T1'ONIm', TO BE ",W .-"' _1IChoo1, bu ~n ~arded·" ... a ~ c- , accident about one-hall rnlle nooth .. ue . en enwuup' ass ot a hlgb IICboOi bonor acbola.rsh1p by tory for the other lor both ch~es WAfnesville on Route 4;3 . .At f1rat the KeU1od.lllt church held a fare- Kersey were guests ot Mrs. Ira Q comfortable leello,. There.,... ' ay EVW> WEDNE8D.. •"'.... co . ....... ch th 1 bell ' _ ...... I~~ Brown Wednesday evenin'g of last nothing we coUld do for .. ~ OIplt.l Unlteratty; 'uwuinbus. prea e sam~ 'K06pe a.nd eve it wali ' beUeved h1a. injuries were ............ tor Rev. R. B. OoleThe' annUal meeting oC lot ownera . BODOI' acliOlarahlpi, In the amount the Blm;Ple ~es of the . New but inquiry at 'Bilalr, Bros. and (BentlY SIlnday e.venJ.ng at ·w hen . she entertl!;1ned at her except walt, 80 w~t plck1ng Ilftqf ~ml cemetery, which waS to be of .one Jear', tUItion are gr.anted to Testament. . in Lebanon where he wali the home at Mr. and Mrs. Hal'old hOme In Franklin. cards were the ers. The popp1~, ~t cd . . Il ld M0114ny; JUJ,le 13, at 3:00 p. JJl., the I~t honor atudenta graduating .. ~tll !lhurches attempt ..!A> pro- taken revealed that be "las nOt' IBcnJdlers. dJversloo·· of the evening with Mrs. swaying, wi!le lovely, ns IJOs"polled dUe -to poqr irt~d- tram ~ high ICboola 'in' a claim only the.New Testament p~ea hUit. · · A dinner was served at 7:00 ~to~t w1nn1ng high score and Mrs. But 'in ' the lIelda .,re came ~ anc~, . until Wedneeday ",enloe, c18aa of, l& to 50 membertl, to ~ an~beUeve and ~e ' frooi ' the . We)ch "Wu. wor"'M':' 'with a crew on the. lawn. Mr. and Mrs. iPollnsky the low /leOTe . . the bodles Of three dead Oermula• •\ ' ".. . L HoI W ... ....Atj . and when we IHIot baclt In the laDe June 2)' at 8;Ou p. m. ·A11.1ot ~1J .lint . ~d s8CODd . . .honor at,ud , anToS. In d y ~t J tha . t ~Ie . ~nJy wayan .In- . . of "'lep'hone uDemen at the &eeIle Allen Parker tumlsbed delicious 1c;e 'CiUiNlNG DEMON8TRATIONS .- not UDlltely ..... . ' . . . were told It was are urged to be preeent 'as IhIa a cIlaaii of lid to 100 ~ and vidual can be saved 18 . through of the acc1dent .. /I.cc)Ord1~ to·.,pec- cream. After a fellowship hour Mr. -Is of prime to the seCond and third bap- tators he was stringing a Une aCross lAwrence Pnaumer, the teacber or Ml8s Roberta Falkenstein, Warren : . '. , .' stUdents in c1aaaea of 100 to !fi!O. ttam, · and living ther 9hrtstlan 1I1e. the highway a"nd had a (lI)l1 ofwtre the clau mad!! appropriate re~s ICU'UIlI'V home demoDlltratlon . Og'\llt, . AI& . i'O~ VETBBMJ BOMB . \ 1.'lloae in the top three per cent of :u you have no cbulcli hQllie and his neck. He had c1lmbed': and in behalf of the claM presented lalliIlOIUDCies· the follo.wlng caJlIIlns running up whlle ·we were there. I :x'-6it, RobIIrt L. LoVely,. 8OQ of the~ clu/I'are 'ar,nted h~ mol- lI~e , close to . either . 'oC theSe two pole preparatory to fasbening the valuable present to Rev . Coleman demoMtl'8,ucms to be Mid begln- They seemed surprlaed to 1Jee. ' ua, Mr. a.l!d Mrs. Lee .Lov.ely of Spring_ ~ '11 t;be, Claaa bU)nore th,an chUnlh~8, you are : sincerely invi~ . when' a trUCk apPl'C*'.bed. '!be and family: .' n1ng next week. All .. re to begin at bUt asked the, aame .old , ClllisU~ boro, ',18 home from oveJ'lleli after. 100 members. ,Theae acbolarahlpa to att:end each Lora's y. wfre was not . "'"b 'eno....h tor the ,Rev. ~ and MnI. Colema.n I1nd Mil- 2:00 p. m. "Where dld you c.ODle from .in the .. completing 28 bombing. mlaalOJl4 over are_tuition ~ta in the ~t of , ~. ~pau of ..the WUynesv1lle truck'tO c1et\r-and it'-Cllught the dred made responses. Leb...non, June~, Grange Hall; states?" The th!.ng they ser.med to mJU D1I'ope GJI a top turret gun.ner On a Cllie-fourtb ' ~r the year', iCtual' tu- Obun:b' ~~ Chrlat, WU1 preach ~ the which was around. IW elch', .AU Wished ·Rev. Ooleman .l1nd Morrow, June 21, School; Spring~ . "bomber .. He Is a nepli~ of J~ 1t1ol1 and are PaId annually· over a f~ow1ng. subject.s thls oord's Day: Ileck, Jeritlng him to til,,' ,roUnd. famUy suOOeu and happiness In boro, June 22, Grang HaJI; Malne- moat ·was 'water. Lovely of Waynesville. ' " . ptrlOc{ of fr?ur yean l ' . In the m~~ at 11:00 o'clock ~e The wire broke and toll9ll.ed a hlgb their n~ field at Wayn~svllle, Ohio. vUle, June 23, Grange Hall; Frank'~Brlng us bact a C9uple .of buck· . " iIn a , ~u.. claaa of I . bhan 'Will preach on ''The 8in.of ~ tens10n wire to add to the coniua45 were present. lln, June 27, School; Pleasant Plain. etfuls the next time," ~J Joked. ' MRS. MABGABBT WJBB , 1~ ~e top ~i lltUdebt".ii elJe- and Sapp~,,, and In . the ev~g Ion. June 28, School; WaYllesv11le, June About and hour. and a baU ·aftQo BESIG~8 AS HQMB MA1JION lbie to '*0 a 8IlMlarIh1p ' telit supo on ''What Keeps The ' ~\UclleiJ . When the ot.her wOltanen ran to AND MRS. 'EIM:EB. !IB, Scbool; Fort Ancient. June 50, we landed the Pai.tenta were c:arMrs. Marpret wel)!) ,~ zoe.. PlIed by OBpltal ,1JDt"JmSlt)'. . ~part7" ,Oo,e week from 8un~Y. aaalBtaJice he" WlI8; unc:oii... SHEEllIAI!f TO CELEBRATE , Township· Ho~e . rled aboard. We were ~. tlMb. ' Pr1 da D _ _ 0 ' . . June 36, ,he wW preach on the sUbsclous and' bleeding fl'OllB ... .deep GOLDEN ~VEasABY ASnong. ~' nve in our iIhlp 1fU cently as matron of .~ ~ ."O~ ON lI-l)AY LEAVE ..Jf:ota; "Ohtls .. ' t, Tlieiaon ot-(l<id," ;a.Dd MRS. IBHA RABTSOCK ' !l o1vllan ·Prenebman. · We and ,lert Mon~ .for MUrfl'e~, " , __ : . !"l1he Releasing' at Laa.~.",.....()on- cut in h1a n~. Dr. A. J: .. Stout Mr. ' and Mrs. 'Elmer Sh~ban HOSTESS TO FBIENDSIUP (lLUB·. been t.oi4 he was' of greatle1'Ytce·to rre~., where she , Wl11 . vlalt . her ~ ~pe, .~, .of ~ U, trlb ted . , . ' .' . " waa called and rushed tlu, InJured w1l1 'ceietirate their '!1fUeth -wed. the ' ahoy bJ marlt:j~ out 'on the daughter. ~e ha.i IM!eD matrons for B.· Navy, ~ llOD;le on ,~ ~-.daY leave ' u. . .' ~ : to ~ hoIIpltal. d1Ag anniversary , Sunday. Ju.ne lB. MrB. Irma Hartsook entertained map the pl8A!ei where the GeI'lMM 1B montbB. MISs RUth ,ObAncUe17 til vta1~ ., bJa mOtoJillt, Mrs. bIara . ftCmC BIJPPIl. (lIJB8Ts' . . ' t>erson."'( pj:esent at" U1escene {)f A ramu:y dbmer will be enJOJed at Pr1eJ.ldship club Wednesday at .., had pWboxes.~e had a hip .~" serv~ng ,aaher.uueaaor : ,. " . otber,.relaUvea., ~~ ,. -:......-",. the aooldent agt'ee(l that it was ae;oi1'.utter which ' Mr. and Mrs. ten1OOn • .uter .tJlebuslneas, meet~ but ' he kept waving h1a. arma, &a:J• ' .. baa had ma.DT ~ Kr . . , . In1racle that Welch 'was no.t ldlJed. Sheehan will hold "Open House" ~ tennls. game was held wiU. a rel1, ' lne to ten us' hoW, bappy, hiwu . .EABL. CO~ J?WM~ , -.sa, .~ W ' bM lbade ' • aJ¥l1c.~' ~ Uacpey haeta ·· , tl:om 3:00 p. ~. unUI5:00and froin and blue ~teat. ~. But even ·the two Genn."-- -~ , TO STAII'F ' SBJIoUNT ~ ~-.t ...:.:..' Of t.hePacltlc. . \, even1nl, ~. ~; , suppez: gue.ta Sunday IttTnisJ,611lbee wOP .f J.rat · ~. A flag happy to be .-,lie aboard:....." - .', ..,~ " 'I Va, Moore and uhtil n1oe. ,,' . .. . . . VU1JVl1J8 BBuPnNG ~Ughter, Mr. and .~s. Ralph • und Mta . ,Sheehan'S many qulJi waa tl,len. held 6eve~ ¥other ·We broUillt t.he ~ In< ~' .. ~'. ....;;:.... . . ' . ~ebb, 'k r. and Mra_ 'Wendel CrlteI I're,llltlve;" and' frl6~da 'W1!1 weJOOlrie Goc¥e characters were :present and out InctdeDt, . We hope- we ·d , ~ 'Sst. ~ ,0 ..' o.viI,.son &DiS IlOl1, Mr. and Mra . 'Harold this OpOrtunity to , greet. and con'- I· IC"'~~U th~ ~1eCea. ,'. r • ' gruns back soon. .,.. ' .... ., 'p)iI"'_'a ,I~1II Ml'?and lib,' Glenn' or ft. , . \ and iiaaJey of .WuImltullate U1em .on. th~li' flfLY' Jellol's I?eJicloua refreshmept ·were served I fIlL&JlIBlriGiMi~i1~ . 8 WI" __m- writes . " ~a.ilPY malTied life. W Mrs. Harteoc:k' Vfbo was asslated Iii -- ~~t - .if." . Mr. and . lira. ~d b ••....... So- d d ....- /I. ' IIQIIUIWhere In be 18. feel- ~ and I!OPS of Sabina, Mr. aDd y• .gu8t'~"....._....- • . ~ ~.u. ~ an '. -.. ... 1, . ' tis fine and _t the cl1in;.tie ..... BadleJ, Mr. aIU1 lira" '~~: IN8PBCTiONB .:. -, qree tnth ,h im. Be -.ya the ~ OJarence and chlldnlD, and' .ADlODi,·,uWse·WhO attended the LANDING ~ ~URsE8 TO BE to ~ all~. Ume. Be'baa lira. Alma PealeD' Of for tale AftIml4~ Clrdlll' Of lilaIIter.n Star InUBNAUl'BD V_Yl~ erupUl)l Ua4 steW and. little Ms.. 'VIr81nIa ~ ~ cbarJe 01 Ma. laPl!i1:tlIDDa were lira. J.. P. T ... ....,.~am~ .4 Ia a W'CIDdel1Ul ~. ~ • ... . PoUOtdDI the· aDd lira. Bvere~t 'Early, Mr • • Qulr&enDllter dlvIIlaD. . R&tph Pcb a,.d Be. ao.,land, KrI. J . ' J. . 01 11. 8. AraI7 N. . . . Ia . . . . . 01'
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TlRJRSDAY, JUNE 15, 1944
s~\\'ln ' 111'OJ('Ct.~. Lnundry equJp- phmo solo nt Lhe Murphy TIlcntre, lm ent came ftom WPA, NyA. and WlUrllngton. Thnl1ctM' night . whe.n ~ , -~ ' oth r ~ governm nt . iiI 1'1)\' ~t ~s. Ws. RI1ymoI1~ Young pl'Csen Led h (;-1' W8Yneavm~, Oblo Malo stre,et . BuUons. thr ad ILnd ot.h ~ 1' milt rial 1944 ,kind rgarLen revue . I come" froOl. W1"IJ\ U))l-~ rs t. n b: nd Mr, anti Mrs. ~anzy heeLs and 8eooDcs CIUI Mail Matter at PostofJice, WaynesvUle. Oblo when WPA was lIquldllted. Rel?ait claugl,lter, Junc, of Oillcinnatl, nnd centers w ra set \II} In midwrs nl. Mr . and Mrs . Donnld KelTlck aM Walter W. Wiseman, Editor and nreas nqd supervlsr, rs wcrc ell t'o f1011S 01 Wayncsvlll , ailed In tl e \. . Publisher start ~he assembly IIn('.~, hom 0[ . Mr . {l1\eI Ml'. Ra~'m()!l d ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Am()~11l Ule :I t., lians .!! ' \I fil l 1 IIn-, w'~ll one evenlng I t \ eek. 8U1JeC1'U)tlon PI1Ale. ' SUO Per Year, Payable 10 Advance dred ~perl anced UlUOJ' ~ weI C (0 IUd Mrs. Nellle Bunn 11 cnll ct on ncr nl""e, Mr-. , •...... - rurcn~ St. rr, a lld The ~publl()O'n Na tional convent W1:10 cou Id t ra In I;h . e II' r II O... w 'PW In~" ~ , N.nOll•• Acf".rtlllllg R.pr....t.n". se":lng. Mnterlal now bei'r g :;alv d new baby" Larry Roger, SIIt.urG ay tiontlon In Chicago, starting on Includ s ,80 mlllIQl\ p .. UJlds 01 Army af,ternoon. June 26, is the next big sbow In NQ • • • v.~ 'N~. Ws Mrs. ' JeoJlle Braddock and Mr . politics. 1059 delegates will gallit'r clothing and. equipm nt. '1 h receIve 80 c nts 1\ day- the . nm.:unt alld Mrs. Harry West we re gu tl' at th re to select l.he party candidates. lliey .would receiv,e for out.o;ldc I.: bor. ehurch Sunday , fo r thc presidency and vice preslHome To- N• .."."." Little SUSBll Gayle and broth 'I'. deney . Your reporter will be there , 0uLslde employers of ' pr1$on labor pRy the pl'eva rung wage, t.he dlU4.lr. ~rry. I;pent FrIday even In ' \\ hh gi ve you a flrs ~-hn.nd picture or •• w......... ewe.,. I." • • F •• HoIwoolIld9-0 s... Ft_loco. c.;a. 'nee between that wagc and 80 lllts their grandpA'rent.s. Mr. and Ml'S, xcltement. • • • a duy going to Lhe U. S . Tl'CI'ISl1ry . Raymond Wilson . HeriJcl't Hoovers victory for Lt. ~. and Mrs. Raleigh Boga n and r think, a local man 8ald yester- shortly In Chicago. Chicago, It apGovernor the RellUblican" ticket Mrs, Evan Boga.n were dinllcr looks more Impl'esslve than ev I' dau, th8t nothing develops Q boy pears, does noL have the name of CREJ~K " guests in the home of Charley Men- when one analyzes Its magnHude. Uke respo.tIIIlbUit..y - not too much, the windy city for nothJng. .\1 rH. \ \ tU l u l it !II , .. I ,h. ·o vr,*""fu .... t-nt , but enough to keep him figuring'. denhall In New Bw'lIngtoll. SIU1day. He won In n field of eight.. wUh n Lt. Suella Bernard has done more ANZIO - (Ornclal U. S. Army Signal COrpl Photo)·- A line of Little Jimmy Mul utll'c spent f>a.tI thlnlt the ~ ao many of our Mos. Charles Stanley and do.ugh- plurality of 54,000. He led the Held German prisoners. captured In the latest Allied push which joined' urduy evening, June 3, wit h hLs to put WayuesvUle on the map tnan big and 8'IJOCe68fUl men come rrom 'tel', C8l'olyn, and Mrs. Wlll inm ill GG counties, wns second In twenty beachhead forces here. III marched from the Prisoner of Wllr enclosure the country Is that.. the coUntry boy, anyone lor a long time . Local ciLl at the docks in the Anzlo area to the L.C.T. whiclt will tnke them t o gl:nndmolh'er, Mrs . G len na WI ~on. Smith 'and daughter, Marilyn, were Guests In the Bogan home S~ d ay In CentervlHe on Saturday f01' e- und Wll!'d In two. He 1$ aiso In '('he Naples. The JrU8rd Is member of \he M,P. Escort Guard ComlliinY~ ....11' Ion llIe, Is given responaib1l1t1es. zens are prOUd. 0[. h~. envious position of owing no obllevening. June ' 4, wer~ Ml·. and Mrs. !!Ie haa certain chorea to do at a The expression, heard hereabouts. noon. gaMons to any .Of~!'h~ party leaders., eaa10nally a oerman .o:r Itallnn ~l- Lawrence J\1exander, Mr. and Mrs. ceIItaln t.ime. He 1& given a t.ea.m and that the ,war Is a1;lout over, should PR:ISONERS OF W!AR ma.y be seen weartng ,aU his inWilliam Smlt.h an\! daughler, Mardl\1r IN (llIIlTED STATES ', Il ~tivator to cultivate, a field of be 11100 away with the ,well known TIle quamy of Gov. Bricker's na-' GARDE:N 'OI,UB Hot.DIS -HOW TREY LIVE slgnla. or decoraUons o,n his Amerl- llYn Sue . coni. a tractor to plow the north understatement or a few years back JUNE MEETING TII1JItS. 1I0n: wlde talks have greatly increascan ·unlform, on which nre st.a\llt?Cd Ml'S. NelUe Bunn,ell n.nd Miss MofoRT. he bas a respoIlBibUlty, and 1.0 the efCect that prosperity Is Just ed since he a "ghost writ r ," 01. more than 180,000 prisoners of the l~tter "P. W:" nlm1n Bunnell attended II. plctllc rue. to it. It makes a man ot him . around the corner. . The Garden club held their June HIs position on ,tile Supreme Cour.t war now held in over 100 permanent Mar LIsten ~ ~111 Radio supper at the home of Mr , and Mrs: meeting at the home oC MrS. Jennie decision a[fectlng Insurance comtoo df-teD Il boy In town does Dot • • • ban tIda oppQrtunity. He works at Wonder what Pa1rley 's Is like camps In the United States, 130,000 IPrisoners may llsten to the mdlo, Kellar HoaR one even lng last week Conner on Thursdny artem ooh. pa.nJes hil S also made 111m many neIW odd I.obI carry no responslbtllty without Stanley Bailey'S smiling are g ermans and 50,000 are Italians. 'tuned only to local sl;atlons. They In honor of their daugh ler, Lt ~ "Window Gardenin g" and "Blrds" friends. and .. not develoPed by them . With (and sometimes scowling) counten- the Of.fie~ . of War Information re- may s$crlbe to American news- Anna Lo.uil.e, who was home on f urwere tbe subjects of papers read by the ~ty laCking, be be- ance? However, it Is some con sola.- ports. Only 200 Japanese prisoners p8:pers, even foreign ]angunge pa- lough from Amarillo, Texas. Edwllrd J. Hummel, 'Who has nevM rs. Lenn Hartsock [Ln d Mrs . JesCCIIDIla lDt«eatect only In matdng a. t.lon to know that If anyone wants of war, taken captive on the blgh ,pers, but none Prln tc~\ In their own Mr. and Mr{l. Charley Laird were ale LongaCre: , also an Interes ting er been one of tbe "Calr haired boys" little spend1Da mcmey. As a resUlt to 'bask in hLs presence he need only seas or In ' .Isolated outpostS have countries. Gennan oonununlques as ~~ts ~f their daughter, Mrs. Luth· paper was read by Mrs. H. E . with ilie party leooers, came ,to thel~ the deeper toUDdatlOn gained trom , cross the river to the railroad sta- been brought to this country. printed, In the NeW York TImes are er Raines, last Tuesday. . Hnl.hawsy. , The remainder of the rescue last week in the roll of media r~bWtj, and the necessity ot tion. Ge.r'JJ1ap a~d Italian prisoners lU'e translated and regularly put bUlM~. · Jesse',Michael called on Mrs. afternoon was given to dlsoussloo . a tor in a dolCilllDta· whlch.. will , do • • • here for three reaSOIlB: 1, It is mo'r e Jet.ln boards, Ralelg·h Bogan Tuesday evening . more to henl the primary scars than IIIak1Dc bla own decllion is.miS5lng . We note in 'the advice column of cx:onomical to bring tnem to this B 1 had a boy I would arrange to rrhere are libraries In nll prisoner Mrs . Williard Hain~s of Dayton anything else so Car . . . lWben Tom REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS have him apend hls a_era on a one of our exchanges that no wom- country than to shlp tood overseas 01 'War 'camps, and tIle PWs may spent part of last week with Mr. Herbert nsked the offlolal recount 1.0 I .Among rcx:ent real estate t.mus- be slioppcd and rC'lluested the return I tarm bel"' aome -AA tanner even an should marry a man . whom she f or 'h • em; 2, It Js .,uangerollS to k eep o~n boou passed by the camp cen- and Mrs. Everett Haines. ' II...... ,~ . . 1 th . t.bouIh 1- bad .to advance bla wages, feels Is ber mental interior. Sounds a ",rge group of th e enemy n e ."or. Nazi propa,ganda lit.erature Is Mr. and Mrs. Harry West have f81'S iSSued ill Warren county nrc of hL~ deposit, no one coUld find a unknoWn to b1m tb all right, but dJd the advisor ever rear of fighting troops; and 3, Amer- not perMitted, although many Ger- received woni that th eir daughter, t.be following: low or preeedent for it.. Lela nd S'. ,to e farmer. It 8top to thlnk that If this advice waa lca.n aoldll:rll ov~sens may be better ,m an language books II. 'e .1bcluded In Mrs . Sidney Smith, has arr1ved Walter Oleaver , by guardlao to ( Jim) Dougan, aas.lstllnt re<:retllry of be " valuable ~t of followed that there woUld be mJ~tr utWzed o't berwlse than In gUar¢.ng library ' COllectioIlB. Sclentulc , text- 's afely In Pueblo, Col.. where she -Sam and Tabitha Judd, 33.75 Dcres s~te. tbcn dug up a decision nand· • • • little marrying done? ' prisoners ' oC war. . books nre fav0tites, but Gemlan joLned her husband, OpL Sidney In MassIe I;wp. ed down by Judge Hugh GUmor In Want.ed-I& cba1rmantor Ws.ynesR .AIthol:1gh Jap~ dld not rattfy the classics are widely read. In ane ' Smith, who Is an l.nstructor of oolcsOharles R . and Anna May Hnll MInmt ' county 'wblch solved th e ..0"_'. ".............. __ail~ y' outh center .-VJ"" n..;......t. NOTIC'; TO CONTB..\C',l'O S , . ,,STATE OF OHIO Geneva. convention, which governs camp with 2,000 prisoners. 300 are tinl navigation there. to .Rachael J , and Oliver L , JOllO- problem. Ed SChorr and Jim StewBeema Wee everyooe Is tor it, but no DEPdTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 'ino&t of the .cIvilized na.tlonsID their s~udy1ng Engllsb. Mr. and Mrs. Pbll Younll, Paul son. 59.5J acres in Wayne tWp . art were made happy. because thflr ODe ~ to belp put it over . •• , CoI~ Ohio, Jane S. 19M internment 01 prlsonel'S of war, 'chis Tellchers, some il'om le~g Ger- Young and sls~er, Ethel, were gueSts victory was assured, and 'I'om lier:ADd that reminds ua-...onder wha~ ' Enc1Deer c" 8a1. Letal (l0PJ No. ' country treats Japanese with the man universlt.les, ~Octo~s, opera of relatives at Mt. Orab Sunday. Want t o Sell Your Services? 'bert got his money bapk . . . Thanks "DOc" ~ cUd 'WIth those pet10na 8am~ cotl8~dera~lon glven Germans singers, muslcla.ris, solentlsts and ' M1I8ter "Bobby" Hadley played a ADVERTISE IN TIlE GAZETTE! to Ed Hummel. ~ bl over 600 Wa,yne tmmIblp Sealed 'propoaa!s wID be rece1ved and ItaliaIlB. Japan a eed to 101- skilled technicians aro among' tbe - - - - - - - -'- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - • • • Shouldo't we aU cry about Gov. raldeJJta, wh1ch peti~oned ,the poet at the ofllce 'oC the State Highwa9 low the conventiOn "so fnr I\S ap-, prisoners. Teachers organLze .classes. Bricker's cO)lcern over the move· · o~tJpe dePartment for better ,mall D1rector of Ohio, at Oolumbus, untU <pUcab1e" but h1l8 not permitted .neu- musiQians develop c,rchestral , or m ent started In Cleveland to repeal .rvke ~. " 10:00 am..Ob1o' Standard t1me,rrues. tral observers to vJsit camps where choral grouPB, and doctors ass~t in the sales ~x? ,It waUlI3 be too ood health progtarns. " ' • • • " da.Y • .J)me 27. IM4, for mip~vemenUi Amer~cans ~e held. , the taxpayers were -spared the dXtr ~t ~W&JI ~ of takes .t he ed«e otf ' in' UPn _ n Count OhJ ' rts oJ Japanese Considered bead At Home Red Cross Is Li:re-Llite ' Wiler to ba th wrtter tatt t .... ,.... e y, 0, on pa UL tnt burden Ln bUilding th1s huge The International Red. Cross, the Il . • , ve e. a, OU Sections Morrow and B-1 of toe C1nWhIle Japanese pr\.:;oners In this 2 DAYS ONLY' n lcctle5,'i surplus. Is ~he atate of bY ,~. 'Well. aIDce I have noth- c1nnatl-ZanesvIDe Road.Btate country may be vls~ted ~ r epre- We-line between the PWs and tbelr O hIo in the banklng b~ess: or tile · lDIi..~ to JlO :J wlll wrj,te you " . fat- , w~ No ..10, .U . B. Route No. 22, 10 sentatlves of the International ~ own people; operates ' seveq. ships legal can Ututlonal business of· govter. . Salem TaWtl8blp and th VUlage or Cross, 'tile YMCA, 8l1d ~ e PL'O ect- that rguJarly cross tbe ' seas.' From el nment? . In 'additlo.n to this big • •• .. Morrow by resurfacing e with as. log power, Spain, the .Ta ,anese Pblladelphla they flead toward , We lee that· lip. K. R. BD1 a n d ' prJsoners are dlslnt 'rested The Marselie, with parcels a.nd slU'\llus. this tax has' providell the , for ~ IAmb, "clul.!Dpeen" war bond phaitkl or tar concrete. . m(H~ ey for the nlO$t exPensive, ";dWidth: Pavernen. t 20 feet a.nd 35.67 Japanese refused to stnd 'ca.j)ture· lAmericruls in prlson ca,ln-PS, for oth",""-" , are,. again rUBbing about dB" to r· b I f ' llle d til ministra tion in the histo~~e er Allied soldiers in iUlis hand and town wit.b thei" ..... l'1lpheme.JIa , tpl. feet, Roodway SO feet and 40 feet. car • e r am S an ey st( ;,e,. and nt a t:Jn1l when none of , _. . ... want no l:eports n ade to hf it' gov- for the American clvUlan .Internees ' ....... .: ---, ..... -t.. a""",-"" Leng" .. 5,6~;17 feet or 1.070 miles. . , 'I eler oWJCII' _...... &£JA __ ernment. They have never received of Europe. On It C\1I ld be s pcn t f or construttlng their retutnthey ' the 8UCCeIII ,of the 'Pifth War ,E<lt1ma.ted COIIt • ••..•.• $18,000.00 ' new 111ghways ado ercx:Ung new ony mall ,or f,' itts i.l,·om their ~Iome- brlng parcels ,apd mail to ~he GerLou. dJ!tve iD Wayne. 'The more Contract to be completed not land. IIi Japan. they al'e conaldered bull IllgS . . . Hugh Foster, the tnltman and Italian PWs bete, These a.-...:" '."'-t. are' --ht no"'....~ bl ... later toon August 15, 19U. . . . . . . . . ....., .......11 ,. WI '0 , • dead, nnd ' funeral services already seven ships are the onIy ones In the pay . who brough t .the famow _ ,b aclrtn. of I-s oou.ntpv'· The minimum wage to be paid to }lll.Ve been held Cor tllem , . ell ,1:l~slfJre Sales 'laX 'recovery SUit. • ~. "'"'1':"\--.... • .., ... 'lVoi'ld Lhat may saU J'roin one. 'be.-tnw .... hive at.....· the "'aI', anei , the all labor employed on thls contract . 8 ys t hat the ' sales tax n ns already - - ,.... ""1".. Itallalls and . Gcrmans, )10 vever, liggerent coun try, tjO anclther. h I _, b&ckl ., ,..,. .of caah the coun~ 11 be in accorda.nce with the are eager lor mall and parcel frem tl r.":11 .J elleal Cd In renl ty, wJlen the -.,~~ -. The ipW spokesman, elected , by ' bU the euler ~ove,ry aHer ., the , Schedule ' ot Preva~lng 8o\11'ly , bome and talk Creely with repl'e- the prisoners, .keeps d ose contact SUI. ) me co.,rt l"uled u1at· the venU gomg ,to tH:. " O'qnSequimtly, fWBge Rate! Ascertaln~ and De· sentati'. c3 t the .e ·un.t l nal R ed 'WIth the Inte~atlOnal , Red 050SS der l~ not a lax collector, agent or tIuJing bonds now' wW help win the ·termin~ by ~e. ~partment of cross, the YMCA, Bn.d their pro- representative, but t he vlsltirig rcptlll.sl e ' 0 tJ11l Iltate . . . Hugh never ·,.....'and help t.l;ie m'dlvldual and the dwtrlal Relations , app1Jca»le . to tecUrtg ~weJ', 8 v: ltzn;ll\rl( .. ThCllr reslm,tatlves lor GCl'ma:n a.nd Itl\llan p":J th salo tax and baa been trycountry get 8t~lghtened out -alter , State HlghwllY Departnlent ~- "grl~S" are the usual eomplaillts ~ pdsoner~l ot th.elh~ S'wiss--68.Y ing (or two years to. "find IIOmoone ' JON~S' the ,war. ' .. 1n .a ccordance 'with Sec- a 80ldier. ' 'WhO would bring him int.o ~urt for ':no seriOUS c0ll1p.alntt3" have ever . ,' . , ... 17-3. 17-., ,1'1-48. 17-5 a.nd it. I, , . alier and ,better b&ocit bustel'll of tile Qenc~al Code ' ot ~os~ GermlU' plIOOne)'s are con· PJ!en ~de. . '(' Early In February 6,000 .· Itatlan . ..... tJemg, deUvered to Germany 'by fldent of 110 Nnzl victory ulld they ...... , I lOOk upon runel\cn.n I1r WSpnl or ac=- PWiI were put to work repairing ~ of theR . .It:.. P.' Flr/lt It wu "the counts oC J\iUed victories ' either as salvaged clothing a.t the request of . ),WO ton block' buster, theIl came a «rUlied check In an amount · (oUr, ,ton buster, 'and," now It is ,t he td five per cent ,of the ' estl- prOpagullda or temporury, seL-backs. .~e Procurement. Ohrlslon, U. S. , iPrisunel' of wal' camps are IIke . Q ton. block buster. Thlnk of wbat coat, put ~n no cvent mOl'e ' il ~ m~n to have six ton of lliao ten thousand dollars. / ew square miles of Germ. uy or TreaaWiY, WhIch provided seWing · 2dIb ~oiI1ves dropped in the' nlld- PlaIlB and speCifIcation are on lUe ltaly bransplanted to .America . Oc· inachlnes . fOl'lI,lerly used on WPB
They'll Fight No More!
Inside ' Politi(S
C:.. .
.Xeola ] heatre - Xenia, O.
mib_ 1
f t . ...... .
JlJNE ,21 ~ 22
'' -5,''
', ,"
AWARDS including'
of WQynesVUle.
' • • • 'l'be ceiebratlon tbat we are walt~ tor la the ,onl that will taktl pJac:e when MacArUlUr ' takes ' the Pbl1IpPinl\8. ''I'
'r ~' E
State Highway Director,
Both , the Republican ~ocratlc
and the conventions will be held
in the depa.rtment' of JIlllb wny:; 6~1t\ ~---:--------~~---------'7""'---t.he office of the resident district Marshall TempUn. The dlreci.<.r TCscrves the right to, It reject any and all bids.
ATHLETE',S FOOT ,GERM Not liard To KJII ' Tlle genn grows deeply. To ~e ll.(;b It, use a penetrstlng f.unglcide,Many l'emedles do not. penetrate suftlelently. TE·OL 80lution, made Witll 90% aicohol.' penetrates, ·Kills the germs It reaches, APp~y full strength, for itchy. IIweaiy 01' smelly fect. Your 35c bG.ck tomorrow from Gny drUftlst It not pleased. Locally a~ Waynesville Drug Store. '
,r~r D,ad St,~Ck
C;OWS, CALVES, SHEEP, ETC .• Remo~ed' Prainptl1 Call '
,p 0 C KITS 0 0 K
ROOT' FOB ~D C9NSIGN ' you Clttle, hogs, sheep and cal•• to Norrla-BrocJt ' Co~ liVe wire aM progressive firm for .t.bfj blabl8t market prices and IDOd UnIon SrOck Yar~ ·tlu"bu...tt, '0. Tune In on Re.dlo St8Uoii WCKY, 12 :25 to 12:30 m. for our dallY ina rket repoi·ta, \ ,
Al'CTIONEEJUNG Stanley and' K.a:o.le~
'POl' Datl'.5, Phone 2~, WayD~7 ville, .ohio, ",Reni'ie, C~arg.es ~ROKER8 'Ilr,~N8E , ..
~AY, .J1JNE 'I5,
through WO, good ' 1n~ln1teIY . '
PROC ·E S8£D ~'~ue
stamps AB through j VB,. good ~_ 1n1tely . .S UOARr-aupr stamps 8Ol~' each good for five pounda ~.., ltely. Sugar atamp 32 becomea sgocl for nve pounds, June 16.8upr 40, good for nve P<nDldi Ql canning surar, through ~. next yea4' • . GASOI.iJNE.....In states. OUWde'~ ElLst Ooast area,IA-ll cc)upOba .nr<l,ugn June 21. A-'13 ~ toad JUne :II through 8eptemifer~ 31 : ' .. J iflUEL OiIiL-PerlQds • and & cou,pons, good through' Sept. " 30. New 'period 1 coupons ' for the · 1~ heating year may be U8ed aa soon ~ they are recelved... :~ local
You know now what we·ve 'heard from him.
boards .
--....~ .
___...J-~~ .
SiHOES--tAirplane stamps 1 and 2, good- 1ndetln1tely. ' .
We've heard ' that Eisenhower and his Americans have hQrled themselves like a thunderbolt against the bristling defenses of Hitler's Wehrmachtl .
• • •
Invasion Cut.
Recent shortage ot many c:1vwan supplles may be attributed to nup_ tary demands of··the 'forces of liberatlon. Eumples are radio tubes and parts, gasoline and all. In spite· of a -r;adlo manUfacturing outpUt over 10 tiulea as great as pre-war. 1bWtary. demands for radio tubes 8nd repair parts llave increased. '1hIa explains why civ1llans are flndllqr -lt hard to get these 1tema, 'the War '. J>roductlon Board says. EVe1'!V iDUlta..y plane bas radio equlpment• some as much as ' .1OO.OOO 'Wdrth each. SbIPS. tanka and other mobile eqUipment also use radio '.Pment ,' A five-month aupply of )100octane avtation paol1oe 18 NqWrecl lor each of the 11,000 planes backIng up Ailleel UberatiOD' fOi'clee. the l.'etroleum·· AdmitUIItraUon for ' 'War reports. Heavy .and lmperat1ve' ~ de mands for oU by a.neral Dsenhower as early as "Jaat wtnter" almiclet made New York. Boe~. and PbUa- . de1Vh1a the first incUrect lnftalon easualltlea. Increased product.lon by East ~t 'reflneriea; the "btllDch" and "little bli Inch'" plpe~ and emergency deUvet1es helped oelt clvlllan shortages 01- oil and 'I M in tbe East.
. We've heard that they are
financial effort of this whole smashing at our foe - spar~ 'War! ing neither steel nor sweat If the 5th War Loan is to nor blood in one final, furious \' succeed, each one of us must assault that marks the do more than...ever .belore .supreme military effort , of must buy double . • . yes, this War! . triple • • • the Bonds we . And what new. do EI..... bought' last ~e. hower and hi. men expect Our men expect to hear from~ that we are buying double Men and women of Amerthat we7re matching their ica - what the Invasion . is sacrifice as best we canto our fighting men, the -5th that . the . American nation, War Loan is to us -a t home! soldiers and ~ivi1ians toFor us, as well as for gether, is ptaking one giganthem, this is the crisis - the tic effoFt to win this Warl time for tremendous, overThat'.s the news our men whelming eff~! Make :no expect to hear from us. mistake! The 5th War Loan Will you per$onally see will undoubtedly be the big.;. that they get it? gest, most vitally' impottant t
.'. .
More Farm '.pl....... Certain small manutacbu'era ar~ permitted
I qUllUltlt1ea
world I ' ...' .. ' . . 2. War Bo~.· retum ,~for,·*"'Y $a Inr10 ,ear.. . 3. War ·~nd.; help k"p~"'lel"wn. , , 4. War ,~nd._ will help . . . . ileace' by' lncnal'ng pu..... challng power: afte",the, War. · . . 5 •. War Bondi :...... education ~ ,our children; lecUrity for you, funtl. for retlre.e .. t. ' . . . , ..
• • •
!lnd1ctl~ent, of 8'1 !pCniJti-y"~uc el'll and handlers at: ·Pt.4 Bmithf·~ for black market ope~ , tW1Jl b.a v~ a good effect -On" the, ~ slt'uation In the ' c~tl' .tl1itrk:t,says Thomas L; Conlon chief OPA enforcement atflOmey r ,~r -- Or, the overpriced poultry wbfuh. wasl.obe>- , Ing sOld In. 8Out~"m qhlo ~e frqJil there Bnd ttua-aupply l1U btwf.;Deen dried he , slod.
''':-, .
to . ptodUCe' J \U;!!Jm!tecll--~~~
ot -any fanJll) '~IlNII,rtrY. equipment and re'pe.1r JIQlts made ' . enUrely rrom sufplus materlala materla:la· needinc no allotments or prlor1ties Ulliatance ' higher than AA-t preference rating, ~ anI\ounce.s, Items moat' lMDUfacturera will be able 'to produce re1Q~tion, Inolude com " ~en. reed giihders. Pill!lhforb. 1Wkl'\;Ui. 'tlvato1'S;' T~kes. h;OO8, ~'. aDd barnyard Rnd poultry eguJpment.
And ...... are 5 Mot. ",.on, for lJuylng Extra 80nds In th.5thl ,1. War Boridl "re the belt, the .....t 1~"'I~nt In the
~ !'-.. ". ~:~
" .\ r~ ;·
The ·W 'ap;esvi!te.!,flitionaJ. J3arik
.• ii t8:S~~ '~ .~Wayriesville.· 'E~efs RC?gers _& SilnPsO~ G~~~ . ~
,'Te~c~" se~c~ ~':' .
JMcClure Funeral Home Waynesville Drug Store Exchange C~.
-Twiri · ~ea·tr~
The Waynesville Floral Co..
, ~ ,
'Coyl~Sr~tY .;.M .ta .
Can YOU devote 'flve hn..i... •...... .... """" _ _.--~:::.!;iJ.'i'~ a.oweeIC to ' b~lp prices in -the stort!8' iD communIty? It'- is ,patriotic ' volimteer. 'WOrt or the .highe8t • .cue to ~ the home front" and ~U1 e ' Dll.ttlef 'front. See the local ~d . ' .
WiiB~r 'N~ ' Seais
"Smith's Meat Market -.: Gulf Serviqe Station Sand lOc ,Store '
. Ration
,.~ds : tbrOUCb~t ". the
ClnC~4L" ;'dI$1c~ . bite' !$~ that ·quotaa' -Or 'Jiewt/~ ' are ~ut f1c1ent...,. to . meet , tlbe. ·ae.And. !Although 'aU"B"'Dcl'~II;iIl'e' now for new t1i'es, the current I aUIIDl"; ' Ia not large enough to atve , t1re.s to all applicants. Boilrda'l_ . ~u~ c,erWlcates onl,y to the -~ of theli' quotas anel because of tbJi lJIil.Itat1o.n, must still give first to 'the most Ilh • . ·eaaentlal drivers. ,
, .'
Farm Diary--Dry Ridge.
Summer Is ,r.eaJ1y t .81DU1ID tbk week we Pave some ~...u_; Just cool weIJotber tQA)Ulb ~CIl' .. sweater ~d a III tbe The l'06ea are In i"'"Y~.t..... and the bollyhocks II.N! showand they ai:e cuttUii hay. 11M been ......vI hay wetik but \ e vvu didn'\ Bet. ours cut down ea.rly f~;.,;.l.i~r...lIIU. tn·the week to take full adaf It. We mISs \.he older ~ng helpers do M\ tbeJ can not; take the-tmc_. ___ abe..ct whUe their fa.ther ~ .... WOIb ,.1Vl~ the horses !.bough Onp ~' the eom Uie othlll' day .ou~ Jl!.ueh· lupervlsl0n. Work " " Interrupted agatn . today when • &he" tOb&ccosetter ~roke dawn just " .. they Were getting it out td use. . lO.that m.... .;.t an'other day lost wh11'e ___ they rebUilt It. , , . 'lPrldaY. We, moved , the sheep into ~ blg 'cOW 'p asture today hoping u., th!!J 'WOuld eat, the whitetoP IIQt ular 88'1 can see the>:!U'e leavIt and eating the leapedeza that ~iIiIl"__."'.-iD~:dtfiil!Y would leave for the • ~ has done • !Well ill fteld.· Each year . it col1le5 up 'tbialrier. I want to trY it on some of IDJ ~ ·llUtures. It stands the dI7 weatber well and makes good 'WDIIIU 'PU~ure though here It does very tall . .
la" DOl·...,
. 8ImdaJ," ver:.e In the Old 'l'esta-
-.nt .... thla momlng caught my . • • \ AI I Understand . it. it comIl,1a1ne:d that the pe(lplO' who were ~t ·and. In blBh places were tbciIe wbole lathers had never been ~ of Or were ' nOb even . well 'th~
of, After church I uked the JDInlater for the reference and Joabd It up but could not find ' a .'ferae ~ dJatanu, reSembled what I thOUlht I had beard but the Jdea ........ '1b Jd 1rU a ot~ ' ODe anyway. e 0 ~ .~ complaining the ~pIa1nt we' ~ often, hear about -WI•. • 'COIners, Ule upstarta and the • ' Iten. But that II one of !.be good ~ about Amel'lcan democracy. ~ can from anY PClelt.1on .JD Bfe ~ c1J,mb as fl1l.r sa hla abO. DeIIplte the statement ba lrbe. Ji)IIcluaUOn 'Of Ind~hdence ~ "All DIeD are created equal. ex~ perIeDce doeI ' nnt; l. prove that they ~. Tbere ~ of greater 1lAt-
.. em.
Among recent mari1age llcense 188ued In War:ren, county are the 101lowing: .John W. YO\1I1g, 23, U. S . 1Arm.y, WMhlngton •. O' 0. , and AI-
be~ta' l!&Y, 21!" .Jiilil~r. Lebanon; Elmer ~e, 30. farmer, Lovela.nd, and Mae Hacker, 16, F'ostei-. DIVOR<JE SVITS
Recent divorc'c' sults fUed In Warren county are 88 fOllOws: ,Ruth O. Wells vs . Ho'Vard WeJ1s, ex~eme crUelty;, Orvwe J. ' Melampy ' VB , ~ttle Lee Melampy, extreme Cl'UiH" ty and grcl68 neglect of duty; -Roxle ural abui~ ltUt AI lona a& peOple are ~te; vs. CecU F~~, gross n'e "" to advance to the J.1m1t of 'theIr Bleat. . ' abWt,J aJona Uhe. we have' the Wit consists· In saying first
.• "
15, 1M(
'rb~ one-man drama was staged Sunde,y egusts of Mr. and Mrs, during B . dangeroWi Jaw-lev 1 bomb- ;ress HDland and Mrs. Forrest~ost Ing attaCk on enCiiiY ships InKrs1Co. aqd daughter were Mr. and, Mrs. . , . !Harbor. Six Zeroes swarmed aroUnd Jess Hess Clnd Mrs. Roy Hess of ~e plane M the pllo~ ~ulled out ot Dayton. . • a bombing rUn. . Little Butoh McMiohael has ~he . One Jap In Partioular selecte!i ffil!W!les. l3at.tuello's posl~IOI1 at the wals,t gUn Add the bablesl To Mr. and Mrs. as his target. He swooped III several Don D\im!Ord a I1ttle girl at Miami times, but nlWI.lY5 pulled away at a Valley hospital '011 JUlIe 10; Sbe has d~tal)ce WhIC~ shoWed consldera.ble been na'med panna 8U~ ~ and her respect for the abl11ty at the NELVY fat<lu;r ls overseas. Her mother' Is ail' crewmAll. It was obvioU8 the' the former Sue Bocftoven. To Mr. Jap ' did not · desfre to get too clOse and Mrt. Eugene Wilcner (.nee to the N~vy guns. sattuello deoiCled Baroh Gassert) a son, Robert EIlto re.sort to theatrie.s. . . gene, 'on June 6. Rober~'8 !a.tber Is The Jap ma<,ie another pass. lir- also in the service, Ing a long burst, S~ddenly. Bat-, ~. and Mrs. Tom Fordyce and tueUo's gUnS were sUent and the son wer~ Sunday evening callers of Jap sa.w the gUnnei:: sprawl across H. R. Fordyce and P. J. Thomnses. his weapons. EBgerly ihe enemy S. H. Graham of Bellefountalne pl,illed up and sped lnto position tor Is expected to visit at the Ferry a.nother run-this time to be un- parsonage todQY (Tuesday) . challenged. fI'he Children Day service as ofIWith the mid-secUon of the Navy fered at the Sugar Oreek Ohr1stJan plane in. ·s lght. he roared In boldly. church Sunday- morning was as tol- ' He was saving his (Ire for a. sure. lows: A Welcome, George SChram; deadiy burst. The distance clo.~ed We Gather TOday. Sue Brown; Our ra.pl<lly. lBattuello lay motIonless Audlence, Eari' WlllIatn8on; • [n the 'across his guns. Temple;" .soJo/ Earl ~ove~; God The1l, with spllt-second timing, Cures for Us, WUma Jean Lamme; IBatt\1ello spring to lI!e. His audl- God Needs Us, Janet Ur8ohe1l; ' A nce was too startled t.o lire as Bat- ·Wi:$. D:iith Mittenbueiller; Plano tuello seized his guns and blasted Solo. Medley or 1lYmns, Mrs. Pen y point-blank at the Zero. There was Thomas; Dear Lover of Ohlldren. a big puff of smoke and tho Zero Sherry U.scheW; lfarvest, Bobby sUpped orf on one wl!lg, out of' con- Tho~; Saxapbone Salo. "The One thousand gelUons ot milk was ' With Inadequate storage fllcll \ties trol. Battuello was unable to see all HolY Olty," Frahces Elliott aCcompourcd. lnto ·· an . Atlanta, Geo:gla, ·in their plant; plant officials . apo of the l1ery plw e. but it. W8S ob- panled 'by Mrs . Thomas; BecaU8e. sewer recently following a dispute pealed to the ODT for permission to vlous his shoW had paid tr~llleridou~ Bruce , SmIth; An Exaeption, O6ywith the Office of Del4!Dse Trans- !Iellver ~lie milk but the I:equest wa~ box oCtlce returns. lord Smitb , portation. · " denied. A Confederation officIal said .. The milk had accumulated In the "We tried to give the milk away to The cMdren were presented with plant of the Georgia Milk Produc- cl)ariLable organizations but they bird books by Mrs. Bockoven 'at the ers Co\lfederatlon over Sunday, May took only 60 gaUons. We tried to clOlie of ~e service. 14, and according to Jam~s D. Gay, . Save aU the cream we could and general manager,-!had to be disposed some at the milk bed been sKImmed. ." , ;." . IIlIrllltte I·': '.' .. OIU:.... C .. ne"·••• , Mra. Richard Rhoades (Verna of. Delivery 'on 'Sunday Is banned We don't warit to keep the I'l\i\k":' . Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hunter \Mae lI\mt.er) undel'Went ap operalon ,people need It." ~ under an ODT regulation. have heard from their son, Pfe. Monday at the People's hospital in TPqm.as E. ,Hunter, that he has ar- Akron, . NAVY GUNNER lPI;AYS In~ burst. o~ gunfire was disclosed recentlY by the :tfa:~ Department rived safely In Italy. POSSUM , Alm LURES ' . Mr. Ilnd Mr.s. Eid Gilliland enRab,es 'kJlled at least 33 human' I~, TO DISAS'l'ER In t\lwardlng the Alr Medal to MArtertnlned to dinner Wednesday, Op\. tln J. Battuello, 23-year-Old ~vll'~ ahd Mrs. Herman Walker 'of Wam- . beitlg~ nnd 7,348 domestic aplmalS , !How a gunner ' (J,~ 0. Navy patrOl relluctant Japa'\'lcse tion nlachlnlBt's mate Clrst class, of lsburf. 0):Il. Walker Is stationed at In ,1943 in the U. S.. the highest plane lured fighter pUot withitL r"nge of II. teU- Calumet, Micl\1gan. Columbus. total In live years .
IV GE'ORGE S. BENSON I'rul"DItI;JIiu'Irilt! ~Ollf!e . SeRI'C,. .Arkll#IRI
Prosperi ty · .
~ tol.llng tenlmt 'f armer with 6CV.· eral children b~oame' suddenly wealthy. A forgotten I'elatlv~ in DJi. other stafe died, leaving him a de· 6lroble plantation; broad, ferUle fields and w'el! buUt barns. 'tJje· famUy hurrloo to ' move and lake possession but. after three years. they returned to their former .clig· gance of many of those who are glngs liS share· croppers. T.hcy com. making good money fOr the first plained thnt times had been bardj time or who have suddenly risen to only one prosperous year. That wos power as well as those at the top, the first year, when they morlgogcg are oontrlbut1l1g factors to the dlf- the form. f1culty of solving .many 01 our It is not uncommon to hear people bl lall 'I I I 80Y whenarethey but perolU the words not mean akin; pro e.ms, espec y" lOse a.rr s ng f/UJh, prOj Irom race Intolerance. the Idea.s are not alike. Squnnder. Tuesda,y . Once more. we have the ing borrowed m\lney is not prosperI. pleasure 01 young company from the ty. It is the enemy of prosperity. city. We got hOme this evening just A thief in' on under world den buying drinks for the house i8 "fiu/lb, not In time tor the chores. I t was very prosperous. On the other hand. a exciting to our seven-year-older t o thrilty tarJllcr who bllilds a ferme help catct\ the ~if ·that. had go~en fleld out of an eroded hillside 11 out and to leed the chickens and prolperous although he may find ·!.be eggs. Supper had to wal~ no Cash. . untU eve~th1ng was done. Now it Panlahlnr the ~ocetl' will be neee.ssary to adjU81i the dally There are many prosperous peoprogram 01 meals to the dally chore pie iii America this year doing canprogram. ~at means eat supper a struc;tive things, helpinil to hasten little earUer Ulan I usually do but victory and I18feguard • Iilstlna It ould d to peace. , Some are wisely freezinir w never a try to eat whiTe thejr good tneome. by investing In D»' young helper is here milking and war bonda-which amounts to bilyte~ fo~ those are the IiIghl1ghta Ing dollar bills at 75c apiece for of the di.y for our youn~ visitor future·dellvery. But others are only from tlle city. . 1luah, foolishly sPl!ndlng cash for The tnvaSlon is movtng on, how what they consider fun, purchasing about tbOlle war bonds? . ~~~~t.a With lIttie or no Post.wllr MARRIAGE LICENSES
Milk DiLlDlped-in Delivery Dispute _
.-~ ~'Noblesse
obllge: A ' Pien h 'plU'ase Implylng taiat nobility 01 birth make!) nobility or mo.gnin)inlty of conduct obllgd'tory." ~at 1a the eX- . act · oppOslte of the Nazi idee.' that · the hlgher you .go the more of a bully yo~ have ' to. be. Aqapt.ed to dllmocraeY. would mean that the . h~her you 'cllrnb bhe more is expected of you, the great~r your respollSiblll!.l'. the groot r should be your Inl;esrlty. nnd your kindness nnd courtesy to those whom you Pass on the way. The rudeness and nrro-
UnwIse cItizens are not alone to blnme. Our government has Bet them an W\D\lstnkable eX/ilmple. Some government depattmenls ure flush,' spendlng recklessly and' wastIng money on things that are worse than useless; downrIght harmfUl to human freedom. 'l11e foollih. spend. thrllt who was"les hr. wakes will sUtter tor his prodigal deeds, but it 11 lb, prosperoul IUld tbrltty tn America Who wlUJlnaUy pay for the blunders of public lel,"Varlls. .;
8pendlDc 10
By cQmparlsoo with other countrIes, the United States i. fln.ah~lall.J slron, but, al a Dation, we are not prospering during the war. Wars, by their very nature., are desu:uc·
taxpayel'll are aupplYina it. Sad to lay, it Sa ndt all being /lpent for tIaII of ctemocra tba.t Ubert,y and peace. Like the newlY8IIIIIl . c)';. To we thing the .o ther tellow wp\lld Uke rich sQarecropper, we (t,hrouah aJ>abould.add t.be prtncl~e of "lfobUge say but ea.n't t.hlnlt fast enough ~ pointed agents) have mortgaged our ~." , Accord1nc to the diCti01Vp}'.I.;. · ;'.,''' , . ' home and are ' IqulUlderina ' the
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~ ·G'" The executive
department of the ' fed~a1 ,overnnlent has ' 8 monthly payroll of fI50 mUllan dollars. This ' .uatnlns three m1llIon employees; 'more than 't hree tim.es as mnny ils wete-feeding off that'department at ~e end of 'World War I. • Bauble., of 110 account to the war effort, ,offering sm'a n .hope of . ever b~n~ttlnl more than a few Amerl· ,cana after .the war,' include two all pipel1ne~ ~n ' foreign loll; one 135 .'mlll1oll doll!lr experiment in northern' Canada and a ,venture tn 'Ara'" ,bla that's ' even more :cos~. ... , , , We Are SUD Pree
Ever .~ce m~rt.lill man 'Itar£e~ recordlng useful leSions of experle!1ce -I-....,...I~.l' llenelli paste Ity, the accumulated wIsdom ,of the ages has warned ,!I8atn•• wQstefulness; Slphonlllg ocr )lie: wealth of Arperlc;a litto remote ~ace. Can t s'~1\ ohly...J!L..weaken .America, 'Iilr , war and ·.for peacetime progre8S. : People wbo do ,It norantly are ' unfit for positions . public-,.ttust. and those who do jt kno~lnglY are t~r more dangeroUS; SwllUy our notional debt at 1'15 billion doUars I!l'prouches what used to be con~ldered the value of.· the . naUon's real estate. None 01 us can • prosper In a bankrupt country; taxes would never permit it. All patriotic citizens have B grave, mutual.problem .and look to Congress for Ita solution: This nation mUlt now co~ serve lis flnancial strength In order to prevent Insolvency at the ~ose of the war. .
UTICA I\'In. Dert ·Dl1l1l1eU, CorreaponcJenl
LEB..%NON, 9"10
~_A• • • •iIi• • •
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Shaw spent Sunday with Mr. a.nd Mni. · Ea.rl orawford. Mrs'. Banner Stewart is car:ng for her slc'it sIster, -Mrs . .Lulu Bigham, who , remains ctlt100Uy in . Mr . IUld ~rs : Walter Pfeilfer and l , d.IlUg:bt.~r, JaDe, 's pent Sunday af~Tlloon With Mr. and . Mrs , Ben Oruber nnd fa.m11~. 'Mr . .. and ·Mrs. Milla.rd· Ball, Mr. and Mrs . Bait Bunnell spent Sunday a.fternoon with Mi'. and Mrs. Ball, and fomlly',. ,. . Mrs . LesJie Gorsuch Is on the IIlelt"
Ii!!III!I"-I!Ii...-1Ia.. ~~.:.':. and ~s .. Morrl~ ~W18 I!OIliI spent Sunday wibh Mr •
Mfa. John Itoeste~. Mr, and
Vaughn M\Uleb
spent Sunday evenlnjJYlth Mr ~ ana
J4r1. Bert Bunnell and fl\,!J11ly.
---~----Tbe American Red CroIs baa a .8'1
for &00 _ _
tIIe :re&t·Gt
, III · t o.' UIIQI SA. ate~tethao ooe,.tbird . of our tesulsr men empto,ee.. Sobioans in the acrri~ will find tbei( old jo~l, or ~c' ones, wai~ ~or them w~ ~, mum. One of 'our greateSt ~ is tlbar they sJlall rerum to the OpjlO~ and: w~, of· life wblch they are {WatiD,!! to
.............. ... ,
'. , '
; .. , ~ ~~ ' . " 'PItt Of Sobio'. WIdime ~bIUty. !JhII Jci, ha ~ done 111 'Pte Of ~ _'.~ .
... fjI
W. 'Jane . ~ ' 11ft
. Rrvke ".,i.doo 1JI!IO!Iae1, 1ad!IIUDI iIIIIIJ. women, 1104 bl•• d..e1oped QeCIIl car~""'ID ~daI_'Cl&eJOUf ' car ,oeI.ds ~ 0IItisIc die . . . ' .,' .
'l'lltJlt8DAY'. JtJNE 15, U«
-.--~~~--~----------~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= From "the Miami Gazette Files 'Allie :Al~ng The Way . -' -
'I '
By Mrs. lIUlett4~ TbOinaa
AGO FIFTY YEARs AGO " (Jane 12, 1929) ' , (Jupe 9, 189.) Two business houses had their , A. B. Sides attended the Slate
There are' fathers ElJld then there are fe,thers . Most of us have fathers. MO,theJ's ., are the comforters most oC the Ume and we honor our mothers t'o the ,e nds of I the earLh, Mothers understand beller 'scllnetunes than falliers and mothers ""-'_J.ll1'''' more patience . But sometimes It's Dad's strong Ilrm which help us over the rough sPOts and 11.'5 Dad's ~ steady shqulder on whIch we sob Olit our hearts. It Is dad wllo 1I0ids us on his lap and rock us and pa ts c.ur cheek a.nd says nothIng . D.lds can't, express their love like mothers can, but It 'Is there just the same. one of the sWeetest memories I hav!' Is at walk1ng down Lile IItreet with my (allier and slipping my cold little hand in hill and IlndJng his 'warm :1~~~~~ a.nd strong. That wa.s long ago. It 'Was Dad Who taught Ole to drive the car and who held his l:el11per though I know he felt like tearing his hair at Umes. I remember one time when was very small 01 Wandering into a patch of nettles In my barefeet. 1 just stood there scrt!aming and it Iwas Dad wl10 came IlDd llfted me and carried me out of dal1ger, Just IlIttle Lhlngs~ yes, but It Is the little Although Francc was the Ors! things that make or bl:eak In Ufe or ,country to f eel the Impact of Allied business. A faU1er mla.y give his
openings here last Sa.turday, one, ,RepubUcan convention lit Columbus the Oole hardware, W68' pu~ased ' I' th~ week 'as a delegate from W~YIlle by the Fairley Hardware company township: "' ' , , of Hil1s bora. who, judging, trom Bop~ lAvery Nee. dIes is employed at the pearancea, have come to stay. The E. W. Bradstreet flour mm BJt other opening was a new meat store !Burllngton, putting In new rollers In the Keys building on Main street, and Otherwise improvlng 'nnd opernled by E, J, Coyle, an elCpe- modellng thnt property. rlenced meat cutter . . H1s shop is Miss Marianna Ohand er, who W1l8 very G.~traotlve. detained at home on IICcount of tile iFred Barnard, who bought the J. sickness 01 her mother, left Monday WlIl White store, is here and on the morning , to join her friend, Miss Job, Mr . Barnard Is a fOmler em- Jennie DlnwidcUe, at Ada. ,ploye In the White· store: ' A.H . Wllliamson on Monday !Mrs. W. P . Salisbury Is visitIng mornIng while attemp~ing to climb a her chJldren In Cleveland. fence, feU in such a way as to 'reF . B, Henderson and family re- celve serious injuries and was rendturned Sunday after ' an Interestlng ered unconsclous . motor tl'lp througti the south and One of the new wagons for deeast, livering the products oC tile Waynes· Mrs , Loren Hadley n.nd · llbtle vlUe cracker factory arrived Wcddaughter, ot Bellaire, are the guest nesday and 'tis a daisy. of Mrs. Hadley's mother, Mrs, Ruth Rev. G. P . Austin has been asJanney. signed for the remainder of the conMrs. T. S. Hardin and tWQ lIOns, terence year to DelhI. Tressler and Lansing, are spending ·Ed1th Cafferty of Pekin, Is the a couple of weeks wIth .her mother, liuest ot her cousin, Ethel WUl1umMrs. Mary Sharp, of Falmouth, Ky. IOn. . The 13th ",nnual wranger picnic .It Is rumored that Chas. M. OartWI!oS held Saturday at the home of wright will ·take 1\ special ooUn>e in Mr. anti Mrs. Robert crew. ' New York before ente.ring his chosen ,Friday and Saturday. fifteen bOya profe8Blon. and the lowl:lods In their war 101 and Instructor of the Smith-Hughes 'Waynesville Is to hnve two more UberaUon. departmcnt made a tr1p to Ohio restaurants It Is rumored. C. D. State univ.erslty to attend the an- Reed wlll , open out at hill old stand nual field day and judgIDg cOntes~. and Mr. Lamar's bilker will also To the Peop'e The boys who mll,de the trip were: start a confectlonery and lunch of this Community \Arthur Swartzel, George Oook. war- room. ' The next time you ",ri te to ren Hunt, Erwin Elllll, Ralph BranAd stoops, Oha.rley Ldpplncott Iilld your fighting man or IIghtin'Ji woman tell him or I cr whal strator, George .Be<*ett, !4llo Kll- Ed Hamby went Clshlng Wednesday you have done about l I P P i'lh tenberger, Meredlth 'Whitaker, Sher- and attel; 0. 1utUe effort, with not nr,u L O:Ja-n lI. lilan TInney, Ronald HardLn, E;stle even a bite, Jhe)' p~ed a five( ==-.;-;;;;;;=4-i''i'~ t ake the !Hagemeyer, Frank SWartzel, Ernest pound carp and came back and 1'ewor d of Cook, Willard Kersey and Howard ported It was the only one they Gen e ral Ei senhower' Ault. could carry. . that your Glenn Alvan Wade, son of Ml'. The Miamis def~ted Lebano~ 8 to .."..,....• • man . o. r .-, woman In a.nd Mrs, J. .R . ! Wade ' and twin 6 at Oakdale park Tuesday, unIform will brother to Glenna Wade, cUed ' at b e deeply ihterested. HODSEHOLD BlN'l'S Miami VaUey hospital, De.yto~, Your War June Ii. Bond buy,lng Is a good . tip·off to them about the sUlle of affairs , Mr . and Mrs.. J. T. Flack and . When malting a large cake, do In your home. The hendUnes In son, Clarence, left last week by auto not make the dough ' . too moist. this newspaper on the progre~s ot the drive, the items about po r· fOr their future home at Page,. Nor-th 'when It. Is In the tin ready for baktlcipntinl'! indlvldunls, tile choring, make around hole in the center Dakota. acter ot the Fifth War Loan specia I events-all these th ings reDr. Mary Cook and nieces, J~e dght to the bottom of the tin. flect the morale back home. a.nd Mildred, left Sunday for lAfay• • • Do you Uke 1.0 read 11 sorry headline about the invasion To peel an orange easily and to ette, Ind., where tney attended the fronts. Our . lI ~ h Unll forces, commencement exercises at· Purdue get the sckln oft In one piece. heat made up ~1 IndiVidual s with the University. Miss Geraldine WhIte the orange slightly' for thre,e' or four same rellctions fo goOd and bad as you, will n()t l)e heartened to before peeling . . and Horace WhJte, niece and neph" . read: "Filth War Loan LR&S." Your · silence In your letter members ,the ,H eat lemoDll using and ew of Dr. Cook, about your part In the Fifth War Loon will meon non.lnterest, graduating class. there .will be bWl ~h 'Ity f perhnps non·participatlon to the Thieves broke lnto Jeff Smit.t}'s ce • e quan. 0 recipients. It' s up to you to make slaughte.r hOuSe Monday night and , JuIce. , your letters cheerful. . Write today. WrIte often. Write nbout Ct!.rrled away twenty beef h1des. e.-I ' 1 • • -b . , d ult . ' ... e oaves may e)DB e q e your war work, Y,Jur war sup· John Whltaker, son of Charles pala " tabl' b pin In t port. Double your best previous " ' e ywrap g awe War Bond buying record ond and Sarah Whitaker. died June 2. cloih . for half a minute. . n u the then shout it to the hOllscto sBorn.....To Mr. and Mrs. Olarence , lust to thot special ~eTl,ice man , ...... I tte Hamb · cloth oft. then tau in a slow oven Slm pson, nee Vl",r o TaE EOITOR. · y, for b8lf 8.n ru;ur: . " ' Wednesda.y, 'Jl;lDe 5, 'a daughter. ',::,-=~, -:-_-.!..~::;::===========
LlONtI. tDklll. AC11NG WING COIOIAIIDl'l tJF 1'1. •ftCllV1D 1)lmNGUISHO "l'lING CI\OSS fOll·tnI1'IRIN~ ENEKf AIIb ~AGE· AI II . WLUN~£" GtIWat AIIP ollSE~ 01/45 cmRJI1l0NAl. "lIGU~ WITM n.r eM'.' fAL COMMAND. VEl!RAtI ~ 1\IIIU WAIIS,ColIEN ,,,,, ACfIOtl Af .17, 'AV!' UP "1. l~j'DIIIII\If. '1'O .Jont1Ht 'U.f.VOUJN~fR 1I!SflNl «f1Rf 0U1lJr"Of \4OIiI.l)wll .\
, P~TH' TO PI.
DI4IN£ru 1'I\0/'I1/IW' ZfAI,AJI't) COJIS~UC1'EJ) 1\11: r1I1J111W1'S 'fOil 1'IIE AM5RttAN LI8ERA'TbIIS lIItlCl4 ~ 1M! 1'lOES1'\ OIL 'f11lJ)S.'
;~O:f::d t~~::~ke ~~!~o::~ ~:~:::; ' children everyth1Jlg
we~ ~fO~~
TWENTY-m 1'E.ms
25, 1919) <A mortgage of $5,000, which ~d ' 'hung Uke a clOUd of Inky blacltne88 over the l~l M. E. church· ror m~ny yea~s, was burned at a ' 8ocl~ O\~t1ng WecU1esday evenLng, Oarl Frye starred as the ~amiS beat Harveysburg 8 to 6 at Ph1ll1pe park Sundlly ~ the fl.rst game of the season. Frank BUver of .Route ., was cUBcharged at Camp Shennan last week , lid l.a., al ;", v~ d home . j lUllCS WooJlllrd or the U: S .• s. Pennsylver.!a.ls home on a furlough. "' !M.188 Margaret Edwards 'of DaytOll :' IS Ileud! ng her vacation bere with her mother and slster. 'MIss Ethelyn Jones, who has. been tea~hing near Toledo, arrived home ' Sunday and III driving a ,new auto .' iie8dames Waltet MoClure/' C~. RYe and '\~Iola Olrey left 'J.1luradiltY . morning to visit wIth r~latlyes at ' Grand Forks, N. O. . The 'numerous ftlends of Dr. /Wood be ple~ to kJl~ t~t hili health -Is 'sb tar Improved aII ' to cnBble him to make the trlp to PhUadelpla 1~ company WIth bla ~~ ter" MIs. Allna Jones. He WiU.make. hls home 'in Newton, ,Pa, w~e Mrs. SherwOod has" accep~d theII Position ,)\ • or nu\ltron of the FrIends ~ome. Dr.. and Mrs: A. T . .:Wrlaht ,ac'. cOmpanied by their sons, egt: .AJ1~ of New Y"orit and ~Iot.t, whO lias JWi~ gradunlted ,a~ OeolJfe !!C hool, st., " lived hc;ilileSunday f1'01rl the' ~. , ", Sutlaay' nJgllt; about ·n :30., a ma. <;h1n~l 19a.d .~ of ~ drunlt~ •arrived:, Ir\ .' ~ and proceeded . to ~ the . ~ night hldeo~ .by ~!t'.'~.Uld, ,r :'protaility .. ; , ,r "~ " " f • , " ; J . : o. ua.wlte, cluU~n ,01 ~e Satvatlon Anny ~vc, says the toWD ship 'will over 'the ~ ~. Dantel LI .PiersOn of Dayton,., ~' 'M!aa Ethel 1. B&Jnea qr , .00iW1D.· went ~on. la:it w~ aIld ftl'e
O~D8 Su~dily At Xenia Thel\t,,_ ., .
thiat money can buy. but jf he doesn·t,. give them love and \lI1dertsan"dlng, he gives them nothIng. MIss :€lena Tatman of neM LebSunday Is Father's Day. Let him anon, spent the past week wIth her know t.hat you appreciate hlm and cousin, MisS Ellzabtth Jeffery. love him. Mr. ~nd Mrs . Orlando Bramlol,l o~ Xenia, were over Saturday nIght 1. - - - -·--- ~ and Sunday guests of the Terry
. f:~ an~
Joe Jeffrey, sons of Mr . . " and Mrs, Albert Jefery, of Lebanon, .;;;===========..:; were recent guests or their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E: A. JefMETHODIST CHURCH fery. R. B. Coleman, Mlnlster Mrs. Ellen 'Llebert <nth aud Mr. <nth and small son of Ohlcago, are Church school at 9::10 a. m. Worship service at 10:30 A. M. visitors for several days of MIss Hannah Jordan and brothers . ST. M.uLl"S EPISCOPAL Mr. and Mrs . Earl Sherwood of CHURCH Dayton recently spent a. few days in , Ralpb Parks, Minister in Char,. the home of Mr. and Mrs . Ed Jeffery and Robert. Church school at 9:,15 a. m. Morning prayer Qnd sel'mon 11:'00 Mr. and Mrs . T<;ldd Bunce were entertained at AntIoch, Sunday, to • . m. honor the return o[ her 'brother. .,'ERRY CUlIUCli OF CUBIST MllUe Moore, of Nebmska, who has Herbel1 Graham. MJ.nIater been In the service for several y~rs , 9:30' a. m., Bible .:bool. The OUve !Branch Community 10.45 a. m.-<Jommulblon. club held their. June meeting, PrI11:00 a. m.~rmol1. 7:30 p. b.~Preacb.U1g.
day night at the home of Mr. a nd Mrs. Craig Beckett of Spr ing Hill. Virgil Plymlre who was wounded In the foot some months ago when In Italy, spent from Friday night until Stmday evening with his pa ~ rents, Mr. and Mrs. George Plymlre, He returned to Oolucbus, OhiO, to enter a hospital for treatment of the Injured member. Walter Wilson of near WaynesvUle, WQS a Wednesday a.ftemoon eall er at tile home of MIss Jess ie Garner and oC Mrs. Lana Clark IUlQ Miss EUzabeth Clark, near O!:egonla.. " . 'M r. and Mrs. Lewis Smtth and two SOIl8 of Dayton, were Saturday visitors of his fatller, Alvin Smith, and MIss Elizabeth. Mrs. Ella. Shumaker returned to her horne here Monday atter sev~ral "'ceks' visit with her dallghter, Mrs. Ed Frcd and Mr. Fred and small son, at West Palm Beacll, Fla. HIs parents, Mr . and Mrs. E. A. J efCery and several friends 01 Kenneth JefCery helped him to celebrate his blrt.hday anniversary Sunday, 'w ith a picnic at Ft . Anelent.
FIrst Day , ~ 8::50 a. m. Meeting tor WOJ'IhIJl~ '0:30 a. m. ST. AUGUSTINS CIltJB()B
Father Krambelb, Mass Sunday 9:00 a . m.
Mas Randal •• MiDlater
Bible SchOOl 9.30 ... In, Oommunlon 10:tIi ... m. Preaching, 11 a. m. Young People's meeting 6:30. Evening service at ·7 :30. You are invited to come and worIhlp with WI. MT. IIOI.LY M. B. cnURCIi T. M. Selll11, MIn..ter
muted In marriale by NY ••• D.
B.nmonel. ~., were .~tecl bj ..ullin. Jt.m.eI 'mw-, , ~ ,wife or ParQU,
U he1'1lame
THE .Iratre .nd .be turtle ten IheIr o_.tory ••• 'I'be7 help to remind yoa tha. ele~""drr, atm.. aIoae amona boaeebold neeeultie.. ,. .alll .old at Iow-...- JJr'\ . You reallllfllwto low thMe prlee. are when ),OIl,know that the average American Camil;' now p .. aIioat mach eIeco , ltlc:ily Cor' ita money •• It did 15 yeen .... " IC ~our blU ImaDer,l. 1a'1M;caaee more"electrlc eeno.nta .nd are u.1ntJ more eleell'lell)' toda,.. thaD )'ou dJd then. It'•• real achlevemmt to keep elKtrie -.b cheap in ..,Ite of rlalDJ _ta and ...--.ad to keep Ii pleall/uJ' In the faee of war'. trelnendoul Clemands ,(01' The larplr ,to the IWd-work.... inen and women ,"oW', electric. company. Their .IdO aDd eKfJ\III'l_ _plua the , planalna and Coral.bt or. IOUIId bulneN IlllUlapment-lulve ....... th...reeonI poeeible. · · . . .
"'eft ..
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An all day Relf Cross meeting with a' pot luck dinner wlU be held Wednesdoy, June 21, at the home o~ ' Mrs .. ·Raymond~, near oregonla. 'M r. and Mrs. Kane mam anel , daughters, Oralene ' Da.rleeri. and baby, Carolyn, 01 Harveysburll', were ' caUers Sunday evening at the 'talmage-Ga mer home . Mr. Stephell8 of near here. met with a very painful acc1dent SUnday morning when klnd~ " . fire with kerosene. The can exploded find he waS badlY · burned. He wu ulken to Blair BrOIl . ' hOllp1tal tor , treatment . Edgar and OlDer Hlteman entertaln~d a compa.ny 01 classmates and friends at their home Sunday evening tOr the. pleasure of IWUllam Brooks of Harveysburg, who rwI11 leave Friday of this week for Ot'eat 'Lakes Training 80hool, De1lc1otia 'r efreshments of Ice cream were enJOyed. BIG .uLEA OF OHIO
Ohio possesses one of the world's largest areas' suitable for the pro.. ductlon ~ sugQf beel:8, but , E. P. Reed, extension agTonOinlst, Ohio State Uruver/lIW, says ,a variety ot~...,...~, ...,.... ,. cll'cUDllltance.s hamper the full use at this great potential resource- even In the present eme.rgency when elery ton: of beets produCed here helps r~Ueve the load OD ocean freighters and on Interstate railroads. Bcets produce a hIgh ~ per acre but they Involve elij)Cndlture of considerable hand labor. The .d Ifficulty of 1.in<!,lng Q depen~ supply of labor has held down ~ beet production and Is one of the · stumbling blocks in the ' 1114t pllll!t1ng program. Mr. Reed reports that beet factories an4 ~inI plants are pooling reaourceil . to bring Mexican labOrers from Te...
Sunday School 11 :30 a. m. B. A. Earnhart, Supt. EvenJng !Service, 7:30 p, . .
HAMILTON. OHIO - Fifteen. year· old Joseph Henry Nuxhall. here, who 'reportl In June to the Cincinnati Reds~ stands six feet, three Inehes and welfbl 196 pounds. Young Nuxball II s lefthanded pitcher and is said to be one of the youngest. if not the youngest. players ever to jolll th. majors. Fans - get out your data
.lOla P. M., ."... WH'O.
This will be Q ,deslrabel arrangement as more steady employment can , be provided far workmen' on bolh beets and canning c~op8 than on eIther one alone, Adequate }abOr !Was a va1Jable to harvest the 1943 OhJo beet crop but Irhe 'acreage last year was kept· I()W by wet ground . , which pl'evented sowing , the beeta or destroyed tile , stand of beets \11ready planted. IHlgh yIelds of beets' ~ave . been. obtained from Ohio fields. GroWfl'B , 1n the .Fremont area have turned hi some good recorcts, whlcn ' include 52.4 per cent.' of a I 8rowers with contracts producing more than .14 tons of beets pel' ~:cre in 11M2. ' At present prices. a 14-ton beet crope w'o uld pay the grower · UlDre than $180 per acre, with costs other than the farmer 's own labor ' runnlnl about $65 per acre.
Standtorth retwned to th r homf'.8 here. Thursday ' ~~r llpencUng , a week IlII Svesbs of Miss Ruth Helen X;eba.uo~. LeMay;
, .:;-:1
Miss' carrol Ludlngton IUld lier
Mrs, Ross Bode spent ilie we kend with he r parents at Salem, W. Va. • • ,. Mrs. Woodrow . Owens and liWo lnteresUng clllldren Rre the guests of her parenLs. Mr . Qnc\ Mrs. V. M . .Armitage.
TII11B8DAY, .11JNi 15, 19M
• .Brilli~t St~ Drops In Waynesville
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~~,C :IIuUlu1\biUe 4111 urdt (JDf «Iltri1\t
Mr. and Mrs. K , " IR., HUI nnd nep)) w, DUncan ORlnpbell 01. Columbus and Mr. and Mrs . William Kersey and daughter ' Joan nnd llephew, OIlarles K~rseY l held a stea k fry TUesday ven ,ng at Oold Springs Park.
roommate, Mis.'! Virgl1l111 H:elrlggle of Oolumbus, v1si~ed the forl!lCf's parents, Mr , a.nd Mrs. Alva LudingSERVICES SUNDAY ton of Route one ~yer ~he week-end . ruNE 1'8, 19M • . .. . ' We have a supply of cigars on ,BIBLE SCHPOL ----"-~ lland. Oet a box for Father's Day. 4-11 CLUB l\lEETING 9:30 A. M. Paul Plck1ng, Third 's treet, Wn.yn'eS• • • . Ralph Hastings and so.n,· Robert, T ile Busy Bee"4:F clu"" met Thw·· ~--l 218.2 'vWe. ,p h one • " ... MOR.NING SEjtVlCE • • • W . E . Stroud, ·D anny Simpson: Unk day at the GI'ange 8(11) wIth Sa: a Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall and King, J . B. Chapman and Mr . and Bmddook a nd Monlmla Ho~k in 11:00 A.~. t,lrs. EllzabeUl SmItll wer!! . TuesdtLy Mrs. Walter W18eman a.nd children, charge and Judy Colm er preslct'lng . Sermon Toplo-'''l1RE SIN OF. Everyone wOl'ked on D dlJifcrent evening guests of Mr . Rnd Mrs. Polly Lou and BUly, were among ANNANIA S A.ND SAPI'UIR.A.,\ , CUrt18 Tomlinson . those from this place attending the' projt:Ct . Jl!terwords we pl3yed games which everyone ell.j oyed. • • • ball games irl Cirlc1nnatJ SWlday. Times When the stars COine ou t to shine Mr . Boglln has just returned from EVENING SERVICE Mrs. E . W . SCofield and son, • • • Joan HJld e-brandt was a guest of th18 one shoots , She Is the toxonhl - a ta r southwestern Mexican trip. MIc~ael arrived home {rom Des Mr . and Mrs . L. G . St. John . the club. 8:00 O\4lIOClk . MO,lnes. Iowa, TUesday. The orches- were in Fronklln Sunday evening The next meeting will be held at ligh t star, IMIss Alice BOg!l~I , a . MI,sS Bogan leaves here soon for Sermon Toplo-'iWIlAT KEEPS trl!. In which her husband .has been and attended the vocal recital In th e Ol'ange Hall on Thursda.y at student of Bethany a nd th e dl\ugh- Columbus, New York and Ohlcago. ter or our OWIl fl ory S tanfQrd She Is also the tn.lented m usic wri ter playing, has JI\.oved to Houston, T ex, ' which their granddaugbter, B arbara. "2:00 o·clock. TIlE CIIURCBES APART'1" • • • Lou Bla.nd, took. part. Eula Hoalt. NtlwS Reporter. Boga.n, ' brlllian Inventor and tal- for h er fa.ther's lyrics , You ",,111 soon h ear more of both of them over Lhe Mr. and ' Mrs . RollY Monger and 'ented song writer a nd artist. w!lOse Mrs. William J arv18, publlc bealth RETURNS FROMLiAVE WEDNESDAY EVENING-8l00 rud.lo when you will h ear' their first son and ,Mrs. FloreflCC TUrner 01 beautiful studios are located on song , I ~ Is a bellutlful love song, JamestOwn and Mrs. Lethie Conner nurse of Greene COWlty , was a. MonPRAYER MEE1.1ING S F-O Elyirl L . Bernard. il. son of ot Waynesville, :were Sunday gu~ts day luncheon guest ot Mrs . Lloyd Mr. n.nd Mrs. Wm. BernaI'd and Main street . H e Is widely known In and lUi tltlels "WHEN !MOON Da.vis. ot' Mr. a nd ' Mrs. Robert Monger. his wl!~ left Thursday for the fol'~ this sectlon a s 1m advertising (t rtlst . BEAMS NND ME WITH YOU." MAX W. RANDALL, • • • mer'S !'lew POSt at Henord, N. 0 :, - - -- - -- - - -- -- - - : - - - - - - -- '- - - - Mrs. Reoo Bra ddock, Mrs. Ell7.aMr. and Mrs. W . P. Sallsbury Mini.ter after spending a 12-d8Y leave here and Mrs. Roy Pucket and Gemld,"\.;~__;;;;i;~;;;;;;;__________;;;;;;;";; 'hav,e as tlTe.lr guests their daughter, beth Smith, Mrs. Elmer Sheehan, with relaUves In X ertla. Sen.-1 -ina of Detroit, Mich. ~ M:rB. R. R. Benso.n Rnd son of In- Miss Sallle Smlth and Mrs. Cora and man Bernard 'was ,formerly $tatlon- ~Ir... \\111 11 .... H~lIrlcl\. c'"" ... ,M rs . Kesler Graham. spent several - - _ .- ,-,- ~ - lRich enjoyed dInner In Centerville dianapolis. ed at Great Lakes, Ill. Mrs. BerThe sol1c~tors In our c(l m munlty , days last week wit h her sister, Mrs. on Sunday and called on friends • • • nard accompanied. lielr ,husband to for the FlfUl War It.l III Dr ive have Artbur WhIte, and husband. at 0>14re you nOwsmj.nded? Gnll 2143, during the a,fter~ool1. North OarolJna. 'falt.b In 0.11 celebmling the IJ egln- umbUS, a.fter they received word 01 The Miami Gazette n eeds news Mrs. Wlillam Michener of Pitts~lr... 1111",. vall.v ... Curr•• pu.d~D' n lng 01 the Inl'asion by pW'clll\liLng the death, of their SCT.\, :Robert White ltema to' make your home to~ burgh, Pa" arrived here TUesday extra WIll: bonds, wilen they will call. In an airplane crash n ear AlbuQuerMr. and Mrs . Henry ~rges · and paper more ~restiJ1g. , and will be the house l.'1lcst of her Solicitors are Mrs . Everett E3rly que, New Mexico, last Tuesday. Mr. chlldren; Nancy Lue and Johnnie, of . . .Mrs. Louella Brown · of Shiloh, and Mrs . Harold Whitaker. . Gre.ha·m and other relatives from Beave.r town, were dinner guests Mr. ' and Mrs. E . F. Earnhart parents, Mr. and Mrs . W. E. CorMrs. Wendall BrQwne and ll'Ue son, ' and , Mrs Lue were Sunday. dinner guests of Mr. nell, for several days. Y Mr. and Mrs . Harvey Burnet en- here attended the military fun eral Sunday ot Mr. . ' Mor , (Mrs , Susan Evans 1;pent the last Kenneth of Sprlngbo:ro., "nd .... ~s. .....n Afternoon. callers were W'l and Mrs. W. P. Strade r . ' .. m.. tertalned the Discussion Gl'OI1P Dn In Columbus Sunday afte.r noon and ,,- . '. Greene few days with h, er grandson, Sgt. Russell Browne and llttle ~da- Ug.hter, lWednesday evening. . also the Iniennent there. ' bur .stevens on 'Miss _ Leona . . ' , ..· o'n Misses . of Mrs. Mrs . Robert Greene of Daytnn . 01 ,....... aDd· You can get Dad a box ot cigars Don Morgan from Bora. Raton Field, Judy, of El.yrla, . call" .... Mr. and Mrs . Ralpb Belcher atSunday dinner guests . OAf • , OM........ .,. .~ .... at &be at Pickings for Father's J)Qy, Paul iFla., at the home ot his ..narents, Annie and Mame Brorw '· ne Wed.n es- tended tbe bo.ll game in ClncinnaU DeII lab ' Miller nnd 'Mr . and Mrs. Mr . and Mrs Tho"' ''~ ..."'unyon , ......., ~ a ..... ~1IftI C. Picltlnc, Third street, Waynes- Mr. Rnd Mrs .. O. B. Mprgml, 1M , day afternoon. ' 6wlday. E. L. 'R oberts were: Mr . and Mrs . &pent Sunda.y afternoon with Mr • . . . . lie. A W_, Ad buier1.eI1 "me. Phone 2182. Park Dr., Dayton. Miss · Vivian Miss Clara LUe, MJs:ses AnnIe IUld Mr. and Mrs. EVerebt Early e.~ Hubert John, Mr. and Mrs. J esse. and Mrs. Harold Fitter of ne r &line &laesll cIaaqtiIl a& Ie a wont. .• • , • f. Clark of Washi.n gton, O. p., was Mame Browne and Mrs. D . L-. tended Acacia chapter, O . E. f? In- Roberts, Mr . and Mrs. Ralph' Brm XenJa . Pea 8AI.B _ Watklna frodUcta at MIss VIrglrila. Preston was ' the also a guest 01 the Morgans. Omne were guests olr Mrs. &lph spection at Masonic Te,rnple, Dayton, and Mrs. and Mrs. Joe Harov18k.l of Mr. and Mrs. NOOlrtdge and son '! • Of Miam18burg ' t S un'd ay a ftc r• II. BroaclWaJ. Lebanon. Open .eek.eud guest of ft1.en<ls In CIn'U_ W. , H • '''-''d h has Parks and ~8. Merrick at the ree- Thursday ,evening. Dayton. .. ,spen -..,. . . ~ en, w 0 tory Wednesday «'~-loon. noon with ..... Everett B unne11 an Ii ........ for JOUr oooven1mce. clDnaU. .........,... Mrs. Earl Young Was In Dayton The Woman's SOCiety of Lytle. .....". • • • -' been ill at her home for some time, After spending two weeks at the children 01- Ullmer. PbGDe II L. Mr. aJ'!d Mrs . W. E. Cornell had 18 again -"Ie to be out Wednesday as her son , Robert ehur,oh was entertained at the llome . ..., Home, ......... ".,~~ Olara Lile returned to Young, ' lmderwent an operaUon for of Mrs. Oharles Bunnell Wednesdlly Johnnl e Berges 0 r Benver t own Is as Sunday dln.ner guests, Mrs. Ella • • • .
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,1Rev. L. O. Radley, former pastor her home In WaSlu!ngton C. H. allP\!ndic1t1s. . 6!tetnoon. The program, In charge spending this week with his grandof the local Methodist chutoh but Saturday mornl:ng. ' Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggs 01 of Mrs . J. B. Jones 'Was much en- parents, Mr. 'e,nd Mrs. LlIe . Mo~. Mrs. Evalyn O. Peberson n... y to n were Wednesday evening' ' , .Jerry Lee Lewis spent 'Bunday • . now ,paator of the New , attended ' ...... joyed, First there was a patrrotlc , ' . Mra. J. B. Ohapman an~ Mrs. Methodist church was alumni bIulquet fit WUmington clinner guests of Mf. and Mrs . WU- song in h onor of FlalrDqy, June 1.,. rught with his grandparents, Mr. ~ IIBIIIMLi·...4::lB'lt_eeect ~tot Plants. Ralph. lIaatfPga "enJoyed dlnner In visitor h~re' Thur~Y. college ThurSciay ilJg:bt and com.. bur C1¥k ' In honor of Mr , Clark s The':l was 'h eld ~ unique 'mock wed- and MrS. _Htley . GmsoP. • IOC per 100. All II:IDGa 0 ,P,I:dm WUai1ngton at the Swiss O~f.age on mencement exercISes Friday morn- birthday. ding In which Mrs . calvin 'LongMrs .. Clarence prawrord called on plante. lOcI per: dCIa (II' 3 do&. for ~d&1 ' _. MIss ~J d Hi d lng. ' Mrs. Therle Jones, Mrs. Harold acre and Mrs . Ralpn Barger and at- Mrs. Mattie Levi Mooday evening . • • (IaarJM O. 8tirowe. 1% mlles ~, • . ' es a ys ye an ,MrS. J. E. Archer of Gainesville, Whitaker, ' M",, - ...... om~ .. RWlyan spent '''~t ,.Mrs. Ralph Hammond tendants ,took part. The July meetDOJUl. d. W~ and Miss Emily Jacobs called and Mrs. Thomas Bbr!iOn attended ing will be' held a t the home of ThllfSday afternoon wlth Mi'li. Hiley ~. 1I'errr' and ~ on frIends here -Snndl - Allen EmrJck. . 'v ..... OJ evening. a ,shower for Mrs. Catherhle Shuup Mrs. . Glbson ' 1Io&dI. 1 Mrs. Amanda Hartrum and Mrs, at WaynesVille Friday eveutng . _ ' MIss Paullne GibSon s~nt Toes1'\08 ~AI' _ PkDlc Supp11es,iDclildPeterson were Lebanon visMr. and' Mrs. Clyde Wharton ' day of thlS wee", with friendS irl ' _ DNIIl" PlAtes. co)cl cu.- napltors Moriday morning'. were visitors Monda.Y. 1 Xenia. , IdDa, etA..AIao kltchen tAJliVela. wax ,.Because of h.e alth, Mrs. IMr.-a . • ' hutts was bOrp Mr. ' and Lue Marpn and ....... _ ' d' ••I t• • •, . . Marpret WePb, for the past eight- Mon..\ay in Day·t o" . ~ March 23, 1865, .inct cliCUJuneS, s ~, Pre. Arthur Morgan and Job.n,PIIPI!I'. ___ C\Ip5 an .......... ...., . , u u ... . ... ' ... auet.t.e office. ' ". e(!n months matron a.t the Horne, .1¥1ss Ahhe tta Steinke abd Mrs. 1944 at 1$ home southelUlt of nl~ Derges of BeavertOwn Were sup. , '. lIAS resigned and leltt .Monday to ' Charles, Bunnell hild lunch , together IW'aynesvWe. p er gueJ, Tuesday evenlng-of .:Ml';' ~ 8AUD- . ·bushels RICbl8.nd 't ake a. needed reSt Ih . the home in De.ytOll S l10turday and attend d '. 'SUrviving are his two sons,.Harold a Dd M1's. Hiley q nlSon. .' . So, s..u.i .. ~eth. Fox, Fer- · of her daughter at Murr~eesboro, Lowes theaU·e. A. Shutt,,;, of Waynesville, arid JoeM:r. nnd Mrs. Raymon\f' Osl>orn~ ". 16 Tenn . Wh1lehereMrs : webbmade Mr. and Mrs. Will Ross and eph Shutts, ' oI Lebanon; ' and a &l. il MI·.u J dMrs.AlDertChenoweth many frIends who ", Ith the Home daUghte~ were entertained to ' dln- daugh ter, MarIe Shutts, of 0Inci.n- and s on, Dean; ot Xebla, collect on family regret her. going and wlsb h er ner Sunday at the home or Mr. and natl, Ol;tio; his sister" Mrs. E. T. Mr. lind M rs. ' Emerson Dill Sunday .... 8AL'&-Teain t,lDe WOI'k horses, a speedy recovery. )l1s8 Ruth Mrs. Olint HOOb nt Five. Point . Edwal'ds of Wa.ynesville and his four al 1I00n. 5 yrs. old :- sound and ICnt.le. Chnndler Is ve~y effll~lently liervlng 1Mra. Everett Weller and elIldren arotbers, . Frank Shutts,' , Charles ,- - - - - - i&1na Patterson, 4~ m1les west of as matron. of near MilllIili;burg caUed 011 ' Mr. Shutts, ' Jimes ' Shutts and ,Lee l'EAltLl' SERVICES '1'0 BE AT ,~urg on the Ilar\'e;Jlburgote,ODla • rCitJl ", DaYton '. CARD 9F T~~S and Mrs: Ralph lIiUnuiond ' and tl4~ his , grandclllldren, Verno'n MIDDLE BUN ~PTlST .~~H . ·8IiOl. 15 " t'm.lUy Friday .evenlng,. , . ,M¥.19n~ ~a,rren and Ellen ~le" - Yt:Qriy services wilt be held at e i We- wish to extend ,our thankS ·for Mr. and Mrs. A. ,stetnke and Ko.l 1 Shutts a.nd Middlo RUl\ Jlaptlst chl1i'Ch the .h elp abd ,SympatbY shown wi at family and Mr. and ,Mrs. H. E,\18reat gtandclilld, Bobby Shutts. June 18, a.t 10. :30 'wlth - all da serv.th,e t.ime of tile slckness and Qilman to au , out-llfservices place at ' his ices conducted by ' E1d,er HUe iBlnder. BOtb ,1n A-I condition. Our .l1~band abd l1ather. We es- , door d1nne~ Sunl1e.y evelllng, ' Mrs, ,home, near, Waynesv11le on TUesday, ,_ . Phone 2982, Wayne-.vllle. :p peclally wish to thank' Ml'. McClure, Cora. .Ferree, MIss Nel( ~rr ,e and I J~n,e II at 2 o'clock 'WIth Rev. Cole~BEEP CL.uM8• .PAID Rev ., Ralph Parks lind Miss Lucy Mr. 'and Mrs . 'Forest . Ferree nnd ma~ of tbe MethocU.st; chUfCh offlcl/~ ~lllier. aU metal wlth Elmle.y. chUdren ot. Dayton. '. . n~g. ~\I~lal In , Min~ cemetery Sheep cialll\S tou;.lJng $261 I darome, 1J'im. N£i\V~ Silt cWblons, Mis. A. T. Oberry, phone 28J7, ,Mrs. Abbie Jon~ , and Family. lMr. and Mrs. Henry Belcher. and under ~ dlrectton of Oswalds. have . been ,.uowed by .the Wat-Je...U.......- -. , Wa)'llesvUle. ' ' ~ ' . 22 A WORU-oF APP'R~IATlON f&mlly h~d for their' Sunday guests ' EXPRESSIOl'; OF,mANKS county cotdmlSsloners Ior·t the '~t ,' :" . ",: 01 2$ ~ . oJ __ their son:In~~aw: ~rtd dau8-h~, Mr~ ' ; ' - ,- , ' . Ihre:e montiUi. 'The targest cllUm wANlJ'.¢o ...:.: Accord,lanil anc1 Other I w18h to thank all those who , , " ~e wi If t o c :1l1'1lS:\ 1ul' ,. s:Ul!cre ~',lS that at ~ .' by 'Eirller. ,..,heehan' lead~, '" ~ 2Q mUllCal matruments. 8e.Qd. card to r~ , ' sent me gifts and cards durirlg my ~.JUlks and appr~cla.tloll to OUl' rel-, or Way,nesviUe. ' " " ' Y.crr~~ . R , H. Mqare, 111 Eut second st., recent Ulncss. . 'attves, trten~ and ~mhbors for ' ",' . . Dayton 21 Ohio.. WID come to ace w9rJdDg ... ~ , Buddy Davis ·t he' klhd'·e~picsslon pf 'aympathy e~HlBE TEACQER$' JDlt.ruDJents. 22 Jtended to us irl the toes of our ' . . ' . rUb""• .Whc lfath~r, Albert Shutts: MIss Donna Palmer, We~t 1.1Dl ~n, HAROLD SMilTB IN .ENGLAND " your~ .... ~. ~ PdR SALE-JPhone 2982•. • , yte alSo' \f18b to thank Rev. Cole- haa been employed a feacher In [Mr. and . Mrs:-B:-l1. ~th have \ ma.n for ' .his comforting , Yiords, the the Clearoreek ToWnship ~h ' bin for the tim tbaI .... !!'OR HFlN'l~ur' 'rOom apartment. received , word !rom libelr son, Pvt. ' Funeral Home for their er; school at Springboro it ~ been ani,ou th. m~ ...... . . NITESl .' OsWo.Id ~~rvfces, ~. Suaan ScClnlon, ~aynesvllle . Harold L. ,Smuh, thlilt he Is now In . the pa.ll~al'ers, and )lou.nced. Mrs. ' Eicher · has your 1DODey. Engla,P~' H~ Is the P1~oprletor of the ~CREEN""':' the donors of the beaUtifUl flor8l been employed as domestic scienCe (lOR 9A1lE-.l:937 Ford Tudor Sedan, 10C61 Recreation .LuDlch room. Dur'J offerI1lJs,. " . teaohCl' ,and ~d ~jnck' ruis jlMtt completely overhauled . Radio " ing ' his absence the'. restaurimt, is The Family of Albe~t. $hutts. beel! employed to tak~ che,rge of the beater. good tires, ,new seat ·oovers: 1Ur: WAI IOffD' MIl -: being operated by ·Ibls 'WIfe, Mrs . -,-_ _..,;.:.._.-;.. SCh~l bUsSeS and g~8e • . oau ~ after 6 :00 p. m. 3t· lur 10.1 Dill ' ......, ....>e Smith. ' SUNDi\Y DI~NEn;' ,GUESTS WAlnU!D - H!JS1ty boy over 16 to PICNIC HONOaS LT. HOAX , 'With " , " .ork aroWld Bw1mmlllg pool. Al:o 'Mr. and 'Mrs. e~nley .r B:61ley and ' . , ., ~ Parks, 'J, dallghter. entertained to dinner on Lt. Anna L: Hoat, A: N. C •• was leveral girIa ~or wai tresses. no exISILln(la:v cv.erung~. and Mrs'. W~r'; glle\it of hO!l0r at a piqruc supper em ~ence nOOCSllRry, will teach . See Lynn Laoy Q'f DaytOn, Mr. 'a.nd Mrs~ 'P'esday evening ot ~t week &t hte 'M r. Pa~ at Wayne Park. • IX'.A-MIL.A • • • • CAP •••• I " VVUllIIUfi' CUne 'ot KltlgS MIlls, Mr. home .of her pare~tIf. :Mr. ,and Mr&.' ~ ~Pr1ers and ~te Rook and Mrs. F.r~lr: ,CoOk" Mr. and Mrs. Keller Hoak. Lt. Boak!WI been enTJBE SERVICE HEADQUA:BTEIs , ~ Pullets. iMm. Chas. H!lgemeyer, H!LtrY Lac~ and sons. . . 1~OYIJli a shott , turlou,~ f~om , ~r . beat recapping Job you, J.n.,t• •Our ...... ' (9{&YDeiV\U'e, !«)ute 3. - Phone ,. -,.' . . ' ,.' , ' , 9-utle,s at .Amarillo «Jtatlim lfaiI.Pltal, trained semc:emezt, '~ Goodyear .......,_ ' ~ ~ \brlll """,-_.' t r:~ r~' ... ' :I11III~ . " HOURS: . . ~r ' ~h ' ·Mlo.uiI ,. dazotte, Want Ad . :, ,", ~, A~" ; ', '<, . Goodyear ~aterJQla. A.k ~ ~ i, Pat SAIL1II.:;.ciprs. ~oi Pathers 'Day. ~~ / ' , o~ carefu\ ch~-ue today.:,' , , "" - 9-12 each' m,():rhing , PaUl" 1PSCkliig; '1b1rd street. ONLY $1.00 ~ , ~e2182, • . 1-5 afternoollB e xcept , Oglesbee ana' Miss
, Acet,JJeDe CW e1ectr1c. See ISW Lee, Spring Valley. .--.a..J 'a_A _ _4 _ ,R. 3. WayneavWe. , , .
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Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan Celebrate G~lden Wedding On a very feautlful summer evening tUty years ago, Olara' Crockett and Elmer Sheehan were united in marriage ' at the home 01 the bride near Springboro. The anniversary 01 this happy marriage W6S celebrated on Sunday by ~. and Mrs. Sheehan when they willi their children and grlAJldchildren enjoyed a picnic dinner on Lhe laM\.of the Sheehan home. Those present were Mr : and Mrs. Dearth Sheehan and daughters of Sprlogtboro, Mr. and Mrs . ElUs McClure and family of Sprlngboro, Mrs. Allee Croll and daughter of Franklin. Miss Helen Hood ol Spring Val1ey, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Sheehan and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Everett McCullough and Miss sarah sDuth. During the afternoon and evenIng "Open House" was held 10 the living rOOJllS . which were beauUfu1ly decorated with lovely basIr.eta 01 summer flowers given and arranged by friends and the F\'lendsbJp Class pI the Methodist church of whlch Mrs. Ralph HastlogS Is the teacher . Refreshments of Ice cream and cake were served [rom a most a-ttraotive table In the d1n1ng roum. A large angel food cake with the gold numerals "'50" and yeUn flowers, a bowl of lUacs and silver pitchers fOl'1lled a lovely centerPiece for the table With 1I.s hea·vy lace oover. 'IlWo granddaughters, Miss Harriett McClure and Miss Jeanette Sheeha.ti, assIsted 10 serving. ManY guests called during the~af ternoon and ev 1ng 'WishIng the celebrants many more years .at married llCe and le~vlng many beauUful gifts among which was a very 18l'ge gold fr&.«!ed mtrror given' by their cblldren.
LOOAL RE~mENT DESIGNS FLAG DAY PROGRAM EQUPIMENT : 8~IZER AT GIVEN BY EASTE~N STAR PATTERSON FIELD SHeps AT BONQUET MONDAY _ Employees at Patterson ' Pleld th1B week 'Witnessed a demonstration ot the value of safe~ glasses in prev~ntlng eye Injuries as the result ot flying parUcles or larger objects. An exh1blt on display in the engineering bu1ldlng of the Jl'ASe Maintenance dlvlslcin showed an electrically operated hammer giving repea.ted bloW8 to one 9f the lens I.n a pCllr or safety giasses. Tne glasses had successfully BWitalned ' more than a mUlion such blows Without shat.terlng. , Also on dlsplay were several salety glaases which had been worn by maintenance division employees .In past accidents. Flying objects In each case had. badly cracked lens but norie ' of ·~e . lenses was · shattered. "~e exhibit has aroused conslderabie Interest, II 88YS Louts F. Able. aafet)' engineer who Uves at 4944 M1aml Shore Drive, Dayton. "Since we have started the demonstrat.1ons here there is a greater reoogn1tton 01 the value or safety glaases in preventing eye ' InJuries." 'Ibe exh1bit wa.s erected under the d1recUon of Major Herbert A. Malm, ch1et of the PASO safety branch. ~jor MaIm today reported two more devices in operation by his' department for the prevention a:f dIsease or InJury . The first Is an equipmant sterUlzer dea1gJied by Ernest Harlan. rural route 2, WaynesvWe. Ohio. and constructed in the FAW enslneer1ng shops. 'Employlng ultra violet I'8¥S, onI), three minutes 18 required to destroy all germs that might be present ·on equlpment tMated. m!lquiPment treated 10cludes such t.hlnga as floSgles, Sloves, glasses, and '1'eapi rators. The second· device wh1ch helps prevent InJuries to physk:a11y handicapped employees. is a coves-ed wagOn whiCh transpOrts the baondlcapp.. ed worters from tbe automobUe parking lot to and from their jobs.
Flag Day was given recognlUon by Miami Chapter Order of ~tem Star 1n a very delightful program which foilowed a. Mother - Daughter banquet Monday evening. The "Flag of Our country" W1!.S presented by Mrs. stanley Bailey and a "TrIbute to Old Glory" was read by Mrs. . 0 . C, Ridge . M1ss Jean Hart.sock, aocompa.nied bY Mrs. John Kersey, very beautifully sang, ''11 Hear America Oalilng' and :: 'J1hat Wonderful Mother of MJne ;" Mrs . J . B. Jones gave a very Interesting reading "B1l'thdny of the Fl ag ;" Jennie Lee and Wilhelmina Braddock rendered the very beautiful ' plano duet, ",H ungarian RaPsodY. Number 'Ilwo; " Miss Al ce Gray and MIss Barba·r a Lou Bland sang Lwo solos, "Consecration" and "Birds Lullaby ;" a Fll\g Day quiz WIlS conducted by Mrs. ' J. J. Burske; a Hu te solo by Mary Dora Hough, a patriotic cong contest and with the final number, plano and vocal sCJlo, .. rand Old Flag" by Misses Nooml and Ruth Earnhal'lt, made a most entertaining program, ' NEW BURLINGTON RESIDENT .DlES AS RESULT OF INJURIE'S Stacy D. Hutchison, 30, I\Sid; .g two miles nor\.heast of New BurUugton, died Sunday morning in Miami Valley hospital, Dayton. of injuries Friday night at the BrownIBrookrnleVI!r compa.ny plant, Dayton. be was ePlployed. 'nle bOdy was taken to Ironton for seI'Vlces and burial. Hut.Oh1nsdn, suttered internal InJuries when pinned undl;l' two tons 01 steel as It was empt ed trom 'a crane. Bom in Pedr(),. Ohio. he mOTed to the New · Bur!lnl~n c~unity from. M'ontgonlery county four years
22, 19«
BOND SAI.ES HERE CHILDREN' S DAY PROGRAM TOTAL LESS THAN TJURD PRESENTED AT GRANGE MEETING SATUItDAY Ross H. Hartsock. chairman of Wayne TownsWp tor the Fifth War The following program was pr e'L oan Drive. announces that the to- sen ted by bhe Juventle Grange at tal bonds sold here up untu Thurs- the meeting of Farmel's C:Cnnge day morning totaled $3,1,890. or less whloh was held Sntw'day evening at than one-third ot the quota of the hall : $125,000. . Reading by WIlIla,m Wardlow, County SIllIes up untn 1.\:esday "Whose Boy Am I?" evening amounted to $488,073.00 acSong by Patty Brown, "Robin cordl.ng to Charles Waggoner. coun- and chicken." ty chairman . 11100 persons 'have Two songs by Eileen Brown, Jenpurchased bonds in the drive to nie Lee Braddock, Frances Whitdate. aker. Phyllis Balley, Eula Hoak~ 'llhe Fifth War Loan Drive ls Martha Wartlow. accompanied by scheduled to end on July 8 and un- Miss Virginia Hardln-"Anna's Rosy less t.h ere Is a spurt in sales. both Oheeks," "Krakowlak." Warren county and wayne townPlano solo by Dorothy Wilson. '',}. ship wlll fall to meet their quotas. Journey in the Arctic." Reading by Oarol Bunnell, "June, Fairest of Montl1ll,II BOND ADS BEING SPONSOREO \piano Solo by Wtlhelmlna BradBY LOCAL BUSINESSl\lElIl dock, "Baroorolle." This newspaper cspecfally wishes Olalogue by Miriam and Donald to dra.w the attention of bhe read- Wilson, "Country and City." Second' Lt. Budla Bernard, Z5 or ers at the Gazette during bile ' FUih Song by girls, '·MI. Lovely M~dWanesville, one (If five Ammcan War Bond Drive to the sponsored nurses to arrive hll france with the war bond advertisements appearing ows." Piano Solo--JRuth Wardiow, " Of! 9th Air Force tlt'aeaatlon mission 10 each issue. We 00." following tbe 1ll1/aslon, Is shown These official United St.6tes Treas Reading. Janet Michener, above. Lt. Bernart!1 Is the dauchter ury advertlsements are ' being paid "M.y of 1\1r. · and Mrs. William Bernard. for by local bl18ill~ concerns who Shadow:' Sbe . Is a p1lduate of WaynesviDe realize the importance of !.his tre111gb school and the nunes tralnlna' mendous task that ls being underI«lhool at springfield Cit, hll8PltaI. taken, and Ilhey respectfully reMr. and Mrs . Gilbert Frye enterquest that yoU read them carefully tained to dinner. on Sunday Mr . and tlhen purchase bonds to the and Mrs. Earl Earnhart and daughHE~re limit of your ability. Our boys and ters, Mr. and Mrs. A . H. Earnhar.t, girls In the anned torces, some LaMar Earnhart and Alton Earn. Funeral ser~\ces were conducted even malting the supreme sacrtrlce•. ba~. here Wednesday<'for Mrs . Elsie Leaf at least deserve this much from us. Dr . and M.!·s. A. E . Stout and One bond salesman. who has sold Sco!ield. 32. of O1n,c lnnati. Sbe died M:ter a .y ear's Illness !lot the General approxlmJ1tely one-halt of the bonda daughter were week-end guests of hospital In O1nc1m:latl. Max Randall sold In lihe . curren~ drive In wayne, IMr. and Mrs. James Orest In West 01 the Wayneavll1e Church of ChrIst requests that citizens be ready when M1lton. was In charge of the services whlch the bondadler calls. He states that Mr. and Mrs, M.aynard Weltz and were beld at the McClure Feunral ,h e has already worn- out one pair family were Sunday guests of Mr. Home. Burial Wa.!; In Miami ceme- ot shoes, m~t1y calUng back at t4le and Mrs. F. L. Weltz In Wilmingrequest of buyers who have not tery. ton. Survivors Includl~ her motber, Mrs. made up their minds as to the • MAy McElfresh. a son. Douglas, two amount of the bonds bhey are going Mrs. MaYnaTd Weltz and Mrs. A. to buy. sister and four bl'Others . . T. POUnsky were recent vlsltors in Cincinnati . WAYNESVILLE CONTtNuEs W. s. C. S. HOLDS JUNE • TO LEAD ·FERlt~Y IN CHtJlWII ' MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 15 Mrs. Mitchel Kartaha aud SOIt of
Funeral For Mrs. Elsie Scofield.
_0 _ta
The largest a Lt.endn.nce In the history of the WaynesVille Olvic club abtended the Fath er-80n banquet iMonday evening, acocrdlng to club records. The banquet was held 10 the basemen t of the Methodist church and the superb dinner v,u prepared and served by lad161 ot the church . There were 91 members and guests present, At the conclUSion of the dinner, the booming baritone vo1oe of Herber t Gruham led. the group In singIng a number of pep SODiB In which all joined lustily. A contest was then held amongst the ohlldren present to see who could muster the biggest sm1le. Wymer Dr~ke, Howard Oase. Lou Printz, A. H. stubbs a.nd Max Randall were provided with tape measures and named official judges. Billy Wiseman was declared the winner and waa 'presented with a crown. During the business meetintr. President Ralph Parks a.nnounced a meeting 01 the Youth Center committee and other 10tereated persons would be held at h1a home Tuesday even1Dg . Max Randall reported '.10.00 lllft over trom the Memorial D!aY lund and It was decided to donate It. to the Boy Scouts. Stanley Ball8J reported work waS proceedlns aaU8factorlly on the Boy Scout cab1n. Charles Michener extended an invitation from Farmers Granse No. 13 for llie dUb to preSent Ii p1"08J'8lb at the Grange meeting to be held the third Saturday In Auauat. Two new members were added , to the club roster. Will St. john. membership committee ~nnan. present1011 the applications of Rev. H . C. Coleman. new pastor of the Methodlst church. and that of Roser Brown. Herbert 'Grallam then introduced the speaker, Olenn Massman. a well known humorlBt and after ., dinner speaker. He stated that Kr. Kui' The Woman's Society of Chrlstl.an Milwaukee. Wlsconsln. Is the house can was the secretary or tbe Day too Service met for their monthly meet- guest of her brothcr-In-law and sis- ForeIDan's cl~ and pree1deDt of ttle Ing on Thursday attemoon a~ the ter, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Sheehan DaytWl Llana .club. home of Mrs . Elmer 8beehan with and sons. Mr. MlUIIIDlan', addreU wae re• Mrs. Walter Sheeban and MIss ~plete wit~ humor and yet had It.. lie Smith as assistant hostesses. ,M r. and Mfs. A. K . Dny were &erious moments. JUs talk was buFoll0win8 the bUSiness session dur Sunday guest.s of Mr . and Mrs. J. ed on ·the word lear aIId its Jmport.. Ing which tlme Mrs. R. B. COleman D. Williams o~ ~ton . ance in an individual's llfe. The was named as the vice president. 'Mlss Jea.nette RJchards was the best way to treat the word, acoorc1Mrs. Glenn Borden was In Charge week-end gllest of Miss Frances Ing to the speaker, Is ' to treat tile of the program . A welcome for Mrs. KJrkpatrick. word u follOWs : The F should stand Coleman was given by Mrs . Walter • • • fer falth. the E for enthuslBBJD. the 8heehan followed by a' very InterMr . and Mrs. Howard M1sslldJne A for ambition ond the R tor· reestlng talk on "Work of toe Cburch .had as Sunday even10g supper guests sourcetuLness. .In P06t War Relief and RehabUlta- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burge of DayAmong the guests were: Be.rlan Uon." She polnteC! out the many . ton. . Earnhart. Paul Runyan. BW Mesplr1ted probI.ems and that peace Mr . a :1d Mrs. Ro~rt Sheeter of Heever, Don Hawke, Danny SImpcan only be based on 000, Creator of Columbus were 'week-end guests at son. Doug Hen rson, Don Header,.' all men. . Mrs. U, O. Whetsel, Mrs. HowlW'd son. Clyde Fromm, Jon Don o.mp. Readings were given by Mrs. Reba Shl1cter and daughter who have been Edwln O. Surface, Oharles DIal. Braddock. and Mrs. Borden . The so- guests of Mrs . Whitsel for several David Graham. Leroy Randall j Joe ciety adjourned to meet wllb Mrs. days returned to Wheelersburg Mon- Randall. Bill Davis, BWy WIaeDi&u, Billy Stubba. Bobby Jooea. BQIer Borden In July after which refresh- day. ' Brow~l. Rev. D. B. Ooleman, tJaclt menta were serveQ to about 35 members and guests. Mls$ M.lille Os~rn~ was the guest James. Warren 8heehan, Edwin of Miss Franc.es KIrkpatrick several Michener, Frank Hersman. Dwlaht Michener, Roger Watklna. Robert days of this wel!1t. . LOOAL SOLDIER WINS Oampbell, Lt. Robert W. W1nspear. GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL 'Mrs , Lonnie Fryman Jr., has re- Victor Thompsoo: Donald LuIreDa, Headquarters, 12th FIghter Com- turned home af·ter spending tJwo Roli¥!rt Bossi, Donald 0W1am, Coy mand~omot1on and award of 'thi weeks with her fathel' a.nd· mother- Gillam. Jack Mulford, ~ Wel.... :Army . GOOd COnduot Medal carne In-law. Do.n Weltz, Bob Haatlnga. JOI! WIse, slmultaneously for Ptc. - Olaude T. • • Dan Wise, Oh8r,es LeMay, ilItvtar4 Mr . and Mrs. George Miller and ung and Donald W1laon • . Wih1ttamore of Waynesville who b The next meeting of the club wUl serving with an air sea resuce' squad- son. Ge.orge, spent the week~nd at ron assigned to the Meddltcrraneo.n the hom e of Mr . .and Mrs . j3ud Nar- be held July 17. It was aDllOUIicecl cer In CincinnatI. ' that the August meelJn'" -will be obAllied Coastal Alr Force. ., .. The new corporal has been overserved as ·the annual .lAdies N.libt. S . H . Graham of Bellefo.nta:ihi, se,as only a few mont hs but his unlt.s spent sevcral days last week with HOLY ~OMMUNION ,.,0 U ' ~ have been very aetlve in their rescue Herbert Graham and family at CELEBBATED AT ST. II.\aY8 sweeps of Medlterran~n wlliters for Ferry . both allied and enemy airoraft crews The Holy Oommunlon will be eelwho have be~n forced to crash at sea. eb1'8ted at 1Jl a. 111., Sunday. JIUUI Mrs. Winifred Hartsock and son. Opl. Whltllamore is an alrplane DaVid, are visi ting In Evansville, 26. In St . Marys Eplacopal church. mechanic with his squadron, His The Rev. Obar}ea E. FIsh. Xenia, mother, Mrs. Mary Whittamore. re- Ind" nt the home at her son-In-Ia,.w w1l1 be the celebrant. All oommunland daiJl!'hter, Mr. and Mrs : Frank srdes In Waynesville. cants · and friends of the chu.rcb are !Hawke. urged to · attend this service . • • • FATHER'S DAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs . COnnell WDson of BEAR FROM SON Mr . aM Mrs. F. E . Thomas en- Cleveland. visited at the home of hls brother and slster-In-law, Mr • tcrtalned to dinner for Father's Day Mr , and Mt:6. ,Ross Planck reand Mrs, John Robey of Dey- and Mrs. Russell Wilson, and fam1ly, ceived a card from their BOn. Lt. Tuesday . ' . Mr. and Mrs, J. M. ~rnhart Robert 'Planck. Wednesday, frem sons of Beavertown , Mr. and ~rmany where he b held ' a prUAGED SPRINGBORO . Lowell Tholl\B!) al.l~ daughter oner of war. He 8tates that he, ja NATIVE DIES TUESDAY of :/tle, Miss Cora Thomas, Arwell. It is the 'first WQrd ' Mr..aDd thur· Thomas and IJa.wrence Roo~ey. Mrs . Mary Jane SmIth, 81, ll!elong Planck have received ' from bJm . ~ . .- resIdent of Springboro. died Tues- since receiving . word ·that be Wu • CHILDREN'S DAY OBSERVED day ' at the home or her daughter. prisoner after being shot dOWn over '. " . AT METHODIST CHURCH Mrs. EI.s1e ~atklni; ' In Middletown. 'We&tem Ge1'lllBny, '. Ohlldren 's DaY-was observed at t.he She is survived by one' 4aUlhter, BIRT118 IN MAY 'ch h 'Mrs. Watkku;; two sons. Lewls and . urc Sunday with a !Frank. both at Day top ; lour grandvery entertalnlnS p'rogram ot ,sonBS. recltaUons and a pageant, 'Slngillg ch1ldren and two great-grandchilHearts," live.n by the children of the dren. SerVices will be conducted by 8und11,y achool . 'With Mrs. RalPb Mias lIIarriett oru(y at 2:30 p. m. IlaBtlnlll wsI VlrlJ1nla Hardin and Flrlday at the resldilDce' on South Mrs. J. \IV_ In charIe. ' IM am, street with bUrIal· In tho -_ ._. _ __ e«netery. l1larllDe' DlL D~ PaOIIOTBD BmTH OF DAUGIITEB
·. .
·.. • •
,- - -
Father-Son Banquet Of Local Civic Club Is Well Attended
8urvlvors Include his wife. Mrs. Berliha 8Unson Hutch1aWli four cblldren. O,harles. Eugene• .Agnes &l)d Wanda; his father, Daniel of IronGrocers and food .dealers throuahton, an4 the foUo'wtng brothers and out Warren county are cooperaUna ATTEND __ AN_~ OONTEST alatera: Charles Lutbe~ 01 01nc1nwith tile Price Panel of tile local lIIANY LOCAL PlUENDS The third week cl the contest beTO ArrEND TIlE GICNI!:ILU. na.tI, Oakley and Huey and Mrs'. ration board at Franlilln in prepaf&tween the WBynesvme Church at e;oNFERENCE AT CAPE MAY Fannie Evans and Mrs. lWby Mortlon for cost-of-livlng exbJb1ts to be Morris at Pedro; Mrs. Cora. ,H oard Christ and 't he J1'eriy OhW'C'h of lijapJl" yed In each store dqring the The follOwing ,persona from th1a and Mes. onteresa' Ollver at Ironton. Ohrlst bas been completed Wi~ the week of Jwie 23. Waynesvtlle cburclil gll1ning in ' tbe vicinity are iunoD8' those who are The exhibits w1l1 demonstrate lead It already en,loyed. Last week 93rd WARREN COUNTY planning to attend tile ' FrIends gmphlcaUy the C(lIJlparlaon of. ooet WAynesville lead only by 46 points. FAIR TO BE HELD AGAIN General conference ,at Oape May. of living Items during this 'same TRlS YEAR SEPT, 19-2t That lead has been Increased to 213 to be lleid June 2;J to New Jersey, period of World War l With the cost. points this week, or similar items tode.y and Will show 30: The Warren county fair board The winner of tlilis contest ls demlr. and Mrs, EI.1 Furnas and the et{lclency wlLh which OPA pi1ee members aDd county commisa1oners termlned by the ' following point ohildren, Bay and Sue, Mrs. Earl control ,has held stable, or lowereq. Boekett. Mrs. Badle Reason, Rhoda held' a joint meeting last week to ' system: one point per every person prices of all Items of food. BunneU, sari.h COrinne and Seth shape plans for the 93rd annual present at Bible l;chool, Wle point ~rt Stewart, chalmlan of the Warren county fair after a two-year. per every person present for tlhe price panel of the local board. made Purnaa, ,Jr" Mr.. and Mrs. R. W. without the exP.OS1t1on due church service, onl' point for every th~ announcement, stating that Bni.ddO!lt and . daughters. Jennle to war conditions and tbe bulldlng person present at Ule evenIng servagreement of grocers to coopemte · ,Lee ~d WUbelmlna, Prances Whlthad already been unlvetsally ind1~ aker, Beth. EuJa. a.nd Mon1mia Hoak, o! a new grandstand. Dates for the Ice, one point for every letter or card cated. . . Mr, and lira. Oharles Doster an~ fa.1r are Sept. 19, 20, 21 and 22. The wrmen by members of the congre"Holding the Une on pr1~ 18 a -Q chlldren. Mrs. J!'iJther Furnas new- ~dstand, which has been gatlon. five point.<; per call .made by under cQUStructlon for two years, members of the congregation and grocers' trl~Ph of patriotIBm over and l411li Wanda Propst. be completed by 'fair Ume and five points per every n!lw member. greed," said Mr. Sfiewart. "Whlle the a , dedlCation ceremony 18 planned . Followlng are the results ,of lut ~era' have no desire to b9&at 01,f or Wednesday, Sept, 20. 'J1he old \Week's contest: Bible school, W. 1~, their performance of II. patrloUC duty, , JUdge ~pli B. carey of tile grandstand burned on Sunday, Sept. F. 136; church, W. 111, F. 120; calls. the Illd ustry owes It to the people WlUTen county prdlate court. re- 31. 1~, when ~ spectacular blaze W . 250, F. 115; letters written. W. · 0 '. h LJ. l hl that grocers, too are cently sentenced trtvo ot the three razed' the two wooden structures. 62, F . .24; evening service. W. 114, ,.oh,g L•. ell j)~r t to rnalnta10 a solid Lebanon Juveniles to the Boys' InNQ definite ~ have been ar F. 54; additions, W. 0, l!'erry 30; to....!Id. secure heme front." dustrial achool at teiw:aater who for Wednesday and Thurs- tals for the week. - W, 647; F. 479; 'confea&ed to )rurglarlJllng the home although the Boone totals for the contest tJhus far, W. LOCAL INSUBANCE OFFICII ' of Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. S. Lee near Jamboree has been engaged 1.763 ; F. ·1,550. CHANGES OWNEBSIIIP lWaynesv11le. tor the FrIday nlght. program. It is 'Mr. Randall ~r the Waynesville The Waynesville Insurance attica believed that a horse show' wm be Ohurch of Christ wm preach on the which Is lcicil.ted In the local Ford BlBTBDAY PICNIC BONOBS on Thursday night : following subjects this Lord's Day: garage. hi1.8 been sold by o. B: MISS FBANC~ KlBKPATBlCK 'I1he racing program Included In "Ohrlst, the Son 01 000." In the . Jenkins to H. M. Ooyne Qf Lebth!l SOuthwestern Ohio Fair elrcult morning, and "'J1hE! Ralslng of r.zWsa Pra.nces Klrkpatr1ck was re- !will feature at ' 2 :36 })IWe and trot MUS" in the evening. anon. "Mr. JenkJ.ns haa ;,,,,,.,...ted a -... centJy nono~ed , by . a -hoOP of On week from Sunday his 'With $350 purses on Wednesday' a e serposition with the State A~tomobne iInsurance Oompany of Oolumbus as friends wlth a birthday pii:nlc. torm, a ~:il~ pact: and 2:14 trot mon topics will be', "The Man Bea d18tr1ct manager. . SW1Inmlna and later clanclni was 'l1hUl'llday purse $35b' a 2:22 trot hind The PloW," and, "A Oroup of ' Mr. Coyne Is a tonner employe of enjoyed by 'I11lle Bl1es~tha Bell- 'a nd })IWe' ,and 2;18 pa~e on Friday Sinners," the Reni1ngton Arms company ,a' m1er; Evelyn Behm1er, &nd with a $350 purae for each. ANNOUNCE BDII.TH OF SON Kings Mllls wh/!'te he beld a poat~ 8h1gleY. all of DQton: Etta Trappe, ; 1J0hn T Gorman fair secretary tlon In the personnel department. MlunIMburr; ' Jeanette Riohards, announced that p~nty of ciOnces~ XenJa, M1111e-. Oeborne, ClarltBvWe Sl008 have been booked for the mldMr. and Mrs. JoSePh Randall of The insurance bualnelll 18 not. new and Mrs. Paul Hough. way featuring new rides and amuse- CrC6Swick, are announclng the birth to h1m however. u he .baa had. . .M1sa Kirkpatrick received many ments. The 4_V club displays, baby of a 10 lb . bOY Wednesday at the much previous ejltaperl~ta~~, 10v~J1 S1fts and carda; also a calbe- beef clUb and ~umerous oUler d.Is- Good Samaritan h()spltal In Deyton. . th . at Urte. He lites ..... Wle ... .......__ from I.-Iv. ' ...., 'p lays ' are in the _A'-'ng to give 'I'll e auuer Is ' pMtlOr at the X enIa . ......... bus1nesa will continue to be ope~. Warren counUana one of the best Church of OhrIat. 'ated as the same lOcaUon here. . Y OtlTll CENTO COMMl'I"I'R . , IIQT8. TUB , SJ.)AY BVmo:NG fairs in many yetU'll. . ' FAMu.y PlONIo. Admission at tile 'g ate Will be 60 SERYICE Mi1:N AT ROME !IIi A ' ft_n .. p'lcn~ ~ucb e .. to-ed m~Una of the You .oanter cents' and 50 cents for the gra;nd- starf Sgt. Olyde: Fromm of' Mac A f -........ ~ iI Icoillimlittl!le aDd otller .1nte~' per- stand· wltlh box seats '$1. Memberat tM'home of, ~: ~"Mi'I. BIISIar IOp8 was he~' :n:aeaday; even1ng at ahlp ' tl9kets are on sale at each Dill F1~d; Tampa, Fla •• arrived on , Smith and daUlhter ' ~,SUn4af' .• the bome of Rev. Ralph' Parka. , . and 1DcJude the tiolder alid automo- Thursday to spend several days Witi1 'J1hoee present we.-e tInI,' W1UlaIn . :~ f:.t was decided to meet aga1one~t bUe to the P'O)lDdI. '. his parents. Mr. :and loIra. J, P. , ),JlQhener 'oJ PlitBburBh. Pa'I; lira. .eveIUDI at the aame pJaCe . _ Fromm. 'Mrs . Melvin Banta of ·· ,earle -Winner and daughter , o'cJocJt at wbleb' time anew ' WJNNIB JO STOUT APPEARS was also a· guest ' of hes.... ' .. d ' u _ . . parents. Mr. and .]IIrs'. Promm o.v er LiebAAo~ -... an .. ... .,an • ; '. 18 to 1;18 ~ed · t~ t!Ib IN DAn.ON ·DANC~ REVUES . "'f th~ week-end, '. 8al.ISbury, Mr. and , W. B, ( of iIn. B. W.. ' SCOfield, ' ..... _ ~ __ ._ ~ '. . In..l I c;::omen, Mr. an8 MnI.' D. 'D. mOved a~ and to aeleet -"!'" nBUUC Jo stout. ~ . COID- ..,.,. Oh~ ea B. Earnhart, who bur.y and daughters, a 10C'atton. :All ' 1n+A?eefed pletell a.notber tetm. at the dan~ baa been Iq 8P.rlnJgfleld for several ''!:''" , aobool lil Dayton d appeared In with Mrs. Eaiilhart at the City SEWING GBOlJII IIBB'hI parttea are urpd to be preaent~ .' an '. , the' danCe revues beJd at ·tIle Day-lon was the !fUeat. of hla ~r'" ~~ ON "A~ 4~A'I' Art ~tute ~~;-and Prlda, entap.Mr. and MtSIo It 1'. JDamtwt, . IFor ~ usual! eftn1bt ~ aew1iII nilhta. She WiLl 0Ile of a Il'OUP who on Saturday befOre retum1~ to Port aDd'workmr toPtbeI", the"~teei' J. O. BMrte n i honor IU- did the Ruaa1&n nwnber ''BalaIA'' DIx; N. J. ~. Plromm was alao a for Viotbl'Y 8f'OUP met ~ UUt bailie OIl Patber'a Day wbell his lQD-in-lMr 'l'lhDle who attended from here OIl IIUtlCbl!On~est wlt:b OilL IIamhart. of Mrs. Pdd 1foOk'l1l18'lldat. aDd etaUlb_, Dr. ad IIII. '~ 1!!!8 her panna., Qr. 'l'b.- jJftiiient weN: ........... J. 'f'UICe ellt.ertalDld wWL • JamIl1 lID. A. II. stout, lira. 8BLIB •• lIcdiure, JeDnl8 00DIW'. CbM'IeI dItma' a& tbIdr ~ blW'UmJDI:t,aD. 18M. . . ).Itd ~ter..,lJDtla . _ _, It• •, BID; \'Uiiie aDd lin. 0..- ~wb. •• _ . . . . . .Joul . . . .. aws. LeRG111i1nD; ~. P . " " lin. L, O•••
• •
·. .
From A
Dl"ary--Dry Ridge
«annat get used to It. Why not try . Fa~rm to mnke , the $~ OO,OOO hole beoea,th , ~ . 0l.\r ·~)'~·ets work. AocordJng to rum, WameaVliie, ,OhiO ' Ma1n Stirel\t or, some citizens are. June 16. 1944. "'! ;et's ha.ve a plc~c weather someone ought to ha.V6 TWENTY-FIVE YU~ AGO ;;...--......,.-------'----.,.---.------"'-"7'"'7.- :11 - - - - :. ' Wo, note U,n' " ..n ....n. __ Gandhi dOWn 1n bhe wood," suggested our been pleased each day lately. Hot(July 2, 1919) (June 19, 1944) . M&iI Matter at Postol'l'lce, Waynesv Ie, Oblo ......~, .. "'.... isl t d lik 'n_ d h ot..er 8 II week untU Mon- 'A ruth geneflt Won of the Buwett The Driving As80claijan will have saw his first movIng picture recently young v Lor. As I seClDe e a ...,. .a.n ---..::..---'- - - - - - - --------l-·-h- - - - - e.nd enjoyed it. oUr guess is that ~ood Idea, a diSh washing :javill'; In day, then cooler and cooler u11 day ,{amJly entered a savings accoW1t a lot of fine racmg on the Fourth Walter W . Wiseman, .Editor and Pub IS er. u the old boy IwUI. Just see a few faot, we made. some lIandwiches, till at n1~t it' was 80 oold that we at the Waynesvllle National Bank as entrlel! are, alreadY ~omlng in. "r.:.~.;..;;.------::-IS8=::O:: ED=-EVER===::Y:-::TKUR8D= .::::;::;:;;:-:A:-;Y;;--;-------- more of out modern movies he will' 'baLed some ana and fixed some put on our sweaters and l:>ullt a last week, the depbsltor ' being little The prizes are veg attractive and throwaway his nightgOWn and put maple mUk-shake and started otf tire. No rail'l, no water l!l our 018- Mis.s Jo.nlce MUoa Burnett, the two- It wID have a tendency to bnng · 8abICl'1pUon Pr1ce, '1.50 Per Year, Payable 1n Advance on a pair of trousers and from .now 8.Or08S' the ,Pasture IUld over the tern bU,t who ~oUld wish lor rain year-old daughter of tMr. and Mrs , quite a number of new .horses here. Harry M. Burnett. The genera.tlons 001. Chas. Waggoner:will aga1n act on take a new interest 1n life. fen 'e to Harry 's Wo<lUS as we used In hayl.ng season? . • • '. to cull them. 111 u nice sha.dy place We had our first mess of bellona preceding this little lady are: Harry 'as official starter, ·so everybody is N.tloll.1 AcI.,.rtl.lng R.pr ••••t.tI.,. This Is the time of the year when beside UU! brook we ope'ned our bas- F1rlday nnd today we had our Ilrst Burnett; ' Stephen H . Burnett. the sure to ·be pl.e ased. . .......... A lVG ' • •"IC.. INC. ate OWen Burnett and stephen the fellow who didn't raise a Victory ket nnd ate OUI' luncll. We had btlen raspberries. Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Ellis and Mr. ~a rden looks across the fence at his very bllSY ,[01' some LlDle 4Iond it At the ten cent sto ;'e the other iftJrnett, all of whom huve been pa- (Iud Mrs. Aaron Summers are..spend neighbor's VJctory garden. with a seemed ~ery pleasant and restJUI, litO da)', I picked up 'a most inter hing trons of the local bank. Ing a few days at the Oentenary exMrs. ilAlura Sides and, Miss Lillie hibition In Columbus . hungry, covetous moutll - walerlng we sat tJlere Ivr an .bour or so while li-We book of common insects with • Home Town Newspepen look. . our yOWig hOlJelul bu it. a. dQJJl. I ve ry goap plotures. We have al- Benham are spenCllng the · week at Mrs,' Ed Hopkins and son left last w......... ~, s... ftefteIoco, c.a. • • • tr! u to explain to blm that the 00- ready found It qui te helpful 1n (LIlS- the Reservoir . Wednesday for Rogers, Ark., where Miss HenrIetta McKinsey oC the she w11l spend some time with 'h er It now comes out that In the ject of the dam was to hold belclt tile ~e r ing some of t he many quelltions sImplified tax form Congress has in- wa.el· to keep th,e land from wash- ·that we are asked. '111ere ' ls also a AshtabUla school arrived home on fother, Court 'Murray. Knowing the human race lIS WII hand. IUld m1nd, and skUI. It is not croosed the rates OIl a good many ing uway lJut be · Was not nluM in- ' butterfly book and some on birds. Monday. A friend, Miss Rachel DaRay Hawke arrived home from thin'll: we do, we feel sure a. lot of so today . 'A couple of days alter he people. In otber words the taxes te.l'llSted in my lecture on CQ."lserv- Tile butterIly boOk would be more Vis, accompanied her for a Visit . overseas last week and came dolwn people who have been' planning on graduotes from hlih school the wl11 be higher under the slmpl1!led ancy prinCIples. We IdentlfJed sev- belpful 1! It save us pictures of the Beauty and simplicity together to Waynesville Thursday to visit .buying 110 many thJ.ngs after the war young man today Is wUllog to se- ·f orm than they were under the old enu 1J1r<is but tbere was one Song caterpillars. as well as the m.lture With an ideal day ma.rked the wed- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. ends, woq't be Interested' in them as cept a job if he will be permitted to form. '111is s hould teseh the tax- that waa llew to me,' three wistung butter!l1es. The mulberry tees are ding of Frances A. Janney cmd C. Hawke. aoon as they 11nd out they can have ,Lake over the 11 no type at the regular payer to tak.e what is served him by notes followed by a sort of trill. We fUlJ,..,of birds, all Sbrts and all kInds. Roderick D. Barden, ,'Which was solMiss -Clam. Lile left Monday for them. scale, a job thot the present plod- COngress and say nothing about It. ·trled to sec the lilnger but could.n t I hear there Is an oriole's nest 111 the emnized at the country home of the Columbia University to attend sumdlng operator machinist spent four For complaining about an inde- find him. or course we came home. very top of a tree .n ear the rectory . brlde's sister, Mrs. Walter Williams, mer school. She was joined at Xen• one seems to mow whether th.e hard years of close application to fenslble Obtruse tax blank the tax- with a b6tch ofchiggers but we l\ave Our little song sparrow comes every near Wilmington Saturday, June 16. Ia by Miss Elma Roberts who will Wayne 'TdWDBhip schools have a learn, and acqUire his preciOUS skill. payer got what Is said to ' be Q found a good' remedy for them, soap day and sits on the gate and sings Mrs . . Barden Is the youngest also a ttend the unJverslty. mU!dc instructor or not-the latest The result is that such trades lIS simpler form but which In many l1nlment, the wbllte kind . Horse Im- (lnd now that the hollyhooks lU'e daugbter of Mrs. J . E. J almey of The g reat world war Is over. The aeema to be--apparently not. b"OOd pressmen and gOOd prLnters Instnnces w1ll Increase his tax. inlent, we get It f.r om Dr. Frost, but open the humming bird!; acl'C back this place . 'Mr. Barden is an en- Oernyms have deClared the~elv!!s are no t overcrOWded. They never . • • • some drug stores have it . They call a gain. [ wish some kind of birds glneedng speciallst in the Ext.enslon del'eated. The war cost bUllons of '~t Ilipes me, a loce.l farmer will be lJecause the YOW1g men WhO ' In our opinion, strikes in war It "White l1nimeDlt,'· It has turpen- would come and eat ' the pest tllat Department at OhJoState univers- dollars and millions or lives. The aa1d Monday, is to cotne to town and are wlll1ng to pay the price to be- I plunts dur1ng war time, no matter t1ne, ca.mpllor and various other Is eating Ule green off ilie locust Ity . property damage can only be estfsee & dOS6n .or two adults loafing In come mastel' printers al'e scarce. 'What the cause, such as the recent things in It and kIlis the Itch better 'Ieaves and leaving ollly brown Eddie MUllen, employee at the ,m ated . Last Saturday at 3 o'clock the shade. r know that some of them T llere is 'n ot enough ot them wlll- one at the Wrigh t plant in Lock- than anyth1ng llhave tried. shells. ' Varnlillts are abroa.d 1n the tWaypesvUle Motor company plant the German representatives met · the are past hard WOK but in times like I.'hg to s pend the time required to land are treason and should bl nus evening I itook a walk to f ind land. SOme!>hing got our famUy who wns .badly burned on the arms Council of Four ' at Versailles and the preaen~ there is something ' for JInny, the heller that I bought at young turkeys the other day and and legs, by blazing Is very signed the treaty, The slgnJ.pg of every one of them to do and they learn at. the wages the proprietors dealt with accord1ngly, of small printing plants can aIforq Ben James' sale. TIley said she was even !>he old bird looked as though much better and able to be out. the peace treaty required some time should be doing it., I don't underdue to be fresh tbe I1!teenth but no she had had Q. battle. It might have . Saturday afternoon , June 15, Mil- but It Is done , and now It Is hoped atarui how a man who can work Can to pay. It Is our candid op1nlon that ages paid to high school children (Frank Dlson) calf yet. I wonder if 1 misunder- been a fox. The battle With var- dred L. Clark, daughter of Mr. and that the world 'WUl setUe down and be conten~ to d.o nothing from mornNow that the 1nvasion has taften stOod an"d they said the I1!teenth ~ints goes on here at home and Mrs. Wilbur Clark,' was united In try and Uve nearer in peace than in( unUl night when everyane else n the Dayt.an :-var plants. in some a'b road. Buy war bot\ds a.nd help marriage to Paul J . ,Flory, son 01 they have ever done before. about him Is w~rk1ng hlB ' utmost to cases five and six Umes what they pla-ce and the Allies armies are of July. 'Mr. a nd Mrs. J . D . ,Flory of Eatan. oJ. H. Smith received tlie sad news would be paid In 'normal times, will firmly established on 'F rench soil it Saturday. Realily hot today but extennlIiate them . ' .et t.h1a war won . Rev . L . A. Washburn of Xenia, of the sudden death of his nephew do the younger generaUou a great is not; too premature to begln to Just right to go swlnuning. We didn't performed Ule Impressive single ring at. CoUlmbus this morning. The In tbe good old days whcn a boy deal of harm when nOmlal time" think about how Germany. the dls- ·know that 'the pool doesn't open ceremony at the \tome of the bride's young man had but recently returnturb1ng element In world peace, until noon 50 we bad to wait Or else atarted in to learn the p r Llllers trade come agaIn . ' ed from mUitary serylce in France. • • • be started at the bottom by buildshould be handled when Hitler's go hOme so ' we dlld a few more erJune 15, 1944 parents. Dur1ng th e storm th at visited this ing firel!, sweeping out, washing Accordlng to local mnn who armies Und themselves defeated and rands and c~e back, conslde.r lng Editor, The Miami Gazette: MIss Rosetta. Young, daughter of the gasoline situation we did not preuea and running errands. In the. raises them, whether forty centa a begin to seek peace. The enclosed ploture appeared in locality Sunday morn Lng two horses Mr: and 'Mrs . !Ben Young of near • • • •' want to make two trIps. How lovely the Los" Angeles Times on June 11 . belonging to the Burnett Bros. of Springboro, and Allen Smith, son of course of tlme he fed pressea~aet type powld for frying chickens is. too The general feel!ng Is that as,sOOn the 0001 wo.te.r f,e lt. It was almost For all, I do not happen to know Route 5 were struck and ltllled . A Mr. and Mrs. ~l arence SmJth of and learned preas work. In due time much or too little depends upon th h i h t th tor ha be was advanced · to th~ l1not.ype. whether one Is buy1ng th.e m or as the Allles reach the border of Lt. Bernard, it gave me qUIte Q helter belong1ng to Lindley Menden- Lytle, motored to Oentervllle Wedraising them. Ge.tmany she wlll sue for p eace. 'Wor av ng 0 , Wea er ve hall ,,'as also kllIed. nellljay evening, June 18, and were All ~ 'Was dane at a wa~e that tl),rlll to rea.d, "Waynesville. 0 :' Walking dow.n Ma1n street these The plan that Is thopght wlll be ' th~ pleasure Qf cooling oft by go1ng The marriage of Miss Virginia quietly married at the parsonal c I.y 'Would .,nd the Wage iRour Bureau I wns born a nd reared in Harv.e ysinto a frenar, but which W&II, nev- hot days the odor remInds w; of used Is that Hltler ·wlll .l?e dethroned :i=~~'C~:~~I=~ ~~rtunate burg a.nd have a keen &ense of pride I:1Ukln, daugh ter of Mr. and Mnl. F, Rev. IR. C. !Moon, the double dng Sunday. "'I1he lot is falle n to you In the happenings of that commun- D, Dakin ' of Waynesv1l1e. and M . ceremony being Used. ettheleu, 'quite commensurate with Waynesvllle's greatest need -'- an and a new group w~U take over who the work done and iI'l view of the adequate sewage system. It has al- wlll conduct the ,P8ace negotiations. Itl a fair round; yea, I have e. good- Jty. ,I should like very much to con- roN. Den.ney of Oklahoma C1t,y, nFTY YEARS AGO ftKlt that he 'Was ~g taught~ at ways been a mlmcle to us that a The new group will not be . con- I.y heritage." That verse from tic;- ymtulate Lt, Bernard In her splen- Oklo,. took plsee May 25 . . (June '16, laM) sllealt thieves gained entrance inCODalderable 9peDSe to the boss, a terrible epidemic has not broken ' out nected as far as is genera.lly known. day's psalm, the !Sixteen th, woul'd be did work . Or. S. F . Way's ht)QdctUar~rs life to the home of C . H. COnner SunUaetul trade. Un,der such a system her!! ~ view of this filth standing with the military party'. It ' will to a good 'one tor A'I)'lerlcans to say With every good wi~h , now at Spring Valley, ·M lnn. , day evening . . he devOloped a love for tbe art. He in our gUtters , Oldtlmers ' here all' appearances b en tirely free from every day wllih llbanksgl\l1ng. We OSEE AINSON Mm..LAR, The handsome and CommodJoUll A pe~IU()n to protest the advanced became a ' printer ,!,ho needeth not seem to take tht.s condit.lon tor a.ny such contamination. It will rep:. have a goodly heritage and If It 102Q S. Norton Avenue rate ;for telephone service bas been new residence of P. E . Kenrick on to be aahamed of the product of hJa granted, put for the ute of uS we resent Itself as the people's repres- takes war bonds to protect It then Los Angeles' 6, Cl\1!f. ~ranklln pike, Is about .completed. , Note: The picture referred to is drafted and caples are at the bank, -------------~-------------- ente.tives who are and always have it is up to us to buy war bonds . U E. M. Smith has gr~tly enlarged Smith 's grocery and the elevator. of Lt. Suella Bernard an" Lt. one been .hiterested in a peaceful Ger- It·~ conservencY that we need then his store"oom . , Mr. and Mrs. B . V. Smith and many and a peaceful world. it is up to ' u! '1;0 tallow approved Morljean B,rown of Columbus, being Mr:s, Jonns J anney ~Itli prof~e congratulated by Lt. Foster 011 t elr Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Rye left Satur• • • farming Practices', Contour IarQ'lhospitality,' entertained about rifty TI\ls, it appear.:; to me, is the ing, gully stopping 'al;1d proper rota- return from the French bcaohl1~d.1 day by a uto for Callforiua. Can Yow QIr lady friends hl a most chanhl.ng danger that Jles a.heacl. Ti.e request tiona a re a 'meanB of protecting our manner Wednesday . made by this group hi goJTIg to ap- goodly heritage, the soil. And our Prof . J : A. Brown hos accepted pear so reasonable and so plausible heritage of Ideal!;i of fair play·~·nd-+--'--~--------..,......,....--'------- the position of music instructor of that Lhore ~ll1 ilt once arise a wave integrity, toot is more tllan comth il Le'bnnon school at .per ot senti ment in favor of granUng man honesty, needs protection too , mon th. They will be m.lased~ 111 the requesLs, and fo r maldJg peace /Protection !rom W1entorclble laws Wn, nesville. on the terms that wfll not be un- and regulations. When n. law can Among those from a distance who ~avorable to Gennany . not be enforced or serves' fairness were pI esen t a t funeral of J . J '. • • • beMer when It 1.11 broken in small Moe.er were his brothers, R , F. and If the German party succeeds In ways Illere is a ,mll)St insidious weak.8 . L. i :sher of Cardington. hI:; alsthis they will, thOUg!l they have enlng of our respl!!Ct for la.w. Is 'one tel', Mrs . H. H. Harlan of Mt. UllIp.st .the war, have won Llle peace. of the roots of th.e prestnt day Juvend , Charles F. Mosher and E. F. 'l11CY, arftt r playing [or big- s~kes enlle delinquency the weakening reIl'C.:1S at Covin .. on, Ky., and Frank It.st, but will !lave gtiiued a r"prleve spect for lll>WS shown by our attitude .L. Harris of CentervUle. 10 which they I;!\n and will prepare toward thjl llksornness of rationing The COllncll Ia having three nCfR f or an..... hcr uttu01l1t t~L world dom- regulation? . . stene crQ6sings put In, one or Berty's mapon. ·' Tuesday . "Som'e llke It hot, some comel' to , (he National Blnk Bond the • • • like It cold.I , If that Is \.rUe about RU •••• ·... 1•• others on Muln street, one at Henry This tact cann~t be Ignored ,when IKIng's and ~e other from Oross' to it Is known that the junkers party Mcolure's. ' ~sDOoIber.y"..... nwilbenug Sonill 1I0,IlllO jA!rs()ns be created In. plnce of the present 'Work at' the Cracker ;Factory be! In Germany wh ich fs "ediLlltcd to insane Idealogy . ~('his will take time. iabbco tIN lib the CIIIe " ' ' , gan last Friday and a ' few samples . It will take year'S, bu t the desired tlu~ COllqUest and the rule of the deftloped by GoocIyear ._ _ I were 'baked. Mondily work began h I world by Germany wU1 sLiJ1 be in- end oi peace can lJe accomplished In' , earnest and Qne hundred and , fifty B•• 1II'CIa. You pi the tact a1ter Llie ' war roody to begin no other way. The Ger·m an people I l>.1rrels wUl-ne the output ~hlS week . .."...- not be destroyed but their shoUld I planS for another try. },..at. 01 28 yeca 01 Everybody eat ~ypesvll1e crackers. idealo;;y must be--the last vestige At th e F-rinceton commc::cement While it Is :he" IlUl'110 e of the of It. This will be the only just peace tu.leadeabl~ ~ at 20 V, dJl~S Il . tJ Ohas . M . ( .a. t)wrlght Allle.s to complcte:y destr< y the we can have . It is the ' only , w ay ·years- expert.DCe ID was alwarded special. honors In his"lglity million people of Gelma.ny tha.t future peace Clin be assured . . worIdD~ with .",.".6 tory, politics and jurisprudence and and l'educe !.hem to 10 bUl.Le of pa.urllGelved prizes amounting to $300. perism and scl'fu()m it must be obIf-I ~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~~;;;;;;;~=!il rub"". 'WUD '1011 ... The sixth annual reunion or t.h'3 .. Ious that she must be dealt with WlIllamson-Hlsey families OOCUl'red your ~ "". GCIID8 11r101y .. aellnit.ely and p 4cLi"ally. on Thursday In J. R. Hisey's grove 'W ho..(;vu· ~ H: Ll La ~gntli)l1 Into the .... b ·tbetINthatp.. south 01 town. ' Internal pollcie.s ot the ocunlry dic\ d. mott TARVIA.,LITHIC TAR AND It was with mlngled tee11ngs of sor lates should be OOLe, :;hould be the r ow and surprise that our people . only 1,0 erl. ll '; ~dl~lment in con- I RoAD OIL, EXCA'VATJNO leu.rned last Saturdar morning of n~ctlon with arranging the terma of I DUMP TRU'CK SmVICF the death of J. J. Mosher, age 37. peace . READY MIX CONORETE 1ft WAa IONDI Besides Mrs. Mosher, he Is survived
~A~ette _
From 'rhe Miami Gazette }'iles
-c:r.. I." ., •••• (;.. • .........
• •
What We Think
Letters To The Editor
I t
Sao'd It Gravel
ma.. ..
1ft POI D.,.
'1011 . . Oar exped.
at ~ lob yOu c:ait. bUr. trcIiDecI .. . . . . . UN ~~ GIld
Goodi8CU 1IICiteIfaI8., Ask .. wMD to ~.'. .
our c:aNfuI ~up tocJar,
. The Allies
ONLY $'1.01
All OIllflCIAL 1111 ....~
• • •
ITA..... *
1I-------------..,. ' .
iIlew Idealogy in G1!nnany. Thlire ill no de~Ung with those who for y'e,ara have been ta ught ~o : believe that .oei·lIjnl1Y Is destined to ru:e the :world and 't hat GeOl'JU.. n 1-ebple ate a supeI; race b.ound to respect no OD/!'S rights . '
,by two daughters and one.8Qil.
I , for oue , do <lvt believe this can 'b e accomplished hy merely. signing a I U·eaty. ',1 0 IlJ."t liw tlOU In> ;:,uc", I'egardless of Its terms, would be Phone Wa)'ne"vUle 2911 I equivalent L o wil ~ hing our handa of 'a l:esposibllty, which In view C'l the '~orrow Phone No. 3 ' Lebanon: Offllce Phbne 473 K ; coot of the war 1n mate1'lal l'eSlJurce and manpower and hwnan lives, we Residence 98 M have no rii; ht to do . Such a ~ll.llure ~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;~~==~4IJ ,'WOUld be a.s indefensible as Wus the wOlld and that German people are lllitted this war . .
' of
tt necessary new tesehlng mUllt be put in German achools. Old school
~ts inl.l&t be stacked up In IIChoo) yar~ and burned j\lBt ,as the Germans b~ the books of the in-
vaded countries and put mto their place poIsoxied teXts. U J;1ew teachers 1llU8t be put Into the acbools, Jp other worda, a new, a modIrD, a ~ ldealo&Y mud
QU.I CK ,!!;ERVICE For D d'S't k . ea OC
CALVES, SIHEEP, ETC., RemQved ·Prompli,. 'Call
If you haven't started your Yictory Garden,
start it without further deby. It isn't tOo 'late r
....ne Td"Vhollc Cbarps
x....... , 0:-
For Dates, Phone 28M; Waynlllville, Ohio, Reverae' Oilarlea BBOKEBS L1<JBNSB,
-even tho,ugh ~me others may have ~ (ew
days ht:~d ~ on you. ~d it doesn't matter . ~hether it's hig or · li~e. A' ~y plat of grc:»und '
.·can produce ssdad, makings . "
an ~er .
. ~ith little ~e. Plant now. ~~ ~~
~11is. Share with yOOr De!~r~ .
'i.. ' '
__ TH .I
Will pay $2.00 ..f~r. De~a 1 Hone., $1.00 . for ~ow•• Sh.p, HOI.. Cal"•• > anel COla. P&OIIM'LY
__ PhOD• .W&p,....ul--.:aIOI _ _ reIl2h
~ -ON -TUI
HOMf fRONT BDDNDEBB MEATS, P'AIl&-~ stamps A8 ohrough WB, gOOd indefinitely. PROCEBSED FUOD8 - B I u e SLamps A8 through VB, good indet1n1tely.
SUOA&-Sugar stamps 30, 31 and 32, each good for ttve pounds indefinitely, Sugar stamp 40, gOOd for five pounds of canning sUil'r throug;h February, next year. OASOI.illNE-In states out.slde the East coast area, A-12 coupons good June 22 through September 21. FUEL OLI..-'PerIOd 4 and 5 cou)ODS.. good through September SO. :lew pel'1Od 1 couPOns for the 1944 .. •5 lleatlng year may be used as soon u; they are received from local lOards, SROEB-AlrpllUle stamps land 2, :00<1 Inde!1n1tely,
• • •
It every housewite wW buy an ex-
,ra dozen egBs now and store them
.n h er refrigerator she can solve a )ig storage prOblem nOW facing the War Food Adlnlnl&tratlon, At present, WFA says, there are 1,400 car-
loads or eggs for which no cold 8torage space can be found. By ua1ng their refrigerators, housewives can make It pooslble to save 25 m11l1on ;lozen eggs, Egg prodUction has pc_ ;un to decline &easonally, aDd It wW Joan be possible to handle all sup,lUes In. the usual manner,
·. .
Beglnntng July 10, all used pU_ . enger cars come under price control, the OPA has directed, All aellers-tndlvldual owners as well as ~ealer&-iX)me under the program. Oellings may vary by model, body type Bnd make and wlll cover ~t B,OOO models ma.nufactured from 1937 through 10~, There will be an "as 18" and a "warranty" , price , for each model and body type. CeWnga wlll drop at the rate of four per cent ot the "III Is" prices every a1x months . IPerm1sslble actd1UOns to ceiling prices are proVided tor extra equipment, Separate p11ces are liven {or each of three geOKmPhlcal regl,olls. When a sale has been completed, the bUyer and seller muat iill out a transfer celtlflcate and turn this In to the buyer's local War Price and Rat1on1na Board. Nearly four million motor "vehlelM w~t out of use in the United States In 1942 and 10'-1 and have not been replaced, the Federal Works ~ reporta. '
• • •
ROM General 'Bradley; leading the In vasion ground forces, right through every rank, American men now face a brutal, desperate, able ~~emy. For this invasion has only . begqn - before our fighters lies a bard an~ bloody task, one 'that dem,ands all ,their. courag~, backed by all your faith 'in their u1ti~ate victory. That faith wiU be tested many times in this invasion - .in g~m struggles, setbacks, possibly even t~mporary ~efeats. It will be ' up to, you ,to remember that early victories ..·usually only mean more
"Increases in the price Or lee cream 'lincll Maroh, lOa, when the prices were frozen by OPA. are wholly UI).author1zed," sal~ Jolin II. liob1nBon, Jr., ON. diItr1ct d.lrector today, "Compl8tnta .have been com~ Ing in during the past few Weeks from consumers that sQme retallerl have boosted their prIces, 'I'heIe cases should be reported to local .-ation boarc:1s who ' wtllsee that they are adjusted," . He also warned against reported evasion through changes In fruita, nu,~ and weight; .compelUntr purch_ aser to buy sOmething "lse to get ice cream and slmllar methods at ewercharg1ng,
savage opposition from a f(?e made more ' bitter, more. ruth'less as the shadow of his doom grows larger-up to you to ' keep that faith in days and nights of gloom as welJ as in hours, of triumph.' ,
There is little that you ca,n do to show that you realize what they must face, perhaps for many months. But one thing, you 'c~n do~back the attack with every dollar 'you can spare! Let the ' Bonds you buy in this grea'cest of Drives be the measure of your belief in their ultimate victory!
• •
You'll be f~dlng a blger cboice ot pies, cakes, puddlnp and other desserts at a reJitaurant, hotel 01' lunchroom that does it own. batlnr. , They are getting about 2, per more supr from OPA nOw. SchOOl a.nd war-time cafetertas which ' do their own baJdng, are getUnt the same increase. ' .
• • •
You can now get your own "Indlvl~ual ' copy of the cellini prlcM on meat.s and groceries at your local ra.tton board. Call, write or phone
·. .
Your grocer can now live You ,t oken In return tor ration checta or certificates, as well as for atampa. Mall order house.s uae cerWlcatee or creeks for refunds when they cam"t nil your order, ' , HOUSEHOLD HINTS
One inexpenalve way to clean '" carpet a.nd rea~e tbe color is to m1x .h&U & pint of turpentine with one quart of hot water. Dip a carpet brush In this mixture and ~ over the carpet Ollce or twice. '
Thi. i. aD official U. S. TreasurY advertisement-prepared under au.pices of Treasury Department and War Advertising Council "
McClur.e Funeral HoDle
·. .
To stiffen up an old 1'Utf, clean 1~ then pa1.nt , the underalde With '. starch. Leave It , in the 6uD unW well dried.
~ ~
When peeling tomatoea acrape t.aWt sk1n gently', With the beci or'· the ' , kolle, tll~n J?Ilel in ', the usual \Nr. . It will be found ' ~t the atbuI ,will 8l!P off ' eaally •
The "WaynesvUie Floral Co. -Smith's Meat - Market , , Gulf Service Station .;
TeDOO Service
S and lOa Store
". ..,
!Before 1ICrap1n1r' ~ , ~ aoak them bait an, bOIiIr Ja .... wa~ wbJch baa IIeeD ia1tIcL . . OI!!Y do the IIdu peil oft .....,. '. &lie haDda are . . . .ed. ~ ;
.. ...,. ,
When aIICiIDa ~ lalSte
boIIIDC ......... . .
0 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
dinner ' gue bs Of Mr". Margare$- Cord A,rchdencoJl amI daUihter. (-he lI.'oods at tbeir bome. lAter 1n . Joh IS. Sund y, ty Lou of DIlyton, Yo ~. d l'vt Ro/)ert Lhe VenulK Ice nl'elWU anti calte 'ARE INVITED ," .... Wulte, l~IrU"l'k. Cur ..u •• Mr. ancl'~Us. Guy Rolltzahn 'a nd A1'chdellMn at.. ~t. _.5'&!Ij llJl11n ~~ \,1'0 .served. Mrs. (jOy ' Uh.m .asMI'S. Geol'gla ' M~ndeltlllill .and ATTEND E. J. Carmony ot Springfield, .WIIlI son w~e In FJ'I\ll'kUti on bu ne$, rltion, IncUana~Us, Sund y. Robert 6 ted ~he llos~e,ss . 'l ntlStl 1.>0,)11 were ' MrG. 'EvnlYll Peterson attended a tI, v.lsitor of Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Monday. Will:; .011 leu ~e ,for Texas . prt.l> j).: J , . ' \lUtl oJ' Mltll1llS\)urg, me t.lng In Harveysburg n lw'Sdny m~e ~aultell&ille Olark Thw'llday aitcl'lloon. MIss 13 tty Thomas spent MO!lday, lVUSs Vlrllillia 'Heichill', daughLilr 110 I.s vll.lLlU,g Itt ~Ue S nlL.l II1)1lle, IllgM when rytassle township dlsc.,sMl'S. Harvey Burnet and grand- TueSda}' and Wedn sday with M.iss 01 Mrs. Html'y E~elcher, llnd Sgt. Uon.rue .'-'IU 'I, .uo iJ)' TL1omas. slo.n groups en tCJ·tained the ~roup5 @£ daughter. Miss Francis , Whltaker. Phyllls Howland at West Onrl'flutoll ~'r~nkllrt E. Wells w 1'6 married at l!;ru U1U1UlBOU, J:.iL. 1 B<>:-koven, of Washlngton arid Wayne townwere 'lll Dayt<m shopping Saturday. a nd ooch u.!ternoon they practiced UOlUlllOUS, ua., J nc 12. Mrs, Wells bruoe Smic.h ana GuylOl'O olllHh . ships. The speaker of the eV\lnlng. t , ; Mrs. John Kruer .and Mrs. J nuie for the d nee revue. Wl.ll . r Ul1h WIlJl ~Ier J1.usbalid thel'e .::I1s.L. :£:sOl> e,edl U iii On a fur- !Was Sven Peterson or WUmlngton . . ~ S~RVICES SUNDAY Kesling ot Five Pow t called Mrs. M r. and Mrs . Donald Ba'ird have for nWhllc. 10ug,h ' vibl~Ulg his 1l1l1't:llLS n. llnd !Mrs,. Amanda HartrUlll's bil'thaay JUNE ~5. 1&« W1ll .R.o.s.s Wednesday afternoou and rctUMed from Dayton to their !lS ' Hetty 'l'holl1.f • daugntcr of Mrll. Herbel't M redlt~ and Hunily. anniversary waS observed at the Mrs. Ray Freeze' of .near Five Point home here, yet have empl yment In ' Ml' . lld mr~. u..well 'X'11011l1\II, MiSS .pIc. Hob \.>uth cl'le 15 ulsO home Home Friday and 'In tile evening 'BIBLE SCHOOL was II. guest 01 Mrs. Ross Thw'Sday Dayton. Their d aught.ers, .N ancy BIwIJUJ.·d Lou BlllUd aod MISs Winnie on a fUl'lough VllHtll1g llUi pal-ellLS, she was \ohe dln.ner guest of her 9:30 A. M. and Bevel'ly, are staying with their Jo StoUL OllIS locality, WOI'O ln cne 1\U'. and Mrs. P.el'I'y .., u. nrlll lmd son. A. H. S tubbs, and famU y, at afternoon. ---!Mr. and Mrs . Allen Emrick vlslt- uncle and aunt, Mr. n.nd Mrs. Or- Dnuce Rev ue t;'lvnn Oil Tllw'",day, rn[~l1y. Cold Springs' tavern'. MORNING SERVICE ed Mrs . Martha Hough near Wa y- ville Baird In MJddletown . . Fr liay und aLurday nights II.L Lhe The Herber t Graham's loa v'.' on . Miss Mal'gareL Edwards speot Frinesvllle Thursday alternoon. The Fourth meeting or the Lyile lJaYLOn Art l' ·tllute by tllo studellt.s l'l'IlUl'sda y for !!last Ll c.pool , Ohlo. day with h er nephew, J. Wilson U:OO' ", M. The Ly tle oard club was enter- Kook-So 4-'H club was held at the of 'l 'he Lera lUle titudio, school f , Lo nLtelld the 'State C,lr lSLlan En- EOwalUs, and !amlly. at Springfield. 1 Sermon Topl_"OIIRIBT. THE tained at tile home of Mrs . Eimer home 0r M Iss .Ell een Brown W cdnes- d all clu· g. Mr. and Mrs. 'I110mas at- u()a~ol' cOI1\,en.'I OIl.. Mr. Ora am Mrs. T. B. FosLer and MISs Nancy SO~ OF GOD" Groves at CentervllJe 'I1hursday af- day. June 14. :1'.l1e meeting was de- Lei ded Tllursaay and · Saturday . wilJ le d tile slUIPng . David Gmham Foster of Foster, Ohio, and Mrs . Will Ilccompn ny hl.s gumdlllt;her, S. Tom Foster Jr., of New York, 'were ternoon . voted to a discussion of the club wl!lhts .. - -- -~ Mrs . Everett Early and Mrs. wu- book. B. rahnm to Pltt.sblll'gh Lo visit cUnner guests lor Mrs. GeOlogia MenEVENING SERVICE l 110m' Borgdoll were Dayton visitors Mr. and Mrs. Allred RasnQpe eni 'l!;11tR rela tives t.here . The family I\vLI re- dellhall at cOld Springs Tavern on 8:00 O'doek Wednesday. tertained to a farru!y dinner Sunday turn honle l.ho first part oC next Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Gcorge CUstenbor- evening the following: Mr . and Mrs • .111 .•. II 1"""" ,. 1' . ·, ' b"" .. , .. . """ , .,.., .. , week. _ Tom Black·burn of MiddleWe are very pleased to report thut ,S ermon .Toplc-"THE RAISING del' and chlldren with [Iiends from Roy Pucket and Geraldine of DeIn Li e chul'Ches InI>t Sunday a town will fill the I-cII'Y pulpit in Mrs. _ Margn ret.ta Hencock has l'eOF LAZARUS" Dayton, spent Sunday at Couey I s- trolt, MIss GaLherine Patton of Day- spuanl liCJ'vlc'e was given to n onor MI'. Graham's absence. coveted trom h er recent illness. ~tC1tlute ~Ul(eral land. ton, Mr . and Mrs. Henry Belcher 10.0h es Jus~ as mothers were 11onMI'. and Mrs. Earl Hubbell went Mrs . Evalyn Pet 1'5011 spe.nt TuesMr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas or and Mr. R.!Id Mrs. Ralph Belaher ored last moml \. 'rh~ follOwing pro- on a f.lshing t rip to the reservoir day In Wilmington. WEDNESDAY ,EVENING-8 :00 ~ome CentervlUe C611!d on Mr. and Mrs. and lIiUe daugll,ter. gram Wils I,>lvcn aL S ugw' Creek OVOI' th e week-end. Mrs. D. L. Crane s pent Snnday PRAYER MEE'l1ING Allen Emrlok Sunday evenLng. ,M r. and Mrs. Everett Kenrick en- C!uistlari church . Billy McCord, 'M rs. Lawrence Moore. Mrs. Rus- witl! bel' on, E. C. Orane, and ' Dial 2111 - Wayneaville Father's Day was observep at Ly- t ertalned bhe following guest.'l Friday boy sOJl rauo, who Is 1\ member of s II Oal'l"...~on and Mrs. Ollarles fft-'. ~uu I J~. tie Sunday sohool by a short pro- eve.n log 1'1 honor of the blrtbdays of the lnla.ud ChlldmJ :S choir, was a Huddick were gueslcs of Iihe Tom MAX W. RANDALL. gram. their daughter. J a.ne and Mrs. Ken- guest along wital his .mobber and Burtoll8 and Mrs. J ennIe Mullen 1,\t ini.ter . Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas and rlck"S Sister. Mrs. Lowell StarKe; bl'Other' and slsliel' and aunt. Sunday. ' daugliter. Betty, were Sunday d1n- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hopkins, Mr . and P rayer from "Ho.nsel and Gretel" The Missionary SoCie ty of the nin. Der ~ DUlIlIClJ. Corl'ellpUnlh,nt ____ ,,_. - , _ . _ _ _ _.-..) ner guests of Mr. and Mrs . Frank Mrs. Stanley Bolley and daughter, MCCord; Tribute F erry ohurch will ·meet wJ.t.h Mni . Mrs . Leroy Shaw 'h as been visitThomas .near Waynesville . Phyllls, and Mrs. Starke of Waynes- to Dads, Anna Mile Bockoven and J enn ie T1101nas 011 June 28 at' her Jng her parent.s the past week, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. B . Jones spent ville and Mr . and Mrs. Lawrence Clifford Elliott; Apprectalicd Tn- home on Soolal lWw rond. and Mrs . .Eil.rl' Or4\wtord . Sunday a weck with Mr. and Mrs. Elliott !lnd son, Tommy, of Center- butes, Laverne Schram; The Lord 's Geo'rge Schrum fell 011 a Gross cut Mr. and Mrs. Morrls Lewis and Allred Jones and Mrs. Marne Slden- villc. Prayer - Malotte - Billy McOord; s!lw'Thursday afternOOn and Gut Ills 50115 spent Sunday with Mr. and strlcker at Southern Hills. Dayton. Mr . and Mrs. Therle Jones ond Sellmon, The Powel' of ~pectat.lon; foot very badly, which cB.\lsed h1nl Mrs'. John Ko'e ster . ,. • The latter Mrs. Jones 'had just re- son , MilLon, enter tained to dinner Appropriate token. were p resented to Dliss Gay Smith's blrthday party . IMr .. ~d Mrs. BUly De.FQ.u and turned {rom the hospital after a Sunday, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Edwin Nutt to the fathers and sons . ln the However, Mrs . Smitb sent b1m some son are home on a 1u.rlough visiting major operation and.ls doing wooly. of o enterville, and Mr. and Mrs. J. ohw'ch by Rev. BI·o.n~ at bhe c~ose lee creo,m and cake. thclr parent.!!, Mr. and Mrs. Ja'nn Mr. and Mrs. Thollllls WhJte and B . J ones In honor of Fabbers' Dey . of the service . • The Fllrry Chw'Ch o[ Ohrlst will Koester and Mrs. Mildl'e d JohllliOn daughter, Mrsl Edward South, of Mr . aDd Mrs. Henry Finke of At' the Ferry Church of OhrlSt a presellt bhelr chUdren 's day services of Lebanon. c611ers at the Bunnell home were Wu' A6, CucIa or Thanks anc1 Dayton, spent Monday evenlng witl1 Wa.ynes vllle. were anelmoon guests . speCial program II'as added to, lAhe Sunday evening. oW,aart,. .... - Cl~ for at the their cousw, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mr. and Mrs . E . B . Longacre and morning Worship also and was as Mrs . Morris Sherwood was 0. guest Mr. and Mrs. Perry Eallnhart, Mrs. ' II,'TIlndcblldren and 'Uleir daughters, (ollows: RecII1o.LlODI. J aDict M.cCul- of Mr. al1d Mrs , T~m Bw'tort and \Leroy Shaw and , llttle F1'edcUe Thls week's column .Is beloit 'j7i'rltrate or ODe ~ minimum Emrick. Louella -Swank and Mrs. J\g- laugh; The Bl'idge Builder, Corliss daughter and Mrs. Jennie MUllen Schneider, Mr. ' and Mrs . Walter from Detroit, whilayour polltica-I abarre I5cl.. A W_' A4 buerted for Mr. and Mrs. Loren Routzahn of Mrs. n es Swn.ll.K of Day t.on, and Mr. and Simison; Solo, Pauline Harris; &- over the week-end . ~elf{er and da ughtel' on Thuisdll.Y reporter is on a ten .. da:~ swIng three Uma ~ cbaqe4 at ., a word. Franklin were d:iJmer guesl,s Sunda.y I evening or their parent.'l, Mr. a.nd l and Mrs. calvin Longacre and fam- CitatIon, Russell Hughes; A Father's Mr. and Mni. Mark Wilson took' ev~nlng. through the m1ddle-westem sl:atea . POB BALE - WatklDa Product. at Mrs. Olyde Wha.rton. \ly Il ttendCd the golden wedding an~ Confession ~ His Son, Everett ,their dau~h' ~r. Wanda Lou. I\nd h er .. 'Mi's. Lulu Bigham, sister or MrS. to gather stintJinent and Inlonna23 N . BroedW~, Ld»aDon. Open' IMr. and Mrs . Henry" 'Belcher 1I1versary of Mr . and Mrs . Georgie Hun t- ; Sermon ••"!llad s Exomple." g,uest, Monta Rush. to Old RJvel: Eianner Stewart" ~assed a.way Sun- tlon, prior to landlbg in Ohicago fllr Sunday '• Steve Burnett r~eive d ~"'e ....' · Mondny avenin "ven1np far JO\U' convenience. spent the week-end with their son~ iIlav.ls in " Olnclnnatl , J . "'" W~ toke'n n..... '" u g. Mo.n day wna d ay mOlil1lng. Services .were he.1d the Republ1ean Natlon~1 conv.e!)tton. in-law and daughter. Mr . and Mrs. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Wilbur Olark ha4 of apprec1ation for being the oldest Wanda Lou's birt hday. Mrs, Olaud-, Ttiesday afiernoon at the church at ~ext week' s column will be WJ'1t:t.en . Glen LIntner. Phone 83 L. &y Pucket of Detroit, who are I for their Sunday evening cUnner fa.t her l>resent and Edward LIng, in la Corbell speht the night with Mrs NewtonVille Ohio. from Ohlcago. The' Hoo~er f amily reunion ' was • •• , spending a vacation . at their home guests, Mr . and Mrs. Everett Olark tlle serv,lce, for being the yountte!it Jemlle Mullen. . 1ri CentervUle. an!;! son, Dickey, Mr. and 'Mrs. fatber. A ~Idler's Da,y supper WIiS g!VelL . held at ~e hOlJle of. Mr . . and Mrs . ' Ex-Governor ¥arttIl L. D8.ve,Y Aoet;rlene or electric. Bee Bill Lee, 'Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kenrick Claude Riggs and Mr. and Mrs. !Present a.t a Father's Day' dioner at the P. J. Thomas home Swu1llY Bel·t Bupnell Sunday. "nlere were shot some hOles last, week, in Gov. 01 Dayt.oD, ~onor1~ at the bOOle of Mr. and Mrs . Ervm evening. Present 'we.re Mr. · Il.n.d 57 presen ~ at the· din.ner tiWie and Bricker's presidential campaign ~ Road, R. Waynesville: and .children spent SundBy with Mr. Paul and Mrs. Ed Hopkins and Mrs .' ,Fatbers Dey. ' Thomas at Lebanon sUnday .were: ~s" Tom Fordyc~ and son. Doug- at '" la~e hour all deIJarted hOplng lalms of "Slij)er-fInMloing" in Ohlo. PCIl\ 8 A1T SWeet Potato Plante. LOWell Starke tIl Wti.YneavJUe. Mr. ar;td Mrs. Frank Miltenberger . and Mrs. PaUl Hough and chJl- la$ of ,West Carrollton anc;l.MI' . and to have Ilno~ber reunion next year. He sala, "1 seriously qUestion the 100 pei 100. All kinds of prdeD Mr . and Mrs. Allen &ruick were In company with Mr. and Mrs. CW- dren, Mr . and Mrs . Otto Ginter &nd Mrs. Perry " J. Thomas and son. . '. ll10ral, ohar<\cter of a person who plaDti, 100 per 'doz or 3 dOL .tar and MrS: h1m6eU up ?,n the be.s1s of ~. ~ O. 8t.roU8e, 1% ,mllee I ' ~ • ~llbetat;e fa~hoodl!. lIOrt.b . or . W.,-,De8V1l1e. comer Fort Knox, and .Mr . and Mrs . Per- George McMichael and' , ohildren OL!lcinnati -Returning to cr"Ollley Davey said, "Governor Bricker's W~. Perry aDd Lytle .ry J. Thomas and SO!l. Mr. and,Mrs. were Miss Ada May Gibbs, Mr . and Field for a wght . game with' t.he expe dltures during hJa first , four ~. 1 ~wrence ThOmas etlld the host and ~s. Gelle Oronk and childrep. and Ohicago CUb!; 'F rlday, ' th.e qincln- ye'a rs 1n of[1ce had surpassed his hostess and their eJlildren. Mr. and Mrs. Guy lI4cM1chacl ,and 1l.lR~l Reds will' Inaugurate r own 'ou tlaysby more tha.n 1281,8'15;....... ~---:-- -POR 8ALE--Picn1c SuppUes,1ncludMrs. J oe 5a4th entertained in famUy. " '.' U1e most exciting hQine .stay/:r\:e oeo.OO. -Ina paper platea, cold cupe nap. of her sqD, iGaylord's eighth TO TEACH AT 'KING I\IlLLS season. a series of .lLgames hlgh;', Is, so-called sUf P.1UB is the r~Itina, etc/ Also ldtchen towe18, wax blr~hday last Frida.y aftemoon with " lighted .by " big twU ' 1"llt_MI~ht' S\llb of excessive taXes Wllich he col'Miss Carol Ludingtoh of Waynes.. '6....... I- ' e I f 0 Ule p''''ple'' he s'a) ' d a wiener roast and sWimmln_g party paper, baking pups and tc:iUet· t18ville has accepted a posltlon in the ,uight double-header with. the]3()s- ,,(I. ( I' In ,,~, '. • ...; Gazette oUlce. 'Kings M1118 school for, nem year, Lon Braves, all proceeds of ' \V'hicb . " It nolV uppears J,hat Edward J. where she wlll teach mabbenlutlci;; ~ 'Ill go to war reUef. • P.OB ~gle l 'QW Corn PlOW HlltnJl1 I .wlll l>e the o)1ly Repub~ S\lanlsh and girls' phys~cal educa-PAte of the charity, twin bill .Is c.~ ~l, cal ldat,e to wlo :t he open en·ancl· . McCormlek-Deerlng Wheat tlon ., S he IS a gra duate of w aimes- 1;{lldnesday, June 28. The ·Red • and dCiI : SU1 .~ of ol'g~n1icd labor .tills • ~der. Both In A-I condition. vUle HIgh school and Qapltal un!- :Braves will start play at 6:'3 0. The Alone 2SNI2, Waynesville. 22 >In . d on f or ' trh e f., 11 . . . U tllis is true, ObServers lights will· ,.... tur.qe verslty. , ~--~,----~---------second contest, whiCh will get un- 811 . going to watch hls vote carer~WANTED - Accordlans and other derwa.y nt about 9:00 . Everyone-- Iy L~ det~~'lllllle bhe stl'ength of labor A TllLETE'S FOoT GERM . Plua1ca1 lDatrwnente. Send card to .Not na.rd To KiD and writers. w!ll In thl3 electlO~.. • players, ofilc1allj, R. H . Moore. 111 Ea.s·t Second St., The genn grows ' deeply. To reat:h pay to get 'I n'to the' park that night, 'It ' .Is 'believed bere in Mlohigan Daytbn 2. Oblo. wm come to see It, use a pcneLraUug fWlglclde.Ma.ny to swell ' the , tQtal .proceeds doila.ted that unless Governor . Bricker is. lDItrqmenta. 22 your Oattl~, hogs, sheep ~d cal'f8f l'em edles . do not ~net1'ate sUftJo- to ~e, W,ar Relief and service Fund, d'IUmitllll ed tQr ' the Presidency, rierInc., a non-profit organizatlOn"'set PBtI!IR8 FUR SAL1!l---l'hone 2982. • to Norrls.Brock Co., liVe wire and lently. TE-OL , solution , made with up by baseball to 'handle receipts ~Id 1... K. Smith or tbe American 90% alcohol, penetrates. K1lIs the progreSSive firm ,tor the "/b iShest t l,lllIled ov'er to t.he various , 'branches , rFil'SLers wlU enlAll' 'a , candldate of germs 1t reach!lS. APPlY. full strength (lOR 8.AlLE--.l93'1 Ford Tud~ Bed~, their own . mar,ket prices and ~Iood aervtce,. of service and the Red Cross. ' Just ~pletely o,erhauJ.ed. RadIo, Union Stl'tlk I Yards, ClnoIJ1DIotJ, O. for ' Itchy• . SWCl'otY or smelly ['eet. :Four g8me8 With the CUbs Will ·bea~r. good tirea, .u ew seat oove1'/!. Tune III on Radio ,St&tiot. Y,' l' KY, Your SSe 'b ack tomorrow from emy start ~e long home stay. After Call ~ after 6:00 p. m. St· 12 :25 to 12 :30 ' p. m . for au, dally ~ if not plea.sed, Ulcally at .Friday·s noo.tum81 ciontest, the Reds da~, June 25. Tbe series will mar.k Charlie GrltDm's first appearance in Waynesville Drug StoJ'lt ' market reports. Qntl Bruins will , clash. in a ,Single <:;lno1ona.tI since ~g ~yer ~ ~ ~esb Heifer. Part ....:...----------------------........:.--------------,...--------- . ga.me, Sattliday anI! a twin bill SUn~ Il'~ement of tbe 0Uba . .Jerae~. ClJ!f Burnett. • '; n ,ep (Jo~es the gl;\h~ .. war rellel lught \\!tll the Bravlls on June :as, uba allo uhel' night gl1ln wluh I\OSNOTICE! ton, Pliday, JWle 30, Following that Due to circum.lance. tlIe hard-hit!4ilg New York Giants beyond our control" the wUl .meet the Reds 10 a single game pictUre "Buffalo BilV' July. I, and a doublehclldpreviou.ly dated' 'Ju~e : 'S8turday. e r Sunda.y, July 2. 27 to 29, baa b"n patWe are dDoereIJ' Interested In , 'I1ckel,s tor ,all these games are why 'HANDS are poned to a later date. ' -mg tIW tbe ' FaDau,y eerved Is on sale at the Reds' clowntc9wn We were able to aubticket headquarters, 307 Vine ~reet. riven ~e ~ poasible aeryioe. atit,ute Betty Grabl~ i.n 'Where ortters' are being ' acIJ,UONS of Americlln womcn "Pin - Up Girl." Thia STUBBS FUNER~ HOME cepted, lire applying their hands over picture i. in· tecbnicolor,' Ambulance here, answering Uncle SIIIlI'S call TWI N TH E;~ TR£.. Phone 2291, Waynesville, O. to help witll our mitiorlnl food , crisis. With 20 million Victory Gardens an,d five billion jnrs of
. We QUeI
Satisfactory Services
At All
- ..
.. - -
Inside . Politi(s
cell' •
MY H Ie A R t
=~~g::. °io:~~~~~ :~~!o:e!t B~=ady Hgu':~ ~r~~.
News Of l'he Reds' ~ill bu~d
my busy herel.
hOllle·canned foods, they con-
served re80tlrC~8 of fight. ing foods in 1943. In 1944 you are being asked to raise and preserve 20 percent more, to a!l8l1re eve ry fight, ing Yauk and his hrother88 well U8 the llOme front-I
with needed nodrishmenL For succellll, can With care,
HOURS, 9-12 each
1-6 atternooDs except Wednesday
following proper instructiollll,* and \lIIC BALL JARS. \fhey ha~e
been the houeewife's preferCor more than 60 years.
Leaden alwaysl
' .....' fall.
jew" .... 100..... Top Seal
7-9 Saturday evening Other Evenings
FOR' %Inc 'on.lallolined Cop. Vatu·Seal (2·pl .......... cap,
By Appointm&nt
M"',~ , U."A.
'. '
~...'._1."'-... .......
BlUE B.QOj( -.o\lOW 1~loNS , 'CARIFULLYI y _ _.. II ........... ..,
fell. . . . 1_.... ..
....,... '" ..to ...... 1AU. ~ nul........ ' 10e lw .... _ _ ... IALL 'lUI 3001C.
Bob:'s "Dairy'
, WljoleaOl"~ P-~teurj.ed D,h7' ProcIucta Pn."f4U";'ud, Miilc For YOUr "ho~tion
Dewey-Bricker N.om: c==:,:-r~m ,w.n Recei~ed Her,. ' .R1VENJLB DBTBNTION HOMB
,Rev. Ralph Parb To Be Ordained
Farm tamWIII-:ruu;1 teachers, rur- Ralph IParkl77r:, mJnlater-lnThe Warren county OOJD,JJlJsIloh"'~ a meeUn, held Tuesday even- ' al ministers and chtu'ch workers ar e charge of St. Mary's Episcopal era yesterday ~ounced the ap- in, a.t the home ot Rev. Ralph especially Invited t.o n~~en d a One, church. wW be ordalned deacon by pointment of flve-tnen'lber com- Parks of the Youth center commit, uay Conference to be beld Sunday, tile Rt. Rev . Henry W. Hobson. m1ttee to work with them on a pro- 'tee, John Turner was IIiPPOln'ted July 9 a t Antlocll College. at Yellow D . D. , Blshop of Southern OhlO,OI1 posed new Juvenlle detention borne !temporary chairman to succeed :Mrs. Springs . Tile a ft Ir Is being spon- Thursday evening, July 6. at 8:00 In conneICtion with the county Jail, Nancy Bcotleld, l'tl6igned. Various sored by the RW"al Life AssOCiation. p . m. The aPlPOlnt.menta are Kart ,M . sUes for tbe center was discussed by 'I'he Ilheme Is entitled "T he llli;torle Mr. Parks will be presented to the Brown, Leban.o n: Mrs . J4ary Oombs no definite 81te was chosen pending P eace Churches and Rura l Life." BishOP by the Rev. Frederic B. and David Patrlck of P'ranklln; further investigation. W1lliam E . Berry. chall'nian of the -Aotk'IDllon, and the sennon WUl be The next meeting will be neld on Mayor C. 'H. Brace of WaynesvUle RW"nl Life Associ ation will preside . preached by the Rev. 1I'raIId.c J. and Mrs. Ralph Lane of near Red FrIday evening, July '1 at 7 :30 a~ The program wJll be as follows : Moore, D. D . , rector of the Olnirch the home of Mr., and ,M rs . John Lion. ' . 9:15-The Peace Ohurches (B reth- of the Adven t, Cincinnati. , The a.wolntment foUowed a Turner at w.htch time It Is planned The other members 01 the clergy ren, Friends, Mennonites) and their count'y~lde meeting In Lebanon on to select a location for the center Relation to Rural Life. I:>eflnlng and to take parL are the Rev. R. Lloyd June 16 when thQ6e Interested in and to get actual wo....k underway. WelgI:ling the Values. DlsOUBSlon in- HackWell, Trlnlty , church. Hamll,providing for more adequate JuvenUe All clUzerlli of thts locality who r etroduced and directed by Dr . I. W. ton, the Rev. Raymond K . JUebs, detention quarters attended. The alIze the need [or sucb a projee~ and Moomaw, Brethren Rur al Life Con- St. Paul's Oakwood. and the RAlv. ,p resent detention quarters have are willing to give a little time 1n Oharles E. Fish, Ohrlst church of sultant. ManchesLer college. ben c:rlt1clled by several grand jur- behalf ~t Its reallzatlon, are urged 111 :()()-JWorsh!,p with Ule Friends Xe.ia. ors. scott McClure, chairman 01 the to aottend 'thIs meettng. All mem1?ers and friends of ~ Meeting of Yellow Springs. >Members of the corrun1ttee state commlssloners board, said that 220 OREGONIA RESmENT church are invited to &ttend thls 12:u ~et picnic. juvenlle easea faced the county that It Is golng to be a. tremendous ACQUIRES REGtSTERED 1 : 3~The Rural bhurch and Impresslve 'servlce and the reception courts In 1M3 and, WhUe many did task to sUoce&llfu11y esta.bllah such a HOLSTEIN FOR $800.00 not WJ!.lTant detention, he p~umed project In WaynesrU:e and It must Conununlty Lite. Opening statement imll;ledlately follow1ne It. by Arthur E. Morgan, D:sc\lSslon that mimy mOre would have been have the wholehearted suppor t of ,B ra ttleboro. Vt., June 23.-8. J. plaeed '~ d tentlon If adequate· f a- tbe entlre community. not Just oral guided by Dr. Paul V. MaI1.s, U . S . StoUe, oregonia, was represented ... e but active. hard-work1!lg support. Dept . of Agriculture and Dr . I. W. among dairymen who attended the' c!lltles were avaUab~e. W s. Georgia Mendenhall met her Mooma.w. na tionally famous Royal BrentWood ' otJBBENT ACTIVITIES NEW CENTURY CLtm MEETS III :45-How to Get a Rural Church niece. Mrs. MAry H'Un, ct, Detrolt, lIale, held June S at COlumbus, Ohio, OF THE WAYNESVIL10E WITH MRS. RAYMOND CONNOR !Program 'Under Way. Disc ussion 111- MIch" In Lebanon la8t week and the CHVBCU OF CBBIST In collnection with th~ !;9th annual troduced a.nd dlrected by Dr . J . t wo spent 8everal de.ys at the 0014The New Centur; club me t F. lday convention ~f The Ho1&teln-Frlealan , Winfield Fretz, Mennonite Central en umb. aSsociation of AmerlC!l. He aequlrecl (~ntrlbuted) , afternoon with Mrs. Raymond conAIr. and Mrs. Rtltrer ChamblJaa of • Committee, Akron, PR . ner as hostess a t her home on there a well-bred registered Holstein 1M . r~ RandaU will preach on the Xenia called on Mrs. crane Wed4:00--summary . for $800, Her name Is Bonnie Lady foll~wtng .subjects this coming SUD- Fourth street, with Miss Ruth Channesday evening. 4 : 15----AdjoW"nment. g dler, Miss Mame Browne, Miss antsaf,>elle Canary, a senior C-year-old day: in the mo.;nln , '''lbe Man BeMIss Joy Lee~am ot Balem. MIsses Annie and Mame Browne All who are Interested In or concqDIIlgne,4 by S. S. Smlbh, Bonnie hind ttle Plow,' and In the eve~, nie Browne, Mrs 15. S. Ellls a.nd , W. Va., Is spending several days cerned about ,rw'al llfe and the small were guests of Mrs , Ra~ 00IIMrs. R . E . Asbury as guf)sts . ~. Lima, Ohio. "I&abelle" 1& "A ,Groul! of stnners." One week The marriage of J.U'gus A. Os- here with her brother-In-law a.nd nor at the New Century cl~ mee~ A very Interesting program, wit h borne, $on of Argus iE. Osborne or ' sister Mr . and Mrs. W. P . Strader. community will be most welcome. sired by Oarnatlon Peerless Oanary from Buday, he wUl preach ~ lng on Friday afternoon. "Ruasla" as the lIubject was given Waynesville to Miss , Charlotte A. and her dam Is 'udy Lou Proepect;s, "Jesus, the MarVelous Man," and, ' ••• lMJ.ss ElIzabeth -Chandler waa a by Mrs. E . L. Thomas and Mrs. Zubl. daughter of Mr . and Mrs. . Saturday evening gUests at the HERBERT GRAJiAolll TO 8egia. She bas a record of 810.6 "The Obanie of Heart." ' ADDRESS FABIMERS GRANGE dinner guest bere 8unday. Marta JIllbon. , pounds , of butterfat fro~ 16,38" ,\Both , the WaynesvUle and the Louis ZUhI of Dayton was perform- home of Mr. and Mrs. Ll'yd Davis AT ~TING SATURDAY Mr . and Mrs . John HUt of CedarThe club adjourned and wlll en- ed Saturdjl.y , June 24 at 7:30 p . m./were Mr. and Mrs . Karl Babb, lPOunds ot mUk made as a 2-year-old Perry Church!8 'of Ohflst extend to vUle, called on Mlltron Cbaodler Joy 'a vacatlan until ~ber . III 3M daya. ' all a atncere invitation to a~d the at st . Anthony church, Dayton . Mrs Ruth Fulkerson, MIss Fannie ' H Monday evening. Attendants were RlJISSell OSborne, l !Ear~art and Mrs Wlllls Jarvts ot ; ~rbe:.!rrGra~m, popular pw;tor Top cow was -Montvlc , Bonheur serv1ce8 on. the Lord's Day: ~ Damty refreshments were served by . Barnhart Mr. and Mrs. E. the hOlltess . . brother of the groom, and Mlss IXenla and Mrs. J~h Davis . 0 e y C urch o! Ohrlat. wlll ¢ze . won I>Y Mrs. !!'red Braddock churches proClaim the &am!, gospel and Mrll. Ellen Wlneepear were dinEvelanq 'Zubl, a slater' ot the bride . • • • addrell/! Farmers Grange No. 13 at ton Farms, OoilstOCk Park, Michl- mesaage, acce'pWJ,g only that whJcll ner gUests of MJaaea AnnIe ilnd Several relatives and friends from iMr. and Mrs. W. P. Strader and their meeting to be held satW"day DAUGHTEIt BORN, TO MR. gon tor $20,000 . This 'Is tbe h1pl\!ill t Is fQund '1I)t ~d'8 Word. , Mame Browne on Wednesday. AND MRS. MAX ' BAN~~L Woynesvllle attended' the ceremony 80n , MIss Joy Lee LBnham and evening at the local hall. Mr. ,pride paid tor a HolStein cow In pub_ • The ,plea that we pr~la1m to; IIl:1 'Mrs. M&I'Y IHUIlt ', who haa been the A recep tion was held at the brlde'~ Mrs . Ross Bode were Sunday dinner Graham who 15 widely knowU as a lie ' auction since 192Q. Pifty-one people of all church('a la the plea IMr and Mrs . Max Randall of home In Dayton. ThE~ happy YOU\li guests of Mr. and Mrs . Ralph song leader, w1ll also provide the e ueBt of her MInt, Mrs. 0e0qJia buyers from slxteen 8tates toc:ik the f~r ~nlty. not a unity t.aed upon Cro6&wlck are announcing the bmth couple w1ll make their home In Houston near sprlng Valley . musio . His address will be of a pa- Mendenhall, lett 'Wedneaday momoftering of 79 mature animals and our own thoughts and 1d8&S. but; a of , a nine pound ~ ounce ~b lDayton where the uroom Is emtrlotlc nature I~ observance of July Ing for her home in Detroit. ntne baby calv'" at a averace price ,u nity _that 1& baaed only em th6t ter saturday mornlng ai Blair Broa.' iployed at the National Cash Reg_ Mr . and Mrs. J. J . Burette aad Four.tb. of 11,392 per bead. ~1an as ouUlned In .the BUlle. We ISSUED TIRE CEBTIFICATBB daughters, Marilyn and Mrs. WUThe pubU" Is invited to attend . -:.;......,._ ._ _ believe and preach that tile Bible hospital In Lebanon. Tb.ls Is the lster company. BY FIIANKLIN BOAaD _ _.......,___ lIam Strouse were CIncinnati visit-: the program which Is to . begin a.t IOWA' GUB~T8 ,is ~ .In lte te&chlng. and 'that Ita third .chlld,. Mr. Randall Is minis, ors Sunday and witnessed the baU 0:30. Refreshments wl1l be served. Oertltleata tor 'the pUnlbue 01 doctrlne Is ea.sI.ly enouab un4er- ter of the Waynesvllle 'Cbtm:b ,of LOCAL 'YOIJTB WOtINDJ:D IN A~ON IN ITALY; GETS game. lOt new Grade l UNa 'were .....s ~ . and ¥rs ~ John 'w. Kersey 'stood ,that there need be 110 differ- amat. ' A-C ROBERT THOMAS , PVBPIlE BI:A&T AWA.RD recently ~ the Pranklln, rat1oDlD8 • • • have 118 ~elr house Iu~ts durlng ence 10 ' the understaild1ne and' HAPPY HOUR CLW A" HONDO nlELD board to the foUawIng apPlt,c;anta: Mr. and Mrs . Amos COok and thepaat 'week the latter's uncle, practJc:e of It If ~en and wcmen Nr. and Mrs. BeIlL Gruber of .Four tlrea-.obeater CJooclwiD. The Happy Hour llUb met a.t tile Route G. north of Wa;ynesvUle, have Ernest Cook were dinner guests ' o~ WUI 0:. Rlob, . a.nd 8On. Lew1a. of study the , Word to find the tnatbs Mr. and Mrs . F. E . Thomas bave Three ,tlrea-Ethel stultB, JoIarJarhome of Mrs . l5ernlce Hartman on received a telegram 1'rom the War fMr . and Mrs. Don, Hadley Sunday . Cedar , Rapids, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. coDtalJied therein. word trom their son, A-O Robert et Allen, Forrest Btuce. Ralph Par.. 'Kersey, with thelr g1,lQUI ' and We bliue~e th!, Btble teachea that ~esday afternoon. After the bust- departmllnt notlfylnir them tba't Mrs. ·Lora. Wolf returned to ner Thomas that be Is. now stationed and Kerney Drake. ' Cora Rich were"Wedileada,y evening an IndlVldUU,. in order that he Dell meeting a chlldren's )ll"ogram. their son, PVt. EUgene Gruber. had home at Leba.non Sunday at'Ler at Hondo Field, Tuaa. where he Is Two tlrea-Orv11Ie Orame, Luther . supper gUest. of Mr. and Mta. · J. m18ht be saved from sin, flr8t; of all 'Was enjoyed. A shower honorlng been wounded In actlcm' ln Italy. spending the week with her soo ,and receiving fur ther trainlng In navl- Duncan, Olarence Izor, Ralph Bel- . B., Rloh. ThUrsday ev~ the ~ust have faith ~ Jesus 0br1st. the tMJs8 Oharlotte Hartman was' held In a letter receiVed! bY Mr. and ,gation. Mrs . 'I'homas and daughter chert Harold He1slnger. Dorothy same group were all guests of Mr. ~n of God. AiOCOrding to the Word. ~ connection with the meetlng. 'Mrs . Gruber Croln thelr son they daughter-In-1IIiw, Mr. and Mrs. are llving ill San Antonio. Orville Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Gray Allen, Bemam EVana. Albert Bane,.. and ,Mrs. Luther Hartsock. Mr. and ' he then must repent ot bla slns, M1s& Hartman, a brlde-to-be, re- '\Yere advised that he w·a s only Clarence Taylor, W1lllam JODIII. Mrs . Kensey and thelr guests were oOntesa Chriat before men, and be ceived a large arra.y of beautlful and Slightly wounded and although In a accompanied her home and spent WEEK-END HOUSE GUESTS ' Shlrd Kbi)y. Hartley Al068, Chari. luncheon gUests of Mrs. Oora Rich t-pt1ze(2 In ObrIatlan bBptUm. Not useful iUts. DelJclous refreshment. hospital, was getting E~ fine. He ~:~ with Mr. ~d Mrs. Richardson. WUllam B. Wee, Helbert and Mrs. Reba Bl'Iid~ on Pr1day, untu ha.¥ compUed with these were served by bile hosteaa . • • • A very pl~nt week-end was I!nstated that he bad been awarded Hudson, Robert Sebald, Bobert with ,a farewell iHnner enjoyed at stepa .. ouUlned In God's Word, Is the purple ' beart medal. . MIll/! MarUon Sowash of MallS- Joyed a£ the home ot Mr. and Mrs. etaples, Everett Thacker, JOhn 'J. .. ~ , ' don IlARVEYSBURG GRANGE the home, oh Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Obrlattan , _ter he baa e field arrived here during the past J. K . Preston . wheh thelr' daUghter, Burske, J. P, LaJnb, Dave ~ MOSS Qn Sutl~y :'eventDg. ' . he must .oontlhue , ~JOYS BIR..,..,AY SUPPER FAREWELL PARTY 11i0NORS week and wUl spend the summer Mlss VlrglnIa, hac;l . as her bouse t home, Margie Schenck; WUlIaIIl , 1.lAe8ditultlY' Pi the Chds~ Ufe. ' Three cleverlY decorated tables ' • MARY ANN MELLOH 'WIth her aunt, Mrs. D. C. Ridge. guests : MIss Mary Ann Stevensob of Pennington, W . lB. Grass, LonIn We alncerely beUeve we can prove representing the montha of · AJ,ru, ' Columb\Jl;. Mias Nancy Lee We~er McFarland and ,Joe DaltOn. . " tIieae' " steps to be 8crl~utal to aU ,~au d J ed b /Mrs . Truman 'Y4U:dlow entertaln' 'MMOJ an une were arrang y , ed MrI. Nannle cunnl!lgham and man of Cincinnati. MIss Martha One Tlr&-H. E : Shetterly, ..;Mr. and Mrs : Johri ~ enterdealre ·to 118ten and to study Luella MllUgan Inn Ta 1 ' and a group of young .glrls Wednes- dAughter and grancldaughter of Klenun of Wyoming, ~ Joseph'talned their card clUb Wednes<IaY Word ' , ' . a ', yor day evening at her bom.e In honor Meadows, Tom Hutc~, BIIIiIIilne Wellll of Wyoming and Miss Wright, Kent Larlclt, Wlo KDtenevening of last week. Five hundred The a~ In Ule plan of aalvatton Allee Hough ,at the Harvey!iburg of Mary Ann ' Melloh. who, with her Dayton, Mr. ana Mrs. Roy OliUds Nancy Baird 01 CincinnatI. ,berger, Bule Jeattce, Ernest Coot.. s. 'Was ' the diversion With' the ladY's 'not ~ aa" 1IOme have ~=. BIrthday supper Monday ~:ents, Mr·lnand Mm · A. f. Mel- and chl1dren· of Richmond. Ind., were S~y afternoon callers at C. Alexander, George P!~ti1ck, r .r1ze Won Ly Mrs . Pre BNddoclt One c&DDot become a~ , oue,ta . 001 d Pried 0, are mov g to Lel>anon. Stroud MOTOR VEWCLE USE TAX iEdward Parker,' James A. lIartmaD. Wld the I\lA,ln's by ~Od~ ~eU. until he baa eompUed wltb--t~ were. een an . a iMary Ann waa presented. with a the home of the Cla u S.TAMP EXPIRES JUNE 30 Troy Webster, E . K. MUler. Mlllard IDa.lnty l'eIre.<;hmenta were served thlnp. It Is our desll'e. UUO\Jlfb Belle WlU1ams<m who played !two nice farewell gift by the gUests. The CamUy. .,y the h06~ to 10'. and Mrs. p1'j~hIIlLg ,and teachlng the ~ plano duets and Harold Smith who evening was spent In playing games Postmaster L . R . GQrdon wishes KIndred, Wayne Sexton, uon1ml&' l4r. and Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson , <8> \ , ....' " all men to a , better \lRcSer~ obllled with blac~rd dra.Win8'B . and the following gU4~ts enjoyed a to draw your attention to the lo"w lBunnell, Pat Ltrisy, L. D. Oampo. Rhodes Bunnell, . Nr. ' and Mrs . • Rev and Mrs Moore were also entertulned to dinner Sunday Mr. that requlres you to display the :new bell, Lee ThC?lJl88. Argus 0eb0rhe, Iswrence ooOk, Mr. and' Mn. Roll- InaridilDl of . tbe, Bible , and to· lead' • • . delicious luncheon of sandwiches, , " ' them to aCceN the ChrISt u ,their <p~t, , cookies and lemonadi,: , Mary Ellen and Mrs. W . E Stroud. '5.00 Motor Vehicle Use Tax Stamp Mllry Baraer, Ralph Murphy, .r.mea Cae FUrnas, M:r. and Mr8. Pred ... , < ~_ • • • M. -Fuller, Clint Hutt, DwiCht ,OUBraddOCk, MIaS AlLee 'GoM, Kr. and TOward this end we laIJoI' NOW A STAFF BEBGEANT ru;her. Yvonne Stubbs, sarah Oon-' ,M r. and Mrs . L. L. Sallsbury ot on Ju~ 1. The old one cxplres at L _._ Robert Go r d J Q Oona ~d 'n_v,. " nor, NaomJ , Earnhart.. Pats,y BaIrd, Washlngton O. H. were SWlday af- mldnlght. June 30. You can pfO(IDre plo. Ralph Edenfield. David PUrnu. JI4l'8. . DB an •• . -If you ........ baTe 110 church bClllle and' ...... ..... "" -\149811 , Treadway, son o,r ,Phyllis Batley, Judy CODner, Mary your stamp at tbe local post o!f1ce. Lawrence Wloades, Leonard WlWa lntenated In the 0b11auan~. ¥!' , an.d Mrs. John Treadway, has Oom Hough, Ann Rogers. Shlrley ternoon callers of thelr parents, Mr. and M. C . Llerman. MOVIN~ TO LD,ANON IN ADMlRM.TY ISLANDS invitation for arrived In New Guinea and bas Lawson. Polly Lou WlBeman, Bett)' and Mrs : W. P. BallBbury. eztei1d a CHEERFUL CIRCLE CLW to,~ worsWp with uS: ~n , promoted to sta(t sergeant ~- Dyer, Martha.. Wardlow, Ruth WardMr. and Mrs. A: ,P. MeUoh and _ ..... n .. to .... I cd h AIr . and Mrs. Ed Cook were SunMr. and Mrs . Mack Davis have Mr. and Mrs . M. ,A. 'OorneU ha4 Lord'il Day.J,be Wa,yneevWe ..... "..... wo." rece v ' ere. low, Bally Srntth, BUl)r Wardlow and day aHernoon gwestS of Mr. and received word from thel.r son Charles daUghter. Ma1'1 Ann. are JJlOV1Dc ('l'h.,~ .,' y) to Lebanon ' ~clilUn:th had 13$ In .t~~~ aiH\ ' MOVIN'G , ' 'bhe honored gueSt. Mrs. Will Reeves of New Btu'lIngas ~eir guests Baturda),' even1ni the tod"'y ,.. ." ch~ bad 145 ' ~' J4 Davis, SO 2-0, U. S. Navy, tha.t ~Ul make ~elr home \there . ~t .', • . ,LEBANON INS1JILAlIfCE MAN " ton. ,be is now located on one of the Ad- OheerfUl Circle club. !'lve Hundred was enjoyed after 'Which' de11CkNa . South Broadw;;'''. Mr. and " iI..., oIit f,* ttle ev~ Mrs.1_8William , DIES OF IIEJ·.a.&. ..... ATTA'CK • • • ,viliei'I'! .-..... • _............. -'-'- to anMr. d ,sonand into th eStrader, ~ aotd .. ~W! ...- ,...,..,I} ......., are mov.... prop__ Mias Margaret Isaacs has accept- miralty Islands In: the Paclflc., 'MeUoh, ' who recently tbe rtifres1unent& wert~ 8erv~ ' hCste88. . 'rthe eontelst ,"f18ureS' from the erty on North Main street wh1c:h OrvUle Brown. 67, pioneer Im- ed a poIlltian at Swartz's Orocery VIBlGINIA HARDIN ELEC~ bome here have Uyed' ~ "llle for many years .and ~ hoatI Wq,'cburOh. ~'tweek, '.0' the)' Ww was recently ' vaci.ted by Mr. and anon 1l1!!uran~ man, died or a hea: t III Letlarlon. SEC'Y OF CEMETERY BOARD NOTICE TO COBll.BM'ONDDT~ of friendS here, are 801'1')' to~ ... be ,p,Jblf&becl neD ireet. " Mrs. E. W. Bcoflel~ and son who attack In hla offlce In ' the lA!ba.non • • them leave Mr. and lira. , RAlth'. '"... now UVlng In Houston, Texas. Citlzena National lSamt bulldi,ng 'M Iss Mary Dora Houirh, Miss At the annual meeting of lot OWD,rfO~ MOier wllo ,'purchued the DBID' ~ IUD8~T Monday. l'vlJlry Ann ' Melloh, 'MIss Martha ers of MIami cemetery 'Which IWU Due to the fact that Jul,v ~ MeUoh bome will ' move here 01' lUNGS lOLLS He la survived by his son. Pvt. Wardlow and Mlss"Naolni Dlrnhllrt h~ld Wednesday evening of last. thla year talla on TuelldaY. and there , first of ~ext week. " ",,l. - - - - ' : !Mr. and Kra.lteDDetil st. John IDuIs Brown, stationed wlih/ the l'eLUIned on FrJd1ly alter spending week, Miss Virginia .Hardln was be no mall del1ftl'Y Oll that da.J, ' 'l1wO. Of me ' (our ~1'IOIlI lNiIred ~ughter 'of 'BUbbaid arrived armed forces In the South Pacific, the week a,t the Me thodlst Junior I,~"'U""'" secretary of the 'association please send In your copy on'y'ciDda.J. til the, e~ and fire at OD 'l'huraday a.nd were gUests and one slater; ,Mr!I'. J. W . Iqle of III CQmp at Sabina. to SUCCeed IF. 'U . It.eMay, reslinecl. , , MRS. s.u.TSOOJt· ~...n. DIVO~ SUITS > ',' . ' Mwa , PoWder COIJIII)AD1 ~ theh-:'~ts'I Mr'; and Mrs. L .' CLne1nnati. Funeral ' servlces were' .' II!ftt:HI_:', III~lt.;.'lill'll!l, ~d ~d' 'the ot.lier 'uwo 0 ,: st. Jobil . .8&1urday 'ev~ )it. beld, Wednesday. 'at 1. p. m. Sgt. ClyCl,l!, Fromm waa a TlielSd8Y PBOG=V~_ _ ~,O~A:Y," Inlll&lD lID a ieJ1.oua ~ton at BIalr ' , Mrs: itb.. · i~ ' and da.ughter, " , . night dlhner guest of 'M i'. and,loirs. .,..,. ''"cIIsplta1 :'~ , · ·LE 'MAy B~CI!DVEs uo ' Con.ner : . ' ' "' ' -,-;--- \ .. "'t ~'. ' • • •• and Mn" ,L. O. St: Joh1\;. Ilr. ~&_._ The P~es:>1ve ' wometl's club will e~ and fire at the.~ and ~. \~ohri Sett1~~ ~d HONOIWl&ll,oA, DIJSOBABGE • • • hold 'lta regUlar 'meeting at the club •...l1.nn,,· ~ ¥ondI\V " ~ ,M r. 'a nd Mrs. ,B. V. ' SmIth aDd Mr. DUB 'roO INJtJBJESll\Sr. and Mr8 : War~e)l on Monday eventng, July 3, at IPuckel~t, 'a~U9n IIgDal ~, W8I! and 'Mrs. J. R. Menile enjoyed , Warren '~ fireman 'fli'st'cJujJ dan~ daU8bt~r ~ntert.alD~ as Sunp . m . Please note the change 1iu:!cldllDtI~ ~, 18WDc . ~t Cunner at' Cold Sp..._ . f'th U, S· Ni' . la t' th I ay gUest t.lle ,former's mot.. er, Mrs. time from the second' Tuesday to Inilllllec~: . • . -_ , 0 e ." I!'VY,' . now a e Frank Bradd.ock .' . 91¥ ,SUiiday ,evenlna 'V!' j an~ Mn _ home of hla parenlja, ~. a.nd Mrs. , . ".. " tl\.e first ' Monday of IlIlCh month. JObn ~d ~ ,suesta were Prank u. L!!I(a.v, ~ Lebanon after The , Five Hundred Dln.ner club Thls meeting Will be lnltlat1cm of a med1~1 ~e un- ,were guestl 'of Mr. ,and Mrs. How- new ·members. ~ ~rs 'are Inof ~ •., and Kra: Settl~ OD K~y ~ 1~ ~th' eoD.cU~~ d~ to In- ard Orabam near BarveyllbWs Ba..,. l1aupaud ,¥1:B. Ql~ .~4 ~ he teeet.ecS ~b:tie In ac~on In \lI'daY evening. ' '.' . , JOINS W,",VB8 lJer AlthoU8'h ,many local RepUbUcana were dlsa.ppolnted because OhiO'S OOv~rnor John W. Br1cker did not receive the nomination for President At the ChJcagO convention of the paJlty which closed yesterday, moat of them ,were pleased with the tlcltet. The convlllltion nominated Governor Ttlom~s E. Dewey of New York for ~s.ldent and QQvernor John W, Bricker of Ohio for Vice President. Governor Dewey received 1.056 of the 1,007 votes cast at'ter Bricker 'wit hdrew In his favor. A lone WlaCODIIIn delegate IDllisted on voting for (]en. Douglas MacArthur. Bricker's nomination was unanimoUS, all o! the 1,057 delegates voUng for Ohlo'lI chlet executive as the nomInee for vice president.
Argus A. Oslborne Married In Dayton
.. .
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''Kra..:'. '. '-
,M r. a,n~ KrI. LllrMAy ~ ,'Mr. and Walter W1aeman .;,.p.o_u..", fl'OD1 W&JDelvl~--to LebaIloD. and chlJclren were I;IUnday vlaltora , NOW LJVIl'IiG JllAJIIIDA in OtmcJea. 0bI0. '
.. .
From A Farm Dia~y--D'ry Ridge . WaynesvW ~,
Pb'clae 110
. fld'a1o Street
.1IDtind Aa 8econd Olua Mall ' Matter at P05~(flce, waynesville, Ohio
Walter W. Wiseman, Editor and Publisher ----------=~=~==::_:===:;;;:_:;~------~-
.!88UJ:D EVERY THtmSDAY 8UbIcr1ption Price, '1.50 Per Year, Payable In Advance
lfG ••• , vle.. I"e.
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Town Newspapers
C:.. . .......... 1W9.,s...
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Time used. 1h any other \.han to the father 01 a new baby girl. Congrat-
very best advantage is time wasted. ula tions, Max. TIme is life measured I.n hours and As the boys I.n the_ service see it, minutes. To waste time ls t.O waste Ulere is nO justJ1lcatlon for a strike life and llfe is far too short to waste of any kind In this country . '.rbe any 01 it. government has prOVided other • • • The motive or the vandais wbo re- means for worlrers to secure relle! eently ~roi:e numerous street light from ineQualities. Evel!Y strike called bub 10 Waynesville Is ruf- today builds just that much more tIoult to fathom. If the reasonlIlg IUl~I-labor post war sentiment. EVof tbeae youths coUld be understood, ery soldier who cUd not get the supit wo\lld go far In solV1.ng our juvell- plies and equipment on the frollt De deliDque.tlcy problem. It seems line when he needed U1Clll .is goUlg to us tile best punishment to be to remember when he gets ba<:k that . meted out In this case Is a good 01<1 ,while he occupied a fox hole in an fa!liODed W'h1pp1ng. It appears as' if advr.nced poslLlon that was being strafed by enemy machi.ne gun fire ~y parents nowadays "Spare the and' waited for needed suppUes and rod and ipoq the child. " equipmem to come, some worker 10 this u In every ~ther oommun- bacll: home, HYing In safety and ity ·there Is one or more persons who comfort with h1s family and drawing have plenty 01 mOney but nothing more wages than he ever drew . beelse. They have a house fuil of fore and eating good food and thlnga but nothlng In their lives . sleepl.ng in a clean bed, struck: and the only riOOes that It is not possible quit makl.ng Implements of war beto have too much of are the riches cause he received a few cents less an of the heart and the spirit, the cul- hour tha.n he thought he should ture and the social graces, and the have, or because he did not like the (I.ne art . of true bOepltallty and color Q1' ,the foreman's necktle. friendliness. These are the riches Rumors t.llat a "peepe1'" is QPCrathat the changina- udes of fortune ll.ng in Waynesvllle, persist. There cannot oflect. They can make a may <be something to these rumors, coveted haven ' as read.\ly as a lUIIJ1- and agaln there ma.y not. ston on a hill.
• • •
• • •
It seems the reason ,the flOO,OOO sewer .system beneath the streeta or the v1llaie Is not being used Is the fact that lltate health authorities will not allow local seWage to' flow into the river for, fear that the , stream ,wouic:l be oontamtnated. B1noe the v1llaie !I.nanel.al condltlon is suoh that a dlsposal plant Is 1mpossible here for many years to come, it appeal'll t.tla~ the healt.h authorIties would rather see the healUl of our cltlzens lmperUed rather than that Qr t.be fish. When one considers t,hat. sewage from n~y large cities fJows CurecUy 10-
health authorities appears ' biased and Iomewha.t a.bsw.d.
• • • We note In one of our neighbormg
",eeklIeI tlbat a woman Q1' that C()IJlmUDlty ill suing a widow for $211,000 for ItealiDg her husband. The Item aboU14 give the women .who atli1 bave ' husbanda 'l'ome Idea .of their value. J;t shoUld alao ra1ae the ques·t lon or btle c;emng price on .sound ~d capjlble husbanda.
Along The 'Way By Mrs. IlIU'le&te Tbomas . '''Tis JWle, the month of roses, the month of .SWl and shay.oer.s." So goes the old song and B lovely song ' it Is. June is also the month of brides. Here Is a list ol flowers and the time t.hey give of! ' their sweetest perfume. . One o'clock, the rose; two o'clock, heliotrope; three o'clock. convuilu-' Ius; six o'clock, geranium; seven o'clock, mlgonette; eight 0 clock, carnation; nine o'clock, cactus; ten' o'cl\)Ck; lllac; eleven o'cl k, magnolla; wplle the modest little pansy and vIolet give-moot generously at twelve. . &,lme one Is always askIng what is the ' symbol for a certain y. ar of marriage, so here Is a list that you may want-for the flrst 'year, paper; second year, straw; third, candy; fourth , leather;' f1!th, wood; seventh, floral; tenth, tin; twelveth, linen ; fifteenth, crystal; twentieth, cllLna; tlWenty-f1!th, sliver; thirtieth, pearl; th1rby-1'Uth, coral; ·tortleth,eme1l1.id; forty-fI£th, ruby; f1!tle th, gold; seventy-fUth and somtlmes the sixtieth, diamond.
'-JUlle 2:$, 1944 . Anoiller UlV' on. Just as we 111we tJle 1 at in.vasioll undel' control, we have a mouse 1.nvasiun. I could almost forgive them the food they eat 1! only they would not chow up paper to make nelta, Nest" here and there and every. where, 111 bureau drawers, 011 paot.ry shelves, in the book. case beninct the books, in LhM pile ol . old DlIlgazi!leS, whcrever U1!!re u; all uncUsUll.l'bed COrnel' Lhey move in . After Olle selge we mOllseproulcd all the bW'eaus and Lhe aesk bu ~ llotillng short: Q1' Ilning lL WIth Mil Will keep them ouL of Lhc k.l~chCll cupooard and then they will probably climb in the doO!·. For maul' years I kept my unused chi.no. m pIlpel' IJagti on the to shelf . Whe.n It was washed I would spa sLack. of lll.ates or cups inio a paper bag and fasten it shut and wben I wenL W get them they were ali wee and clean but the last time I got a bag 01 cups down to use tor a pal'ty a little mouse bad chewed a hole in it and had built a nlee cozy Jlest among the cups! TIlere is 110 doubt a.bout It, we need a cat, a nice mama. cat with a lamily . They are the best mousers , but the dogs always chase them away. .Friday, June 2<1. Wheat harvest. The wbeat Ilelds have changed f.rom the living green of March and April, ,through the greeny gold of May and early June into the living gold of the harvest. More fields are being cut and shocked thls year than last In IJ:lis neigh borhood. TIley started to cut ours today but the binder broke down. And one of our helpers got stung in the eye by a bee. Poor Cap, he looks like some one else with his eye all swelled up. Fl.ne harvest weat.ller but a lItUe too dry and hot for the late planted crops. Thls evening we had a picnic supper at Cold Sp.rlngS pw·k. I was surprlsed to IInd it as pleasant as it is, 50 close to the road but tile picnio tables are so ~igl'l a,bove the road that the procession 01 tl·ucks is hardly noticeable. It is nice too to have plenty of safe cold drlnk.Ing water and a pleasant view out over the fishIng lake. Each Iamily brought their own hamburgers and so much other stUff t.hat the table groaned with good tllUlgs and we grooned after we tried to eat it all. !Why do we aU eat too much at a P icnic ? Monday. Our wJleat is all cut IUld John is working back for Elwood Reedy at least tbey started and t len tlle troctor quit tor a while. Mote and more machi.nery breakdowns . Our tractor will have to go 'in for overhauling just as soon as 'we can get along with just tl\e horses .. We have a new team but they are 1l0t
cl11nUley sweeps. I am a bird lover. Mrs . J . .R. ·Wnde." We ge~ a lot of amu.semem just now watchlDg the humming birds thllit come to the 1l0llynocks. They like to rest on ~lle wire tence .a ud tiny iI.fj they are they are ver'j brave IUIoct will tackle any bIrd that darll6 to $.lt on ~11 e . laVOlllC pe l 'h . I 11el4111 I.lll l ll":i~ .... rcL~1 owl or 1.110. !:>c ,sun we ULu,er IUIIJlL. 1 t !OI.~de liO mll ll~ IU c\"s Olt noJSCS at !U'st 'we we. t: nu~ sW'e w11al It was but \.hen It g il e ~ne 101111 quaveilng cry tha t IVa.; wlUllstnka<\)le. 1f you wam gold 11.n lles 01: wild C/lI'llJ'lCS as Lhey art! OfLl!n call1..'Cl pla nL bachelur bU LLOllS nnll let your lettuce . go to seed Dnd thl.Y wll1 come to gel. some of Lheir fa ('rll.e tood. v. educsday. HoI., hotLer, hottes t. That Is the kind of wt!athel' we are ha.vlUg. Yesterday it was 98 on our porch and , the ,day belore It was almos t a.s hot and ·toda.y is startll1g to be another scorcher. But there is one 5W'e and com!orllng refuge from Lhe heat. Tl;lIs is anot.her free plug for the swimming pool, which surely is a refuge on a hoI. day. A iliorough cooll.ng once a day Ill1lkes the rest of the heat bearable . Two of our electric tWlS are dead . So asd, just as we need them most but we move the oth!:r one !rO!n spot to spot and manage to !Let along. Just thl.n.k how mucm hotter it could be and buy m01'e bonds to keep our boys cool. FIFTEEN YEAItS AGO (JUDoe ~ 1944)
(Funeral services fo r Fronk A. Hartsock ~Ill tie held at the .reslde.oce on the Waynesville and Rarveysburg pike ThUl'sday. His untlweJy death tDCCurred Tuesda.y of ptomaine poisoning, His widow, bwo sons, Postmast,e r Ross H. Hartsock and A. Z. IDILit:sOCk of neal' WUmingtOn and ane brother, Irn. HartSOCk, of Dayton, sw·vlve. >Miss Kate McCollum of Cnlliornia. has been visitIng h er sister, Miss Ollve Allen. \Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ealillhart and family left Sat,urday lor a visit in Eastern Ohio. J ames Cornwall and Iamily of lDayt~n arc OCCuPyl.ng the Dr. J. T. Ellis home for the summer. IA. F. MeUoh . and famlly arrived home Monday night afLer a delightfill Western trip. . tw r'6 .~ht 1ert on '''''.,,- E ve Iyn """ ~ v .. r Sunday for ber second season at Onmp 0501111, Trout Lake, Wis. A $10,000 damage :!dlt growl.ng out ot a colisioD beltWeen An automobile and a horse on the Dliyton pike last
AUll'usl vas erHered '10 common P t:Iio euw'L' <&i~ week by J . W . Sljylor 0 this 1)1 cc a.g IH ~ Earl bwl11n IIJld Mr~ . .1!}).rl Sw.,m of neal' LebBllon. !MJ's . J . 1::. McOl \I.l'e w. 10 ~ tess to the Joli~ 1da!.r011l1 '.1'uesdlly aiLernoon. u. J. Gray and family and Ohas. Andel'sM and lam.lI.y :spem Sun day II~ S~, Mary ·a. Lr. aud 11.I'S, GCul'Ge Henderson IIl'e rulUuWlCh,g Lite UIl'LU 01 a san Ut-orge uouglas, Vv t:d.llC.> o.y, " .me HI. N11'5 . Schylul' and M.rs. MU',mcta Cmne 01 ::;ewlck.ly , Pa., ule v1.;,iLi.og • S. MaUde \';I'anc a l d fallllly. M.I· . and Mrs. U. D . Mi.lls are enjoying n vacatiOl1 wjth • . and ~ rs. Lindley M1lls a t Midlano; Mich. Marriage Ucenses---Altrl'd W ch, salcsluan or Norwood and Miss Molly Mildl'ed }o' ullel' of • Wayuesville, vune 14; Puul J oseph "lory, Cl'edlim 11 of J:;ato!l, and Miss Mildred Lavina Clark, L nch er Wa)'nesville . FIFTY YEAItS AGO (June 23, 18(4) Use Caskey's flollr for all kinds of baking . O. H . Fun and wife or Wabash, Ind., \Vcre guests of Ml·. ond Mrs. iM. J. Farr th.ls week . Pel'l'y J . pense, the 1I ted auctioneer, h as agnln ta ken up his abode In Bellbrook. . Lawtie ZUnmerman r etlll'nlld Mon day evening from Elwood, Ind. He reports everything flourishing there nnd was favorably iIllpressed wi.th the town . Miss Myrte Maddox will be at w her ll'iends on Thursdays. Dr . J . G. Ma<:y will be 111 hls offlee at Harveysburg from J une 22 to Juiy 1.
J . R. Hale, torm rly of Ule Spring planes bccause o! the work -stopValley ~lnde, talt llo,sseSSlnn of the page . . Yellow Sprl.ngs Citizen. this week as · Benjamin Frankll,n the first post- ' editor anti proprietor . master general, h$S thlrtY-one poet . Mr. o.n4 Mrs. J". H. Fnn wlll ottiocs named a.fter .h1m. remove to the Side's property on It 'cost J2Q,OOO,OOO to salvage the ' Third street and the rooms vacated French linel: Normandle which capby them will be occupied by S. D. sized In New York harbor. 'l'be Everly's. Normandle coet 150,000,000 to bulld. . The school board has a.ppointed A machine haa been devtsSKi to John Cnskey to serve tile remain- punch the llttle green top ort stralwIng tel'Dl of J. J . Mosller, deceased. berrIes . One mlWhine will do the S. D. 'Evt'rly was elected president. work of 125 persons. The Liberator bombers now cost INTERESTING FACTS the government $137,000 eal!h. !)lrHel' In the war the saDlel bombers Durl.ng the foreman 's recent strike cost $938,000. in the DetroIt area 60.000 workmen were ldie and t h e army lost 250 ADVERTISE IN THE GAZETTE I
We're alwaY6 glad to advise you. here at TIRE SERVICE HEADQUARTERS, on AU the things that mean more mil~ (or Ie.. money. Stop in today at
GO 0 o/iEAR BJUNG your Grade·1 Cerlilicate here lor today's BEST TIRE MADE. No other tire can match this Goodyear~bui1t by special skills developed by' Goodyear Research over 29 yeara
ot sales leadership. Real PLUS-VALUE.
measured by miles or months or doilcus.
Stanley and Koogler For Dates, Phvne 2894, Waynesv1l.l.e, Ohio, Reverse Charges BROKERS LICENSE •
H•M CO"'NE • •
Stop In today for aur car•• NO CERTIfICATE NEEDED .OW lui iDapection and .xpert U.... ~.,...... · YOU'RE NO OIdyice, W.ll ten you w"e~1 .........tock lill;;;;;;~~~~;;;=~========~~iliIH'·r()Nrr-C:aJiiiiliiitY-:ClO4mi'i1ttI~tr1r.i~tc,!eaIp.=tl~r vi.. you ONLY . pick favorites! Mi":fo..i. une .0/. recapping. doae willi' , co. Goodyear m~tedal • .and , much help to us now and won't be I . hasn't aingl~d you out aa mothads ta add thoWl~dn ~ for aR:lout IlWO years 'but they are • IB '• d mara ~o. af good 6o;'e. 31r& .'lO-1!l cute llttle long-legged babies. TAR'WA..[.I.'l'lHO TAR AND an exception e ,Wile an , lir,' >. Tuesday. TIle tra':tor Is fIxed and protect yo~r~elf with good now the h ay is cut. Threshlllg Will ROAD OIL, EXOAVATING insurance so that no matAN OFfICIA~ TIIII NS' ECTION STATION ... DUMP 'TRUCK SERVICE · ....e next . I had a nice letter today ter what happeps, you,
Sand &'Grave. I
QUICK ,SERVICE For D4ead,Stock
.a nd
property will be fully protected.
from another bird lover . AnlOng READY MIX CONCRETE other thlngs she says : "As I have been sick, I have a lot of Mme on my hands, 50 h ere ar~ some more birds that I have seen In my back • • • P.llone Wa.ynesvUle 2911 yard-KJa.t bll·d, mocking bird, star.If the pictures shown 1D the .movie ..' ling, oriole, blue jay, blackbird, ne.ws.reels give a true pic'iure Qf the Morrow' Phone No. 3 downy wood peckel', pi.. enn,qual1,red mi.nner In whlab tbe Jeeps are cusMARRIAGE LICENSES Lebanon: OIflce Phone 473 K headed wood peeker, plue bird.. wJld tomarJly .driven, we predlct a iIhort RA:sldence 98 M lire for t.he lamlly bus 'When the The following marriage licenses canary, carollnn ,wren, mar~lns and boys 8et bome' and once more ~ were recently Issued at bhe WiUTen their position behind the liteer!.ng cou.nty court house: Ralph Jennings wheel . Tile famlly bus was never iFannin, Zl, U. SA. Navy, of OhillibuUt for such a life. cothe, and Pauline Smith, 21, of Mason; Chester Roland Kyle, 25, , It Is ~ported that bonds 501d to doctor and Martha' Ella Ca.rter, 18, Wayne township reslden~ at the secretary, both of Lebanon; George varlOWl shops in Payton during the Walter Bennett, 44, U. S. Army, HARVEYSRURli, OHIO HORSES, COWS, HOGS IF'ifth War x.oo.n -Drive will be credit- Durham, N, 0 ., Rnd Lula AnIle - - - - - ed to this toTf'lJSh1p. It Ig the fair OWlnell, 42, paper worker. Fran kUn; Will pay $2.00 fo!' Dead CALVES, SHEEP, ETC .• thing to do Inasmuch as a Ilh'ge IHarry F . Franklin, 35, mecllanic, Horses, $1 .00 for Cows. I Removed Promptl,. percentage of our citizens are ~ and Doris Smith, 21, secl'.etary, both Sheep, Hogs, Calves tically f'!fced to buy bonds at their F'ra.nklln. j Call various places of employment In Benjamin H. Hurley, 32, machlnand Co'ts that city. In local aaies thus far one is& and Mlldred E. Haller, 26, h ouseREI\ OVf:n I'ROMl'TI '\' salesman is credited with more than keeper, both of Franklin ; Richard H . ~ ..!: - --~ . 50 per cent. !Sl.ngleton, machine operator; und , Phone Waynesville Cora A. Mills, 18, both of Lebanon; • '. . • 2304 t:::t:r:::!~O:i~;S~::~:~ James M. McDulford, 23, _sLock Reverse TI!lcphone Chllrcp for the next eighteen months 'Wb1ch room, xenlll, and Florence T09 d .. 19, Thc ollly f'rrcilizCl' l"aJl~ In indicates tha.t they beHeve the war .Lebanon; CliIord C. 'Frhz, 50, r eI\lain 454. Xenia, O. Warren County !Will last at least a year and a ha.lf tired, and Dora Hacker, 44. both of E. G, Uuchsieb, 'nco JIlore , f'oster; C11!ford Shutts, 18, shoe facItKe£ta4m , ' j8 tory worker, Lebanon. and uelll..d· It may be prejucUce on our part lne FInn, 1'1, Kings Mills; Arnold J. but we sWl think that Gover,nor I Perry, 21, farmer, Lexington, Ky.. ~$"_II'SIiI__=_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !Bt1i:ker would ' have made a -better I and Jessie 'Marie Jones, 17, ~b!l.non; aDd Itt'Oll&'er caDdlcIate than Gov. Ollie Feaster, 36, cement f1l11:.htir, DeWey. Knoxvllle, Tenn., and Ruby WlUte, • • • 26, ty,plst, L4banon. !Henry H. Moller, 40, ~hoemaker, A wecldlDg ring is deacrtbed bY 'a ne1&'bborme editor as .. tourniquet. and ErtJyee Ellen ShOI·t, 31, Cl'ellm I,t stops ;& man's ·c1tctila.t1on ~ statlo.n operator, both of Lebanon; . lMllr.tln A. BJshop, 48, cafe operator, . • .;.. lit must ·be.' hUDwinafur&-oBefore and Loretta J . Bellow, 28, dr ug store .~ ~. most of the candidates c}l1k, both of Franklin, and Oharles pror~ eternal tr1e n dship " and J '. Meiners,' 36, Loveland Park, dec- . promIsed aU sorts of 'thI.np. The oratOr, and Helen Pleprp.eyer, 29', other ~ several succeilrul cmeS 'Foster, swltthboard operator. PHONE 326 ' LEBA~ON, 0".0 .• ere tq., town 10 a group: ~-----~:...--walIrecl iJ:i.recUy by us and no& one . ATHLETE'S FOOT GERM of t.mIm .even bO~erecs to loot: in. Not Hard To IUD Oli ,,"DI well ~ly ge the The germ grows deeply. To rea<:h old '1lotum" .,ecalri at the nm pn_ It, u.se a penetr~tJilg tungtclde.Many IDUJ,. ' ' remedies do not penetrate 'sUfflc.' .• _ ~r ~ ruahlng abOt1t lently. ~'-OL . S'Olut1on, _~qe Witll . oCber dar"'Wtth what 90% aloo~l. penet.rates. Kllls the Wholelt)Ulf" Paateurlzecl r 1I ir)' 1'..0 (lucta . . . . . to lie a Dew burat 01 8PIr1t, germs it reach~. Apply full strength pa;'Jte~ri7:ed ,M.ilTt: }l'07' 1 flU ,. p'·()tectuJU and IIDIllDg and for It.cb1, sweaty or ameU)' feet. to ave been Your 3k back tomorrow from &DJ r--..;..== Phone 2537 ' • .rnesvi1le, Ohio • • • •~;_ , ...... 11118. PbIaD.r dnIaIat it nOt pleased. LocaUy at .... W..,...we Drq &&ore.
WaynesviHe, O.
Olllce at Rogers and Slmtysun Garage
Formerly Waynesville IDlfUl'ance Arency
0; •
. .' ,
•• ..
,U'S'E'D CJA 5
FO R Any make · ~r model '. Fred. Kahn Motor ~Car Co.
nle:v -...,...,
..._ .."",_•. .....r
"I can't think of anytJiing'elae;ou'D beed . for your Victory ~ Jud&e ••• you've got pretty'nearly everytbiDg." ' . . '~I think 8Q, tOo. John. ~Ver ~ JOUr asparagus patch going?"
. ..
"1 gave that up last.year, judge. Tried It·
.m ~ in a ...ow:witb no luck. Just haven't
got th_ right soU, I guesa?-'" .. ~. I thjnk you're-.ise. John'••• DO __ keepmgon trying.thiDga ~ou kDowWOD'~ work. Just 'like prohibitloa. State-wide po. ~. ~bition haa' been tried III thiI COIIDtry
. eevmtr-two tImes:in the last Dineiy,~ It baa been ad~ted forty-eeven timeS in
the ~ thhty~three years apd CIia'carded . in ~ ,8ta~ , Same . thing wat tried in eigh,t provinceI' In CaDsda and in Norway, Sweden, F'biIend and Rusaia but .i t Was an admitted failute . laud w:dftl8al1y abandoned. ...... " .T he realOn il /I101aibiifo,, . . _ evdywh~ .' ezcept
lWoIIHL AU , .
iet II bOotleg Iiquot in-
etad of JeaalIlqaar,pIuI no ad of crime ad CQJi&iPtbl... . . ....,;.
.. r
_ ON JUE .-----. - -
.... . '
-. ....
- - -r
-~ -.
, .,
. . ....
MEATS, lI'AT8-~ atempO 1.8 throUll1-W8j'-Jo04 Idefinltely; xa, Y8, Z8 !become good July 2. PROCEBSED FOODS - B I u e st.amps AS through VB. good. Indeflnitely : !\V8, ' XB,YB,ZB, and 1Afi, be~ come good July 1. SUG~u gar stamps 3D, 3l> and 32, e~ 1l good for five pounds Indefinitely. Sugar s tnltlp 40, good for . five pounds of ca.nnlng sugar through February, next year. . GASOLINiE-1I1 states out&de the East coast area, A-12 coupons good June 22 through September 21. FUEL OIL-PeriOd 4 and 5 couporis, good through September 30. New period 1 coupons for the 194445 heating y ear may be uiled as soon as they are received trom local boards . SHOES-AIrplane staJnlJ6 1 and 2, good Indefinitely.
.... "i.
• • •
HIS is
The far mer In critical need of a. truck may a pply to h is county AM committee t or a. used truck, the War FOOd adm.1nJ.stration announces. Upon the ,b asla of appllcatlons on hand and further investigation, MA . off1ces prepare letters certlfylng to the needs for available ,t rucks. These letters authorize truck dealers to negotlate with proper authorities and bUY the trucks tor resale to approved appllcants . W~ warns t-hat {or some tlme relatively few persoJ].!! who need trucks tor essential agricultural purposes wUI get them.
Invasion! Now in the hearts, brains and muscles of our American
Youth lies the future of our country. Bowyour heads. Pray with millions of mothers' the country over, as their hearts reach out over .the seas, each one seeking out her boy, to protect him with the shield of her love.
• • •
Increased production of galvan. lzed pails or buckets, t ubs, washtubs. lWash boilers. funnels garbage can:s, ash cans, fire shovels, coal hods and scuttles for civilian uSe have been permitted by'" ..asing of the War Pro:. duellon Board r estrictions on types of iron and> steel that may be used.
Believe 'that in this world there is definite strengtll in decency alld honor. Believe that in our devotion there' is moral force. ·Believe that'our will to victory will aid that victory.
• • •
Seek and ye :shaD find! Let us, seek added strength ~d fortitude for ~~r meD: in our own sacrifice and devotion•. Let us f~ every"thought, every action, and every prayer on ~
....... .J. ._
~_ .~ ~...::..t.......';- 65
tJte .boys fighting for us. d
' :"
......... ...
And, while each one .bends·· to ' his task with evet.,growing fervor and energy, let.
.. ~_
us i
adopt a cOmnion symb~l~as ' our faith in Vi~ory. Let that ·Symbol be War Bonds. Let us pour our m~oney in a gigantic flood of goodwill . toward' o~ ~ns: and b~others~ as a"~piri~ shield f~r .them. . This is .the Invasion..The -
of our boys are at stake. Let them See that the Soul . .
of AmeriCa is with· them. Let ·it not be too late.<. not neXt, month, next week, or tomorrow, but today ••• IJOW. . .;: { \
... ~.- .
Buy Your In'Vasion Bonds Today
." ~
: .-,I.'
5'HWAR LOAII Treasur, adverdsemeDI-prepared aDder auapices of Treaswy DepartmeDlalld War AdverduDg Council ~--------~--------~--------~~--------~------------------------~ .= ,~--This i. aD official U. S. <,I
,, . ~
McClure Funeral Home
Rog~r8' Be' SilftP80~ Garage .
Coyle'. ~tY M~ta
'the W~ynesville Floral Co. Smith's Mot Market' Gulf Service Station Stubbs Funeral Home . SaNIlac . .
. Twin _Theatre . Wilbur N . • •1'8 '
Foods t hat will \be plentlful in most of the cou.ntry during July include : eggs, canned gfeen and wax beans; frozen vegetables; dry-mtx and dehydrated soups; ·peanut butter, citrus marmalade, soya flour, gri ts P.lld flakes, wheat 'flour and bread, macaroni, spaghetti, noodles. oatmeal .and rye breakfast foods. . wrI!1A says . FrI!6h apricots will be plen t.1ful In the Pacific Coa&t. area and fresh Snap !beans in Eastern U. S. Fresh peaohel! are exepctec1 ,to be plentiful 1n July and Auguat.
• • •
Severe c1vll1an shortages naw elt1st In IWaSlttuba, alarm clocks, window screening and flaahUghta, WPB . rewrts, with less 'severe shortag~ in Ila shllght batteries, clothes pins, double boilers, egg beaters, pa.lJs, radio tubes and umbrellas. ·M Ild abortages exist in wood and coal stoveS, thermos bottles, baby carriages, mops, rope, bedsprings and bobble plns .
Shoe dealers are reporting a faU-
ing-of! In sales because people are evlden tty waiting for OPA's rationfree sale of shoes July 10' to 28 • . The original OPA announcemen~ from Washington estimated that seven million 'Pairs 'm1ght be involved but Ithat ·flgure applies tOthe p.ntire nation. Th06e who are delaying their shoe purChases may be disappointed as only odd-lot shoes Qre included in the sale. Severe penalties are provided for violators of used oar cell~ prices whJch go Into effect July 10, ~ states . Thomas L . Oonlan, ohtef district OM enforcement attorney explained : "Both dealers and individual sellers may be sued by buyers for three times the amount of allY overcharges or $50, whichever is greater. Any seller who IWlUuUy violates the rcgulJlltlon may be proeecuteci ,by the United states Government In a cr1minal action and punIshed by a fine of $6,000, or one years Imprlsorunent, for eacb oftense. Local OPA boards thl'oughout thl8 ~trict continue tP report greater demand from Band 0 drivel'll for new tires than thelr quo~ provides. Although all Band t.: drivers may apply, not all can ,be supplied at the same time . See the OM ~-of-Llv!ng ' Exhibit during this 'W~ek II!t YOUf grocery or food sCore . It shows hOw , price control has held down the cOst , of IIvlng·so far during World War II.
'lBtJaSDAY. It1NE 19, 19M. • ___
' , __,Ins'id@O,HIOPoliti(S
U _~ l1
Tuesday of last week at the )lome ~ BEECHGROVE , of MIs. FJ'ed Rush. The 11 xt meet-'~r--I......--, YOU ARE INVITED TO ~II •• ~".'''r. lil;;;;;;::-(Jur.re.• .,uq.rcll' Aln, \v....r 'hur,l "k. ".rre.......... , ing \vUl 'be held at the home of I ATrEND . The Woman's Socl~ty of ' Lytle MlS.5~ RutJ,h and .Betty Wlilal at 2:00 \,;J . Mrs , M~bel Terry 01 o&yton has· church will have an loo,cream socULl p. m ,' TllUrsdl\.Y, .July 6. They llll,ve bllen ~llending lio,\ero.1 da'YS at her on the chw-ch ialwn next Saturcla.y a. new member, MIss ' GwendOlyn , . llo~e .here, ' 1\1E~[ODIS'l' C' ~URCn evening a week, JUly 8,. wlU~ hOlne- fiarlan ot Route 73. Mr. and Mrs. James Gath and Ql~'ri5t made Ice oream and ctlke. Tile comMr. and Mrs. Edmond Minser B. B, Ooleman, Minister daughter, Ellen, and son, James Jr., mittee 'in charle Is comppsed of: a.nd son, Jack, and Mrs. Mary MInCllUTCh school at 9 :30 a. m. o Chicago, ,who had spj1nt. two weeks Mrs. Oharles Bunnell,' Mrs. Tllerle ser of Dayton were eotertalned iO SERVICES SUNDAY at the Jordan home. eft WednesJODea, Mrs. Cbarle.s. Cllarlton, Mrs" dinner Sunday at Itbe home of ,Mr . ~orshlp servlce at 10:30 A. M. day . . They were accompanlecl to .roLY I, 1"" .Jamea Wlcal and Mra. Harolel and Mrs . W1lliam .Bergdal1. Mr, anel Rev. Coleman has recovered front This co~umn 1$ belng 'written over Cincinnati by Alfred Jordana.nel 8te1nke. EVeryonc' lnVlted to Ilottenel. ~. Mack Gunther and two sans of bls recent Illness and will preach. BIBLE SCHOOL M1as lI'rlWlcea Whitaker II at,tend- Dayton were afternoon and evenIDI Choir practice Thursda¥ 8:00 Ip.m. the week-eod, in Ohicago, where the MIss HallDah, and aU were IUCBtI ot crowd, are pourini In for the Reo. tlhe Wayland Jordan familY In the 9130 'A. M. 1ni the PrlOJld 8 Youth cont~ence at gueatl. • . ST. MARY'S E"18COP~li publican National convention. ·En. city, 08.pe May, New Jersey, tbIa week. :MJaa Aln,1etta Steinke and brother" Mr'; and Mill. E. P. Barr of EdCIIUROlfi thuslwrr 1$ running ' high and the , MORNING SE-,VIOE Mrs. \LOuella Swank of DaYIWn James, entertained their grandpar"convention spirit" is felt every- enton, were · Sunday Vis1tors of spent Sunday with her parenta, Mr. ents, Mr. and Mrs. H, E. Oilman, R,lI,ph Pllrk~, Minister I.n Chargl! ,where, eVen Ulough thel'c 'soems to Lee Talmage and Jessie Garner. u:oo A. II. and Mrs. E. B. Lolliacre. to Sunday evenlllg dJnner at the Cbw'Ch school at 9 :45 a, m. George ,Bunce of 'Le»anon Is spend Ibe no COil test ovel' the ',n omlna tlbn Sermon 'l'opl()-''THE MAN Edward Bunnell, who hne been Qolden Lamb botel, Lebannn, and Morning prny,Cr lind sermon 11 :00 ,for President . . . It Is conceded lng severo.l days with Mr. and Mis. qUlte poorlY for some t.1me, llaC1 a to Uu: theatre, In honor 01 Mr. a. m. BEHIND 'tHE PLOW" that Dewey can have It on the first, Todd Bunce. bad heart attack Sunday morn.lng. . Gilman's birthday. or no later than the second ballot. if Mr. and Mrs. P. N. cornell were Walter Clark. Mrs . Ben ~hoult....:llItl' (;llIlltcll 0.' CUltiST EVENING SUVICE ' UTICA he wUl tak e it. There Is an inSunday afternoon guests of Mr. and hels, Miss Wnnda Clark, Junior lIerberL Graham, 1\llnbJer . stinctive fear on the part of Inost 8:00 O'eloek Mrs. Allen Emrick. Olark, and Mr , and Mrs. Milton leaders that no RepubUcan can bea.t J\In. Berl BunneU, C~rreaJ.lonil"nt 9:30 a. m., Bible IlChooL stat! Sgt. OlYde Fromm of Me- Sheehan att/lnded \.he wedding of Sermon 'l'opi()-"A GROUP OF Pvt. Billy Dafau, wife Ilnd son fiooscvelt, so there Is still the pos10.45 a. m .~omID'un1on , DIll Fleld, Tampa, !"la., called on M!M Mildred Davis, daughter of Mr. 'Iblllty that Dewey may turn d\>Wll are home on a furlough vlsltlng at 11 :00 a. m.-Sermon. SINNERS" Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark, Friday. and Mrs, Earl Olark and EnsIgn the honor, even though drafted, so the home of Mrs. oafnu's parents, 7:30 p. b.-PI'cachlng. , ~luie U\!1'. an<i Mrs. Ben Round and Mr. ¥rederick Geist at the First Luthern he ca n run again in 1948 whe.n Inost Mr. and Mrs. John Koester. and Mrs. W1ll1am Pound of Dayton church In Daytari Sunday af,temoon. WEDNESDAY EVENING - 8:00 'Will 'Brinkmeyer of Mlddletdwn FRIENDIS leaders agree LhaL any Republican ' ~ome The WOplan's Society 01 Lytle spent Friday evening with Mr. and First Day school, 9':31' a. m. has been spending a few days with Jlomlnatecl could be elected. PRAnR MEE'11ING Mrs. Walter Kenrick. •. church will be entertained next Meeting for Worml,p, ]} :30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Bel1t Bunneil and A DhildreIl's Day program .was Wednesday afternoon, JUly 5, at the Dial ~~ 11 - Wap...ill. The Republicans of Ohio ha ve at famUy. given after the sunday school serv- bome of Mrs. Allen Emriok. Mrs. ST. AUGUSTINE, CHURCH least one thing iu sight for which Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gorsuch and MAX W. RANDALL, Jce Sunday morning. . liarold Steinke will have thE! devo- ' Father Krumhetta, Prles& they can be thankful . . . The daughter, Marie,' sPent ' Sunday at Miniater Mass sun~ 9:00 Q. m. Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Jones speot tJons. A Stephen FoSter program, in Prohibition Party tioket Is all1lO6t Sharon Woods. . ~=ii;;;;iiiiiiiiiiii====iiii__";; 6unday ' e~enin4r with Mr. IUld Mrs. charge ot Mrs. Russell Oampbell, sure not to be on the bollot this tall. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis and - - --.'0 Henry Finke and Mrs . John Zim- wlll be featured. The COmmit-tee In WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF 'T hey would attract frOm 40,000 to sOrIfJ spent SUhda.y with Mr, and at Waynesville. charge Is composed of Mrs.. Kesl& CHBJSlr 60,000 voles. a la rge percentage of IMrs. John Koester. IN'l'ERESTING FAOTS iMr. and Mrs. CoulUs Younce of Graham, Mrs. W~bur Clal'k and which would havo been · Republican Banner Stewart spent SaturdaY Max Randall, Minister Dao)'ton spent Saturday evetilng with Mrs: Walter Kenrick . church folks. evening Ilshlng at Cold Springs About one-h~f ot all t'he lwnber Bible' School 9.30 a. m. Mi'. and Mrs. Wilbur C~.ark. The lenders have Indicated that lake, which 11e tonnerly owned imd being produced In the Uruted states Communion 10 :45 It.. ID. . 414r. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet, they' probably will not have enough opel·Blted. at the present time Is used for boxPreaching, 11 a.. m. Ura. Charles MuUeniX and Mrs. signers to tue, but even though they . !Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crawford and ing and crating of military supplIeS. Walter Kenrick attended the funeral Itlrlt. lIurlt-Ue I ".---should just "slip under the wire" Mrll . Bob SChneider and son, FredYoung People's meeUng '1:00. ', 'll"."nN, . ;urrte" .. a, Cork trees cannot be stripped tor Evening service at 8:00. /WIth their petitions. they probably dJe, spent Sunday With .relatives , Qf Mrs. Jane Smlth at Sprlngooro The Sugar Creek Ladles Aid soclcork untn they Ieach the age of 20 Prlday afternoon and the burial at ety met with Mrs. Perry J , Thomas You are invited Lo come and wor- woUld be disqUalified 'on several C9.lJerll at the Bunnell home on ,to 30·years. counts. Among a number oJ things Sunday evening were Mr . and Mrs. last Wednesday aftemoon. !About ililp with us. tbe cemetery there. About 600,000 women worked on which might disquallfy them are Walter Pfelfler and daughter, Jane. farms as a supplemental labor force "ut A6, or TIaaIab and Pl¢. Junes Ste1nlte received 00- 15 were present and It was decided 1\1T. 1I0LLY M. ,E,. enURCIl .......... ... charpd I . .t &be tlce trom the government that he Is to have the annual family night on "wo serious mistakes . First, they Mr. and Mrs. Vaugh.n Mullen and In 1943. T. M. Searff, Mlnllter . ,failed to 1Ue an aftlijavlt by May 'I, son, Gary Lee. .......... ceDi • ,....., .....1l1li to report to an a~my college Aug.. July 8 in the evening with a program Almost three-fourths of the bounas required by law of all mlnority eIIup lie. A WaDi Ad· .......... for 7 t,o begin hls COUTlle of study. and wiener roast. Everyone Is to dJ\y, bebween the Unlted ' States and sunday School II ::~o a. m. E. A. groups, staUng that they have no Uaree . . . . Ii ~ .. Ie a1ronl !Mrs. lJ'he.t:ie . Jones and 80l),. MIl- , bring their own wieners and uns. LEST WE FORGn canada ls water. s ubVElrslve motives, Second, when .. ton, were Thurada.y guests of ,Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Perry J. Thomas Earnhart, Supt. , 'I111e date p~im tree grOwS to a Evening l'!Jervlce, 7::30 p. 111. they did finally file on May 19. they We spilleq. our blood In the jungle helgh.t ot from 60 to 1Iio ' feet. nl& 8ALI!l - W~Prod~ at. and Mrs. Edwin N~t, near Center- 80114 son, BOb, were among the guests only had 8 sJ.griers, Instead ot the' • N. BrOldwQ, lAibulan. Open ville. .' at the picnIc beld last Thursday mUd, . ~ . produotion in the United required 10, three of Which must be Ahd we dJdn'.t bave muoh to say CAE~AI~S CREEK .,-1DlDp lor 7OUI' , OOD"enieDoe. IMI'. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet at:- evening at Wayne Park ' celebrating states has reached the point where. officials ' of the party, 0lID L&nmer. PbDl1e ~, L. tended their dinner club Saturday the fourth wedding anniversary of And We shared our bread at the side there Is almost an ,egg a day for evening at the home o!.. Mr. and 'Mr. and ,Mrs. Paul Hough. ~Ir,.. WillhOIt. lIlIIllb. Curr..... o ..... The movement launched in Olevethe dead . every peraon in the country. Mrs. Howard Graham, near Har~ NIna SCott attended a picnic !Mrs. Mary 'Bogan und Mrs. LU~y land by Gilbert .J . Simpson, Paul C. But' ofwhere w&e you tlhat day? . 'PIle United States Army Air ForcWELDIN~ at CentervUle Saturday night. Compton ' were guest.ll 01 Raleigh veysb;ure. JOhnsOIl and Elizabeth Fuelling, to . es In 19,43 destroyed 11,00 enemy MetiJIeDe or eleCtric. 'Bee Bill J:.ee, Mra. Harold Steinke and Miss AI- -!\nother baby! Born to Mrs. Don- Bogao and 'WJle Suturday night, secure Signatures on an. initiative W~ steamed In sweat and our aircraft in the air and on the ' . 01'Ddad ~, R. S, Waynesville. metta ''V1aited Mrs. A. D. Jones ·1n aid lAlmme (Christina Kinser) at June 17. petition to eUmlnate the Ohio Sales olothes were wet, ground and lost 2885. Da.yton 8a.turday. . at : AnIles' last Frldqy mor.ttin g, ~ :Mr. a.nd Mrs . Riymond Wilson i.a.x, got Into real aotion this week. But we f?,u ght every 'inch o~ the way " A lrellU on 'Maroh '19 killed a 'tllft . fAIr. and Mrs . Ernest Lacy left by bOy. I have learned its nahle as very ple~antly entelrtaIned several ThIrty thousand petttions Were de- And we w~hed to hell as our bud- large portion ot ·the .bloom on Ohio 100 per ....,. All ~da of prdeu bua Monday morn~g ' to visit theIr yet. Mr. lAunme is In t he Navy t;nembers ,1lDd guests of Caesar's .. dl~S fell . maples and elms, and bees have P!lDtII, ~, ~ CkIa ··or a dos. ~or chUdre~ 10 Wch1gan ; , and the Lammes' have a daugqter' Creek Sunday sci!.ool at their home Uvered to the SeCretary of State's 80. Cbu'lel O. 8tI'ouIe, l~ milee ~. and ,Mra. Ralph Belcher bad wUma. . . , Thursday ev~g, .1tme 15. ' A Chll- oUlce, and,Edward J. Humme~ start- 'l1lat you had }\Forked that day. . been unable to C9llect their ' usual Issuing them to the sworn oir' II 11 f th DGnb' or W.,..'I11Je. t corner for their S~ evening dinner Mr. and iMrs. Eslle Smith 'and dren's Day program wlth given. 'Re- ed culators . . . This is 'a new procecl- Sweat and plood and tears and mud ~~ ,en sU PPI es lroU~ ed ' eae SOIIUl'CelI · I . Are pac:t of a. soldiers' pay ...any co on es ~ ne supp es 0 f · in ,_ WQDePtUe. .lI'en7 , aDd IJt.1e ~ue.ts, ttle latter's brother-In-la'W daughter, Shirley, of S';rtng Valley, freshinenta of Ice cream and 'Cake tlln e d ure ou a ..... w pa&Sfd several . ~. " 1 !Uld ~ter, I'yt. and Mrs. ~oy were Bunday dinner guests of Mr. were served.- . years ago which defies and rapes the We aren't done' yet-Bu~ don't to~- ,artificial .pollen to produce brood. . . l$ryant ,o f Utlca. . and MnI. Ed Gllilland. ' Donald Haines, · Mt'S. EIia. Haines guaranteed constitutional rights of get , If'?ur p.arts of soybean flour mIXed POR 8ALB--<PIIiDJc 1hc1Ud.W1lUam ~ rema!ns. quite l~l at ' St.aJf Sgt. and Mrli. towell P ,lng- and PaUl Young ha.ve been on the ~epeople . to enjoy UI1haDipered ·We are coming l:iaek some day. with one part ot natural 'poUe cnn .' "A Soldier." "'", " ' " _ : : : : ~. hom. 01 "" daughter! Mrs. Ie . and' aoo of Flort ltD .· ox, who lU'e sick llst. be used as 0. substitute · for pollen. .... et.o. AlIo kl~ , , ennan Sa,lor, Route 'J. , DayteR. ,Il.orne ,on furlougll, .spent SatUrday ·Mrs. Eva Alexande:r called on you the In a ~. bI,Ii1ntr cupe a~4 toilet tI&- , iMl8IS Barbara , EmrIck ,of Dayton' afternoon with the P. J. Thomases " W1I11am Smltll last 1rtlur'sday a.ftertho Miami Calle~to COJuoul when ~ . conventloru; --..,,--'-- ~ . ..., .~tte office. '. ~as . an overrught guest saturday of" 'iMr •. and ' Mrs. 'l'orn.. ·P'ordY."Ce nOQli. '. , ' . Miss Almetta ~telnk(!. . , ' . West CUrolltori entertalned In honJohn WIlSon iii ~recover1ng nicely are out Qf the ~ay . . ' . The lakY wouldn't stand tip under a suprt:me • Wfe1*FS 'J IQR ~one • . • ., Mr.. Illld . Mrs. A. N. ~s.s of o~\ of the fourth bl'rthday of th~ from an operation pEirforme(i wt' Mlcourt test" but the Cleveland 'crowd . • .S pringboro were week-e~d guests of ' 80n~ Douglas, on MOnday: ' sunday ami VlIlley hQSpltal s,evera.l days ago. ~...::.......:~-;-".......-:;-:---....,....-....... Mr. and Mrs. Will ILo58 a.nd daugh- they, accampunled bY~. and Mril. ,Master Larry BUDI\eU, has return- a~e gomg"ahead in spite of It. . tel. . . Perly J. ThomaS, and son, vlsIted t;d to his home In Dayton a.fter The mOlit surprlsing"thlng to most Pvt. Everett Bavll:ie of the Day- the CIncinna.tl Z<l? and on Mondl Y spendJng sevelal days with · l1ls 01110 people a.rOlmd liere, and est on P1JI:e left for camp Thursday. evening they se. ved. Ice cream IIond grandmother, Mrs. ;NeHle Bunnell. pecially Gov. BrICker's boosters WbO atMr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrlck ~d cake to Mr. and Mr/!. Tom GrusboD, Miss Rhoda Bunnell also enjoyed a THE FOJ.,LOWtNG . WAYNESVILLE STORES ~~-...:.;..-'::;...,....~------ James Hain.es were dlnper guests lMI': and Mrs . P. J . l 'bomas an:! Bob vislt ' in the Bunnell . home. . came from Columbus, Is d1scovWILL BE CLOSED Sun~ of Mr. and Mrs. Robert and H" R. For~ce. Mrs. Jennie Braddock' of n'ear ery that people outside of Ol¥o have Hain:n a..d ~eir three Uttle 8Ons .in Geor,;e GUUland was visiting r el- Waynesville enjoyed g . visit ' recently never serl~u,sIY coosldered the OovOaf " ,They also called on lI(rs. atlves at Co~umbus over ' tile week- in tpe home of Mr. anQ. Mrs. Bay", ernor. ,He ~, ~reated with dlgnJJled . end. ". . . ' ., mond w~. . but ~o~ ~:at;y · e.nth~asm. George ~cGath. Yl's; •Clara. StacY Is now visiting :Rev. Walter Bl'!lDt ' was hired to ~rs., Mary Bpga,n' jal!.d Mrs. Marl- Sene,tors Taft and Burton' are ~e, electric Wire. AlIo other antcles: at the hnme or her daugbter, Mrs. flU tije suiar Oree-It Christian anna Bogan called ~In Mrs. Donald 1ng mentioned freq\lently during M. Kra. B . V.' Bantth WayneavUl , Dearth Sheeh~n, and fam.UY .. Sbe Church pull.,1i; 'reccn\,ly vacated by , Jones .last F!lday afternoon: these early ~8 of the Convention. Phone ~ , I . ~. w,as :a dinner guest Sund~y of Mr,: Arthur Oore, at n mee~lng held afJoh.n Wilson IUId Robert ~lson good "dark horse" PoutblUt1es. If ,If " ' • ~nd M~ .. LeslIe Gray and famlly. ter' church Sunday mominlJ. spent Sunday even1ng ~lth iRaY- It lsn"t Dewey •• .George H. BenI't'IR. ~ _ 8 ft. e"tAmslon 1Mrs. Ben SchoUlthels of Da.yton ." mond WilsOn and wife. . der Is active around headquarters, ~ 'BOOm 'l'lible and 56 Ky" spent from Friday untU sunda~ 'By the e!id of June the country 'Mr. and Mrs. PhU Young enter- but says, "I am just one of the boys '. iSuflet to ~!Alh. 'P hone ;1935. b ~r parents, Mr , and MrIi . w1ll have consum.ed . ,000,000 talned guests frail) OLn.c lnnatl, Sun- in the ranks Bot this convention,,1 . Walter o. ~rk' ,Miss Wanda nnd Jr. \ bUS . hels of Jut yeal"s .whcat harvest da.y. • .• In ' aplte Of the heat of the • ' II'IOR ~te ltltchen Oblllll, Mri .. CIIlrk is quije Ill, beln~ bedfast and 300,000,000 of the' ca"ry over, "':'alter Wlison att.ended a faruUy Prwdential cam~gnj our local !,~ ,CI1136M. ' Ipost o~ the time. , leavlhg but 300,000,000 bushels In dJnner at, the. hOIll4! of Mrs. Sara Ohio ,boy" . are pro~ent every. " ' . , .~ .~~ " ~e Plan~, , The K~k-SO f-aI 0100 met o.n I reserv~. G~t9rJe near B~Ulbroo'k Sunda~, where and local state pol1t1ca III , 1J0c. J)er elOleJl, S eloien 25c; celerY J~e 18. . .' being dlscusSed on evelV hjmd. All' . plants, 40c per hUDC1red. OhaI'les ; ·Mrs. Lucy ComplooI?; . Mr. ~nd of.the prel!ent, aoc1 many of the ~~O. st.rou.e; l\i . 'mUes nortb of . Mrs. Raleigh ~Bn a.nd CharIBY, RepubUea.n, leaden are her~. . ,WilyneevWe, come.r · Waynesville • Mendenh~ll were dlnner guests Sub- Among ·the YOUJl8er leader., the 1I'erry and LYtle -roada. ', 13 FIRE ' AND . EXTENDED COVERA'G' ON ' FARu day ot Mr. and Mrs . WllUam Smith po}?ularity of. Dale .Stump 18 shOWJl 11'1 and MarilYn Sue. Afternoon callers by the numbers WDO conStantly AN.j) TOWN PROPERTY. " were Mr . a~d Mrs. Roy Bogan of around him. I"OR a.\LE-Poland Oblna Boar, LlAB'ILlTY, COMPRE~ENS. IV,t, COLLISION AND tbeIn Sprlngfield nell!:hborhood. • •or. Ohio, • e11i1ble to revtster, 10 montha old. honor of Miss Oharlotte Hart- · !Herbert Hoover comes up !Phone 29~. MEDICAL EXPENSE AUTOMOBILES. man whose marrlig.e Wtll-be in the a "clever one" b&e. Be sa WPB . officials announ~ that A:LL"'KINDS OF SURETY BONDS Dear future ·the HaJilpy HoUr clUb· is pQSsJng out a card for trui 1nslde 'of , , . giving ' a shower ' .thls arU;rnoon 'hat bands, 'which say 'on OIle 2,000,000 electzlc irons 'Wlli be releaa- ' Old Line Stock Company Serv:ce (Tuesday) at 'the liome . of Mrs. ~'W1n ' a new faU ' hat: on Rer, eCl to the public' this ,year. . . -rHESE STORES WILL ' BE ' CLOSED . STANDAR'D POLlCIES '- LOW RATES Bernice Ha.rtman ..· . " Hoover for U. Gov." The,'oill. DAY AND WEDNESDA:Y AFT£J{>NOON. ., Informa~ion Without Obligation IJttle Jlmmy~· and Oharles er,81de of 'the card pto~,your hat ¥Clntire sp~ilt la4t '~~day W1~h agailUlt careless "bat grobbers'" by WlLBUR'N.• SEARS, their granc1motherj Mrs. Glenna saylqg, ''LIke heil it's YO~Put it REAL ESTATE I MS'U . , Wilson. Thursday afternoon Doris backl" :. "" RANCE - AUCTIONEER J~, Susan Gayle and brother, I' Larry. Ellis, were hel' guests. " Il'he. Dead Sea level Is 1300 fdot Office One-BaV Square North 01 the Trll"~e ~rht On MaIn Street !Mrs. W111!ard ~ines of Dayton below aea levei. ' PhC)D826$1 Waynesville, O. haS recently go~e j o-·Ames, Iowa, to ----='--~!.:...-"-....:..:.::.,..--.;o.
'. l ~
. . . nhurc·. ~=-S
We Offer
ijIlte _UU~5fri1ie
Sati.factory Services
---------_.-. ..----------
At All
------- - - ---
-- --
, .
.. '
: ;Puesday,July 4th
N SUR A iii C E E
'. _]_1 ___ --....-.
======~=:==o:-o=;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;====~=====~J. ~ 9-12 • each ~ morning
.I ..:.,.-,....
. ~.;6 &ftern~1l8 except
. W'edneedat. " . • ~ -:9- satl,lrCla), eveDing . 'Other 'E-#e'nlnp
join . ,her husbflnd , who Is ' in camp near, there. '. ' ~s . . Dorothy SI)1;lth and dapgh-' ter, Matllyn Sue, WeI'e gues~ of Mrs . i!:van ' Bogan ot Da'ytan .Frlday,. ' I SOme QI OUI' members atitended the 1:W' 0 ,. ,1': u. meettng at tb8 liome of Mra. Dal!;y COnnarei u,. New Bur- • ll~n last ~esday arter.n<!OD.
. ..
,Prompt Service-ReasoDable Rat,s
·WaynesVille. ~Ice Co.
Por 'the year· e~dlng March .1. 1944, fann reol estli to c \fvanced 'lb. value an average CQnt for I U1~ entire U. S. in~ ' 1D ' .. in that y~llT· ,53· per cefit. Tre number of sold In~ 12 m~th.. IV~ than the IDtI'mbar ei 'tn ' In~ in 1811• .l'a,.me:rs purcbaa( IS two-~ r.old 4Obo to blrd Of tb~
~~--------------------------~----~~~-------------.------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~--------~ ------------------------------------------~~~~==~~~~NINI:l'Y-FOUBTB ~ WADlBSVILI.&. OBlQTJWBSDAY. JULY 6. 1944. WHOLE NUM:Jma
.Woman's Club Adds WAY~ T~.::r=~~~ON Four New Membez:s . iA yiaoroua C8IIDJI81in to end diver-
Dies At Home Of Daughter Wed.
A Disappointed Soldier
THEY DIED TO M AKE THEM FREE ' Appoint;Assistant Co. Superintendent
Mrs . Lottie Tlmeus passed a.way llqutd fuel tax Rayman F . Hatfield, Warren R1s leb~r to a~ mJnlster about Wednesday mornlng at the home of the ata.te gencounty supe~tendent of schools, home conditions : her daughter, Mrs. ~h Harlow it returned to reports that the county Board of lJear Preacher : mu1nclpallties Education at a meeting held Satur'1 was a t home a few days ago on on the Daytori-Lebanon pike at the road Purp<161!8 day, July 1, n&med C. E . 'B randen- a furlough and h appencCl 1.0 hear age of 84 . Funeral servIces will be held only . lHCe the rest of tl\e gaa tax, burg assistant county superlntend- you pl'enOil on th e radio, and I leel to roll call. After the bUSiness meetFriday at the residence at 11 a.. m. wI'S laUIlChed by township trustees ent of schools. Mr _ Brandenburg ttlat 1 sllo.uld wI'lte you about whll't ing four new memberB-OUve Brace, wUl assume oUlce on AugUst L Is on my h eart. For I think tho.t I Burial wtll be In SIdney ' a t 2:00 p. sarah 'Conner, Lola Bears and Mil- aDd clerks at their convention ln Oolumbus Thuraday and iFrlday. The new assl8tant superintendent wUl be going to the uatUeUelds m. Friends may call at the residred aallabury-wel'e given InUdahas been principal of Franklln lUgh within a few days and 1 want to dence after 6:00 o'clock Thursday tlon mto thl; olub. This waa In Will O. st. John, Jesse Premierpat, RotIert Furnaa, Wayne townschool for the past 17 years . He also have every thing right between me evening. charge of Florence Hastings. served In the same capacity at the ' and God bel ore 1 go. 'P !eacher, I YOUTH CENTER COMMITTEE lAtter the lnltfaUon a white ele- ship truateea, and Maynard Weltz, Willlamsburg school for rtve yea rs have n ever set:ll you nnd do not TO MEET FJl.IDAY EVENlNG phant sale was conducted by Wanda clerk. a.ttellCled the conventlon and were ·t he ·only representatives there and at Aberdeen school for one know you personally , but I wish you Clark. ThJa netted the club tU8. years . . He was bOrn and raised on would wrlle' me anQ tell me exa {;~ly The committee in cha.llJe of the There being no more business, the from Warren county. proposed youth center for Waynes- ' ApproX1mately /i00 attended the a farm In Cllnton couuty a nd is a wh' a t to do to be saved a nd ready olUb adjourned to meet at the home graduate of Wllmlngton High school to meet t he Lord If Ulis sbouJ.d ge ville and Wayne township .w1l1 meet ot K athryn O~boD8 on AUSU8~ 1. seventeenth annual ·iummer meetIng of the state IU!&OClation. Most and Wilmington college . In addl- my time to go. A!so, If you wish to Fdday night at 7:30 at the home of tion be has dOlle graduate work in r ead bills letter over the a.1r you may Mr. and Mrs. John Turner. All of the attention was devoted to a t'WIA~\?LLE CHURCH .sc~l1ng in the duties and fUncschool administration at the UnI- do so, fo r It may help some mother members are urged to be present at OF OHB.I8T STILL LEADING verslty of Cincinnati. or father to wake up to wha.t is go- this important meeting. IN AT1'ENDANCE CONTEST tlons of townshlp offlc1aliand to post48.f pla.1ln1n8. Half of ,the Mr. Brandenburg is a ve teran of lug on. PerhSi.js it may reach my <?ther In tereated cl tlzens are. also 80,000 mUee of b1ihway.s in Ohio are World War I. OWIl own mother and help b er to welcome , (Contributed) , It has been salll that the people on the township system. TownBhLpi see wl1a.t she shoUld do. SUNDAY DINNER GUESTS her to see wbat she should do. belonging to the OhUllCh of .otu1Bt alao bandle rural ilre protection, believe and teach that they are t.be look after 1800 ,of the 2tOO celMNow , here is t.\'le story. When I Mr. and Mra. Wal ~r S. Praaure only ones that shall inherit eteRiaI "-riea ,~ Oblo. and adm1ni.ster hos- abo,!,,! This polgnllnt ' plcture made by an Army Signa] weUL home tbe other week, I went entertained to cUnner the Fourth ...., ... a kneelinr Romon mother ond ber cllild gentb' and reveren WILll 11 l eellng of joy. aUd yet th ere Dr . and Mrs. T. C. Frasure and Ule and \.bat all people belonging pitallzatton and burta. of indigents. ing flowers over thlJ still forms of _wo American boys , who pa the to other faltha WUI go to hell. Unseveral --Inent .speakers ad- suopreme prlc.e to liber ate th 41m from the Nazi and Fa/ici sl grip. Look at Mrs. Lucy Dm, 82, died at 12 :30 was a burden on my hean. 1 knew chtldren of Ripley, Mr, and Mrs. h ha ..~~....)I&........ ' a ces' and you wUJ see that both mother It and Ch~ realize that these p m Thursd'''' mt the hom d ou bte A'" U'J, some, wove ~ .. the convention 1nclucUng their 1 - m e of Mr. that perho· ClKK:U Americans died .tor them . Lemember this p c ure ..",en you are asked ·d · ...." s it wo uld be my loat ~ Bruce Goodwin and of norant on ScrIptural teachtng, who ~yor Prank .J. L6uache of Cleve- to buy an extra War Bond during the Fifth War Lol\IIl. an Mrs. O. B. Marlatt In WayDeS- lU1'lough home, and tha t maybe 1 WUmlngton and Mr. atd ' Mrs. W. have been 'members of , the ~hurch laIld. Democratic candlda~ for gov(I. S. l't<l... " V,p.".""J ville . She was born In Springboro. would never see my follts agaln . For E. Frasure, of WnminatGn. of ObrlSt have made auch state- ernor • The ai&ocJation now has a SurvIvtng are two sons. Harry I know tha t not aU of us are coming menta. but they are not true. The 1 01 6,000. ' f and Warren Burton. Bervioes were back. aud as yet 1 am nOL ready to church does not te84lh that all deheld at 1:00 p. m . Saturday at the die. So as I went home. I went bOpnomlnattonallsts are 10llt. home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlatt with Ing that Mother and Da d would help JULY FOURTH GUES~S ""-Ie elde8t daughter of """"'~k Mrs . V.l o'-· Harlan ,- spendin" a ,P t. Benjamin Hatrls, Indr-Pvt . . Rather, it waches tha.t all people, """ • ......,,, . . . . . . D and May Woollard M1l1er , was bor n few 'Weeks wi th her son-In-law and burial In Spring Valley. me to ge t r ight 'wlth the Lord. I I ",·.pr"r.r. A. Savage. husbUld of Mrs. retlo.roless 'of den6mt.natlonal oUtll- 1Mr. and Mrs. 'RObert Furnas and In Wa,ynesvUle Jan.n. 1912 and P@8S daughter, Mr. an.d Mrs. H. B. EarnLETl'ER FROM SOLDIER knew that they had bever been very Ruth M. Baovage of WeyneavtlIe. 0., atlon. should ' unite. upon t.he com- son. Benny, entertained for Cpl. ed away at General Hospital 'in Cln hart and chlldr1en. · religious, but they belonged to the R. 2, has. been transferred to mon BT()und of. _~_ GQd'!I Word, acceptMrI. Robert Winfield of Oall- <l'nnaU, June 17. 1944 aged 32 years • • • . , The f ol1owing was written by one church aud claimed to be Chrl8tlans. Pt. McClellan, Ala.. for ti8.aic In- · tng only the LClWhtns of tbe New lomla at a picmc aupper July 4 . 5 months. 'Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Batley and of our local boys in a recent · letter : ·They never had family prayers IUld fantry tra.1nll'!4r. Testament conce~ the., ch1U"ch Others who helped to celebrate the During her chlldhood, she lited tn daughter attended the Weller reJ ack was in the hOlqlo1tal having did not seem to oa re much ~bout the IRECBI''TIC»;iSiiiimn~ Ilnd patterning the church ot today ooca.s1on were Mni. L . R. Winfield Waynesville and e.t tended · the PUb- union Sunday. been In!ured In an automobile ac- real spiritual work of the chu ch. SUNDAY PO. exacUy after the church.of !.he NI!'W and daughters, Joanne and VirSchools. • • • cldent. In his room there were at But I had the idea bha.t tha t wo\lld REV. AND MItS. COLEMAN Testament. ~. Mr. ~d Mrs: Harry Thomp- She WB.S married .to Jose-ph Leaf, 'lM1'h't and 'Mrs 'IlPaUl Furay and least four boys that had theIr legs a ll be changed now. 80Diel)ow, Members and frienda of the .In the 'New Testament there was eon an" sOn and da"·.... ter. James daug ers 0 f Ye aw Sprt.ngs were shot oU anywhere from just above Preaoher, I felt that surelY. this WaynesvUle !Methodist church 'WID ,. ... ... ..... where for several years" she was elll- 1.'NI~ek- erld guO-t: o· Mr d iMr but one chureh. That cburcu 'Was 181l1lv,elv and Ella ' Hurley ell of ' .' ~ 'I ~ . an . s. the ankle on up ttl the hips. There war with aU th~t It 18br lngtng a reception Sunday' evenkll at not a denomlnaUon or a Part of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. D.' _ ployed by The M e1s 'Shoe company. Carl ¥erguson., they lay or propelled themselves In wouJ.d make mot.her and· dad really 'I :30 for the new m1nlater, !Rev. a she WILs married to Jo.seph Leaf, • • • .......... the real church . 'Inate,ad,it.waa t.he Mrs. Jennie Thomaa. Mr. and who died about teo years ago. After Mr. and Mrs . O. I. Satterth- wheel chairs, 1 noticed one boy as llve for the Lord.• B. Ooleman and his ' f~. church Itself.. Ohrlsttanlt.y can dO u-"d M1iIlld1ne and daugh- hla death she secured employment and ch1ld-en of Alexandria, he lay there, his 'body slowly 80 I went home hoping that they • . - ... ' ¥ .. no more than pattern af~ the &era, and Mrs. Forest Graham and tn OincLnnati, where she llved until Vlrgtnla, are, en~oy".. a vaCllitlon twitched, the result of some p&1n wouJ.d talk to me about being a leave: Preacber.l co\l1d not s~d it church of tile New Testame~n, , da"..... "" " tIves h'ere~ and shattered nerves. 1 dldn',t no- Christl.an, and tha.t they would try any longer. 1 I i ".... ,,"", ...... . ..... _ .. "In.. . .ter. . . Doro'''u, . . . . , all of WaynllS- her death. . Ff! .... . ' ln:r"'"- ~QOB. I\CCOr....... to ' the Word. it Clan v11lt!. Her second huSband was George • • • , tlce what was .the nature of h1s i11- to help me' to get saved e.nd ready !l am a fool, ' but I.. broIte d~ . ~ no 1e!rII' and Oe Obrlatlan. . "'n uni bUn Mrs. B . H . D; ' MJaa ness. In a few minutes 1 glanced to meet the Lord. I went home cried . lllte a baIW', 1__. J'''. t ......,Id nnt ·· people e A _ .... • .... es --"ed .. i_: ............. N ST·"· TO MEET and to t..... on one c ... Orace WUll amsc)q an d .-. .....•an d ... _ .... -.-or ndt - .... .,.,.~~....,. The ......... ,......._k over and there he was slttJ.ng .t htnk1ng that surely my mother was help it. It was ...1l ":~~l Pe of ............... ........ - . ' .- .I'I1DnV p'-~ . Douglas. was born. 'r·'r.:~·''''' • 'Dr - 11---'" ~'ft"'.'" ... 1<- ""d Cipl.... _ ...w own .'Were UI . . .... up ... "" . h 0 lding up what . was l'odt = Interested In the splrttuat con.ditlon havtng to leave. I did -not. mltltt that .., " - own as the ..... ·lattan ch"-", ~ chapter 100. Drder or East- .BesIdes her young son, she leave. "'" hel M .DAUA ~- ~ .. 'a t her s ummer h ome 0 f hla 1ego Oneof t h e other f eIIows of h er sons. • I have a1ways thoUgnt 80 bad. 1 kneIW that I m1aht never more. cor:rect'" Aa"'':'' th---A'VA- em Star, WU1 meet In ._ ....... sea- her husband, her mother. her -I>th o.• J"'" nl vy......... .,.....,. .... " on MODClay eve"'"" at.8 o·'cl..::.... · • Is La ~.. ......... lor a F.our ....... _cnJc. lCame by and spoke to him and he thllt my mother was the finest see them aQaln . But' that waa not ithe Church of ChrJat, stan'd tor .+ ...,.... ... ... _ . . . . . father, .wo 8 ters, ura a ..... __ oT, i'e1U'1 Ridge. W, M. both ' of WaynesvtlIe. and four repIled with the best of smUes and woman 'In the world and have been what worried me. I just hacI to cr:v unity of all believers in Oh~t. Their Sec'" . Mr . and MrIS . A.. H. Earnhart. cheery eJOpres.slons. All or those fel- very proud of her. So 1 told myself to th1nk that-my own~r ud Plea. Is the uhlty of ~II bel1evera, in Mary Earnhart, .,. brothers. George and Everett of Alton Earnhart, LeMar _ Earnhart , OhrJat ...... _'WaynesvUle" Emerson, who is tn Mr. and il\4rs. Earl Earnhart and laws found something to be happy tbat mother was praying for me 'Were noli m. the least lntereet.ed . .... ; their plan, the restoratl.... FRIENDSHIP .CLUB TO BOW the U. S. Army somewn re with the ch1ldren attended a pIcnlc dinner on about. I wonder how many people and that she was lllteres ted in In my salvation. of ,.I1e church of the New pOTLUCK ' DINNER baok there could do that it they tng her boy saved, whether anyone Preacher, ~ came "baci to ~ , nil""""", ..... lighting forces a.nd oarl, Q m1JU9ter Sunday at the cou.ntry home of Mr. had to wItlls tan. d su. ch " .......or t une. ·· e",e 1- was or no. t dete-'... ~.. ' .-_..-....... ...,.,n"e"--· _._ _ ' .......ed by . the .help of God to ment ., "'A'_ ""' '''1m ' club ...... in ~e Bible SemInary. and Mrs. Ben SmIt h near James. boys were the best specl ~ tion of .t he' world. They ""'0 n'" Vl<..... ..___ . . u.::_ -endahlp ~.. ' w..... hold a and st.u dent to Those But tWngs at home were not what get saved. But I also came bIIck ft --. but 'w., ~- the only' O·h rlsti...... '''ey ~t li1c1t cUnner Wednesday. July 12, Otnclnnatl. mourn her loss. town . to ·uc ••• mens of ADler1can youth, ma.lmed I bad expected to fllld them. I t;hlnk wondering what wouJ.d happen 'to are, content to be Obrtatlans only. at 12:00 o'cloct'" at the Metbodlat Death 18 only an old door for' llfe; possibly their whole llves I came back to camp ~e most dIs:- mother and dad tf God abo··· .. c:a1l ., :Mr. .and Mrs. 'F orest Meeks of ..... 'Ilhey .sound a twofold, clarion sp- church. Those fl~d1ng are to Set In a garden wall. ruined and they smiled. Then. I couraged boy that there has ever t hem' into ·t he Jud8fnent. I not . peal~ne is the ' caU to the world brin8 oave.red c11sbea. .sandwiches On qute~ hinges it gives at dusk Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. H. B , think of the people In the states been. For when I got home every- very RroUd of mother now. I' lee to know and accept Jesua OhrLIt: and table service. Wben late birds call. Earnhart and famHy enjoyed a plc- who just can't be bothered to ex- thing seemed to be just about as that she is · more Interested In her f. llic and fishing along the rive SWl- pend their time or money to help usual. About the only dlflerenc.e clubs and vlslta and clotbee than · ~he oth er Is to the divided orces.o. ~ong 'the ' uDtel are green leaves, tohriBtendom to get together on the LOOM. TBACBBB. aBSlGNS Beyond, the llght lies sttll; . day. • • • Win this war. They can't afford' to that I could see was tha t they . she Is In the salvation of her own NI!'W Testament baals. . May . ' God . Very w~ry anc;t .WUllng t eet EldOn Ellis Sind MIss Joy~e Mey- buy war bonds which pay them tn- 1ussed a lot about having to put up son. And one day wh~ I IImellecl speed the day when the wali.s of M1aa V1rIln1& . Blackburn, who GO over that..ll1. • ers, Pvt. and Mrs. Paul Miller sp;;nt teresf. they can't find time to W1'1te with ratiOning and because they cigarette smoke on 'h er - tIrtiMb. I partitiOn may come dO'jm and ·there tausht ,the flrat grade in the local , There la nothing to trouble any lWednesday eV4mtng with Mr. IUld letters, t.hey have no time for any couJ.d not buy Just Bonythtng they knew .that mother was Juat .. badly s)laij In truth be-one told ~der the SChools; submitted heJ. reatgnatton heart,..... Mrs : Lorain Miller 'a nd son til Day- fonn of war relief. You k.now some wante? to have. AB far as their re- tn need of someone praY1b8' .for bel' One «ieat ~epberd. . ' at 'ijle'meeUns of the Board of EduNothing otQ hUIlt at all. ·tan. of them and most of them could Ugious life 18 concerned I think as I am . .In laat week's contest with the cattoQ Monday evenlni . She baa Death la only an old door • .• • 'W ell affaird to do ·any· or all of they must be farther from God Now, I know that 1an't in'.. PeR}' Chiircb of Obrlst; the f.ot!ala accepted a ~t.1on in the Harrison. Set in ' it garden 'wall, Lt . and Nrs. A. R. Starke have those things, yet the boys can af- !.han they have ever been. Pre~r. terested In h18 sOn,'s I!&1v. on. Ob, 'Were: WaynE8Vllle Oburch of Ohrtat, OhIo, achoola.:.· " 1 • Card 01 Tbanb returned to FIort Smith, Arkansas, ford ' to lose their lives. their careers, ~hey seem to be asleep to what thla he ' got a klck 'out of takl.ns. me I, . ; FelTY. 634 fI)01nts. '1bla lWeek. M1a8_:w.ckhum' r~tlon family wtsbes to extend their after spending seme time with Mr. and parts of their bodies and do it war is doing, and lI11ltead of waking around and .showing the men ,or tbe t.o~ were ~aynesvtlIe. G; PerrJ ' There are ~ ~ac&nctes thanks to everyone 'Who and Mrs, Ed Hopkins. wIth a smtle. It calla tor the highest up and .g~~~~~~~~~~Ml!~~~~~t;l~~~~~~~I.Jlm:~.:~~!J ..a. TIle Ferry church leacta a few {Wed On the local teacbing 1mrJpc;~ them In uny, way during • • • kind of ~e to face ltfe like seem to be flettlng ' deeper In sin. and all of that. But Preach.po1nta on attendance, alone. but OIl a teacher to take II1BIi Black- their bereavement. Sgt. Clyde F.romm left Wednesday that. It ha.s always been like that The mother that I thoug.ht would er. dad does not care about my .-1ctll,1lng and letter writing, the local burn'a place 'aDd a mua1c 1nBtructor Mr. and Mrs. MacElfresh night for MacDlll, Fla., after enJoy- and I guess aU we can do Is hope pray with me and help me to be vation. He Is too much intereatetlm church leads by a ~t III&- to tate the place of E. W. Scofield and Brothers 'a nd ststers Ing several d~llS here with hla par- that man will &OllIe Ume Improve saved. ·never anC8 meritioned relig- making a dollar, I even caucbt Jorlty. The totals for the contest who la naw workln8 in Houston.. of the Deceased. ents, Mr. lind Mrs. J. ,p . Fromm. hlJnself to the point where he can ion to me. She has even qUit going him drlnklng one day In · .. ~ thus far are: 'Waynesville. ~,wll; Miss Jeanne ~;er ·of the st. Ellz- think more often of the other fel- to church with the eXcuse tha.t they Joint. I know thla Ja a l q letter Ferry. 2,532. AT ,QWT LAKES law . do not have enough gas to drive to and w1l1 take 80me of Your prec10Ua ~. Randall of the W~esville BNROLLED AT OHIO STATE aOOth Nurses Tralhlng achool . or church. I noticed that they could tlme, but I write it In the hope that . Church of Ohrlst will preach on' the . IDllvt,on. spent Saturday with her WOMAN FOUND DEAD take a drive and go visiting in the you may be a.ble to MY or do some. - .. """ .. d ts "ed a t 19Qr~t La.Ites, Dl-:-:-1ohn 1lll J>h1lllps, parents. Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Baker. Of ... following subjects next Lord's Day: w:n:: -... ... . u en enro.. f u_.n....-... BENEATH VIADUCT afternoons on Sunday. Anyway the t h1ng that wlU waite the' n...a'.___ son 0 ......... "'''''''I ge Ph ps, of . • • • ...........,... In the momlnlJ, "Jesus the MArvel-' Oblo. S tate Un!verstt)' f or th "",e 11rat "'a'. ~A.vl"e, Ohio. la receiVing hla " ohurch Is not very far and anyone fathers and niothers of AmertCa up ' te f the uarter nine n· _ .... W 'Mr. and Mrs_ Willard Kersey and t 0lI8 Man." and In the eveh1ng. '''IiIe ~ 0 , summer q • lnlttal naval '-doctr.--tion at the Warren county ofttclals ques- who was really Interested could 0 see that they have boja aDd glrla Warren county tollawa' ........... daU8hters have moved to their new h _ ,aa ·. Q, S. Naval Tr61nlJll Oe~ter, Great homel near ~anon. tioned Greyhound bus drivers at walk. wo need to be saved and ~t thV Qbange of Heart." One ~ troIr are ~.~ Sunday, JUly 16, the subjects 'W1l1 be: ~. A, K~, ~onta; RIchard lakes, m . , Cincinnati Wednesday In connec~ iDad is all wrapped up in hla job. shOuld help tbelll. Tell the mothers ~,_ "boot" training co-.... -ts of InRob tion with the investigation of . the Of course. it is a, defense job bu~ where ever yoU caD, that for Goci'a 'Matbhew's Call to Bel'Vlce" 'and M . Wb1~, Bla.nicbeater; Paul A. , ....:._••"'te C --- er IRNI Mr. and l.VlIiS. J. N. InliOn and . Ire "What Must I do To Be Baved'" - . . . . . . . . ~""n • structlon ,_ ' -e~_ft~. _" .... mm>._. . d for the sake of the1r "-'ll -...--..... . ..... ., of lDayton spent the Fourth ()f death ,of Mrs. Helen Cnlho.un, 37. he does not seem to care much sa an ""1"Woodford C. Testeiman, Foster; drill , a_.. ral . Canten. whose body was fa . und re· a.bout the defense end ot It. All he they should get "'ftht ..... gepe J}&Val procedure. wtbh their parents. Mr. and .... With God ·"d SEWING GROUP MEET8 . RalPb E. A1l18on. PaUl T. Kemper, His recrul~ traIning tomplet.ed, .the cenUy belaw 'an 8~-foot · highway could talk eJ;Iout was the big .aalary quit this foollsh. 8ln.fuJ. way in AT m,A8UB..B BOlli: Morrow; DoDne. L. Sharp, Plee.eant se~ willsP8J.l<l a period of leave . E.F. En~:rt: viaduct at Foster. Sheriff Hufford he waa getting, and the fact that whIch they are going, and get dawn Pw.u.: and Georsla M. Bt\.rrett, B. ~t ~ome. . Pvt. and MIrs . Paul R. 'M11ler of said they wIShed to question. the their local union was pressing for to business In praying for ' the b01I ~. ..' George Field. m., have been enJoy- drivers to determine if Mrs. Cal- more money. One day when 1 said and girls of this nation. Tell th& BsMOVED. TO ,BOSPI'l1AL - tng a ten-day furloligh with their houn was alone on a ride ahe is be- something about it being the big- fathers that they should qult tb~ BNTEBT.-..xS OItOUP " and let Ja . pa.rents, Mr. and Mrs . C. 'P . Ell Is, Ueved to have taken lrom OlD.cln- g~t salary he had -ever. gotten • .he drlnking and lambling . •• . AT BRIDGE PARTY aJidfamily . '1'hey also visited rela- natl to the scene of her death. -said, "0 well, I Just might as well terea~ tn their chUdren and in tives In Dayton and Piqua. Ofttcers have been unable to detell- get my pUt out of thla war." God's work'more than they are til.. • • • mine whether she jumped, fell or P1'eacber., I beUeve ,that h~ Is act- terested In malt1ng money. Tell the Mr. and Mrs . fia' O. Brawn at- was pushed from the top of the ' uaUy glad that the war 18 going on. young glrls '(Bond I have some aI8.: tended ' bhe w,eddlng of Mtu llatlan viaduct. He did not seem a bit interested In ters) to qUit thelr lIlDok1nfl UI~ IHenlllrllwiOn and Wtlllam Dechant ---.....,.,- the faot that the longer the War dancing and petting, IUJd ' to be " at ObmiOotllte saturday. ~e BA;JLOR WHO TOOK P~T IN goes on tbe more people 'W111 lose clean OhrislJa.os 50 that theJ · wID ' there they were guests of 'M r. and JNVA8I~N VISITS HER': thetr ·Uves. Au. he seemed to care be ~it to marry a decent man' ~ • Mrs. Karl B.odenbender. Thef'ali9 sea~~ and ~'. 'Perry E. Ben- ~bo~t ~~ hl,s ·p..y. · , day and raise a family. ' . vJsited Mr . . Iwd Mrs. P. R. 140:0- ' . J:r. (nee Kat.bljn Walker), were So I · apen~ ~y - entire !urlough at '~eacher, keep tell1ni ~ son. , UlIWi. The bride l8 .a COIIiUnlmll!il',t\I'J~kIe~y lUoota Of Mr.. and Mrs. Del- home. :.Ttme . and ~a~l) . I ..yould truth, over aiid over and 0\'''' The group W1)l ~ guest. of teacher at Pran1titn. . Collier '94" Barbara. Mrs' . 'Up the sUbject · of re1tg1on, aha please ~a.Y tor '~ :lail'.!II~", "li6RDi Morlin t~ tbelr nest meet. • • • Benton ret , .' flO ,New Yor~ with hoptnc U!at mother . or dad would and father and aJa&eJj, and M1'II. VIctor Burrta and ber husband OD:saturday for an in- talk to me- ~out mr soul . .O haw I Just. what I man .u .. Dnma 'Grubb of Dayton JNete def1n1t.e sta)'. Beaman BeDton haS wanted mother \0 pray ~or ,fD8 anJi l 'o),'..I"III,f...or I 'Want . to . . .. NIlII:ltllll<P here at the home of 111'. recently returned trom Clut;1. how I . wanted dad to ·talk to me. Of and ' ready ~ . . . . IIJ'B. Ruaae1l Bentley 'Iiuead&y. ~1lIII'YW. 8JMIllt 36 b01U'8 ln th' lnvu- courae 1 bad never heard !pother ;~~ it I have to· die ~ ...... . • • • on D-Cay. praY. and . dad had never sa.14 a , word to me in an my llfe about D11 IIAKB :BOIII£ IN OKLAIIOMA 8OUl,. but l thoUgh~ tllat surely th1a war 1VOIIld maIle people turn . to lin. PraDk DIIJdn of Korth atreet, God. But' Ute. full time of my' iurThe Progressive Women's club &ton or the one-cent held its J'~uJ.ar meetthg at lihe wb1ch now goes into heme of Mrs. Itaia Thompson on eral tund and have Monday evening, July 8, at 8:00 the etate, counties, o'clock. Fifteen members responded aQ.d to\dwUpII ' tor
Aged Lady Passes Away Here Thursday
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louah puaed eel they had DOt aaSd . . . . . . ward. 1
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ll- pal s ha \Ie .sUSpended publ\~ " \ w~ so 11IIInrulJy bUTI1 d some weeks ;-.. ) -. -or '" ~ auml during ' these Wl\l'tlme !'layS ago. l)j showing $OmE; inl 'ovemenl II '.J. ~ • dUll to .shrinklng adv.t!l't1Slng 1ev)iIr. and Mrs, lo7~ade Te.rry spent ~Wy · !I;. WaynesVil).l!. Ohio PbODe 210 Malo Street. enues a.qd the 111gh oost of printing ThW'Sday evening wlnh MI. an~ ' ' . , -.-,-------~---------------.,-the, paper, WIth an Investment or. ,Mrs. George .PIYtlllre. l~ltnRv Dltered oM ~n(1 0laaI .Mall Matter at Posto1Jlce. Waynesvllle. Ohlo sever:nl 1ih'ousal1d dollars the small Mias Jessie Garner' Was a Wedtown 'P'Ibl:sher has an inoome ot nesday afternoo'n vlBlt.or of Mr, and WaJt.e r W. Wiseman. Editor and Publishel' abou~ one-naIf ot that 'of 'ql4\l}y Ml's, R. 0 , Boulware, in Olark.svU1e. Dl:~QRE' ':"-~t"""--:"'-'-;I88=UED==-=EVE===R=y::-1THURS==:=:D::-:A:-:y:;--7-'"--;""- 'War workel'$ wh.o have nO~h1n~ inMrs. Ja,Ine4 M<lDotla\d. who has ~ vested. In View or \JUs we cannot <been ihdlsposed for several days l.II wlIlultand the attitude ot the lIub.80111e improved at -thla tlnle. SJ,it;M!rtotlon Price. 11,50 Per Year. Payable In Advance ~rlber 'Who geta "sore" becaust~. ..Mtl!. J;)t.hel Beason I1Ind"Mrs, MarY paper I\'lIS stoPPed ntter be tailed McCarren Of HarVEty:;burg, Were Republ' cans Unit.; Solidly t.o pny his sUbscrlpUon. ,Sunday evenlllg callfr,s al the Terry Gehind G~vernor.' Ticket WE ..SPAPB. A NQ 8B."'I(B. IN~. • . home. 't n our o'pin1on tile adjustmcM Or For Preside.nt:al Race• ........ we.w "0*_1•.,....... conversion o! ind.u stry and activity PUB L 10 S1 A L Ii: III this oUntry from> Ule war pro, • ' gmm t o the pUl.ce program Is going Having sold my flUVII. I wtIJ sell Ey GEORGE ,A; BARCLAY Home N.~ to be n big task Iby !.he time All ad- at publl.c auotion 30 mi es north of MID scenes of harmony ... W. lMdolplo I." • • • • • HaIrrooIr 1114. s... Fr-*",. c:.a. jusLment4 n ecessary for lsmooth nor- Wa.y nesvUle. 2 mUes eust of Lylle In ~ a nd enthusil;lsm th!lt proIDal luncllorung are made. lBtg as the edge or ;>erry. located on the claim~d to the nation the Re. Dayton and WllmIn gton Pike on a terrible stink." It seems to us that it will be . however, we do not thiJ1lt publican p~lrty's unity of pur"If she can 'Wear slaCks I It will b h r hi SATURlDA~, JULy 15. 1944, G Th E D any odor they might raise woUld be t.h e as tnuc 0 a pro em as Beginning at 12:30 Prompt pose, OV. o~as . e wey can t.Qo," 1& the CormnOD expression at which will fae!; the boy who The following Ilrtlcl:e.s, ,to-wit: of New York was chos'et\ the Qt tbe 'Women 'whom nature has not inconsequential compared wl!.h that 14--HiElRooF0RD CAT'l'LE- 14 party's wartime nominee for deSIgned ' to wear slacks when she coming from our gutters on a hot ,hus Ibeen flying a combat plane or has had charge ot landing barges. Two cows with calVeJ3 by side; four the presidency at the national sees other women whom DaLure l1as day . ••• toI come back bome and drive a /lin- cows, pnsture bred; bwo bred bellers i c on e n tio n in Chicago. ~ , not deMcned to wear slaoks. wearing When post-war Plans are bemg C e spu tte.r lng tractor up and down four young bulls. This Is a real herd The delegales, whose nominating them. Inlentions had been app~rent 10/lg considered we ho;'.o tha t, our leaders I a ~rn field or a wheat field. That of Her~foids. • • • will remember that 'Whatever pi ns Is going to require some real adJust1 SOW; 5 PlGS before Ihey .assembled I.n Chicago, It 18 beginning to look as though re made and whatever part this ment. . picked the 42·year-old 'governor by Sow wlth nve wenning pigs. a 1056.10.1 vote, Thel! they m ~de it Wayne township wlU fal1 tor the a country Is to have in them that it The editor of one of our exchang'40-0HI0KENS-40 an olL.governor, East·Mlddle West t!rat tlme to meet her quoua In the ,b e remembered ~hIlt America es makes this suggestion, It. after Forty hend 9f White and , B:u'fed . tielret by choosing Ohio's John W, F1tth W.r. ~nd drive. Let·s put on ' Bricker 'for the vice. presidential a flpal spurt '01 buylng and put the must be kept strong, We must 1:e the war, there Isn 't jobs enough for ' Roc~ hens. nominatiol). A single W~consln dele· old toWnahlp over -the top for the strong In financial resources a.nd In eVE'ryone, we are In favor ' of giving I li'J1lElD..-4 tons AUalfll hay. lMPLEMEN'I'S--Superlor manure gale. Grant Rit ter. (a~m er of Beloit. sake of qur boys and glrls I~ the t he spirit of Nationalism, We 'm ust the .jobs to those 1vho s truok on the . service. The I purchaser of (Weir Loan ha.ve a strong army, a strong alrforce ' baLtle fro,nt rather tlllln to those spreader, good bne; Mc:COrmlck corn had cast a sin Ie baIJot for Gen . bi" ....be r tlre dency. Dougla~Governor MacArthur for was tile Ilomipresl· bonds ,w1l1 <be ~Ice happy over his and a 6trong ,navy , Never again must I' wllo strllok on the home f'ront. n",er, In goo d ~ h wpe; ru." Bricker we pel mit ourselves to Ibe lured IIiway • • • . wagon .... lh flo·t to side bo~r" purcbaie.. He :Will to h&l='py In the ... .. p, u U3; nated IJnanimously. conaclouanesa that he has helped the from these obviously desir able and ' IIf!.he youth center does not ma- hay rake, hay tedder; corn planter; , Wendell L , Willkie. Republicnn 1D~aslon throUih the purchase of necessary things by the unsound the- t rlallze flere wily nob use the Whellt dr;U; wagon with bOl( bed; standa rd-bearel' In 1940, was quick boDds, he wlU be happy 'when ory that being IlrcP'lred make tor money alrfady raised to establish a wheelbarrow; grindstone: platrornl to congratulate GovernOr Dewey. "You have one of the great oppor· his tIon~ mature Ulat he made such wur, .and 'bemg unprepared Is an In- 1llayground? 'A playground Is ve ry sca les ; 4 'rod sewer tile; several l&i surance agains t war. We have had badly needed in WaynesvUle In our of field Wet gar en . plow; lence wnl~ies of hlstOTy.'1 he told the \ . a aotmd Investment. stretcher; e!ectrlc fencer ; steel nominee In a message sent from two tragic examples of the fallaoy of opinion. • • • UlOSts; barb wire; 3 oil drums; 8 gal- New York City, such a doctrine, We must not only Wbtle d18cu.alng the' WaynesvtlJe war internatlollnl collaboration 11'l"' FII We catch ourselves dreaming of vanlzcd chicken cooPS.' pitchforks, • es t 0 Cbl earo_ aewer IlWat.iQn or lack of It the oth- have ~ good amly and a good navy A F xnn kll n · D . R oQseve It did In cluded. Their views had ilie vigorand a good nlrforce., we must have , and sometimes almost lonolng for h Is d t I S .. S ove an sJ'tlall 0015; glr s bicycle, 1932, Governor Dewey new to Chl- ous support ot WeQd ell Willkle, But er daJ' with • local res1.dent we asked eago from Albany, New York. to the prospects ot allY convention·noor ..hat would boppen.If the town went the 'besL. And finally as the preacher ~he day WhE!.Ll an Ice cream' co.ne III fjrst class sbape. etc. HOU8l!lHOLD GOOJDS--.!Kalama- deliver In person his acceptance battle Quickly laded when the ,dele. ahead and used the sewer despite says. we should dlseourage the Idea satlsOed all our needs and left us the aWtude of health authorities . 8S un-American and false to our trl!. In II state of mind (ree b'om worry, ~o coal range, out two years. good speerh to the delegates. Vast crowds gates <shouted 'thei r Dcceptance 01 as now; electric May tag 'w asher; surgi ng around the Chic ago Stadlum the, platform without any ' audible Be answered, "Dr. Blair (county dltlon and Ideals that Amerl ns concern or want. ' • • • dining table and 6 chlairs; dresser; hailed the nominee when be arrived dissent. " , health comm1asloner) and the state should not t ight for libe~ty Ilnd right . Some men a.ppear to spend the sideboard ; B beds. SP"LllgS ,and mut- from the Airport. Inside the conven- · Hall Dewey Leadership. txlard of health oU1cera would raise IIrnd against a,gresslo'n , first haU or th eir lives creaUng tresses; rock1ng ·chairs. straight tilln hall he wa'S given a trl. , Th~ convention's action on forel~ • • OnlY r:li~~ ;~~~~~ acst)~~"r;;!:eth~I~~:; i::paeemsper~crat ~ afOtermd etrhOeW~~~!.!hlo ' ln8 llalblts that sl1Ort.en the other half. ohairs; ,plano and stool; rugs, eook- \lmhPbacnt ovation th;'t enhdwed M I, ""G ............... Ing utensils; d1shes: <:anned fruit : w en ongl'essmcm " osep '. nr· among many subscribers that It 'Was ' tin Jr. of Massachusetts, house thnt the Republican party wlll look , AUCTIONEERING not nece8llllry to pay their subsorlpllE~CH mea.t block and many ()ther articles. minority leader and petmanent to Governor Dewey fo'r decisive StaDIa,. ...d Koocler it tb a convon ti Oil. suc- lendership, For the deiegates lettto Terms tlll.'ls until they were good and . Cash ch a rrn'," 0 H C P1!INNmGTON d d I ga eling silence the nominee the responsibility for ,P or Dates, Pbune 281M. Waynea· readY. As much as 'We /Would. IIke' to, 'liNN J.,.... IL' C;"'",,,., C .. ,re""ulIIl..... ' . cee c n ~ . , .. Stanley' and Koo;;ler, J!l.uetloneeJS Interpreting the platform and transvWe, Ohio, Revelle Char8es We can,not continue to send the Ga~ Curford Jeffery who Is In the f!,eason and St. John. Cletks. Governor Dewey's speech w.s laUng, Its planks inlo a: definite prozetta for any length of time after Navy at Hertford. N. Caroline, was rorthrlght and dlreet~ Ii was re' gram, " , BaOKBBs JJC£NSB ;; a sub6crlptlon haS expired. Many home on furlough for a lew days. "~1\'1l>~ celved wltb rousinr Clbeertl by The platform·s. stntemehts urging \. _ ." .;J I tbe dolegates and the Z5,OOO .A. family party given 10 his honor sn1eguar~s for the intrenchment Dnd clUllens who thronlfed the coo,. ' Am I was enJoyed' at the home ot fils MIss Margaret Edwa.rqs was In ventlon han to the rafters. ~xpansion of erJeon farming, n· brother, Albert, and Mrs. Jeffery, In Dayto...'l Wednesday of last week . The nominee .Clcepted his dustry. commerce and labor w~ e Thursday evening, Mrs. Clarellce Berry~"ll and' M'~s · e.[presslons 'L e"anon, '" au .." ,reat new, ho.n or wIth • ' pI e dge caq dl)ctrine.of 1radlUonllJ RE!Pl1bh,])l1e guests were hIS pnren.ls. ~ . Clara BerryhlU of Bellibrooll;. called to "end one-man ,overnment and Mrs, E . A . Jeffery , Kenneth on the Misses Browne on Thul'llday. In Amerlc.... omsh Germany The f.nn ptank, for, lns'.nce, and Elizabeth, Mr. and . Mrs . WUMiss Ruth Ohandler spent Friday .nd Japan's wID &0 make war recommended what U calls aD ' lIam Jeffery and fam11y of Dayton, In Dnyton,. and devote himself to "rewln"American m.rket price" as opo Mr, and Mrs. MaUrice Jetfery, and '1'he Misses Annie , and Mame DIng freedom" .t home. posed to subsidies, at the s.me ' The Ne'" he "mefrom leav.lnr 'door OpeDwhen for fam Uy, of • Morow. Mr. and Mrs. Browne, Miss Margaret Edwards .. ·De -.... adminIS'r' • nl'oD, • ,alII &lIe Lbe governmeDt Lewis Jeffery, Mr, and ;Mrs, The-' '8J:ld Mrs, D , L. Crane with' the Rev. told the~d ...e....,l",e;;g... at....,e...s;.., . r.h",a",Sr.,g;,r",o",w~n+..·_ 'o",ldH_JUlJIL.JIJL~l!ldelt.-U-Promlses the - od~lth and son-;-Rti)Jllrt, Mr , p , Pqrks called on Mr. and Mfs. and til' an ar e som&c no. AmerlcllD farmer abundall" production of food anll fiber crops. Bessie ,Bryan and M1ss Elana , Tat. W. C. Tichenor of HarveySburg Sat- lice" and Is unequal to the great. mu'n of Lebanon. ' UJ'day afternoon. , . pressing problems of 'War . and It proel!l.ll!'ls the need of gwaran.' eace. ." ' Guests ' Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. Mr . and Mr~, Ray Mendenhall of P teeing fahrien "freedom from _ ' and Mrs. [Jayton called on Mrs:,, .,Clark Keep High Command. I'eg' imentntlo" and confusln• were., Mr, Alice ~ .._ _~:--_ _...._~~~~~~-.~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... .. Odd Bunce ' , Declaring 't hat the military con-, "ovornm,ent manipul' ~ tlon 'a" nd, ' Walter Rogers a.nd 'family of O1nSaturday afternoon. d uct 0' f t he war ' 'mus~• rema In com-_ .conlrol of farm ·p.rograms." .. , Mrs. Amanda: Hartrum spent pietely out ot poiJUcs, ", ,Governor clnno.t1. . Albert ~e TalmMe ' was an over Sunday at the bom~ oJr her son, A. Dewey sa,ld he wllnted to m.nke It Re.ali stica liy enollgh. Ihe . (arm ' Saturday night and Sunday visitor l:I. Stubbs, and famliy. . "crystal clear" that any change in plank gives heed' to 'the fact that of Mr ,' ",nd Mrs. Wm. Shurts and Miss Hanna Greene" l\drs, Allee odminlstrlltlon would not Involve, new ~urpl uses might develop lb the Telfair and Mrs, Miry D. McVey of changes In' the high, command, postwar ' world. with markets·declin. ramlly In South Leba.non. Mrs . Ma.bel Terry and M1ss Jes- , WUmington were' dinner guests ' of , Gen. George C, Marshall. chief of ing , ahC\ it endorses the principle ot staff, and Adm. Ernest J, King • .com. crop adjustment. OI~IY ,In limes When mander-In.chlel'of the U. S. fleet. are surpluses to be dea lt with are juaged sole Garnel' were 'I1Uesday after- Mrs ( EvalYn Peterson 00' SUn~y. ' tloOn' callers at the home ot Mrs. I ' ,M r. a.nd Mrs. J. ,Willson doing a "superb job" I!e declared to have bec.o me atiriormal and to Lucy Nelson aJld ,Mrs. Ethel Paige, and daughter, Mrs, Floyd. D" ,Slmlth. and snould retllin theIr present posl. ' ' have exceeded "m anageable . pro. In Lebanon . I of Sl>rlngtleld, called on MISs Mar- tion and resl10nsibilHies. ' portions." . ~ _.~."I We are pleased to learn that rgaret Edward.!> Sunday a'f~ernoon. , • Governor Dewey .m ade knowll un~ • Domcstlc Obj~cUves. James Ste~en! of near here, who ' ¥rs. Amanda Hart;rum 'VlBlted inlstakably tIUlt he ,wn!' '. st.and 'In the field of d!lmcstic policy. In
r. ii'l rUh
U I'
'Republican Party~s Ch~ice .
........ ., ....
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• • •
on to rive tbelr sonll anil daughters to the agony aad tragecty 01 war." Elabornting on the principle of providing jobs as well as oppor· tUl1lty. Governor Wal'Ten declnred that the for/TIula lay In sllmulatlng production to full blast, In II clhnate favorable to free enterprise. After , aocepting th e permllnent cOQvention cholrmanshlp. ' Representative Mnrtin ripped into the New 'Dea l ideol gl'. wplch, be said, .. " .. lives upon vast streams of governmen' debt. and taking Us shapes and deslinies filom the dlrec· UVI!S ot a burenucratic elite under the ' command of a 8elf.inspl,ed leadet.'l "The first 1hil')g the Republican party will do when It comes into pOwer will bll to restore to congress its responsibility and {ubction as the 'people's special instrument of control over theJr government." Mar· tin said. Herbert Hoover Speaks. .As tl),e party's elder statesman versed in ' Intetnatlonal aO'nlrs because of his' eXpel'lence as Alijed food administrator during the Orst
~==~~~~~~~~===~~=~=====~~~===~==~========---mmds ~~~t ~~~~&fu~~d~h.~~m~~~an~~ r morning,~ ~m"~~-M~Q " laratioo apd ,~rook no postwllr inter." 01, obJe.c~vcs . .These includ~ "tak·..
nallonaf plan that contemplates a ,!ng tbe govt;rnment out of campau·;, super-stale. He did envision, how- tion with prlvale' lndus try" arid pro· ever. 'American participaUon .wlth motion ' of (unest . employmel\t oLbe'r sovereign nations in a " co- thrllllgb private enterprise. The platfor m pledges full SU[lport operativ,e effort to prevent future' GOV., JOHN 'W. BRICDR wars. , ' In restoring sma1J' buslness to '. He pledged thnt he'''wlll make full profltabl~ basis by eliminqtiol'l of employment a first objective, of na- , "excessive and , repressive regula· World War. Hllrbcrl Hoover took up : qUestion of1breigo policy. saytiona I policy. He declared the New tillns ' and governmcnt co~pctition,'" the ing: ' I.~===:;===:;~===:;~~===:;~~ Deal had never had an employment D til" olicy and finally got ' people '0' eecn ra Ell l on of govern. , "U Is olivloUs from 'the rille P • ' ment Clontrols, return to coo.tIof nllllonllUsm · thaI Ideas of work only aller tbe counlry had ell'tcrcd the war. lutional governmeut, abolition of ,wqrlll supergovernment, no mat. , "wasteful government speniltel' how lileaUsUo. 'are .Ire.dy HJgh '.iDterest had centered In the , 11Ig ," protection 01 tbe rlgllts 01 TARVIA-LITHIC TAR A..'ID dead •.• Pu\!e must be based platform-building job on which the "Iree AmerIcan labor" _ 01 . upon 'oooJKlratlon' be&w!!en ludeI drafting committee headed ,by Sen a- , wbleb the Pll.l'&Y· prOel~ll1)s ' It.. RU,\O OIL. EXCAVA1'JNO , pendent. 8ovef~lgq ilaHons," tor Robert A. Taft of , Olilo ' had seU the "historical ohampliin1'DUMP TRUOK SERVtCl!' 10iled. Special . atlention was ~11 are ,Iven their place In the , , Spc;llks (Qr \Vomen: , , HJ:.:ADY MIX CONCRETE> program \vhlC)h the R.epubllean . tocu~ed on the controversial foreign Speakln!! f~r ' the worrien, Rep. party seeks to etTeotu.ate. • policy plank, ~hlch had ofTered the ' Clare Bootbe Luce' of Connecticut only issue capable of producing ,a , ra i,sed the . qucst!c:m of , the U. S. The labor plank Is paced by a doughboy's wants in Ule.tuture. , rousing Inter:party battle. ! The result. however. was' a com. vil\orous denunciation ot the New "G, I. Joe wiints his cOl.ll1lry' to promise-a mldd,l,e.of-the.rood state- Dea l .administration of labor laws . . P •. une W\lYn'esvl!le 2911 be secllre., f.rOm here ,out •• ." ahe ment c\,lcula'ted~to conciliate Inter- : Go'v ~ :Warren's KeYnote Adilrl!S!I ,Mol'rOw Phone No, 3 I. nationalist anc;! pro'nationalist ele- Governor Warren's keynote ad- 'declared. ' , "If Jim could stand here and talk : ments' in the party at the same time. dreSs wa,ll a vigorous performanoe, Lebanon : Of rice '.Phc.ne " This foreign , polley plank favorll' He listed these objectivell , of the to yriu, be'tl say: RLSldence ' 98 M "Llstet;J, totks,) hi past w~9n·tp~r. American participation in postwar ' . party: , • ' security ' measures through "or.gan. ' "To get tbe bo!s back home"ogain fect. But 8lcipllt. Get on . with the business ,o f makh;lg thia old world 'Ized international cooperation,'" but -~IQt~rlous. and with all sp~ed. ' 'fo open the r,loor tor aU Ameri· better, ".. _ shuns membership in a ' Wor)d . , ' ", cans-to open, not Just to ,obs. 'but to , ". ,. Wf! eOl!le to ,choose, a prell.. State. .,, ' In sessions of, the platform com- °llPortunitr· dent;.whl' need no~ aJ?Olo~lze, for ,t he , ' ~ltteepr,eC!edlbg the presentation of ' ' ·...!lorii.1!-e. and ruard the mistakes ' of the ,pllat, ,, but who Will ita report, the gpvernors of 15 states peace so wi8cly~and. lo well.tbal ,,", re~e,em 'them. who ' need not expialD . " . had' sought to have mQre "poSitive this 'time ~III ~ (be, ·.. st tl~e G. I. Jim's dCl:lth, but will j~.tlli r{t. • .. ~ . .~ '" ~ :~,.' L, HO~SES, ,cOWS,." H'!t:.)G.l5.'. ~pd bin~!)g commitments on' po¥t; ~" q.~,t A~e~lo""~\lmes, .re 'ealled
An unusual buj>lness Is, caq-Ied. on by Albel't Jurak of ' Pack-waukee, Wiscons in. He ~alses white mlce and ships from 100~ lo ~501l) , each week to labora tories all over !.he United States. ,
Sand &'Gravel
,Q UICK '" .S'ERY.ICE' "· For. :Dead 'S tock , "
among Amen~eervic'e men 10 ~d .,y
the B~ifish Institute of PuBlic , When hundreds of men were, ask
CA.LVES,. SHEE~, :t:TC .•
,blank lJow they would'vote PliprohibltiOn, 85% oj t!,em sta~· in unmistakable terms, $ t't;hey woul4 vbte o.g~ins' it. There·s·ho ,
doubt about it. Herb. ". the men 'overseas
" don't want anY.action ,taken on that:aubject . while they're away," ' · ' ., . t.igh~ JudJre. becaU18
1,.cameJiome after that we JWJ
~~,~~~lgfor. 80 ~plilCtical a
ROM,ANOJ:: Mr."and [Mra: 'Thom.
as De~ey became 'ac~ualiited in Chicago 11( 1023. when Mrs. Dewey;. the lQrmer ,f.ralJces lfutt of Sherman. Texa., and Dewey were both 'muII!! atuden't s at a Bummer course. Five, ~ellrs later woel! both 'liqd gooe tQ N~w York fbI' 'further atudy they were marrlll!!; Mr. Dewe, W8lf . practicing 'law at Lbll l1me, 'and 'MliIs Hult \/ilia singing the ·Iaid fn a mil· lidl comed,. '
Brl$!ker,', 8Url .,el;ec.te&. I i TJie .b~b,or , oI aomln.alD, , ,e~or Dewe" '0F &b,e prea(d.eDCJ ' "elllto GOY, Dwlrld.Grlswold,,, ALBA.~ .'10 wmTE BOt;JSE :" 'The New York ' gubernatorial office , !t!ebrasb. 'Qovem!lt Drlelulr bllS been the tril~g collr.s COr row: w~u bad' "Itbdran .... eWII'1lIiJl\lld*Ml Hcoa.e4I &be lio...... Presidents and two unsuccesal41 candidates; I Dewey Is the seventh , • lfoa"wlUa aD eaOtaea& lpeHII"1a ' nominee to com'e..before the naUonal wbleb be tleclarel b " ... ·mOh ' electol'ate 'aftet serving In Albany Jbtereated .. defo....". N.,r De.1 plilloMpb, ttl ........... /IS governor. -Ppur o~ the previous , gQ.ve~ors bave rllached the White dI.D bela. \InIt~ " ... Houset MllrUn Van- ~uren. GroVer tJDltd!8ta...·' .. lie Cleveland. Theodore RO,olevelt and ........ 0Id0 Oc Fr8~ D.. n~eyolt. ~~" .
.' " .". .'
..... -.r ~=:"
tI.", · \\.,1 •• ,
J 'I ~ Io ' ~ u",~
"."". ,6. ,
'~member tile Ice cream aoclal
by the Woman's SOClew at. CON.·
Ian &rvlce tlf Lyt.Je cU'uroll x. Sa.turc.ay evening, JUly 8, on .he church ,a.w:n whh b ...me ma.Ja let! cream and cake. The commmee illvltea you to a.ttend. Mr. and Mra. James JOhn.:i ' reo turned Friday evening aftl:z: ape.II.!Ing 'a we'ek With Ml', and Mrs , K 'n. neth John in ' Clnc:lnnaU. MTS, ' Rilrold S; t;ln e ,was ,vi" y III , Wednesday, being ,' overcoma wi II tlle heat, Dr. Mary Cook was call<:d, MI'. a.~.1 d ~s. !'aul WIlUB ms Blid Bobby Murgan of t;ebanoJl were Wednesday evenmg gUt:sca of Mr, and Mrs. Everett EaJ:ly. Mr. and Mrs. PaUl IJohn, ldt r 01 ....ayto!l were guests ot Mr. l!,nd Mra. Ralph Hammond and chlldrt:n Lhursday evening. IlVlrs, Allen E m1'1ck and Mr, Bnd ,l4.rs. Walter Kenrick we re Dayt<..n !sitors Friday. 'I herle Jones and son, Milton, at• tw ded the ball ' game III Clncln': atl 6aturdl1!Y afternoon. Mr .. and Mrs. Shermull Hurst Bttended a lamlly picnic at Lt!sourdsville Lake near Middletown, Sunuay.
'M rs Earl Mendenhall and daugh,er, Palty, lind a ,friend MlSJ \ilolct ~. at~on of ' WaulceQa 1, • Ill.. arrived , Su turday to spenll a week with the 10Huer's l=~ renls , Mr. anel Mrs. Ciu,y Rc. ulzahn, aud lamlly, and otl'.er relat.lves. Mrs . RUsSe!! C'amj,eell and Mrs. J , L. Jones are ill' at W.1s Llme .. ud under the ' care or Dr. Stout. . IMI·. anti rs. Leal.e ray iliad . • Ilclrdl hpent SaLurday eVe-rung ,with 1 r • . and M.l's. FU.1 dleY Gray , .1 d fliunily in Dayton. MI'. and :rv..r~ . Waller K8!1r ck _ n~ James Ha ,n es "pent MonClay with Mr. a np M.rs. Ro~"rt H4llnea .lll d family In Dayt...n. · . 1\;1': and M rs. Erne:lt' Mc.- ca dlese, . 1'. nnd Mrs. ,('eorJ e 'relgler and Mrs. Emm..: W1lson of OaitwOOd .• e, e ,,;ulldny 'evening guests 01 Mr. aud Mrs. Wilbur Olark. Mr , a nd Mrs . Allen Smith of Dayt n were Sunday evening guests of their parents, Mr, a.nd MnI. Clarertce Smith. . T. Sgt Ha rold E. 'Githens Is home oil a turlou! h from Camp Polk, tA., visiting friends an" relatlves 1n Dayton a.nd Lytle. Miss Laura Rosnagle trom Hart. ford Hospltal of Nuralng, Hartrord, • Conn" arr'ved ,here SundAy ' to .1 spend B'month with her brother-lnlaw a.nd sister, Mr. 'and Mrs. Harvey Burnet and ct .er relatives. Mrs. Louella Swank and nephew, J:mmle Swank, ' spent the ' week-end a'ud over tlle 4th with trlends in ·.,a 'th:nore, Md. ' . , Mr. and ¥rs, Lowell Thorpaa a114 laughter, Miss B~tty, attended the \'yeller -rcun1on SUI1daVII:t"'t!{nRmiiA'---"i---::;-:ii:f1,.
AUErt;tANSI You in the factorieS. You in the offices. You on the f3.l'tns. 'You in. the homes. 'You cannot-you must not-'fail to get behind your fighting man in this supreme, . heroic hoUr. He knows 'what's ahead. Bloody, bitter fi gbting ... super-human toil ... hardship; .' . pain .'. '. perhaps death. He's facing it. He'llkeep ~n facing it, .a s , long. as th~re's . breath in his body and """1~·n..,,.I--in his veins. , But he wants , to' know what"s behind him. And you have only a few ' days left to give him · the answer.
Antl"~ are
That .answ~r will be written in 'the final figures on the Fifth War Loan Drive.
J MORE ~easons lor IIuying [XTRA Bontls In ,Ite St" I
For this is'' the crucial, the 'all-important Drive. Never ,h as the need for 'lVar Bond buYing been so .great. . , .
~oUc,:e Js herood glvi'n that a pl1bIe hearing on the .. budget of the I IlI~ge of Waynesville, Warren Jouuty Oh!o, as PIe. Qed by the ..:.unell, "'111 be held at· the CounCil "hllmlbflrs at 6:30 [p. m. Eaatem 311l:ndard Time 'on the ' 7th day of uly. 1944. :.
1. War Bonds are the' best, the safes. investment in .he'world I
:To make the' Drive a, success, you-and eve,ryone else-must buy at least twice as many Bonds as ~O\l bought In the last drive. If you haven't yet bougHt· " yourfrillshare, DO IT NOWI
C. H. BRlAC}!:,
2. V/ar Bonds return you. $4 for
3. War Bonds help keep prices
N!,' Hllrd 1:0 K~U
down •
use a pehetrauDg funglcilde.Mluiy remedies ' .d o' not penetrate ~ufflc.·, . . TE-OL s01uUon. made with ' alcohol. penetrates. Kills the ; germs It reaches; Apply full strength for . Itchy, sweaty or ' smelly feet. Your 35c b~k tOmorrow from I.ny ( druggist U not pleased. Locally at . WaynuvlUe Drug Store.
4. War Bonds will help win the Peace by increasing 'purchasing power after the War.
5. War Bonds mean education for your children', security for you, funds for reti~em.n'.
8A'Lill'fESS, result ~r
It. Is olien said is ~.
L,OR'YS, (FOR DANDR1JF<F) , $Old, .on a Money-Bull ' Guaran&ee
rilE .FO:..toW~G PAmioTlc LoCAL J;lUSIIN~S8 ,.'
O~ 8&Ie·At
W A,:v.I\iIRA·Vli.l,R DRUG
., 'MoQltirE!' ~~neral :Home ,
StUDbs Fun~ral Home
· .n...·
Gull SerVice Station B md·1Oc Store
V1l1age 01 Wayneav1lle. .<\tles't: OHAltLD3 JAMl!B, Cleric.
every $3 ir' 10 years.
YOUR s'u preme efiort in HIS " sUl>reme houri ' Reniember-a soldier, your soldier, is waiting for his answer. What , will it be ... from you?
)1 Mr. and Mrs. Ra :,.p.u
::eu tenllIe .
.- •..
ftt ~1AMI.Alrm.."
_ a rr_ ~--~~~------------~~--------~~~.~~~--~~~~~=~~~--~~~---.------~--------------~~--~--------F,om A Farm Diary•• Dry Ridge tit J:.~ ~~u tl~:: ·t~ From ~rhe Miami{iazetfe YOU ARE INVITED TO
Cllooktnr lI. for
June 28, IH4. Hot and ~ j DJ')' taste that ~ea It Juah, lJttle betlU"" Sa llVinr ,up to ita n.~e, The t~ than anY otber. ' I made' th1a lawn a.t1<l pastUl'el are buml!<lf.fld With t.b.e peelings left In. 'They were brown; Tbe clover tbat' wiae coming verY nice and tender and Ifave it a UP liO clcely 11 bUrned out except goOd flavor. It always lleeml such a Ulat wblch waS planted with IIprlIlg. waste to Lake them out as they are' whest. It Is do1oe better than the full of vltamlnB and flavor. MQDday. The pigs are out again. rest because the wheat Is still green at:1d shades It. The salI\e kind ot For' 60UIe time they 'have . staynasty little bugs that. ate all the ed contentedly In the' west pasture green of{ the locUst leaves last year but yestel'day when we got 'hl>me afe working again UIIs year and tOe from church we met .them com1og leaves 'are as brown as late tall. It up toward the barn and today they Is no time to light a fire and go Bl'e out again. There Is still water a.way anl1 leave lt, which Is Just and a mUd wallow fOr them but ~he what one or our neighbors did. We grass Is dry and brqwp a.nd llke aaw the smoke as we came out or some of the rest ot us they yearn our drive and went to see what It tOr greener pastures. Tb,ey are 0.1was . The lire was spreading ra.p1d1y most big enough to sell but not III .... 1111 .. ,. GII,.uu. (;urr•• "on,h,nl through the ' grass, headed for t,he qUite, Then I Will have to get a perMrs. Robert GreiCne. Mrs. Lena peach orchard while they sat peace- mit and some one to haUl them tully in the house listening to the while tbe permit Is good. ReguJa- ~::rklel a.n~ c;;:;.d~en. M~SM Wllb~ 0 Republican convenUon but they ru....h tions make production harder. Reg-' M ve~ 00 MY ,n an d ~. an ily n adn lll:aTu cd out with buckets and did some ulatlons ca,1l for more regulatiOns, in rs. din r °ts afm M quick work whUe 'We got some more order to make them wo~k and who 'Wedre '''' neLr s:uM ,es es ay 0 . r. an uars. ue ol1tan. ~lute help and It was out before many wants that . The Republican platMr d Mr H' Id 1:1~ . an s. a,ro ."""ers an d trees ·were scorched. ~ kind of form Is full of wonderful dreams Mrs. Emma Oibson of Bellbrook ~ome 'Weather ' one can not be too careful but can they . wi'h . or anyone else carry spen t Tues<!ay eVEm Ing • Mr. about flrbe., One person sh~~ld tnever them out and wip any party In PQW- and Mrs. alley Gibson. Dial 2111 - Wayne.ville try to urn grass or wee.... a any er want to when It means cutting Mr. and Mrs. Mnold Clark Imd time tor a few pufts of wind ,and down power and patronage ? the fire gets Il<way from you. I tried 1 had a mce card. from Mrs. ""~l fam1ly of 'Dayton culled on Mr. and ....... Ml-s ~ Morris' Lewis Tuesday a,fterto burn off a weecl patch one d&y Duke from Bradenton, FIonda. She noon. ~==;;;;;;!I========;;;:J alone and If help hadn't come 1 says tJla t Carl stood the trlp well Oscar Monce spent Tuesday in _ - . , . - : . - - - - . , - - - - - - ' might have burned off a whole J=as- nnd that 1t Is not as hot there 85 ~banon. ture and a. field of staudlng com. In Ohio, that there 18 a lovely breeze <Mr. and Mrs. ElVis Waheal called No wonder fire Insurance, Is high In and Lhnt they are right on the wat- on Mr . and "Mrs, :Edmond MArlatt the oo~try.. ler. ThaV'rlght on the wa.ter" sounds and family Tuesday evening, ThUJ'llday. The clouds' are rolling good to me. If only we hnd a nice !Warren Soward p, O. 3-c and up and It lookB as though some place ocean ' or even a. river or a. lake Jacob Zimmer. S~nalman 1-c of was gettlllg rain but will we get any down by our south line fence would~ the · U. S. Navy, MfS . Ruth G811ber of It? • • . We didn't, at least not n't that be nice? But sLuce that can of Bellbrook, ,MIss Betty Smith of enough to even wet the grass. Just not ,be. the swlmmlng pool at Way- Dayton, Mrs. W~lbur Cuter and enough tQ make the alr smell of nesville Is a. great help. It Is Iun to daughter, Beverly. of Dayton, Mrs, ratn. There seems to be enOUgh watch the little ones swim. Some ot ,Mattie Zlmmer of Beavertowrt ana Wua' A6, Carda of Thankl and moisture in the ground to keep the them are regular little water dogs. .lam~ SOward' of near Xenia, called OIIIWu1tJ1 cbarpd for al tbe corngrOwlng but the dl'QUght oa.tlJe They cUve In from the steps, SWim 011 Mr. and Mrs. :E~erson Dill and rate of ODe c:ent • ~ mJnbaum so early that grasa and new clover under water' just as long as they son. R6lph, TuesdsLY afternoon . eb&rre lie. A Wan' Ad buIertec1 for' ,are ,swterlong badly. can hold their breath and then Mrs. Emerson Dill. and Ilon, u.ne UmBl .. cbaz1e4l a' Ie a wonl. Sa~urday. All ' slgns of raln have stand up. They do not seem' to Ralph, spent SundllY with Mr. and ~_ _ _ _ _ _-.,_ . .....:;_~_ passed and ,we are having a perfect kilow how to hold their peads up Mrs . Enrl SOward , and Wal'ren POB SALE - WatltlDl Product. at Colorado day, wann In the SUD, cool and take a , breath and go on J>ut Sowa~d P.O., 3-c (]I! near New Jes23 N. BlI*1wa1; Lebt.Dcm, Open In the shade and dry. If we only had that doesn't matter to them, they per. ' even1n81 for 1OUI' OOIl"enlence, IIOme Colorado irrigation this would just go back and ,do It again. Mr. and Mrs. Hlley Olbson, Mr, be perfect weather. I alwaYI:i wanted Wayn&$vllle ought to ow;n. that pool and Mrs . Morris Lewis and 60ns Glen LIntner. PbaDe a L, a 1iTI&'atlng system" It would be and park. So far we have been l~cky spent ,Saturday in Xenia. UIIelul'every summer at some time. in the way that I~ has been run, JUly here alreadY. We had our as 11 real fnmJly playground, but sb ulrg , .uet,lene or ~eCt.rtc. See ~lU 1M, first applesauce mwe from our own without the power to control It that ' ~ Road. ,R. I, Wayn~e. 8IJ1lIea , toda:y. It had that fr~!>h ' might not' always be ' the case.
We Oftel'
Satisfactory SerVices
At All
lIer ot~l)" to fln4 ne; ljJni 1ri tl\e barn ~il1 the n~ ~1!, be414e her. Shn' cUdn'b seem to get tbe Idea ,of llcklng It, 50 1 aprLnkled 'it with a lit~19 sait lUI 'someone had tQId ttle to \10 and ahe tooit care of It l>r~perlY. She 18 very gentle but she was .a little excited and not qUite sure what It was all about but . she wlll lsoon learn . By the way.: it' ye,u a~e interested In : giving blood call LebanOn 284&. ThIS Is someth1ng Ullit you can do to save the Ufe of OnE! of our boys on the battlefield. Do this and also buy another bond.
, h.l'tBEN , YUBS AGO 0l1v~ Allen ' mowred to 00lumb\1.t , (11111 '3, I"') , TUe.sday to attencl the Cltnteilary. FolloWIDa an IUneaa of lolll ciUl'a" Uon. the 'deato -of Ann WUllamaon PIFTY rtARS AGO ' (June SO, 1891) occurred at McClelan bospltal on surveyors are now at work on the 'll1uradar, June !.l'l • • A. , ,C. BlaIr got a score Of 42, Xenla-SpIl,ogfleld electric rallway. W. 'B. SquIres shot t.2 .blrds "\ld Oll!f Rld8e has accepted a pOsition Jesse Thomas 'got t.2 at the Mlami as oompositqr at the News office Valley League shoot Saturdny. . Youth }'''eUowship Tuesday evenRoss !Planck ' of the ~eY8burg ' Ohas. Mosher has rented Mrs. iplke, had his p!achine stolen' from Laura Mosher's llome on Malri his barn Wednes<1ay n18ht, 'l'he 1J11s- street for his wUe n.nd ba»y during creants .drOve It Into the Strawn the summer, while Mrs. lAlura Molane west of town where they COm- sber and chUdren w1ll visit In Card-
Lt • • • •
,...AngNi;) ,
ijtlte ~• •&iUe Q!~~~ Ql1f ~twt .. SERVICES SUNDAY JULy 9, 1964
BIBLE SCI:;lOOL' 9:30' A.____ M.' __
u:oo A. II.
pJetely dismantled it. rn:~'and Mrs. John O. Hawke ot Sermon Toplo-"JESUS, THE IMr . and Mrs. E. L. Harlan IjoDd MABVELOUS MAN" dllughter- of Dayton, lIlrs. Viola near Rl4gevllle enter~lned some of ______ • - .ao_ ___ Harlan and Mrs. K. N. Harlan the'l r "old crowd" very pleasantIr Sunday. Tllose present were: Or. left Friday for ce~ltral IUinoll!. . EvENING SEBVlCB 1Mr, and Mrs. WUllam M1c.hener E1lls and family, Mrs. H . H, Wil8:00 OlCloclt of iPlttsburgh, pa., are announcing Uamson alld children, <:>scar Edthe birth ot a son, Sunday, Jun~ 30. wards and family nnd Ohas. SherSermon Toplo-"'I1IE CHANGE Misses Henrietta McK1naey and wood and family. • OF HEART" OUve Allen, wUh MIsses Reten !lnd MISII Anna K. Sweet ot Chicago Is Irmn. Harris of Dayton wUl leave 10 iWaynesv11le. -----~ Thursday tor New York wbere they The gasoline tank under the enWEDNESDAY EVENING - 8:00 'Will attend summer school at 001- gine house wlU SOOn be inoved to a PR:~Y£B, MEE'I1lNG umbla. university. building In the south pilrt of the iLeeMoore, 65, Injured In an ac- village a matter of safety. On Tuesday the Downing photocldent at the J. K. SPE\Ilcer saw MAX W. RANDALL, mill Tuesday mornlng of last week graph pUery was purchased by Mini.ter died at the Blair hospltal Thursday John T. Liddy, who is now In »06- • 11 _ _ 11_. _ ___ • I night. session. . Mrs . Burnett Butterworth, Miss- .. Mrs. sweet. mother ot the late J. D. Sweet. died nt the home of • Gra-t her nephew, O . J . Roberts of Day- NOTICE OF , PU-LIC HEARING es EdIth McKibban and- Helen I ~ ham were h,05te.sses at. a p ea.san . ON TI'm Bl"tnGET OF WAVWI:' social affair saturday afternoon ton, at nn early hour Mond8¥ momTO;.NSBIP ~ •• given for Mrs. oAlbert. Wilson, nee J.ng. Notice Is hel'(t)y given that on the Kathryn 'l"unner, at the home of rt:,===;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:~==~~ ,f ifteenth day of JUly. 1944, at 8:00 Mrs . Butterworth. ~ o'clock p., m .• a pubUc hearlng will Miss Gladys Marie Adams and ,be held on the .b udget pr:,epared by Howard Dalton 'Were quietly married the trustees of the ToWnshIp of at the M. E . ;porsonage Tuesday .~ Way.ne. Warren ~ty, 'OhiO, for nfternoon, Rev. Joseph Bennett offlcla tlng. METHODIST CHURCH the next succe~lng fiscal year enda. B. Coleman, Minuter lIIg December 31st, '1945. So To M.r d Mrs Chas rn , an . . Such hearing will be held at the Hagemeyer of Route 3, a son, WedChurch 'SChool at 9:30 a, m. Mrs. TownShip HOuse, Wl\Ynea~, Ob1o. nesday, June 26. ' Raymond Conner. superl.ntendent. MAYN.NRID WI1!lIJI1Z, Alvln Earnhart and family reC'leM'- w~·yne ToWnship. turnea home Saturdny after a week Worship service at 10:30 A. M. .... In Easterri Ohio and Virginia. youth Felowship Tuesday evenBUDGET NOTI<lE MIss Lutle Vandervoor~ ' of Bar- Ing at '1:30. 1N0Uce Is hereby given that a pubveysburg and Wllltam T1chenor of Choir practice Thursday 8:00 p,m. lic hearing on the budget as preOenntown, were monied June 28 pared by the Board of Education of ST. MARY'S ' EPISCOPAL in Lebanon at the M. E. Parscinage. the Wayne Rural School District. CHURCD iMnI. Walter McClure has moved Warren County, Ohio, for the flacal tnto ber .Jlew ~ome. Balpb Parks, MiDlster In Charre year ending December 31, 1945, w1l1 Church 8Chool at 9:45 a. m. ' be held 10 the offlce of the Board TWENTY-FIVE ' YBARS AGO Morning prayer and lennon ' I1':OO of Educa~on at th~ iIi$h 'School __ (July 9~ 1919) !Ii 8. ,m. . . ' bU11dlnl at Way;ne.sville on the 22nd , POR SALE-PIc.n1e SQppUes, 1nclud- CJw1,er ,No. .=0 Bfterve Dlsldct No. .. : 'Are you golhg to the bicycle hlll Mr. Allanson, rejll'esentatlve of day of July, 19ft, begjruilng at 8:00 InS' paper plate.. cold cupa na.pREPORT 'OF CONDITION OF TIlE climb SaturdlU'?" , the COlt Alber Ohautauqua. met the, FERRY ClnlKOO OF CHRIST IP. M., 'Ohio Standard T1me. ~ ,~ AlI!o kitChen tonla, wax "Where?" ' guarantors at the TOWPShiP House E. V. BARNllAiRT. Herbert Graham. Mlnlaw ,..,.., .tuing ·cupa and tonet t1s~ "Why, Harveysburg, of course, on WecJnesdaY even1ng and the followClel'k-TrelUlurer• 9;30 a. m., Blble school ...... auette office. ' the double' S." lng of.tlcers were elected: Dr. J. T, 10.45 L 'm.--Communlon, "Who's putUn' It. on?" IElltS, prea1dent; Walter McClure, FRIEND$ HOME ' Dr. and Mrs. G&le E. RUS8\l1Jl. , 11:00 a, m.-8ermoil. I'QR BAll.il!f- 8 n. extena10n oak "Why theJercl . lA,n.~, and, lovers vice prea1den't; Howell Peirce, aeciDIDSDI RoalD 'l'Ible aDd M inCh Miss Margaret Russum and Mrs. 7:30 p. b.-Preach1ng'. of clean 5 rt IDf HatveYsbutg, rlltar:Y; W. N. Sears, treasurer; ROOert Kersey .of Da.yton were BUII~ tQ ~tdJ. Pbone 3U35. , 13 ASSETS , . •and L3rtle." Tha4 Zlmmennan, tickets; Frank , FlUENDI!I guesbi of Miss Magaret EdwardS POR ~te OabbaCe plants, LqanS and discounts (inc1ucUng $29.19 overdrafts) , . . . , ....... ,1$123.285.98 The -rQregoing wa.s Subm1tted by a Zell. advel'tJ8lng; Dr. , MarY ' COOk, FIrst nay school 9:30 a. m. TUesday ' a1temoon. , United States Government ObUgatlo~d1rect and guaranteed . 490,149,70 local citizen who Sitates that , he Is department; Wilbur Clark, Meet1ng for W~p. JI):30 L m. lOe per ~OIen, 3 ,dozen~; ~ OblJga'Uons of Sf4te8 and political suooivlslons ... . .... . . ,' .... 207,417.59 ......K"'K a hill cl1m11> Sattlrday, July groundl!; Mrs. Cynthia ' ~ans, dec'l1l1e 'Fourth waS qUietly bl.\t 1UDta; ~ per hundred. Oharlee and 'debentures , •. ... .. ....... ,............. 58,433.88 ' " propr1a~ly observed at.'t he ,Home by O. atn.;\u, 1" · mUea nOrth of 1.0001l'pC)riI;:~ • (JnclucUng f3450,OO' stock of Federat ' .> at:3O ' p. m. ~It the afoJ'emen- orating· and D. L. Crane, press. . ST. AUGUSTINB CHURCH the' matron and her 'stalt. The dInW&JIl.",we, corner ' Waynanlrue. ' ~e bank> . '.•.••..•... ,.................. . ............ 'Moo.OO ;hlll. He say,s that the &flair.' IAbs~om Chenoweth, who JIved. o~ Fallier KraamlMtIUl, PrIM.. ln8 t/Ioblea' ~ere &ttractlvely decoriPerr7 IDd ~tle r<iada~ ~ l3 qaIl, balances wJth other ,banks; ine1ucUng reserve balance, ' Is to be a ·three-coUnty affair in- the BellbroolC pike, bwo miles north 114888 sunday 9:00 a. m. ated With sma.ll flags and the favori and ca8h Items In process of, collectlon . .. .. .. , . . ... • .. ,'... 337,220.75 cludJng Warren. Greene and Mont,. of town, dropped dead in the wheat were bdws of red, white imd blue J..08'1'o-!-8te ' end _ '.f6r' dump Bank premises owned $6200.00, furniture and fixtures 1500.00.. 6,'100.00 gomery counties" illld' Is being pro- field FrJday morning. He leaves Il WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF ribbon. AdcUng to the pleasure of t.nK*. reward. Waoyn8avtne to Bid the sale of War Bonc1a. widow Blld three sqD8. ' ' , CBBJ8T ~ t' BlrChange 00., .W81Jlee~AL ~ .........•................ •..........•.. M.226,657.90 The aftalr has been advertised over J. O. cartWl""ht and . family the occasion was Mrs, Heacoc1t'a . ' LiABILITIBS ... apPe6rance at dinner lor the first' Mal[ Randall. Mlnb~ Y1lJe•• QbIo. ' ' " Dem,and depos1ta of 1odlvldualll ,partllerlihlpe , radl~ s~tlon WHIP 10 Day·ton and spent the Fourth at Clitton. .. , time in many weeka. She,was given and COJ'P!)l'atlons , .•. '..•... : • ;,'. , ... , .••...•....... , .. . . ...$870,232.42 a large crowd Is p·romlsed. . • Dr. and Mrs. G. ~. Jolly, MIsses Bible SchOOl 9,30 ... m. , , a hearty welcome'. , T1me deposlts of individuals, partilershlPl\' The climb. 18 'to be nne ' mile in Eleanor Ea~a.rt and Ethelyn ,CommunJon 10:45 .. IlL and corporations .. , .................................. ,... 88.265,31 length , from the blrldge at the foot Jones and Mrs'. H. B '. Williamson , Pre8(hing, 11 a. m. ' f. ~~ts 01 U~lted Sta1;elJ Government (including , of the hill to the heart .ot Harvey~- and tl\Vo daughte.rs 'attended the ,7:00. Young People's meeting • postal savings) ..... . ...... '...... , . . • . • "'" •. , .••..••...•.. ' '50.330,28 . Entry fee will be $l.OG COlumbus Oentenary last week. ' 'Evening lIervlce at 8:00, ~t. of ,8t6tea and PaUtical subdivisions , ... "............ 63,088120 IPrlzes are to tie .0. $50 War Bond- ~. Olyde Coleman stopped here, other deposita (cerW'led and cashier's checlm, etc.) ., ....... , 1,5111.15 You are invited 'to come~d wor'TarAt. DJilPOSl1IS ,..•.....•. , '," I •••••.• "1,0'l3,~7:36 to the et:ltry finishing f~t, a $025,00 saturday afternQOll enroute from ..nip with U8. otllef: llabWtlea .....•...... _.. .. . ..... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5oo.QO bond for secon.d, .1().GO 'for third and Colwnbils to her home 10 Norwood. We will aerYe diDaer. , , ' , ' . $5.00 for fourth. ! A good slzed crowd enjoyed the ' MT. 1I0liLY M. E. CHURCH :roTAIL LJIABliLl'lU:I! ........•..... •....... : .. . ........ .$1,()'14 .99'l.36 M:corcUng to the promoter Lou events at. Oakdale Park on the 4th. by relervation. , . T. ~. Be•. ~r". Minister CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Wampler, FredOlil ' Campbell and The remains of Mr. Mc~. Capital Stock: , "t, company of tM ' ~O staff, will 'Who was drowned at Toronto, CanSunday Bohool ~:30~.~: E. A. , " . ;COlmnon.stock, total par $75,000.00 ..... '..... , ..... . .. . .... $ 75,000;00 perform during the. climb. ada recently, were, broiJght here Ea1Dh&rt, Supt. SIll'PIU8 ......... , .... " . . • , . ....... " ...• '....•.. . ..•........••, 5,000,00 _ , , . Saturday to be lriterred In MIamI ', ~ !Service, '1:S0: p. IlL • t1ndlvlded, profits . ...... .. , .. : .. . ...'. , ... . ..... , ...... ; ...... . 31.~.64 Pllone , (:emetery. He W8I\ the son'-In-~w of . ,2193 ATlq.ETES F,j[)~T GERM' the late Ow. Bro.sle. . " Waht iO Sell Yobr Services? 'IOTA!. OAlNI'AL AOOOUNTs .; . . .... , .......... .... , ... . 151,660.54 t It Can'fbe ' Uqw To Kill The ~rm Im!bIias deeply. Carl Sh~rwood 'sold lils' town" ADVERTlSB !N Q~I , ,.., . . . . . . . . .l1li• • • •' WvAL LIAmILIl'IIIES AND OAPJlioAlL AOOOUN'I'S .. ; .,1,226,657.90 killed unless fCjl.Ched.. Many linl'; property (lPJ)061te,' the lock-up laat MEMORANDA .ments and o1otments ' do not pane- week, to Lawr~nce Sheperd., Pledged aasets (and securities loaned) (book value): 9-12 8!lch morning , '(,,) United States gove'rnment obl18atlona, direct and trate sufllclently, Ask ' any dru"lst MJss Edna Dill, daughter of Mrs, f T I h Euphemia Dill , of Mt. HOllY,. a.nd guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other 1-6 · ~rnoon. except ' Or e~ol solut OIl· Made wit 90 % Ra"'"'ond Osborn .....n 0' f ·....•. and , lIabll1tieS , ......................•.. , , .... , ........... . ~ $119,493.25 alCohol It PlENTERATES. Reaches~END YOUR WORRIES --. We~eaday .' . (0) . Other assets pledged to secute deposits and other more germB·. A,pply full strength lor Mrs. Ben' Osborn of 'near Rldgevuie, llab1l1t1es (lnclucUng notes and bills red1scountea and • to Lebanon 'lbursday. ju.ne securities sold under repurchase a.greement) .......... 5,000.00 itchy, sweaty o.r smelly feet. Your Im~[)to:red NOW WITH 1-9 ~ S.~~d8'y evening and were qUIetly rna.rrted. 35c back tomorrow If not plealled. ' Other EveJ\ings' BeC~ii.iti~;· ..••.. , , .•. ' •.' •• , ..••....•..•. • , .•.. , . . • . •. $124,493.25 Locally .•at Wa~s'vtlle Drug .Store. ~:swa~h!se:~~I*~ Not a messy, ,h ard to use dye. ': "
...,- --
H Hill arvey Climb.Saturday
Waynesville National Bank
Notice to Thrashers "0 URIHOUS-E"
G'r ay,
(a) Deposits 'secured by pledged useta pursuant to requlrements ot la", .... ' ............... , ... ... .. . .... 58,98'1.41 , 'l'()'I1AL , ....... " ... , . . .... . . , . . ......... " ......•.•.. '..... $ J 58,987.41 State of Ohio. County of Warren. _: II, C. ill. Brace. cashier ot the above-named 'b ank, do sol~ swear that the abeve statement 18 true to the tb86t of IllY know-. ledge and bellef. '
Speciilli,t X.nla, 0
SV(om to and subscribed before me this 5th day 01 July, 1944. L. H. GORDON. Notary PubUc. Correct-Attest: 'SEAL) ROSS H. HARTSOCK 000. J. WATERHOUSE
1!I• • • •IIIIIIi.iiil• • • •~
A"to••ol,lle .n.........e '· ,
,. NC?t a slow· ~orking vitam~n but :a ' colorless Helen Hawke visited the Centenary at ColUmbU8. , liquid that will in a few, simple ap.plicafions : ,t;e-", ', ,Men. ,Balrd ot 1D.dIa.uaWliB; who stor.e gray and ' streak~d hair to "a b~a'uti~ul, ,n~t- , . llas Just' 'been releaSeatrolJ1 ' the army, ,has been the guest of Mrs. ural colot or your money bi\ck. , ' Julia Donovan. ' tMr.BIid Mrs. Frank Frank 'ZeD; ' g qa' af Mrs. Frank FVr and Mrs, Mary , Caskey are" spen~1ng & ~uple o! ~aYIl at th~ polumbu.a Oentenary, George ~n whQ llves on the Ferry road, feU. otf a. load of lumber Thursday and injured. ' , John 'Eva.DlI"50ld ·hls 6O,.acre'farm on" Middle Run last week for 'l60 I.:: . r·~~~":""-:""';';',-:,-::-':':';;:'-4-:"";;~-~"""'':'''''~~~~~~~~to':'ft'r , ,
, .' ,HAIR NU~TON"E ·
.KEEP YOU.·HAIR ,WE'-L ~OOMED ' . ~Ta '," ,
Offlee at. ~ IUI4 S.......... , ~ J\i~
• .,........ ......... .II-.r,
LOR:TS' That Scieatiflc New Dre.iD. IMta _ Sale ..
~~IN~ET--Y--~FO~VB~T~B~YEAB=-~----------------------~----------------~----W~A~YN==E~8~VI=J~J~'.~,-O~HI~Q~THUB==~=SD~A~y=,-=JU=L~Y~I~3,~1~M~4~.~--------- ----------------~------------------~~--~W=H=O~LE~,~NUMB~==Ea==~.=la=-
Wedcling .Ceremony At New Burlington '
Reception Sunday For'New Ministe):
HIS NAME WAS . . . ., ...
Pvt. Wm. A Biggs Bro. Jo8:-Janning Civic Club Speaker Married.In Dayton ,
Personals • • • • • e ..
Miss Laura. Rosna.gle of Hartford, oonn., is Ule guest of her sisters. Brother Joseph Janning, of DayMrs . Harvey Burnett In Lytle and ton, who was a missionary In China Mrs. H. E, Hathaway, I whcn the Japanese I\t t.acked and Mr, and Mrs . J. R, Mengle who ,later an Inll!ate of a J a panese 10recently sold Lpelr farm. 011 State ternment CII.m.ll, 15 to be the guest Route 42, are now residen ts or' Lt:b- ' l:opeaker at lJ1e July meeting of the WII.YI}llsv1l1e Civic club whJch will Little Miss Bar~a;a Meredith of , be held Monua y evening at Cold , ' Springs tavern. Brother Janning, L1ma . Is Visiting her gra ndmoLher, ,' wh OI>e a ddt'ess pron11ses t 0 be exMrs . Sampel MeredlLh and her I t.r I tim 1 d ' L tin nunt Mrs. Walter WlUtaker. ' eme y e y an 10 ercs, g, was , recently repatriaLcd and re turned to Polly Lou and B1I1y Wlsem.an, UILs country via the Gripsholm. chlldren of Mr. and Mrs. Walter F'ollowing his talk whloh w1lJ be lWasem.nn, nre 51-ending lJ1e week In entitled, 'The Psychology of the Hmnllton at the home of their aunt, ' JapanelSe in TIlls Present War," he Mrs . Mlles Thompsoll and other Will conduct n quesUoll and answer relatives. ' , period. . • • • The dinner IlIceUng w1l1 begin Pvt. and Mrs, Robel't Duke of , IJromptly at 7 :00 IJ. m . Meufuers Camp BlandIng, Fla" were calling ' ul'e IIrged to return \.heir re~e rvatlon , on friends ill WaynesvUle dlU'ln g ; cnrds VI.hether they !lInn to attend the past week, Pvt. Duktl will re- ,-•. noLo turn to Camp Meade, Maryland, for further training . OUI£GON(A }'(,YER IN FlRST SHiI '1"I'L1£ ~DSSION TO RUSSIA !Mr. alld Mrs. O. B. Marlatt were
, (New Burlington' Friends Meeting Announcement has ,peen .made of House fonned the setting for a lovereception was given by the Methothe marriage of Pvt. Wllllam A. dist OhUTCh last Sunday evening for ly summer wedding Sunday afterBiggs, ot the Marine Corps, a son noon, July 9 at 3 :30 when the mar!Rev. R. B., ooleman and fan,rlly. of Mr. and Mrs. Elftortb Btgga Those chosen tly the committee rIage of Mls8' Charlotte wu1se Hartof Corwin, and MIM Edith Everson, on e,rrangements to m.ake the ad- man and Hewitt Britt ~ Jr., nlece of Mr. and Mri. !ohn D, dresses of welcome were Mary Lou capfain army air ' corps engineers, Weaver of Dayton. SmIth, Robert Hastings, Joe James, was solemnized by A. Ward Apple~ The marrIage ceremony was perVlrg1nla Preston" and WUllam gate, pastor Of Wdlm1.ngUm Friends formed In Dayton Saturday evening, !Meeting tn an Impreasive double Stroud. July 1, by the Rev. .Mi-. Oldman The program and slnglng was tn ring /lCrvIce. of thnt city and was followed by a Preceding the ceremony, ' MIas charge of Mrs, Ralph Hastlngs, reception at the home of Mr, and with MIss Virginia HardIn at the Myra Haydock, New Burlington, fur!Mrs. Weaver. plano. The minister, wile and n15hed II. program of instrumental Mr. Biggs Is a guard at the U. S. dnugbter, MIldred, gave brier re- music, pla,ylni several of the familNavy Yard In Waahlngton D. O. iar nuptlal songs MIas Rac~el Hartsponsea. Mrs, Biggs Is a graduate nurse on Mter the program the committee man of Elkhart. Ind., followed In the stall of the GOOd SamarItan furnished generous servings of home excellent voice with four numJ;lers, hospital In Dayton. made Ice crCllm and cake, There "Because," ''Tbru the Years," '\I'll was a luge and representative wa.lk Beside You," and ended With SOUTH WAYNE ADVlSOJl.Y group of the church ~d constlt- the Impresalve, "I Love You Truly." COUNCIL MEETS JULY 8 The planJ&t 1mme~lately struck Lhe uency present. - AT MeCOY HOMB The mln1stef IU1d famUy wish to opening " chords of ,L ohengrln's The South Wayne-AdVisOry COunexpress their appreciation of the Wedding March and the minister, the groom and his best ma.n, Lt .. cil met at the home of t.Ir. 'and Bra. tine reception given them. 001. John' H1ldebolt of Dayton apJosel McCOy, the evening of July 6 ENTERTAIN CENTEJ..t.vn.LE . proached the front of the church wlUl the preBldent, Clarence Rye, In Sunday dlnner guests of Mr . nnd CHURCH GROUP HERE from the vestry room. 'l'akIni their charge. " l ~ Lh AAiF' in Imly- A task [ol'ce of M!'s. LaCY Craig in Xenia. places 'In front ot baskets of white The dlscuaalon per1od. fW&s devoted' flying and ground personnel from 'M r. and Mrs. Oharles Ellis en, A,,,,, SI,n.ol Corp. Pbolf . g~ palms a 'n d evergreen to the subJeot of "Farm ~uHo. An Army doctor with the Fifth Army In Italy looks at the dog tags of 8 tertained on ,Wednesday of lIIIIt Mrs. JennJe Conner has as hcr the 15th All' Force r ecenUy returned dead Am,c rican soldier SO that his beloved back home may k.now that he seven branohed llghted candelweek wltb the members of the Cengave his life for his country. All your country is asking you to do Is to give guest, 'her little granddnughter, from a ten-day stay at an American PltaUzation" and ' the obIIerv~ of your dollars to back' up the men who ate fighting [or you by buying War Jane Kelly, of CincinnatI. /base In Russia. The hJstoric visit of "National Farm Safety Wee&,H the terville Woman's Society ' of Obr1at- labra n n d awaited the brlde and her Bonds. , U. S. Tr..,~wr:1 U. pa""' ..1 attendants wiUl the Ushers, tile American airmen marks t.he llrst week of July 23rd, aa prOclaimed bJ Ian ,Service and their husbanda as The bridesmaids wore identical President Roosevelt. Mr. and Mrs . 0, E . St4lnoforth shuttle-mission to the Soviet. bhelr guests. A covered dish picnic The council felt that safety shOuld and daughter entertained to dinner Leaving their Italian bases on dinner with hamburgers and home gowns ot pale yellowinarquisette fashIoned with form-flttea bodices extend beyond the farm and UJat made Ice cream prepared by the Sunday, Mrs. M. G . Stanforth of June 2, the B-17 Flying FortrCSb'CS buttoned tp the round neckline and ~ measures shoUld be taUn ' to have HUlsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lane ,attacked a I'allroad yard ,and junchOst and hosl4lSS, WI\S enjoyed long flowing sklrta. They, ~ well as A group of Interested citizens of Robert ,:Ii:. O~e, son of' Mr. and son, Dickle, Mr. and Mrs. Wll- Itlon at Debresczen, Hungary , and the railroads remove the W~~d baz.. around the outdoor furnace, Arter the ri!'g1Uar ~Ung follow- the matron of h9uor, were Inttmates WaynesvJl1e and ViCinity m et FrIday and Mrs. Harol,d Osborn, recelved bur Price and daughter, Susan, of then continued on to an undisclosed rds a.long the roadbeda, ~ 0bIng the dinner, games and contesta ot the ~lde when all attended Qlp.. evening at Lhe hom.e of Mr. and his wings and commlssLon at Moody Middletown. AIllerican base In Russia. O,:eraLing scure the view of the' oroulnp. A SOCial pe~lod with refre8hments lWere enjoyed. AibOUt 40 guests and' 1tal lUl1veralty at COlumbus. The Mrs. John TUrner to (urther plans Field, Georgia. on June 27 and has • • • from the SOviet Union, the .American \Mrs . M . W, Denny of Oklahoma Fortresses and their Mustang fighter followed . The August meetlnl of the metllibeJ:& enjoyed this very deUght- matron of honor, who immediately , fOr the p~oposed Youth Center for been asslgned to a twin-engine preceded' the bride, was Mrs. Mar- Wayne toWnship children. ' There bom.ber' squadron. Lt'. Osborn Is a City, who has been the guest of her escort attl1cked an airdrome near council will be held at the home of ful ~etlni, vin Butz of Oolumhua, who wore were 21 persons present. ' graduate of WaynesvlllE~ High school mother, Mni. Fra.nk Dakin, for the Galatz, Roumanla , On June 11 they Mr. and Mrs. J. J. B~. BIRTH OF DAUGHTER sky-blue c:h1ffon faahJoned With Durl.n&' t.he course of the ml\Ctl.ng iu the class of '41 and before his en- past few wceks; 'has returned to her aLtacked the airfield at Focsanl~ near SOLDlER TEL~ OF ' ~T Sgt. and Mrs-:Jiimes x. Hopklna sweetheart necltll.ne, lace mldrltt it was declded that the J . R. GIb- lIsliment as an air cadet was em- home. Mrs. Dakin accompanied her Budapest, on their return to Italy. IN SOUTH PAVIFIC IN A and full ' flowing skirt. The brtdes bons bUIlding on Nor~h street' would ployed at the National Oash Regis_ ' d aughter for an indefinite stay. Among those partlclpaotlng in this are announelng the birth Of a fine LETTER TO P'AB.ENT8 maids were M1ss Mary BaIn of l.Je))e the best suited iocation for the ter cOlJllpany In .Dayton. Arter hIs • • • mission was Stalt Sgt. Robert Blair seven POund , daughter, ,AmY ,MarMiss Joy Lee Lanham who has Shaw, 21, of Oregonia, Qhlo, who Is trott; Wch:, and MIss EdltJl Helcenter, but final 'decision on the 10grnduation he 'Was grallted ,a il2-day garet, on, Sunday morlnpg at th~ The following Is taken froM a tetBlair hospital. sgt. Hopktna Is beri of Napoleon, Olllo. The ushers cation Was wl~hheld unW ' estimates leave which he spent lllere With his been the housegUest of Mr. and a radio operator gunner on an AAF ter to his parents by Pre. oarl B. NTs. W. P.' Strader tor several !8-17 Fly,lng Fortress. Sgt, Shaw has McKeever, son of Mr. and Kri. J. serving with the military forces In, were ind l;.t. P. M. Brlckey of the can be obtained a.s to cost 01 Im- parents. p.leted:: _forty mlMlmts and ha4 W. McKeeteI' ~ He Is, located In the &ervlce OImlNind, ~~ , ts"''1fb1Ch ''' IhU~- be made .. - OU SIIDdaY':'July 2, Lt. Osborn 'Was d~Y8, ret.u rned to het , home in , , Pranoe, and ~Old Hoover of Ur-· on the bulldlng, married to Miss wls' I'uts of Farm.- Salem, W. Va., Suncay . Mrs . Stra.- been awarded the air' medal. South 'PacIfic. SONS HOME ON FUBLOUGH He Is a graduate of Wayne TO..ynJohn Turner' ~ eJected perman- el'sville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. der and son accompanied her for a "The thermometer reads 123 de. 'nle bridesmaIds and matron' or ent cba1rma.n and a nominating Ora Pula at the St. Andrews Luth- short smy. ship high school and was a welder grees today and It 15 supposed to be Op1. 'Obarlea Chapman of Port honqr carried coloillal bouqueta of before be entered the arme(!. forces committee was se1ected to /lClect eran church In Farmersville by the Meade, Marylahd, waa the week- ,lSXtmpl9JD uters, Brlercllff' roses and • Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Hess of Day- on April 19, 1943, H1,s wlIe, the tor- winter time now. We are used io It oUler offIcers. Rev. Oharles W. Hasselbach. Donand don't seem to noUce It &Ill end guest of.. his parents, :Mr ." and ' . and ' wore ' matchtng ton were Sunday evening caJlers of mer Roxie Cuolyn Sackett, resides more now. I would give all,l"tblJW IAt the conclusion o~ t'he meeblng aid H, Osborne, ' sellDlian Ilrst class, Mrs. ,J. B. Oha~n. He left on 1Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellls. 'at Waynesvi1l~, Obto. th06e present adjourned to Ins~t of the Bunker H1l1, IIid, Na~al Base, Just to see a attle snow. ' Monday, 'to spelld several days With bheproposed site ' the center. ''l''be brother of the groom, nnd Miss Dor"It Is Sl:IJlday afternoon. I weoL , hh family In Chlcago. Staff Sit. Mrs. Margaret Thomas of Piquu WAYNE TOWNSHIP EXVEEDS ~ext meeting Is ~ be held at tbe othy Brown of , Farmersville, were to, church t.h1a morning. It sure wu , Robe~ Chapman ' also arrIve\1fr~ and Mts, William Kughn of oolumQUOTA IN 5th WAR LOAN home of 'Mrs. Alva Thoinpeon at ' tbe attendants. The immediate hot there. , We have to alt on lop SbepplI.Id Field, ,Texas. to enjoy a bus, are the house guests of Mr. 8:00 R, m., FRday, J'uly 14. All tnifll:lDUles , of the bride and groom. right out in ~e sun, We are Vert furlough ,with ~ parents . , and Mrs. Rice Snapp. Mr. and Mrs. Ross H. Bart iOCk, chairman of te'rested cltlzeu are urged to attend were the only witnesses present durtbankful though that we have the NT. and Mrs. Ohapman and thell" Snapp with their guests were enWayne townsbie in tbc Ftnb t.h1a meetln~ ~nd support this log the ceremony. prlvUege to go and worablp wher.. sons enjoyed dinner on Prlday evetertained to dinner Monday evening War Loan Drille, announced Mrs. Osborn 15 a graduate of worthy project. ever we may be. Our cha.plaIn .. ning at Cold Sprlilga Tavern WJth by Mr . and Mrs. OharleB AnderTuesday eveDin, tbat the t.ownt ,h e Fatmersville HJgb schOOl, class from South Carolina. and be can , Mr. and. Mrs. Emmor Balley son. sbip bad again exceeded ita preach a good sermon." of "42 and untU her marriage was , and Mr, ana Mrs. Emmor "aluey' quota. Salt$ tolaled $149,539.00 Carl's nddress Is: pte;, Vvl •• em.ployed at Moraine J>roduots In Miss Eva McMillan of Cincinnati Jr. They 'Were Monday eveninl ' w&ereaa the quo~ 'for the drillc ~e81 Dayton. McKeever, 35683108; M. P. Plat.. has ' returned to her duties atter , ' ~s!<a of Mr. ~nd Mra. BaIley Br, Wile $125,000.00. Sale of "E" A.P.O. No. ,32, care oi ~ter• . The Mlluni , ~ry Board. ~eld Lt. , and Mrs. Osoolrn lett Mon- spending three weeks with her sisat their flome near Lebanon. ~ie8 Bonds wUl count in the San PranoSsco, ~. • Its ,,JUly , ,~eet1ng , at the , cemetery day eyenlng for MOOdY Field, where ter, Mrs. Russell Wilson, and other drive until luly 31. Lt. Osborn will be ass.lgned for fur- relatives. AcT1VlTlES OF ~ Warren county baa also , exCLUB MEETs HEBB LOCAL CBUIW~ OF 0IIBI8T After' the routine 'buslne&l of the t.her training, ceecl'ed Us quota. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Moler who The Dayton PlIte ,Commuruty club evening bad been cared ' for~ Wa1ter -----In We. contest ',/WIth the ' Perry recently purchased the A. F. MelLOCAL 4-H OLUB MEETS met Wednesday afternoon 'With Mrs. Kenrtck of Lytle was , el~ted presloh property on North stllltlt, have--t- - -Cburoh of Chr15t, the results ,fOr J. E. Monger as hostess at ilie ',. Ident ot the ·tJOard teo take the p,lllce moved lrere from their former home Tile BUSY Bee 4-H club met' home of Mrs. GleMI Bo~den . 'las~ week were as folloWs:, Wayn~ of M, A. Oornell, who l}as reslg,ne.d. ville chU~ch of , Christ Bible 8cbool, Ronald Rush and Virgil Longacre, near Hamilton on the Middletown Thw'sdiIY, July 6 at the Grange naU Mr. COrnell has served In the 'ca-' 1k DlES AT BOME ,IN UTlOA 1~, , -:; 136; church, !W., ; 1,1&, F., with Sara Bradock and MonlmJa pe.~lty or preslden't tor the past tJw() both of Lytle, tled In the hlgh climb p e, 1125; ,evening servtce, W. 91, F., 88. ~ years. Saturday afternoon at Harveysburg. Hook In charge and Judy Oonner Sylvan Polnllett, 66, died ........ iMax Randall, pastor of the local ............ . Next Lords Day Mr.' RIUldall W1ll1~tterBOJl presiding, at his home In the Utlca COII1mun' Perhaps due to the heat, there Church of ChrIst, attended a threeCIlUBCllES,OF OHRIST TO were on1y six entrleu In the high day convention of his church this Our second project In ,sewing Ity. He Is survived 1)y hla wife, KAlrHO~ JOINT PICNlC climb wblch began at the foot of was finished at thls meeting. The tha, ane;! a daughter, Mra. mJ& week at :Barberton. _ -I., • • • next meeting wUl be held at tile Bachelor, of 1JI!DlUlon. SatUrday, July 211, will be a Irl'eat Harveysburg hill and ended at the Mr. and Mrs. Dillon McMillan Grange Hall on Friday at 2:00 p. m. day tor the members of both the oross roads In Harveysburg, a dlsEuIa H oa, k Roe por te r WOMANti SOClETY ' _ _ ' TO MEET WaynesvlJle , and :Fel'fy ChUrches 'of tance of one mile . The winner, who and chJldren of Norwood, are spendThe W~'s Socle~y of~. ~t, '~!or 9iI that day they are spllt the first prize of ,a $50 war 1ng this week with Mr. and Mrs.' IBe,rv1l~e ' WU1 bold their rCiUW' going to bave a JOlilt picnic ~th bond, finished In three mlnuteB and IlRlJ.SSf!ll Wilson t md Mr. and Mrs. FARMERS GRANGE TO 25 seconds. They hil'~e recently re- lHerl)ert McMIllan, BOLD ANNUAL PICNIC m6nthly, meeting 'With Mra. Glenn turned after a. 400 mile bicycle trip • • • Bolden as b08teaa at ber home OIl and were In first-class condJtlon. S 1-c Donald Osborn of the BunThe annual picnic of Farmers 'F riday, July 21. Mrs. K. N. Houah Harold Hough of near Harveys- ,Iter BtU (Ind') Naval Air Bese, son Orange No,' l3 Will be held Baturday, will reView the study book, "All For . 'M8ud 'aild . ~. ,0. ltaiwte burg, was a.warded third priZe, a $26 of iMr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn, July 15 at the hom~ of Mr. and Mrs, Ufe." tertalne<s w1th a picnic' clliiner 0Jl w(li bond and Carl Huffman third returned to h15 post Sunday after Harry Smitb. Patrons are asked to Sunday evening at. " Wayne ' Park prize, $10 In war stamps, The fourth spending a 12-day leave at his bring a basket, ' table service and Tbdr Pelta were Mrs. 08nUe ~dprize of $5 was won by Allen HoI~ home. WhIle here he was best man sugar. , ..w~~ Mfa: Don HaBe, ~. .Al~ of Lyt1e. 8:t the wedding of his brother, Lt. EtDIlk, I4Iis MIu,')' Glassmeyer, and ~E8lNENG~D Entertainers from Radio Station '~r~ 08born. WBiIo gave a perloimance. • • • 1Mrs. Jessie Hyman has received. REV. RALPH PARKS Gene. M, Thompilon, Ph. ~ ' 1I'- c, ~d 'from her lion, Lt. Robert Hy. ATTENDING CONFERENOE &on of Mrs. Mll?red Thompson or man, that he arrived safely In Ellll_ ,",-_, j;, ' IVIILvtA:tn has returned teo hIs ' du~~ IL~ land laa~ week. AT , UNh~lTY OFWUI; ~\ ABnapolls, ~d., Nav~1 ho&pl~ after (l!)Dlpletln, a I4-day leave via" , NOW A OOapO~AL ltlngJ.Rends and telatlve,s ,here, and 1n" ~. . 't' . , I -Matt ' Turner who Is stationed at I . Dy~rsblW, -renn., training as , a I ' ' ,gtlP'n et on the B-17 Flying FoiItress BEVEIVB8 SOBOL.\BSBIP ' , , ~T '~GroN, ~J!i has been ' made a corporai and assistant radlo 'man ,' "
A. well arro,nged and ent.hUBla.stic
• • •
Local Citizens Meet Lt.'Robert Osborn To Discuss Project Is Married July
• • •
• • •
Nun8 New Cemetery " ·d' t B oard P en
· ..
Lytle Youths Tie In' Bicycle Climb
.~~~~----~--~----~----~--~--~~----.,--~----~~~::::=:~::=:~~--~~~~,.----------~------~-------y~----~~----- about t.ak Ii over Route {2, A local cillv.en stal.es that by actual oount the otJlcr venlng there were more PIi... lia Waynesville, Ohio Main ~bre'et trucks, P'lI4S{ng through town than pa enger cars. . . . Aa 8ecoDd , Claaa :Mall Matter at PostofJlce, Waynesville" Ohio In a properly managC<\ economy there would pe no need ~or depresWalter W, Wiseman; Editor a~d Publisher Sions, mnde WO)it 'n.od the dole. 'I11e dlfHculty IIcs In Hndlng out just lBSUED EVERy THURSDAY what COl1sUtutes a well managed 8\IbaCl'1ptton. Pr1ce, $1.50 Per Year. Payable In Advance ecOllOD»' .
~bt ~iami ~a;e~tt .
H••IOII.' Adv.,.t.tng Repr....t.tiv. • a", • •" . . . A
NG ••• VI(:8. INC. .......,WIoNIAI...·•• ••
e'ticIIM TO- Hewspapers
•• w.......... - ewe... I," ••••• It. woman was recently picked up by off~ra
in Detroit, who hRd in tile put In years garncred 15 husban4l: With a Uttle thought n.od promotion the woman might easlly trui.ke' a ' Dl;llllon from her skill in thJa llDe. ' She might conduct a correepondeDce course that shoUld a~ WjlCt many students Who have been trylDs unsuccessfully for years to aecure one ma.n. Certainly a woman who has marohed 15 men to the altar baa 80meUUng to give her sex 1D t.be WIlY o~ successfUl tethnlque W1t.b the elus1ve male.
• • •
"lbe showers Sunday evening r8aulted in the flnt moisture being seen Waynesville ' 8~etB for eome t.lme ~ tor the .sewage J:UnnlIlg dOwn the gutters. We' cannot underetand ,why residents should be made to gamble With their health and that of their families when a sewaae system tboUl$n& of dollara Sa alre6dy underneath our streets. Can You?
• • • , It 1a a common 8I;'Ying that 1" man
cannot get ahead 'Worldng for some one eIIe. ,:rhe aaawnpIJon Is that to ce ahead he mllllt be In bualness for himaelt, 'lbe cruel Jacts are ~t
AUCTIONEERING StAiley and K4lioaler POl' DIlte&, PboDe . . .. Wr.JD8l-.
'fWe. ObIo, Reverie' Oharpa
C:.. ·
HoIM.olelc/g" San FraIlClooo, C&
A local man whO Is past 60 made remark yesterday that he didn't expect to live long enough to see lower taxes. We have been trying to decide ever s.In~ we heard the remark whther he Is a pesslmlst or a realist, . ~he
Not many small towns have as flne and complete a llbrary as that the man who can 't get ahead work- found In WayneBvll1e and we should lng for som~ one eL~e wlll .never get be proud of it. ahead in business for himsell . • • The huge B-29s which have It. Is possible, · a local man sal's, to set a IIplendld Insight into the prob- proven so effective In flying BUch lems a farmer has to face with oven Great distances with enormous so small a farml~ project ns a bomb loads and which in a Single Vl"tory garden, or a small flock of raid or"'1'led a fourth ot Japan's chickens. It Is one thing to piny steel production suggests that after 'WIth a garden Or 1\ flock of chlokens the war other natio.ns ' will be ns a hobl,>.v., bu t Qui te a notller tnQ.t- making bombers as big or biger, Such II. plan could leave the ter to make Ulero pay their way . Alliean conUnen~, stop over at • • • In tile past several mon ths many Brazil for refueling n.od bomb any of our best citizens have mqved to part of the tJnited states. The Lebanon. . !What Is Waynesville'S thought suggests that a different lOSs Is Lebanon'lI gain , 'We were type ~f world polley Is going to have to be in force after the war sorry to lose them . If we expect to continue to enjoy One of the dangers the country th'h security that has been ours up lacee Js that too many people tU"e to now, working for time and a half instead What the agrloultural section of of for Victory, America need,s Js o.n automobile fWaynesvUJe, It seems, cOl.jld take whose fuel can be raised on the a lesson In community spirit from flU'm and conv'i!rted by the ronner. the sister village of i.iytJe. TheIr There Js ~ post-war project that has la.wn fete &turday nJgnt was a something on p1e ball. Think ~ha.t n. market there would be for a weed huge suctess. burlll.tiB au'tom.oblle. • • • TIle tired busL'ltlSS man these days HOUSEHOLD HINTS Is the small business man who Is 'taldn8 the place of one or two ' at ' Make a handy oord or twine the abent help, besIdes handling the holder by hanging a small funnel details of the man&fJement of tbe from the kilohen wall. ~t the ball bualneaa. To make Diatters worse 01 String In the fuunel, and run. one the lpanagel)lent of even a small end' of the string through the narbusln4!ss Is twice the burden that row it was In nONnaI t~es. To keep house 'p lants watered IWhile you are away, take strips of lIt seems that the truoks have 110ft white clotb about an inch Wide Ml<l two feet long. Place one end of the stl'ips' in a pall of water sligbtly higher than t~e pln.ots. BUJY. the 'other end of the strip In the soll around the phint. Thls will keep lihe plnI,lt watered .fO'r a week or .!pure. 10. well-beaten white of egg added to lJll\Shed ' potatoes will add to the looks and taste of -tbe-dlsh. , To bake potaitoeS quickly, boU them in salted water for, ten m1h.: utes, then put them intO' the oven. The bolUng water will heat t hem more rapidly ·than if theY. lWere place cold In tl¥! 'oven.
.. .
• • •
• • •
HiVlng'sold nll.Y raml, 1 will ,sell at publl51 au ~IQn 30 mUes north Waynesville, 2 miles casL 01 Lytle In the edge of F e rry, located' on the Dayto.u and Wilmington Pike on SATURDAY, JULY 15 , 1 ~44, Beginning at 12:30 Prom; t The following articles, to-wit: 14--HER1ElFO,RJ) CArrLE-..14 'Il\vo COIVS wlthl calves by Ide; tour cows, 'pasture br~K1; two bred heifers; four young bulls. TIlls Is a renl herd of Herefords. 1 SOW; 5 PIOS Sow with nve welmlng pigs, 40--0HI.0 KEN8--40 Forty head of White and Barred Rock hens. ' FElElD-4 tons Alfalfa hay. l'MPLEMENTS-Superlor manure spreader, good o,lle; McCOrmick corn binder, In good sha.pe ;' rubber ~Ire wagon with flat top, side boards; hay rake, hay roddeI'; corn planter; wheat drJll; wagon with box bed; wheelbarrow; glrlndstone; platform SOi les; 4 rod sewer We; several rod of field tUe; gllrden plow; fence stretcher; electric fencer; steel G)OSts; bQ1'b wire; 3 011 drwns, 8 galvan1zed chicken coops; pitchforks, shovels and s~all tools: girls bicycle, in first 'class 'Shl~pe, etc, HOUSEHOLD GOO~lamazoo coal range, outMayta~ two years, good ns new; electric ",asher; dining table anti 6 chairs; dresser; s.Ideboard; 3 beds, springs and mat· tresses; 1'OCk1n1~ ohalrs, straight chairs; plano and stoOl; rugs, cooking utenslla; ' -crumes; canned fruit; meat blook and lmany .o ther I1I'Ucles. Terms Cash II. C. PENNINGTON Stanley o.nd Koogler, Auetloneers Reason and St. John, Clerks, LEG.<\]'. NOTICE
Notice Is her~,y given as required by Section 6864, General Code of Oblo, tha~, Ralph Brooks, and others, h8.Ve tiled . (In the 19th day of June. 1944, t1'!ellr petition for the vacattnnlng of 1rownshlp Road No. 228 knQwn' as CllXter Road In Massle Township, 'Warren C<!unty. , fllhe JollowJhg Js the route and terminI 01 said l~d:
ATHLETE'S roOT GERM Not Hard To KiD TIle germ gr~ws ,deeply. To reach
WIloJesouwo P ..teurizecl' Dairy ProdUct. ,
Past.urized Mille For , Y~ur Protection .' Watn..~i1Ie, . Ohio "
~. . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
the fIrst floor. Y s, til men us-ht to jywe to, c rry all tIle water Wltll they ore wlll1ng to put In a few hOllr~ WOJlk to save the strepgth of their women folk for more productive work. How feY! fann women k.now the comfort. 01 q hose, to be able to wash the cellar ·or the l)orcb or Lhe SCI'eens or anything elsa JUSt by swishing · th~ water on It with a 1I0se. Wa.tbr, QW' greatest blessing. and yet so mllny have to use It spa.rlngly beca'use some man Is too lazy tQ do a little digging ond put In n few )Ipes. L~tQ
It; Use a penetrating 1unglclde.Many do not penetrate suft1clently: TE-QL lIolutton, made with . ' ldcohol, ptmetrates. Kills 't he germS 1t reaches. 'Appl,y full strength for Itchy, sweaty or smelly feet . ~our 350 ' back tomorrow f~om any drustlst if not pleased. .Locally at
Notice Is hereby given ns required by Section 6864, ocneral Code of Ohio. that Howard Graham, and othcrs, have IIIed on the .l9th day or June, 1944 theu' petltJon for thc vacaLioning of Township Road No, 225 known ns Camby Ml1ls Road In Massie Township, _Warren County, "\) . Ohio. The following 1$ tbe route and F'All£N ON TN. I"I£J.D II,. NIINQII./.. .,.,M illl.1'1F1i61JUJII,rI"041 ?'''NCII "IiIIGFS I. ITA~'I' ,1InIfl) till "ILITM'I IIIP...~ 1HIi CCOIl( ~I fUUItI1b 1IIIi termini of said Road: COL~ COifl\lW& 1'IIr COf"" 01 "'10U1!. "EMC" ~ ""~~1)llVfR, "'Alill JOR~.,/ Situn \.cd 111 Massie Township, '"LLtp III ~1lo" '*4 "'~L1A, If~' 1M. 'f11l1r 1'114" " '1IfUIVlP 11IJ11 ~ County, OhiO, and In MilWarren •...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I\JIry Survey No, 569 and known ' 8.8 Camby MILls Rood, Township Rood No, 225, BegilUling at a point In the cen~er of Caesars Creek at the olit ford In time, Rain, Is there illlyt.hlng tllnt. feels crossing on said Creek, South of the o like a blessing dlrecL from heaven old Camby Mills site, running tiS rain nIter u long dry spell ? Won- thence with the tencral center of dedul, but nlns, thls Is Dry Ridge the old Road and down said Creek and while Waynesville, Lytle, Xenin on the East or left s ide thereof n.od and points east had a real soaker through the lands of Robert Stump In less than ten minutes ours was as follows; S, 25 degrees 25' W, 90 feet; over just enough to Iny ~he dust. It' pays to ndvertLso.' That t.emptS. 21 d~ees 35' W ," 122 feet; S. ing ad put in by the Waynesville 45 degrees 30' W. 3~1 reet; S. 21 Ice company which sb.ld. "Let. us degrees 27' vi. 20S 'Ieet; S, {, debring you a big tank of wnter," has grees 00' W. 130 feet; 6, 14 debeen worklllg on us vcr since our grees 48 ' W. 198,5 feetl; S. 30 household watel' worles went dry degrees 33' W. 444 feet; S. 0 some time ago. Last week 1 had the degrees 24' W. 369.5 feet; S. 30 lenk In -the cistern re pnlred and this degrees OIl' E, 439,5 ~eet; S. 22 morning the I.!lnk of water that I degrces 29' E, 466 feet; S, 46 debad ordered arrived, eleven hWlc\.red grees 41 'E.437 Jeet; S. 1'1 degrees gallons, so they say and now the 35' ,E. 148,5 feet; to ~ point In water runs 'from the faucets at a· the old Road. o.nd at the end of tllln of the hand. the lane leading to ,the'resJdenc~ of Robert Stump, said point bears N, 0 degrees 90' W. ~'l6 leet from the center of the laue , leading to the Jarm tulldlngs on the ' farm owned by Isndora Ward, and there ending, ~lhg , total dlstance oJ 3UI feet. The Board of CommJsalo.ncrs 01 Warren COunty, Ohio, have set Friday, JUlY' 28, 1944 at 10:00 A. M. 011 thp Rome or. SJld TOWli... sh1p Road No. 225 'as the time and place for viewing said Road and Friday, JUly 28, 1944 at 1:00 o'clock P. M. at their oUlce In the Court House at Leba.non, Ohio, as th~ tlJne a.nd place for the final bearing thereof. . , • 'B Y ORJDER OF THE BOAIRD OF
A F~rm Diary--Dry Ridge
omo. . A: 1\1.
wCK;Y War Analyst
Is Pacific Veteran ,
IWhen bnking apples, prick the skin of the apples and they will 'Cook without -bursting.
~. .
Sand &Gravel TARVlA-'UT.HlC TAR AND '
f·tAn:Eight· Star Picture
. PJlOne Wl\.lvoesvllle 2911
Maj. 'Walter B. Olauen "
Morrow Phone No, 3 Lebanoll~ Office Phone 473 K ~itlence 98 M
.. There were Iota of n,ew thinga in ~ book I hadn't seen in any other reports from tront~ine writers. But there was one question the men ~ the author that I have Been time andtbne again in theae storlea. Thatwas'Are you Icing to put prohibition over~on us ~. diers.again ••• andwitboutgettiDgourWte?'" "1 notiCed that. too,...Judp. and ·l think the leut we can do for thoje iightiDg JDeQ who are doing 10 much .~ u.... to respect
t1u!it wiIbeI QD that IUbJect.r
. Maj, Walt~r B', Claus~n, veteran ' Associated 'ress ' correspondent, author and: keen studimt of far eastern allain, h81 joIned tHe stai! of WCKY Cincinna~: . and Is heard, dahy ' at 6 and 11 · p. m" over the L. B, . Wil.Bon station ' with' hi. analy. sis of the latest war news: ./ . . "Maj, • Cl URn' returned io (~ , Ulis c<?untr~,' :recently ',att~r ..,' spendipg more aian,:8. 'year as . chiet . AP ,corresPQndent ' at- , ' tache,a to 'the hea.qquBl'ters of . ,Admillal Ohester W. · Nimitz. " commander-tn-chief 'of \he Pa~ ciftc Ocean areu. His , e~ rlence In the Far E8It date. ·~Ck to 1910.
zr -
From 'fhe Miami 'Gazette
, FIFTEEN ·YEA.RS Ado Sunday for Fl<ltida. ' (July 10, 1929) Hennan Conner has gone to the <Miss Elllie Qustin ' and iForrest ~tlonal MU1t.ary Home for treat· IUdg wC\'e married at the home of ment .. . tl1e bride in Dnyoon 1M0nday, JUly 1. When her foot caught ,in a nig 'I'he .,rlde' is the younger daughter at ber bome near SpringbOJo Sun· 'Of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gustin, 101'- day, Mrs. F . .E. Rosna.gle feU and mer resldenl.s of Waynesville but , broke her right arm. She Is the now of' Dayton, Mr. Ridge is the ' mother of MriI. H. E. Hathaway of young'cst son of O. M. Ridge and is tbla place. D. traveling salesman for the Niagara Marriage LJcense"':" Howard H, Falls carborundulD Co. They wUl Dalton, lBCtory worker and Miss l'eslde In Chicago. Gladys Irene Adams, lacoory workE. J. Burton, local 'boy, who Is a er, both of Wayn~v1lle. 1.oochel' in the Elyria schools, but • • • has beel\ working !1t the Dayton TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Fnn in Dayton this summer, ls walk (jUly is, 1919) lng on crulclles lIB a result of an Bro. Isaac Kinsey, grand master accident whlle playlng ,b all with tho of the Ohio Msaonlc lodge made , Day-FUll ,team on the F'ourth. Waynesvllle a vlsitaU<m , Thursuay . MrB. Lillla.n Carr dnd Mrs.- Allce Bom-To Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Welch were hostcss~ a.t a dellgbt. Z1mmennan saturd~y, July 12, a lui soclnl event honoring Mrs. Edith daUghter, Louise C'8.st. Lukens July 3 at the Cal'r home in 'M r . and Mrs . Nelson King of 1nHarveysburg. di~apolis, were the week - end The W. F. M, SocleLy of the M. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey. E. chul'Ch m eL aL the home ot MIs. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Conner, Joe Davl,s Wednesday with Mrs. Mrs. Harry Murray and Harry ~n 'vavis, Mrs . Lloyd Davis anI Mrs. ner visited the Expoeltian at OolumEmerson Earnhart as hOBtesses. bll$ Soturday . Mrs. Grace McCune of Lima, Mr. and Mrs. J . ~. Oe.rtwright spent the week-end wlLh her moth- and two daUghters, 'R hea Janet and er, Mrll. Eva IMlller . Evelyn, left Monday for Kent to Mrs. Ollle Davls returned home ' 8~nd a week. ' lost week after D. two-monthB vlslt Mrs . sarah Zimmerman was very with hel' son Ilnd famUy in Boston, pleasantly SUrprised Monday' evenMass . ing witb a Idtchen .shower Biven by Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Murre) members ot the Eastern Star. Mrs . ILUllan M. Hotop entertainTInney Monday, .July I, a son. ed at a reunion lor ber son, Elmer, iMaster John RJchard Crane of Dayton spent lost week wihh hi! wbo lDnded trom overseas May 3, grandpal'enUi, Mr. and Mrs. D : L . and has Just arrived bome. Francis M. Dlll died at the resl· Crane. . dence of bis daUghter, Mrs. O. B. A very pleasant social event 01 last week was the luncheon and Marlatt, Saturday n1eht. Mrs. M. SUver, Mrs: 'nbballs and bridge given by MIsses TrUlena aitd Lyman Sllver attended the CentenMargaret Edward:; at their attract ive bome on Third Btreet Wednea- ary at Columbus last week.
THE MIAMI GA~~~ , zsr:r: r-=:t==.
Saipan New Hub in Padfi~
Allen EnlrIAIk Wedneeday atternooD. Des~te the ,heat a larIe c:rowd WU present: The patriotic' .devotion. by Mrs. Harold 'Steinke aQc1 a BteP~ . Foster p'rogram 01 his ' pte and the singing Qt his, /iOnia 1.n chlP',B of , Mrs. E . B. -Longacre. ",as 'e njoyed. Pineapple sheroert.,cakeS ~d ice tea were served, The Auguat meeting wlll be an outdoor meeting ~ylth the famll1es at tbe bome of iMrs. Earl YOtUlg. Mr , and Mra: A. E. Wlllte of Columtltm were week-end JUcsts of Mr. and Mrs . Kt:IIler OTaham and Mrs. Robert Biney. The~ all attended a family picnic sunday even1n, at Old River park In DaYton. , It was an ideal evenJlig Saturday for the lawn fete at Lytle church by the Woman's SOciety. A very large crowd was present and the tale of 32 gallons of homemade Ice cream and 25 cakes wnted the society flO. The Lytle eleva~or has been a busy place since the thrashing season opened, with Everett Early and Lowell Thom~ In charge. on ThIll'S day t hey recewed 6000 bushels of wheal a.nd On Monday evening 22 car loads have been shipped O"t.
METHODIST CHURCII B. ,B. colenii.m, Minister
Voodoo Statistics
Ohurch school at 9 :30 D. m. Mrs. Raymond Oonner, superLntendent. Worship senlee' at 10:30 A. 'M . youth Felowshlp 'T'uesday even· ing at 7 :30. Choir practice Thursday 8:00 p.m ,
During my _boyhood I 19tc)V one typical ante-bellum Negro, a picturesque cha attcr born 50 yellrB, you might say, after bls time. It was said of him that; with solemn Congo River ritual.' he named one ST. ~IA.RY'S EPISCOPA.L of his scldom-uscd pocket. "The COUROH World." Promptly then he had his wife sew up the empty pocket. Mter Ralph rarks, Minister in Charra that, when a fellow worker asked Church .school at 9,:45 a. m . him for a chew 01 tobacco be c()uld !MornIng service Ilnd sermon .10 :30 truthfully say, "I ain't got a bit'a a . m. chewin' in The World." This Is not a pointless story. It ....mJtv cmlRCIl 0 ..' ClIltiST describes an interesting philosophy, Herbert Graham. I\tlnbter now in general use, nDtably by the Office of Price Administration. When 9:30 , a. m., BIble school. the powers of this bureau find It 10.45 a. m .--Cbtrununlon. Impossible to stabillze a price (as 11:00 a. m.-Sel·mon. they sometimes do) they prompUy sew up the ouUet with a so-called 8:00 p, m.-Preachlng. "line limitation," shift the trade to FBIENDM another store with somewhat lancler First Day school, 9:31\ a. m. prices and call It a deteriora lion ' of Meeting tor Worship, 1?:30 a. m. quality; not a price boost-never I The Magic Twbt ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCn It', uncanny. People pay more Father Kramholb, Priest for what they get although prices Mass Sunday 9:00 a. m. ItllY the same at all points 01 sale. Jllst consider the calle of Mr •• Eme Stone, proprietress 1,>1 Effie's 'Store WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF ' Inc. Nobody has ever called Effie a CHBlST mod/de. She runs a sort of general Itore at the edge of a farming toWD Mall Randall, MJnister and stocks some apparel, mostly Bible Sohool 9.30 a. m. cheap, working garments , for farm Communion 10:46 a. m. families and mill people. Woolen Preaching, 11 a. m. akirts at $4 and ladies' suits at ,20 Young pe<lple's meeUng 7:00. are for EWe's quality !,rode. But now the store Is out of woolen EVening servtee (It 8:()(). akirts entirely. Eme can 'buy ,them You are invited 1~0 come and worat about $4.50 wholesale, and could 'lhIp with us. lIell them for $6 and show a profit but it's not legal If OPA 'rules are J\IT. IIOLLY M. E. eHURCIl law. The trouble ill that Eme sold . T, M. Scarff, Minister no skirts above $4 for several years, including the months that OPA has Bunday School, 9:30 a. m. , Eo A. since designated as a '·'base period." Earnhart, Bupt. By doing this she automatically • • • day bonoying Mrs. Wm. Newland Evening !erv1ce. 7:30 p . •. FIFTY Y&\RS AGO fixed her own ceiling price" The 'o f Ohicago who ill visiting her sister (1..\, 'I, ISH) ,OPA'. MRP tule No. 330 caught her. Mrs. W. H. Allen. Bleb-Brow Humbac WayneavllJe needs another hotel NObody Is fooled. Effie',! hlgheat A. F. Melloh and family len and the old Mta.ml House ls the allowable price for skirts ,il $4 and l~ln Place to start it. Ihe can't get any more $4 skirts to . A mUTES FOOT GEB.M Hereafter the photograpb gallery lell. Her customers would pay How To Kill It will be oJ)lln every day of the week. more, in fact they GTe paying mor!!. The germ imbeds deeply. can't ~ They stiU lIke the kind 01 clothel Itllled unless reached. Marly l1n1Mrs. ~roUne Graham died at they wore during the famous "base menta and OlntmenUi do .not pene- the realdence Of her son-in-laiW, A. pel'lod." But they are buying elsewhere; paying $8.50 for skirts in ' trate sUfficiently. ASk any druBVist !B. Ivins, Saturday. tor Te-ol solution. Made with 90 % . Some time Saturday night a sneak shops just opening; that have no alcobol ,I t l'IENTElRAll'ES: Reach~ thief entered the office of Dr. L. O. "base period," or in big stores witp higher "celllngs" upbeld by mOre , mOre gelms. Apply full strength for liukens ~d took trlO in bUla. ~-- .., b ... d costly Unes. . . itchy.. sweaty or smelly teet, Your • Oeo • W ..n<>UIUe ' sa IIll The very same sport skirts Effie 350 back tomorrow if not pleued. sold ' 20 1niahela of tbiB used ~ sell at $4, tile very 8ame ~ I.29ally at , Waynesvllle Drug ~re. season from only a small ""Wh. brand, can be Bold legally by Ye The folloWing were lnItalled sa Smart Shoppe at higher prices than o1t1cera bY' the £. 01 P.: H. P. they'd dare name If Eme wall still . a competitor. But Effie 11 out. Keys, W. E: Oglesbee, L1nIt Sldea, She hall 'lollt ber skirt buslnes. and IHarry Lewis, George Bm1th, oakley ber suit Une 1& just 'ready to die tlie Ridge and A. Maffltt. .a~e death. She Is not alone either: Mrs. Ab died Satm'da\tl-,I She has Ihopped around a bit with at 'the age of 3t: Blie lea.vea :five a merchant's instinct ruul haa found small ch1ldren. ServiCeS were oo~- dealers in other Unes tangled up m the Bame red tape. " duct4:d at the Ohrlatlan oburch by " Who Salct ScaDclalf Mary M. &n1~. A few daYI ago Effie went to the BOOT FOB AND CONSIGN on Mo~y, the atrlke not ' pre- .hoe ,secUon 'of a basement .tore to' Jour ~., hop, sheep aDd caW_ -venting, MiBIi M~ Wright, acoom- buy some cheap oxtoral to work m; to NordI-Brock 00.. liv_ wire &Of paWed by her friend, M1sa DUb&Cb no luckl She found no so1t shoea piaFesa1ve firm ,fpr tbe bIIb. ., of H~n1baI .. .Mo,., wtll leave for a at low prices. She asked why and the sate.man repeated' her own martet pricell and' idOd ..... . trip to Alaska. ," $4-sk1rt story ' ill other worda, . ')3ut UDiOD 8\OClk Yuell, ClDoIDIIIM. O. The name pf the Henpeck ~t later, at a fancy foot-wear lal~ Ibe . Tune ID on Radio statiOII' WCKY, oUI.ce has 'agam been Changed. Now paid satin.slipper .pucel for what 12:25 to 12:30 p. m. for. OUr dallJ' it is known as W~. ule~to be called chea'll shoell. Even market reporta. B ', H . WWJairiac)n spebt the this dellIer did flot get rich on tJ:IAt ---'----'------,...------ (Fourth wlt.1l ber b~d in Cleve- uansaction either. jumpen are &be Choklrig competition does not heJp fasbJoD. Yoo land and will ~ for a ~eek.. " a. a ct.~ll' ID pll, BowMr. and' Mrs. Consumer. Truly( Ef. 'look '. 1I'he steam saw mlll ' or ',Jamea fie's prlpes I)ave not advanced, nel- erect ' COttOD ' jumlp en, and white ~e'aver, Iqcil.ted-nee.1'--tbe-FJat Pork &her are jet compeutou' . pr eel KEEP YOUR HAIR aunt blooses. 'rhey CaD be church was de8troyecJ by. f,i re .Pr1da.y. higher, but the COlt of livIng c~bll clrea,.. too, .wben, JPade of lOft ra,.. WELL <;aROOMED tr to B I GIl and worn wltll • frill,. bloule, The people of Lytle special sobool anyw8)'. Prl ee.Admini , s a r o~ el Thl. plDalore II .'Ioh • dmple style WITH dJ8tr1ct bave haVing quite, a has called ~U~U~y deterioration a te make that yoo will want several time over the queatJon whether t~y national ,cDnd~l, and I be4eve be 'or .)kCCIa.IOD wear. 8ewiDr for has something there-but the~e are youneU Is aavlue to buy more War &ball remain a '8peclal, school dis· ludlcatioDI that the fllu1tmay be J BoDdl. This or a limllar pattern II trlct or go bacIt ~ fo their orig- with regulations whicb we are ltJad .v.uable at your Ho'ealltorel. Back That Scientific New Inal distrlcta. 109 .voters of ,the dis- to believe OPA I. taking steps , to the A.ttac~-~1i, !Iore TbaD Before. " Dr~..iDg U. s. TrlGlUrl D,~or/mfnl trict are to favor the latter cortecL Lor1& on Sale at proposltion out of the 180 voteI"!" WAYNESVILLE DRUG STOBE ~~=;;;;;;;;;i;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=;;;;;;;;:J ADVBBTlSE IN " THE 'GAZET'I'B
Gay J
As the bl~lI:e8t naval task force In history. battles for the island of Saipan (1) In ,the Marianas group and tor Saipan's fine lIirfieJds tbe importance of thi. 1lllTtlcuiar spot-some 1465. miles from Toky~ and 1470 I.nlles froll'l .th~ Phi,lippine!l:- beeomes increasingly jlvident. Quite outsIde its pro)(lmlty to the Bonms, located about GOO mlh!8 from Japan. which have JUBt been l1ttac~ed by a bill: corrler task foree Salpan is reported to have flat orena mode to order tor big land baBes. Some. already are visionlnR' the "iant Superfortre8ses radiating from Salpan (as arrows show). as well as from China (2) to blast Nippon's big manufacturing arejls and slam at tbe Philippines, Pres: ence of great naval forces there, plus other forces batt,ering a~ the BOllins, Indicate that the big smnsh Is on. It isJpolnted out that the recent capture of Blak (3) ofT New Gui.nen provides bases far crllck':! in/( at areas Indl~nted by 2rrows, ' '
!Bernie 001 of near Dayton, spent saturday wltA Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dlll and S<lD, Ralph. Mr . and Mrs . Henry Bergers and children of Beavertown spent Sunday afternO<?n with Mr. and Mrs. Lue Morgan. Mrs. Jim Miller and children 01 Dayton ca1Jed on EVerett .sunneD and family Sunday eveJlip8. 1Mr. and Mrs. HIley Olblon, Un. Everett Bunnell were supper IWIIts Sunday of Mr. and Mrs . B'arold Rogers and Mrs. Emma Gibll6n 01 Bellbrook. . Mrs., Everett Bunnell was abopping in Xenia TUesd/ly. ~ Mr. and Mrl. Morrla Lew1I aDd sons, Jerry and Billy, and lin. JDlay GlbS<ln called on Mrs. 301m 'Koeeter of' Utica Tuesday. . Me. 'and Mra. Hiley OlbBon and daughter, Paullne and 0IIe8.r MOnee were dinner gueate Sunday or lit. and Mrs. Everett BlJimell. . Ralph DUl apetn Tue&c1ay eveniDg with friends in Dayton • ,M ISI; ~nnle Orawfordspent the week· end with her parents, IIr • J1e~ Waynesville . and Mrs. Clarence Crawford. , Mr. and Mrs . Ralph Hammond Mrs. DavtdLuCB8 is llpending·a tow and children and their · Quest, Mrs . days with ber SOD,' Earl, and famllJ, I8tl"Rut<aITln spent Sunclay atternoon at cOrwin. .' and evening W1~h their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. 'Samuel M ch- ,G~lett. Wa-nt Ada Brine ~.. ~ltll. ols in Oinclnnati.
pers and
War Bond Savings
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Will pay $2.00 for Dea4
Mr . and Mrs. Harold Steinke were 'guests at a picniC Sunday at· ternoon, honoring the birthday of Mrs. James Merlcle'ln Dayton . tPvt ~ Morris G. Wharton of camp PhllUps, Cellna, KanSIlB, ar· rived here Friday to spend a ten-day vacation wlth..hls parents, Mr. and !Mrs. Clyde Wharton. His wile, Mrs. catherine WhartQn of CinCinnati, Is also spending this week here . Heber Smith of near the Soldier's Home, Dayton, was ' a week-end guest of relatives and friends here. Pvt. James Steinke vacationed the week of f,he Fourth. with h1s
Automolt.le . I ••uranee· PROTECT" YOUR RiGHT TO DRIY-E, W.TJ:I'
Lewis Chandler of near Waynesville, has been busy witft his thr~ lng outUt In _thls community for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lacy and daughter, Miss Opal, Pvt. Relph Ooudy, wl1e and bWo chiidren of lI!>a.yton, visited Mrs . Emma Lacy ~unday afternoon. , Pvt. Cou~y ls ,h ome on a 2l-day 'f urlough · from San Diego, Oiulf., vllltttug h ' . lly and friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. B , Jones entertained to dinner Sunday: ~, and Mrs. RJchar!1 Moore and Mrs. RJchard Lutz of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fllnke and Mrs . John ' Zlmmenno of Waynesville and Mr'. ton. Mrs . E. B. Longacre in companJ with Mrs. Ralph Knox of 'Red Lion, are attending a conference of the' ladies of the Method1$ churcbes of the bayion distrIct at a ' camp at Sabina this week. ' Mrs. Earl MendenhalJ and daui(hter, Patty, and Miss Violet ~atU!on returned to theLr home in ,Waukegap, m., Tuesday arter a vl5lt with the former 's parents, Mr. and Mra. Guy Routzabn and family'. . The Woman's SOciety ' of the Ch~ch met witb Mrs.
.,.00 for c.w.. ,Sheep, Ho••, Cal... and Colt.
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" l'!!".J.A.!"!'rtA~~ ....., .... "Mm....
for TWO beautiful t- photo enlar~cme~l
YOU'RE" NO EXCEf• TION I Calami.tY doe..'t pic:k ·f'.~rib!al ~jaf~rt"De: 11·lIla.:D' t am.led you out •• an e&eeptioa I Be wile and 1I''''lrot,ect 'yo\l~if ,w ith gpod IljJ~,*~.~nc:e ao ,t hat no matwhat happeD'~' you, ." ............ ,family a~d ' your 'pro~ will '.,.. fully protected. . '
Gr~l" Hair W.QJUu~ . ,
-,HAIR'. NU·TONE ·, ·(
'II ltSDAY,...JVJ,,, 11, .lou' ~~________________________________________~____~______~~~__~4, ____~~____-;~~________~~~~--~~:-~~~~. .<~~~---,.~----~----~----~----~--------------~----~I~,~~?~~~~~:.--~ ___ CAESAUSCREEK Farm News . .'FERRY . II!II , Co~re$poi'ident YOU ARE INV.ITED TO May-June Dalty Paymen\S. "Jr • . " III (u'" SIJ.ilh. tl/.·r~.I.u ..... n' Extraordinary ATTEND ltlra. tlli.leUe t,'. ·,'bu.u...., ' .. he • .,.t , ) satll:!'day, JUlY 1, all Cou1).ty·TrIple :Mr. ;a:nd M~s. Melvin HolUngsThese two !te~ were ~an~ec;l ,to The following ailJCle is tak.en trom A . offices in Ohio I!tlll·ted making ,\ orth very' pletlsanLly e1\t<!I't:n lned a .:"~_ ' _G
' We Offer
On ' e d OSI e
n Detroit newsPaper and cOllcer1.\.$ me 1\ week ago, bu~ Il5 t, have b en Lee GriffY formerly of WaynesvUle, s ick, 1 oould not ge t them in. 60
1 _ ta ~' I '"
mIle ~UUlUsbillt ·
lDnil'Y Feed . payments to -farmers lIunll>el' of guests at a .sur))I'1se party nnd dairymen on milk a~dbutterfat ' III honor of Mrs. Hollll'l~s\vo'rth's a sod of Mr. and Mts, A. O. QriUy !h'3Y are In' Ulls we k. \ . , ' /lold during ' the bwo-montb pel'lod moth r 'S plrtl1day, Mrs. Edith Harold Ourtis ~Buddy) Filer sbn and a brother of Mrs, Carl COnai-d: from May 1 to June 30, 1944. Dairy Balnes, Sunday eve !Ing,' July 2. SERVIC~ SUNDAY" "iHoldJug down a job [01' . eight 01 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Filer at producers are urged to either bnng MI'. aud Ml·s. Raymond Wiison thc home of his hours a day, administering to the AHa called JULy 16, 19«4 . or mall their evidence of milk and were guests a.t the weddJng ot Miss famlly needs IOl' a Cew mo)'e hours, graildpa,rents, Mr, and Mrs . J. S. butterfat sales and application for Oharlot~e' HBl'unall"llond Oapt, Hew- ' l{t week, July 19, the De mocrats N BIBLE SClJOOL con'espondlng wi~h 79 slll'Vlcemen l"ilt'.r, to bid them goodbye.He leaves will meet in Ohlcago and ,probabl1ty payment to theiJ' County TriPle-A ' I.t Britt Emigh , Jr .. Sunoay at 3 :30 a.ud wrlUng poetry on the slde-I.his Saturday for the Navy lind goes to "out-do" the Republlcllol1 show of office as soon lIS possible In order p. m , 'at t;he ji'l'i nds "ee~l.ng House . 9:30 A. M. De~on college a.t ~llUllbu.s for hiI? is a man-sized job. that the payments may be made in ~ew Burlington, two weeks ago. -----..~~.------"That's just wbat Lee Grlffy, training. This makes bhc clghth 'promptly IUld etrlclcmtly. L. T. Youug of MlddJetowl1 spent MORNING SERVICE \ < • grandson of the Filers to enter the Inside' gossIp ·~ts ·tha t we should Ditzler Dlalntenllllce depart.meIlt, ':!J During the four swumeJ' months, a few days lust we k with IUd broth11:004. M, . service: watch for I\. "thr11ler" at the Dtmbas uudertakcll. Lee keeps in conMny U1rough August, when cows are er, Phil Young, nnd family. Joc Hartsock arrived SatUl'day ocrntlc conventlon ...Willk1ot~ may be Sermon .10pio-"WBAT MU '£ I b'tant toucb with all Ditzler ser ice iMr. and Mrs. Curl Jones ca.lled on pastw'e aud feed costs are lowfrom Ft. Beoing. 011., by plane to seJected to I'un with F. D. R. ,"and men through volUlllinoUB correest, the dairy feed payments to Ohio on Raleigh BOge,a and family SunDO TO BE 'SAVED?'" spondence, and purchases and mails SpCll1. a 14-:day furlough with h1li steal the whole. ,~lectlm • • this faJ!." producers are reduC;~d to 35 cents' a day evening. Times parents, Mr . and Ml·s. J ames Hartclgaret~, clLOd'Y, and other things to Ohlo Dlllnocrats held a:n enthus- hundred pounds 011 whol milk sold ' lRaymoud Burden and daughters EVENING SEB.VlCE t.hem. 'I'his latter 1l~t1 vlW is made sock and falllily and other relatives los tic Ja.ckson Day Dlnnc!r in CoI- and 6 cenLs a pound fot bijtterfat \\ ell! gu sLs of lIer moth r ~ud 5188:00 O'clock possible through the .generous do- IUld friends'. (Henry Pennington has sold his umbus last week at $25 Et ."t.hrow." delivered. tel' II~ Over-'Look Homes, llilyWn , nations of . both factOry anti of!ice farm to Mr. Ledford and will have That ought to rate 11 prretty fair Sermon Toplo -''MATTHEW'S Ileglnnlng again in September and au 'l'hul'Sday, June 29. employes. When he is short of an a farm sale of chatteis tllis Satur- meal. Your reporter was out of town running uutil March 31, mtes for MJ's. Charley Laird of Camden CALL TO SE.VICE" address or suspect.-; a change. he day, July 15. Lunch will . be served and couldn't sample It, Oblo will be ~lcrellSed to 60 cents spen c II part ot last IY ek wil.h her checks with ot.her people in thtt by the ladJ~ pf the F erry oo.urch. • • • a hundredweight on whole milk uaughWi' MI':;. Luther Haines. organization and maintains, in add1WEDNESDAy EVENING -8:00 Mrs. Vlrg1n1a. Brown and son and Mayor Frank Lausche of Oleve- sales and 10 <i.e nts a pouud for but. ~Vir. ar,d Mrs. ltaymO!1d WU:>on ~ome tlon to his bulky correspondence Miss pyles ot X enia, spent tbe week land, opened state headqlllarters In tel'fat sold. called 011 her mother, Mrs. l::lla. PRATE. MEETilNG lUe, 0. complete addi-ess list of serv- end with John SCOtt and daughter, OQlunlbus last week, 'to sponsor his Lumber Is Llmlted , liHill'ley, 11.1; the ~lOl1le of Mr. and Dial 2111 - Wayneaville Icemen. Nina: . campaign for Governor. H ie appolntINcw farm buildings will be scarce WI~bur Smith Saturday atterMAX W. RANDALL, "No one in the Ditzler- Color Di!Milo Wilson with his wHe IS at ed his personal secretary, ,John Lok- tWs year," was the J'eport received noon. v1sion is so widely known to the or- hOlDe on a fUrlough a l; ilie bome of a1', as his campaign manal~er. Mini.ter in tbe Warren COunty USDA War :Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dickson. \\;;,________========~ ga.ni.Zation's servicemen as Lee hls parents, the MaM WUsons, and •• • • Board oHiee today from the Staf.e J;Uld son of Ddyton wlll'e. overnight , Oharles H. "'TiIile Olock" Hubbell, !A!AA coIiUnittee. "The lwnbcr now guests In the 110me of Mr. and Mrs. Grill},. Fellows who dJdo't know they called at the Tom Burton Mrs . canldate lor the Suprlllne Court, available wlll scarcely provld~ sut- William Smith and daughter Monhim when they worked Jor the 0001- Mullen borne Tuesday evening., IUld not just In the llght of one's pan,y ' now realize that there is a Mlss Mary Bl'own. daughter of comes into the .news again t;111s time (Jcient board feet to make repairs." day night, July 3. man by that name ill the plant and Mr. .and Mrs. P . H. Brown or over France and Geml8ny . .' . His ' . on Harold Sharp, Wanen County ' Mr. IUld Mt5. Raleigh Bogan aud own thuiklng, but In the 11ght of they express in no uncertAin terms Spring Valley Road and Cecil Pal- son arlee, Who Is a nl1'vlgator on War Board chairman, POinted out Minnie OQmpton, were dinner the ~ew . TesLament should thIS their gratitude tor the Interesting mer, son of Mr. ~d Mrs. Ohester . II. "Fly:1na Thrtress", has lUld his ship some of the way·s in which iu-"ftr guests in tbe home of Charley Men- matter be weighed. Many put too much emphasis ' upand .newsy letters he writes. . palmer. were Jl!lU'ried at the Brown named ' "Time CI ock" , Is necded to carryon the war. ....,., . denhall In New BUrllllg:ton Sunday. . . on the unlmportant things. Orten "On arriving back at the old stand home Tuesday attel'noon In ,a q,u1et "To take care of the suppUes ne,Mrs . Glep.na. Wilson called on the size of .tl¥ . enrollment of the on a furlough one or the Ilrst thmgs home ,ceremony. Rev. John Albright state Auditor, Joseph 'I'. Ferger- cessary to send each soldier over- Mrs. Dorothy Smith one evenJng church, its building, the social rethe servicemen ask Is, "Where is pmo1'lned the service. Mr. Palmtll' Democrats are getting a "big kick" seas for one c~lng ~ulJ:es 300 we~. !Lee Grmy 1" It he had poUtical 11.6- Is connected With the air corps. made a publfc dema.nd that Gov, board feet of lumber. An additional 'M r. ' and Mrs. Oharles Stanley lations ot its members1l.lld Its finanWADa A6, ear,JI of Tbanb and plra.tlons peOPle might conclude Mr. Ilod Ws . Jack Aldredge Bricker c,a ll Ilo special sesnion of the 50 board feet per month are needed and dllughte.r Carolyn, Mrs. Bernurd clal. wealth are considered when ()bltaalilll are cbar,ed for a~ Ute that he was getting ready to lorm a things are absolutely unim" Wilma Jean Engle) have a OObY Leglslatureto appoint . a non-part- tQ keep- each soldier supplied whlle ' Jenkins and sister, Miss Luella Slnrate or eM cen' • word, mlDbDam third party, Not so with Lee. he does ' . ,.j~l bo J ly 1 t "'" to h Isan cOmmittee, "lor a thorough overseas. clair, Mr. and Mrs , William' Smith portant as far os the real pu~e Clbaqe I5e. A Wani Ad lnJelied for a. a ....,<Joy n os- 'investigation ot the oialllll of an init out 01 his own gOOd henrt aod a ~~ pital. m ,u "A quarter million board feet are and Marilyn Sue autoed to La- ILOd m1ssion of the church is cOn· three limes fa charced ., Jc • word, keen appreciation of what' it means Callers Mrs. P. J. Thomas herited de t., retract thc~ fantastic lised the decking of one nat-top. squrdsvllle Lake rotel' church SUlI- cerned. POR; SALE - Watldna Products at. to a soldier to set a letter Irom 'one TUesday were Mrs . ,Ed GillUan:d story that he has spr~d throughout 'I'wo thousand catloads were needed day. . 23 N. Broadway. ~on. Open 01 the old glLOg. !Mrs. 'P eqy_ Gutherlrie and <the co~try or resign IU. Governor to repface ,the docks at Naples,' and Mrs. Mary Katll1'm McIntire 'and "Now, add to all of this effol't a· Mike Bockoven. eVen,lnp for your COO'l'enlence; of Obio. . probably a larger amount will be SODS called on her ~ot;her, MI'S. Mrs. Bert Bu.ooell. CorrClllPoniJ..nt few lyrics and sev;ral good poems Olea L4ttner. Phone 113 L. The ~ur1ce Hunter family, Ule needed at Cherbo~." Glenna W~on, one afternoon last Mr. and ~s: Morris Lewl5 8peDt isome llave already appeared in Rankin Linville family ~nd the ocrate are gctting .." ",big kick" ek Mr. Sharp then added that BP. we .' Sunday ~lth MJ:. and Mrs. John Pittsburgh People). and tbere are FlOYd Hughes family all ' went to. out of the pun, pulled by Jimmy proval for new bUilding would not '. the qualificatiOns for a remarkable getber and had an. impromptu ice it>jll:~te, that "The ' H,epubllcans be practIcable at this time; ~cept CHOOSING 'l'UE RIGHT VUURCH Ko.ester. Aoet.JIeDe or electric. See Bill' Lee, IndivldwUt' W!l$ Phyllis Bold~ spent· a '~ew cream partY,llot the Ferry parsonage didn't "nonlbiate a candidate for In extreme cases. (Contributed) '0 tDd0rf Road, R.. 3, WayneavWe. days with her grjUld~rents, Mr. Fbllowtng is a p<?em written· by Mon~l evenmg. president - the! s.ele~ted a martyr". "Naturally, our boys must be' given TJle question O!~n arises in the IUld 'M rs. Bert Bunnell. • . Gritty whjch appeared With the The Sugar Creek church held a ., !Irst ' preferenct in securing lumber of peOPle i1s to what church Millard Ball·has be~n on the stck IIIbove a.rt1cle: Will. G~ Plckl'el. DCIIi, nominee for their sattey ' and well-being:' he is the right church. a.nd What wiener roast at tbe picQic grove of llst thls week upa'ble to work but 1s Mr. and'Mrs. George schinldt' aat- for tf. S. Senator, wUl pla,y an active P.Dinted out,' "and. farin p.~ple m~t churCh' they $h~illd ' at\.:e.nd. This . SO". Tblnp ~o TbiDk Abou& ~t at the ~atlc (:::Onventlon. continue to patcband '.repalr tbeJr . • w6rth consld-' better at th18 wrltl1n8. is a' problem I taiked with a soldier who wos Ut~ay evening. ' Sylvan Polnsett passed away Sun· You ' ~ould met' more bitl.uent1al present bUU(llngs until · the A,rmy WalT6n :Ooolt, YOurLgest . son of lonesome and blue morning ~t.er Having a stroke RePubli;'"m, In Ch1,."O'o than ' , ....--......,. c.lhl1iIS are aU satisfied." -. . ~ ~ouldera were broad, Il,lld a Edgar Cook, is hO!UJ! on furlough. 'Week ago. ' Warren joined w~th ~he 8~ Cre~k in O.hlo durmg their (lOnventton, Bor SUuaUon man through aIld through, callers at; the Bunnell home l)et: rn1 He h 009. B,r lckers bid for tM presidenc;y I The hog situation ~ , tIle Clncin\Ve.ll he: spoke of homil, and how ti l ' Sunda the lWeek-tlJld were Mi. and Mr/I. .' :e:cs:rvlng glad he would: ~ . t~: rU::~ :..w~·ar~zo~:~:+ll~ter~a~lly!!~'s,:attracted , thousands of . livestock orea ' 18 :~raduallY , ~lart, 1Mr. and Mrs. IlWlOrll:tl12 1~.lJL~;U When the war waS all oyer and ,his and .waS , captured ' by the (.; ' . Boliirey and Mni. and- Mrs........". fOlks he would see. . !Be escaped' and went 16 days wlt).1Bunnell IUld c¥!!re.n., , Although I,lo n~lVspaper carried out anything to 'eo.t • .He lay lor four the· story, we have lelUJlCd that face was turned toward 'the days 'wlthln 'sight or tbe American ;' REMINDERS " Dewey: was so cOIJ1ident )Df the Rep. scene of hl8 love mnks but'~ould ;':I.(~t ge~ to them; He MEATS, FArre-:-Red stamps A8 nomination, that lie hlld been workIA8 )le o mumbled ' a prayer to spent some t~e irl 'the hospital re- lo.g ' on his "accept&nce-jspeech" for through ,ZS, good indefinitely. Fatber above, . cuperating,' anl,t he ,says he is going PROCEESFJD FOODs - Blue F10rmer Presl4~t Hoover was I learned from h1B Ups as J in IJIlCk. When' our bOys corne home A8 through 1.8 !lnd As, ~ in New York and In constaIi·t touch silence ,/Stood the~e and tell ·u s a tibt\e of what they uu- rwltb Dewey during it'a IPreperatlon. I i!lloe:flnite:ly. ." ' . ' The tboughts of our boys as they dergo, It brings the 'w ar clos~r to 'us He came directly from New Yol'k to SUGARr-Sugar stamps 90, 31 and tIght over thete. IUld should make 'us th1nlt. 32, . each gOO!i for .1ivepounds Inmake his talk on, Tuesdlll.Y nlght at de!lnltely. Sugar' stamp 40. good for Some how I , love tlhem, they are Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Bast an. libe con~entlon, J:)efo~'e Dewey waS s~ond -The 1S.rgest production pO~dlI ' ~f cannlng ' sugar . preciollB to me daughter were Monday eve.ning v1s- ~omina~ed. . ,. " . of begs' in history. • through February, next ~eat . . Their lite's blood ~hey give my ltors or tll'e P. J. Thomases . .. -The' freezing , or otberwlse oAlS6~~ ~te& outsIde th; ' country to free, Mrs. Paul Hough. and chlldr~n George D., Nye. Dem. ~Wdidate for l'ln,tThIrd ..;.·tn~...! witJL th~ nOMuil '~()ve~t cOast area; A-12 coupons IJOOd Ii'd be quitter .and a coward -at spent Wednesday with Mrs, P. 'J GOvernor, says,'llW'tll'~ untll you ment /qf grl!Jris. ',lJUlkIDg ' it. dUtlcU:1t June 22, tbrougli sePteJJ)bet, 21 ~ heart ' Thom!ls a:qd son. , see o.Ur ,con ,., ven·'on' ,." . ' · . - . In m~y cases , impossible .for .I'chl'1lrcJ][ell: II' ~d I! the lads I '~9u1d fall, and not do J apd Mis.' Ed Oninand spent feeders ' to carry out ' theU: regUlat -'--.--:""":;;",- , .' ~. ~; " f?unday at J\lat.on. at ,the Earl O'Ban,: 1~~lUENDS HOME ~y don't seem to grutnble, they non 11<>I1ie. The day was In honor .'o f have a task to do Mrs. GllbWt:HtdJe'r-4I~~~WI:~~+-t4;iji&~4¥e~:auam~io~IM'Il~~H1:ap~o,f1 Te1\. my neighbor what w<,>UJ.d hap- .Mr. and Mrs. Tom F-ordyce called two-weeks' ~acation W\j)h p~n 11 it dep~nded on,YOU, ' at th.e p, J. -thomas home Thurs':' 1n Indlo.na·. ' , .. " '." oUld you offer your alt,-·your lite Mr. and Mrs : M1lton 'Sheehan day evenuig. Secondly. are the members of this NOUld you give J\nd ,Mrs La , w::q. "i.l1caS of centercliurch interested , In the right That the, standards of Freedom' in vUle called on :Mrs. ' ,~ice Ola.rk ~s? This too. 18 IniportlUlt, 11 the our country might live? The youlk of eggs, le.ft over when Wednesday afternoon. . members are cold an 1ndiC~erent to 'Well oUr boys' have done that, I '8~e baking reqUires thC. white only, If' Mrs. J. W. Ward anCiMrs. Fultbe .ca'4BC ot Chr1s~; if they are more dropped into ,8. pail of ,bollirig and kerson ·of XenIa:, called a,t the Home thlUlks for the lad l.r1.ter~t~d in card ' ~rt1ei>, bingo, WhO l~rt a warm fireside to glve all sal~d ~ater w111 ,cOok and ·00 rea~ e~e1ung. ' danCing, dr1l1k1ng, and ' having .a he had, i for your noon sa~d. . ' Mrs. ·Henry Hauen.S~E!lp of 01n· goOd time , than they are in the mIs. Wl;'ite him a letter, and bring clnna.t1. Visited ~r mClth8f. Mts. l ,mlr1_'LIT"~'~"""" sic:.a, of t4~ church, tbey are not cheer to his heart . . IVins .Saturd~y evening. In .the rigQI; things. , ' WQy be 80" careless-Let's do our iMrS. Amanda. .Hart'rum, Mrs. ..... ','~ .• "~ . hq)V ' 'Scriptural is ~ . conslder~d? This is the IoIUI~enms. parl.' . , N. I·'C, . Allce aeor!!e(Uld Mendenhall 'wClark, lth A. Mrs H. .'StubbB family 1mpor~llt qUe.!!tlon or all beSome men are s·0 b"oy ..., they 58;y attended the iee' cream aoolal .at upon . It ' other Questloz1s every wi), ______ - - _ iiYtle Saturday evenilig·. .u'UI:":. IWl'~. ~ .}~ '. a "sclip~ar N:o time for the lad who went 5a~y WE WILL CLOSE AT 10:00 Mr. and Mrs : Milton Sb.n of ,it wID ~ a .he.altby"growtng fliWay, O'CLOCK P. M. WEEK _ DAYS IQentervllle and HJilttie Harlah. Icb,urc,h: J.i!. l~Ia,;~rlptural, Its mem'~:: ~his loved ones, a ~ar he UNTIL FUR-mER NOTICE. or 141a.m1sburg. were' ~1J~er lNests Will •. be , 1l1terel!~11 'in the , of 141's. AlIce Olark on Uun(laY, Imlarltet I ' ...... ,' • Miss MalgaJ:et .~wards 1h comon YOll slackers to forget pany wltl;\;·Mrs : Oale E~ussum ·· and lWout him. ~~'. ~~t .Kersey. of , ~ton' at-:. ,JaDies ·Love)y, Owner '
0l1}ur£4,®£ .Grlfrist
At All
~l"" ~unerm
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D , em
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o·t,' e'
, __~~. . . . . . . . . . ." tended a. -sale of antlqUtBS at Hills· , ~ro !40nc!4'. · .' 'ICloem.an.cl1nilr
Civic Club Heata . Interesting Speaker
. ... ~ .Native 'Labor Enlarg~ Airport -for ~~.
1. . " ..~"EI~,~.~
• ".....
Farmers Club Meets ~. At ~old Sprin9s . .
·Py~. Forrest E. Trost gave his The (allowing article con.cernes tnm, lIy n very pleasant surpl'ise last The members ot the Wayne TownThe .waynesville' ,01V1c club heard a local boy carl iLeq Oook F-l-C, Thursday evening When he came ' ship Farmers cfub were the gue&ts one or the m06t Interest,tng speakers son of Mr. and Mrs. Cbi.'rlea Cook of hOI:n e on a fur lo1.\gh. Pvt . Trost and 01 Mrs. Earl Hockett on July 13 at in its history Monday evening at the We.ynesV1lle. His wiIe, Betty J. Cook. Mrs. Trost and daughter ~ent im- Cold Spr1ng8 Tavern. regular July dinner ' meeting, 'Ibey an~ daughter, sandra Lee" also remedIately to Pleasa.n t HUl to vlJlt After a pleasant soc1al hour the lWere addressed by Brother Joseph ' s1de . here" . F" rl'~st 's folks. t.he John Trosts. guests were seated at the 'attractlve,ia.nnJng of Doyton, who ~ 8pent Oarl LeoCooIi: of WaynesVille, 0 ., Mr. and Mrs. Re~ Black of .Bell- Jy arranged tables (or a deUclous 22 years his 1I1e in China lid a was on ·the destroyer O'Brien during brook, Mrs. MarjOl le 'Dra ke and son, dinner. mlssloil~ and was recently repa.tr1- th18 batUe. Luu, Lt Indianapolis, Miss 'Joon The followini committees we' e ated after being Interred in a Jap Supreme iHea.dquarter8, Allied EKVannorsdnll of Toledo, and Mrs. named serve at the union meeting prison oamp. pedJUonary P'9,rce, June 00. • Ruth Jkerd, aud Mr. and .Mrs. lQ).rl e.t the Wayne Township mgh achool Due to the a.bsence o( Rev. Ralj:b Fourteen .Allied warships-headed 'Hubbell and fa mily enjoyed a plc- August 17: Table deooratlons, ' Mra, Parks, the meeting, held o.t COld by a Pea.rl Hamor victim the battlenlc at LesourdsvUle ke, Sundar. !Preston, Mrs. Branetrator; table Springs Tavern, wallin 'charge of the ahtp Neva.dar-6teamed well ~de Mrs. Clarence BOCkoven, Mrs. OOmmittee, Mr/J. E1ll8. Mrs. Whltak.,. vice pres1dent, ¥ax Randall. Thir- I the range of 'CherbQU1'g's notoriously I avem e Schra m and Mrs. Perry J . er. Mrs. Standtorth, Mra. Butterty-8lx members lind guests. Were ltough shore detentes Sunda.y alter'I110mas sent Tuesday In Xenia on worth. Ronald' ~wke, Clarence ~e; present. The speaker was introdu~ noon and .blasted .her bt,l.tt.erles inI busitwss. The Ladles Ai d oC the reception ooaimfttee, Mrs. Seth FU ._ ~y He!il>ert Ora.ham, pl'Og'1'8.lil oom- to 8l1ence, Sugar Creek Christian church wJl1 naB, Miss .Mey, Mrs. LeMay, W . A. mlite chairman. For three and _ half .hours U. S. ~( I've the meals In the dlnlng hall Swartzel, and Roscoe Furnas. During the bU8lness meettng a re- battleships, four crusers and se.ft;n at t he Xenia rair this .year. Th~y ,Mrs. Hollingsworth had cbarlre of port on the progress of the' Boy destroyer Under the Command or plap to ser·ve oafet.crla style If pos- the special topio. She read JOIepb Scout cabin was given by stanley Rear Adm. Morton L.' Dey() stood off sible. iROdnlan ,Dralte'., "The American Bailey and a. report .WM given on the aem1-clroUlu bay arid threw I Mr. and Mrs . P. J. Thomas and Flag." She then conducted a oonteet the progress of the recently orSaD- steel into .the mIghty concrete res~ n were Aup~r guests · of Mr. and on the 'Flag and presented imau ized effort being ril(!.de here tp ee- placements protecting the guns, Mrs. Tom Fordyce and son at Wes~ !Iaga to the siX contestants who had tablillh a youth center. . 'Severe enemy fire taUed to turn carrollton Sunday evening. the highest scores. 'I'vfo new members, R. C. Moiler th~ baCt. and lome Bhlps moved In . , Mr. a nrt Mrs. CUnningham of Mrs. Hockett Introduced ~DIOl1d and JI. M. COyne, were introd~ 1\8 clO68 1\8 8,000 yi\rdB to shoreSOMEW.HERE IN INDI~-Soundphoto-B-29'i, .~merica'a most pOW4lrfu] bombeMl;, \Vere tu ed up Dayto\l brought the flow~rs to the .Braddock who' presented some lc1eas by Will St. John,memberShlp com- which ill a~ut the eqUivalent of an at this base In India and ,started fro~ here on the miSSion to bOmb the ateel center of Japan, Whl~ was church service a t Sugar Creek Sun- that he bad gatned at the. JI'11eocla hi~ on ~une 15th. In thl~ photo native women, uae:i to .enlarge the airport to enable the mammoth mtttee chairman. infentryman stioklng hI.!! gun In your day morn1ng In honor 01 their son, General conference at Oa~ May, 1n the foreground sa the plane 18 worked OD in .the backrround. • shIps to take off, appear A motion waa ~ and a.dopted face, George Ounnillgham, who was killed New Jersey. to th\! effect tha~ the August meet- I PoUr 111. e. ·deetrOyerl! and their by lightning a year ago. Mr. Braddock mentioned peace . . a InS tnstead Of t.he usua11ad1es meet- .offlcers parttclpating were the 0' Miss Lola Bears spent the weekLOCAL MAN AWARDED world problem· imd listed sOme of ing, ~ open to both mothers and Brien comman...... W.W. OUterbrltSre , __ . end in Cincinnati. the smaller proJJlerna t.bat muat be. daughters, ~ lIUrpby,. Oommander R..A. WollMr...n~ Mrs. MAck Davis receiVEd • • • COMB-'T INFANTRY BADGE oonsldered in thinkIng about peAce. berton t.be ~n, Oommander J . wont lrom their son, Charles (Spud) Miss Jane Walker of Lebanon With The 'Ninth Division In France such as: tar1tt, Wlemploymeilt, 180HONORS NEPHEW P.lbley, and 'the immona., Oomman iDavis\: or lJhe U. S. N. somewhere sPent a ' recent week-end with her Friday evening a meeting ot th()~e -Doughboys of the Ninth Infantry bOr, use of leillure time, and relain the' AdJDJralh.s Islands that he aunt and uncle, . Mr. and Mrs. [)e)- In>"r"eted In the pro'posed Wftynes der Eo B. Bllllnpley. ' "3 "'" .., ... - 'Division, flgbtlng on the Ohetbourg tlons among the raCes. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert COnger and WAYNESvn.i.z _ FERRY has been promo~ to first cl&l!S ratbert Conger a~d ~ar~a. ville Youtb Center, met II,t the home ,lPeninsUla. have been .a.war.ded the He SPOke of the 'dIaoWlillon of com,. Barbara entertained 'for ¥rI. 0cI08• CII1JBCII CONTEST IDg as Shlpg OOOk on JUly first. Mr, and Mrs Myron Thomas called 01 Mrs. Alva Thompson. The lollow- newly created CombGot Infantryman muntt, prob1elna that be beard. er'1I llephew Cpt Wlijiam BuPcle of OONTINtTES Mr. and Mrs~Rhod·es Bunnell !tnd on home folkS SUnday. g .officers were elected and in- ; Bactge by Major General Manton S. One of the prOblelD8 f&ced Ja tbat CamP .Plckett Va. on '.l'UesdI.; enn__ ~ , ' daughters were SundaY evenlng • • • stalled: John Turner, p resldent j Eddy, Division Oommander. of keeplns the iltandar,da or the Ing of last week. Ice cream and c:akd , ,',Waneav1l1e" ~ ~. s~ gr~dlnber guests ot ' Mr. and ~s .. J. L. .cpl. William 'Bl;1nl , c e of Camp Pick~ed Ora.uman, vice president; Mrs. \ The awards were made In England small rural commuDlty ~, since 'Were served at \l 'late bour' CO the ett, Va .. spent Tue!ldayand Wednes- Ray ~lIs, recording secretary; Mt.;/. shor-tty before o):.erattons on the Oon such oommuni~iea are the strength, honored guest Cpl. Bunce, and Mr. ina 1n Its lead In the c:ooteat wllJh the Wise and fam11y. • • • dllY of last week with hIs aunt, Mrs, Earl COnner• .oorrespondll)g secre- tlnent began. The Ninth DiVision, of the nation. ctt.aes would dle ou~ and Mrs. E. , M. HIll at Yellow. Perr1 Olurch of CbrIat, Laat SWldQ, W)'11, the a~tendance l'eIlults Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock ~d daughter, Delbert Conger, aind, f~ily. 'tary, and Mrs. Edgar Smil:.h, trens- 'whiCh landed on the bea.obes With in three' generat.lobl ' wer~ they n~ Springs and Mr•. 'and Mrs. . Todd were aa foUCJWI, 'WaJllesvWe Qluroh Helen, 'Lt, Kenneth Hartsock, . Mr. . • OJ • urer. The board of directors con- early elements 'of the invasion, was replenished by the farm population. Bunce and son george. bf Ohr18t, BIble School, 186, Perry, ang Mrs. ~Ra1ph Ames and sob. were IBvt. WUbur L. Woolard of ~' I "lsts of R. W . Braddock, C , H. one of the first to enter Cherbourg. Be dlacusaed,tbe inequaUttea to be NAV,l/' P~ TBOtJGIIT • 113; ev~ wol'lhiP,. Wa~esytlle, ",est.! of Mrs. Lena Hartsock one Bl1ssdmTe~as. l'\811 returned aUer Brace. Hal'old ' Whitaker, W~e This Divj.slon, with Its now-famous ,foundln8uburban andruralareaa.Be • DIS VISION' ~ • .at. ftn'J,tiI. ' W~lneaVwe 18 eJjo evenlng the-past week. ~~: g a' furlougq. at hts home, ;:n~' :WU~ Moran, 'Mrs, A1\'a red, white and blue rosett.e shoUlder cause of better health piograma, CltY AND MAYBE IT WAS ' l~cUna in the numbet of c:alls made ' • • • ~ . .. • o~pson and Max Randall. fla sh ,!WBs originally organiZeli in youth are ' healthier ,than rUral ', ~ ]lei' ..:acm per w~ aDd the '~t!er , MIss Mary ,J ean Thompson and M1sa Mary Vargo of DaytOn spent iIt was decided that .the organ1za- July, 19;18, but did not see ovrseas young people. Hfgh aalarles attraot .. "'bord an A1roI'&It Oarrler in .the 01 ~ten and ~ wrtitA!D. V1ef.Ornlfiiipimi'"are the guests of n&ursday and Frld&y With !CGCk tlon should be named the Wayne service In ·World War t: It made uP ' tIle better ~asmerl and , 1IO tbe ·c1W ~cllc (Delayed) ...-..Navy pilots mUit ~ Wa1ll_vme Church (It ObrIat, their aWlt at Lesour<isvUle Lake tor Davis and le.m11y., Township Youth Assocla.tlon Meet- for this deflclenoy, however,ln World child ill better educated Unleu rural have ' perfect -vtsion, . buL Lt.. Cdr. 1& a ~I ~tlrchl One y~ ~o the' week,. " , • '. Ings -wlll be held at the TOWIWlJp IW8r 11, landlng In NQrth Africa chJlc1ren bave better oppol'tUDlt181 PaUl D. Bu1e, USN, began to !IIon- at thl8 ame,· the Bible SchQoI a~-, ' . • • Mrs. Jennie l~lanok spent the House On the sedond and tolWth and fighting Its way through M theM ill dallier Of lowertng of the der 11 hts eyes were dece1V1n8 h1D1 dAnce was ave..... 'l9 aDd tweuiy"'._ d "._ Rh' od B...... ~ 11 d ,week-end at the hom~ of her son Tuesday of thC? month a.t 8:00 p., m. assay, and was tile first Infantrv whole democra . tic s~cbure. , , IIJIIU. an es ' ......e an d h II ' Th t tl~" wID .after his first experlenceW1th mast.- four twenty-n1Detha per Sunday, d hte . Mr Ea 1 H t_ t' t ' d' and aug _ter-in- .aw, Mr. and Mrs. e nex llj.ee .. '6 be held at unit to enter Blzel'te. Beca . use of oUr democratic "_._...:.--..;. . s. . r OCLe an Wlll1 ,' t th ' hln , . aug rs, head bambini. ~o~ the Ch~ 18 aveJM~( one- KrI. Sadie Reason attendEd the ' . am . ~...n.!*, a . Ivendale, . e ToWns_-:tr House 'l1UeSday July Later the Ninth rouiht In SICUY men '-w~ have to use demooratlc .M~er enemy tighter . p~es had ,hundred four aDd t"ent1-aav"n Hilarity ' olub picniC at the state ¥toh., and' at thE!,home of her sls- 25th at 8:00 P. M, as part of Lieutena.nt Oenerru QeO:. means olaolving our problema or we . 'been $lea~dfrom th~ air ov~ ~u ~~-n1netba pt!r 8)Jn,day. . Pi.rk neal" Sl}g~ 'on SWld,ay,' ter: fo4rs. P~rl BIllIard '!>t IDghland rge .S. ·pQtton's seventh AJlmy. E1e ~ shall 1068 our f~om. Pur tbI,a harbor, soble planes ot the attaokolll ~ 1~t. ;year Ml'. Rarut"""~as " . \ . ' • . '. .!Pa~k, Detroit, WC1b. ROAD PROJECT .\PPROVW mento'! landed Bot Palermo on .Auguat reason everyone must be J,epared to torce-,~ ere given pCll'JIllasion ,to ~ . m1nlater f)(, the Church of C~t, '. aDd Mrll. HOWard MJsse1dlne ~. P. Strader left for West Vir- state Highw;;-;;;;nstructots pro- 2, 1943, a.nd fought throught the decIde on the questions' tietote UI ' !bom"s for. use In low-level at!ta.CU the averaae BIble SchOj)l a.~£endance 8~ent. the week-end at Indian ~~ glnfu Sunday wliere lle win joIn hts jeots In Ohio proposed by H. G. center of tbe Island. helping the and to reg1.ster his ' views tbroUib B&~t 'J&p shipPing caUibt ~ tbe' for ~ year '19 pl~. Laat ytar .where they w'e re the gUests . ot Mr.'WUe and son .101' a two-week's vaca- SaUr!! DIrector of the ' Ohio DePart- First Divtston capture 'Tronia and democratiC ageno1es~ hArbor. • . \ ~e aVer&l1l .had gone up to .8'1 plus and. Mra. Howard Burge. tlop.. ment ot,Hlghways, \is urgently nee,d - lat.er to defeat German ~Itlon-s at . We.az;e living in a periOd 01 world " .L~. Cdr. But,,' coJllDlAPder 01 , a sundaf~ ~ , y~ . the Church • .. . .. f • • • ed this year have been. approved by Randazm. . J'8volution. Great nation's have 't aUm ' squadron, cbose a 3.~ton .rap was libOot.lnI lor &Jl~ a,,~ralre of I1QO Mr. and Mrs. H. B . Earnhart' n.nd . Mr: and ¥rs , E. F. Earnhart ha,::e thewar Production moard to the exAmong the members of the divls-' or are bec!om.IDg less 1tnportaDt. ~~ . transport 1\8 his target, \l&Dle in Just Per SUliday ~ ·thus · far have o\'er' tlU,Jl1l,y, Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Hastui$S' word Cram their son. COrporal Ohas. 'tent or S6.481,SOO or projects submlt- iOll who rec'elved the OOqtbat !ntan- er nations are rising to power, x.nd attovi! the ~ter at hlgh,~d. lind. th~t avera~~~ For, the J,ast I!Ix an~ lon, Mr. aM Mrs.,Roser Brown B.~mhart, that he has Qeen tntns: ted. . , trymen Badge are .the fbllo~: may soon be consld8J'e4 .. the pro.; ' . saw h~ bOmb hlt tbe trapII~ sqthe """"Iulanoe baa ' not and famUy attended a Masonlo plC- terred to the ott1oe at ~rt OUpvnt, Twelve projects in eleven countl~s Pto. Einerson H. Miller, of Waynesr: perty of the ·gov~t. Wealth Ie \larely IIIId ~plode. , been ~ 130. , ~t Harv~Y'a. Orove netq' D8¥t0n, PeJaware. . proposed 'ln eleven counties pro~d v.1lle no longer puaed Intact ~ 'one "Then he circled to come back iNe. 8Unday Mr. ' Raf1dall 'Will SWlday, . ' Mr. and ~., :..0:08 !?y SOurs wllre given ~pp.roval, whUe BEV, HACKWEL~ 8enera·~n t9, imotber. We _ ,be strife ~e ',shIp ,Wltb bla ,PlAchlDe ~ch on the, aubJ~bI, "BroIwl Cook, Mr!!. the balance of the program wad reaj))e to work ebber aa races or a gUnB. ' : , Qomel'" r.nd , 1''1)1e Klpg's, Manlhing Qf , ¥,'O~ ~:g~~~~d:~!~~:::~ strlcted, No new or additional heavy ENIlISTS AS CHAPDAJN c1a8b Ia lnevitable. ' "But the ship wa.sn't there," Bule ODe ' ':from Sunday he ' a foWtteen ElIzabeth Smith. construotlon equipment Is called for . IN U'~,:~VA~ YO~E8' ' J:l'teedOm. t\) vote oarrIea W1th it eo~pfaln~d. iI~t just wa.n:t ~ere.. I . flU'!(l~gh witQ h1a parents, Mr. • • • in any of the projects. . , f .dec/dlnt' npOO .. looked around, but ociWdn't ·nnd Mrs. Jamea ·Hartsock. . ,Ali, Polinsky has returned after Plans and estimates already h,O-ve did 'sUch g~ work In the Wa~nes.: tssues 'p ut })efore wi as c1tlzeDII.· ~, . .wything but ,~ lot Qt ' wr~e aDd tkio of . ,' " . • '" . ' • ' a week's busine.!:U! trIp to Kansas. been prera.red .and notice of lettlng ville St. Mary's Episcopal church for day we live in a ,wol'ld that 1.s iIIore . ou' ~n ,the water...Tbere' waan:t ~ , qEOBGB "'JUBKI'AT&iCl(~' ~-~ Mrs. LatT.y"' DaVIS of xenia spe~i will be made In the near future .on . three years, and left Ii'ere f,o r work'. Complex th~~ It .haa e~er been. We ' • - .. t~ng, le~t to~~ra~el " ,'" ~. \ \ ~ P~.urA .c;tANM. ZONE~ f .mne ,.$ y " Y'.' ,W1th ~ ~v.iI!, ,and, 'Grover BrIttain of Dayton is the followlng a.p.proved project: In Trlnlty churoh, Hamllton, wl:J n.eedtoi)e~~conslder.neWsoI. . .... BUle's nome ia 'NaShv~, Ga., .. a , . ' ~ , , • spending' the welek: at the home of Wa.rr~n County: State 'Route No. leao,;e there within a few c;lays ~ act utions to problenis ~ our ~ ~;town of 2~00 ·.pop~t1on. Bule ~tt- ~ aUliel Kirkpa~. P{ 1-c " . .• • • . htS m.other and stster Mrs. Oarrte 63 one-half !DUe east of Buttler 00- as a cha plain In the Navy, lema ' are new. "" , .• ended tile ' pniversit1 ~ Yl\'O of Mrlr yenpra '~~ 'has M.r . and Mni.' Glen" ~rden' called ILlppincot ~d 'Ediith. untY line: ~l foot two.-spa.n conit:~. Hackwcll. tend~ed his reslg- , US. wtIl b,ave a 1~!'P ~avy at the - y~ar/i . oof~e' be~g apPoInted ~ .th~ to KAI7 Wee; Plonda..Prom on the' latter's father, Bo~en, • • • Inuous concrete slab bridge , of 38 na~lon to Trlnity but the vestry re- ' olose' of the "11'.,. Jt W11l be ~ ~rNaval ~, of w~h, ~~. iIi, a ~... board,. .~ '81ilp lor the SWlda~· ~v~nwg:. ' ,Mrll' Olliford Crane and son, Mrs. loot roadway, tOiether !With grading,. f.used to accept 1t, but ~l grant ali lul nation. We mwt 'be .readt to graduate. Qaaal, Zelie. ". • . ' . W~"St6vensimd son, all,of Mad- dra1nage, and pavement of , 22 toot inqelinlte leave 'of ahs~moe. meet·~ r:e.a.dY to mee~ 'the reepoDllSb~tr1ck baa ~ recetveil Mrs. J. E. ~onger waS the. guest lsonville sPen.t .ttie wee1t w1th ~ width approa.ohe.s with .waterbound 1lltel&' and. 'opportunities we shall ' from her l~ ~ _Kll'k~ h'Cr brother,'WIll D; gan ol'Spring ' [)avis /llld' tamlly. macadam: ,SALES TAX EXAMINER . in p~ {or post war " -r-,' patt1cltP. f ..e thSt.be,haa compl~ bOro, on Sunda.y' e v .. . • ! • HERE 9 N JULY ~ world. . . . .; 'Ilbe Bl,ISY. J!.ee ' Ol~ .~ P.rl~ lila tn ' EleCtrical eng1neermc ' . ,"" ;:; : ... . \.. ". M,rs. M. L. B~te.n. of Mt Ora.b ROOF FlRF 'A'I' '.Mr. ' Monia Fuikerso~ led the~ July ,It. at ~he OrB.1lge .Ball .~th .· II " __ ," .. ' _ _ a, aild Mrs,. Leo Conner'. enter.~ spent .s, few, day:> of last week wilJh ' .Sales Tax Exa$er (W1ll1be stat- .. " , ' ' . BiJalC ..,... • .....................~ .... MCO~EN'GARAGE onlned .a.t thll' following locations group in ~"ng "God B~ess AJne:r".Sa.ra : Bra~dQOk. and M~ , ~ baa,J»een ~ 'to ;a , ~er , . ,to dinner In ~y,ton ·'l1hurs- . her stster, ~ Venora- K1rkpa~r1ok . lca". ·. ' .•hi~ ~e and. Judy ~ . ~ abip. ,. . . .. • l:Iiy ev~ honoring ' th'e P~i!&.Y an~ , ber niece am!\. nephew f'rallces A smaU roo( ~aused ' by burn~ . to n.ss!Bt ~e :VendOrs With ' fllllng ~.mbers were urged to be pr4ia....t . ' . aiding: ' " • ., :, ' of Miss tSa:rah Oonner. ' , ~. .- ~tMl Qeorge. lng 1 their ST 10's for the period . -" .,' ':"_I.-rta '.... .... "uuua .• _.. tei'n.. . -aa .......... ' cavs was reportd Thursday 1 19#-to Jline 30, 194(. , ~e .'U'nlon Meeting Aurust't'l. I'WIIC __ of ·(todaoy) at the MoOarren garaae on ' ' ,.Th ". " . the "l~, JUdY 'Copller aDd Betr '. , July 20, 21. 22, 2'1, 28. and ~Leb- . ~ olub wUl meet. in Septelbbe!~ "",,,,,,,,,,,••0 y • , main s~eet. , .'. . anon "'uditor~a oftice, 'County Cour:t: at' the I;loaj.e of Mr. and Mrs; £. "Y .: . !DYer Jlli18ed one ,of the , ~e ~~ by th,e .f1re , ~ iHoUse. .,, ' . . .. , Ouestsforthe' ~ay. w~,nf.',! ' ~~ were pl&yed and alllJ., aerve.ry small, an.a was J, st1ngu1shed ' "" _,... ." "'-__ Ooo-e ' "'endenhall W _ A . .... j , • ,.' June ~nD""esvwe Ford uw-age ~.. - . ,. '''eti ,wlth an· ice cream ~Il, ~ With a garde~. h068. .,, ' J' . . -~ ' Mrs: RIlymond BraddOclt and f.,mJJ7I flce ~ ,next' m~t1n' wlU ;be held at 'The I!>uud!rig' $a dwne4by,' Mrs. \~Y;2Ih-, ~o~ Mayor's 9f ,. KriI. Ei1 FUnuis ' and .<,t'aushter :- . : ' n1~ ~ ri"'-..... _ e Hall ''lburada1 at 2:00 ' Susan Scanlon and ill cO'-~"" W1th JUly. .~ City Butldlni. Mr. and .' '.. . <', " • , ,- ,. ' Mrs. RhOdes. BuPneU. ~~ce. OONDtJ()'J) ·~ " . '. Mrs. Ernest ~ . ' ,' . '. ScuOOL BEGINmNG JUJ.YU .,~n, Mr. ~d 1Ii'8, 'i : .. , , RIch. '~ ',' A dally J v~~dn :~ltgl0u,5, 'edUCe.&Chool WW ~ 'C\lndUcted e.t .t he lFrI..ndl,,' MeettDg House' ~6r' ,anI!, 'beg1nl11ng Mond8.y, JUl.y !:H. :Th1s 8ohool Is under ' the directlon 'W1l1lam ilaokensen and. 'a •star! of (Our .trained le9.dera . .8cbOO~ boUrs are ~m '9:00 to' l"tcnlP!!G 1:1 :00. o'clock eacli, day, Any ch11dren between the , and 14 are 1n'"ted to .t~d.
Name Officers For . Local Youth Center
M ' e
A _ _. . . , , " ,_ _
legs were ns Ion I1 S!l fox nnd was' ;>lind tierce, Ule gmndlather of I) all tM ooon5 In - Wanen Oounty. .. ~ IlU Waynesv1lle. Ohio Ma1n Street .Utel' nU that t couldn't scold ~!l t; for being I ll, could )? • I:DteNCI AU SecoIld Olaaa Mall Matter at postotfice, Waynesville, Ohio Monday. All week l he pigs hnve been
. ~iamt
~a~t1te '
. ~leavy
alter W. Wiseman, Editor-and Publi her
gcttlllg out. fi rst .on e place and tI1en
~_.....,,-~----====:-:==;-;;-;;::;;;:;;;;;;;:;~;-------;-.:.--~ another tl') ·c Wil :; still wlI,ter for iBSOED EvERy THURSDAY t hem alld m ud but- n o green. gra ss SUb8c:rlp"on Price. $1.50 Per Year. Payable in Advance
no n ic Juloy weeks, Finally \ e did what we should have ,clone In Lhe C1rst pillce, sb'ccllcd n n ~w plcce of fence a long the \\'orst places. We sl)oUld Ilave ha d now .POSts too but t he ground was too har d and dry to dig poet h oles. Th e black behies nre a ll dried up and I.h e other fruit wUI soon follow it we do not h ave SODle rain. ;It
TDUR$DAY, .tULY 10. 10«.
Ella M. Stacy Convalescent Hc;>me
PrmacI'tI:J/flM,itj Colkie
$I'''r..,. vfrklllllill
A Small Industry
J.()('l1l.cd at 231
lean Beds alld Pay The trlot.est Attention To Sanitatioll 'l'l1rollghout . ... Good Food. , . . ' pe.rilll OleUl alld Doctor'!! SpclliolUOIIK rc-
Rlvtn;dale, Dayton, I , A M~et:n,. h err,,} And CCI,mfortable Home, Fen{urlng General' Nurslnr ervlce And GiVing. Good, Cn.re ,1'0 Invalids And ConvlllllllCenlq, Both. Young And Olt} . ... liave A SlMI Of ,Efficient Nurs~s ' l\IOllel'n EqUipment,
tUlly Followed . . . . n-lember of North Rlverd!d BushlCN8 Asso laUon and Is llated As A HI~'I III Nursing 1I0~O ...• Tclepone Rnndall'h 8783
C L C. MUlnme. to Lel M. Mu. .. Ilnd 'I'helma pi, !Wis, 9 aCI'cs J.n W yne twp.. ~enry L. alld Allene Riley t.o Doll 610 W. and Kat.bleen M.ari~ Sellers, Jot 94 111 ~pr1n"boro. oakley M. RtdBe to 1!ldrta E. Ridge, part or lot, 4 ill. Waynt!SvIU. Leona Deardolf a.n<1 Mae Pyle to Lena Drake, lou ill Waynesville. Il..ale and MAl'y S. Shafer to Ashley J. and Florence M. Starkey, 2<1 acrea 1n Ciearcreex. VwP. Adam F. and Claudia ' F, MeUoh to Ruthel'tord O. and Coro. B. Moler, part ot lot 7 and 8 in Waynesv1lle . .
Strawberries elnssify as luxuries. U they are ab solutely essential to D yton alld all surrounding· I One ef tJle sl;lcntllcl features o[ anything but stra wberry shortcol{c, country. Ide may be justl), prouQ of t heir service Is th e IIIl1nne1' In which a •• VICIE. IKC. W."SP&P •• ~ 1 don't know what it Is, Few lowcr the Ella M . Stacy Convalescent tlley coope.r atc wI th reputable dqcanimals will touoh them. Apparent· . ........ ef ... ... Iy they were created for the enjoy- Home. which is l'el1derlng such a t OI'S The I)atien ts a re alWaYs PCI'ment of mankind. Their food value n eeded s~vlce. so e'!tlciently and lcclty rflC to engage Lhe el'vlces of LEGAL NOTIOE Home YOWl! N.wspaplft ~eems qllite incidental to the pleas- w 11. ) any doctor that Lhey may see llt to w'e the;y. afford some people and the It Is mod~n Rnd haS Cl,,;:ellent choose. the 'best doctors In this secTO VAOATE TOWNSHIP ROAD ... W. IWowIoIpIo - ewe..., '," • • w•• t •• • HoI>tool1lld9_ s... Frencloco. CaL hives lbey eause to, erupt on others. eqWpmen t to g I ve good ~ervice to tlon have given It th eIr approval NO. 228 KNOWN AS CAIRII1ElR Stra\yberrles however have . be:_..!~=========::===============-_ clouds up a the mUe. in the afternoon but y noon nex ~ day It all burns come a primary ec:onomic factor In thc sick, whether YOlUlg or old. All and always strive to SCI've the pat- ROAD IN MASSIE TOWNSl:IJIoP, the lives of' a few thousand people rOOms are comfortablc and cheerful. leo ts thl're to th e best of their abll- WiARRlEN COUNTY, OlnO. otc £IS they say "down east". Tuesday. I though l th at I \VIIS cured and a good many of thcm are my They are nloely furnished' and re- \.ty. Notice is hereby given as required The nurses nre women of th e high many years a.go of paying n carpen ter neighbors here iDl White County. mind_olle more ot hOqle t.nan altoslJuly 14 1944, StUl hot and dry. f they had done more but 1 will tell It t o ',work wi th old lumb er bllt I have Arkansas. Strawberries to us are plta l. Thcy ore 11ght and airy and est type and their uns~IIL')h devotion by Section 6864, General Code of . what celery il t tl Kalamazoo or Tha~ llttle sample of rain last Sun- as thelr laUler told It to me. H e was done It again. We nre doi ng some re- cheese to Roque1or t. What this lilUe have the la test eq\1ip~ent designed I to the ca usc ot huma ni ty has In- Ohio, that Ralph Brooks, and othQlly ' ~ept us, frOID forgetting 'w hat sltUng a.t home when he h eard Dlok I a h' work and bullding '\ shed on to industry h as experienccd in the last .tor Ul e care of Ute sick and injured. plred them to pre prare th emselves etS, 'have tiled on the 19th day of nUn lDlelled like but thnt Is about yelling, "DaddY, oh Daddy, come the bam, and doing it with old lum- tlu'ee years undc)r cut·and-dried . A very noUble feature of thisnur- In B roost etrlcient maDJler {Or the JWle, 1944, their pel:.1tlon for the an. III some 'places there were good Quick, Queen's treed a grolmd h og ber. 'l'he carpentel' Is careful alld is 'economy is set forth vcry plainly In sing home Is the care given to Cle[\ll- haudllng of all ~ases which come vacaUauing ot Township Road No. 228 known as Carter Road in. Masshowen but not on Dry Ridge. 1 down in tile woods. It's gob n ~ trlPcd doing as weU as can 'be expected but the figures bclow: UnESS a nd saoltat-lon. The beds_are uhder their dlrect.lon. The Strawb'erry Crop sle Towns~p, Warren Oounty. beard one man up at the mill SflY tall, maybe It,s a fox . Get ~e gun i t takes so. long 1.6 pick Ill:1d choose While Coullty 19014 19.J3 19-12 01 an aDd everything in all del*rlElla M . Stacy has made a study of ttuit it "as wet enough so t.nnthe quiok and come." So . John got the tha,t Jt is going to cos t three times Acres In Berrics . .4,000 7,500 12.000 men ts IS given the most scrupulous the care of convalescents, both h-om The following is the route Ill:1d couldn' t 'go in Ule !Ield for bwo days gun and hurried atter the boy. 45 70 at ntlon. The IoOd is well cooked sclenttnc nnd 'pl'llcUcal Sl.and polnt termini of said Road: wha t it should. Then too, whe.t;l you Crates per Acre . . 15 Situated in Massie Township, but it 'WIII not Ute same with us. n When he got Lhel'c he found the star t Ot, one pla.ce you soon t ind that Price per Orate .. . . $7.80 $5.50 $1.50 an d prel'ared according to . each and 18 a. women of experience, oftWaqen Oounty, Ohio, and 'being in sCarcely . wet the bay that twas cut boys gathred arowld the hole where you h ave to m 11d the place n ext to Remember the storY of Sinba.d the patient's nquiremeuts and dtICtor's ertng a m05~ Hlcient and kindly M1lltary Survey No 578 and known and ~ to go in. It 18 good haying Queen was barking at a snarling It and t.he place nell.' t to that In 0 der Sailor and the Old Wan o[ the Sea? specifications. • service, weather if yon have any hay. the hay gro'wling bunch ot fur In the hOle. t o do th e job. r woul!1 like t o lltart well-blOWS White County has sus- ...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as the Oarter Road, Township &>ad No, 228; 1W8 are putting, In looks pretty good The boys. had gotten a belL tied to at one en d 01 t.ne place and go tained at the hand of the OPA sug· 'REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Wanoen county: Beginning lit a point on the East but there is too much timothy IUld the taU, which was striped. but the through to tl)e other, mendl,ngbulld- gef\t what Sinond (~ndvred {rom the' 'L aVern W~nner et aI., to William Lnrge indu stries like Avia· or Left bank of Oaesurs Creek, ~d th~ ciov~ 1.8 over-ripe at least fQr face they could see looking out a t ings and lences and t.hen redecora te OMS. and Net~e Co111ns, :10.45 acres in tIon, Petroleum anld Tex1..ilcs touch The recent real estate trabsfers in the center of the old Road, said good cow h!'y. The latest theory on them was the face ot a ground h og. the bouse but 1 s upp05e like m05t a larger number of people in a more were among those recently issued in Olearcreek liwp. cutJUng hay Is that it looses protein They puJled tmd the belt broke and fams the most n es.'iCS&fY work will vital way but the little ones are not ...- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - point also !being in I.he farm line between tlie lands of Rose Carr on raptdly alter it reaches .lull bloom there were more suarles and growls. be done on the barns and baIore we exempt from the effects 01 official t.he North and Kerr Routzahn on They . recommend cutting in the QUeen dug lJke mad and John 5 rt- get to Lha houses 1 wUl be exhausted tampering. And there are many the South, running thence with the early bloom ltage even for red clover. ed digging where the ~ of fur and so will the money and the little ones. l!!trawberties are' extremely per, • .. , seemed to be Ulen , he. pull~d and hOllses will gb lIS th ey ge. n eral center 01 the old Road and for 1Ul- ishable; the season is very short supposed farm, Une bebween the ·Bunda.y. cap was late for th.e ~hores out came a ground hog, with Just a oUler year or more. It is wonderfUl and early. People, In the business aforesl\1d farms S. 87 degrees. 30' E. th1& evening. so late that I began to .common ground hog taiL The dogs wha t a llttle work anti some paint are prepared tor ilievltable "all 900 feet to a point in sald oid .Road , wonder and ~ a little but finally 1dlled that one and John dug some c(lh do, Wllen the corn Is laid by years" when crops are damaged by and there encllng. he appeared .all excited. He and the more and out came Mr. Striped-taU li the time for the farmers 'to do a weather conditions but they arc almost obligcd to have their occasional The Board of CommissIoners of other boys and ~ueen had caught a. the b~est, oldest, toughest. coon little painting as well as the ,tlme seasons of ,rich return In order to Warren Oounty, Ohio have set ;""",nA h In . the wOOds in fact that th05e dogs had ever met. They to go fjs}:jing. ~ybe it ~Y!ll raill .keep ' {he woll 'trom the door durIng •• .",...... 08 ' ( took after him bu~ he rolled Queen Friday, July 28, 1944 at 11:00 o'clock liome dll¥ and we mIght be able to the lean years. The 1043 season was over into the water and got away, dig some post holes and mend the about average In acreage' and yield 'A. M. on · th\! Route of sa.ld ToWnwhich was aU right after all as they fence. Who k.uows ? All signs of raln per acre. ship Road No. 228 as the !.hne and AUCTIONEERING Worse 1:h;UI Frost woUld have ~ ' to let hIm go as place for vleWing said Road and ' r 11 in dry weat her and on Dry The only recent y ear of promising Stanley and J'oo,ler coons are not In season. ~hey had Ridge • . Ft'lday. Jt1Iy . 28, 1944 at 2 :00 o:c1ock pay·off wns 1942. fo; verything looked I'Or Dat.e8, PhUDe at, WQneI- their groundhOg and Mr. Striped~ta.l1 P. M, at thelr ornce 1n the Oourt ho~eIul illclUdin,g Ule weather. AcreYme, Ohio, ~,erae ~81 can llve to sive them another battle ' , House at Ltbanon, Oh10, as the age wlis large and so wns the' yield. A'lllLETES FOOT GER1\1 ' next winter. Like flsn Lha.t get a.way, But in April Ule government's rtewly time and place for the tLnal hearBaOIlD8 UCEN8B How To Kill It Ing thereof. It was the largest COOll ever seen. It's The germ 1mbecLs deeply, can't be instnlled food raticooing dcpartment did some warming-up maoeuvers on BY ORDER OF 'l1HE BOARD OF killed unless reached. .Many IUli- sugar. The 8uga,r shortage was , OOMMISSIONERs OP WARRDf ments and ointments do .not pene- bogus but there was a, lot· of hubbub OOUN'I1Y, otnO. tra.te sufficiently. Ask any drugtPsf; aboca it and . the cUellt was rcal. , A. M. PARlKER, Olerk. for Te-ol solution. ~ade 'Wit\l 9,0 % White County farm.ers los I. out. thulj: a.lCOhOI it PENTE&A.TES. Reaches Price Lo the grower that year was Itmo~e gerIna. Apply. -IulL strength lor $1.50 lor a caso ()f 24 quarts. iteby, sweaty or smelly feet. ' Your wouldn't pity for pickJng and pack35c back tomorxow it not. plea.sed. jog. The fruit was fille but the buyClifton. Texas, ers were afraid bee'ause they hod no ' Locally at ~ayriesv1lle Drug Store. JUly. 10, 19«. , reason to believe Mrs. Housew'i.to Editor M1am.1 Gazett-e would pe able to ' :;e~ sugar on 'her lable at any price. Processing firms, Waynesville, Ohio canners and jam makers, took what The average petsQn. Balds it somewbat difficult, ~cePt in:hot wealhe~1 Dear 511':they could handle and the' rcst (most to drink lite quantity of woter' needed-for kecping the body It\ lir~e I am lI.e ndlng, a. check for $1.50 to 'ot the crop) ,rotted ' in the field be- condit~on but there are few who do not welcome a tall glass of cool, ' lotte the sugar shortage fable was home.canned truit juice at rlQontlme, ;bedtlme-nny timel Fruit juice. renew my sUbscription to ~e Gaz-. LEBANON, OHIO debunked. are water with the plus value ot color, Oavor, vitamins, and sugar. ~~ ' for , one year trom ' e_xp1ration Discouragement Comes' TheY are also useful ' faT maklng@ . , - .' July 15, 1944. U ihe entire crop might have bccn cocktails. puri'c'hes,~ ."ongealed des. and ~hen ' slphon~d or poured trom, still enjoy reading the paper alsold at the ridicILlously low figure . serts, molded sa lads, sauces, ic~ the dregs which settle at the bottom . . thQ.U8h -It has been nearly ·60 :vears of $1.50 a crate. White CO\lnLy would creams sherbets etc ' , FUtered juices a~ more attractive in ' I . : K'! b ;'h In "appeafance but less 80 In flavor s ce ~ a&L years residence and have received $1,260,000 [or it, and Accortd 'mg t 0 G' Ia d' ys m rou" , . ,' , Itch L ' . ROOT FOB AND CONSIGN , gone in the red. In 1943. however, authorUy ' on hOnle carinlng lind thai) uDfl1ter~d. ones. , my 88 S 00 year in Waynesville. your QattJe, hop, weep and calv8I it was the onsum(~r who paid dear- Home Servlct" " Director for Ba.U .. 01 tOmato jl.\lce-, MIss. K!mbrol.\gh ~~ names are st1ll t.o to Norris-Brock 00.. liVe wire and Iy. Discouraged Jl~rk a ilsas growers Brothers Com'pa~Yt fruita ' from says, "No tomato 1u1ce is. superior me although many members or the Whole."..... Pasteurized Dairy Pr~ducl. progressive firm for tbe hJghes~ set out 37 '12 % les,s lilnd' and pro- which jIJiQes are to be extracted to that which Is made. all Deeded, ,!ltm1l1es have passed o.way tha.t I duced 35% less per acre. The fnl'm- ' shoulCl be fresh, sound" ripe, and of by pressing home-canned tomatoe. k:tIew. - ' . . Pasuurized; JI{ilk, .For Your Proteotion, IlUu:ket prices and ' gOOd ·aerv1oe. er', prioe \rebied ' but gt:oss re~urn I a r '" 84th " d 1 ' union 'Stcpck Yards, Clne1liD....I, O. to the county ~Q ns , still uneltt good color and fJavo~. t All except ' through a fine ,Ieve." For thole who citrus fruits and white grlipe~ should preteI' calming 'the Juice. she gives ' " m n my year an , wall Wape.ville, Ohio Tune 1n on Radio StatiOU WC'KY, $2.000,000 for the :Ieason. be heated belore the juice ,is ex~ the · ~oll.owinll recipe: Use finn" red- bom en t~e !arm one ni11e -west or J.~ :25 to ~2:30 p. m. ·[or OUf dally The 1944· season is hardly ,worth .tracted. The"c,ooklng should be crolle ripe, ties,\:lly picked tomatoes. Dis. LYtle (~en known 88 RaySVille.) counting. Last ' su~me\" and fali below boiling ' point' bec;iu ~e Intense. card ,anytJ:1at are brulslld 01' spel,:ked market re~rt;l. SInCerely wero dtY and the llabdr shortage at heat tends to destroy cOlor;.' Havot 'with' 'decay or t~gus. Wash care· , H. R:. Bradstreet:plant.seWng time cut the county's and vitamins. fully, l;eave .whole, and bake In an • gross strawberry:rilvehue below hal.( Juices' of hlgh~st Quality can ~be ~ve~; .ot ,. steam; o,r cut. 'Into small ~RESTINGTAOTS a million doll;l.rS ~d nex~ year's mpde easily at home If Instructions 'p'lece. "nd cOllk until , loft. (It Is J .hopes n/:c:-drooplng. Fnrmers feel are carell!lly folldwed and a dairy said that a smaller percentage' of , pretty I;ertain, a:fll~l' the fourth con- or. cnn4y ttiermom~ter is used ,to de. ,v.ltamlns 1,1 lo~l" when the cooking. .About one-eight of , tlle area ' Of secutive disDppofntment, that' either termln!! temperatures. Howe:<er, a I~. done by ,.s teamlng or baking.) Ic~~llnd Is .oovered .~;Y sJacler.s . drouth, man-power shortage, late satisfactory . product . can be made ,Pre.sa the ' hot , tomato.~s · througb a The great Geyser or 'IceJand 1.8 60 frost or bureaucratic price·flxing will without the use or a thermom,e ter . fine, preferably . eon~-shaped, sieve. feet in q18meter ~d at· intervals llnaUy ruin thelD. "I:he amount ?t sugar used varlel' Reheat to simmering (195·205' F.). ot ,seyerf'J hours pro.l«\t6 lmmell88 from 1 to 2 cups to ,1 gallon juice, Pour ,into ho~ jar~ . Process 20 mln- quantities of 'Waber ,160 feet Into the depending upon pre1ererice.: Solne \ites In hot water. bllth. at slmmer- nlr. · , fruits do not hold color and flavor ing, or 10 minutes at b~llln&. 11 the Th ti ' well unless a larf,{er Qu~ntity of sug. julce Is to be used In Want [eedlng, e nn onal cburc;h of IceJanC1 18 ar Is used ,and ; rt,> fo " I ~ I~ r!'as"11 omit !'Q It. Otherw!se, add salt to !,-uthera.n. ' . ,,' mlolde into -sirup ' \~h i~h nl uy 'tbe seas ' :1. Paris ls the fourth largest City' in TAR~-LITino TAR AND combinl'd with other Juices or . wUh And ,t his 'Is ' a good recipe tor t1~e world. ROAD orr,.. EXOAVATING ' \' . II I ',"~'~l~' sCl'\Ied '., .' a bevera ge, ·gra.pe juic!,!, Was h. stem. and crush The city of London cover8.an area DUMP TRUCK SERVICE .11110;. s ;n l Tid ed l.o be u ~ed for tn!lk. fresh , flrm.rlpe grapes: Add 1 cup of near,iy 700 mil8l. 1' 1\ Je lly must be l:uoncd without water to 'e ach gallon crushed !{Tupes. The docks 01 London CQVel" @out ' READY MlX ,CONORE"I'E bU~ r. Fruit juices should .,be l?roc· Heot 10 minutes at simmering. 640 aores .~lld extend fO ' 2s nuIe8 $:; d 4couked In Jar) 30 minuteS' In Strain througb severa l . layers of 'a long both sides of the 'l!haIAes ,' n hot·wnler bath Olt 17-5-2 O· F. U no cheesecloth. Let stand In B cool river. .," -.' the rmom tcr i ~ a Vllflnble. 'pr(lcess lit .pla,,\!. prefe.rably hi retl'i f,{ erator. 24 "Durmg th '" t f 'j simm ering . . th;! t Is. ju s.t below. bolt. hCII.irs. Str-llin agllln. · Add t or 2 ' ' . e,. p~ , o~ yeaT8 panPlIone Wayncsv1l1e 2911 Ing. when bubbl'Cs begin to sh~w on cups sugar t;Q each u:~iloo juice. Re. ada. has 8~pe(( up. itS hClif produc'the ~llrfa C!e of the hot water. . heal t.o simmering. Pl,lur, Ilito hal tiOn 1oo .~ cenha,nd tts :J)orill exMorrow Pho:ae N;o. 3 . ' , G ,'., (J nd bC'ITYJuices , are clear. jars. ' Process · 30 minutes In hot, 20() ~ OJIht.•. ' . . "~ Lebll.pon: Office Phone t73 K . :'," ' •. '\ .' t" "I' ~ nre hnw~ wa1pr t:y: h at 171\.1,85' F. ~ A goal of'12 m1l)1an Wpplea, was· Residence "S8 !of " set .tor, the l~ PopPy' sale.
·Natlo".1 AdvertlslnCJ Repr ••• "•••;".
................. "_.'.....
From A Farm Di~ry--Dry Ridge .
Letters To The EditOt-
Sand -& Gravel
~w, th•• · O • • P, . . .foro, 'fwtIIboI'Iof .........Illy _ fIje .,.... of .... ~ l'MtN'1 no ~ for ••,.,.inoitf.t'o. _Oh,h ••••,.
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U.S. Farmers See Bumper Crops; Red Army 'At Germany's Gates'; 'Allies Continue Normandy Gains .....- - - -.......-
Re lenled by Western New.pape. Unlnn • IEDI'l:OU'S NOTEl, Wbaa opinIon .......'r ..... I.. tI...... I~"'''' Ul., ••• Ule •••r W•• , ••• No •• p.P.r .Vol.o·. DO . . ' .n.I,.ta .n...., ........ lIll...... p.,... )
u, .r·
FRANCE , Slowl, but iteadlb'. ' AWed armies are 4110.ln. &be ateel riq around BUler'. vaunted Fortrell Europe, wlUl the Iluslau maldn. Ule mo.t spectacular adyancea from the eaat
PACIFIC: New Gonls With Sul pn n under U. S, control .. 'after defeat of Its ,big J ap garrison
after. some of the blood iest fi ghting of the Pocillc war. the Americau high command turned its attention to nelghbol'ing Islands In the steady dvlve toward the 'Asiatic malnlnnd. Meanwhile. bitter fi ghting con· tinued to rage In China. where the Japanese strove to seize control of the entire eastern seabonrd and establish a defense wall agaillst an Allied drive through the country for an ' eventual assault on lhelr home- ' land. Strong U. S. naval forces joined ~tll equally formidable air units In blasting the Japs bolcUng the Carollnes . and remainder ot the Marlanaa and Marshall Islanda, while General ~acArt ur'l dough. bOYIl cleaned up uddltlnnni Is\es of! of New Gulrlea blocking the high rOld to the PblUpp.ines nnd DulCh Indies. .
AGRICULTURE: Good Crops Answering the government', dem.nds for heavy fuod producUon despite mac hi nery Ilnd manpowe.r dlfficulU s, t/le natlon's formers will barvest bumper crops thl,' year. with output of only dry beanl and peas, peanuts and potatoea ~elow 1943 levels., In reliortlD, OD ctop JtI'"- . peets. tbe U. S. department of a,rlcuJture predicted a wbeat uncs' of 1,128.000,4100 buhel., :-"JI9jOOO,GOO above tbe record •• , • 1915 and .291.000,000 over ' ~•. ' At In IDdlcated 2,910.000 .... bUlIhel., tbe cor.D crop would be ,t he , cou~'rf" ~rtb lar,eati ,but about 100.000,000 below I..t , year: . ~liiO predicted were good crops ,or oats and barley and near record production for hay, fruits. vegetllbles and soybeans. A 20 per cent increllse In commercial or truck erQP' for the. fresh market also waa anticipated- Output of apples. pear,. ,rapell, cherries. ~Iums. prunes_aod Iprlcot. wai expected to increase ~8 ~r ceJ\t over ' last yenrl Ihort , crop. " I.
Lets Cotton
Not expecJed to abare .in the bumper harvest were the naUon'1 'cotton farmerll. who planted tht!, . Imiillest Icreage Blnce '1895 In the face 'Of unfavorable weather and la.boJ! ' aborta gea. ! Wl~ only 20.472,000 acrea r~porte:d in cUltivat.oo. cotton planting wu 41 ~,. cent Ie!!.>than last year and . 35 per' cent ,b e'ow the 19~ averlie. '.', 1 ' AlUiougb prodQction "fBI' expec~ '. to' net arotind 10.000;000 balea cotn J pared with ' annual consumption of '11,00II,000 'bales. carryovet , of an· other 10,000.090" bales .\andJ !I' ' tn· surance agalnat any future cptton famine. " ",
EUROPE: Head-On Act,ion
Fighting aU alonl the Allied tront In' Normandy developed Into a milling. head.cn action. with . units of both Iidel working behind each 0Jher'l lines and the men Icatterln, to engage In ' !ndlvldual clalhel. With the dOUghboys prelSlng down on the wesiem end of the tront, and the British sluggln, ahead on the eastern flink, the German command threw in repeated counter·atiaclus to Ilow up the neady AllIed advance. 10 the bitter, teernlng Itruggle, the two armle • . took advantage of the darkness and the plc~e8que bed gerow, do~lng the country.lde to lIneak behind their lines to hack at the rear.of , their forward posl· Uonl. , AnlWerin. the call of ground force~. AllIed dlve·bombers roared In to rip up Nazi armored , con· centratlon., whlie doughboy. fought the enemy taMS ,rom their. tOxhole. with bazookBJI and flame throwcr..
Russ Smash Forward With beaY)' lilhtlnl continuing In 'the rugged mountain. ot northern It~ly. · ooli in RUllIla were Allied gain, meaflU1'ed In mUel mnend of pr~clou. yards. With the ~ welgbt .of their power ItW concentrated along a ~mJle front in the north, · tQe Russian. Pl'¥l,ed" toward the Ellst Prusalan border. '. wb1le Nazi propagancUst.. cr~ed: uTh.e enemJ Is at the ,ate. ot Germany!" M the RUlI.lan Ileamroller Cl'tJfiebed forwa~, 'I t allo moved
• cloler to the big' LJltvlan port of Rlla and the . Lithuania" capital or Kaunas. and farther to . the 10Uth the Gl!rman linea also gave to prevent encirclement from the rear II the Rec:Ia chargecs toward the' 1939 boundary Une ln Poland. ' , A.. Fifth :. a,mi troop. In 11-17 banged aillinlt Nazl ~ detentes. be-' fore the great 1lOrt of ,.tvomo (Lel. born), anothe, col~n ~truck u the Era river vaUer to ,the e.,t, w~th the objective 9levenwI1Iy .wlnaIDa back ,behind the ,.enem, lint.
FDR', Bid " .
New Morals
With the wor having exaded I heavy , toll of lite. the Soviet govern· ment moved to ,Umulate the Rus· Ilan birthrate by awarding special financjal assi stance and social recognition to mothers of large tamllles, and ell sing.(he familY'. lot by reducing Income taxes. ' At the same time. the. soviets Bought to further bolster family ties by puttlog ah "nd' to easy divorce. and e01emnlzlng wedding ceremonies. Both portles must now aj>. t f::ls: wt:::::sC:s. p~~~ea:~~~~ :~ attempt to affect reconcillatjonll before granting separations. At birth ot a third child. the par. ents receive $76. and for a fourth they get $247 plus ' $15.20 monthly until the child reaches five years of age. Rates increase according to number, with parents of an 11th ~hild receiving $950, plua $57 monthlY. Whlle childless citizens will have
Ch.U, rCllleS 1.:
METHQDIST CH,UIWI1 B. B. Coleinan, Mjnlster Church school at 9:30 a. m. Mrs. Re,ymond Conner, Buperl.ntendent: Youth PelowshJp TUesday even- ' In ' at 7:30. ~101r practice Thursday 8:00 p.m. The official boa,rQ, at a meeting Sunday everung of las1~ week, gave the minister Sunday, July 23. for a vacation sunday. The S'unday school -will meet as usual on this Sunday but ,there twill be 110 wOlrshlp service. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL . enURCH Ralph Parks. Minister ln Gharee Church aohool at 9:450. . m. Morning service and lsennon 10 :30
to pay 6 per cent of their 1ilcome in a . m. taxes. those with one chlld will only have to return 1 per cent. and , tEIUn' VJtllllUI 0 .. CUltiST Herbert Graham. J~llnbter those with two or three children will return ~ of 1 per cent. 9:30 a. m .• Bible schooL 10.45 L m.-COmmullion. CIVILIAN GOODS:
J 1:00 a. m.~rmon. 8 :00 p. m.-Preaeblng. Wiljt War Mobilization Director James F. Byrnee Intervening. Don· FBlEND:. aId Nelson'l plana tor a gradual FIrst Da.y school; 9 :~In a. m. reconversion of industry ' to civil. Meetln, for Worship" H:3D a. m. Ian production through use ot Idle plant facilities and surplus mate· ST. AUGUSTINE 4:}RURCB rials and manpower were made et· Fat:.ber Kramholb~ Pried fective over the strong opposlU'on Mass sunday 9:00 a. m. of the military chiefs. 'As the military chiefs contended WAYNESVILLE CHVIleH OF that Nelson'. reconversion plan CHBI8T would affect war production. Sena. tor Harry Truman (Mo.) of the sen· Max Randall. MinUter ate', war investigating commIttee, Bible 13c.hoo1 '9.30 a. m. aSlerted that army and navy repreCommunion 10:45 a. m. lentatlves wanted to create a man· Prea.chin.g. 11 a. m. power lIurplu •. Nelsoo'l plan ' for reconversion Young People's meetilng 7 :00. .also has been strongJy bucked by Evening service at 8:100. certain Interests which demand no You are invited to come and worresUmption of civilian production ship with us. until , war work petera out and aU companies are in e poslUon to Ilart MT. 1I0LL'Y M. E. CnUReD manufacture. . T. M. Scarff. Mlnllter Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Ill. A. FURS: Earnb&rt, Supt.. U. S~ Bag Evel11ng l!Ierv1ce. 7:30 p . . . ' With at least 19.500.000 fur anI· mals caught In the U. S. and Alaska ~GAL NOTllCE during 11!43.·44 . trappers earned $100.000.000" or an average of more TO VACATE \ ~1BH!rP RoAD than $5 8 pelt, .the fish and wildlife ~ KNOWNAB CMlBY service announced. Because 'I ome MilLL8 ROAD IN MW:;em TOWNstates do not keep accurate recorda. however, the catcb actually might SIHiIP. WA.RRlEN ootfNl'Y, oBro. have been much bl.fher. Notice Is ~;reby givc,n as requIred With the' federal tax on furll at 6864, oenera] Code o,f 10 per cent, tax collections of $M. ~ .,y SectIon that H d G na_ d 925.218 indicated to~l retall sa.el ot owar ra.~ an · about $55O.IioO.odq Sale. included o th erSo bave !lled on the 19th day " imported furs,' which made up half oC June. 1944 their petition for the the domestic market before the war. vacationJ.ng of TOwnsltUp Road No. , " 2~5 known as Camby ;MI1ls Road In I·Haaa... ' Township, WELlTen County, Ohio. . The following Is the route and ~~ of said Road: . ' Situated' In Massfie Township, Wan-en Oouuty. Ohio, and in Muitary &u:vey No. 568 nnd known as Camby Mhls Road. Tqwnshlp Road
Buck Pr9duction
What We Think .
No. 226. • . Besinning at a po1n:t In the center cif (laesarll cree" the old ford .. C10681ng on said creek': South of the bId Cunby lute. running thence with the genE~ra:J center of the old Road and donn said Creek on ~be . Eaat or 1ef,t sidle theri!of and through the-lands of Robert Stump as foUow",: , 8. 25 degrees 25' W . 90 feet; S 21 d S In1' 22 .Latc.t of the u;m)'~~ all.aqvl1=e' yeo . .egrees 5' .". 1 feet; S. hidel I, Ibe M·29 or ,'"Weaeel," powered f6 degrees SO' W.S21 feet; $; 21 l.y a pael!t!riler car enl,l"e and capable ~OO' . ,27' W • 205 fl~t;SS'I~ dd ,of 01141",11'11,over In0l¥. 4,eep mud, UII~ W . 130 f ee.;. 'K e... v_ 'If ~aved . hl&!lwa,., with JIB brO/1~ ~lIhlac~.. dded , tr.ek... III (II'Qsure on grees ,. y. W. 198.5 l:eet; S. 30 ,Ihl! llroqnd. II .boul one-fourth of • degrees 33' W. «4 ' feet; S . 0 ru\ly equipPed lnranlr),llian; 'd~ ~' W. 369.5 leet; S. 30 , . degreea 09' 'E. 439.5 feet; S. 23 , MUNITIONS: degrees 29' E. 466 feet; S. 46 deM She,ll& greea .1 'E.487 feet; 8. 17 degrees Reflecting the in~ll~ of the 35·- E. 148.5 feet; to a <POlIit In tlghting In ,Europe,. the , war depar~ the old Road, and at the end of mel1t called for a 200 per cent In., the lane leo.d1ng to t)le residence C.-ell8e In ' the produc,Uon 'Of beaV1 of : Robert stump, said point ,artillery ammunltioo bla~t ~Dl7 ·defen.es. ' , bears N; 0 de~~i 30' W. 176 fe~t trom ).be center' of the lane Because of the tB\JiQrtance: of ' new progr~ to' the pros~ulJon of leadlpg to the fann bulldingg on the ""ar. libollt ,100.000.00(1' wiD be . .', the falm awned by Isadora 'Pllnt 00 mach\ne too)p;: pre.s~. ,.aijd and there ending. being a furnaces alona tor provldtlJg addl- , Ward. tqtal distance of 342'1 feet. • tional .. production facUl£fe.. .. ' ~ , " prlorlUe.ln material a'nci 'm~npower , Th.e ~rd of ' OommIssi!lD~ of. will be obtained.' ,; Warren .,Oounty, Ohio, have set FrInll,tite.,," day, JIW' 28, 19« at~ 10:00 o'clock · _1, ....';.... , ' :y. ~n ~ , Rou~e ()r said Townabip Ro6d .No. 226 'a s the time and 018.08 .. for Vt8wlng ;&a,ld , Road and P'rldar: \JUJ,y,·~: ~~•. lilt 1:00 o'~IOIClc , , ~. at tl,leir . o~f1ce !It ' ~e ~ourt at, '~banon.. O~o. as the , a.n~ IllaCe .10/ tllC! 1:inliJ beal'inB tllueof. ' , . • .
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uP wARRiii:f
Yrom 'rhe Mitami Gazette Fejes
- ~he Invasion -Whether cir .not and Lhe Pltth War wan 'Wore timed to FlFl'f;EN ,YEARS AGO <.orne at tilie same !.lme makes l1tt1e , JUI.y '7. 19"9 . ~ ,. uterence, TIle fact is they are PObh A~ the .ball gam e Bunday between under way. The full objecllves of Way nesvlJl an d ' Centervill e Mrs. both mUsL.be achieved. T he illv Ion lrvlng Pence suffer d a :tlr k must be a complete success Bnd the. en n(X;e he In complm. y wit h her allarents Fifth War Lo8n must me et and ex- M' . eeed Its quota. , II r. a nd Mrs. T. J . Smith was Sitting • • • I n !.heir car watching the game Our men involved in ~hc l:1Vnslon I t h e ga me when n b:lll thrown (I'om are putting eve~ t hing tJhey have when a I:all tlu-own from third Into It . W1U1 ~hcm tl)ere is no turn- to first was missed ,!l1d came Ing b1l.ck. From the tlme t hey slo p !.hrough the open window of the car off t.he Invas~on 'b arges anto Frencb h l ~U.l\g Mrs, Pence in tile face . soil there Is no turn ing back . They 'Ule ann ual picnic of the Happy muse go abead, Tlbere cannot be How' club was held Saturday, July and will not be another Dunkirk, lIl e sixth in Dayton a t Forest Park. • • • I 'R.1Il-ll Russell . 3- y ar old son o r There Is no doub~ tha t the lova- !v.r. ana Mrs. Harry Sa tter thwaite slon cost Is going to be great In Undel'1\\'ent an operat:on for herma both materml and human lI!e. It. Is , and removal of his appendl'x at the I ' Minml Va lley hos !La. on Frld go Ing to be ~h e b igges t job our so· dlers have been called upon to dO, ]' M C1 P ay, It will be the climax of fOUl' years rs. arcno e Mendenhall underor prenArations and of montills of wen t an operation fot· the removal ,,0f specIal training. ... 1 the appendix and tumors at St, • • • . l!:lIza beth hOSPi tal, Dayton Monday We at 110me also have our work morning to dO , It Is up to us to supply th" ' A. F . Melloh and fam1ly returned ¥ food a.nd the !runs and tho ammunJ· Friday nl gh ~ atter a brief visit t() tion and the planes and tankS and Florida: ot~er thl"gS ,needed in modem WIll'-1 Richard Thomas. 2 day old son of fare to the end that our men Shall ,Mr, ndn Mrs . Eve"ett Thomas. ot not be hampered by any lack of any near Waynesville died on Saturday ma terial thing !.hat we can send night. them. , .. The honw of Mr. and Mr. Walter 'lhere rue thousands, yes millions Cas t was the s:~ne of a v ry ha ppy ot . people throughout this country I affair. on Friday afternoon Ili celeb_ whose eUort.s. a s they are now be· raUon of t.he tenth blrthda ing directed, QJ'e not making t\uy r y anmv contrlbutlon to the war eHort , That. ,;D r y ,of 'LOUise. daugh lor of Mr. Is their work is not. essential to the and Mrs. Charles Zimmelman a nd W~l' efforl. I! they should quit to. ! gra ndda ght.er of Mr. and Mrs. Cast morow it. ould not mean that there Robert. ' six-year old son of LoU15e, would be ane less gun, or one less ~ as also host ,to several of his llttle plnne or one less piece of equipmen t fri ends on this occasion. for the AUles. Their work Is not eaThe little girls, wearing red . w hi~ senUal. and biue caps, and the little boys • • • with bands of the same colors tied There Is a way, however. by wll1ch on their arms' were a prettY' sight as these can make a contribution to they played their games on the beauthe war ,effort and can make theIr I t UIII lawn at ' the ca.~ t hom~. Mrs. IIVork essential. It Is Is through the Warren ,Braddock ass~ted Mrs. purchase of bunds. By purchasing Cast and Mrs. Zimmerman in makbon lis they can make bbeir work es- Ing the aft.ernoon a joyOUS one for senltal and to the degree that they the chlldre'n. The color scheme of red, white invest their ea;n~g~ In bonds,
when their daughter. MI,as Pearl was united In manial!! ' to ~ Multor!!. the son 01 ¥t. and Kr.a: Raymond Mulford. A dlstressinl accident OCC lJrred S~turday afternoon which resulf,ed In the death of ,.Tonathan Bm.Ith. Mr. Sml ~h had1 nretrOut to his farm and was bringing a small load or hay home with him.- He drove lnto the alley back of Main street and a t the telephone office there Was a m achine In the mlc:tdle of the alley. He got off the hay In order to lead ilie horse around the machine. atter ",hleh he got back on the load. and sta rted to go on. When the wagon hit a large stone and he was thrown to the ground.
• • •
Flny YURS AGO (.July It 18H) The Port William Advance Is the name of a newspaper recently started In tha.t village In nor!.h Clin ton by ErWin&Shriner. ot the Clarksv11le News. MIss- ~ggle and TrUla Edward!> left SatUl'day evening for Aehbury Park. N. J .. to attend Ilbe National Educational Association. JOB. B. Chap~n left Sunday morning for New York City and Brooklyn where he will spend several wee!u; with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Farr are '~f! on their annual .vislt with friends and relatives in and about Sprln, Valtey. CenterVille. Jamestown, :RoxaUnB. and other placea. Our young Democratic stat.eaman, Benjamin F. Parker , attepded the MJlfol'd convention as deleplte. He was ,' the only representative from this township. ChOB. S. Dunham, a po~ YOUIlI gentleman of CorW1n and MJ4a May Bal'nbart of Cincinnati were married In Lebanon on Wednesday. l'hey wUl go to housekeepln, a.t once ~ Mrs. Waterhoue's property in , Corwin.
This year. due ot the shortage of manpower. It is ' not go~ng to be <paS_ sible In many commuhlt.les tor crews of soliCitors to go' out and make so~cltaUon for the purchase of war bon¢S. As a result. If quotas are met. 11. will be necessary for everyone who Is able to buy a bond. to call uPO:J ... - bank or post oll1ce or other bond uu. seiling agency or moil in his applitl In h ca on . other words t ere must be more volunteer bond purchasers I than there bas ,bc!en on previous drives. AI; I look at it no one should think or waiting (or some busy person to call1lpon them. ,They should. without delay. go 't o the bank or post office ond buy all the bOnds that they are able to ,b uy. ThIs It seems to me, Is the least they can do. • • • I do .not th1nk that the average purchase of bOnds should be looked upon as a saCrifice. In order to sac-
and blue WIIS carried out In del1clus retreshmep1s of Ice ~e nm, cake and punch. lLoulse was the recipient of a large number . of nice gUts from her mtle (rlends. MIss Thelma Hartsock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Hartsock, of ,Dayton and Mr. ·H erman ~urfe.ce. son 01 Mr. and u "s Lester Surface of Waynes .... . vllle, were man'led in Da ton Jul I y , y fourth. Mr. nnq Mrs. O. M. Ridge will leave tomorrow for Pittsburg where 'Will visit their. son; Hugh. and !~ly. . Misses Beatrice Robltser, .t.ow.se Crane. Bernice Hyman. Doris Ha.W"ke ;. Messrs. Kenneth Fromm, 011bert Frye. Roy Eills and Glenn F rye were weep-end guests of MIss Alice, Campb 11 t h t'n~ t Morro:' a er summer co ......e a
rlfice one has give up something. must really make a saCrifice that Involves seU-denial. If necesse.ty to meet the quota I believe that every one in ahe community should buy bonds to !.he point of sacr11lce bhn t Involves self-denial. If necessary to meet the quota I })clleve that every one In the community should buy bonds to the point of' sacrifice. AI; a matter of tact llving the utmost sacrifice that anyone tn ~ety and
lDavid Furnas; small son or M~.
security In this country. with an Blqundanoe of food. and a good bed at night. will not begin to measure up to the smallest sacrifice !.hat our men condllctlng the invasion will make .. • • • After the war Is over and tile men who have been spared come hOOle and we se.e in their ,faces the marks of their sa~rlf1ce we are going to as,k our own conscience the question . He did hl8 full duty. did I do mine?
A.uto , ' -
O· ,
r aace .
Waterless cooking one wa)' 9f utilizing to the greatest derree the healthfUl qualltle. Nature haa ~ stowed upon the prodocts of the gar· den. It saves the vlt:amlra and mJnerals. . The following chart II intended as a guide. In most case8 )'01.1 will need only enough water to cover the bottom ot the .'pan ..oout I half inch. U.e a tightly covered pan. .. "'aterle.... CooklD~ Chart
"ret" vege.
Maa: mum TIme
, ', t.ble , of (MIn· Ve.e~ble Weight W.ter uta, Beet greelU .... : •• •1031b1. None 11010 Cale ................ 1 lb. NOlle 1$0.
Mustard· gr..IU ..... 1-3 tbl. None 111-30 iptnlch •• , ......... 1·3 tbl. Nohe 11-10 rom.toea ......... 1 lb. None Start wIth IIbnmer
I . .., I·m _
Mrs. Davis Furnoa of W8)IDCSville has been suffering from a severe injury received when a Windo\\( sash ofell on his head TWENTY -FIVE YEARS AGO (July %.1, 1919) Mr. an d ."YUS. . ,- R ' . O. Oross ' are spending the week with relatives In
:-H~~~~;;:'~~;. . .:.~~~~:-~~~~~ Brown county. . ----Hugh Ridge Is now p tJy ' . , ermanen ..... . .. llb. 10 located at Pittsburgh. Pa.. He Is ont~~.l~: with the Goodrich RUbber Co. a;,;.~~~j;;, ........ ... . . 1 lb. ·1 I0-IO Mr. alld Mrs .. p. R. Smith are . , .'~~~~.:: :Ubjb.. driving a brand new Studebaker 6. Turn ,gil' burner on fuU until wa· just received ~Iday evening. ter' comes tQ a boll. Then 'turn dC?~. Mrs. Ed Hopkins and son arr,lved to a am all simmer flame and leave until the necellllary time hal elapSed. home last week atter a three weeks Thia type of j:ool,(in, I. 00~ onl)' visit with her aUber in Arkansas. conducive to better health,: but II Ralph Dyke Is at Cam;> ShenIlln 'patriotic al well. Ina'much aa conat' the present time. a~d will soon Iiderable sav ings of fuel can be be at home. made. AU fue ls have gone to war. Miss Helen Barbour of iWb.Ite particularlY the lIquefted petroljlum lases which we know a. "bottled" I.'lalns. N: Y.. who has been the' or ",tank" g8l. Thue are used to g!lest or Miss Ada Micbener, .bas make aynthetic rubber, to cut and returned. to her honie. ,'~ treat metal I -and to fortify high ce· Mrs. James PleaSant aud son ot tane aviation ' gBlollne. .. . Columbus; spent ~e week"end with her sister. Mrs. !HenCe Drake IIJld A veteran's Iblmus of $3 a day (M . , ' l o r overseas du.ty) Is be1ni dlsCUllSed was g18d . to flrtd her improving. In ,Washington. The tnaxl.....m A very pretty wed41ng took place , bonus for ,julY fighter . -would be a.t . the home of Mr. and ¥ta. Bert . The ' t,otallWoUld be Ooodw~. near Red iLIon, July 16, 000.000.,
If.1 r;: :1 Jt:
,,¥OU'RE , NO , EXCEP. TIQN f (;al,luIli~y pick favorite. I II'DUIIl;,t . • in.l~d you' o~t, a. aD eSc.ptiOli' Be wiN' and p~~t yQ\IJ'Mlf wi~ Uu1ll'&llce ao tIIa« DO -mal." tell wh..t ,happeDa, y,ou, , . :a.td yoUr Dralbfll'ty'1will be fully pro,-
Not ~ messy, hafd to uie dye.
oaw~__ ~ . .
a ,ray -Hair
a ~low working '.
vitamin. but a c910rless ..
Ii.q uid that will bi a few, $imple applications re, 8tor~r' gray and streaked hair to a b'e~utiful, natural color or your mone~ back. , ~ '
HAIR NU-TO,NE---ia-OD ~.'
= ,
I,,.,.. .. r_ W"I1 ... d
Miuni Valley
' I)'S e r vat 0 r ~ : Of Music
IlIle, ...... Qtl4... 't d u ·_Ulb.u w'...,... pun..n_"'~ and ~Ir". \\ II I h.• u. wleb, Cuu•• go •••• ' ATIEND ' .,..,.. an MIS. AJtrcu Rasne.k~ """'. an ..... ". . n , "'............n ate announcing ilie birth oi a son, son PatrIck of Hyde Park, ClnclnnThere were no cburch services Sunday, July 16 at the Mlanil. Valley atl, ' vISited Mr. and Mrs. callahans sunday. hospital, Dayton. .' , parenta, Ml:. and Mrs. T. O. Runyon At 405-409 ·W. :and St., h Dayton'li .The membel'S ot our churoh MId (Jf)f Mrs. Harvey 'Burnet IIolld guest a. -few days last week. LeadIng School of Mu.le . . .·1Ias other guests attended a bas¥iSS Laura Rosnagle spent W:ed - Mr. IlIld Mni. Harold Rogers and A Faculty of Tl'alnect and E~d,lrtner at t.he h.oUle of Mr. neMaY and .T hunday In 01ne1nn&tl Em.ma Gibson of BeUbrOQIc rie.nr.ed Teach~1'!I In All Brandlt's Horner Haines and famlly near . SERVlCES SUNDAY Mrs.Everett Kenrick visited her Saturday evening ., with. Mr.. . ~ . Instrumenta Furnlsbed With S4J1 dn y, some attended J:uly 23, .~4 sis~-In-la.w MIS. James Ho k:imI and Mrs. Hiley Glbqon, Your reporter is In Chicago again Count'S .. . . Expert Tmlnln&' ~ ' Oh1,trch serv~ces at Sabina. BIBLE. SC'H OOL and little daughter at Blair HOspital Mr. ann Mrs. Ben Gruber and thiS week, a.ttendln g t he DemocraHc Volcc, ' Plano, Orpn, Saxophone, ~. Jane Shaw and SOliS nod Mr. In Leb~on' Wednesda3' evening. ,'''__ ", .. of near Waynesvllle were "big lIl)ow" -iUld It·s real1y a.. bIg Clarll1e~ VloUn, Gullal', l Aoo~rdlon, Ma.rgal'et Bunnell c! ~nurmall Ume.', 9:30 A. M. Mlss Betty LoUise Routzahn, dau- supper. guesu; Sunda.Y of Mr. and lIhOW, They have E,. pec1a!1Y tried to Qllnclng lind 'Q",IIlatie,Art . . . An Dayton were fWlcneon g\le.~lS Thurs- . gh~er of Mr. and Mrs. Routiahn and Mrs. EvereLt. Bunnell' and r~lly. out--do the Republicans, and most ExceHent Place To })evelop Talents day of Ml·S. Nellie Bunnell , a~d Miss .J MORNING SERVICE William Tinney son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. RobeI't Green and"daughter agrce thnt they are pretty For Radio and S~le , . • Under Monimla Bonnl:'ll. .., u:oo A. M. Leonard Tinney of near Waynes,ville Grace, Delon" Walker, Mrs. Clara much succeeding ill doing so. Able Dlreotion 01 l\1r. and l\fr.!. VerMr. and Mrs. Luther Haines and Sennon Toplc-"WHAT MoST I were married aL the Methodist Mae Shaw of Dayton called on Mr. • • • o (;n F rels • . . T el. ADamI! 83fll. MrS. Hollingsworth visitOur own Ohio. Joseph T. Ferguson The Mlaml Valley Conservatory of eel relatives in Clnc rmatI, Wed. !Parsonage at oovtngton, Kentucltey, and Mrs. Leu Morgan Sunday alterDO. TO. BE SAVED?" ~mes Mrs. Raym ond 'Wilson, Ella . . who is a candidate for Vice Pres- M~ic f~nns II. center for devo~s Saturday ar.ternoon. They were ac- noon. Marlarma Bogan, Mrs. Wm. companied by Miss Helen Hisey and ~. E. A. oe'Lany or Madison- Ident. seems to be the only Bucket of the art and Is a great aid in the EVENING SERVICE , Pvt. Joe Hartsock of Wa.ynesVllle. v1l1e is visi~lng her son-in.-Ia.w and in the spotlight out here \.bis time. promotion of good music and Its Bmltih. MId daughter Mnrilyn -wel:e 8100 O'cloek Mr. and Mrs. Tinney are house- daughter Mr. and Mrs. T . C. Runyon. Ohio was one of t he "big nunibers" appreciation among the PIlQple . all among t ho e who attended a COVCl'M~ . Laverince Zink 'called on In tbe , Republicai'lL show. Joe says over t.his 'part of the C~Ullt,rY. e<t dlsb din!) r at the ,home of M l'$. 5elllllon Topic - BROKEN keeping in an apartrnen~ 1I) CavingSmith Monday aftert ha.t he really does n't expect to win n Is necessary In t.hese days of Anna Peterson. in XenI.n . Thursday ErvIn ~.!dr. 1:Ulrley 'is CDlPlOyed blCi~the nomlnatlon for V. Pres., but has the radio and mechanical instru- o.fte~oon. The regular W_ C. T. U. HOM ES noon. • clnnatl, . ~tClIlure . Mr. and Mrs, Harry Gibson of two reasons for dE!claring hlmselI 11 m~nts tha't th.e real art or musio be I met In the aftern con. Mrs. Robert Slliey or D yton spent Bellbrook. spent Friday evening with candidate ... F1rllt, to call the nat- not IQS~ ~ht of and tba.t the love kiss, EsU1er Jerul Haines a ttended Semlon To Ie - ""'rHI!l KiINOS the week-end with her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R1.1ey Gibson. ion's attention to "the false claims I of listening ' does .not supplant the the . WeddiJlg of her girl friend m and Mrs. Kesler Gr(lham. MMWHING ORDERS" Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones ot Xeil1a of Gov. Bricker that he pulled the love of oroductlon. MUllic would lose Ames, IQwa Sa,Lul'dny evel1.lng. She Dial 21 J 1 - Wayneaville Mr. and ¥rs' Frank Kurfls were called on the D~vla LuCll8 family state out or bankruptcy".and second, 't.~ indlviduallty , and, tinnily, there 1s visiting her broth er a nd sister-inDe.yton vialtors S6turday. MAX W. RANDALL, it is a piece of publicity for his cam- w uld be no artists to entel'ta,lll Ille la.w, Mi'. and Mrs. Willard Haines Mrs. Bessie BllIett of Dayton 'W1l8 one 'night last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Em.er50n Dlll a.nd palgn in Ohio ror r~lection as multltudes nor porOd' cerS of m\lS1c also at Ames. Minister 'in th~ home, .. .. . Mr. Bnd Mrs. Kellar HOll'k anst l':====:::======~ a dlnner guest Friday of Mrs LesUe son Ralph attended t he Dill reun- State ",udltor. .:. OnlY and !am1lY. , • • • '\ Instruction, here, IS of the very ~ughtel'/l; Monimla and Eula and , Mr. and Mrs. A. E. W1!.lte of Cal- Ion Sunday at Wadne Pa.rk Mls,s. Olara Daug'hters. Mrs. HUey Tbe deadllne III Ohlo hll8 passed, highest type lind it mak.es no dlIfer- Nellie B\Ul.nell attended tru; lnsUt- afternoon. caned at the home of Mr. Gibson called on Mrs. T. C. RunJon when any Third I"arties can get on ence, wbether you wish to speclal1ie ute of International Relations at The members oC The New Burland Mrs, Kesler Graham FrIday. and Mrs. E . A. DeI.e.ney Monday our ballot this r9,l1l. That eliminates In VOIce.,Ptano, organ, violin,. orches- Yellow Sprin~ Tuesday evening lngton Friends Ohurch were guest-s Mr. and Mrs. Allen' ~ck v1Si~d afternoon. the threat of the ,Prohobltlon Party trallnstruinents, theory or hannony. when ~s, Roosevelt was 81U!st oj' Oeasars oreek CllUrch a.t a picnic Mrs. AJice Trickey and family SunMr. and Mrs Ernest Earnhart and the much- tolked-ot Democm- The Mia.mi Conservatory of Music s'peQker. ' . Frtdn.r niglit at Wayne Pm. A large day afternoon. and tamll!. Mr. and Mrs.' O . Kertic ThIrd Party. can develop your talents 'in a short Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilson num&'e r attended. Pvt. Morrla Wharton returned to singer and' ¥Iss Olara Daughters • • • time. • visited their daughter, Jeannette Mrs. Phil Young entertained her OIunp Ji'hllllPII, CeUna, Kanaas MDnspent Sunday wit.h Mr. and Mrs. 1140\Wendel L. WUlkev Is still a. power TIleir courses in d~nclng inClUding Ell1s and family near Kingman, sisler from Norwood a few days last day, after ' a ten day furlough with t1ggert of. near DaytOn. In America. and the Republicans are acrobatic tap, ballet and toe dn ...... ~~ Monliay afternoon. last week. folks. " . ., Ada, cartI .1 'I'Jaanb an4 v .. ... l\4Iaa. Betty Thom.as spent the week worry In g now, more a bou t him tha n I a.re ably 'supervised and each .... tndlvMr. and Mrs.. Raleigh Bogan, Mrs. Miss Louelln. Sinclair spent a lew .......... a' the end ,;"1'" .,_.Y Ul·'!>ll.'l\Tl>S he is worr 03'" ..·~g about them • • • Will- ldual student is given COU1'Be8 which WI''' rUe ., ...are _ IeJtarpd a wOJ1l,I ... min_11M .. .... 'here uncle and ' aunt, 1 ' \. ":'1.. .l.lOl\JIE J, lU . .. ......!m Smith and daugllter caJled days with her siSter LGdomla Stan. . . . IIG. A Wanl Ac1 11lM~ for and M!s: John Robey in Dayton, tie hB;S bee~ nominated as a Trus- 'Will tit him for 'h1& espec1pJly sulted on. relatives in DaYiton, ThurscJay ley and fan:i.uy: .......... II abaqed at a word. Mr. ana Mrs. Ral~ ' Hammond O. E. Bratten. of Dayton, a ' for- tee for Oberlin OGllege IIolld that is attainm.enUi. Their course In dnlJn_~____________ -.rut ch1ldren and their gUest, Mrs. mer superintendcl}t of Wa.ynesville oninc election that be probably wtll atte art la . thorough, too, ·a nd gives .... _- So-· "A " ' ....w.... mp a t tended .the schools, OIl11ed on friends .here on w ell81Jy . excellent training for the stage, W&UAQU& ~DING St., Auauatine picnic Sunday · .t Tb.ursd,ay. . W .~ver hOJ:6S to win the f n; radiO, publlc speaking Qr fol' davel~leDe electrtc. See BW Lee, BInItb's grove on the Spring Valley Mrs. Georgia Mendenba.ll IwIl8 a election' will have to "cut out" IIny opmellt of poise and correct diction. "'-..D_" R. I ,AIDei\' W We. r....... _... gue8t at the' meeting of the Wa.yne "WeIl8e-mouthed" talk about World - eduCat.lon . _ ...... & __ In planning your chUd's Orall am spent Bat- Township Farmers club, which was Peace. and convince the voters tfiat dtuing the com1ng season or dutlng _ _ D. ,.,....03 POR lDl:lUClI- 'l urday ..... th h'A e r mo''''e. r, .Mrs. ....n~ 4~a SALJD..-PkID1c pla0_ suppUes, 'd W .... . . .S. . lield at Cold /3l>rin8s ~vem Thu s- they mean wllllt) they say. This vacatloll, the routble of school. work ..... paper. _, co. CUpe n&P- Saylor, in Dayton. day, with Mrs. ElsIe Hocketit as slo.ughte.,r ~ust -• IdDa, etC. Alao kltchl!n towels, wax hostess. OE!Ver ha.ppen agllJn. or play can be prtghtened by adding lCrn.h·k. (·orre .,,_ "" • ...,...... .,
. .... It•• -
We Offer
mIle _au~sfJ~
At All
'-.- -----.0.
.' WE . or
,...._ V'e......
the musical el~ent: Many their pupils ~re ' performing PrQfess1on... oaette office. . . . . , ally and are Ii credit to their ab1l1ty 110ft ~ - Get JOur new rope to develope, artlst1cal1y. all tha.t was tram . A. D. Bole of LYtle. An)'in them. uw. from clotbes llDe uP. Mr. Freis is a IWDduate of otter .. D~beln as we.II as havin'" studied a1>-.I'OR ~ CowL ~ of .. road, and hhnd his excellent 00""" Claude ~ud. Phone 211'7. of teachers take personal 1nteti!3~• .,.. In JI'or Sale-.Jr.1>zwn Set in Iood the &1ms, asperatlOns and talents CODdltl.oD B. 14. orimne R. Hi: 2 of the }lUPUs. 'l'h.iy are placln'" , D WQD8SVtll8, Ohio Ip music in the .homes of the peOple, where wholesome' melo~y aids In re~Ji~~~n;~Iij;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-;S.;J~.~w~.~w~,~a:r~d~0:r~X:mUa.:: ' :'~.8~P:~~t~~A~wi~ld~P:~~-~oon~vlmUOn~amb~lar Vice PreSldentlal , . all ~ Beaman James KaSer of Great ,Mr. aDd Md rs. 'J . VVilson· Edwaros norn1na.t1on has 'been going on mining the~ old fireside sVirlt. , ~ ttb .treet. call .1 p lakes., Navai TrlllniJlg , Station, and Mr, an Mrs> George Edwlu-ds Ohlcago. RoO/ievl~t' bas iI)dlca.ted h1m? , W~vWe•. Ohlcaao, andhla wlIe ~d llttle dau- of ' Springfield, . were 'dlnner sucst,g that he prerers Wallace, but will ac:Boy - Bit him. ~ Sale - WatldDil Product. PUller Ihter, 1181'10, of , Middletown, were Sunday or Miss Margaret. W. 'Ed- cept anyone tl'Uit the conv~hlon Mother - struggllng with het:leU •Bruahes at 2i NOrth BrOlldw9oy dinner SU~t6 ofMI'. and Mrs. Walt- wards. selects . . . Our bet is that he w1lI Il8 fathei sUps out of the dcoroUlN ~, Lebanon, Pbone er ~ck, and James Ha~esJ Sat- Mrs. Walter Wflllams and daugh- seleot the qne wh~ Wins. wbere did you bIte bim.? ter oC Kingman, were visitors here • •. • iBoy - On the e~r. tIL o' ur....v ----~_.,,_.,,._--.......-~ Mr. -'" and Mrs. Kesler " Graham S~llday evening. Mrs. W.Ullams·· • Wllllam G . 'Pickrell Is going to Mother collapses In a. ParO.ltYSJD spent S~day eVening with Mr. and 'ml?j.her, Mrs. Rutl/ "' JiUpley of De- give TalL a "run f'or his money" ~la of laUghter . • X' Ylib to tbaDi all my ~borII C: W. AlbrJgbt at Pekin. . ' ,Fla., came with them and re- yeal', for the U. ~. Senat.e. Many ·B eaty Notes - ;HollYl1~kjl, every_ _ .• -.:....:.._ • •. _ ....... h'ft ......... -..t.d Fred!e Whitaker oC Dayton la v181t malne4 to spend a week a.t the ' agree., t.h&t both ROOse· wh~re. 'ahywhere,' lovely ' old fllllh· ...-&--_._ ' !.. U8 ch e.' Iook llk~ winners ion~d flowers ,,tn ·all' colors . .. ot the '....... ... _ W&_ 8. " • ;;'~ - ""'- IUJI ' a.t the hom" .of ''''.. "rid ' ...._, Home. . veIt . and'... .....,. O. S. 01 we Metbod18t 'I' .... __ ..... 0 T A. C t r ,... ' thodis ' t . Ob]Jldl tor, the _ lovely caMS IlHlaro.ICl WhItacre and ch11dr~. I • oa 0 ...e Me Me- 1n Ollio, and that combLna.tlon would rainbcr.f. lending their I1lgnlt.y to an an4 flower. whlch I receJved 4ur1ni carroll Longacre hiuJ .;, broleen morlal Home. at Warren, Ind., and hClp Pickrell.' old shed, a ,well pump,a maD box or mJ- recent IllneIa and oontiD,eDient collar-bone ~veal~d . in an ~ay . 'a nd Mrs. Long of Dayton, cailed • • • an old iron bridge; WIld roses and II d at on Mrs. Stella Bon,e Sunday evening. GeOtge D, Nye. DemOlfl'atie .Cll,lI- \1{Ud Ulllee in a ltwe ,bed, could aDY• t.be MJam1 Va.ue,y ~ n.~n ay ,. Bialr hOstU.a~ Lebanon, The children's meeting for welr- dldate tor Lt. Oovernor Is one of thin" be lovller ? " the Ion" ro-s of'. BIDcer.elJ ' ...., ree ul .... of a flll1 from ber b.ICYC 1 ." .. ... , ' Ie' Friday eve,nb)g. ship was held 1n the upper corridor the most active Ohio workers'around wheat In shock like . tiny huts dottMrS. Homer".\ Hamby Mr., and Mrs. Everett Kenrick-h " here 'Sunday morning with Mh headqua;ters. Nye la k.n~ In Ohio. . Rd· · . . ' . Ing t.he ~lelds~ of SW9,yllig golden fOr their 'Friday eve.nlDg 'guests Mr. ....11~!UC~La.. Heae c~ lu , chal'ae. Six- ~ ~Ing a hard alnd eUectlve camp- gratn wnitlDg for the combine; t.he and~.LorenR.outzhanotFrank-' '~eJl\lh1ldren w~re pleseut. , -'-. ., ro! ' a bird on the ' wing against ' MiSs-'PliYlls Balley at W~ynes- , ~S' Anni~ B~wne has .b.een in' 'the blue. toan ru~s~ but hll1t never Ville Pvt d Mrs', Morr ' is ' disposed nrtd under tM doct or's cal'e AlQng ' 'l,'ILe. ~pture the v.a, ce of the bin:t8. .'1'h~ , , an Whorton for sevim:il day , .n. l\.Ir. 'a nd Mrs.C1,Yde 'Wn'nrlon " ' . .. _.::-....old swaying elms around our houSe' ·".r '· d ME ' tL ,, ' Mrs . .R'uth Janney and Miss Marare ,full o! blrds ' ,and . their ' .mel";",'es ".. . an , rs, vere" Early entert '' . The editor sald that II a dOg bit ''\' \AU talned 'tntrtY members and guests or gare ~\Vards accompanied Miss a mAn, t,hiit WaIll!1't- n,ews, but if a rise all of th~ ~ay. We catch .niSlies Wayne DIScussion group tilt · ~b Lou uwls Tue:; ay a ternoon man bit a dog, well, that 'tWll8 news. ' of blue and rcd anji yellow brown their 'home Frida in i 0 anon, wl.ere th~, calleQ {)n ADd-well, here' la ' how it came and black and gray and a little datk . y even g. . friends . . Pvt . . IIolld Mfs. Morris 'WIharlion ' ' 0 rl 'S lth t a.bout. " " b\rd, th.a t I have neve!: been allie to' Mr. and,~ : 0 , B. ~arl&tt &n4 ,!tun1ly. entertafu,OO to a family pienlc -dul- .hor:e 0 mhls spen .SUJl~y ,at ~.e ' Dog-p~aYiI!8' V{llU1 , boY~OWOOI get close enough to to see wliat ,h e Sunday ~t \.belr hOme at Mumil i,;,.. Vi! '" b,rotheI, ~rl:le, near. Mother-What ~ttlld you ;do to that: la, sweJ1s hlmsel! up-':a r d the, most " . . • ., .. w en..a. ' k_ft tlI··.. llqu1 . ';;;IIOI'E!S. iDa1t9n. Those who enjoyed ' • . dOl? """'u .... , . <l ,llCites ceme fOl'tli: day were; Mr, Levl . Gl'ea.tlious~, 0 MiSs Wanda Olark ot ,Lytle, ,called . IBoY~Welli he: ~~u1dn"t 8'1v~' m,e 'Does any«?~know what Idnd of & and Mis. Clyde wli rton, \ .Mr. n Mrs. A:lic~ ~lark ,TUesday e~,e~- my splnntng Whf,!EIJ. b~4 he. \6? 'The~ther " day' a s~ng Mrs, Loren Routzahn and tMothel' .,. BUt Wh&,t ,dld yo\1 do to sparrow ,,landed on the :fence ' OUo. and Mrs. Bernard MeUoh ' hurt, h1m s01" " ' 8i~e kitChen winddjv and )Ie _Mr. and Mrs. George Gray wsnt -BOy ~ ~edglhghim. sang me the sweetest song I ever , Independence, Kent-uckey. BaturMoWer -, Well, h~ did you ' butt heard. ':'<:Even unto the least or day for a visit with his daughter . ' thes&-." , . Mrs. Fred Fisk and family. ---:---:-.........---:---,.,.--~ Mr. !Wl~ Mrs . .Harold WhitIWer aiid . Ch~drell:' Mr. and Mrs. Har,vey Burne~, Mrs.. J. B. Jones and , Mr. and ¥l's, Wal~r, 'Keru:iqk at~~ chllldJ'eJi· the ',?range plCIUC ,at ,t he gl'OVtl' ot Mr. and Mrs. Harry SmI~11 'l·vl!1.It,,;!ll ~aynesvllle SatutdaY ~ven1ng. ·' ' Mr. and Mrs . :Harold HU8toP. or Brookville ' el;\terta1ned tl,le formers mo~her-In-la".v and sl::;ter, , Mr. and. Mrs. Everett Early, to dUiDer' '~unpaper,
~I ,
cupe and tolli,t
' .
B. Jones spent 1as~ with ner nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry --' .,.....''e and alater Mfa. John Zimmerman WaynesvWe. Mlltob Jones is spendlng se.vera1 An.. ."'._ ' -.-S wuo week wIth his grand.. ,,_ parentAl, JIIU'. and Mrs. Edwil) 1I.e tU" "--'Arvill ~ e. Mr d Mrs " an . E. J. C8Jmony of S~f1e1d, and Ml8s Edith Klep.... o~. ' I)a;nun were ThUfaday·eveMm.
.:n .
Seth F'UrtUls Jr., Who reporte<!' to 'I'he peop,le are nlot con vtnced that t his war could nol~ have been avoidFt, Hayes, Columbus. Fi'1day, called ed Ii ·the polltlelAllS had not betrayon 'friends 'in the Hbme Thuhlday evening. . ' ed them on the l!.eague of Nations . , . Mrs. Har1 Harvey of Lebanon amd and W:orld Co..~~t. • •. • her sister, Mrs. Lena Hartsock, oaUrro~ Jenk1n&, of . the l oth Ohi.o ed here Friday. J;>lstrlct, la in Unf! for Floor Leader Mrs. Gi:orgla M ndenhall went, to next year,!f Joe M"artln is moved up Day·ton Saturday morning, where VISited relatives over the week- to Speaker of the House. Toln would make acapa·bIe- leader. en~, returnlllg Tuesduy evening. • • •
m le¥
' WITH '
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Yotir Baby's Picture
,May Consider A ' . Temporary Location 'For Yonth
WARREN OFFICIALS sT1J'i>y MEA~S 'OF DEAUNG Wlm . • Pvt. Roseniary Ashmead d! 'Olmp Rev, R. B, Coleman and daugh. JUvENILE DELINQUENOY ~ublished be.vis, N, 0 .. Is sPeil(Ung a furlough "ter Mildred returned ,Sunday eveC~nter bere at the hOme of her parents, W . ning from a, weeks vacation. I n the interest for improv'ng The Mla.ml Gazette wants a. plc- and Mrs. Will St. John and otber • • • methods for managing juvenUe prob Members 01 the Wayne Towntura of every baby girl or boy In thlB relativeS. Rev. R. B, Coleman w1ll fill the lems InWarren County, a commit tee ship Youth Center .AUqc.latlon detrade territory so it can have a cut • • • pulpit at the Methodist Churcl! , 81 pclnted for this purl'ose, acc(m- clded to investigate the' possIblUties made, and th,e picture published ,in ' Corporill ~rry M. TUrner of DYeSunday, July 30, after taking a panled by Warren CQunty comm1s- t of establishing a temporary 100000t1on I sioners. vis ted ne I goh.bo ring count I es ', for a youth cEmter here until a perthis paper. To be certain tha~ we sburg; Tennessee ~ a 'week-end ' wee k.s v~ati on. dl th bl I...... guest of ~ grandparents Mr. and recelveJl la.te picture and a good one, Mrs. J . Ii. Sa.ckett ~nd other friends Mrs Jennie Marsha,\l of 'DetrOit, ..and scussed ese' pro ems w .... ' manent site for this establishment that wUl porttay your ,baby just as o:nd relatives. Michigan Is visiting her brother and Itheir oflclals. The following com- can be agreeded upon. ThIB decision It Is now. we have made arre.nge51 5t er- in - IIliW, Mr ,an d Mrs. Ells - mlttee toured Butler and Preble 'Was reached at the regular meeting • • • 'ments with tli.e Woltz 8tudi08 of Dca MrII. Max D. H&rtsoolt is taking worth Biggs In Corwin. I' counties Wednesday: of ,t he assoc1atl~ T\1ee~ evenlnl Moines, to come to Waynesv1lJe on her v1Wl\tIon trom The Waynesville David Patrick and Mrs, Mary , at the Township Houae. ," Monday, August 7, and take th~e Natoina! Bank dut~es and 18 vls1t1ng Mrs, Leonard Tinney !s ylsltlng in Combs of ,F ranldln. Mrs, Ralph A comm,l ttee compoaed ,at Al Pol~ plotures free ot charge. her husband. Prlva.te ,Max ,D. Hart' Covington, ,Kentucky, Lane and Qarl Brown of Lebanon. wsky, Rutherford Moler, Mrs. Rus' The studl!> wm ,be set up in the sock at Oemp Fannon, TeXas, • •• • Clifford H. Brace of WaynesvUle sell 6a~ury, 'Leroy Moran, Mrs. 10rmer Creamery buUding on Main .• • • Miss Merab Eberl!, of Dayton and County Commissioners Scot t Wade Turner, and O1Il'rord Brace ' St., and open to ,take theIIe plctut;es I"or a box of good dgars see PMll ' , U. S. Signal"Co,'" , Radio 'Ttlephoco spent the weCk_end. at the home of McClure. Fred Hagemeyer and Jas. ' was appo~ted to look Into pOss . Ible ' t rom 1 p . m. unt U 8 p. m. On . n.l_ 0 Picldng Third' stree~ WaynesENGLAND-Soundphoto-Thill is a photo' of th.! pilotless plane- Mt d Mrs C H Brace 'BaUey I __ n tabu-b ......, , . the vaunted Nazi aeeret weapon, shown as it dived tt) earth with flame . . an ,.' ., ' locations tor tempo..... uy es ....date a repreeentatlve of the a'bove vlUe. Phone 2-182. Itreamin'" from the propulsion unit mounted abo"8 and behind the • • • ' A iour of other counties will be 1ng a center ' • • . . . Pte. Ronald J , Hardin, of OJm d t W dn sda . , ' mentioned studio wUl be here with tail. The plane has a a~teen foot ,yingspan, and i. twent,v' flve ' feet . f ma e nex e e y. Reports ot the requirements' necstudio equlrunent, · Mr, 'and Mrs. !Wi T . ,Oomell opened rour and one-half inchulon&" Gordon, Georgia. Is enjoying a ur- I ' ' A..... _Ate t th t a ll the n~~.ary """"" ,.,... ~...... _ t hom .. A........... lough with his "arents, ,Mr. and JOZEPH Mc.O , OY ~ essary and an.,.......... 0 e COl ready for taidng, pictures of the ......u ClOUD ry e ,on ......... ......, eve .. nxin f th t 1 nlng and had as their guests t.he ... Mrs, T. S. Hardin. . SUCCEED S ANLEY BAILEY Of , g on~ ,0 ' e per~en ,00youngsters. There are no stl'1nga to 'five bundred dinner club 'With ,Mr. ~tiOns now und~r adVisement for , t~e offer 'on our part. ,You don't and .lIm. Ronald H.iw\yke as guests, R ', Mr. 'and Mrs. Everett Harlen As soon RS pla~ can be comp- , the y~u.th, ~nter 'Were ~eard and a ~ have to be a subscriber :to '!'be A del1cloUa chicken dinner W8& serMrs Martha tiley. aged 80 years 1 spent Friday with her grandmother leted Jozeph McCoy wUl become thll discU88ion conc~ clvlC: 'reactlon Pre,~Induction month 'and 5 days, Widow ot the late Mrs. Ellsworth Biggs. : new sLlllion agent of the Waynes- to ,the establlahment ot lIuch an orgMIami Gazette and it ls not compul- vecl by the b08tesa after Whlch' ilve 8O.ry that you buy any pictures , of • • • ville ~ennsylvan1a Station. For the ganlmtdon In:wa.wne township were bundred was enJ. OY.ed. The 8e1ectlv6 service Board N~. E. T. LacY,and daughter of JOIIeph Mr Os . # th olft_ l'our baby after ~ey are taken. . • • and Bethany Chenoweth passed as, car HUto n and Mr s. S.S, past ,several weeks -the local station l0ther features 0.. e mee..ue. , ,. We just 'Want t he pictures taken Mr. and!4rB. DalJa& Bog8n Of Day 2, of Warren Oounty, Lebanon, , ' Stahl, of Los Angeles, California, are has been in chllrge of Staley ;BaUey, The next regul\U' meeUni Of the ot aU the ),oungesters that 'We can ,ton were sUnday guests of Mr. lind sent potlce to eleven IWaynes- : : , a~o: ~;se~~ ~;~ ~~~:; Ispendln g some ·time visiting at, the whose resignation w1ll ' become eff- W. T. Y. C. /t.. 'WW' tJe held'l1llesdAy ge~, and the more the 'b etter. Par- Mrs, J. B. Sacket.t. men to report for, pre-Induc- A iOa.yto Ohi Tur ' d .home of Mr. and 'Mrs. C. H , Brace. active as soon as Mr.McOoy Is ready ' evening at' 8:00 at the ,~P enta of 'the chUdren wW be tttven • • • , Jilly 28. ve.,~, 0, . rs ay eve• • • to a.'lSume the responsibllltles, On house. Persons who are Interelted in the opportunIty to buy plcturee 11 'M r. and 'Mrs. Ralph Bastings and out or the twentyone men 'given en:~ ~~: ::'en Mr. and Mrs. J . P. Thomas spent being asked about it. Mr. McCoy thla project or thoee lWbo wou14 Ilke a patient invaUd the week-end at Mlddieto~. with said he Is about as much surprised to learn more abOut it ale urced by they wish- it is entirely up to theDl- eon Robert entertained 'on 8unda.y, noUee to report for induction, four ....... Cleo "",,-.. _. M tor. the past two years, and an that So fathers ~d' lI'!otherl of ,Wayand rge valIUm... or were volunteers and twelve 'Were loving han'ds could do, was done. Mr. and Mrs. ,Joe M~ce. as his large musical following bas the mejnbers of ,t he organJaattOn to -esvllle a nd surround'"1 co.... -unl- row. Mrs: o. E. H1zar, Mr. and Mrs.. 8el~tee8. ' ' • • • been shocked after being act.1ve 10 attend thla m-"ft~ • •• &A' u..... , She was bom Imd reared In the viCo'm plete automobile insurance . • ""'....... , (I. Wls should remember tl\8 ' d.te and ~ley .and son Bob of Leb- ThOlle ordered to report on July ,27 clnlty of Waynesville, united in mar ' muslca.l circles for the alst tlwenty, BEAD Illace, Monday, lAugu&t '1, at t.h~ their pre-induction physical exWilbur N. sea1'll. [ive years. 'Mr. McCoy has been in' DAVID BAILEY TO ' __ • • • -'..m rta.i!e to E. T. I.(ley in 1882. To this , .... 0he m"plc~l and enter'~'--Ant . WABBEN N. W. P. D_".,. Creamery ' station next ~ , Leefrom Wayn"",....e f\,re': union, seven· cbUdren were born, J hn W d .. "" .... .,....u_ iHa.wke's 'b arber shop. Bring your Mr." a.ud Mni. ' J. ,P. PromJn. were IF.Jl.J'1ll!At Ray MUler, ~ute 2; Walter Mr, and Mrs. 0 eaver an world for many years and' expressed- David B. Ba4le Route 1. Lebanon, '''II'i_-el1ld .......... of their daughter A!lbert apq. Cha.rles, preceding her son -llllam Biggs. of Dayton, spent h th ' I f his ..... ' I y, child In and have his or her picture ' " e-"l' , 'McCarren, Roote 3;Roy Wllth " muc en us asm or n",w POS - bas been appolDted ~ of taken. ' Me.vin a..n~, ~ Loveland Petel'8on, Routel. ber ~ dea . 8he leaves to mourn rlday evening In Col'Wln at the ' ti - I th t It wUI 1 th first c " ' , • • • ' . her loss. , thr~~ daughterS, Mrs. • ho- a of Mr and Mrs. Ensworth on, gin . a or f e Warren ~ty for at, ~ Will' You'll be nllghty glad atteMfarda , , Th06e ordered to report for induct !Frank COOk and Mrs Israel SCOtt of U"" . time, ve him some time or home 'Fund, Ohio DtvtalOll, It baa been an11, you did and mlgb Ou 10""" 11 "OIl' Mr. Nell Anderson of Klngman is July 28 are: volunteer, Edwin . !BIggs. and community life, rather than be nounced. . "" •• " .. Ift~ _. ...... ith W~ynesv1lle, Mns. John lPra.yser, of • • • didn't. Por. where Is there a tatbel' lpen-.- Bev.,. ... -~ "-: her 1011Ramby; ,t hose Inducted Dayton, ,two SOl1LS, Warren Lacy, of ing always, "sold out" to,the pubUc. Mr. Ba.l1ey · baa been ~ted or a mother of a ' little tlke' 'Who IIJ-la... 'aDd daugh~r Mr. and MrII. 0rv1lle Medley" Route 1; George w:-vton &;Ild' Ha:""" of nn.ynesv·We. Mrs. Maynard Weltz and daughter "Of course I'll miss the glamour of with the NaHonal ' War 1P\ind since Hawke ',. I Ivln 8~" ,. " " , . . lAnne, 'and Miss Phyllis Balley are - .j ~ wouldn't be prOUd to ae~ 'hfa or . '. . • • iRObett stUeS,Route i,Me pen8he also lea.ves sixteen grand- visiting this week witi; Miss Doris It all", he .....d "but I hav~ lots of formation in '.1M3~ aervinI ,sa her picture in The M1ami 'G azette? ..._ ' E 0 Qr'afta en.~"'ft''';ed to 8tansJ)erry; RObert George ZUn- ""I ...... Udren and 'fi~'e -eDt' grftftdchlld_ ......... . ..... ...._. , ~ ~ Jlawlr.e and, Mrs. Carlle Oardwell in plans Bnd w1ll be as busy as ever". cha.1rman . 'of the .fund ,bt Wanen The M1ami G!W!tt:e ~nageoieDt on 'Wedneaday evemna. Mr. Alton AlVln Earn reno BRADDOOK-JIIOAK , county durtng the last ~. ha.s long beenmb'eSted lnpreaentlnc aeorie Oltlalover 'and .dauJ. WI Route 3 and The Worldl May Oha.nge~clnnati. ••• ' ENTERTAIN 4-1l OLtJB iRe Is ,county agr1cu1turai ,agent, "'en and WOlllAHl ,' , Ibter, bono..!"" the blr,o~"ftv annHarry E11Win Lewis. Fr ' to .'" A president of the 'Lebanon ~.Plctum of " '-"1 ..... ___.. ' T -nard Thom am y~r S'ear "'f )'ear an", - - and town pro""rty 'ft~ur. __ ~3 .... ' , DO Morw, was the ' ........... ..~ 1.\00 ' .' .............. ;.;.:....... "'. a&;Vlce aloJ1i: Wi ~ any others ..., Iv~ of heJ'..an. JaCk. . ,I ~.... t1iends' from da;y fo day, liut never ubur The Busy Bee 4-H Club met club and W88 formet " ....~u ""......3 , • UU' 1 lnte:rest, and at tI\,la ,tiDie ate • • .,' " only' inlucted from Harveys- wlU the one we loved, from memory anee, W • N; 4tp ThUrsday, July 20 at the Gr~ salvage cb&1nnan.lie fw1ll be'l ~ -lR ~deavcring to obtain pictures of ,Mr. and Kl'II. L. V. BranStra40r burg" pass away. Hall wIth 881:a ~addock and Mon- ed by Gerald W. ~Uden, LIibulDd, _ .......1. the ""aWI Of ie1&t1vea uear Port Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth ~Iggs and ' • w local chlldr,e p tor, pnbllc,,*Jon 111Ma' .. -~ 1t ," SO'.""-" """"''"'R caSB ' ' No ODe 0,\\18 the silent heart tmla Hoak In charge. and Judy 000- as viee chalrinan. Mr. Oouden 'baa W Indiana d· .... ".. tb t ~& . . . . . . . . . .... IlOl1 Gllbert J3jggs and wife sPent . . ," J on as'~e, ' . _.... e pall , IN OORWIN ',, aches. only th()Sj~ 'Who have l08t, "6ft ' .' seryed.for aevCll'.,t years sa cht.,., , . • week. ...... 81Ulday at /Wayne 'P ark, pi,cnicklng, Der presiding. This plan ' sh!>ul~ be especially, • '. • tell the grief ,t hJlt 18 bom In silence, ., . • Atter 8Ill business was finished, deputy aheiU.t , of Warren COIUlf;J illtrestlng to wives of' sllrvlce men ' , .' Donald 'Reprogle, grandson of Mr. for one we lovecll, So ~ell. Oarl Leo Coolt F l-c, of, Boston, the 4-H girls left: 10r- a. , &~ ~1Xl Sa 'the iReW , blican nominee for b:110relgn areas 'wbo wish to send Ci8ars on sale at all t1nles at and ,. ura" Eonua ThOmJlSOll" wtlm party Sheriff Btt',tbe c;om1nI eJec:tlom ',,' , ;,. picture o~f the baby but who f~" feuqnable prices. '.~u1 PIcI!4nI, Std, he ~ sta;"ftg ' wlth. 18 'quaran' Massachuaets, is spending a 'ten d a y ' Eul H A.'. ... ,,3,..· .. "UND , ERGOI~S ,OPERATION leave, at the hOme of his parents, ' a 0 ..... ALowInN £.-"'-"'-T " that Q1e picture miaht be l08t in tb~ street, ·Wll$nesvWe. Phone' 3183. , With 8car~e,t ~ver. __ ' , Reporter '&" - , miula. ' ManY OIIzettes are malled ', . ' . ,' . ' .Mrs, Paul Miller, sllJter of Mrs, Mr. and M.rs, Charles' C80k ,e.nd with . BONOBED A~ P1CN10 rea~ly to men and women in the .Mr.. and M1'II, J.'18. Wadsworth, Mr. ALTON EARNHABT ~Q~O~ Harold Smith, underwent a ma.jor his Wife, Bett.y, and daughter Se.nd,- VISITS J. ,Be. OlBBONS , , I e~lce who will ce"'ft1ft1 .. appreciate' and MnI. ~ Wad6worth of Wee BY METRODIS'I' .£mom ti t 'M'""'" 11 h .-.I.Al ra Lee. On his return, he wUl teport IN NORm' DAKOT,A' IA. far~ell p4cnlc,aupper wullftD _. • -,.uy MD. Maude crane and Mr __ . opera on II. I <>v.e an ~"'."'" to his post as, Oarl Leo Oook M. ' ,_ _ on 8unday ev~g at th~ ~ seelDg"rilctur~ of their dwn Chndren ~OIt.m)ltoo' -'c hoir qf, the Methodla ,X~la, last week. . 14: 3-c. " >Katheryn GIbbons; Wa.rren Conn- Smith , -park, honoring Mr" AItioD in the boJtle-town ,paper. enjoyed their ,regul!1r weerr.Latest ~rct receJved from ~e ty ~ealth Nurse, returned' Friday \&lmb~rt wbo Ia IOQn to lelt.ve,tqr 'rb'ere 1& no aae limit, however all reb , earsa.1 at the hom , e 0,1 ~ " and .h ospital. is ,t hatI she,1s getting along U Wits d . after spending a few • Mr and Mrs. Russe on an " . weeks at the Mllltary service. ' ,,\ ., ' qhlldreJi mUst ,be accompanied by • . ,' Ral~ HasJ.ings on, ~nda~ eve as ~~ll , as ca.n ,be 6-xpected. . . children Dorothy, Mlrlum and home of ,her broWler; James 'R . 'GibThose present were ~. ' ~~ ~. , ' their parent. nlng and ' alsO, made Jt a , t~l MrS. Btt\nley .l;Ja4ley is taking the Donald 'and Mr and Mrs Joe Wise bans, at FaUlkton, North Dakota.,' Karl Babb: , l4las. l'aniIJ ..~ait, pa~ f~ one ,of the membe~, ~tbn pl~e of Mrs. Ntlller ~t the Reerea- and so~ Dannl~, spent S~Jlda.y In Mr. Glb~ons was ~he, owner of the Mni: Ruth 'Pulk~~ aDd ~.,,' " ~ whO 18 lea.'lltIg for m1ll- ' t1on until she rec~~tes. Cino1nn&t1, enjoyed Alms Park s.nd Gibbons L\Ul1ber Company, befor J8r.v1s ¢ 'Xeifua, Mr., ~' YtI. ~. H: tary s~ce. , '!'AREWl8LL P,ARTY Oanney Island. m,ovlng !O North QakQ~. , ' ~rt, Mr. ~r Mr. ' , IsYl v8lnla <After a m..,.t ' enj~yable evening, ._ _ ' . .. , On ,Miss, Gibbons return triP, abe and Mrs, ~l ~rt'a.nd Iiblldran . iMaJ~ 'Fredehc A. Bo'rsOdt, w:right del1c1oU8 home made lce,cream t;id Mr and 0s. Vem Armitage have W/IoS accompenied hom from st, Mr. and : Mrs. Eo t'. ~' and Field ~t 'Pilot, ~rash~~ In a 'slrigle I a!~llil'Ocl*. ~ were' sefyed ~by the IbOlltes. JDQVed ~rom their home on ,Route Louis, Missouri, ,by MIss '~e Gib- lIOn and d~"lhter, ,Kl'. Iliid' Mh. OU", ~glne ! fightA\l plane., and para, , '13 to' Dayton. __ bons who ' wUl spend ,s. shqrt 'visJt ; ~ ~ .4~d '~" ~r"'andl ~' " 'ChUted' to safety at ' ',900 feet. , " • • • at the Glb))Ons home. ' flllOYd Davis aM 89M, Mr. an'd '" Major Bol'li04i, was 'JJDhurt , ahd. 'Mrs. Harvey Hole under.went a ' '. . IHarry 8Duth ,aDd 8OJl, ', lI(ris. JOslah ~ had no silins of scratches or ~" major operation at .. Blatr Hospito.l BOGAN REUNION BE~ Davia ,Mr. and Mni. B, B. Ea.I1lbart I' 'i'h~, plane oras~C4 -near LYtie, Lebanon, Sunday morning for app_AT BUNNEL;L HC!ME i and faailly ~ Mi-. and ~. E. P. Seth FUrnas farm, l~ted . endlc1tta. At their 1I1~an~ country home EarJihaIt ana the 'hOnored ,lueet.3 ,8oclal Row road. ,. dn R. ~. 3. Mr. and Mrs. RhodeS I ,. . ' ". :, • • • Test Pilot. Borsodl, resides 'at 24 Hetbert qra:ha.in. Minister of Bunnell and 'daUghters entertained (lU.ESTS ~OM ., ' Perry Church of Christ. ,vl&lted with ' NEW YcmK G~fton Ayenue, DaytOn" and , .~ friends and relatives to the numbeJ"\ ' ~&,.Mrs. Hllrvey Hole at Blair H06pltal, ' , shortly returned from the OeMna.f,l Monday. of about 45; on St.mday , July ,23. At, , Mr. 'and ~~ett ~ of , _, Theatre of o~ra.uons, to ~t • • • ' the noon h~ur a' bo~teous 'lli,'Der- ~heater/ Ne~' 'Y ork, bave l;IMq the , . : Field. ' , Mr. a.nd Mrs. Paul H~ugh and WIIB served cafeteria style to W1l1ch gue8!:4s ' of )(1', 'l'1loIn&'8 ~Mr. children are movIng to Lebanon: 411 did Justice. I ~nd ,Mni. iP)v,nk ' Thomas for the WARREN COIlNTY . , SHERIFF RE81(~NI!I , 1 FI1day. . The eldest, guest Was John 'W;, past, few ~Y"" ~ • • • Bogan, 86, of , !Lehan,on, ~nd the I' M ' "". and , •• ...... _ ... entertained " l.lttJe ShIrley Jean Hole is Visiting ~PUg .. _ _ _ IWith h~ grandparents. Mr. and Mrs youIl$est Uttle Larry 'R oger 8tarr, on :Sunday, With It. faDillY illilner ' , , , aged seven WeeD, son of · ¥f· a~ Yf'th tbek son and daughteF-~-J"" Hally Hatha.war' ~ea~ Lebanon. Mrs. I.ew~n~ ~r of Cen~rvll)e. 1Mr.. and : Mrs. J. M. EiI.rilhart and .1 Miss 1.6ura Rosnagle of :Hartfotd, IFive membe~ ~f this, fariilly " are ,i'sons ', ot BeavertOn; Mr. and ~; , ln, ,the ,, ~vice of their , country; ' John 'BobeY 01 ~y.ton, Mr. and ~II._•. .RO~ D&vJf is ,somew·h ere in ~taly. Lowe,l1'1J1tiomas and daughter of Ly-" <;'bellte,r punn somewh~e.in, the',Pa- tIe, WIll Cora. Thomas and' Mi': , c1fl~, Gerilld ' W~, ~1am Dunn , :Arthur Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. !JaW.>:' 'lJ.Obert B,~,an, are' stW in 't;he. ard &wlr.e and grandson' were ,ai80 - "I''t....I01:... " ,,' " ' , , altiimoOn guests:~ , '" " ~ ' daY spent"!D vlslt\llg ~d " pteaa,- ,', ' ., Y&.1ldOEID.,,·I,a Dt "soctal, Jnte~,"",e ~ too~' Mr. ,and Mrs' , ~ cahie to:' a ~losel: " , ' with :0.
To Be In The Miami Gazette '
· •.
11 Waynesville Men Ordered To eport For
. ., '
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' ...
.' . '
.al'aml' .
,H ndel'Sim lll~eed the caunell In a ¥rs. F. M. Cole. Mh. J. ,0 , Cart.d there wQ$ IIot a Ilera.OOh nor even position that bills coul~ot be paid, ~t, Mrs. _~ay Wright, Miss Ellz" a lump raised on the. body. - Pbcme 2148 Waynes~e, Ohio MaJ.n. street h l~ce tbe appomtQmnt. , ~ <abetb 0 andler, Mrs. O. J. >Robtfi.cr. MIss Marje Hartsook) dawl1t.er of Ml'. lI)ld 'Mrs. B. V. Smlth lind Mr. Mrs. D. L. cral1e. Mr. aAd Mrs. hank ~ar[sock, or JUly 19, 1944. st'lil hot and nut enI£Dtend oM 8eco1lcl 0lasa ;M&U Matter at Postoff~ce, \*la~esville, Ohlo Ill,d Mr~. Ohlll'las Rye arrived hOnle ' -n I\l' OCntervll1e, and Ol1&rles Rud- ough rnJn to do any good. 'l'J1e com from OaJ1fOrl~ft Friday nJ$h~ enthT,WENTY-Fn'l~ YEARS AGO duck, SOJ.1, of Mr. aud. Mrs. Frank Is 'begtnlnll' to sUtfer and one wOnd(July ,3:L, '1019) , Walter W. Wiseman, Edit~r and Publisher uslastlc ov~r 11 five weeks trip to Rudduck, were qulebly mlm'led at the ~s wh~t there Is In the pl\8ture tor _-'-______________=-=:---:----"----...,..."."----- ,that stAte. , Aubrey Bradley oC MJlCord, and parsoP.llgo In Oent.crvUle July 24, the cows to ent. L ~o: v Lena eating D3SUED EVERY THURSDAY Ml' a.nd Mrs J , C, HawkJM;CSo$l"s,Lee Mills Esl;ller ROcke'y were mllrl!'ed at 1919; Rev. Moon offlc1atlng. I ragweed with relish and thllot means _ Hll.wk.e, Maynard, Weltz and Donald Columbus Satu-rdElY, July 19, The A, B, Sides d~ed at his hOijle on fUIl\~ there Is l1tUe else thaI; is green. , .sua.crIDUon PrIce. $1.50 Per Year. Payaple in Advance Hawke 'were Dayton visitors Sunday <weddJng took plac,e at the lJOme of Main stl'eeb Saturday. He 'Was a DlIl'~ng thl) dust stonn years ,they afternoon, the brIde's sister. Mrs, C'. M, RDl.\de- pioneer Wo:ynesv1lle merchant. found that rag weed made very good Ml'S, Ed1th Hahls accompanied PY bush, and was II. very elaborate I\>fiAlbert Steele of near a r:ng \'0.1- lIutliOuS JIa)" a high roteln hay. her brother Oharle:s T , Mosher and tair, Mrs, Bradley taugM muslo In ley, died F'rlday. lIe was fOl'marly 'a put tile cows do not like the taste wife motored to Mt Gilead on Sat- .o ur sehools 10 11917. She Is tile resident of Waynesville, .havul/1 k pt and wUl nQt eat It IlB long as they urday and ' attended a reunlon 'of daughter ot Rev. and Mrs. Noblc the old hotel where the l1brary now can get anything else. There 15 some tJlelr brothers and sisters nnd fam- Rockey, and was born'in India where is. ,thing 101' Ulem to woI'k Oil, rag weed her father hap been stll.tloned 101' Nin,n, daughter of M r. and Mrs. E , that the cow w111 like and that. Will 1l\es on Sunday. G-ray, died at her home on Main not cause hay fcnver. - Mr, and Mrs, W , E, Cornell, MJsseS many years. as. ye, . an ..-us,.,.... n.....:===========~============~_ 001'Is, Ruth and Mi)dred Salisbury, Ch R Mr d U 'o ""'-1 Co street Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph MJller and tam- JIer and son, Mrs. Annla Haines and Cpt. Robert B~t.on of DetrOit, 18 Sparks from freight No, 79 Sunny and Miss Lena Earnhart spent Harvey 'Rye s}"Cnt Sunday 'With rela- vlsltlng rela~lves bere, JIc $aYII the day set nre to tbe grass along the Sunday at Indian Lake, tivea at Lena, Miami county. .0. S. looks mighty 'good to 'b lm o.C- track 'about a mlle cast of town and FlFrEEN YEARS AGO farm on the Lytle road, and severn I EvaJyn cartwright, dalighter of J, E, Janney and family, O. T, ter spending a long ~lnter In RUS-ISll.iln spread t.o an adjoining wheat JUly 291929 persons from here respond~. When Mr; and ~rs o. cartwrIght, Hawke and daugh.ter, F\'llnk LeMay Ilia. ! fi~ld ot Mut K eys and before It ~Ubday morning an alarm of tlre they arrived at the home. the fire l'(orth S treet, Waynesville, Is spcnd- . and fam1ly, Owen Burnett and Wife, FIFTY YEARS AGO could be cKtl11gulshed burned tell WftO out. Fra1lk col~man, who lives' ing .11e1' second slimmer at camp and G. J . Waterhouse nre at Miaml (July - 21, 11194) ncres ot 'Wheat 1n the shock, waa sent In from tbe Walter Janney on the place, with hIs famUy were Osohn, a private camp for fUty girls Valley Chautauqu~ . F, a Fnrr resl: med work agnln just left vlng, wben they noticed at Trout Lake. Wisconsin, She re~nneth KlJbon left Sunday evenJ, W, Marlatt died of heart disease, Ian ThlllJdily morning aft.er a week's "'~lI!IIiIII• • • • • •IIIiI• •~ smoke isGulng from the attic, By eently, attended the afUlUo.l pageant Ing for Dayton where be will take a at his home In Mt. Holly WednflS- vaca.Llon, T, I , Way has been appointed to heroIc aCtioil Mr, Coleman snd his of the .Lac du Flambeau IndIans at position at the Rlke store. He hIlS day, family put out the flre, whIch was a northern Wisconsin reservation, .been employed for the last IJwo yaers A , two weeks old ch11d of Albm"t 1111 t he chair ot Demoustra.tor of In the attic amId a lot of old palJCrs With a group of girls from the camp. With HYman & Co, Shellhel'd, WllO lIves on Mrs, Rt.-.eve 'Operative Deritilltry III ,the Ohio and debris, the damage Is very small A ple86ant social event of last Earl ROberl6on , who bas oe.en' bere HQllnnd's farm, died Tuesday even- .Dental 'College. tamUy dlnrier at the home of week was L!le one o'cloCk lunCh,tlOD for t.he past year. left Monday for mg, lFred LOck's one-ring olrcus will be PROTECT YOUR RIGHT Mr,oil; and Mrs, Ollie Davis was en- at the home of Mrs. Ma,ud Crane on Eugene. Ore., where be wlll rejoin MIss Jessie SmIth, a chatmlng bere on Monday JulY. 23, Mr. Look's 10 DRIVE WITH- . joyed by Mr. and Mrs. James Dayls Friday, with Miss Jessie Clarice I\B hIs wife. , ' young lady of Springfield, bl making <winter quarters are a.t Jamestown of Boston, Mr. I!ondMrs, Peter Demas hQS~. <farrls supplemented the Those f~om out of town who a~- n prottacted visit wlth ber Sister, where he is -an InfluentuiJ i md hlghof New Vienna, and Mrs. Veo Adams luncheon. ,MJSS Clarke's gue:sts were tended the funeral of A, B. Sides Mrs. Jsra~1 5attel\tJiwaiW. ly respeoted cUJzeo. GENERAL INSURANCE at Day,ton. Mrs. Ed1th Harris, Mrs. Laura MD- Tuesday were MI', and Mrs, Jolm Mrs. Elizabeth A.Davis and The merry-go-round' that. has ~ , At a called meetlng of the vipnge sher. Mrs. W, <Ii, Allen, Mrs Will. Pr01JlDl, Mi'. and Mrs. oarl Hawke, granddftughter, MIss ' May Everly, iHlen at Oakdale 'Park-for the past 1'1 counoll Monday cverilng, Raymond Newland, MrS~ ,F. B. Henderson, Mrs.- Ray Eyer ,and family of Dayton. E. left on Wednesdny for JanesvUle, two weeks bas proven quite an atY()U'RE NO, EXCEP- Hatfield W&.i appoInted ~illage cilellJl: ~ ster pordon. Miss Emma Heigh:" Wol(lOtt and wile of MalnevUle. Ed. Wls" for a six weeks' visit. traction for oUt people. TION I Calamity doean't in place Qf D r: Henderson, who is in l'I':'ay, MIss Trillena Edwards. Miss ,Eyer ' and tamlly of springboro, nnd pick favoriteal Miafortune eatuornla.. The Il.l>sence Qf Margaret Edwar<ls, Mrs. Elizabeth Mrs. ~h Vance of Pleasant. Pluln. hun't ahagled you out a. Bailey, Mrs, J, W. Edwa.rds, Mrs. Mi. and Mrs, Ralph MIller enterRonald ,Hawke" Mrs, Ralph MJller, mined the Jolly Matrons and their an exceptiOll I Be wile and ", hUsbands il.t II. dlnner Monday evenpro~eet 'y ollne"f with good irlg. ' ATHLETES FOOT GERM' m.u....ce that e,no matKEEP YOUR HAIR Bow To KID 1& , the four-year-oJd da\lghVJota E" ter what happen., you, WELL GROOMED The genn 1mbed& deeply. can·t be Iter of Mr. and Ml:s, E;lzey Scott, fell your family ,and your WITH killed unless reacbed, Many llnl- Ollt the second story window of thm proPerty will be fully pro-, ments and o11ltmen1:s 'do' .not pene- bome on MaIn s't.f(~et over the LIteet". · . trate sufficiently. Ask any dru~lst brary Thursday evening, Bystanders for 'l'e-ol solutIon. ,Made with 90 % plcke'd the little grlrl up a nd carried That Scientific New alcohol It PENTElRATES. Reacbes her upstaIrs to her home and do::Offtcle IU . . . . . UId Slm.-u o.nce ' more germs. Apply (ull strength lor Dreaing ' tors 'Were seIit for: Upon examinatiOn Itchy, sweaty or smelly feet, Your Lorla 00 Sale at Fonaed.7 ~o bones were found to be broken, 3Se back_ tomorrow if not plelUled.· , W~ lDsanulee /1teDiq WAYNESVILLE DRUG STORE , Locall;V at Waynesvllle Drug Sture.
1Ir , 1t6
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go:m ,A
Diary--Dry Ri~ge ,
From -fhe Miami Ga-zette .Files,
A.utoDloblle I •• uraace
ITelegraph C ntennial Br"ngs NaY! Devices
"Bake" a C~ke on Top of the Stove
, Stanley and Koogler For Dates. P.hone 2894, W&Yllesville. Ohio, Reverse Charges
rI'he fleXlbte. easily; controlled heat ropg~s makes interesting new surface recipc.a practical and no lc;m ger lImits top-ot-the-stove cookery to fry Ing and boiling: These, adv~ntagell are. ,l1I0t limited to city housewives, since convenJent "botUed" or "tank" gss is the ready spurce of fuel for thousands at suburban and' farm Ihomes outside the scppe 01 public gas uWitIes, You can save fuel by "baking" , ,your upslde·d0w. cake, on top ot the ,lItove. ' Hc!e's one recipe for this convenient ' dessert: 3 tblsp, buU9r cup brown sugar ? npple" ' Melt butter in skillet. add the brown sugar and sUr we)L Slice apples and arrange In mixture In bottom of IIkille't, Prepare , batter, and pour irlto' akttlet. belnk careful not to disarrange' fruit. Place lld CD skillet Bnd co<.k over 'IOw flame tor 45 minl:ltes o~ unt,l, d,one. 'Make batter aa follows: . 6 tblsp,. butter 114 cup ~ugar 2 egga ~ cup qlllk ~. ~ 3 .. teaai>: bal:tlng powder 1 teas'p: vanUla : 1~ cups sifted 'e llke flour CTeam butter and luga,r until fluffy. Add eggs emd beat wetl. .. SUl, flour , nnd , bailing, powder together and ,add illternatE!ly with milk and' vanilla, • '
ot gas
The black ben with the. little , clucks ,Is tryl~ to teach them to roos~, but th18 even1n8 sbe went 110 high thn.t ~ey could ' not , get ~p in the snme tree' and were runn.tng around ylPplhg and trying to' 8'Ct up on the fence and then !.it ,the tree, omf lltt;le ' Iaghom b~? suc~ ... in landing In 'tile flrst , tree beside ;; ano~er hen and was q~te satisfied. As the others' yipped It would 100 down at them with 0: superior air mucb as to saY,"Well, I dld It, why can't you do '·the sam,e thlng?" I finally went out nnd chased the hel' down and she started ott clucldng to ' them but I do not know where she !finally took them. Thursday. This afternoon we went to the communitY sale for the !Ir~ tlme 1il a long tune. It WIlB cloUdy and somewha.t cooler and everybody and his brotber were there but those wlio bought stock were. sadly disappoInted for the bottom WIlB out of the ca.ttle market, COWl! were going for unbel1evablY low prIces. Less than, fifty dollars 'for good. looking younl{ cows tbllt should have brought more than that for butchering. We didn't stay long tor the bog sale. The black hen was back agaJn this evening trying to get her brood \IP in to the tree tops. IFrldaY.,We sent some lambs to the lamb pool tOday but 'We did not have the come out ~d grade them. Tha.t is one of ' the advlUltagea of going into the pool. He can pkk ~our top grade ones, We weighed thci;e IUld sent them by weight. But ~wo of thOfie that we thought the be6t were only gratrec\ instead of »lues. Why I do not understand. EVIdently theta was' !Come other fact or besides weight that we did not take into Consideration. A chicken buyer tells me chIckens . 1I1'e scarce. MlIje ' are, I lti)9W. Fox !l or some othertUnd of vwent h.ave carrIed aw~ so many of mlne that IonI,y bave alJQ~t half as many as I should have. ,We bad ourflrat fr1.ed ch!citen of the , season. Fourth of July 6hould have been the day but tb-ey seemed· 80 small I let them go. ' Sunday. Bot' and hOtter. Nlnlyeight on our back POrch this afternoon, but we had our swIm earUcr in the day ,and did not teel lIte-WlIng the gasoUne for a ,s pectal trip so weJust stayed ,at hot.ne and sweltered. OUr tank 11iU of water bl'Ouiht us more ,tbm the four d ars worth ot, comfort, Monday. Headline. Another show 'er 'Ilhls evening the clouds Qegan to roll up and 'soon after dark llglit, nJrig began to nash 8.nd ·th~--thunder loer W. loot d oct .... . e e up a '''''lere waJ 'B ogan:, coming In with & ' :wori'led 10~k on ' I)is t'ace. 'He DoIien't Uke, • tbund r. He -woqId never do for the
... !\lisa Leila LiVingston M~rse, ~nl! :lU ~b t r of S:unuef F. B. Mo~, left, explaln,a to MisS M~lared (lr '~i, tel6 raph empJoyee. the workinp of .tbe .original iDstrum~t. It "; 8lJ u~el' I, re-enactinr ~be sendinf' of iIIe, firSt telegram, "What, Bat c d Wr oughtl" from thc C~pito In W~bin~on to Bal~ore. '
, Ne,PI York (Special) _ An alroraU rnpldly ' pili" a h9nd-wrlt \-Cn m~s- W, A. o.a., anything thi.~ ~undl! designer Il1 New York hOI Just ~n- I:lie. a. picture. a blueprint 01' 0 muul lI¥e ' a ' IUD , makes him very ' Ished an elabor-ate aet ot blue'prints, ',o,t flgUl'(!J, lind t Tell.\rax \rn o ~,.,lts unhappy• . As '" therain began J for a huge new tre,ns-oc~lInlc 'plane. It ove r the wire. "M'C Sfllle~" ofl this he,ard a YIPPing and I ' +Io.~''''h+ '~ The ,blueprints must be at the manu- kind rrlve at theIr destInations as ~ y. facturlng plant In' California tomor- facshn'III!H 01 th'e or1glnals 'J1he ser~ 01 , these poOr little ' ~11 " fe&'fOW, · Ho\,\' can it be done? , $, tele· vIce operates silT!ply u~ well 99 qulck- thered chlcu· tryPl8 to roost 'ln the graph. of cours~" Iy on d with,. 100 pet cen,t aeellney. tree he ... - b That Is one the things lhe co.mE'r()lIrcssllie , In&lallnti()n 'of the re- . w ra., ..... est mama'il protectmunlcaUons Industry wlU be pre- pw;(orator switching system I. part 1ng -wtnga C?Uld oo1y Cover part of pared. to d,o liot many yeafs from of the Western Union 'Telegraph ,t~. I tr~cd to see 'them but It was now, "".h en the war t. over ~lDd the Co.ropl\nY'1 loni-rango "roodern1Z\1t1on ~ dark so I do'not know , What haplatest mllr,vels stl}mnilnp, froJll an In- program. venlloll Just a century old wlll be , One de\!clopment whlc/l 1a helping Pened. The atOnn dld not last 101\8 used to , tie the nation tog~ther , In .UJ wIth Qur wa r buslness"ls carrier but It waa better ~ the last one, b'ulldlng a ,new era of peare-tlme current, 'l:hli was dlscoveted anum. ' There was,' actually a puddle in Uie . ~rftS~;!~~ 184 -that. i)!!r otycars ago Bod engineers 'have iane ~. IJ)q'riuQC: A letter ~1_ tor. SamueL F, M" Morse; . sat down 'carrl~~ current It Is P~s~ible io send , otadp Sf-YB that !:bey hAve h a d _ at his telegraph ' key In the Capitol n·lan · " me.s"ages· at one tl' m. ove' r a ta.1n than URt, .. 1 .... - y';;'.. Too bad at Washington and sent thE! first teleJ . " -..,."W&III ..... " gram _ "~I ·'Whftt "Hath .. God WroughU" single pai r, ot ' wires, Today a huo- w~ cannot ,'borrow, thet: lr..t-tlon ., d neel teI~ll rarn8 'may Oash over tele· ' ' .Lo_ ~ ..... The, message W"S r!!ceived In Balt!- graph wires ~lmultaneou~ly ' wIth 8~~te, m, wey def not ne.cd lt th1a year more forty miles away. nnd lW d The nafloo 18 observing thIs year never a mlx·up, ' " ., e o. j the celltenhfal of Morse', Invention CUriously enough. t~e t; Iegrapl\ ~il5l, ~ ,o lty visltol'B are l~ving WI ~~~~~~~~~~~;;i~~~'~' by special Cong,resslonal exercIses. P' ~d througb a completjl oycle slnct' and We wlU be V"~ lonesom, With i'ncludlng a re-enactment af the Morse's 'day.. ,'l'he Invl!n1llr's Oral In. , \ ~" , --:,e ,seene' ln which the 'lirst telegram wal . trume'lta were of '. ileml·alllomatj(' ~t tl,lem. We W1l1 ~ve ~o one to ienti by unveiling I plaque in honor type. but gave ~~i1y : to the hand· belp put our wonderins pig, back of the scientist; by' naminR;. Lll:ie'rty operated key untll · m ,Jr~ re,cent t1ml>1 Where they belong no one ~ So s~JI? for him al' i t,Y (,' lulp/! ,a tel l!' Tilda}" alJtoma(lc ~qUlpIIIC\l t hilS ,vir, ", ' , f; , • gmp!) ' centen n, Ii po ;i:J ,!e;stam,p wally replaced, the olc,l-time telellra· our COW: bOy ,t o get ', tbecowa, to l}elp T~V.IA..[JTHio 'TAR ~D Civic. edu~atlonal: ,sclentIOc and othe.r pher. 'Every year the Mq~se teleg~aph ~, to get I cdt-Ji for tlie ",~D8 " T,o,~' i7.iI ' n ll~ are holl'lll')l( speelal k-~y I! u~c,I Jess and le"l. land no <we ,to ask I!S questl0 w I ROAD OIL. EXCAVATING ~;>'. :!t. lin,; , . ' ' M?Sl messages In teleg rapb pmces canlt answer "'ut.lt h':'_ ...... ' . ns e , , DUMP mUCK SJ!lRVrOl!l' ' ~ On the ihresho.ld of Jts second Den: Bie wrltten on machines known a.. ' , , " " - """'1} a h ~Ptu: y, Ihe tl!lcgrnph Industry il ~eRii. y t Jeprl'ntcrs .whlch hovo lte 'J'bo~rd~" PY· 8'i1nuIaer arid there are other 'sum , READY MIX CONORETE h utTel' .mI,lIlY new devices and ' 5er- ~Ike, typc\'{rit~I's. 'l'h,elJCUlled tele', ~era yet to ' (l()JJle. i' I ' , ,.' vices to Amcrl<:an businells 118 well grams you , receIve Bre ' h·om . a ' tele,,' , , ' ail to the ind,iviclual. Only the war pl' Inter; , . " e' d Uie need for ,urnlng over mUcb', Th,ousands'. of busjlless firms. Wa r' uf , th is ,n'e,w equipl1)Cflt 'to .wa~~tlme ' p!ants 'lllld 1U1[j ,~ary: centers thrdugh· J t n~ll, halle kept , thes,e ~evlces from ,out ~he cntl ~try ' h~ve thclr own, tele" phone W&fDeaville 2911 " m " ~e general use, ' prlMers. Wltb th m, the- olTlccl call Morrow Phone No. 3 The TclcfOl( 'is olle of ~be latest c!)mmun ote " with , telegraph offices ' , , an d mo~t remorlwble add,Itlons' fu the qr wl~I1I)1ai;'cl1, offices. s\lppilera arid l,t~~llto-:ilvl1l~eV.;rtr: Lebanon: ortlc4~" ~b~e 473 B: \Clegraph family. ~n '" electrI~ eye c'ienlll In, ctlstant c.lties, • \, ,', ~ '. -. ~ ' ... ~~ ~~ I!" , ~ •. ' •• _~,... _ ' __ aisldenco 118
ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN your Oattle, hogs, sheep and cain, to 'Norris-Brook Co'" DVe wire and p~~ve finn for, the Jllgb,eat market priCIa and ,oOd M1"f1ae. " Union Stock l'ards, ClncliuM.1ol. 0. In 00 Radio S_tl~ WOKt, J2:25 to 12:30 p, ~. (or OUt d&llY market, rePorts.
Sand ,&:'Gravel
RMltAGE' &' SON If
;'1 was verynlUch int~esi~ flre'-other 'day , in reading a statement made by a high gov~ emment official on 8yntl'~'t:jcrubber; In..,it he' ' said' l,t is (air tOl'e~d rubber manu'Cac- ' , tured todateasbeingalmOlltsolel~ theprad,' uct of the 1?everage distilling ,industry.' ,• . "He also said that, in his' estimation, the ' tremendous contribution,of distillers' indus- , trialllloohol to,thesynthetlcrubber progrilm had not received the recOgnition which it
deserves." . ' "We certainly ieanled something today; didn.'t we Mary?" ,
~ ~________ a __. .________~~~~~~.a~~~~~~~
____~~~~~~~)__3" ________~______~______________' __~~=~~._"
'Allies p~urid .- Ahead in 'Fra.n~e: U.S. Gains Bring '.J,CiP '" Shakeup;. Foot;l in Storage at "Peak' Le,vels
Allow Manufiu:ture ..
~i''' , JUN'';'G.. ;.,.,r.
.s==%;: ~I
______~G~>__~~~~~~____....__~~____~-~--~~::==~:=~~~:: 'I'IRfIlgDAY. ri.....
. fpast 'W~ to Waynesville. to praC- I tice~.!9r t'he1l' conf1i'mation serviCe. I
Manu1acturera with avaDable fa.,-,'.,*.. ' Bailruih Jordan and AU' Jor, ,c Wtle. and manpow~ WU1 be _ble dah were recentv1litora in Middleto enter into the production of ap. town of their aunlt, Mrs, TIuey Flsh- ' proxJmately ' 124 scarce consumer QU,l1ah, 'who ' ls ' OIIaking' satisfactory arUcles August 111 under. the Um.... lti!d reconversion program drawn up. recovery at her hpme afte~ , being by the War Production board, ' conr~ed in a. hc)Spltal for several :......,.--......;-_ _ .R.l .... d b:r W••tem "'",IIP.per UDloo.. . • , ' t f r tured"'" ,up , Under the nlan. whereby manu·, weekS on accoun 0 a ~ac (IlDI~OR'S NOTE ! WbeD .,IDloH .r••• pr ••••• 'a.Ui,,, ,,,'...a •• "'., ar. di ... ,.f .. I" WII'.r .. N,wIPaller v ......•• DI., aaal,.te ea. ,ai' a ••••••'U, .f ,lab a.".p.,..r.) facturers would · be denl,ed output hlp. of any goods It th~y r(\ro ~~ .to tum ~r: an!i Mrs. James McDonald out any of the 11stcd mll terl :lll ror ' and family IlllV!! been entertaining whlc,h they were equipped, artlbJes ' relatives from Cinclnnati durin to,be produced Inc1ude cooking uten. , ,, ' g IU. of glasa. aluminum. enamel-, the past week. ware and stainless steel; knives and Mrs. Martha Marsh and MIs, Ida forks; spray gunl ; ltmch bbxes; of· Howe of n,.yton were guests tile tlce machinery and supplies, an4 ! past week of Mr. and Mrs: LeRoy ~=~ing ftxtqres lind SlInlta,r y ]l:Ws, n~ar Harv'eysburg, Mr. and
Auto Prodr¢tion Even a. the WPB'. Umited reconversion program wal 'sbout to go into effect, the nation's' automobile manu1acturer. frowned upon plans ' for preparation for a n • .:mptlon of : production o~ civilian vehjele~. Declarin, they were too deeply In war WQrk. ~'Je m"anu1ac.. turen rejected proposals permitting the placement of orders for new mao terlals, part. and machinery for future clvlllan production. and they discouraged experimentation with a postwar model because' of a shortNormandy- Britlah ci... o. Ger.... .alpere ID bitt... age of engineers and ~echniclanB . 1••1.... balter..d .troD,hol.. of ea... .. The manu1aciuren also opposed the Umlted production of clvlUan au· EUROPE: PACIFIC: · tomobile. on the groun~ that less than halt of the normal ou'put would Spotlight Switche! 1apCrui6 'be unecono~ca1, 'and parts would The .potllght 01 flght1ng in Nor· With Hldeld ToJo declaring "Ja· Iiav~ to !Je supptrlld by 3,000 to 5,000 Plal,lC:\Y continued 8wlngini bllck and Pari hal come to an unprecedentedly lubcontractor. now In war work. . forth between the AmerlcliD. on the grea~ natl~nal crui.-the teal war west and the British on the ealt, II ye~ to be tougbt," Tokyo anWith flrst one. and then the other. nounced' change. in the leady.hlp People in the News exerting the strongest pre;.ure of the enemy'. military machine. against, the ,German lin!!8 In the gen- with ToJo hlDlielt b$g relieved of eral drive Into the Interior. 'his post a. chief of staff, ,but keepFocal POint of recent flgbtlh, wa. liig hli multiple olDcea of premier In' the area south of the Nazi de- and DiinJlleJl of w~r and 'tranapor· fensive pivot of Caen. where Gen; ~Uon. Bemai'd Montgllmery'. British Even .. the Japi made their forc e. smashed through German de- changel in command. the country . tenses into ollen tank country after D,l,(lumed the )OI~ Of Salpan, with, aU 3,000 planes had dropped '1.000 ~on. theaten and ~Ulement centers of bombs on the enemy', troOp con· clo.ed, while U: S;' torc;ea wblch over. cen~atlons and s'upply Ih~e.. ~ ran the'atron, defensive outpo"Jt pre,. ,W\llle the British break ' of'tered par~ for fl,Jr'ther a ••aults ag'inlt Montgomery's Tommies" open the enemJ". lnDer 'belt of tortiftca. ground tO,r full use (If thclr armored tiona ,uardlng the homelal)d and formations. U. S. ,troops, A,laUc ~a1nlancL ,. ' lOw St. Lo In the west Latest tar,et of cODcentrated U. S. to ' continUe ' preSlll}g against eftqrt wa~ Gilam. with both ' li,bt countryside's once picture.que. now batardoLiI!. hUls and h!1d,erOwi • • I from which stubborn German units -, ' slowed up the Amedcan advance. S teeped
Prt~,ay e.ve,rUnr w~ )II' Vaughn J\4~n and 8OIIl" at' ~ I4ttle QiafIYLee ~ul1eD.pent IIYeral days, with ,hiS ":";'''41'1''--- Mr. ' _and Mfs: Bert BwmelL, ' . ¥r. and Mra. Mi11lU'd Ball, spent SIlturday, eVen1Jli with Mr. alid Mrs. ,Ted Ball and familY;
lAd . .
• Alth ougb th e pan., I d0 not ca,11 .or the production of heavY goods Uke , ~~Igerators: washJrig machines, etc.. permission hal been granted for the manu1acture of quantities of bicycles. sewing machln,es. shotguns and vacuum ,cleanera.
, '
~,and Mrs. Todd Bunce ~ere ~ln. Oer.& Dunnel1. CQrrt!sp~ill'''1I& 'vlsltors or relatives , in Olnclnnnti, Mrs Jame G I ' ' d...... IS d" ' 8 arrson an ••~!I. un ay, ,',,' Robert ROser were elected as deleMr, and Mrs. Roy ~lls wer~ ' ga.tes tor the Utica .b, B. cb lll'ch (0 Thursday callel'S ' of Jess, i~ Gat:ner, , attend the conference, ' d M d Mrs Robert an r, an . Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Banner S tewart and daughters. Mlsses Darlene and 6))ent Sunday With -relative!! Joyce Ann, of Miamisburg, were " , ', , The Bunnell reunion .was , held Miss Jane Pfelfler ls s ....ell'dlng h er S' " , ' 18"-'''''1 a ' t temoon lsi tor .. th 0' unday at the " grade tiul1d1n Da , .."t WJUII. v S Ih e vaca.tlon· ,with Mr, apd Mrs. Oarl Talmage-Gamer home, !Plettler Of Wes't Mlddletpwn. 'S pringboro. .. The countl,'Y home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr ' JElbert Rich was bhe scene of a . ~nd Mrs, Bert Bunnell and Jap~n'8 mon~hly a~rart prodticpleasant gathering Sunday evening Mr. an4 Mrs. MllJard. Ball s~nt tion 11 el!timated 'at 2000 planes. .when M1saes Elberta and Jeanne .~ ' R1ch entertained a group of yo'ung wr7=5==5===========5===a=;;;;;;;~==~~=~=!ffi friends. Delicious refreshments were served at a late hour. END YOUR W~RRIES ' Mrs. them to HOUSEHOLD HINTS , ' Ellis Th aocollilpanied ' h Lebanon ursday were they were guests of relatives . NOW WITH Ug,b t blues. grays and greena w1li Misses Elberta a,net Jeannie RIch of give an efrect of coolness and space Wellnlan were :Friday guests of In a room" Not a messy, hard to use ~ye. MLsses Dorothy and Opal Lamb. Nall a piece of molding In con. Not a slow working vitamin but a ;" colorl'ess ~ oregonia. Miss Dorothy ls rc- tra.stlng colot to the edge of the liqujd that will in a few, siinple applications reshelves or your llnen closet Cor an covering from a recent 11lness, ' ,stor~ gray and streaked hair to a' beautiful, natMrs. Susan Sch.mldt of WUinlng- enha.nclng eft ec t. To keep beets from losing their ton, and 6On, Cad Hough. of Olnural color or your money back. clnnati, were rrldiay afternoon call- bright red, leave on the long tap. ers at ,t he bomes I[)! Mrs, Ella FEints root and an Inch or two of stems. i. on ..Ie 'at ,To keep cheese from mOlding, or and· Lee Talmage ~a.nd Jessie Garner. ·~ther Krumholltz of the st. A~- drying out ••rub the cut surface .wlth a bit of saliid 011 and press ustine church. at Waynesville, has f ' wax pa- , per tightly against it, Store it in " . been ,transportinl~ the McDonald cold place,' c'oseJv I'nvere" , ....d ~"one 2121 Wa~e.ville, • • "'" .. _ . , c.h1ldre.n, John and Ma.rtha, for. the arway from molat air. - - - - : -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--:-'--_ _~_ _ __..:._______________~..::...------...:..--:.:.._.". ., .",' .. "••. ','.< _-~ • ( , J ' ..
n •• II"n"~.t
Grav ,Hair
,'" I
.. ,,j -. ' ~
. ...
. .. n .....
~.", .
,. .r-r~:·,.t~j"
, ••A.,;s
, "
1he proudest tifle ,
in the Army IT CONSISTS' of two'simple words. 'Yet every soldier who's worth,his aaif¢oveb it,; This title ,is simply:
"Cood Sold~er'" It) sn't ju~t happenstance th~t so many womm:.' in the WAC have earned ' this title-the proud~t in the Army.
For wherever Wacs are woiking, both he{e and
overseas, there you linci '~ job well done. Mld done with a aph-it ao gaJlaQt. aner-fine" thaITagh' Army officers everywhere say·o,f the WAC ••• &iThey~re soldi~rs~ qood .o'dieT~r·
Reach 'Gothic Lilie',
PlckJng' ,their wa~ cautiously thrqugh extellslve , m,ne ·, f1el~. and inching ahead under the heavy sheU· Ing of the enemy, AlliedtroOJlI drew up before ~e G(\l'rqans' vaunted "Goth!c line" In northern Italy,. 01,1. , of, Jhe}r last d efen~lve . • yste~. , pardlng the rich IndJ,lIitrlal lind a,· t rlcuitural country beyo~d. \' •WhOe thll Allied annielin France and, Italy continued to make flOW progre,. ' against bitter 9Pposltion. .Ute' R\lsllans 'maintained their size: ' 'abie adVances In the east. thetr taco 'tlc' of musing strength at .ceHaIn " points along the . 5OO·mUe '!ont to '. break through for big 'ml1eage be-
-Good Soldier"
, ' Mq/(lilg ~gll
: maps N 'co",6trt , .
. '. "'" ciMqii"g p.'1(o(s'i'(),.
"", .anti rrom'Wttr zones, , , ;:
\. ~
.--....-8~ HO$p~l
. We Offer . "
Services At~
Xenl\l. ;Frlda.y !\tw,r -
~a11ed on t h e Wnrds
You Are Invited To 'Attend One C} f These Churches
,Each .Lord~sDay BmLE SOHOOL -
' ~ome WayneaviU.
Don.t forget our invitation to hnve your' pictures publIshed this paper. Remember. it cos t l! you nothing. .
. Be sure to cnll on the photogl'apher with one of your parenta during t1!~ hours mentioned below. We want no one to be dr.. appointed. '
waitt A6.
Ouda of Thank anti 0I»l~ ~ ebarp.l lor 11 t the rae, eL . . . . ., • -I'd, ~IUII cbarre'" & ~aD&, A4 IDIerte4 .or &bree ..... II eIIaqe4. at Ie a 1!CIrtl.
arc baving Woltz s~Jdlos tak~ your. pictures expressly · ,for this Community Feature. floweveT, your "parents mUlt examine , proofs to select. the po~e they prefer , u s to prin~ and. a~ tb&t time. they .can arrange to get· additional pho~grap)LI from Studio representative if they wish.
,WELDING ~ ~PIcnJc ~ppl1~, 1nclucl:.
paper plate., cOld cupa napIdnI, etc. Al80 Jd,tdIen tonla. wax paper. ~ cups ~4 to~t. tla-
;MOl1day,,,:August .~
oaette~ .
\::~~=~===~====~'I -
Fonner ' CreamerY B.u ilding
Nick's Ca:Eetericl
Next to' Lee Hawke's Barber Shop 1 P. M. to .8 P.' ",.
At l223 BI'own St., Dayton, Sln~ lUllent Openlnr :IB Gllinl", An Ever Increufnc .Pattcl1nare For The; ,
:gain . ..or Shine
Are Featurln.- EIoelle.n t Food', WeD Served • • . DeUch.us Meals And From 8 . A. 1...
I , A.
Oc::lO F
!1-9 Saturday' ev~h ing
Othel' EVEmingll
By ..,
, .),f(8,.:8.NLE -/ ).,f~ern , ,house' tIl ~~emne:' $5\00Q.-', flhClWtl, .' bY
. , tIiPltDtment. r~
,WUbur" N • . &8:r8.
. ~ ._l.
. lm' ~t Plowm. 1,Gladiolus:' \.
,, ¥D. !!
~bert · O~.
28 , S'. Detr'!it St.
Route 2. !'epl, and Wa.ynes~e !Roiid. . " 10 , , ' ... ~ , _......;.:..-,.....;i~ ., ..... .,.....,,-...,-.. CARl). OF 'ITSAN1t8
'Optometri~ .. ,
Com~ Ii-:u~tet, ,wfU y~Qtr~Y ~ve ~ '~, slo~ ~
lusaQUl ',ve~les , BP,d fiWtJ that ~ ~ meals. ' ., '. :,' ,"' Pr----8 , , , .
, ' Nor if you CaD .emn~w. Ca,n 'them "g~I~B1 mod~ meth~, anyone C:an , . Our fighting men, out Aiua, the people'of,tIi~,'~ .ated counu;ies-:-all ,b&ve:-a c¥D"~QA out 'conuD~1 ' . caqned food. Help 101~ the ~obcI ·.problep . (or",o~ family by canning now, and y~. h.elJ'.~.~.
c"". ". . ':.',;' . ':" ". ,
. '
,. Pr....... .,..Iy s"...,.t, ltrIcIIyfr8,,. produc~e UQ!II ,
froiD your 'Victory ~eo, md.- produce .from I~ farms pod " market prclCOlo . . , ' . , .
·2. u•• ~I', u~' ~Ientlflc. ........,..~ Such'lnform..
do,ai IDly be ,ob~d bywri~8 to,yout:,Sc.,te f.oU~~.of 4~~,
, culture or to ....rome ~g.HU.S;Deparbael1t of Agn(uJtu(f; ., : ' W~8tO'D 2', D. .C. Or. foUow the 'me~ uugbtat. ~ . . local ~S 'centeJ: (asJc your ICbooI Of, ~pu ~ th~, , ,·oDeiO~ '~t)') ..
. "
' , ' '.,
'3: Us. ~y ~p... ....;.,... u ~ '~'t CIUl', buy it, ~ge to'abate ~,~
. . '. " '\'. got
p~ c:ooier,of ,
*-ter bath ~er ; . .• Ot use the) ~_ ~ bJ. ~
,-mmwilty ...anlnl ~ter.
' . : .. ~
a..- ..
Sermon topic: "The Que,tion of Immortality. "
'. -
01:10= 0
Swing., Bar ·
TEN, SHUN!! r - '- ' ' '
wbeth.,.-. TOU are ' R~ubUoan or · ',D~. bot when ,00 ,..~ ' , thote abSent ba1I~ appreelate. it u' YOII'li' r~- \ membe~' to be IoN' and pll& tbat 'X,. in ftOnt ,0.', DIy ~ ' ~, ' My best to All 01, 0IIj ,and 'II~.. hoplnr l'D ' see you all} • fo (
"S~ort.y" Gray ~rt C~t'1r. ·Mich.
:APP9~.~bm f' nt '
ua~ \ ranI. \ I don'.t bow
MORNING. 0 Sermon ~opic: "Men and Women of Tomorrow." . .
Yoo WW Enjoy ptople 'IIIe11 fed. To be able to get ~t Is appollited excellentt,. the Stoppln, Here . . . 'Under The Able tempting foods at unusual hours 18 ventilating and llghtlng arrangeDlrect!on 0' Nick Moraites • : . II- s-reat IlcCOmmoda,tl,on , tQ workers ments are good and all llanlt.aryWho features DIs.t.lnctlve Service, as well Oil peo 'Ie in the cornmuIilty preca'Utlo~ are taken for ~~ ):lea1th ' Home _ade Jce Cream ADd mh~" a; .d Peep,1e 'passing tlirOl.i8h. of bhe people. Here amidst- coJil!ortS~IUes . . , . TeL ADams 0608.. 'Rer~ you walk l:1lllt th e most appe able lIurtOWldingS you enjoy 'your d ishes a nd you can make your l~ and while the service' ta rapid . . :t,:llclt's Oareterla. in, Dayton III rap,,: awn selectIon' of sOups, meats, "tme- for th061! who desire I~. yet there is gaining In POPlI1arity and is to. 1c1s. fl'uJ ts. pastries. :hQI1\e-rnacle no indication or hurry and you are \' most accomm.o datlng se~- 1 oream and you arc sUre to find given all the time des1t:ed. The serv1QA. III good food. prepared and f~ ex tly ,to ': our fancy and taste: icO is courtoollll and ac:oommodatint. , s~rved ·In a very tnterestJ.ng manner. Being- 'o~ f!om 8 p:-. M. to 1 A. M. iii greatly aiding keeping our bUsy
' Day : .
Beno, E"e,;yone ,In th,e Service.
1-6 , afternoons except
Q-l!! eall" morniog .
: (Wayn~le)
~~,"-,'= ~" ' ~"''"'\."'~'''''','Jr.~ :\.,'''',"\r: :\.,~,,~, , ~~
Sold on a MoneT-Back Guarantee On . SaI~ Al W~ynmUle Drill' Store '
Waynesville, Ohio
. ~...,. the Tnt.. , the Life"
Ii :00
EVENING-8:00 P. M. Senaoa ,"opic: "Jesus Christ, the
If your hair is bt)in or folUng DandrUf.f Inlght b4~ the cause. -try-,
Ac$leDe or · e1ectorki. ,See BUl Lee. omclorf IkIad, R. I. ' Wayneav11le.
Sermon Topic: "What It Costs Not To Be A Christian.'"
,People Need ~air
10:30 A. 1\1.
Remrmber too. to' tell your folks that a~ults and famil7' ' groups will be taken and proofs submitted free of charge. although they will not be ,published.
oomlUNION -
spending a very pleasant week at the Hpme, Mrs. Ruth o1anleft SWlda.y night, for COJUmbU8 , '\Vhere we 'will visit :her daughters, Loren Badley nnd Mrs. Roderick Barden.
9:30 A. M.
'~cQIhn:e ~umral
~.:~"~t!~_~~~~JJ:·'Xx.i~ixKx~~ 'Y.[4~~IfIt~ ,
Dial 2111 -
'1Ft, Benjlliilin Htlrlllson, Ind .• "\llf' at MeOlell- , 17,-..3;'vt, SI)t.h' E. ~ni!, son of Mrs. llQQ1~. !:Isl'ah J1'ul'l1M o'r ~l.!~e 2, w'nynesRU ~11 UnderwoOd, ?r MQiOlly, N. vUle, 0,1110 l1aa been transferred lO ~., called 0 11 Mrs. Mnrgaret H~cock ~nI. RTO. Can1.p Blllnding. 'fill.. Satur~y. tor basic training'. ' Mrs. Amanda Hartrum is sRencUna _ .......-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ a week.at the home of ber &on, Sam';, ,rubert 'I'hQmu. of Spring Valley: ~el Stubbs and' tam11y in Baltimore. WUlIam ' Maekenson ' 01 WasbtngOhio. ' ton D. O. iii staying !the home . thIS SUnday afternoon. callers of Miss- Week.- Mr. Macldnson is conduflt~g 1Wb1tak~r, 'I'hU1liday. es Annie a.n~ Mame:Br~wne were Mr successful summer religious ¢uca~ ~jsses Ruth EUzabeth Chandler I\nd Mrs. Raymond Montgomery of t10n scl1ool "a.t ·the White Blick: Meet spent Friday In Dtyton. Oen~rv1l1e, Mrs. Margaret Snively Ing house with 'more t ban 45 ChUdMrs. Ruth Janney, Miss Mtl.rg1iret and l our , llttle chUdrC1l of 'Yellow ren in uttenclance. Edwards and Mrs. Georgia Mepdell- SPl'1rlg8, and Messers Homei" and MIss. Lou Lewis I\1ld 0', ;So - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - -'- - -'.;..'-. - - - -'- - - - - Lewis ' were dinner gue$ts of MJss Ruth Cbandler on Sunday:' Mrs. -Ruth anney was dlnller guest of Mr. imd M.rs. . Oharles . \ Ellis Saturday. In the evening Mrs. Ja.nney, Mrs.· Mendimh all Miss Mar·ga.rct Edwards , with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis visited Mr. a nd Mrs. John Mo-. Clure at Springboro. Mrs. S. S. Stalll of Los Angles, Cal Iforhia, and Miss Merab Ebe.rle of Franklin. called on F'riends In the Home Mondny eveninlt. Miss Patricia Sutherland IIDd Elea nore Wolf, or McNabb, l11onol8, Harriet' GlIddon of LOOnil~, New Jersey, ,and Sarah CO.r Inue 'Furnas, teachers In the summer school, called on Mrs. I Matll:~ltta ,HeaCQ9k Sunday after-
Ni's. Clifford ~. Ridge of OllleagO, Mr. and Mrs. George Beach; Mr, and Mrs. B. C. Coleman of ~orwood. w~ d1l:!ner gue&1'6 here'~>n W;l<ll1~'day of last Week. , Mr. and l4nI. Lee Mason called on 14l'I. Allee Ola.rk Thursday. Mrs. Ruth J~Imey and ¥rs. Oeorgte. MendenhaU w~e supper guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
, Re-elect , ·MEM'L 8~ "SHORTY" " ~:IG ,.~ A ',¥ : . '.. . for ' \ ...;, , ,PR6SE(fOTI~G ' . ATTOR~t:Y .1"·" " .
(!Ol. ""~VJ<I'
at PerrY,
' 1\& 301 'lV. TJab.d St.. I'n I~~~r~~_c~~~ "~r Da yton III . DIaUnetive Place. Feat- ShoWs •.• A GOOd Place ~ Bela orin, IIi It' Food'. Tasty SanliwlClhes A lilt' After A BUll)" 'Day And ' <ie, And D( UClous Dl,'lnlls, Attraethely . " S 'rved . • i . Open FrOm .8 A. ·M.To :Jlelreshed ,For The DoUe8- or T,he 2:30 A. ' M• . , . .At 8 p~ M. Dancln, ' ,Momnr •. '. '. Good M1IIIic S(an. A I' Well 'M The Interestln, I '~ere J'Im 1& ~d." . , ,
. 'r.l1e' Swing Bar 'ls the scene of,
-=NDQ9T==~_~IO=UB~~~=~~~----~~~--------~-----~-~----------------~W~~~~= . ==8VD=~J~A~Om~Q--~-~ ~----.9 ~--/·~J?~jG~,~yr~-- -------------·-------------------~WB==O~~~~~' ~ ' --U-'l--
Local Soldier Is Wounded Mer.
Fnencia General Co~fe ence ,"ere August 9 To 13
Fightin~ In,.Franc~
Paris Bomb Ruim
Con£ir~ation At St:-'
Three Teachers Resign Here
ccepts Position" . As Principal In . Cincinnati Schools
Augustine's Aug. 6
'Ilhree ,teachers have resigned their POSt since the last school tenn. and only one of the posItions have been fllled. Mlss Margaret Ann R06e, a graduate of Baldwin COllege of Muslo, near Ol~veland. Ohio w1l1 fill the vacancy made by Mr. E . W. Scofield., and take up her duties as Music Instructor at U1e opening of the school term In September. TWo vacancies are yet to be tilled, ,those made by MIss Zol4 Strider. secondt grade teacher for the pas four years. and Miss V1rg1n1a Black-
BlBhop George Rebring auxillary of Archdlaclse of Clnclnna.tl vl111 , . . I!IblENDe Gi!lNERIAL .•.• . .. • . •..• confer the ' Sacrasment of Contlra e 0 r g e [,. Bun n ell, formerly Headquarters, EUropean 'lUleatre Of' 'l1be gene~ coilference of the Inmation on twenty persons at St. Of. WaynesVille, and a graduate of Operations: diana Yearly Meeting of frlenda'lW1ll Augustine. Church on Sunday atter- the Waynuville High School, cllUls Private Albert E. Richartls. 20, of IJ)e held In Wayonesville .at the local noonat 3:00 o·clock. of '26. has accepted the position aa WayneaVille, who spent as days at lPrlenda Meeting House b~g This wHl be the first time that principal of the St. 1Iemard City !front ll~~ In Normandy, recently August 9 and terminating August OollIirmation has been given In 'sc'hools In' CinCinnati. waa a.Worded the Purple Hea~ at a .!G. Followdng Is the prorram: Waynesville In forty years. In the For the pas t. seven years, Mr. Unlte\l States Army genet~l hospital PRELIMINARY PRoGRAM meantime the candidates have <been Bunnell 'has been coach and science In England for woWlds rec~ved In . . conflnned lr} Xenia. A cordial invlte- ,teacher In the Southern HIlls HIgh , I ' F01ll1h Day, Elthth Month, 9th actlon. ' t.1on.lB extended to the general public :8ohool In Van Buren ToWnship, In Bdchards, an infantryman, '/Was .'1:30 p.m. Meeting for Wor8hip 10 attend thlB beautiful ceremony. 'Dayton, Ohio. ' among the first to land in FranCe 8:00 p.m. Addr~ by Wm. MackI The religiOUS vacation school at He rec~IVed his Bachelor of on the morning of D-Day atter mdsen:".some 'l1hougqt8 Toward at. Augustine Ohw'ch ' whIch haa Science In educa.tion degree from Meettng Problema" ing the hazardous crOS91ng through burn. been conducted by two teaching s.Is- Wittenberg College and.-hla Maatera m1ne~lnfested wa.ters In an IHr. 8:30 P.D!- Address by Jean Toomer: Miss Strtder has aooepted a )lOS1-1 ters for thll'ty children for the past ot Art from Mlam1 Ull1ven1t~. "Jerry W88 really pounding that "Where Is Our Home?" tlon as teacher In the Harshman four weeks closes on Friday morning. Mr. . Bunnell lis well known aa a • • • beach with 88's, ~ and smallschool near 'Wright Field. r>a.yton. All the chUdren will be entertaIned ba.ltketb~l official, and last year 'IV8II FRANCE-The caption accompanying this . pictu~', reet arms tire," .saId R.lchards. ''Six 110ura YEARLY MEETING radio from Switzerland, d8lcribe.a the al)ove lUi a bo~d Pm', and Miss Blackburn. has located at ,Jwlth a plonlc at Wayne Park, Friday elected p.r~dent of tlbe Van Buren after we landed we were still on the PROGRAM ter, after one of the recent Allied raids of German "'IOhlt " II. Harrison, Ohio school. afternoon. Four of the children of TownshIp TeacheJ'8 Club. He l,I the war factorlea iD Part.. . " beaches. 1 hi1Q. a .narrow Squeak. I ruth Day, E"hah Month, 10th M~. Sco!leld. mUSic Instructor, hilS 't he chlldren of 'the vacation school son of the late· ChaUDCe; Bunnell tWlUI digging a' fox bOlebehJnd a btg ( , located 11;1 'Des Moines. Iowa where w11l receive their first Holy oom- and Mrs. Neute BUlinell, wbo reeJdee five-gallon oil, can 'When a. bulle~ ' 9:30 a.m. Meeting of Ex e cut i v e he Is now playing iWtth a Band. munlon on Sunday mornlng at the on 'Rural 'ROute 1, WayneevWe. struck the can, and spun It around, Ooamplttee 9:00 o'clock mass. ' Mr. Bunnell, with his wife and , ' 10:00 a.m. Bualness Se8alon[ sure hIt that dirt in a hurry." !Dear EdItor: two children. reside at M CardlniR4chards toid of ~lng bombed Roll Call of Representatives 'DIE Youm FFLLOWSBJP and sbrated by, slx en~ plaDea on Executive Clommllltee ffiA!port oA very enthUSiastlc.well attended Amella F. White, age 87. ~dow of HOLD PICN10 AT M1SSIOlVARY OF JAPANESE ton Road. D&~ton. of Intmenta to meeting of tbe Wayne Townshtp J. W. WhIte,died at the home 01 her AT SMITH'S PARK OONOENTR.ATION CAMP TO the third daY of battle, but-ere accorda.ppo NomInat- youth Denter Assoc'-t ' .......... 0_"'_ " 1- . f"'"'--"tee> .... lon wft~. ,... held nephew, Robert ,H . Tar,t of ""..... VQ.AIwOOd SPEAK AT LOCAL CHURCH HEBE 1ng at th e 0h1 0 man. there ' W -.... . . . . .............. ~ in th Tawnshl h The Youth Fellowship of the. ao.AAlU& - - '....... VI c86usltlea and of the aIx planes, four ~a.surer's Report ,e p ouse last 'ruesday Monday afternoon. TO MEET AUQUST " . . ' evening. It was the consensus of She leaves one son, J.i'rlld at home. Methodist Church held a meeting at Mrs. OWen Still of Phoenix, Art- •• wel'e knocked down. R.eport of CUstodian of Safe n.. k - 1(1'1 Order or East1s ... r on Tu es day' evening. zona . now wor kl ng In a Japanese Miami Ohapter those present that the project Pe one brother, Frank H. Fan, of Smltl' ".We ,t ook a. small town on. the Other Stan~tr 'Oomm1ttee Th d ti I rV1 ...... >I e evo ona se ce -W8.s led by OVUncen... At on Camp 86 misslonarry ern Star w III bold th'el1: ~ , made an QocompllBhed fact without Lebanon. 1.0urbh day out," said Rlchanl8. . Repol'ta . . delay. To this end 0 commlt.t<'" was I ed _# Joe James. and the lesson study was In Japan, ~lIS eak at the Waynes- monthly meetin'" on Mo-A-y even'I was put In cha.l'ge of a Six-mOIl 2:00 p.m. BWdneas Sesslon. - -------'Services were h el(i W . _te1'named, Mr. Al PollnS'ky. chairman. noon. at The ...."""lure Furieral Home led by Joe Davis. I,N1lle Church of Ohtist, Sunday' night Ing,' August 14, ..at elgbt ...... p: m ...... detaU to C'~ean, up the ' anipel'8. on Appointment of Clerks -.uv ~ .." . 'With Instructions ' to proceed at once w.olth R.ev. L . O. Radl.ey 01 New carAfter the Tegular meeting, all en- . and at the ,Ferry Ohurch u'l Qhr1St offlcers wUl "reaent a Robert..-Morris t.he wa* in, at 6 :45 In the morntnc . -a QuarterlY Meetings' Report ' , ' .. 3 , to locate either t emporary ox: perm- lisle. offdc1lltlng. Bw1I~1 was held In Joyed a welner roast. . Sunday morning. program after the r-·'·- bUlllneaa sn:yper .took a &bot 1M; us frOm a Stat.lStJcal RepOrt _ ...... H,.aoH a' grenad ' e an the FlI'IIt n..n Schools' ~~ . '" anent quart~ tor the Center so the Mimi o~tary, WaynesvUle. There w.ere twehtyfour memilers ..O RS aesa1on. !Wlndow. I ~V" ~ &""i""~ ,that it might began to function a.t prftlCnt. M ,t er group singing and 1- THE CLUB TO 1l0LD . ture ' roE CREC\M . SOCIAL AUG. 5 ANNOUNOE BIB.m OJ' buildln.... .. We went In later and 1 7:80 p.m. Panel D1acU88lon-"liaw once. grunes were enjoyed by all, the group noUced something movLng betrween Sball Peace Be created" 'n1is 1S one 01 the most ImportThe next regular meeting of . the decided Iih8.t one 0 f the membeJ'8 The Mothers Club ot the WaynesBABY DAl101ft'ER otwo mattrC8lle6. I was a GerDU?oD (.A <Jon sid era t Ion 0 t t b e ant movements thjlt could possibly assoaiaUon is to be held In ,t he tW III a t ten d t b e 8 u m mer ville grade school will hold a.n lee stQ1f Sergeant and Mrs. Harold trying to reach hls .rine .•. but he 'l'weUth Query of the D1acl- . claim the attention ot our commun- ~ownshlp 'House, T\llesday, August institute to be held at OhautaUquQ. cream soc1al at the 'comer of Miami plil}e> ity and . It , &bould na.ve the ' most 8, at 8:00 p. m.Won·l~ you come to the !Jlst' week in' August. and M8.1Ii street in Waynesville, Ba.t- Anderson of Los Anle1ea,oaMfornla hever did. I guess he muat have are announcing the blrth " of a Icape4 between those mattreaa~ Six'" D.", "'-hth Mon'" l1'... . he.a.rty support of every oltlzen of this meeting so that by your pres- .,._ _ _ _-'-_ __ _ _ _ _ _ urday, August 5 in the evening. . """"'M ........ .... ·~""~o ....... . daughter, '\>om June 27. The bable'a ' 'Y!h en h e lit\wme rea.cIh in .... .....,v ~v Wa~nesville'and ' vicinity. It Is bOu~ ence you m1g.ht slgJnUy that y oage, u . .grew . . . ·. . . for about seventy ~.'ue so ci aI Is h eId ror th e' pUll)OSe anti knew I was g010g after .80 gren- ...9:.15 a.m. Devotional .Period nd .to pay big dividends In the' way wBlnt a po.rt. . 1n this rnost important yeQl'll. IRe fOWld' ,t hat there are of raiillng funds to feed the ch11di'en father, Stall! Sergeant. Harold Andade," 10:00 am. BJla1neIIII ~lont heallth, char ter tabUi f Wldertaldng. better tJlmestban others for harvest· for the ~ming school ter~, and the erson, lB In the seJ"V·i\l8l' over~. Mr. and Mra. Charles Anderson . I was hilt on the 27th day out, b~t 'Prlenda' BoardIng Homes ~. uPon . Wb:. Sh:~e~s wU~~t A Member mg tobacCo tn Ohler for it to cure publlc IS cordlo.ly Invited to attend. are the proUd sr&ndpare0t8. .... unW the (011-.-..... W....., ......."e and ·,.. _.. -o·...d) easily and be· rlcb and super! · ot In didn't turn 11. . ... , . . . . . . ... --,... ~ .. the responslbUlty• .of ctlng the ....... _ .,...... _. .' quaU.... ANNOUNOE mE BlRm da.y," 881d the st.oclb' OhlouL ",All Oeorge)kbool aepen v-.- - - 03 88 aheJlla.nded nea.tby and ,three ol AdvanC8llleD\ Oommlttee affair of this community In tb~ fuMy father who lived to a. ripe old ' Tob8cco lias an oily substance ~ • OF A DAUQBTEB LEAVING PO& ·A.-oNA lIB mad, for ~e s~ fox bOle at 2:00 p.m. BuaIneaa Seuion-. -------------------:~-------- a sap (water) which come and go at Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Greene of TO SrEND TUB WIN'ID the 6lUDe .tIme ·w hen weA'beard It -Fiiei1da ' General Oon(erence lnte~alB, dUJ1ng the Ute of the near Sablna, Bre announcing the 'Mr. and Mra."Wiifred I!iqu1reII and (lomlng. llanded on the bottoai; with I plant. Wben the sap rises,it runs the birth ot a lovely new daughter on daughter ,h ave left to ·.spend ,ni e RePOl't of P.eaCe and Service : 011 olit through the pours ot ,the-Ieaf,' Wednesda.y. July 26 at Mtcannel the other wo on top of me. They' .were botn, Idll!l'l lind I guell8 It "'88 CQmm1ttee (oU being llghter) t.o . the surface Hospl'al, In Columbus. The little ·w inter In Arifmla. A family picnic 'b ""'" "--'on of ...... e ilbell s .... w........._po;;... o. Prlen"a World "'"'mwbe . re I .foI'lJ1S a "gwn". well known daughter weighed seven pounds and II'" .was near for ij.1dgvUle on SUnday • e "vuC...,.,. .... ~_ 1&W ". ~ _ """ . a.given farewell Mr. and KrI . .the gI\()und that caused internal mltee 'for Oooaul~on: apoiten to all tobacco growers. Harvest to- si x ounces. and bas been-munetl 'BpUtfes ' and aUgbter. 'lUley oWeJe judea to me. I :wun·t hIt by shrill>t.q by Anna Gr1scom ElltlhtOn baeeo !when fullest of oil lortiest re- CQrol Ann. Mrs. Green was the. for- olso dinner guests of 1I(r. and Mrs. nel ;mth \he !lxceptlon of a very 7:~0 p'.m,'Address by EIItber Bolm~ aulta. Tobaoco harvested when lullef mer KathrYn BranstrnLor, daughter M., A. Fulkerson', and daU,b,t er' on small 'plece ' in my wrist. Jones: '~Inr OUr Intersap will cure badly. and be light and 01 Mr. and Mrs . L . V. Brnnatrato . ......, r. Monday, evenIDg. . _ '\1 kept go~g and the next day national 'LIfe", inferior In quality. thoughtI'd better ha.ve a doctor I shall be pleased 00 answer any ENGAGEMENT ,&NNOUNCED look at 'me. 1 '/Went l)ack to ~e a1d Se"!lth letters from tobllCco growers, provld, . 'Da" E"hUI Month. Uth Mr. and ,Mrs. George Vlnt are Bta~lon and ~ey evacuated me. Two 9:15 a.m. Devotional Period eel postage ds sent for reply . . hours 'later I .was lin 8. ' .hospltal In YOUlll truly, t ·h e engagemen~ 0 f , 10:()() LID. BusIness 8eMlonW. H. Davls their daUghter. Helen, to C oro.al iPYt James Steinke left the .~ . ' and then' they, new me . .~~ce Eudland." " . to , Indian Atfalrll ,~u... n't::I Foley, son of a.ay Fpley of the ,week far Military OoUep at .. .. Nenda ··IIn-am-nee.r IIW..A~r.llitl1m, Kentucky. . . ' AccOrdmg r to 'ward' Surgeon Lt : -'" BAY V. MORGAN RECEIVES standlna OOiiunitteeS SILVER WINGS Mrs. Rilph Ba~ond ,pent laat • Audittna ~ttee with', her uncle ahd Aunt. 141': PhU J. Hali>iecht of ~eroy, OhIo, Ricpards ' will lfOOn be able to return . New Buslneaa Panama. Olty, l"lorida, Ray O. Mor of '44, Df the WaynesvUle High Mrs• .Samuel 'N1cbolII in 0lD'to duty. ' 2:00 p.m; Busln~· l[ieIstongan has been graduated ft'om the ''''''''''''''', ,and has completed Ii. course Ic1IILDa1~1. l . lPvt. R.lchal'da mothe!', Mrs E1Im-~ , Eplatolary Oommfttee ArInY Atl' Forces Flexible Gunnery .M1 m1 JbS B In CoIl ....,beth Rlc'he.rda~ llvcS"in w:~e. • a 8CO us e.ss . ege. Mr. ,Mra. WlllWn 'l'lnDI!:J ot . .... ' &lercise ~ttAie School at· TyildaD Held, one of the Cororal Foley is at an aIr base In KeIltuct¥, wer. ~-end ~mor1al PeriOd largest BChoola 01 Its kind In the Colorodo. Peete 0. f the letters pwen~ Ml', and L£!ft'EB TO. MOTIIEB . 7:50 p;Dll ¥otmI PrlencJa seaalon---I""":"'--,.""""=~.....,,..,...,.,,. Artily Air Forces .orra.tnLng CollUllAlld ., '. ... .:... -n· h.-e ' 11 .... '1 ' ..\"' -.,- ' , childrenInofWI tliliClt)anda surrour!dlnlf eam· '" grad t1 no "VUE T __ AJlWU . . . . dpi:_ munltJ "" are 0to be .printed paper .. lpeclal tribute to 'u po n un. on, t b e 80'AI .... er " ....... iMt: and Mra. Wilbur' Ota.ttt enter ' , The' follow1~g 'poem waa "sent ~ 8:3CI 'p.m. 1I'h~ , Movte 11K1n, of our louna cltiae"", 'l'omol,TOw the reaponliblllty ·o f pldlnl recelv~~ a pair at sUver w1ng8 s1gn1fy PBOMOTED TO S~Rc;iEANT six!o~cl~ I~ Prtday, MIs. ,M ack' De.~ by her'son, obarlee , K1D~" '. ' the deltinles of the .world ,wnl .be plaeed'u~n their' Ihoulders. Ing that now he iB ready to take his ' ' _ .' . All ...., Invited· and u~aed ·'to partlelpate III WI featlLlNlf event. IR e'a d q u.a r t e r s, 13th ' Flg.l iter cousin Mr. Prank .C. A!\der" ,(Spud) DaVis, Monilay, JulY 24,l~. · '. Amonl our cblld~Jl .• re t\loM desUned to fame and tortune, 10 place as a member of the combat Command ... Corporal . C·laude r. of f..oe Ang'eiea, c&UforDJ., ~d some where ,the Admtfalty'a !talet'l not omit aril of theml · . . . crew of an AM' bomber. Edi't h . -'eplngn.. ..:..... ,:../ •. Wbltamore. whose parents Mr. and . . . . . Ukr """J Every parent sbould cooperate to .make tldl a c1l1orful and At gunnery school, he waa trained Harrlso,:! Wb1tamore llve on 1Mra. E v'e r ett marlY and .JoIn. · lnlpiring exhibit. You caD cut out and ltiep the. plcturel of tn the operation of .30 and .50 caliber l'01w'les MulHnlx 8 p ,e " ,Th............. evel')' lounpter In tile eammunlt7, They will alway. be treaafl d Street, has recently been pro- .. .• ..........., ured keepaakel &I'd ,cherilhed memOI7 recorCla that could not machine guns. rs t on groun to the rank of, Sergeant. afternoon 'Wlflh Mrs. : BoWard Debe ,aeQul,red In any "tber wQ. . ' mnges and later In the air, learning 18enzl'llnt Whl~ore Is a. member of weese at Moraine otty• . You are allirullti of oU .... and all pbotoaraPb wUt be takn by simulated aerial battle conditions an air Sea Rescue squadron, 's. untt Nr. Al1re(L~e Is aPewung free ' of charae. " \ ,- . how to blaSt enemy fighter planes the Mediterranean Allied COUtal his: vaoeMon with llJ8 '~ta at . We . have: made . arr&n.,meD~ 'wlth the Wolta S~dlo.. from the sky. Cleveland, VlrIliJa. : ,: . , , ' llationall, ~nown portrait pho~phen, to eame arld~ take the As an aerial gunner wUl Join Donald . ~aietoh ';'UDdern~ a plctu.... riglit here lA toWn. 'You do Dot have to olrder photo,t housands of hiB "teamates of the JUDGE OATHE~L I COO . lUES ":'''J~r ope'r. ation·'a · t ,........ . " .... ..'.... . ..... tan · arrapha, lub8crjbe ·to! !lr: ~ : a lubac:riber to &hll ne"lpaper. to k h . -.,. . ~ _. h~v. your pictures taken and run in tbl. leatured event. All sky', carrying trhe attac t C) t e . AT QRANGE MEE1TING SAT. bosPital .!a8t ,w eek. He: la that I~ necelllal')' " that the cblldren be broulbt by tlnelr plirellw enemy in all paris of tbe world as . , . ' . al!JZlg aa nicely can be ' expected, ll ~~_' dJUdgC~ "t. "".oJ .-.....~ta. .....-. And ...._. ....:...,to Itbe ,pProohotoarraPfbeall'I' 01} , tb~ date, and , at the I~tion mentioned guardians of America's heayY and thoatmeal COOkletlnS Wlaa be 0"'. ·110 ' 1"'.... wilt be IUbml~ ~ the parenti, and G..... I<UA . . . . - .au., ...... ----ow (!f ~pprovecl ~ will be prepared, identified, wrltteD .up. medium, bombers. . e range mee g ay even~ Obarleton vlaf.ted him sunday and prin~ , Jn WI paper. • . , " He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ing.dncluded In the program at9j30, . 'Miss Laura Ro8Dai~ 'returned . The Studio will all9 take plcturel ~ 'adulta and lanUl, IrnIUDi. Evertb Morgan, /Who reside at car:' which 1S open to the ~ubl~C • .'Will ~ sUndaY to her duties at ,H artford, , and IUbmlt ~roof• .without e}larp, but theM plcturea Will not . lisle, Oblo. soloe by Jean Hartsock and MOnlm-I Oonn , ~.~,t, ""t a .' be .. ....~bU.hed .ln .., .the ~r. ; " " t &' ' n.utIO 'D~-k, a db t ts ' ,-"' ~ ec........ •...,r aDd" a O\U' v r~f'e ate and Bun. with ·aMr Mraw. JIary_ , If ~tolrf&pha ,.,., w:anted 'for ',0aneK It will 1M, -1IU7 STc\FII' SERGEANT BOY PLc\NCK . _ . . on . . • , . -# to al'n,Dre f • .them 4Irecit wi~ the $lIeU, wlaa · proofl aN BECEIVES OAK LEAF OLUSTBR JloiI.MEB. RESIDENT pUS ' .' "; Burnet ~d other !elatl~. ,t , ~ ~"mltW f~ 'e~"01i beeiiuM tiJ _DOt ·b. o~ _ ' . IN PENNSYLVANIA . Mni. J. B . .Jones, ,Mr. and ~ ~",h ~ papa... " ',.I '. :. '. . . Mr. and Mrs. Rosa !Piapclt havere-~ . '~ , .':,', iE.. ~, I..oneacte MIJ. Pr8cl ~ . · "'''~'::~. an, Chud~~ ,~_ be .....paa,IecJ .." ......ta or celved word th&'t thelr son Statf Ber . 'Mrs. J. B; Chapman' bas recelv~.:i le~t ~tUrday "aiterrlOoh to :~ . ~., g~i, Roy,PliInck 10C!'~. jIODlVlher:e Of t.h!l death arid bur~; Ot Mr.; a8verai'day~iwith thew~ ~tr , . IIBRB IS, TIIJI TlIlB. AND·tLAQ. TO ·BAt:• .,rOUR PI~ In ~!l h:¥ been In over I~y f:.a'Wrence Sherwood ';If Connellsv,We, tladJeS at'a.mP HOok .near ~ " , ' TVitB 1'AKQ, "BB OP CBAROIL ',.. mWlON and hU ~elved the- ~ ~lvanla. ' . .' ltown Mr. ~ 'MrS: B'r8mt~, . , M~ahd Mi. s.hetwood' waa ·tbe BOD ot tbe Mrs: Robert BW1t; MrL J. 'a. ~ . , l&te.Dr.a:nd ·Mfs. Tbomu 'l;DlerwOOd Ni, and lin. ~ ~ '... SON form¢' 'ree1!1.en~ ~ Waynesville. .' surface ~, ,u. UId . ..~t:. . Mrs. Etbel rece1Yed let.ter .. ~ . ' . . er ·R"enr1ck · att ....d.d . ~ frOm ber. ~...,,· yt_1 L. PaUl,' Sp(m) ~ ~~ ON V,A(JATlO~ ~~ ~ ,, ~liucIR ~ lIaD
Letters To The Editor Amelia F. 'WrItite Passes Away
d , .lri!
t.n- '
"'IJI " "
" . ,,..,,',
....... .....
8-.clllU'~ be bad lu.i arnvecs over·
1:88 TO, 81~ P. M.
Rain oiShil'.
Baturdalv. 'fc ,~
Randall.···putor . of· the loeai'.. '.' e " " ')1 J leN ,~ . • ~dbli ,~tf , dap ObUl'Clh of Cbrlttt and iamlly, eM' -'. ' . , . ~board Ihlp. ·Re aald be Wal ftcatlODJD, at ~ . Jiunl!!' at ~_ ' . ~. ~ ~. 1L'''''' - aJad to . . laa4~ , . .Jnd. Neit Sunday TOQl BJack- ~tM, liar .Be sa looMeI4 _ _ Wbere In more ww'~ -" ~Cii~ for eci 1Ir; aDd . . , WltJIMP~" 8aIlth PMUIc. . ~ IDiGtDlDIr IeI'VSOt. .,. .
be, ;fI1iam(
Waynes~e. Ohio
~, a?tttt Main
Walter W. Wiseman. Editor and Publisher ISSUED E:VERY THURSDAY Price, .1.50 , Per Year, payl'ble in Advance
R.pr.I.~t.tlw. ,
.......... A
.............-WEEKLy, NEW~" ANALYSIS~, ~......-o....., eOLAND: ,
~--~~~----~----~~~----~~--~~--~----~-'~ Waynesville, Ob!o
Allies Push:Back Naii Lines as Hitler Girefs for F~nish ~ight; u. S.. Plans Surplus' Land Sales ,
~olc .~ by \VoalGtn NeW IPtlpeT UnIon,
(EDITOR'S 'NOTE. When .,Plnlo'''1 .... Iq,eoa'lI In 1Jl'~' ';.h,m"", IlIt1" ar. lb ••••, Weal"n N.w.pAper "Ion'. ~ew~ ~1I4\Y.1 ... nd "01 noao .... lIy olr Ibl. " cw. PI\/lOt, )
••• VICB. INC.
~ \
'NeH) GOt ~rf'!omfnr The IIlie question ot'the. character
'1' the. poll ~Q gover~ment' after the
wllr ,f\llred nnew ""tth the announcement nC the oqianlzaUon of the ~& tiollal COllnclJ or Polnnd \P Uperated east rn 'terrltory under Ru~slan aUII' pices , While , the' ~atlonal ,Councn accused the Allied-recognized Polish gQves:nrnpnf in eXile In ' London of having set itse\:1' up through the :~'1.\D Inw rul tl15clst c:onsltutloll of . , . 1935. " the latter allal.ed the 'new ganization as " consisting, of ''mostJ:r completely unknown perlon., who represent nobody except • IIll)aU communlst group without any Infiuenc'e . . . " In conceding Ukrainian, White Russlnn and L.lthuanlan portIona of prewsr Poland_ to the Sovle~, the National Council celled for compensation through annexation Qf parU 01 eastern Gllrtllany and Eaat Prus· sla, , tn one of Its Ars1 decrees, the ~atlonlil .Councll caned ~or the unification ot'all Polish 8ghtlng fOl'lles. which would remain under Russlnn control.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 ......
Home TOWI! New.papers
.. w. ..."... - cw..,. I."
• • ••• f; • • • HoIbrool1ld9,. s... fYanc:loca. Col.
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. , 8'l\\TE OF OHIO :u ..". '\' 11111" .. ~ Corr ••• tua" .. '" ,DEPAR'DIENT OF mGHWAYS \Professor Me 00l1ald of, Willm1ngColumbus; Ohio, July 29" 1944 ,ton COllege was guest speaker at our Eoaineer of Sales Lepl (lopy church, Sunday. No. 44-265 The members of ille Haines family UNiT ~OE cioN'mAcT enjoyed a picnic sUJlor at the bOme Sealed propo.sals will be received of Homer Haines and family , other Photo Courteay Ball Broa. at. the olflce of the State ~ghwa.y guests were; Mr. and Mrs, .Oharles Clingstone peaches are 'excellent, but a great many personl prefer Director ot Ohio, at OOlumbus, Qh1o, . LORD'S WHEAT: Hnndman and Mr. and Mrs. R . tile Bavor of freestone fruit ood also find It somewhat less troublelome to wiw 10:00 A. M., Ohio standard compton Paci6c--u. S. marine • •d"ance o"er eaem" delld durln8 bouJ' Yl'plrlGro" S prepare for canning. Whether cling or freestone, goo4 raw peachel make of Cincinnati. ' G.htln. OD Saipan i.laad ia iDn. . Jap defen.e ch'cle, ' '" 'J1me, TUesday, August '22. 194i, ror good canned ones, provided they are 9anned right, but right cannllli can Miss Margaret OQmpton of Cin"V('l'lIy. verily, I sny unto you, do nothing for greenish, bitterish; poorly flavored fruit. ' 4Jnprovemeft'ts In: ex I1pt a corn of wheal faU Into cinnati wbo spent the past week with EUROPE: U. S. LAND: Gladys I(llT)brQugh, Home Servlce($·>----------~,------------::--:' I~rren OOWlty, Ohio, on section the. ground l\nd die, It abld"tb In this community, ret\lrned Director for BaU Brothers eompa- peach. Peel the halve~ , by Icald· o of the Rooacllester-Blancilester rela.tives Tough Going Dispo.saZ' PolicY)' alc"!!: but 11 It ale" U, b"lngeth , . ny, advi8~. those who can p~nche, 1!l8, by the lye method,' or ,by parln, hOXJle wltoh her parents Sunday night ro.rtb mucb fruit." John 12:24. 80ad Sta.te Hlgbway No. ~~, St.a.te Following up earth-shaking aerial Government dls poslil of surplul tor the first time,' and those whose with kp!te. If preferr,ed, the peac~ Mr. and Mrs. Carl McKinney, of and' artillery 'bombardments, Allied land acqlilred In cClnnectlon with the Thus In,s plred bY ' thll scriptural canned pellches are below par, to ,may be peeled and lh:en halved b,. ~ No. 123. In Salem, and HarJan near Bellbrook spent Friday evening torces nudged ahead on both ends wllr program but no lon~er needed text, Perry H'l\yden of Tecumseh, lelect tree-ripened fruit, when pos. cutting around the lI~one with knUe. TowD.sluPS, by n.pplylng a bitum1n!With Mr. and Mrs. 'R.twmol\d Wilson of the ~orm~dy front In the taco of wJU be directed toward slilo or prop- Mich,. plimted 1\ oublo irlch of wheat IibJe, and sOJ;t it for lIize, color, and The easiest way to remove the ftelli OWI ,treatment-.rtem T-32.. continuing biUer enemy resi stance. erty in family-size!! tracts for Indi- on a patch of ground tour feet by condltion before washing and peel- from the stone is to cut It In wed,. and Walter WllBon. Pav~ment; Width !8 feet shaped llicea. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan en- . On ,tho Amerlean end of the tront, vidual cUltivation, the surplus war lIix in 1940, with the Friend's church _JIlg It. \Length 40,656 feet or Doughboys Inched ahead, only after property agency' announced. receiving one·tenth of the yield and Miss Kimbrough recommenda bot Sklni , may be stripped from lome tellt.alned tile following dinner guests cJearlng the enemy trom behind. the 7.7 miles. With aU property to be appraised the other nIne-tenths golng back into well.rlpened peaches after they bave packJng and processing III a botFriday, M1.ss Margaret Compton, Mrs. rolling countljslde' s thIci~, hlilb Dtlmate<i cost ...... ,. $18,187.10 by experienced find disinterested seed on land provided by Hehry been Icalded In bolllrlli water about wilter bath canner. He,r e are her Ella. Haines , Mrs, Lucy oompton and hedgerows. which be' used as a coy- men' drawn trom the community, Ford. e minute and t,ben dipped In cold two favorite reclpel: (Uae the )onlOa.nbract to be completed not later Mrs. WIlliam Smit.h and daughter er ·tor lending up heavY mort"r and SWP laid, the policy, wW be to seU Tecu!tl~ ('J " .i miU~r and known a. water, but the generat run of them er cooking and processing Urn. tor thAn Oo~ 16, 1&K. machine gun ' 8re. Although the Al- al quickly as po;sslble at current the "Ttthll, 1:I \I~k' r.' · Hny'it')n oon· require other methods ' 01 peeling. clings and other very fine peachel.) MW'ilyiJ. Sue. 'lbe m1n1JiIum wage to be pa:d to \LIttle Aldon Haines spent Monday lied comman1i.used thol.\~a nds ot ~lg, velues without d1'sruptlon of the tlnues tlila praut.lce eacb ·'y eer. wlth The lye method, while practical M~thod I. Make a' sirup of 1 or 2 alI labor emptoyed on thlB contract medium and fighter bombers to blas~ ntght with his grandparents, Mr. and open a pnth, the U, S. Infantry sU4 plarket; give former OWners oppor- his yield expected to rench 90,000 when a large quantity Is , ,to be parts sugar to 1 of water, depending shall be In accordance with the tunity ttM'epurchas:e, lind avoid sales bUShels trom 3,000 acres hi "1946 canned: requires sklll. To lye ?CIII, upon the amoW\tll,ked and the bad to root the enemy' from his deep to speculators. "SCbedulj! of PrevaUlng Hourly MIs. Whetstone In Xcma. with the enUre crop going to th~ put four tllblespooria co..ncentrated ,a mo\int avallllble. Add J)eachea, a lye In' an enamel or granite ketUe. few at a time. and, Ilrt:Imer unto !Wage Rates Ascertained and DeMr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan were entrenchmentJ to ,gain ground. The ReC!on6trucUo~ Finance oor- church. On the British tront, Gen. Ber- poratlon will handle the disposal , Harvest of the 1944 crop Wal a Add two gaDons wate~ and h,\!lt t9 hot through (4 to 10 minutes). Pack term.medby The Department of In-' SWldllY <linner guests of WUllam nard L. Montgomery'll torces slugged duatrfa1 iRelationa appUcable to Smith and famlly. AfteqlOon callers ahead. egalnstincreaslllg concentra- ' 'program, WSP satd, despite the Na- gala event, WIth l!eflry FOIiq himself boiling. Put peaches in a ba!jket Into , bo~ jars. layer. overlapplnl. and hold In Ule boiling lye !rom cnvi~y aide d~wn. Cover with lirup 8tate Blghway Department 1m- Were Mr. ~ Mrs. "RObert ~r and tions ~ enemy str:engtJi, with Ger- tionat'Farmer Union's opposition on on hand to help with an aS8embly tiUrty to sIXty seconds, then wush In which peaohell were cooked. Procthe grounds , th,a t RFC supervision 01 old thresh.lng equipment, wtllch Mr. and Mn. Winters from Utica. immed Iately In cold water. Rinse ess (cook ,tn jar) to to 20 minute. In man Marshal Erwin Rommel uslng Several of our members a.ttended heavy artllleQI and tlinka to back woUld leo,d to contl'ol by the National grapbically depicted lhe evolutlon of through selleral Wllte~8 to remove,all hot-wllter bath. Can lefi-over l\rup provementa in accordance with SecAssociation of Relill Estate Boards. , ~uch ~achlnery through the year •. flOna 17-3. 17"', 17-4a, 17-6 and I,t he mtsslonaxy meetipg at ~he home up indiyldual st~ong points In his IIIrJnS and all traces of !,ye. The for pudding or Ice oream I.auce. fruit wlll ' darken It left' in !,ye toq Method II. , Add trom 1 to 1~ cup ' 1'1-6!Io of the General COde of IOf MPdt'ed Jones last Wednesday defense 1lIle. PACIFIC: For 'montllll, Mr_ and !'In. R. long or !tnot well rimed. ' sugar and ope cup ,bolling water to Ob1o." , ' afternoon. , Fanatical Fod R. MaueJl'l lieD laid IItandardTighren Grip U$lUIl1y. paring with a kllile i~ ~e. 'one g~l1on 'Ilrepared peacbel.. Coble . "!be bidder must submit with h18 Raymond and Glenna WUson were Blled ergs for tile ClOu.ple In Of. mOlt practical way ot peellng. The gently until peaches are hot tiJroUgh With the-.}lazl ' party attempting , . Supported by thi! boorclng guns of dinner guests; 'Sunday of Mr. 'a nd to strengthe Its grip on ~e anny the U. S, fleet and s warms of batUeIon Cit" Ore. ' , peaches should be washed clean .and. imd J,u4ar ·dissolved (JO to 20 mm. J*I. a ,certified ch~ in an, amoWlt 1\Il'S. Theodore McIntire and SOIli througb the placement · of sympa- pl~n~"..rl8lng trom the decks of th_ Tben, 01 a Indden, tile lieD drai ned before peeling. Nler peel. utes). Pnck nnd ptocess al In.tI\Ic,," IItarted laYin. real wboppers, 9% Inll, the fruit sbould be cut In halt. ed abo,ve. U th.e re Isn't enough Hcr equal to five per cent of ,the esti- Walter IW1lson Wall also a gu~t. thetic ofllcers In key posit-ions, and aircraft carriers, American troops IlIcbe. ~rOUDa lengtllwl.e and 8 and the stones discarded. Freestone uid t,:> cover peacbes in Jar, add bOll- ' with the Important elements of o~ tightened Ibeir hold on ,G uam and mated CO$t, bJlt ,In no event more Inches aroDnd crosswlle. frt1.It Pn. b Her flavor and ' Jllcer, Ing water after they are ,Pllcked. . pOSition driven to cover. Adoll Hit- Tlnlan Islands In tl(Ie Marlan~ grou,p, Uian ten thousand dollan!. - ATHLETES FOOT GERM After seven daya ,o f .Dpe....pr... about ,clelliler i,liOO'li1Uell from 'the JapaDeJ~ apP'eai"ance tf the re_d 8be,r. If oneil shod of sugar, • I\rup ler held his sway' over Gerq'lany folBo~ To Klli I'.. duetloD, UIe illed. , , are cut or soraped from the cavl~ mny bl! made by boillni two cup. homeland.. F,lana -and spec1tlcatlon are on 1lle The germ grows deeply. 'l;o kill it, lOWing the bomb attempt OD his ll.fe As the U. S. ste:amroller rumbled ties. , white ' coro. sirup, two ' CUPI IUlar. In the department, of hlghWaYB and you must reach it. oAt any drug sto.re, ,at headquarters. We.a therlngtiae ofllcers' revolt, closer to Japa~, an enemy naval POSTWARPLANS Di,,, pping the p cled e~cbe. into , one oUt! water, and ' one-ellhth teathe office of the resident di.strict get Tre-ol solution. Made lwlth 00 Bitler c':IIOO IJPOn ,MarsJlal Jte.1'o spoke.min dec~nrl!d that the boasted : . weak lilaH-vinegar wuler (one table- ' spoo~" lali togeUler flv. mlllute•• each to one gallon or water) Honey may be uaed "Instead ot lUlU per cent alcohol. It ' PEN'I'RlATEB~! maMGoerlng and Propaganda Min· Nipponese fleet would come out to Ta% Re/orm ' IMarallall Templin. With his celebrated g. Tbey bll~,H change. "'the flavor, and 10m.. ~ MORaE GERMS. iFeel-lt- Ister .,aul Goebbci. to to,,"lIy ,mo- ,8ght oiily after U. S. air po"er had "The '.Curector reserves the right to been Wbl~tled dowl~ and the foe could Income ta,c 'syatel1l In force; Beords-. not b.' wMe~, )\lng· tithes the color. 'pi the fruit. <take hold. AFPJ..Y 1I'UIY,L reject Any and aU b!dIl. call upon its ow:n b'lnd·based air' ley 'RumI come oU,t for ftirttier tiX er ,then thh't,y or fol't,y roinute/i and 'three.quarte'r . , to orie cup' lirup 1a S'l'n.ENG'IIH 101' ItChy. sw~aty 'or force to support, its operatlon8. Ilmp1lJ)cation and: reform III the m,ust be well ,rlnsehd before coh~lng,; usually. needed' for one -quart., of H.O.SOtmS, lImelly teet. 35c tc::ny a.t Waynesville ' h .~ , a'. ' ' ~ Ollngs,: fI ~ p.en,c e8 , Ille ,. prepa,re'lt p"e'c hes.',' Th, e trUl· ' should 'be ....n . ..Alth o,ugh Bg tUlli was peavY on stwar worl" In' a report to the )till ... " _ .. State Highway Director. Drug Btore. " t o ! cBOI'ljng hr-Y ren1ov"1,nlf n, l",e!" • cQvered with l1quld. (U !lneTWll out bo~ Guam and Tinlan, it did no~ privatelY op~ated National Plan· by aile ot the m.eth9d1! des¢tlbed 01 lUgar, peaches may be canntcl match the bloodY . ltrUggle for 'Sat· pl~* association. . abo, ve_ Clings may be halved (be; with plain boiling woter.. Th". keep ~Iln. In ' olfe frRntic count'lI'!1ttack In collaboration with B. Christian tore peeling ) by eutt.lng around th, el Ju.s t as wetl th' at way' but "dJ - no. Oil Tlnlan. howUQIIl Sonne of' "a "Yew ,York bus.l nell coa- peae h VI],10. If bI!!:;m- II ve a' good Havor.) v • dl hln charged tl hln n ..... , ~ sh IIrp k n~, , ... Japanese qlal' In es' lin ell. ~ran s g as g ' cem.RumJ, himself treasurel' of. the nlng at the stem end' and foUow- B Samurlli swords" and depending big Macy department store: pro- Ing the arease. Arter cutt1ilg. nold Once fine fruit II .elected, ma'lnly upon lIgbt arm8 to pene- posed abOlition of corporate I"come the nel\ch with tlOlh hallds and twis t fully preplI~'ed ' and ,,!'ocesled l'l&bt. ttate the ,wit~erlr.!g ~efensl,ve 6re. .taxes to lower prlce8, Increase in oi~l'osl~e directions, This -PlIll, canning · suace .. JI auured if 1~1 ~ages and reh-love the double· ~axa- on'e {!;Ie awny {rom the stOlle. ' Ule and caps , are usCld accordlp, to lb. , , , ~: , ' tlon "ensulng from lev lel on com. a reJt\Jlar ', peac:h ,'P1Wnlf 'sI,IOOIl'. , a rnanutac,turera" ' t\l~P'\Ictlonl,. ~el" " " 8 t .. "llilllbbrr ,Uett) an. BlUer.' Popular Agaitn , . ' PI\I))', profits and then sharel\oll1era' t.'ollspoon, or a knlr,c td remove' tht;! In,stl'\IoUons wIll be fOUll~ on printed bl1lzc d~ l'many and oc~upled coun' Partly because " ' of an Increase " lttone ' f,+OIll U\e ul er .halt of. -~e lcaneta ,p(!cked in ev~ c:~rtoDl , , In Incom": ,. t~i!:'8 lor .. 8gb& to &ha ftDIsli by ' ob- the marrla'ge rate since ' 1940. and ' prinCipal 1I0urce ~ federal Intilihlng additillnal manpower aud Intl b I'll f I 1 come, thev said, should be a .....adu· d~atrlal capaaity by, aldJrimlng lI,ub- par y ecnuse m. QM 0 s ng e , ,,', The firat commercIal television <Seve~ty'- siX per cent of, the land ' .". "len arel in the anned services. the ated mcom.' tax, ran«incd from 16 r elay ' sys t ell) ..IoU .- 1;b e U n Ited StateS ' ' In ' 41...... A-l'':'':na '" ,. der' governmen "~ , IIC lIervIces aD4 , Iea. Imper_n. oct'" .... 000 ., nt lons number 01 c,ivll11\n bacl1elots be- ,per cent on ne u.come un er "",. ' ~J1P~ • tween 20 and 34' years .of age bu ~o 50 ~er cent, on $UO,ooo or more. was opetl~d recently "between New co~iroJ, leaving only 24 per ~t: ' 01 ' . Reportedly execllted were . ,Col.· I dro~ped (rom 7,100.000 ,to 1;700,000. RecognIzing the need 'for , govern- York' and Philadelphla: Br~ state's' area ,taxable. 42.lIn . ~r ' 'Gen, Ludwig Beck, former chief ot indicative of' tHe revIval In' mar' ment assistance during depres/lloil will, ~e mnde on a wee~y ' ~ eacb . ", - , d allSoc Ia to tl ' bent .01 the ~~te 9f qaw~mla ~"_ . . ~taft, b 0"r and \Vh Col. 1 Claus d th Iron b Stauftenb b th rla ge, \IIbIch alwllYs sulters 'a slump per I0 ds, R umIan · caUed M\?noay. PhUco dorpor , Po on an...LL k g. a p an .e e o~, !> , under depressed: =- economic , condl-, 'for a pill anced budg,t and retire.' ' that ' ta'ble " del" fedl'ral conbrol . .t'-.:tWral control ey . figures In the off\cer~. · plot to tions, ' the U. S, census 'Ilurellu re- ment 'o( putlUc d~b,t ,_0nJ,y after , . ' o.va'i jable at ,$~26 and sets. ~hoWl.n8 ' Obh;,r ' sta~~t 18;" 68 per, evel t~l'OW Hitler and ,diCKer tor ~ ported ,t.hilt 6;3 ~:er cent of ' the, fe- restoration of ,high bUsiness acUvplcti.Jr.e ~6x24 inches will sell Vp to'~ 1d h ' 68 ,,, .~ t U~'(' h ..;. , cump:omisc peacc with the Allies In male population 114 years' old or over Ity, whlclr might lee 115,000,000 peo-: t4OO. : ' !; , , e , ,,8 0 , ~~ C6l) ,. ta , vv oPPosLt lon to the N2,zls' fan~tlcal are wedded;' In contrast to 60 per pie working ' and drawing around , per cent and N~~da ~, per ,~t. avowal to flght .to the last man. cent 'In 19<10. ' the ' 1M3 level '01 $lto,OOO,ooo,OOO ' U the experience of World War I \J;lcome.. ' Switch Attor.k is any criterion. there ' Will ,be a With German lines stiffening In large increase In marrl!lges 'follow- CATTLEz , the north, the '1owertul _Red army Ing the end of the present conmct. switched its sledgehammer attacks the bureau aaili. to the centrai soctor of the 800-mlle trant, tearing large hQles in Nazi def!!nses on the Polish plains. In rtaly, Allied troops came un- Record Outf,»pt der fire 01 heavy concentration. of German "rliUery situated on ' t~ app,oaches to the enemy'-s celebrated "Gothic line," Orsl 01 the elaborate tortfl1cntiol1 'systems he has.'set up to Impede the Fifth nnd Eighth atmies' stcAdy advllnce up the ItaUan pcn1!lsula ~ the busWng Industrial and ngrlclIlturlll region of the north. , Wi th PoUsh troops bearing the brunt 01 the a~Litck ,OD the easttlrn ' 'e nd of the !ront, U. S. and British foroe,s cOllcentra ted on the tougher WesteN' sector. ". . Allbough ', enemy lines stiffened 10 , ~he · north, they buckled ,In the cen- . tert where Nazi /lrmles wera com. pelled to , fall back toward Ule old PoU$b cap'itnl of Warsaw and Ger, Sl1es1a to avoid bemg encircled ' from the reu and' wiped out completely. '
bea' &...::..-----------------':"-"
p . o
u ' n
on.;: .
7.yeiuMtlld N~ '",,, eapt~d·off. Peter &ach, ' :~~i-ii~iah'" when .he w.. d,ieeovere~ I,y ~ Am.,t1~
IdelGD".um' 'to,..,do .ubmarine. He had been
l.;jij~..:fili].~- iUhmarlile b "wmlned by United
'~I=I~~= tDbe oa .the Is the torpedo, and The abe ~ eotlllpm . .lelt .,· bonllog one man. dI'i~1Ir
tube and eaJl be 'OrdlnarJly dae
. Mr. an~ MJJ. Wnt)er CWk spent . Tuesday of laat week With Mr. and Mrs. Olaude Riggs in Day.tOn. , MrS. Alfred Rasnake and little IJOIl 'lVe~ brought home from" W&m1 v&11.ey. Hoepltal 10 an auibulanee , iFrlday -evening. Mra-: 01yde Wharton and daUlhtar, Un: Bernard .MelIoh were Lebi 'anon ' vls.tors ThUrsday. • , Rev~ and Mrs. 0, E. Vice of Muon ar'6 ann~unclng the blrth of a daughter, Sheu'a June, e.t the 01n-' c1nnat1 h08pltal Tuesday. July 18. 'Walter Kenrick 'attended So meet'tng ot the Mallters and bversears of the Warrell COunty Cls'I,lrigea at Lebanon on Saturday evenlng. Mlas Frances Whitaker 1a attend"W ing The Friends Youth .OOn1ei-~ in Waynesville ·this week. . t4ts. Therle Jones entertalne(i the 500 Oard Olub at her home Thursdt.y -afternoon. Mrs. and Mrs. W1l11am Coleman of Waynesville were ThUrsday dinner 8ueats ot Mr. and Mrll. watter , KenrIck and called on Ly:tle trlends in thtl afternoon. · 'R1char~ IWhltaker 1a spendlDa several days this wee~ with h1I Uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Whitaker and sOn FreddIe, in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs, Will Rosa and'daugb
II. • ...
All. · s.
Pci' ~~, loDaI' Marsarot ComptOn. of Oinc1nna.tt; called on Mrs. Ella
No~ a .Main~ I
t Dog"
. Syrup Pall
King Cotion
relat1.Ves. . Mr, and !4ra. RaY1JlOIld WI.l.5on !Were in JteD1a al\opping la5t Friday. Mr. and ' Mrs. L\lthei- Baines, Mr. and MnI. MelVin HolUI!88worth, Mr. &Ild Mrs~ DoDa1d Balnes and son AldoD •attended a t~ dlnrter Oamden, Ob1o, SUnday. Mr. and'!4ra. abodes Bunnell. and dauShtera. V8l\V pleeaantly entertained the Bolam. reunion at the1r home · SundAy. Mr. a.nd MnI. Ralelgb Bogan, MnI. Dorothy ~th and daUlht.er, were ln' Lebanon. TueSqay afternoon. Mr. ancrMrs. 'nleodore !4olnUre and sons were gueats qt Mi. and Mrs Raymond Willon Sunday evening.
M~RKS THE SPOTS" Where Cream Starts to SII
Sitting on a throne, holding ec~ DOmJ ' sway over 13 million loyat _ub,ectll, Klllg Collon was n U LJ ~rar and lovable old cbaructl!r. .Playing the part of a pensioner, bowcver,.hl! hal Dot protected hll future very well. Abnormal cfrcumstances call f?r emergency measure., of cow:ae, but King Cotton deservel to , rule Ih,tead of paas the hat and hi~ friends' should work to promote him. People who know even a little about cotton a. an ' industry want that crop to rule south em agriculture. a1ter the war for several yean, at -Ieasl They bave a good reason that Is patriotic and unselfish: CottOD Dormally provIdes more · 'jobs than any other Industry and work 11 essential to national prosperity. Mr. aDd Mrs. EVerett Ha1nes aDd A cotton depression could blast t.h.la Mrs. Ella Ha:1neawere in Sabina. whole nation' _ post-war hopes. Tbe "Parity" PlaD 'IIh ursd8.y. . . "How." you may ask, "can a 1Mra. Esther.Jean Ha1na returned. .to Iowa w~ she ILttended single industry get in enough trouble to bring on a depresnion?" Answer: Itbe wedding of So friend, M.Iaa MYr- Slmply by losing its markets. Nortle -Weant and IIV1ll rema.ln untll mally. be It remembered, ha lf the abe takeS up ber .work lUI teacher of cotton raised in America is sold vocal D?~c at ParIJre City, lowe.. abroad. But B :Lil, China. India !Mr. and Mrs. William 81n1t.h aad -and RUBsla, comtno cotton countries, are taking our fOJ:elgn markets by MarUyn Sue and M1J. ~lptl Bogan selllng for. less. They plant their !Were ln Dayton. Saturday. best, level lands to cotton and - produce. it cheaply. . The U. S. has plenty gf rich, level lana too but foreigners undersell us " DELAYED Mr. and J81111 Roland attend- because our price is phoney; pegged a one·mule crop on a rutty hill· ed the funeral .erv1cea of Mls. Mat- .Ide, worn out with a century of tie IAlty Sunday afternoon. Bur1al . cotton. will pay. Government invent"'as heid in the Wddlerun Cemeteiy ed "parity price" trying to help the 8rower buy as much with a bale of Mn. Lacl Wall eighty years old. Yr. and Mrs. Hany Mouser were cotton now a. in the five years before World War I; then to prop the Monday even!ng supPer guests ot Mr Iham price, loaned 00% on cotton and Mrs. Paul Brown ' and son. D1ck. .ecurlty. Mr. Otol'le 01IWand attended Ii CoUon'a,Arch Enemy The ' result is well known. The famlly reunion at 'WiImtnston ~government took America's 'cotton A ... ' -.,. . 't he foreigners took America'. Pvt. Forest Tr08t'. who has been c'but u stomera and, unless we can get spendlnr a ten clay furloUlh with his them back after the war, we will wife and daughter, returned to Pt, never sell half as much colton a. we are raising now. Even the bome market 11 in danger. New fibres like rayon are cheatier already 1han the best of cotton ahd Jlcientl,tII are improvin..s th!!m ,every day. Nothing can .ave the U. S.. COltOD business a1ter the war but abilltr to sell .ucce.sfulIy in world Il)arkets. Frozen acreage already. bas run ita coUrse, Price subsidy 'till have aerved 1t1 purpose before tile war 11 over. Dependence is business _ui~ clde to any farmer. 1 am coDvinCed that the Southern planter's wisdom and Yankee inienuity can be relled upon to put King Cotton bac)c in pO,ver 'where be can create w~~tb, pay good lyages · and laugh at Asia and SOuth America. . Bacll 10 ComileUUoa For more than a century it hal bMn aD excellent thing for \hI. country to have cott9n In , ~e ,South, ,.pread out over 11 million acres of ~d. 'employing 13 million .people. ' ~e,e Plople 'buy lot of ",hat oiller American farmera grow. and sell half of their own producUon to EuroP,8aha. ThtilIdng of post-war jObS,
Good' Cteam Can " No dlrt-colltdlng flong, 01 • .... atCI/II can - No 0.... 'seams. iisy Ie dean. Agood ~;
F10nge and open SeCllTli of Syrup Poll (annal be deoned. hold cream mldut and bretd germs.
HalDea S~day afternoon. M1.s& Com pton rem~ for'a weeks 'v1s1t with
I~W!Y ~O
C.IIII. .·. . .
--- D TBD-'. ' . Mr. &Ild Mn," Qlarlee Hau.d man
..... __'"
Sociable pot-luck mc!als are the blghlight of many neighborhood gatherings these days. !lind their pop. ularity during wartime .is easily un· de~atood since the expense and ef· fort 11 divided among the group. Wlenera .pUt lengthwise stand at attention around the ca!iserole, Golden brown bak~d bean:, . placed In layer. with thIn slices of onion betw~n, are topped of! with a spicy to. mato lauce to complcte this satisfyIng dish that bas both taste and eye appeal' Up.to-date housewlvel let the OYen do the y.'atchlnlJ while they take car, of other things, for mod· ern Sal service I. avaUable anywhere and everywhere with "bottled" or ." tank" eBl which sive. the controlled and con.tant llame heat . Gazelle Want Ads Bring Results l.
,I ...
s~ neces.ary to good cooKln,. Baked Bean. with Wiener OroWD 6 wieners 6 cups baked bean. 2 tbl&p. vtnegar 3 lblsp. brown sugar • tblsp. chnt sauce I teasp. ,alt 1 large onion, thinly .Uced Mix vtnega r, brown iugar, chili 88uce alld li81t with baked beans. Stand RPUt wieners around a 2 quart casserole. Fill casserole wi th alJcr. nate layers ot bean mixture and on· Ion sllcee.. Bake in SliD degree oven until wlcners are brown and beans and onion a are thoroughly cooked , Tbll will serve six and you can dou· ble or multiply the recipe for largel !tatherlng••
I ___. _ ._____,
ARMITAGE & SON Pl,lone Waqneav1lle ' 2911 Morrow Phone No. 3 Lebanon: Office Ph,one .73K Residence 98 M
Just Junnlng II linger around the crimpe ·on !lange al ' th~ top of a syrup or moiasses pall- where the lid WIIS pl'cssed In- will demonstrate lit once the imposslbtltty of really get ting IlIlder. getting that spot clean. No mAtter how well that pa il Is washed, that is the place where some cream will all¥ays remain and spoil. Cream resid'ue BC. cumuI.ates, gets sticky, gummy and smelly: olTers on Ideal breeding place for germs ond starts spoilage In each SUcceeding batch of cream pla.ced In tOO (paU. The unfilled seams on side and br)U(l m also otTe r good lodging places for cream-spoiling bacteria and can. not he satisfactorily cleaned. The thin glll)gc 01 the metal from which the Sty rup pall was made was not meant for eontlnued, long, hard service. Th~ tin with which lbat
metal i8 coat~ WBI thinly applled and not intended to withstand ICrubbinga, cleaning. and repeated UI'. It III easily .cratcbed" Ru.t forma quickly. and thUi .tm other to.. boles are dug for the eream-apolnn. bacteria. The lard pall. prelerving jar, and cooklnS pot-for the I8ml and olller rea$ons, spell low quality crealll, wasted food. snd a lOll to you. A weU made cream can II a wtae investment. a laver of tood and money. StraIght· .Ided, .mooth. brightly and beavlly tinned, no ..am 11 left unfIUed witb protectlvi tin. There are DO turned-under lIaDte• • which are Impos,lble to clean. Bucb a can Is Iturd1 and Itron•• can ••• lIy be kept clean. It W81 -eapeclaIIJ made tor the 'ob and will pat lor Itself In no' time .t all
Will pay $2,00, for Dead Horaea, $1.00 for Cow •. Sheep, Hog., Calvea and Colte
N.w, ••,........., ..,.,..
hrtIlIun .......... . . . - _ . .
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............... .,.............
The oQl, F~rLlilser Plant h\
.. KNOW".. . . . . . .
Wureo Coun',
-I!IIII!III--- \__
........... FIe....... ,... . . . ..
----............--' "
Phone Wayneeville 2804
. . . , . . . . . dIIpt .......... .. . . . fe, t .......
~. . . .
formul. . .
Na.m_ ..
YOU, ......
Any make or model
. _._,,-
F'r ed K.!lhn Motor: Car.Co. PHONE 326 . LEBANON, OHIO . ._ ...._ _ _ _ _............_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ....._ . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..
South and , itl cotton 1. aUU a pleasllnt prospect. . , Three ,tb.Jilgs need prompt gov~. men' action: . (1) EnCOFage ·plant· ina cottall on ' land whe~ a crop 'I WholeaolltP Paateurlzed Dairy Products pollib1e and where it can be chopped, operbap.", even picked. by Pasultrized Milk For Your P"otectioJl, machJnery. ' (2) ' qe, readi to meet .. , . Phone 2637 ' Wavneaville, Ohio apy, pii!)e named aJlYwhere 1\1 wortd trade. (3) ~ that b,oarded fibre. I'::===~ Uncle Sam woU,d ,look pretty ' sW:1 ....._ . . .1111!1!1_ _ _ _ _ _ _11!1!1_ _.~ «_. . . ._ _ _ _ _ _r' ,afier the war boltUDg a Jlhb1-&all fU1I . flnr.d~~I)iIIl~re.irDOlJdecH:o-1tbe'1_tHoUC)n--lD-a-raion Ihtrt., . • Want ,to Po ~,:.) .. , AUCTIONEERING ' , ATiIl.ETE8 roO,T GERM . >Vant to Sen 'Bo~lIlOoOd8' Bow ToKW Stanley and KOOKier . The:'germ lmheds .de.e ply. Can't be For Dat.es, Phune 2894. \y&YDeskilled unless reached. Many vlIle, Ohio, Reverse Oharge& ments and ointments do not peneBROKERS I.ICENSB trate suf.ficlently. Ask ' ~y ~s~ tor Te-ol ~olutlon. Made with 00 %' alcohol it NlNTERATJCS. Reaches Dl;ore genns. Apply full strength for itchy. sweaty or smelly feet. Your back 'tomorrow if not pleaud. Is often said Is a result of. . I ....~~" at: Waynesville' Drug Store.
.'Bob's- Dairy
. :y'., . M. . COYNE
LOR'T S (FOR DANDRUflF) Sold on 'a MODeT-Back Gaarantee 011 Sale At WAYNE8V1J..l&.
F~' ~.~.d ·Stock
r.I· ~1
BALDNESS' ,I)andrqff
.......... .. . ........
. Yes, tj!e.sua.,. ~ papu you ..Ve -. for salvage are actually keeping,out fighdag planeS in the air, keeping ou~ fi~dng D*,l well equippedl Your waste p~per, wh~ Jt's tepi~ ls used 't o or
wrap more
thAn 700,000 ~er~c war .ard~ needed
and used on the battle frontl.
. Don't-desttoy pa~• .Save box,,: cardboard, newtpapers ahd ' ~gwnes, . envelopes, wrapping: paperpaper in ~verlfo~d tUm k to yo~ ~eo. . ,don agertcy,' Paper ' la a crldcal mat~Jal-y..'U "Sh9rt~',the. ., J.»l,. ~~.Jang, .ever, ,SCP~ fpt . . ..'
. ', ';
.' -
mE MtAMI 4~ZETtt
--~~~~----------~~~~--~~~.~ - ~~~--~~~~:~~~--~--~-~--~~----~------~--~--~--~-__ __
From A Farm
Diary-~Dry Ridge
\> _ I1 ~_,_ r
Miss Ellrabeth Bunl(ltt Is spendIng Mr. 'au.d. Mrs. F. B. Henoerson 01 , • July 26. If the rainbOw Is a. prom1&e ,t he \levU, and lC there Is olle UtUe her vllCll\tlou'with' relat.1ves at Bridge ,Lisbon. OhIo c8l.led 61') MrS. crane that bhe earth shall never be de- qu~m hJdden In your henl't, abOut boro,. New J~rsey. Prtvate H~rnce 'Thursday afternoon. .' . stroyed by flOOd, Is it alsQ a sign going to() olose to those ·heels. ~ Burnett 15 now sOmelW'here In Jta.ly. Mrs: O. ' N. Berryhill .~nd Miss J\IE'l'1l0DIS'1' ,CUURO!' t/l&t we shall not dry up a.nd blow alway from him alld use e: horse or 0. ' • • Olara Be'rryhID, of· Bellbrook V! re R. B, Coleman, Minister awayY I tlnd I am not the only one tractor, 'for th1\t mule wUl know just ,MiSs Ann Meredlblt . entertalned guests of· ~es Annie a.nd Ma.me 'Who !luda more ple-~ure in the rain ~OW you feel about him and then from Oinclnnatl and Lexlng- Brown Saturday. , Ohurch school at 9:30 a. !D. Mrs. bOw than just delJ8ht In ilB beaut1tU1 look out. ~ut Jim Ukes mules. ton, Kentucky, over I~he week-end. Miss Eif)anor ot McNabb, Il11nolB, iRe.ymond Oonner, superintendent. color. A friend of mine expressed the Monday. ThIs morning I went to · lea.ves nlmt w~k' with a group was dinner guest of Mrs. ~rga:l'et Mornliig Servioes-1030 &arne feellng we stood wa.tchJng a the telephone an It was a two week'l! vaca1l10n in noi'th- Heacock oh Saturday. Youth Fe) wshlp Tuesday veilbright· piece of one. As I left Dayton Union, call1ng, a. telegram for Mrs. ern Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Han'y B. Browne, of ing at 7:30. it became brighter and showed more IPJchards ."1 .regret tolnfonn you that - • io Dayton, and Mr. ~nd Mrs. 05ca.r Olloir practice Thurs,day 8:00 p.m. , clearly until it arched accross the your son Private AlbeI't E. Rlc.llards 'UIU'lX til Jf6d ~ul100 Wade of MiamlBburge called on the sky. part of It with a ba~kground of was sell1ously. wounded July 2, in uaa.ro ,QQ1 ~1l uoow&l-J1I hVPsaU Mlsses Brownes Sunday. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL dark clouds and the rest ag:ajnst a ¥rance. Leiter with mailing add- ·paM ~ulids U1!WIlSTlA .rma pUB nart Mrs. Milo Downing of Xenia cnURon clear blue sky. The weather wise say ress will Collow··. F.ol'tunately we AnOd PU'S 21Ul¥ l'!.O'1:&1J.IO <rnTAlO called on frtends here Sunday .. Ralph Parks. i\lInJster In Chnrj,'ll that a rainbow In the evening Is a all-ea.dy knew about Jt from letters Mrs. Earl Cooner receIved word Mrs. Romo RIggs. 01 near Ferry' CoW'Ch 'sellool at 9:45 a. m. sign that the rain Is over and in the tram him and knew tha.t ,he was last week tha.t her husband, COrp. called on Mrs. Alice Olark Sunday Morning sel'vice and sermon 10:30 COnner has been trapsfered to evening morning th~t It ls coming toward . better, but my heart .s ank untU I a. m. Miss Anna Bowma.n, of Dayton, us. The author 01 "Green. Fire" knew it was just the confermaltlon of FF.nJ t l' Cll11lt '11 OF CHRIST tells of seeing the full circle of the what we already Iw:ew. It brings the Mr. and Mrs~ T~ S~ Hardin enter- Came to the Home Sunday to spend ~ rb n Graham, Minl~ter to Sunday dinner, Mr. and severnl w~ . rainbow "Cter a storm In the high foxholes of Prance -very near. ,too Andes. We never see any thin, but near. S. R. Oonrad and dB-UghteiMrs. Wllllnm Mackinsen left. SunOOy 9 :30 a. m .• Bible school. the upper arc. To anyone who Tuesday. SLUl hot and no min. McOl..rty and Miss Mariam for 6ebina where he Is conducting a 10 .~" II, il'l.-Clmununlon. va.cation Bible school this week . JOYS hearing of adve.n ture In strange .We have only one 'young turkey left 11 .00 a. m.-Bennon . of Crescent Springs, Ky. _• • • The quarterly meeting of the places, I can reCommend that tale this morning, the old whlte! gobler 8:00 p . m.- PreachIng. ~ame of the adventure found In "MinIng tramped and picked the other one to Mrs. Loren Scott, ' of 3rd street board of trustees WIIS heyd IlIt the FRIEND IS Erne!'alds In COlumbia', true·adven- death. I never did ll)te that gobler. has moved to her former home on Home on ~esday. F irst Day school, 9 :30 a.. m. ture as wUd as a.ny author of "Jack The old black . hen has 'her seven the Springboro and Red Lion road. Meeting for Worship. 1'):30 a. m. IAIlnItrong" or "Cnptain Midnight" ohloks in spite of the storms and • • • INTERESTlNG NEWS FROl\l .. HERE AND THERE ever made up. maklng tl¥!m roost high in the trees Mr. and Mra. Russell ApgIU' ha.ve ST. AUGUSTINE CIIUROD FaUJer KrumhoUs, Priest ~~==:;:=======~ Thursday. I spent most of the day she has done ~tter than the ba.rred in the tennant house on the Furnas farm. A check up of government owned .: going from saw mID to SIliW mID hens at the bam, so she must know Mnss Sunday 9:00 a_ m . war plants 1n the United States gettmg enough lumber to f1n1sh the sh e Is d0Ing. Th e ca.t 1et me • • • addltJon to my bam. When I came "Come within a tew feet Of her wlthMrs. William A. Biggs of Dayton shows that the gove~ent hilS 1n-' WAYNESVILLE CUURCD OF home I walked over our .bare tlelds out runn1n.g. If cat moves into 'the spent the week-end ...vith Mr. and vested In 'Will;' plants and other ,types OHRIST and wondered what on earth I was barn ra.ts will have to move. Rea-t. Mrs. El\SWQrth Biggs of Corwin. Mrs of business a total • . • .of •$25,000.000,000. 1\10 Randall. 1\1Jn1ster to put in these new'mows. Day, rats. and dry wea.ther, and yet· Wlhen Biggs w1l11ea.ve for Washington , D.C in the near future to join her hus!According to Secretary Harold 1... Bible Scbool 9.30 a. m, day In spite of the scattered th1nk 01 the rest of the wm;ld Itkes the Interior department haa Communion 10:45 a. m. who Is sta-tloned there. IAlllmll'ers the draught grows worse. t have we to 'complaln about • • • hired 8.746 women In the last two Prea.ching, 11 -a. m. . Mr. and Mrs. Georg,e Mills enter- years and (lIllY about 1800 have pasture where the sheep ere, Is any:.way. So buy another bond. Young People's meeUog 7:00. barren. though there Is still ta4ned 10 dinner on ISund,a.y, hon- ' stayed. Dvenlng service at 8:00. WaD' ,,-. ,Carda 01 Thanb 'alld in the spring. We are gOing to orlng ' the Wrthday anniversary of You' are Invited to come and wor0IIJRartIII an ellaqed' lor at the move them to the other pe,sture Mr.and :tv. J" . T:'!el', t ~ h. Jomlson ship with us. Mrs. Mills. Covers were armnged for In The Odd .FeUows BuUdInl', and Mrs. R. B. Colman and Mr. of Bellbrook ho.v~ purenased ~e Me water !Will have to be pumped rUe ., . . cea' . 'WON,· mlDbDam them but wMre there stUlla Wild Lebanon, Under The New Manage· and Mrs. John Fromm ''Wlth the host Duffee hoine on ~d !I.treet, and exeIaarn Dc. A .Waui A4 buerted lor l\I'r, 1I0Lf.,Y 1\1. , E. enURell DleDt of PaUl B. Carpente~. A Master ' &line . . . . III cbaI'IecI at 10 & .~1d. carrot and rag weed erpt to occupy It In a few weeks. T. 1\1. Sr.. 1ft, ftllnlsler • " ~os~, The Pigs life out agmn. 'De..y by ooy laker, Already Galnln&, A Larp Pat. Sunday S<:.hQOI 9:30 a. m. • put them 1n their dry field, a.nd ronage For Thetr ExceUent Baked Fann a.nd town property illsur-' Little Miss Zano. MOe .F ulkerson Is rnhart, Supt., by da.y they find new places to Foods . , . Featurlnl' Dellclous ance •. iWtlbur N. Sears Evening Service., 'I :30 p . .. 17p t'~upernt.ing from ' a recent tonsJl ~lei:ie' or e1ectno. Bee BU1 ~. let out.- Eacb tbne we put them In Cake!!, Cookies, RoUs, • • • operation at the home of ~ e r ~ Bold, R. 3, W&JDe!lYWe, they go au'd He down a.nd look at us Colfee Cake, Pies and Breads ED EDWARDS PAS ES AWAY . Jack Mordis. st.at ioned at Lee- parellts Mr. and Mrs. M.. A. FulkerJaI ~ Bupplles.lDClud- aDd we can see them t.h1nking "we Maklnr A Specialty or Blrihclay. beok Field arrived home 1'hursday. son. Ed Edwards of Corw~ passed 'Open ·(today) for a. 15 day furlough. IDa' paper plat.el, col~ OUPII ~ 1U'e in now but just wait tlll you tum Party and WeddIng 'cakes Fol' a box 01 good dgars see Paul away Fi1da.y momlng at 1:30 O'ClOck. your ba~". Their Httle eyes bUnk,. Monday' and TuesO'ay 8:00 A. M. to 6 ....... et.o. ~ Jd~ toIre\8, ~ Mrs. Shirley M. Hole Is recupera.t- O. P1CkJllg, ThIrd street, Waynes .. ..Among the survivors are' his widow ,.... bMID, OUP.I and toilet Us- thelr .taUs quJver, and before we are P. 1\1.; Wednesday 8:00 to Noon; and two sons, Clarence of Waynes~ ' out; of sIIht tbey are · I OOking lor a Thursday and Friday 8:00 to 6:00; dng from ~ appendicHIs operation ville.: Phone 2182. • - . Cluette ofIlce .. vl1le and Charles of Dayton, Fun. new place to get out. even thelr ,wal- Saturday 8:00 to 9:00. -at ·the bome of her mother,. Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam P. S brater e ral Q,1'1'llnge":,en ts are jncomplete, JIW &Ie - WatidDa Proclucta Puller law doetl n.o t satisfy them it wasn't Hally HathalWay, west c>f l.ebanoll. and son, returned on Sunday after Bi.bee M 2t ~orth BroadWaY 10 bad Wbap they got in my g~en; The Cedar City Bakery In Lebanon • • Fernlel' owrie~ cooperatives In". en.l9Y1ng a vocation w1th frlends a.nd - - ~, LebaDOD, Pbobe there wasn't. anything lett but pig Is offering a Jnodern and progl'eS3Richard shee,han andl Doug Hendl·o:rleM,.tI thelr, men~bersblp. last year relatives in ,West Vlrg'in1a. .. . c Ti~d anyway.)t \'Van't so b!\d when. dve' bakery service. featuring delldare spending a fErw weeks with • • • bf 250,0..0 a.nd did $940,000.000 worth ~.......,~--~~~...,...-::----.....;' 'they got 1D the obicken hOuSe and OWl bakery products and through formers Uncle and Aunt, Mr. Mrs. Willard 'KerSeY and daughter~ of new business . oowa. " .. .rn 10 ate an the mash, It wID fatten pigs theJr wide varJety of breads, roIls and Mrs, MJwhe)l Kaw.IJll. of ,-.,- of .Lebanon, Iwere Friday and aatur ... as ' well lIS the ph1cke~, It vias be.d cookies and pies Is rapidly ga1nj.ng 'WaUkee, Wisconsin, day guests of Mr. and JOhn I!ICR 8AItI8 - Koclern booee riot toO bad when they ate 'som& .. pa.tronage. They are adding n< W . .. • • , Kersey. ' . W~, ts,OOO. ShOWn , my tenants corn, but ~edy of teatures ' in baked 19<>dS to add nov'Are cigars dUUcult {or you to get'! ·Mr. nad 1\41's. Fred ~:~~;~~~+--;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ 1l~~~S::-'-.,Jg~~~L~~!!:....1't-1Ie&DL.ftJ~lIlf:1lWLJi2h.I~~~Jow,~~I2-j.clt¥-:!UlIl~~t~.~~.se&'~G17~~~~l-+-l~!:fljC~ng, 'l:'h1rd street;. . LIsbon •. Ohio. were guests of meton·pfl,t.ch and ate or~ul.p.ed aIU :le of ollr bl y , son-in-law and do.ughteJ;, Mr. and nice little znelons Ulat-lay thete ,a- Woritll!s~ a.n<! ~hClP . to . ~ee'p oJU" . ~ ~!~~ _ . John Oons, for tbe '""ot week. ~ 8M. ' OUt Plowers, 01ldlo1 .' us. r1pen;ng in the suD "When I h~ard poop e well. fed. :. r Mrs. ...Mr. a.nd Mrs. Charles Edwards o . .. • • . • . . Mra. Albert . 090k. Wayneavl11e I wen't and ordered ~naThe old ,days of home - made were Sunday and MOnday ' Mr. Horrls Mooher has . returned Route 2, Perry and Wa.yrieev1lle portat.ion to OInctp.natl for 1ive Ilgs breads have :'PasSed away wUh ow: guests, of Mr. ' and Mrs. . Ray~on~ <to his duties,. 'at, the ' R.. R. ~m1th ' ~ . 10 at the earUest PossIble date. The mOc:tern sei'vicea. and.' here; the Cakes Conner, ' ~ery, after a weeks vacation• .' . • '. • ' Mrs.•• , POR 8AL1!'r-Bak4ng CUPII.' paper lalllJll~l;e .ls .'dol1e 110w" , cJ, my h rt art d pasttlea are so gOOd that -_.#do.....•Mr. and Orville Gray 'We~ ' .•,p1&~ '9/8.X paper, P,IoPl!l' tIowels. aches and my'" mouth wa .1'5 , ~or er' needs not to, wor,ry about tho Mr. a.nd Mrs. Fred .Ha.rtsock.. and Wednesde.y ' even1ng supper guests ot - - paper, Gold'"'' Bod 'Wl'lt1ng those melON in vain. 'famIly's 10n.g1J;Ig for ' g~ and . ' 'Were Bunflay ofternoon , -onM<\ ,... , • # f ....._ ~ :.. .. :kK"" ou r' is !Mr. and Mrs'. A. U. Brown in Ti.bletl and 0hanI11Ii Borated Baturday, Today was Zeke Sur- cookles, .or at this baltery t h oy have 0 4"4'. ...>u __ ~ar !Franklin. ' ~ue .~ t.be K1am1 Guet'~' . 1.C~ S~le, many gp~ thln~. put evolVed , the kind thot are Uke What, IMosl:Le1'. • • • th.!: aCCf-tPnula,t ed junk of p1,Il~y her ' m,other Wied to ba.ke .a.nd no;w • • • Cigars . on sale a~ !liJ.. Urnes at 01 all kinds of trading, old auto abe has time for other duties, Uld AutomObile insurance reasonable prices, Paul P1cldng," 3rd old tractqr parts, five ' or six for' defense and other war time Jobs. Wtibur N. Sears .11'lp street, WaYbesvUle. 'P hone 21&2. lan~errui all 'sold In one bunch. 1n all their baked goodll, W use , ,. • • • • • dJdn'Jtbearwho bou8ht~e steamer ' ~e very bes~ of mater1~1!; 1l1;l~ nq' Mr: 'Cl~k Sa11sI;Jury 01 Oha~lot~e: . ~v~te ~ll'st Oiass Simon l tobe.cco beds, zekAl has done our substitutes for th1s 'Illd that. ThiS iNorth CaroUna. was thl~ guest of her Wiersema, ot Is:eesler F'ield, J,41sS1sS. ateamUi'1jt (~r sl!ve~al l' ea-rs, .I ~ond- accounts for t!leli ll:ld1y1dua.llty and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. SeJ1a- lppi. spent a turlOUlfh at the home goodness. of Jdx'. ~d Mrs. "ratter. Wlse~ ;/l. s~ltY1s . m.aa.e of ~'k~ ..and and cb1ldren. Polly LOll and BIlly. and lef,t here, Monday to retur;n to' and Miss Bertha Plg~ of Pleasant his new leeation ' at san ~nclsco ,' were. wcek-end guests .o( ~s , 08)lIomia. . ' I '. . '• _ Meredith. . '. MIss Alice GON left 'durlng the • iMr. and Mrs. Wade Turner and .past week to accompany friends I to Mr. .and Mrs. GeOrge H~nder Elan FranelsCO; CallIomJa, Where ahe son' and son en~oyed dinner at! the w1lll'4lJJ1a1n ·for ' a few weeks. :. . . , Seville ·T iwern in I:?ayt6n, on ~da.y , Mr: and Mrs. Branstrator 'opepec1 evening. theIr bome on 'F ourth ~treet o~ SatJ . 'l1be annual reunion . (If the Whet· urdo'y eVen1nlf ana h8.d ; their sel famlli~ was held at Wayne Park guests ~ members or the ~edul on Sunday. Olr.!!le 08rd 01ub•.After the games ~ ~eJr lousa.nd re,fteilbWg lunch' 'WIIS • • it . Bla~d and s ( rved by the hostess.
We Offer
~!tlttt~ .(jj)f' Gr~rist '
At ·All
11:00 A. M. l\lr. 'l'OM BLACKl\IORE wul
Rpcak at the morning services. _ _ _ ...
.... ---r---
EVENING SERVICE 8:00 O'Allook Seml.on Topic -
- --.....
tfittGtlure ~uueral
... ----
l\fnI. OWEN • TLL of Phoenix.
In a Japanese Con cntrjl,t1on Camp as mlsslonary will s~. Arl%., working
MAX W. RANDALL, Miniater
New-Deal Foes Map Fight
Cedar City Bakery
• • •
• •
• • •
• • •
.' . .
CHICAGO-Leadhqr Democratic opponen.ts of the New Deal gathered here for a two-day conference of the .Amerlcan Dem'ocnltlc National Committee to map I\tratery bitbeir program to fight. R()osevel~· fourtb . term plans. Photo , sbowa . seriatos; W. 'Lee O'Dnnlel. of 'Texas, o~ bancl for the activitte,_
• •
. .'.
as .
.I. ..
SundaY 'dlnn'e r guests of Mr.
. ..
Mr~. 1.. o. stJ?~., ,
LIttle MIss Helen Hart.sock of near IWUllJn1ngton, was tbe guest of her l,gra.tKimc)tl1er. Mrs. LeIi~a HartsoCk ' ....,.1..,.. .the ~t 'Wetlk; ·· . , . t
'9-12 eaoh morning
1-5 afternoons excep.t " Wednesday, •.
. '
'Fr1enll8 here ha.ve rece1vd wof(! of • ;. , • . (!el'lous Ulness of a fonner', resl'It ~ iest1mate~ ~ ~t" the- l~et Mr. Jalul, S~ of ..n~ .Ur~~~~rtage tlija fa!! w~ be tb,e gr~t~ Mr. Strawn la somewhat 1mi::' ~ ~ ~t' experienced . WlP\B estlmatea ed t this tim hut is"cOnfined ' tha ~ demand!!.. wAI exceed t4le suppq' ~ a .., e. \" bf,'a . ~,4 feet . .; " to ~18 ~. "
,7,-9, Saturday evening
Other Even-in'gs . : By Appnl ~itm r nt '
latenildea, Ia J'aaiD.J . . . ..
We are ....cereI1
, ~, &bt..&IIe
IIIIeI!I ....... . .......' 'STUBBS FUNERAL HOME lInD tIie
o •
. ...
WAYNESvuiB, Omo.
1'HtJRSDAY, AUGUST 10, 19«.
De'w~y ..Family Group
DAYToN PASTOR TO ARRIVES HERE WCAL SOLDIER SENDS ADDRESS AVGUST MEETING FROM OVER-SEAS DIS PVRPLE HEART MEDAL OF ' LOCAL CIVIC ,OLUB HOME TO MOT!I£B Corp. Chal'les (Chuck) Morgan Herbert Graham, program chair- arrtved -recently from over-.seas to a J\4rS. ,John Rlcharels of Wayne&ville ROute 2, mother of eight chil- man ot . the Waynes\We Civic club bospltal In North C8rollna. aI!d last dren, one girl and seven boys, re- announces that Rev. Harvey Charles week came to his home 1n BUlbrook cently received the Purple Heart Hahn, ,pastor of the Xenia Avenue on a twenty one day leave. He 1<; . from her son, Pvt. Albert E. Rlch- Unlted Brethren church in . Dayton, convaleso1ng from wounds received arels who w~ wound~ in action In lui.a been engaged to addre6a the in action. and had been In a hospitiFronce- Jull 2, 1944. Pvt. R4charda August 'meeting of the ·club. The al in Italy for some time. Corp Moz:'\\'&.1\ with the InVLb,on lauc:Ung In ,meeUng wJ.ll be tile annual mothers gan, wife and Httle daughter, spent 'l1lursday eVening at the home , of F1'IUlce on 0 ·Dav AlsO Nit',t ttlP. and dallghters meeting. Rev. Hahn 18 a noted after-dinner 1Mr. and Mrs. Dearth Sheehan and medal was a letter tell1ng her that he was 1Ji a hospital In England re- speaker whose humor is well knoWn daughters. other guesiB were: Mrs, covering from h1li wounds. 'A broth- throughout Ohio. The dinner meet- Olara StAloy, Mr. and Mrs. Will Null er, John, Is serving 1n the armY ing will be beld at the Waynesville and daughter, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Russell Metbodl.at· Qhurch. !Burnet and family, Mr. and Mrs. somewhere in South AmerICa. LesUe Gray and fa.mlly. iPvt. RIchards WIlB born April ~1, (1924. He was called for duty by the W. 8. C. S. MEt:rS FRIDAY BBADEENS ENTERTAIN armed forces in AprU, l~. He is AT ME'J1IIODIST CBlJBCH RELATIVES SUNDAY Jmown by' his mariy friendS and 6ChOO\mates ~ '''Buclt.'' He was lorThe wcmails Soc1etl" of Cllrlstlan Mr, and Mrs. Howo.rd Bradeen,of' mery employed by the Duke nurs- Service Mll bold their, retiular Aug- near Waynesv1lle, entertaUied. 'a ust ineetlng ,o n 'Frlda,Y. Augus , t , 18 group of rela-bves and frIends Sunel'y near the Richards home. ' His mother says, "Let lUI ail pray 'WItIb' a covered dlsh dlnner in the day, at their home. ,for this war to end so our CletU' Uethodllit church dIn1ng room;MJl;6 The guests who mad e u p UHf ones wtl1 soon be home again. Dear Ida Franz, a teacher In T1en Sien group were;' Mr. and Mrs. Walter God, watch over our dear bOys, keep 0b1na schools. Interned In a. Japan- Bnldeen and son, ~: Harry 'Mcthem ~fe and well wherever they file prison camp lor ' e I g h tee I.ea.r and daUghter. from Richmond, may be." Pvt. RIchards. who Is with 00. 0; mQnths and returned on the Grlps- 1ndlana, Mr. and 'Mrs. Paul Kon"holm last December, will be the arske Mr. and Mrs. O. Bannton of lII'6 th Infantry, took his traln1n8 ,at .peak~ lor the afternoon. Dayton, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Ll<onard OOmp Swl!t, Texas, Camp OIalThe members 0 f the L y tIe TInney, of Waynesville and Mr. and boume, La., COmp Leonard Wood, Vrs. Walter Raege and family of Mo., and Camp Me8d. Md., before 15<llCle~y w1ll be guests at the CUnner fiam11ton, eh1o. for the afternoon. going overseas. All the women who attend the S011TB WAYNE ADVISORY IMJethodJJ~t Cho/ch. are urged to .be COuNOIL MEETS , Ir•• \\' u'''~r U.eurt .. k .. C· .. rr ..... u.-..". , . pTeaent.
Mrs. Ivan F erree, of Lebanon, Mrs Wa.lter' Wiseman an$i chlldren spent 'The MotherS Club of the Wayne.schooL& plonted to the 'extent Sa.turday a1ternoon In Dayton, a.nd $65 as a resUlt at We 'lee cream in company with ~helr husbands, spent the evening at the home of soc1a1 given here Ba.turday nJght at Mr. a.n d Mrs. Warren Porter, the McClure comer, it 1a reported. A large crowd attended. 1n Dayton. • • • HOSPITAUZED IN TEXAS Mrs. Edward Talson and daughter of Miamisburg, and Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Mrs. Ma.rgle 8chenJt. of Wayne&0 , Bowman,.Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bow- vllle, WUe of Pvt'. Barry Schenk man and daughter, 0 t Fnmklln, leave from ber duties fran the were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. orville bureau, in Ueb&non, to GTay, Tllursday evening. some time with ber husband. • • • Is stauontld at North camp Mrs. Jes.s.le Hyman and Mrs . :Ber. Hook, became very .w ~' was taken nyce PoHnsky attended. a iuncheon to a hospital 10, Gateev1lle, Teua. at t.Ile country home of Mr. and Mrs ~ condition of, !oJrs. Schenk bas lAuIs Braverman lilt Morrow. not been learn~d at th1.a time. Mrs. Mort r.amJ, Mrs. PaUline Lang and Mrs. Miles Thompson, of SamUton, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiseman; Sunda.y afternoon and evening.
- -' Mr. and Mrs.
~e Mllier ~ve received a letter trom the latters son H'arry E. Lew1S, that he bas been placed in the M8.rtnea and 18 'Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Braden- 11IL'IlIdIJDe:a at Parr18 Island, South burg and daughter, Loretta and .Mr. IO.,1't1.1InA and Mrs, Ray MalnOU6 and son "BOOT" ~INING spent Sunday, wIth re aUves in Sidney, Ohio. Mrs. EdWin Rlunby haa received from her busband. Mr. Edwin T-S Ronald J . Ha~dUl ~turned to that he is .rec~lv1ng "boot" Camp Gordon. Georgia, last Thu s- Itrlllln:lrur at the UnlteC\ States Naval day after spending a ten-day fur- Tra Inlng Sta t Ion. Sampson, . N. . Y. laugh wIth hIs parents, Mr. and ---- .........., Mrs. T. · S. HardIn. HOME PUBOIIAS~
.GOV. IUld IIIn. Dewey, To~
aD4 101m.
DickIe Graham, of WaynesVIlle and Lytle r<>!ld ap n t last week with his sister, Mrs. Ray Smith.
Mrs" Lena Drake baa purebued home of Mrs. Ruth L. Llpecomb FAlIOLY OF FIVE fourth street, and expects to 'l1JIBEAftNIm l'hTB MBIES on LyUe chureh lawn, this Saturday OF CHRIST ENDEAVOR there some time tb1s week. Miss Polly LOu, arid Master BlUy ___ evj!nlng. GREAT LAKES, AUG.8-John 'Mrs. Llpscomb will maite ber The Church of Chrlst Christian Wtseman " Lou Printz and Orvllle The tamll . y, of Allen Rapp of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell 'l1homas and Phllllps. 18. of 'Waynesville. wUl bOrne in Miamisburg. .~ ........ duate fron; basic indoctrination SooIety enjoyed a talk by Endeavor Gray attended the i~ir at W-llrlpnglebanon have .been threat- dauehter, Betty are vaeattonlng at ... Wi~ rabies /LIter a dog belong':' St. Mary's Lake in Mercer County. August 12 as honor man of h1s com- MIss Rebecca Stlll Sunday evenlpg. <IlOn, Wednesd~y afternoon. " • John Kersey and 8(m; . Mrs. ing ~ them died with the d1aease ' Mr. o.nd Mrs. ,Wl;lbu Clark a~ pe.Dy at U, S. Naval Tra1n1ng Cen- Rebecca spent considerable time 1n ~t. James W, R~ey or, FOrt and ' daughters are"rem.aln1nc Pive membera of ' the family are ~nded the funeral of Mrs. wm ter here and will go o:n' recruit leave. Japan wit.ll her parents Who w~re Riley, KKansflS. retUrned to hlS}lOSt ~prlstlan missionaries there. the weelt. Mr•. .Luther \Hai1aoct treatmcmt8 at the Blair Ho&- Whlte at the McQlure Fun~ ' PhUllps was eleeteel candidate by ~y Klontz 16 Christian Endeavor after, spendlng two weekb here Witn son were aL&o SunClay Inlest.il. . ' Home in WaynesvUle, WedliesdaY fellow. bluejackets and selected hon-
The Soutb W~AdV1sory Oounell was entertained by Mr. ana Mrs. John 'Bureke. the e~6JI1ng of August the thlrd. , A report on health conditione exrSsting in the county was given by Mrs. Ralph E. Asbury. A very strong d~e, C1n tl)e ~t of the council fO' participate in estabUsh1ng a better hedth program' in the COUDtv. was exprell8ed. .A ' 9O-day Quarantine Is effective afternoon. ~t was W1UI felt tha.t the 9CPple IlthrotlRhout Warren Oounty, and Donald Charlton was b r 0~ g it t should be Informed of the need 10r se~eral d9i own~rs have ~en . home from the Good, Samara.taln better health &erV1ce8,e.spedallY' it) brought Into court and lined tor not Hospital, Dayton"'8unday,aJter an the controll of cOlllll\unlcable ' dis- Ie ~t"ft their d ' d ' trt t cweratIOIl lot a hern1e., ~Dd 1$ now ee_ op un er s c . '. ease" in the schOOls and pre~ quarantine. . doing fine. ye8l'lY ex~tton Of aU lICl:iool Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey Burnet at;.. ~hUdren. ' .., GUESTs E!ft'JIBTADnrD tended the Discussion Group, Wed'nIe facttbait a., larger J)Ilrcent of " , TO bINNka 811'fD.A~ nescl8Y eve~ at the home of "Mr. farm boY8 ,were Unable to paae the C and Mrs. " W. A. SWe.rt.zeI, near Physical ,teat ,for ai:my ilel'vlce than Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Q1'aham ,en- Waynesville. city boys 'W8$ considered reasOn en_HA~~EId tor SUDday . dlniDer; Mr. , Mrs, Margaret Johns spent Sunough to'work lor a stroiljJer, Preven- and Mrs. W1Wam ,Dyke and familY day an4 Monda, at tIle home.ci~ Mr. ttve health program. . Un1on, Mr, and MlB. AlVin Dyke an~ Mrs. !iaN 'I1bomaa, at Centervlile. ' . Mrs. Bursite. the tl~. serVed deliciOUs . refre.shinentll and .. Vt!rY M1ss Janet Smith, Of De.y.t,on, pleasant social period followed . spent , aeveral iiay,s last week with { MT: ' Raymond ' BIaddoek was a , ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. . guest. of. the coMc11. The n~t m~- chIlclren, . Bamara IPoll4 Cella. Ing to be ,held Jli aept.embei,' w1ll ~' W&y?eaville. a ba8ltet' plc~c supper, ."t' the 'ilaITy, -,-'-----Blnlth plcnlc . Belen McCoy Sec. - Treas. ' s. W. A. O.
, \
' l"~~,lEN,DS HOM'E
I Pr1da,v
, :Bt:CEIl'BS SILVER WINGS . -r.- "
. NAPIER. · ~. i.JJA. August ' 4.~ Hown.rd 'l1bQma&, ~. ,110, of ' ~~ynesville, reeeSved . tb~'. ~ver IWmP ,of an AnDy ~ '~ce pUot. IIIIIl~~t and W,as ,Sworn In .'" !l;'~ Ueu- 115:..mme ' tenant a~ .. ceremonies at Nap&,r ':fIeicI, Alllbe.ina; an , adVan~.ed./ !1PI.le 1'..r~rfAllnp" eiJg1ne P~Qt· ~hool of the AA'P Tralnlnl command. . "' . • or Mr. (LDd·,l'Jlrs. Howt,rd Plor.- &nee' ~ Waynesville, OhiO; , Lt:· P\or:: ence"is a gr.ad~.ie of 'the. Wayne.: vUle H1gh SChool, and ,Pre~~ua to ~. acc~pta~c~ for . &vlati9~ · .cadet· trablln., attended Mlan\l " si~;':: Ht1 ,U; ,~arr~Ild' to. :the ,:. rorm~ rQl~terlf' Dl~eeti1ng :WsS Rita ConDe.,. .' '. \~ I IQlbatidller TnE PMGRESS.yB · 'W~S " , -', CLUB JI~ mmno rBulDdl~Y
, .:
' I
• • •
or man by
his compa,n y com.maDder leader
invItes all young people
~d progress.
Prior to joining btle Navy he was a student, In the, Wo,ynesville Higb School " . He hM one brothel', Orv'ille, who is also ~~ the Navy. IRe wUl spen~ nls leave with his mobtler, tolls. ollil'!~ Pbilllps, In' Waynesville. ' OON!1l'!RiMS ' AT ST. AUGU3l1l!NE'S
wlfe, Mrs. Mary Mlller Ramey, and 'son Jimmie.
,. '
Mr. and Mra. D. E. , Btandeford are, spending the week In Shelby.' • • • , Mrs. Laur~e , HidY of. Sprmgfle:d Ville, Ind. With. MI'. and Mrs. Roy KINGS MILLS EXPLOSION is the guest of her son~ln-law an a 'IILo<:krJldK1e. , - IS BEARD ifl WAYNESVILLE daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J . K. • • !.,Irs. D. C. Ridge ~et\.lmed ~ ~er Th,e expl08lpn ~Ich OCClured at' Prest!>n. , home on BJll)day II,tter spending • • • the' King Powder plant in K1np Mills at 12 :20 Thursday morning 'Miss Patrlc1& Southerland of, Me- the past week with ,Mrs. "N. J . Nlllbb. Illlnois. is the guest ot Misses Blackburn at Dayton.-, was .heard and felt distinctly .he,e. Jean ' and ·J an e Hartsock duting • • • only one of the f?Ul blasts was ft'iends Yearly Meetlng. -Mrs. Erneat Hartsock 'left for at. h8l\l'd and local butrdings shook. • • Anthony ~oepltar ColumbU8. OIl Residents were awakened and lights Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Earnhart has Monday. where she wlll Wldergo a \b egan suddenly to appear all over received word. [rom their son, Alton goiter operation. . , . , town. that he is now. Alton A. Earnbart • • • . One mau, Woodrow Cornett, 28, A. S ., Oompany 1607, United States Mrs. R41lph HIlBtlngs entertained of Kings Mills was . killed in the INa val TraIning S tat i on, Great. 'luncJ1eon on, Thursday. Mi's. ,J. ~ blaat. Two wheel mllls IUld two lLakes, illinois . Preston and Mr,s. J . B. Cha~ . bulldings were wrec.ked,
on the .basls o( ~l1tary apti~de to attend.
• • •
Mr, W. E. O'NeaU of. Jackaonvllle
• ••
and , Mrs. Pat:u ' and, ~uab-' Florlda arrived here on. 'M 0 n day ~er are enJoying, a -v.catlon With ,We wish to express , our slilcere morn1ng and spen't a ' Cfiw days with l'elatlves' at" NeL&onv,llle, Ohio; thanks 'and appreciation for ' the his sister. Mrll. L: ~. 'Henderson .. kindness and help extended to ua 'Dr. and Mrs. Stout and daughter Mr. George MillS' 18 spen(l1J;Js sevIly neighbors aud friends a' the are enjoYing' a two weeks eral days with his IOn imd tlUliUy time of the death of our loved one. at Indian Lake. MichWan. Also we Wish to tll8nk t.hc dOll• • . ors of the beautlfuJ flOral offerings. MI'. and Mrs. A. W. Merrick Dr. ~!{ for b er uutirlng eHol ta,. dur1ng ~e past' ~~~ ' ;L!~!,!! " U!l~~.pI~lm~ ' ,I~ Rev. Coleman for his consoling eral weeks wittl ' rC)la~lons ill words, and ,the stubbs Funeral . , 1_,.. ~ay-neo:: Indiana. .I. ~ • • ' . • Home for their 'lund and ef.Clolent 'services. Mrs. H. it wuU.:!DiI and , daugh• ~ ,' . The Family of E . .:. Ed'Mlrds Iter Grace 'returned tn, their home on and ',Mi.. GiennB~nd 'and ' I1r1day altel' spending several .weekS libluii;btlei' wel'e w~. end rues,tII of ,HONORS- GUEST FROM BEDFORD, INDIANA 'Wit:h ~e tonners da~bter, r. am': Mrs. ,h O. st.•rott n aDO IEthel Routt near. Dayton.. ' a,:td ~, John 8ettle,meyer and 'Mr. and ~s. Rnodes Bunnell en-I M'. Ed '. ·s·t ' n( th te ' were a18o ' Sunday guC4t1. , wyna a or en, r". . ; . tert&ined to dWner on Sunday,even- ' ",s . ' ' " , 1ng honoring, MJss Mary GTeshma.n t.atned to dinner on Snoday ev~mng , i!lIu'l MeDdban, Jr. Y '3-e of ot Bedford, 'IndIana who has been honor1ng Jack Pres~.n who \1Y~ lab!e Na~al' riamms Ceptel h1a WUe and, Chlld, ale sPending the gUest ' of Mrs , Elsie' ,Hockett and 1I()o~ lellve ~ . m~e 1\ls hOme ~ Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Resson. Covers C1nclnnaU. Covers , wer~, arrauge,d eave at ,the . ,home of 'Were arranged for tne honor guests for Misses M,ary Jean . And~r8on ,~8te ,ant!' in 'I1pp Olty. , . ,,' . . .. . Miss Gresbman, Mr. and', ~rs. J : B. :Gladyce Rye, Jack Crane, Joe Da.n s, RIch, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Edg1nton ·Jack Preston .a~d .the ~ostess. , ~s. Jennie Pl&nk spent TUesday Miss Eleanor .Wolf, Mrs. ¥ e Rea-\ N~e&-::o. Lee H~ke'8 B&.riler Mrs. Je~ Bradley as dinner son, Mrs. Elsie Hockett, Mr. !lnd Shop Will be clcs8(l Mondiy TUes, ' I I '. Mrs: L. p , Reason, Mrs. Grace day and ~edneada.y, Augus~ 14-15CARD OF TllANKS
· .' .
. . '.
' (
- " tltbe '.:miami- .~a;et,tt '
, ~A~t~ollomy-~."
Main Street
Busy farm wives find broillng a highly suitable mcUlod tor cooking mcat beer-use It's time-saving. When properly brOiled u,n der a gas flame. ,meots are attractively browned outside, juicy, lnslde, and have a plump. full appearance. Polnt·consclous COQ)l1 will use • 360' F . oven for broiling, instead of tUl'ning the flame high. Not only tlo plgh tempefatures shrlnk the 'meat, but waste pOints and precious fuel which has gone to wal'. . If you are using "bottled" or "tank" gas, re-· member it Is doing war work in ,fac· torles and on the battlefronts. Here II a tlme·taqle for broiling, Set gas broiler at sao' f. and main· taln constant temperature through· out the broiling period.
8ub11criptlon Price, 11.60 Per Year, payable In Advance
N.tfo..1 .A.d.-rtfltnV Repr••••••tiY.
NI: • • • • Ica.
" • • •P..... A
.....,..-QIMee .,.. • •••
_ w•
HolM TOWft NeWlpIfl."
1«:.. . H."''''''9.,
S. Fr.N:IocD.
From A F~ Diary~-Dry Ridge :Wednll'5dBY At last a really good too late to Il&ve ~ore than half the crop b ut it will ' make tbe difference between halt a crop and none at all They say tbat lOme dl ·t he sugar corn will maJre up for some of the pther t:btncai but we WU1 have to have m,ore than that to bring the .pas-
lmower but It came
and there was Suzy trying to get out Sbe can go in through the a.lr hole under the steps but she cannot gilt out and we have to take the steps
iDlurance 60 that ' no matterwha.t ' happens, you, your family ' and your 'p roperty .wdl be fully pro' tected.
and Simpsun Garap .
'& 'G,
'.'.,., .,...............,,_ ....
.......... ,........ ..,........ ..... .......... '- ,.....1It! tIatI ,...'. _ .....
f.r ...., •••• t ..... with 'I •••,
................ ,.,."...,........... .. -a An .... ."Wy
Rates . A.scerWned ~d De- ..
of In.. '(f ~ , 'Relations' \ 'PP~_le to . " H1g~WQ ' .~e~ntf np.. I pr9velll~~ta in aocor~ 'IY1~ 8ec).I tiona 17~3, . '17-4; 1'1.,. 1'1-6 and 17':'/la. . OMe . Of. , re,nnint~ by The ' Depattme~t •
, ....i •• ~, •••• • ~.r
~ND .Y~U~
Former., W~ea,Ule Insurance Arency
, .. -.. '-Ie ..
pro~t yo~rself ' with gooci
pick favoritel l Mj~(ortune hasn't 'lingled you out aa an ,e xception I Be wiae and
..... .
~--~------~-----------. " 'YOU~RE NO . EXCEP:/ TION,' Cala m :.ty duesn't
der j,aea} roi urned to the Dill home In Mt Holly a.tt.er ' being a METHODIST OHURCH guest last week of the Green county lair. He paroded the horseS to the B. B. Coleman, MJius&er 'pns~ Lhe first hen,t of oevery race Church school at 9:30 a. In, Mrs. all four days. Raymond conner, auperl.ntendent. Mr. and Mrs. HIley O1bson spent Mominlf Bervlces-l030 a few days last week with fr iends Yout.ll FeIOWS1l;lp Tuesday evenin Dayton, Callers at the Olarence crawford ng at 7:30. Oholr praotlce Thursda.;y 8:00 pm. llome' Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Ol,arence Luca.s and daugllter, Mrs , ST, MARY'S EPISCOPAL VIr.glnla Cmwford of Cincinnati, OHUaCB . Mrs. Margaret Snyder 01 near WaynC6vWe, Kent MY, lawrence Z1nk Ralph Parks, Mln1ater In (Jbarro , ChurcJl school at 9:45 a. m. and son, Bemnrd. Morning service and se~on 10:30 Pvt. Paul Shaw of ToxB.s Is home h re on a few days' turlough with a. Dl.
..... ., Ilia
On Our Way ,
Ray, Henley, ~n cOunty won-
Chure'h e's
The War Labor BOlU'd finally cor· rected a more.than.sUght contra dlc· tion among member~ of Its staff. At the very 11me Illist April, when one pl\.rt of the WLB was declaring that Montgo~ry Ward & Company was a "war" business. another b~anch of the slime agency declared In a little· publicized opinion that Sears. Roebuck & Company Wil li not a "war" business. , To prevent this contradiction from embarrassJng , the New Deal, the WLB in Washington bela tedly has called Sears. Roebuck & Company II "war" industry. tol~.
r ....
,Office a' . '(
MT. nOLLY (. •.. "ClDd..... ~
IIU•• 1111",. oab.Il ....
People ' in the Un1ted Statcs ' are still allowed to own property_ We arc ali used to, the Idea and It does not seem stron e to us, bu~ tn so Ie counl.l'ics It is not allowed and man y politicinns oppose It. They ore not aU In far-away Muscovy clthcr. Some people righ t here Ip Am erica think it Is wrong to OWol property. '1')1ey are not saylnll much a bout it because such talk would do them no good , right now_ But they A MERE $250,000 are gaining conveJ'ts quietiy. Senator Alben W. "On-(lgaln·o!fFor tunll tcly a big shlll'e of Conagain" B(\rkley says that the "dJf· g,ess is elected by farmers, even .his fo.mUy • •• at Wel,hl COOlin, Til... Po"nO. au. M ..II .... li'ERR)! CHVIlOU OF CBaJST ference between $15,1000,000 and $15,· yet. Farme rs own prop~l·ty ond, like S·Sgt. !Lewis A.. Crawford of Beet 2:10;000 Is rather ill consequential" Berben ,Graham, MiDII'e, it. Suppose some tarm·state con· South Ca.rollna Is home on a 13Chuck Steakand, of cour.e, Sella,t or McKellar gressn;lan should dare to suggest 1 Incb .... ..... 2~ 24 SO agrees ' with hlm. 'No wonder we th/1t a ll 111rmcrs surrender ~elr .day furlough. 9:30 &. m., Bible achooL 'l~ incbes ..... , 40 45 can't get the truth about spending in 10.45 a. m.-<JommunJon. Mrs. Lawrence Zink spent. MonRib SteakLIftln America as IODg as tho New fields to the government and tol(e a linch .. ... i ... 1'1!! 15 , 20 11 :00 a. m .-Bermon. government farm job, He would be day evening wltll Mrs. Lue Morgan. Deal is in ·p«;lwer. 2 Inc!le. . ..... " 214 35 45 8:00, p. m.- Preaching., a false representnllve; woul? 1 Ctl Mr. and Mrs, Harold Rog ers and Chjb Steak- , sure de!~at at the polls. That s why Mrs. Emma Gibs on of Bellbrook ' I inch ......... 1 15 20 STILL "UNCO-CIRDINATED" commuOlsts h ve to hide fr om Con· i'BIBNDti 2 in~hes ..••••• m 35 45 Although p'aul McNutt, hell d 01 the gress while they cook their import. were dlrmer guests Sunday of Mr. FIrst Day acbool, 8:80 a. m. Sirloin ,SteskWar Manpower CommJsslon, has ed poisuns inlo medlclne for you and nnd Mrs. John O1bson. Meet.1Dg rOlf Worsb1p, 1?:30 a. ,m. linch ......... S 20 .85 . had niore than two years in which me. .~. and Mrs, Raymond Osborn of " 2 inches ...... . 51\4 40 45 to solve the manpower problem, it P Orterho\lseThe First ObjccUvo Xenia spent SUnday evening with ST. AUGUSTIN&. OH1JIKJB is evident .in , Wasllington that he 1 inch ..... .... 2 20 25 FaMler ~ PrIM. One of lbe main things ,thnt com· - Mr and Mrs Emerson Dill and his thousand. of political work· 2 incbea ... .... Ii 40 .5 munlst poUtlcians are nimlng at u ., . Mass Sunday 9:00 a , m. ers have not even tled·in their acU'v· ~amb . the "llboUtion 01 privat~ properly." ~. M&ttie Levi and son, Mrs, iUes with other bureaus. Shoulder Cb'opsOf course they can't argue anybody ElIswort.h Smith, spent Sunday wit.h Wh'eD McNutt recently urged busl· WAYNESVILLE CIIUaOH 011' linch ......... S oz. 12 nelsmen to employ :f urloughed serv- Into the nolion of giving away thelr Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey crew and 2 inches ....... 10 oz. 22 CBlWIT j)l'operty: They ' ~now that. The only tam11,y ot near Lebanon. Icemen for Industrial and other Rib Chopswork. the businesismen liked the way they can separ~te an owner Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith of 1 fnch ......... 3 oz. 12 Max RandaD, Minis ter Idea. So did the servicemen. , 2 inches .... t • 5 oz. 22 from his property 1a to make it 1m. ' Dayton spent Wednesday night wit.h Blble 8c.Ilool 9.30 a. m. But the General Accounting Office, possible tor hlm to keep it. 'The LOin ChopsCommunion 10 :.6 a. m 1 inch .. ,.. . . . . 3 OL 12 another government agency, has la· easiest· way to do that Is to mllke Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gib6on. 1W inches .. . . . II oz, 18 beied tbe practIce ElS "incompatlble taxes so high he can't afford to own Miss M1nn.Ie cra.wtOl'd spent the PreaUlIng, 11 a. an. Lamb c,hops are not served rare. and ojJjectionfilble." As a result, it. That's about what'l happening week-end with her ,p arents, Mr, Young people's meeting '1:00. Bam Is always cooked well done; it ' Governm~t agencies. which clalm , and Mfa. Clarence OraIwf~rd and l'Jveolng servl e at '8:00. requires about 25-30 minutes for a manpower shortngcs and would like bere n ',' The CUUl,h u..Ils t , phHi. l'm of Karl brother, S.sgt. Lewis Crawford. .lice 1 Inch thick. The time 'tor ·to hIre veterans for short periods of You are invited to come IUld worMarx has :11 • t two \ Ic.. u tools (or ' broUin, bacon II ,influenced by per· time are stymied In, their efforts. {hlp with us. transferring properly to the govern· IN MEMolUAM ..onal pre'ference a8 to crispness. ment from p rivate indivIduals, sucb l\J'J'. 1I01.LY 1'1. ' E. OUURCII as farmers: In loving memory ot our dea.r son, (1) A heavy, graduated inc.me '1.'. M_ ScarflJ Minkler William 1 EU8worth GibsOn, who tax-the bigger the income the highSunday School 11:30 a : m. E. A. away, A~t ,10, 1942. er the rate. ' Earnhart, Supt, (2) Kllllng the rlgb,t of inheritTwo YCjlTS hav,e passed Evening S,ervlce, 1:90 'p . • . TIME FOR CHANGE anee. Since tbatfsad 4"y It isn't at all surprising nor Is it Together, those two instruments Tbe one we loved unexpected that New Dcal propo- oan do the loul work they \ire denents 8~ould lose nil time getting out signed to do. By the way, we ~8\'e W8$ call)ld .lIIVt'Ily. Ladle. Wear .be Pall" the mud balla to burl at Governor No. 1 ill America already, No. II Uruguay'. ,2,000.000 ' inhabitant., God took h1m home Dewey; or any other candidate that ,hae- "e~n seriously advocated mour scattered over a territory of lome It was hls Ww mlght ' have ,been put ' forth by the own Congress. .~ '12,000 square mUea, enjoy on.e of RepublicalJ ~Party. So muCh mud But in our he&ItB the most advanced loclal leglala. has ' been Ileaved ilt the G.O.P. ~n A Cellin, Nece...r,.. He llveth still. tlon. , to be found anywhere. The the past twelve years another plas· Congress could aet Up DO better cO,u ntry'. women are no exception, terlng won't make much difference. render against' communism In lIiliI sadJy missed by his mot.her' and reports ,a " wrlter for La Ercllla, of The tact still remains, the deftnlte country, could devise no safer .trat· sWing awny from I~e ~ew Dea l bas egy {Olf the home frpnt, than ,to father, Mr. and M'rs, Hiley Gibson, SanUa,o, Chile. the boys worried nnd It can be conft· take tax Iaw8 niore intelligenUy in and sisters, E1s 0-, stena and Pauline. The writer caUs thls 'councrt ."th. dentJy expeeted this time that many hand. There' ll a movement on loot women' •.paradlse of South America," . already ' to Jlmend the Federal Con. a mud ball will contain a brick, and suppor.ts his statement by clUD, 11tre biggest hOWl will undoubtedly 'sUtUtion so aa to make 25%, the top lhe Jmportant part played by w0m811 ••, .j'·"I1I~ ''''',r" .... Ourren.ad", ..' come from those who' feed, fulancial· en In industry, agrlcillture, educa1y, at the public trough, .To them lax rat,e on. ,ifts and inherilances U's lIk.e a dentist bearing down ' on and, except JII war lime, on personal ¥1& Miss Ma,ry Elllzn.beth Smi,th ilon., .~tts, ,ovel'l;1ment' aDd de" an exposed nerve and etr . ' incomes. Maybe 25% II ' high, but has been a. guestror several da.y,I of lense )Nork. .... a ,final. cruahin, ~ will be heart renCUng. .a.l:.ening..and..TIn for It. relatives and ' f~ In 'H arrods- proof, he 'polnts out th~~ Urul\Ul1 II ~oover, who Isn't a tor Already It 8tatel: Alabama, Ar· tu one of the tew SoUth AmerIcan counWhen yOU buy anYthing. to higJl heaven for eicer· ir.anaas. Delaware, lllInols, In{fllU)o, burg, Ken city. tries where women. may wear slackt\ 'money go ~s into <l :}Uon d e ... e. cilling the rig~ts of any c!tlzeri, to ex· [owa,'. Malne, Mas&achuse~t8. 'Michl. MJss EDen F1shbaugh; of Middle- without cen.ure. ' , Where, we may Dever know. Maybe, press his views:. they ~ ' bela ~ol' gan, MississippI; 'P ennsylvania, tow~, o.l~ ct Mr. and Mrs. Wi?-yland . ' Not' only do women here have 1he-' all sl)owh above, to equip ,a com,P"ny Dewey . because he -isn ~ keePlr~ Rhode ,I sland, Wisconsin and, ' W,. Joroon, Of CIncinnati. we~ recent right to. vote, hut they likeWise enjoy of American Jillngers march.iJ).g up a fajth with ~e people of New YorK' oming have endorsed the" move by ' by not staYlllg on the jcb, forgetting . ~ visitors of the Jordon famlly. , a II (he civic ,and sdclal rights of railroad' somc\vhere on the Medit(l1". Roosevelt was a Governor and cam· act of leglslllt';'U. SUcli!, Constltu; ¥t.nrl ~Dd Walker . Ten:y, w~ men, In !pit . lOci ai, political .nd ' ranean. Whether they come bac1$: deljIaigned for the 'Vlee - presidency tlonal Amendrilent would brlngasev- bwrlneSa visHoi's in' Wllmitlgton, professional' world. Uruguayan wompend. u.pon the equipment we send. -en are eUglble for all eJecl\Ve , nd years ago and then ,they'll even bring era.11ncldentaJ benefits to ~aUonal :JY Ollt the Boy Scout chaflre on Dewev. prosperity besides setting up a .afe- :tnrlday. Give your dollars action: appointive o~ce~ In f.ederal, provinMore' War Bonds. , -----..,.....-..:... . - . - - - - - guar~ against the tranner ~f, pd.' Mr. ~and Mrs. Mt~er YVllliop, of cial and municipal government, InU, S, Ttm'wry D'P." nttn' lhaye attended a numbel' of meet- vats property into pU,bUe handa b1 Da:vwn , were Sundayafternoon call- cludj~g that of president · of republic. ' 1J)gs called for tlJie, purpose Of dis- the tax route. ',' ' r , ' ells of Miss Jessie Garner, and latel' cussing cooununlty poet-war plans. Let IJIcentlve Live . ATHLETES FOOT GERM : Some have 'been lI.ddr~ bi 80 call Only recently UU. column told made a call at the hO,m e of MrlI~ ...- - - - : : - - - - - ' - - - - : . . . . H 'J: Km It experts and others have been con an aged man of means declin~' 'E lla Ferris.. , N,~TlOJ To CONTRACl'QRS ~\! ~ , , ' in to ftnance a promising home en· Mr. and Mrs. , Jomes ~cDonald , S"IlATE OF omo The Ilcnn growS deeply. TC? Idll it, ducted by l~l talent. each In- ter»rlse bec!luse the biggest posBlb!e and .children enjoyed a 'P1cnlc BatDEPAR~ OF RIQUWAY$ you must teiIclllt.lAt any drug store, stance many pla1!lS were discussed. ret';lrn ~a1te.r taxes) on hfa inve.tdo.y nt WaynesvWe whtch was . Columbu., Oblo, '1111 a i' ~IM of ihean were practicle, but ment' cOuld not 'justify the riska in· . I ' ' .. ' . Enllb ., eer 01 ~ .. _ I Cop" get Tre-al solution. Made . ..... tb 90 IW, IDost of .t;b:em were not. I felt as I volved, 'although' 'the risks seemed g ven by' the " S~ Al!8'UStine phurcb ....... iI per cent. p.lcohol, It PEN'fRt\Tm. ' ~ small wiih'Out a chance for final1. people. ' No, "-~ ~0ItiES MORE GERMS. Feel It listened to ~~tEl~ tbe Var1ore'; cia! Improvement, olli men \vill not ' An amustDg lltt)e card was ~ PRapE ~ t a. k e 11 old. A P PLY F U [, L· ~ha e p ~ere me risk their saving~,. nor, wlU young celved Il\St week yOur co~n- , Sealed proPosals will be received S'mEN0'I1H tor !Itchy, s\,/eal;y or ' mentioned to\, ~ : forgot,!lCn. men contribute ' theu time, enel'gy dent with the picture of two tinY at tbe ' o~f~ce of the· sti.~ Hlgh~ j smelly teet. 360 today afWa neavine the pieetlnlg atijourned. COn- and Ingen'UJty. Tax ratea like 85c bQbf ho look 1 alit _.... . tHree ,. tor of OhiO, at Oq1~bua, Ohio, -, - ,- tb.e .natull'e ot man'" of t,he 00 the doUar paralyze progres8.' as "If , ed exact y e. 6WM' ' y Drug S' tore. ~ '''.,~~'" I . thlnk' it just 9.,8 ,well th&t Opportunities ' to make a I profl~ .Ing In a boWl' wn:h Ilbe ~ ...,ce- ' :'lltll 10:00 A: M., "Ohio Standard "'~i 'for' gatte~- ..... _ start 'new Industries and keep old · m ent 'that a ,double portion of sweet ~me; Tuesda;, AUgUst 22, for should «It: ·""_3 ,;.: neat! had arrived m; , YO)Plg&, . town, ~\temenbi in: " , no , r l2al goOd: ...Most ot onel go Ing. Th e Unit • , ed states.. 1&(:,cornpll1Sh lure ot,an employment problem af~ when twin 110111" :POna(d ~er.Woocl " Warreq 'OoUJitYI OhIo;' on SeCtion . them , n" ~~edan?uectpon .bY ~to~~ Wan " ~do er the war,. uDle.. industry is freed ' 6D\i nave Wal';Wick W~e ~ to 0 , of- :t.be ~cliester·Blan"Jea~ ..... e ""'" "...... .from the ball·and·chain efte!lt at~. ..... ; " ld · ' ~ JfGad , State Highway N " ~5$ S ~ who feJt ,that it :-" n~!!6IlrY ~t iatJng taxea. I' , ' - - . and MrI!. DoJl!l Prather. MrlI. ' , O. I tate "'''"...... tbey say soinetbi~;, . ,:, - "The real remId7' for unemplO1' Pl'o~~ is ,~he el~er daughter Of Mt., HDute No. l~, .~ Salem and ~~il ~:"'~:':'iiiiii_iiiiii.iiiiii_iiiiij~ ' 1 ment II the C~t10D and maJiJte- and, Mrs. H~~ Sherwood war- Townships. by.- e,ppl,ying 'a bltuJnbj.~ nane. of ""ork op~rtun1t1e. fo~ wick. of JOUJl88towii; :' olia tl'f)atmeh~tem ~-82. workln g ,?,1en ,an. womeD in ,~rlvate , W. Prather Is In the ser.vice over' Pavemen~ ; \\!idMl ,18 feet ,' indus~. Who I.id that? None 'oth· Be ' , ' . tLel\rth 40,B66 ~ It ·er than .Matth.e w w.oll, w~ he W/il , as. " .' " :. " . . _ ,,' ee or vlce·presid~t of the American Fed. Mr. · ~d. Mrs. Dl'urtltnond Of near , . ,~es', . cratlon of Labor. He wa. dead right Harveysburg, were ~dli.y dinner Estimated , cos,t ;; •.. ,•. : .18,187.10 OB~ ,11SE too. ',' .. gues~ of ~. I\Ild Mrs. Luclua Pre- . 06~tl'act to' ·1le ~l~ not later. " . , . mer, In Oregonia.. . ~an October 15, f.J9K . ., The War !Food ~ra~on II Mr. aDd Mrs. Jentz Of C1nelnn~ 'nIe min~wn wage be pa.!d. ~ plaJlIllng on ask.1ng turkey ~uo- ' ;atl. Wete ' SUnd4y a.f~oon ' i:aitera labor eQrployed ' on' ,thlli:, contrict ' . be in accor""~c ' with" ,e ra for 50,000,000 po~ of ·tWbY f Mr and u_ 'Gear ' I G\lIa.i'1mteell·· for the armed forces this lear. ~ " ..... a. , ge PlYJD1re. ' , .' " ~ e: ., ~ . 'MaIn eM. ]JeD'" O. , ' ot ~evaw:ng~ .HoQrIf ' •
[.6st year our little girl visitor had the tbr111 of going in and bringing them out, but this year our llttle boy viSitor lett Just too soon. We turea tIact. will ha.ve to borrow one of the neigh. The boy. came over this evening bors ch1ldren or enlarge ,t he hole. 6DCl worked VerY~ard flxlDg a pen Saturday. Gra.n ge night and tlUs hID, ,which to load thOlle pigs for time I managed to get there. I am their one way trip to OinclnnatL I still dlsg\llted that I missed the pichope it w1l1 work as pli.nned. n1c ,because I didn't see the notice , 1Jb~. The truck arilved 1n the paper. There waa a contest brtaht anc1 early 101' the hj)gS, 'but on o~tmeal Cooldes. All the samples ottley knew somelb1ng was In the I ate were so goOd that I was gla.d I W1nc1. Wben we gave them some didn't have to be Do judge. oom ·whUe 'We set up the loa.d1ng Ita I came up the street, I heatd chute. Instead of eann. It quJet1y, two vo1cee from the dark . The f1~t as usual" they each grabbed an ear said; "That will be' the sign of the and 'Went out ~Ouih the side qf beart". Tbe other answered, '"In the the pen. Hamby looked at them' dls- dark of the moon too" . I didn' t hear gustedJ1 and said that. when we had 'What they were plot.tlng, but. prot>them In a place where he could ably ~oth).ng more dire lJlan deadload them he would come back but ening some ~ees. or kllling the be didn't have any time ch8Iie- tbJaUea. We are puttlng on roofing COlli today. So the five raacala are In the Ugbt of the moon, iWill the etlll with us. ' natla rise up? Our carpenter says As if we didn't have enough the nails are too short and · that trouble with ,real hogs we ,a.re hav- they WID come out anyway, 80 bbat Ing .trouble with , thOle ao-ealled may not be a fair test. ~a, groUnd hoga or wood chucks. Monday. Cloudy but no more rain lIarriiota · Monas, 'the Ohlo Farmer The low cement t1oot .andmanger in \ens us, Ia the proper name. Th~ Ute cow &tab~ at Penn1rigtpns Is beare eating oUr yol1l1g' corn and I.t Ia 1ng poUred. They were Just ready to Just poI1b1e that they did ' IIOme of POUr the manger and they ran out ,the melqn eating: They' did eat some Of travel. I sent a quick ciill to the 8qUUh because the tooth marks men ' who had hauleQ it. His truck Iftre lmall. too ,unall for the flve had broken dowp. However h \l ~t lot the blam'e. found I19me one else aIld the gravel The black hen haa had ,some of lWtl8 there ,lwbeu he needed it. Nothcreclit [or saving her chicks that ing like ha~ng fnends who w:1ll Iboulcl: have gone 8lseW ere. I look- help out in a pinch. eel out this evening to the place The summer Is going fast. August where ~ white gobbler ' has been will soon be gone: The storc.~ l\l'B al· ~ and. wondering whalt on ready shOWing ·s.:.hool lllothCli, and earth &bat black spot was' on hJs w: minds are"tm ": g to-.','QIl"ds get,. back. I went out to lIee and it was tlng read for winter, 1 hey bto\lgh~ one 0'( the black 'chlcks. Aa I w&tch- l."'art Of our coal the otller ·day. We ed, anottler came' along and settled «lPn to feel· that the w ~r is Illmost down on b~te'6 back 'and an- oveJ', but we mu~t lI ~ L fool o\U:;clves other , ~Uftled u., bea1de ' hlm. Bet tnto letting . up on cur errQ, ts tOo looked a , little lurpl1lled and as he soon or we wi I delay tbc cud. Dcn'tturitea ~ I till was \~ stop buying war bon~. Buy two \nina to· cbaae them:, a.way, but ,nOWi stead of one and b~'l'Y ~hlhg8 along. he JUlt . .ve them a look and let them staY. No ~ of Buzy all day. , ,PR1DAV. <J,ust as I thought. SuQ ~- a family under the kItchen , !IPllc 8¢oItey l began to .bark and. Came and tolll me' to come ,anc;l see, "
Dltered ~ Becolld ~ Mall Matter, at ,Poatolflce. Waynesv1lle. Ohio
Walter W. Wiseman. Editor and P~bUsher
Plani~ss"' Planners
Gra)' " ,Hair
, NOW, WlTH messy.. hard to use dye. ' ',' 'Not, a slo'w wo~kiJlg vitamin.. but c()lorl:~ , ' app!licatio~ rc- . liquid. that will in a few, simple' ' store gray and streaked hair to ,a ural color or your money back, , , Not
., a
Tarks Swing- Glo· s~r ',to ALLies· , As Nazi' Lines Continu,e to Sag; ! Rlentiful' Food Supplies Seen
AGR1CUI:.TURE: Potato Crop. Suffers
10. 11M.
I.\)n ger Goo d Care Mak es Bedding Last , .
, . .' BEDD ING Is too scarce to ha ndle With the prolon, ed drouth affectcareless ly these wa rtime days, at.: northee the In crop po~to In, the civiJi an supplies at sheets, ce sin 1n d expecte ement and Imall Improv blan1<ets, ma ttressos nnd pillows certain secton even wJW raInfall , have becD cut to meet military OPA granted growers an Increas e needs. But beds OlIn still be comre" bring to bushel ot 90 cent. a nnd n~at looking If given fortnble turns from $a.SO to $3.611 per bundred . good care, Moe .F err ls pOint s out . Rt!l...ed b, W....m If,wlPlp er VIIlOll, , • pounde. a .. til••• ·.. ' ....Ii " ........ ... In tbe R ur(\1 aome Section ot na• (IIID,TOB '!! NOTEI . Who .. "plllle" •• r ....... ' .~ W •••'!'.p.por. ) , With the drouth general, potato .' W"'If" N.".p.p ., 1l,,,laD" D'''I •• aI, ... _ ... M .ID ....... clrcu ia ted Copper 's F ar mer. tionally produc\ lon in the 10uUlea st a1 ~0 was her advice on how ManiIs Here reported to bave Buffered, and Dad and the Kids can cooperma, york New crops In Ob.lo, western ste : The War and Long Island were said to be "Pillow fights mny be fun, but off 40 to 50 per cent. Qelpite r~cent Quiveri ng under the asllault of AI· feathers are Bcarce. The governto lipread ly reported rains, doml\ge Ued forcell, German Un.e l buckled weaken the flberl and make abeeta Indiana , nunol., MI5IIouri and and lave aU alon, tho perime ter of more prone to wear \bin Ind te.... . Kansall. . l Fortrel ng AdoU HItler'. ' crumbli "Sitting on the side 01 the bed Europe: breaks down the mattro. e olde $ Lamb Fewer ar· and = In France, U. S. tanklr walls, to lOY notbln. or-the outalde High IlwirUng Inowdri fts, shortag e mored columns spearne aded a coil I In spring unit.. The chair or wild and of sbeep herders , wolvea break from the narrow neck of the stool at the side of the .bed 11 for dogs were among the tactorl conCher~ur8 peninsu la Into the open putting on shoe.. The metal to be lambl of toll heavy a to , trlbutln country of Brittany to tile 10Uth. Photo Court~., Ball Bro•• Co. for etvWan beddln , wa. cut used dures g ran' and ewes on the western chuJng leven enemy divlsloDl In 11 s tomatoe anned home-c ot loss Let there be no d()ubt about It, Ing the last season, with estimat es th.e lr drive . and bagging upward . of bethot only '18 lambs of every' 100 wmece slary at any time a nd inexcus able In war-time, unneces sary 30,000 prllone rs. WhIle the U. 8, packng, prepari g, selectin in ss relessne ca by caused Is d. cause .pollage ewes surVive forces smollhed Into Brittan y 00 the manuta cturer' s instr uction. Popular since sheep raisers be gan Ing, and cannln~, or by , not follow the western end of the 100 Dilli' wasting t ood is wicked. because able Inexcus caps, and jars InUBin, for eatty animalS up the morketl ng Trench front, BriUsh troop II too)c . Service Home ugh, K.lmbro three Glady. IItead of waiting for two or the assault on the ealtem dank and m enl has dura tion claim on aU good r (or BaU arother s Company,. mouth 01 the jar. Aller two or three Directo peomany when y Awel ' formerl the a. As years . forward pounded ones such os goose. and duck. Ma ry to put up tom atoes are In the jar, press them cannerll home advuel 8avor, mutton the leav, disliked ple spoon until ond J ohn are old enough to unde r. fought Into 'the open country genqy with a woodenjuice the ftlls thIs their and supply crack lambll will be In smaller In, the tllll, thick hed,ero ws and large quantiti es of toma toes ond ex- they e skin- stand tha t beds ore made to sleep 1eor thpn lalt. peaked hJlla beblnd them, th~ were plains how failures carrbe avoided. space between them. Continu cnn r omp elsewhere. how,- "First of all, use jnrs that were nlng, packing, and pressing the to- In. They In position to bring the lull force of Guam -Marin o Ca~t~ ?aul , Despite the big death 108s, "Don't keep the wr inger runnlnR use and . conning home for ent d made their mobUe, armore d eqUipm jar Is BlIed to within S. O'NealL ..BrJgh ton, MO.':a ..and ever, western r anges were expecte lf distract ed. s tIut It off before at· ng to the simple step- matoes untillhe top, then add one or Into. pray and 11ug It out wIth the Milton F. 'l'nompIIOD, Upper ,Mont- to market ()oVer haH of the n\ltlon'. them 'accordl one Inch of the tenciJng to Juniol"s nose or answe r. year. \ by the two tea spoons 8alt, and close the foe. "y-step1 nstrucU ons furnishe dcast·o!!s olair•. N. J., replant Old qlory on lamb. in the coming crop Ing the telephone- then sheets have manufa cturer-c ommel7 clal M German comme ntator. empba. recaptu red Guam. no cbance to get twisted. Ca re. Get jar accordi ng to the manuta cturer'. run. long the In ve expeDil re a Instructions. cnn add m onths !rom SOO thousan d to SO thouean d Ilzed the Russian numeric al .uperlyoU have fui la unde rin g Proudly They Serve the jare ond caps ready before pre- . "Work quickly until of your linens. Strong tons JDsl1ea r. What we have muee life the to orlly on the eastern front Ilnee the enough Jars packed to flll the cnnparing the tomatoe s. l oaps and excessive bleache s will last:' AWed invasion of the west ' bad New Strike ner, then put them in the cahner canath water-b many of your n get diversio the "Next, the joined YannI! A. necellii tated Tbelml When Adm. under torce. 8. U. With l:1e water to boiling division s to that batUe-aector, \be Che.ter Nimitz ft~tIn, through WAC In Phil.delphl.. Pa .. IIbe became ner ready. Any deep kettle, lard slowly. Bring possible . When bubRed avalanc he rumbled further Japan'. ltuler, ring 01 fortifica tion. the 19th member of the 'Imlly to el;lter can, metal bucket or pall, or wash as q .. lckly lIS lernee. Five brothen hne been killed bbller will do lf it hae. a cover and bles are dancing all over the top IIOrth and welltward, threaten ing' to In letlon In ledor. ,varyini 'rom B.'lln aometh.1n, to keep the Jare fr{)m of the water. begin countln g cannln, enemy the ot mile. Baltic 1,500 , the In wlthJn Na~ll cut off 800,000 Ando• to 'troop. . an Americ other nd,' bomela g the bottom. j~ home-m ade or process ing time and lower the • tatel and enguUlng the old poll.h avenel. Ire Mrs. Kathleen touchin Servlnl! Mac· l Genera heat. Keep the water bolUng steadthe serve ill w rack wooden or capital of Warsllw, Already baU-way to the louth under' wire to the ' Younl McBride, wbo i. drlvln, an lin. latler purpose. The water In the lIy but quietly for forty-five minutes , acro.. prewar Poland, the RUillan Arthur' . comma nd jumped butlnee In Great Brltlln' Mrs, Eilren GUInea New of corne~ eit the jars out and set them 'nortbw far of drive had come within 150 mile. ; En. canner must be llteamln g (not boll- then takeInchel apart and out of a to threaten the foe'. fIr.t-Une de- YOUDjIt Gall.Rher, Britl.h \VRENS ieveral Into lowered arE~ Jars the wben .lng) nursea nl"Y OliO, cooL to draft f.enae. guardin g the rich treuure . ,1111 Vlrlinll Younl! rotate the cover to enou,h . deep . and It, Paul ,Young, . ' . COrpl; Phlrmle l"'1 ot the Indie. region. "Thll II k.nown al the cold pack Firel topa of the jar. one or' more Inches. By hopplJlg up the New Gulnea. au I ·holpltal .hip In the 'Pncifie; and Rives a canned product method fresh, New garden· In own, r g. marine e \ocally Youn!!, '''Use 'Cprdon Ll the coa.t ·to the northwe at tip, r navor, but the tomatoe s superio of every ~,.Iy; e In . Examin YQunl! . . s Alden tomatoe Pvl Americ an troope by-pall ed the Culnea; end PhiUlp YOUD!! Wllh e red-ripe a gOod bit In cookin, shrink to tend spots small g WiUlem 000 men at DIVY eonl tmc,lon blttlllon In leellnd. tomato. ' Those havin. there I. usually some waste and set be enemy gameon of III, may crack:s r weathe raw' or M.'e Edwin Younl! In object lI/IanokWarl, purauln l General Mac- Ind Mublnh t', an. aside to use In cbID lIauce but ahould apace In the Jarl!. If you Jar of amount Atthilr' l polloy of landin, on the 'be M.edlterr.ne small a wasting to the Wash , ctlnhlng In thle eou"lry are Flrl' Lt. Anne not be used for flank. of J",pane le ttrongb oldl an4 are ,pace, you 'sbould select and prethey befolre clean s to~tOe .. Franc LL WAC. iaolatln , their detende ra from neigh. Younl .BII'Ilflt. skinnin g and Icald pare the tomatQea a. suggest ed, YOUnl! Crl'Vfcird, WAVE; Sill. Nyc! Icalded for ' • borinl lln~. to flil two quart then cook them In a covered pan time a at Yeomen enough ·A. Gen.,~ ~ac:Arthur'l torcel _ Younl! Cooper, m.rln~ end until they a~e bolli"g hot before puf.. jars and DO more. cured' the whole norther n coalt of Di• .,. Younl! ,Cen'en lro, SPAR. one-hal f to tlng them Into clean hot Jora for frCllm \Ike. g ;~caldln ' at bollln, Gulnea aha ' 'approac hed to Ne one minute and the I~ashist way Ii procell ln, fifteen minutes v W1t1iJn 800 mUe. of the PhWpp lnel, canner. bath water a In of c~nter the In s to put the tomatoe Admira l NimitZ' s naval and ground Medical Weap on "'Although the water bath Is the a Iql\are of chees.e cloth, then gathllce, against applied when Deadly of t conques preferre d method, cold packed tounlll preased their corners four its by cloth the up er Insectic ide may b" procellsed In a steam G",am to the north with over 8,000 81es and fleal, the new Into use Bnd ..]ower the tomatoe s Into ' a ket- mataes cooker for ten minutes at Qf the .enl!my '. ,defend er. counted DDT wlll .soon be brought pre8lur e own 10ur Suit water. boiling of tie Is best to a,aln.t the malaTia bearing mo•• dead lIt the U. 8. drive. pleasur e apout dipping the scalded flve pounds pressur e. It quito plaguin g U. S. llghUn, .roen tomatoe s Into cold wZlter. They are forget about the old-fashioned open Norma l)dy-B azOok a team· dl· overae.., Maj. .G en. Norman T. a bit more comlorta~ile to bondle It kettle method , but If you must use rects fire at entrenc hed enemy dul'KIrk. the army'. eurgeon -genera l, cold dipped . . Cut aU the core imd It, rememb er to work at the lltove in,heav y ft,htln. In l1,htnln l U. S. Even Balanee Il . caps, lids, """advan ce. announced. ' fresh of . auppUe Iar,er Bec:iauae of any healed wea ther cracks out of a 10 that everyth ing-Jar s, kept bollbe n food-ca and , enell rubbers ree1Jecttv s skin, DDT' Impress ed by cereab, tomato, then slip olf the ,germa ny proper, \Vith the Nazi. trY. truitl and ve,etab lel ' i1Dd every jar !tiled .and and o hot lng epldeml typhul blossom a the , at spot checkln black In the hln, move approac l:ie durmg1 ing to, .tablllze the salling . tront roocl time. rel!ltlve ly spread by body lIce In Naples, Italy. end and anI' green or white spot. sealed in double quick !llong' the lower Vlstula river, where fall and winter will be !e. of at ' Iast winter, and ita quick acUon tomatoe s In g .cannln risk "Don't olf. III skin the that may lliow after the Reds pressed to expand their plent1fQl deepltA decree! the aDd do, plepse, rememb er inlects, oven an against hot clean eprayed a Into when S. tomato U. the the "Drop meat., In cent per 8 leae' bridgeh eads. pre.occu patlon II In jar. Cut It Into two lOr 'more piece. that trick method s lIuch os the 'blan. departm ent of agricult ure reported . army'. prllent . l for aJ;lplying the' method ing develop ents. requirem war lar,e Delplte to 1110 through the ket' are likely' to trick you." In. Italy" 8ve German ' divilion . malllria bear. U It 11 too large the a,alnst l chemica were . demand food laid. USDA the Allled the Item to y viciousl . fougtlt braakiJ i, In, moequlto. opproao h 't o the vaunted "Gothic / beln, ~et b the reeordA.ocording to Dorot hy Ddx, the Rese~rch Work ers Delve Line" below the. faro.e d art center DDT 1. the Ibo~ed form for the ist, the first money so.me cU.' column dichloro of Florenc e, whUe farther to the Jaw. breakin g . term Into Plant Produ ction AUhoq ll proc1ucUo.. ., lanD •.. _ . ly withnave of their own Is their we.t, the enemy reported ever whOae Unlver. ot the wives one at , oethane workers h trlohlol' Researc nhenyl.e .._ '_ macblDel'1 _ __ .. d .01' .... IarPua . bydrate chloraldrew from the historic city 01, ._. insuran ce money. entlla d's an hllBban conatltu ...., iI~- Iity of Wisconsin have achJeve . . . . . I' thai m ....... UJe Wal' ~1icUa ~ter an " to the mounta ins above the mw..cl· toward .,tep forward nt importa The bodY of t he late WUJ Roger~,1 The n.1Sh baC~ to the ' land boIll'cl'o oyeraO ·pro.... .. ro'of thE! a,e-old riddle agree with the discerni ng edianding' We paUl;y. AI the two armlet loCked In underst the be will d predicte ., Ia it war he t d returne bebbH1 t ' a.nd actor, was malDed n.1I per ami combat about the "Gothic LIne,': the of photosy nthesis, the process plants tor or one of our exchang es who humorIs " 65e3 Progre ial Di8po entertaren Ia Pear _atao wUh history. e. in t ache4al greates placed enemy, the energy recently .from Ca1\Cornla and . adventa ,e sUll lay ~Ith . With e.Um.t el that from SO to employ to harness tile Sun'l diox· notes that many ot. the modern a harmfU l riveD a.,tIIer ac1dUIODalmoDth .. lebtrenc lled on the mounta inoul terbullding starch ftom carbon In beside the Will Rogers ' 'm emorlal . talned that there wUl be lutplul at worth ooU!, see S dollare fe.rmeri billion the 100 ' like make lip .... detIG1t. . novels, rain and meklng full uee of the rocky water_ and 'lde e o . th prlc~ after land aUable In , av be jbo,om ' . . ,oada 'would til museum at Claremo re. Okla . be treated for smut. upon The workers ' ac(!ompllshed the height. to ,pour . artillery fire act....... . h Can'. ac1llltlu. mUl III beeD war, ,overnm ent a otltlel already, ptev.loqsly unheard-of feat of sep•he advanci ng U. S., Brltla... W baye Of" have develop ed plana for dlaPOSID It to ftDIaf4 prlida"U oa II ....., the two proc· ..dJan, French and Indian troop. of the materia l Without thtowJn, the .a.ratlni experim entally ....... __ and oxygen en,a,ed thE~sis force. phOtosyn of ellel m~g up the Allied 1'1 •• ~ AI: m........trpea. .. wbole ecO!)omJc macllln e out ot In .."ctlon. e aDd lDc1a41 q behJJHJ o.1IClh"~ .. produc\ lon, which Ellantl carry on - .. . . THE OLD JUDGE SAYS'•• ~ ." ,ear. BIIIaO cOiDblaH. cora Plcker e." of n contullo CY·. the to eoUily ' 'DIP Ilmultan dol. mWon 400 . With more .than ...... ba"~, ,.Ulat plcken . atora 'a ttemp·U'ng to trace the ian', worth oflurpl u. goode already Inveltlg .'' _ 1 1 - IUICl ...., balen. .. ' : ' eteps Involved. -.0·... ,i!-..J G . -_... ... .. Intor., Wal' '... 01 Oftlce the of, d run 4lspose n., . th '" the experim ental volume matioo laid. planl caU ' lor .eUln~ , Ullng algae ' 811 II the war was goJn. Swell for e farm product ion, with llK1 in bacterlo lo,lstl Wiscons the plant.. bid. ,ealed th!.0u~ l 38 Per cent .above the 111311-'5 level, IUcb materia eld 'him"wei AWe. ' on the bawe6th of luppUed the cells with belUllldehyde cent· per 'Iii about at auctlona and above cent per II output IIKt deprlv. In, equally well In e Ith mTurerkn, y ' lind co.i to ~.coura,e ~eciilatori, and and IJght, at tbe same time .. e dioxide. The.,. diploma tic ranke, wi carboni of them In. lInaU In le a.,valJab gOOdI the making telatlon e with la i.~=~ ~e.t p~uc~on II 'Il(. breaJdn g \ oft au prov~. that under such cOTldltions f high Of loti for llttle bualnell l men. al~n, oxygenGermaW short °R ~a:t;~ Pf~!!' . pected to reach the' all.tlme the cella produced -from ent . g'ov. of dOll'ara billion One f.. g th the benwith benzyl alcohol an . .... ,.. ... bill pound I tb1e year, e rea ........ y ~re.ldent Rllto on , big over hla Omce to popular hou.ing a'.'o will be. declare d zaldehy de, and furth~rriore that aUonof~~e~aerarke.ted durJng the jiefenae wal laid, ' ,ear-old M. llrahal Baro.n GUilay ':!..~hrtt IUllllus Ifter the' war, It be ... " ...... offered the latter did not .e.rve a. a source and individu al unlta vim . . • .Kanner heim. tory. bide for of carbon dioxide. lR,tlsfac It ly .eparate indicate dI that alao .._ Itudy Thla , I;lleppled to elt .oo the f~nce . ancl ~Ift th f t ta j . ." " . · whole pro ec are no or c:v.......~. photoay nthella can "'" carr ed on cnncess. lone to whatev er eld. '-ake 000.' verBell. • .... go N' , 000• to 'be gaining the uPP81' ed ,appear with neither carbon dioxide nor wa. " In ,the ALIENS: hand on the batllefield, TUrkc!,l . . Or lillDOIt ' I~,OOO:OOO men tar attache d to the chlorophyll com. 1. June on tupture of aU commer cial and poUt-- ' arm, and navy service . overeea• . Number Decreases plex at 'the lnatant light Is abeorbed. IClIl' relatlon s with ' German ,.' Ind!- nearly 8,000,000 were.' OIl 'lbUi there II some unknown llnk . naturaU Becauie ot an Inerea. e In depancated the grOVllng IUCCCII of Allied ·dut,.. the war and navy between the absc.rpl lon of l1~ht hI~ y r~tlvel .a lngs, proceed Dtion tlal IUbet8n arml; ' 'O rlly after th.e Alli~e had, menta annoutlced, with. ~er.,. .and Ita use In photolyntheilil. a~. their from g result1p rate, the end death "_~_ _....,.--_ _ _ _ __ promllC d to furnish .. proteet lv. · lncrea. e. 'p!'e!iIcted befo~e _";; ~ down .lharp a aDd a,e, ' vanced aerial, covj!r ogolnat poe.tbl , ~r- . of the Jear: OM,pr edicts a 'serious beef short-' Of 7,700,000. 'In. the army. more In lmmlar atlon, the huinb~r, 01 aU~. ,man bombin g. did .the Turks make ahead. It. meetlng of ' the headl qe o ~.too,qo tp d . ·thla "qoo,~ , were over.eB l, with ~ thli u. ~. WAS .reduce '. '. the ·bre!!K. paeJr.ers and produce r'S reprea. . year. \ble of, ~. J~e by II,~,~ •• pa . ~ . Alway. ;for Flnlan~ 1It.t,· ~Ir~ the . total ~c~ ' 1f~ called In Chlat.go rethe iD allen. &,000,000 'f'ere 'lbete I he navy Mannu helm took over the liOlJucaf bJ ~emJ)... 81 • . Of. .t ~ dlacuaa 1t .. m , .. cleerea b" the O! ' l,aee,OOO were ~" $. ~ore • ~ ", . t~lri. qf 'h ls country foll~ U· ItreD~ of 3,;&DO,OO . aylD ~ 1:IDde'rw t 11~. n~ben their 900, with .4uty~ lol'8ll,b Pn ) .' p t e.ident ~ytl'iI , eftort to .~old ~. , ~~~m,' apple orch&rd a rent ' of .000ers l&a·1 .n~tural r pea.do ~.~e the, In traDlU Or tr~ fDr With I tiny' n~ ti,?n In line behind ~ . 0 * 000 lJlen .a~ trem ' " to ttl a <bees of s colonIe Uon let durtn. the ye~r , . bloomin g Se&IOn declara tlon to lt1ck the ",al' out 1y1tb ; e~tiat. cotom' "urtng : , cltluDa ts5,~ with .Jun~ ot problem huge ~. . . ". Germal l7, , Jaeeau" F~@Jld'''' ,a&l~ . JDdlca~" oI. u with keeping the ad. ~ 10,000 onl7' With Ini faith lD his Jlatrloti.~· would Oil· ausiPJ7 conneew th~ trees. Only ,~, apple 1fCIIt'.~ dl,U'lD& . cauntt,. the Into mJu.d chlete aJ1ll1 field, {able IWb to welA;l .all taction,. itQ- leiVkn III the proptlrly ·ferW1ze the of iUp; 12 month Perlo4. endlnl 1..~ June, era D)'~ ' can . leUt,r. Mo.cow la re.,arted ~ to IIDII . ~.alld that _,000,000 toIII " crop. U. l7 ev ,. one iUm c~e , m' tot' e of th8afcobol . a him accepta ble al .belll of a puce pUn ba~ &,en ., ,wpped 9Ver"a piop1e re'a11Ie '
,,"feD ..
Be,.....'" 18--'
' LO' MA
n· -
U. S. SERVICES: ' 0 6
.p.rpzn ent.
1In'tt, P~l ~boI"
I1Ippl1i1 ~ are being UIed right thiI minute f,O ~
~ufted to:tpak a
combat infection ud·1e ft
dfetJ ::: liVee, iI-produced by the induStry; For nearly tW9 ~ thislD industry baa been worlr,lPi_~t IDd dar' prod~clng nothin , bat alcobo l for &be , government's program." , "Nobo dy)mo n better thaD I, JUlIa what an Im~t cOOtributloD to oar,. ~ effort !bat haI~" ....
''I'IIt1B8BAY, AUaU8'I' 10,
SodiUJIl , ,FERRY Effe~tive A,iainst Itoaclies ';1 ..... JlnrleU. '~I~
From 'fhe' ,MiafJ!li 'Qazette Files
~_~I ~'_I
Corrd ...t
SO(\fum 6uol'1de hDS ,been , recOm· Mr:s. ' Jennie TIloinaS a~nd 'Mr. &nil ~lr!II • . '" IlIluUI ,,~ ·urr."llo ••e.t mende4' ,to, coc,k~~lnch c "trot ~or Mr. H . Ch'nho.m.t spent lll&t lweek year. 81ld !s still :the rnO~ 1 Mr. ,anti Mrs. Horner HaIneS a.nd 1) \.hi we- k at. Ulk'e Jam . cs. Angola, In-, Mrs. Jrunes M. Chenoweth Is reM)'s. G , race ' MIfC\l1le ot~.Llina, / \has U":IA("I~'" material !)va able .or s f~mlly of pen:r,.Reeve$vUle were ,at , . ' J .. ,... ' M' U ev cUann. attended the Weew Of cove\1ng slowlY. ,from Injuries suf- purcllnsed the Davis bomest.elld on ays, ,1\....,'ron ax we " ",' churob 'Sunday and were dinner fUi'ed tb\'ee weeks ago 'in a rail. lower Mn.iJl , street.. tension en~omo)ogl!~t Dt , North Caro- MlssionaHes. t\iest .. of l'lrs': Ella lJa.tnes. dna S~ate 'oollege. ., ' ' Mrs. 'Owen S till and daugbter 'I" mall sack' -t;hrOwn of No. Bom.:...rro Ml' : nnd Mrs. EnniS ~e e1Jectivenesll of the sodl,u m ' Rebecca, of PAeoIilx; ~na, spen~ , Mr. Bnd Mrs. Warrl?ll ,Brapdoclt 6 Monda.y mon11ng waS caught un~ Thompson, JUly 20: Ii. son, ' Dli'l ft~oride treatment depends Vpoo the ~a.turday nlgllt and, sun~y t t:h e Gnd dau!!'hrel' Betty !lnd Mrs. Jennie der tb.e wheels wiUl ,t he usual re- Thomas. -' . meth04 of appll.~ation. Maxwell ' . ' , ~ '1. . ;Bl'ad,dOC,k . spent Sund!ly everung 6~ts: Wednesday montlng alette~ MIllS t:oUise 'i;tough 1:; spendlllg a recommends tllat the po;'yder be !Ferry parsonage: Mrs. SUll Spoke at July 90 with Raymond Wl10sn and v,'1IS found a half mile up the track , 1::w.. d8.YS 'VIlli her lOi'Ot.her;·Ji'Orrest, <luhsted vther y tlilo,~y ovehr the slirfac,:s the 'motill'rnlng 'servl!ce at the 'Church wife. '" . ' were e coc",r~lac es may run Mrs. S was 0. mer m.l.ssionary , addressed to O. R. Funston. and fam:1Jy. In Dayton. through It. The pefltll lick the mate- ,to Japan. but s1n~ the war she baa ' Mr, a n4 ~s. Rnlelgh Bogan had M th~guellts, SUIld1\Y, Mr. and Mrs A slx monthS ol~ ohlld 'or , Ira Mr. and MrS: Earl McMakin ~d rial whic)\ slicks 1lo their teet and been ~orklng &m~g the Ja Pobst d1ed Wdnesda.y morning ,a nd Iron. Billy: haNe moved !ro~ Detro1t, thu~ they are polsjoned. U the pow, 1 AIl p&n "'~Uom ~m1th and Mlir1lyn Sue. was btirled 'I1hursda.y. Mich,! to tiheLee ~Ylor property on der Is _)eft In plies. the cockroach n Mr oo;~ Mrs. Herman Hart of ' .Mr. and Mrs. D . . E, Brown. of ~muel T. S~dom died a.t his the ~ton plke~ will avoid walking through It" ~ton called on Mr. nnd Mrs. A small garden duster 'mllY be Spring Va.Uey, are announcing the • , J home 1n Turtlecreek townshi,\.> on Dr. aud Mrs. A, T .. W,rlght had ~ used for ' di fi , E applying the so urn uo- birth at an eight pOund boy a.t the Verett Haines Sundllo" aftel'DOOn • Thursday night. tllelr dinner gUests Fridny evening, ride. If n duste!' Is not ovailable, M.lamJ Valley hospital !Mr. Bnd Mrs. Theodore J.f:oIntirl! , The creamery is n ow · an IISSUr~ Mr. and Mrs. WY,lUle Keever Bnd M'axwell recoTilmlends that abol,lt and sons were guests of Mr. and thing. The stock has all been sub- ch11dren of New York. , one-qua'r ter te!lcull.tul 01 powder be ' Mrs. Royer Foreman and IUYW Mrs. Raymond Wilson Thursday scribed and matters are getting In Miss Almie y/ebb ot Springfield placed 'In the center of a piece ot baby daughter came , .home sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. ~nard EllJs" shape for talting some decisive steps. and 'Mrs. EGha.n Orane and childron cloth about 12 by 118 inches. 51ft the from the hOSPital. Mr. Foreman ex- Called on til S da In powder through tlle cloth by , strik- peets to arrive home on furlough em un y even g. The capital stock of the oompa.ny Is 01 Dayton spent Thursday with Mr. Ing with ,a '8t1ck. 'Mr. ' arid Mrs. RaYL1l0nd Burden at present $2500 ot 2& shares. ' and 1\41'S. D. L. 0 1'6ne . Tbe poWder sh,ould be applied llie last of t~ week. and daughters Peggy and B8rhBra rr.he Orthodox ' Frlends sUnday Miss Allce ~ns entertained at her around the baseboards, ullncr the Leaving tor camp at Tar Hollow and Mrs. Same Burnett were enterschool enjoyed a picniC on the 'PJeasant COWltry.' home F11day a.tter- kitchen sink and o:n cabinet shelves. next Monda,Y. are the following; Mr: taJned In the home of Mr. and Mrs. urch und.'! , on. Thursday, n~n, eompllment1ng her house It 18 not efYec\lve when applied to Herbert Gmham, Doris' , a.nll G.T: Wall Ludlow road ea' Xen1 ch wet sUrfaces. The material acta All '"" Albe "'1m ' n 1 a Fred [;OCke's circuS 'Was here on 81le.'jt. Miss Louise rnit.h of Ver- rather slowly but lin about five days ,ce u,omsa. rta... pson, Sunday,. , , iMOnda."v and .. ....._ye two performances sallies. , Sinclair, Floann" many dead cockroaches should be !Louella. 'PnUia. JOlles, Donald Etz, Harrill, Robert ' oM~. Nellic · B ~eII an d Miss ;which' were ,w ell attended. V,emon ~nous, local youth, 1IVit,S fOUlld. ~onl~la Bunnell ~ed on MnI. Wednesday, 'July 18, 1894. a.t 1 recently 1njurect in an auto acoiBrockney. and David DuVall. -Mr.s Raym'oDd Wilson Sunday a!temoon: a doUble weddlng occurred a,t d min Florldl1. Three negroes were Mrs. Cw'ence Etz and Mrs. RankM1:: ~bert 'Wll$on of Troy,' Ohio. .. Ill £1 C'are "'''eeded ' l 'n PlantJ'ng in Llndville are -iIlg a, long as coo , Its. A._II ed on 1'el-"'v~ here ctunday 1 the home of John and Oharlot~ Ed- ~ed 6nd ve wlllte perSOl>8 were 1'4 .. ~....... ..'" "" .,. <
"'l'l"TEEN nAR A~O .
:, '
, Services
_ (July ' 31, 1929) , --
WELDING . SALB-Picnlc ~ppl1ea~ inducllDa" paper Plates,': cold cmJI napktna, etA AIao 'Jdtdien towels, wax pa.pel', tu,kig ~p8 and tone~ tla-
~. ,
1!1 me aecJde'nt. The old gr14t mill at Springbor() IVas cOO'lplety dest.ro,YetI by tire on
'thursday evening. 'rhe W. C. T. U. w11l llleet at tJle home ol Mrs. W. O. Raper Tuesony. IWal~ EllzL;y, a clerk In the D. R.
Smith grocery l8 lrud up with a badL)' ' spra11led baok BUnere<! while at 'Wol'k last week, i'4I'S. Loren U"dley and da.ughter ...., ot Bella.il'e, are, visiting Mrs. Ruth J ahney ' and ~lj.gbtCr, Louella, ""''''e Hurley family' reu~....lon w'as .l.U held at Ute home of Mr. .and Mrs: !RObert Furna.s sunday. '
Acetylene or electric. ,Bee' Bill Otndart Road, R. 3, Wayn~vUle.
1Iie'. Oti8ette
, Mr/? O. M, RobltZc1', Mrs. ~. D. ' Marlatb, MrS. Walt(l1' MCClure, Miss,e$ Bea.tlr.ce Robltzei and Bet. nice 1;Iim8n have arrlv~ home Bf'.. tar a ~ee~ at ~ucke.ye Lake. , 'M rs. Walter undellWOOd W1l1 o"'en
a. obeauty s/lop in Mls. Buni'ets room
on Main 'ljtreet A~t 6.
fiUBUO S~LE -~
&vlng decided W discoJl..tinue .fa.r~, 1'. will sell at public a'uctlon
S~ed for Good Crop
The Ladles AJd , of the Sugar afternoon. " Se~d planted at too low tempera- OreekOhrlstian church clelilred over 'MIs..<>,Mary Edith Stanley. of Day-' lure does not germinate readily oild ~800. at the dining hall at the ;Xerua ton spent the week-end 1 n the In a cold moist sc,U is likely to rot. fairgrounds. It was a terrtbe lot ot home of h b th Oh I 11 f d w' ark and hard on o'ur ' 'ne'rv~ on" ' er rQ er, ar es stanthe sur s"ce Boll Is fine, but ry, .... "ley and !lUnlly. ' the first step in Eieedln" Is to ' rake muse ' les but·~ W"~ ';'",·'t h it. ' l of 0 " , Mr. 'and Mrs. Weldon W"·An off the dry. crusty surface. Next, ,"" 11 ' t ~~ th , "'" ...... b ...,.. loosen the area t'D be pinnted with v!l ers a e J. n ThOlll86-H.R. nea~ Xenia.: entertained guests Sun• wbeel hoe. a hand cUltivator or a Fordy~e hQme Sunday . aftemon -day evening in' honor 'of' Mr. Qlld common garden hoe. were Mr, and Mrs. BUl O'Bannton Mrs. Albert, W&on and ~ ' ~f U the last tool Is used, take thin and laml'y I.' ;1 C~C'lI fJtOl'e, Mt'. . nd Troy, OhIo. John Wllson and 1(d)ert •.... remove '''e boe 10"8• Claren • '" ... Ite.,·! and al. Y')U I U!~... ,1D~'· '''''''''''"V en 1\nd' .... ..u. 0., were ,' 'amo-.. a the m._~ 'from. the Ball. ptish It ' away from .... ..-YQu 'r ather 't han , pUll It towards you,' and, Mrs. Ga&it:I ~. pl't!Sent. This will usually leave the. soil fine Mr. and Mrs., George McM1cl\oel ' Mrs 'nm: ' hy I ' d I el th t kl III b ,.attended the night ball game . a.t ' , at SmJth and. ,Maria~ , e~ so ~ w,~ IYl\ S ""e. Mr. and " Mrs. Raleigh .. F \I ra n,g w Cincinnati FrIday nJg·h t. . BOne"ellary. o~ ' llel\ns, cor~, pen. and onllin sets; Ilse the hoe blnde W-anda ,Lou WII~on' spent ~esdaY gun Mr. ·JOlUl Wilson IUld Robert, to make a seed trlenah. For all other ' W:iJ8On ' .' , seeds, the boe barlille can be used to nlgh~ a.l\ the guest of NliQrni ,Jane • attended a ,s1nglrig -cOlwenbest advantage, Burton. ' tion R!Chland chW'oh Su.nday Seet! 'depth carl orten be a real Mr. and ,Mrs, Ed Burton of Elyria a.fternoon, (, problem to ' the Jleginner. The most important rule is to llinnt the seed .will , be dinner guests 01 Mr, and deep eno~~b for It to get pl~nty of f,{J's. Tom ,B urton and dallghtet moisture. but not 80 deep that It ~ ',. ' won't be , ,bIe to Igetout 0(. the soiL TlitU;-sday even1ng~ . Sm~u ileed,s USUEllly do w.ell 'when Evelyn Jea.,n WUson ,Is visiting' her" sown thr~jghthls to one mcl! ~eep. aUnt, Mrs. Lola ~ennew1t, Spring Beans ~ouid'ge 'p!1anted deeper, and corn about one _and one-half inchel. Valley. thJs' week. whUe _~as B~ wen if planted two i Mrs; Ea~J ' ''Pd' Mrs. &~ in~el deep.' Unif1Drm dilItrlbutJon of .~eda ~ importlUlt. " w . tlso
TO 1
GI~urt~ (@( Cltijrillt : . ,
' I
BIBLE SCHOOL 9:30 A. M. -------..~~.-------
MOBNnm SDVlCE 11;00 A.. II.
Sennon Toplo: "TIlE ' ART- OF GETrIl\{G ALONG ' W,ITH "
PEOPLE;' --~-,--- -~-
Sermon TOpic: "RECRlllTlNG I
g ' ro
TWENTY• FIVE l'EA&S AGO (AUJUllt 6,' 1919)
two miles southeast of town on the farm where Mr. Ed!wards has restl!ed 8ln~e.his blrt.h, 89 yewrs a go, br......... were their twin daughThe .."'.... ters EValena , and. Ath~l1l\. Th.e ....ooms mere brothers" Dr. Henry ... .,.. W. GrelllLof Oarlha;e: Ind.; and Louls T. Grelst. of Indianapolis.
II_U~'_~ ' '')
At All
I , U ... ,• •
>. THE
MA.X W. RANDALL, Minister (~r~""-"
__--=~. -- - - -
Types' of Flower. Have Rapid G~rmination
S\lppos'e you demanded a comblhaUon of flowers w,l'llcb would ge,m i - , note In /lve dDY. ~in warm wentJ:!er> and fto,w er ~ ~O ,to , 40, Here are 1I.ol11e you migli~ gltt: > ' .zlnnl!!s. a gernlW'fl , alyssum. candylun,. conl,Qureas. clarkia, eynoalossum" ~nnual sunftowers, mornmg glories, /lnhual pinks, lepiollyne. , ina ria, OIarlgol<\s. poppies. S4cb a' Ust might be very mUQh enlnr811d by Incluqiila varleUel >
which w111 , g(l~mJnate in a Week or., ten days. .But , it wQuld be trite rest'hig to see what 60r&'01, iarden cOUld 'be made of jUl!t a few "ower famine.. seeking ~n~erezrt by ullillg dif.
'lereQt colors ~nd , types. . Take ,amniI's for t xam p,le-:l-they coUld bardly be omJUed from a carden of a~nilals. ,There ate the smaU· ftowered lingles. the lroall UllIput doubles, the lD,.termediate or "pum~ ,n.'" type and the giant nowert!d' varieties. They give an abUlldance of red, orange. nnd yellow varie. , tIe. with a few lavende~. ,A whole border might be plante4 mostly to xinnfas~ provided one' used enough agerat~. eblerarla and cynoglo•• ~1,Im to Introduce &be needed blue tone•. •